presented to of tbe \Hniverait? of Toronto Mr* Joseph Nason , I : ' . , ' " .». § A MANUAL OF PALEONTOLOGY BY THE SAME AUTHOR, i. Second Edition, revised and enlarged. A MANUAL OF ZOOLOGY, FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS, WITH A GENERAL INTRODUCTION ON THE PRINCIPLES OF ZOOLOGY, AND GLOSSARY OF SCIENTIFIC TERMS. Crown 8vo, pp. 673, with 243 Engravings on Wood, 123. 6d. n. TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. Crown 8vo, pp. 340, with 153 Engravings on Wood, 6s. in. INTRODUCTORY TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY, FOR THE USE OF JUNIOR CLASSES. With 127 Engravings, 35. 6d, IV. ESSAY ON THE GEOLOGY OF CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND. Octavo, with Engravings, 33. 6d. v. A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH GRAPTOLITIDyE. Octavo, with Engravings, 55. VI. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF BIOLOGY. Crown 8vo, with numerous Engravings, 53. VII. TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY, FOR SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Crown 8vo, with Illustrations. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, EDINBURGH AND LONDON ; and D. APPLETON & CO., NEW YORK. MANUAL OF PALEONTOLOGY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS WITH A GENERAL INTRODUCTION ON THE PRINCIPLES OF PALEONTOLOGY BY HENRY ALLEYNE NICHOLSON M.D. D.Sc. M.A. PH.D. F.R.S.E. F.G.S. &c. PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY AND BOTANY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, TORONTO , FORMERLY LECTURER ON NATURAL HISTORY IN THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF EDINBURGH ; ETC. ETC. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLXXII All Rights are reserved P RE F AC E. THE object of the present work is to furnish the student of Geology and the general reader with a compendious account of the leading principles and facts of the vast and ever-increasing science of Palaeontology. In carry- ing out this object, all superfluous details have been rigidly excluded, and the Author has endeavoured to restrict himself entirely to those facts which are abso- lutely necessary to any one who would study Palaeon- tology as a department of science, sufficiently distinct to stand alone, and yet most closely connected with the sciences of Zoology and Botany on the one hand, and with Geology on the other hand. In the First Part of the work is given a general ac- count of the principles upon which the palaeontological observer proceeds. In the Second Part of the work, Palaeontology, or the past history of the Animal Kingdom, is treated of ; and here much more space has been devoted to the Inver- tebrate than to the Vertebrate groups — upon the ground that it is chiefly, or almost exclusively, with the former that the ordinary palaeontological student has to deal. The Third Part of the work gives a brief and very general view of Palaeobotany, or the past history of the vi PREFACE. Vegetable Kingdom. This department of the subject has not been treated at any length, partly because the remains of plants are comparatively rare in the stratified series, and partly because nothing less than a special treatise would suffice to handle satisfactorily this obscure and difficult branch of the subject. The fourth and concluding portion of the work treats of Historical, or, as it might be called, Stratigraphical, Palaeontology — namely, of the application of Palaeon- tology to the elucidation of the succession of the strati- fied deposits of the earth's crust. This department of the subject has also been very briefly disposed of, not because its intrinsic importance does not warrant a more extended treatment, but because it is the Author's intention, as his leisure will permit, to devote a separate treatise to the consideration of this wide and compara- tively independent section of the science. In conclusion, the Author would beg his readers to remember that there is no science which is growing so rapidly, and which is as yet so comparatively in its infancy, as Palaeontology ; and that there is none in which the conclusions of to-day are more liable to be vitiated by the discoveries of the morrow. Even whilst these sheets have been going through the press, facts have been brought to light which ought to have found their place in a Manual of this kind, but which have been of necessity altogether passed over, or, at best, have been merely alluded to. For all deficiencies, there- fore, arising from this cause, the Author has to beg the kind indulgence of his readers. With regard to the Illustrations, the Author has gratefully to acknowledge the kindness of Alfred R. C. PREFACE. vii Selwyn, Esq., Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, who placed at the Author's disposal a number of engravings of Silurian and Devonian fossils, from the publications of the Survey. The Author has likewise to acknowledge a similar obligation to Principal Daw- son, of M'Gill University, Montreal, who kindly per- mitted the use of several of the illustrations of his ' Acadian Geology.' A considerable proportion of the engravings, however, are taken from D'Orbigny's beau- tifully illustrated ' Cours Elementaire de Paleontologie,' by an arrangement with the publishers of that work. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, TORONTO, October 16, 1872. CONTENTS. PART I.-GENERAIi INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. PAGE Definition of Palaeontology — Definition of the term " fossil " — Pro- cesses of Fossilisation — Definition of "rock" — Classification of Rocks, 1-5 CHAPTER II. Characters of the Sedimentary Rocks — Mode of formation of the Sedi- mentary Rocks — Definition of the term " formation " — Chief divisions of the Aqueous Rocks — Mechanically -formed Rocks — Chemically-formed Rocks — Organically-formed Rocks — Different ages of the Aqueous Rocks — Chronological Succession of the Stratified Rocks, 5-14 CHAPTER III. Use of the term "contemporaneous," as applied to groups of beds — General sequence of phenomena at the close of each Geological Period — Migrations — Differences between the fossils of known contemporaneous strata — Geological continuity — Relations be- tween the Chalk and the Atlantic Ooze — Reappearance of similar forms of life under similar conditions — Doctrine of " Colonies," 14-27 CHAPTER IV. Causes of the Imperfection of the Palseontological Record — Causes of the absence of certain animals as fossils — Unrepresented time — Unconformity, sequence of phenomena indicated by — Leading examples of unconformity — Thinning out of beds — Sudden ex- tinction of Animals — Disappearance of fossils, . . . 27-39 CHAPTER V. Conclusions to be drawn from Fossils — Age of Rocks — Mode of origin of any Fossiliferous bed — Fluviatile, lacustrine, and marine deposits — Conclusions as to Climate, 40-44 CHAPTER VI. Primary divisions of the Animal Kingdom — Impossibility of a linear Classification — Tabular view of the chief divisions of the Animal Kingdom — General succession and progression of organic types, 44-55 X CONTENTS. PART II.— PAL^EOZOOLOGY. CHAPTER VII. Zoological characters and chief divisions of the Protozoa — Relations of the Protozoa to time — Characters of the Foraminifera — Variations of the test of the Foraminifera— Structure of Eozoon — Distribu- tion of the Forminifera in time — Characters of the Radiolaria, and their distribution in time — Characters of the Sponges, and their geological distribution — Stromatopora — Receptaculites, . 59-72 CHAPTER VIII. General characters and chief divisions of the Ccelenterata— Distribu- tion in time of Coelenterate animals — Orders of Hydrozoa not represented as fossils — Fossil Medusae and Sea-blubbers — General characters of the Corynida — Palseocoryne — Corynoides — General characters of the Thecaphora — Dendrograpsus — Dictyonema — Structure and probable affinities of Oldhamia — General characters and distribution of the Graptolitidae — Structure of a simple Grapto- lite — Reproduction of Graptolites — Monoprionidian and Diprion- idian forms — Characters of the genus Graptolites — Didymo- grapsus — Tetragrapsus — Dichograpsus — Rastrites — Diplograpsus — Climacograpsus — Dicranograpsus — Phyllograpsus, . . 73-85 CHAPTER IX. General facts as to the distribution of the Actinozoa in time — Divisions of the Zoantharia — Characters of Z. malacodermata — Characters of Z. sclerobasica, and their distribution in time — Nature of a Sclerodermic coral — Structure of a simple coral— Gemmation and fission amongst corals — Deep-sea corals and reef-builders — Ancient coral-reefs — Divisions and distribution in time of the Zoantharia sclerodermata — Characters of the Rugosa — Recent Rugose corals — Operculate corals — Families and distribution in time of the Rugosa — Tabular view of the divisions of the Zoan- tharia sclerodermata and Rugosa — Characters of the Alcyonaria — Distribution of the Alcyonaria in time, . 85-102 • CHAPTER X. Characters of the Annuloida — Characters of the Echinodermata — Dis- tribution of Echinodermata in time — General characters of the Echinoidea — Structure of the test in Echinoids — Spines and tubercles — Apical disc — Regular and irregular Echinoids — Peris- choechinidae — Distribution of Echinoids in time — Chief families of Echinoidea, their characters and distribution, . . . 102-110 CHAPTER XL Characters of the Asteroidea — Features distinguishing them from the Echinodermata — General structure of a Starfish — Differences among them — Diagram and structure of a Goniaster — The internal and integumentary skeletons — Distribution of the Asteroidea in time — Characters of the Ophiuroidea — General structure of an Ophiuroid — Their distribution in time, .... 110-117 CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XII. Characters of the Crinoidea — General structure of a Crinoid — Structure of the column of the Crinoids — Structure of the calyx — Distribu- tion of the Crinoids in time — Crinoidea articulata and tesselata — Characters of the Cystoidea — Structure of the column, calyx, and appendages of the Cystideans — Pectinated rhombs — Distribu- tion of the Cystideans in time — Chief genera of Cystoidea — Cha- racters of the Blastoidea — Structure of Pentremites — Distribution of Blastoidea in time — Characters and distribution in time of the Holothuroidea, 118-135 CHAPTER XIII. Characters of the Annulosa — Characters of the Annelida — Characters of the Tubicola — Distribution of the Tubicola in time — Cornulites — Conchicolites — Serpulites — Trachyderma — Spirorbis — Serpula — Ditrupa — Characters of the Errant Annelides — Scolithus — Arenicolites — Tracks of Errant Annelides, .... 136-143 CHAPTER XIV. Characters of Arthropoda — Distribution of Arthropoda in time — Cha- racters of Crustacea — Morphology of a typical Crustacean — General facts as to the past existence of Crustacea — Table of the divisions of the Crustacea — Characters and divisions of the Cirripedia — Structure of the shell in the Balanidse — Distribution of the Balan- idae in time — Characters and distribution of the Verrucidse — Struc- ture of the Pedunculated Cirripedes — Distribution of the Lepadidse in time, . 143- 1 55 CHAPTER XV. Characters and orders of the Entomostracous Crustaceans — Ostracoda — Distribution of the Ostracoda in time — Estheria — Characters and distribution in time of the Phyllopoda — Characters of the Trilobita — General structure of a Trilobite — Appendages of Tri- lobites — Systematic position of Trilobites — Distribution of Trilo- bites in past time — Leading families of the Trilobita — Characters and divisions of the Merostomata — Characters and distribution in time of the Eurypterida — Characters and distribution in time of the Xiphosura, I55'I75 CHAPTER XVI. Characters of the Malacostrata — Characters of the Edriophthalmata — Characters and distribution in time of the Amphipoda — Cha- racters and distribution in time of the Isopoda — Characters of the Podophthalmata — Characters and distribution of the Stomapoda — Characters and distribution of the Decapoda — Macrura — Ano- -Brachyura, ........ 175-180 CHAPTER XVII. Characters of the Arachnida — General distribution of the Arachnida in time — Characters and distribution of the Scorpionidse — Characters Xll CONTENTS. and distribution of the Araneida — Characters and distribution of the Myriapoda — Characters and distribution in time of the Insecta, 181-187 CHAPTER XVIII. General characters of the Mollusca — General characters of the shell of the Molluscs — General distribution of the Mollusca in time — Divi- sions of the Mollusca — Characters of the Polyzoa — Structure of the polypides and colonies of the Polyzoa — Divisions of the Poly- zoa— Distribution of the Polyzoa in time, .... 187-198 CHAPTER XIX. General characters of the Brachiopoda — Structure of the shell of the Brachiopods — Oral processes and their supports — Divisions of the Brachiopods — General distribution of the Brachiopoda in time — Characters, distribution in time, and leading genera of the Tere- bratulidse — Thecididae — Spiriferidae — Kininckida; — Rhynchonel- lidae — Strophomenidse — Productidae — Craniadae — Discinidse — Lingulidae, 198-214 CHAPTER XX. General characters of the Lamellibranchiata — Shell of the Lamelli- branchs — General distribution of the Lamellibranchiata in time — Ostreidae — Aviculidse — Mytilidae — Arcadae — Trigoniadae — Union- idse — Chamidae — Hippuritidae — Tridacnidae — Cardiadae — Lucin- idae — Cycladidse — Cyprinidae — Veneridas — Mactridae — Tellinidae — Solenidae — Myacidae — Anatinidse — Gastrochaenidae — Pholad- idae, 214-240 CHAPTER XXL General characters of the Gasteropoda — Shell of the Gasteropods — Siphonostomatous and Holostomatous Univalves — Table of the divisions of the Gasteropoda — General distribution of the Gastero- poda in time — Strombidae — Muricidse — Buccinidae — Conidae — Volutidae — Cypraeidse — Naticidae — Pyramidellidse — Cerithiadae — Melaniadse — Turritellidae — Littorinidae — Paludinidae — Neritidse — Turbinidae — Haliotidse — Fissurellidae — Calyptrseidae — Patel- lidae — Dentalidse — Chitonidse — Opisthobranchiate Gasteropods — Tornatellidae — Bullidae — Aphysiadae — Pleurobranchidae, . 240-262 CHAPTER XXII. Heteropoda — Firolidae — Atlantidae — Pulmonate Gasteropods — Heli- cidae — Limacidae — Limnasidas — Auriculidae — Cyclostomidae — Aciculidae, 262-268 CHAPTER XXIII. General characters of the Pteropoda — General distribution of the Pteropoda in time — Hyalea — Theca — Conularia — Tenta- culites, 269-272 CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER XXIV. General characters of the Cephalopoda — Mandibles of the Cephalo- pods — Ink-sac, shell, and internal skeleton — Divisions — General distribution of the Cephalopoda in time, .... 272-277 CHAPTER XXV. General characters of the Tetrabranchiata — Anatomy of the Pearly Nautilus — Shell of the Tetrabranchiata — Distribution of the Tetrabranchiata in time — Nautilidae — Orthoceratidae — Ammoni- tidae — Shell of the Ammonitidse — Distribution in time of the Ammonitidas — Genera of the Ammonitidae, . . . 277-293 CHAPTER XXVI. General characters of the Dibranchiate Cephalopods — Distribution of the Dibranchiata — Octopoda — Argonautidae — Octopodidae — De- capoda — Teuthidae — Sepiadae — Spirulidae — Belemnitidse, . 293-299 CHAPTER XXVII. General characters of the Vertebrata — General structure of the Verte- brate skeleton — Classes of the Vertebrata — General distribution of Vertebrata in time, ....... 299-306 CHAPTER XXVIII. General characters of the Fishes — Scales of Fishes — Skeleton of Fishes — Limbs of Fishes — Median fins of Pishes — General dis- tribution of Fishes in time, ...... 306-315 CHAPTER XXIX. Teleostean and Ganoid Fishes — General characters of the Teleostei — Sub-orders of the Teleostei — Malacopteri — Anacanthini — Acan- thopteri — Plectognathi — Lophobranchii — General characters of the Ganoidei — General distribution of the Ganoids in time — Classification of the Ganoids — Amiadse — Lepidosteidae — Lepi- dopleuridse — Crossopterygidae — Families and distribution of the Crcssopterygious Ganoids— Ostracostei — Sturionidae, . . 315-333 CHAPTER XXX. Elasmobranchii and Dipnoi — General characters of the Elasmo- branchii — General distribution of the Elasmobranchii in time — Holocephali — Plagiostomi, general characters and divisions of Cestraphori — Cestracionts of the Upper Ludlow Rocks — Hybo- donts and Acrodonts — Selachii — Batides — General characters of the Dipnoi — Characters of the Barramunda — Palaeichthyes of Dr Giinther, . ... . 334'345 CHAPTER XXXI. Amphibia — General characters of the Amphibia — Distribution of Amphibians in time — Urodela — Anoura — Labyrinthodontia, 346-353 XIV CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXII. Reptilia — General characters of Reptiles — Distribution of Reptiles — Characters and geological distribution of the Chelonia — Ophidia — Lacertilia — Crocodilia, 353-3^8 CHAPTER XXXIII. Extinct orders of Reptiles — Characters and distribution of the Ichthy- opterygia — Sauropterygia — Pterosauria — Anomodontia — Deino- sauria, 368-381 CHAPTER XXXIV. General characters of the Birds — Skeleton — Pectoral limbs —Hind limbs — General distribution in time — Foot-prints of Birds — General characters and geological history of the Natatores — Gral- latores — Cursores — Rasores — Scansores — Insessores — Raptores — Saurune, 381-396 CHAPTER XXXV. General characters of Mammals — Osteology of Mammals — Limbs — Teeth — General distribution of Mammals in time, . . 397-406 CHAPTER XXXVI. Orders of Mammalia — Characters and distribution of Monotremata — Marsupialia — Edentata, ....... 406-417 CHAPTER XXXVII. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution in time of the Sirenia — Cetacea — Calsenidoe — Catodontidse — Delphinidae — Rhynchoceti — Zeuglodontidse, ..... 417-422 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution of the Ungulata — Perissodactyles — Rhinoceridse — Tapiridse— Palseother- idse — Solidungula — Artiodactyles — Hippopotamidse — Sinda — Anoplotheridse — Ruminantia — Camelidse — Moschidse — Cervidae- Camelopardalidse — Cavicornia, ....... 423-441 CHAPTER XXXIX. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution in time of the Hyracoidea — Proboscidea — Elephas — Mastodon — Deino- therium, .......... 441-447 CHAPTER XL. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution in time of the Carnivora — Pinnigrada — Plantigrada — Ursidaa — Melidse — Digitigrada — Mustelidse — Viverridse — Hysenidse — Canidae — Felidae, 447-456 CONTENTS. xv CHAPTER XLI. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution in time of Rodentia — Leporidae — Cavidse — Hystricidse — Castoridse — Muridas — Dipodidse — Myoxidas — Sciuridae — Cheiroptera — Insec- tivora — Talpidae — Soricidae — Erinaceidae, .... 456-463 CHAPTER XLII. Orders of Mammalia continued — Characters and distribution in time of the Quadrumana — Strepsirhina — Platyrhina — Catarhina — Characters and distribution in time of the Bimana, . . 464-469 PART IIL-PALEOBOTANY. CHAPTER XLIII. Palseobotany — Divisions of the Vegetable Kingdom — General Rela- tions of Plants to time, ....... 473-477 CHAPTER XLIV. Pre- Carboniferous Floras — Cambrian Plants — Silurian Plants — De- vonian Plants, ......... 477-484 CHAPTER XLV. Carboniferous Plants — Origin and structure of Coal — Ferns — Calamites — Calamodendron — Lepidodendroids — Sigillarioids — Coniferse — Cycadacese — Angiospermous Exogens — Monocotyledons — Per- mian Plants, ......... 485-496 CHAPTER XLVI. Floras of the Secondary and Tertiary Periods — Triassic Plants- Jurassic Plants — Cretaceous Plants — Eocene Plants — Miocene Plants — Pliocene Plants, . . . . . . . 496-503 PART IV.-HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. CHAPTER XLVII. Historical Palaeontology — Synopsis of the fossiliferous formations — Rocks of the Laurentian Period — Life of the Period — Rocks of the Huronian Period — Rocks of the Cambrian Period — Lower Cambrian — Upper Cambrian — Life of the Cambrian Period — Primordial Zone — Skiddaw and Quebec Groups, . . 507-514 CHAPTER XLVIII. Rocks of the Silurian Period— Divisions of the Silurian Rocks in Britain — In North America — Life of the Silurian Period, . 515-520 xvi CONTENTS. CHAPTER XLIX. Rocks of the Devonian Period — Old Red Sandstone — Devonian Rocks of N. America— Life of the Devonian Period, . . 520-523 CHAPTER L. Rocks of the Carboniferous Period — Life of the Carboniferous Period —Rocks of the Permian Period — Life of the Permian Period, 524-530 CHAPTER LI. Rocks of the Triassic Period — Rhsetic beds — Life of the Triassic Period, 53<>535 CHAPTER LII. Rocks of the Jurassic Period — Life of the Jurassic Period, . . 535-539 CHAPTER LIII. Rocks of the Cretaceous Period — Life of the Cretaceous Period, 540-546 CHAPTER LIV. Palaeontological break between the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks — Classification of the Tertiary Rocks — Rocks of the Eocene Period — Life of the Eocene period, 546-552 CHAPTER LV. Rocks of the Miocene Period — Life of the Miocene Period, . 552-554 CHAPTER LVI. Rocks of the Pliocene Period — Life of the Pliocene Period — Post- Pliocene Period — Pre-Glacial Deposits — Pre-Glacial Mammals — Glacial Deposits — Glacial Shells — Post-Glacial Deposits — Post- Glacial Mammals, ........ 5 54" 5 62 GLOSSARY, 563-585 INDEX, - 586-601 PART I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION PAL/EONTO LOGY. CHAPTER I. > INTRODUCTION. DEFINITION OF PALAEONTOLOGY. PALEONTOLOGY (Gr. palaios, ancient ; onta, beings ; logos, dis- course) is the science which treats of the living beings, whether animal or vegetable, which have inhabited this globe at past periods in its history. It is the ancient life-history of the earth, and if its record could ever be completed, it would furnish us with an account of the structure, habits, and distribution of all the animals and plants which have at any time flourished upon the land-surfaces of the globe or inhabited its waters. From causes, however, which will be subsequently discussed, the palaeontological record is most imperfect, and our knowledge is interrupted by gaps which not only bear a large proportion to our solid information, but which in many cases are of such a nature that we can never hope to have them filled. As Zoology, then, treats of the animals now inhabiting the earth, and as Botany treats of the now existing plants, Palaeontology may be considered as the Zoology and Botany of the past. Regarding it from this, the only true point of view, some knowledge of Zoology and Botany is essential to a prosecution of the study of Palaeontology, and such details of these sciences as may be deemed requisite will be introduced in the proper place. The materials, again, which fall to be studied by the palaeontologist, are derived entirely from the proper province of the geologist. fossils are derived, from rocks. It will therefore be necessary to trespass to some ex- A 2 INTRODUCTION. tent upon the peculiar domain of the geologist, and to obtain some knowledge of the origin, composition, and mode of occurrence of the rocks from which Palaeontology derives its materials. Lastly, Palaeontology, apart from its own import- ance as an independent science, is employed by the geologist to assist him in his determination of the chronological succes- sion of the materials which compose the crust of the earth. Palaeontology, therefore, must be separately studied in its rela- tion to historical Geology. DEFINITION OF FOSSILS. All the natural objects which come to be studied by the palaeontologist are termed " fossils " (Lat. fossus, dug up). In most cases, fossils, or, as they are often termed, " petrifactions," are actual portions of animal or vegetable organisms, such as the shells of Molluscs, the skeletons of Corals, the bones of Ver- tebrate animals, the wood, bark, or leaves of plants, &c. ; and these may be preserved very much in their original condition, or may have been very much altered by changes subsequent to their burial. Strictly speaking, however, by the term "fossil" is understood " any body, or the traces of the existence of any body, whether animal or vegetable, which has been buried in the earth by natural causes " (Lyell). We shall find, therefore, that we must include under the head of fossils objects which at no time themselves formed parts of any animal or vegetable, but which, nevertheless, point to the former existence of such organisms, and enable us to reason as to their nature. Under this head come such fossils as the moulds or " casts " of shells and the footprints left by various animals upon sand or mud. In the great majority of cases fossils are the remains of animals or plants which are now extinct — that is to say, which no longer are in existence, but have entirely disappeared from the earth's surface. In some cases, however, fossils are the remains of recent animals — that is, of animals which are still found in a living condition upon the globe. The term " sub- fossil," sometimes applied to these, has been more appropriately applied in another sense, and is best discarded in this con- nection. The terms " fauna " and " flora " are employed in Palaeontology much as they are by the naturalist, to mean the entire assemblage of the animals or of the plants respect- ively belonging to a particular region or a particular time. Thus we may speak of the " fauna" of the Carboniferous Period, or the "flora" of the Tertiary Epoch, or the fauna of the Chalk, or of any other set of beds. FOSSILISATION. 3 FOSSILISATION. Fossilisation may be applied in a general sense to all the processes through which an organic body passes in order to become a fossil. Here we need only consider the three lead- ing forms in which fossils present themselves. In the first instance, the fossil is to all intents and purposes an actual organic remain, being itself a fragment of an animal or plant. Thus we may meet with fossil bones, shells, or wood, which may have undergone certain changes, such as would be pro- duced by pressure, by the deprivation of organic matter origi- nally present, or by more or less complete infiltration with mineral matter, but which, nevertheless, are practically the real bodies they represent. As a matter of course, it is in the more modern formations that we find fossils least changed from their primitive condition, but all formations almost contain some fossils in which the original structure is more or less com- pletely retained. In the second place, we very frequently meet with fossils in the state of " casts " or moulds of the original organic body. What occurs in this case will be readily understood if we ima- gine any common bivalve shell, as an Oyster, or Mussel, or Cockle, embedded in clay or mud. If the clay were sufficiently soft and fluid, the first thing would be that it would gain access to the interior of the shell and would completely fill up the space between the valves. The pressure, also, of the surround- ing matter would insure that the clay would everywhere ad- here closely to the exterior of the shell. If now we suppose the clay to be in any way hardened so as to be converted into stone, and if we were to break up the stone, we should obvi- ously have the following state of parts. The clay which filled the shell would form an accurate cast of the interior of the shell, and the clay outside would give us an exact impression or cast of the exterior of the shell (fig. l). We should have, then, tWO Fig- i. — Trigonia longa, showing casts j • of the exterior and interior of the shell. casts, an interior and an exterior, and the two would be very dif- ferent to one another, since the inside of a shell is very unlike the outside. In the case, in fact, of many univalve shells, the interior cast is so unlike the exterior or unlike the shell itself, that it maybe difficult to determine the true origin of the former. 4 INTRODUCTION. It only remains to add that there is sometimes a further complication. If the rock be very porous and permeable by water, it may happen that the original shell is entirely dissolved away, leaving the interior cast loose, like the kernel of a nut, within the case formed by the exterior cast. Or it may happen that subsequent to the attainment of this state of things, the space thus left vacant between the interior and exterior cast- trie space, that is, formerly occupied by the shell itself — may be filled up by some foreign mineral deposited there by the infiltration of water. In this last case the splitting open of the rock would reveal an interior cast, an exterior cast, and finally a body which would have the exact form of the original shell, but which would be really a much later formation, and which would not exhibit under the microscope the minute structure of shell. In the third class of cases we have fossils which present with the greatest accuracy the external form, and even sometimes the in- ternal minute structure, of the original organic body, but which, nevertheless, are not themselves truly organic, but have been formed by a " replacement " of the particles of the primitive organism by some mineral substance. The most elegant ex- ample of this is afforded by fossil wood which has been " silici- fied " or converted into flint. In this case we have a piece of fossil wood, which presents the rings of growth and fibrous structure of wood, and which under the microscope exhibits even the minutest vessels which characterise ligneous tissue. The whole, however, instead of being composed of the original carbonaceous matter of the wood, is now converted into pure flint. The only explanation which can be given of this by no means very rare phenomenon, is that the wood must have undergone a slow process of decay in water holding silica or flint in solution. As each particle of the wood was removed by decay, its place was taken by a particle of flint deposited from the surrounding water, till ultimately the entire wood was silicified. The replacing substance is by no means necessarily flint, but may be iron-pyrites, oxide of iron, sulphur, &c. ; and it is not uncommon to find many other fossils besides wood pre- served in this way, such as shells, corals, or sponges. DEFINITION OF ROCK. The crust of the earth consists of various different materials, produced at different successive periods, occupying certain definite spaces, and not confusedly mixed together, but, on the contrary, exhibiting a definite and discoverable order of arrange- CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. 5 ment. All these materials, however different in appearance, texture, or mineral composition, are called " rocks " by the geologist. The term " rock," then, is to be understood as ap- plying to all the materials which compose the crust of the earth. In the language of geology, the finest mud, the loosest sand, and the most incoherent gravel, are just as much rocks as are the hardest and most compact granites or limestones. CLASSIFICATION OF ROCKS. For the purposes of the palaeontologist all the rocks which enter into the composition of the solid exterior of the earth may be divided into two great classes : — i. The Igneous Rocks, which are formed within the body of the earth itself, and which owe their structure and origin to the action of heat; and 2, the Aqueous or Sedimentary Rocks, which are formed at the surface of the earth, and which owe their structure and origin to the mechanical action of water. The Igneous Rocks are formed below the surface of the earth, are as a general rule destitute of organic remains or fossils, and are mostly in the form of unstratified masses. The Aqueous and Sedimentary Rocks are formed at the surface by the disintegration and re- construction of previously existing rocks, are mostly fossilifer- ous, and are stratified — i.e., are arranged in distinct layers or " strata." The Sedimentary Rocks, as containing fossils, are the only rocks which it is essential for the palaeontologist to be acquainted with, and we shall very briefly consider their lead- ing physical characters, their chief varieties, their mode of ori- gin, and their historical succession. CHAPTER II. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. THE Sedimentary or Fossiliferous Rocks form the greater por- tion of that part of the earth's crust which is open to our examination, and are distinguished by the fact that they are regularly " stratified," or arranged in distinct and definite layers or " strata." These layers may consist of a single material, as in a block of sandstone, or they may consist of different materials. When examined on a large scale, they are always found to consist of alternations of layers of different mineral 6 INTRODUCTION. composition. We may examine any given area, and find in it nothing but one kind of rock — sandstone, perhaps, or lime- stone. In all cases, however, if we extend our examination sufficiently far, we shall ultimately come upon different rocks ; and, as a general rule, the thickness of any particular set of beds is comparatively small, so that different kinds of rock alternate with one another in comparatively small spaces. As regards the origin of the Sedimentary Rocks, they are for the most part " derivative" rocks, being derived from the wear and tear of pre-existent rock. Sometimes, however, they owe their origin to chemical or vital action, when they would more properly be spoken of simply as Aqueous Rocks. As to their mode of deposition, we are enabled to infer that the materials which compose them have formerly been spread out by the action of water, from what we see going on every day at the mouths of our great'rivers, and on a smaller scale wherever there is running water. Every stream, where it runs into a lake or into the sea, carries with it a burden of mud, sand, and rounded pebbles, derived from the waste of the rocks which form its bed and banks. When these materials cease to be impelled by the force of the moving water they sink to the bottom, the heaviest pebbles, of course, sinking first, the smaller pebbles and sand next, and the finest mud last. Ultimately, therefore, as might have been inferred upon theoretical grounds, and as is proved by practical experience, every lake becomes a receptacle for a series of stratified rocks produced by the streams flowing into it. These deposits may vary in different parts of the lake, according as one stream brought down one kind of material and another stream contributed another material ; but in all cases the materials will bear ample evidence that they were produced, sorted, and deposited by running water. The finer beds of clay or sand will all be arranged in thicker or thinner layers or laminae ; and if there are any beds of pebbles these will all be rounded or smooth, just like the water-worn pebbles of any brook-course. In all probability, also, we should find in some of the beds the remains of fresh-water shells or plants or other organisms which inhabited the lake at the time these beds were being deposited. In the same way large rivers — such as the Ganges or Mississippi — deposit all the materials which they bring down at their mouths, forming in this way their " deltas." Whenever such a delta is cut through, either by man or by some channel of the river altering its course, we find that it is composed of a succession of horizontal layers or strata of sand or mud, varying in mineral composition, in structure, or in grain, according to CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. 7 the nature of the materials brought down by the river at different periods. Such deltas, also, will contain the remains of animals which inhabit the river, with fragments of the plants which grew on its banks, or bones of the animals which lived in its basin. Lastly, the sea itself — irrespective of the materials delivered into it by rivers — is constantly preparing fresh stratified de- posits by its own action. Upon every coast-line the sea is constantly eating back into the land and reducing its compo- nent rocks to form the shingle and sand which we see upon every shore. The materials thus produced are not, however, lost, but are ultimately deposited elsewhere in the form of new stratified accumulations, in which are buried the remains of animals inhabiting the sea at the time. Whenever, then, we find anywhere in the interior of the land any series of beds having these characters — composed, that is, of distinct layers, the particles of which, both large and small, show distinct traces of the wearing action of water — whenever and wherever we find such rocks, we are justified in assuming that they have been deposited by water in the manner above mentioned. Either they were laid down in some former lake by the combined action of the streams which flowed into it ; or they were deposited at the mouth of some ancient river, forming its delta ; or they were laid down at the bottom of the ocean. In the first two cases, any fossils which the beds might contain would be the remains of fresh-water or terres- trial organisms. In the last case, the majority, at any rate, of the fossils would be the remains of marine animals. The term "formation" is employed by geologists to express "any group of rocks which have some character in common, whether of origin, age, or composition " (Lyell) ; so that we may speak of stratified and unstratified formations, aqueous or igneous formations, fresh-water or marine formations, and so on. CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. The Aqueous Rocks may be divided into two great sections, the Mechanically-formed and the Chemically-formed, includ- ing under the last head all rocks which owe their origin to vital action, as well as those produced by ordinary chemical agencies. A. MECHANICALLY-FORMED ROCKS. — These are all those Aqueous Rocks of which we can obtain proofs that their particles have been mechanically transported to their present 8 INTRODUCTION. site. Thus, if we examine a piece of conglomerate or pudding- stone, we find it to be composed of a number of rounded pebbles embedded in an enveloping paste or matrix. The pebbles are worn and rounded, and thus show that they have been subjected to much mechanical attrition, whilst they have been mechanically transported for a greater or less distance from the rock of which they originally formed part. In the case of an ordinary sandstone, the component grains of sand are equally the result of mechanical attrition, and have been equally transported from a distance. In the case of still finer rocks, such as shale, the particles have been so much water- worn that their source cannot be recognised, though a micro- scopical examination would reveal that their edges were all worn and rounded. It follows from this that the mechanically- formed Aqueous Rocks are such as can be proved to have been derived from the abrasion of other pre-existent rock : hence they are often spoken of as " Derivative Rocks." Every bed, therefore, of any mechanically-formed rock, is an exact equiva- lent of a corresponding amount of destruction of some older rock. The Mechanically-formed Rocks may be divided into the two groups of the Arenaceous or Siliceous Rocks, and the Argillaceous or Aluminous Rocks. In the Arenaceous group are those Aqueous Rocks which are mainly composed of smaller or larger grains of flint or silica. The chief varieties are the various kinds of sand and sandstone, grits, and most conglomerates and breccias. In the Argillaceous group are those Aqueous Rocks which contain a certain amount of clay or hydrated silicate of alumina. Under this head come clays, shales, marls, clay-slate, and most flags or flag-stones. B. CHEMICALLY-FORMED ROCKS. — In this section are com- prised all those Aqueous Rocks which have been formed by chemical agencies. As many of these chemical agencies, how- ever, are exerted through the medium of living beings, whether animals or plants, we get into this section a number of what may be called " organically-formed " rocks. The most import- ant of the Chemically-formed Rocks are the so-called Calcare- ous Rocks, comprising all those which contain a large propor- tion of carbonate of line, or are wholly made up of this substance. We may also shortly notice coal and gypsum. Chalk is merely a limestone which is soft and pulverulent, with an earthy fracture. It is nearly pure carbonate of lime, and is to a great extent an organically-formed rock, consisting mainly of the minute calcareous shells of Foraminifera, with the calcareous shells of molluscs, sea-urchins, sea-mosses, and CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. Q the like. The nearest approach which we have at the present day to chalk is probably to be found in the deposit called "ooze," which forms a considerable portion of the bed of the deep At- lantic, and which will be afterwards noticed at greater length. Limestone is a hard and compact rock, and its many varieties are formed in different ways, and differ from one another in more or less important points. Though the sea contains carbonate of lime in solution, no marine limestones appear to be formed by chemical agency alone, but in all these the lime is abstracted from the sea-water by the agency of marine animals. Primarily, therefore, marine limestones are organically-formed rocks, consisting almost entirely of corals, shells, Crinoids, and other calcareous organisms. Such lime- stones may fairly be compared to the great coral-reefs of the Pacific and other warm seas. It is to be remembered, how- ever, that many marine limestones are secondarily mechani- cally-formed rocks. In these cases, the calcareous matter of the rock has been originally separated by living beings, but has then been transported by the waves, or by currents, to certain localities at a distance, where it has been heaped up to form a bed of limestone. Other limestone deposits, such as the stalactites and stalag- , ' mites of caves, and the "calcareous tufa" and "travertine " of some hot springs, are purely chemical in their origin, and owe nothing to the operation of living beings. Gypsum, in chemical composition, consists of sulphuric acid in combination with lime and two atoms of water ; or, in other words, it is a hydrated sulphate of lime. It commonly occurs as a whitish or yellowish-white rock, something like loaf-sugar to look at, generally arranged in distinct beds, but sometimes in irregular cakes or veins. It is pal aeon tologically important as occasionally yielding well-preserved fossils ; but its exact mode of origin has not yet been fully worked out. Coal is, in all those forms to which the name would ordin- 6~. arily be applied, an organically-formed rock, and may be re- garded as formed of compressed vegetable matter. In all its varieties — such as bituminous coal, anthracite, and lignite or brown coal, — it approximates more or less closely in chemical composition to wood. It consists, namely, of from seventy to eighty per cent of pure carbon, with varying quantities of hydrogen and oxygen, and a small amount of earthy or mineral matter which constitutes the ash. All coals occur in the form of beds, intercalated with other stratified rocks ; and there are innumerable gradations between pure coal, earthy coal, and carbonaceous shale, till we reach ordinary shale. 10 INTRODUCTION. DIFFERENT AGES OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. The two principal tests by which the age of any particular bed, or group of beds, may be determined, are superposition and organic remains — a third test sometimes being afforded by mineral characters. The first and most obvious test of the age of any aqueous rock is its relative position to other rocks. Any bed or set of beds of sedimentary origin is obviously and necessarily older than all the strata which surmount it, and younger than all those upon which it rests. It is to be remem- bered, however, that superposition can at best give us but the relative age of a bed as compared with other beds of the same region. It cannot give us the absolute age of any bed ; and if we are ignorant of the age of any of the beds with which we may be dealing, we' have to appeal to other tests to learn more than the mere order of succession in the particular region under examination. The second, and in the long-run more available, test of the ages of the different sedimentary beds, is that afforded by their organic remains. Still, this test is also by no means univer- sally applicable, nor in all cases absolutely conclusive. Many aqueous rocks are unfossiliferous through a thickness of hundreds, or even thousands, of feet of little altered sediments ; and even amongst beds which do contain fossils, we often meet with strata of a few feet or yards in thickness, which are wholly destitute of any traces of life. Many fossils, again, range vertically through many groups of strata, and in some cases even through several formations. Such fossils, there- fore, if occurring by themselves, or considered apart from other associated organisms, are not conclusive as to the age of any particular set of beds. As the result, however, of com- bined palaeontological and geological researches, it is now pos- sible for us to divide the entire series of stratified deposits into a number of definite rock-groups or formations, each of which is characterised by possessing an assemblage of organic remains which do not occur in association in any other formation. Such an assemblage of fossils, characteristic of any given formation, represents the life of the particular period in which the formation was deposited. It follows from this, that whenever we can get a group or collection of fossils from any particular bed or set of beds, there is rarely any difficulty in determining the precise geological horizon of the beds in which the fossils occur. With certain limitations, however, we may go much further than this. Not only are the great formations characterised by CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF AQUEOUS ROCKS. 1 1 special and characteristic assemblages of animals and plants ; but, in a general way, each subdivision of each formation has its own peculiar fossils, by which it may be recognised by a skilled worker in palaeontology. Whenever, for instance, we meet in Britain with the fossils known as Graptolites, we may be sure that we are dealing with Silurian Rocks. We may, however, go much further than this. If the Graptolites belong to certain genera, we may be sure that we are dealing with Lower Silurian Rocks. Furthermore, if certain special forms are present, we may be even able to say to what exact part or subdivision of the Lower Silurian series they belong. All these conclusions, however, would have to be accom- panied by a tacit but well-understood reservation. No Grap- tolites have ever been found in Britain out of rocks known upon other grounds to be Silurian ; but there is no reason why they might not at any time be found in younger deposits. In the same way, the species and genera which we now regard as characteristic of the Lower Silurians, might at any time be found to have survived into the Upper Silurian period. We should never forget, therefore, in determining the age of a rock by palaeontological evidence alone, that we are always reason- ing upon generalisations which are the result of experience alone, and which may at any time be overthrown by fresh discoveries. CHRONOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF THE AQUEOUS ROCKS. As the result of observations made upon the superposition of rocks in different localities, from their mineral characters, and from their included fossils, geologists have been able to divide the entire stratified series into a number of different divisions or formations, each characterised by a general uniformity of mineral composition, and by a special and peculiar assemblage of organic forms. Each of these primary groups is in turn divided into a series of smaller divisions, characterised and distinguished in the same way. It is not pretended for a mo- ment that all these primary rock-groups can anywhere be seen surmounting one another regularly. There is no region upon the earth where all the stratified formations can be seen to- gether; and, even when most of them occur in the same country, they can nowhere be seen all succeeding each other in their regular and uninterrupted succession. The reason of this is obvious. There are many places — to take a single ex- ample— where one may see the Silurian Rocks, the Old Red Sandstone, and the Carboniferous Rocks succeeding one an- 1 2 INTRODUCTION. other regularly, and in their proper order. This is because the particular region where this occurs was always submerged beneath the sea while these formations were being deposited. There are, however, many more localities in which one would find the Carboniferous Rocks resting un conformably upon the Silurians without the intervention of any strata which could be referred to the Old Red Sandstone. This might arise from one of two causes : i. The Silurians might have been elevated above the sea immediately after their deposition, so as to form dry land during the whole of the Old Red period, in which case, of course, no strata of the age of the Old Red Sandstone could possibly be deposited. 2. The Old Red Sandstone might have been deposited upon the Silurian, and then the whole might have been elevated above the sea, and subjected to an amount of denudation sufficient to remove the Old Red Sand- stone entirely. In this case, when the land was again sub- merged, the Carboniferous Rocks, or any younger formation, might be deposited directly upon Silurian strata. From one or other of these causes, then, or from subsequent disturbances and denudations, it happens that we can rarely find many of the primary formations following one another consecutively and in their regular order. In no case, however, do we ever find the Old Red Sand- stone resting upon the Carboniferous, or the Silurian Rocks reposing on the Old Red. We have therefore, by a com- parison of many different areas, an established order of succes- sion of the stratified formations, as shown in the subjoined ideal section of the crust of the earth (fig. 2). The main subdivisions of the Stratified Rocks are known by the following names : — 1. Laurentian. 2. Cambrian (with Huronian?). 3. Silurian. 4. Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. 5. Carboniferous. 6. Permian ) XT T> j 0 j <. 7. Triassic } New Red Sandston«- 8. Jurassic or Oolitic. 9. Cretaceous. 10. Eocene. 11. Miocene. 12. Pliocene. 13. Post-tertiary. IDEAL SECTION OF THE CRUST OF THE EARTH. I 3 IDEAL SECTION OF THE CRUST OF THE EARTH. Fig. 2. f *~~~~- — — ^""" - x /(•' }> Post-tertiary and Recent. |° Pliocene. Miocene. Eocene. Cretaceous. Oolitic or Jurassic. Triassic. Permian. Carboniferous. Devonian or Old Red Sandstone. Silurian. Cambrian. Huronian. Laurentian. 14 INTRODUCTION. Of these primary groups, the Laurentian, Cambrian, Silu- rian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian are collectively grouped together under the name of Primary or Paleozoic Rocks (Gr. palaios, ancient ; zoe, life), because of the entire divergence of their animals and plants from any now existing upon the globe. The Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous systems are grouped together as the Secondary or Mesozoic formations (Gr. mesos, intermediate; zoe, life), because their organic remains are intermediate between those of the Pal- aeozoic period, and those of more modern strata. The Eocene, Miocene, Pliocene, and Post-tertiary Rocks are grouped together under the head of Tertiary or Kainozoic Rocks (Gr. kainos, new; zoe, life), because their organic remains approximate in char- acter to those now existing upon the globe. CHAPTER III. CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA AND GEOLOGICAL CONTINUITY. WHEN groups of beds in different parts of the earth's surface, however widely separated from one another, contain the same fossils, or rather an assemblage of fossils in which many iden- tical forms occur, they are ordinarily said to be " contempora- neous ; " that is to say, they are ordinarily supposed to belong to the same geological period, and to have been formed at the same time in the history of the earth. They would therefore be unhesitatingly regarded as " geological equivalents/' and would be classed as Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and so on. It is to be remembered, however, that it is not necessary, to establish such a degree of equivalency between widely separated groups of strata, that the fossils of each should be to any great extent specifically identical. It is sufficient that, whilst some few species are identical in both, the majority of the fossils should be "representative forms," or, in other words, nearly allied species. It will be shown, however, that groups of strata widely removed from one another in point of distance can only exceptionally be " contemporaneous," in the strict sense of this term. On the contrary, in so far as we can judge from the known facts of the present distribution of living beings, the occurrence of exactly the same fossils in beds far removed from one another is prima facie evidence, that the strata are CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. 15 not exactly contemporaneous, but that they succeeded one another in point of time, though by no long interval geologi- cally speaking. Most of the facts bearing upon this question rnay be elicited by a consideration of such a widely extended and well-known formation as the Mountain Limestone or Sub-Carboniferous Limestone. This formation occurs in localities as remote from one another as Europe, Central Asia, North America, South America, and Australia ; and it is characterised by an assemblage of well-marked fossils, amongst which Brachiopods belonging to the genus Produda may be specially singled out. Now, if we believe that the Carboniferous Limestone in all these widely distant localities was strictly contemporaneous, we should be compelled to admit the existence of an ocean embracing all these points, and, in spite of its enormous ex- tent, so uniform in temperature, depth, and the other condi- tions of marine life, that beings either the same or very nearly the same inhabited it from end to end. We can, however, point to no such uniformity of conditions and consequent uni- formity of life over any such vast area at the present day ; and we have therefore no right to assume that this is the true explanation of the facts. Indeed, this explanation would almost necessarily lead us to the now abandoned theory that each period in geological history was characterised by a special group of organisms spreading over the whole globe, and that there took place at the close of each period a general destruc- tion of all existing forms of life, and a fresh creation of the new forms characteristic of the next period. In our inability, then, to accept this view, we must seek for some other explanation of the observed facts. The most pro- bable view, and the one which is supported most strongly both by what we see at the present day and by what we learn from numerous examples in past time, is this : — The Carboniferous Limestone was not deposited all over the world in one given period, by one sea, or at exactly the same time ; so that it cannot be said to be strictly " contemporaneous" wherever it is found. This would imply a uniformity of conditions over vast distances, such as exists nowhere at the present day, and such as we have no right to assume ever existed. On the contrary, the deposition of the Carboniferous Limestone must have first taken place in one comparatively limited area — say in Europe — where fitting conditions were present both for the animals which characterise it, and for the formation of beds of its peculiar mineral and physical characters. How wide this area may have been, signifies very little. It may have been as 16 INTRODUCTION. large as the area now covered by the Pacific, or larger, and yet it could not include all those localities in which strata of Car- boniferous age with identical or representative fossils are already kno>vn to exist. At the close of the deposition of the Carboniferous Limestone in its original area, the condi- tions there present must be supposed to have become unsuit- able for the further existence in that area of the assemblage of animals which had been its inhabitants, or, at any rate, for a great many of them. The change from suitable to unsuitable conditions must, it is hardly necessary to say, have been an extremely slow and gradual one ; and would doubtless be con- nected with the progressive shallowing of the sea, the diversion of old currents of heated water or the incoming of new currents of cold water, or other physical changes tending to alter the climatic conditions of the area. What, then, would be the effect of such a change of conditions as we have supposed upon the animals inhabiting the area? a. Some of them would, doubtless, be sufficiently hardy and accommodating to bear up under the new state of things ; and these would per- sist into the ensuing period, without any perceptible change, it might be, or more probably in the form of varieties or species allied to the old ones. In this case, therefore, we should get a certain number of species which would pass from the Car- boniferous Limestone up into the Yoredale Series, the Mill- stone Grit or the Coal-measures ; or, if we did not find any species exactly the same in all these groups, we should still find in the later groups some forms which would be varieties of those of the older, or which would be allied or representative species. b. There would, in the second place, be a certain number of species which would be utterly unable to withstand the altered conditions of the area ; and these would gradually die out and become wholly extinct. We should thus get a certain number of fossils which would be either exclusively confined to the Carboniferous Limestone in general, or which, perhaps, might not be found out of the Carboniferous Limestone of a single region, or even a single particular locality. c. Lastly, some species would yield so far to the altered conditions of the area that they would "migrate," and seek elsewhere a more congenial home. This term is apt to convey false impressions ; and it will be well here to consider what is meant by the " migration " of species or groups of animals. It is quite obvious that only animals like birds, mammals, insects, &c., which enjoy when grown up the power of active locomo- tion, can actually " migrate " in person, supposing they find themselves placed under unfavourable conditions. There are CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. I/ many animals, however, such as most shell-fish, corals, sea- urchins, &c., which have, when adult, either no power of chang- ing their place, or at best a very limited one. Still in these cases even, though the individual has no means of removing his quarters to some more favoured spot, there may be a "migra- tion " of the species from an unsuitable to a suitable locality. This is effected through the medium of \heyoung, which have the power of choosing where they will settle, and are endowed with vigorous powers of locomotion. If, for example, a bed of oysters should become placed under conditions unsuitable for the development of these molluscs, it is clear that the old oysters cannot change their location. The young oysters, however, swim about freely; and these will move away from the original bed till they find a place which will suit them. By a repetition of this process there may be in course of time a re- moval or " migration " of a species to almost any distance, irre- spective of the fact that the adult is permanently rooted. To return, then, to the case which we have been consider- ing : — When the conditions of life in the seas of the Carbonifer- ous Limestone became unfavourable for the further existence of their fauna, some species would migrate to a more congenial area. In this way a greater or less number of the species characteristic of the Carboniferous Limestone would ultimately be transferred to some other area. Here they would mingle with the forms already inhabiting that area, perhaps more or less completely supplanting these, perhaps merely succeed- ing in maintaining a more or less precarious existence. In either case, their remains would be preserved in the sedimen- tary deposits of the new area. When, ages afterwards, we come to examine the crust of the earth geologically, we should find these identical and characteristic species of fossils in the rocks of the two areas, and we should say — " these rocks are contem- poraneous." It is clear, however, that we should be wrong in so saying. The rocks in question would belong to the same geological period, but they would belong to different stages of the same period, and they would not be strictly contemporan- eous. For deposits of this nature, believed to hold this relation to each other, the term of " homotaxeous" has been proposed, in place of the term " contemporaneous." What has just been said about the Carboniferous Rocks would apply with equal justice to all the great formations, and to many of the smaller rock-groups all over the world. The Silurian Rocks of Europe, North America, South America, Australia, &c., contain very similar fossils, and are undoubtedly " homotaxeous." Nothing, however, that we see at the present B 1 8 INTRODUCTION. day can justify us in believing that these widely separated de- posits are strictly " contemporaneous," in the sense that they were deposited at exactly the same period of time. We should have to believe, if this conclusion is to be justified, that in Silu- rian times the ocean spread over a much larger area of the earth's surface than it does now, and that its temperature and depth were unnaturally uniform : and there are, perhaps, some who would accept this view. What has been said about the Silu- rian Rocks as a whole applies with still greater force to certain of the minor subdivisions of the same, which contain many of exactly the same specific forms in parts of the globe very widely removed from one another. It is the very identity of the fossils, however, which proves that the beds in question, from their geographical position, cannot have been deposited at exactly the same time, though they doubtless belong to the same period, and may even be said to be related to one an- other, as far as the identical fossils are concerned, by lineal descent. Similar remarks might be made about the Devonian, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and other formations ; but it is not necessary further to multiply examples. If we consider the present state of things upon the globe, we shall be further convinced of the justice of these views, which were first prominently brought forward by Professor Huxley. If we could suddenly remove the sea from the earth, we should find at various points of the earth's surface deposits of different kinds, now concealed from us by the ocean, or only partially known by dredgings or soundings. Thus, we should find vast accumulations of calcareous matter, in the form of coral-rock and coral-reef, where now rolls the Pacific Ocean. In high northern and low southern latitudes we should find great de- posits of sand and mud, with angular blocks of stone, the whole derived from the ice-clad regions of the poles. Over vast areas, again, in the deep Atlantic, we should find an im- palpable chalky mud, or "ooze." All these different deposits are obviously and necessarily " contemporaneous," not only in the geological acceptation of the word, but in its most literal sense. In spite of this fact they would not contain the same fossils ; and, indeed, they would be characterised by organic remains which would be wholly different in each case. The coral-reefs of the Pacific would be essentially characterised by the abundance of the remains of reef-building corals, though they would also present other tropical forms of life, especially Brachiopods and Echinoderms. The glacial mud of the Polar regions would contain the remains of Arctic molluscs, along with such other animals as delight in severe cold. Lastly, the CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. 1 9 ooze of the deep Atlantic would contain innumerable Foram- inifera, along with siliceous Sponges, Sea-urchins, and Crinoids. We learn, therefore, from this, that contemporaneous deposits not only do not necessarily contain the same fossils, but that, if widely separated geographically, they may be characterised by wholly dissimilar assemblages of organisms. It may happen, again, as pointed out by Sir Charles Lyell, that deposits belonging to different geographical and zoological provinces may, as regards space, be nearly approximated, and, as regards time, may be actually contemporaneous, and yet may not contain any fossils in common, or only a very few. If, for example, any sudden upheaval were to lay bare what is now the floor of the Red Sea together with that of the Mediter- ranean, we should find the two areas to contain deposits actu- ally synchronous as regards the time of their deposition, and very near to one another in point of distance, and yet contain- ing, upon the whole, entirely distinct groups of organic remains. We learn, therefore, from this, that owing to the existence of geographical barriers, it is possible for contemporaneous de- posits to be found in close contiguity, in a single region, and yet to contain very different fossils. Again, we know from the researches of Professors Carpenter and Wyville Thomson and Mr Gwyn Jeffreys, that deposits may be formed, side by side, in a single ocean, and may yet differ from one another altogether, both in mineral characters and in their included fossils, though strictly contemporaneous in point of time. Thus, in parts of the deep Atlantic where the tem- perature of the bottom water is comparatively high, we have the calcareous deposit of the ooze, abounding in Foraminifera. Sponges, and Echinoderms. In certain other areas in the same ocean, and in comparatively close contiguity with the preceding, we have the temperature lowered by cold currents, and we find a sandy deposit in process of formation, with a fauna much more scanty than that of the ooze, and wholly distinct from it. We thus learn that sedimentary deposits may be strictly contemporaneous, and may be placed very near to one another in point of distance, and yet may contain very different fossils. Lastly, synchronous deposits necessarily contain wholly dif- ferent fossils, if one has been deposited by fresh water, and the other has been laid down in the sea. The fresh-water deposits of one period are obviously contemporaneous with the marine formations of the same period, and they may not be far removed from one another in point of distance, but they must contain altogether different organic remains. The former will 20 INTRODUCTION. contain remains of the fresh-water and terrestrial animals of the period, and of these only ; whilst the latter will principally, if not exclusively, be characterised by the remains of marine forms of life. In this way, there is reason to believe, may be explained the differences between the fossils of the Old Red Sandstone and of the Devonian Rocks, strictly so called. Both are believed to have been deposited in the same geological period, and to be truly " contemporaneous ; " but they do not contain the same fossils. This may be readily explained, how- ever, if we suppose the former to represent the fresh-water deposits of the Devonian period, or to have been laid down in an inland sea, whilst the latter is the true marine formation of the same period. We are now in a position very briefly to discuss the question of what may be called "geological continuity." It has already been stated that the entire series of Fossiliferous or Sedi- mentary Rocks may be naturally divided into a certain num- ber of definite rock-groups or " formations," each of which is characterised by the possession of a peculiar and characteristic assemblage of fossils, constituting, or rather representing, the "life" of the "period" in which the formation was deposited. The older geologists held, what probably every one would be tempted to think at first, that the close of each formation was characterised by a general destruction of the forms of life of the period, and that the commencement of each new formation was accompanied by the creation of a number of new animals and plants, destined to figure as the characteristic fossils of the same. This theory, however, not only invokes forces and processes which it can in no way account for, but overlooks the fact that most of the great formations are separated by lapses of time, unrepresented perhaps by any deposition of rock, or represented only in some particular area, and yet, perhaps, as great as, or greater than, the whole time occupied in the production of the formation itself. Nowadays, most geologists hold that there was no such sudden destruction of life at the close of each great geological epoch, and no such creation of fresh forms at the commence- ment of the next period. On the contrary, they hold that there is a geological " continuity," such as we see in other departments of nature, and that the lines which we draw between the great formations merely mark periods of time in which no rocks were laid down, or the rocks deposited in which are at present unknown to us. What are we to believe occurred at the close of any great geological period — say, the Cretaceous period? If we reject CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. 21 the view that the close of the period .was marked by a sudden and universal extinction and destruction of the characteristic Cretaceous forms of life, there is only one other view which we can take. Confining our attention solely to those seas of the period of which alone we know enough for safe reasoning, we know that the close of the Cretaceous period in Europe was accompanied, or rather caused, by an upheaval of the Cretaceous area, and an obliteration of the Cretaceous sea. This upheaval was, of course, effected with extreme slowness, or, at any rate, not suddenly, and it must have completely changed the life-conditions or " environment " of the animals which swarmed in the Cretaceous seas. Some of these would doubtless be unable to accommodate themselves to their altered surroundings, and would simply die out. Others, we may presume, would migrate to some more favourable area, and some of these might accomplish their migration without undergoing any change. Most, however, of the forms which migrated, in the process of migration, and by reason of coming into contact with strange neighbours and untried conditions, would probably undergo more or less modification. Ulti- mately, therefore, many characteristic Cretaceous forms might be transferred to some sea far distant from their original home. Not only so, but some of the transferred species might have suffered so much modification that they would no longer be regarded as specifically identical with the original Cretaceous forms, but would be looked upon simply as allied or " repre- sentative " species, though really the lineal descendants of the animals of the Chalk. It is perfectly clear that the process of rock - deposition which was going on in Europe towards the close of the Cretaceous period was not, and could not be, abolished by the elevation of the European area, and the obliteration of the Cretaceous sea, but was simply transferred to some other area. In this particular case, we do not happen to know where the new area of deposition may have been. It is quite certain, however, that in whatever area the Cretaceous animals took refuge, there rocks must have been deposited in course of time, as they are in all seas, though it does not in the least follow that the rocks of this new area should have the smallest likeness in mineral composition to the Cretaceous sediments. If we should at any time discover these rocks, it may pretty safely be predicted what we should find in them in the way of fossils. We should find, namely, some Cretaceous species, probably unchanged ; with these there would be forms allied to the Cretaceous species, but differing from them to a greater 22 INTRODUCTION. or less extent ; in addition, there would be a certain proportion of forms of life wholly unknown in the Cretaceous Rocks ; and, lastly, there would be a conspicuous absence of certain charac- teristic species of the Chalk period. In other words, such deposits as we have been speaking of would contain an assem- blage of fossils more or less intermediate in character between those of the true Cretaceous period and those of the lowest Tertiary beds (Eocene), which rest upon the Chalk, or they would present an intermixture of Cretaceous with Eocene types. In point of fact, we have fragments of such interme- diate deposits (in the Maastricht beds of Holland, the Pisolitic Limestone of France, the Faxoe Limestone of Denmark, and the Thanet Sands of Britain), and we find in them traces of such an intermixture. We may pause here to consider how it is that we may never hope to find a complete series of deposits linking on one great formation to another, as, for example, the Chalk to the Eocene Rocks. In the first place, only a limited portion of the earth has as yet been properly examined, and we have therefore no right to expect that we have as yet hit upon the area, or areas, to which the process of rock-forming was transferred at the close of the Cretaceous period proper in Europe. We have, however, the full right to expect that we shall ultimately find formations which will have to be intercalated in point of time between the White Chalk and the Eocene ; and, as before said, traces of such are already known to us. In the second place, we have every reason to suppose that many of these intermediate deposits have been destroyed at some period sub- sequent to their formation by what is technically called " denudation," or, in other words, by the action of rain, rivers, ice, and the sea. In the third place, many of the missing deposits *may have been concealed since their formation by the deposition upon them of other newer rocks ; or they may be situated in areas which are at present covered by the ocean. Lastly, we must not forget that there may have been times in which great changes in life were actively progressing in areas in which there might be little or no contemporaneous deposition of rock, so that the extreme terms of a series might be preserved to us whilst all the intermediate links might have escaped record. From these and similar causes, it is almost certain that we shall never be able to point to a complete series of deposits linking one great geological period, such as the Cretaceous, to another, such as the Eocene. Still, we may well have a strong conviction that such deposits must exist, or must have existed, CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. 23 as memorials of, at any rate, part of the time which elapsed between the close of the one formation and the commence- ment of the next. Upon any theory of " evolution," at any rate, it is certain that there can be no total break in the great series of the stratified deposits, but that there must have been a complete continuity of life, and a more or less complete continuity of deposition, from the Laurentian period to the present day. There was, and could have been, no such con- tinuity in any one given area ; but the chain could never have been snapped at one point and taken up at a wholly different one. The links must have been forged in different places, but the chain, nevertheless, remained unbroken. From this point of view, there would be little impropriety in saying that we are living in the Silurian period ; but we could only say so in a very limited sense. While most geologists will readily admit that there must have been such an actual continuity of the great geological periods, from the earliest times up to the present day, it remains certain that we can never dispense with the division of the stratified series into definite rock-groups and life-periods. We can never hope to discover all the lost links of the geological chain, and the great formations will always be separated from one another by more or less evident physical or palaeontological breaks, or by both combined. The utmost we can at present do is to arrive at the conviction that the lines of demarcation between the great formations only mark gaps in our knowledge, and that there can be in nature no hiatus in the long series of fossiliferous deposits. The theory of " geological continuity," then, may in practice be carried so far as to be useless, or even injurious to the progress of science. This would seem to be the case with the attempt to show that we " are still living in the Cretaceous period," and that the ooze now forming at the bottom of the deep Atlantic is merely a continuation in point of time of the great and well-known formation of the White Chalk. The points of resemblance by which this is sought to be established are these: i. The Atlantic ooze or "abyssal mud" is a whitish or grayish-looking mud, containing about sixty per cent of carbonate of lime, with from twenty to thirty per cent of silica, and a variable quantity of alumina. When dry, and espe- cially if consolidated, it may fairly be compared in mineral composition to some varieties of Chalk or to Chalk-marl. 2. The abyssal mud of the Atlantic is to a very large extent com- posed of the microscopic shells of Foraminifera, some of which are specifically identical with Cretaceous forms, whilst White Chalk is known to be very largely composed of the debris 24 INTRODUCTION. of these minute organisms. 3. The ooze contains siliceous sponges, in many respects comparable to the sponges which are so characteristic of the Cretaceous period. 4. The ooze contains Echinoderms, especially Sea-urchins and Crinoids, such as abounded in the Chalk period ; whilst one of the latter is related to a Cretaceous type hitherto believed to be extinct. 5. We have reason to believe that the conditions under which the Chalk was formed were very similar to those now present in the Atlantic at great depths. On the other hand, as pointed out by Sir Charles Lyell and Mr Prestwich, the differences between the Atlantic ooze and and the Chalk are, to say the least of it, quite as weighty as the resemblances, if not more so. Chalk is composed of from eighty to as much as ninety-nine per cent of carbonate of lime, and has therefore a very small proportion of any siliceous or aluminous impurity. Secondly, the occurrence of identical species of Foraminifera in the two formations amounts to very little ; for it is well known that such lowly organised forms of life have an extraordinary power of persistence, surviving geo- logical changes which are fatal to higher organisms. Lastly, the most characteristic of the Chalk fossils, such as the various forms of Cephalopoda and Bivalve Molluscs, are entirely want- ing in the Atlantic ooze. Mr Prestwich concludes that although it is probably true that " some considerable portion of the deep sea-bed of the mid-Atlantic has continued submerged since the period of our Chalk, and although the more adaptable forms of life may have been transmitted in unbroken succession through this channel, the immigration of other and more recent faunas may have so modified the old population that the original Chalk element is of no more importance than is the original British element in our own English people. As well might it have been said in the last century that we were living in the period of the early Britons, because their descendants and language still lingered in Cornwall, as that we are living in the Cretaceous period, because a few Cretaceous forms still linger in the deep Atlantic. Period in Geology must not be con- founded with ' system ' or * formation.' The one is only relative, the other definite. A formation is deposited or takes place during a certain time, and that time is the period of the formation ; but a geological period may include several forma- tions, and is defined by the preponderance of certain orders, families, or genera, according to the extent of the period spoken of; and the passage of some of the forms into the next geological series does not carry the period with them, any more CONTEMPORANEITY OF STRATA. 25 than would any particular historical epoch be delayed until the survivors of the preceding one had died out. Period is an arbitrary time-division. The Chalk or the ' London Clay ' formations mark definite stratigraphical divisions. We may speak of the period of the London Clay, or we may speak of the Tertiary period. It merely refers to the ' time when ' either were in course of construction. The occurrence of Triassic forms in the Jurassic series, of Oolitic forms in the Cretaceous series, and of Cretaceous forms in the Eocene, in no way lessens the independence of each series, although it may sometimes render it difficult to say where one series ceases and the other commences. The land and littoral faunas are necessarily more liable to change than a deep-sea fauna, because an island or part of a continent may be submerged, and all on it destroyed, while the fauna of the adjacent oceans would survive ; and as we cannot suppose the elevation of entire ocean-beds at the same time, the maritime fauna of one period must be in part almost necessarily transmitted to the next." In accordance, therefore, with the principles here laid down, we may conclude that it is not correct to say that we " are living in the Cretaceous period," in any other sense than one might say that we are living in the Silurian period, with this difference, that the Cretaceous period is much nearer to us in point of time than the Silurian, and that we can therefore trace a relationship between certain .Cretaceous types and certain living forms that we can not hope to establish in the case of Silurian fossils. It is to be observed, lastly, that certain classes of animals are always likely to flourish in places and times in which favourable conditions are present, wholly irrespective of any genetic connection between successive faunae. Thus, the con- ditions present in the deep Atlantic are such as favour the existence of numerous Foraminifera, Sponges, Echinoderms, &c. Similar conditions existed in the seas in which the Chalk was deposited ; and we need not, therefore, be surprised at the predominance of similar organisms in the Cretaceous period. In the same way, there are portions of the Carboniferous Limestone fairly comparable to the Chalk in mineral characters (making due allowance for difference of age), and containing forms of life which may be regarded as representative of the Cretaceous fauna — such as Foraminifera, smooth Terebratulce, Crinoids, and Sea-urchins. The conditions, however, present in the deep Atlantic are not exactly similar to those under which the Chalk was deposited, for there are certain great classes, 26 INTRODUCTION. such as the Cephalopoda, which abounded in the Cretaceous seas, but which seem to have no representative in the abyssal mud of the Atlantic. x DOCTRINE OF COLONIES. — It only remains in this connec- tion to consider very briefly the doctrine of " colonies," laid down by M. Barrande, the eminent Bohemian palaeontologist. It has been laid down as a law that when once a species dis- appears it never again makes its appearance in the geological record. This is unquestionably true, so long as we remember that it can only apply to cases in which a species has entirely and totally disappeared from the earth, and that it is often very difficult, or altogether impossible, to obtain evidence as to the exact time at which a given species has thus become actually extinct. There are plenty of cases in which a species seemingly disappears in a particular set of rocks, to reappear in some higher and later set of rocks in the same region, whilst its remains are wanting in all the intermediate deposits of the area. It also often occurs that a species, having disappeared in one region, is found in deposits of a later age in another area. The above-mentioned law, therefore, can obviously only hold good of cases in which a species has definitely and finally become extinct ; and this implies an amount of knowledge on our part which we seldom or never possess. M. Barrande, however, has pointed out that there are other cases in which groups of species peculiar to one set of beds may appear in a temporary and sporadic manner in a much earlier set of beds, the two deposits thus characterised being separated by beds containing fossils peculiar to the earlier and older series. Thus, the Upper and Lower Silurian Rocks of Bohemia are characterised by very distinct assemblages of fossils. It is found, however, that the Lower Silurian Rocks contain in places a group of fossils characteristic of the Upper Silurian series. The beds containing this "colony" of Upper Silurian forms are succeeded by strata filled with Lower Silurian fossils ; and it is only after several alternations of this kind that the Upper Silurian fauna comes in definitely and generally. These temporary appearances of a later fauna in the midst of an older fauna are termed by M. Barrande " colonies," and he explains their occurrence as follows : — If we suppose the seas of the Bohemian area to have been peopled with Lower Silurian animals at a time when other portions of Europe were covered by a sea containing Upper Silurian animals, and suppose the former area to have been shut off from the latter by a land- barrier, we can readily understand how the " colonies " were produced. If, from any cause, a channel of communication IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 2/ were opened between the Bohemian area and the general area of Northern Europe, an immigration of species would take place from the latter into the former area. The Upper Silurian species of the latter area would thus be imported, in greater or less numbers, into the midst of the general Lower Silurian fauna of Bohemia, and would be preserved in the Lower Silurian Rocks. If, however, the channel of com- munication were speedily closed, so that the new-comers could not be constantly reinforced by fresh immigrants, the " colonial " species would die out, and the general Lower Silurian fauna would again reign supreme. A reopening of the channel of communication would allow of a fresh immigra- tion and the formation of a fresh " colony," and the process might be indefinitely repeated. Finally, however, we must suppose that the Bohemian area was permanently thrown open to immigration from the general European area, when the Upper Silurian fauna of the latter would succeed in per- manently and completely displacing the old Lower Silurian fauna of the former region. The phenomenon, therefore, of " colonies," may be defined as "the coexistence of two general faunas, which, considered in their entirety, are nevertheless distinct ; " and it is to be regarded as merely a case of migra- tion under certain peculiar and exceptional circumstances. CHAPTER IV. THE IMPERFECTION OF THE PAL&ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. As has been already pointed out, the series of the stratified formations is an imperfect one, and is likely ever to remain so. The causes of this " imperfection of the geological record," as it has been termed by Darwin, are various ; but it is chiefly to be ascribed to our as yet incomplete knowledge of the geology of vast areas of the earth's surface, to denudation, and to the fact - that many of the missing groups are buried beneath other de--? posits, whilst more than half of the superficies of the globe is *. hidden from us by the waters of the sea. The imperfection of the geological record necessarily implies an equal imperfection of the " palaeontological record;" but, in truth, the record of life is far more imperfect than the mere physical series of de- posits. As we are here chiefly concerned with the biological 28 INTRODUCTION. aspect of the question, we may advantageously consider some of the main causes of the numerous breaks and gaps in the palaeontological record at some length. I. CAUSES OF THE ABSENCE OF CERTAIN ANIMALS IN FOSSILIFEROUS DEPOSITS. — In the first place, even if the series of the stratified deposits had been preserved to us in its entirety, and we could point to the sedimentary accumulations belong- ing to every period of the earth's history, there would still be enormous deficiencies in the palaeontological record, owing to the differences in the facility with which different animals may be preserved as fossils. This subject is sufficiently important to render it advisable to consider each of the primary groups of the animal kingdom separately from this point of view :— a. Protozoa. — As regards the sub-kingdom of the Protozoa, the entire classes of the Gregarinidcz and Infusoria* Animal- cules, from their absence of hard parts, must ever remain un- represented in a fossil condition. One or two of the latter, however, possess an integumentary covering capable under favourable circumstances of being preserved in rocks of recent age. The Monera present no structures capable of fossilisa- tion ; and the same may be said of the Amozbea, though one or two of the latter have a carapace which might possibly be pre- served. The remaining Rhizopodous orders — viz., the Fora- jninifera, Radiolaria, and Spongidd — almost invariably develop hard structures of lime or flint ; and all these orders, therefore, have left abundant traces of their existence in past time. b. Coelenterata. — Amongst the Ccelenterate animals, the Fresh-water Polypes (Hydra), the Oceanic Hydrozoa, the Jelly- fishes (Medusida), the Sea -blubbers (Litcernarida), the Sea- anemones (Actinidce), and the Ctenophora are destitute of hard parts which could be preserved as fossils. The Sea-blubbers, however, supply us with an instance of how a completely soft- bodied creature may leave traces of its past existence; for there is no doubt that impressions left by the stranded carcasses of these animals have been detected in certain fine-grained rocks (the Lithographic Slate of Solenhofen). On the other hand, the coralligenous Zoophytes or "corals" (comprising the Zoan- t/iaria sderodermata and sclerobasica, and most of the Alcyonaria) possess hard parts capable of preservation, and the same is the case with most of the Hydroid Zoophytes. Accordingly, there are few more abundant fossils than corals ; whilst the large ex- tinct group of the Graptolites is generally placed in the vicinity of the Sea-firs (Sertularians). c. Annuloida. — In this sub-kingdom the great class of the Echinodermata may be said to be represented more or less IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 29 completely by all its orders. In the Sea-cucumbers (Holothur- oidea\ however, the calcareous structures so characteristic of the integuments of the other Echinoderms are reduced to their minimum ; and accordingly the evidence of the past existence of these creatures is of the most scanty description. The other great class of the Annuloida (viz., the Scolecida) comprises animals almost without exception destitute of hard parts, and which mostly live parasitically in the interior of other animals (e.g., the Tape -worms, Suctorial -worms, Round -worms, &c.) We are therefore without any geological evidence of the former existence of Scolecida, though no doubt can be reasonably entertained but that the group dates back to a time long an- terior to the present fauna. d. Annnlosa. — Many of the lower Annulose animals, such as Leeches, Earth-worms, and Errant Annelides, possess no structures by which we could expect to get direct evidence of their past existence. The last of these, however, have left ample traces of their former presence in the form of burrows or " tracks" upon the mud and sand of ancient sea-bottoms ; and the so-called " Tubicolar " Annelides are well represented by their investing tubes. In the case of the higher Annulosa, another law steps in to regulate their comparative abundance as fossils. Most, in fact almost all, fossiliferous formations have been deposited in water; and of necessity, therefore, most fossils are the remains of animals whose habits are naturally aquatic. As most deposits, further, are not only aqueous, but are also marine, most fossils are those of sea -animals. It follows, therefore, that the remains of air-breathing animals, whether these be terrestrial or aerial, can only be preserved in an accidental manner, so to speak ; except the animal inhabit water (as the Cetaceans do), or except in the rare instances in which old land-surfaces have been buried up by sediment, and thus partially kept for our inspection. In accordance with this law, the most important and abundant fossil Annulose animals are Crustaceans ; since these not only have a resisting shell or " exoskeleton," but are also generally aquatic in their habits. The air-breathing classes of the Myriapoda (Centipedes and Millipedes), the Arachnida (Spiders and Scorpions), and the Insect a or true Insects, on the other hand, have been much less commonly and completely preserved, though many of them are perfectly capable of being fossilised. Almost all such remains, however, as we have of these three great classes, are the remains of isolated individuals, which may have been accidentally drowned ; or else they occur in hollow trees, or in fragments of ancient soils, or in vegetable accumulations such 30 INTRODUCTION. as coal and peat. There is, however, a considerable number of aquatic insects (but exclusively in fresh water), and there are many insects the larvae of which inhabit water, whether this be fresh or salt ; so that instances of these occurring as fossils are not very infrequent. e. Mollusca. — This sub-kingdom requires little notice, since the greater number of its members possess hard structures capable of being preserved in a fossil condition. Thus, the horny or calcareous polypidoms of many of the Polyzoa, the shells of the Brachiopods, the true Bivalves, and most of the Gasteropoda, the internal skeletons of the Cuttle-fishes, and the chambered shells of the Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods, all occur more or less abundantly as fossils. The entire class of the Tunicaries, however, presents (with one or two exceptions) no hard structures, and is hence not with certainty known by any fossil representative. Amongst the Gasteropoda, again, . the Sea-slugs and their allies (Niidibranchiata) possess no shell, and are unknown to the palaeontologist; whilst the shell of the I Land-slugs is extremely minute, and has not been certainly , recognised as fossil. Lastly, the air-breathing terrestrial Mol- luscs, from their habits, rarely occur as fossils ; whilst those which inhabit rivers, ponds, and lakes are less largely repre- sented than marine forms, owing to the preponderance of salt- water deposits over those of fresh water. f. Vertebrata. — The majority of Vetebrate animals possess a bony skeleton, so that their preservation in a fossil state — so far as this point is concerned — is attended with no difficulty. ^ Some of the fishes, however (such as the Lancelet, the Hag- • fishes, and the Lampreys), have no scales, and either possess no " endoskeleton " or have one which is almost wholly cartila- ginous. The only evidence, therefore, which could be obtained of the past existence of such fishes would be afforded by their teeth ; but these are wanting in the Lancelet, and are very small in the Lampreys : so that we need not wonder that these fishes are unknown as fossils. The higher groups of the fishes, however, taking everything into consideration, may be said to be abundantly represented in a fossil condition by their scales, bones, teeth, and defensive spines. The Amphibians are tolerably well represented by their bones and teeth, and, as regards one extinct order, by integu- mentary plates as well. They have also left many traces of their existence in the form of footprints. Most living Amphi- bians, however, frequent fresh waters, or spend a great part of their time upon the land ; and hence their remains would not be apt to be preserved in marine deposits. IMPERFECTION OF PAL^EONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 31 The abundance of Reptiles as fossils naturally varies much, according to the habits of the different orders. Of the living orders, the Chelonians (Tortoises and Turtles) are by no means rare ; since many of them are habitual denizens of fresh water or of the sea, whilst all are provided with a hard integumentary skeleton. The Snakes are mainly represented by forms which frequented water, and especially by marine forms. The Lizards (Lacertilia) live mainly upon the land, and do not therefore abound as fossils ; but some extinct forms (the Mosasauroids) were marine in their habits, and have consequently been pretty fully preserved. The Crocodilia, again, are so essentially aquatic in their habits, that their comparative frequency in aqueous deposits is no matter of wonder, especially if we recollect that many of the extinct members of this order seem to have fre- quented the sea itself. Of the extinct orders of Reptiles, the great Ichthyosauri and the Plesiosauri and their allies were marine in their habits, and their remains occur in what may fairly be called profusion. The Flying Reptiles, or Ptero- dactyles, would not seem to have any better chance of being preserved than Birds, if as good, yet their remains occur by no means very rarely in certain formations. The terrestrial Deinosaurs and Dicynodonts, again, come very much under the laws which regulate the preservation of Mammals as fossils ; and their remains are chiefly, but not exclusively, to be found in fluviatile deposits. As regards Birds, their powers of flight, as pointed out by Sir Charles Lyell, would save them from many destructive agencies, and the lightness of their bones would favour the long floating of the body in water, and thus increase the chances of its being devoured by predaceous animals. In ac- cordance with these considerations the most abundant remains of Birds are referable to large wingless forms, to which the power of saving themselves from their enemies by flight was denied, whilst most of their bones were filled with marrow in- stead of air. Next in abundance after these come the remains of birds which frequent the sea-shore, lakes, estuaries, or rivers, or which delight in marshy situations. Lastly, as regards Mammals, the record is far from being a full one, and from obvious causes. The great majority of Mammals live on land, and therefore are not likely to be buried in aqueous, and especially in marine, accumulations. That this cause is the chief one which has operated against the frequent preservation of Mammalian remains is shown by the fact that when we exhume an old land-surface, the remains of Mammals may be found in tolerable plenty. The strictly 32 INTRODUCTION. aquatic Mammals — such as Whales, Dolphins, and the like— are, of course, much more likely to have been preserved as fossils than the strictly terrestrial forms ; but their want of integumentary hard structures places them at a disadvantage in this respect as compared with fishes. In a general way, we may conclude that the preservation of the terrestrial Mam- mals as fossils is due to the comparatively rare occurrence of a stray individual being killed whilst swimming a river or some other piece of water, or being mired in a bog, or to the bones of one that had died on land being washed into some stream by floods ; but there are other cases for which a different ex- planation must be sought. II. UNREPRESENTED TIME. — In the second place, we have seen that the geological record is very imperfect, and this of necessity causes vast gaps in our palseontological knowledge. In this connection we may briefly consider the evidence which we possess as to the immensity of the "unrepresented time" between some of the great formations, and no better example can be chosen than that of the Cretaceous and Eocene Rocks. In considering such a case, the evidence may be divided into two heads, the one palaeontological, the other purely physical, and each may be looked at separately. The Chalk, as is well known, constitutes in Britain the highest member of the Cretaceous formation, and is the highest deposit there known as appertaining to the great Secondary or Mesozoic series. It is directly overlaid in various places by strata of Eocene age, which form the base of the great Tertiary or Kainozoic series of rocks. The question, then, before us is this, What evidence have we as to the lapse of time repre- sented merely by the dividing-line between the highest beds of the Chalk and the lowest beds of the Eocene? Taking the palaeontological evidence first, it is found that out of five hundred species of fossils known in the Upper Cre- taceous beds, only one Brachiopod and a few Foraminifera have hitherto been detected in the immediately overlying Eocene beds. These latter, on the contrary, are replete with organic remains wholly distinct from those of the Cretaceous beds. It may be said, therefore, that the very extensive as- semblage of animals which lived in the later Cretaceous seas of Britain had entirely passed away and become a thing of the past, before a single grain of the Eocene Rocks had been de- posited. Now, it is of course open to us to believe that the animals of the Chalk sea were suddenly extinguished by some natural agencies unknown to us, and that the animals of the Eocene sea had been in as sudden and as obscure a manner IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 33 introduced en masse into the same waters. This theory, how- ever, calls upon the stage forces of which we know nothing, and is contradicted by the whole tenor of the operations which we see going on around us at the present day. It is prefer- able, therefore, to believe that no such violent processes of destruction and re-peopling took place, but that the marked break in the life of the two periods indicates an enormous lapse of time. The Cretaceous animals, in consequence of the elevation of the British area at the close of the Cretaceous period, must have mostly migrated, some doubtless perishing, and others probably becoming modified in the process. When the British area became once more submerged beneath the sea, and became again a fitting home for marine life, an immi- gration into it would set in from neighbouring seas. By this time, however, the Cretaceous animals must have mostly died out, or must have become greatly changed in their characters ; and the new immigrants would be forms characteristic of the Lower Eocene. How long the processes here described may have taken, it is utterly impossible to say, even approximately. Judging, however, from what we can observe at the present day, the palaeontological break between the Chalk and the Eocene indicates a perfectly incalculable lapse of time; for all species change or die out slowly, marine species especially so ; and we have here the disappearance of a large fauna almost in its entirety, and its replacement by another wholly distinct. In the second place, to come to the physical evidence, the Eocene strata are seen to rest upon an eroded and denuded surface of Chalk, filling up " pipes " and winding hollows which descend far below the general surface of the latter. Not only so, but the base of the Eocene Rocks is commonly com- posed of a bed of rolled and rounded flints, derived from the Chalk, affording incontestable proof that the Chalk had been greatly worn down and removed by denudation, before the Eocene beds were deposited upon its surface. In short, the Eocene Rocks repose " unconformably " upon the Chalk, and this, as is well known, indicates the following series of pheno- mena : — Firstly, the Chalk was deposited in horizontal layers at the bottom of the Cretaceous sea. Secondly, at some wholly indefinite time after its deposition, after it had become more or less consolidated, the Chalk must have been raised by a gradual process of elevation above the level of the sea, during which it would inevitably suffer vast denudation. Thirdly, after another wholly indefinite period, the Chalk was again submerged beneath the sea, in which process it would be sub- jected to still further denudation, and an approximately level c 34 INTRODUCTION. surface would be formed upon it. Fourthly, strata of Eocene age were deposited upon the denuded surface of the Chalk, filling up all the hollows and inequalities of its eroded sur- face (fig. 3). Fig. 3. — Section showing strata of Tertiary age (a), resting upon a worn and denuded surface of White Chalk (ft), the stratification of which is marked by lines of flints. In the unconformability, then, between the Chalk and the Eocene Rocks, we have unequivocal evidence — irrespective of anything that we learn from Palaeontology — that the break between the two formations was one of enormous length. In Britain the interval of time thus indicated is not represented by any deposits ; and in Europe generally there are but frag- mentary traces of such. We may be quite sure, however, that during the time represented in Britain by the mere line of un- conformability between the Chalk and the Eocene, there were somewhere deposited considerable accumulations of sediment. Whether we shall ever succeed in discovering these, or any part of these, is, of course, uncertain. We may be certain, however, that such deposits, if ever discovered, will prove to be charged with the remains of animals more or less inter- mediate in character between those of the Cretaceous and those of the Eocene period ; and the huge gap now existing between these formations will thus be more or less completely bridged over. Amongst other well-known instances of more or less general unconformity in the stratified series, may be mentioned that between the Lower and Upper Silurian (not always present), that between the Lower and Upper Old Red Sandstone (also not universal), that between the Carboniferous and Permian Rocks, that, between the Permian and Triassic Rocks (not universal), and that between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 35 Rocks. All these physical breaks are accompanied by more or less extensive palaeontological breaks as well. Other breaks which are rendered less important by the absence or scarcity of fossils, or which are as yet not thoroughly established, are those between the Lower and Upper Laurentian Rocks, the Upper Laurentian and Huronian, and the Upper Cambrian and Lower Silurian. It may not be out of place to point out that the unconforma- bilities here indicated must in no way be confounded with the common cases in which beds of one age rest unconformably upon beds far older than themselves. When, for example, we find beds of Carboniferous age reposing unconformably upon Silurian strata, this merely indicates that, in the particular lo- cality under examination, the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone is amissing. This absence of a whole formation in any given region merely indicates that the area was dry land during the period of that formation, or that if any rocks of this age were deposited in this locality, they were removed by denudation before the higher group was laid down. The instances above spoken of, as where the Carboniferous Rocks are succeeded unconformably by the Permian, though essentially of the same nature, are distinguished by an important point. In the former case we know what formation is wanting, and we can intercal- ate it from foreign areas, and thus complete the series. In the latter case we have two successive formations in unconformable junction, and we are not acquainted with any intermediate group of strata which could be intercalated from any other ) locality. From the above facts, then, we learn that one of the chief causes of the imperfection of the palaeontological record is to be found in the vast spaces of time which separate most of the great " formations," and which, so far as we yet know, are not represented by any formation of rock. In process of time we shall doubtless succeed in finding deposits to account for more or less of this " unrepresented time," but much will ever remain for which we cannot hope to find the representative sediments. It only remains to add that we have ample evidence within the limits of each formation, and wholly irrespective of any want of conformity, of such lengthened pauses in the work of deposi- tion as to have allowed of great zoological changes in the interim, and to have thus caused irremediable blanks in the palaeontological record. The work of rock-deposition is at best an intermittent process ; the changes in a fauna, if slowly effected, are continuous. Thus there are scores of instances in which the fauna of a given bed, perhaps but a few inches in I 30 INTRODUCTION. thickness, differs altogether from that of the beds immediately above and below, and is characterised by species peculiar to itself. In such cases we can only suppose, that though no physical break can be detected, the deposition of sediment was interrupted by pauses of incalculable length, during which no additional material was added to the sea-bottom, whilst time was allowed for the dying out of old species and the coming in of new. The incessant repetition of such intervals of unrepre- sented time throughout the whole stratified series is convincing proof that the palaeontological record is, and ever must be, a mere excerpt from the biological annals of the globe. III. THINNING OUT OF BEDS. — Another cause by which the continuity of the palaeontological record is affected is what is technically called the " thinning out " of beds. Owing to the mode in which sedimentary rocks are produced, it is certain that there must be for every bed a point whence the largest amount of sediment was derived, and in the neighbourhood of which the bed will therefore be thickest. Thus, if we take a series of beds, such as sandstones and conglomerates, which are the product of littoral action, and are deposited in shallow water near a coast-line, it will be found that these gradually decrease in thickness, or " thin out," as we pass away from the coast in the direction of deep water. On approaching deep water, however, we might find that, though the sandstones were rapidly dying out, the thickness of the entire series might still be preserved, owing to the commencement now of some deep-water deposit, such as limestone. The beds of limestone Fig. 4. — Diagram to show the " thinning out " of beds, a Sandstones and Conglomerates ; b Limestones. would at first be very thin, but in proceeding still in the direc- tion of deeper water, we should find that they would gradually expand, till they reached a point of maximum thickness, on the other side of which they would gradually thin out. Each individual bed, therefore, in any group of stratified rocks, may be regarded as an unequal mass, thickest in the centre, and gradually tapering off or " thinning out " in all directions to- wards the circumference (fig. 4). IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 37 In a general way this holds good, not only for any particular bed, but for any particular aggregation or group of beds which we may choose to take. In the case, namely, of every group of beds, there must have been a particular point whither sedi- ment was most abundantly conveyed, or where the other con- ditions of accumulation were especially favourable. At this point, therefore, the beds are thickest, and from this they thin out in all directions. It need scarcely be pointed out, indeed, that some such state of things is unavoidable in the case of every bed or group of beds, since no sea is boundless, and the sedimentary deposits of every ocean must come to an end somewhere. An excellent example of the phenomena above described may be derived from the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of Britain. Here we may start in South Wales and in Central England with the Carboniferous Limestone as a great calcare- ous mass over 1000 feet in thickness, and almost without a single intercalated layer of shale. Passing northwards, some of the beds of limestone begin to thin out, and their place is taken by strata of a different mineral nature, such as sandstone, grit, or shale. The result of this is, that by the time we have followed the Carboniferous Limestone into Yorkshire and West- moreland, in place of a single great mass of limestone, we have an equivalent mass of alternating strata of limestone, sandstone, grit, and shale, with one or two thin seams of coal — the lime- stones, however, still bearing a considerable proportion to the whole. Passing still further northwards, the limestones go on thinning out, till in Central Scotland, in place of the dense cal- careous accumulations of Derbyshire, the Lower Carboniferous series consists of a great group of sandstones, grits, and shales, with thick and workable beds of coal, and with but few and comparatively insignificant beds of limestone. The state of things indicated by these phenomena is as fol- lows : — The sea in which the Lower Carboniferous Rocks of Britain were deposited must have gradually deepened from north to south. The land and coast-line whence the coarser mechani- cal sediments were derived, must have been placed somewhere to the north of Scotland, and the deepest part of the ocean must have been somewhere about Derbyshire. Here the con- ditions for lime-making were most favourable, and here conse- quently we find the greatest thickness of calcareous strata, and the smallest intermixture of mechanical deposits. The palaeontological results of this are readily deducible. The entire Lower Carboniferous series of Britain was probably deposited in a single ocean, apparently destitute of land-bar- 38 INTRODUCTION. riers ; and consequently, taken as a whole, the fauna of this series may be regarded as one and indivisible. The condi- tions, nevertheless, which obtained in different parts of this area were very different; and, as a necessary result, certain groups of animals flourished in certain localities, and were absent or but scantily represented in others. In the deeper parts of the area we have an abundance of Corals, with Crinoids, and at times Foraminifera. In the shallower parts of the area there is, on the other hand, a predominance of forms which affect water of no great depth. Still, there is no difference in point of time between the deposits of different parts of the area; and in order to obtain a true notion of the Lower Carbonifer- ous fauna, we must add the fossils derived from one portion of the area to those derived from another. In many cases, however, we are acquainted with but one class of deposits belonging to a given period. We may have the deep-sea deposits of the period only, or we may know no- thing but its littoral accumulations. In either case it is clear that there is an imperfection of the palseontological record ; for we cannot have even a moderately complete record of the marine animals alone of a particular period, unless we have access to a complete series of the deposits laid down in the seas of that period. IV. SUDDEN EXTINCTION OF ANIMALS. — Whilst there can be little doubt but that the changes in animal life indicated by Geology were in the main gradually effected, there still remain cases in which individuals seem to have been suddenly de- stroyed in great numbers, and others of a more obscure nature in which allied species succeed one another with an inexpli- cable rapidity. As an example of the first class of cases, we may take the great Marine Reptiles of the Lias, which often exhibit indications of having met a sudden death, whilst they show no traces of mechanical injury. It has been suggested by Sir Charles Lyell, with great probability, that the sudden death of marine animals, in these and other similar cases, might have been caused by the sudden "periodical discharge of large bodies of turbid fresh water into the sea." As an example of the second class of cases — which more especially bear upon the present question — we may take the existence in the Lias of zones characterised by particular species of Ammonites. These zones are usually of small thickness, and the Ammonite characterising each is usually confined to that particular horizon ; whilst several of these zones have been found to be persistent over very wide areas. As we know of no reason why one species of Ammonite should flourish where IMPERFECTION OF PAL^ONTOLOGICAL RECORD. 39 another allied species would not, we cannot at present account for this sudden disappearance of one species and its seeming immediate replacement by another. We may be sure, however, that we have here an imperfection of the palaeontological record, and that in reality any two zones must have been separated by a long period, in which one species became extinct, or was so far modified as to appear as a new species. V. DISAPPEARANCE OF FOSSILS. — The last subject which need be mentioned in connection with the imperfection of the palseontological record is that of the disappearance of fossils from rocks originally fossiliferous. This, as a rule, is due to " metamorphism " — that is to say, the subjection of the rock to a sufficient amount of heat to cause a rearrangement of its particles. When of at all a pronounced character, the result of metamorphism is invariably the obliteration of any fossils which might have been originally present in the rock. To this cause must be set down many great gaps in the palaeonto- logical record, and the irreparable loss of much fossil evidence. The most striking example which is to be found of this is the great Laurentian series, which comprises ,some 30,000 feet of highly metamorphosed sediments, but which, with one not absolutely certain exception, has as yet yielded no remains of life, though there is strong evidence of the former existence in it of fossils. Another not uncommon cause of the disappearance of organic remains from originally fossiliferous deposits is the percolation through them of water holding carbonic acid in solution. By this means fossils of a calcareous nature are dissolved out of the rock, and may leave no traces behind. This cause, however, can only operate to any extent in more or less loose and porous arenaceous deposits. Lastly, " cleavage " may be mentioned as a common cause of the disappearance of fossils. The cleavage, however, must be very intense, if it actually prevents the recognition of the deposit as one in which fossils formerly existed, though cases are not uncommon in which this occurs through thousands of feet of strata. As a more general rule, however, it is not very difficult to determine whether a cleaved rock has ever con- tained fossils or not, though it may be quite impossible to make out the exact nature and character of the organic remains. 40 INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. WE have already seen that geologists have been led by the study of fossils to the all-important generalisation that the vast series of the Fossiliferous or Sedimentary Rocks maybe divided into a number of definite groups or " formations," each of which is characterised by its organic remains. It may simply be re- peated here that these formations are not properly and strictly characterised by the occurrence in them of any one particular fossil. It may be that a formation contains some particular fossil, or fossils, not occurring out of that formation, and that in this way an observer may identify a given group with toler- able certainty. It very often happens, indeed, that some parti- cular stratum, or sub-group of a series, contains peculiar fossils, by which its existence may be determined in various localities. As before remarked, however, the great formations are charac- terised properly by the association of certain fossils, by the predominance of certain families or orders, or by an assemblage of fossil remains representing the " life" of the period in which the formation was deposited. Fossils, then, enable us to determine the age of the deposits in which they occur. Fossils further enable us to come to very important conclusions as to the mode in which the fossiliferous bed was deposited, and thus as to the condition of the parti- cular district or region occupied by the fossiliferous bed at the time of the formation of the latter. If, in the first place, the bed contain the remains of animals such as now inhabit rivers, /. we know that it is " fluviatile " in its origin, and that it must at one time have either formed an actual river-bed, or been de- posited by the overflowing of an ancient stream. Secondly, if the bed contain the remains of shell-fish, minute crustaceans, or fish, such as now inhabit lakes, we know that it is " lacus- trine," and was deposited beneath the waters of a former lake. Thirdly, if the bed contain the remains of animals such as now j people the ocean, we know that it is "marine" in its origin, and that it is a fragment of an old sea-bottom. We can, however, often determine the conditions under which a bed was deposited with greater accuracy than this. If, for example, the fossils are of kinds resembling the marine animals now inhabiting shallow waters, if they are accompanied by the detached relics of terrestrial organisms, or if they are partially rolled and broken, we may conclude that the fossili- CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. 41 ferous deposit was laid down in a shallow sea, in the immediate vicinity of a coast-line, or as an actual shore-deposit. If, again, the remains are those of animals such as now live in the deeper parts of the ocean, and there is a very sparing intermixture of extraneous fossils (such as the bones of birds or quadrupeds, or the remains of plants), wre may presume that the deposit is one of deep water. In other cases, we may find, scattered through the rock, and still in their natural position, the valves of shells such as we know at the present day as living buried in the sand or mud of the sea-shore or of estuaries. In other cases, the bed may obviously have been an ancient coral-reef, or an accumulation of social shells, like Oysters. Lastly, if we find the deposit to contain the remains of marine shells, but that these are dwarfed of their fair proportions and distorted in figure, we may conclude that it was laid down in a brackish sea, such as the Baltic, in which the proper saltness was want- ing, owing to its receiving an excessive supply of fresh water. In the preceding, we have been dealing simply with the remains of aquatic animals, and we have seen that certain con- clusions can be accurately reached by an examination of these. As regards the determination of the conditions of deposition from the remains of aerial and terrestrial animals, or from plants, there is not such an absolute certainty. The remains of land-animals would, of course, occur in "sub-aerial" deposits —that is, in beds, like blown sand, accumulated upon the land. Most of the remains of land-animals, however, are found in deposits which have been laid down in water, and they owe their present position to having been drowned in rivers or lakes, or carried out to sea by streams. Birds, Flying Reptiles, and Flying Mammals might also similarly find their way into aqueous deposits ; but it is to be remembered that many birds and mammals habitually spend a great part of their time in the water, and that these might therefore be naturally expected to present themselves as fossils in Sedimentary Rocks. Plants, again, even when undoubtedly such as must have grown on land, do not prove that the bed in which they occur was formed on land. Many of the remains of plants known to us are extraneous to the bed in which they are now found, having reached their present site by falling into lakes or rivers, or being carried out to sea by floods or gales of wind. There are, however, many cases in which plants have undoubt- edly grown on the very spot where we now find them. Thus it is now generally admitted that the great coal-fields of the Carboniferous age are the result of the growth in situ of the plants which compose coal, and that these grew on vast INTRODUCTION. marshy or partially submerged tracts of level alluvial land. We have, however, distinct evidence of old land-surfaces, both in the Coal-measures and in other cases (as, for instance, in the well-known " dirt-bed" of the Purbeck series). When, for example, we find the erect stumps of trees standing at right angles to the surround- ing strata, we know that the surface through which these send their roots was at one time the surface of the dry land, or, in other words, was an ancient soil (fig. 5). CONCLUSIONS AS TO CLI- MATE.— In many cases fossils enable us to come to impor- tant conclusions as to the climate of the period in which they lived, but only a few in- stances of this can be here adduced. As fossils in the majority of instances are the Fie. >>. — Erect Tree containing Reptilian • ' f • , • remains! Coal-measures, Nova Scotia (after remains of marine animals, it Dawson). js mostly the temperature of the sea which can alone be determined in this way ; and it is important to remember that, owing to the existence of heated currents, the marine climate of a given area does not neces- sarily imply a correspondingly warm climate in the neighbour- ing land. Land-climates can only be determined by the remains of land-animals or land-plants, and these are com- paratively rare as fossils. It is also important to remember that all conclusions on this head are really based upon the present distribution of animal and vegetable life On the globe, and are therefore liable to be vitiated by the following considerations : — a. Most fossils are extinct, and it is not certain that the habits and requirements of any extinct animal were exactly similar to, or even at all resembling, those of its nearest living relative. b. When we get very far back in time, we meet with groups of organisms so unlike anything we know at the present day as to render all conjectures as to climate founded upon their sup- posed habits more or less uncertain and unsafe. CONCLUSIONS TO BE DRAWN FROM FOSSILS. 43 c. In the case of marine animals, we are as yet very far from knowing the exact limits of distribution of many species within our present seas ; so that conclusions drawn from living forms as to extinct species are apt to prove incorrect. For instance, it has recently been shown that many shells formerly believed to be confined to the Arctic Seas have, by reason of the ex- tension of Polar currents, a wide range to the south ; and this has thrown doubt upon the conclusions drawn from fossil shells as to the Arctic conditions under which certain beds were supposed to have been deposited. d. The distribution of animals at the present day is certainly dependent upon other conditions beside climate alone ; and the causes which now limit the range of given animals are certainly such as belong to the existing order of things. But the establishment of the present order of things does not date back in many cases to the introduction of the present species of animals. Even in the case, therefore, of existing species of animals, it can often be shown that the past distribution of the species was different formerly to what it is now, not necessarily because the climate has changed, but because of the alteration of other conditions essential to the life of the species or con- ducing to its extension. Still, we are in many cases able to draw completely reliable conclusions as to the climate of a given geological period, by an examination of the fossils belonging to that period. Among the more striking examples of how the past climate of a region may be deduced from the study of the organic remains con- tained in its rocks, the following may be mentioned : It has /. been shown that in Eocene times, or at the commencement of the Tertiary period, the climate of what is now Western Europe was of a tropical or sub-tropical character. Thus the Eocene beds are found to contain the remains of shells such as now inhabit tropical seas, as, for example, Cowries and Volutes ; and with these are the fruits of palms, and the remains of other tropical plants. It has been shown, again, - that in Miocene times, or about the middle of the Tertiary period, Central Europe was peopled with a luxuriant flora resembling that of the warmer parts of the United States, and leading to the conclusion that the mean annual temperature must have been at least 30° hotter than it is at present. It has been shown that, at the same time, Greenland, now buried beneath a vast ice-shroud, was warm enough to support a large number of trees, shrubs, and other plants, such as inhabit the temperate regions of the globe. Lastly, it has been shown, upon physical as well as palaeontological evidence, that the 44 INTRODUCTION. greater part of the North Temperate Zone, at a comparatively recent geological period, has been visited with all the rigours of an Arctic climate, resembling that of Greenland at the pre- sent day. This is indicated by the occurrence of Arctic shells in the superficial deposits of this period, whilst the Musk-ox and the Reindeer roamed far south of their present limits. CHAPTER VI. DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, AND SUCCESSION OF ORGANIC TYPES. IT seems hardly necessary to remark that Palaeontology, as a science, is based upon the kindred sciences of Zoology and Botany, and that no satisfactory acquaintance with the former can be arrived at without the previous acquisition of some knowledge of the latter. It cannot be pretended to teach here even the rudiments of these sciences, but there are a few points which may be noticed as having a special bearing upon the study of Palaeontology. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. — Leaving the vegetable kingdom till we come to speak of fossil plants, a few remarks may be made on the classification of the animal kingdom. Vast as is the number of known animals, all, whether living or extinct, may be classed under some five or six primary divisions or "morphological types," which are technically spoken of as the " sub-kingdoms." All the animals in any one sub-kingdom agree with one another' in their structural type, or in the fundamental plan upon which they are constructed ; and they differ from one another simply in the modifications of this common plan. No comparison, therefore, is possible between an animal belonging to one sub- kingdom, and one belonging to another, since their distinguish- ing characters are the result of the modification of two essen- tially different ground-plans. Hence, it is possible to arrange the animals of any one sub-kingdom in something like a linear series, in which the lowest of the series most closely approaches the primitive or ideal form of the sub-kingdom, whilst the highest exhibits the greatest amount of complexity ancl special- isation of this type. But it is not possible to establish any such linear classification for the animal kingdom as a whole. Given an animal of a lower "sub-kingdom" than another CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 45 animal, no amount of complexity, no specialisation of organis- ation, can raise the former above the latter. The one may be the result of the high evolution of a low morphological type, the other may be the result of the low evolution of a higher morphological type, but the superiority of the ground-plan gives the latter the higher place. We must therefore abandon the idea that it is possible to establish a linear classification of the animal kingdom. The following synoptical table gives briefly the leading divisions of the animal kingdom, and the chief characters of these : — TABULAR VIEW OF THE CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. INVERTEBRATE ANIMALS. SUB-KINGDOM I.— PROTOZOA. Animal simple or forming colonies, usually very minute ; the body com- posed of the structureless, jelly-like, albuminous substance called "sar- code ; " not divided into regular segments ; having no nervous system ; no regular circulatory system ; usually no mouth ; no definite body-cavity or digestive system, or at most but a short gullet. CLASS A. GREGARINID^E. — Minute Protozoa which inhabit the interior of insects and other animals, and which have not the power of throwing out prolongations of their substance (pseudopodia). No mouth. CLASS B. RHIZOPODA (Root-footed Protozoa). — Protozoa which are simple or compound, and have the power of throwing out and retracting prolongations of the body-substance (the so-called "pseudopodia"). No mouth, in most, if not in all. Order i. Monera. — Ex. Protogenes. Order 2. Amcebea. — Ex. Proteus Animalcule (Amceba). Order 3. Foraminifera. — Ex. Lagena, Nodosaria, Globigerina. Order 4. Radiolaria. — Ex. Thalassicolla, Polycystina. Order 5. Spongida. — Ex. Fresh-water Sponge (Spongilla), Venus's Flower-Basket (Euplectella). CLASS C. INFUSORIA (Infusorian Animalcules). — Protozoa with a mouth and short gullet ; destitute of the power of emitting pseudopodia ; furnished with vibratile cilia or contractile filaments ; the body usually composed of three distinct layers. Order i. Ciliata. — Ex. Bell-animalcule (Vorticella), Paramcecium. Order 2. Flagellala. — Ex. Peranema. Order 3. Suctoria. — Ex. Podophyra. SUB-KINGDOM II.—CCELENTERATA. Animals whose alimentary canal communicates freely with the general cavity of the body ; body composed essentially of two layers or membranes, an outer layer or •" ectoderm," and an inner layer or "endoderm." No circulatory system or heart, and in most no nervous system. Skin fur- nished with minute stinging organs or "thread-cells." Distinct reproduc- tive organs in all. CLASS A. HYDROZOA. — Walls of the digestive sac not separated from 46 INTRODUCTION. those of the general body-cavity, the two coinciding with one another. Reproductive organs external. Sub-class I. HYDROIDA (Hydroid Zoophytes). Order I. Hydrida. — Ex. Fresh- water Polype (Hydra). Order 2. Corynida. — Ex. Pipe-coralline (Tubularia). Order 3. Sertularida. — Ex. Sea-firs (Sertularia). Sub-class II. SIPHONOPHORA (Oceanic Hydrozoa). Order 4. Calycophorida. — Ex. Diphyes. Order 5. Physophorida. — Ex. Portuguese Man-of-War (Physalia). Sub-class III. DISCOPHORA (Jelly-fish). Order 6. Medusida — Ex. Trachynema. Sub-class IV. LUCERNARIDA (Sea-blubbers). Order 7. Lucernaridce. — Ex. Lucernaria. Order 8. Pelagidce. — Ex. Pelagia. Order 9. Rhizostomida. — Ex. Rhizostoma. Sub-class V. GRAPTOLITID^E (extinct). CLASS B. ACTINOZOA. — Stomach opening below into the body-cavity, which is divided into a number of compartments by a series of vertical par- titions or " mesenteries." Reproductive organs internal. Order I. Zoantharia. — Tentacles simply rounded, in multiples of five or six. — Ex. Sea-Anemones (Actinidae), Star- corals (Astrseidse), Brain-corals (Meandrina), Madre- pores (Madreporidse). Order 2. Alcyonaria. — Tentacles fringed, in multiples of four. — Ex. Dead-man's-toes (Alcyonium), Organ-pipe Coral (Tubipora), Sea-rods (Virgularia), Sea-pens (Penna- tula), Red Coral (Corallium). Order 3. Ritgosa (extinct). Order^ Ctenophora. — Animal oceanic, swimming by means of bands of cilia or " ctenophores." — Ex. Pleurobrachia, Venus's Girdle (Cestum). S US-KINGDOM III. —A NNUL OIDA . Animals in which the alimentary canal is completely shut off from the general cavity of the body, and in which there is a distinct nervous system. A true blood-circulatory system may or may not be present. In all there is a peculiar system of canals, which usually communicate with the exterior, and which constitute what is called the "water- vascular system." The body of the adult is never composed of a succession of definite rings, or pro- vided with successive pairs of appendages disposed symmetrically on the two sides of the body. The Annuloida are divided into two great classes : A. ECHINODERMATA. — Integument composed of numerous calcareous plates joined together, or leathery and having grains, spines, or tubercles of calcareous matter developed in it. Water-vascular system (ambulacral system) mostly employed in locomotion, and generally communicating with the exterior. Adult generally more or less starlike or "radiate " in shape ; young mostly showing more or less complete "bilateral symmetry," that is, showing similar parts on the two sides of the body. Nervous system radiate. Order I. Crinoidea (Sea-lilies). — Ex. Feather-star (Comatula), Me- dusa-head Crinoid (Pentacrinus), Stone-lily (Encri- nus.) Order 2. Blastoidea (extinct). Order 3. Cystoidea (extinct). CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 47 Order 4. Ophiuroidea (Brittle-stars) — Ex. Sand-stars (Ophiura), Brittle-stars (Ophiocoma). Order 5. Asteroidea (Star-fishes). — Ex. Cross-fish (Uraster), Sun- star (Solaster), Cushion-star (Goniaster). Order 6. Echinoidea (Sea-urchins). — Ex. Sea -eggs (Echinus), Heart-urchins (Spatangus). Order 7. Holothuroidea (Sea-cucumbers). — Ex. Trepangs (Holo- thuria). B. SCOLECIDA. — Body usually flattened, or cylindrical and worm-like ; integument soft, without lime. Water-vascular system not assisting in locomotion. Nervous system consisting of one or two ganglia or little masses, and not disposed in a radiate manner. Order I. Tteniada. — Ex. Tape-worm (Tsenia). Order 2. Trematoda (Suctorial worms). — Ex. Liver-fluke (Dis- toma). Order 3. Turbellaria. — Ex. Planarians (Planaria), Ribbon-worms (Nemertes). Orders Acanthocephala (Thorn-headed worms). — Ex. Echino- rhynchus. Order 5. Gordiacea (Hair-worms). — Ex. Gordius. Order 6. Nematoda (Thread- worms). — Ex. Round- worm (Ascaris), Guinea-worm (Filaria), Vinegar-eel (Anguillula) . Order 7. Rotifera (Wheel-animalcules). — Ex. Builder-animalcule (Melicerta), Flexible Creeper (Notommata). SUB-KINGDOM IV.—ANNULOSA. Animal composed of numerous definite segments or " somites," arranged longitudinally, one behind the other. Nervous system always present, con- sisting typically of a double chain of nervous masses, or ganglia, which are placed along the lower surface of the body, and form a collar around the gullet. Limbs (when present) turned toward that side of the body on which the main masses of the nervous system are situated. DIVISION A. ANARTHROPODA. — Locomotive appendages, when pre- sent, not distinctly jointed or articulated to the body. CLASS I. GEPHYREA. — Ex. Spoon-worms (Sipunculus). CLASS II. ANNELIDA (Ringed-worms). Order I. Hirudinea. — Ex. Leeches (Sanguisuga, Hirudo). Order 2. Oligochata. — Ex. Earth-worms (Lumbricus), Water- worms (Nais). Order 3. Tubicola. — Ex. Tube-worms (Serpula). Order 4. Errantia. — Ex. Sand-worms and Sea-centipedes (Nereis), Lob-worm (Arenicola), Sea-mouse (Aphrodite). CLASS III. CH^TOGNATHA (Arrow- worms). — Ex. Sagitta. DIVISION B. ARTHROPODA. — Locomotive appendages jointed or articu- lated to the body. CLASS I. CRUSTACEA. — Respiration aquatic, mostly by gills. Two pairs of antennae. Limbs more than four pairs in number, carried upon the thorax, and generally the abdomen also. Order I. Ichthyophthira. — Ex. Lernsea. Order 2. Rhizocephala. — Ex. Peltogaster. Order 3. Cirripedia. — Ex. Barnacles (Lepas), Acorn-shells (Bal- anus). Order 4. Ostracoda. — Ex. Water-fleas (Cypris). Order 5. Copepoda. — Ex. Cyclops. Order 6. Cladocera. — Ex. Branched-horned Water-fleas (Daphnia). 48 INTRODUCTION. Order 7. Phyllopoda. — Ex. Brine-shrimp (Artemia). Order 8. Trilobita (Extinct). Order 9. Merostomata. — Ex. King-crabs (Limulus). Order 10. Lamodipoda. — Ex. Whale-louse (Cyamus). Order II. Isopoda. — Ex. Wood-lice (Oniscus), Slaters (Ligia). Order 12. Amphipoda. — Ex. Sandhopper (Talitrus), Fresh-water Shrimp (Gammarus). Order 13. Stomapoda. — Ex. Locust-shrimp (Squilla). Order 14. Decapoda. — Ex. Lobster (Homarus), Cray-fish (Astacus), Shrimps (Crangon) ; Hermit-crabs (Pagurus) ; Crabs (Cancer, Carcinus), Land-crabs (Gecarcinus). CLASS II. ARACHNIDA. — Respiration aerial, by pulmonary chambers or air-tubes (tracheae) in the higher forms. Antennae converted into jaws. Head and thorax amalgamated. Four pairs of legs. Abdomen without limbs. Order I. Podosomata (Sea-spiders). — Ex. Pycnogonum. Order 2. Monomerosomata. — Ex. Mites (Acarus), Water-mites (Hy- drachna), Ticks (Ixodes). Order 3. Adelarthrosomata. — Ex. Harvest-spiders (Phalangidae), Book-scorpions (Chelifer). Order 4. Pedipalpi. — Ex. Scorpions (Scorpio). Order 5. Aranetda. — Ex. House-spiders (Tegenaria), Field-spiders (Epeira). CLASS III. MYRIAPODA. — Respiration aerial, by tracheae (air-tubes) or by the skin. Head distinct ; remainder of body composed of nearly simi- lar segments. Legs more than eight pairs in number, and borne partly upon the abdomen. One pair of antennae. Order I. Chilopoda. — Ex. Centipedes (Scolopendra). Order 2. Chilognatha. — Ex. Millipedes (lulus). Order 3. Pauropoda. — Ex. Pauropus. . CLASS IV. INSECTA. — Respiration aerial, by tracheae. Head, thorax, and abdomen distinct. One pair of antennae. Three pairs of legs, and generally two pairs of wings on the thorax. No locomotive limbs on the abdomen. Order i. Anoplura. — Ex. Lice (Pediculus). Order 2. Mallophaga (Bird-lice). Order 3. Thysanura (Springtails). Order 4. Hemiptera. — Ex. Plant-lice (Aphides), Field-bug (Pen- tatoma), Cochineal Insects (Coccus). Order 5. Orthoptera. — Ex. Locusts (Acrydium), Grass-hoppers (Gryllus), Crickets (Achetina), Cockroach (Blatta). Order 6. Neuroptera. — Ex. White Ants (Termes), Dragon-flies (Libellulidae), May-flies (Ephemeridae). Order 7. Aphaniptera. — Ex. Fleas (Pulex). Order 8. Diptera. — Ex. Gnats (Culex), Crane-flies (Tipula), House-flies and Flesh-flies (Musca). Order 9. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths). Order 10. Hymenoptera. — Ex. Bees (Apidae), Humble-bees (Bom- bidae), Wasps (Vespidae), Ants (Formicidae), Saw-flies, (Tenthredinidae). Order n. Strepsiptera. — Ex. Stylops. Order 12. Coleoptera (Beetles). SUB-KINGDOM V.—MOLLUSCA. Animal soft-bodied, generally with a hard covering or shell. Nervous CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 49 system consisting of a single ganglion or of scattered pairs of ganglia. A distinct heart and breathing-organ, or neither. The Mollusca may be divided into the two following primary divisions, containing the following classes : — A. MOLLUSCOIDA. — Nervous system consisting of a single ganglion or of a principal pair of ganglia. No heart, or an imperfect one. CLASS I. POLYZOA. — Animal always forming compound growths or colonies. No heart. The mouth of each zooid surrounded by a circle or crescent of ciliated tentacles. — Ex. Sea- mats (Flustra), Lace-coral (Fenestella). CLASS II. TUNICATA. — Animal simple or compound, enclosed in a leathery or gristly case. An imperfect heart. — Ex. Sea- squirts (Ascidia). CLASS III. BRACHIOPODA. — Animal always simple ; the body enclosed in a bivalve shell. Mouth furnished with two long fringed processes or "arms." — Ex. Lamp-shells (Terebratula). B. MOLLUSCA PROPER. — Nervous system consisting of three principal pairs of ganglia. Heart well developed, consisting of at least two chambers. CLASS IV. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA (Bivalve Shell -fish). — No distinct head ; no teeth. Body enclosed in a shell which is " bi- valve," or composed of two distinct pieces. One or two leaf- like gills on each side of the body. — Ex. Oyster (Ostrea), Scallop (Pecten), Mussel (Mytilus). CLASS V. GASTEROPODA. — A distinct head and toothed tongue. Shell absent in some, but mostly present, and usually consisting of a single piece ("univalve"). Locomotion effected by creeping about on the flattened under surface of the body (" foot "), or by swimming by means of a fin-like modifi- cation of the same. — Ex. Whelks (Buccinum), Limpets (Patella), Sea-lemons (Doris), Land-snails (Helix), Slugs (Limax). CLASS VI. PTEROPODA. — Animal oceanic, swimming by means of two wing-like appendages, one on each side of the head. Size minute. — Ex. Cleodora. CLASS VII. CEPHALOPODA. — Animal with eight or more arms, placed in a circle round the mouth. Mouth armed with jaws, and and a toothed tongue. Two or four plume-like gills. In front of the body, a muscular tube ("funnel") through which is expelled the water which has been used in respira- tion. An external shell in some, an internal skeleton in others. — Ex. Calamaries (Loligo), Cuttle-fishes or Poulpes (Octopus), Paper-Nautilus (Argonauta), Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus). VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. SUB-KINGDOM VI. — VER TEBRA TA. Body composed of a number of definite segments arranged longitudinally, or one behind the other. The main masses of the nervous system are placed on the dorsal aspect of the body, and are completely shut off from the general body-cavity. The limbs (when present) are turned away from that side of the body on which the main nervous masses are situated, and are never more than four in number. In most cases a backbone, or "vertebral column," is present in the fully-grown animal. D 50 INTRODUCTION. CLASS I. PISCES (Fishes). — Breathing-organs in the form of gills. Heart usually of two chambers, rarely of three. Blood cold. Limbs, when present, converted into fins. Order I. Pharyngobranchii. — Ex. Lancelet (Amphioxus). Order 2. Marsipobranchii. — Ex. Lamprey (Petromyzon), Hag-fish (Myxine). Order 3. Teleostei (Bony Fishes). — Ex. Eels (Muraenid?e), Her- rings (Clupeidae), Salmon and Trout (Salmonidae), Cod and Haddock (Gadidae), Flat-fishes (Pleuronectidae), Perch (Percidae), Mackerel (Scomberidae). Order 4. Ganoidd. — Ex. Bony Pike (Lepidosteus), Paddle-fish (Spatularia), Sturgeon (Sturio). Order 5. Elasmobranchii. — Ex. Sharks (Carcharidae), Dog-fishes (Scylliadae), Saw-fishes (Pristis), Rays and Skates (Raiidse). Order 6. Dipnoi. — Ex. Mud-fish (Lepidosiren). CLASS II. AMPHIBIA (Amphibians). — Breathing-organs in the young in the form of gills alone, afterwards lungs, either alone or associated with gills. Skull joined to the backbone by two articulating surfaces ("condyles"). Limbs never converted into fins. Heart in the young of two chambers only, in the adult of three chambers. Blood cold. Order I. Labyrinthodontia (extinct). Order 2. Ophiomorpha. — Ex. Caecilia. Order 3. Urodda (Tailed Amphibians). — Ex. Water - newts (Triton), Salamanders (Salamandra), Axolotl (Sire- don), Mud-eel (Siren). Order^ Anoura (Tailless Amphibians). — Ex. Frogs (Rana), Tree-frogs (Hyla), Toads (Bufo), Surinam Toads (Pipa.) CLASS III. REPTILIA (Reptiles). — Respiratory organs in the form of lungs, never in the form of gills. Heart three -chambered, rarely four-cham- bered, the pulmonary and systemic circulations always connected together directly, either in the heart itself or in its immediate neighbourhood. Blood cold. Skull jointed to the backbone by a single articulating surface or "condyle." Each half of the lower jaw composed of several pieces. Appendages of the skin in the form of scales or plates. Order I. Chelonia. — Ex. Turtles (Cheloniidae), Soft Tortoises (Trionycidae), Terrapins (Emydid&e), Land Tortoises (Testudinidae). Order 2. Ophidia. — Ex. Vipers (Viperidae), Rattlesnakes (Crota- lidae), Sea-snakes (Hydrophidae), Boas and Pythons (Boidae). Order 3. Lacertilia. — Ex. Lizards (Lacerta), Iguanas (Iguanidae), Monitors (Varanidae), Chameleons (Chamasleontidae). Order 4. Crocodilia. — Ex. Crocodiles, Alligators, Gavials. Order 5. Ichthyopterygia (extinct). — Ex. Ichthyosaurus. Order 6. Sauropterygia (extinct). — Ex. Plesiosaurus. Order 7. Pterosauria (extinct). — Ex. Pterodactylus. Order 8. Anomodontia (extinct). — Ex. Dicynodon. Order 9. Deinosauria (extinct). — Ex. Iguanodon. CLASS IV. AVES (Birds) — Respiratory organs in the form of lungs, never in the form of gills. Lungs connected with air-receptacles placed in different parts of the body. Heart four- chambered. Blood warm. Skull connected with the backbone by a single articulating surface or " condyle." Each half of the lower jaw composed of several pieces. Appendages of the skin in the form of feathers. Cavities of the chest and abdomen not CHIEF DIVISIONS OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 51 separated by a complete partition (diaphragm). Fore-limbs converted into wings. Animal oviparous. Order I. Natatores (Swimmers). — Ex. Penguins (Spheniscidae), Gulls (Laridae), Ducks (Anatidae), Geese (Anserinae), Flamingos (Phaenicopteridae). Order 2. Grallatores (Waders). — Ex. Rails (Rallidae), Water-hens (Gallinulae), Cranes (Gruidas), Herons (Ardeidae), Storks (Ciconinae), Snipes and Woodcock (Scolop- acidae), Plovers, Oyster-catchers, and Turnstones (Charadriidae). Order 3. Cursores (Runners). — Ex. Ostrich (Struthio), American Ostrich (Rhea), Emeu (Dromaius), Cassowary (Casu- arius), Apteryx. Order^ Rasores (Scratchers). — Ex. Grouse, Ptarmigan, Par- tridges, Pheasants, Turkey, Guinea-fowl, Domestic Fowl, Pea-fowl (Gallinacei) ; Doves, Pigeons, Ground- pigeons (Columbacei). Order 5. Scansores (Climbers). — Ex. Cuckoos (Cuculidae), Wood- peckers (Picidae), Parrots, Cockatoos, Parrakeets (Psittacidae), Toucans (Rhamphastidae), Trogons (Trogonidae). Order 6. Insessores (Perchers). — Ex. Crows, Magpies, and Jays (Corvidae), Starlings (Sturnidae), Finches, Grosbeaks, Larks (Fringillidae), Thrushes, Blackbirds, Orioles (Merulidae), Creepers and Wrens (Certhidae), Hum- ming-birds (Trochilidae), Swallows and Martins (Hirundinidse), Swifts (Cypselidae), King-fishers (Al- cedinidae). Order 7. Raptores (Birds of Prey).— Ex. Owls (Strigidae), Fal- cons and Hawks (Falconidae), Eagles (Aquilina), Vul- tures (Vulturidae). Order 8. Saurura (extinct). — Ex. Archaeopteryx. CLASS V. MAMMALIA (Mammals or Quadrupeds). — Respiratory organs in the form of lungs, which are never connected with air-sacs placed in different parts of the body. Heart four-chambered. Blood warm. Skull united to the backbone by two articulating surfaces or " condyles." Each half of the lower jaw composed of a single piece. Appendages of the skin in the form of hairs. Young nourished by means of a special fluid — the milk, — secreted by special glands — the mammary glands. Animal vivipa- rous. A. NON-PLACENTAL MAMMALS. — The young not provided with a placenta. Order I. Monotremata. — Ex. Duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus), Spiny Ant-eater (Echidna). Order 2. Marsupialia. — Ex. Kangaroos (Macropodidae), Kan- garoo-bear (Phascolarctos), Phalangers (Phalangis- tida), Opossums (Didelphidae), Tasmanian Devil (Dasyurus). B. PLACENTAL MAMMALS. — The young provided with a placenta. Order 3. Edentata. — Ex. Sloths (Bradypodidae), Armadillos (Dasy- podidae), Hairy Ant-eaters (Myrmecophagidae), Scaly Ant-eaters (Manis). Order^ Sirenia. — Ex. Manatee (Manatus), Dugong (Halicore). Order 5. Cetacea. — Ex. Whalebone-whales (Balaenidae), Sperm- whales (Physeteridae), Dolphins and Porpoises (Del- phinidae). 52 INTRODUCTION. Order 6. Ungulata (Hoofed Quadrupeds). — Ex. Rhinoceros; Tapir ; Horse, Ass, and Zebra (Equidae) ; Hippopota- mus ; Hogs and Peccaries (Suida) ; Camels and Llamas (Camelidse) ; Giraffe ; Stags, Elk, Reindeer (Cervidae) ; Antelopes (Antilopidae) ; Sheep and Goats (Ovidse) ; Oxen and Buffaloes (Bovidae). Order 7. Hyracoidea. — Ex. Hyrax. Order 8. Proboscidea. — Ex. Elephants (Elephas). Order 9. Carnivora. — Ex. Seals (Phocidae), Bears (Ursidae), Racoons (Procyon), Badgers (Melidse), Weasels and Otters (Mustelidae), Civets and Genettes (Viverridse), Dogs, Wolves, and Foxes (Canidae) ; Hyaenas (Hyaenidae), Cats, Lynxes, Leopards, Tigers, Lions (Felidse). Order 10. Rodentia. — Ex. Hares and Rabbits (Leporidae), Porcu- pines (Hystricidae), Beavers (Castoridae), Mice and Rats (Muridae), Dormice (Myoxidae), Squirrels and Marmots (Sciuridse). Order II. Cheiroptera. — Ex. Common Bats ( Vespertilionidae) , Horseshoe-bats (Rhinolophidae), Vampire-bats (Phyl- lostomidse), Fox-bats (Pteropidae). Order 12. Insectivora. — Ex. Moles (Talpidae), Shrew-mice (Sori- cidae), Hedgehogs (Erinaceidae). Order 13. Quadrumana. — Ex. Aye-aye (Cheiromys), Lemurs (Le- muridae), Spider-monkeys (Ateles), Howlers (My- cetes), Macaques (Macacus), Baboons (Cynocephalus), Gibbons (Hylobates), Orang (Simia), Gorilla and Chimpanzee (Troglodytes). Order 14. Bimana. — Man (Homo Sapiens). GENERAL SUCCESSION AND PROGRESSION OF ORGANIC TYPES. — Whilst admitting the impossibility of arranging the animal kingdom upon any linear plan, no doubt obtains as to the fact that some of the fundamental " morphological types," or plans upon which animals have been constructed, are higher than others. Every one admits, for example, that the Verte- brate type is higher than the Molluscan or the Articulate type, an admission which is not affected by the fact that the highest Molluscs and Articulates are superior in point of organisation i to the lowest Vertebrates. In the same way, within the limits of each sub-kingdom, every one admits that some of the groups are higher than the others. Every one, for example, would admit that a Mammal is a superior animal to a Fish. It fol- lows from this that a certain general arrangement of the animal kingdom, as a whole, is possible, upon the comparative basis of the morphological type of the sub-kingdoms. Similarly a general and more exact arrangement of the classes and orders of each sub-kingdom may be made by the degree of perfection in which the type of the sub-kingdom is carried out in each. -^ No generalisation of Palaeontology seems to stand on a GENERAL SUCCESSION OF ORGANIC TYPES. 53 firmer basis than that which asserts that there has been a f general succession of organic types, and that the appear- ' ance of the lower forms of life has in the main preceded that of the higher forms in point of time. In other words, it is one of the generalisations of Palaeontology that there has not only been a succession, but also a progression, of organic types in proceeding from the earliest fossiliferous deposits up to the present day. Whilst this general law remains, asi we believe, unassailable, there are some important considera- tions which must not be lost sight of. In the first place, it is very doubtful if we are as yet acquainted with the absolute time of the first appearance upon the globe of even one of the sub- kingdoms. Future discoveries, therefore, are almost certain to push back still further into the remote vistas of the past the point of time at which each morphological type first made its appearance upon the globe. Still, there is little likelihood that the relative times of appearance of the great groups, as com- pared with one another, will be affected by the researches of the future. It remains almost certain that we shall find that the lower types were followed in point of time by the higher. In the second place, we find all the primary types in exist- ence before the close of the Silurian period ; and he would be rash indeed who would dogmatically deny that they might all have been present in the earlier Cambrian period. This, at first sight, might seem almost to negative the above generalisa- tion, but it does not affect its value if fairly examined. The lower sub-kingdoms of the Invertebrate animals appeared so early that their origin is lost in the mists of antiquity, and we can say nothing positively as to the time when each came into existence. The Cambrian deposits are underlaid by the vast series of the Laurentian deposits, representing an incalculable lapse of time. These ancient sediments, with one exception, have hitherto proved barren of life, owing to the intense meta- morphism to which they have been subjected, and they conse- quently yield no evidence bearing on the question in hand. They serve to show us, however, by their presence alone, that we must in the meanwhile leave the Invertebrate sub-kingdoms out of account altogether as bearing upon the question of the succession and progression of organic types. We do not know when these sub-kingdoms commenced, and hence we have no right to assert either that they were all introduced simultane- ously, or that they came into being successively. We may be sure, however, of one thing — they did not commence at the points where now we find their earliest traces. There remains, then, only the sub-kingdom of the Vertebrate animals which can 54 INTRODUCTION. reasonably be appealed to as evidence on this question. The stratified series is long enough to render it certain that it con- tains traces of the first appearance of, at any rate, the higher classes of these, though we doubtless are ignorant of the abso- lute moment at which each appeared. If, therefore, it can be shown that there has been a progression as far as this sub- kingdom is concerned, then there would, by analogy, be the greatest probability that a similar progression has taken place in all the sub-kingdoms. So far as our present knowledge goes, it would appear that there is such a progression in the Vertebrate sub-kingdom. The classes of Vertebrates make their appearance, on the whole, in the order indicated by their zoological position, the lowest first and the highest last. Not only does this hold good for the classes of the Vertebrates, but the same general statement may be made as to the orders of each class. Where apparent exceptions occur, a reasonable explanation can be given, or our knowledge can be shown to be defective. Space will not allow a discussion of this question, but a single ex- ample may be taken. So far as we know at present, the earliest remains of vertebrate animals are those of Fishes — the lowest class of the sub-kingdom — and these appear in the Upper Silurian Rocks for the first time. Granting the probability that Fishes may some day be found in the Lower Silurian Rocks, or even in Cambrian deposits, there still seems no likelihood that they will be deprived by any future discoveries of their position as being the earliest of their sub-kingdom. The oldest remains of Fishes, however, are by no means those which would be expected, but belong to two of the higher orders of the class. This seeming anomaly, however, disappears when we consider that the two lowest orders of Fishes possess no structures by which we can reasonably expect to find them recorded in a fossil state. They may therefore have been in existence long before the Ganoids and Placoids of the Upper Silurian Rocks, and we have no right to assume that they were not. As to the remaining great order of Fishes (the Teleostean Fishes), it is certain that their appearance was much later, and they are gen- erally regarded as inferior to the Ganoids and Placoids in zoo- logical position. This, however, is a matter of opinion, and reasons are not wanting for regarding them as the highest of their class. It only remains to add that nothing further is contended for here than the general fact of there having been a progression of morphological types, the lowest presenting themselves first, the highest being the last to appear upon the scene. It is by no GENERAL SUCCESSION OF ORGANIC TYPES. 55 means contended that the Ganoid fishes of the Upper Silurian Rocks were in any way degraded members of their order, or inferior in point of organisation to the Ganoids of the present day. On the contrary, there is reason to think that many types early presented a development more varied than that exhibited by their successors. It is simply contended that, on the whole, there has been a zoological progression as we ascend from the Cambrian period to the present day. It is also tOj be remembered, that though the commencement of the Inver- tebrate sub-kingdoms may be unknown to us, a similar pro- gression can be in many cases shown as regards the orders and classes of these, even more completely than in the case of the Vertebrate sub-kingdom. PART II. PART II. CHAPTER VII. SUB-KINGDOM L— PROTOZOA. SUB - KINGDOM I. PROTOZOA. — Animal simple or composite, generally of very minute size, composed of a strtictureless, jelly-like, albuminoid substance (termed " sareodc"\ showing no compositio?i out of definite parts or segments, having no definite body -cavity, •presenting no traces of a nervotts system, and having either no ali- mentary apparatus, or but a very rudimetitary one. TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE PROTOZOA. CLASS A. GREGARINID^. — Parasitic Protozoa, which are destitute of a mouth, and do not possess the power of emitting processes of their body- substance (pseudopodia). CLASS B. RHIZOPODA. — Protozoa, which are destitute of a mouth, and have the power of emitting extensile and contractile processes of the body- substance (pseudopodia). Order I. Monera. — Ex. Protogenes. Order 2. Amcebea. — Ex. Amoeba. Order 3. Foraminifera. — Ex. Nummulites. Order ^ Radiolaria. — Ex. Haliomma. Order 5. Spengida. — Ex. Spongilla. CLASS C. INFUSORIA (Infusorian Animalcules). — Protozoa mostly with a mouth, and rudimentary digestive canal ; destitute of the power of emit- ting pseudopodia; furnished with vibratile cilia or contractile filaments; the body usually with a distinct cuticle covering a layer of firm sarcode. Regarded palaeontologically, we may eliminate from the Pro- tozoa the entire class of the Gregarinidce, with the Rhizopodous orders of the Monera and Amcebea, no trace of the past exis- tence of which has yet been obtained, or, from their soft -bodied nature, is ever likely to be. For all practical purposes the same may be said of the large and universally-distributed class of the Infusorian Animalcules. Some of these, however, possess horny or membranous cases which might possibly be preserved in a fossil state ; and it has been alleged that the genus Peri- 6o PROTOZOA. dinium has been thus detected in the Cretaceous formation. With this doubtful exception, however, no Infusorian animal- cule has ever been detected in the fossil state, though the class has doubtless existed from the most remote antiquity. There remain, then, only the three Rhizopodous orders of the Fora- minifera, Radiolaria, and Spongida, all of which secrete hard structures, and all of which are more or less extensively repre- sented as fossils, so that they demand our attention separately and in detail. I. — FORAMINIFERA. The Foraminifera may be denned as Rhizopoda in which the body is protected by a shell or " test" which is usually composed of carbonate of lime, but which may consist of particles of sand cemented together by some animal cement, or may be simply horny (chitinous). The animal may be simple, or may repeat itself inde- finitely by budding, and the body-substance gives out long and thread-like processes (pseudopodia), which interlace with one an- other to form a network, and often coalesce at their bases to form a continuous layer of sarcode outside the shell. The pseudopodia reach the exterior either by perforations in the walls of the shell, or simply by the mouth of the latter (fig. 6, c b\ Fig. 6. — Morphology of Foraminifera. a Lagena vulgaris, a monothalamous Fora- minifer ; b Miliola (after Schultze), showing the pseudopodia protruded from the oral aperture of the shell ; c Discorbina (after Schultze), showing the nautiloid shell with the foramina in the shell-wall giving exit to pseudopodia ; d Section of Nodosaria (after Carpenter) ; e Nodosaria hispida ; f Globigerina biilloides. FORAMINIFERA. 6l From a palaeontological point of view the only part of a Foraminifer with which we have to deal is the shell or " test," and there are several points to notice in this connection. Firstly, as regards the actual composition of the shell, it is in the majority of cases calcareous, or composed of carbonate of lime, but it is rarely membranous, and it is not uncommonly " arenaceous " — that is, composed of particles of sand cemented together by some animal substance. Secondly, the shells of the Foraminifera may be divided into two natural groups, accord- ing as their walls are, or are not, perforated by apertures or " foramina" through which the pseudopodia are protruded. In those calcareous shells in which the walls are not perforated the substance of the test is " porcellanous," homogeneous, and opaque-white when viewed by reflected light. In those^ calcar- eous shells in which the walls are perforated by pseudopodial foramina, the substance of the test is "vitreous," transparent, and glassy. The arenaceous shells may or may not be perforated, their texture in either case remaining the same. Thirdly, there are some convenient, though arbitrary, distinctions to be drawn from the form of the shell. The simplest form amongst the Foraminifera, and that in which all alike primitively commence their existence, is that of a single spheroid of sarcode capable of secreting for itself a hard covering, as in Lagena (fig. 6, a) and Orbulina (fig. 7). This simple state of things is rarely retained throughout life, but the primitive mass of sarcode usually repeats itself by bud- ding, till a compound mass is produced, con- sisting of a number of little spheres of sarcode, surrounded by a common calcareous or are- naceous envelope or test. Each bud of the compound Foraminifer is surrounded by its p. own shell, so that the whole comes to be com- wnversa. A simple posed of a number of chambers, each contain- y^S^^- ing a mass of sarcode. The partitions, how- Apennine beds) of ., , S-rr Italy. D'Orbigny. ever, or "septa, between the different cham- bers, are perforated by one or more apertures (fig. 6, d), through which pass connecting bands of sarcode ; so that the sarcode occupying the different chambers is united into a continuous and organic whole. Each member of the colony may give out its own pseudopodia through perforations in its investing wall (fig. 6, <:), or the pseudopodia may be simply emitted from the mouth of the shell by the last segment only (fig. 6, b). In any case the direction in which the buds are thrown out by the primordial spherule of sarcode is governed by a determinate law, and differs in different species, the form ultimately assumed 62 PROTOZOA. by the shell depending wholly upon this. The forms, however, assumed by the shells of Foraminifera are extremely variable, even within the limits of a single species, and it would be im- possible to notice even the chief types in this place. There are, however, two or three important variations which may be noticed. If the buds are thrown out from the primitive spherule in a linear series so as to form a shell composed of numerous chambers arranged in a straight line, we get such a type as Nodosaria (fig. 6, e). When the new chambers are added in a spiral direction, each being a little larger than the one which preceded it, and the coils of the spiral lying in the same plane, we get such a form as Discorbina (fig. 6, c), or Robulina (fig. 8). These are the so-called " nautiloid " Fora- minifera, from the resem- blance of the shell in figure to that of the Pearly Nauti- lus. From this resemblance the nautiloid Foraminifera were originally placed in the same class as the Ammonites ( Cephalopoda), but their true position was shown by the examination of their soft P*«s. In the typical nauti- loid shell the convolutions of the spiral all lie in one plane ; but in other cases, as in Rotalia (fig. 9) the shell becomes turreted or top-shaped, in consequence of the coils of the spiral passing obliquely round a central axis. In other forms, such as Nummulites (fig. 13), Fig' 8-- Fig. 9. — Rotalia Boueana. D'Orbigny. Orlitolites, and Orbitoides, the shell, though consisting essen- tially of a succession of chambers arranged in a spiral series, is of a much more complex nature. Lastly, in addition to these symmetrical forms, there are others, such as Globigerina (fig. 6, /), in which the arrangement of the segments is very irregular. Remains of Foraminifera have been found in all the great FORAMINIFERA. 63 formations into which the stratified series is divided, from the Laurentian period to the present day. In one of the limestones of the vast Laurentian series of Canada occurs a singular body which has been described as a gigantic Foraminifer, under the name of Eozoon Canadense (fig. 10). Some observers doubt the true organic nature of Eozoon, but the weight of authority is decidedly in favour of the belief that the above is its real character. If this be the case, Eozoon is not only the oldest of the Foraminifera, but is the earliest fossil of any kind as yet discovered. Eozoon consists of a chambered calcareous skele- '»!.•* V«»* t/_*l* Fig. 10. — Diagram of a portion of Eozoon (after Carpenter). — A, B, C, Three tiers of chambers communicating with one another by constricted apertures ; a a The true shell- wall, perforated by numerous pseudopodial foramina ; b b Intermediate skeleton ; c Pas- sage of communication (stolon-passage) from tier to tier ; d Ramifying tubes in the inter- mediate skeleton. ton infiltrated by certain silicates in solution. These silicates are chiefly white pyroxene, serpentine,' and Loganite, and they are now found occupying all the spaces in the fossil which were formerly filled with the sarcode of the animal. When, there- fore, a specimen of Eozoon is treated with acid, the calcareous matter is dissolved out, and what we have left consists of a cast in the above silicates of the chambers formerly occupied by the sarcode of the animal, together with the various passages by which these chambers are connected, and the tubes by which the pseudopodia were conducted to the exterior. That such a replacement of an animal body by silicated minerals is not an impossibility is shown by the occurrence of casts of living Foraminifera (such as Amphistegina) in which the sarcode is replaced by a green silicate (probably glauconite), which forms an accurate cast of the interior of the shell. Eozoon consists essentially of a series of chambers placed in tiers (fig. 10, A, B, C) which are arranged one above the other. 64 PROTOZOA. Sometimes its growth was very regular, but sometimes extremely irregular. The chambers are more or less perfectly marked off from one another by inflections of the test or " septa," per- forated for the passage of bands of sarcode, by which the chambers are brought into organic connection. The sarcode occupying the tiers of chambers is bounded by a thin " proper wall" (fig. 10, a a), perforated by numerous minute tubes by which the pseudopodia reached the exterior. It is obvious, however, that only the chambers of the uppermost tiers could thus have the power of giving out pseudopodia. The various tiers of chambers are connected with one another by a canal - system, and are separated from one another by the develop- ment of supplementary layers of calcareous matter, constituting what is called the " intermediate skeleton." Eozoon appears to have grown in reef-like masses, often of very great extent, and it finds its nearest living allies in the recent Polytrema and Carpenteria. Its shell-structure also shows points of affinity with the extinct Nummulites and the recent Calcarina. Eozoon has been detected, not only in the Laurentian series of Canada, but in other rocks supposed to be of the same age in Bavaria and in other parts of Europe. It also occurs in the Lower Silurian marbles of Connemara in Ireland ; and it is said to have been detected in rocks of Liassic age. Having given a somewhat detailed account of the singular Eozoon — justified by its importance — it will not be necessary to speak at any length of the more modern representatives of the order. In the Silurian Rocks remains of Foraminifera have been detected in various localities, some of the forms apparently being identical with existing types. Thus, Ehren- berg showed that the Lower Silurian sandstones of the neighbourhood of St Petersburg contained casts of Forami- niferous shells in glauconite, some of which were referable to the living genera Rotalia and Textularia. Over wide areas in the Southern Alps, Russia, Spain, Armenia, and the United States, beds of Carboniferous limestone are charged with the shells of Fusnlina (fig. u). Whole beds are made up of the remains of this minute fossil, and the Fusulina limestonehasbeen Justl7 paralleled with the Carboniferous, Russia. Nlimmulitic Limestone Of Eocene times. In the Secondary Rocks, Foraminifera occur in great abun- dance, but they are not, specially noticeable except for the part FORAMINIFERA. they play in the formation of Chalk. The great formation of the White Chalk — forming the well-known chalk-cliffs of the south of England, and attaining sometimes a thickness of not less than 1000 feet — is to a very large extent composed of the debris of the microscopic shells of Foraminifera. As already pointed out, therefore, the White Chalk is to some extent comparable with the ooze of the deep Atlantic, which is also largely made up of the skeletons of these minute organisms. Amongst the Foraminifera of the Chalk are the genera Globi- gerina (fig. 6, /), Rotalia (fig. 9), and Textularia (fig. 12), all of which are represented by living species, no difference being distinguishable in the case of the first between the Creta- ceous and the modern form. In the Cretaceous formation (Upper Greensand) we have also the gigantic Arenaceous Foraminifer which consti- tutes the genus Parkeria, the shell of which attains a diameter of two and a quarter inches. In the Kainozoic period the Foraminifera attained their maximum of development, both as regards their size and the number of generic types. The Eocene formation especially is remarkable for the profusion of its Foraminiferous fauna. The Middle Eocene in particular is characterised by the possession of a very widely spread and easily recognised formation, known as the Nummulitic Limestone, from the occurrence in it of a large coin-shaped Foraminifer, the Nummulite (fig. 13). Num- mulites attain a size of as much as three inches in circumference, and their structure is very complex. According to Sir Charles Fig. 12. — Textularia Meyetiana. D'Orbigny. Fig. 13. — Nummulites Icevigatus. Eocene. Lyell, " the Nummulitic Limestone, with its characteristic fossils, plays a far more conspicuous part than any other E 66 PROTOZOA. Tertiary group in the solid framework of the earth's crust, whether in Europe, Asia, or Africa. It often attains a thick- ness of many thousand feet, and extends from the Alps to the Carpathians, and is in full force in the north of Africa, as in Algeria or Morocco. It has also been traced from Egypt, where it was largely quarried of old for the building of the Pyramids, into Asia Minor, and across Persia, by Bagdad, to the mouths of the Indus. It occurs not only in Cutch, but in the mountain-ranges which separate Scinde from Persia, and which form the passes leading to Cabul ; and it has been fol- lowed still further eastwards into India, as far as Eastern Bengal and the frontiers of China." Another important member of the Eocene Rocks is the Miliolite Limestone of the Paris basin, so called because of the abundance in it of the shells of a species of Miliola, of which a living form is shown in fig. 6, b. II. — RADIOLARIA. The order Radiolaria is denned as comprising those members of the Rhizopoda which possess a siliceous test or siliceous spicules, and are provided with pseudopodia which stand out from the body like radiating filaments, and occasionally run into one another (fig. 14). Fig. 14. — Recent Radiolaria. a Acanthometra ; b Haliomma, one of the Poly- cystina, showing the siliceous test and radiating pseudopodia. All the Radiolaria possess hard structures in the form of sili- ceous spicules or a siliceous test ; but only one group, viz., that of the Pelycystina, has as yet been detected in a fossil condition. The Polycystina (fig. 14, b) are all microscopic organisms very closely allied to the Foraminifera, from which they differ chiefly in the siliceous nature of their skeleton. The test is glassy, composed of flint, perforated by numerous SPONGIDA. 67 foramina for the emission of pseudopodia, and often provided with spine-like projections. The Polycystina are best known as occurring in the so-called " Infusorial Earth " of Barbadoes. This is a Tertiary deposit, and consists largely of the shells of Polycystina. They have not as yet been detected in any Palaeozoic formation, but they are known to occur in the Mesozoic series. III. — SPONGIDA. The Sponges may be denned as Rhizopoda composed of numerous amcebiform masses of sarcode united into a composite mass, which is traversed by canals opening on the surface, and is almost always supported by an internal skeleton or framework of horny fibres or of calcareous or siliceous spicula. The only portion of the Sponges with which the palaeonto- logist is concerned, is the skeleton. Whatever the nature of this skeleton may be, it is so arranged that its parts surround two sets of apertures which open on the surface of the sponge, and which are connected with one another by a system of canals ramifying in its deeper portions. Of the apertures which penetrate the substance of the sponge in every direc- tion, one set consists of large chimney-like openings, which are called " oscula," or " exhalant apertures." There maybe only a single osculum, or many may be present. The other set consists of very much smaller openings, which are always very numerous, and which are termed the " pores/' or " inhalant apertures." The pores and oscula are connected by a system of canals excavated in the substance of the sponge, and a con- stant circulation of water can be kept up through the whole mass, the former serving for the incoming currents, the latter for the outgoing. The Sponges are divided into three groups according to the nature of the skeleton : i. Keratosa, comprising the ordinary sponges of commerce, in which the skeleton is composed of a horny substance called "keratode;" 2. Calcarea, or Calci- spongice, in which the skeleton is composed of carbonate of lime ; and 3. Silicea, or Vitrea, in which the skeleton is com- posed of flint or silex. The Horny Sponges, from the nature of their skeleton, are not certainly known as fossils ; but traces of their past exist- ence are said to have been obtained in the form of the spicules with which the horny skeleton is sometimes furnished. The Calcareous and Siliceous Sponges are both well represented in a fossil condition, though the true nature of some of the more 68 PROTOZOA. ancient examples is perhaps somewhat dubious. As far as we know at present, the Calcispongice commence in the Silurian Rocks, attain their maximum in the Secondary Rocks, and are diminished in numbers at the present day ; though Haeckel's recent discoveries have rendered this last assertion more than problematical. The Silicispongice. seem to have come into existence during the Secondary period, attaining a great de- velopment during the Cretaceous epoch, and being well repre- sented at the present day. As regards Palaeozoic sponges, one of the earliest known forms is the Archaocyathus (fig. 15) of Mr Billings, species of which have been obtained from the Potsdam Sandstone and Calciferous Sand-rock (Upper Cambrian?) of Canada. The general form in this genus is that of a hollow cone or hollow cylinder, enclosing a large cup-shaped cavity, and tapering towards one ex- tremity, which was presum- ably fixed to some foreign body. Specimens appear to have reached a very large size, a length of two or three feet and a diameter of three or four inches being some- times attained. The sponge consists of an outer wall, usually perforated with nu- merous small irregular aper- tures, and a thin inner wall pierced with many open- ings (fig. 15, a). The space between the outer and inner wall is subdivided into a number of vertical radiating partitions, thus very closely simu- lating the structure of one of the septate corals. The genus, however, is shown truly to belong to the Spongida by the occurrence of numerous branching, cylindrical, or fusiform siliceous spicula within the substance of the organism. In the same geological horizon, and also in higher strata, occurs the somewhat allied genus Calathium, in which the skeleton also assumed a turbinate form. Amongst the Lower Silurian genera of Sponges may be mentioned P-akzospongia, Acanthospongia, Eospongia, Palceo- and Astylospongia (fig. 16). In the last, we have a Fig. 15. — Restoration of the lower part of A rchceocyathus M inganensis ; a the pores of the inner wall of the cup. (After Billings.) SPONGIDA. 69 globular sponge, provided with a cup-shaped cavity, on which the oscula open, whilst the pores open upon the external sur- face of the sphere. It was a calcareous sponge, enjoying a free mode of existence, and it presents points of decided affinity to the recent genus Grantia. In the Upper Silurian Rocks occur many sponges, one of the most interesting genera being Amphispongia, comprising calcareous sponges, oblong or sub-clavate in shape, containing a central cavity, and probably opening above by a single osculum. On this hori- zon occurs also the genus Favo- spongia ; and here, as well as in the Lower Silurians, we have the singular genus Stromato- M Fig. 16. — Section of Astylospongia prcemorsa, a lower Silurian Sponge ford, which will be spoken of (after Roemer)' immediately. In the Devonian Rocks, the genus Sparsispongia may be noted ; but the Carboniferous series has hitherto proved singularly destitute of sponges. In the Permian Rocks it is worthy of notice that there occurs a genus described by Geinitz under the name of Spongillopsis, and believed by him to be most nearly allied to the recent fresh-water sponges (Spoil gilla). This is a remarkable fact as bearing upon Pro- fessor Ramsay's view, that the Permian Rocks were deposited in inland waters *of great extent. Leaving the Palaeozoic series, the sponges of the Triassic and Jurassic formations call for no special remark, except that the latter series abounds with examples of the Caldspangitz. It is in the Cretaceous system, however, in which we meet with the greatest development of the sponges. The flints which form such a characteristic feature in the White Chalk are, in some measure at any rate, "connected with the periodic growth of large crops of the sponges " (Owen) ; and in some sections of flint are found minute " spherical bodies, covered with radiating and multicuspid spines," which have been termed Spiniferites or Xanthidia, and are probably the " gem- mules " of sponges. (By some, however, these are regarded as being the " sporangia " of the Desmidue, an order of the Protophyta.) The two most notable genera of Cretaceous Sponges are Siphonia and Ventriculites. The Siphonia (fig. 17) belong to a group of sponges termed Pctrospongiada, from their possession of a stony reticulate skeleton without spicula. PROTOZOA. They consist of a pear-shaped mass, supported upon a longer or shorter stem, which breaks up at its base into a number of root-like processes of attachment. At the summit of the pyri- form head is a single chimney-like osculum. In many respects Fig. 17. — Siplwnia, ficns, a Cretaceous Sponge. D'Orbigny. Fig. 18. — Ventricnlites radiatus. White Chalk. (After Lyell.) the Siphonicz present a curious resemblance to the Holtenice of the Atlantic ooze, and, like these, they probably were denizens of a deep sea. The genus, however, is not known to occur in strata younger than the Chalk. Still more closely allied to the living Holtenia are the Ven- triculites of the Chalk (fig. 18). These "have usually the form of graceful vases, tubes, or funnels, variously ridged or grooved, or otherwise ornamented on the surface, frequently expanded above into a cup-like lip, and continued below into a bundle of fibrous roots. The minute structure of these bodies shows an extremely delicate tracery of fine tubes, some- times empty, sometimes filled with loose calcareous matter dyed with peroxide of iron " (Wyville Thomson). Like the Siphonice, the genus Ventricnlites is not known to occur above the Chalk. The Tertiary Sponges call for no special comment ; but it may be noticed that the great apparent predominance of the SPONGIDA. 7* Horny Sponges in our present seas, may be explained by the fact that the members of this group cannot be recognised in a fossil state except by their siliceous spicula, and that these are only sometimes present, and are necessarily very difficult of detection. The genus Cliona alone, comprising the singular boring sponges, has managed to survive from the commence- ment of the Palaeozoic period to the present day. Shells mined by species of this genus occur in the Silurian Rocks, and the genus is well represented in recent seas. FOSSILS OF DOUBTFUL AFFINITIES. — Before leaving the Pro- tozoa, there are two fossils of doubtful relationships which may be briefly noticed — viz., Stromatopora and Receptaculites. These show points of affinity to the Foraminifera on the one hand, and the Sponges on the other hand, whilst the former ap- proaches the Corals in some respects. Both, however, may, with the greatest probability, be regarded as peculiar types of Sponges. Stromatopora (fig. 19) forms hemispherical, globular, or irregular masses, often of very considerable size, and sometimes Fig. 19.— A small and perfect specimen of Stromatopora rugosa (Hall). From the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Canada. demonstrably attached to shells. In its structure, Stromato- pora consists of numerous thin, concentric laminae, penetrated by minute tubes, the mouths of which appear on the surface PROTOZOA. of each lamina as minute pores. Species of the genus occur in both Lower and Upper Silurian strata, and in the Devonian series, apparently not completely disappearing till towards the close of the Triassic period. Receptaculites (fig. 20), in its most perfect condition, is described by Mr Billings as being " of a discoid, cylindrical, ovate, or globular shape, hollow within, and usually, if not always, with an aperture in the upper side. In or near the centre of the lower side there is generally to be seen a small rounded protuber- ance, indicating, most pro- bably, the position of the primitive cell or nucleus from which the animal commenced its growth. . . . The body-wall is of Fig. 2o.-piagram of the structure of Recep- *• SOmewhat Complex StrUC- taculites, as it would be shown by a vertical sec- ture. It Consists of three tion of a perfect specimen, a The aperture at the 1 summit ; b The inner integument ; c The outer parts an external anQ ail integument ; « The usual position of the nucleus j internal integument, and, v Ihe great internal cayity. The unshaded . ' bands running from the outer to the inner integu- between these, a peculiar ment represent the tubes. (After Billings.) tubular Or Spicular skele- ton." The inner and outer integuments are composed of numerous rhomboidal calcareous plates, closely fitting together, and arranged in peculiar curved rows, giving fragments of the fossil very much the appearance of the engine-turned case of a watch. The inner integument differs from the outer in being pierced by numerous small apertures, which open into the central cavity, an aperture being placed at every junction of four plates. Lastly, the inner and outer integuments are con- nected together by a number of small straight cylindrical tubes or hollow spicula. The late Mr Salter regarded Receptaculites as belonging to the Fbraminifera, and finding its nearest living ally in Orbitolites. Mr Billings, however, points out that it has some curious points of resemblance to the little seed-like " gemmule " of the Fresh-water Sponge \ and he regards it as being on the whole a Sponge, having relationships with the Foraminifera. Receptaculites occurs in both Lower and Upper Silurian strata, as does the nearly-allied or identical genus Ischadites. CCELENTERATA. 73 CHAPTER VIII. SUB-KINGDOM II.— CCELENTERATA. FOSSIL HYDROZOA. SUB-KINGDOM II. CCELENTERATA. — Animals whose alimen- tary canal communicates freely with the general cavity of the body (" somatic cavity "), so that the body-cavity communicates with the outer world through the mouth. Body composed of two funda- mental layers, an outer layer or " ectoderm" and an inner layer or " etidoderm" The parts of the body, and especially the organs round the mouth, arranged in a star-like or radiated form. TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE CCELENTERATA. CLASS A. HYDROZOA. — The walls of the digestive sac not separated from those of the general body-cavity, the two coinciding with one another. Reproductive organs in the form of external processes of the body- wall. Sub-class I. HYDROIDA (Hydroid Zoophytes). Order I. fiydrida. — Ex. Hydra. Order 2. Corynida. — Ex. Tubularia. Order 3. Thecaphora. — Ex. Sertularia, Campanularia. Sub-class II. SIPHONOPHORA (Oceanic Hydrozoa). Order 4. Calycophoridce. — Ex. Diphyes. Order 5. Physophoridtz. — Ex. Physalia. Sub-class III. DISCOPHORA (Jelly-fishes). Order 6. Medusida. — Ex. ^Egina. v Sub-class IV. LUCERNARIDA (Sea- blubbers), v Order 7. Lucernariadce. — Ex. Lucernaria. Order 8. PelagiduIar;aindivisa,na.tura.lsize. consisting of a Single polypite / OT compound, consisting of several poly- pites united to one another by a common flesh or ccenosarc. The ccenosarc generally secretes a hard chitinous outer covering or " poly par y ; " but the separate polypites are never protected by cup- Fig. 21. — Corynida. Fragment FOSSIL HYDROZOA. 75 like expansions of the polypary. Type of the order , Tubularia (fig. 21). Two genera, viz., PalcBocoryne and Corynoides, have been re- ferred to the Corynida, but in neither case is the reference free from doubt. Palaocoryne (fig. 22) is a minute organism which Fig. 22. — Palaocoryne radiatum, enlarged fifteen diameters. (After Duncan and Jenkins.) was discovered by Dr Martin Duncan and Mr Jenkins grow- ing attached to the margins of Lace-corals (Fenestellcz) in the Carboniferous Rocks of Scotland. Its base is expanded, with finger-like processes of attachment. From the base rises a short robust stem, which is marked with flutings and super- ficial granulations. The stem terminates in a single polypite, the mouth of which is surrounded by a single whorl of slender processes or " tentacles," in the centre of which is the mouth. The entire polypary, as above described, is " calcareous, dense, and ornamented." In one living form only (viz., Bimeria) is the polypary continued along the tentacles and upper part of the body of the polypite, and in this case the polypary is simply of the consistence of parchment. This peculiarity, therefore, with the possession of a calcareous polypary, renders the refer- CGELENTERATA. ence of Palczocoryne to the order Corynida not wholly free from doubt. The genus Carynoides was proposed by the author for some singular fossils from the Lower Silurian Rocks of Scotland. Each consists of a cylindrical corneous tube (fig. 23), tapering towards the base, where it is furnished with two small spines, and expanding above into a species of toothed cup. Corynoides consists of a single polypite, and in this respect may be compared with some living Cory- nida. It would seem, however, not to have been attached to any foreign body — as all living Corynids are — and its true affinities are thus rendered uncertain. II. THECAPHORA (or Sertularida and Campanularida).— Animal compound, rooted and plant-like, consisting of numerous Fig. 23. — Corynoides call' cularis, enlarged. (Origi- nal.) Fig. 24. — a Sertularia (Diphasia) pinnata, natural size ; d Fragment of the same en- larged, carrying a male capsule (p\ and showing the hydrothecse (h) ; b Fragment of Cantpanularia neglecta (after Hincks), showing the polypites contained in their hydro- theca? (Jt), and also the point at which the coenosarc communicates with the stomach of the polypite (p). polypites united by common flesh or ccenosarc. The cctnosarc is more or less branched, and secretes a strong chitinous investment or " polypary? The polypites are also protected within " hydro- FOSSIL HYDROZOA. 77 thecce" or little cup-like expansions derived from the polypary. The process of reproduction is carried on by the development of the reproductive elements within horny urn-like sacs, which are of larger size than the " hydrotheccz" and are known as " ovarian capsules" or " gonotheccz" (often called " gonophores"}. Type oj the order, the Sea-fir (Sertrtlaria, fig. 24). As in the case of the Corynida, there is some uncertainty as to the existence of any fossil representatives of this order. No undoubted Sertularian, at any rate, is as yet known to the palaeontologist ; but there are several genera which may with more or less probability be referred to this place. The most important of these — as being those in which the reference is probably correct — are certain forms usually referred to the Fig 25 — Dendrograpsns Hallianus. a Portion of the frond, natural size; b Por- tion of a branch, enlarged ; c The footstalk and some of the principal branches, natural size. (After Hall.) Graptolitida, of which the genera Dendrograpsus and Dicty- oncma may be noticed in particular. The forms referred to Dendrograpsus are exclusively confined to the Upper Cam- brian and Lower Silurian formations. They consist of plant- like spreading and branched growths, which are furnished with a strong footstalk (fig. 25). In all probability the organism was attached by the base of the footstalk to some foreign body, but no actual demonstration of this has as yet been obtained. The branchlets carry upon one side a series of 7 8 CCELENTERATA. little chitinous cups or " cellules," each of which must have contained a polypite, and which agree with the similar struc- tures of the Graptolites in partially overlapping one another ; thus differing from the " hydrothecae " of the Sertularians. In Dictyonema (fig. 26) we have organisms resembling Dendrograpsus in many respects, but not possessing any foot- Fig. 26. — Dictyonema retiforme, Hall. (After Hall.) stalk. The frond is branched and plant-like, and is fan-shaped or funnel-shaped in form. It is not certainly known whether the organism was attached by its base or not ; but there is the strongest probability in favour of its having been fixed. The branches radiate from the base, running nearly parallel with one another, and often bifurcating. They are united to one another at short intervals by numerous, irregular, slender, transverse processes or dissepiments, and they bear small '''• horny cups or " cellules " like those of the Graptolites. Dic- tyonema ranges from the Upper Cambrian to the Middle Devonian. The genus bears a close superficial resemblance to the Fenestellce or Lace-corals (belonging to the Poly zoo) ; but the latter have a calcareous skeleton, and have no " cel- lules." Besides the above-mentioned genera, Calfograpsus and Ptilograpsus may with great probability be referred to the Sertularida; as may, perhaps, be the obscure fossils Butho- grapsus and Thamnograpsus. All these genera are Silurian or Upper Cambrian in age. FOSSIL HYDROZOA. 79 OLDHAMIA. — The singular fossils described under the genus Oldhamia may be noticed here, as they have been referred to the Hydrozoa; though their true nature is altogether uncertain. Oldhamia occurs in certain green and purple grits of Lower Cambrian age, at Bray Head, in Wicklow, Ireland. They occur in great abundance, matted together, and spreading over the surfaces of the strata. Old- hamia antiqua, the commonest species, consists of a central thread-like axis from which spring bundles or umbels of short radiating branches (fig. 27), at regular intervals. Each branch " is formed of a series of articu- lations marking the positions of minute cells " (E. Forbes). Old- hamia has been variously refer- red to the Sertularian Zoophytes, to the Polyzoa, and to the vege- table kingdom. The most pro- bable conjecture would refer the genus to the calcareous sea- weeds (Salter). III. SUB-CLASS GRAPTOLITID^E (Graptolites). — The Graptolites form a very large and important family of fossils which usually present themselves in the shape of horny linear bodies, toothed or serrated upon one or both sides, and often combined into more or less complex systems. If we disregard the genus Dictyonema, which is best referred elsewhere, the Graptolites have an extremely definite range in point of time, being exclusively confined to the Upper Cam- brian and Silurian deposits. They attain their maximum of development in the Upper Cambrian Rocks (Quebec group of Canada and Skiddaw Slates of England), are abundantly re- presented in the Lower Silurian, and die out altogether before the close of the Upper Silurian period. Excluding the genera JDictyonema, Dendrograpsus, Ptilograp- sus, and Callograpsus, the Graptolitidce may be defined by the possession of a compound polypary, consisting of a tubular chitinous investment enclosing the coenosarc, giving origin to numerous cup-like " cellules " or " hydrothecae," each of which protected a polypite. The polypary was free, and was not at- tached to any foreign body ; and the polypites were not sepa- rated from the coenosarc by any partition. Lastly, the poly- Fig, 27. — Oldhamia antiqua, natural size (after Salter). Cambrian. 8o CCELENTERATA. pary was almost always strengthened by a chitinous rod or fibre, which is termed the " solid axis/' and which is somewhat analo- gous to the chitinous rod described by Dr Allman in the singular Polyzoon, Rhabdopleura. From the above definition, it will be seen that the Grapto- lites agree with the living Sertulari- ans in possessing a corneous poly- pary, which not only invests the cceno- sarc, but is expanded into little cups or " hydrothecae, " within which each polypite is protected. The Graptolites, however, differ from the Sertularians in the fact that the poly- pary was unattached, and apparently free-floating, whilst it has not, except in a few cases, anything like the plant- like appearance of the latter. Further, the hydrothecae of the Graptolites, except in the genus Rastrites, always more or less overlap one another ; whereas those of the Sertularians are not in contact. Lastly, no Sertula- rian exhibits any structure which can be compared with the " solid axis " of the Graptolites. Taking such a simple Graptolite as G. priodon (fig. 28), or G. sa&tta- Fig. 28.— Morphology of Grapto- -if A\ rlui utes priodon. A, Graptolites pri- rius (fig. 29, A), as the type of the sub- odon, Bronn, preserved in relief: place the nolvnarv is Seen to rnn si col- lateral view slightly enlarged. B, Cldbb> Uie POiypary 1 Dorsal view of a fragment of the Of three elements, which are known same species: considerably en- fu « crki;^ avic " fVi^ " ™™n->,™ larged. C, Front view of a frag- ES tne SOllO. aXIS, tn< COmmon ment of the same, showing the Canal" and the " Cellules." The mouths of the cellules: much en- /, «••% .... .. . . . ,. larged. D, Transverse section of SOlld aXIS IS a Cylindrical fibrOUS rod which gives support to the cor- neous and flexible polypary. The term " solid" is probably a misnomer; for it was almost certainly hollow, and filled with living material. It appears to be absent in the genus Rastrites, and in Retiolites Geinitzianus, but some un- certainty rests upon this point. As a very general rule, it is prolonged as a longer or shorter naked rod beyond one or both ends of the polypary, and either extension may be more or less dilated. Its basal prolongation, with or without an accom- panying extension of the common canal, is termed the "radicle," or " initial point," as marking the organic base of the frond. The " common canal " is the tube in which the coenosarc FOSSIL HYDROZOA. 81 was enclosed ; but it commonly appears, in compressed speci- mens, merely as a vacant space between the "cellules" and the solid axis. The common canal gives origin, by a process of budding, to the " cellules " or " hydrothecae," which are little horny cups for the reception of the polypites. Each cellule 1) Fig. 29. — A, Young individual of Graptolites Sagittarius, His., showing the slender curved base of the frond, and the extension of the axis beyond its opposite end ; B, Base of another individual of the same, in which there is an extremely long " radicle ; " C, Frag- ment of G. Sagittarius, much enlarged to show the cellules — from a specimen in reHef ; D, Specimen of Graptolites Clingani, Carr., showing the distal and proximal extensions of the axis. rests by its base upon the common canal, is separated from its neighbours by " cell-partitions," and opens at its apex by a distinct aperture or " cell-mouth," through which the polypite could exsert its tentaculate head. The reproductive process appears, in some cases, at any rate, to have been carried on by the formation at certain seasons of horny capsules, of much greater size than the cellules, within which the generative elements were matured. In some cases these " ovarian vesicles" have been found actually attached to the fronds of Graptolites. In other cases, as described by the writer, we find numerous bell-shaped horny capsules (fig. 30), each with a little spine at its summit, scattered through the rock in which the Graptolites occur, but only doubtfully attached to the fronds of the latter. These we may infer to have been " ovarian vesicles ; " but they differ from the bodies so called in the Sertularians in becoming detached from the parent colony. Two leading types may be distinguished amongst the Grap- 82 CCELENTERATA. tolites, which are termed respectively " monoprionidian " and " diprionidian." The monoprionidian graptolites, such as G. priodon (fig. 28), are distinguished by the fact that the polypary, Fig. 30. — Supposed "Ovarian Capsules" or reproductive buds of Graptolites. whether simple or branched, possesses but a single row of cel- lules or " hydro thecae." In the diprionidian forms, on the other hand, as in Diplograpsus (fig. 35), the polypary possesses a row of cellules on each side. It is noticeable that the diprionidian graptolites, with rare exceptions, are confined to the Lower Silurian and Cambrian Rocks ; whilst the monoprionidian forms range from the Cambrian to the summit of the Upper Silurian series. At least sixteen genera of Graptolites, as here restricted, are known to science ; but it will be sufficient to give the diagnostic characters of a few of the com- monest and more important types. In the genus Graptolites (figs. 28, 29), the polypary is simple, linear, possessing but a single row of cellules on one side, and commencing by an at- tenuated, usually curved, base. Fig. 31. — Didymograpsus V-fractus. Upper Cambrian (Skiddaw Slates). Fig. 32 — Tetragrafisus quadribracJiia- tus (after Hall). Upper Cambrian (Skid- daw and Quebec groups). Species of this genus are found from near the base of the FOSSIL HYDROZOA. Lower Silurian series to the very summit of the Upper Silurian deposits. In the genus Didymograpsus (fig. 31), the polypary con- sists of two simple monoprionidian branches, which spring from a common point, which is almost invariably marked by a small spine-like "radicle." The genus attains its maximum in the Quebec group of Canada and Skiddaw slates of Eng- land (Upper Cambrian), and is well represented in the earlier portion of the Lower Silurian period (Llandeilo Rocks) : but no species of the genus is known as late as the Upper Silurian period. In the genus Tetragrapsus (fig. 32), the polypary consists of four simple monoprionidian branches, springing from a central non-celluliferous connecting process, which bifurcates at each end. The celluliferous branches do not subdivide, and the base may be en- veloped in a peculiar cor- neous "disc," as will be im- mediately described in the genus Dichograpsus. The species of Tetragrapsus are exclusively confined to the Skiddaw and Quebec groups (Upper Cambrian). In the genus Dichograp- sus there are more than four (usually eight) simple mono- prionidian branches, which arise from the same number of divisions of a non-cel- luliferous basal process. In many cases the divisions of the basal connecting pro- cess (fig. 33), are enveloped 33. — Dichograpsus octobrachiatiis, showing the central disc (after Hall). Skiddaw and Quebec groups. 84 CCELENTERATA. in a species of corneous " disc" or plate, which is believed to have been composed of two laminae. The functions of this disc are doubtful ; but it has been compared with the " float " or buoy of the Physophorida, an order of the Oceanic Hydrozoa. In the genus Rastrites (fig. 34), the polypary consists of a B Fig. 34. Morphology of Rastrites. — A, Rastrites peregrinns, Barn, from the Mud- stones of the Coniston Series, enlarged. B, Rastrites capillaris, Carr., from the Upper Llandeilo Shales of Dumfriesshire, enlarged. C, Fragment of Rastrites Linnai, Barr. , from the Coniston Mudstones, enlarged. D, Fragment of R. peregrines, greatly en- larged, showing the impressed line running up the centre of each cellule. (Original.) slender axial tube, giving off on one side a series of linear tubu- lar cellules or " hydro thecae," which are free throughout their entire length. The genus differs from all the other Graptolites, in the fact that the cellules do not overlap one another, but are free through their whole length, whilst it is very doubtful if a true " solid axis " is present. In Britain and North America the species of Rastrites are exclusively confined to the Lower Silurian Rocks, but in Bohemia they pass up into the lowest beds of the Upper Silurian. In the genus Diplograpsus (fig. 35), the polypary consists of two simple monoprionidian stipes, firmly united to one another, back to back. The frond, therefore, is "diprionidian," or carries cellules on both sides. The solid axis is usually prolonged beyond the base of the polypary as a longer or shorter process or " radicle," which is often flanked by lateral spines. The solid axis is also almost invariably prolonged beyond the op- posite or " distal ;' end of the polypary as a naked rod. In the nearly-allied genus Climacograpsus, the structure is much as above described, but the cellules have such a structure that FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. their mouths appear to be sunk below the general surface of the polypary, forming a row of rounded or quadrangular open- ings on each side. Both Dip- lograpsus and Climacograpsus range in Britain and North America from the Upper Cam- brian to the summit of the Lower Silurian series ; but in Bohemia they rise into the lower portion of the Upper Silurian deposits. In the genus Dicranograpsus the polypary is at first diprionidian, but soon splits into two monoprionidian branches which carry the cel- lules along their outer margins. The genus is exclusively Lower Silurian. Lastly, the beautiful genus Phyllograpsus may be regarded as composed of two Diplograpsi placed at right angles to one another. "It is exclusively confined to the Skiddaw and Quebec Rocks.* * The Student, desirous of fuller information on this subject, may con- sult the author's ' Monograph of the British Graptolitidae,' Part I., General Introduction ; where full de- tails are given as to the morphology and affinities of these singular fossils. Fig- 35- — A, Diplograpsus pristis, His., slightly enlarged, showing the normal condition of the base ; B, Another example of the same, slightly enlarged, showing a long radicle, and long lateral spines ; C, Another of the same, en- larged, showing lateral spines, succeeded proximally by a small bulb, but showing no true radicle. (Original.) CHAPTER IX. FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. OF the living groups of the Actinozoa (see Table, p. 73), the Ctenophora and the Sea-anemones (Zoantharia malacodermata), from their absence of hard parts, are unknown in a fossil con- dition. The remaining groups — viz., the Zoantharia sclerobasica, Zoantharia sderodermata, Alcyonana, &ft&Rugosa — secrete a hard skeleton, which is known by the general name of the " coral " 86 CCELENTERATA. or " corallum." All these groups, therefore, are known as fossils -} but they are of very unequal importance. The Zoan- tharia sckrobasica and Alcyoimria are known by very few fossil representatives, and require to be little more than mentioned. The Zoantharia sclerodermata and Rugosa, on the other hand, have left very numerous and interesting traces of their former existence — the latter being almost altogether extinct, — and both will require to be noticed at some length. Regarded as a whole, the class of the Actinozoa appears, so far as we yet know, to have commenced its existence in the Upper Cam- brian period, and to have attained its maximum of develop- ment at the present day. ORDER I. — ZOANTHARIA. Tentacles simple, rounded ; soft parts in multiples of Jive or six. Sub-order I. Zoantharia malacodermata. — Ex. Sea-anemone. ,, 2. Zoantharia sclerobasica. — Ex. Antipathes. ,, 3. Zoantharia sclerodermata. — Ex. Reef-building Corals. A. ZOANTHARIA MALACODERMATA. — Though, from their soft nature, unknown in a fossil condition, the Sea-anemones merit a brief description here, as they may be taken as the types of the order, and as the somewhat complicated structure of the sclerodermic coral will thereby be rendered much more intel- ligible. Fig. 36. — A, Actinia meseinbryanthemu-m, one of the Sea-anemones (after Johnston). B, Section of the same, showing the mouth (a), the stomach (b), and the body-cavity (c). The body of a Sea-anemone (fig. 36) is a truncated cone, or a short cylinder, termed the " column," and is of a soft, FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. 87 leathery consistence. The two extremities of the column are termed respectively the " base " and the " disc," — the former constituting the sucker, whereby the animal attaches itself at will, whilst the mouth is situated in the centre of the latter. In a few cases ( Cerianthus and Peachia) the centre of the base is perforated, but the object of this arrangement is unknown. Between the mouth and the circumference of the disc is a flat space, without appendages of any kind, termed the " peris- tomial space." Round the circumference of the disc are placed numerous tentacles, usually retractile, arranged in alter- nating rows, and amounting to as many as 200 in number in the common Actinia. The tentacles are tubular prolongations of the ectoderm and endoderm, containing diverticula from the somatic chambers, and sometimes having apertures at their free extremities. The mouth leads directly into the stomach, which is a wide membranous tube, opening by a large aperture into the general body-cavity below, and extend- ing about half-way between the mouth and the base. The wide space between the stomach and column-wall is sub- divided into a number of compartments by radiating vertical lamellae, termed the " primary mesenteries," arising on the one hand from the inner surface of the body-wall, and attached on the other to the external surface of the stomach. As the stomach is considerably shorter than the column, it follows that the inner edges of the primary mesenteries below the stomach are free ; and these free edges, curving at first out- wards and then downward and inwards, are ultimately attached to the centre of the base. Besides the primary mesenteries, there are other lamellae which also arise from the body-wall, but which do not reach so far as the outer surface of the stomach, and are called "secondary" and "tertiary" mesen- teries, according to their breadth. The reproductive organs are in the form of reddish bands, which contain ova and sper- matozoa, and are situated on the faces of the mesenteries. B. ZOANTHARIA ScLEROBASiCA. — The members of this group are all composite organisms, consisting of numerous polypes, each of which has essentially the structure of a small Sea-anemone, united together by a common organised medium or " coenosarc" (fig. 37). Each polype has six tentacles, and the entire organism is supported by an internal skeleton or " corallum." The coral is horny, and it is what is called " sclerobasic ; " that is to say, it forms an internal axis, over which the coenosarc is spread, much as the bark encloses the wood of a tree. As the polypes are sunk in the coenosarc, and as this simply forms a rind for the coral, it follows that CCELENTERATA. the polypes are outside the corallum. In other words, the polypes take no part in the secretion of the corallum; but this is deposited solely by the coenosarc or common flesh by which the polypes are connected together. Fig. 37. — Part of a living stem of Antipathies anguina, of the natural size. (After Dana.) The Zoantharia sderobasica are not known as occurring in either the Palaeozoic or Mesozoic period. They appear for the first time in Tertiary deposits, and the genus Antipathes is represented in strata of Miocene age. C. ZOANTHARIA SCLERODERMATA. — This group includes mdst of the so-called " corals," and is of very high geological importance. All the members of this group secrete a skeleton or " corallum," and this is necessarily the only part of the animal with which the palaeontologist has to deal ; so that it becomes necessary to enter into its structure at some length. The animal itself, in the Zoantharia sderodermata, in its essen- tial structure resembles a sea-anemone ; but it very often has the power of repeating itself by budding (gemmation) or cleav- age (fission), so that from a simple it becomes a compound organism. It may therefore consist of a single "polype," or of many similar polypes united by a common flesh or " cceno- sarc." The corallum is what is called " sclerodermic," its essential peculiarity being that it is secreted by the polype or polypes. The sclerodermic coral, in fact, is an actual calcifi- cation of part of the tissues of the polype. When, therefore, we have a simple coral, produced by a simple member of this group (as in fig. 38), we have clearly to do with nothing but skeletal structures produced in the interior of the polype itself. When, on the other hand, we have a compotmd sclerodermic coral to deal with, we have usually more than this. We have, namely, two parts or elements of the coral to consider: i. The parts of the coral secreted by each individual polype; and, 2. The parts secreted by the ccenosarc which unites all the polypes into an organic whole. A compound coral may be theoretically regarded, therefore, as consisting of a greater or less number of simple corals, such as the preceding, united together by a greater or less quantity of calcareous matter FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. 89 secreted by the coenosarc (fig. 40). The entire compound corallum consists, therefore, of a greater or less number of Fig. 38. — Petraia calicula. Lower Silurian. Fig. 39. — Za.phren.tis Stokesi. Lower Silurian. " corallites " bound together by a calcareous basis, which is secreted by the coenosarc, and is called the " ccenenchyma." Fig. 40. — SynJielia Sharpeana. \ In practice, however, this theoretical view of the subject is not always borne out. The compound corallum may, and often does, consist (as in fig. 41) of a number of corallites produced CCELENTERATA. by budding or cleavage from a primitive corallite, having their outer walls closely amalgamated, but not sunk in any general coenenchyma. In other cases, the ccenenchyma, though not actually absent, is very much reduced in quantity. Fig. \\.'—Michelinia convexa (D'Orbigny). A compound sclerodermic Coral. Devonian. To comprehend the more intimate structure of a sclero- dermic coral, we may take a single " corallite" of a composite form — or, better, the simple corallum secreted by a form which never repeats itself by gemmation or cleavage (fig. 42). Such a coral consists of an outer wall, which encloses an internal space or chamber, and which assumes very various forms. We may, however, take the simplest and commonest form, in which the coral is conical or turbinate in shape (fig. 42). The outer wall of this cone is called the " theca," and it encloses a space which is variously subdivided below, but which has the form of a shallower or deeper conical cup towards its summit. This vacant space is called the " calice," and in the living state it contains the sto- machal sac of the polype. The space below the calice is broken up into a number of vertical compartments or "loculi," Fig. 42. — Cyathaxonia, Dalmani. A simple sclero- dermic coral, showing the theca, with its costae, the calice, with the columella in its centre, and the septa. A portion of wall of the theca is broken, in order to show the interior of the calice. FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. gi by a series of upright partitions or " septa," which spring from the inner surface of the theca, and advance toward its centre. Very commonly some of the septa unite centrally with a median calcareous rod, which extends vertically from the bottom of the theca to the bottom of the calice (sometimes projecting into the latter), and which is called the " columella." The columella, however, is often wanting, or a spurious one may be formed by the twisting together or coalescence of the inner edges of the septa. In rare cases, also, the septa them- selves are wanting. The septa, further, are of different breadths. A certain number (fig. 43) extend quite to the Fig. 43. — Diagrammatic sections of corals. A, Section of sclerodermic coral, showing five primary septa, the columella, and costae (c) ; B, Section of Rugose coral, showing four primary septa. Between the primary septa are seen the secondary and tertiary septa. centre of the coral, where they meet the columella (when this is present). These are called the " primary septa." Others, however, fall short of the columella by a greater or less dis- tance ; and these are called "secondary" and "tertiary" septa, according to their breadth. The above is the essential structure of the typical form of a simple sclerodermic coral, and it is easy to see that it is pro- duced by the calcification, or conversion into carbonate of lime, of the lower portion of a polype similar in structure to an ordinary Sea-anemone. The " theca" of the coral corre- sponds to, and is secreted by, the " column-wall " or general wall of the body of the polype. The " septa," again, corre- spond with the " mesenteries," and, like them, are " primary," " secondary," or " tertiary," according as they reach the centre or fall short of it by a greater or less distance. We must re- member, however, that it is only the inferior half of the body of the polype which is thus calcified. The tentacular disc and mouth are placed at some distance above the upper margin of the theca, and the digestive sac occupies the calice; whilst CCELENTERATA. the whole ot the space comprised within the theca is lined by the endoderm, and the whole of its outer surface is covered by the ectoderm. Whilst the above gives the fundamental structure of a simple sclerodermic corallum, there are some ad- ditional details which are of sufficient im- portance to demand special notice. The septa in the coralla of the Zoantharia sderodermata, like the mesenteries of the living animal, are in multiples of five or six. It is not common, however, to find the septa so few as would be represented by these fundamental numbers. Com- monly, in progress of growth, fresh septa are formed between those originally pre- sent, until there may be several " cycles " of septa (fig. 43). The septa may be considered as being continued, in many cases, through the theca, and beyond its external surface. The outer surface of the theca thus comes to be covered with a series of vertical ridges or ribs, which are termed the " cos- tae" (fig. 43, Auloporid 56 _^alceola sanda. as proposed by Agassiz, to the Hydrozoa, #««• An opercuiate Rugose is their possession in most cases of well- developed septa, implying, of course, the existence in the living animal of mesenteries, structures which are wholly wanting in the Hydrozoa. As regards the distribution in time of the families of the Rugosa, the most important group is that of the Cyathophyllidce, which is abundantly represented in the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous Rocks. The family Cyathaxonidce is Silurian and Carboniferous, and is represented by two living genera. The family Cystiphyllidce is Silurian and Devonian. Lastly, the family Stauridce is represented in the Silurian Rocks by the genus Stauria, in the Devonian Rocks by the genus IOO CCELENTERATA. Metriophyllum, in the Permian Rocks by the genus Polycceha, and in Tertiary deposits by the genus Conosmilia. APPENDIX GIVING A TABULAR VIEW OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE ZOANTHARIA SCLERODERMATA AND RUGOSA (AFTER MILNE-EDWARDS AND JULES HAIME). A. The Zoantharia Sclerodermata are defined by the possession of a scleroclermic corallum, the parts of which are arranged in multiples of five or six. Septa generally well developed, but not combined, as a rule, with tabulae. The following chief divisions of the Zoantharia Sclerodermata are, with few alterations, those adopted by the above-mentioned authorities : — I. TABULATA. — Septa rudimentary or absent ; tabulae well developed, dividing the visceral chamber into a series of stories. 1. Thccidce. — Corallum massive ; a dense spurious ccenenchyma formed by the lateral union of the septa ; tabulae numerous. 2. Favositidce. — Septa and corallites distinct ; little or no true ccenen- chyma. 3. Seriatoporida. — Corallum arborescent ; sclerenchyma abundant and compact ; tabulae few. 4. Milleporidtz. — Corallum massive or foliaceous ; septa not numerous; sclerenchyma tabular or cellular. II. PERFORATA. — Septa well developed ; no tabulae ; dissepiments rudi- mentary; sclerenchyma porous. 5. Eupsammida. — Corallum simple or composite ; septa well developed and lamellar ; columella spongiose. 6. PorititUe. — Corallum composed of spongy, reticulated sclerenchyma. Septa never lamellar, but consisting wholly of a more or less definite series of trabeculae ; no tabulae. 7. Madreporida. — Corallum usually composite ; coenenchyma abundant and spongy ; thecae porous, not distinct from the coenenchyma ; septa distinct, but slightly perforate. III. APOROSA. — Septa well developed, completely lamellar, and primi- tively consisting of six elements ; no tabulse ; sclerenchyma imper- forate. 8. Fungida. — Corallum simple or compound ; thecae ill' developed, and somewhat porous ; no dissepiments or tabulae ; synapticulae numer- ous. 9. Astrceidce. — Corallum simple or compound ; no proper coenenchyma ; numerous dissepiments; no synapticulae. Corallites well defined, and separated from one another by perfect walls. 10. Oculinidce. — Corallum composite ; ccenenchyma abundant and com- pact ; dissepiments few in number. Walls of the corallites without perforations, not distinct from the coenenchyma. 11. Turbinolidce. — Corallum usually simple; no coenenchyma; septa well developed ; no dissepiments, nor synapticulae. IV. TUBULOSA. — Septa indicated by mere striae ; thecae pyriform ; coral- lites sometimes connected by a creeping basal ccenenchyma. 12. Auloporidce. — This being the only family in the Tubitlosa, its charac- ters are necessarily the same as those of the division itself. B. ORDER RUGOSA. — Characterised by the possession of a sclerodermic corallum, usually with septa and tabulae combined, the former being in multiples of four. The corallites are always distinct, and are never united FOSSIL ACTINOZOA. IOI together by a true coenenchyma. The septa are usually incomplete, but are never porous, and never bear synapticulse. The order is divided into the following four families : — Family I. Staurid Fig. 84. — A, Pectinated rhomb of Glyptocystites multiporus (Billings). B, Pectinated rhomb of Pletirocystites (Billings). C, Two plates of Callocystites Jewetti (Hall), show- ing the pectinated rhombs (/). All enlarged. As regards the distribution of the Cystideans in time, they are not only wholly extinct, but they are exclusively confined to the earlier portion of the Palaeozoic period. They appear to have commenced their existence in the Upper Cambrian period, the earliest known examples being two extremely simple forms (Trochocystites and Eocystites] from the "primor- dial zone" of North America. Other forms have been de- scribed as occurring in the " primordial zone " of Bohemia. In the Chazy and Trenton Limestones of North America, of Llandeilo-Caradoc age (Lower Silurian), and on the same horizon in Russia, Scandinavia, and Bohemia, Cystideans are found, often in vast numbers, though in a very fragmentary condition. In the Bala Limestone (Lower Silurian) of Britain, Cystideans are abundant fossils. In the Upper Silurian (Nia- gara and Lower Helderberg) of North America, and on the same horizon (Wenlock and Ludlow) of Britain, Cystideans still occur, though their remains are not so plentiful. Lastly, in the Devonian Rocks occur forms which have been doubt- fully referred to Cystideans, but the real nature of which is uncertain. Upon the whole, then, the Cystideans appear to have commenced in the Upper Cambrian Rocks, to have CYSTOIDEA. 133 attained their maximum of development in the Lower Silurian period, to have gradually diminished in numbers and in im- portance during the Upper Silurian, and to have died out at the commencement of the Devonian period, or shortly thereafter. Of the commoner genera, Hemicosmites (fig. 82), Caryocrinus, and Echinosphazrites have all the plates of the calyx perforated by numerous pores. Spharonites has each calycine plate per- forated by two pores, and Apiocystites, Callocystites, Prunocys- tites, and Echinoencrinus have the calycine pores arranged in rhombs upon two or three of the plates of the calyx. In Glyptocystites there are from ten to thirteen of these " pecti- nated rhombs." In Malocystites, Apiocystites, Callocystites, and Pseudocrinus the arms are recumbent and soldered to the calyx. In Comarocystites there were four free arms with pin- nulse. In Lepadocrinus the last joint of the column is very much elongated, and pointed at its extremity ; and in Agela- crinites and some other forms the calyx appears to have been directly attached to some foreign body, and a column seems to have been wanting. ORDER VI. — BLASTOIDEA. The Blastoidea or " Pentremites " are Echinodermata in which the body is enclosed in an armour of closely-fitting calcareous plates, and is fixed to some foreign object by a slender column. From the summit of the calyx radiate five areas which are grooved longitudinally, and striated across, and which carry a row of jointed pinnulcz on each side. (Fig. 85.) The Blastoidea nearly resembled the Cystideans in many respects. The body or " calyx '; is enclosed in a series of articulated calcareous plates consisting of three large basals, carrying five forked plates, which are usually regarded as corresponding with the "radials" of the Crinoids. At the angles of junction of the forked "radial" plates rest five smaller plates — the so-called " deltoid plates " — which con- verge towards the centre of the summit of the calyx. Between these deltoid plates — which are generally regarded as corre- sponding with the " inter-radials " of the Crinoids — are the so- called " pseud -ambulacra." The pseud - ambulacra radiate from the summit of the calyx, and the apex of each is re- ceived into the cleft formed by the bifurcation of one of the "radial" plates. Each pseud-ambulacrum is furrowed by a longitudinal groove down its centre, and is of a somewhat petaloid shape, the areas on each side of the central groove 134 ANNULOIDA. being transversely striated. Along the lateral margins of each pseud-ambulacrum is a row of minute pores, which open into internal sacs, and are believed to have had a respiratory func- tion. Along each side of the longitudinal groove of each pseud-ambulacrum there appears to have been attached a row of small jointed processes or " pinnulse." The five pseud- ambulacra, radiating from the summit of the calyx, give the upper surface of the body somewhat the appearance of a rlower-bud ; hence the name applied to the order (Gr. blastos, a bud ; eidos, form). Upon the whole, it would seem most probable that the pseud-ambulacra of Pentremites represent the arms of the Crinoids, anchylosed with the calyx, and that the longitudinal furrows of the pseud-ambulacra represent the " brachial grooves " of the Crinoids. Fig. 85. — Blastoidea. A, Pentremites pyriformis, side-view. B, Base of the same. C, Summit of Pentremites conoideus. b, b, Basals ; d, ous system is always present, and consists of a double chain of ganglia running along the ventral surface of the body and traversed anteriorly by the gullet. The limbs (when present] are turned toivards that side of the body upon which the chief masses of the nervous system are situated. The sub-kingdom Annulosa may be divided into two primary sections, according as the body is provided with articulated appendages or not ; these divisions being known respectively as the Arthropoda (or Articulatd) and Anarthropoda. The first of these comprises the Crabs, Lobsters, and the like (Crus- tacea), the Spiders and Scorpions (Arachnida), the Centipedes and Millipedes (Myriapoda\ and the true Insects (Insecta). The latter comprises the Spoon-worms (Gephyrea), the Leeches (Hirudinea), the Earth-worms (Oligocfuzta}, the Tube-worms ( Tubicola), and the Sand-worms or Sea-worms (Errantid) ; the last four groups constituting the class of the Ringed Worms or Annelida. Regarded as a whole, the great Annulose sub-kingdom seems to have commenced at least as early as the Echinoder- mata and the Ccelenterata. Both the Anarthropodous and Arthropodous divisions of the sub-kingdom are represented in the Upper Cambrian ; and the former, at any rate, is repre- sented in the Lower Cambrian period, along with the earliest traces of life known to us, except the Eozob'n of the Laurentian Series. ANNELIDA. In the Anarthropodous division of the Annulosa the loco- motive appendages are never distinctly jointed or articulated to the body ; and the integument, though usually capable of secreting chitine or horny matter, is almost always quite soft and flexible. The Spoon-worms (Gephyrea), and two orders of the Annelides (viz., the Leeches and the Earth-worms), are wholly unknown in the fossil condition, and need not be con- sidered here. There remain only two orders of the Annelides ANNELIDA. 137 (viz., the Tubeworms or Tiibicola, and the Sand-worms or Errantid) which come under the notice of the palaeontologist, and neither of these requires much notice. In both orders, as throughout the division, the integument is more or less soft, and there are no internal hard structures ; hence it is more than doubtful if we have any example of the fossilised body of these creatures, though such have been alleged to occur. The Tubicolous Annelides, however, protect themselves by a tube of lime, sand, or adventitious particles, and these investing tubes are often preserved in the fossil condition. The Errant Annelides, again, have left traces of their past existence in the form of filled-up burrows or meandering trails upon the soft sand and mud of the sea-bottom ; and from these we know that the Annelides commenced their existence at least as early as the Lower Cambrian period, obscure traces of their presence having been even detected in the Laurentian Series. ORDER TUBICOLA. — The Tubicolous Annelides are distin- guished by the fact that the body is protected by a tube within which the animal can withdraw itself by means of tufts of bristles carried on the sides of the body. The gills are placed on or near the head, generally in two lateral tufts ; hence the name of " Cephalobranchiatc, Annelides" applied to this order (fig. 86). The protecting tube of the Tubicolous Annelides may be composed of carbonate of lime (Serpula), of grains of sand (Sabellarid), or of sand, pieces of shell, and other adventitious particles cemented together by a glutinous secretion from the body (Terebella) ; or it may be simply membranaceous or lea- thery (Sabella). Sometimes the tube is free and non-adherent (Pectinaria) ; more commonly it is attached to some sub-marine object by its apex or by one side (Serpula and Spirorbis). Sometimes the tube is single (Spirorbis) ; sometimes the animal is social, and the tubes are clustered together in larger or smaller masses (Sabellarid}. When the tube is calcareous, it presents certain resemblances to the shells of some of the Molluscs, such as Vermetus and Dentalium. In the living state it is easy to make a distinction between these, for the Tubicolar Annelides are in no way Fig. 86. — Tubicola. a Serpula con- tortuplicata, showing the branchiae and operculum ; b Spirorbis corn-munis. ANNULOSA. organically attached to their tubes, whereas the Molluscs are always attached to their shell by proper muscles. In the fossil condition, however, it may be very difficult to refer a given calcareous tube to its proper place. As a general rule, how- ever, the calcareous tubes of Annelides, such as Serpula, are less regular and symmetrical than those of Vermetus, whilst the latter is partitioned by shelly septa, which do not exist in the former. Again, the tube of Dentalium is open at both ends, whereas it is closed at one extremity in the Serpulce. In the Annelidous genus Ditrupa, however, the tube is open at both ends, so that this distinction is one not universally appli- cable. Tubicolar Annelides are known from the Silurian Rocks upwards, almost every great period having representatives of the order, though many of the fossils referred to this group are of a more or less problematical nature. The genus Spirorbis has survived from the Upper Silurian period to the present day; and forms very nearly allied to, if not actually identical with, the recent Serpulce, are found in almost all formations, beginning with the Silurian. The chief Palaeozoic genera of Tubicola are Cornvlites, Conchicolites, Serpulites, Trachyderma, Spirorbis (Microcon- chus), and Serpula. The genus Cornulites (fig. 87) is Silurian, and the best known species is C. serpu- larius. In this singular form the tube is of con- siderable length -- often three or four inches — with a wide aperture at one end, and tapering gradu- ally to its opposite extrem- ity, which is often curved, and seems to have been attached to some solid body. The tube is cal- careous, with very thick walls, the substance of which is composed of a number of cellular cavities. Exter- nally the tube is ringed with transverse annulations, and marked with fine longitudinal striae. The internal cast of the tube has the form of a series of inverted conical rings, of small width, arranged in an imbricated manner. The tube appears to have been solitary, and is rarely found attached. Fig. 87. — Comulites serpularius. Upper Silurian. ANNELIDA. 139 Fig. ^.-Conchicolites gregariiis, growing upon the shell of an Orthoceras. Lower Silurian. In the genus Conchicolites (fig. 88) we have a much smaller Annelide, living socially, and forming masses of clustered tubes growing attached to dead shells in Lower Silurian strata. As in Cornulites, the tube of Conchicolites ap- pears to have been calcare- ous, but it is comparatively thin, and has none of the vesicular structure so char- acteristic of the former. The tube of Conchicolites is made up of a series of short coni- cal rings, inserted into one another in an imbricated manner, with their broader ends turned away from the mouth of the tube. It is worthy of notice that the casts of Conchicolites, from their possession of the above structure, ex- hibit a close resemblance to the shells of the Silurian genus Te?itaculites ; whilst casts of the shells of some species of the latter are absolutely undistinguishable, if fragmentary, from casts of the tubes of the former. This is a remarkable fact, since Tentaculites has often been regarded as a genus of Tubi- colar Annelides ; but there are strong reasons for believing that it is truly referable to the Mollusca, and belongs to the order of the Pteropods. The genus Serpulites was instituted by Murchison for certain smooth semi-calcareous tubes, often of great length, and ap- parently unattached, which occur in the Silurian series. These tubes in some species reach a length of over a foot, with a diameter of an inch, and their true nature is very doubtful. The genus Trachyderma, again, was proposed by Phillips for the casts of membranous flexible tubes which are found in the Silurian rocks. These are transversely wrinkled or plaited, and though the tube itself has disappeared, there can be little doubt entertained as to their Annelidous nature. The genus Spirorbis (fig. 89) is characterised by the posses- sion of a shelly calcareous tube, which is coiled into a flat spiral, one side of which is cemented to some foreign body. The spiral may be either right-handed or left-handed, and the shell generally occurs in numbers together, attached to dead shells or to the remains of plants. The genus commences to be represented in the Upper Silurian Rocks, in which S. Lewisii is an abundant fossil. Other species occur in the Devonian, 140 ANNULOSA. and the little S. carbonarius (fig. 89) is a common species in the Carboniferous Rocks, whilst more than one form has been described from the Permian series. The genus continues to Fig. 89. — Spirorbis (Microconchus) carbonarius ; natural size, attached to a fossil plant, and magnified. Carboniferous. (After Dawson.) be well represented in both Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits ; and living forms, apparently little different from the fossil ones, abound in recent seas. The genus Scrpttla (fig. 90) possesses a long shelly tube, usually more or less tor- tuous, sometimes solitary, sometimes aggregated, and fixed to some foreign body by part of its surface. Spe- cies of this genus have been described from the Upper Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous forma- tions. In the Trias some species occur, and many forms are known from the Oolitic and Cretaceous formations, whilst they are equally numerous in the Tertiary series. Of the other fossils re- ferred to the Tubicolar Annelides, the only one which needs notice is the genus Ditrupa. The tube in this genus is unattached, open at both extremities, and very closely resem- This genus does not seem to Fig. 90. — Serpulaflagellum. (Jurassic.) Oxford Clay. bling the shell of a Dentalium. ANNELIDA. have come into existence till the close of the Cretaceous period ; but it is found in great abundance in the London Clay (Eocene) and the Crag (Pliocene). ORDER ERRANTIA. — The Errant Annelides are character- ised by the fact that the body is furnished with lateral tubercles carrying tufts of bristles. The animal leads a free life, and is not confined to a tube. The gills are placed along the back or sides of the body ; hence the name of " Dorsibra?ichiate Annelides" often applied to this order (fig. 91). Fig. 91. — Errant Annelides. A, Hairy-bait (Nephthys) ; B, Sea-mouse (Aphrodite] ; C, Lob-worn (Arenicola). (After Gosse.) Possessing no hard structures, the Errant Annelides are hardly capable of being preserved in a fossil state. Certain fossils, however, have been supposed to be the bodies of these animals in a petrified state ; but it is very difficult to believe that such is the true nature of the remains in question, and it is almost certain that they are really nothing more than the " tracks " of sea-worms. On the other hand, the Errant Annelides are abundantly represented by their trails upon old sea-bottoms or their burrows in sand or mud ; remains of which occur in all formations, almost, from the Lower Cambrian up to the present day. The burrows of Annelides, as a matter of course, run in a direction more or less opposed to the surfaces of the laminae of the rock, being often quite vertical. Sometimes such bur- rows are hollow, but they are more commonly filled up by the 142 ANNULOSA. matrix of the rock. The most important genera which have been founded upon remains of this kind are Scolithus, Histio- dermay and Arenicolites, all of which occur in rocks of Cam- brian age. Scolithus is founded upon long burrows, which are nearly straight, and descend vertically through the rock (fig. 92). Histioderma is a somewhat curved burrow, from one to nearly four inches in length, terminating by a trumpet-shaped opening, which is placed in the centre of a small mound. Armicolites includes very small burrows which form loops, opening on the surface by two apertures placed close to one another. The mouths of these burrows are thus placed in pairs, one being believed to be an aperture of entrance for the worm, the other of exit. The nature of none of these fossils Fig. 92. — Annelide-burrows (Scolithus Canadensis), from the Potsdam Sandstone (Upper Cambrian). (After Billings.) is wholly free from doubt ; but the other genera, which have been regarded as formed by burrowing Annelides, are still more obscure and uncertain. As regards the surface-tracks and trails of Errant Annelides, much difference of opinion exists, and the whole subject is shrouded in obscurity. Many of these tracks were regarded by their describers as being actually the body of the worm, as in Crossopodia (fig. 93). Others, as Gordia and Myrianites, are undoubtedly tracks of some animal, but there is no evidence as to their having been produced by Annelides. Others, again, such as Palceochorda, which are also almost cer- tainly the trail of some marine animal, have been described as the remains of plants. A few of these fossils may truly be of CRUSTACEA. 143 a vegetable nature, whilst as to others (such as Nereites] no certain conclusion can be arrived at. Upon the whole, it would be safest to adopt Mr. Salter's proposal, and refer all these remains provisionally to the artificial genus Helminthites , Fig. 93. — Crossopodia Scotica, an Annelida track. Silurian. (After M'Coy.J retaining Scolithus for the burrows. As regards the distribu- tion of these remains, it is sufficient to say that they occur more or less abundantly in almost all strata of a suitable mineral character from the Cambrian Rocks upwards. CHAPTER XIV. ARTHROPOD A. CRUSTACEA. DIVISION ARTHROPODA, or ARTICULATA. — The members of this division of the sub-kingdom Anmilosa are distinguished from the preceding division of the Anarthropoda by the pos- session of jointed appendages, articulated to the body. The body is composed of a series of segments or "somites" arranged along a longitudinal axis ; each segment occasionally, and some always, being provided, at some period of life or other, with articulated appendages. Both the segmented body and the articulated limbs 144 ANNULOSA. are more or less completely protected by an external skeleton formed by the deposition of horny (chitinous) matter in the integu- ment. The division Arthropoda includes four great classes of animals which are very generally spoken of as the " Arti- culate Animals." These classes are the Crustacea (Lobsters, Crabs, &c.), the Arachnida (Spiders, Scorpions, &c.), the Myriapoda (Centipedes and Millipedes), and the Insccta (In- sects). All these classes came into existence in the Palaeo- zoic period, the division being represented by Crustaceans as early as the Upper Cambrian at any rate, and doubtfully in the Lower Cambrian. Owing to the fact that the Crustaceans alone lead an habitually aquatic life, the remains of this class, as might be expected, preponderate largely over those of the other three. The air-breathing classes of the Arachnida, Myriapoda, and Insecta, naturally, have not left abundant traces of their existence in past time, a state of things which is assisted by the nature of their integuments, which are rarely as hard and resisting as those of the Crustaceans. CLASS I. — CRUSTACEA. The Crustaceans are Articulate animals in which the breath- ing organs (when distinct) are in the form of gills, and the mode of existence is almost always more or less aquatic. The body is protected by a chitinous or sub-calcareous exoskeleton or "crust" and the number of pairs of articulated limbs is generally from five to seiwi. Some of the locomotive appendages are often carried upon the segments of the abdomen, and there are two pairs of jointed feelers or " antenna" The body of a typical Crustacean, such as a Lobster (fig. 94), consists of a definite number of somites placed one be- hind the other, and divisible into three regions — a head, thorax, and abdomen. Most authorities regard the body as being typically composed of twenty-one somites, of which seven go to the head, seven to the thorax, and seven to the abdomen. All these somites, except the last, may be provided with a pair of appendages each. The last segment of the abdomen, how- ever, never carries any appendages. This segment is known as the "telson" (fig. 94, i, /), and it is variously regarded as a somite without appendages, or as an impaired appendage placed in the middle line of the body. If this latter view be adopted, the body of a typical Crustacean will consist of only twenty segments, instead of twenty-one. The telson is very CRUSTACEA. greatly developed in some Crustaceans, such as the King- crabs, and less so in the extinct Eurypterida. Fig. 94. — Morphology of Lobster, i. Lobster with all the appendages, except the terminal swimmerets, removed, and the abdominal somites separated from one another. ca Carapace ; t Telson. 2. The third abdominal somite separated, t Tergum ; j Ster- num ; p Pleuron ; a Propodite ; b Exopodite ; c Endopodite. 3. One of the last pair of foot-jaws or maxillipedes. e Epipodite ; g Gill ; the other letters as before. Generally speaking, a greater or less number of the somites are amalgamated together, rendering it difficult to recognise their existence unless they bear appendages — each pair of appendages indicating a separate somite. Very commonly the segments of the head and thorax are welded together into a single mass, which is termed the " cephalothorax," and which 146 ANNULOSA. really consists of fourteen coalescent segments. The cephalo- thorax is generally covered by a great shield or buckler, which (is termed the "carapace" (fig. 94, i, ca), which is produced by an enormous development of the dorsal walls of one or two of the cephalic somites. Each segment of the body may be regarded as essentially composed of a convex upper plate, termed the " tergum," which is closed below by a flatter plate, called the " sternum," the line where the two unite being produced downwards and outwards into a plate which is called the " pleuron," or "pleura" (fig. 94, 2). Strictly speaking, the composition of the typical somite is considerably more complex, each df the primary arcs of the somite being really com- posed of four pieces. The teijgal arc is composed of two central pieces, one on each side of the middle line of the body, united together, and con- stituting the " tergum " proper. The superior arc is completed by two lateral pieces, one on each side of the tergum, which are termed the "epj.mera." In like manner the ventral or sternal arc is composed of a central plate, composed of two pieces united together in the middle line, and constituting the " sternum " proper, the arc being completed by two lateral pieces, termed the "episterna." These plates are usually more or less completely anchylosed together, and the true structure of the somite in these cases is often shown by what are called " apodemata." These are septa which proceed inwards from the internal surface of the: somite, penetrating more or less deeply between the various organs enclosed by the ring, and always proceeding from the line of junction of the different pieces of the segment (fig. 95). Each somite of the body may bear a pair of appendages, and these appendages are very much modified in different parts of the body, in order to fulfil different functions. Usually, how- e ever, a common morphological type ^?.... p may be recognised in the appe'nd- V ji^ ages of the C/7/j7Vta?tf, though certain •f elements of this type are often want- s s ing or much modified. Typically, Fig. 95. -Theoretical figure iiius- the appendages of the Crustacea tratmg the composition of the tegu- . rr »•••_»•« mentary skeleton of the Crustacea COnSlSt Of an Undivided basal por- (after Milne-Edwards). D Dorsal f' " r>rr»rtr»Hi'f^ " m'xrinn- rn-i'm"r» arc; /^Tergal pieces; ee Epime- tlOn °r .Prpppaite, ^ giving Origin ral pieces ; V Ventral arc ; s * Ster- tO tWO diverging lOUltS. of which nal pieces ; ff Episternal pieces : , -, • • ' fi i . i / , T //insertion of the extremities. the inner is called the "endopo- dite," whilst the outer is known as the " exopodite." In such an appendage as the " swim- meret " oif a Lobster (fig. 94, 2), these fundamental parts are readily recognisable ; but either the exopodite or endopodite, or both, may be wanting, or they may be very much modified in shape and form. CRUSTACEA. 147 It is impossible to give any general view of the appendages of a Crustacean ; but it may be as well to name the appendages which are present in one of the higher forms, such as the Lobster, in which all the somites, except the telson, carry a pair of appendages each. The somites of the head and thorax are amalgamated into a single mass, termed the "cephalo- thorax," which is protected above by the " carapace," and carries the appendages on its lower surface. The first segment of the head carries a pair_o_f eyes, which are " compound," and / are borne upon long stalks, formed by the propodite of the appendage. The second segment of the head carries a pair of small jointed feelers, which are known as the " lesser antennae " or " antennules." Each consists of a short propodite, and a * much-segmented endopodite and exopodite, which are nearly of equal length. The third segment of the head carries a pair of very long feelers, which are known as the " great antennae." 3. Each consists of a short propodite and a long and jointed endopodite, with a rudimentary exopodite. The fourth seg- ment of the head carries a pair of jaws, which are known as the " mandibles." Each mandible consists of a large propodite, * with no exopodite, but with a small endopodite, which is known as the " mandibular palp." Between the bases of the man- dibles also is placed the aperture of the mouth, which is bounded in front \>y a plate, known as the "labrum" (upper lip) or " hypostoma." and behind by a forked plate, known as the " labium " (lower lip) or " metastoma." Thefiff/t segment carries another pair of jaws, which are known as the first pair of " maxillae ; " whilst the sixth segment carries another pair of s. (,. the same, known as the second pair of "maxillae." The seventh and last segment of the head carries the first of three pairs of what are generally known as " foot-jaws " or " maxilli- pedes." Each foot-jaw is merely an ordinary limb, consisting of propodite, exopodite, and endopodite, but modified to assist in mastication. The eighth segment (the first of the thorax) carries a second pair of foot-jaws, and the ninth segment (the second of the thorax) bears a third pair of the same. The tenth segment (the third of the thorax) carries a pair of jointed limbs, consisting of propodite and endopodite alone, without any exopodite. These limbs are greatly developed, and their extremities form a pair of pincers or " chelae," so that they / constitute the " nipping-claws " of the Lobster. The eleventh segment (the fourth of the thorax) carries a second pair of limbs, also " chelate," but much smaller than the preceding ; and the twelfth segment (the fifth of the thorax) carries another pair of the same. The thirteenth segment (the sixth of the 148 ANNULOSA. thorax) carries a pair of limbs like the preceding, but with simply-pointed extremities ; and the fourteenth segment (the last of the thorax) carries another pair of the same ; so that there are altogether five pairs of ambulatory limbs, carried respectively by the loth, nth, i2th, i3th, and i4th somites of the body ; or, in other words, by the last five segments of the thorax. Of the seven segments of the abdomen — completing the total of twenty-one — the first six carry each a pair of ap- pendages, which are used as swimming organs, and which are termed the " swimmerets." Each swimmeret (fig. 94, 2) con- sists of a propodite and a flattened exopodite and endopodite; and the last pair is greatly widened out and expanded, forming with the telson a powerful swimming-tail. The telson or last abdominal segment carries no appendages, and is simply placed between the last pair of swimmerets. As regards the general distribution of the Crustacea in time, remains of the class are comparatively abundant in all forma- tions except the very oldest ; as might have been expected from the generally chitinous or sub-calcareous nature of their integuments and their aquatic habits. Owing also to their habit of periodically casting their shell, a single individual may leave repeated traces of himself, and the number of fossils may considerably exceed that of the individuals which actually underwent fossilisation. The Crustaceans appear to have com- menced their existence in the Cambrian period, remains of members of this class being tolerably abundant in the higher portion of this formation. The Palaeozoic formations, taken as a whole, are characterised by the predominance of the orders Trilobita, Eurypterida, Ostracoda, and Phyllopoda, of which the two former are exclusively confined to this period. All the other orders of Crustacea, which have left any traces of their past existence at all, appear to have come into existence before the close of the Palaeozoic period. Upon the whole, however, there has been a marked progression in proceeding from the older formations to the present day. The Trilobites and Eurypterids of the older Palaeozoic Rocks, though highly organised so far as their type is concerned, are in many respects inferior to later forms, whilst they present some striking points of resemblance to the larval forms of the higher groups. The great group of the Stalk-eyed Crustaceans — undoubtedly the highest of the entire class — is not represented at all till we reach the Carboniferous Rocks : and it is not till we come into the Secondary period that we find any great development of this group, whilst its abundance increases to a marked extent in the Tertiary period, and it attains its maximum at the CRUSTACEA. 149 present day. Similarly, of the two sub-orders of the Merosto- mata, the Eurypterida are confined to the earlier portion of the Palaeozoic period, whilst the more highly organised and less larval King-crabs (Xiphosura) did not make their appearance till the Eurypterids had disappeared, at the close of the Car- boniferous period. The following table shows the orders of the Crustacea, and a short account will be given of the distribution in time of those which are known to occur as fossils. The structure also of the extinct groups will be shortly described. The orders marked with an asterisk do not occur as fossils, or only doubt- fully so, and will not be considered here. TABULAR VIEW OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE CRUSTACEA. Sub-class I. EPIZOA (Haustellata). Order I. Ichthyophthira.* ,, 2. Rhizocephala* Sub-class II. CIRRIPEDIA. ( Balanidse. Order 3. Thoracica. < Verrucidse. ( Lepadidse. ,, 4. Abdominalia* ,, 5. Apoda* Sub-class III. ENTOMOSTRACA. Order 6. Ostracoda. „ 7. Copepoda* ,, 8. Cladocera* ,, 9. Phyllopoda. > Legion, Branchiopoda. ,, 10. Trilobita. \ ,, II. Merostomata. Sub-class IV. MALACOSTRACA. Division A. EDRIOPHTHALMATA. Order 12. Lcemodipoda* ,, 13. Isopoda. ,, 14. Amphipoda. Division B. PODOPHTHALMATA. Order 15. Stomapoda. ,, 1 6. Decapoda. Tribe a. Macrura. ,, b. Anomura. ,, c. Brachyura. SUB-CLASS CIRRIPEDIA. Animal free when young, but permanently attached in the adult condition to some foreign body by the anterior extremity of the metamorphosed head. The visceral cavity of the adult protected by a calcareous shell of several pieces, or by a coriaceous envelope. Abdomen free. Thoracic segments usually carrying six pairs of forked ciliated limbs. 150 ANNULOSA. The Cirripedia include three orders, of which only the order Thoracica has ever been found in a fossil condition, or is ever likely to be so. In this order are the common Acorn-shells (Balanidcz) and Barnacles (Lepadidtz), in which the body is protected by a more or less complete calcareous shell. The Acorn-shells are generally known as the " Sessile Cirripedes," because the shell is directly attached by its base to some foreign body, whereas the Barnacles are commonly known as the " Pedunculated Cirripedes," because the shell is supported upon a stalk or " peduncle." Besides these, the order Thor- acica comprises a third family, that of the Verrucidce, in which the shell resembles that of the Balanidcz in being sessile, but differs in being unsymmetrical, and in some other particulars. It is with the shell of the Cirripedes that the palaeontologist has to deal ; and we may, therefore, consider briefly the chief parts of the shell in the Sessile and Pedunculated Cirripedes respectively. It will not be necessary, however, to enter into minute details on this complicated subject, and it will be sufficient to indicate the leading facts of importance. In the symmetrical Sessile Cirripedes or Balanidcz, commonly known as Acorn-shells, the animal is protected by a calcareous shell formed by calcifications within the walls of the first three cephalic segments. The animal is placed within the shell, head downwards, and is fixed to the centre of a shelly or mem- branous plate, which closes the lower aperture of the shell, and which is termed the "basis" (fig. 96 A, /). The "basis" is fixed by its outer surface to some foreign object, and is some- times compact, sometimes porous. Above the basis rises a limpet-shaped, conical, or cylindrical shell, which is open at the top, but is capable of being completely closed by a pyra- midal lid or " qperculum." Leaving the operculum out of consideration at present, the sides of the shell are seen to be composed of from four to eight separate pieces, valves, or, as they are technically called, compartments. These compart- ments are usually closely contiguous by their lateral margins, and are separated by lines of division or " sutures ; " but they are sometimes anchylosed together. Each compartment con- sists of a central portion, which is termed the "paries5' (fig. 96, B/), which is attached by its base to the "basis" of the shell. The "paries" grows downwards, so that the whole shell increases by additions made round the base. The paries of each compartment is flanked by wing-like portions, which differ from the paries in appearance, and are called "radii" and " alag," according to their shape (fig. 96, B, C). Some- times the paries has a "radius" on both sides, sometimes CRUSTACEA. 1 5 I " alae " on both sides, and sometimes an ala on one side and a radius on the other. The separate 'compartments of the shell receive special names according to their position. The compartment at the end of the shell where the animal thrusts out its cirrated limbs, is called the " carina" (fig. 96, A) ; and the compartment im- mediately opposite to this " rostrum." The remaining com- partments are " lateral," the one nearest the carina " carino- lateral," the one nearest the rostrum " rostro-lateral," and the middle one simply " lateral" (fig. 96, A); but the three rarely coexist. Fig. 96. — Shell of Balanidae. A, Diagram of the shell of Balanns ; /, / Basis ; c Carina ; k Rostrum ; m Rostro-lateral compartment ; n Lateral compartment ; o Carino-lateral compartment. B, Compartment with two radii (r, r) flanking the paries (p). C, Compartment with a radius (r) on one side, and an ala (a) on the other side of the paries. D, Internal view of the scutum. E, Internal view of the tergum, showing the spur (s) and the beak (/). (After Darwin.) The " operculum " or lid of the shell consists of two pairs of valves, known as the " scuta " and " terga," forming a little pyramid or cone, attached within the orifice of the shell by a membrane. Each scutum opens and shuts against its fellow along one margin (the " occludent " margin), and articulates with one of the terga along the opposite margin. Similarly, each tergum opens and shuts against its fellow along one mar- gin (the "carinal" margin), and articulates with one of the scuta along the opposite margin. The apex of the terga (fig. 96, E) often forms a prominent beak, and the basal margin is furnished with a process or " spur." The scuta and terga are not only movable, but are furnished with proper depressor muscles. 152 ANNULOSA. As regards the distribution of the Balanida in time, the oldest known representative of the family, so far as is certainly known, has been indicated by Mr Seeley as occurring in the Lias, and has been made the type of a new genus under the name of Zoocapsa. So far as is known, no member of the group occurs in any Palaeozoic deposit ; and negative evidence is in this case of considerable value, as the Balani possess a shell which is readily preserved, whilst they adhere to all sorts of marine bodies. With the above-mentioned exception (which may, perhaps, be referred to the Verrucidce), no fossil Balanoid has hitherto been discovered in sediments older than the commencement of the Tertiary period. The genus Balanus is the earliest of the group, and appears under several specific forms in the Eocene Rocks. In the Miocene and Pliocene deposits, the Balanidcz are abundantly represented by Balanus itself, and in the latter by the genera Acasta, Pyrgoma, and Coronula. The remaining family of the Sessile Cirripedes is that of the Verrucida, comprising only the single genus Verruca. In many respects the Verrucidce approach the Balanidce, but the shell is composed of six valves only, and is unsymmetrical, whilst the scuta and terga (forming the operculum), though movable, are not furnished with a depressor muscle. The Verrucidcz appear, so far as is known, to have commenced their existence towards the close of the Secondary period, the Chalk having yielded one species. Verruca Stromia is found in the Coralline and Red Crags (Pliocene), in Glacial deposits, and in existing seas. The third family of the Cirripedia Thoradca is that of the Lepadida or Pedunculated Cirripedes, commonly known as " Barnacles." In these (fig. 97) the animal differs from the Sessile Cirripedes in having its anterior extremity greatly elongated, forming a stalk or " peduncle ;> by which the animal is fixed to some foreign object. At its free extremity the peduncle bears the "capitulum," which corresponds to the shell of the Balanoids, and is composed of various calcareous pieces, united by a membrane, moved upon one another by appropriate muscles, and protecting in their interior the body of the animal with its various appendages. The peduncle is cylindrical, of varying length, flexible, and furnished with pro- per muscles. In some species the peduncle is naked, and can- not be preserved in the fossil condition ; but in other cases the peduncle is furnished with calcareous scales (Loricula and Turrilepas, fig. 99), in which case it is readily preserved. The " capitulum " (fig. 98), as before said, corresponds with the CRUSTACEA. 153 shell of the Balani, and is generally much flattened. It con- sists ordinarily of five or more valves united to one another by membrane, usually with marked interspaces ; but the valves may be rudimentary or wanting, and the entire capitulum may be mem- branous. The parts of the capitu- lum correspond ideally with the parts of the shell in the Balanoids. In the latter, however, the shell is for the most part composed of the " com- partments," and the " operculum " is comparatively small and insignificant. In the Lepadoids, on the other hand, the valves which correspond with the operculum of the Balanoids are dis- proportionately developed, and the valves which correspond with the compartments of the Balanoids are much less conspicuous, and are often partially absent. The most important and persistent of the valves are the " scuta " (fig. 98, b), which protect the front part of the body, and correspond with the valves bearing the same name in the operculum of the Balanoids. The next most important are the " terga" (fig. 98, a), which protect the dorso-lateral surface. A pair of scuta and a pair of terga are present, and these are the largest of all the valves. The " carina " and " rostrum " are placed along the edges of the capitu- lum, the former, being much the most important, and there may be a " sub- carina " and " sub-rostrum/' The re- maining valves, with the carina and rostrum, correspond with the proper shell of the Balanoids ; but they are often wanting or rudi- mentary, and they require no further consideration here. As regards the distribution of the Pedunculated Cirripedes in time, until recently no member of the family was certainly known to have existed in the Palaeozoic period. Mr Henry Woodward, however, has described a very interesting form from the Upper Silurian Rocks, under the name of Turrilepas (fig. 99, A). In this singular fossil the peduncle was furnished Fig. 97. — Anatifa lepas, a recent Pedunculated Cirripede. The lower figure shows the scutum detached. 154 ANNULOSA. with intersecting rows of plates, as in Loricula. These plates, when detached and occurring in an isolated condition, might very readily be mistaken for the shells of Pteropods. The genus is known both from the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley and the Ludlow Rocks of the Pentland Hills near Edin- burgh. The Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian forma- tions have as yet yielded no certain traces of Pedunculated^ Cirripedes, if we reject, as we apparently must, \he\Aptychus of the Carboniferous rocks, referred here by M. D'Orbigny. Fig. 98. — Capitulum of a Pedunculated Cirripede. a Tergum ; b Scutum ; c Carina ; d Upper latus ; ^ Carino-latus ; f Rostrum ; g Sub-rostrum ; h Rostral latus ; i Infra- median latus ; k sub-carina. (After Darwin.) With the exception of the very ancient Turrilepas, the oldest pedunculated Cirripedes belong to the genus Pollicipes, species of which have been discovered in the Rhaetic beds (Upper Trias), and in the Lower Oolites (Stonesfield Slate). In the Cretace- ous period, " the Lepadidae arrived at their culminant point ; there were then three genera, and at least thirty-two species, some occurring in every stage of this system ;; (Darwin). In the Tertiary rocks are a few species of Scalpellum and Pollicipes ; but no species of the now existing and widely distributed CRUSTACEA. 155 genus Lepas or Anatifa has as yet been certainly detected in a fossil condition (Darwin), though D'Orbigny states that he has B Fig. 99. — A, Turrilcfias Wrightii. Upper Silurian. (After Woodward.) a A plate of the same magnified. B, Loricula pulchella. Chalk. (After Darwin.) discovered a representative of this genus in the Miocene Tertiary. CHAPTER XV. CR US TA CEA — Continued. SUB-CLASS ENTOMOSTRACA. THE Entomostracous Crustaceans are defined by Professor Rupert Jones as follows : — " Animal aquatic, covered with a shell, or carapace, of a horny consistency, formed of one or more pieces, in some genera resembling a cuirass or buckler, and in others a bivalve shell, which completely or in great part envelops the body and limbs of the animal ; in other genera the animal is in- vested with a multivalve carapace, like jointed plate-armotir ; the branchifB are attached either to the feet or to the organs of mastica- tion; the I i tubs are jointed, and more or less setiferous. The animals, for the most part, undergo a regular moulting or change of shell, as they grow ; in some cases this amounts to a species of transformation. " The orders commonly included in the sub-class Entomostraca are the Ostracoda, Copepoda, Cladocera, Phyllopoda, Trilobita, and Merostomata (comprising the sub-orders Xiphosura and Eurypterida). Of these, the Copepoda and Cladocera may 156 ANNULOSA. be left out of consideration, as they are not certainly known to occur in the fossil condition. There are also good reasons for the belief that the Trilobites should be placed amongst the Malacostracous Crustaceans, in or near the order Isopoda. In the absence, however, of unassailable evidence, the Trilobites may be safely retained in the vicinity of the Phyllopods, to which they show undoubted affinities. ORDER OSTRACODA. Minute Crustaceans having the entire body enclosed in a shell or carapace, which is composed of two valves united along the back by a membrane. The valves are capable of being closed by an adduc- tor muscle, the insertion of which is marked in the interior of each valve by a tubercle, pit, or group of spots, or by both spots and a pit. The branchice are attached to the posterior jaws, and there are only two or three pairs of feet, which subserve locomotion, but are not adapted for swimming. Of the living Ostracode Crustaceans, a great many inhabit fresh waters ( Cypris] ; others live in fresh or in brackish waters ( Candona) ; lastly, others are exclusively confined to the sea ( Cythere and Cypridina). They generally swarm in the locali- ties in which they occur, and from their habit of periodically shedding their valves, considerable accumulations of their shells may be formed under favouring circumstances. It is only the carapace-valves of the Ostracode Crustaceans that are preserved in the fossil condition; and the general form of the carapace is often very similar in different genera. Hence, the palaeontologist has to rely, in the discrimination of these minute fossils, upon small variations of shape, differences in the thickness of the valves, the characters of the edges of the valves, or the manner in which they are hinged to one an- other, or, lastly, the surface-ornamentation. Partly for this reason, and partly because the number of known fossil Ostra- coda is very large, it will not be advisable here to do more than give an outline of the general distribution of the order in time. The Ostracode Crustaceans appear to have been amongst the earliest representatives of their class, abounding as they do in many Lower Silurian deposits. Amongst the more import- ant genera which are represented in the Silurian Rocks may be mentioned Primitia (fig. 100, a), Leper ditia, Beyrichia, Ento- mis, Cypridina, Cytherella, Cythere, and Bairdia. Of these the genus Primitia is exclusively confined to the Silurian rocks, whilst the great genus Leperditia arrived here at its greatest development. On the other hand, the genera Cytherella, CRUSTACEA. 157 Cythere, and Bairdia are represented by species now living. Presumably all these genera were marine, and we know that this was the case with many of them. The Devonian rocks are comparatively poor in Ostracoda, all the known forms (leaving Estherid out of consideration) belonging to the genera Entomis, Leperditia, and Beyrichia. In the Carboniferous Fig. 100. — Fossil Ostracode Crustaceans : — a Primitia strangitlata, Lower Silurian ; b Primitia Logani, Lower Silurian ; c Beyrichia Klaedeni, Upper Silurian ; d d' CytJierella inflata, Carboniferous; e Leperditia Anna, Lower Silurian ; f Leperditia Canadeusis, Lower Silurian ; g Beyrichia impendens, Upper Silurian ; h Beyrichia subarcuata, Carboniferous ; i Candona Tateana, Carboniferous. All enlarged. Rocks no less than fifteen genera have been detected. Of these the genera Leperditia, Bairdia, Beyrichia, Cythere, Cypri- dina, Cypridella, and Entomis are the most important. The Leperditia were formerly referred to the genus Cypris, the species of which are exclusively fresh-water in their habits. It is noticeable, however, that some of the Carboniferous species have been referred, apparently on good grounds, to the recent genus Candona, all the forms of which inhabit fresh water. It is also noticeable that the genera Beyrichia and Entomis appear to die out in the Carboniferous Rocks, and have not been detected in any later formations. In the Permian Rocks we have only the genera Bairdia, Cythere, and Cypridina, of which the two former are represented by living forms. In the Secondary and Tertiary deposits, remains of Ostracode Crust- aceans are abundant, often occurring in myriads in certain strata, to which they sometimes impart a fissile character. The chief genera which are represented in Mesozoic and Kainozoic time, are Cypris, Candona, Bairdia, Cythere, Cytherella, and Cypridina, all of which are represented by living species at the present day."' r The facts here summarised are mainly drawn from the Memoirs of Professor Rupert Jones, and his admirable Monographs on the Ostracoda, published by the Paloeontographical Society. 158 ANNULOSA. ESTHERIA. — Before going on to the order PhyHopoda, we may briefly notice here the little fossils belonging to the genus Estheria^ as these are in some respects closely allied to the Ostracoda, or are intermediate between these and the true Phyllopods. Upon the whole, however, Estheria would seem to be most nearly allied to the living Limnadia, in which case it would be rightly referred to the Phyllopoda. The body in Estheria is enclosed in a bivalve carapace (fig. 101, A), and Fig. 101. — A, carapace of Estheria ovata, magnified six diameters, Trias ; B, cara- pace of Leaia Leidyi, magnified five diameters, Lower Carboniferous (after Rupert Jones). the feet are foliaceous. The valves of the carapace have a well-marked beak or " umbp," and are hinged to one another along a dorsal line. From these circumstances, and from their being marked with numerous concentric lines of growth, the carapace valves of Estheria very closely resemble the shells of certain Bivalve Molluscs, for which they have often been mis- taken. The valves are usually sub-triangular, ovate, or sub- quadrate in form, and they possess a horny texture. The living Esthericz are, without exception, inhabitants of fresh or, rarely, brackish water ; and no one of the recent twenty-four species has been detected in the sea. This would afford a strong presumption that the deposits in which fossil Esthericz occur were deposited in fresh or brackish water ; but they not uncommonly occur in conjunction with undoubted marine remains. They appear, on the whole, to occur most frequently in those accumulations that " have been decidedly the result of brackish-water inundations, and of more perman- ent lagoons " (Jones). Fossil Estherice occur in the Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and some Tertiary deposits ; but they appear to have attained their maximum development towards the close of the Triassic period. The genus Leaia (fig. 101) is very nearly allied to Estheria^ CRUSTACEA. 159 and comprises small Bivalved Crustaceans, with " dark, horny, sub-quadrate valves, obliquely ridged from umbo to angles, and ornamented with distinct lines of growth parallel with the border" (Jones). Leaia is a very widely distributed genus, but all the known species belong to either the Carboniferous or Permian Rocks. ORDER PHYLLOPODA. Crustacea, mostly of small size, the carapace protecting the head and thorax, or the body entirely naked. Feet numerous, never less than eight pairs, mostly foliaceous or leaf like, branchial in function. Most of the living Phyllopods are inhabitants of fresh waters, but some live in the sea (Nebalia\ and others affect waters which are abnormally salt (Artemia). The two most interest- ing recent forms, as bearing on fossil examples of the order, are Limnadia and Apus, both of which live in fresh water. In Limnadia the body is enclosed in an oval bivalve carapace, and there are from eighteen to thirty pairs of membranous leaf-like feet. In Apus the carapace is clypeiform, and protects a considerable portion of the abdomen ; and there are sixty pairs of feet, of which all but the first pair are foliaceous. Leaving out of sight the genera Estheria and Leaia, the Phyllopods are almost exclusively palaeozoic in their distribu- tion, and are chiefly, though not exclusively, known by their carapace- valves. The best known genera are the Hymenocaris of the Lingula flags, the Caryocaris of the Skiddaw slates, the Peltocaris and Discinocaris of the Lower Silurian, the Ceratio- caris of the Upper Silurian, and the Dithyrocaris of the Car- boniferous Limestone. These forms have a general resem- blance to one another, and are believed to be most nearly allied to the recent Apus, whilst they are exclusively palaeozoic. The genus Aspidocaris, however, is allied to the preceding, and is found in the Triassic period. In Hymenocaris (fig. 102, b} the carapace is comparatively large, sub-triangular, apparently not bivalved ; there are nine free abdominal segments, and the last carries three pairs of unequal lanceolate appendages. In Caryocaris the carapace is bivalved, pod-shaped, and truncated behind, and the last ab- dominal segment carries three spines. In Peltocaris and Dis- cinocaris (fig. 102, c.} the carapace is rounded, with concentric lines of growth, a dorsal furrow being present in the former, but wanting in the latter. In both there is commonly a wedge- shaped indentation in front, caused by the separation from the carapace of the anterior portion of the head. In Gtratiocaris, i6o ANNULOSA. again, the carapace appears to be bent, but not divided or hinged, along the dorsal line, and its shape is pod-like (fig. 102, a), with an abrupt posterior truncation. The surface of the carapace is marked with " fine, obliquely longitudinal, im- bricated striae " (M'Coy). Fig. 102. — Palaeozoic Phyllopods : — a Ceratiocaris papilio, Upper Silurian (Salter). b Hyntenocaris vermicauda, Upper Cambrian (Salter). c Discinocaris Browniana, Lower Silurian (Original), d Peltocaris aptychoides, Lower Silurian (Woodward). ORDER TRILOBITA. Crustaceans in which the body is usually more or less distinctly trilobed; there is a cephalic shield, usually bearing a pair of sessile compound eyes ; the thoracic somites are movable upon one another, and are very variable in number ; the abdominal segments are coalescent, and form a caudal shield ; there is a well-developed upper lip or " hypostome" As regards the general structure of the Trilobites, the body was protected by a well-developed chitinous shell or " crust," which covered the whole dorsal surface of the body, and on which no appendages have ever been discovered except the eyes. The under surface of the body must, in many genera at CRUSTACEA. 161 any rate, have been flexible and membranous; since many species have the power of rolling themselves up into a ball like the recent wood-lice (Oniscus). Other Trilobites, however, never seem to have possessed any power of rolling up. The dorsal crust usually exhibits more or less markedly a division into three longitudinal lobes (fig. 103), from which the name Fig. 103. — Morphology of Trilobites. i. Angelina Sedgwickii, Upper Cambrian. 2. Diagram of a Trilobite (after Salter) : a Glabella with its furrows; bb Free cheeks, bearing the eyes (po) ; c c Fixed cheek, including the eye-lobe (d)', ee Facial suture. of the order is derived. In some cases, however, as in the genera Homalonotus and Illanus, this trilobation is only ob- scurely marked. The crust exhibits a well-marked division into three regions, which are commonly found detached and separate from one another. These three regions are — i, a cephalic shield; 2, a variable number of movable "body-rings" or thoracic segments ; and 3, a caudal shield or "pygidium." The cephalic shield or buckler (figs. 103 — 107) is generally more or less semicircular in shape, and is composed of a central and two lateral pieces, of which the two latter may or may not be united in front of the former. The central portion of the cephalic shield is usually elevated above the remainder. It is termed the " glabella," and it protected the region of the stomach. The form of the glabella varies a good deal. Usually it is widest in front (fig. 105), but its width may be nearly uniform (fig. 106), or it may be widest posteriorly, and contracted in front, as in Calymene (fig. 107). The glabella is bounded at the sides by two grooves, which are known as the " axal furrows," and is marked off behind by a third groove, which is termed the " neck-furrow." The surface of the glabella may be quite smooth, but it is ordinarily divided into lobes by grooves, which originate in the axal furrows, and pass inwards towards the middle line (fig. 103, 2). These L 1 62 ANNULOSA. furrows mark the position of the segments which compose the glabella, and they are sometimes continuous from side to side. Usually there are three pairs of these furrows, a lower or basal, a middle or ocular, and an upper or frontal furrow • but there may be an additional pair of furrows in front of these. In some cases, as in Illanus (fig. 109), the gla- bella is very indistinctly marked off from the rest of the shield. At each side of the glabella, and continuous with it, is a small semicircular area, which is termed the " fixed cheek " (fig. 103, 2). The glabella, with the " fixed cheeks," is separated from the lateral portions of the cephalic shield, termed the "movable" or "free cheeks," by a peculiar suture or line of division, which is known as the " facial suture " (fig. 103, 2, e e). No such peculiar line of division is known to exist in any recent Crustacean ; but there is a faint indication of it in Limidus, and some doubtful traces of it in certain other forms. The course taken by the facial sutures differs in different cases, and causes an important difference in the structure of the cephalic shield. In some cases, the facial sutures, starting from the posterior margins of the buckler, skirt the fixed cheeks, and join one another in front of the glabella. In these cases it is obvious that the free cheeks form a single piece, so that the entire shield consists of but two portions — i, ttye glabella and fixed cheeks ; and 2, the amalgamated free cheeks. In other cases, the facial sutures, instead of joining in front of the glabella, are continued forward, till they cut the anterior mar- gin of the shield separately. In these cases the free cheeks are discontinuous, and the cephalic shield consists of three portions. In a few genera (as in Trinudeus, Microdiscus, and Agnostus), the facial suture is absent. The posterior angles of the free cheeks are very commonly prolonged into longer or shorter spines, and they bear the eyes. The eyes are compound, and consist of an aggregation Fig. 104. — Pliacops (Dalmanites) Umiilurus, Upper Silurian. CRUSTACEA. 163 of facets, covered by a thin cornea. They are generally cres- centic or reniform in shape, and are invariably sessile, in the sense that they are never supported upon movable stalks. In some cases, however, they are carried upon longer or shorter prominences. The eyes differ much in size, and they are wanting in a few forms, such as the little Agnostt. Fig. 105. — Bronteus hinatus. Fig. 106. — Cheirurus pleur- exanthemus. Fig. 107. — Calymene B lumeiibachii. Behind the cephalic shield comes the thorax, composed of a variable number of segments which are not soldered to- gether, but are capable of more or less movement upon each other. The amount of movement thus allowed varies, but in several genera (e.g., Calymene and Jllcemis) it was sufficiently great to allow of the animal completely rolling itself up after the manner of a hedgehog. The number of body-rings or segments in the thorax varies from no more than two (Agnos- tus\ to as many as twenty-six (Harpes ungula). Ordinarily the thorax (fig. 108) is strongly trilobed, and each body- ring ex- hibits the same trilobation, being composed of a central, more or less convex portion, called the " axis," and of two flatter side-lobes, termed the " pleurae." The pleurae are in one piece with the axis, but are separated from it by a more or less pro- nounced groove, the "axal furrow." Each pleura is grooved longitudinally by a deep sulcus, and in many genera the ends of the pleurae are furnished with facets, which have smooth surfaces, and slide under the preceding pleura, in the act of rolling up. In some genera, as in Illcenus (fig. 109), the axis is very broad, the axal furrows are not marked, and the trilo- 164 ANNULOSA. bation of the thorax becomes very indistinct This is likewise the case, but to a less extent, in the genus Homalonotus. Fig. 108. — Asapkns Canadensis (Chap- man), Lower Silurian. Fig. 109. — Illteiius iiMsis (Murchison), Lower Silurian. The caudal shield or "pygidium" — commonly called the " tail " —is composed of a greater or less number of segments anchylosed or amalgamated. Commonly, the pygidium is tri- Fig. no. — Glabella and pygidium of Dikelocepiialus magnificus, Quebec Group (Upper Cambrian). After Billings. lobed (fig. no), like the thorax, and consists of a central elevated " axis '5 and of a marginal " limb." The limb is CRUSTACEA. I65 separated from the axis by axal furrows, and usually exhibits on its surface the lines which indicate the component pleurae, as well as the longitudinal furrows on the faces of these. The ex- tremity of the pygidium is sometimes simply rounded; but it may be prolonged into a shorter or longer spine or "mucro," and the ends of the pleurae may also be extended into spine- like projections (fig. no). Until recently, the only structure which had been discovered on the under surface of any Trilobite was a broad plate situated in front of the mouth, and doubtless corresponding with the upper lip — " labrum " or " hypostome " — of living Crustaceans (fig. in). The form of this hypostome very closely resembles that of the lip-plate of the recent Apus, one of the Phyllopods. Quite recently, Mr Henry Woodward has described a specimen of Asaphus platycephalus, in which, in addition to the lip-plate, there is a jointed fila- ment (fig. in,/), apparently springing from a maxilla, and being the re- mains of a maxillary " palpus." Mr Woodward, who is one of the highest ,,. ... ' . . „ Fig. TCI i. — Buccal organs of living authorities upon the Crustacea, Asaphus piatycepiiaius. After concludes that there is no reason to doubt that Trilobites possessed an- tennas and antennules, mandibles, and maxillae, and foot-jaws ; though, with the exception of the above, no traces of these organs have ever been detected. Also recently, a specimen of the large Trilobite, Asaphus platycephalus (fig. 112), has been described by Mr Billings as possessing organs which this distinguished palaeontologist re- gards as being the remains of legs. The structures in question are in the form of eight pairs of apparently jointed appendages, which correspond with the eight segments of the thorax, arising near the middle line, and curving forwards. Mr Henry Wood- ward corroborates the view propounded by Mr Billings, that these structures are of the nature of ambulatory legs. Pro- fessors Dana and Verrill, on the other hand, regard these re- mains as being "the semi-calcified arches in the membrane of the ventral surface, to which the foliaceous appendages or legs were attached." Whichever view be adopted as to the nature of this specimen, it seems tolerably certain that most Trilobites cannot have possessed limbs which were furnished with a chitinous exo- skeleton, and were thus capable of being preserved in a fossil i66 ANNULOSA. condition. The great abundance of Trilobites as fossils, and their excellent preservation, as a general rule, render it pro- bable that the limbs of most were of a soft and fleshy nature. At the same time it is very possible that some forms were possessed of chitinous jointed limbs, as great variations exist in the character of the appendages even within the limits of a single order. The general view which has up to the time of this discovery been held is, that the body of the Trilobite occupied the median lobe of the crust, commencing with the glabella in front, and terminating with the py- gidium behind, whilst the axial lobes protected a series of delicate, mem- branous respiratory feet. It is supposed, however, by Mr Woodward, that the branchiae were borne Fig. 112. — Asaphus platycefkalus, Lower Silurian. on the under surface of the caudal shield. As regards the systematic position of the Trilobites, they have very generally been placed in the neighbourhood of the Phyllopoda, or of the much higher order of the Isopoda. They have been placed near the Phyllopods chiefly from the posses- sion of numerous (not definite) body-rings, from the resem- blance of their hypostome to the lip-plate of the Phyllopodous genus Apus, and from their supposed possession of membran- ous gill-feet. The recent discoveries, however, of Messrs Billings and Woodward would lead to the belief that the Tri- lobites, if not actually belonging to the Isopoda, have at any rate closer affinities with this order than with any other. They agree with the Isopods in the possession of sessile compound eyes, in having the abdominal somites coalescent, and in some- times possessing the power of rolling themselves up into a ball. They differ, however, from the Isopods in the very im- portant character that the thoracic segments of the latter are CRUSTACEA. l6/ always definite and are almost invariably seven in number. In the meanwhile, therefore, it is safest to regard the Trilobita as a peculiar order, the exact position of which in the Crustacean class is still undetermined. The general facts as to the distribution of the Trilobita in past time are soon told. The Trilobites are exclusively Palaeo- zoic, their range extending from the Upper Cambrian to the Lower Carboniferous. If the Palceopyge Ramsayi of the Long- mynd beds be a Trilobite, then the order has its commence- ment in the Lower Cambrian. In the Upper Cambrian Rocks, and especially in the strata which constitute the " Menevian Group " of Salter, and the " Primordial Zone " of Barrande, is a peculiar group of forms commonly spoken of as the " Prim- ordial Trilobites." These belong mostly to the two families 'Agnostid(z)tt\&(Olenida% and to the genera Agnostus, Para- d&xides, Olenus, Dikelocephalus, Conocoryphe, Angelina, Ellipso- cephalus, &c. Many of these forms are distinguished by degraded char- acters, such as the absence of eyes, the want of the facial suture, the segmentation of the glabella, or the multiplication or diminution of the number of body-rings. It should not be omitted to be noticed that the singular tracks which have been described from the Potsdam Sandstone (Upper Cambrian) of Canada, under the names of Prjjtichnites and Climactichnites, are believed with good reason to be the tracks of Trilobites. In the Lower and Upper Silurian Rocks the Trilobites attain their maximum of development, the leading families being the Asaphidck, Phacopidcs, Trinudeidce, Cheirurida, and Calymenidcfa 3 and the chief genera being Asaphus, Ogygia, Phacops, Trinu- deus, Ampyx, Cheirurus, Encrinurus, Calymene, and Homalo- notus. In the Devonian Rocks, again, Trilobites are tolerably abundant, though less so than in the preceding series. The commonest Devonian genera are Phacops, Homalonotus, and Bronteus. Lastly, the order seems to die out before the close of the Carboniferous period, being represented in the Carbon- iferous Limestone solely by the three genera, Phillipsia, /* Bradiymetopus, and Griffithides. The following gives the leading characters of the more im- portant families of Trilobites, with a few of the chief genera in each family, and the range of the group in time : — i. AGNOSTID^E. — Characterised by their small size, the head and tail being covered by nearly equal and similar shields, and the reduction of the body-rings to two in number (fig. 113). There are no eyes, and the facial suture is wanting. The family includes only one well-marked genus, viz. Agnostus, 1 68 ANNULOSA. which ranges from the Upper Cambrian to near the summit of the Lower Silurian Rocks. 2. OLENID^E OR PARADOXID^E. — Character- ised by having long bodies, with numerous free thoracic segments (from eight to twenty- three in number). The caudal shield is small, and generally consists of very few segments. The pleurae are mostly prolonged into longer or shorter spines, which are directed back- wards. The family includes some of the largest of the Trilobites, and is mainly char- acteristic of the " Primordial Zone " (Upper Cambrian). It occurs, however, in the lower Fig. 114. — Parado.rides Micntac (?), Upper Cambrian. After Dawson. Silurian, but appears to die out in the Caradoc period. The CRUSTACEA. 169 chief genera are Olenus, Paradoxides, Dikelocephalus, Cono- coryphe, Sao, Angelina, and Ellipsocephalus. 3. AsAPHiDj«. — Large Trilobites, generally oval, and never furnished with spines or tubercles on their surface. The eyes smooth, and the facial sutures terminating on the posterior margin. The cephalic and caudal shields generally of large size, the glabella of the former often obscure, and the latter sometimes exhibiting no indication of its component segments. The body-rings usually eight in number, sometimes more, rarely fewer (six in ^Sglina). The family Asaphidce is characteristically Lower Silurian in its distribution, commencing by a few forms in the Upper Cambrian, and being hardly at all represented in Upper Silu- rian strata. The most important genera are Asaphus, Ogygia, Illcenus, ^Eglina, Barrandia, and Psiiocephalus. 4. TRINUCLEID^E. — Cephalic shield large, the posterior angles of the cheeks prolonged into long spines. Body-rings- six (sometimes five ?) in number. Facial suture sometimes absent Fig. 115. — Triune leus Pougerardi, Lower- Silurian. (Trimicleus) ', eyes sometimes wanting (Ampyx). The Trinu- deidtz are exclusively Lower Silurian, though there are traces of their existence in the higher portion of the Upper Cambrian. The only genera referred to this family are Trinudeus, Ampyx, and Dionide. 5. CHEIRURID^E. — Cephalic shield with the facial sutures terminating on its exterior margins. Body-rings eleven. Pleurae with free extremities. Caudal shield of few segments, the ends of these being free. The family extends from the Upper Cambrian to the Devonian, but it attains its greatest 170 ANNULOSA. development in the Silurian period. The chief genera are Cheirurus, Amphion, Sph&rexochus, Staurocephalus, Deiphon, Encrinurus, and Cybele. 6. CALYMENID^:. — Crust granulated, often tuberculated. Body-rings thirteen in number. Facial sutures ending at the posterior angles of the cephalic shield. Body sometimes very indistinctly trilobed (Homalono- tus). The family appears to commence at the base of the Lower Silurian series or at the summit of the Upper Cam- brian, and ranges into the De- vonian. The only genera are Calymene and Homalonotus, of which the former is mark- edly trilobed, but the latter very indistinctly so (fig. 116). The best -known species are Calymene Blumenbachii, which ranges from the Caradoc (Lower Silurian) to the Ludlow Rocks (Upper Silurian), and Homa- lonotus delphinocephalus, which is a well-known Upper Silurian Trilobite. 7. PHACOPID^:. — "Eyes largely faceted, the cornea con- vex over each facet, forming a granulated, not a smooth eye. Facial suture ending posteri- orly on the outer margin of the cheek. Thorax with eleven rings " (Salter). This family includes the single genus, (phacops, divided into the sub-genera Trimerocephalus, Phacops, Acaste, Chasmops, Dalmania, and Cryphceus. The family Phacopida ranges from the base of the Lower Silurian series (perhaps from the Upper Cambrian) to the summit of the Devonian series. Amongst the Upper Silurian . species may be mentioned Phacops caudatns and P. Downingitz, as well-known fossils ; whilst P. latifroiis is a familiar and widely-distributed Devonian species. 8. LICHAD/E. — Cephalic shield small, the facial sutures cutting its outer margins. Glabella large, deeply furrowed. Fig. 1 16. — Homalonotns delphinoce- plialus. Upper Silurian. CRUSTACEA. 17 1 Body-rings eleven in number. Pygidium with an undefined axis and broad limb. The family includes the single genus Lichas, and extends from the Lower Silurian into the De- vonian. 9. PROETID/E. — Cephalic shield with the facial sutures not uniting in front of the glabella. Body-rings nine or ten in number. Axis elongated. This family ranges from the Lower Silurian to the Carboniferous. Besides Proetus, this family in- cludes Phillipsia and Griffithides. 10. ACIDASPID^E. — Surface ornamented. Body-rings from eight to ten in number. The ends of the pleurae extended into spines, and directed backwards. Pygidium of from two to three segments, small, furnished with prominent spines. The genus Acidaspis ranges from the Lower Silurian into the De- vonian. 11. BRONTEID^E. — Body-rings ten in number. Pygidium large, the axis extremely short, the margin entire. The family includes only the genus Bronteus (fig. 105), and is confined to the Upper Silurian and Devonian Rocks. 12. HARPEDID^E. — Cephalic shield horse-shoe-shaped, its lateral angles greatly prolonged. Facial suture cutting the exterior margin of the buckler. Body-rings numerous, some- times no less than twenty-six in number. Pygidium small. This family comprises only the genus Harpes, all the species of which belong to the Lower Silurian, Upper Silurian, and Devonian. 13. CYPHASPID^E. — Cephalic shield with the posterior angles usually prolonged into spines, the facial suture cutting its ex- terior margins. Body-rings from ten to twenty-two. Crust spinulose or pitted. The chief genera of this family are Cyphaspis and Aulacopleura (Arethusind), the former ranging from the Lower Silurian to the Devonian, the latter exclusively confined to the Silurian series. ORDER MEROSTOMATA. Crustaceans •, often of large size, in which the mouth is furnished with mandibles and maxilla, the terminations of which become walking or swimming feet, or organs of prehension (figs. 117, 1 1 8). The order Merostomata comprises the two sub-orders of the Xiphosura and Eurypterida. The former appears to have commenced its existence in the Upper Silurian period, and is represented at the present day by the Limuli or King-crabs. The latter is wholly extinct, and is exclusively Palaeozoic, none 1/2 ANNULOSA. of its members being known out of the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous formations. Fig. 117. — Xiphosura. Limnhtspoly- phemus, viewed from below, c The cephalic shield carrying the sessile eyes upon its upper surface ; o " Operculum," covering the reproductive organs ; b Branchial plates ; a First pair of anten- nae (antennules) ending in chelae. Below these is the aperture of the mouth sur- rounded by the spiny bases of the re- maining five pairs of appendages, which are regarded by Woodward as being respectively, from before backwards, the great antennas, the mandibles, the first maxillae, the second maxillae, and a pair of maxillipedes. All have their extremi- ties chelate. Fig. 118. — Eurypterida. Ptery- gaius Anglicus, restored (after H. Woodward), c c Chelate antenna? ; o o Eyes, situated at the anterior mar- gin of the carapace ; m m The mandi- bles, and the first and second maxillae ; n n The maxillipedes ; the basal mar- gins of these are serrated, and are drawn as if seen through the metas- toma or post-oral plate, which serves as a lower lip. Immediately behind this is seen the operculum or thoracic plate, which covers the two anterior thoracic somites. Behind this are five thoracic and five abdominal somites, and lastly, there is the telson (/). SUB-ORDER I. — EURYPTERIDA. " Crustacea with numerous, free, thoracico-abdominal segments, the first and second (?) of which bear one or more broad lamellar appendages upon their ventral surface, the remaining segments being devoid of appendages ; anterior rings united into a carapace, bearing a pair of larval eyes (ocelli] near the centre, and a pair of large, marginal, or sub-central eyes ; the mouth furnished with a broad post-oral plate, or metastoma, and five pairs of movable CRUSTACEA. 173 appendages, the posterior of which form great swimming-feet ; the telson, or terminal segment, extremely variable inform; the in- tegument characteristically sculptured" — (Henry Woodward.) In the typical Eurypterids, such as Pterygotus (fig. 118) and Eurypterus, the anterior portion of the body is covered by a buckler or carapace, which bears a pair of minute larval eyes, and a pair of large compound eyes placed marginally or sub- centrally. On the under surface of the carapace are five pairs of appendages. The first pair of these is usually regarded as representing the antennae. The appendages of this pair are mostly chelate, or converted into nipping-claws, but they are sometimes simple, and they sometimes are spinous towards their bases, and officiate as masticatory organs (Eurypterus and Slimonia). The next three pairs of appendages are simply pointed spinous organs (" pedipalrjs^"), but the last pair is sometimes converted into rowing-organs (Stylonurus). The last pair of appendages constitute two greatly-developed swimming-feet, the bases of which are furnished with spines, and form powerful jaws. The bases of these jaw-feet are covered by a greatly-developed post-oral plate or " metastoma." Be- hind the head come thirteen free segments, counting the telson as one. The first two of these, immediately behind the cara- pace, are covered below by a thoracic plate or " operculum," which doubtless protected the reproductive organs. The other somites carry no appendages, though it is probable that some of them bore membranous branchiae. The " telson " or terminal segment of the abdomen (fig. 118, /), is sometimes lanceolate or bilobate, as in Pterygotus and Slimonia, or some- times narrow and sword-shaped, as in Eurypterus and Stylon- •itrus. The surface of the crust is sculptured over the greater part of its extent, with characteristic markings, which look something like the scales of an ordinary Bony fish. These " scale-marks/' however, are often wanting over parts of the surface. The Eurypterids range from the Upper Silurian, where they attain their maximum, through the Devonian, into the Car- boniferous Rocks, where they appear to die out. Traces, how- ever, of these large Crustaceans are by no means wanting in the Lower Silurian, though as yet undescribed. Of the typical genera, Pterygotus extends from the Upper Silurian to the Upper Devonian, and species of this genus seem to have attained a gigantic size. (Pterygotus Anglicus is calculated to have reached a length of six feet.) Slimonia is Upper Silurian, and Stylonurus is both Upper Silurian and Devonian. Euryp- terus is not known in the Silurian, but is represented by many 1/4 ANNULOSA. species in the Devonian, and extends into the Carboniferous Rocks. Hemiaspis, with only nine segments and the telson behind the carapace, is exclusively Upper Silurian. Lastly, Pseudoniscus, with the same number of free segments, is found in the passage-beds between the Upper Silurian and Devonian. In conclusion, it is interesting to note that these ancient Crustaceans present many larval features, resembling the larvae of the Decapoda, especially in the fact that the hinder portion of the body is composed of free segments, which carry no appendages.* SUB-ORDER II. — XIPHOSURA (Ptzrilopoda). " Crustacea having the anterior segments welded together to form a broad convex buckler, upon the dorsal surface of which are placed the compound eyes and ocelli; the former sub-centrally, the latter in the centre in front. The mouth is furnished with a small labrum, a rudimentary metastoma, and six pairs of appendages. Posterior segments of the body more or less free, and bearing upon their ventral surfaces a series of broad lamellar appendages; the telson, or terminal segment, ensiform" — (Henry Woodward.) The only living members of the Xiphosura are the Limuli, commonly known as King-crabs or Horse-shoe Crabs. The anterior portion of the body is covered by a broad horse-shoe- shaped buckler (fig. 1 1 7), the upper surface of which bears a pair of larval and a pair of compound eyes. On the lower surface of the carapace is placed the aperture of the mouth, surrounded by six pairs of limbs, the bases of which are spinous, and officiate as jaws, whilst their terminations are converted into chelae or nipping-claws. The first pair of appendages is placed in front of the mouth, and represents the antennae, so that the antennae of the King-crabs are chelate. Behind the cephalic buckler comes a second shield, composed of six amalgamated segments, below which are carried the reproductive organs and branchiae, the former protected by a thoracic plate or " oper- culum," the latter borne by five pairs of lamellar appendages. Lastly, articulated to the posterior margin of the abdominal shield, is a long sword-like spine or "telson" (fig. 117, /). The Xiphosura seem to have commenced existence in the Upper Silurian period, where they are represented by the Neolimulus falcatus of Mr Henry Woodward. With this ex- * The student desirous of fuller information on this subject, as on the Xiphosura also, should consult the excellent memoirs by Mr Henry Woodward, and especially his monograph of the Merostomata, published by the Palseontographical Society. CRUSTACEA. 175 ception, however, no Limuloid Crustaceans are known till the Carboniferous Rocks are reached. Here we have the two genera Prestwichia and Belimirns, the former represented by two, the latter by four species. In Prestwichia (fig. 119), the thoracic and abdominal segments are not separable from one another, and the former are anchylosed or amal- gamated, as well as the latter. In Belinurus there are five thoracic and three abdominal segments (as in the preceding), but the thoracic somites are free and movable, whilst the abdominal ones are an- chylosed. The only other genus of the Xiphosura is {Limulud itself. This genus is represented by forms doubtfully here re- ferable as early as the Permian Rocks. An- other dubious form oc- curs in the Trias. Seven species have been described from the Lithographic slates of Solenhofen (Middle Oolites). One doubtful form occurs in the Chalk, a single Tertiary species has been described, and four species are known as existing at the present day. Fig. 119. — Prestwichia (Limulus) rotundata, Coal-Measures. CHAPTER XVI. CR USTA CE A— Concluded. MALACOSTRACA. THE Malacostracous Crustaceans are distinguished by the possession of a definite number of body-segments, seven somites generally going to make up the thorax, and an equal number entering into the composition of the abdomen (count- ing the telson as a somite). The Malacostraca are divided into two primary sections, termed respectively Edriophthal- 1/6 ANNULOSA. mata and Podophthalmata, according as the eyes are sessile or are supported upon eyestalks. DIVISION A. EDRIOPHTHALMATA. — The division of the Sessile-eyed Crustaceans comprises those Malaco strata in which the eyes are not supported upon stalks or peduncles, and there is mostly no carapace. The eyes are sometimes compound, sometimes simple, and are placed on the sides of the head. The head is almost always distinct from the body ; and there are typically seven pairs of feet in the adult. (Hence the name of Tetradecapoda applied to this division by Agassiz.) The Edriophthalmata include the orders Lcemodi- poda, Amphipoda, and Isopoda, of which the two latter are alone known in a fossil condition, whilst the last is the only one of any importance. ORDER AMPHIPODA. Small Crustaceans in which the respiratory organs have the form of membranous vesicles attached to the bases of the thoracic limbs. Abdomen well developed, and composed of seven segments. Seven pairs of thoracic limbs. The most familiar recent forms of the Amphipoda are the " fresh -water Shrimps" (Gammarus\ the Sand-hoppers (Tali- trus), and the Shore-hoppers (Orchestid). The oldest repre- sentative of the order is a doubtful form, which has been described by Mr Woodward from the Upper Silurian Rocks under the name of Necrogammarus. The Carboniferous genus Gampsonyx has been referred here, but is more properly placed amongst the Stomapoda. There are no other fossil Amphipods of any importance. ORDER ISOPODA. Crustaceans in which the head is distinct from the segment bearingthe first pair of feet. The eyes are compound and sessile. There are usually seven pairs of thoracic appendages, borne upon seven movable segments. The animal sometimes has the power of rolling into a ball. The abdominal segments are coalescent, and form a broad caudal shield, beneath which the branchicz are carried. Of the living Isopods, some (Bopyridce) are parasitic in their adult condition upon other Crustaceans. Others, such as the common Wood-lice (Oniscus], live habitually upon the land. Others, again, are littoral in their habits, or frequent the sea. The oldest known Isopod is a large form which has been described by Mr Henry Woodward from the Devonian Rocks CRUSTACEA. 177 under the name of Prcearcturus. It is believed to resemble the living Arcturus Baffinsii. From the Carboniferous Rocks an Isopod has been described under the name of Acanthotelson. In the Permian Rocks we have the genus Prosoponiscus, which, however, has been referred to the Amphipoda. In the Upper Oolites (Purbeck beds) occurs the Arch&oniscus Brodiei (fig. 120), often in large numbers. In the Chalk occurs the genus Palaga, which ranges to the Fig. ™>.—Arch ' Oolites. forms, some of which are of very uncertain affinities, have been described from the Tertiary Rocks. DIVISION B. PODOPHTHALMATA. — The members of this division are Malacostracous Crustaceans, in which the eyes are compound, and are supported upon movable stalks or peduncles, and the anterior portion of the body (cephalo- thorax) is protected by a carapace. In this division are in- cluded the two orders of the Stomapoda and Decapoda. ORDER STOMAPODA. Stalk-eyed Crustaceans in which there are generally from six to eight pairs of legs, and the branchm are not enclosed in a cavity beneath the thorax, but are either suspended beneath the abdomen, or, more rarely, attached to the thoracic legs. Of the living Stomapods the best-known forms are the Locust-shrimps (Squilla), the Glass-shrimps (Erichthys], and the Opossum-shrimps (Mysis). The earliest-known example of the Stomapoda is the Gampsonyx fimbriatus of the Carboni- ferous Rocks ; and the Pygocephalus Couperi of the same formation is also probably to be referred to this order. The genus Squilla itself does not appear to be represented in rocks older than the Eocene Tertiary. ORDER DECAPODA. Crustaceans with Jive pairs of ambulatory legs, of which the first pair is modified to form nipping-claws, some of the other pairs behind this being often chelate as well. There is a large cephalothoracic carapace, and the branchm are contained in cavi- ties at the sides of the thorax. M 1/8 ANNULOSA. The order Decapoda includes the highest forms of the entire class of the Crustaceans, such as the Lobsters, Hermit-crabs, and Crabs, and it is divided into the following three tribes :— TRIBE I. MACRURA. — The members of this tribe, such as the Lobsters, Shrimps, Prawns, and Cray-fish, have a long and well-developed abdomen, the posterior extremity of which forms a powerful natatory organ or caudal fin. This is con- stituted by a greatly-expanded pair of natatory appendages (" swimmerets ") borne upon the last segment but one of the abdomen, between which is placed the last segment or " tel- son." The Macrurous Decapods are unquestionably of a lower type than the Brachyurous Decapods or Crabs ; so that it is no matter of surprise to find that the former, so far as is known, have enjoyed a vastly higher antiquity than the latter. The Brachyura are not known in deposits older than the Oolites. The Macrura, on the other hand, were in existence before the close of the Palaeozoic period. In the Carboni- ferous formation we have several forms of Prawn-like Crusta- ceans belonging to the genus Anthrapalcemon (or Anthracopa- fomori), of which a species is figured below (fig. 121). In Fig. iz-L.—Anthrapalcemoti Salteri, Carboniferous. (After Salter.) the Permian Rocks no Macrurous Decapods are known to occur. In the Trias, examples of the genera Galatea and Litogaster have been detected, and other forms have been alleged to occur. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous strata " Long-tailed " Decapods are extremely abundant, and are often beautifully preserved. Amongst the more remarkable of the Jurassic genera may be mentioned Eryon (fig. 122), CRUSTACEA. 179 which commences in the Lias, but attains its maximum in the Middle Oolitic strata, being especially abundant in the fine- grained Lithographic Slates of Solenhofen. In this singular genus, the carapace is large and broad, and nearly quadrate in figure, whilst the antennae are very small. Another singular genus from the Solenhofen Slates is Megachirus, in which the first pair of legs is enormously elongated, but not terminated by chelae. In the Cretaceous Rocks are numerous Macrourans, belonging to the genera Meyeria, Enoploclytia, Hoploparia, &c. In many parts of the Tertiary series, especially in the London Clay (Eocene), are numerous remains of Macrura, some of Fig. 122. — Eryon arctifonnis, Middle Oolites [Solenhofen Slates). which have been referred, with more or less doubt, to such living genera as Astacus and Palinurus. TRIBE II. ANOMURA. — The Anomurous Decapods are dis- tinguished by the condition of the abdomen, which is neither so well developed as in the Macrura, nor so rudimentary as in the Brachyura. The abdomen does not take any part in locomotion, and does not terminate posteriorly in a caudal fin. The penultimate segment of the abdomen, however, is mostly furnished with more or less well-developed appendages. i So ANNULOSA. The best-known living Anomura are the Hermit-crabs or Sol- dier-crabs (Paguridof), the Crab-lobsters (Porcellatuz), and the Sponge-crabs (Dromia). The Anomura are of small importance as fossils. They commence in the Secondary period, a few forms having been described from the Oolites, and a greater number from the Cretaceous Rocks. In the Tertiary period Anomurous Crus- taceans are not uncommon ; and the genus Pagurus itself appears to be represented in the Red Crag (Pliocene). The Dromilites of the London Clay is supposed to be related to the living Dromia. TRIBE III. BRACHYURA. — The "Short-tailed" Decapods or Crabs are distinguished by having a rudimentary abdomen, which is tucked up beneath the cephalothorax. The carapace is usually very large, and the extremity of the abdomen is not provided with any appendages. Most of the Crabs are littoral in their habits, and have legs formed for walking. Others are adapted for swimming, and the Land-crabs habitually live inland. As before remarked, the Brachyurous Decapods are much later in their appearance than the Macrura. The oldest known Crab, at present, is the Pal&inachus longipes, de- scribed by Mr Henry Wood- ward from the Forest Marble (Lower Oolites). In the Cretaceous series Crabs are tolerably abundant, one Cre- taceous form belonging to the recent genus Cancer. In the Tertiary Rocks, and es- pecially in the London Clay (Eocene), remains of Crabs occur in profusion. The chief Tertiary genera are Xanthopsis, Xantholites, Cancer (fig. 123), Grapsus, and Ebalia. Fig. 123. — Cancer \Carpilius) macrochelus, Tertiary. ARACHNIDA. l8l CHAPTER XVII. ARACHNIDA, MYRIAPODA, AND INSECT A. CLASS ARACHNIDA. THE Arachnida are Articulate animals, in which the respiratory organs, when present, are in the form of pulmonary chambers or sacs, or of ramified tubes (" trachea ") formed by an involution of the integument and fitted for breathing air directly ; or both these organs are combined. In no case are the breathing-organs in the form of gills. There are four pairs of locomotive limbs, and there are no limbs attached to the segments of the abdomen. There is only one pair of antenna, and these are not present as antennce, btitare converted into jaws or pincers. The head is amalgamated with the thorax to form a cephalothorax, the eyes are sessile, and the integuments are more or less chitinous. The Arachnida are mainly distinguished from the Crustacea* by the absence of gills, and the general presence of organs adapted for breathing air directly. They are distinguished from the Insects by the possession of four pairs of legs, by never possessing wings, and by having simple eyes, whilst the head is amalgamated with the thorax. From the Myriapods they are distinguished by the fact that the legs of the latter are Fig. 124. — A recent Scorpion (reduced). The great nipping-claws of the Scorpion are not legs, but are a development of organs belonging to the mouth. never less than nine pairs in number, whilst the segments of the thorax are distinct from one another and from the head, * Van Beneden would refer the Trilobites, King-crabs, and Eurypterids to the Arachnida, but such a radical change must be supported by over- whelming evidence before it can be accepted. 182 ANNULOSA. and the segments of the abdomen carry legs. As is the case with all the air-breathing Articulates, the remains of Arachnida, though of considerable theoretical interest, are of very rare occurrence as fossils. They will therefore be very briefly noticed here. Of the groups of the Arachnida, the Mites (Acarida), the Harvest-spiders (Phalangidce), the Book-scorpions (Pscudoscorpionidoi), the Scorpions (Pedipalpi\ and the true Spiders (Araneida)t have all been detected in a fossil condition. The three first groups require no consideration here, being almost unknown except as occurring in amber, which is a fossil resin of late Tertiary age. The Scorpions and Spiders both appear to have come into existence in the Carboniferous period, and the forms which then existed do not appear to have been strikingly different from living types. ORDER PEDIPALPI. — The typical members of this order are the Scorpions (Scorpionidcz), in which the abdomen is distinctly Fig. 125. — Cyclophthalmus senior. A fossil Scorpion from the Coal-measures of Bohemia. segmented, and not separated from the thorax by any marked con- striction. The respiratory organs are in the form of pulmonary sacs opening on the under surface of the abdomen by distinct apertures or " stigmata." The jaws (maxillae) carry an enor- MYRIAPODA. 183 i mously-developed pair of nipping -claws (fig. 124), and the antennae are also converted into chelae. The head carries six, eight, or twelve simple eyes, and the last joint of the abdomen (telson), terminates in a hooked claw, perforated for the trans- mission of the duct of a poison-gland. As regards their distribution in time, the Scorpions com- mence in the Carboniferous period, where they are represented by the genera Eoscorpius and Cyclophthalmus. The most celebrated fossil Scorpion is the Cyclophthalmus senior (fig. 125) of the Bohemian Coal-measures. This remarkable form re- sembles the living Androctonus in having twelve eyes, but these are disposed in a circle, whereas in the latter there are six eyes on each side of the head. ORDER ARANEIDA. — This order includes the true Spiders, which are characterised by the amalgamation of the head and thorax into a single mass, to which the generally soft and unseg- mented abdomen is attached by a constricted portion or peduncle. Respiration is effected by pulmonary sacs in combination with air-tubes (tracheae). The head bears from six to eight simple eyes. The oldest-known Spiders occur in the Carboniferous Rocks. In the Coal-measures of Upper Silesia, Romer has described a Spider, which is allied to the living Lycosa, and which he has termed Protolycosa anthracophila. Other fossil Spiders have been described from the Lithographic Slates of Solenhofen (Middle Oolite), and from the Tertiary Rocks, and a good many species occur preserved in amber. CLASS MYRIAPODA. The Myriapods are Articulate animals in which the head is distinct, and the remainder of the body is divided into nearly similar segments. There is no marked boundary-line between the thorax and abdomen, and the segments of the latter carry locomotive limbs. There is one pair of jointed antenna, and the number of legs is always more than eight pairs. Respiration is effected by air-tubes (trachea). The living Myriapods are divided into the three orders Chilopoda, Chilognatha, and Pauropoda. In the Chilopoda are the Centipedes, characterised by their masticatory mouth, and carnivorous habits, by the possession of legs in single pairs (usually from fifteen to forty pairs), and by having antennae of from fourteen to forty or more joints. In the Chilognatha are the Millipedes and Gallyworms, characterised by their vege- tarian habits, by having the segments of the body so amal- 1 84 ANNULOSA. gamated that the legs appear to be arranged in double pairs, and by having antennas of six or seven joints. In the Pauro- poda is the single genus Pauropus, characterised by having only nine pairs of legs, and the antennae bifid, with three long multi-articulate appendages. Fig. 126. — Millipede (lulus). The oldest-known Myriapods occur in the Coal-measures, the two best-known] genera being Xylobius and Archiulns. These genera belong to the order Chilognatha, and comprise, therefore, vegetable-feeders. In Xylobius (fig. 127) the seg- Fig. 127. — Xylobius Sigillarice, a Carboniferous Myriapod. (After Dawson.) a, Natural size ; b, Anterior portion, enlarged ; c, Posterior portion, enlarged. ments are divided by cross sutures into numerous fragments, in a manner wholly unknown amongst recent forms. Several species of this genus are known, of which the one figured above derives its specific name from the fact that it is found in the hollow trunks of Sigillaria. It must have possessed, like the living Gallyworms, the power of rolling itself up into a ball (Dawson). In the allied genus Archiulus, the segments are not broken up into fragments, as they are in Xylobius. The characters of both these genera are so peculiar that they have been placed in a separate family under the name of :Archiulidcz.\ Other Myriapods have been discovered in the Carboniferous Rocks of North America and Britain, and have been referred to the genus EupJwberia. The true place of INSECTA. 185 these is uncertain, and they seem to have possessed the anomalous character of a row of dorsal spines. In the Litho- graphic Slates of Solenhofen (Middle Oolites) occur the remains of an animal which is referred to the Myriapoda by Count Miinster, under the name of Geophilus proavus. Other Myriapods have been described from Tertiary strata and from amber. CLASS INSECTA. The Insects are Articulate Animals, in which the head, thorax, and abdomen are distinct from one another. The thorax consists of three segments, each of which carries a pair of legs. Mostly there are two pairs of wings borne by the two hinder segments of the thorax. The abdomen never carries locomotive limbs, but the last abdominal segments may carry reproductive or sensory appen- dages. A single pair of jointed antenna is present, and the eyes are generally compound. Respiration is effected by air-tubes (trachece). As regards the general distribution of the Insecta in time, the oldest-known forms are from the Devonian Rocks of North America. Here occur the remains of several insects which belong to the order of the Neuropterous Insects (or to the (jPseudo-neuroptera)). Amongst the most remarkable of these is the Platephemera antiqua of Mr Scudder (fig. 128). This species must have attained a large size — five inches in ex- panse of wing — and it is re- garded by Mr Scudder as being referable to the Ephe- merida (the May-flies). This eminent authority, however, regards it as a "synthetic type ; " that is to say, as a form combining peculiarities ,,. w. ~ i • i Fig. 128. — Wing of Platephemera antiqua Of Structure Which are nOW (after Dawson), Devonian. only found in different groups. Three other genera belonging to the Neuroptera have been described from the Devonian Rocks of North America, under the names Homothetus, Lithentomum, and Xenoneura. In the Carboniferous Rocks, the remains of Insects, as might have been expected, are comparatively more abundant, though still far from common. In the rocks of this period we have representatives of the orders Neuroptera, Orthoptera, and Coleop- terd (Beetles). The Neuroptera are represented by a remark- able form, which has been referred to the Ephemeridce under the name of Haplophlebium Barnesii (fig. 129). This insect 1 86 ANNULOSA. must have attained a size much larger than that of any recent Ephemerids, measuring fully seven inches in expanse of wing. Fig. 129. — Haplophlebium Bantesii (after Dawson). From the Carboniferous Rocks of Canada, a Profile of base of wing. Another remarkable Carboniferous insect is the Archimulacris Acadicus of Mr Scudder (fig. 130). It belongs to a group of Insects which are tolerably abundant in Carboniferous strata — viz., the Cockroaches; but it does not agree with any living forms. In the Secondary period, remains of In- sects are much more abundant than in any Palaeozoic deposit The Jurassic Rocks have yielded the earliest examples of the orders Hymenoptera and Hemiptera, whilst the orders Neuroptera, Orthoptera, and Coleoptera are well represented. In the Tertiary Rocks, again, the remains of In- sects become still more abundant, and in some deposits they are found in the greatest profusion. Whilst all the above-mentioned orders are repre- sented, the Tertiary Rocks have also yielded the first traces (with doubtful exceptions) of the orders Diptera zxi&Lepidoptera. Amber, which is, geologically speaking, a very modern pro- duct, has yielded the remains of a vast number of insects, all of which belong to extinct forms. The following are the names of the Orders of Insects which are known in a fossil condition, with the date of their first appearance : — Fig. 1 30. — A rchimnl- acris Acadicus (after Dawson). From the Carboniferous Rocks of Canada. SUB-KINGDOM MOLLUSCA. l8/ 1. Neuroptera (Dragon-flies, White Ants, May-flies, &c.) Devonian. 2. Orthoplera (Cockroaches, Crickets, Locusts, &c.) Carboniferous. 3. Coleoptera (Beetles). Carboniferous. 4. Hymenoptera (Bees, Wasps, Saw-flies, Ants). Jurassic. 5. Hemiptera (Aphides, Field-bugs, Cicadas, &c.) Jurassic. 6. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths). Tertiary. 7. Diptera (House-flies, Flesh-flies, Gnats, Crane-flies, &c.) Tertiary. 8. Thysanura (Spring-tails). Late Tertiary (in amber). CHAPTER XVIII. SUB-KINGDOM MOLLUSCA. POLYZOA. SUB-KINGDOM MOLLUSCA. — The Mollusca comprise the ani- mals ordinarily known as Shell-fish, from their commonly pos- sessing an exoskeleton or shell. The Molluscs are soft-bodied and destitute of any evident segmentation. Commonly the integu- ment secretes a hard calcareous or horny envelope, but this may be absent. The alimentary canal is always present, and never com- municates with the body-cavity. The nervous system consists typically of three pairs of ganglia, disposed in a characteristically scattered manner ; but in the lower forms a single ganglion alone is present. A heart may or may not be present, and there may or may not be distinct respiratory organs. As a matter of course, it is only with the shell of the Mol- lusca that the palaeontologist has to deal, and those forms which are destitute of this structure are wholly unknown in the fossil condition. The special characters of the shell will be treated of in speaking of the separate classes. In the mean- while it is sufficient to draw attention to some general consi- derations. In the Sea-mosses and Sea-mats (Polyzoa], the animal is compound, and the hard structures secreted by the colony would not come under the common designation of " shell." In these cases the investment of the colony would rather be termed a "polypidom," and when of a horny nature, it does indeed show a very close resemblance to the " polypary " of the Sertularian Zoophytes. In the Ascidian Molluscs or Sea-squirts (Tunicata), the animal is simply enclosed in a leathery or cartilaginous case, in which calcareous matter is very rarely developed. Hence we need feel no surprise that the Tunicaries, with one or two very problematical exceptions, 1 88 MOLLUSCA. are not known in the fossil state. The Lamp-shells and their allies (Brachiopoda) possess a bivalve shell, consisting of two pieces or " valves," which are more or less highly calcareous. Coming to the higher Mollusca, the true bivalve Shell-fish (Lamcllibranchiata)) as their common name implies, have also a bivalve shell ; but this is distinguished from the shell of the Brachiopods by sufficiently good characters. No Lamelli- branch is destitute of a shell, and the remains of this class occur more or less abundantly in all deposits except the most ancient. The ordinary univalve Shell-fish (Gasteropoda), as indicated by their common name, have usually a shell com- posed of a single piece or "valve." In many Gasteropods, however, there is either no shell at all, when the animal is said to be "naked " (as in the Sea-slugs), or the shell is quite rudi- mentary, and is concealed within the mantle (as in the ordin- ary slugs). In other Gasteropods again (viz. in the Chitons), the shell is " multivalve," consisting of eight pieces or valves placed one behind the other. Most, however, of the " multivalve " shells of older writers are really referable to the Cirripedia. In the minute Oceanic Molluscs which form the class Ptero- poda, the animal is sometimes naked, but is more usually protected by a symmetrical glassy shell, which is always uni- valve. In the class of the Cephalopoda, finally, great diversity exists in the character of the skeleton. All the ordinary Cut- tle-fishes have an internal skeleton, embedded in the mantle, and not visible externally. This internal skeleton may be calcareous or horny, and it may be of a very complicated nature ; but it merely serves to support the soft parts of the animal, and it does not form an external case in which the animal lives. In one Cuttle-fish only (viz., the Argonaut or Paper Nautilus), is there an external shell, but the nature of this is quite peculiar, and it cannot be compared with the shell of any of the ordinary Molluscs. In another group of the Cephalopoda, represented at the present day by the Pearly Nautilus, there is a well-developed external shell, which is always composed of a single piece, and is always chambered, the animal living in the last and largest chamber of the shell. In composition the shell of the higher Mollnsca consists of carbonate of lime — usually having the atomic arrangement of calcite — with a small proportion of animal matter. In the Pholadida, however, the calcareous matter exists in the allo- tropic condition of arragonite, which is very much harder than calcite. As regards their texture, three principal varieties of shells may be distinguished — viz., the " porcellanous," the " nacreous/7 and the " fibrous." In the nacreous or pearly GENERAL CHARACTERS OF MOLLUSCA. 189 shells, as seen in " mother-of-pearl," the shell has a peculiar lustre, due to the minute undulations of the edges of alternate layers of carbonate of lime and membrane. The " fibrous " shells are composed of successive layers of prismatic cells. The " porcellanous " shell has a more complicated structure, and is composed of three layers or strata, each of which is made up of very numerous plates, " like cards placed on edge." The direction in which these vertical plates are placed, is sometimes transverse in the central layer, and lengthwise in the two others ; or longitudinal in the middle, and transverse in the outer and inner strata. From their so commonly possessing hard structures, whether external or internal, no fossils are more abundant or import- ant than Molluscs. As regards the general distribution of the Mollusca in time, the sub-kingdom commences its existence in the Cambrian period, and there is no reason to suppose that this is really its first appearance. In the Cambrian Rocks, the classes of the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, Pteropoda, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda are certainly represented, and the Lamelli- branchiata existed in Lower Silurian times, if not earlier. Speaking generally, the chief representatives of the Mollusca in Palaeozoic time are the chambered Cephalopods (Tetra- branchiata) and the Brachiopoda; in Mesozoic time, the Cuttle- fishes (Dibranchiate Cephalopods), the chambered Cephalo- pods, and the Polyzoa ; in Kainozoic time, the Lamellibranchs and Gasteropods. The Polyzoa are comparatively poorly re- presented in Palaeozoic Rocks, and attain their maximum towards the close of the Mesozoic period. The Brachiopods are vastly more abundant in Palaeozoic deposits than in Meso- zoic, and have gradually declined to the present day. The Lamellibranchiata seem to have been gradually increasing in importance since their first appearance in the Lower Silurian seas, and they have attained their maximum at the present day. The Gasteropods, upon the whole, like the Bivalves, seem to have reached their culminating point in recent seas ; whilst the Pteropods seem to have been as abundant in Silurian seas as they are at present. The history of the Cephalopoda is a remarkable one. The Tetrabranchiate forms, with chambered shells, attained their maximum in the earlier portion of the Silurian period, as regards their simpler types ; but the more complex types of the group swarmed in the seas of the Secondary period, and finally disappeared at the close of this epoch. This group at the present day is represented solely by the Pearly Nautilus. The Dibranchiate Cephalopoda, on the other hand, represented at the present day by the Cuttle- 1 90 MOLLUSCA. fishes, did not make their appearance till the commence- ment of the Secondary period, and seem to have reached their maximum in existing seas. The sub-kingdom Mollusca is divided into two great divi- sions, termed respectively the Molluscoida and the Mollusca Proper. The division Molluscoida comprises the three classes of the Polyzoa, Tunicata, and Brachiopoda, characterised by having a nervous system consisting of a single ganglion or prin- cipal pair of ga?iglia, whilst there is either no distinct organ of the circulation or an imperfect heart. In the division of the Mollusca Proper are comprised the classes of the Lamelli- branchiata (Bivalves), Gasteropoda (Univalves), Pteropoda, and Cephalopoda. All these classes are distinguished by having a nervous system composed of three principal pairs of ganglia; whilst there is a well-developed heart \ consisting of at least two chambers. CLASS POLYZOA OR BRYOZOA. Animal composite, forming colonies, all the members of which are produced by budding from a primitive being (zooid). Each member of the colony (zooid) is enclosed in a double-walled sac, the outer coat of which is mostly hardened by horny or calcareous matter. There is no heart, and the mouth is surrounded by a circle or crescent of hollow ciliated tentacles. The colonies are all but invariably faced to some foreign object, and are in many cases plant-like inform. All the Polyzoa live in an associated form in colonies or " polyzoaria," which are sometimes foliaceous, sometimes branched and plant-like, sometimes encrusting, and very rarely are free. Each " polyzoarium " consists of an assem- blage of distinct but similiar zooids arising by continuous gemmation from a single primordial individual. The colonies thus produced are in very many respects closely similar to those of many of the Hydroid Polypes, with which, indeed, the Polyzoa were for a longtime classed. The " polyzoarium," however, of a Polyzob'n differs from the polypidom of a com- posite Hydroid in the general fact that the separate cells of the former do not communicate with one another otherwise than by the continuity of the external integument; whereas the zooids of the latter are united by an organic connecting medium, or " ccenosarc," from which they take their origin. On this point Mr Busk observes : — " It has been before said that the Polyzoa are always asso- ciated into compound growths, made up of a congeries of individuals, which, though distinct, yet retain some degree of POLYZOA. intercommunication, comparable in kind perhaps, though not in degree, to what obtains in many of the compound Ascidi- ans. That this community exists is proved by the otherwise inexplicable circumstance that the polyzoaria in many in- stances present elements common to the whole growth, and not belonging specially to any individual. The chief bond of connection would appear to reside partly in the continuity of the external integument, and partly also, in all probability, in a slow interchange of the vital fluid with which the cavities of the cells are charged." In one sub-order of the Polyzoa ( Ctenostomatd), the polyzo- arium consists of a series of cells arising from a common tube, but this exception does not affect the value of the above general distinction between the Polyzoa and the Hydroida. A second point of difference is found in the invariably cor- neous (or chitinous) texture of the polypidoms of the Hydroida^ whereas those of the Polyzoa may be corneous or fleshy, but are in the majority of instances more or less highly charged with carbonate of lime. As before remarked, the colonies of the Polyzoa are pro- duced by a process of continuous budding from a primitive being or zooid. The budding takes place according to a determinate law, differing in different forms, and the resulting colony varies in shape according to the method of budding in each species. All the zooids of the colony are termed " poly- pides," and the entire colony consists simply of an aggregation of precisely similar polypides, which may be simply united by their external integuments or, more rarely, spring from a com- mon tube. It is only with the outer investment of the colony that the palaeontologist has to deal ; but it may be well briefly to describe the structure of a typical polypide. The polypide of a Polyzob'n (fig. 131, 2) consists essentially of a double-walled sac, filled with fluid, and perforated by an aperture where the mouth of the polypide is situated. In the majority of cases the outer wall of the sac (termed the " ecto- cyst") is of a horny consistence, or maybe more or less highly calcareous. It forms a little chamber, which is technically called the " cell." At one point, varying in its position, the cell is furnished with an aperture or "mouth" (fig. 131, T), whence the polypide can protrude its tentaculate head. The inner wall of the sac (termed the " endocyst ") is invariably flexible and membranous, and the space included within it is filled with fluid, in which floats the alimentary canal. The commencement of the alimentary canal is surrounded by a series of hollow ciliated tentacles, which are mostly arranged 192 MOLLUSCA. in a circle in the marine Polyzoa, but are disposed in the shape of a horse-shoe in most of the fresh-water forms. The digestive canal passes through the body-cavity, without open- ing into it, and terminates in a distinct anus placed near the mouth. The only other organs possessed by the polypide are a nervous ganglion, and the organs of reproduction, each zooid being hermaphrodite. J Fig. 131. — Morphology of Polyzoa. i. Portion of the coenpecium of Flustra truncata, magnified. 2. Diagram of a Polyzoon (after Allman) : a Region of the mouth surrounded by tentacles ; b Alimentary canal ; c Anus ; d Nervous ganglion ; e Investing sac (ecto- cyst) ; f Testis ; f Ovary; £• Retractor muscle. 3. Bird's-head process, or "avicula- rium," of a Polyzoon. In order, then, to arrive at a clear conception of the struc- ture of a Polyzoon, we have simply to imagine that such a polypide as above described should have the power of repeat- ing itself by gemmation, " thus producing one or more pre- cisely similar systems, holding a definite position relatively to one another, while all continue organically united." The only element of the Polyzoa with which the palaeonto- logist is concerned is the external investment of the colony— the " ccenoecium " or " polyzoarium." This is formed by the combined ectocysts of the various polypides, and it varies greatly both in form and actual composition. In form, it may be plant-like, rooted at one point, and rising into foliaceous expansions or arborescent growths ; or it may spread over some foreign object as a continuous crust. In consistence, it may be fleshy, horny, sub-calcareous, or completely calcareous ; POLYZOA. 193 Fig. 132. — Escharina Oceani, show- ing the sub- terminal mouths of the cells. Upper Cretaceous. the simply fleshy forms, as a matter of course, never occurring in a fossil condition. The form of the " cell," formed by the ectocyst or outer wall of each polypide, varies considerably, and important dis- tinctions may be drawn from this character alone. In one large group of the Polyzoa — the Cheilostomata — the mouth of the cell is never quite terminal in % position, but is always placed upon the front of the cell, gene- rally close to one end (fig. 132) ; whilst the diameter of the mouth is less than the diameter of the cell. In most of these forms, also, the mouth of the cell is provided with a movable lid or shutter, by which it can be closed when the animal is retracted within it. In another great group —the Cydostomata — the cells are tubular in form, and the mouth is terminal in position, whilst its diameter usually equals that of the cell. In these forms, also, there is no special apparatus for the closure of the mouth of the cell. The surface of the cell may be " either smooth and entire, spinous or granulous ; perforated with minute pores, or cribri- form with larger openings ; reticulate or ribbed, &c., — all of which conditions, with certain precautions, afford excellent diagnostic characters " (Busk). The margins of the mouth of the cell, also, may be " simple or thickened, unarmed or beset with erect * marginal spines,' which again may be either rigid or articulated at the base, simple or branched." There still remain three structures which are present in many forms, and especially in the Cheilostomata, which require some notice. The structures in question are known as the "ovicell," the " avicularia," and the " vibracula." The " ovicell " is a structure especially characteristic of the Cheilostomatous Polyzoa; but its presence is not universal, and when present it may be inconspicuous. Its general form is that of "a more or less rounded eminence situated above or behind the cell. . . . The cavity of the organ is continuous with the perivisceral space, through a passage situated at the upper and back part of the cell, and through which it would appear the ova are conveyed as into a sort of marsupial pouch. This organ is wanting in the Cydostomata, in which its functions are N 194 MOLLUSCA. apparently supplied by a dilatation of the body of the cell itself." (Busk.) The " avicularia " and " vibracula " are peculiar appendages of the ectocyst, supposed to be weapons of offence and defence, or to subserve some unknown function in the economy of the colony, and believed by Huxley to be peculiarly modified polypides. The avicularia, or "bird's-head processes," differ a good deal in shape, but consist essentially of a " movable mandible and a cup furnished with a horny beak, with which the point of the mandible is capable of being brought into apposition " (Busk). — In shape they are often closely similar to the head of a bird (fig. 131, 3), and they perform a peculiar snapping movement, which is continued long after the apparent death of the colony. In many respects, the avicularia are comparable with the " pedicellariae " of the Sea-urchins and Star-fishes. In the "yibracula," the place of the mandible of the avicularium is taken by a bristle or seta, which is capable of extensive movement. The following table exhibits the leading groups of the Polyzoa : — TABLE OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE POLYZOA. ORDER I. — PHYLACTOL^MATA. Tentacles arranged in the shape of a horse-shoe or crescent. Mouth furnished with a valve-like organ or "epistome." Sub-order I. Lophopea (fresh- water). — Arms of the tentacular disc (" lopho- phore") free or obsolete ; consistence, horny or sub -calcareous. Sub-order 2. Pedicellinea (marine). — Arms of the tentacular disc united at their extremities ; consistence, soft and fleshy. Sub-order 3. Rhabdopleurea (marine). — Ccencecium branched, adherent, membranous, with a chitinous rod on its adherent side. Tentacular disc horse-shoe-shaped. No epistome (?) ORDER II. — GYMNOL^EMATA. Tentacles arranged in the form of a more or less complete circle. No valve-like organ, or "epistome," arching over the mouth. Sub-order 4. Paludicellea (fresh-water). — Polypide completely retractile ; evagination of tentacular sheath imperfect ; consistence, horny or sub- calcareous. Sub-order 5. Cheilostomata (marine). — Polypide completely retractile ; evagination perfect ; orifice of cell sub-terminal, of less diameter than the cell, and usually closed with a movable lip or shutter, sometimes by a con- tractile sphincter; cells not tubular ; consistence, calcareous, horny, or fleshy. Sub-order 6. Cyclostomata (marine). — Cell tubular ; orifice terminal, of the same diameter as the cell, without any movable apparatus for its closure; consistence, calcareous. Sub-order 7. Ctenostomata (marine). — Orifice of the cell terminal, furnished with a usually setose fringe for its closure ; cells distinct, arising from a common tube ; consistence, horny or carnose. POLYZOA. 195 Of the above sub-orders of the Polyzoa, only the marine groups of the Cheilostomata and Cydostomata are known to occur in the fossil condition ; their preservation being due to their marine habits and their general possession of a calcareous or sub-calcareous coenoecium. The general facts as to the dis- tribution of the Polyzoa in past time have been already alluded to. The (OldhamiaiQf the Cambrian Rocks and the Graptolites have been referred to the Polyzoa ; but the former is probably a plant, and the latter almost certainly belong to the Hydrozoa. Leaving these out of account, the Polyzoa seem to commence in the Upper Cambrian, and are well represented in the Silu- rian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Rocks, but espe- cially in the Carboniferous. None of the Palaeozoic genera extend into the Secondary period. In the Secondary period Polyzoa are very abundant, and they attain their maximum of development in the Cretaceous period, the Chalk having yielded over two hundred species belonging to this class. In the Tertiary period, also, Polyzoa are abundant ; the Coralline Crag (Pliocene) deriving its name from the great profusion of its Polyzoan remains. Of the Palaeozoic Polyzoa the most important forms belong to the family of the Fenestellidce) or " Lace-corals." These commence in the Lower Silurian, and extend to the Permian ; but they are especially characteristic of the Carboniferous Rocks. In Fenestella itself (fig. 133), the coenoecium forms a Fig. 133. — Fenestella Lyelli. a Natural size ; b Portion enlarged; c Cells and spines in profile. From the Carboniferous Rocks of Canada (after Dawson). funnel-shaped or fan-shaped expansion, the base of which is attached to some foreign object. The coencecium is composed of a number of nearly parallel stems, united to one another by numerous cross-bars or dissepiments, enclosing small inter- 196 MOLLUSCA. spaces. The outer surface of the branches is minutely porous or longitudinally striated. The inner surface of the branches exhibits a central ridge or keel, separating the mouths of two rows of cells. Sometimes there is an additional row of cells on the mesial keel, and the dissepiments are usually destitute of cells. The entire ccenoecium is calcareous. In the nearly allied genus Retepora, the coencecium is also a fan-shaped ex- pansion, and is also of a calcareous consistence. In place, however, of transverse dissepiments, the branches of the ccenoe- cium unite with one another in such a manner as to form ovate interspaces or " fenestrules." The outer surface of the ccenoe- cium is non-celluliferous and minutely striated. The inner surface bears several rows of small cells. In the genus Ptilopora (fig. 134) are forms essentially similar Fig. 134. — Ptilopora pluma; the right-hand figure of the natural size, the left-hand figure enlarged. Carboniferous. to Fenestella, but having a feather-like arrangement, consisting of a central stem giving off lateral branches, which are con- nected by dissepiments, leaving oval fenestrules. In Glauco- nome (Acanthocladia, King) are forms in which the ccencecium consists of a central axis giving off lateral branches, which bear longitudinally-disposed cellules, but which are not united by transverse dissepiments. Lastly, in Archimedipora, which is found abundantly in parts of the Carboniferous series of the United States, the ccenoecium is wound in an oblique spiral round a central axis. The only other Palaeozoic genus of any special importance is Ptilodictya, the species of which are especially characteristic of the Silurian Rocks. In this genus, the ccenoecium is flattened, foliaceous, or more commonly POLYZOA. 197 dichotomously branched. The cellules are placed obliquely on both sides of the ccencecium, and have prominent oval mouths. In the Secondary period, the remains of Polyzoa are abund- ant, and some of the genera are still represented in recent Fig. 135. — Entalophora cellarioides, natural size and enlarged. Oolites. seas. Nearly twenty genera are known from the Jurassic Rocks, amongst which may be mentioned Idmonea, Eschara, Defranria, Diastopora, Bidiastopora, (fig. 136), and Entalophora Fig. 136. — Bidiastopora cervicornis, natural size and enlarged. Oolites. (fig. 135). All of these, except Eschara, belong to the group of the Cydostomata, distinguished by their tubular cells, the mouth of which equals in breadth the diameter of the cell. It is in the Cretaceous period that the Polyzoa attain their maximum, nearly two hundred species being known in the Chalk. Most of the Cretaceous forms belong to the 'Eschar- idui Circe, Silurian. Fig. 163. — Disciiia ljelopea, Silurian. concentrically striated ; the ventral valve is flat or partly con- vex, perforated by a longitudinal slit, which is placed in the middle of an oval depressed disc. The valves are not articu- lated to one another, but are kept together by muscular action alone. The species of the genus Discina range from the Silurian Rocks to the present day, seven species being now living. In the genus Trematis both valves are more or less convex, and the general shape of the shell is more or less oval or sub- orbicular. The ventral valve is furnished with a slit for the passage of a peduncle of attachment. This genus seems to be exclusively Silurian. In the genus Siphonotreta (fig. 164) the shell is oval, inequivalve, with un- articulated valves. The beak of the ventral valve is perforated by a foramen which opens on its back, and communicates with the interior by a cylindrical tube. The surface of the shell is covered with BRACHIOPODA. 213 concentric lines of growth, and furnished with numerous deli- cate tubular spines, which, however, are rarely preserved. All the Sipkonotreta at present known belong to the Silurian period. FAM. X. LiNGULiDyE. — Animal fixed by a muscular peduncle passing out between the beaks of the valves. Arms fleshy, not supported by calcified processes. Shell unarticulated, sub-equi- valve, of a horny texture. The LinguMa range, in the person of Lingula itself, from the Cambrian period to the present day. In the genus Lingula (fig. 165) the shell is oblong, com- pressed, the dorsal valve little smaller than tne ventral. The Fig. 165. — Lingula, Eva, Lower Silurian. Dorsal and ventral valves. (After Billings.) shell is oval, rounded, or satchel-shaped, tapering more or less towards the beaks. The surface is concentrically striated with lines of growth. The genus commences to be represented in the Cambrian Rocks, and has continued without interruption, and with no perceptible change, to the present day. In Obolns the valves are orbicular, sub-equal, smooth, the ventral valve having a longitudinal furrow for the passage of Fig. 166. — Obolella cingulata, Billings. Upper Cambrian. fibres of attachment. The valves are unarticulated, and are maintained in apposition by muscular action. All the known species of Obolus are confined to the Silurian period, and are especially characteristic of the Lower Silurian period. The 214 MOLLUSCA. genus Obolella (fig. 166) of Mr Billings is only separated from Obolus by certain internal characters. The little shells belong- ing to this genus sometimes occur in myriads in the Potsdam Group (Upper Cambrian) of North America. CHAPTER XX. LAMELLIBRANCHIA TA. THE Lamellibranchiata or Bivalve Shell-fish are distinguished by the fact that the head is not distinct, and the mouth is destitute of any apparatus of teeth. The body is more or less completely protected in a bivalve shell, co?nposed of two, usually symmetrical, pieces or valves. There are generally two leaf -like lamellar gills upon each side of the body. The Lamellibranchs include all the ordinary Bivalve Shell- fish, such as Oysters, Cockles, Mussels, and the like, and they are all either marine or inhabitants of fresh water. Though they agree with the Brachiopoda in possessing a shell which is composed of two pieces or valves, there are, nevertheless, many points in which the shell of a Lamelli- branch is distinguishable from that of a Brachiopod, irrespec- tive of the great difference in the structure of the animal in each. The shell in the Brachiopoda, as we have seen, is rarely or never quite equivalve, and always has its two sides equally developed (equilateral) ; whilst the valves are placed antero- posteriorly as regards the animal, one in front and one behind, so that they are " dorsal " and " ventral." In the Lamellibran- chiata, on the other hand, the two valves are usually of nearly equal size (equivalve), and are more developed on one side than on the other (inequilateral) ; whilst their position as re- gards the animal is always lateral, so that they are properly termed " right " and "left " valves, instead of " ventral " and " dorsal." It is to be remembered, however, that many of the Bivalves, such as the Oysters, habitually lie on one side, in which case the valves, though really right and left, are called " upper" and "lower." It is to be borne in mind also that the two valves, especially in the attached Bivalves, may be very unsymmetri- cal, one valve being much larger or deeper than the other. Lastly, there are some cases in which the shell becomes very LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 215 nearly equilateral, the line drawn from the beaks to the base dividing the shell into two almost equal halves. h B A Fig. 167. — Left valve of CytJierea chione (after Woodward). A, Anterior margin ; B, Posterior margin ; C, Ventral margin or base ; « Umbo ; h Ligament ; / Lunule ; £ Cardinal tooth ; tt Lateral teeth; a Anterior adductor; a' Posterior adductor; p Pal- lial line ; s Pallial sinus, caused by the retractor muscles of the siphons. The following are the chief points to be noticed in connec- tion with the shell of any Lamellibranch : Each valve of the shell may be regarded as essentially a hollow cone, the apex of which is turned more or less to one side ; so that more of the shell is situated on one side of the apex than on the other. The apex of the valve is called the " umbo," or " beak " (fig. 167, //), and is always turned towards the mouth of the animal. Consequently the side of the shell towards which the umbones are turned is the " anterior" side, and it is usually the shortest half of the shell. The longer half of the shell, from which the umbones turn away, is called the " posterior" side, but in some cases this is equal to, or even shorter than, the anterior side. The side of the shell where the beaks are situated, and where the valves are united to one another, is called the " dorsal " side ; and the opposite margin, along which the shell opens, is called the "ventral " side, or " base." The length of the shell is measured from its anterior to its posterior margin, and its breadth from the dorsal margin to the base. At the dorsal margin the valves are united to one another for a shorter or longer distance, along a line which is called the " hinge-line." The union is effected in most shells by means of a series of parts which interlock with one another (the "teeth"), but these are sometimes absent, when the shell is 2l6 MOLLUSCA. said to be " edentulous." Posterior to the umbones, in most bivalves, is another structure passing between the valves, which is called the "ligament," and which is usually composed of two parts, either distinct or combined with one another. These two parts are known as the " external ligament " (or the liga- ment proper), and the "cartilage," and they constitute the agency whereby the shell is opened ; but one or other of them may be absent. The ligament proper is outside the shell, and consists of a band of horny fibres, passing from one valve to the other just behind the beak, in such a manner that it is put upon the stretch when the shell is closed. The cartilage, or internal ligament, is lodged between the hinge-lines of the two valves, generally in one or more " pits," or in special processes of the shell. It consists of elastic fibres placed perpendicularly between the surfaces by which it is contained, so that they are necessarily shortened and compressed when the valves are shut. To open the shell, therefore, it is simply necessary for the animal to relax the muscles which are provided for the closure of the valves, whereupon the elastic force of the liga- ment and cartilage is sufficient of itself to open the shell. The hinge-line is mostly curved, but it may be quite straight. Generally the beaks are more or less contiguous, but they may be removed from one another to a greater or less distance, and in some anomalous forms they are not near one another at all. In the Arcada the two beaks are separated from one another by an oval or lozenge-shaped flat space or area. When teeth are present, they differ much in their form and arrangement. In some forms (fig. 167) the teeth are divisible into three sets — One group, of one or more teeth, placed immediately beneath the umbo, and known as the "cardinal teeth;" and two groups on either side of the preceding, termed the " lateral teeth." Sometimes there may be lateral teeth only ; some- times the cardinal teeth alone are present ; and in some cases (Arcadce) there is a row of similar and equal teeth. In the interior of the shell of the Bivalves are found certain markings which are often of great importance to the palaeon- tologist. The body is enclosed in an expansion of the dorsal integument, which constitutes the "mantle" or "pallium," whereby the shell is secreted. Towards its circumference the mantle is more or less completely united to the shell, leaving in its interior, when the soft parts are removed, a more or less distinctly impressed line, which is called the " pallial line " or " pallial impression " (fig. 168, a). In some of the Bivalves the two halves or " lobes" of the mantle are united at their mar- gins, so that the animal is enveloped in an almost closed sac. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 217 In these cases it is necessary that there should be orifices in the mantle-sac by which water can be admitted to the gills, and can be expelled again from the body. The margins or lips of these orifices are usually drawn out or extended into longer or shorter muscular tubes, which are termed the " siphons," and which may be either separate, or may be united to one another along one side. The Bivalves which possess these siphons are said to be " siphonate," and there are two leading modi- fications in the arrangement of these tubes. In the Siphonate Bivalves which spend their existence buried in sand or mud, as well as in many other cases, the siphons are long, and can be partially or entirely retracted within the shell by means of special muscles, called the " retractor-muscles of the siphons." In these cases, the pallial line does not run in an unbroken curve, but is deflected inwards posteriorly, so as to form an indentation or bay, which is termed the " jDallial sinus " (fig. 1 68, 2). The presence, therefore, of an indented pallial line shows that the animal possessed retractile siphons. In other Fig. 1 68. — Shells of Lamellibranchiata. i. Cyclas amnica, a dimyary shell with an entire pallial line. 2. Tapes pttllastra, a dimyary shell with an indented pallial line. 3. Feriia. ephippiuni, a monomyary shell. (After Woodward.) a Pallial line; b Muscular impressions left by the adductors ; c Siphonal impression. Bivalves the respiratory siphons are of small size, and are des- titute of retractor muscles, so that they cannot be withdrawn within the shell. In these cases the " pallial line," or the im- pression caused by the attachment of the muscular border of the mantle, is unbroken in its curvature, and presents no indentation (fig. 168, i). In another group of the Bivalves there are no respiratory siphons at all, and the mantle-lobes are free, and are not united to one another at their edges. In these cases also, the pallial line is unbroken or " simple." When, therefore, we find a Bivalve shell in which the pallial line is not indented by a sinus, we know that the animal which inhabited the shell either possessed no siphons, or that if siphons were present, they were small and not retractile. 2l8 MOLLUSCA. In accordance with these considerations, the Lamdlibranchi- ata are divided into two sections, according as respiratory siphons are present or absent, and according to their nature when they exist. SECTION A. ASIPHONIDA. — Animal without respiratory si- phons ; mantle-lobes free; the pallial line simple and not in- dented (Integro-pallialia). This section comprises the families Ostreidce, Aviculidce, My- tilidce, Arcades, Trigoniadce, and Unionidce. SECTION B. SIPHONIDA. — Animal with respiratory siphons ; mantle-lobes more or less united. Two subdivisions are comprised in this section. In the first the siphons are short, and the pallial line is simple (Integro- pallialia) ; as is seen in the families Chamidcz, Hippuritidce, Tridacnidce, Cardiadce, Ludnidcs, Cycladida, and Cyprinidce. The second subdivision (Sinu^allialiq) is distinguished by the possession of long respiratory siphons, and a sinnated pallial line, and it comprises the families Veneridcs, Mactridce, Tellinida, Solenidce, Myaculce, Anatinidce, Gastrochcenidce, and Pholadidce. Besides the impressions left by the muscular border of the mantle, and by the retractor muscles of the siphons, when these are present, there are other impressions caused by the insertion into the shell of the muscles by which the valves are brought together — the " adductor muscles." The number of adductor muscles never exceeds two, but there may be only one ; and in accordance with this distinction the Bivalves have been divided into the two groups of the Dimyaria and Mono- myaria. These divisions, however, are of small actual value. In most Bivalves there are two adductor muscles passing be- tween the inner surfaces of the valves, one being placed anteriorly, in front of the mouth, whilst the other is situated posteriorly, in the neighbourhood of the vent. In the Mono- myary Bivalves it is the posterior adductor which remains, and the anterior adductor is absent. The adductors leave distinct "muscular impressions," or scars, in the interior of the shell, so that it is easy in any given specimen to determine where there was only one adductor, or whether two were pre- sent (see fig. 1 68). The habits of the Lamellibranchiata are very various. Some, such as the Oyster (Ostrea), and the Scallop (Pecteii), habit- ually lie on one side, the lower valve being the deepest, and the foot being wanting, or rudimentary. Others, such as the Mussel (Mytilus\ and the Pinna, are attached to some foreign object by an apparatus of threads, which is called the " byssus," LAMELLIBR ANCHI ATA. 2 1 9 and is secreted by a special gland. Others are fixed to some solid body by the substance of one of the valves. Many, such as the Myas, spend their existence sunk in the sand of the sea- shore or in the mud of estuaries. Others, as the Pholades and Lithodomi, bore holes in rock or wood, in which they live. Finally, many are permanently free and locomotive. As regards the general distribution in time of the Lamelli- branchiata, the class seems to have commenced in the Lower Silurian Rocks, and to have steadily increased up to the pre- sent day, when it seems to have attained its maximum, both as regards numbers and as regards variety of type. The recent Bivalves are also superior in organisation to those which have preceded them. In the Palaeozoic and earlier Secondary de- posits the Bivalves belong mainly to the group of the Asiph- onida, in which there are no respiratory siphons. In the later Secondary and Tertiary Rocks, on the other hand, there is a predominance of Siphonate Bivalves, in which the mantle-lobes are united and there are respiratory siphons. Upon the whole, the Lamellibranchiata are sparingly represented in the Lower Silurian, more abundant in the Upper Silurian, reduced in numbers in the Devonian, very plentiful in the Carboniferous, scanty in the Permian and Trias, profusely represented in the Jurassic Rocks, and very abundant in the Cretaceous and Ter- tiary periods (Lobley). In the Carboniferous Rocks the family of the Aviculidce is especially abundant. One very singular and aberrant family — viz., the Hippuritida — is exclusively con- fined to the Secondary period, and is not known to occur out of the limits of the Cretaceous formation. The Venerida, which are perhaps the most highly organised of the Lamelli- branchiata, appear for the first time in the Oolitic Rocks, and, increasing in the Tertiary period, have culminated in the Recent period. The remains of Lamellibranchiata are very abundant in many formations, and are of great palaeontological importance. It will therefore be well to review the families* of the class briefly, giving the leading characters, more impor- tant genera, and geological distribution of each. SECTION A. ASIPHONIDA. FAM. i. OSTREID^E. — Shell inequivalve, slightly inequilateral, free or attached ; hinge usually edentulous. Ligament internal. * In the following synoptical view of the Lamellibranchiata, the classi- fication adopted in Woodward's admirable Manual of the Mollusca has been mainly followed. 22O MOLLUSCA. Lobes of the mantle entirely separated ; the foot small and byssiferous, or wanting. A single adductor muscle. In the typical Oysters, forming the genus Ostrea (figs. 169, Fig. 169. — Ostrea Couloni, Lower Greensand. ' 170), the shell is irregular, and is attached by the left valve, which is also convex, and has a well-marked beak. The upper valve is generally flat or concave, and is the smallest of the Fig. 170. — Ostrea aguila, Lower Greensand. two valves. The hinge is toothless. Both valves may be more or less completely plain, and the upper one especially often is so. The lower valve, however, is commonly plaited, and both valves are sometimes thus ornamented, as in Ostrea Marsliii of the Oolites (fig. 171). In the sub-genus Gryphcza are included Oysters which were either quite free or very slightly attached. The left or lower valve (fig. 172) is much the largest, and has a very pronounced incurved beak, whilst the right valve is small and concave. In the sub-genus Exogyra, again, the beaks are " reversed "-—that is to say, turned towards the posterior side of the shell. True Oysters commence to be represented in the Carboniferous LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 221 seas, abound in the Secondary and Tertiary periods, and are very plentiful at the present day. The sub-genera Gryphcea and Exogyra are exclusively Mesozoic, the former abounding Fig. 171. — Ostrea Marshii, Oxford Clay (Middle Oolites). Fig. 172. — {jfyjmcea tucurva, Lias. especially in the lower portion of the Oolitic series, whilst the latter is chiefly characteristic of the later Oolitic and Cretace- ous deposits. In the Aiiomia the shell is thin and translucent, and is fixed to some solid body by a plug which passes through a hole or Fig. 173. — Pgcten Islandicus, left valve. Post-Tertiary and Recent. notch in the right valve. The typical fossil species are dis- tributed from the Oolites upwards. The Oolitic genus Placu- nopsis is also related to Anomia. The genus Pecten includes the Scallops (fig. 173), in which 222 MOLLUSCA. the shell rests upon the right valve, and the beaks are furnished with ears. The anterior ears are usually the largest and most prominent, and the shell is generally furnished with ribs radiat- ing from the umbos. The right valve is the deepest, and is notched below the anterior ear. Counting in its sub-genera, nearly five hundred species of the genus Pecten are known in the fossil state, commencing in the Devonian Rocks, and ex- tending to the present day. The Palaeozoic Pectens are dis- tinguished from their successors in more modern rocks by having the posterior ears larger than the anterior; and they are therefore placed by M'Coy in a new genus, under the name of Aviculopecten. They are, however, usually regarded as belonging to the Avicididce. In the genus Lima (or Plagiostoma) the shell is equivalve and free, whilst the beaks are separated from one another and are eared. The genus is represented by numerous species in the rocks of the Secondary period, and has survived to the present day. In Spondylus (fig. 174) the shell is inequivalve, and is fixed by the right valve to some foreign body. The beaks are apart and Fig. T.-]\.—Spondylus spinosus, Chalk. eared, and the shell is covered with spines, foliaceous expan- sions, or ribs radiating from the beak. The lower valve has a triangular hinge-area, and there are two teeth in each valve. The Spondyli seem to have commenced in the Cretaceous period, in which they are very abundant, and they have con- tinued through the Tertiary period to the present day. Lastly, the Plicatula (fig. 175) approach the Spondyli nearly, by having an inequivalve shell, which is attached by the right valve, and by having two hinge-teeth in each valve. The shell, however, is rarely eared, the hinge-area is obscure, and the valves are not spiny, though they may be plaited. The Plica- tulce extend from the Trias to the present day, and they abound to such an extent in parts of the Lower Greensand (Cretaceous), LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 223 as to have given rise to the name of " Argile a Plicatules " ap- plied to the beds in question. Fig. 175. — Plicatula placujiea, Lower Greensand. FAM. 2. AVICULID^E. — Shell inequivalve, very oblique, at- tached by a byssus ; hinge nearly or quite edentulous. Mantle- lobes free; anterior adductor small, leaving its impression within the umbo \ posterior adductor large and sub-central. Foot small. Leaving out of consideration the genus Aviculopecten, which holds a dubious position, and has been already spoken of, the chief fossil genera of the Aviculidce are Avicula, Posidonomya, 220 Fig. 176. — Avicula deinissa, Lower Silurian. Fig. 177. — Ambonychia xpdiata, Lower Silurian. Gervittia, Perna, Inoceramtis, and Pinna. In the genus Avicula (fig. 176) the shell is oblique and very inequivalve. The right 224 MOLLUSCA. valve has a notch under the anterior ear; and the hinge has one or two cardinal teeth, sometimes with an elongated pos- terior tooth. The true Aviculce are represented by veiy numer- ous fossil species, extending from the Lower Silurian Rocks to the present day. Of the sub-genera of Avicula, the three most important fossil forms are Ambonychia, Pterinea, and Cardiola, the place of the last in this family being somewhat doubtful. In the AmbonychicR (fig. 177) the valves are gibbous, nearly equal, and the anterior ear is almost obsolete. They extend from the Lower Silurian to the Carboniferous. The Pterineas (fig. 178) are very abundant in the Silurian Rocks, especially in the upper division of the series, and they extend to the Car- C Fig. 178. — A, Pteriiiea snb-falcata ; B, Cardiola interrupta; C, Cardiola fibrosa. (After M'Coy and Salter.) Silurian. boniferous Rocks. They have a shell with large ears and very oblique, the hinge-area being long and straight. The Cardiolce have an oblique, equivalve shell (fig. 178, B), radiately ribbed, with prominent beaks and a short hinge-area. They are mainly characteristic of the Upper Silurian Rocks, but they have been stated to occur in the Lower Silurian, and they are found in the Devonian. The shells of the genus Posidonomya are very thin, con- centrically striated, equivalve and earless. They extend from the Silurian to the Trias, but are especially characteristic of the Carboniferous Rocks. Many of the smaller shells referred to Posidonomya are undoubtedly referable to the Crustacean genus Esther ia. The genus Gervillia comprises a number of fossil shells, which range from the Carboniferous Rocks to the Chalk, and which are very like the true Aviculce. The shell is elongated, the anterior ear small, and the posterior ear broad and wing- like. ' Nearly allied to Gervillia is the genus Perna, which commenced in the Trias, and is represented in recent seas. Nearly related to both Gervillia and Perna is the genus Inoceramus (figs. 179, 180), which is entirely confined to the Secondary period, and is mainly characteristic of the Creta- LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 225 ceous series. The shells of this genus are inequivalve, with radiating ribs or concentric furrows, and with prominent beaks. The hinge-line is long and straight, with numerous Fig. 179. — Inoceramus sulcatus. Gault (Cretaceous). Fig. 180. — Inoceramus problematicus. (Jhaik. caitilage-pits. Some of the Inocerami attain a length of two or three feet, and fragments of them are often found perfor- ated by boring sponges. The last genus of the Aviculidce is Pinna, in which the shell is equivalve and wedge-shaped, and the beaks are placed quite on the anterior side of the shell. The Pinniz seem to have commenced in the Devonian, but their existence prior to the Carboniferous period is a matter of some uncertainty. Many species are known in the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks, and the genus is well represented by living forms. The sub-genus Trichites is exclusively Oolitic,. and the shells referred here sometimes attained an enormous size. FAM. 3. MYTILID^E. — Shell equivalve ; umbones anterior; hinge edentulous ; anterior muscular impression small, pos- terior Jarge. Shell attached by a byssus. Mantle-lobes united between the siphonal apertures. Foot cylindrical, grooved, and byssiferous. The chief fossil genera of the Mytilidcz are Mytilus, Modiola, Lithodomus, Modiolopsis, and Orthonota'. In the genus Mytilus are the true Mussels, in which the shell is wedge-shaped, and the beaks terminal. Numerous fossil forms are known, commencing in the Permian. The Modiola, or " Horse-mussels," have the beaks anterior, blunt, not pointed, the hinge edentulous, and the shell oblong. 226 MOLLUSCA. More than one hundred fossil species have been described, commencing in the Lias, and extending to the present day. The Palaeozoic Modiola are probably referable to different gen- era. The Date-shells (Lithodomus) form a sub-genus QiModiola, and are distinguished by their habit of forming perforations in rocks, in which they live. They appear to date from the Lower Oolitic Rocks, and are known to palaeontologists by both their shells and their burrows. The genus Modiolopsis (fig. 181), includes a number of Silurian shells, the true place of which is somewhat uncertain. Fig. 181. — Modiolopsis modiolaris. Lower Silurian. The shell is equivalve, very inequilateral, the beaks anterior, and the surface smooth, or marked by fine concentric lines of growth; The shell is thin, and its posterior end is consider- ably broader than the anterior. The genus OrtJtonota likewise comprises a number of Silu- rian Bivalves, and is also in a somewhat doubtful position. The shell (fig. 182) is elongated, equivalve, very inequilateral, having the beaks placed close to its anterior end. The shell is thin, and its margins are parallel. FAM. 4. ARCADE. — Shell equivalve ; hinge long, with many comb-like teeth ; muscu- lar impressions nearly equal; mantle - lobes separated ; foot large, bent, and deeply grooved. The most important fossil genera of this family are Area, Cucullcea, Pectimculus, Nucula, Ctenodonta, Cyrtodonta, and Leda. The Arks (Area) have a straight hinge-line, with remote beaks, separated from one another by an oval or lozenge- Fig. 182. — Ortkoiiota paralleia. Lower Silurian. LAMELLIBR ANCH I ATA. 227 shaped ligamental area (fig. 183). The teeth are numerous and transverse, and the surface is generally strongly ribbed. Species of Area have been described from the Lower Silurian Rocks upwards. It is probable, however, that the older Palaeozoic forms referred here really belong to other genera, especially Ctenodonta and Cyrtodonta. In Cucttllcza the shell is ventricose, and the hinge- teeth are few and oblique, and at each end of the hinge become parallel with the hinge-line. Species of this genus have been described from the Lower Silurian upwards. The Pectunculi have a nearly round and equilateral shell, the beaks separated by a striated ligamental area, the hinge-line curved, and the hinge-teeth forming a semicircular row. Pect- unculus is a comparatively modern genus, and does not seem to have come into existence before the Cretaceous period. Numerous species are known in the Tertiary Rocks. The Nucula (fig. 184) have a trigonal shell, the beaks of which are reversed, and turned towards the posterior side of the shell, which is also the shortest side. The hinge has Fig. 183. — Area antiqua. Permian. Fig. 184. — j.\ncnla bivirgata. Gault. Fig. i»5. — Ctetiodonta contracta. Lower Silurian, a Interior of right valve ; b Exterior of the same. numerous teeth on each side of a central internal cartilage-pit. The Palaeozoic shells referred to Nucula probably belong to other genera. Many species, however, are known from the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks. The genera Ctenodonta and Cucullella are both nearly re- lated to one another and to Nucula, and both are exclusively Palaeozoic, and are mainly, if not entirely, Silurian. The Ctenodonta (fig. 185) are extremely like Nucula, but are dis- 228 MOLLUSCA. tinguished by having an external ligament. The posterior side of the shell is generally the shortest, but the reverse is some- times the case. The shells of the genus Cyrtodonta (Palaarca of Hall) are very inequilateral, the umbones being anterior (fig. 186). The Fig. 1 86. — Cyrtodonta Hindi (Billings). Lower Silurian, a Dorsal view ; b Side view. hinge-area is undefined, and the surface generally smooth. There are a few (three) anterior cardinal teeth, and " two or three remote oblique posterior teeth parallel to the hinge- margin " (Salter). The species of Cyrtodonta appear to be exclusively confined to the Silurian and Devonian Rocks. In the genus Leda the shell resembles that of Nucula, especi- ally in having numerous teeth on either side of a central cartilage-pit. The shell, however, is oblong, rounded in front, and pointed behind. The occurrence of Leda in the Palaeozoic period is dubious ; but numerous species are known from the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks. FAM. 5. TRIGONIAD^E. — Shell equivalve, trigonal ; hinge-teeth few, diverging ; umbones directed posteriorly. Mantle open ; foot long and bent. The most important genera of this family are Trigonia, Myophoria, and Axinus. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 229 In Trigonia (fig. 187) the shell is trigonal, with tubercles, radiating ribs, or concentric ridges. The hinge-teeth are two in one valve and three in the other. The Trigonics are Fig. 187. — Trigonia scabra. Chalk. essentially Mesozoic, being only known, in the fossil con- dition, as extending from the Trias to the Chalk. They are not known with certainty to be represented in the Tertiary Rocks at all; but the Australian seas have yielded some living forms. The shells of the genus Myophoria have the umbones direct- ed anteriorly, and are in most respects closely similar to Tri- gonia. They belong exclusively to the Triassic period. The genus Axinus (Schizodus) is also nearly related to Tri- gonia y but the shell is thinner, and is smooth, and the posterior side is not so distinctly angular, but is marked by an oblique ridge. The shells of this genus extend from the Upper Silurian to the Trias, but are especially characteristic of the Permian Rocks. FAM. 6. UNIONID/E. — Shell usually equivalve, with a large external ligament. Anterior hinge-teeth thick and striated ; posterior laminar or want- ing. Mantle-lobes united between the siphonal ap- ertures. Foot very large, compressed, byssiferous in the fry. All the members of the UnionidcB are in- habitants of fresh water, and they are, therefore, not known as fossils except in fluviatile and lacustrine de- posits. The only two fossil genera of the family are TTM' _. J A j Fig. 1 88. — Unio Waldensis. Wealden Unto and Anodon. (Lower cretaceous). In the genus Unio (fig. 1 88) the shell is oval or elongated, somewhat resembling that of a mussel (hence the name of River-mussels commonly 230 MOLLUSCA. given to the Unios}. The species of this genus appear to commence in the Lower Cretaceous Rocks, and they are very abundant at the present day. The beaks of fossil speci- mens are often deeply eroded, as are those of living forms. The Anodons or Swan-mussels closely resemble the Unios, but the shell is edentulous. The earliest fossil forms occur in the Lower Tertiaries (Eocene). SECTION B. SIPHONIDA. Sub-division I. Integropallialia. — Siphons short, pallial line simple. FAM. 7. CHAMID^E. — Shell inequivalve, attached. Hinge- teeth 2-1 (two in one valve and one in the other). Impres- sions of the adductors large. Mantle closed ; pedal and siphonal orifices small and nearly equal. Foot very small. The most important fossil forms, of this family belong to the genera Chama, Diceras, and Requienia. In the genus C/iama the shell is attached usually by the beak of the left valve, but sometimes by that of the right. The upper valve is the smallest, and both bear foliaceous expan- sions. The free valve carries one tooth which articulates with two teeth in the attached valve. The Chamas do not appear as fossils till we reach the Cretaceous Rocks, and they have continued to exist up to the present day. In the remarkable genus Diceras (fig. 189), the shell is "sub-equivalve, attached by either umbo; beaks very promi- nent, spiral, furrowed externally by ligamental grooves ; hinge very thick, teeth 2-1, promi- nent • muscular impressions bounded by long spiral ridges, sometimes obsolete " (Wood- ward). The species of Diceras are exclusively confined to the Middle Oolites. In this for- mation in the Alps they occur Fig. ^.-Dicera^arietina. Middle jn such abundance ^ to give rise to the name of " Calcaire a Dicerates," applied to beds of the same age as the Coral Rag of Britain. The genus Requienia is exclusively confined to the Cre- taceous period, and differs from Diceras chiefly in having a LAMELLIBRANCH1ATA. 231 very inequivalve shell, always attached by its left valve. The attached valve is the largest, and is spiral, whilst the free valve is small and sub -spiral. FAM. 8. HIPPURITID/E (Rudistes of Lamarck). — "Shell in- equivalve, unsymmetrical, thick, attached by the right umbo ; umbones frequently camerated ; structure and sculpturing of the valves dissimilar ; ligament internal ; hinge-teeth 1-2 ; adductor impressions two, large, those of the left valve on prominent apophyses ; pallial line simple, sub-marginal." — (Woodward). The Hippuritida are not only entirely extinct, but are ex- clusively confined to the Cretaceous Rocks, whence more than one hundred species have been described. All the members of this family were attached, and lived in beds like oysters. The two valves of the shell are always altogether unlike in sculpturing, appearance, shape, and size ; and the cast of the interior of the shell is often extremely different to the form of the shell itself. About a hundred species of the family are known, all of which are Cretaceous, oc- curring in Britain, Southern Europe, the West Indies, North America, Algeria, and Egypt. Species of this family occur in such numbers in certain compact marbles in the south of Europe, of the age of the Lower Chalk, as to have given origin to the name of " Hippurite Limestones " applied to these strata. The Hippuritidce have been especially studied by Dr S. P. Woodward, who makes the fol- lowing remarks upon their struc- ture and affinities : — " They are the most problematical of all fos- sils ; there are no recent shells which can be supposed to belong to the same family ; and the con- dition in which they usually occur has involved them in greater ob- scurity. The characters which determine their position amongst the ordinary Bivalves are the following : — " i. The shell is composed of two distinct layers. Fig. 190. — Hippitrites Toucasiana. A large individual, with two smaller ones attached to it 232 MOLLUSCA. " 2. They are essentially unsymmetrical and right-and-left valved. "3. The sculpturing of the valves is dissimilar. " 4. There is evidence of a large internal ligament. " 5. The hinge-teeth are developed from the free valve. " 6. The muscular impressions are two only. " 7. There is a distinct pallial line. " The outer layer of shell in the Hippurite and Radiolite consists of prismatic cellular structure ; the prisms are perpen- dicular to the shell-laminae, and subdivided often minutely. The cells appear to have been empty, like those of Ostrea. The inner layer which forms the hinge and lines the umbones, is sub-nacreous, and very rarely preserved The inner shell-layer is seldom compact, its laminae are extremely thin, and separated by intervals like the water-chambers of Spondylus The chief peculiarity of the Hippuri- tidcz is the dissimilarity in the structure of the valves, but even this is deprived of much significance by its inconstancy. The free valve of Hippurites is perforated by radiating canals, which open round its inner margin, and communicate with the upper surface by numerous pores, as if to supply the interior with filtered water In the closely allied genus Radiolites there is no trace of such canals, nor in Caprotina" The shell of Hippurites (fig. 190) is inversely conical or cylindrical, and sometimes attains a length of a foot or more. Fig. 191. — Caprina. Aguilloni. The right-hand figure shows the interior of the left valve. The shell is attached by the larger conical valve, and is closed by a small depressed free valve, with a central umbo. In LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 233 Radiolites the shell is inversely conical, bi-conical, or cylin- drical, with dissimilar valves. The upper valve is sometimes flat, sometimes conical, and has a central umbo. In Caprina (fig. 191) the valves of the shell are dissimilar, the fixed valve being conical, whilst the free valve is oblique, or is spirally rolled. The free valve is thick, and is " perforated by one or more rows of flattened canals, radiating from the umbo, and opening all round the margin" (Woodward). The cavity of the free valve is sometimes chambered. FAM. 9. TRIDACNID^E. — Shell equivalve ; ligament external ; muscular impressions blended, sub-central. Animal attached by a byssus, or free. Mantle-lobes extensively united ; pedal aperture large ; siphonal orifices surrounded by a thickened pallial border. Foot finger-like and byssiferous. The shell is truncated in front, the surface ribbed, and the margins toothed. The family contains the single genus Tridacna, which is not known to have come into existence before the period of the Miocene Tertiary. FAM. 10. CARDIAD^E. — Shell equivalve, heart-shaped, with radiating ribs ; cardinal teeth 2 ; lateral teeth i-i in each valve. Mantle open in front ; siphons usually very short ; foot large and sickle-shaped. The only two genera of this family are Cardium and Conocardium. In Cardium are comprised the true Cockles, in which the shell is ventricose, the beaks pronounced, and placed nearly in the centre of the dorsal margin (fig. 192), the margins crenated, Fig. 192.— Cardium Hillanum. Upper Greensand. and the pallial line more or less indented. It is doubtful it any true Cardium has been detected in the Silurian Rocks. With the Devonian, however, the genus begins to be well re- presented, and it has continued up to the present day, attaining its maximum in existing seas. The species figured above is separated from the true Cockles by having the posterior slope of the shell radiately striated, whilst the sides are concentri- cally furrowed. 234 MOLLUSCA. The genus Conocardium comprises a number of Palaeozoic shells, in which the anterior side is conical and gaping ; whilst the posterior margin is truncated, and there is a longer or shorter siphonal tube placed near the beaks. FAM. ii. LUCINID^E. — Shell orbicular, free; cardinal teeth i or 2; lateral teeth i - i, or obsolete. Mantle - lobes open below, with one or two siphonal orifices behind; foot elon- gated, cylindrical, or strap-shaped. The most important fossil genera of the Lucinidcz are Lucina and Corbis. Nearly two hundred species of the former have been described, commenc- ing with the Devonian; and about eighty species of the former are known, commencing with the Lias. FAM. 12. CYCLADID^E. — Shell sub-orbicular, closed; hinge with cardinal and lateral teeth; ligament external. Mantle open in front ; a single siphon, or two more or less united. Foot large, tongue-shaped. The genera Cydas and Cyrena compose this family, and both are inhabitants of fresh water ; though the latter not uncommonly frequents brackish water, and one species of the former has been described as marine. In the Cydades the shell is thin, and there are two hinge- teeth in one valve arid one in the other. In Cydas itself the shell is nearly equilateral, but in the sub-genus Pisi- dium, it is inequilateral, with the anterior side the longest. In Cyrena (fig. 193) the shell is thick, and there are three Fig. 193. — Cyrena autiqua. .Locene. . hinge -teeth in each valve. Both Cydas and Cyrena seem to have come into existence at the commencement of the Cretaceous period (Wealden), and they are abundantly distributed through the Tertiary Rocks. FAM. 13. CYPRINID^E. — Shell equivalve, closed; ligament external ; cardinal teeth 1-3 in each valve, and usually a posterior tooth. Mantle-lobes united behind by a curtain pierced with two siphonal orifices. Foot thick and tongue- shaped. Of the genera of the Cyprinida, the more important fossil forms belong to Cyprina, Astarte, Crassatella, Isocardia, Cardita, and the extinct Megalodon, Anthracosia, Hippopodium, and Pachyrisma. Taken as a whole, the Cyprinida have passed their acme, and have begun to decline in numbers and im- portance. Cyprina has a large, strong, oval shell, covered with a thick epidermis. Numerous fossil species are known, commencing in the Trias. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 235 Astarte includes thick, generally concentrically - furrowed shells. Two hundred fossil species are known, commencing in the Lias. Crassatella (fig. 194) comprises thick, solid, ventricose shells, attenuated posteriorly, and generally having a concen- Fig. 194. — Crassatella ponderosa. Eocene Tertiary. trically-furrowed surface. Unlike the two preceding genera, Crassatella has the ligament internal. The genus commences in the Cretaceous Rocks, is abundant in the Tertiaries, and is well represented at the present day. In the Heart-cockles (Isocardia) the beaks are remote and sub-spiral, and the shell is heart-shaped. The Isocardicz do not appear to have existed in the Palaeozoic period, but com- mence in the Trias, are tolerably abundant in the Oolites and Cretaceous Rocks, decline in numbers in the Tertiaries, and are represented by a few forms in existing seas. Cardita (fig. 195) includes Cockle-shaped shells, which have radiating ribs, an external ligament, and a toothed Fig. 195. — Cardita planicosta. Eocene Tertiary. margin. The genus commences in the Trias, but attains its maximum in the Tertiary period, about a hundred species having been enumerated from rocks of this age. 236 MOLLUSCA. Allied to Cardita is the extinct genus Hippopodium, well known by the thick and solid H. ponderosum of the Lias. Pachyrisma is another extinct genus, in which the shell is also very thick and ponderous in its structure. It has large sub-spiral umbones, and is peculiar to the Great Oolite. Megalodon is likewise extinct, and includes massive shells, with sub-spiral beaks and an external ligament. The genus is doubtfully represented in the Silurian and Carboniferous Rocks, and is characteristically Devonian. Lastly may be mentioned the shells which are known as AnthracosMRy which abound in parts of the Carboniferous series. These are nearly allied to the extinct genus Cardinia, if they do not actually belong to it. They are exclusively Palaeozoic, and extend from the Upper Silurian to the Carboniferous; whereas Cardinia is very doubtfully repre- sented in rocks older than the Lias. Sub-division II. Simipallialia. — Respiratory siphons large; pallial line indented. FAM. 14. VENERID^E. — Shell regular, sub-orbicular or oblong; ligament external ; hinge with usually three diverging teeth in each valve. Animal usually free and locomotive ; mantle with a rather large anterior opening ; siphons unequal, more or less united. Foot tongue- shaped, compressed, sometimes grooved and byssiferous. The Veneridce are the most highly organised of the Bivalves, and comprise some of the most beautiful examples of the class. They commence in the Oolitic Rocks, are abundant in the Tertiaries, and have attained their maxi- mum at the present day. All the more important fossil forms belong to the nearly-allied genera Venus and Cytherea. Both of these commenced their existence in the Oolites, the former being represented by about one hundred and fifty, the latter by nearly a hundred extinct forms. FAM. 15. MACTRID^E. — Shell equivalve, trigonal; hinge with two diverging cardinal teeth, and usually with anterior and pos- terior lateral teeth. Mantle more or less open in front ; siphons united, with fringed orifices ; foot compressed. The only two genera of any importance as fossils are Mactra and Lutraria, both of which live buried in sand or mud. The Mactra have a nearly equilateral shell, with a short pallial sinus, and an internal ligament contained in a triangular pit. They appear to have commenced in the Lias, and have attained their maximum at the present day. In Lutraria the shell is oblong and gaping at both ends, the pallial sinus is deep, and the internal ligament is supported by a prominent cartilage-plate. The genus is not known in rocks earlier than the Miocene Tertiary. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 237 FAM. 1 6. TELLINID^E. — Shell free, usually equivalve and closed; cardinal teeth t\vo at most, laterals i-i, sometimes wanting. Ligament on the shortest side of the shell, some- times internal. Mantle widely open in front. Siphons long and slender ; foot tongue-shaped, compressed. Pallial sinus very large. The chief fossil genera are Tellina, Psammobia, and Donax. In Tellina the shell is very slightly in equivalve (fig. 196) with a prominent external ligament. More than a hundred fossil species are known, dating from the Oolitic period ; but the genus has attained its maximum at the present day. In Psammobia the shell is oblong, compres- sed, and slightly gaping at both ends ; whilst in Donax the shell is wedge-shaped, the front rounded and produced, the posterior side short. Both genera commence in the Eocene Tertiary, and are represented by numerous species at the present day. FAM. 17. SOLENID^E. — Shell elongated, gaping at both ends ; ligament external ; hinge-teeth usually 2-3. Siphons short and united (in the long-shelled genera), or longer and Fig. 196. — Tellina proximo,, right valve. Post-Pliocene. Fig. iq-j.—Myatruncata, Post-Pliocene and Recent. Fig. 198. — Portion of the hinge of Mya areiiaria, showing the cartilage- process. partly separate (in the genera with shorter shells). Foot very large and powerful. Gills prolonged into the bran- chial siphon. This family is of small geological importance. The Razor-shells (Solen) are represented by a few Tertiary forms, commencing in the Eocene ; and the genera Cul- telhis and Solecurtus commence their existence in the Creta- ceous Rocks. FAM. 1 8. MYACID.E. — Shell gaping posteriorly. Mantle almost entirely closed ; siphons united, partly or wholly retrac- 238 MOLLUSCA. tile. Foot very small. The more important genera of this family are Mya, Corbula, Thetis^ Panopcea, and Saxicava. In the Gapers (Mya\ the shell is oblong, inequivalve, and gaping at both ends. The left valve is the smallest, and it carries an internal ligament supported upon a prominent cartilage-process (fig. 198). The Myas live buried verti- cally in sand or mud. They are not known to have existed before the period of the Middle Tertiary (Miocene), and almost all the fossil species are in existence at the present day. In Corbula the shell is inequivalve, the left valve the smallest, and with a prominent cartilage-process ; but the shell is gibbous, and does not gape at its ends, whilst the pallial sinus is small. Numerous fossil species are known, commenc- ing in the Lower Oolites. The genus TJietis is a small one, including thin, translucent, sub-orbicular shells, with an ex- ternal ligament. A few species of the genus are known, com- mencing with the Lower Cre- taceous Rocks. Panopcea resembles Mya in having a thick oblong shell, gaping at each end; but the shell is equivalve, and the liga- ment is external. Very numerous fossil species of this genus are known, commencing in the Lower Oolites. Saxicava, as its name implies, includes shells which form bur- rows in rocks. The adult shell (fig. 199) is edentulous, equi- valve, and oblong, gaping at the ends, and furnished with an ex- ternal ligament. The genus seems to commence in the Eocene Tertiary, and has continued to the present day. FAM. 19. ANATINID^E. — Shell often inequivalve, with an external ligament. Mantle-lobes more or less united. Siphons long, more or less united. Foot small. The more abundant and important fossil genera of this family are Anatina, Pholadomya, and Myarites. Fig. 199. — Saxicazxi ntgosa, left valve. Post-Pliocene and Recent. Fig. 200. — Anatina spatulata. Kimmeridge Clay (Upper Oolites). LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. 239 In the Lantern-shells (Anatina) the shell is oblong, gaping posteriorly, and having the beaks directed towards the posterior side (fig. 200). The hinge of each valve carries a spoon- shaped cartilage-process. The Anatince are doubtfully repre- sented in the Devonian, and still more dubiously in the Silurian Rocks. They occur, however, abundantly in the Secondary Rocks, and are present in smaller numbers in the TertiarieS. Fig. 201. — Pholadomya cequivaivis. The genus Pholadomya in- cludes a large number of shells, which are equivalve, ob- long, and gaping posteriorly (fig. 201). The shell is thin, ventricose, and adorned with radiating ribs on the sides. The ligament is external, and there is a large pallial sinus. The species of Pholadomya are very numerous in the Secondary Rocks, where they attain their maximum. They are much reduced in number in the Tertiaries, and are barely repre- sented at the present day. The genus Myacites has a gaping ventricose shell, with the umbones directed anteriorly, and the ligament external. They are known in the Palaeozoic period, commencing in the Silu- rian ; and they are represented in the earlier portion of the Secondary period; but they seem to have died out in the Chalk. FAM. 20. GASTROCH.«NiDjE. — Shell equivalve, gaping, with thin edentulous valves, sometimes cemented to a calcareous tube. Mantle-margins thick in front, united, with a small pedal aperture. Siphons very long, united. Foot finger- shaped. The members of the GastrochcEnidce burrow in mud or stone, and the only two fossil genera are Gastrochana and Clavagella, the existence of AsfiergilluniAn. a fossil state being doubtful. In GastrocJuzna the shell is wedge-shaped, gaping in front and closed behind. The fossil species commence in the In- ferior Oolite, and the genus is represented at the present day. In Clavagella (fig. 202) the shell is oblong, one of the valves being free, whilst the other forms part of a more or less elon- gated calcareous tube, which is often divided by a longitudinal partition arid terminates' in tubular openings. The fossil Clavagellce commence in the Upper Greensand, and the genus is represented by several living species. FAM. 21. PBOLADID.E. — Shell gaping at both ends, without 240 MOLLUSCA. Fig. 202. — Glaziagella cretacea. Chalk. hinge or ligament, often with accessory valves. Animal club- shaped or worm-like, with a short truncated foot. Mantle closed in front ; siphons long, united to near their extremi- ties. In the genus Pholas the shell is cylindrical or oval, the valves are edentulous, and there is no ligament or a rudi- mentary one. The pallial sinus is very deep, and the dorsal margin of the shell is protected by accessory valves. The Pholades inhabit burrows which they form for themselves in clay, peat, or rock. Many fossil species of the genus are known, commencing in the Jurassic Rocks. In the genus Teredo the shell is " globular, open in front and behind, lodged at the inner extremity of a burrow partly or entirely lined by shell ; valves three-lobed, concentrically striated, and with one transverse furrow; hinge-margins re- flected in front, marked by the anterior muscular impressions : umbonal cavity with a long curved muscular process." — (Wood- ward.) Species of Teredo occasionally reach a very large size, and they are known in the fossil state both by their shells and by their burrows in wood. The genus seems to have com- menced in the Lias, and is well represented at the present day. CHAPTER XXL GASTEROPODA. THE Gasteropods are Molluscs in which the body is furnished with a distinct head, and the mouth is provided with a mastica- tory apparatus or " lingual ribbon" Locomotion is effected by means of a broad, horizontally-flattened, ventral disc — the "foot" — or by a vertically-flattened, Jin-like modification of the same. The body is never included in a bivalve shell ; and may be naked. Usually, however, there is a " univalve " shell, or in some cases a " multivalve " shell. This class includes all those Molluscous animals which are GASTEROPODA. 241 commonly known as " Univalves," such as Land-snails, Sea- snails, Whelks, Limpets, &c. In the Chitons, however, the shell is composed of eight pieces (" multivalve ") ; and in the Slugs, the shell is minute and is completely concealed in the mantle ; whilst in the Sea-slugs and Sea-lemons the animal is " naked," and is destitute of a shell. In their habits the Gasteropods show great differences, most' of them being free and locomotive, though some are sedentary. The typical forms move about more or less actively by the successive contractions and expansions of a muscular organ developed upon the ventral surface of the body and known as the " foot." In many cases the posterior por- tion of the foot secretes a calcareous, horny, or fibrous plate, Fig. 203. — Amfiullaria cajuiliczdata, one of the Apple-shells, o Operculum ; s Respiratory siphon. which is called the " operculum " (fig. 203, o), and which serves to close the aperture of the shell when the animal is retracted within it. Lastly, in one aberrant group of the Gasteropods (Heteropodd) the animal is fitted for swimming in the open ocean, by the conversion of the " foot " into a vertically- flattened fin. The respiratory process in the Gasteropods differs consider- ably in different cases ; and the class may be divided into two principal sections, according as the animal is fitted for breath- ing air directly or through the medium of water. The air- breathing Gasteropods are known as the Pulmonata or Pul- monifera, and comprise forms which either live on land (Snails, Slugs, &c.), or which inhabit fresh water (Pond-snails, &c.) The water-breathing Gasteropods are mostly provided with distinct gills or " branchiae," and they form the section of the Branchifera. They are mostly inhabitants of the sea; but some of them inhabit fresh water. 242 MOLLUSCA. Shell of the Gasteropoda. — The shell of the Gasteropoda is composed either of a single piece (univalve), or of a number of plates succeeding one another from before backwards (mul- tivalve). The univalve shell is to be regarded as essentially a cone, the apex of which is more or less oblique. In the simplest form of the shell the conical shape is retained without any alteration, as is seen in the common Limpet (Patella). In the great majority of cases, however, the cone is considerably elongated, so as to form a tube, which may retain this shape (as in Dcntalium), but is usually coiled up into a spiral. The " spiral univalve " (fig. 205) may, in fact, be looked upon as the typical form of the shell in the Gasteropoda. In some cases the coils of the shell — termed technically the " whorls "• — are hardly in contact with one another (as in Vermetus). More commonly the whorls are in contact, and are so amalgamated that the inner side of each convolution is formed by the pre- existing whorl. In some cases the whorls of the shell are coiled round a central axis in the same plane, when the shell is said to be " discoidal " (as in the common fresh-water shell Planorbis). In most cases, however, the whorls are wound round an axis in an oblique manner, a true spiral being formed, and the shell becoming " turreted," " trochoid," " turbinated," &c. This last form (fig. 204) is the one which may be looked Fig. 204.— Cassis caucellata, a Spiral Gasteropod. \a " Spire," placed at the posterior end of the shell ; b " Mouth," placed at the anterior end of the shell ; c Inner or colu- mellar lip ; d Outer lip ; e Notch for the passage of a respiratory siphon. upon as most characteristic of the Gasteropods, the shell being composed of a number of whorls passing obliquely round a central axis or " columella," having the embryonic shell or " nucleus " at its apex, and having the mouth or " aperture " of the shell placed at the extremity of the last and largest of the whorls, termed the " body-whorl." The lines or grooves formed by the junction of the whorls are termed the " sutures," GASTEROPODA. 243 and the whorls above the body-whorl constitute the " spire" of the shell. The axis of the shell (columella) round which the whorls are coiled is usually solid, when the shell is said to be "imperforate;" but it is sometimes hollow, when the shell is said to be " perforated," and the aperture of the axis near the mouth of the shell is called the " umbilicus." The margin of the "aperture" of the shell is termed the "peristome," and is composed of an outer and inner lip (fig. 204), of which the former is often expanded or fringed with spines. When these expansions' or fringes are periodically formed, the place of the mouth of the shell at different stages of its growth is marked by ridges or rows of spines, which cross the whorls, and are called " varices." The animal withdraws into its shell by a retractor muscle, which passes into the foot, or is attached to the operculum ; its scar or impression being placed, in the spiral univalves, upon the columella. Fig. 205. — Scalaria GrcKulandica^ a Ho- lostomatous Univalve. Post-Pliocene. Fig. 206. — Fusus tprnatus, a Si- phonostomatous Univalve. Post- Pliocene. In the multivalve Gasteropods, the shell is composed of eight transverse imbricated plates, which succeed one another from before backwards, and are embedded in the leathery or fibrous border of the mantle, which may be plain, or may be beset with bristles, spines, or scales. In the marine Univalves two important variations exist in the form of the mouth of the shell. In one group (fig. 205) 244 MOLLUSCA. the mouth of the shell is unbroken or " entire," not having any notch or indentation of its margin. The shells in which the mouth has this form are termed " holostomatous ; n and for the most part they belong to Gasteropods which are phyto- phagous, or live upon vegetable food. The possession, how- ever, of a holostomatous shell in reality simply proves that the animal had no respiratory " siphons," or tubes formed by the folding of the mantle. In a second group the aperture of the shell (fig. 206) is notched in front ; and the shell is said to be " siphonostomatous." There may be a posterior notch as well as the anterior one, and one or both of these notches may be produced into longer or shorter canals. The Siphonosto- matous Univalves are mainly carnivorous in their habits ; but the notched mouth does not necessarily indicate the nature of the food. The possession of a Siphonostomatous shell, on the contrary, merely indicates that the animal possessed tubular inflections of the mantle, or " respiratory siphons," by which the water is conveyed to and from the gills. Divisions of the Gasteropoda. — The following table shows the chief divisions of the Gasteropoda : — TABLE OF THE GASTEROPODA. SECTION A. BRANCHIFERA. — Respiration aquatic, by the walls of the mantle-cavity or by gills. ORDER I. PROSOBRANCHIATA. — The branchiae situated (prosori) in advance of the heart. Division a. Siphonostomata. — Margin of the shell-aperture notched or produced into a canal. This division comprises the families of the Strombidcc (Wing-shells), Muricidcc, Buccinidce (Whelks), Conidce (Cones), Volutidce (Volutes), and Cypraida (Cowries). Division b. Holostomatd. — Margin of the shell-aperture " en- tire" rarely notched or produced into a canal. This division includes the families of the Naticidce, Pyramidellid-cea eiegaus. meet over the back of the shell. The only important genus of this family is that of Cyprcea (fig. 212), comprising the numerous and well- known living shells which are commonly called Cowries. The Cyprace are mainly, but not exclusively, inhabitants of warm seas, and they attain their highest development between the tropics. The fossil species date from the Cretaceous period, and abound in the Tertiaries. The shell of the Cowries in the young state is furnished with a prominent spire, and has a thin outer lip. In the adult state (fig. 212) the spire is completely concealed within the shell, the entire surface is generally covered with shining enamel, the inner lip is crenulated, and the outer lip is thick- ened, inflected, and crenulated. The small Cowries of which Cyprcza Eiiropcea is the type, are not known as occurring in the fossil condition. Division b.Holostomata. — Margin of the shell-aperture "entire" rarely notched or produced into a canal. FAM. 7. NATICID^E. — Shell globular, of few whorls, with a small spire ; outer lip acute ; inner lip (pillar) often callous. Foot very large ; mantle-lobes hiding more or less of the shell. This family is stated to commence in the Upper Silurian Rocks ; but there is more or less uncertainty as to the true affinities of the Palaeozoic fossils which are referred here. The most important fossil genus is Natica itself. The shell in Natica (fig. 213) is thick, smooth, and polished, often with coloured markings. The inner lip is callous, and the shell is umbilicated. Fossil Naticce have been described from the Upper Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Per- mian Rocks; and they are very abundant in all the Secondary GASTEROPODA. 251 and Tertiary formations. The sub-genus Naticopsis is Carbo- niferous, Naticella is Triassic, and Globulus is found in the Eocene. FAM. 8. PYRAMIDELLID^E. — Shell turreted, with a small aperture ; sometimes with one or more prominent plaits on the columella. Operculum horny and imbricated. The Pyrami- dellidcz commence in the Lower Silurian Rocks, and appear to be on the decline at the present day. The chief fossil forms belong to the genera Chemnitzia, JEulima, Loxonema, and Macrocheilus. Gkemnitzia includes a number of slender, turreted, many- whorled shells, with plaited whorls, and a simple aperture. The genus appears to commence in the Permian Rocks, and whilst more than one hundred and fifty fossil species are known, the number of living forms is very small. Many of the shells, how- ever, included under this head, are of very doubtful affinities. Fig. 213. — Natica clausa. Fig. 214. — Macrocheilus sub- Post- Pliocene. costatus. Devonian. Eulima includes small, polished, elongated shells, with level whorls and a reflected inner lip. Eulima are of doubtful oc- currence in the Carboniferous Rocks, are sparingly represented in the Secondary Rocks, but are tolerably abundant in the Tertiaries. The genera Loxonema and Macrocheilus (fig. 214), lastly, include Palaeozoic shells, whose true place is in many cases uncertain. The former extends from the Lower Silurian to the Trias, but the latter is mainly, if not exclusively, confined to the Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks. MOLLUSCA. FAM. 9. CERITHIAD^E. — Shell spiral, turreted ; aperture channelled in front, with a less distinct posterior canal. Lip generally expanded in the adult. Operculum horny and spiral. The Cerithiadcz are exclusively confined to the Second- ary, Tertiary, and Recent periods, and are represented in the Tertiary Rocks by a vast number of forms. The most import- ant fossil forms belong to the genera Cerithium, Pvtamides, Nerincea, and Aporrhais, of which Nerinaa is extinct, and is exclusively confined to the Secondary period. For all practical purposes Cerithium and Potamides may be considered together, as no strict line of demarcation can be drawn between the fossil forms. In both, the shell is turreted and many- whorled (fig. 215), with or without varices. The aperture of the shell is small, with a tortuous an- terior canal, and an ex- panded outer lip. Most of the living forms are inhabi- tants of fresh or brackish waters, and they are chiefly found in hot climates. The fossil forms, to the number of nearly five hundred, commence in the Trias, but they attain their maximum of development in the Eocene Tertiary. In the genus Nerincea (fig. 2 1 6), the shell is turreted, many- whorled, and nearly cylindrical. The columella carries con- tinuous ridges, and similar ridges exist on the interior of the whorls, so that casts of the interior of the shell are often very unlike the form of the exterior. The aperture of the shell is channelled in front. The species of Nerincea are exclusively Jurassic and Cretaceous, and are very numerous. One of the limestones of the Jura, believed to be of the age of the Coral Rag (Middle Oolite) of Britain, abounds to such an extent in these shells as to have gained the name of " Calcaire a Nerinees." In the genus Aporrhais, lastly, the shell is turreted, and the outer lip of the adult is greatly expanded and lobed. The species of this genus are marine in their habits. A great many Jurassic and Cretaceous shells, generally referred at present to Rostdlaria, probably belong really to Aporrhais ; but the de- Fig. 215. — Cerithi- Fig. 216. — Nerin&a inn liexagonum. Eo- bisulcata. Chalk, cene Tertiary. GASTEROPODA. 253 termination of these fossils by the shells alone is attended with great difficulties. FAM. 10. MELANIAD^E. — Shell spiral, turreted; aperture often channelled or notched in front ; outer lip acute. Oper- culum horny and spiral. Many fossil shells have been referred to the Melaniada, but it is probable that most of these belong to the Palaeozoic genus Loxonema and the Mesozoic Chem- nitzia. The true Melanice do not appear to have commenced their existence till the Eocene Tertiary. All the living species inhabit fresh water, generally in the warmer parts of the world ; and it is probable that all the fossil species occur only in fluvia- tile and lacustrine deposits. FAM. ii. TURRITELLID^E. — Shell tubular or spiral, often turreted; upper part partitioned off; aperture simple. Oper- culum horny, many-whorled. Foot very short. Branchial plume single. The Turritellidcz are not known to have existed in the Palaeozoic period ; but they appear to commence about the middle of the Jurassic period, abounding in the Tertiaries, and attaining their maximum in existing seas. The chief fossil genera are Turritella, Vermetus, and Scalaria. In Turritella (fig. 217) the shell is turreted. many-whorled, and spirally striated ; the aperture is small and rounded, and the peristome thin. Species of Turritella have been described from the Palaeozoic and older Mesozoic formations, but almost cer- tainly belong to the genera Murchisonia and Loxonema. The genus is for the first time represented with certainty in the Lower Cretaceous Rocks (Neo- comian), and many fossil species are found in the Tertiaries. The genus Vermetus comprises tubu- lar shells, the chief interest of which ,-, 11 -i • i .1 Fig. 217. — Turntella angu- is the strong resemblance which they iata. Neocomian. show to the Annelidous genus Serpula. The shell is attached, and though regularly spiral when young, is always irregular in its growth when adult. The fossil species are best distinguished from Serpula by the fact that the tube is repeatedly partitioned off by calcareous septa, as the animal grows. It is, however, often a matter of extreme difficulty to determine whether a given specimen be a Vermetus or a Ser- pula. Fossil Vermeti are known from the Lower Cretaceous upwards. The genus Scalaria comprises the Wentle-traps, in which 254 MOLLUSCA. the shell is very like that of Turritella, but the whorls are ornamented with transverse ribs, and the peristome is continu- ous round the circular aperture (fig. 205). The Scalarice com- mence in the Middle Oolites (Coral Rag), and attain their maximum in existing seas. FAM. 12. LITTORINID^E. — Shell spiral, top-shaped, or de- pressed; aperture rounded and entire, operculum horny and pauci-spiral. The exact range of the Littorinidce. in time is uncertain, owing to the difficulty of determining the true affinities of many fossil Univalves. Several Palaeozoic and Mesozoic shells have been referred to Littorina, and the genus Rissoa commences in the Permian. The family, however, is mainly characteristic of the Tertiary and Recent periods. In the genus Littorina are the true Periwinkles, distinguished by their thick, generally top-shaped and pointed shells, of few whorls, and with an imperforate columella. The undoubted fossil species range from the Middle Tertiaries to the present day. In the genus Solarium (fig. 218) the shell is much depressed; there is a large and deep umbilicus, running from the base to the apex of the shell, and the aperture of the shell is rhombic. Doubtful Second- ary forms of this genus are known ; but the undoubted species com- mence in the Eocene Tertiary. The genus Phorus also comprises shells, the true range of which is very un- certain. Undoubted species, how- ever, date from the Cretaceous period. Lastly, in the genus Rissoa the shell is very small, pointed, and many-whorled, with a small round aperture surrounded by a continuous peristome. Many fossil species are known, commencing in the Permian Rocks, abounding in the Oolites, and being very abundant in the later Tertiaries. FAM. 13. PALUDINID^E. — Shell conical or globular; aper- ture rounded and entire; operculum horny or shelly. The Paludinida are essentially inhabitants of fresh water ; though they sometimes live in brackish, or even in salt water. As a matter of course, therefore, they are chiefly, if not exclusively, found as fossils in deposits which are believed to be fluviatile Fig. 218. — Solarium ornatujn. Gault (Upper Cretaceous). GASTEROPODA. 255 or lacustrine in their origin. The three chief or only living genera are, Paludina, Valvata, and Ampullaria. The two former date from the Cretaceous period, the first possibly from the Jurassic, and both abound in the Wealden and in many Tertiary deposits. The existence of Ampullarice in a fossil state is attended with considerable uncertainty, chiefly from the great difficulty, or impossibility, of separating them from species of the marine genus Natica. FAM. 14. NERITID^E. — Shell thick, globular, with a very small spire ; aperture semi-lunate, its cglumellar side expanded ; outer lip acute. Operculum shelly, sub-spiral. The Neritida are not known as occurring in the Palaeozoic Rocks, but are found from the Jurassic period onwards, attaining their maxi- mum at the present day. In the genus Nerita (fig. 219) the shell is thick, with a broad columella, the inner edge of which is straight and toothed. Fig. 219. — Nerita Schemidelliana. Eocene Tertiary. The outer lip is thickened and often denticulated internally. The true Nerites are inhabitants of warm seas ; and they date in past time from the Lias. The nearly-allied genus Neritina includes the so-called "fresh-water Nerites," which agree in most characters with Nerita, but inhabit fresh or brackish waters. The fossil species commence in the Eocene Tertiary. Lastly, the genus Pileolus comprises small limpet-shaped shells, with a semi-lunar aperture below. The only fossil species are from the Lower Oolites (Great Oolite). FAM. 15. TURBINID^:. — Shell turbinated (top-shaped) or pyramidal, nacreous (i.e. pearly) inside. Operculum horny and multi-spiral, or calcareous and pauci-spiral. The family of the Turbinida has a very high antiquity, dating from the Lower Silurian ; but many of the older shells referred to this family are of more or less doubtful affinities. The most important fossil genera are Turbo, Trochus, and Euomphalus. In the genus Turbo (fig. 220) the shell is turbinated, with a 256 MOLLUSCA. round base. The whorls are convex ; the aperture is large and rounded ; and the operculum is calcareous. A great number of fossil species of this genus have been described, commencing in the Lower Silurian ; but there is considerable doubt as to the true position of many of the older forms. In the genus Trochus the shell is pyramidal, with a nearly flat base ; the aperture is oblique and rhombic in shape, and the operculum is horny. A great number of species of this genus, also, have been described, commenc- ing in the Silurian Rocks. As in the case of Turbo, however, the affinities of many of the older forms are very problematical. The genus Euomphalus (fig. 221)15 entirely extinct, and is essentially Palaeozoic, ranging from the Silurian to the Trias, Fig. 220. — Turbo subcostatus. Devonian. Fig. 221.— Euomphalus De Cewt (Billings)^ a Front view ; b View of the umbilicus. Devonian. but being most abundant in the Carboniferous Rocks. The shell in this genus is depressed or discoidal, the whorls lying nearly or quite in the same plane. The whorls are angulated or coronated, the aperture is polygonal, the umbilicus is very large, and there is a shelly operculum. The genus Ophileta is closely allied to Eiiomphalus, if not identical with it. FAM. 1 6. HALIOTID^E. — Shell spiral, ear-shaped, or trochoid; aperture large, nacreous. Outer lip notched or perforated. No operculum. Mantle-margin with a posterior fold or siphon, occupying the slit or perforation in the shell. The living genera Haliotis and Scissurella are not known in GASTEROPODA. 257 rocks older than the Miocene Tertiary. The extinct genera Pleurotomaria and Murchisonia are, on the other hand, of great antiquity, the latter being exclusively Palaeozoic, and the former mainly so. The genus Haliotis comprises the so-called " ear-shells," distinguished by their ear-shaped shell, with a minute spire, an enormous aperture, and a series of round perforations in the outer angle of the shell. A few fossil species are known, commencing in the Miocene. In the genus Srissurella, which also commences in the Miocene, the shell is thin, with a large and greatly expanded body-whorl, and the place of the perforations of Haliotis is taken by a simple slit in the margin of the outer lip. The genus Plettrotomaria comprises a great number of Palaeozoic univalves, which occur in the Silurian, Devonian, and Carboniferous formations. In sediments later than the Carboniferous the genus is largely represented, extending even to the close of the Mesozoic period. In the Jurassic period especially the genus has a great development, most of the forms being more ornate than those from the older rocks. In the Cretaceous Rocks the genus finally dies out, with the sole exception of a single living species. The form of the shell in Pleurotomaria (fig. 222) differs considerably in different cases. Very commonly the shell is very similar to that of Trochus. In other cases it more nearlyresembles Turbo ; and sometimes it is very much flatten- ed out and depressed. The shell consists of few whorls, of which the last may be discon- nected from the others, and is essentially dis- tinguished by its sub- quadrate aperture, with a deeper or shallower slit in the outer lip. As the shell grows, this slit becomes progressively filled up, forming a well-marked band on the whorls. By this character Pleurotomaria may generally be distinguished readily from such shells as Trochus and Turbo. Murchisonia (fig. 224) is another genus of great importance R Fig. 222. — Pleurotomaria Agave. Lower Silurian (Billings). Fig. 223. — Pleurotomaria Dryope. Lower Silurian (Billings). 258 MOLLUSCA. to the student of the older rocks, as it is exclusively confined to the Palaeozoic period, ranging from the Lower Silurian to the Permian. The shell in Murchisonia closely resembles that of Pleurotomaria, but is usually more elongated and com- posed of a greater number of whorls. The outer lip is deeply notched, and the whorls have the same band on their exterior as is present in Pleurotomaria. The aperture of the shell is slightly channelled in front, and the surface is often variously sculptured and adorned. We may place here, provisionally, the Palaeozoic genus Holopea (fig. 225), the exact affinities of which are doubtful. The shell in this genus is spiral, the aperture oval, and the outer lip sinuated near the base. The genus has been compared to the violet-snail (lanthina) of the Atlantic, in which case its place should be here; but its true posi- tion is altogether uncer- tain. It is exclusively Silurian in its range ; and it is probable that the genus Platyceras should be united with it, in which case the vertical range will be extended at any rate to the Carboniferous. FAM. 17. FISSURELLID^E : — Shell conical, patelliform, with a notch in the anterior margin, or a perforation at the apex, which is occupied by the anal siphon. Muscular impression horse-shoe shaped, open in front. The existence of the Fis- surellidcz in the Palaeozoic period is open to considerable doubt ; but a good many fossil forms are known from the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks. The genus Fissurella comprises the so-called " Keyhole Limpets," distinguished by having the apex of the shell per- forated by a larger or smaller, generally oval aperture. Doubt- ful examples of the genus have been indicated as occurring in the Devonian and Carboniferous ; but there are a good many unequivocal species in the Secondary and Tertiary Rocks. In the Oolitic genus Rimula the perforation, instead of being at the apex of the shell, is placed a little above the anterior margin. Lastly, in Emarginula the anterior margin is fur- Fig. 224. — Murcki- sonia g racilis ( H al 1) . Lower Silurian. Fig. 225. — Hotopea Guelphensis (Billings). Middle Silurian. GASTEROPODA. 259 nished with a longitudinal notch or slit. The species of this genus date from the Trias. FAM. T 8. CALYPTR^ID^: : — Shell limpet-shaped, with a more or less spiral apex; interior simple, or divided by a shelly process to which the adductor muscles are attached. Exclud- ing shells whose true position is uncertain, it would appear very questionable if any of the Calyptrceida are found in the Palaeozoic Rocks. They are by no means abundant in the Secondary formations ; and though more plentiful in the Ter- tiaries, they attain their maximum in existing seas. The genus Calyptrcea includes the so-called "Cup-and- saucer limpets," in which the interior has a half-cup-shaped process attached to the apex of the shell, and open in front. With doubtful exceptions, the fossil species of Calyptrcea are all of Tertiary age. In the genus Crepidula there is a shelly partition covering the posterior half of the interior of the shell. The fossil species date from the Eocene Tertiary. In the genus Pileopsis (or Capulus) are included the " Bonnet-lim- pets," in which the apex of the shell is spirally recurved. If Platyceras be excluded from this genus, the species of Pileopsis date from the Lias ; but the former is Palaeozoic. FAM. 19. PATELLID^:: — Shell conical, with the apex turned forwards ; muscular impression horse-shoe shaped, open in front. Foot as large as the margin of the mantle. Respira- tory organ in the form of one or two branchial plumes, lodged in a cervical cavity, or of a series of lamellae sur- rounding the animal between the body and the mantle. The Patellidcz commence to be represented in the Lower Silurian Rocks, and have continued to the present day. Fig. 226. — Metoptoma nycteis. _ a Side view ; b View of the upper side. Lower Silurian (Billings). The genera Patella (including the common Limpets), Ac- &a, and Metoptoma can hardly be separated in practice from one another. Patella and Acmcea, at any rate, are palseontologically indivisible, since the only distinctions be- tween them are in the nature of the respiratory organs. In- 260 MOLLUSCA. eluding these genera, therefore, in one, the range of the Limpets is from the Silurian upwards. The genus Metoptoma (fig. 226) very closely resembles Patella, but the muscular scar consists of a number of dis- connected cavities. In the typical species, also, the anterior side, under the apex of the shell, is truncated or nearly straight. Species of Metoptoma are particularly abundant in the Lower Silurian series ; but they range as far as the Carboniferous. FAM. 20. DENTALIDJE : — Shell tubular, symmetrical, curved, open at both ends. Aperture circular. Foot pointed, with symmetrical side-lobes. The " Tooth-shells " are generally placed here, in the vicinity of the Limpets ; but they are re- ferred by Huxley to the class of the Pteropoda. The family comprises the single genus Dentalium, well known by the tubular, smooth, or longitudinally striated shell, open at both ends. The fossil species are liable to be confounded with the tubes of Tubicolar Annelides, or a reverse mistake to this may be made. Several species have been described from the Devonian, and more especially from the Carboniferous Rocks, some of them of large size ; but more or less doubt obtains as to the true nature of these. The Secondary Rocks have yielded a considerable number of species, and they become still more numerous in the Tertiaries. FAM. 21. CHITONID^E : — Shell multivalve, composed of eight transverse plates, disposed one behind the other in an imbricat- ed manner. Animal with a broad creeping foot; branchiae forming a series of lamellae between the foot and the mantle, round the posterior part of the body. The Chitonidcz com- prise only the single genus Chiton, with several more or less distinct sub-genera. The species of the family commence in the Lower Silurian, and are rare as fossils, attaining their maximum at the pre- sent day. The distinctive peculiarities of the shell of the Chitons (fig. 227), by which they may always be separated from the Cirripedes, are the following :— i. The shell never consists of more or fewer than eight pieces. 2. The valves of the shell are al- Grijn- ways placed one behind the other in a unilinear series. 3. The six middle plates of the shell are divided, each, by lines of sculpturing into three dis- tinct areas — a dorsal and two lateral areas. 4. Each plate is imbedded in the mantle of the animal by forward extensions of its front edge, which are termed the "apophyses." The Chitons are represented by fossil species in the Silurian, GASTEROPODA. 26l Fig. 228. — Cinulia Avellana (Avellana cassis, D'Orbigny). Chalk. Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Rocks, and are not so excessively rare in the Carboniferous Limestone. They are very poorly represented in the Secondary Rocks, and are by no means abundant in the Tertiaries. ORDER II. OPISTHOBRANCHIATA : — Gills placed towards the rear of the body. FAM. 22. TORNATELLID^E : — Shell external, spiral or con- voluted ; aperture long and narrow ; columella plaited. The Tornatellida are mainly Mesozoic, ranging from the Trias or from the base of the Jurassic series to the Chalk inclusive, and attaining their maximum in the Cretaceous series. Several genera are entirely extinct, of which the most im- portant is Cinulia (fig. 228). In this genus the shell is globular, with a small spire, the outer lip reflected and crenulated interiorly, and the columella with tooth - like folds. All the species are Cretaceous. In the genus Tomatella, the shell is ovate, with a well-marked spire, the outer lip thin, and the colu- mella with a strong fold. The fossil species range from the Trias upwards, and the genus, though on the decline, is re- presented by several living species. Many of the Secondary species belong to more or less distinct sub-genera ( Cylindrites, Acteonella, and Acteonind). FAM. 23. BULLID^ : — Shell convoluted, thin ; spire small or concealed ; lip sharp. Animal often more or less completely investing the shell. The Bullida commence their existence in the Jurassic period, and have continued to the present day. The only important genus is Bulla, comprising the so-called "Bubble-shells" (fig. 229). The species of this genus are not uncommon in the fossil condition, com- mencing in the Oolites. FAM. 24. APLYSIAD^: : — Shell absent or rudimentary, con- cealed by the mantle when present. Animal slug-like ; sides extensively lobed and reflected over the back and shell. One or two shells from the younger Tertiary rocks have been re- ferred, with great doubt, to the genus Aplysia. FAM. 25. PLEUROBRANCHID^: .-—Shell limpet-like or con- cealed, rarely wanting. Mantle or shell covering the back of Fig. 229. — Bulla supra- jurettsis. Middle Oolites. 262 MOLLUSCA. the animal. Two doubtful species belonging to the genus Umbrella have been described from the Tertiaries ; but the family is otherwise unknown in the fossil condition. CHAPTER XXII. GA STEROPODA— Continued. HETEROPODA AND PULMONIFERA. ORDER III. HETEROPODA OR NUCLEOBRANCHIATA : — The Gasteropods of this order differ from the typical members of the class in being organised to lead an existence in the open ocean, locomotion being effected by a fin-like tail, or by a fan- shaped vertically-fiatte?ied ventral fin. They are found swim- ming at or near the surface of the ocean ; and the body may be completely protected by a shell, within which the animal can retire, and which can be closed by an operculum. In other cases, as in Carinaria (fig. 230), the body is large, and there is Fig. 230. — Heteropoda. Carinaria, cymbium. /Proboscis; £ Tentacles; £ Shell ; / Foot ; d Disc. (After Woodward.) Branchiae ; only a small shell protecting the gills and heart. In other cases, again, the shell is completely wanting. The order is divided into the two families of the Firolidce and Atlantidce. The former of these is represented by a single species only, from the Miocene Tertiary. The latter had a great develop- ment in Palaeozoic seas, and is represented in the formations of this period by several remarkable genera. FAM. i. FIROLID^ : — Body large, never completely pro- tected by a shell, often shell-less. Sometimes a small delicate GASTEROPODA. 263 hyaline shell, placed on the back, protecting the gills. The only genus of this family which is represented in a fossil state is Carinaria (fig. 230), a single species of which has been found in deposits of Tertiary age (Miocene). FAM. 2. ATLANTID^E : — Animal furnished with a well-de- veloped shell, into which it can retire. Shell symmetrical, discoidal, destitute of septa, often provided with an operculum. This family is represented by the genera Bellerophon, Maclurea, Cyrtolites, Ecculiomphalus, and Porcellia, most of which are exclusively Palaeozoic, whilst the others are mainly so. In the genus Bellerophon (fig. 231) the shell is symmetrical, convoluted, the coils of the shell usually lying in one plane. Fig. 231. — Bellerophon Argo (Billings), a Front view ; b side view. Lower Silurian. The whorls are few, smooth or sculptured, and there is a dorsal keel along the convex margin of the shell. The aper- ture is often more or less expanded, and is in most instances emarginate or deeply notched on the dorsal side. The genus ranges from the Lower Silurian to the Carboniferous. The Bellerophina of the Gault (Upper Cretaceous) is doubtfully allied to Bellerophon, and may belong to -the Pteropoda. The genus Maclurea is very remarkable in its structure, and all the known species are entirely confined to the Lower Silurian Rocks. The shell (fig. 232) in this singular genus is " discoidal, few-whorled, longitudinally grooved at the back, and slightly rugose with lines of growth ; dextral side convex, deeply and narrowly perforated ; left side flat, exposing the inner whorls ; operculum sinistrally sub-spiral, solid, with two internal projections, one of them beneath the nucleus, very thick and rugose" (Woodward). Maclurea has been variously regarded as " dextral " or " sinistral ; " but the probabilities are in favour of the view that it is truly dextral. In this case, the flat side of the shell is the umbilicus, and the spire must be regarded as sunk below the general surface of the shell. (On this view the specimen figured at b, fig. 232, is represented up- side down.) The species of Maclurea occur chiefly at the base 264 MOLLUSCA. of the Lower Silurian series both in North America and in Scotland, occurring in some localities in the greatest profusion. Fig. 232. — Mad-urea crenulata. a Spire ; b front , c base. Lower Silurian. The genus Ophileta (fig. 233) of the Silurian Rocks may be mentioned here, though its true affinities are extremely doubt- Fig. 233. — Ophileta bella (Billings). Different views of a nearly perfect specimen. Quebec Group (Upper Cambrian ?) ful. The shell in this genus is discoidal, and very closely resembles that of Eiwmphalus. The aperture, however, is stated by Mr Billings to have a sinus in the lower lip and a notch in the upper lip- characters which are not present in Mac- hirea. It is a matter of question whether Ophileta should be regarded as comprising species of Machtrea with slender whorls, or whether it should be placed in the Tur- binidce, in or near Euomphalus, or whether it should not be placed in the Haliotidcz and be regarded as a discoidal Pleurotomaria. In the genus Cyrtolites (fig. 234) the shell is thin, symmetrical, discoidal, or coiled into the shape of a horn, the whorls more or less disconnected, furnished with a keel, and sculptured. The species of this Fig. 234. — Cyrtolites ornatus. Lower Silu- rian. GASTEROPODA. 265 genus range from the Lower Silurian to the Carboniferous Rocks, and are, therefore, exclusively Palaeozoic. In Ecculiomphalus (fig. 235) the shell is very like that of CyrtolitcS) but the whorls are few in number, and are widely separated from one another. The shell is thin, and the coils Fig. 235. — Ecculiomphalus distans. Quebec Group (Upper Cambrian?) lie in the same plane. The species of this genus range from the Lower Silurian to the Carboniferous, and have been com- pared to Euomphali imperfectly rolled up ; but the true affini- ties of the genus are doubtful. Lastly, the genus Porcellia includes shells which are com- posed of many whorls coiled into a flat spiral. The whorls are keeled, and the aperture has a dorsal slit. The species of this genus are mainly Palaeozoic, but range into the Trias. SECTION B. PULMONIFERA : — Respiration aerial, by means of a pulmonary chamber. The Pulmonifera include the ordin- ary Land-snails, Slugs, Pond-snails, &c., and are usually provided with a well-developed shell ; though this may be rudimentary (as in the Slugs), or even wanting. In the Land-snails and Pond-snails there is a well-developed shell into which the animal can retire completely. The Slugs, again, have a merely rudimentary shell which is completely concealed within the mantle. The completely shell-less forms are necessarily wholly unknown as fossils. The Slugs, with a rudimentary shell, are only doubtfully represented .in a fossil state, and that only in the Tertiary Rocks. The abundance of the shell-bearing forms as fossils depends mainly on the habits of the animal. The Land-snails, being terrestrial in their habits, are, necessarily, but sparingly represented as fossils, and they do not date back 266 MOLLUSCA. to a time anterior to the Carboniferous. The Pond-snails, be- ing exclusively confined to fresh water, are only known as fossils in fluviatile and lacustrine deposits, and they are exclusively Secondary and Tertiary, not being known in the Palaeozoic period. The Pulmonifera are divided into the two orders of the Inoperculata and Operculata, according as the shell is des- titute of an operculum, or is provided with this apparatus. ORDER IV. INOPERCULATA : — Shell not provided with an operculum. FAM. i. HELICID^E : — Shell well developed, capable of con- taining the entire animal. With the exception of Pupa and Zonites (the last a sub-genus of Helix), all the Helicida belong to the Tertiary and Recent periods. As they are all terrestrial in their habits, they are necessarily of rare occurrence as fossils, occurring chiefly in fluviatile and lacustrine deposits. The two genera above mentioned have been found in the Coal-Measures, and are the oldest forms of the group. The chief fossil genera are Helix, Bulimus, Achatina, Pupa, and Clausilia. In the genus Helix are the ordinary Land-snails (fig. 236), in which the shell is conical, sometimes depressed, or some- times discoidal ; the aperture transverse, crescentic or rounded, and the columella perforated or imperforate. The Land-snails, with one exception, are all confined to the Tertiary and Recent periods. The exception to this statement is the Zonites priscus (fig. 236), discovered by Dr Dawson in the Coal-Measures of I Fig. 236. — Zonites (Conulus) priscus (after Dawson). a Specimen enlarged twelve diameters ; b Sculpture, magnified. Coal-Measures, Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia. This is a true Land-snail referred to Zonites or Conulus, a sub-genus of Helix itself. In Bulimus the shell is turreted or oblong, the columella generally simple, and the outer lip usually expanded and thickened. In the nearly allied genus Achatina the columella GASTEROPODA. 267 is twisted, and the lips of the shell- aperture are thin. Both genera date their existence from the Eocene Tertiary. In the genus Pupa the shell is cylindrical or oblong, with a round, often toothed, aperture. The oldest member of this genus is the Pupa vetusta (fig. 237), discovered by Dr Dawson in the Coal-Measures of Nova Scotia, in the hollow trunk of an erect Sigillaria. This ancient form is remarkably like some living " Chrysalis-shells," and there appears to be no reason for framing a new genus (Den- dropupa] for its reception. With the exception of this little shell, all the fossil species of Pupa are confined to the Tertiary period, commencing in the Eocene. In the genus Clausilia the shell is spindle-shaped, coiled into a left-handed spiral ("sin- istral"), with an elliptical aper- ture, partially contracted by shelly processes. The Clausi- lia, so far as known, date their existence from the Eocene Tertiary. FAM. 2. LIMACID^E : — Shell rudimentary, usually internal or concealed by the mantle. The " Slugs " are included in this family, and they are only known in the fossil state by doubtful remains in the Miocene and Pliocene Tertiary. A species of Testacella has also been indicated as occurring in the Miocene. • FAM. 3. LIMN/EID^E : — Shell well developed, thin and horn- coloured. Aperture simple ; lip sharp. The Limnceidce are all inhabitants of fresh water, and they are found in fluviatile and lacus- trine deposits. They are believed to com- mence in the Jurassic period, members of this family having been described from the Lias and from the Purbeck beds (Upper Oolites). It is not, however, until we reach the base of the Cretaceous system (Weald Clay) that these forms appear in any abun- dance. Fig. The genus Limnaa (fig. 238) includes the *•*****' Eocene- so-called " Pond-snails," characterised by their thin, spiral, Fig. 237. — Pupa {Dendropupa) vetusta. (After Dawson. ) a Natural size ; b En- larged ; c Apex enlarged ; a Sculpture, magnified. Coal-Measures. 268 MOLLUSCA. elongated shells, with a large body-whorl and an obliquely- twisted columella. The species of this genus commence in the Wealden (Lower Cretaceous) — perhaps in the Upper Oolites — and are abundantly represented throughout the Ter- tiary series. In the genus Physa (fig. 239) the shell is left-handed (" sinis- tral "), ovate, thin, and polished, with the aperture rounded in front. Species of this genus have been indi- cated as occurring in the Purbeck beds (Up- per Oolites) and Wealden (Cretaceous). Most of the fossil species, however, belong to the Tertiary period, and the genus attains its maximum at the present day. The genus Ancylus comprises the so-called " River-Limpets," at once distinguished by their thin, conical, limpet-shaped shells. A few fossil species are known, chiefly, if not exclu- Fig. 239.— Physa sively, confined to the Tertiary period. cohimnans. Eocene. r™ 7^7 7 • • -i Ine genus Planorbis comprises a number of well-known fresh-water shells, in which the shell is discoidal and many-whorled, the aperture crescentic, and the lip thin. The fossil species of this genus date from the Lias (?), but are not plentiful except in the Tertiary deposits, whence a large number of forms has been obtained. FAM. 4. AURICULTDJE : — Shell spiral, with a horny epidermis; aperture elongated and denticulated. The species of this family inhabit salt marshes and places overflowed by the sea. They are of little importance as fossils, dating from the Eocene Tertiary. ORDER V. OPERCULATA : — Shell furnished with an oper- culum. FAM. 5. CYCLOSTOMID^E : — Shell spiral, rarely elongated, often depressed. Aperture nearly circular. Operculum spiral. The genus Cydostoma (fig. 240) includes almost all the fossil species of this family, and dates from the Eocene Tertiary. All the members of this family are terrestrial in their habits, and they are of small importance as fossils. FAM. 6. ACICULID^E : — Shell elongated, Fig. 240.— Cyciastoma cylindrical j operculum thin and sub- Amoudn. Eocene Ter- spiral. A species of Aticula has been in- dicated as occurring in the Pliocene Terti- ary j but the family is otherwise unrepresented by fossil forms. PTEROPODA. 269 CHAPTER XXIII. CLASS PTEROPODA. THE Pteropoda are defined by being free and pelagic, swimming by means of two wing-like appendages (epipodia), developed from each side of the anterior extremity of the body. The flexure of the intestine is neural. As to the position of the Pteropoda in the Molluscan scale, they must be looked upon as inferior in organisation to any of the Gasteropoda, of which class they are often regarded as the lowest division. They permanently represent, in fact, the tran- sient, larval stage of the Sea-snails. The living Pteropods are all of small size, and are found swimming at the surface of the open ocean, often in enormous numbers. Locomotion is effected by two wing- like fins (fig. 241) devel- oped from the sides of the head. In some cases the body is naked and unprotected; but there is commonly a symmetri- cal glassy shell, either consisting of a dorsal and 11, •, j Ventral plate United, Or forming a spiral. The Pteropoda are divided into two orders, termed Thecoso- mata and Gymnosomata; the former characterised by possess- ing an external shell and an indistinct head ; the latter by being devoid of a shell, and by having a distinct head, with fins attached to the neck. The Gymnosomatous Pteropods, in which there is no shell, as a matter of course, are wholly unknown in the fossil con- dition. The Thecosomatous Pteropods, in which there is a shell, are divided into two families — the Hyaleida and Lima- cinidtz. The latter comprises forms in which there is a small spiral shell, which is sometimes provided with an operculum ; but it is unrepresented in a fossil state. The former family comprises forms in which the shell is symmetrical, straight or curved, globular or needle-shaped, and it is represented by a considerable number of fossil forms, most of which are ex- tremely unlike any known living examples of the class, being often of comparatively colossal dimensions. ' The fossil forms Fie. 241. — Pteropoda. a Cleodora pyramidata ; £ Cmuria columaella. (After Woodward.) 2/O MOLLUSCA. Fig. 242. — Hyalea Orbignyana. Tertiary. mostly belong to the genera Hyalea, Cuvieria, Cleodora, Theca, Pterotheca, Tentaculites, and Conularia; but other less import- ant types are known to have existed in past time. Of the above-mentioned generic forms, the first three are well repre- sented at the present day by living forms. The remaining four are almost exclusively Palaeozoic, Conularia alone surviv- ing into the earlier portion of the Mesozoic period. Not only is this the case, but the forms in question all commence their existence in the Lower Silurian or Upper Cambrian, and none of them except Conularia transgresses the upper limit of the Devonian Rocks. Lastly, almost all these forms are of com- paratively gigantic size, and they differ in many respects from living forms. In the genus Hyalea (fig. 242) the shell is globular, trans- lucent, the dorsal plate ex- tended into a hood ; the aper- ture is contracted, with a late- ral slit on each side. The fossil species are only known Miocene in the Miocene and Pliocene Tertiary, and the genus at- tains its maximum in existing seas. Cleodora has a pyramidal shell, and dates from the Miocene; and Cuvieria (fig. 241) has a cylindrical shell, and dates from the Pliocene. Both these genera attain their maximum at the present day. The genus Theca (the Hyolithes of Continental and American palaeontologists) comprises a number of singular forms in which the shell is straight, sheath- shaped, tapering to a point, triangular, and destitute of lateral appendages (fig. 243). The mouth of the shell is trigonal, sometimes closed by an operculum, sometimes furnished with curved lateral appendages. The length of the shell is commonly about an inch or an inch and a half. Nearly ninety species of this genus are enumerated by M. Barrande, distributed in the Upper Cambrian, Silurian, and Devon- ian formations, but not extending into the Carboniferous period. The genus Pterotheca of Salter is exclusively Silurian, and is characterised by having the " shell transversely oval, bilobed, with wavy sides and a strong median keel ; ventral plate short, narrow, and flat." Fig. 243. — i neca operculata. and its operculum. (After Sal- ter.) From the Tremadoc Slates (Upper Cambrian ?) PTEROPODA. 271 Fig. 244. — (^onularia or- itata. Devonian. The genus Conularia is one of the most extraordinary of the extinct genera of the Pteropods, if only for the enormous size attained by many examples. The shape of the shell is very like that of some living Pteropods, but specimens occa- sionally reach the length of nearly a foot, with a breadth of more than an inch. The shell in Conularia (fig. 244) is straight, tapering towards one end, and having a sub-quadrate or rhomboidal aperture at the other. The form of the shell is generally distinctly four-sided, the sides being finely striated with trans- verse lines. The shell is generally of extreme tenuity j but the internal cavity is sometimes restricted by concentric lamellae, and the apex maybe partitioned off. M. Barrande enumerates eighty-three species of Conularia, most of which are Palaeozoic, commencing in the lowest Silurian deposits. The genus, however, extends into the Mesozoic Rocks, the last species, so far as at present known, appearing in the Lias. Lastly, the genus Tentaculites comprises a number of singular Palaeozoic fossils, the true position of which cannot be said to be absolutely free from doubt. Most authorities now place Tentaculites, with apparently good reason, in the Pteropoda ; but others would still refer this genus to the Tubicolar Annelides. It must be ad- mitted, also, that in some respects Ten- taculites approximates pretty closely to the Annelidous genera Conchicolites and Cor- nulites. Upon the whole, however, the mode of occurrence of Tentaculites and its undoubted free habit of existence leave little doubt as to its true place being amongst the Pteropods. The shell of Tentaculites (fig. 245) has the form of a straight conical tube, tapering towards one Fig. 245. — ' . • j j i j j ornatus. Upper Silurian. extremity to a pointed closed apex, and Europe and North America, expanding towards the other to a circular aperture. The walls of the shell are thin, and are surrounded "with numerous thickened rings or annulations, sometimes with intermediate striae, over a whole or part of the length of the tube. The size of Tentaculites varies much in different cases, being sometimes less than a couple of lines in length, and sometimes 2/2 MOLLUSCA. attaining a length of an inch or more. Fifty-two species of Tentaculites are enumerated by M. Barrande, commencing in the Lower Silurian and ranging into the Devonian. The genus is essentially Silurian, and examples of some species often occur in myriads through a considerable thickness of strata. CHAPTER XXIV. CLASS CEPHALOPODA. CLASS IV. CEPHALOPODA. — The members of the Cephalo- poda are denned by the possession of eight or more arms placed in a circle round the mouth ; the body is enclosed in a muscular mantle-sac, and there are two or four plume-like gills within the mantle. There is an anterior tubular orifice (the " infundibulum" or "funnel"), through which the effete water of respiration is expelled. The Cephalopoda, comprising the Cuttle-fishes, Squids, Pearly Nautilus, &c., constitute the most highly organised of the classes of the Mollusca. They are all marine and carnivorous, and are possessed of considerable locomotive powers. At the bottom of the sea they can walk about, head downwards, by means of the arms which surround the mouth, and which are usually provided with numerous suckers or " acetabula." They are also enabled to swim, partly by means of lateral expansions of the integument or fins (not always present), and partly by means of the forcible expulsion of water through the tubular " funnel," the reaction of which causes the animal to move in the opposite direction. The majority of the living Cephalopods are naked, possess- ing only an internal skeleton, and this often a rudimentary one ; but the Argonaut (Paper Nautilus) and the Pearly Nau- tilus are protected with an external shell, though the nature of this is extremely different in the two forms. The body in the Cephalopoda is symmetrical, and is enclosed in an integument which may be regarded as a modification of the mantle of the other Mollusca. Ordinarily there is a toler- ably distinct separation of the body into an anterior cephalic portion (prosoma), and a posterior portion, enveloped in the mantle, and containing the viscera (metasoma). The head is very distinct, bearing a pair of large globular eyes, and having the mouth in its centre. The mouth is surrounded by a circle CEPHALOPODA. 273 of eight, ten, or more, long muscular processes, or "arms " (fig. 246), which are generally provided with rows of suckers. In the Octopod Cuttle-fishes there are only eight arms, and these are all nearly alike. In the Decapod Cuttle-fishes there are ten arms, but two of these — called " tentacles " — are much longer than the others, and bear suckers only at their extremities, which are enlarged and club-shaped. In the Pearly Nautilus the arms are numerous, and are devoid of suckers. The parts of the Cephalopoda which may be preserved in a fossil condition, and which thus inte- rest the palaeontologist, are the mandibles, the ink-bag, and the skeleton, whether this be internal or external. The mandibles are contained within the mouth or " buccal cavity" of the animal, and have the form of powerful jaws, work- ing vertically like the beak of a Fig. 246._Cephaiopoda. bird. They are horny or calcare- Atiantica, one of the Cuttle-fishes j • i ii (after Woodward). ous, and in shape closely resem- ble the beak of a parrot, with this difference, that the largest of the two mandibles is placed inferiorly. Mandibles of this nature are present in both the Cuttle-fishes and the Pearly Nautilus, and they doubtless existed in all the extinct forms. They not uncommonly occur as fossils, but they do not appear to have been observed out of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Rocks. They are commonly called " Rhyncholites/' and genera such as Rhynchoteuthis have been founded upon them (fig. 247). The ink-bag is a special gland possessed by the Cuttle-fishes, for the purpose of secreting an inky fluid, which the animal can discharge into the water, so as to enable it to escape when menaced or pursued. The secretion of the ink-bag consists of finely-divided particles of carbon suspended in fluid, and it is extremely indestructible. The ink-bag, with its contained se- cretion, is not uncommonly found in the fossil condition ; but it has only been observed in strata of Secondary age. In the Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods, in which there is an external s 2/4 MOLLUSCA. shell, and this means of defence is not needed, there is no ink- bag. The shell of the Cephalopoda is sometimes external, some- times internal. The internal skeleton is known as the " cuttle- Fig. 247. — Rkynclioteuthis Astieriaiui. Lower Greensand (Cretaceous). bone," " sepiostaire," or " pen " (gladius), and may be either corneous or calcareous. In some cases it is rendered complex by the addition of a chambered portion or " phragmacone," which is to be regarded as a visceral skeleton or " splanchno- skeleton." In Spirula the phragmacone is the sole internal skeleton, and is coiled into a spiral, the coils of which lie in one plane, and are near one another, but not in contact. It thus resembles the shell of the Pearly Nautilus, but it is inter- nal, and differs, therefore, entirely from the external shell of the latter. The only living Cephalopods which are provided with an external shell are the Paper Nautilus (Argonauta\ and the Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilms] ; but not only is the struc- ture of the animal different in each of these, but the nature of the shell itself is entirely different. The shell of the Argonaut is involuted, but is not divided into chambers, and it is secreted by the webbed extremities of two of the dorsal arms of the female. The arms are bent backwards, so as to allow the animal to live in the shell, but there is in reality no organic connection between the shell and the body of the animal. In fact, the shell of the Argonaut, being confined to the female, and serving by its empty apex as*a receptacle for the ova, may be looked upon as a " nidamental shell," or, as it is secreted by a modified portion of the foot, it may more properly be re- garded as a " pedal shell." The shell of the Pearly Nautilus (fig. 248), on the other hand, is a true pallial shell, and is se- creted by the body of the animal, to which it is organically connected. It is involuted, but it differs from the shell of the Argonaut in being divided into a series of chambers by shelly CEPHALOPODA. 2/5 partitions or septa, which are pierced by a tube or " siphuncle," the animal itself living in the last chamber only of the shell. The Cephalopoda are divided into two extremely distinct and well-marked orders, termed the Dibranchiata and Tetrabran- chiata. The former is characterised by the possession of two gills only, and by the fact that the shell, if external (as it very rarely is), is never chambered. In this order are comprised the living Cuttle-fishes, Squids, and Paper Nautilus, with the extinct family of the Belemnitida. The latter is distinguished by the presence of four gills, and by the possession of an exter- nal many-chambered shell. This order is abundantly repre- sented in past time, but has no other living representative than the Pearly Nautilus alone. The following table gives the char- acters and leading genera of the families of Cephalopoda : — SYNOPSIS OF THE FAMILIES OF THE CEPHALOPODA. CLASS CEPHALOPODA. ORDER I. DIBRANCHIATA. Animal with two branchiae ; not more than eight or ten arms, provided with suckers ; an ink-bag Shell commonly internal and rudimentary ; rarely external, but not chambered. SECTION A. OCTOPODA. Arms eight, suckers sessile. Fam. I. Argonautidce. Female provided with a calcareous, external, monothalamous shell, secreted by the webbed extremities of two of the dorsal arms. Gen. Argonauta. Fam. 2. Octopodida. Shell internal, rudimentary, uncalcified. No pallial^fins in most. 111. Gen. Octopus, Tremoctopus, Eledone, Pinnoctopus. SECTION B. DECAPODA. Arms eight, 'with twoclavale " tentacles ;" suckers pedunculated. Fam. 3. Teuthida. Shell an internal horny "pen" or "gladius." Fins mostly terminal. 111. Gen. Loligo, Onychoteuthis, Ommastrcphes. Fam. 4. Belemnitidce. Shell internal, composed of a conical chambered portion ("phragmacone") with a marginal siphuncle, produced into a horny plate or "pen," and lodged in a cylindrical fibrous "guard." 111. Gen. Belemnites, Belemnitella, Belemnoteuthis. Fam. 5. Sepiada;. Shell calcareous, consisting of a broad, laminar plate, termi- nating in an imperfectly-chambered apex (" phragmacone"). 111. Gen. Sepia, Beloptera, Spirulirostra. Fam. 6. Spirulidce. Shell internal, nacreous, chambered, discoidal ; the whorls separate ; a ventral siphuncle. Gen. Spirula. ORDER II. TETRABRANCHIATA. Animal with four gills ; arms more than ten, without suckers ; no ink-bag ; shell external, chambered, and siphuncled. 276 MOLLUSCA. Fam. i. Nautilidtz. Sutures of the shell simple ; the siphuncle central, sub-central, or near the concavity of the curved shells, simple. Sub-family Nautilidce proper. Body-chamber capacious ; aperture simple ; siphuncle central or internal. 111. Gen. Nautilus, Lituites, Trocho- cei'as. Sub-family Orthoceratidfe. Shell straight, curved, or discoidal ; body-chamber small ; aperture contracted ; siphuncle complicated. 111. Gen. Orthoceras, Phragmoceras, Cyrtoceras. Fam. 2. Amnwnitidce. Shell discoidal, curved, spiral, or straight ; body-chamber elongated ; aperture guarded by processes, or closed by an oper- culum ; sutures angulated, lobed, or foliaceous ; siphuncle external or dorsal (on the convex side of the curved shells). 111. Gen. Ammonites, Ceratites, B acuities, Turrilites, Scaphites, Ancyloceras. As regards their general distribution in time, the Cephalo- pods are largely represented in all the primary groups of strati- fied rocks from the Lower Silurian up to the present day. Of the two orders of Cephalopoda, the Tetrabranchiata is the oldest, attaining its maximum in the Palaeozoic period, decreasing in the Mesozoic and Kainozoic epochs, and being represented at the present day by the single form, Nautilus pompilius. Of the sections of this order, the Nautilidce proper and the Orthocer- atidce are pre-eminently Palaeozoic, and the Ammonitida are not only pre-eminently but are almost exclusively Secondary. Of the abundance of the two former families in the Silurian seas some idea may be obtained when it is mentioned that over a thousand species have been described by M. Barrande from the Silurian basin of Bohemia alone. ThzNautitida proper have gradually decreased in numbers from the Palaeozoic, through the Secondary and Tertiary periods, to the present day. The Orthoceratidcz died out much sooner, being exclusively Palaeo- zoic, with the exception of the genera Orthoceras itself and Cyrtoceras, which survived into the commencement of the Se- condary period, finally dying out in the Trias. The second family of the Tetrabranchiata — viz., the Ammo- nitidce. — is almost exclusively Secondary, being very largely re- presented by numerous species of the genera Ammonites, Cera- lites, Baculites, Turrilites, &c. The only Palaeozoic genera are Goniatites and Bactrites, of which the former is found from the Upper Silurian to the Trias, whilst the latter is a Silurian and Devonian form. The genus Ceratites is characteristically Triassic, but it is said to occur in the Devonian Rocks, and some species are Cretaceous. All the remaining genera are exclusively Secondary, the genera Baculites, Turrilites, Hamites and Ptychoceras being confined to the Cretaceous period. TETRABRANCHIATE CEPHALOPODS. 2// Of the Dibranchiate Cephalopods the record is less perfect, as they have few structures which are capable of preservation. They attain their maximum, as fossils, shortly after their first appearance in the Secondary Rocks, where they are represented by the large and important family of the BeUmnitidcR. Some of the Teuthidcz and Sepiadce are found both in the Secondary and in the Tertiary Rocks, and two species of Argonaut have been discovered in the later Tertiaries. No example of a Di- branchiate Cephalopod is known from the Palaeozoic deposits, and the order attains its maximum at the present day. CHAPTER XXV. TETRABRANCHIATE CEPHALOPODS. THE Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods are characterised by being creeping animals, protected by an external, many-chambered shell, the septa between the chambers of which are perforated by a mem- branous or calcareous tube, termed the " siphuncle" The arms are numerous, and are devoid of suckers ; the. branchice are four in number, two on each side of the body ; the funnel does not form a complete tube; and there is no ink-bag. The Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods have an enormous de- velopment in past time, several thousand species, mostly belonging to extinct types, being known from the Palaeozoic Rocks alone. In the Mesozoic Rocks the members of this order were almost equally abundant. In the Tertiary Rocks the order is reduced to the single genus Nautilus, represented at the present day by the single species Nautilus pompilius (the Pearly Nautilus). The palaeontological importance of this order being so great, it may be as well to preface the account of the extinct forms by a short description of the structure of the living Nautilus pompilius, as described by Professor Owen, from the only perfect specimen which has as yet been obtained. The soft structures in the Pearly Nautilus may be divided into a posterior, soft, membranous mass (mctasoma), containing the viscera, and an anterior muscular division, comprising the head (prosoma) ; the whole being contained in the outermost, capacious chamber (the body-chamber) of the shell, from which the head can be protruded at will. The shell itself (fig. 248) is involuted and many-chambered, the animal being contained successively in each chamber, and retiring from it as its size 2;8 MOLLUSCA. becomes sufficiently great to necessitate the acquisition of more room. Each chamber, as the animal retires from it, is walled off by a curved, nacreous septum ; the communication between the chambers being still kept up by a membranous tube or siphuncle, which opens at one extremity into the pericardium, Fig. 248. — Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus pompilius). a Mantle ; b Its dorsal fold ; c Hood ; o Eye ; / Tentacles ; f Funnel. and is continued through the entire length of the shell. The position of the siphuncle is in the centre of each septum. Posteriorly the mantle of the Nautilus is very thin, but it is much thicker in front, and forms a thick fold or collar sur- rounding the head and its appendages. From the sides of the head spring a great number of muscular prehensile processes or " arms," which are annulated, but are not provided with cups or suckers. In the centre of the head is the mouth, surrounded by a circular fleshy lip, external to which is a series of labial processes. The mouth opens into a buccal cavity, armed with two horny mandibles, partially calcified towards their extremi- ties, and shaped like the beak of a parrot, except that the under mandible is the longest. There is also a "tongue/' which is fleshy and sentient in front, but is armed with recurved teeth behind. The gullet opens into a large crop, which in turn conducts to a gizzard, and the intestine terminates at the base of the funnel. On each side of the crop is a well-developed liver. The heart is contained in a large cavity, divided into several TETRABRANCHIATE CEPHALOPODS. chambers, and termed the " pericardium " (Owen). The re- spiratory organs are in the form of four pyramidal branchiae, two on each side. The chief masses of the nervous system are the cerebral and infra-cesophageal ganglia, which are partially protected by a cartilaginous plate, which is to be regarded as a rudimentary cranium, and which sends out processes for the attachment of muscles. The organs of sense are two large eyes, attached by short stalks to the sides of the head, and two hollow plicated sub-ocular processes, believed to be olfactory in their function. The reproductive organs of the female consist of an ovary, oviduct, and accessory nidamental gland. There is no ink-bag, and the funnel does not form a com- plete tube, but consists of two muscular lobes, which are simply in apposition. It is the organ by which swimming is effected, the animal being propelled through the water by means of the reaction produced by the successive jets emitted from the funnel. The function of the chambers of the shell appears to be that of reducing the specific gravity of the animal to near that of the surrounding water, since they are probably filled with some gas secreted by the animal, or with water itself. The function of the siphuncle is unknown, except in so far as it doubtless serves to maintain the vitality of the shell. SHELL OF THE TETRABRANCHIATA. — The shells of all the Tetrabranchiata agree in the following points : — 1. The shell is external. 2. The shell is divided into a series of chambers by plates or " septa," the edges of which, where they appear on the shell, are termed the " sutures." 3. The outermost chamber of the shell is the largest, and is the one inhabited by the animal. 4. The various chambers of the shell are united by a tube, termed the " siphuncle." Agreeing in all these fundamental points of structure, two very distinct types of shell may be distinguished as charac- teristic of the two families Nantilidce and Ammonitidce, into which the order Tetrabranchiata is divided. In the family Nautilidce (fig. 249), the " septa " of the shell are simple, curved, or slightly lobed ; the " sutures " are more or less completely plain ; and the " siphuncle " is central, sub- central, or internal (i.e., on the concave side of the curved shells). In the family Ammonitida (fig. 249), on the other hand, the septa are folded and complex ; the sutures are angulated, zig- zag, lobed, or foliaceous ; and the siphuncle is external (i.e., on the convex side of the curved shells). 280 MOLLUSCA. In both these great types of shell, a series of representative forms exists, resembling each other in the manner in which the shell is folded or coiled, but differing in their fundamental structure. All these different forms may be looked upon as produced by the modification of a greatly-elongated cone, the structure of which may be in conformity with the type either of the Nautilidcz or of the Ammonitidcz. The following table (after Woodward) exhibits some of the representative forms in the two families : — Nautilida. Shell straight .... Orthoceras . „ bent on itself . . Ascoceras . „ curved .... Cyrtoceras . „ spiral Trochoceras „ discoidal .... Gyroceras . ,, discoidal and produced Lituites . . involute Nautilus . 0 .0 0 Ammonitida. Baculites. Ptychoceras. Toxoceras. Turrilites. Crioceras. Ancyloceras. Ammonites. Fig. 249. — Diagram to illustrate the position of the siphuncle and the form of the septa in various Tetrabranchiate Cephalopoda. The upper row of figures represents transverse sections of the shells, the lower row represents the edges of the septa, a a A mmonite or Baculite ; b b Ceratite ; ccGoniatite; ddClymenia; ee Nautilus or Orthoceras. DISTRIBUTION OF TETRABRANCHIATA. IN TIME. — Regarded as a whole, the Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods form a group which early attained its maximum, and which is now almost extinct. The greatest development, in point of numbers, took place in the Palaeozoic period ; and the forms then existing belonged to decidedly simpler types than those which followed them. The greatest number of types existed during the Meso- zoic period ; and here the order still maintained a great abun- dance of individuals. With the close of the Secondary epoch a large number of complex types disappeared wholly, and the order was left without any representative in the Tertiary Rocks except the simple and ancient genus Nautilus. NAUTILID.'E. 28l As regards the two great sections of the order, the Nauti- lidce are the most ancient, dating their existence from the Lower Silurian, if not from the Upper Cambrian. Not only is this the case, but they are pre-eminently Palaeozoic, very few forms surviving into the Secondary period, and only one into the Tertiary. The Ammonitidcz, on the other hand, are pre- eminently Mesozoic, and no member of this group is known to have survived into the Kainozoic period. This group, however, is represented by two comparatively simple types in the Palaeozoic period, commencing their existence from the Silurian. In the following are given the characters and distribution in time of the leading forms of the Tetrabranchiate Cephalo- pods : — NAUTILID^E. FAM. I. NAUTILID^E. — Sutures of the shett simple ; thesiphunde simple, central, sub-central, or near the concavity of the curved shells. SUB-FAMILY i. NAUTILID/E PROPER. — Body-chamber capa- cious ; aperture of the shell simple ; siphuncle central or in- ternal. The genera of this sub-family are Nautilus, Lituites, Trochoceras, and Clymenia ; of which the last three are ex- clusively Palaeozoic, whilst the first ranges through all the great formations from the Silurian upwards, and is represented at the present day by the Pearly Nautilus. In the genus Nautilus (fig. 250) the shell is involute or dis- coidal, consisting of a few whorls coiled into a flat spiral. The Fig. 250. — Nautilus Danicus. Upper Cretaceous (" Danien " of D'Orbigny). body-chamber is of large size, and the siphuncle is central, or nearly so. The genus Nautilus ranges from the Upper Silu- 282 MOLLUSCA. Fig. 251. — Lituites cornu-arietis. Lower Silurian. rian to the present day, having its maximum of development in the Carboniferous period. The Palaeozoic forms are mostly discoidal, having the whorls more or less completely exposed. The Nautili Q{ later deposits are mostly like the living species in having each whorl overlapping the pre- ceding, so that merely an " um- bilicus " is visible. Many of the extinct forms, belonging to all ages, agree with the living Naut- ilus in having the surface quite smooth ( Lcevigati ). Others, which are especially character- istic of the Jurassic Rocks, have the surface striated (Striati). Others, chiefly of Cretaceous age, have the surface marked by distinct ribs (Radiati). In the Upper Silurian and Devonian Rocks Nautili are few; in the Carboniferous, many species are known; in the Permian Rocks and Trias are but few species; but the Jurassic and Cretaceous Rocks have yielded a considerable number. Lastly, several Tertiary species are known, all of which agree with the living Nautilus pompilius in having their surface completely smooth. In the genus Lituites (fig. 251) the shell is at first coiled discoidally with close or discon- nected whorls ; but the last chamber is pro- duced into a straight or slightly-curved line. The siphuncle is placed in the centre of the septa of the shell. All the known species of Lituites are confined to the Silurian forma- tion ; but some occur in deposits the age of which is pro- bably Upper Cambrian. Fig. 252. — Clyinenia Sedgwickii. Devonian. The lower figure shows the form of the suture. NAUTILID^E. 283 The genus Trochocems is one which was founded by M. Barrande to include certain singular Silurian Cephalopods in which the shell is doubly curved. In the typical forms — corresponding with Turrilites amongst the Ammonitidcz — the coils of the shell are in contact and pass obliquely round a central axis, so that the shell becomes turreted. In other cases, however, the shells are simply bent, and we have an approach to the genus Cyrtoceras. In the genus Clymenia (fig. 252) the shell is discoidal, coiled into a flat spiral, and closely resembling some of the older forms of Nautilus. The inner side of each whorl is deeply excavated for the reception of the convexity of the internal whorl. The septa are simple, like those of Nautilus, or are slightly lobed, and the siphuncle is internal, placed on the concave side of the whorls. Numerous species of Clymenia are known, all belonging to the Devonian period ; and some of the Upper Devonian limestones of Germany are so profusely charged with fossils of this genus as to have received the name of " Clymenien- kalk." SUB - FAMILY 2. ORTHOCERAT- ID^L. — Shell straight, curved, or discoidal ; body - chamber small ; aperture of the shell small, some- times extremely contracted; siph- uncle complicated. The Ortho- ceratidcz commence in the lowest Silurian deposits, and attain their maximum of development in the Silurian Rocks. The family is well represented in the Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks, but is much reduced in numbers in the Per- mians. The last appearance of the family is in the Triassic Rocks, where it is represented by the genera Orthoceras and Cyrtoceras. The chief genera of this sub- F- . . ° rig. 253. — Orthocerax crebn- lamily are Ort/lOCeraS, G-OmpriO- septum. Lower Silurian. The lower /vr/70 T>hrn of the skele- ton of the Belemnites. Spirulirostra and Beloptera are often referred to this family ; but if these be placed in the Sepiadce, the family of the Spirulidce is then without any known fossil representative. FAM. 6. BELEMNITID^E. — Shell internal, composed of a conical chambered portion (" phragmacone "), with a marginal or ventral siphuncle, lodged in a cylindrical fibrous " guard," and produced in front into a thin horny or shelly plate or " pen " (the " pro-ostracum "). The Bdtmnitida are exclusively confined to the Secondary Rocks, ranging from the top of the DIBRANCHIATE CEPHALOPODS. 297 Trias to the Chalk. The following are the more important genera belonging to this family : — a. Belemnites. — The skeleton of the Belemnite consists of a sub - cylindrical, longer or shorter, fibrous body (fig. 266), which is termed the "rostrum" or "guard." The length of the guard varies very much in different cases, and it is the part of the Belemnite which is most commonly found in a fossil condi- tion. At the front or broad end, the guard is hollowed out into a conical excavation, which is termed the " alveolus." Within the alveolus, in perfect specimens, is contained the " phragmacone." This consists of a conical series of chambers, se- parated from one another by curved shelly partitions or septa, which are perforated by apertures for the passage of the " siphuncle." The siphuncle traverses the middle of the ventral wall of the phragmacone, and the whole series of chambers is enclosed in a thin shell-wall (the "conotheca" of Huxley). Anteri- orly the conotheca or investment of the phragmacone is prolonged for- wards into a horny or shelly plate, which corresponds with part of the " pen" of the Calamaries, and which is termed the " pro-ostracum " (fig. 266, r). The form of the " pro- ostracum " varies greatly in different cases, and it affords important char- acters in the discrimination of spe- cific and generic forms in the Belem- nitid(Z. Owing, however, to its ex- treme tenuity, it is very rarely found preserved in a fossil condition, and its value to the working palaeonto- logist is thus greatly reduced. Not only is the internal skeleton of the Belemnite known, but various specimens have been dis- covered, from which much has been learnt as to other points Fig. 266. — Diagram of Belem- nite (after Professor Phillips), r Horny or shelly pen or " pro- ostracum ; " ^Chambered "phrag- macone" in its cavity (a) or "al- veolus ;" g " Guard." 298 MOLLUSCA. of its anatomy. Thus we know that the body was furnished with lateral fins, that there were eight arms and two longer " tentacles," that the suckers were provided with horny hooks, that there was a large ink-sac, and that the mouth was armed with horny mandibles. The following table of the sections and sub-sections of the species of the genus Belemnites is the one given by Dr S. P. Woodward : — Section I. Acoeli. Without dorsal or ventral grooves. Sub-section I. Acuarii. Without lateral furrows, but often channelled at the extreme point. (Ex. B. acuarius. Lias.) Sub-section 2. Clavati. With lateral furrows. (Ex. B. davatus. Lias.) Section II. Gastrocceli. Ventral groove distinct. Sub-section I. Canaliculati. No lateral furrows. (Ex. B. canaliculatus. Inf. Oolite.) Sub-section 2. Hastati. Lateral furrows distinct. (Ex. B. hastatus. Oolite.) Section III. Notocoeli. With a dorsal groove, and furrowed on each side. (Ex. B. dilatatus. Neocomian. ) The species of the genus Belemnites range from the top of the Trias, where the earliest forms appear, to the Upper Greensand, in which the genus finally dis- appears. The species are most numerous in the Jurassic Rocks, and often occur in the greatest abundance in particular beds or particular localities. It would seem not improbable that the genus Belop- tcrct, befoj^noticed, should be referred to the Belem- \nifiSze, ancPthe genus Belemnosepia, (or Geoteuthis), formerly referred *Q the Teuthidce, appears to be al- most certainly referable here. b. Belemnitella. — In this genus (fig. 267) the skele- ton is very similar in its general arrangement to that of Belemnites ; but there is a straight -fissure in the guard, at its upper end, on the ventral side of the wall of the alveolus. The species of this genus are F; 26 — exclusively Cretaceous, and are only found in the Beiemniteiia upper portion of this formation, ranging from the SBT"** Upper Greensand to the Chalk. c. Belemnoteuthis. — " Shell consisting of a phrag- macone, like that of the Belemnite ; a horny dorsal pen with obscure lateral bands ; and a thin fibrous guard, with two diverging ridges on the dorsal side. Animal provided with VERTEBRATA. 299 arms and tentacles of nearly equal length, furnished with a double alternating series of horny hooks, from 20 to 40 pairs on each arm ; mantle free all round ; fins large, medio-dorsal." — (Woodward.) Only one species is known, from the Oxford Clay (Middle Oolites). High authorities, such as Owen and D'Orbigny, question the validity of this genus, and regard it as being founded upon specimens of Belemnites. d. Xiphoteuthis. — Guard narrow and cylindrical, containing a very long, deep-chambered, narrow phragmacone. Pro- ostracum greatly developed (nearly a foot in length), very narrow at its base, widening out anteriorly, and finally ter- minating in a pointed apex. Only a single species is known, from the Lias. CHAPTER XXVII. SUB-KINGDOM VERTEBRATA. THE sub-kingdom Vertebrata may be shortly defined as includ- ing animals in which the body is composed of a succession of definite segments, arranged along a longitudinal axis ; the main masses of the nervous system (brain and spinal cord] are situated along the dorsal surface of the body, and are completely shut off from the general body-cavity. The limbs are never more than four in number, and are always turned away from that aspect of the body upon which the main masses of the nervous system are situated. In all, the nervous axis is primitively supported by a cellular rod, which is termed the "notochord;" but in most the notochord is replaced in the adult by the bony axis known as the " spine" or " vertebral column." The past existence of Vertebrate animals is chiefly recognised by the preservation of their hard structures. These hard struc- tures are of two kinds — some belonging to the internal or true skeleton (endoskeleton), others being of the nature of horny or bony plates, scales, or appendages of various kinds, de- veloped in the integument (exoskeleton). The nature of the exoskeleton in the Vertebrates differs very much in different cases, and it will be considered when treating of the separate groups. It will be well, however, to give an extremely general and brief view of the structure of the endoskeleton, taking for this purpose a Mammal as a typical form. In this way the student will be enabled readily to trace the modifica- tions of the skeleton in the lower forms, and will without 300 VERTEBRATA. difficulty comprehend the terms which are necessarily em- ployed in the definitions of the various groups. It may be added here, before proceeding further, that it does not seem requisite to treat the Vertebrata with the same fulness as the Invertebrate. The fossil remains of Vertebrates are in many cases of the highest theoretical interest, but they come much less frequently under the notice of the ordinary student than do the remains of the Invertebrates. No practical study, also, of the fossil Vertebrates can be carried out without a consider- able acquaintance with Comparative Osteology. Lastly, the remains of Vertebrate animals generally occur in such a frag- mentary condition that a sufficient series of specimens for pro- fitable study can rarely be obtained, except under peculiarly favourable circumstances, in special cases, or where access can be had to a first-rate museum. For these and other reasons it is thought enough, in a treatise intended for the working palae- ontologist, to give a general account of each class of the Verte- brata^ with definitions of the orders, and a brief notice of the leading forms of each. Only in cases of special interest will any details of a more minute character than the above be given. The skeleton of the Vertebrata may be regarded as consisting essentially of the bones which go to form the head and trunk on the one hand (sometimes called the " axial " skeleton), and of those which form the supports for the limbs ("appendicular" skeleton) on the other hand. The bones of the head and trunk may be looked upon as essentially composed of a series of bony rings or segments, arranged longitudinally, one behind the other. Anteriorly these segments are much expanded, and likewise much modified, to form the bony case which encloses the brain, and which is termed the cranium or skull. Behind the head the segments enclose a much smaller cavity, which is called the " neural " or spinal canal, as it encloses the spinal cord ; arid they are arranged one behind the other, forming the vertebral column. The segments which form the verte- bral column are called " vertebras," and they have the follow- ing general structure : — Each vertebra (fig. 268, A) consists of a central piece, which is the fundamental and essential element of the vertebra, and is known as the " body " or " centrum" (c). From the upper or posterior surface of the centrum spring two bony arches (n n), which are called the " neural arches " or " neurapophyses," because they form with the body a canal — the " neural canal " — which encloses the spinal cord. From the point where the neural arches meet behind, there is usually developed a longer or shorter spine, which is termed the " spi- nous process " or " neural spine " (s). From the neural arches GENERAL CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATA. 3 p Costal cartilages; b Sternum, with haemal spine. (After Owen.) These elements form the vertebra of the human anatomist, but the "vertebra" of the transcendental anatomist is com- pleted by a second arch which is placed beneath the body of the vertebra, and which is called the " haemal " arch, as it includes and protects the main organs of the circulation. This second arch is often only recognisable with great diffi- culty, as its parts are generally much modified, but a good example may be obtained in the human chest, or in the caudal vertebra of a bony fish. As a general rule, the vertebral column is divisible into a number of distinct regions, of which the following are recog- nisable in man and in the higher Vertebrata : — i. A series of vertebrae which compose the neck, and constitute the " cer- vical region " of the spine (fig. 269, c\ 2. A number of vertebrae which usually carry well-developed ribs, and form the " dorsal region'' (d). 3. A series of vertebrae which form the region of the loins, or "lumbar region" (b}. 4. A greater or less number of vertebrae which constitute the " sacral region," and 302 VERTEBRATA. are usually amalgamated or " anchylosed " together to form a single bone, the " sacrum " (s). 5. The spinal column is com- pleted by a variable number of vertebrae which constitute the "caudal" region, or tail (t). Fig. 269. — Skeleton of the Beaver {Castor fiber), showing the different regions of the vertebral column, c Cervical region ; d Dorsal region ; b Lumbar region ; s Sacrum ; t Caudal region. As regards the skull of the Vertebrates, the most important points to be noticed are the manner in which the cranium articulates with the vertebral column, and the structure of the lower jaw or " mandible." In Birds and Eeptiles the skull articulates with the first vertebra of the neck by means of a single articulating surface or " condyle," carried upon the occipital bone. In the Amphibians, again, and in the Mam- mals, there are two " occipital condyles," by which the skull is jointed to the neck. The lower jaw is sometimes want- ing, but, when present, it consists in all Vertebrata of two halves or " rami," which are united to one another in front, and articulate separately with the skull behind. In many cases, each half, or " ramus," of the lower jaw consists of several pieces united to one another by sutures ; but in the Mammalia each ramus consists of no more than a single piece. The two rami are very variously connected with one another, being sometimes only joined by ligaments and mus- GENERAL CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATA. 303 cles, sometimes united by cartilage or by bony suture, and sometimes fused or anchylosed with one another, so as to leave no evidence of their true composition. The mode by which each ramus of the lower jaw articulates with the skull also varies. In the Mammalia the lower jaw articulates with a cavity formed on what is known to human anatomists as the temporal bone ; but in Birds and Eeptiles, the lower jaw articu- lates with the skull, not directly, but by the intervention of a special bone, known as the "quadrate bone" or "os qvadratvm." As regards the limbs of Vertebrates, whilst many differences exist, which will be afterwards noticed, there is a general agreement in the parts of which they are composed. As a rule, each pair of limbs is joined to the trunk by means of a series of bones which also correspond to one another in general structure. The fore-limbs, often called the " pectoral " limbs, are united with the trunk by means of a bony arch, which is called the " pectoral " or " scapular " arch ; whilst the hind- limbs are similarly connected with the trunk by means of the " pelvic arch." In giving a general description of the parts which compose the limbs and their supporting arches, it will be best to take the case of a Mammal, and the departures from this type will then be readily recognised. The pectoral or scapular arch consists usually of three bones, the "scapula" or shoulder-blade, the "coracoid," and the "clavicle" or collar-bone; but in the great majority of the Mammals, the coracoid is anchylosed with the scapula, of which it forms a mere process. The scapula or shoulder- blade (fig. 270, s) is usually placed outside the ribs, and it forms, either alone or in conjunction with the other bones of the shoulder-girdle, the cavity with which the upper arm is articulated. The coracoid, though rarely existing as a distinct bone in the Mammals, plays a very important part in other Vertebrates. The clavicles are often wanting, or rudimentary, and they are the least essential elements of the scapular arch. The fore-limb proper consists, firstly, of a single bone which fonns the upper arm, and which is known as the humerus (h). This articulates above with the shoulder-girdle, and is followed below by the fore-arm, which consists of two bones, called the radius and ulna. Of these the radius is chiefly concerned with carrying the hand. The radius and ulna are followed by the bones of the wrist, which are usually composed of several bones, and constitute what is called the carpus (d). These support the bones of the root of the hand, which vary in number, but are always more or less cylindrical in shape. They constitute what is called the metacarpus. The bones of 304 VERTEBRATA. the metacarpus carry the digits, which also vary in number, but are composed each of from two to three cylindrical bones, which are known as the phalanges (p). Homologous parts are, as a rule, readily recognisable in the hind-limb. The pelvic arch, by which the hind-limb is united with the trunk, consists of three pieces — the ilium, ischium, and pubes — which are usually anchylosed together, and form conjointly what is known as the innominate bone (fig. 271, i). In y.... Fig. 270. — Pectoral limb (arm) of Chimpanzee. (After Owen), c Clavicle ; 5 Scapula or shoulder-blade; h Humerus; r Radius; «Ulna; d Bones of the wrist, or carpus; m Meta- carpus ; p Phalanges of the fingers. Fig. 271. — Hind-limb of the Chimpanzee. i Innominate bone ;f Thigh-bone or femur ; t Tibia ; s Fibula ; r Bones of the ankle, or tarsus ; m Meta- tarsus ; p Phalanges. most Mammals, the two innominate bones unite in front by a ligamentous or cartilaginous union, and they constitute, with the sacrum, what is known as the pelvis. The hind-limb pro- per consists of the following parts : — i. The thigh-bone or femur, corresponding with the humerus in the fore-limb. 2. VERTEBRATA. 305 The bones of the shank, corresponding with the radius and ulna of the fore-limb, and known as the tibia and fibula. Of these, the tibia is mainly, or altogether, concerned in carrying the foot, and it is thus shown to correspond to the radius, whilst the fibula corresponds to the ulna. 3. The small bones of the ankle, known as the tarsus, and varying in number in different cases. 4. A variable number of cylindrical bones (normally five), which are called the metatarsus, and which correspond to the metacarpus. 5. Lastly, the metatarsus car- ries the digits, which consist, each, of from two to three small bones ox phalanges, as in the fore-limb. The sub-kingdom Vertebrata is divided into the following five classes : — 1. PISCES (Fishes). — Respiration by means of gills ; heart usually two-chambered ; an exoskeleton, in the form of horny scales or bony plates, generally present; blood cold. Limbs, when present, in the form of fins, or expansions of the integu- ment supported by bony or cartilaginous spines or " rays." 2. AMPHIBIA (Amphibians). — Respiration at first exclusively by gills, afterwards by lungs, either alone or associated with gills. Heart of the adult three-chambered ; blood cold. The skull connected with the vertebral column by two occipital condyles. The limbs, when present, never converted into fins, and composed of the same parts as in the higher Vertebrates. 3. REPTILIA (Reptiles). — Respiration aerial, by lungs, and never by gills. Pulmonary and systemic circulations connected together either within the heart or in its immediate neighbour- hood. Heart of the adult three-chambered in most; rarely four-chambered. Blood cold. Skull united to the vertebral column by one occipital condyle. Exoskeleton in the form of horny scales or bony plates, or both combined. 4. AVES (Birds). — Respiration aerial, by lungs, and never by gills. Bronchial tubes opening on the surface of the lungs into air-sacs. A greater or less number of the bones almost always hollow and filled with air. The skull connected with the vertebral column by a single occipital condyle. Heart four- chambered ; the pulmonary and systemic circulations distinct, and the blood warm. Epidermic appendages in the form of fea- thers. Pectoral limbs in the form of wings. Animal oviparous. 5. MAMMALIA (Quadrupeds). — Respiration aerial, by lungs, and never by gills. The terminations of the air-passages (bron- chi) never connected with air-sacs. Heart four -chambered ; the pulmonary and systemic circulations distinct ; the blood warm. Skull connected with the vertebral column by two arti- culating surfaces or condyles. Some part or other of the integu- u 306 VERTEBRATA. ment provided at some time or other with epidermic append- ages in the form of hairs. The young nourished for a shorter or longer time by means of a special fluid — the milk — secreted by special glands — the mammary glands. Animal viviparous. As regards the general distribution in time of the Vertebrata, the earliest known traces of the existence of this sub-kingdom are found in the Upper Silurian Rocks. Here are the remains of Ganoid and Plagiostomous fishes ; and we may fairly anticipate that further research will ultimately result in putting back the first appearance of Fishes at any rate to the Lower Silurian. The class of the Amphibians is not known to have come into existence prior to the commencement of the Carboniferous period, but it had attained a great development before the close of this epoch. The class of the true Reptiles is repre- sented, by more or less doubtful examples only, in the newer Palaeozoic deposits. In the Mesozoic Rocks, however, the development of this class was so great that the Secondary period has been termed the " Age of Reptiles." The class Aves is doubtfully represented by foot-prints in strata of the age of the Trias ; but no Palaeozoic remains of this class have been as yet detected. The earliest undoubted remains of Birds occur in the Jurassic series, and the class has continued to be represented more or less abundantly to the present day. Lastly, the class of the Mammalia, so far as at present known, finds its earliest fossil representative in strata of the age of the Trias (New Red Sandstone). The Mammals, however, can- not be said to be in any way abundant as fossils, till we reach the Eocene Tertiary. From this point onward the remains of Mammals are as abundant as, in the nature of the case, they could reasonably be expected to be. CHAPTER XXVIII. FISHES. THE first class of the Vertebrata is that of the Fishes (Pisces), which may be broadly defined as including Vertebrate animals which are provided with gills throughout the whole of life ; the heart, when present, consists (with one exception} of a single auricle and a single ventricle ; the blood is cold ; the limbs, when present, are in the form of fins, or expansions of the integument. In form, Fishes are adapted for rapid locomotion in water, the shape of the body being such as to give rise to the least FISHES. 307 possible friction in swimming. To this end also, as well as for purposes of defence, the body is usually enveloped with a coating of scales developed in the inferior or dermal layer of the skin. The more important modifications in the form of these dermal scales are as follows: I. Cycloid scales (fig. 272), consisting of thin, flexible, horny scales, circular or elliptical in shape, and having a more or less completely smooth outline. These are the scales which are characteristic of most of the ordinary bony fishes. II. Ctenoid scales (fig. 273), also con- sisting of thin horny plates, but having their posterior margins Fig. 272. — Cycloid scale. Fig. 273. — Ctenoid scale. Fig. 274. — Ganoid scale. fringed with spines, or cut into comb-like projections. III. Ganoid scales, composed of an inferior layer consisting of bone, covered by a superficial layer of hard polished enamel (the so- called "ganoine"). These scales (fig. 274) are usually much larger and thicker than the ordinary scales, and though they are often articulated to one another by special processes, they only rarely overlap. IV. Placoid scales, consisting of detached bony grains, tubercles, or plates, of which the latter are not uncommonly armed with spines. It is very important for the geologist to recognise the charac- ters of these different scales, as he may have to decide upon the characters of a fossil fish merely from detached scales. Such decisions, however, are always more or less hazardous, since the scales of the different orders of the living fishes are not invariably of the same kind in all the forms of the order. Thus, ganoid scales are not peculiar to the order of the Ganoid fishes, but occur also in some of the Bony Fishes (Teleostei). The scales, also, form at best but one character, and they can hardly be said to constitute the most important character of any fish. A classification, therefore, which is based primarily upon the nature of the scales, necessarily is more or less "artifi- cial," and is liable to bring into juxtaposition forms which have no real affinity to one another. For these reasons, most zoologists do not accept the classification of the Fishes into the four orders of the Cycloideit Ctenoidei, Ganoidei, and Placoidei, since this classification, though sanctioned by such an eminent 308 VERTEBRATA. authority as Professor Agassiz, is founded solely upon the nature of the integumentary covering. The palaeontologist, however, whose materials often consist of nothing more than detached scales, is not rarely driven, by the necessity of the case, to provisionally classify his specimens in accordance with the nature of these appendages. As regards their true osseous system or endoskeleton, Fishes vary very widely. In the Lancelet there can hardly be said to be any skeleton, the spinal cord being simply supported by the gelatinous notochord, which remains throughout life. In others the skeleton remains permanently cartilaginous ; in others it is partially cartilaginous and partially ossified ; and, lastly, in most modern fishes it is entirely ossified, or converted into bone. Taking a bony fish (fig. 275) as in this respect a typical example of the class, the following are the chief points in the osteology of a fish which require notice :— The vertebral column in a bony fish consists of vertebras which are hollow at both ends, or biconcave, and are techni- cally said to be " amphicoelous." The cup-like margins of the vertebral bodies are united by ligaments, and the cavities formed between contiguous vertebrae are filled with the gela- tinous remains of the notochord. This elastic gelatinous sub- stance acts as a kind of ball-and-socket joint between the bodies of the vertebrae, thus giving the whole spine the extreme mobility which is requisite for animals living in a watery medium. The ossification of the vertebrae is often much more imperfect than the above, but in no case except that of the Bony Pike (Lepidosteus) is ossification carried to a greater extent than this. In this fish, however, the vertebral column is composed of " opisthoccelous " vertebrae — that is, of vertebrae the bodies of which are concave behind and convex in front. The entire spinal column is divisible into not more than two distinct regions, an abdominal and a caudal region. The ab- dominal vertebrae possess a superior or neural arch (through which passes the spinal cord), a superior spinous process (neural spine), and two transverse processes to which the ribs are usually attached. The caudal vertebrae (fig. 275) have no marked transverse processes ; but in addition to the neural arches and spines, they give off an inferior or /uzmal arch below the body of the vertebrae, and the haemal arches carry inferior spinous processes (haemal spines). The ribs of a bony fish are attached to the transverse pro- cesses, or to the bodies, of the abdominal vertebrae, in the form of slender curved bones which articulate with no more than one vertebra each, and that only at a single point. Unlike the FISHES. 309 ribs of the higher Vertebrates, the ribs do not enclose a thoracic cavity, but are simply imbedded in the muscles which bound the abdomen. Usually each rib gives off a spine-like bone, which is directed backwards amongst the muscles. Inferiorly the extremities of the ribs are free, or are rarely united to der- mal ossifications in the middle line of the abdomen \ but there is never any breast-bone or sternum properly so called. Fig. 275.— Skeleton of the common Perch (Perca fluviatilis). p Pectoral fin ; v One of the ventral fins ; a Anal fin, supported upon interspinous bones (z) ; c Caudal fin ; d First dorsal fin ; d' Second dorsal fin, both supported upon interspinous bones ; */ Interspinous bones ; r Ribs ; ^ Spinous processes of vertebrae ; h Haemal processes of vertebras. The only remaining bones connected with the skeleton of the trunk are the so-called interspinous bones (fig. 275, i z). These form a series of dagger-shaped bones plunged in the middle line of the body between the great lateral muscles which make up the greater part of the body of a fish. The internal ends or points of the interspinous bones are attached by ligament to the spinous processes of the vertebrae ; whilst to their outer ends are articulated the " rays " of the so-called " median " fins, which will be hereafter described. As a rule, there is only one interspinous bone to each spinous process, but in the Flat-fishes (Sole, Turbot, &c.) there are two. Beside the fins which represent the limbs (pectoral and ventral fins), fishes possess other fins placed in the middle line of the body, and all of these alike are supported by bony spines or "rays," which are of two kinds, termed respectively "spi- nous rays " and " soft rays." The " spinous rays " are simple bony spines, apparently composed of a single piece each, but really consisting of two halves firmly united along the middle line. The " soft rays " are composed of several slender spines 3io. VERTEBRATA. proceeding from a common base, and all divided transversely into numerous short pieces. The soft rays occur in many fishes in different fins, but they are invariably found in the caudal fin or tail (fig. 275, c). The rays of the median fins, whatever their character may be, always articulate by a hinge-joint with the heads of the interspinous bones. The sktill of the bony fishes is an extremely complicated structure, and it is impossible to enter into its composition here. The only portions of the skull which require special mention are the bones which form the gill-cover or operculum. For reasons connected with the respiratory process in fishes, there generally exists between the head and the scapular arch a great cavity or gap on each side, within which are contained the branchiae. The cavity thus formed opens externally on each side of the neck by a single vertical fissure or " gill-slit," closed by a broad flap, called the "gill-cover" or "operculum," and by a membrane termed the " branchiostegal membrane." The gill-cover (fig. 276, /, o, s, i) is composed of a chain of broad flat bones, termed the opercular bones. Of these, the Fig. 276. — Skull of Cod (Morrfnta vu?g-aris)—Cuv\er. a Urohyal ; b Basihyal; c Ceratohyal ; d Branchiostegal rays ; p Prae-operculum ; o Operculum proper ; j Sub-oper- culum; z Inter-operculum; in Mandible; n Intermaxillary bone. innermost articulates with the skull (tympano-mandibular arch), and is called the " prae-operculum ;" the next is a large bone FISHES. 3 1 1 called the " operculum " proper ; and the remaining two bones, called respectively the " sub-operculum " and " inter-opercu- lum," form, with the operculum proper, the edge of the gill- cover. These various bones are united together by membrane, and they form collectively a kind of movable door, by means of which the branchial chamber can be alternately opened and shut. Besides the gill-cover, however, the branchial chamber is closed by a membrane called the " branchiostegal mem- brane," which is attached to the os hyoides. The membrane is supported and spread out by a number of slender curved spines, which are attached to the lateral branches of the hyoid bone, act very much as the ribs of an umbrella, and known as the "branchiostegal rays" (fig. 276, d). The limbs of fishes depart considerably from the typical form exhibited in the higher Vertebrates. One or both pairs of limbs may be wanting, but when present the limbs are always in the form of fins — that is, of expansions of the integument strengthened by bony or cartilaginous fin-rays. The anterior limbs are known as the pectoral fins, and the posterior as the ventral fins ; and they are at once distinguished from the so-called " median " fins by being always disposed in pairs, usually symmetrically. Hence they are often spoken of as the paired fins. The fore-limbs or pectoral fins possess in a modified form most of the bones which are present in the anterior extremities of the higher Vertebrata. They vary much in size and in other characters. Sometimes they are enormously expanded, as in the Flying-fish (Exoccztus) • and at other times they form merely a pair of paddles, as in the extinct Pterichthys. The hind- limbs or ventral fins are wanting in many fishes, and they are less developed and less fixed in position than are the pectorals. In some cases the ventral fins are " abdominal " in position, and are placed more or less towards the hinder part of the body (as in the Sharks, Ganoids, and Mud-fishes). In other cases, they are "thoracic,5' that is, they are placed beneath the pectorals ; and in some cases they are situated on the sides of the neck in advance of the pectorals, when they are said to be "jugular." In these cases, the pelvic arch is attached to the pectoral arch, and is therefore wholly removed from its normal position. In addition to the pectoral and ventral fins — the homologues of the limbs — which may be wanting, fishes are furnished with certain other expansions of the integument, which are " median'5 in position, and must on no account be confounded with the true " paired " fins. These median fins are variable 312 VERTEBRATA. in number, and in some cases there is but a single fringe running round the posterior extremity of the body. In all cases, however, the median fins are " azygous " — that is to say, they occupy the middle line of the body, and are not symmetrically disposed in pairs. Most commonly, the median fins consist of one or two expansions of the dorsal integument, called the "dorsal fins" (fig. 277, d d'} ; one or two on the ventral surface near the anus — the "anal fins" (fig. 277, a) ; and a broad fin at the extremity of the vertebral column, called the " caudal fin " or tail (c). In all cases, the rays which sup- port the median fins are articulated with the so-called inter- spinous bones, which have been previously described. Though called "median," from their position in the middle line of the body, and from their being unpaired, the median fins of Fishes, as shown by Goodsir and Humphrey, are truly to be regarded as formed by the coalescence of two lateral elements in the mesial plane of the body. Fig. 277. — Outline of a fish (Perca granulata), showing the paired and unpaired fins. / One of the pectoral fins ; v One of the ventral fins ; d First dorsal fin ; d' Second dor- sal fin ; a Anal fin ; c Caudal fin. The caudal fin or tail of fishes is always set vertically at the extremity of the spine, so as to work from side to side, and it is the chief organ of progression in the fishes. In its vertical position and in the possession of fin-rays, it differs altogether from the horizontal integumentary expansion which constitutes the tail of the Whales, Dolphins, and Sirenia (Dugong and Manatee). In the form of the tail, fishes exhibit two very dis- tinct types of structure, termed respectively the " homocercal " and " heterocercal " type of tail (fig. 278). The homocercal tail is the one which most commonly occurs in our modern fishes, and it is characterised by the fact that the two lobes of FISHES. 313 Fig. 278.— Tails of different fishes. a Homocercal tail (Sword-fish) ; b Het- erocercal tail (Sturgeon.) the tail are equal, and the vertebral column, instead of being prolonged into the upper lobe of the tail, stops short at its base. In the heterocercal tail, on the other hand, the vertebral column is prolonged into the up- per lobe of the tail, so that the tail becomes unequally lobed, its greater portion being placed be- low the spine. Even where the vertebral column is not pro- longed into the upper lobe, the tail may nevertheless become heterocercal, in consequence of a great development of the haemal spines as compared with the neural spines of the vertebrae. As regards their general dis- tribution in time, the geological history of fishes presents some points of peculiar interest. Of all the classes of the great sub- kingdom Vertebrata, the fishes are the lowest in point of or- ganisation. It might therefore have been reasonably expected that they would present us with the first indications of vertebrate life upon the globe ; and such is indeed the case. After passing through the enor- mous group of deposits known as the Laurentian, Huronian, Cambrian, and Lower Silurian formations — representing an immense lapse of time during which, so far as we yet know, no vertebrate animal had been created — we find in the Upper Silurian Rocks the first traces offish. The earliest of these, in Britain, is found in the base of the Ludlow Rocks (Lower Lud- low Shale), and belongs to the placoganoid genus Pteraspis. Also in the Ludlow Rocks, but at the summit of their upper division, are found fin-spines and shagreen, probably belonging to Cestraciont fishes — that is to say, to fishes of as high a grade of organisation as the Elasmobranchii. So abundant are the remains of fishes in the next great geological epoch — namely, the Devonian or Old Red Sandstone — that this period has frequently been designated the " Age of Fishes." Most of the fishes of the Old Red Sandstone belong to the order Gan- oidei. In the Carboniferous and Permian Rocks, which close the Palaeozoic period, most of the fishes are still Ganoid, but the former contain the remains of many Plagiostomous fishes. At the close of the Palaeozoic and the commencement of the VERTEBRATA. Mesozoic epoch, the Ganoid fishes begin to lose that predomi- nant position which they before occupied, though they continue to be represented through the whole of the Mesozoic and Kain- ozoic periods up to the present day. The Ganoids, therefore, are an instance of a family which has endured through the greater part of geological time, but which early attained its maximum, and has been slowly dying out ever since. Towards the close of the Mesozoic period (in the Cretaceous period) the great order of the Teleostean or Bony fishes is for the first time known certainly to have made its appearance. The orders of the Marsipobranchii, Pharyngobranchii, and Dipnoi have not left, so far as is known, any traces of their existence in past time. Judging from analogy, however, it is highly pro- bable that the two former of these must have had a vast anti- quity, and it is not impossible that the so-called " Conodonts" from the Lower Silurian Rocks of Russia may yet be shown to be the horny teeth of fishes allied to the Lampreys. At pre- sent, however, the weight of evidence is in favour of looking upon these problematical little bodies as probably referable to some of the Invertebrate. These so-called " Conodonts " are microscopic in their dimensions, and have tEe form oT " minute, glistening, slender, conical bodies, hollow at the base, pointed at the end, more or less bent, with sharp opposite margins" (Owen). They show no trace of dental structure, and Professor Owen concludes that they " have most analogy with the spines, or hooklets, or denticles of Naked Molluscs and Annelides." It is also to be borne in mind that, though it has not yet been possible to definitely refer any fossil fishes to the order of the Dipnoi, recent discoveries have rendered it extremely probable that some well-known extinct types really belong to this order. Thus, the great " Barramunda " ( Ceratodus Fosteri) of the rivers of Queensland would seem to be truly referable to the Triassic genus Ceratodus, in which case this latter must be removed to the Dipnoi. This remarkable fish also presents some striking points of resemblance with certain extinct Ganoids, such as Dipterus. Upon the whole, therefore, there are good grounds for accepting Dr. Giinther's suggestion that the Dipnoi should be regarded as a mere sub-order of the Ganoids. In the following chapter are given the orders of the Fishes, with the leading characters and geological distribution of each. The order, however, of the Pharyngobranchii (comprising only the living Lancelet), and that of the Marsipobranchii (compris- ing the Lampreys and Hag-fishes), may be here dismissed, as TELEOSTEI. 3 1 5 they are not known to be represented by any fossil forms. There remain, therefore, for consideration the orders of the Teleostei (Bony Fishes), Ganoidei (Ganoids), Elasmobranchii (Sharks and Rays), and Dipnoi (Mud-fishes). CHAPTER XXIX. ORDERS OF FISHES. ORDER I. TELEOSTEI. — This order includes the great majority of fishes in which there is a well-ossified endoskeleton, and it corresponds very nearly with Cuvier's division of the " osse- ous " fishes. The Teleostei are defined as follows : — The skele- ton is usually well ossified ; the cranium is provided with cranial bones, and a mandible is present ; whilst the vertebral column almost always consists of more or less completely ossified vertebrce. The pectoral arch has a clavicle; and the two pairs of limbs, whe7i present, are in the form of fins supported by rays. The gills are free, pectinated or tufted in shape, a bony gill-cover and branchio- stegal rays being always developed. The branchial artery has its base developed into a bulbus arteriosus ; but this is never rhythmi- cally contractile, and is separated from the ventricle by no more than a single row of valves. The scales in the Teleostean fishes are generally thin, horny, flexible plates, which overlap one another, and have the " cy- cloid " or " ctenoid " characters. The order, therefore, corres- ponds, in a general way, with the orders Ctenoidei and Cycloidei of Agassiz. Some of the Teleostean fishes, however, are pro- vided with ganoid scales. Excluding the Leptolepidce, which are sometimes referred to this order, the Teleostei do not seem to have any representatives in times anterior to the Cretaceous period — that is, towards the close of the Mesozoic period. From this time on, however, Bony Fishes with cycloid or ctenoid scales are the chief fossil repre- sentatives of the whole class of the fishes, and the order appears to have attained its maximum at the present day. The order Teleostei is divided into the following sub-orders : SUB-ORDER A. MALACOPTERI, Owen (= Physostomata, Miil- ler). — This sub-order is defined by usually possessing a com- plete set of fins, supported by rays, all of which are " soft " or many-jointed, with the occasional exception of the first rays in the dorsal and pectoral fins. A swim-bladder is always present, ORDERS OF FISHES. and always communicates with the oesophagus by means of a duct, which is the homologue of the windpipe. The skin is rarely naked, and is mostly furnished with cycloid scales ; but in some cases ganoid plates are present. The more important families comprised in this sub-order are the Murcenida (Eels), the Chtpeidce (Herrings), the Pikes (Esocida), the Cyprinida (Carp, Chub, Barbel, &c.), and the Salmottida (Salmon and Trout). Few of these families ap- peared in rocks older than the Eocene Tertiary. The Salmon- idcz are only sparsely represented in deposits older than those of the Post-Tertiary epoch. The Cyprinidcz and Esocidcz are both represented in the fresh-water deposits of the Tertiary period, and the Murcenidce appear for the first time in the Eocene. The genus Osmeroides (fig. 279) has been referred Fig. 279. — i. Beryx (Osmeroides) Letvesiensts, a Percoid fish from the Chalk ; 2. Osmeroides Mantelli, a Salmonoid fish from the Chalk. to a position in the neighbourhood of the Salmonidce, and dates from the Cretaceous period. The Clupeoids, also, make their first appearance in the Cretaceous period. Also in this group are the Sheat-fishes (Siluridce), which are chiefly noticeable because they are amongst the small number of living fishes possessed of structures of the same nature as TELEOSTEI. 317 the fossil spines known as " ichthyodorulites." The structure in question consists of the first ray of the pectoral fins, which is largely developed and constitutes a formidable spine, which the animal can erect and depress at pleasure. Unlike the old " ichthyodorulites," however, the spines of the Siluridce have their bases modified for articulation with another bone, and they are not simply hollow and implanted in the flesh. The " Siluroids " are also remarkable for their resemblance to cer- tain of the extinct Ganoid fishes (e.g., Pterichthys, Coccosteus, &c.), caused by the fact that the head is protected with an exo- skeleton of dermal bones. The Siluroid fishes, however, are hardly represented at all in the fossil state, being only known by two or three doubtful Tertiary examples: SUB-ORDER B. ANACANTHINI. — This sub-order is distin- guished by the fact that the fins are entirely supported by " soft" rays, and never possess " spiny" rays ; whilst the ven- tral fins are either wanting, or, if present, are placed under the throat, beneath or in advance of the pectorals, and supported by the pectoral arch. The swim-bladder may be wanting, but when present it does not communicate with the oesophagus by a duct. The only important families in this sub-order are the Gadida (Cod-family) and the PletironectidcB (Flat Fishes). The Gadidce Fig. 280. — Rhombus miniums. A small fossil Turbot from the Eocene Tertiary of Monte Bolca. comprise the living Cod, Haddock, Whiting, &c., and appear to date their existence from the Eocene Tertiary. The Pleuro- nectidtz comprise the living Sole, Flounder, Plaice, and the like, in which the body is very much compressed from side to 318 ORDERS OF FISHES. side, and is bordered by long dorsal and anal fins. The bones of the head are twisted in such a manner that both eyes are brought to one side of the body. The fish keeps this side up- permost, and is dark-coloured on this aspect ; whilst the oppo- site side, on which it rests, is white. The mouth has the two sides unequal, the pectorals are rarely of the same size, the ventrals look like a continuation of the anal fin, and the bran- chiostegal rays are six in number. The Pleuronectida are only known by two or three fossils, of which the oldest is the little Rhombus minimus (fig. 280) of the Eocene deposits of Monte Bolca. SUB-ORDER C. ACANTHOPTERI. — This sub-order is character- ised by the fact that one or more of the first rays in the fins are in the form of true, unjointed, inflexible, " spiny" rays. The exoskeleton consists, as a rule, of ctenoid scales. The ventral fins are generally beneath or in advance of the pectorals, and the duct of the swim-bladder is invariably obliterated. The chief living families of this sub-order are the Perch family (Pcrcida), the Mullets (Mugilida}, the Mackerel family (Scomberida], the Gurnards (Sclerogenidce), the Blennies (Blen- niid(£\ the Gobies (Gobiida\ and the Chaetodons (Ch&todon- tidce). The fossil representatives of this sub-order are mainly Tertiary; but the genus Beryx (fig. 279) dates from the Cre- taceous period. In the Eocene Tertiary of Monte Bolca occur several remarkable forms, of which one of the most singular is the Chaetodont genus Platax (fig. 281). SUB-ORDER D. PLECTOGNATHI. — This sub-order is charac- terised by the fact that the maxillary and premaxillary bones are immovably connected on each side of the jaw. The endo- skeleton is only partially ossified, and the vertebral column often remains permanently cartilaginous. The exoskeleton is in the form of ganoid plates, scales, or spines. The ventral fins are generally wanting, and the air-bladder is destitute of a duct. This sub-order includes the living Trunk-fishes (Ostracion- tida), File-fishes (Balislidce}, and Globe-fishes (Gymnodontidce). The fossil forms are few in number, and the earliest date from the Eocene Tertiary. They are chiefly noticeable for the re- semblance to the true Ganoid fishes, produced by their parti- ally ossified endoskeleton and by their possession of ganoid scales. SUB-ORDER E. LOPHOBRANCHII. — This is a small and unim- portant group, mainly characterised by the peculiar structure of the gills, which are arranged in little tufts upon the branchial arches, instead of the comb-like plates of the typical bony GANOIDEI. 319 fishes. The endoskeleton is only partially converted into bone, and the exoskeleton, by way of compensation, consists of ganoid plates. The swim-bladder is destitute of an air-duct. This sub-order comprises the living Pipe-fishes (Syngna- thidce) and Sea-horses (Hippocampidce). A few fossil forms are known, dating from the Eocene Tertiary. Fig. 281. — Platax altissimus, a Chsetodont from the Eocene Tertiary of Monte Bolca. ORDER II. GANOIDEI. — The order of the true Ganoid Fishes may be defined by the following characters. — The endo- 320 ORDERS OF FISHES. skeleton is only partially ossified, the vertebral column mostly re- maining cartilaginous throughout life, especially amongst the extinct forms of the Palczozoic period, in which the notochord is persistent. The skull is furnished with distinct cranial bones, and the lower jaw is present. The exoskeleton is in the form of ganoid scales, plates, or spines. There are usually two pairs of limbs, in the form of fins, each supported by fin-rays. The fir sir ays of the fins are mostly in the form of strong spines. The pectoral arch has a clavicle, and the posterior limbs (ventral fins] are placed close to the anus. The caudal fin is mostly unsymmetrical or " heterocercal." The sivim-bladder is always present, is often cellular, and is pro- vided with an air-duct. The intestine is often furnished with a spiral valve. The gills and opercular apparatus are essentially the same as in the Bony fishes. The heart has one auricle and a ventricle, and the base of the branchial artery is dilated into a bulbtis arteriosus, which is rhythmically contractile, is furnished with a distinct coat of striated muscular fibres, and is provided with several transverse rows of valves. Of these characters, those which it is most important to remember are the following : — I. The endoskeleton is rarely thoroughly ossified, but varies a good deal as to the extent to which ossification is carried. In some forms, including most of the older members of the order, the chorda dorsalis is persistent, no vertebral centra are de- veloped, and the skull is cartilaginous, and is protected by ganoid plates. Even in these forms, however, the peripheral elements of the vertebrae are ossified. In others, the bodies of the vertebrae are marked out by osseous or semi-cartilaginous rings, enclosing the primitive matter of the notochord. In others, the vertebrae are like those of the Bony fishes — that is to say, deeply biconcave or " amphiccelous." In one Ganoid, however — the Bony Pike {Lepidosteus) — the vertebral column consists of a series of " opisthocoelous " vertebrae — that is to say, vertebrae which are convex in front and concave behind. This is the highest point of development reached in the spinal column of any fish, and its structure is more Reptilian than Piscine. II. The exoskeleton consists, in all Ganoid fishes, of scales, plates, or spines, which are said to possess ganoid characters. The peculiarities of these scales are that they are composed of two distinct layers — an inferior layer of bone and a superficial covering of a kind of enamel, somewhat similar to the enamel of the teeth, called "ganoine." In form the ganoid scales most generally exhibit themselves as rhomboidal plates, placed edge to edge, without overlapping, in oblique rows, the plates GANOIDEI. 321 of each row being often articulated to those of the next by distinct processes. In other cases the ganoid structures are simply in the form of detached plates, tubercles, or spines; and in some cases their shape is even undistinguishable from the horny scales of the typical Teleostean fishes. In all cases, however, whatever their form may be, they have the distinctive ganoid structure, being composed of an inferior layer of true bone and a superior layer of enamel. It is to be remembered, however, that these ganoid plates and scales are not confined to the fishes of the order Ganoidei, but that they occur in two sub-orders of the Bony Fishes — namely, the Plectognathi and Lophobranchii — and in some others of the Teleostei as well. III. As to the fins, both pectorals and ventrals are usually present, and the ventrals are always placed far back, in the neighbourhood of the anus, and are never situated in the im- mediate vicinity of the pectorals. In some living and many extinct forms the fin-rays of the paired fins are arranged so as to form a fringe round a central lobe (fig. 282). This struc- Fig. 282.— Ganoid Fishes. A, Polypterus (recent) ; ~^>,Osteolepis (extinct), a One of the pectoral fins, showing the fin-rays arranged round a central lobe ; b One of the ventral fins ; c Anal fin ; d Dorsal fin ; cf Second dorsal fin. ture characterises a division of Ganoids called by Huxley, for this reason, Crossopterygida, or " fringe-finned." The form of the caudal fin varies, the Ganoids being in this respect inter- mediate between the Bony fishes, in which the tail is " homo- cereal," and the Sharks and Rays, in which there is a " hetero- cercal" caudal fin. In the majority of Ganoids, then, the tail is unsymmetrical or " heterocercal," but it is sometimes equi- lobed or "homocercal." 322 ORDERS OF FISHES. As regards 'the general distribution in time of the Ganoidei, the oldest representatives of the fishes belong, so far as is yet known with certainty, to this order. The order, namely, is represented in the Upper Silurian Rocks of Bohemia and Britain by several Ganoid fishes, which have been referred to five distinct genera. In the Devonian Rocks, or Old Red Sandstone, the Ganoids attain their maximum. The singular family of the Cephalaspida appears to die out finally at the close of this period, and the great group of the Crossopterygida attained here its highest development, being represented at the present day by the single genus Polypterus. The Carboniferous and Permian Rocks contain an abundance of Lepidoganoids. In the Mesozoic period, the Lepidoganoids are very largely represented by various extinct types, many of which belong to the family of the Lepidosteida — represented at the present day by the Bony Pike or Gar-pike of North America. Here, also, we have for the first time representatives of the family of the Sturionidce, to which the living Sturgeons belong. Lastly, in the Oolitic Rocks appear for the first time Lepidoganoids with homocercal tails, and they continue to be represented up to the present day. In the Tertiary Rocks true Sturgeons (Aci- penser) make their appearance ; but the Ganoids are now con- siderably outnumbered by the Teleostean fishes ; and the latter have a still more marked predominance at the present day. The classification of the Ganoid Fishes has hitherto proved a matter of extreme difficulty ; and probably no arrangement that has been as yet proposed can be regarded as being, in all its details, more than provisional. A convenient primary division is that into Lepidoganoids, in which the body is furnished with scales of moderate size, and the endoskeleton is generally more or less perfectly ossified ; and Placoganoids, in which the skeleton is imperfectly ossified, and the head and more or less of the body are protected by large ganoid plates, which in many cases are united together by sutures. Accept- ing this division, the order Ganoidei may be divided into the following sub-orders : — SECTION i. LEPIDOGANOIDEI. Sub-order A. Amiada. B. Lepidosteidce. C. Lepidopleuridce. D. Crossopterygidte. E. Acanthodidce. SECTION 2. PLACOGANOIDEI. Sub-order F. Ostracostei. G. Sturionida. GANOIDEI. 323 The position of at least two of these sub-orders (viz., Acan- thodidce and Ostracostei) in the order of the Ganoids is question- able ; whilst the Sturionidce have been referred elsewhere. In any case, the number of forms included in these sub-orders is so large that nothing more can be done here than simply to draw attention to some of the more striking examples of each. SUB-ORDER A. AMIAD^E. — In this sub-order are included Ganoids in which the scales are rounded and overlap one an- other, and the tail is homocercal. The vertebral column is ossified, and the external appearance approaches closely to that of an ordinary Teleostean fish. A few fossil forms from the Tertiary Rocks have been more or less doubtfully referred to this group ; and the sub-order is represented at the present day by various American fishes, all belonging to the genus Amia. SUB-ORDER B. LEPIDOSTEID^E. — Scales rhomboidal, not overlapping; tail heterocercal, sometimes homocercal ; paired fins not lobate ; fin-borders generally with fulcral scales ; true branchiostegal rays. This sub-order is represented at the present day by the Gar-pike (Lepidosteus) of the North Ameri- can continent, and it attained its greatest development in the Mesozoic period. The exact range of the sub-order in time is uncertain, as it has not yet been determined what forms should be included in it. If Cheirolepis be excluded, the sub-order is not represented at all in the Devonian Rocks. In the Car- boniferous and Permian Rocks the sub-order is mainly repre- sented by the genera Paltzoniscus and Amblypterus (fig. 283), in which the tail is heterocercal, and the jaws are furnished with Fig. 283. — A mblypterus macropterus. Carboniferous. numerous minute teeth. Numerous species of these genera are known in the above-mentioned formations, and both appear for the last time in the Trias. In the Secondary Rocks Lepido- steids are extremely abundant, the chief forms belonging to the 324 ORDERS OF FISHES. families Dapedida, Lepidotida, and Leptolepidce. In the Dapedi- dtychiiis. All from the Carboniferous Rocks. particular localities. The spines of the Carboniferous strata have been referred to many genera, of which the most import- ant are Ctenacanthus (fig. 296, 3), Gyracanthns (fig. 296, 2), Ho- ELASMOBRANCHII. 339 macanthus, Oracanthus, OncJms, Leptacanthus, and Edestes. The fossil teeth of the Carboniferous Rocks have also been referred to many genera, of which the more important are Cochliodus (fig. 297), Psammodus, Orodus, Petalodus (fig. 296, 4), Ctenop- tychius (fig. 296, 6), Cladodus, Centrodus, Glossodus, and Petro- dus. Two types may be distin- guished in these teeth. In one type, as in Cochliodus (fig. 297) or Psammodus, the teeth have the form of broad crushing plates, adapted for the com- minution of Molluscs or Crus- taceans. In fact, in these forms the teeth Very Closely resemble , - . , / . J nerous). those ot the living Fort Jackson Shark (Cestratioii). In the other type, as in Cladodus, Orodus, and Glossodus, the teeth are of what is called the " Hybodont" form, having a general conical shape, and consisting of a cen- tral principal cone, flanked by smaller secondary cones. In the Permian series the remains of Cestraphori are scanty, but they are very numerous in all the great formations of the Secondary period. The four most important Mesozoic genera are Hybodus, Acrodus, Strophodus, and Ptychodus. The almost exclusively Triassic genus Ceratodus has generally been referred here also, but its true affinities are with the Dipnoi. In the genus Hybodus (fig. 298) the teeth are shark-like, but are not so trenchant as they are in the true Sharks. They Fig. 297. — Dental plates of Cochliodus Mountain Limestone (Carbon- Fig. 298.— Tooth of Hybodus. Fig. 299. — Fin-spine of Hybodus. Cretaceous. consist of a central "principal" cone, with smaller "second- ary" cones on each side. The fin-spines (fig. 299) in this genus are longitudinally grooved, and carry a series of small teeth on their hinder or concave margin. Species of Hybodus abound in the Triassic and Jurassic formations, and occur, though less abundantly, in the Cretaceous Rocks. In the genus Acrodus (fig. 300) the teeth are more like those of the Port Jackson Shark. The front teeth are pointed, and 340 ORDERS OF FISHES. resemble those of the Hybodonts,but the back teeth are adapted for crushing shell-fish. Each of these crushing teeth has an elon- gated form, with a rounded surface, which is covered with fine transverse striae proceeding from a central longitudinal line. From their general form, colour, and Fig. 3oo.— Tooth of Acrodus tiobiiis. Lias. striation, they are common- ly called "fossil leeches" by the quarrymen. As in the case biHybodus, the species viAcrodus are exclusively Mesozoic, ranging from the Trias to the Chalk. The teeth of Strophodus are elongated, very similar to those of Acrodus in their general form, but truncated at both ends, and having their surface reticulated. Like the preceding, the species of Strophodus range from the Trias to the Chalk. In the genus Ptychodus, lastly, the teeth are more or less quadrate in form, and the summit of the crown of the tooth is thrown into parallel transverse folds, ridges, or plications, surrounded by a granulated area. All the species of this genus are Cretaceous. A few Tertiary forms of the Cestraphori have been described; but the affinities of most of these are doubtful. At the present day the family is represented by the single living species, the Port Jackson Shark (Cestracion Philippi). b. SelachiL — This group comprises the Dog-fishes and Sharks, characterised by the elongated, not rhomboidal, form of the body, and by the lateral position of the gill-slits on the sides of the neck. The teeth are sharp and conical, and are arranged in several rows, of which the outermost alone is employed, the inner ones serving to replace the former when worn out. This family attains its maximum at the present day, and its earliest authentic representatives appear in the Jurassic period. Some Palaeozoic fossils, however, have been, with more or less probability, referred to Sharks, or placed in the neighbourhood of the living Monk-fishes (Squatina). With the exception of occasional vertebrae, all the known remains of Selachians con- sist of teeth. In the Jurassic series are found teeth of Notidanus and Sphmodus. In the Cretaceous Rocks are numerous teeth, referred to the genera Corax, Galeocerdo^ Otodus, Lamna, Oxyrhina, and Odontaspis, all of which continue to be repre- sented in the Tertiary deposits. The teeth of Carcharodon (fig. 303) also occur in the Cretaceous series, but the genus is mainly Tertiary. The teeth of Carcharodon are triangular, ELASMOBRANCHII. 341 serrated on both sides, and sometimes of immense size (five or six inches in length). In Otodus (fig. 302) the teeth are not denticulated at their edges, and they have a secondary tooth Fig. 301. — Oxyrhinaxipho- Fig 302. — Otodus obliqitus. Fig. 303. — Carcharodon pro- don. Miocene. Eocene. ductus. Miocene. at each side of the base. The teeth of Oxyrhina (fig. 301), lastly, are large and compressed, differing from those of Otodus chiefly in wanting the lateral projections at the base. Upon the whole, the deposits which have yielded the greatest abund- ance of the teeth of these extinct Sharks, are the Upper Green- sand (Cretaceous) and the London Clay (Eocene Tertiary). c. Batides. — This group includes the Rays and Skates, and is distinguished by the fact that the bran- chial apertures are placed on the under surface of the body, forming two rows of openings a little behind the mouth. In the typical members of the group, the body is flattened out so as to form a kind of disc (fig. 304), the greater part of which is made up of the enor- mously developed pectoral fins. Upon the upper sur- face of the disc are the eyes and spiracles ; upon the lower surface are the nostrils, mouth, and bran- chial apertures. The flat- tened bodies of the Rays, however, must be carefully dis- tinguished from those of the Flat-fishes (Pleuronectidce). In Fig. 304. — Batides. Raia marginata, one of the Skates. Reduced one-sixth. (After Gosse.) 342 ORDERS OF FISHES. the former, the flat surfaces of the body are truly the dorsal and ventral surfaces. In the latter, as before remarked, the body is flattened, not from above downwards, but from side to side, and the head is so twisted that both eyes are brought to one side of the body. The tail in the Rays is long and slender, usually armed with spines, and generally with two or three fins (the homologues of the dorsal fins). The mouth is paved with flat teeth of a more or less rhomboidal shape. The integument is often furnished with placoid structures of a peculiar shape, consist- ing of oval or rounded osseous discs, from the centre of each of which springs a curved spine of dentine. The tail also is sometimes armed with a doubly-serrated defensive spine. The Rays are known in the fossil condition by their flat crushing teeth mainly, but also by their fin-rays, bony discs, and defensive spines. The earliest trace of the Rays is found in the Carboniferous Rocks, where occurs the doubly-serrated spine which is referred to the genus Plairacanthus (fig. 296, i). In this singular form, however, the spine seems to have been inserted at the back of the head, instead of in the tail, as in the living Sting-rays. In the Jurassic Rocks occur the remains of Rays, which have been referred to the genera Squaloraia, Spathobatis, Arthropterus, &c. In the Tertiary Rocks the re- mains of Rays are tolerably abundant, and consist almost exclusively of the dental plates. These consist (fig. 305) of gene- rally flat plates, usually some- what rhomboidal in shape, often placed close together and sometimes united laterally by sutures, so as to " form a kind Fig. 305. — Teeth of a fossil Ray (Mylio- /• •> ,-, Ltis Edivardsif). Eocene. of mosaic pavement on both the upper and lower jaws " (Owen). Most of the fossil forms belong to the genus Mylio- batis, which comprises the living Eagle-rays. All the fossil species of this family belong to the Tertiary period. ORDER IV. — DIPNOI ( = Protopteri, Owen). — This order is a very small one, and includes only the singular Mud-fishes (Lepidosiren and Ceratodus) ; but it is nevertheless of great im- portance as exhibiting a distinct transition between the Fishes and the Amphibia. So many, in fact, and so striking, are the points of resemblance between the two, that until recently the Lepidosiren (fig. 306) was always made to constitute the lowest class of the Amphibia. The highest authorities, however, now DIPNOI. 343 concur in placing it amongst the fishes, of which it constitutes the highest order. The order Dipnoi is defined by the follow- ing characters : — The body is fish-like in shape. There is a skull with distinct cranial bones and a lower jaw, but the notochord is persistent, and there are no vertebral centra, nor an occipital con- dyle. The exoskeleton consists of horny, over lapping scales, having the " cycloid" character. The pectoral and ventral limbs are both present, but have (in Lepidosireti] the form of awl-shaped, filiform, many-jointed organs, of which the former only have a membranous fringe infer iorly. The ventral limbs are attached close to the anus, and the pectoral arch has a clavicle ; but the scapular arch is at- tacked to the occiput. The hinder extremity of the body is fringed by a vertical median fin. The heart has two auricles and one ventri- cle. The respiratory organs are twofold, consisting on the one hand of free filamentous gills contained in a branchial chamber, which opens externally by a single vertical gill-slit ; and on the other hand of true lungs in the form of a double cellular air-bladder, communicating with the oesophagus by means of an air-duct or trachea. The branchicz are supported upon branchial arches, but these are not connected with the hyoid bone ; and in some cases, at any rate, rudimentary external branchicz exist as well. The nasal sacs open posteriorly into the throat. Fig. 306. — Dipnoi. Lepidosiren annectens. Until lately the only known members of the order Dipnoi were the Lepidosirm paradoxa of South America and the Lepi- dosiren (Protopterus) annectens of Africa. No fossil also could be referred with any certainty to this order. Recently, however, there has been discovered a most remarkable fish in the rivers of Queensland (Australia), which is almost certainly referable to this order, and which throws great light upon several fossil forms. The organisation of this fish is so extraordinary, and its affinities with some of the extinct Ganoids are so numerous and important, that it will be well to quote at some length the description of it given by Dr. Albert Giinther, one of the most eminent of living ichthyologists. The fish in question has been named the Ceratodus Fosteri, and it is known locally as the " Barrarmmda." It is said to attain a length of about six 344 ORDERS OF FISHES. feet, but its average length is about three feet. The Barra- munda " is eel-shaped, but considerably shorter and thicker than a common eel, and covered with very large scales. The head is flattened and broad, the eye lateral and rather small, the mouth in front of the broad snout and moderately wide. The gill openings are a rather narrow slit on each side of the head. There are no external nostrils. The tail, which is of about the same length as the body without the head, is com- pressed, and tapers to a point, but it is surrounded by a very broad fringe, supported by innumerable fine and long fin-rays. There are two fore and two hind paddles, similar to each other in shape and size, and very different from the fins of ordinary fishes ; their central portion being covered with a scaly skin, and the entire paddle surrounded by a rayed fringe. If we were to cut off the hind part of the tail of a fish, the piece would bear a strong resemblance to one of the paired paddles. The vent is situated in the median line of the abdomen be- tween the paddles. " In order to obtain a view of the inside of the mouth, it is necessary to slit it open, at least on one side. We then notice that there are a pair of nasal openings within and on each side of the cavity of the mouth. The palate is armed with a pair of large, long, dental plates, with a flattish undulated and punctated surface, and with five or six sharp prongs on the outer side, entirely similar to the fossil teeth described under the name of Ceratodus. Two similar dental plates of the lower jaw correspond to the upper, their undulated surface fitting exactly to that of the opposite teeth. Beside these molars, the front part of the upper jaw (vomer) is armed with two obliquely placed incisor-like dental lamellae, which have no corresponding teeth in the lower jaw. As we know the kind of food taken by the Barramunda, the use of these teeth is apparent. The incisors will assist in taking up or even tear- ing off leaves, which are then partially crushed between the undulated surfaces of the molars. " The skeleton consists of a cartilaginous basis, in the form of a long tapering chord for the body and tail, and in that of a capsule for the head. No segmentation into separate vertebrae is visible in any part of the notochord ; but it supports a con- siderable number of apophyses, the abdominal of which bear well-developed ribs, all being solid cartilaginous rods, with a thin sheath of bone. In the same manner no part of the brain- capsule is ossified, but it is nearly entirely enclosed in thin bony lamellae. This is also the structure of the appendages of the skull, as the mandible and the hyoid and scapulary arches. ELASMOBRANCHII. 345 From a study of the skull, it becomes apparent at once why in fossil teeth of Ceratodus nothing or very little of the bone attached to them has been preserved. These teeth rest on cartilage as well as on bone, the latter being a very thin and porous layer which could not be preserved, unless the pro- gress of stratification had been going on with as little disturb- ance as in the Solenhofen Schiefer ; but the matrix in which fossil Ceratodont teeth are found shows that it was formed under very different conditions, and it is certainly not of a nature to permit the supposition that thin porous lamellae of bone would have been preserved entire. " The structure of the skeleton reminds us much of that of the sturgeons, Chimsera, and especially of Lepidosiren ; and of all the modifications by which it differs from these types, perhaps none is of greater interest than that observed in the paddles. The central part of the paddle, which we have found externally to be covered with scales, is supported by a jointed axis of cartilage extending from the root to the extremity of the pad- dle ; each joint bears a pair of three- or two- or one- jointed branches. This is the case in the hind as well as fore paddles, and we are justified in supposing that those extinct Ganoids of which impressions of paddles with scaly centres have been preserved, were provided with a similar internal skeleton." Upon the whole, Dr. Giinther concludes : — i. That the Bar- ramunda is not generically separable from the almost exclusively Triassic genus Ceratodus, which was founded simply upon de- tached teeth ; 2. That the Barramunda is very closely allied to certain of the Crossopterygious Ganoids, such as the Dipterus of the Old Red Sandstone, the chief difference being, that the tail of the latter is heterocercal ; 3. That the order Dipnoi should be considered merely as forming a sub-order of the Ganoidei ; 4. That the Ganoidei may be united with the Elas- mobranchii into a single group, which may be termed Palaich- thyes, and which is characterised by having a " heart with a contractile bulbus arteriosus, intestine with a spiral valve, and optic nerves non-decussating;" 5. That the Ganoidei are the Fresh-water Palceichthyes, and the Elasmobranchii are the Marine Palczichthyes. If the views of this high authority be ultimately adopted, it will have to be admitted that the Dipnoi, instead of being un- known in a fossil state, have enjoyed a vast antiquity, dating their existence from the Lower Old Red Sandstone. 346 AMPHIBIA. CHAPTER XXXI. A M P H I B I A. THE class Amphibia comprises the Frogs and Toads, the Sala- mandroids, the C• Recent. 7. Anomodontia. > Extinct. 8. Pterosauria. 9. JDeinosauria. As regards their general distribution in time, the Reptilia attained their maximum of development in the Mesozoic period, which has hence often been called the "Age of Reptiles." If the Elgin Sandstones, containing the remains of Telerpeton and Stagonolepis, be of Triassic age — as seems almost certain — then no Reptile has as yet been discovered in the Devonian Rocks. In the Carboniferous Rocks, the place of the true Reptiles seems to have been taken by the Amphibian group of the Labyrinthodonts. It is possible, however, that the little Hylonomus, of which three species were discovered in the Coal- strata of Nova Scotia by Dr Dawson, may be Lacertian in its affinities. It is also possible that the vertebrae from strata of the same age described by Professor Marsh under the name of Eosaurus Acadiensis, may belong to a marine reptile allied to Ichthyosaurus. In the Permian Rocks the first undoubted Reptilian remains occur, the Protorosaurus of this period being probably a Lacertilian. Throughout the whole Mesozoic series, Reptilian remains are abundant and belong to numerous and strange types. Chelonians and true Crocodiles, with Lizards allied to existing forms, make their first appearance in deposits belonging to this period. The extinct orders of the Ichthyopterygia, Saurop- terygia, Anomodontia, Pterosauria, and Deinosauria, not only first appear in Mesozoic deposits, but are exclusively confined to rocks of this age. In the Tertiary period, lastly, the remains of Reptiles are comparatively rare, and the number of types is much reduced. The living order of the Ophidia, however, makes its first appearance in the Tertiary deposits. In the following view of the characters and distribution in time of the orders of the Reptiles, it will be advisable to consider the recent orders first, though this is not in accordance with their natural arrangement. ORDER I. CHELONIA. — The first order of living Reptiles is that of the Chelonia, comprising the Tortoises and Turtles, and distinguished by the following characters: — There is an osseous exoskeleton which is combined with the endoskeleton to form CHELONIA. 357 a kind of bony case or box in which the body of the animal is enclosed, and which is covered by a leathery skin, or, more usually, by horny epidermic plates. The dorsal vertebrae are immovably connected together, and are devoid of transverse processes. The ribs are greatly expanded (fig. 313, r), and Fig. 313. — Skeleton of Tortoise (Ewys Enropcea?, the plastron being removed, en Carapace ; r Ribs, greatly expanded, and united by their edges ; ^ Scapular arch, placed within the carapace, and carrying the fore-limbs; / Pelvic arch, also placed within the carapace, and carrying the hind-limbs. are united to one another by sutures, so that the walls of the thoracic cavity are immovable. All the bones of the skull except the lower jaw and the hyoid bone are immovably united together. There are no teeth, and the jaws are encased in horn so as to form a kind of beak. The heart is three- chambered, the ventricular septum being imperfect. Of these characters of the Chelonia, the most important and distinctive are the nature of the jaws, and the structure of the exoskeleton and skeleton. As regards the first of these points, the lower jaw in the adult appears to consist of a single piece, its complex character being masked by anchylosis. The sepa- rate pieces which really compose each ramus of the jaw are 358 REPTILIA. immovably anchylosed together, and the two rami are also united in front by a true bony union. There are also no teeth, and the edges of the jaws are simply sheathed in horn, constituting a sharp beak. As regards the second of these points, the bony case in which the body of a Chelonian is enclosed consists essentially of two pieces, a superior or dorsal piece, generally convex, called the " carapace," and an inferior or ventral piece, generally flat or concave, called the "plastron." The carapace and plastron are firmly united along their edges, but are so excavated in front and behind as to leave apertures for the head, tail, and fore and hind limbs. The limbs and tail can almost always be withdrawn at will under the shelter of the thoracico-abdominal case formed in this way by the carapace and plastron, and the head is also generally re- tractile. The carapace or dorsal shield is composed of the flattened spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae, the expanded ribs, and usually a series of marginal bones — the whole covered by horny epidermic plates or by a leathery skin. The plastron or ventral shield is composed of nine bony pieces, which are probably integumentary ossifications, but which are sometimes regarded as composing a modified and greatly - expanded breast-bone. The scapular and pelvic arches, supporting re- spectively the fore and hind limbs, are placed within the cara- pace. As in the Crocodilia, clavicles are wanting. From the aquatic habits of many of the members of this order they are by no means uncommon in the fossil condition. The Turtles frequent the sea, and thus come naturally to be fossils in marine deposits ; and the preservation of all the Chelonians alike is rendered easy by the indestructible nature of the case in which their bodies are enclosed. The Chelonians may be divided into sections according as the limbs are natatory, are adapted for an amphibious life, or are fitted for terrestrial progression. In the first of these sec- tions are the true Turtles (Cheloniidce), which frequent the sea, and are distinguished by their depressed and flattened carapace, and by their oar-like limbs. In the second section are the River and Marsh Tortoises, comprising the Soft Tor- toises (Trionycidce) and the Terrapins (Emydidtz). In the third section are the true Land-tortoises (Testudimdcs)^ distin- guished by their strongly convex carapace, and limbs adapted for walking upon the land. All these three sections are repre- sented in past time, the Turtles, Trionydds^ and Emydida appearing for the first time, so far as is certainly known, in the Jurassic series, whilst the Testudinidcz do not appear till the CHELONIA. 359 commencement of the Tertiary epoch. The earliest known traces of Chelonians occur in the Permian Rocks, in the lower portion, that is, of the New Red Sandstone of older geologists. These traces, however, are not wholly satisfactory, since they consist solely of the footprints of the animal upon the ripple- marked surfaces of the sandstone. Of this nature is the Chelichnus Duncani, described by Sir William Jardine in his classical work on the ' Ichnology ' of Annan- dale in Dumfriesshire. With doubtful excep- tions, the first unequi- vocal remains of Che- lonians appear in the Jurassic series. The Cheloniidce make their first undoubted ap- pearance with the Che- lone planiceps of the Portland stone (Upper Oolite). In the Cre- taceous series are seve- ral turtles, one of which is figured below (fig. 314). In the Tertiary Rocks the remains of Turtles are abundant, and especially so in the London Clay (Eocene). Species of Emydidcz have been cited from the Jurassic series, some of which appear to be free from doubt. A species of Emys occurs in the Wealden, and numerous forms of this family have been detected in formations of Tertiary age, es- pecially in the Eocene and Miocene. The Trionytidcz, except for a femur described by Owen from the Lias, are not known to have existed prior to the commencement of the Tertiary period. Numerous species of Trionyx, however, occur in the Eocene, and others have been described from the Miocene and Pliocene. The Testudinidce or Land-tortoises appear to have commenced their existence in the Miocene Tertiary. The most remarkable form of this group is the great Colosso- chelys Atlas of the Tertiary deposits of the Sivalik Hills, which is believed to have reached the gigantic length of twenty feet. Fig. 314. — Chelone Benstedi. Lower Chalk. 360 REPTILIA. ORDER II. OPHIDIA. — The second order of Reptiles is that of the Ophidia, comprising the Snakes and Serpents, and distinguished by the following characters : — The body is always more or less elongated, cylindrical, and worm-like, and whilst possessing a covering of horny scales, is always unprovided with a bony exoskeleton. The dorsal ver- tebrae are concave in front (procoelous), with rudimentary trans- verse processes. There is never any sternum, nor pectoral arch, nor fore-limbs, nor sacrum, and as a rule there are no traces of hind-limbs. Rudimentary hind-limbs, however, are occasionally present (e. g., in Python and Tortrix). There are always numerous ribs. The two halves or rami of the lower jaw are composed of several pieces, and the rami are united anteriorly by ligaments and muscles only, and not by cartilage or suture. The lower jaw, further, articulates with the skull by means of a quadrate bone (fig. 312, #), which is always more or less movable, and is in turn united with the squamous por- tion of the temporal bone ("mastoid bone"), which is also movable, and is not firmly united with the skull. The superior maxillae are united with the praemaxillae by ligaments and mus- cles only, and the palatine arches are movable and armed with pointed recurved teeth. Hooked conical teeth are always pre- sent, but they are never lodged in distinct sockets or alveoli. Functionally, they are capable of performing nothing more than merely holding the prey fast, and the Snakes are provided with no genuine masticatory apparatus. The heart has three chambers, two auricles and a ventricle, the latter imperfectly divided into two cavities by an incomplete septum. The lungs and other paired organs are mostly not bilaterally symmetrical, one of each pair being either rudimentary or absent. The three most important groups of the existing Ophidians are the Colubrine Snakes, the Constricting Snakes, and the Viperine Snakes. In the first of these the upper jaws carry solid teeth, with or without canaliculated fangs as well. In the second group are the Boas and Pythons, distinguished by their great size, enormous muscular power, and numerous strong recurved teeth. In the third group are Snakes, in which the upper jaws carry only a pair of perforated poison-fangs. Most of the existing Snakes are terrestrial in their habits, and are therefore not likely to be preserved in stratified de- posits. Many of these, however, take to the water occasionally, and some habitually frequent rivers or the sea itself. All the above-mentioned groups of Ophidians are represented in past time, but they are neither abundant nor of importance as fossils. No remains of Ophidians are known to occur in any Palaeozoic LACERTILIA, 361 or Mesozoic deposit. The earliest known traces of any ser- pent are in the Lower Kainozoic Rocks, the oldest being the Palceophis toliapicus of the London Clay of Sheppey. The nearly-allied Palaophis typhaus of the Eocene beds of Brackle- sham appears to have been a Boa-constrictor-like snake of about twenty feet in length. Other species of Palceophis have been described from the Tertiary Rocks of the United States, and the genus Dinophis has been formed for the reception of another gigantic constricting Serpent from the same formation. In some of the later deposits have been found the poison- fangs of a venomous snake. Upon the whole, however, the Snakes must be looked upon as a comparatively modern group, and not as one of any great geological antiquity. ORDER III. LACERTILIA. — The third order of Reptiles is that of the Lacertilia, comprising all those animals which are commonly known as Lizards, together with some serpentiform animals such as the Blind-worms. The Lacertilia are dis- tinguished by the following characters : — As a general rule, there are two pairs of well-developed limbs, but there may be only one pair, or all the limbs may be absent. A scapular arch is always present, whatever the con- dition of the limbs may be. An exoskeleton, in the form of horny scales like those of the Snakes, is almost always present. The vertebrae of the dorsal region are procoelous or concave in front, rarely amphiccelous or concave at both ends. There is a single transverse process at each side, and the heads of the ribs are simple and undivided. There is either no sacrum, or the sacral vertebrae do not exceed two in number. The teeth are not lodged in distinct sockets. The eyes are generally furnished with movable eyelids, and are always so in the com- pletely snake-like forms. The heart consists of two auricles and a ventricle, the latter partially divided by an incomplete partition. There is a urinary bladder, and the aperture of the cloaca is transverse. As a general rule, the animals included under this order have four well-developed legs, and would therefore be popu- larly called " Lizards." In some (Chirotes) there are no hind- feet ; in some (Bipes) the fore-limbs are wanting ; and others (Anguis, Pseudopus, and Amphisbczna) are entirely destitute of limbs, thus coming closely to resemble the true Snakes or Ophidians in external appearance. These serpentiform Lizards, however, can be distinguished from the true Snakes, amongst other characters, by the structure of the jaws. In the Snakes, as before said, the two rami of the lower jaw are loosely united in front by ligaments and muscles, and are 362 REPTILIA. attached behind to a movable quadrate bone, which is in turn connected with a movable squamosal, this giving an enormous width of gape to these animals. In the Lizards, however, even in those most like the Snakes, the halves of the lower jaw are firmly united to one another in front, and though the quadrate bone is usually more or less movable, the jaws can in no case be separated to anything like the extent that characterises the Ophidia. The Lizards are distinguished from the Crocodiles, amongst other characters, by the fact that the integumentary covering is in the form of horny scales, never with bony "scutes," whilst the teeth are rarely or never sunk into distinct sockets. In many cases the teeth are anchylosed to the summit of the margin of the jaw ("acrodont" dentition); in other cases they are at- tached by their sides to the inner surface of the jaw (" pleuro- dont" dentition). The whole order of the Lacertilia is very often united with the next group of the Crocodilia, under the name of Sauria. The term " Saurian," however, is an exceedingly convenient one to designate all the reptiles which approach the typical Lizards in external configuration, whatever their exact nature may be ; and from this point of view it is often very useful as applied to many fossil forms, the structure of which is only im- perfectly known. It is therefore perhaps best to employ this term merely in a loose general sense. It is hardly possible, with our present knowledge, to speak very positively as to the exact range of the Lacertilia in time. This uncertainty arises from two causes — firstly, that there is some doubt as to the exact age of some deposits which have yielded Lacertilian remains ; and secondly, that the affinities of some extinct Reptiles are a matter of considerable question. Upon the whole, the oldest known Lacertilian would appear to be the Protorosaurus of the Middle Permian Rocks ; though good authorities have placed this form in the Crocodilian group of the Thecodontia. Protorosaurus attained a length of between three and four feet, and differs from all existing Lizards in having its teeth implanted in distinct sockets — this being a Crocodilian character. In other respects, the Permian reptile approximates closely to the living Monitors ( Varanidcz), and its slightly-cupped vertebrae would lead to the belief that it was aquatic in its habits. In rocks known, or supposed, to be of Triassic age, nume- rous Lacertilian reptiles have been discovered, of which the most important are Telerpeton, Hyperodapedon, and Rhyncho- saurus. Telerpeton occurs in strata near Elgin, in Scotland, LACERTILIA. 363 which have been variously referred to the Upper Devonian and to the Trias, but which almost certainly belong to the latter. Professor Huxley concludes that Telerpeton " presents not a single character approximating it towards the type of the Per- mian Protosauria, nor to the Triassic Rhynchosaurus, and other (probably Triassic) African and Asiatic allies of that genus, nor to the Mesozoic Dinosauria; still less can it be considered a ' generalised ' form, or as, in any sense, a less perfectly organ- ised creature than the Gecko, whose swift and noiseless run over walls and ceilings, surprises the traveller in warmer cli- mates than our own." In its dentition, Telerpeton seems to have been " acrodont," and it differs from most existing Lizards merely in having amphiccelous, and not proccelous, vertebrae. Hyperodapedon was originally discovered in the " Elgin Sand- stones " along with Telerpeton, and it has since been found in strata of Triassic age in India. It was described by Professor Huxley as " a Saurian reptile about six feet long, remarkable for the flattened or slightly concave articular surfaces of the centra of its vertebrae, and for its well-developed costal system and fore and hind limbs ; but more particularly characterised by its numerous series of sub-cylindrical palatal teeth." Upon the whole, Huxley concludes that Hyperodapedon is most nearly allied to the living Sphenodon (Hatteria) of New Zealand, upon the grounds that both " have amphiccelous vertebras (those of the ancient reptile being far less fish-like than those of the modern one, be it noted) ; both have beak-like praemax- illae, not anchylosed together ; both have the inferior zygoma complete ; both have similarly-formed lower jaws ; in each a single row of teeth in the mandible bites between two rows of teeth fixed to a plate, which is formed by a union of the maxil- la with the palatine bone — a structure which is quite anom- alous amongst Lacertilians ; and, finally, in both, these teeth wear down to the bone of the jaw by masticatory attrition." The genus Rhynchosaurus is in a doubtful position, but may conveniently be considered here. By Huxley its affinities are regarded as being Lacertili- an, but by Owen it is looked upon as belonging to the Ano- modontia, and as being most nearly allied to Oudenodon. In many points RJiynchosaiirUS ap- Fig. 315.— Skull of Rhynchosaurus arti- proaches the existing Lizards, but its vertebrae are amphiccelous, and the structure of the mouth is quite unlike that of any living Lacertilian. The skull REPTILIA. (fig. 315) is pyramidal, and the jaws do not exhibit any traces of teeth. If the mouth be really edentulous, then Rhynchosau- rus should probably be removed from the Lacertilia\ but this point cannot in the meanwhile be definitely decided in the affirmative. Amongst other Triassic, or supposed Triassic, Lacertilians, may be mentioned Saurosternon and Pristerodon^ from strata believed to be of Triassic age in Africa, and Clepsysanrus and Centemodon from deposits of the same age in North America. In the Jurassic period, the remains of Lacertilians are not unknown, but call for little special notice. Several forms of little importance have been described from the Middle Oolites. In the fresh-water strata of the Purbeck series (Upper Oolites), occur the remains which have been referred to the genera Nuthetes, Macellodon, Saurillus, and Echinodon. These are, perhaps, the first traces in the stratified series of remains, the affinities of which to the typical Lacertidce. cannot be disputed. In the Cretaceous series occur the small Lizards which con- stitute the genera Raphiosaurus, Coniosaums, and Dolichosau- rus. Here also, and almost exclusively confined to strata of this age, occur the singular Lacertilians which form the group of the " Mosasauroids." These remarkable Reptiles were of gigantic size, Mosasaurus princeps being believed to have at- tained the enormous length of not less than seventy-five feet. The teeth in these reptiles (fig. 316) are long, pyramidal, and Fig. 316.— Skull of Mosasaurus Cam/eri, much reduced. Maastricht Chalk. slightly curved ; but they are anchylosed to the jaw, and are not sunk into distinct sockets, as in the living Crocodiles. CROCODILIA. 365 From the shortness of the humerus, and the indications that the vertebral column was unusually flexible, and that the tail was laterally compressed, it was early conjectured that the Mosasauroids were marine and aquatic in their habits. This conjecture has been raised to the rank of a certainty by the discovery that the fore and hind limbs of the Mosasauroids were in the form of fin-like paddles, like those of the Ichthyo- saur and Plesiosaur. There can therefore be no doubt that Mosasaurus — like the living Amblyrhynchus — was aquatic in its habits, and frequented the sea-shore, coming, in fact, only oc- casionally to the land. The best-known genus is Mosasaurus, of which the most celebrated species is the M. Camperi (fig. 316) of the Maestricht Chalk. Other genera belonging to this group are Leiodon, Baptosaurus, and Halisaurus. Recently, Marsh has described bony dermal scutes as present in several Mosasauroids (e.g., Holcodus, Leiodon, and Edestosaurus], thus rendering their Lacertilian affinities doubtful. In the Tertiary Rocks the remains of Lacertilians are not by any means unknown, but none of the forms of this period are sufficiently important to demand especial attention. Most of the Tertiary Lacertilians, however, are of small size, and ap- pear to have been terrestrial in their habits, thus approximating to the typical existing Lizards. ORDER IV. CROCODILIA. — The last and highest order of the living Reptilia is that of the Crocodilia, including the living Crocodiles, Alligators, and Gavials, and characterised by the following peculiarities : — The body is covered with an outer epidermic exoskeleton composed of horny scales, and an inner dermal exoskeleton consisting of squared bony plates or scutes, which may be con- fined to the dorsal surface alone, or may exist on the ventral surface as well, and which are disposed on the back of the neck into groups of different form and number in different species. The bones of the skull and face are firmly united to- gether, and the two halves or rami of the lower jaw are united in front by a suture. There is a single row of teeth, which are implanted in distinct sockets, and hollowed at the base for the germs of the new teeth, by which they are successively pushed out and replaced during the life of the animal. The centra of the dorsal vertebrae in all living Crocodilia are procoelous, or concave in front, but in the extinct forms they may be either amphicoelous (concave at both ends) or opisthocoelous (con- cave behind). The vertebral ends of the anterior trunk-ribs are bifurcate. There are two sacral vertebrae. The cervical vertebrae have small ribs (hence the difficulty experienced by 366 REPTILIA. the animal in turning quickly) ; and there are generally false abdominal ribs produced by the ossification of the tendinous intersections of the recti muscles. There are no clavicles. The heart consists of four completely distinct and separate cavities, two auricles, and two ventricles, the ventricular sep- tum— as in no other Reptiles — being complete. The right and left aortse, however, or, in other words, the pulmonary artery and systemic aorta, are connected together close to their origin by a small aperture {foramen Panizzce), so that the two sides of the heart communicate with one another. The aperture of the cloaca is longitudinal, and not transverse, as in the Lizards. All the four limbs are present, the anterior ones being penta- dactylous, the posterior tetradactylous. All are oviparous. The chief points by which the Crocodiles are distinguished from their near allies, the Lacertilians, are the possession of a partial bony dermal exoskeleton in addition to the ordinary epidermic covering of scales, the lodgment of the teeth in distinct sockets, and the fact that the mixture of venous and arterial blood, which is so characteristic of Reptiles, takes place, not in the heart itself, but in its immediate neighbour- hood, by a communication between the pulmonary artery and aorta directly after their origin. The order Crocodilia is divided into three sub-orders, termed Proccelia, Amphicotfia, and Opisthocoslia according as the dorsal vertebrae are concave in front, concave at both ends, or con- cave behind. The sub-order Proaxlia comprises all the living forms — namely, the Crocodiles proper, the Alligators, and the Gavials. The first of these have the fourth tooth in the lower jaw (fig. 317) larger than the others, forming a canine tooth, Fig. 317. — Skull of young Crocodilus biporcatus (after Van der Hoven). which is received into a notch excavated in the alveolar border of the upper jaw, so that it is visible externally when the mouth is closed. In the Alligators (fig. 318), the fourth tooth in the lower jaw forms a canine which is received into a pit in the palatal surface of the upper jaw, where it is completely con- cealed when the mouth is shut. In the Gavials the snout is CROCODILIA. 367 greatly prolonged, and the teeth are pretty nearly equal in size and similar in form in the two jaws. The Procodian Crocodiles occur for the first time in the Greensand (Cretaceous Series) of North America. In Europe, however, the earliest remains of Proccelian Crocodiles are from the Lower Tertiary Rocks (Eocene). It is a curious fact that in the Eocene Rocks of the south-west of England, there occur fossil remains of all the three living types of the Crocodilia — namely, the Gavials, true Crocodiles, and Alligators ; though at the present day these forms are all geographically restricted in their range, and are never associated together. Fig. 318. — Lower jaw of an Alligator. Eocene Tertiary, Isle of Wight. The Amphicoilian Crocodiles are characterised by their biconcave vertebrae, and are entirely extinct, being confined altogether to the Mesozoic period. The biconcave vertebras show a decided approach to the structure of the backbone in fishes ; and as the rocks in which they occur are mostly marine, there can be little doubt but that these Crocodiles were, in the majority of cases at any rate, inhabitants of the sea. The typical members of this sub-order range from the Lias to the Chalk ; and the most important genera are Teleosaurus, Steneo- saurus, Dakosaurus, Makrospondylus, Goniopholis, and Sucho- sanrus, the two last mentioned occurring in the fresh-water deposits of the Wealden (Cretaceous). The Stagonolepis of the Elgin Sandstone, with its pitted dermal bony scutes, is now believed to be truly referable to the Croco- dilia. As before said, the Elgin Sandstones are probably Triassic. We may briefly consider here a group of Reptiles which have been regarded as Crocodilian, but which are placed by Owen in a separate order under the name of Thecodontia, and which are looked upon by Huxley as being Deinosaurian. The 368 REPTILIA. " Thecodont " Reptiles are defined as follows : — " Vertebral bodies biconcave ; ribs of the trunk long and bent, the anterior ones with a bifurcate head ; sacrum of three vertebras ; limbs ambulatory, femur with a third trochanter. Teeth with the crown more or less compressed, pointed, with trenchant and finely serrate margins, implanted in distinct sockets." — (Owen.) The Thecodont Reptiles are Triassic, and the three most im- portant genera are Thecodontosaurus, Palczosaurus, and Belodon, the last from undoubted . Triassic strata, whilst the two former occur in a dolomitic conglomerate near Bristol, which has sometimes been thought to be Permian, but which is also almost certainly Triassic. In some respects these reptiles make an approach to the Lacertians ; but, on the whole, little doubt can be entertained as to their truly belonging to the Amphicoelian Crocodiles. The sub-order of the Opisthocalian Crocodiles, including those forms in which the anterior trunk vertebrae are concave behind, is one which can be only provisionally retained. Pro- fessor Owen includes in this section the two genera Strepto- spondylus and Cetiosaurus ; but the latter is referable to the Deinosauria, and will be treated of when that order is con- sidered. The genus Streptospondylus has been founded on vertebrae obtained from the Oolitic and Wealden formations ; but there are doubts as to the true position of the reptile to which these belonged. CHAPTER XXXIII. EXTINCT ORDERS OF REPTILES. IT remains now to consider briefly the leading characters of five wholly extinct orders of Reptiles, the peculiarities of which are very extraordinary, and are such as are exhibited by no living forms. ORDER V. ICHTHYOPTERYGIA, Owen ( = Ichthyosauria, Hux- ley).— The gigantic Saurians forming this order were distin- guished by the following characters : — The body was fish-like, without any distinct neck, and pro- bably covered with a smooth or wrinkled skin, no horny or bony exoskeleton having been ever discovered. The vertebrae were numerous, deeply biconcave or amphicoelous, and having the neural arches united to the centra by a distinct suture. The anterior trunk-ribs possess bifurcate heads. There is no ICHTHYOPTERYGIA. 369 sacrum, and no sternal ribs or sternum, but clavicles were pre- sent, as well as an interclavicle (episternum) ; and false ribs were developed in the walls of the abdomen. The skull had enormous orbits separated by a septum, and an elongated snout. The eyeball was protected by a ring of bony plates in the sclerotic. The teeth were not lodged in distinct sockets, but in a common alveolar groove. The fore and hind limbs were converted into swimming-paddles, the ordinary number of digits (five) remaining recognisable, but the phalanges being greatly increased in number, and marginal ossicles being added as well. A vertical caudal fin was in all probability present. Fig. 319. — Ichthyosaurus communis. Lias. The order Ichthyopterygia includes only the gigantic and fish-like Ichthyosauri (fig. 319), all exclusively Mesozoic, and abounding in the Lias, Oolites, and Chalk, but especially char- Fig. 320. — Two vertebrae of Eosaiirus Acadiensis (Marsh). Coal-measures of Nova Scotia. (After Dawson.) acteristic of the Lias. There is no doubt whatever but that the Ichthyosauri were essentially marine animals, and they have been often included with the next order (Sauropterygia) in a common group, under the name of Enaliosauria or Sea-lizards. 2 A 370 REPTILIA. In 1 86 1 Professor Marsh discovered in the Coal-measures of Nova Scotia two large amphicoelous vertebrae, which he described under the name of Eosaumis Acadiensis. These vertebras (fig. 320) are of very large size (about two and a half inches in diameter), and they are deeply excavated at both ends. They are regarded by Professor Marsh as indicating the existence in the later Carboniferous period of a gigantic reptile allied to Ichthyosaurus. By Huxley, however, it is believed that these remains may truly belong to some large Labyrinthodont. In the biconcave vertebrae and probable presence of a ver- tical tail-fin, the Ichthyosaurus approaches the true Fishes. There is, however, no doubt as to the fact that the animal was strictly an air-breather, and its reptilian characters cannot be questioned, at the same time that the conformation of the limbs is decidedly Cetacean in many respects. Much has been gathered from various sources as to the habits of the Ichthyosaurus, and its history is one of great interest. From the researches of Buckland, Conybeare, and Owen, the fol- lowing facts appear to be pretty well established : — That the Ichthyosauri kept chiefly to open waters may be inferred from their strong and well-developed swimming-apparatus. That they occasionally had recourse to the shore, and crawled upon the beach, may be safely inferred from the presence of a strong and well-developed bony arch, supporting the fore-limbs, and closely resembling in structure the scapular arch of the Orni- thorhynchus or Duck-mole of Australia. That they lived in stormy seas,, or were in the habit of diving to considerable depths, is shown by the presence of a ring of bony plates in the sclerotic, protecting the eye from injury or pressure. That they possessed extraordinary powers of vision, especially in the dusk, is certain from the size of the pupil, and from the enormous width of the orbits. That they were carnivorous and predatory in the highest degree is shown by the wide mouth, the long jaws, and the numerous, powerful, and pointed teeth. This is proved, also, by an examination of their petri- fied droppings, which are known to geologists as " coprolites," and which contain numerous fragments of the scales and bones of the Ganoid fishes which inhabited the same seas. ORDER VI. SAUROPTERYGIA, Owen ( = Plesiosauria, Huxley). — This order of extinct reptiles, of which the well-known Ple- siosaurus may be taken as the type, is characterised by the following peculiarities : — The body, as far as is known, was naked, and not furnished with any horny or bony exoskeleton. The bodies of the ver- SAUROPTERYGIA. 37 1 tebrae were either flat or only slightly cupped at each end, and the neural arches were anchylosed with the centra, and did not remain distinct during life. The transverse processes of the vertebrae were long, and the anterior trunk-ribs had simple, not bifurcate, heads. No sternum or sternal ribs are known to have existed, but there were false abdominal ribs. The neck, in most, was greatly elongated, and composed of numer- ous vertebras. The sacrum was composed of two vertebrae. The orbits were of large size, and there was a long snout, as in the Ichthyosauri, but there was no circle of bony plates in the sclerotic. The limbs agree with those of the Ichthyosauri in being in the form of swimming-paddles (fig. 321), but differ in not possessing any supernumerary marginal ossicles. A pectoral arch, formed of two clavicles and an interclavicle (episternum), appears to have been sometimes, if not always, present. The teeth were simple, and were inserted into dis- tinct sockets, and not lodged in a common groove. Fig. 321. — Plesiosaurus dolichodeirus. Lias. The most familiar and typical member of the Sauropterygia is the Plesiosaurus (fig. 321), a gigantic marine reptile> chiefly characteristic of the Lias and Oolites. As regards the habits of the Plesiosaurus, Dr Conybeare arrives at the following con- clusions : — " That it was aquatic is evident from the form of its paddles ; that it was marine is almost equally so from the remains with which it is universally associated ; that it may have occasionally visited the shore, the resemblance of its ex- tremities to those of the Turtles may lead us to conjecture ; its movements, however, must have been very awkward on land ; and its long neck must have impeded its progress 3/2 REPTILIA. through the water, presenting a striking contrast to the organi- sation which so admirably fits the Ichthyosaurus to cut through the waves." As its respiratory organs were such that it must of necessity have required to obtain air frequently, we may conclude " that it swam upon or near the surface, arching back its long neck like a swan, and occasionally darting it down at the fish which happened to float within its reach. It may perhaps have lurked in shoal water along the coast, con- cealed amongst the sea-weed ; and raising its nostrils to a level with the surface from a considerable depth, may have found a secure retreat from the assaults of powerful enemies ; while the length and flexibility of its neck may have com- pensated for the want of strength in its jaws, and its incapacity for swift motion through the water." The geological range of the Plesiosaurus is from the Lias to the Chalk inclusive, and specimens have been found indicat- ing a length of from eighteen to twenty feet. About twenty species of Plesiosaurus have been described in all. Of the remaining genera of the Sauropterygia, Notho- saurus, Simosaurus, Placodus, Pistosaurus, and Conchiosaurus are Triassic. In Nothosaurus the neck is long, composed of at least twenty vertebrae. The dorsal vertebrae are biconcave, and the limbs are converted into swimming-paddles. The teeth are numerous and conical, and are implanted into dis- tinct sockets. Several species are known, all Triassic, and especially characteristic of the Muschelkalk. Simosaurus had a large head with enormous orbits, and teeth sunk into dis- tinct sockets. This genus is exclusively confined to the Mus- chelkalk. In Placodus (fig. 322), the teeth are in distinct sockets, and resemble those of many fishes in being round- ed and obtuse, forming broad crushing plates adapted for the comminution of shell-fish. The upper jaw contains a double series of these teeth, an outer or maxillary series, and an in- ternal or palatal series ; but the under jaw has only a sin- gle row of teeth. Lastly, in Pliosaurus we Fig. 322. — Under surface of the upper jaw i ,-i •>-,• j , \KFiacodusgigas. Muschelkalk. have a huge reptile, allied to the Plesiosaurus in its fin-like paddles, but having an enormous head supported upon a short neck. The teeth are simple and conical, and in large speci- ANOMODONTIA. 373 mens attain a great size. Pliosaurus is confined to the Middle and Upper Oolites. ORDER VII. ANOMODONTIA. — The members of this order are especially characterised by the structure of the mouth, the jaws being converted into a kind of beak, which was pro- bably sheathed in horn, and resembled the jaws of a Turtle. Sometimes the mouth appears to have been wholly destitute of teeth, but in other cases there was a single pair of teeth implanted in the upper jaw, growing from persistent pulps, and assuming the character of great tusks. The dorsal verte- brae are biconcave, and the anterior trunk-ribs have bifurcate heads. The sacrum is large, composed of several vertebrae. The animal seems to have been organised for terrestrial pro- gression, the pectoral and pelvic arches being strong, and the limbs well developed. By Owen the genera Dicynodon, Oudenodon, and Rhyncho- saurus are included in this order; but the last of these is regarded by Huxley as a Lacertilian. In Dicynodon (fig. 323, Fig. 323. — A, Skull of Dicynodon lacerticeps , showing the maxillary tusk. B, Skull of Oudenodon Bainii. From the Trias of South Africa, (After Owen.) A), the anterior portions of the jaws appear to have been al- together toothless ; and they form a kind of beak, which was probably sheathed in horn. The lower jaw has no teeth ; but 3/4 REPTILIA. each superior maxilla carries an enormous tusk-like tooth growing from a persistent pulp. In Oudenodon, on the other hand, the mouth is beak-shaped (fig. 323, B), and seems to have possessed no teeth of any kind. Dicynodon and Oudeno- don are known only from strata of supposed Triassic age in India and South Africa. Rhynchosaurus also, if truly refer- able here, is Triassic, occurring in Europe. ORDER VIII. PTEROSAURIA. — This order includes a group of extraordinary flying Reptiles, all belonging to the Mesozoic epoch, and exhibiting in many respects a very extraordinary combination of characters. The most familiar members of the order are the so-called " Pterodactyles," and the following are the characters of the order : — No exoskeleton is known to have existed. The dorsal vertebrae are proccelous, and the anterior trunk-ribs are double- headed. There is a broad sternum with a median ridge or keel, and ossified sternal ribs. The jaws are always armed with teeth, and these were implanted in distinct sockets. In some forms (Ramphorhynchus) there appear to have been no teeth in the anterior portion of the jaws, and these parts seem to have been sheathed in horn, so as to constitute a kind of beak. A ring of bony plates occurs in the sclerotic coat of the eye. The pectoral arch consists of a scapula and distinct coracoid bone, articulating with the sternum as in Birds, but no clavicles have hitherto been discovered. The fore-limb (fig. 324) consists of a humerus, ulna and radius, carpus, and hand of four fingers, of which the inner three are short and unguiculate, whilst the outermost is clawless and is enormous- ly elongated. Between this immensely-lengthened finger, the side of the body, and the comparatively small hind-limb, there must have been supported an expanded flying-membrane or " patagium," which the animal must have been able to employ as a wing, much as the Bats of the present day. Lastly, most of the bones were " pneumatic " — that is to say, were hollow and filled with air. By the presence of teeth in distinct sockets, and, as will be seen hereafter, especially in the structure of the limbs, the Pterodactyles differed from all known Birds, and there can be little question as to their being genuine Reptiles. The only Reptile, however, now existing, which possesses any power of sustaining itself in the air, is the little Draco volans, but this can only take extended leaps from tree to tree, and cannot be said to have any power of flight properly so called. That the Pterodactyles, on the other hand, possessed the power of genuine flight, is shown by the presence of a median keel upon PTEROSAURIA. 375 the sternum, proving the existence of unusually-developed pectoral muscles ; by the articulation of the coracoid bones with the top of the sternum, providing a fixed point or fulcrum for the action of the pectoral muscles ; and, lastly, by the exist- ence of air-cavities in the bones, giving the animal the neces- sary degree of lightness. The apparatus, however, of flight was not a " wing," as in Birds, but a flying-membrane, very similar in its mode of action to the patagium of the Mammalian order of the Bats. The patagium of the Bats, however, differs from that of the Pterodactyles in being supported by the greatly- elongated fingers, whereas in the latter it is only the outermost finger which is thus lengthened out. Fig. 324. — Pterodactylus crassirostris. From the Lithographic Slates of Solenhofen. (Upper Oolite). The difficulty as to the position of the Pterosauria is evaded by Mr Seeley by placing them in a distinct class, which he terms Ornithosauria, and which he regards as most nearly related to, but coequal with, the class Aves. The Pterosauria are exclusively Mesozoic, being found from the Lower Lias to the Middle Chalk inclusive, the Lithographic Slate of Solenhofen (Upper Oolite) being particularly rich in their remains. Most of them appear to have attained no very great size, but the remains of a species from the Cretaceous Rocks have been considered to indicate an animal with more than twenty feet expanse of wing, counting from tip to tip. In the genus Pterodactylus proper, the jaws are provided 376 REPTILIA. with teeth to their extremities, all the teeth being long and slender. In Dimorphodon, the anterior teeth are large and pointed, the posterior teeth small and lancet-shaped. In Ramphorhynchus, the anterior portion of both jaws is edentulous, and may have formed a horny beak, but teeth are present in the hinder portion of the jaws. ORDER IX. DEINOSAURIA. — The last order of the Reptiles is that of the Deinosauria, comprising a group of very remark- able extinct forms, which are in some respects intermediate in their characters between the Cursorial birds and the typical Reptiles ; whilst they have been supposed to have affinities to the Pachydermatous Mammals. Most of the Dtinosauria were of gigantic size, and the order is denned by the following characters : — The skin was sometimes naked, sometimes furnished with a well-developed exoskeleton, consisting of bony shields, much resembling those of the Crocodiles. A few of the anterior ver- tebrae were opisthocoelous, the remainder having flat or slightly biconcave bodies. The anterior trunk-ribs were double-headed. The teeth were confined to the jaws and implanted in distinct sockets. There were always two pairs of limbs, and these were strong, furnished with claws, and adapted for terrestrial progression. In some cases the fore-limbs were very small in proportion to the size of the hind-limbs. No clavicles have been discovered. The teeth are sometimes implanted in distinct sockets, and they are never anchylosed with the jaws. The ischium and pubes are much elongated ; the inner wall of the acetabulum is formed by membrane ; the tibia has its proximal end pro- longed anteriorly into a strong crest ; and the astragalus is bird-like (Huxley). The most remarkable points in the organisation of the Deinosauria are connected with the structure of the pelvis and hind-limb, the characters of which, as pointed out by Huxley, approximate to those of the same parts in the Birds, and especially in the Struthious Birds. This approximation is especially seen in the prolongation of the ilium in front of the acetabulum (fig. 325), the elongation and slenderness of form of the ischium, and the slenderness of the pubes. The astra- galus is like that of a bird, and in some cases appears to have become anchylosed with the distal end of the tibia. The metatarsal bones, however, remain distinct, and are not an- chylosed with any of the tarsal bones to form a " tarso-meta- tarsus." DEINOSAURIA. 377 The Deinosauria are exclusively Mesozoic, ranging from the Triassic to the Cretaceous formation, but abounding especially in the Oolitic and the earlier portion of the Cre- taceous period. By Pro- fessor Huxley the " The- codont" Reptiles are re- garded as belonging here, as has been already re- marked. The same high authority has also pro- posed the establishment of a new order termed Ornithoscelida to include the ordinary Deinosaurian Reptiles along with the singular Compsognathus. A large number of gen- eric types are included in the Deinosauria, of which Iguanodon, Megalosaurus, Cetiosaurus, and Compsog- nathus may be especially mentioned. Other less important forms are Poi- kilopleuron, Lcelaps, Euske- lesaurus, Hylceosaurus, Hy-» psilophodon, and Hadro- SaUrUS. Fig 32S._/^ Oj Deinosaur. il Ilium ; is The Iguanodon is main- Ischium ;/ Femur ; / Tibia ; 5 Fibula ; as Astra- i -r i • i /". galus ; ca Calcaneum ; m Metatarsus. (After ly, if not exclusively, Cre- Huxley.) taceous, being especially characteristic of the great delta-deposit of the Wealden. The length of the Iguanodon has been estimated as being probably from fifty to sixty feet, and from the close resemblance of its teeth to those of the living Iguanas, there is little doubt that it was herbivorous and not carnivorous. The femur of a large Iguanodon measures from four to five feet in length, with a cir- cumference of twenty-two inches in its smallest part. From the disproportionately small size of the fore-limbs, and from the occurence of pairs of gigantic three-toed footsteps in the same beds, it has been concluded, with much probability, that Igu- anodon, in spite of its enormous bulk, must have walked tem- porarily or permanently upon its hind-legs, thus coming to pre- sent a most marked and striking affinity to the Birds. 378 REPTILIA. The teeth of Iguanodon (fig. 326) present a singularly close resemblance in shape to those of the comparatively pigmy Iguanas of the present day. Their crown is obtusely sub-tri- angular, with longitudinal ridges, and having the surface of the Fig. 326. — Teeth of Iguanodon Mantellii. Wealden. enamel crenated on one or both sides. They present the ex- traordinary feature that the crown became worn down flat by mastication, showing that Iguanodon employed the teeth in the actual trituration of the vegetable matter on which it fed. The gigantic Cetiosaurus of the Oolitic and Cretaceous Rocks was originally placed amongst the Crocodilia; but the researches of Professor Phillips have shown that it belongs really to the Deinosauria. Having obtained a magnificent series of remains of this reptile, Professor Phillips has been able to determine many very interesting points as to the anatomy and habits of this colossal animal, the total length of which he estimates as being probably not less than sixty or seventy feet. As to its mode of life, this accomplished writer remarks : — " Probably when ' standing at ease ' not less than ten feet in height, and of a bulk in proportion, this creature was un- matched in magnitude and physical strength by any of the largest inhabitants of the Mesozoic land or sea. Did it live in the sea, in fresh waters, or on the land ? This question can- not be answered, as in the case of Ichthyosaurus, by appeal to the accompanying organic remains ; for some of the bones lie DEINOSAURIA. 379 in marine deposits, others in situations marked by estuarine conditions, and, out of the Oxfordshire district, in Sussex, in fluviatile accumulations. Was it fitted to live exclusively in water ? Such an idea was at one time entertained, in conse- quence of the biconcave character of the caudal vertebrae, and it is often suggested by the mere magnitude of the creature, which would seem to have an easier life while floating in water, than when painfully lifting its huge bulk, and moving with slow steps along the ground. But neither of these arguments is valid. The ancient earth was trodden by larger quadrupeds than our elephant ; and the biconcave character of vertebrae, which is not uniform along the column in Cetiosaurus, is perhaps as much a character of a geological period as of a mechanical function of life. Good evidence of continual life in water is yielded in the case of Ichthyosaurus, and other Enaliosaurs, by the articulating surfaces of their limb-bones, for these, all of them, to the last phalanx, have that slight and indefinite adjust- ment of 'the bones, with much intervening cartilage, which fits the leg to be both a flexible and forcible instrument of nata- tion, much superior to the ordinary oar-blade of the boatman. On the contrary, in Cetiosaur, as well as in Megalosaur and Iguanodon, all the articulations are definite, and made so as to correspond to determinate movements in particular direc- tions, and these are such as to be suited for walking. In par- ticular, the femur, by its head projecting freely from the ace- tabulum, seems to claim a movement of free stepping more parallel to the line of the body, and more approaching to the vertical than the sprawling gait of the crocodile. The large claws concur in this indication of terrestrial habits. But, on the other hand, these characters are not contrary to the belief that the animal may have been amphibious ; and the great vertical height of the anterior part of the tail seems to support this explanation, but it does not go further. For the later caudal vertebrae, instead of being much compressed, as in Teleosaurus, are nearly circular in the cross section, and are interlocked by posterior zygapophyses, extended over half or the whole length of a vertebrae. We have therefore a marsh- loving or river-side animal, dwelling amidst filicine, cycadace- ous, and coniferous shrubs and trees full of insects and small mammalia. What was its usual diet? If ex ungue leonem, surely ex dentedbum. We have indeed but one tooth, and that small and incomplete. It resembles more the tooth of Iguan- odon than that of any other reptile ; for this reason it seems probable that the animal was nourished by similar vegetable food which abounded in the vicinity, and was not obliged to 380 REPTILIA. contend with Megalosaurus for a scanty supply of more stimu- lating diet." Megalosaurus is a gigantic Oolitic Reptile, which occurs also in the Cretaceous series (Weald Clay). Its length has been estimated at between forty and fifty feet, the femur and tibia each measuring about three feet in length. As the head of the femur is set on nearly at right angles with the shaft, whilst all the long bones contain large medullary cavities, there can be no doubt but that Megalosaurus was terrestrial in its habits. That it was carnivorous and destructive in the highest degree is shown by the powerful, pointed, and trenchant teeth. The teeth in Megalosaurus are conical, compressed, with finely -serrated edges. The fore -limbs are extraordinarily Fig. 327. — Cranium of Megalosaurus, restored. (After Professor Phillips.) smaller than the hind-limbs. The teeth do not become worn by mastication ; and there appears to have been no exoskeleton. One of the most remarkable of the Deinosauria is the little Compsognathus longipes of the Lithographic Slate of Solenhofen, regarded by Professor Huxley as the type of a special group (Compsognatha) of his order Ornithoscelida. The special characters distinguishing this group are, that the cervical region of the spine is long, and the femur is shorter than the tibia ; whereas in the typical Deinosauria the neck is relatively short, and the femur is as long as, or longer than, the tibia. Comp- sognathus is not remarkable for its size, which does not seem to have been much more than two feet, but for the striking affinities which it exhibits to the true Birds. The head of Compsognathus was furnished with toothed jaws, and supported BIRDS. 381 upon a long and slender neck. The fore-limbs were very short, but the hind-limbs were long and like those of Birds. The proximal portion of the tarsus resembled that of Birds in being anchylosed to the lower end of the tibia ; but the distal portion of the tarsus — unlike that of Birds — was free, and was not an- chylosed with the metatarsus. Huxley concludes that " it is impossible to look at the conformation of this strange Reptile, and to doubt that it hopped or walked in an erect or semi- erect position, after the manner of a bird, to which its long neck, slight head, and small anterior limbs must have given it an extraordinary resemblance." CHAPTER XXXIV. BIRDS. THE fourth class of the Vertebrata is that of Aves, or Birds. The Birds may be shortly denned as being " oviparous Vertebrates with warm blood, a double circulation, and a covering of feathers " (Owen). More minutely, however, the Birds are denned by the possession of the following char- acters : — The skull articulates with the vertebral column by a single oc- cipital candy le. Each half or ramus of the lower jaw consists of a number of pieces, which are separate from one another in the embryo ; and the jaw is united with the skull, not directly, but by the intervention of a quadrate bone (as in the Reptiles]. The fore- limb in no existing birds possesses more than three fingers or digits, and the metacarpal bones are anchylosed together. In all living Birds the fore-limbs are useless as regards prehension, and in most they are organs of flight. The hind-limbs in all Birds have the ankle-joint placed in the middle of the tarsus, the proxi- mal portion of the tarsus coalescing with the tibia, and the distal portion of the tarsus being anchylosed with the metatarsus to con- stitute a single bone known as the " tarso-metatarsus." The heart consists of four chambers, two auricles and two ven- tricles; and not only are the right and left sides of the heart com- pletely separated from one another, but there is no communication between the pulmonary and systemic circulations, as there is in Reptiles. The respiratory organs are in the form of spongy cellular lungs, which are not freely suspended in pleural sacs ; and the bronchi 382 BIRDS. open on their surface into a number of air-sacs, placed in different parts of the body. All birds are oviparous, none bringing forth their young alive, or being even ovo-viviparous. All birds are, lastly, provided with an epidermic covering, so modified as to constitute what are known as feathers. The entire skeleton of the Birds is singularly compact,rand at the same time singularly light. The compactness is due to the presence of an unusual amount of phosphate of lime ; and the lightness, to the absence in many of the bones of the ordinary marrow, and its replacement by air. As regards the vertebral column, Birds exhibit some very in- teresting peculiarities. The cervical region of the spine is unusually long and flexible, since the fore-limbs are useless as organs of prehension — and all acts of grasping must be exer- cised either by the beak or by the hind-feet, or by both acting in conjunction. The number of vertebrae in the neck varies from nine to twenty-four, and their structure is always such as to allow of considerable freedom of motion one upon the other. The dorsal vertebrae vary from six to ten in number, and of these the anterior four or five are generally anchylosed with one another, so as to give a base of resistance to the wings. In the Cursorial Birds, however (such as the Ostrich and Emeu), and in some others (such as the Penguin), in which the power of flight is wanting, the dorsal vertebras are all more or less freely movable one upon another. There are no lumbar vertebrae, but all the vertebrae between the last dorsal and the first caudal (varying from nine to twenty) are anchylosed together to form a bone which is ordinarily known as the " sacrum." To this, in turn, the iliac bones are anchylosed along its whole length, giving perfect immobility to this region of the spine and to the pelvis. The coccygeal or caudal vertebrae vary in number from eight to ten, and are movable upon one another. The most noticeable feature about this part of the spinal column is what is known as the " ploughshare-bone." This is the last joint of the tail, and is a long, slender, ploughshare-shaped bone, de- stitute of lateral processes, and without any medullary canal (fig. 330, B). In reality it consists of two or more of the caudal vertebrae, completely anchylosed, and fused into a single mass. It is usually set on to the extremity of the spine at an angle more or less nearly perpendicular to the axis of the body; and it affords a firm basis for the support of the great quill-feathers of the tail (" rectrices "). In the Cursorial Birds, which do not fly, the terminal joint of the tail is not plough- CHARACTERS OF BIRDS. 383 share-shaped. In the extraordinary Mesozoic bird, the Archce- opteryx macrura, there is no ploughshare-bone, and the tail consists of twenty separate vertebrae, all distinct from one another, and each carrying a pair of quill -feathers, one on each side. As the vertebras of the ploughshare-bone are distinct from one another in the embryos of existing birds, the tail of the Arch&opteryx is to be regarded as a case of the per- manent retention in the adult of an embryonic character. In the increased number of caudal vertebras, however, and in some other characters, the tail of the Archtzopteryx makes a decided approach to the true Reptiles. The various bones which compose the skull of Birds are amalgamated in the adult so as to form a single piece, and the sutures even are obliterated, the lower jaw alone remaining movable. The occipital bone carries a single occipital condyle only, and this is hemispherical or nearly globular in shape. The "beak" (fig. 328), which forms such a conspicuous feature in all Fig. 328. — Skull of Spur-winged Goose (Plectroptems Gambensis). birds, consists of an upper and lower half, or a "superior" and " inferior mandible." The upper mandible is composed almost entirely of the greatly-elongated intermaxillary bones, flanked by the comparatively small superior maxillae. The inferior mandible is primitively composed of twelve pieces, six on each side ; but in the adult these are all indistinguishably amal- gamated with one another, and the lower jaw forms a single piece. As in the Reptiles, the lower jaw articulates with the skull, not directly, but through the intervention of a distinct bone — the quadrate bone or tympanic bone — which always re- mains permanently movable, and is never anchylosed with the skull. In no bird are teeth ever developed in either jaw, but both mandibles are encased in horn, forming the beak, and the margins of the bill are sometimes serrated. The thoracic cavity is bounded by the dorsal vertebrae, which BIRDS. are usually, as before said, anchylosed with one another to a greater or less extent. Laterally, the thorax is bounded by the ribs, which vary in number from six to ten pairs. In most birds each rib carries a peculiar process — the "uncinate pro- cess " — which arises from its posterior margin, is directed up- wards and backwards, and passes over the rib next in succes- sion behind, where it is bound down by ligament. The first and last dorsal ribs carry no uncinate processes, and in some cases the processes continue throughout life as separate pieces (fig. 329, B). Anteriorly, the ribs articulate with a series of B Fig. 329. — A, Breast-bone, shoulder-girdle, and fore-limb of Penguin (after Owen): b Sternum, with the sternal keel ; j J Scapulae; k k Coracoid bones; c Furculum or merry-thought, composed of the united clavicles ; h Humerus ; » Ulna ; r Radius ; t Thumb ; ?« Metacarpus ; / Phalanges of the fingers. B, Ribs of the Golden Eagle : a a Ribs giving off(£ b) uncinate processes ; c c Sternal ribs. straight bones, which are called the " sternal ribs," but which in reality are to be looked upon as the ossified " costal carti- lages." These sternal ribs (fig. 329, B) are in turn movably articulated to the sternum in front, and " they are the centres upon which the respiratory movements hinge " (Owen). In front the thoracic cavity is completed by an enormously-ex- panded sternum or breast-bone, which in some birds of great powers of flight extends over the abdominal cavity as well, in some cases even reaching the pelvis. The sternum of all birds which fly, is characterised by the presence of a greatly- developed median ridge or keel (fig. 329, A), to which are CHARACTERS OF BIRDS. 385 attached the great pectoral muscles, which move the wings. As a general rule, the size of this sternal crest allows a very tolerable estimate to be formed of the flying powers of the bird to which it may have belonged ; and in the Ostriches and other birds which do not fly, there is no sternal keel. At its anterior angles the sternum exhibits two pits for the attach- ment of the coracoid bones. The scapular or pectoral arch consists of the shoulder-blade or scapula, the collar-bone or clavicle, and the coracoid bone, on each side. The scapula, as a rule (fig. 329, A, s s) is a simple elongated bone, not flattened out into a broad plate, and carrying no transverse ridge, or spinous process. Only a portion of the glenoid cavity for the articulation with the head of the humerus is formed by the scapula, the remainder being formed by the coracoid. The coracoid bones (fig. 329, A, k k) correspond with the coracoid processes of man, but in birds they are distinct bones, and are not anchylosed with the scap- ula. The coracoid bone on each side is always the strongest of the bones forming the scapular arch. Superiorly it articu- lates with the clavicle and scapula, and forms part of the gle- noid cavity for the humerus. Inferiorly each coracoid bone articulates with the upper angle of the sternum. The position of the coracoids is more or less nearly vertical, so that they form fixed points for the action of the wings in their down- ward stroke. The clavicles (fig. 329, A, c) are rarely rudimen- tary or absent, and are in some few cases separate bones. In the great majority, however, of birds, the clavicles are anchy- losed together at their anterior extremities, so as to form a single bone, somewhat V-shaped, popularly known as the " merry-thought," and technically called the " furculum." The outer extremities of the furculum articulate with the scapula and coracoid ; and the anchylosed angle is commonly united by ligament to the top of the sternum. The function of the clavicular or furcular arch is "to oppose the forces which tend to press the humeri inwards towards the mesial plane, during the downward stroke of the wing " (Owen). Consequently the clavicles are stronger, and their angle of union is more open, in proportion to the powers of flight possessed by each bird. As regards the structure of the wing proper, the humerus is short and strong, and articulates superiorly with an articular cavity formed partly by the coracoid and partly by the scapula. The fore-arm is composed of a radius and ulna, of which the former is the smallest and most slender. The carpus is reduced to two small bones wedged in between the distal end of the fore-arm and the metacarpus. The metacarpus consists of 2 B 386 BIRDS. two bones which in all existing birds are anchylosed at both ends, but which are free in the remarkable extinct Archaop- teryx. The metacarpal, which corresponds to the radius, is the larger of the two, and it carries the digit which has the greatest number of phalanges. At the proximal end of the radial metacarpal is generally attached a single phalanx, constituting the so-called " thumb." The digit which is attached to the ulnar metacarpal never consists of more than a single phalanx. As regards the structure of the posterior extremity or hind- limb, the pieces which compose the innominate bones (namely, the ilium, ischium, and pubes) are always anchylosed with one another ; and the two innominate bones are also always an- chylosed, by the medium of the greatly-elongated ilia, with the sacral region of the spine. In no living bird, however, with the single exception of the Ostrich, are the innominate bones united in the middle line in front by a symphysis pubis. The stability of the pelvic arch, necessary in animals which sup- port the weight of the body on the hind-limbs alone, is amply secured in all ordinary cases by the anchylosis of the ilia with the sacrum. As in the higher Vertebrates, the lower limb (fig. 330, A) consists of a femur, a tibia and fibula, a tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges ; but some of these parts are considerably ob- scured by anchylosis. The femur or thigh-bone (fig. 330, A,/) is generally very short, comparatively speaking. The chief "bone of the leg is the tibia (t\ to which a thin and tapering fibula (r) is anchylosed. The upper end of the fibula, how- ever, articulates with the external condyle of the femur. The ankle-joint is placed, as in Reptiles, between the proximal and distal portions of the tarsus. The proximal portion of the tarsus is undistinguishably amalgamated with the lower end of the tibia. The distal portion of the tarsus is anchylosed with the whole of the metatarsus to constitute the most character- istic bone in the leg of the Bird — the " tarso-metatarsus " (m). In most of the long-legged birds, such as the Waders, the dis- proportionate length of the leg is given by an extraordinary elongation of the tarso-metatarsus. The tarso-metatarsus is followed inferiorly by the digits of the foot. In most birds the foot consists of three toes directed forwards and one backwards — four toes in all. In no wild bird are there more than four toes, but often there are only three, and in the Ostrich the number is reduced to two. In all birds which have three anterior and one posterior toe, it is the posterior thumb or hallux (that is to say, the innermost digit of the hind-limb) which is directed backwards ; and it CHARACTERS OF BIRDS. 387 invariably consists of two phalanges only. The most internal of the three toes which are directed forwards, consists of three phalanges ; the next has four phalanges ; and the outermost toe is made up of five phalanges (fig. 330, A). This in- crease in an arithmetical ratio of the phalanges of the toes, in proceeding from the inner to the outer side of the foot, obtains in almost all birds, and enables us readily to detect which digit is suppressed, when the normal four are not all Fig. 330. — A, Hind-limb of the Loon (Colyntbus glacialis) — after Owen: i Innominate bone ; j Thigh-bone or femur ; / Tibia, with the proximal portion of the tarsus anchy- losed with its lower end ; r Fibula ; m Tarso-metatarsus, consisting of the distal portion of the tarsus anchylosed with the metatarsus ; p p Phalanges of the toes. B, Tail of the Golden Eagle : j Ploughshare-bone, carrying the great tail-feathers. present. Variations of different kinds exist, however, in the number and disposition of the toes. In many birds — such as the Parrots — the outermost toe is turned backwards, so that there are two toes in front and two behind. In others, again, the outer toe is normally directed forwards, but can be turned backwards at the will of the animal. In the Swifts, on the other hand, all four toes are present, but they are all turned forwards. In many cases — especially amongst the Natatorial 388 BIRDS. birds — the hallux is wholly wanting, or is rudimentary. In the Emeu, Cassowary, Bustards, and other genera, the hallux is invariably absent, and the foot is three-toed. In the Ostrich both the hallux and the next toe (" index ") are wanting, and the foot consists simply of two toes, these being the outer toe and the one next to it. As regards the geological distribution of Birds, there are many reasons why we should be cautious in reasoning upon merely negative evidence, and more than ordinarily careful not to infer the non-existence of birds during any particular geolo- gical epoch, simply because we can find no positive evidence for their presence. As Sir Charles Lyell has well remarked, " the powers of flight possessed by most birds would insure them against perishing by numerous casualties to which quad- rupeds are exposed during floods ; " and, " if they chance to be drowned, or to die when swimming on water, it will scarcely ever happen that they will be submerged so as to become pre- served in sedimentary deposits," since, from the lightness of the bones, the carcase would remain long afloat, and would be liable to be devoured by predaceous animals. As, with a few utterly trivial exceptions, all the deposits in which fossils are found have been laid down in water, and more especially as they are for the most part marine, these considerations put for- ward by Sir Charles Lyell afford obvious ground against the anticipation that the remains of birds should be either of fre- quent occurrence or of a perfect character in any of the fossil- iferous rocks. In accordance with these considerations, as a matter of fact, most of the known remains of birds are either fragmentary, or belong to forms which were organised to live a terrestrial life, and were not adapted for flight. The earliest remains which have been generally referred to birds are in the form of footprints (fig. 331) impressed upon certain sandstones in the valley of the Connecticut River in the United States. These sandstones are almost certainly Triassic, and if the ornithic character of these footprints be admitted, then Birds date their existence from the commence- ment of the Mesozoic period, and, for anything we know to the contrary, may have existed during the Palaeozoic epoch. The evidence as to the ornithic character of the footprints in the American Trias is as follows : — Firstly, The tracks are, beyond all question, those of a biped — that is to say, of an animal which walked upon two legs. No living animals walk habitually upon two legs except Man and Birds, and therefore there is a prima facie presumption that the authors of these prints were birds. DISTRIBUTION OF BIRDS. 389 Secondly, The impressions are mostly tridactylous — that is to say, formed by an animal with three toes on each foot, as is the case in many Waders and most Cursorial Birds. Fig- 33I-- -Footprint supposed to belong to a Bird, of Connecticut. Triassic Sandstones Thirdly, The impressions of the toes show the same numeri- cal progression in the number of phalanges as exists in living birds — that is to say, the innermost of the anterior toes has three phalanges, the middle one has four, and the outermost toe has five phalanges. Taking this evidence collectively, it would have seemed, till lately, tolerably certain that these impressions were formed by Birds. We must not, however, lose sight of the possibility that these impressions may have been formed by Reptiles more bird-like in their characters than any of the living forms with which we are acquainted. The recent researches of Huxley, Cope, and others, go to show that the Deinosaurian Reptiles possessed the power of walking, temporarily or per- manently, on the hind-legs, and many curious affinities to the true Birds have been pointed out. It is therefore by no means impossible that these footprints of the Connecticut valley are truly Reptilian.* The size and other characters of the above-mentioned im- pressions vary much, and they have certainly been produced * The occurrence of many four-toed impressions in these same Sandstones, and the further discovery of the bones of Deinosaurian Reptiles in the same beds, have rendered the Reptilian nature of many of these footprints almost certain ; but some may possibly have been formed by Birds. 390 BIRDS. by several different animals. In the largest hitherto discov- ered, each footprint is twenty-two inches long, and twelve inches wide, showing that the feet were four times as large as those of the African Ostrich. The animal, therefore, which produced these impressions — whether Avian or Reptilian — must have been of gigantic size. The first unmistakable remains of a bird have been found in the Solenhofen Slates of Bavaria, of the age of the Upper Oolites. A single unique specimen, consisting of bones and feathers, but unfortunately without the skull, is all that has hitherto been discovered ; and it has been named the Archce- opteryx macrura. The characters of this singular and aberrant bird, which alone constitutes the order Saururce, will be shortly given, and need not be repeated here. Other doubtful remains of birds have been alleged to occur in the Mesozoic series, but many of these certainly belong in reality to Pterodactyles. In the Cretaceous Rocks, however, of the United States, occur the bones of several Wading Birds (Laornis, Telmatornis, and Palczotringd). Recently, Professor Marsh has described some additional remains of Birds from the Cretaceous Rocks. Some of these belong to a new genus, Graculavus, allied to the existing Cormorants. Others belong to a gigantic swimming bird of remarkable affinities, but hav- ing its nearest allies in the living Colymbidce. The genus Hesperornis and family Hesperornida are proposed for its re- ception. In the Tertiary Rocks there are, comparatively speaking, many remains of birds. In the Eocene Rocks of France has been found a large bird, as big as an Ostrich, the so-called Gastornis Parisiensis ; and in England, in the same formation, we have a small Vulture (Lithornis vulturinus), and a King- fisher (Halcyornis toliapicus). In the Eocene of Glaris, in Swit- zerland, occurs also the oldest known Insessorial or Passerine bird, the Protornis Glarisiensis, which was about as big as a lark. Numerous remains of birds have likewise been found in the Miocene and Pliocene deposits. Amongst these we have Par- rots, Trogons, Secretary Birds, Petrels, Cranes, Guillemots, &c. With the exception, however, of the Mesozoic Archceop- teryx, by far the most remarkable remains of birds have been found in the Post-tertiary or Pleistocene deposits. All the remains now alluded to are those of gigantic wingless birds ; and it is .worthy of notice that they are almost exclusively found in regions now tenanted by smaller wingless birds, whilst there is reason to believe that some of them have been in existence during the human period. Most of the remains NATATORES. 39 1 in question have been found in New Zealand, where there have been obtained the bones of several species of large wing- less birds, referred by Owen to the genera Dinornis, Palap- teryx, and Aptornis. The Dinornis gigantens must have been one of the most gigantic of the whole class of birds, the tibia measuring upwards of a yard in length, and the skeleton indi- cating a bird which stood at least ten feet in height. In an- other species, the Dinornis elephantopus, the " framework of the skeleton is the most massive of any in the whole class of birds/' and " the toe-bones almost rival those of the Elephant " (Owen). The feet were furnished with three anterior toes, and are of interest as presenting us with an undoubted bird big enough to produce the largest of the footprints of the Triassic Sandstones of Connecticut. There is reason to be- lieve, from the traditions of the Maories, that the Dinornis was living at no very remote period, and that it has been exter- minated by man. In Madagascar, bones have been discovered of a bird as large as, or larger than, the Dinornis giganteus, which has been described under the name of the dEpiornis maximus. With the bones have been found eggs measuring from thirteen to fourteen inches in diameter, and computed to be as big as three ostrich-eggs, or one hundred and forty-eight hens' eggs. Unlike New Zealand, where there is the Apteryx, Madagascar itself has no living wingless birds ; but in the neighbouring island of Mauritius the Dodo has been exterminated less than three hundred years ago ; and the little island of Rodriguez, in the same geographical province, has in a similar period lost the wingless Solitaire (Pezophaps). In the following are given the characters of the orders of the Birds, with the range of each in time, so far as known : — ORDER I. NATATORES. — The order of the Natatores, or Swimmers, comprises a number of birds which are as much or even more at home in the water than upon the land. In accordance with their aquatic habit of life, the Natatores have a boat-shaped body, usually with a long neck. The legs are short, and placed behind the centre of gravity of the body, this position enabling them to act admirably as paddles, at the same time that it renders the gait upon dry land more or less awkward and shuffling. In all cases the toes are " webbed," or united by membrane to a greater or less extent. In many instances the membrane or web is stretched completely from toe to toe ; but in others the web is divided or split up between the toes, so that the toes are fringed with membranous borders, and the feet are only imperfectly webbed. 392 BIRDS. Amongst the more important families of the Natatores may be enumerated the Penguins (Spheniscidce), the Auks (Alcida), the Gulls and Terns (Larida], the Petrels (Procellarida\ the Pelicans (Pelicanus], the Cormorants (Phalacrocorax), the Gan- nets (Su/a), the Ducks (Anatida\ the Geese (AnseriruK\ and the Swans (Cygnida). As might have been expected, the remains of Natatorial Birds are, speaking comparatively, not uncommon as fossils. The earliest traces of this order in past time appear in the Cretaceous series, which has yielded in Europe the Cimolornis (supposed to be allied to the Albatross), and in North America the genera Graculavus, Hesperornis, Laornis, Telmatornis, and Palczotringa. The Eocene Tertiary has a form believed to be nearly allied to the living Pelicans, and another supposed to be related to the Mergansers. The Ducks and Flamingos appear for the first time in the Miocene, and the Post-tertiary deposits have yielded remains of Geese, Gulls, Terns, Divers, and Guil- lemots, or of birds allied to these. ORDER II. GRALLATORES. — The birds comprising the order of the Gr dilator es, or Waders, for the most part frequent the banks of rivers and lakes, the shores of estuaries, marshes, lagoons, and shallow pools, though some of them keep almost exclusively to dry land, preferring, however, moist and damp situations. In accordance with their semi-aquatic, amphibious habits, the Waders are distinguished by the great length of their legs ; the increase in length being mainly due to the great elongation of the tarso-metatarsus. The legs are also unfeathered from the lower end of the tibia downwards. The toes are elongated and straight, and are never completely palmate, though sometimes semi-palmate. There are three anterior toes, and usually a short hallux, but the latter may be wanting. The wings are long, and the power of flight usually considerable ; but the tail is short, and the long legs are stretched out behind in flight to compensate for the brevity of the tail. The body is generally slender, and the neck and beak usually of considerable length. Amongst the more important Grallatorial Birds are the Rails (Rallidce), Water-hens (Gallinufa), Cranes (Gruidce), Herons (Ardeida!\ Storks (Ciconince), Snipes (Scolopaadcz), Sandpipers (Tringidce), Curlews (Numenius), Plovers (Charadriid\ the Turkeys, Fowls, Pheasants, and Pea-fowl (Phasianidcz), the Pigeons and Doves {Columbida\ and the recently extinct Dodo (Didus ineptus). The earliest remains of the Rasorial Birds appear in the Eocene Tertiary, where traces of a Partridge have been found. In Post-Tertiary deposits occur the remains of birds more or less closely allied to the existing Pigeons, Grouse, Quail, Pheasant, Fowl, and Tinamou. SCANSORES— INSESSORES — RAPTORES. 395 ORDER V. SCANSORES. — The order of the Scansorial or Climbing Birds is easily and very shortly denned, having no other distinctive and exclusive peculiarity except the fact that the feet are provided with four toes, of which two are turned backwards and two forwards. Of the two toes which are directed backwards, one, of course, is the hallux, or proper hind-toe, and the other is the outermost of the normal three anterior toes. This arrangement of the toes enables the Scan- sores to climb with unusual facility. Their powers of flight, on the other hand, are generally only moderate and below the average. The most important families of the Scansores are the Cuckoos (Cuculidtz), the Woodpeckers and Wry-necks (Picidce},t\iz Par- rots (Psittacidce), the Toucans (RhamphastidP hi 402 MAMMALIA. merely ligamentous attachment. In some Mammals, however, such as the Mole, and many of the Bats, the pubic bones re- main disunited during life. As a rule also, the ossa innomin- ata are firmly united with the vertebral column. In the Ceta- ceans, in which the hind-limbs are wanting, and there is no sacrum, the innominate bones are rudimentary, and are not attached in any way to the spine. The only other bones which are ever connected with the pelvis are two small bones 4 which are directed upwards from the brim of the pelvic cavity in Marsupials and Monotremes. These are the so-called " marsupial bones " regarded generally as not forming parts of the skeleton properly so called, but as being ossifications of the internal tendons of the " external oblique" muscles of the abdomen (fig. 336). In those Mammals which possess hind-limbs, the normal composition of the member is of the following parts : — i. A thigh-bone or femur ; 2. Two bones forming the shank, and known as the tibia and fibula ; 3. A number of small bones constituting the ankle or tarsus ; 4. The " root " of the foot, made up of the " metatarsus ; " 5. The phalanges of the toes (see fig. 271). The thigh-bone or femur articulates with the pelvis, usually at a very open angle. In Man it is distinguished by being the longest bone of the body, and by having the axis of its shaft nearly parallel to that of the vertebral column. In most Mam- mals the femur is relatively shorter, and the axis of its shaft deviates considerably from that of the spine, being sometimes at right angles, or even at an acute angle. Of the bones of the leg proper the tibia corresponds to the radius in the fore-limb, as shown by its carrying the tarsus ; and the fibula is the representative of the ulna. The articula- tion between the tibia and fibula on the one hand, and the femur on the other, constitutes the " knee-joint," which is usu- ally defended in front by the " knee-pan " or patella, a large sesamoid bone developed in the tendons of the great extensor muscles of the thigh. The patella is of small size in the Car- nivora, but does not appear to be wanting in any except the Marsupials. In many cases the tibia and fibula are anchylosed towards their distal extremities. In the Horse the fibula has much the same character as in Birds, being a long splint-like bone which only extends about half-way down the tibia. In the Ruminants the reverse of this obtains, the upper half of the fibula being absent, and only the lower half present. The tibia articulates with the tarsus, consisting in Man of seven bones, but varying in different Mammals from four to nine. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE MAMMALIA. 403 The foot consists normally of five toes connected with the tarsus by means of five metatarsal bones, which closely re- semble the metacarpals. In the Ruminants there are only two metatarsals, and these are anchylosed in the adult, and carry two toes. In the Horse there is only one complete metatarsal supporting a single toe. As a rule, the number of digits in the hind-limb or foot is the same as that in the fore-limb or hand ; but this is not always the case. The cranial bones are invariably connected with one another by sutures, and in no other examples than the Monotremes are these sutures obliterated in the adult. The occipital bone carries two condyles for articulation with the first cervical vertebra. The lower jaw is composed of two halves or rami, which are distinct from another in the embryo, and may or may not be anchylosed together in the adult. However this maybe, in no Mammal is the ramus of the lower jaw composed of several pieces, as it is in Birds and Reptiles, nor does it articulate with the skull by the intervention of an os quadratum. On the other hand, each ramus of the lower jaw in the Mam- mals is composed of only a single piece, and articulates with the squamosal element of the skull, or, in other words, with the squamous portion of the temporal bone. Teeth are present in the great majority of Mammals ; but they are only present in the embryo of the Whalebone Whales, and are entirely absent in the genera Echidna, Mams, and Myrmecophaga. In the Duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus] the teeth are horny, and the same was the case in the extinct Rhytina amongst the Sirenia. In all other Mammals the teeth have their ordinary structure of dentine, enamel, and crusta petrosa, these elements being variously disposed in different cases. In no Mammals are the teeth ever anchylosed with the jaw, and in all the teeth are implanted into distinct sockets or alveoli, which, however, are very imperfect in some of the Cetacea. Many Mammals have only a single set of teeth throughout life, and these are termed by Owen " monophyodont." In most cases, however, the first set of teeth — called the " milk " or " deciduous " teeth — is replaced in the course of growth by a second set of "permanent" teeth. The deciduous and per- manent sets of teeth do not necessarily correspond to one another ; but no Mammal has ever more than these two sets. The Mammals with two sets of teeth are called by Owen " diphyodont." In Man and in many other Mammals the teeth are divisible into four distinct groups, which differ from one another in position, appearance, and function ; and which are known 404 MAMMALIA. respectively as the incisors, canines, prcemolars, and molars (fig. 335). "Those teeth which are implanted in the prae- maxillary bones, and in the corresponding part of the lower jaw, are called ' incisors,' whatever be their shape or size. The tooth in the maxillary bone which is situated at or near to the suture with the praemaxillary, is the ' canine/ as is also that tooth in the lower jaw which, in opposing it, passes in front of its crown when the mouth is closed. The other teeth of the first set are the ' deciduous molars ; ' the teeth which displace and succeed them vertically are the ' praemolars ; ' the more posterior teeth, which are not displaced by vertical successors, are the ' molars ' properly so called." — (Owen.) The deciduous dentition, therefore, of a diphyodont Mammal, consists of only three kinds of teeth — incisors, canines, and Fig. 335. — Teeth of the right side of the lower jaw of the Chimpanzee (after Owen). * Incisors ; c Canine ; pm Praemolars ; in Molars. molars. The incisor and canine teeth of the deciduous set are replaced by the teeth which bear the same names in the per- manent set. The deciduous " molars," however, are replaced by the permanent " praemolars," and the " molars " of the per- manent set of teeth are not represented in the deciduous series, only existing once, and not being replaced by successors. All these four kinds of teeth are not necessarily present in all Mammals, and, as will be afterwards seen, the characters of the teeth are amongst the most important of the distinctions by which the Mammalian orders are separated from one another. The variations which exist in the number of teeth in different Mammals are usually expressed by a " dental formula," which presents the " dentition " of both jaws in a condensed and easily-recognised form. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE MAMMALIA. 405 According to Owen, the typical permanent dentition of a diphyodont Mammal would be expressed by the following formula : — 3—3 i— i 4—4 3—3 The four kinds of teeth are indicated in such a formula by the letters — incisors i, canines c, praemolars pm, molars m. The numbers in the upper line indicate the teeth in the upper jaw, those in the lower line stand for those in the lower jaw; and the number of teeth on each side of the jaw is indicated by the short dashes between the figures. As regards their general distribution in time, as a matter of course, the remains of Mammals are scanty, and occupy but a small space in the geological record; since the greater number of the Mammalia are terrestrial, and the greater number of the stratified fossiliferous deposits are marine. The Mammals, too, are the most highly organised of the entire sub-kingdom of the Vertebrata ; and therefore, in obedience to the well-known law of succession, they ought to make their appearance upon the globe at a later period than any of the lower classes of the Vertebrata. Such, in point of fact, is to a great extent the case ; and if the geological record were perfect, the law would doubtless be carried out to its full extent. It is in the upper portion of the Triassic Rocks — that is to say, not long after the commencement of the Mesozoic or Secondary epoch — that Mammals for the first time make their appearance ; three or four species being now known in a zone of rocks which are placed at the summit of the Trias, just where this formation begins to pass into the Lias. The earliest of these —the oldest known of all the Mammals — appears at the upper part of the Upper Trias (Keuper) and also at its very summit (Penarth beds), and has been described under the name of Microlestes antiquus. The nearest ally of Microlestes amongst existing Mammals would seem to be the Marsupial and insec- tivorous Myrmecobius, or Banded Ant-eater of Australia. As only the teeth, however, of Microlestes have hitherto been dis- covered, it is impossible to decide positively whether this primeval Mammal was Marsupial or Placental. The next traces of Mammals occur in the Stonesfield Slate (Lower Oolites), and here four species, all of small size, are known to occur. Most of these were Marsupial, but it is possible that one was Placental. They form the genera Amphi- lestes, Amphitherium, Phascolotherium, and Stereognathus. After the Stonesfield Slate another interval succeeds, in which no 406 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. Mammalian remains have hitherto been found ; but in the fresh- water formation of the Middle Purbeck, at the top, namely, of the Oolitic series, as many as fourteen small Mammals have been discovered. These constitute the genera Plagiaulax, Spalacotherium, Triconodon, and Galestes. Another gap then follows, no Mammal having hitherto been discovered in any portion of the Cretaceous series (with doubtful exceptions). Leaving the Mesozoic and entering upon the Kainozoic period, remains of Mammals are never absent from any of the geological formations. From the base of the Eocene Rocks up to the present day remains of Mammals commonly occur, constantly increasing in number and importance, till we arrive at the fauna now in existence upon the globe. In the following are given the characters of each order of the Mammalia, with the range in time, and, so far as known, the more important fossil forms of each. The number, how- ever, of known fossil Mammals is so great, and in many cases they exhibit so many peculiarities and divergences from exist- ing forms, that nothing more can be attempted here than to give a brief and general sketch of the palaeontological history of the class ; attention being drawn, where it may seem necessary, to extinct types of special interest. CHAPTER XXXVI. ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. ORDER I. MONOTREMATA. — The first and lowest order of the Mammalia is that of the Moiiotremata, containing only two genera, both belonging to Australia — namely, the Duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus) and the Porcupine Ant-eater (Echidna]. The order is distinguished by the following characters : — The intestine opens into a " cloaca," which receives also the products of the urinary and generative organs, which discharge themselves into a urogenital canal — the condition of parts being very much the same as in Birds. The jaws are either wholly destitute of teeth (Echidna), or are furnished with horny plates which act as teeth. The pectoral arch has some highly bird-like characters, the most important of these being the extension of the coracoid bones to the anterior end of the sternum. The females possess no marsupial pouch, but the pelvis is furnished with the so-called " marsupial bones," be- MARSUPIALIA. 407 lieved to be ossifications of the internal tendon of the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. The corpus callosum is very small, and has been asserted to be altogether wanting. There are no external ears. The mammary glands have no nipples, and their ducts open either into a kind of integumentary pouch (Echidna} or simply on a flat surface ( Ornithorhynchui). The young are said to be destitute of a placenta, or, in other words, no vascular connection is established between the foetus and the mother. The feet have five toes each, armed with claws, and the males carry perforated spurs on the back of the tarsus (attached to a supplementary tarsal bone). As regards their geological history, the Monotremes are not known to be represented at all in past time ; and this need not excite any surprise, seeing that the order is represented at the present day by no more than two genera, both confined to a single geographical region. Upon theoretical grounds, how- ever, it may be expected that we shall ultimately discover that the antiquity of the order Monotremata is extremely high. ORDER II. MARSUPIALIA. — The order Marsupialia forms with the Monotremata the division of the Non-placental Mam- mals. With the single exception of the genus Didelphys, which is American, all the Marsupialia belong to the Melanesian pro- vince ; that is to say, they all belong to Australia, Van Diemen's Land, New Guinea, and some of the neighbouring islands. The following are the characters which distinguish the order : — The skull is composed of distinct cranial bones united by sutures, and they all possess true teeth ; whilst the angle of the lower jaw is almost always inflected. The pectoral arch has the same form as in the higher Mammals, and the coracoid no longer reaches the anterior end of the sternum. All pos- sess the so-called "marsupial bones" (fig. 336), attached to the brim of the pelvis. The corpus callosum is very small, and has been asserted to be absent. The young Marsupials are born in a very imperfect condition, of very small size, and at a stage when their development has proceeded to a very limited degree only. It is believed that there is no placenta or vascular communication between the mother and foetus, parturition taking place before any necessity arises for such an arrangement. As the young are born in such an imperfect state of development, special arrangements are required to secure their existence. When born, they are therefore, in the great majority of cases, transferred by the mother to a peculiar pouch formed by a folding of the integument of the abdomen. This pouch is known as the " marsupium," and gives the name 408 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. to the order. Within the marsupium are contained the nipples, which are of great length. Being for some time after their birth extremely feeble, and unable to perform the act of suc- tion, the young within the pouch are nourished involuntarily, the mammary glands being provided with special muscles which force the rnilk into the mouths of the young. At a later stage the young can suckle by their own exertions, and they leave the pouch and return to it at will. In a few forms there is no complete marsupium as above described ; but the structure of the nipples is the same, and the young are carried about by the mother, adhering to the lengthy teats. The so-called " marsupial bones " (fig. 336) doubtless serve to support the marsupial pouch and its con- tained young, but this cannot be their sole function, since they occur in the Monotremes, in which there is no pouch. They consist of two small bones, which spring from the brim of the pelvis, and which are merely ossi- fications of the internal tendons of the " external oblique " muscles of the abdomen. The Marsupialia may be pri- marily divided into the vegetable- eating and the rapacious or car- nivorous forms — the former characterised by the rudimentary condition or absence of the canine teeth, the molars mostly having broad grinding crowns ; whilst in the latter there are well-developed canines, and the molars mostly have trenchant edges. In the phytophagous section are the living Kangaroos (Macropodidcz], the Wombat (Phascolomys), the Kangaroo-rats (Hypsiprymnus\ and the Phalangers (Phalangistidce). In the carnivorous section are the true Opossums (Didelphidtz), the Banded Ant-eater (Myrmecobius\ the Thylatinus, and the " native devil " or Dasytirus. As regards their distribution in time, the Marsupialia pro- bably constitute the oldest of the Mammalian orders. Owing, however, to the detached and fragmentary condition of almost all Mammalian remains — consisting in many cases of the ramus of the lower jaw, or of separate teeth — it is not possible Fig. 336. — One side of the pel- vis of a Kangaroo, showing the "marsupial bones" (;«)• After Owen. MARSUPIALIA. 409 to state this with absolute certainty. The oldest known European Mammal is the Microlestes antiquus of the Upper Trias, only a few teeth of which have been as yet detected. The earliest horizon on which Microlestes occurs is in a " bone- bed " in the Keuper of Wiirtemberg ; but it has also been detected in the higher " Rhaetic " beds. Professor Owen believes that the Hypsiprymnopsis of Mr Boyd Dawkins, from the Rhaetic marls of Somersetshire, is also referable to Micro- lestes. Upon the whole, it is most probable that Microlestes was Marsupial ; and it appears to be most nearly related to the little insectivorous Myrmecobius or Banded Ant-eater of New South Wales (fig. 337). Fig. 337. — Myrmecobius fascia ins. Nearly allied to Microlestes is a small Mammal, a lower jaw of which has been obtained from the Trias of North America, and which has been described under the name of Dromatherium sylvestre. This little animal (fig. 338) appears also to be Mar- supial, and to be most nearly related to Myrmecobius. Each F'g- 338.— Lower jaw of Dromatherinnt sylvestre (after Emmons). From rocks supposed to be of Triassic age, in North Carolina. ramus of the lower jaw contains " ten small molars in a con- tinuous series, one canine, and three conical incisors — the latter being divided by short intervals " (Owen). 4IO ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. The next Mammaliferous horizon above the Trias is the Stonesfield Slate in the Lower Oolites ; and there is no doubt that some, if not all, of the Mammalian remains of this belong to small Marsupials. Four genera of small Mammals are known from this horizon — viz., Amphilestes^ AmphitJierium, Phascolotherium, and Stereognathus. In Amphitherium (fig. 339), the molars are cuspidate, and the animal was doubtless Fig. 339. — Ramus of the lower jaw of A mphitheriu m (Thylacotheriunt) Prevostii. Stonesfield Slate. insectivorous. It is believed by Owen to be Marsupial, and to be most nearly related to Myrmecobius. Amphilestes and Phascolotherium (fig. 340) are also believed by the same high authority to have been insectivorous Marsupials, and the latter is supposed to find its nearest living ally in the Opossums of America. Lastly, the Stereognathus of the Stonesfield Slate is in a dubious position. It may have been Marsupial ; but, upon the whole, Professor Owen is inclined to believe that it was placental, hoofed, and herbivorous. With the occurrence of small Marsupials in England within the Oolitic period, it is interesting to notice how the fauna of that time approached in other respects to that now inhabiting Australia. At the present day, Australia is almost wholly tenanted by Marsupials ; upon its land-surface flourish Arau- caricz and Cycadaceous plants, and in its seas swims the Port- Jackson Shark ( Cestracion Philippi) ; whilst the Molluscan genus Trigonia is nowadays exclusively confined to the Aus- tralian coasts. In England at the time of the deposition of the Stonesfield Slate, we must have had a fauna and flora very closely resembling what we now see in Australia. The small Marsupials Amphitherium and Phascolotherium prove that the Mammals were the same in order; cones of Araucarian pines, with tree-ferns and fronds of Cycads, occur throughout the Oolitic series; spine-bearing fishes, like the Port -Jackson Shark, are abundantly represented by genera such as Acrodus and Strophodus; and lastly, the genus Trigonia^ now exclu- sively Australian, is represented in the Stonesfield Slate by species which differ little from those now existing. Another singular point of resemblance is established by the MARSUPIALIA. 411 occurrence in the rivers of Queensland of the " Barramunda," which is referred to the genus Ceratodus — a genus which, though pre-eminently Triassic, nevertheless extended its range into the Jurassic period. Towards the close of the Oolitic period, in the Middle Pur- beck beds, we have evidence of a number of small Mammals, all of which are probably referable to the Marsupialia. Fourteen species are known, all of small size, the largest being no bigger than a polecat or hedgehog. The genera to which these little quadrupeds have been referred are Plagiaulax, Spalacotherium, Triconodon, and Galestes. The first of these — viz., Plagiaulax (fig. 340, 4) — is believed to be most nearly allied to the living Fig. 340. — Oolitic Mammals, natural size. i. Lower jaw and teeth of Phascolotherium', 2. of Triconodon; 3. of A mphitheri um ; 4. of Plagiaulax. Kangaroo-rats (Hypsiprymnus] of Australia ; and it is held by good authorities to have been phytophagous, as are its living relatives. Professor Owen, on the other hand, maintains that Plagiaulax was carnivorous. The remaining three genera — viz., Spalacotherium, Triconodon (fig. 340, 2), and Galestes — ap- pear to have been certainly insectivorous, and find their nearest living allies in the Australian Phalangers and the American Opossums. In the older Tertiary Rocks the remains of Marsupials are not abundant. In the Eocene Tertiary (Gypseous series of Montmartre), however, occurs an Opossum, which is very closely allied to the existing American forms, and which has been named the Didelphys Gypsorum. Other species of the same genus have also been discovered in deposits of Miocene age. In the later Tertiary and Post-tertiary period the order of the Marsupialia is represented by some very remarkable forms. The remains in question have been found in the bone-caves of Australia — the country in which Marsupials now abound above every other part of the globe ; and they show that Australia, 412 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. at no distant geological period, possessed a Marsupial fauna, much resembling that which it has at present, but compara- tively of a much more gigantic size. In the remains from the Australian bone-caves, almost all the most characteristic living Marsupials of Australia and Van Diemen's Land are repre- sented ; but the extinct forms are usually of much greater size. We have Wombats, Phalangers, Flying Phalangers, and Kan- garoos, with carnivorous Marsupials resembling the recent Thylacinus and Dasyurus. The two most remarkable of these extinct forms are Diprotodon and Thylacoleo. In most essen- tial respects Diprotodon resembled the Kangaroos, the denti- tion, especially, showing many points of affinity. The hind- limbs, however, of Diprotodon were by no means so dispro- portionately long as in the Kangaroos. In size, Dipro- todon must have many times exceeded the largest of the living Kangaroos, since the skull measures three feet in length (fig. 341). Smaller than Diprotodon is NototJierium, a genus which is also most nearly allied to the living Kangaroos. Thylacoleo (fig. 342), like Plagiaulax, is in a disputed posi- Fig. MI.— t Diprotodon Austraiis. Fig. 342.— Skull of Thylacoleo. Post-Tertiary deposits of Australia. (After Flower.) EDENTATA. 413 tion. By Professor Owen it is regarded as being strictly car- nivorous, and as finding its nearest living ally in the Thylacine. The great feature in the dentition is the presence in either jaw of one huge, compressed, and trenchant prsemolar. This is regarded by Owen as a " carnassial ; " but Professor Flower, with greater probability, regards it as corresponding to the great cutting praemolar of the Kangaroo-rats (Hypsiprymnus), a view which is further borne out by the small size of the canines in Thylacoleo. Upon the whole, therefore, Flower concludes that " Thylacoleo is a highly-modified and aberrant form of the type of Marsupials now represented by the Macro- podidce and Phalangistida, though not belonging to either of these families as now restricted," and he believes that its diet was of a vegetable nature. Under any view of its habits, Thylacoleo is a very remarkable type of the Marsupials ; and it must have attained a very great size, since the length of the crown of the great praemolar is not less than two inches and a quarter. ORDER III. EDENTATA, or BRUTA. — The lowest order of the placental or monodelphous Mammals is that of the Edentata, often known by the name of Bruta. The name Edentata is certainly not an altogether appropriate one, since it is only in two genera in the order that there are absolutely no teeth. The remaining members of the order have teeth, but these are always destitute of true enamel, are never displaced by a second set, and have no complete roots. Further, in none of the Edentata are there any median incisors, and in only one species (one of the Armadillos) are there any incisor teeth at all. . Canine teeth, too, are almost invariably wanting. Cla- vicles are usually present, but are absent in the Scaly Ant- eater (Manis}. All the toes are furnished with long and powerful claws. The mammary glands are usually pectoral, but are sometimes abdominal in position. The testes are abdominal in position. The skin is often covered with bony plates or horny scales. The order Edentata is conveniently divided into two great sections, in accordance with the nature of the food, the one section being phytophagous, the other insectivorous. In the former section is the single group of the Sloths (Bradypodidce). In the latter are the two groups of the Armadillos (Dasypodidce\ and the various species of Ant-eaters (the latter constituting Owen's group of the Edentuld). The Edentates, like the Marsupials, are singularly circum- scribed at the present day. No member of the order is at the present time indigenous in Europe. Tropical Asia and Africa 414 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. have the Scaly Ant-eaters or Pangolins ; and in Africa occurs the Edentate genus Orycteropus. South America, however, is the metropolis of the Edentata, the order being there repre- sented by the Sloths, the Armadillos, and the true Ant-eaters. It is also in South America that by far the greater number of extinct Edentates have been found ; and, as in the case of the Australian Marsupials, the fossil forms are gigantic in size as compared with their living representatives. The oldest known representative of the Edentata is the Macrotherium of the Miocene Tertiary of France. This is a gigantic Edentate, intermediate in some respects between the Pangolins (Manis) and the Aardwark (Orycteropus]. There does not appear to have been any dermal armour, and the teeth are rootless and destitute of enamel. The ungual pha- langes are bent like those of the Pangolins, and the animal doubtless possessed long curved claws. From the Upper Miocene of Attica, M. Gaudry has also described a gigantic Edentate, allied to Macrotherium, and larger than a Rhino- ceros. The name assigned to this singular form is Ancylo- therium Pentelici. In comparatively recent deposits in South America are found remains of Edentates corresponding to the three groups which now inhabit that continent — viz., the Sloths, Armadillos, and Hairy Ant-eaters. The Sloths (Bradypodidcz) are repre- sented in the Post-tertiary deposits of South America by a group of gigantic forms, the most important of which belong to the genera Megatherium, Mylodon, and Megalonyx. Megatherium (fig. 343) was a colossal Sloth-like Edentate, Fig. 343. — Megatherium Cnvien. Post-Pliocene, South America. EDENTATA. 415 which attained a length of eighteen feet, with bones as mas- sive as, or more so than, those of the Elephant. The jaws are destitute of canine and incisor teeth, but there are five upper and four lower molars on each side. All the molars have the form of quadrangular prisms, the crowns of which are furnished with well-marked transverse ridges : and they grew from per- manent pulps. The limbs are extremely massive, and the pectoral arch has a clavicle. The digits are very large and strong, and some of them are furnished with well-developed claws. The tail is enormously thick. Unlike the living Sloths, Megatherium must have been terrestrial in its habits, and must have lived upon the foliage of trees which it up- rooted for itself. The genus Mylodon comprises large Sloth-like animals, of which the best known is the Mylodon robustus (fig. 344). In its size, Mylodon robustus was smaller than the Megatherium, but it reached a length of eleven feet. In many respects Fig. 344.— Skeleton of Mylodon robustus. Post-Pliocene, South America. Mylodon is very like Megatherium, and the number of the teeth is the same — viz., five upper and four lower molars on each side. The crowns of the molars, however, were flat, instead of being ridged. The fore -feet are pentadacty- 41 6 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. lous, and the posterior tetradactylous, the two external digits being nailless. Megalonyx, unlike the preceding, has been found in both North and South America. It has the same number of teeth as Megatherium and Mylodon, but the crowns of these are exca- vated centrally and have a prominent margin. The fore-limbs are shorter than the hind-limbs, and the calcaneum is unusually long. Megalonyx was probably about the size of an ox. Just as the Sloths of the present day were formerly repre- sented in the same geographical area by the gigantic Megathe- roids, so the little banded and cuirassed Armadillos of South America were formerly represented by gigantic species, con- stituting the genus Glyptodon. The Glyptodons (fig. 345) differed from the living Armadillos in having no bands in their armour, so that they must have been unable to roll themselves up. It is rare at the present day to meet with any Armadillo over two or three feet in length ; but the length of the Glypto- don davipes, from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail, was more than nine feet. Fig. 345. — Glyptodon davipes. Post Pliocene, South America. There are no canine or incisor teeth in the Glyptodon, but there are eight molars on each side of each jaw, and the crowns of these are fluted and almost trilobed. The head is covered by a helmet of bony plates, and the trunk was defended by an armour of almost hexagonal bony pieces united by sutures, and exhibiting special patterns of sculpturing in each species. The tail was also defended by a similar armour, and the vertebras were mostly fused together so as to form a cylindrical bony rod. The feet are massive, and the ungual phalanges short and compressed. Besides the various species of Glyptodon, South America has also yielded the remains of several true species of Dasypus, nearly allied to the living Armadillos. These have been found SIRENIA. 417 in the ossiferous caverns of Brazil ; in which occur also other Edentates, which have been referred to separate genera, but the affinities of which are somewhat dubious. CHAPTER XXXVII. ORDERS OF MAMMALIA— Continued. ORDER IV. SIRENIA. — This order comprises no other living animals except the Dugongs and Manatees, which are often placed with the true Cetaceans (Whales and Dolphins) in a common order. There is no doubt, in fact, but that the Sirenia are very closely allied to the Cetacea, and though they are to be regarded as separate orders, yet they may be advantage- ously considered as belonging to a single section, which has been called Mutilata, from the constant absence of the hind- limbs. The Sirenia agree with the Whales and Dolphins in their complete adaptation to an aquatic mode of life (fig. 346) ; especially in the presence of a powerful caudal fin, which differs from that of Fishes in being placed horizontally and in being a mere expansion of the integuments, not supported by bony rays. The hind-limbs are wholly wanting, and there is no sa- crum. The anterior limbs are converted into swimming-paddles or " flippers." The snout is fleshy and well developed, and the nostrils are placed on its upper surface, and not on the top of the head, as in the Whales. Fleshy lips are present, and the upper one usually carries a moustache. The skin is covered with fleshy bristles. The head is not disproportionately large, as in the true Whales, and is not so gradually prolonged into the body as it is in the latter. There may be only six cervical vertebrae. The teats are two in number and are " thoracic," — i. e., are placed on the chest. There are no clavicles, and the digits have no more than three phalanges each. The testes are retained throughout life within the abdomen, but vesiculae seminales are present. The animal is diphyodont, the perma- nent teeth consisting of molars with flattened crowns adapted for bruising vegetable food, and incisors, which are present in the young animal, at any rate. In the extinct Rhytina it does not appear that there were any incisor teeth. The only existing Sirenia are the Manatees (Manatus) and 2 D 4i8 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. the Dugongs (Halicore), often spoken of collectively as " sea- cows/' and forming the family of the Manatidce. Fig. 346. — Sirenia. Dugong (Halicore). The most important, if not the only, fossil remains which can be referred with certainty to the Sirenia, are those upon which the genus Halitherium has been founded. The upper incisors in this genus are tusk-like, the lower incisors small, and the molars furnished with tubercular crowns. Halitherium appears to be in some respects intermediate between the Dugongs and Manatees ; and several species of the genus are known, ranging from the Eocene to the Pliocene Tertiary. The genus Deinotherium referred to this order by De Blain- ville, and still retained in this position by Pictet, will be here considered as belonging to the order of the Proboscidea. ORDER V. CETACEA. — In this order are the Whales, Dol- phins, and Porpoises, all agreeing with the preceding in their complete adaptation to an aquatic life. The body is com- pletely fish-like in form ; the anterior limbs are converted into swimming-paddles or " flippers ; " the proximal bones of the fore-limbs are much reduced in length, and the succeeding bones are shortened and flattened, and are enveloped in a tendinous skin, thus reducing the limbs to oar-like fins ; there are no external ears ; the posterior limbs are completely absent; and there is a powerful, horizontally-flattened, caudal fin, some- times accompanied by a dorsal fin as well. In all these char- acters the Cetacea agree with the Sirenia, except in the one last mentioned. On the other hand, the nostrils, which may be single or double, are always placed at the top of the head, constituting the so-called " blow-holes " or " spiracles ; " and they are never situated at the end of a snout. The body is very sparingly furnished with hairs, or the adult may be com- pletely hairless. The teats are two in number and are placed upon the groin. The head is generally of disproportionately large size, and is never separated from the body by any distinct constriction or neck. The lumbar region of the spine is long, CETACEA. 419 and, as in the Sirenia, there is no sacrum, and the pelvis is only present in a rudimentary form. There are no clavicles, and some of the digits may possess more than three phalanges each. Lastly, the adult is either destitute of teeth or, with ex- ception of the Zeuglodonts, is monophyodont — that is to say, possesses but a single set of teeth, which are never replaced by others. When teeth are present, they are usually conical and numerous, and they are almost always of one kind only. The Cetacea may be divided into the two sections of the BalcznidcE, comprising only the " Whalebone Whales," in which true teeth are absent ; and the " Toothed Whales " or Odonto- ceti, comprising the living families of the Delphinida (Dolphins and Porpoises), the Catodontida (Sperm Whales), and the Rhyn- choceti (" Ziphioid " Whales), with the extinct family of the Zeuglodontida. Fig. 347. — Skull of the Right Whale (Balcena ntysticetus) — after Owen. Fam. i. Balcznida. — The BalT ines, and 4 — 7 molars. 6 — o The genus Tapirus, including the existing Tapirs, appears for the first time in deposits of Miocene age, and is represented by various species in Pliocene and Post-Pliocene strata. The genus Lophiodon comprises Tapiroid Ungulates, which are essentially, if not exclusively, of Miocene age. They differ from the Tapirs almost solely in the characters of some of the molar and prsemolar teeth. Lastly, the genus Coryphodon, likewise nearly related to the Tapirs, is found exclusively in the Eocene Tertiary. UNGULATA. 427 Fam. 3. Palaotheridce. — This family includes certain ex- tinct Ungulates from the Eocene and Miocene Tertiary. They are characterised by the possession of three toes to all the feet, by having canines, and by the fact that the lower molars have a doubly crescentic form. The canines are longer than the other teeth, and the dental formula is — 3 — 3 J — I 4 — 4 3 — 3 / ; c- — -; pm- — r; m-— = 44. 3—3 4—4 3—3 The chief, if not the only, genus in this family is Palceotherium itself. Several species of this genus are known, varying in size from a sheep up to a horse. From the size and form of the nasal bones, it is deduced, with great probability, that the Palae- othere possessed a short movable proboscis or trunk (fig. 352). Fig. 352. — Outline of Palceo therium magnum, restored, after Cuvier. Upper Eocene. All the known species of Palceotherium are Eocene or Miocene, and the genus attained its maximum in the former period. Fam. 4. Solidungula or Equidce. — This family comprises the Horses, Asses, and Zebras, characterised by the fact that the feet have only a single perfect toe each, enclosed in a single broad hoof. There is a discontinuous series of teeth in each jaw ; and in the males, canines are present, but these are wanting in the females. The dental formula is — .3—3 i — i pm 3—3 m = 40. 3—3 i— i 3—3 3—3 The skin is covered with hair, and the neck is furnished with a mane. 428 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. Three fossil genera of this family are known — viz., Anchi- therium, Hipparion, &&& Equus , the last of which is represented at the present day by the existing Horses, Asses, and Zebras. Anchitherium comprises some singular forms from the Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene. In this genus each foot is fur- nished with a single functional hoofed toe, flanked by two small hoofed digits, which are sufficiently developed to touch the ground. Anchitherium is nearly related to Palceotherium. Hipparion is confined to the Upper Miocene and Pliocene deposits, and is distinguished by the fact that each foot pos- sessed a single fully-developed toe, bordered by two function- ally useless toes, which did not touch the ground, but simply dangled on each side of the central toe. In the genus Equus, the foot consists of a single developed toe, but there are two rudimentary toes in the form of little bony spines — the so-called " splint-bones " — which are attached to the carpus on either side of the metacarpal of the single functional toe. In the Pliocene period appear, for the first time, remains of horses which, like the present form, possessed only a single toe encased in a single hoof. It is interesting to observe that one of the Pliocene horses (Equus curvidens) occurs in South America, though this continent certainly pos- sessed no native horse at the time of its discovery by the Spaniards. About twenty horses — one of them standing no more than two and a half feet in height — have been described from North America, in which continent no indigenous horse existed at the time of its discovery. The Equus fossilis of the Post-Pliocene and Recent deposits is specifically undistinguish- able from the common horse (Equus caballus}. SECTION B. ARTIODACTYLA. — In this section of the Ungu- lates the number of the toes is even — either two or four — and the third toe in each foot forms a symmetrical pair with the fourth. The dorso-lumbar vertebrae are nineteen in number, and there is no third trochanter on the femur. If true horns are present, these are always in pairs, and are supported by bony horn-cores. The antlers of the Deer are also paired, but they are not to be regarded as true horns. The stomach is always more or less complex, or is divided into separate com-" partments, and the aecum is comparatively small and simple. The section Artiodactyla comprises the Hippopotamus, the Pigs, and the whole group of the Ruminants, including Oxen, Sheep, Goats, Antelopes, Camels, Llamas, Giraffes, Deer, &c. Besides these there is an extensive series of fossil forms com- mencing in the Eocene or Lower Tertiary period, and in many respects filling up the gaps between the living forms. UNGULATA. 429 The group of the Artiodactyle Ungulates may be divided into two sections termed respectively Omnivora and Rumi- nantia, according as they live upon a miscellaneous (but chiefly vegetable) diet, or are exclusively vegetable-feeders and chew the cud. In the former are the living families of the Hippo- potamidce, and Suida (Swine), with the extinct group of the Anoplotherida. In the latter are the Camelidce, Moschidce (Musk-deer), Cervidce (Deer), Camelopardalidce (Giraffes), and Cavicornia (Antelopes, Sheep, Goats, and Oxen). OMNIVORA. i. Hippopotamida. — This group contains only the single genus Hippopotamus, characterised by the massive heavy body, the short blunt muzzle, the large head, and the presence of 2 2 teeth of three kinds 'in both jaws. The incisors are - — , the 2 2 -.- y *7 * fa A canines extremely large, , and the molars, ' — '- or - — - i — i 7 — 7 6 — 6' with crowns adapted for grinding vegetable substances. The upper canines are short, but the lower canines are in the form of enormous tusks, with a chisel-shaped edge. The feet are massive, and are terminated by four hoofed toes each. The eyes and ears are small, and the skin is extremely thick, and is furnished with few hairs. The tail is very short. Several extinct species of Hippopotamus are known, but there is only one well-established living form, the Hippopo- tamus amphibius or River-horse, and this is confined to the African continent. The genus Hippopotamus may be divided into two sub- genera, in accordance with the number of the incisor teeth. In the sub-genus Tetraprotodon, comprising the living species and most of the fossil forms, there are four incisors in each jaw. In the sub-genus Hexaprotodon, compris- ing several Miocene species from -India, there are six incisors in each jaw. The best -known fossil species of Hippopotamus in Europe is the H. Fig. 353.— Molar tooth of Hip- major, which is found both in Pliocene ^rafS. *lS*PtiU2L and in Post-Tertiary deposits. This species is very nearly allied to the living H. amphibius; but it extended its range over the whole of the south of Europe. 43O ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. In the Tertiary deposits of the Siwalik Hills in India (Mio- cene) have been discovered several species of Hippopotamus, belonging to the sub-generic type, Hexaprotodon. 2. Suida. — The group of the Suida, comprising the Pigs, Hogs, and Peccaries, is very closely allied to the preceding ; but the feet have only two functional toes, the other two toes being much shorter, and hardly touching the ground. All the three kinds of teeth are present, but they vary a good deal. The canines always are very large, and in the males they usu- ally constitute formidable tusks projecting from the sides of the mouth. The incisors are variable, but the lower ones are always inclined forwards. The molars vary from three to seven on each side of the mouth (^ — * or Z — '-}. The stom- 3—3 7—7 ach is mostly slightly divided, and is not nearly so complex as in the Ruminants. The snout is truncated and cylindrical, fitted for turning up the ground, and is capable of consider- able movement. The skin is more or less abundantly covered with hair, and the tail is very short, or represented only by a tubercle. The most important genera of the Suida are Sus (Pigs), Dicotyles (Peccaries), Charopotamus, Hyopotamus, and Anthra- cotherium, of which the three last are extinct. The genus Sus, comprising the true Pigs, appears to have commenced its existence in the Miocene Tertiary. Several species are known from Pliocene deposits ; and the Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) has been found in Post-Pliocene accumula- tions (commencing in the prae-glacial forest-bed of Norfolk). The genus Dicotyles, comprising the existing Peccaries, is at present confined to the American continent. The same country also has yielded five fossil species, which have been found in the bone-caves of Brazil, and two of which appear to have been much larger than the living forms. Chceropotamus comprises some Upper Eocene Suida, which possess seven molars on each side of each jaw, the first of these (prsemolars) being compressed, whilst the others are tuberculate. The canines are short, and are not exserted, as they are in the Wild Boar. Hyopotamus is another genus, in which the canines are short. All the species of this latter genus belong to the Upper Eocene and Lower Miocene Ter- tiary. Lastly, the genus Anthracotherium is nearly allied to Chczropotamus, with which it agrees in the number and general form of the praemolar and molar teeth. All the known species of this genus belong to the Lower Miocene. 3. Anoplotheridcz. — Forming a kind of transition between UNGULATA. 43 1 the Swine and the true Ruminants, is the extinct group of the Anoplotheridcz, from the Lower Tertiary Rocks. The Anoplo- theria (fig. 354) were slender in form, with long tails, and feet terminated by two hoofed toes each, sometimes with small accessory hoofs. The dentition consisted of six incisors in each jaw, small canines not larger than the incisors, and seven molars on each side, there being no interval or diastema be- tween the molars and the canines. Fig. 354. — A noplotherinm commune. Eocene Tertiary. There was thus a continuous series of teeth in each jaw, the dental formula being— 3-3 i- 1 4-4 3-3 ~ The most important genera of this family are Anoplotherium and Xiphodon of the Upper Eocene, Chalicotherium of the Miocene, and Dichobune of the Middle Eocene ; but many less important genera are known. RUMINANTIA. The last section of the Artiodadyle Ungulates is the great and natural group of the Ruminantia, or Ruminant animals. This section comprises the Oxen, Sheep, Antelopes, Giraffes, Deer, Camels, &c., and is distinguished by the following char- acters : — The foot is what is called " cloven," consisting of a symmet- rical pair of toes encased in hoofs, and looking as if produced by the splitting into two equal parts of a single hoof. In addi- tion to these functional toes, there are usually two smaller sup- plementary hoofs placed at the back of the foot. The meta- carpal bones of the two functional toes of the fore-limb, and the metatarsal bones of the same toes of the hind-limb, coalesce 432 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. to form a single bone, known as the " canon-bone." The stomach is complex, and is divided into several compartments, this being in accordance with their mode of eating. They all, namely, ruminate or " chew the cud " — that is to say, they first swallow their food in an unmasticated or partially-masticated condition, and then bring it up again, after a longer or shorter time, in order to chew it thoroughly. The dentition of the Ruminants presents peculiarities almost as great and as distinctive as those to be derived from the di- gestive system. In the typical Ruminants (e.g., Oxen, Sheep, Antelopes), there are no incisor teeth in the upper jaw, their place being taken by a callous pad of hardened gum, against which the lower incisors impinge (fig. 355). There are also no m Fig. 355. — Skull of a hornless Sheep (after Owen), i Incisors; c Canines ; in Molars and prjemolars. upper canine teeth, and the only teeth in the upper jaw are six molars on each side. In the front of the lower jaw is a con- tinuous and uninterrupted series of eight teeth, of which the central six are incisors, and the two outer ones are regarded by Owen as being canines. Upon this view, canine teeth are pre- sent in the lower jaw of the typical Ruminants, and they are only remarkable for being placed in the same series as the in- cisors, which they altogether resemble in shape, size, and direc- tion. Behind this continuous series of eight teeth in the lower jaw there is a vacant space, which is followed behind by six molars on each side. UNGULATA. 433 The dental formula, then, for a typical Ruminant animal is — o — o o — o t c — . *m t-3 -w3-=3 3—3' i— i ' * 3—3' 3—3 The departures from this typical formula occur in the Camelidce, the Moschidce, and in some of the Deer. Most of the Deer con- form in their dentition to the above formula, but a few forms (e. g., the Muntjak) have canine teeth in the upper jaw. These upper canines, however, are mostly confined to the males; and if they occur in the females, they are of a small size. The dentition of the Camelidce (Camels and Llamas) is still more aberrant ; there being two canine-like upper incisors and upper canines as well. The lower canines also are more pointed and stand more erect than the lower incisors, so that they are easily recognisable. The group of the Ruminantia includes the families of the Camelidce (Camels and Llamas), the Moschidce (Musk-deer), the Cervidce (Deer), the Camelopardalidce (Giraffe), and the Cavicor- nia (Oxen, Sheep, Goats, Antelopes). a. Camelidce. — The Camels and Llamas constitute in many respects an aberrant group of the Ruminantia, especially in their dentition, the peculiarities of which have been spoken of above, and need not be repeated here. In their feet, too, the Camelidce are peculiar. The feet are long and terminate in only two toes, which are covered by imperfect nail-like hoofs, covering no more than the upper surface of each toe. The two hinder supplementary toes, which are mostly present in the Ruminants, are here altogether wanting ; and the soles of the feet are covered by a callous horny integument, by which the two toes of each foot are conjoined, and upon which the ani- mal walks. The head in all the Camelidce is destitute of horns, and the nostrils can be closed at the will of the animal. The two living genera of the Camelidce are Camelus, compris- ing the true Camels, and Auchenia, comprising the Llamas and Alpacas of South America. Both of these genera are repre- sented by fossil forms, the former by two species which occur in the Tertiary deposits of the Siwalik Hills, in India, and the latter by two species which occur in the bone-caves of Brazil, and one of which exceeded the horse in size. Besides these existing genera, there are the two extinct genera Merycotherium and Macrauchenia. The first of these is only known by some molar teeth, which have been discovered in the drift of Siberia, and which resemble those of the Camel in form. Macrauchenia is a remarkable extinct genus, which is in many respects intermediate between the Perissodactyle and 2 E 434 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. Artiodactyle Ungulates. In fact, as the feet appear to be un- doubtedly three-toed, it can only with some violence be consi- dered here as belonging to the Artiodactyles. At the same time, it shows many remarkable points of affinity to the Came- lidcz, and it may be regarded as a generalised type, presenting resemblances on the one hand to Palceotherium, and on the other hand to the Llamas (Auchenia). Only a single species is known, which equals the Rhinoceros in size, and occurs in Post-Tertiary or late Tertiary strata in South America. b. Moschidce. — The second group is that of the Musk-deer, characterised by the total absence of horns in both sexes, and by the presence of canines in both jaws, those in the upper jaw being in the form of tusks in the males, but being much smaller in the females. The family Moschidce is a small one, and is of little geologi- cal importance. A species of Moschus, allied to the living Musk-deer, has been found in India, and another form has been indicated as occurring in the later Tertiary deposits of Europe. The genus Amphitragiilus has been founded upon remains from the Lower Miocene of France ; and the nearly-allied Dremo- therium has been discovered in the Miocene deposits of France and Attica. c. Cervidce. — This family is of much greater importance than that of the Mosckidtf, including as it does all the true Deer. They are distinguished from the other Ruminants chiefly by the nature of the horns. With the single exception of the Reindeer, these appendages are confined to the males amongst the Cervidce, and do not occur in the females. They do not consist, as in the succeeding group, of a hollow sheath of horn surrounding a central bony core, nor are they permanently re- tained by the animal. On the other hand, the horns, or, as they are more properly called, the antlers, of the Cervidce are deciduous, and are solid. They are bony throughout, and are usually more or less branched, and they are annually shed and annually reproduced at the breeding season. They increase in size and in the number of branches every time they are reproduced, until in the old males they may attain an enor- mous size. The living Cervidce are very generally distributed, but no member of the group has hitherto been discovered in either Australia or South Africa, their place in the latter continent seeming to be taken by the nearly-allied Antelopes (distin- guished by their hollow horns). The true Cervidce do not seem to make their appearance before the Miocene period, in which they are represented by UNGULATA. 435 the extinct genus Dorcatkerhtm, and by species of the living genus Cervus. The former of these appears to have been furnished with upper canines ; and the animal had antlers supported upon bony peduncles, in both of these respects re- sembling the living Muntjak (Cervus Afuntfak) of India. The number of known fossil Deer is very considerable, but many forms are only known by fragmentary remains ; and it will be sufficient here to speak of some of the more important examples. *ig. 356. — Cervus tnegaceros (Megaceros Hibertiicus). The " Irish Elk." Post-Pliocene. The true Elks, represented by the living Moose (Alces mal- c/iis, or A. palmatus), are distinguished by their antlers with- out either basal or mesial " tines," but terminated by a great 436 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. palmation digitated on its outer side only. Antlers of a species undistinguishable from the existing Moose have been found not uncommonly in Post-Pliocene deposits in various parts of Europe, but this animal does not make its appearance till after the close of the Glacial period. The Reindeer (Cervus tarandus] of Northern Europe and North America is remarkable for being the only member of the Cervidce. in which both sexes have horns. The horns are of large size, cylindrical, divided, with basilar and median tynes. Remains of the Reindeer are 'found, often in con- siderable abundance, in various Post - Pliocene deposits in Europe, extending as far south as the Pyrenees. Intermediate between the Reindeer and the Fallow-deer is the celebrated Post-Pliocene species, which is commonly known as the "Irish Elk" (Cervus megaceros, or Megaceros Hibernicus}. This extinct form (fig. 356) is remarkable for its great size and for the enormous dimensions of the spreading antlers, which are expanded towards their extremities, and attain an expanse of as much as ten feet from tip to tip. The Cervus megaceros is exclusively Post-Tertiary, but does not appear, so far as is known with certainty, to have survived into the Prehistoric period. The true Stags (Cervus), to which the Irish Elk seems pro- perly to belong, are typified by such species as the Red Deer ( Cervus elaphus] of Europe, and the Wapiti ( Cervus Canadensis] of North America. The former of these occurs in a fossil state in Post-Pliocene and* Recent deposits in Europe, and the latter is represented in accumulations of the same age in America by a closely-allied or identical form. The Roebuck (Cervus capreolus], distinguished by its branched antlers, with a median, but without a basilar, tyne, is also known in a fossil condition in Post-Pliocene deposits in Europe, appearing before the commencement of the Glacial period. The Miocene and Pliocene deposits, lastly, have yielded remains of Cervidce, which have been referred to various species ; but none of these are sufficiently important to merit especial mention. d. Camelopardalida. — This family includes only a single living animal — the Camelopardalis Giraffa, or Giraffe — some- times called the Camelopard, from the fact that the skin is spotted like that of the Leopard, whilst the neck is long, and gives it some distant resemblance to a Camel. There are no upper canines in the Giraffe, and both sexes possess two small frontal horns, which, however, are persistent, and remain per- UNGULATA. 437 manently covered by a hairy skin, terminated by a tuft of long stiff bristles. The neck is of extraordinary length, but, never- theless, consists of no more than the normal seven cervical vertebrae. The fore-legs appear to be much longer than the hind-legs, and all are terminated by two toes each, the supple- mentary toes being altogether wanting. Fossil species of Giraffe have been discovered in the Ter- tiary deposits of the Siwalik Hills in India and in the Upper Miocene of Attica; and a species has also been described from France. This last, however, would seem to be referable to the genus Helladotherium, founded for the reception of some singular fossils from the Upper Miocene Tertiary of Attica. In this remarkable genus there appear to have been no horns, and 'the teeth present certain resemblances to those of the Antelopes. e. Cavicornia. — The last family of the Ruminants is that of the Cavicornia or Bovida, comprising the Oxen, Sheep, Goats, and Antelopes. This family includes the most typical Rumi- nants, and those of most importance to man. The upper jaw in all the Cavicornia is wholly destitute of incisors and canines, the place of which is taken by the hardened gum, against which the lower incisors bite. There are six incisors and two canines in the lower jaw, placed in a continuous series, and the molars are separated by a wide gap from the canines. There are six molars on each side of each jaw. Both sexes have horns, or the males only may be horned, but in either case these ap- pendages are very different from the " antlers " of the Cervidce. The horns, namely, are persistent, instead of being deciduous, and each consists of a bony process of the frontal bone — or "horn-core" — covered by a sheath of horn. The feet are cleft, but are furnished with accessory hoofs placed on the back of the foot. The Cavicornia comprise the three families of the Antilopidcz, Ovida, and Bovidcz. The Antelopes form an extremely large section, with very many species. They are characterised by their slender deer-like form, their long and slender legs, and their simple, cylindrical, annulated, or twisted horns, which are usually confined to the males, but sometimes occur in the females as well. The above definition will not apply in all points to some singular extinct forms usually referred to the Antilopida, nor to one aberrant existing form — viz., the Prong-buck (Antilope furcifer, or Antilocapra Americana). This extraordinary and unique species differs from the typical Antelopes in having no accessory hoofs, in having horns which have a snag in front, 438 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. and in the fact that the outer sheath of the horn is deciduous, and not permanent. For these reasons, it has been proposed to place the Prong-buck in a separate family (the Aniilocaprida) ; but it is more convenient here to consider it as an aberrant member of the Antilopidce. Several species of Antelope have been described from the Miocene and Pliocene deposits of Europe, but none of them are of any special importance. Fossil Antelopes have also been discovered in the bone-caves of Brazil, though no mem- ber of this family is known at the present day as existing in South America. By far the most remarkable fossils, however, which have been generally referred to the Antilopidce, are those on which the genera Sivatherium and Bramatherium have been founded. Sivatherium (fig. 357) is known by the single species S. giganteum, discovered by Dr Falconer and Sir Proby Cautley in the Tertiary deposits of the Siwalik Hills in India. The Fig- 357- — Skull of Sivatlierium giganteum. Pliocene, India. (After Murie.) most important peculiarity in Sivatherium is the structure of the horns, of which the animal possessed two pairs. Both pairs of horns were supported by bony " cores/' so that there can be no hesitation in referring Sivatherium to the group of UNGULATA. 439 the Cavicornia. The anterior horns, as shown by the shape of the horn-cores, were simple; and if the posterior horns had been of a similar form, then Sivatherium might have been fairly regarded as merely a gigantic four -horned Antelope, similar to the living Antilope (Tetraceros) quadricornis of India. The posterior horns, however, are not only much larger than the anterior, but they possess two snags or branches — a peculiarity not to be paralleled amongst existing Cavicornia, except in the Prong-buck. Dr Murie, however, in an admirable paper on the affinities of Sivatherium, has drawn attention to the fact that the Prong-buck sheds the sheath of its horns annually, and has suggested that this may have also been the case with the extinct form. This hypothesis is ren- dered probable, amongst other reasons, by the fact that no sheath has as yet been discovered surrounding the horn-cores of either pair of horns in the Sivatherium. Upon the whole, therefore, the above-mentioned zoologist would refer Siva- therium to a distinct group which he terms Sivatherida, and regards as being most nearly related to the Antilocaprida. Bramatherium has been found in deposits of the same age as Sivatherium, with which it agrees in its colossal dimensions and its possession of two pairs of hollow horns. It differs from Sivatherium, however, in certain details of minor importance. The Sheep and Goats (Ovida) have mostly horns in both sexes, and the horns are generally curved, compressed, and turned more or less backwards. The body is heavier, and the legs shorter and stouter, than in the true Antelopes. In the true Goats (Capra) both sexes have horns, and there are no lachrymal sinuses. The true Sheep (Ovis) are destitute of a beard, and the horns are generally twisted into a spiral. Horns may be present in both sexes, or in the males only. The Sheep and Goats are of no importance as fossils, unless, indeed, as believed by high authorities, the Musk-ox should be referred to the Ovidcz. Here, however, it will be considered as belonging to the Bovidce. Remains of both Sheep and Goats have been discovered in various Post-Tertiary deposits in Europe, but they present nothing of special interest. The true Oxen (Bovida) are distinguished by having simple horns, of a rounded shape, not twisted into a spiral. A few remains of Bovidcz have been found in deposits of Pliocene age, but the Oxen are essentially Post-Pliocene and Recent. The most important Fossil Oxen are the Urus, the Aurochs, the Bos longifrons of Owen, and the Musk-ox. The Aurochs or Lithuanian Bison (Bos bison] can hardly be considered as a fossil form, as it occurs in a living state in 440 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. Europe at the present day. Remains, however, of this large ox are found in various prehistoric deposits. The Bos longifrons of Owen, or " Small Short-horn," is in a similar position to the Aurochs. According to Mr Boyd Dawkins, this form (which is identical with the Bos frontosus of Nilsson) has not been proved to occur in any Post-Pliocene deposit, though it occurs plentifully in the bone-caves and alluvia of the Recent or prehistoric period. It is believed by the same high authority that the Bos longifrons is the ancestor of our present Welsh or Scotch Cattle. The Urus or Wild Bull (Bos primigenius\ though much larger than our ordinary oxen, is believed to be specifically undistinguishable from the domestic Ox (Bos taurus\ and it was probably the parent of the larger varieties of European Fig- 358.— Skull of the Urus (Bos primigenius). Post-Pliocene and Recent. Oxen. It was a contemporary of the Mammoth, Woolly Rhinoceros, Cave Lion, Cave Bear, Irish Elk, and other Post- Pliocene Mammals, and it was in existence up to at least the twelfth century. The last of the Oxen which deserves notice is the curious Musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus). This singular animal is at the present day a native of Arctic America, and is remarkable for the great length of the hair. It is called the Musk-ox, because it gives out a musky odour. Like the Reindeer, the Musk-ox had formerly a much wider geographical range than it has at present — the conditions of climate which are necessary for its existence having at that time extended over a veiy much HYRACOIDEA — PROBOSCIDEA. 44! larger area than at present. The Musk-ox, in fact, in Post Tertiary times is known to have extended over the greater part of Europe, remains of it occurring abundantly in certain of the bone-caves of France. As already mentioned, high authorities regard the Musk-ox as being truly a large Sheep, and as being, therefore, referable to the Ovidce. CHAPTER XXXIX. ORDERS OF MAMMALIA— Continued. HYRACOIDEA AND PROBOSCIDEA. ORDER VII. HYRACOIDEA. — This is a very small order which has been constituted by Huxley for the reception of two or three little animals, which make up the single genus Hyrax. These have been usually placed in the immediate neighbour- hood of the Rhinoceros, to which they have some decided affinities, and they are still retained by Owen in the section of the Perissodactyle Ungulates. The order is distinguished by the following characters : — There are no canine teeth, and the incisors of the upper jaw are long and curved, and grow from permanent pulps, as they do in the Rodents (such as the Beaver, Rat, &c.) The molar teeth are singularly like those of the Rhinoceros. According to Huxley, the dental formula of the aged animal is — . 2 — 2 o — o 4 — 4 3 — 3 ^»4=5;*» 3-5-36, The fore-feet are tetradactylous, the' hind-feet tridactylous, and all the toes have rounded hoof-like nails, with the exception of the inner toes of the hind-feet, which have an obliquely-curved nail. There are no clavicles. The nose and ears are short, and the tail is represented by a mere tubercle. The living species of Hyrax inhabit Syria, Palestine, and South Africa. No fossil representative of the order has as yet been discovered. The Hyracotherium of the Eocene Tertiary, however, received its name from its supposed affinities to the living Hyrax. ORDER VIII. PROBOSCIDEA. — The eighth order of Mammals is that of the Proboscidea, comprising no other living animals 442 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. except the Elephants, but including also the extinct Mastodon and Deinotherium. The order is characterised by the total absence of canine teeth ; the molar teeth are few in number, large, and trans- versely ridged or tuberculate ; incisors are always present, and grow from persistent pulps, constituting long tusks (fig. 359). Fig- 359- — Skull of the Indian Elephant (Elephas Indicus). /Tusk-like upper incisors ; m Lower jaw, with grinding molars, but without incisors ; n Nostrils, placed at the ex- tremity of the proboscis. In all the Elephants there are two of these tusk-like incisors in the upper jaw, and the lower jaw is without incisor teeth. In the Deinotherium this is reversed, there being two tusk-like lower incisors and no upper incisors. In the Mastodons, the incisors are usually developed in the upper jaw, and form tusks, as in the Elephants ; but sometimes there are both upper^and lower incisors, and both are tusk-like. The nose is prolonged into a cylindrical trunk, movable in every direction, highly sensitive, and terminating in a finger-like prehensile lobe (fig. 359). The nostrils are placed at the extremity of the proboscis. The feet are furnished with five toes each, but these are only partially indicated externally by the divisions of the hoof. The feet are furnished with a thick pad of integument, forming the PROBOSCIDEA. 443 palms of the hand and the soles of the feet. There are no clavicles. The testes are abdominal throughout life. There are two teats, and these are placed upon the chest. The order Proboscidea comprises the three genera, Elephas (with both living and extinct representatives), Mastodon, and Deinotherium, the two latter being extinct. The order came into existence in the Miocene period, in which it is represented by all these three genera. The genus Elephas comprises the living Asiatic and Indian Elephants. In all the Elephants, whether living or extinct, the " tusks " are formed by an enor- mous development of the upper incisors. The milk-tusks are early shed, and never attain any great size. The permanent tusks, however, grow from persistent pulps, attaining in old males an enormous size. The lower incisors are absent, and there are no other teeth in the jaws except the large molars, which are usually two in number on each side of each jaw. The molar teeth are of very large size, and are composed of a number of transverse plates of enamel united together by dentine. In the Indian Elephant the transverse ridges of enamel are narrow and undulating, whilst in the African Elephant they enclose lozenge-shaped intervals. The surfaces of the molars are approximately flat, and the plates of enamel form patterns which are very characteristic of Fig. 360. — Molar of the Mammoth (ElepJtas primigeuius), upper jaw, right side, half natural size. Post-Pliocene, a Grinding surface ; b Side view. the different species. Subjoined are illustrations of the molars of three of the most important Post-Pliocene Elephants (figs. 360-362). 444 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. No Elephant has as yet been discovered in the Miocene deposits of Europe, but six species are known from strata of this age in India. In the Pliocene period, Europe possessed its Elephants, of which the most important is the Elephas antiquus (fig. 362). This is essentially a southern form, and is found in Pliocene strata in France and Italy. It survived the Glacial period, and is found abundantly in various Post- Pliocene deposits. It abounded in Post-Pliocene times chiefly in Southern Europe, south of the Alps and Pyrenees ; and it is only on the northern edge of this area that its remains are found commingled with those of the Mammoth. Fig. 361. — Molar tooth of Elephas meridionalis, one-third of natural size. Pliocene and Post-Pliocene. (After Lyell.) Fig. 362. — Molar tooth of Elephas antiquus. Penultimate molar, one-third 01 natural size. Post-Pliocene and Pliocene. (After Lyell.) Of the Post-Pliocene Elephants by far the best-known and most important is the Mammoth (Elephas primigenius}. This remarkable form (fig. 363) was essentially northern in its dis- tribution, never passing south of a line drawn through the Pyrenees, the Alps, the northern shores of the Caspian, Lake Baikal, Kamschatka, and the Stanovi Mountains (Dawkins). It occurs in the prae-Glacial forest-bed of Cromer in Norfolk, survived the Glacial period, and is found abundantly in Post- Glacial deposits in France, Germany, Britain, Russia in Europe, Asia, and North America, being often associated with the Rein- PROBOSCIDEA. 445 deer, Lemming, and Musk-ox. That it survived into the ear- lier portion of the human period is unquestionable, its remains having been found in a great number of instances associated B bfl - with implements of human manufacture ; whilst in one instance a recognisable portrait of it has been discovered, carved on bone. From its great abundance in Siberia, it might have been safely inferred that the Mammoth was able to endure a much 446 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. colder climate than either of the living species. This inference, however, has been rendered a certainty by the discovery of the body of more than one Mammoth embedded in the frozen soil of Siberia. These specimens had been so perfectly preserved that even microscopical sections of some of the tissues could be made ; and in one case even the eyes were preserved. From these specimens, we know that the body of the Mam- moth was covered with long woolly hair. Amongst other Elephants which occur in Post-Pliocene de- posits, may be mentioned, as of special interest, the pigmy Elephants of Malta. One of these — the Elephas Melitensis, or so-called " Donkey-Elephant " — was not more than four and a half feet in height. The other — the Elephas Falconeri, of Busk — was still smaller, its average height at the withers not exceeding two and a half to three feet. The Mastodons in most respects closely resemble the true Elephants, from which they are distinguished by their denti- tion. As in the Elephants, the upper incisors grow from per- manent pulps, and constitute long tusks ; but in the majority of cases the Mastodons also possess lower incisors as well. Fig. 364. — Third milk-molar of the left side of the upper jaw of Mastodon Arvernensis, showing the grinding surface. Pliocene. (After Lyell.) The two lower incisors, however, though tusk-shaped, did not develop themselves to any extent, and often disappeared in adult life. A more important distinction between the Ele- phants and Mastodons is that the molar teeth of the latter are not only more numerous, but have the peculiarity that their crowns are furnished with nipple-shaped eminences or tubercles placed in pairs (fig. 364). The Mastodons appear to have commenced their existence in the Miocene period, being re- CARNIVORA. 447 presented in strata of this age by four European and three Indian species. In the Pliocene period, also, remains of Mastodon are not infrequent; and in North America the great M. Ohioticus occurs plentifully in deposits of Post-Pliocene age. The last of the Probostidea is the remarkable Miocene Mam- mal known as the Deinotherium, which is still referred by some high authorities to the order Sirenia. This extraordinary animal has hitherto only been found in Miocene deposits, and little is known of it except its enormous skull (fig. 365). Molars and praemolars were present in each jaw, and the upper jaw was des- titute of canines and incisors. very large tusk-like incisors, which were not directed forwards as in the true Elephants, but were bent abruptly downwards (fig. 365). The animal must have attained an enormous size, and it is probable that the curved tusks were used either in digging up roots or in mooring the animal to the banks of rivers, for it was probably aquatic or semi-aquatic in its habits. Several species of Deinotherium have been indicated as occurring in Europe, and a species has been noticed in the Tertiary deposits of the Siwalik Hills by Dr Falconer and Sir Proby Cautley. Fig. 365. — Skull of Deinotherium giganteum. Miocene Tertiary. In the lower jaw were two CHAPTER XL. ORDERS OF MAMMALIA— Continued. CARNIVORA. ORDER IX. CARNIVORA. — The ninth order of Mammals is that of the Carnivora, comprising the Fera, or Beasts of Prey, along with the old order of the Pinnipedia, or Seals and Walruses, these latter being now universally regarded as merely a group of the Carnivora modified to lead an aquatic life. 448 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. The Carnivora are distinguished by always possessing two sets of teeth, which are simply covered by enamel, and are always of three kinds — incisors, canines, and molars — differ- ing from one another in shape and size. The incisors are • -3 •? generally - - (except in some Seals) ; the canines are always 3 3 - and are invariably much larger and longer than the in- cisors. The prsemolars and molars are mostly furnished with cutting or trenchant edges ; but they graduate from a cutting to a tuberculate form, as the diet is strictly carnivorous, or becomes more or less miscellaneous. In the typical Carnivores (such as the Lion and Tiger), the last tooth but one in the upper jaw, and the last tooth in the lower jaw, are known as the " carnassial " teeth, having a sharp cutting edge adapted for dividing flesh, and generally a more or less developed tu- berculated heel or process. A varying number, however, of the molars and praemolars may be " tuberculate/' their crowns being adapted for bruising rather than cutting. As a general rule, the shorter the jaw, and the fewer the praemolars and molars, the more carnivorous is the animal. The jaws are so articulated as to admit of vertical but not of horizontal move- ments ; the zygomatic arches are greatly developed to give room for the powerful muscles of the jaws ; and the orbits are not separated from the temporal fossae. In all the Carnivora\\\z clavicles are either altogether want- ing, or are quite rudimentary. The toes are provided with sharp curved claws. The order Carnivora is divided into three very natural sec- tions :— Section I. Pinnigrada or Pinnipedia. — This section comprises the Seals and Walruses, in which the fore and hind limbs are short, and are expanded into broad, webbed swimming -paddles (fig. 366, B.) The hind-feet are placed very far back, nearly in a line with the axis of the body, and they are more or less tied down to the tail by the integuments. Section II. Plantigrada. — This section comprises the Bears and their allies, in which the whole, or nearly the whole, of the foot is applied to the ground, so that the animal walks upon the soles of the feet (fig. 366, A.) Section III. Digitigrada. — This section comprises the Lions, Tigers, Cats, Dogs, &c., in which the heel of the foot is raised entirely off the ground, and the animal walks upon the tips of the toes (fig. 366, C.) As regards their general distribution in time, if the little Mi- CARNIVORA. 449 crolestes of the Upper Trias be Marsupial, as is almost certainly the case, then the order Carnivora is comparatively modern, the earliest undoubted remains having been found in the Eocene Tertiary. In the Eocene period, however, the families of the Canidce and Felidce appear to have been already differentiated. The Ursidce, Viverrid(z,Mustelidce,Hy Skull of the Orang-outang. B, Skull of an adult European. The brain is more largely developed and more abundantly furnished with large and deep convolutions than is the case with any other Mammal. The mammae are pectoral, and the placenta is discoidal and deciduate. 468 ORDERS OF MAMMALIA. Man is the only terrestrial Mammal in which the body is not provided with a covering of hair. Palseontologically, there is little to be said about Man — or, rather, so much might be said on this subject that its discus- sion can only be properly taken up in a special treatise. Man appeared upon the earth, so far as we know, only in the last or Post-Tertiary period of Geology, and his remains, in the form of bones or implements of various kinds, have been detected in various Post-Tertiary accumulations, such as valley- gravels and cave-deposits. The chief facts as to the past exist- ence of man which concern the palaeontological student may be briefly stated as follows : — 1. Man unquestionably existed during the later portion of what Sir Charles Lyell has termed the " Post-Pliocene " period. In other words, Man's existence dates back to a time when several remarkable Mammals, to be afterwards mentioned, had not yet become extinct ; but he does not date back to a time anterior to the present Molluscan fauna. 2. The antiquity of the so-called Post-Pliocene period is a matter which must be mainly settled by the evidence of Geology proper, and need not be discussed here. 3. The extinct Mammals with which man coexisted in Western Europe are mostly of large size, the most important being the Mammoth (Elephas primigenius), the Woolly Rhino- ceros (Rhinoceros tichorhinus), the Cave-lion (Felis spelaa), the Cave-hyaena (Hycena spelced), and the Cave-bear (Ursus spelceus). We do not know the causes which led to the ex- tinction of these Post-Pliocene Mammals ; but we know that no Mammalian species has become extinct during the historical period. 4. The extinct Mammals with which man coexisted are re- ferable in many cases to species which presumably required a very different climate to that now prevailing in Western Europe. How long a period, however, has been consumed in the bring- ing about of the climatic changes thus indicated we have no means of calculating with any approach to accuracy. 5. Some of the deposits in which the remains of man have been found associated with the bones of extinct Mammals, are such as to show incontestably that great changes in the phy- sical geography and surface-configuration of Western Europe have taken place since the period of their accumulation. We have, however, no means at present of judging of the lapse of time thus indicated except by analogies and comparisons which may be disputed. 6. The human implements which are associated with the BIMANA. 469 remains of extinct Mammals, themselves bear evidence of an exceedingly barbarous condition of the human species. Post- Pliocene or " Palaeolithic " Man was clearly unacquainted with the use of any of the metals. Not only so, but the workman- ship of these ancient races was much inferior to that of the later tribes, who were also ignorant of the metals, and who also used nothing but weapons and tools of stone. 7. Lastly, it is only with the human remains of the Post- Pliocene period that the palaeontologist proper has to deal. When we enter the " Recent " period, in which the remains of Man are associated with those of existing species of Mammals, we pass out of the region of pure palaeontology into the do- main of the Archaeologist and the Ethnologist. PART III. PAL^OBOTANY PAL^OBOTANY. CHAPTER XLIII. GENERAL RELATIONS OF PLANTS TO TIME. THE subject of Palaeobotany or Palaeophytology is one which is far too vast to be treated of in a work of this nature ; whilst it is one which is of less importance to the general student than that of Palaeozoology. For this reason, nothing further will be attempted here than to give the briefest and most elementary outline of the general distribution t)f plants in past time, to which will be added a short summary of the chief forms of vegetable life which characterise each of the great formations. The following table shows the leading groups into which the Vegetable Kingdom is divided : — DIVISIONS OF THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. I. CRYPTOGAMIC PLANTS (Gr. kruptos, concealed ; gamos, marriage), distinguished by having no distinct flowers or fruit. They include — a. Thallogens. — Ex. Sea- weeds (Alga), Lichens, Mushrooms. b. Anogens — Ex. Liverworts, Mosses. c. Acrogens. — Ex. Club-mosses (Zyn). The Conifera are well represented by several genera (Araucarioxylon, Dadoxylon, &c.), but no remains of trees belonging to the Angiospermous Exogens have been as yet detected. There are, however, a few flowering plants (such as the Monocotyledonous Pothocites of the Scotch Carboniferous). Lastly, the Carboniferous Rocks have yielded remains of the genus Nwggerathia, referred by Brongniart to the peculiar Gym- nospermous group of the Cycadacetz, but regarded by others as belonging to the Ferns. In the Permian period, the vegetation is nearly related to that of the Coal-measures. We have still numerous Ferns (Neuropteris, Pecopteris, Sphenopteris\ Tree-ferns (Psaronius\ the Lycopodiaceous Lepidodendron, and Calamites. The Conifers, also, are abundant, and belong to several genera. Some of the Conifers, however (as Ullmania), bear genuine cones, and the Sigillarioids, which are so characteristic of the Carboniferous period, have apparently altogether disappeared in the Permian. With the Trias we commence the great series of Mesozoic a&» deposits, and there is a marked change in the vegetation of this period as compared with that of the Carboniferous and Permian epochs. The Lepidodendroids and Sigillarioids have now com- 476 PAL^EOBOTANY. pletely disappeared. The Calamites of the Coal-measures are represented by true Horse-tails (Equisetites). Ferns and Coni- fers are still abundant, and some of the latter ( Voltzia) are by no means unlike existing forms. Lastly, there is an abundance of remains of Cycadaceous plants {Pterophyllum, Podozamites, &c.) The Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits are similarly characterised by an abundance of Cycads, Ferns, and Conifers, the first of these in particular constituting a marked feature in the vegetation. In the Upper Cretaceous period we have the first appearance, in any quantity, of ordinary Angiospermous Exogens, similar to those which predominate at the present day in the flora of temperate regions. Besides Ferns and Cycads more or less allied to Jurassic forms, we have now numerous Dicotyledonous trees, such as the Oak, Beech, Fig, Poplar, Walnut, Willow, Alder, &c., belonging to familiar genera now in existence. Here, also, we have trie first appearance, so far as is certainly known, of the group of the Palms. Of the vegetation of the Tertiary period, it is sufficient to remark here that now there is a marked predominance of Angiospermous Exogens and of Endogens as compared with Cryptogams and Gymnospermous Exogens. Not only is this the case, but many of the Tertiary plants approximate closely to existing forms, this approximation becoming more and more marked as we recede from the Eocene and approach the Re- cent period. Before closing this brief review of the succession of plants upon the globe, it may be well to notice shortly a generalisa- tion which was long since made by M. Adolphe Brongniart. This distinguished observer, in dividing the series of stratified deposits in accordance with the fossil plants contained in them, p named the Palaeozoic period the " Age of Acrogens," the Secondary period (exclusive of the Cretaceous) the " Age of Gymnosperms," and the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods the " Age of Angiosperms.J> This generalisation, though still ex- pressing a general truth, can only be accepted with consider- able reservation. Gymnosperms, and even Angiosperms, are not unknown in the Palaeozoic period ; and if the Sigillarioids should be referred to the former group of plants, then the later Palaeozoic period would have as good claim to be called the " Age of Gymnosperms " as the Secondary period. Again, as pointed out by Sir Charles Lyell, the Lower and Upper Creta- ceous floras differ from one another in the most striking manner, the Lower Cretaceous agreeing in this respect with the Jurassic PRE-CARBONIFEROUS FLORAS. 477 series, whilst the Upper Cretaceous series is linked on by its plants to the Tertiary formations. The line, therefore, between the Age of Gymnosperms and the Age of Angiosperms must be drawn between the Lower and Upper Cretaceous, and not at the base of the Cretaceous series. CHAPTER XLIV. PRE-CARBONIFEROUS FLORAS. CAMBRIAN PLANTS. — The Laurentian and Huronian deposits have as yet yielded no remains of plants ; but the occurrence of graphite in large quantity in the former of these would strongly support the view that the Laurentian period was not without an abundant vegetation. The Lower Cambrian Rocks have yielded many so-called " fucoids ; " but these are almost invariably to be referred to the tracks and burrows of marine worms. The only apparently unequivocal plant of the Lower Cambrian period is the Eophyton (fig. 378) of the "Fucoidal Sandstone " of Sweden. ' The singular fossils referred to this genus consist of straight, furrowed, and striated stems, which can hardly be anything else than the remains of plants. The affinities, however, of these ancient fossils are quite undetermined, except that it seems pretty certain that they cannot be referred to the Alga. In the Upper Cambrian Rocks (Potsdam Sandstone) of North America occur various so-called " Fucoids " (Palceophy- cus, &c.) The true nature of these, however, is in many cases very doubtful, and it is questionable if any of them can really be regarded as plants. Here, also, we may briefly consider certain remains dis- covered by the author in the Skiddaw Slates of the North of England, a formation which is probably referable to the Upper Cambrian, but which good authorities regard as belonging to the Lower Silurian series. The remains in question were originally referred provisionally to the genera Btithotrephis and Eophyton^ and the fossils which led to the former determina- tion appear to be indubitable plants. They are thus described by Dr Dawson in a note communicated to the author : — I. Buthotrephis Harknessii. — This consists of what have been cylindrical branches, given off from a central stem, and producing a few branchlets in the manner of Pinnularia. Under the microscope the branches show a 478 PAL^OBOTANY. vesicular structure; but this I believe to have been produced by the weather- ing out of minute globular concretions, probably of calcareous matter. The appearances are rather those of roots or slender herbaceous stems than of Algae. If found in the Coal-measures it would probably be regarded as an obscure Pinnularia. 2. Buthotrephis radiatus. — This shows radiating branchlets or leaves, with the same vesicular structure as the preceding, and having some re- semblance to the whorls of Annnlaria, though without any midrib. It is quite possible that both of the above may belong to the same species. If a land-plant, allied to Annularia, the first may represent the roots or sub- aquatic stems, and the second its whorls of leaves. If an Alga, the first may represent branching fronds, and the latter the fructification. Under the former supposition, they may be compared with Annnlaria laxa of the Devonian, and the radiating root-like bodies associated with it. — (Dawson, ' Report on Devonian Flora.') Under the supposition that the plants are Algae, they may be compared with SpJuzrococcites Schurtzanus of Goeppert, from the Lower Silurian (Etage D.) of Bohemia, though they do not come under the technical definition of Sternberg's genus Spluzrococcites. Fig. 378. — Fragment of Eophyton Linueanum. Lower Cambrian. SILURIAN PLANTS. — The remains of plants in the Silurian series are few in number and require little consideration. In PRE-CARBONIFEROUS FLORAS. 479 the Lower Silurian Rocks no undoubted traces of land-plants have hitherto been detected. The deposits of this period, however, have yielded numerous fossils which have been re- ferred to " Fucoids," under the generic titles of Palceophycus, Licrophycus, Buthotrephis, Phytopsis, Sphenothallus, &c. Some of these appear to be nothing more than the tracks of Annel- ides. Others appear to be unquestionable plants ; but nothing positive can be stated as to their affinities. They may be Algce, or they may belong to plants higher in the vegetable scale. Subjoined is an illustration of a characteristic Canadian species described by Mr Billings (fig. 379). Fig. 379. — Licrophycits Ottawaeiisis, a " Fucoid" from the Trenton Limestone (Lower Silurian) of Canada. After Billings. In the Upper Silurian Rocks are also numerous remains ot " Fucoids " (Arthrophycus, Dichwlites, Chondrites, Spirophyton, &c.), which do not differ in any important point from those ot the inferior division. Some of these can hardly be anything but true plants, and would certainly seem to be the remains of 480 PAL^EOBOTANY. genuine Sea-weeds. Besides these problematical fossils, how- ever, the Upper Silurian Rocks have been shown to contain the remains of genuine land-plants. Thus, remains of the Lycopodiaceous genus Lepidodendron (Sagenaria) have been discovered in the Upper Silurian of Germany and Bohemia. At the summit of the Upper Silurian series in Britain have been detected numerous seed-vessels or " sporangia " referred by Hooker to a Lycopodiaceous plant under the generic title of Pachytheca. Lastly, the Upper Silurian of North America has yielded remains of the characteristic Devonian genus Psilo- phyton, which will be described immediately. DEVONIAN PLANTS. — The plants of the Devonian period belong to the groups of the Equisetacea (Horse-tails), Lyco- podiacece (Club-mosses), Filices (Ferns), Sigillarioids, and Coni- fer a — the whole constituting an abundant terrestrial vegetation. Besides the above, however — as already mentioned — the re- mains of a true Angiospermous Exogen have in one instance been detected in Devonian strata (Dawson). The Equisetacece are represented by species of the remarkable genus Calamites, the characters of which will be briefly spoken of when treating of the Coal-plants. The Lycopodiacea are represented by the genera Lepidoden- dron, Lycopodites, Leptophlaum, Lepidophloios, Cordaites, and Psilophyton. The Lepidodendroids will be shortly discussed under the head of the plants of the Carboniferous series ; but Cordaites and Psilophyton merit special notice here. The genus Cordaites is common both to the Devonian and the Carboniferous formations, and includes broad, striated, parallel- veined leaves, which are extremely abundant in certain beds. They possess broad clasping bases, and may attain a length of a foot and a breadth of as much as three inches. Their affini- ties are disputed j but they are regarded by Dr Dawson as referable to some Lycopodiaceous plant. The genus Psilophyton of Dawson (fig. 380) commences its existence in the Upper Silurian Rocks ; but it is character- istically Devonian, and is not known to be represented in the Carboniferous period. The following is given by Dr Dawson as the definition of the genus : — " Stems branching dichotomously, and covered with inter- rupted ridges. Leaves rudimentary, or short, rigid, and pointed ; in barren stems, numerous and spirally arranged; in fertile stems and branchlets, sparsely scattered or absent ; in decor- ticated specimens represented by minute punctate scars. Young branches circinate ; rhizomata cylindrical, covered with hairs or ramenta, and having circular areoles irregularly disposed, PRE-CARBONIFEROUS FLORAS. 481 Fig 380. — Psilophyton prtnceps (Dawson). a Rhizome ; b Stem ; c Termination of a branch ; d Vernation ; e Fructification, — all of the natural size ; g Areole of rhizome enlarged ; h Restoration of the plant, reduced. Devonian of Canada. 2 H 482 PAL^EOBOTANY. giving origin to slender cylindrical rootlets. Internal structure — an axis of scalariform vessels, surrounded by a cylinder of parenchymatous cells, and by an outer cylinder of elongated woody cells. Fructification consisting of naked oval spore- cases, borne usually in pairs on slender curved pedicles, either lateral or terminal/' Species of Psilophyton occur all through the Devonian series of North America, and they are also not wanting in the Old Red Sandstone of Britain. The genus is regarded by Dr Dawson as comprising "synthetic or generalised plants, having rhizomata resembling those of some ferns, stems having the structure of Lycopodium, and rudimentary leaves also resem- bling those of Lycopodiacecz, branchlets with circinate verna- tion like that of Ferns, and sporangia of a type quite peculiar to themselves." The Ferns of the Devonian period are very numerous, and upon the whole present a close resemblance to those of the Carboniferous period. The smaller forms are represented by such genera as Cyclopteris, Nenropteris, Sphenopteris, Alethop- teris, Pecopteris, &c. Besides these, however, there occur the trunks of large Tree-ferns, which are referred to the genera Psaronius, Caulopteris, and Protopteris. Subjoined is an illus- tration of a Fern from the Devonian of Europe (fig. 381). The Sigillarioids of the Devonian series comprise forms referable to the well-known genera Sigillaria (with Stigmarid) and Calamodendron ; though the affinities of the last are not well understood. The characters of these genera will be noticed in treating of the plants of the Carboniferous series. The Coniferce of the Devonian Rocks belong to the genera Dadoxylon, Ormoxylon, and Prototaxites. All of these are exogenous trees with concentric rings of growth, and the two former are undoubtedly Coniferous, as their woody tissue exhibits discs under the microscope. Prototaxites, unlike the preceding, occurs in the Lower Devonian series, and is there- fore the oldest Exogenous tree at present known to us. The woody fibres do not exhibit punctations, and there is there- fore some doubt as to the exact position of this genus. In addition to the preceding forms, the Devonian Rocks have yielded examples of the fossils known as Sternbergia, Cyperites, Aster ophyllites, Anmtlaria, Pinnularia, Cardiocarpon, and Tri- gonocarpon. Of these, the genus Sternbergia comprises cylin- drical, transversely-marked fossils, which are now known to be nothing more than the casts of the pith-cylinders of other plants. They seem chiefly to belong to Conifers of the genus Dadoxylon, but they are referable also to Sigillaria, and even PRE-CARBONIFEROUS FLORAS. 483 to Lepidodendron. When the plant to which they belong is itself preserved, there is no difficulty in recognising the true Fig. 381. — Sphenopteris lajcus. Devonian. nature of the Sttmbcrgia ; but when the outer wood has been denuded, it becomes almost impossible to determine to what plant they may have belonged. The genus Cyperites comprises elongated linear leaves, which appear truly to be the leaves of Sigillarice. The genus Aster ophyllites (fig. 382) comprises elegant plants with ribbed and jointed stems. The joints of the stems give off verticils of leaves, or branchlets bearing whorls of leaves, which are narrow, elongated, and furnished with a single midrib. This genus is not only found in the Devonian Series, but is commonly represented in the Coal- measures, to which the species here figured belongs. The genus Annularia comprises plants which are of doubt- ful affinities, but which possessed slender stems bearing at in- tervals whorls of leaves. The Annularice appear to have been PAL^EOBOTANY. floating plants, and they occur in both the Devonian and Carboniferous formations. Fig. 382. — Asterophyllitesfoliosus. Coal-measures. (After Lindley and Hutton.) The fossils known as Pinnularice are slender stem-like bodies, with a smooth or striate surface, producing at right angles long slender branchlets. The genus Pinnularia is regarded by Dawson as being founded upon the roots of other plants, such as Asterophyllites or Calamites. Lastly, we find in the Devonian Rocks the little fruits known as Cardiocarpon and Trigonocarpon, which are so abun- dant in the Coal-measures. The Cardiocarpa appear mostly to have been winged achenes or " samaras ; " but it is not altogether certain by what plants they were produced. It is now known, however, that the so-called Antholithes consists of a spike, bearing Cardiocarpa protected by bracts ; and there is a considerable probability that they were produced by Sigil- larioid trees. Trigonocarpon (fig. 383) comprises nut-like fruits, often of considerable size, and commonly three- or six- angled. The exterior of the fruit was probably fleshy, and well- preserved specimens show the integu- ments, and the internal cavity at one time filled by the albumen and em- bryo. Trigonocarpon is probably the fruit of a Conifer, and it shows a de- cided resemblance to the solitary fruit of the existing Taxoid genus, Salisbnria. Possibly, however, Dr Dawson is correct in his conjecture that most of the Trigonocarpa belonged really to Sigillarioid plants. Fig. 383. — Trigonocarpon ova- turn. Coal-measures. (After Lindley and Hutton.) THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 485 CHAPTER XLV. THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. CARBONIFEROUS PLANTS. — The most extensive and the best known of the Palaeozoic Floras is that which flourished during the Carboniferous period. At this time were formed those vast accumulations of vegetable matter which we know as coal; and much of our information as to the Carboniferous plants is due to the value of coal, and to the vigour with which coal-mining has been prosecuted. Coal consists of nearly pure carbon, with varying proportions of hydrogen and oxygen and a small quantity of mineral matter. The following are the conclusions arrived at by Dr Dawson as to the minute structure of coal : — I. The so-called "mineral charcoal" or "mother coal" consists chiefly of " bast-tissue " or of elongated cells derived from the inner bark of Sigillaricp and Lepidodendra. 2. Besides the above, the mineral charcoal contains in many instances scalariform tissue derived from Ferns, Sigillarite, Lepido- dendra, &c. 3. The coarse and laminated portions of the coal are made up of vascular bundles, derived apparently in the main from Ferns, along with other vegetable fragments, and in some cases, though not to a great extent, the sporangia of some of the Carboniferous Cryptogams. 4. In many parts of the coal occur discigerous or punctated woody fibres, be- longing to Dadoxylon, Sigillaria, and Calamodendron. 5. A considerable portion of the coal is made up of " epidermal tissue," which is "a dense cellular tissue representing the outer integuments of various leaves, herba- ceous stems, and fruits. " 6. The layers of bright shining coal are com- posed of the flattened stems, and chiefly of the bark, of Sigillarice and other trees. 7. Some layers of coal are occasionally composed mainly of the compressed leaves of Cordaites. 8. Sporangia are often present in coal ; but they rarely exist in such a proportion as to any extent actually to form the coal themselves. As has been already observed, the types of plants which are found in the Carboniferous Rocks are to a great extent identical with those which composed the Devonian flora. Specifically, however, the coal-plants are almost always distinct from the Devonian forms. The number of plants already known to have existed during the Carboniferous period is so great, that nothing more can be done here than to draw the attention of the student to some of the more important and characteristic types. a. Filiccs. - - The Ferns of the Carboniferous period are extremely numerous, and include both herbaceous forms like the majority of existing species, and arborescent forms similar to the living Tree-ferns of New Zealand. The latter belong to the genera Psaronius, Caulopteris, and Palceopteris, of which the two former occur in the older Devonian period. Of the 486 PAIwEOBOTANY. smaller ferns, the genera Sphenopteris, Pecopteris, Alethopteris, Odontopteris, Neuropteris, Hymenophyllites, and Cyclopteris may be mentioned as the most important and widely distributed. In the genus Neuropteris (fig. 384) the midrib of the leaflets is Fig. 384. — Neuropteris heterophylla. Coal-measures of Europe. The lower figure shows a single leaflet enlarged. evanescent, either not distinct, or disappearing towards the apex. Species of this genus are found in the Coal-formation over almost the whole world. In Alethopteris the leaflets are attached by their bases to the stem and to one another, and are provided with a very distinct midrib from which the veins are given off nearly at right angles. The commonest species is the cosmopolitan Alethopteris (Pecopteris') lonchitica, which nearly resembles the living Brackens (Pteris aquilina). Nearly allied to Alethopteris is the genus Pecopteris, which includes a THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 487 large number of characteristic Carboniferous species. In Odontopteris (fig. 385) the frond is pinnate, the leaflets being attached by their entire bases, and the veins are generally given off from the base. The species here figured is a widely- distributed one, occurring in both Europe and North America. Fig. 385. — Odontopteris Schlotheimii. Carboniferous of Europe and North America. In the genus Sphenopteris, the leaflets are narrow towards their bases, often assuming a wedge-like form, the nervures dividing in a pinnate manner from the base. Lastly, in the genus Hymenophyllites the frond exhibits a general resemblance to Sphenopteris, but the margin is divided into lobes, into each of which a single nervure is continued. b. Calqinites* — Amongst the commonest and most charac- teristic of the plants of the Carboniferous period are the striated fossils which are known as Catamites. Long as these have been known, and carefully as they have been studied, there is still no unanimity of opinion as to the affinities of these plants. The prevalent modern view, however, is that Calamites are truly referable to the Equisetacea, and that they may be regarded as gigantic Horse-tails — though they differ in many respects from any existing forms. The Calamites were " slender, ribbed, and jointed externally, and from the joints there proceeded, in some of the species, long, narrow, simple branchlets ; and, in others, branches bearing whorls of small branchlets or rudimentary leaves. The stem was hollow, with thin transverse floors or diaphragms at the joints, and it 488 PAL^OBOTANY. had no true wood and bark, but only a thin external shell of fibres and scalariform vessels. The Catamites grew in dense fig. 386. — Calamites cantue/ormis. Carboniferous of Europe and North America. brakes on the sandy and muddy flats, subject to inundation, or perhaps even in the water, and they had the power of budding out from the base of the stem, so as to form clumps THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 489 of plants, and also of securing their foot-hold by numerous cord-like roots proceeding from various heights on the lower part of the stem. The fruit was a long cone or spike, bearing spore-cases under scales" (Dawson, Acadian Geology, p. 441). Besides the true Calamites, the Carboniferous Rocks have also yielded the remains of the genus Equisetites, which differed from the Calamites, and agrees with the existing Horse-tails in having sheaths at the joints. Calamites often attain a comparatively gigantic size — twenty feet or more in length ; and though they generally occur as prostrate and flattened stems, they are not uncommonly found in an erect and uncompressed condition, standing as they grew. The fossils known as Asterophyllites have been referred to Calamites, of which they were at one time supposed to consti- tute the foliage ; but this opinion has been shown to be pro- bably incorrect. c. Calamodendron. — A good deal of the confusion which has prevailed as to the true nature of Calamites appears to have arisen out of the problematic fossils now generally referred to the genus Calamodendron. As ordinarily found, Calamodendra present themselves in the form of jointed and longitudinally- ribbed cylindrical steins, which are hardly separable from Calamites, except that they show no " areoles," or points whence leaves or branchlets have been given off. From the examination, however, of complete specimens, it has been shown that Calamodendron, as thus constituted, is really nothing more than the cast of the pith or medullary cavity of a com- plex woody stem, thus resembling in its nature the fossils known as Sternbergia. Round the internal axis thus consti- tuted there is found in perfect examples a thick woody envel- ope, composed of ligneous wedges arranged concentrically and separated by intervening tracts of cellular tissue (or " medul- lary rays "). The external surface of the stem is not known, but the woody wedges are stated to consist of " elongated cells, and porous, discigerous, or pseudo-scalariform tissue." The affinities of Calamodendron are uncertain. It is regarded by different authorities as belonging to the Gymnospermous Exogens or to the Acrogens, or as a connecting form between these groups. In any case, it is necessary to distinguish very carefully between Calamodendron and Calamites, the latter being clearly separated by the absence of a woody envelope, and the presence of whorled leaves or branchlets at the arti- culations of the stem. d. Lepidodendroids. — Under this head we have to consider the genera Lepidodendron and Lepidophloios, generally regarded 490 PALyEOBOTANY. as gigantic extinct members of the Club-moss family (Lycopo- diacece). The genus Lepidodendron (fig. 387) comprises nume- Fig. 387. — Lepidodendron Sternbergii. Carboniferous. rous large arborescent plants, which attain their maximum in the Carboniferous period, but which appear to commence in the Upper Silurian, and are well represented in the Devonian. The trunk in some cases reached a length of fifty feet or more, THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 49 1 and the branches are given off in a regular, bifurcating manner. The bark is marked with numerous rhombic or oval scars, arranged in quincunx order, and indicating the points where leaves were formerly attached. The branches were covered with slender, pointed leaves, closely crowded together; and the fructification was carried at the ends of the branches in the form of cones or spikes. These cones have generally been described under the name of Lepidostrobi ; and they consist of a central axis, surrounded by imbricated scales or bracts, each of which supports a sporangium or spore-case. In internal structure, Lepidodendron possesses a large cen- tral pith, surrounded by a continuous sheath of scalariform vessels. Outside this, again, is a thick bark, composed mainly of elongated fibres or " bast-tissue," with a thin dense outer rind. The genera, or sub-genera, Sagenaria> Knorria, and Aspidiaria, are properly to be referred to Lepidodendron. The genus Le- pidophloios, however, is represented in both in Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks by forms which are generically distinct from Lepidodendron. The genus includes Lycopodiaceous trees which have " thick branches, transversely elongated leaf- scars, each with three vascular points, and placed on elevated or scale-like protuberances, long one-nerved leaves, and large lateral strobiles in vertical rows or spirally disposed " (Daw- son). e. Sigillarioids. — The three chief genera included under this head are Sigillaria, Rhytidolepis, and Favularia, of which the first is the most important. The Sigillarioids commence their existence, so far as known, in the Devonian period, but they attain their maximum in the Carboniferous ; and — unlike the Lepidodendroio\s — they are not known to occur in the Per- mian period. They are comparatively gigantic in size, often attaining a height of from thirty to fifty feet or more; but though abundant and well preserved, great divergence of opinion prevails as to their true affinities. The name of Sigil- larioids (Lat. sigilla, little seals or images) is derived from the fact that the bark is marked with seal-like impressions or leaf- scars (fig. 388). According to Dawson, Sigillaria proper is distinguished by its strong ribs, " which are usually much broader than the oval or elliptical tripunctate areoles, and are striated longi- tudinally." The stem consists of a central pith, which is trans- versely partitioned, as in the so-called Sternbergice. The pith is surrounded by a woody cylinder, consisting of ligneous wedges, composed of punctated (discigerous) and scalariform 4Q2 PAL^OBOTANY. vessels, and separated by medullary rays. Outside the woody axis is an inner bark composed of long durable fibres of " bast-tissue," the whole surrounded by a thick outer bark of dense cellular tissue. " The trunk when old lost its regular ribs and scars, owing to expansion, and became furrowed like that of an Exogenous tree." The roots, as will be seen im- mediately, constitute the fossils known as Stigmaria. The Fig. 388. — Fragment Q{ Sigillaria Gr&seri. The left-hand figure shows a small portion enlarged. Carboniferous. leaves are believed to be the so-called Cyperites, long, narrow, rigid, and two- or three- nerved. The fruits are supposed to be Trigonocarpa, " borne in racemes on the upper part of the stem." Upon the whole, Dr Dawson is disposed to adopt the view, originally put forth by Brongniart, that the Sigillaria find their nearest living allies in the Cycads, and that if not actually referable to the Gymnospermous Exogens, they may be intermediate between these and the higher Acrogens. Mr Carruthers, on the other hand, describes Sigillaria as consisting of a central cellular pith or medulla, surrounded by a sheath consisting wholly of scalariform vessels, the whole enveloped in an external cortical mass of cellular tissue. The medullary sheath is perforated by meshes for the passage out- wards of the vascular bundles which go to the axial appendages (the leaves and branches) ; but there are no true medullary rays. Upon these grounds, Mr Carruthers decides against the view that Sigillaria is a Gymnospermous Exogen, and he regards it as Cryptogamic and Lycopodiaceous. He also dis- THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 493 credits the assertion that discigerous tissue is present, and describes the fruit as consisting of cones or strobiles. Leaving the botanical position of Sigillaria thus undecided, we find that it is now almost universally conceded that the fossils originally described under the name of Stigmaria are the roots of Sigillaria, the actual connection between the two having been in numerous instances demonstrated in an un- mistakable manner. The Stigmaricz (fig. 389) ordinarily pre- sent themselves in the form of long, compressed or rounded Fig. 389. — Stiginariajicoides. Quarter natural size. Carboniferous. fragments, the external surface of which is covered with rounded pits or shallow tubercles, each of which has a little pit or depression in its centre. From each of these pits there proceeds, in perfect examples, a long cylindrical rootlet ; but in many cases these have altogether disappeared. In its internal structure, Stigmaria exhibits a central pith surrounded by a sheath of scalariform vessels, the whole enclosed in a cellular envelope. The Stigmaricz are generally found ramify- ing in the " underclay," which forms the floor of a bed of coal, and which represents the ancient soil upon which the Sigillaria grew. Of the remaining genera of the Sigillarioids, Rhytidolepis is the most important. It is characterised by the possession of large, hexagonal, tripunctate areoles, and narrow, often trans- versely striate ribs. In Favularia, lastly, the smaller branches were destitute of ribs, with elliptical, spirally-disposed areoles. The stem branched dichotomously — like that of a Lepidoden- dron — and the leaves were broad, with numerous parallel veins, approximating to the leaves of Cordaites. f. Conifera. — True Conifers have long been known to occur in the Carboniferous Rocks. They belong to the genera Dadoxylon, Palaoxylon, Araucarioxylon, and Pinites. They 494 PAL^OBOTANY. are recognised by the great size and concentric rings of their prostrate, rarely erect trunks, and by the fact that the micro- scope exhibits punctated fibres in their wood. Their fruit is unknown, unless, as is very probable, it is constituted by the so-called Trigonocarpa, If this be the case, the Carboniferous Conifers must have been " Taxoid," resembling the recent Yews in producing berries instead of true cones. The so- called Sternbergicz, as has been already pointed out, are " pith- cylinders/' or, in other words, casts of the pith, of Dadoocylon, They appear, however, to belong also to Sigillaria and Lepido- phloios. g- C2cJ*ji9££&' ~ ' The peculiar group of Gymnospermous Exogens represented at the present day by the Cycads is not known with certainty to be represented in the Carboniferous Rocks. Noeggerathia has been referred here, and the Cyca- daceous genus Pteropiiyllum has also been alleged to occur. Brongniart has also conjectured that the Sigillarioids are in reality most nearly allied to the Cycadacecz ; and this opinion is supported by other high authorities. h. Angiospermous Exogens. — The occurrence of true Angio- sperms in the Carboniferous period is very doubtful. No Exogenous wood which is not Coniferous has been as yet detected. The fossil known as Antholithes, which was at one time conjectured to be possibly the infloresence of an An- giosperm, has now been shown to be really a raceme bearing the fruit termed Cardiocarpon ; and it remains uncertain to what plant this really belongs. i. Monocotyledons . — The occurrence of Endogens in the Coal-formation is also attended with some uncertainty. The genus Nceggerathia has sometimes been referred to the Palms, and the same group has been asserted to be represented by species of Palmacites. The only apparently unequivocal proof of the occurrence of Carboniferous Endogens is, however, afforded by the so-called Pothocites, which appears to have been the spadix of an Aroideous plant. PERMIAN PLANTS. — The Permian Flora is, upon the whole, very nearly allied to that of the Coal-measures, though the Permian species are mostly distinct, and there are some new genera. Thus, we find species of Lepidodendron, Catamites, Equisetites, Asterophyllites, Anmdaria, &c. — all genera which are highly characteristic of the Carboniferous period. On the other hand, the Sigillarioids of the Coal appear to have finally passed away with the close of the Carboniferous period. Ferns are abundant in the Permian Rocks, and belong for the most part to the well-known Carboniferous genera Alethop- THE CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FLORAS. 495 teris, Neuropteris, Sphenopteris, and Pecopteris. There are also Tree-ferns referable to the genus Psaronius. The singular Fig. 390. — Neeggerathia expaiisa. Permian. genus Neeggerathia (fig. 390) is also represented in the Permian Rocks. Fig. 391. — Walchia pintformis ; a Branch ; b Twig. From the Permian of Saxony. (After Gutbier.) The Conifers of the Permian period are numerous, and 496 PAL^OBOTANY. belong in part to Carboniferous genera. A characteristic genus, however, is Walchia (fig. 391), distinguished by its lax short leaves. This genus, though not exclusively Permian, is mainly so, the best-known species being the W. piniformis. Here, also, we meet with Conifers which produce true cones, and which differ, therefore, in an important respect from the Taxoid Conifers of the Coal-measures. One of the most characteristic of these is the Ullmania selaginoides, which oc- curs in the Magnesian Limestone of Durham, the Middle Permian of Westmorland, and the " Kupfer-schiefer " of Germany. CHAPTER XLVI. FLORAS OF THE SECONDARY AND TERTIARY PERIODS. TRIASSIC PLANTS. — With the Trias we commence what has been aptly termed the "Age of Cycads," from the predomi- nance of the plants of this group in the Mesozoic vegetation. The Cycads are a group of Gymnospermous Exogens, the form and habit of growth of which present considerable re- semblance to those of young Palms (fig. 392). The trunk is Fig. 392. — Zaniia spiralis, a living Cycad. Australia. unbranched, often shortened, and bearing a crown of pinnate fronds. The leaves are usually " circinate " — that is, they un- roll in expanding, like the fronds of Ferns. The ovules are borne upon the edge of altered leaves, or are carried on the scales of a cone. All the existing species of Cycads are FLORAS OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY PERIODS. 497 natives of warm countries, occurring in South America, the West Indies, Japan, Australia, Southern Asia, and South Africa. As has been already remarked, the occurrence of genuine Cycads in the Carboniferous vegetation has not been demonstrated, and the same holds good of all the Palaeozoic floras. True Cycads, therefore, so far as known, make their first appearance in the Trias, at the commencement of the Me- sozoic period, where they are represented by the genera Ptero- phyllum, Zamites, and Podozamites. Cycads continue to be abundantly represented throughout the whole Mesozoic series; but they have only been detected by a single dubious example in strata of Tertiary age. The name " Age of Cycads," as applied to the Secondary epoch, is, therefore, from a botanical point of view, an exceedingly appropriate one. Besides Cycads, the Triassic Rocks have yielded the re- mains of Ferns, Equisetites, Calamites, and Conifers. The Ferns belong mostly to the genera Neuropteris, Pecofiteris, Acrostichites, Crematopteris, Cydopteris, and Ano- mopteris. A characteristic species of the first of these is figured below (fig. 393). The Conifers of the Trias, lastly, are abundant, the most char- acteristic genus being Voltzia. This genus is related to the existing Cy- presses, and many species of it are found in the Triassic Rocks. Fig- 393- — Neuropteris elegans. Trias. JURASSIC PLANTS. — Taken as a whole, the Jurassic period is characterised by the prevalence of Ferns, Cycads, and Conifers ; no Palms or Angiospermous Exogens having been as yet shown to occur. The Cycads are extremely abundant, and belong chiefly to the genera Pterophyllum, Otozamites, Zamites, Bucklandia, Cros- sozamia, Williamsonia, Mantellia, &c. The " dirt-bed," as it 2 I 498 PAL/EOBOTANY. is called, of the Purbeck beds, consists of an ancient soil, in which stand erect the trunks of Conifers and the stems of Cycads of the genus Mantellia (fig. 394). The fronds of Fig. 394. — Mantellia (Cycadeoidea) megalophylla, a Cycad from the Purbeck "dirt-bed." Upper Oolites. Fig. 395. — Coniopteris Murravana. Great Oolite. Cycads occur also in great abundance in various Jurassic strata, especially in the lower portion of the series ; and the FLORAS OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY PERIODS. 499 cones likewise have been in some instances preserved. The Conifers are represented by various genera more or less nearly allied to the present Araucarice, and cones have been in a few instances detected. Ferns occur very abundantly in the Jurassic series, the commonest genera being Coniopteris (fig. 395), Odontopteris (fig. 396), Sphenopteris, Cyclopteris, Phlebopteris, Pecopteris, Polypodites, Pachypteris, and T&niopteris. Endogens are by no means unknown in the Jurassic series, though no representative of the group of the Palms has been as yet detected. Amongst the most important of the Oolitic Endogens may be mentioned the Aroideous fruit described by Mr Carruthers under the name of Aroides Stutterdi, and the fruits known as Podocarya and Kaidacarpum, both of which belong to the living order of the Pandanece, (Screw-pines). Fig. 396. — Odontopteris cycadea. Lower Lias. CRETACEOUS PLANTS. — The Lower Cretaceous Plants greatly resemble those of the Jurassic period, consisting mainly of Ferns, Cycads, and Conifers. The Upper Creta- ceous Rocks, however, both in Europe and in North America, have yielded an abundant flora which resembles the existing vegetation of the globe in consisting mainly of Angiospermous Exogens and of Monocotyledons. In Europe, the plant-re- mains in question have been found chiefly in certain sands in 5oo PAL^EOBOTANY. the neighbourhood of Aix-la-Chapelle, and they consist of numerous Ferns, Conifers (such as Cycadopteris), Screw Pines (Pandanus], Oaks (Quercus), Walnut (Juglans], Fig (Ficus], and many Proteacece, some of which are referred to existing genera (Dryandra, Banksia, Grevillea, &c.) In North America, the Cretaceous strata of New Jersey, Alabama, Nebraska, Kansas, &c., have yielded the remains of numerous plants, many of which belong to existing genera. Amongst these may be mentioned Tulip-trees (Liriodendrwi}, Sassafras (fig. 397), Oaks (Quercus), Beeches (Fagus), Plane- Fig. 397. — Cretaceous Angiosperms.— a, Sassafras Cretaceum; b, Liriodendron Meekii; c, Leguminosites Marcouanus; d, Salix MeekiL (After Dana.) trees (Platanus), Alders (Alnus\ Dog-wood (Cornus), Willows (Salix}, Poplars (Popuhis), Cypresses (Cupressus), Bald Cy- presses (Taxodiuni), Magnolias, &c. Besides these, however, there occur other forms which have now entirely disappeared from North America — as, for example, species of Cinnamomum and Araucaria. EOCENE PLANTS. — The Plants of the Eocene period ap- AX FLORAS OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY PERIODS. 50 1 proximate on the whole to the existing vegetation of the earth. They are, however, in the main most closely allied to forms which now are found in tropical or sub-tropical regions. In the London Clay occur numerous fruits of Palms (Nipadites^ fig. 398), along with various other plants, most of which in- dicate a warm climate as prevailing in the South of England at the commencement of the Eocene period. In the Eocene strata of North America occur numerous plants, such as Palms, Conifers, Magnolia, Cinnamon, Fig, Dog-wood, Maple, Hick- ory, Poplar, Plane-trees, &c. Upon the whole, the Eocene flora of North America is nearly re- lated to that of the Miocene strata of Europe, as well as to that now existing in the American area. We may conclude, therefore, that " the forests of the American Eocene re- sembled those of the European Mio- cene, and even of modern America" (Dana). MIOCENE PLANTS. — The deposits of the Miocene period have yielded an extraordinarily large number of plants, only a few of the more im- portant of which can be indicated here. Our chief sources of informa- tion as to the vegetation of the Miocene period are derived from the Brown Coals of Germany and Austria, the Lower Fig. 398. — Nipadites ellip- ticus. London Clay of Shep- pey. Fig. 399. — Miocene Palms. A, Chamarops Helvetica; B, Sabal major. Lower Miocene of Switzerland and France. and Upper Molasse of Switzerland, and the Miocene strata of Greenland. The lignites of Austria have yielded very numer- 502 PAIwEOBOTANY. otis plant-remains, chiefly of a tropical character \ one of the most noticeable forms being a Palm of the genus Sabal (fig. 399, B), now found in America. The plants of the Lower Miocene of Switzerland are also mostly of a tropical character, but include several forms now found in North America, such as a Tulip-tree (Liriodendron} and a Cypress (Taxodium). Amongst the more remarkable forms from these beds may be mentioned Fan-Palms (Cham&rops, fig. 399, A), numerous tropical ferns, and two species of Cinnamon. The plant- remains of the Upper Molasse of Switzerland indicate an extraordinarily rank and luxuriant vegetation, composed mainly of plants which now live in warm countries. Among the commoner plants of this formation may be enumerated many species of Maple (Acer), Plane-trees (Platanus, fig. 400), Cinnamon-trees, and other members of the Lanracea, many species of Proteacecz (Banksia, Grevillea, &c.), several species of Sarsaparilla (Smilax\ Palms, Cypresses, &c. Fig. 400. — Platanus aceroides. — a Leaf ; b The core of a bundle of pericarps ; c A single fruit or peri- carp, natural size. Upper Miocene. Fig. 401 . — Cinnamo- m u m poly mo rph u >n . a Leaf ; b Flower. Upper Miocene. In Britain, the Lower Miocene strata of Bovey Tracy have yielded remains of Ferns, Vines, Fig, Cinnamon, Proteacece, &c., along with numerous Conifers. The most abundant of these last is a gigantic pine — the Sequoia Couttsicz — which is very nearly allied to the huge Sequoia ( Wellingtonia) gigantea of California. A nearly-allied form (Sequoia Langsdorffii) has been detected in the leaf-bed of Ardtun in the Hebrides. In Greenland, as well as in other parts of the Arctic regions, Miocene strata have been discovered which have yielded a . great number of plants, many of which are identical with species found in the European Miocene. Amongst these FLORAS OF SECONDARY AND TERTIARY PERIODS. 503 plants are found many trees, such as Conifers, Beeches, Oaks, Maples, Plane-trees, Walnuts, Magnolias, &c., with numerous shrubs, ferns, and other smaller plants. Taking the Miocene flora as a whole, Dr Heer concludes from his study of about 3000 plants contained in the European Miocene alone, that the Miocene plants indicate tropical or sub-tropical conditions, but that there is a striking intermixture of forms which are at present found in countries widely re- moved from one another. It is impossible to state with cer- tainty how many of the Miocene plants belong to existing species, but it appears that the larger number are extinct. According to Heer, the American types of plants are most largely represented in the Miocene flora, next those of Europe and Asia, next those of Africa, and lastly those of Australia. Upon the whole, however, the Miocene flora of Europe is mostly nearly allied to the plants which we now find inhabit- ing the warmer parts of the United States ; and this has led to the suggestion that in Miocene times the Atlantic Ocean was dry land, and that a migration of American plants to Europe was thus permitted. This view is borne out by the fact that the Miocene plants of Europe are most nearly allied to the living plants of the eastern or Atlantic seaboard of the United States, and also by the occurrence of a rich Miocene flora in Greenland. As regards Greenland, Dr Heer has de- termined that the Miocene plants indicate a temperate climate in that country, with a mean annual temperature at least 30° warmer than it is at present. The present limit of trees is the isothermal which gives the mean temperature of 50° Fahr. in July, or about the parallel of 67° N. latitude. In Miocene times, however, the Limes, Cypresses, and Plane-trees reach the 79th degree of latitude, and the Pines and Poplars must have ranged even further north than this. PLIOCENE PLANTS. — The vegetation of the Pliocene period is, upon the whole, so closely allied to that now existing as to call for no special mention. It is worthy of notice, however, that the Pliocene flora of Europe was strikingly similar to that now existing in North America. Thus, we find in the Plio- cene of Europe genera such as the Locust-trees (Robinia}, the Honey-locusts (Gleditschia], the Sumach (Rhus], the Bald Cypress (Taxodium), the Tulip-tree (Liriodendrori), the Sweet- gum Tree (Liquidambar\ the Sour-gum Tree (Nyssa), &c., which do not now occur in Europe, but are at present charac- teristic forms in the flora of temperate North America. PART IV. HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. CHAPTER XLVL LAURENTIAN AND CAMBRIAN PERIODS. IN this portion of the work it will be endeavoured very briefly to give a view of the forms of life which characterised each of the great geological periods. The subject of the fossils which characterise each particular stratum or group of strata in the earth's crust is one far too vast to be grappled with here, and can only be properly considered in a special treatise. All that will be attempted here is to give a short synopsis of the de- posits of each successive era, followed by a general account of the " life " of the period in which those deposits were laid down. Such an account may be advantageously prefaced by a tabular view of the more important fossiliferous deposits, commencing with the most ancient. TABULAR VIEW OF FOSSILIFEROUS STRATA. I. PALAEOZOIC OR PRIMARY EPOCH. ( Terrains Paleozo'iques. ) i. LAURENTIAN. a. Lower Laurentian. — British — Wanting. Foreign — Great series of metamorphic rocks in Canada, gneiss, mica-schist, quartzite, and limestones, with a total thickness of about 20,000 feet. b. Upper Laurentian. — British — Fundamental Gneiss of the Hebrides (?) ; Hypersthene Rocks of the Isle of Skye (?). Foreign — Labrador Series of Canada, having a thickness of 10,000 feet, and resting unconform- ably upon the Lower Laurentian. 2. HURONIAN. British — Wanting (?). Foreign — About 18,000 feet of metamorphic rocks resting unconformably upon the Laurentian series of Canada. Per- haps the equivalent of the Lower Cambrian of other regions. 508 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. 3. CAMBRIAN. a. Lower Cambrian. — British — Longmynd group of Shropshire; Harlech Grits ; Llanberis Slates ; Green and purple slaty rocks of Wicklow, containing Oldhamia. Foreign — Fucoidal Sandstone of Sweden, with Eophyton ; Etages A and B of Barrande in Bohemia ; Huronian series of Canada (?). b. Upper Cambrian. — British — Lingula Flags of Shropshire and Wales. Tremadoc Slates (?). Skiddaw Slates (?). Foreign — "Primordial zone" of Bohemia; Alum-schists of Sweden and Norway; Potsdam Sandstone and Calciferous Sand-rock of North America ; Quebec group of Canada (?). 4. SILURIAN. a. Lower Silurian. — Britain. 1. Lower Llandeilo or Arenig Group. 2. Upper Llandeilo or Llandeilo Flags. 3. Caradoc, Bala, or Coniston Group. 4. Lower Llandovery Group. North America. 1. Trenton Period (comprising the Chazy, Birds-eye, Black River, and Trenton Limestones). 2. Hudson Period (comprising the Utica Shales and Hudson River Group). Bohemia. \ Etage D of Barrande. b. Upper Silurian. Britain. I. Upper Llandovery (comprising the Tarannon Shales and May Hill Sandstone). Wenlock Group (comprising the Woolhope Limestone, Wen- lock Shale, and Wenlock Limestone). Ludlow Group (comprising the Lower and Upper Ludlow formations). North America. Niagara period (comprising the Oneida Conglomerate, Medina Sandstone, Clinton Group and Niagara Limestone). Salina period (comprising the Guelph Limestone and Onondaga Salt Group). Lower Helderberg period (comprising the Tentaculite and Water- lime Groups, the Lower Pentamerus Limestone, the Delthyris Shaly Limestone, and the Upper Pentamerus Limestone). Bohemia. Etage E. F. G. 5. DEVONIAN. a. Lower Devonian. — British — Arbroath Paving Stones of Scotland ; Lin- ton Group of Devonshire. Foreign — Oriskany Sandstone (?) and Corniferous series of North America. b. Middle Devonian. — British — Bituminous Schists of Caithness ; Ilfra- combe Group of Devonshire. Foreign — Eifel Limestone of Europe ; Hamilton series of North America. TABLE OF FOSSILIFEROUS STRATA. 509 c. Upper Devonian. — British — Sandstones of Dura Den ; Sandstones of Denholm Hill in Roxburghshire ; Kiltorcan beds of Ireland ; Pilton and Petherwyn Group of South of England. Foreign — Clymenien- Kalk, and Cypridinen-Schiefer of Germany ; Portage, Chemung, and Catskill Groups of North America. 6. CARBONIFEROUS. a. Lower Carboniferous. — British — Carboniferous Slates of Ireland ; Moun- tain Limestone ; Yoredale Series. Foreign — Sub- Carboniferous Group of North America. b. Upper Carboniferous — British — Millstone Grit ; Coal- Measures. Foreign — Equivalent beds in various parts of the world. 7. PERMIAN. a. Lower Permian. — British — Lower Red Sandstones of North of Eng- land. Foreign — Rothliegendes of Germany. b. Middle Permian. — British — Marl Slate and Magnesian Limestone. Foreign — Mergel-schiefer, Kupfer-schiefer, and Zechstein of Germany. c. Upper Permian. — British — Gypseous Marls and Red Sandstones of the North of England. Foreign — Bunter-schiefer of Germany. II. MESOZOIC OR SECONDARY EPOCH. ( Terrains Secondaires. ) 8. TRIASSIC SERIES. a. Lower Trias. — British — New Red Sandstone of Lancashire and Cheshire. Foreign — Bunter Sandstein of Germany. b. Middle Trias. — British — Wanting. Foreign — Muschelkalk of Germany. c. Upper Trias. — British — Red marls, salt, &c. (Keuper), of Cheshire ; Penarth, Rhsetic, or Avicula contorta beds of Somersetshire, Glamor- ganshire, &c. Foreign — Keuper beds of Germany ; Kossen (St Cassian) and Hallstadt beds of the Austrian Alps. 9. JURASSIC SERIES. a. Lower Oolites. — British — Lias, Inferior Oolite, Fuller's Earth, Great Oolite, Stonesfield Slate, Cornbrash, and Forest Marble. Foreign — The Sinemurien, Liasien, Toarcien, Bajocien, and Bathonien of D'Orbigny. b. Middle Oolites. — British — Kelloway Rock, Oxford Clay, Coral Rag. Foreign — Nerinean Limestone of the Jura, Diceras Limestone of the Alps. c. Upper Oolites — British — Kimmeridge Clay, Portland Stone, Purbeck beds. Foreign — Lithographic Slate of Solenhofen. 10. CRETACEOUS SERIES. a. Lower Cretaceous. — British — Hastings Sands, Weald Clay, Lower Greensand, Kentish Rag. Foreign — Neocomian of Neufchatel, Weal- den of Hanover. b. Upper Cretaceous. — British — Gault, Blackdown beds, Upper Green- sand, Chalk Marl, White Chalk. Foreign — Quader Sandstein and Planer Kalk of Germany, Hippurite Limestone of the South of Europe, Maestricht Chalk, Faxoe Limestone, Sands and Marls of New Jersey in North America. 5IO HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. III. KAINOZOIC OR TERTIARY EPOCH. (Terrains Tertiaires.} 11. EOCENE SERIES. a. Lower Eocene. — British — Thanet Sands, Plastic and Mottled Clays of Woolwich, London Clay. Foreign — Sables de Bracheux and Argile plastique of France. Claiborne beds of Alabama, United States. b. Middle Eocene. — British — Bagshot, Bracklesham and Barton beds, Headon Series, St Helens or Osborne Series. Foreign — Calcaire Grossier of France ; Nummulitic Limestone of the Alps; Jackson beds of the United States. c. Upper Eocene. — British — Bembridge beds, Hempstead beds (Lower Miocene?). Foreign — Gypseous Series of Montmartre in France, Vicksburg and White River beds in the United States. 12. MIOCENE SERIES. a. Lower Miocene. — British — Bovey Tracy lignites and clays, Leaf-beds of Mull in the Hebrides. Foreign — Brown Coals of Germany and Croatia, Lower Molasse of Switzerland. b. Upper Miocene. — British — Ferruginous Sands of North Downs (?). Foreign — Faluns of Touraine, Epplesheim Sands, Upper Molasse of Switzerland, Oeningen beds of Switzerland, Siwalik beds of India. 13. PLIOCENE SERIES. a. Older Pliocene. — British— White Crag and Red Crag of Suffolk. Foreign — Upper and Middle Crags of Antwerp, Sub-Apennine beds. b. Neiver Pliocene. — British — Norwich Crag. Foreign — Lacustrine Strata of the Val d' Arno, near Florence. 14. POST-TERTIARY SERIES. a. Post- Pliocene. — Cave-deposits, High-level and low-level gravels, Glacial deposits, Forest-bed of Cromer, &c. b. Recent. — Peat-mosses, recent river-gravels, lacustrine mud,&c. LAURENTIAN PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. — The Laurentian Rocks have their typical development in North America, especially in Canada. In northern New York strata of -this age rise into the lofty and rugged elevations of the Adirondacks, and similar rocks occur in another area to the south of Lake Superior. The Laurentian series is of vast thickness, and is divided into a lower and upper division. The Lower Laurentian group attains the enormous thickness of about 20,000 feet, and is composed entirely of metamorphic rocks, consisting mainly of gneiss interstratified with mica-schist, with great beds of quartz, and massive beds of crystalline limestone, of which one varies from 700 to 1500 feet in thickness. Conglomerates also oc- cur, and there are vast deposits of magnetic and specular iron- ore. Graphite or black-lead occurs disseminated in strings, veins, and beds, through hundreds of feet of Lower Laurentian strata, and its amount is calculated by Dr Dawson to be equal HURONIAN PERIOD. 511 in quantity to the coal-seams of an equal area of the Carbon- iferous rocks. Not only is the Lower Laurentian series of vast thickness and greatly metamorphosed, but it must have been elevated above the sea, and subjected to vast denudation, prior to the deposition of the upper group. This is shown by the fact that the Upper Laurentian lies unconformably upon the trun- cated edges of the Lower Laurentian. The Upper Lauren- tian group is about 10,000 feet thick, and consists wholly of stratified crystalline rocks. These consist mainly of gneissic and felspathic rocks, often characterised by the occurrence of lime-felspar or Labradorite. The series is extensively devel- oped in Labrador, and is sometimes spoken of as the " Labra- dor series." In Britain it has been conjectured, with great probability, that the "fundamental gneiss" of the Hebrides and the "hypers- thene rocks " of the Isle of Skye belong to the Laurentian series. LIFE OF THE LAURENTIAN PERIOD. — The Laurentian rocks are often spoken of as the Azoic series (Gr. a, without ; zoe, life) ; but the name appears to be inappropriate, because there is good evidence to show that living beings were in existence in the Laurentian period. In the first place, it is certain that the Laurentian rocks, though now highly metamorphic, were originally deposited as ordinary sedimentary beds of sandstone, conglomerate, shale, and limestone. There is, therefore, no reason whatever for supposing that the seas of the Laurentian period differed in any respect from modern seas, so far at any rate as to render the existence of living beings impossible j while we know that one of the results of metamorphic action is the obliteration of the fossils in the rock affected. Secondly, by the researches of Sir William Logan there was discovered in one of the limestones of the Lower Laurentian group, the body which has been described under the name of Eozoon Canadense, and which is believed to be a gigantic Foraminifer. The organic nature of this body was first detected by Dr Daw- son of Montreal, and his opinion as to its nature has since been confirmed by the highest authorities. Thirdly, there is good reason to believe that the graphite of the Laurentian rocks is nothing more than metamorphic coal, and that it is derived from vegetables which flourished during the Lauren- tian period. HURONIAN PERIOD. The rocks of the Huronian series rest unconformably upon the denuded edges of the Laurentian rocks on the borders of 512 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. Lakes Superior and Huron. They are about 18,000 feet in thickness, and consist of quartzites (altered sandstones), sili- ceous slates, conglomerates, and limestones. The conglome- rates sometimes contain pebbles derived from the subjacent Laurentian rocks. No fossils have hitherto been found in any part of the Huronian series, and its exact age is therefore doubtful. Not improbably it may correspond with the Lower Cambrian rocks of other regions, but it may represent an independent formation to be intercalated in point of time between the Laurentian and Cambrian groups. CAMBRIAN PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. — The exact limits of the Cambrian Rocks are as yet not well denned, different authorities taking different views as to the strata which should be considered under this head. The name " Cambrian " is derived from the fact that these strata are the lowest rocks visible in North Wales and its borders (Cambria). The Cambrian rocks are generally divided into a Lower and Upper division, and they are well developed in various parts of Europe and America. The following gives a general idea of the nature, distribution, and mineral characters of the Cambrian rocks : — I. Cambrian Rocks of Britain. — The Lower Cambrian rocks of Britain are best seen in the Longmynd Hills in Shropshire, and consist of about 25,000 feet of variously-coloured sand- stones, grits, and shales, often ripple-marked, and exhibiting rain-prints, but with very few fossils. These are succeeded by a great series of micaceous flagstones, slates, and shales, which vary in thickness from 6000 to 2000 feet, and are, in part at any rate, of Upper Cambrian age. They are known as the Lingula Flags, from the occurrence in them of a Brachiopod belonging to the genus Lingula. In North Wales the Lower Cambrian strata are often highly metamorphosed, and the cele- brated Welsh roofing-slates are also derived from this division. Cambrian rocks occur in other parts of Britain, and the follow- ing table exhibits their leading members :— 1. Lower Cambrian : a. Longmynd beds (25,000 feet). b. Llanberis slates (3000 feet). c. Harlech grits (6000 feet). d. Oldhamia slates of -Ireland. 2. Upper Cambrian : e. Lingula Flags of Wales (about 6000 feet). /. Tremadoc Slates of North Wales (2000 feet). g. Skiddaw Slates of the north of England (7000 feet). CAMBRIAN PERIOD. 513 The last-mentioned group of rocks, namely, the Skiddaw Slates of the north of England, is in a doubtful position. They consist of about 7000 feet of dark-coloured shales and slates, and they are most clearly the equivalent of the Quebec group of Canada, containing many of the same fossils. Upon the whole, it seems safer in the meanwhile to regard them as Upper Cambrian. . II. Cambrian Rocks of Bohemia and Sweden. — In Bohemia, M. Barrande has succeeded in demonstrating as underlying the Lower Silurian rocks of that country a zone of rocks, which correspond to the Lingula Flags of Britain, and are therefore of Upper Cambrian age. This zone contains many remarkable and characteristic fossils, and is often spoken of as the " Primordial Zone." In Sweden and Norway the Lower Cambrian rocks are represented by a sandstone containing impressions supposed to be referable to sea-weeds or " fucoids." This " Fucoidal sandstone " is succeeded by beds of so-called " alum-schist/' which are of Upper Cambrian age, and corre- spond with the Lingula Flags of Britain. III. Cambrian Rocks of North America. — The Cambrian rocks are represented in North America by the Potsdam sand- stone and the Calciferous series. The Potsdam Sandstone is mostly a laminated sandstone, or grit in the State of New York, but limestones are present in addition in the Mississippi basin, and it consists of a great thickness (2000 to 7000 feet) of slates, sandstones, and limestones, along the Appalachian chain. It contains a good many fossils, among which are Trilobites resembling those of the " Primordial Zone " in Bohemia. The Calciferous series consists of a hard calcareous sand- stone, or " sand-rock " in the State of New York ; but it con- sists of sandstone with well-developed magnesian limestone in the basin of the Mississippi ; and along the Appalachian chain it consists of sandstones and limestones, subordinated to great masses of shale. In their last-mentioned development the Calciferous rocks have been termed the " Quebec group," and, as before said, they are undoubtedly the equivalent of the Skiddaw Slates of Britain. They attain a thickness of from 5000 to 7000 feet ; but it is not clear whether they are truly referable to the Upper Cambrian or to the base of the Silurian system. Most probably they are transition beds between the two formations. LIFE OF THE CAMBRIAN PERIOD. — In the Lower Cambrian Rocks fossils have hitherto proved extremely scarce. The commonest organic remains are the burrows and tracks of 2 K 5 14 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. Annelides (Arenicolites, Histioderma, &c.) Besides these, the Longmynd beds of Shropshire have yielded a supposed Trilo- bite (Palaopyge). The green and purple slaty rocks of Wick- low have yielded two species of the singular fossil Oldhamia (fig. 27), which may be a Hydroid Zoophyte, but which is more probably a calcareous sea-weed. Lastly, the " Fucoidal Sandstone " of Sweden, besides the obscure remains which are known as " fucoids," has yielded the remarkable fossil known as Eophyton (fig. 378), which is most probably a plant, along with a small Lingula. In the Upper Cambrian Rocks, fossils become tolerably abundant, and belong to varied types. The most character- istic forms are Trilobites, the characters of which are so peculiar as to have gained them the name of " primordial,'' applied also to the strata in which they are found. The chief genera are Paradoxides (fig. 114), Conocephalus, Sao, Conocoryphe, Ellipsocephalus, Microdiscus, Agnostus, &c. The " Primordial Zone " of Bohemia has also yielded a few Pteropods, Brachiopods, and Echinoderms. The Potsdam Sandstone of North America contains various primordial Trilobites (especially those of the genus Dikelocephalus], Bra- chiopods of the genera Obolus, Obolella, and Lingula, Gastero- pods of the genera Pleurotomaria and Ophileta, Annelide-bur- rows (Scolithus), and numerous so-called " fucoids." Lastly, in the Potsdam Sandstone have been detected the earliest footprints, if they may be so termed, which have been as yet discovered. These have been described under the names of Protichnites and Climactichnites, and they have probably been produced by large Crustaceans. The Lingula Flags of Britain owe their name to the occur- rence in them of a large satchel-shaped Lingula (L. Davisii). Trilobites of the genera Olenus, Agnostus, Paradoxides, &c., occur, and remains of Phyllopodous Crustaceans (Hymeno- caris] are by no means rare. The Skiddaw and Quebec groups, as already mentioned, are in a doubtful position, and are often regarded as being referable to the Lower Silurian. They are chiefly noticeable for the great abundance of Graptolites which they have been shown to contain. Many of these belong to genera which pass up into the Silurian rocks (Didymograpsus, Diplograpsus, and Climacograpsus) ; but others belong to types which are exclusively confined to this horizon, and which are remarkably complex as compared with later forms. Amongst these may be mentioned the genera Tetragrapsus (fig. 32), Dichograpsus (fig. 33), Loganograpsus, and Phyllograpsus. SILURIAN PERIOD. 515 CHAPTER XLVIII. SILURIAN PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. FOLLOWING the Cambrian comes the great Silurian series of rocks, first clearly established and definitely worked out by Sir Roderick Murchison, the founder of the Silurian system. The exact limit between the Cambrian and Silurian formations is one which is not clearly defined, since there does not appear to be any general physical break between the two groups. The line of demarcation between them is, in the present state of our knowledge, an arbitrary line, and is derived chiefly from the characters of the Trilobites. There are rocks, however, such as the Tremadoc Slates, the Skiddaw Slates, and the Cal- ciferous and Quebec groups, in which there is an intermixture of Cambrian with true Lower Silurian types. These rocks, therefore, might be regarded as Upper Cambrian or as Lower Silurian, or as passage-beds between the two. It is to be remembered, also, that the Tremadoc Slates and Lingula Flags are regarded by Sir Roderick Murchison as being the base- ment-beds of the Lower Silurian. The name " Silurian " was proposed by Sir R. Murchison for a great series of strata lying below the Old Red Sandstone, and occupying those parts of Wales and England which were at one time occupied by the " Silures," a tribe of ancient Britons. The Silurian rocks are largely developed in Wales, the north of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in various parts of Europe, especially Bohemia, Saxony, Russia, and Sweden, and in the North American Continent. The entire series is divisible into the two sections of the Lower and Upper Silurian rocks, each in turn split up into smaller subdivisions, the names of which have usually been taken from localities where they are unusually well developed, or where they were first studied. In Britain the Silurian Rocks are divided into the following groups from below upwards : — a. Lower Llandeilo group, -j b. Upper Llandeilo group, I eilnr;an c. Bala, Caradoc, or Coniston group, [ ^ d. Lower Llandovery group, ) e. Upper Llandovery group, \ f. Wenlock group, > Upper Silurian. g. Ludlow group, ) 5l6 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. a. The Lower Llandeilo or Arenig group derives its name from the town of Llandeilo, in Wales, where it consists of dark- coloured micaceous flags, with earthy shales and gritty sandstones. b. The Upper Llandeilo group consists of a great series of micaceous flags and dark-coloured shales, often with inter- stratified igneous matter. In Scotland the group consists of a great assemblage of shales and grits, the former mostly very dark in colour, often anthracitic, and charged with the remains of Graptolites. c. The Bala, Caradoc, or Comston group consists in Wales of slates, grits, and sandstones, with two interstratified lime- stones, the whole attaining a thickness of about 5500 feet. In the north of England this group consists of black flaggy beds, a well-marked limestone with intercalated shales, and black mudstones replete with Graptolites. d. The Lower Llandovery group consists of slates and sand- stones, with great beds of conglomerate. e. The Upper Llandovery group forms in Britain the base of the Upper Silurians, and rests unconformably upon the Lower Llandovery. It consists of limestones, shales, conglomerates, sandstones, and slates, attaining a total thickness of nearly 2000 feet. f. The Wenlock group consists of a great mass of shale and flagstone (Wenlock Shale), underlaid and surmounted by lime- stones, the whole attaining a thickness of 3000 feet. g. The Ludlow group consists of shales, limestones, and sandstones in Wales, and of grits and shales in the north of England, having a total thickness of from 2000 to 4000 or 5000 feet. In North America the Silurian series is magnificently devel- oped, and is capable, like that of other parts of the world, of being separated into a Lower and Upper division. The annexed table shows the subdivisions of the Silurian series as developed in the State of New York, and their supposed British equivalents — the table being in ascending order :— Silurian Strata of New York. British equivalents. 1. Trenton period (comprising the Chazy, Bird's ^ The Lower Silurian eye, Black River, and Trenton limestones. I series (comprising the > Llandeilo, Bala, and 2. Hudson period (comprising the Utica slates Lower Llandovery and Hudson River shales). ' groups). •\ The lower portion of 3. Niagara period (comprising the Oneida I the Upper Silurian series conglomerate, Medina sandstone, Clinton group, > (comprising the Upper and Niagara limestone). Llandovery and Wen- J lock). SILURIAN PERIOD. 517 4. Salina period (comprising the Guelph lime- ) NQ British ivalent stone and Onondaga salt group). ) 5. The Lower Helderberg period (comprising^ The ^ h . rf the Tentacuhte and Water - lime groups the I the ^ ^ gjj^ Lower Pentamerus limestone, the Delthyns Lies(co^prisingtheLud. shaly limestone, and the Upper Pentamerus j CTOlm\ limestone). In Bohemia, as shown by M. Barrande, the Silurian series likewise admits of a subdivision into an Inferior and a Supe- rior division. The former comprises the single " e'tage D," and is characterised by a fauna to which M. Barrande has applied the term of " second fauna," the so-called "primordial zone" having yielded the "first fauna" of the same palaeonto- logist. The Upper Silurian series comprises the etages E, F, G, and H, and is characterised by the possession of the " third fauna." LIFE OF THE SILURIAN PERIOD. — In the lower portion of the Cambrian series, as we have seen, organic remains are ex- ceedingly scanty ; but in the upper portion of the same, fossils are tolerably abundant, and belong in part to types which pass upwards into the overlying Silurian series. The fossils of the Silurian series are almost exclusively marine, the only excep- tions being some remains of land-plants, such as stems of Lepidodendron (Sagenaria) and the sporangia of Lycopodiace- ous plants (Pachytheca), the latter having been discovered in the very highest beds of the system. The only other vegeta- ble remains which have been detected in undoubted Silurian deposits belong to what are loosely termed " fucoids " (Licro- phycus, Arthrophycus, Palceophycus, Buthotrephis, &c.), and these are tolerably abundant in various parts of the series. The sub-kingdom of the Protozoa is represented by For- aminiferous shells and by Sponges. The latter are tolerably abundant in both the Lower and Upper Silurian and belong to various genera (Palaospongia, Acanthospongia, Astylospongia, Amphispongia, &c.) Here, also, we meet with the singular genera Receptaculites and Ischadites, which have been variously regarded as gigantic Foraminifers, as Sponges, or as inter- mediate forms between the Foraminifera and the Spongida. The sub -kingdom of the Coslenterata is represented in Silurian times by the Graptolites and by numerous Corals. The typical Graptolites commence their existence in the Skid- daw and Quebec Groups (Upper Cambrian ?), and are highly characteristic of the Silurian Rocks. If we except the genus Dictyonema, which is probably referable to the Sertularians, no species of Graptolite is known to have survived the close of the Silurian period. Neglecting their earlier appearance, the 5l8 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. genera Didymograpsus and Dicranograpsus are exclusively, and the genera Diplograpsus, Climacograpsus, and Rastrites are pre-eminently, characteristic of the Lower Silurian period. The genera Graptolites and Retiolites are those which espe- cially characterise the Upper Silurian deposits, though both commence in the inferior division of the series. Corals are exceedingly abundant in many parts of the Silurian series, certain formations, such as the Wenlock Limestone of Eng- land and the Niagara Limestone of North America, being in places so largely composed of these fossils that they have been regarded as ancient coral-reefs. Almost all the Silurian corals belong to the groups of the Rugosa and Tabulate The Echinodermata are largely represented in Silurian de- deposits, more especially by Crinoids and Cystideans. The former are extremely abundant, and belong in many instances to peculiar types. The Cystideans are pre-eminently Lower Silurian, though they occur also in the upper division of the series. They are especially characteristic of the Bala or Caradoc period. The true Star-fishes (Asteroidea) are repre- sented even in the Lower Silurian rocks ; whilst the Brittle- stars (Ophiuroidea) are represented by the genus Protaster. The Sea-urchins (Echinoided) are not represented at all except in the Upper Silurian, and there only by the aberrant genus Palachinus. The Annelida are represented in the Silurian rocks by the tracks and burrows of Sea-worms (Helminthites and Scolites), and by the tubes of Tubicola (Serpulites, Ortonia, Conchicolites, Cornulites, Spirorbis, &c.) The little spiral tubes of Spirorbis are commonly found in the Upper Silurian rocks attached to the shells of Orthocerata and the like. The Arthropoda appear to have been represented wholly by Crustaceans, no Arachnids, Myriapods, or Insects being yet known with certainty to occur. The most important Silurian Crustaceans belong to the Trilobita, Phyllopoda, Eurypterida, and Ostracoda. The Trilobites are extraordinarily abundant, and every subdivision of the Silurian series has its characteristic species. The " primordial Trilobites " are only represented by such forms as Agnostus and O lemts. The Lower Silurians have many types, amongst which Asaphus, Ogygia, Trinucleus Calymene, Cheirurus, Illcznus, and Phacops may be mentioned as the most important, though most of these range into the Upper Silurians as well. The Silurian Phyllopods are toler- ably plentiful in both divisions of the series and belong chiefly to the genera Ceratiocaris, Peltocaris, and Discinocaris. The Eurypterids are represented in the Lower Silurians, but they SILURIAN PERIOD. 519 are pre-eminently characteristic of the higher beds of the Upper Silurian. Lastly, the Ostracoda are often extremely abundant, and belong chiefly to the genera Leper ditia, Pri- mitia, Beyrichia, and Entomis. The sub-kingdom Mollusca is very largely represented in Silurian deposits, and the Brachiopods and Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods in particular enjoyed a vast extension and a de- velopment which has never since been attained. The Brachi- opods are so abundant in all parts of the series that the Silurian period has been spoken of as the "Age of Brachi- opods." The chief families are the Strophomenida, Rhy?i- chonellidcz, Spiriferida, and Lingulidce. The genus Pentamerus is especially characteristic of the Llandovery Rocks, or of what has been termed the " Middle Silurian " by Sir Charles Lyell. The Caradoc period is noticeable for the great number of Or -t 'hides, mostly belonging to simple plaited forms. The ex- clusively Silurian genera, however, are very few, but Obolus, Siphonotreta, and Trematis are not known to have survived into the Devonian period. Bivalves, such as Modiolopsis, Ctenodonta, Lyrodesma, Ambonychia, Pterinea, Cardiola, &c., are far from uncommon ; whilst the Gasteropods are largely represented by such forms as Pleurotomaria, Metoptoma, Holopea, Cydonema, and Murchisonia. The Heteropods are represented by Maclurea, Bellerophon, Cyrtolites, and Ecculiom- phalus ; and the Pteropods abounded under the generic forms of Theca (Hyolithes), Conularia, Tentaculites, and Pterotheca. The Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods are extraordinarily abundant ; but they belong almost exclusively to the sections of the Naiitilida and Orthoceratidce ; the Ammonitidce being repre- sented only by the genus Goniatites, which has not as yet been recognised in the Lower Silurian deposits. The family of the Orthoceratidcz attains here its maximum of development, over one thousand species having been described by M. Barrande from the Silurian basin of Bohemia alone. Their highest de- velopment, however, is in the upper and not in the lower division of the series. The sub-kingdom Vertebrata is not known to be represented in the Lower Silurian period at all ; but remains of various fishes have been detected in the Upper Silurian series. In Britain, the earliest fish-remains have been discovered in the Lower Ludlow Shale, and consist of the cephalic bucklers of Pteraspidean fishes. In the well-known stratum at the summit of the Ludlow Rocks, familiar under the name of the " bone- bed," have been discovered the defensive spines on which the genus Onchus has been founded, and the shagreen-scales 520 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. which constitute the genera Thelodus and Sphagodus. These spines are believed to indicate the existence in the Upper Silurian seas of Cestraciont fishes allied to the living Port- Jackson Shark, whilst the latter may have belonged to some form like the existing Dog-fishes. It must be admitted, how- ever, that the true nature of these fossils is still open to ques- tion. From the Upper Silurian series of Bohemia M. Bar- rande describes no less than five fishes — viz., Coccosteus primus, C. Agassizi, Asterolepis Bohemicus, Gompholepis Panderi, and Ctenacanthus Bohemicus, of which the first four belong to the Ganoids, whilst the last is supposed to be a Cestraciont or a Selachian. CHAPTER XLIX. DEVONIAN PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. THE Silurian Rocks are succeeded upward by a great system of rocks, mainly of the nature of sandstones and conglomerates, to which the name of Old Red Sandstone has been applied. The name Devonian formation is also employed to designate these same strata, rocks supposed to belong to this period being largely developed in Devonshire, in England. It is probable, however, that the Devonian rocks represent a por- tion only of the Old Red Sandstone, and that they cannot be regarded as the full equivalent of the Old Red Sandstone of other regions. The term " Devonian " may, however, when thus understood, be usefully employed as a general term for all the strata which intervene between the Silurian System and the succeeding formation of the Carboniferous rocks. The uncertainty as to the exact position of the Devonian Rocks of Devonshire in the series of the Old Red Sandstone, or the uncertainty as to whether they represent the Old Red Sandstone in whole or in part, arises from this — that though both formations are fossiliferous, the peculiar fossils of each are never found associated together. The peculiar fossils of the Old Red Sandstone proper are not found in the rocks of Devonshire ; and the fossils of the latter, though found in equivalent strata on the Continent of Europe, do not occur in the beds to which the name of Old Red Sandstone was origi- nally applied. This, however, may be largely due to the fact DEVONIAN PERIOD. 521 that, while the Devonian strata are undoubtedly marine in their origin, there seems reason to conclude that the Old Red Sandstone proper was, in part at any rate, a fresh-water de- posit. The two groups, therefore, might be truly contempora- neous, and yet might not contain the same fossils. The Old Red Sandstone is pre-eminently a British forma- tion, and is divisible into three groups — the Lower, Middle, and Upper Old Red. The Lower Old Red reposes with perfect conformity upon the highest beds of the Upper Silurians, the two formations appearing to pass into one another by an intermediate series of " passage-beds," which contain large Crustaceans of the family of the Eurypterids. The Lower Old Red consists mainly of massive conglomerates, with sandstones, shales, and concretionary limestones. Its organic remains consist chiefly of plants, Crustaceans, and fishes. The Middle Old Red of Scotland consists of dark-grey flag- stones, bituminous, flaggy shales, and conglomerates, some- times accompanied by shales having irregular calcareous no- dules embedded in them. The fossil remains are chiefly fishes, with one Crustacean, and a few plants. The Upper Old Red of Scotland consists of pebbly con- glomerates, sandstones, and shales, and contains many fishes, a good many fragments supposed to belong to sea-weeds, and some undoubted land-plants. In North and South Devon there occurs, underlying the Carboniferous Rocks, a great series of strata which has been regarded as the equivalent of the Old Red Sandstone. Though certainly referable, in great part at any rate, to the period of the Old Red Sandstone, it does not appear that the Devonian Rocks can be regarded as the equivalent of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. The Devonian Rocks, however, are largely represented on the continent of Europe, and they are richly fossiliferous ; though they do not contain any of the characteristic Crustaceans, and only one or two generic re- presentatives of the characteristic fishes of the Scotch Old Red. The Devonian Rocks of Devonshire consist essentially of greenish slates, alternating with sandstones, conglomerates, and well-developed bands of blue crystalline limestone and calcareous slates. In no country in the world probably is there a finer and more complete exposition of the strata intervening between the Silurian and Carboniferous formations than in the United States. The following are the main subdivisions of the Devo- Upper Devonian. 522 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. nian Rocks of the State of New York, in which, probably, the series is most typically displayed : — 1. Oriskany period (Oriskany Sandstone),* "J 2. Corniferous period (comprising the I Lower Devom'an Cauda-Galli grit, Schoharie grit, and i Upper Helderberg group), / 3. Hamilton period (comprising the Mar- cellus, Hamilton, arid Genesee groups), 4. Chemung period (comprising the Por- tage and Chemung groups), 5. Catskill period (Catskill Sandstone), LIFE OF THE DEVONIAN PERIOD. — Taken as a whole, the life of the Devonian period may be regarded as transitional between that of the underlying Silurian and overlying Carboni- ferous period. As far, however, as our present knowledge allows of our forming a definite opinion, the Devonian fauna and flora approximate more nearly to those of the succeed- ing Carboniferous than to those of the antecedent Silurian period. This is especially shown in the Devonian plants, which, as has been already pointed out, in almost all cases agree generically with those of the Carboniferous ; whilst in some cases they are even specifically identical. Thus, the Devonian land supported an abundant vegetation, in which Lepidodendroids, Sigillarioids, Calamites, Ferns, and Conifers, mostly of Carboniferous types, play a prominent part. There are, however, some forms, which, like Psilophyton, are as yet not known to have occurred in the Carboniferous deposits. The Protozoa are represented in the Devonian rocks by For- aminifera and Sponges. Of the latter, Sparsispongia is the most characteristic genus. (Steganodictyum is the buckler of a Pteraspidean fish.) The Cozlenterata are represented by the Hydrozoal genus Dictyonema, which has often been referred to the Graptolites, and by very numerous and varied forms of corals. No true Graptolites have been as yet detected, unless Dictyonema be one. The corals still belong mainly to the groups of the Rugosa and Tabulata. The section of the Tubulosa (Aulopor- idce) is represented here for the first time. Here also occur the singular operculate Rugose corals upon which the genus Calceola is founded. The Echinodermata are represented in the Devonian period by numerous Crinoids (Cupressocrinus, Aplocrinus, Platycri- * The Oriskany Sandstone, though here placed in the Devonian, is pro- bably really the summit of the Upper Silurian. DEVONIAN PERIOD. 523 nus, &c.), along with Pentremite s ; whilst Cystideans are stated to make their last appearance here. The Articulates are represented by numerous Crustaceans, and by a few insects — the latter being the first of their class. The Crustaceans are abundant, the chief forms being Trilobites (Phacops, Bronteus, Homalonotus, &c.), large Eurypterids (Ptery- gotus, Stylonurus, Eurypterus, &c.), and Ostracodes (Entomis, Leper ditia, Beyrichia, &c.) The bivalved carapaces of the last mentioned of these groups are very abundant in certain De- vonian beds, and the so-called " Cypridinen-schiefer " of the Devonian series of Germany derives its name from the occur- rence in it of vast numbers of the little Entomis ( Cypridina) serrato-striata. In certain Devonian beds, also, the remains of the Crustacean genus Estheria are very abundant. The Devo- nian Insects appear on the whole to have the closest affinity with certain of the existing Neuroptera or Pseudo-neuroptera. The Mollusca are largely represented in Devonian time, and the Brachiopods are especially abundant. The most charac- teristic forms are those of the genera Stringocephalus (fig. 144) and Uncites, along with numerous broad-winged Spirifers (such as S. mucronata, fig. 148). Lamellibranchs (such as Megalo- don and Pterinea\ Gasteropods (Macrocheilus, Trochus, Pleuro- tomaria, &c.), and Pteropods (Conularia) are well represented in the Devonian Rocks. As in the case of the Silurian period, no certain traces of the existence of Dibranchiate Cephalo- pods have been as yet detected in the Devonian. The Tetra- branchiate Cephalopods, however, are known by true Nautili and Orthocerata, and by the genus Clymenia. The family of the Ammotttiida is also represented by the genera Goniatites and Bactrites. The sub-kingdom of the Vertebrata is still represented by fishes only ; but these are so abundant that the Devonian period has been commonly called the " Age of Fishes." Most of the Devonian Fishes belong to the order of the Ganoids, and especially to the two groups of the Crossopterygidcz and Ostracostei. The genera Cephalaspis, Pteraspis, Pterichthys, and Coccosteus, do not survive this period, and there are many other peculiar Lepidoganoids as well. Besides Ganoids, nu- merous remains of Elasmobranchii have been detected, these being referable both to the Cestraphori and to the Selachii. It is probable, also, that some of the Devonian fishes are rightly referable to the order Dipnoi, finding their nearest living allies in the Mud-fishes of South America and Africa, and the Barramunda of Australia. 524 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. CHAPTER L. CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. OVERLYING the great formation of the Old Red Sandstone, or Devonian Rocks, sometimes unconformably but more often in perfect conformity, we have the large and important series of the Carboniferous Rocks, so called because workable beds of coal are more commonly developed in this than in any other formation. It must not be forgotten, however, that coal is not exclusively a Carboniferous product, but that workable seams of coal occur in several formations younger than the Carboni- ferous. In all cases, too, the coal forms but a very small pro- portion of the actual thickness of the Carboniferous Rocks, occurring in comparatively thin beds intercalated in a great series of sandstones, shales, and limestones. The Carboniferous Rocks are largely developed in Britain, on the continent of Europe, and in North America, and are known to occur in other parts of the world also. Their general composition, however, is, comparatively speaking, so uniform, that it will be sufficient to take a general view of the formation without considering each area separately. As a general rule, the Carboniferous Rocks may be divided into the following three groups, from below upward :— 1. The Carboniferous Slates and Mountain Limestone, mainly and most typically calcareous. Sometimes termed the Sub- carboniferous group. 2. The Millstone Grit, essentially arenaceous and conglome- ratic. 3. The Coal-measures, composed of alternating shales, sand- stones, and other strata, with workable beds of coal. I. The CARBONIFEROUS, SUB-CARBONIFEROUS, or MOUNTAIN, LIMESTONE constitutes ordinarily the base of the Carboniferous system. In Ireland, however, and elsewhere, the lowest beds of the Carboniferous series are slates and grits, which attain a maximum thickness of 5000 feet, and have been termed the Carboniferous Slates. Their fossils are partially referable to good Carboniferous types, and partly to Devonian forms, so that they may be regarded as passage-beds. The Carboni- ferous limestone proper in its most typical development, as in Wales and the west of England, consists of a great mass of nearly pure limestone, from 1000 to 2000 feet thick, with a CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. 525 few beds of shale. In other places, however, it is more or less broken up into a series of different beds of limestone, alternating with sandstones, grits, and shales, and sometimes containing beds of coal. In North America it is never purely calcareous, but consists mainly, or entirely, of sandstones and shales, sometimes with thin beds of coal, or deposits of clay iron-ore. Westward, however, it becomes more highly cal- careous. II. THE MILLSTONE GRIT. — The highest beds of the Car- boniferous limestone are succeeded, usually conformably but sometimes unconformably, by a series of sandy and gritty beds which have been termed the Millstone Grit. In its most typical form the Millstone Grit consists of a series of hard quartzose sandstones, the component grains of which are some- times so large as to be more properly called small pebbles, when the rock becomes a fine conglomerate. In other cases regular conglomerates are present, and there are sometimes shales, limestones, and thin beds of coal. The thickness of the Millstone Grit varies from 1000 to 1700 feet as a rule; but sometimes its thickness is very greatly diminished. Fos- sils are scarce, and offer no peculiarity. III. THE COAL-MEASURES. — The Coal-measures proper succeed the Millstone Grit conformably, and consist of a great series of shale, sandstone, grit, and coal, attaining a total thickness, when well developed, of from 7000 to 15,000 feet. Except in Scotland, where workable coal-seams occur below the horizon of the Millstone Grit, it is mostly from the true Coal-measures that coal is obtained ; the largest and most productive coal-fields of the world occurring in Britain, North America, and Belgium. In their mineral nature, the Coal- measures, all over the world, exhibit a wonderful general uni- formity of composition. They consist, namely, of dark, often nearly black, earthy and laminated shales, yellow, brown, and purple sandstones, sometimes spotted, but very rarely red in colour, along with occasional beds of limestone and clay iron- ore, and beds of coal of varying thickness. These alternating beds may follow one another in any order, and may be re- peated over and over again, the total thickness sometimes reaching the enormous amount of 14,000 feet, or nearly three miles. In the South Wales coal-field the series consists as usual of sandstones, shales, and coals, alternating with one another, and indicating a slow, but probably intermittent, depression of the area which they now occupy. In this coal- field there are about 80 distinct beds of coal, each of which represents an ancient land-surface. Each of these beds re- 526 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. poses upon a sandy shale or clay, which is known as the "imderclay" or " floor" of the coal, and through which spread numerous fossils referred to the genus Stigmaria, and now known to be the roots of plants (Sigillaria). Each seam is also surmounted by a bed of shale, forming the so-called " roof" of the coal, and in this are found numerous flattened and compressed branches and stems of plants. LIFE OF THE PERIOD. — The vegetation of the Carboniferous period is exceedingly luxuriant ; but its characters have been already so fully discussed as to render unnecessary anything further here than a mere allusion to its chief members. The chief feature in the Carboniferous flora is the great predominance of Cryptogams as compared with Phanerogams. The former are amply represented by numerous Ferns, Calamites, Lepido- dendroids, and, perhaps, Sigillarioids. The latter, with few exceptions, are represented only by Gymnospermous Exogens. The Protozoa are represented in the Carboniferous rocks by a few Sponges and by the shells of Foraminifera, of which the genus Fusulina (fig. n) is the most characteristic. The tests of this form are sometimes so abundant as almost to make up the whole of certain limestones. The Ccelenterates are represented almost exclusively by Corals, which abound especially in some of the limestones of the Lower Carboniferous series. Most of the Carbonifer- ous Corals belong to the Tabulate division of the Zoantharia Sclerodermata, or to the Rugosa, and amongst the more impor- tant genera may be mentioned Lithostrotion, Syringopora, Lons- daleia, Cyathophyllum, Amplexus, Favosites, and Chcztetes. Of the Echinodermata the most abundant are the Crinoids, which occur in vast profusion in most of the limestones of the Carboniferous series. The most important genera are Actino- crimts, Platycrinus, Cyathocrinus, Poteriocrinus, and Rhodocri- nus. In some parts of the Carboniferous, Pentremites are also exceedingly abundant. Lastly, the Echinoids are represented by the two aberrant genera, Archczocidaris and Palcechinus, Annelides are not abundant, with the single exception of the little Spirorbis, or Microconchus, carbonarius, which some- times occurs in great plenty. The Crustaceans belong chiefly to the groups of the Ostracoda and Phyllopoda. The Trilo- bites make here their last appearance ; the genera Phillipsia^ Griffithides, and Brachymetopus, being the last of the race. The Eurypterids also appear to die out finally in the Carbon- iferous. On the other hand, the Xiphosura are now repre- sented by the genera Belinurus and Prestwichia (fig. 119) ; and the Macrourous Decapods appear to commence their existence CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. 527 at this point. Of the Phyllopods, the best-known genera are Dithyrocaris and Leaia. The little Ostracoda are often exceed- ingly abundant, some of them belonging to marine, and others to fresh-water or brackish-water forms. About thirteen genera have been already detected in rocks of Carboniferous age, the most important being Leperditia, Bairdia, Cypridina, Cythere, Candona, and Beyrichia, of which the last appears to die out here. Besides Crustaceans, the Arthropods are represented by Arachnida, Myriapoda, and Insecta. The Mollusca are very largely represented in Carboniferous seas. Polyzoa are very abundant, the most characteristic forms belonging to the genera fenestella, Ptilopora, Retepora, and Ar- chimedipora. Brachiopods occur in profusion, and belong as a rule to very well marked types. The great family of the Productidcz attains here its maximum, most of the remaining forms belonging to the genera Spirifera, Strophomena, Orthis, Lingula, Terebratula, and Discina. Bivalves are very numerous, and the family of the Aviculida reaches here its maximum of development. Other well-known Carboniferous Bivalves be- long to the genera Edmondia, Posidonomya, Conocardium, and Cardiomorpha. The Gasteropods are represented mainly by the characteristically Palaeozoic genera Macrocheilus and Lox- onema, the almost exclusively Palaeozoic Euomphalus, and the persistent genus Pleurotomaria. Heteropods (Bellerophon and Porcellia) and Pteropods (Conularia) are also not unknown. No Dibranchiate Cephalopods are as yet known to occur, but the Tetrabranchiates are well represented — the Nautilidtz by forms of Orthoceras and Cyrtoceras, and the Ammonitida by Goniatites. The Vertebrates are now represented by Amphibians, in addition to Fishes. The latter are still chiefly Ganoid, the commonest forms belonging to the genera Palceoniscus, Rhizo- dus, and Holoptychius. Besides these occur numerous teeth and fin-spines referred to Elasmobranchii, the most important genera founded on these remains being Psammodus, Orodus, Cochliodus, Cladodus, Ctenacanthus, Pleur acanthus, Gyracanthus, Leptacanthus, and Orthacanthus. The Amphibians appear to belong exclusively to the extinct order of the Labyrinthodon- tia, referred to many genera, of which the most important are Archegosaurus, Anthracosaurus, and Baphetes. Some of the remains, however, of the air-breathing Vertebrates of the Car- boniferous period are perhaps higher in the scale than Laby- rinthodonts ; and they have been supposed to indicate the existence at this time of true Reptiles. $28 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. PERMIAN PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. — The Carboniferous series is suc- ceeded by a group of beds, which complete the Palaeozoic formations, and which were termed Permian Rocks by Sir Roderick Murchison, from the province of Perm, in Russia, where they are extensively developed. Formerly these rocks were grouped with the succeeding formation of the Trias under the common name of " New Red Sandstone." This name was given them because they contain a good deal of red sand- stone, and because they are superior to the Carboniferous rocks, while the Old Red Sandstone is inferior. Nowadays, however, the term " New Red Sandstone " is rarely employed, unless it be for red sandstones and associated rocks, which are seen to overlie the Coal-measures, but which contain no fossils by which their exact age may be made out. Under these circumstances it is sometimes convenient to employ the term " New Red Sandstone." The New Red, however, of the older geologists is now broken up into the two formations of the Permian and Triassic rocks, the former being the top of the Palaeozoic series, and the latter constituting the base of the Mesozoic. The Permian rocks, as a rule, repose unconformably upon the underlying Carboniferous rocks, but seem to pass upward conformably into the Trias, in most instances. The division, therefore, between the Permian and Triassic rocks, and, con- sequently, between the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic series, is not founded upon any marked or universal physical break, but upon the difference in the life of the two periods. The Permian rocks exhibit their most typical features in Russia and Germany, though they are very well developed in parts of Britain, and they occur in North America. When well developed, they exhibit three main divisions : a lower set of sandstones, a middle group, generally calcareous, and an upper series of sandstones, constituting respectively the Lower, Middle, and Upper Permians. In Russia, Germany, and Britain, the Permian rocks con- sist of the following members :— i. The Lower Permians consisting mainly of a great series of sandstones, of different colours, but usually red. The base of this series is often constituted by massive breccias with included fragments of the older rocks, upon which they may happen to repose ; and similar breccias sometimes occur in the upper portion of the series as well. The thickness of this PERMIAN PERIOD. 529 group varies a good deal, but may amount to 3000 or 4000 feet. 2. The Middle Permians, consisting, in their typical de- velopment, of laminated marls, or " marl-slate," surmounted by beds of magnesian limestone (the " Zechstein " of the Ger- man geologists). Sometimes the limestones are degenerate or wholly deficient, and the series may consist of sandy shales and gypsiferous clays. The magnesian limestone, however, of the Middle Permians is, as a rule, so well marked a feature that it was long spoken of as the Magnesian Limestone. 3. The Upper Permians, consisting of a series of sandstones and shales, or of red or mottled marls, often gypsiferous, and sometimes including beds of limestone. In North America, the Permian rocks appear to be confined to the region west of the Mississippi, being especially well de- veloped in Kansas. Their exact limits have not as yet been made out, and their total thickness is not more than a few hundred feet. They consist of sandstones, conglomerates, limestones, marls, and beds of gypsum. LIFE OF THE PERIOD. — The Permian Rocks have yielded a very considerable number of plants, most of which are speci- fically distinct from those of the Coal-measures. Though the species, however, are distinct, many of the Permian genera date back to the antecedent Carboniferous period. Thus, besides several genera of Carboniferous Ferns, the Permian Rocks contain the well-known genera Lepidodendron and Cala- mites. The Sigillarioids, however, seem to have finally dis- appeared. Conifers are by no means uncommon, and some of these ( Ullmania} produce true cones. The genus Walchia comprises the most characteristic of the Permian Conifers. The Protozoa are represented in the Permian deposits by a few Sponges and Foraminifera. The Coelcnterates are repre- sented by Corals, but these are rarely abundant. The Rugosa are reduced here to the single genus Polyccelia. Crustaceans are also by no means largely represented. The Trilobita have disappeared, as have the Eurypterids. The King-crabs (Limulus] are, however, represented by one species. Ostracoda are tolerably abundant, and the genus Prosoponiscus has been regarded as referable to either the Isopoda or the Amphipoda. Lastly, the genus Hemitrochiscus has been founded for the reception of a Permian fossil which has been regarded as the remains of a true Crab. If this determination be correct, the tribe of Brachyurous Decapods has its commencement here. Molluscs occur in greater abundance than any of the pre- ceding. The genera Fenestella and Acanthocladia represent the 2 L 530 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. Polyzoa. The most important genera of Brachiopods are Spirifera, Producta, Strophalosia, Camarophoria, and Lingula. Bivalves are moderately numerous, the commonest forms be- longing to the family Trigoniada and to the genus Axinus (Schizodus). Other forms belong to the genera Mytilus, Bake- wellia, and Avicula. Gasteropods and Cephalopods are, upon the whole, very poorly represented in the Permian series. The most important Permian fossils are referable to the Vertebrata, Fishes are comparatively very abundant, and be- long almost entirely to the order of the Ganoids. The most characteristic genera are Pal&oniscus, Platysomus, Pygopterus, Gyropristis, Acrolepis, and Ccelacanthus. The Amphibians are represented by various forms belonging to the Labyrinthodontia. True Reptiles are represented by the Protorosaurus of the " Kupfer-schiefer " of Germany, and somewhat doubtfully by the Chelonian footprints (Chelichnus) from the Permian Sand- stones of Dumfriesshire. CHAPTER LI. TRIASSIC PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. WE come now to the consideration of the great Mesozoic, or Secondary series of formations, consisting, in ascending order, of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous systems. The Trias- sic group forms the base of the Mesozoic series, and corre- sponds with the higher portion of the New Red Sandstone of the older geologists. Like the Permian Rocks, and as implied by its name, the Trias admits of a subdivision into three groups — a Lower, Middle, and Upper Trias. Of these sub- divisions the middle one is wanting in Britain ; and all have received German names, being more largely and typically de- veloped in Germany than in any other country. Thus, the Lower Trias is known as the Bunter Sandstein; the Middle Trias is called the Muschelkalk, and the Upper Trias is known as the Keuper. I. The lowest division of the Trias is known as the Bunter Sandstein, from the generally variegated colours of the beds which compose it (German, bunt, variegated). The Bunter Sandstein of the continent of Europe consists of red and TRIASSIC PERIOD. 531 white sandstones, with red clays, and thin limestones, the whole attaining a thickness of about 1500 feet. The term " marl " is very generally employed to designate the clays of the Lower and Upper Trias, but the term is inappropriate, as they contain no lime, and are therefore not genuine marls. In Britain the Bunter Sandstein consists of red and mottled sandstones, with unconsolidated conglomerates, or " pebble- beds," the whole having a thickness of about 1200 feet. The Bunter Sandstein, as a rule, is very barren of fossils. II. The Middle Trias is not developed in Britain, but it is largely developed in Germany, where it constitutes what is known as the Muschelkalk (Germ. Muschel, mussel ; kalk, lime- stone), from the abundance of fossil shells which it contains. The Muschelkalk consists of compact grey or yellowish lime- stones, sometimes dolomitic, and including occasional beds of gypsum and rock-salt. III. The Upper Trias, or Keuper^ as it is generally called, occurs in England ; but is not so well developed as it is in Germany. In Britain the Keuper is about 1000 feet in thick- ness, and consists of white and brown sandstones, with red marls, the whole topped by red clays with rock-salt and gypsum. The Keuper in Britain is extremely unfossiliferous ; but it passes upwards with perfect conformity into a very remarkable group of beds, at one time classed with the Lias, and now known under the names of the Penarth beds (from Penarth, in Glamorganshire), the Rhaetic beds (from the Rhaetic Alps), or the Avicula contorta beds (from the occurrence in them of great numbers of this peculiar Bivalve). These singular beds have been variously regarded as the highest beds of the Trias, or the lowest beds of the Lias, or as an intermediate group. The phenomena observed on the Continent, however, render it best to consider them as Triassic, as they certainly agree with the so-called St Cassian or Kossen beds which form the top of the Trias in the Austrian Alps. The Penarth beds occur in Glamorganshire, Gloucestershire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and the north of Ireland; and they generally consist of a small thickness of dark grey and black shales, surmounted conformably by the lowest beds of the Lias. The most characteristic fossils which they contain are the three Bivalves Cardium Rhc&ticum, Avicula contorta, and Pecten Valoniensis ; but they have yielded many other fossils, amongst which the most important are the remains of Fishes and small Mammals (Microlestes). In the Austrian Alps the Trias terminates upwards in an 532 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. i. Koessen beds. (Synonyms, Upper St Cassian beds of Escher \ and Merian). 2. Dachstein beds. extraordinary series of fossiliferous beds, replete with marine fossils. Sir Charles Lyell gives the following table of these remarkable deposits : — Strata below the Lias in the Austrian Alps, in Descending Order. /Grey and black limestone, with calcareous marls having a thickness of about 50 feet. Among the fossils, Brachiopoda very numerous ; some few species com- mon to the genuine Lias ; many pecu- liar. Avicula contorta, Pec ten Valo- niensis, Cardium Rh&ticum, Avicula incequivalvis, Spirifer Miinsteri, Dav. Strata containing the above fossils al- ternate with the Dachstein beds, lying next below. White or greyish limestone, often in beds three or four feet thick. Total thick- ness of the formation above 2000 feet. Upper part fossiliferous, with some strata composed of corals. (Lithoden- dron.) Lower portion without fossils. Among the characteristic shells are He- micardium Wulferii, Megalodon triqueter, and other large bivalves. Red, pink, or white marble, from 800 to 1000 feet in thickness, containing more than 800 species of marine fossils, for the most part mollusca. Many species of Orthoceras. True Ammonites, besides Ceratites and Goniatites, Belemnites (rare), Porcellia, Pleurotomaria, Trochus, Mono- tis salinaria, &c. A. Black and grey lime- stone 150 feet thick, al- ternating with the un- derlying Werfen beds. B. Red and green shale and sandstone, with salt and gypsum. In the United States, rocks of Triassic age occur in several areas between the Appalachians and the Atlantic seaboard ; but they show no such triple division as in Germany, and their exact place in the system is uncertain. The rocks of these areas consist of red sandstones, sometimes shaly or conglomer- atic, occasionally with beds of impure limestone. Other more extensive areas where Triassic rocks appear at the surface, are found west of the Mississippi, on the slopes of the Rocky Moun- tains, where the beds consist of sandstones and gypsiferous marls. The American Trias is chiefly remarkable for having yielded the remains of a small Marsupial (Dromatherium) and Hallstadt beds (or St Cassian). A. Guttenstein beds. B. Werfen beds, base of Upper Trias ? Lower Trias of some geologists. Among the fossils are Ceratites cassianus, My- acites fassaen- sis, Naiicella costata, &c. TRIASSIC PERIOD. 533 numerous footprints, which have generally been referred to Birds (Brontozoum), along with the tracks of undoubted Rep- tiles (Otozoum, Anisopus, &c.) LIFE OF THE TRIASSIC PERIOD. — The Triassic period, as regards its plants and animals, is in many respects intermedi- ate between the Palaeozoic and the later Mesozoic deposits, whilst being itself decidedly Mesozoic. Amongst the plants there are some Palaeozoic types (such as Calamites) ; but there is no longer a marked predominance of Cryptogams, and the leading forms are Ferns (Pecopteris, Neuropteris, Acrostichites , &c.), Cycads (Pterophyllum, Podozamites, &c.), and Conifers (chiefly belonging to the genus Voltzia). The Protozoa are represented in Triassic times by several sponges (AmorphospongiO) Cupulispongia, Leiospongia, &c.) Corals are by no means infrequent in the Muschelkalk, and in some of the limestones of the Upper Trias ; but they are other- wise rare. They belong mostly to Secondary types, such as Montlivaltia, Synastraa, Acrosmilia, Eunomia, &c. The Echi- noderms are rarely abundant, but two forms are exceedingly characteristic of the Muschelkalk. These are the beautiful Lily-encrinite, Encrinus liliiformis (fig. 80), and the little Ophiurid, Aspidura loricata (fig. 71). Articulates are not abundant, with the exception of Ostra- coda, which are sometimes very plentiful. The other common forms are referable to Estheria; but Macrurous Decapods have also been detected. Besides Crustaceans, several forms of Insects have been discovered. The Mollusca are exceedingly abundant in parts of the Tri- assic series, and they exhibit an extraordinary intermixture of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic types. This is shown in a synoptical manner in the following table of the Mollusca of the Upper Trias of the Austrian Alps, given by Sir Charles Lyell in his ' Elements of Geology : ' — Genera of Fossil Mollusca in the St Cassian and Hallstadt Beds. Common to Older Rocks. Cyrtoceras. Orthoceras. Goniatites. Loxonema. Holopella. Murchisonia. Euomphalus. Porcel lia. Megalodon. Cyrtia. Characteristic Triassic Genera. Common to Newer Rocks. Ceratites. Ammonites. Scoliostoma (or Belemnites. Cochlearia). Nerinsea. Naticella. Opis. Platystoma. Cardita. Isoarca. Trigonia. Pleurophorus. Myoconchus. Myophoria. Ostrea. I sp. Monotis. Plicatula. Koninckia. Thecidium. 534 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. From the above table it will be seen, that amongst the Gas- teropoda the Trias has yielded the characteristically Palaeozoic Loxonema, Holopeila, Murchisonia, and Euomphalus, all of which commence their existence in the Silurian period. With these are forms like Scoliostoma and Platystoma, which are characteristically Triassic, and these are associated with such a typical Jurassic genus as Nerincza. Amongst the Bivalves, we find the Palaeozoic Megalodon side by side with the Triassic Monotis and Myophoria, these being associated with the Tri- gonice, Plicatulce, and Oysters of later deposits. The Brachi- opods exhibit the Palaeozoic Cyrtia, with the Triassic Koninc- kia, and the modern genus Thecidium. Lastly, amongst the Cephalopods, this same intermingling of old and new types is shown in its most striking form. The ancient genera Orthoceras, Cyrtoceras, and Goniatites appear here for the last time upon the scene. With these are the first Dibranchiate Cephalopods, represented by the great Mesozoic genus Belemnites. The Ammonitida, with the disappearance of the comparatively simple Goniatites, are represented by the more complex Cera- iites, which is exclusively Triassic; whilst the still more com- plicated genus Ammonites makes its first appearance here, and is never again wanting till we reach the close of the Mesozoic period. The Vertebrata are represented in the Triassic period ap- parently by members of all the existing classes. Fishes are very numerous, and belong chiefly to the Hybodonts, Acro- donts, and Ganoids. Amongst the more important forms we find the Palaeozoic genera Palczoniscus and Amblypterus, with the Secondary Hybodus and Acrodus, and the Triassic genus Saurichthys. We may also assert now with tolerable safety, that the order of the Dipnoous Fishes was represented in Triassic times by various species of the genus Ceratodus. The Amphibians of the Trias are known both by the actual bones and teeth, and still more commonly by their footprints. They belonged exclusively to the order of the Labyrinthodon- tia, which disappears finally at the close of this period. Of the living orders of the Reptiles, the Chelonians are only known by more or less doubtful footprints ; the Lacertilians are represented by Telerpeton and Rhynchosaurus (the last often referred to the Dicynodonts) \ the Crocodilia are represented by Stagonolepis, Belodon, Thecodontosaurus, and Palczosaurus (the last two referred by Huxley to the Deinosaurs) ; and the Ophidians do not appear to have yet commenced their exist- ence. Of the extinct orders of Reptiles, the Pterosaurs are unknown in the Trias, and the Ichthyosaurs are not with cer- JURASSIC PERIOD. 535 tainty known to have existed. The Plesiosaurs are represented by species of Plesiosaurus itself, and by the allied genera Simo- saurus, Nothosaurus, Pistosaurus, &c. The Anomodontia are represented by the genera Dicynodon and Oudenodon ; whilst Rhynchosanrus is referred by Owen to this group. Lastly, the Deinosaurs are represented, according to Huxley, by several forms, amongst which the most important are the "Thecodont" Palceosaurus and Thecodontosaurus, both of which have been referred by other writers to different groups of the Reptilia. The existence of Birds during the Triassic period must, as yet, be regarded as uncertain. The only evidence as to their existence which has been hitherto obtained, consists in the paired footprints which have been already spoken of as occur- ring in the Triassic strata of the Connecticut Valley. These footprints are very numerous, and are often pf very large size ; and there is no doubt but that many of them were produced by animals walking upon two legs. Some of them, however, have been unquestionably produced by Reptiles ; and it must at present remain uncertain whether all have been thus formed, or whether some may not have been formed by Birds. The probabilities, however, are in favour of the view that some of these tracks are truly ornithic. Lastly, the Mammals are represented in the Trias only by the small forms referred to the genera Microlestes and Droma- therium^ both of which are probably referable to the order of the Marsupials. CHAPTER LII. JURASSIC PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. SUCCEEDING to the Trias, we have a great series of Rocks which are known as the Oolitic Rocks, from their commonly containing oolitic limestones, or as the Jurassic Series, from their being largely developed in the mountain -range of the Jura, on the western borders of Switzerland. The Jurassic rocks are very extensively developed in Britain, where they consist of the following members in ascending order : I. Lias. II. Lower Oolites (consisting of the Inferior Oolite, Fuller's Earth, Great Oolite, Stonesfield Slate, &c.) 536 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. III. Middle Oolites (Oxford Clay and Coral-rag). IV. Upper Oolites (Kimmeridge Clay, Portland Stone, and Purbeck beds). I. The Lias succeeds the uppermost beds of the Trias with perfect conformity, and passes upward, generally conformably, into the lowest beds of the Lower Oolites. It consists essen- tially of a great series of bluish or greyish laminated clays, alternating with thin bands of blue or grey limestone, the whole assuming at a distance a characteristically striped and banded appearance. II. The Lower Oolites consist of calcareous freestones (In- ferior Oolite), shales, clays, and marls (Fuller's earth), fine- grained Oolitic limestones (Great Oolite), with calcareous flags at the base (Stonesfield slate), and superiorly shelly lime- stones and calcareous sandstones (Forest - marble and Corn- brash), the whole having a thickness of from 400 to 500 feet. In Yorkshire the Lower Oolites consist of limestones with car- bonaceous shales and thin seams of coal, which are sufficiently extensive and constant to be worked for coal. Of this age, also, is probably the coal-field of Brora, in Sutherlandshire, in the north of Scotland. III. The Middle Oolites are composed of a great mass of dark-blue tenacious clay (Oxford clay), with a maximum thick- ness of 700 feet, surmounted by from 150 to 250 feet of lime- stones, known as the Coral-rag, from the number of corals con- tained in them. IV. The Upper Oolites consist in Britain of laminated, some- times carbonaceous or bituminous clays (Kimmeridge clay), forming the base of the group, and having a thickness of 500 or 600 feet. These are succeeded by sandstones and lime- stones (Portland stone) of about 120 feet in thickness; and the formation is capped by a remarkable group of alternating strata of fresh-water, brackish-water, and marine beds, with old land-surfaces, the whole known as the Purbeck beds, and having a united thickness of about 150 feet. Of the same age as the Upper Oolites in Britain is the Solenhofen slate of Bavaria, an exceedingly fine-grained stone, which is largely used in lithography, and is celebrated for the number and beauty of its organic remains, especially those of Vertebrates. Rocks belonging to the Jurassic series, in the form of lime- stones and marls, have been detected by their fossils in the Laramie Mountains and in other portions of the Rocky Moun- tains, and also at various points in Arctic America. The ex- tent, however, of these beds is unknown, and no subdivisions have hitherto been established in them. JURASSIC PERIOD. 537 LIFE OF THE PERIOD. — The vegetation of the Jurassic period is characterised by the abundance of Ferns, Cycads, and Conifers — the Cycadacecz attaining here their maximum of development. The Protozoa are represented by numerous Foraminifera and by Sponges. Of the former the genera Invofatina, Nodo- saria, Cristellaria, Detitalina, and Frondicularia may be men- tioned as amongst the most important. Of the latter the chief forms belong to Cribrospongia, Actinospongia, Porospongia, Goniospongia, Perispongia, Chenendopora, and Scyphia. The Coelenterates are represented in the Jurassic period by numerous corals, which are exceedingly abundant in some of the limestones of the series (such as the Coral-rag and the Great Oolite). The number of Oolitic genera of Corals is very large, but the commonest and most characteristic forms belong to Thamnastrtza, Isastraa, Prionastrtza, Anabacia, Mont- livaltia, Thecosmilia, Eunomia, Protoseris, Comoseris, Den- drarea, Dactylarea, Loboccznia, Aplophyllia, Trochocyathus, and Stylina. The Echinoderms are very largely represented all through the Jurassic Series. The Crinoids are represented both by stalked forms (Pentacri?ius, Extracrinus, Apiocrinus, &c.) and by free forms (Saccosoma). Echinoids are extremely abundant in many parts of the series, the commonest generic types being Hemicidaris, Diadema, Pseudodiadema, Nudeolites, Dysaster (Collyrites), Acrosalenia, and Cidaris. True Star-fishes ( Ur aster, Tropidaster, Plumaster, Solaster, and Astropecteri) are not un- known, and Ophiuroids (Ophioderma, Ophiolepis, Acroura, &c.) are far from uncommon. As regards the Arthropods, Crustaceans are abundantly found in certain beds (especially in the Solenhofen Slates). The orders which are most largely represented are the Decapoda (with many forms, both Macrurous and Brachyurous), the Cir- ripedia, and the Ostracoda. Besides Crustaceans, the Oolitic rocks have yielded numerous Insects, belong to the orders Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera, and Hymenoptera. True Spiders have also been detected. Coming to the Mollusca, Brachiopods are still abundant, though they do not fill such a predominant place in the marine fauna as in many Palaeozoic deposits. The Palaeozoic genera Lept&na and Spirifera appear here (in the Lias) for the last time ; and most of the Jurassic forms belong to the modern genera Terebratula and Rhynchonella. Bivalves are very abun- dant, and approximate in many respects to existing forms. The sub-genera Gryphcea and Exogyra amongst the Oysters, 538 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. along with numerous forms of Ostrea itself, and the genera Trigonia, Lima (Plagiostomd), Pholadomya, Cardinia, and Avicula may be mentioned as comprising most of the com- moner forms. One of the most remarkable, however, of the Oolitic genera of Lamellibranchs is Diceras (fig. 189), com- prising certain singular shells allied to the existing Chama. These are so abundant in a limestone of the Alps of the age of the Coral-rag as to have gained for this formation the name of " Diceras Limestone." Of the Gasteropoda there are many examples of the ancient genus Pleurotomaria ; but on the whole the Univalves have a modern aspect. Holostomatous Univalves, such as Nerita, Patella, Natica, Turritella, Chemnitzia, and Nerincza, still hold a predominant place ; and species of the last-named genus are especially characteristic of parts of the series. The Tertiary and modern genus, Cerithium, also makes its first appearance here. Though the Holostomata still predominate, there is now a fair proportion of the carnivorous siphonostomatous Univalves, and many of these are referable to existing genera. Thus, with the extinct Purpuroidea are found forms belonging to such genera as Pteroceras, Rostellaria, Buccinum, Fusus, Murex, and Pleurotoma. The Cephalopoda are exceedingly abundant all through the Jurassic series, and are represented by both Dibranchiate and Tetrabranchiate types. The Dibranchiate BelemnitidcK here attained their maximum of development, many beds being literally charged with the guards of these extinct cuttle-fishes. The Tetrabranchiates are represented by various species of the persistent genus Nautilus, but more especially by species of Ammonites, which are extraordinarily plentiful and of the most varied forms. Speaking generally, Ammonites and Belemnites may be stated to be the charac- teristic fossils of the Jurassic period. In the fresh-water strata of the Oolites (Purbeck beds), the Molluscs, as a matter of course, belong to forms which now inhabit fresh water. Thus, amongst the Bivalves we have the genus Cyrena, and amongst the Gasteropods we meet with the genera Planorbis, Physa, Paludina, and Melanopsis. As regards the Vertebrates, little need be said about the Jurassic fishes, which belong to the Ganoidei and ElasmobranchiL The Ganoids now possess, many of them, symmetrical tails, and the most important genera are Tetragonolepis, Dapedius, ^Echmodus, Pycnodus, Leptolepis, and Aspidorhynchns. The Cestraphom are represented by Hybodonts (Hybodus and Strophodus] and Acrodus. Lastly, the true Sharks are not without Jurassic representatives (Notidanus). JURASSIC PERIOD. 539 The Reptilia have an enormous development in Oolitic times, and are represented both by forms allied to those now in existence and by types which are now altogether extinct. Of the living forms there are as yet no Ophidians, but the Che- lonians are represented by various genera (Idiochelys, Eury- stermim, and Chelone). The Lacertilians are represented by several forms of no special importance, and the Crocodilia were represented by species with amphicoelous vertebrae ( Teleosaurus and Steneosaurus). Of the extinct orders of Reptiles, the Ichthyop- terygia, comprising only the genus Ichthyosaurus, form a very marked feature in the Reptilian fauna of the Jurassic period. Numerous species of Ichthyosaurus are known ; and the remains of individuals are very abundant in certain beds, especially in the Lias. The Sauropterygia are represented by numerous species of Plesiosaurtis, remains of which are also very abun- dant in the Lias and in other parts of the Oolitic series. The Pterosauria are represented by all their chief genera (Ptero- dactylus, Dimorphodon, and Ramphorhynchus] ; and though commencing in the Lias, they are most abundant in the Solen- hofen Slate. The Dicynodonts appear to have died out ; but the Deinosaurs are largely represented, chiefly by the genera Megalosaurus and Cetiosaurus. The Birds have no other representative in the Oolitic period than the extraordinary Archaopteryx macrura of the Solenhofen Slates — the first undoubted indication of birds in the geolo- gical record. As has been before pointed out, this Jurassic bird differed in several most important characters from all known members of the class, whether living or extinct ; its most striking peculiarity being the possession of a long, lizard- like tail composed of free vertebrae, of which each supported a pair of quill-feathers. The Mammals, taking all things into consideration, are well represented in the Jurassic series, their remains belonging to the two horizons of the Stonesfield Slate (Lower Oolites) and the Purbeck beds (Upper Oolites). The Stonesfield Mammals —viz., Amphitherium, Amphilestes, Phascolotherium, and Stereog- nathus — are all of small size ; and the first three appear to be certainly Marsupial. Stereognathus may be also a Marsupial, but its true affinities are uncertain. The Purbeck Mammals —Triconodon, Spalacotherium, Galestes, and Plagiaulax — were likewise all of small size, and they appear to have been all Marsupial ; the three first-named being probably insectivorous, whilst the last appears to have been a vegetable-feeder. 540 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. CHAPTER LIII. CRETACEOUS PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. THE next series of rocks in ascending order is the great and important series of the Cretaceous Rocks, so called from the general occurrence in the system of chalk (Lat. creta, chalk). As developed in Britain and Europe generally, the following leading subdivisions may be recognised in the Cretaceous series : — 1. Wealden, } T ^ T f? j XT v / Lower Cretaceous. 2. Lower Greensand or Neocomian, j 3. Gault, -I 4* r j?Pi? Greensand' 1 Upper Cretaceous. 5. Chalk, 6. Maastricht beds, J I. The Wealden formation, though of considerable impor- tance, is a local group, and is confined to the south-east of England, France, and some other parts of Europe. Its name is derived from the Weald, a district comprising parts of Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, where it is largely developed. Its lower portion, for a thickness of from 500 to 1000 feet, is arenaceous, and is known as the Hastings Sands. Its Upper portion, for a thickness of 150 to nearly 300 feet, is chiefly argillaceous, consisting of clays with sandy layers, and occa- sionally courses of limestone. The geological importance of the Wealden formation is very great, as it is undoubtedly the delta of an ancient river, being composed almost wholly of fresh-water beds, with a few brackish-water and even marine strata, intercalated in the lower portion. Its geographical extent, though uncertain, owing to the enormous denudation to which it has been subjected, is nevertheless great, since it extends from Dorsetshire to France, and occurs also in North Germany. Still, even if it were continuous between all these points, it would not be larger than the delta of such a modern river as the Ganges. The river which produced the Wealden series must have flowed from an ancient continent occupying what is now the Atlantic Ocean ;' and the time occupied in the formation of the Wealden must have been very great, though we have, of course, no data by which we can accu- rately calculate its duration. CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 541 The fossils of the Wealden series are, naturally, mostly the remains of such animals as we know at the present day as in- habiting rivers. We have, namely, fresh-water mussels ( Unio], river-snails (Paludina), and other fresh-water shells, with nume- rous little bivalved Crustaceans, and some fishes. II. The Wealden beds pass upward, often by insensible gradations, into the Lower Greensand. The name Lower Greensand is not an appropriate one, for green sands only occur sparingly and occasionally, and are found in other for- mations. For this reason it has been proposed to substitute for Lower Greensand the name Neocomian, derived from the town of Neufchatel — anciently called Neocomum — in Switzer- land. If this name were adopted, as it ought to be, the Wealden beds would be called the Lower Neocomian. The Lower Greensand or Neocomian of Britain has a thick- ness of about 850 feet, and consists of alternations of sands, sandstones, and clays, with occasional calcareous bands. The general colour of the series is dark brown, sometimes red, and the sands are occasionally green, from the presence of silicate of iron. The fossils of the Lower Greensand are purely marine, and among the most characteristic are the shells of Cephalopods. The most remarkable point, however, about the fossils of the Lower Cretaceous series, is their marked divergence from the fossils of the Upper Cretaceous rocks. Of 280 species of fossils in the Lower Cretaceous series, only 51, or about 18 per cent, pass on into the Upper Cretaceous. This break in the life of the two periods is accompanied by a decided phy- sical break as well, for the Gault is often, if not always, uncon- formably superimposed on the Lower Greensand. At the same time, the Lower and Upper Cretaceous groups form a closely-connected and inseparable series, as shown by a com- parison of their fossils with those of the underlying Jurassic Rocks and the overlying Tertiary beds. Thus, in Britain no marine fossil is known to be common to the marine beds of the Upper Oolites and the Lower Greensand; and of more than 500 species of fossils in the Upper Cretaceous Rocks, almost every one died out before the formation of the lowest Tertiary strata, the only survivors being one Brachiopod and a few Foraminifera. III. The lowest member of the Upper Cretaceous series is a stiff, dark-grey, blue, or brown clay, often worked for brick- making, and known as the Gault, from a provincial English term. It occurs chiefly in the south-east of England, but can be traced through France to the flanks of the Alps and Ba- 542 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. varia. It never exceeds TOO feet in thickness ; but it con- tains many fossils, usually in a state of beautiful preservation. IV. The Gault is succeeded upward by the Upper Green- sand, which varies in thickness from three up to 100 feet, and which derives its name from the occasional occurrence in it of green sands. These, however, are local and sometimes want- ing, and the name " Upper Greensand;J is to be regarded as a name and not a description. The group consists, in Britain, of sands and clays, sometimes with bands of calcareous grit or siliceous limestone, and occasionally containing concretions of phosphate of lime, which are largely worked for agricultural purposes. V. The top of the Upper Greensand becomes argillaceous, and passes up gradually into the base of the great formation known as the true Chalk, divided into the three subdivisions of the chalk-marl, white chalk without flints, and white chalk with flints. The first of these is simply argillaceous chalk, and passes up into a great mass of obscurely-stratified white chalk in which there are no flints. This, in turn, passes up into a great mass of white chalk, in which the stratification is marked by nodules of black flint arranged in layers. The thickness of these three subdivisions taken together is some- times over 1000 feet, and their geographical extent is very great. White Chalk, with its characteristic appearance, may be traced from the north of Ireland to the Crimea, a distance of about 1140 geographical miles, and, in an opposite direc- tion, from the south of Sweden to Bordeaux, a distance of about 840 geographical miles. VI. In Britain there occur no beds containing Chalk fossils, or in any way referable to the Cretaceous period, above the true White Chalk with flints. On the banks of the Maes, however, near Maestricht, in Holland, there occurs a series of yellowish limestones, of about 100 feet in thickness, and un- doubtedly superior to the White Chalk. These Maestricht beds contain a remarkable series of fossils, the characters of which are partly Cretaceous and partly Tertiary. Thus, with the characteristic Chalk fossils, Belemnites, Baculites, Sea-Ur- chins, &c., are numerous Univalve Molluscs, such as Cowries and Volutes, which are otherwise exclusively Tertiary or Re- cent. Holding a similar position to the Maestricht beds, and showing a similar intermixture of Cretaceous forms with later types, are certain beds which occur in the island of Seeland, in Denmark, and which are known as the Faxoe Limestone. VII. In North America, the Lower Cretaceous Rocks are CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 543 not represented at all, or very feebly; but there is a very extensive development of rocks of Upper Cretaceous age in the United States. According to Dana, " the Cretaceous Eocks occur — i. At intervals along the Atlantic border, south of New York, from New Jersey to South Carolina ; 2. Exten- sively over the States along the Gulf 'border ; and 3. Through a large part of the Western interior region, over the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, from Texas northward, to the head- waters of the Missouri on the east of the summit of the chain, and far into the Colorado region on the west. Still farther north-west in British America, they appear on the Saskat- chewan and Assiniboine, and also on the Arctic Sea, near the mouth of the Mackenzie." The rocks of these areas consist chiefly of sands, marls, clays, and limestones ; but it is to be remembered that there is no white Chalk. Green sands are often present, as in New Jersey, where they are called " marls," and are largely worked for agricultural purposes, their fertilis- ing properties being due to the presence of a small percentage of phosphate of lime. LIFE OF THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD. — As regards the vegeta- tion of the Cretaceous period, the plants of the Inferior divi- sion of the series agree with those of the antecedent Jurassic period in consisting chiefly of Ferns, Cycads, and Conifers. In the Upper Cretaceous Rocks, on the other hand, we find a vegetation composed largely of Angiospermous Exogens, many of which belong to existing genera. The Protozoa are very largely represented in the Cretaceous period by Foraminifera and Sponges. The microscopic shells of the former are often excessively abundant ; and the white chalk is to a large extent composed of the exuvia of these minute organisms. Amongst the more important genera may be mentioned Texttdaria, Globigerina, Rotalia, Lituola, Nodo- saria, Flabellina, Cuneolina, Cristellaria, Bulimina, Dentalina, &c. Sponges are very numerous, especially in the Upper Greensand and White Chalk. The most important genera are Siphonia, Ventriculites, Manon, Choanites, Cliona, Scyphia, Chenendopora, Guettardia, and Polypothecia ; but many other forms might be mentioned. The Ccelenterates are represented by Corals, belonging mainly to the genera Trochocyathus, Cyclocyathus, Trochosmilia, Parasmilia, Cyathina, Micrabacia, Stephanophyllia, &c. In the Upper Greensand, also, occurs the little Holocystis elegans, long believed to be the last of the Rugose Corals. The Echinoderms are exceedingly abundant in the Creta- ceous rocks, but belong mainly to the Echinoids. Crinoids, 544 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. though not altogether rare, are very perceptibly reduced in numbers, the more important forms being MarsupiUs, Penta- crinus, Bourgueticrinus, and Comatula. Sea-urchins, on the other hand, are so numerous as to constitute one of the most marked features in the Cretaceous fauna. The leading genera are Micr aster, Ananchytes, Galerites, Hemipneustes, Diadema, Discoidea, Salenia, Cidaris, Catopygus, Pygaster, Pygaulus, Holaster, &c. The Arthropods are represented by various Crustaceans be- longing mainly to the Macrurous and Brachyurous Decapods, and to the Cirripedes. The little Ostracodes are also abun- dant in many parts of the series, especially in the fresh-water strata of the Wealden. Coming to the Mollusca, the Polyzoa have a great develop- ment in the Cretaceous deposits, the family of the Eschar idee. here attaining its maximum. Amongst the more characteristic Cretaceous genera may be mentioned Eschara, Escharina, Vincularia, Membranipora, Flustra, Reticulipora, Hornera, Tubulipora, &c. Brachiopods are not especially numerous, and belong mainly to Terebratula, Terebratella, Terebratulina, Rhynchonella^ and Crania. Bivalves are very abundant, and some of them are very characteristic. Amongst these are numerous species of Ostrea, Exogyra, Lima, Plicatula, Pecten, and Spondylus, with the various species of Inoceramus, and the great family of the Hippuritidce. With the exception of a few Jurassic species, the genus Inoceramus is exclusively Cretaceous, being repre- sented in deposits of this period by numerous species, and not being known to have survived it. The Hippuritidce, or Rudis- tes of Lamarck, comprise a great number of very aberrant Bivalves, all of which were attached and lived associated in beds, like Oysters. The two valves of the shell are always unlike in sculpturing, in appearance, and in shape, and the cast of the interior is often very unlike the form of the outer surface of the shell. A great many species of this family are known, chiefly referable, to the genera Hippurites, Radiolites, and Ca- prina. The family appears to be exclusively Cretaceous ; and . the most characteristic members of the Cretaceous series of the south of Europe consists of certain compact marbles, which are known as " Hippurite Limestone," from the abundance of shells of this family. Gasteropods are not particularly numerous in the Cretace- ous Rocks, and belong chiefly to such modern genera as Turri- tella, Natica, Solarium, Scalaria, Rostellaria, Dentalium, Phorus, &c. Along -with these are species of the persistent genus Pleu- CRETACEOUS PERIOD. 545 rotomaria, and the Mesozoic Nerintza. Towards the close of the Cretaceous period, we meet for the first time with Gasteropods of the existing genera Voluta, Mitra, Cyprcea, Fasciolaria, Strombus, &c. The most characteristic Molluscs of the Cretaceous period are Cephalopods. The Dibranchiate section of this order is represented by species of Belemnites itself and by the genus Belemnitella. Of the Tetrabranchiates we find species of the old genus Nautilus ; but this section is represented mainly by complex and beautiful forms of the Ammonitida. The genus Ammonites itself, dating its existence from the Upper Trias, is represented by many Cretaceous species, and finally disappears with the close of this period. Ancyloceras dates from the commencement of the Jurassic period, and also dies out in the Chalk. Finally, the Ammonitidce are represented by the genera Baculites, Turrilites, Scaphites, Hamites, Ptychoceras, Toxoceras, and Crioceras, which make their first appearance in the Creta- ceous rocks, but which are not known at present to occur in any later deposit. Remains of Fishes are by no means rare in the Cretaceous rocks. Teleostean Fishes appear here, and are well represented by forms more or less allied to existing types (Beryx, Osmero- ides, &c.) Ganoids (such as Lepidotus, Caturus, Pycnodus, &c.) are plentiful ; but are of little special importance. Of the Cestracionts, we have the old genus Awodtts, and the Creta- ceous genus Ptychodus. Hybodonts also occur, and teeth of true Selachians (Lamna, Carcharias, Odontaspis, &c.) are not wanting. The Reptiles of the Cretaceous belong mostly to the orders of the Pterosauria, Ichthyopterygia, Sauropterygia, and Deino- sauria — all of which die out with the Cretaceous period. The best known of the Deinosaurs is Iguanodon, which is confined exclusively to the Lower Cretaceous period, but the genera Ichthyosaurus^ Plesiosaurus, and Pterodactylus, extend their range into the Upper Cretaceous. The only exclusively Cre- taceous group of Reptiles is that of the Mosasauroids, which are known to have existed up to the last phase of this period (Maestricht beds). The Mosasauroids are found in Europe, but more abundantly in North America ; and the recent dis- covery by Professor Marsh, that the body was, in some cases, furnished with a covering of bony scutes, would seem to re- move them from the Lizards, amongst which they have been generally placed. Birds have not been shown with certainty to have existed during the Cretaceous period in Europe, though various re- 2 M 546 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. mains of this age have been with more or less probability re- garded as being Ornithic. The Upper Cretaceous rocks of the United States have, however, yielded the remains of un- doubted birds (Laornis, Telmatornis, Scolopax, and Palaotringa). More remarkable than any of the above are the recently-dis- covered Hesperornis and Ichthyornis, of which the former is a large Diver-like bird, whilst the latter exhibits the singular peculiarity that the vertebrae are biconcave. Mammals have not hitherto been detected in any Cretaceous deposit. CHAPTER LIV. EOCENE PERIOD. BEFORE commencing the study of the subdivisions of the Kainozoic series, there are some general considerations to be noted. In the first place, there is a complete and entire phy- sical break between the rocks of the Mesozoic and Kainozoic periods. In no instance are Tertiary strata to be found rest- ing conformably upon any Secondary rock. The Chalk has invariably suffered much erosion and denudation before the lowest Tertiary strata were deposited upon it. This is shown by the fact that the actually eroded surface of the Chalk can often be seen, or, failing this, that we can point to the presence Of the chalk-flints in the Tertiary strata. This last, of course, affords unquestionable proof that the Chalk must have been subjected to enormous denudation prior to the formation of the Tertiary beds, all the chalk itself having been removed, and nothing left but the flints, while these are all rolled and rounded. In the second place, there is a complete break in the life of the Mesozoic and Kainozoic periods. With the excep- tion of a few Foraminifera, and one Brachiopod (the latter doubtful), no Cretaceous species is known to have survived the Cretaceous period ; while several characteristic families, such as the AmmonitidcE and Hippuritida, died out entirely with the close of the Cretaceous rocks. In the Tertiary rocks, on the other hand, not only are all the animals and plants more or less like existing types, but we meet with a constantly-increas- ing number of living species as we pass from the bottom of the Kainozoic series to the top. Upon this last fact is founded EOCENE PERIOD. 547 the modern classification of the Kainozoic rocks, propounded by Sir Charles Lyell. It follows from the constant want of conformity between the Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks, and still more from the entire difference in life, that the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods are separated by an enormous lapse of unrepresented time. How long this interval may have been, we have no means of judging exactly, but it very possibly was as long as the whole Kainozoic epoch itself. Some day we shall doubt- less find, at some part of the earth's surface, strata which were deposited during this period, and which will contain fossils intermediate in character between the organic remains which respectively characterise the Secondary and Tertiary periods. At present, we have only slight traces of such deposits, as, for instance, the Maastricht beds. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TERTIARY ROCKS. — The classifica- tion of the Tertiary rocks is a matter of unusual difficulty, in consequence of their occurring in disconnected basins, form- ing a series of detached areas, which hold no relations of superposition to one another. The order, therefore, of the Tertiaries in point of time, can only be determined by an appeal to fossils ; and in such determination Sir Charles Lyell proposed to take as the basis of classification \he proportion of living or existing species of Mollusca which occurs in each stratum or group of strata. Acting upon this principle, Sir Charles Lyell divides the Tertiary series into four groups : — i. The Eocene formation (Gr. eos, dawn; kainos, new), con- taining the smallest proportion of existing species, and being, therefore, the oldest division. In this classification only the Mollusca are taken into account ; and it was found that of these about three and a half per cent were identical with existing species. II. The Miocene formation (Gr. meion, less ; kainos, new), with more recent species than the Eocene, but less than the succeeding formation, and less than one-half the total number in the formation. As before, only the Mollusca are taken into account, and about 17 per cent of these agree with existing species. III. The Pliocene formation (Gr. pleion, more ; kainos, new), with more than half the species of shells identical with existing species ; the proportion of these varying from 35 to 50 per cent in the lower beds of this division, up to 90 or 95 per cent in its higher portion. IV. The Post-Tertiary Formations, in which all the shells belong to existing species. This, in turn, is divided into two 548 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. minor groups — the Post-Pliocene and Recent Formations. In the Post-Pliocene formations, while all the Mollusca belong to existing species, most of the Mammals belong to extinct species. In the Recent period, the quadrupeds, as well as the shells, belong to living species. The above, with some modifications, was the original classi- fication proposed by Sir Charles Lyell for the Tertiary rocks, and now universally accepted. More recent researches, it is true, have somewhat altered the proportions of existing species to extinct, as stated above. The general principle, however, of an increase in the number of living species, still holds good ; and this is as yet the only satisfactory basis upon which it has been proposed to arrange the Tertiary deposits. EOCENE FORMATION. The Eocene rocks are the lowest of the Tertiary series, and comprise all those Tertiary deposits in which there is only a small proportion of existing Mollusca — from three and a half to five per cent. The Eocene rocks occur in several basins in Britain, France, the Netherlands, and other parts of Europe, and in the United States. The subdivisions which have been established are extremely numerous, and it is often impossible to parallel those of one basin with those of another. It will be sufficient, therefore, to accept the division of the Eocene formation into three great groups — Lower, Middle, and Upper Eocene — and to consider some of the more important beds comprised under these heads in Europe and in North America. I. LOWER EOCENE. — The base of the Eocene series in Britain is constituted by about 90 feet of light-coloured, some- times argillaceous sands (Thanet Sands), which are of marine origin. Above these, or forming the base of the formation where these are wanting, come mottled clays and sands with lignite (Woolwich and Reading series), which are estuarine or fluvio-marine in origin. The highest member of the Lower Eocene of Britain is the " London Clay," consisting of a great mass of dark-brown or blue clay, sometimes with sandy beds, or with layers of " septaria," the whole attaining a thick- ness of from 200 to as much as 500 feet. The London Clay is a purely marine deposit, containing many marine fossils, with the remains of terrestrial animals and plants ; all of which indicate a high temperature of the sea and tropical or sub- tropical conditions of the land. II. MIDDLE EOCENE. — The inferior portion of the Middle Eocene of Britain consists of marine beds, chiefly consisting EOCENE PERIOD. 549 of sands, clays, and gravels, and attaining a very considerable thickness (Bagshot and Bracklesham beds). The superior portion of the Middle Eocene of Britain, on the other hand, consists of deposits which are almost exclusively fresh-water or brackish-water in origin (Headon and Osborne series). The chief Continental formations of Middle Eocene age are the " Calcaire grossier " of the Paris basin, and the "Num- mulitic Limestone " of the Alps. III. UPPER EOCENE. — If the Headon and Osborne beds of the Isle of Wight be placed in the Middle Eocene, the only British representatives of the Upper Eocene are the Bern- bridge and Hempstead beds — though the latter are regarded by Sir Charles Lyell as being of Lower Miocene age. These strata consist of limestones, clays, and marls, which have for the most part been deposited in fresh or brackish water. IV. EOCENE BEDS OF THE PARIS BASIN. — The Eocene strata are very well developed in the neighbourhood of Paris, where they occupy a large area or basin scooped out of the Chalk. The beds of this area are partly marine, partly fresh- water in origin ; and the following table (after Sir Charles Lyell) shows their subdivisions and their parallelism with the English series : — GENERAL TABLE OF FRENCH EOCENE STRATA. UPPER EOCENE. French Subdivisions. English Equivalents. A. I. Gypseous series of Mont- I. Bembridge series. martre. A. 2. Calcaire silicieux, or Tra- 2. Osborne and Headon series. vertin Inferieur. A. 3. Gres de Beauchamp, or 3. White sand and clay of Barton Sables Moyens. Cliff, Hants. MIDDLE EOCENE. B. I. Calcaire Grossier. I. Bagshot and Bracklesham beds. B. 2. Soissonnais Sands, or Lits 2. Wanting. Coquilliers. LOWER EOCENE. C. I. Argile de Londres at base of I. London Clay. Hill of Cassel, near Dun- kirk. C. 2. Argile plastique and lignite. 2. Plastic clay and sand with lig- nite (Woolwich and Reading series). C. 3. Sables de Bracheux. 3. Thanet sands. V. EOCENE STRATA OF THE UNITED STATES. — In North America, Lower Eocene Rocks are extensively developed at 550 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. Claiborne, Alabama, and consist of clays, lignites, marls, and impure limestones. The fossils of the Claiborne series are much the same in their characters as those of the London clay, and the lignites contain numerous plant-remains. The Middle Eocene group is represented in North America by lignitic clays and marls which occur at Jackson, Mississippi. Amongst the more remarkable fossils of the Jackson beds are the teeth and bones of Cetaceans of the genus Zeuglodon. Rocks of Upper Eocene age occur in North America at Vicksburg, Mississippi, and consist of lignites, clays, marls, and limestones. On the White River they are about 1000 feet thick, and consist of clays, sandstones, and limestones, of fresh-water origin. Among their most remarkable fossils are the remains of Mammals, of which about forty species have been already determined. LIFE OF THE EOCENE PERIOD. Little need be added here as to the life of the Eocene period, fossils being so abundant as to render it impossible to do more than indicate some general considerations. Upon the whole, the plants and animals of the Eocene period closely resemble those now in existence upon the globe ; not, how- ever, necessarily in the exact localities in which they are now found. Thus, the modern representatives of the plants and animals of the Eocene Rocks of Europe are not to be found in Europe itself, but in some tropical or sub-tropical region. The climatic conditions of Europe in the Eocene period were very different to those at present subsisting, and the animals and plants were correspondingly different. Still, there are few Eocene fossils which have not their modern representa- tives in warm countries. The Protozoa are represented in Eocene times chiefly by ForaminiferO) which are often extraordinarily abundant, and the shells of which may in some cases be said without exagge- ration to compose whole mountain-masses. The great and widespread formation of the Nummulitic Limestone is largely made up of the shells of Nummulites and Orbitoides, some of the former occasionally reaching a size of more than an inch in diameter. One of the limestones of the Paris basin is largely composed of the shells of a species of Miliola. Nume- rous other forms occur ; and the genus Nummulites is exclu- sively confined to this formation. Corals are not particularly abundant in the Eocene rocks, but they are mostly of types identical with, or nearly allied to, EOCENE PERIOD. 551 those now existing. The Tabulata are represented by no more than one genus, and the Eocene forms belong mainly to the Zoantharia, Aporosa, and Perforata. Besides Zoantharia, the family of the Pennatulidce (Sea-pens, &c.) is represented by the genus Graphularia, and the family of the Gorgonidcz (sea-shrubs), by the genera Mopsea and Websteria. As regards the Mollusca, Brachiopods and Polyzoa are not abundant, and the former are represented in Eocene times chiefly by the existing genera Terebratula and Rhynchonella. Lamellibranchs and Gasteropods, the latter especially, are exceedingly abundant, and almost all existing genera are now represented ; though less than five per cent are identical with existing species. The Gasteropods are chiefly siphonostoma- tous, and belong to such familiar genera as Voluta, Mitra, Conus, Pleurotoma, Fusus, Cyprcza, Oliva, Ancillaria, Rostel- laria, &c. The fresh-water and brackish-water beds of the formation have also yielded numerous species of Cerithium, along with Limncea, Planorbis, Melania, &c. The Ammonites, Turrilites, Baculites, Belemnites, &c., of the Cretaceous period have now disappeared, and the Cephalopoda are represented mainly by the genus Nautilus, though Dibranchiates (such as Belosepia) are not unknown. The most important fossils of the Eocene Rocks belong to the sub-kingdom of the Vertebrata. Fishes are numerous, sometimes (as in the limestone of Monte Bolca) extraordinarily so. They belong in the vast majority of instances to the Teleostei, the remains of Ganoid fishes being comparatively very rare. True Sharks are represented by numerous teeth, referable to the genera Carcharodon, Otodus, Lamna, Galeo- cerdo, &c. ; and Rays are represented by their pavement-like dental plates (Myliobatis}. The Reptiles of the Eocene period all belong to the existing orders of the Chelonians, Ophidians, Lacertilians, and Croco- dilians. The Chelonians are very abundant, and belong for the most part to existing genera. The Ophidians make their first appearance in the Eocene (Palceophis). The Crocodilians, lastly, are very abundant, speaking comparatively; and Eng- land possessed in' Eocene times representatives of the three existing genera of this order — viz., Crocodilus, Alligator, and Gavialis. As regards the Birds, it is sufficient to say that all the exist- ing orders of Aves appear to have been represented in Eocene times, often by forms which differ little from existing types. As regards the Mammals, the Eocene deposits have yielded remains of Marsupialia, Sirenia, Cetacea, Ungulata, Carnivora, 552 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. . Cheiroptera, Rodentia, and Insectivora. No traces, however, have hitherto been found in the Eocene of the orders Probostidea and Edentata, and the Quadrumana are represented only by two doubtful forms. The Marsupials are represented in the Eocene by Diddphys^ the Sirenia by Halithcrium, and the Cetaceans by the singular and aberrant family of the Zeu- glodonts. The Ungulates are represented by a great series of forms, of which the most important are the two extinct groups of the Pal&otheridtz and Anoplotherida, the former representing the Perissodactyles, the latter the Artiodactyles. Besides these, however, there occur numerous other extinct forms, chiefly referable to the genera Coryphodon, Lophiodon, Chceropotamus , Anthracotherium, Hyopotamus, Pliolophus, Dichodon, Dichobune, Xiphodon, &c. The Carnivora are represented by the extinct Hycenodon, the Cheiroptera by species of the existing genus Vespertilio, the Rodentia by Shrew-mice (Myoxus), and the Insectivora by Spalacodon. CHAPTER LV. MIOCENE PERIOD. ROCKS OF THE PERIOD. THE Miocene formations comprise those Tertiary deposits which contain less than about 35 per cent of existing species of Mollusca, and more than 5 per cent, or those deposits in which the proportion of living shells is less than of extinct species. The Miocene formations are divisible in Europe into a Lower Miocene and Upper Miocene group. I. LOWER MIOCENE. — The Miocene formations are very poorly represented in Britain, their leading development being at Bovey Tracy, in Devonshire, where there occur sands, clays, and beds of lignite or woody coal. These strata contain nume- rous plants, among which are Vines, Figs, the Cinnamon-tree, Palms, and a number of Conifers. Other plant-bearing strata in the Hebrides, on the west coast of Scotland, have been referred to the Miocene age. In France, the Lower Miocene is represented in Auvergne, Cantal, and Velay, by a great thickness of nearly horizontal strata of sand, sandstone, clays, marls, and limestones, all of MIOCENE PERIOD. 553 fresh-water origin. Other Miocene deposits occur in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the Siwalik hills in India. II. UPPER MIOCENE. — The typical European deposits of Upper Miocene age occur in the valley of the Loire, in France, and are known as the " Faluns," a provincial term given to shelly sands employed to spread upon soils which are deficient in lime. The Faluns occur in scattered patches, which are rarely more than 50 feet in thickness, and consist of sands and marls. The fossils are chiefly marine, but there occur also land and fresh-water shells, and the remains of numerous Mammals. In Switzerland, between the Alps and the Jura, there occurs a great series of Miocene deposits, known collectively as the " Molasse," from the soft nature of a greenish sandstone, which constitutes one of its chief members. It attains a thick- ness of many thousands of feet, and rises into lofty mountains, some of which — as the Rigi — are more than 6000 feet in height. The middle portion of the Molasse is of marine origin, and is shown by its fossils to be of the age of the Faluns ; but the lower and upper portions of the formation are mainly or entirely of fresh-water origin. The Lower Molasse (of Lower Miocene age) has yielded about 500 species of plants, mostly of tropical or sub-tropical forms. The Upper Molasse has yielded about the same number of plants, with about 900 species of Insects, such as wood-eating Beetles, Water-beetles, White Ants, Dragon-flies, &c. MIOCENE OF NORTH AMERICA. — Miocene deposits are found in the United States in New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, California, Oregon, &c., and they attain sometimes a thickness of 1500 feet. They consist chiefly of clays, sands, and sand- stones: and in Virginia there is a bed of what is wrongly called " Infusorial Earth," which attains a thickness of many feet, and consists almost wholly of the siliceous cases of cer- tain low forms of plants (Diatoms). The strata of the White River, with remains of numerous Mammals, formerly spoken of as Upper Eocene, are sometimes referred to the Miocene formation. The fossils of the American Miocene are chiefly Molluscs (of which 15 to 30 per cent are living species). LIFE OF THE MIOCENE PERIOD. — The vegetation of the Miocene period has been already spoken of, and need not be again discussed here. The Invertebrates of the Miocene also need no special mention, since they are very similar in type to those now in existence, though mostly specifically distinct. The Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds of the Miocene likewise call for no special comment. The Miocene Mammals, on the 554 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. other hand, belong in great part to extinct types, and are sufficiently remarkable in their characters to demand some notice. In addition to the orders known to be represented in the Eocene Tertiary, we meet now with remains referable to the Edentata, Proboscidea, and Quadrumana ; whilst some existing groups of the older orders are now represented for the first time. The Edentates are represented by the gigantic Macrotherium, which appears to have been nearly allied to the Scaly Ant- eaters or Pangolins, and by the still more gigantic Ancylotherhim. Of the Sirenia we have the genus Halitherium, and of the true Cetacea we have the remains of Squalodonts and Dolphins. Of the Ungulates the Rhinoceridtz are represented in Miocene times by Acerotherium, the Equidce. by Anchitherium and Hip- parion, the Hippopotamidce by species of Hippopotamus itself, the Suida by species of SHS, the Moschidcz by Dremotherium, the Cervidce by Dorcatherium, the Camelopardalida by Hellado- therium, and the Cavicornia by the extraordinary Sivatherium and Bramatherium. The Bovida do not appear as yet to have come into existence. The Probosddea are represented in the Miocene period by all the known sections of the order — namely, by Elephants, Mastodons, and the Deinotherium. Of the Carnivora we have Miocene representatives of the Felidcz (Machairodus), the Canida, Hycmida, Viverridce, and MustelidcB. The Insectivora are represented by species of Erinaccus and Talpa, and the Rodents by species of Castor, Mus, Lepus, &c. Lastly, the Quadrumana are represented by the two extinct genera Pliopithecus and Dryopithecus. CHAPTER LVI. PLIOCENE AND POST-PLIOCENE PERIODS. ROCKS OF THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. THE Pliocene formations contain from 40 to 95 per cent of existing species of Mollusca, the remainder belonging to extinct species. They are divided by Sir Charles Lyell into two divisions, the Older Pliocene and Newer Pliocene. The Pliocene deposits of Britain occur in Suffolk, and are known by the name of " Crags," this being a local term used PLIOCENE AND POST-PLIOCENE PERIODS. 555 for certain shelly sands, which are employed in agriculture. Two of these Crags are referable to the Older Pliocene — viz., the White and Red Crags, — and one belongs to the Newer Pliocene, viz., the Norwich Crag. The White or Coralline Crag of Suffolk is the oldest of the Pliocene deposits of Britain, and is an exceedingly local for- mation, occurring in but a single small area, and having a maximum thickness of not more than 50 feet. It consists of soft sands, with occasional intercalations of flaggy limestone. Though of small extent and thickness, the Coralline Crag is of importance from the number of fossils which it contains. The name "Coralline" is a misnomer; since there are few true Corals, and the so-called "Corals" of the formation are really Polyzoa, often of very singular forms. The shells of the Coral- line Crag are mostly such as inhabit the seas of temperate regions ; but there occur some forms usually looked upon as indicating a warm climate. The Upper or Red Crag of Suffolk — like the Coralline Crag —has a limited geographical extent and a small thickness, rarely exceeding 40 feet. It consists of quartzose sands, usu- ally deep red or brown in colour, and charged with numerous fossils. Altogether more than 200 species of shells are known from the Red Crag, of which 60 per cent are referable to existing species. The shells indicate upon the whole a temperate or even cold climate, decidedly less warm than that indicated by the organic remains of the Coralline Crag. It appears, there- fore, that a gradual refrigeration was going on during the Pliocene period, commencing in the Coralline Crag, becoming intensified in the Red Crag, being still more severe in the Norwich Crag, and finally culminating in the Arctic cold of the Glacial period. Besides the Mollusca, the Red Crag contains the ear-bones of Whales, the teeth of Sharks and Rays, and remains of the Mastodon, Rhinoceros, and Tapir. The Newer Pliocene deposits are represented in Britain by the Norwich Crag, a local formation occurring near Norwich. It consists of incoherent sands, loams, and gravels, resting in detached patches, from 2 to 20 feet in thickness, upon an eroded surface of Chalk. The Norwich Crag contains a mix- ture of marine, land, and fresh-water shells, with remains of fishes and bones of mammals ; so that it must have been de- posited as a local sea-deposit near the mouth of an ancient river. It contains altogether more than 100 marine shells, of which 89 per cent belong to existing species. Of the Mam- 556 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. mals, the two most important are an Elephant (Elephas meri- dionalis), and the characteristic Pliocene Mastodon (M. Arver- nensis), which is hitherto the only Mastodon found in Britain. The following are the more important Pliocene deposits which have been hitherto recognised out of Britain :— 1. In the neighbourhood of Antwerp occur certain " crags," which are the equivalent of the White and Red Crag in part. The lowest of these contains less than 50 per cent, and the highest 60 per cent, of existing species of shells, the remainder being extinct. 2. Bordering the chain of the Apennines, in Italy, on both sides are a series of low hills made up of Tertiary strata, which are known as the Sub-Apennine beds. Part of these is of Miocene age, part is Older Pliocene, and a portion 'is Newer Pliocene. The Older Pliocene portion of the Sub-Apennines consists of blue or brown marls, which sometimes attain a thickness of 2000 feet. 3. In the valley of the Arno, above Florence, are both Older and Newer Pliocene strata. The former consist of blue clays and lignites, with an abundance of plants. The latter consist of sands and conglomerates, with remains of large Car- nivorous Mammals, Mastodon, Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippo- potamus, &c. 4. In Sicily, Newer Pliocene strata are probably more largely developed than anywhere else in the world, rising sometimes to a height of 3000 feet above the sea. The series consists of clays, marls, sands, and conglomerates, capped by a com- pact limestone, which attains a thickness of from 700 to 800 feet. The fossils of these beds belong almost entirely to living species, one of the commonest being the Great Scallop of the Mediterranean (Pecten Jacobaus]. 5. Occupying an extensive area round. the Caspian, Aral, and Azof Seas, are Pliocene deposits known as the " Aralo- Caspian " beds. The fossils in these beds are partly fresh- water, partly marine, and partly intermediate in character, and they are in great part identical with species now inhabiting the Caspian. The entire formation appears to indicate the former existence of a great sheet of brackish water, forming an inland sea, like the Caspian, but as large as, or larger than, the Mediterranean. 6. In the United States, strata of Pliocene age are found in North and South Carolina. They consist of sands and clays, with numerous fossils, chiefly Molluscs and Echinoderms. From 40 to 60 per cent of the fossils belong to existing species. On the Loup Fork of the river Platte, in the Upper POST-PLIOCENE PERIOD. 557 Missouri region, are strata which are also believed to be refer- able to the Pliocene period, and probably to its upper division. They are from 300 to 400 feet thick, and contain land-shells, with the bones of numerous Mammals, such as Camels, Rhino- ceroses, Mastodons, Elephants, the Horse, Stag, &c. LIFE OF THE PLIOCENE PERIOD. — As regards the life of the Pliocene period, it is sufficient to indicate two general considerations. In the first place, we have to notice that the introduction upon the globe of existing species of animals was carried on rapidly during this period. In the older Pliocene deposits the number of shells of existing species is only from 40 to 60 per cent ; but in the Newer Pliocene the proportion of existing species rises to as much as 80 to 95 per cent. The Mammals still all belong to extinct species, but modern types gradually supersede the more antique forms of the Eocene and Miocene periods. In the second place, there is good evidence to show that the Pliocene period was one in which the climate of the northern hemisphere gradually became colder. In the Miocene period, as we have seen, Europe possessed a climate probably very similar to that now enjoyed by the Southern States of the Union, and certainly very much warmer than its present climate. In the Older Pliocene, northern forms, on the other hand, predominate among the shells, though some of the types of warmer "regions still survive. In the Newer Pliocene, the Mollusca are almost exclusively such as inhabit the seas of temperate or even cold regions. It might be thought that the occurrence of Mammals such as the Elephant, Rhinoceros, and Hippopotamus, would prove that the climate of Europe and the United States must have been a hot one during the later portion of the Pliocene period. We have, however, reason to believe that many of these extinct quadru- peds were more abundantly furnished with hair, and more adapted to withstand a cool temperature, than any of their living congeners. Amongst the Pliocene Mammals may be mentioned the following, as comprising the more important forms : — Mastodon Arvernensis. Elephas meridionalis. Elephas antiquus. Rhinoceros megarhinus. Tapirus Arvernensis. Machairodus ctiltridens. Ursus Arvernensis. Equus plicidens. Hippopotamus major. POST-PLIOCENE PERIOD. Later than any of the Tertiary formations are a series of de- posits which are spoken of as Post-Tertiary or Quaternary, and which are characterised by the fact that all the contained 558 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. shells belong to existing species. The Post-Tertiary deposits are divided by -Sir Charles Lyell into Post-Pliocene, in which the shells belong entirely to existing species, but some of the Mammals are extinct ; and the Recent, in which the shells and the Mammals alike belong to existing species. The Recent deposits do not properly concern the Palaeonto- logist, but the Zoologist, since they contain the remains of none but existing animals. The Post-Pliocene deposits, on the other hand, contain the remains of various extinct Mammals, and therefore properly form part of the domain of the palaeon- tologist. The deposits of the Post-Pliocene period may be divided into those which preceded the Glacial period, those which were formed during the Glacial epoch, and those which are Post-Glacial. I. PRE-GLACIAL DEPOSITS. — The chief pre-glacial deposit of Britain is found on the Norfolk coast, reposing upon the Newer Pliocene (Norwich Crag), and consists of an ancient land-sur- face which is known as the " Cromer Forest-bed." This consists of an ancient soil, having embedded in it the stumps of many trees, still in an erect position, with remains of living plants, and the bones of recent and extinct quadru- peds. It is overlaid by fresh-water and marine beds, all the shells of which belong to existing species, and it is finally sur- mounted by true "glacial drift." While all the shells and plants of the Cromer Forest-bed and its associated strata belong to existing species, the Mammals are partly living, partly ex- tinct. Thus, we find the existing Wolf, Bison, Reindeer, Beaver, Walrus, &c., side by side with three extinct Elephants, the Rhinoceros, and Hippopotamus, and a gigantic extinct Beaver. Among the Elephants are two Pliocene species, viz., Elephas meridionalis and Elephas antiquus. The third species is the Mammoth (Elephas primigenius), which has not as yet been detected in strata of Pliocene age. The following list is given by Mr Boyd Dawkins as comprising the most important Mammals as yet known in the " Forest-bed : " — LIST OF PRE-GLACIAL MAMMALS. Ursus Arvernensis. Ursus spelaus (? Etruscus). Sorex. Mygale moschata. Talpa Europcea, Cervus megaceros ? Cervus capreolus. Cervus elaphus. Cervus Sedgwickii. Cervus ardeus. Bos primigenius. Hippopotamus major. Equus fossilis. Rhinoceros megarhinus. Rhinoceros Etruscus. Elephas antiquus. Elephas meridionalis. Arvicola amphibia. Castor fiber. Trogontherium Cuvieri. POST-PLIOCENE PERIOD. 559 II. GLACIAL DEPOSITS. — Under this head is included a great series of deposits which are widely spread over both Europe and America, and which were formed at a time when the climate of these countries was very much colder than it is at present, and approached more or less closely to what we see at the present day in the Arctic regions. These deposits are known by the general name of the Glacial deposits, or by the more specialised names of the Drift, the Northern Drift, the Boulder-clay, the Till, &c. These glacial deposits are found in Britain as far south as the Thames, over the whole of Northern Europe, in all the more elevated portions of Southern and Central Europe, and over the whole of North America, as far south as the 39th par- allel. They generally occur as sands, clays, and gravels, spread in widely-extended sheets over all the geological forma- tions alike, except the most recent, and are commonly spoken of under the general term of " Glacial drift." They vary much in their exact nature in different districts, but they universally consist of one, or all, of the following members : — 1. Unstratified clays, or loams, containing numerous angular or sub-angular blocks of stone, which have often been trans- ported for a greater or less distance from their parent rock, and which often exhibit polished, grooved, or striated surfaces. These beds are what is called Boulder-clay, or Till. 2. Sands, gravels, and clays, often more or less regularly stratified, but containing erratic blocks, often of large size, and with their edges unworn, derived from considerable distances from the place where they are now found. In these beds it is not at all uncommon to find fossil shells ; and these, though of existing species, are mostly of an Arctic character, comprising a majority of forms which are now exclusively found in the icy waters of the Arctic seas. These beds are often spoken of as "Stratified Drift." 3. Stratified sands and gravels, in which the pebbles are worn and rounded, and which have been produced by a re- arrangement of ordinary glacial beds by the sea. These beds are commonly known as " Drift-gravels," or " Regenerated Drift." The fossils of the Glacial deposits are almost exclusively shells, which belong to existing species, but are referable to species now inhabiting cold regions. The most important Glacial shells are the following : — 560 HISTORICAL PALAEONTOLOGY. Pecten Islandicus. Astarte borealis. Leda oblonga. Saxicava rugosa. Tellina proximo,. Tel Una solidula. Leda truncata. Astarte compressa. Trophon clathratum. Natica clausa. Scalaria Grcenlandica. Bucdnum undatum. Purpura lapillus. Fusus Islandicus. Littorina littorea. III. POST-GLACIAL DEPOSITS. — Under this head are in- cluded various fluviatile deposits, such as brick-earths, low- level and high-level gravels, and all those accumulations which are generally understood by the terms " cave-deposits," " ossi- ferous breccias," and the like. The fossils of these deposits consist chiefly of the bones of Mammals, both living and extinct, in many instances mixed with the bones, or, more commonly, the implements of man in his earliest and rudest condition. Most of the Pre-glacial Mammals which have been previously enumerated, survived the Glacial period, and appear in Post-glacial deposits; but along with these are other forms — some extinct, some still in existence — which are not known to have lived in times prior to the Glacial epoch. The following list is given by Mr Boyd. Dawkins of the Mammals which inhabited Britain during the Post-glacial epoch : — LIST OF POST-GLACIAL MAMMALS. Palaeolithic Man. The Glutton (Gulo luscus). The Cave Bear ( Ursus spelaus) ? The Grizzly Bear (Ursus ferox) ? The Cave Lion (Felis leo=Felis spelaa). The Cave Hyaena (Hycena spel&a). The Panther (Felis pardus). The Musk-sheep (Ovibos moschatus). The Tichorhine Rhinoceros (R. tichorhinus). The Mammoth (Elephas primigenius). The Lemming (My odes Icmmtis). The Cave Pika (Lagomys). The Pouched Marmot (Spermophilus). Spermophilus erythrogenoides. GEOGRAPHICAL SUCCESSION OF ORGANIC FORMS. A few words may be said here on a law which may be called the " law of the geographical succession of organic forms," and which is illustrated more completely by the Mammalia than by any other extinct animals. An examination, namely, of the facts of the geological distribution of Mammals, leads to the striking generalisation that " the present distribution of organic forms dates back to a period anterior to the origin of GEOGRAPHICAL SUCCESSION OF ORGANIC FORMS. 561 existing species " (Lyell). In other words, though the extinct Mammals of the later geological deposits of any given country differ specifically from those now existing in the same country, they are nevertheless referable to the same orders, and are in every respect more closely allied to the present Mammalian fauna than to that of any other country. A few examples will render this perfectly clear. Australia at the present day is an altogether peculiar zoolo- gical province, characterised by the abundance and variety of Marsupials which inhabit it. In the Post-tertiary deposits of Australia, however, we are presented with proofs that Marsu- pials were just as characteristic of Australia during late geolo- gical epochs as they are now. In the Post-pliocene period we know that Australia was occupied by Kangaroos, Kan- garoo-rats, Wombats, Phalangers, and Carnivorous Marsupials, in every way representing the living Marsupials in zoological value, but specifically distinct, and generally of gigantic size. In the same way, South America at the present day is espe- cially characterised by a Mammalian fauna containing many peculiar forms, the Edentata being especially conspicuous, and having a larger representation than in any other region. Similar but distinct forms, however, are found to have existed in South America anterior to the creation of any existing species. Thus, the modern Sloths of South America are re- presented by the colossal Mylodon, Megalonyx, Scelidotherium, and Megatherium. The little armour-plated Armadillos are represented by the equally colossal Glyptodon. The Llamas- representing in South America the Camels of the Old World — are represented by the curious extinct genus Macrauchenia. The Platyrhine Monkeys have their extinct representatives. Fossil Tapirs take the place of the two existing species ; and the Peccaries are represented by at least five extinct species of Dicotyles. The bone-caves of Brazil have also yielded re- mains of Sloths, Coatis, Kinkajous, Armadillos, Guinea-pigs, Agoutis, Capybaras, Pacas, Coypus, Vampire Bats, and Cerco- labes, allied to, yet distinct from, the species now inhabiting South America. Similarly, India is at present the only country in which four-horned Antelopes occur; and it is in the Siwalik Hills that there have been found the two gigantic four-horned An- telopes, which constitute the genera Sivatherium and Brama- therium. In Europe, again, the Mammalian fauna of the later Ter- tiary periods is much more closely allied to that now charac- terising the Old World, than to that of the New. We have 2 N 562 HISTORICAL PALEONTOLOGY. the Lion, Bear, Wolf, Fox, and other well-known Carnivora. Elephants, Ehinoceroses, and Hippopotami, then as now, are characteristic Old World forms. The Ruminants are equally characteristic of the eastern hemisphere, though not exclu- sively confined to it, and they have numerous and varied re- presentatives in later Tertiary deposits. The Giraffe is repre- sented by the Helladotherium, and the Bactrian Camel by the Merycotherium of the Siberian Drift. The fossil Quadrumana, too, of Europe, all belong to the Catarhine section of the order. It is unnecessary to pursue the subject further, but no law is more firmly established than this : " That with extinct as with existing Mammalia, particular forms were assigned to particular provinces ; and that the same forms were restricted to the same provinces at a former geological period as they are at the present day " (Owen). It is to be borne in mind, however, that the law, as just stated, holds good for the later Tertiary period only, and does not apply, in any manner that admits of being traced, to the earlier geological epochs. GLOSSARY. ABDOMEN (Lat. abdo, I conceal). The posterior cavity of the body, contain- ing the intestines and others of the viscera. In many Invertebrates there is no separation of the body-cavity into thorax and abdomen, and it is only in the higher Annulosa that a distinct abdomen can be said to exist. ABEREANT (Lat. aberro, I wander away). Departing from the regular type. ABNORMAL (Lat. ab, from ; norma, a rule). Irregular ; deviating from the ordinary standard. ABRANCHIATE (Gr. a, without; bragchia, gill). Destitute of gills or bran- chiae. ACANTHOPTERYGII (Gr. akantha, spine ; pterux, wing). A group of bony fishes with spinous rays in the front part of the dorsal fin. ACARINA (Gr. akari, a mite). A division of the Arachnida, of which the Cheese-mite is the type. ACEPHALOUS (Gr. a, without ; kephale, head). Not possessing a distinct head. ACETABULA (Lat. acetabulum, a cup). The suckers with which the cephalic processes of many Cephalopoda (Cuttle-fishes) are provided. ACETABULUM. The cup-shaped socket of the hip-joint in Vertebrates. ACRODONT (Gr. akros, high ; odous^tooih). Applied to Lizards, in which the teeth are anchylosed with the summit of the jaw. ACROGENS (Gr. akros, high ; gennao, I produce. ) Plants which increase in height by additions made to the summit of the stem, by the union of the bases of the leaves. ACTINOZOA (Gr. aktin, a ray ; and zoon, an animal). That division of the Ccelenterata of which the Sea-anemones may be taken as the type. ALVEOLI (Lat. dim. of alvus, belly). Applied to the sockets of the teeth. AMBULACRA (Lat. ambulacrum, a place for walking). The perforated spaces or "avenues" through which are protruded the tube-feet, by means of which locomotion is effected in the Echinodermata. AMBULATORY (Lat. ambulo, I walk). Formed for walking. Applied to a single limb, or to an entire animal. AMMONITID^;. A family of Tetrabranchiate Cephalopods, so called from the resemblance of the shell of the type-genus, Ammonites, to the horns of the Egyptian God, Jupiter- Ammon. AMCEBA (Gr. amoibos, changing). A species of Rhizopod, so called from the numerous changes of form which it undergoes. AJVKEBIFORM. Resembling an Amoeba in form. AMORPHOZOA (Gr. a, without ; morphe, shape ; zoon, animal). A name some- times used to designate the Sponges. AMPHIBIA (Gr. amphi, both; bios, life). The Frogs, Newts, and the like, which have gills when young, but can always breathe air directly when adult. AMPHICCELOUS (Gr. amphi, at both ends ; koilos, hollow). Applied to verte- brae which are concave at both ends. 564 GLOSSARY. AMPHIPODA (Gr. amphi, and pous, a foot). An order of Crustacea. ANAL (Lat. anus, the vent). Connected with the anus, or situated near the anus. ANARTHROPODA (Gr. a, without ; arthros, a joint ; pous, foot). That division of Annulose animals in which there are no articulated appendages. ANCHYLOSIS or ANKYLOSIS (Gr. ankulos, crooked). The union of two bones by osseous matter, so that they become one bone, or are immovably joined together. ANGIOSPERMS (Gr. angeion, a vessel ; sperma, seed). Plants which have their seeds enclosed in a seed-vessel. ANNELIDA (a Gallicised form of Annulata). The Ringed worms, which form one of the divisions of the A nartkropoda. ANNULATED. Composed of a succession of rings. ANNULOIDA (Lat. annulus, a ring ; Gr. eidos, form). The sub-kingdom com- prising the Echinodermata and the Scolecida(=Echinozoa). ANNULOSA (Lat. annulus). The sub-kingdom comprising the Anarthropoda and the Arthropoda or Articulata, in all of which the body is more or less evidently composed of a succession of rings. ANOMODONTIA (Gr. anomos, irregular; odous, tooth). An extinct order of Reptiles, often called Dicynodontia. ANOMURA (Gr. anomos, irregular ; oura, tail). A tribe of Decapod Crustacea, of which the Hermit-crab is the type. ANOPLOTHERID^: (Gr. anoplos, unarmed ; ther, beast). A family of Tertiary Ungulates. ANOURA (Gr. a, without ; oura, tail). The order of Amphibia comprising the Frogs and Toads, in which the adult is destitute of a tail. Olten called Batrachia. ANTENNA (Lat. antenna, a yard-arm). The jointed horns or feelers possessed by the majority of the Articulata. ANTENNULES (dim. of Antennae). Applied to the smaller pair of antennae in the Crustacea. ANTIBRACHIUM (Gr. anti, in front of ; Irachion, the arm). The fore-arm of the higher Vertebrates, composed of the radius and ulna. ANTLERS. Properly the branches of the horns of the Deer tribe (Cervidce), but generally applied to the entire horns. APIOCRINID.E (Gr. apion, a pear; krinon, lily). A family of Crinoids — the " Pear-encrinites." APLACENTALIA. The section of the Mammalia, comprising the two divisions of the Didelphia and Monodelphia, in which the young is not furnished with a placenta. APODA (Gr. a, without ; podes, feet). Applied to those fishes which have no ventral fins. Also to the footless Ccecilice amongst the Amphibia. APODAL. Devoid of feet. APTERA (Gr. a, without ; pteron, a wing). A division of Insects, which is characterised by the absence of wings in the adult condition. APTEROUS. Devoid of wings. APTERYX (Gr. a, without; pterux, a wing). A wingless bird of New Zealand, belonging to the order Cursores. ARACHNIDA (Gr. arachne, a spider). A class of the Articulata, comprising Spiders, Scorpions, and allied animals. ARBORESCENT. Branched like a tree. ARCH^OPTERYX (Gr. archaios, ancient ; pterux, wing). The singular fossil bird which alone constitutes the order of the Saurarce. ARENACEOUS. Sandy, or composed of grains of sand. ARTICULATA (Lat. articulus, a joint). A division of the animal kingdom, comprising Insects, Centipedes, Spiders, and Crustaceans, characterised by the possession of jointed bodies or jointed limbs. The term Arthropoda is now more usually employed. ARTIODACTYLA (Gr. artios, even ; daktulos, a finger or toe). A division of the hoofed quadrupeds (Unyulata) in which each foot has an even number of toes (two or four). GLOSSARY. 565 ASCIDIOIDA (Gr. asJcos, a bottle ; eidos, a form). A synonym of Tunicata, a class of Molluscous animals, which have the shape, in many cases, of a two-necked bottle. ASEXUAL. Applied to modes of reproduction in which the sexes are not concerned. ASIPHONATE. Not possessing a respiratory tube or siphon. (Applied to a division of the Lamellibranchiate Molluscs). ASTEROID (Gr. aster, a star ; and eidos, form). Star-shaped, or possessing radiating lobes or rays like a star-fish. ASTEROIDEA. An order of Echinodermata, comprising the Star-fishes, char- acterised by their rayed form. ASTOMATOUS (Gr. a, without; stoma, mouth). Not possessing a mouth. ATLAS (Gr. the God who holds up the earth). The first vertebra of the neck, which articulates with and supports the skull. AVES (Lat. avis, a bird). The class of the Birds. AVICULARIUM (Lat. avicula, dim. of avis, a Bird). A singular appendage, often shaped like the head of a bird, found in many of the Polyzoa. Axis (Gr. axon, a pivot). The second vertebra of the neck, upon which the skull and atlas usually rotate. AZYGOUS (Gr. a, without ; zugon, yoke). Single ; without a fellow. BALANID^E (Gr. balanos, an acorn). A family of sessile Cirripedes, commonly called "Acorn- shells." BALEEN (Lat. balwna, a whale). The horny plates which occupy the palate of the true or " whalebone" Whales. BATIDFS (Gr. bates, a bramble). The family of the Elasmobranchii comprising the Rays. BATRACHIA (Gr. batrachos, a frog). Often loosely applied to any of the Am- phibia, but sometimes restricted to the Amphibians as a class, or to the single order of the Anoura. BELEMNITID^E (Gr. belemnon, a dart). An extinct group of Dibranchiate Cephalopods, comprising the Belemnites and their allies. BIFID. Cleft into two parts ; forked. BILATERAL. Having two symmetrical sides. BIMANA (Lat. bis, twice ; manus, a hand). The order of Mammalia compris- ing man alone. BIPEDAL (Lat. bis, twice ; pes, foot). Walking upon two legs. BIVALVE (Lat. bis, twice ; valvce, folding-doors). Composed of two plates or valves ; applied to the shell of the Lamellibranchiata and Brachiopoda, and to the carapace of certain Crustacea. BLASTOIDEA (Gr. blastos, a bud ; and eidos, form). An extinct order of Echi- nodermata, often called Pentremites. BRACHIOPODA (Gr. brachion, an arm ; pous, the foot). A class of the Mollus- coida, often called "Lamp-shells," characterised by possessing two fleshy arms continued from the sides of the mouth. BRACHIUM (Gr. brachion, arm). Applied to the upper arm of Vertebrates. BRACHYURA (Gr. brachus, short ; oura, tail). A tribe of the Decapod Crusta- ceans with short tails (i.e., the Crabs). BRADYPODIDJE (Gr. bradus, slow ; podes, feet). The family of Edentata com- prising the Sloths. BRANCHIA (Gr. bragchia, the gill of a fish). A respiratory organ adapted to breathe air dissolved in water. BRANCHIATE. Possessing gills or braiichiaB. BRANCHIFERA (Gr. bragchia, gill; andphero, I carry). A division of Oaslero- podous Molluscs, in which the respiration is aquatic, and the respiratory organs are mostly in the form of distinct gills. BRANCHIO-GASTEROPODA (= Branchifera). BRANCHIOPODA (Gr. bragchia; and pous, foot). A legion of Crustacea, in which the gills are supported by the feet. BRANCHIOSTEGAL (Gr. bragchia, gill; stego, I cover). Applied to a membrane and rays by which the gills are protected in many fishes. 566 GLOSSARY. BRUTA (Lat. brutus, heavy, stupid). Often used to designate the Mammalian order of the Edentata. BRTOZOA (Gr. bruon, moss ; zoSn, animal). A synonym of Polyzoa, a class of the Molluscoida. BUCOAL (Lat. lucca, mouth or cheeks). Connected with the mouth. BURSIPORM (Lat. bursa, a purse ; forma, shape). Shaped like a purse ; sub- spherical. BYSSIFEROUS. Producing a byssus. BYSSDS (Gr. bussos, flax). A term applied to the silky filaments by which the Pinna, the common Mussel, and certain other bivalve Mollusca, attach themselves to foreign objects. CADUCIBRANCHIATE (Lat. caducus, falling off; Gr. bragchia, gill). Applied to those Amphibians in which the gills fall off before maturity is reached. CADUCOUS. Applied to parts which fall off or are shed during the life of the animal. C2ECAL (Lat. ccecus, blind). Terminating blindly, or in a closed extremity. C^CUM (Lat. ccecus). A tube which terminates blindly. C^ESPITOSE (Lat. ccespes, a turf). Tufted. CAINOZOIC. (See Kainozoic.) CALAMITES (Lat. calamus, a reed). Extinct plants with reed-like stems, be- lieved to be gigantic representatives of the Equisetacece. CALCAREOUS (Lat. calx, lime). Composed of carbonate of lime. CALICE. The little cup in which the polype of a coralligenous Zoophyte (Actinozo&n) is contained. CALYCOPHORID^E (Gr. kalux, a cup ; and phero, I carry). An order of the Oceanic Hydrozoa, so called from their possessing bell-shaped swimming organs (nectocalyces). CALYX (Lat. calyx, a cup)'. Applied to the cup-shaped body of Vorticella (Protozoa), or of a Crinoid (Echinodermata). CAMPANULARIDA (Lat. campanula, a bell). An order of Hydroid Zoophytes. CANINE (Lat. canis, a dog). The eye-tooth of Mammals, or the tooth which is placed at or close to the prsemaxillary suture in the upper jaw, and the corresponding tooth in the lower jaw. CAPITULUM (Lat. dim. oicaput, head). Applied to the body of a Barnacle (Lepadidce), from its being supported upon a stalk or peduncle. CARAPACE. A protective shield. Applied to the upper shell of Crabs, Lob- sters, and many other Crustacea; also to the case with which certain of the Infusoria are provided. Also the upper half of the immovable case in which the body of a Chelonian is protected. CARINAT.E (Lat. carina, a keel). Applied by Huxley to all those birds in which the sternum is furnished with a median ridge or keel. CARNIVORA (Lat. caro, flesh ; voro, I devour). An order of the Mammalia. CARNIVOROUS (Lat. caro, flesh ; voro, I devour). Feeding upon flesh. CARNOSE (Lat. caro). Fleshy. CARPUS (Gr. karpos, the wrist). The small bones which intervene between the fore-arm and the metacarpus. CATARHINA (Gr. kata, downwards ; rhines, nostrils). A group of the Quadru* mana. CAUDAL (Lat. cauda, the tail). Belonging to the tail. CAVICORNIA (Lat. cavus, hollow ; cornu, a horn). The " hollow-horned " Ruminants, in which the horn consists of a central bony "horn-core" sur- rounded by a horny sheath. CENTRUM (Gr. kentron, the point round which a circle is described by a pair of compasses). The central portion or " body" of a vertebra. CEPHALASPID^E (Gr. kephale, head ; aspis, shield). A family of fossil fishes. CEPHALIC (Gr. kephale, head). Belonging to the head. CEPHALO-BRANCHIATE (Gr. kephale; and bragchia, gill). Carrying gills upon the head. Applied to a section of the Annelida, which, like the Serpulce, have tufts of external gills placed upon the head. GLOSSARY. 567 CEPHALOPHORA (Gr. kephale; andphero, I carry). Used synonymously with Encephala, to designate those Mollusca which possess a distinct head. CEPHALOPODA (Gr. kephale ; and podes, feet). A class of the Mollusca, com- prising the Cuttle-fishes and their allies, in which there is a series of arms ranged round the head. CEPHALOTHORAX (Gr. kephale; and thorax, chest). The anterior division of the body in many Crustacea and Arachnida, which is composed of the coalesced head and chest. CERVICAL (Lat. cervix, neck). Connected with the region of the neck. CESTRAPHORI (Gr. kestra, a weapon ; pliero, I carry). The group of Elasmo- branchii represented at the present day by the Port Jackson Shark. CETACEA (Gr. ketos, a whale). The order of Mammals comprising the Whales and Dolphins. CHEIROPTERA (Gr. cheir, hand ; pteron, a wing). The order of Mammals com- prising the Bats. CHEL.E (Gr. elide, a claw). The prehensile claws with which some of the limbs are terminated in certain Crustacea, such as the Crab, Lobster, &c. CHELATE. Possessing chelae ; applied to a limb. CHELICER.S: (Gr. chele, a claw ; and keras, a horn). The prehensile claws of the Scorpion, supposed to be homologous with antennae. CHELONIA (Gr. chelone, a tortoise). The order of Keptiles comprising the Tortoises and Turtles. CHELONOBATRACHIA (Gr. chelone, a tortoise ; batrachos, a frog). Sometimes applied to the Amphibian order of the Anoura (Frogs and Toads). CHILOGNATHA (Gr. cheilos, a lip ; and gnathos, a jaw). An order of the My- riapoda. CHILOPODA (Gr. cheilos ; and podes, feet). An order of the Myriapoda. CHITINK (Gr. chiton, a coat). The peculiar chemical principle, nearly allied to horn, which forms the exoskeleton in many Invertebrate Animals, espe- cially in the Arthropoda (Crustacea, Insecta, &c.) CIRRI (Lat. cirrus, a curl). Tendril-like appendages, such as the feet of Bar- nacles and Acorn-shells (Cirripedes), the lateral processes on the arms of Brachiopoda, &c. CIRRIFEROUS or CiRRiGEROUS. Carrying cirri. CIRRIPEDIA, CIRRHIPEDIA, or CiRRHOPODA (Lat. cirrus, a curl ; and pes, a foot). A sub-class of Crustacea with curled jointed feet. CLADOCERA (Gr. klados, a branch ; keras, a horn). An order of Crustacea with branched antennae. CLAVATE (Lat. clavus, a club). Club-shaped. CLAVICLE (Lat. clavicula, a little key). The " collar-bone," forming one of the elements of the pectoral arch of Vertebrates. CLOACA (Lat. a sink). The cavity into which the intestinal canal and the ducts of the generative and urinary organs open in common, in some In- vertebrates (e.g., in Insects), and also in many Vertebrate animals. CLYPEIFORM (Lat. clypeus, a shield ; and forma, shape). Shield-shaped ; ap- , plied, for example, to the carapace of the King-crab. CCELENTERATA (Gr. koilos, hollow ; enteron, the bowel). The sub-kingdom which comprises the Hydrozoa and Actinozoa. Proposed by Frey and Leuckhart in place of the old term Radiata, which included other animals as well. CCENENCHYMA (Gr. koinos, common ; enchuma, tissue, literally an infxision). The common calcareous tissue which unites together the various corallites of a compound corallum. CCENCECIUM (Gr. koinos, common ; oikos, house). The entire dermal system of any Polyzoou : employed in place of the terms polyzoary or polypidom. COENOSARC (Gr. koinos, common ; sarx, flesh). The common organised me- dium by which the separate polypites of a compound Hydrozoon are con- nected together. COLEOPTKRA (Gr. koleos, a sheath; pteron, wing). The order of Insects (Beetles) in which the anterior pair of wings are hardened, and serve as pro- tective cases for the posterior pair of membranous wings. 568 GLOSSARY. COLUBRINA (Lat. coluber, a snake). A division of the Opkidia. COLUMBACEI (Lat. columba, a dove). The division of Rasoriai birds compris- ing the Doves and Pigeons. COLUMELLA (Lat. dim. of columna, a column). In Conchology, the central axis round which the whorls of a spiral univalve are wound. Amongst the A ctinozoa, it is the central axis or pillar which is found in the centre of the thecae of many corals. COLUMN. Applied to the cylindrical body of a Sea-anemone (Actinia) ; also to the jointed stem or peduncle of the stalked Crinoids.. CONCHIFERA (Lat concka, a shell ; fero, I carry). Shell-fish. Applied in a restricted sense to the bivalve Molluscs, and used as a synonym for Lamelli- brancldata. CONDYLE (Gr. kondulos, a knuckle). The surface by which one bone articulates with another. Applied especially to the articular surface or surfaces by which the skull 'articulates with the vertebral column. CONIROSTRES (Lat. conns, a cone ; rostrum, a beak). The division of Perching Birds with conical beaks. COPEPODA (Gr. kope, an oar ; podes, feet). An order of Crustacea. CORACOID (Gr. korax, a crow ; eidos, form). One of the bones which enters into the composition of the pectoral arch in Birds, Reptiles, and Mono- tremes. In most Mammals it is a mere process of the scapula, having, in , man, some resemblance in shape to the beak of a crow. CORALLIGENOUS. Producing a corallum. CORALLITE. The corallum secreted by an Actinozob'n which consists of a single polype ; or the portion of a composite corallum which belongs to, and is secreted by, an individual polype. CORALLUM (from the Latin for Red Coral). The hard structures deposited in, or by, the tissues of an Actinozob'n — commonly called a " coral." CORIACEOUS (Lat. corium, hide). Leathery. CORYNIDA (Gr. korune, a club). A group of the Hydroid Zoophytes, so called from their sometimes possessing clubbed tentacles. COST^E (Lat. costa, a rib). Applied amongst the Crinoidea to designate the rows of plates which succeed the inferior or basal portion of the cup (pel- vis). Amongst the Corals the " costie " are vertical ridges which occur on the outer surface of the theca, and mark the position of the septa within. COSTAL (Lat. costa, a rib). Connected with the ribs. CRANIUM (Gr. kranion, the skull). The bony or cartilaginous case in which the brain is contained. CRINOIDEA (Gr. krinon, a lily; eidos, form). An order of Echinodermata, com- prising forms which are usually stalked, and sometimes resemble lilies in shape. CROCODILIA (Gr. krokodeilos, a crocodile). An order of Reptiles. CROSSOPTERYGID.-E (Gr. krossotos, a fringe ; pterux, a fin). A sub-order of Ganoids in which the paired fins possess a central lobe. CRUSTACEA (Lat. crusta, a crust). A class of Articulate animals, comprising Crabs, Lobstei*s, &c., characterised by the possession of a hard shell or crust, which they cast periodically. CRYPTOGAMS (Gr. kruptos, concealed ; gamos, marriage). A division of plants in which the organs of reproduction are obscure and there are no true flowers. CTENOID (Gr. kteis, a comb ; eidos, form). Applied to those scales of fishes, the hinder margins of which are fringed with spines or comb-like projections. CTENOPHORA (Gr. kteis, a comb ; and phero, I carry). An order of Adinozoa, comprising oceanic creatures, which swim by means of "ctenophores," or bands of cilia arranged in comb-like plates. CURSORES (Lat. curro, I run). An order of Aves, comprising birds destitute of the power of flight, but formed for running vigorously (e.g., the Ostrich and Emeu). CUSPIDATE. Furnished with small pointed eminences or " cusps." CUTICLE (Lat. cuticula, dim. of cutis, skin). The pellicle which forms the GLOSSARY. 569 outer layer of the body amongst the Infusoria. The outer layer of the integument generally. CYCLOID (Gr. kuklos, a circle ; eidos, form). Applied to those scales of fishes which have a regularly circular or elliptical outline with an even margin. CYCLOSTOMI (Gr. kuklos, and stoma, mouth). Sometimes used to designate the Hag-fishes and Lampreys, forming the order Marsipobranchii. CYST (Gr. kustis, a bladder or bag). A sac or vesicle. UYSTOIDEA (Gr. kustis, a bladder; and eidos, form). An extinct order of Echinodermata. DECAPODA (Gr. deka, ten ; podes, feet). The division of Crustacea which have ten ambulatory feet ; also the family of Cuttle-fishes, in which there are ten arms or cephalic processes. DECIDUOUS (Lat. decido, I fall off). Applied to parts which fall off or are shed during the life of the animal. DECOLLATED (Lat. decollo, I behead). Applied to univalve shells, the apex of which falls off in the course of growth. DEINOSAURIA (Gr. deinos, terrible ; saura, lizard). An extinct order of Rep- tiles. DENDRIFORM, DENDRITIC, DENDROID (Gr. dendron, a tree). Branched like a tree, arborescent. DERMAL (Gr. derma, skin). Belonging to the integument. DESMIDI^E. Minute fresh- water plants, of a green colour, without a siliceous epidermis. DEXTRAL (Lat. dextra, the right hand). Right-handed. Applied to the di- rection of the spiral in the greater number of univalve shells. DIAPHRAGM (Gr. diaphragma, a partition). The "midriff" or the muscle which in Mammalia forms a partition between the cavities of the thorax and abdomen. DIASTEMA (Gr. dia, apart ; histemi, to place). A gap or interval, especially between teeth. DIATOMACE.E (Gr. diatemno, I sever). An order of minute plants, which are provided with siliceous envelopes. DIBRANCHIATA (Gr. dis, twice ; bragchia, gill). The order of Cephalopoda (comprising the Cuttle-fishes, &c.) in which only two gills are present. DICYNODONTIA (Gr. dis, twice; kuon, dog; odovs, tooth). An extinct order of Reptiles. DIDELPHIA (Gr. dis, twice ; delphus, womb). The subdivision of Mammals comprising the Marsupials. DIGIT (Lat. digitus, a finger). A finger or toe. DIGITIGRADA (Lat. diyitus ; gradior, I walk). A subdivision of the Carnivora. DIGITIGRADE. Walking upon the tips of the toes, and not upon the soles of the feet. DIMYARY (Gr. dis, twice ; muon, muscle). Applied to those bivalve Molluscs (Lamellibranchiata) in which the shell is closed by two adductor muscles. DIPHYODONT (Gr. dis, twice; phuo, I generate; odous, tooth). Applied to those Mammals which have two sets of teeth. DIPNOI (Gr. dis, twice ; piwe, breath). The order of Fishes represented by the Lepidosiren. DIPTERA (Gr. dis, twice ; pteron, wing). An order of Insects characterised by the possession of two wings. DISCOID (Gr. diskos, a quoit ; eidos, form). Shaped like a round plate or quoit. DISCOPHORA (Gr. diskos, a quoit ; phero, I carry). This term is applied to the Medusce, or Jelly-fishes, from their form ; and is sometimes used to desig- nate the order of the Leeches (Hirudinea), from the suctorial discs which these animals possess. DISSEPIMENTS (Lat. dissepio, I partition off). Partitions". Used in a restricted sense to designate certain imperfect transverse partitions, which grow from the septa of many corals. DISTAL. Applied to the quickly-growing end of the hydrosoma of a Hydro- 570 GLOSSARY. zoon; the opposite, or "proximal," extremity growing less rapidly, and being the end by which the organism is fixed, when attached at all. DIURNAL (Lat. dies, day). Applied to animals which are active during the day. DORSAL (Lat. dorsum, back). Connected with the back. DORSIBRANCHIATE (Lat. dorsum, the back ; Gr. bragchia, gill). Having ex- ternal gills attached to the back ; applied to certain Anneiides&nd Mollusca. The term is of mongrel composition, and " notobranchiate" is more cor- rectly employed. ECHINODERMATA (Gr. echinos; and derma, skin). A class of animals com- prising the Sea-urchins, Star-fishes, and others, most of which have spiny skins. ECHINOIDEA (Gr. echinos; and eidos, form). An order of Echinodermata, com- prising the Sea-urchins. ECHINULATE. Possessing spines. ECTOCYST (Gr. ektos, outside ; kustis, a bladder). The external investment of the coencecium of a Polyzob'n. ECTODERM (Gr. ektos, and derma, skin). The external integumentary layer of the Ccelenterata. EDENTATA (Lat. e, without ; dens, tooth). An order of Mammalia often called Bruta. EDENTULOUS. Toothless, without any dental apparatus. Applied to the mouth of any animal, or to the hinge of the bivalve Molluscs. EDRIOPHTHALMATA (Gr. hedraios, sitting ; ophthalmos, eye). The division of Crustacea in which the eyes are sessile, and are not supported upon stalks. ELASMOBRANCHII (Gr. elasma, a plate ; bragchia, gill). An order of Fishes, including the Sharks and Rays. ELYTRA (Gr. elutron, a sheath). The chitinous anterior pair of wings in Beetles, which form cases for the posterior membranous wings. Also ap- plied to the scales or plates on the back of the Sea-mouse (Aphrodite). EMBRYO (Gr. en, in ; bruo, I swell). The earliest stage at which the young animal is recognisable in the impregnated ovum. ENALIOSAURIA (Gr. enalios, marine ; saura, lizard). Sometimes employed as a common term to designate the extinct Reptilian orders of the Jchthyosauria and Plesiosauria. ENCEPHALOUS (Gr. en, in ; kephale, the head). Possessing a distinct head. Usually applied to all the Mollusca proper, except the Lamellibranchiata. ENDOCYST (Gr. endon, within ; kustis, a bag). The inner membrane or in- tegumentary layer of a Polyzob'n. In Cristatella, where there is no " ecto- cyst," the endocyst constitutes the entire integument. ENDODERM (Gr. endon; aud derma, skin). The inner integumentary layer of the Ccelenterata. ENDOPODITE (Gr. endon ; and pous, foot). The inner of the two secondary joints into which the typical limb of a Crustacean is divided. ENDOSKELETON (Gr. endon; and skeletos, dry). The internal hard structures, such as bones, which serve for the attachment of muscles, or the protec- tion of organs, and which are not a mere hardening of the integument. ENSIFORM (Lat. ensis, a sword ; forma, shape). Sword-shaped. ENTOMOPHAGA (Gr. entoma, insects ; phago, I eat). A section of the Marsu- pialia. ENTOMOSTRACA (Gr. entoma, insects ; ostrakon, a shell). Literally Shelled Insects, applied to a division of Crustacea. ENTOZOA (Gr. enlos, within ; zoon, animal). Animals which are parasitic in the interior of other animals. EOCENE (Gr. eos, dawn ; kainos, new or recent). The lowest division of the Tertiary Rocks, in which species of existing shells are to a small extent represented. EPIDERMIS (Gr. epi, upon ; derma, the true skin). The outer non-vascular layer of the skin, often called the scarf-skin or cuticle. GLOSSARY. 571 EPIMERA (Or. epi, upon ; meron, thigh). The lateral pieces of the dorsal arc of the somite of a Crustacean. EPIPODIA (Gr. epi, upon ; pous, the foot). Muscular lobes developed from the lateral and upper surfaces of the " foot" of some Molluscs. EPIPODITE (Gr. epi, upon ; pous, foot). A process developed upon the basal joint, or " protopodite," of some of the limbs of certain Crustacea. EPISTERNA (Gr. epi, upon ; sternon, the breast-bone). The lateral pieces of the inferior or ventral arc of the somite of a Crustacean, EPISTOME (Gr. epi; and stoma, mouth). A valve-like organ which arches over the mouth in certain of the Polyzoa. EPITHECA (Gr. epi ; and theke, a sheath). A continuous layer surrounding the thecse in some Corals externally. EPIZOA (Gr. epi, upon ; zoo'n, animal). Animals which are parasitic upon other animals. In a restricted sense, a division of Crustacea which are parasitic upon fishes. EQUILATERAL (Lat. aguus, equal ; latus, side). Having its sides equal. Usually applied to the shells of the Brachiopoda. When applied to the spiral shells of the Foraminifera, it means that all the convolutions of the shell lie in the same plane. EQUISETACEA (Lat. eyuus, horse ; seta, bristle). A group of Cryptogamous plants, commonly known as " Horse-tails." EQUIVALVE (Lat. wquus, equal ; valvce, folding-doors). Applied to shells which are composed of two equal pieces or valves. ERRANTIA (Lat. erro, I wander). An order of Annelida, often called Nereidea, distinguished by their great locomotive powers. EURYPTERIDA (Gr. eurus, broad ; pteron, wing). An extinct sub-order of Crustacea. EXOPODITE (Gr. exo, outside ; pous, foot). The outer of the two secondary joints into which the typical limb of a Crustacean is divided. EXOSKELETON (Gr. exo, outside ; skeletos, dry. The external skeleton, which is constituted by a hardening of the integument, and is often called a " dermoskeleton." FASCICULATED (Lat. fasciculus, a bundle). Arranged in bundles. FAUNA (Lat. Fauni, the rural deities of the Romans). The general assem- blage of the animals of any region or district. FEMUR. The thigh-bone, intervening between the pelvis and the bones of the leg proper (tibia and fibula). FIBULA (Lat. a brooch). The outermost of the two bones of the leg in the higher Vertebrata ; corresponding to the ulna of the fore-arm. FILICES (Lat. filix, a fern). The order of Cryptogamic plants comprising the Ferns. FILIFORM (Lat.fihim, a thread ; forma, shape). Thread-shaped. FISSION (Lat. findo, I cleave). Multiplication by means of a process of self- division. FISSIPAROUS (Lat. findo ; and pario, I produce). Giving origin to fresh struc- tures by a process of fission. FLORA (Lat. Flora, the goddess of flowers). The general assemblage of the plants of any region or district. FOOT- JAWS. The limbs of Crustacea, which are modified to subserve mastica- tion. FOOT-SECRETION. The term applied by Mr Dana to the sclerobasic corallum of certain A ctinozoa. FOOT-TUBERCLES. The unarticulated appendages of the Annelida, often called parapodia. FORAMINIFERA (Lat. foramen, an aperture ; fero, I carry). An order of Pro- tozoa, usually characterised by the possession of a shell perforated by numerous pseudopodial apertures. FRUGIVOROUS (Lat. frux, fruit; voro, I devour). Living upon fruits. FUCOIDS (Lat. fucus, sea- weed ; Gr. eidos, likeness). Fossils, often of an obscure nature, believed to be the remains of sea-weeds. 5/2 GLOSSARY. FURCULUM or FURCULA (Lat. dim. of f urea, a fork). The " merry- thought " of birds, or the V-ishaped bone formed by the united clavicles. FUSIFORM (Lat. fusus, a spindle; and forma, shape). Spindle-shaped, or pointed at both ends. GALLINACEI (Lat. gallina, a fowl). Sometimes applied to the whole order of the Rasorial Birds, but properly restricted to that section of the order of which the common Fowl is a typical example. GANGLION (Gr. gagglion, a knot). A mass of nervous matter containing nerve-cells, and giving origin to nerve-fibres. GANOID (Gr. ganos, splendour, brightness). Applied to those scales or plates which are composed of an inferior layer of true bone covered by a superior layer of polished enamel. GANOIDEI. An order of Fishes. GASTEROPODA (Gr. gaster, stomach ; pous, foot). The class of the Molhisca comprising the ordinary univalves, in which locomotion is usually effected by a muscular expansion of the under surface of the body (the " foot"). GEMMAE (gemma, a bud). The buds produced by any animal, whether detached or not. GEMMATION. The process of producing new structures by budding. GEMMIPAROUS (Lat. gemma, a bud ; pario, I produce). Giving origin to new structures by a process of budding. GEPHYREA (Gr. gephura, a bridge). A class of the Anarthropoda, comprising the Spoon-worms (Sipunculus) and their allies. GIZZARD. A muscular division of the stomach in Birds, Insects, &c. GLADIUS (Lat. a sword). Applied to the horny eudoskeleton or "pen" of certain Cuttle-fishes. GLENOID (Gr. glene, a cavity ; eidos, form). A shallow cavity ; applied espe- cially to the shallow articular cavity in the shoulder-blade to which the head of the humerus is jointed. GRALLATORES (Lat. grallce, stilts). The order of the long-legged Wading Birds. GRAPTOLITID^E (Gr. grapho, I write ; lithos, stone). An extinct sub-class of the Hydrozoa. GREGAKINIDA (Lat. gregariiis, occurring in numbers together). A class of the Protozoa. GUARD. The cylindrical fibrous sheath with which the internal chambered shell (phragmacone) of a Belemnite is protected. GYMNOL^EMATA (Gr. gumnos, naked ; laimos, the throat). An order of the Polyzoa in which the mouth is devoid of the valvular structure known as the "epistome." GYMNOPHIONA (Gr. gumnos, naked ; ophis, a snake). The order of the Am- phibia comprising the snake-like Ccecilice. GYMNOPHTHALMATA (Gr. gumnos ; and ophthalmos, the eye). Applied by Ed- ward Forbes to those Medusce in which the eye-specks at the margin of the disc are unprotected. The division is now abandoned. GYMNOSOMATA (Gr. gumnos ; and soma, the body). The order of Pteropoda in which the body is not protected by a shell. HALLUX (Lat. allex, the thumb or great toe). The innermost of the five digits which normally compose the hind foot of a Vertebrate animal. In man, the great toe. HEMIPTERA (Gr. hemi; and pteron, wing). An order of Insects in which the , anterior wings are sometimes " hemelytra." HERMAPHRODITE ((3r. Hermes, Mercury ; Aphrodite, Venus). Possessing the characters of both sexes combined. HETEROCERCAL (Gr. heteros, diverse; kerkos, tail.) Applied to the tail of Fishes when it is unsymmetrical, or composed of two unequal lobes. HETEROPODA (Gr. heteros, diverse ; podes, feet). An aberrant group of the Gasteropods, in which the foot is modified so as to form a swimming organ. GLOSSARY. 573 HIRUDINEA (Lat. hirudo, a horse-leech). The order of Annelida comprising the Leeches. HISTOLOGY (Gr. histos, a web ; logos, a discourse). The study of the tissues, more especially of the minuter elements of the body. HOLOCEPHALI (Gr. holos, whole ; kephale, head). A sub-order of the Elasmo- branchii comprising the Ckimcerce. HOLOSTOMATA (Gr. holos, whole ; stoma, mouth). A division of Gasteropodous Molluscs, in which the aperture of the shell is rounded, or " entire." HOLOTHUROIDEA (Gr. holothourion ; and eidos, form). An order of Echinoder- mata comprising the Trepangs. HOMOCERCAL (Gr. homos, same ; kerkos, tail). Applied to the tail of Fishes when it is symmetrical, or composed of two equal lobes. HOMOLOGOUS (Gr. homos ; and logos, a discourse). Applied to parts which are constructed upon the same fundamental plan. HUMERUS. The bone of the upper arm (brachium) in the Vertebrates. HYALINE (Gr. hualos, crystal). Crystalline or glassy. HYBODONTS (Gr. hubos, curved ; odous, tooth). A group of Fishes of which Hybodus is the type-genus. HYDROIDA (Gr. hudra; and eidos, form). The sub-class of the Hydrozoa, which comprises the animals most nearly allied to the Hydra. HYDROTIIECA (Gr. hudra; and theke, a case). The little cbitinous cups in which the polypites of the Sertularida and Campanularida are protected. HYDROZOA (Gr. hndra ; and 200/1, animal). The class of the Coelenterata which comprises animals constructed after the type of the Hydra. HYMENOPTERA (Gr. hitmen, a membrane ; pteron, a wing). An order of In- sects (comprising Bees, Ants, &c.) characterised by the possession of four membranous wings. HYOID (Gr. U ; eidos, form). The bone which supports the tongue in Ver- tebrates, and derives its name from its resemblance in man to the Greek letter U. HYPOSTOME (Gr. hupo, under ; stoma, mouth). The upper lip, or "labrum," of certain Crustacea (e.g., Trilobites). HYRACOIDEA (Gr. hurax, a shrew ; eidos, form). An order of the Mammalia, constituted for the reception of the single genus Hyrax. ICHTHYODORULITE (Gr. ichthus, fish ; dorus, spear ; lithos, stone). The fossil fin-spines of Fishes. ICHTHYOMORPHA (Gr. ichthus ; morphe, shape). An order of Amphibians, often called Urodela, comprising the fish-like Newts, &c. ICHTHYOPHTHIRA (Gr. ichthus ; phtheir, a louse). An order of Crustacea com- prising animals which are parasitic upon Fishes. ICHTHYOPSIDA (Gr. ich thus; opsis, appearance). The primary division of Verteorata, comprising the Fishes and Amphibia. Often spoken of as the Branchiate Vertebrata. ICHTHYOPTERYGIA (Gr. ichthus ; pterux, wing). An extinct order of Reptiles. ICHTHYOSAURIA (Gr. ichthus ; saura, lizard). Synonymous with Ichthyopterygia. ILIUM. The haunch-bone, one of the bones of the pelvic arch in the higher Vertebrates. IMAGO (Lat. an image or apparition). The perfect insect, after it has under- gone its metamorphoses. IMBRICATED. Applied to scales or plates which overlap one another like tiles. INCISOR (Lat. incido, I cut). The cutting teeth fixed in the intermaxillary bones of the Mammalia, and the corresponding teeth in the lower jaw. INEQUILATERAL. Having the two sides unequal, as in the case of the shells of the ordinary bivalves (Lamellibranchiata). When applied to the shells of the Foraminifera, it implies that the convolutions of the shell do not lie in the same plane, but are obliquely wound round an axis. INEQUIVALVE. Composed of two unequal pieces or valves. INFUNDIBULUM (Lat. for funnel). The tube formed by the coalescence or apposition of the epipodia in the Cephalopoda. Commonly termed the "funnel," or " siphon." 5/4 GLOSSARY. INFUSORIA (Lat. infusum, an infusion). A class of Protozoa, so called be- cause tbey are often developed in organic infusions. INOPERCULATA (Lat. in, without ; operculum, a lid). The division of pul- monate Gasteropoda in which there is no shelly or horny plate (operculum) by which the shell is closed when the animal is withdrawn within it. INSECTA (Lat. inseco, I cut into). The class of articulate animals commonly known as Insects. INSECTIVORA (Lat. insectum, an insect; voro, I devour). An order of Mammals. INSECTIVOROUS. Living upon Insects. INSESSORES (Lat. insedeo, I sit upon). The order of the Perching Birds, often called Passer es. INTERAMBULACRA. The rows of plates in an Echinoderm which are not per- forated for the emission of the "tube-feet." INTERMAXILL^B, or PR^IMAXILL^. The two bones which are situated between the two superior maxillfe in Vertebrata. In man, and some monkeys, the praemaxillae anchylose with the maxillae, so as to be irrecognisable in the adult. INVERTEBRATA (Lat. in, without ; vertebra, a bone of the back). Animals without a spinal column or backbone. ISCHIUM (Gr. ischion, the hip). One of the bones of the pelvic arch in Verte- brates. ISOPODA (Gr. isos, equal ; podes, feet). An order of Crustacea in which the feet are like one another and equal. JUGULAR (Lat. jngulum, the throat). Connected with, or placed upon, the throat. Applied to the ventral fins of fishes when they are placed beneath or in advance of the pectorals. KAINOZOIC (Gr. Icainos, recent ; zoe, life). The Tertiary period in Geology, comprising those formations in which the organic remains approximate more or less closely to the existing fauna and flora. KERATODE (Gr. keras, horn ; eidos, form). The horny substance of which the skeleton of many sponges is made up. KERATOSA. The division of Sponges in which the skeleton is composed of keratode. LABIUM (Lat. for lip). Restricted to the lower lip of Articulate animals. LABRUM (Lat. for lip). Restricted to the upper lip of Articulate animals. LABYRINTHODONTIA (Gr. lalmrinthos, a labj'rinth ; odous, tooth). An extinct order of Amphibia, so called from the complex microscopic structure of the teeth. LACERTILIA (Lat. lacerta, a lizard). An order of Reptilia comprising the Lizards and Slow-worms. L^GMODIPODA (Gr. laimos, throat ; dis, twice ; podes, feet). An order of Crus- tacea, so called because they have two feet placed far forwards, as it were, under the throat. LAMELLIBRANCHIATA (Lat. lamella, a plate ; Gr. braffchia, gill). The class of Mollusca, comprising the ordinary bivalves, characterised by the possession of lamellar gills. LAMELLIROSTRES (Lat. lamella, a plate ; rostrum, beak). The flat-billed Swim- ming Birds (Natatores), such as Ducks, Geese, Swans, &c. LARVA (Lat. a mask). The insect in its first stage after its emergence from the egg, when it is usually very different from the adult. LARYNX. The upper part of the windpipe, forming a cavity with appropriate muscles and cartilages, situated beneath the hyoid bone, and concerned in Mammals in the production of vocal sounds. LENTICULAR (Lat. lens, a bean). Shaped like a biconvex lens. LEPIDODENDRON (Gr. lepis, a scale ; dendron, a tree). A genus of extinct plants, so named from the scale-like scars upon the stem left by the falling off of the leaves. GLOSSARY. 575 LEPIDOPTERA (Gr. lepis, a scale ; pteron, a wing). An order of Insects, com- prising Butterflies and Moths, characterised by possessing four wings which are usually covered with minute scales. LEPIDOTA (Gr. lepis, a scale). Formerly applied to the order Dipnoi, con- taining the Mud-fishes (Lepidosireri). LEPTOCARDIA (Gr. leptos, slender, small ; cardia, heart). The name given by Muller to the order of Fishes comprising the Lancelot, now called Pharyn- gobranchii. LOPHOPHORE (Gr. lophos, a crest ; and phero, I carry). The disc or stage upon which the tentacles of the Polyzoa are borne. LOPHYROPODA (Gr. lophouros, having stiff hairs ; and podes, feet). A section of Crustacea. LORICATA (Lat. lorica, a cuirass). The division of Reptiles comprising the Chelonia and Crocodilia, in which bony plates are developed in the skin (derma). LUCERNARIDA (Lat. lucerna, a lamp). An order of the Hydrozoa. LUMBAR (Lat. lumbus, loin). Connected with the loins. LUNATE (Lat. luna, moon). Crescentic in shape. LYCOPODIACE.E (Gr. lupos, a wolf ; pous, foot). The group of Cryptogamic plants generally known as " Club-mosses." MACRURA (Gr. makros, long ; oura, tail). A tribe of Decapod Crustaceans with long tails (e.g., the Lobster, Shrimp, &c.) MADREPORIFORM. Perforated with small holes, like a coral ; applied to the tubercle by which the ambulacral system of the Echinoderms mostly com- municates with the exterior. MALACOSTRACA (Gr. malakos, soft ; ostralcon, shell). A division of Crustacea. Originally applied by Aristotle to the entire class Crustacea, because their shells were softer than those of the Mollusca. MAMMALIA (Lat. mamma, the breast). The class of Vertebrate animals which suckle their young. MANDIBLE (Lat. mandibulum, a jaw). The upper pair of jaws in Insects ; also applied to one of the pairs of jaws in Crustacea and Spiders, to the beak of Cephalopoda, the lower jaw of Vertebrates, &c. MANTLE. The external integument of most of the Mollusca, which is largely developed, and forms a cloak in which the viscera are protected. Techni- cally called the "pallium." MANUS (Lat. the hand). The hand of the higher Vertebrates. MARSIPOBRANCHII (Gr. marsipos, a pouch ; bragchia, gill). The order of Fishes comprising the Hag-fishes and Lampreys, with pouch-like gills. MARSUPIALIA (Lat. marsupium, a pouch). An order of Mammals in which the females mostly have an abdominal pouch in which the young are carried. MASTICATORY (Lat. mastico, I chew). Applied to parts adapted for chewing. MAXILLA (Lat. jaws). The inferior pair or pairs of jaws in the Arthropoda (Insects, Crustacea, &c. ) The upper jaw-bones of Vertebrates. MAXILLIPEDES (Lat. maxillce, jaws ; pes, the foot). The limbs in Crustacea and Myriapoda which are converted into masticatory organs, and are com- monly called " foot-jaws." MEDULLA (Lat. marrow). Applied to the marrow of bones ; or to the spinal cord, with or without the adjective " spinalis." MEDUSA. An order of Hydrozoa, commonly known as Jelly-fishes (Disco- phora, or Acalephce), so called because of the resemblance of their tentacles to the snaky hair of the Medusa. Many Medusae are now known to be merely the gonophores of Hydrozoa. MEROSTQMATA (Gr. meron, thigh ; stoma, mouth). An order of Crustacea in which the appendages which are placed round the mouth, and which offi- ciate as jaws, have their free extremities developed into walking or pre- hensile organs. MESENTERIES (Gr. mesos, intermediate ; enteron, intestine). In a restricted sense, the vertical plates which divide the somatic cavity of a Sea-anemone (Actinia) into chambers. GLOSSARY. MESOPODIUM (Gr. mesos, middle ; pous, foot). The middle portion of the "foot" of Molluscs. MESOSTERNUM (Gr. mesos, intermediate ; sternon, the breast-bone). The middle portion of the sternum, intervening between the attachment of the second pair of ribs and the xiphoid cartilage (xiphisternum). MESOTHORAX (Gr. mesos; and thorax, the chest). The middle ring of the thorax in Insects, MESOZOIC (Gr. meson ; and zoe, life). The Secondary period in Geology. METACARPUS (Gr. meta, after ; karpos, the wrist). The bones which form the "root of the hand," and intervene between the wrist and the fingers. METAMORPHOSIS (Gr. meta, implying change ; morphe, shape). The changes of form which certain animals undergo in passing from their younger to their fully-grown condition. METAPODIUM (Gr. meta, after ; pous, the foot). The posterior lobe of the foot in Mollusca; often called the "operculigerous lobe," because it develops the operculum when this structure is present. METASTOMA (Gr. meta, after ; stoma, mouth). The plate which closes the mouth posteriorly in the Crustacea. METATARSUS (Gr. meta, after ; tarsos, the instep). The bones which inter- vene between the bones of the ankle (tarsus) and the digits in the hind-foot of the higher Vertebrates. METATHORAX (Gr. meta, after ; thorax, the chest). The posterior ring of the thorax in Insects. MIMETIC (Gr. mimetikos, imitative). Applied to organs or animals which re- semble each other in external appearance, but not in essential structure. MOLARS (Lat. mola, a mill). The "grinders" in man, or the teeth in diphyo- dont Mammals which are not preceded by milk-teeth. MOLLDSCA (Lat. molds, soft). The sub-kingdom which includes the Shell- fish proper, the Polyzoa, the Tunicata, and the Lamp-shells; so called from the generally soft nature of their bodies. MOLLUSCOIDA (Mollusca; Gr. eidos, form). The lower division of tho Mollusca, comprising the Polyzoa, Tunicata, and Drachiopoda. MONODELPHIA (Gr. monos, single ; delphus, womb). The division of Mammalia in which the uterus is single. MONOMYARY (Gr. monos, single; muon, muscle). Applied to those bivalves (Lamellibranchiata) in which the shell is closed by a single adductor muscle. MONOPHYODONT (Gr. monos ; phuo, I generate; odous, tooth). Applied to those Mammals in which only a single set of teeth is ever developed. MONOTHALAMOUS (Gr. monos ; and thalamos, chamber). Possessing only a single chamber. Applied to the shells of Foraminifera and Mollusca. MONOTREMATA (Gr. monos ; trema, aperture). The order of Mammals com- prising the Duck-mole and Echidna, in which the intestinal canal opens into a "cloaca" common to the ducts of the urinary and generative organs. MULTILOCULAR (Lat. multus, many; loculus, a little purse). Divided into many chambers. MULTIVALVE. Applied to shells which are composed of many pieces. MULTQNGULA (Lat. multus, many; ungula, hoof). The division of Perisso- dactyle Ungulates, in which each foot has more than a single hoof. MYRIAPODA or MYRIOPODA (Gr. murios, ten thousand ; podes, feet). A class of Arthropoda comprising the Centipedes and their allies, characterised by their numerous feet. NACREOUS (Fr. nacre, mother-of-pearl, originally Oriental.) Pearly; of the texture of mother-of-pearl. NATATORES (Lat. nare, to swim). The order of the Swimming Birds. NATATORY (Lat. nare, to swim). Formed for swimming. NAUTILOID. Resembling the shell of the Nautilus in shape. NERVURES (Lat. nervus, a sinew). The ribs which support the membranous wings of insects. NEURAL (Gr. neuron, a nerve). Connected with the nervous system. NEURAPOPHYSIS (Gr. neuron, a nerve ; apophusis, a projecting part). The GLOSSARY. 577 " spinous process " of a vertebra, or the process formed at the point of junction of the neural arches. NEUROPTERA (Gr. neuron ; and pteron, a wing). An order of Insects charac- terised by four membranous wings with numerous reticulated nervures (e.g., Dragon- flies). NOCTURNAL (Lat. nox, night). Applied to animals which are active by night. NORMAL (Lat. norma, a rule). Conforming, to the ordinary standard. NOTOBRANCHIATA (Gr. notos, the back ; and bragchia, gill). Carrying the gills upon the back ; applied to a division of the Annelida. NOTOCHORD (Gr. notos, back ; chorde, string). A cellular rod which is devel- oped in the embryo of Vertebrates immediately beneath the spinal cord, and which is usually replaced in the adult by the vertebral column. Often it is spoken of as the " chorda dorsalis." NUDIBRANCHIATA (Lat. nudus, naked ; and Gr. bragchia, gill). An order of the Gasteropoda in which the gills are naked. NUMMULITES (Lat. nummus, a coin). A large coin-shaped Foraminifer of the Eocene period. OCCIPITAL. Connected with the occiput, or the back part of the head. OCEANIC. Applied to animals which inhabit the open ocean ( = pelagic). OCELLI (Lat. diminutive of oculus, eye). The simple eyes of many Echino- derms, Spiders, Crustaceans, Molluscs, &c. OCTOPODA (Gr. oclo, eight ; pous, foot). The tribe of Cuttle-fishes with eight arms attached to the head. ODONTOCETI (Gr. odous, tooth; ketos, whale). The "toothed" Whales, in contradistinction to the " whalebone " Whales. ODONTOID (Gr. odous ; eidos, form). The "odontoid process " is the centrum or body of the first cervical vertebra (atlas). It is detached from the atlas, and is usually auchylosed with the second cervical vertebra (axis), and it forms the pivot upon which the head rotates. ODONTOPHORE (Gr. odous, tooth; phero, I carry). The so-called "tongue," or masticatory apparatus of Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, and Cephalopoda. OESOPHAGUS. The gullet or tube leading from the mouth to the stomach. OLIGOCH^TA (Gr. oligos, few ; chaite, hair). An order of Annelida, compris- ing the Earth-worms, in which there are few bristles. OMNIVOROUS (Lat. omnia, everything ; voro, I devour). Feeding indiscrimin- ately upon all sorts of food. OPERCULATA (Lat. operculum, a lid). A division of pulmonate Gasteropoda, in which the shell is closed by an operculum. OPERCULUM. A horny or shelly plate developed in certain Mollusca upon the hinder part of the foot, and serving to close the aperture of the shell when the animal is retracted within it ; also the lid of the shell of a Balanus or Acorn- shell ; also the chain of flat bones which cover the gills in many fishes. OPHIDIA (Gr. ophis, a serpent). The order of Reptiles comprising the Snakes. OPHIDOB ATRACHIA (Gr. ophis ; batrachos, a frog). Sometimes applied to the order of Snake-like Amphibians comprising the Ccecilice. OPHIOMORPHA (Gr. ophis ; morphe, shape). The order of Amphibia compris- ing the Ccecilice. OPHIUROIDEA (Gr. ophis, snake ; oura, tail ; eidos, form). An order of Echino- dermata, comprising the Brittle-stars and Sand-stars. OPISTHOBRANCHIATA (Gr. opisthen, behind ; bragchia, gill). A division of Gasteropoda in which the gills are placed on the posterior part of the body. OPISTHOCCELOUS (Gr. opisthen, behind ; koilos, hollow). Applied to vertebrae, the bodies of which are hollow or concave behind. ORAL (Lat. os, mouth). Connected with the mouth. ORNITHODELPHIA (Gr. ornis, a bird ; delphus, womb). The primary division of Mammals comprising the Monotremata. ORNITHOSCELIDA (Gr. ornis, bird ; skelos, leg). Applied by Huxley to the Deinosaurian Reptiles, together with the genus Compsognathus, on account of the bird-like character of their hind-limbs. 2 O 5/3 GLOSSARY. ORTHOCERATID.E (Gr. orthos, straight ; Jceras, horn). A family of the Nau- tilidce, in which the shell is straight, or nearly so. ORTHOPTERA (Gr. orthos, straight ; pteron, wing). An order of Insects. OSSICULA (Lat. diminutive of os, bone). Literally small bones. Often used to designate any hard structures of small size, such as the calcareous plates in the integument of the Star-fishes. OSTRACODA (Gr. ostrakon, a shell). An order of small Crustaceans which are enclosed in bivalve shells. OTOLITHS (Gr. ous, ear ; and lithos, stone). The calcareous bodies connected with the sense of hearing, even in its most rudimentary form. OVARIAN VESICLES or CAPSULES. The generative buds of the Sertularida. PACHYDERMATA (Gr. pachus, thick ; derma, skin). An old Mammalian order constituted by Cuvier for the reception of the Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, •Elephant, &c. PALAEONTOLOGY (Gr. palaios, ancient ; and logos, discourse). The science of fossil remains or of extinct organised beings. PALJEOTHERID.E (Gr. palaios, ancient ; ther, beast). A group of Tertiary Ungulates. PALAEOZOIC (Gr. palaios, ancient ; and zoe, life). Applied to the oldest of the great geological epochs. PALLIOBRANCHIATA (Lat. pallium ; and Gr. bragchia, gill). An old name for the Brachiopoda, founded upon the belief that the system of tubes in the mantle constituted the gills. PALLIUM (Lat. pallium, a cloak). The mantle of the Mollusca. Pallial : relating to the mantle. Pallial line or impression : the line left it) the dead shell by the muscular margin of the mantle. Pallial shell ; a shell which is secreted by, or contained within, the mantle, such as the " bone " of the Cuttle-fishes. PALPI (Lat. palpo, I touch). Processes supposed to be organs of touch, developed from certain of the oral appendages in Insects, Spiders, and Crus- tacea, and from the sides of the mouth in the Acephalous Molluscs. PAPILLA (Lat. for nipple). A minute soft prominence. PARAPODIA (Gr. para, beside ; podes, feet). The imarticulated lateral loco- motive processes or " foot-tubercles " of many of the Annelida. PARIETAL (Lat. paries, a wall). Connected with the walls of a cavity or of the body. PATAGIUM (Lat. the border of a dress). Applied to the expansion of the in- tegument by which Bats, Flying Squirrels, and other animals support them- selves in the air. PATELLA. The knee-cap or knee-pan. A sesamoid bone developed in the tendon of insertion of the great extensor muscles of the thigh. PECTINATE (Lat. pecten, a comb). Comb-like ; applied to the gills of certain Gasteropods, hence called Pectinibranchiata. PECTORAL (Lat. pectus, chest). Connected with, or placed upon, the chest. PEDAL (Lat. pes, the foot). Connected with the foot of Mollusca. PEDICELLARLE (Lat. pedicellus, a louse). Certain singular appendages found in many Echinoderms, attached to the surface of the body, and resembling a little beak or forceps supported on a stalk. PEDICLE (Lat. dim. of pes, the foot). A little stem. PEDIPALPI (Lat. pes, ,foot ; and palpo, I feel). An order of Arachnida com- prising the Scorpions, &c. PEDUNCLE (Lat. pedunculus, a stem or stalk). In a restricted sense applied to the muscular process by which certain Brachiopods are attached, and to the stem which bears the body (capitulum) in Barnacles. PEDUNCULATE. Possessing a peduncle. PELAGIC (Gr. pelagos, sea). Inhabiting tbe open ocean. PELVIS (Lat. for basin). Applied, from analogy, to the basal portion of the cup (calyx) of Crinoids. The bony arch with which the hind -limbs are connected in Vertebrates. PERENNIBRANCHIATA (Lat. perennis, perpetual ; Gr. bragchia, gill). Applied to GLOSSARY. 579 those Amphibia in which the gills are permanently retained throughout life. PERGAMENTACEOUS (Lat. pergamena, parchment). Of the texture of parchment. PERIOSTBACUM (Gr. peri, around ; and ostrakon, shell). The layer of epidermis which covers the shell in most of the Mollusca. PERISOME (Gr. peri ; and soma, body). The coriaceous or calcareous integu- ment of the Echinodermata. PERISSODACTYLA (Gr. perissos, uneven ; daklulos, finger). Applied to those Hoofed Quadrupeds (Ungulata) in which the feet have an uneven number of toes. PETALOID. Shaped like the petal of a flower. PHALANGES (Gr. phalanx, a row). The small bones composing the digits of the higher Vertebrata. Normally each digit has three phalanges. PHANEROGAMS (Gr. phaneros, visible ; gamos, marriage). Plants which have the organs of reproduction conspicuous, and which bear true flowers. PHARTNGOBRANCHII (Gr. pharugx, pharynx ; bragchia, gill). The order of Fishes comprising only the Lancelet. PHARYNX. The dilated commencement of the gullet. PHRAGMACONE (Gr. phragma, a partition ; and konos, a cone). The chambered portion of the internal shell of a Belemnite. PHYLACTOLJEMATA (Gr. phulasso, I guard ; and laimos, throat). The division of Polyzoa in which the mouth is provided with the arched valvular process known as the "epistome." PHYLLOPODA (Gr. phullon, leaf ; and pous, foot). An order of Crustacea. PHYSOPHORID.S: (Gr. phusa, air-bladder ; and phero, I carry). An order of Oceanic Hydrozoa. PHYTOID (Gr. phuton, a plant ; and eidos, form). Plant-like. PHYTOPHAGOUS (Gr. phuton, a plant ; and phago, I eat). Plant-eating, or herbivorous. PINNATE (Lat. pinna, a feather). Feather-shaped : or possessing lateral pro- cesses. PINNIGRADA (Lat. pinna, a feather ; gradior, I walk). The group of Carni- vora, comprising the Seals and Walruses, adapted for an aquatic life. Often called Pinnipedia. PINNULE (Lat. dim. of pinna). The lateral processes of the arms of Crinoids. PISCES (Lat. piscis, a fish). The class of Vertebrates comprising the Fishes. PLACENTA (Lat. a cake). The " after- birth," or the organ by which a vascu- lar connection is established in the higher Mammalia between the mother and the foetus. PLACENTAL. Possessing a placenta ; or connected with the placenta. PLACOID (Gr. plax, a plate; eidos, form). Applied to the irregular bony plates, grains, or spines which are found in the skin of various fishes ( Elasmobranchii) . PLAGIOSTOMI (Gr. plagios, transverse ; stoma, mouth). The Sharks and Rays, in which the mouth is transverse, and is placed on the under surface of the head. PLANTIGRADE (Lat. planta, the sole ef the foot ; gradior, I walk). Applying the sole of the foot to the ground in walking. PLASTRON. The lower or ventral portion of the bony case of the Chelonians. PLATYRHINA (Gr. platus, broad ; rhines, nostrils). A group of the Quadrumana. PLEURODONT (Gr. pleuron, rib, side ; odous, tooth). Having the teeth anchy- losed with the inner side of the jaws. PLEURON (Gr. pleuron, a rib). The lateral extensions of the shell of Crustacea. PNEUMATIC (Gr. pneuma, air). Filled with air. PODOPHTHALMATA (Gr. pous, f oot ; and ophthalmos, eye). The division of Crustacea in which the eyes are borne at the end of long footstalks. POLLEX (Lat. the thumb). The innermost of the five normal digits of the anterior limb of the higher Vertebrates. In man, the thumb. POLYCYSTINA (Gr. polus, many ; and kustis, a cyst). An order of Protozoa, with foraminated siliceous shells. POLYPARY. The hard chitiuous covering secreted by many of the Hydrozoa. 580 GLOSSARY. POLYPE (Gr. polus, many ; pous, foot). Restricted to the single individual of a simple Actinozoon, such as a Sea-anemone, or to the separate zooids of a compound Actinozoon. Often applied indiscriminately to any of the Ccelen- terata, or even to the Polyzoa. POLYPIDE. The separate zob'id of a Polyzoon. POLYPIDOM. The dermal system of a colony of a Hydrozoon, or Polyzoon. POLYPITE. The separate zob'id of a Hydrozoon. POLYTHALAMOUS (Gr. polus ; and thalamos, chamber). Having many cham- bers ; applied to the shells of Foraminifera and Cephalopoda. POLYZOA (Gr. polus ; and zoon, animal). A division of the Molluscoida com- prising compound animals such as the Sea-mat — sometimes called Bryozoa. POLYZOARIUM. The dermal system of the colony of a Polyzoon (= Polypidom). PORCELLANOUS. Of the texture of porcelain. PORIFERA (Lat. porus, a pore ; &ndfero, I carry). Sometimes used to desig- nate the Foraminifera, or the Sponges. POST-ANAL. Situated behind the anus. POST-CESOPHAGEAL. Situated behind the gullet. POST-ORAL. Situated behind the mouth. PRjEMAXiLLJE — see Intermaxillse. , PR^EMOLARS (Lat. prce, before; molares, the grinders). The molar teeth of Mammals which succeed the molars of the milk-set of teeth. In man, the bicuspid teeth. PRjE-ossoPHAGEAL. Situated in front of the gullet. PR.& -STERNUM. The anterior portion of the breast-bone, corresponding with the inanubrium sterni of human anatomy, and extending as far as the point of articulation of the second rib. PROBOSCIDEA (Lat. proboscis, the snout). The order of Mammals comprising the Elephants. PROCCELOUS (Gr. pro, before ; koilos, hollow). Applied to vertebrae, the bodies of which are hollow or concave in front. PROPODIUM (Gr. pro, before ; pous, foot). The anterior part of the foot in Molluscs. PROSOBRANCHIATA (Gr. proson, in advance of; bragchia, a gill). A division of Gasteropodous Molluscs in which the gills are situated in advance of the heart. PROSOMA (Gr. pro, before ; soma, body). The anterior part of the body. PROTHORAX (Gr. pro ; and t/iorax, chest). The anterior ring of the thorax of insects. PROTOPHYTA (Gr. protos ; and phuton, plant). The lowest division of plants. PROTOPLASM (Gr. protos; and plasso, I mould). The elementary basis of or- ganised tissues. Sometimes used synonymously for the "sarcode" of the Protozoa. PROTOPODITE (Gr. protos, first ; and pous, foot). The basal segment of the typical limb of a Crustacean. PROTOZOA (Gr. protos ; and zoon, animal). The lowest division of the animal kingdom. PROXIMAL (Lat. proximus, next). The slowly-growing, comparatively-fixed extremity of a limb or of an organism. PSEUDOPODIA (Gr. pseudos, falsity ; and poiis, foot). The extensions of the body-substance which are put forth by the Rhizopoda at will, and which serve for locomotion and prehension. PTEROPODA (Gr. pteron, wing ; and pous, foot). A class of the Mollusca which swim by means of fins attached near the head. PTEROSAURIA (Gr. pteron, wing ; saura, lizard). An extinct order of Reptiles. PUBIS (Lat. pubes, hair). The share-bone ; one of the bones which enter into the composition of the pelvic arch of Vertebrates. PULMOGASTEROPODA (= Pulmonifera). PULMONARIA. A division of Arachnida which breathe by means of pulmo- nary sacs. PULMONIFERA (Lat. pulmo, a lung ; and/m>, I carry). The division of Mol- lusca which breathe by means of a pulmonary chamber. GLOSSARY. 581 PULMONATE. Possessing lungs. PYKIFOEM (Lat. pyrus, a pear ; and/orww, form). Pear-shaped. QUADRUMANA (Lat. quatuor, four ; manus, hand). The order of Mammals comprising the Apes, Monkeys, Baboons, Lemurs, &c. RADIATA (Lat. radios, a ray). Formerly applied to a large number of animals which are now placed in separate sub-kingdoms (e.g., the C'celenterata, the Echinodermata, the Infusoria, &c.) RADIOLARIA (Lat. radius, a ray). A division of Protozoa. RADIUS (Lat. a spoke or ray). The innermost of the two bones of the fore- arm of the higher Vertebrates. It carries the thumb, when present, and corresponds with the tibia of the hind-limb. RAMUS (Lat. a branch). Applied to each half or branch of the lower jaw, or mandible, of Vertebrates. RAPTORES (Lat. rapto, I plunder). The order of the Birds of Prey. RASORES (Lat. rado, I scratch). The order of the Scratching Birds (Fowls, Pigeons, &c.) RATIT^ (Lat. rates, a raft). Applied by Huxley to the Cursorial Birds, which do not fly, and have therefore a raft-like sternum without any median keel. RECTUM (Lat. rectus, straight). The terminal portion of the intestinal canal, opening at the surface of the body at the anus. REPTILIA (Lat. repto, I crawl). The class of the Vertebrata comprising the Tortoises, Snakes, Lizards, Crocodiles, &c. REVERSED. Applied to spiral univalves, in which the direction of the spiral is the reverse of the normal — i.e., sinistral. RHIZOPHAGA (Gr. rhiza, root ; phago, I eat). A group of the Marsupials. RHIZOPODA (Gr. rhiza, a root ; and pous, foot). The division of Protozoa com- prising all those which are capable of emitting pseudopodia. RHYNCHOLITES (Gr. rhunchos, beak ; and lithos, stone). Beak-shaped fossils consisting of the mandibles of Cephalopoda. RODENTIA (Lat. rodo, I gnaw). An order of the Mammals; often called Glires (Lat. glis, a dormouse). RUGOSA (Lat. rugosus, wrinkled). An order of Corals. RUMINANTIA (Lat. ruminor, I chew the cud). The group of Hoofed Quadru- peds (Ungidata) which " ruminate " or chew the cud. SACRUM. The vertebrae (usually anchylosed) which unite with the haunch- bones (ilia) to form the pelvis. SAND-CANAL (= STONE-CANAL). The tube by which water is conveyed from the exterior to the ambulacral system of the Echinodermata. SARCODE (Gr. sarx, flesh ; eidos, form). The jelly-like substance of which the bodies of the Protozoa are composed. It is an albuminous body contain- ing oil-granules, and is sometimes called " animal protoplasm." SARCOIDS (Gr. sarx ; and eidos, form). The separate amoebiform particles which in the aggregate make up the " flesh " of a Sponge. SAURIA (Gr. saura, a lizard). Any lizard-like Reptile is often spoken of as a " Saurian ; " but the term is sometimes restricted to the Crocodiles alone, or to the Crocodiles and Lacertilians. SAUROBATRACHIA (Gr. saura; batrachos, frog). Sometimes applied to the order of the tailed Amphibians (Urodela). SAUROPSIDA (Gr. saura; and opsis, appearance). The name given by Huxley to the two classes of the Birds and Reptiles collectively. SAUROPTERTGIA (Gr. saura; pterux, wing). An extinct order of Reptiles, called by Huxley Plesiosauna, from the typical genus Plesiosaurus. SAURUR.E (Gr. saura; oura, tail). The extinct order of Birds comprising only the A rchceopteryx. SCANSORES (Lat. scando, I climb). The order of the Climbing Birds (Parrots, Woodpeckers, &c.) SCAPULA (Lat. for shoulder-blade). The shoulder-blade of the pectoral arch 582 GLOSSARY. of Vertebrates; in a restricted sense, the row of plates in the cup of Crinoids, which give origin to the arms, and are usually called the " axil- lary radials." SCLERENCHYMA (Gr. sJcleros, hard ; and enchuma, tissue). The calcareous tissue of which a coral is composed. SCLEROBASIC (Gr. skleros, hard ; basis, pedestal). The coral which is pro- duced by the outer surface of the integument in certain Actinozoa (e.g., Red Coral), and forms a solid axis which is invested by the soft parts of the animal. It is called " foot-secretion " by Mr Dana. SCLERODERMTC (Gr. skleros ; and derma, skin). Applied to the corallum which is deposited within the tissues of certain Actinozoa, and is called "tissue- secretion" by Mr Dana. SCLEROTIC (Gr. skleros, hard). The outer dense fibrous coat of the eye. SCOLECIDA (Gr. skolex, worm). A division of the Annuloida. SCUTA (Lat. scutum, a shield). Applied to any shield-like plates; especially to those which are developed in the integument of many Reptiles. SELACHIA or SELACHII (Gr. selachos, a cartilaginous fish, probably a shark). The sub-order of Elasmolranchii comprising the Sharks and Dog-fishes. SEPIOSTAIRE. The internal shell of the Sepia, commonly known as the "cuttle- bone." SEPTA. Partitions. SERPENTIFORM. Resembling a serpent in shape. SERTULARIDA (Lat. sertiim, a wreath). An order of Hydrozoa. SESSILE (Lat. sedo, I sit). Not supported upon a stalk or peduncle ; attached by a base. SET.E (Lat. bristles). Bristles or long stiff hairs. SETIFEROUS. Supporting bristles. SETIGEROUS (=Setiferous). SETOSE. Bristly. SIGILLARIOIDS (Lat. sigilla, little images). A group of extinct plants of which Sigillaria is the type, so called from the seal-like markings on the bark. SILICEOUS (Lat. silex, flint). Composed of flint. SINISTRAL (Lat. sinistra, the left hand). Left-handed ; applied to the direc- tion of the spiral in certain shells, which are said to be "reversed." SIPHON (Gr. siphon, a tube). Applied to the respiratory tubes in the Mol- lusca ; also to other tubes of different functions. SIPHONOPHORA (Gr. siphon ; wadphero, I carry). A division of the Hydrozoa comprising the Oceanic forms (CalycopJwridce and Physophoridce). SIPHONOSTOMATA (Gr. siphon ; and stoma, mouth). The division of Gastero- podous Molluscs, in which the aperture of the shell is not "entire," but possesses a notch or tube for the emission of the respiratory siphon. SIPHUNCLE (Lat. sipkunculus, a little tube). The tube which connects to- gether the various chambers of the shell of certain Cephalopoda (e.g., the Pearljr Nautilus). SIPUNOULOIDEA (Lat. siphunculus, a little siphon). A class of Anarthropoda (Annulosa). SIRENIA (Gr. seiren, a mermaid). The order of Mammalia comprising the Dugongs and Manatees. SOLIDUNGULA (Lat. solidus, solid ; ungula, a hoof). The group of Hoofed Quadrupeds comprising the Horse, Ass, and Zebra, in which each foot has only a single solid hoof. Often called Solipedia. SOMATIC (Gr. soma, body). Connected with the body. SOMITE (Gr. soma). A single segment in the body of an Articulate animal. SPERMATOZOA (Gr. sperma, seed ; and zoon, animal). The microscopic fila- ments which form the essential generative element of the male. SPICULA (Lat. spiculum, a point). Pointed needle-shaped bodies. SPIRACLES (Lat. spiro, I breathe). The breathing-pores, or apertures of the breathing-tubes (tracheae) of Insects. Also the single nostril of the Hag- fishes, the "blow-hole" of Cetaceans, &c. SPLANCHNOSKELETON (Gr. splagchna, viscera ; skelelos, dry). The hard struc- tures occasionally developed in connection with the internal organs or viscera. GLOSSARY. 5 83 SPONGE-PARTICLES— see Sarcoids. SPONGIDA (Gr. spoggos, a sponge). The division of Protozoa commonly known as sponges. SQUAMATA (Lat. squama, a scale). The division of Reptiles comprising the Ophidia and Lacertilia, in which the integument develops horny scales, but there are no dermal ossifications. STELLERIDA (Lat. stella, star). Sometimes employed to designate the order of the Star-fishes. STELLIFORM. Star-shaped. STERNUM (Gr. sternon). The breast-bone. STOLON (Gr. stolos, a sending forth). Offshoots. The connecting processes of sarcode, in Foraminifera ; the connecting tube in the social Ascidians ; the processes sent out by the coenosarc of certain Actinozoa. STOMAPODA (Gr. stoma, mouth ; pous, foot). An order of Crustacea. STOMATODE (Gr. stoma). Possessing a mouth. The Infusoria are thus often called the Stomatode Protozoa. STREPSIPTERA (Gr. strepho, I twist; and pteron, wing). An order of Insects in which the anterior wings are represented by twisted rudiments. STREPSIRHINA (Gr. strepho, I twist ; rhines, nostrils). A group of the Quad- rumana, often spoken of as Prosimice. STYLIFORM (Lat. stylus, a pointed instrument; forma, form). Pointed in shape. SUB-CALCAREOUS. Somewhat calcareous. SUB-CENTRAL. Nearly central, but not quite. SUB-PEDUNCULATE. Supported upon a very short stem. SUB-SESSILE. Nearly sessile, or without a stalk. SUTURE (Lat. suo, 1 sew). The line of junction of two parts which are immovably connected together. Applied to the line where the whorls of a univalve shell join one another ; also to the lines made upon the exterior of the shell of a chambered Cephalopod by the margins of the septa. SWIMMERETS. The limbs of Crustacea, which are adapted for swimming. SYMPHYSIS (Gr. sumphusis, a growing together). Union of two bones in which there is no motion or but a very limited amount. SYNAPTICULE (Gr. sunapto, I fasten together). Transverse props sometimes found in Corals, extending across the loculi like the bars of a grate. TABULA (Lat. tabula, a tablet). Horizontal plates or floors found in some Corals, extending across the cavity of the " theca " from side to side. TACTILE (Lat. tango, I touch). Connected with the sense of touch. TARSO-METATARSUS. The single bone in the leg of Birds produced by the union and anchylosis of the lower or distal portion of the tarsus with the whole of the metatarsus. TARSUS (Gr. tarsos, the flat of the foot). The small bones which form the ankle (or "instep" of man), and which correspond with the wrist (carpus) of the anterior limb. TECTIBRANCHIATA (Lat. tectiis, covered ; and Gr. bragchia, gills). A division of Opisthobranchiate Gasteropoda in which the gills are protected by the mantle. TEGUMENTARY (Lat. tegumentum, ^ covering). Connected with the integu- ment or skin. TELEOSTEI (Gr. teleios, perfect; osteon, bone). The order of the "Bony Fishes." TELSON (Gr. telson, a limit). The last joint in the abdomen of Crustacea; variously regarded as a segment without appendages, or as an azygous appendage. TERGUM (Lat. for back). The dorsal arc of the somite of an Arthropod. TERRICOLA (Lat. terra, earth ; and colo, I inhabit). Employed occasionally to designate the Earth-worms (Lumbricidce). TEST (Lat. testa, shell). The shell of Mollusca, which are for this reason sometimes called " Testacea;" also, the calcareous case of Echinoderms ; also, the thick, leathery, outer tunic in the Tunicata. 584 GLOSSARY. TESTACEOUS. Provided with a shell or hard covering. TETRABRANCHIATA (Gr. tetra, four ; bragchia, gill). The order of Cephalopoda characterised by the possession of four gills. THALASSICOLLIDA (Gr. thalassa, sea ; kolla, glue). A division of Protozoa. THECA (Gr. theke, a sheath). A sheath or receptacle. THECOSOMATA (Gr. theke ; and soma, body). A division of Pteropodous Molluscs, in which the body is protected by an external shell. THERIOMORPHA (Gr. ther, beast ; morphe, shape). Applied by Owen to the order of the Tail-less Amphibians (Anoura). THORAX (Gr. a breastplate). The chest. TIBIA (Lat. a flute). The shin-bone, being the innermost of the two bones of the leg, and corresponding with the radius in the anterior extremity. TOTIPALMAT^E (Lat. totus, whole ; palma, the palm of the hand). A group of Wading Birds in which the hallux is united to the other toes by mem- brane, so that the feet are completely webbed. TRACHEA (Gr. tracheia, the rough windpipe). The tube which conveys air to the lungs in the air-breathing Vertebrates. TRACHEAE. The breathing- tubes of Insects and other articulate animals. TRACHEARIA. The division of Arachnida which breathe by means of tra- cheae. TRILOBITA (Gr. treis, three ; lobos, a lobe). An extinct order of Crustaceans. TROCHANTER (Gr. trecho,! turn), A process of the upper part of the thigh- bone (femur) to which are attached the muscles which rotate the limb. There may be two, or even three, trochanters present. TROCHOID (Gr. trochos, a wheel ; and eidos, form). Conical with a flat base ; applied to the shells of Foraminifera and Univalve Molluscs. TROPHI (Gr. trophos, a nourisher). The parts of the mouth in insects which are concerned in the acquisition and preparation of food. Often called " instrumenta cibaria." TROPHOSOME (Gr. trepho, I nourish ; and soma, body). Applied collectively to the assemblage of the nutritive zob'ids of any Hydrozoon. TRUNCATED (Lat. trunco, I shorten). Abruptly cut off; applied to univalve shells, the apex of which breaks off, so that the shell becomes ''decol- lated." TUBICOLA (Lat. tuba, a tube ; and colo, I inhabit). The order of Annelida which construct a tubular case in which they protect themselves. TUBICOLOUS. Inhabiting a tube. TUNICATA (Lat. tunica, a cloak). A class of Molluscoida which are enveloped in a tough leathery case or "test." TURBINATED (Lat. turbo, a top). Top-shaped ; conical with a round base. ULNA (Gr. olene, the elbow). The outermost of the two bones of the fore- arm, corresponding with the fibula of the hind-limb. UMBELLATE (Lat. umbella, a parasol). Forming an umbel — i.e., a number of nearly equal radii all proceeding from one point. UMBILICUS (Lat. for navel). The aperture seen at the base of the axis of certain univalve shells, which are then said to be "perforated" or "um- bilicated." UMBO (Lat. the boss of a shield). The beak of a bivalve shell. UMBRELLA. The contractile disc of one of the Lucernarida. UNCINATE (Lat. uncinus, a hook). Provided with hooks or bent spines. UNGUICULATE (Lat. unguis, nail). Furnished with claws. UNGULATA (Lat. ungula, hoof). The order of Mammals comprising the Hoofed Quadrupeds. UNGULATE. Furnished with expanded nails constituting hoofs. UNILOCULAR (Lat. unus, one ; and loculus, a little purse). Possessing a single cavity or chamber. Applied to the shells of Foraminifera and Mollusca. UNIVALVE (Lat. unus, one ; valvce, folding-doors). A shell composed of a single piece or valve. URODELA (Gr. oura, tail ; delos, visible). The order of the Tailed Amphi- bians (Newts, &c.) GLOSSARY. 585 VARICES (Lat. varix, a dilated vein). The ridges or spinose lines which mark the former position of the mouth in certain univalve shells. VASCULAR (Lat. vas, a vessel). Connected with the circulatory system. VENTRAL (Lat. venter, the stomach). Eclating to the inferior surface of the body. VERMES (Lat. vermis, a worm). Sometimes employed at the present day in the same, or very nearly the same, sense as Annuloida, or as Annuloida plus the A narthropoda. VERMIFORM (Lat. vermis, worm ; and forma, form). Worm-like. VERTEBRA (Lat. verto, I turn). One of the bony segments of the vertebral column or backbone. VERTEBRATA (Lat. vertebra, a bone of the back, from vertere, to turn). The division of the Animal Kingdom roughly characterised by the possession of a backbone. VESICLE (Lat. vesica, a bladder). A little sac or cyst. VIBRACULA (Lat. vibro, I shake). Long filamentous appendages found in many Polyzoa. VIPERINA (Lat. vipera, a viper). A group of the Snakes. VIVIPAROUS (Lat. vivus, alive ; and pario, I bring forth). Bringing forth young alive. WHORL. The spiral turn of a univalve shell. XIPHISTERNUM (Gr. ziphos, sword ; stemon, breast-bone). The inferior or posterior segment of the sternum, corresponding with the " xiphoid carti- lage" of human anatomy. XIPHOSURA (Gr. xiphos, a sword ; and oura, tail). An order of Crustacea, comprising the Limuli or King-Crabs, characterised by their long sword- like tails. ZEUGLODONTID.E (Gr. zeugle, a yoke ; odous, a tooth). An extinct family of Cetaceans, in which the molar teeth are two-fanged and look as if com- posed of two parts united by a neck. ZOOID (Gr. zoon, animal ; and eidos, like). The more or less completely in- dependent organisms produced by gemmation or fission, whether these remain attached to one another or are detached and set free. ZOOPHYTE (Gr. zoon, animal ; phuton, plant). Loosely applied to many plant-like animals, such as Sponges, Corals, Sea-anemones, Sea- mats, &c. INDEX. Absence of certain animals in fossiliferous deposits, how accounted for, 27-39. Acanthocladia, 196, 529. Acanthodes, 330. Acanthodidce, 322-330. Acanthopteri, 318. Acanthonpongia, 68. Acanthotelson, 177. Acanthoteuthis, 295. Acarida, 182. Acasta, 152. Acaste, 170. Acer, 502. Acerotherium, 425, 426. Achatina, 266. Acicula, 268. Aciculidce, 268. Acidaspidce, 171. Acidaspis, 171. Acipenser, 322, 333. -Acmoea, 259. Acorn-shells, 150. Acrodont Lizards, 362. ulerodws, 335, 337, 339, 340, 410. Acrogens, 473 ; age of, 476. Acrotepis, 530. Acrosalenia, 110. Acrostichites, 497, 533. u4cr, 367. Ainphwyon, 450. Amphidetus, 109. Amphihelia, 96. Amphilestes, 405, 410. Amphion, 170. Amphipoda, 176. Amphisbcena, 361. Amphispongia, 69. Ainphistegma, 63. Amphitherium, 405, 410, 411. Amphitragulus, 434. Amphiura, 117. Amplexus, 526. Ampullaria, 245, 255. Ampyx, 167, 169. Anabacia, 537. Anacanthini, 317. Ananchytes, 109. Ananchytidce, 109. Anarthropoda, 136. Anatifa, 153, 155. Anatina, 238, 239. ^4vi««mwZoe, 218, 238. Anchitherium, 428 Ancyloceras, 291, 292. Ancylotherium, 414. Ancylus, 268. Andrias, 347, 348. Angelina, 161, 167, 169. Angiosperms, 473. Anguis, 361. Animal Kingdom, divisions of, 44-52. Anisopus, 533.' ,4nnelMta, 136 : characters of, 136 ; distri- bution of, in time, 137. ^nnwZaria, 478, 482, 483, 494. Annuloida, 102. Annulosa, 29, 47 ; characters of, 136 ; dis- tribution of, in time, 136. INDEX. 587 Anodon, 229, 230. Anoema, 458. Anogens, 473. Anomia, 221. Anomodontia, 373. Anomopteris, 497. Anomura, 179, 180. Anoplotheridce, 430, 431. Anoplotherium, 430. -4n td H H H erf 0 H 33 DO „-§ S erf §a H cd PL, DO NOT REMOVE THE CARD FROM THIS POCKET