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EUPHYCEAE PERIDINALES BACILLARIALES CoNJUGATAE CHLOROPH YCEAE CHARALES PHAEOPHYCEAE DIcTYOTALES RHODOPHYCEAE EUMYCETES PHYCOMYCETES ZYGOMYCETES . OoMYCETES BASIDIOMYCETES HEMIBASIDII EvusBasIpI1 ASCOMYCETES . Funct IMPERFECTI LICHENS . EMBRYOPHYTA ZOIDIOGAMA BRYOPHYTA PTERIDOPHYTA FILICALES : | EQUISETALES . ! ‘ A EMBRYOPHYTA SIPHONOGAMA OF SPERMATOPHYTA . GYMNOSPERMAE CoNIFERAE ANGIOSPERMAE MonocoryLEDONEAE PANDANALES HELOBIAE . GLUMIFLORAE 153-158 158-160 160 160 161-184. 184-188 194 209 210-220 220 247-281 281-306 307 308-325 308-312 312-325 313-322 322-325 325-802 325-332 327 332 332-395 332 332 336-369 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS—PART II GRAMINEAE CYPERACEAE PRINCIPES SPATHIFLORAE . FaRINOSAE LILIIFLORAE ScITAMINEAE MIcCROSPERMAE DicoTYLEDONEAE ARCHICHLAMYDEAE . VERTICILLATAE . PIPERALES . SALICALES . MyricaLrs BALANOPSIDALES LEITNERIALES JUGLANDALES FAGALES URTICALES . PROTEALES . SANTALALES ARISTOLOCHIALES POoLYGONALES CENTROSPERM AE RANALES RHOEADALES SARRACENIALES . RosaALks GERANIALES SAPINDALES RHAMNALES MALVALES . PARIETALES OPUNTIALES MyrTIFLORAE UMBELLALES METACHLAMYDEAE ERICALES PRIMULALES EBENALES . CONTORTAE . TUBIFLORAE PLANTAGINALES RUBIALES CAMPANULATAE CATALOGUE OF Poisonous PLAN'S BispLioGRAPHY OF Poisonous PLANTS INDEX 336-367 367-369 369-370 | 370-372 © 372-374 374-390 390-392 392-395 395-802 — 395-064 395 416 417-423 423-444 444470 479-496 497-500 500-574 574-604 © 604-620 620-621 621-627 627-634 634-637 637-645 645-664 664-802 664-675 675-679 679-683 683-697 698-739 739-740 740-748 748-802 803 809-918 919 LIST OF PLATES Honey Colored Armillaria. ; ‘ ; : } : i \\ 2aa Amanita sp. : ; ; : : : : : : ; fe 26 Deadly Amanita 3 . : : : : ; : " Sen 2a9 A. Yucca. B. Greasewood and Tetradymia . : d 5 ata Death Camas. A ; : : : : : ; F s Dis eS ys) Wild Indian Corn: Swamp Hellebore : : : : a este Pennsylvania Smartweed : i : ; L Z : a cap AZ Wild Cherry. : , : F ; , , : ‘ tf ©. SUS Lupine in flower. : . ; 5 3 ; 4 . . Sty 5 SAG Great Basin Lupine . f ‘ ; : : j ; q i se aS Common Milkweed . , be GOs A. Rhododendron; Hydrangea. B. Mountain Laurel, Rhododendron . : ‘ ; : : : : ‘ % GOF mO OD gp : : ()) nix Oy OD df @)) % ON lay gy ) (i) WY nO CG | wy WS iy ( OD @ OZ () aya No Gy rae gy BO ql) Y OH WD @ (es SSS ) mm OIG, OOpyY | a) (WD ee M\ ((})) \ \\ NN De) y @ @ SS — =\\\\ "Wlarx det Cowbane—Very Poisonous. (After Vasey) KEY FOR THE PLANT KINGDOM Organisms without chlorophyll, the vegetative body a naked mass of proto- plasm with many nuclei; reproduction asexual, spores free or enclosed in sporangia; spores produce motile swarm spores or amoeboid bodies. A. Mysxothallophyta. 158 Cells generally with cell membrane, with one or more generations; sexual reproductions frequently absent, the fertilized spores when present with one cell, which later separates from the mother plant, or a several celled body resulting from the fertilization of the female fructifying body, which later develops into a new plant. B. Euthallophyta. 160 Small unicellular organisms, never green but frequently of other colors, blue greens, etc.; reproduction asexual by fission; spores formed in the interior of the cell or by transformation of vegetative cells into the endospores or arthrospores; nuclei absent, but a so-called “Central body” occasionally present; coloring matter equally distributed. I. Schizophyta. 160 Unicellular organisms generally colorless at least never green; membrane, consisting of a chitin-like substance, occasionally gelatinous; cells frequently with cilia; reproduction by fission; spores when present endospores or arthro- spores. Schizomycetes. 161 Unicellular organisms like the preceding, cells contain chlorophyll and phycocyanin consisting of blue, blue-green, violet, or reddish pigments; swarm spores absent. Schizophyceae. 184 One-celled- organisms with nucleus sharply differentiated; protoplasmic body with a simple denser protoplasmic membrane, pseudopodia absent, motile during most of their existence; cilia 1 or more, and with 1 or 2 pulsating vacuoles; chromatophores occasionally absent; reproduction asexual by longitudinal division. II. Flagellatae. 188 Plants occurring mostly in water, always with cell-membrane and nucleus; green or other colors (brown or red) mixed with the green. III. Euphyceae. 188 Small unicellular organisms occasionally forming chain-like colonies. Cells possess two long cilia which arise from a furrow in the ventral surface. Found mostly in the plankton of salt water. Peridinales. 188 Small one-celled organisms of brown color, the chlorophyll masked by diatomin found in chromatophores; cell-wall consisting of silica with a girdle ~—and fine lines; reproduction asexual; division parallel to the long axis of the organism, and the formation of auxospores and sexual, by the formation of auxospores by conjugation. Bacillariales. 188 ey _- Chilorophyll green algae; membrane without silica; reproduction by division, X LL] 0 | 154 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS swarm cells absent; sexual reproduction by zygospores through the union of two equivalent gametes. (Aplanogametes). Conjugatae. 189 Chlorophyll green plants, occurring singly or in colonies (threads or flat- tened bodies) ; one or more nuclei, reproduction asexual by producing multilateral zoospores and nonmotile aplanospores; sexual by the copulation of zoogametes, or spermatozoids and oospheres; the spores produce a new plant directly or generally produce swarm spores. Chlorophyceae. 190 Plants of brackish or fresh water, consisting of internodes, short whorls of cylindrical branches, cells nucleated; growth from an apical cell; asexual reproduction by means of bulbils and vegetative threads; sexual reproduction by egg-cells and spermatozoids, the latter are spirally coiled in the cells of the antheridium; the egg cell is contained in a spirally coiled structure and after fertilization becomes an oospore. Charales. 193 Brown algae, chlorophyll masked by a brown coloring matter, phycophaein; reproduction sexual and asexual, swarm spores, sperm cells and egg cells; marine; tetragonidia absent. Phaeophyceae. 194 Brown algae; reproductive bodies without motion; tetragonidia present. Dictyotales. 194 Red or violet algae; chromatophores contain chlorophyll and a red coloring matter (phycoerythrin and rhodophyll); reproduction sexual and asexual; mostly marine. Rhodophyceae. 194 Parasitic or saprophytic plants with one or more cells, chlorophyll absent, with apical growth; mycelium usually evident; reproduction sexual and asexual, generally the latter; asexual by the formation of zoospores, conidia or spores. IV. Eumycetes. 195 The vegetative body mostly 1-celled, tubular, asexual by the formation of spores or endospores sexual by the formation of zygospores. Phycomycetes. 195 Copious nonseptate branched mycelium, asexual reproduction by endospores or chlamydospores; sexual by zygospores. Zygomycetes. 195 Mycelium occasionally sparingly developed, tubular, asexual; reproduction by swarm spores or conidia; sexual by the formation of oospores. Oomycetes. 204 Mycelium, many celled; reproduction asexual or sexual by union of nuclei; conidia borne on basidia, number various. Basidiomycetes. 209 Mycelium many celled; reproduction sexual and asexual; the latter by conidia; pycnidia and spermogonia with spermatia; sexual spores in sacs known as asci; spores called ascospores. Ascomycetes. 247 Fungi whose spores are not in sacs, or consist of sterile mycelium. Forms like Oidium, Ozonium, or Mycorrhiza. Fungi Imperfecti. 281 Organisms consisting of a fungus and an alga. Spores either in sacs (Ascolichenes) or borne like toadstools (Hymenolichenes). Lichenes. 307 Plants with stem, root and leaf; cormophyte or in some cases thalloid. Two generations, gametophyte and sporophyte; antheridium with sperm cells; tube cell absent. C. Embryophyta Zoidiogama. 308 Many celled differentiated structure frequently with leaves and stem or KEY FOR THE PLANT KINGDOM 155 thalloid in some cases. Male (antheridium) and female (archegonium) organs are produced. Asexual spores in spore cases which open at the top, in true mosses. I. Bryophyta. 308 Spores alike or unlike, microspores and macrospores developing into flat or irregular prothallia; these bear the reproductive organs, (antheridia and archegonia) ; flowers and seeds absent; usually a well developed vascular system. i Il. Pteridophyta. 312 Plants with a microsporangium (anther) containing the microspores (pollen grains) which develop a tubular body, the prothallium (pollen tube) a macro- sporangium (ovule) containing the macrospore (embryo-sac) which develops into a minute prothallium; this remains enclosed in the macrosporangium; after the fertilization of the egg cell in the macrospore a seed develops; plants with flowers and usually well developed tissues, the epidermis, parenchyma and vascular. (Embryophyta Siphonogama). D. Spermatophyta. 325 Ovules not enclosed in an ovary. I. Gymnospermae. 325 Resinous trees or shrubs; wood with tracheids, tracheae usually absent; fruit a cone of dry or fleshy scales. Coniferae. 327 Ovules enclosed in an ovary. II. Angiospermae. 332 Embryo with 1 cotyledon; stem without distinction into pith, wood, and bark; endogenous; leaves usually parallel veined; flowers generally on the plan Of ' 3: 1. Monocotyledonae. 332 Flowers generally small, unisexual, regular with persistent perianth; 6 or 3 stamens; carpels free or rarely united; fruit a berry, drupe or nut; embryo small; endosperm copious. Principes. 369 Palm-like plants with palm-like leaves; flowers naked or with thick leaves of perianth; carpels 2 or 4 with 2 or 4 placentae. Synanthae. Mostly fleshy herbs or thalloid floating plants; inflorescence a fleshy spadix subtended by a spathe or naked or reduced to few or solitary flowers on the margin or back of a thalloid body. Spathiflorae. 370 Herbs generally with narrow leaves; flowers usually complete, their parts mostly on the plan of 3; corolla regular or nearly so; ovary compound superior; endosperm mealy. Farinosae. 372 Mostly herbs; flowers with a well developed perianth, usually regular and complete; usually on the plan of 3; ovary superior or inferior, compound; endosperm fleshy or horny. Liliiflorae. 374 Large herbs; flowers irregular; ovary inferior, compound; composed of several united carpels; seeds generally arillate, frequently with perisperm and endosperm. Scitamineae. 390 Herbs, tropical species frequently epiphytes; flowers very irregular, or in one family regular, generally complete and perfect; parts of the perianth in 3’s or 6’s; ovary inferior, compound; seeds numerous; endosperm present or absent. Microspermae. 392 Embryo usually with two cotyledons; stem usually with wood, pith and bark marked, usually exogenous; leaves mostly netted veined; flowers fre- quently on the plan of 5. 2. Dicotyledoneae. 395 Petals separate or distinct from each other or wanting; occasionally some 156 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS carpels united; in one division ovules with many megaspores. In most plants of the other division there is a single megaspore with synergidal and antipodal cells. (Choripetalae and Apetalae). a. Archichlamydeae. 395 Tropical plants with monoecious flowers and branches with a longitudinal ridge in which the stomata are hidden. Verticillatae. 395 Dicotyledonous herbs; petals and sepals absent; flowers small spicate with bractlets. Piperales. 396 Trees or shrubs; flowers small, in catkins, imperfect; sepals and petals none; leaves simple; fruit a many-seeded capsule; seeds with tufts of hairs at one end. Salicales. 396 Trees or shrubs; leaves simple; flowers small, monoecious or dioecious, in catkins; perianth absent; ovary 1-celled; style short; stigmas 2; endosperm none. Myricales. 397 Woody plants with simple leaves; flowers, staminate spicate, pistillate soli- tary. Balanopsidales. 399 Shrubs or trees; flowers small, dioecious, in catkins; leaves simple, alter- nate, petioled, perianth absent in staminate flowers; pistillate, subtended by bractlets; ovary 1-celled; endosperm thin. Leitneriales. 400 Trees with alternate, pinnately-compound leaves; flowers monoecious, with bractlets, staminate in catkins, pistillate, solitary or several; ovule solitary, erect; fruit a drupe, indehiscent or dehiscent, with woody husk, seed large 2-4 lobed; endosperm none. Juglandales. 400 Trees or shrubs; flowers small; calyx usually present; monoecious, or rarely dioecious, in catkins; pistillate flowers subtended by an involucre which becomes a bur or cup in fruit. Fagales. 402 Shrubs, herbs or trees; calyx present but corolla absent; flowers small, not borne in catkins, monoecious, dioecious or polygamous; ovary 1-celled superior. Urticales. 404 Shrubs, trees or herbs with scattered leaves; flowers in spikes, racemes or panicles usually perfect; single carpel. Proteales. 415 Herbs or shrubs; generally parasitic; calyx present; corolla absent; flowers perfect, or imperfect; a single inferior ovary; fruit various. Santalales. 415 Generally vines or herbs; leaves cordate, or reniform; corolla absent; calyx inferior; tube wholly, or partly adnate to ovary; flowers perfect. Aristolochiales. 416 Generally herbs, occasionally trees, shrubs or twining vines; leaves simple, mostly entire; flowers small, regular, perfect, dioecious, monoecious or poly- gamous; petals absent; stamens 2-9; filaments filiform or subulate; ovary superior one-celled; ovule solitary; fruit an achene; endosperm mealy. Polygonales. 417 Generally herbs, occasionally shrubs; flowers perfect; corolla usually ab- sent, when present polypetalous; calyx present; ovary superior; embryo coiled curved or annular; albumen present. Centrospermae. 423 Herbs, shrubs or trees; calyx usually of separate sepals; corolla generally present, polypetalous; ovary superior; carpels many usually separate; stamens generally free and more numerous than sepals. Ranales. 444 KEY FOR THE PLANT KINGDOM | 157 Generally herbs; flowers regular and perfect; petals generally separate; stamens free; ovary compound, superior; free from calyx. Rhoeadales. 479 Carnivorous plants; flower scapose; corolla with separate petals or nearly so sepals generally distinct; stamens free; ovary compound superior. Sarraceniales. 497 Herbs, shrubs or trees; usually with petals which are separate; stamens generally perigynous or epigynous; sepals generally united or confluent with receptacle which is concave; carpels 1 or more distinct or united into a com- pound ovary. Rosales. 498 Trees, shrubs, or herbs; usually with petals which are separate,, united in some or entirely wanting; sepals mostly distinct; stamens few or occasionally more than twice as many as the sepals; alternate or opposite with them; ovary compound, superior. Geraniales. 574 Trees, herbs or shrubs; petals usually present and separate; sepals generally distinct; stamens opposite usually fewer than sepals or as many, occasionally more than twice as many; ovary superior, compound; ovules pendulous. Sapindales. 604 Shrubs, small trees or occasionally vines; leaves generally alternate; flow- ers, small, regular; stamens as many as sepals or calyx lobes alternate or oppo- site with them; ovary compound superior; ovules erect. Rhamnales. 620 Trees, shrubs or herbs; leaves simple, mostly alternate; flowers regular, usually perfect; sepals separate, or more or less united; petals separate, or wanting; stamens usually numerous; ovary superior, compound; disk incon- spicuous or none. Malvales. 621 Shrubs, trees or herbs; flowers generally complete, perfect, and regular or irregular in some; sepals distinct, or more or less united; petals almost always present and distinct; stamens usually numerous; ovary compound, super- ior; placentae mostly parietal. Parietales. 627. Fleshy plants, leafless, or with small leaves, generally spiny; flowers mostly solitary, sessile, regular, perfect and showy; calyx tube adnate to ovary; limb many-lobed; petals numerous; stamens numerous; ovary l-celled; ovules num- erous; fruit a berry. Opuntiales. 634 Shrubs, trees or herbs; leaves simple; petals usually present and distinct; calyx 4-5 lobed or entire and petals wanting in Thymeleales, superior or in- ferior;’ ovary 1 or more celled; ovules 1 or numerous. Myrtiflorae. 637 Herbs, shrubs or trees with petals; leaves of calyx usually 5; stamens 4 to 5; ovary epigynous, adnate to calyx; ovule, 1 in each cavity. Umbellales. 645 Petals partly or wholly united rarely separate or wanting; coherence varia- ble in some cases; tubular or funnel-form. (Sympetalae or Gamopetalae). b. Metachlamydeae. 664 Flowers complete, regular with lobed or distinct calyx; corolla cleft gamo- petalous; stamens free from corolla; ovary compound. Ericales. 664 Mainly herbs; corolla gamopetalous; calyx generally free from ovary; stamens borne on corolla, as many as its lobes, or twice as many, or more. Primulales. 675 158 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Trees or shrubs; alternate, simple leaves; flowers generally regular; calyx free from ovary, inferior; corolla gamopetalous or polypetalous; stamens borne on tube, at base of corolla. Ebenales. 679 Trees, shrubs, herbs or vines, generally with opposite leaves; flowers regu- lar; corolla generally gamopetalous, or rarely polypetalous or wanting; stamens borne mostly in lower part of corolla, as many as lobes or fewer, alternate; ovaries 2 and distinct. Contortae. 670 Rarely trees, shrubs, generally herbs; corolla nearly always gamopetalous, regular or irregular; stamens adnate to corolla tube; ovary one, superior coim- pound. Tubiflorae. 698 Herbs frequently acaulescent or caulescent with opposite or alternate leaves; flowers small, perfect, polygamous or monoecious; calyx 4-parted; corolla free; stamens 2 or only 1; ovary sessile, superior, 1-2-celled or falsely more celled; fruit a pyxis. Plantaginales. 739 Plants with gamopetalous corolla; stamens as many as corolla lobes; and alternate with them, or occasionally fewer, or twice as many; ovary compound inferior, adnate to calyx tube or ovary 1 or more celled; ovules 1 or more in each cavity of ovary; leaves opposite or verticillate. Rubiales. 740 Herbs or rarely shrubs with gamopetalous corolla or occasionally petals separate; stamens as many as corolla lobes or fewer; anthers generally united; ovary inferior. Campanulatae. 748 MY XOTHALLOPHYTA Fungus-like organisms without chlorphyll, regarded by some as animals; intermediate, in some respects, between animals and plants and hence called Mycetozoa by Rostafinski. In their vegetative condition, they consist of naked masses of protoplasm with many nuclei, the mass of protoplasm being called the plasmodium which creeps about on the substrata changing in form and thrusting out processes called pseudopodia which may later coalesce. After Fig. 20. Slime Mould (Trich- ia varia). a. Before germina- tion. b, c, d. Different stages in germination. d, e. Amoe- boid body with flagellum. After DeBary. MYXOTHALLOPHYTA 159 Fig. 18. Various slime moulds. a—f. Club root of Cabbage; Plasmodiphora Brassicae: a. Swollen root; b. Spore; c. Spore germinating; d. Plasmodium; e. Cells showing aggregated masses; f. Spores in cells; g. Lycogola epidendron; h, j. Plasmodium with branches; 1. Spore; k. Spore germinating showing cilium; m. Stemonitis; 1. Stipe; 2. Columella; o. Capillitium; b. Trichia decipiens; sp. Sporangia; q. Elater; r. Spore. 160 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS a shorter or longer period the protoplasm contracts forming little heaps which contain the spores; the parts of the reproductive body are called the sporangium or spore case, the peridium or the wall of the case, the stipe or stalk, the columella or central axis in the spore case, the capillitiwm or fine threads, and the spores. ‘The spores after absorbing water, germinate by breaking the wall and move about by means of cilia; sexual reproduction is entirely absent. The division Myxothallophyta includes three classes: Acrasieae without swarm cells; Plasmodiophorales. of which the club root of Cabbage, Plasmodio- bhora Brassicae is an example (a very destructive parasite upon cabbage, turnip, etc., in Europe and the Eastern States) ; and Myxogasteres which con- tains a great many species and genera common on spent tan bark, rotten logs, and the ground. Of the third class Stemonitis, Physarum, Lycogola and Fuliga are common genera. No species of this class is poisonous so far as known. EUTHALLOPHYTA Cells generally with cell membrane, with one or more generations, sexual reproduction frequently absent, the fertilized spores when present, with 1 cell which later separates from the mother plant, or a several-celled body resulting from the fertilization of the female fructifying body, which later develops into a new plant. This division includes such plants as bacteria, blue green algae, the green algae, rusts, smuts, mildews, moulds, puffballs, mushrooms and toad- stools. SCHIZOPHYTA Small unicellular organisms, never green but frequently of other colors, blue greens, etc., reproduction asexual by fission, spores formed in the interior J om ] so: j Fig. 19. Schizophyta. Schizomycetes Bacteria. 1 and 2. Bacillus subtilis 3 and 4. Bacillus anthracis. 1, 3 and 4x1000. 1, 3, and 4 after Frankel and Pfeiffer. 2 after Migula. EKUTHALLOPHY TA—SCHIZOPHYTA 161 of the cell by the transformation of vegetative cells into endospores, or by the transformation of ordinary vegetative cells into arthrospores; nuclei absent, but a so-called “central body” occasionally present; coloring matter equally distributed. This sub-division includes the Bacteria or Schizomycetes and the Blue-green Algae or Schizophyceae. We Ye ar eH Fig. 20. Schizophyta. Shizomycetes. Bacteria with flagellae. 1. Planococcus citrus 2. Pseudomonas pyocyanea. 3. Pseudomonas syncyanea. 4. Bacillus typhi. 5. Spirillum comma. 6. Spirillum rubrum, Fig. 1-6x1000; all after Migula. SCHIZOMYCETES Schizomycetes is one of the two classes of the sub-division Schizophyta. All the members of this sub-division are characterized by having no known sexual method of reproduction, multiplying by means of simple fission or cell division. The bacteria are distinguished from the first, or Schizophyceae, by the absence of the blue-green coloring matter which is characteristic of these forms. The two sub-divisions approach each other very closely at some points, particularly among the branched bacteria. The shape of the bacteria is used as the character in the separation of the families. They are either rod-shaped, and unbranched, spherical, bent, or spiral and straight and branched, and with or without sheath- ing, covering, or membrane. Five families are distinguished by Migula. Some of these contain considerable numbers of bacteria important from their toxigenic properties. Bacteria are among the smallest of living beings, some undoubtedly being so small that they cannot be seen with the highest powers of the microscope. Others are large enough so that they may be seen as minute specks by the naked eye. In other words, they vary from less than 1/10 » to 100 w. They may be arranged in the case of the rod-shaped forms or bacilli, either singly or in chains. The same is true of the spirilla, or spiral forms. The cocci or spherical forms may be single, in pairs, in regular mass of 4 and multiples of 4, in chains, in irregular clusters, or imbedded in gelatinous mass forming zoogloeae. Multi- 162 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS plication, as before stated, is by simple fission or cell division. Growth takes place very rapidly in many forms, some being capable of growing to their full ‘size and dividing to form two individuals in twenty minutes to half an hour. Under favorable conditions, this rapidity of multiplication explains the import- ance of the results obtained, and the products formed from such small plants. Some forms are capable of moving or swimming about by means of whips or flagella placed on all sides or simply at the ends. Other forms move by a sinuous or snake-like bending of the body. Many forms are incapable of motion. Spores are formed by many species; they are called endospores when formed singly within the bacterial cell, and arthrospores when formed by increase in size of the cells of the filament or part of a filament and its splitting into a VA f I) ieee 2 eset: Fig. 21. The root tubercle organism (Rhizobium leguminosarum). 1. General view of root showing tubercles. 7. Root hair and strand with enlargements at a and e. 25. Cross-section of root at b bacterial tissue. 30. Cells of clover plant filled with the organism nucleus at ». 26. Rod and y shaped organisms from 30 more enlarged. 31. Single cell containing bacterioids. After Frank. SCHIZOPHYTA—SCHIZOMYCETES 163 number of small cells. These spores serve, on account of their great resistance to dessication, and other unfavorable conditions, to tide the organism over until suitable conditions once more obtain. Bacteria are universally distributed, abounding in the soil, in the water, and being present often in the air, except at high altitudes. Normally, they are absent from the tissues of living animals and plants, but are to be looked for practically everywhere else. Their food requirements are as various as their habitats. Some require the most complex organic compounds, while others cannot live in the presence of such, but man- ufacture their own food from inorganic substances. Most bacteria lie between these two extremes. In respiration, some bacteria require oxygen or air, others will not develop in its presence. Most species require an abundance of moisture for their development, but many species will withstand a considerable amount of drying. Light inhibits the growth and in many cases destroys the bacteria. As to heat requirements, some live only in hot water, others will develop upon the surface of ice, some best at blood heat, while most develop between 15° Band 22° .C, Fig. 22. Schizophyta. Schizomycetes. Nodule forming bacteria. Rhizobium legumin- osayum. 1. Root tubercle of Lupine. 2. Cross-section of nodule. 3. Cell showing bacteria x 600. 4. Bacteria x 1500. After Woronin and Fischer. Bacteria are also important in connection with the decomposition of organic matter. The nitrifying bacteria in the soil change the complex albuminous substances into nitric acid. This uniting with a base forms nitrates. The tu- bercle bacteria like Rhizobium leguminosarum are in mutual relation with clover and other leguminous plants and are important in the acquisition of nitrogen. Some bacteria play an important part in the dairy industry, the aroma and flavor of butter being due to these. Some, like the red milk or- ganism (Bacillus prodigiosus), produce bad and disagreeable odors or cause the milk to become viscid or colored. Vinegar is produced by the acetic acid bacillus (Bacillus aceticus). Some bacteria produce diseases of plants like Fire blight of apples (Bacillus amylovorus), Cabbage rot (Pseudomonas cam- pestris), Sorghum Blight, Corn wilt, etc. Some bacteria produce diseases of insects like Foul brood of bees, Silk worm disease, etc. BACTERIA; Poisonous PrRoPERTIES. It is believed best to consider in a general way, the various poisonous principles which are developed by bacteria before the discussion of the specific organisms and their specific poisons. Inasmuch as bacteria play a very important part in nature in breaking down dead tissues of all kinds, destroying them and returning them to their elements, or forming simple compounds, it is to be expected that among the multitude of chemical substances which are developed, there would be some which would be harmful 164 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS when taken into the body of man or animal. In fact, such decomposition pro- ducts are known and as most of them, probably all, are basic, containing nitro- gen, they have been grouped with that general class of vegetable alkaloidal sub- stances called Ptomains. If other poisonous substances than Ptomains are developed, they are not known at the present time. In addition to these poison- ous substances that arise as decomposition, other poisonous substances are pro- duced by certain bacteria which are strictly synthetic, that is not produced by the breaking down of complex compounds into more complex forms. ‘The exact chemical nature of these substances is not understood, the reasons for this being that they are extremely unstable, it being impossible to heat them without destroying, and they cannot be recognized by any known chemical means. They must be distinguished and differentiated, and often detected only by animal inoculation and experimentation. ‘These soluble substances excreted by the bacteria are called toxins. The term toxin is rather an unfortunate choice, because it refers simply to their poisonous properties. In the broad sense, any poisonous substance is a toxin, but in the sense in which it will be here used, toxin indicates specific bacterial poisons excreted into the medium in which the Fig. 23. Bacillus cloaceae from corn, cause of corn disease, also found in sewage. Supposed at one time to pro- duce toxic substances to which was attributed the corn stalk disease. After Burrill. Fig. 24. Sorghum Blight (Bacillus Sorghi). b Young plant infected with the organism, a leaf and sheath. c Bacilli. Modified after Kellerman and Swingle. organism is growing, and producing upon inoculation, anti-toxins. In addition to the products above mentioned, many bacteria undoubtedly owe their pois- onous or intoxicating qualities to the fact that the protoplasm of living matter of the organism is poisonous or contains poisonous substances which are not excreted into the surrounding medium. When bacteria of this type are allowed to grow in favorable culture media for a considerable length of time, there is a certain amount of self-digestion or autolysis which takes place and these SCHIZOPHYTA—SCHIZOMYCETES 165 poisonous contents of the cells are liberated and then go into solution. They may be liberated, also, by grinding the bacteria, and extracting with water. These poisonous protoplasmic substances have been called toxalbumins, but this term commits one to the supposition that all of this type of poisonous sub- stances are proteid in nature. This has been by no means proven, consequently the term endotoxins is to be preferred. The following terms used in discussions of immunity will need defining. An Antitoxin is a substance capable of neutralizing a toxin by combining with it, and is produced in the animal body as a reaction to the introduction of a toxin in non lethal doses. A Bacterial Agglutinin is a substance produced in the animal body as a re- action to the presence of certain bacteria or their products. When introduced into a suspension of the organism the agglutinin will cause Ds bacteria to clump (agglutinate) into groups. A Bacteriolysin is a substance produced in the animal body as a reaction to the presence of bacteria or their products which will destroy and dissolve the corresponding (homologous) organisms. An Opsonin is a substance found in the blood serum which will unite with bacteria and render them positively chemotactic for the white blood cells. This preliminary union of opsonin and bacterium seems to be necessary before en- gulfment and destruction of the bacteria by the white blood cells can take place. In discussing the specific effects and products of the various species of bacteria, there would be an advantage in grouping these bacteria, according to the substances produced, and their effect upon animals and man. However, that this portion may be in keeping with the remainder of the text, the specific effect will be discussed and noted under each organism, and the organisms put in their correct place in the genera of Migula’s system of classification. In many instances, bacteria not closely related produce effects that are very similar; in some of these cases, the discussion will be under the first of that group reached, the remainder of the group will contain simply the reference to the form under which the discussion is given. COCCACEAE Organisms globose or spherical in a free state, not elongated in any direc- tion before division into one, two, or three planes, when united in pairs or groups, sometimes flattened on the proximal sides, containing five genera, three of which are of importance from our point of view. BACTERIACEAE Cells cylindrical or oval, dividing only in one plane, cells straight, rod- shaped, without sheath, either non-motile or motile, by means of flagella; con- tains three genera. SPIRILLACEAE Cells cylindrical, dividing in one plane, not straight, being bent or spiral, and without sheath; contains four genera. CHLAMYDOBACTERIACEAE Cells cylindrical, dividing in only one plane, enclosed in a sheath; contains five genera. 166 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS BEGGIATOACEAE Cells cylindrical, dividing in only one plane, destitute of the sheath, united into threads containing sulphur granules, usually motile by means of the un- One genus only. dulating membrane. O0d 4 00 005 GRR meee: LENIENT DEO con nee Tr i) V/ 1) Y, ' f

*> = Mee 5 Fig. 30i. Cholera organism. Microspira comma. From the margin of a drop of broth containing pure culture of the Spirillum. a. Long spiral filaments. All x 600. After Fligge. Pathogenesis. It is essentially an intestinal disease, the organism living within the intestines. The characteristic lesions are produced through the absorption of the poisonous matters there produced. Large and small intestines deeply congested, diarrhoea, Peyer’s patches and glands swollen, eventually mucosal necrosis in part. Ulcers eventually form, though perforations are rare. The parenchymatous organs show marked signs of degeneration; the vascular system, the nervous and respiratory systems show no characteristic lesions. Poisonous properties. The essential poison is intracellular, undoubtedly an endotoxin. It is found in the filtrate of old cultures and in solution of bacterial cells. Immunity. Produced by considerable quantities of bacteriolysins and prob- ably opsonins. Agglutinins are also produced. Vaccination with killed or at- tenuated cultures has proven fairly successful, but not the use of the blood serum of immunized individuals as a curative or a prophylactic agent. SPIRILLACEAE Spirochaeta pallida Disease produced. Syphilis. Animals infected. Man and ape. Animals immune. Other animals. Pathogenesis. Produces primary lesions in form of ulcers at the point of inoculation, second as gummata in the parenchymatous organs. Poisonous properties. Not known. Immunity. Not well understood. Spirochaeta anserina, Sakharoft Disease produced. Goose septicemia. Animals infected. Goose. Animals susceptible. Pathogenesis. Producing septicemia. Immunity. Spirochaeta Obermeieri, Cohn Disease produced. Relapsing fever. Animals infected. Man. Animals immune. Mouse, rabbit, sheep, and hog. Pathogenesis. Produces relapsing fever in man. Immunity. SCHIZOPHY TA—SCHIZOMYCETES 183 CHLAMYDOBACTERIACEAE Cladothrix bovis (Bollinger) The mass consists of several distinct zones of different elements, the central portion granular with small round bodies radiating out from this tangled mass of thread-like bodies, the outer portion consisting of conspicuous club-shaped ec’onies. The organism is quite polymorphic. In cultures the threads are from 310 to 5-10 w» in thickness with flask-shaped or bottle-like expansions. The organism may be grown upon all the artificial media. The colonies appear as small gray dots with translucent, radiating filaments. If kept for a few days at 37° C. they are opaque and nodular, later they show a whitish downy appear- ance. In blood serum the nodules are yellowish or blood-red in color; on agar agar the color becomes brownish with age; on potato, reddish-yellow and the white down makes its appearance early. Distribution. Widely distributed both in Europe and North America. Pathogenic properties. The organism was discovered by Langenbeck in 1845, but was not described until 1878 by Bollinger. Israel in 1874-78 called attention to the disease in man, and Bostr6m in 1899 made a careful study of the disease. The disease is not common in man but cases have been described by Murphy and Ochsner and Senn of Chicago. Two of the cases described by Murphy began with tooth-ache and swelling of the jaw. The disease may be caused by direct inoculation of pus, but there is good reason to believe that not an infrequent source of infection is by means of barley ‘and other grains. There is reason to believe that it occurs in nature as a saprophyte. The history of many cases reported in man seem to indicate Fig. 30j. Lumpy Jaw Cladothrix bovis showing the radiating masses. At the left, the elub-shaped bodies and branches (After Ponfick). At the right, one of the millet like bodies less magnified. After Fligge. 184 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS this kind of infection and it is a well-known fact that certain fields are the source of infection. Dr. McFarland says: When inhaled, the organisms enter the deeper portions of the lung and cause a suppurative broncho-pneumonia with adhesive inflammation of the contiguous pleura. After the formation of the pleuritic adhesions the disease may penetrate the newly formed tissue, extending to the chestwall, and ultimately form externa] sinuses; or, it may penetrate the diaphragm and invade the abdominal organs, causing interesting and characteristic lesions in the liver and other large viscera. Another allied disease is the Mycetoma, or Madura-foot (Cladrothix ma- dureae), which is found in India, especially in the province of Scinde, but occurs also in other parts of Asia; in Europe and northern Africa, and a few cases have even been reported in North America. Another Cladrothrix farcinica, found in Guadaloupe country, is character- ized by a superficial lymphangitis and lymphadenitis extending to the tracheal and axillary glands. The glands enlarge, suppurate, and discharge a pus. The internal organs have a pseudo-tubercular appearance. The organism consists of long delicate filaments, characterized by distinct branching; the old cultures are rich in spores. The organism has been culti- vated in the usual media. It is pathogenic for guinea pigs, cattle and sheep. The culture is virulent for some time. The papers by Nocard on the farcinica organism and a paper by Musgrove, Clegg and Polk on streptothrix should be consulted. SCHIZOPHYCEAE Unicellular organisms common in fresh and salt water. They contain blue, blue-green, violet, or reddish pigments; swarm spores absent; are common in fresh and salt water; simple in structure; existing as a single cell or as a chain held together by a gelatinous envelope, or in small colonies; chlorophyll and other pigments not in definite bodies but distributed throughout the cell- contents or else forming a sheath which lines the cell-wall; reproduction occurs by simple division; some forms produce spores which are thick walled thus enabling the organism to live over unfavorable conditions; after a period of rest these spores germinate and again reproduce in the vegetative way by fission or division. Some of the more common, more or less injurious types found in water are Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Clathrocystis and Nostoc. Cells contain phycocyanin and chlorophyll, the latter not visible because of the former. CHROOCCACEAE Cells spherical, singly or collected in colonies surrounded by a copious cov- ering of mucilage forming gelatinous colonies of various sizes. The genus Merismopedia consists of flat rectangular colonies. Cell-division occurs in two directions. ‘The genus Gleocapsa has spherical cells united into colonies, the cell with a thick colorless, brown yellow or violet coat. Some of the species are common in fresh water. Clathrocystis. Henfrey This alga occurs in colonies which are at first solid, but later become perfor- ated. The colonies are held together by a gelatinous matrix. The cell contents are blue green, or rose-purple in color. ‘The species most commonly found is the C. aeruginosa, occurring not only in Europe, but very widely scattered in SCHIZOPHY TA—SCHIZOPHYCEAE 185 ED HEN | Fig. 31. Schizophyta. Schizophyceae. Blue Green Algae. 1. Chrococcus turgidus x 400. 2. Gloeocapsa sanguinea x 400. 3. WNostoc verrucosum. 3a. A pair of chains. 4. Chamaesiphon confervicola x 400; at the right, a caenobium; at the left, germinating arthrospores. 5. Rivularia minutula x 200. 6. Anabaena macrosperma x 100; at the right, a caenobium; at the left, germinating arthrospores. 7. Plectonema Tomasinianum x 200. 8. Filaments of Tolypothrix aegagropila; c—central body, ch—chromatin bodies, x 100. 9. Lyngbya aestuarii x 150; at the right filiaments with hormogonia (ho). In all figures, sp—spores, h—heterocyst. Fig. 1, 2, 3, after Cooke; Fig. 4, 5, 7, after Hausgirg; Fig. 8, after Nadson; Fig. 3a, 6, 9, after Wettstein. North America, especially common in ponds and the plankton of lakes. Other species are C. roseo-persicina and C. Kiitzingiana, the former being especially common in ponds and ditches which contain a great deal of decaying vegetable matter. The latter species is now generally referred to the genus Coleosphaer- tum, and the C. aeruginosa to the genus Microcystis. OSCILLATORIACEAE Cells in filaments, apical cells disc-shaped with sheaths variable, sometimes wanting, heterocysts absent; form hormogonia. Common representatives, Oscilla- toria and Lyngbya which at times are common in fresh water. Oscillatoria, Vauch The plant consists of more than one cell forming a simple filament held together by a common but stout gelatinous sheath, the cells being packed to- 186 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS gether like a row of lozenges. A few of the cells fall out of the sheath form- ing what is called a hormogonium. ‘This starts a new filament which has a characteristic movement hence the name Oscillatoria. Oscillatoria is common in hot springs sometimes also covering damp soil in greenhouses. It is mainly through decomposition that these algae become noxious. NOSTOCACEAE Cells spherical in unbranched chains frequently torulose; sheaths gelatinous frequently forming jelly-like masses; reproduction by hormogonia and spores. Many species of the order are troublesome in water supplies. Some species of the genus Nostoc are used as food. Nostoc, Vaucher Colonies in flexuose chains united in definite gelatinous investment; cells usually spherical or ellipsoidal; heterocysts terminal or intercalary; spores spherical or oblong. These algae are very common in the lakes in southern Minnesota, Northern Iowa, and elsewhere in the United States. By decomposi- tion, Nostoc produces disagreeable products. Dr. Arthur, some time ago, found Nostoc in quantities in the lakes of southern Minnesota and at one time it was supposed one species produced poisoning of cattle. Dr. Arthur, however, did not attribute the poisoning to this alga. One of the species of this genus frequently found is Nostoc verrucosum common in both the Old and New World. Anabaena, Bory Filaments straight or curved, surrounded by a thin sheath united to form a flocculent mass; heterocyst and spores intercalary. This alga also forms filaments which are free or united in a mass. In the filaments occur the vege- tative cells, the heterocysts, whose function is not known, and a spore which serves to start the organism again. This organism causes much annoyance in water, not only in North America but in Europe. Dr. Farlow some years ago referred to its injurious properties. It has also been frequently mentioned by Parker as contaminating water supplies in Massachusetts; others have no- ticed it in New York, and Dr. Trelease has found it in Madison, Wisconsin. The latter writer says in speaking of the Waterbloom and other algae: After a warm spring, on my return to Madison, June 26, 1887, I observed a considerable quantity of putrid scum on the shore of Fourth Lake, but the south wind scattered it before specimens of it could be obtained. The succeeding fortnight was hot, and after a couple of calm days, succeeding a strong wind from the north-west, the southern half of the lake was filled with suspended particles about a millimeter in diameter. ‘These consisted exclusive- ly of Anabaena Hassallii, already in full fruit; the spores were the customary Sphaerozyga arrangment, in a collection made June 20th. This algae is common in many of our northern lakes and is a frequent pest in water reservoirs, producing pig-pen odors and bad taste of water. RIVULARIACEAE Filiform filaments attenuated from base to apex, heterocysts basal or rarely absent; sheath tubular, gelatinous, or membranous . Gloeotrichia, J. Ag. Free floating colonies solid when young but inflated and hollow when old; the filaments radiating from the centre outwards. SCHIZOPHY TA—SCHIZOPHYCEAE 187 Gloeotrichia Pisum, (Ag.) Thur. It forms small green spherical bodies about 1 millimeter in diameter, floating at various depths in the water. It consists of a mass of tapering threads ar- ranged radially in the gelatinous matrix. The apices of the threads protrude more or less, giving it a bristly appearance. The base of each filament contains a heterocyst and above it a slender cylindrical spore and beyond it the ordinary vegetative threads of the alga. According to Dr. Arthur it is common in Minnesota. He found it common in Waterville, Lake Minnetonka, Lake Phelan in Minnesota and East Okoboji Lake in Iowa. It was thought by the people. of Waterville, Minnesota, that this alga caused the death of cattle which drank the water. The history of these cases is recorded by Dr. Arthur as follows: “That some of the animals had drunk of the water and scum a few hours only before they died was positively known, and that all had done so seemed from circumstances quite probable. After the most careful examination the only plausible hypothesis that could be advanced to account for the death of the animals was that the alga present possessed some toxic or other baneful properties sufficiently powerful to kill a cow in a half hour or more after drinking freely of it. The well-established reputation of all the algae for innocuous- ness made this hypothesis appear from the very first extremely improbable, but for want of the slightest hint in any other direction it was thought worth while to bear it in mind, and to investigate the matter further. About the middle of June, 1884, word was received that eight cattle had died on the shore of Lake Tetonka. I at once started for Waterville, arriving on the twentieth and found the algae less abundant than in 1882, but still making the water green some fifty feet or more out from the shore toward which the wind had been blowing several hours. Although the conditions were not the most favorable, yet it seemed best to attempt a direct experiment by giving the animals water charged with algae. After much delay the services of Prof. M. Stalker, state veterinarian of Iowa and professor of veterinary science in the lowa Agricultural College, were secured to conduct the experiment. A horse and calf were employed. On June 30th, Prof. Stalker, with the assistance of Prof. Edward D. Porter of the university of Minnesota, and in the presence of citizens of Waterville, made the tests, the writer being unable to remain. ‘The animals had not been permitted to drink for some twenty-four hours previous, and were consequently thirsty enough to take a large amount of water well charged with the algae. No bad results of any sort followed. The thorough and able manner in which the test was made leaves no reasonable doubt of the perfect harmlessness of the algae in a growing condition. I append this last clause, because the citizens of the place still believe that the algae are at the root of the trouble, and that the test did not show it because they were not made at the right stage of their occurrence. Although no sufficient study of the habits of this plant has yet been made to enable one to speak with certainty, yet it does not appear from present data that in some other stage it would give different results, unless it be when decaying, when it turns brown or reddish brown and gives off a peculiar stench. At this time the microscope shows the cells of the algae to be swarming with bacteria. Whether these are other than the common and harmless bacteria of putrefaction it is at present impossible to say. The probabilities are, however, entirely against the hypothesis that the decaying algae or the accompanying bacteria have anything to do with the trouble. We are therefore obliged to sum up the economic part of this investigation by stating that the death of the animals is probably not due to the suspected algae, and that no clue to the real cause has yet been obtained.” Dr. Arthur in a recent communication states that he has had no evidence so far that these algae are poisonous. That the death of these animals was probably due to bacteria found in the marshes. OTHER BLUE GREEN ALGAE Quite a number of additional genera are known to occur in our fresh waters; among them the Glococapsa with cells single or in groups surrounded 188 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS by a gelatinous envelope, cell contents bluish green, brownish or reddish; Merismopedia, with division in two directions, cells arranged in tabular groups of 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.; Lyngbya, with filaments enclosed singly in a sheath, branchless or occasionally branched, cell contents blue and granular. FLAGELLATAE One-celled organisms with nucleus, sharply differentiated protoplasmic body, some with a simple membrane, pseudopodia absent, motile during most of their existence; cilia 1 or more and with 1 or 2 pulsating vacuoles; chromatophores occasionally absent; reproduction asexual by longitudinal division. The Eugle- nales contain the family Euglenaceae. The most common of these is the Euglena viridis which occurs in stagnant pools. Cells are elongated spindle-shaped, cilia 1 and with a red eye spot at one end. Water where these are abundant is not wholesome. The Uroglena forms small sphaeroidal nearly colorless colonies, the central portion of the colony is a hollow space filled with mucilage and the ciliated cells are arranged around the periphery; vegetative multiplication occurs by simple fission and by zoogonidia. The Uroglena, when occurring in large quantities produce a fishy, oily odor. The related Synura produces an odor of ripe cucumbers with a bitter and spicy taste. EUPHYCEAE Plants mostly occurring in water, always with a cell-membrane and nucleus. Green or other colors mixed with the green (brown or red). This includes ali of the algae or thallophytes that contain chlorphyll which is, however, fre- quently masked because of other pigments like red and brown. PERIDINIALES Small 1-celled organisms of brown color, the chlorophyll masked by diatomin found mostly in the plankton of salt water. BACILLARIALES Small 1-celled organisms of brown color, the chlorophyll masked by diatomin of the chromatophores; cell-wall consisting of silica with a girdle and fine lines; reproduction asexual parallel to the long axis of the organism and the forma- tion of auxospores and sexual auxospores by conjugation. The diatoms are especially important in considering water supplies since they are widely distributed and at times very common. The diatom is like a pill box, made up of two parts, one fitting tightly within the other; the walls are strongly silicified and marked with fine lines; the cell contents are colored brown. Economically, these algae are of some importance as food for fishes, in manufacture of dynamite, and for polishing. Dr. Moore, speaking of Diatoms in water says: There are only a few species which are known to give rise to serious trouble in water supplies, but these occur quite frequently and in great quantities. Sometimes the infected water has an odor, variously described as resembling fish or geraniums, and the taste is disagreeable enough to render it quite unfit for use. ‘This condition is often produced by Asterionella. In addition to this effect, however, diatoms are extremely troublesome when contained in water to be used for the manufacture of paper or for laundry purposes, because —— —— EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUPHYCEAE 189 of the greenish-brown coloring matter they contain, which stains articles coming in contact with it. Whipple has observed that the growth of diatoms seems to depend upon certain definite conditions of the water—that is, they do not develop when the bottom of the pond or reservoir is quiet; but in spring and fall, when the rising or lowering temperature causes the water to circulate and a good supply of air and nitrates is obtained, the growth is most luxuriant. Thus, it is seen that temperature is only an indirect cause, and not one that need be taken into account by itself. A NOU er VEL TELE RI UMTMTEAAVEL AAAS URS AVAVA VYAL NOG AARAR AAA AAR ARR Tn iaAan ANOLE MESUUCUEUCUCUEEEEC CEE SMI SUN HABLA gp NN TTAB ABARAGAAAIAAAARAAAADADRDD Donnan ADA ; Minis MAE CR AAT, SS Fig. 32. Diatoms. Pinnularia viridis. 1. View showing markings in wall, c—central nodule; e—polar nodules; r—raphe. 2. Girdle view, s— silicified cell walls; g—girdle bands. 3. In process of division. Fig. 1 and 2 after Pfitzer; Fig. 3 after Wettstein. CONJUGATAE Chlorophyll-green algae, membrane without silica; reproduction, swarm cells absent; sexual reproduction by forming zygospores through the union of aplanogametes. DESMIDIACEAE The desmids are green unicellular organisms represented by such genera as Cosmarium, and are found mostly with other algae. They are not especially troublesome. Common genera are Closterium, Cosmarium, and Des- midium. The filaments of Zygnema are small consisting of a single series of cylin- drical cells placed end to end, occasionally with a slight constriction at the points of junction. Each cell has two star-shaped chloroplasts, each one con- taining a large pyrenoid. Spirogyra, Link Spirogyra is a common alga everywhere in our fresh waters, especially in quiet waters as in ponds and ditches. The filaments are simple, occur in bright green masses, often several feet long; cells cylindrical, variable in diameter and relative length; wall smooth and slightly gelatinous; chlorophyll arranged in 190 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS chl. 7 Fig. 32a. Lower figure, two views of diatom. m lateral view; / upper view. Upper figure, a desmid Closterium; chl—choroplastid. Charlotte M. King. 1 or more spiral bands, depending upon the species; nucleus is generally situated in the central portion of the cell; in the chlorophyll band occur what are known as the pyrenoids; reproduction both asexual, by the simple cutting off of the end cell, and sexual, by conjugation through the union of two cells. ZYGNEMATACEAE Cells cylindrical, unbranched forming threads, chromatophores present, in masses or spiral bands. Formation of zygospores. CHLOROPHYCEAE Chlorophyll-green plants, occurring singly or in colonies, (threads or flat- tened bodies) with one or more nuclei; reproduction asexual by producing multilateral zoospores and aplanospores; sexual by the copulation of zoogametes, or spermatozoids and oospheres; the spores produce a new plant directly or generally form swarm spores. Water net (Hydrodictyon reticulatum), Pedias- trum and Scenedesmus are common in fresh water; Pleurococcus is common on trunks of trees. The Confervales contain the sea lettuce, Ulva latissima, which is used as food, the Conferva with slender green filiaments common in fresh water, the Cladophora fracta in fresh water. Cladophora is a common alga and is quite rough to the touch, and may therefore easily be distinguished from Spirogyra or Zygnema. ‘The frond of Cladophora is branched, with many- EUTHALLEPHY TA—EUPHYCEAE 191 AUN ) Bigs 33: Fresh Water Green Fig. 33a. Botrydiaceae. Green Slimes. Conjugatae. Left hand figure; Scum. Botrydium granulatum. 1. A n—Zygnema. 1. Stellate chlorophyll single large zoosporangium. 2. Rhizoid grain. 2. Zygospore. Right hand fig- process. ure., s—Spirogyra chlorophyll in a spiral band. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in different stages of conjugation. 4. Zygospore. nucleated cells or, in some instances, only 1 or 2; chloroplasts occur on the mar- gins with a single pyrenoid in each piece of the reticulum. The Siphoneae contain the Vaucheria, found in damp ground, the long unsegmented threads of which produce antheridia and oogonia, and the Botrydium granulatum found on damp ground. VOLVOCACEAE Unicellular organisms or forming colonies, each cell with a single chroma- tophore; forms gametospores and oospores. Pandorina, Bory The algae of this genus are collected together in spherical or subspherical colonies known as caenobia. Each caenobium contains about 16 cells closely packed within a gelatinous envelope; the cells are pyramidal in shape and reach almost to the center of the spherical colony; each cell produces 2 cilia. Volvox, (.) Ehrenb. Volvox consists also of globose colonies known as caenobia, each consisting of a large number of small cells from 200 to 22,000, arranged in a single layer within a gelatinous sheath; the caenobium is a hollow sphere, the cells being connected by protoplasmic threads of varying stoutness; each cell has a distinct chloroplast, 2 or more contractile vacuoles and a number of cilia; reproduction occurs through asexual methods or by fertilization; in fertilization, the sperm 192 ing with sperm fi, MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 34. Pandorina Morum. a. and c. Zoospores. d. e. Process of conjugation complete. f. spores. After Luerssen. Chlorophyceae. Floating caenobium. b Zoospores conjugating. Pond Scum. Zygo- Bladder Wrack. Single oogonium with egg cells. Fig. 35. Fucus vesiculosus. oogonia. b. cells. . Kee cells in Germination of spores, rhizoid below. g. process of Single sperm cells. a. Section through conceptacle contain- c. Egg cells escaping. d. Antheridium fertilization, surrounded by sperm cells. After Thuret. - EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUPHYCEAE 193 cell, coming from the antheridium, unites with the egg cell which is contained in the oogonium; the caenobium because of the cilia has a rolling motion. Several species are common like V. globator and V. minor. Eudorina, Ehrenb. The caenobium is globose or subglobose rarely ellipsoid and normally con- sists of 32 cells arranged within the periphery of a copious mucilaginous mass; each cell contains 1 or more pyrenoids; reproduction takes place as in Pandorina. Eudorina like Pandorina produces a faintly fishy odor. CHARALES Plants of brackish or fresh water, consisting of internodes; short whorls of cylindrical branches; cells nucleated; growth from an apical cell; asexual reproduction by means of bulbils and vegetative threads; sexual reproduction by egg-cells and spermatozoids, the latter spirally coiled in the cells of the Fig. 36. Bladderwrack. Fucus vesiculosus. Air spaces shown in light areas (/); concep- tacles (s) containing reproductive bodies. After Luerssen. 194 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS antheridium; the egg cell is contained in a spirally coiled oogonium and after fertilization becomes an oospore. The Stoneworts or Charas are common in brackish water, and though not injurious frequently stop up canals and fill ponds so that it becomes necessary to pull them out. PHAEOPHYCEAE Brown algae; chlorophyll marked by a brown coloring matter, phycophaein, reproduction sexual and asexual, swarm spores, sperm cells and egg cells: marine; tetragonidia absent. The Phaeosporeae contain the Laminariaceae; the Devil’s Apron, Laminaria digitata, and other species from which iodine and mannite are derived. The Macrocystis pyrifera is of great length. The Clyclosporeae contain the family Fucaceae, the common Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) from which iodine, bromine and soda are obtained. The Sargasso weed (Sargassum bacciferum) found in the Atlantic ocean is also abundant in the Sargasso Sea. DICTYOTALES Brown algae; reproductive bodies without motion; tetragonidia present. This group contains a single order Dictyotaceae comprising 2 few genera. RHODOPHYCEAE Red or violet algae; chromatophores contain chlorophyll and red coloring matter (phycoerythrin and rhodophyll) ; reproduction sexual and asexual; most- ly marine. The red sea weeds are divided into several classes and numerous orders. The subclass Florideae contains most of the species. Food is ob- tained from several species and the carrageen is furnished by Chondrus cris- pus, agar agar is obtained from Gracilaria lichenoides found in the Indian Ocean. The Gloiopeltis coliformis and other species are used by the Japanese as food. Many of the species are pretty and are much gathered on the sea coast. Fig. 37. Red Sea Weed, Nemalion multifidum. 1. Branch with carpogonium and antheridium. 2-4. Different stages of development. 5.. Lejolisia mediterranea with antheridi- um, carpogonium and spores. o—antheridia, c and o—carpogonia, ‘—trichogyne, s—sperm cells, e—spores, f—fruit. After Thuret and Bornet. EUTHALLEPHY TA—EUMYCETES—FUNGI 195 EUMYCETES Parasitic or saprophytic plants with one or more cells, chlorophyll absent with apical growth; mycelium usually evident; reproduction sexual and asexual, generally the latter; asexual by the formation of zoospores, conidia or spores. PHYCOMYCETES Thallus generally of a single branched tubular thread; septa in connection with the reproductive bodies only; threads containing many nuclei; reproduc- tion sexual and asexual, in the latter the spores generally in sporangia (Mucor) ; conidia in chains (Albugo), or at the end of the hyphae (Plasmopara); re- production sexual by copulation forming zygospores (Mucor) or oospores in Plasmopara and Albugo. ZYGOMYCETES Parasites or saprophytes; mycelium branched not septate, or septa in con- nection with the formation of the reproductive bodies; reproduction sexual by endospores, acroconidia, or chlamydospores. A group of fungi represented by the Fly Fungus (Empusa) and Common Black Mould (Mucor). MUCORACEAE Sporangia with columella, many spored, zygospores between the threads of the mycelium. Few species have the two sexes united on the same plant; gen- erally they are on the separate individuals. According to Blakeslee, Sporodinia contains both sexes (homosporangic, homosporic, homophytic and homothallic). Phycomyces is dioecious, the zygospores producing at germination but one kind of germ tube which gives rise to a sporangium containing both male and female spores, (homosporangic, heterosporic, homophytic, heterothallic) Mucor mucedo has sexes separated on different individuals but two different kinds of germ tubes are formed by the germination of the zygospores, (heterosporangic, heter- osporic, heterophytic, and heterothallic). Zygorrhynchus is heterogamic. The same author* has recently reviewed the literature. About 85 species widely distributed. The Phycomyces was first found in oil kettles, and not infrequently in oil cakes. Sporodinia are parasitic on larger fungi. Pilobolus crystallinus is common on horse manure, the conidiophore being enlarged. The sporangia look like “fly specks” on the wall. This fungus is not injurious. Mucor (Micheli) Link. Mucor. Mould Mycelium creeping, conidiophores simple or branched; sporangia spherical or pear-shaped; columella well developed, wall of sporangium mucilaginous, in some cases chlamydospores, or forming small chains or “cysts”; zygospores produced by the fertilization of two gametes. A genus of wide distribution of 50 species. The life history of a common species, the Mucor stolonifer (Rhizopus nigricans) found on bread and de- cayed fruits is as follows. The gray felted mycelium spreads through the substratum, and on the surface small black bodies, the sporangia, are produced. The conidiophore arises from the felted mycelium and bears an enlarged spher- ical head, the sporangium, within which, occur the spores. On adding water * Bot. Gazette 1909:418. Reprint. 196 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS — A) cl @ =. NS iW TAA tue ‘p his a9, CAT. rt oae, Fig. 39. Black Moulds. Zygomycetes. 1-5. Mucor mucedo. 1. Mycelium and young sporangium x 25. 2. Ripe sporangium x 100. 3. The same in optical view x 100. 4. In process of fertilization x 80. 5. Zygospore (s), greatly magnified. 6-7. Chaetocladium Jonesii. 6. Conidia x 150. 7. Zygospores. 8-9. Fertilization and formation of zygospores in 9. 10. Conidiophores of Syncephalis intermedia x 100, 11-13. Fertilization and forma- tion of zygospores in S. cornu x 300. 14. Conidiophore, gelatinous enlargements and black sporangium of P lolobus crystallinus x 30. 15. Fertilization of Mortierella Rostafinskit x 300. 1-7, 14-15 aiter Brefeld, 8-13 after Van Tieghem. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUM YCETES—MOULD 197 to the specimen, the wall of the sporangium collapses and the end of the stalk, known as the columella, turns back, giving it something of the appearance of an umbrella. The columella, before it collapses, projects into the sporangium. Fig. 40. Mucor Rouxti. Conidio- phore. 2. Gemmae. 3. Chlamydo- spores. All greatly magnified. 1 after Vuillemin. 2 after Calmette. 3 after Wehmer. (Modified by Charlotte M. King). The spores germinate readily when placed in a moist atmosphere. In addition to the production of a sporangium a stalk may bend over and cause the further extension of the fungus by producing what is known as a stolon. In some species small, round, or elongated spores are produced in the mycelium which are known as chlamydospores, and spread the fungus. In addition to the formation of spores in the sporangium, zygospores are pro- duced in some species; two threads of the mycelium lie in proximity and nearly parallel, each produces a tube; these meet, the walls are absorbed, and, just back of the meeting point, a cell is cut off. The contents from the old cells pass into the newly formed cell. We also observe that the cell of one arm is somewhat smaller than that of the other. This spore is a resting spore or zygo- spore. It lies dormant for a period, then germinates by forming directly a con- iodiophore wiih its sporangium containing the spores. Prof. Blakeslee has shown with reference to the fertilization of some of the species of Mucor that it requires a male and a female plant. In speaking of Mucor mucedo he says: Mucor mucedo has the sexes separated on different individuals as in Phycomyces, but two different kinds of germ tubes are formed by the germination of its zygospores. While some 198 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS germ tubes are male and produce only male spores, others are female and produce only female spores in the germ sporangium. ‘The sporophyte as well as the gametophyte, there- fore is unisexual. “Raggi,” used in the manufacture of Arrack, contains Mucor Oryzae (Rhizopus) which transforms rice starch into dextrose, the latter being then fermented by yeasts forms blackish brown sporangia and has a pear-shaped columella. Mucor Rouxii of Calmette is commonly grown in China, where it is found on rice husks and is made from these into Chinese yeast. It changes rice starch into sugar and has been used to some extent for manufacture of alco- holic drinks. AM. racemosus, common in decaying fruit, produces alcoholic fermentation. Mucor fusiger is parasitic on species of Collybia; M. Melittophtorus was found Fig. 41. Common Black Mould (Mucor stolonifer or Rhizopus nigricans). 1. Sporangia and method of spreading by stolons. 2. Same, showing rhizoids, conidiophore, columella, sporangium and spore. 3. Zygospore, showing method of conjugation. 4. Zygospore germinating; k, conidiophore. in the stomachs of bees; M. nigricans was found by Neumann (1892) and later by Artanet (1893) in the eye of poultry but Barthelat does not consider it pathogenic. Mucor corymbifer, F. Cohn. Delicate, white mycelium spreading over the surface of the substratum; conidiophores appressed, spreading; branched sporangia in umbellate clusters, the lower sporangia smaller than the upper, the latter 70, diameter; wall EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—MOULD 199 Fig. 42. Mucor corymbifer after the bursting of the sporangium. After Lichtheim. colorless, smooth, collapsing; spores colorless, small 2 x 3 y.; columella club- shaped, brownish frequently papillate. Distribution. Probably tropical, found in tropical drugs, in Europe and the United States. Pathogenic properties. Lichtheim recognized this species as pathogenic. It grows better at a temperature of blood. When introduced into the circula- tion of guinea pigs, it produces death in 48 to 72 hours. Mycelium is found in kidneys, spleen and Peyer’s patches of intestines which are swollen and ulcerat- ed. Huckel found the organism in the human ear. Dr. Wolffner in Dr. Tre- lease’s laboratory in St. Louis, Mo., cultivated the organism from the human eye. The clinical record of this case was as follows: A farmer near St. Louis, was cutting corn with an old fashioned corn knife. A small piece of corn stalk flew into his eye, later inflammation set in followed by inability to see. Dr. Wolffner found a film over the surface. This film was removed and later Mucor corymbifer developed from it. It has been frequently found in ulcerated portions of the lungs, intestines, nasal cavity, and in the auditory canal. Dogs are immune. The earliest recorded case of mucor in pneumonomycosis was made by Furbringer, who had under observation three cases of a disease in two of which he found a Mucor. According to Dr. H. C. Plaut, the cases of otomycosis are not infrequent in India. According to Siebenmann it occurs in .5-1 percent in all diseases of the ear, and males, especially farmers and gardeners, are more predisposed than females. According to Hatch and Row, ear mycosis is com- mon in India, they having observed 22 cases in one month. The most common fungi found in the ear are Verticillium graphti, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, and A. flavus. A. nidulans is somewhat rare, as is Mucor septatus, The Aspergilli will be treated more at length in another connection. 200 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 43. Black Mould, Mucor’ rhizopodiformis. Branched conidiophores, large columella and discharged spores around the same. After Lichtheim. Mucor Trichisi, Lucet and Costantin This differs from M. corymbifer in a few characteristics of sufficient im- portance to cause Lucet and Costantin to consider it a distinct species, M. Trichisi having larger spores which are 4 «# in diameter and sporangia 35 # in diameter. It was isolated from epidermal scabs appearing on a horse affected with tinea, produced by Trichophyton minimum. The M. Regnieri described by the same authors is similar to the preceding. Mucor rhizopodiformis, F. Cohn Mycelium at first snow-white then gray, conidiophore single or clustered, brownish, 125 » long, small rhizoid processes, columella broad, constricted at the base; sporangia spherical, at maturity blackish, spores spherical colorless, 5-6 » in diameter. Closely allied to M. stolonifer or M. inaequalis. Distribution. Not uncommon on bread in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic like the preceding. When introduced into the circulation of guinea pigs it produces inflammation and the tissues of the spleen, liver and intestines are found to contain the mycelium of the fungus. The animal becomes inactive, lies on its side and drops its head. Small masses of the mycelium may be found in the kidneys. Mucor pusillus, Lindt. Mycelium spreading, with numerous chlamydospores which are capable of germination; conidiophores generally branched; sporangia spherical, brownish, 30-40 » in diameter; spores ellipsoidal or spherical, 5-8 » long, 3-5 » in diameter ; columella pear-shaped; zygospores seldom produced, spherical, 70-84 » in dia- meter, roughened, chlamydospores abundantly produced: species capable of changing cane sugar into invert sugar, producing the ferment invertase. Distribution, and hosts. Widely distributed in both Europe and North America, occurring on various decaying objects. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—MOULD 201 | Fig. 44. Mucor racemosus. Frag- Fig. 45. Mould. Mucor race- ment of mycelium, which has under- mosus. 1. Branched sporophore or gone conversion into chains of oidia conidiophore x 80. 2. Optical sec- x 120. After Brefeld. tion of sporangium x 300. After Brefeld. Pathogenic properties. Said to be pathogenic for various birds but Pierre Savouré, after some extensive experiments thinks that it plays no part in disease. It was not pathogenic for rabbits and guinea pigs. Bollinger states that it occurs in the respiratory tract of birds where it produces mucormy- cosis. It has been observed in cutaneous lesions in cavalry horses in France, although culture did not yield this fungus but yielded a trichophyte instead. Mucor ramosus, Lindt. Mycelium spreading in the substratum, small, branched, at first white then becoming grayish-white; sporangia black, spherical with marginal spines 60-80 in diameter; columella ovate, light brown, 50 # wide; spores somewhat spheri- cal, 3-3.5 » in diameter, colorless. Distribution and Habitat. Found in Europe, not abundant. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic for birds. Grows only at a temperature of blood, minimum 20-25° C., maximum 50-58°, optimum 45°, Mucor ramosus, Lindt Mycelium branching, abundant in the substratum and superficial conid- iophores 5-15 « wide; sporangia blackish, membrane but slightly colored, 70 » in diameter; columella rounded at the end or blunt; spores colorless, with delicate membrane, smooth, 3 to 4 u x 5-6 m. This resembles M. corymbifer except in the character of the spores. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic for guinea pigs, death occurring in 30 to 36 hours. 202 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ‘ Mucor septatus, Siebenmann. Mycelium at first white, later grayish; sporangia light yellowish brown, sporangia small; colmuella colorless; conidiophore branched; spores small 2.5 in diameter. Distribution and Habitat. Found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic for human beings, found in the ear. Mucor equinus. (Costantin and Lucet), Pammel Mycelium branched, at first white or whitish, floccose with simple pedicels withous rhizoid processes, erect or suberect, becoming fascicled, hyphae 8-12 # in diameter; columella spherical or subspherical 20-50 in diameter; spore roundish or slightly angular smooth 4 u in diameter, chlamydospores numerous especially at blood temperatures. Distribution. First found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Found in horses. Guinea pigs and rabbits inoculat- ed peritoneally die on the 5th or 6th day. Mucor parasiticus (Lacet and Costantin), Pammel. Mycelium spreading, branched, brownish fawn color producing stolons and rhizoids; sporangia-bearing peduncles branched; conidiophores 12 to 14 » wide 1-2 cm. long; columella ovoid pyriform slightly brownish 7-30 « high; sporangia 8 to 37 w; lateral sporangia similar but smaller. Grows readily in nutrient media. ‘The rhizoids sink into the substance, the simple conidiophores rise from the rhizoids. Lucet and Costantin placed this species in a new genus Rhizomucor. Pathogenic properties. It is essentially parasitic and was isolated from Fig. 46. ntomopthoraceae. 1-6. Empusa sphaerosperma. 1. Larvae of Cabbage But- terfly. 2. Sectional view. 3. Conidiophores and conidia x 300. 4. Conidium, x 600. 5. Mycelium with zygospores x 350. 6. Single zygospore x 600. 7-12. Conidiobolus utriculosus; found on the gelatinous fungi like the Jew’s Ear (Auricularia). 7. Conidio- phore x 80. 8-9. Same, much enlarged. 9. Discharging conidium .10-12, Fertilization and forming zygospore. After Brefeld. RUTHALLEPHYTA—EBUMYCETES—MOULD 203 the sputum of a tubercular patient. It is pathogenic for rabbits and guinea pigs when inoculated. Lucet and Costantin think that cases of mucormycosis are more frequent than generally supposed. Meyer seems to have made the first observation of a Mucor in animals having observed it in the lungs of a jay. Heisinger in 1821 found a Mucor in the lungs of a goose. Fig. 47. Fly Fungus. Empusa Muscae. 1. Empusa on fly surrounded by a halo. 2. Part of body of fly; general fructifying part (t); conidia (c) and secondary conidia x 80. 3. Fuliy formed conidiophore with conidium (c) and vacuole (v) x 300. 4. Tubular conidiophore projecting a conidium (c) surrounded by part of the plasma (g) of the con- idiophore. 5. Conidium (c) with a secondary conidium (sc). 6. Conidium (c) forming a mycelium tube 300. 7. Secondary conidium (c) germinating x 300. & Part of chitin- ous integument of fly with conidium (c) penetrating the integument x 500. 9. Fatty bodies of fly containing mycelium of parasite x 300. 10. Yeast-like sprouting cells (c) from the fatty bodies of a fly x 500. After Brefeld. 204 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ENTOMOPH THORACEAE Mycelium abundant, generally parasitic on living insects; multi-nucleate, non-septate or may become septate; asexual reproduction by means of conidia which are cut off from the end of the sporophore; conidium with one or many nuclei; conidia forcibly ejected; sexual reproduction by means of zygospore; azygospores without fertilization also frequent. One of the most common species of this family is the House Fly Fungus Empusa Muscae. Empusa sphaerosperma is found on the larvae of Cabbage butterfly; &. Grylli is on the Rocky Mountain Locust and the Macrospora cicadina is found on the Cicada. Basidiobolus ranarum occurs on frog excrement. Fig. 48. Peronosporaceae. White Rust. Albugo canida. 1. Inflorescence of Shepherd’s Purse with fungus. 2. Mycelium with haustoria (h) x 390. 3. Conidiophores and conidia (spores) in chains x 400. 4 and 5. Formation of zoospores in conidia x 400. 7. Oogonium (0) and antheridium (a) attached, mycelium shown below. 8. Oospore with thick wall. 9. Germinating oospore forming a zoosporangium. 10. Zoospore. 7-10x400. 6. Ger- minating Zoospore. After DeBary. OOMYCETES Mycelium occasionally sparingly developed, tubular, asexual; reproduction by swarm spores or conidia; sexual by the formation of oospores in the Peronosporaceae and Saprolegniaceae. Synchitrium has a much reduced mycelium. Sexual reproduction found only in some of the genera of the family Chytridiaceae. ‘The non-septate mycelium is reduced to a single sac shaped cell forming a kind of gall in the host plant. One species of Synchytrium, the S. decipiens, occurs on the Hog-pea (Amphicarpaea monoica). The family Pythiaceae contains a destructive parasite of seedlings, the Pythium DeBaryanum and the P. proliferum upon dead insects in water. ALBUGINACEAEK AND PERONOSPORACEAE Mycelium generally well developed. Reproduction sexual and asexual; in sexual reproduction oogonia and antheridia; asexual spores, conidia, or zoo- spores. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUM YCETES—OOMYCETES — 205 Many members of this group are destructive parasites to cultivated plants like the potato rot fungus (Phytopthora infestans), the onion mildew (Peron- ospora Schleideniana), the lettuce mildew (Bremia Lactucae), the mildew of the sunflower (Plasmopara Halstedii), the Clover mildew (Peronospora tri- foliorum) which may be injurious to animals, the millet mildew (Sclerospora graininicola) which may also be injurious. As a type of this family the downy mildew of the grape (Plasmopara viticola) may be taken. It appears during the early summer and continues till frost. Leaves, berries and stem are affected. The upper surface of the leaf shows yellow patches, underneath a white frosty mould. A section through the leaf will show the mycelium vegetating between the cells. The mycelium gives rise to the fruiting branches of the fungus, the conidiophores, which pass out through the stomata. The conidiophores are dichotomously branched, and at their ends bear the conidia. When these conidia are placed in water they begin to change, at the end of an hour, they swell and the contents divide. According to Dr. Farlow “at the expiration of an hour and a quarter the segments had resolved themselves into a number of oval bodies” which before long succeeded in rupturing the cell- wall and making their escape from the mother cell. Each of these zoospores is provided with two cilia. In some, zoospores are not produced, but the whole mass passes out, which soon produces a tube. The zoospores produce germ tubes which probably pierce the leaf of the grape. The temperature most favor- able for germination is between 25° and 35° C. Inoculation experiments with the grape vine mildew show that on the second day the disease appears. Sexual method of reproduction takes place later in the season and occurs in the leaf. A slight swelling appears at the ends of the branches of the mycelium, which is spherical in shape, the cell-wall being thick and pale yellow in color. The whole rounded mass is called the oogonitm. The central part is the oosphere. A small-body is developed from another (or the same thread) which lies along- i Fig. 49. 1. Downy Mildew. Peronospora calotheca. Mycelium between the cells send- ing haustoria into the cells, x 390. 2. Potato Rot Fungus (Phytophthora infestans), conidiophores, conidia horne on the branches. 3. Single conidium forming, zoosporangium and the zoospores. 4. Discharge of zoospores. 5. Single ciliated zoospore. 6. Oogonium (0) and antheridium (a). 7. Oospore and antheridium (a) of Peronospora alsinearum x 390. s. Conidiophore and conidia of Basidiophora entospora found on leaves of Erigeron x 200. 9. Germinating conidia of Bremia Lactucae (the Lettuce Downy Mildew). 10. Conidium of Peronospora leptosperma germinating x 300. 1-7 9-10 after DeBary, 8 after Cornu. 206 MANUAL OF POISONOUS: PLANTS side of the oogonium; the antheridium. This pierces the oogonium and the protoplasm of the antheridium passes into the oosphere. In the species that have been studied like Peronospora parasitica, and Al- bugo candida, the oosphere or egg cell contains a single nucleus, situated about at the center, the remaining nuclei having passed into the peripheral layer of the protoplasm of the periplasm. A single male nucleus passes from the antheridium into the egg cell and fuses with the nucleus of the egg cell. Numerous investigations in this line have been made by Stevens,* Berlese,t and Wager.t It is probable that the course of reproduction is similar for other species. In fertilization karyokinetic changes occur. The protoplasm surrounding the oosphere is used to build up the wall of the oospore. Germination of oospore probably takes place in the spring. In Albugo or Cystopus the conidia are borne in a moniliform chain. Fig. 50. Downy Mildew of Clover (Peronospora trifoliorum). a. Conidiophore. c. Stoma. b. Con- idium; common in Europe on Red Clover, may be in- jurious to animals. After Smith * Bot. Gaz. 28:149; 23:77; 34:420. + Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. 31:159. Annals of Bot. 4:127; 14:263. — Pe EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES--OOMYCETES 207 Fig. 51. At the left, leaf of Green Foxtail (Setarta viridis), containing the oospores of Sclerospora graminicola, a single spore at a. After Trelease. At the right, spike affected by the same fungus; b spikelet enlarged. The figure at the right, oospores from Hungarian grass; oog—Oogonium, oos—oosphere; oo—Oospore. The middle figure, Halsted; the right hand, Charlotte M. King. 208 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS In some forms the oospores are rare, and in the potato rot fungus they have apparently not been found. In some members of this group oospores are formed without fertilization, (Parthenogenesis). Dr. G. P. Clinton,* who has made a careful study of the Lima Bean Mil- dew (Phytopthora Phaseoli) and the potato rot fungus (Ph. infestans) has been unable to find that the mycelial thread of the antheridium had the same origin as the one which bears the oogonium. It is possible that the fertiliza- tion is accomplished in a manner similar to that given for some of the Mucors. He says in a discussion of the potato rot fungus, “All of these facts are now in favor, rather than against distinct mycelial strains (heterothallic forms) except the last, which might indicate a homothallic form, one which contains both antheridia on the same mycelium.” SAPROLEGNIACEAE Hyphae, long branched, undivided; zoosporangia cylindrical oospores pro- duced from sexual organs, terminal cells are cut off and converted into either Fig. 52. Saprolegniaceae. Water Mould. 1-3. Saprolegnia Thureti x 200. 1. Zoo- sporangium before the discharge of spores. 2. Same with biciliated spores being dis- charged. 3. The large spherical body, an oogonium and many oospores. 4._ Dictyuchus clavatus, o—oogonium, a—antheridium. 5. Aphanes Braunii, zoosporangium with germinat- ing zoospores. 6. Aphanomyces stellatus: o—oogonium and a—antheridium x 390. 7.-9. Leptomitus lacteus. 7. Young zoosporangium x 200. 8. Part of older zoosporangium with zoospores (sp) and cellulose grains (c) x 300. 9. Zoospores x 430. Fig. 1-3 after Thuret. 4-6 after DeBary. 7-9 after Pringsheim. *Rep. Con. Agrl. Exp. Sta. 1905: 304. SS Ss EKUTHALLEPHYTA—EUM YCETES—OOMYCETES 209 oogonia or antheridia. The oogonia may give rise to one or many oospheres or egg cells. The antheridia are tubular and spring from the hyphae below the oogonia. They apply themselves to the oogonia and send out fertilization tubes to the egg cells. The latter then develop into oospores. The asexual method occurs as follows: An examination of the young threads of Saprolegnia will show long filaments which in places are filled with granular protoplasm. Some of these threads are separated from the rest of thread by a cell-wall. Soon the protoplasm arranges itself into polygonal areas. When mature the sporangium breaks and the zoospores are discharged into the water. When emptied a new sporangium is formed by the filament growing up into the old one, or in some cases a branch buds out below the oogonium. Recent investigations indicate that the egg cell contains numerous nuclei, but as a general thing they are all degenerate but one. The antheridia also contain many nuclei. According to the investigations of some, one male nucleus enters the egg cell and fuses with its nucleus. Trow,* Davis,t and Kauffman =~ have thrown light upon the development of the reproductive body. Saprolegnia. Nees von Esenbeck. Water mould Delicate branching hyphae, zoosporangia open from a terminal pore, zoo- spores pear-shaped with 2 terminal cilia. About 11 species common on decaying objects in water. Saprolegnia monoica (Pringsheim) De Bary Zoosporangia cylindrical; antheridia usually in close proximity to the oogonia frequently originating from the same branch; oogonia from short lateral branches; oospore spherical 16 to 22 » in diameter, germ tube formed in germination. Distribution. Widely distributed in North America and Europe. Pathogenic properties. Occurs on dead insects thrown into the water, par- asitic on living fish and crayfish. Frequently troublesome in aquaria. The S. Thureti, DeBary and Achlya prolifera are found on sick fish and crayfish. Hoff- mann in 1867 stated that fish in aquaria died under the influence of Mucor mucedo and Saprolegnia. It is doubtful, however whether the Mucor produced death. BASIDIOMYCETES Conidiophores arise from a many-celled, well developed mycelium, hyphae either separate or forming masses; texture soft, powdery or leathery; the spores various, in the most common type, the basidiospore is borne on special structures known as basidia, from which arise little bodies called sterigmata into which some of the protoplasm of the basidium passes. In one group the mycel- ium consists of septate, branched threads, at maturity nearly disappearing be- cause of gelatinization; mycelium gives rise to chlamydospores formed en- dogenously; reproduction sexual and asexual, usually the latter; comprises the sub-classes, Hemibasidii and the Eubasidii. * Annals of Botany. 18:541. 7 Bot. Gaz. 353233: t Ann. of Bot. 22:361. 210 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Hemibasidii Mycelium, local or wide-spread, hyaline, septate, branched, becoming com- pact and giving rise to endogenous spores; the chlamydospores; color varies, in germination the spores produce a promycelium of terminal or lateral sporidia. These may propagate by budding like the yeast plant. The families are Ustila- ginaceae and Tilletiaceae. HEMIBASIDIALES This includes two families mentioned in the Hemibasidii. USTILAGINACEAE, Schrot Usually parasitic fungi in the tissues of living plants; sori usually exposed, forming dusty masses; spores germinate by means of the septate promycelium which gives rise to terminal or lateral sporidia. In some cases, these multiply like the yeast plant, or else produce infection threads. The order contains about 300 species, with the following genera in North America: Ustilago, Sphacelotheca, Melanopsichium, Cintractia, Schizonella, Mykosyrinx, Sorosporiun, Thecaphora, Tolyposporium, Tolyposporella, Testicularia. Many plants of the order are destructive parasites occurring upon economic plants like millet, timothy, pink, etc., and one species, the Ustilago esculenta on Zizania latifolia is edible, being used by the Japanese for food. Ustilago, Pers. Smuts Mycelium septate, branched, gelatinous, sori on various parts of the host, at maturity dusty, usually dark colored; spores single produced in the fertile threads of the mycelium, the latter entirely disappearing at maturity; promycel- ium septate, sporidia terminal or lateral, producing infection threads; secondary spores formed in the manner of yeast in nutrient solutions. The largest genus of smuts. About 250 or 260 species. Many of them are destructive parasites on cultivated and wild plants. The Ustilago minima occurs upon the porcupine grass, (Stipa spartea), and the Ustilago bromivora upon the brome grass. Ustilago Zeae. (Beck). Ung. Corn Smut Sori in the female or staminate inflorescence, leaves and nodes usually forming irregular swellings of variable size; at first covered by a membrane consisting of the gelatinized threads and tissues of the plant; soon rupturing, which exposes the blackish or brownish spores; spores sub-globose or spherical or irregular; echinulate 8-11 # or sometimes 15 m« long; spores germinate readily under favorable conditions; spore consists of an outer wall, which is spiny, and an inner more delicate, the endospore; the germ tube or promycelium as it is called, normally bears lateral bodies, the sporidia, but under more favorable conditions of food these may branch and bear secondary conidia. If the nutrient material is not exhausted this process of budding may be continued for a long time. These spores may propagate in a decoction of manure. It will then be seen that these budding conidia may be a center of infection. The conidia as well as the secondary conidia are blown about by the wind and under proper conditions cause the infection of the corn plant. Several years ago Mr. F. C. Stewart made some extended studies of the germination of corn smut in which it was shown that the thermal death point of smut EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—SMUTS 211 Fig. 53. Maize smut (Ustilago zeae). Eat affected. c. Bracts. e. Smut boils. r. Kernels. 1. In staminate flowers. Fig. 54. Smut boil making its appearance at the nodes. (C. M. King). 2. Foxtail Smut (U. neglecta). 3. Covered Smut of Barley (U. Hordet). bdo — bo MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 1 3 Fig. 55. 1. Maize Smut (Ustilago zeae). Cells showing thread of mycelium passing from cell to cell; (a) thread shows through; (b) section of cut sheath and thread. 2. Corn Smut, Spores in process of germination; each spore is sending out a tube with small lateral bodies. 3. ‘The same, spores germinating in nutrient solution sprouting like yeast. From U. S. Dept. Agr. 4. Kernel Smut of Sorghum (Sphacelotheca Svrehi) on Sorghum. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—SMUTS 213 spores is 15 min. 105°-106° C. in dry oven, and 52° C. when immersed in water; and that corn is unable to come through an inch of soil after 15 minutes treat- ment with water at 70.5° C., and in dry oven at 78° C. Brefeld found that smut spores produced an abundance of secondary conidia when they were ger- minated in sugar solution, but with us this has never been a very satisfactory method of propagating them as the cultures soon became infected with bacteria which materially check the progress of the germination of spores. Distribution and Hosts: Corn smut is found from the Atlantic to the Pacific wherever corn is cultivated, also in other parts of the world. In addi- tion to occurring upon corn, it is found upon teosinte. Poisonous properties. It has been held by many that corn smut is injurious to cattle. This has been a common belief in some quarters. In some kinds of smut a small amount of ergotin is found. Kedsie reports the following composition: Moisture, 8.30 per cent; albuminoids, 13.06 per cent; carbohy- drates, 25.60 per cent; cellulose, 24.69 per cent; sugar, 4 per cent; fat, 1.35 per cent; ash, much sand, 25.5 per cent. Professor Kedsie was unable to find any poisonous alkaloids. In 1868, the United States department of agriculture employed Professor Gamgee to ascertain the cause of the cornstalk disease Professor Gamgee records his experiences as follows and concludes that smut is not injurious: One cow was fed thrice daily one and one-half pounds of cornmeal and three ounces of smut, mixed with as much cut hay as she would eat. The second had the same allow- ance, but wet. The amount of smut given in each case was increased to six ounces. The cow fed on dry food lost flesh. Eight days later the dose of smut was increased to twelve ounces three times a day. The cow on the wet food gained in condition, the other one lost. In three weeks the two cows consumed the forty-two pounds of smut. ‘They had a voracious appetite the whole time, and the only indication of a peculiar diet was a very black color of the excrement and the loss of flesh by one animal, although liberally fed on nutritious diet, which, however, was given in a dry state. It is evident that smut is not a very active poison in combination with wholesome food, and especially if the animal is allowed moist food. and plenty of water to drink. Prof. W. A. Henry, in his work on “Feeds and Feeding” speaking of work done by the Bureau of Animal Industry, Clinton D. Smith and Gamgee, says: In experiments by the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, corn smut was fed to heifers without ill effects. With all the trials but one ending without disaster, it seems reasonable to conclude that corn smut is at least not a virulent poison, if, indeed, it is one in any sense of the word. It is probable that in the Wisconsin cases, where one cow died and the other was indisposed, the animals suffered because of eating too much highly nitrogenous material rather than anything poisonous. Wiorse results might have followed the feeding of the same volume of corn meal or cotton seed meal. It would seem that there is little or no danger from corn smut unless cattle: consume a large quantity. This is possible where they are allowed to roam through stock fields and gather what they will. There may be cases where animals seek out the smut and eat inordinately of it. A few years ago Prof. Smith of the Michigan Agricultural College gave the results of some experiments with corn smut. Varying amounts of smut were fed to three grade Shorthorn cows and one grade Jersey. Two of the cows were started with two ounces a day and increased to eleven pounds. ‘Two others were started with two ounces and increased to a pound. The test lasted forty-nine days. They appeared to relish the smut. It produced no signs of abortion in pregnant cows, the milk yield was normal. Prof. Smith concludes that the smut in corn fields is not likely to prove injurious. Beal states that under certain conditions smut is likely to be injurious to © e & a8 ain Fig. 55a. 1. Sprouting Grass Smut (Ustilago panici-miliacei) showing large swelling in upper part of plant. C. M. King. 2. Millet smut (Ustilago Crameri). a, spores; 6, glumes of millet grains filled with a powdery mass of spores. C. M. King. 3. Kernel of smut corn (Ustilago Fischeri) on maize. Spores at right. Below a sectional view of an affected kernel. Pammel and King. cattle. The experiments made by Moore also indicate, as do those of Smith, that smut is not injurious. Beginning on the morning of January 17, 1894, and continuing until noon of February 2 (sixteen and one-half days), the heifers were fed morning and evening from two to three quarts of a mixture of equal parts by weight of cut hay and a mixture of corn meal, middlings and wheat bran, and sixteen quarts of smut. No injurious affects were observed by Moore. It seems reasonable to conclude from these experiments that under proper conditions corn smut is not injurious. In our experience no cases have ever been reported to us where cattle were supposed to have died from eating corn smut. Professors Veranus A. Moore and Theobald Smith after making an ex- haustive investigation of the so-called corn stalk disease, came to the conclusion that “corn smut is probably not very poisonous, but when fed in considerable quantity no doubt produces injurious symptoms.” Miquel in an old work on poisonous plants published in 1838 in Dutch regarded the smuts as poisonous. Dr. Peters of the University of Nebraska, makes the following comments on the subject of corn smut: At a Farmers’ Institute at David City a gentleman stated that he had often heard his neighbors say, and he had also read the same in agricultural papers, that cornstalk disease was caused by corn smut. He had the opportunity to make the test for himself. He was compelled to clear the farm he rented of the smut. His son gathered the smutty stalks into a yard where two cows ate considerable of the smutty leaves. No bad results followed, as witnessed by the gentleman himself and the owner of the place. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—SMUTS 205 Mr. J. J. Jolliffe in the Drovers’ Journal of February 7, 1902, says: I have never had any bad results from smut. I have watched the stock eat ears that seemed 75 percent smut, and they devoured them apparently with as much avidity as sound ears, never affecting the health or appetite in the least. We have seen cattle die in fields where there was no smut whatever on the stalks and also in some fields that had previously been cleaned as good as one could clean them from this smut; the cattle died in spite of this precaution. Often the owner of the neighboring: fields, in which large quantities of smut were found, did not believe this theory and allowed his cattle to run in the stalks promiscuously without suffering any losses. At the Illinois Experiment Station about sixty pounds of corn smut were fed to a grade Jersey steer, with grain and hay as follows: From December 13, 1889, to January 2, 1890, 120 pounds of grain, 105 pounds of hay, 20 pounds of smut, and 371 pounds of water were given. From January 2 to January 24, 1890, 176 pounds of grain, 135 pounds of hay, and 39 pounds of smut were fed and 366 pounds of water given. When the experiment was begun, December 13, 1889, the steer weighed 560 pounds. January 2, 1890, he weighed 551 pounds, and January 24, 555 pounds. No evidence of disease was discovered. Dr. Kilborne records two experiments to test the effects of corn smut. In the first case the smut used came from a field in which several animals had died within five days after they had been turned into it. Three two-year-old steers were fed exclusively on smut-laden stalks and free smut mixed with a small quantity of a mixture of corn meal and wheat bran, for seven days with- out ill effects. He concludes: “It is safe to say that these animals consumed a much greater quantity of smut than the animals which died in the fields.” In the second case, two heifers were fed in addition to corn and hay, sixteen quarts of smut morning and evening for sixteen and a half days. This feeding continued for several months. The animals appeared healthy at the termination of the experiment. Dr. N. S. Mayo records the experience of a farmer near Manhattan, who gathered the smut from the field and placed it within an enclosure. The cattle broke into the enclosure one night where the smutty corn was thrown and ate all they wished, but no injurious effects were observed. Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jens. Oat Smut Sori found in the spikelets forming a dusty olive brown mass, usually destroying the whole of the inflorescence or only a part; the spore mass at first covered by a membrane which later breaks, thus allowing for the scattering of the spores; spores olive brown, lighter colored on one side, spherical to sub- spherical or somewhat angular, minutely roughened, 6-9 » in length. Spores germinate readily in water; infection takes place at the time of germination of the oats. Distribution and hosts. Found wherever oats (Avena sativa) is cultivated also on wild oats, (A. fatua). Poisonous properties. Probably not any more injurious than corn smut. When present in large quantities it may produce a sore throat, because of irritation. This fact is mentioned by White. The following note from Dr. White refers to another species found upon grass: The inflammation affects almost exclusively the face and genitals. It begins upon the former with a violent itching in about twenty-four hours after contact with the reeds, which is followed by a uniform redness, especially marked about the orifices, and swelling of the eyelids. The appearance of the patient strongly resembles that of erysipelas. Later small vesicles develop, terminating in persistent excoriations. Upon the male genitals it begins also with itching, followed by general swelling, with intense redness of the scrotum, and later by vesicles filled with a yellow serum, terminating 216 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS A Fig. 56. A. Oat Smut (Ustilago avenae). From U. S. Dept. of Agrl. B. Tall Meadow Oat Smut (Ustilago perennans). Fig. 56a. Porcupine Grass Smut (Ustilago hypodites) affecting parts of inflorescence and culm; a, spores, said by Dr. White to be an irritant. C. M. King. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—SMUTS oe in persistent and very painful erosions. The penis is sometimes affected, producing an inflammatory phimosis. Delicate skins are most easily affected, and a moist condition favors the action of the parasite. Similar effects were produced upon the skin of the rabbit, by applying to it after being shaved some of the fungus removed from the reeds. “After reading the above, I wrote to Prof. W. G. Farlow of Cambridge, our authority in erytogamic botany, with regard to the occurrence of this species in America, and received the following reply:” Your information about the poisonous character of Ustilago hypodites is something quite new to me. I do not know of any reference to the subject in botanical books. The spores of Ustilagineae are known to be at times irritants when they reach the air-passages, but they are not poisonous to handle. U. hypodites, a species whose characters are not very well marked, I may say, has been found in two places in this country. J found it at Wood’s Holl, Mass., on Phragmites (reed). It was found by Curtis in North Carolina on Arundinaria, the cane, and what is probably the same species occurs in Iowa on a species of Stipa. ‘The fungus may be much more common in this country than is now supposed, as few persons have collected fungi of this order. Ustilago maydis, the corn-smut, grows upon our maize, and U. segetum attacks several of our grains, wheat, oats, barley, and our grasses; but I have never heard of their pro- ducing any irritative action upon the skin.” Ustilago nuda (Jens.) Kell. & Sw. Barley Smut Mycelium found in spikelets forming a dusty olive brown spore mass, pro- tected by a thin membrane which soon becomes ruptured and allows for the dispersal of the spores. Spores lighter colored on one side, minutely roughened, spherical, subspherical or elongated; 5-9 » in length. Infection probably takes place at the time of flowering of barley. Poisonous properties. Like the preceding. Ustilago Hordei, found upon barley, differs from the species described because of an adhering purple black spore mass covered permanently by the lower parts of the glumes. Distribution and hosts. Found wherever barley is cultivated in Europe and North America. Ustilago Tritici (Pers.) Jens. Wheat Smut Spore masses found in the spikelets of the inflorescence forming black or olive brown mass; usually destroying the entire floral parts, and later spores are scattered by the wind; spores usually spherical or nearly spherical or somewhat elongated, minutely roughened, 5-9 » in length. Distribution and hosts. Common upon wheat wherever cultivated in Eu- rope, Australia and North America and South America. Poisonous properties. Probably injurious like the preceding smuts. Ustilago Panici-glauci (Wallr.) Wint. Sori in spikelets infecting all the spikes; spore masses enclosed by glumes, with a rather firm membrane; soon ruptured, permitting the scattering of the spores; spores dark brown, usually spherical or ovoid, occasionally elongated, rather prominently echinulate, 10-14 » in length. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America. One of the most common smuts wherever foxtail grows. Poisonous properties. It is supposed by some farmers to cause abortion but there is nothing to support this view. According to Professor Power it contains a small amount of ergotin. Possibly injurious like the other species of smut. 18 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 57. Smut spores of various kinds. 1. ‘Tall meadow oat smut (Ustilago perennans). 2. Timothy smut (U. striae- w formis). Rye smut (Urocystis occulta). 4. Cheat smut (Ustilago bromivora). 5. Foxtail smut (U. neglecta). 6. Mil- et smut (U. panict miliacei). 7. Sandbur smut (U. Cesatit). 8, 9. Tilletia germinating. 10. Secondary spores from conid- ia. 11, 12. Urocystis spores germinating. 13, 14. Mycelium of same. h. -Suckers or haustoria. kh. Uyphae passing from one leaf to another. 8-14 after Wolff. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—SMUTS 219 Mr. W. A. Kelty informs me that the smartweed smut (Ustilago utriculosa) often produces severe irritation of the hands when corn is husked. TILLETIACEAE, Schrot Mycelium becoming gelatinized in the tissues; the promycelium gives rise to the terminal cluster of elongated sporidia which fuse or do not fuse in pairs, producing secondary sporidia which may be alike or unlike, or the sporidia germinate directly into infection threads. About 150 species, of which Tilletia is the most important genus; aside from the two species described below one species, 7. secalis is found upon rye, T. hordei upon barley,, etc., Neovossia Towensis on Phragmites communis, Urocystis occulta on rye, Urocystis agropyri upon quack grass, and Entyloma ranunculi upon anemone. Fig. 58. Wheat Bunt (Tilletia foetens). At the left, a beardless variety with bunt kernels. At the right, a bearded variety with bunt kernels. From U. S. Dept. Agrl. Tilletia, Tul. Bunt Sori in various parts of the plant, usually in the ovaries, forming a dusty spore mass; spores 1-celled, formed singly in the ends of the mycelial threads, promycelium of germinating spore short with a terminal cluster of elongated sporidia. 53 species are reported for the genus. Tilletia foetens (B. & C.) Trel. Stinking Smut or Bunt Sori in the ovaries, wheat glumes more or less spreading; spores light to dark brown, oblong or sub-spherical, or spherical or sometimes irregular, 220 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 16-20 » in diameter; bad odor just before maturity and retaining the odor even in stored gram. Distribution and hosts. Common in eastern North America, also in Canada and Manitoba. Poisonous properties. It produces a bad odor when it occurs in flour and also gives the same a dark color and makes it unsalable. Tilletia Tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. Wheat Bunt. Sori in the ovaries of wheat ovate or oblong, glumes spreading; spores chiefly spherical or sub-spherical; 16-22 » in diameter, light to dark brown with winged reticulations. Infection of this and the preceding smut occurs ‘at the time of germination of wheat, hence all of the stalks growing from the single wheat kernel become infected, mycelium growing upward with the growth of the plant. Distribution and: hosts. Common upon wheat wherever cultivated. Re- ported as destructive and abundant in Michigan, Montana, and Kansas. Poisonous properties. Same as in the preceding species. Eubasidii Conidiophores with true basidia; reproduction generally asexual, sexual in some cases through the fusion of nuclei; spores cut off from the ends of the threads or borne on little sterigmata. ‘The group is divided into two divisions according to the form of the basidia: Protobasidiomycetes, the rusts and gela- tinous fungi; Autobasidiomycetes, toad stools, mushrooms, and puff balls. ord Gieebidshie ey ah AE rele Fig. 59. The Gelatinous Fungi. Tremellineae. 1. Tremella lutescens on wood. 2. Cross section through hymenium, b—Basidia, c—Conidia, sp—Basidiospores, x 450. 3. Exidia, truncata. 4. Tremellodon gelatinosum. 5. Basidia of the same x 560. 1-3 after Brefeld. 4-5 after Mueller. EUTHALLEPHY TA—EUMYCETES—EUBASIDII 221 PROTOBASIDIOMYCETES Parasitic or saprophytic plants; basidia with longitudinal or cross septa; mycelium septate, branched, either in the interior of the plant as parasites or ramifying the substratum; spores various. The following types occur: sper- matia, aecidiospores, uredospores, teleutospores, and sporidia; the spermatia are always accompanied by other spores, generally with the aecidiospores; the aecidiospores are 1-celled and occur in cups; the uredospores are 1-celled, occur in a powdery mass, and germinate immediately; teleutospores arise from the same mycelium that produces the uredospores, one or more cells, on germina- tion they produce a promycelium that bears the sporidia. This group contains the following families: Endophyllaceae with a fungus parasitic on the leaves of spurge, stonecrop and house-leek; Melampsoraceae including several important economic fungi; Pucciniaceae containing a large number of genera; the Auri- culariaceae, gelatinous fungi common on decaying wood. MELAMPSORACEAE Teleutosori forming incrustations on the surface of leaves; uredosori powdery; aecidia without pseudoperidium (Caeoma) or with well developed Fig. 60. Uredineae. ‘Teleutospores of different genera germinating. By germination originate the promycelia which divide into cells, each of which produces a conidium. 1. Uromyces Fabae x 460. 2. Triphragmium Ulmariae x 370. 3. Mel- ampsora betulina x 370. 4. Phragmidium Rubi x 370. t—Teleutospore; sp—Conidium. After Tulasne. 222 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS pseudoperidium; uredospores 1-celled occurring singly or in groups with or without pseudoperidium; paraphyses present, teleutospores 1-4-celled, closely or loosely united in the plant underneath the epidermis; Calyptospora Goeppertiana occurs upon the huckleberry and blueberry, (Vaccinium) connected with the Aecidium columnare, a very troublesome parasite upon Abies. The Melampsora populina occurs on the cotton-wood, the cotton-wood rust forming red sori on the leaf of the cotton-wood, with waxy incrustations. The other troublesome parasite, the Chrysomyxa Rhododendri occurs upon Rhododendrum. ‘There are about 100 species in the family. Coleosporium, Lev. Teleutosori forming flat waxy masses in the leaf; teleutospores composed of several vertical cells enclosed in a thick transparent membrane; each cell germinates by a single undivided promycelium which produces at the end a single sporidium; uredosorus reddish or orange, powdery; spores spherical or sub-spherical, ovate, elliptical, oblong or cylindrical, produced in basipetal chains. A small genus of 30 species. Coleosporium Solidaginis (Schw.) Thiim. Golden Rod Rust Uredosori rounded, soon pulverulent and scattered, orange spores in short chains, spherical, oblong, or sub-cylindrical spiny, 20-35 x 15-20 “; the teleu- tosori at first orange, becoming red, flat often confluent forming waxy crusts; Teleutospores cylindrical or somewhat clavate generally 4-celled 60-70x15x25 », occasionally longer. Distribution and hosts. Found in various Compositae, notably Solidago canadensis, S. serotina, etc., Vernonia noveboracensis and Sonchus. Occurs in both Europe and America. Poisonous properties. Suspected of being injurious to horses; possibly produces stomatitis. Referred to at length under Golden Rod. PUCCINIACEAE Teleutospores with a short or long pedicel; spores single or im groups; spores one or more celled; frequently interspersed with paraphyses; spore mass powdery or gelatinous; sporidia arising either from the promycelium or from a similar sterigma after segmentation of the spore contents; aecidia with or without pseudoperidia; uredospores 1-celled, arising from the conidiophores. Includes the Gymnosporangium macropus which produces its aecidium stage on the apple and the teleuto stage on the red cedar, the cedar apple gall with its long gelatinous horn being characteristic; and various aecidia connected with various rusts. Many species have a well marked alternation of generation, an aecidium on one host and the uredo and teleutospores on another host. The Hemileia vastatrix produces the coffee leaf disease of Asia, Phragmidium sub- corticum, the rose rust. This large family contains 1500 species. Recent investigations on the subject of the fertilization and reproduction in the rusts have been made by Profs. Olive, Blackman, Christman, Holden and Harper, and others. These studies seem to indicate that fertilization occurs, but that this fertilization is not, as was thought by the older writers, to be com- pared with that which occurs in some of the Ascomycetes. The older view was that the spermogonia were male organs and form a strictly morphological standpoint comparable to the structures of like character found in that group of j : 220 EUTHALLEPHY TA—EUMYCETES—RUSTS Teleutosori of Puccinia Sheath af- fected with Puccinia graminis. Fig. 61a. coronata on leaf of oats. Uredosori of Tickle Grass (Puccinia emaculata). Fig. 61. Rust. 224 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS plants. Clements arranges the rusts with the Ascomycetes. He considers that the apothecium is reduced.** Puccinia, Pers. Rust Teleutosori flat, usually powdery masses; teleutospores separate with pedi- cels, usually consisting of 2 cells, occasionally 1-celled, or sometimes more than 2 cells; the germ pore of the upper cell, at the apex, the lower cell with the germ pore placed laterally below the septum; the promycelium septate with several sporidia. The teleutospores germinate immediately in some species, in others after a period of rest. About 700 species. Puccinia graminis, Pers. Common Grass Rust The aecidiospores generally circular, thick swollen with reddish spots sur- rounding the infected area, yellow below; peridia cylindrical with whitish torn edges; spores subglobose smooth orange yellow, 15-25 » in diameter; spermo- gonia on the upper surface consisting of small black dots, uredosori orange red, linear but often confluent, forming long lines, powdery masses; spore elliptical, ovate or pyriform, echinulate, orange yellow 25-38 x 15-20 mu; germ pores 2 above the center on each side; teleutosori persistent; open, generally forming lines on the sheaths, stems and inflorescence; teleutospores fusiform clavate constricted in the middle generally smaller below the apex, thickened, rounded or pointed smooth chestnut brown 15-20x 35-65 m; pedicels long and persistent. The life history of common grass rust is as follows: ‘The common rust pro- duces three stages. One stage occurs in the barberry and is known as the cluster cup fungus. This stage makes its appearance in the northwest some time during the month of June, in the latitude of Ames, a little before the middle of the month. An examination of an affected leaf will show small black specks on the upper surface, surrounded by a yellow spot; this is known as the * The Genera of Fungi. 5. 98. ** Christman in his studies (Bot. Gaz. 39:267; Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 15:517; Bot. Gaz. 44:18.) of the common rose rust (Phragmidium speciosum) finds that the ends of the hyphae produce a terminal sterile cell and a lower fertile one; the fertile cells fuse in pairs with one another, the cell walls breaking down. ‘The nuclei lie side by side and divide, two of the daughter nuclei remaining in the lower part and two passing to the upper part of the dividing cell. ‘Then the upper portion becomes separated by a_trans- verse wall and becomes the first spore mother cell. These fusing cells are approximately equal. Blackman (Ann. Bot. 18:323, See also Ann. Bot. 20:35.) in his studies of another species of the same genus, states that the fertile or female cell contains a larger nucleus and that the male cell is reduced; that the hyphae which gave rise to an aecidium first cut off a sterile cell, and the cell below which at first only contains a single nucleus becomes binucleated because of the passage of the nucleus from an adjoining cell. Suc- cessive divisions of the nuclei occur and finally we have a chain of spore mother cells; each having a pair of nuclei. Dr. Olive (Annals of Bot. 22:331. Bull S. Dak. Agrl. Ex. 81:119) who has made a close careful study of Triphragmium ulmariae comes to the conclusion that two fusing gamets as well as their nuclei are approximately equal, and that the two gamets differ somewhat in time of development. ‘That the apparently normal and regular occurence at the base of certain young aecidia of one to many multinucleated cells, points to the necessity of a broader conception as to the mode of development of the aecidium-cup than that held by either Blackman or Christman. While the part which these multinucleated cells take in the development of the aecidium is as yet somewhat obscure, the evidence appears to point to the conclusion that they are sporophytic structures and that they result from the stimulated growth which followed sexual cell fusions. Should this prove true, it is obvious that the ‘fusion cell’ does not at once function as a ‘basal cell’, at the bot- tom of each spore-row, as maintained by Christman for this type of Rust. Further, the occurrence of occasional instances suggesting ‘nuclear migrations,’ undoubtedly of a path- ological nature, between the multinucleated cells of Puccinia Cirsti-lanceolati, throws doubt on the idea as to the normal origin of the binucleated condition in the aecidium-cup by this means.” It may be of interest further to state that Holden and Harper (Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. 14:63.) have studied a species of Coleosporium and find that the fusion nucleus divides in a manner similar to that of higher plants, EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUM YCETES—RUSTS 2 bo on Fig. 62. Some Rusts. 4, B. D. E. Puccinia graminis. A. Aecidium or Cluster-cup on Barberry; a aecidium, Ss spermogonia on upper surface. B. Uredo spores; u one-celled, teleuto- spores two-celled. C. Germination of uredospores showing long tube. D. Connection of stem showing two-celled teleutospores. Be A _ teleutospore germinating with promycelial tube (p) and _ sporidia (sp). Be Two-celled teleutospores of Puccinia coronata on oat leaf. G. Teleutospores of Phrag- midium incrassatum. All much en- larged. A and G after Luerssen. B- D after DeBary. E after Tulasne. spermogonial stage; the flask-shaped bodies are called spermogonia and contain the spermatia which do not germinate; their function is not known. A sweetish fluid, which attracts insects, is frequently found in connection with these. Directly opposite the flask-shaped bodies are small globular affairs, “cups,” (aecidia), slightly irregular on the margins. Owing to their upward growth they rupture the epidermal cells, and finally the lining layer of cells of the cups also breaks, thus exposing a large number of 1-celled spores borne in chains. These spores arise from short stalks contained at the base of these cups; the cluster cup spores are known as aecidiospores and are transported by the wind and other agencies, and have the power to germinate soon after maturity. When the proper host —a grass, such as bent grass, oats or wheat — appears, the germ 226 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS tube enters by way of the stomata, or the so-called breathing pores. The germ tubes produced by the spore of Aecidium berberidis are simple or branched, and in fourteen days usually give rise to the uredo spores, which occur in definite spots called sori. These spots occur in great numbers along the veins of the leaves. Before breaking open, the tissues of the leaf are somewhat paler at those places. The nourishment afforded by the host causes a vigorous mycel- ium to form, which soon collects in places, pushes the epidermis out, and an orange-colored pustule is formed which is known as the uredosorus. A section through a diseased sorus shows that an abundance of the vegeta- tive mycelium grows between the cells of the plant, and in some cases haustoria penetrate them. This pustule contains a large number of 1-celled, round or elliptical, spiny, orange colored spores, the uredospores. The spores have two membranes, the outer exospore being provided with wart-like projections, while the inner endospore is provided with several pores through which the germ tube appears. These spores germinate in from three to four hours and can thus start a general infection. These spores, carried by the wind, rain or in- sects to another part of the same or another plant, germinate, the germ tubes branch and spread over the surface, but the tube cannot enter the host—a grass of some kind, such as wheat, oats or barley — unless it reaches the opening of the stoma, since it cannot bore through the epidermal cells. A single sorus contains hundreds of spores, and as a single plant may contain hundreds of pustules, it can readily be seen that rust must become quite general. The red rust stage is followed by the black rust stage, known as the teleuto stage. The sori are brownish-black in color, and frequently occupy the same place that the uredo stage did. The spores are dark brown in color, two-celled and smooth, having attached to them a persistent stalk known as the pedicel. The teleutospores do not germinate till the following spring, when each cell produces a germ tube, the promycelium bearing lateral spores, sporidia. These sporidia, when in contact with the barberry leaf, enter by boring their way through the epidermal cells. The barberry cluster cup fungus, and its connection with common grass rust. It is not absolutely necessary for the common grass rust to have its first stage on the barberry, yet experiment has shown beyond doubt that it does occur on that plant. The theory has been advanced that appearing in one of its stages on the barberry gives the parasite new vigor. It is not improbable that in some places the mycelium or vegetative part of the fungus may be perennial in the tissues of grasses, as it is with many other fungi, probably this is true in southern localities. Beyond question this rust produces spores during the entire year in our southern states, and on the approach of early spring gradually moves northward. It may also be mentioned that in the west this rust certainly does not appear before the cluster cup fungus on the barberry appears. It is usually eight or ten days later, and then appears to a limited ex- tent only. Rust often appears where barberry does not occur within hundreds of miles. This was especially noticeable during the early history of grain culture in the northwest. Rust follows a general infection. Distribution and hosts. This fungus has been found not only upon wheat but also upon several species of Bromus, Trisetum and Triticum spelta. Its distribution cannot be given because in most cases the P. rubigo-vera included this as well as the P. glumarum. It has been intimated above that the uredo- spores make their appearance on young germinating plants in the fall, but it EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—RUSTS 224 appears that the uredo spores are not common the following spring. The investigations of the authors quoted here indicate that not in a single case was it possible to produce uredospores in the spring from those of the autumn. -H. L. Bolley, of Fargo, N. D., remarks in regard to several cluster cup fungi which occur on members of the Borage family: Several aecidia of unknown life history have been studied with reference to their telations to the red rust of Puccinia rubigo-vera, many infection tests being made upon young wheat and oat plants, all with negative results. In this region Onosomodium Carolinianum bears very profusely an aecidium, which, because of its date of appearance, was worthy of suspicion; but tests enough were made to remove this notion. P. rubigo-vera as well as the common grass rust, is very destructive in England and Australia; but according to Wolf, is not so common in Germany. A few years ago Professor Arthur investigated the subject of wheat rust in Indiana and found that this species was much more destructive to wheat in that state than common grass rust. The same year, 1889, the writer found that this rust was much more common on wheat in Iowa. Carleton says he is confident that the orange-leaf rust (P. rubigo-vera) does very little if any damage to the grain in this country; that in all cases of serious damage to the grain by rust the black-stem rust (P. graminis) is the real cause. In 1907, the leaf rust was very destructive to spring wheat in Iowa. Puccinia glumarum, Schmidt Aecidium unknown; the uredosori occur along the veins. The diseased leaf is frequently of irregular contour, color orange yellow, spores spherical, or short, elliptical, spiny. Teleutosori, grayish, covered by the epidermis on the stalks and leaves, less frequently on the flowers. Sori divided into chambers, = SS ee, es I DEON Revo? ese x (2) (2) NW S19 2096330 r¢ pe pkeyoy fer) We STE aa Oe NS Cepot Sry Oo JoPi Te KSA ANA AAA IS Cx? SEU Oo Ae aS , Ie 05 ORs GOL. Os ute keoss Ly} o 3 Coy 37105 6 ce TA Fig. 63. Covered Rust of Wheat (Puccinia rubigo-vera) from wild Barley, perhaps the same as P. glumarum. 228 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS surrounded by paraphyses. Spores with short pedicels, mostly club-shaped, unsymmetrical; apex somewhat truncate, or with one or two projections. Distribution. Common in Europe and probably also in this country; has usually been referred to as Puccinia rubigo-vera. In European mycological works, the aecidium of this fungus is said to be very common on common speedwell (Lithospermum arvense), Echium vulgare, and Anchusa officinalis. Fig. 64. Forms of rust on cereals. A. Common wheat rust, Puccinia gramints on sheath of wheat, winter spores germinating. B. ‘The same, sporidia sp. C. Epidermis. under surface of leaf with sporidium. sp. and germ tube. i. penetrating the epidermis. D. Uredospore germinating after being in water 14 hours in E. Puccinia rubigo-vera germinat- ing. F. Puccinia graminis. Both cells have germinated, a, sporidium germinating, magni- oe 600. G. Crowned rust (P. coronata) from oat leaf. G after Bolley; the remainder, eBary. a EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—RUSTS he Common speedwell is a very common weed in St. Louis and other parts of Missouri and southern Illinois, but so far as known, the aecidium has not been found on these weeds. Puccinia dispersa. Eriks, & Hen. This species of rust is apparently very common in Europe. There are three different stages. The aecidium stage produces circular or elongated, somewhat swollen, spots on the leaves, petioles and stem of several members of the borage family. The spores are between 20 to 30 » or 20 to 30 u x 19 to 22 mo in diameter. The teleuto spores long remain covered by the epidermis. The sori are chambered, surrounded by numerous brown paraphyses; spores are mostly club-shaped, unsymmetrical and 40 to 50 » long. Puccinia coronata. Cda. Crowned Rust The aecidium produces round or elongated spots with elongated, conspicu- ous aecidia; the spores from 18 to 25 u» x 14 to 19 u; the uredosori are long, confluent, mosily on the upper surface of the leaf; they are orange-colored, and are soon exposed, each pustule containing a large number of 1-celled sub- globose, roughened spores which are spherical or short-elliptical; the uredo- spores are yellow, 20-32 u in diameter by 28-32 x 20-24 u. The teleutospores remain covered by the epidermis, and in this respect they resemble the covered rust of wheat (Puccinia glumarum). They usually occur on both sides of the leaf. The spores are short-stalked, cuneate and more or less truncate above, crowned with several projecting horns. Distribution and hosts. Common wherever oats is cultivated and in several of its forms it occurs upon cultivated grasses. This is a well known destructive rust of oats and several other grasses and has received considerable attention from early mycologists. Klebahn has recently described this rust under several distinct forms. The P. coronata dactylidis in a narrow sense includes the rust upon Dactylis glomerata or orchard grass, Festuca sylvatica with aecidia on Rhamnus frangula and P. coronifera. Ericksson and Henning distribute these forms into P. coronata I, and P. cor- onata II. Historically this rust is of considerable importance, since Gmelin was familiar with this disease in 1791, and described it as Aecidium Rhamni on Rhamnus. The aecidium stage occurs on species of buckthorn (Rhamnus) especially (R. cathartica and R. Frangula). In Iowa an aecidium is frequently found on a native buckthorn (R. lanceolata), but its connection with this host has not been studied. The aecidium attacks not only the leaves, but occurs on mid-vein, petiole, pedicels and flowers. As a result of the attacks, distorted leaves and flowers are produced. Puccinia sorghi. Schw. Maize Rust Uredo and teleutosori upon the leaves and bracts; the former small, light brown sori, soon rupturing the epidermis; teleutosori dark brown; the uredo- spores are l-celled, round or more elongated and spiny; the stalk is detached; the spores measure 23-38.x 20-26 ; teleutosori are elongated dark brown or black being broadly elliptical and 2-celled, 30-52 x 16-24 ; the apex may be thickened and somewhat pointed. These spores preserve their vitality for some time; but are dormant through the winter. In the spring each cell may germin- ate by producing a tube, known as the promycelium, which bears lateral bodies 230 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS known as sporidia. Acording to Dr. J. C. Arthur, it is undoubtedly connected with an aecidium on Ovalis corniculata. Distribution and hosts. Common wherever corn is cultivated and according or Carelton, also upon teosinte. Fig. 66. Corn rust (Puccinia Sorght) on corn. Winter spores. Uromyces. Link. Clover Rust Aecidiospores in cup-like bodies with an evident pseudoperidium; uredo- sori powdery; uredospores 1-celled with several evident germ pores; teleutosori powdery; teleutospores 1-celled, separate, pedicellate, apex with a single germ pore; sporidia flattened on one side. About 250 species widely distributed. Many of the species produce serious diseases of cultivated plants, as Uromyces pisi upon the pea, the alfalfa rust, (U. striatus,) and the bean rust, ( U. ap- pendiculatus (Pers. Lev.) ‘There are many other species found upon our wild plants. Some of these, when they occur upon forage plants, may cause mycotic stomatitis. Uromyces Trifolt. (Hedw.) Lev. Aecidia in circular areas of pale colored spots; pseudoperidia short, cylin- drical, flattish; edges, whitish, torn; spores sub-globose or irregular, finely roughened, pale orange; 14-23 m in diameter; uredosori pale brown, round, scattered, surrounded by the torn epidermis; spores round or ovate, roughened; 20-26x18-20 m with 3 or 4 germ pores; color brown; teleutosori small round almost black; long covered by the epidermis; spores globose, elliptical or sub- pyriform occasionally with wart-like swellings on the summit 15-20x22-30 4; small dark brown in color; pedicels long. Distribution. Widely distributed upon various clovers, especially red clover and the white clover. So abundant is this fungus at times that the plants are covered with the brown dusty material. Miss Howell reports it as very severe in the state of New York at times. The writer commenting on this fungus some years ago, said: The fungus did not occur until August and only on the “rowen” or “aftermath.” Later it was found quite abundantly on the campus and College Farm. So severely did it attack some of the plants, especially the stems and leaves, that in touching the plants, the hands became covered with brown spores. | ee i ea tt i in ———— EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—RUSTS 231 Fig. 67. Clover Rust. Uromyces Trifolii. (Hedw.) Lev. 1. Aecidium spores; above, two cluster cups in which the aecidiospores are found. 2. White clover leaf showing the distortions produced by the aecidium stage. 3. Red clover leaf showing clusters of uredo spores. 4. Uredo spores. 5. Teleuto spores. 6. An uredo cluster more magnified than in 3. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 after Miss Howell. Remainder by Miss King. How long the fungus has affected clover plants in this country and especially in Iowa is not known. Poisonous properties. Clover rust has been suspected of being injurious to cattle. Dr. John R. Mohler of the Bureau of Animal Industry, writes as follows with reference to mycotic stomatitis: Several attempts have been made by the writer to determine the exact cause and also to transmit the disease to other animals by direct inoculation, but with negative results. Suspicion, however, has been directed by various observers to the Uromyces and the red and black rusts that occur in clovers. ‘These fungi cause very severe irritation of the lining membrane of the mouth, producing sometimes a catarrhal, at other times an aphthous, and occasionally an ulcerous stomatitis. Considerable irritation of the nose and throat is experienced when rusty oats and wheat are threshed. Virchow records a case of severe inflammation of the nose of an old lady in which he found a great deal of Puccinia graminis. 232 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Babee cm SHEL satel ely fe Rial Fig. 68. Toadstools, Coral Fungi, &c. Hymenomycetes. 1, Clavaria aurea. 2. Daedalea quercina. 3. Marasmius tenerrimus. 4. Dry-rot Fungus (Merulius lacrimans). 5. Clavaria argillacea. 6. Poisonous ‘Toadstool (Agaricus caesareus) a Ring; v Kellem. 7. Prickle Fungus (Hydnum imbricatum). 8. Polyporus perennis. 8. Corticium amorphum on wood. 1-4, 6-9 after Wettstein. 5 after Harper. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—TOADSTOOLS, ETC. 233 AUTOBASIDIOMYCETES The basidia of the hymenium more or less club-shaped, undivided; sterig- mata usually 4, occasionally 2, 6, or 8, coming from the apex of the basidium. The Dacryomycetineae with long club-shaped basidia and two long sterigmata. Basidiospores large; spores divided before germination; includes the group Dacryomycetineae, and an unimportant group, the Exwrobasidiineae, or small gall parasites containing the Exobasidium which occurs upon the cranberry and blueberry. The third group, Hymenomycetineae, contains a number of poison- ous plants and will be treated more in detail. HYMENOMYCETINEAE Mycelium of septate hyphae, loose or delicate in texture or made up into strands or hard masses; hymenium at the time of spore formation free; the basidia form a definite layer or hymenium which may cover the whole surface of the fruiting body, or may be restricted to a definite portion; the fruit is made up of more or less closely compacted threads, hyphae, grown together, or it may be delicate and somewhat ephemeral; the hymenium may be free or gymnocarpous or covered from the beginning; the covering is called the veil, which consists of a layer of threads extending from the margin of the cap to the stem, or the veil may envelop the entire plant; the volva is an envelope which in the young stage completely covers the plant; at maturity it is left in the form of a cup at the base of the stem or distributed from the cap to the base of the stem; the annulus is a ring around the stem formed by Fig. 69A. Mushroom (Agari- cus campestris). To the left a ma- tured plant and to the right a young plant. (Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper). Fig. 69. Cross section of Bracket Fungus. Polyporus igniarius. h. Fungus threads, hyphae be- tween the pores. s. Hymenium surrounding the pores; a number of basidia with spores. After Luerssen. 234 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the inner or partial veil. Occasionally cystidia form in Coprinus; chlamydo- spores are seldom produced. POLYPORACEAE Hymenium usually below, porous, tubular, honey-combed, reticulate or of concentric plates; spores produced on the inner surface of the pores. A fam- ily consisting of 2300 species, of wide distribution. Some are edible like Boletus (Boletus edulis B. scaber) and others of this genus, as the Fistulina (Fistulina hepatica) also known as the vegetable beefsteak, and the Sulphur Polyporus (Polyporus sulphureus) when young. Several members are de- structive wound parasites of trees. Among these are Polystictus versicolor; the common Bracket fungus (Fomes applanatus), and Trametes radiciperda found on the roots of conifers, and producing death. The dry rot fungus, Merulius lacrymans, is widely distributed and destructive to buildings. Boletus. Dill. Boletus Soft or fleshy, the stratum of the tubes on the lower surface of the cap easily separated. They are nearly all found growing on the ground and have the stem attached centrally to the cap. Quite a number of species are edible, some are bitter and some are poisonous. A small genus of 200 species found both in Europe and North America. The Boletus edulis, according to European authority, is one of the most desirable of edible fungi. Professor Atkinson lists this as one of the edible North American species. The B. scaber, also a North American species, is according to Professor Peck, first class, but several species are poisonous and bitter. The B. luridus is regarded as poisonous. The fact that a species turns blue when the plant is cut, should not be regarded as indicative of its poisonous qualities, for this is due to the oxida- tion process of the fat in contact with the air. Boletus felleus. Bull Pileus fleshy, convex above, glabrous or nearly so, grayish-brown, buff-brown, reddish- brown or tawny, flesh, white, taste bitter; tubes long, convex in the mass in mature plants, at first whitish, becoming pale flesh color; stem equal or tapering upwards, usually reticulated at the top only, rarely wholly reticulated, commonly a little paler than the pileus; spores oblong-fusiform, pinkish, .0005 to .0007 inch long. Distribution. Widely distributed in woods and open places; found upon decayed stumps. Poisonous properties. Prof Peck says: The Bitter boletus takes its name from the bitter flavor which its flesh persistently maintains. It is a common species, and one easily recognized by its setioeianed, stem and flesh-colored tubes taken in connection with its bitter taste. The cap is rather thick, dry and smooth, but quite variable in color. This is generally some shade of brown tinged with red or yellow. The flesh is white, but when cut or broken and exposed to the air it sometimes assumes a pinkish tint. The mass of tubes is generally somewhat convex in the mature plant, though it may be plane in the young plant. ‘This also sometimes assumes a pinkish stain when bruised. The stem varies greatly in length and thickness, and is sometimes crooked and deformed. It is usually reticulated at the top only. The taste of the flesh in this Boletus, as well as in many species of Lactarius and Russula, is an important aid in the specific identification. In tasting fungi for this pur- pose care should be taken to select only fresh, sound specimens, and the part tasted should not be swallowed. Mr. Hurd states that this species is not poisonous. No amount of cooking according to this author, will destroy the bitter flavor. ah, ‘ro a , : a ; : ‘a e 2 ri i : . - « . ’ ‘. Honey colored Armillaria (Armillaria mellea). An edible species. (E. A. White in Conn. St. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey). EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—BOLETUS 235 Boletus satanus. Tenz Pileus large, yellowish-brown on its upper surface; lower surface blood- red at first, later becoming orange red; stalk yellow to reddish-purple with red reticulate markings; spores brownish ovate. Rank and unpleasant taste. Distribution. In Europe and North America. Poisonous properties. Said to be extremely poisonous. The B. luridus along with several poisonous species is eaten in Northern Russia. Ford states that these species may occasionally be the cause of transient disturbances in man and may occasionally cause fatal intoxication. AGARICACEAE Pileus generally expanded, stipe generally with central attachment, or nearly so, lateral, or sessile; gills simple or branched or anastomosing usually on the lower surface; lamellae folded or veined, radiating from the point of attachment; lamellae bear the basidia which in turn bear the four spores or rarely two, cystidia often present. A large order separated chiefly by the color of the spores. The Melanosporeae have their spores brown, purplish brown or black; in the Ochrosporeae spores are yellowish brown or rusty brown; in the Rhodosporeae, spores are rosy pink; in the Leucosporeae, spores are white, whitish or pale yellow. Many species of the family, like the cultivated mush- room, (Agaricus campestris), the field mushroom, (Agaricus arvensis), the shaggy-mane (Coprinus comatus, Fr.), Lepiota procera, and others, are edible. The Rozites gongylophora of Southern Brazil, is cultivated by the leaf cutting ants for food. No invariable rule can be laid down for the poisonous species. Many of the Leucosporeae are edible, but many are deadly poisonous. A few of the poisonous species are described later. Amanita. Pers. Amanita The young plants covered by a membrane which in the button stage is more or less free with the surface of the pileus; later when the stem elongates Fig. 70. Part of the hymenium of one of the Agaricaceae. sh. Sub hymenial layer. b. Basidi- um. s. Sterigmata. sp. Spores from basidium. pp. Paraphyses. c. Cystid. After Bonn text book. 236 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the volva is ruptured; stipe fleshy; volva and annulus present. In some species the remains of the ruptured volva persist, forming a kind of cup or sheath. In others they occur in the form of small scales or warts on the cap. » EX \\l —---—@iA*~iC WS \ i _ Fig. 71. Fly Agaric or Fly Amanita (Amanita muscaria). a. Mature plant. b. Top view of cap with scales. From U. S. Dept. of Agrl. Amanita muscaria. L. Fly amanita. Fly agaric Pileus nearly flat at maturity, warty, slightly striate on the margins, yellow to orange red, cap 3-8 inches broad; gills white or nearly so; stem 4-6 inches long, % inch in thickness, cylindrical, hollow, bulbous thickened at the base, which is more or less scaly from the fragments of the ruptured volva; spore broadly elliptical, white. Dr. Farlow gives the following excellent description of this fungus: The fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), so called because decoctions of it are used for killing flies, is in most places, at least in the northern and eastern parts of the country, a common species—often a good deal more abundant than the common mushroom. It is found during the summer along roadsides, on the borders of fields, and especially in groves of coniferous trees. It prefers a poor soil, of gravelly or sandy character, and occurs only exceptionally in the grassy pastures preferred by the common mushroom. It grows singly and not in groups, and attains a large size, being one of the most striking toadstools. It Tt - een tee Fly Amanita (Amanita muscaria). Very poisonous. (E. A. White in Conn. St, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey). EKUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—AMANITA 237 differs from the common mushroom in having gills which are always white, never pink or purple, and in having a hollow stem which is bulbous at the base and clothed with irregular, fringy scales on all the lower part. The pileus varies in color from a brilliant yellow to orange and a deep red, the yellow and orange being more frequent than the red. The surface is polished and has scattered over it a larger or smaller number of prominent, angular, warty scales, which can be easily scraped off. The gills and stalk are white, and there is a large membranous icollar, which hangs down from the upper part of the stem. The general appearance together with the color of the pileus and gills noted above, are such that it is difficult to conceive how anyone who has ever seen a common mushroom or read a description of one could mistake this fly agaric for the mushroom. Nevertheless, in the writer’s experience, no fungus is so often collected by mistake on the supposition that it is the common mushroom, and it is to the fly agaric that recent cases of poisoning in Washington, D. C., were due. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America. Professor Coville, in speaking of this species after the death of Count Achilles de Vecchj, and Chung Yu Ting, says: The fly amanita is one of the largest, handsomest, and most dangerous of our mush- rooms, and is the one whose character has been the most fully studied of all the poisoning species. It is abundant about Washington in the fall, growing in pine woods, a favorite situation in these woods being the vicinity of abandoned hog beds. The specimens that caused the death of Count de Vecchj came from a pine wood about a mile west of Fort Myer, between Balls Crossroads, and Columbia Pike. Poisonous properties. The chief active poisonous principle of the fly amanita is an alkaloid called muscarin, but other poisonous substances, the chemical nature of which is not yet fully known, also occur in the plant. Professor Atkinson, in discussing the Toxicology of the species, says as follows: The substance, Cholin, is of wide occurrence in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It has been isolated from Amanita muscaria, A. rantherina, Boletus luridus, and Helvella esculenta. It is not very toxic, but on uniting with oxygen it passes over to muscarin. According to Kobert the substance formed from cholin on the decay of the mushrooms containing it is not muscarin but a very closely related alkaloid, neurin. This transforma- tion of a comparatively harmless alkaloid to an extremely deadly one simply by the partial decay of the plant in which the former is normally found, emphasizes very much the wisdom of rejecting for table use all specimens which are not entirely fresh. This advice applies to all kinds of mushrooms, and to worm-eaten and otherwise injured, as well as decayed ones. Neurin is almost identical in its physiological effects with muscarin which is described below. Muscarin is the most important because the most dangerous alkaloid found in the mush- rooms. It is most abundant in Amanita muscaria, it is also found in considerable quantity in Amanita pantherina, and to lesser, but still very dangerous extent in Boletus luridus and Russula emetica. It is quite probably identical with bulbocin, isolated from Amanita phal- loides by Boudier. Muscarin is an extremely violent poison, .003 to .005 of a gram (.06 grain) being a very dangerous dose for a man. Like other constituents of mushrooms, the amount of muscarin present varies very greatly with varying conditions of soil and climate. This, indeed, may account for the fact that Boletus lwridus is regarded as an edible mush- room in certain parts of Europe, the environment being such that little or no muscarin is developed. Cases of Mushroom poisoning are frequent in some countries. Gaillard estimated the number of deaths in France at about 100 cases. Among the Americans deaths are not so numerous, although Palmer of Boston, has found 33 cases with 4 deaths. Inoko of Japan, reports 481 cases in 8 years. The peasants of the Caucasus prepare an intoxicating beverage from Amanita muscaria from which many individuals die. Muscarin acts on the nerve centers, but cases seldom terminate fatally. 238 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Helvella esculenta owes its toxicty to helvellic acid C,,H,,O,, Very few deaths have been reported in recent years. According to Kobert, Amanita muscaria contains, besides cholin and muscarin, a third alkaloid, fungus atropin, (pilz-atropin); this alkaloid, like ordinary atropin, neutralizes to a greater or less extent the muscarin. The amount of pilz-atropin present varies, as other constituents of mushrooms vary, with varying conditions of soil, climate, etc., and it may be that in those localities where the Amanita muscaria is used for food the conditions are favorable for a large production of pilz-atropin, which neutralizes the muscarin, thus making the plant harmless. Be this as it may, Amanita muscaria is deadly as ordinarily found. It is undoubtedly used quite largely as food in parts of France and Russia, and it has been eaten repeatedly in certain localities in these countries without harm. Ford suggests, on clinical grounds, that it may not be the only poison present because even when this drug is completely neutralized by its physiological anti- dote, atropin, the patient, who has eaten Amanita muscaria, sometimes dies.* The alkaloid muscarin, a tasteless alkaline substance with a tobacco-like odor, causes the contraction of pupils; amanitin C.H,,NO, is an isomer of cholin, and yields muscarin with nitric acid and cetraric acid, OHH EN) oi Muscarin has been obtained synthetically from cholin. It does not, however, produce quite the same symptoms. Amanita Frostiana. Peck Pileus convex to expanded, bright orange or yellow, warty, sometimes nearly or quite smooth, striate on the margin; lamellae white or tinged with yellow; stem white or yellowish, stuffed, bearing a slight, sometimes evanescent annulus, bulbous at the base, the bulb slightly margined by the volva; spores globose; 7.5-10 in diameter. From the character of the poisons it is quite dis- tinct from the A. muscaria. Distribution. New York to North Carolina. Poisonous properties. Professors Peck and Atkinson both list it as poison- ous. Ford found an hemolysin of low grade intensity. Heated extracts were without action upon animals. Schmiedeberg found a poison. Amanita phalloides. Fr. Death Cup Pileus smooth, fleshy, viscid, greenish, brown or olive to amber; cap 3-5 inches broad, frequently free from remnant of volva; lamellae white; stem 3-6 inches long, annulate; spores globose, white. Prof. Atkinson says: “The presence or absence of these scales on the cap depends entirely on the way in which the volva ruptures. When there is a clean rupture at the apex, the pileus is free from scales, but if portions of the apex of the volva are torn away they are apt to remain on the cap. Dr. Farlow gives the following excellent description of this fungus: It is rather common and grows singly in woods and on the borders of fields, rarely ap- pearing in lawns, and is not preéminently an inhabitant of grassy pastures, like the mush- room. It prefers a damper and less sandy soil than that chosen by the fly agaric. The pileus is often a shining white, but may be of any shade, from a pale dull yellow to olive, and when wet is more slimy than the mushroom or the fly agaric. It has no distinct scales and only occasionally a few membranous patched on the pileus. The gills and stalk are * Sci. 30: 97-108 Deadly Amanita (Amanita phalloides). A very poisonous species of toad stool, (E. White in Conn. St. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Survey, page 239). EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES AMANITA 239 Bia 73e Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus. Com- Fig. 72. Death Cup (Amanita phalloides) mon in some vineyards one-half natural size. From U. S. Dept. Agrl. and fields. white, and the latter has a large ring like the fly agaric, and is hollow, or, when young, is loosely filled with cottony threads, which soon disappear. ‘The base of the stalk differs from that of the fly agaric in being more bulbous and in having the upper part of the bulb bor- dered by a sac-like membrane, called the volva. The volva is often of considerable size, but more frequently it is reduced to a membranous rim. In this species the stalk is longer and slenderer in proportion to the diameter of the pileus than in either the fly agaric or the common mushroom, and is buried rather deep in the soil or dead leaves, so that it often happens that the bulb is broken off and left behind when the fungus is gathered. The following differences between the edible and two poisonous species are noted by Dr. Farlow: (1) The common mushroom has a pileus which is not covered with wart-like scales; gills which are brownish purple when mature: a nearly cylindrical stalk, which is not hol- 240 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS low, with a ring near the middle, and without a bulbous base sheathed by a membrane or by scales. (2) ‘The fly agaric has a pileus marked with prominent warts; gills always white; a stalk, with a large ring around the upper part, and hollow or cottony inside, but solid at the base, where it is bulbous and scaly. (3) The deadly agaric has a pileus without distinct warts; gills which are always white, and a hollow stalk, with a large ring, and a prominent bulb at the base, whose upper margin is membranous or bag-like. (4) Other minor points of difference are the different places in which these species grow, and also the colors, which, although they vary in each case, are brilliant yellow or red in the fly agaric, white varying to pale olive in the deadly agaric, and white usually tinged with a little brown in the mushroom. (5) A word should be said as to the size and proportions of the pileus and stalk in these three species. In the mushroom the pileus averages from 3 to 4 inches in breadth, and the stalk is generally shorter than the breadth of the pileus and comparatively stout. The pileus remains convex for a long time, and does not become quite flat-topped until old. The substance is firm and solid. In the fly agaric the pileus, at first oval and convex, soon becomes flat and attains a breadth of 6 to 8 inches and sometimes more. ‘The stalk has a length equal to or slightly exceeding the breadth of the pileus, and is comparatively slen- derer than is the common mushroom, but nevertheless rather stout. The substance is less firm than in the common mushroom. (6) The pileus of the deadly agaric is thinner than that of the common mushroom, and from being rather bell-shaped when young, becomes gradually flat-topped with the center a little raised. In breadth it is intermediate between the two preceding species. The stalk usualy is longer than the breadth of the pileus, and the habit is slenderer than in the two pre- ceding species. All three species are pleasant to the taste, which shows that one cannot infer that a species is not poisonous because the taste is agreeable. The fly agaric has scarcely any odor. The two other species have certain odors of their own, but they can not be described. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America in woods, groves and pastures. Poisonous properties. Professor Peck says: The Poison amanita is very variable in the color of the cap, and yet is so definite in its structural characters) that only the most careless observer would be likely to confuse it with any other species. There is, however, a sort of deceptive character about it. It is very neat and attractive in its appearance and looks as if it might be good enough to eat. This appearance is fortified by the absence of any decidedly unpleasant odor or taste, but let him who would eat it beware, for probably there is not a more poisonous or dangerous species in our mycological flora. To eat it is to invite death. Professor Atkinson says: Since the Amanita phalloides occurs usually in woods, or along borders of woods, there is little danger of confounding it with edible mushrooms collected in lawns distant from the woods and in open fields. However, it does occur in lawns bordering on woods, and in the summer of 1899 I found several of the white forms of this species in a lawn distant from tha woods. ‘This should cause beginners and those not thoroughly familiar with the appearance of the plant to be extremely cautious against eating mushrooms simply because they were not collected in or near the woods. Furthermore, sometimes the white form of the deadly amanita possesses a faint tinge of pink in the gills, which might lead the novice to mistake it for common mushroom. The bulb of the deadly amanita is usually inserted quite deep in the soil or leaf mold, and specimens are often picked leaving the very important character of the volva in the ground, and then the plant might easily be taken for the common mushroom, or more likely for the smooth Lepiota (Lepiota nausina), which is entirely white, the gills only in age showing a faint pink tinge. It is very im- portant therefore, that, until one has such familiarity with these plants that they are easily recognized in the absence of some of these characters, the stem should) be carefully dug from the soil. In the case of the specimens of the deadly amanita growing in the lawn on the campus of Cornell University, the stems were sunk to three to four inches in the quite hard ground. _ The exact chemical nature of phallin, an extremely toxic substance, is not certainly known, but it is generally conceded to be of an albuminous nature. That it is an extremely EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—AMANITA 241 ~ deadly poison is shown by the fact that .0015 grain per 2 lbs. weight of the animal is a fatal dose for cats and dogs. It is the active principle of the most deadly of all mush- rooms, the Amanita phalloides, or death-cup fungus. We quote again from Mr. Chesnut’s account of phallin and its treatment: ‘The fundamental injury is not due, as in the case of muscarin, to a paralysis of the nerves controlling the action of the heart, but to a direct effect on the blood corpuscles. ‘These are quickly dissolved by phallin, the blood serum escaping from the blood vessels into the alimentary canal, and the whole system being rapidly drained of its vitality. No bad taste warns the victim, nor do the pre- liminary symptoms begin until nine to fourteen hours after the poisonous mushrooms are eaten. There is then considerable abdominal pain and there may be cramps in the legs and other nervous phenomena, such as convulsions, and even lockjaw or other kinds of tetanic spasms. The pulse is weak, the abdominal pain is ripadly followed by nausea, vomiting and extreme diarrhoea, the intestinal discharges assuming the ‘rice-water’ condition characteristic of cholera. The latter symptoms are persistently maintained, generally with- out loss of consciousness, until death ensues, which happens in from two to four days. There is no known antidote by which the effects of phallin can be counteracted. The un- digested material, if not already vomited, should, however, be removed from the stomach and intestines by methods similar to those given for cases of poisoning by Amanita muscaria.” Prof. Chesnut, writing in regard to the poisonous effect of this species, says that: The phallin spoken of is one of the toxalbumins, an extremely virulent poison found in poisonous animals especially the rattlesnake. These toxalbumins are allied to those found in diphtheria and other diseases produced by bacteria. Other species reported as poisonous or probably poisonous are A. flocco- cephala, and A. cothurnata. Ford has shown that A. spreta, and A. virosa, A. strobiliformis, A. chlorinosma, A. radicata, A. porphyria, and A. rubescens are poisonous. The A. verna, a small spring form of A. phalloides, is also very poisonous. Ford reports nearly 200 deaths since 1900 from this fungus in France, Germany, Italy, and England. Ford gives the pathological changes described by Maschka to be as follows: 1. Lack of post mortem rigidity. 2. Widening of the pupils. 3. Failure of blood to coagulate and a cherry-red color. 4. Ecchymoses and hemorrhages in the serous membranes and parenchy- matous organs. 5. Dilation of the bladder with urine. Studor, Sabli and Schéren found extensive necrotic and fatty changes in liver, kidney, heart and voluntary muscles. The amount of fat in the liver is nearly as great as in phosphorous poisoning. Clinical symptoms. Often latent period of from 6 to 12 hours during which the victims remain quite well. They are suddenly seized with terrible abdominal pain, excessive vomiting and thirst. Diarrhoea may set in with mucous bloody stools, or there may be constipation. The paroxysm of pain may be so severe as to result in a peculiar hipprocratic facies. The patients rapidly lose strength. In 3 to 4 days in children and 6 to 8 days in adults, coma develops, from which the patients cannot be aroused. Cyanosis and lowered temperature precedes the fatal exit. Ocular symptoms and convulsions do not-ordinarily occur, but convulsions may be present on a terminal event. The mortality varies from 60 to 100 per cent. Kobert obtained from A. phalloides a substance with marked hemolytic action, the dried extract dissolving ox blood 1 to 125,000. To this extract he gave the name phallin, which he considered a toxalbumin. 242 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS Later this author * found what he thought was a poisonous alkaloid, “that all typical forms contained an alcohol soluble poison;” that phallin was occasionally absent. Ford found that the extract of the fungus is a powerful hemolytic agent and quickly destroys the erythrocytes of guinea pig, fowl, pigeon, dog, goat, and man. This takes place at 37 degrees C., slower at lower temperatures, The corpuscles of sheep, beef, and swine are resistent. Raw and boiled milk act as an antidote—they are antihemolysins. Animals may be immunized by using non-lethal doses. Since the above has been written there have come to hand several recent papers by Dr. W. W. Ford,! who states that he found muscarin in several “yellow Amanitas” found in New York and Massachusetts. The aqueous ex- tract of Amanita muscaria first agglutinated and then slowly dissolved blood corpuscles. The agglutinin was heat resistant. The extracts produced hemolysis. The agglutinin is a glucoside. The Amanita solitaria also contains an agglutinin, The Amanita frostiana? contains a moderately hemolytic substance and free from resistant toxin and muscarin. By the same author the poisonous nature of a number of species is reported as follows. The A. phalloides produces a chronic intoxication in guinea pig, the animal dying in twenty-five days. The lesion is typical for amanita toxin. It is hemolytic for rabbit’s corpuscles, in a dilution of 1-20. The poison from A. virosa has a hemolytic strength of 1-200 in two hours and in dilution 1-100 at the end of 24 hours, and when heated to 60° C. Kills guinea pigs in twenty-four hours, with signs of acute intoxication. The A. spreta contains hemolysin and toxin but in rather a low degree. It should be classed with the deadly poisonous mushrooms. The A. porphyria, A. strobiliformis, A. radicata and A. chlorinosma are all poisonous and contain a heat resistant substance which induces in animals a chronic intoxication; the A. vittadini and A. rubescens should also be included according to Kobert.3 Dr. Ford in speaking of the poison in A. phalloides says: “In a series of investigations published from the John Hopkins University it has now been shown that Amanita phalloides contain two poisons which for the sake of clearness we speak of as the amanita-toxin.4 The hemolysin is probably the same hemolytic substance which Kobert had in his preparation of phallin and the toxin is possibly identical with Kobert’s second poison. The hemolysin was found in every specimen of Amanita phalloides which has thus far been examined, and when obtained from the fresh plant is the most powerful hemolysin of vegetable origin known. Drs. Abel and Ford5 have shown that all coagulable proteid can be removed from this substance by uranyl acetate in alkaline solutions and by freshly prepared metaphosphoric acid, and when thus freed from proteid it continues to act upon blood corpuscles and gives the reaction of a glucoside containing a pentose. We have recently 6 developed a method for the isolation and purification of this glucoside which has an activity of 1-300,000 in the pure state. Since its sensitiveness to heat and the di- gestive ferments the hemolysin is precluded from playing any important role in human intoxi- cation. We are inclined to believe that the amanita-toxin is the active principle, and Schlesinger and 17 have shown that this poison can be isolated by certain well-defined methods. It also is one of the powerful organic poisons, four-tenths of a milligram killing * Sitzungsb. Naturforschenden Gesellsch Rostock 1899:26. Statement from Prof. Ford. 1 The distribution of Poisons in Amanitas. ‘The Jour. of Pharma. and Ept. Therapeutics, 1:275-284. Notes on the Amanita-Toxin. Ford and Prouty. The Jour. of Pharm. and Expt. Therapeutics. 1:389. 2 Jour. Inf. Dis. 4:437. | 8 Lehrbuch des. Intoxikationen. Ed. 2. 617. 4¥Ford. Jour. Expt. Med. 8:437, May 26, 1906. 5 Abel and Ford: Jour. Biol. Chem. 11:273, Jan. 1907. é 6 Abel and Ford: Arch, f. Exp. Path. u. Pharmakol. Supplement-Band Schmeideberg Festschrift, 1908. aa 7 Schlesinger and Ford: Jour. Biol. Chem. 3:279, Sept. 1907. EUTHALLEPHYTA—EUMYCETES—AMANITA 243 a guinea-pig in twenty-four hours. The amanita-toxin contains no proteid, does not respond to any alkaloidal reagents, and on fusion with potassium hydrate gives off idol and pyrol. At first thought to be a congugate sulphate, I have recently found in association with Mr. Prouty that this opinion is incorrect. We hope to ascertain the more exact characterization of this poison shortly.” Lepiota. Fr. Lepiota Toadstool Plant with fleshy stem which can easily be separated from the cap; gills usually free from the stem; in some species the top of the cap breaks from the scales which adhere; volva absent. A small genus widely distributed. Some species are edible; L. procera is said to be excellent as food. L. Morgani. Pk. A large fleshy plant, sometimes a foot across the cap, with a thick stout stem and a ring removed a little distance from the gills; the pileus, when fully expanded, whitish, with dark scales; the spores and gills greenish. Distribution. From Ohio southward and westward in grassy places, some- times forming large fairy rings. Poisonous properties. ‘This plant is quite harmless to some people, but to others it causes very unpleasant symptoms. It should be eaten with caution. Russula. Pers. Russula Cap red, purple, violet, pink, blue, yellow, or green; pileus fleshy, convex, readily expanded and at length depressed; stem brittle, stout and smooth, spongy within and confluent with the cap. Russula emetica. Fr. Pileus fleshy, quite viscid, expanded, polished, shining, oval or bell-shaped when young, rose-red to yellow or even purple; margin furrowed, flesh white; gills free, equal, broad, distinct and white; stems stout, solid, or occasionally spongy; spores spherical. Distribution. Widely distributed in North America. Found in pastures and under trees. Readily distinguished by viscid cap and color. Mr. Hand states that it is easily recognized by its acrid taste and free gills. Poisonous properties. Mr. Mcllvaine says that he has repeatedly eaten them and referred to a number of others who have also eaten them without any bad results, but Hand thinks that their acrid taste is against their use or rather cautions their use. Prof. Ford states that they cause profound gastro- intestinal disturbances, such as attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea, recovery only after thorough emptying of the stomach. Volvaria. Fr. Volvaria Universal veil forming a perfect volva, separate from outer part of the pileus; stem readily separated from pileus; gills free, at first white, then pink, and then reddish, and soft. Volvaria bombycina. (Pers.) Fr. This plant has a silky lustre; pileus is from 6 to 8 inches broad, globose, becoming bell-shaped, convex and somewhat umbonate; flesh white; gills crowd 244 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ed and flesh colored; stem is 6 to 8 inches long, tapering upward; spores rosy, smooth in masses and elliptical; volva large and somewhat membranaceous. Poisonous properties. According to many authorities, this plant is edible, and it is likely that this and many other species can be eaten without serious trouble, although Gillot,* states that several species of this genus have caused death when eaten, though nothing is known of poisonous principle. Inocybe Fr. In the genus Jnocybe there is a universal veil which is fibrillose in char- acter, and more or less closely joined with the cuticle of the pileus, and the surface of the pileus is therefore marked with fibrils or is more or less scaly. Sometimes the margin of the pileus possesses remnants of a veil which is quite prominent in a few species. The gills are adnate, or sinuate, rarely decurrent, and in one species they are free. It is thus seen that the species vary widely, and there may be, after a careful study of the species, grounds for the separa- tion of the species into several genera. One of the most remarkable species is Inocybe echinata Roth. This plant is covered with a universal veil of a sooty color and powdery in nature. The gills are reddish purple, and the stem is of the same color, the spores on white paper of a faint purplish red color. Inocybe infida. This is slightly larger than Panaeolus papilionaceus, with semiorbicular cap surmounted by a prominent nipple, which is dark reddish-brown, while the rest of the upper surface is light tawny-brown. The upper surface also differs from that of the non-poisonous kind in being silky-scaly and shining. The lower sur- face differs in being much lighter, pale yellowish instead of brownish-black, and the spore-print is about the color of oak wood. Poisonous properties. Dr. William A. Murrill has recently contributed an account on the poisoning from Jnocybe infida, a plant which closely resembles the Panaeolus papilionaceus. It appears that Dr. Deming of West Chester, who poisoned himself and other members of the family, describes the following symptoms: ‘The fungi were gathered in the morning just before dinner. They were stewed and served on toast at one o’clock; he ate about half a slice of toast with mushrooms, drank some tea, and ate one-half a stuffed egg, with lettuce and mayonnaise dressing and after dinner smoked one-half a cigarette. Soon after he began to feel “queer,” then there followed a fullness in the head and a rapid heart action as if he had taken nitroglycerin, this was followed by a sweat, his clothing becoming wet, and. at the same time there was no nausea or prostration; his mind became a little bit confused. He then washed out the stomach, took castor oil and before the oil operated there was pressure and almost pain in the lower bowel. By evening he was as well as ever except somewhat exhausted. It appears that four other persons were affected with disagreeable symptoms from the eating of the mushroom. Dr. Deming says: “In my case the beating of the heart, fullness of the head and sweating were very marked, though I ate about half as much as the others.” Dr. Murrill says that there is nothing to suggest an irritating poison and that it is probably not narcotic. * Etude medicale sur l’empoisonement par les champignons. lLLyon, 1900. BASIDIOMYCETES—PHALLINEAE 245 PHALLINEAE Mycelium consists of branched strands matted together; from this is produced an oval body consisting of an outer wall, the peridium, and an inner peridium; between the two is a layer of gelatinous material; the outer portion of the oval body forms the volva; the central portion pushes through the peridium with a long cellular stalk, the upper one bearing the cap-shaped gleba; the spores are brown on club-shaped basidia, surrounded by a mucilag- inous material giving off an offensive odor. This sub-order contains the Clathraceae and Phallaceae. The Phallus impudicus and the Mutinus cani- nus have been regarded as suspicious. CLATHRACEAE Receptacle latticed or irregularly branched; gleba enclosed by the re- ceptacle. The following genera of this order are known to occur in the United States, chiefly in the southern states: Clathrus, Phallogaster, Simblum, and Anthurus. Dr. Farlow* is authority for the report from Gerald Mac- Carthy to the effect that in North Carolina hogs had been killed by eating Clathrus columnatus which a correspondent, Mr. G. W. Lawrence found growing in oak woods near Fayetteville. The animals died within twelve or fifteen hours after eating the fungus. According to Gillot, hogs are poisoned by these and by Phalloideae. © PHALLACEAE. Receptacle tubular or cylindrical with an external gleba. The common Stinkhorn Phallus impudicus has a thick hollow stalk of whitish color per- forated with pores; the upper part is honey-combed, resembling the morel. During the early stages, an egg-shaped body may be seen coming from a mass of white mycelium. The egg-shaped body is more or less mucilaginous and contains the stalk and gleba, the latter becomes exposed later. Flies, attracted by the carrion-like odor and mucilaginous material of the gleba, scatter the spores and, apparently, are not poisoned. The fungus, however, is usually regarded as poisonous as are several related genera and species such as Mutinus caninus. ‘The common Stinkhorn (P. impudicus) was formerly used as a salve in gout. HYMENOGASTRINEAE This contains the family Hymenogastraceae.. The sub-order Lycoperdineae includes two families, T’ylostomataceae and Lycoperdaceae. LYCOPERDACEAE Fruiting bodies globular, oval or pear-shaped, solid and fleshy, often of great size; before maturity, a dense white mass of homogenous hyphae occurs; the fruit is surrounded by a peridium, in some cases double; the interior is made up of branched threads called the capillitium, containing the spores; fruiting bodies break open in various ways at maturity. This group contains several interesting families. Many of the Lycoperdaceae are well known; among these are the Earth-star (Geaster), the Lycoperdon giganteum and * Farlow, W. G. Poisonous Nature of Clathrus columnatus. Bot. Gaz. 15:45-56. See also Halsted, B. D.., Rept. N. J. Agrl. Exp. Sta., 1894:417. 246 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 74. Puff balls and their Allies. Gasteromycetes. 1. Geaster fimbriatus, p Outer peridium, p1 Inner peridium. 2. Gautiera morchallaeformis, sectional view of fruiting body. 3. Secotium erythrocephalum. 4. Sectional view of the No. 3. 5. Bird’s Nest Fungus (Cyathus striatus), p Peridia of spore bearing body, the outer peridium open on top showing attachment of fruiting bodies. 7. ‘The same showing three fruiting bodies attached to wall. 8. Crucibulum vulgare showing hymenium and spores. 9. Hymenogaster tener, sectional view of fruiting body x 3. 10. Same, natural size. 11. Basidia with spores of No. 9. x 450. 12. Puff-ball (Lycoperdon sp.), natural size. 13. Part of hymenium of L. excipuli- forme with basidia and spherical spores. 14. Common Lead-color Puff-ball (Bovista plumbea), natural size. 1 after Kerner, 2 after Vittadini, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9,-11 after Tulasne, 8 after Sachs, 12-14 after Wettstein. BASIDIOMYCETES—LYCOPERDACEAE 247 Dr. Miquel lists the Lycoperdon Bovista as poisonous; this and Lycoperdon cyathiforme are edible when fresh, but poisonous when the plants are mature. NIDULARIACEAE This is allied to the above and contains the Bird’s Nest fungus. (Cruci- bulum vulgare), which occurs upon wood and manure, and the Cyathus striatus. The false truffle (Scleroderma vulgare) belongs to an allied order. ASCOMYCETES Mycelium many celled, branched; reproduction both sexual and asexual; spores known as ascospores, limited in number. Arranged in two divisions, the Hemiasci and the Euasci. Hemiasci Parasites or saphrophytes; reproduction generally asexual, in fertilization, the contents of the antheridium and the odgonium fuse. HEMIASCALES An unimportant group with three orders, Ascoideaceae, Protomycetaceae, which contains some plants that are parasitic, Protomyces macrosporus, upon the members of the carrot family. Fig. 75. Fertilization of Pyronema confluens. 1. Three oogonia (0) with fertilizing processes (¢) a—antheridia. 2. Oogonium after fertilization, with numerous nuclei. Part of fruiting body, the ascogonium forming hyphae (as), (a) antheridium, (0) oogonium. 1-3 greatly magnified. After Harper. The family Monascaceae contains one fungus which has been found in mouldy corn and silage in Iowa, the Monascus purpurens Went. It is related to the M. heterosporus (Harz) Shroter, which was found by Harz in a soap factory. The coloring matter from M. purpurens, known as “ang-quac,” is used in East- ern Asia as a pigment, being produced by the growth of the fungus on rice. The fungus consists of a mass of septate hyphae, producing conidia and peri- thecia with numerous asci; the ascospores are from 5-6.5m4, in diameter. The 248 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS details of the structure of this fungus have been given by Olive,t Barker,2 and Ikeno 3 and in a paper to be published by Dr. Buchanan. Dr. Buchanan found this species in spoiled corn silage, which was responsible for the death of several horses in Iowa. This species possibly has been the cause of the disease, this fungus occurring only where air had access to the silage. The fungus found by Harz produces a mycelium similar to the preceding with thick-walled swell- ings and color white or carmine red; conidia ellipsoidal, spherical, obovate, of two kinds, the smaller 2.5-3 «. to 7-8 m», occurring in chains or singly, the larger occurring singly 9-11 ms in diameter, and arising from lateral branches; spor- angia from short lateral branches are spherical 40-53 m» in diameter, many spored; the sporangia are surrounded by branched hyphae, ascospores spherical or oval, colorless 4-5 » in diameter ; conidia and hyphae contain a carmine red pigment physonvycin. Fig. 75A. Corn Silage fungus (Monascus purpureus.) 1, 2, 3, Conidiophores with conidia; 4, germinating conidium; 5, sterile hypha covering of perithecium sending out branches, these are sometimes tipped with conidia; 6, optical section of mature perithecium, spores still within asci. Found in corn silage by Dr. Buchanan. Euasci Asci with definite number of spores, usually 2, 4, 8, 16, 32; seldom, but occasionally 1-celled. EUASCALES Contains the yeast plant, peach curl, plum pocket, ergot, blue - mould, powdery mildews, etc. PROTOASCINEAE Asci single, in one group, without distinctive development of the mycelium; in the other with a distinctive mycelium bearing the asci with their spores. 1 Annals of Bot. 17:167, pl. 12 &13. 2 Bot. Gazette. 39:56. 3 Ber. deutsch Bot. Gesellsch. 12:259. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—YEAST 249 SACCH AROM YCETACEAE. Vegetative cells single or in small groups; mycelium usually not evident, reproduction, by budding; ascospores, usually 4, produced in the cell; occasion- ally 8, 3, 5, or seldom 1. The Saccharomycetes are fungi important in the process of fermenta- tion. It is only in recent years that any parasitic species has been recog- nized. Metchnikoff, in 1884, found a parasitic yeast Monospora bicuspidata in Daphnids. Raum and Neumayer in 1891 declared yeasts were pathogenic. Busse, 1894, demonstrated that certain yeasts were pathogenic. Tokishige about the same time observed a yeast pathogenic for horses. Sanfelice isolated from the cancerous-like growth of an ox a Saccharomyces which was pathogenic for guinea pigs. The same author found another species in pigeons. Lydia Rabinowitsch studied 50 species of yeasts, of which 7 proved to be pathogenic. In 1895 Prof. Curtis found the second case of Saccharomyces in a young man; clinically the disease resembled a myxosarcoma. It is doubtful whether these forms are true yeasts. Some of these appear to be Hyphomycetes rather than Saccharomycetes. I have therefore discussed these under the form genus Oidium. Fig. 76. Yeast. Saccharomyces mycoderma. A. Process of germination. B. Myceli- um budding in a weak nutrient solution. C. (a) Yeast-like form budding; (b) long cells. 250 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Saccharomyces. Meyen. Yeast Vegetative cells spherical, ellipsoidal, oval or pear-shaped, occasionally elongated mycelial like; asci spherical, ellipsoidal or cylindrical with 1-8 asco- spores l-celled spherical or ellipsoidal. About 40 species. The S. apiculatus, Rees, is important in the fermentation of fruit. The S. ellipsoideus causes the fermentation of wine. The S. mycoderna, Rees, forms a white mass on cider, wine, cucumbers, etc., and prepares the way for the acetic acid ferment- ation. The S. kefyr, Beyerinck, along with Bacillus acidi-lactici and other bac- teria is found in Keyfr grains. SS. glutinus Fres., the pink yeast, is found growing on nutrient media in laboratories. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Meyen. Common yeast Vegetative cells, spherical or oval, 8-10x8-12 » singly, or in several, budding chains with one or more vacuoles; asci spherical or short elliptical 11-14, gen- erally with 4 ascospores tetradform. It produces a white growth on gelatine and potato, does not liquify the gelatine; causes fermentation of grape sugar, maltose and cane sugar. The biology of the fermentation of beer is as fol- lows: Barley, which is ordinarily used for this purpose, is allowed to germ- inate; during the process of germination the starch, by means of diastasé, is converted into sugar, the sugar being afterwards removed with the water; this sugary fluid is then placed in large vats in dark rooms at a comparatively low temperature; the yeast plant is added and fermentation starts. The fermentation of sugar is due to an enzyme found in the yeast plant, to which Buchner has given the name of Zymase. This enzyme breaks the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxid. It is not necessary to have the living organism present to produce this fermentation, as a quantity of the yeast ex- tract mixed with the solution of fermentible sugar will produce at the end of some days a small amount of alcohol. The enzyme decomposes very rapidly. Reynolds Green, in his book on fermentation, says: From these researches it appears certain that the production of alcohol whether in the presence or absence of oxygen is brought about by the activity of an enzyme. Its secretion by the cells of yeast attends the ordinary nutritive processes as well as the abnormal de- compositions set up by incipient asphyxiation. ‘The latter condition induces its formation in other parts of plants. The absence of oxygen stimulates the protoplasm of the cells to secrete it, the ultimate effect of its appearance being the liberation of energy as already stated. Distribution. Widely distributed. Poisonous properties. The chemical composition of alcohol is C, H, OH. Different alcoholic drinks contain different percentages of alcohol. Ale and beers contain from 4 to 8 per cent together with bitters and malt extract; cider from 5 to 9 per cent; sherry from 15 to 20 per cent. Fig. re Yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ascospores in cells. Spores at f. Magn. 1000. After Hansen. — ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—YEAST 251 Fig. 78. Yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1. Single cell with vacuoles. 2. Cells budding x 1500. 3. Numerous daughter cells x 1000. 4. Cell with ascospores x 1200. 5. S. ellipsoideus. 1-4 Modified from Iuerssen and Rees; 5 after Hansen. Alcohol in its action is a germicide and when applied to the raw surface or wounds it is a stimulant and local anaesthetic, while in concentrated form it is an irritant and even caustic. When placed upon surfaces of the broken skin it causes cooling and contraction of the superficial blood vessels. When absorbed it hardens the tissues. Internally it causes a secretion of saliva and the heart is stimulated by the irritative action of alcohol.. In large amounts it destroys the peptic ferment. Dr. Winslow says: Alcohol is essentially a heart stimulant and the most valuable one we possess. It makes the heart beat more forcibly and rapidly, and also increases blood pressure, despite the fact that, normally, alcohol causes dilation of the arterioles. In weakened bodily conditions, with vascular relaxation, alcohol may increase vascular tonicity. The heart and blood vessels are paralyzed by poisonous doses of alcohol and blood tension falls tremendously. The local effect of alcohol upon the peripheral nerves resembles the action after ab- sorption upon the system generally. The nervous system is affected in nearly the same order and manner as by anaesthetics, and the same stages may be observed. The stages include the stimulant, depressant and paralytic. The law of dissolution is demonstrated by alcohol, as the more highly organized centres and those more recently developed in the process of evolution are first to succumb, and in following out this order, the medulla, the first of the higher centres to be developed, is the last to be influenced by the drug. In accordance with this law the cerebrum is first acted upon. The period of excitement is brief and is due in a considerable degree to the increased cerebral circulation and flushing of the brain. It is essential to emphasize the fact that by far the most apparent and decided action of alcohol is one of depression upon the nervous system as a whole. ‘The stimulating influence of alcohol upon the spinal centres is more marked in the lower animals than in man because the brain is proportionately small and poorly developed in the former. The primary stimulating effect of alcohol is shown in man by increased mental activity and ap- parent brilliancy, but acute reasoning and judgment are not enhanced, and in many cases there is almost immediate mental confusion and drowsiness induced. lo on bo MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS EXOASCACEAE This small order contains parasitic and saprophytic species. The asci are without perithecium, except in Gymnoascus and Ctenomyces where there is a rudimentary perithecium. The Taphrinae are undoubtedly related to the yeasts and by some are placed in one order known as Gymnoasceae, being represented by Gymnoascus. The Gymnoasceae exclusive of Taphrinae are sometimes placed with the Plectascineae, a fungus occurring on the dung of horses and producing simple-fruiting organs, which consist of short-branched filaments arising either from a single hypha in which a cell is cut off, or several, one being spirally wound about the other. This becomes the ascus, which contains the ascospores. In Eremascus the ascus-producing part resembles certain zygospores. In Ctenomyces the ascus is surrounded by simple torulose hyphae, representing a rudimentary perithecium. The Hidamella spinosa described by Matruchot and Dassonville is allied to Gymnoascus. It produces numerous ovoid short stalked asci with 8 ovate colorless ascospores. Parasitic on dog. The life history of parasitic members of this order may be represented by Exoascus pruni. This fungus grows on the fruit of various species of the genus Prunus, producing in plums what is known as plum pockets or bladder plums. The fungus, when fully developed, consists mainly of a single layer of palisade-like asci, which produce their branching mycelium in the parenchyma of the affected part, and later develop between the outer walls of the epidermal cells and cuticle. Here Fig. 79. Exosceae. 1. Plum pocket (Exoascus Pruni), on Prunus Padus. a. Normal fruit; b, abnormal fruit. 2. E. Alni-incaniae on alder (Alnus incana); scales enlarged. 3-5. E. alnittorquus; 3. Surface view, alder leaves showing hyphae (h) between cuticle and remainder of epidermal cell. 4. Formation of asci (as). 5. Ripe asci with ascospores x 100. 1-2 after Wettstein. 3-5 after Sadebeck. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—EXOASCUS 293 they grow and spread out to the surface, forming a single layer of cells, each cell swells, the cuticle becomes ruptured and a palisade-like layer of asci is formed. There are eight ascospores in each ascus which escape by means of an opening at the tip. The ascospores of Taphrina frequently germinate in the as- cus, budding like yeast and in this budding condition they produce a small amount of alcohol. Another troublesome species is the Peach Curl (Exvoascus deformans) which occurs on the young leaves of peaches. The E. Cerasi is another destruc- tive species producing the “Witches Brooms” of the cherry Prunus Cerasus. The E. Betulinus produces the “Witches Broom” in the Birches. PEZIZINEAE, HELVELLINEAE, TUBERINEAE, PHACIDIINEAE Mycelium well developed; asci borne upon large fruiting bodies and a continuous hymenium consisting of the asci, sterile threads, the paraphyses. Contains a number of common cup fungi like the Peziza, Morchella esculenta, and Hellvella. A Sclerotinia produces a disease on red mangolds, beans, and hemp; Sclerotinia also occurs upon clover and the common brown plum rot, (Sclerotinia). Helvella suspecta with a reddish brown pileus and a dirty flesh colored stalk is suspected of being poisonous. It has a nauseous, sweetish taste, and produces hellvellic acid, a hemolytic, or blood destroying substance. The Gyromitra esculenta also produces helvellic acid and is regarded as poisonous. It owes its toxicity to the blood making properties. The Hellvellas, Morels, and Sclerotinia belong to the family, Helvellaceae. ‘Tuber produces tuber like bodies found in the soil. The organism is parasitic on trees. The fruiting bodies are enclosed by a peridium which consists of corrugated, smooth, or wart-like excrescences. The hyphae are compact. The ascospores occur in winding passages in the interior. Some of the Hellvellas and Morels are edible. The truffle (Tuber aestivum) of the family Eutuberaceae are edible. The family Phacidiaceae, contains one important parasite of the alfalfa, the Phacidium Medicaginis. ‘The diseased leaves turn yellow and soon fall. The yellow leaf, or in some cases the green leaves, contain the small blackish or brownish specks usually upon the upper side of the leaf, the injury extend- Fig. 80. Enlarged plum branches. Exoascus communis on Prunus maritima, projecting beyond the mass are the asci, some of which contain the spherical ascospores. After At- nson. 254 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 81. Tuberaceae. Truffles. 1. Tuber rubrum, Part of interior of a truffle, show- ing hyphae, asci, and ascospores, greatly magnified. 2. TJ. aestivum, fruiting body. fh brumale, section of truffle. 4. Ascospore of T. Magnatum. 1, 3, 5, after Tulasne. 2 after Wettstein. . ing to the lower surface. The spot contains a small pustule called the apothe- cium, which is cup-shaped. ‘This cup-shaped body contains the asci (sacs) in which 8 small spores occur, the ascospores with the ascus, the two slender threads are known as paraphyses. ‘This fungus is a serious parasitic disease of the alfalfa. The fungus does much injury to the fodder and it is not im- probable that at times may be injurious to animals consuming the fodder. Fig. 82. Enlarged leaf showing spots. b. Single spot enlarged: c. Ascus with ascospores, paraphyses coming from mycelium. ASCOM YCETES—EUASCI—PHACIDIUM co 3 To LIC TS Section through apothecium found on leaf; the asci, ascospores and mycelium. Fig. 83. Combs. Conidiophore, spores in ile (threads hyphae) with asci and Brefeld. Common Blue Mould (Penicilium glaucum). Sclerotium or hard compact mass of fungus Asci and ascospores shown above. \ Fig. 84. chains. 2. ascospores. 256 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS PLECTASCINEAE Generally saprophytic fungi with a well developed mycelium, either buried in the sub-stratum or superficial. Reproduction sexual or asexual; asci either borne directly on the mycelium or in closed fruiting bodies, called perithecia. ASPERGILLACEAE Peridium thick; perithecia small; the sexual reproduction may be seen from the development as it occurs in the Blue Mould (Penicillium). Penicillium. Link A branched septate mycelium; conidiophores with septa, numerous branches near the apex; contains small flask-shaped sterigmata; spores borne in chains; conidiophores sometimes in bundles, as in the old Coremium; asci develop in poorly-lighted places in a sclerotium-like body. Penicillium glaucum. Link. Blue Mould At first a white mycelium spreads over the surface or through the sub- stratum; the mycelium, through an enzyme action, undoubtedly, dissolves the starch; raised masses are formed on the surface, which consist of masses of mycelium thread strands; the strands send out lateral branches from the end of which a whorl of short branches appears, which give rise to one or more whorls; from the ultimate branches a chain of small spores is produced, the last one on the chain being the oldest. The ascospores have not been found in corn, but occur in poorly lighted places and are produced in the absence of oxygen. ‘The spores produced in chains germinate when the required amount of moisture and heat is present, so that unlimited numbers of generations may proceed from a single spore. These spores also preserve their vitality for a considerable length of time. Brefeld has shown that they will germinate though kept in a dry place for several years. ‘The organism grows at various temperatures, from near the freezing point to a considerable heat. It also resists antiseptics. It is one of the most troublesome fungi in stored fruit. Penicillium glaucum is an organism which contains diastase, maltase, emulsin and a ferment which inverts cane sugar. Calcium oxalate is deposited in the perithecia. Under certain conditions mannite is said to be produced. When the Penicillium glaucum occurs in grape must it delays fermentation. Distribution. "The common blue mould is widely distributed in nature and is contained in a large number of the spores which drop in on fruits and decay- ing bodies and there germinate and produce fruiting bodies. Poisonous properties. This fungus certainly is not pathogenic. It is widely distributed on decaying fruit; it has been suspected, in several instances, of being poisonous, but there is no evidence to support the supposition that this is the case or that it produces toxic substances. Under certain conditions it may, possibly, produce mycotic stomatitis. It has been found in sputum, nasal secretions, and in the stomach, but these cases are without special significance. Penicillium minimum. Siebenmann Mycelium at first white, flocculent, changing to blackish green when spores are formed; conidiophores slender, branching, bearing a chain of spores from 2-3 « in diameter. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ASPERGILLUS 257 Fig. 85. Green Mould. (Aspergillus glaucus) on the left, A. repens on the right, both with conidia in chains, and conidiophores. After Siebenmann. Distribution. Found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Found by Siebenmann in the ear. Aspergillus. Micheli Parasites or saprophytes with branched septate mycelium; reproduction sexual or asexual; in the asexual, conidiophores enlarged at the end, the en- larged portion bearing numerous small sterigmata, or these bearing smaller sterigmata; the conidia borne in chains; occasionally sclerotia form; perithecia small with asci and ascospores. The ascigerous stage of a few only is known. The life history of the common herbarium mould was first worked out by DeBary. A little known A. sulphureus is said to cause muscular contractions, and tubercular bodies. Aspergillus glaucus. (\.) Link Mycelium on or in the substratum forming a bluish green growth; conidia spherical or somewhat elliptical, slightly roughened, 6-15 # in diameter, borne in chains attached to a short simple sterigmata; perithecia form little yellow masses; each ascus has 8 colorless biconvex ascospores 8-10 » in diameter. The life history of this fungus is as follows: This species is common in stored grain and hay. The mycelium spreads over the surface and through the substratum; it enters the kernel because of the dissolving action of an enzyme produced by the mycelium. From this mycelium erect threads (conidiophores or sporophores) arise which are enlarged at the end. From the enlarged portion of the conidiophores numerous small and radiating stalks (sterigmata) are pro- duced, each bearing a chain of spores, the end spores of the chain being the older. These spores germinate under favorable conditions of moisture and heat, and again give rise to the same stage. In addition to this, the conidial stage, a second kind of reproductive body occurs. This is produced by the coil- ing of a branch of the mycelium having several turns. Two or three slender branches grow from the base. One of these grows more rapidly and connects with the top of the spiral coil formed first. The contents of those last formed MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 258 as 3. 1. General appearance showing long conidiophore and or Contents from an A small part of a mycelium with conidiophore c and spore-bearing Fig. 86. Common Aspergillus. sterigmata on end. 2. Perithecia with one ascus and ascospores. 4. All after DeBary except 1. unripe perithecium. sterigmata, young ascogonium a, s re fi | x { Un 2. Aspergillus. Fig. 87. Mouldy maize kernels. 1. Aspergillus (Sterigmatacystis). 3. Rhizopus, 4. Pencillium. Charlotte M. King. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ASPERGILLUS as ay { fit \} AA om wt Fig. 87a. Mycotic stomatitis caused from eating mouldy hay and parasitic fungi on forage plants. (U.S. Dept. Agrl.) unite with the spiral known as the ascogonium. After fertilization a perithecium is produced, which contains the asci, each ascus being surrounded by a delicate wall and containing eight biconvex ascospores. Asperigillus forms diastase and is capable of changing starch into dextrin and maltose. Distribution. Widely distributed in nature on mouldy hay, corn and other grains. Poisonous properties. The organism is not pathogenic but probably develops a poisonous substance which may produce disturbance. Dr. Law mentions a serious case, epizootic cerebro-spinal meningitis, in Pennsylvania, due to the feeding of mouldy timothy hay, which was badly fermented. In Cairo, Egypt, 6,000 horses and mules perished from the same cause. Michener attributes this disease to foods undergoing fermentation due to toxic fungi. Williams, of Idaho, thought also that the fermentation of alfalfa, timothy and wild grass hay produced the disease. Dr. Law says: In all probability as we learn more of the true pathology of the disease, we shall come to recognize not one, but several toxic principles, and several different affections, each with its characteristic phenomena in the somewhat indefinite affection still known as cerebro- spinal meningitis. It occurs in horses, sheep, oxen, goats, and dogs, preferably attacking the young which have not become immuned to the toxic substance. It occurs most commonly in winter and spring when animals shed the coat. Dr. Mayo, who investigated this trouble in Kansas, says that a disease known as “staggers,” “mad staggers,” or, as he has termed it, enzootic cerebritis, is caused by feeding corn which is attacked by Aspergillus glaucus. The spores of the fungus gain entrance to the circulation, and find lodgment in the kidneys and liver. He supports his conclusions by experiments made by him on a guinea pig and a 260 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS young colt. He also quotes Kaufmann, who was successful in producing a disease with Penicillium glaucum and Aspergillus glaucus. There is considerable loss in many states from cerebro-spinal meningitis. In many parts of the country this is attributed, as I have said before, to mouldy corn. Dr. Bitting, of the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station, made an investigation of this question and concludes that mouldy corn is not responsible for this disease. Upon an examination of mouldy corn he found several moulds and a bacterium. To test the poisonous properties of these, two horses were injected under the skin with five cubic centimeters. Later, larger amounts were given, and each animal was induced to eat as much as five pounds of the infected meal per day. One of the moulds as well as the bacterium gave negative results; the Fusarium produced a redness of the gums and some salivation. In no case did cerebro- spinal meningitis result. The results of the experiment show that inoculations with culture of the bacteria and moulds were ineffective. Eating of the mushes containing pure culture showed that only in the case of a growth of a species of Fusarium did any intestinal disturbance follow, and that in one case the feeding of the rotted grain produced considerable intestinal disturbance and some nervous symptoms, but that the disturbance was light in the other. Grawitz succeeded in producing infection by adapting the digestive tract of the animals to an alkaline medium. Roberts and Bitting say in regard to this trouble in Indiana: It affects horses, cattle and sheep, but the cause is not known. ‘This disease is reported in stables in the fall and winter. The reports indicate that about an equal number of horses and cattle become affected, but that they rarely become affected at the same time. The horses and cattle kept in the same barn and fed the same kind of food will not become diseased at the same time. Most of the cases occur while feeding ensilage or shredded fodder and thus it has come to be called ensilage disease and shredded fodder disease. The character of the food, however, is only an incident, for cases may occur when other spoiled or fermented foods are present, or when only the best foods are used. The disease is often ascribed to mouldy and rat-eaten corn, but our experiments with such foods and pure cultures of moulds from such foods were negative. Bad sanitation is also ascribed as a cause. In regard to Mycotic Stomatitis of cattle which they attributed to moulds: The particular organism causing the disease, if there be one, has not been described. It seems probable that the disease is due to more than one form of fungi which may be present on the pasture. The animals affected are cattle of all ages above 4 months. The disease is not contagious, but usually affects a number of animals in a given herd, and always while in pasture. The fact of a number of animals being affected is due to similar exposure and not to infection spreading from one animal to another. Attempts at direct inoculation have not been successful. The disease occurs in some localities every year, and in others seemingly under special climatic influences. I know a locaiity where it may be developed at any time by permitting cattle to graze along the roadside. The disease is much more prevalent on permanent blue grass than upon timothy pasture, and is of rare occurrence upon pastures used in a crop rotation. ‘The disease develops in pastures allowed to grow for some little time without being used. It is particularly liable to develop a few days after a good rainfall succeeding a dry period. The symptoms are inability to graze, saliva dribbling from the mouth, and frequent visitations to the watering trough, holding the mouth in the water as though it were burned. The animals appear to be hungry but cannot eat. The mouth is red and lips, gums and tongue swell. Blisters form and these soon give way to ulcers that may remain distinct or run together. In some of the aggravated forms the ulcers may unite so that when the crust comes off, it will make a cast of a lip or the whole end of the tongue. The crusts are usually from the size of a dime to that of a quarter. The tongue may swell to such an extent as to protrude from the mouth and the animal be unable to draw it inside. The muzzle may be increased one-half in size. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ASPERGILLUS 261 Dr. Craig, of the same state, reports somewhat similar experience. Captain F. Smith, in his manual of Veterinary Hygiene, refers to the in- juries from moulds, especially Penicillium and Aspergillus, calling attention to the brittleness of hay caused by fungi, and that the spores produce irritation to the respiratory passages. He states further that oats and bran have pro- duced diabetes, paralysis, and subsequent death in horses. He refers to the case mentioned by Professor Varnell in which the horse died in three days from eating moldy oats. Professor Gamgee calls attention to the disease in France and Scotland in the years 1854 and 1856, due to horses feeding on grass which had become wet and musty. The animals suffered cerebral derangement, producing stomach staggers, so-called by English writers. Aspergillus Oryzae. Ahlburg Rabbits inoculated showed convulsive symptoms; tubular foci occurred in the intestines. The Aspergillus Oryzae forms maltose and diastase and in Eastern Asia plays an important part in the manufacture of “sake” or rice beer, which has been a national drink of the Chinese for centuries. Aspergillus malignum. (Lindt.) Mycelium bluish gray, conidiophores short, the end pear-shaped, 22-24 4 wide; sterigmata branching, conidia in chains 3-4 m in diameter; perithecia 40-60 », ascospores 6-8. Distribution. Found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Grows best at the higher temperatures. Found by Lindt in the human ear. ee Fig. 88b. Pale Mould (Aspergillus Fig. 88. Aspergillus Oryzae on rice. flavus). Showing conidiophore and 1. Conidiophore, sterigmata and conidia spores attached in chains. After Sie- 2. Young conidiophore. Modified by benmann. Charlotte M. King after drawing by Wehmer. 262 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Aspergillus flavus. Link Hyphae arachnoid, white; the fertile erect, slightly cespitose; conidia 5-7 mu in diameter, small, globose, vari-colored, slightly wart-like, collected about the white sub-globose, wart-like apex; apex finally becoming yellowish; sclerotium very small, dark. Aspergillus fumigatus, Fresenius Forms greenish or bluish gray masses on the surface of the substratum, conidiophores short with a semi-spherical mass 8-204 in diameter. Sterigmata bear the spherical conidia 2.5-3 » in diameter, which are at first bluish green and later brown. Sclerotia unknown. Grows best at a temperature of 37-40° C. Distribution. Widely distributed. Fig. 89. Section of kidney of rab- bit showing mycelium of an Aspergillus. After Grawitz. Pathogenic properties. It has been known for some time that several species of Aspergillus are pathogenic for animals. In 1815 Mayer and Emmert found the fungus in the lungs of a jay. In 1826 it was reported in the long bones of a white stork by Heusinger, and numerous other cases in birds like the flamingo, duck, chicken, ostrich, and turkey, have been reported, especially in Europe. Kihn, in 1893, furnished quite conclusive evidence that certain species of Aspergillus can produce necrosis and disease. Chantemesse, at the tenth International Congress in Berlin, called attention to a disease of pigeons resembling tuberculosis which he said was produced by an Aspergillus. Saxer attributed mycosis to an Aspergillus, and, according to Sticker, the disease may appear sporadic and endemic, the latter to persons who feed pigeons and to the hair combers in Paris. It is spontaneous in horses, cattle, dogs, and birds, and is sometimes quite epidemic in birds. ‘The form of the disease when it occurs in the lung is callel Bronchopneumomycosis; it appears that various species of Aspergilli also occur in connection with otomycosis, and oc- casionally in the nose or the eye. A very complete history is given by Drs. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ASPERGILLUS 263 Mohler and Buckley in the report of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Hughes Bennett reported a case in the sputum of a tubercular patient, and, in 1847, Sluyter reported definitely on the Aspergillus in the lungs of a human being. Virchow in 1856 reported several cases. In 1879, Leber first described a pur- ulent keratitis due to aspergillus infection. Drs. Mohler and Buckley, in re- ferring to the observations on pneumomycosis, say: Dieulafoy, Chantemesse, and Widal, reported their observations and studies of pneu- monomyccsis as it occurs in a certain class of men in Paris. ‘These men feed thousands of young pigeons daily by taking into their mouths a mixture of grain and water which they force into the mouths of the birds much in the same way that the old pigeons feed their young. It had been a matter of common observation that these men were sufferers from a severe pulmonary disorder; but when their sputum was examined, instead of finding tubercle bacilli, only the threads of mycelia were detected. This observation was subse- quently confirmed by Renon and other investigators. Until this time it had been held that the presence of fungi in the lung tissue was of secondary importance, but these observations dispelled further argument. Experiments on animals in which they were made to inhale the spores, were successful in producing the disease; thus it was that the natural infection was proved. Renon, who made an exhaustive study of the subject, concludes as follows concerning aspergillosis: 1. That aspergillosis is a spontaneous disease affecting the bronchi and lungs of birds and animals, and creating in the animals a generalized affection similar to hemorrhagic septicemia; that it develops in eggs in incubation and may contaminate the embryos con- tained therein. 2. The disease may be transmitted experimentally. The botanical and cultural char- acters of the fungus and the lesions it provokes are truly specific. In its pathogenic action it bears a strong resemblance to tubercle bacillus. 3. In man it develops upon the cornea or skin, but has its particular evolution in the respiratory apparatus, creating pulmonary mycosis, resembling tuberculosis, and pulmonary gangrene, but without the fetid odor. It may coexist with tuberculosis. Occasionally it is fatal after the formation of cavities in the lungs. It may invade the bronchial apparatus alone, causing membranous bronchitis of special form and of long duration. 4. In all its manifestations Aspergillus fumigatus may play a primary or secondary role in both man and animals. It is not, therefore, a simple saprophyte, but a true parasite. Renon points out the relation of the occupation of man to his contracting the disease. When animals and men are kept where the mould is common, as in hair assorting establishments where rye is used to disentagle the hair, they become affected with the disease. The handling of dusty grain and feeds may lead to infection from Aspergillus. Saxer also went into historical details giving his experiments with mycosis in man. In 1857 Aspergillus was observed by Rivolta in the pharyngeal abscess of a horse. Gotti.observed it in an auric- ular catarrh of a dog. Pech observed mycotic pneumonia in seven horses, where they had been fed mouldy hay. Several cases where the Aspergillus occurred in the trachea of cows have also been reported. Pearson and Ravene! record a case of pneumomycosis of the lung of a cow. Infection takes place generally by the inhalation of the spores. The spores germinate in the bronchial branches, develop a mycelium and produce conidio- phores and spores on the surface. Drs. Mohler and Buckley, calling attention to the various aspergilli which have been found, say: Numerous experiments have been tried with the various fungi, especially in relation to the best temperatures for their development and fructification, and it has been found that, although a few are able to germinate in the bronchioles, the Aspergillus fumigatus is about the only one which develops a vigorous growth there and fructifies, the temperature of the human body seeming to be quite suitable for this species. Most of the other molds develop at a much lower temperature and are therefore usually harmless even if introduced 264 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS into the lungs. But for the Aspergillus fumigatus the lungs act as a veritable propagating house, furnishing a moist, nutrient soil upon which to grow and a congenial, warm, moist atmosphere with a sufficient amount of oxygen for its demand to come to complete maturity and for fructification to take place. When the fungous growth is localized in the bronchial mucous membrane, the condition is known as bronchomycosis. It may be that the tissues are able to forestall entrance into their substance and finally the fungi die and recovery takes place. In birds the growth may extend to the air sacs; this condition is then called cytomycosis. Cases of cytomycosis are very rare; and when it does occur, emaciation of the birds is the predominating symptom. When the lung tissue itself is the seat of invasion, the term pneumonomycosis is applied. Invasion of the lung tissue by the mycelium is the occasion for an intense inflammatory disturbance with positive chemotaxis. However, this tissue reaction seems to offer the most trifling barrier to the parasitic encroachment in such weakly subjects as birds. Generali states that delicate breeds of pigeons are noticeably susceptible to this disease. In regard to the symptoms in birds, he says: The birds become listless, mope, and do not follow the rest of the flock. When made to run they soon become exhausted and fall and have great difficulty in breathing. Even when disturbed they appear very weak and gasp for breath, extending their heads and making movements as if choking. There is a great thirst, but a diminution or complete loss of appetite. The birds become rapidly emaciated, the wings are pendant, the eyelids droop, comb and wattles become quite pale, and a general dejected appearance follows. Usually there is an intense diarrhea which weakens the bird very much. In the experimental disease the diarrhoea is an accompaniment just as in that of a spontaneous development, The plumage is said to appear ruffled, and the respirations become croupy, even when the disease has not advanced very far; later they are more rapid and a rattling noise can be heard. In the final stages suffocation is threatened. When the air sacs are affected very few symptoms manifest themselves, though emacia- tion is marked. As in any similar condition of the lungs, fever is high, and symptoms that would be manifested in pneumonia of fowls would, of course, show here. ‘There is more or less catarrh of the trachea and bronchi, and if these alone were diseased there would probably be nothing to attract notice other than symptoms of bronchitis. Bleeding from the nostrils has been observed in man and in animals, and it may be that this would also occasionally be seen in birds. If the air spaces in the bones become affected, lameness with swelling of the joints may result. The duration of the disease is quite variable and death may take place in from one to eight weeks from asphyxia or marasmus. Duration depends a great deal upon the portion of the respiratory apparatus that is affected; if the aspergillar nodules were localized in the mouth, as it is sometimes in pigeons, or in the bones or air sacs, the duration of the disease would, of course, be much longer than if in the bronchi or lung substance. The pathological lesions are as follows: The actinomycotic masses are noteworthy. The fungus may frequently be- come localized in kidneys, and muscles of heart. The microscopic examination of these organs disclosed a picture simulating the gross appearance of an advanced case of pulmonary tuberculosis, with the exception that the bronchial tubes were almost completely plugged with a greenish velvety membranous lining. In the bronchial divisions not wholly occluded by the croupous exudate are seen the characteristic aspergillar fruitheads in various stages of development, from that of a slight bulging end of the hypha to those giving off their spores. Included within this alveolar exudate are quite a few leucocytes and red blood cells, but their presence is by no means constant. ‘The bronchial mucosa is often eroded and the lining epithelium re- placed by a fibrinous coagula or by a membranous material composed of matted mycelial threads from which hyphae extend into the air space, forming spore-bearing fruitheads, owing to the presence of oxygen. In animals in which the disease was experimentally induced by the injection of the spores into the blood vessels or into the lung substance, miliary lesions resembling tubercu- lar formations were quite noticeable in the lung tissues, and in these an occasional giant cell was discovered. In the lungs of a chicken which was inoculated directly into the lung substance, an acute miliary pseudo-tuberculosis was produced, accompanied by intense hemorrhages into the interstitial tissues, as was also the case in intravenous inoculations. In these tubercular nodules penetrating filaments could be made out, but the spores could ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ASPERGILLUS 265 not be surely demonstrated, or at least differentiated from other cellular elements. Often the bronchial ramifications were the seat of hemorrhage, in which a noteworthy increase in the number of leucocytes could be observed. In large rabbits the pathological lesions appeared to be as follows: Rabbit No. 1008 failed to show any marked symptoms for the first two weeks after inoculation. It then began to lose weight, and on the twenty-fifth day was chloroformed. The postmortem examination showed an involvement of the liver, spleen, kidneys, and abdominal serous membranes, as in the preceding rabbit, but to a less extent. The organs of the thoracic cavity were apparently normal. The optimum temperature of growth for the fungus is from 35°-40° C. Ceni and Besta in their investigations isolated a toxin from two species of Aspergillus, the A. flavus and A. fumigatus. Dogs inoculated intra-abdominally with large doses died within a few hours, showing tetanic symptoms and gen- eral hyperemia of all the organs. This work has not, however, been confirmed. Drs. Mohler and Buckley did not succeed in producing serious symptoms with the filtered product when injected into rabbits. The Aspergilli also produce disease of the eye but, according to Plaut, this disease is not of frequent occurrence; he discusses several cases under the head of keratomycosis. One case described by Leber is as follows: A farmer forty-five years of age, while threshing had the misfortune to have some chaff of oats thrown into his eye. The sclerotic coat became inflamed, followed by healing and total leucoma (leucom). Another case is cited where a pear was thrown against the eye of a farmer, and another case of a fifty- three year old patient, a miller by profession, who had a slight fever, his right eye becoming inflamed. The conjunctiva had the appearance of trachoma. The sclerotic coat was clouded and the surface of the eye brittle, consisting of threads of fungi. Fuchs, who investigated this case, determined that the fungus was Aspergillus. Aspergillus fumigatus has also been observed in the nasal cavities where it produces necrosis and a disagreeable odor. In a review of a paper by E. Bodin and L. Gautier * the following state- ments are made with reference to the Toxin found in Aspergillus fumigatus. From a study of this fungus in cultures and in experimental animals it was found that Aspergillus fumigatus produces a toxin which may be rightfully compared with the toxins of bacteria. For the formation of this toxin in cultures it is necessary to have a mixture of protein, especially of the peptone type, and some carbohydrate, especially glucose saccharose, maltose, or dextrin. The reaction of the toxin must be either neutral or alkaline. The effects of the toxin are chiefly observed in the nervous system and are produced more or less rapidly by the method of inoculation. The symptoms of poisoning from the toxin are muscular convulsions resembling tetanus and leading to death within a few hours if the animal does not recover. ‘The rabbit and dog are very susceptible to the toxin, while the guinea pig, cat, mouse, and white rat are more refractory. The dog and cat are naturally immune to the spores of A. fumigatus, but are quite susceptible to the toxin produced by the fungus. Treatment: ‘To prevent the disease, do not feed mouldy grain or fodder. Separate at once all diseased animals from the healthy. Use only thoroughly clean dishes; the troughs and boxes should be cleaned with formaldehyde. Very little can be done in the way of treatment in the case of birds. Mohler and Buckley say that if a large number of birds are affected at one time, or if those affected are very valuable, treatment may be tried in the form of medicated vapors, such as those generated from wood tar or sulphur. A small quantity ot wood tar is put in a pint of water and stirred with a redhot iron. The person doing the fumigating should remain in the room and immediately remove any * The Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 20 (106) No. 3, of the Experiment Station Record. 266 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS birds that are overcome by the vapors. Burning sulphur or vapors of formalin may be tried in like manner. Hydrogen peroxid, solutions of potassium iodid, or hyposulphite of soda may be used as intratracheal injections, and in case of local nodules in the mouth or nostrils the tincture of iodine may be applied to them with beneficial results. It appears from the investigations with reference to kerato-mycosis, that infection generally occurs through the medium of feed, straw, or something that is thrown forcibly into the eye. According to Plaut the simplest and surest method of dealing with the disease is to use a 2% solution of salicylic acid, three times daily, but inhalation of an atmosphere containing iodine is recommended by some of the German investigators, or the inhalation of etheral oils. Immunity cannot be obtained by beginning with the injection of small quantities of spores and increasing the dose. Dogs are not immune against aspergilli. Mice are immune. Aspergillus niger. Van Tieghem An abundant mycelium in the substratum and on the surface becoming blackish; conidiophores long; sterigmata branched; conidia 34-41% m@ in diam- eter, roughened; spherical or cylindrical sclerotia. The fungus contains diastase, invertase, and emulsin; it breaks up tannin into gallic acid and glucose, and converts sugar into oxalic acid. Pathogenic properties. ‘This fungus has been found both in the lungs and the ear, although less pathogenic than the preceding species. Aspergillus subfuscus. Olsen-Gade Mycelium olive yellow or brownish when mature, in and on the substratum; conidiophores short, club-shaped; spores spherical, colorless. Distribution. Found in Europe; closely resembles A. fumigatus. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic, but less so than the A. fumigatus or A. niger. Aspergillus nidulans. (Eidam.) The mycelium forms greenish masses; later the mass assumes a reddish color; conidiophores 0.6—8 millimeters long and 8-10 across, colorless, branched; sterigmata consist of a basal branching cell and two or more branches, each branch containing from 20 to 30 conidia; perithecia yellowish, 0.2—3 millimeters in diameter; ascospores 8. Distribution. Found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. 'The disease appears on the second day after inoculation in guinea pigs and death occurs in 60 hours. Kidneys are enlarged and show small white dots. White masses also occur in the peritoneum. It is pathogenic for cattle and man, and is occasionally found in the human ear. PYRENOMYCETINEAE An important division of the fungi, containing about 10,000 species, many of which are troublesome parasites on cultivated plants. The mycelium is composed of delicate distinct hyphae or of closely coherent threads, frequently forming a pseudo-parenchymatous tissue; hymenium enclosed in a subglobose envelope called a perithecium, or with an opening at the apex, which is often ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI_ASPERGILLUS 267 Fig. 89a. Aspergillus nidulans. 1. Conidiophore. 2. Branch of mycelium with asci and ascospores, magnified. 2. Asci. 3. Cross section. Ascus. All greatly magnified. (After Eidam.). prolonged to form a short tube or beak; numerous transparent asci arise from the base of the perithecium, these contain the ascospores; between the asci slender filiform bodies, called the paraphyses. Polymorphic fungi with conidia, spermogonia, and pycnidia, supposed to be connected with the ascigerous stage. The formation of the ascospores is in some cases presented by the development of sexual organs in which genuine fertilization occurs. The reproduction can be illustrated by the manner in which it occurs in the powdery mildew of the lilac, Microsphaera Almi. The mycelium spreads over the surface of the lilac leaf; the fungus draws its nourishment from its host by means of haustoria which penetrate the epi- dermal cells; the mycelium produces erect branches which bear these spores in a moniliform chain, the end spore being the oldest; these summer spores germinate immediately and propagate the fungus; later two hyphae cross and there arises an oval cell, the oogonium, which is separated from the hypha by a cell-wall at the base; from the same hypha springs a longer and thinner cell, also cut off by a cell-wall; this cell is above the oogonium, and is known as the antheridium; from the base of the oogonium other cells arise which soon enclose it; finally a brown perithecium is formed which bears dichotomously branched appendages; the perithecium contains the asci, in which are found the asco- spores, which germinate, probably, in the spring. ‘The accompanying figure after Harper illustrates the development. Another type of one of the Sphaeriaceae, the Gibbellina cerealis, is common — on stems of wheat where it produces at first a grayish brown circular spot, the mycelium frequently encircling the stem. The conidia are oval, the perithecia are immersed. 268 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ed j SS mr = = - Ka Os) = ey cS Fig 90. Stem Blight (Gibbellina cerealis), one of the Sphaeriaceae. a, general appearance. b, asci with ascospores and paraphyses. c, stroma, mycelium, and perithecium. After Cavara. PERISPORIALES Perithecia spherical, closed, or with the ostiolum obscure, coriaceous or brittle carbonaceous, opening irregularly, generally without stroma, but mostly seated on a well developed, superficial mycelium. This division includes the order Erysibaceae. ERYSIBACEAE. Superficial mycelium, branching, septate, closely adhering to the surface by means of the haustoria; asci arising from the base of the perithecium, delicate, thin-walled, colorless, oblong, obovate or suborbicular, stalked, usually contain- ing from 2-8 ascospores; perithecium spherical with appendages, without ostiolum; conidia (Oidium) simple, colorless, cylindrical, oval or ovate, borne one above the other on septate, colorless hyphae. Contains many important ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—PERISPORIALES 269 parasitic fungi, like the powdery mildew of the grape (Uncinula spiralis), mildew of lilac (Microsphaera Alni), mildew of sunflower (Erysiphe Cichor- acearum), mildew of cherry (Podosphaera tridactyla). Erysiphe. (Hedw.) Perithecium containing several asci, appendages with simple threads, sim- ilar to and frequently interwoven with the mycelium. A small genus of 20 species of wide distribution. Erysiphe communis. (Wallr.) Amphigenous, mycelium abundant, persistent, or sometimes evanescent ; perithecia variable in size and reticulate, appendages variable in length, often long; asci 4-8 or more, ascospores 4-8. Distribution. Found on a large variety of different hosts but common on plants of the order of Leguminosae, especially the forage plants like the pea (Vicia sativa), bean, clover and other members of the clovers. ONE T MEE ea CAL Fig. 91. Powdery Mildews. 1-3. Sphaerotheca Castagnei on Hop. 1. Part of leaf of hop with perithecia shown in the form of dots. 2. Perithecia with tortuous appendages (ap) x 175. 3. Ascus with spores within the ascospores x 380. 4. Powdery Mildew on Cherry (Podosphaera tridactyla), conidiophore bearing conidia (c). bere Microthyrium microscopicum. 5. On leaf. 6. Perithecium, greatly magnified. 7. Ascus and ascospores. 1 after Wettstein. 2-4 after Tulasne. 5 after Lindau. 6-7 after Winter. 270 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 92. Powdery Mildew. Sphaerotheca Casiagnei. 1. Oogonium (0) and anther- idium (a). 2. Separation of antheridium cell. 3. Fertilization and formation of addi- tional cells. 5-8. Further development of cells. All greatly magnified. After Harper. Fig. 93. Powdery Miidew of Grass (Erysiphe graminis). A. Oidium stage and mycelium m. B. Perithecium with appendages and mycelium m. CC. Perithecium with asci and ascospores. After Frank. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—PERISPORIALES yi Fig. 94. Powdery Mildew of Bluegrass (Erysiphe graminis). Oidium stage; leaves at oe sent magnified, the one above more highly, showing the powdery substance. (Charlotte . King). 2re MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Poisonous properties. ‘The Veterinarians of Europe ascribe to these mil- dews a form of stomatitis. Erysiphe graminis D C. Amphigenous, often epiphyllous, mycelium dense, felt-like, persistent, white or gray, sometimes tinted brown; perithecium immersed in the mycelium, few and scattered, large, about 225 », in diameter; asci 16-25 s oblong or oval, stalked, ascospores 8 or rarely 4; appendages rather short. Distribution and Hosts. Found on many different grasses like blue grass (Poa pratensis), fowl meadow grass (Poa serotina), occasionally also on wheat or orchard grass. The following rather popular account treats of this disease as it is common in the west. Every one who has had occasion to walk through a blue grass meadow after a rain, especially in damp and shaded places close to the ground, must have noticed a white mealy covering on the blades of many of the leaves. The Germans have called this mehlthau (literally translated meal dew), which is certainly very expressive of its appearance. An examination with a microscope will show that this white substance is composed of spores and a mycelium. The mycelium is cobwebby and spreads over the surface, but does not pene- trate the leaf. In numerous places erect branches are produced, these bear numerous spores. This stage was formerly called Oidium monilioides, being named Oidium because the spores resemble an egg, although the resemblance is not marked in all cases of Oidium; the species was called monilioides because it was necklace like, referring to the manner in which the spores are borne. Worthington G. Smith states that the spores are so small that it would take about a million to cover a square inch. In a powdery mildew occurring on the squirrel-tail grass, and supposed to be the same fungus, these spores are also capable of immediate germination. On blue grass the fungus frequently does not produce perithecia but ends its existence with the formation of conidia. It produces perithecia abundantly on wheat in Iowa. These conidia or summer spores germinate, under favorable conditions, in from ten to sixteen hours. The temperature most favorable for germination is from 17-26° C. In a powdery mildew occurring on the squirrel-tail grass, and supposed to be the same fungus, these spores are also capable of im- mediate germination. Under favorable conditions, especially moisture and damp weather, the fungus spreads rapidly. The leaf of grass affected by this fungus soon dries, and when the affected plants are disturbed, small clouds of dust arise, especi- ally in shady places. The perfect stage of the fungus is not of common oc- currence, though if careful search is made in the fall, small black specks may be seen; these are the perithecia and contain the asci and ascospores. It is the resting stage or winter condition of the fungus. The writer found the perfect fungus abundant on Poa Wolfii in Colorado, and Carver found it abundant on blue grass near Ames one season. The spores of the Oidium stage do not retain their power of germination very long, but the ascospores contained in the perithecium germinate the following spring, and when the tube comes in contact with the proper host the mycelium spreads over the surface of the leaf and causes the mealy appearance. ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—PERISPORIALES 273 Poisonous properties. ‘This species is abundant and often causes serious trouble; it certainly renders the hay nearly worthless to be fed to animals. It often, no doubt, gives rise to a stomatitis such as is described for other fungi. HYPOCREALES Perithecia spherical or ellipsoidal, with an ostiolum; stroma when present variously colored, reddish, yellow, never black or hard. Fig. 95. Various species of Cordyceps. 1. C. ophioglossoides. 2. C. militaris, a Stroma on a caterpillar (c). 3. Stroma on a fruiting form of Elaphomyces granulatus. 3. Ascospore x 200. 4. Conidiophore x 350. 5. Conidia of C. ophioglossoides. 6. C. cinerea on a beetle (c). 7. C. Taylori on a caterpillar (c). a in all figures sterile, b fertile part of the Stroma. 1 and 6 after Lindau. 3-5 after Brefeld. HY POCREACEAE Simple or compound; perithecia somewhat coriaceous, never black; bright colored, opening by a subcentral ostiolum, stroma soft, waxy, or occasionally cottony. A very numerous family containing many species. Contains the genera Nectria, of 250 species, some being parasitic upon trees; the Gibberella and the Hypocrea upon barks of trees, etc., Cordyceps, parasitic upon various insects, C. militaris being found upon Lepidotera, the conidial stage of which is Jsaria farinosa, the C. Ravenelii upon the larvae of the June beetle; Polystigma rubrum, parasitic upon the plum; Epichloe typhina, the so-called Cat-tail fungus found upon various species of grass, especially timothy and orchard grass. Contains also the Gibberella Saubinetii, a parasite on wheat, which is a stage of Fusarium roseum described later in this work. tion of summer view in ing elongated bodies in the center. truding. rye. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ice ose 96.—Normal ovary of rye. Fig. 2—Same invaded by Claviceps. Fig. 3—Cross-seec- ovary showing mycelium and spores of sphacelial stage. spores. Fig. 4—Sclerotium stage. Fig. 5—Sclerotium stage. Fig. 6—General sphacelial stage. Fig. 7—Development of ergot in spring. Fig. 8—Cross-section of globular head showing flask shaped perithecia. Fig. 9—Asci. A single perithecium show- Fig. 10—A single ascus with filiform ascospores pro- These spores (reproductive bodies) germinate and infect the young ovary of After Tulasne. U. S. Dept. Agrl. The round bodies are ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ERGOT ps Claviceps, Tul. Ergot. Stroma erect, consisting of a sterile stem; subglobose, fertile head from a subcylindrical, black, hard sclerotium; perithecium immersed in the stroma, flask shaped; asci, clavate-cylindrical; ascospores, filiform, colorless. Claviceps purpurea, (Fr.) Tul. Sclerotium variable in length from % to 1 inch long or more; long cylindrical; generally somewhat curved, wrinkled, purplish on the outside, white within; usually several fruiting bodies from the same sclerotium; heads spherical, tuberculose, borne on short flexuose stems; asci narrow, linear, 8- spored, ascospores filiform, continuous, attenuated toward the end, 50-76 u long. Ergot is a stage of a minute parasitic fungus; although its true nature was not known by early writers, it is mentioned by many of them. Lonicer, about the middle of the sixteenth century, mentions its specific use. Thalius applied the name of “ad sistendum sanguineum.” Bauhin used the name of Secale luxurians. De Candolle called it Sclero- tium clavus. Although other names have been applied to it, the credit of working out the life history belongs to Tulasne, one of the most eminent of French mycologists. There are still many persons who believe that ergot is a degenerate kernel of rye or wheat, but the researches of Tulasne and other mycologists have laid at rest many of the vague theories concerning it. The black, purple, or dark gray spurs found in the flowers of rye, wheat, and other grasses are simply one stage of a parasitic fungus, known as Claviceps purpurea. ‘These spurs consist of a compact mass of threads known as the sclerotium stage; it was formerly called Sclerotium clavus. No changes occur in ergot while it remains in the head, but the following spring, when laid on damp earth, it produces at different points small, roundish patches which are somewhat elevated. Soon a small white head appears which elongates, becoming stalked, and bearing a globular head at the tip. These heads change from a grayish yellow to a pinkish color. A cross section shows that the central portion is made up of closely woven hyphae or fungus threads, while the edge contains a number of flask-shaped bodies, the perithecia, in which are found elongated bodies known as asci; each ascus contains eight filiform spores, the ascospores. The ascospores germinate and when coming in contact with a very young ovary the mycelium penetrates the delicate walls of the ovary and gradually displaces it. It is quite easy to trace out its life history by placing the ergot in damp sand and allowing it to remain over winter. The first indication of ergot in the summer is the formation of the so- called honey-dew, a sweetish and rather disagreeable fluid, which is eagerly sought by flies and other insects which feed upon it. This fluid contains a large number of small spores so that insects can readily carry the fungus from a diseased ovary to one not diseased. These spores germinate im- mediately. This stage is called the sphacelia, and formerly was held to be a distinct fungus. In this stage the mass which has replaced the ovary is soft, but as it becomes older it hardens; ultimately a hard and compact mass, the ergot, is formed. 276 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution and hosts. Found on a large number of host plants. Rye is more subject to it than any of the other cultivated cereals. The largest specimens are usually produced on isolated specimens of rye coming up in fields. It seldon happens that all of the ovaries are affected. Wheat, especial- ly winter wheat, is subject to the disease. The officinal ergot is usually obtained from rye. In Europe it has been reported on oats. Mr. C. W. Warburton found it on the same host in Iowa, in 1909. Of our native wild grasses, wild ryes (Elymus robustus, E. virginicus, E. striatus, E. canadensis, Asprella hystrix) are most subject to the disease. Most cases of ergotism in the United States undoubtedly result from the ergot on various species of Elymus; in Iowa on the Elymus robustus, which is a common plant everywhere. Agropryon occidentale, a grass not uncommon in northwestern Iowa, and Quack Grass (Agropyron repens), are also much subject to its attacks. Scarcely a head of the Western Wheat Grass cultivated on the college farm could be found which did not have some ergot. This may be for the same reason that it occurs most abundantly on rye, namely, that the grasses occurred in isolated places. In some pastures, timothy (Phleum pratense), is much subject to the attack of Claviceps purpurea. Thus in an old pasture in Wisconsin I observed a large percentage of timothy which contained many heads which were ergotized. Blue grass (Poa pratensis), Poa annua, Calamagrostis canadensis, Agrostis alba, Glyceria fluitans, and many others, in some seasons and localities, are diseased. Unusually large spemimens sometimes occur on Wild Rice (Zizania) in Iowa. It may be possible that some of the forms of ergot on grass may be referred to other species. Halsted states, however, that ergot on Elymus robustus is Claviceps purpurea. The Hordeum jubatum contained apparently the same species, with some minor differences but these were due to the nature of the host. Claviceps microcephala (Wallr.) Tul., occurs on Phrag- mites, C. setulosa (Quel.) Sacc. with yellow stroma on Poa, and C. pusilla Ces on Andropogon Ischaemum. Poisonous properties. The subject of ergot and ergotism is one of con- siderable importance to stockmen in many parts of the country. Scarcely a year passes without some complaints being received by the state veterinarians of the injurious effects of ergot. The writer receives several complaints of this kind every year. But the cases of ergotism today are not nearly so fre- quent as they were 40 or 50 years ago. We will, therefore, append here a short history of the disease. Epidemics of ergotism have, without doubt, been correctly referred, be- fore the tenth century. Wood states that epidemics of ergotism or chronic ergot poisoning have been recorded from time to time since the days of Galen (130-200 A. D.) and of Caesar (B. C. 190-44). From the ninth to the thirteenth ceutnry epidemics were frequent in France, and in the twelfth in Spain. They were first called plagues but later received special names. In 1596 Hesse and adjoining provinces were visited by this plague which was attributed to the presence of ergot in grain. In the epidemic in Silesia in 1722, the king of Prussia ordered an exchange of sound rye for the affected grain. Freiburg was visited in 1702, Switzerland in 1715-16, Saxony in 1716, and other districts of Germany in 1717, 1736, 1741-42. France was visited in 1650, 1670, and 1674. From 1765 to 1769 it was abundant in Sweden in rye SSS ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ERGOT 277 and barley. Linnaeus attributed it to the grain of Raphanus raphanistrum, which occurred in France in 1816, in Lorraine and Burgundy; it was especially fatal to the poorer inhabitants. It has been observed that these epidemics follow a rainy season. Fleming states that in 1041, when the weather was so unpropitious, tempests, rains, and inundations occurring, many cattle perished from the disease. “In 1098, after inundations amd heavy fogs, there was a general epizootic among cattle in Germany. In the same year ergotism appeared in the human species.” Dr. Randall, in 1849, called attention to a disease in New York, in which the involved parts were finally invariably affected with dry gangrene. He states that in the severe climate of New York farmers allow their cattle to winter in fields on blue grass (Poa pratensis) which is rich in ergot. A disease known as “hoof-ail” was correctly ascribed to ergot by James Mease, of Philadelphia, prior to 1838. The disease was quite severe in Orange county, New York, in 1820. It was minutely described by Arnell. In 1857, the disease was quite severe in Portage county, Ohio. A committee appointed by the Farmers’ Association of Edinburg reported that the disease was due to ergot contained in the hay eaten by cattle. In recent years, epizootics of ergotism have been reported by Law in New York, Stalker in Iowa, and Faville in Colorado. In 1884, a very serious outbreak occurred in Kansas which was at first diagnosed as “foot-and-mouth disease.’ Dr. Salmon found, upon examining samples of hay from various localities in the state, that these contained considerable quan- tities of wild rye (Elymus virginicus, var. submuticus) which in turn contained a large amount of ergot, in one case, 12 per cent and in another 10 per cent being found. From this he estimated that 5-6 per cent of the entire weight of the plant must have been ergot and that a twenty-pound ration of hay would contain four ounces of ergot. Dr. Harshberger has called attention to an outbreak of ergotism from the use of ergotized red top, the fungus being common on red top throughout the United States and being one of the most common impurities in red top seed. The ergot contains the substance leucin and the non-nitrogenous substance ergotine, which according to the earlier investigations was regarded as the active principle and as an alkaloid. ess to Wenzell ergot contains the two alkaloids, ecbolin and ergotin C,,H,,N ,O, an amorphous, alkaline, feebly bitter substance. But according to ce ee investigations these substances are identical. Tanret isolated the crystallizable alkaloid ergotinin C,.H,,N,O,; this is a crystalline, slightly bitter substance, subsequently Kobert found that this substance would not produce the action accredited to it and attributed its action to ergotinic acid and the alkaloid cornutin. The more recent investiga- tion of Jacobi attributes the poisonous action to chrysotoxin, an amorphous glucosidal acid. Secalinotoxin is a compound of sphacelotoxin, and secalin ae ENO; accompanied by the harmless substance, ergochrysin. According to Kobert cornutin is an alkaloid having a specific action on the uterus, causing it to contract; sphacelic acid, a non-crystallizable and non-nitrogenous substance which causes the poisoning and gangrene; ergotinic acid, a nitrogenous glucoside without action on the uterus and narcotic in its effects. Besides these substances it contains others, prominent among them being a sugar called mycose, which is also present in other fungi. Ergot stimulates the involuntary muscles of the stomach and the intestines, it causes a constriction of the arter- 278 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ioles and veins throughout the body with an increase of blood pressure. In toxic doses it paralyzes both the vasomotor centers and the heart muscle. It appears from the experiments of Dale! and Barger and Carr? that cornutin does not occur as such in ergot but is an artificial decomposition. ‘Tan- ret discovered the first well defined crystalline alkaloid which he called ergot- inin. "The secalin of Jacobi3 is identical with ergotinin. Barger and Carr separate a second alkaloid which can be recognized chemically; to this they gave the name of ergotoxin, C,.H,,O,N,. This substance is of great physiological potency. According to Dale 4 ergotoxin produces in doses of a few milligrams “not only the characteristic reaction of ergot described by him, but also gangrene of the Cock’s-comb, and other ergot effects described by Kobert and others to sphacelic acid.” According to Cronyn and Hendersons ergotoxin is a highly active alkaloid and has the properties of ergot most desired in medicine. It brings on long enduring vaso-constriction, increases uterine movements when injected in- Fig. 98.—Effects of Ergotism: Hoofs_ of cattle showing flesh sloughing away. (Sal- mon.) travenously and the same to a less extent when injected subcutaneously, but when given per os has very little action. The toxicology of ergot is well described by Dr. Winslow as follows: Enormous single doses are required to poison animals or man. When as much as two drachms of ergot to the pound, live weight, are gtven to dogs, death is not constant. Three ounces, however, have proved fatal to small dogs. Acute poisoning is characterized by vomiting (in dogs), profuse salivation, dilation of the pupils, rapid breathing and frequent pulse. The animal cries out, has convulsive twitchings, staggering gait, paraplegia, intense thirst, and coma, terminating in death. Horses, cattle, and sheep are unaffected by, any ordinary quantity of the drug. Chronic poisoning or ergotism rarely occurs in animals owing to continuous ingestion of ergotized grains. It is characterized by gastro-intestinal indigestion, with mausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea or constipation, and abortion ensues in pregnant animals. In addition to gastro-intestinal irritation the symptoms naturally assume two forms: 1. The gangrenous form; 2. the spasmodic form. In the first variety of ergotism there are coldness and anesthesia of the extremities, including the feet, ears, and tail of quadrupeds; the comb, tongue, and beak of birds, — followed by the appearance of passive congestion, blebs, and dry gangrene in the vicinity of these parts. ‘The hoofs and beaks often drop off. 1 Jour. Phys. 34:163, 1906. 2 The alkaloids of Ergot. Jour. Chem. Soc. 91:337, 1907. ‘These writers give a full literature on the subject. 3 Arch. Expt. Path. Par 39:104. 4Jour. Phys. 34:163. 5 Jour. Pharma, and Expt. Therapeutics. Aug. 1909. a ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—ERGOT 279 Death ensues from general exhaustion. In the spasmodic form are seen tonic contraction of the flexor tendons of the limbs and anaesthesia of the extremities; muscular trembling and general tetanic spasm, with opisthotonos, convulsions and delirium. Death also occurs from asthenia. Griinfeld fed various animals with sphacelic acid in food. In the cocks, gangrene soon appeared affecting the comb; next the wattles, tongue linings, and crop. In hogs, the ears became gangrenous and fell off. Horses and cows fed upon grains containing ergot lose their hoofs, ears, and tails. The cor- nutin, according to Kobert, acts through the nerve centers. Microscopic exam- ination of the abdominal and thoracic regions shows a toxic polyneuritis. Dr. McNeil in describing the disease says: Ergot stimulates the nerve centers that cause the contraction of the small blood vessels supplying the different parts of the body and cause one of the two forms of ergotism, namely, a nervous form, and a gangrenous form. Nervous Ergotism: In this form the contraction of the blood vessels of the brain produces dullness and depression. ‘The anima] also suffers from gastro-intestinal catarrh, refuses food, and gradually passes into a condition of general wasting. The nervous form, however, may assume an entirely different aspect and the animal dies suddenly in delirium or spasms, or gradually from paralysis. Gangrenous Ergotism: In this common form the checking of the blood, resulting from the contraction of the small blood vessels, causes a loss of a part or of all the limb below the knee or hock, the tail, or the ears. This form of the disease may manifest itself by the formation of ulcers at the top of the hoof or between the toes, and a toe may be lost or the entire hoof shed. The affected part dries, a small furrow or line of separation appears, completely surrounding the limb, dividing the living from the dead mummified tissue. DOTHIDEALES Perithecia reduced, asci arising from the stroma and not separable from it, stroma present, not fleshy; black or dark colored ostiolum present. DOTHIDEACEAE Stroma pulvinate, elongated, black or nearly black, coriaceous; perithecia inseparable from the stroma, asci 4-8 spored; hyaline, yellowish or brown. Phyllachora, Nitschke. Stroma variable, elliptical, oblong or lanceolate, covered by the epidermis, black, roughened, ascospores ovate, elliptical, or oblong, mostly hyaline. About 200 species. Phyllachora Trifolu, (Pers.) Fckl. Stroma on the lower surface of the leaf, gregarious, collected in small, elongated groups extending along the nerves of the leaf, black, subglobose, prominent, often confluent; ascospores elliptical, hyaline, continuous, 10-20 In the early part of the season small whitish or pale brown spots appear on the leaf, which contains the mycelium of the fungus. Dr. Trelease says: This fruits on the lower surface, producing numerous tufts of necklace-shaped threads, each of which ends in a 2-celled, egg-shaped conidia-spore. These tufts of threads, which, like the spores, are’of a deep brown color, are packed so closely together as to completely cover the spots, though under a hand lens they can be distinguished as separate panules. To the naked eye they appear dead-black. Later in the season similar spots are occupied by small, coal-black fruits that contain stylospores. Winter spores, produced in asci, are not known. The conidial form of this fungus is especially common on white clover, though both forms are at times found abundantly on red clover and other species. The Polythrincium is common on red clover and is one of the numerous species which may be injurious to cattle. : 280 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 99. Black Spot of Grasses (Phyllachora graminis). A. Cross section of leaf through a black mass of the fungus. P. Perithecia. B. An ascus with ascospores. a, b. Spots on grass leaf caused by the fungus. After Frank and Trelease. Phyllachora graminis (Pers.) Fckl. Stroma scattered or confluent, penetrating the leaf and more or less prom- inent on both sides, covered by a black and shining epidermis, roughened; ostiola obscure; asci short, stalked, cylindrical, 75-80 x 7-8 «, ascospores 8, paraphyses present. Phyllachora graminis, occurs on many cultivated and wild grasses; other species occur on clover and other leguminous plants. This parasitic fungus disease causes blackish spots on the lower or both surfaces of the leaf. The fungus causing these black spots on grasses has been called the black spot disease. During August, and especially later, the coal black spots along the veins are especially prominent; they are considerably less than one-eighth of an inch in length and width and occur on both surfaces of the leaf, but are more abundant on the upper. These black spots are composed of dense mycelium, which in the green leaves bears numerous small spores which serve to proga- pate the fungus in the summer. In dead leaves, small perithecia are found, which contain numerous elongated bodies, the asci, within which are found eight small, colorless spores, known as ascospores; these latter carry the fungus over winter. Distribution and Hosts. Widely distributed in both Europe and North America, very common upon Quack Grass, Wild Rye, Bottle Grass, Panic Grass, etc. Poisonous properties. The genus Phyllachora is abundant at times and is associated with stomatitis. SPHAERIALES Perithecia generally with a distinct ostiolum, of various consistency, not reddish or membranous, brown or blackish; stroma when present dark colored outside and whitish within. Contains the families: Sordariaceae, found upon decaying plants and substances; Chaetomiaceae, with superficial perithecia, gen- ASCOMYCETES—EUASCI—DOTHIDEACEAE 281 erally with short ostiolum and an apical tuft of hairs or bristles; one species Chaetomium chartarum common on paper. Sphaeriaceae, with membranaceous perithecia, apex perforated with a simple pore, contains a large number of parasitic fungi like the strawberry rust or spot disease (Sphaerella Fragariae), and the spot disease of the currant (Cercospora angulata). FUNGI IMPERFECTI The fungi included in this group are simply form genera, many of the species belong to the Pyrenomycetes, some belong to the Phychomycetes, and some to Hymenomycetes. In this connection we shall describe a few only which may cause trouble in forage. Helminthosporium gramineum, Rabh. Yellow Leaf Disease of Barley Spots in parallel rows, causing the leaves to become marked with yellow lines of pale green color; mycelium of the tissue colorless; conidiophores brownish on the surface, spores large 3-6-celled. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America on barley. Helminthosporium turcicum, Pass. Leaf Browning of corn Spots sharply limited, conidiophores brownish elongated, bearing several brown spores. Widely distributed in Europe on corn, and also in North America. Helminthosporium inconspicuum, EB. & E. Leaves dead and discolored, discoloration sometimes interrupted by spots of various sizes; conidiophores brown with several-celled conidia. d _, Fig. 100. Yellow Leaf Disease of Barley (Helminthosporium gramineum). a. Hypha arising from short cells. . Conidium and to the left a cluster of conidiophores. d. Mycelium. 282 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 101. Spores of Yellow Leaf Disease of Barley (Helminthosporium gramineum). a. and e. Spores germinating. d. Conidiophore. 2. Leaf browning of Corn (Helmin- thosporum turcicum). Spore and conidiophore to the left. To the right, conidiophore pushing through stoma. Distribution and hosts. On corn, widely distributed in North America. Poisonous properties. All of these fungi may be regarded as injurious, possibly producing stomatitis. Scolecotrichum graminis, Fuckel Elongated brown or purplish-brown spots, the centers of which are gray or whitish and contain minute black dots; these small dark spots contain the tufts of brown fungus threads, which make their way out through the stomata; the hyphae are somtimes septate and the spores are usually borne at the end or occasionally in a lateral position; these fruiting hyphae bear small, smoky- brown, two-celled spores; the cells of the leaf become much altered, because the colorless threads of the fungus permeate them. On barley the disease is marked by brown or purplish-brown spots which appear on the leaf transversely. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America. Poisonous properties. May possibly produce mycotic stomatitis. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—SCOLECOTRICHUM 283 Fig. 10la. Spot Disease of Orchard Grass (Scolectotrichum graminis). Cross- section of leaf, general fruiting layer of fungus with conidiophores and _ conidia. General appearance of fungus on A, spores germinating. After Trelease. leaf of Orchard grass. After Trelease. Polydesmus Mont. Rape Fungus Sterile hyphae repent; fertile erect, simple or branched septate colorless conidia, interstitial filiform, concatenate, fusiform or clavate; many septate and opaque. Polydesmus exitiosus Kihn,. Rape Fungus Forming minute, punctate, elongated dark brown spots, conidia elongated or somewhat clavate, narrowed upwardly, 18-12 septate; the septa but slightly con- stricted, olive-brown in color, The conidia are 120-140 by 14-16 ; conidiophores short, straight or slightly irregular, septate, making their way through the stomata. This fungus is widely distributed on rape and cabbage and has been referred to as Alternaria brassicae. It is, however, thought to be a distinct fungus. Poisonous properties. In Europe this fungus has long been associated with mycotic-stomatitis of cattle, but mycotic-stomatitis may be produced as indi- cated elsewhere, by other molds and fungi. This disease is characterized by in- flammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth. Saliva- tion is a prominent symptom; the feet become swollen and sore. Dr. Mohler Says: “Superficial erosions of the skin, particularly of the muzzle, and of the teats and udders of cows, may also be present, with some elevation of temperature and emanciation.” The disease is not serious and in many cases recovery occurs. But where treatment is not resorted to the disease may prove fatal, death occurring in from 6-8 days. Dr. Mohler states that in serious outbreaks it is about 0.5%.. 284 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The treatment should consist of first removing the herd from the infected pasture or inclosure containing the fungus. They should be fed on good whole- some soft nutritious food, plenty of cold water should be given. Dr. Mohler recommends dissolving 2 heaping tablespoonfuls of borax or 1 tablespoonful of potassium chlorate in each of the first two buckets of water taken during the day. If the animals permit the mouth should be swabbed out with some anti- septic wash, such as weak carbolic acid or creolin solution, or permanganate of potash, or hydrogen peroxid. Mohler recommends that range cattle can be treated by the use of medicated salt. “This salt may be prepared by pouring 4 ounces of crude carbolic acid upon 12 quarts of ordinary barrel salt, after which they are thoroughly mixed. The lesions of the feet should be treated with a 2 per cent solution of carbolic acid or of creolin, while the fissures and other lesions of the skin will be benefited by the application of carbolized vaseline or zinc ointment. If the animals are treated in this manner and carefully fed the disease will rapidly disappear.” Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.) Link This fungus and its allies are very common upon oats, sometimes very destructive. It attacks all parts of the plant, but is especially common in the heads. The mycelium of the fungus grows not only on the surface of the plant but also in the interior; the conidiophores and spores are olive green, the former pass through the opening of the stomata or break through the epidermis; the spores are 1- to 2-celled, borne on the end or on short lateral branches and are extremely variable in shape and size. The general effect of the disease is to cause the kernels to shrivel. The disease, as recorded by Cobb, occurs rather destructively on oats. Professor Peck records the occurrence of a Cladosporium on oats, which he describes as a new species, the Fusicladium destruens. He says in regard to oats: “The foliage of the plants presented a singular admixture of green, dead- brown and reddish hues, strongly suggestive of that of a ‘rust-struck’ field.” Peck thinks this fungus inhabits the leaves of some of our northern grasses and has escaped from them to oat fields. Giltay reports that plants are infected in the same way as in some of the grain smuts, the spores being carried over with the seed, and that the disease can be prevented by treatment with hot water. A species of Cladosporium commonly affects the kernels of maize and is at times quite troublesome. Septoria Fr. Perithecia imbedded in the tissues of the plant, appearing as small black- ish or brownish spots; conidia generally multicellular and colorless; produced from short conidiophores. A genus containing numerous species of wide dis- tribution. Many of them like the Septoria on the black currant and goose- berry, and the blackberry leaf spot, Septoria rubi, are troublesome parasitic fungi of cultivated plants. All of these fungi irritate the mucous membranes when found in abundance in the leaf. Septoria graminum, Dem. Spots at first yellow, then reddish-brown and finally whitish; perithecia blackish or brownish-black; spores 50 to 60 » long and 1.5 to 2 » wide, numer- ous, usually 2-celled. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—SEPTORIA 285 Fig. 102. 1. Leaf of Cheat, showing numerous small secasgenens peniiees of Wepicria: Bromi, the spores in the perithecia shown at 2, Ropar 2 Nite ig In a somewhat extended account of this disease Cobb states that the entire plant is not always involved. The fungus is variable, its character depending upon the host which it attacks. On Poa annua the leaf is mainly involved and in many cases is totally destroyed. Cavara states that the spots on the leaves are small, elliptical, red or yellow, or the latter may be entirely absent. The injury it does to young plants is very great; in some cases their total destruction has been observed. 286 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Janczewski who has studied the life history of Septoria graminum states that this represents the pycnidial stage of Leptosphaeria tritici and that the conidial form is the Cladosporium herbarum, We have not found the Septoria in Jowa though the Cladosporium is common. The Septoria tritici Desm. is closely related to the above and should per- haps be regarded as nothing more than a variable form of S. graminum. The spots it produces are at first yellow, then reddish-brown, and _ finally whitish. The spores are 50-60% long and 1-5 to 2 » wide and usually divided. A Septoria on the glumes of wheat in Ohio has been reported by Selby. Several other species of Septoria are allied to the above species, one, the Septoria bromi Sacc. is common in Iowa on Bromus secalinus. Diplodia, Fr. Perithecia bursting out sub-cutaneously, sub-carbonaceous, papillate ac- cording to type; spores ellipsoidal, ovoid or oblong, 1-celled, fuscous, per- forated; basidia rod-like, simple hyaline. From the original genus have been separated five genera as follows: Species with superficial perithecia Diplodi- ella; with hirsute perithecia Chaetodiplodia; with clustered perithecia Botry- odiplodia; with mucilaginous spores Macrodiplodia; with hyaline spores > prs) on Fig. 103. Spores of Diplodia Zeae. 2. Young spores on the conidiophores with sporo- phores attached. 3. Germinating spores. 4. Dark swollen hyphae of Diplodia. Diplodia Zeae (Schw.) Leév. Pycnidia black and spherical to pyriform, those forming on the husk or stalk developing within the tissues and breaking through at maturity, the greater number of pycnidia, however, occur between the kernels and are sit- uated in a stroma. Conidia dark brown, cylindrical to elliptical, obtuse, straight or usually slightly curved and 1-septate; one to several oil drops in each cell; 54 in diameter; spores germinate in 18-24 hours in 3 per cent glucose agar at 26° C; in somewhat longer time when grown on corn agar; germ tube arises from near distal end at each spore.* Distribution. A serious parasitic disease generally found where corn is cultivated, particularly in Illinois,* Iowa, and Nebraska. Poisonous properties. This fungus is widely distributed in ears of corn and may be responsible for forage poisoning. * Heald, F. D.; Wilcox, E. M.; and Pool, V. W. The Life-history and Parasitism of Diplodia Zeae (Schw.) Lév. Pe Burrill, T. J., and Barrett, J. T. Ear Rots of Corn, Bull. Ill. Agr. Exp. Sta. 133:65-109. az pi. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—DIPLODIA 287 my of 732 “i she KY =~ 2, ss et DSRS ray Nc SPSS é SASSAVAAOMN EFF \ as Y Fig. 103A. Cross-section of the pycnidium of Diplodia Zeae on a corn kernel showing sporophores, conidia and mycelium. After Burrill and Barrett. Although the fungus has been cultivated, the toxic substance has not been isolated. The writer fed mouldy corn meal to cats and rabbits. It produced injurious effects in kittens; three of these animals fed with mouldy corn meal and milk died from the effects. Unfortunately, in this case, different moulds, Aspergillus glaucus, Fusarium, and Diplodia, were used. Dr. Erwin F. Smith and Florence Hedges write as follows of this fungus: “Tt is also worthy of inquiry whether this fungus may not be the cause of the so-called ‘cornstalk disease’ prevalent among cattle in the west. It is also possible that to Diplodia should be referred the great numbers of deaths of negroes in the south during past three years (1906-1909) from the so-called pellagra, following the consumption of mouldy corn- meal and mouldy hominy. This fungus is also the cause of mouldy corn in Italy. The only other fungi we have reason for suspecting in this connection are species of Aspergillus.” * There are striking similarities between the so-called forage poisoning of cattle and the Pellagra disease in Italy and they are probably referable to some of the fungi found in corn. Dr. Miquel* in 1838 suggested that a Mucor was the cause of Pellagra. Fusarium, Lk. Mycelium spreading, more or less effuse; conidia spindle-shaped or sickle - like, many-celled at maturity, conidiophores branching, conidia borne at the apex. A genus of numerous species, many of which are of uncertain affinity, usually found on dead organic matter but several are known to produce diseases of cultivated plants, like F. Lycopersici, Sacc., which produces the “Sleeping Disease” of tomatoes, the mycelium occurring in the vessels of the roots and causing a wilting. The Fusarium limonis, Briosi, produces a mal- di-gomma, or foot-rot, of orange and lemon trees. The Fusarium vasinfectum, Atks., produces a disease of cotton, known as “frenching.” The cotton wilt is caused by a species of Fusarium and the perfect form of this fungus ac- cording to E. F. Smith is Necosmospora. * Diplodia Disease of Maize (Suspected cause of Pellagra). Science 30:60-61. * Die Noord—Nederlandsche vergiftige Gewassen. 43 Amsterdam 1839. 288 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Oy Wi, td ee Ss & Fig. 104. Wheat Scab (Gibberella Saubinetii), perfect form of Fusarium roseum I. 1. Wheat affected with wheat scab, upper portion destroyed. 2. Glumes covered with perithecia. 4. Perithecia. 5. Asci from perithecia with ascospores, one of these enlarged at 6. 7. Conidiophore and spores grown in agar. After Selby. Fusarium roseum, Link Mycelium whitish or varying from yellow to orange, appearing at the time when the grain begins to turn; the head, or part of it, has a whitish appearance and the chaff is glued together; conidiophores branched, spores terminal or lateral, crescent shaped at first, 1-celled, finally 2 or more celled; color of the conidia white or in masses orange or pink. According to Saccardo the ascigerous stage is the Gibberella Saubinettii (Mont.) Sacc. with gregari- ous perithecia, coriaceous, or somewhat membranaceous; somewhat blackish in color, asci oblong, lanceolate, ascospores fusiform, 3-celled. Definite cul- tural experiments have not been made in this country to determine the relation of this fungus to the F. heterosporum. According to Burrill and Barrett * several forms of Fusarium occur on corn. Saccardo in a letter to the writer identified the common Iowa Fusarium on corn as F. heterosporum. The Fusarium heterosporum Nees, is common in parts of Germany, and Tubeuf quotes Frank as stating that the destruction of rye is total in some * (Bills Ns yAgrh bx. Sta. ce. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—FUSARIUM Fig. 105. Fusarium. 5. Macroconidia of Fusarium with the felty mass of mycelium. Produces a deep pink color. 6. Mycelium. 7. Corroded starch grains. 8. Conidiophores or _ sporophores. 9. Microconidia and macroconidia of another corn Fusarium frequently infecting isolated grains. 10. Mycelium of the same. 11. Microconidia and macroconidia of another Fusarium on corn, which produces a dense felty mass extending between the kernels to the cob. 13. A spore producing hyphae in prune juice culture. 14. Germinating spores of one of the species. 16. Hyphal branches of the same, with microconidia and macroconidia. After Bur- rill and Barrett. Fig. 106. Moulds and bacteria from corn. 1 and 3. Fusarium heterosporum I Mycelium. 3. Conidia. 2 and 6. Other moutds. 4 and 35. Bacteria. After Pammel and King. 289 290 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS places, the fungus investing the whole kernel. Rostrup mentions it as destruc- tive to germinating barley. It also occurs upon ergotized rye and is regarded by some mycologists as distinct from Fusarium culmorum. It is probable that the various species of Fusarium infesting cereals should be referred to one species. Poisonous properties. Whether this fungus is responsible for the disease referred to by Dr. Mayo and other veterinarians, has not been definitely deter- mined. It is true that experiments made by Dr. Bitting, this writer, and others, show that no doubt the Fusarium fed in considerable quantities to cats and dogs has had an injurious effect. Cats did not relish milk in which this material had been placed. If nothing more, Fusarium may be looked upon as producing stomatatis. Prof. Sheldon refers this fungus to Fusarium moniliforme. In the diseased horses reported by Dr. Peters the horses would lose their hair and hoofs and were said to be alkalied. Cattle and hogs were likewise said to lose their hair. Feeding experiments conducted on hogs with this corn as well as with pure cultures reproduced the symptoms in experimental animals. In this connection this statement of Dr. Law’s is of interest: Fodders affected with cryptogams or bacterial ferments are undoubtedly at times the cause of encephalitis. Veterinary records furnish many instances of wide spread attacks of stomach staggers, abdominal vertigo, and cerebro-spinal meningitis in wet seasons, when the fodders have been harvested in poor condition or when from inundation or accidental exposure they have become permeated by cryptogams and microbes. Among comparatively recent accounts of this are those of Martin and Varnell (musty oats), Lombroso, Depre, Erbe, Pellizi, and Tireli (smuts), Bouley and Barthelemy (musty fodder), and Ray (fer- mented potatoes). One of the most extended local outbreaks of cerebro-spinal congestion I have ever seen, occurred in the pit mules of the Wilkesbarre coal mines, while fed on Canadian hay which had been soaked with rain in transit and had undergone extensive fer- mentation. It should be noted that there were the attendant factors of overwork, in antici- pation of a strike, and a Sunday’s holiday above ground in a bright summer sunshine. The experimental administration of moulds, smuts and microbes, have in the great majority of cases led to little or no evil result (Gamgee, Mayo, Dinwiddie, etc.) and there is a strong tendency to discredit the pathogenic action of these agents in reported out- breaks. The safer conclusion perhaps would be, to recognize the fact that they are not equally pathogenic under all conditions of their growth and administration. The oft- recurring epizootics of brain disease in connection with wide spread spoiling of the fodders in remote and recent times, probably imply that cryptogams or microbes and their products, plus some condition not yet fully understood, are efficient concurrent factors. If we can discover this as yet unknown factor and demonstrate that it operates with equal power in the absence of cryptogams and ferments, as in their presence, it will be logical to pronounce these latter as non-pathogenic under all circumstances. Until then cryptogams and bac- teria must be held as probable factors. In recognizing how much cryptogams and bacteria vary under different conditions of life, and what various products they elaborate at different stages of their growth, we can theoretically explain the absence of the disease at one time and its presence at another under what seem to be identical circumstances, as also the variety of symptoms shown in different outbreaks. While this causation cannot be said to be absolutely proved. . it is not antagonistic to the facts in many of the best observed outbreaks, and may serve as a hypothetical working theory until actual demonstration can be furnished. The affection suggests a narcotic poison introduced from without, rather than a disease due to a germ propagated in the system. In all probability as we learn more of the true pathology of the disease, we shall come to recognize not one, but several toxic principles, and several different affections each with its characteristic phenomena in the somewhat indefinite affection still known as cerebro-spinal meningitis. The malady has been described in horses, oxen, sheep, goats and dogs, attacking by preference the young, which are not yet inured to the unknown poison, and by preference in winter and spring, the periods of close stabling, dry feeding and shedding of the coat. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—FUSARIUM gH | Dr. R. A. Craig of Indiana reports as follows in regard to interesting experiments made at the Indiana Station: In January, four sacks of spoiled, mouldy corn were gathered from a stalk field adjoin- ing a field in which cattle had developed cornstalk disease. A healthy heifer weighing three hundred and fifty pounds was fed four to five pounds (twelve to seventeen ears) of this corn twice a day. In addition stover was fed. On the afternoon of the sixth day of the test the heifer appeared weak, went down in the stall and was helped up twice in the afternoon. When down she struggled some, and when helped up “shivered” as if cold. In the evening she was still trembling and appeared weak. The weakness disappeared the following day. A few days later a slight twitching of the body muscles was noticed. The feeding test extended over a period of sixteen days. Her appetite remained good throughout the test. Dr. Craig adds the following: During the fall and early winter of 1898-99, Bitting reported losses in horses and cattle, supposed to have been due to feeding on spoiled corn. By feeding corn meal that was inoculated with a pure culture of a mold (Fusarium sp.) made from the spoiled corn, he produced salivation and redness of the gums of the two horses used in the ex- periment. Later spoiled corn was fed. On the fifth day one horse showed a slight saliva- tion, colicky pains and diarrhoea. On the seventh day, noticeable incoordination in mov- ing about and stupor. For two days the animal stood with the head pressed against the wall. A quick recovery followed and the nervous disease from which horses were reported as dying did not develop. ‘The second horse showed nothing more than a slight irritation to the mouth. Because of the close resemblance between toxic poisoning from sorghum and the symptoms of corn stalk disease, Price deemed it advisable to examine cornstalks for the substances which produce prussic acid in plants. Samples of stalks from fields in which cattle had died were obtained. In these samples he discovered an enzyme which had the property of decomposing a glucoside (amygdalin) and thereby poison as a result of enzyme was found. However, no glucoside capable of forming this) poison as a result of enzyme action was found. The results were not regarded as conclusive, as only a few samples were examined, and the failure to discover a suitable glucoside did not prove its absence in the corn plant, or in other plants in the field. Dr. Peters says in regard to the feeding of moldy corn to horses as follows: Numerous reports have been received from stock owners of a disease which they call cornstalk disease or spinal meningitis which affects horses in the stalks and also some which have not been in the stalks. This disease is very rapid in its course. For this reason it is sometimes difficult to see animals alive or in the beginning stages of the disease. In the later stages the animals are usually in such violent excitement that the symptoms have to be studied from a distance. One peculiar feature about the disease is that it comes on without warning, often attacking an animal while at work. One of the first symptoms noticed is the refusal of feed. Some have observed an excessive thirst and a difficulty in swallowing. The head is drooped in) a very peculiar manner, denoting dullness. The eyes become very dull and later almost totally blind. This is usually followed by delirium and death. When a horse becomes affected in the stall it sometimes presses its head against the manger or wall and as this symptom increases in violence it is not uncommon to find the stall and manger demolished. Another peculiarity of the disease is that just before the animal becomes violent, one can cross its legs and the animal will remain in the position semi-conscious for some time. This disease has been attributed to many causes. It is practically conceded at this time that it is due to a fungus found on the food administered. Feeding experiments with mouldy corn at our Station and other Stations, have proven that mouldy corn is capable of producing this disease. In March, 1902, a quantity of mouldy corn, which was taken from cribs of a farmer at Graf, Nebr., who had lost a number of horses with this disease, was fed to four horses. These horses were fed exclusively on this corn with a small quantity of good hay and on April 2 two of the horses were found to be affected, the symptoms being 292 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the same as those in animals that died in various parts of the state. The black horse, John, was found in the afternoon of April 2 to be swaying in his gait. He refused feed, had the peculiar dullness of the eyes, and when his limbs were crossed he remained in that position entirely motionless for some time. The next morning the animal was very much worse and at noon he was killed so that an autopsy could be held. The post-mortem examination showed that all organs were practically normal except the brain which was much softer than normal. I will quote the description of the post mortem as given by Dr. Butler, which is as follows: “‘On removal of the brain the superior surface of the right cerebral hemi- sphere was noticed to be slightly flattened over the anterior half. Palpation revealed a soft spot at this place. An incision through the apparently sound gray matter revealed what Mayo described as a sereous abscess in which floated flocculi of broken down brain sub- stance, which presented the appearance, as one stockman said, of a mixture of vinegar and curdled milk. This portion of softened and broken-down white brain substance is in no sense a serous abscess. The line of demarcation between the broken-down and the healthy brain substance was not clearly marked, but surrounding the completely broken-down por- tion of a zone probably half an inch thick that was softer than normal and of a slightly yellow color. The liquid in the cavity, and in which floated portions of soft and partially broken-down brain substance, was slightly yellow, but in no instance was clotted blood or any other microscopic evidence of a hemorrhage to be found.” Dr. Butler and Dr. Mayo conducted an experiment with some mouldy corn from a farmer who lost four registered Percheron horses at Wakefield, Kansas. Four hundred pounds of the worst of this corn and fifty pounds of the chaff and screenings were sent to the Agricultural College in Manhattan, Kansas, and a feeding experiment was started with two colts, twenty-three months old. The experiment began on July 16, when each colt received 1% kilos twice daily. On July 22, they were fed 114 kilos of corn and cob meal twice daily. On the 26th of July 134 kilos of the damaged corn, well ground, cob and all. This was continued until August 19. One colt died August 21. Another experiment was conducted with a two year old colt, but fed with mouldy corn and good prairie hay. ‘The temperature of the animal varied from 101-102° F. This colt died on July 26, the feeding experiment having Fig. 107. Dermal mycosis associated with Sarcoptic mange caused by Fusarium equinum, conidia and mycelium. 2-6. Conidia (macroconidia) in various stages of development. 4. Germinating. After Melvin and Mohler. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—FUSARIUM 293 begun on June 30. It was observed that after three weeks there were no notable changes except a gain in flesh. It seems to me that there can be no question from these experiments that mouldy corn is dangerous to feed to animals. Oxen, sheep, and dogs are also affected with a form of meningitis, due to mouldy conditions. Of course, it should be stated that in the above descrip- tion by Dr. Law, no special mould fungus is referred to. Fusarium equinum, Norgaard. Itch Disease of Horses Mycelium immersed, septate and branched; conidia in cultures sickle- shaped, segmented; in hair sacs and sebaceous glands spindle-shaped or crescent-shaped bodies. Drs. Melvin and Mohler supplement the above characters as follows: The Fusarium possesses three forms of spores, the microconidia small and oval, non-septate or two celled; the marcroconidia, large falcate, with sharp lanceolate ends, 3-5 septate, forming many aerial threads; 25-55 pw long 2%-4% yy wide; the chlamydospores oval or oblong, thin walled, densely granular, 8-15 ,, in diameter. The macroconidia occur during the later stage of growth. On culture media there is a white growth which becomes slightly colored. The most favorable medium is potato and sterilized bread, but it grows well in agar, glucose, or saccharine agar. Distribution. North America, California to Idaho. Pathogenic properties. In December,’ 1901, Victor A. Norgaard con- tributed to Science an account of a disease affecting horses, said to be pro- duced by a fungus to which he suggested that, pending investigation, the name Fusarium equinum, nov. spec. be given. The following is an abstract of the article in question: An epidemic skin disease appeared among the horses on the Umatilla Indian Reserva- tion, Pendleton, Oregon, upwards of sixty percent out of six thousand horses having been affected. ‘The disease manifested itself through severe itching and loss of hair over almost the entire body. Many of the animals died of starvation. An examination of samples of the skin was made in the Pathological Division of the Bureau of Animal Industry and the presence of Sarcoptes equi observed. However these parasites were not present in sufficient numbers to account for the almost complete alopecia, and examination of samples almost entirely denuded of hair failed to show their presence. Microscopic examination of sec- tions of the skin stained with borax blue showed the presence of large half-moon, spindle shaped bodies, deeply stained, in the hair sacs and sebaceous glands. Further culture produced from one to five circular colonies of a fungus which grew rapidly and assumed a salmon pink color. Cover-glass preparations made from these colonies contained numerous sickle-shaped segmented spores, characteristic of Fusarium. Of the twenty-five known vari- eties of this fungus, according to Dr. Erwin F. Smith, hitherto none has been known to be pathogenic to animals. Drs. A. D. Melvin and J. R. Mohler have given a somewhat more extended account of this form of dermatomycosis. They found present with the disease the Sarcoptes scabei. In 1901 the disease appeared in a very aggravated form, some 2,500 animals were diseased out of 6,000 animals on the Umatilla Indian reservation. It is supposed that this disease was introduced from California in 1902 from trailed horses. It appears that the fungus apparently enters the hair follicles, penetrates between the cells of the epidermis or abrasion of the skin and involves the surrounding cuticle, causing irritation, followed by pruritis, the animal attempting to rub itself against anything with which it comes in con- tact. When the scurf is rubbed off by the finger nail there is left in its place a red moist denuded surface. It affects almost the entire body except the knees and hocks. The crusts are of gray color at first but turn darker. When the tissue 294 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS is examined microscopically, the spores are found to be abundant in the hair follicle, the fungus causing the hair to drop out. The inflammatory process spreads in the sebaceous glands causing a suppression of the excretion with the formation of crusts anl scab. Occasionally Sarcoptes were found but Drs. Melvin and Mohler do not believe that they were the principal cause of the disease, although when present the animal parasite may aggravate the trouble. All ages and breeds of horses are susceptible as are both sexes. ‘The animal stands around the rubbing posts all day and finally dies. Rabbits, dogs, guinea pigs are immune. Experiments with horses were not successful, which these writers think may be because the right stage of the fungus was not used for inoculation experiments. Treatment. ‘The authors recommend dynamo oil and sulphur in the propor- tion of one pound of the latter to a gallon of oil. Coal tar sheep dips have also been used. Fig. 108. Favus of mouse (Oospora porriginis) from a culture. a. Mycelial threads. b. A single thread more highly magnified. After Fligge. Oospora, Wallr. Fungus with small tufts spreading or pulvinate, mucedinous, loose, or somewhat compact; fertile hyphae, short, with few branches; conidia trans- parent, usually in chains, globose or ovoid, hyaline or slightly colored. Oospora porriginis (Mont. and Berk.) Sace. Achorion Schénleinii, Remak. Favus, Tinea favosa. Honeycomb Ringworm Mycelium flexuose, simple, branched, or forked, continuous conidia, ovoid, triangular or somewhat cubical, varying 3-6 » in diameter; mycelium in masses with granular protoplasm occasionally branched at the end, the ends swollen, club-shaped, branches of the mycelium with lateral branches; spores oval, round or angular, 3-8 long and 3-4 , wide, single or in chains. The threads of the fungus are readily detected in the bulbs and the shafts of hairs when sodium nitrate or potassium hydroxid is added, but at a distance of two inches the fungus cannot be detected. Sections of the nail stained also show threads FUNGI IMPERFECTI—FAVUS 295: of the fungus. This fungus has been cultivated in ordinary agar or by Kral’s method. It grows well at higher temperatures, and in 24-48 hours the fungus threads appear. The spores germinate at 35° C. in 14 hours, and in 24 hours a fine mycelium appears in the air. In nutrient media like potato, gelatin and agar, chlamydospores and yellowish bodies appear. The organism requires higher temperatures for its best development, the optimum is 35° C. The organism from some of the lower animals, however, grows at lower temper- atures. According to Walsch the best development of the fungus in the hair is near the upper end of the root, from here it extends upward or downward; the mycelium may be exfollicular or on the surface of the hair. The favus of man does not differ especially from that of animals except in color, and in the shorter duration of the disease in animals. Distribution. Widely distributed in Europe and North America, but, according to Hyde and Montgomery, less common in the United States, Austria, and England, than in France, Scotland and Poland. Pathogenic properties. This form of dermatomycosis known as Favus was: discovered by Schénlein in 1839. In the middle ages, it was known as Tinea, meaning a moth or worm. Previous to the discovery of the organism by Schonlein, various troubles were classed as favus. Heusinger suspected the fungus nature of the disease as early as 1826. Remak, in 1845, cultivated the organism upon apple and transmitted it to his: arm. He named the fungus Achorion Schénleinii and in medical literature it is frequently referred to by this name. The favus organism of mice was discovered in 1850 by Bennett and recog- nized by subsequent investigators like Schroeder and Simon. Favus of cats, guinea pigs, and dogs was recognized by Saint Cyr. Gerlach found it in birds, and Gruby, three years after the discovery of the organism by Schdénlein, found it in hairs on the heads of children and the hairs of the beard. In recent times, various views have been expressed with reference to the nature of favus and trichophytosis, it being held that these diseases are produced by different fungi. Pick in 1887, Walsch in 1896, and others considered the fungus to be poly- morphic. Quincke distinguished three varieties but pathologists are not agreed on this point. Plaut, in his discussion of the parasitic fungi, divides them into the following groups: the Favus and the Trichophytic groups. According to this view, the favus of man and that of animals are regarded as distinct fungi. The disease in man generally appears where hairs occur, but may appear also in other parts of the body as the eyes, nails, etc., seldom becoming general. Favus of the nails is called Favus onychomycosis. In lower animals the disease: may occur on the head, nose, ears, back and, more frequently, is generalized. Formerly this disease was common among the poorer classes. Today, it is: not common in France, Holland, Scandinavia, Germany, England, Switzerland, Japan or America; on the other hand, it is rather frequent in Russia, Scotland,. Italy, Spain, Asia, Austria and Egypt, young individuals being more suscep- tible to it than are older persons, probably acquiring the disease by contact. The disease is spread through spores of the fungus. The mycelium itself, ac-. cording to Grawitz, is not capable of spreading the disease of animals. In man it is recognized by the development of minute yellowish or reddish points ; delicate vescicles may surround these spots. Later, the fungus may develop a 296 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS crust; the odor is very disagreeable, being compared to the odor of mice or the urine of cats. Mice are most susceptible to the disease, cats coming next since they come in contact with mice which have favus, then dogs by means of the cats and finally guinea pigs. According to the recent investigations of Frank (1891) three different types of fungi were isolated from mice, and Unna and Neebe in 1893, concluded that no fewer than nine species existed, three aerophilous and six aerophobic, as follows: Achorion eutythrix, A. didikroon, A. atkaton, A. radians, A. akro- megalicum, A. demergens, A. cysticum, A. moniliforme, and A. tarsiferon, but these may probably be regarded as one widely-polymorphic species. Fig. 109. Epidermis invaded by Sporotrichum. a—inferior portion of the stratum corneum; b—superior portion of the rete. Both exhibit long mycelial threads, with a few ramifications and a small number of spores. After Kaposi. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—SPOROTRICHUM 297 Sporotrichum, Link Hyphae, branching irregularly and repeatedly, septate or continuous, usual- ly equally procumbent; conidia, acrogenous at the apices of the main and lateral branches, usually solitary beneath, ovoid or subglobose. This genus differs from Botrytis, especially in all the hyphae being procumbent and the conidia subsolitary; from Tvrichosporum, in never being dark colored. Very many species, imperfectly described by older writers, show mere forms, or mycelia. Sporotrichum Furfur. Rob Pale yellow or yellowish brown to dark brown or brownish-red spots, vary- ing in size from that of a lentil to that of a hand, either smooth or shining or dull exfoliating. Found on the breast, stomach, or back. Never upon the hands, feet, seldom on the face. Slender hyphae 3-4 » wide, 7-13 » long, vari- able as to length and thickness. The spores are clustered resembling oil drops. On potato a characteristic growth of yellowish, orange red brown, blackish or greenish color. Old culture is grayish, brownish or violet color. In 3-4 days a whitish gelatinous mass forms, which in 3-4 weeks covers the whole surface. Conidia are oidium-like, surrounded by thick hyphae, occur in scales, 4-7 uw, spherical. In cultures budding occurs. Distribution. Common in some localities in Europe and America. Pathogenic properties. Fehr in 1840 observed that most of the inhabitants in a Swiss village were infected through cattle. Bazin in 1853 observed that many cavalry men were infected through horses. Papa in 1840 observed that this disease was frequently transmitted to men. In cities it chiefly occurs in cats and dogs, and through these it is conveyed to men. It is especially common in people with tender skins and in tubercular patients, and is more common with women than men. In 1846, Eichstedt dis- Fig. 110. Sporotrichum Furfur. After Kaposi. a 298 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS covered the cause while Robin named the fungus Microsporon Furfur. K6ob- ner, in 1866, made the first inoculation experiments. Grawitz, in 1876, first cultivated the organism. His work was followed by that of such other investigators as Sehlen in 1890 and Koltjar in 1892, who succeeded in transmitting the cultivated fungus to guinea pigs and gave it the name Oidium minimum. It has also been named Oidium Furfur. Vuillemin also cultivated the fungus to which he gave the name Malassezia Furfur. Pure cultures of the organism grown on potato were transmitted to man. Treatment. The best treatment, as recommended by Hyde and Montgomery, is a hot bath, the skin being rubbed with soap; following this the skin is bathed with clean water and sponged with a solution of sodium hyposulfite, 1 drachm (4) to the ounce (30). py aee Ma ile Erythrasma Fungus. Sporotrichum minutissimum, After Hyde and Montgomery. Sporotrichum minutissimum (Burckhardt.) Pammel. Erythrasma It begins as small brown or reddish patches which become confluent; these spots may become as large as the palm of a hand and occur in the axial region; the scales contain Leptothrox-like threads which are branched and septate; conidia small, round or angular. It grows well on agar agar, glycerine agar, gelatine, potatoes, and in blood serum. In nutrient media, branching, septate hyphae 0.8-1.34 in thickness and 5-15 in length are seen; the short hyphae break up into numerous spores. This disease was first observed by Burckhardt in 1869 and since has been observed by others. It occurs in the form of roundish or punctiform patches, sharply contrasted with the adjacent tissues. The younger areas are livid red while the older are yellowish or brownish. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—ERYTHRASMA 299 A so-called Dhobie itch of the Philippine Islands is in part caused by this fungus. Though Hyde and Montgomery state that there are two other types of infection known by this name, one is trichophyton and one of bacterial origin. Sporotrichum giganteum, (Unna). Pammel Spores are free or in chains in nutrient medium 1.5-7 » in diameter, the oval 4-5x5-6 #, yeast-like budding resembling Oidium lactis also occurs; ecto- spores as well as chlamydospores present, the latter 8-12 mu in diameter with strongly refringent bodies: in cultures ray like, the rays consisting of hyphae and spores, in liquid media only hyphae with ectospores. In the hair, knot-like bodies are formed with spores and hyphae embedded in mucilage. The Colombia disease was described as Trichosporon giganteum, Unna. It is a polymorphic fungus and the T. ovoides, Behrend is included but by some is regarded as different. The knotty masses of hair are less thick, and the spores are oval in shape; gelatine not liquefied. The superficial colonies resemble Oidium lactis. Chlamydospore 4-12 in diameter. Other species of Microsporon have been described like M. canis in dogs. M. tigris, the M. equi, in horses and colts and another species in cattle. In calves a similar form occurs. The sheep are said to have the disease on the neck and breast; it also occurs in hogs, goats, and birds. These forms are said to differ slightly clinically. Pus is formed in follicles, and the hair is especially prone to drop out. A bad smelling liquid of a reddish color occurs. In lesions large spores, the ectospores, occur. The Oidium chain like spores occur chiefly in the roots of the hairs. Pathogenic properties. The disease is especially common in animals in which the skin is naturally fine, thin, and dry, and covered with hair sparsely, more common in the Arabian Barb, English racer, and American trotter of ‘nervous organization than in heavier draft breeds. Old horses are more sub- ject than young ones. Extended desquamation, excessive production of epi- dermal scales without any elevation of the skin, scurfy products may be found in patches scattered over the body; generalized or circumscribed as to the head, ears, crest and tail; the hair may be pulled out with great ease. In cattle it occurs on neck and develops in connection with anaemia, spoiled fodder, and constitutional predisposition. Affects especially the head, neck, and back of dogs gorged with dainties and those becoming aged. The affected parts are covered with a floury or bran-like product lying upon a dry surface, the affection being usually limited to certain areas more or less destitute of hair. In the cat it may affect the whole dorsal aspect of the body, being associated with extreme electrical susceptibility, the hair when touched, collecting in tufts. The scaly product is abundant. Animals are said to spread trichophytic fungi, which supposition is im- portant from a hygenic point of view. Since the disease sometimes occurs in school children, separate hooks for clothing and separate towels when bathing the hands and faces are recommended. A one per cent solution of bicloride of mercury will kill the fungus. The disease was first described by Osorio in 1846, and was then thought to be confined to Colombia where it was called Diedra (Stone), but later was found in Europe, and Vuillemin reported it from Paris in 1902. Desenne of 300 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Paris discovered the hyphae of the fungus and Malcolm Morris the spore-like bodies. Behrend in 1890 succeeded in cultivating the fungus. Sporotrichum tonsurans. Barber’s Itch Hyphae slender 1.5-2 » in diameter, straight, undulated, dichotomous, septate or non-septate, penetrate the hair follicles forming a matted mycelium, small pustules and scabs; in places devoid of hairs it forms red, scaly spots, discs and circles. The fungus is found between the uppermost layers of the epidermis just beneath the corneous stratum; the conidia are small, spherical or elliptical, sharply defined 2-34 in diameter; the spore masses surround the root of the hair and are frequently densely and closely arranged like beads; in culture media like agar, a many-rayed fungus occurs, the color varies with the medium, yellow, Bismark brown, cherry red, violet, rose, brown, blackish brown; gelatine liquefied; spores swell after a few hours and produce 1-2 germ tubes from a single spore; mycelium with occasional swellings, ectospores formed in 60-96 hours, also small, branched air hyphae; small conidia 1.5-3 in diameter borne on short, lateral branches. The Botrytis-like spores rise on the long, thin, curved air hyphae. Oidium budding does not occur in nutrient media. The spores retain their vitality for six months but exposure to 45° C. for a few hours will kill the organism; it is sensitive to sunlight and common disinfectants. The fungus is polymorphic, one form having been classed, by Sabourne, with Botrytis. The large-spored trichophyte found on the scalp germinates at 37° C, in a few hours; but at room temperature, a much longer time is required. Conidia 5 “in diameter, an abundant mycelium with dust-like growths, and, in three days, oidium-like spores, as well as ectospores, are produced on the potato, the disease being known as Tinea Sycosis. The 7. circumscripta produces, in animals, cherry patches each with a raised border and scales, and is also found on the head, arms, and neck, of man. T. disseminata produces small red pustules. To T. tonsurans, also, is attributed Eczema marginatum which Kobner, while making a study of trichophytic fungi in 1864, recognized as a trichophyte. He also determined that the fungus on the nails, described in 1853 and 1855 by Baum and Meissner, was a trichophyte. Fig. 112. Barber’s Itch. (Sporotrichum tonsurans) Fila- ments and spores. After Hyde and Montgomery. FUNGI IMPERFECTI—BARBER’S ITCH 301 Gerlach, in 1857-1859, demonstrated a trichophyte in bovine animals, and other investigators, later, recognized the case as Herpes tonsurans. S. tonsurans has also been described under Trichophyton tonsurans and as Oidium tonsurans. Unna, in 1897, from twenty cultures described four species, T. oidiophora, T. eretmorphoron, T. atractophoron, and T. pterygodes. It is probable that Sporo- trichum tonsurans is a very variable species. Lindau places it under the genus Oospora, but it seems preferable to call it Sporotrichum. Distribution. Occurs in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Pathogenic properties. In cattle, small, round, sharply defined spots oc- cur which are covered with scabs and scales which project more or less above the skin and vary in size, some being as large as the palm of the hand. Under- neath the scales, is a purulent fluid with hollows that represent the empty follicle. In man as well as in animals, the hairs can be pulled out very readily. The eruption lasts from six to twelve weeks, outbreaks occurring from rubbing or scratching as a relief from the itching sensation that accompanies the erup- tion. In sucking calves it occurs chiefly about the mouth and is called “doughy mange” and, according to Hahn, is produced by the fungus T. tonsurans. Most of the varieties can be transmitted to guinea pigs, cats, and dogs and have even been transmitted to man during the process of sheep shearing. Healing takes place when the animal is inoculated subcutaneously. The large- spored form, occurring on the scalp, forms pus and resembles moist eczema. Children take the disease from calves and by playing with cats and dogs. Mycosis of the beard exists in two forms; non-infectious and infectious. In Sycosis parasitaria, the disease is accompanied by a severe inflammation of the hairy parts of the skin leading to infiltration and suppuration. Sabouraud classifies the parasite into a dry and a pus favus. The Eczema marginatum supposedly caused by the same fungus was first described by Devergie in 1854-1855; Berensprung having discovered the same fungus in 1855. It is slightly contagious, and more frequent in men than in women. Another form of the disease occurs in the mouth. In sheep the wool is felted and beneath it are bran-like, scabby parts, the fleece becoming very ragged in appearance. In poultry, it shows itself by the loss of feathers. In horses, it occurs most often on the seat of the saddle. The spots vary in size, and the surrounding hair can be pulled out easily. In dogs, it affects the head and extremities. Usually the spots are round at first and sharply defined, later becoming hairless patches; occasionally they are dirty gray scabs. Ringworm of the body or Tinea circinata, is characterized by the occurrence of one or more pea-shaped or large circular reddish patches which are on about the same level as the integument and rarely 5-6 inches in diameter. In some forms there is itching. ‘This Trichophyton was discovered by Gruby in 1844. This fungus can be readily recognized by making microscopic mounts. The mycelium is less branched and the threads are more slender than in the form previously described. The spores are like strings of beads. The ringworm of the scalp, Tinea tonsurans, is a disease, chiefly, of children, especially of those in schools. It differs from the preceding form in the fact that the fungus makes its way into the hair follicles. The patches are, at first, circumscribed, about the size of a small coin, covered or partly covered with roundish patches of slate gray color or a dirty yellow. The fungus is called Microsporon adouini. 302 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Hyde and Montgomery state that there are at least two distinct and unrelated forms capable of producing ringworm, the Microsporon adouini, a small-spored fungus, and the Trichophyton, or large-spored fungus. The Microsporon appears under the microscope in the form of a large number of round spores, irregularly grouped or massed about the follicular portion of the hair. The mycelial threads are all within the hair proper while the spores terminate fine threads on the other surface of the shaft. The spores of Tricophyton vary greatly in size and are much larger than those of Microsporon. ‘They are cuboidal, oval, or irregularly rounded. They occur in chains, up and down the hair or shaft. The mycelium is found without, never within, the hairs. The spores may be within (endothrix) or without (ectothrix). Oidium albicans. (Robin.) Rees. Thrush Forms a mould-like growth in the mouth of man and lower animals. Vegetative cells, yeast-like, spherical, elliptical, oval or cylindrical, 5-6 »# long, 4 » wide, the elongated hyphae-like bodies variable in length; conidia elliptical in chains; grows well in nutrient media where it produces superficial, spherical, white, wax-like, granular colonies, varying color from reddish to white; chlam- ydospores in nutrient media and occasionally in the epithelial layer; it does not ferment lactose and saccharose, but ferments levulose and dextrose. According to Brebeck and Fischer there are two morphological forms of the organisms, a small oval and a large-spored form; however, this distinction is not generally recognized. Distribution. Widely distributed in the United States, also in other coun- tries, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, and Great Britain. Pathogenic properties. John recognized the disease in 1816, while Buchner gave a somewhat detailed description in 1841. Langbeck and Berg dicsovered the fungus in 1839. It was thought by them that it was the cause of typhoid fever. Langenbeck demonstrated that the Fungus could be carried from a child, sick with the disease, to a healthy individual. Gruby, in 1847, described the fungus under the name of Apfpthaphyta, placing it near the fungus Spor- otrichum, while Robin, a French author on parasitic diseases, considered the fungus to be an Oidium, naming it Oidium albicans, a name frequently used by authors. Rees, however, placed it with the yeasts. Monilia candida is re- garded by Plaut and Lindau as a synonym. Grawitz, in 1877, made pure culture of the fungus and succeeded in producing the disease in guinea pigs. Klemperer found that when the fungus was inoculated into the circulatory system of guinea pigs, general mycosis resulted. Limossier and Roux (1889- 1890) in their monograph, state that the mycelium occurs in the blood vessels of inoculated animals. The fungus is very common in some sick chambers in regions where the disease is prevalent. It is most abundant in sucklings. It occurs frequently in children of premature birth, and in weak children; | the fungus is also found in aged persons, suffering from disability; it occurs chiefly upon the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, and oesophagus; more rarely, upon that of the stomach, intestine and vagina, and upon the nipples of nursing women and bovine animals. It has also been found in the liver, kidneys and lungs; it penetrates the epithelium and even into the under- lying, connective tissue; it is spontaneous in such animals as calves, birds, and FUNGI IMPERFECTI—THRUSH 303 foals. The disease is fatal in many cases, some authors estimating the death rate as high as 22 per cent. Inoculated guinea pigs show a rise in temperature at first a lowering, accompanied by albuminaria, loss of flesh, and diar- rhoea, death occurring in from 3-7 days. Immunity may be obtained in guinea pigs by beginning with small doses, and increasing these gradually to three times the strength. The product produced by the fungus is poisonous; 20-40 cc. of the whole substance will kill a guinea pig weighing one kilogram. Dr. Stuhr has contributed the following upon this subject: Thrush is a mycosis of the mouth affecting children, calves, foals, and poultry, and is characterized by the formation of white patches upon the mucous membrane, which vary in size from points to large areas. It may involve the pharyngeal and laryngeal mucosae by extension. The disease is transmissable from man to animals. Young age, a weak con- stitution, gastric indigestion, uncleanliness, milky and starchy diet predispose. Decaying food in the mouth offers a suitable place for the growth of the fungus. Etiology. ‘The specific cause of thrush is a vegetable parasite, Oidium albicans, first described by Berg in 1840. It is one of the branching fungi closely related to the yeasts and grows readily on sour milk, in saccharine substances, on decayed wood, and on fresh cow manure. Calves fed milk from wooden pails which are not kept perfectly clean are particularly liable to con- tract the disease. The fungus descends into the epithelium and sometimes into the subjacent connective tissue, causing inflammatory infiltration and superficial necrosis. Symptoms. ‘The mucosa is diffusely red, swollen and tender, and shows adherent white patches, varying in size, surrounded by a red inflammatory zone. When these white spots are rubbed off, shallow red ulcers are exposed. When the inflammation in the mouth is severe, or when the disease spreads to the pharynx and interferes with deglutition the prognosis may become serious. Usually, however, the disease is benign and yields readily to treatment. Lesions. These are usually superficially located and rarely extend deeply into tissues. ‘They begin with diffuse reddening of the mucous membrane and the formation of a somewhat shining, slimy, adhesive layer of grayish-white matter which is said to have an acid reaction. Later whitish dots appear upon the surface and gradually spread, sometimes coalescing. These whitish patches are false membranes composed of. detached epithelial cells with a ramifying network of parasitic threads. The white color of the false membranes is markedly in contrast with the congested surrounding tissue. While the lesions are ordinarily restricted to the mouth they may involve the pharynx, oesoph- agus, (in chickens), larynx and even the stomach and intestines. Metastasis may occur and the fungus be carried to various parts of the body. Treatment. This is aimed at the destruction of the fungus and for this purpose many stbstances have been recommended. The mouth should be cleansed at frequent intervals with solutions of borax, sodium hyposulphite, permanganate of potash, or chlorate of potash, etc. The system should be built up by feeding soft nutritious food, and the sanitary conditions should be improved. Oidium hominis. (Busse.) Pammel. Blastomycosis Cells spherical or ovoid, variable in culture, 8 # in diameter with strongly refringent bodies; in young cultures, nearly homogeneous and with oil drops; in old cultures, large cells with a thin membrane; culture, at first white, then grayish or yellowish, or yellowish-brown in plum cultures, in plum decoction 304 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS black, gas-producing in sugar medium, grows well in ordinary media but pre- ferably in acid; grows best at high temperature. (An organism isolated by Curtis produced white colonies with oval, or club-shaped cells, frequently pro- ducing capsules.) Grows readily in nutrient media, does not form a pellicle on the surface in liquid media. Descriptions of several so-called species of Saccharomyces causing Blasto- mycosis will be added to the above. In their development, blastomycotic fungi resemble true hyphal fungi rather than yeasts. It is convenient to discuss them here until their true relationship has been determined. Distribution. Found in Europe and America. Pathogenic properties. It was first isolated from the left tibia of a woman thirty-one years of age, the disease having first manifested itself by a purplish- red spot and swelling. An operation was performed, but it failed to relieve the trouble, new foci making their appearance after the operation and finally becoming general, being accompanied with pus formation. The patient died in 13 months, the lungs, kidneys, and spleen having become involved. There was no oedema, the organisms found in the lungs and kidneys being marked by small, nodular swellings. Large amounts of culture, when inoculated into guinea pigs, dogs, and rab- bits, produce the disease followed by death. In another case described by Curtis in 1895, the disease occurred in a young man. The organism isolated is path- ogenic for rats, mice and dogs. Fig. 113. Blastomycosis of the skin show- ing the elongated cells and budding forms. After Hyde and Montgomery. Ziegler, in his General Pathology, summarizes our knowledge of the path- ogenic properties of yeast as follows: As parasites no importance has been attached to them until very recently, but the in- vestigations of Busse, Buschke, Sanfelice, Curtis, and others have established the fact that there are also species of Saccharomycetes of pathogenic importance. According to these observations, the pathogenic yeasts can multiply in different tissues, in the skin, periosteum lungs, and glandular organs, and can excite either purulent inflammations or proliferations of granulation tissue, which run a course similar to that of an infection with actinomycosi¢ or tuberculosis. In inflammatory foci, the yeast cells are for the most part provided with a capsule. They may give rise to tumor-like swellings. ‘Through degenerate changes, crescentic forms may develop from the oval yeast-cells. In solutions containing sugar the blastomycetes form oval cells. Reproduction takes place through budding and constriction; on any portion of the parent cell there may develop an excrescence, which is constricted off after it reaches the size of the mother cell. Under FUNGI IMPERFECTI—BLASTOMYCOSIS 305 certain conditions the cells may grow out into threads, but in these threads no subsequent segmentation occurs; jointed threads arise through budding (Cienkowsky, Grawitz). A dilute culture-medium favors the formation of threads. Oidium granulomatogenes. (Sanfelice). Pammel. Blastomycosis Forms nodular masses; grows in ordinary media; ferments sugar; uniform clouding of media; colonies white; the nodules consist of the fungus, giant epithelioid cells; causes a cheesy degeneration. Distribution. Found in Europe. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic for hogs; occurs in the lungs, where it produces nodular masses. Oidium lithogenes. (Sanfelice.) Pammel. Blastomycosis The fungus occurs in the cancerous-like growth of the lymphatics; is frequently surrounded by Jime, on agar and gelatin forms white colonies; in stick culture the growth is needle-like; sugar is changed into alcohol and carbon dioxid. Fungus consists of spherical bodies. Distribution. In Europe. Pathogenic properties. Pathogenic for guinea pigs, white rats, sheep, and cattle, producing nodular enlargements, frequently surrounded by a calcareous capsule. W. W. Hamburger, in a recent number of the Journal of Infectious Dis- eases, refers to a morphological and biological study of blastomycosis as follows: 1. The strains of organisms appear nearly identical, so far as growth in test-tubes goes. A few minor differences are summed up below. 2. The organisms grow vigorously on the usual laboratory media, with perhaps a slightly more abundant growth on faintly acid glucose-agar. 3. Temperature is perhaps the most important factor in varying the gross and micro- scopic morphology; room temperature favors production of mycelia and aerial hyphae; in- cubator temperature inhibits production of hyphae and favors coherent, waxy, yeastlike colonies (budding forms). 4. Those cultures which produce yeastlike growths at incubator temperature develop hyphae within 24 hours when withdrawn and placed at room temperature. Likewise the majority of yeast-like colonies will finally (in 17 to 30 days) show evidence of beginning hypha formation even if kept at 37 degrees C. 5. Glucose-agar stabs, and broth form the most serviceable culture media if a limited variety is at hand. Duplicates should always be made to control] differences in morphology at room and incubator temperature. 1. Four strains of organisms isolated from four cases of generalized blastomycosis appear identical. 2. Pronounced variations in the gross and microscopic morphology of the organisms are produced by variations in temperature. As a routine for purposes of study cultures should be grown at both room and incubator temperatures. Distribution. Found both in Europe and North America. Pathogenic properties. Dr. Harris gives the following: Towards the lower animals pathogenic properties vary very much with the culture, recently isolated cultures as a rule proving more virulent than older ones. Mice, guinea pigs, and dogs are most susceptible, succumbing often te subcutaneous and intraperitoneal inocu- lations, whilst the white rat, rabbit, sheep, and horse are more refractory; in all, the lesions may be localized in the form of abscesses,or general infection may ensue where subcutaneous inoculation is practised. Dr. E. R. Le Count and J. Myers discuss the case of systemic blastomycosis of a Polish laborer. The first noticeable departure consisted in a feeling of discomfort involving the chest on the right side extending through from front to back, later cutaneous lesions appeared, 306 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS located below the left ankle and extended down to the heel. He was obliged to stop work in December. The patient was emaciated, pale, anemic, and weak. Marked oedema was present in the ankles, feet, face and arms. His nails were clubbed; inguinal adenopathy was noted. From the lesions blastomycotic fungus was isolated, the sputum also contain- ing the organism. Eisendrath and Ormsby described the cultures as follows: On March 22nd pus was removed from a subcutaneous abscess on the left forearm, which was inoculated on various media. Six days later growth was plainly visible, and after this time the cultures grew rapidly. These proved to be pure cultures of blastomy- cetes. . . . . In the pus they occurred as circular forms and budding forms, having a double contour and the usual refractile capsule. On media the growth varied. It presented a moist, pasty surface on glycerin-agar, with at times a wormy appearance or else present- ing large folds and depressions. Microscopically, these cultures showed many oval and circular organisms, some budding ones, and much mycelial formaticn, the latter being both coarse and fine containing sporules. Lateral conidia occurred. On glucose-agar the growth was more dry, white, and presented aerial hyphae; and microscopically there were fewer circular and budding organisms and more fine mycelia. On both glucose and glycerin-agar the media were penetrated to a considerable depth in a semi-circular manner, Drs. Le Count and J. Myers say, as follows: The body was examined a few hours after death and the following anatomical diagnosis made: Blastomycotic bronchopneumonia; blastomycosis of the peribronchial lymph nodes, of the pleura, the subpleural, and retropharyngeal tissue, the liver, the kidneys, the colon, the spinal column (dorsal vertebrae), the external spinal dura, the cerebellum, the left elbow, both knee and ankle joints, and of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with ulcerations, fistulae, and scars. Fibrous pleuritis. Passive hyperemia of liver and spleen. Serous atrophy of adipose tissue. Emaciation. Adenoma of thyroid and accessory spleen. One notable feature of this case is the large conglomerate blastomycotic nodule in the cerebellum. In only one other case of systemic blastomycosis, that of Curtis’, is there any record of changes in the nervous system, and the statements in that instance are solely clinical, death being due to meningitis. The reproduction by a process of sporulation demonstrable in the cerebellar lesion is likewise a new feature of the changes encountered in the lesions of this disease. The idea that in the nervous tissue the fungus may have found favorable or different conditions of nutrition, as an explanation for this method of multiplication, is opposed by the facts that the regions in which it was found were very minute, that it was not generally present in the cerebellar process, and the budding was commonly observed in the ‘‘abcesses’’ in the partitions between necrotic regions. Highly interesting is the relationship between this case of blastomycosis and one of coccidioidal disease described by Ophuls. Up to the present two of the chief differences between blastomycosis and coccidioidal granuloma have been the endosporulation observed in the tissues in the latter disease and its tendency to spread by the Imyph channels. Al- though no widespread extension by the Imyphatics was demonstrated in the case reported here, the extension to the tracheobronchial glands and in peribronchial lymph channels is unmistakable; the endosporulation on the cerebellum in part also resembles the methods of production described for the organism of coccidioidal granuloma. Taken together, these features in this instance of systemic blastomycosis are in accord with the belief expressed by Ophuls of a close relationship of the organisms in the two diseases. Ricketts, in an interesting monograph on “Oidiomycosis (Blastomycosis) of the Skin and its Fungi,” gives the clinical history, cultural characters and histopathology of a large number of cases. The fungi are divided into three groups, (1) Blastomycetoid or yeast-like. (2) Oidium-like. (3) Hyphomycet- oid. He says: There are two histological forms of the disease in the skin, the eosinophilous and the non-eosinophilous, the former being associated with the mould type of the organism. Aside from the infections considered in this communication, certain cases which have been described in the literature from time to time indicate that oidium-like organisms may cause other severe pathological conditions in man. EUMYCETES—LICHENS 307 LICHENS Symbiotic organisms consisting of higher fungi, chiefly of the class Asco- mycetes, or rarely Basidiomycetes; the thallus consisting of algal cells enveloped by the mycelium of the fungus forming a felted mass. The algae are called gonidia and belong to the Cyanophyceae or Chlorophyceae. The reproductive bodies consist of spermogonia, which contain the spermatia. ‘The asci contain the ascospores, and occur in apothecia. In the Basideal lichens, spores are borne on basidia. Lichens are sometimes divided into fruticose, crustaceous, and foliaceous; but a more natural classification arranges the lichens into the Basidio-lichenes and Asco-lichenes, with various families, such as the Roccel- laceae, that contains the Litmus, Roccella tinctoria; the Lecanoraceae, contain- ing the Lecanora; and the Cladoniaceae that contains the well known Reindeer Lichen, Cladonia rangiferina. Fig. 115. Ljichens, structure of Thallus and Apothecia. 1. Plectospora minutula, sec- tion through a part of the apothecium; a (at the right, below) Gonidia, a@ (above) ascus sp ascospores, p paraphyses; x500. 2. Section of thallus of Cladonia furcata x 330. 3. Por- tion of thallus of Stereocaulon rumulosum; a gonidia, m hypha. 4. Isolated gonidium (a) with attached hyphae (m) x 950. 5. Synalissa ramulosa, isolated gonidia (a) with attached hypha (m). After Bornet. 308 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS EMBRYOPHYTA ZOIDIOGAMA BRYOPHYTA Seldom thalloid, generally with stem and leaves with well marked alteration of generations. They contain antheridia and archegonia similar to those of the ferns. The antheridia are stalked, ellipsoidal, spherical, or club-shaped; the sperm cells are biciliated, the archegonia flask-shaped, the ventral portion with a large center cell, the lower portion divided into an egg cell and ventral canal cell. At maturity the new canal cells become mucilaginous and disorganized, Fig. 114. Spermogonia of Lichen. g. Goniodia, fungus threads below. Sp. Spermatia. Greatly magnified. After Tulacne. Fig. 115b. Lichens. 1. Ochrolechia tartarea. 2. Rhisocarpon geographicum. 3. Lecanora subfusca, on bark of tree. 4. Calicum. 5. Bacomyces roseus. 6. Lecanora esculenta. 7. No. 6 removed from substratum. 8. Graphis scripta. 1-8 after Wettstein. EMBRYOPHYTA—BRYOPHYTA 309 ore ae Gi G/ iI % (S == =} ah Fig. 116. A. Lichen—Iceland Moss (Cetraris islandica). p. Paraphyses. a. Asci. b. Ascospores. s. Subhymenial layer. g. Gonidia or alga. h. Hyphae. r. “Cortical” portion. B. Lichen. (Synalissa symphorea) sending its hyphae into an alga Gloeocapsa. C. Archegon- ium of fern (Poiypodium vulgare) with egg cell. b. Antheridium with sperm cells. c. Single coiled sperm cell. D. Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha). a. Large gemmule or bud. b. Same section of thalloid structure bearing scales, s. G. Antheridium with sperm cells shown at b. H. Foliaceous lichen Physcia pulverulenta. I. Section of male plant of moss. Phascum cuspidatum. a. Antheridium. 0. Archegonium. /. leaves. p. Paraphyses. K. Shield Fern (Aspidium Felix-Mas), pinnule bearing sori. a. Indusitum, undernearth the sporangia. L. Sporangium of the same with ring and stalk with the spores at a. 5 Sporangium of the Royal Fern (Osmumnda regalis), No ring or mere traces. JV. Filmy fern (Trichomanes alatum). O. Schizaea pusilla. a. Fertile pinnule with sporangia. Single sporangivm with rir g at small end. 310 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the mucilaginous material acting as a servant to attract the sperm cells. After fertilization occurs, spores develop. In addition to the sexual method of repro- duction an asexual reproduction also occurs. The gametophytic and sporo- ' phytic stage are sharply differentiated.. In the development of the sexual generation the spore germinates giving rise to a tube which develops into a new plant, and is called protonema. There are two divisions, the common mosses, and the liverworts. The parts of the fruiting moss plant are as follows: ‘The calyptra or membranous cap which covers the capsule and soon falls off, exposing the operculum, which is a kind of lid, that is also thrown off. The peristome is developed within the operculum and contains teeth, between which the spores are discharged. The elaters in Marchantia are for the dissemination of the spores. The peristome differs in different genera; this affords a convenient means of classification. The spores are found in the capsule and running through the center is a slightly differentiated tissue, the columella. In Funaria the reproductive organs occur on different plants. The sexual organs are borne much like those of liver-worts at the apex of the stem. The antheridia occur in a small rosette of leaves and are club-shaped, the upper part consisting of a single layer of large chlorophyll bearing cells in which small cubical masses occur, the biciliated sperm cells. The archegonia occur in young plants and closely resemble the archegonia of liverworts, except that they have a larger neck. The sporeg germinate by producing a protonema which early produces a rhizoid. The liverworts and mosses are much more highly differentiated than any of the Thallophytes, being characterized by more or less differentiation into tissues. Their life history presents a well marked alteration of generations. The gametophyte is more conspicuous than the sporophyte; the germinating spore produces the protonema, which consists of a branched filament, the cells containing the chloroplastids. The prctonema is usually short-lived in the Hepaticae but in the true mosses is longer-lived and may persist from year to year. The moss plant is attached to the soil by small unicellular root hairs, or by many curled filaments which, in mosses, are called rhizoids. The shoots of mosses bear lateral organs known as leaves. In Polytrichum and Mnium the leaf consists, essentially, of a single layer of cells except on the midrib. In the leafy-stemmed liverworts like Frullania two rows of lateral leaves occur. In Marchantia the leaves are rudimentary and occur on the under surface of the thalloid structure in the form of small scales. The small dots on the surface represent the stomata which are dome shaped structures consisting of a num- ber of cells on each side. The stomata communicate with the photosynthetic system of the plant. Bryophytes are divided into two classes, the liverworts — Hepaticae — and the Mosses— Musci, the latter represented by spagnum moss — Polytrichum, Bryum, etc. The mosses are distinguished from the thallophytes by their sexual repro- duction, the antheridia or male organs are stalked, ellipsoidal, or club-shaped, and enclose small cubical cells, in which the ciliated sperm cells occur. These are ejected, float about in the water till the female reproductive organ, the archegonium, is reached. This is a flask-shaped body containing a neck and an egg cell. At maturity the upper part of the canal cells become mucilaginous, the sperm cells pass down through the canal to the egg cell, where fertilization EMBRYOPHYTA—BRYOPHYTA Sut Py WM, ~ Y n4, Tig. 1l6a. A. Common Polypody (Polypodium vulgare). rh. Rhizome. ss. Stipe. f. Frond. r. Rachis. a. Part of frond with sori. c. Sporangium. d. Spores. B. Moss (Mnium hormum). a. Inner peristome. 6. Outer peristome, two teeth. C. Juniper Moss (Polytrichum commune). rh. Rhizoid. s. Seta or stalk. c. Calyptra or cap. o. Operculum. D. ‘Common liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha). s. Spores. e. Elater. E. Same as D— thalloid body with female fruiting body and cupules. F. Same more magnified. r. Rays with the spore cases containing the spores and elaters. p. Perigynium, to the left and right archegonia, different stages. G. Prothallus of fern with archegonia, b. and antheridia, a. H. Fern prothallus with young fern and root at r. I. Protonema of Moss (Funaria hygrometrica). yr. Rhizoids. b. Buds. s. Spores. OZ MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS is brought about. After fertilization, the egg cell divides and gives rise to an embryo. The mosses differ from the ferns and their allies in a less differentiation of tissues and a slight development of shoot and root system. The vascular system and leafy shoots and roots are marked in the ferns. PTERIDOPHYTA Spores alike or unlike microspores and megaspores developing into flat or irregular prothallia; these bear the reproductive organs, (antheridia and arche- gonia); flowers and seeds absent; usually a well developed vascular system. This sub-division includes the class Filicales or ferns proper. The class E-quisetales or horsetails; the Lycopodiales represented by the common club moss, (Lycopodium). Fig. 116b. Fern. A. Section through frond of As- pidium Filix mas, a leaf-like .body with parenchyma cells, an epidermis and vascular bundles x 100. B-J. Develop- ment of the sporangia of Aspidium trifoliatum x 350. K. Young sporangium of Nephrolepis exaltata in the act of differentiating the annulus x 350. ZL. Immature sporangium of Blechnum occidentale, seen from the back. M. Sporangi- um with spores. N. Sporangium dehiscence at st, a jointed ring x 120. O. Group of spore mother-cells x 350. P-R. Single spore mother-cells in different stages of partition x 425. S,T. Bilateral tetrads of Aspidium Filix mas. U. Mature spores of Aspidium Filix mas x 500. V. Tetrads. After Luerssen. EMBRYOPHYTA—PTERIDOPHYTA 313 FILICALES Leafy plants, fronds usually raised on a stipe; coming from a rootstock; leaves usually rolled up in the bud, circinate; spores all of one kind and size, produced in sporangia which occur on the back of the frond, these at maturity break open and discharge the minute spores, which develop prothalli that bear the antheridia and archegonia. The following sub-orders occur in the United States: the Ophioglossaceae represented by the common adder’s tongue, Ophioglossum vulgatum, found in moist meadows, the Moonwort, Botrychium Lunaria and B. Virginianum; the Osmundaceae, large ferns with straight erect rootstocks, pinnate leaves; large globose sporangia with mere traces of a ring; the Royal fern, Osmunda regalis, Clayton’s fern (O. Claytonia), the most common species in damp woods, and the Cinnamon Fern (O. cinnamomeay, occurring in wet places, marshes, etc.; the Filmy ferns, Hymenophyllaceae, represented by the Bristle Fern (7richomanes radicans) ; Cyatheaceae with such tree ferns as Dicksonia; Polypodiaceae, Common Brake, Maidenhair fern; Fig. 117. Marsilia (M. Fig. 117a. Club moss (Lycopodium clavatum). 1. Plant quadrifolia), a young leaf. with fertile shoots. 2. Scale and the sporangium. 3. Spores. s. Fruiting body. Bischoff. After Wossidlo. 314 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 119. Pteris serrulata. A _ single Fig. 118a. Antheridium archegonium; canal and neck cells; mu- of fern with sperm cells. cilage protruding x 350. After Stras- After Luerssen. burger. > ee ry em bis Pete 7 Fig. 120. . Prothallus of Fern. Archegonia above, an- theridia below among the hairs. After Lwuerssen. PTERIDOPHY TA—FERNS 315 Gleicheniaceae, some tropical ferns of few species; the Schizeaceae represented by the Small Curly Grass (Schizaea pusilla), Climbing Fern, (Lygodium palmat- um), sporangia ovoid or sessile provided with an apical ring, a family contain- ing about 100 species; the Polypodiaceae the largest sub-order with 200 genera and 3000 species; Marsiliaceae containing Marsilia a common aquatic or semi- aquatic plant; represented by Salvinia, Azolla, also aquatic. The order Ma- vattiales, contains the Marattia, tropical. It is not at all strange that the ferns should be poisonous since Greshoff and others have reported the presence of hydrocyanic acid in these plants. Greshoff says the odor of oil of bitter almonds is especially intense in the young leaves of Cystopteris fragilis Bernh; and there is also a trace of HCN in the spores. He also calls attention to the presence of the same substance in the common brake (Pteris aquilina), and states that several tropical ferns namely Davallia braziliensis, and other species are cyanogenetic, and that one fern, the D. pentaphylla, forms a large amount of this substance, especially the cultivated form elegantissima. Several species of the Gleichenia contain saponin. POLYPODIACEAE Perennial with horizontal erect, short or elongated rootstocks; leaves various, entire, pinnate, pinnatifid, or decompound, vernation circinate (coiled) ; sori on the margins of the leaf or on the lower side, generally without an indusium (covering); sporangia with a vertical many celled incomplete ring, which on straightening out ruptures and discharges the spores. A few of the ferns, as Male Shield fern Aspidium Filix-mas, and the A. marginale, are used in medicine. KEY FOR THE GENERA MiG sitimme ADS emits. yay sans ic clsrctatas ais connie aN sean eet evaronremetn bes Cielsuslot ake Polypodium Indusium present, evident. Sori marginal. Indusium with margin of frond rolled over. Sporangia borne on a continuous marginal vein-like receptacle. Stine: lohey COLOLEGY solace, MAMET dinar Meera Me icIote Sere aiae: ole sway ane Pteris Sporangia on the ends of the veins. Stipe black............ Adiantum Sori on back with special indusium covering the same. SOrty Linear OFM ODLONG cl eete Os eure ester oered Tehebaree tele at ter oka st eka Asplenium Sori roundish on the back or rarely the apex of the vein. Stipe not articulated. Indusium flat or slightly convex or round reniform, fixed by the center, opening all round the margin.............../ Aspidium Indusium convex, fixed by a broad base, commonly reflexed aS the sporaneide ripen besitos eee et te eet ahs o's so =. Cystopteris Indusium obscure, leaves closely rolled together with necklace-like seg- 108) 11 ee RU CT PN RO a Uy, Onoclea Polypodium. \.. Polypody Simple or pinnate fronds from horizontal rootstocks; stipes articulated to the rootstocks; sori (fruit dots) round, naked on the back of the frond in one or more rows each side of the midrib or scattered; indusium wanting. About 350 species, mostly tropical. The species in the Northern United States 316 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS are P. vulgare, and P. incanum, the P. vulgare being more common northward. The P. aureum found in Florida is a large fern. Polypodium vulgare. WL. Common Polypody Creeping rootstocks covered with cinnamon-colored scales; stipes light colored; fronds 4-10 inches high, simple and deeply pinnatifid, the divisions linear oblong, obtuse or somewhat acute obscurely toothed; sori large. Distribution. Throughout North America, also Europe and Asia. Poisonous properties. Used in catarrh and asthma. Supposed by some writers to be poisonous. Adiantum L,. Sori marginal, borne on the under side of a transversely oblong, crescent- shaped or roundish, margin of the frond; the sporangia attached to the tips of the forking branched veins; stipe black, polished; leaves divided. About 80 species of wide distribution. The A. Capillus-Veneris in tropical and sub- tropical regions. Adiantum pedatum. 1, Maidenhair Fern Root-stock slender, chaffy; stipe black, shining, dichotomously forked at the summit; pinnae arising from the upper sides of two branches of the stipe; pinnules short-stalked, numerous. Fig. 121. Cultivated. Maiden hair fern (Adiantum). PTERIDOPHYTA—FERNS 317 Distribution. In moist woods from Nova Scotia to British Columbia and Alaska, California, Utah, Arkansas and Georgia, also found in Asia. Medicinal properties. The Maidenhair Fern has a bitterish aromatic taste and was formerly much used as a demulcent; it is probably poisonous. The European A. Capillus-Veneris was used in catarrhal affections. Pteris Fronds once to twice pinnate, coming from a stout root-stock, usually large plants; sporangia in a continuous slender line occupying the entire margin of the fern frond and covered by the narrow edge which forms a continuous membranaceous indusium. Pteris and Pteridium are usually separated; about 100 species in the genus Pteris. Pteris aquilina, \. Common Brake Frond dull green, from 2-3 feet high, ternate at the summit of an erect stout stalk; variable in height from 1-6 feet.; stipe coming from a black root- stock; the spreading branches twice pinnate, branches oblong-lanceolate. re Fig. 121b. Brake (Pteris aquilina). The roots and stems of this plant are poisonous. The root- Fig. 121a. Maiden fern (Adiantum pedatum). stocks contain a starch which is sometimes used as (Am. Agriculturist). food. (Ada Hayden). 318 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Widely distributed in North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, also found in Europe. Probably the most common fern in the north, especially on the Pacific coast. Poisonous properties. ‘This plant has been reported as being an anthelmintic and also an astringent; it is suspected of being poisonous. Asplenium. YW. Spleenwort Large or small ferns with entire, lobed, pinnate, leaves, 2-3 times pinnate or pinnatifid, veins free; sori oblong or linear, oblique, straight or rarely curved; indusium straight or curved. About 200 species of wide distribution, several species cosmopolitan like A. Trichomanes. Asplenium Filix-foemina. (.) Bernh. Common Spleenwort Fronds 1-3 feet high, ovate-oblong or broadly lanceolate, twice pinnate; pinnules confluent on the secondary rachis, oblong and doubly serrate or pin- nately incised; sori short. Distribution. Common in the north and especially in the dense woods, as far south as Missouri. = “COONTING SYS =! SV / | Fig. 122. Aspidium Filix mas. Spore bearing leaf 1/6 natural size. a. A single segment showing the under side x 10. After Lwuerssen. PTERIDOPHYTA—FERNS 319 Poisonous properties. 'The rhizome of the root is used in medicine al- though it is not officinal. It is supposel to possess properties the same as the Male Shield Fern. Aspidium. Swartz. Wood Fern Fronds with 1-3 pinnate leaves, free veins; sori borne on the back or rarely at the apex of the veins; indusium covering the sporangia, flat or flattish, scarious, orbicular and peltate at the center, or round-kidney-shaped, opening all round the margin. About 200 species of wide distribution, common in the northern states. Aspidium fragrans. (L.) Swartz Fronds 4-12 inches high, glandular and aromatic, fragrant; rootstock stout, nearly erect, densely chaffy, as are the crowded stipes and rachis. Species found in Asia and Europe. Aspidium Filix-mas. (\.) Swartz Fronds large, 1-3 feet high; pinnae linear-lanceolate, tapering from base to the apex; pinnules very obtuse, serrate at the apex and obscurely so at the sides, the basal incisely lobed; sporangia nearer the midvein than the margin and usually confined to the lower half of each fertile pinnule. Distribution. Native to Europe and found in rocky woods from Labrador to Alaska, northern Michigan, British Columbia, Greenland, Europe, Asia, and the Andes of South America. Poisonous properties. It is suspected of being poisonous. The rootstocks have long been used in medicine as a vermifuge and contain the following sub- stances: a fatty, green oil, traces of a volatile oil, resin, tannin, filicic acid, SAEs eH @ BRR filicin, aspidin, LOSE: nl 9 a fixed poisonous oil. Dr. Winslow says: Large quantities of the drug cause hemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, tremors, weakness, stupor, coma, acute nephritis and cystitis. Six drachms of the oleoresin have proved fatal in man and sheep; five drachms in a medium-sized dog; and three ounces in a cow. Aspidium should never be given with oil which aids its absorption. Aspidium marginale. (L,.) Swartz Much like the preceding, with evergreen fronds, small, thickish, ovate or oblong in outline, and from 1-3 feet high; pinnae lanceolate, acuminate; pin- nules oblong or oblong-scythe-shaped, obtuse or pointed, entire or crenately- toothed; sori close to the margin. Distribution. From Canada to Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, and Georgia. Poisonous properties. Probably has the same effect as the preceding species. Dr. Johnson says: Oleo-resin of male-fern is one of the best known remedies for tapeworm, and also one of the most efficient. Doubtless much of the disappointment experienced with it is at- tributable to inefficient preparations. Since, however, it has been demonstrated that A. marginale is quite as efficient, and as this species is very abundant, there is now no good reason why reliable preparations should not be the rule rather than, as heretofore, the ex- ception. Cystopteris. Bernhardi. Bladder Fern Fronds growing in tufts, 2-3 times pinnate, the lobes cut toothed; stipe slender, 2-4 pinnate leaves; sori roundish, borne on the back of the veins. 320 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS fe wt » & Wh , Se We » i 88 =) CID a3 y WY Sih, Sy = z=, (yy <= = ZN A) Fig. 123. Shield Fern (Aspidium marignale). Said to contain filicie acid. Known to be poisonous. (Ada Hayden). Indusium delicate arched or level-like, attached by a broad base on the inner, partly under the sorus, opening free at the other side; veins free. A small genus of 5 species, 2 common in the United States. C. bulbifera, long slender fronds bearing bulblets which propagate the plant. C. fragilis, with brittle stalk, the pinnae and pinnules ovate, lanceolate, irregularly pinnatifid or cut- toothed. Onoclea. I, Sensitive Fern Coarse ferns, creeping root stocks, fertile fronds erect, rigid with con- tracted pod-like or berry-like divisions, rolled up; sori roundish, imperfectly covered by a very delicate hood-shaped indusium attached to the base of the receptacle; when dry opening, allowing the spores to escape; sterile fronds foliaceous. A small genus of a few species. Onoclea sensibilis. I. Sensitive Fern Slender root stock with scattered fronds, sterile long stalked 2-15 inches high, triangular ovate, fertile fronds, contracted closely, bipinnate, pinnules rolled up into berry-like bodies. PTERIDOPHYTA—FERNS 321 Fig.- 124. Flowering Fern (Osmunda_ Clay- toniana). Reported as poisonous. (Ada Hayden). Distribution. Moist meadows and thickets from Newfoundland to Florida and Minnesota. Poisonous properties. Very abundant in hay from low meadows. May be injurious. Onoclea Struthiopteris. (.) Hoffman. Ostrich Fern Fronds growing in a crown; root stocks stoloniferous; sterile, short stalked, 2-10 feet high, broadly lanceolate; pinnae pinnatifid, veins free, the veinlets simple; fertile frond shorter, pinnate with pod-like or somewhat necklace- shaped pinnae. Distribution. Nova Scotia to Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and British Colum- bia, common also in Europe and Asia. OSMUNDACEAE Large ferns, root stocks frequently stout and erect; leaves 1-2 pinnate, coiled in vernation; veins free, mostly forked, running to the margins of the pinnules or lobes; sporangia large, globose with mere traces of a ring, or none, borne on contracted pinnae, on the lower surface of the pinnules. Three genera. 322 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Osmunda. L,. Flowering Fern Tall ferns growing in swamps or low ground. Fertile fronds much con- tracted and bearing on the margins the short pedicelled, naked sporangia on the margins of their radii like divisions without chlorphyll; sporangia thin, reticulated, opening by a longitudinal cleft into two halves, with a few thick- ened cells the rudiment of the ring. There are six species in the North temperate regions, three species com- mon in the North, the Cinnamon Fern (O. cinnamomea), clothed with rusty wool; the Royal Fern (O. regalis), a smooth pale green fern, 2-5 feet high, with 13-25 sterile pinnules; Clayton’s Fern (O. Claytoniana), clothed with loose wool, but soon smooth; pinnae oblong lanceolate; some of the middle pinnae fertile. The O. regalis is used as a tonic and styptic. By some these ferns are regarded as injurious to stock. EQUISETALES. Horsetails Rush-like perennial plants, epidermis impregnated with silica; creeping root- stocks, stem generally hollow jointed, simple or branched, striated or grooved, provided with a double series of cavities and usually a large central one, branches verticillate; leaves reduced to a sheath which is divided into teeth corresponding to the principal ridges of the stem; stomata in furrows; Fig. 125. Formation of Archegonia of Osmunda. A. Early development seen from the surface. B. ‘The same in vertical section. C-E. Farther development. F. Opened and closed neck. G. Neck in oblique section. J. Fertilization of the mature archegonium. a. archegonium, h. neck of the same, c. central cell, e. egg, bc. spermatozoids, hc. neck canal cells. B-J x 240. A. greatly magnified. After Luerssen. PTERIDOPHYTA—HORSETAIL 328 sporangia l-celled clustered underneath the shield-shaped scale of the cone; spores all alike, two thread-like elastic filaments (elaters) are attached to the base of the spore which roll around it when moist and spreading when ripe; prothallus green formed upon damp ground, usually dioecious. One order, Equisetaceae, and one genus, consisting of 40 species. Fossil horsetails numer- ous. EQUISETACEAE Equisetum. LL. Horsetail Perennial jointed plants with creeping root-stocks, dull and blackish in color, often bearing tubers, roots in whorls from the nodes, stems usually erect, simple or branched, jointed cylindrical, the surface striated, the stomata occur in grooves either in rows or in bands, the nodes bearing a whorl of reduced leaves joined by their edges into cylindrical sheaths, the tips consist of presistent or deciduous teeth; branches when present in the form of whorls from the nodes; fruit consisting of a terminal cone containing the sporangia in which occur the green- ish spores; each spore provided with four hygroscopic bands, the elaters; spores produce two kind of prothalli, one male the other female; the male con- taining the antheridia, the female the archegonia. A small genus commonly called rushes or horsetails. Some ten species in eastern North America. Equisetum arvense. \. Common Horsetail Perennial with annual stems, stomata scattered; fertile stems unbranched, destitute of chlorophyll, 4-10 inches high, soon perishing; sheaths distant, 8-12 toothed; the sterile slender 1-2 feet high, 10-14 furrowed producing simple or sparingly branched, 4-angular teeth, herbaceous, triangular lanceolate. Distribution. Abundant in sandy fields along roadsides and railroads, es- pecially northward from Newfoundland to Virginia, California and Alaska. Also occurs in Europe and Asia. Equisetum hyemale. L,. Scouring Rush Stems all alike, slender, rather stiff, evergreen, from 1%-4 feet high, 8-34 grooved. Stem rarely producing branches which are usually short and sometimes fertile; stomata arranged in rows, rough ridges with 2 indistinct lines of tubercles, the central cavity large, sheath rather long, cylindrical, marked with a black girdle, their ridge obscurely carinate; spikes persistent. Equisetum hyemale. \. var. robustum, (A. Br.) A. A. Eaton Stem perennial, tall and stout, 8-10 feet high, sometimes an inch thick, occasionally branched; 20-48-grooved, the ridges roughened with lines of trans- versely-oblong tubercles; sheaths rather short with a thick girdle at the base and a black limb; ridges of sheaths carinate. Distribution. In wet places, from Ohio, Iowa, to Louisiana, Mexico, Cal- ifornia, and British Columbia, also in Asia. Poisonous properties. ‘The rushes have long been recognized in Europe as being injurious to horses, and there are records of their poisonous proper- ties in American Agricultural Literature. A writer in the American Agriculturist, many years ago, described accu- rately a disease which might be called equisetosis, and which was produced by poisoning from these rushes. 324 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Mr. H. Lawrence of Spencer, Iowa, recently sent me a specimen of the last species mentioned above, writing that: “The cattle staggered and had the scours. One man lost 10 head of young animals.” Friedberger and Frohner state that the symptoms of poisoning by this rush are as follows: At first, excitement and anxiety; the sensorium remaining unaffected; later, un- certainty of movement, reeling and staggering; at least, paralysis of hinder limbs, tumbling down, general paralysis, insensibility to external irritants, unconsciousness and coma. Pulse accelerated, appetite at first normal, but in course of time great disturbance of nutrition; sugar in the urine. Course sometimes very acute, death occurring in a few hours, but sometimes protracted (two to eight days), and at times chronic (ong to several weeks). In cattle, after excessive eating continuous diarrhoea becomes a prominent char- acteristic along with the paralytic symptoms; while, if the food be persisted with, cachexia and hydraemiea, combined with weakness bordering on paralysis, make their appearance, Autopsy reveals: hyperaemia, oedema, dropsical effusions on the brain and spinal cord, especially on cerebellum; in cases of longer duration, hydraemia. Sometimes inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of stomach and bowels. ‘Therapeutics: change of fodder, purgatives and stimulants, especially camphor; blisters along the spine. Mr. P. J. O’Gara says of this plant: It has been found growing along roadsides and railroad tracks, but its occurrence in serious amounts is apparently confined to low moist meadows which are more or less sandy. As before indicated, it is confined mostly to the Missouri bottom. A thorough examination of several meadows in this region has shown that this plant often constitutes one-sixth or more of the bulk of the hay. ‘There is no doubt that this plant causes a great deal of trouble, but to what extent is not known as many of the haystacks which were carefully examined contained the Rattle-box in considerable amount. Horses eating this hay suf- fered the combined effects of both poisonous plants. Prof. Jones and Dr. Rich state: The first evidence of the trouble is more or less unthriftiness, the horse appearing thin and the muscles wasted. In from two to five weeks, according to the age of the horse and the manner- of feeding, the animal begins to lose control of its muscles, sways and staggers like a drunken man, although its eye looks bright, it eats well, and may even try to caper and play. After muscular symptoms become pronounced many cases refuse to lie down, standing until thrown down by disorderly muscular contractions. If it con- tinues to eat the plant the horse in any case soon loses power to stand and goes down, after which it becomes very nervous and struggles violently to get up, the legs become more or less rigid, and at times all the muscles of the body seem convulsed. Even in this condition one well nursed patient lived two weeks. The horses are generally willing to eat, although unable to rise, but become sore and tired from struggling, finally dying from exhaustion. Life is much prolonged by turning from side to side three or four times in twenty-four hours; thus preventing gravitation congestion of the lungs and kidneys. The pulse becomes slow until toward the end when it is rapid and weak. Temperature is be- low normal until the animal goes down, after which some fever develops in consequence of the nervous excitement and violent struggling. ‘The extremities are usually cold, and in the winter horses suffering from Equisetum poisoning suffer severely from the cold, presumedly because of diminished oxidation and consequent low body temperature. The visible lining membranes of mouth, nose, eye, etc., become pale. Conditions Influencing the Effect of the Poison. Age of the horses.—Young animals develop symptoms much more quickly and succumb to the Equisetum poisoning sooner than older ones. In one case under observation a mare eating Equisetum hay did not show symptoms until after four weeks, while her colt by her side developed typical symptoms of horsetail poisoning and died in ten days. Nine out of fourteen horses on one farm, all fed alike upon good hay, were bedded with swale hay containing large quantities of this weed. ‘They ate this bedding freely and within three weeks all nine showed symptoms of poisoning, the remaining five bedded with straw kept perfectly well. ‘The youngest, a three-year-old, was down and died a few days later. The oldest, an old brood mare, showed but slight symptoms, while the other seven, of inter- mediate ages, all staggered and reeled, although they recovered. TFeed.—Grain-fed horses resist the action of the poison much longer than those not grained. Horses seem to develop a depraved appetite for the weed. In the last mentioned Fig. 125a. a. Scouring Rush (Equisetum hyemale var robustum); b. Horsetail (E. arvense), futile branch; c. Sterile branch of E. arvense; d. E. hyemale. Said to be poison- King). ous to horses. (C. M. Ki PTERIDOPHYTA—EQUISETACEAE 325 case, though all were fed good, clean timothy hay, they seemed to prefer the horsetail bedding, and even left their grain to eat it. Condition of the plant.——Wle have no evidence that horses grazing upon the green plant are poisoned thereby. It may be that the plant is less poisonous in the early stages of its growth than when mature, or the laxative effect of the grass eaten with it may prevent the cumulative action of the poison. Moveover the plant rarely occurs in as large quantities in pastures as in meadows and apparently rarely need cause apprehension. If, however, it is abundant, close watch should be kept upon horses pasturing where it occurs that the animals may be removed at the earliest symptoms of trouble. Treatment.—In the way of treatment, the first and most important thing is to stop immediately the feeding of the Equisetum hay. Our practice further than this has been to give a purgative pill consisting of one ounce of Barbadoes aloes, one or two drachms of ginger, and sufficient English crown soap—soft soap—to make a ball or pill. This is put down the horse’s throat, at one dose, and following this we have usually given bran mashes night and morning until the digestive tract is entirely cleared of the poisonous plant. In case aloes cannot be easily obtained a quart of raw linseed oil will be very well. After the physic has operated, a teaspoonful of powdered nux vomica is added to each grain feed, three times a day. This tends to relieve the muscular incoordination. When poison symptoms are severe and especially when staggering is very profound, slings should be used to support the animal for when once down it is very difficult to make it stand again even with the aid of slings. If, however, the above treatment is begun before the horse loses the power to stand and it can be kept on its feet, its life can be saved in practically all cases. Stebler & Schréter in their work on the weeds of meadows mention this same plant and several other species as being injurious to stock, not only to horses, about which there is a difference of opinions, but to cattle. In the latter it produces diarrhoea. Cows become poor and the milk flow ceases or is checked. That this disease is similar to one produced by mouldy corn is shown by the following quotation from Dr. Peters: It is also known that certain weeds commonly called horsetail have a faculty of pro- ducing a disease almost identical with this one. The experiments conducted by Dr. Rich of the Vermont Station show that that weed is capable of producing similar symptoms. EMBRYOPHYTA, (SIPHONOGAMA, OR SPERMATOPHYTA) Plants producing seeds which contain an embryo with 1 or more cotyledons, a stem caulicle, a radicle, and a plumule, these parts, occasionally not dif- ferentiated before germination; microspores, equivalent to pollen grains borne in microsporangia; ovules (macrosporangia) borne on a modified leaf called the carpel, containing 1 macrospore, equivalent to the embryo sac which de- ‘ velops the minute female prothallium, an archegonium; the egg cell in the em- bryo sac is fertilized by means of a sperm cell in the pollen tube; the male prothallium generally but slightly developed. The Spermatophyta contain two main divisions based upon the character of the ovules. GYMNOSPERMAE Ovules naked, not enclosed in an ovary, attached to scales or wanting; pollen grains develop into the pollen tube; the male prothallium contains the sperm cell and fertilizes the egg cell in the ovule. The Gymnosperms are di- vided into six classes. 1. Cycadales. These include the Cycas circinnalis well known in cultiva- tion, an important plant of the tropics. The C. media of Australia produces rickets, a Macrozamia causes the same disease. Dr. Stafford states that C. 326 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 126. (Ephedra nevad- ense). A shrub in Southwest- ern United tSates. circinnalis, known as the “Fadong” in the island of Guam, is poisonous, but the poisonous properties of the seeds are removed by soaking and repeatedly changing the water. He says also that the seeds when fresh are so poisonous that the water in which they are steeped is fatal to chickens. The group also includes the Dioon the seeds of which furnish a starch which is an article of food. The species of Zamia, a member of this group, are native to tropical Florida. 2. Bennettiales, A fossil group. 3. Cordaitales, A fossil group. 4. Gingkoales. These include the Gingkoaceae, of which the Ginkgo biloba is well known and is frequently cultivated as an ornamental plant in the United States. Long avenues of these trees are planted in Washington. The fruit of the Gingko has a very disagreeable odor. The tree was common in the ter- tiary age. 5. The Coniferae. 6. Gnetales. This group is represented in the United States by Ephedra, shrubs with horse-tail like branches, small leaves and buckwheat-like seeds. The Welwitschia of the above group is found upon stony ground in the trop- ical Old World. SPERMATOPHY TA—GYMNOSPERMS 327 WV NA WGA Z iA \ I \\2 ZN \\\ : ZN WP G: Fig. 127. Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). A common forest tree of Northern North America. Contains resin and the usual principles found in these resins. Said to be injurious. CONIFERAE Resinous trees or shrubs generally evergreen leaves, entire or scale-like; wood consists mostly of tracheids marked with large depressed disks; tracheae only present near the pith and in the leaves; perianth none; flowers monoecious ; stamens several, together, subtended by a scale; anthers 2-7 celled; pollen grains frequently of three cells, one fertile and two inflated; ovules with two coats, borne solitary or together on the surface of a scale, straight or partly inverted; fruit a cone, usually papery, but in some instances fleshy, sometimes berry-like; seeds winged or wingless; endosperm abundant, fleshy or starchy; embryo straight and slender; cotyledons 2 or more. About 25 genera and between 275 and 300 species. They include the Podocarpus of the tropical regions, the Taxus or Yew, the Norfolk Pine (Araucaria excelsa and A. brasiliana), frequently cultivated, the White Cedar (Cupressus Lawsoniana) of California, the Cupress- us nootkatensis of the northwest coast, the White Cedar (C. thyoides) which occurs in swamps, in the East; the genus Picea consisting of the spruces, Nor- way Spruce (P. Engelmannii), Tideland Spruce (P. sitchensis), one of the larg- est trees in Oregon and Washington; the Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Douglasit), one of the most valuable of the North American conifers, found in Washington, Oregon and California and in the Rocky Mountains; the Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), abundant in North America, and the source of Canada or Hemlock Pitch, the bark containing an abundance of tannin; the leaves are said to be abortive; the 7'suga heterophylla of the Pacific coast which produces a valuable lumber; the Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea), which furnishes a kind of balsam that contains four acid resins and a volatile oil; the Black Fir (Abies concolor), 328 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS a large forest tree of the Pacific coast and the Rocky Mountains; the Sandarac tree (Callistris quadrivalvis), which furnishes not only the sandarac gum used in making varnish, but also a dark-colored, fragrant wood capable of high polish and used in ornamental work; the Arbor Vitae, or White Cedar (Thuja occidentalis), which contains fenshoe, thujone, thujin, and the bitter glucoside pinicrin, its leaves being irritating to the skin, sometimes producing blisters; the Norway spruce (Picea excelsa), which contains resins and volatile oils and is the source of Burgundy pitch; the Black Spruce (P. mariana), from the young branches of which an essence is prepared that is used in the preparation of spruce beer; the White Spruce (P. canadensis), which, with the preceding species furnishes much of the wood pulp used in the manufacture of paper; and the Pines. Taxus. (Tourn.) L. Yew Flowers generally dioecious or occasionally monoecious, axillary from scaly buds; sessile or nearly sessile, from small staminate catkins of a few scaly bracts; 5-8 stamens; anthers 4-celled; fertile flowers solitary, erect, sub- tended by a fleshy cup-shaped disk; fruit consisting of a fleshy disk which be- comes cup-shaped and red and encloses the bony seed. Distribution. About 6 species native of the north temperate regions. One upon the Pacific coast, Taxus brevifolia, is a tree. The European Yew (Taxus baccata), a well known poisonous plant, is frequently used for ornamental pur- poses in this country. Taxus canadensis. Willd. American Yew A low shrub, straggling over bushes, with linear leaves, green on both sides. Distribution. In the woods from Newfoundland to New Jersey and Vir- ginia, west to Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. Poisonous properties. One species is known to contain the alkaloid taxin, C,,H,,NO,,. Dr. Johnson says, concerning the poisonous properties of the American Yew: This plant, a variety, only, of the European yew, cannot be said to have, as yet, a place among medicines. It is believed, however, to possess poisonous properties, and is perhaps worthy of investigation. Regarding the poisonous properties of the berries, the author can state that he has eaten them without deleterious effect, but whether because the quantity was insufficient or not, is an open question. Cases of fatal poisoning from eating the berries of the European yew are on record, and therefore our variety is cer- tainly open to suspicion. Chesnut refers to the poisonous nature of the yew as follows: The common yew, or ground yew of the northeastern United States is called poison hemlock in some places. ‘The leaves of this shrub are probably poisonous to stock, as are those of the European yew. ‘This species is more accessible to stock than are those of the western yew (Taxus brevifolia), which grows only in deep canyons. Dr. Otto Lehmann * in his treatise on poisonous plants, states that older naturalists regarded the yew as one of the most powerful of poisonous plants. Modern testimony is conflicting, but he regards the branches and leaves as poisonous for animals. Friedberger and Frohner give the symptoms of poison- ing from yew as follows: “Death may be sudden, resembling apoplexy; it may be preceded by staggering and convulsions; cases of long standing show gastro-enteritis. Give purgatives as remedies.” * Giftpflanzen. 121. Hamburg. 1882. SPERMATOPHYTA—GYMNOSPERMS 329 Pinus. (Tourn.) L,. Evergreen trees with short scale-like leaves and longer leaves in bundles; the ordinary foliage leaves linear, in bundles varying from 2-5, rarely 1; sta- mens in catkins, borne at bases of shoots; filaments short; anthers longitud- inally dehiscent; pistillate, bearing aments, solitary or clustered on the twigs of the preceding season consisting of numerous imbricated bracts, each with an ovule-bearing scale; fruit a large cone; seeds 2 at the base of each scale; winged above. About 75 species of wide distribution. Of these the more im- portant are: White Pine (P. Strobus), one of the most valuable of North American Pines; Sugar Pine (P. Lambertiana) of California and Oregon; Aus- trian Pine (P. Laricio), furnishing Austrian turpentine; the Long-leaved Pine (P. palustris) of the South, the most important source of turpentine, which Fig. 128. White Pine (Pinus Strobus). 1. Branch bearing staminate flowers. 2. Branch bearing pistillate flowers and young cones. 3. Anther, enlarged. 4,5. Scales of pistillate flower, enlarged. 6. Autumn branch bearing young cones. 7. Fruiting branch with young cone. 8. Scale of cone with seeds attached. 9. Seeds with wings attached. 10. Seeds, enlarged. 11. Seedling plant. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9 one-half natural size. (S. B. Green). 330 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS in this tree amounts to 70-80 per cent., resin, 15-30 per cent, volatile oil and some pinene C,,H,,, 2 very important constituent; P. sylvestris, the source of Russian turpentine; P. pinaster, supplying the French turpentine; P. heterophylla and P. echinata, also turpentine trees; Loblolly Pine (P. Taeda) also containing pinene; the Western Yellow Pine (P. ponderosa) occurring from mountains of Colorado westward, a large tree 120 or more feet high, 4 or 5 feet in diameter, branching widely, spreading or drooping, bark light red, leaves in 3’s or rarely 2’s, cones stout, dense, heavy, ovoid-conical, each scale with short recurved prickle; the variety scopulorum of the last named species, found in the front Rockies, a smaller tree with shorter leaves; and Lodge Pole Pine (Pinus con- torta), a tall straight tree, 80-120 feet high, and from 12 inches to 3 feet in diameter, with conical head, thin, light grayish-brown bark, leaves 1-3 inches long, light green, rigid, often persistent cones. This last named species occurs from Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota to the Pacific coast and is closely related to the Jack Pine (P. Banksiana). Phenol and creosote oil are obtained from Pinus palustris and P. Taeda. Poisonous properties. Cattle and sheep do not usually graze upon the leaves of conifers, but when forced to do so because of scarcity of fodder, sheep will eat the leaves, which may produce injurious symptoms. According to Friedberger and Frohner, plants containing turpentine are poisonous. Cho- bert, in 1787, observed gastro-enteritis complicated by nephritis as a result of grazing on leaves of conifers. ‘The first named authors find symptoms of haematuria, constipation, evacuation dry, and irritation of the kidneys. Juniperus, (Tourn.) LL. Juniper Flowers dioecious or monoecious, in lateral catkins, staminate catkins small, fertile catkins consisting of 3-6 fleshy scales; fruit appearing like a berry; color of fruit bluish-black or blackish, frequently with white bloom; seeds 1-3, wingless and bony. The J. Orycedrus of the Mediterranean region produces “oil of cedar.” Juniperus communis. L. Common Juniper A shrub or small tree with spreading or pendulous branches; leaves rigid, spreading; berries dark blue. ‘The variety alpina, Gaud. is a low, decumbent, or prostrate shrub with shorter, less-spreading leaves. It contains pinene and cadinene. ‘The oil and fruits are used in the manufacture of gin. Distribution. From Nova Scotia to British Columbia, to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, and in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico; occurs also in Europe and Asia. The variety alpina is common in the mountains of New Mexico northward, not, however, as widely distributed as the species. Juniperus virginiana. L, Red Cedar A shrub or tree extremely valuable, frequently from 60-90 feet high; pyra- midal in form; leaves scale-like, obtuse or acutish, dimorphic, the leaves of young plants being more or less flattened, spiny, and awl-shaped, while those of the stem are scale-like and appressed; catkins terminal; berries on straight peduncles; cones light blue or glaucous. The Platte Cedar (J. scopulorum) differs from the other in the development of the seeds. Distribution. The Red Cedar occurs from New Brunswick to British SPERMATOPHYTA—GYMNOSPERMS 331 Columbia, south to Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, also the West Indies. The Platte Cedar occurs from Nebraska westward and is common in the foothills of the Rockies. Poisonous properties. According to Dr. Halsted it poisons goats which orowse on it. Fig. 129. Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana). To the left a branch from an old tree; to the right juvenile shoots, spiny. The plant is poisonous and injurious. Juniperus occidentalis. Hooker A shrub or small tree, with bark in shreds; leaves pale in color, closely appressed, obtuse or acutish; berries 4-5 lines in diameter. Distribution. Northwest along Pacific Coast. The variety monosperma, Eng., shows stunted trees, frequently 2 or more feet in diameter, attaining an age of 1200-1300 years; leaves scale-like; berries rere Fig. 130. Savin, Juniper (Juniperus Sabina). Fruiting branch. Known to be poisonous. (After Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper). 332 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS smaller than the above, frequently copper-colored; generally with one seed or sometimes more. ; Distribution. Found from Colorado to Western Texas, Arizona, Cali- fornia, and Wyoming. Several allied species have been described, among them J. Knightii by Nelson, and another by Sudworth, which occurs in the southwest. Juniperus Sabina, L. Savin, Juniper, Swedish Juniper A prostrate shrub with appressed leaves in pairs; margin slightly or in- distinctly denticulate; berries on short recurved peduncles; 3-4 lines in diam- eter, 1-3 seeds. It contains the substance sabinol. It is officinal. Distribution. Along the Atlantic coast, from Massachusetts westward to New York, Minnesota, Montana, and British Columbia, also in Europe and Asia. Poisonous properties. The wood of Red Cedar is extensively used in the manufacture of lead pencils and was formerly also employed in making cigar boxes. The fruit of the common Low Juniper (J. communis) is used for flavoring gin. Red Cedar contains a fragrant volatile oil consisting of cedrol and cedrene. Cases of poisoning from this genus have been reported. ANGIOSPERMAE Ovules enclosed in an ovary. MONOCOTYLEDONEAE Embryo with a single cotyledon, first leaves of germinating plantlet alter- nate; stems endogenous, consisting of an outer part, an inner mass of cells the parenchyma, and the bundles distributed through the mass; no distinction into pith, wood, and bark; leaves generally parallel veined, usually alternate and sheathing at the base; flowers generally on the plan of 3. This group of plants includes the palms, grasses, lilies, duckweeds, etc. PANDANALES Marsh plants, herbs or trees with linear leaves; flowers in spikes or heads; perianth of bristles or of chaffy scales; ovary 1, 1-2 celled; endosperm mealy or fleshy. This order includes the Cat-tail (Typha latifolia), Screw pine (Pandanus), and the Bur-reed (Sparganium). The ripe fruit of the Pandanus fragrans is used as a relish in the Philippine Islands. The Cat-tail is reported as poisonous. It is common across the continent and is found in swamps. HELOBIAE Aquatic or marsh herbs, leaves various; flowers perfect, monoecious or dioecious; perianth present or absent; stamens 1-numerous; carpels 1 or more, mostly distinct; endosperm none or little. ‘This order includes the Pond Weeds (Potamogeton), of which there are many species, which float in the water and often give trouble in ponds of parks; fresh water eel grass (Vallis- neria spiralis), water weed (Elodea canadensis), a troublesome weed in the canals of England and Europe. All of these plants are abundant in our fresh waters and afford food for crustaceans, which in turn are used as food for fish. SPERMATOPHY TA—ANGIOSPERMS—HELOBIAE 333 Fig. 131. Pond-weed (Potamogeton natans). 1. Apex of flowering shoot. 2. Flower viewed from above. 3. Flower viewed from side. 4. Diagram of flower. (After Wossidlo). Hig. 132. Pond weed (Potamogeton). Common in fresh water ponds. 334 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 133. Bur-reed (Sparganium). Fig. 134. Cat-tail (Typha latifolia). A common weed along shores of lakes and streams. SPERMATOPHY TA—ALISMACEAE 335 ALISMACEAE. D. C. Water-Plantain Family Aquatic or marsh herbs, generally with smooth, sheathing leaves; flowers perfect, monoecious or dioecious; sepals 3, persistent; petals 3, the larger, deciduous, imbricated in the bud; stamens 6 or more; anthers 2-celled, extrorse; Fig. 135. Water Plantain (Alisma Plantago). A common marsh plant. J pistils numerous or few, usually with a single ovule in each cell; fruit an achene; seeds small, erect. About 70 species of wide distribution in swamps. The Water Plantain (Alisma Plantago) of Europe and North America is com- mon in the northern states. Several species of Arrowheads (Sagittaria) are used as food by the Indians and Chinese. Sagittaria L. Arrowhead Perennial with tuber-bearing root stocks and milky juice; basal leaves long- petioled, scape sheathed at the base; flowers monoecious or dioecious, borne near the ground in whorls; sepals persistent in pistillate flowers, reflexed or spreading; petals 3, white, deciduous; stamens indefinite; pistillate flowers with distinct ovaries; ovule solitary; fruit an achene in dense clusters; seed erect, curved. Sagittaria Engelmanniana, J. G. Sm. Perennial with stoloniferous roots; leaves very variable; scape 1-4 feet high, angled; lower whorl fertile; pedicel of fertile flowers, at least half the length of the sterile one; filaments smooth; achenes obovate with a long curved or horizontal beak. Distribution. “Across the continent and in Europe. Poisonous properties. "The tuberous stolons are eaten; if there is any poison contained in the raw state it is probably removed by methods of prepara- tion for food. 336 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 136. Arrowhead (Sagittaria Engelmanniana). Com- mon in low grounds. Some species supposed to be poisonous. (After Miss G. E. Johnson, Rep. Mo. Bot. Garden). GLUMIFLORAE Endogenous plants mostly herbaceous; stems (culms) narrow or without leaves; leaves usually narrow and elongated; entire or serrulate; flowers small, generally perfect, in the axils of dry chaffy scales, called glumes; arranged in spikes or in panicles consisting of spikelets.. 2 families, Gramineae and Cyper aceae. crit, A: CALVODSIS jie hte hse ois sie vaieiee'n Sas, ne Wn 0 eae Nia Aeterna 1 Gramineae Fer iit SAM CHEM ©) Sidec Ge one < ua fatsacid incl bip sive ls Qooisiely em mR Drain tae an 2 Cyperaceae I. GRAMINEAE. Grass Family Fibrous-rooted annuals or perennials, rarely woody, generally with hollow stems; alternate 2-ranked leaves, sheaths split or open on the side opposite the blade; flowers consisting of 2-ranked glumes, forming a 1-many-flowered spikelet; flowering glumes enclosing a small bract called the palet; stamens 1-6, usually 3; anthers versatile, 2-celled, stigma hairy. SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 37 338 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ao — PA a Ae ies — HD SA WM... wy) Wyiheth Z NOUN Wyse (a i Fig. 137a. Rice-cut-grass (Leersia lenticu- Fig. 137b. laris). The sharp edges of the leaf of this grass oides). Porcupine grass (Spartina cynosur- often cut the flesh of animals. The sharp edges of this leaf cut like a knife, often wounding animals. A large order of about 3500 species, many of which are very important to man. Among them are the wheat, oats, rye, corn, wild rice, sorghum, and sugar cane, the two latter being the sources of some of the sugar of com- merce. Many grasses, also, are important forage plants, among which may be named blue grass, timothy, brome grass, and red top. Some grasses are used in medicine. The Bamboo, native of the tropics, is valuable, being used not only for building purposes, but also in the manufacture of household furniture and in other ways. Very few of the grasses have deleterious properties. A few, such as sleepy grass and millet, the latter of which is injurious to horses, are known to be poisonous. Some grasses, because of their stiff awns, penetrate the skin and even perforate the intestines, inflicting dangerous wounds. Needle grass and squirrel tail grass, or wild barley, are known to inflict injuries by lodging between the teeth, thus causing pus infection. h & giaquca. . i a —— SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 339 grostis major). Fig. 137c. Spikelets of various grasses. 1. ‘ommon blue grass (Poa pratensis). : . Setaria 3. Spikelet of blue-stem grass. 4. Bristly fox-tail (Setaria verticillata). A great many grasses, because of their sharp edges on the leaf, inflict injuries by cutting the flesh. Of these we may mention the rice-cut-grass, (Leersia), and porcupine grass, (Spartina cynosuroides). Holy grass (Hierochloe odorata) is sweet scented and contains coumarin. Indians use it to weave in baskets, mats, etc. Job’s Tears, Coix lachryma, is used for rosaries. KEY FOR GENERA OF GRAMINEAE Spikelets jointed upon the rachilla below the glumes, 1-2 flowered. Rachis bearded, spikelets spicate in pairs................. 2. Andropogon Rachis not bearded. Pedicels: bristle Pearse. os) sae Wotan tern (alelel ace atave late) Akl aln 4. Setaria Pedicels not bristle bearing. Spikelets: enclosed) bya BGr ss oo. lc/ern oarnmeisicians me 5. Cenchrus Spikelets plano-convex, not enclosed by a bur........ 3. Paspalum Spikelets in pistillate flowers, borne on a cob............ hy Zea Spikelets not usually jointed above the persistent lower glumes. Spikelets 1-flowered. Arn sinaples | twisted | oho 8S) die). al ciattte dia sudiventstatarcher sy «lot taie « haale 7. Stipa eS POUL | ha sso teste ac 8 NAS ave te seats iain Cie ae 6. Aristida Spikelets more than 1-flowered. Spikelets 2-several flowered, rachis often bearded, flowering glume AMAL Ree SUIS SEY aim TTP Rs) MEA 5 hls cl cenng a Sivad didn) abe yan ate 8. Avena Spikelets 1 or more-flowered with a zigzag jointed rachis, channeled. Spikelets solitary at the notches. Fig. 137d. Scent glands of stink grass (Era- 340 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Flowering glumes with the backs turned to the rachis......... I ete us pawa tec wives oia:sie wins e'sce sip oid» de acale aff 'e;> ole aie Rann Flowering glumes with their sides turned to the rachis....... tee 5 inle ois! ¢ e's uidswixTwipie is yw Slelnye ie Fm = ate ioe lh pe een a el Spikelets 2-6 at each joint of the rachis.............12. Hordeum hachisunopschanneled> 04. ihn Nea eae tars 5 SA eC 9. Bromus Fig. 138. Spikelets of tall-meadow-catgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius). 1 & 2. Sta- mens. 3. ‘The lower flower with protruding styles; upper flower with protruding stamens. The lower scales are called sterile glumes. Each flower consists of a palet and flowering glume, stamens and pistil. 1. Zea: Mays. i, Spikelets unisexual, monoecious; the staminate 2-flowered, in pairs, one sessile, the other pedicellate, arranged in terminal branches of a terminal pan- icle; the pistillate 1-flowered, sessile crowded in several rows, along the much thickened continuous axis arising from the lower leaf-axil and closely en- veloped by numerous large foliaceous bracts; glumes 4, awnless; those of the staminate spikelet acute; those of the pistillate very broad and obtuse or emarginate; grain hard, only partially enclosed by the fruiting glumes. This well-known, tall, and striking annual grass has erect stems and broad leaves; SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 341 Fig. 139. Vanilla grass (Hierochloe odor- ata). a. Spikelet with nearly equal lower glumes; b, with lower glumes removed, showing third and fourth scabrous glumes; c, palea with stamens; d, pistil. (Div. of Agros. U. S. Dept. of Agric.). the terminal, staminate inflorescence forms the “spindle” and the long, pro- jecting styles of the pistillate flowers constitute the “silk”; the cob is formed by the union of the axes of several female spikes into a much thickened body. The 1 or 2 species are of American origin, presenting many varieties in cultivation known as corn, Indian corn or maize (Zea Mays). Dr. Sturtevant has arranged cultivated corn into the following groups: Pod-corn, Zea tunicata. Pop-corn, Zea everta. Flint-corn, Zea indurata. Dent-corn, Zea indentata. Soft corn, Zea amylacea. Sweet corn, Zea saccharata. Starchy sweet corn, Zea amiyleasaccharata. The so-called species and groups of Dr. Sturtevant are hardly to be re- garded as varieties. Some of the forms under conditions of culture and climate, revert to the original type. 342 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS A plant cultivated for so long a time by the Indians and civilized man has naturally given rise to diverse forms which we regard as nothing more than races of the very polymorphic species Zea Mays. Some years ago Dr. Watson obtained from Moro Leon, through Prof. Duges, some corn which he considered a new species, calling it Zea canina. He says: The natural supposition was that we had here at least the original wild state of our cultivated maize. A careful comparison of the two, as thorough as the material at hand of the cultivated forms would permit, has led me first to doubt the probability of this, and now to consider the form in question a distinct species. The differences upon which this conclusion is based are in the habit of growth, the arrangement of the staminate spikelets, and the nervation of their glumes, the form of the glumes of the pisttillate flowers, and the ready disarticulation of the ripened ear. Dr. Harshberger, who is certainly a most careful observer, and who car- ried on some most interesting experiments on hybrids, considers our maize of hybrid origin and Zea canina is a hybrid of corn and Euchlaena. He says: Maize relates itself botanically to a native Mexican grass, teosinte (Euchlaena mex- icana); and the fertile hybrids of this grass and maize are known, producing a plant described by Watson as Zea canina. From the peculiar behavior of these hybrids, the writer has suggested that our cultivated maize is of hybrid origin, probably starting as a sport of teosinte, which then crossed itself with the normal ancestor, producing our cultivated corn. ‘This is speculative, but there cannot be any doubt that the close relation- ship of maize and teosinte points the way to the determination of the botanical characters of the original wild corn. Recently, Montgomery has suggested a theory as to the mature of the maize ear, in which, in conclusion, he states that corn and teosinte may have had a common origin, and that in the process of evolution the cluster of pistillate spikes in teosinte were developed from the lateral branches of a tassel like structure, while the corn ear developed from the central spike. It is probable that the progenitor of these plants was a large, much-branched grass, each branch being terminated by a tassel- like structure bearing hermaphrodite flowers. Corn holds the first place in the list of crops produced in this country, and North America produces four times as much as the remainder of the world. According to C. P. Hartley, Europe stands second, South America third, and Africa fourth. As a corn-producing country the United States has no rival; Argentina stands second, Hungary third, and Italy fourth. The average corn yields in four central states for five years, 1902-1906, were as follows: State. Bushels. BRP GOES, cee ahd Whe rs ree Cle ee a ETER Ree 342,115,835 TOW) CR ek Sead a aR NC ot 8 1 a A SU 301,666,176 Nebraska. seg esate siciys /mabalators rie tatal aes Getler terete 239,835,262 MiSSOUTI, AO e ccs ois Reece ne Gene VAT a eee Ieee 210,082,426 Maize is one of the most important cereals of North America, being used as a food for man and stock, in the manufacture of starch and glucose, and in medicine, the corn silk being used as a mild stimulant and diuretic. The oil from the embryo is a yellow viscid transparent liquid having a peculiar odor of corn meal. The silk contains maizenic acid. Injurious properties. In many sections of the country where corn is grown and cattle allowed to feed on corn stalks, a disease occurs which has been called the corn stalk disease. This has been attributed to various causes such as corn smut, a bacterial disease, nitrate poisoning, bacterial poisoning, and impaction of the stomach. Corn stalks are not easily digested and it is not to be wondered at that impaction should occur when cattle do not have access to plenty of water. SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 343 This same disease goes under other names, and it may be that there are several distinct types of diseases due to the feeding of corn stalks. Dr. Bit- ting describes a Septicaemia hemorrhagica which is caused by an organism, the cocco-bacillus. The symptoms of this disease are as follows: The symptoms depend upon the point of attack. If the respiratory system be attacked, there will be a rapid rise of temperature, difficult and rapid breathing, standing with the feet wide apart as in pneumonia, short coughing, the tongue protruded, and eyes prominent and congested. The animal will move only when urged to do co The attack lasts for only a few hours. If the pneumonia be of less severe type the kidneys and bowels may show some affection before death. If the bowels be the seat of attack, there will be bloating colic, noisy intestinal move- ment, straining and diarrhea. ‘The bowel movements are soft, fluid, and foul smelling, and may be blood stained. The urine will also be blood stained. If the infection take place from a superficial abrasion, the part will swell rapidly, become very large, be hot and painful, does not pit upon pressure, and does not crepitate. The swelling extends rapidly and if in the region of the neck, will cause suffocation. The course is short and generally fatal. Dr. Bitting states that this disease must be differentiated from the corn stalk disease due to poisoning and that post mortem must be the means of separation in some instances. The only remedy is a change of pasture, as little can be done otherwise. Recently much interest has been attached to the disease known as Pellagra, which has been treated elsewhere in this volume, but in this case it may be of interest to know that the disease has made its appearance in several of the southern states, notably Alabama and South Carolina; cases have also been reported in Maryland and Massachusetts, and a number of them in the Insane Hospital in Illinois. It is believed by the experts who have investigated this question that it is in some way associated with corn. For instance, Dr. Lavinder who investigated this disease with Assistant Surgeon-general Wyman, cites the case of the disease on the Island of Corfu, where an epidemic followed when the people began to use an inferior imported quality of maize. Previous to this they had used their own maize which was carefully selected and pre- pared. There can be no question according to Lavinder that the introduction of maize collected in Spain, France, and Italy, with unsanitary conditions and the use of poor maize greatly influence the spread of this disease in those countries. It is practically unknown in those countries where maize is not a staple article of food. Dr. Arlsberg, of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, in a discussion of this disease before the American Society of Tropical Medicine, states that corn is one-fifth of the food of the Tennessee and Georgia mountaineers and one-third of the food of the negroes. Under the present conditions this corn is collected before maturity and often is shipped to distant points in poorly ventilated cars which makes it possible for moulds of different types to develop. Furthermore, the same person is authority for the statement that, in ten gen- erations the fat content of corn has increased from less than 5% to 7 1/3% and that toxins are found to be related in quantity to the oil produced in the seed. Then, too, the weather conditions in this southern corn region have been extremely favorable in the last ten years for producing corn which would be immature and subject to moulds when transported. Now it is a well known fact that for many years throughout the south they have had trouble with the so-called forage poisoning affecting live stock which had been fed corn, especially when mouldy. It seems to the writer that 344 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS there is some relation existing between Pellagra in man and forage poisoning in horses and cattle. Both are essentially produced by some toxic substance. In this connection, the bulletin on the Grand Traverse or Lake Shore Disease, as investigated by C. D. Smith,* C. E. Marshall and Dr. Ward Giltner, is interesting. 2. Andropogon. (Royen.) UL. Beard Grass Tall annual, or perennial grasses with spikelets in pairs upon each joint of the slender rachis; usually narrow leaves; terminal and axial racemes, one of them sterile, the other sessile, 1-flowered, and fertile; lower glume the larger, coriaceous and nerved, the second acute; stamens 1-3, grain free. About 150 species widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. Some of the species of the Andropogon L. are excellent grasses for forage purposes. Quite a number of them produce valuable oils like Pamorusa oii, obtained from Andropogon Schoenanthus, lemon grass oil from Andropogon b Pe Fig. 140. Johnson-grass (Andropogon halepensis). a, spikelet; c and d, glumes; e, f, g, parts of the flower. * Sp. Bull, Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta. 50: 10. SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 345 citratus, and citronella oil from A. Nardus. The fibrous roots of the aromatic Cuscus grass of India (A. muricatus), produce a substance used mainly as sachet powder; the fibres of the plant are used extensively by the natives in making mats. Andropogon halepensis. Brot. Johnson Grass A stout perennial with smooth, erect, simple culms, 3-5 feet hight; and strong creeping rootstocks; panicle open, 6-12 inches long; the 3-5 flowered racemes clustered toward their extremities; outer glume coriaceous, second glume equaling the first and convex below, the third glume shorter than the outer ones, membranaceous, palet broadly oval; fourth glume ciliate awned; palet shorter than the glumes; nerves ciliate. A troublesome weed throughout the Southern States. First introduced as a forage plant. Andropogon Sorghum. Brot. Sorghum An annual with long, broad, flat leaves and ample terminal panicle; spike- lets in pairs at the nodes, larger and rounder than in the preceding; rachis i i) w 4 OVARY Fig. 141. Sorghum (Andropogon Sorghum). 1. Kaffir corn; 2, Jerusalem corn; 3, Ambersorghum. (Kansas State Board of Agrl.). not articulate; sessile spikelet with 4 scales, the outer hard and shining, the inner hyaline; the fourth scale on and subtending a small palet and perfect flower, or occasionally the palet wanting. Sorghum is contained in a number of cultivated plants which are class- ified by Mr. C. R. Ball under (1) Broom Corn, (2) Shallu, (3) Durra, (4) Sorghum and (5) Kaffir. Broom Corn used for the manufacture of brooms, is grown chiefly in the central Mississippi Valley, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Panhandle of Texas. The Shallu, also known as Egyptian wheat, is culti- 346 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS vated extensively in India. The Durras have been cultivated for centuries in Egypt, and other countries of Africa, and in India for human and animal food. They are now cultivated in the United States, chiefly from Kansas to Texas. The Kaffir, native to eastern Africa from Abyssinia to Natal, was introduced into this country in 1875, and is grown chiefly in the semi-arid regions for forage. Sorghum is grown largely for fodder. The pithy juice contains cane sugar in variable amounts, and is used both for sugar and in the making of syrup, although the growing of sorghum for syrup seems to be on the decline. According to the census of 1890 the production was 24,000,000 gallons; in 1900, 17,000,000. Poisonous properties. Sorghum has long been recognized as poisonous. Mr. C. W. Warburton in Bailey’s Encyclopedia of Agriculture, says: Sorghum makes excellent pasture for hogs, but in many sections it must be pastured sparingly, if at all, by sheep and cattle. After periods of extreme drought, or when growth is stunted from other causes, the leaves of the sorghums often contain a large amount of prussic acid. A small quantity of this poison is fatal to stock, and death frequently results soon after the sorghum is eaten. Normal growth seldom contains prussic acid in appreciable quantities, and it largely disappears in curing, so that cured sorghum may be fed with little danger. There is also some danger from bloating; cattle and sheep should not be turned on sorghum pasture when hungry or when the plants are wet. With the exercise of care, however, the crop can usually be pastured with safety. It should be at least two feet high before stock are turned on it; for cattle, sheep and horses it may be much more matured than for hogs’ Frosted cane is said to be especially injurious. Dr. R. H. True, of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, in commenting on the poisons from sorghum, says: This office has from time to time received communications from stockmen, especially in the lower part of California, Arizona, and adjacent territory, expressing a suspicion that the eating of the Johnson grass had caused the death of stock with rather sudden and violent symptoms. There has seemed to be little ground in poisonous-plant literature to support such an explanation. ast summer, however, convincing observations were reported from California by a stockman who had lost heavily, and a supply of the grass in question was obtained. The result of the study of this material was positive. Mr. A. C. Crawford, who investigated some cases, says: It has been noted that deaths in cattle frequently occur when, on account of the failure of rain, the plants which have reached a certain size become stunted and withered. ‘The toxic principle appears simultaneously over a wide area, but soon disappears if a rainfall occurs. The deaths of cattle have been attributed by some to an insect living upon the plant, and in Australia it is the belief thatSorghum vulgare which also yields hydrocyanic acid, becomes more poisonous when attacked by an insect during a drought. A similar observation has been made with Sorghum vulgare in the Sudan. Balfour found that one specimen of the plant which harbored aphids yielded more hydrocyanic acid than a second one without parasites. Pease has lately claimed that the deaths from Johnson grass in India were really cases of nitrate poisoning, as he found 25 per cent of nitrate of potassium in the stem of the plant and was able to produce somewhat similar symptoms in animals by feeding them this salt. Johnson grass is being introduced into Australia as a fodder plant, but as yet no reports of its poisonous action there have been noted by the writer. Dr. George H. Glover of Colorado, also reports large loss of cattle in that state from eating Kaffir corn. ‘Twenty-one head out of thirty-two cows died within an hour after first being placed upon the feed. Dr. A. T. Peters of Nebraska, investigated the subject of poisoning from sorghum and Kaffir corn. He states that in most cases where death of animals occurred, the animals did not regularly pasture upon sorghum, but broke into the fields from ad- jacent pastures or as they were being driven past fields of sorghum. The investigations proved that the animals did not die from bloat as had been re- SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 347 ported. Dr. Peters speaks with authority as he examined the cases at first hand: In response to one of these calls, I reached the farm of Mr. Bert Foss, near Aurora, at 7:30 A. M., on August 3, 1901. Two days previous, fifteen head of his cattle had broken into a sorghum field, where they had remained twenty minutes. They were then driven into another field and were not seen again for several hours. When seen, three were sick, all of which died within a few hours. The symptoms were drowsiness, running at the eyes, twitching of the muscles, numbness of the limbs, staggering gait, inability to stand, involuntary passing of urine. On August 2d, two more cows broke through the fence and were on the sorghum field five minutes. One hour later, one of these animals, a four-year-old cow was very sick, but finally recovered. We turned a small yearling steer on the sorghum at 8:30 A M., August 3d, but he refused to eat any sorghum, and after thirty-five minutes, two more were turned into the sorghum, where they remained until 10:00 A. M., when only one, a small, red steer, had taken any sorghum, and he had eaten only a _ few leaves. They were then turned back with the herd. At 10:35 A. M. the small, red steer acted somewhat drowsy, but soon recovered. At 11:00 A. M. we turned one red heifer and one yearling steer on the sorghum. The heifer was the only animal that ate any quantity, and, as subsequent examination showed, she ate only one and one-half pounds of green sorghum. At 11:10 this animal dropped to the ground. Upon examination it was found that she had stopped chewing her cud and there was a peculiar twitching of the muscles of the nose and head and also of the body. The animal was very dull. At 11:15 A. M. she was taken out of the sorghum field and allowed to lie in a stubble field. When lying down her head was turned toward the abdomen, presenting the symptoms shown by a horse having the colic. The eyes seemed dull and gave off a water discharge. There was a partial paralysis of the tongue and great quantities of saliva ran from the mouth The limbs and ears were cold. The pupils of the eyes dilated, pulse not perceptible, mucous membrane of the rectum protruding, involuntary discharge of urine and faeces. Upon pricking the animal with a knife on the lower limbs it showed no feeling. The animal was closely watched in the field by Mr. Foss and myself and we observed that she did not take any weeds, but simply a small amount of sorghum, eating only the tops of the leaves. At 1:30 P. M. the animal was still lying on its right side; all the muscles of the head were contracted and showed involuntary twitching. The limbs were paralyzed and the animal was unconscious; the mucous membrane of the mouth was of a salmon color. At 2:35 P. M. the animal was in great pain, and it was apparent that she would not recover. At the suggestion of Mr. Foss the animal was killed in order to hold a post- mortem examination. Post-Mortem Examination—Animal still warm. The bowels were opened and contents of paunch carefully noted; there was in all one pound and a half of sorghum leaves to be found in the paunch. No sourness of the contents. The same was immediately put up in Mason fruit jars with clean water and brought to the laboratory. The mucous membrane of the intestines normal, all other conditions of the animal normal. In regard to the Colorado disease, the following statement is made: The cattle died on August 20th last. We lost 21 head out of 32 head which had been turned on the corn. Eleven head lived, but 4 of the 11 head had violent spasms, but recovered. The other 7 head were not affected. They were only on the corn 5 or 6 minutes. The first cow died in 15 minutes; nearly all within an hour. One yearling lived over 6 hours I gave it several doses of aconite, thinkng possbly one poison would counteract the other, but it died in great agony. The cattle seemed to all go crazy at once, then stagger like a person intoxicated, fall in all directions, and die where they fell. I stuck all of them with a knife, the same as in alfalfa bloat, but there wasn’t any gas in them. The Kaffir corn was planted on sod ground above irrigation. It was from 6 to 15 inches high and was burnt brown from the drouth.” Shortly after the poisoning, Dr. Glover visited the field and collected samples, which he generously placed at our disposal. These samples yielded prussic acid in greater amounts than any yet examined in Nebraska. It appears more than probable that the sorghum plant under different cli- 348 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS matic conditions and different conditions of growth may produce varying amounts of prussic acid. I was told in Texas that the sorghum most poisonous to live stock is the second growth. In regard to the chemistry of the subject, Dr. S. Avery says: In 1886 Berthelot and Andre ascribed the cause to excessive amounts of potassium nitrate (salt peter). Williams of the U. S. Department of Agriculture also suggests saltpeter as a cause of the trouble. MHiltner has shown that the amount of nitrate in Nebraska fields was too small to produce fatal results. This writer suggests that the plant under certain conditions develops a highly poisonous chemical compound. Slade in the Annual Report of the Station for the present year (1902) put forward the theory that such a compound might be produced by the action of an enzyme upon a glucoside found in the plant through a process of abnormal growth. On June 27th of the present year the Chemical News of London contained an article on Cyanogenesis in Plants by Dunstan and Henry. ‘This article, which finally confirms Slade’s prediction. was not known to Mr. Slade or to the writer till October 10th. In brief, the English Chemists isolated from Egyptian Sorghum vulgare a glucoside capable of liberating prussic acid. In the meantime Mr. Slade had detected Prussic acid in fatal sorghum grown in western Nebraska, determined the per cent, and secured strong evidence in favor of the glucoside theory. During the first two weeks in September, the writer discovered that Prussie acid could be obtained from leaves of healthy sorghum in the fields about the Station. As the past season was abnormally wet, nearly all of the fields had made a vigorous growth. By distilling water from a sufficient quantity of leaves, determinable amounts of Prussic acid were evolved in all cases, though the amount was well below the danger line. Of the common Nebraska forage plants, sorghum and Kafr corn alone yield Prussic acid The substance dhwrrin C,,H,,NO, occurs according to Dunstan and Henry in young plants of A. Sorghum. A glucoside resembling that found in almonds also occurs; it differs however but is capable of being converted into hydro cyanic acid, HCN. The investigations made at this station show that the prussic acid is not present as such, but that it is liberated from a glucoside, (1) by an enzyme in the plant as in the case of sorghum poisoning, and (2) by the action of boiling water on the plant. Glucosides of this sort are in themselves harmless and are dangerous only when they liberate prussic acid. The experiments mentioned above also showed that even dried plants may con- tain a very large amount of combined prussic acid. We should expect that such a fodder would be as fatal to stock after curing as when standing in the field. Experience, however, seems to prove the contrary. Enzymes rapidly become inactive when dried in the presence of protein substances, according to Dr. A. F. Woods, Chief of Division of Plant Pathology. Antidotes. Prussic acid has a tendency to unite with certain carbo- hydrates, forming additional products. ‘These compounds are much less poison- ous than the free acid. Both glucose and milk sugar unite with Prussic acid to some extent even in dilute solutions. Aside from this action these carbo- hydrates retard the action of the enzyme in liberating Prussic acid. These facts suggest that, in case the animal is not in such a conditon as to render medical treatment out of the question, the following may be affective: A strong solution of glucose, which nearly every farmer has at hand in the form of “corn syrup” or molasses, may be administered. Large quantities of milk have in a number of instances been administered apparently with good effect. In all cases the animal should have as much fresh air as possible. SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 349 3. Paspalum, L. Paspalum Spikelets spiked or sometimes racemed, in 2 to 4 rows on one side of the flattened or filiform rachis, awnless, 1-flowered; glumes 3, rarely only 2, 1 glume flowering; flower coriaceous, orbicular or ovate; stamens 3; spikes 1 or more at or toward the summit of an elongated peduncle. Species about 160, chiefly in warm temperate regions in both hemispheres. In South America they constitute an important part of the plants of the Pampas. One species is used in medicine and several species are excellent forage plants for the South. One species is troublesome as a weed in the Southern States. The Koda Millet (P. scrobiculatum) known to be poisonous and injurious to animals and man in India is used during times of scarcity of food and causes poisoning. The seed, especially the testa and pericarp, contains a narcotic poison which causes delirium and vomiting. Cattle should not be allowed to feed on it when it is ripening. Fig. 143. Corean Foxtail Millet (Setaria). Fig. 142. Corean Foxtail (Setaria italica.) U. S. Dept. Agr. 350 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 4. Setaria, Beauv. Spikelets jointed upon the pedicels, panicle densely racemed or spiked, sur- rounded at the base by a few or many persistent awn-like bristles, which rise below the articulation of the spikelet. Species about 10, in temperate and tropical regions. Some species are used as food, especially in China, Japan and India. Several are important forage plants, like the broom corn millet, and Hungarian grass. Three species are weedy in eastern North América. Setaria italica, Beauv Italian Millet or Hungarian Grass A stout, erect, somewhat glaucous annual, 3-8 feet high, with broad leaves; large, dense, compound, spiciform panicles 3-8 inches in length; nodes bearded, with short, appressed hairs; leaf-blades lanceolate, narrowed at the base, long- acuminate, 8-16 inches long, % to 1% inches wide, scabrous; panicles dense, cylindrical, % to 1% inches in diameter; rachis densely villous; setae 1-3, green or purplish, retrorsely scabrous; spikelets elliptical, strongly convex, 1% to 2 lines long, obtuse; second and third glumes about equaling the flowering glume, 5-7-nerved; flowering glume glossy, nearly smooth. Widely cultivated. Quebec to Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas. Setaria germanica, Beauv. German Millet A caespitose annual, from 1-3 feet high, with narrow panicles, about % inch in diameter, and long, usually purple setae; some forms approaching Setaria viridis. This form is usually regarded as only a variety of the Italian Millet, and is found in cultivation only or perhaps springing up from seed on land cul- tivated the preceding season. The German Millet differs from the Italian in having a more dense or compact, and usually erect panicle or “head.” Widely cultivated in most parts of the world. Poisonous Properties. Numerous complaints have been made from time to time with reference to poisoning from millet. Dr. Hinebauch states in regard to this trouble that in the winter of 1891 and 1892 a disease commonly called millet disease was prevalent to a consider- able extent in North Dakota and that this disease was attended by a death rate of 7-10 per cent. It received the name of millet disease from the fact that from 95 to 98 per cent of the animals that were affected had been fed on millet. He says: “When millet is fed in considerable quantities it stimulates the kidney to increased action. The urine is light colored and the bladder evacuated every two or three hours, large quantities of water being passed at each time. At the time the first symptoms of lameness were noticed, the kidneys had almost ceased to act.” . And then he goes on to say: “When the cause was kept up a sufficient length of time for the reaction to set in, the material which would under normal conditions be secreted by the kidneys was allowed to remain in the system and produce deleterious effects.” Apparently the condition of the millet had little to do with this action. In a later bulletin on the same subject Dr. Hinebauch reports a more extended investigation, giving considerable experimental data as well as urinary analyses. SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES San The post mortem examinations revealed some interesting facts. The cartilages on the ends of the long bones show deep furrows running in a direction parallel with the motion during flexion and extension. Both grooves of the astragalus were partially denuded of cartilage, so that the corresponding elevations of the tibia which articulate in the grooves did not have cartilage interposed between them. The whole general appearance, instead of being of a white, glistening color, was of a dark, dull color border- ing on brown. The fluid which escaped from the joint when opened, instead of being a yellow, amber color, was brown and contained red blood corpuscles, indicating that inflammation was present. The joint fluid was brownish black in color and contained red blood corpuscles. In conclusion we would say that our experiments here have thoroughly demon- strated that millet, when used entirely as a coarse food, is injurious to horses. (1) In producing an increased action of the kidneys. (2) In causing lameness and swelling of the joints. (3) In producing infusion of the blood into the joints. (4) In destroying the texture of the bone, rendering it softer and less tenacious, so that contraction causes the ligaments and muscles to be torn loose. The experience of many farmers with whom I have talked confirms the above conclusion, and we could multiply case after case showing that the above conditions are the results of feeding millet. Fig. 143. Sandbur (Cenchrus tribuloides). . spiny bur enclosing spikelets; b, section of che same; c, lateral view of a spikelet. U. S. Dept. Agrl. 352 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The North Dakota Station has published the results of further experiments on the subject of feeding millet. Two tests were made. In the first trial two geldings in good health were fed hay and grain for about two weeks. Millet was then substituted for hay for about ten days. These experiments confirmed those made previously. Ladd has isolated a glucoside from the aqueous extract of millet hay, which, when fed in small quantities, gave the characteristic symptoms. From the experiments made by Dr. Hinebauch and others, it would appear that feeding millets alone as coarse fodder is injurious to horses. It produces an increased action of the kidneys and causes lameness and swelling of the joints. It causes an infusion of blood into the joints and destroys the texture of the bone, rendering it soft and less tenacious, so that the ligaments and muscles are easily torn loose. 5. Cenchrus, L Sand Bur Annual or perennial grasses; flat leaves; spikelets surrounded by a spiny in- volucre which becomes coriaceous and forms a deciduous, hard, rigid bur which falls away at maturity; glumes 4, the 2nd and 3rd membranaceous, the 4th hard; the palea enclosing the perfect flower; stamens 3; styles united below. Species about 12 in tropical and warmer temperate regions. One widely distributed from Maine to New York, Florida, Texas, California and the Dakotas. Cenchrus tribuloides, Ll. Sand Bur An annual with erect culms a foot or more high; flat leaves about 6 inches long; burrs of the involucre with strong, barbed spines; 2-flowered. Distribution. Common in sandy fields and waste places; a weed along rail- roads and in sandy soil. Injurious Properties. This plant frequently inflicts mechanical injuries. entering the flesh and thus causing serious inflammation. This applies to man as well as to lower animals. Aristida, L.. Triple Awned Grass Perennial or annual grasses; narrow, often involute leaves; spikelets nar- row, l-flowered; outer glumes unequal, often bristle pointed; flowering glume tipped with 3 awns; palet small, 2-nerved; stamens 3; styles distinct; grain free, linear, enclosed in the scale; callus variable, often sharp-pointed and rigid. About 100 species in warmer regions of both hemispheres but of very little economic value, the majority being found in dry sterile soil; several species, like the Purple Aristida, however, are common in dry soils of the West. The latter is of little value for forage purposes. The awns of Aristida hygrometrica of Queensland bore into the skin of animals and occasionally reach the intes- tines, thus causing death. None of our species produces serious trouble except, possibly, the Long- awned Poverty Grass. Aristida tuberculosa, Nutt. Long Awned Poverty Grass A rigid, much-branched annual, 12-18 inches high, with nearly simple panicles, 4-7 inches long; branches erect, rather distant, the lower in pairs, one short and few-flowered, the other elongated and many-flowered; empty glumes SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 353 Pa Z 2 Sa et A Fig. 144a. Long-awned Poverty Grass (Aristida tuberculosa). a, Spikelet with lower Fig. 144b. Short-awned Poverty Grass. (A. glume; b, flowering glume with divergent long basiramea). Occurs in sandy and gravelly soils. awns. (U. S: Dept. Agri.). (UStSS Dept. Agri.) nearly equal, 12 lines long, awn-pointed; flowering glume about 10 lines long, twisted above to the division of the awns, and with a densely barbate sharp- pointed callus; awns nearly equal, divergent or reflexed, 144-2 inches long, dis- tinctly articulated with the glume. Injurious properties...The sharp pointed callus slightly injurious in the same manner as Stipa. 7. Stipa, L. Perennial grasses with 1-flowered spikelets, flower falling away at maturity from the membranous, persistent, lower glumes, fertile glumes coriaceous, cylindrical, involute, and embracing the smaller palet and cylindrical grain; a long twisted or spiral awn jointed with the apex, the base consisting of a beard and sharp pointed callus; stamens generally 3; stigmas plumose. 354 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS About 100 species found in temperate and tropical regions. The Stipas often produce injurious effects upon animals. Injurious properties. It has long been known that Stipa capillata, L., in- digenous to Russia, and the Stipa spartea, Trin., and S. avenacea, L., native to North America, as well as Aristida hygrometrica Br., native of Queensland, Fig. 145. Esparto Grass (Stipa tenactssima). Used for mak- ing paper, ropes and mats. It is not known whether this species, like the St. inebrians and the S. sibrica, acts like a narcotic on ani- mals. (Baillon Dict.). and Heteropogon contortus, L., native of New Caledonia, frequently bore into the skin and intestines of lower animals where they cause fatal inflammation and peritonitis. Prof. Blanchard in a recent number in “Archives de Parasit- ologie” calls attention to injurious properties of Stipa Neesiana which is found in Uruguay and other countries of South America. In this case the needles injure the eyes producing in intense keratitis often followed by inflammation of the cornea. Sheep become blind and thus are unable to get food, hence SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 355 die from hunger and thirst. An instance is also recorded of a case where so many of these needles had accumulated among the feathers of an American Ostrich as to cause extensive ulceration which finally resulted in the death of the bird. The old world S. inebrians acts very much like our sleepy grass. Stipa comata, Trin. and Rupr. Western Stipa. Needle Grass A rather stout, erect, caespitose perennial, 114-4 feet high, with mostly in- volute leaves; loosely-flowered panicles, 8 to 12 inches long; spikelets with nearly equal, long-attenuate-pointed, empty glumes about 12 lines long, and thinly Fig. 146. Western Stipa or Needle Grass(Stipa comata). pubescent flowering glumes about 6 lines long; awn slender, 2!4-3 inches long, strongly flexuose or variously curled and twisted. Distributed in western Iowa, Nebraska, Utah, Oregon, California and Arizona. Stipa spartea. Trin. Porcupine Grass A stout, erect perennial, with simple culms 3 to 5 feet high; long, narrow leaves and contracted, few-flowered panicles, 4 to 8 inches long; spikelets 356 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS larger; empty glumes subulate-pointed, 12 to 18 lines long, slightly unequal; flowering glume 8 to 10 lines long, including the barbed and very sharp-pointed stipe or callus, sparsely pubescent below and crowned with a few short hairs; Fig. 147. Needle or Porcupine grass (Stipa sSpartea). a, a single spikelet; b, floret more highly magnified, with sharp pointed bearded callus. (Div. Agros. U. S. Dept. Agrl.). palea nearly as long as the glume; awn stout, 3 to 6 inches long, twisted below and twice geniculate above. June to August. Common on dry, gravelly roads and high prairies. } Distribution. North America. From Wisconsin, Illinois to Missouri, Kan- sas, Nebraska, Dakotas and Minnesota to New Mexico, Manitoba to British Columbia. Injurious properties. Dr. M. Stalker says the fruits of the porcupine grass are a frequent source of inconvenience and injury to living animals, In many of the northwestern counties of Iowa this grass grows in the greatest profusion, and during the latter part of June, the season for maturing and consequent falling of these spines, they are the occasion of much annoyance and in some instances the death of domestic animals. Only such animals as are covered with wool or a SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES oon thick growth of long hair are seriously inconvenienced. Sheep suffer most. ‘The spines readily find a lodgment in the wool, and after burrowing through it frequently penetrate the skin and bury themselves in the flesh. A large number of these barbs thus entering the tissues of the body produce an amount of irritation that is sometimes followed by death. I have seen large numbers of these imbedded in the skin and muscular tissues of shepherd dogs that were covered with a thick growth of soft hair. These sagacious animals frequently exhibit the greatest dread at being sent into the grass during the season of danger. Professor Bessey in his inquiries into the structure ‘and nature of this plant received several responses, one of which, from Professor King, formerly of the University of Wisconsin, was as follows: In connection with the two notes relating to the fruit of the porcupine grass, it may not be without interest to say that while engaged in geological work in Dakota, north of the Northern Pacific railroad, we were much annoyed by the fruit of this grass. Indeed, I found the only way to walk with comfort through this grass was to roll my pants above my knees and my socks down over my shoes. I also observed, on several occasions, these seeds planted two inches deep in the soil with the awns protruding from the ground. It is plain that with the point of one of these fruits once entered below the soil, the swelling and shrinking, due to varying amounts of moisture, would work the seeds directly into the ground. The Stipa comata, or needle grass of the west, which is common through- out the Dakotas, and throughout west Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colo- rado, is common in prairie hay, and Prof. Thomas A. Williams mentions that, though a forage plant, and not cut until the needles have fallen so that the stock may not be injured, the fruit of this plant often injures stock to a con- siderable extent. During the past summer in Alberta, Canada, the writer suf- fered some inconvenience from the penetration of the fruit through the clothes. Stipa robusta, Vasey. Sleepy Grass A large grass from 4-6 feet high growing in dense clumps; leaves involute, setaceous, large, flattened, 1-2 feet long; panicle 1-1%4 ft. long; spikelets 4-5 lines long, on short pedicels; empty glume nearly equal 3-5 lines long; variable in length up to 1% inches, slender flexuous; palet about % length of glume. Distribution. From Colorado to Texas and Mexico. Poisonous properties. This is the grass which is properly called Sleepy Grass and is poisonous. Dr. Vasey says the variety in parts of Texas and Mexico is known as Sleepy Grass, so called for its intoxicating and narcotic effect upon horses or cattle which feed upon it. In the west this species of grass has received the common appellation of sleepy grass. It has long been regarded by range people as poisonous. Dr. Palmer, who found this grass in Coahuila, observed that it was poisonous to cattle, horses, and sheep, causing them temporary sleepiness. Later Dr. Havard states that in 1888 he reecived from Dr. M. E. Taylor, of Stanton, N. M., a grass with the following statement: Hereabouts grows a grass— the eating of which by horses will, within a few hours, produce profound sleepiness or stupor, lasting twenty-four or forty-eight hours, when the animals rally and give no evidence of bad effects. It is known among cowboys as “Sleepy grass’? and dreaded by them on their ‘round ups” as their horses are liable to eat it and cannot then be kept up with the herds. The tradition is that horses that have once eaten of it will not touch it again. To quote from Dr. Havard: From the same gentleman I received a letter in 1890, in which he says: ‘‘Since I corresponded with Dr. ‘Taylor it has been brought to my notice that cattle are affected in a similar way to horses, and that the curious properties which so affect animals are contained in the blades Quite a number of our horses have been ill this spring: 358 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS after having eaten it. It usually takes them about a week to recover, during which time they are unfit for work, and especially so during the first three days.” Captain Kingsbury, of the Sixth United States cavalry, under date of March, 1890, wrote me from Fort Stanton that the sleepy grass affected nearly all his horses at two camping places. it was hard work to make them walk. The similarity of symptoms, whether observed in Coahuila or in New Mexico, is certainly remarkable, and furnishes strong evidence of the substantial accuracy of the observations as reported. It would seem, then, reasonably established that this plant possesses narcotic or sedative properties, affecting principally horses, but also cattle and probably other animals; that animals are not fond of it but eat it inadvertently or when under stress of hunger; that cases of poisoning occur especially in the spring, when the radicle and lower blades first come up, and that the active principle resides in these blades, and perhaps only during that season. 8. Avena, L.,Oats Annual or perennial grasses, usually with flat leaves and panicled spikelets ; spikelets 2, many-flowered, or rarely 1-flowered; lower flowers perfect, the up- per staminate or imperfect; empty glume unequal, membranaceous and _ per- Fig. 148. Wild Oats (Avena fatua). ae empty glumes; b, flowering glumes. (U. S. Dept. Agrl.). SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES so sistent; flowering glume deciduous, generally bearing a twisted awn on the back between the two acute teeth at the apex; rachis and base of flower often bearded; stamens 3, style short and distinct; grain oblong, linear, grooved on one side invested by the palet. About 50 species in temperate regions. The cultivated Oats (Avena sativa) is the best known representative of the genus and has long been used for food for man and animals. Several native species produce good forage. Avena fatua L. Wild Oats An erect, glabrous annual, 3-5 feet high, with flat leaves and spreading panicles of large, nodding spikelets; spikelets 2 to 4-flowered, with empty glumes 34-1 inch long and pubescent; flowering glumes 6 to 9 lines long; awns nearly twice as long as the spikelets. Wild oats is highly esteemed as a forage plant on the Pacific Coast, especially California. Distribution: Native to Europe but now abundant in grain fields of the Rocky Mountains, the Dakotas, Minnesota, and the Pacific Coast. Injurious properties. Bezoars are sometimes produced by the common oat and Dr. Harz thinks it is a dangerous food material because it favors the development of these “hair balls.’ The barbed and awned seed of the wild oat may probably sometimes also lodge in the mouth and produce inflammation or other results of mechanical injuries. Avena sativa, L. Commen Oats A well known erect annual, 2-4 feet high, with flat leaves and expanded panicles of rather large, pendulous, and, usually, 2-flowered spikelets. Lower florets sometimes awned. Distribution. Widely cultivated in Europe, North America, Asia, and in all temperate regions. Commonly cultivated in Northern United States, Can- ada, and the Pacific Coast. The species is native to eastern temperate Europe, and western Asia, although the wild form has not been found. According to some authors, cultivated oats originated from wild oats Avena fatua. This is very doubtful. Injurious properties. Harz reports the occurrence of phytobezoars in horses which had been fed oats straw. These bezoars in their origin and structure are similar to those occurring from feeding on cacti and the crimson clover referred to elsewhere. 9. Bromus, LL. Spikelets 5 to many-flowered, panicled; glumes unequal, membranaceous ; lower glume 1-5 nerved; flowering glume either convex on the back or com- pressed-keeled, 5-9-nerved, awned or bristle-pointed from below to the groove of the oblong or linear grain; stamens 3; styles attached below at the apex of the ovary. Coarse grass with large spikelets at length drooping on pedicels thickened at the apex. About 40 species, of which Beal lists 27 as either native or introduced into the U. S. Bromus tectorum, l. Awned Brome Grass A slender, erect, leafy annual, 7-25 inches high, with narrow, softly pubescent leaves and open, nodding panicles, 3-7 inches long; spikelets each 5-8 flowered, with unequal, acuminate-pointed, hairy, empty glumes, and rough or 360 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 149. Common Oats (Avena sativa), sometimes the cause of phytobezoars in animals. (Ia. Seed Co.) hairy glumes 4-6 lines long; awns 6-8 lines long; blooming period from June to August. First introduced into the United States from Europe, it is without forage value, and, while not greatly troublesome in Iowa or eastward, has be- come a serious pest farther west, in Utah and Colorado. Poisonous properties. This plant produces injuries similar to those caused by Squirrel-tail grass, the awned glumes working in under the teeth causing inflammation and suppuration. Animals eating this grass may lose their teeth as a consequence. SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 361 Fig. 150. Awned Bromegrass (Bromus tect- orum). a. Sterile or outer glumes. b. Spike- let. U.S: Dept.’ Agr: 10. Lolium, L. Darnel and Rye Grasses Annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves and terminal spike; spikelets many-flowered, solitary on each joint of the continuous rachis placed edge- wise; empty glumes except in the terminal spikelets; only one flowering glume, rounded on the back, 5-7 nerved, palet 2-keeled; stamens 3; grain adherent te the palet, 6 species, 2 more or less naturalized in the eastern states. Natives of the Old World. Two species, the Italian rye grass and the common rye grass, are valuable forage plants. Darnel is a troublesome, poisonous grass. Lolium temulentum, L. Darnel, Poison Darnel An annual with smooth stout culm, 2-3 feet high; leaves with scabrous sheaths and short ligule; spike 6-12 inches long; spikelets 5-7 flowered; empty glumes sharp pointed, as long as the spikelets; flowering glume awned or awn- less. Commonly found in grain fields. Fig. 151. Darnel (Lolium temulentum). b. Spike- let. a. Empty glume. U. S. Dept. Agr. Distribution. Naturalized in eastern North America and abundantly so on the Pacific Coast. Poisonous properties. It is a well known fact that a number of grasses are poisonous. It was well recognized by the ancients that darnel (Lolium temulentum) was poisonous, for it is written: “But while men slept, his enemies came and sowed tares among the wheat.” Darnel, when ground up with wheat and made into flour, is said to produce poisonous effects on the system, such as headache and drowsiness. This poison- ous property is said to reside in a narcotic principle, lJoliin, a dirty white, amorphous, bitter substance yielding sugar and volatile acids, which, according to Hackel, “causes eruptions, trembling and confusion of sight in man and flesh-eating animals, and very strongly in rabbits, but it does not effect swine, horned cattle or ducks.” Lindley states that the grain is of evil repute for intoxication in man, beast and birds, and brings on fatal convulsions. Haller SPERMATOPHY TA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 363 speaks of it as communicating these intoxicating properties to beer. It acts as a narcotic, acrid poison. Darnel meal was formerly recommended as a sedative poultice. In Taylor’s work on poisons, the statement is made that the seeds, whether in powder or in decoctions, have a local action on the alimentary canal and a remote action on the brain and nervous system. He states further that no instance is reported of its causing fatal injuries to man, and as much as three ounces of a paste of the seeds have been given to a dog without caus- ing death. Then he goes on to cite the experience of Dr. Kingsley, in which several families, including about thirty persons, suffered severely from the ef- fects of bread containing the flour of darnel seed. These persons had staggered about as if intoxicated. It is claimed by some investigators, however, that this plant is not poisonous. One writer claims to have made bread from flour said Fig. 152. At left, a hypha from Jeaf base of seedling of ‘‘Darnel’’ Fig. 153. ‘“Darnel’ (Lolium temulentum). (Lolium temulentum). At right, hy- Section of outer part of a grain which has been phae in the starch endosperm of a ‘n a germinating chamber 24 hrs. J], pale. %. seed. hk. hyphal layer of grain nu- aericarp, 1, crushed integuments, 0, outer row of cellus, st, starch cell, w, wall of starch nucellus cells, b, cavities with nucellus (probably cell, a, knot formation in an_ inter- ~Ild cell lumina), h, hyphae, a, aleurone, c, stareb cellular space. After Freeman, re- -ndosperm. After Freeman. redrawn by Char- drawn by Charlotte M. King. lotte M. King. to contain considerable darnel and experienced no injurious effects. When mixed with flour and water the dough is foamy and narcotic in its action. There are other grasses which produce similar narcotic effects. Quite recently it has been claimed by several European investigators that the fruit of Lolium temulentum contains a poisonous fungus. Guerin states that the hyphae of a fungus constantly occur in the nucleus of the seed and the layer of the caryop- sis lying between the aleurone layer and the hyaline portion of the grain or nucellus. He also thinks that the toxic action of the Loliums is due to this particular fungus hypha. The threads were also found in L. arvense and L. linicolum; but, as yet, have not been found in L. italicum and but once in L. 364 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS perenne; the fungus is allied to Endoconidium temulentum, which has been found on rye. The Lolium fungus, according to Guerin, lives symbiotically in the matur- ing grain and is therefore not a parasite, but Freeman has observed that oc- casionally it is injurious although it is generally stimulating. Nestler, who made an examination of L. perenne, L. multiflorum, L. remotum, and L. festucaceum, found nothing comparable to the fungus mycelium which occurred in L. temulentum. He also succeeded in demonstrating the presence of the mycelium of the fungus as indicated by Guerin. According to Nestler, the Fusarium roseum is identical with the fungus occurring in L. temulentum found by Guerin, but this has not been confirmed and seems very improbable. Hanausek considered the fungus to be related to the smuts, but Freeman found no evi- dence of spore formation; the septa are infrequent and the intercellular course different from that for smuts. The subject has, in recent years, been in- vestigated by Prof. Freeman who, in a general way, confirms the reports of previous investigations and says: The probabilities of relationship with the ergot of L. temulentum are very interesting. The frequency of occurrence of ergots of Lolium in England is strangely coincident with that of the fungus in the grain, e. g., most abundant in LL. temulentum, less so in L. per- enne and exceedingly rare in L. italicum. It is certainly not one of the rusts and the Ustilagineae are the closest affinity, perhaps, the fungus is carried from one generation to another by the sterile mycelium; when the embryo of the grain pushes out during germination, the hyphae, being in the “seed” keep pace with its growth and can be detected in the growing point throughout the life of the plant. Prof. Freeman says: The hyphae sometimes penetrate the aleurone layer at any point and invade the starch endosperm. ‘There exists in the nucellus, at the base of the scutellum and at the lower end of the inner groove of the grain, a layer of hyphae which lies directly against the embryo, constituting an infective layer. 11. Agropyron, Gaertn. Quack or Wheat Grass Annual or perennial grasses, with flat, or involute leaves; spikelets 3-many- flowered, compressed, 2-ranked, alternate on opposite sides of the solitary, terminal spike, 1 at each joint, or, occasionally, all, or the lower in pairs, sessile, with the side against the axis; glumes transverse, nearly equal and opposite, lanceolate; flowering glumes rigid, rounded at the back, 5-7 nerved, pointed or awned from the tip; palet flattened, bristly, ciliate on the nerves, adherent to the grain. About 40 species, in temperate regions. The root of quack grass is used in medicine; several species, like western wheat grass (Agropyron occidentale) and slender wheat grass (A. tenerum) are valuable for forage purposes. Quack and western wheat grasses are also good soil binders. Agropyron repens, (L,) Beauv. Quack Grass Perennial, 1-3 ft. high, from a creeping, jointed rootstock: sheaths usually smooth, scabrous, or pubescent above; spikes 3-10 inches long, erect; spikelets 4-8 flowered; empty glumes strongly 5-7 nerved near the apex, awnless or sometimes short awned. Distribution. Widely naturalized, a good forage plant and also a bad weed. In eastern North America, it occurs in cultivated fields and by roadsides and is a troublesome weed. SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 365 LEY ~~ Fig. 154. Quackgrass (Agropyron repens). The “roots” (rootstocks) used in medicine. The roots contain considerable of a nutritious carbohydrate. (C. M. King.) Medicinal properties. Quack grass is not known to be poisonous. The ancients since the time of Pliny have used the drug in medicine and it was also used by the Germans in the 10th century. The root stock is officinal. Gerard ascribed to the root diuretic, lithontriptic virtues or properties. The root con- tains considerable sugar and a substance called triticin, an amorphous, gummy substance easily transformed into sugar. It is found useful in the mucous dis- charge from the bladder. Quack grass and Western Wheat Grass frequently con- tain ergot. 366 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 12. Hordeum, L. Barley. Annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves; cylindrical spikes; spikelets 1- flowered, with an awl-shaped rudiment on the inner side, 3 at each joint of the rachis of a terminal spike, the lateral ones usually imperfect or abortive and with a short stalk, empty glumes side by side in front of the spikelets, forming a kind of involucre; flowering glume and palet herbaceous, the former long and awned from the apex; stamens 3; styles very short; grain usually oblong and adherent to the palet; spike often separating into joints. About 20 species widely distributed in both hemispheres. Of the Barleys, the 2-rowed barley (Hordeum distichum) and the 4-rowed barley (H. vulgare) are well known in cultivation, being used for malting purposes and occasionally in medicine. The awns of cultivated barleys produce mechanical injuries to stock. Several members of the genus are very troublesome weeds. ‘ Four-Rowed Barley. Annual, 2-3 feet high, smooth; leaves linear-lanceo- late, keeled, nearly smooth; sheaths striate, smooth, auricled at the throat; ligule very short; spikes 3-4 inches long, somewhat 4-sided; rachis flattened, pubescent on the margins; spikelets with 1 perfect floret; empty glumes, narrow- ly linear, pubescent, terminating in a slender awn; flowering glume 5-nerved, scabrous near the apex, long-awned; awn flattened, keeled, somewhat 3-nerved, serrulate on the margins. The cereal is without doubt one of the most ancient of cultivated plants. It is supposed to have originated from H. spontaneum Koch, which grows wild in Asia Minor and Caucasian countries to Persia and Beloochistan as well as in Syria and Palestine. Hordeum jubatum, L. Squirreltail Grass An annual or winter annual from 6 inches to 2 feet high producing fibrous roots, forming solid and compact bunches; leaves not unlike those of blue grass, but paler in color, from 2-4 inches in length, margins scabrous; flowers in dense spike from 2-4 inches long, pale green or purplish in color, consisting of a number of 1-flowered spikelets, 3 occurring at each joint, 1 being perfect (bearing stamens and pistil), 2 others awl-shaped, and borne on short stalks, 1 sterile spikelet occurring on each side of the perfect flower which bears a long awn; at each joint will be found 6 empty, long-awned glumes, spreading at maturity which give to the plant its bristly appearance; when mature, the spike breaks up into joints consisting of the rudimentary spikelets and a perfect flower, so that each joint has 1 “seed,” the number of seeds in the spike varying from 35 to 60. A single cluster of plants may therefore produce from 300 to 2000 mature seeds. The plant has a wonderful capacity for “stooling.” From a single plant as many as forty spikes may be produced and the number often no doubt exceeds this. Distribution. It is found in marshes, in moist sand along the sea shore, and near the northern lakes. Its present distribution is from Nova Scotia to New Brunswick, along the Atlantic coast, Maine to Maryland and westward to the region of the Great Lakes, Minnesota, Saskatchewan and the Mackenzie river, the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska and the Rocky Mountain region, south to Texas, California and southern Mexico. It is also reported from Europe and Siberia. Originally it was chiefly distributed in the Rocky Mountain region occur- SPERMATOPHYTA—GRAMINEAE—GRASSES 367 ring in the saline soils of the plains, the great lakes and along the seacoast extending far northward. Its extension eastward and westward has taken place in the more recent times. Hordeum secalinum, Schreb. Little Barley An erect annual from 4-10 inches high, more or less geniculate at the lower end; sheaths smooth or upper often inflated; leaf blade 1-3 inches long; spikes narrow; empty glumes rigid, those of the central spikelet scarcely lanceolate, all awn pointed; flowering glume of the central spikelet awned or nearly so. Distribution. Common and troublesome especially as far east as Missouri, Nebraska, British Columbia, and California. Hordeum murinum, L. Wild Barley An annual from 1-2 feet tall; erect or geniculate at the base; leaves rough; spikes from 214-5 inches long; spikelets usually in 3’s; scales awned, the empty glumes awnlike and scabrous, the second scale of the lateral spikelets not ciliate, the flowering glumes scabrous at the apex, bearing an awn about 14%4-1% inches long. Common on the Pacific coast and the dry regions of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and occurring on ballast in the Eastern states. Mechanical injuries. It has long been known that the barbed awns of barley, wild barley and other plants act injuriously in a mechanical way. In the west this is especially true of wild barley (Hordeum jubatum). Dr. S. H. Johnson, of Carroll, states in the Carroll Herald, that this grass, when found in hay and allowed to ripen, if in any quantity, is very injurious to horses’ mouths. He says: The small awns seem to work in and cause deep ulcerating sores, which form under the tongue and lips. The writer has seen a large number affected and made a careful examination, and found the awns deep in the flesh, where they had remained for three months or more. I have seen lips eaten completely through and tongues eaten almost off by the grass. As to cattle, I have seen some affected, but not to any extent, because the mucuous membranes are much thicker. The sooner the grass is eradicated the better. Professor Nelson, who has carefully studied this question, says on the injury to stock: The awned heads, when taken into the mouth ,break up into numerous sections, scatter within the mouth and everywhere adhere to the mucous membrane, which soon becomes pierced with the long stiff awns. As the animal continues to feed, more awns are added, and those already present are pushed deeper into the flesh. Inflammation soon results and leaves the gums of the animal in condition to be more easily penetrated. The awns are particularly liable to be pushed down and alongside and between the teeth. As the swelling and festering progress the awns are packed in tighter and pushed deeper and cause suppuration of the gums as well as ulceration of the jaw bones and the teeth. Through the absorption of the ulcerated sockets and roots the teeth become loosened and even drop out, but the animal, impelled by hunger, still endeavors to eat such hay as may be offered. The above statements apply largely to H. jubatum, but are equally true of all other species given above. 2. CYPERACEAE. Sedge Family Grass-like, or rush-like herbs. Culms slender, solid or rarely hollow, frequent- ly triangular, terete, quadrangular or flattened; roots fibrous and, frequently, creeping rhizomes, leaves narrow, sheathes closed; flowers perfect or imperfect, 368 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS LZ. ANS x Fig. 155. Wild Barley (Hordeum jubatum.) Produces mechanical in- Fig. 156. Common Little Barley (Hordeum juries to animals. (U. S. Dept. secalinum). Causes mechanical injuries. (Charlotte Agrl.) M. King.) arranged in spikelets, 1 or 2 in the axil of each glume, spikelets, 1- many- flowered; scales 2-ranked, or spirally imbricated, persistent, or deciduous; peri- anth free, composed of bristles, scales or rarely wanting; anthers 2-celled; ovary I-celled, ovule 1, erect style 2 or 3-cleft; endosperms mealy; embryo minute. A large family of comparatively few genera (65) and 3,000 species of wide distribution. Carex is found in colder regions, while Cyperus is in warmer SPERMATOPHY TA—CY PERACEKAE—SEDGES 369 regions. About 600 species of Cyperus, 200 of Scirpus, 200 of Rynchospora and 1,000 of Carex. The Papyrus (Cyperus Papyrus) of Africa and Sicily was used by the ancients as writing material. Common rush (Scirpus lacustris), a cosmopolitan plant found in water and marshes, is used for making mats and baskets. The rhizome of Carex arenaria is used in medicine. Fig. 157. Sedge (Carex arenaria). 1. Flower- ing plant. 2. Staminate flower with glume. 3. Pistillate flower. 4. Pistil. 5. Bract of pistillate flower. 6, 7. Staminate and pistillate flowers of C. hirta. (After Wossidlo.) PRINCIPES Woody or herbaceous plants with endogenous stems; flowers in spikes, generally on the plan of 3, free, regular or slightly irregular; stamens 3-9 or numerous but generally 6; ovaries, free, 1-7-celled usually; fruit dry or a 370 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS fleshy drupe. Contains the family Palmae, a large family of 1,000 species, of which the most important palms are as follows: ‘The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) of Asia and North Africa, now cultivated in warmer regions of Europe, California and Arizona, and an important article of commerce in North Africa; the Corypha which furnishes sago, fiber, and a seed which is used as a substitute for coffee; and the Washingtonia of Southern California, frequently cultivated. Vegetable wax is derived from Copernicia cerifera. The wine palms (Raphia vinifera and R. pedunculata of eastern Africa), furnish raphia fiber. The Metroxylon Rumphii of the South Sunda Islands furnishes sago. The betel-nut palm (Areca Catechu) is much used as a nar- cotic, the poison derived from this being known as arecain, half a grain of which is sufficient to kill a rabbit in a few minutes. It acts upon the heart and influences respiration causing tetanic convulsions; it also causes a contraction of the pupil of the eye. It is used to some extent as a vermifuge and in India and the Islands of the Pacific it is applied as an external remedy. The nut contains the alkaloids, arecolin, arecain, arecaidin, and guvacin, which are used as vermifuges for dogs. The orange colored fruit is about the size of a hen’s egg. When the nut is wrapped in quicklime and used, it imparts a red color to the saliva; it injures the teeth, and eventually destroys them. The resinous exudation from dragon’s blood (Daemonorops Draco) of the East Indies is used in the manufacture of paints and varnishes. The oil from the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) of West Africa and eastern South America is an important article of commerce. The cocoa-nut palm (Cocos nucifera) in tropical countries, especially the Islands of the Pacific, is an important article of food. The milk is the endosperm. The juice in the nut before maturity is unwholesome, being strongly diuretic and likely to cause serious results when taken into the sys- tem. A fermented drink is made. from the juice of the plant which causes obesity and premature old age. A fiber known as ceir is made from the husks. Vegetable ivory (Phytelephas macrocarpa) of tropical countries, is a well known article of commerce. “Tuba” or Philippine toddy is made from the sap of the flowering spadix of Nipa fruticans. Toddy is also made from the juice of Arenga pinnatus, a plant which also furnishes an almost imperishable fiber. The “Royal Palm” is the “Yagua” (Roystonca borinquena) of Porto Rico, the sheathing bases of the leaves of which are used in thatching and siding the houses of the poor. An oil is produced from the husk and nut-like seeds of the Acrocomia or corozo palm which is distributed through tropical America from Mexico and Cuba to Paraguay. SPATHIFLORAE Mostly fleshy herbs with endogenous stems, or thalloid floating plants; flowers generally in a fleshy spadix subtended by a spathe or naked, or a few solitary flowers on the margin or back of the thalloid structure. ARACEAE. Arum Family Herbs with pungent juice; leaves with long, slender petioles and abounding in raphides; flowers borne in densely-flowered fleshy spadix, subtended or en- closed by the spathe; rootstock tuberous; floral envelopes none or of 4-6 sepais; stamens 4-10; filaments short; anthers 2-celled; ovary 1-several-celled; ovules l-several in each cell; fruit a berry; seeds various, with 2 coats, the outer fleshy; endosperm abundant or none. About 900 species of wide distribution. SPERMATOPHY TA—ARACEAE—AROIDS 371 Many of the plants, as the skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus, possess acrid and noxious qualities. This is a native herb which is acrid and has a disagreeable odor. The fleshy spadix of Monstera deliciosa of the Mexican Fig. 158. Common European Arum, Cuckoo-pint, or Wake-robin (Arum maculatum). lWeaf; spadix; longitudinal section of ovary; germina- tion; longitudinal section of seed; embryo. (After Faguet.) Cordilleras is edible. The vegetable calomel (Acorus Calamus) is used in medicine and contains the bitter principle acorin and an alkaloid. The sweet calomel is poisonous, under some conditions, causing disturbed digestion, and, in severe cases, gastro-enteritis, persistent constipation, followed by diarrhoea and passage of blood in the feces. The Calla palustris, a marsh plant, has acrid properties and is used in Lapland with bread. The bulbs of Amorphophallus are rich in starch and are edible. The Richardia africana is frequently cultivated and used as food, a starch being also made from it. The poisonous substances contained in it are removed on roasting and boiling. In some of the fruits of aroids, like Arum italicum, saponin has been found, also needle-like crystals of oxalate of lime. A. maculatum is poisonous and causes severe dermatitis, paralysis, and, in the S72 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS case of children, even death. The Thomsonia napalensis of India, according to Major Kirtikar, is an acrid poison but its deleterious properties may be removed by roasting. The arrow arum (Peltandra virginica) of eastern North America is an irritant. Arisaema. Mart. Perennial herbs with tuberous rootstock or corm, having acrid properties; leaves simple or compound, scape simple; spathe convolute, generally arched above; spadix with flowers near the base; floral envelopes none; flowers mon- oecious or dioecious; stamens 4; anthers 2-4-celled; pistillate flowers with a 2-celled ovary containing many ovules; fruit a globose, red berry; seeds with copious endosperm. About 50 species found in temperate climate. Arisaema triphyllum. (L.) Schott. Indian Turnip Corm turnip-shaped, farinaceous; leaves generally 2, divided into 3-foliate ' leaflets, ovate; spadix mostly dioecious, club-shaped, much shorter than the arched spathe, which is green and purple striped: ovules 5-6; berries ‘shining, forming a dense head. ‘The dragon head (A. Dra- contium) with solitary leaf pedately di- vided into 7-11 oblong lanceolate leaflets, and spadix tapering to a long slender point, is common in rich woods from Minnesota and Towa, eastward. Distribution. The Indian Turnip occurs in moist woods from Kansas and Minne- sota to Nova Scotia and Florida. Poisonous properties. The corm of In- dian Turnip is so extremely acrid that a decoction made from it has been used to kill insects. The family Lemnaceae is allied to the Araceae. It contains the Duckweeds, (Lemna). FARINOSAE Fig. 159. Indian Turnip (Arisaema Herbs with endogenous stems and most- triphyllum). A common plant of our 1y narrow leaves; flowers usually complete, woods. Corm contains an acrid id F i 5 poison. parts usually in 3’s or 6's; corolla reg- ular or nearly so; ovary compound, superior; endosperm of the seed mealy. This series contains the Xyridaceae, of which the yellow-eyed grass is an example; the Eriocaulaceae, of which the pipewort (Eriocaulon septangulare ) of the Atlantic seashore is a good illustration; the pine-apple family (Bromeli- aceae) of 350 species, in tropical and warmer regions, represented in the south by the Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) which hangs in long festoons SPERMATOPHYTA—FARINOSAE 3/3 from trees, and by the pine-apple (Ananas sativus), a well known fruit now cultivated extensively in Florida; from which has been isolated the enzyme, bromelin, a powerful ferment capable of rapidly digesting vegetable and animal albumen. It acts in the presence of either acid or alkaline carbonates and is related to trypsin and pepsin. In the same family is the pinguin (Bromelia Pinguin) or wild pine-apple, the slightly acrid pulp of which is edible and the fiber valuable. The plant is armed with stout spines which made the passage of troops difficult in the late Spanish war. In the same order are the Spiderworts belonging to the family Commelin- aceae. The common blue spiderwort (Tradescantia virginiana) of sandy and Fig. 161. Common Rush (Juncus tenuis). A weed with tough stems, along beaten paths and roadsides. (Char- lotte M. King.) 374 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS gravelly soils, has mucilaginous stems, blue ephemeral flowers, and is common everywhere in eastern North America. Several species of Tradescantia, like the wandering Jew (T. Zebrina), are commonly cultivated. Another family of the order is the Pontederiaceae, containing the pickerel weed (Pontederia cordata) and the Eichornia speciosa, which is frequently cultivated in green- hoses and has become a very troublesome weed in the rivers of Florida and elsewhere in warm countries. LILITFLORAE Herbs or occasionally shrubs with endogenous stems and monocotyledon- ous seeds; perianth generally well developed; flowers generally regular and complete, their parts in 3’s and 6's; ovary superior, or inferior compound; endosperm horny or fleshy. This series contains the family Juncaceae, called rushes, some of which, like wire-grass (Juncus tenuis), are troublesome weeds. Lusula is com- mon at high altitudes and in northern states. The Dioscoreaceae, or Yam Family, contains but few species in the United States. To this belong the wild yam root (Dioscorea villosa) of our woods, the Jap- anese yam (D. divari- cata) and the air po- tato (D. bulbifera) of Asia, sometimes culti- vated in the Gulf States for its large tubers. Yam starch is obtained from several species, the most important of which are D. alata, D. sativa, D. japonica, and OD. aculeata. The family Taccaceaz contains Tacca pinnati- Fig. 160. Flowers, fruit and leaves of Yam (Dioscoreah 4 the roots of which villosa). A common plant in thickets. are the source of the Tacca starch of Tahiti and the neighboring islands. The plant is grown also in Brazil and India. FAMILIES OF LILIIFLORAE Ovary mostly superior. Perianth segments distinct or partly united, the inner, petal-like; fruit-a capsule” Or VDE. oii sic Walsie USES En asel ne Tolls eee tale erenede Liliaceae _ Fig. 161. Wake Robin (Trillium nivale); Canada Lily (Lilium Canadense). The Trilliums are considered poisonous. (C. M. King). B. Greasewood and Tetradymia. (LL. H. Pammel). A. Yueca (Yucca angustifolia). An ornamental plant thought to contain a poisonous alkaloid. (I. H. Pammel). ae “eS SPERMATOPHYTA—LILITFLORAE oA Ovary inferior, at least in part. Stamens 3, opposite the inner segments.................--- Haemodoraceae Stamens 6. Erect perennial herbs; flowers. perfect................ Amaryllidaceae Stamens'3, opposite’ the outer ‘Segments... ). 2.) aeadaatedeee.o. Iridaceae I. wimtacEAE. Lily Family Herbs or rarely woody plants with regular, symmetrical flowers; perianth not glumaceous; 3 sepals; 3 petals; 6 stamens; ovary 3-celled; fruit a pod or berry; embryo enclosed in the hard albumen. A family of about 1,600 species, including among others, several ornamental plants like the lily, lily of the valley, and yucca; some medicinal plants like squill, aloe, and false hellebore; and several poisonous plants like death camas and colchicum, the latter, native to Europe and Africa. The fatal poisonous nature of Colchicum was familiar to the ancients, it being known to contain several poisons, such as the alkaloid colchicin C,,H,,NO,, an amorphous, yellowish white gum, chiefly an alkaline bitter substance, which, on boiling with acids, yields colchicein C,,H,,NO,, and a yellowish green resin. Animals that eat the plant suffer with acute gastro-enteritis, coma, stagger- ing, weak pulse, and increased urination. ‘The family also includes several economic plants like the onion (Allium Porrum); garlic (Allium sativum) ; chives (A. Schoenoprasum); shallot (A. ascalonicum) ; hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis); New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax), native to New Zealand where it occupies much of the country, and is now used in large quantities for making ropes and mats; (Yucca filamentosa) and (Y. augustifolia), the former a well known plant of the South and the latter a well known plant of the West, both species frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes, a large number of other species of the genus Yucca being also found in the Southwest. The day lily (Funkia subcordata), several species of the tulip (7ulipa), and several species of Lilium are cultivated. Perhaps the most common in the old gardens is the tiger lily, (L. tigrinum). Several species of the aloes are com- mon in cultivation in greenhouses. They are also medicinal, containing the substance aloinum, a neutral principle, which yields barbatorin C,,H,,O. Aloes. are cathartic. The California or Mariposa lily belongs to the genus Calochortus. The asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is cultivated and is a well known vegetable. The cultivated smilax (Asparagus medeoloides) is a native to the Cape of Good Hope. The dragon-tree (Cordyline terminalis) is frequently cultivated. Some of the species of the latter like “Ti” of the Sandwich Islands are of economic importance. The roots of “Ti” contain a saccharine matter, from which the natives extract sugar; they also bake the roots and eat them. The remarkable dragon-tree of the Canaries is noted for its large circumfer- ence and comparatively low height. The Botany Bay resin (Xanthorrhoea hastilis) is chiefly used as a shellac for making colored varnishes. Yucca leaves contain salicylic acid. Several investigators have reported saponin in the roots of Yucca filamentosa, Y. augustifolia, and Y. imperialis contain the alkaloid imperialin C,,H,,NO,. In the former, Dr. Helen Abbot Michael reports the presence of several resins, the amount varying from 8-10 per cent in the root. She regarded the saponin as a constructive glucoside which served to unite what are known as the Saponin groups. Saponin occurs in many different plants, especially in the Sapotaceae. KYA) MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 162. Colchicum (Colchicum an- Fig. 163. Camas plant or Death Camas (Zygadenus tumnale). Flowering plant and _longi- venenosus). A western plant, extremely poisonous to tudinal section of stem and bulb. Faguet. sheep. The fly poison (Amianthium muscaetoxicum) is a smooth plant with simple stems from base; broadly linear leaves; white flowers in simple racemes; widely spreading perianth without claws or glands. Occurs from Long Island to Florida to Arkansas. It is a well known fly poison of the south. It is related to Veratrum and Melanthium. The Bulbine bulbosa, of Australia, is poisonous to cattle, sheep and horses, which, after eating it, display such symptoms as lying down, rolling continually, having scours and a mucous discharge from the nose. The tuberous herb, | Gloriosa superba, of India, according to Major Kirtikar, is a violent emetic; SPERMATOPHYTA—LILIACEAE 377 the roots of this, when eaten, produce death in four hours. It is said to con- tain the bitter principle superbin (C,,H,,N,O,,), perhaps identical with scillo- toxin. The leaves and roots of Paris quadrifolia of Europe have a bitter taste. The berries are said to poison chickens and to produce gastro-enteritis in man. The Aloe succotrina contains from 4-10 per cent of a bitter principle aloin, also some emodin. Representatives of the genus Scilla and Urginea yield scilli- picrin, scillin, and scillotoxin, the latter of which resembles digitoxin; the first of these acts upon the heart; where used as an emetic, it has proved fatal be- cause of its irritant action on the intestines. The seeds of Sabadilla officinalis are used as a parasiticide. They contain cevadin C,,H,,NO,,, cevadillin C,,H,,NO,, and are the principal source of veratrin C,,H,.NO,,, and the glucoside scillain or scillitin. According to Friedberger and Frohner animals poisoned with “rat poison” (squill) had cerebral convulsions and erysipelas. The rhizome of Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum giganteum) has an acrid bitter taste. Chickerinchee (Ornithogalum thyrsoides) is reported by Dr. Liautard (1) to have been the cause of acute gastro-enteritis in horses in South Africa. The species O. Muscari may possibly be poisonous since it is allied to the above which an African veterinarian reports to be poisonous. The Star-of-Bethlehem (O. umbellatum) which is a pretty cultivated garden plant in the northern United States has become an escape in Kentucky and is regarded as a rather troublesome weed. The Tulip and Fritallaria are also poisonous. GENERA OF LILIACEAE Perianth bell-shaped, gamophyllous. TENGE AS MHELL Ys: AMM NA. Webs e cds neato eiad Cae ld /er enue treet aaaus 5. Convallaria Perianth cleft or divided. PEATE ch, PETE Ys svn oe ward Sree a ieee al dha UL a he cE ay EE eta gat 6. Trillium Fruit a capsule. ‘With sCarious /MEactSun wii oe & data sue cniee eae eed teraie eth 4. Allium Without scarious bracts. Roots! DUlbOWS ee EN RIED ae Te Cierra te 1. Zygadenus Roots not bulbous. Sepals with claws, free from the ovary......... 2. Melanthium Sepals without | ela wis ese) Sous | Cea RE alse) 3. Veratrum 1. Zygadenus. Michx. Camas Smooth, erect, perennial herbs from bulbs or rootstocks; leaves linear; greenish or white flowers in panicles; stamens free from perianth segments; capsule 3-lobed and 3-celled. A small genus of about 8 species, native to North America and Mexico. Zygadenus venenosus. Wats. Death Camas A pale green, slender perennial, 6 inches to 1% feet high, from small coated bulb; leaves rough, somewhat shorter than the stem; flowers borne in a raceme, yellowish or yellow, polygamous; segments of the perianth ovate or elliptical, free from ovary, bearing a roundish gland; capsule much larger than the perianth. . (1) Am. Vet. Rev. 30:298. 378 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. From South Dakota to Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, California, Montana and British Columbia. Zygadenus chloranthus. Pursh. Smooth Zygadenus A glaucus perennial 1-3 feet high, coming from an elongated bulb; leaves flat; flowers borne in racemes, few flowered, greenish; segments of the peri- anth oval or obovate, united below and adnate to the base of the ovary; capsule longer than the perianth. Distribution. Common especially northward in Iowa and Minnesota to Alaska, in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico and east to Missouri. It may also be poisonous. Poisonous properties. Mention of the poisonous nature of the various species of Zygadenus has frequently been made, especially by the early ex- plorers, the poisonous bulbs encountered by them being referred to as poison camas or poison sago, so called to distinguish them from the edible Quamasa, which is commonly called kamas. These species bear essentially the same name today, except that in some places they are also called Lobelia. The bulbs are apparently much more poisonous than the leaves, but if the ground is very dry, sheep are less likely to pull them up than when the ground is moist. After rains, however, or early in the spring it is possible that some of the bulbs may be pulled up and thus eaten by sheep. In Montana, according to Chesnut and Wilcox, large numbers of sheep are killed by eating death camas. These authors state that in one band two thousand were poisoned and one hundred of these died. In another band two hundred were poisoned and ninety died. Prof. Hillman reports that the wild sago (Z. paniculatus) is probably responsible for the death of a considerable number of cattle in certain alkaline districts in Nevada. Dr. S. B. Nelson, in experimenting with this species had wholly negative results. He fed one pound of the plant in blossom and fruit to sheep. Dr. Wilcox and Prof.’ Chesnut made tests on rabbits and sheep with extracts and fresh plants, and in every instance obtained positive evidence of poisoning. In these instances the plants were not in flower. Prof. Chesnut says stock is poisoned while pasturing by eating the bulbs along with the leaves or the leaves alone, or by the seeds when present in hay, as they sometimes are. Stock, especially sheep, are usually killed by eating the plant before it has blossomed in the spring. Cases of poisoning are so common in Oregon and Nevada that the term “lobeliaed” has been used to indicate the result from this kind of poisoning. According to Chesnut and Wilcox the symptoms of poisoning are re- markably uniform: The first signs of poisoning are a certain uneasiness and irregularity in the move- ments of the sheep These irregularities rapidly become more and more pronounced, accompanied by incoordination of the muscular movements, spasms and rapid breathing. Although sheep are highly excited under the influence of Zygadenus poisoning, the cerebral symptoms seldom constitute a condition of frenzy. It was readily observed that until a few minutes before death ewes were able to recognize their lambs, and indicate in other ways that they were not in any sense crazed. The later symptoms were those of complete motor paralysis, combined with an exceedingly rapid and sharp breathing and a frequent weak pulse. The duration of these different stages of poisoning varies to a considerable extent, and depends entirely upon the amount of death Camas which the sheep had eaten. Death Camas (Zygadenus venenosus). A poisonous plant of the western United States. (Nev. Agr. Exp. Sta.) . SPERMATOPHYTA—LILIACEAE 379 Postmortem examinations made show that in every instance the lungs were congested with blood, being a hepatized condition. There were no lesions in the membranes of the brain. In cases of adult sheep the effect upon the digestive organs was not marked. There were usually to be noticed an in- creased salivation and continued regurgitation through the mouth and nostrils. “Symptoms produced experimentally by feeding the death camas to sheep were the same as those characterizing natural poisoning by this plant. The toxic substance has not been isolated. Chesnut and Wilcox observed that the ground material macerated with luke warm distilled water produced a substance that had a decided soapy feeling, and that the pure juice was distinctly irritating when left on the hands for several minutes. The physio- logical action of the Veratrum is somewhat similarly caused by the active poisonous principle in camas. It is probable that many of the Melanthaceae have similar properties. Dr. Wilcox recommends, in case of poisoning by death camas, the hypodermic injection of strychnin in 1/20, 1/10 and 1/5 grain doses, the hypodermic injection of atropin in 1/60 and 1/30 grain doses, and solutions of potassium permanganate and aluminum sulphate. From 5 to 10 grains of each of these compounds are dissolved in water and given as a drink to adult sheep. Hogs take the same doses as sheep, horses from 15 to 20 grains, and cattle from 30 to 50 grains. Occasionally the material is injected directly into the stomach, but ordinarily the more convenient method is to allow the animals to drink it. The substances veratalbin, sabadin and sabadinin have been obtained from Z. venenosus. 2. Melanthium. L. Bunchflower Perennial tall leafy herbs with a thick rootstock; leaves linear to oblance- olate; flowers on large panicles, monoecious or polygamous, greenish yellow; perianth of 6 widely spreading segments raised on slender claws free from the ovary; stamens shorter than the perianth; pistil with 3 styles; capsule 3-lobed and 3-celled. A smail genus of 4 species, in eastern North America. Melanthium virginicum. L. Common Bunchflower Tall leafy stemmed plants 3-5 feet high; leaves linear, the lower sheathing, the upper similar and sessile; flowers in an ample panicle, fragrant; perianth of flat segments, greenish yellow; styles persistent, capsule 3-celled; 8-10 seeds in each cavity. Distribution. In low meadows and prairies from New England to Iowa river basin to Minnesota to Texas and Florida. Poisonous properties. Several correspondents in Iowa have attributed poisoning of horses to this plant. Several related plants of the Melanthaceae like Zygadenus and Veratrum are known to be poisonous. Mr. J. R. Campbell, of Blockton, Iowa, writes us the following: The specimens I sent you, and which you have identified as Melanthium virginicum, have been the reputed cause of a number of cases of poisoning here this summer. The veterinarian here pronounced it aconite poisoning as the symptoms are similar, but he decided this weed caused it as it has been found present in every case. In the first cases that he noticed here nearly all the horses in the livery barn were attacked after partaking of hay which contained an abundance of the matured seed pods of this plant. None of the animals died. The liveryman then had his men pick out all the weed, and he has not been troubled since. Several cases have occured at different places since then, all traceable to this weed. 380 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS DW \ Nv Seo Nau Ae \Y i) 2) Ss SY B ‘S Vis \ Fig. 164. Bunch flower (Melanthium virginicum). Common in low meadows Eastern Iowa and southward. Often mixed with hay and causes poisoning of horses. (Charlotte M. King.) At the place where I obtained these specimens the owner said he had cut the meadow and fed hay off it for fifteen years and never had any trouble until this year. Hay cut last fall seems to contain the poison; seed heads were fully mature; meadow is low and wet. The following are the symptoms as described by the veterinarian: Heart fast and very weak; respiration shallow and labored; great muscular weakness; retching, consider- able slobbering, some sweating; temperature was normal. ‘The effect lasted three or four hours, and the animal was stupid and lacked appetite for one or two days afterwards. The disease stopped when a ration of hay containing none of this weed was fed. Since writing the above, Dr. Blanche, a veterinarian in Belle Plaine, this state, found that horses fed with hay containing this plant “became ill and acted as if they were crazy. The symptoms were much like those from aconite poisoning.” ‘These bunchflowers have long been used to poison flies, and Hyams, of North Carolina, says that they are poisonous to crows. The M. latifolium and M. pariflorum have similar properties. According to Chesnut the Indians of Mendocino County, California, use the soaproot or Yuki (Chlorogalum pomeridianum) to stupify fish. This plant is closely re- lated to Melanthium. Wild Indian Corn: Swamp Hellebore (Veratrum californicum). Reported to be poison- ous to cattle and horses. (Bull. Nev. Agr. Exp. Sta. 51). SPERMATOPHY TA—LILIACEAE 381 3. Veratrum (Tourn.) L. Perennial herbs; leaves broad, clasping, veined, and plaited; flowers in large panicles, greenish, polygamous or monoecious; perianth in 6 parts, spreading, greenish or brownish, without glands or nearly so, and not clawed; stamens short and free, ovary with 3 persistent styles, capsule 3-lobed, 3-celled and several-seeded. A small genus of 10 or 11 species distributed in north temperate regions. One species used in medicine; all are poisonous. Veratrum viride, Ait. American White Hellebore A stout, leafy perennial from 2-7 feet high, with fleshy root, 1-3 inches long; flowers in ample, dense, spike-like racemes; it blooms from May to July. Distribution. Common in swamps and wet woods, especially in eastern North America, west to Wisconsin, south to the mountains of Georgia, and north to Alaska. Veratrum californicum, Durand. California Hellebore A stout perennial from 2-8 feet high, fleshy root, flowers in a large loose terminal panicle; perianth segments whitish with long and narrow floral leaves. Distribution. Common in the mountains of California and the Rocky Mountains as far north as British Columbia, south to New Mexico. Poisonous Properties. Prof. Chesnut says: Cases arise mainly from overdoses in medicine, but instances of accidental poisoning are reported for man and for various animals and birds. In one case all the members of a household were poisoned by eating the young leaves, which were mistaken for those of marsh marigold (Caltha palustris) and prepared for food. Animals do not relish the plant, which is acrid and burning in the fresh condition, but young aimals some- times eat it with fatal results. The roots are not often mistaken for those of edible plants, but being fleshy and especially rich in- alkaloids, they are somewhat dangerous. The seeds have been eaten by chickens with fatal results. The general effect is very much like that of aconite (Aconitum Napellus), being directed chiefly against the action of the heart and spinal cord, both of which tends to paralyze. The symptoms of the poison are burning in the throat with increased salivation, producing a weak pulse, labored respiration and profound prostra- tion. The root was used by the Indians in making snuff. Dr. Halsted at- tributed deaths of human beings as well as of cattle in New Jersey to this plant. © The number of poisonous substances found in hellebore is quite large. Of these so-called veratrin, C,,H,,NO,,, of earlier writers, has an alkaline reaction, and a burning taste; it produces violent sneezing and dilates the pupil. However, later investigators, have separated this into the following bases: the very toxic cevadin, C,,H,,-09, veratridin, GH NG. «amd sabadillin INO. Veratrum album, L., V. lobelianum Bernh., V. viride, Ait., also contain in addition to the bases named above, two other bases, sabadin, C,,H.,NO,, and sabadinin, Cat NO; and also the following substances: jervin C,,H,,NO,, a pure alkaloid rubijervin C,,H,,NO,, pseudojervin C,,H,,NO,, protoveratrin 382 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS » C,,H,,NO,,, protoveratridin C,,H,,NO,, and the bitter glucoside veratamarin. Jervin is a powerful depressant to the heart muscles and vaso motor centers; large doses therefore weaken the pulse. It depresses respiration and death oc- curs from asphyxia. Dr. Winslow, in speaking of the toxicology, says: The symptoms exhibited in Veratrum viride poisoning are: salivation, vomiting, or attempts at vomiting, purging, abdominal pain, muscular weakness, difficulty in progression, loss of power and general paralysis, muscular tremors and spasms, and, occasionally, convulsions. The pulse is unaltered in rate at first, but later becomes infrequent and compressible and finally rapid, threadlike and running. The respiration is shallow, the temperature is reduced, the skin is cold and clammy; there is semi-consciousness, loss of sight, and death from asphyxia. Treatment should be pursued with cardiac and respira- tory stimulants, as amy] nitrite (by inhalation), alcohol, strychnin and atropin; tannic acid as a chemical antidote; opium to subdue pain, and demulcents to relieve local irrita- tion of the digestive tract. Warm water should be given the smaller animals to wash out the stomach and to asist vomition, and quietude should be enforced. In man, fatal poisoning is rare, since the drug is spontaneously vomited. ‘The same would probably apply to dogs. Recovery has ensued in horses after injection of two ounces of veratrum album root. Fig. 1642 American White Hellebore (Veratrum viride). A poisonous plant of Eastern North America, SPERMATOPHYTA—LILIACEAE 383 4. Allium (Tourn.) L. Onion, Garlic and Leek Perennial bulbous plants, bulb solitary or clustered, leaves generally linear, a few lanceolate or oblong; stem simple or erect; flowers in umbels subtended by bracts; perianth white, purple or pink, the parts distinct cr united at the base often becoming dry; the 6 filaments awl shaped, ovary 3-celled or incompletely so; capsule with 1-2 black seeds in each cell. About 275 species of wide dis- tribution; contains a number of important economic plants, among them garlic (A. sativum), garden leek (4. Porrum), chives (4. Schoenoprasum), shallot (A. ascalonicum), onion (A. Cepa), and the golden garlic (A. Moly), cultivated for ornamental purposes. Allium vineale, L. Field Garlic A slender scape, naked from an ovoid membranaceous bulb; 1-3 feet high; terete and hollow leaves, channeled above, frequently densely bulbiferous ; flowers greenish or purple. Distribution. Common in meadows and wheat fields of Virginia, and east- ern states from Connecticut to Virginia and Missouri. Naturalized from Europe. Allium tricoccum Ait. Wild Leek Scape naked, 4-12 inches high from an ovoid bulb; leaves fibrous articulated ; leaves oblong, lanceolate or elliptical, few, appearing long before the flowers in spring; flowers in umbels numerous, greenish white, one ovule in each cav- ity; capsules strongly 3-lobed; seeds black and smooth. Distribution. Common in the woods from western New England to Min- nesota and Eastern and northern Iowa, especially in the low damp grounds. Allium canadense . Wild Garlic Scape 1-2 feet high, coming from an ovoid bulb, the outer coats fibrous reticulated; leaves narrow linear; flowers in an umbel frequently with small bulbs; flowers pink or white. Distribution. Common in meadows or low grounds in New England to Minnesota and Iowa, south to the Gulf. Injurious Properties. In parts of the country where these onions grow there is frequent complaint of milk taking the flavor of onions where cattle feed upon them. Chesnut and Wilcox do not mention any species of the genus Allium, except some of the species found in Montana, which may impart to milk a disagreeable flavor. Friedberger and Frohner state that onions produce slavering. Prof. A. Liautard * has prepared an abstract of a report by Dr. W. W. Gold- smith in the Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics upon onion poisoning in cattle. Briefly it is as follows: Loads of onions partly started to shoot and partly decayed, were unloaded in a meadow where nine head of cattle were grazing. After a week the cattle seemed sick * Amer. Vet. Review. 36:63 384 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS and one died, displaying the following symptoms: Intense onion odor, tucking up of flanks; constipation in some; purging freely in others; one vomited abundantly; another very ill, grunted, was much constipated, staggered in walking, was very tender in loins, temperature 103°, urine dark and smelling of onions. Treatment: Feeding with soft food and hay. Large doses of linseed oil. One animal that was very ill got also extract of belladonna and carbonate of soda. All but one of the animals recovered. At the autopsy of the dead one, the rumen was found inflated and also the bowels. Liver enlarged and of light color. Kidneys dark green and with offensive edor. Rumen contained large quantity of onions and grass. ‘The whole carcass and organs smell of onions. 5. Convallaria L. Lily of the Valley A low smooth herb with horizontal root-stocks; flowers white in a one sided raceme; stamen 6; ovary 3-celled; berry globose. A genus with one species. Convallaria majalis, L. Lily of the Valley A smooth perennial herb with horizontal root-stocks and 2 or sometimes 3 oblong leaves; flowers in racemes; perianth bell shaped, white, 6-lobed, stamens 6, inserted on the base of the perianth; ovary 3-celled, 4-6 ovules in each cell; Fig. 165. Lily-of-the- Valley ~ \ (Convallaria mayjalis). A well known cultivated plant possessing poisonous properties similar to Fig. 166. False Aloe (Agave those of Foxglove. U. S. Dept. virginica). A plant of the South- Agr. ern United States. ‘ SPERMATOPHYTA—LILIACEAE 385 berry roundish, red and few-seeded. The species is native to Europe, Asia, and the Alleghanies, and is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. . Poisonous properties. The plant contains two glucosides; one, convallamarin C,,H,,O,,, an extremely poisonous crystalline compound with a bitter sweet taste, with a physiological action on the heart like digitalin, a substance found in the common foxglove, and convallarin C,,H,,O,,, which is crystalline, has a sharp taste and is purgative in its action. Chesnut says: “The amegative and purgative actions of the lily of the valley are quite marked.” The action of the heart is infrequent and irregular, and finally death occurs from paralysis. Trillium \,. Birthwort Herbs, with naked stem from a short, horizontal root stock, netted veined, simply whorled leaves, in 1 or 2 whorls; colored flowers, 3 green persistent sepals ; 3 colored petals which wither with fruit; stamens 6, hypogynous; linear, adnate anthers on short filaments; sessile stigmas 3; ovary 3-celled; fruit a berry. The principal species of the United States are: the wake-robin (T. nivale), which flowers very early in the spring, is from 2-4 inches high and is common northward and eastward; the sessile-flowered wake-robin (7. sessile) which bears sessile dull purple flowers with narrow sepals and petals, and leaves that are often blotched and occurs from eastern Jowa southward; prairie wake- robin (7. recurvatum) of the west, which has dull purple petals but differs from the preceding in having narrow leaves; large white-flowered wake-robin (T. grandiflorum) which bears a large white flower raised on a peduncle later recurving from the erect, the flowers becoming purplish, and rounded, ovate, sessile leaves; and birthwort (7. erectum) much like 7. grandiflorum except that the flowers are not so large and are unpleasantly scented. Both of the two last named are found in the eastern and central states. Poisonous properties. ‘Trilliums have long been considered poisonous. All species are emetic. Lindley states that the roots have a violent emetic action. The fruit should be regarded with suspicion. HAEMODORACEAE. Bloodwort Family Prerennial herbs with fiborous roots; leaves, narrow, lanceolate and some- what erect; small perfect flowers which are woolly or scurfy on the outside; flowers in panicles; perianth 6-parted or 6-lobed adnate to the ovary ;stamens 3, opposite the 3 inner segments of the perianth; stigmas 3; fruit a 3-vaived capsule, seeds few or numerous. A small family of 9 genera and 35 species mostly native to Africa, Australia and tropic America. Lachnanthes. L. Red-Root A stout herb with short rootstock; red, fibrous, perernial root; leaves, equitant and sword shaped, crossed at the base and scattered on the stem; flowers, numerous, borne in a woolly, cymose panicle; perianth, 6-parted, the outside segments smaller than the inner; stamens, 3, opposite the 3 inner divi- sions; pistil with 3-celled ovary few ovules in each cavity; seeds few, flattened nearly orbicular, fixed by the middle. A species of a single genus native to southeastern North America and western India. (Gyrotheca). 386 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Lachnanthes tinctoria, (Walt.) Ellis. A stout, tall herb with numerous yellow flowers, 6-parted perianth and few seeds. Distribution. In salty swamps near the coast in southeastern Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Jersey to Florida. This plant is commonly called the pink-root of the Atlantic coast. Poisonous properties. Prof. Chesnut says that throughout the South, white hogs are supposed to be particlaraly subject to the poison contained in this plant. Dr. Halsted says “Throughout the southern states, this plant abounds and the preponderance of black over white-skinned hogs is claimed to be due to this paint-root. White hogs with free access to the plant are soon killed off, while black ones are not. This is not the only case of the color of animals seeming to have an in- fluence upon their distribution. Thus, white horses in Prussia, it is claimed, are injured by eating milkweed, while dark horses are not. In Sicily, there are black sheep, only, as white ones are killed off by a species of St. John’s wort (Hypericum).’ While the claim of the immunity of black pigs from the effects of paint-root seems to be a common belief, further investigation should be made before this should be assured definitely as a fact. Family Amaryllidaceae. Amaryllis Family Mostly_ perennial herbs with bulbs, rootstocks or corms; scapose flowers regular or nearly so; perianth 6-parted or 6-lobed, the lobes or segments distinct, united below into a tube, adnate to the ovary; stamens 6; style single; capsules several, many seeded. About 800 species, chiefly native of tropical or warm regions, a few in temperate regions. Some well known representatives are daftodil, (Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus); Polyanthus, (N. Tazetta); poet’s Narcissus, (N. poeticus) producing intense gastro-enteritis ; Jonquil, (NV. Jonqutl- la); snowdrop, (Galanthus nivalis) ; amaryllis, (Amaryllis Belladonna) ; tuber- rose, (Polianthes tuberosa), the latter widely cultivated; the American aloe or agave, the most common species in cultivation being the century plant (Agave americana) native to Mexico and Central America, the Mexican drink, pulque, being made from the sweet liquid obtained from this plant at the time of flower- ing. Several species are used for the manufacture of fibre, the best known being the sisal, (Agave rigida). The mauritius hemp, (Furcraea gigantea), is native to Mexico and has been introduced into Zanzibar. Many members of the family haye acrid properties and some of them are poisonous. Buphane disticha is used by the Hottentots to poison their arrows. Poet’s narcissus contains pseudo-narcissin; Amaryllis Belladonna contains belladonin; and Spre- kelia formossissima contains amaryllin, a belladonna-like alkaloid. The Lycoris species contain lycorin, an alkaloid with the formula C,,H,,N,O,, and a second alkaloid kisanin, C,,H,,N,O,. Agave heteracantha contains agavesaponin. Dr. MacDougal states that the sharp pointed leaves of Agave Schottii often pene- trate leggins and leather shoes inflicting painful injuries. Zephyranthes. Herb Smooth herb with coated bulbs; narrow leaves; flowers scapose, large erect, pink, white or purple;perianth funnel-form from a tubular base; the 6 divided petals are united below into a tube subtended by an entire or 2-cleft SPERMATOPHYTA—AMARYLLIDACEAE 387 Fig. 167. Saffron (Crocus sativus). The flowers furnish the saffron of commerce, (Faguet). bract; ovary 3-celled; style long, filiform, 2-cleft at the summit; ovules numer- ous; capsules membranceous; seeds flattened, blackish; small genus of 30 species, native to America. Zephyranthes Atamasco (U.) Herb. Atamasco Lily Leaves bright green and shiny from an ovoid bulb; scapes erect; bracts 2- cleft; perianth white, pinkish or light purple; segments shorter than the two stamens. Distribution. In moist places from eastern Virginia to Florida and Ala- bama. 388 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Poisonous properties. Prof. Chesnut, in speaking of this plant, says that the Atamasco of the southeastern United States is supposed by some persons to cause the disease in horses known as “staggers.” Fig. 168. Atamasco’ Lily (Zephyranthes atamasco). A plant of the southeastern United States, supposed to cause “‘stag- gers’ in horses. Fig. 169. Blue Flag (ris versicolor). The rootstock is poisonous. The plant grows in low grounds. (After Johnson.) Family IrmAceaAr. Iris Family Perennial herbs, frequently with bulbs, corms or tubers; leaves equitant, erect, 2-ranked; perianth of 6 segments or 6-lobed, its tube adnate to the ovary; stamens 3, adnate to the ovary; anthers: facing outward; ovary infer- ior, mostly 3-celled; style 1 or 3-cleft, stigmas 3, opposite the three stamens; ovules generally numerous in each cell; embryo small; endosperm, fleshy, or horny. About 1000 species, of wide distribution. Common native plants of the family are the blue flag (/ris versicolor), growing in low grounds of the North; SPERMATOPHY TA—IRIDACEAE 389° the Carolina blue flag (J. carolina) of the South, blue eyed grass (Sisyrinchium angustifolium). Many species of the exotic blue flags, Iris like the dwarf gar- den iris (J. pumila) and the common flower-de-luce (J. germanica), the common crocus or saffron (Crocus vernus) used for coloring, freesia (Freesia refracta), tritonia and gladiolus are cultivated for ornamental purposes. The orris root (Iris florentina, I. pallida and I. germanica) is an article of commerce used for perfume and tooth powders. It contains myristic acid. A substitute for saffron is obtained from the flowers of the South American saffron (Crocosmia aurea). Fig. 169a. The petaloid bilobed stigma and stamen of Iris. (Kerner). Iris (Tourn) L, Herbs with creeping or horizontal root stocks, and erect stems with equi- tant leaves; flowers large, regular, panicled; perianth of 6 segments united below into a tube, the outer dilated, spreading or reflexed; the 3 inner, smaller; stamens inserted at the base of the outer perianth; ovary 3-celled; fruit a capsule; seeds numerous. About 100 species in the North Temperate regions. The Iris florentina contains the glucoside irigenin C,,H,,O,. This is derived from irisin. Iris versicolor, L,. Root stock fieshy; stem roundish; leaves erect, leaves shorter than the stem; flowers bluish, perianth deeply 6-parted, the 3 outer divisions reflexed,,. the 3 inner smaller, erect; stamens distinct, covered by the petaloid stigmas. Distribution. In marshes, thickets, and wet meadows from Newfoundland to Manitoba, south to Florida and Arkansas. Poisonous properties and uses. The root contains the substance irisin,. or iridin. The acrid resinous substance, irisin, acts powerfully upon the gas- tro-intestinal tract, liver and pancreas, causing a burning sensation and conges- tion. That the root is poisonous may be seen from the following statement made by Dr. Rusby: Another rhizome whose acrid taste is likely to prevent ingestion in poisonous quantity, is that of the common Iris versicolor, \L,. Still, because this is commonly known as the blue flag, there is some danger that it might be eaten in mjstake for calamus, which is commonly known as sweet-flag. If so, it would prove seriously, if not fatally poisonous. 390 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS as its well-known emetic-cathartic properties, even when toned by drying and keeping, are powerful, and in a fresh state would be decidedly violent. Dr. Johnson says: Iris, in full doses, is an active emeto-cathartic, operating with violence, and producing considerable prostration. Its effects upon the liver appear to be analogous to those of podophyllum. In sick headache dependent upon indigestion, small doses, frequently re- peated, often act most happily. It has been largely used by eclectic practitioners, and is highly esteemed by them as a hydragogue cathartic, an alterative, sialagogue, vermifuge, and diuretic. One case of poisoning has been recorded in this state. Other species of Iris of which we have quite a number in the U. S. must be looked upon with suspicion. Mention may be made here of the Jris missouriensis and I. caro- lina. The root stocks of our cultivated species like J. pumali and J. sibirica must be looked upon with suspicion. The South African Homeria collina natur- alized in Australia, according to Maiden, is poisonous to cattle browsing on the plant. SCITAMINEAE. Large herbs with endogenous stems and monocotyledonous seeds; flow- ers very irregular; ovary inferior, composed of several united carpels; seeds Fig. 170. Ginger (Zingiber officinale). a. Entire plant. ob. flower. (Charlotte M. King, after Strasburger, Schenck, Noll and Schimper.) SPERMATOPHYTA—SCITAMINEAE 391 with endosperm. ‘This order contains the important family Musaceae in which is found the banana (Musa sapientum), well known as an article of com- merce. It is extensively cultivated in the tropics and one of the most important food plants in all warm countries. The fruit is eaten fresh when ripe; a kind of flour is also made from it. M. textilis is an important fiber plant being the source of Manilla hemp, large quantities of which are imported from the Philippines. The ravenala or traveler’s palm also belongs to this family. It has an oily, edible, arillus which is bright blue. The family Cannaceae con- tains the Indian shot (Canna indica), frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes in this country; in tropical regions, however, a starch is made from the rhizome of this species and from C. edulis. C. flaccida is a native of the southern United States and has a pretty blue flower. The family Maran- taceae contains the West Indian arrowroot (Maranta arundiacea). The fam- ily Zingiberaceae includes ginger (Zingiber officinale) which contains gingerol and is used as a condiment and stimulant. The ginger of commerce is derived from the fleshy rootstock, the plants grown in Jamaica being considered most valuable. These are cultivated in regions having an altitude of 2000 feet. Malabar cardamon (Elettaria Cardamomum) round cardamon (Alpinia striata), bastard cardamon (Amomum -xanthioides), Bengal cardamon (A. subulatum) and Java cardamon (A. maximum) also belong to this order. The Kaemp- feria rotunda of India, is a bulbous or tuberous rooted biennial which accord- ing to Major Kirkitar, causes profuse salivation and vomiting when administered internally. The rhizome of K. Galanga furnishes a perfume. Arrowroot comes from Curcuma leucorhiza, and turmeric from Cur- cuma longa. The tuber of the latter, when powdered, is used as a yellow dye- Fig. 172. Banana Fruit (Musa_ sapien- Fig. 171. Canna (Canna flaccida). A tum). A well known tropical fruit. W. native American Canna. S. Dudgeon. 392 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS stuff, in making turmeric paper, as a condiment, especially in curry powder, and as an aromatic stimulant. The zedoary, (C. Zedoraia), is used in Himala- yan India, where it is native, in place of turmeric. Galangal is the root of Alpinia officinarum which grows on the Chinese coast. Another species, A. -Galanga is used on the island of Java. MICROSPERMAE Herbs with endogenous stems, flowers very irregular or in a few cases regular, generally complete and perfect, and parts in 3’s or 6's; ovary inferior compound; seeds small, numerous, without endosperm. ‘ Family Orcumacear. Orchid Family Perennial herbs with corms, bulbs or tuberous roots; perfect and irregular flowers; perianth of 6 divisions in 2 sets, the 3 outer similar in texture to the 3 inner petals, one of the 3 inner, different in form and is called the lip; in front of the lip is a column composed of a single stamen, or in Cypripedium of two stamens, and a rudiment of the third; pollen in 2 or 8 pear shaped sacs called pollinia which are united by little threads. Stamens variously united with the thick, fleshy style into a column; ovary 1-celled with many ovules on a three parietal placentae; capsule 1-celled, 3-valved, seeds numerous. A large order of about 5000 species of wide distribution, most abundant in the tropics. Many of the plants like the Cypripedium, Angrecum and the Catasetum are culti- vated for ornamental purposes. The salep of commerce is obtained from the Orchis masculata. The flavoring material, vanilla, is obtained from Vanilla planifolia, native to Mexico and widely distributed by cultivation; this plant contains from 1% to 3 percent of vanillin C,H,O,. Other species of the genus Vanilla also fur- nish vanilla but in smaller quantities; these are V..Pompona, V. guianensis, and V’. palmarum. Vanillin is also made from coniferin and eugenol, and occurs in other orchids as Spiranthes and such plants as Spiraea Ulmaria and Lupinus albus. It is used for medicine. Orchids contain some alkaloids; for example, Phalanopsis amabilis con- tains a tonic alkaloid, according to Boorsnis, which is closely related to comi- ferin, C,H,,O,. Cypripedium I. Tufted roots; perennial, glandular, pubescent herbs; leaves large, many nerved; flowers solitary or few; sepals shiny, spreading, 3 distinct or 2 of them united into one, under the lip; petals spreading, resembling the sepals; lip of large inflated sac, column declined with a fertile stamen on each side; a sterile petaloid stamen above, which covers the summit of the style; pollen granular, stigma broad, obscurely 3-lobed, moist and roughish. About 40 species, mostly tropical. Crypridium parviflorum, Salisb var. pubescens (Willd) Knight. Yellow Lady Slipper Perennial, with leafy stem, 2 feet high, pubescent; leaves oval, or ellip- tical, acute; sepals ovate, lanceolate, usually larger than the lip, yellowish or greenish; petals narrower, usually twisted; lip flattened laterally, pale yellow with purple lines. SPERMATOPHYTA—ORCHIDACEAE 393 Fig. 173. Fig. 174. Fig. 173. Smaller Yellow Lady Slipper (Cypripedium parviflorum, var pubesceus). A beautiful flower of early summer, seen in the woods of eastern Iowa. C. M. King. Fig. 174. Glands of several species of Moccasin flower, which are said to contain the toxic substances. 1. Hair gland of Cypripedium pubescens. 2. Hair gland of Cypripedium hirsutum in water. 3. Hair gland of Cypripedium Calceolus in water. (Charlotte M. King, after Nestler.) Distribution. In woods and thickets, chiefly east of central lowa, and Min- nesota to Nova Scotia; occasionally in Colorado, Nebraska and Alabama. Cypripedium candidum Muhl. Small White Lady Slipper A slightly pubescent perennial; leaves lance-oblong, acute; petals and sepals greenish, purple spotted; sepals ovate-lanceolate, lips white striped with purple inside, flattened laterally, convex above. Distribution. In bogs and meadows from New York to Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Missouri. Cypripedium hirsutum Mill. Showy Lady Slipper A rather stout, downy perennial 2 feet or more high; leaves ovate pointed; sepals round ovate, or orbicular, longer than the petals, which are obovate; lip inflated, white, pink purple stripes. Distribution. In woods and swamps from Nova Scotia, Ontario and Geor- gia west to Minnesota and Jowa. Poisonous Properties. Dr. Babcock, many years ago, found that the sev- eral species of Lady’s Slipper produced dermatitis. Years ago the writer heard of a case of poisoning where a young man carried a large bunch of 394 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 175. Showy Lady _ Slipper (Cypripedium hirsutum). A plant thought to cause dermatitis. C. M. King. : ’ Fig. 176. Flower of another orchid (Habenaria). Showy Lady Slipper and became poisoned very much as if it were by poison Ivy. Prof. Chesnut in referring to the poisoning from these plants says: The poisonous character of these plants was not suspected prior to 1875, when Prof. H. H. Babcock, of Chicago, who had annually been suffering, supposedly from recurrent attacks of ivy (Rhus) poisoning, discovered that the affection was most probably caused not by the ivy, but by the two species of Lady’s Slipper named above (C. parvi- florum, var. pubescens and C. hirsutum) instances were afterward reported, but the facts were not positively ascertained until 1894, when an investigation was made by Prof. D. T. MacDougal of the University of Minnesota. It was discovered that these plants are provided with glandular hairs which cover the surface of the stem and leaves and contain a poisonous oil which is especially abundant at the fruiting season. Its action on the skin is very similar to that of toxicodendrol, the active constituent of poison Ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron), but its exact chemical nature could not be ascertained on account of the small quantity obtainable. Experiments with the stem and leaves upon individuals showed that over half of them were affected by the first two species, and that the last was also poisonous, but in a minor degree. No accidental cases have been recorded against it. No specific antidote has been suggested. SPERMATOPHYTA—ORCHIDACEAE 395 Dr. MacDougal * made a personal experiment with a mature specimen of C. hirsutum on which there were newly formed seed pods. This plant was broken off near the base of the stem and the leaves brushed lightly over the arm. A slight tingling sensation was felt at the time, and, fourteen hours later, the arm was greatly swollen from the shoulder to the finger tips. The portion covered by the plant — covering an area of 50 sq. cm.—was violently inflamed and covered with macules, accompanied by the usual symptoms of dermatitis and constitutional disturbances. By treatment of the most approved kind, the arm was reduced to its normal size in ten days, but the effects were perceptible a month later. Nestler discovered that the secretion contained in these hairs was a fatty acid readily soluble in alcohol and benzol and producing a mildly acid reaction. He also states that his results with C. pubescens were negative but that with C. spectabile (C. hirsutum Mill.) he secured positive results, producing a derma- titis, the action, however, not being so pronounced as that reported by Mac- Dougal. He also found that, as stated above, the maximum poisonous effect was during the formation of seed capsules and that the poison was in the hairs of the plant as is the case in the Primrose. Nestler did not succeed in producing dermatitis with C. parviflorum, C. acaule, C. macranthwm, C. monta- num, or Calceolus. As some of these species produce an abundance of raphides in the stem, it is evident that dermatitis is not caused by these crystals, but rather by a substance found in the stem. Dr.MacDougal suggests that the raphides may serve the plant as a protection from animals. Nestler also asserts that the Cypripedium may contain an additional sub- stance myelin which Senf has found in Ginkgo seed, and Nestler} himself ob- served in the fruit of Capsicum annuum. It is not a cardoi. From the root of Cypripedium a substance is obtained which is sometimes administered to children as a substitute for opium. It contains a bitter glu- cosidal principle. Class, DICOTYLEDONEAE Stem usually oxogenous with pith, wood and bark (endogenous in a few plants) ; the woods traversed by medullary rays; leaves usually pinnately or palmately netted-veined; embryo of the seed with 2 cotyledons or occasionally 1; parts of the flower usually in 5’s, rarely in 3’s or 6's. Archichlamydeae Petals separate and distinct from each other or wanting. Includes many plants classed as Apetalae and Polypetalae. In some orders, as Legumunosae, the lower petals are more or less united and joined at the base. VERTICILLATAE Contains a single family Casuarinaceae of 20 species, mostly Australian, with monoecious flowers. The Casuarina equisetifolia of the tropical Old World furnishes a hard wood known as iron wood and in Egypt the trees are used as a shelter belt for bananas. * Minn. Bot. Studies. 1894:32-36. spa 1 Das Sekret der Drusenhaare der gattung Cypripedium mit besonderer Berticksichtgung seiner hautreizenden Wirkung. Nestler. Ber. der Dent. Bot. Gesell 25:554-567. 396 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 177. Black Pepper Plant (Piper-nigrum). 1. Part of shoot with young fruit. 2. Tip of fruit spike. (After Wossidlo.) ; PIPERALES Herbs with exogenous stem, with neither petals nor sepals; flowers in spikes, bracteolate. Largely tropical and includes the family Saururaceae or Lizard’s tail; the peppers, Piperaceae, including black pepper (Piper nigrum) a well known condiment of the tropics containing the alkaloid piperin C,,H,,NO, and a volatile oil C,,H,,, cubebs (P. Cubeba) containing cubebin C,,H,,O, and the oil of cubebs, kava-kava (P. methysticuwm) native to the Pacific Islands, containing methysticin C,,H,,O,, which is used to make stimulating drinks, P. longum of India, P. chaba of India and the Philippines, the Betel Pep- per (P. Betle) of the Malay Islands, the berries of which are chewed with the Betel Nut, and the Matico, er the Soldier’s Herb (P. angustifolium) of South America, the hairy leaves of which are used as a styptic. The South American Peperomias are well known greenhouse plants. Other species of peppers are used in medicine. The so-called “caisimon” (P. peltutum), according to Mr. Combs, is a powerful diuretic. “Matico de Peru” (P. angustifolium) is an acrid, bitter plant containing a green volatile oil. SALICALES Trees or shrubs with simple flowers, imperfect catkins; perianth wanting; fruit a many-seeded capsule; seeds with a tuft of hair at one end. This series contains only one family the Salicaceae. Salicaceae. Willow Family Dioecious trees or shrubs, alternate stipulate leaves, the stipules often minute and soon falling; staminate and pistillate flowers borne in catkins, one to each bract, without calyx or corolla; staminate flowers with 1-numerous SPERMATOPHYTA—SALICACEAE 397 eon) ES SNC ve a ie Tuy > Fig. 178. Peach-leaved Willow (Salix amygdaloides). 1. Flower- ing branch of staminate tree. 2. Same of pistillate tree. 3. Staminate flower, with scale, enlarged. 4. Pistillate flower enlarged. 5. Fruiting branch. 6. Summer branch. 7. Bud and leaf scar. 1, 2, 5, 6, one- _ half ‘natural size. M. M. Cheney. stamens, subtended by a cup-shaped disk; pistillate Aowers with a 1-celled ovary, stigmas 2-4, simple or 2-4-cleft; fruit a 1-celled and 2-4 valved pod bearing numerous seeds provided with long silky hairs. There are only two genera and about 200 species, found in temperate and Arctic regions. The bark of some species of the family is used in medicine because of its astringent properties. The willow contains the glucoside salicin C,,H,,O,. Poplar con- tains populin C,,H,,O,. The Balm of Gilead (Populus candicans) may cause blistering, and the European P. balsamifera causes colic. Myricaceae. Sweet Gale Family Monoecious or dioecious shrubs with alternate, coriaceous, aromatic leaves; flowers in short scaly catkins; staminate flowers with 2-16 but usually 48 stamens; ovary with 2-8 scales and 2 linear stigmas; fruit a small 1-celled 398 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 179. Pistillate and stam- inate flower of willow. n. nectar gland. ob. scale. Fig. 180. Leaves of Cotton- wood (Populus deltoides). pieeeie se see eae 1. Cannabis. ‘Trees; ‘staminate flowers ‘ racemose... . 2s eve alee tee acres 4. Maclura. 1. Cannabis, Tourn. Hemp Dioecious herbs with tough fiber to the inner bark; greenish flowers; sepals 5 in the staminate, 1 in the fertile flower; achene, crustaceous. Cannabis sativa, L. Stem from 4-8 feet high with broad, divided leaves, the linear-lanceo- late segments sharply and closely serrate; greenish flowers with narrow stam- inate panicles and erect pistillate spikes, the sterile with 5 sepals and 5 stamens, fertile flowered spiked, with 1 sepal; fruit hard ovoid, achene oblong. Distribution. Native to Europe and Asia and in waste places from New Brunswick to Tennessee, Kansas and Minnesota. Fig. 191. Hemp (Cannabis sativa). Staminate and pistillate flowering branches; fruit; longitudinal section of fruit. (After Faguet.) SPERMATOPHYTA—URTICACEAE 4)} Poisonous Properties. ‘The resinous secretions of this plant possess very powerful medicinal properties which, however, are said not to be produced by the plant when grown in temperate climates. Indian Hemp (Cannabis indica) is probably not essentially different from the common hemp and has been used in medicine for a long time. According to Dr. Houghton and Mr. Hamilton the American grown product is equal to the Indian Hemp. The use of hemp seems to have spread through India, Persia and Arabia during the early middle ages. ‘The Hashishin, a sect of the Moravians, killed a large number of the Crusaders during the 11th and 12th centuries by the use of hemp as an intoxicant. The drug is largely grown in India and Turke- stan. The form of hemp commonly reached by commerce is called Bhang or Hashish and consists of dried leaves and small stalks frequently mixed with fruits. This is smoked in India with or without tobacco. Ganjah is obtained from the flowering shoots of the female plant or stalk, a stiff woody stem several inches long which is pruned to produce flowering branches. The tops of these are collected then pressed by being trodden by the feet. From this mass comes the drug known as ganjah. It grows in an altitude of six thousand feet. The other forms of the plant consumed in India are Bhang and Charras. Subjee or Bhang is used for smoking. The narcotic ingre- dient found in majun and charras is undried resin which is obtained by the natives who, when passing among plants wear rubber aprons to which the resin adheres, after which the product is scraped together. The principal con- stitutents of hemp are resin and a volatile oil. The oil or amber colored sub- stance has an oppressive hemp-like smell, and furnishes a resinous substance, cannabin which crystalizes in needles and acts like strychnin. Cannabinal, with intoxicating properties, is obtained from cannabin and is a product from the glands of Cannabis. Cannabin hybrid (C,,H,,) is a substance with the coniin- like odor; it is antispasmodic and soporific, and anodyne and a nerve stimulant. Dr. C. F. Millspaugh referring to the products of plants affording this oil concluded from experiments made, that this drug causes depression, epilepsy, vertigo, congestion, followed by cephalalgia, ear-ache, tooth-ache, dryness of mouth, throat, lips and lids; it produces nausea, vomiting after coffee, pal- pitation of the heart, weakness of the limbs and dreaminess during sleep. It produces the same symptoms in animals. The stem of hemp is used by the Mohammedans who smoke it in combina- tion with other substances. They also smoke the sun-dried leaves. It is intoxicating and restful to the smoker and alleviates pain, increases the appe- tite, causes sleep, and induces cheerfulness. It also produces violent coughing and nose bleed. Hemp is most important in China, and other Asiatic countries, for the manufacture of cordage. The growing of hemp for the same purpose is also carried on to some extent in Nebraska and Kentucky. The seeds of the plant furnish food to birds. 2. Urtica (Tourn.) L. Nettle Herbs with stinging hairs; flowers greenish, monoeciotis or rarely dioe- cious, clustered; staminate, with 4 stamens; fertile, with 4 sepals in pairs; fruit an erect, ovate, flattened acheme. A small genus of 30 species. 412 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Urtica gracilis Ait. A perennial from 2-6 feet high, sparingly bristly; leaves ovate, lanceolate with slender petioles; long, accuminate, sharply serrate, 3-5-nerved, the slender petioles sparingly bristly; flowers dioecious or with staminate and _ pistillate clusters. The stinging hairs of this and other species of the genus contain formic acid. A common weed in dry or moist ground along fence rows from Canada to British Columbia, Kansas and North Carolina. Poisonous properties. The nettle and some other plants produce what is commonly called “urticaria” or nettle rash. It is an inflammatory disorder with a burning and itching sensation. It may come out in large or small patches, remaining for a few minutes or several hours and may disappear as abruptly. It usually leaves no trace behind. The nettle is supposed to con- tain an irritant toxic principle, formic acid, but recent studies seem to indi- cate that the urticaria is probably caused by one of the toxins. The following species of the genus have urticating properties: Urtica membranaceae, U. spatulata and U. pilulifera. Way, Rhy \Gy i Wy NO ee wey 189 Fig. 192. Stinging Nettle (Urtica urens). (From Darlington’s Weeds and Useful Plants.) Urtica urens L. Small Stinging Nettle An annual from 1-2 feet high; stem 4-angled, tough, branching with a few stinging virulent hairs; leaves elliptical or ovate, serrate or incised, with scattered stinging hairs; flowers loose or in racemose spikes; sepals 4 petals 4; fruit straight, ovate, flattened achene. SPERMATOPHYTA—URTICACEAE 413 Distribution. From New Foundland to Florida and also on Pacific Coast. Poisonous properties. This nettle has been used in medicine but it is not officinal. Formerly it was used for flagellation of the skin. Urtica holosericea Nutt A tall perennial with stinging hairs; leaves thick, oblong, ovate or ovate- lanceolate; flowers in open panicles. Urtica dioica L. Stinging Nettle An erect perennial; leaves and stems beset with stinging hairs; leaves thin, ovate, long petioled, acute or acuminate at the apex, cordate at the base, sharply serrate; flowers in large clusters, cymose-paniculate, often dioecious. Distribution. Native to Europe but largely naturalized in North America from Atlantic coast to Minnesota and Missouri. Poisonous properties. Poisonous like the preceding 3. Laportea Gaudichaud. Wood Nettle. Perennial herbs with stinging hairs; flowers monoecious or dioecious in loose cymes, the lower mostly sterile; staminate flowers with 5 imbricated sepals; 5 stamens and a rudimentary ovary; pistillate flowers with 4 unequal sepals; stigma elongate, awl-shaped; achene ovate flat; endosperm scant or obscure. About 25 species in warm countries. s a Yi sy oe 4 A Ve 4 -~ ye Bp ss. aif —S xy ay : Sy S Fig. 193. Common Nettle (Urtica dioica). Sometimes causes urticaria. (From Johnson’s Med. Bot. of N. A.) 414 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Laportea canadensis Gaudichaud. Wood Nettle. Perennial stem 2-3 feet high; leaves ovate, pointed thin, long-petioled, sharply serrate; fertile cymes divergent; achene smooth, as long as the calyx. Distribution. In rich woods from Nova Scotia to Minnesota and Kansas and south to Florida. Poisonous properties. It acts similarly to nettle, the poisonous action being even more pronounced. JL. crenulata, L. gigas, and L. stimulosa also possess similar properties. Maclura Nutt. Osage Orange. Tree with milky juice; leaves alternate, pinnately veined; stipules cadu- cous; stout, axillary spines; flowers dioecious, staminate in loose, short racemes with 4-parted calyx and 4stamens; pistillate, capitate with a 4-cleft calyx enclosing the sessile ovary and long exserted style; fruit an achene surrounded by a fleshy calyx; endosperm none; embryo curved; it contains a single species named Toxylon by Rafinesque. Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider. Osage Orange A tree 30-50 feet high; leaves ovate to oblong, lanceolate, pointed, mostly rounded at the base, green and shining; the syncarpous fruit is globose, yellow- - ish green 2-4 inches in diameter; the wood is hard and tough and is used in the manufacture of wagons for paving, fencepost, etc. The tree is extensively planted as a hedge plant. Fig. 194. Wood Nettle (Laportea canadensis). A common wood plant causing urticaria. Car King.) SPERMATOPHY TA—URTICACEAE 415 Distribution. In rich woods from Missouri to Kansas to Texas; widely cultivated in the north from southern Nebraska to southern Iowa, Illinois and eastward. Poisonous properties. This species is listed as poisonous by Professor Bessey in Nebraska. Dr. Halsted notes that a friend of his while working in Osage Orange hedges suffered considerably because of inflamation following the piercing of the thorn. The writer had a similar experience. Dr. Bessey says: “The Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera) which has been shown by Dr. Halsted to be more or less harmful as an external poison, is very commonly grown in the southern portion of the state, and it thus adds another to the plants to be avoided by some people. Although I am quite sensitive to some of the external poisons, I have myself never experienced any bad effects from handling the leaves or fruit of the Osage Orange.” PROTEALES The proteales include one family, the Proteaceae, with nearly 1000 species, native to the tropics, mostly of the southern hemisphere. SANTALALES Herbs or shrubs generally parasitic; flowers solitary or clustered without corolla; calyx present, imperfect or perfect; pistil 1. Of the two families in the United States, the Loranthaceae contains the Southern mistletoe (Phoran- dendron) parasitic upon various decidious trees like the oak and elm; the Arceuthobium of Europe, and the Rocky Mountains; species parasitic upon coni- fers, one also occuring on spruce trees in eastern North America. Hyams is authority for the statement that the berries of Phcradendron flavescens are poisonous to children. Several deaths have been attributed to them. Santala- ceae contains the fragrant sandalwood (Santalum album) of the Indian-Malayan region which contains an oil used in medicine for venereal diseases and for Fig. 195. Wild Ginger (Asa- rum canadense). Wild ginger is used in medicine. The roots are spicy fragrant; some plants re- lated to it are poisonous. (W. S. Dudgeon.) 416 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS perfumes. The bastard toadflax (Comandra umbellata) of our northern woods is parasitic upon the roots of flowering plants. The family Balanophoraceae consists of chlorophylless parasitic plants with twining or acaulescent stems, and is native in tropical woods and savannas of Java, India and Australia. ARISTOLOCHIALES. Plants with twining or acaulescent stems; leaves cordate or reniform; flowers perfect; calyx inferior, the tube adnate to the ovary or partly so; corolla none; ovary generally 6-celled. There are only three families, one of which occurs in North America. The Aristolochiaceae includes the wild ginger of the North (Asarum canadense) which is more or less purgative and prob- ably also to be regarded as suspicious; its rhizome furnishing the substance asarin and a volatile oil which is used in perfumery; the A. europaeum, listed by Lehmann as poisonous because of its purgative action and blistering proper- Tig. 196. Southern Mistletoe (Phora- dendron flavescens). ‘The berries of this plant are said to be poisonous. S. Dudgeon.) SPERMATOPHY TA—ARISTOLOCHIALES 417 ties; the Dutchman’s pipe (Aristolochia macrophylla) frequently cultivated and hardly as far north as Minnesota and Wisconsin; the gooseplant (Aristolochia grandiflora) of Brazil whose flowers emit an offensive odor, but in spite of this fact the plant is cultivated in greenhouses; Virginia snakeroot (Aristolochia Serpentaria) the root stock of which is used as a tonic and contains a volatile oil borneol, a bitter poisonous principle aristolochin C,,H,,N,O,, and the alka- loid aristolochinin. The European (A. Clematitis) produces colic and other gastric disturbances and is listed among the pungent narcotic poisons. The sub- stance asarin when heated is irritating. K\ZZA. (apo RC Fig. 197. Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia macrophylla). Leaf and flower. dehiscent fruit. (After A. Faguet.) Several species of the genus Aristolochia are used as antidotes against snake-bites and this use is clearly indicated in some of the specific names, as in Virginia snakeroot (A. Serpentaria). Other plants of the genus are said to be poisonous, A.grandiflora being an example of this. The Arabs use A. sempervirens and A. indica as snake poison antidotes. According to R. B. White, the Guaco (A. mexicana) is a cure for snake-bites. Many other plants are used for the same _ purpose, several composites being well-known remedies. Among the latter are Liatris squarrosa, Cacalia tuberosa, and Prenanthes alba. Other plants having the same qualities belong to the families Ranunculaceae, Orchidaceae, Violaceae, Polygalaceae, Liliaceae, Um- belliferae, Filices, and Palmae. One has only to look through such werks .as _the Robinson and Gray’s Manual, or Britton’s Manual, or various old medical works for the common names of plants with the word snake attached tothem, to understand how prevalent was the belief that these plants were antidotes against the bite of venemous snakes. POLYGONALES Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often climbing vines; leaves alternate or occasion- ally opposite; jointed stems; flowers small, regular, dioecious, monoecious or polygamous; calyx 2-6 cleft or parted, inferior; stamens 2-9, inserted near the 418 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS _ Big. 198. European Aristolochia (Aristolochia Clem- atts). Flowering stem. Listed as a narcotic poison. (After Faguet.) base; pistil | with superior ovary; fruit an achene; endosperm mealy. Con- tains a single family (Polygonaceae). PoOLYGONACEAE. Buckwheat Family Herbs, shrubs, or trees, often climbing; jointed stems; stipules in the form of sheaths; juice often acrid or acid; leaves alternate or occasionally opposite ; flowers small, regular, mostly perfect; calyx more or less persistent; ovary i-celled, bearing 2-3 styles or stigmas and a single erect ovule; fruit an achene, 3-4-angled or winged, invested by the calyx; embryo curved or nearly straight; endosperm mealy, copious. About 800 species. Of economic import- ance are the pie plant (theum Rhaponticum); and rhubarb (R. officinale) of Thibet, the root of which contains cathartic acid and is a powerful cathartic; it also contains chrysophan C,,H,,O,,, emodin C,,1,0,(0H) g rhein C,,H,O,(O0H), and chrysophanic acid C,,H,O,(O11),. It is purgative and astringent. ‘The canaigre (Rumex hymenosepalus) produces a thick root valu- able for tanning leather. It is a native of the southwest. The tannin is the same SPERMATOPHYTA—POLYGONACEAE 419 as that found in rhubarb, and rheotannic acid. The patience dock R. Patien- tia), pale dock (R. altissimus) and curled dock (R. crispus) are troublesome weeds; French sorrel (R. scutatus) is cultivated in Europe and used as a salad. The presence of the silver plant of the west (Eriogonum umbellaium) is said to be indicative of gold and silver. Muehlenbeckia platyclados of the Samoan Islands is frequently cultivated in greenhouses. The mountain sorrel (Oxyria digyna) is used as a salad plant. Genera of Polygonaceae Bepais Os slipsias FFT). Noho ree eee Se OS eT ee Bae 2 Rumex. Sepals 5, occasionally 4, erect in part. Achenes triangular or lenticular. Embryo slender curved around one side of the endosperm 3 Polygonum. Broad cotyledons of embryo twisted and plaited......... 1 Fagopyrum. 1. Fagopyrum (Tourn.) L. Buckwheat Annual or perennial; somewhat fleshy, smooth, leafy herbs with erect stems; leaves petioled and alternate; hastate or deltoid flowers, small, white, or greenish, paniculately-racemose, perfect; calyx 5-parted, persistent, the divi- sions like petals; stamen 8; ovary l-celled, 1 ovule, style with 3 divisions; fruit an achene, 3-angled; endosperm mealy; cotyledons broad. About 6 species native to the old world. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. Buckwheat Smoothish plants; leaves hastate, abruptly narrowed above the middle; sheath half-cylindrical; racemes somewhat panicled, many flowered; sepals white, fragrant, with 8 honey-bearing yellow glands situated between the stamens. Distribution. A common escape in eastern North America. Native of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. India-wheat Annual, similar to the above species; leaves deltoid, hastate ;flowers smaller; pedicel short. Distribution. In waste places from eastern Canada to New England. Na- tive to Asia. Poisonous properties. Fagopyrum contains the glucoside indican C,,H,,NO,, found also in Nerium and other plants. The plant produces bloat especially if consumed before bloom. Several years ago the writer received a complaint from a farmer stating that the feeding of buckwheat had produced a rash upon his hogs. Feeding of buckwheat and the eruptions or urticaria following are well known to veter- inarians. Dr. Millspaugh says of buckwheat: Many individuals cannot partake of pancakes mace from the flour of the seeds without experiencing a severe itching especially observed about the large joints. A peculiarity of this itching is that it occurs after the removing of the clothing and .when first retiring at night. The eruption incident to and following this itching takes the form of vesicles which degenerate into dry, dark colored scabs. Another symptom arising is a glutinous condition of otherwise natural feces, making expulsion qu‘te difficult, Increased urinary discharge is also present in many cases. 420 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 2. Rumex. I,. Dock Coarse herbs, with small, mostly green flowers, which are crowded on gener- ally whorled, panicled racemes; petioles partly sheathing at base; 6 sepals; 3 outer herbaceous, sometimes united at base, spreading n fruit; 3 inner larger, slightly colored, enlarged after flowering and convergent on 3-angled achene, veined, often bearing a grain-like tubercle on the back; stamens 6; styles 3; stigmas tufted; embryo lying along one side of the albumen, slender, and slightly curved. It has been claimed by some that the seeds of P. Acetosella poison horses - and sheep. Rumex altissimus Wood. Pale Dock. A tall perennial from 2-6 feet high, glabrous with erect stem, simple or branched above; leaves ovate or oblong; lanceolate, long, acute. pale green, veins obscure; racemes spike-like or somewhat interrupted below, spreading A B : Fig. 199. ‘Two weeds of the smartweed family. A. Sourdock (Rumex crispus). B. Sheep sorrel (Rumex Acetosella). Both have been suspected. ‘They contain a great deal of oxalate of lime. (U. S. Dept. of Agr.) 4 Pennsylvania Smartweed or Persicaria (Polygonum pennsylvanicum). Common in the North. Smut found on this. plant is very irritating. (Ia. Geol. Sur., p. 421). SPERMATOPHYTA—POLYGONACEAE 42] in fruit; pedicels nodding, shorter than the fruting calyx; valves broadly ovate with a conspicuous ovoid tubercle. ial Distribution. Common throughout the northern part of the Unitec States. Rumex crispus L. Curled Dock A smooth perennial from 3-4 feet high; leaves with strongly wavy and curled margins, lanceolate and acute; in the lower leaves bases are somewhat truncate or inclined to be ear-shaped; flowers collected in dense whorls, extended or prolonged into racemes, entirely leafless above, but below with small leaves; flower consists of 6 sepals, fruiting pedicels as long as the calyx wings; wings heart-shaped, erose dentate, each showing a tubercle; achene 3-angled, smooth. Poisonous properties. ‘The docks contain rumicin CeO which is a tasteless, golden-yellow substance, slightly soluble in hot water. It acts as a rubefacient and discutient and is used for destroying parasites of the skin. Rumex has found a place in Pharmacopoea and is also used in medical practise. It causes nausea, watery brown faeces, copious urination, a dry spas- modic cough, and perspiration. The Rumex orbiculatus, Great Water Dock, according to Dr. Johnson, is tonic, astringent, and slightly laxative. Medical properties. It is used as a stimulant and diuretic. 3. Polygonum L. Smartweed Annual or perennial herbs, occasionally woody; stem erect, climbing or floating; leaves alternate, entire, ochreae cylindrical, often fringed; flewers mostly perfect, green white, pink, or purple; calyx 4-5 parted or cleft; st»mens 5-9, filaments filiform or dilated to the base; style 2 or 3 parted o1 cleft; achene lenticular or 3-angled, rarely 4-angled; endosperm present. Ab-ut 200 species of wide distribution. The P. tinctorium of China furnishes the Chinese indigo. The Saghalen knotweed (P. sachalinense) was widely advertised as a forage plant a few years ago and is used in Japan and Manchuria as we use asparagus. The prince’s feather (P. orientale) is cultivated for ornamental purposes. The tanweed (P. Muhlenbergii), smartweed (P. Persicaria), knot- grass (P. aviculare) and black bindweed (P. Convolvulus) are troublesome The Pennsylvania persicaria (P. pennsylvanicum) is a valuable honey plant and its seed is a common impurity in clover. Polygonum Persicaria L. Lady’s Thumb A nearly smooth and glabrous annual from 12-18 inches high; leaves lanceo- late or linear, marked with a lunar blotch near the middle, acuminate ochreae somewhat bristly; ciliate spikes ovoid or oblong, erect; stamens mostly 6; style 2-3 parted; achene lenticular. Distribution. Across the continent in moist places; naturalized from Eur- ope. Poisonous properties. None of the species is relished by stock; the P. acre and P. Hydropiper are very acrid and produce gastro-enteritis and ery- thema, like that caused by buckwheat. The following species produce simi- lar troubles. Polygonum acre H.B.K.. Water Smartweed A nearly smooth perennial; stems rooting at the decumbent base; leaves linear-lanceolate; ochreae strigose, fringed with long bristles; spikes erect, 422 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS panicled; flowers whitish or flesh colored; stamen 8; achenes 3-angled or 4- angled, smooth and shining. Distribution. Common southward from Missouri to Louisiana, Texas and Mexico. > No yy, a 4 = V9) < . bay , Fig. 200. Ladies’ Thumb (Polygonum Persicaria). Common in moitt places. (Charlotte M. King.) Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. Wild Water Pepper A smooth, branching perennial, slightly or not at all acrid; 1-3 feet high; the narrow sheaths hairy, leaves narrowly lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate; spikes erect, slender, sometimes filiform; flowers small, flesh colored, or nearly white; stamens 8, style 3-parted to below the middle; achene 3-angled, ovoid or oblong, smooth and shining. Distribution. In swamps or wet soils across the continent from New Brunswick to California, Florida and Mexico. Polygonum Hydropiper Ll. Smartweed. Water Pepper Smooth, erect annual, 1-2 feet high; stem often reddish; leaves linear- lanceolate, or lanceolate; spikes, nodding, usually short or interrupted; flowers SPERMATOPHYTA—POLYGONACEAE 423 179 Fig. 201. Water Pepper (Polygonum Hydro- piper). Troublesome to sheep. (After MHoch- stein.) mostly greenish; stamens 4 or sometimes 6; ochreae cylindrical, fringed with short bristles; style short, 2-3 parted; achene lenticular or 3-angled, dull, granular. Poisonous properties. ‘This species and the door yard knot weed (P. avi- culare) are said to be troublesome to sheep CENTROSPERMAE. Herbs mostly with perfect flowers; calyx present; corolla, when present, polypetalous; ovary superior; perisperm present; embryo coiled, curled or an- nular; fruit not an achene. Generally fleshy plants, many found in saline soils. It includes the families Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phy- tolaccaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Portulacaceae and others. The last named contains the garden pussley (Portulaca oleracea), the moss pink ( P. grandiflora), and the bitter root (Lewisia rediviva). The family Aizoaceae also of this order, contains the New Zealand spinach (Tetragonia expansa), and the ice plant 424 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum). The family Basellaceae another of this same order contains the Madeira vine (Boussingaultia baselloides) commonly cultivated. The seeds of some species are edible. Families of Centrospermae Fruit an utricle. Flowers bractless or occasionally with bracts. sepals. green ‘or ereetiish: < yc wee ae uee cs ee eels elie Chenopodiaceae. Flowers bracted. Sepals generally with scarious bracts.................4 Amaranthaceae Pineie Heshiy, la\ DENY. c/s seins eng cates Bete iate any tema cimsera heen ee oe Phytolaccaceae. Fruit indurated into a nut-like pericarp, base of calyx constricted. . Nyctaginaceae. Fruit a capsule, dehiscent by teeth or valves. Sepals 5 or 4: distinctlor wmited. 20.2). eho i ee es Caryophyllaceae. CHENOPODIACEAE. Goosefoot Family Annuals or perennials, frequently succulent herbs, or rarely shrubs; alter- nate leaves without stipules; flowers small; greenish; petals absent; calyx free, stamens as many as the lobes of the calyx or fewer and inserted opposite them on their base; ovary 1-celled; fruit a 1-seeded, thin utricle or rarely an achene; endosperm mealy or wanting; embryo coiled. About 500 species of wide distribution, common’ in arid regions. Some of the economic plants of this family are sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), a maritime plant of Europe, and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) from the orient. The beet is one of the most important plants of the family, being largely cultivated in Europe as a source of cane sugar although as late as 1800, its use in that capac- ity was of little extent. It is also an important plant for stock food and for human food. Spinach is used extensively for greens but, in Utah, is somewhat of a weed. The Australian saltbushes are well known forage plants. Indigo is derived from A. hortensis, a native of Tartary. The strawberry blite (Chen- opodium capitatum) is cultivated in Europe for its leaves. The shrubby salt- wort (Suaeda fruiticosa) is burned in the south of Europe for Barilla. The Russian thistle (Salsola Kali. var. tenuifolia) is used in much the same way. The Spanish wormseed (S. Webbii) contains an oil much like that found in Chenopodium ambrosioides. The tumble-weed (Cycloloma atriplicifolium) is common on the plains. The white sage (Eurotia ceratoides) is an excellent forage plant of the west. Poisonous properties. ‘The use of the beet leaves for fodder has some- times caused bloat. It has been known for some time that the feeding of roots to animals causes the formation of renal calculi. These calculi consist of a com- bination of uric and phosphoric acid with lime. An experiment conducted by Prof. W. J. Kennedy and Mr. E. J. Robbins at the Iowa Experiment Station in codperation with Prof. L. G. Michael indicated that sugar beets fed to rams will produce renal calculi. Prof. Michael says* in regard to the effect of man- gels and sugar beets on the kidney: Both roots seem to affect the kidney similarly. A small calculus was found in one kidney of Ram VI. This ram was fed sugar beets. The membrane about the calculus and extending down into the urethra was pigmented, a decided black. * Biennial Rept. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts 23:142. SPERMATOPHYTA—CHENOPODIACEAE 42 vu. Fig. 202. Salt Bush (Atriplex canescens). A common plant of saline soil in the west. (U. S. Dept. of Agrl.) In the kidney of Ram III the same kind of pigmentation occurred as in Ram VI. Ram III was fed Mangels. No calculus was present. Miss S. Hartzell, who investigated the chemistry, reports as follows: A post mortem examination of several valuable animals which the Experiment Station lost showed that renal calculi were present. This resulted in the metabolism experiment which was conducted by the Animal Husbandry Section in co-operation with the Chemical Section of the Experiment Station. Thus far 42 rams have been used in the experiment, of which 11 were fed hay and corn; 9 were fed hay, corn and ensilage; 11 were fed hay, corn and mangels; 11 were fed hay, corn and sugar beets. In the case of those which were fed hay and corn, and also of those which were fed hay, corn and ensilage, the bladders and kidneys were normal while the results were the reverse in the case of those which were fed sugar beets or mangels along with the hay and corn. The sugar beets and mangels had the same effect. The kidneys were larger than normal, the gall bladders were distended, the bladders were enlarged, often very much so, and in several cases the heart was enlarged. The kidneys in all cases were of a pale color. Three animals died during the experiment. ‘The bladder of one was highly inflamed while in the other two the bladders contained calculi which were too large to pass thru the urethra. The kidneys of two of the animals were broken 426 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS down while the third was much enlarged, and calculi were present. In one of the animals which was slaughtered the following conditions existed: bladder enlarged; ulcerated between ureters; kidney surface mottled; kidneys enlarged; cortex discolored; calyces full of calculi; gall bladder much enlarged; other organs normal. According to Greshoff the leaf of Kochia scoparia contains saponin, as do the seeds of this species and of K. arenaria. A species of Atriplex native to China causes a skin disease known as “atriplicimus.” Genera of Chenopodiaceae Pe Spiny SHOUD {505 .ds soe eta cae a | eee Cab eeeee sensor, SAPCORAERE FJeshy herbs. Embryo coiled into a spiral; calyx horizontally winged.......... 3. Salsola. 5 325 Fig. 203. Common Pigweed (Chenopodium album). Young shoots some- times used in place of spinach. (Charlotte M. King.) SPERMATOPHY TA—CHENOPODIACEAE 427 Seed with utricle; embryo coiled; calyx not horizontally winged.......... edie sistord law alata erat aternady stan aete Mattern bret tiahd canis Siar dis Bele 1. Chenopodium. Chenopodium 1, Pigweed. Goosefoot. Lamb’s quarter Annual or perennial herbs usually covered with a white mealy substance; flowers inconspicuous, in sessile, small clusters, collected in spikes or panicles, perfect; calyx 5-, rarely 4-parted or lobed; stamens generally 5; styles 2, rarely 3; ovary l-celled, becoming a 1-seeded, thin utricle; embryo coiled around the mealy endosperm. A small genus of about 60 species of wide distribution in saline soil, around dwellings and in manured soil. Several species like the common pigweed (C. album), the Australian spinach (C. auricomum), and the English Good King Henry (C. Bonus-Henricus), are used as a substitute for spinach. The quinoa (C. Quinoa) is an annual, native to Peru, which produces its flowers in dense, erect panicles. It is cultivated in Chili and Peru for its seeds, which are said to be very strengthening. It was the principal meal food of the Peruvians be- Fig. 204. Good King-Henry (Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus). Used as a substitute for spinach. (From The American Agriculturist.) 428 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS fore the conquest by Spain. An oil is obtained from the wormseed (C. am- brosioides). Several species of the genus like Chenopodium album and C. hy- bridum are weedy. Chenopodium Botrys . Jerusalem Oak A more or less glandular, pubescent, aromatic annual; leaves with slender petioles, oblong, obtuse, sinuate, pinnatifid, flowers in leafless racemes; calyx 2-3 parted, dry in fruit, only partially enclosed. Distribution. Naturalized from tropical America. Common in eastern North America to Oregon. Chenopodium ambrosioides I. Mexican Tea. Wormseed A smooth annual; leaves slightly petioled, aromatic, oblong, lanceolate, toothed or nearly entire; flowers in spikes, leafy or intermixed with leaves; calyx 2-3 parted; fruit dry, enclosed by the calyx. Distribution. Naturalized from tropical America. Common in eastern North America to California. The fruit is officinal in the U. S. Pharmocopoeia. Chenopodium ambrosioides \, var. anthelminticum (\.) Gray. Wormseed An annual or perennial weed, glandular pubescent; leaves lanceolate, or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate at the apex and narrowed at the base, the lower 176 Fig. 205. Wormseed (Chenopodium am- brosioides). Fruit officinal. (From Darling- ton’s Weeds and Useful Plants.) SPERMATOPHY TA—CHENOPODIACEAE 429 laciniate pinnatifid; flowers in spikes without bracts, or the lower spikes leafy bracted. Distribltion. Naturalized from Europe in waste places, from Massachusetts to Ontario and from Wisconsin to Mexico. Poisonous properties. Several species of the genus contain volatile oils. The C. ambrosioides, var. contains the volatile oil of wormseed. ‘This oil has a peculiar, strong, offensive odor and a pungent disagreeable, but aromatic taste. It is said to contain chenopodin, C,H,,NO,. In the case of a man who took about one half an ounce of a soluble oil of wormseed, Dr. Mills- paugh says that the symptoms were those from a narcotic, acrid poison, af- fecting the brain, spinal cord and stomach. The patient was insensible, con- vulsed and foamed at the mouth. In another case a man who had taken a con- siderable quantity displayed hilarity and made futile attempts at talking like a drunken man. Death followed later. C. mexicanum contains saponin. 2. Sarcobatus Nees. Grease-wood An erect, branched shrub with spiny branches; leaves alternate; linear, fleshy ; flowers dioecious or monoecious; the staminate in terminal clusters with- out a calyx; the pistillate solitary in the axils with compressed calyx, adnate to the base of the papillose stigmas; in fruit a membranous horizontal wing; seed vertical; embryo green, coiled into a flat spiral. Species 1. Fig. 206. Grease wood (Sarcobatus Max- imiliana). A plant growing in alkaline soils in the Western United States. Poisonous to sheep. The sharp spines cause mechanical injury. (U. S. Dept. Agrl.) 430 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Sarcobatus Maximiliani Nees, Torr. Grease-wood A glabrous perennial with succulent foliage and spiny branches. Wood hard. Distribution. In dry, alkaline soil from western Nebraska to New Mexico, Nevada, and Montana; most abundant west of the front Rockies. Poisonous properties. Prof. Chesnut says: A correspondent in New Mexico states that on one occasion he counted as many as one hundred sheep that had been killed by eating the leaves of this plant. It is claimed that cows are not affected by eating it at any time and that sheep can eat it quite freely in winter. Death is perhaps due more to the bloating effect than to any poisonous sub- stance which the plant contains. It might be noted also in this connection that the sharp spines on the plant often inflict serious injuries to persons who come in contact with it and also to animals, setting up inflammation and causing the formation of pus. It is used as a forage plant. 3. Salsola L. Saltwort Bushy branched herbs, succulent when young, but rigid at maturity; leaves terete, prickly-pointed and sessile; flowers sessile and axillary; calyx 5-parted, persistent, enclosing the depressed fruit, the divisions horizontal, winged on the back, enclosing the utricle; stamens 5; ovary depressed; style 2; embryo coiled in a conical spiral. About 40 species of wide distribution, saline soils. Salsola Kali \., var. tenuifolia G. 'T. W. Meyer. Russian Thistle An herbaceous, smooth or slightly pubescent annual, diffusely branched from the base; from 1% to 3 feet high, spherical in the mature form; leaves fleshy, alternate, succulent, linear, subterete, 1-2 inches long, pointed in the older specimens; upper leaves in the mature plant persistent, each subtending 2 leaf-like bracts and a flower; stem and branches red; apetalous flowers soli- tary and sessile; calyx consisting of 5 persistent lobes, enclosing the dry fruit which is usually rose colored, about 1-12 of an inch long; 5 stamens, nearly as long as the calyx; pistils simple with 2 slender styles producing a single ob- conical depressed seed, dull gray or green, without albumen; embryo spirally coiled. The plant flowers in July or August. Distribution. Common from Minnesota to Kansas, west across the con- tinent, Illinois and Kansas to New Jersey. Injurious properties. ‘The Russian thistle not only clogs the harvesters and harrow, injures horses legs so that boots have to be put on them but is equally disagreeable to come in contact with, to man. On this point, Prof. Dewey Says: The sharp spines on the plants not only irritate and worry both horses and men, but often, by breaking under the skin, cause festering sores on the horses’ legs, so that in many localities it has been found necessary to protect them with high boots or leggings. In handling grain or flax, in the processes of hauling and threshing, the sharp spines cause considerable irritation and consequent loss of time. AMARANTHACEAE. Amaranth Family Herbs, or in some cases, shrubs; leaves simple, mostly entire; flowers small, green or white with bractlets, usually in terminal spikes or heads; petals none; calyx herbaceous or membranous, 2-5 parted; segments distinct or united; SPERMATOPHYTA—AMARANTHACEAE 431 Fig. 207. Russian Thistle (Salsola Kali, var. tenuifolia). Causes mechanical injuries to man and stock. (Charlotte M. King.) stamens 1-5, mostly opposite the calyx-segments; ovary 1-celled; ovules solitary; fruit an utricle; circumscissile, irregular or indehiscent; seed generally smooth; endosperm usually copious and mealy. About 425 species in tropical countries mostly. Several like Celosia cristata are cultivated for ornamental purposes and several are weedy. Among the latter are the tumble-weed (Amaranthus graeci- sans), pig-weed (A. retroflexus), and prostrate pig-weed (A. blitoides). The leaves of several species are used as food. Amaranthus (Tourn.) L. Pig-weed. ‘Tumble-weed Annual, branching or erect herbs, smooth or pubescent leaves, simple; small flowers, monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous, green or purplish, generally with 3 bractlets; in spikes or axillary clusters; sepals 3-5, distinct; stamens 2-5; styles 2-3; fruit oblong, utricle. About 50 species of wide distribution, mostly of southern states. 432 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Amaranthus retroflexus L. Pig-weed. Red Root Roughish, slightly pubescent, annual with stout stems 2-4 feet high; leaves ovate or rhombic ovate; upper lanceolate, acute or acuminate at apex; flowers in dense spikes; bractlets about twice as long as the 5 scarious mucronate-tipped sepals ; stamens 5; seed black. Distribution. Naturalized from tropical America; found throughout the United States, especially on waste ground far northward. Also naturalized in Europe. Amaranthus hybridus l. Slender Pig-weed Similar to the preceding but with darker green or purple foliage; stem more slender, erect; leaves ovate or rhombic ovate, smaller than the preceding; Fi bloat. 208. Prostrate Pigweed (Amaranthus blitoides). A common weed. May cause Charlotte M. King.) g. ( spikes linear-cylindrical, forming dense terminal panicles; bfacts subulate, twice as long as the acute or cuspidate sepals; stamens 5; utricle but slightly wrinkled. Distribution. Species naturalized from tropical America but rare or local in places; common southward. Amaranthus spinosus . Spiny Amaranth Stout, branched stem, leaves ovate, rhombic-ovate or lanceolate, acute at both ends with a pair of rigid stipular spines; sepals mucronate-tipped 1-nerved; utricle scarcely circumscissile. Distribution. In waste or cultivated ground as far north as Massachusetts, Illinois and common in Missouri and Southward. Naturalized from tropical America. Poisonous properties. The spiny amaranth sometimes produces mechanical injuries. Mr. O’Gara calls attention to the injurious properties of the first species in Nebraska. He says that it doubtless causes a great deal of trouble in some parts of that state. Mr. C. C. Palmer near North Platte lost 5 head of cattle in his pasture. In all cases they were very much bloated and a post- mortem examination revealed a good deal of pig-weed in the stomachs. The animals in question had been accustomed to prairie grass pasture and broke into a field containing considerable of this pig-weed, some Russian Thistle and SPERMATOPHYTA—AMARANTHACEAE 433 Fig. 210. Spiny Araranth (Amar- Fig. 209. Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus). anthus spinosus). Sometimes produces A cause of bloat in cattle. (From Darlington’s mechanical injuries. (From Darlington’s Weeds and Useful Planfs.) Weeds and Useful Plants.) lamb’s quarter. After the death of the animals the fence was replaced and no further trouble was noticed. An experiment with animals carried on by Mr. O’Gara proved negative. Many families in the vicinity of North Platte regard the weed as a bad bloater, by some considered as serious as green clover and alfalfa. PHYTOLACCACEAE. Pokeweed Family Generally herbs, a few tropical species, trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, entire, without stipules; flowers regular, perfect, polygamous or monoecious ; calyx petal-like, of 4 or 5 sepals, or 4-5-parted; stamens 5-30 alternate with the segments of the calyx or with the sepals, of the same number or more numerous ; ovary several-celled; ovules solitary. 434 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS A small family of about 85 species, mostly tropical. The juice of the berries of the Umbra tree (Phytolacca dioica) of South America, now naturalized in Europe and other warm countries, is used to color wines. Other plants of the family, like bloodberry are frequently cultivated. The latter produces small spikes of white flowers, followed by red berries. Strong drastic substances occur in P. littoralis and Anisomeria drastica, natives of Chili. P. abyssinica, Villamilla peruviana and our native pokeberry contain saponin and red color- ing matter. Phytolacca (Tourn.) L. Pokeweed Tall, stout, perennial herbs with large petioled leaves; flowers borne in racemes; calyx of 5 petal-like sepals; stamens 5-30, ovary of 5-12 carpels united to form a ring, 5-12 celled, with a single seed in each cell; embryo around the endosperm. Phytolacca decandra l. Pokeweed, Garget A tall, glabrous, perennial herb, 6-9 feet tall, with strong odor; large poison- ous root; leaves oblong-lanceolate, acute, or acuminate; flowers perfect; calyx white; stamens 10, shorter than the sepals; ovary green, 10-celled; berry dark purple, filled with crimson juice. Poisonous properties. The young shoots of this plant may be boiled and eaten, the acrid property being dissipated in boiling. The leaves are eaten by the natives of the island of Guam. A tincture of the plant is used for rheu- matism. ‘The root is alterative, emetic, cathartic, and narcotic. Prof. Ches- nut, in speaking of its poisonous nature, says: Fig. 211. Pokeweed (Phytolacca decandra). _The root of the plant is very poisonous. (C. M. King.) Most instances of poisoning arise from an overdose when the plant has been used as a medicine, but there are also accidental cases due to eating of the root, which has been variously mistaken for that of the parsnip, artichoke and horseradish. A few fatal cases of poisonoing of children have been attributed to the fruit, but whether death was really due to the seed or the pulp is soméwhat uncertain. The evidence is chiefly against the SPERMATOPHY TA—PHY TOLACCACEAE 435 seed, for it is known to contain a poisonous substance. Pokeweed is a violent but slow- acting emetic, vomiting beginning only after about two hours. It also effects the nerves and muscles, producing retching, spasms, severe purging and sometimes convulsions. Death is frequently due to the paralysis of the respiratory organs. Dr. Guttenberg makes a similar report in regard to effects of poisoning by pokeweed, adding that death often is a result. The roots of pokeweed are often mistaken for other fleshy roots, such as horse-radish. ‘The leaves, as has been said, are harmless when boiled, somewhai resembling spinach, but the root is very poisonous. The poke root was used by the Indians in medecine. Dr. Millspaugh, who values the plant not only as an emetic, but also as an efficient remedy, says: In certain forms of rheumatism, the root with lard was found to be an excellent ointment as a cure for many forms of skin diseases; psoriasis, eczema, capitis, and tinea circinata, also in syphilitic ulcers. Dr. Millspaugh says: The fresh root, gathered late in autumn or early in spring, is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. ‘Two parts by weight of alcohol are taken, and after thoroughly mixing the pulp with one-sixth part of it, the rest of the alcohol is added. After having stirred the whole, pour it into a well-stoppered bottle, and let it stand eight days in a dark, cool place. The tincture is then separated by decanting, straining, and filtering. Thus prepared it has a light straw-color by transmitted light, at first a stinging, soon followed by a decided bitter taste, and a very slight acid reaction. He adds: I noted in my readings several years ago that the berries had been used for pies by frugal housewives, and often since have half determined to try poke-berry pastry; dis- cretion has, however, always overruled valor, and the much-thought-of pie is still unmade and uneaten. The young shoots, however, make an excellent substitute for asparagus, and I much prefer them, if gathered early and discriminately. The acrid alkaloid phytolaccin, according to Dr. Edmond Preston, occurs in the root of this plant; also phytolaccic acid and an amorphous yellowish brown, transparent substance, very soluble in water and alcohol. Nagi reports a toxic substance phytolaccotoxin C,,H,,O,. The berries have been used for coloring, but this is not entirely successful, because no mordant will fix the color. The juice of the berry is a delicate test for acids when lime water is added to it. Dr. Johnson says: All parts of the plant possess acrid and somewhat narcotic properties. The juice of the fresh plant, or a strong decoction of the root, applied locally, may strongly irritate the skin, especially if tender or abraded. ‘Taken internally it causes nausea, vomiting, and purging, and, in overdoses, acro-narcotic poisoning. It has been employed with more or less satisfactory results in a great variety of cutaneous affections, and in rheumatism, especially when chronic or of a syphilitic origin. There is little doubt that, in view of the uncertainty which at present exists regarding it, this plant would well repay further careful experimentation. Nagi reports that phytolaccotoxin resembles picrotoxin and cicutoxin. A glucoside has also been found in common poke; saponin also occurs. CARYOPHYLLACEAE. Pink Family Herbs with opposite entire leaves, frequently swollen at the nodes; flowers perfect or rarely dioecious; sepals 4 or 5, persistent separate or united with the calyx tube; petals of equal number; styles 2-5, or rarely united into 1; ovary usually 1-celled, occasionally 3-5-celled; ovules attached to a central column; seeds several or many; small coiled or curved embryo, with a mealy albumen. A large family of about 70 genera and 1500 species, widely distributed, most abundant in the northern hemisphere. Many of the plants of this family 436 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 211a. Fig. 21la. Flowers of Soapwort or Bouncing Betty (Saponaria officinalis), Calyx, Corolla, Stamens and Pistil. (C. M. King). are cultivated for ornamental purposes. Of these we may mention the hardy pink (Dianthus barbatus) and carnation (D. Caryophyllus). The spurrey (Sper- gula arvensis) is occasionally cultivated as a forage plant in Europe and some- times in this country, but is a weed of grain fields in Europe. A few species like Saponaria officinalis and the catchfly are medicinal. A red dye is obtained from a species of Coccus found on Scleranthus perennis. The leaves of Parony- chia argentea are used as a substitute for tea. The stitchwort (Alsine crass- ifolia) of Europe and some parts of the United States is poisonous to horses. The European sandwort (Arenaria serpyllifolia) common eastward in sandy waste places is said to cause salivation in horses. Several species of the family like Saponaria officinalis, Gypsophila Struthium of Spain, Agrostemma, Lychnis, and Hermaria contain saponin. Genera of Caryophyllaceae Sepals united into a tube or cup. Calyx ovoid or sub-cylindrical, 5 angled; not prominently nerved. .5. Saponaria. Calyx 5-toothed, prominently nerved. SHEVIES” Sek ihe chatet a ains Be ae a 8 TRL ee Vee Rn ec ke 2. Silene. Styles 5 or 4, alternate with petals....02....6..5.0 0.08 3. Lychnis. Styles 5 or 4, opposite petals, silky plants.......... 4. Agrostemma. DbylES12 hg 5 asl i Te eee hls RPE LEE sv ere Ok SLI > ee 1. Gypsophila. Sepals GiStiMel 16s. aia He siaatdiapiecaueia ce Mite hel loner ase cteear ao aM MOR ee 6. Stellaria. 1. Gypsophila L. Gypsophyl Glabrous and glaucous herbs; leaves narrow; flowers small, in paniculate, axillary clusters; calyx cylindrical, 5-toothed, 5-nerved without bractlets; petals 5 claws, narrow; stamens 10; styles 2. About 50 species native to Europe; 2 species introduced to North America. Gypsopliila paniculata I, Tall Gypsophyl A glabrous or pubescent perennial, from a simple fusiform root; leaves lanceolate, narrowed at the base; flowers in panicled cymes; calyx campanulate; SPERMATOPHY TA—CARYOPHYLLACEAE 437 segments with scarious margins; petals white or pink, slightly emarginate, larger than the calyx. Distribution. Native to Europe and Asia. From Manitoba to Nebraska. Poisonous properties. Used in medicine as a detergent. An allied G. Stru- thium contains Sapotoxin and the glucoside saponin. It is an acrid poison. 2. Silene L. Catchfly Herbs with pink or white flowers, solitary or borne in cymes; calyx more or less inflated and five-toothed; petals 5, narrow and clawed; stamens 10; styles 3, rarely 4 or 5; ovary 1-celled or incompletely 2- to 4-celled; pod 1-celled, dehiscent by 6, apical teeth; seeds roughened. About 250 species of wide distribution. Several like sweet William (S. Armeria) are cultivated for ornamental purposes. The starry campion (S. stel- lata) of our prairies and thickets might well be cultivated more than it is. Silene latifolia (Mill.) Britten & Rendle. Bladder Campion A branched perennial, a foot or more high, with opposite glaucus ovate lanceolate leaves; flowers in loose cymose panicles; calyx bladdery, inflated; petals 2-cleft, white; seed roughened. Bigy 2s: Night flowering Catchfly (Silene noctiflora). (After Fitch.) Fig. 212. Deptford Pink (Di- anthus Armeria). Frequently cultivated for ornamental pur- pose. (Charlotte M. King.) Fig. 214. eantirrhina). (Charlotte 438 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Native to Europe. Common in fields and along roadsides from New England to Illinois and Iowa. Silene antirrhina L. Sleepy Catchfly A puberulent annual with glutinous nodes and slender stem; lower leaves spatulate or oblanceolate, petioled; upper leaves linear to subulate; flowers small in cymose panicles; calyx not inflated, but expanded by the opening pod, ovoid; petals pink, obcordate, minutely crowned, seeds small, roughened. Distribution. Common in sandy fields, gravelly soils, and in waste places from New England and Florida to Mexico, north to aoe Columbia, and east to Ontario. Silene noctiflora L. Night-flowering Catchfly A viscid hairy annual, from 1-3 feet high; lower leaves obovate or oblance- olate; the upper sessile and lanceolate; flowers few, in a loose panicle, white or , (\/) () ‘i | A WW) Sleepy Catchfly (Silene e ; i ‘ ; A weed of sandy fields. Fig. 215. Night-flowering Catchfly (Silene noctiflora). M. King.) poisonous. (Charlotte M. King.) Possibl SPERMATOPHY TA—CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 439 pinkish, fragrant, opening at night, calyx tube elongated and enlarged by the ripening pod; petals 2-cleft and crowned; seeds small blackish, roughened, kidney shaped. Distribution. Native to Europe. Common in waste places from New Bruns- wick to Florida, Kansas and Iowa to Manitoba. Poisonous properties. According to Stebler and Schroéter, the leaves of Silene latifolia are eaten by stock and it is regarded as of some value for for- age purposes; but Prof. Schaffner, in his “Poisonous and Other Injurious Plants of Ohio,” suggests that the sleepy catchfly may be poisonous. 3. Lychnis (Tourn.) L. Campion Erect herbs, with ovoid tubular oblong or inflated calyx 5-toothed, 10-nerved, occasionally with leaf-like lobes; petals 5, or rarely 4; styles 5, rarely 4, alternate with the often appendaged petals; seeds numerous, globular or kidney-shaped pod opening by as many, or twice as many valves. A small genus of about 40 species native to the cooler regious. Several species cultivated for ornamental purposes. The scarlet lychnis (L. chalcedonica) is frequently cultivated in old gardens. Lychnis Flos-cuculi L. Ragged robin A downy, branching, pubescent annual, or viscid above, from 2-3 feet high; leaves lanceolate or linear lanceolate; flowers in loose panicles, red, bluish, or whitish; calyx glabrous, short, petals cleft into 4 lobes; capsule globose. Poisonous properties. It contains a form of saponin called lychnidin. Lychnis dioica L. Evening Lychnis Biennial, usually dioecious, viscid, pubescent; leaves ovate-oblong or ovate- lanceolate; flowers few, loosely paniculate, white or pinkish, opening at evening; calyx tubular, becoming swollen with the ripening fruit; styles 5. Distribution. Native to Europe, common in eastern and middle states. In the West it is not uncommon in clover fields, where it is introduced with clover seed. 4. Agrostemma Linn. Corn Cockle * Calyx ovoid, 10-ribbed; teeth elongated, longer than petals; stamens 10; styles 5, opposite unappendaged petals; leaves linear. Tall annual or biennial plant. ] Agrostemma Githago . Corn Cockle A hairy annual weed; leaves linear-lanceolate, acute or long-acuminate ; flowers perfect, long-peduncled, calyx lobes long, linear, surpassing the purple red petals, capsules 1-celled; large with numerous large seeds which are rough- ened and black. Distribution. This plant is widely distributed from Nova Scotia to Quebec, south from New England to the southern states, and westward and northward, generally in wheat growing regions. Difficulty in screening wheat by ordinary methods has caused this weed to be generally scattered in wheat growing regions. These screenings are much used in feeding stock in some places. The farmer often sows cockle with his wheat. 440 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 216. Meadow Lychnis (Lychnis Flos-cuculi). Con- tains saponin. (After Fitch.) Fig. 217. Corn cockle (Agrostemma Gith- ago). a, sprays showing flowers and seed capsule, one-third natural size; b, seed, nat- ural size; b’, seed, four times natural size. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Poisonous properties. According to Kruskal, the seeds contain githagin 2(C,,H,.0,,). The ripe dried seeds are broken into a coarse powder and used in medicine. Dr. Millspaugh gives the proportions as follows: “Five parts by weight of alcohol are poured upon the powder, and the whole allowed to stand eight days in a well stoppered bottle in a dark cool place, shaking thoroughly twice a day.” The tincture is somewhat acrid. The seeds of the cockle are frequently used to adulterate cheaper grades of flour in Europe. Dr. Millspaugh gives a case in which death followed where two 14% oz. lots of wheat flour containing respectively 30% and 45% of these seeds were fed to two calves. This amount of cockle caused severe cramps of the stomach within an hour, followed by diarrhoea and finally death. Where ducks and geese ate the seeds, death followed when sufficient was taken, and the post-mortem showed inflamma- tion of the bowels. Prof. Pierce states that this is especially true when the seeds are crushed. A large amount of screenings are sold for chicken feed, and frequently complaints are made of poison, or at least that chickens will not eat the screenings. In describing symptoms indicative of poisoning by corn cockle, which, Dr. Allen says, place the seeds among the cerebro-spinal irritants, he agrees es- sentially with Dr. Chesnut. Se eee SPERMATOPHYTA—CARYOPHYLLACEAE 441 Dr. Chesnut says: The poisonous constituent, saponin, is a non-crystalline powder, very freely soluble in water, and possessing a sharp, burning taste. It has no odor, but when inhaled in the smallest quantity it produces violent sneezing. When briskly shaken with water it froths like soap. The poison is found in nearly all parts of the plant, but mainly in the kernel of the seed. Cases of poisoning have been noted among all sorts of poultry and household animals, but are rarely due to any portion of the plant as found growing in the field. The poisoning is generally produced by a poor grade of flour made from wheat containing cockle seeds. Machinery is used to remove these seeds from the wheat, but the difficulty of separating them is so great that the result is not entirely accomplished. The quantity remaining determines the grade of flour in this particular regard. It sometimes amounts to 30 or 40 per cent, but this quality is sent out only by ignorant or unscrupulous dealers or is intended for consumption by animals only. Flour containing a smaller amount has often been made into bread and eaten, sometimes with fatal results, the baking not always being sufficient to decompose the poison. The effect may be acute, or, if a small quantity of the meal is eaten regularly, it may be chronic. In the latter case it is sometimes known as a disease under the name of “githagism.’”’ The general symptoms of acute poisoning are the following: Intense irritation of the whole digestive tract, vomiting, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, hot skin, difficult locomotion, and depressed breathing. Coma is sometimes present, and may be followed by death. Chronic poisoning has not been closely studied in man, but experiments upon animals show chronic diarrhoea and gradual depression, the animal losing vigor in breathing and in muscular movements until death ensues. The action is antagonized by the use of digitalin, or of the simple extract of digitalis (Digitalis purpurea) a dangerous poison, which should be given only by a physician. The more prominent symptoms as recorded by Friedberger and Fréhner are, briefly, colic, vomiting, slavering, paralysis, stupor, hyperaemia of brain and spinal cord. . Dr. Chesnut also adds: Corn cockle meal is easily detected in second and third class flour by the presence of the black, roughened scales of the seed coat. ‘These are sure to occur if the flour has not been well bolted. Its presence is otherwise detected by the peculiar odor produced when the meal is moistened and by chemical tests with iodine. Wheat containing corn cockle seeds should be rejected for planting. It has been asserted in Europe that corn cockle is injurious in flour and bread stuffs. Dr. Chesnut says: A person eating 1200 grains of bread made from flour containing only one-half per cent of corn cockle seed would consume six grains of cockle seed, an amount which the author believes beyond a doubt to be poisonous in its effects. The poison in corn cockle is sapotoxin C,,H,,0,, and is partially decom- posed while baking, but nevertheless some of it remains and the use of flour which contains corn cockle should be forbidden. It has long been suspected of being poisonous. Mr. John Smith in his Domestic Botany, says: It being difficult to separate the seeds from the grain, the value of the latter is deteriorated, and the flour is rendered unwholesome. 5. Saponaria Linn. Soapwort Calyx ovoid to sub-cylindrical, 5-toothed, obscurely nerved, terete or 5- angled, smooth; stamens 10; styles 2; pod 1-celled, or sometimes 2-4-valved, and 4-toothed to apex. Coarse annual or perennial with mucilaginous juice, hence common name of soapwort because of the property of forming a lather with water. Saponaria officinalis L. Bouncing Bet Perennial herbs with large flowers in cymose clusters; calyx narrowly ovoid or oblong, five toothed; petals clawed or unappendaged, stamens 10, styles 2, pod 1-celled or incompletely 2 to 4-celled and 4-toothed at the apex. About 442 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 40 species in Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa. Saponaria officinalis is fre- quently cultivated in old gardens. The mucilaginous juice forms a lather with water and is valuable for taking grease spots out of wollen cloth. Saponaria Vaccaria lL. Cow herb A glabrous annual from 1-2 feet high with opposite ovate lanceolate leaves ; flowers in corymbed cymes; calyx 5-angled, enlarged and angled in fruit; petals pale red. Cow herb is another important constituent of “cockle” in wheat screenings, and like the preceding weed has been largely spread by means of wheat culture. Distribution. Common in Europe; found in wheat fields of the east and as far west as Missouri, Kansas, the Rocky Mountain region, and Pacific Coast, and wheat regions of the northwest. According to Sohn, it contains the substance saponin, C. Ge a neutral sharp, amorphous substance, having a burning taste and producing a violent sensation. ‘The toxic substance is partially removed by baking. Fig. 218. Bouncing Betty (Saponaria officinalis). A branch with flowers. The double flowered form is some- times cultivated for orna- mental purposes. (Charlotte M. King.) 6. Stellaria L. Chickweed Tufted herbs with white flowers in cymose clusters; sepals 4-5, deeply 2- cleft, sometimes none; stamens free, 10 or fewer; styles 3, rarely 4 or 5; capsule ovoid 1-celled, several to many seeded. Stellaria media (1,.) Cyrill. Common Chickweed A nearly smooth annual or winter annual, decumbent or ascending; leaves ovate or oval, the lower on hairy petioles; flowers white in terminal leafy cymes or solitary in the axils; sepals oblong, longer than the 2-parted petals; stamens 2-10. —— 443 SPERMATOPHY TA—CARYOPHYLLACEAE plant is common in seed of this (U. S. Dept. Agrl.) Eee one ous, ia Vaccaria e€ poison supposed to be p nd Fig. 219. Cow-herb (Saponar ings and is wheat screeni 444 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. A weed in waste places, lawns and fields, very troublesome in lawns. Naturalized from Europe. Extends from New England and Canada across the continent. Poisonous properties. The seeds of common chickweed are used as food for cage-birds and are also readily eaten by chickens, but, according to Mr. Wm. Carruthers, they cause disorder to the digestive system when eaten by lambs in large quantities. i f 4 ’ al pay ® Ve, i Zo ZA Fig. 220. Chickweed (Stellaria media). Seeds said to be injurious. (Charlotte M. King.) RANALES Herbs, shrubs or trees; calyx usually of separate sepals; corolla usually present and of separate petals; ovary or ovaries superior, free from the calyx; carpels 1-many; stamens mostly hypogynous and more numerous than the sepals. Contains the families Nymphacaceae, Ceratophyllaceae, Ranunculaceae, Berber- idaceae, Menispermaceae, Magnoliaceae, Calycanthaceae, Anonaceae, Myristica- ceae, and Lauraceae. ‘The Nymphaeaceae are aquatic perennial herbs. The rhizome of water chinquapin (Nelumbo lutea) of the Mississippi Valley and introduced into Massachusetts by the. Indians, was used for food. The sacred bean or lily (N. nucifera) cultivated for ornamental purposes produces an edible seed and rhizome rich in starch. The pods of wokas (Nymphaea polysepala) are ' j 7 4 i SPERMATOPHY TA—RANALES 445 used as food by the Indians in the northwest. The blue flowered Nymphaea stellata of tropical Africa and the Egyptian lotus (N. Lotus) are frequently cultivated, as are the Victoria regia of the Amazon region and Euryale ferox of eastern Asia. The water lilies (Castalia odorata and C. tuberosa) are pretty water plants of North America. The family Ceratophyllaceae contains the water-weed (Ceratophyllum demersum) of North America, troublesome also in Europe. The family Myristicaceae contains the nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) of which mace is the aril; the oil contains myristicin. Prof. Cushny in an ad- dress before the Royal Society of Medicine in London, referring to Nutmeg poisoning, says that the symptoms are drowsiness, stupor, and diplopia (‘seeing double’). Delirium is frequently present, and sometimes the first symptom is burning pain in the stomach, with anxiety or giddiness. The symptoms generally resemble those resulting from Cannabis indica (hashish). One fatal case oc- Fig, 221. Yellow Water Lily (Nymphaea poly- sepala). (W. S. Dudgeon.) curred in a boy who had eaten two nutmegs. From experimental work Prof. Cushny has come to the conclusion that the symptoms are to be attributed to the action of the oil of nutmeg on the central nervous system. This is de- pressed; but there are some signs of stimulation in the form of restlessness, slight convulsive movements, and tremor. The oil has also a marked local ir- ritant action, whether given by the mouth or hypodermically. Several other species like M. succedanea and M. fatua, are used by the natives where these plants are indigenous. Families of Ranales Stamens numerous sepals distinct, petals absent or present. Receptacle hollow enclosing the numerous pistils and achenes; leaves SPOS, foo eS ire eR A Ae UR ree geen eA SUL 5 Calycanthaceae 446 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Receptacle not hollow; flowers generally perfect. Fruits cohering over each other, cone-like.............. Magnoliaceae Fruits not cohering over each other, separate. Anthers not opening by uplifted valves, pistils usually more than 1. Sepals 3; petals 6; shrubs or trees........0...000 Anonaceae Sepals 3-15; petals when present about as many.. Ranunculaceae Anthers opening by uplifted valves except Podophyllum; pistil | RAR PR AGA Os IL An Seb Tt de ty | Berberidaceae Dioecious climbing vines; simple leaves........ Menispermaceae Stamens 9-12 in several series; anthers opening by uplifted valves; petals ab- Jc A Re OR ee AE OMe Resce M ERED a Ale eC eS Lauraceae RANUNCULACEAE. Crowfoot Family Herbs or a few woody plants with acrid juice; flowers polypetalous or apetal- ous, regular or irregular; calyx free, often colored like the corolla; sepals 3-15; petals 3-15 or absent,stamens numerous; pistils few or numerous, distinct; fruit a dry pod, berries or achene seed-like; embryo minute, albumen present. A rather large, widely distributed family of plants many of which like aconite, larkspur, and marsh marigold, are poisonous. Many, such as virgin’s bower (Clematis virginiana), C. Jackmanni and other species, are cultivated for ornamental purposes; the C. Jackmanni being especially desirable. The columbines, like the European columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris), the Rocky Moun- tain columbine (A. caerulea), and our eastern columbine A. canadensis), the paeonies (Paeonia officinalis and P. Moutan), and the larkspurs (Delphinium) are also cultivated for ornamental purposes, the most familiar of the latter being the garden annual, Delphinium Consolida. Several perennial species of Delphinium are also very showy. The seeds of stavesacre (D. Staphisagria), native to southern Europe and the Levant, contain an alkaloid delphinin C,,H,,NO, which is a powerful and acrid poison. Nigella is said to contain an alkaloid, nigellin; N. damascena contains the alkaloid damascenin C,H,,NO,. In 1872, a German chemist found an alkaloid in Isopyrum thalictroides, the so-called isopyrin C,,H,,NO,. Thalictrum ma- crocarpum contains the alkaloid thalictrin. Aquilegia is said to be free from alkaloids. Glucosides have also been found in some of the members of this family, . as adonidin C,,H,,O, in Adonis amurensis. The European Adonis aestivalis and A. vernalis are recorded as poisonous by Lehmann. ‘The black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is also somewhat acrid. Many of the plants of the family contain anemonin C,,t1,O, and some are used for medicinal purposes. Among these are aconite (Aconitum Napellus), crocus, Pasque flower, pul- satilla Anemone patens var. Wolfgangiana (Bess) Koch. and yellow puccoon (Hydrastis canadensis). ‘The black roots of black hellebore (/elleborus niger) are used in medicine, as a purgative, being poisonous in overdoses. The tuber- ous roots of one of the crowfoots (Ranunculus Ficaria) resemble grains of wheat and are sometimes boiled and eaten but they have a sharp acrid taste and are known to produce blisters. ‘The water crowfoot (R. aquatilis var. capillaceus) is apparently harmless and is used as forage in England and on the Continent. SPERMATOPHY TA—RANUNCULACEAE 447 Fig. 222. European Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris). Flowering Bench: flower; longitudinal section of fiower; pistil and stamens. (After aguet.) According to Greshoff Clematis Fremonti; C. integrifolia; C. lanuginosa; C. orientalis; C. pseudo-flammula contain HCN. He also states that saponin is of widespread occurrence in this genus and that he found it in the leaves of €, Pitcheri, and C. recta and in the leaves of Trollius pumilus, and T. chinensis. Genera of Ranunculaceae Flowers regular. Sepals 3-20 apetalous. MET ETOCS) FettleCds 23: Va tecrath ithe Yar kiove tablets cavialats: tatiana el aer ae a ele ap alare Sareea 5 Clematis Achenestnot: tailed) 'gcoe ioaita adele cies oetalen ata nredacaelercisia es davene 4 Anemone Print ay follicles, sepalotyellowaytwie sass aouldwes ve seeene 1 Caltha Blawers solitary }sepals' Svs Grays iyo eee vk ares 9 Hydrastis Petals and sepals present. Petaise5, yellow’ ore white! 54 195 Sao 0 ye aes Shen 6 Ranunculus Petalsusmall)” tubular) 2Z-lippedesss waacacssdes cco semeae 2 Helleborus Petalstsmallstamen=lkeseis shel e soe iaheiet ee nekiatre ates 8 Actaea 448 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Flowers irregular. os Lipper sepalspurred }petats 4:25, ¢%. cu ckiteees eer bene cee 7 Delphini 1m Upper sepal hooded.......... ga ails Sse orb le @PEDS RR te rea to 3 Aconitur 1. Caltha L. Marsh Marigold pink; sepals large, 5-9, petal-like; petals none; stamens numerous; pistils 5-10; styles nearly wanting; pods follicles, spreading, many seeded; marsh plants of. temperate and colder regions. About 8 species; 3 species native to Eastern No th America, and 1 species common in the Rocky Mountains at high altitudes. Fig. 223. Black Hellebore (Helle- *, borus niger). Entire plant. The roots contain a purgative substance that is 4 poisonous in over-doses,. (From Vesque’: BA ¢ Traité de Botanique.) ‘ Caltha palustris l,. Marsh Marigold A stout, glabrous perennial with a hollow stem from 1-2 feet high; the basal leaves on long petioles, leaves reniform; upper leaves shorter, petioled and sessile; flowers with yellow sepals. Occurs in swamps and meadows. Poisonous properties. ‘The marsh marigold or cowslip is regarded as poison- ous in Europe. In this country, however, it is frequently used as a pot herb. The flower buds are sometimes pickled. Coville says: By many it is considered superior to any other plant used in this way. There is no doubt that boiling dissipates the active principles found in the plant. Stebler and Schréter say that it is poisonous in a green state, and Rusby states that when fed with hay it produces diarrhoea and stoppage of the flow of milk. According to Lloyd, it contains a small quantity of an acrid substance identical with the acrid oil of Ranunculus. Cattle and sheep refuse SPERMATOPHY TA—RANUNCULACEAE 449 to eat the plant. Marsh marigold is known to contain an alkaloid which is said to be identical with nicotin but it has not been isolated. Dr. Millspaugh in speaking of the uses of this plant, states that it is exten- sively gathered in early spring and cooked for greens, making one of our most excellent pot-herbs. Rafinesque asserts that cattle browsing upon it die in con- sequence of an inflammation of the stomach produced by it. According to Freid- berger and Frohner it causes haematuria. 2. Helleborus ,. Hellebore Erect perennial herbs, with large, palmately divided leaves; flowers large, white, greenish or yellowish; sepals 5, petal-like; petals small, tubular; stamens numerous; carpels generally few; fruit several-seeded follicles. A small genus of about 10 species, natives of Europe and Western Asia. Helleborus viridis I, Green Hellebore Basal leaves smooth, consisting of 7-11 oblong, acute, sharply-serrate seg- ments; flowers large. Distribution. In waste places from Long Island to Penn. and W. Va. Poisonous properties. Black Hellebore is.said to be a drastic purgative when used for domestic animals. The plant contains the glucosides, helieborin _ C,H,,O, which is a highly narcotic, powerful poison, helleborein C,,H,,O,, which is slightly acid and heleboretin C,,H,,O,. ; The symptoms from poisoning are: Stupor followed by death with spasms. H. foetidus is also poisonous. a 3. Aconitum L. Aconite By Perennial herbs with palmately lobed or divided leaves; flowers large, irregular, showy, paniculate or racemose; sepals 5, irregular, petal-like, the upper helmet-shaped or hooded, prolonged into a spur; petals 2, small, con- cealed under helmet, spurred, 3 lower absent or very minute; pistils 3-5 forming follicles, several seeded. About 60 species. Native of the North Temperate regions. One species, the A. Napellus, used in medicine, is the source of aconite. One western species is poisonous to live stock. None of the species of this genus is weedy in Eastern North America. The three species, A. noveboracense Gray, A. uncinaium L. and A. reclinatum Gray, occur in Eastern North America but are very local. None of these seems to be very poisonous, but the roots of A. uncinatum are bitter, even in a dry state. The exotic A. Lycoctonum and A. Fischeri are employed to kill wild animals. Aconite is derived from the European Aconitum Napellus which produces not only poisonous stem and leaves, but also a very poisonous tuberous root which is from 2-4 inches long and sometimes an inch thick. The Indian aconite is obtained from Aconitum ferox, a plant growing from 3-6 feet high and bear- ing large dull-blue flowers; it is found in the Alpine regions of the Himalayas, and is used as an arrow poison. Among other equally poisonous species mentioned by Fliickiger and Hanbury, is A. wncinatum growing in Eastern North America. ‘They also state that the root of another species of Aconitum, A. heterophyllum, with large ffowers of dull yellow, and purple, or blue, is poison- 450 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ous. This root contains the chemical substance atisin C,,H,,NO,, an intensely bitter alkaloid. The European aconite contains aconitin C,,H NO,,, pseudo aconitin C,,H,,NO,,, and aconin H,,C,,NO,,. The North American species A, septentrionale contains, according to Rosendal, the following alkaloids: lappakonitin, C,,H,,.N,O,, a crystallized form; septentrionalin C,,H,,N,O,, and synaktonin C,,H..N,O,,. Blyth who has collected records of poisoning in Europe by aconite states that there have been two cases of murder, seven suicidal, seventy-seven more or less accidental; six were from the action of the alkaloid, ten from the root, and in two cases, children ate the flower, in one case, the leaves of the plant were cooked and eaten by mistake, in seven cases, the tincture was mistaken for brandy, sherry or liquor, in the remainder of the cases the tincture, the lini- ment or the extract was used. The Indian species are much used, especially A. ferox, which is applied to poison stock and arrows, the latter to destroy the wild animals. It is a common practice to mix a decoction of the root with water or food. Dunstan and Anderson * summarize the alkaloids obtained from Aconitum as follows:—‘“The first, a toxic group, of which the type is ordinary aconitin, contains alkaloids which are diacyl esters of a series of poly-hydric bases con- taining four methoxyl groups, the aconines.” “The members of this group are :— Aconitin from Aconitum napellus. Japaconitin from Aconitum deinorrhysum, Bikhaconilin from Aconitum spicatus. Indaconitin from Aconitum chasmanthum.,” These are all highly poisonous. The second group is the atisin group which contains atisin from A. hetero- phyllum and palmatin from A. palmatum, These are non-poisonous alkaloids. Aconitum columbianum Nutt. Western Aconite An erect, stout perennial, 3-6 feet high, more or less pubescent above, with short, spreading or viscid hairs; divisions of the leaves broadly cuneate and toothed, lobed; flowers purple or white, in a loose terminal raceme; hood vari- able in breadth and length of beak. Distribution. Grows at an altitude of 5000-10,000 feet in low grounds, near brooks and springs, from Montana, Wyoming and Colorado to the Sierras. Poisonous properties. The chief effect of aconite results from’ its in- fluence over the heart and blood vessels. It decreases the force and frequency of the cardiac pulsations. After long continued use, aconite affects the nervous system causing the loss of sensation; bodily temperature is also reduced after medicinal uses of the drug. Dr. Winslow, in his Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics, speaking of its toxicology says: The minimum fatal dose of aconite is about 3i. for the horse; gr. xx. for medium sized dogs; and gr. v.-vi. for cats. The smallest fatal dose recorded in man is a teaspoonful of tincture of aconite, equivalent to about gr. xxx. of the crude drug. The minimum lethal quantity of aconitin is gr. 1/10 for man, and about the same for cats. For dogs it is from gr. % to gr. %. The writer has found that cats will live from fifteen minutes to half an hour after receiving the smaller deadly doses under the skin, but large doses produce death immediately by paralyzing the heart. Large therapeutic doses cause, in horses, restlessness, pawing the ground, shaking of the head, champing of the jaws, increased secretion of sali- vary mucus, and attempts at swallowing, probably owing to the peculiar sense of irritation *Trans. Jour. Chem. Soc, 1905: 1650. See Blyth Poisons: ‘Their Effects and Detection, SPERMATOPHYTA—RANUNCULACEAE 451 Fig. 224. Aconite (Aconitum Napellus). The source of the aconite of commerce. Stem, leaves and root are poisonous. (After Faguet.) 452 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ZR TESS @ = of 2D a ey Fig. 226. Western aconite (Aconitum uncinatum). A poison- ous plant in Eastern North Amer- ica, from Pennsylvania to Iowa. Fig. 225. Aconite (Aconitum columbian- 9s) Ea um). a, flowering plant; b, seed capsule — both one-third natural size. A poisonous plant of the Western U. S. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) produced by the drug in the throat. Nausea and retching are observed in all animals, while vomiting occurs in dogs and cats. The pulse and respiration are weakened and generally retarded. After lethal doses these symptoms are intensified. We observe violent retching, frequent and difficult attacks of swallowing, ejection of frothy mucus from the mouth, in horses copious sweating; pulse first weak and infrequent, later rapid, running and almost imperceptible; respiration slow, interrupted, and shallow, and reduction of temperature. Death is preceded by muscular twitchings, in the horse, and loss of strength so that the subject falls and is unable to rise; or in the case of cats and rabbits, the animals jump vertically into the air, topple over backwards and go into convulsions, lying helpless on their side. The labial muscles are retracted and the lips drawn back, showing the teeth covered with foam. The face is anxious, the eyeballs are retracted or protruded, and the pupils more commonly dilated. Death takes place usually from asphyxia, occasionally from syn- cope. The post mortem appearances are simply those resulting from asphyxia. The western aconite is bitter and retains its bitterness even on drying. It also benumbs, according to Lloyd, just as does the European aconite. The Lloyds quote Prof. Power in asserting that it contains some alkaloids, one probably aconitin, and several other poisonous principles. According to Dr. SPERMATOPHYTA—RANUNCULACEAE 453 Bartholow of Jefferson Medical College, it is a paralyzer of mobility, but does not impair the contractility of muscles or the irritability of the motor nerves. Death is caused by paralysis of respiration, the heart continuing its action some time after respiration has ceased. The Aconitum Napellus, affects the heart in opposite ways. Prof. Chesnut says in regard to the poison of this plant: All of the parts of the west American aconite are poisonous, but the seeds and roots are the most dangerous. The active principle is not well known, but chemical and phys: iological experiments point to the existence of one or more alkaloids which resemble aconitin. The effect of the poison is characteristic. There is first a tingling sensation on the end of the tongue which gives rise shortly to a burning sensation, and is rapidly followed by a very pronounced sense of constriction in the throat. The choking thus pro- duced is made the more alarming by the retarding effect which the poison has upon the res- piration. The tingling and prickling over the entire body is also characteristic. Besides these symptoms, there are generally severe headache, abdominal pains, confused vision, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Delirium is usually absent. Death ensues from a stoppage of the respiration in from one to eight hours. Mr. R. Schimpfky, in his Important Poisonous Plants of Germany, makes this statement upon the authority of a physician: He tried the nectar of the European aconite by chewing the flower. After chewing a little while, the same was thrown away and an hour later, he felt upon the end of the tongue, a dull pain as though he had burned it. This sensation remained for three days. In Europe it is not unusual to mix the leaves of this with other salad plants. Frequently the plant is cultivated to be used in destroying insects. Dr. Chesnut says: No specific antidote is recognized, but physicians have used atropin, of digitalis and nitrite of amyl, with good effects. The ordinary emetics and stimulants must be given. Artificial respiration should be maintained for a couple of hours, if necessary, and a re- cumbent position must be maintained throughout the treatment. Acomtum uncinatum I, Wild Monkshood Plant smooth; stem slender and somewhat reclined; root thickened; leaves 3-5 lobed, petioled, lobes ovate-lanceolate, with. coarse teeth; large blue or pale flowers with erect helmet; found in rich shady woods along streams. Distribution. Eastern North America extending into Iowa. Poisonous properties. Contains the same active principle as the other species of aconite. 4. Anemone Erect perennial herbs; root leaves lobed, divided or dissected; stem leaves forming an involucre either remote or near the flower; sepals few or many, 4-20 petal-like; or in one section, petals stamen-like; stamens numerous; pistils numerous; achene pointed or tailed, flattened; single seeded. About 80 species in temperate regions. Several as Pulsatilla are medicinal. Anemone patens \,. var. Wolfgangiana (Bess.) Koch A perennial herb, with radical leaves, appearing after the bluish or purplish flowers have blossomed, villous with long silky hairs; flowers erect, coming from a simple stem, which is naked except for the involucre; petals wanting, or abor- tive, stamen-like; sepals petal-like, about 1%4 inches long; leaves ternately di- vided with the lateral divisions 2-parted; stamens numerous; pistils numerous in a head with long, hairy styles, in fruit forming feathery tails. 454 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Illinois and Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, N. W. Territory, Rocky Mountains to Texas, British Columbia. Known as the pasque or sand flower, but very commonly and incorrectly called the crocus. Poisonous properties. A very poisonous plant. The allied European Anem- one Pulsatilla is also regarded as poisonous. The different parts of the plant are extremely acrid and when applied to the skin cause irritation and vesi- cation. The acridity of the plant is due to the presence of a crystalline sub- stance called anemonin C,,H,O, which when heated with acids.forms anemonic acid C,,H,,O,. Lloyd states: All parts of fresh Anemone patens are acrid and very irritating. Dr. W. H. Miller informs us that his hands have been very badly blistered, in consequence of the juice havy- ing spattered over them while pressing the plant. ‘The vapors evolved from the fresh juice are of such an acrid nature as to have inflamed the eyes, and have closed them temporarily. For this reason, persons refuse to work with the fresh herb, and botanists have been known to severely irritate their hands simply from contact with the recent plant. The only demand for this plant is by Homeopathic physicians. All portions of the European Anemone patens are very acrid, but the dried plant is merely an astringent. The plant evidently contains a volatile acrid substance, which is given off when heat is applied. Our sand flower was one of the chief medical plants of the Indians of Minnesota. The plant is still used, when in a fresh condition by the Indian. Dr. Millspaugh gives the following method for preparing it: The whole, fresh, flowering plant is chopped and pounded to a pulp and weighed. Then two parts by weight of alcohol are taken, the pulp thoroughly mixed with one-sixth t Eo My, ‘9 > ind > SESSA > AZ ee SS = Tee 7" A ; yl: yt 1 Vas, } il ON 4 \; : Fig. 228. Pasque Anemone Fig. 227, European Anemone (Anemone (Anemone patens, var. Wolfgang- Pulsatilla). A poisonous plant with acrid jana). ) endospernn fleshy) 0) sce eNO Papaveraceae. Sepals or divisions 4-8; endosperm none. Capsule 2-celled; sepals and petals 4, flowers regular, stamens, usually iusioereKoniaakehan Ve) CCL MAAC EN PbA Gham ma NAL SCO AMUAMLL alan AIO AIG REGS iI Cruciferae. Capsule l-celled; sepals and petals 4, flowers regular or irregular AU ANRIE ROLES 3 Uso We Nh a NE BURA MCI TE RNY Ip CMR NTR a a Capparidaceae. PAPAVERACEAE. Poppy Family Annual or perennial herbs, with milky or colored juice; leaves alternate, stipules none; perfect, regular, or irregular flowers; sepals 2, occasionally 3, falling when the flower expands; petals 4-12, spreading, soon falling; stamens inserted under the pistils, distinct; pistil 1, many ovuled, chiefly 1-celled; fruit a capsule containing numerous oily seeds. Genera 24-26, species about 200. Widely distributed chiefly in north temperate zone. Comparatively few of the plants of this family are weedy and quite a num- ber are medicinal and poisonous. The common poppy (Papaver somniferum) is used in medicine. It is found as an escape near buildings, especially in sections where Germans have settled, undoubtedly due to the fact that they cultivate it for its beauty as an ornamental plant, and use the seeds in culinary operations. The poppy is largely cultivated in China, Smyrna, Joppa, and several countries of Europe and India, for the opium. Opium yields a large number of alkaloids. The more important of these are morphin, and codein. A perfectly harmless oil equal to olive oil is obtained from the seed. The seed is also fed to birds. The red poppy (Papaver Rhoeas) is sometimes cultivated. A syrup is made from the petals, and also a coloring matter used in red ink. The California poppy (Eschscholtzia californica) is a valuable soporific, and analgesic “free from the disadvantages of opium.” The Indians, according to Chesnut, use it to stupify fish. Celandine (Chelidonium majus) native to Europe, has been naturalized in places in the East and is occasionally somewhat weedy. The juice of this plant is yellow, while that of the common cultivated poppy is white, and that of the blood root (Sanguinaria canadensis) is reddish. The 480 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 250. California Poppy (Esch- scholtzia californica). a, flower; b, fruit before, and, ¢, after dehiscence. The juice of this plant is a valuable soporific. (After Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper). rhizome of the blood root is used in medicine and contains an alkaloid sanguin- arin and a dye. The corydalin is found in a species of the genus Dicentra The bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis), native to China, and the climbing fumitory (Adlumia cirrhosa) are frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes. According to Blyth, the root of the tuberous-rooted corydalis (Corydalis tuberosa) contains eight alkaloides; of which corydalin C,,H,,NO, is the most important, since, when taken in large doses it may cause epileptiform convul- sions, death taking place from respiratory paralysis. The C. lutea contains corydalin. Schlotterbeck and Watkins found 5 alkaloids in the American celandine (Stylophorum diphyllum) among them chelidonin C,,H,,NO,+H,O. The alkaloids stylopin C,,H,,NO,, protopin Coorg Gas and sanguinarin, have been in part found in other plants in the family. Genera of Papaveraceae Petals 8-12; pod 1-celled 2-valved. Petals twhites rootstock ysontared ere. ete: cites cite rteiretate 3 Sanguinaria. Petals 4; pod 2-valved or more. Flowers pay cllow sactsiith- cate oarst'y yaiotelole arty ke seep oe 4 Chelidonium. Pod 4-20 valved. Ovary | inconipletely ‘many’ celled: .\fo2.:.-, Viv. Henke ens eee 1 Papaver. Stigmas andimlacentas 4-Oy%. (i Gist cls onion tenet one 2 Argemone. 1. Papaver. Poppy Plant with milky juice, leaves lobed or dissected, alternate, flowers and buds nodding; sepals 2 or occasionally 3; petals 4-6; stamens numerous, ovules numerous; stigmas united into a persistent disk; capsule globose, obovoid or ob- long; seeds small, with minute depressions. About 25 species, natives mostly of SPERMATOPHYTA—PAPAVERACEAE 481 the Old World. P. nudicaule is found in high mountains in the Rockies and in the Alpine regions of Europe and Asia. Papaver somniferum L, Garden Poppy An erect glaucous herb; leaves clasping, large, oblong, wavy, lobed or toothed; flowers broad, bluish-white with purple centre; filaments somewhat dilated, capsules smooth. Distribution. Native to Asia, but widely naturalized in Europe, and ex- tensively cultivated in China, India, and Smyrna. Occasionally found spon- taneous around gardens in North America. Poisonous and medical properties. From the milky exudation that comes from making an incision in the unripe capsule, opium is obtained which yields not less than 5 per cent of crystallized morphin and occasionally as high as 22 per cent in Turkey opium, the usual yield being between these two extremes. The chief markets for opium are Turkey, Asia Minor, India, and Egypt, that of Smyrna being considered to be the best although good opium has been grown in the United States. This opium has a sharp, narcotic odor, and a bitter taste. Opium has been a fruitful source of a large number of alkaloids. Fliickiger and Hanbury enumerate the following: “Hydrocotarnin, morphin, pseudomor- phin (C,,H,,NO,),+H,O, codein, thebain C,,H,,NO,; protopin, laudanin C,,H,,NO,; codamin, papaverin C,,H,,NO,; rhoeadin, meconidin, cryptopimn, laudanosin, narcotin C,,H,,NO,; lanthopin, narcein Ci. NOHO: gnoscopin.” The most important of these are morphin C,,H,,NO,+H,0. a colorless or white and shining, odorless substance with a bitter taste; and codein C,,H,,NO,+H,O, a nearly transparent odorless substance with a faint- i 3 eZ) — = = pz Bs Fig. 252. Garden Poppy (Papaver sominferum). Flower and capsule. Opium is made from the milky juice exuding from the unripe capsule. (Faueg). 482 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ly bitter taste which occurs in amounts varying from 0,.5-2 percent. Narcotin is found in quanties varying from 0.75-9 percent. It may be of interest in this connection to state that the German chemists Wolfgang, Weichardt, and Stadlinger found toxins in opium. These writers expressed the opinion that the complex physiological action is due to these substances. In regard to the properties of opium, Fliickiger and Hanbury speak as follows: Opium possesses sedative powers which are universally known. In the words of Pereira, “it is the most important and valuable medicine of the whole Materia Medica;” and we may add, the source, by its judicious employment, of more happiness and, by its abuse, of more misery than any other drug employed by mankind. There are occasionally cases of poisoning from the poppy plant. Certainly cases from overdoses of opium are frequently recorded in the annals of medical jurisprudence. Opium may be absorbed to a slight extent by the unbroken skin, according to Winslow, and causes a mild, anodyne action. Opium diminishes the two principal activities of the digestive organs, namely, secretion and motion. The action upon the alimentary tract in lessening secretion, is partly a local one and partly constitutional, following the absorption of the drug. The mouth is made dry, thirst is increased and appetite impaired. Opium is absorbed rather slowly from the stomach and bowels, and stimulates the splanchnic nerve centre of the sympathetic system, which inhibits the movements of the stomach and in- testines, and thus lessens peristaltic action of these organs. Opium is directly opposed to belladonna in this respect, as the latter drug paralyzes the intestinal inhibitory apparatus (splanchnic endings), and so increases peristalsis. The most important action of opium is upon the nervous system, and its influence is more powerful upon man than upon lower animals. At first, opium exerts a stimulating influence upon the spinal cord. Ruminants are comparatively insusceptible to opium. Dr. Winslow says: “Ounce doses of the drug cause, in cattle, restlessness, excitement, hoarse bellowing, dry mouth, nausea, indigestion and tympanites. Sheep are affected in much the same manner. One or two drachms of morphine have led to fatality in cattle. Fifteen to thirty grains of the alkaloid comprise a lethal dose for sheep. Swine are variously in- fluenced, sometimes excited, sometimes dull and drowsy. According to the same authority, its action on horses causes drowsiness, sometimes, and at other times produces no visible effect, Four to six grains, given in the same way, cause restlessness, a rapid pulse, and moist- ure of the skin. The animal paws the ground and walks in a rhythmical manner about the stall. The pupils are dilated. Large doses (12 grains) are followed by increased ex- citement, sweating, muscular rigidity and trembling; while still larger doses (four drachms of the extract of opium) cause violent trembling, convulsions, insensibility to pain and external irritation, without coma; or (morphine, gr. 36 under the skin) stupor for several hours (3 hours), dilated pupils and blindness, followed by delirium and restlessness, con- tinuing for a longer time (7 hours) and ending in recovery. Horses have recovered from an ounce of opium, but 2% ounces of the drug, and 100 grains of morphine have proved fatal. Dr. Winslow is here quoted upon the toxicology of opium: The symptoms of poisoning have already been sufficiently described in previous sec- tions. The treatment embraces irrigation of the stomach, or the use of emetics, as apo- morphine hydrochlorate under the skin, and the subcutaneous injection of strychnine and atropine sulphate in the first stages, and enemata of hot, strong, black coffee; leading the animal about slapping him, or using the faradic current. Dr. Moor, of New York, has apparently found in potassium permanganate the most efficient antidote for opium and morphine. ‘Ten to fifteen grains, dissolved in eight ounces of water, should be given by the mouth, to large dogs. One to two drachms of potassium permanganate may be ad- ministered to horses in two or three pints of water. Permanganate solution oxidizes and destroys morphine, and should be acidulated with a little vinegar or diluted sulphuric acid, after the ingestion of morphine salts. ‘The antidote has been recommended to be given subcutaneously after absorption, or hypodermic injection of morphine, but this is not of the slightest use. Hypodermic injections have not infrequently caused poisoning. SPERMATOPHYTA—PAPAVERACEAE 483 Papaver Rhoeas l.. Corn Poppy An erect annual with hispid spreading hairs; lower leaves petioled, the upper, smaller, sessile, pinnatifid, lobes lanceolate, acute, and serrate; flowers scarlet with darker center; filaments dilated; capsule smooth with 10 or more stig- matic rays. Distribution. In waste places along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. It is frequently cultivated. Poisonous properties. Poisonous like other species of this genus. Freidberger and Frohner give the symptoms of poisoning from this plant as colic, constipation, tympanites in cattle, raging fit of fury in horses. In India this species is a troublesome weed but the seeds are collected and a yellow acrid oil obtained therefrom which is used both in medicine and as an illuminant.* 2. Argemone lL. Prickly Poppy Herbs with yellow juice; spiny toothed leaves and stems; flowers large; sepals 2-3; petals 4-6; stamens numerous; styles short; stigma 3-6-radiate; capsule prickly, oblong, opening by 3-6 valves; seeds small, numerous. A small genus of about 8 species of the southern states, Mexico and West- ern North America. Argemone mexicana lL. Mexican or Prickly Poppy A glaucus annual from 1-3 feet high, with spines or without; leaves sessile, clasping by narrow base, glaucus, runcinate-pinnatifid, spiny-toothed; flowers large, whitish or generally yellowish; calyx with 2 sepals, bristly pointed; stamens numerous; stigma sessile, seeds numerous, reticulated. Distribution. Introduced along the Atlantic coast as far north as the mid- dle states. Native from Florida to Texas. A most common and troublesome weed in Texas. It yields however a valuable painter’s oil. Argenone intermedia Sweet. Prickly Poppy A spiny, leafy, plant from 2-2%4 feet high;setose, hispid; flowers large white, sepals green, hispid; petals obovate; capsule armed with stout spines; horns with a terminal spine; seeds numerous, black sunken meshes. Distribution. From Central Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, to the Rocky Mountains and Texas. Common in dry soil. Poisonous properties. The small prickles cause somewhat painful injuries when they penetrate the skin. According to Schlotterbeck the A. Mexicana contains fumarin C,,H,,NO, and berberin. In Mexico used in the same way vas the poppy. Sanguinaria L. Bloodroot Perennial with a horizontal, thick rootstock; juice red; leaves basal, pal- mately veined and lobed, heart-shaped or reniform; flowers white; sepals 2, soon falling; petals 8-12, arranged in several rows; stamens numerous; placentae 2; capsule oblong, dehiscent to the base; seeds smooth, crested. A single species. *D. Hooper. Agrl. Ledger 1907:35. 484 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Sanguinaria canadensis 1, Bloodroot Calyx; sepals 2, light green, falling as the bud opens; petals 8-12 or more, % to 1 inch long, oblong-spatulate, spreading, white or slightly rose-tinted, increasing in size for two or three days after the bud opens, and then falling away; stamens about 24, in several rows, much shorter than the petals, those in the inner rows longest; anther narrow, opening longitudinally. Distribution. In rich woods, N. S. to Manitoba, Neb., Fla. and Ark. Poisonous and Medical Properties. Lloyd in White’s book on dermatitis, writes: There are two native drugs that are very irritant to mucous surfaces, so much so that the dust is very disagreeable, and we presume that they would have a similar irritating action on the skin: Bloodroot, and Caulophyllum thalictroides, blue cohosh or pappoose- root. Bloodroot has a bitter and acrid taste due to the substance sanguinarin. In small doses, this substance exerts a tonic influence, promoting gastro-in- testinal secretion and thus aiding digestion. On its physiological action, Dr. Millspaugh says of sanguinarin C,,H,,.NO,: “This alkaloid is very acrid to the taste, and toxic, and causes violent sneezing.” Millspaugh gives its physiolo- gical action as follows: Sanguinaria in toxic doses causes a train of symptoms showing it to be an irritant; it causes nausea, vomiting, sensations of burning in the mucous membranes whenever it comes in contact with them, faintness, vertigo, and insensibility. It reduces the heart’s action and muscular strength, and depresses the nerve force, central and peripheral. Death has occurred from overdoses, after the following sequence of symptoms: violent vomiting, followed by terrible thirst and great burning in the stomach and intestines, accompanied by soreness over the region of those organs; heaviness of the upper chest with difficult breathing; dilation of the pupils; great muscular prostration; faintness and coldness of the surface, showing that death follows from cardiac paralysis. Rusby says: The effects of Sanguinaria canadensis \,.,- or blood root are distinctly poisonous and Johnson definitely records that fatal results follow overdoses. Yet the rhizome is not at Fig. 253. Blood root (San- guinaria canadensis). ‘The col- ored latex contains poisonous alkaloids. SPERMATOPHYTA—PAPAVERACEAE 485 all liable to be eaten, on acount of its peculiar blood red color, which is forbiddingly sus- picious, and more especially because of an exceedingly acrid taste which would render the chewing and swallowing of a poisonous quantity an act of heroism. It is exceedingly com- mon throughout the northeastern United States, and in a number of localities within a few miles of this city. Thé root also contains chelerythrin, homochelidonin and protopin. 4. Chelidonium I, Erect branching herbs, with alternate deeply pinnatifid leaves; yellow juice and flowers; 2 sepals; 4 petals; stamens numerous; distinct styles; capsule linear, dehiscent to the base; seeds smooth, shining, and crested. Distribution. A genus of one species, native to Europe, but widely natural- ized in North America. Chelidonium majus 1. Celandine Flowers consisting of 2 sepals which are ovate, yellowish, soon falling; corolla 4 petals, contracted at the base; stamens numerous, shorter than the petals. Poisonous and Medical properties. ‘The alkaloid chelerythrin C,,H,,NO, is identical with the sanguinarin of the last plant. Chelidonin, C,,H,,NO, H,O, an alkaloid existing particularly in the root, is colorless and _ bitter. Homochelidonin, consisting of three basic substances is found in Bocconia, San- guinaria, Adlumia etc. This plant produces congestion of the lungs and liver; it is also an excessive irritant, and has a narcotic action upon the nervous system, in its action resembling gamboge. On this point Dr. White says: Mr. Cheney informs me that he has known the plant to poison the skin, if handled so as to crush the leaves or stem. To indicate this extent to which it is used in medicine, it may be stated that a collector in North Carolina offers fifteen hundred pounds of the leaves for sale. CruciFERAE. Mustard Family. Herbs or rarely woody plants with acrid, watery juice; alternate leaves without stipules; flowers in racemose or corymbose clusters, cruciform of 4 deciduous sepals and 4 petals, placed opposite each other in pairs, spreading and forming a cross; stamens 6, 2 shorter; 1 pistil, consisting of 2 united carpels; fruit a pod either much longer than broad (silique), or short (silicle), or in- Fig, 254. Common Celandine (Chelidonium majus). Poison- ous to the skin. (After Fitch). 486 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS dehiscent, separating into joints; seeds without endosperm; seed coat frequently mucilaginous; embryo large. About 1500 species of wide distribution. The cabbage (Brassica oleracea), native to Europe, has long been culti- vated; cauliflower, brocoli, and brussels sprouts also belong to the same species. Rape, a well known forage plant, the turnip, the Swedish turnip, and ruta- baga (B. campestris) are native to Europe. The Chinese cabbage (B. Pe- Tsai) is commonly cultivated in China. Black mustard (B. nigra) and white mustard (B. alba) are extensively cultivated for their seeds, which when ground make the commercial mustard. The radish (Raphanus sativus), cultivated for the root, is native to Europe. Water cress (Radicula nasturtium-aquaticum) is much used as a salad plant in colder regions. Horse radish (R. Armoracia) the well known condiment is native to Europe. European pepper grass (Lepidi- um sativum) is cultivated as a salad plant, while the seeds of our pepper grasses (Lepidium apetalum and L. virginicum) are used as bird food. Sea- kale (Crambe maritima), native to Europe, has also been introduced into this country as a vegetable. The Pringlea antiscorbutica of Kuerguelen’s Land resembles the common cabbage and is used by sailors as a vegetable when they touch that country. The Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica) of North America and Syria is regarded as sacred by the natives. Many plants of this family are cultivated for ornamental purposes; among the most familiar are the candytuft (Jberis), stock (Matthiola incana), sweet alyssum (Alyssum mari- timum), and wall-flower (Erysimum asperum). Dyer’s woad (Isatis tinctoria) of China was formerly cultivated for a dye obtained from the leaves. The characteristic odor of plants of this order when crushed or when mustard seed is ground in water is due to an enzyme myrosin, discovered by Bussey in 1839. This same ferment occurs in the families Cruciferae, Capparidaceae, Resedaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Limnanthaceae, Papaveraceae. It occurs in special cells known as myrosin cells which give a marked pro- tein reaction. The contents are finely granular, free from starch, chlorophyll, fatty matter, and aleurone grains. These cells become red with Millon’s reagent, and when heated become orange red, and a violet red color when treated with copper sulphate and caustic potash. The subjcet is treated fully by Rey- nolds Green in his work on “The Soluble Ferments and Fermentation,” and in Effront and Prescott’s “Enzymes and their Applications.” Some of the European plants of the family like (Erysimum crepidifolium) cause staggering in animals. The Cheiranthus Cheiri contains a glucoside which acts on the heart. Rape under some conditions is poisonous. Several corres- pondents in Breeders’ Gazette (Chicago) have ascribed poisoning where rape was frozen, or when the plants were wet with dew. Genera of Cruciferae Pod terete or turgid or 4-angled. Pod Obovoid; flowers yellow) oouc i ster aeeun OneR enero 5. Camelina Pod linear or oblong. Cotyledons accumbent. Pod short; fiowers yellow or white................-. 3. Radicula Cotyledons incumbent. Pod angled or terete; flowers yeliow or white..... 1. Sisymbrium Cotyledons conduplicate; flowers yellow or white.......... 2. Brassica SPERMATOPHY TA—CRUCIFERAE 487 Pod short. Pod many or few seeded; obcordate-triangular. Pod many seeded, obcordate-triangular.................. 4 Capsella Pod few seeded, orbicular, obovate or obcordate........ 7 Thiaspi Pod'!2-seeded) flat; (motelted Wai eho see Pie 6 Lepidium 1. Sisymbrum (Tourn.) L. Annual or biennial herbs with usually simple spreading pubescent, hairs occasionally forked or stellate; leaves entire, oblanceolate, divided, pinnatifid, or runcinate; flowers in racemes; calyx open, greenish, of 4 sepals; corolla white, yellow or yellowish, or rarely pink, small; pistils terete, flattish or 4-6- sided; small entire stigma; seeds small oblong; cotyledons incumbent. A small genus of 60 species. Found in temperate regions of both hemis- pheres. Several species are well known troublesome weeds. Sisymbrium officinale Scop. Common Hedge Mustard A slender erect annual or winter annual, 1%4-21%4 feet high; lower leaves divided, runcinate, pinnatifid, upper entire or hastate at base; flowers small, yellow, borne in spike-like racemes; seeds small, brown; cotyledons incumbent. Fig. 255. Tumbling Mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum). Common in Canada and from Minnesota to Washington. (Dewey, U.S. Dept. Agrl.) 488 MANUDAT, OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. A very common weed along railroads, door yards, and fields from Canada south to Florida and west to Illinois, Wisconsin, Minne- sota, Missouri, Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas, and Pacific North coast. Com- mon hedge mustard is a naturalized weed from Europe. It occurs throughout Europe, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France—except Northern Scandinavia. Sisymbrium atlssimum L. Tumbling Mustard An erect, much branched annual from 1-4 feet high, lower leaves runci- nate pinnatifid, irregular toothed or wavy margined; upper leaves smaller, thread- like; after flowering, leaves drop, leaving the stem and pods; flowers pale yellow, rather large; sepals 4, green; corolla of pale yellow petals; pods narrow- ly linear, divergent; seeds small, longer than broad, generaly oblong in outline with rather blunt ends; radicle usually very prominent and straight, curved spirally around the cotyledons. Distribution. This weed has spread with considerable rapidity in the Northwest. Dr. Robinson states that it was once scarcely more than a bal- last weed about the large cities of the Atlantic seaboard, and records its oc- currence sparingly in southern Missouri (Bush). It is common now, however, from the Mississippi Valley northwest to the Pacific Coast. One of the most common weeds of Montana, Idaho, Eastern Washington, Oregon, and native to British Columbia. Found also along the Atlantic seaboard, Poisonous properties. This plant has properties somewhat similar to those described for Mustard; therefore may produce deep ulcers which are difficult to heal. Brassica (Tourn.) Ll. Mustard, Turnip, Rape Annual or biennial branching herbs, basal leaves pinnatifid, flowers yellow, racemose, pods elongated nearly terete or 4 sided; seeds spherical, 1 row in each cell; cotyledons conduplicate. About 85 species of Europe, Asia, and North Africa, introduced in North and South America, Australia. The black mustard (B. nigra) and charlock (B. arvensis) common in grain fields and waste places across the continent. Brassica nigra Koch. Black Mustard A tall, coarse, much branched annual, 2-5 feet high; hairy or smoothish, somewhat bristly, at least on the veins; leaves variously divided or deeply cut, and sharp toothed;—large terminal lobe; the upper leaves small, simple, usually linear; flowers yellow, smaller than in charlock; pods smooth, about % inch long, 4-cornered, tipped with a slender beak; seeds black or reddish brown, smaller than in charlock; cotyledons conduplicate. Brassica arvensis (1,.) Ktze. Mustard or English Charlock Branching annual from 1-3 feet high, hispid or glabrate; lower leaves petioled with 1 large terminal lobe, and several small lateral lobes, with the divisions unequal; upper leaves barely toothed; flowers yellow, large and very fragrant; pods 1-2 inches long, irregular in outline, appearing somewhat nodose, 3-7 seeded, or more occasionally; the upper part of pod forms the beak; seeds round, brownish black, darker than in B. nigra, and more minutely pitted. When moistened, the seeds become mucilaginous. Distribution. It is a common and troublesome weed in cultivated ground from Mass. to Oregon. ‘The most troublesome weed in grain flelds of the Northwest, CRUCIFERAE—BRASSICA 489 Fig 256. Charlock (Brassica arvensis). U. S. Dept. Agrl. Fig. 256a. Common Black Mustard (Brassica nigra). U. S. Dept. Agrl. Medicinal and Poisonous properties. White mustard contains a glucoside also found in other members of the family sinalbin, C,,H,,N,S,O,,+H,O, and in addition, the ferment known as myrosin which converts the sinalbin into an active principle, oxy-benzyl-thiocyanate (a very acrid volatile body) sinapin sulphate and glucose. ‘The following formula represents the change that occurs: €. EN. 5, 01, —C Fh © CH O-NCe++C; Ha NO.-HSO:: Oxy- Sinalbin Glucose benzyl-thio- Sinapin sulphate cyanate Black mustard contains the glucoside sinigrin, and a ferment, myrosin, which produces the following reaction: C,H ANES,O.,. == /C HiGNS) Cen Oe) =. KHSO,,. Sinigrin Sulpho-cyanate Glucose Hydrogen of allyl Potassium sulphate (Essential oil of Mustard) White Mustard seed when reduced to a powder and made into a paste with cold water, acts as a powerful stimulant. Large doses cause vomiting. Intestinal secretion is increased by the use of mustard, which is rarely used, however, as an emetic because of its pungency. It is extremely valuable for relieving pain or congestion. It is a splendid emetic for dogs in the spoonful doses, given in warm water. Dr. Millspaugh states that in the case of black 490 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS mustard, no specific toxic symptoms have been noted, but in speaking of white mustard, he states that the essential oil of mustard is a virulent, irritant poison, causing, when ingested, severe burning, followed by increased heart action. and if pushed to extremes, loss of sensibility, paralysis, stupor, rigors, and death. It causes immediate vesication, followed by deep ulceration, which is difficult to heal. Dr. White in his Dermatitis Venenata, says: The action of the sinapism is well known. In a few minutes after its application the skin begins to feel warm, and by the end of a half-hour, if the patient bear it so long, this sensation has increased to an intolerable burning. ‘The changes in the cutaneous tissue are, within a few minutes, a considerable degree of hyperaemia, which, after a time, increases to an intense redness, which persists for a day or two, and often leaves behind it a per- sistent pigmentation, at times of a dark brown color, to mark the seat of the sinapism. On this account one should never be applied upon the upper chest or other part of a woman which the dress will not always conceal. If the action be continued beyond its legitimate rubefacient effect, a period which varies greatly in persons, it may produce vesication, or even deep suppuration, effects at times very intractable under treatment. It is stated that the addition of vinegar to a mustard poultice greatly lessens its activity. Sarepta mustard (B. Besseriana) much resembles black mustard and is used in the same way. Sarson or Indian colza (B. campestris var. Sarson) is used in India in place of white mustard and oil cakes made from it serve as stock food. A brown variety (B. Napus var. dichotoma) is grown both as an oil seed and as a vegetable. Another variety, Indian mustard (B. juncea) is also known as of economic importance. The mustards of India are not always easy to distinguish. They have been carefully studied by Col. Prain. Brassica Rapa causes inflammation of the bowels, tympanites, constipa- tion, diarrhoea, some brain irritation, and haemorrhagic enteritis. The disease is more common in Europe where rape seed is used as stock food. 3. Radicula (Dill.) Hill Annual, biennial or perennial, usually glabrous herbs of pungent quali- ties, pinnate, entire, or pinnatifid leaves; flowers yellow or white; calyx with spreading sepals; pistil with short or slender style and 2-lobed, or entire stigmas; pod usually short, varying from oblong-linear to globular-terete; seeds numerous, small in 2 rows in each cell; cotyledons accumbent. About 25 species of wide distribution. Radicula Armoracia (1,.) Robinson. Horse radish A stout perennial with long deep roots; leaves large, on thick petioles, oblong, crenate, or pinnatifid, glabrous; stem leaves lanceolate, or oblong cordate; flowers with 4 green sepals and 4 white petals, not common; pods short, globular, but fruit seldom found. Distribution. It is native to the eastern part of Europe, Turkey, Greece, and the Caspian Sea through Russia, Poland and Finland. In Germany, France, Sicily, Norway, and Great Britain, it has escaped from cultivation, Common in Northern United States. Radicula palustris (1,.) Moench, var. hispida (Desv.) Robinson. Marsh Cress. An erect annual, or biennial, pubescent herb, from 1-2% feet high; leaves pinnately cleft or parted, or occasionally the upper laciniate; the lobes toothed ; CRUCIFERAE—RADICULA 491 Fig. 256b.. Horse radish. (C. M. King). upper leaves nearly sessile; pedicels as long as the small flowers, generally longer than the pods; pods ovoid or oblong; styles short. Distribution. Common in northern portions of United States, to the Gulf and west to the coast; also Canada. Native to Europe. Medical and poisonous properties. It is certain that horse radish and other members of this genus have properties somewhat similar to those of the mus- tards mentioned above. Horse radish contains both sinigrin and myrosin, Dr. Rusby mentions that it may produce serious trouble. He says: The common horse radish, likewise, loses its irritating properties when heated or dried. These are almost identical with those of mustard, and while it would not generally be re- garded as a poisonous article, yet used in excess it may become so through its powerful irritation of the urinary organs, by which it is excreted. Johnson gives a case in which this result was extreme and serious. It may therefore be borne in mind that it should not be consumed in inordinate quantity. This result, should it occur, would be found ex- cruciatingly painful. Dr. Johnson in his Manual of Medical Botany of North America, writes as follows: The acrid principles of these plants appear, clinically, to be eliminated by the kidneys, and hence, incidentally, they produce a decided diuretic effect. The urine is not only in- creased in quantity, but partakes also of the acrid character of the plant employed. In one case that came under the author’s observation, the individual, though in perfect health, so far as the genito-urinary tract was concerned, suffered extremely from vesical pain and irritation for hours after using horse-radish as a condiment. In animals it produces a violent colic. 492 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Tig. 256c. Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella Bursapastoris). U. S, Dept. Agrl. CRUCIFERAE—CAPSELLA 493 4. Capsella, Medic. Shepherd’s Purse Annual or winter annual, erect herbs, pubescent with more or less branched hairs; flowers in racemes, small, white; basal leaves tufted; pistils with short styles; pods obcordate, triangular, compressed at right angles to the partition; valves boat-shaped; seeds numerous, small, without margins; cotyledons accum- bent. A small genus of 4 species, 2 in North America. Caspella Bursa-pastoris (1,.) Medic. Shepherd’s Purse An annual or winter annual, 1% feet high, root leaves clustered, lobed, pinnatifid, or merely toothed, stem leaves sessile, lanceolate, auricled; flowers small, white; pods triangular, truncate, or emarginate, many seeded; seeds light brown, elongated with a prominent ridge; seeds mucilaginous when moistened with water; cotyledons incumbent. Distribution. One of the most common weeds everywhere in eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Florida, west to Texas and the Pacific Coast, from Eastern Canada to Manitoba to Vancouver in B. C. Cosmopolitan, as common in Europe as in the United States. Naturalized from Europe. Poisonous properties. It produces the same symptoms as other members of the family only somewhat less severe. 5. Camelina, Crantz. False Flax Erect, annual herbs, sparingly branched; leaves entire, lanceolate, or pinnatifid; flowers racemose, yellow; sepals 4, green; petals 4, yellow small; pistil with stigma entire, style slender; pod obovoid or pear-shaped; flattish; seeds small, numerous; cotyledons incumbent. The 5 species are native to Europe and Asia. Camelina ‘sativa (.) Crantz. False Flax An erect, glabrous annual with simple or sparingly branched stem, 1% feet long, smooth, or slightly pubescent, hairs stellate; leaves erect, lanceolate or arrow shaped, entire or nearly so; flowers small, yellow, pedicels in fruit spreading; pod obovoid or pyriform, smooth reticulated, margined; seeds light brown 1 line long, minutely pitted, cotyledons incumbent, caulicle prominent, running lengthwise. On the addition of water, the seeds become mucilaginous. Distribution. It is common in Manitoba, south to Minnesota, Northern Iowa, and the Dakotas, where it is a well known and a troublesome weed, in flax and grain fields from Ontario to the Middle States across the continent. Poisonous properties. ‘The plant has a disagreeable sharp odor and causes counter-irritation. 6. Lepidium (Tourn) L. Pepper Grass Erect or diffuse, annual, biennial or perennial herbs; leaves entire, or pinnatifid; flowers racemose, white; petals small or none; stamens 6 or fewer; pod roundish, flattened contrary to the partition, winged or wingless; seeds solitary in each cell; cotyledons incumbent or rarely accumbent. About 65 species in temperate regions. The European L. campestre, native to Europe cultivated for salad purposes, is occasionally spontaneous. The seeds of two of our native species are used for bird food. 494 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ASF GE Yh ged: LK Ne 24| Fig. 256c. False Flax (Camel- ina sativa). Seeds become mucilag- inous on addition of water. (After Fig. 257. Small Pepper-grass (Lepidium apetalum). Hochstein). Causes sinapism. (Charlotte M. King.) Lepidium virginicum L. Large Pepper Grass Pod circular or oval with a little notch at the upper end; seeds light brown, elongated, with a prominent ridge on one side, on the addition of water they become mucilaginous; cotyledons accumbent. Lepidium apetalum Willd. Small Pepper Grass Seeds light brown, elongated, with a prominent ridge on one side. Seeds become mucilaginous when moistened with water. Cotyledons incumbent. Distribution. In nearly all parts of the United States. Poisonous properties. Pepper grass produces counter-irritation. 7. Thlaspi L. Field Pennycress Low plants with undivided root leaves, stem leaves arrow-shaped and clasp- ing; flowers small, whitish or purplish; pod orbicular, obovate or obcordate; seeds 2-8 in each cell; cotyledons, accumbent. CRUCIFERAE—THLASPI 495 Thlaspi arvense, Field pennycress, Frenchweed or Stinkweed A smooth annual with small white flowers; pod, broadly winged, about ¥Y% inch in diameter, deeply notched at top. Commonly naturalized in some places; becoming more abundant in the Northwest. A common weed in grain fields. It is common in the Canadian Northwest and not infrequent in Iowa and Minnesota, abundant in the Dakotas. Poisonous properties. Probably causes counter-irritation. In the Canadian Rockies the weed is carefully avoided by stock because of its pungent properties. Fig. 258. Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense). (After Fitch). CAPPARIDACEAE. Caper Family Herbs, shrubs or, occasionally, trees; alternate leaves and cruciform flowers; sepals 4-8; petals 4 or none; stamens 6-numerous, not tetradynamous; fruit a l-celled pod or berry with 2 parietal placentae; seeds similar to those of the Cruciferae, but with the embryo coiled. An order of about 35 genera and 400 species. Generally found in warm regions, few in the United States. The plants are often acrid or pungent; the flower-buds of one, the Caper (Capparis spinosa), are pickled. Several of the species like the Rocky Moun- tain bee plant are cultivated for ornamental purposes. A few of the plants are weedy. Capparis contains the coloring matter rutin. Genera of Capparidaceae Plants clammy pubescent. ~ Stamens | O) OF WNOTE. 122. io. hue a eoclacopla eae ee oe eee aeons 2 Polanisia Plants not clammy pubescent. Stamens pod few seededes 124 55.4 25s. Gadaees chee ne oes 3 Cleomella Stamens 6)podvinany stededscck ivy ae de weer sae deen ae 1 Cleome 1. Cleome UL. Glabrous annuals; leaves trifoliolate or simple; flowers in leafy bracted racemes; petals entire, with claws; stamens 6; pistil with a 1-celled ovary; ~ 496 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS pod linear with a long stalk (stipe) many seeded; the receptacle bearing a gland beyond the stipitate ovary. A small genus of about 75 species, mainly tropical. Cleome serrulata Pursh. Rocky Mountain Bee Plant An annual, from 1-3 feet high, with digitate, 3-foliolate leaves and leafy, bracteate racemes; calyx 4-cleft, petals 4, cruciform, short clawed, and rose- colored; pods linear, many seeded. Distribution. Widely distributed west of Missouri, from the Canadian Rockies to Kansas, Mexico, Arizona and Utah, eastward occasionally from Minnesota to Illinois. The plant is regarded with great favor as a bee plant. Cleome lutea Hook. Yellow Cleome This plant is like the preceding, but the leaves are 5-foliolate or the upper 3-foliolate, leaflets oblong or oblong-lanceolate, entire, stalked or sessile; flowers yellow; pod linear, stipe longer than the pedicel. Distribution. In dry soil from Nebraska to Washington and Arizona. The former species is particularly conspicuous west of the 100th meridian. Poisonous and Medical properties. ‘These plants are not generally placed with the poisonous plants, although they contain the same pungent principles that members of the Mustard family have. They are seldom eaten by stock. \ v/ GZ OV GE: A Fig. 259. Rocky Mountain Fig. 260. Yellow Cleome Bee Plant (Cleome serrulata). (Cleome lutea). Common in A plant with pungent proper- the West. (Ada Hayden). ties. (Ada Hayden), CAPPARIDACEAE—CLEOME 497 2. Polanisia Raf. Clammy herbs with whitish or yellowish flowers, palmately compound or simple leaves; flowers produced in racemes; sepals 4, deciduous; petals with claws and notched at the apex; receptacle not elongated, bearing a gland at the base of the ovary; stamens 8-numerous, unequal; pod linear or oblong, turgid, many-seeded, seeds reticulated. About 14 species in tropical and temperate regions. Annuals, with glandular hairs; common in sandy soils or on railroad embankments. Polanisia graveolens Raf. Clammy-weed The near relative of the Rocky Mountain bee plant is a clammy weed with loose racemes of conspicuous flowers; petals with claws; stamens 8-32; pod linear or oblong, turgid, many-seeded. Poisonous properties. The same may be said of this as of Cleome. It is a clammy, pubescent weed with very pungent properties. 3. Cleomella DC. Annual herbs with 3-5 foliolate leaves, calyx of 4 sepals; flowers generally in racemes; petals 4, entire, without claws; receptacle short; stamens 6, in- serted on the receptacle; ovary short, long-stalked; pod linear to oblong, many- seeded. About 75 species, found chiefly in southwestern North America and Mexico. Cleomella angustifolia Torr A glabrous annual from 1-2 feet high, leaflets 3, linear lanceolate or linear oblong, bracts simple; flowers small, yellow; pod rhomboidal, raised on a slender stipe, but shorter than the pedicel, few seeded. Distribution. From Nebraska and Kansas to Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. Abundant in waste places. SARRACENIALES Carnivorous plants secreting a viscid liquid; radical leaves; scapose flowers; corolla choripetalous; sepals generally distinct; stamens usually free; ovary compound superior. Contains the families Droseraceae, Sarraceniaceae and Nepenthaceae; the genus Sarracenia has 6 species in eastern North America; S. purpurea, found as far west as Minnesota, contains the alkaloid Sarracenin. Darlingtonia californica occurs in California and Oregon. WHeliamphora is native to Guiana. The family Nepenthaceae with 40 species is found mostly in the India-Malayan regions; some species being frequently cultivated in green- houses. The plants of these orders are insectivorous, capable of digesting in- sects. DROSERACEAE Perennial or biennial glandular pubescent bog herbs or somewhat shrubby plants; leaves mostly from the hase with tentacles, which secrete a viscid sub- stanre to catch insects; circinnate in the bud; flowers perfect, racemose; calyx sersistent, 4-8 parted, or the sepals distinct; petals 5 free; stamens 8-20; ovary free, 1-3-celled; styles 1-5, simple 2-cleft; capsule 1-5-celled. A small order of 125 species of wide distribution. The most important genus is Drosera, com- monly called sundew, the tentacles of which secrete a viscid fluid which catches 498 Fig. 260a. Various insectivorous plants: 1, Sarracenia variolaris; 2, Darlingtonta cali- fornica; 3, Sarracenia laciniata; 4, Nepenthes vitliosa. insects and clings to them. The D. rotundifolia is commonly found in our northern bogs. The Drosophyllum lusilanicum is found on the sandy hills of Portugal. The Venus fly-trap (Dionaea muscipula) of the Carolinas grows on the sandy barrens and feeds on insects. These plants are somewhat rare. Poisonous properties. According to Dr. Schaffner, the common sundew is poisonous to cattle. From one species of Drosera two pigments have been isolated, the red having the formula C,,H,O, and the yellow, CGO Plants of the family in Australia are said to be poisonous to sheep. According to Greshoff the leaves of Drosera binata contain hydrocyanic acid. D. rotundifolia, and D. intermedia, were also found to contain a little HCN. ‘The leaves of Dionaea muscipula contain the same substance. ROSALES Herbs, shrubs or trees; flowers usually polypetalous; stamens mostly peri- gynous or epigynous; sepals chiefly united or confluent with receptacle; carpels 1 or more, distinct or sometimes united into a compound ovary. The order in- cludes the families Podostemonaceae, Crassulaceae, Cephalotaceae, Saxifragaceae, Pittosporaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Platanaceae, Rosaceae, Connaraceae, Legu- minosae and other small families. The family Saxifragaceae includes the red currant (Ribes vulgare), black currant (R. nigrum), the Missouri currant, Fig. 260b. The Venus Fly Trap (Dionaea muscipula) showing the rosette arrangement and with some of the traps closed and others opened to catch the insects. (Kerner-Oliver, Dept. Ent. Univ. of Minn.). Fig. 260c. Insect Traps. 1, Dionaca; 2,Section through folded leaf; 3, One of the Spines. 4, Leaf of Aldrovanda; 5, Section of closed leaf; 6, Glands upon trap; 7, Glands in the wall of trap of Sarracenia. (Kerner. Dept. Ent. Univ. of Minn.). 500 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 261. Common Sun- Fig. 262. Missouri Currant (Ribes dew (Drosera rotundiflora). aureum). ‘The flowers are spicy frag- Poisonous to cattle. (After rant. It is a well known shrub. (W. Fitch). S. Dudgeon). (R. aureum), the Crandall, a well known cultivated form; the cultivated goose- berry (R. Grossularia), Missouri gooseberry (R. gracile); the cultivated hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata); the wild hydrangea (H. arborescens) ; used as a diuretic; the mock orange (Philadelphus coronarius), and P. grandi florus; Deutzia scabra, the Astilbe japonica and the alum root (Heuchera americana) a powerful astringent. Several members of this family are poison- ous; the western Jamesia americana, a pretty shrub of the Rocky Mountains with white flowers, contains an appreciable amount of HCN, according to Gres- hoff. The same substance also occurs in the garden Hydrangea hortensia, H. arborescens, an American species of the southern region. The H. Thunbergii; H, Lindleyana and H. involucrata all contain HCN. The HCN, however, is in a transitory stage. Greshoff states that the leaves of Philadelphus coronarius, P. Lemoinei and P. microphyllus, and the seeds of P. grandiflorus contain sap- onin, as do the leaves of Deutzia staminea. The family Hamamelidaceae includes the witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) containing a bitter principle; the storax (Liquidambar orientalis) of the Old World which contains two resin alcohols, storesin and ester, and red gum (L. Styraciflua) a common tree of moist woods of the South supplying a well known commercial wood; it is also an ornamental tree, the leaves of which, when bruised, are fragrant. The family Platanaceae contains the sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), a large tree which furnishes valuable wood and is also used for ornamental purposes. According to Greshoff the leaves of Platanus acerifolia, P. cuneata, P. occidentalis and P. orientalis contain HCN. The young leaves are poisonous. Families of Rosales Calyx free from the ovary, wholly superior. Simple. L-celled otc WV leses oe OR Ss RATT te PRE EN bee Leguminosae. Ovaries 2 or more compound; stamens twice as many as the pistils Ee A ET YY a Re he cgi ghee Eo, Crassulaceae. ROSALES 501 Stamens inserted\on ‘the; calyx) stipulate... 0... eden ces eee Rosaceae Calyx more or less coherent with the compound ovary...... Rosaceae (Pomeae) tig. 251. Red Gum (Liquidamber Styraciflua). Furnishes a commercial wood. CrASsuLACEAE DC. Orpine Family Succulent herbs; leaves generally sessile without stipules; flowers small, symmetrical, usually cymose; petals and sepals equal in number, from 3-20; stamens as many or twice the number; pistils distinct, fewer than the sepals; receptacle usually with small scales 1 back of each carpel; fruit a dry dehiscent follicle; usually many seeded. This is a small family of about 50 species, many being found in dry soils, rocks, etc. in North Temperate regions. A few of the species are cultivated for ornamental purposes, among these being the Rochea coccinea of the Cape of Good Hope, whose flowers have narcotic properties ; poisoning sometimes resulting from smelling them. Some of the Crassulaceae contain crassulacic and malic acids. The Cotyledon ventricosa of South Africa is said to produce the Nenta disease of that region, although this is usually ascribed to some members of the Pulse family and is probably identicai with loco disease. ‘The leaves of wild tea (Catha edulis), according to Bull. Miscellaneous Information of Kew Gardens, when chewed are said to have great sustaining powers. Sedum (Tourn.) L. Stone Crop Fleshy, smooth herbs, mostly perennials, with alternate leaves; flowers cymose, perfect or dioecious; calyx 4-5-lobed; petals 4-5, distinct; stamens 8-10, perigynous; pistils 4-5, distinct or united at the base; styles short; follicles many-seeded. About 150 species, mostly of temperate and cooler regions of the northern hemisphere. A few are cultivated for ornamental purposes. There are several somewhat weedy species as S. purpureum and mossy stone crop (5S. acre), the latter native to Europe but escaped to roadsides in the East. It has acrid properties, which is also true of the live-forever, a plant of the Rocky Mountains, un =} bo MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Sedum purpureum Tausch. Live-forever A stout perennial 2 feet high with fleshy oval or obtuse, toothed leaves; and flowers in compound cymes; corolla purple, with oblong-lanceolate,, purple petals; stamens perigynous; pistils with a short style; fruit a follicle with a short pointed style. , Distribution. Native to Europe, frequently escaped from cultivation and found around dwellings and in cemeteries. Sedum acre Ll. Mossy Stone Crop A moss-like plant spreading on the ground; leaves small, alternate, ovate thick and fleshy; flowers yellow, perfect, in spike-like clusters, cymose; the central flower with 5 sepals, 5 petals, and 10 stamens, the others with 4 sepals, 4 petals and 8 stamens; follicle spreading, tipped with a slender style. Distribution. On rocks and along roadsides from New Brunswick to New York and Pennsylvania. Native to Europe. Fig. 263. Common Live- for-ever (Sedum purpure- um). A plant with acrid properties. (Fitch). Fig. 264. Live Forever (Sedum stenopetal- um). Common in the Rocky Mountains; a plant with acrid properties. (W. S. Dudgeon). CRASSULACEAE—SEDUM 503 Poisonous properties. Sedum acre, according to Dr. Schaffner, produces inflammation and vesication when applied to the skin; it is used to remove the false membrane in diptheria. Dr. White, in his “Dermatitis Venenata,” says with reference to the Sedum acre: “Wood states that the whole plant abounds in an acrid, biting juice. Oesterlen says that it is sharply irritative to the skin. The National Dispensatory states that the juice is capable of blis- tering the skin, and that it is used upon corns and warts to soften them, and upon swollen glands as a resolvent. Mr. Cheney, a wholesale dealer in vegeta- ble drugs, informs me that the juice of the green plant is poisonous to the skin of many persons.” ‘This plant, however, is not common in the United States. RosacEAk. Rose Family - Herbs, shrubs, or trees; leaves alternate or some opposite, stipulate, fre- quently falling soon after the leaves appear; flowers regular; stamens generally numerous, distinct, inserted on the calyx; petals as many as the sepals or rarely wanting; pistils 1-many, generally distinct, except in Pomeae, where the pistil is united to the calyx; fruit various, achenes, follicles, drupes or pomes as in the apple; seeds 1-many, without albumen; embryo straight, with large cotyledons. The order contains about 90 genera and 1500 species of wide distribution; in temperate and tropical regions, some boreal. But few of the plants are nox- ious or have noxious qualities. The several cherries, like Prunus serotina and P. virginiana are known to cause stock poisoning, and the seeds when eaten likewise produce fatal results in man. The P. serotina or wild black cherry, is used in medicine, under the name of P. virginiana. The choke cherry (P. virginiana) is also used in med- icine. The bark of the wild black cherry is officinal. It contains tannic and gallic acids, and a volatile oil resembling the volatile oil of bitter almonds. It is used as a tonic and astringent. The leaves of the laurel cherry are used for making cherry laurel water which is a sedative narcotic. From Prunus Amygdalus, var. amara, native to Asia, is obtained the amygdalin of bitter almonds, which is converted into hydrocyanic acid. This acid is deadly poison, and is obtained from a great many different plants. The leaves of the laurel cherry also contain the same substance. HCN has been found in Prunus paniculata, P. pendula, P. Pennsylvanica; Pyrus Aria, P. pinnatifida, P. japon- ica; Crataegus orientalis; Cotoneaster integerrima; Nuttallia cerasiformis; Amelanchier alnifolia; Chamameles japonica. According to Greshoff the leaves of Kageneckia angustifolia contain hydrocyanic acid. The same writer reports this substance in the mountain mahogany (Cercocarpus parvifolius) of the Rocky Mountains. It must be regarded as poisonous. In laurel cherry, it is largely derived from the decomposition of laurocerasin. This species also contains prulaurocerasin. Several species of other orders also might suitably be mentioned here as containing substances capable of being converted into hydrocyanic acid. In this class are the toadstools (Agaricus oreades), bitter cassava (Manihot utilissima) and sorghum (Andropogon Sorghum). According to Greshoff Cornus foliolosa, Spiraea japonica and many other plants of the family contain saponin. The same substance is obtained from other plants of the genus Prunus. Oil of roses is obtained from the Rosa damascena, Miller, var. The mucilaginous seeds of the quince (Pyrus Cydonia) have been used in medicine for a long time. 504 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 265. Wild Red Cherry (Prunus pennsylvanica). It contains the glu- coside amygdalin. (Ada Hayden). Many plants of the family are cultivated for ornamental purposes and some are economic. In the first class is the laurel cherry (Prunus Lauro-cerasus), a handsome fragrant shrub of the Caucasus to northern Persia, cultivated in the southern states and very common in the Mediterranean regions of Europe. The Mayday tree of Europe (Prunus Padus), as well as numerous species of the genus Spiraea, like Spiraea Douglasti, S. salicifolia, S. japonica, S. Thunbergi; the nine-bark (Physocarpus opulifolius), species of the genus Rosa, such as the prairie rose (Josa setigera), sweetbrier (Rosa rubiginosa), dog rose (Rosa canina), R. rugosa, R. gallica, and the cinnamon rose (FR. cinnamonea) are frequently cultivated. Kerria japonica, Rubus odoratus, Pyrus coronaria, P. japonica, P. Aucuparia, P. americana, Crataegus mollis and C. punctata are also cultivated. The family contains a large number of valuable fruits; of these we may mention the service berry (Amelanchier canadensis and A. spicata), the apple (Pyrus Malus), the pear (Pyrus communis), the quince (P. Cydonia), straw- ROSACEAE 505 berry (Fragaria vesca, F. virginiana, var. Illinoensis), the F. chiloensis, native to Chili and the Pacific coast (the common garden strawberry is a modified form of the Chilian strawberry), and the Indian strawberry (Duchesnea indica). We may also mention the wild northern plum (Prunus americana), the Chick- asaw plum (P. angustifolia), European garden plum (P. domestica), sand cherry (P. pumila and P. Besseyi); the cherries, English cherry (P. avium), naturalized in the southern states, especially in Virginia and Maryland, the sour cherry (P. Cerasus), also naturalized in the East and extensively cultivated, the wild red cherry (P. pennsylvanica), commonly used in the north, the Japanese plum (P. triflora), the apricot (P. armeniaca), peach (P. persica), almond (P. Amygdalus) flowering almond (P. nana), wild red raspberry (Rubus idaeus var. aculeatissimus), black raspberry (R. occidentalis), garden raspberry of Eu- rope (R. Idaeus), salmon berry (R. parviflorus), dewberry (R. cuneifolius) and the wineberry of Japan (R. phoenicolasius). The fruit of the Icaco plum (Chrysobolanus Icaco) of tropical America is edible. The wood of the wild black cherry (P. serotina) takes an excellent finish, and therefore is highly de- sirable for cabinet making and for interior finishing of houses. The wood of other species of the genus is used in the manufacture of pipes and furniture. Most of the plants of the order contain no injurious substances. Malic acid C,H,O,. occurs in the fruit of the cherry (Prunus Cerasus), plum (P. domes- tica), the apple (Pyrus Malus), the strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), (F. vesca), etc. Salicylic acid C,H,O, occurs in the fruit of the strawberry, citric acid in Rubus, the strawberry and Prunus domestica. The Quillaja Saponaria contains saponin, the bark yielding 2 per cent. Kobert distinguishes two sub- stances quillajic acid C,,H,,O,, and sapotoxin C,_H,,O,,. The glucoside amygdalin was first obtained in 1830 by Robiquet and Boutron from the seeds of the bitter almond. Liebig and Woehler named the substance which converts the amygdalin into the so-called essence of bitter almonds, emul- sin. They found that through the action of emulsin, sugar and prussic acid were formed. The name synaptase was given to emulsin. Ctls, NOP Nae aE ©) vane CHO) 45 FIGis Zee Or Amygdalin Benzoic Prussic Glucose aldehyde acid Emulsin can also convert salicin, helicin, phlorizin, and arbutin. ‘The change in arbutin is as follows: C,,H,,0, a8 H,O0 =F C,H,O, We C,H,,0,. Arbutin Hydroquinon Glucose In the cherry leaves emulsin occurs 1n the leaves and younger branches. Emulsin also occurs in Penicillium glaucum and Aspergillus niger. The Kooso (Brayera anthelmintica) is a large dioecious ornamental tree from Abyssinia. The drug comes from the pistillate flowers which have a tea- like,odor but a bitter, nauseous taste and contain cuscotoxin which is a muscle poison, protocosin and cosin which is bitter and acrid. In medicine it is used as a taeniafuge but in large doses produces vomiting and colic.’ Agrimoma gryposepala, Gillenia stipulacea, and Geum urbanum are used as astringents. The roots of the water avens (Geum rivale) are tonic and powerfully astringent. The soap-bark (Quillaja Saponaria) of Peru and Chili is used as an expectorant and is an irritant poison. According to Schneider who investigated a great many of the saponins which occur injuriously in about fifty families, they act 506 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS poisonously by dissolving the blood corpuscles. Cholesterin contained in the body acts as a natural antidote against them. Several plants of the order produce members of the terpene group; rose oil, contains rhodinol C,,H,.O, supposed to be identical with geranium oil; and a second terpene, roseol, C,,H,,O,. Many fruits of the order, especially Pomeae, contain mannite and sorbite. The arbutin, C,,H,,O, obtained in many plants also occurs in some plants of this order; the glucoside hydrochinon, C,H,,O, occurs in the buds of pears. Quercetrin C,.H,,O,, derived from a glucoside, is found in the flowers of haw (Crataegus), the bark of apple trees and of Prunus instititia. Amygdalin C,,H,,NO,,, occurs in the seeds of many plants of the family, especially in Pomeae and Pruneae; also in the bark of Prunus Padus, P. serotina, etc., and in the seeds of Pyrus Aucuparia. Fig. 266. Kooso (Brayera anthelmintica). Flowering branch. Contains a muscle poison. (After Faguet). Fig. 266a. Common Wild Plum (Prunus americana). (C. M. King). Genera of Rosaceae Ovary inferior or enclosed in the calyx tube. Carpels. namerous; fruit'an-achene si iG vids Seva hivea ses vee bee os) eROSEs Carpels few, fruit not an achene. Garpels cartilaginous? Irth ia pomesein vee ee ceinine ee sim eels 4. Pyrus. Carpels bony; ‘dripe-like, 2) oes Sa Vee a aw vs oon 6. Crataegus. Ovary superior not enclosed in calyx tube. Calyx deciduous; fruitia drupe sees ti ev see 5. Prunus. ROSACEAE 507 Calyx persistent. Pistils: ntumerous $7 Frist Artapelers 05 acie chacittie's dedargiokioevaie 6 a4 1. Rubus. Pistils ntimerous sy, Lose am aCHeme a uly Vee sinieasae eleeais des 2. Fragaria. 1. Rubus. Raspberries and Blackberries Perennial herbs, shrubs or vines; viné prickly, with alternate leaves, 3-7 foliolate or simple; flowers terminal; axillary or solitary, white reddish or pink, usually perfect; calyx 5-parted, petals 5, deciduous; stamens numerous; achenes usually many, inserted on the receptacle, which is either fleshy or dry; carpels forming drupelets. About 200 species chiefly Northern. Rubus Idaeus . var. aculeatissimus (C. A. Mey.) Regel & Tiling. Wild Red Raspberry Stems biennial, upright shrubs covered with straight, stiff bristles, some hooked, and glandular hairs; leaflets 3-5, oblong, ovate, pointed, whitish, downy underneath; petals as long as the sepals, whitish; fruit light red. Spreads by suckers. Distribution. The species is native to the Appalachian Mountains as far south as the Carolinas; common at high altitudes in the Rockies. Frequently Fig. 268. Wild black cap rasp. Fig 267. Wild Red Raspberry (Rubus Idaeus, var- berry (Rubus occidentalis). This aculeatissimus). The prickles of the red raspberry produce plant has thorns which are irritat- mechanical injury. (Ada Hayden). ing. (Ada Hayden). 508 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS troublesome in fields for several years in the north and persists for a long time in gardens. A common native of the north. Rubus occidentalis L. Black Raspberry, or Black-cap Raspberry Stems biennial, glaucus, recurved, beset with hooked prickles; rooting at the tip; leaves pinnately 3-foliolate, or rarely 5-foliolate; leaflets ovate, coarsely doubly serrate, whitish underneath; flowers corymbose clusters; petals shorter than the sepals; fruit usually purplish-black, occasionally white. Distribution. Quebec to Georgia, to Missouri, to Minn. Like the preced- ing species, often troublesome in fields and gardens. Rubus villosus Ait. High Bush Blackberry Shrubs 1-6 feet high, upright or reclining, armed with stout recurved prickles, branchlets and lower surface of leaves glandular; leaflets 3-5, ovate, pointed, terminal one stalked; flowers in corymbose clusters; petals white; fruit not separating from the juicy receptacle, blackish. Distribution. From Nova Scotia to Georgia, Missouri, Kansas, to Minn. Troublesome like the black-cap Raspberry. Injurious properties. No species of the genus Rubus is known to be poison- ous, but the bristles and spines on various species frequently inflict injuries Numerous cases of inflammation, and later pus formation, are reported from the prickles found on the common red raspberry. ‘This is especially true of the larger prickle of the black raspberry and the dewberry. The bark of the blackberry contains villosin. The leaves are said to cause an irritation of the skin of berry pickers or others who walk among the bushes. Fig. 269. Common Blackberry (Rubus villosus). The common blackberry produces prickles which act in juriously in a mechanical way. (Ada Hayden). ROSACEAE—FRAGARIA 509 2. Fragaria l.. Strawberry Perennial stemless herbs; leaves petioled, stipulate, 3-foliolate; flowers white, in clusters, polygamo-dioecious; calyx persistent, with 5 bractlets, deeply 5-lobed; petals 5; stamens numerous; carpels or pistils numerous; the receptacle elongat- ed, which become fleshy in fruit. A small genus of about 25 species contain- ing the common cultivated strawberry (F. chiloensis) of the Pacific coast, our wild strawberry (F. virginiana), the European strawberry (F. vesca) and the Indian strawberry (F. Indica or Duchesnea indica). Fragaria vesca ly. European Wood Strawberry A perennial with ovate leaves, dentate, thin; flowers white, racemose recep- tacle, elongate, fruit with achenes, seeds free above the receptacle. It is very different from our common wild strawberry, in which the achenes are sunken in the flesh. Poisonous properties. Few people would suspect that the seeds of the straw- berry are injurious, but I have known people who have found that the eating of the common cultivated strawberry is injurious, and it is known that the European strawberry (F. vesca) produces a rash that sometimes resembles that produced by scarlatina. Dr. Millspaugh, in speaking of the European straw- berry, says of a lady coming under his care who had consumed the fruit of the strawberry grown in Florida: In the afternoon of the same day the skin was hot and swollen, the patient thirsty and restless, and little sleep was gained that night; the next day the eruption began to fade, the appetite returned, and restlessness ceased. On the third day exfoliation began and was very profuse, the skin appearing quite similar to the condition existing after a severe attack of scarlatina. Fig. 270 . Fig. 270a Fig. 270. Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana). (Ada Hayden). Fig. 270a. Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca). (Willis). 510 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS : HP mY ih, CA aN | G) Ny 4 | Ae if SY, af f Pe \ NN Lae p ie ad PN iy = WS saa Seas A gS Fig. 271. European Wood Strawberry (Fragaria vesca). This plant occurs in fields and along road- sides. Sometimes causes dermatitis. (W. S. Dudgeon). Prof. Prentiss * reports the case of a man who, at the age of 14, had become quite ill from eating strawberries and forever afterward could not eat them without becoming ill. 3. Rosa L,. Erect or climbing shrubs, with prickly stems, alternate leaves adnate to the petioles; flowers showy, corymbose, or solitary; calyx urn-shaped; stamens and carpels numerous; achenes, enclosed in a berry-like calyx tube. Several species of the genus Rosa are more or less troublesome in fields. The Rosa centifolia, used for preparing rose water contains a volatile oil. A confection is made from the hips of Rosa canina. R. gallica contains a volatile oil and a yellow crystalline glucoside quercitin. Rosa pratincola Greene. Prairie Rose An erect perennial shrub with densely prickly stems bearing slender bristles ; narrow stipules, more or less glandular, toothed; leaflets 7-11, broadly elliptical to oblong-lanceolate, sessile or nearly so; flowers corymbose or rarely solitary, pink; sepals lanceolate, somewhat glabrous; fruit smooth. Distribution. Common on prairies of Wisconsin, Iowa to Texas, New Mex- ico and Montana. In Iowa, Missouri and parts of Minnesota and Arkansas, it is most troublesome. Rosa blanda Ait. Smooth Rose An erect shrub with few straight prickles or wholly unarmed; from 1-3 feet high; leaflets 5-7, short stalked; oblong-lanceolate ; cuneate; stipules dilated, naked or slightly glandular-toothed; flowers usually large, corymbose or solitary. Distribution. From Newfoundland to Ontario and Illinois. * Bot. Gazette 13:19. ROSACEAE—ROSA i Rosa Sayi. Schw. Say’s Rose A very prickly shrub with low stem, 1-2 feet high; leaflets 3-7 broadly ellip- tical or oblong, lanceolate, glandular, ciliate and resinous; stipules dilated; flowers large, solitary or rarely more; outer sepals usually with 1 or 2 narrow lateral lobes. Distribution. From northern Michigan, Northwest Territory to Colorado. Tae “ A NN Fig.| 272. Arkansas Rose (Rosa pratincola). A native rose. (Ada Hayden). Rosa Woodstu Vindl. Wood’s Rose Stems usually low; 6 inches to 3 feet high with slender, straight or recurved spines and scattered prickles, or unarmed above; leaflets 5-7 obovate to oblong or lanceolate, more or less toothed; flowers corymbose or solitary; sepals naked or hispid; fruit globose. Distribution. Prairies of Minnesota and from Montana to New Mexico and Texas. Mechanical injuries. The prickles inflict injury to cattle, and are especial- ly troublesome in grain fields. Before the binder came into use men were 5) MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS injured by the prickles and spines of the rose which produced inflammation and caused the formation of pus. 4. Pyrus L. Trees or shrubs; simple leaves; flowers in cymose clusters, white or pink; calyx urn-shaped, 5-lobed; petals 5, short-clawed; stamens usually numerous; styles mostly 5, distinct or united at the base; ovules 2 in each cavity; carpels leathery; fruit a pome. About 37 species of wide distribution, chiefly in the North Temperate region. The following species of the genus are cultivated for their fruits; quince (P. Cydonia), pear (P. communis), Japan or sand pear (P. sinensis), apple (P. Malus), Old World crab apple (P. baccata), mountain ash (P. americana), ( P. sitchénsis P. sambucifolia), European mountain ash (P. Aucuparia). The fresh bark of the wild mountain ash is used in medicine; it is known to produce irritation of the alimentary mucous membranes, and a reflex nervous irritation. Pyrus coronaria I, Wild Crab Apple A small tree with petioled or ovate to triangular-ovate leaves, sparingly pubescent beneath; sharply serrate and often lobed; flowers rose-colored, frag- rant; calyx slightly pubescent; pome fleshy, fragrant, greenish-yellow, acid. Two other species are found in eastern North America, namely, P. angustifolia, with small leaves and few flowers, and P. ioensis, with firm leaves, narrowed at the base, and pubescent calyx, chiefly west in the Mississippi Valley, P. rivularis Dougl., occurs from California to Alaska. Distribution. Our Eastern wild crab is found from Ontario to Michigan and South Carolina; in the west it is replaced by the P. ioensis. Poisonous and medicinal properties. All the species of the genus Pyrus contain the glucoside amygdalin, C,,H,,NO,,, which is converted by the action of the ferment into hydrocyanic acid. The bark also contains citric acid, C,H,O,, and malic acid, C,H,O,, both of which appear in the fruit of the ap- ples. There may be occasionally cases of poisoning where animals are allowed to browse upon the wilting leaves of the apple. Fig. 273. Common apple (Pyrus Malus). ‘The well known cul- tivated apple. (W. S. Dudgeon). ROSACEAE—PYRUS a Jie: gun JL RGN! ne es Ypp_ oy Aer. / 4 zs (y Fig. 274. Iowa Crab (Pyrus ioensis). 1. Flowering branch. 2. Longitudinal section of flower with petals removed, natural size. 3. Fruiting branch. 4. Longitudinal section of fruit. 5. Summer branch. 1, 3, 4, 5, one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney). Crataegus L. Hawthorn. White Thorn Shrubs or small trees, usually spiny; leaves petioled; flowers in corymbose clusters, white or pink; calyx-tube urn-shaped; limb 5-cleft; petals 5, roundish; stamens numerous or few; styles 1-5; fruit a pome, containing 1-5 bony, 1-seed- ed stones. About 75 species, although the number is sometimes estimated as high as 125. Some species, like C. punctata, and C. mollis, are ornamental. Crataegus mollis Scheele Shrub or small tree; shoots densely pubescent; leaves large, slender-petioled, cuneate, truncate or cordate at base, usually with acute lobes; more or less densely pubescent beneath; flowers large, 1 inch across; fruit bright scarlet with a light bloom. 514 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Common in thickets from Eastern Canada to Iowa and Kan- sas, and Texas. Poisonous properties. Large numbers of haw fruits are eaten, and several deaths due to the eating of Crataegus have been reported in Iowa. ‘These were probably largely due to strangulation or indigestibility of the stony “seed.” The flesh is said to be indigestible as well. aoe SSNS fi — SS Fig. 275. Common Red Haw (Cratcegus mollis). (C. M. King) 5. Prunus Ll. Plum and Cherry. Shrubs or trees with alternate petioled leaves and small stipules; flowers variously clustered, mostly perfect; calyx inferior, free from the ovary, with a bell-shaped or urn-shaped tube and 5 spreading lobes; falling after flowering; petals white or pink; spreading stamens 15-20 or more, distinct, inserted on the throat of the calyx, perigynous; pistil solitary; style simple; stigma capitate; ovary 1-celled, 2-ovuled; fruit a drupe; seed usually one; embryo large, cotyle- dons fleshy, endosperm absent. Species about 90, of the north temperate regions, tropical America and Asia. The sweet cherry (Prunus avium), sour cherry (P. Cerasus), native plum (P. americana), Chicksaw plum (P. Chicasa), European plum (P. domestica), Japan plum (P. triflora), the flowering almond (P. triloba), peach (P. persica), and apricot (P. armeniaca) are all well known in cultivation. Prunus virginiana I, Choke Cherry A tall shrub or small tree, bark gray; leaves thin, oval, oblong or obovate, acuminate at the apex, smooth or slightly pubescent, sharply serrate, teeth large; often doubly serrate; flowers white in rather loose racemes, terminating leafy branches; petals roundish, fruit red, turning dark or crimson. Astringent. Distribution. Forming thickets from New Foundland to Manitoba to Texas and Georgia. Wild Cherry (Prunus demissa). Common shrub of the Rocky Mountains. (Photo by Colburn), ROSACEAE—PRUNUS | 515 Prunus demissa Walp. Western Wild Cherry or Choke Cherry. A shrub or small tree; leaves thick and oval or obovate, acute or more or less obtuse at the apex; teeth rather short; flowers white in dense racemes, terminating leafy branches; fruit dark or purplish black, less astringent than the preceding. Distribution. Dry soil, common in thickets and woods from Dakota to Kansas, New Mexico to California and British Columbia. Prunus serotina Ehrh. Wild Black Cherry Large tree with reddish brown branches, reddish wood; leaves thick, oblong, or lanceolate-oblong, taper pointed, serrate, with short teeth shining above; flowers in elongated spreading or drooping racemes; petals obovate; fruit purplish black, and slightly astringent. Fig. 276. Black cherry (Prunus serotina). 1. Flowering branch. 2. Longitudinal section of flower, enlarged. 3. Fruiting branch. 4. Cross section of fruit. 5. Longitudinal section of fruit. 6. Winter branchlet. 1, 3, 6, one-half natural size. 4, 5, natural size. (M. M. Cheney in Green’s Forestry in Minnesota.) 516 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. From New England to Ontario, to Florida and Texas, Kansas, Dakota and Minnesota. Prunus pennsylvanica L,. Wild Red Cherry A small tree 20-30 feet high, light brown bark; leaves oval or lanceo- late, acute or acuminate, finely and sharply serrate, glabrous, with slender petiole; flowers white in corymbose clusters; fruit small, globose, light red hue and sour. Distribution. In rocky woods. New Foundland to the Rocky Mountains to Georgia. Poisonous properties. Many cases of poisoning have been recorded from eating the seeds of peach and bitter almonds. They contain a highly poisonous Fig. 277. Wild Red Cherry (Prunus pennsylvanica). 1. Flower- ing branch. 2. Longitudinal section of flower. 3. Fruiting branch. 4. Longitudinal section of fruit, slightly enlarged. 5. Cross section of fruit. 6. Embryo enlarged. 7. Axil of leaf, showing stipules. 8. Winter branchlet. 1, 3, 7, 8, one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney.) ROSACEAE—PRUNUS 517 substance from which prussic acid is obtained. Mr. Chesnut says in regard to the black cherry: The fruit is rather agreeable, being but slightly bitter and astringent in taste. In some localities it is much used to flavor liquor. Poisoning is frequently caused by cattle eating the wilted leaves from branches thrown carelessly within their reach or ignorantly offered as food. Children occasionally die from eating the kernels of the seed or from swallowing the fruit whole. Prof. Chas. D. Howard, of the New Hampshire Station, says: The poisonous property of all species of cherry leaves is due to hydrocyanic acid, popularly known as prussic acid. This compound does not exist as such in the growing leaf, but is derived from a class of substances called glucosides, of which amygdalin is the type peculiar to the cherry. This, or a closely allied body, is to be found not only in the leaves and bark, but especially in the stones of cherries, peaches and plums, and the seeds of the apple. By the action of moisture and a vegetable ferment called emulsin, which exists in the plant, a complex chemical reaction takes place, that begins in the leaf the moment connection with the circulatory system is cut off. The three products of this re- action are hydrocyanic acid, grape sugar and benzaldehyde, or bitter almond oil. There is a popular opinion that the leaves of the cherry are poisonous only when cut and in the wilted condition; that cattle may safely nibble them from the growing shrub without danger of injury; and that they are quite harmless when dried. Our observations, however, prove these views to be but partially correct. As a matter of fact, distillations of samples, made within twenty minutes of cutting, show that the freshly cut leaves yield nearly as much acid as the wilted ones do when calculated on the weight of fresh material taken, and when eaten fresh, the character of the juices within the animal stomach is such as to render that organ a most favorable place for the conduct of the reaction in which prussic acid is liberated. On the other hand, while it is true that the thoroughly dried leaves yield a comparatively small amount of acid, still they may always produce some, and as ordinarily dried in the hayfield, they may be capable of generating a considerable quantity of the poison. The desirability of carefully excluding them from all hay is therefore apparent. One hundred grams of bitter almonds (Prunus amygdalus communis), in the form of pulp, yield 250 milligrams prussic acid; the same amount of kernels from cherry stones yields 170 mgs.; leaves of the cherry laurel (Prunus Laurocerasus), occurring in Europe and Mexico, 39 mgs.; kernels of peach, 164 mgs.; apple seeds, 35 mgs. The stones of all these species must therefore be regarded as dangerous; the fruit, in every case, so far as can be ascertained, is harmless. The leaves of the wild black cherry are the most poisonous of the three species in- vestigated, though all are dangerous. Both the wilted leaves and fresh leaves are poisonous, while the dried are to be re- garded with suspicion. Vigorous, succulent leaves from young shoots, which are the ones most liable to be eaten by cattle, are far more poisonous than the leaves from a mature tree or stunted shrub. Leaves wilted in bright sunlight to about 75 per cent original weight, or until they begin to appear slightly limp and to lose their gloss, yield the maximum amount of prussic acid. I have seen cattle browse on the leaves of Prunus demissa in the Rocky Mountains. It is believed by stockmen to be poisonous. Probably the danger is not so great because the leaves are eaten direct from the tree and not wilted. The Bureau of Forestry has shown that much loss occurs which can easily be prevented by changing the trail. It has been known for a long time that seeds of the various members of the genus Prunus contain poisonous properties. The bark of several of our wild cherries is also known to contain a poisonous principle, a ferment known as emulsin, which in the presence of water acts on the glucoside amygdalin C,,H,,NO,,, and produces hydrocyanic acid, a powerful poison; it is a clear, colorless liquid of a characteristic taste and odor, resembling that of a bitter 518 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS almond. Externally, hydrocyanic acid produces a paralytic effect. When taken internally, it acts as a sedative upon the mucous membrane. Prof. Winslow gives the following characteristics of poisoning: In poisoning, the blood becomes first a bright arterial hue, and later assumes a dark, venous color. The first condition is due to the fact that the blood does not give up its oxygen for some reason. Brunton suggests that it is because the blood is hurried so rapidly through the dilated peripheral vessels that it does not have time to yield up its oxygen. The dark color of the blood is probably owing to asphyxia and accumulation of carbonic dioxide, following the paralytic action of prussic acid upon the respiratory centre. Prussic acid has an essentially depressing action upon the nervous system as a whoie. The brain, cord and nerves become paralyzed by large doses. The spinal cord is paralyzed at a period after coma and convulsions have appeared. The peripheral nerves and muscles are paralyzed directly by toxic doses, and not through the mediation of the central nervous apparatus. Inhalation of the pure acid will cause death in a confined atmosphere, and even in- halation of the medicinal solution will induce the physiological symptoms of the drug. He also says of the toxicology of prussic acid: Prussic acid is one of the most powerful poisons in existence. Death may be in- stantaneous, or life may be prolonged for over an hour after lethal dose. More commonly the animal survives for a few minutes, and we observe the following symptoms in dogs: The animal falls, froths at the mouth, the respiration is of a gasping character and occurs at infrequent intervals. There is unconsciousness, the pupils become dilated, there are muscular tremblings, and clonic or tonic spasms. Defecation and micturition occur, and erections often ensue in the male. Respiration ceases before the cardiac pulsations. Three stages may be distinguished in fatal poisoning. First: a very short period elapses before the symptoms appear. There are giddiness, difficult breathing, and slow pulse in this stage. Second: the pupils dilate, vomiting may occur, and the animal utters loud cries. Spasmodic defecation, micturition and erections may be present, with con- vulsions and unconsciousness. ‘Third: the last stage is characterized by collapse, spasms, general paralysis and death. The subacute form of poisoning may ensue and prove fatal, or, owing to the volatile character ot the drug, complete recovery may take place within one-half or three-quarters of an hour. Occasionally dogs continue to be paralyzed for several days and get well. The minimum fatal dose recorded in man is 9/10 of a grain of pure acid, or about 50 drops of the medicinal solution. Four to five drachms of the diluted acid frequently, but not invariably, cause subacute poisoning and death, in horses, within an hour. One to two drachms of the pharmacopoeial preparation usually kill dogs within ten minutes. Prussic acid is commonly used to destroy the domestic animals. Two to four drachms of the medicinal acid are to be given to dogs and cats of the ordinary size, and certain, painless, and rapid death will occur if a fresh preparation of the drug can be obtained. The unopened, half-ounce vial, kept by druggists, is recommended. Big dogs, horses, and the other larger animals are not killed rapidly, nor sometimes at all, by great quantities of the diluted acid. Hence, shooting is a more humane and preferable mode of death for them. In the experience of the writer, one to two drachms of prussic acid saturated with potassium cyanide, failed to kill a horse, when injected directly into the jugular vein. The odor of the acid lingers about the animal for a few hours after death; the eyes are fixed and staring; the pupils dilated; the teeth are clinched tight and covered with froth, while the blood is of a very dark color. ‘The treatment embraces emptying the stomach by large doses of promptly acting emetics, or by the stomach tube, or pump; atropin, ether, and brandy subcutaneously, and inhalations of ammonia, together with artificial respiration, and hot and cold douches upon the chest. Hydrocyanic acid is produced by a number of other plants referred to in another connection. Wild cherry bark (Prunus serotina) and leaves by distillation yield a vola- tile oil resembling that of bitter almond. ‘The same is true of the P. virginiana. Hydrocyanic acid is formed only by the action of a ferment upon amygdalin which is present in all plants of this sub-order. Fresh leaves are generally considered harmless, but Chesnut says that cattle are frequently poisoned from —. ROSACEAE—PRUNUS 319 eating the wilted leaves. He also adds that the seeds of all varieties of cherries and plums, both native and introduced are subject to suspicion. The flesh of none of the species is in any way poisonous. Chesnut also says in another contribution, that no cases are on record where stock have been poisoned by eat- ing the leaves of any species, while still on the tree. It is only after they have been cut off and are partially wilted that they are considered dangerous. The reason for this is that during the process of wilting, prussic acid is formed from non-poisonous constituents which are always present in the leaf and bark. The wilted leaves have the characteristic odor of prussic acid. The amount of amygdalin contained varies from 3.6 to 4.12 per cent and yields from 0.23- 0.32 hydrocyanic acid. Recent studies indicate that an amydonitril gluco- side occurs in young leaves of both Prunus Padus and P. serotina. Ss. £4/" 5d Fig. 278. The European May Day tree (Prunus Padus), poisonous. ‘This frequently cultivated. (Ada Hay- en.) LEGUMINOSAE Herbs, shrubs, trees, or vines with alternate, mostly compound, stipulate leaves, papilionaceous or sometimes regular flowers; calyx 3-6, or 4-5 cleit; stamens 10, rarely 5 and sometimes many, monadelphous, diadelphous or distinct ; pistil, simple, free, becoming a legume in fruit or sometimes a loment; ovules l-many; seeds generally ex-albuminous or nearly so or, in some, with copious albumen. About 6500 species of wide distribution, but most abundant in the tropics. 520 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Economic plants The order contains a large number of economic plants, especially food plants. The common bean, (Phaseolus vulgaris), was originally found in the southwestern United States, but is now cultivated in all civilized countries. Common string and golden wax beans are types of the last named. The scarlet runner, (P. multiflorus), generally cultivated for ornamental purposes is also used as food, although the ripe beans are unwholesome and sometimes poisonous. The three-lobed kidney bean, (P. triJobus), is commonly cultivated in India. The lima bean, (P. lunatus), also native to America, supposedly Brazil, is not known in a wild state. The seed of the Adzuki bean, (P. Mungo, var. glaber), is used as food in Japan. The soy bean, (Glycine Soja and G. hispi- da), of which there are many varieties, is native to China and Japan and is used in large quantities by the Japanese and Chinese for food, but is little used in the United States, being here cultivated as a forage plant. Soy beans can only be fed in moderate amounts to cattle because of their purgative properties. A loss of a considerable number of cattle occured in Eng- land recently where soy bean cake had been used. When fed mixed no teouble was caused, but when fed alone it caused poisoning. The cow-pea, (Vigna Catjang), native to China, has been cultivaied for centuries by the Chinese and extensively used for food. It is also used in many other warm countries, especially the southern states, not only for human food, but also as one of the best forage plants, for which purpose it is now Fig. 279. Soja Bean (Glycine hispida), used both as a food and as a forage plant. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) LEGUMINOSAE 521 cultivated as far north as Minnesota; it is also a soil renovator. The Dolichos Lablab is used for food in the tropics. The yam bean, (Pachyrrhizus angula- tus), in some countries, forms a resource as food in case of the failure of the usual crops. The garden pea, (Pisum sativum), probably originated in west- ern Asia along the foothills of the Caucasus. It has, however, long been culti- vated in Europe. Some authorities believe that it may have originated from the field pea (Pisum arvense). The pea is extensively cultivated in Europe and Canada as a forage plant. The chick pea, (Cicer arietinum), is a native to Caucasus and the Caspian Sea region and has been cultivated since : Wy Fig. 280. Garden pea (Pisum sativum), a valuable food plant. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) remote times in northern Africa and other Mediteranean countries. In the United States, it is cultivated chiefly in the arid regions both for stock and for human food. The lentil (Lens esculenta) has been cultivated in the Mediter- ranean region for centuries but its original home is not known. It is grown and used now from Central Europe south and east to India, as food for both men and stock. The peanut (Arachis hypogaea), probably native to Brazil, was cultivated by the ancient Peruvians but is now widely scattered in all warm countries. The nut (seed) is used as food and a fine oil is extracted from it. A plant allied to the peanut (Voandesia subterranea) is used as an article of food in western and southern Africa. The pigeon pea (Cajanus indicus) is an important article of food in the tropics, especially in India, and is also used as a fodder plant. The sword bean (Canavalia ensiforme) and the Jackpea (C. obtusifolia), cultivated in the tropics are used as food, the skin having been 522 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS "4 NOES ) vi Fig. 282. Broad Bean (Vicia Faba). Culti- vated both as a food and as a_ forage plant. (From the American Agriculturist.) LEGUMINOSAE 523 first removed. The broad bean (Vicia Faba) is much cultivated in Europe for both animal and human food. The seeds of Paprika africana are used as food by native Africans and in Abyssinia and in the Indian Archipelago are esteemed as a good substitute for coffee. The Australian wattles (Acacia), of which there are many species, vary greatly in size. The bark of some of these is used for tanning purposes. ‘The wood is valuable and takes a fine polish, A. Gerrurdi being an example of this class. From A. Farnesiana is derived the oil of cassia, much used in per- fumery. It is prepared by macerating the flowers in olive oil. Cassia pomade is prepared from fatty substances to which the cassia flowers have been made to impart their perfume. C. occidentalis is used as a substitute for coffee. Many of the legumes produce important gums. From the Algarrobe, or locust tree of Jamaica (Hymenaea Courbaril) is produced a gum said to be superior to shellac; the sweet pulp of the fruit is edible. The gum Kino (Pterocar- pus Marsupium) is a native of India and yields a gum that is used both for tanning and dying and as an astringent. Kino contains from 40-80 percent of tannin and kino red. P. tinctorius produces a valuable wood, and a related species (P. Dalbergioides) produces a wood similar to mahogany. The Tonka bean or Tonquin (Dipteryx odorata) of Guinea contains the substance cumarin and is used as a snuff and as a scent in cigars. Cumarin is widely distributed in the plant kingdom, especially in such Leguminosae as Dipteryx, Melilotus, and Myroxylon. It occurs in species of other families, as the palm, vernal Fig. 283. Axwort (Coronilla varia). A poison: ous plant of Europe—adventitious in the U. S. (From Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper.) 524 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS grass, madder, rue, and orchids, in such composites as Tvrilisa, in the root- stock of Vitis sessilifolia and in Prunus Mahaleb. It is most easily detected when the plant begins to wilt or after it is dead. Pseudocumarin C_H,O,,, is like the odorous substance found in Coronilla scorptoides. The seeds of Mucuna giganteum and of M. pruriens are used for various purposes ag watch charms, or as other ornaments. Some species of the family which contain a good fiber are applied in weaving cloth. A species of Crotalaria, C. juncea is cultivated in India for its tough fiber, and is used for making ropes and bags. Sesbania aculeata, a branched annual, is also cultivated for its fiber. The stems of Shola (Aeschynomene aspera) native to India are used for making hats. Blue indigo dyes come from Indigofera Anil of the West Indies. The Genista tinctoria or Dyers’ Broom SS, s AZ Zils : fa GS ‘: t Maw Pr: f wat Fig. 284. Wairy Vetch (Vicia villosa). Cultivated as a forage plant. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) LEGUMINOSAE 525 of Europe and Asia, and naturalized in the U. S. contains a yellow coloring principle. The seeds of Entada scandens are used in the Samoan Islands in playing games. The Pithecolobium dulce contains a pulpy pod which is eaten. The plant is good fodder. Guava (Jnga vera) is grown as a shade tree and as a substitute for coffee. It is not to be confused with the fruit producing guava (Psidium guajava). Important forage plants not previously mentioned are red clover (Tvifolium pratense), native of Europe and used extensively in northern United States; alsike clover (7.. hybridum), white clover (T. repens), well known as a forage plant and a good honey plant, T. alexandrinum the great forage crop of Egypt, known as the Beresem, Japan clover (Lespedeza striata) a well known forage plant of the South, French honeysuckle (Hedy- sarum coronarium) an ornamental plant, native to Spain, also used as a for- age plant of Europe and Western Asia, Desmodium triflorum used as a forage plant in the tropics, Florida beggar weed (Desmodium tortuosum) of India, alfalfa (Medicago sativa) of Europe and Western Asia, the vetches (Vicia villosa and V. sativa), lupines (Lupinus albus) cultivated for forage pur- poses, besides many valuable native forage plants like the Hosackia Purshiana, the wild pea (Lathyrus venosus) etc. Fig. 285. Dyer’s Broom (Gentsta tinctoria). Contains a yellow coloring matter. (After Faguet.) 526 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Prof. N. E. Hansen through his exploration has brought into prominence the yellow-flowered alfalfas from Siberia, Medicago ruthenica and M. platy- carpa, and some of the hardy alfalfas are apparently hybrids between M. sativa M. falcata. C. V. Piper * calls attention to a number of valuable leguminous for- age plants that should be cultivated in this country, such as the Lyon bean (Stizolobium Lyoni). The Kudzu (Pueraria Thunbergiana) a woody native of Japan, is much used as a forage plant in that country and has been culti- vated in Florida. The Guar (Cyamopsis tetragomoloba) is an East India annual legume and is said to be very drouth resistant. Tangier pea (Lathyrus tingitanus) is a native of Northern Africa. It is excellent and said not to be poisonous like the other species. The moth bean (Phaseolus aconiti- folius) is used for food in India and is said to be a_ splendid forage plant. The Adzuki bean (Phaseolus angularis) native of southern Asia is used for food in China, Japan and India, and is said to possess vaulable qualities as a hay plant. The Kulti (Dolichos biflorus) native to India is said to give promise in the semi-arid regions in Texas as a valuable forage plant. Under the Vetches the more recent introductions that give promise are the scarlet vetch (Vicia fulgens) ot Northern Africa, the black purple vetch (V. atropurpurea) of Algeria and the woolly pod Fig. 286. Carobtree, or St. John’s Bread (Ceratonia siliqua). ‘The fruit is edible and is supposed to be the “locust” of Biblical history. (After Faguet.) * Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agr. 1908-245. eo LEGUMINOSAE 527 vetch (V. dasycarpa) of the Mediterranean region, the Carob tree or St. John’s bread (Ceratonia siliqua) is a small tree of the Mediterranean region, the pods of which contain much mucilage of a sweet nature from which syrup was made, and is supposed to be the locust which John the Baptist lived upon in the Wilderness and is used as food; and cattle also relish it. Manna (Alhagi maurorum) is a dwarfed, thorny, shrubby plant which produces a kind of manna. ‘The locust trees of the West Indies, or Courabaril (Hymenaea Cour- baril) produces a hard timber. The pods contain bean-like seeds embedded in a white spongy mass. The Zamang (Pithecolobium Saman) is a large tree of Venezuela which produces thick, flat pods, containing a sweet pulp commonly used by cattle and horses for food but which are liable to cause internal disorder. The honey locust of eastern North America (Gleditschia triacanthos) produces a hard wood. The pod contains a gummy sweetish substance much relished by stock. The pods of the mesquite tree (Prosopis juliflora), native to Texas, are used by stock. The Kentucky coffee tree (Glymnocladus dioica) is native to the Mississippi Valley and it produces a broad, tough pod which contains large, hard seeds. The pod contains a sweetish, disagreeable and nauseating material more or less poisonous. The hard wood is durable. The seed of hairy vetch (Vicia hirsuta) is a common impurity in grain seed. The plant is used for forage. ‘The seeds of Castanospermum australis are used in New South Wales in the production of starch. The seed of the coffee astragalus (A. baeticus) is said to produce, when roasted, the true coffee flavor, and is much used in Sweden. Many of the species of the order are ornamental, among which may be named the Judas tree or red bud (Cercis Siliquastrum) ; the Caraganas, shrubs with beautiful yellow flowers; the broom (Cytisus scoparius) of Europe naturalized along the sea coast, also used in medicine; the black locust (Robinia Pseudo-acacia), commonly planted as an ornamental tree. The laburnum (Laburnum anagyroides) is an ornamental tree with poisonous seeds and hard wood, used for turned work. The wisteria (Wisteria speciosa) a hardy spec- ies of the southern states and W. Chinensis of China, are cultivated as far north as central Iowa. The seeds of several species of the order are used for making necklaces, among these are the red seeds of the coral tree (Ery- thrina Corallodendron) of the West Indies, the crab’s eye (Abrus precator- ius) and the Ormosia dasycarpa. The Jequirity seed (Abrus precatorius) is used as a weight in India, according to Dr. Spafford, each seed weighing ap- proximately 1 gram. Medicinal Plants. Of the medicinal plants, in this family, the most important only will be mentioned here. The broom (Cytisus scoparius), native to Europe, is used as a diuretic and purgative. Fenugreek (Trigonellu Foenum-graecum) was formerly used in medicine, but the powdered seeds are now used as an in- gredient of curry powder and also in the preparation of stock foods; they have a characteristic odor and bitter taste. Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra and var. glandulifera (Russian), native to the warmer regions of Europe and extending eastward into Central Asia, is made into extract of licorice which is used to cover the flavor of nauseous medicines and contains the glucoside glycyrrhizin. Cowhage (Mucuna pruriens) is a lofty climbing plant with dark purple flowers of the size of the sweet pea; pods from 2-4 inches long, covered with rigid, pointed, brown hairs, which if touched, enter the skin and cause 528 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS itching. The plant is used for the expulsion of intestinal worms, the hairs being mixed with honey and molasses. The young pods are used as food. The Calabar or ordeal Bean (Physostigma venenosum) is a climbing peren- nial plant resembling the scarlet runner and is native to tropical western Africa. It was formerly used by the natives to produce poisoning and is also an anti- dote against strychnin poisoning. The seeds contain several poisons, among them the alkaloids physostigmin C,,H,,N,O, which contracts the pupil of the eye, calabarin a tetanizing principle, and eseridin Cita Op a purgative. The wood of Araroba (Andira araroba) is very bitter and is used in oint- ments. Balsam of Tolu (Myroxylon foluiferum), a native of Veneuzela and New Granada, is used as an ingredient in lozenges and contains a volatile oil tolene C,,H,,. Logwood (Haematoxylon campechianum) is a spreading tree, native to Central America and Honduras, the bark of which is used for dyeing and staining, also for domestic purposes, such as in chronic diarrhoea, and contains heamatoxylin C,,H,,O, and heamatein C,,H,,O,- Senna leaves are derived from the leaves of Cassia (C. acutifolia and C. angustifolia), the former being found in Nubia and the latter in southern Arobia and India. Senna leaves are used in medicine as a purgative and contain cathartic acid, chrysophan and two bitter principles sennacrol and sennapicrin. Several of our native species of Cas- Sa EY SS SRE MALS 251: D Ze WYRE RSAY lh fe Y Goon as Rey Go” NG PA Ch 6 ee Tig. 287. European Licorice (Glycyrrhiza giabra). (After Faguct). LEGUMINOSAE Cyt & wy y WALD. tf, VL Tir y oat) ses f 2 SSeS} ss Fig. 288. Acacia (Acacw arabica). Flowering and fruiting branch. The source of gum arabic. (After Faguet.) sia like the partridge pea (C. Chamaecrista), produce scours in sheep because of their purgative properties. The purging cassia (C. Fistula) is a tree indigenous to India. The pulp of the pod is a mild laxative. Clitoria ternaica of the Pacific Islands is a powerful cathartic. Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) a large, hand- some tree indigenous to tropical Africa, is now widely distributed in other tropical countries. The fruit is used in medicine as a mild laxative and also in making a drink. It contains citric, tartaric, and other organic acids. The pulp and seeds are also eaten; the latter, when boiled, make a tenacious glue. The leaves and flowers are used as mordants in dyeing. Copaiba balsam (Copaifera officinalis) is a native to South Africa. The balsam is collected by Indians and used because of its stimulating action on the mucous mebmrane. It contains several acids, among them copaibic acid, C,,H,,O0,- Gum Arabic is obtained from Acacia arabica, the finest product coming from several species of the genus Acacia (A. Senegal), a plant well known to ancients. It possesses no real medicinal value. Catechu (Acacia Catechu), a small tree with thorny 530 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS branches, found in tropical eastern Africa, is used in medicine as an astringent. Under another name, Cutch, it is used in medicine because of its astringent properties. The resin from Cutch is made into cakes used for dyeing and tanning. Cutch contains catechol C,H,O, and catechutannic acid. Fig. 289. Copaiba Balsam (Copaifera officinalis). Used medicin- (f° "" 2 ally. (After Faguet.) Gum tragacanth (Astragalus gummifer) native to western Asia, is a spiny shrub with yellow flowers and is used to give consistency to lozenges; it con- tains traganthin, C,H,O, and arabin. Poisonous and medicinal plants. Most of the substances occurring in the poisonous plants are mentioned under the species described. Many of the Leguminosae contain alkaloids; few of these are, however, found in Mimoseae, although alkaloids have been found in Acacia tenerrima, Albizzia lucida, and Pithecolobium Saman which are Mimosae. Of the Papilionaceae, the Sophoreae, Podalyrieae and Genisteae frequently contain alkaloids. Ulexin, found in seed of the Ulex europaeus, sophorin, in Sophora speciosa, and baptitoxin are identical with cytisin. Matrin C,,H,,N,O, an alkaloid, resembling /upanin occurs in the root of Sophora augustifolia Anagyrin C,,H,,NO,, and cytisin, both occur in the seeds of Anagyris foetida, Baptisia and many other genera. LEGUMINOSAE 531 Fig. 290. ‘Tamarind (Tamarindus indica). Fruit, flow- ers and leaves. Fruit used in making a refreshing drink; seeds furnish a glue. (After Faguet.) Retamin C,.H,,NO,,, is obtained from the young branches of Genista sphaerocarpa. The seed of Trigonella Foenum-Graecum contains trigonellin C,H,NO,; the same alkaloid is said to also occur in the pea, hemp and oats. Physostigmin CH Neo or eserin occurs in the ripe seed of Physostigma ven- enosum. ‘The so-called calabrin is a secondary product; Robinia Nicou is said to contain nicoulin. Pancin C,,H,,N.O, is found in the fruit of Pentaclethra macrophylla. Quite a number of the Leguminosae also contain glucosides. One of the earliest discoveries made in connection with glucosides was of glycyrrhyzin found in some species of Astragalus, Abrus prectorius, and the root stock of Polypodium vulgare and other plants. The root of our wild licorice also con- tains a glucoside to the extent of 8.53 per cent. Glycyrretin, found in licorice, has the formula C,,H,,O,. Ononis spinosa contains a glucoside ononid and a second glucoside, ononin, C,,H,,0,,. Lupinin, C,,H,,0,,, is a glucoside found in the seedlings of Lupinus luteus, which through hydrolysis forms lupigin, C,,H,,O,. Gastrolo- bin is found in the leaves and young branches of Gastrolobium bilobum; bap- 532 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 291. Purging Cassia (Cassia Fistula). Flowering and fruiting branch. The pulp of the pod is a mild laxative. (After Faguet.) Fig. 292. Cow Pea (Vigna Catjang). A well known forage plant of the South. To the right a legume; to the left a flower and a part of a branch in the lower left hand corner. (W. S. Dud- geon.) LEGUMINOSAE 593 tisin, C,,H,,O,,, occurs in Baptisia; and tephrosin, a poisonous substance in Tephrosia toxicaria. A very toxic unnamed glucoside, C,,H,,O,,, occurs in the bark and root of Derris elliptica, Mundulea suberosa, and Lonchocarpus violaceus. Power, however, failed to find this glucoside in Derris uliginosa. Turboin, C,,H,,O,,, occurs in Tephrosia toxicaria. Gallotannic acid, C,,H,,O, +,H,O so called, occurs in the pod of Caesalpinia coriaria. The bark of cer- tain species of Acacia contains 30 per cent of tannic acid. The wood of 4. Catechu is colored red by catechin, a crystallizable substance. Lindley in the earlier edition of his Vegetable Kingdom, states, that the plants of this family are on the whole wholesome and nutritious, and later de- clares that the family must be considered poisonous. The species used as food must be considered an exception. In Australia there are several members of this family that are poisonous. Dr. Gray in an American Agriculturist of Oct., 1878, says: What a pity that our cattle are not better acquainted with the corrected rule. In Europe and in the Atlantic States, no harm is known to come to cattle from want of proper discrimination. But when European flocks were taken to Australia and to pastures and forage almost wholly new, thousands of sheep perished in the Swan River Valley Colony in consequence of cropping the leaves of some leguminous plants to which they were attracted. What made the matter worse for the botanists, was that the very plants, which did the mischief had been recommended by one of them (Mr. Preiss, a German) as the best thing the Agricultural Society could cultivate, as artificial food for stock. But another botanist, Drummond, a canny Scotchman, made some experiments, that proved that the people were right in charging the damage to these very species (of Gastrolobium) which the German botanist, on general principles, expected to be innocent and useful. The Australian Gastrolobiums are all more or less poisonous, Baron Miiller having long ago reported Gastrolobium grandiflorum as poisonous. ‘The G. calycinum known as the York road poison has a toxic base cygnin, cygnic acid C,,H,,O, which decomposes and forms gastrolobic acid C,H,,O,H,O. The following species are recorded as poisonous by Maiden in Australia: G. trilo- bum, G. polystachyum, G. grandiflorum, poisonous to sheep and goats, the seeds being especially toxic but not to pigeons. The diseased animals have difficulty in breathing, then they stagger and die, death occurring in from 3-6 hours. The poison enters the circulation, stops the action of the lungs and heart. The raw flesh is said to poison cats, and the blood, dogs. The boiled or roasted flesh is, however, eaten by the natives and is not injurious. The blossoms are very poisonous. The Mirbelia racemosa is also poisonous to sheep, cattle, and goats. Two species of Goodia, according to Maiden, are poisonous, the G. lotifolia and. G. medicaginea. ‘These plants produce what locally goes by the name “black scours.” ‘The animals become weak, emaciated, and die. The Gastrolobium and Crotalaria are stock killers in Australia though used as forage in South Aus- tralia. Maiden reports that the bean tree (Castanospermum australe) is poi- sonous to stock, especially the beans; when cooked, however, they are eaten by the Abyssinians. The box poison (Oxrylobium parviflorum) is said to be a very poisonous plant to stock. The Gompholobium uncinatum is very injurious to sheep in New South Wales. The Swainsona Greyana and S. coronillaefolia are poisonous. Sheep that eat them are called indigo-eaters. Both species act much like the loco weeds of the United States, “sheep go wrong in the head;” horses also act strangely. “The eyes stand out of their heads.” This disease is identical with the “Nenta”’ disease of South Africa and the “Pea eating” disease of Australia. The South African disease is produced by Lessertia. The symptoms 534 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS from Astragalus mollissimus, Gompholobium, Sophora secundiflora, Cytisus pro- liferus, are all cerebral. Mac Owen regards them all as belonging to the same category and that Lathyrism caused by Lathyrus sativus is allied to them. That the well known forage plants Lotus corniculatus, and L. australis, of excellent repute, are often injurious to stock, but perhaps only from causing indigestion, as stated by Maiden, is worthy of note in this connection. Moussu and Desaint report the deaths of a flock of 54 sheep due to poison resulting from eating an- other plant of this order, Galega officinalis; 80 others in the same flock were badly affected. Ecchymoses were found in the walls of the alimentary tract and in the fatal cases a large amount of serum had collected in the pleural cavity. In subsequent experiments, it was found that 3 kg. of G. officinalis was sufficient to poison a sheep; the plant, however, seems not to be poisonous to rabbits. It is of interest to note that the genera Robinia, Indigofera, Wisteria; Caragana, Colutea, Swainsona, Galega, Lessertia, Astragalus, and Sesbania, all of which con- tain poisonous species, many of which are exceedingly toxic, belong to the tribe Galegeae of this family. Glychyrrhiza of the same tribe is not poisonous nor are all of the species in genera like Astragalus, Caragana, etc. The Erythrophlaeum guineense contains an alkayoid erythophlein which acts like digitalin and picrotoxin. The Indigo of Australia (Indigofera aus- tralis) is regarded as poisonous in Australia. The Lathyrus sativus, L. cicera, and L. clymneum are poisonous but the active principles have not been isolated. Of other poisonous genera Robinia, Baptisia, Gymnoclcdus, Thermopsis, may be mentioned, but the treatment will be given more at length in another connection. According to Dunstan and Henry, Lotus arabicus, when moistened with . water and crushed, produces prussic acid. The glucoside lotusin is converted by the enzyme lotase into prussic acid. We may mention here that many of the spiny Acacias (A. palleus) of Australia may be injurious in a mechanical way. The poisonous substance of Jequirity (Abrus precatorius) is a toxalmumin called abrin (found also in Cassia hispidula of Mexico) which is easily de- composed by heat. Behring has produced an antitoxin against the abrin or A. precatorius. ‘The beans when cooked are eaten in Egypt. A poisonous resin has been found in Wisteria chinensis, and a glucoside wisterin; Colutea arborescens, a well known southern European ornamental plant is poisonous, the leaves being so strongly purgative that they are frequent- ly substituted for the genuine Senna. European authors list it among the poisonous plants. The Tephrosia purpurea of Australia is poisonous to stock, and is used to stupefy fish. A large number of other plants of the order are used as fish poisons. Mention may be made of Derris, Abrus and Clitoria; others are men- tioned in Part I. Some like Afzelia and Pithecolobiun are used as arrow poi- sons. ‘The seeds of the jequirity plant (Abrus precatorius) are much used in India for the purpose of poisoning especially in criminal cases of cattle poison- ing, less than 2 grams of the powdered seed causing death in 48 hours. The usual method of the “Chamar” or “Skinner” caste is to prepare small spikes, first soaking the seeds in water, then pounding them, and drying them in the sun; they are then sharpened upon a stone attached to a handle, and driven under the skin and left there. Daggers are rendered poisonous by being dipped into the powdered seed. ‘ LEGUMINOSAE 535 According to Greshoff the leaves and also the seeds of Cassia marylandica contain saponin; leaves of Prosopis juliflora, Galega officinalis, Psoralea mac- rostachya as well as the seeds contain saponin. P. tenuiflora is regarded as poisonous and is avoided by cattle. Corolla not papilionaceous or only slightly so, endosperm copious. Flowers perfect; leaves abruptly pinnate (16004... 6 3.02 0iie bie. 1 Cassia. Flowers polygamous or dioecious....................+++.2. Gymnocladus. Corolla papilionaceous without or with endosperm; stamens usually 10, usually diadelphous or monadelphous. Stamens 10, distinct. Leaves palmately 3-foliolate. Pod: inflated ts 32 Sea eas See Cee ee SS eae 4. Baptisia. 1 20.6 U5 1 oe get PRR ONG apo el om LE a a 3. Thermopsis. RBA VeS PEMA Ces ye hse gis Alas crs itte NUL co cy arahe valetpetied a arranh ate oem 5. Sophora. Stamens monadelphous, diadelphous, or rarely distinct. Anthers of 2 forms, stamens monadelphous. Leaves simple. Pod pintlate de... ce tes are rs acters ate ep ee Se Gee eete ae 6. Crotalaria. Pod flat. Iwedwes: i -s2talWolate ti. 0.) seo Paes ule pc aedes 8. Cytisus. Leaves usualy. 7-El) foliolate mn ei. e eek 7. Lupinus. Anthers all alike. Leaves generally 3-foliolate. Flowers in racemes; pods coriaceous............ 9. Melilotus. Flowers in heads; pods membranous......... 10. Trifolium. Flowers in spikes or heads ;/pods curved......... 10. Medicago. Leaves pinnately foliolate. Leaves not tendril bearing; plants not climbing. Herhs with glandular dots 20.02.) Oe ek 12. Psoralea. Herbs without glandular dots; pods flat. Leaves odd pinnate. Herbsee@lowers: larsec: jialhioe bas wmaaios Gewese 13. Tephrosia. AN c= flee Sec) 9 br hs ERO REE at ER OMAR Lan Res ita SAU 12. Robinia. Medvesweverllivaapinmatenws ascites Steeler ne eiaemiaie tte 15. Sesbania. Pod turgid inflated. Leaflets not toothed, or only at the apex. Keel tipped with an erect point........ 17. Oxytropis. Keel not tipped with an erect point..... 16. Astragalus. eatlets toothed: allt ovtncdaty |e sui tere aoa ete 20. Cicer. Herbaceous plants; leaves with tendrils or climbing. Leaves with tendrils; style bearded at the apex......... ISiiaVicial Style. bearded down. one, side) .0.sicie geek sores 19. Lathyrus. Herbaceous climbers; not tendril bearing........................ 21. Phaseolus. 1. Cassia L. Herbs, shrubs, or in tropical regions, trees, with abruptly pinnate leaves; calyx of 5 sepals united at the base; petals 5; somewhat unequal, spreading, imbricated, and clawed; stamens usually 10, or 5, often unequal, and some im- perfect; anthers all alike, or the lower larger, opening by 2 pores at the apex; 536 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ovules numerous. About 270 species, mostly in warm and temperate regions. A species well known in medicine is Senna (C. acutifolia and C. angustifolia) with leaves which are laxative. Cassia Chamaecrista . Partridge Pea An annual, spreading, 1 foot long; leaves with a sessile gland on the petiole; leaflets of 10-15 pairs; flowers large, showy; petals yellow, with a purple spot at the base; anthers 10, elongated, and unequal, 4 yellow, the others purple. Distribution. In dry or sandy soil from Maine to South Dakota, Texas to Florida. Fig. 293. Pea Partridge (Cassia Chamaecrista). c. Pod. a. Pistil. b. Stamens. (C. M. King) Poisonous properties. ‘This plant is common in hay and when the seeds are consumed in large quantities, has a cathartic action. Cases of mild poison- ing to sheep have been reported to the writer. C. marilandica, a plant with curved pods that are somewhat hairy at first, possesses similar properties. C. hispidula contains abrin. 2. Gymnocladus, Lam. Trees with large, bipinnate leaves, and showy, white, dioecious or irregular, polygamous flowers; calyx elongated-tubular below; 5-cleft, the lobes narrow, nearly equal; petals 5 (rarely 4), oblong or oval; stamens 10, distinct, short, LEGUMINOSAE 537 Fig. 294. Wiuld Senna (Cassia Mary- landica). 1. Flower. 2. Pods. A plant growing in the Eastern Atlantic States as far south as North Carolina. Laxative like the Common Partridge pea. (Selby, Ohio Agrl. Exp. Stat.) inserted on the petals; ovary rudimentary, or none in the staminate flowers, sessile and many-ovuled in the pistillate; pod oblong, thick, large, and coriace- ous. Gymnocladus dioica (L..) Koch. Kentucky Coffee-tree A large tree with rough bark; leaves large and ample, 2-3 feet long; 7-15 leaflets, ovate or acute; glabrous or pubescent on the veins beneath; racemes many-flowered; flowers slender-pedicelled; seeds hard, %4 inch across, imbedded in a sweet, but disagreeable, and somewhat mucilaginous, material. Distribution. From Western New York to Pennsylvania, Kastern Nebraska, and Arkansas. Poisonous properties. Cases of poisoning are not uncommon. The alkaloid cytism C,,H,,N,O, a crystalline, rather bitter, and caustic substance which causes dilation of the pupil, is reported to have been found, according to Ches- nut, in the leaves and soft pulp of the fruit of the coffee bean. The pulp has long been used, when mixed with milk, to poison flies. In speaking of the symptoms and treatment, Prof Chesnut says: Few accidental cases of poisoning arise, but the pulp, in one instance, caused severe illness in a woman who ate a small quantity, mistaking it for that of the honey locust (Gleditsia tria- canthos), which is frequently eaten by children. The symptoms were not fully noted at the time, but are described from memory as conspicuously narcotic. The effect began within five minutes and lasted several hours. ‘The treatment should probably be the same as that for laburnum, viz., emetics, stimulants, injections of coffee, and an alternately hot and cold douche to the head and chest. ; 538 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 295. Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymnocladus dioica). . Inflor- escence from staminate tree. 2. Pistillate flower. 3. Diagram of flower. 4. Longitudinal section of staminate flower. 5. Pistillate flower with a portion removed. 6. Pistil with a section of ovary removed. 7. Portion of branch bearing a single fruit, showing seed and embryo. 8. Cross section of seed. 9. Portion of leaf. 10. Portion of winter branch. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney in Green’s Forestry in Minnesota.) 3. Thermopsis R. Br. Perennial with finely oppressed pubescence, 2-3 feet high; leaves rhombic- olate leaves and foliaceous stipules; flowers large, yellow or purple, borne in racemes; calyx bell-shaped or short-turbinate, with equal and separate lobes or the upper united; standard nearly orbicular, as long as the oblong wings and the keel; stamens 10, separate and in-curved; pistils sessile or short-stalked, frequently flat, linear, oblong or curved, ovules numerous. A small genus of about 15 species of North America and Asia. Thermopsis mollis (Michx.) M. A. Curtis. Alleghany Thermopsis Perennial with finely appressed pubescence, 2-3 feet high; leaves rhombic- lanceolate, 1-3 inches long, entire and nearly sessile; stipules ovate or lanceolate; LEGUMINOSAE—THERMOPSIS 539 racemes chiefly terminal; flowers yellow, pod short-stalked and narrow and some- what curved. Distribution. In the mountains of Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee. Thermopsis rhombifolia Richards. Prairie Thermopsis. An erect perennial from 1-2%4 feet high, appressed, silky pubescent; stem angular; leaves with broad conspicuous stipules; leaflets obovate, at length nearly glabrous, bracts oval; flowers yellow, in a rather short raceme of few flowers; pod linear and curved, spreading, several seeded. Distribution. In sandy soil and foot hills of the mountains from Manitoba to South Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas, west to the Rocky Mts., and in Utah, Wyoming and Montana. Poisonous nature. This plant is very common in the foot hills, and is sup- posed to produce poisoning of stock. It is often consumed by sheep. It is said that the seeds of the plant are poisonous and the Canadian Department of Agri- culture reports several cases of poisoning to children where the seeds were eaten. 7. montana is a species occurring from western Nebraska anl Kansas to the Pacific Coast. Species of Thermopsis are said to contain cytisin. 4. Baptisia Vent. Perennial herbs with palmately 3-foliolate, or rarely simple leaves; basal sheathing scales; flowers large, in racemes; calyx 4-5-toothed; corolla with a Fig. 296. Yellow-flowered Bitter weed (Thermopsis montana). Plant is exceedingly bitter. (From U. S, Dept. Agr.) 540 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS large standard, but not longer than the wings; stamens 10, distinct; pods stalked, roundish, oblong, inflated, and many-seeded; seeds often spreading and rattling. About 16 species in Eastern North America. Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br. Blue False-Indigo Tall, smooth, stout perennial 4-5 feet high; leaves short-petioled; leaflets oblong or oblanceolate, obtuse; stipules conspicuous, persistent ; racemes terminal, loosely flowered; 1-2 feet long, erect; flowers blue. Distribution. From Western Penn. to Arkansas and Kansas to Ga. Baptisia tinctoria (L.) R. Br. Yellow or Indigo Broom A smooth, slender perennial herb 2-3 feet high; leaves nearly sessile; leaflets obovate or oblanceolate, sessile or nearly so; racemes few-flowered; flowers yellow. 4 Distribution. In dry soil from Maine to La., west to Minn. Poisonous properties. Baptitoxin which is probably the same as cytisin oc- curs in Baptisia tinctoria. The glucoside baptisin C,,H,,O,, occurs in some species of the genus. Dr. Millspaugh states that disturbances produced by taking considerable quantities of the tincture are: Vertigo; dull, heavy headache with weakness ee weariness of body, and tendency to delirium; soreness and lameness of the eyeballs, with hot, flushed face; tongue coated white, yellow, or yellowish-brown; loss of ‘appetite; nausea, and burning in the stomach; Fig. 297. Wild Indigo (Baptisia bracteata). Said ot be poisonous. (Ada Hayden.) LEGUMINOSAE—BAPTISIA 541 dull pains in the region of the liver, especially at the site of the gall-bladder; face sallow, with burning cheeks; constant pain and aching in the abdomen, followed by marked dis- tention, and soreness on pressure. According to Dr. Hughes, Baptisia excites true primary pyrexia in the human subject. This pyrexia is very much like that of the early stages of typhoid. Baptisia leucantha 'T. & G. Large White Wild Indigo A smooth, erect perennial herb, petioled leaves; leaflets obtuse, rounded, or sometimes slightly emarginate; stipules deciduous; racemes lateral; flowers white or cream color. Prairies and alluvial soils, Ont. to Minn., to Fla. and La. Poisonous properties. According to Hyams it is a violent emetic and cathartic when taken in large doses and in small doses a mild laxative. Baptisia bracteata (Muhl.) Ell. Large-bracted Wild Indigo Perhaps more common in sandy soil in the west than B. leucantha. It is also shorter and flowers earlier in the season. Prairies, Mich, to Minn., La., Tex. Poisonous properties. Dr. Schaffner states that the blue wild indigo and the yellow wild indigo are emetic, and that the latter species is regarded as Fig. 298. Wild Indigo (Baptisia leucantha). This plant is a native of prairies and alluvial soils. Said to be poisonous. (Ada Hayden.) 542 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS poisonous. The taste of the plant is rather disagreeable, and it is not generally eaten by stock. 5.. Sophora L. Shrubby or herbaceous perennials ; leaves odd pinnate with numerous leaflets ; flowers white, yellow or violet in terminal racemes or panicles; calyx bell- shaped, with short teeth, standard rounded or obovate; wings obliquely oblong; keel oblong, nearly straight; stamens all distinct or nearly so; pistil short- stalked; style incurved; pod stalked and terete, constricted between the seeds. About 25 species, of warm and tropical regions. Sophora sericea Nutt. Silky Sophora A low perennial herb from 6-12 inches high, more or less silky canescent; stipules subulate, deciduous, leaflets about 21, elliptical or cuneate oval; flowers in short terminal racemes; nearly sessile; corolla white, pod dry, leathery, finely pubescent and few seeded. Distribution. ‘The prairies of Nebraska and Colorado to Texas and Arizona. Poisonous properties. Mr. Chesnut says of this plant: The silky sophora, of the Southern Great Plains region, has been somewhat vaguely reported as one of the plants that “loco” horses in that region. The seeds contain a very poisonous alkaloid. Fig. 299. Silky Sophora (Sophora sericea). A plant of the plains and thought to be poisonous. (Charlotte M. King.) Sophora secundiflora DC. Coral Bean A stout shrub or small tree, with deep green leaves of about 9 elliptical, oblong, obtuse, coriaceous leaflets; terminal racemes of showy violet, fragrant flowers; and large, woody pods 3-5 inches long, containing 3-4 round red beans as large as small marbles. LEGUMINOSAE—SOPHORA 543 Distribution. Common from the Gulf Coast to the Pecos and less abundant in mountain canons to New Mexico. It is mostly shrubby, but becomes a tree 30 feet high and forms groves in the vicinity of Matagorda Bay. Poisonous properties. Mr. Chesnut says: The beautiful bright red berries of the Frijolillo or coral bean of southern and western Texas contain a powerful poisonous alkaloid. ‘The plant is said to have poisoned stock in Texas and in northern Mexico. It contains sophorin, an amorphous alkaloid, which, according to Czapek, is probably identical with cytisin, The beans are somewhat used by the Indians to produce intoxication. 6. Crotalaria (Dill) L. Rattle-box Herbs or occasionally somewhat woody plants, with simple or 3-7-foliolate leaves; yellow flowers borne in racemes; calyx 5-cleft, somewhat 2-lipped, standard large, heartshaped; wings oblong or obovate; keel curved, stamens mon- adelphous, with anthers of 2 forms; pod inflated like the pea, but shorter and many-seeded. About 250 species found chiefly in the tropics. Crotalaria sagittalis I, Rattle-box Annual from 3 inches to a foot high, with a small straight root; stem branched, villous, terete or wing margined; leaves oval or oblong-lanceolate, Fig. 300. Rattlebox (Crotalaria sagtttalis). a, whole plant; b, cross section of seed pod— both one-third natural size. The cause of crotalism in horses. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) 544 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS from 1/2-1/3 of an inch wide, edge of the leaf entire or somewhat wavy and hairy; stipules united and decurrent on the stem, inversely arrow shaped; peduncles few-flowered; flowers yellow, about % of an inch in diameter; calyx 5-cleft, standard of the flower large, heart-shaped; keel scythe-shaped; stamens monadelphous, anthers of 2 sizes, 5 smaller and roundish; pod large, inflated, bears a close resemblance to the garden pea, greenish at first, becoming black- ish; seeds from 1/10-1/12 of an inch in diameter, flattish, kidney-shaped, which, when mature, break away from the point of attachment and rattle in the pod, hence the name “rattle-box.” , Distribution. This plant is common in sandy soil from Maine to Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Northern Texas. The plant is extremely common on the sandbars of the Missouri river, where it may be collected by the wagon load. . Poisonous nature. 'The earliest mention of the poisonous nature of the weed was made by Drs. Stalker and Bessey. Dr. Stalker who performed some experiments with the plant gives the following symptoms: The disease had been known in this region for three or four years, but had not until the present summer (1884) prevailed to such an extent as to attract generally public at- tention. But now the loss in horse stock on some farms was not to be counted by hundreds, but by thousands of dollars. The disease proved to be one that had not hitherto come within the range of my experience, nor had I any information of anything exactly identical with it. I spent several days among the farmers on the Iowa side of the Missouri river, taking careful notes of the symptoms, and gathering the history of the progress of the disease. On some farms I found almost all the horses affected, and on others but a few individuals. Deaths were an almost daily occurrence, and the farmer who owned a large stock of horses did not know today whether he would have teams for his farm work a week later. ‘The disease in most cases is very slow in its progress, but proving almost uniformly fatal after a number of weeks or months. ‘There is a general decline of bodily vigor throughout this period, and the only abnormal symptom in many cases is that of marked emaciation and consequent weakness. Horses that have been kept at pasture through the summer, without work, and where the grass grew in greatest abundance, were so thin in flesh that they walked with the greatest difficulty. A critical examination of many of these patients revealed nothing more than the condition resulting from starvation. This was not uniformly the case. In a number of instances there was marked. coma or stupor, the animal often falling asleep while eating. In some instances the animal would remain standing for a whole week, sleeping much of the time with head resting against some object. In a few instances the animal lost consciousness, and broke through fences and other obstructions. A number of the diseased animals were placed at my disposal, and assisted by Dr. Fairchild and Dr. Milnes, I made post mortem examinations of five sub- jects with the most perfect uniformity as to the lesions presented. In every instance there were marked haemorrhagic effusions into the fourth ventricle, the liver and spleen were abnormally dense, the walls of the intestines were almost destitute of blood, and the stomach enormously distended with undigested food. The stomach with its contents in some instances weighed as much as seventy pounds. ‘These post mortem conditions, to- gether with clinical symptoms, led me to believe the animals were obtaining some poisonous principle with their food. ‘The symptoms in some cases bore such a resemblance to those produced by eating Astragalus mollissimus, or ‘loco plant’? of the Western plains, as to direct my investigations to that family of plants. A careful examination of the meadow and pasture lands was not rewarded by the discovery of a single “loco plant.” It took but little investigation, however, to find a closely related plant growing in great abundance, both in the meadows and pastures. ‘This was the Crotalaria sagittalis, or rattle-box. This is also known as the wild pea, and is accounted by many farmers as the best of forage plants. Knowing the bad reputation of some of its near relatives, I de- termined to make some experimental tests with the plant. I employed a boy to collect about thirty pounds of the green plants, which I brought with me on my return to the college. I procured a strong young horse, affected with incurable catarrh, and attempt to induce him to eat the plant. This he persistently refused to do, though I ‘taco . LEGUMINOSAE—CROTALARIA 545 Fig. 300a. White Lupine (Lupinus albus). A forage plant introduced from the Mediterranean region. Seeds contain a bitter alkaloid. U. S. Dept. Agr. his appetite by a protracted fast. It is a matter of common observation that animals eat it with the greatest relish in localities where it grows. Failing to induce the animal to take the plant voluntarily I prepared a strong infusion, and by means of the stomach pump gave the preparation obtained from about ten pounds of the plant. In twenty minutes stupor began to ensue, the eyes were closed, the head was rested against the side of the box, the breathing became stertorous, and all the symptoms developed that were to be seen in the patients previously examined. At the end of six hours the stupor began to disappear, the eye began to regain its brightness and in another hour the horse began to eat. The following day, when he had apparently recovered from its effects, he was given half the quantity of the drug as on the previous day. In this instance the symptoms were developed much more rapidly, the animal became unconscious in a short time and died in an hour and a half. The post mortem revealed the same condition of the brain as in the cases examined in the Western part of the State. I now resolved to make a second experiment, in which the animal should receive a small quantity for a number of days in succession. Having procured another subject for experimentation, and a bushel of mature fruit, or pods of the plant, I commenced on Sept. 5th, to give daily the infusion obtained from about one quart of the pods. On the fifth day of the experiment the characteristic stupor came on. ‘The animal rested its head against the box and slept while standing. The symptoms grew more marked till the thirteenth day of the experi- ment, when the animal died. The post mortem showed the same as in the other cases. These experiments leave no doubt in my mind that the trouble along the Missouri river is occasioned by the animals’ feeding on this little plant. It is from eight inches to a foot in height, with branching stems bearing yellow flowers in July and developing large pods resembling the pea, but containing a number of black, hard seeds. It grows on sandy bottom land, and is very abundant in the meadows and pastures in portions of the Missouri bottom. It is seldom seen among the tame meadow grass in any considerable amount. It thrives best among the wild grasses. Animals, doubtless, eat it much more than formerly, when the wild pasturage was better than at present. Cattle sometimes, though not often, suffer in the same way as horses. 546 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The disease is also known as the Missouri Bottom disease. Hundreds of horses in the Missouri Bottom in Western Iowa and Eastern Nebraska die from eating this weed, it being most common in unbroken fields. Horses should be kept from all suspected fields. Only cultivated grasses and forage plants should be grown. Some doubt has been expressed that this plant is the cause of the trouble. The writer a number of years ago, in collaboration with Dr, Miller, investigated an outbreak near Council Bluffs. This disease occurred only in the bottoms, where the weed was common, and a large number of horses die from it annually. No other injurious plants could be found except some ergot on wild rye. A decoction of the weed found here was fed by Dr. McNeill to a horse but no injurious symptoms followed. A decoction of the seeds was fed to a guinea pig without any serious symptoms. Dr. F. B. Power however found a small amount of an alkaloid in the seeds which caused slight illness in a kitten. From all of these experiments we may conclude that rattle box is in- jurious under some conditions. 7. Lupinus (Tourn.) L. Lupine. Herbs or rarely shrubs with generally palmately compound leaves; stipules adherent to the base of the petiole; flowers showy, in long, dense racemes; calyx deeply toothed and 2-lipped; corolla with an orbicular or ovate standard with margins reflexed; wings oblong, or obovate, lightly cohering, and enclos- ing the keel, which is incurved or beaked; stamens monadelphous, anthers of 2 forms; pistil with an incurved style and sessile ovary; pod flattened, somewhat constricted. About 100 species of temperate regions, or a few in warm regions. The North American species are chiefly west of the 100th meridian. The Lupinus perennis occurs in sandy soil from New England to Minnesota and Louisiana; ZL. albus, L. luteus and L. angustifolia are cultivated for forage in Europe, the seeds being used as a substitute for coffee. Lupinus argenteus Pursh. Hairy Lupine A much branched perennial, slightly shrubby, from 2-3 feet high, silky pubescent hairs appressed, leaves with small stipules; petioles equalling or long- er than the leaves; leaflets sessile, narrowed at the base; flowers in rather dense, terminal racemes, purple; pod silky, pubescent, generally 3-5 seeded. A very variable species. Distribution. Prairies of South Dakota to Western Nebraska to New Mexico, Utah, and from Arizona to Montana. Abundant in the foothills. Lupinus perennis lL, Wild Lupine Perennial, somewhat hairy; erect stems, 1-2 feet high; leaves compound; 7-11 oblanceolate leaflets; flowers showy, purple-blue, in a long raceme; pods broad, very hairy, 5-6-seeded. Distribution. Sandy soil from New England to Minnesota, Missouri, and the Gulf region. Lupinus plattensis Watson. Nebraska Lupine Somewhat like the preceding, with appressed silky-villous hairs, and a glau- cous hue; leaflets spatulate; flowers in loose and short peduncled racemes; petals pale blue. (Bull. Nev. Agr. Exp. Sta. 55). Lupine in flower (Lupinus sp.) On the western ranges. LEGUMINOSAE—LUPINUS G fi \ PA) d, Gn * CoE NSS \ { ne { ( - SS I \ i’ | GW, f WI, \ he \ y S> La ’ ~ \N ——————— y : N y Fig. 301. Wild Lupine (Lupinus Plattensis). Causes lupinosus. Charlotte M. King ‘ 548 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Lupinus leucophyllus Dougl. Leafy, densely silky-tomentose perennial; compound leaves; 7-10 oblong- lanceolate leaflets; flowers in sessile racemes, densely flowered; petals blue or pink. Distribution. Rocky Mountains, Colorado to Washington, and Northern California. Lupinus holosericeus Nutt A perennial, shrubby plant with silvery-canescent leaves; 12-20 inches high; compound leaves; 5-9 lanceolate leaflets; flowers in whorls or scattered; calyx bracteolate, the upper slightly 2-cleft; petals bright blue. i, Distribution. Oregon to California. i Lupinus species. There are many other species of Lupinus in the Rocky Mountains and along the Pacific Coast. A great many of these have been looked upon with suspicion. Poisonous properties. European white lupine, Lupinus albus, L. luteus, and others contain the glucoside lupinin C,,H,,O,,, a crystalline substance with a i bitter taste and a fruity odor; lupinidin C,H,,.N, a pale yellow, heavy, oil with F a pungent, bitter taste; lupinin C gig NG: also bitter with an apple-like odor; j Lupinus angustifolius contains lupinin C,,H,,N,O, an intensely powerful alka- line substance. The substance arginin C,H,,N,O,, found in the etiolated coty- ledons of the lupine and the Soy bean, is a proteid. Prof. Chesnut says in regard to the Lupinus leucophyllus Dougl.: The above species is very abundant in Montana, where it is said to have caused the death of a very large number of sheep. ‘There is some question whether the animals were killed by a poisonous constituent of the plant or merely by bloat. The seeds of all the lupines are probably deleterious in the raw state. In Europe, however, the seeds of Lupinus albus, after the bitter taste has been removed by steeping and boiling, are eaten by human beings as well as by cattle. The so-called ictrogen obtained by European chemists from some of the lupines can be extracted by weakly alkaline water and is to be regarded as an active poisonous principle. Some European investigators, however, think that the alkaloids are not the cause of the poison. To the above poisonous species we may add L. linifolius, and L. hirsutus. The disease caused by these has long been known in Europe and has received the name of lupinosis. It is com- mon where lupines are used for forage purposes. According to Friedberger and Frohner from one-half to three-fourths of the animals perish. According to Arnold and Schneidermuhl! the disease can be produced experimentally with lupinotoxin in sheep, horses, goats, and pigs. This substance occurs chiefly in seeds and pods. Dry heat does not destroy it but steam under pressure does. There is a probability that the poison is produced by metabolism. Chesnut and Wilcox, in their paper on Stock-poisoning Plants of Mon- tana, make the following statement in regard to the Lupine poisoning of Mon- tana: So far as we have been able to observe, lupines are not very extensively eaten by sheep during the spring and summer. This statement is at least true for normal conditions where sheep are acquainted with the range and are not being trailed or driven. Horses and cattle take kindly to lupines and eat them in large quantities during their immature stages. When sheep are being trailed through strange country, or when they have just been unloaded from cars, and are in a hungry condition, they eat lupines ravenously in any stage of growth. ‘The lupines are not considered valuable as forage plants for sheep until after early fall frosts, or until other forage plants have become dry and uninviting as Great Basin Lupine (Lupinus holosericeus). Ripened pods of this are probably poisonous. (Bull. Nev. Agr. Exp. Sta. 62). LEGUMINOSAE—LUPINUS . 549° fodder. In late fall, and especially after early snowstorms, the lupines constitute one of the chief forage plants on some of the mountain ranges. It should be remembered that the leaves of lupines remain green and the plants offer slightly succulent forage after other plants have become dry. The first case of poisoning from lupines which was brought to our attention occurred in August, 1896. A band of sheep, while being moved from one range to another was driven rapidly, and was constantly in a very hungry condition, when it was allowed to feed in a field of lupine for a short time. Within two hours after beginning to eat the lupine a number of sheep manifested violent symptoms of poisoning, and a few died within one hour after the appearance of the first signs of poisoning. Of the 200 sheep in the band 100 had died before the following morning. The season of 1896 was rather late and at the time when the poisoning occurred the lupine pods were fully formed, but the seeds were not quite ripe. In this case the sheep were driven away from the lupine as soon as the first symptoms of poisoning had been noticed and some of the sheep had eaten only small quantities of the plant.. About 150 out of the 200 were affected, and as only 50 of these ultimately recovered it will be seen that the death rate was very high. The owner of these sheep, during the same season cut a quantity of lupine hay during the second half of July. In the winter of 1897 a band of 150 bucks belonging to the same sheep raiser were kept in a covered corral and were fed on cultivated hay. On one after- noon during the winter these bucks were given a liberal quantity of the lupine hay. About three hours after feeding this hay a noisy disturbance was noticed among the sheep. Upon investigation the owner found the sheep in a frenzied condition, and during the night about 90 of them died. No more lupine hay was fed and no more trouble was experienced. They state further that the lupine poisoning occurred in various parts of the state, in 1898 about 2,000 having been poisoned. 1,150 sheep died out of a single band of 2,500 sheep. They also state that one sheep raiser in Deerlodge Valley lost 700 sheep from the poisoning of lupine. They report another case which occurred on June 28, 1900, near Livingston, in two bands of sheep, each numbering 3,000, which were being trailed westward from Livingston. The sheep were liberally salted before being started on the trail; the first day they traveled about 5 miles, and camped on opposite sides of a small stream. After watering, one band was driven across the creek and camped on a bench about 30 feet higher than the stream. On the following morning, the sheep which had been driven across the stream manifested symptoms of poisoning; ultimately 1,900 died. This poisoning is referred to as lupinosis, a disease of which in Europe both acute and chronic forms are recognized, but in the United States the chronic form only has been recognized. The marked symptoms of poisoning are acute cerebral congestion, and great mental excitement. The sheep rush about in different directions, often running against the herder or other persons. The first stage of frenzy is followed by a second stage in which there is pro- nounced irregularity of movements and violent spasms, and falling fits. In many cases death occurs in from 1 to 1% hours. The pulse during the attack is strong and regular. Lower animals are attacked by convulsions, and these convulsions resemble those caused by strychnine poisoning. ‘The excretion of the kidneys is increased, and sometimes it is bloody. The post mortem condi- tions are described by Chesnut and Wilcox as follows: | Post mortem examinations of the sheep poisoned by lupines revealed conditions very similar to those found in the acute cases of loco disease, already described above, with the exception that in loco disease the kidneys were not affected. ‘The lungs were slightly con- gested, but this condition was not so pronounced as in cases of larkspur poisoning. The cerebral membranes were in all cases congested. In the more violent cases small blood vessels had been ruptured in various parts of the body, which may have been due either to increase of blood pressure or to the struggles of the animal. In regard to the treatment, Dr. Wilcox recommends as follows: No remedies have been tried in cases of stock poisoning from American species of lupine. From our general experience with potassium permanganate it seems reasonable 550 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS to suppose that this substance would probably destroy the lupine alkaloids in the stomach if administered promptly after the first signs of poisoning. In the main, however, reliance should be placed upon prevention. With regard to the use of lupine hay, our experience and observations indicate that this is always dangerous for sheep if cut at a time when the seeds are retained in the hay. Since the limit of the period during which lupines are not poisonous can not be determined for the present with any certainty, it seems advisable to abandon entirely the use of lupine hay for sheep, except after a preliminary test in feeding large quantities of the hay to one or two sheep. If it should prove to be non-poisonous, it may then, of course, be fed with safety. The poisonous principle in all plants which have been fully investigated varies in quantity according to the stage of growth of the plant, and is located more abundantly in one part of the plant than in another. These facts seem to be strikingly true of lupine, since, as already indicated, the plants are sometimes eaten in large quantities with impunity, while at other times the plants cause extensive losses, especially among sheep. ‘The evidence thus far collected regarding this matter indicates that the seeds are the most poisonous part of the plant. Mr. O’Gara of Nebraska, in speaking of the Lupine says this: There are three species of Lupines in the western part of the sand-hill region and throughout the foot-hills, which are worthy of attention. So far as can be learned, cattle and horses either do not eat them or are not harmed by them, but sheep men say that they are extremely poisonous to sheep when eaten after the pods have formed and have begun to ripen. Many sheep owners are very careful to avoid patches of Lupine in driving their sheep from one range to another, and never trust the flock to a green herder who is un- acquainted with the range. The three species common to the regions mentioned are the Nebraska Lupine (Lupinus Plattensis S. Wats.), the Silvery Lupine (Lupinus argenteus Pursh.), and the Low Lupine (Lupinus pusillus Pursh.). The last named is a small hairy plant four to eight inches high, much branched near the root, bearing commonly five leaflets at the end of the leaf- stalk. The densely clustered blue flowers are borne on a stalk four to eight inches long. The pod is finely-hairy and is three-fourths to one inch long. Dr. Nelson conducted some experiments in poisoning from three species of Lupinus: L. ornatus, L. sericeus, L. leucophyllus; from which the following results were obtained with reference to the effect of feeding quantities of these plants. In regard to the first of these species, negative results were obtained in part; to sheep fed as early as May 30th, June 8th, July 14th, July 31st, and August 2nd, partly in the year 1898, and partly in 1901, these experiments be- ing made in 1898 and 1901. In 1904 experiments were made with two sheep fed between November 16th, and December 22nd, receiving 274 pounds of this hay. This hay was eaten fairly well, and the sheep were given no other food except the lupine, and had constant access to water. Some loss of flesh occurred in both sheep and one of them became affected, December 28th, with an attack of stomatitis with quite well developed ulcers in the mouth. He practically recovered by January lst. No other untoward symptoms were manifested during the course of the experiment. In regard to Lupinus sericeus, the results were in part negative, but June 28th, 1899, a sheep was fed 2 pounds of lupine that was in full bloom and par- tial fruit, gathered a few days previous. On the morning of the 29th, the sheep was drowsy, and kept a recumbent position. In the afternoon the comatose con- dition was more marked; he walked with an unsteady gait and pressed his head against the fence when he happened to reach it, showing a partial paralysis. The animal died on June 30th, slightly bloated. The ventricles of the heart were partially and the auricles completely filled with a black coagulated blood. ‘The lungs were congested, the stomach filled with partially digested food, otherwise apparently normal. The experiments with Lupinus leucophyllus were negative. LEGUMINOSAE—CYTISUS 55h 8. Cytisus L,. Shrub with trifoliolate or unifoliolate leaves; showy flowers, chiefly in terminal racemes; calyx 2-lipped, with short teeth; standard ovate or orbicular ; keels straight or curved; anthers large and small; ovary with many-ovuled, and incurved style; pod flat, oblong or linear. About 40 species, natives of Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. Cytisus scoparius (.) Link. Broom A stiff, nearly glabrous shrub; elongated, straight, angled branches; lower leaves 3-foliolate, obovate; leaflets which are mucronate-tipped; upper leaves sessile, often unifoliolate; flowers bright yellow, in elongated leafy racemes. Distribution. Along the seacoast of Nova Scotia to Virginia, and very com- mon along the Pacific Coast. Poisonous properties. The Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius) common on the Pacific and Atlantic coast but naturalized from Europe, contains the alka- loid cytisin C,,H,,N,O and is poisonous. Blyth records 400 cases of poison- ing from this. ‘The symptoms in stock are slavering, vomiting, staggering, and general paralysis. Cytisin, occurring in many of the Genisteae, was found, in 1818, in Laburnum anagyroides and since then, has been found in many other species of the genus Cytisus and in Ulex europaeus, Sophora sp., Thermopsis sp., Baptisia tinctoria, Anagyris foetida, Lotus suaveolens, Colutea cruenta, and Euchresta Horsfieldii, Some species of the genera Genista and Cytisus do not contain cytisin. Cytisus scoparius also contains a volatile alkaloid spartein C.H.,N.. a single drop of which, according to Blyth, killed a rabbit that showed symptoms similar to those of nicotin poisoning. 9. Melilotus Tourn Annual or biennial herbs with trifoliolate leaves; small white or yellow flowers in racemes with the odor of cumarin; teeth of the calyx short and nearly equal, shorter than the pod; corolla deciduous with obovate or oblong _ Fig. 302. Flowers of Sweet Clover (Melilotus alba). 1, Standard above. 2, Showing wings and keel. 3, Showing stamens and pistil in keel. 552 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS standard, obtuse keel, free from the stamen tube; stamens diadelphous; pod wrinkled, straight, ovoid or globose—1-2-seeded. A small genus of 20 species, native to Europe, Africa and Asia. 3 species naturalized, found in North America, 2 of them quite weedy. Melilotus alba Der. Sweet Clover An erect annual or biennial from 2-4 feet high; rather distant, compound leaves, leaflets obovate, oblong, obtuse, serrate, narrowed at the base, truncate, emarginate or rounded at the apex; flowers with white petals, small, fragrant; pod ovoid, reticulated and smooth. Distribution. Abundant in waste places in the eastern and Atlantic states, also in the southern states and throughout the Mississippi valley, the Rocky Mountain region and the Pacific coast. Sweet clover is one of the most common weeds in pastures, and along roadsides. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. Wild Yellow Sweet Clover An upright, yellow flowered herb from 1-4 feet high; leaflets oblong, or oval, the apex more or less obtuse; corolla yellow; pod with irregularly reti- culated veins. Distribution. Common in waste places in the irrigated districts of the west, becoming more or less common in the Mississippi Valley and along the Atlantic Coast. Melilotus indica (\.) All. Sweet Clover An upright annual like the preceding, but with much smaller yellow flowers. Distribution. Native to Europe, introduced in ballast along the Atlantic coast and abundant on the Pacific coast. Poisonous properties. ‘The sweet clovers contain the substance cumarin C,H,O,, which is found in the Tonka bean, sweet vernal grass, vanilla grass, etc. In Europe the sweet clover is suspected of being poisonous. ‘This plant is used as a forage plant in the South, and Mr. Cohagen of Iowa, has had ex- cellent results in feeding this plant to stock. Its protein content is equal to that of alfalfa. It is probable that some forms are entirely inert. Some years ago, the writer conducted an experiment in feeding considerable quanti- ties of sweet clover, but without any injurious symptoms resulting. A tincture prepared by mixing the fresh flowers with alcohol has a vanilla-like odor, and a bitter taste. Dr. Millspaugh states that in large doses, cumarin causes nausea, vomiting, vertigo, great depression of the heart’s action, and cold extremities. Dr. Schaffner states that both of the sweet clovers are objectionable in wheat, because of the foul odor the seed imparts to the flowers. According to Fried- berger and Fréhner sweet clover causes paralysis of the muscles. Dr. MacOwen states that in New South Wales, the M. indica is said to cause paralysis of horses. 10. Medicago L.. Medick, Alfalfa Herbs with pinnately 3-foliolate leaves; leaflets dentate toothéd; flowers small, yellow or violet in axillary racemes or heads; calyx teeth short nearly equal; standard obovate or oblong; stamens diadelphous; ovary 1-ovuled; pod curved or spirally twisted, indehiscent 1-few seeded. About 50 species native to Europe and Asia. Bur clover (Medicago hispida) and hop clover or black —* toe ——_ LEGUMINOSAE—MEDICAGO BS, medick (M. lupulina) are used as forage plants on the Pacific coast but east- ward are regarded as troublesome weeds, the former injurious to wool. Medicago sativa L. Alfalfa An upright, smooth perennial; leaflets obovate, oblong, toothed, obtuse emaginate or mucronate; stipules entire; flowers in a short raceme violet; pod spirally twisted. A valuable forage plant. Distribution. Common in the irrigated districts of the West, also frequent eastward, but common southward; spontaneous from New England to Minne- sota, Kansas, northward and westward; native to Europe and Asia. Poisonous properties. A large amount of the green fodder is said to pro- duce tympanites, but alfalfa is, however, one of the best of forage plants. Fig. 303. Flowers of Red Clover. 1, a, Calyx. c, Standard. 2, f, Wings, h, keel, 4, 5, Wings, 6, keel. 11. Trifolium (Tourn.) L. Clover Herbs; leaves mostly 3-foliolate, palmately or pinnately; stipules united with the petioles; leaflets usually toothed; flowers in dense heads or spikes; calyx persistent; lobes 5, nearly equal, corolla withering or persistent, claws alternate to the stamen tube; stamens diadelphous or the tenth one separated for a part of its length; pods small and membranous, indehiscent or dehiscent, 1-6 seeded. A large genus of about 250 species mostly in the northern hemisphere. Many are valuable forage plants, among these are red clover (T. pratense), alsike clover (T. hybridum.) and white clover (7. repens). Several are weedy as yellow hop clover (T. agrarium), low hop clover (T. procumbens), and stone clover (T. arvense). The alsike clover (T. hybridum) and red clover (T. pratense) occasionally produce bloat. Dr. Jacob Moses and A. M. Harcourt have recently described a disease sometimes caused by alsike clover.t 1 Bull. Tenn. Agr. Exp. St. 18:28 (1905). 554 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 304. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). a, b, seed pod; c, seed. An excellent forage plant, some- times causes bloat. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) “The cause of this trouble among horses and mules is not positively understood. Whether the toxic effect is due to the plant itself, which possibly undergoes some change within the digestive tract and subsequently liberates a poison, or whether it is due to the presence of a mould in connection with alsike clover, is still undetermined. The mould has been strongly suspected. To determine this point will require further investigation. It is known, how- ever, that the principle lesions are produced on the skin and mucous membranes. “The symptoms of this disease vary to some extent, depending upon the location of the lesions and the length of time the animal remains on the alsike pasture after the symptoms begin to develop. The cases which came under observation in Marshall County showed marked similarity of symptoms, involv- ing principally the skin, the mucous membranes of the mouth, and the eyes. “The prevailing symptoms of the disease are as follows: On the skin are inflamed areas, appearing at first as more or less rounded vesicular swellings, varying from one-half inch to five or six inches, or more, in diameter. The hair over the affected areas stands erect, and‘has a dull appearance, indicating loss of vitality. Later the skin becomes hard and puffed out, as the result of the formation of pus underneath. Finally, the deadened skin is cast off, leaving a deep, raw, angry-looking ulcer, which eventually heals, with the formation of a conspicuous scar, covered with more or less white hair. ‘These changes in the skin may occur on any part of the animal, tiene nee LEGUMINOSAE—TRIFOLIUM 555 but especially on the limbs, body and croup. The eye symptoms consist of a marked conjunctivitis, with swelling of the eyelids, sensitiveness to light, and a watery discharge from one or both eyes. The mucous membranes of the mouth become inflamed (stomatitis), ulcers form, and the animal slobbers and refuses to eat. The advanced cases are frequently accompanied by emacia- tion. The tongue is usually affected, and the inflammation may extend through- out the entire digestive tract. The functions of the liver may be disturbed, and a yellowish (jaundice) coloration of the tissues follows. In such cases symptoms of colic are not uncommon, and the respiratory tract may become involved and pneumonia develop. Some observers in other countries have noticed marked nervous symptoms, such as excitement, convulsive movements, staggering gait, and paralysis of the throat, with inability to swallow, the paralysis at times becoming generalized, the animal getting down and being unable to rise. In the cases observed in this state, the nervous symptoms, except the general depression, were not very noticeable. “The outcome of the disease depends upon the location and extent of the lesions upon the horse or mule affected. If they are situated on the ex- terior the animal will readily recover as soon as removed from the alsike pasture. If the vital organs are involved, such as the brain, lungs and liver, the disease may readily produce death. Among those cases occuring in this State, not a single fatality has been heard of at the Station. But even though the death rate is small where the ordinary precautions are taken, the disease Y DS USS H —>. Ly iff UZ) Fig. 305. Red Clover (Trifolium pra- tense). Occasionally the cause of bloat. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) 556 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS has considerable economic importance, since it leaves the animal more or less disfigured by the formation of scars, which materially depreciate his market value. “The treatment is comparatively simple. As soon as the disease is recog- nized the animal should be removed from the alsike clover pasture and the wounds subjected to ordinary antiseptic treatment, such as frequent washing with 5 per cent solutions of carbolic acid or creolin, and the application to the ulcers on the skin of drying powders, consisting of boric and tannic acids in equal amounts.” The so-called clover sickness is supposed to be caused by the clover rust which has been described elsewhere. No doubt some of the trouble arising from feeding clover hay is caused by moulds found on the hay. Dr. W. D. Gil- christ says that he has observed several cases of the kind in this state. The animals showed extreme restlessness followed by coma, bloody discharge from faeces iollowed by diarrhoea, weakness and debility. Change in fodder caused the trouble to cease. I have recently received a similar complaint from Dr. C. J. Scott of Knox- ville, Iowa, three animals having succumbed. Trifolium incarnatum . Crimson Clover A soft pubescent, slightly branched, annual; leaves long petioled ;broad stipules; leaflets nearly sessile, obovate or obcordate cuneate at the base, Fig, 306. Crimson Clover (Tri- folium incarnatum). Sometimes produces phytobezoars, which may cause death. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) LEGUMINOSAE—TRIFOLIUM 557 denticulate; tlowers in elongated, oblong or ovoid, heads, sessile; calyx hairy, lobes plumose pointed, corolla crimson. Distribution. Used as a cover crop and a forage plant in the south and east. Found on ballast from Maine to Pennsylvania. Native to Europe. Injurious properties. According to Prof. Coville it produces phytobezoars and ocasionally causes death in animals. Trifolium repens L. White Clover A smooth perennial with slender creeping and spreading stems; leaflets inversely heart-shaped or notched, obscurely toothed; stipules narrow; peduncles very long, flowers in small loose heads reflexed when old; calyx shorter than the white corolla; pods 4-seeded. Distribution. In fields and waste places throughout eastern North America, the Northwest and the Rocky Mountains. Poisonous properties. Said to cause tympanites in cattle and slobbering in horses. Psoralea \,. Psoralea Perennial herbs, usually sprinkled with glandular dots; leaves generally 3-5 foliolate; flowers spiked or racemed, white or mostly bluish-purple; calyx 5-cleft, persistent; stamens diadelphous or occasionally monadelphous; pods about as long as the calyx, 1-seeded. >! Fig. 307. White Clover (Trifolium repens). Occasionally the cause of tympanites in cattle. (Lamson-Scribner, U. S. Dept. Agr.) 558 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS About 100 species of wide distribution, many native to the plains, the roots of some being tuberous and farinaceous. The Indians used the tuberous roots of the P. esculenta, known as Pomme Blanche, or Pomme de Prairie, of the voyageurs for food. The roots of P. hypogaea and P. cuspidata were also used. Psoralea argophylla Pursh. Silver-leaf Psoralea Densely silvery, pubescent with appressed hairs; stem zig-zag, divergently branching, from 1-3 feet high; leaflets elliptical-lanceolate; flowers spicate, in- terrupted, blue; pod oval, membranaceous, plant seldom seeding. Distribution. From Wisconsin to Kansas and New Mexico to the North- west territory. Poisonous properties. ‘This plant was suspected of being the cause of a severe case of poisoning in Story County, Ia., two years ago. This is the first time the writer has known plants of this genus to cause poisoning, but he has had some correspondence with the parties concerned and thinks there can be no doubt that the poisoning was caused by the plant in question. A child was seriously poisoned by eating the seeds of this plant, but she finally recovered. It was thought this poisoning might have been caused by Astragalus caryocarpus but the plant sent me was the above. 13. Tephrosia Pers. Hoary Pea Herbs or somewhat shrubby plants; odd-pinnate compound leaves; flowers in racemes or short clusters, red or white; stipules small; calyx 5-cleft; petals 5; standard roundish, usually silky outside, turned back, about as long as the coherent wings and keel. About 120 species, native of warm and tropical regions, a few are found in the United States. Tephrosia virginiana Pers. Goat’s Rue. Catgut Perennial with villous or silky and whitish hairs; stem erect and simple, 1-2 feet high; leaflets 17-25, linear-oblong; terminal oblanceolate, narrowed to cuneate at the base; emarginate at the apex; flowers yellowish purple in long, dense racemes. Distribution. In dry and sandy soil from Maine to Louisiana, west to Minnesota and Eastern Iowa, to Mexico. Poisonous properties. ‘This species, along with others, was formerly used to poison fish. The Mexican species, T. toxicaria, gets its name from its sup- posed toxic properties, and in South America, one species is commonly employed by the natives to poison the fishing streams. The root is also poisonous to frogs and guinea pigs. Tephrosia toxicaria contains the glucoside tephrosin. Several active sub- stances have been obtained by Hanriot * from one species, Tephrosia Vogelii. Three substances were isolated; one, tephrosal C,,H,,O is toxic especially to fish; a second toxic substance is tephrosin CEO) 14. Robinia lL. Locust ‘Tree Trees or shrubs; stipules often prickly or spiny; leaves compound, odd- pinnate; the oblong leaflets with short stipules; flowers showy in axillary race- * Compt. Rend. 1907; 498-651. Journal Chemical Society Abs. 92:386, 1907. LEGUMINOSAE—ROBINIA 559 Fig. 308. Black Locust (Robinia Pseud-acacia). 1. Flowering branch. 2. Flower. 3. Tube of stamens. 4. Longitudinal section of pistil. 5. Diagram of flower. 6. Legumes. 7. Pod open, showing seed. 8. Seed. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney in Green’s Forestry of Minnesota.) mes; calyx short, 5-toothed, and slightly 2-lobed; standard large, about as long as the wings and equal; stamens diadelphous; pod flat, several seeded and margined. A small genus of 6 species, native of North America and Mexico. Several species are cultivated for ornamental purposes, like the Robinia viscosa, which is native from Virginia to North Carolina and Georgia, and the Robinia hispidia, native to the mountains of Virginia and Georgia. The R. neo-mexicana, with purple flowers, native to S. Colorado and New Mexico, is frequently cultivated. Robinia Pseudo-acacia I, Locust Tree, False Acacia or Black Locust A large tree with rough bark, spiny stipules; 9-19 stalked leaflets, obtuse, emarginate, or mucronate; flowers in loose drooping racemes, white, fragrant; pods smooth; standard yellowish at the base. 560 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Widely planted as an ornamental tree. It produces valuable timber which is extensively used for posts. This species is, however, badly infested with the borer. Robinia viscosa Vent. Clammy Locust A small tree with rough bark; stipules short, occasionally spiny; twigs and petioles glandular; leaves 11-25, stalked; leaflets obtuse and mucronate; nearly smooth; racemes dense; flowers in rather dense racemes, pinkish, not fragrant; pedicels glandular, hispid; pod hispid. Distribution. Southwestern Virginia to Georgia, occasionally escaped from cultivation northward. Poisonous properties. The bark and leaves of this species contain a power- ful poison which has proved fatal to persons eating them. Children have been poisoned by eating the roots. It is true, however, that the flowers of the plant are often eaten with impunity and that bees collect from them large quantities of nectar. Dr. Rusby states that the occasional poisonous properties of honey are due to its origin in these flowers, though there are gool theoretical reasons for doubting this. The bark of young twigs is sometimes pounded to a pulp, and used to make a tincture which is used in medicine as a tonic and cathartic, while the medicinal use of the flowers is mildly narcotic. It contains the sub- stance robinin C,,H,,O,, an aromatic glucoside which resembles the glucoside quercetrin, and is found chiefly in flowers, also the substance obigenin C,,H,,O, -+H,O. The seeds are also poisonous, and Dr. Millspaugh quotes Dr. Shaw as follows, in regard to the symptoms produced by poisoning from eating the seeds: “Inability to hold the head upright, nausea and attempts to vomit, with a tendency to syncope, when in an upright position; voice, respiration and heart’s action feeble, as from exhaustion, a painful paralytic condition of the extremities, which become shrunken on the fifth day. All the symptoms seemed like those produced by a long-continued diarrhoea, though in this case purg- ing was not present.” Dr. Johnson states that the symptoms of poisoning are those of Belladonna poisoning, a fact also noted by Dr. Waldron in the case of a horse that had eaten the bark; Friedberger and Froéhner state that the animals have colic, tympanites and paralysis. Dr. Rusby comments upon the poisonous character of the common black locust as follows: Of this Dr. Johnson records that by eating the roots children are poisoned with symptoms like those of Belladonna poisoning, and that the bark and leaves are emetic. Prof. F. W. Power has experimented upon himself with the stem bark of this tree, proving the very serious effects which it produces, and he has examined its composition with the result of showing that the poisonous constituent is an albuminous substance, thus confirm- ing the general character of that family, the Leguminosae. ‘The most positive and prom- inent case recorded in regard to this article is that of Dr. Z. P. Emery. In the latter part of March, 1887, thirty-two boys, inmates of the Brooklyn Orphan Asylum, were poisoned at one time by eating a bark which was being stripped in the vicinity for the making of fence posts. None of the cases terminated fatally. The prominent symptoms, stated in the order of their occurrence, were the vomiting of a ropy mucous, flushing of the face, dilated pupil, dryness of the throat, feeble pulse, extremities cool, face pale, vomiting of blood, cold extremities, heart feeble and intermittent, face deathly pale and stupor. The symptoms as I have named them are seen to be progressive. A rash similar to that’ of Belladonna poisoning was also present, but very fleeting. In the beginning there was a high fever. Treatment consisted of sinapisms over the stomach, subcarbonate of bismuth, camphor and brandy. LEGUMINOSAE—ROBINIA 561 A farmer in Dallas County, this state, informs me that sometimes the leaves are macerated in water and used to kill flies. A case of poisoning to a horse was recorded in Breeders’ Gazette in 1909. In this case the horse had eaten some of the bark of a tree. The symptoms were similar to those recorded by Dr. Waldron. 15. Sesbania. Scop. Sesban Tall, smooth, branching herbs or shrubs with pinnate leaves and yellow flowers in axillary or compound racemes; calyx bell-shaped, obliquely truncate, 5-toothed; standard short, orbicular; wings oblong; keel blunt; stamens diadel- phous; style short, incurved at the apex; legume oblong, stalked, compressed, the endocarp membranaceous, at length separating from the coriaceous epicarp and enclosing 2 seeds. A small genus of 15 species of warm or temperate regions. Sesbania platycarpa Pers. A tall, smooth, branching annual vine; leaflets 10-35 pairs, mucronate, pale beneath; racemes shorter than the leaves; corolla yellowish purple spotted, with membranaceous sacked pods. Distribution. From the Carolinas to Florida, Missouri, and ‘Texas. Poisonous nature. In 1897, Dr. A. P. Anderson sent this to the writer with a letter from some stockmen from South Carolina, who stated that it was sus- pected of poisoning his cattle. Mr. Chesnut records a similar statement as fol- lows: In 1897, the United States Department of Agriculture received from South Carolina the seeds of this plant, which were found in the stomachs of cows. ) wy Ww = eS a ian SZ SS ae SZ vel> ——a te] AAW

s TENN Sa IND. K PE teh habia LTeR ARI i A Hf ry g Ponre MISS.I ALA. GA. TEX. 4 ; 7 ' Fig. 313a. Map showing distribution of stemless loco weed (Oxytropis Lamberti). The plant reaches western Iowa on the loess bluffs where it is abundant. ‘The disease however has seg pera reported so far as I know from this section of the state. Map after Marsh, U. S. ept. Agr. oe Marsh thinks, will help to keep the weed in check if the insect will not lose its efficiency in the course of a few years. 18. Vicia (Tourn.) L. Vetch or Tare Herbs, generally of trailing or climbing habit, with pinnate tendril bearing leaves; flowers generally racemose; calyx 5-cleft or 5-toothed, divisions nearly equal; corolla with the standard clawed and the wings adherent to the keel; stamens diadelphous or monadelphous; pod flat, 2-valved with several seeds; seeds globular; embryo with thick cotyledons. About 120 species, widely distrib- uted. Some species used for forage, especially in Europe. The hairy vetch (V. villosa) has been widely distributed in the west because of the drouth re- sisting qualities. Our most common native species is the American vetch (V. americana) which might well be introduced as a forage plant. Vicia sativa L. Common Vetch A smooth or slightly pubescent annual from 1-2% feet high with simple stem; leaflets 5-7 pairs, obovate-oblong to linear, notched or mucronate at the tip; the 1 or 2 nearly sessile flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves; flowers bluish purple; calyx teeth about as long as the tube; pod linear, several seeded, seeds black. Distribution. From eastern Canada to Northwest Territory, New England to the Carolinas, west to Missouri and northward, generally in the wheat grow- ing sections of the northern and western states. This is another weed commonly found in wheat screenings, abundant in the northwest. Poisonous properties. In Europe it is the cause of tympanites. Dr. Schaffner, in The Ohio Naturalist, states that caution must be observed in feeding this plant to pigs. It is not injurious to cows. ‘The seeds of this Vetch are often LEGUMINOSAE—VICIA al i 314. Common Vetch (Zathyrus silvestris). The seed of Fig. this plant p oisonous to stock. Charlotte M. King o/1 572 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS found in screenings and fed in large quantities to cattle. As far as the writer knows, there are no cases of poisoning recorded from eating the screenings of this seed. The substance vicin C,H,,.N,O, has been found in the seeds of this species. Convincin C,,H,,N,O,+H,O also occurs in this species and in V. Faba. Citric acid C,H,O,+H,O is found in V. sativa. 19. Lathyrus (Tourn.) L. Vetchling. Everlasting Pea Mostly perennial, herbaceous vines although there are a few erect herbs, generally smooth, with pinnate, usually tendril-bearing leaves; flowers in racemes or solitary; calyx oblique or gibbous at the base, upper teeth sometimes shorter than the lowér; corolla larger than that of Vicia, wings adhering to keel; style dilated and rather flat above, hairy along side next to free stamen; stamens 10 (9 and 1, or monadelphous below) ; ovules numerous; pod flat, sometimes terete, 2-valved, continuous between the seeds, dehiscent. About 100 species are distributed throughout North America and a few others are found in South America and the mountains of tropical Africa. One species, L. sylvestris, is considered poisonous, in its native home in the Car- pathian Mountains. It contains certain alkaloids which, by the process of cul- tivation have become eliminated so that in many localities at the present time it is considered a good forage plant and is relished by horses. In the western United States, the prairie vetchlings L. ornatus and L. polymorphus, and the marsh vetchling L. palustris are considered valuable forage plants, the latter ‘forming a very important part of the hay and adding materially to its feeding value. L. venosus and L. ochroleucus occurring in similar localities are much less valuable. A form of intoxication, known as Lathryism, is said to be caused by different species of Lathyrus. In Dr. Wilson’s “American Text-Book of Therapeutics,’ Victor C. Vaughan translates the following account of Lathyrism from Kobert’s work “Intoxika- tionen :” By Lathyrism we mean an intoxication that was known to the contemporaries of Hippocrates, and which was caused by the seeds of at least three species of vetch, Lathyrus hirsutus, the red vetch, Lathyrus sativus, the German vetch, and Lathyrus Clymenum, the Spanish vetch. In Spain, France, Italy, and in certain parts of Africa and India there have repeatedly appeared, from the eating of the seed of the vetch, epidemics of a dis- ease that especially affects males and which induces a transverse myelitis with motor and sensory paraplegia. The paralytic symptoms gradually disappear, but there remains spastic tubes with heightened tendon-reflexes attributed by Proust to secondary degeneration of the lateral columns, while Striimpell considers the case a typical spinal paralysis. How- ever, the symptoms may wholly disappear and recovery be apparently complete. Men and animals, especially horses, are affected in the same manner. Duvernoy described the dis- ease in 1770; Doir saw it follow the eating of vetch-bread in 1785; Despranches observed it in France in 1829, and Pellicotti in the Abbruzzo mountains in 1847. Reports of the disease were made by Irving, in India, in 1861 and 1869, and by Bourlier in Africa in 1882. In 1883, Marie published in Le Progrés Medical a review of the literature of the subject and more recently Schuchardt has done the same. . . . . .- Hogs are killed quickly by the vetch. Horses suffer from paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, necessitating tracheotomy. More chronic poisoning causes paralysis of the posterior ex- tremities, and death. Méricourt believes the disease beri-beri is due to a similar intox- ication, but this is denied by Marie and others. In horses there is atrophy of the muscles of the larynx, especially of the cricoarytenoideus posticus and lateralis, also of the thyroarytenoideus. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve is much wasted. Microscopic exam- ination shows the muscle greatly atrophied, without striation, and undergoing fatty degeneration. In the central nervous system one finds atrophy of the ganglion-cells in the vagus center and of the multipolar ganglion-cells in the anterior horns of the cord. LEGUMINOSAE—LATHYRUS 573 Attempts to isolate the poison have not succeeded. ‘'eilleux found an acid that induced typical effects upon rabbits. Bourlier found an active alkaloid in the alcohol-ether ex- tract of the seeds, and poisoned birds with it. Astier isolated a volatile alkaloid by the Stas method, and he thus explains the fact that long-continued heating at a high tem- perature renders the seeds inert. 20. Cicer L. Chick pea Calyx tube oblique or gibbous posteriorly; lobes nearly equal or the two upper somewhat shorter, conniving; standard ovate or nearly orbicular, nar- rowed into a broad claw; wings obliquely obovate, free; keel somewhat broader, incurved, dilated; anthers uniform; ovary sessile 2-8 ovuled; style filiform, in- curved or bent, beardless; stigmas terminal, legume sessile, ovoid or oblong, turgid, 2-valved; seeds sub-globose or irregularly obovoid; funiculus scarcely dilated, hilum small; cotyledons thick; radicle short, slightly incurved or nearly straight. Cicer arietinum Ll, Chick pea Annual herbs, or perennial often glandular-pubescent; leaves pinnate, petiole terminating in a small tuft of spinescent hairs or in an odd leaflet; leaflets dentate or incised without stipels; stipules foliaceous oblique, often dentate or incised; flowers white, blue or violet; solitary pedunculate, or few pedicelled; bracts small; bractlets 0. About 14 species, especially in the eastern Mediter- ranean and in Central Asia—extending westward. Distribution. Cultivated in the Rocky Mountains and in the Southwest. Also extensively in Southern Europe and tropical Asia. Considered an excellent food plant. Chick pea (Cicer arietinum). Fig; “305. (After Faguet). 574 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Poisonous properties. Friedberger and Froéhner in Veterinary Pathology give the symptoms from Cicer poisoning: In horses roaring and difficult breathing, owing to paralysis of the laryngeal muscles; paralysis, weakness in the loins, suffocation. Post-mortem reveals nothing of moment. Therapeutics: Change of fodder; tracheotomy. 1 21. Phaseolus I, Bean Usually vines with pinnately 3-foliate leaves, stipules and racemose fiwers; calyx 5-toothed or 5-cleft, the upper teeth more or less united; standard orbicular recurved, spreading; keel spirally coiled enclosing the stamens and _ style; stamens diadelphous, 9 and 1; style bearded; pod linear 2-valved, several seed- ed; seeds with large embryo. About 170 species mostly of tropical regions; 12 species native to southern states. The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), native to tropical America is widely cultivated. The scarlet runner (P. multi- florus) is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and is said to be poisonous. The P. Mungo is cultivated in the tropics. Phaseolus lunatus . Lima Bean A twining plant with racemose flowers shorter than the leaf; pod broad and curved, scimitar shaped; seeds few, large and flat; some dwarf, some with long twining stems. » Distribution. Widely cultivated, native to South America. Poisonous properties. Several cases of poisoning from the use of lima beans are reported. L. Guignard, according to an abstract in the Experiment Station Record, has determined this to be due to hydrocyanic acid. He says: “A num- ber of forms that have been described as distinct species are by the author be- lieved to be varieties or cultural forms of P. Iunatus. ‘Those principally studied were the white and colored Java beans, Burma or white Indian beans, Sieva beans, Cape beans, which are extensively cultivated in Madagascar, and Lima beans. ‘These different varieties are widely cultivated and extensively used as food, although a number of fatalities have been attributed to their use. Descriptions of the different varieties and detailed reports of the chemical studies are given. Practically all varieties of P. lunatus, whether wild or cultivated were found to contain the principle which when acted upon by an enzyme yields hydro- cyanic acid. ‘The proportion of hydrocyanic acid varied from almost inap- preciable amounts in some of the more improved forms, like the Lima bean, to as much as 60 to 320 mg .per gm. dry weight in certain varieties of Java beans. It was found impossible by cooking to remove all the cyanogenetic compound in Java beans. Prolonged boiling extracts the greater part, but it is merely withdrawn and not destroyed, and if the water is absorbed it presents the same danger as the beans themselves, since either in the alimentary tract or in the blood are sufficient ferments to act upon the dissolved glucoside, resulting in the liberation of hydrocyanic acid. GERANIALES Herbs, shrubs or trees; petals usually present and generally polypetalous ; sepals mostly distinct; stamens few, rarely more than twice as many as the sepals, opposite them when as many; compound ovary superior. Contains the GERANIALES 575 families Geraniaceae, O-xalidaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Linacece, Erythroxyiaceae, Zygophyllaceac, Rutaceae, Simarubaceae, Burseraceae, Meliaceae, Malpighiaceae, Polygalaceae and Euphorbiaceae. The family Tropaeolaceae contains the nas- turtiums (Tropaeolum majus and T, minus) frequent in cultivation, the fruits of the species being used for pickles. 7. Lobbianum is a showy greenhouse plant. The 7. tuberosum of Peru produces a tuberous root used for food in Bolivia, cooking dispelling the unpleasant flavor. Dr. Halsted states. that some persons have suffered from an inflammation on the hand caused by handling the garden nasturtium. T. majus contains glucotropaeolum, similar to the essential oil of mustard. The family Burseraceae contains Commiphora abyssinica furnishing myrrh, and Almacigo (Bursera simaruba) the most characteristic tree of Porto Rico and one which furnishes a resin known in commerce as “chibon.” The family Meli- aceae includes mahogany (Swietinia Mahogoni) a valuable timber tree of the Antilles; myrtle (Melia Azedarach), widely cultivated in the South as an orna- mental plant, the fruit of which contains mangrovin and is said to be poisonous, the West Indian cedar (Cedrela odorata), which furnishes a valuable wood used for furniture, cigar boxes, shingles, etc.; and Trichilia emetica, which yields an oil and tallow. The carapa oil made from the seeds of Carapa procera is toxic for insects. The family Zygophyllaceae furnishes lignum-vitae (Guaiacum officinale), a heavy wood used in machinery and casting work. The ratsbane, broken-back or mendis (Chailletia toxicaria) of the family Chailletiaceae is much used in Sierra Leone country of Africa for poisoning; it is placed in water to poison enemies and live stock. According to Dr. Renner “No one in this colony, it would appear, dies from natural causes.” Dr. Renner found the cause of this mysterious trouble to be due to poisoning from ratsbane poison. In one case, a laborer was poisoned from “having eaten some fish on which the ground fruit of Chailletia toxicaria had been strewn for the purpose of killing rats.” This shrub and an allied species are common in Upper Guinea and Senegambia. Drs. Frederick B. Power and Frank Tutin who made chemical and physiological examination of the fruit of Chailletia toxicaria found that the fruit contained neither an alkaloid nor a cyagenetic glucoside although a glucoside of this character is said to occur in South African C. cymosa. ‘The ratsbane contains a resinous substance which is extremely poison- ous, but a toxin could not be isolated. The syrup prepared from the resin when given to a dog caused delirium and epileptiform convulsions soon followed by death. Drs. Powers and Tutin found that the fruit of this plant contains two active principles, one of which causes cerebral depression or narcosin and that the poison which causes convulsions is cumulative in its effect. To the family Erythroxylaceae belongs coca (Erythroxylon Coca) which contains a number of alkaloids as follows: cocain C. HIN@ cinnamylcocain C,,H,,NO,, iruxillin (a) (CH SWNO)). truxillin (b) CORN SEN LO nN ben- zoylecgonin C,,H,,NO,, tropa-cocain CEL NG, hygrin CB NO; cusoyhgrin CR NO: The injurious effects of cocain are well known. Dr. Winslow Solutions of cocain (4.10 per cent), applied to mucous membranes, produce perfect local anaesthesia by paralyzing the sensory nerve endings. Cocain exerts a local anaesthetic action upon the gastric mucous membrane, and in this way lessens the appetite and sometimes stops vomiting. Intestinal peristalsis is increased by moderate doses, but is decreased and destroyed by the paralytic action of large doses. The action of cocain upon the heart and 576 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 316. Coca-tree (Erythroxylon coca). Furnishes the coca of commerce. (After Faguet). : vessels is not very marked, except in poisoning. The alkaloid is, however, a slight cardiac stimulant in moderate doses, increasing the pulse-rate and tension. ‘The action upon the heart 1s caused by depression of the cardio-inhibitory centres, and sometimes as well by depression of the cardiac inhibitory ganglia. Vascular tension is increased because of stim- ulation of the medullary vasomotor centres, smooth muscle of the walls, and because of the increased action of the heart. On the other hand, both minute and large doses may diminish the pulse rate. Cocain is a respiratory stimulant’ in medicinal doses, but a paralyzant in toxic amounts. The respiratory centres are first stimulated and the breathing is made deeper and quicker. Depression and paralysis of the respiratory centres follow; cyanosis supervenes, and the respirations are shallow and irregular. Death occurs from asphyxia. In man, an amount of cocaine exceeding gr. 3% should not be employed under the skin, or upon mucous mem- branes, and death has occurred in susceptible patients from even smaller doses. ‘The most powerful action follows the use of cocain in very vascular parts, as about the face. One half a grain of cocain given subcutaneously to a girl eleven years o!d, was followed by a fatal result in 40 seconds, and the writer has seen violent convulsions produced by the in- stillation of a few drops of a 2 per cent. solution into the eye of a man. On the other hand, spontaneous recovery has obtained in the human subject after the ingestions of 22 grs. of the alkaloid. In the horse, the toxic dose of cocain causes restlessness and excitement. dilated pupils and salivation, culminating within an hour in a state of acute mania and intense excitement. These symptoms are followed by gradual recovery after a lapse of a few hours. Three grains of cocain given under the skin, will sometimes induce nervous excitement in susceptible horses. The treatment of dangerous forms of cocain poisoning, with respiratory and heart failure, consists in the use of rapidly acting stimulants,—as nitroglycerin upon the tongue, and strychnin, atropin and brandy subcutaneously. Families of Geraniales Flowers regular or nearly so, petals present usually as many as the sepals; flowers perfect; leaves not punctate. GERANIALES 577 Herbs. Capsule splitting into 5 carpels; leaves 3-foliolate or dissected.......... oi als bhai Neda ROR ORAS RCo aR aay Nana Ce LS armel Geraniaceae. Capsule 2-5 celled not splitting into carpels. Stamens 2-3 times as many as the petals. Leaf, Sfoliolateye ie oe Ce eae Choa eed wiaha dl Oxalidaceae. Stamens’ as: manywas the, petals oreeie sia stane yee sle sieiaiee.e ate Linaceae. Trees or shrubs with compound leaves; leaves often punctate. Reaves: punctate’: fala camete sy iaerue aM oluurengie Wie cipe atl arty ataprarale Rutaceae. Reaves Moe- pumictaten, Sit, soci ue cratered ae i a ee eel ale Simarubaceae. Flowers irregular; petals 3, stamens diadelphous or monadelphous. . Polygalaceae. Flowers regular generally apetalous, monoecious; carpels mostly 3; generally herbs. with. mally (juiced 3 | Se ees ee teat aha pene Euphorbiaceae. Fig. 317. Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus). Flowering branch. (After Faguet). GERANIACEAE Herbs with alternate or opposite leaves; flowers perfect, regular, 5-nerved, hypogynous; stamens as many or twice as many or more than the petals; ovary 1, usually 5-lobed; ovules 1-2 in each cavity; fruit capsular. About 450 species of wide distribution. Native to the tropics and temperate regions of both hemispheres. Many plants of this order are frequently cultivated; among these are the South African pelargonium, commonly called the geranium, which con- tains geraniol C,H, ,0: The sharp points of the fruit of some are injurious. 578 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 318. Cultivated Geranium (Pelar- gonium zonale). 1, 4, Flower; b, c, d, Stamens; a, Stigmas. frequently entering the flesh and in some cases this mechanical injury has pro- duced death in sheep, just as in the case of Stipa. The Geranium Robertianum has a disagreeable bitter taste. Erodium L/Her. Storksbill Herbs with opposite or alternate stipulate leaves; flowers nearly regular, axillary or umbellate; sepals 5, imbricated; petals: 5, hypogynous, the upper slightly smaller; glands of the disk 5, alternate with the petals; stamens 10; anther bearing 5, and as many sterile filaments; ovary deeply 5-lobed and 5- celled, beaked by the united styles, 5 in number; lobes of the capsule 1-seeded; the style when mature breaks away elastically and is coiled spirally; tails of carpels hairy on the inside; seeds not reticulated. The 65 species found in tem- perate and warm regions. Some species have become widely distributed because the seeds cling to the fleece of animals. Some species are troublesome in western United States. Erodium cicutarium T/Her. Alfilaria or Storksbill A hairy, tufted annual with low spreading stems; plant viscid or sticky; leaves pinnate or once to twice pinnatifid; flowers in umbel-like clusters, purple or pink; fruit hairy on the inside and spirally twisted when ripe. The &. moschatum is a stouter plant which occurs occasionally eastward. Distribution. This plant is common upon the Pacific Coast especially California, occurring in grain fields and waste places. It is also abundant in dry soils in the Salt Lake basin and from Colorado to Texas; occasionally found in the eastern states and Manitoba. Native to the Old World. The weed is commonly scattered by animals. It is injurious to wool. GERANIACEAE—ERODIUM 579 Injurious properties. Species of Erodium, like those of Stipa, have in some cases sharp pointed calluses which bury themselves in the flesh and inflict injuries to animals. Our common species is but slightly troublesome in this way. The carpels of the Erodium get into the fleece of sheep and thus the wool is rendered somewhat less salable. E. moschatum is injurious. i we 5) Fig. 320. Musk Erodium (Erodium moschatum). (After Fitch). Fig. 319. Hemlock Stork’s Bill (Erodium crcutarium). This widely distributed plant sometimes causes mechanical injuries in ani- mals. (Charlotte M. King). OXALIDACEAE Generally herbs, frequently with bulbs; acid juice; leaves palmate, with ob- cordate leaflets; flowers regular, 5-merous; stamens 10-15; ovary 5-celled; car- pels with few or many ovules, loculicidal. A small order of 250 species chiefly tropical. Oxalis I, Sorrel, Oxalis Annual or perennial herbs with sour juice; often bulbous with alternate, digitately compound leaves of 3 leaflets; flowers in umbel-like clusters, solitary or several flowered, regular, often dimorphic or trimophic; sepals 5; petals 5; 580 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS stamens 10; pistil 1; ovary 5-celled; ovules several in each cell; 5 separate styles; pod 5-celled, opening loculicidally; seeds 2 or more in each cell, the outer coat dehiscent; embryo large, endosperm present. The 250 species chiefly found in: the tropics. The Oxralis violacea with violet corolla is a common plant in woods. and prairies. The O. corniculata, a yellow flowered species, occurs from Penn- sylvania to Illinois. ‘The fresh juice of this is said to be an antidote against poisoning from the seeds of Jimson weed. Several South American species: like O. flava and O. Ortgiesi are cultivated indoors. The O. tetraphylla and O. lasiandra with their crimson flowers are also handsome for indoor cultivation. The O. crenata of Peru is cultivated for its tuberous roots. O-xalis violacea I, Violet Wood Sorrel Perennial with brownish bulb and ciliate scales; leaves smooth; leaflets. obcordate, the midrib sometimes sparingly hairy; flowers in cymose clusters ; sepals 5; petals 5, violet purple; capsule ovoid; seeds flattened, rugose-tuber- culate. . Distribution. New England to Florida and New Mexico. Poisonous properties. Dr. Schaffner notes a case of poisoning as follows: “A case is recorded of a boy being thrown into violent convulsions by eating a considerable quantity of the leaves.” Prof. Hyams states that children have been known to die from constantly eating the raw herbs of O. grandis. LINACEAE. Flax Family Herbs, rarely shrubs; stipules small or none; flowers regular and symmet- rical, hypogynous; sepals 5, rarely 4, imbricated and persistent; petals 5, or rarely 4, convolute; stamens 5, monadelphous at the base, alternate with the petals; pistil 1, 2-5-celled; styles 2-5; fruit capsular; seeds 1-2 in each cavity; cotyledons large, flat, withottt endosperm or with a small amount. A small. order of 4 genera and 90 species, mostly in the genus Linum. Linum (Tourn.) lL. Flax Herbs, sometimes with a woody base with tough fibrous bark; leaves sessile; stipules wanting or a pair of glands; flowers in cymes, racemes, or panicles ; sepals 5; petals 5, soon falling; stamens 5; pistil 1; ovary 4-5-celled or becoming divided by false partitions, making 10 cells; seeds shining with a mucilaginous coat; large cotyledons. Several species commonly cultivated for ornamental purposes. ‘The blue-flowered L. perenne of the Rocky Mountains, and the: red garden flax (ZL. grandiflorum) a hardy annual from North Africa, are cultivated. Linum usitatissimum \. Flax. Linseed Annual; stem corymbosely branched at the tip; acuminate sepals; flowers: broad; petals large, blue. Widely cultivated in the North and frequently spon- taneous. Poisonous properties and uses. The blue-flowered annual (L. usitatissimum ) has been cultivated for centuries. ‘The fiber has been found among the remains: of the Swiss Lake dwellers. ‘The ancient Egyptians as well as the Greeks and Romans also used the fiber for the manufacture of cloth. It is extensively cul- tivated in various European countries, fine fiber being produced in Belfast, Ire— LINACEAE—LINUM 581 land; Brussels, Belgium; in Russia, and the Nile region. ‘The seeds are also used extensively for making linseed oil. The chief regions where it is cultivated in North America are the Dakotas, Minnesota, Nebraska and Manitoba. Russia also cultivates the plant for the oil. The seed contains linolleic acid C,,H,,O,, and is rich in oil. The compressed refuse is manufactured into oil cake, which is used for cattle food. The flax oil found in the seed of the plant is about one- third of its weight. Commercially, between 20 per cent and 30 per cent are ob- tained. When fresh it is without color and has little taste. The commercial oil is yellow and has a repulsive taste. On exposure to the air after having been heated with oxide of lead, it dries up to a transparent varnish consisting chiefly of linoryn C,,H,,O,,. In medicine the flax seed is used in the form of a poultice, which is made of the pulverized seed. When oil cake or oil meal is fed in concentrated form it produced digestive trouble to hogs, frequently resulting in death. Dr. Schaffner states that it causes death to cattle, probably due to the prussic acid evolved from the plant when wilting. This substance has been reported. Friedberger and Frohner state that it causes violent colic, inflation, diarrhoea, staggering, palpitation, death with convulsions; autopsy shows gastro-enteritis and signs of axphyxiation. Linum rigidum Pursh. Large-flowered Yellow Flax An herbaceous glaucus or slightly puberulent annual with rigid angled branch- es from 1-2 feet high; leaves narrow, erect, usually with stipular glands; flowers large ,yellow; sepals acute or awn-pointed, glandular, serrulate; petals cune- ate-obovate longer than the sepals; styles separate only at the summit; capsule 5-valved and ovoid. Distribution. Loess soil of western Iowa to Missouri, Texas, Mexico to Arizona and Manitoba. Poisonous nature. According to Chesnut the plant is reported as poison- ous to sheep in the Pecos Valley, Texas. Rutaceak. Rue Family Trees, shrubs, or herbs with simple, compound, alternate or opposite leaves, glandular, with punctate dots without stipules; flowers mostly in cymose clusters, polygamo-dioecious hypogynous, or perigynous; sepals 4-5; petals 4 or 5; stam- ens of the same number or twice as many, distinct, inserted on the receptacle; pistils 2-5, distinct or one compound ; 2-5 carpels raised on an annular disk; embryo large, curved or straight; endosperm fleshy or none. About 875 species, mostly in tropical regions of Seni Africa and Australia. Few representatives in North America. ‘Two species of prickly ash (Zanthoxy- lum americanum Mill and Z. Clava-Herculis L.) and our hop-tree (Ptelea tri- foliata) are common in the United States. The fruit of the hop-tree is sed in Russia as a substitute for hops. A bitter alkaloidal principle occurs in Yan- thoxylum, ‘The gas plant (Dictamnus albus) a viscid glandular plant with strong aromatic scent is commonly cultivated. The common rue (Ruta graveolens), a native to Europe, is sometimes cultivated in country gardens. It has a strong disagreeable odor, and is so acrid that it will even blister the hands. It con- tains an acrid narcotic poison. The cork free (Phellodendron amurense) from the Amur region, is occasionally cultivated. The most important genus of the 582 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS order is Citrus. The orange (Citrus Aurantium) is extensively cultivated in California and Florida. C. Aurantium var. vulgaris is the bitter orange which has run wild in Florida and other parts of the world. It is used in the manu- facture of candied orange peel. The citron (C. Medica) produces the oil of citron, the thick peel being used to make the citron of commerce. The lemon (C. Limonum), wild in northern India, introduced into Europe by the Crusaders, is now well known in cultivation in California. The lime (C. Limetta) is cul- tivated in all tropical countries, and with the lemon is used to make lime juice. It is a refreshing drink and on sea voyages is used as an antiscorbutic. The lemon and lime are forms of C. Medica. The mandarine or tangerine (C. Aurantium) having a small flattened fruit with a thin rind and rich fruit, is grown in California and China. It is hardier than the orange, but probably a form of it. The shaddock or grape fruit (C. decumana) with large and some- what bitter fruit, is native to Polynesia, and in recent years has become much better known in the United States. The kumquat (C. japonica), native to Japan and China, produces a small and pleasantly flavored fruit. The Aegle sepiaria (C. trifoliata) hardy as far north as Washington, is a spiny shrub producing a many-seeded, yellow, austere fruit. Hybrids of the species and C. Aurantium with better and larger fruit, have been produced by Webber. The sour orange or Naranja (C. Bigaradia) of Porto Rico and Florida is used for stocks in all plantings on moist lands because it resists the foot-rot which affects other varieties. ‘The Beal fruit (Aegle Marmelos), native of India, with fruit about the size of an orange, produces a delicious fragrant material used in medicine. Jaborandi (Pilocarpus pennatifolius) native to Brazil contains the alkaloid pilocarpin C,,H,,N,O, and is a powerful diaphoretic. The adminis- tration of more than 5 ers. of the alkaloid is dangerous to horses when given subcutaneously. Atropin is an antidote. The alkaloid jaborin C,,H,,N,O, re- sembles atropin, also the alkaloid pilocarpidin, The bark of angustura (Cus- paria febrifuga) native to Venezuela contains cusparin C,,H,,NO, three other alkaloids and the bitter principle angusturin. The C. toxicaria of Brazil is poison Fig. 321. Orange (Citrus Aurantium). 1. Flowering branch. 2. Jongitudinal section of flower. 3. Longitudinal section of fruit. 4. Seed. (After Wossidlo). RUTACEAE 583 ous. Lunsia amara contains a toxic glucoside. Citric acid is found in fruits of lemons, lime and other members of the genus Citrus. The glucoside hesperi- din C,,H,,O,,4H,0 occurs in ripe and unripe fruits of Citrus; the resinous principle naringin C,,H,,O,, in C. decumana. The essential oil of lemons is one of the terpens C,,H,,; the oil of bergamot similar to the preceding is from Bergamot; limettin C,,H,,O, is the bitter principle of Citrus Medica— C. Limetta. The leaves of Buchu (Barosma crenulata) act as a mild diuretic. It contains a volatile oil of which 30 per cent is disophenol, also a crystalline glucoside (diosmin). The Commiphora abyssinica contains a volatile oil con- sisting of cuminol and eugenol. Aurantiamaric acid occurs in several species Of Ciirus:: . SIMARUBACEAE. Ailanthus Family Trees or shrubs with bitter bark; leaves pinnate, alternate, without punctate dots; stipules minute or none; flowers in axillary panicles or racemose clusters ; regular, dioecious or polygamous; calyx 3-5 lobed; petals 3-5; stamens of the same number as the petals or twice as many; pistils 2-5 and 1-5 celled; disk elongated or annular. A small family of 125 species of warm or tropical regions. The most widely known member of the family in the United States is the tree-of-Heaven or Chinese sumac (Ailanthus glandulosus). 'The quassia(Q. amara) of Guiana is used in fevers and as a substitute for hops to impart bitter flavor to beer. It contains quassin C,,H,,O,, a bitter principle. The bark of other plants of the order is bitter, like the sitmaruba bark. The cedron (Simaba Cedron) of Central America is used in the tropics for snake bites. The bitter fruit of Simaba valdivia contain a gulcoside C,,H,,O,,. Ailanthus Desf. Large trees; leaves compound, odd-pinnate; flowers in panicles, greenish white; calyx short, 5-cleft; 5 spreading petals; disk 10-lobed; 10 stamens of the staminate flowers inserted at the base of the disk; ovary of the pistillate flowers deeply 2-5 cleft, 1-celled; stamens 2-3; winged fruits 2-5. Three species native of China and Eastern Asia. Ailanthus glandulosus Desf. Tree-of-Heaven A tall tree with ample leaves, smooth or slightly pubescent; 13-41 stalked leaflets; ovate or ovate-lanceolate flowers, greenish pedicelled, the staminate ones badly scented. Distribution. Commonly escaped from cultivation, along roadsides from Southern Ontario to Kansas, Southeast Iowa, hardy as far north as Central Towa. Poisonous properties. The bark is known to be poisonous. Dr. White, in his Dermatitis Venenata states that he read an account in some medical journal of the suspected poisoning by this tree during its flowering season, and the statement was made that a case of marked dermatitis of the face, had been attributed to the emanations of a tree of this species, growing very near the sleeping-chamber of the patient. He records a case where a lady was. poisoned by contact with it. Dr. Halsted states that when the flowers are handled they produce an irritation of the skin. 584 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS In the Medical and Surgical Reporter of Philadelphia for 1872, this state- ment is quoted by Dr. Rusby in regard to the poisoning coming from the roots of this plant. A case in which four persons were apparently poisoned by this root. They were mem- bers of one family and were successively, that is, at intervals of a few days, attacked, with no other possible cause than their drinking water which they took from the well of a neighbor. ‘They all drank water exclusively, except the husband, who was the last to be taken. Others who drank of this water occasionally suffered similarly but to a slight ex- tent. All immediately began to recover as soon as the drinking of this water was stopped. The symptoms, which had been slight for many weeks, appeared in a violent form in November, at which time an Ailanthus tree growing in the vicinity of the well must have shed its leaves, and to a great extent its fruit also, if a pistillate tree, which fact was not stated. On examination the soil all about the well was found to be thickly permeated with the roots of this tree, and these were also supposed to extend into the water, though an investigation regarding this was apparently not made. Inasmuch as the symptoms had existed in a mild form before the fall of the leaves, it is fair to assume that the roots had contributed toward the result, while the violent out-break in November would seem to indicate a sudden increase in the cause due to the accumulation of the leaves in the well. The symptoms were jaundice, a dingy aspect of the face and eyes, countenance fixed and anxious, pulse frequent and soft, yellowish fur on tongue, except on the tip and edges, tenderness over the liver, and most important, a persistent pain over the stomach with paroxysmal vomiting, pain in the back, difficult urination and obstinate constipation. ‘The symptoms were thus apparently to a great extent those of chronic gastritis. Dr. Schaffner says that cows will not eat grass near the young shoots. Quercetiin occurs in the leaves. They also contain the bitter principle linuttin. PoLYGALACEAE. Milkwort Family Herbs or rarely shrubs; stipules none; flowers perfect; sepals 5; petals 3 or 5, free; stamens 4-8, monadelphous, or diadelphous; anthers 1-celled, open- Fig. 322. Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus glandulosus). The bark is supposed to cause dermatitis. (Ada Hayden). POLYGALACEAE, 585 ing at the top by a pore; ovary 2-celled; ovules 2; fruit a 2-seeded pod. A small order of about 700 species, found chiefly in the tropical and temperate regions. Some species of the order produce a strong fiber. Polygala (Tourn.) L. Milkwort Herbs or shrubs; simple entire, dotted leaves without stipules; flowers perfect, irregular, occasionally cleistogamous; calyx of 5 sepals, the 2 iateral known as wings, large, colored, the other small, greenish; petals 3, free, connected with each other and the stamen tube; stamens 6 or 8, filaments united below or in 2 sets; pistil 1; ovary 2-celled; ovules 1 in each cell; fruit mainly capsu- lar; seeds with a caruncle, anatropous; embryo large; little endosperm. About 250 species, of wide distribution, chiefly of warm regions. A genus of little economic importance. Polygala Senega l. Seneca Snakeroot Plants clustered, several from a woody and knotty rootstock, simple 6-12 inches high; leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate with rough margins; dense spike, long peduncle; flowers white, none cleistogamous; wings round-obovate; crest short; seeds hairy. Distribution. In rocky woods or clay soil. New Brunswick to Minnesota, Central Iowa to the Rockies in Canada. Poisonous properties. ‘The dried root is gathered when the leaves are dead, Fig. 323. Seneca Snakeroot (Polygala Senega). Dried root is made into a powder which is very ei (From John- son’s Med. Bot. of N. A.). 586 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS and made into a powder and a tincture prepared. This tincture has a peculiar -acridity. Dr. Millspaugh says: ‘ After tasting the tincture or chewing the rootlets, a very peculiar sensation of acridity and enlargement is felt at the root of the tongue, which, once recognized, will always men- tally associate itself with this plant. The root contains polygalic acid C,,H,,0,,. It is a white, odorless, acrid, amorphous powder. This acid forms a frothing, saponaceous solution in boiling water, and breaks up into sapogenin and amorphous sugar, to which the name senegin has been given, which by some has been regarded as identical with saponin. Accord- ing to the author quoted above, in doses of 10 minims of the tincture to a scruple of the powdered root, it produces: Anxiousness, with dullness of the head and vertigo; aching and weakness of the eyes, with Jachrymation, pressure in the ball, flickerings, dazzling vision, and contracted pupils; sneezing; ptyalism; inflammation of the fauces and oesophagus, with thirst with anorexia; nausea; mucous vomiting; burning in the stomach; cutting colic; roughness and irritation of the larynx, with orgasm of blood to the chest, accompanied by constriction, aching, sore- ness, and oppression; general debility; restless sleep; and profuse diaphoresis. Senegin resembles other saponins. Recent investigations indicate that the plant also contains quillagic acid C,,H,,O,, sapotoxin and two senega saponins. The saponin of Polygala virginiana has the formula C,,H.,O,,. Other species of Polygalaceae like P. venenosa contain saponin. , EUPHORBIACEAE. Spurge Family Herbs, shrubs or trees usually with a milky acrid juice, opposite alternate or verticillate leaves; monoecious or dioecious flowers, much reduced, sub- tended by bracts resembling a calyx or corolla; ovary usually 3-celled; ovules 2 in each cell, pendulous; stigmas as many or twice as many as the cells; styles generally 3; fruit a capsule, separating elastically into a 2-valved capsule; fleshy or oily endosperm; seeds with flat cotyledons. A large family of 4000 species, chiefly tropical, many of which possess noxious qualities. Some species of the genus Manihot found in tropical Amer- Fig. 324. Manchineal Tree (Hippomane Mancinella). Furnishes an arrow poison. (From Vesques’ Traité de Botanique). EUPHORBIACEAE 587 ica are poisonous. The fresh juice of bitter cassava administered to dogs and cats causes death in twenty minutes. The starch from this is used for sizing. Cassava (Manihot utilissima) is extensively cultivated in tropical America and to some extent also in Florida. The sweet cassava roots are used as food for cattle and man. ‘Tapioca is the starch which settling from the water used to wash cassava meal, is afterward dried. An intoxicating drink is made from cassava bread. Rubber plants of the order are the Hevea, Micrandus and Manihot. The manchineal tree (Hippomane Mancineila), the celebrated poison tree of tropical America furnishes an arrow poison. The fruit, though temp- ting, contains an acrid poison, which causes blisters to form. The poisonous properties are said to rival those of the deadly Upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria). The following is an extract from “West India Sketches”: The branches contain a milky juice which will certainly blister the skin ,and it has been a common trick among the negroes to apply it to their backs in order to excite the compassion of those who might mistake it for the effects of beating. Kingsley, in his charming “At Last,” writes of it: We learnt to distinguish the poisonous manchineal, and were thankful in serious earnest that we had happily plucked none the night before, when we were snatching at every new leaf; for its milky juice by mere dropping on the skin burns like the poisoned tunic of Nessus, and will even, when the head is injured by it, cause blindness and death. Dr. White in his Dermatitis Venenata, speaks of the use of the plant in the West Indies as follows: This large family of Euphorbiaceae contains some of the most poisonous plants. One of the most virulent is the manchkineal, a small tree, bearing fruit resembling an apple, which grows in Southern Florida. Loudon states that it abounds in a white milk which is highly poisonous, and so very caustic that a single drop placed upon the skin instantly causes the sensation of a hot iron, and in a short space of time raises a blister. It is a common belief that to sleep under it causes death. Whole woods on the seacoast of ‘Martinique have been burned in order to clear the country of such a dangerous pest. The fruit is highly poisonous. Mr. Combs in his paper on Cuban Medical plants, states that its poisonous effects may be overcome by the use of Tecoma leucoxylon or Jatropha gossy- pifolia. The uncooked rhizome of Maranta arundinaceae is sometimes used for the same purpose. The latex of the sandbox tree Hura crepitans is also very poisonous and when applied to the skin, causes eruptive pustules resembling those of erysipelas. It also produces injuries to the eyes. It contains a sharp acrid poison. When taken internally it produces vomiting and diarrhoea. The seeds are used as emetic. The Nigeria species of Mahogany (Ricinodendron africanus) also produces a valuable wood. The tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) is cultivated in tropical countries for wax found on the fruit, which is made into candles.. The candlenut tree (Aleu- rites triloba) is cultivated on the islands of the Pacific Ocean for oi! found in the seeds, which is made into candles, soap, etc. The seeds of A. moluccana are roasted and eaten. The Kalo Nut (A. Fordii) according to Holmes * is poisonous having produced toxic symptoms in five children. It is the source of tung or Chinese wood oil. The seeds of pinhoen oil (Jatropha Curcas) are eaten. They are nutty and have a pleasant flavor, but when eaten in excess, produce serious trouble and death often results. The drastic principle of Croton * Pharm, Jour. 4:25, 231, 241. Brit. Yearbook of Pharm. 1908:240. 588 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 325. Sandbox Tree (Hura crepitans). 1. Flowering and fruiting branch. 2. Part of a large branch. Latex causes dermatitis. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique.) oil (Croton Tiglium) has not been definitely determined, but it has been refined to a dark brown oil known as crotonol. The plant contains tiglinic acid C-H,O,. Crotinic acid C,H,O, and Croton oil are derived from the Croton Tiglium, that is cultivated in southern India. This plant is a drastic purgative, capable, when given in excessive doses, of causing death. The resin produces vesication. The seeds, according to Blyth, are very poisonous. The fixed oil has the formula C,H, ,O,. The bark of Cascarilla (Croton Eluteria), native to the Bahamas, is used as a tonic and contains cascarillin C,H,O,. The milky juice of Euphorbia resinifera of Morocco is used as a purgative and is so intensely acrid that people in collecting it are compelled to tie a cloth over their nostrils and mouths. It contains the substance euphorbon C,,H,,O,, which has a burning taste. The milky juice of agallocha (Excoecaria Agallocha) of tropical Asia is very acrid and blisters the skin. It is said that if the juice drops into the eye as sometimes happens to the woodcutter, blindness may be caused. E-xcoecaria glandulosa contains excoecarin C,,H,,O,. The Homalanthus Leschenaultianus is said to be poisonous. The fruit of Hyaena poison (Toxicodendron capense) of South Africa is very poisonous, and is used to destroy beasts of prey. Gum elastic or Para rubber is derived from the South American Hevea brasiliensis. Other plants of the family yield caoutchouc, which contains hydrocarbons that are readily soluble in chloroform. ‘The alkaloid drumin occurs in Euphorbia Drummondii. Several species of Euphorbia like Poinsettia (Euphorbia splen- dens) and E. heterophylla are cultivated for ornamental purposes. From the EUPHORBIACEAE 589 Fig. 326. Croton (Croton Tiglhum). Flowering and fruiting branch. The source of croton oil. (After Faguet.) glands and hairs covering the fruit of kamala (Mallotus philippinensis) a dye is made. The fruit is also used as a vermifuge; it contains rottlerin C,,H,,O, and isorottlerin. Many species of the genus are regarded as poisonous. Maiden states that the E. Drummondii is poisonous to stock in New South Wales. It is known as the milk plant and is especially troublesome to sheep. It causes the head to swell to an enormous size so that the animal cannot support its head. Suppuration frequently follows. EE. alsinaeflora is also poisonous to sheep in the same country. E. eremophila is another suspect in that country. E£. heptagona is an arrow poison. Some species of this genus are used as fish poisons. Emanations of &. characias at one time were supposed to cause malarial fever which, however, was an erroneous assumption. Lehmann, a German writer on poisonous plants lists the following species as poisonous: E. Lathyris, E. Heliscopia, E. platyphylla, E. Esula, E. Cyparissias, E. palustris, E. Peplus, E. exigua. The E. antiquorum of the East Indies, E. canariensis of the Ca- nary Islands,and &. Reinhardtiiof the Transvaal contain a milky acrid poisonous juice.* The resin from Euphorbia produces sneezing, irritation of face and skin, vomiting and diarrhoea and when used in large doses, death. Where the drug is manufactured, workmen must protect themselves; but, even then, head- ache, dizziness and weakness follow. To poisoning from members of the genus Euphorbia, Friedberger and Frohner ascribe such symptoms as constipation, severe and bloody diarrhoea, feeble pulse and tympanites. * Bull. Misc. Inf. Roy. Gard, Kew, 1908: 154. 590 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS vl, Y NY WP b Yi be WA aw _ Fig. 326. Caper spurge (Euphorbia Lathy- ris). a, upper half of plant, one-third nat- ural size; b, seed capsule, natural size. Listed by Lehmann as poisonous. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) According to Greshoff the leaves of Andrachne cordifolia and other members of the family contain hydrocyanic acid. Key for genera of Euphorbiaceae: Flowers without a calyx inclosed in a cup-shaped involucre. 5. Euphorbia. Flowers with a calyx; involucre absent. Flowers apetalous in panicles; stamens 10. Calyx corolla-like; plant with stinging hairs. 4. Jatropha. Flowers in terminal racemes or spikes covered with scurfy or stellate hairs, glandular. Flowers spiked or glomerate; ovary usually 3-celled. 1. Croton. Flowers in axillary spikes or paniculate; stamens 8 or more. Fertile flowers in the axils of leafy bracts; stamens usually 8. 7. Acalypha. Flowers in interrupted axillary spikes; stamens 8-20. 6. Mercurialis. Flowers paniculate; stamens very numerous; filaments branched. 3. Ricinus. Flowers apetalous in racemes or spikes; stamens 2 or 3 style simple. Flowers racemose, hirsute or pubescent. 2. Tragia. Flowers spicate, glabroid. 8. Stillingia. EKUPHORBIACEAE—CROTON 591 1. Croton L,. Stellate, pubescent herbs or shrubs; leaves generally alternate, occasionally with glands at the base of the blade; flowers spicate or racemose, the stamin- ate above; calyx 4-6 parted; petals usually present, small or rudimentary, alter- nating with the glands; stamens 5 or more; pistillate flowers with calyx 5-10 parted; petals usually wanting; ovary mostly 3-celled, with a single ovule in each cell. Croton capitatus Michx. Hogwort An annual, dense, soft woolly herb, somewhat glandular, from 1-2 feet high, occasionally branched; leaves entire, lanceolate oblong, with long petioles; sterile flowers with 5-parted calyx and as many glands alternating with the obovate lanceolate petals which are fimbriate; fertile flowers several, capitate or crowned; calyx 7-12 parted; 5 petals wanting; styles twice or thrice forked; seeds gray, smooth. Distribution. A common weedy plant from Missouri to Texas; from New Jersey to Georgia, Iowa and eastern Kansas. Fig. 327. Hogwort (Croton capitatus). Suspected of being poisonous. (After A. M. Fergusonn, Rep. Mo. Bot. Garden) a2 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Croton texensis Muell A branching annual from 1-2 feet high, covered with close stellate pubes- cence; leaves narrowly oblong-lanceolate to linear; dioecious; calyx lobes 5, unequal; petals none; staminate spikes short; stamens 10 or more; style 2 or 3 times dichotomously 2-parted; capsule stellate, tomentose and roughened; seeds ovoid or oval. Distribution. From South Dakota to Colorado, Texas, Mexico, Missouri and Alabama. Poisonous properties. Several species of the genus Croton are used in medicine. The Croton Tiglimm contains an oil which given internally is a powerful cathartic, but when applied externally, is a rubefacient. Loss of the hair follicles and of hair may occur. When gently rubbed into the skin, it produces, after a short time, a considerable degree of itching, redness, and burn- ing, and within a few hours small red papules may develop. If more of the oil is applied the papules are more abundant and are often surrounded with a bright red halo. They often become pustular and scars fill the pustules. Fig. 328. Texas Croton (Croton texensis). Some- times causes irritation of the skin. (After Mrs. M. H. D. Irish, Rep. Mo. Bot. Garden.) EUPHORBIACEAE—CROTON 593 Croton oil contains several fatty acids, such as stearic, palmitic, myristic and lauric acids. The volatile part of the acids contains an acid called tiglinic C.H,O,, which is the same as angelic acid. The drastic principle of Croton oil has not been definitely determined, according to Fliickiger and Hanbury. Crotonol C,,H,,O,, is a non-purgative body causing irritation of the skin. According to Winslow, in h’s Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics, “10 drops of croton oil will kill a dog unless vomiting occurs. 30 drops prove fatal to a horse, intravenously. The treatment of poisoning includes the use of emetics or stomach tube, demulcents and opium.” None of our native species is mentioned as poisonous by Dr. Schaffner or Prof. Chesnut, but a few years ago I had a query through the Wallace Farmer in Des Moines, from a correspondent in Western Nebraska who suspected that the Texas croton was poisonous. The writer has eaten a few seeds of our southern Croton capi- tatus with slight uneasiness. On the other hand, a few seeds of the Texas croton produced powerful irritation which lasted for an hour, and then disap- peared. It is listed by Bessey and O’Gara as possibly poisonous in Western Nebraska. Prof. Chesnut states in his paper on Plants used by the Indians in Mendocino county, California, that the bruised leaves of Croton setigera are used to stupefy fish. The common name, fish soap-root, indicates its use. The bark of the cascarilla (Croton Eluteria), native of the Bahama Islands is used as a tonic. Tragia L. Tragia Monecious herbs or shrubs, usually armed with stinging hairs; leaves alter- nate; flowers in racemes with bractlets, apetalous; sterile flowers with a 3-5 cleft calyx; fertile flowers with a 3-8-parted calyx, divisions entire or pinnati- Fig. 329. Spurge Nettle (Tragia urens). This spurge is common in some places in the South and has hairs that are irritating like those of the ’com- mon nettle. (Charlotte M. King.) 594 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS fid; styles 3; capsule 3-lobed, separating into three 2-valved carpels. A small genus of 50 species. Tragia urens Ll, Common Nettle or Tragia A dull green, pilose plant with pilose or hirsute hairs; erect, branched stems; leaves obovate, or ovate-linear; short, petioled, pistillete flowers, several at the base of the racemes, with a 5-6 lobed calyx; capsule short-pedicelled. Distribution. From Virginia to Florida and Texas. Tragia nepetaefolia Cav. Tragia or Nettle. A somewhat hispid, erect, or slightly twining plant, bearing stinging hairs; leaves ovate, or triangular-lanceolate; base cordate or truncate; short petioled; racemes many-flowered; pistillate flowers with a 5-lobed calyx; seeds chestnut brown. Distribution. From Kansas to New Mexico. Poisonous properties. ‘The hairs have the same stinging property as those of the common nettle. 3. Ricinus (Tourn.) L. Castor Oil Bean A tall, stout herb or tree in tropics; glabrous and glauctis; large, alternate, peltate leaves; flowers in large, panicled clusters; the fertile above, the staminate below; calyx 5-parted; stamens numerous; styles 3, united at the base, each 2.parted, red;capsule subglobose, or oval, separating into 3, 2-valved carpels; cotyledons large; endosperm fleshy and oily. A single species naturalized in warm countries, probably native to Asia. Ricinus communis I, Castor Oil Plant A tall, smooth, branching herb with palmately-lobed leaves ; seeds oblong, shining, variegated with white. Distribution. Widely cultivated as an ornamental plant, and an escape from cultivation trom New Jersey to Texas. Poisonous properties. The seeds furnish the well known castor oil, which is a mild and safe purgative. It contains ricinolein, or ricinoleic acid glycerid, CH ACH Os), 3 aul acrid principle; also palmitin, stearin, and myristin, The purgative principle found in it is unknown. Castor oil is not poisoncus, ‘but the pulp contains an acrid, albuminous substance, ricin C,H.N,O,. Br Winslow, in speaking of the poisonous character, says, the seeds “contain 50 percent of oil, and an acrid, poisonous substance. Three seeds have caused death in man,, and they are ten times more purgative than the oil.” A few seeds eaten entire by a child might produce serious symptoms. According to Ches- nut, the seed eaten accidentally by horses has caused death. They are used also to poison sheep, according to the same authority. The oil cake is said not to be poisonous to poultry and cattle. A case is known of a young lady whose eyes became inflamed when in contact with a mere trace of the material in the laboratory. The toxin is very poisonous, but animals may be rendered immune, and the seeds then fed to them. Behring has produced an anti-toxic serum against the ricin or toxin of the castor oil bean. Lol Ne} ul EUPHORBIACEAE—RICINUS , see Leap aul Slag S Fig. 330. Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis). Furnishes the well known castor oil of commerce. (After Faguet.) The symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, gastric pain, bloody diarrhoea and dullness of vision. Stillmark1 states that the toxalbumin of castor oil bean, when injected into the circulation is more poisonous than strychnin, prussic acid, or arsenic. Quite recently Dr. W. N. Bispham? reported on several cases of poisoning in Cuba from eating the seeds of the Castor oil plant. Some persons showed peculiar susceptibility ; in one case poisoning occured from eating a single seed, while in another a good many were eaten; in both cases the seeds caused nausea, vomiting, and purging of a violent nature. Toxic substances similar to ricin occur in the following plants. Abrus precatorius (abrin), Jatropha curcas (curcin), Croton Eluteria (crotin), Robinia Pseudo-Acacia (robin), Brayera anthelmintica (costoxin). According to Ceni and Besta a toxin also occurs in Urtica, Viscum seedlings, Aspergillus flavus, and A. fumigatus. 1 Dorpat. Arch. 3: (1889). 2 Am. Jour. Med. Sci. 126: 319-321. 596 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 4. Jatropha l.. Spurge Nettle or Bull Nettle Monoecious, or rarely dioecious, perennial herbs, with bristly hairs, entire or lobed leaves; flowers in cymes; calyx colored like petals in sterile flower, mostly salver-shaped, and 5-lobed, enclosing 10-30 stamens; pistillate flowers in the lower forks of the cymes; capsule ovoid or subglobose, separating into 2-valved carpels. A small genus of 4 or 5 species. Jatropha stimulosa Michx A branching, perennial plant with a stout root, 6-12 inches high, and sting- ing hairs; leaves round, heart-shaped, 3-5 lobed or variously cleft; calyx of the staminate flower salver-form, white or pinkish; stamens 10, filaments almost separate; seeds oblong-ovoid, smooth and mottled. Distribution. In dry sandy soil from Virginia to Texas. Poisonous properties. Mr. John Smith says that a plant growing at Kew was placed on his wrist, and produced in a few minutes, serious symptoms ex- tending to the upper part of his body; the lips became swollen, and the whole of a livid red, fainting coming on in ten minutes. The writer was told of numer- ous instances of poisoning in Texas where it is much dreaded. Jatropha urens, known as the Brazilian stinging nut, is considered to be one of the most poisonous plants known. The Cuban physic nut (Japtropha Cur- cas) is used as a purgative. Vig. 331. Spurge Nettle. Lois Pammel. Fig. 332. Spurge nettle (Jatropha stimulosa). The Jatropha has stinging hairs that produce in- juries similar to those produced by nettle but much more powerful. (After Hochstein). 1 EUPHORBIACEAE—JATROPHA 597 5. Euphborbia L. Spurge Monoecious shrubs or herbs with alternate or opposite, verticillate leaves; flowers involucrate, involucres resembling a calyx or corolla, bearing a large thick gland in the sinuses; staminate flowers consist of a single jointed stamen on a filament-like pedicel; pistillate flower solitary at the bottom of the involucre consisting of a 3-lobed and 3-celied ovary; capsule at maturity breaking into 3-lobed 1-seeded carpels; seeds frequently caruncled, smooth, variously pitted. About 700 species, chiefly in warmer regions. A few are weedy, some poison- ous and some planted for ornamental purposes. The milky juice of the Brazil- ian E, heterodoxa produces a ferment which acts much like papain. Euphorbia Presilii Guss. Large Spotted Spurge An ascending, erect annual from 1-2 feet high, opposite oblique leaves, which are ovate, oblong or oblong-linear, falcate, serrate, usually with a red spot or red margins; stipules triangular; flowers collected in a loose terminal cyme; appendages entire, white or red; pod smooth, angled; seeds small, blackish, ovate, obtusely angled, wrinkled, and tubercled. Distribution. Common in eastern North America west to the Rocky Moun- tains. Euphorbia maculata 1, Spotted Spurge A prostrate spreading, hairy annual; leaves oblong-linear, pubescent or smooth, oblique at base, serrate above, small brownish spots on leaves; stipules lanceolate, fimbriate; flowers monoecious, included in a 4-5-lobed involucre; glands of the involucre minute; peduncles as long as the petioles, in dense clusters; pods minutely pubescent; seeds sharply 4-angled, having 4 shallow grooves, whitish. Uy ( a@P Zee | NN l, me 7 Y Wy) aN al NF, 7 Nie y, Af OK BY, _ Fig. 333. Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia maculata). Common roadside plant. Probably poisonous. (C. M. King). 598 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Common along roadsides, walks, etc., from New England to the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf States. Euphorbia marginata Pursh. Snow on the Mountain An erect, stout annual from 2-3 feet high; stem hairy or somewhat smooth; leaves sessile, scattered, ovate or oblong, entire; deciduous stipules; uppermost leaves opposite or whorled with conspicuous white petal-like margins; involucre bell-shaped in umbels; glands of the 5-lobed involucre with broad and white appendages; seeds ovoid, globose, terete, dark ash colored, reticulate. Distribution. Frequently cultivated in gardens from whence it has escaped. Found in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana. Native from western Minnesota, Iowa to Colorado, and Texas. Euphorbia corollata ,. Milkweed or Flowering Spurge Perennial with a long, stout rootstock, glabrous or sparingly hairy; leaves ovate, lanceolate, or linear, obtuse, short-petioled, or sessile; inflorescence in umbel-like clusters; involucre long peduncled with white conspicuous ap- pendages; seeds thick, ovoid, slightly pitted, ash-colored. Distribution. In rocky or sandy soil, Mass. to New York, New Jersey, Florida, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Texas. Fig. 334. Common Flowering Spurge (Euphorbia corollata). A plant with milky juice which has ir- ritating properties. common in sandy fields. It has white bracts. re- sembling flowers. (Charlotte M. King.) EUPHORBIACEAE—EUPHORBIA oe Euphorbia Lathyris L. Myrtle Spurge A glabrous annual or biennial, simple below, branched above, from 2-3 feet high; leaves thick, linear or oblong, scattered, the upper lanceolate Fig. 335. Snow on the mountain (Euphor- bia marginata): a, whole plant, one-third nat- ural size; b, seed capsule, natural size. Cul- tivated in old gardens. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) or linear-lanceolate; inflorescence umbel-like, bearing 4 crescent-shaped glands, prolonged into horns; seeds oblong-ovoid, terete, usually wrinkled. Distribution. In waste places. New Jersey to North Carolina, Iowa, and California. Native to Europe. Euphorbia Ipecacuanhae 1,. Wild Ipecac Perennial from 5-10 inches high; long perpendicular root; entire, smooth leaves, varying from obovate or oblong to narrowly linear, nearly sessile; in- volucres long peduncled and 5 transversely elliptical or oblong green glands; seeds smooth, ovate, white, pitted, and obscurely 4-sided. Distribution. In sandy soil from Connecticut to Indiana and Florida. 600 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 336. Wild Ipecac (Euphorbia Ipecacuan- hae.) Plant that possesses irritating proper- ties and is also a purgative. (Millspaugh and Charlotte M. King.) Euphorbia heterophylla . Cruel Plant An erect, smooth annual from 1-3 feet high; leaves alternate, petioled, linear lanceolate to orbicular, undulate, entire or toothed; the upper leaves usually fiddle-shaped, with a red base; involucre in terminal clusters, 5-lobed, with a single or a few almost sessile glands; seeds nearly round, transversely wrinkled and tubercled. Distribution. From Illinois and Missouri to Nebraska. Euphorbia Cyparissias 1, Cypress Spurge A bright green perennial from 6-12 inches high with running rootstocks; stems clustered, occurring in patches; stem leaves linear, entire, densely crowded, those of the flower heart-shaped and entire; flowers in umbellate clusters, umbel many-rayed, glands crescent-shaped; pods granular; seeds oblong and smooth. Distribution. Native to Europe, but widely scattered in eastern North America. First introduced as a cultivated plant in North America. Poisonous properties. All of the species are more or less irritating and in drying give off very disagreeable odors. Many of the species of the genus are used by quacks to remove warts and freckles; the juice produces an erysip- elatous-like inflammation, and in one case mentioned by Dr. White, the whole abdominal wall became gangrenous. The milky juice of the plant causes itching and inflammation. The general effect is very much like that of poisoning from the poison ivy. In Texas, accord- ing to Chesnut, the juice of E. marginata is used to brand cattle. The honey : EUPHORBIACEAE—EUPHORBIA 601 Fig. 337. Yellow Flowering or Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia Cyparissias). A branch with large bracts and small flowers. (Stras- burger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper.) obtained by bees from the plant is poisonous and is rendered unfit for use. The acrid properties of this species were described some years ago by Dr. Schneck. The juice of E. corollata, according to Dr. Halsted and many other observers, is acrid, and, on the authority of Dr. Bigelow, formerly was used for blistering purposes. ‘The bruised root will vesicate the skin. According to Dr. J. C. White, the dust of this species produces painful swelling and vesicles upon men who handle the plant. It is used as an emetic, and is troublesome to those who collect it. The Euphorbia pilulifera is used as a sedative in spasmodic conditions of the respiratory apparatus. It produces dermatitis. Dr. White, in his Derma- titis Venenata, has this to say of the species of the genus: More than one hundred species of Euphorbia, or spurge, grow in the United States, either indigenous or immigrants from Europe. Of every species Loudon says the juice is so acrid as to corrode and ulcerate the body wherever applied; and of 4H. resinifera, from which the official euphorbium is obtained, Pliny-and Dioscorides, according to the Dispensatory, describe the method of collecting juice, so as to prevent irritation of the hands and face. ‘This sub- stance is used as a plaster to prolong suppuration. Van Hasselt states that the juice of several species is used by quacks to remove warts, freckles, as depilatory, etc.; and that the application of the juice, powder, and extract produces not only erysipelatous, pustular, and phlegmonous inflammation, but even gangrene. In one case mentioned the whole abdominal wall became the seat of gangrene. 602 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Of our native species, Bigelow says that the juice of several was used in his day to de- stroy warts. and Gray describes them all as containing an acrid, poisonous juice The most active of them are &. corollata, E. Ipecacuanhae, and E. Lathyris. Tue first of these, com- monly called snake-milk, according to Bigelow, has been used for blistering purposes, and the Dispensatory states that the bruised root will vesicate the skin. Mr. Cheney informs me that the juice of E. Ipecacuanhae is quite troublesome to many who collect and handle it; and Bazin states that the dust of E. Lathyris, growing both in Europe and in this country, causes redness, painful swelling, and vesicles upon the workmen employed in handling it. With reference to the poisonous nature of the juice of the several species, nothing very definite is known. Euphorbon C,,H,,O, has been found in Eu- phorbia Ipecacuanhae. ‘This euphorbon acts as an irritant to the mucous mem- awl | SV, t, Uj ay Fig. 338. Large Spotted Spurge (Euphorbia Preslii). Sup- posed to cause ‘‘slobbers” in horses. (Charlotte M. King.) branes throughout the alimentary tract. The caper spurge (Euphorbia Lathy- ris) is poisonous, and the following physiological actions are described by Dr. Millspaugh: Brilliant, staring, wide-open eyes, dilated pupils; death-like pallor of the countenance; retching and vomiting; violent purgation, stools frequent, copious, and in some cases bloody; irregular pulse; whole body cold and rigid, followed by heat and perspiration. M. M. E. Sudour and A, Caraven-Cachin state that emesis always precedes purgation, and that the seeds have an irritating action upon the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal, principally in the larger intestines. They divide the effects into three stages: a, the cold stage, including vomit- EUPHORBIACEAE—EUPHORBIA 603 ing and diarrhoea; b, the stage of excitation, including nervousness, vertigo, and delirium; y, the state of reaction, including heat and copious sweat. With reference to the physiological action of the common spurge (Eu- phorbia Preslii), the following statement is made by Dr. True: Headache with frontal fullness and heat; heat about the eyes; languor and drowsiness; oppression of the stomach; and constipation. ‘The juice applied to the eyes causes severe irritation, with smarting and burning, lachrymation, and momentary blindness; this we have experienced twice while gathering the plant. It is supposed that this species causes the affec- tion in horses called “‘slobbers.”’ 6. Mercurialis 1, Mercury Annual or perennial herbs; with opposite pinnately veined leaves; flowers dioecious or monoecious in interrupted axillary spikes, apetalous; calyx small, green, 3-parted; capsule 3-lobed. Mercurialis annua 1, Annual Mercury A leafy stemmed, erect, annual herb; leaves lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, crenate serrate; carpels hispid; indigenous to Europe, found in waste places from Nova Scotia to Ohio, and South Carolina, The M. perennis differs from M. annua in having a creeping perennial root, and hairy leaves. Poisonous properties. Both species are acrid and poisonous. 7. Acalypha L. ‘Three seeded Mercury Herbs or shrubs, leaves alternate, petioled; flowers stipulate in spikes or spike-like racemes or solitary; calyx of staminate flowers 4-parted; calyx of Fig. 339. Annual Mercury (Mercurialis annua). Staminate and pistillate branches. An acrid, poisonous plant. (After Faguet.) 604 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the fertile flower 3-5 parted, subtended by a foliaceous bract; petals wanting in both staminate and pistillate flowers; stamens 8-16 united at their bases; capsule consisting of 3 globular 2-valved carpels, each 1-seeded. About 250 species chiefly tropical, 3 species in the central and eastern states. A. gracilens has smaller leaves than A. virginica. A. ostryaefolia has echinate fruit and oc- curs from New Jersey to Texas and Kansas. Acalypha virginica L. ‘Three-seeded Mercury A smoothish or hairy annual from 1-2 feet high often turning purple, es- pecially in the autumn; leaves ovate or oblong ovate, sparingly serrate, long petioled; sterile spike few-flowered; pistillate flowers 1-3 at the base of stam- inate peduncle; capsule 3-lobed subglobose; seeds ovoid, reddish striate. Distribution. From Nova Scotia to Florida, Texas, Kansas and Minnesota. Poisonous properties. This has been sent to me several times as supposedly poisonous. It is distasteful to cattle and they refuse to eat it in the pasture. 8. Stillingia I.. Queen’s Root Smooth upright herbs or shrubs; leaves alternate or rarely opposite, fre- quently with 2 glands at the base; flowers in spikes, apetalous; calyx 2-3 cleft or parted; staminate flowers, several together in the axils of the bractlets, stamens 2 or 3 pistillate flowers solitary in the axils of the lower bractlets; capsule 3-celled and 3-seeded. About 15 species of tropical America and the Pacific Islands. Stillingia sylvatica I, Queen’s Delight A bright green herb 1-3 feet high; leaves nearly sessile lanceolate or ellip- tical, 2 glandular base; flowers lemon-colored subtended by small bracts with saucer-shaped glands; calyx cup-shaped; capsule depressed; seeds ovoid, light gray, minutely pitted and a flat base. Distribution. From Virginia to Florida, Texas and Kansas in light sandy soil. Poisonous properties. 'This plant is commonly used in medicine. It is said to be an efficient alterative. It contains an acrid resin sylvacal and an acrid fixed oil. SAPINDALES Trees, shrubs or herbs; petals usually present and separate; sepals usually distinct; stamens rarely more than twice as many as the sepals or fewer; op- posite or alternate; ovary superior, compound; ovule pendulous. Contains many tropical plants, some with milky juice. In the family Buzxaceae is the common box (Buxus sempervirens) which is used as a hedge plant and furnishes the best wood for wood engraving. ‘The plant is an acrid poison. It is sometimes substituted for hops in the manufacture of beer and thus becomes the occasion of serious accident. The edible crowberry (Empetrum nigrum) belongs to the family Empetraceae and occurs far northward in America and Europe. The bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia) of Atlantic North America belongs to the family Staphyleaceae. 'The family Sapindaceae contains the balloon vine (Cardio- EUPHORBIACEAE—ACALY PHA 605 Fig. 340. Three-seeded Mercury (Acalypha virginica). Sup- posed to be poisonous to cattle. (Ada Hayden.) 606 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS spermum Halicacabum), a well known ornamental climber, but a weed in the South. A refreshing drink is made fom the seed of guarana (Paullinia Cupana) of South America; it contains caffein, saponin and an acrid green fixed oil. The fruit of Sapindus Saponaria contains a great deal of saponin and is used as a substitute for soap. The soapberry tree (Sapindus marginatus) is used as a shade tree in the South where it is a native. A shellac is derived from the Indian Schleichera trijuga and marcassa oil is obtained from the seeds of the same plant. The Indians of Brazil use the honey collected by wasps from the flowers of Serjania lethalis to poison their arrows. It is also used as a fish poison and contains a narcotic principle which causes death. Another fish poison is furnished by the black seeds of S. curassavica of Brazil. The natives use the same substance for criminal purposes on man. The nectar obtained from the flowers is also poisonous. Lehmann lists as poisonous 5S. nodosa, which is used by the natives of Brazil as an arrow poison. The fruit of S. trifoliatus of India contains saponin. ‘The same substance occurs in other Fig. 341. Common Box (Buxus sempervirens). The plant is acridly poisonous. (After Faguet.) SAPINDALES 607 species, notably in the seeds of the Brazilian Magonia. Narcotic principles oc- cur in the following genera: Serjania, Nephelium, Magonia and Harpullia. The fruit of the litchi (Nephelium Lit-chi), a native of China and the Philip- pines and cultivated in the tropics, is something like a plum and is eaten fresh or dried. The Blighia sapida of West Africa is cultivated for its edible arillus; the Koelreuteria paniculata of China is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The family Coriaceae contains the genus Coriaria. The leaves and bark of the C. myrtifolia of southern Europe contain much tannin which is used in dyeing. The C. ruscifolia of New Zealand contains a black dye. The fresh leaves are used in making an intoxicating drink. C. myrtifolia and C. thymt- folia of Mexico contain a toxic principle known as coriamyrtin which resembles picrotoxin. Many species of the genus are poisonous. Coriaria sarmentosa, C. arborea, and the tree-toot (C. Tutu) of New Zealand are poisonous. Easterfield & Ashton * have isolated a crystallin glucoside called twtin C,,H,,O, which ap- pears to be closely allied to coriamyrtin C,,H,,O,. Tutu plants are highly toxic to animals that have not become immune by first becoming accustomed to small quantities. Blyth says: For the native cattle in the Tutu districts apparently consume moderate amounts of the shrubs with impunity, whereas other cattle become seriously ill. Both cortamyrtin and tutin belong pharmacologically to the picrotoxin group of substances. Tutin is somewhat less toxic that coriamyrtin. There is first depression, followed by salivation; the pulse is slowed, the respirations increased in frequency, and finally, clonic convulsions occur: 129 mgrms. killed a kitten weighing 1 kilogramme in 40 minutes; 1 mgrm. induced in a cat, 2 kilogrms. in weight, a convulsive seizure, and the animal did not recover for 24 hours. Other important families of this order will be described farther on. Families of Sapindales Flowers regular. Ovary d-celled-stnuttiea, drupes ca iiaaacen sara ecae ee eee Anacardiaceae. Ovary 2 or more celled. Leaves simple. Seed with’ an, aril, so o.5e4 Re G2 CRN ot AN Celastraceae. DECU PWAEMOUC a AEH Wists. om Se uictune teeta ost alae Aquifoliaceae. Leaves simple, palmately veined or compound. Weaveswoppositen rats Seka a ks eke eee Vegas) eCrACeae. Flowers irregular. Leaves palmately compound; fruit a leathery capsule. TESS OLA SUEUDS asl err eee ore mee ieloiiee Ga roar es Hippocastanaceae. Succulent herbs; capsule elastically dehiscent.......... Balsaminaceae. ANACARDIACEAE. Cashew Family Trees or shrubs with acrid properties, milky or resinous juice; alternate Or opposite leaves; flowers small, frequently polygamous, regular; calyx 3-7- cleft; petals of the same number; stamens as many or twice as many as the petals, inserted at the base of the disk; ovary 1 or sometimes 4 or 5-celled, and 1 ovule in each cavity; styles 1-3; fruit generally’ a small drupe; endosperm scanty; cotyledons large. There are about 500 species in temperate and tropical regions. The cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is much cultivated in the tropics. According to Dr. Cook, the fleshy receptacles of the fruit are used in the West Indies in * Jour. Chem. Soc. Trans. 1901. 608 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS preparing conserves and have an acid flavor which is very palatable; the peri- carp, howéver, contains an irritant substance cardol CG, H,,O. which is black, acrid and vesicating, and is used to protect books and furniture from insects; cashew oil, equal to the finest almond oil and superior to olive oil, is also a product of the plant. The juice of the shell of the nut produces poisen- ing similar to that of poison ivy. The kernels of the cashew may be eaten raw or roasted like chestnuts, but the fumes coming from the roasting nuts are very caustic. The pistachia nut (Pistacia vera) produces a fruit about the size of a plum, which contains a seed much prized for eating. The mango (Manygifera indica) a native of India, is now cultivated in most warm countries for its fine edible fruit. The bark of many species, like the smooth sumac (Rhus glabra) of the North, and the European R. Coriaria, contains a valu- able tanning material. The smoke tree (Rhus Cotinus) and the stag horn sumach (Rhus tyvphina) are frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes. The fruits of Spondias dulcis, S. purpurea and S. lutea are edible, the last of these is called the hog plum, being so named because the hogs are fond of it. The juice of another member of the family (Comocladia) causes an eruption similar to that from poison ivy. Tannic and pyrogallic acids are derived from the Chinese Indian Rhus semi- alata. Chios turpentine (Pistacia Terebinthus) well known to the ancients, produces red galls that are used for tanning morocco leather. The mastic (Pistacia Lentiscus) native to the Mediterranean region, was formerly used for making varnishes. The Querbrachia Lorentzii and Q. Balansae of Argentine and Paraguay produce a very hard red wood which contains a great deal of tannin and gallic acid, ‘The fruit of Dracontomelon mangiferum of the Sunda islands is used much like lemons. The ink tree of India (Semecarpus Anacardium and Holi- garna ferruginea) contain cardol. The pepper tree (Schinus Molle) cultivated in California, is a native of Peru. The saw-dust of sneezewood (Ptacroxylon utile) produces sneezing. Rhus I. Sumach Trees or shrubs with alternate, simple trifoliolate or odd-pinnate leaves; small polygamous flowers in panicles; calyx deeply 5-parted; petals 5, spread- ing; stamens 5, inserted below the flattened disk, fruit small, l-seeded. About 120 species in the temperate regions common in southern Africa. Some species are poisonous. The Japanese Rhus vernicifera and R. succedanea are culti- vated in Japan for the lacquer which is taken from incisions made in the trees. Dr. White states that some of the embossed Japanese papers which are used in houses have caused severe inflammation, and according to Dr. H. N. Allen, natives as well as Europeans in the East are often affected with “varnish poisoning” Rhus Toxicodendron \. Poison Ivy. Three Leaved Ivy A climbing or trailing shrub, sometimes erect, with 3 leaflets; plant erect or climbing by means of its aerial rootlets; flowers inconspicuous, polygamous in loose and slender axillary panicles; fruit globular, glabrous, whitish and waxy, frequently remaining on the plant until late spring. ANACARDIACEAE—RHUS 609 Distribution. This plant is distributed from Nova Scotia to Wisconsin, Utah, Arkansas and Florida. Rhus Vermx L,. Poisonous Sumac or Dogwood A shrub or small tree with pinnately compound leaves; leaflets 7-13, cbo- vate-oblong entire, smooth, or somewhat pubescent; flowers polygamous in loose slender axillary panicles; drupe white, globose, oblong. Distribution. Found in the swamps from New England to Ontario to Minnesota, Missouri, to Louisiana and Florida. Fig. 342. Poison ivy (Rhus Toxicodendron). a, spray showing aerial rootlets and leaves; b, fruit—both one-fourth natural size. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) Rhus diversiloba Torrey and Gray. California Poison Ivy ise Nearly glabrous, erect or climbing shrub; leaflets 3 or rarely 5, obtuse or deeply pinnately lobed; flowers in loose axillary panicles; drupes subglobose. Distribution. Common on the Pacific Coast from California to Washington. Poisonous properties. All three species are poisonous to many persons, some persons being much more sensitive to irritation from the plants than others Dr. J. C. White describes the effect of poison oak and poison ivy. He had collected freely of the plant for many years without any disturbance. Specimens were picked on September 28th, Oct. 6th, and Oct. 10th. He felt 610 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS KG = < ee i eo rRNA COB Fig. 343. Poison Sumac (Khus Vernix), show- ing leaves, fruit and leaf-scars, one-fourth natural size. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) a sensation of irritation about the eyes and throat from the specimens of poison oak collected on the first named date, while working with the plants under an Argand gas burner, but nothing further was noticed. No unpleasant symptoms were observed from the poison oak (R. venenata—R. Vernix) col- lected Oct. 6th. From that collected Oct. 10, he experienced symptoms similar to those observed Sept. 28th. On Oct. 12th a single vesicle with a peculiar thick cover appeared; the next day another and larger appeared on the wrist; two others came on the fourth day; others continued to appear up to Nov. 3rd, after which data the effervescences gradually subsided and were no longer perceptible. In another case described by Dr. White, the head was greatly swollen and features greatly disturbed. The skin of the face and neck was deeply oedematous and largely covered with vesicles of all sizes “many of which were seated on an erythematous base, others being still in their papular stage ANACARDIACEAE—RHUS oll of development.” There were also large excoriations from which fluid was exuding freely, which on drying formed small crusts. The hands were also covered. “The subjective symptoms were great retching and burning of the parts affected, with the feeling of local discomfort, consequent upon so great swelling of the features. The eyes were nearly closed. There was a slight general febrile action.” Dr. White also reports the death of a child from a severe case of poisoning from poison ivy. The child though healthy was not robust. A recent case was reported from Packwood, Iowa, where a fourteen- year-old girl died after terrible suffering from the effects of coming in con- tact with the ivy; her face alone showing the eruption from the poison. Hundreds of persons are poisoned every year from the three species. Dr. White says: Fig. 344. Poison oak (Rhus diversiloba), showing leaves, flowers, and fruit, one-third natural size. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) Taking the simple vesicle, with scarcely any erythema surrounding it or any very per- ceptible infiltration of the underlying tissues, as the type of the eruption, whether occurring singly or in groups, we may have in a small percentage an abortive attempt at vesiculation, and an arrest of the development at the papular stage—a failure, that is, of the free exudation to force apart the layers of epithelial cells; or a considerable infiltration into the papillary layer may elevate a cluster of the vesicles noticeably above the general surface. or they may be surrounded by a well-defined erythema or congestion of the tissue immediately surrounding them, in consequence mainly of the scratching and itching, which are the only subjective symptoms present. In the severe cases, we have greater areas of simple erythema, a multiplication of the number of vesicles—either single or massed in close contiguity, and covering large surfaces, or by fusion forming blebs—a greater infiltration into the underlying corium, with propor- tionate distension of the capillaries and external redness, and a free exudation of serum into 612 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the cutis. The overfilling of the vesicles causes a rupture of some of their epidermal cover- ings, and the discharge of their fluid contents upon the surface, forming moist, excoriated surfaces, covered in part with crusts. With reference to a sequelae question of duration, there is a diversity of opinion. There is a popular belief that within a year after the first attack there will be a repetition of the original manifestations upon the skin which may be repeated for several seasons. Dermatologists think that a variety of cutane- ous affectations are developed in consequence of the action of the Poison Ivy. Dr. White considers that there are good grounds for this belief and in referring to his exhaustive researches on the subject, states that he was unable to find a single instance on record of the poisonous Rhus on the lower animals. After placing a notice in the “Spirit of the Times,” a physician wrote him that once or twice while hunting where ivy abounded, his dog’s eyes had been closed by swelling which he attributed to the action, but he had never observed any eruptions. ‘The poisoning has been attributed to toxicodendrol C,,H,,O,,1+ 41,0. Remedies. The most popular remedy is to wash with sugar of lead (ace- tate of lead). Prof. Chesnut says: In practise it is not desirable to use strong alcohol, which is apt to be too irritating to a sensitive surface, but a weaker grade of from 50 to 75 per cent should be preferred. ‘To this the powdered sugar of lead is to be added until no more will easily dissolve. he milky fluid should then be well rubbed into the affected skin, and the operation repeated several times during the course of a few days. ‘The itching is at once relieved and the further spread of the eruption is checked. ‘The remedy has been tried in a large number of cases and has al- ways proved successful. It must be remembered, however, that the lead solution is itself very poisonous if taken internally. Much has been said in regard to the relative poisonous character of these three plants. It has been generally claimed that the poison sumac is the most poisonous, and after it comes, first, the poison ivy and then the poison oak. ‘These conclusions were arrived at from the occasional experience of individuals who were poisoned by handling one species when sup- posedly immune to others. Experience teaches, however, that immunity is somewhat variable in the same individual, and therefore these general statements can not be accepted without more careful experimental evidence. Annie Oakes Huntington in her recent book on Poison Ivy and Swamp Sumach says regarding the treatment: Soap, water, and a scrubbing-brush seem altogether too simple a method of treatment to advise for the painful eruption brought on by handling these two poisonous plants. Yet, if we begin with this old-fashioned country remedy and study the various methods of treatment from one generation to another, we return at last, through the most recent scientific investigations, to our original starting-point. ‘The only effective measures are preventive ones; the only remedy is a wash which mechanically removes the poisonous oil from the skin. In this lies the sum and substance of the entire method of treatment. She made an experiment in which it was shown that oily preparations spread the poison and that constant washing with soap and water removes the poisonous oil which causes the trouble. The toxic principle is soluble in alcohol and this may consequently be used. A weak solution, 50 or 75% is advisable, but the treatment must be renewed. One part of hyposulphite of soda to 3 parts of water is another good solution recommended by her. Syme in Dr. Remsen’s laboratory, has come to the conclusion that the active principle of Poison Ivy is a glucoside and not an unknown volatile oil, as stated by Pfaff. The glucoside as determined by Syme, is a compound of rhamnose, gallic acid, and fisetin. It can be precipitated by a lead acetate. Syme tested the toxic action of the various fractions upon himself and was able to determine the chemical nature. ANACARDIACEAE—RHUS 613 In a recent paper by Dr. Ford there seem to be some evidences for conclud- ing that immunity may be obtained. That such immunity exists may be taken from the clinical symptoms that different persons are sensitive to even small amounts of the poison and in other cases persons who have been poisoned be- come accustomed to it. Syme in his experiments upon himself found that after four or five months he was no longer susceptible to the poison. The experiments performed by Dr. Ford are of interest. The experimental material was obtained in the alcoholic fluid extract of the native plant pre- pared by Parke, Davis & Co. It had already been shown by Pfaff that the internal administration of his non-volatile oil produced definite lesions in rabbits, the animals dying of an acute nephritis at the end of 14 to 15 days. Occasionally the rabbits died in acute convulsions without any microscopic brain lesions. The subcutaneous administration of the fluid extract of Rhus Toxicodendron produces the same effect upon rabbits as those described by Pfaff. Rarely, the rabbits die in convulsions within 24 to 48 hours, but the majority of inoculated animals succumb in from 8 to 15 days. In addition to the nephritis an extensive necrosis and slough is found at the point where the poison is introduced beneath the skin. Following the inoculation we have a fairly long latent period during which the weight of the animals remains stationary. After seven or eight days in a typical case, the animal loses weight rapidly, the necrosis and slough develop, and the animal dies of the nephritis after the lapse of about two weeks. At times the skin lesions are less marked, the damage to the kidney being the important change; an intraperitoneal inoculation seems able to produce these kidney changes more rapidly than does the subcutaneous method. In addition to rabbits we have found that,» guinea-pigs are susceptible to the drug, the lesions being produced with greater certainty and regularity. With these animals the necrosis and slough at the point of inoculation are more extensive, while the animals die of the kidney changes in about the same time. The fatal dose of the poison can be estimated for both animals with tolerable accuracy. For guinea-pigs of 250 gram weight, 0.25 c.c. of the alcoholic extract always represents a fatal dose; and a guinea-pig of 350 gram weight practically never survives a dosage of 0.5 c.c. The fatal dose for rabbits of 800 grams is 1 c.c. Certain rabbits of this weight die from smaller doses, but not regularly and larger animals show greater resistance. Animals of 1,800 to 2,000 gram weight occasionally survive 2 to 3 c.c. doses, but not more than this amount. Experiments were made to determine whether animals which had withstood some doses of the poison were susceptible to the amounts of poison capable of killing untreated animals. ‘he experiments were made with four guinea pigs, varying in weight from 450 to 900 grams and on rabbits varying in weight from 800 to 2800 grams. The initial doses were small; when the animals regained weight larger doses were given. It was found that the serum of im- munized animals contained substances neutralizing the poisonous glucoside when both were injected into susceptible animals. Goats have been immunized and it is probable that immunity may be obtained in other animals. How to Treat the Poison Ivy Patch. Various methods of treating the poison ivy have been tried. The iron sulphate, 100 pounds to a barrel of water, is only partially successful. Covering with tarred paper creosoted below is effective according to Dr. G. E. Stone. This writer has also shown that sodium arsenate (commercial) at the rate of 2 pounds to 10 gallons of water poured around the roots is effective. Rhus glabra L. Smooth Sumach A low shrub from 2-12 feet high, stems with large pith, brownish bark; compound leaves 11-31; leaflets pointed serrate, whitish beneath green above; flowers borne in a large panicle, greenish, polygamous; calyx small 5-parted: petals 5; stamens 5, inserted under the edge of a flattened disk; pistil with a l-celled and 1l-ovuled ovary; styles 3, terminal; fruit red, small 1-seeded. 614 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Common in Northern United States to Florida, Mississippi, Arizona, Utah, British Columbia to Nova Scotia. A troublesome weed at times in rocky soils. Poisonous properties. ‘There is a popular impression that the red drupes of this species are poisonous, but I know of no record where the eating of this fruit has produced poisoning. The fruit is decidedly acid. AQUIFOLIACEAE. Holly Family Trees or shrubs with small, simple, mostly petioled, alternate leaves; flowers in axillary clusters, chiefly polygamo-dioecious; calyx minute, free; petals 4-8 or more; stamens free, as many as the petals; pistil 1, ovary super- ior, 48 celled; ovules 1-2 in each cavity; fruit a small berry-like drupe; seeds with small embryo; endosperm present. A smali order of 160 species. The American holly (Ilex opaca) from Maine to Florida, Missouri and Texas, is much used for Christmas decoration. The European holly (IlexAquifolium) is used for a similar purpose. The berries of this species, though eaten by birds, are said to be poisonous. Whether the seeds of the American species are poisonous is not known although it contains the principle ilicin. The Ilex Cassine, which ocurs from southern Virginia to Florida and Louisiana along the coast, was used by the Indians during their religious ceremonies to make what they called their “black drink,” an emetic intended to clear the head and stomach. It contanis caffein. ‘The yerba or maté (llex paraguensis), native to southern Brazil and Argentine Republic is used like the Chinese tea and is stimulating. Properly the term “maté” is applied to the drinking cup made from a small gourd. Yerba is an important article of commerce in South American countries. The leaves contain the same active principle, caffein, that is found in the tea. Two other species I. theezans and Symplocos lanceolata also furnish the maté. The wood of the larger trees of the genus, like Jlex opaca and Ilex Aquifolium is white and is used by cabinet makers. : CELASTRACEAE. Staff-tree Family Shrubs, or trees, with simple leaves; stipules small or absent; flowers regular, usually perfect; calyx 4-5-lobed; petals 4-5; stamens inserted on a flat or lobed disk; pistils with 3 or 5-celled ovary; ovules 2 in each cavity; fruit 2 to 5-celled, fleshy; seeds with an aril, embryo latses and fleshy endos- perm. About 350 species of wide distribution. The burning bush or waahoo (Euonymus atropurpurens) is a well known native, frequently cultivated and is a most desirable shrub..The Catha edulis of Arabia is extensively cultivated and is used as coffee by the Arabs. The leaves are also chewed by the natives, having a stimulating effect similar to that of cocain. \It contains the alkaloids cathin and celastrin. The Elaeodendron australe of New South Wales is used for cabinet work. ‘The genus Pachi- stima is represented in the Rocky Mountains by Pachistima Myrsinites, and in the Alleghany Mountains by Pachistima Cambyi both of which are pretty shrubs. Celastrus I. Staff-tree. Bitter-sweet Mostly climbing shrubs; leaves thin; flowers racemose or paniculate; poly- gamo-dioecious; calyx 5-lobed; petals 5, crenulate, inserted under the disk; AQUIFOLIACEAE—CELASTRUS 615 Fig. 345. Waahoo (Enonymus atropurpureus). 345a. Bitter sweet (Celastrus scandens). pod globose, orange color, 2-4-celled dehiscent into as many valves; seeds en- closed in a scarlet aril; endosperm fleshy. About 30 species. Celastrus scandens I, Shrubby or Climbing Bittersweet _ Chiefly climbing shrubs with alternate leaves; flowers small, polygamo-dioe- cious; calyx 5-lobed; petals 5; stamens 5, inserted under the 5-lobed disk; capsule globose, orange-colored, 3-celled and 3-valved; seeds 1-2 in each cell, enclosed in a pulpy aril. About 30 species. The C. articulatus and several other species are commonly cultivated and are hardy. Several species are natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Distribution. From Quebec to Manitoba in Canada, and from Kansas to Indian Territory, New Mexico and the Carolinas. Poisonous properties. ‘The aril of “Bitter-sweet” has a sweetish, somewhat disagreeable taste. The leaves of the plant are said to be poisonous to horses. The plant Euonymous contains the amorphous bitter, odorless substance, euony- min, which acts as a powerful heart poison. The waahoo acts as a drastic purgative. The symptoms are those of deathly nausea, vertigo, prostration and cold sweat. ACERACEAE. Maple Family Trees or shrubs with opposite, simple or compound leaves; flowers poly- gamous or dioecious in cymose or racemose clusters; calyx 5-parted; petals of the same number or none; stamens 4-12, inserted on a fleshy disk; ovary 2-lobed and 2-celled; styles 2, fruit a samara, exalbuminous; cotyledons thin, folded. There are 3 genera and about 100 species most of them in the genus Acer, the maples being widely distributed in temperate regions. The maple, (Acer) is commonly used for the manufacture of furniture and for inferior finishings, floorings, etc. The most highly prized are the hard maples (Acer nigvum and A. saccharum). Sugar maple is also derived from these species. Curly maple is only a form of wood of these and of the A. macrophyllum of the Pacific Coast, which is also much prized for cabinet work. The maples, in- cluding the box elder (Negundo aceroides or A. Negundo), are also used for shade trees. The silver maple (A. saccharinum) is widely distributed in the United States. The red maple (A. rubrum) is less commonly used. The bark of A. rubrum was used by the Indians as a remedy for sore eyes. 616 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS HIppocaAstANACEAF. Buckeye Family Trees or shrubs; leaves opposite, petioled, digitately 3-9-foliolate; flowers in terminal panicles, irregular and polygamous; calyx 5-lobed or 5-cleft; petals 4-5, unequal, clawed; disk entire; stamens 5-8; ovary sessile, 3-celled; ovules 2 in each cavity; style slender; capsule leathery, smooth or spiny, 1-3-celled; seeds large shining; cotyledons very thick. Only 2 genera and 15 species in — America and Asia. Fig. 346. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum). 1. Branch bearing staminate flowers. 2. Branch bearing pistillate flowers. 3. Fruiting branch. 4, Staminate flower, enlarged. 5. Longitudinal section of stam- inate flower, enlarged. 6. Pistillate flower, enlarged. 7. Longitudinal section of pistillate flower, enlarged. 8. Longitudinal section of fruit. 9. Longitudinal section of seed, enlarged. 10. Embryo, enlarged. 11. Winter branchlet. 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney in Green’s Forestry of Minn.) ' Aesculus L. Buckeye Trees or shrubs with opposite petioled digitately 3-9-foliolate leaves; flowers in panicles, irregular, polygamous; calyx 5-lobed, lobes unequal; petals 45, . unequal, clawed, stamens 5-8; filaments long, often unequal; pistil with 3-celled ‘ ~~ ee ee HIPPOCASTANACEAE—AESCULUS 617 ovary and two ovules in each cell; capsule leathery ; seeds large with shining coat; cotyledons thick and fleshy. A small genus of 15 species native of America and Asia. The horse chesnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum), escaped from culti- vation is planted for ornamental purposes, as are others of the genus, like the species described below and A. parviflora, a small shrub. By washing and boiling, the starch in the seed may be vtilized, and this is done in France with the horse chesnut. The wood is light and brittle. The wood of the Ohio buckeye is used for making violins. Aesculus glabra Wiild. Ohio Buckeye Trees with long-petioled leaves; rough and fetid bark; flowers pale yellow, in large panicles, polygamo-monoecious; calyx bell-shaped; stamens exserted, curved; petals unequal; fruit slightly prickly when young, smooth when old. Distribution. Western Pennsylvania to Central Iowa, Kansas and Indian Territory. Aesculus Pavia . Red Buckeye Shrubs with 5-7 digitate, nearly smooth, leaflets, acute or short acuminate, pubescent when young, becoming smooth; flowers in loose peduncies; calyx tubular, bright red; petals bright red. Distribution. In fertile valleys from Virginia to Florida, Arkansas and southern Missouri. Aesculus Californica Nutt. California Buckeye Usually a shrub from 10-15 feet high, or occasionally a tree from 25-40 feet high, 3 feet in diameter; leaflets 4-7, usually 5, smooth, oblong-lanceolate, acute, petiolate; flowers in a close panicle; calyx 2-lobed; petals somewhat un- equal, white or pale rose, % inch long; stamens 5-7; ovary densely pubescent; fruit usually 1-seeded. Distribution. In California. Poisonous properties. The leaves and fruit of the above species are re- garded as poisonous. Many farmers claim that this is true only at certain seasons of the year. The seed produces sneezing and enters into the manu- facture of snuff. The California species, according to Chesnut, causes abor- tion in cows. Dr. Rusby states that in southern states the seeds are crushed and thrown into water to stupefy fish just as the bark and roots of the relatives are in the tropics. Fatal cases of poisoning of children are reported from Texas. Suspicion has been attached to the common horse chesinut. The European chestnut is said to be useful in affording food for live stock, especially sheep and goats. This species contains aesculin C,,H,,O,+H,O, a _ glucoside found in the bark of many trees of the order Sapindacae; also the gluco- side aesculetin C,H,O,; and paviin C,,H,,O,,; the testa of the seed contains quercetrm C,,H,.0,,5 argyraescin, an acrid, amorphous glucoside; aphrodae- scin, also an acrid, amorphous principle; and saponin C,,H.,O,,, a glucoside which is also found in the roots of Polygala Senega, and other plants. Dr. Millspaugh states that the horse chestnut causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts, and especially of the rectum; constant burning in the stomach and epigastrium, followed by nausea, retch- ing, and violent vomiting with great tenderness and colic throughout the ab- 618 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 347. Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). Flowering branch. Entire flower. Stamen. Pistil. Entire seed and longitudinal sec- tion. Wood used in making violins. (After Faguet.) domen, are markedly present. The buckeye is an irritant of the cerebro-spinal system, the more prominent symptoms being confusion of mind, vertigo, stupe- faction and coma. BALSAMINACEAE. Balsam Family Succulent herbs; leaves alternate; thin, petioled; flowers axillary showy, ir- regular; sepals 3, the two lateral small, green; the posterior large and petal- like, spurred; petals 3 or 5, some 2-cleft; stamens 5; ovary oblong 5-celled; style short or none; stigma 5-toothed or 5-lobed; ovules several in each cell; fruit a capsule in Impatiens, coiled elastically, expelling the seeds; seeds BALSAMINACEAE 619 Fig. 348. Ohio Buckeye (Aesculus glabra). Causes irritation of the cerebro- spinal system. (Lois Pammel.) Fig. 349. Red Buckeye (Aesculus Pavia): a, flowering branch; b, seed; both two-ninths natural size. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) ridged; embryo straight. About 200 species mostly of tropical Asia. One genus with 2 species is native to eastern North America. The Balsam (Impatt- ens Balsamina) is frequently cultivated. The sap of some species contains a dye. Impatiens L. Jewel Weed Succulent herbs with simple, thin, petioled leaves; sepals 3, the 2 alternate small, green, the posterior one largest, and forming a spurred sac; petals 5, or 3, with 2 of them 2-cleft into dissimilar lobes; stamens 5, short; ovary oblong, 5-celled; fruit an oblong or linear capsule, dehiscent elastically into a coiled valve, scattering the seeds; endosperm none; embryo nearly straight; cotyle- dons fiat. 620 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Impatiens biflora Walt. Spotted Touch-me-not A glabrous annual from 2-4 feet high; leaves ovate or elliptical, pale and glaucous beneath; flowers orange-color, thickly spotted with brown; peduncles 2-4 flowered. Distribution. In moist grounds from Eastern Canada to Florida, to Kan- sas and northward to Oregon and Alaska. Poisonous properties. Dr. Schaffner states that the plant is emetic and sus- pected of being poisonous to stock. RHAMNALES Shrubs, vines or small trees; leaves generally alternate; flowers small reg- ular; sepals generally more or less united; petals distinct or wanting; stamens as many as the calyx lobes and alternate with them, opposite the petals when present; ovary superior, compound; ovules erect. They contain two families, the Rhamnaceae and Vitaceae. The genus Vitis embraces 40 species found in warm and temperate regions. The European grape (Vitis vinifera) native from Eastern Europe to Central Asia is now widely cultivated in California, Spain, Germany, the Cape region and elsewhere. The Worden and Concord grape (V. Labrusca) of eastern North America are also widely cultivated. Other species are, the small grape (V. aesiivalis), the wild blue grape (V. bicolor) native from New York to Wisconsin, the southern fox grape (V. rotundifolia) with musky flavor, cultivated in the South, the cultivated northern fox grape (V. riparia) with very fragrant flowers. Improved forms are the Janesville and Clinton. The fruit of the mustang grape (V. candicans) of Texas is very acrid. The Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia) is a well known orna- amental climber. The Boston or Japan Ivy (P. tricuspidata) native of Japan, is a handsome climber scarcely hardy north. The P. heterophylla, another or- namental from China and Japan is a hardy plant with small blue berries. It does not cling. The Vitis inconstans of Japan contains toxicodendrol and is poisonous. RHAMNACEAE. Buckthorn Family Shrubs, often climbing; or trees, often thorny, with astringent or bitter qualities; leaves chiefly alternate; stipules small, deciduous; flowers in cymes or panicles, small, regular; calyx perfect or polygamous, 4-5-toothed; petals 4.5, inserted on the calyx, or none; stamens 4-5, inserted on a disk which lines the calyx tube, which is often united with the single 2-5-celled ovary; ovules 1 in each cell; fruit often mucilaginous and drupaceous. A small family of 550 species, of temperate and warm regions. The supple-jack (Berchemia scandens) is a pretty climber of southern woods. The buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) is frequently cultivated for hedges in the north. The juice of the unripe drupe was formerly used for stain- ing maps and the ripe drupe is the sap green of painters. The sap has strong purgative properties. This and R. Frangula are local irritants. This plant con- tains rhamnetin, C,,H,,O,, the rhamnin of earlier authors, a glucoside found in the berry. Dyes are obtained from R. infectoria and a dye for silks from R. lahurica and R. tinctoria. The R. Frangula contains frangulin and is an ornamental shrub, the charcoal from which is used for making gun powder. Probably all are more or less injurious. Cascara sagrada is obtained from R. BALSAMINACEAE—IMPATIENS 621 Purshiana, a shrub or small tree native to the Pacific coast which contains purshianin and is an excellent laxative. The Paliurus australis contains oil of wintergreen. The jujube (Zizyphus sativa) is used as food in South Europe and Western Asia. The Chinese Z. Jujuba is extensively cultivated in India and China. The fruit of Z. Lotus is made into a kind of bread, used by the natives of West Africa, but the ripe fruit is said to be injurious. The root of the New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) is used as an astringent and ex- pectorant and is also said to have been used in place of tea during the Revolu- tionary war. According to Greshoff the seeds of Ceanothus americanus, and Ceanothus ovatus contain a small amount of saponin. It is therefore not strange that some members of the family are poisonous. The genera Zizyphus, Tapura and Gouania furnish fish poisons. Saponin occurs in Gouania tomentosa of Mexico. Colubrina fermenta is used as a substitute for hops. The wood of Colletia spinosa of South America contains a bitter principle. The brownish-black berries of coyotillo (Karwinskia Humboldtiana) of Texas are said to be very poisonous and Dr. A. Mitchell of San Antonio writes me that the plant is poisonous to goats. MALVALES Herbs, shrubs or trees; leaves simple, generally alternate; flowers regular, usually perfect; sepals separate or more or less united; corolla polypetalous or rarely wanting; stamens usually numerous; ovary superior compound; .- placenta axial. The more important families of this order are Tiliaceae, Mal- vaceae, Bombaceae and Sterculiaceae. The first family contains the basswood (Tilia americana), a well known timber and ornamental tree of North America, used for making boxes, lumber, excelsior, etc. TJ. cordata is also frequently eultivated under the name of Linn tree. The inner bark of this produces an elastic fiber. Several species of the genus Grewia are used as fish poisons. Jute is derived from Corchorus capsularis of the East Indies and is a valuable fiber. The broomweed (C. siliquosus) of the West Indies furnishes a substi- tute for tea. The fruit of Apeiba is edible. Corkwood (Ochroma Lagopus) of the family Bombaceae is used by the fishermen of Trinidad on their nets in place of cork and is one of the lightest of all woods. The monkey-bread tree (Adansonia digitata) produces valuable fiber in its bark. The silk cotton or kapok tree, (Eriodendron anfractuosum) furnishes a soft fiber used in up- holstery. The seed known as “kapok” seed is used in the Celebes as food and in making oil cake, and according to Reinders and Kobus, is an adulterant of linseed. The Durio zibethinus of the Malayan region produces a large edible fruit. The family Sterculiaceae of tropical countries includes the cacao (Theo- broma Cacao) which produces the well known cacao beans. Cacao is a nutrient food and contains the alkaloid theobromin, C,H NO. a caffein alkaloid. The cola nut (Cola acuminata) of West Africa is a stimulant. The negroes of Brazil used large quantities because of its stimulating properties. It is also used for similar purposes by the negroes of the south ,and the “Cola habit” is increasing among the negroes of that region. It is probable that the cola is frequently adulterated with injurious ingredients. It is a muscle stimulant used by the Alpine climbers of Europe. Fresh cola nuts do not contain caffein, but a glucoside kolanin which is converted into kolarea Ci, (OR). An 622 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 350. Jute Plant (Corchorus capsularis). A valuable fiber plant from the East Indies. (From American Agriculturist.) oil is manufactured from Sterculia foetida. The Abroma augusta yields a fine fiber. To the family Elaeocarpaceae of the same order belongs the Echinocarpus Sigun, a poisonous plant which contains hydrocyanic acid. Several members of this family are economic plants. The maqui fruit is obtained from Aristo- telia Macqut, native to Chili. ‘The seeds of Sloanea dentata are eaten like chestnuts. The seeds of Muntingia are edible. MA.vAceAr. Mallow Family Herbs, shrubs, or, in tropical countries, trees, with mucilaginous properties, tough fibrous bark and stems; leaves alternate and small; stipules small, decid- uous; flowers regular and generally perfect; sepals 5, usually more or less united; petals 5, hypogynous; stamens numerous, monadelphous, several-celled ; pistils several; styles united, projecting beyond the stamens above; ovary sev- eral celled; seeds nearly exalbuminous; embryo curved. A family of about 800 species of wide distribution and of great economic importance. The cotton plant is the most important member of the family and comprises several species, the most important in the United States being Gossypium herbaceum, which MALVACEAE 623 Fig. 351. Cacao Tree (Theobroma Cacao). 1. Branch with flowers and fruit. 2. Flower cut through longitudinally. 3. Seed. 4. Fruit with a portion of pericarp re- moved. The beans are well known articles of commerce. (After Wossidlo). is cultivated for its fiber. The cotton fibers are plant hairs coming from the seed. Cotton seed is used to manufacture an oil serving in place of olive oil, and cotton seed meal, the latter a valuable stock food. ‘The refuse material is used as a fertilizer. The highly explosive gun cotton is made by soaking cotton in sulphuric and nitric acids. Other cottons are Sea Island cotton (G. barba- dense) and tree cotton (G. arboreum). The bark of cotton root has very active principles. Marsh mallow (Altheae officinalis) used in medicine as a stim- ulant and in confectionery, contains asparagin CHINO OHO and bassorin EAs EN Oe Okra or gumbo (Hibiscus esculentus) is extensively cultivated in the south and in Europe for the young mucilaginous pods which are edible. The H. ficulneus is used in a similar way. The fleshy red calyx of the Jamaica sorrel (H. Sabdariffa) is used in making jellies and sauces; the fiber makes good cordage material. The wood of the Cuba bast (Hibiscus elatus), native to the West Indies, produces a timber of greenish color used in cabinet work. The lace-like inner bark is used for wrapping and is known as lace bark. From the fiber of H. tiliaceus a strong paper can be made very cheaply. This is also used by the natives of the Pacific Islands in making ropes. Fibers are obtained from Hibiscus tiliaceus, H. cannabinus, Arena jobata, Abutilon indicus, Sida retusa and Napaea laevis. A beautiful wood is derived from the magar (Thespesia grandiflora) of Porto Rico, the color being red when fresh, black when dry. The hollyhock (Althaea rosea) is well known in 624 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS cultivation, as are some species of the genus Abutilon and the poppy mallow (Callirboe involucrata and C. triangulata). Chorisia of eastern South America furnishes a soft fiber. The seeds of Pachira macrocarpa indigenous to Brazil contain a valuable oil resembling that found in cacao; kapok oil is obtained from the seeds of Eriodendron anfractw- osum. Musk seed is obtained from Hibiscus abelmoschus of the East Indies and is used in perfumery. The Malva moschata of Europe produces a similar odorous product. The cheeses or dwarf mallow (M. rotundifolia) is a trouble- some weed in gardens, waste places and barnyards. Saponin is found in the roots of Sida jamaicensis and Hibiscus Sabdariffa. The Sida paniculata is used as an anthelmintic. The ripe capsules of Queensland hemp (Sida rhombifolia) causes the death of fowls that feed on it. Big. 352: Dwarf Mallow (Malva_ rotundifolia). (After Fitch.) Key for Malvaceae Flowers involucrate. Flowers small; seed solitary and not covered with cotton...... 2 Malvastrum. Flowers large; seed covered with cotton..................6- 1 Gossypium. lowers: mot “involuctatey \fcititesn asuntio pe etete creas ec eeee oene 3 Abutilon. Gossypium L. Cotton Herbs, shrubs, or rarely trees from 2-10 feet high; leaves alternate, palmately veined, and lobed, stipulate; involucre of 3 heart-shaped leaf-like bracts; flowers large, regular, white or whitish; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens numerous; anthers borne along the outside of the tube of the filaments; ovaries 3-5-celled, as many as the cells of the pod; seeds numerous bearing cotton. The description of one species only is given below, the Sea Island cotton (G.barbadense), cultivated in Florida and along the Gulf Coast. Tree Cotton G. arboreum is cultivated in the tropics. The fiber is long, silky and an inch or more in length. But little is produced, its use being restricted, it is said, to making thread for turbans for the priestly class. MALV ACEAE—GOSSY PIUM 625 Gossypium herbaceum 1, Common Upland Cotton An annual, 3-6 feet high; leaves with 5 short and roundish lobes; flowers large, pale yellow, turning rose color; seeds covered with cotton. Prof. L. H. Dewey thinks that our upland cotton should be referred to G. hirsutum (G. herbaceum), which is a native of Mexico.1 The crop in India, according to Dr. H. J. Webber is derived chiefly from G. herbaceum, and in Egypt, the crop is obtained chiefly from G. barbadense. In warm climates, cotton is a peren- nial. Cotton was cultivated long before the Christian era. It is one of the most important crops of the world. Dr. Webber states that in 1792 the crop was 60,000 bales; in 1820, 6,000 bales; in 1860, the product increased to 4,483,311 bales, reaching 8,547,468 bales in 1892, and in 1904, 13,693,279 bales. In a single century, from 1804 to 1904, the crop increased from 130,000 bales, valued at $13,- 000,014, to 13,693,279 bales valued at $557,147,306. In the early history of cotton cultivation, the seeds were not valued at all. Growers were troubled to know how to get rid of them. But in 1904 the seeds alone were valued at $90,258,- 227.86, making the total value of that year’s crop, unmanufactured, $647,405,- 534.51. Fig. 353. Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum): he a plant with flowers and leaves; 2, a cotton boll; 3, seed. (Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper.) Distribution. Commonly cultivated in the Southern States. Poisonous properties. The root is commonly used in the south and tropical countries to produce abortion. Dr. Johnson says: Cotton acts as an abortifacient. Its action upon the uterus is similar to that of ergot, and it is used instead of the latter in cases of uterine inertia during parturition, and in amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, and scanty menstruation. Whether its action upon the system at large be similar to that of ergot is unknown but worthy of investigation. * As to the botanical statues of the different species of the genus Gossypium, the following. papers should be consulted: IL. H. Dewey Cyclopedia of Agrl. 2: 281; Advance article on cotton by Webber in an earlier part of the same work; G. Volkens, Die Nutzpflanzen Togos Notizblatt Konig], Bot. Garten Berlin, App. 22, No. 2, p. 60; O, F. Cook, Origin of the Hindi Cotton Cir. Bur. Pl. Ind. 42. (This last paper gives some of the literature); Watt. St. George, The Wild and Cultivated Cotton Plants of the World, London, 1907. 626 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The fact that the bark of cotton root should be possessed of such active properties is am interesting and suggestive one, for it affords the only instance of specific virtues attributed to a plant of the order Malvaceae. It will be noted that it is only the bark of the rcot that possesses these properties, all of the other parts of the plant partaking of the bland character of the order—the seeds especially, which not infrequently possess the most active principles of plants, in this instance yielding a bland oil which is largely used as an adulterant of olive oil. Now in an order of plants of such strongly marked characteristics as the Malvaceae, the discovery of striking properties in any individual should stimulate investigation of other re- lated individuals, for it may reasonably be assumed that investigation which starts with a rational clue will be more fruitful in results than if conducted entirely in a haphazard manner. Cotton seed is often injurious to animals. fn Friedberger and Froéhner’s Veterinary Pathology, Capt. Hayes writes as follows: Only young animals are usually affected. They display disorder of digestive and urinary apparatus: tympanites, diarrhoea (afterwards bloody), haemorrhage from the urinary organs, albuminaria, strangury and paralysis of the bladder. Duration is variable. Autopsy reveals in the acute form haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis, opaque swelling of ‘the liver and kidneys, oedema of the lungs, dark red urine, collection of liquid in the cavities of the body. There is no enlargement of the spleen. The liver is opaque and swollen. In chronic cases only, one finds general emaciation and dropsical phenomena. In dairy cows it induces garget and mammitis. Cotton seed oil cake contains a poisonous principle ricin. The investigations Prof. M. B. Hardin of South Carolina made in 1892 in- dicated the presence of meta and pyrophosphoric acid in cotton seed meal. He suggested that these acids are poisonous. Dr. Crawford of the U. S. Dept. of Agrl. has recently investigated the subject and concludes that the pyroprosphoric acid is toxic. The seed from upland cotton is more toxic than the Sea Island. The toxic effect may be increased by heating; when the temperature rises high, this is due to the corversion of the orthophosphoric acid into the pyro form. The investigations of Dr. Crawford are very important. Malvastrum Gray Herbs with entire cordate or divided leaves; flowers solitary or racemose, short pedicelled; involucrate, or none; calyx 5-cleft; petals 5, notched at the end or entire; styles 5 or more; stigmas capitate; carpels indehiscent or imper- fectly 2-valved:; seed kidney-shaped. About 75 species, natives of America and South Africa. Malvastrum coccineum (Pursh.) Gray. False Mallow A low hoary, perennial herb, with dense silvery stellate pubescence; lower leaves pedately 3-5 parted: flowers small, red, in dense, short racemes, usually without bractlets; calyx lobes shorter than the pink-red petals; carpels 10 or more, indehiscent, rugose, and usually 1-seeded. Distribution. From South Dakota to Texas, New Mexico to British Colum- bit. Poisonous properties. Was been suspected of being poisonous, but there is no evidence to support this view. Profs. Chesnut and Wilcox regard the plant as non-poisonous. Some ranchers consider that it may be the cause of loco poisoning. Abutilon (‘Tourn.) Mill. Indian Mallow Herbaceous or shrubby plants, or in the tropics, trees with soft, pubescent leaves and stems: involucral bracts none; calyx 5-cleft; petals 5; styles 5 or MALVACEAE—ABUTILON 627 more; carpels 2-valved, 2-9 seeded; seeds reniform. About 90 species in trop- ical or warm temperate regions. Many of the species are under cultivation. Abutilon Theophrasti Medic. Velvet-leaf A stout, strongly-scented annual, 2-4 feet high, with tough, fibrous stems; leaves roundish, heart-shaped, tapering to a point, velvety; peduncles shorter than the petioles; flowers yellow; carpels 12-15, pubescent, opening at the apex; each valve beaked by a slender awn. Distribution. Common in the northern states. Naturalized from India. Poisonous properties. It is reported as poisonous; the strong odor is so very objectionable that it is not likely that much of the plant will be consumed by stock, PARIETALES Herbs, shrubs, or trees; flowers generally complete, perfect and regular or in some cases irregular; sepals distinct or united, imbricated or convolute; petals nearly always present and distinct; stamens mostly numerous; ovary com- pound superior or inferior in some; placentae mostly parietal. The order in- cludes a number of important families. Caricaceae contains the pawpaw (Carica Papaya) the edible fruit of which is from 6-10 in. long; of yellow color and contains the alkaloid carpain C,,H,.NO,, acting similarly to digitalis, and a glucoside caricin; it also contains the enzyme papain, which resembles trypsin in its proteolytic action, converting animal proteins into proteoses forming pep- tones. This does not occur in vegetables. These changes do not go on in acid, and alkaline substances, but act best in a neutral medium. The most active changes occur best when the medium is from 53 to 40 degrees C. A _ similar ferment occurs in the leaves of Carica quercifolia of Argentina. Caryocaraceae includes gamboge (Garcinia Hanbury) a cathartic; the mammey apple (Mammea americana) cultivated in the West Indies; the Calophylluim Calaba which fur- nishes the Calaba balsam, the.-mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana) of the Moluc- cas, widely cultivated in the tropics. The Dipterocarpaceae includes the genus Dipterocarpus, which furnishes resin, and shorea, furnishes Chalia resin. “Piney resin” is obtained from Vateria and is used as a substitute ‘for dammar. ‘The Tamaricaceae contains the ornamental Tamarix gallica, an excellent honey plant; the Tamarix mannifera from which a manna-like sugar is derived; the Fou- quiera splendens of Mexico frequently cultivated and producing the ocotilla wax; and the Myricaria germanica, the twigs of which are used as a substitute for hops. Cistacae includes the rock rose (Helianthemum canadense), the pinweed (Lechea minor) and the Cistus polymorphus furnishing laudanum. The Begoniaceae includes the commonly cultivated genus of Begonia with 550 species. The Bixaceae includes Bixa Orellana which furnishes the Annatto used to color butter, silks, etc. In the Canellaceae, is Canelia alba, from which is obtained the Canella bark of commerce, often called wild cinnamon and which is used as a condiment in the West Indies and Florida where it is a native. The family Flacourtiaceae of the tropics includes a number of plants like Gynocardia odorata of India, Hydnocarpus venenata and the Kiggelaria africana of Ceylon, the seeds of which contain hydrocyanic acid. The cocos oil is obtained from Myroxylon and is used in perfumery. The Casearia esculenta of Asia and Australia is a purgative. The family Turneraceae contains a few medicinal 628 - MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS plants. A variety of Turnera diffusa furnishes a laxative. The Datisca canna- bina of Southern Europe belongs to the family Datiscaceae and furnishes the yellow coloring matter datiscin used to dye silk; some members of the family Dilleniaceae are cultivated for their beautiful flowers. The Marcgraviaceae are occasionally cultivated and the Marcgravia umbellata is used in medicine; the family also contains the “Bitter-sick tree” Datisca glomerata which is used, ac- cording to Chesnut, by the Indians of California to poison trout. Families of Parietales Calyx gamosepalous. Thisoat, of ‘the ‘calyx with a fringed ;crown. .200020 5. 0-24.50 Passifloraceae. Throat Of calyx: without! a scrowan sacs iceiies sees lee aes teeien ee ee Loasaceae. Calyx with sepals; sepals generally distinct and persistent. Flowers itregular. 6. Oove Ae eee eee ae oe ee Violaceae. Flowers regular. Trées or shrubs; leaves alternate: .:. 42.257. 5s). se eee Theaceae. Herbs or shrubs; leaves opposite or whorled......... Hypericaceae. THEACEAE. ‘Tea Family Trees or shrubs with alternate simple leaves without stipules; flowers large, showy, regular, hypogynous, mostly axillary; sepals 5, or rarely more, often with 2 bracts; petals 5 or rarely more; stamens more or less monadelphous; anthers 2-celled; ovary 2-5-celled; ovules 2 or more in each cell; fruit a woody capsule; embryo large; endosperm scant. A small order of 160 species, mostly native of warm regions. The tea plant (Camellia Thea) is native to Assam, and ex- tensively cultivated in Japan, China, and India. The Thea sinensis with the varieties viridis and bohea furnish tea. Successful attempts at cultivation have also been carried on in South Carolina. The black and green teas come from the same species. ‘Tea is an important article of commerce in all civilized countries, Russia, England and the United States using large quantities. The active principle found in tea is caffein or thein C,H,,N,O,, a feebly alkaline, bitter alkaloid which is a cerebral and cardiac stimulant. ‘Thea also contains the alkaloid caffeidin C,H,,N,O; theophyllin C,H,.N,O,+H,O; theo- bromin C,H,N,O,, which is a bitter alkaloid having a physiological action sim- ilar to that of thein. The principle alkaloid thein, or caffein, as it is known, is a feebly basic, proximate substance, obtained from the tea plant, from the dried seeds of coffee, and from some other plants. This alkaloid has no particular action upon the digestive tract, unless it is used in large quantities, when it may cause gastro-intestinal irritation. Caffein increases the blood pressure, causing the heart to beat more forcibly and rapidly. It is a certain and direct stimulant. It produces wakefulness and restlessness and stimulates the reason- ing and imaginative faculties in man. In the lower animals, according to Dr. Winslow, it often causes “the most intense cerebral excitement and mania when given in large doses, — produces restlessness, increased reflex excitability and convulsions in the lower animals.” Dr. Winslow states further that caffein is a spinal and muscle poison to the frog, and tetanic convulsions occur in the ba- trachian similar to those produced by stryclinin, but there is also muscular rigid- ity. The symptoms of poisoning in dogs, cats, and mammals generally, are rest- lessness, occasionally vomiting in dogs, rapid breathing, primary reduction fol- lowed by rise in temperature, clonic or tonic convulsions, muscular weakness, and THEACEAE—TEA 629 general paresis. Tea contains some saponin, but it is found especially in Thea Sassanqua of China and Japan and a saponin-like substance called assamin oc- curs in 7. assamica; the flowers of the former species are used to flavor tea. The flowers and leaves of 7. Kissi are used as an insecticide. The Camellia (C. Hongkongensis) is a well known evergreen shrub culti- vated in green houses. ‘Two east North American genera of the order are Stuartia and Gordonia. The leaves of many plants are used as substitutes for tea, among them are: Gromwell (Lithospermum officinale), Willow herb (Epilobium angustifolium), Willow (Salix), Ash (Fraxinus sp.), European Mountain Ash (Pyrus Aucup- aria), Mulberry (Morus alba and nigra), Coffee (Coffea arabica), Camellia (Camellia hongkongensis), Cherry (Prunus spinosa), Rose ( Rosa canina), Strawberry (Fragaria vesca and virginiana), Meadow Sweet (Filipendula ulmma- ria), Wistaria (W. chinensis), Hydrangea (H. Hortensia), Boxelder (Negundo aceroides), Oak (Quercus), Akebia (A. quinata), Blueberry (Vaccinium Myrtil- lus). In Russia the leaves of Vaccinium and Arctostaphylos are made into tea. In North America, in addition to plants previously named, the leaves of Labrador tea (Ledum latifolium), New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus), Oswego tea (Monarda didyma) and Mexican tea (Chenopodium ambrosioides), are fre- quently used. In South America the following are tea substitutes: Lippia pseudcothea, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Psoralea glandulosa, Myrtus Ugni, Symplocos Al- stonia, Capraria biflora, Angraecum fragrans, and Eritrichium gnaphaloides. In China Sageretia theezans is used as a tea substitute, and in Australia various species of Myrtaceae are used for the same purpose. HyYPERICACEAE. St. John’s-wort Family Herbs or shrubs or occasionally small trees with opposite entire punctate, dotted leaves, without stipules; flowers solitary or cymose, paniculate, perfect and regular; sepals and petals 4 or 5, sepals persistent; stamens numerous, hy- pogynous in 3 or 5 sets; ovary 1-7-celled, and as many styles; pod 1-celled with 2-5 parietal placentae; seeds numerous, small; endosperm absent. About 275 species, some cultivated for ornamental purposes. Kalm St. John’s-wort (H. Kalmianum) of the lake region, shrubby St. John’s-wort (H. prolificum) and the great St. John’s-wort (H. Ascyron) are desirable species for orna- mental planting. The H. perforaium and other species yield a yellow dye. The Vismia viridiflora of Guiana yields a resin called American gamboge. Hypericum (Tourn.) L. St. John’s-wort Herbs or shrubs with opposite punctate leaves; flowers borne in cymose clusters; sepals 5; slightly unequal; petals 5, yellow; stamens numerous, distinc: or somewhat united in sets; fruit a capsule 1 to 5-celled; s2eds numerous. About 200 species, of wide distribution. Hypericum perforatum L. Common St. John’s-wort A perennial, much branched herb, with numerous sterile shoots at the base; leaves sessile, oblong or linear, black, punctate dots; flowers borne in cymose clusters, yellow sepals shorter than the yellow and black-dotted petals; stamens many in 3-5 clusters. 630 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Common in the eastern states, rare west of the Mississippi and in the southern states. Hypericum punctatum Lam. Spotted St. John’s-Wort Herbaceous, perennial, 1 or more feet high; copiously marked with Llack, pellucid dots; leaves sessile, oblong or ovate-lanceolate; cymes terminal, many- flowered; flowers crowded; petals pale yellow, large, longer than the oblong sepals; styles mostly not longer than the pods. Distribution. In moist soil, Maine and Ontario to Minn., Florida, Kansas and Texas. Fig. 354. St. Johns-wort (Hypericum perforatum). Flowering branch, fruit, section of fruit, part of leaf. Contains an oil and an acrid resin. (From Ves- que’s Traité de Botanique.) Hypericum Ascyron 1, Great St. John’s-wort Large stems, from 2-5 feet high, branched, 2-4-angled; leaves oblong, partly clasping; petals narrowly obovate; cymes terminal, few-flowered; flowers large, bright yellow; stamens in 5 sets; styles 5, united below; capsules ovoid, 5-celled ; seeds small, numerous. Distribution. From Vermont, Canada and Manitoba to Kansas, Illinois, eastward, also found in Europe and Asia. Poisonous properties. It is believed that, where the plant is common, it is poisonous. It is said to cause eruptions on cows’ udders and on the feet of white-haired animals. A writer in Breeders’ Gazette reports the former species as poisonous. Prof. Chesnut says: This species and the spotted St. John’s-wort (H. masculatum, H. punctatum), were brought into the Department by Dr. G, W. Bready, from Norwood, Md., who stated that five horses were poisoned in May, 1898, by eating meadow hay which contained nearly 50 per cent of these plants. One horse died from the effects of the poison, and two were killed to prevent their further suffering. HY PERICACEAE—HYPERICUM 631 The oil of Hypericum is obtained from the European St. John’s-wort (/7. perforatum) and is apparently found in the black dots of the petals and fruits. The resin, however, found in the plant, is acrid and slightly bitter. The physiolog- ical action of the St. John’s-wort is: mental depression and exhaustion; vertigo and confusion of the head; dilation of the pupils, and increased heart action. Fig. 355. Great St. John’s-wort (Hypericum Ascyron). (Charlotte M. King.) VIoLACEAE. Violet Family Usually herbs or rarely shrubs or trees, caulescent or acaulescent, with al- ternate, simple, entire or lobed leaves with stipules; flowers mostly irregular ; sepals 5; corolla of 5 petals, 1-spurred, hypogynous; stamens 5, short, fila- ments broad and flat, often cohering with each other around the pistil; ovary simple, 1-celled, with 2 parietal placentae; fruit a capsule; seeds anatropous. About 300 species, of wide distribution. The best known is the pansy (Viola tricolor) running into numerous varieties, native to the Old World. It is some- times used in skin diseases. The fragrant violet (VY. odorata) is also frequently cultivated. Some of our native species are very handsome. Among these are the bird-foot violet (V. pedata), common in gravelly soils from Maine to Flor- ida, west to Minnesota and Iowa and the lV. pedatifida from Illinois to Kansas and Minnesota. Our most common eastern yellow violet is V. pubescens; the V. Nuttallii, also yellow, occurs from central Kansas westward. The white Canadian violet (V. canadensis) is common in the north and in the mountains. V. striata is common from the New England states to Minnesota and Missouri. The white-flowered violet (V. blanda) occurs in swamps. Brazilian ipecac is. 632 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 356. Pansy Violet (Vola tytcolor). Possesses emetie quali- ties. (After Fitch.) Fig. 356a. 1-2, Yellow violet (Viola pubescens). 2, Spurred petals. 3-4, Pansy. c, Caylx. p, Pistil. a, Another spur. derived from Hybanthus Ipecacuanha. The sweet pulp of the fruit of the Leonia glycycarpa of Peru is eaten by the natives; the fruit being about the size of a peach. We shall describe only a single species characteristic of the order, viz., the common pansy, which is a common weed in the South. Viola L,. Acaulescent or leafy-stemmed herbs; annual or perennial; flowers solitary or rarely 2, smaller than the cultivated pansy; sepals 5; petals 5; unequal, the lower spreading at the base; stamens 5; anthers erect, united; in many of the species early blossoms are conspicuous, the later being cleistogamous. : Viola tricolor I,. Heart’s-ease. Plant usuaily smooth; stem angled, branched; leaves roundish, or the lower oval, often heart-shaped; petals variable in color or variegated, yellow, whitish, violet-blue, and purple. Distribution. Common in dry or sandy soil from New England to Kansas, especially southward. Also common on the Pacific Coast. Poisonous properties. ‘The substance violin, an acrid, bitter principle, has been extracted from the above species, and also is found in some of our native varieties. It is a pale yellow, bitter powder. ‘The substance violaquercitrin C,,H,,0.,4 1s a coloring matter which is found in the pansy. The emetic ef- fect of violets is well known and is supposed to be due to the presence of violin, Dr. Millspaugh states: The most characteristic symptom of its action is an offensive odor of the urine, like that of the cat. The pains caused by this drug are of a stitching character, while its action seems spent almost entirely upon the skin, and the male sexual organs. On the skin it causes burn- | ing, stinging, and itching, followed by breaking down of the tissues into either squamous spots, or any grade of incrusted eruptions; the eruption pours out a thin yellow fluid. Dr. Schaffner states that the sweet violet is somewhat poisonous, the under- ground parts being emetic and cathartic. VIOLACEAE—VIOLA 633 Dr. Rusby says: Many violets are noted for their ipecac properties, yielding a glucoside called violin long confused with the emetin yielded by ipecac. They may be classed among the emetico-cathartics, and a large quantity might easily be productive of serious results to a child. According to Spatzier, the seeds of violet contain myrosin and a glucoside. PASSIFLORACEAE. Passion Flower Family Shrubs or herbs climbing by axillary tendrils; leaves alternate, simple, gen- erally 3-lobed; flowers perfect, regular, axillary; calyx tube persistent; petals usually 5, inserted on the throat of the calyx tube, which is fringed with a crown of a double or triple row of long, slender fringe; stamens 5, monadelphous, en- closing the stipe of the ovary; pistil 1; ovary with 3-5 parietal placentas; styles 1-5; fruit a berry or capsule, usually many-seeded. A small family of about 300 species of warm and tropical regions. The common blue passion flower (Passiflora caerulea) of South America is fre- quently cultivated. The P. edulis, native of the West Indies, about. the size of a hen’s egg, is eaten; the grandilla (P. quadrangularis) producing a fruit 6 inches long, often weighs 3 pounds. The common maypop of the South (P. incarnata) with a fruit about the size of a hen’s egg, is eaten. This species and the P. lutea are sometimes weedy. The Tacsonia yields hydrocyanic acid. LoAsAcEAE. Mentzelia Family Herbs with rough, often stinging hairs, leaves without stipules; flowers reg- ular, perfect, whitish, yellow or reddish; calyx tube adherent to the ovary, lobes 4-5; petals 4-5, inserted on the calyx; stamens numerous; pistil 1, usually 1- celled, with 2 or 3 parietal placentae; fruit a capsule, 1-celled with the persistent lobes of the calyx; endosperm scant. About 200 species, nearly all native to North America. The Kissenia, how- ever, being found in Africa. Species of the genus Blumenbachia (B. grandi- flora) produce pretty flowers and are cultivated in greenhouses. The Ment- zelia gronoviaefolia, from Mexico and Texas, is also cultivated. The leaves of Mentzelia ornata and other species produce hooked hairs which are often annoy- ing to man. Mentzelia (Plumier) I. Mentzelia Herbs with erect stems, alternate leaves with barbed hairs; flowers usually showy, terminal, solitary or clustered; calyx tube cylindrical or club-shaped, lobes persistent; petals 5-10, regular, spreading, falling, usually turning black in drying; stamens numerous, inserted on the throat of the calyx tube; styles 3, more or less united; capsule dehiscent at the summit, many-seeded; seeds flat. About 50 species, American, chiefly west of the Mississippi river. Mentzelia ornata Torr. and Gray. Showy Mentzelia A rough herb from 1-2 feet high; leaves oblong-lanceolate, deeply toothed er pinnatifid; flowers solitary, much larger than the lanceolate calyx lobes; petals 10, yellowish-white, 2-3 inches long; capsule 114-2 inches long; seeds numerous, with narrow margin. Distribution. Northwestern Iowa to Dakotas to Central Kansas and Texas. Injurious properties. The hooked hairs of the plant cause the leaves to stick to sheep, clothing, etc. Prof. Goodale of Cambridge, Mass., is quoted by 634 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Dr. White, in his Dermatitis Venenata as saying: ‘‘Mentzelia has grown in our garden, and has always been amazingly irritating to us all. Some species are even said to have stinging hairs.” The writer has had considerable experience in collecting these species in the West, and he has learned from experience that the barbed hairs are quite irritating. Dr. Halsted states that 47. oligosperma has the same properties. This plant is frequently cultivated. OPUNTIALES. Fleshy plants, usually spiny with jointed stems; leaves small; flowers mostly solitary, regular; calyx tube adnate to the ovary with a many lobed limb; sta- mens numerous, inserted on the throat of the calyx; filaments filiform; ovary l-celled; ovules numerous; fruit a berry. Contains the important family Cac- taceae. Fig. 357. Showy Mentzelia (Ment- zelia ornata). The hispid hairs of this plant produce mechanical injur- ies. (Charlotte M. King.) CacrackAk. Cactus Family. Fleshy plants, leafless or with small leaves; stems flattened, columnar or globular, generally abundantly spiny; flowers solitary, sessile, perfect; calyx tube adnate to the ovary, limb many lobed; petals numerous, imbricated in several rows, mostly distinct; ovary 1-celled; ovules numerous, anatropous, borne on several parietal placentae; fruit a l-celled berry or a dry fruit; endosperm wanting or copious. ee OPUNTIALES CACTI 635 About 1000 species, chiefly in the regions west of the Missouri river. Many species occur in the arid regions of the southwest. One of the most interesting is the giant cactus (Cereus giganteus) of Arizona, with fluted columns 50 or 60 feet high. The common night blooming cereus (C. grandiflorus), with white flowers opening at night, is well known in cultivation. ‘The most commonly cultivated species is C. speciosissimus, with crimson red flowers that open dur- ing the day. The old man cactus (C. senilis) is cultivated because of its long white hanging hairs. Species of the genus Echinocactus, with stem of many ribs, are often cultivated, the most common being EH. fesrensis of southern Texas and Arizona and the —. Ottonis of Brazil. A very good quality of leather has been produced from E. Wislizeni and Cereus giganteus. Species of Mamii- laria with tufted stems covered with nipple-shaped tubercles, are often found in cultivation. The Epiphyllum truncatum, from Brazil, with flattened, leaf- like stems and flowers 2-3 inches long, and the Phyllocactus, native to South America and Mexico, are also cultivated. The large genus Opuntia, of over 150 species, is entirely American. The O. vulgaris, Mill, naturalized in southern Europe, extends from southern New England west and south; O. Rafinesquii extends from Michigan west; and O. polyacantha from Wisconsin westward. Several Mexican species are cultivated. The Indian pear or prickly pear (O Ficus-Indica) of the West Indies and South America, produces an edible fruit. Extensively naturalized in North America, South Europe and Asia and as hedge plants. It grows on the lava siopes of Mount Aetna, converting the lava into soil. The cochineal plant (Nopalea coccinellifera) a native of Mexico, is cultivated as the host of the cochineal insect, from) which a scarlet carmine dye is obtained. O. Tuna, O. Dillenti and Pereskia also act as hosts of the same insect. The fleshy stem of some Opuiiias, after the spines are removed, are used as siock food. The berries of some species like Opuntia Larreyi which belongs to the O. Ficus-lidica group, O. Striptacantha and Echinocereus stramineus, etc., are eaten. A recent paper by Hare and Griffith described many details of their uses. The Mexicans call them tunas; an alcoholic drink is also made from the fruit. Some spécies are used as soil binders in Texas and else- where. Injurious properties. ‘The barbed trichomes penetrate the flesh and are diff- cult to remove. Death of animals has been caused by “hair balls” phyto-bezoars from them being formed in the stomach. Dr. William Trelease, who had occa- sion to examine the “hair balls’ produced in some Mexican animal, gives the following account of this phytobezoar: ; “The hair balls were a little over 3%4 inches in diameter and weighed 7% ounces. One ball was probably 4 inches in diameter.” It was stated by the phy- sician who sent them to Dr. Trelease that 16 such balls had been taken from the stomach of a bull at the Hacienda de Cruzes; it appears that the chief food of cattle at this time of the year consisted of Opuntias, and that the particular animal in question being allowed to roam at large, sought such food as could be found. These phyto-bezoars were brown in color, “and in appearance some- what suggest felt or rubbed sole leather, and on examination prove to be com- posed, aside from the small nucleus at the center, of the barbed hairs with which the pulvini of the Platopuntias are armed. To the barbs with which these hairs are covered is due their power of felting together, and there is every indication that, starting about some small nucleus of vegetable fiber, they have been compacted into the dense, felty texture by the visceral movements of the 636 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS animal, to which, causing friction against one another, their perfectly round form is attributable.” As is well known, the Opuntias produce spines and two kinds of trichomes. In the Cylindropuntias, each spine is invested by a deciduous sheath, “which is downwardly barbed, so that a person or animal brushing care- lessly against a plant is certain to remove some of the barbed sheaths.” In the Platopuntias, to which the ordinary flat-stemmed prickly pears belong, the spines, when present, are destitute of such a sheath. The protection to the plant is af- forded simply because of their rigidity and pungency. The spines have their origin in pulvini, and in this particular genus of cacti are coated with delicate flexible hairs, divided into partitions. These hairs are lightly attached to the epidermis of the plant, so that when the pulvinus is touched they are almost certain to be removed in considerable numbers. The points of the stiffer hairs penetrate the skin, the barbs with which they are closely beset preventing their ready withdrawal. Dr. Trelease, in summing up the injurious effect of cacti, says: It is a frequent practice in Texas to cut the branches of cacti which are fed to stock into half-inch lengths. In this way, every one of the obliquely set longer spines of Opuntia Engel- manni (and of some other species which are so used) is almost certain to be cut off, so that the danger from the spines is removed. This treatment, however, does not destroy the barbed hairs of the pulvini, of which the bezoars under consideration are composed. It is also the practice, in some places, to roast the fragments as a means of completely removing the spines and barbed hairs, but this is objected to by some feeders, because the roasting has been as- serted to add to the laxative properties of the cactus. Where some such treatment has not Fig. 358. Prickly Pear (Opuntia Engelmannt), from the barbed trichomes of which phytobezoars are sometimes formed. (U. S, Dept. Agr.) MYRTIFLORAE — MYRTLES 637 been resorted to, injury to the animals not infrequently results; and in the bulletin referred to, Dr. Vasey gives a number of instances in which cattle have died from an accumulation of spines in the mouth and stomach, an effect somewhat comparable with that caused by the awns of Hordeum when cattle feed upon these. The eating of the fruit of some species of Opuntia produces diarrhoea. Under the name of Pellate (Anhalonium sp.), the Indians of the Rio Grande Valley of Mexico have for ages used the tops of this plant which they commonly call “mescal button” or “mescal bean.” The use has extended to Indians in Oklahoma and Indian Territory and, it is said, to the Tama Indians of Iowa. The Kiowa Indians use 14-15 grams (4-5 buttons) to produce the peculiar sen- sations. The so-called mescal beans are 1-11%4 inches long and about % inch in diameter, brittle when dry, but soft when moistened. They have a bitter, dis- agreeable taste. Prentiss and Morgan were the first to call attention to the character of the drug dried from Anhalonium. During intoxication, the pupils become dilated, there is muscular relaxation, the pulse is somewhat slower, there is loss of sense of time, partial anaesthesia, weakened heart action; in some nausea and vomiting, and wakefulness. In man the influence has been described as causing an incessant flow of visions of infinite beauty, grandness, and variety of color and form. Intoxication closely resembles that produced by Cannabis indica. Dr. Lewin found that an aqueous extract given to lower animals pro- duced convulsions causing death by respiratory failure. The A. Lewinii contains the alkaloid anhalonin C,,H,,NO,, mescalin C,, H,,NO, and anhalonidin C,,H,,NO,. The A. acme contains pelloti. Although this substance, according to some authors, is inactive, it has been used as a calmative on insane patients and in many cases causes sleep to come on. The cactin found in some species is a cardiac stimulant. It appears also that in addition to the above species the same or allied substances occur in A. prismaticum, A. Williamisii and A. Jourdanianum. Anhalonium is closely related to the genus Cactus. It bears a dense penicil- ate tuft of long soft hairs which persist above the apical region of the plant as matted wool. According to several recent investigators, especially Kauter and Heyl, alka- loids seem to be widely present in the family Cactaceae. Pectenin is found in a species of Cereus; pilocerein C,,H,,N,O,, occurs in Pilocereus Sargentianus ; the alkaloid pellotin C,,H,,NN(OCH,,)OH, is found in species of Anhalon- ium; and Lophophorin apcare in Anhalonium Lewinii and allied species. The alkaloidal substances appear to the extent of 1.1 per cent in dried material. A. Lewinii is a cardiac and respiratory stimulant. Saponin also is found in several species of the family among them in Cereus gummosus. Quite a number of other species of the family are used in medicine. The night-blooming cereus (Cereus grandiflorus) contains a glucoside which acts much like Digitalis. The Opuntia Karwinskiana contains an astringent principle. Several species such as Rhipsalis and Opuntia have anthelmintic properties. MYRTIFLORAE. Mostly shrubs or trees. Leaves simple; flowers incomplete; calyx inferior, 4-5 lobed or entire; corolla usually wanting; stamens twice as many as the calyx lobes or fewer; ovary l1-celled; ovule 1. Species of the genus Cuphea of the family Lythraceae are cultivated in the South as border plants; the cape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) of the East 638 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Indies, of the same family, is a handsome ornamental shrub, the seeds of which contain a narcotic principle; Henna (Lawsonia inermis) yields a yellow dye which is used in Egypt and Arabia as a cosmetic for the hands. Tannin occurs in the root of Lythrum Salicaria. Cuphea viscosa of Mexico contains a substance similar in action to Digitalis. The fresh leaves of Awm- mania baccifera of India contain a vesicating substance. The family Lecythidaceae contains the well known Brazil or Para nut (Bertholletia excelsa, and B. nobilis), the Sapucaya-nut from the monkey-pot tree (Lecythis allaria) and other species. Narcotic and poisonous principles occur in the fruit of Planchonia valida, native to the Molucca Islands, and in the seeds of some species of Lecythis. The roots and fruits of Chinese and Japanese species of Barringtonia are used as fish poisons. The family Punicaceae contains the pomegranate (Punica granatum) from the orient, cultivated in green houses in the North and out of doors in California and the South for its acid fruit, which is about the size of a small apple. The bark is used as a vermifuge and is an active irritant, its medicinal properties being due to a number of alkaloids present, of which four _ Fig. 359. Clove Tree (Eugenia caryophyllata). oman Thymelaeaceae Leaves. silvery, scuriy: Mseeiaer ect g. vt Rio Mte a eititue.cus «clon seven Elaeagnaceae Herbs or rarely shrubs; calyx tube almost wholly adnate....... Onagraceae ELAEAGNACEAE. Oleaster Family. Shrubs or small trees; leaves silvery, scurfy; flowers perfect or dioecious; calyx regular, simple, colored; calyx tube becoming pulpy and berry-like in fruit, strictly enclosing the achene; seed erect, ascending. A small order of 20 Fig. 362. Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnotdes). Pro- duces a berry. (After Fitch.) MYRTIFLORAE — OLEASTER 641 species and 3 genera. The buffalo berry is well known. The Shepherdia ar- gentea is a thorny shrub from 5-18 feet high, from Western Iowa and west- ward, the acid fruit of which was much used in early days for jams, jellies and pies. The Russian oleaster or wild olive (Eleagnus angustifolia), a well known ornamental shrub, adapted especially to the North West, is hardy and handsome. It has spiny branches which bear fragrant flowers. The wood is durable and makes an excellent post. The Goumi (E. multiflora) of Japan, pro- duces edible fruit. The E. hortensis formerly included two species, the E. angustifolia and E. orientalis, Prof. Hansen has introduced the edible form of the shrub into the Northwest. The Arabs dry the berries and make a kind of cake. The Hippophae rhamnoides, an ornamental plant from Europe, is known under the name of sea buckthorn. It is commonly used for fish sauce in Russia. The plant is hardy in South Dakota. Prof. Hansen says that the berries of the tree contain a narcotic poison which is eliminated by boiling. A ae SFE va aa: cr “nat Fig. 363. Goumi (Elaeagnus multiflora). Cultivated for its edible fruit. (From Am- erican Agriculturist.) 642 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS THYMELAEACEAE. Mezereum Family. Shrubs or small trees with acrid, tough, fibrous bark, simple opposite entire leaves; flowers in spikes or umbels, regular; calyx petal-like, tube, urn-shaped: petals present or absent; stamens twice as many as the lobes of the calyx, and borne on it; ovary free, l-celled and l-ovuled; fruit a berry-like drupe; embryo straight; endosperm scanty or none. About 400 species of wide distribution, most largely represented in Australia and South Africa. The leatherwood or moosewood (Dirca palustris) with a tough fibrous bark, is used by the Indians for thongs. The Mezereum (Daphne Mezereum) with fragrant flowers and bright red berries, of Europe, naturalized from Europe in New England, and the handsome D. Cneorum, with rosepink flowers, are cultivated. ‘The berries and leaves of the Mezereum cause blister- ing; it 1s an acrid poison. Bark paper (D. cannabina) native of the Himalayas to Japan, produces a tough bark which is made into paper. Lace-bark (Lagetta lintearia) of Jamaica, with bark that separates into layers, was formerly used for veils, bonnets, etc. The bark of Wikstroemia viridiflora, of the Polynesian Islands, is used for making fishing nets, ropes, etc. The bark of Funifera utilis of Brazil, causes vesication like that produced by the Dirca palustris. Several exotic plants of the family are poisonous like the Pimelia trichostachya of Australia. The fruit and leaves of Gnidia carinata are emetic. Daphne, L. Laurel Shrubs, with alternate leaves, and small purple, pink, or white flowers in fascicles, heads or racemes; perianth tubular, with 4 spreading lobes; stamens 8, attached to the calyx tube; filaments very short; disk none; ovary sessile; stigma large; calyx deciduous or persistent. About 40 species, native of Europe and Asia. Daphne Mezereum, L. Spurge Laurel. ULady Laurel. A small shrub with young twigs somewhat pubescent; leaves thin, oblong- lanceolate, or oblanceolate, petioled; flowers in sessile fascicles, very fragrant; perianth-tube pubescent, rose-purple; drupe red. Distribution. Escaped from cultivation from Quebec to New York, native to Europe and Asia; frequently cultivated as an ornamental plant. Poisonous properties. Some of the European species, like Daphne Cneorum contain acrid poisons. ‘The plant produces blisters. The bark is used internally and in the form of an ointment. According to Loudon, in France the bark is applied to the skin for the purposes of a “perpetual blister.” The bark, when fresh or when soaked in water, reddens the skin, when applied to it, and at length occasions vesicles followed by ulcers. Oecsterlein remarked that all parts of the plant produced, on contact, irritation and inflammation. Schimpfky men- tions this among the twenty-six important poisonous plants of Europe and states that the bark and berries are most poisonous, and that the pleasant odor of the flowers produces headache, for which reason, therefore, they should not be placed in a living room, Linnaeus seems to have recorded cases of poison- ing from this plant. Daphne contains the glucoside daphnin, C,,H,,O,,, bitter and astringent, an acrid resin mezerein, daphnetin (C,H,O,)H,O, also with an astringent taste, coccognin C,,H,,O,, and the glucoside aesculin, CL. ee H,O. Friedberger and Fréhner state that animals poisoned by the Daphne have stomatitis, slavering, colic and a feeble pulse. In Europe the fruit is MYRTIFLORAE — THYMELAEACEAE 643 sometimes used as a substitute for pepper, in some cases with fatal results. Blyth says: “There are a few cases of poisoning on record, and they have been mostly from the berries. Thus, Linne has recorded an instance in which a little girl died after eating twelve berries. The symptoms observed in the recorded cases have been burning in the mouth, gastro-enteritis, vomiting ( giddi- ness, narcosis, and convulsions, ending in death. The lethal dose for a horse is about 30 grms. of powdered bark; for a dog, the oesophagus being tied, 12 gms.; but smaller doses of the fresh leaves may be deadly.” Fig. 364. Mezereum (Daphne Mezereum). An acrid poison. (After Fitch.) Dirca, WL. A small shrub with tough, fibrous bark; short-petioled leaves; flowers yel- lowish, in peduncled fascicles of 2-4 scaly buds at the nodes of twigs of the preceding season; stamens 8, borne on the calyx, the alternate ones longer; filaments very slender; perianth bellshaped, or funnelform; disk obsolete; ovary nearly sessile; drupe red, oval, oblong. 2 species known, 1 in Eastern North America, and 1 in California. Dirca palustris, 1, Leather-wood. A shrub with yellowish green twigs; leaves obtuse; bud-scales 3 or 4, oval, with brown hairs, deciduous; style longer than the stamens. Distribution. In woods and thickets, Eastern Canada to Minnesota, Central Towa to Missouri and Florida. Poisonous properties. ‘The bark is acrid, like that of the Daphne; all parts of the plant having a nauseous, acrid taste. The principle, however, is unknown. The fresh bark applied to the skin causes redness and vesication, the sores thus produced being quite difficult to heal. ONAGRACEAE. Evening Primrose Family. Herbs or rarely shrubs, with alternate or opposite leaves, generally without stipules, or stipules glandular; calyx adnate to the 2-4-celled ovary; petals 2-4; stamens as many as the petals or twice as many; ovules numerous. About 300 644 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS species. A few of the plants are medicinal. The great willow herb (Epilobium angustifolium) is occasionally used in medicine. The hairs of the seeds of some species are used in the Arctics as lamp wicks. Many species of the family are used for ornamental purposes, especially some of the western species of the genus, Oenothera, the Clarkia elegans of the gardens and the greenhouse Fuchsia. The genus Oenothera with many species, some southwestern and some western, contains very pretty plants. Fig. 365. Leather-wood (Dirca palustris). This plant 1s well known in northern woods, especially on the banks of streams; occasionelly found on high land. The bark is very tough and regarded as poisonous. (Charlotte M. King.) Gaura, Ll. Gaura. Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs with alternate sessile leaves; flowers white, pink or red in spikes or racemes; calyx tube narrow, prolonged beyond the ovary, the limb usually 4-lobed, reflexed; petals clawed, unequal; stamens usually 8, with a small scale before the filament, frequently declined; ovary 4-celled; styles declined; fruit hard and nut-like, 3 to 4-ribbed and angled. About 18 species. Gaura biennis, lL. Gaura. An erect, soft, hairy or downy annual or biennial; leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, denticulate; flowers in slender spikes, white, turning pink; fruit oval or oblong acute at each end, 4-ribbed. MYRTIFLORAE — ONAGRACEAE 645 Distribution. From Ontario to Georgia, Arkansas and Nebraska and Min- nesota. Fig. 366. Willow-herb (Ep1- lobium augustifolium). Occa- sionally used in medicine. (After Fitch.) Gaura parviflora, Dougl. A hairy, branching, soft pubescent annual from 2-5 feet high; leaves lance- olate or ovate lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sessile, repand, denticulate, cov- ered with long soft hairs; the pinkish flowers about % inch long, borne in long flexuose spikes 2-3 feet long; fruit contracted at the base, obtusely 4-angled, glabrous. Distribution. Common in dry soil from South Dakota to Missouri, Louisi- ana, the Rocky Mountain region and New Mexico and Mexico. A common weed along irrigation ditches. Gaura coccinea, Pursh. Scarlet Gaura. An erect or ascending, much branched, smooth or canescent herb; leaves lanceolate, linear-oblong, repand or entire; flowers red, turning scarlet; fruit canescent, terete below, and narrowed above. Distribution. From Western Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas to Utah, Arizona, and Mexico. Poisonous properties. The Gauras, or at least one species, the Gaura coccinea, have been suspected of being poisonous to live stock in the West. This is an excellent honey plant. UMBELLALES Herbs, shrubs or trees; flowers nearly always with petals; divisions of the calyx and petals usually 5; stamens 4 or 5; ovary compound inferior, adnate to the calyx; epigynous ovule 1 in each cavity. 646 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS FAMILIES OF UMBELLALES Fruit a drupe or berry. Piowers umbellate: stamens 5... 02500. .2 0 os mc in cbmc sp eeree Araliaceae Fiowers not umbellate; stamens 45.32 2.......0-. 0005.0... beans Cornaceae Fruit dry splitting into 2 mericarps:.........-....00-2seeseeceees Umbelliferae ARALIACEAE. Gingseng Family. Herbs, shrubs or rarely trees; leaves alternate or whorled; flowers in um- bels, heads or panicles; calyx tube adherent to the ovary; usually 5 petals in- serted on the calyx; stamens as many as the petals, inserted on the disk; ovary 1 or more celled, 1 ovule in each cell; fruit a several-celled drupe. About 50 genera and 450 species, of wide distribution. Genera common to eastern North America, China and Japan. Some of the species are occasionally cultivated for ornamental purposes. One of the best known of these is the Hercules Club (Faisia horrida), native from Florida west to Missouri and Texas, and the common European ivy (Hedera Helix) well known in cultiva- tion. Few of the Araliaceae have injurious properties, however, the prickly spines of Fatsia horrida of the Pacific Coast, are quite irritating. Several species of the genus Aralia and Panax are used in medicine. The | Fig. 367. Ginseng. (After Faguet.) UMBELLALES — UMBELLIFERAE 647 most important of these is the Ginseng, (Panax quinquefolium), which is native from eastern Canada to Alabama and in woods from Kentucky to Iowa, Mis- souri, Nebraska and Minnesota. This species is now widely cultivated, large quantities of Ginseng being exported to China, where the roots are in great demand. The Chinese Gingseng is P. ginseng. Several other species are used in medicine, among them the Spikenard (Aralia racemosa), and Wild Sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis). These plants are not officinal, but they are quite commonly used. They have aromatic and stimulating properties. Barring- tonin, C/E, O2(0OH) is found in Barringtonia, a Japanese Aralia, Panax, and other genera. Araliin occurs in the roots of Fatsia horrida. The terpene, aralien, C,.H,,. occurs in Aralia nudicaulis, Some members of this order are occasionally weedy, especially the Sarsaparilla. Rice paper is made from Tetrapanax papyrifera, native to Formosa. It is a small tree about 10 feet high. The tree is cut into to obtain the pith, which is divided into thin slices and the paper cut with a sharp knife. UMBELLIFERAE. Carrot Family. Herbs with alternate compound or sometimes simple leaves, petioles often dilated at the base, rarely with stipules; flowers 1, small, in compound or simple umbels or heads, frequently polygamous; calyx tube adnate to the ovary, limb obsolete or 5-toothed; petals 5, inserted on the margin of calyx; stamens 5, inserted on the disk; pistils with 2 styles; fruit dry, composed of 2 carpels; generally spreading from each other at maturity. About 1600 species of wide distribution in tropical and temperate regions. A number of the plants of the family are of economic importance, among them the carrot (Daucus Carota), native to Europe, cultivated before the Christian Era. The thickened roots of the carrot are important as food for man and Fig. 368. Turnip rooted Celery or Celeriac (Apium graveolens). (W. S. Dudgeon.) O48 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS domestic animals. Parsley (Carum Petroselinum—=—Petroselinum hortense), native to the Mediterranean regions of Europe and Asia Minor, is used for garnishing. Celery (Apium graveolens) is indigenous to Great Britain and other European countries, and is found growing in low lands. There are two types, the turnip rooted, cooked and eaten as a salad, and the blanched leaf stalks. Celery was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is said that in a wild state the plant is somewhat poisonous. Some people are known to be sensitive to the cultivated plant. Dill (Anethum graveolens), containing dill oil and caraway (Carum Carvi), were known to the ancients. The essential oil of caraway is obtained from the seed, which is used in Europe to flavor bread and meats and contains carvol C,,H,,O. Dill (Peucedanum graveolens) is commonly used in flavoring pickles and salads. Cummin seeds from Cuminum sativum resemble those of caraway in odor and taste. Many members of the order have medicinal properties. Among the more important of these are the Indian pennywort (Centella asiatica), and poison hem- lock (Conium maculatum), which contains the alkaloid coniin, which is deadly poisonous. The caraway “seeds,” fennel “seeds” (Foeniculum vulgare), the latter indigenous to the Caspian Sea regions, and yielding anethol, also contain fenchone, trigonellin and cholin. The anise seeds (Pimpinella Anisum), containing the oil of anise, are used in confectionery. Asafoetida (Ferula Narthex) native to Thibet and western Asia, obtained from the milky juice of this plant, is used in medicine, and by the Persians as a condiment. The button snake root (Eryngium yuccaefolium), the cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), and the water hemlock (Cicuta macu- lata), are common plants in the northern states. The leaves and roots of the fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), used in southern Europe as table vegetables, and in Germany to flavor bread and cakes, contain phellandrene C,,H,, and chav- icol; lovage (Levisticum officinale) is found in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Connecticut and in Europe. The Arracacia xanthor- vhiza of Peru is much used in the Andes region. The same species, known in Venezuela as Arracacha and introduced into’ Porto Rico, is said by Fairchild to be one of the most important of food plants to the peon. The roots are large and fusiform. The roots of sea holly (Eryngium maritimum) when cand- ied, boiled or roasted resemble chestnuts in taste. Gum Galbanum is derived from Ferula galbaniflua, and was used by the ancients for incense and per- fumery. It contains cadinene and d-pinene. ‘This is referred to in Exodus 25:10. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) contains coriandrol C,,H,.O. Musk root or Sumbul (Ferula Sumbul) contains umbelliferone C,H,O, and angelic acid C,H,O, used as an antispasmodic. The plant occurs in Asia. Sweet Cicely (Osmorhiza longistylis) yields an oil similar to anise and contains anethol. In the Umbelliferae the substance peucedone C,.H,,O,, occurs in the roots of Imperatoria Ostruthium, and Peucedanum officinale; athamantin C,, H,,O,, is found in Peucedanum Oreoselinum; laserpitin, C,,H,,O,, is from roots of Laserpitium latifolium; pimpinellin is obtained from the roots of Pimpinella Saxifraga. Ocenanthe crocata contains oenanthotoxin somewhat sim- ilar to cicutoxin; thymol is found in the fruit of a great many of the Umbelli- ferae; cumin oil is secreted from the fruits of Cuminum Cyminum and other plants of this order, and contains cymene; anise seed or anise fruit contains anise oil which resembles that found in star anise; the Oenanthe Phellandrium UMBELLIFERAE, — OEKNANTHE 649 Fig. 369. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum). Flowering stem. (After Faguet) contains phellandrene; a native lovage, Ligusticum canadense, is used to flavor tobacco. This family contains a large number of plants with active principles, some of which are entirely harmless, but others must be considered among the deadly poisons. The water drop-wort (Oenanthe crocata), with its parsnip-like roots, and the O. Phellandrium, poisonous European plants, are Umbelliferae. Fried- berger and Fréhner state that the former causes stomatitis and paralysis, Blyth 650 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS states that the chemistry of the plant has not yet betn worked out, but that all parts are poisonous, the root especially deadly. Lehmann states, however, that the first species is not as poisonous as was formerly supposed; sheep and hogs eat it, although it is poisonous to horses. In the latter it is said to produce paralysis of the hind legs. Berula erecta of Europe and North America is poison- ous, especially the root. It is a smooth aquatic perennial, with compound simple pinnate leaves; leaflets linear oblong, serrate to cut-toothed; flowers white, and fruit globose. In Australia according to Maiden the Apium leptophyllunt when grown in damp soils is poisonous. The wild parsnip of that country is one of the most poisonous plants of Australia, no antidote to it being known. The Chaerophyl- lum temulum of Europe causes colic and stupor. The parsley is not ordinarily considered poisonous but is said to be injurious to birds. The gum resin am- moniac found on the stem of Dorema Ammoniacum is acrid. The resin re- sults from the sting of an insect. The genus Ferula from which Asafoetida is derived causes haematuria and bleeding at the nose. Fig. 370. Creeping Water- parsnip (Berula erecta). Very poisonous. (After Fitch.) Genera of Umbelliferae BIO WOrs VEO W wis’: ol iask!d ates nieve ele euste Suge yo bce» Attn AL Pin aaa ae Sa aaa 7 Pastinaca- ‘lowers white or greenish. Bruit: (bristly, primed 2. uc a'cnes ceeds seb sa ceetas atid eta 9 Daucus. I'ruit, not bristly, winged. Fruit winged, dorsally flattened. Flowers greenish. is 6... fc ais coe Uae cote obs Bieaeee en ae heey Flowers white. Leaves pinnate or ternate, clustered, tuberous roots. .6 Oxypolis. Leaves ternately-compound, root not tuberous..... 8 Heracleum. Fruit wingless flattened dorsally or laterally................ 4 Aethusa. Fruit ovoid or oval. Flowers white. Biennial! planitesigst / QR ARO ee ne ttat ata 1 Conium Perennial, roots usually fascicled., UMBELLIFERAE — OENANTHE 651 . Cif tubestcotitary se te cso nee Waele er 2 Cicuta OMA eS ss sir ae mares ae Nite crate ace nate eke le 3 Sium Conium L. Hemlock Smooth biennial herbs with spotted stems and pinnately compound leaves; flowers small, white, in compound umbels; calyx teeth obsolete; petals small, obcordate or entire; fruit glabrous, somewhat flattened laterally; carpels wavy- ribbed; oil tubes none, two species, one in Europe and Asia, the other African, deadly poisonous. Plant well known to the ancients. Conium maculatum, L. An erect, branching, smooth herb, with spotted stem and pinnately decom- pound leaves; flowers small, white, in compound umbels; calyx teeth obsolete, petals white; fruit smooth, ovate, flattened, with prominent wavy ribs; oil tubes absent. Distribution. In waste places, Canada to Indiana, California, Utah and Mexico. Native to Europe. Poisonous properties. The plant is very poisonous. It was used by the ancients to poison criminals condemned to death, and it is said that Socrates was poisoned by it. The plant is avoided by stock because of its strong odor, but the dried plants are not so poisonous. The alkaloid contin C,H,,N is de- rived from it. Coniin is volatile in vapor of alcohol or water, and somewhat volatile at ordinary temperatures. It has an alkaline reaction and burning taste and causes dilation of the pupil. Two other principal alkaloids occur, namely: conicein C.H,.N said to be 18 times more poisonous than coniin; conydrin C,H,,NO, pseudoconydrin C,H,,.NO and methylaconitin C,H,,N occur in small amounts. The percent of coniin in fresh leaves is 0.095; the ripe seed contains 0.7 percent. Mr. Chesnut says: Recent cases of poisoning have arisen accidentally from eating the seed for that of anise, the leaves for parsley, or the roots for par- snips; also from blowing whistles made from the hollow stems. It has recently been shown that some of the anise seed in both foreign and domestic markets is contaminated with hemlock seeds, but it is not known whether serious con- sequences have resulted therefrom. Symptoms. The symptoms in man are due to a general and gradual weak- ening of muscular power. The power of sight is often lost, but the mind usual- ly remains clear until death ensues, as it soon does from the gradual paralysis of the lungs. The poisoning differs from that of the Water Hemlock (Cicuta maculata) in the absence of convulsions. Many domestic animals have been killed by eating the plant, the prominent symptoms described for cows being the loss of appetite, salivation, bloating, much bodily pain, loss of muscular power and rapid, feeble pulse. This plant, though called hemlock, should not be confused with the hemlock tree, which belongs to the family Coniferae. It paralyses the ends of the motor nerves, then trunks and lastly the motor center itself. Respiration is quickened and pupils contracted. The fatal dose according to Blyth is 2.3 grains. 2. Cicuta Ll. Water-Hemlock. Tall, smooth, erect perennial herbs with pinnate or pinnately compound leaves and serrate leaflets; umbels terminal; flowers white; calyx teeth acute; 652 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS fruit ovate or oblong with solitary conspicuous oil tubes; corky ribs, the lateral ones strong; marsh herbs. Eight species, of north temperate regions. The European C. virosa is deadly poisonous. Hundreds of people have been poisoned in Europe. It acts much like our native cowbane, the symptoms being violent gastro-enteritis, dizziness, trembling, suggestive of hydrophobia, prostration, par- alysis and convulsions. Cicuta maculata I, Cowbane A smooth marsh perennial from 2-5 feet tall; and with fasicled fusiform roots; leaves pinnately compound 2 or 3 times pinnate, long petioled; the coarsely serrate leaflets lanceolate to oblong lanceolate; stalks of the umbellets numerous and unequal; flowers white, fruit broadly ovate to oval, small, about 1% inches long. Distribution. Grows in marshes and low grounds in the Dakotas, Nebraska, the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado, Wyoming and Montana to the Uintahs, east of New Brunswick and Florida. Poisonous properties. The European C. virosa contains contin C,H,,N found also in Conium maculatum, and the bitter principle cicutoxin, an amor- phous, resinous substance with a disagreeable taste. The poison resides in the root, stem, and leaves, but more particularly in the root. It seems to occur in an oily aromatic fluid. Fig. 371. Water Hemlock (Cicuta maculata), showing section of spindle-shaped roots and lower stem, the leaves, flowers, and fruit, one-half nat- ural size; also fruit and cross section of seed, en- larged five times. A very poisonous plant. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) ee UMBELLIFERAE — CICUTA 653 The resinous cicutoxin, according to Boehm, is an uncrystallizable bitter body. The fatal dose, according to Chesnut, is 50 milligrams for each kilogram of body weight when administered through the mouth and 7 milligrams when injected hypodermically. Fig. 372. European Water Hemlock (Cicuta vir- osa). A poisonous plant containing cicutoxin. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique). Mr. Chesnut says: Its true chemical nature is not definitely known, but it is probable that it contains the alkaloid coniin. and the bitter principle cieutoxin, the latter of which is characteristic of the European water hemlock (Cicuta virosa). Both are powerful poisons, but the latter is the more violent and produces most of the symptoms characteristic of the plant. The American water-hemlock is one of the most poisonous plants native to the United States. Its victims include both men and animals. The underground parts are the most poisonous, and are es- pecially dangerous, because they are often washed or frozen out of the soil and thus exposed to view. There are quite a number of cases of human poisoning on record in Wis- consin, Iowa, and Minnesota. Stock is also poisoned. People who are poisoned generally mistake the roots for parsnips. In Iowa it is often called wild par- snip. The roots of this plant are fascicled and never conical as in the true _ parsnip. During one season five children were poisoned in the state of Iowa, three dying, from eating the roots. Several cases of stock poisoning have occurred in Iowa and are referred to by the writer. The following interesting experience is related by Mr. J. A. Minteer, who says: I have just had a strange experience with my cattle, having lost a four year old cow and a yearling calf. I think that they were poisoned on some kind of weed root found in the slough. I locate it on a spot where a hay stack stood about two years ago. It had been re- moved except the spoiled hay in the bottom. Last fall being dry, I pitched it up, dried and burned the old hay, sowed rye and timothy seed, ran the disc harrow over it several times and noticed that we turned out lots of roots like small sweet potatoes, except that they were all connected at the top. I thought they were the root of a weed that grows a stalk similar to a seeded parsnip, have a straggly top similar to an elder berry when in bloom. ‘The stalk when mature is hollow. Now I am not certain that I am right about the top as it had been mowed before I discovered the tubers. I never thought of them doing any harm, just thought we had torn them out so they would die and do me no harm, but as the cattle, 17 in number were 654 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS brought up Sunday evening they appeared to be all right until they came into the barn yard, when a cow fell down and seemed to have a spasm. It only lasted a few minutes when she got up walked about 100 feet and fell again, got up and walked about thirty rods, fell again and died in about thirty minutes. The yearling was all right until turned into the lot. In about 20 minutes she was taken in the same way except a little more severely, rose 2 or 3 times and died in about 15 minutes. I was satisfied that they were poisoned, but the cause worried me for a while then I remembered the tubers I saw in the slough, I went next morning before turning the cattle out and found that the cow and yearling had eaten some of the roots. I gathered up nearly one-half bushel of the tubers, turned out the cattle and have had no trouble since. On opening the cows, I found considerable of the tubers in the stomach, and the in- side ot the stomach was very black. The plant above ground likewise affects horses and evidently the poison may reside in the leaves for considerable length of time even after they are dried. The following experience of a correspondent in Ruthven, Iowa, calls at- tention to the danger of using hay that contains cowbane: I mail herewith a small paper box which contains some weed, of which I sent you a speci- men last summer. ‘This species of hemlock as you call it, I picked out of a manger of a stallion, which took suddenly sick this morning. Sickness lasted but a short spell. Do not know whether this had anything to do with this sickness but am terribly prejudiced against it. Another instance a few days ago of a colt taking violently sick all at once, apparently no cause, there being considerable of this weed in the hay, and I had two cows lose their calves a short time ago; the cows had access to this kind of hay. This quite frequently occurs hereabouts. On a neighboring farm where this weed abounds, they lost nearly all their calves two years ago. Apparently no cause, but of course there is a cause somewhere. I am satisfied some stock will eat the leaves of this weed. Dr. Erwin F. Smith, in referring to the poisonous nature of this weed, speaks of a case as follows: During the warm days which melted the snow and brought back the birds and gave indi- cation of spring time, some children of a neighborhood on the outskirts of the city gave vent to their feelings by digging and eating some artichokes which grew upon some low ground borderng a brook. Two of these boys were taken violently ill ,and one of them eight years old, died, within an hour after he had eaten the root. Dr. Smith states that upon an examination of the stomach and the root from which he ate, it was proven beyond a doubt that Cicuta maculata was the cause of death. Professor A, A. Crozier calls attention to the poisonous nature of cowbane in this state and refers to a case occurring in northern Iowa as follows: Hon. Eugene Secor, of Forest City, this state, a member of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Agricultural College, brought me today a fleshy root of a plant of the Water-hemlock, (Cicuta maculata, L.). The circumstances which brought it to his notice were as follows: A neighbor of his by the name of Mr. Oleson, a farmer of about fifty years of age, while dragging some potato ground upon bottom land about two weeks ago discovered one of the fleshy roots of this plant, and supposing it to be an artichoke, ate it and gave a portion of it to his two sons. He soon began to feel queer or “‘funny’’ as he expressed it, and went to the house where he was taken with a spasm, followed by two or three others, when he became unconscious and within half an hour, before a physician could be summoned from the village, two miles distant, he was dead. ‘The children had probably eaten less of the root and being given an emetic, recovered. ‘The plant is very common in the state and the roots are so pleas- ant to the taste as to make it particularly dangerous. I may add that I ate a piece of the root the size of a filbert with little or no unpleasant effect.” One season the writer had a record of five cases of poisoning in this state. From a press bulletin issued by the writer the following facts were given to the public: Ira, aged ten, and Ross, aged eight years, children of T. Y. Johnson, died last night from eating the roots of a poisonous water plant that grows in front of their house on the Keg Creek flat east of the Ridgeway lumber yard. A third child, John, the seven year old son of Mrs. Amanda Kingery, also ate the root but it seems was not made so sick as the others. Shortly before six o’clock the children came into the house showing Mrs. Johnson what they had been eating. Not knowing what it was she had them spit it out and throw away UMBELLIFERAE — COWBANE 655 what they had in their hands. They went out to play again, but in about twenty minutes the two Johnson boys fell to the ground as if in a fit, soon passing into convulsions. The Kingery lad was able to walk to his home, but was soon taken with spasms. Dr. Hester was called and by a vomiting process in a few hours had the child out of danger. Dr. Lyon was summoned to the Johnson home, getting there at 6:30. The little fellows were already in terrible convulsions and nothing could be done for them, one dying at 6:45 and the other at 7:15. Dr. Millspaugh, in his American Medicinal Plants, Fascicle 4., No. 67, has recorded the following observations concerning the physiological action of the Cicuta maculata: “Many cases of poisoning from the root of this species have been reported, all showing, by the symptoms, that Cicuta produces great hyperaemia of the brain and spinal cord. The following case reported by letter to Dr. Bigelow* by Dr. R. Hazeltine, (1818), gives all Fig. 373. Purple Stemmed Poison Hemlock (Cicuta Douglasii) of the Pa- cific Coast. It is very poisonous. (Chesnut, U. S. Dept. Agr.) *Bigelow, Amer. Med. Bot. Vol. III., p. 181. 656 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS the symptoms noted by other observers in various other cases. A boy had eaten of certain tuberous roots, gathered in a recently plowed field, supposing them to be artichokes but which were identified as the roots of Cicuta maculata. His first symptom was a pain in the bowels, urging him to an ineffectual attempt at stool after which he vomited about a tea- cupful of what appeared to be the recently masticated root, and immediately fell back into convulsions which lasted off and on continuously till his death. The doctor found him in a profuse sweat and convulsive agitations, consisting of tremors, violent contractions and distortions, with alternate and imperfect relaxions of the whole muscular system, astonishing mobility of the eyeballs and eyelids, with widely dilated pupils, stridor dentium, trismus, frothing at the mouth and nose, mixed with blood and occasionally violent and genuine epilepsy. The convulsive agitations were so powerful and incessant, that the doctor could not examine the pulse with sufficient constancy to ascertain its character. At the post-mortem no inflammation was observed, the stomach was fully distended with flatus, and contained “about three gills of muciform and greenish fluid, such as had flowed from the mouth; the mass assumed a dark green color on standing.” Chesnut in his paper on Some Poisonous Plants of Northern Stock Ranges says that Dr. Wilcox and himself observed 105 cases of water hemlock poison- ing among sheep of which 50 were fatal, and 36 among cattle of which 30 were fatal. The loss was $4,000, only a fraction of what occurs in Oregon.. The C. vagans and C. Douglasii are poisonous, the latter along the coast. Mention may be made in this connection of a series of most valuable papers on “The Medicinal Plants of North America” by Dr. T. Holm in Merck’s Reports.* In one paper he discusses the anatomy as well as the poisons found in this very poisonous plant. The effect of the poison is similar to that of Cicuta virosa and is due to a resinous substance cicutoxin and to the volatile alkaloid cicutin, which has been obtained from the fruits. Cicuta vagans Greene. Oregon Water-Hemlock A smooth perennial with glaucus stem and vertical rootstock divided into horizontal chambers; plant 2-3 feet high, with compound leaves; flowers white. Distribution. From Idaho to British Columbia and west to northern Cali- fornia. Poisonous properties. Same properties as the preceding. Professor Hed- rick estimates that 100 head of cattle are killed by it every year in Oregon. A piece about the size of a marble of the winter rootstock is believed to be fatal to man. Professor Hedrick says: It is hard to estimate the number of cattle killed yearly in Oregon by eating Cicuta. One hundred would be a low estimate in my judgment. Animals eat the underground portion of Cicuta in getting the tops which form about the first green herbage in early spring; as they browse the foliage, the roots, being only partly subterranean, and growing in a soft soil, are pulled up and eaten. A piece the size of a walnut ,it is found by experiment, is sufficient to kill a cow. It is probable that the poisonous constituent is found only in the underground stem and the roots. While the victims of the plant are chiefly cattle, yet they are not exclusively so. The poisonous parts are often mistaken for Parsnips, Artichokes, and Horse-radish, and thus human victims are not infrequent. A number of cases of poisoning from Cicuta are annually re- ported in the United States. A writer in a local paper a few months ago, reported the case of two cattlemen in Southern Oregon, who, after eating “Wild Parsnip,’ presumably Cicuta, died in a few hours. Falk reports, that in Europe in thirty-one cases of poisoning from Cicuta, 45 per cent died. : The observations made by Prof. French and reported by Prof. U. P. Hed- *Medicinal Plants of North America, 24; Cicuta maculata, Merck’s Rep. XVIII: 35-38, f.1-12.. Feb. 1909. UMBELLIFERAE — COW BANE 657 rick formerly of the Oregon Experiment Station have shown experimentally that this species is poisonous. A bulb was cut in small pieces, mixed with a carrot and fed to a two year old grade heifer. The animal was fed at 8:00 a. m. and at 9:30 it was dead. A post-mortem examination showed that pieces Fig. 374. Oregon water hemlock (Cicuta vagans): a, plant with leaves, one-sixth natural size; b and b’, rootstock and horizontal roots, showing section, half size; c, terminal leaflets, one-sixth natural size; d, flowering spray. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) of the root occurred in the rumen, and in the reticulum or second stomach. Only a very small portion of the root had been eaten by the animal. Two grams were found in the stomach. The lungs were highly congested. The following day a one year old calf was fed with the poisonous roots. The temperature of the animal was normal, 102%4°. Two bulbs the size of an egg were cut and mixed with carrots; this material was eaten under protest. The roots were fed at 9:15 a. m. and at 9:40 the temperature was 103; at 10:00, 103%4°; at 10:25, 104° and the animal was trembling about the flanks, the eyes watered freely; at 10:35 the animal was excited and the temperature was 104%4°; at 10:45 the animal fell over on its side in a spasm. ‘The eyes were drawn and the muscles were rigid and contracted violently. Before death an attempt was made to revive the animal by giving it spirits of turpentine; this caused the calf to recover its feet and walk about. A second 658 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS dose of turpentine and milk were given and the animal remained standing until 11:30, then it fell down as before. A full dose of aconite was given, but no results noticed and then a hypodermic injection of nitro-glycerin was given. Death occurred at 11:45 and spasms were almost continuous. The most interesting discovery made by Prof. Hedrick was in regard to the apparent harmlessness of the roots while growing during the summer. Prof. Hedrick says concerning the roots fed to an animal early in May: The bulbs were of the same lot used in the first experiments, but had been growing for a month in a green house. It was expected that growth would remove some of the danger- ous properties of the bulbs, but it was a surprise to find that an animal eating many times as much of them as had killed the cows in the previous experiment suffered no ill effects whatever. The conclusion is obvious; the bulbs are only dangerously poison when in the dormant state, or for a short time after growth begins in the spring. Cattle are likely, then, to be poisoned only from the first of January to the middle of May. Cicuta Bolanderi Watson. leaves bipinnate, leaflets narrowly lanceolate, long acuminate, acutely ser- rate, lower leaflets petiolate and often deeply lobed; involucre of several linnear leaflets; fruit 2 lines long, nearly orbicular, strikingly ribbed, and broad oil tubes. Distribution. In salt marshes along the Pacific coast in California. Poisonous properties. Like those of the preceding species. Fig. 375. Water Hemlock (Cicuta bulbifera). A powerfully poisonous plant. (Ada Hayden.) UMBELLIFERAE — COWBANE 659 Cicuta bulbifera 1,. Bulbous Water-Hemlock A slender perennial from 1-3 feet high; leaves 2-3 times pinnate; leaflets linear; sparingly toothed, 2 inches long; upper axils bear clustered bulblets; fruit small, ovate. Distribution, In swamps Nova Scotia to Delaware, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Manitoba. Poisonous properties. Very poisonous, like the other species described above. 3. Sium (Tourn.) L. Water Parsnip Smooth perennial herbs with stem leaves pinnate, basal leaves with pinnatifid leaflets; flowers white in large umbels; calyx teeth minute; short styles; fruit ovate to oblong with prominent ribs; 1-3 oil tubes. A small genus of 8 species in temperate regions. The S. latifolium is poisonous especially to cattle. It produces stupor, excitement and gastro-enteritis. Sium cicutaefolium Schrank. Water Parsnip. An erect stout marsh herb from 2-6 feet high; lower leaves with long petioles; leaflets 3-8 pairs; segments linear or lanceolate, sharply serrate; flowers in umbels, white; fruit ovate, prominently ribbed. Distribution. From Nova Scotia across the continent to Florida and Cali- fornia. Poisonous properties. The water parsnip is reported as poisonous from sev- eral different sources. Hyams reports it poisonous in North Carolina. 4. Aethusa I, Fool’s Parsley. Annual glabrous herbs. Leaves 2-3 ternately compound, dissected; umbels compound without involucre; involucels long and narrow; flowers white; calyx teeth obsolete; fruit globose, ovoid, glabrous, flattened dorsally. One species native to Europe and Asia. Aethusa Cynapium I. Fool’s Parsley An erect leafy branched annual. Leaves 2-3 times pinnate; petiole dilated at the base; umbels long peduncled. Distribution. In cultivated grounds and waste places from Nova Scotia, New England to Pennsylvania and New York. Poisonous properties. Contains the alkaloid cynapin, and a coniin-like alka- loid. One physician in England regards the plant as non-poisonous, even recom- mending it as a pot herb or for salad uses. On the other hand numerous cases of poisoning have been recorded. The following may serve as an illustration which is recorded by Dr. Millspaugh from a statement made many years ago. He records the experiments made on animals. Seven ounces of the juicy leaves were given to a strong dog and the oesophagus tied; twenty minutes thereafter the dog became sick. He stretched out his limbs, and lay on his stomach and it was impossible to arouse the animal. The pupils were scarcely dilated, the pulsations of the heart were slow and strong. The ex- tremities were agitated by convulsive movements; the animal threw himself from one side to the other, and died an hour after taking the poison. ‘The post- mortem examination showed that the heart was contracted and the stomach was found to be full of the poison. In domestic animals it causes stupor, paralysis and convulsions. The common name indicates that it is sometimes mistaken for parsley with injurious results. 660 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 376. Fool’s Parsley (Aethusa Cynapium). Flowering branch. Sup- posed to be poisonous to animals. (After Faguet.) 5. Angelica l, Angelica Stout perennial herbs with ternately or pinnately compound leaves in large ample umbels with white or greenish flowers; involucre none or of few small bracts; calyx teeth wanting; fruit strongly flattened with prominent lateral wings; oil tubes solitary or several; the 30 or more species found chiefly in the northern hemisphere and New Zealand. Angelica atropurpurea lL. Great Angelica A stout smooth perennial from 3-5 feet high; large ample, ternately divided UMBELLIFERAE — WILD PARSNIP 661 leaves, pinnate segments, ovate-lanceolate and broad dilated petioles; flowers in large umbels 9-25 rayed; fruit broadly oval, oil tubes 25-30. Distribution. Common in swamps from Labrador, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois to Delaware. Poisonous principles. Supposed to be poisonous. Although no cases have been reported to the writer, it is known that the Indians of Canada used the fresh roots for suicidal purposes. On drying, however, the roots lose their poisonous properties. Dr. Millspaugh says that they are considered carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue and stimulant. The dried root was often used, especially in combination with other and better known diuretics, in anasarca and various diseases of the urinary organs; and alone in flatulent colic and suppressed men- struation. Dr. Schell claims that doses of 15 to 20 grains of the dried root will cause a disgust for all spirituous liquors. The stems were often made into a candied preserve in some sections of the country—a practice now nearly extinct. 6. Oxypolis Raf. Cobwane Perennial, glabrous marsh herbs, with clustered tuberous roots; leaves re- duced, pinnate or ternate; flowers white, in compound umbels; calyx teeth acute; fruit ovate, dorsally flattened, compressed; dorsal ribs slender, the lateral broad- ly winged; oil tubes solitary in the intervals, 2-6 on the commissure. Species 4, native to North America. Poisonous. Oxypolis rigidior (1,.) Coult and Rose. Cowbane. A slender marsh perennial from 2-5 feet high. Roots tuberous, clustered; leaves simply pinnate, petioled; leaflets thick, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-entire or denticulate; involucre of 1-4 bracts or none; flowers white; oil tubes small. Distribution. In swamps from New York to Florida, to Missouri and Minnesota. Poisonous property. The roots and leaves are known to be poisonous. Said to poison cattle. 7. Pastinaca l. Parsnip Tall, branching biennial herbs, pinnate leaves, thick conical roots, compound umbels with yellow flowers; involucres and involucels commonly absent; obso- lete calyx teeth; fruit smooth, oval, flattened, the lateral ribs extending into broad wings; oil tubes solitary, 2-4 on the commissure. Six or seven species native to Asia and Europe. Pastinaca sativa l. Wild Parsnip Tall branched biennial or annual herb with thick conical roots, pinnately compound leaves smooth or somewhat pubescent; calyx teeth obsolete; petals yellow, fruit oval, glabrous, flattened dorsally, seeds flat. Distribution. Common in the northern states and on the Pacific coast, where it has escaped from cultivation. Poisonous properties. Frequently confused with cowbane and said to pro- duce poisoning. The writer has not received a single specimen where Wild Parsnip was said to have produced the poisoning, that the plant did not prove to be cowbane. The wide spread belief of the poisonous nature of the cul- tivated parsnip running wild is entertained by a large number of people and also to some extent by the medical fraternity. A few years ago Professor Fred- 662 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS erick B. Power and one of his pupils (Mr, J. T. Bennett) undertook some experiments to determine whether the cultivated parsnip running wild had any toxic properties. Mr. Bennett failed to detect the presence of any poisonous principle in the root of the true wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) and when the boiled roots were fed in considerable amounts to a cat, no symptoms of poisoning were manifest. We may add as a further \ \ Fig. 377. Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa). aN a SiOx (ef. 7 Tig. 398. Indian Hemp (Apocynum can- nabinum). Flowering and fruiting branches. Bundle of fibers from stem. Section of flower. Furnishes a good bast fiber. (Dodge, U. S. Dept. Agr.) Nerium. Oleander Shrubs; leaves coriaceous, rigid, closely and transversely veiny; flowers showy, in terminal cymes; corolla salverform or tube narrow, funnelform; stamens attached to the middle of the tube; style 1; ovaries 2, forming pods; seeds tufted. Native to the Levant and India. , 694 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Nerium Oleander I,. Leaves lanceolate; coriaceous, rigid, closely and transversely veiny; flowers in terminal cymes, rose-color or white; anthers scarcely protruding. Distribution. Native to the Levant, naturalized in Southern Europe, and Southwest United States. Frequently cultivated in greenhouses. Poisonous properties. John Smith, in his Domestic botany, says, with reference to its poisonous properties: i It grows abundantly in the valley of the Jordan, and when in flower is very beautiful. The whole of the plant is poisonous, and it is recorded that soldiers in Spain were poisoned through their meat being roasted on spits made of the peeled stem. Prof. Chesnut states that stock are occasionally poisoned by eating the leaves, as the plant grows wild in northern Mexico and is abundant in the Southwest. The oleander is a heart stimulant acting like digitalis. Dr. S. Wateff recently reported a case in which gastro-enteritis occurred; nausea, yomiting and irritation were prominent symptoms. He also reports the odor of the flower as poisonous. Fig. 399. Oleander (Nerium Oleander). At the left, a stamen; fl. thread enlarged; am, cells of anther; elongated end of connective. At the right, flowering branch. Whole plant poisonous. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique.) Prof. F. W. Wilson of the Arizona Station! has recently brought together the literature on the subject of oleander poisoning, also giving some of his own experiments. Prof. Wilson finds that both the pink and white varieties are poisonous. He conducted some experiments with two horses, a cow, a mule, and three sheep: 1 Bull. Ariz. Exp. Sta. 59:381. APOCYNACEAE — ASCLEPIADACEAE 695 The amount of oleander necessary to cause death in horses ranges from 15 to 20 gm. of green leaves, and from 15 to 30 gm. of dry:leaves. This depends on the condition of the animal at the time the poison is obtained. A full stomach will necessitate more poison. In the case of cows it is safe to say that from 10 to 20 gm. of green leaves and 15 to 25 gm. of dry leaves are sufficient to cause death. For sheep the fatal dose of either green or dry leaves is from 1 to 5 gm. ‘There is little danger in the bark, roots, or flowers since live stock would hardly obtain sufficient poison in that way. The general symptoms are increased temperature and pulse, coldness of the extremities, warm body temperature, dilation of the pupils of the eyes, and discoloration of the mouth and nostrils followed by sore mouth. The body becomes wet with sweat, due to the exertion caused by the powerful heart stimulation. The animal generaliy refuses to eat or drink during the 24 hours preceding death. ‘This is usually due to soreness of the mouth and throat, making it painful to masticate and swallow food. ‘The bowels act often and feces are usually greenish in color. The action of the kidneys is increased slightly and color of urine is normal. ‘There is little doubt that numerous cases of oleander poisoning have never been brought to light because of death being attributed to other sources. It is safe to say, however, that many hun- dreds of animals have been lost in southern Arizona from this shrub. ASCLEPIADACEAE. Milkweed Family. Perennia! herbs, vines, or shrubs, with milky juice and opposite or whorled leaves, entire; flowers in umbels, regular; calyx inferior; corolla bell or urn- shaped, rotate or funnel-form, 5-lobed or 5-cleit, the segments generally re- flexed; a crown between the corolla and stamens; stamens 5, inserted on the corolla; generally monadelphous; anthers connivent around the stigma or more or less united with each other; commonly bearing an erect or inflexed mem- brane; pollen collected in masses, generally 10, known as pollinia; ovary con- sisting of 2 carpels, in fruit of 2 follicles; seeds flattened, usually appenduged by a long tuft of hairs called a coma. About 200 genera, and 1800 species, of wide distribution, many members of the family being weedy: some are medicinal, but few are economic. Several plants of the family are cultivated. The Periploca graeca of the Old World is: an ornamental climber and produces granular pollen in place of pollinia. The Stapelia, several species of which are cultivated, are natives of the Cape of Good Hope. They produce flowers of dull purple color with transverse stripes, exhaling a very disagreeable odor not unlike that of putrid meat. The wax plant (Hoya carnosa), is a well known house plant of India, with rooting stems; thick, fleshy, oval leaves; and flesh colored flowers. The l’ince- toxicum is a European climber sometimes cultivated in the Eastern States. Several species native from South America are sometimes cultivated for orna- mental purposes. Some species of the order are used in medicine. The Indian sarsaparilla (Hemidesmus indicus) growing in the Indian peninsula and Ceylon, has a medicinal root which is used as a tonic and diuretic. The root has the odor of the tonka bean or of sweet clover. The mudar (Calotropis procera) also a native of India, from Ceylon and the Moluccas, is common in waste grounds. The bark contains one bitter principle, mudarin, used as a tonic and diaphoretic and in large doses as an emetic. It produces a strong fiber, the silk being exported as “kapok,” or tree cotton. The Indian ipecacauanha (7 y- lophora asthmatica) is a climbing perennial of India and Mauritius; anciently much used by the Hindoos in dysentery. The pleurisy-root or butterfly-weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is used as a diuretic and an emetic. A. Curassavica of the West Indes is a vermifuge. The flowers are said to produce excellent honey. Generally, however, honey bees are killed by becoming entangled in the pollen masses of some of the species of Asclepias. Many other plants of the order have an acrid poisonous juice. Two of our common species of milk- 696 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS weed (A. tuberosa) and (A. incarnata) and the (Vincetoxicum officinale) contain the bitter glucoside asclepidin which is an amorphous, bitter, yellow — emetic substance. The root especially, which acts as an emetic, is recorded as poisonous in Europe and cattle and other domestic animals will not eat it. Friedberger and Frohner state that it causes diabetes and general weakness. The caustic bush Sarcostemma australe of Australia is regarded in that coun- try as poisonous. The Condurango (Marsdenia Cundurango), a South Amer- ican vine, is used as an alterative. It is bitter and acrid. The root of Asclepias stellifera of South Africa, according to J. Burtt Davy, yields an ex- cellent rubber. Asclepias (Tourn.) L. Milkweed Perennial herbs with milky juice, entire leaves; flowers in umbels; calyx 5-parted, persistent, the lobes spreading; corolla deeply 5-parted, reflexed dur- ing flowering, deciduous; the crown consists of 5 hooded processes each con- taining an incurved horn, enclosing the stamen tube; stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla; anthers adherent to the stigma, each with 2 cells and con- taining a pair of pear shaped masses-of pollen (pollinia) ; ovaries 2; follicles 2; the stigma 5S-angled or 5-lobed; numerous seeds with a coma. About 85 species, mostly of the new world. Several members of the order are quite weedy, especially in grain fields and pastures. Asclepias vestita Hook and Arn. Densely floccose-woolly, the white wool deciduous in age; leaves from ovate to oblong-lanceolate very acute or acuminate, often subcordate, short petioled or the upper sessile, 4-6 inches long; umbels 1-4, the terminal usually peduncled, the lateral all sessile; corolla greenish-white or purplish, the lobes ovate, 3 inches long, column very short; hoods nearly erect, ventricose, slightly surpassing the anthers, entirely at the back of the somewhat truncate summit, auriculate extended at the inner angle, the auricles or angles involute; the crest not horn-shaped attached up to the summit of the hood, blunt not exserted; an interior crown of 10 tooth-like processes in pairs between the hoods; ovaries glabrous; follicles at first canescent. Distribution. California and adjacent regions. Poisonous properties. Said to be poisonous. The juice of this species and of A. eriocarpa are irritating. Asclepias mexicana Cay. Stem 3-5 feet high; leaves in whorls of 3-6 or uppermost and lower op- posite, sometimes also in axillary fascicles, linear or narrowly lanceolate (3-6 inches long, 2-6 lines broad); umbels corymbose, densely many flowered, on peduncles longer than the pedicels; flowers greenish white, sometimes tinged with purple; corrolla lobes oblong; hoods broadly ovate, entire, shorter than the anthers, exceeded by the stout-subulate incurved horn. Distribution. In the southwest. Poisonous properties. Said to be poisonous. Asclepias speciosa Torr. Showy Milkweed A perennial from 1-4 feet high, white tomentose or canescent; leaves thick, broadly ovate or oval, petioled; pedicel glabrate above; flowers greenish purple, { . Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Listed by Lehmann as poisonous. (Bull. Ta. Agr. Exp. Sta. 70). ASCLEPIADACEAE—MILKWEED 697 borne in dense umbels or rarely solitary follicles, erect or spreading on the recurved pedicels, Distribution. ‘This weed is found in moist soil from Minnesota and north- ern Iowa to Kansas, in the Rocky Mountain region, common in Colorado, Wy- oming and Utah. Troublesome not only in our meadows but occasionally also in our grain fields and gardens. Fig. 400. Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speci- osa). A well known troublesome weed with milky juice. This plant and other species are known to be poisonous; it is common from Western Missouri and Iowa westward. (Ada Hayden.) Asclepias syriaca I. Milkweed A perennial herb with a stout stalk from 2-5 feet high, finely soft, pubescent leaves oval-oblong, or ovate, obtuse or roundish at the base, the young leaf somewhat pubescent above, soon becoming glabrate; petioles stout; flowers borne in umbels, from a few to many, peduncles pubescent or tomentose; corolla dull purple or whitish in color; follicle borne on erect or recurved pedicels. Distribution. This species is widely distributed in the north, occurring in waste places from New Brunswick to the Saskatchewan, along the Atlantic coast to North Carolina and south and west to Missouri and Kansas. Poisonous properties. Said to be poisonous to live stock. It contains asclepion. Bees often become entangled in the pollen manes of this and pre- ceding species and are unable to extricate themselves. Lehmann and other European writers list this species as poisonous. 698 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS TUBIFLORAE Mostly herbs, rarely shrubs or trees; corolla generally gamopetalous, irreg- ular or regular; stamens adnate to the corolla tube and generally alternate with them; overy 1-celled, occasionally deeply 4-lobed. Among the important families of this order are the Polemoniaceae, con- taining the ornamental Phlox Drummondii, the perennial P. maculata, P. divari- cata, and P. pilosa, many cultivated varieties of Phlox and of Gilia, of which G. aggregata and Collomia gracilis are examples. According to Greshoff Gilia aggre- gata contains saponin. It is regarded as.a poisonous plant. The order also includes Pedaliaceae, including the sesame (Sesamum indicum) which furnishes the valu- able sesame oil, the plant being indigenous to the East Indies; the Orobauchaceae which contains the troublesome broom rapes, (O. ramosa and O. minor); the Gesneriaceae containing the Gloxinias, native to Mexico but cultivated in this country as greenhouse plants; the Lentibulariaceae which includes the bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) and other insectivorous plants which are sometimes destructive to fish, and the butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) found in northern regions, the leaves of which are used by the Lapps to curdle rein- deer’s milk and also to thicken fresh warm milk so that it will neither curdle nor form cream afterward but makes a palatable tenacious mass, a small por- tion of which will act similarly upon another quantity of fresh milk; and the Acanthaceae containing several plants cultivated as ornamentals like the Thunbergia alata and the Ruellias. The Ruellia ciliosa is used as a substitute for Spigelia and is common in the central states to Iowa and Southward. The Barleria Prionitis of Siam is used for snake bites. The Strobilanthes callosus, a shrub found in India, is an irritant poison, according to Major Kirtikar, these irritant properties being due to hairs on the leaves. FAMILIES OF TUBIFLORAE Corolla generally regular. Ovary not 4 lobed, ovules 2 or more. Style 1, ovary 2-celled; fruit a berry or capsule............ Solanaceae. Style 1, entire 2-cleft or 2-parted; frequently twining plants........... IPT aE in rw OeRttn mle RIAA Y ey Ses ep NaS er a tea nae 844 Convolvulaceae. Style 1, 2-lobed or 2-parted; herbs not twining...... Hydrophyllaceae. Ovary: ‘generally: A-lobedija wean ractelat cis let toes Let este chek ete Boraginaceae Corolla generally irregular. Ovyatynsenerally/4-lobeq yin an AUR he rans ee na ee Ngee eae Labiatae. Ovary not 4-lobed. Placentae axillary cic. tee aii cr sha cle Al siclle Ae reane eat Scrophulariaceae. Placentae :partetalvie sasoanh cits eee c ute niew a leeae eae ate Bignoniaceae. CONVOLVULACEAE Chiefly twining or trailing herbs, shrubs or trees, some with milky juice; alternate leaves without stipules; flowers regular and perfect; calyx inferior, — 5-parted or 5-divided; a 5-lobed or plaited corolla, convolute or twisted in the bud; stamens 5, inserted on the tube of the corolla and alternate with its lobes; a 2-celled, rarely 3-celled ovary with a pair of erect ovules in each cell. About 900 species of wide distribution, but chiefly in warm regions. Contains a number of important economic plants, among them the sweet potato (/pomoea TUBIFLORAE — CONVOLVULACEAE 699 Batatas), which has been widely cultivated in all tropical and sub-tropical coun- tries and is a well known and cultivated plant in the United States. There are many varieties. In the South the large varieties are called yams, but these should not be confused with the Chinese yam (Dioscorea), which forms an im- portant article of food in tropical countries, in the islands of the Pacific and in New Zealand. The man of the earth (/pomoea fastigiata) was used by the Indians as food. It has properties similar to Jalap, for which it is sometimes substituted. The Ipomoea Jalapa, native to Mexico, produces a large root which is also a purgative and contains a glucoside convolvulin C,,H.,O,,- Several plants of the order, like the moon-flower (Jpomoca Bona-nox), the morning-glory (Jpomoea purpurea) and cypress vine (Ipomoea Quamoclit) are cultivated for ornamental purposes. Several, like Jalap (Ipomoea Purga) and (I. congesta) are used in medicine and are strong purgatives. The scammony (Convolvulus Scammonia) of Western Asia is also used as a purgative, the milky juice being collected when hard, it contains scammonin Cyt OF Convolvulus scoparius and C. floridus, furnishing the oil of rhodium, are smail shrubby species of the Canary Islands. The wood is strongly scented and the oil is used to adulterate attar of roses. Fig. 401. Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas). A well known cultivated plant in tropical and_ sub-tropical countries. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique.) LD La MM, ny “ Fig. 403. Man-of-the- Earth (Ipomoea fastigia- as food. Jalap (Ipomoea Purga). A x: ta.) Used by the Indians ae (Millspaugk Fig. 402. : Selby.) Plant and tuber. Furnishes a strong purgative. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique. ) Fig. 404. Dodder. To the left—Field dodder (Cuscuta arvensis), a, flower; b, flower spread apart; c, capsule with stamens and styles; d, seed. To the right—Alfalfa dodder (C. epithymum), a, flower; b, flower spread apart to show stamens and corolla; c, capsule showing styles; d, seed. (Dewey, U. S. Dept. Agrl.). CONVOLVULACEAE — MORNING GLORY 701 The dodders (Cuscuta) belong to the family Cuscutaceae, and are of in- terest in this connection mainly because they are parasitic on clover, alfalfa and other plants. Those growing on the above named plants are Cuscuta arvensis and C. Epithymum; the flax dodder (C. Epilinum) occurs on flax. The plants contain cuscutin. From two independent sources in this country there have come reports that clover dodder is injurious. Dr, J. L. Taylor of Lisbon, Ohio, wrote Prof. A. D. Selby that when dodder was fed to horses it caused bowel trouble. Dr. E. H. Jenkins of Connecticut states that cattle were serious- ly troubled with scours when clover hay in which this plant occurred was a part of the ration. He could not determine whether it was the dodder or the mould which had developed because the dodder had so matted with the clover the hay was not cured well. When this hay was cut out from the ration the trouble ceased, Ipomoea 1,. Morning Glory ‘Twining or erect herbs; flowers large, showy, axillary; calyx 5-parted; corolla broadly bell-shaped, 5-cleft; stamens included; pistil with 2-4 celled ovary, 4-6 ovules; style undivided; stigmas capitate, 1, 2 or 3; fruit a globular capsule, 4-6 seeded. About 350 species, tropical, or of warm regions. The Ipomoea leptophylla of the plains of Nebraska to Kansas and the Rocky Mountains produces a large root weighing from 10-100 pounds; it has an erect non-twining stem from 2-4 feet high; narrow and long leaves; large pink purple flowers. Ipomoea fastigiata Sweet. Man of the Earth. Wild Potato A deep rooted, smooth, trailing or twining perennial with a stout, large root occasionally weighing 30 pounds; leaves heart-shaped, acuminate or occa- sionally fiddle-shaped; peduncles 1-5-flowered; sepals smooth, ovate, oblong, very obtuse; corolla funnel-shaped, 3 inches long, tube purplish; pistil with a 2-celled ovary; stigma 2-lobed; each cell 2-seeded. Distribution. Common in fields, dry or alluvial grounds from New Eng- land to Florida to Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, to Texas. Poisonous properties. The large root of this plant is said to be poisonous; it contains the glucoside ipomoein and is purgative. The same is true of J. leptophylla. The I. Purga is regarded as somewhat poisonous. Convolvulus (Tourn.) L. Morning Glory or Bindweed Herbs or somewhat shrubby plants; twining, erect or prostrate; leaves generally cordate or sagittate and petioled; flowers large and axillary; calyx bractless or with a pair of bracts; sepals nearly equal; corolla funnel-form or campanulate; stamens included, inserted on the tube; style undivided or 2-cleft at the apex; stigmas 2, filiform, oblong or ovoid; ovary 1 or 2 celled with 4 ovules; fruit a capsule, 1-4 celled, 2-4 valved. About 175 species of wide distribution. Convolvulus sepium L. Hedge Bindweed Smooth, occasionally pubescent, twining around supports or trailing; leaves triangular, halberd or arrow-shaped, the tip acute or pointed, the basal lobes obliquely truncate or sinuate lobed; the flowering peduncles 4-angled,, with 2 leaf-like bracts which are commonly acute; corolla is white or tinged with rose purple. 702 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. The weed is common in the Mississippi Valley in the moist alluvial bottoms along streams and in fields. It is also found extensively creep- ing over weeds and other herbaceous vegetation and roadsides throughout the state. The species is native to North America and is common from Nova Scotia to Maine, south to North Carolina and Texas to Kansas, Utah, Montana, Minnesota and eastward. It also occurs in Europe and Asia. Fig. 405. Bindweed (Con- volvulus sepium:) Supposed to be poisonous to swine. (After Vasey.) Poisonous properties. The plant has a somewhat disagreeable odor. Dr. Schaffner states that it is supposedly poisonous to swine. It is more than likely that some of the same substances are found in hedge bindweed that occur in Jalap. Jalap contains the glucosides convolvulin C,,H,,O,,, jalapin C,,H,,O0,, turpethin C,,H,,O,,. tampicin C,,H,,O,,. The rootstock is rich in starch. 16’ Convolvulus arvensis lL. European Bindweed A deep-rooting perennial; procumbent stem, twining or creeping; propagates freely by underground rootstocks; the leaves from 1 to 2 inches long, ovate, oblong, arrow-shaped, the lobes at the base running to a point; the flowers are borne in 1-flowered peduncles with very small leaf-like bracts some distance from the flowers; flowers an inch or less long, short; broadly funnel-shaped, white, or commonly of a rose tinge. Distribution, This weed has been known for a considerable length of time in eastern North America, where it has been sparingly naturalized for some time. Its distribution may be given as Nova Scotia to Ontario, New Jersey, Nebraska and Kansas. Poisonous properties, Probably the same as the preceding. European au- thorities list this and the common morning glory, especially the latter, as somewhat poisonous because of their purgative properties. CONVOLVULACEAE — WATER-LEAF 703 HypropHYLLACEAE. Water-leaf Family Herbs, generally hairy; with alternate leaves; perfect, regular 5-parted flowers; calyx inferior, deeply cleft or divided; corolla gamopetalous; stamens 5, inserted on the corolla; ovary superior, 2-celled, with 2 parietal placenta; styles 2-cleft or partially united; fruit a capsule, seeds generally reticulated or pitted. A small family of 17 genera and about 160 species, chiefly in western North America. Very few plants of the family are ornamental. Some of the western species are occasionally cultivated. Of these the Phacelia is the most important. A few of the plants are weedy. The Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon crassifolium) is an evergreen shrub with funnel-shaped, white or purple flowers in cymose clusters; it contains a yellow acrid resin, a crystallin prin- ciple, eriodictyonic acid and eriocolin, Phacelia Juss. Mostly hirsute, hispid, or scabrous herbs; leaves alternate or the Jower op- posite; flowers blue or purple, violet, or white; inflorescence hispid; calyx naked at the cymes; deeply 5-parted; stamens attached near the base of the corolla; ovary l-celled; capsule 1-celled or falsely 2-celled; seeds reticulated. About 80 species, natives of the New World. iy NG BY, AGUA 2) Yi yy suey aofod 4s i tar WA SYN aw Bi aa WAR ra My WY, Go = \ n i AD gly ty Fig. 406. Hairy Phacelia (Phacelia sericea). ‘The Phacelia is common in the Rocky Mountains. The bristly hairs produce mechanical injuries. (Charlotte M. King.) 704 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS Phacelia sericea A Gray Herbs 6 inches to a foot high from a branching caudex, silky-pubescent or canescent, or the simple virgate stems and inflorescence villous-hirsute, rather leafy to the top; leaves pinnately parted into linear or narrow-oblong numerous and often again few-cleft or pinnatifid divisions, silky canescent or sometimes greenish; the lower petioled; the uppermost simpler and nearly sessile; short spikes crowded in a naked spike-like thyrsus; corolla violet-blue or whitish; stamens long exserted; capsule a little longer than the calyx. Distribution. Common in the mountains from Colorado and northward in rather dry soil. Phacelia Menziesti Torr. Herbs 6 inches to a foot high, at length paniculate-branched, hispid or rough- ish-hirsute; leaves mostly sessile, linear or lanceolate and entire, or some of them deeply cleft; the lobes few or single, linear or lanceolate, entire; spikes or spike-like racemes thyrsoid-paniculate, at length elongated and erect; corolla bright violet or sometimes white; stamens about the length of the corolla; capsule shorter than the calyx. Distribution. Common in the Rocky Mountains from Montana to Utah and westward, Poisonous properties. ‘The stiff bristles upon these plants certainly produce mechanical injuries. A form of dermatitis venenata occurs after handling the plants. The writer has had abundant experience in contact with these plants in the Rocky Mountains. BorRAGINACEAE. Borage Family Herbs, shrubs or trees, with alternate entire, rough or frequently scabrous or setose leaves; flowers perfect, usually regular, generally blue, borne in one-sided spikes; racemes, cymes or scattered; calyx inferior, mostly 5-lobed or 5-cleft; corolla short, bell or wheel-shaped 5-cleft or 5-parted; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them; ovary superior, deeply 2-lobed; style entire; capsule globular; fruit forming 4 seed-like, 1- seeded nutlets, or into two 2-seeded or four 1-seeded nutlets. A large family of wide distribution, consisting of about 80 genera and 1500 species. Some of the members are ornamental and are frequently cultivated, like the common heliotrope (Heliotropium peruvianum), native to Peru, used for bedding and in greenhouses. Borago or borage (Borago officinalis), used in old gardens for ornamental purposes is an excellent honey plant. Lungwort (Mertensia virginica), an early spring blooming plant of the North, with handsome blue flowers, is occasionally cultivated. The Rocky Mountain M. sibirica is an equally handsome species. The forget-me-not (\/yosotis scorpi- oides), with small but pretty blue flowers, native of Europe, is occasionally cultivated. Alkanet (Alkana tinctoria—Anchusa tinctoria), a native of southern Europe, yields a red dye used for coloring oils and wax. Other plants of this order yield a similar product and one species is known to color the wool of sheep. The roots of the common puccoon (Lithospermum), also yield a dye. The comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is used as a forage plant in Europe, but in the United States is seldom cultivated. The wood of Cordia alba is used by military authorities in San Juan in the manufacture of gun carriages, car- penters’ benches, vises, etc. eC BORAGINACEAE — BORAGE 705 Genera of Boraginaceae Brearrn not ) LODed iis ew ste a aa prataalere toe sista uretnin eel eal Guia} ar oh ove. 5 she eyecare Heliotropium Ovary deeply 4-lobed. Flowers regular. Nutlets horizontally radiate, covered with prickles........ Cynoglossum Nutlets ‘erect; armed with: prickleste hymen cols tae yee eioluls ees Lappula Corolla irregular. Stamens exsented) sish2cis ei oeselalsate pie ecliers saat nre,eieions, 6 etary etete Echium Heliotropium (Tourn.) L. Heliotrope Herbs or shrubs with entire alternate leaves; the small blue or white flowers, scattered or borne in scorpoid spikes; corolla salver or funnelform without appendages, more or less plaited in the bud; stamens not exserted, with nearly sessile anthers; stigmas conical or capitate; fruit 2-4-lobed, sep- arating into 4, l-seeded nutlets or into 2, 2-seeded carpels. About 115 species, mostly tropical. The best known representative in the North is the cultivated H. peruvianum. ‘The seaside heliotrope (H. curassav- icum) occurs in saline soil along the Atlantic coast, to Maine, and from Mexico to Illinois and westward. Heliotropium indicum 1. Indian Heliotrope An erect, hairy annual with hirsute or hispid stem; leaves petioled, ovate or oval and somewhat heart-shaped; flowers blue, borne in spikes; fruit deeply 2-lobed, smooth, 2 seeds in each cell. Distribution. Common in waste places from North Carolina to Southern Indiana and Missouri. Naturalized from India. Heliotropium europaeum 1, European Heliotrope An erect annual, branched, roughish pubescent herbs; leaves oval, long petioled, narrow at the base; flowers borne in 1-sided bractless spikes, the ter- minal spikes in pairs; calyx spreading, the segments shorter than the corolla tube; anthers distinct, obtuse. Distribution. Common in waste places southward. New York to Pennsyl- vania and Florida. Poisonous properties. The European heliotrope contains heliotropin, a bitter, volatile, alkaline, poisonous alkaloid. Cynoglossum (Tourn.) L. Hound’s Tongue Hirsute or hispid, rarely smooth herbs; alternate or entire leaves; purple, blue or white flowers in panicled racemes; calyx 5-cleft or 5-parted; corolla funnelform or salverform, the throat clothed with 5 obtuse scales; ovary deeply 4-lobed fixed near the apex to the base of the style, roughened with short barbed or hooked prickles. About 75 species, of wide distribution. Cynoglossum officinale L. Hound’s Tongue A coarse biennial herb, clothed with short, soft hairs; lower leaves oblong or oblong lanceolate, the upper closely sessile with a slightly heart-shaped base; racemes nearly bractless, elongated in fruit; divisions of the calyx ovate, lanceolate, acute; corolla reddish-purple, rarely white; nutlets flat on the broad upper face, splitting away at maturity. 706 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. In fields and waste places, especially eastward from New England to Quebec, Ontario, Minnesota, Manitoba, and Kansas. Cynoglossum virginianum LL. Wild Comfrey Perennial hirsute herb with simple stem, 2-3 feet high, leafless above; stem leaves lanceolate oblong, clasping by a heart-shaped base; flowers long- peduncled, pale blue, small; fruit broad, nutlets not margined, convex on the upper surface. Distribution. Common in woods of the central Mississippi Valley states from New Brunswick to Ontario, Florida, Louisiana to Texas. Poisonous properties. The common hound’s tongue is suspected of being poisonous. The European species, C. officinale, contains a powerful alkaloid, cynoglossin, which resembles curare in its action. It also has the principle consolidin. ‘ _ Fig. 407. Hounds-tongue (Cynoglossum of- ficinale). Suspected of being poisonous. (From Darlington’s Weeds and Useful Plants.) Lappula (Rivinus) Moench. Stickseed Roughish pubescent or hairy herbs with alternate narrow or entire leaves, small blue or white flowers in racemes or spikes; calyx deeply 5-cleft or 5- parted with narrow segments; corolla salverform or funnelform. BORAGINACEAE — STICKSEED 707 About 40 species in north temperate regions, several of which are weedy in North America. Lappula virginiana (1) Greene. Beggar’s Lice A coarse pubescent biennial from 2-4 feet high; lower leaves ovate, orbicu- lar cordate, long, petioled; stem leaves ovate-oblong or oval; flowers nearly white; globose nutlets, flattened and barbed. Distribution. Common especially in woods northward from New Bruns- wick to Wisconsin, Minnesota, Kansas to Louisiana. Lappula echinata Gilbert. Stickseed An erect annual from 1-2 feet high; pale, leafy, hispid with erect branches; leaves linear or linear-oblong; racemes 1-sided, bracteolate; calyx segments lanceolate; corolla blue; nutlets rough-granulate or tuberculate on the back, the margins with a double row of slender prickles. Distribution. Abundant in waste places along roadsides from eastern Canada and New England to Minnesota, Kansas and British Columbia. Weedy also in Europe, where it is native. Lappula floribunda (Lehm.) Greene. Large-flowered Stickweed An erect perennial or biennial, rough-pubescent; 2 feet or more high; leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, the lower tapering on margined petioles; racemes erect or nearly so; pedicels deflexed in fruit; flowers pretty; blue, oc- casionally white; nutlets scabrous on the margin with a row of flat prickles. Distribution. Common in Saskatchewan and Minnesota and abundant in the Rocky Mountains. Poisonous properties. perhaps the fruits of all the species are somewhat injurious to animals, causing inflammation. They are frequently found in wool. Echium . Blueweed Bristly annual, biennial, or perennial; erect stems; corolla with a funnel- form tube and a 5-lobed spreading border; stamens many, exserted. ‘The 30 species are natives of the old world. Echium vulgare (Tourn.) LL. Blueweed An erect, rough, bristly biennial, 18 inches to 2 feet high, with an erect, mostly simple stem; leaves of the stem linear-lanceolate, sessile; flowers in cymose clusters; corolla reddish-purple, changing to blue; tube funnelform, border unequal, spreading, 5-lobed;. stamens 5, inserted on the tube; style threadlike; nutlets roughened or wrinkled. Distribution. A common weed along roadsides, fields, and meadows from New England to Indiana. Poisonous properties. Probably poisonous. According to Friedberger and Frohner it causes slavering. VERBENACEAE. Verbena Family Herbs, shrubs or trees, with opposite or alternate leaves; perfect, regular, or somewhat irregular flowers borne in spikes, racemes, cymes or panicles; calyx generally persistent, inferior, 4-5-lobed or cleft; corolla 4-5-cleft, tube cylindrical; stamens 4, didynamous or 2; ovary superior, 2-4-celled or more; fruit dry or drupaceous, splitting into 1-4 nutlets. 708 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 408. Blueweed (Ech- ium vulgare). Probably poi- sonous. (Vasey-Selby). A large family which is found chiefly in tropical regions, there being about 1200 species. The wood of some of the tropical members of the family is valuable. Among these is the Indian teak tree, (Tectona grandis), native to India. The wood is hard, heavy and very durable and is used in ship-building and for railway cars. The Vitex littoralis, a large tree, native of New Zealand, produces a hard and heavy wood. ‘The fragrant leaves of V. Negundo are used to stuff pillows. This family includes many ornamental plants, the most commonly culti- vated in green houses being the Clerodendron Thompsonae, which has a showy crimson corolla and white calyx. The lemon verbena, (Lippia citriodora), a stiff, branching shrub from Chili, is commonly cultivated in the south on ac- count of its very fragrant leaves; an oil, from it, contains citral. The fog-fruit, (L. nodiflora), is valued in Egypt as a lawn plant, proving a success where all grasses or other plants tried for that purpose have failed, the lawns lasting five or six years without renewal. The Lippia mexicana, used in medicine, con- tains lippiol. ‘The extensively cultivated verbena of our flower gardens is the V. Aubletia, which is produced in many colors, the species being native from southern Indiana to Texas. Lantanas are also cultivated. The French mul- berry, (Callicarpa americana), is said to be poisonous. The vervains (Verbena stricia and V. hastata) with blue flowers, are common pasture weeds. ‘The white vervain (I. urticaefolia) contains a bitter glucoside. LABIATAE, Mint Family Chiefly aromatic herbs, some shrubs and trees; with square stems; opposite leaves without stipules; flowers with cymose inflorescence, perfect, irregular, more or less 2-lipped; calyx 5-toothed or 5-lobed; corolla 4-5-lobed, commonly 2-lipped, upper 2-lobed or entire, the lower usually 3-lobed, stamens borne on the corolla tube; ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed or 4-parted, in fruit forming 4 small seed-like nutlets or achenes surrounded by the persistent calyx; usu- ally exalbuminous or with some albumin. A large family of about 3000 species LABIATAE — MINT FAMILY 709 of very wide distribution, Many of these plants are used in medicine. Lav- ender (Lavandula vera) of the mountain regions of northern and eastern Europe, is cultivated for the oil of lavender, much used in perfume and con- tains linalool and geraniol. Spearmint (Mentha spicata) a fragrant perennial plant of Europe is used by confectioners and in the manufacture of perfumed soap. The volatile oil contains carvol C,,H,,O. Peppermint (Mentha piperita) a native to Europe and naturalized in North America, is cultivated in New York and Michigan for the manufacture of peppermint oil. It contains a vol- atile oil and menthol C,,H,,O, and is used for flavoring mutton and sweet- meats and as a cordial. It is a stimulant. The Japanese peppermint is ob- tained from M,. arvensis var. piperascens. Pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium), native to Europe, is used for the same purposes for which peppermint is used. Garden -thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a small erect woody shrub of southern Europe; it is fragrant, has a pungent taste and contains thymol CON, which is used as an antiseptic. It also contains cymene, borneol, and linalool. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), an evergreen shrub of Europe, is chiefly used as a perfume. This and Lavandula Spica both contain borneol Citas: one of the pinene group of terpenes and camphene. Germander (Teucrium canadense) is a stimulant and has aromatic properties. Horse mint (Monarda fistulosa) is a stimulant and is used to remove colic pain. Oswego tea (Monarda didyma) is used as a substitute for tea, and catnip is used for the same pur- pose. M. punctata contains thymol, carvacrol, etc. Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), a perennial weed native to Europe, is a stimulant and tonic and is also slightly laxative. It contains the bitter principle marrubin. Sweet basil (Ocimum Basilicum) of India is a strong aromatic herb used for culinary purposes and in the manufacture of Chartreuse liquors while the mucilaginous Fig. 409. Horse Mint (Monarda fistulosa). A common roadside weed with pungent properties. (Char- lotte M. King). 710 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS “seeds” are used for genito-urinary troubles. Savory (Satureia hortensis) an annual herb of Europe, sparingly run wild in western United States, is used as a pot herb. The patchouli (Pogostemon Heyneanus) is used by the Arabs to scent mattresses and shawls. Sage (Salvia officinalis) is cultivated as a pot herb and contains pinene, cineol, thujone and borneol. Marjoram (Origanum majorana), a perennial plant native to South of Europe, and cultivated as an aromatic herb, is also an excellent honey plant containing citral. Many species of mints, like the brilliantly colored South American sage (Salvia coccinea, S. splendens, etc.) and others native to the southern states and the west, are culti- vated for ornamental purposes. The lance leaved sage (.S. lanceolata) is a troublesome weed in the West. SS. officinalis of Europe, a stimulant and tonic, contains cineol and salviol C,,H,,O, and is commonly used with meat and sausage in German communities. The Japanese potato (Stachys Sieboldii), is used as the Jerusalem artichoke is. Sweet balm (Melissa officinalis), a pot herb, contains a bitter principle. Cymol, C,,H,,O0, one of the benzol derivatives, occurs in many of the Labiates, especially in Thymus officinalis, Monarda punctata, and Micromeria punctata. Thymol, a benzol derivative, is also found in Origanum floribundum and Monarda citriodora. Genera of. Labiatae GE) Rig ai afte Co BDAY os hasan Ye 12 (26 ap ae RA PRP ORLEANS REE 3 Leonurus Calyx not spiny toothed. Anthers approximate. BETTING SEARIELS Tes bie e vinhentcctessaicie vik ot ban Sicialw Gustei Cale CRIM ws niereidee aie ieee 2 Hedeoma MOLLE SEAMENS Ao dec (Cioicte’s wie koe s Bea Cle im ee She Selo ae ville Se alc SeaRE IE Calva sMipMlar /CUnVeds af arc ase sie law aa wae eG eae a es Hoes Ree 1 Nepeta Calyx bell-shaped, Aromatic herbs; stamens exSerted.).. < sv. eseis aa che aye eeeee 5 Mentha Not aromatic herbs ascending under the upper lip.......... 4 Lamium 1. Nepeta L. Catnip Herbs with dentate or incised leaves; flowers white or blue, in clusters; calyx tubular; corolla 2-lipped, lower lip spreading, 3-lobed. About 150 species native to Europe and Asia. Nepeta Cataria L. Catnip A perennial erect herb, 1-3 feet high; leaves ovate, cordate, coarsely serrate, petiolate, whitish, downy underneath; flowers in cymose clusters; corolla whit- ish, dotted with purple. Distribution. Native to Europe; widely naturalized in northern states. Nepeta hederacea (1,.). Trevisan. Ground Ivy A creeping, trailing perennial, with leaves all alike; petioled, round, kidney- shaped, crenate, smooth green on both sides; flowers light blue in axillary whorls of about 6, appearing in early spring and summer, Distribution. Native to Europe, widely naturalized in the northern states, especially in shady places. Poisonous properties. According to Dr. Schaffner, Ground Ivy is said to be poisonous to horses. Contains a yolatile oil and a bitter principle. The common catnip also contains a volatile oil and bitter principle. LABIATAK — MOTHERWORT 7\1 Fig. 410. Ground Ivy (Nepeta hederacea). A somewhat weedy plant, naturalized from Europe. Said to be poisonous to horses. (From Johnson’s Med. Bot. of N. A.). 2. Hedeoma Pers. _ Aromatic, pungent herbs; leaves small; flowers in axillary clusters, crowd- ed into terminal spikes or racemes; calyx ovoid or tubular, bearded in the throat, 2-lipped; the upper lip toothed; corolla 2-lipped, the upper 2-lobed, the lower spreading, 3-cleft; fertile stamens, 2; the upper pair reduced to sterile filaments or wanting; nutlets ovoid, smooth. Hedeoma pulegioides Pers. American Pennyroyal An erect, branching, hairy annual; leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, petioled, sparingly serrate; whorls few flowered; upper calyx teeth triangular, gibbous; corolla bluish; rudimentary stamens, evident but not usually anther-bearing. Poisonous properties. It has been regarded with suspicion. It has the odor and taste of true Pennyroyal. Hedeoma pulegioides contains a volatile oil, hedeomol C,,H,,O. Leonurus 1, Motherwort Tall herbs with palmately cleft or dentate leaves; flowers small, white or blue, in axillary clusters; calyx tubular, 5-nerved and 5 rigid teeth; corolla 2-lipped. About 10 species in the old world. Leonurus Cardiaca I, Motherwort Tall perennial herb with erect stem, 2-6 feet high; leaves long petioled, the /12 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS lower round and palmately lobed, the upper crenate at the base, 3-cleft; flowers pale purple in close axillary whorls; corolla bearded. Distribution. Native to Europe, widely naturalized in the northern states. Injurious properties. ‘The stiff bristles of the calyx are often injurious, producing mechanical injuries. It contains a volatile oil with an unpleasant odor, a bitter principle, etc. Lamium J, Dead Nettle Decumbent herbs; leaves usually cordate, doubly toothed; flowers small, axillary and terminal clusters; calyx tubular; 5-toothed, the teeth nearly equal, the upper ones larger; corolla dilated at the throat, upper lip ovate or oblong arched, narrowed at the base, the middle lower lip spreading, the lobe notched at the apex; stamens 4, small; the anthers nearly in pairs, nutlets truncate. About 40 species in the old world; some troublesome weeds like L amplexicaule. Lamium amplexicaule L. Dead Nettle An annual or biennial herb with rounded, deeply toothed, crenate leaves; the upper leaves small, clasping; calyx tubular, 5-toothed; flowers small; corolla purple, upper lip bearded, the lower spotted. The L. album is perennial, has larger flowers, and has slender calyx teeth, Distribution. Common in the eastern states to Missouri. The L. album escaped and not infrequent westward. Injurious properties. ‘The dead nettle is regarded as injurious. Fig. 411. Dead Nettle (Lamium, album), fre- Fig. 412. Dead Nettle (Lamium quently escaped from cul- amplexicaule). Regarded as poison- tivation. (Ada Hayden). ous. (Selby). —————— SOLANACEAE — NIGHTSHADE FAMILY 713 Mentha (Tourn.) L. Mint Herbs with the odor of mint. Leaves usually with punctate spots; flowers small in whorled clusters, pink or white; calyx bell-shaped or tubular, 5-toothed ; corolla tube shorter than the calyx; limb 4-cleft; stamens equal, erect, included or exserted; filaments smooth; nutlets ovoid, smooth. About 30 species of temperate regions. Our native species (M. arvensis, var. canadensis) is com- mon in low marshy ground. ; Mentha crispa contains linacol, C,,H,,O, one of the terpenes. It may be mentioned in passing that this same substance recurs in Ocimum Thymus and Darwinia. A ketone-carbon, C,,H,,O, is found in several species of the genus. Mentha piperita Ll. Peppermint Smooth, erect, perennial herb with creeping rootstocks from 1-2 feet high; leaves petioled, ovate, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute and sharply serrate; flowers whorled in interrupted loose, leafless spikes; purplish or whitish. Distribution. Commonly escaped from cultivation and troublesome in the Fast. Fig. 413. Peppermint (Mentha piperita). One of the sources of the pepper- mint of commerce. (From Fig. 414. Tomato (Lycopersicum es- Vesque’s Traité de Botani- culentum). An important food plant. que). CW. S. Dudgeon). SoLrANACEAE, Nightshade Family Herbs, rarely shrubs, vines; a few of the tropical species, trees with alter- nate leaves without stipules; flowers regular or nearly so, borne in cymes; calyx inferior, 5-lobed; corolla gamopetalous, generally 5-lobed; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them, inserted on the tube, generally equal; style and stigma 1; ovules numerous; fruit a berry or cap- sule. A large family, chiefly tropical, consisting of 70 genera and 1600 species. Several of these are important medicinal plants and several important food plants. Many plants of the order have poisonous properties. 714 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The red or Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum), native to North America, is much used in tropical countries to stimulate the appetite. It seems to run to many forms, but has been shown by Prof. Irish that many of the so-called species belong to C. annuum. A shrubby species, C. frutescens, is native to western Texas and Mexico. The tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum), was undoubt- edly native to America. It was used by the Indians in North America at the time of the discovery by Columbus, and was introduced into England in 1585 by Lane who was a deputy of Sir Walter Raleigh. ‘Tobacco is now cultivated in many civilized countries, as Cuba, Philippine Islands, Sumatra, also in Florida, the Carolinas, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Wisconsin in the United States. It is used for making cigars, snuff and for chewing. It is an important article in commerce. ‘The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is indigenous to Peru and Chili, but was introduced into Spain about the beginning of the 16th century, and into England from Virginia in 1586 by Sir Walter. Raleigh. The greatest yields occur in irrigated districts. It is one of the most important food e Fig. 414a. Tobacco Plant (Nicotiana Tabacum). a, Flower} b, corolla; cut open; c, ovary; d, e, young fruit. (a, b, c, nat- ural size; d. e. x 2.). (After Strasburger, Noll, Schenck, and Schimper). plants. Other species of tuberous Solanum occur, as the S. Jamesii, in south- western United States, and several others in Mexico and South America. The egg-plant (Solanum Melongena) is native to India, but is now widely cultivated in tropical countries and temperate regions, the fruit being used for culinary purposes. The tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum), a native of tropical Amer- ica, of which there are many varieties, is now widely distributed in tropical and temperate regions. The fruit is eaten fresh or canned, or made into = SOLANACEAE — NIGHTSHADE FAMILY 71S various products. The currant tomato (L. pimpinellifolium), a fruit about the size of a currant, is cultivated as a curiosity. Ground cherries are much culti- vated. The strawberry tomato (Physalis Alkekengi), a perennial native to southern Europe, has a large fruiting calyx which turns red. The fruit is eaten, but it is not so palatable as the fruit of the Cape gooseberry (P. peruvi- ana), which is native to Peru. The fruit of a native species (P. pubescens) is also eaten, but this also is inferior to the Cape gooseberry. Belladonna is derived from Atropa Belladonna, a tall glabrous or slightly downy herb, with a perennial rootstock, native to southern Europe and east- ward to Asia Minor. This furnishes the atropin of commerce used for dilating the pupil of the eye. The earliest investigations of the alkaloids of belladonna were made by Bauberlein in 1809, who first determined their presence. Esse was the first to find atropamin C,,H,,NO,, in the roots of the plant, although Schmidt denies the presence of atropin, affirming the presence of hyoscyamin only. Belladonnin, an isomer of the above, is probably also present. The root of Atropa Belladonna sometimes contains from 4/10-1% of the alkaloid and the leaves about half as much. The greatest amount of the alkaloid occurs during the flowering period. Pseudo-hyoscyamin occurs in the roots of Mandragora. The alkaloids mandragorin, C,,H,,NO,, and manacin C, ps od 3N 20.) occur in Brunrfelsia Hopeana. Several other undetermined alkaloids, ee as jurubebin, have also been found in the family. Fig. 415. Ground Cherry (Physalis viscosa). Culti- vated for its fruit. (W. S. Dudgeon). The mandrake (Mandragora officinarum) of the ancients was, at one time, supposed to have medicinal virtues. The flowering tobacco (Nicotiana alata) is a well known cultivated plant of Brazil. The thorn apple (Datura Metel) is much cultivated, as is the D. meteloides, which has large, sweet-scented flowers. The bittersweet (Solanum Dulcamara), the hardy annual (Schizanthus pinna- tus), the Brunfelsia latifolia, which has fragrant flowers, and the Cestrum 716 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 416. Sleeping or Deadly Night-shade (Atropa Belladonna). ‘Tip of flowering and fruiting branch; entire fruit; cross section of fruit; corolla cut open and spread out. Source of the belladonna of commerce. (From Ves- que’s Traité de Botanique). elegans are frequently cultivated. The odor from the flowers of the latter is very overpowering. The berries of C. pallidum are said to be poisonous, but birds have scattered the plant very widely in the tropics. Petunia violacea, Lycium halimifolium and L. chinense are cultivated. The Duboisia myoporoides of Australia is a tall shrub, its leaves having narcotic properties and containing the substance duboisin, a mixture of hyoscyamin and atropin producing an ac- tion like that of hyoscyamus but more hypnotic. According to Maiden this plant is poisonous to stock. Other species like D. Leichardtii contain the same sub- stance. The piturie (D. Hopwoodii) contains a liquid volatile alkaloid piturin C,H,N resembling nicotin. The natives mix the piturie leaves with the ashes of some other plant and chew them like tobacco. In its action it resembles nicotin, The scopola (Scopolia carniolica) of Austria and Hungary, is a perennial herb used like Belladonna in medicine. The leaves and rhizomes of this species and S. japonica are poisonous. The S. carniolica plant contains atropin C,,H,,NO,, hyoscyamin and scopalamin, The latter substance is broken up into scopolin C,H,,NO, and tropic acid C,H,,O,. The hyoscin C,,H,,NO, is impure scopolamin. Scopalin causes dilation of the pupils; the heart action is at first diminished, then increased, due to the stimulation of the imhibitory nervous apparatus. The pichi used in kidney troubles is the dried leafy twigs of the Chilian shrub (Fabiana imbricata). The tree tomato (Cyphomandra betacea) produces a fruit similar, in taste, to that of the common tomato, if eaten when raw; but after it is stewed, provided the skin and seeds have first been removed, an apricot-like flavor is produced. It is much used in tarts and pastry in the mountainous districts of the tropics. SOLANACEAE — NIGHTSHADE FAMILY aly s) oad eS J - Fig 417. Corkwood (Duboisia myoporoides). A shrub, bearing leaves that possess nar- cotic qualities. (After Faguet). Genera of Solanaceae Fruit a berry. Corolla wheel shaped. Anthers.. opening «byuplifted: valves). isk. 12 \.a/jers a wee «(sisiaininyeaaie 1 Solanum Anthers opening longitudinally, widely spreading............ 2 Capsicum iGocolla. not wineel shaped icici dud ace tarie tail aerials iene eeael saute 5 Nicandra incolicy fusiel Torey ee ose eh a Mae cae Seek ln ca la 7 Lycium Fruit a capsule. Caboeurn shaped somewhatuirregular.s (ij 2ei. 036 aii a bales ks 4 Hyoscyamus Matyi osisinatic, corolla, funnel Torn... Va eee i ee 6 Datura Mees) AISLITI AR elo cid chet iaamt aR iacine ona le tativelalS acarece ae a aialemee Sita as 5 Nicotiana 718 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 1. Solanum (Tourn.) L. Nightshade Herbs or shrubs, often with stellate pubescence; flowers in cymose, um- bellate, or racemose clusters; calyx bell-shaped or rotate generally 5-parted or 5-cleft, corolla rotate 5-lobed or cleft, plaited in the bud; stamens exserted, filaments short inserted on the throat, anthers converging around the style opening at the top; ovary usually 2-celled, stigma small; berry with persistent calyx at the base or enclosing it; seeds numerous. About 900 species of wide distribution. Several are troublesome weeds as horse nettle (Solanum carolin- ense) and buffalo bur (S. rostratum). The potato (S. tuberosum) and egg- plant (S. Melongena), are cultivated. Fig. 418. Common potato (Solanum tuberosum). The potato under some conditions is very poisonous, especially when the tops are green. (Lois Pammel). Solanum Duleamara \Y. Bittersweet A more or less pubescent perennial, stem climbing or straggling, somewhat woody below; leaves petioled ovate or hastate, the upper usually halberd shaped; flowers purple or blue in cymes; berry globose, red. Distribution. Naturalized from Europe, New Brunswick to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kansas to Minnesota. Poisonous properties. ‘The plant contains the alkaloid solanin C,.H,.NO,, +H,O, with a hot, bitter taste, dulcamarm a bitter principle Capt a,O ig tenner and the alkaloids solanidin C,,H,,NO and solanein C,,H,,NO,,. Chesnut says with reference to this plant: Besides solanin, (0.3 percent), this plant contains another less poisonous compound, dulcamarin, which gives it its peculiar bitter-sweet taste. Neither of the compounds is abun- dant. The berry, though its taste is not remarkably disagreeable, is somewhat poisonous, and it has been shown that an extract of the leaves is moderately so. ‘The plant has nevertheless caused some ill effect. ‘The treatment is the same used in case of the above species. According to Schimpfky the berries of this plant have been used to poison dogs and the juice of the fruit acts as a poison to rabbits. Fliickiger and Hanbury in their Pharmacographia, make this statement with reference to Dulcamara: Dulcamara is occasionally given in the form of decoction, in rheumatic or cutaneous af- fections; but its real action, according to Garrod, is unknown. ‘This physician remarks that it does not dilate the pupil or produce dryness of the throat like belladonna, henbane or stramon- ium. He has given to a patient 3 pints of the decoction per diem without any marked action, and has also administered as much as half a pound of the fresh berries with no ill effect. SOLANACEAE — BLACK NIGHTSHADE 719 Johnson in his Medical Botany of North America refers to the use of the plant as follows: Bittersweet, in full doses, produces a certain “mount of cerebral disturbance of a narcotic character, together with dryness of the throat, and s.metimes an erythematous eruption of the skin, with a tendency to diaphoresis. It has been employed with benefit in a variety of cutan- eous eruptions, in muscular rheumatism, and in chronic bronchial and pulmonary affections. Vig. 419, Littersweet (Solanum Dulcama- ra). a, flowering spray; b, fruit—both one- third natural size. Berries somewhat poison- ous.) COy Shs Depts Agr: Lehmann states that it is a narcotic poison when given in large doses, even causing death in rabbits. It will be seen from the above quotations that the plant is not a violent poison and yet ill effects are probably produced by it under some conditions. Solanum nigrum 1, Common Nightshade or Stubbleberry. Annual, low branched and often spreading; stem glabrous or hairy, hairs simple, roughened on the angles; leaves ovate, petioled, flowers white in small, umbel-like drooping lateral clusters; calyx spreading, the lobes obtuse, much shorter than the white corolla; berries glabrous, globose, black ; occasionally large, Distribution. Found in northern United States. Also occurs in Europe. Shady grounds and fields. A cosmopolitan weed. Poisonous properties. Stubbleberries are occasionally cultivated for their fruit. They are sometimes sold as huckleberries and used for pies and pre- 720 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 420. Black Night-shade (Solanum nigrum). | Unripe fruit thought to be poisonous. (Charlotte M. King). serves. The fruit should, however, be used with caution, especially before it is ripe. A decoction of the ripe stubbleberry when fed to cats does not appear to be poisonous, according to Dr. Buchanan, who fed considerable quantities to cats in the writer’s laboratory without injurious effects. Mr. Chesnut says: The amount of poison present in any part of this plant varies with the conditions of growth. The more musky-odored plants are the most poisonous. In some, the amount of alkaloid in the ripe fruit and leaves is so small that these parts may: be, and are, con- sumed in considerable quantity without any ill consequences. Poisoning does sometimes follow, but it is not clear whether this is due to improper preparation or to careless selection of the parts used. ‘The use of black nightshade for food is certainly not to be recommended. Cases of poisoning are recorded for calves, sheep, goats and swine. The characteristic symptoms are about the same in man and animals. ‘They are stupefac- tion, staggering, loss of speech, feeling and consciousness; cramps, and sometimes convulsions. The pupil of the eye is generally dilated. Death is directly due to a paralysis of the lungs, but fortunately few cases are fatal. In June, Dr. Flickinger reported from Greenfield, Iowa, several cases of sheep poisoning probably due to eating plants of Solanum nigrum. A subscriber of the Towa Homestead also says that for a number of years poisoning has affected his SOLANACEAE — BLACK NIGHTSHADE 721 sheep in a pasture where this weed has been abundant. Dr. Koto, lowa State Veterinarian, also reports cases due to this plant. This Black Nightshade contains the alkaloid solanin C,,H,.NO, which is probably present in larger quantities in the fruit before it is entirely ripe, also solanidin €.H,, NO; with stronger basic properties. From all the evidence I can get, I may say that the fruit should be eaten with caution. In Europe it has been looked upon with suspicion for a long time. The ancients held it in suspicion and many superstitious beliefs were connected with it. Schimpfky in discussing the poisonous and non-poisonous action of the plant states that the amount of poison produced depends upon climatic conditions and the char- acter of the soil. In some places it may be entirely harmless and in other places poisonous. In Europe the plant is sometimes used as a salad plant, but the author above referred to, remarks that when the odor is unpleasant and dis- agreeable it should not be eaten. According to Lehmann, Schreber and Haller the berries are poisonous to ducks and chickens. Cases of poisoning from the berries of this plant have been recorded in Europe by Hirtz,! Manners,? etc. Fig. 421. Spreading nightshade (Solanum triflorum), one-third natural size. Suspected vf being poisonous. (U. S. Dept. Agr.). 1 Gaz. Med. d. Strasbourg. 1842. 2 Edin. Med. Jour. 1867. For these and other references see Blyth ‘‘Poisons” 4th ed., 398. Poisoning by bitter sweet berries is recorded in Lancet, 1856. Berries of S. tuberosum, Brit. Med. Jour. 1895. NI Iho bo MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Solanum triflorum Nutt. Three-flowered Nightshade Annual, low spreading, slightly hairy or nearly glabrous; leaves acute; pinnatifid, 7-9 lobed; peduncles 1-3 flowered; corolla white; berries greenish or inclined to blackish, about the size of a small cherry; pedicels reflexed in fruit. Distribution. On the plains, and waste places from Nebraska and Kansas to Northwest Territory and Arizona; introduced eastward. Poisonous properties. Prof. Chesnut says experiments on guinea pigs show that the berries are poisonous. No cases of human poisoning have been re- ported. The berry is not attractive to the eye, but has an agreeable odor and taste. It is therefore to be suspected in cases of poisoning which occur in localities where the weed is abundant. The writer has also received complaints of the poisoning by this plant from Nebraska and other western states. The active constituent is, no doubt, solanin. Solanum rostratun Dunal. Buffalo Bur. Sand Bur Herbaceous, woody when old; somewhat hoary or yellowish; 8 inches to 2 feet high; covered with copious stellate pubescence; the branches and stems covered with sharp yellow prickles; leaves somewhat melon like, 1-3 times Fig. 422. Buffalo Bur (Solanum rostratum). a, branches of the plant with burs; b, yellow flowers; c and d, seeds; c, very much enlarged; d, natural size. he prickles cause mechanical injuries to stock. SOLANACEAE — BUFFALO BUR 723 pinnatifid; lobes roundish or obtuse and repand, covered with soft pubescence, hairs stellate; flowers yellow; corolla gamopetalous, 1 inch in diameter, nearly regular, the sharp lobes of the corolla broadly ovate; stamens, 5, declined, anthers tapering upward, linear lanceolate, dissimilar, the lowest much larger and longer with incurved beak, hence the technical name rostratum; style much declined; fruit a berry but enclosed by the close fitting and prickly calyx, which has suggested the common name buffalo bur or sand bur; pedicels in fruit erect; seeds thick, irregular, round or somewhat longer than broad, wrinkled showing numerous small pits; seeds surrounded by a gelatinous sub- stance. The related species S. citrullifolium of the southwest is glandular pubescent with slender yellow subulate prickles, lowest anther violet. Distribution. The buffalo bur was undoubtedly a native to the region of the Fig. 423. Horse nettle (Solanum carolinense). a, plant with flowers and fruit; b, flower; c, seed enlarg- ed. Considered poisonous by Bessey and others. (U. S. Dept. Agr.). plains occurring in the bare places where grass is scant and in former times was most abundant around the “buffalo wallows.” Its range is from New Mex- ico to Wyoming and across the plains. The general traffic from the west to the east has caused the weed to be distributed in various eastern and middle states, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts and Tennessee. 724 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Injurious properties. This plant is carefully avoided by stock, but so far as known is not poisonous although the prickles on the plant produce mechanical injuries. When the prickles enter the tissues of animals inflammation occurs and pus is formed. Solanum carolinense L. Horse Nettle Horse nettle is a deep rooting perennial, propagating freely by its under- ground roots; these running roots are often 3 feet long; stem from 1-2 feet high, somewhat straggling, half shrubby at the base; stems hairy or merely roughish with minute hairs which are usually numerous; leaves oblong or sometimes ovate, obtusely sinuate, toothed or lobed or deeply cut, 2-4 inches long; flowers borne in racemes which later become 1-sided; the outer part of the flower, the calyx, consists of slender lobes; the corolla is light blue or white, an inch or less in diameter and resembles that of the common potato; the flowers are followed by yellow globose berries, 1/2-3/4 inch in diameter; the small seeds are yellowish, a little less than 1/12 of an inch long, minutely roughened. Distribution. Its distribution in North America is from Connecticut through New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, West Virginia along the Atlantic seacoast to Florida, west along the Gulf Coast to Texas, through Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Michigan. Poisonous properties. The root as well as the fruit of the plant has a very disagreeable narcotic odor; according to several authors, the plant is poisonous. Dr. Bessey reports it as possibly poisonous. It contains solanin, according to Kraemer, 0.8 per cent in the berries. Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. Horse-weed. Bull Nettle A deep-rooted spreading perennial from 1-3 feet high; stem silvery canes- cent, finely pubescent; leaves lanceolate, oblong or linear, petioled entire or repand-dentate; flowers in cymose clusters; peduncle stout and short; corolla gamopetalous, blue; calyx lobes lanceolate; berry yellow, smooth globose. Distribution. Common on the prairies of Kansas to Texas and New Mexico. Poisonous properties. The berries of this fruit are used to curdle milk in northern Mexico and southern Texas. They are crushed into a powder, put into a muslin bag, suspended in the milk until coagulation occurs. It is also used as a medicine by the Mexicans. Solanum tuberosum L. Potato An erect herb, cultivated as an annual for the esculent tubers; leaves pin- nate of several ovate leaflets and smaller ones between; flowers blue or white, berries round, green. Distribution. Native to Chile north to Mexico and Arizona. Introduced into Europe between 1580 and 1585. Poisonous properties. The wilted green stem and leaves are poisonous, containing the alkaloid solanin. The water from boiled potatoes contains a poisonous substance. Some persons cannot eat potatoes because poisonous to them. According to Kassner, healthy potatoes do not contain solanin but dis- eased potatoes contain this substance; from 150 gms. he separated 30-50 mers. of solanin. It is probable that this substance occurs in other species of Sol- anum. ‘Thos. Maiden states that the S. eremophilum poisons sheep and cattle when they eat the tops. Friedberger and Frohner state that potato tops are in- jurious; that the diseased animals show symptoms resembling foot and mouth disease, j , ] SOLANACEAE — POTATO 725 Dr. Doerr has recently reported a case of poisoning in a cow that had been fed exclusively upon refuse from the Club-house kitchens near the Iowa State College Campus. These contained potato parings among other things and to these the poisoning was charged. The trouble was diagnosed as gastro-enteritis. The post-mortem revealed diffuse intestinal hemorrhages with enlarged liver and spleen. 2. Capsicum. Pepper Herbs or shrubs with sharp taste; leaves fleshy; flowers white; corolla wheel shaped; 5-lobed; tube short; stamens separate with filaments longer than the heart shaped anthers which open longitudinally; fruit a berry. The Guinea pepper and the Indian goat pepper (C. frutescens) are much more powerful stimulants than cayenne and often produce violent pain and purging. This shrub is native to the Southwest. The genus Capsicum has two species. A monograph by Prof. Irish published in the Missouri Botanical Garden Reports describes many of the varieties. Capsicum annuum L. Cayenne Pepper Annual. Leaves ovate entire; flowers with truncate calyx and white corol- la; fruit a berry, oblong or globular, red or green. Distribution. Widely cultivated. Native to the Southwest. Fig. 424. Red Pepper (Capsi- cum annuum). ‘The fruit of this as well as the leaves are power- fully pungent. (W. S. Dudgeon). Poisonous properties. The peppers are often used in domestic practice in making a stimulating plaster; if its action is continued long enough, however, a vesicular formation makes its appearance. In domestic animals it causes 726 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS gastro-enteritis. Death has even occurred where too much of the Cayenne pepper has been used. Thresh isolated a principle to which he gave the name of capsatcin C,H,,NO,, however, the bitter pungent substance has been called by Morbitz, capsacutin, a crystalline nitrogenous compound containing the sub- stance CH NO; This is so powerful that 1 part in 11,000,000 will impart the pungent taste. A volatile alkaloid resembling contin has been found in small quantities. 3. Nicandra Adans. Apple of Peru Tall smooth annual with alternate leaves, calyx 5-parted, angled; corolla wheel shaped or somewhat funnel shaped with widely spreading border; tube short; anthers 5 connivent; fruit a somewhat 3-5 celled berry. Nicandra Physalodes (U.) Pers. Apple of Peru A tall smooth annual, 2-5 feet high; leaves ovate angled or sinuate toothed; flowers solitary; corolla pale blue rather large; fruit a globular dry berry; calyx, 5-parted, 5-angled, enlarged and bladder like in fruit. Distribution. Native to Peru but sparingly naturalized in the United States. Poisonous properties. Said to be poisonous; used as a fly poison in parts of the United States. 4. Hyoscyamus (Tourn.) L. Henbane Clammy-pubescent, fetid, narcotic herbs; leaves alternate, mostly lobed or pinnatifid; flowers large, calyx bell-shaped or urn-shaped, 5-lobed; corolla funnelform, oblique; 5-cleft, the lobes unequal; capsule enclosed in the persistent calyx, 2-celled. About 15 species, native to the Mediterranean region. Medicinal and poisonous plants. Hyoscyamus niger lL. Black Henbane Biennial or annual. Stem 1-3 feet high; leaves ovate, sinuate toothed and angled, the upper clasping; flowers short pedicelled in one sided leafy spikes: corolla dull yellowish, reticulated, with purple veins; capsule globose oblong. Distribution. Common only eastward in waste places from Nova Scotia to Michigan, also in Montana, Utah, Idaho and the Pacific Coast. Poisonous properties. A well known medicinal plant from which /iyoscyamin is obtained. AHyoscyamin is an anodyne and hypnotic and is poisonous. Dr. Chesnut says: One or two cases are recorded in foreign literature in which stock have been poisoned by eating the plant of their own accord, but there is very little danger from it, on account of its ill odor and harsh texture. It contains hyoscyamin, C,.H,,NO,, causing a dilation of the pupils and having a sharp and disagreeable taste. It also contains pseudo-/iyoscyamin C H,,NO,, another alkaloid, and hyoscin C,.H,,NO,; the latter of which also dilates the pupils. The hyoscyamin resembles atropin in its composition and action and is obtained from the HTyoscyamus seed. When damp the alkaloid has a tobacco-like odor and a bitter taste. According to Dr. Winslow, the hyocsyantin is practically atropin except that its mydriatic action is shorter. Hyoscin is a powerful depressant to the cerebrum, respiratory center, spinal reflex centers, and motor tract. It is a cerebral sedative. According to Wins- low: The tetanic stage succeeding spinal paralysis, observed in atropin C.H,,NO, poison- ing, does not ensue with /iyoscin. ‘The latter alkaloid slightly depresses and slows the SOLANACEAE — BLACK HENBANE Taf heart, and does not paralyze the vagus terminations, nor depress the motor and sensory nerves or muscles. ‘Ihe circulation is but slightly influenced, and vasomotor depression only occurs in the latter stage of lethal poisoning. Death occurs from paralysis of the respiratory centers. Poisoning in animals is exhibited by loss of muscular power, slowing and failure of respiration, dryness of the mouth, stupor and asphyxia. ‘The pulse may be infrequent, the pupils are dilated and the skin is moist rather than dry. Delirium and convulsions sometimes occur in man. ‘The effect of the combined action of hyoscyamin and hyoscin in Hyoscyamus is shown when we compare the drug with belladonna. Hyoscyamus is more of a cerebral sedative and hypnotic, and less of a heart and respiratory stimulant. It is said to possess more power in overcoming spasm, and griping of cathartics, and in aiding intestinal movement. Hyoscyamus is also thought to exert a more pronounced antispasmodic action than belladonna upon the smooth muscles of the bladder and urethra. Blyth gives the action of hyoscyamin as follows: Thirty-two mgrs. (% gr.) begins to act within a quarter of an hour, the face flushes, the pupils dilate, there is no excitement, all muscular motion is enfeebled, and the patient remains quiet for many hours; 64.8 mgrs. would possibly be a fatal dose. The root is Fig. 425. Black Henbane. (Hyoscyamus niger). At the left, open corolla, and flowering branch. At the right, longitudinal section of flower. A well known medicinal plant. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique). more poisonous than the leaves, and the seeds of Datura contain a considerable quantity of hyoscyamin; they are often mistaken for other seeds such as poppy. Many cases of children being poisoned by this seed are recorded. One instance is given by Schimfky where of two children who had eaten the seeds of the plant, one died before purgative action could be produced. The second child slowly recovered but growth was checked. 5. Nicotiana (Tourn.) LL. Tobacco Rank, viscid-pubescent narcotic herbs or shrubs; leaves alternate, entire; flowers borne in panicled racemes; calyx tubular, bell-shaped, 5-cleft; corolla funnel-form or salver-form, the limb with five separating lobes; stamens 5,. inserted on the tube of the corolla; dehiscence of the anthers longitudinal ; ovary 2-celled;- stigma capitate; capsule 2-valved; seeds numerous, small. About 50 species nearly all native of North America. Nicotiana Tabacum 1, Common Tobacco A coarse annual from 46 feet high; leaves lanceolate, ovate, decurrent,. 728 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 1-2 feet long; flowers panicled, rose-purple; corolla funnel-form, 2 inches long; lobes short, somewhat inflated. Distribution. Native to South America but widely cultivated; introduced into Europe by the Spaniards shortly after the discovery of America. The best types of tobacco are cultivated in Cuba and Porto Rico; and this forms an extensive industry in North America, especially in Connecticut, Wisconsin, Virginia, etc. Poisonous properties. Various opinions are expressed in regard to its poisonous properties. It is known, however, that an alkaloid occurs in N. Tabacum, N. macrophylla, N. rustica and N. glutinosa, which apparently does not occur in any other plant. The active principle of the tobacco leaf is the alkaloid nicotin C,,H,,N,. which is easily extracted from tobacco by means of alcohol or water; it occurs to the extent of 6 per cent in the dry leaves; it has a sharp, burning taste, is very poisonous and is said to have sixteen times the toxic power of coniin. On application of heat, nicotin is changed into pyridin, C.H.N, and other sim- ilar alkaloids like picolin, CHN. Pyridin depresses the spinal motor tract and causes paralysis of respiration. Moderate doses cause contraction of the pupil. Nicotein C,,H,,N, was found by Pictet and Rotschy in leaves of tobacco; also nicotemim C,,H,,N,, and nicotellin C,,H,N,. According to more recent in- vestigations the seeds of Nicotiana are free of nicotin. The following state- ment is made with reference to the toxicology of nicotin by Dr. Winslow: Nicotin is one of the most powerful and rapidly acting poisons. When swallowed, it causes, in animals, local irritation and pain in the throat and stomach; muscular tremors and weakness, on account of which the animal falls. These symptoms are followed, first, by severe tonic and clonic convulsions, and then by abolition of voluntary motion and quietude. The pupils are contracted, and there is vomiting (in the case of some animals), purging and mic- turition. The respiration is at first shallow and rapid, but becomes weaker and slower, and death occurs from respiratory failure and general collapse. The pulse is primarily slow and intermittent, but later becomes rapid. ‘The treatment of poisoning consists in evacuation of the stomach; the use of tannic acid; respiratory and heart stimulants, as strychnin, atropin, and alcohol; together with external heat and artificial respiration. The minimum lethal dose is about one drachm of tobacco, or one minim of nicotine, for small dogs. For horses, five to ten drops of nicotin or one-half pound of tobacco. Friedberger and Frohner state that animals have convulsive spasms, great muscular weakness, with acute paralysis. The chronic effects of the use of tobacco, according to Millspaugh, are as follows: The effects produced upén smokers are almost useless in the study of the drug itself, and it is only in that class of chewers who swallow the juice, that positive data could be looked for; still here, as well, we are at a loss to determine facts, for in manufacturing the narcotic, processes are used which alter the product greatly; nevertheless some few symptoms seem to be more or less common to all who have been, for protracted periods, subjected to the drug. Mental anxiety and irritability, with at times confusion of ideas; dilation of the pupils; ringing in the ears; increased secretion of saliva; uncertainty of speech. dryness of the throat; at times weakness of the stomach and nausea; increased secretion of urine; dry cough especially at night; precordial oppression with palpitation of the heart and at times an irregular pulse; trembling of the extremities when held long in one position; general arzemic condition of the blood spasmodic contraction or jactation of single muscles; sensations of exhaustion and especially lassitude; sleepiness; profuse perspiration and sensitiveness to cold. A writer in the London Lancet quoting from the Therapeutic Gazette* states that the injury from tobacco smoke comes largely from the inhalation of carbon monoxide. Cigarette smoking is more harmful than smoking a pipe because more of the gas is inhaled. * Vol, 32:78C. a SOLANACEAE — TOBACCO 729 According to Zalackas, eserin and strychnin are not antagonistic to sicotin but the juice of Nasturtium officinale counteracts it. Nicotiana rustica L,. Wild Tobacco Annual, with obovate, petioled leaves; flowers greenish-yellow, panicled, longer than the calyx; capsule globose. Distribution. In fields and waste places from Canada to Florida, and Minnesota. Cultivated by the Indians. Poisonous properties. Probably the same as those of the preceding species. Nicotiana alata Link & Otto An annual, pubescent plant from 3-4 feet high; leaves lanceolate, flowers large tubular; tube 5-6 inches long; the limb deeply 5-cleft. Distribution. Native to Brazil but a frequent escape in gardens in the east. Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh. Wild Tobacco An annual 1 or more feet high, leaves oblong or the upper lanceolate and the lower obovate lanceolate, acute at both ends; flowers few; corolla white, tubular funnel-form; tube 1 inch long. Distribution. Oregon to the plains. Often cultivated by the Indians for tobacco. The allied species, N. attenuata, Torr., is found from Colorado to Nevada and California. Poisonous properties. The poisonous properties are probably the same as those of common tobacco. According to Maiden the N. suaveolens is poisonous to stock in New South Wales. 6. Datura L. Thorn Apple. Jimson Weed Rank-scented, tall, narcotic herbs; or a few tropical shrubs or trees with alternate petioled leaves; large flowers; calyx 5-cleft; corolla funnelform, 5-lobed, the limb plaited; stamens generally included, inserted at or below the middle of the corolla tube; ovary 2-celled, forming a capsule which is globular and prickly. A small genus of about 12 species of wide distribution, 2 being cosmopol- itan weeds. Several of the species are used for ornamental purposes. Among these are the common white-flowered thorn apple (Datura Metel) which is native to tropical America, also the Datura meteloides, native to New Mexico and cultivated for its large sweet-scented flowers. Several tropical American tree-like shrubs like Datura suaveolens are often cultivated in conservatories. The seeds of D. fastuosa are used in India as a poison according to Gimlette, and are commonly used on the Malay Peninsula. The D. alba is common in India, about Madras, and D. atrox occurs on the coast of Malabar. The Daturas are all important in India from the point of view of poisoning. The seeds of D. alba are often mistaken and eaten for the seeds of Capsicum. Datura Tatula L.. Purple Thorn-apple or Purple Stramonium A glabrous annual from a few inches to 5 feet high; stem purplish; leaves thin, ovate, acute or acuminate; flowers consisting of a 5-toothed calyx and a 5-lobed funnel-form corolla, with stamens included; filiform filaments inserted below the middle of the corolla tube; capsule globular, prickly, 4-valved and 2-celled. Distribution. Abundant in fields and waste places from New England to 730 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Ontario to North Dakota, Nebraska, Texas, and Florida, naturalized from tropical America. Poisonous properties, The poisonous alkaloids found in this plant are: atropin C,,H,,NO,, hyoscyamin, and hyoscin. The daturin is a mixture of hyoscyamin and atropin. Professor Chesnut, in his work on the Poisonous Plants of the United States, referring to the jimson weed, says: The poisonous alkaloids, atropin and hyoscyamin, the active constituents of belladonna are found also in both of the jimson weeds. Hyoscyamin is the poison of the henbane and as it is identical in its physiological action with atropin, the above-named plants present the same symptoms of poisoning, which must be met in the same manner. ‘The alkaloids exist in all parts of the two daturas. The seeds are especially poisonous. Fig. 426. Jimson Weed (Datura Stamoni- um). a, leaf and flowers; b, fruiting capsule. Cases of poisoning arise in adults from excessive use of a stimulant or a medicine. Children are sometimes tempted to eat the fruit, if they are permitted to play where the weed is to be found. Several cases of this kind were reported to the Department during the fall of 1897. At Alpena, Michigan, five children were badly poisoned in August by eating the seeds of the purple-flowered species, which was cultivated in a garden as a curiosity under the fanci- ful trade name of ‘‘Night-blooming Cactus.” In Sept. a boy was killed in New York by eating the seeds of a jimson weed, which was permitted to grow in a vacant lot; his brother poisoned at the same time was saved only with difficulty. In October two other cases occurred in New York. Four children were playing in one of the public parks of the city where jimson weeds were growing luxuriantly. The boys imagined themselves Indians and roamed about and ate parts of various plants. ‘Three of them ate the seeds of the jimson weed. One died in a state of wild delirium; another was saved after heroic treatment with chloral hydrate and morphine; SOLANACEAE — JIMSON WEED 731 the third, who ate but few of the seeds, was but little affected. Children are also poisoned by sucking the flower, or playing with it in the mouth. The fresh green leaves and also the root have occasionally been cooked by mistake for other wild edible plants. One or two instances are recorded in which cattle have been poisoned by eating the leaves of young plants which were present in grass hay, but these animals generally either avoid the plants or are very resistant to its poison. The symptoms of the poisoning are about the same in all cases, those characteristic of la-zé doses being headache, vertigo, nausea, extreme thirst, dry, burning skin, and general nervous confusion, with dilated pupils, loss of sight and of voluntary motion, and sometimes mania, couvulsions, and death. In smaller amounts the effects are like those of the ordinary nar- covics. As vomiting is not a common symptom, the contents of the stomach must be quickly removed by the use of the stomach tube or emetics. It is well then to wash out that organ thoroughly with strong tea, tannic acid, or an infusion of oak bark, and to administer stim- ulants, such as brandy and hot, strong coffee. Pilocarpin is recommended by physicians to counteract the drying effect upon the secretions (licorice is very useful), and prolonged artifi- cial respiration must often be resorted to to maintain the xration of the blood. As nothing has been said in regard to the atropin which is found in the jimson weed, it might be said that the commercial atropin is derived from the root of belladonna and when used externally it is a local anodyne. Dilute solutions of a:ropin paralyze and stop the corpuscular movement in the blood and large doses give rise to slowing of the pulse. In poisoning it causes a paralysis wf the vascular motor centers and stimulates the brain; ‘arge doses produce restlessness and excitement and delirium in man and occasionally delirium in lower animals. With reference to the spinal cord, large doses cause complete loss of motion. Its action upon the nerves is very important and on this depends much of the value of the drug. Dr. Winslow says: The peripheral motor nerve terminations, and to a less extent, their trunks, are de- pressed and paralyzed. This is never so complete, however, but that there is some voluntary power left in an animal fatally poisoned. Dryness of the mouth is one of the first symptoms following the use of belladonna because of the paralysis of the peripheral terminations of the | secretory nerve. The involuntary nerves are not affected by moderate doses of belladonna. The motor nerves ending in the voluntary muscles are paralyzed by poisonous doses of belladonna. Small doses do not affect the respiration, large doses make it quicker and deeper. Fatal doses cause asphyxia. Moderate doses cause a rise of temperature, but fatal doses lessen the bodily heat. Dr. Winslow gives the following summary of the action of the drug: It will be observed that belladonna, generally speaking, first stimulates and then depresses the nerve centres, while it chiefly paralyzes the motor nerve terminations, including the mbhibi- tory (vagus and splanchnic), the secretory (Chorda tympani, etc.), and, to a less extent, the sensory nerves. Secondary depression of the cerebrum is not so profound as that of the great medullary centres, especially the respiratory centre, and there is sometimes a slight and brief stimulation of the motor nerves of the smooth muscles, viz., vagus, splanchnic, and paos- sibly vaso-motor nerves. Full medicinal doses depress the peripheral filaments of the inhibitory and secretory nerves, and those of the unstriped muscles, lessen the functional activity of the voluntary motor sys- tem, and, to a less degree, that of the afferent nerves. The pulse becomes quickened because of paralysis of the peripheral vagus endings and stimulation of the heart or its ganglia; the blood tension is augmented because of the increased cardiac action and stimulation of the vasomotor centers; and the respiration is accelerated because of excitation of the respiratory centers. The temperature is elevated owing to the circulatory exaltation and stimulation cf the heat-producing centers. Slight delirium may be present from the exciting action of the drug upon the cerebral motor centers. The spinal cord is unaffected by therapeutic doses. Locally applied, belladonna is a direct paralyzant to nerves, muscles, vessels and cells. Toxic doses of belladonna cause in animals dryness of the mouth, increased frequency of the pulse and respiration, elevation of temperature, dilation of the pupil and partial blindness. restlessness, nervousness, delirium, twitching of the muscles (occasionally erythema), and %32 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS frequent micturition. These symptoms are succeeded, in fatal poisoning, by fall of tempera- ture, retention of urine, muscular weakness, staggering gait, partial anesthesia, convulsions and paralysis (one preponderating over the other), weak, slow, irregular respiration, feeble, rapid pulse, paralysis of the sphincters, stupor and death. Death occurs mainly from asphyxia, but is due in part to cardiac failure. The physiological test consists in placing a drop of urine (secreted by the poisoned animal) into the eye of a healthy animal, when mydriasis should follow if the case be one of belladonna poisoning. Three-quarters of a grain of atropin under the skin has proved fatal to dogs. ‘Two grains of atropin produce mild toxic symptoms in the horse. Small dogs are slightly poisoned by gr. 1-80 of atropin; medium sized dogs by gr. 1-60, given hypodermatically. Cattle are as susceptible as horses, although her- bivora are not so easily influenced as carnivora. The pulse in dogs is greatly accelerated, sometimes as high as 400, while the pulse rate of the horse is not generally more than doubled. Rodents, as guinea pigs and rabbits, and pigeons, are particularly insusceptible to belladonna, in regard to its effect upon the pupil, circulation, etc. The treatment for poisoning includes the use of the stomach pump, emetics, cardiac stim- ulants, and pilocarpin under the skin. Also external heat, general faradism and artificial respiration. Daiura Stramonium L. Jamestown or Jimson Weed Much like the last; an annual; glabrous or the young stem somewhat pubescent, stout and green; branches and leaves sparingly pubescent; leaves thin ovate, sinuate toothed or angled; calyx less than % the length of the corolla; corolla white, 3 inches long, the border 5-toothed; capsule ovoid, prickly, the lower prickles mostly shorter, Distribution. Nova Scotia, New England to Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Texas and Florida. Naturalized, native to tropical regions of the Old World, probably Asia. De Candolle says that it is probably native to the borders of the Caspian Sea. Poisonous properties. The Datura Stramonium has been used in medicine since the close of the sixteenth century. Earlier than this it was used by the people of western Asia and eastern Europe. Miss Henkel describes the method of collecting as follows: The leaves are collected at the time of flowering, the entire plant being cut or pulled up and the leaves stripped and dried in the shade. The unpleasant narcotic odor diminishes upon drying. The leaves are poisonous, causing dilation of the pupil of the eye, and are used prin- cipally in asthma. All three species of Datura are poisonous, the seeds being especially poison- ous. Dr. Halsted records a case of poisoning of a boy five years old in New- ark, New Jersey, who ate freely of a half grown capsule of this species and died the next morning. The seeds of D. Stramonium are known to have poisoned a child in eastern Iowa. ‘They contain hyoscyamin, atropin and scopolamin. In some analyses, as much as 0.33 per cent of the alkaloid atropin has been found in the seeds, and about 0.2 per cent in the leaves. Datura Metel L. Thorn Apple A clammy pubescent annual 3-4 feet high, leaves ovate, entire or obscurely angular toothed, rounded at the base; flowers large, white, calyx about % as long as the corolla; capsule globose prickly. Distribution. Native to tropical America. Naturalized from New England to Florida and westward, ; Patura meteloides DC. Wright’s Datura A spiny pubescent annual, pale in color, leaves obovate entire; flowers large showy, white or pale violet, sweet scented; corolla with a 5-toothed border; capsule nodding spiny. Poisonous properties. The writer a few years ago saw a notice in a local ae, geen SOLANACEAE — WRIGHT’S DATURA 733 paper of a child being poisoned by sucking the nectar of a flower of Wright’s Datura. Professor Chesnut, in speaking of the poisonous properties of the same species, says: Datura meteloides is a very large-flowered species, which is native from southern Califor- nia to Texas, and in some localities is common in cultivaton. No cases of poisoning have yet been recorded against it, but it is largely used as an intoxicant by Indians, and is used in gen- eral for the same purposes as jimson weed. It undoubtedly contains the same poisons, 7. Lycium L. Matrimony Vine Shrubs or woody vines, often spiny; leaves small, entire, alternate, with smaller ones between; calyx 3-5 toothed or cleft, persistent, corolla funnel- form or salver-shaped, usually 5-lobed, the lobes imbricated; stamens 5 rarely 4; anthers opening lengthwise; style slender; stigma capitate; ovary 2-celled; berry globose, ovoid or oblong. About 75 species of wide distribution. Lycium halimifolium Mill. Common Matrimony Vine A glabrous, spiny, or unarmed shrub; slender climbing or trailing stem; leaves lanceolate, oblong or spatulate; petioles short; peduncles filiform; calyx lobes ovate; corolla short, funnel-form; greenish-purple stamens slightly ex- serted; berry oval; orange red. Distribution. In thickets and waste places, escaped from gardens from Canada to Texas. Introduced from Europe, Poisonous properties. Supposed to be poisonous. SCROPHULARIACEAE, Figwort Family Mostly herbs, shrubs or rarely trees; leaves without stipules; flowers per- fect, regular or irregular; calyx 4-5 toothed, cleft or divided; corolla irregular 2-lipped or nearly regular; stamens 2-5, didynamous or nearly equal, inserted on the corolla; pistil 1, 2-celled, many ovuled; fruit a capsule; seeds numerous, with a small embryo in copious albumen. About 2500 species of wide distribution. Few plants of the family are of economic importance. Several species are medicinal. The most important are foxglove (Digitalis purpurea); mullein (Verbascum Thapsus), used as a stimulant because of its mucilaginous properties, and speedwell or Culver’s root or Culver’s physic (Veronica virginica), used for digestive disorders, when fresh being a violent emetic-cathartic and containing a glucoside leptandrin. Several species of the order are cultivated for ornamental purposes. The Paulownia tomentosa, native to Japan, is hardy in the south. The foxglove is also much cultivated. Several species of monkey flowers (Mimulus luteus) and musk flower (M. moschatus) are cultivated. The best known of all is the snap dragon (Antirrhinum majus), native to Europe. The genus Calceolaria, of which there are numerous species, is native to Chili and other parts of South America, and is cultivated. The C. crenatiflora is a showy herbaceous plant cultivated for its pretty slipper-shaped, sac-like flowers. ‘The Maurandias are Mexican climbers with heart-shaped or halberd-shaped leaves and open- mouthed, somewhat bell-shaped, purple, rose-colored or violet corollas. The Torenia asiatica, native to Asia, is cultivated for its handsome pale violet or purple flowers. The turtle-head (Chelone glabra) is occasionally cultivated and has large, white or rose-tinted corollas that are very pretty. The beard-tongue (Penstemon) contains many species, found mostly in western America and Mexico, the most beautiful of our western species being P. grandiflorus, with 734 - MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS large, lilac-purple flowers collected in ample racemes. Many of the Rocky Mountain forms are handsome perennials. The Mexican Russellia juncea is a showy bedding and greenhouse plant with carmine flowers and leaves reduced to scales. The painted cup (Castilleia coccinea) is a pretty species, native of the northern states. The roots of most species are parasitic. ‘The common lousewort (Pedicularis canadensis) is an early spring blooming plant of north- ern prairies. P. groenlandica of Europe, is found in the colder regions of North America also and has handsome purple flowers borne in spikes. The flowers of Lyperia atropurpurea or Cape Saffron resemble true saffron very greatly in odor, taste and drying qualities. Vanquelin isolated the glucoside gratiolin C,,H,,O,, from Gratiola of- ficinalis. ‘This species is poisonous to stock; strong medicinal doses are poison- ous to man as well. Some species, according to Maiden, are often poisonous to stock in Australia. The cow wheat of Europe (Melampyrum arvense) causes colic and sleepiness. Genera of Scrophulariaceae Flowers regular or nearly so. Blowers smacemose, stamens Ses. :sce¢h.d ean bene horas eae 1. Verbascum Flowers axillary or racemose, stamens 2.................ee05: 2. Veronica Flowers irregular. Stamens 4 not in pairs, Corollaivepurre dd )0/. stick cds ailsieya stab slaucyete ale teve. 4s chet ches tees ee eer Corolla not spurred. 1510151 5 AeA aL Op aie ERP ROOM CIRA aE OG yA emg a 3. Digitalis Tee SHAME ies Ne LAS rch gk oh Ne a ean cay el ae 4. Gerardia Stamens? sir) MaAes ssh so se soww le dhe sos eha Biche we Salar Pe A tioes tat OL ole SIO ala 1. Verbascum (Tourn.) L. Mullein Biennial or perennial, generally tall herbs with alternate leaves; flowers in spikes, racemes or panicles; calyx 5-parted; corolla flat with 5 broad rounded or slightly unequal divisions; stamens 5, inserted on the base of the corolla, unequal; filaments of all of the stamens woolly or only the 3 upper; style flattened at the apex; fruit a capsule, 2-valved; seeds rough. About 125 Old World species. Several naturalized in North America. Verbascum Thapsus 1, Common Mullein A tall, densely woolly annual from 2-6 feet high; leaves oblong, thick, covered with branched hairs, the basal leaves margined petioled; flowers in long dense spikes; corolla rotate, yellow or rarely white; stamens unequal, the 3 upper shorter, woolly with short anthers; the 2 lower smooth with large anthers. Distribution. From Nova Scotia north across the continent; south to Missouri and Kansas and west to Utah. Verbascum Blattaria I, Moth Mullein Stem round, sparingly branched, biennial with smooth leaves, the lower petioled, oblong, ovate, lanceolate, laciniate, serrate, upper clasping; flowers in loose racemes, yellow or white with a tinge of purple; all the stamens bearded with violet hairs; capsule nearly globose; numerous seeds. Distribution. Common eastward, rarely in the Mississippi Valley. Abund- ant in the west in Salt Lake basin. SCROPHULARIACEAE — FIGWORT FAMILY 735 Poisonous properties. The common mullein produces an irritation but is probably not very poisonous to stock. 2. Linaria (Tourn.) Hill. Toad Flax Herbs or shrubs, with alternate leaves, or those of the sterile shoots op- posite or whorled; flowers in racemes or spikes; calyx 5-parted; corolla per- Fig. 428. Toad flax (Lina- Fig. 427. Verbascum Thapsus. (From John- ria vulgaris). a, seed. Re- son’s Medical Botany of N. A.). garded with suspicion, (Selby). sonate and with a spur at the base; the upper lip erect, 2-lobed, the lower 3- lobed; stamens 4, didynamous, not exserted; fruit a capsule, opening by 1 or more holes in the top; seeds small, numerous. About 150 species of wide distribution. One native species in the northern states. Linaria vulgaris Hill. Ramsted. Butter and Eggs. A pale green perennial with erect, leafy globose or sparingly pubescent stem; leaves sessile, entire, upper, at least, alternate; flowers in dense racemes; calyx segment oblong, spur subulate; corolla orange color, nearly erect, 1 inch long, spur subulate, nearly as long as the body of the corolla. Distribution. Native to Europe. In fields and waste places from Nova Scotia to Kansas, North to Manitoba. Poisonous properties. It is regarded with suspicion. ‘The plant has a very disagreeable odor. A glucoside linariin C,,H,.O,, has been isolated. Veronica peregrina I, Purslane Speedwell, Neckweed Glabrous, glandular, or nearly smooth, branching annual, 4-9 inches high; 736 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS leaves petioled, upper oblong, linear and entire; floral leaves like those of the stem but reduced; flowers axillary and solitary, white; capsule orbicular. Distribution. A common weed in fields in eastern North America from Nova Scotia to Florida, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, British Columbia and Cal- ifornia. Also found in Mexico, South America and in Europe, almost cos- mopolitan. Veronica virginica I, Culver’s Root. Culver’s Physic A tall, smooth, or occasionally somewhat hairy perennial, simple stem; leaves lanceolate pointed in whorls finely serrate; flowers in panicled spikes, small nearly white, salverform, tube longer than the calyx; stamens 2, exserted; pistil 1, style 1; fruit a capsule, oblong-ovate. Distribution. From western New England to Minnesota, Manitoba to Nebraska and Kansas. Poisonous properties, The V. peregrina has been reported as poisonous. The root of V. virginica contains leptandrin. It is a violent emetic, cathartic, and, according to Johnson, cannot be used with safety in medicine. 3. Digitalis lL. Foxglove Tall herbs, leaves alternate; large purple yellowish or white flowers borne on l-sided racemes; calyx 5-parted; corolla irregular; tube contracted, upper lip 2-cleft, lower lip 3-lobed, middle largest; stamens 4 didynamous; style slen- der; fruit a capsule; seeds numerous, roughened. About 20 species in Asia and Europe. Digitalis purpurea lL, Purple Foxglove Biennial or annual pubescent herb with stout stem; lower leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, slender petioled, upper leaves smaller, sessile; flowers borne in long drooping racemes; corolla spotted. Distribution. Native to Europe but widely naturalized in the Pacific North- west. Poisonous properties. The plant has long been used in medicine. For this purpose the leaves of the second year’s growth are collected. The active con- stituents are such glucosides as digitoxin, C,,H,,O,,. The most poisonous are active, digitalin, C,,H,,O,,, digitalein, an amorphous bitter substance soluble in water, digitonin, C,,H,,O,,+H,O and digitophyllin C,,H,,O,,. The leaves also contain luteolin which occurs in mignonette. In large doses digitalis is a gastro-intestinal irritant and in poisoning causes nausea. It causes the pulse to become slower, fuller and stronger and more regular. It causes stimulation of the heart muscles. In poisonous doses it is rapid, weak and irregular. The respiratory centers are unaffected except by toxic doses. The temperature is reduced by toxic doses. Dr. Winslow, in speaking of the cumulative action of digitalis and the toxic action, says: Digitalis and strychnin are said to be cumulative in their action. Evidence is stronger in the case of the former drug than in that of the latter. By cumulative action is meant sudden transition from a therapeutic to a toxic effect. This may be due to three causes. 1. Tardy absorption. 2. Increasing susceptibility. 3. Delayed elimination and accumulation of the drug in the system. The cumulative action of digitalis is chiefly due to the latter cause. It should never be administered in full medicinal doses uninterruptedly for any considerable length of time. Toxicology.—Poisoning may occur from large single doses within 3 to 10 hours of their ingestion, and last for 16 or more hours with a fatal result; or may appear suddenly after the administration for several days of large medicinal doses (cumulative action). A minimum fatal dose for the horse is about 2 vi. of digitalis, or gr. i. ss. of Homolle’s digitalin. For dogs, on SCROPHULARIACEAE — FIGWORT FAMILY 737 3 i. of digitalis, or gr. % of digitalin. The symptoms exhibited are chiefly concerned with the digestion and circulation. ‘They consist in dulness, lassitude, loss of appetite, nausea, flatulence, diarrhoea, infrequent, full pulse (reduced 6-10 beats in the horse), and contracted pupils. There is vomiting in dogs. In fatal cases these symptoms are followed by severe colic and tympanites; rapid, feeble, dicrotic, irregular or intermittent pulse (120-140 in horses), while the heart may be heard and felt beating wildly and strongly, and a systolic blowing murmur can frequently be detected. This is due to mitral or tricuspid regurgitation caused by ir- regular contraction of the columnz carnz. The pulse is imperceptible because of the failure of the heart to fill the vessels. The extremities are cold, the eye is protruding, and salivation occurs. Bloody diarrhoea is very often present and the urine may be suppressed. The breath- ing finally becomes difficult and death ensues within a few hours, or as late as several days. Treatment.—Evacuation of the stomach and bowels. 'Tannic acid, as a chemical antidote, alcohol, opium, and aconite, which is the physiological antagonist in depressing the action of the heart and lowering blood tension. In addition, external heat should be applied and com- plete quiet and rest secured. Fig. 429. Digitalis purpurea. Flowering branch-diminished. Flower natural size. A well known medicinal and poisonous plant. (From Vesque’s Traité de Botanique). 4. Gerardia (Plumier) L. Gerardia Erect herbs or a few shrubs; leaves generally opposite and sessile or the upper alternate; flowers showy purple or yellow; calyx bell-shaped, 4-toothed or 5-lobed; corolla somewhat irregular, bell-shaped, 5-lobed, slightly 2-lipped; stamens 4, somewhat unequal; filaments pubescent; capsule many seeded, About 40 species native to America. 738 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl. Slender Gerardia A glabrous annual; leaves narrowly linear acute; calyx teeth very short acute; corolla light purple spotted %4 inch long. Distribution. In low grounds Quebec to Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas and Louisiana. Gerardia grandiflora Benth A common pubescent annual or biennial 2-4 feet high; leaves ovate lance- olate coarsely toothed or cut, the lower pinnatifid; pedicels shorter than the calyx; calyx-lobes oblong or ovate; corolla longer than calyx-lobes. Distribution. In dry woods Wisconsin, Minnesota to Texas and Tennessee. Poisonous properties. "The first species said to be poisonous to sheep and calves. Other species probably poisonous, 5. Pedicularis (Tourn.) L. Lousewort . Perennial herbs with pinnately lobed or cleft or pinnatifid leaves; calyx tubular; corolla 2-lipped, the upper lip arched, frequently beaked at the apex; lower lip erect; stamens 4, under the upper lip, anthers transverse; capsule generally oblique; several-seeded. About 125 species mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. Pedicularis canadensis I, Vousewort Hairy simple stemmed plant from 6 inches-1 foot high; leaves scattered, the lowest pinnately parted; flowers in short spikes; calyx split in front, oblique; corolla greenish yellow and purple, upper lip of the corolla hooded, 2-toothed under the apex. Distribution. In woods and prairies from eastern Canada to Florida, to Missouri and New Mexico, to Manitoba. Pedicularis lanceolata Michx. Swamp Lousewort An upright glabrous perennial from 1-3 feet high; leaves opposite and alternate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, pinnately lobed, the lower petioled; flowers in spikes; calyx 2-lobed, leafy-crested; corolla pale yellow, bearing a short truncate beak, the lower lip nearly erect; capsule ovate, about as long as the calyx. Distribution. In swamps from Ontario to Connecticut, Virginia, Towa, — Nebraska, Minnesota to Manitoba. Poisonous properties. P. canadensis is said to be poisonous to sheep and P. lanceolata is also suspected. Rocky Mountain species such as P. groenlandica, P. racemosa and P. bracteosa, are frequently eaten by sheep without any ill effects. Lehmann lists three European species as poisonous, the P. palustris, P. sylvatica and P. sudetica. A decoction made from these European plants is used to destroy animal parasites. In cattle these plants cause anemia, Dr. Lindley, in speaking of the European species, says, “they are acrid but are eaten by goats.” The European P. palustris was formerly officinal and is much used in Europe as a domestic remedy. The glucoside, rhinanthin, is found in the different species of the genus. It is identical with the material found in the common Butter and Eggs (Linaria vulgaris) (C,,H,,0,,). JIGNONIACEAR. Bignonia Family Woody plants, trees, shrubs or woody climbers or some exotic herbs; leaves opposite or rarely alternate; flowers mostly large and showy; calyx 2- BIGNONIACEAE — BIGNONIA FAMILY 739 lipped, 5-cleft or entire; corolla tubular bell-shaped, 5-lobed, somewhat irreg- ular; stamens inserted on the corolla; some of the stamens sterile or rudi- mentary, inserted on the tube of the corolla, anther bearing 2 or 4; ovary usually 2-celled; fruit a 2-valved capsule; seeds flat, winged; cotyledons broad and flat. About 500 species mostly tropical. The trumpet creeper (Tecoma radicans), native from Pennsylvania to Minnesota and southward, produces large scarlet or orange flowers, and is much cultivated as an ornamental plant. It contains narcotic principles. 7. jasminoides, much cultivated in greenhouses for its pretty white, pinkish or purple flowers, is a native of Brazil. Bignonia capreo- lata, from Virginia to southern Illinois and southward, produces pretty orange red flowers and is cultivated southward. B. venusta is a greenhouse plant native to Brazil. The leaves of Caroba (Jacaranda procera) furnish a valuable alterative. The Newbouldia laevis is used in dysentery. Catalpa Scop. Catalpa Trees or shrubs; leaves opposite or verticillate, simple, petioled; flower large in terminal panicles; calyx deeply 2-lipped; corolla bell-shaped with spreading margin; some stamens with fertile anthers 2, the others sterile or rudimentary; capsule large and slender, 2-celled; seeds numerous, winged. Seven species in Asia, North America and the West Indies. Catalpa speciosa. Warder. Common Catalpa. A large tree with thick bark; leaves large, heart-shaped, long, acuminate; corolla 2 inches long, white and mottled; capsule thick with numerous seeds. Distribution. The common hardy catalpa (C. speciosa), a native to the United States from Illinois to Arkansas, is a tall tree largely planted for its wood, which is used for posts, and railroad ties. It is hardy as far north as northern Towa. Catalpa bignonioides Walt. Tree with thin bark, spreading branches; leaves strongly scented and broad- ly ovate entire or 3-lobed acute or acuminate, deeply pubescent beneath; flow- ers in panicles, white mottled with yellow and purple; corolla tube, bell-shaped, the lower lobe entire; capsule rather thin walled, drooping. Distribution. Commonly cultivated but less hardy than the preceding, native to the Gulf States. Poisonous properties. The odor coming from the fragrant flowers is poison- ous and Dr. White in his Dermatitis Venenata states that the flowers are ir- ritating to many persons. Dr. Millspaugh, also, says that it is considered to be dangerous to inhale the odor of the flowers for a long time, which, however, is probably not generally the case. The allied caroba (Jacaranda procera) contains the bitter principle carobin. The glucoside, catalpin, comes from the bark and pod of C. bignonioides. The Oroxylon indicum con- tains oroxrylin C,,H,,O,(OH).. PLANTAGINALES This order contains but one family, the Plantaginaceae. PLANTAGINACEAE Lindl. Plantain Family. Mostly stemless herbs; leaves, in species with stems, opposite or alternate; flowers small, perfect, polygamous or monoecious; calyx 4-parted, persistent; 740 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS corolla 4-lobed, hypogynous; stamens 4 or 2 or only 1, inserted on the throat or tube of the corolla; ovary 1-2 celled, or falsely 3-4-celled, sessile; ovule 1, several ovules in each cavity; fruit a pyxis, circumscissile, at or below the middle or a nutlet. 3 genera, 2 native to North America, and more than 200 species, of wide distribution. None of the plants are of any economic importance. The seeds of several species (Plantago major and Plantago Rugelit) are used to feed birds. The P. ovata is used in France as a salad. The seeds of P. arenaria of Europe and P. indica are used for sizing in the manufacture of muslin. All of the seeds of the genus have a mucilaginous testa. Fig. 430. Hardy Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa). 1, Panicle of flowers. 2, Longitudinal section of flower. 3, Single fruit. 4, Seed. 5, Longi- tuinal section of seed. All one-half natural size. (M. M. Cheney in Green’s Forestry in Minnesota). RUBIALES Leaves opposite or whorled; flowers with gamopetalous corolla, separate anthers; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them RUBIALES 741 or occasionally fewer or twice as many; ovary compound, adnate to the calyx tube; ovules one or two in each cavity of the ovary. The important families are Rubiaceae, containing cinchona coffee, asperula, and galium; Adoxaceae containing a single genus Adoxa the Musk-root, A, Moschatellina; Valerian- aceae containing the corn salad (Valerianella olitoria, and Valeriana officinalis), native to Europe and North America, the roots of which are used in medicine; Dipsaceae, containing fuller’s teasel (Dipsacus fullonum), whose rigid chaff hooked at the end is used for carding woolen cloth, and scabious (Scabiosa maritima) frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes; and Caprifoliaceae. Families of Rubiales Herbs or shrubs; flowers regular; leaves with stipules. Rubiaceae. Herbs or shrubs; flowers regular or irregular; leaves without stipules. Caprifoliaceae. Fig. 431. Teasel (Dipsacus sylves- tris). A common American weed al- lied to Fuller’s Teasel. (Millspaugh- Selby). RuBIACEAE B. Juss. Madder Family. Herbs, shrubs or trees, with simple opposite leaves connected by stipules, or the leaves sometimes in whorls without stipules; calyx tube adnate to the ovary; flowers regular and perfect, often dimorphic; corolla funnel-shaped, club-shaped, bell-shaped or rotate, 4-5 lobed; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them; pistil with a simple or lobed style; ovary 1-10 celled; ovules one to many in a large cell; fruit various, capsule, berry or drupe; seeds small or large, the coat thin or hard; endosperm fleshy or horny. A large order, chiefly tropical, consisting of about 350 genera and 5000 species. Only a few of them found in northern United States. Some species are abundant in southern United States, a few being weedy. Cinchona or Peruvian Bark, from which quinine is derived, is found in several species of the genus Cinchona, a tree with evergreen leaves. Quinine is derived chiefly from Chincona officinalis, which is a native of South America; C. lancifolia is native to Peru. The Cinchona is now, however, extensively cultivated in India. Its use in fevers has been recognized since its earliest introduction from the wild plants gathered in the Andes Mountains by the Indians. The Red cinchona is obtained from C. succirubra and Calisaya bark from C. Ledgeriana. 742 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Cinchona contains a large number of alkaloids of which the following are more important: Cinchonin, C,,H,,N,O, quinamin, C,,H,,N,O,, quinin, Ci Ft NO: hydroquinin, C, Hg N.Oe aricin, C, eNO Another alka- loid belonging to this group is disinchomn, C,,H,,N,O,. Javanin, Ci stlsgN Os occurs in Calisaya bark. The Cuprea bark (Remijia pedunculata) from the U.S. of Colombia is also used in the manufacture of quinine and contains cinchonanin, C,,H,,N,O. The partridge berry (Mitchella repens) is a tonic. Gambier (Uncaria) of the East Indies is used for tanning. The root of ipecac (Psychotria Ipecacuanha) of Brazil is a systemic emetic used as a remedy in dysentery and contains emetin, C,.H,,N,O; and cephaélin, C,,H,,NO,. Madder (Rubia tinctorum) of the Levant and Southern Europe is used for dyeing and contains a red coloring matter, alizarin, The Morinda citrifolia contains a yellow coloring principle morindin. The cape jasmine’ (Gardenia jasminoides) also contains a yellow coloring resembling crocin. Coffee obtained from the Coffea arabica and other species, contains the chemical principle caffein C,H,,N,O,. This is the same as thein. This sub- stance occurs in a large number of plants including cocoa (Theobroma Cacao), cola (Cola acuminata), yopan (Ilex Cassine), maté (I. paraguensis), Sterculia platanifolia, Paullinia Cupana. Green seeds of Coffee arabica contain 1.22 per cent of caffein or thein C,H,,N,O,, the young leaves of Chinese tea 2.12 per cent. Caffeidin C,H,,N,O is obtained from caffein. Caffein causes the heart to beat more Fig. 432. Cinchona (Chinchona lancifolia). A native of Peru and one of the species furnishing the Peruvian bark of commerce. (From Stras- burger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper). forcibly; it is a cerebral stimulant, producing wakefulness and restlessness; in lower animals it produces excitement and mania. From a toxicological point it is a spinal and muscle poison to the frog. In dogs and mammals it causes restlessness, and in dogs it produces vomiting. The minimum fatal dose ac- cording to Winslow is 1 gr. to 1 Ib. of live weight. Fig. 433. Coffee-plant (Coffea arabica). Fruiting branch. Furnishing the cof- fee berry of commerce. (After Faguet). , Fig. 434. Coffee-plant (Coffea arabica). 1, Flower- ing branch. 2, Fruit. 3, Transverse section of fruit. 4. Seeds. (After Wossidlo). 744 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS The coffee plant is a small evergreen tree native to the tropical mountain districts of Africa but now cultivated in all warm countries. It was introduced into Arabia early in the 15th century or perhaps earlier. Brazil supplies a large amount of coffee. Large amounts of coffee also come from Ceylon, Java and the Celebes. It is also grown in Puerto Rico and Cuba. Its first introduction is said to have occurred in the middle of the 16th century. The Mocha coffee comes from southwestern Arabia. The sweet-scented bedstraw (Galium triflorum) is used in making an aro- matic drink, especially in German communities in this country. It contains coumarin. In Europe the sweet woodruff (Asperula odorata) is used like _G. triflorum and when added to wine, the drink is known as “Mai-trunk.” Cephalanthus l. Button Bush Shrubs or small trees; leaves opposite or verticillate; flowers in spherical peduncled heads, white or yellow; calyx tube obpyramidal with 4 obtuse lobes; corolla tubular 4toothed; stamens 4, inserted on the throat of the corolla; ovary 2-celled ,ovules solitary in each cavity; style thread-like, stigma capitate; fruit dry obpyramidal 1-2 seeded. About 7 species native to America and Asia. Cephalanthus occidentalis L. Button Bush A shrub or small tree; leaves petioled ovate or lanceolate-oblong pointed, opposite or whorled with small petioles; flowers borne in globular head; sessile white; style longer than the corolla. Distribution. In swamps and low grounds from Canada to Minnesota, Texas and Florida. Poisonous properties. The leaves contain a poisonous, bitter glucoside cephalanthin C,,H,,O,. It has been used in medicine on account of its bitter properties. CAPRIFOLIACEAE Vent. Honeysuckle Family. Shrubs, trees or vines, or rarely herbs, with opposite leaves; stipules absent or present; flowers perfect, mostly cymose; calyx adnate to the ovary, 3-5 toothed or 3-5 lobed; the gamopetalous corolla with a 5-lobed limb or 2- lipped; stamens 4-5, inserted on the tube of the corolla and alternate with its lobes; ovary 2-5 celled; style slender; stigma capitate; fruit a berry, drupe or pod; seeds with a membranous or hard coat. About 275 species. Generally found in the northern hemisphere. The plants of this order are of small economic importance. Several are used in medicine, as the feverwort (Triosteum perfoliatum). Many members of the order are used for ornamental purposes. The most important are members of the genus Lonicera. Of the native species, the trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is widely cultivated, also Sul- livant’s honeysuckle (ZL. Sullivantii), Fraser’s honeysuckle, (L. flava), and the western honeysuckle (L. involucrata). Some of the Loniceras are pos- sibly poisonous. Of the European and Asiatic species, the L, tatarica, L. japonica, L. fragrantissina and L, Periclymenum are cultivated. The elders (Sambucus canadensis and SS. racemosa) are likewise cultivated in the North. The former is often weedy. Several species of the snowberries, like the wolf- berry (Symphoricarpos occidentalis) and the snowberry proper (.S, racemosus) are native to the northern states. The Indian currant (S. orbiculatus) is some- times weedy in Jowa and Missouri. Suckers used in Arkansas for making CAPRIFOLIACEAE — HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY 745 baskets. The Linnaea borealis or twin-flower is native in the cool damp woods of the North. Several of the viburnums are cultivated. The hobblebush (V. alnifolium), a native from Ontario and southward, is frequently cultivated in the East. The cranberry-tree or guelder rose (V. Opulus) found along streams from New Brunswick to northeastern Iowa, is cultivated both in its native and cul- tivated forms. ‘The well-known snowball is a cultivated form of the cran- berry tree. The fruit of this plant is used in the North. The root of horse gentian (Triosteum perfoliatum) has a bitter taste and is used as a cathartic. The flowers of the elder berry (Sambucus-canadensis) are sudorific. The bark of Viburnum prunifolium, the black haw, is officinal, an antispasmodic, nervine and an astringent. It is also used as an uterine sedative, contains viburnin, oxalic acid; tannic acid, etc. The bark of V. Opulus is said to be antispasmodic. Xylostein occurs in Lonicera Xylosteum. According to Greshoff the leaf of Viburnum macrophyllum and of Symphoricarpos mollis contain saponin. Genera of Caprifoliaceae Blowers: in) compound, cymes’; corolla relates a...) se be Nan eue ke Sambucus Flowers not in cymes, tubular to campanulate. Brect; perennial ner bss i). vcs Gadi ite Qard Crees ees EA nate ee a eae Triosteum. PPPS FURY R P07 ies foc tb wien dk i LG gs Wg HR vn EI OU a Symphoricarpos. Triosteum 1, Worse Gentian. Feverwort Coarse hairy perennial herbs with simple stems; leaves connate perfoliate or sessile; flowers axillary perfect sessile; calyx tube ovoid with a 5-lobed limb, persistent; corolla tubular, gibbous at the base, 5-lobed; stamens 5, anthers linear; ovary 3-5 celled; ovule 1 in each cavity; style filiform; fruit a dry drupe orange or red, enclosing 2-3 or rarely more 1 seeded nutlets, embryo minute. Triosteum perfoliatum L. Feverwort. Wild Coffee A soft hairy perennial 2-4 feet high; leaves oval, abruptly narrowed below, downy beneath; flowers brownish purple, clustered; corolla purplish; fruit orange in color. Distribution. In rich woods New York to Minnesota, Kansas and Alabama. Poisonous properties. Some species of the genus were used by the Indians as a cure of fevers and early practitioners in this country used the root as an emetic. In early days, the berries of this plant were used as a substitute for coffee. The physiological action of the plant is to produce vomiting. It has a bitter nauseous taste. Sambucus (Tourn.) L. Elder Shrubs, trees or occasionally herbs; leaves opposite, pinnate; flowers small in compound cymes; calyx-lobes minute or obsolete; corolla rotate or somewhat campanulate, regular with a 5-cleft wing; stamens 5, inserted at the base of the corolla; stigmas 3; ovary 3-5-celled; ovules 1 in each cavity; fruit a berry- like drupe with 3-5 1-seeded nutlets; endosperm fleshy. About 20 species of wide distribution. Sambucus canadensis 1, Common Elder A shrub from 5-10 feet high, wood with large lenticels and large pith; leaflets 5-11 ovate or oval acuminate or acute, short stalked, smooth above, sharply serrate; flowers white. 746 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. From Canada to Manitoba, Kansas, Texas to Florida. Poisonous properties. In regard to the poisonous properties Dr. Rusby says: The common black elder or Sambucus canadensis L., a plant very common throughout the entire eastern and central United States, and represented by other species, apparently with similar properties, upon the Pacific Coast and in the old world, has dangerous properties which have remained unrecognized, or, to say the least, very obscure, to the present time. Of the last mentioned, Dr. Robert Christian reports in the Edinburgh Med- ical and Surgical Journal, 1830, page 73, as follows: Two boys in the vicinity of Edinburg encountered a clump of the S. Ebulus, and one of them ate freely of the flowers, the other of the leaves. The boy who had eaten the leaves was attacked with enteritis, the abdomen at length becoming so sore that it could scarcely be touched. There was continuous vomiting, the matter containing blood. Odbstinate constipation ,existed throughout. The boy was saved by vigorous treatment. The one who had eaten the flowers suffered considerably, and for a considerable time, from vertigo with some headache, but the symptoms were not very serious. Dr. Christian observed that both the berries and the flowers were known to kill fowls which fed upon them and that when berries were freely eaten they often caused giddiness. He also quotes a report of a case of a woman who dressed the shoots with vinegar and ate them as a salad, and who was promptly seized with violent purging, forty times in two days, coma resulting on the third day. Of our own species, S. canadensis, Dr. Johnson states that the bark and the root are actively cathartic and hydragogue when freely used.. There is little doubt that he refers in this instance to the bark and the root in the green condition, since it is well-known that the properties become much less active upon drying and keeping. Our most direct evidence bearing upon the poisonous character of the elder-berry root rests upon a case which occurred in the spring of 1894, at the Institution of Mercy, a Roman Catholic institution for children at Tarrytown, on the Hudson, and which attracted a great deal of attention at the time in the public press. The grounds of this institution were com- paratively new, and ditching and fencing were still in progress at the time stated. A workman in digging a drain, uncovered a large number of roots to which the children took a fancy and which they began eating. Within a very few minutes, and while still engaged in eating, a large number of the boys were seized with convulsions and several of them died. One of them had the remainder of the root, the marks of his teeth upon it, still clutched in his hand after death. ‘The symptoms correspond in most features to those of the Cicuta poisoning above described and to that agent the accident was ascribed in the public press. Several months later I visited the institution in company with Mr. Frederick V. Coville, the botanist of the United States Department of Agriculture and Prof. Edward L. Greene, Professor of Botany, in the Catholic University at Washington. At this time, and subsequently through corre- spondence, a pretty thorough investigation of the case was made. We found that it was not a locality where Cicuta would be apt to grow and no evidence existed that any had grown there. Three poisonous plants grew upon the spot, viz., the locust, poke-berry and elder. ‘The work man who had dug the drain, the surviving boys and the Sisters in attendance were positive that it was the elder root which had occasioned the poisoning. ‘They did not know the name of the plant, and had accepted the statements of the papers that it was Cicuta; but they pos- itively identified it by its appearance and by the young purple shoots and compound leaves which they had observed carefully while still attached to the pieces of root which had been taken from the hands of the boys poisoned. ‘Their story was so clear, connected and positive that it was difficult to doubt that the elder root was the poisoning agent. Furthermore the locust would not have produced the symptoms that were observed. and the poke should have at once beer distinguished by even a casual observer. Nevertheless, since the root was described as “‘like a carrot or parsnip,’’ and since the symptoms in some respects resembled those of Pokeroot poisoning, the question cannot be regarded as settled beyond a doubt. In the case of so large a number of victims it is even possible that both of the roots were concerned. ‘The attending physician, Dr. Luke Fleming, does not believe that the poisoning was caused by Elder. The active constituent of the elder is not known farther than that a report has isolated coniin from the twigs and leaves of the related European species, S. nigra. This would, of course, explain the very similar symptoms to those of Cicuta poisoning. The chemistry of the plant is now receiving thorough investigation in the division of pharmacology in the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture. CAPRIFOLIACEAE — ELDER 747 In Part I attention was called to Treub’s theory in regard to the role of hydrocyanic acid in plants. Prof. Treub in a recent paper! reiterates his former conclusions that it performs some part in the products of assimilation, It was found that the amount of hydrocyanic acid in plants of Sorghum increases during the day because of its relation to the products of assimilation of carbon. It had previously been shown in the case of Pangium edule and Phaseolus lunatus that light plays no part in the formation of this substance, except as it favors photo- synthesis. The same results have now been obtained with Prunus javanica, Passiflora foetida, and some other plants. The results of the investigation with these plants show a direct proportion between the formulation of hydrocyanic acid and the function of the chlorophyll. The amount of acid is usually greatest in the young leaves and gradually diminishes as the leaves grow older. Leaves about to fall contain very little hydrocyanic acid. Sambucus nigra, according to Guignard is one of the exceptions to the rule, and Treub has also found this to be true for Indigofera galegoides. Hydrocyanic acid is probably the first recogniz- able product of the assimilation of nitrogen “and perhaps the first organic nitro- gen compound formed.” ‘The amounts of the acid in the plants could be increased and decreased in proportion to the amount of nitrate used. Ravenna and Peli think that the nitrates are necessary for the formation of the acid. Treub agrees with this and adds that dextrose is especially essential. The acid probably occurs in the form of a glucoside and is liberated by an enzyme or by boiling water. The investigations of Em. Bourquelot and Em. Danjon? with the glucosides found in various plants show that they are not identical. In Satmbucus nigra they find sambunigrin. They also studied the character of glucosides from which hydrocyanic acid is derived in S. racemosa and S. Ebulus. The flowers have long been used in domestic practice. The physiological action recorded for the drug by Dr. Millspaugh are as follows: Dr. Ubelacker’s experiments with from 20 to 50 drops of the tincture gave the following symptoms of physical disturbance: Drawing in the head, with anxious dread; flushed and blotched face; dryness and sensation of swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, and trachia; frequent and profuse flow of clear urine; heaviness and constriction of the chest; palpitation of the heart; pulse rose to 100, and remained until perspiration ensues; sharp, darting rheumatic pains in the hands and feet; exhaustion and profuse perspiration, which relieved all the symptoms. Prof. Hyams states that the young buds of the American elder are espe- cially poisonous. The European Sambucus nigra contains the alkaloid sambucin; according to Sanctis the same plant contains coniin. Sambunigrin has also been isolated and hydrocyanic acid is known to be present. Symphoricarpos (Dill.) Ludwig. Snowberry Low, branching shrubs; leaves oval, short petioled entire or wavy-toothed, downy underneath; flowers white tinged with purple; calyx-tube nearly globular, teeth short; corolla bell-shaped 4-5 lobed; stamens 4-5 inserted in corolla; ovary 4-celled, 2 with a fertile ovule; fruit a berry 4-celled and 2-seeded; embryo minute, About 10 species of North America. One species frequently cultivated for ornamental purposes. The wolf-berry (S. occidentalis) northward is com- 1 Nouvelles recherches. Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg. II. 8:84-118. 1910. See R. Catlin Rose, Bot. Gazette 50:156. 2 Soc. Biol. Paris. 7. July, 1905. 1. c. Oct. 9, 1905. Jour. de Pharm. et de Chimie, Aug. 16, and Sept. 1, 1905. Compt. rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, July 3, 1905. 748 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS mon in the Rocky Mountains and frequently cultivated. The snowberry (S. Yacemosus) is common in rocky woods, and abundant along river course from Minnesota to Arkansas and westward. Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench. Indian Currant. Coralberry A shrub 2-4 feet high, purplish, usually pubescent, branches; leaves oval or ovate entire or undulate, nearly glabrous above, pubescent underneath; flowers in short axillary clusters; corolla bell-shaped sparingly bearded, pinkish, stamens included; fruit a purplish berry. Distribution. Rocky woods and along streams; from New Jersey, Illinois, Southern Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska, Texas to Georgia. Poisonous properties. It is suspected of being poisonous, but there is no direct evidence to support this view. CAMPANULATAE Herbs or rarely shrubs; corolla gamopetalous; petals occasionally separate; stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla; anthers united; ovary inferior. It contains the families Cucurbitaceae, Candolleaceae (mostly Australian), and Compositae, this last order including Cichoriaceae, Compositae and Ambrost- aceae of some authors. Families of Campanulatae Herbs or rarely shrubs; flowers in an involucrate bead............ Compositae. Flowers not in involucrate heads. Flowers monoecious or dioecious, generally vines........... Cucurbitaceae. Plowers per rect ietts vac reece Soeeine eae wane eek be ete Ree eae Lobeliaceae. Fig. 435. Water melon (Citrullus vulgaris). (CW. S. Dudgeon). CAMPANULATAE 749 CucurBitacEAE B. Juss. Gourd Family Herbaceous vines, usually with tendrils; leaves alternate, petioled, palmately lobed or dissected; flowers dioecious, monoecious or rarely perfect; calyx tube adnate to the ovary, 5-lobed; petals usually 5, inserted on the limb of the calyx; stamens 1-3, 2 of them with 2-celled anthers, the other with a 1-celled anther; filaments short, frequently monadelphous; ovary 1-3-celled; stigmas 2 or 3; fruit indehiscent or rarely dehiscent; seeds flat in the large embryo, exal- buminous. About 650 species, mainly in tropical regions. A few of the species are medicinal. The squirting cucumber (Ecballium Elaterium) is a fleshy decum- bent herb used for making elaterium, a powerful hydragogue cathartic and an irritant poison. Its poisonous nature was known to Pliny. It contains elaterin, C,,H,,0,- &. officinale contains prophetin, another glucoside. The colocynth (Citrullus Colocynthis) a slender scabrous plant with perennial roots, is native to the dry regions of the Old World, Palestine and North Africa. Its gourd is about the size of an orange and used as a purgative, while the seeds are roasted and boiled and used as food by some of the tribes of the Saharah. Tea made from this fruit is used by the people of the Nile to smear their water bags to prevent camels from cutting them. It contains colocynthin, Fig. 436. Bryony (Bryonia dioica). A a branch with flowers; b, female flowers; c, male flowers; d, stamens; e, fruits; f, section of fruit. (After Strasburger, Noll, Schenck and Schimper). 750 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS C.,H,,,O,,- The plant is intensely bitter. The towel or sponge gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca), a native of Egypt, produces a fruit one foot or more long, filled with a spongy fiber, which when the outer part is removed is used to rub the skin, and for many other domestic purposes. The fruits of many plants of the family are economic. The nara (Acanthosicyos horrida) in Southern Angola is used as food and has medicinal virtues. The chayote (Sechium edule) is cultivated in the West Indies for its fruit. The green and ripe fruit Fig. 437. Colocynth (Citrudlus colocynithis). An intensely bitter plant of economic importance. (Af- ter Faguet). of the cucumber (Cucumis sativus) native to India, has long been used for food, especially for pickles, and the West Indian gherkin (C. Anguria) is also cultivated for the same purpose. According to Greshoff the foliage of Cu- cumis inetuliferus contains saponin. He also states that he found saponin in the seeds of Lagenaria vulgaris, and Cucurbita maxima. The C. myriocarpus contains the toxic alkaloid myriocarpin. ‘The musk melon (Cucumis Melo), a native to British India, is now widely cultivated. Sugar and nutmeg melons are well known everywhere in North America. The water melon (Citrullus vulgaris), native to tropical Africa, where large areas of wild plants occur, has long been cultivated in Mediterranean countries, and is well known every- where in North and South America. The citron is a form of the water melon. The common pumpkin (Cucurbita Pepo) is native to southwestern North America, Arizona and Mexico. It is used for stock food and for culinary pur- poses. The nest-egg gourd, bush scalloped squash, crookneck squash and com- mon pumpkin are all from the same species. The seeds of pumpkin and squash are used in North Africa and Egypt much as peanuts are in this country and have taenifuge properties. The winter squash (C. maxima) is probably also of CUCURBITACEAE — GOURD FAMILY 751 pisap bere Gras. Fig. 439. Pistillate flower of cu- cumber (Cucumis). a, sepal; b, Fig. 438. Muskmelon (Cucumis Melo). petal; c, pistil; d, stigma; e, style; Rape of a plant of the common melon. f, ovary. (Pieters, U. S. Dept. (W. S$. Dudgeon). Agr.). American origin. The hubbard squash is a well known representative of the species and is used in various food preparations. Other species like cushaw (C. moschata) are also cultivated. The Missouri gourd (C. foetidissima), with a large root, sometimes a foot in diameter, occurs from Nebraska to Texas. The wild cucumber or wild balsam apple (Echinocystis lobata) is frequently ased as a climber and is sometimes weedy. The star cucumber (Sicyos an- gulatus) is used in a similar way. The cocoon antidote, (Fevillea cordifolia), a native of Jamaica, has seeds which are used as a cure for snake bites and as an antidote against Entada scandens. They also contain an oil. The seeds of Tefaria pedata, a native of the East coast of Africa and Zanzibar, contain an excellent oil. The bryony of Europe (Bryonia dioica) is a climbing plant pro- ducing a pretty colored fruit. It is a drastic purgative and is poisonous. It contains the alkaloid bryonicin C,,H,,NO,, and the root of Bryonia alba con- tains the glucoside bryonin C,,H,,O,,. Dr. Halsted states that a friend of his has been repeatedly poisoned by handling the star cucumber (Sicyos angu- lata). Friedberger and Frohner state that poisoning has occurred from Cucur- bita Pepo, causing symptoms of dullness and in some cases the animals showed excitement. Major Kirtikar says that the pulp of a cucurbitaceous plant of India, Trichosanthes palmata, a perennial herb, is used in India to poison cattle, and that the 7. cucumerina also of that country is an emetic and a drastic pur- gative. Echinocystis macrocarpa, according to Trimble and Sayre contains a glucoside. The marimbo or dipper gourd (Lagenaria vulgaris) yields gourds which are edible when small. LoBELIACEAE. Lobelia Family Herbs with acrid milky juice; leaves alternate; flowers perfect, irregular, 5-lobed; gamopetalous corolla; stamens 5, free from the corolla, united into a tube; stamens monadelphous and syngenesious; flowers proterandrous, the stigma of the single style often fringed with hairs; fruit a capsule with numer- ous small seeds; embryo minute and straight. 752 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS About 600 species of wide distribution, comparatively few in northern United States. Some of the tropical species shrubby. Several species are medicinal, among them Indian tobacco (Lobelia inflata). The Lobelia erinus of the Cape of Good Hope is frequently cultivated in the conservatories and in gardens. It has small azure blue flowers. It has escaped on the Pacific Coast. Lobelia (Plummer) L. Lobelia Herbs or occasionally shrubs with alternate or radical leaves; flowers racemose or spicate; calyx 5-cleft with a short tube; corolla irregular, with a straight tube split down on one side, the upper lip of 2 erect lobes, the lower lip spreading and 3 cleft; stamens 5, free from the corolla tube, monadelphous ; two of the anthers or all of them bearded at the top; ovary 2-celled; fruit a 2-celled pod, many-seeded. About 200 species, of wide distribution. Some 25 species native to the United States. Lobelia inflata l.. Indian tobacco A pubescent or hirsute, much branched annual from 1-2 feet high; leaves dentate or denticulate, the lower larger, the upper small, bract-like, but longer than the pedicels of the flower; flowers pale blue; calyx tube ovoid; capsule ovoid, inflated. Distribution. In fields, especially clay soils, from Labrador to Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa to Northwest Territory. Poisonous properties. It is used medicinally for laryngitis and spasmodic asthma. In full doses it produces nausea, vomiting and great prostration; in overdoses it produces prostration, stupor, coma, convulsions and death. We quote from Dr. Millspaugh in regard to poisoning: Thanks to much reckless prescribing by many so-called Botanic physicians, and to mur- derous intent; as well as to experimentation and careful provings, the action of this drug is pretty thoroughly known. Lobelia in large doses is a decided narcotic poison, producing ef- fects on animals generally, bearing great similitude to somewhat smaller doses of tobacco- and lobelina in like manner to nicotia. Its principal sphere of action seems to be upon the pneu- mogastric nerve, and it is to the organs supplied by this nerve that its toxic symptoms are mainly due, and its “physiological” cures of pertussis, spasmodic asthma, croup and gastralgia gained. Its second action in importance is that of causing general muscular relaxation, and under this it records its cures of strangulated hernia (by enemata), tetanic spasms, convul- sions, hysteria, and mayhap, hydrophobia. Its third action is upon mucous surfaces and secre- tory glands, increasing their secretions. The prominent symptoms of its action are: great dejection, exhaustion, and mental depres- sion, even to insensibility and loss of consciousness; nausea and vertigo; contraction of the pupil; profuse clammy salivation; dryness and prickling in the throat; pressure in the cesophagus with a sensation of vermicular motion, most strongly, however, in the larynx and epigastrium; sensation as of a Iump in the throat; incessant and violent nausea, witn pain, heat, and op- pression of the respiratory tract; vomiting, followed by great prostration; violent and painful cardiac constriction; griping and drawing abdominal pains; increased urine, easily decomposing and depositing much uric acid; violent racking paroxysmal cough with ropy expectoration; small irregular slow pulse; general weakness and oppression, more marked in the thorax; vio- lent spasmodic pains, with paralytic feeling, especially in the left arm; weariness of the limbs, with cramps in the gastrocnemi; and sensation of chill and fever. Death is usually preceded by insensibility and convulsions. It contains lobelic acid, lobelacrin, inflatin and the alkaloid lobelin C,,H,,NO, has been isolated which according to Lloyd is a powerful emetic. Lobelia nicotianaefolia of India and L. purpurascens contain the same alkaloids. According to the late Baron Ferdinand von Miiller the L. Breynii of Australia and other species are poisonous. LOBELIACEAE — LOBELIA FAMILY —LOBELIA 753 Lobelia siphilitica L. Great Lobelia A somewhat hairy stout, perennial herb from 1-3 feet high; leaves thin, acute or acuminate at the apex, dentate or crenate-dentate, sessile or the lower petioled; flowers large, spicate, racemose, leafy bracts; calyx hirsute; corolla bright blue or occasionally white. Distribution. In moist soil near springs and in marshes from New Eng- land to South Dakota, Kansas, Louisiana and Georgia. Poisonous properties. It is suspected of being poisonous. Johnson in his manual says of the action of the species of Lobelia: In full doses lobelia produces severe nausea, obstinate vomiting, and great prostration. In overdoses the prostration becomes extreme, there is failure of voluntary motion, followed by stupor, coma, and not infrequently convulsions and death. Though formerly much used for emetic effect by empirics, dangerous effects were so often produced that it is now seldom employed in this manner. It is chiefly employed in spasmodic affections of the air-passages, as spasmodic laryngitis and spasmodic asthma. In the latter disease it often produces the hap- piest effects. The great lobelia is probably not as poisonous as L. inflata to which the above remarks chiefly apply. Lobelia cardinalis L. Cardinal-flower A tall smooth or slightly pubescent perennial 2-4 feet high; leaves thin, oblong, lanceolate, smooth or slightly pubescent, crenulate; flowers racemose, bright scarlet or red. : Distribution. In moist soil, usually alluvial bottoms, from New Brunswick to Manitoba, Kansas, Texas, to Florida. Poisonous properties. Reported as poisonous, Lobelia spicata Lam. Spiked Lobelia A perennial or biennial, smooth or pubescent herb; leaves smooth or min- utely pubescent; leaves thickish, the lower obovate or spatulate, the upper linear or club-shaped bracts, entire or dentate or crenulate; flowers in a racemose spike, pale blue; calyx tube short, obconical or nearly hemispherical. Distribution. Prairies or dry sandy soil. From Nova Scotia to Manitoba, Louisiana to North Carolina. Poisonous properties. Reported as poisonous. Compositag Adans. Thistle Family Herbs or rarely shrubs; flowers borne in a close head on the receptacle, surrounded by an involucre of a few or many bracts; anthers usually united into a tube, syngenesious, sometimes caudate; calyx adnate to the ovary; limb crowning the summit in the form of capillary or plumose bristles or chaff called the pappus; corolla tubular or strap-shaped, when tubular, usually 5-lobed; ligulate or bilabiate in one small division of the family; the flowers of a head may be all alike when they are called homogamous; or of two kinds, heter- ogamous; bracts or scales on the receptacle are often present; flowers inside of the rays are disk flowers and a flower without rays is said to be discoid; stamens 5 or rarely 4; style 2-cleft at the apex or in sterile flowers usually entire; fruit a dry, indehiscent achenium containing a single seed without endosperm. A large family consisting of 840 genera and 13,000 species, found in all parts of the world. This is the largest order of flowering plants. Sometimes it is divided into the families Cichoriaceae, Ambrosiaceae and Compositae, A few of the plants of the family are medicinal. Inulin is obtained from NI ul MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS MY, ll be. Ht 2 Ex ai ¢ TY, 4 GeO Wenge Zz SY io »Y2 re ARAL) WER AN A lig. 439a. Illustrating structure of Compositae. ‘Thistle (Cirsium altissimum). 1, head; 2, leaf; 3, outer bracts of head; 4, inner bracts; 5, single flower; a, achene; b, pappus; c, tubu- lar corolla with 5 lobes; d, anthers; e, style. 6, style enlarged with two stigmas and pollen grains on style; 7, syngenesious anthers cut lengthwise to show pollen grains and tailed appen- > dages; 8, single pollen grain. (Charlotte M. King). the Juula Helenium, native to Europe and occasionally naturalized in the north- ern states. It is a mild tonic and contains inulin C,H. (0, helenin and a volatile oil. The pellitory root (Anacyclus Pyrethrum) contains pyrethrin with a pungent taste, which, according to Dunstan, is apparently identical with piperovatin C,, H,,NO,, used for toothache; the flowers of Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) are used as a tonic and stomachic. However, German chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla) is sometimes substituted for the preceding and con- tains anthemidin and a deep-blue volatile oil. Santonica, a species of worm- wood, Artemisia Cina, contains santonin C,,H,,O,, and cinerol C,,H,,O,, is COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY 755 found in the volatile oil, an’anthelmintic. Artemisia maritima, A. pontica, A. Absuithium, A. biennis and A. Abrotanui are also used for the dislodgement of worms. The latter contains the alkaloid abrotanin C,,H,,H,O. Sage brush (Artemisia tridentata) and other species produce sneezing. Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) is a stimulant and tonic; the volatile oil produces cerebral disturbances and enters into the familiar composition of absinthe, made by the French, and contains absinthin C,,H,,O,. Arnica root (Arnica montana) native to arctic Asia and America, is used as a popular remedy for chilblains and bruises and contains the bitter principle arnicin C,, H,,0,. The tincture is liable to produce a form of dermatitis. | Dande- lion root (Taraxacum officinale) is used as a mild laxative and tonic and con- tains a bitter principle taravacin, and taraxacerin C,H,.O. Lactucarium, the milky juice from several species of the genus Lactuca occurs in lettuce, in which is also found Jaciucopicrin, a bitter acrid substance, and /actucol Cur ©, Colt’s foot (Tussilago Farfara), a bitter astringent containing much mucilage, is used for asthma. The costus (Saussurea Lappa) produces flowers with thistle-like heads and large roots, the latter of which are used as a perfume and an incense; according to Kraemer, it contains a ketone. The musk tree (Olearia argophylla) of Tasmania, whose leaves emit a musk-like odor, grows to a height of 20 feet and is often 1 foot in diameter. The wood takes a nice polish. Other trees of the order are found in the genus Senecio (Senecio Forsteri). ‘The genus Baccharis, found along the sea coast, is shrubby. The B. cordifolia contains baccharin, an alkaloid poisonous to sheep. It is the Mio Mio of South America. The button snake root (Liatris spicata) has been used as a remedy for snake bites, but it probably contains no antidotal properties whatever. Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) and other species much used in domestic medicines for colds, and in large doses are emetic. They are tonics, emetics, cathartics, and diaphoretics containing the bitter glucoside eupatorin. Horseweed (Eri- geron canadensis) and other species are, used as tonics and astringents. Golden-rod (Solidago odora) issased to relieve colic, and gumweed (Grin- delia squarrosa) is beneficial ingtarrhal affections. It is said to contain an alkaloid known as grindelin. _Madia oil is obtained from tarweed (Madia sativa). The niger seed, the fruit of Guizotia abyssinica, is an important source of oil in Abyssinia and India. The root of the burdock (Arctium Lappa), used by the laity as a remedy in skin diseases, contains a bitter glucoside, lappin. Chicory (Cichorium Intybus) is used to increase the appetite and to aid digestion. Rattlesnake weed (Hiera- cium venosum) is a popular antidote to the bites of poisonous snakes. Rattle- snake root (Prenanthes alba) is used as a remedy for toothache. The ragweeds (Ambrosia artemisiifolia and A. trifida) are stimulants and astringents, the larger weed being also supposed to cause hay fever. Dunbar has demonstrated that the producing cause of hay fever may be pollen, and that pollen of all grasses, lillies of the valley, asters, and certain other plants may produce an irritation similar to that accompanying hay fever. He isolated an active principle which is believed to be a tox-albumin. A very interesting account of his experiments is given by Rochussen in the twenty-sixth volume of the Pharmaceutical Review. According to Maiden, the Helichrysum apiculatum of Australia causes death from irritation and from the formation of hair balls. The African mari- 756 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS gold is poisonous to stock and the may weed (Anthemis Cotula), when applied to the surface, causes vesication. ‘The European prickly lettuce (Lactuce virosa) contains a bitter principle, hyoscyamin; the prepared milky juice is called Lactucarium. It is listed as poisonous by Lehmann; a small amount of hyoscyamin also occurs in the cultivated lettuce. The seeds of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus) are said to be diuretic. The oil cake from these seeds is used as stock food. Sneeze weed (Helenium autwmnale) is used by the Indians to produce sneezing; a decoction made from it is used as a tonic. The mayweed (Anthemis Cotula) acts like chamomile, and is used as a tonic and stimulant in colic; when applied to the skin, it causes vesication. Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium), a stimulant and tonic, con- tains achillein, C,,H,,.N,O,,. The oil of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is used as an abortifacient, in many cases with fatal results. It contains the substance thujone, found in Thuja occidentalis. This has commonly been called tanacetin CEnOy and is identical with absinthol obtained from absinthium, and with salviol from salvia. The Cnicus benedictus contains cnicin C,,H,,0,,. Of the many cultivated plants of this order used for ornamental purposes, the best known in the northern states are probably the bachelor’s button (Cen- taurea Cyanus), a native of Europe, ageratum (Ageratum conyzoides), Chi- nese aster (Callistephus hortensis), garden daisy (Bellis perennis), and dahlia (Dahlia variabilis), native to Mexico, running into many varieties. The last named produces thickened roots, that contain a great deal of inulin, C,H,,O,- Among the species of the order which are common in the gardens are the zinnia (Zinnia elegans), golden glow (Rudbeckia laciniata), sunflower (Helianthus an- nuus), coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria), gaillardia (Gaillardia pulchella), dusty miller or cineraria (Senecio Cineraria), common cineraria (S. cruentus) from the Teneriffe, and the purple ragwort (S. elegans) from the Cape of Good Hope, yarrow (Achillea Ptarmica), whiteweed (Chrysanthemum Parthenium), several species of the genus chrysanthemum from Japan (C. sinense and C. indicum), Marguerite (C. frutescens) and summer chrysanthemum (C. coro- nariunt), marigold (Tagetes erecta), the pot marigold (Calendula. officinalis), cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) of Mexico. The marigold (Calendula officinalis) cultivated in country gardens contains calendulin C,H,,O,. Of the economic plants, the following are the more important: the culti- vated lettuce (Lactuca sativa), probably native to Asia, slightly narcotic, comprising many varieties; the safflower or saffron (Carthamus tinctorius), native to Egypt, used for dyeing; marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis) sometimes used as an adulterant for saffron; wormwood (Artemisia Absinth- ium), used for making absinthe; tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus) used as a pot-herb and in making vinegar, a native of Asia, but cultivated now in Hol- land and England; the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), with thick- ened roots, cultivated as food for hogs and stock, native to North America; the great sunflower (Helianthus annuus), the seeds of which are eaten in Russia, and from which an oil is obtained; the chicory (Cichorum Intybus) ; the bur- dock (Arctium minus), cultivated for its thick root which is sometimes dried and mixed with coffee and also used as a forage plant; the endive (Cichorum endivia) cultivated as a winter salad plant; the cardoon (Cynara Cardunculus), also known as the European artichoke, used as a vegetable, the thickened scales being used as food; salsify (Tragopogon porrifolius) a vegetable, and the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) used like lettuce. COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY LOT The Compositae are divided into two sub-families: the Tubuliflorae with corolla tubular in all the perfect flowers, 5-lobed, rarely 3-4-lobed, ligulate only in the marginal flowers, called the ray flowers, which are absent in some species ; the Liguliflorae with corolla ligulate in all the flowers of the head and all the flowers perfect; herbs with milky juices and alternate leaves: The former con- tains the tribes Vernonieae, with the large genus Vernonia of 450 species mostly of the tropics; the Eupatorieae, containing Eupatorium; “Astereae, containing Solidago, Aster, Erigeron, Grindelia, Bigelovia; Inuleae, containing Inula, An- tennaria;*Heliantheae, containing Silphium, Parthenium, Helianthus, Bidens, Coreopsis; the Helenieae with Helenium, Actinella; the Anthemideae with Anthemis, Achillea, Tanacetum; the “Senecioneae with Senecio, Tussilago; the *Cynareae with Arctium, Cnicus, Cirsium and Centaurea. The Liguliflorae con- tain but one tribe, the Cichorieae, which contains the genera Taraxacum, Cichor- ium, Lactuca, Hieracium, Sonchus and Scorzonera. Genera of Compositae , Corolla ligulate in all of the flowers of the head; flowers perfect. LIGULIFLORAE CICHORIEAE, IPI ES PHONE Co ee dr tel ee eine Uwe hy ek eres eleva rein ee Oe ents 1. Cichorium Pappus composed of capillary bristles. Blowers yellow, achenes not “beakkeds.. 2.6. 62.2 bf ke. oe ae 2. Sonchus Flowers yellow, purplish or cream colored. PECHEMES) PEAKE Ven sere ee cree Ce elacha cherete » ata eieterateie seel atone ac 3. Lactuca wehenes tot Deaked. irs HAO aha e oe cools oa sence aaiels 4. Lygodesmia Corolla tubular in perfect flowers, 5 or rarely 3 or 4-lobed; lingulate only in the marginal flowers. TUBULIFLORAE. Stamens distinct or nearly so. AMBROSIEAE. Staminate and pistillate flowers in the same head.................... 5. Iva Staminate and pistillate flowers in a separate head. Involucre of pistillate heads with several tubercles....... 6. Ambrosia Invdlucral bracts of pistillate flowers forming a bur...... 7. Xanthium Stamens generally united by their anthers into a tube around the style. Anthers not tailed. Style branches thickened upward, papillose. EUPATORIEAE. Achenes 3-5 angled, flowers discoid................ 8. Eupatorium Achenes 8-10, ribbed or striate. Bracts of involucre in several series................ 9. . Liatris Bracts of involucre in 2 or 3 series..... REE rave iy Bathe 10. Trilisa Style branches of perfect flowers flattened with terminal ap- pendages. ASTEREAE. Ray flowers yellow. Pappus. Gf scales Of sawils) 02) u.)6o6 chistes eee 11. Grindelia Pappus of numerous capillary bristles........ 12. Solidago Ray flowers not yellow, bracts nearly equal...... 14. Erigeron Bracts in several unequal series................. 13. Aster Style branches truncate or hairy appendaged. HELIANTHEAE. Pappus wanting or minute crowm.......¢)...0ec.0ce 15. Rudbeckia Pappus of 2 persistent downwardly barbed awns or tubes.......... atte Na) ctesatatehs Sebeeiaee vraiep athe, Bhatonsifei ies ok eval he nely ere Ml vty a al ON ye eR 758 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Style branches truncate or with hairy tips. HELENIEAE. Bracts of the involucre spreading. Receptacle naked; bracts of involucre spreading or reflexed at MATELY sae Skies eee RL ee een ae 17. Helenium Bracts. of the involuere suited 2 ehe sete tiem cet 18. Dysodia Style branches mostly truncate with brush hairs on the tip. ANTHEMIDEAE. Pappus of short scales or a crown. Scales of involucre scarious and imbricated, Receptacle chaffy. Heads small; involucre obovoid or campanulate; achenes flattene ds tiie Gian ee Ree ete eh Rie 19. Achillea Heads large; achenes terete................20. Anthemis Heads solitary or corymbose. ; Receptacles not chaffy. Ray flowers usually present, conspicuous................- NL he IM Ie SE Oe tO Cecchi gy Ct Ray: flowers) INcOnspienols..:. 2):).-|sukeeene = 22. Tanacetum Heads small spicate or racemose paniculate.23. Artemisia Style branches truncate or triangular with brush hairs. Heads radiate or discoid. Pappus of capillary bristles. SENECIONIDEAE. Heads showy, leaves opposite............+.000% 24. Arnica Heads usually showy, leaves alternate........ 25. Senecio Style branches short or united, anthers caudate. CyYNAREAE AChenes bast fixed sid a/c! aisleyn nidlin's!s! Wie od seo AeUle oe 0h oe le A Involucral bracts pointed or prickly. Receptacle densely ‘bristly. i). )5 00g ts. ets oe tee Receptacle honey-combed................e0+:++0-29 wollyDum Achenes attached laterally. Pappiusor ishortuscales. 4 poe cclasnic aie aires 28. Centaurea LIGULIFLORAE Herbs with milky juice. Corolla ligulate in all of the flowers of the head, and all of the flowers perfect. 1. Cichorium (Tourn.) L. Chicory Irect branching perennial or biennial herbs with alternate leaves; involucre of two series of herbaceous bracts, the inner of 9-10 scales, the outer of 5 short spreading scales; receptacle flat, naked or slightly fimbriate; flowers bright blue, purple or pink; rays 5-toothed; Achenes striate; pappus of numerous small chaffy scales forming a crown. ; About 8 species of the old world. Cichorium Intybus I, Chicory or Succory A branching perennial with deep roots and alternate leaves; basal leaves spreading on the ground; stem leaves oblong or lanceolate, partly clasping. Distribution. Common along roadsides and in fields and waste places from New England to Canada and Nebraska, especially where chicory has been culti- vated. It has become a troublesome weed in Wisconsin and Minnesota. It is allied to endive (Chicorium Endivia), cultivated as a salad plant, | . | | . | ~~. ee COMPOSITAE — LIGULIFLORAE — CHICORY 7s Poisonous properties. When fed in large quantities it imparts a bitter flavor to milk and butter. It contains the bitter glucoside chicorin CH Owe Chicory root is used as an adulterant of coffee. Fig. 439b. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale). 1, Single head during flowering, single head after flowering. 2, Single flower with corolla stamens and style. 3, Achenium. 4, Recep- tacle and single achenium. (After Strasburger, Noll Schenck and Schimper). 2. Sonchus (Tourn.) L. Sow Thistle Annual or perennial herbs with alternate, mostly auriculate-clasping, entire dentate, lobed, or pinnatifid leaves with soft prickly margins; flower heads in corymbose or paniculate clusters; involucre bell-shaped; scales imbricated in several rows; receptacle flat and naked; achenes oblong, more or less flattened ; 10-20-ribbed; pappus of soft white capillary bristles. About 45 species of the old world. Sonchus oleraceus 1, Annual Sow-thistle Annual or perennial succulent herbs with leafy stems, smooth and glau- cous with corymbed or umbellate heads of yellow flowers. Stem leaves dentate, runcinate-pinnatifid, terminal segments large and triangular; heads numerous; flowers pale yellow, occurring in summer and fall. Distribution. Common in fields and waste places throughout North Amer- ica, except far northward. Also from Mexico to South America. Sonchus arvensis l. Field Sow-thistle A glabrous perennial, producing deep creeping root-stock, stem leafy, branched, basal leaves runcinate-pinnatifid, spiny-toothed, clasping by a heart- shaped base; flowers yellow; achenes transversely wrinkled. 760 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Fig. 439c. Chicory (Chicorium Intybus). a, part of plant with several heads; b, single head side view; c, single flower with strap shaped corolla; d, achenium with small chaffy scales. (U. S. Dept. Agrl.) Distribution. Common in eastern states, Canada (Manitoba) and occasion- ally in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Utah. Poisonous properties. The plants are more or less bitter and not liked by — cattle. Their milky juice probably contains some active principle. 3. Lactuca (Tourn.) L. Lettuce | Tall, leafy-stemmed herbs with milky juice and alternate leaves; flowers white, yellow or blue, in panicled heads; involucre cylindrical, bracts imbricated in two or more series; receptacle flat, naked; anthers sagittate at the base; achenes oval, oblong or linear, abruptly contracted into a beak, dilated at the apex, bearing a soft white capillary or brown pappus. About 90 species, natives of the northern hemisphere. Garden lettuce (1. | sativa), native to Europe, is cultivated, Lactuca Scariola . Prickly Lettuce Tall, erect herbs, annual or winter annual, 2-6 feet high, simple or branched except the lower part of the stem which has stiff bristles; leaves glaucous, ~ green, smooth except the midrib which is beset with weak prickles; lanceolate — COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY—LETTUCE 761 to oblong in outline with spinulose, denticular margins occasionally sinuate toothed, sometimes pinnatifid; base sagittate clasping; leaves becoming vertical by a twist; the leaves are not twisted in shady situations; flowers in small open panicled heads; each head has from 4-18 yellow flowers; achenes flat, striate nerved, obovate, oblong, produced in long filiform beak which is paler in color then the achene; pappus consists of delicate white bristles arising at the end of the beak. Distribution. Prickly lettuce is a native of temperate and southern Europe, Canary Islands, Maderia, Algeria, Abyssinia, and the temperate regions of eastern Asia. It was introduced into North America about 1863. Fig. 440. Prickly Lettuce (Lac- tuca Scariola). After Fitch, Lactuca canadensis I, Wild Lettuce A tall, leafy, smooth or occasionally somewhat hairy biennial 4-9 feet high; leaves 6-12 inches long; stem leaves sessile or auriculate clasping, the upper leaves smaller, lanceolate acuminate and entire; heads with about 20 flowers in spreading panicles; involucre cylindrical; rays yellow; achene somewhat longer than the beak. Distribution. In moist places, borders of thickets and in fields from Nova Scotia to Manitoba, south to Arkansas, Louisiana and Georgia. Lactuca pulchella (Pursh.) D, C. Blue Lettuce A glabrous perennial, with milky juice, simple stem from 1-2 feet high, sessile, oblong or linear lanceolate entire leaves the lower runcinate-pinnatifid ; heads corymbose paniculate, peduncles with scaly bracts; scales of the involucre imbricated in 3 or 4 ranks; flowers blue; achenes oblong lanceolate, somewhat flattened. Distribution. Native to the plains from western Iowa north to Manitoba and west to the Great Basin and California, and rare as far east as Michigan. A troublesome weed in grain fields of Montana and Utah. Poisonous properties. The wild blue lettuce is common in the west but is not liked by cattle although sometimes eaten by sheep. It has been regarded 762 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS with suspicion. ‘The cultivated lettuce contains several active principles as follows: Lactucorol C,.H,,O, lactucol OF 5 Be a small amount of hyoscyamin. The bitter taste of LZ. canadensis is due to lactucrin Cre Ou and lactucopicrin C,,H,,0.,- I quote Dr, Millspaugh in regard to the physiological action of LL. canadensis. “Lactucarium, in large doses, causes: delirium, confusion of the brain, vertigo and headache, dimness of vision, salivation, difficult deglutition, nausea and vomiting, and retraction of the epigastric region, with a sensation of tightness; distension of the abdomen, with flatulence; urging to stool fol- lowed by diarrhoea; increased secretion of urine; spasmodic cough, oppressed respiration, and tightness of the chest; reduction of the pulse ten to twelve or more beats; unsteady gait; great sleepiness; and chills and heat, followed by profuse perspiration.” ‘The L. virosa, a wild lettuce of Europe, and occasionally in the Mississippi Valley, but never abundant westward, is regarded in Europe as poisonous. 4. Lygodesmia D. Don. Low smooth perennial herbs with linear leaves or the lower somewhat pin- natifid, the upper of scales; heads 3-12 flowered, a single one terminating the branch; flowers purple or pink; achenes smooth or striate; pappus of copious, somewhat unequal simple bristles. About 6 species of western North America. Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh.) D. Don. A tufted smooth, frequently glaucous perennial, a foot or more high, com- ing from a thick woody root, copious milky juice and stems; lower leaves rigid, linear lanceolate, entire, the upper scale-like; heads erect with purple flowers; achenes narrow-ribbed, pappus light brown. Distribution. Common on the plains from the Missouri river to western Montana, Northwest Territory and east to the St. Croix river in Wisconsin. This has been reported as a troublesome weed in corn fields in northwest Iowa, troublesome also in Colorado and Montana. Poisonous properties. ‘The plant is bitter like many others belonging to sub-family Cichoriaceae. ‘The milky juice no doubt contains some deleterious properties. ‘The plant is not liked by stock. Professors Chesnut and Wilcox say with reference to the species in Col- orado: “This species, sometimes known as prairie pink, grows abundantly on dry prairies and plains in Park, Sweet Grass, Gallatin, Meagher, Lewis and Clarke, Choteau, and Teton coun- ties. The general distribution of the plant is from Minnesota to New Mexico and Nevada. It has been suspected by stockmen both in Montana and Utah of being poisonous to stock. The plant was not investigated, but it was ascertained that the milky orange-colored juice of nonflowering plants gathered at Toston was extremely bitter and disagreeable to the taste.” TUBULIFLORAE Corolla tubular in all the perfect flowers, 5-lobed, rarely 3-4-lobed, or ligulate only in marginal flowers, called the ray flowers which are absent in some species. COMPOSITAE — TUBULIFLORAE 763 andl ‘ yt — A ZZ Ninn Gadi eT SS)" a ae Vag Fi iS Fig. 440a. Boneset (Eupatorium altissimum L.) Common in the Mississippi valley. At the right Maxmillian’s Sunflower (Helianthus Maximiliani) common in Mississippi val- ley. (Charlotte M. King). Iva . Marsh Elder Herbaceous or some shrubby plants, pistillate and staminate flowers in the same head. The lower leaves opposite, the upper alternate; flowers greenish, rays absent; subtended by an involucre of hemispherical or cup-shaped bracts ; achenes obovoid or lenticular, without pappus. About 12 species of western and southern America. Iva axillaris Pursh. Small-flowered Marsh-elder A smooth or sparingly pubescent perennial with herbaceous stems, from 1-2 feet high, with woody roots; leaves sessile, entire or nearly so; obovate, oblong or linear oblong, the lower opposite, the upper smaller and alternate; heads gen- erally solitary in the axils of the leaves, short petioled, involucre hemispherical, pistillate, flowers with tubular corolla. Distribution. Common especially in the saline soils from Nebraska to the Dakotas, British Columbia, California and New Mexico. Iva xanthifolia Nutt. Marsh Elder An annual from 1-8 feet high; stem frequently pubescent when young; all the leaves opposite, rhombic, ovate or the lowest heart-shaped, doubly serrate or cut-toothed, obscurely lobed; the upper surfaces minutely scabrous, canescent beneath, especially when young; petiole frequently ciliate at its upper end; flowers born in spike-like clusters forming a compound panicle; heads small, erowded; outer bracts of the involucre broadly ovate, greenish; inner mem- branaceous; achenes glabrate. 764 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. In alluvial ground or along streams, Saskatchewan and Nebraska to New Mexico, Utah and Idaho. In the western part of the state of Iowa this weed is extremely common as in Woodbury, Harrison, Monona and Fremont counties. It occupies not only the vacant lots but is found in the streets and cornfields. To the west in Nebraska it becomes increasingly abundant and in the irrigated fields of portions of Colorado it is frequently 8 feet high. It is common in the Red River Valley of the North and other parts of Minnesota and Dakota, and Manitoba. It is a most aggressive weed. Poisonous properties. ‘This plant and the preceding produce an unusually large amount of pollen and have been looked upon as in part responsible for hay fever, the pollen being simply an irritant of the nasal mucous membrane. Fig. 441. False ragweed (Jva xanthifolia). The pollen is possibly a cause of hay fever. (Dew- ey, U. S. Dept. Agr.). 6. Ambrosia (Tourn.) L. Ragweed Herbs; leaves alternate or opposite, lobed or dissected; flowers in heads, fertile, 1-3 together, sessile in the axils of leaves or bracts; involucre of the pistillate flowers top-shaped, ovoid or globose, closed, 1-flowered, armed with 4-8 tubercles or spines; corolla none; pappus none; involucre of the staminate flowers saucer-shaped, 5-12 lobed, many flowered; receptacle nearly flat or with a Se COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY — RAGWEED 765 filiform chaff; corolla funnelform, 5-toothed, anthers but slightly united; achenes ovoid, The twelve species are mostly native of North America. Ambrosia trifida l. Great Ragweed, Ironweed A stout, scabrous, hispid or nearly glabrous annual, 3-12 feet high; leaves opposite and petioled, 3-nerved, deeply 3-5-lobed, the lobes ovate, lanceolate and serrate, the upper leaf sometimes ovate and undivided; flowers monoecious, Fig. 442. Ambrosia showing flowering stalk, pistils, stamens, and longi- tudinal sections of stamens in perianth and ovary. (After Faguet). 766 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS staminate borne in spikes surrounded by the larger bract-like leaves; the in- volucre is turbinate to ovoid, 5-7-ribbed, beaked, each rib bearing a tubercle near the summit; the involucre enclosing a single achene. Distribution. The greater ragweed is distributed from Quebec to Florida throughout the Atlantic region to Texas, common throughout the Mississippi Valley west to Colorado and Northwest Territory, in Manitoba and Saskatch- ewan. b i Fig. 444. Small Ragweed (Ambrosia arte- J mistifolia). In the lower left hand corner is a bur that contains the seed; upper right hand Fig. 443. Tall ragweed (Ambrosia trifida). corner, a flower; in middle, branch and leaf. (U. S. Dept. Agr.) Probably poisonous. (1lolm-Britton). Ambrosia artemisiifolia l. Hogweed. Bitterweed A puberulent or hirsute branched annual 1-3 feet high; leaves thin, once to twice pinnatifid; the upper alternate, the lower usually opposite, pale or canescent beneath; flowers monoecious, the staminate above and the pistillate in the lower axils of the leaves; the fertile heads are obovoid or globose, short beaked and 4-6 spined. Distribution. A troublesome weed in northern states. Its distribution in North America is from Nova Scotia to Florida throughout the Atlantic states and Mississippi Valley; in the Rocky Mountain region and west to British Columbia; also in Mexico and the West Indies and South America, Poisonous properties. The greater ragweed is regarded as_ especially COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY —RAGWEED 767 s troublesome as an exciting cause with reference to hay fever. The following from Dr. Johnson on this point is of interest: These plants are said to be stimulant, tonic, and astringent. A decoction has been used, chiefly in domestic practice, as a topical astringent in chronic catarrhal affections, Of late years A. artemisiifolia has attracted considerable attention on account of its real or assumed agency in the production of hay-fever. The plant produces pollen in great abundance, which is extremely irritating to the air-passages of many people, and is capable of exciting asthmatic attacks in susceptible persons. Now as the weed is so very abundant, and its time of flowering coincident with the greatest development of hay-fever, the relation of cause and effect has been asserted by many writers. That it may be so in a certain proportion of cases is quite probable, but that its influence in this direction has been overrated is still more probable. The pollen of all plants is irritating to the air-passages of sensitive people, but probably little more so than any other dust of an organic character; and the proportion which rag-weed pollen in the air of any specified locality bears to that of all other plants com- ‘bined must be very small indeed. Much less still must its proportion be to other pollen and organic dust in the air of cities, where this affection has become endemic—and fashionable., The ragweeds, marsh elder, goldenrod, and chrysanthemum, as well as the pollen of some grasses, are said to produce hay fever. In recent years a toxic substance has been isolated which belongs to a class of poisonous sub- stances known as toxalbumin. The fact that this troublesome disease is caused by a poisonous toxin has led to a study of serum treatment by Dunbar* who has produced an antitoxin which he calls “pollantin,” and Weichardt** another called “graminol.” Pol- lantin is obtained from the blood serum of horses which have been immunized with the pollen toxin. J.unbar’s hay fever serum is sold both as a powder and as a fluid. There are tnose, however, who believe that hay fever is not due to poison by pollen toxin so that this treatment can be of no use. A. Wolff- eisner*** attributes the action of the serum not to antitoxins but to colloidal substances. Weichardt prepared the serum from the blood of herbiverous animals. Sattistics of The Hay Fever Union of Germany for 1906 indicate that the results with the treatment of ‘“graminol” were favorable. i A correspondent from Nebraska sent to the writer a specimen of the small ragweed stating that it was abundant in his pasture and that where cattle used it as forage, the mouths of these animals became very sore. The plant is bitter and possibly may be irritating at times. There were no parasitic fungi on the specimens sent us. 7. Xanthium (Tourn.) L. Cocklebur. Clotbur Coarse low branching annual herbs with alternate toothed or lobed petioled leaves; monoecious flowers; staminate flowers with a short involucre of several distinct bracts, receptacle cylindrical; pistillate flowers with a closed involucre, covered with hooked prickles; 2-celled, 2-flowered, in fruit forming a bur; achenes oblong, flat, without pappus. The 12 species are widely distributed. Xanthium spinosum L. Clotbur A pubescent branched annual herb with slender yellow 3-parted spines in the axils; leaves lanceolate or ovate lanceolate, white downy underneath; bur oblong cylindrical, armed with single short beak and numerous glabrous prickles. * Deutsch Med. Woch. 1903:140. Berlin Klin. Woch. 1903:24, 25, 26, 28. ** Klinisch-ther. Woch. 1903:1457. *** Das heufieber, sein wesen und seine Behandlung. Miinchen 1906. In this connection the very excellent review on Serum Therapy in E. Merk’s Annual Report, 1909, Vol. 23 should be consulted. 768 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. Common in waste grounds from Ontario to Missouri and Texas to Florida. Native to the old world. Fig. 445. Thorny Clot-bur (Xanthium spinosum). After Hochstein. Xanthium Strumarium VL. A low, rough, branching annual from 1-2 feet high; leaves slender, petioled, broadly ovate or orbicular, 3-5-lobed, both surfaces rough; bur oblong, smooth or nearly so, with two straight or nearly straight beaks. Distribution. In waste places along the Atlantic seacoast. Native to Europe. Xanthium canadense Mill. Cockle Bur A coarse rough annual from 1-3 feet high, stem marked with brown punct- ate spots; leaves alternate, cordate or ovate, 3-nerved, long petioled; flow- ers monoecious, staminate and pistillate flowers in different heads, the pistillate flowers clustered below; the involucre of the staminate flowers somewhat flattish of separate scales, receptacles cylindrical; scales of the fertile involucre closed in fruit, 2-beaked, containing 2 achenes; the bur is densely prickly and hispid, achenes oblong without pappus. Distribution. In Iowa this species is very common along the sandy bottoms of our streams and river courses. It is less troublesome in uplands but here and there it does occasion some trouble even in the central and southern part of the state. However, in southern and southeastern Iowa the weed is often quite troublesome in cornfields, coming up in enormous quantities. In Texas, too, it appears in the very richest soil. Its distribution in North America is COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY — COCKLEBUR 769 from Nova Scotia to North Carolina, southwest to Texas and west through Colorado, Utah and Nevada, and north to Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Most abundantly developed in the Mississippi Valley region from Minnesota to Texas. Poisonous properties. ‘The injury from this plant probably comes largely from its mechanical action. As the involucre is indigestible, its barbs some- times injure an animal feeding upon it. Stock will probably not eat very much of it, but on account of the hooked awns of the involucre the animal may have considerable difficulty in removing them. The hairs of the plant cause itching. Several cases of poisoning of hogs, probably due to this plant, have been re- ported to me. The plant contains the poisonous glucoside santhostrumarin -which resembles datiscin. On heating, the odor of succinic acid is given off. According to Chesnut, the young seedlings of three species of cockle bur, among them our Canadian cockle bur (Xanthium canadense) are poisonous to hogs. Dr. Bitting was unable to find a poisonous substance in the growing plants. He thinks the injurious properties are largely mechanical. Fig. 446. Cockle-bur (Xanthium canadense). Cause of mechanical injuries to animals. (Dewey, U. S. Dept. Agrl.) A writer in the American Agriculturist says: When the seed is ripe the bristles are very hard and sharp, and in the stomach and in testines of the animal, mat or felt together by the aid of their barbs, forming large balls, which 770 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS obstruct the intestines and prove fatal. In these cases, death is evidently not from any poison- ous quality of the hay, but is due to mechanical causes. While Cocklebur may not be poison- ous, it may in a similar manner kill swine by mechanical obstructions. When the burs are ripe, they readily leave the plant, and attach themselves to the coat of any passing animal. The plant is especially annoying to sheep owners, as these burs become entagled in the wool. Those who have traveled in Texas and Mexico, soon make acquaintance with the cockle bur. Horses and mules, while grazing for a single night, will have their tails clotted with these burs, and converted into a useless club. It can be understood, that if swine eat the burs in considerable quantity, the pieces of them can, by means of the prickles, form masses which may prove fatal. Both on account of its probable danger to swine and its injury to sheep, there should be an united effort to destroy the plant. Being an annual, its extermination would not be difficult. If the plants are cut down before the seed is ripe, new ones can not appear unless the ground is re-seeded. 5 Fig. 447. Boneset (Eupator- ium urticaefolium). A common plant in woods. It is supposed by some to cause milk fever or trembles. Branches with numer- ous small heads. (Lois Pam- mel.) 8. Eupatorium (Tourn.) L. Boneset Erect perennial herbs with opposite, whorled or alternate leaves, often sprinkled with resinous dots; flowers in corymbose heads, white, bluish, or pur- ple; bracts of the involucre in two series; receptacle naked; corolla regular, tube short 5-lobed; branches of the style slender, thickened upward or club- shaped, very minutely and uniformly pubescent, with stigmatic lines indistinct ; achenes 5-angled, truncate; pappus of numerous fine capillary bristles, arranged in one row. About 450 species in warm temperate and tropical regions. An oil is made from the southern £. capillifolium, which has an aromatic, pepper-like odor. COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY —BONESET 771 The boneset (E. perfoliatwm), is commonly used as a domestic remedy, em- ployed in catarrhal affections and fevers. The Joe-Pye weed (E. purpureum) is used in urinary affections. Eupatorium urticaefolium Reichard. White Snake-root A smooth or nearly smooth branching herb from 2-3 feet high; leaves op- posite, thin rounded, cordate at the base or abruptly narrowed into a slender petiole, coarsely and sharply toothed; heads in ample and loose corymbose clusters; flowers white; involucre narrowly campanulate; bracts linear, acute or acuminate. - Distribution. Common in rich woods from New Brunswick to South Da- kota and Nebraska to Indian Territory and Louisiana. Poisonous properties. This plant is said to produce the disease known as trembles in cattle, horses and sheep, and milk sickness in people. Mr. E. L. Mosely states that: Milk-sickness is known to be due to the use of milk, butter, cheese or meat of animals afflicted with the trembles, but what causes the trembles has not been well understood. It has long been known that only the animals allowed to run in the woods were affected, and experi- ence showed that certain woods were very dangerous, while others were safe. People who came from Pennsylvania with a view to settling here returned to their own State on learning of the peril of pasturing animals in Ohio. To this day many woods in this district are not pastured, because animals would soon die if turned into them. The Eupatoriums are not palatable. Anyone who has tasted boneset will admit that this is true of Eupatorium perfoliatum. In the South I have observed that animals leave Eupa- torium serotinum untouched even where they have been confined so as to eat almost every other green thing in reach. In northern Ohio I have found Eupatorium urticaefolium, the white snake-root, growing abundantly in a number of woods where animals were pastured but no sign of their having eaten it. But if the pasture becomes poor, some are likely to eat it. On the 8th of last October I visited a piece of woods in Sandusky county where there was nothing fit for an animal to eat, the principal herbs being nettle, white snake-root, poke and black nightshade, with some clearweed, basil, and bedstraw. Every plant of snake-root had been nipped off so that I did not see one more than about half the normal height. This had probably been done by cattle from the adjoining pasture which were doubtless accustomed to spending a portion of hot sunny days in the shade of the woods. A few weeks before my visit a man and his wife who had been using butter made from the milk of cows in this pasture had milk-sickness and the wife died. Elisha Haff, Townsend township, Sandusky county, did not think trembles were due to any weed, until he found that western sheep which he turned into his woods ate the white snake-root and died of trembles. Sheep whose ancestors had long been in the region did not eat it, and did not have trembles. Since that he has been destroying the weed. Mr. William Ramsdell of Bloomingville informs me that about 1842 when there was so much discussion of the subject the boys of the neighborhood used to assemble evenings at the old lime-kiln southeast of Castalia and experiment on dogs. They would boil or steep the white snake-root and putting the extract in milk give it to the dogs, in which it would induce the trembles; a large number were killed in this way. Some one experimented on sheep with the same result. He informs me also that a Mr. Redmond (who did not believe that the weed was the cause of trembles) chewed some of the weed and died after suffering for about four weeks. On November 26th my pupil, Oscar Kubach, using snake-root I had recently gathered, broke up the stems and leaves of two plants and soaked them over night in about a pint of milk, of which he gave about a gill at about 9 A. M. to his tom-cat. The cat took about one-half of it. About 9:30 it seemed to take effect and he tried very hard to vomit but could not. He took long, deep breaths. He was quiet and wanted to sleep very hard. All of a sudden he would tremble very hard, then again very little. A watery fluid passed from his eyes and mouth. He chose a spot in the sun and when driven away walked back in a staggering man- ner. He had no appetite. His senses seemed to be duller, as he did not care for anything. He went to sleep about 10:30 but did not sleep sound. He seemed to be in an unconscious state for the rest of the day. The next morning about 10:30 he walked about three rods and there died about noon. Tip MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Mr. Mosely estimates that 5000 animals have succumbed from the disease in a small area in northern Ohio. There are many cases commonly in this same region from milk sickness. Dr. Albert C. Crawford of the Bureau of Plant Industry, investigated the so-called milk sickness occurring in Minooka, Illinois, which resulted in the death of about 50 head of cattle, and gives the following conclusions: To sum up, it certainly can not be said that it has been proved that milksickness is due to any constituent of E. urticaefolium. The transmission of the disease by eating small quan- tities of meat or milk of animals sick with the “trembles” and the fact that cooked meat or boiled milk does not produce this disorder point primarily rather to a parasitic origin, while the fact thatEupatorium urticaefolium is abundant in areas where the disease is not known and absent in some milksick districts also indicates that the plant has no relation to the dis- ease. If it does, it would be only an accidental carrier of some pathogenic organism. Ac- cording to reports, the same flora may be in areas in which ‘“‘trembles” occur as in those free from it, and milksickness is also said to occur where no vegetation grows (inclosed pens). The disease also has disappeared from an area after simply clearing the woodland where it occurred and turning it into pasture. Again, severe epidemics have occurred in winter when the foliage has disappeared, which would tend to exclude the higher non-evergreen plants as the cause of this disorder. In fact, all the evidence in hand is against the causation of this disease by such plants, and certain analogies with cases of botulismus suggest a somewhat similar cause. If there is any truth in the statement that cattle exposed in pasture to night air especially contract the disease, this fact might suggest the more or less direcct connection of some night organism as a carrier of the parasite, and certain parasites are supposed to be associated with certain localities. Very little is known chemically of Eupatorium urticaefolium. And this seems to confirm the investigation by Dr. Bitting of the Indiana Agricultural Experiment Station. It seems very doubtful that this plant causes milk sickness, since it is very common in many pastures in the west where trembles does not occur. In regard to boneset (. purpureum and E. perfoliatum) Dr. Johnson states as follows: Of domestic remedies few are better known or more largely used than boneset. It is tonic, diaphoretic, emetic, and cathartic, the different effects depending largely upon the size of the dose and mode of administration. The infusion, taken cold in moderate doses, is tonic, and is employed in debility of the digestive organs and in convalescence. Taken warm in large doses, the infusion or decoction produces copious diaphoresis, and is em- ployed in the acute stages of catarrhal affections and in fevers, especially those of an intermittent or remittent type. In still larger doses the warm infusion or decoction pro- duces emesis or catharsis; these effects are, however, seldom sought. E. purpureum, or gravel-root, is said to be diuretic and to have been employed in urinary affections, but it has not attained an established reputation and is seldom used. Boneset (E. perfoliatum) contains the glucoside eupatorin; the E. purpureum contains the glucoside euparin C,,H,,O,. Dr. T. Holm gives an extended account of the medicinal qualities accompanied by the anatomical structure of this plant. Eupatorium perfoliatum* according to Dr. Holm is now prescribed as a tonic and in large doses is an emetic. 9. Trilisa Cass. ‘Trilisa Erect perennial herbs, fibrous roots, leaves alternate and simple; heads in terminal corymbose panicles, discoid, 5-10-flowered, flowers white, receptacle flat; corolla regular, 5-lobed; achenes nearly terete, 10-ribbed. A small genus closely allied to Liatris. ‘Two species native to eastern North America. Trilisa odoratissima Cass. Vanilla Plant A rather stout, somewhat glabrous perennial, leaves pale obovate-spatulate, * Merck’s Rep. XVII:326-328. f. 1-11. —— —— —— COMPOSITAE—THISTLE FAMILY—VANILLA PLANT 773 or oval, thickish and clasping; head in corymbose clusters; achenes glandular pubescent. Distribution. From Virginia to Louisiana. Trilisa paniculata Cass. Hairy Trilisa Viscid-hairy, perennial, leaves entire, base lanceolate, narrowly oblong, acute, or obtusish, those of the stem small; heads paniculate; achenes finely pubescent. Distribution. From Virginia to Georgia and Florida. Poisonous properties. The former plant has the odor of vanilla and con- tains the substance cumarin CHO. Dr. Johnson says: ~ Odoratissima deserves much more attention from the fact that it is largely used as an adulterant of smoking tobacco, than from any demonstrated medicinal virtues. There is abundant evidence to show that the leaves of this plant enter largely into the manufacture of many grades of smoking tobacco, especially those employed in our domestic cigarettes. And the author is convinced, from personal experience and observation, that the deleterious effects produced by smoking tobacco thus adulterated are much greater than those produced by the consumption of pure tobacco in even great excess. The inhalation of a few whiffs of the smoke from a cigarette made from this adulterated material, provided the inhalations are made in quick succession, produces a train of cerebral sensations of an intoxicating character as much different from any effect of tobacco alone as could be imagined; and prolonged use of such cigarettes invariably produces great derangement of the digestive organs, very little resembling the dyspepsia induced by excessive use of tobacco, together with cardiac symptoms often of a distressing character. And again, the habit of smoking coumarin in this form appears to become more inveterate, more exacting, than that of the use of tobacco alone, so that the unhappy victim—for such he should be called—is never comfortable except when in- dulging. Hence it happens that cigarette-smoking in this country in its effects upon adoles- cents especially, is assuming the proportions of a great national evil, and is producing far more deleterious effects than in other countries where it is practised to a greater extent but with different material. 10. Liatris Schreb. Button Snakeroot. Blazing Star. Perennial herb, usually from a corm-like tuber; leaves alternate entire, nar- row; flowers spicate or racemose, discoid, scales of the involucre few or many imbricated in several series, the outer shorter, corolla regular, 5-lobed or 5- cleft; branches of the style exserted; achenes 10-ribbed, slender tapering to the base; flowers rose-purple, rarely paler in color. Distribution. About 20 species in North America. Liatris spicata (.) Willd. Snakeroot Smooth or somewhat hairy perennial; leafy stem; leaves linear the lower 3-5 nerved; heads crowded in a long spike, 8-12 flowered; involucre cylindrical, bell-shaped, flowers purple; pappus not very plumose. Distribution. In moist soil from New England to Florida, Kentucky, Ar- kansas, and South Dakota. Liatris pycnostachya Michx. Snakeroot Hairy or smooth perennial with a stout stem 3-5 feet high; leaves linear- lanceolate, the upper very narrowly linear; spikes 6-20 inches long, densely flowered, flowers purple; pappus not very plumose, Distribution. Prairies, Indiana to Minnesota and southward. Liatris punctata Hook. Western Snakeroot A glabrous or sparingly pubescent perennial; stout rootstock; leaves rigid punctate; spike many flowered; heads 3-6 flowered, purple; bracts of involucre. oblong, often ciliate on the margins; pappus very plumose. 774 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Distribution. From Minnesota, Western Iowa, to Montana, Texas, New Mexico and Sonora. Poisonous properties. Several species of Liatris are powerful diaphoretics, formerly these species were used as antidotes against snake bite. Dr. Johnson says that they probably possess no antidotal properties whatever and beneficial effects attributed to them are doubtless due to the diaphoresis induced by the administration of large quantities of the hot decoction, 11. Grindelia Willd. Gum Weed. Coarse perennial or biennial herbs, occasionally woody at the base; leaves alternate, sessile or clasping, spinulose serrate; involucre hemispherical; scales imbricated in several series; heads large, terminating leafy branches; radiate or rayless; ray flowers yellow, pistillate, disk flowers perfect or staminate; achenes short, thick, compressed or turgid; pappus of 8 awns, soon falling. About 25 species, from western Minnesota and Iowa westward and south- ward to Peru and Chill. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh.). Gum Weed A resinous, viscid, glabrous perennial from 1-3 feet high; leaves alternate, spatulate to linear oblong, sessile or clasping, spinulose serrate; heads many flowered; ray flowers yellow, pistillate; scales of the involucre hemispherical, imbricated in several rows with green tips; achenes short and thick; pappus consisting of 2 or 3 awns. Distribution. Common west of the Missouri river from Mexico, Nevada and Texas to British America and east to Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri, occasionally naturalized eastward. Poisonous properties. Very abundant in the west; is not liked by. stock. The G. robusta and G. squarrosa are used in medicine in moderate doses to stim- ulate the mucous membrane and are beneficial in catarrhal affections. They are also antispasmodics. An alkaloid has been isolated from G. robusta, It con- tains grindelin, a bitter alkaloid, and two glucosides which resemble the saponins of Polygala. 12. Solidago L. Golden-rod Perennial erect herbs, simple or branched; leaves alternate, simple, toothed or entire; heads small, in terminal or axillary panicles, cymose corymbose; ray flowers yellow, rays few or many pistillate; disk flowers yellow, perfect; in- volucre hemispherical or bell-shaped, bracts appressed, destitute of green tips, achenes many-ribbed, terete or nearly so; pappus of simple capillary bristles. A genus of about 100 species mostly in North America. About one-half of the number found in northern states east of the Missouri river. A few of the species are handsome and ornamental, like Solidago speciosa, S. Drum- mondii, S. Missouriensis and S. odora. The latter species is used as a stim- ulant and carminative. . From this species there is derived an aromatic oil. An oil is also derived from Solidago canadensis, which strongly resembles the oil obtained from pine needles. The leaves of the fragrant golden-rod (S. odora) are often used as a substitute for tea; it contains an aromatic volatile oil. Solidago canadensis L. Golden-rod A perennial with rough stem, from 3-6 feet high; leaves hairy beneath, rough above, lanceolate and pointed, sharply serrate; heads small, few flowered; ————— COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY —GOLDEN-ROD 775 rays yellow, short pistillate; scales of the involucre appressed, not herbaceous ; receptacle small, not chaffy; achenes ribbed; pappus simple, of capillary bristles. Distribution. Widely distributed from New Brunswick to Florida. Com- mon in the Mississippi Valley, especially along fences and in pastures and borders of fields in the Rocky Mountains to the Northwest Territory, British Columbia to Arizona. Solidago rigida 1,. Rigid Golden-rod An erect perennial from 2-5 feet high, rough and somewhat hairy, with minute pubescence; leaves oval or oblong, thick and rigid, not 3-nerved, the upper sessile, slightly serrate; heads in a compound corymb, large, 3 or more flowered; rays large, 7 to 10, yellow. Distribution. Common in the upper Mississippi Valley, especially on the prairies; occurs east to New England. Poisonous properties. It is thought by some that hay fever is caused by this and other species. A disease of horses in Wisconsin a few years ago was attributed to the eating of golden-rod, but Chesnut thought this might be caused by a rust fungus, Coleosporium solidaginis. Mr. J. L. Scott, who made an investigation of this disease, reported in Garden and Forest as follows: During the past four years a large number of horses have died in the northern part of this state from the ravages of a disease which has baffled the skill of veterinarians, and I have been called upon to make investigations as to the cause and nature of the malady. At first it was thought to be anthrax, and samples of the blood and sections from the spleen and other internal organs were sent to the Bureau of Animal Industry and to Dr. Russell, of the State Uni- versity, for bacteriological examination. Numerous bacteria were found, but the bacillus anthracis was not present. The horses affected were in the majority of cases heavy draught horses from the lumber camps. These animals were brought from the woods in the spring, usually in good condition, and turned out to pasture. Most of them were fed grain while on pasture. On the farm of Mr. C. F. Reynolds, Hayward, Wisconsin, over seventy horses died during the past four years from this peculiar malady. The pasture contained about four hundred acres, three hundred acres of which had been broken and seeded to timothy. Adjoining this was one hundred acres of ‘‘slashings’? or land from which the timber had been cut, but which had never been broken. ‘This was thickly covered with Golden-rod. On one side of the farm is a lake with a clean gravel bottom and shore. ‘The lake is fed by springs. There is no marsh or low land on the farm. Upon investigation I became convinced that the cause of the trouble was to be found either in the food or water, and watched the horses closely for several days, and saw them eating the Golden-rod greedily—some of them, especially those affected, seeming to prefer the plant to anything else. I also visited the farm of Peter Traux, near Eau Claire. ‘There is no Goldenrod to be found on this farm and the disease has not made its appearance. During the past summer, Mr. Traux placed ten horses in pasture near by, where the plant was plentiful, and eight of them died during the summer and the remaining two were affected. When the healthy horses are taken from the pasture in the fall the disease disappears. None of the animals attacked by the malady have recovered, and medicinal treatment does not seem to produce any beneficial effect. Symptoms: The animal appears dull, ears drooped, temperature elevated, ranging from 103° to 107°, Fahrenheit, during the entire course of the disease. The visible mucous mem- branes are pallid. On the mucous membranes of the vulva small petechial spots are seen. Oc- casionally the legs swell and oedematous enlargements appear under the abdomen. ‘The ap- petite remains fairly good during the entire course of the disease. Emaciation takes place rapidly as the disease advances. J,oss of coérdination with staggering gait. Death takes place in from two weeks to two months from the onset. Post mortem: On cutting open the body the blood appears to be completely disintegrated, resembling ordinary blood serum. Intestines bloodless, with numerous petechial spots on the mucous membrane. Spleen enlarged, weighing from six to ten pounds. No structural changes / 776 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS apparent to the naked eye. The lungs and kidneys apparently normal. The brain and spinal cord were not examined. I am fully convinced that this disease is due either to some poisonous principle in the plant or some parasitic fungus upon the surface of the same. It is now too late in the season for any investigation to be carried on in this direction this year, but I intend to have the mat- ter thoroughly investigated next summer. 13. Aster (Tourn.) L. Aster Herbs generally perennial with corymbose panicled or racemose heads; heads many flowered, radiate; the ray flowers in a single series, fertile. Bracts of the involucre more or less imbricated, generally with herbaceous tips; re- ceptacles flat; achenes somewhat flattened; pappus simple, consisting of capillary bristles. A large genus of 275 species, chiefly in eastern North America. Flowering in the autumn. A few of the species are cultivated for ornamental purposes. : The New England aster (A. novae-angliae) occurs in moist ground. The A. laevis with somewhat clasping leaves is common in dry soil or prairie regions of the West. The small white aster (A. multiflorus) with small leaves is common along roadsides in dry soil. Very few of the species have deleterious properties. Aster Parryi Gray. Parry’s Aster or Woody Aster. A somewhat hoary perennial with deep woody roots and a short more or less branched stem; hoary leaves, spatulate-linear, cuspidate; heads solitary, bracts of the involucre oblong-lanceolate, long acuminate, pubescent, rays white over half inch long, achenes white villous. This is the Xylorhiza Parryi Gray. Distribution. Common in saline soils. In Colorado, West Wyoming and Utah. Poisonous properties. This plant has recently come into prominence in western Wyoming where the disease “grub in the head” has been attributed to the plant but Dr. Aven Nelson? has attributed this disease to a fungus Puccinia axylorrhizae which according to Dr. Nelson abundantly occurs on the plant. He says: If it should prove to be true that the malady is due to the eating of the aster, then it may be the aster itself that is the source of the trouble, but the chanees are rather better that the specific poisonous qualities are due to the fungus. Some other parasitic fungi have been proved poisonous and we may well, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, also suspect this one. Dr. Nelson states that the trouble is not a new one and that similar out- breaks have occurred in previous years, the disease recurring in the same localities. The disease was prevalent near Medicine Bow and northward to the Shirley Basin as well as Natrona county. The farmers in the vicinity where this disease occurs speak of the area in which the plant occurs as the “poison patch.” Dr. O. L. Prien, Wyoming Agricultural Station, and Dr. Frederick of the Utah Agricultural Station, are making a careful study of this disease. To prevent the trouble, sheep should be kept, so far as possible, away from areas in which this plant occurs. 14. Erigeron L. Fleabane, Daisy Branching or scapose herbs with entire or toothed leaves; heads in corym- bose, paniculate or solitary peduncled heads; scales of the involucre narrow, nearly equal, not foliaceous or green-tipped; flowers radiate, white violet or purple, numerous, fertile; disk flowers yellow, tubular and perfect; branches of 1 Press Bull. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Sta. No. 10. | | | COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY —FLEABANE 777 the style more or less flattened with short appendages; achenes pubescent and 2-nerved; pappus a single row of fine capillary bristles. About 120 species of wide distribution, most numerous in North America. Several species of fleabane (E. philadelphicus, E. annuus and E. canadensis) are used in medicine. They are reputed diuretics, tonics and astringents. Fig. A. Small Horseweed (Erigeron Fig. B. Horseweed, Mares’ Tail (Er- divaricatus). From Yndiana to Minne- igeron canadensis). A common weed sota to Nebraska and southward. Com- throughout the United States, especially mon in sterile grounds. (Charlotte M. northward, also in Europe. Acrid said King). to be irritating. (Charlotte M. King). Erigeron canadensis L. Horseweed Bristly herb, stem hairy or somewhat glabrate, 1-6 feet high, simple or paniculately branched; leaves usually pubescent or ciliate, the lower spatulate, incised or entire, obtuse or acutish, the upper generally linear and entire; heads numerous, with inconspicuous white ray flowers shorter than the pappus; achenes small, flattened; pappus of numerous small fragile bristles. Distribution. Common throughout the eastern part of North America except far northward. Common also in the Rocky Mountain region, and in 778 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS waste and cultivated grounds along the Pacific coast appearing as an introduced weed. Also an introduced weed in Europe and South America. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) BSP. White Weed. Fleabane. Stem and leaves somewhat hirsute and hairy, roughish; leaves entire or nearly so; the upper lanceolate, the lower oblong or spatulate; heads borne in corymbose panicles; ray flowers white and twice as long as the scales of the involucre; achenes small, pappus double, the inner of fragile bristles. Distribution. From Nova Scotia to Florida, west to Louisiana and Texas to Northwest Territory. Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. Fleabane. White Weed. A sparingly pubescent annual from 3-5 feet high; leaves thin, coarsely and sharply toothed, the lower one ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, acute and entire on both ends; heads corymbed and rays white, tinged with purple. Distribution. A common weed in meadows, pastures and woods in northern United States. j Fig. C. White weed (Erigeron an- ‘nuus). Common in clover and timothy meadows. ‘" Ph ta), di i Wy, ! f ty id q if l/ \ 6 uy WY ! ANY Al ANIA oe FON NYE By ia NY D3 —, 4 : ti Key uy, EZ VAY es Ne pe eee es Sec \)\y NS AVANZEN \ e Fig. 455. Woolly Thistle (Cirsium canescens). 1, Head; 5, Flower and pappus; 6, Achere; 7, Anthers and style cut open; 8, Pollen grain; a, end of style. (Charlotte M. King). About 200 species of the north temperate regions. Some of them are culti- vated for ornamental purposes; many of the species are pleasantly scented; many of them are troublesome weeds. Cnicin C,,H,,O,, has been found in a related genus (Cnicus benedictus). Horses are fond of the heads of many species like C. eriocephalum, C. Drummondii, C. undulatus and others that occur on the Rocky Mountains. None of the species are probably poisonous but many of them have irritating properties. The Canada thistle is used in domestic practice. Cirsium arvense (1,.) Hoffm. Scop. Canada Thistle Smooth perennial herbs, spreading by creeping rootstocks, 1-3 feet high, corymbosely branched at the top; stem smooth; leaves lanceolate, sessile and deeply pinnatifid, lobes and margins of leaf with spiny teeth; heads small, 34-1 in. high; bracts appressed, the outer with a broad base, inner narrow, all with an acute tip, never spiny; flowers purple, dioecious; in staminate plant, flowers exserted with abortive pistil; in pistillate, less so, scarcely exceeding the bracts; long stamens with abortive anthers, tube of the corolla 6 lines long, anther tips acute, filaments minutely pubescent, all of the bristles of the pappus plumose. Distribution. The Canada thistle is found in waste places from Newfound- land, Nova Scotia, various provinces of Ontario, to New York, Virginia, south- west to Missouri and Kansas, Colorado to Idaho, Montana and Oregon, Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Hill. Bull Thistle Branching biennial, 3-4 feet high, tomentose, becoming dark green and villous or hirsute with age, branchlets bearing large heads; leaves lanceolate, COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY — BULL THISTLE 799 a KY le AY of} Vy rye \j | Y Mt Y WY any jal ay Fig. 456. Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense). Common in the North, causes inflamma- tion. (Charlotte M. King). decurrent on the stem with prickly wings, deeply pinnatifid, the lobes with rigid prickly points, upper face roughened with short hairs, lower face with cottony tomentum; heads 134 to 2 inches high, bracts of the involucre lanceolate, rigid when young, more flexible with age, long attenuated prickly pointed spreading tips, arachnoid woolly; flowers perfect; anther tips acute; filaments pubescent; achenes smooth; pappus of numerous plumose bristles. Distribution. Distribution in North America in fields and waste places from Newfoundland to Georgia, Missouri, Kansas to Nebraska, the Dakotas, Montana, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Naturalized from Europe, native also to Asia. 800 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS , Fig. 457. Bull thistle (Cirsium lanceolatum). A common pasture weed. Causes mechan- ical injuries. (U. S. Dept. Agrl.) COMPOSITAE — THISTLE FAMILY — BULL THISTLE 801 Cirsium canescens Nutt. Woolly Thistle Branching perennial 2-4 feet high, woolly throughout bearing single medium sized heads, stem angled, white woolly; leaves, radical 8 inches to 1 foot long, the divisions usually 2-lobed, prominently ribbed, ending in stout spines; stem leaves except the lower, 1-4 inches long, pinnatifid, the upper sessile, slightly roughened, with a’ slight cottony down, the lower white, woolly; heads 1% to 2 inches high, bracts of the involucre somewhat arachnoid, lower scales with a broad base, glutinous ridge, and ending in minutely serrated spine, inner scales long, attenuated, tips straw colored; flowers purple. This is Carduus Flod- mannis Rydb. Distribution. This species is distributed from Mason City, Iowa, to south- western Minnesota, west to the Rocky Mountains. Collected by Charles A. Geyer in 1839, and described by Nuttall. The writer has seen it very abundant in Wyoming, Montana and Colorado. Cirsium discolor (Muhl.) Spreng. Prairie Thistle Tall, branching, leafy biennial, 5-7 feet high, with heads larger than the Canada thistle; stem striate, slightly hirsute; leaves radical 12-14 inches long, deeply pinnatifid, the divisions frequently divided, prickly toothed, the upper surface smoothish, and the lower white, woolly single heads terminating the branches, with purple flowers, heads 1% inches high; bracts of the globose involucre slightly arachnoid, lower bracts ovate, with a broad base and a weak prickly recurved bristle, slight dorsal gland, inner linear lanceolate with a nearly colorless entire appendage; flower purple; lobes of the corolla terminating in clavate tips, anther tips acute, filaments pubescent; bristle of pappus plumose; achenium smooth, upper part yellow. Distribution, In fields and along roadsides from Quebec, Ontario, south through New England, New York and Georgia, west to Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota. Cirsium ochrocentrum Gray Biennial, 2-8 feet high; white tomentum; leaves commonly deeply pinnatifid and armed with long yellowish prickles; heads 1-2 inches high; involucral scales ,with a viscid line on the back, with a prominent spreading yellowish prickle; corolla purple, rarely white. Distribution. From Arizona to Colorado and Utah. Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. Biennial 1-2 feet high, white tomentose; leaves pinnately parted, some- what prickly; heads about 2 inches high; the outer bracts thickened by gland- ular-viscid ridge; corolla rose-color, purple or pale purple; the variety mega- cephaleum with larger heads. Distribution. West of the Missouri River to Oregon and New Mexico. Injurious properties, None of the species is poisonous so far as the writer knows. The spiny involucre and spiny leaves inflict inflammation and cause the formation of pus. 28. Centaurea L,. Perennial or annual herbs, with leaves alternate, entire, dentate, incised or pinnatifid; involucre ovoid or globose; bracts in many series; marginal flowers usually neutral and larger than the central ones in some species; all the flowers perfect and fertile; heads middle-sized, tubular, purple-violet, or white or rarely 802 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS yellow; receptacle flat and bristly; corolla-tube slender and 5-cleft or 5-lobed; anthers sagittate at the base; achenes oblong or obovoid; pappus of several series of bristles and scales. About 350 species mostly of the old world where they are troublesome weeds. The common bluebottle or corn flower is frequently cultivated in gardens and is a frequent escape from cultivation, Fig. 458. Flowers of centaurea. 1, Flower; a, anther; 2, style. At the left, Achene and Pappus. Centaurea solstitialis Linn. Knapweed Erect, branched, cottony, stems winged, lower leaves lyrate, upper linear entire, decurrent, spines of upper bracts long spreading with a few smaller ones at the base, pappus soft. Distribution. Fields in California, also in Europe and England, rare; in- troduced with alfalfa. Introduced into Iowa with alfalfa seed. Injurious properties. Because of the spiny character of the plant it is often troublesome to man and animals. 29. Silybum (Vaill.) Adans. Milk Thistle Annual or biennial, much branched herbs; leaves large, alternate, clasping, white-blotched; heads discoid, solitary at the end of the branches; involucre large; bracts rigid, some armed with large spreading or recurved spines; flowers all tubular; corolla-tube slender, top 5-cleft; anthers sagittate; achenes obovate- oblong; pappus-bristles in several rows, A single species, native to the Mediterranean region. Silybum Marianum (.) Gaertn. Lady’s Thistle A tall branched glabrous annual with striate stem; leaves oblong lanceolate, prickly clasping. Distribution. Occasionally found eastward especially in ballast and common on the Pacific coast, from British Columbia to Southern California. Injurious properties. The spiny leaves and involucre have been trouble- some; produces mechanical injuries. A CATALOGUE OF THE POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD - In the following catalogue an attempt has been made to record all of the species that have been in some way or another regarded as poisonous or in- jurious to man. This catalogue, however, is based mainly on the plants listed by Greshoff, Cornevin, Chesnut, Ernst, Lyons, Maiden, Miquel, Radlkofer, Rusby, Smith, White in “Dermatitis venenata,” but includes also a few from other scattered sources. The poisonous fungi were listed from Atkinson, Hard, Clements, and some from Fries, Peck, Farlow, and Bulliard. It was not thought best to list the fungi from the works of Ratzeburg and Phoebus entirely be- cause of the uncertainty as to the poisonous qualities. It should be stated that many of the plants in this list are not poisonous nor are they always given as poisonous by the authors credited to them after the species, in fact, many of them on the whole must be regarded as plants simply having medicinal virtues. It was thought best, however, to list them, to permit future investigators to take up the problem of the chemistry and poisonous qualities of these plants from an experimental standpoint. It is simply an indication of the lines along which work should be done. We have also indicated the action of the plant, or in some few cases the important substance found in the plant. The alphabetical arrangement has been adopted except as to the lower forms. In the last col- umn the distribution is indicated usually only where the plant is indigenous, but in some cases North America is added where the plant has been introduced. I have been greatly aided in this work by the excellent treatise of A. B. Lyons, “Plant Names, Scientific and Popular,” published by Nelson Baker & Co., and also by the excellent work of Sayre, “Organic Materia Medica and _ Pharmacognosy.” In the preparation of this catalogue I have received very substantial help from Miss Harriette S. Kellogg, who has looked after the details in catalogue- ing the species and the synonyms. In some cases the synonyms could not be found in the Kew Index, and these have been allowed to stand as they were given by the authors. Some duplication of names may occur, and possibly through: an oversight some have been placed in the wrong orders, but I ask the reader’s indulgence in errors of this kind. Finally, I am indebted to Miss Bertha D. Herr for the laborious task of getting the copy ready for the printer. L. H. PAMMEL. The following abbreviations refer to the properties mentioned in the third column of the catalogue. Abort.—abortifacient Astr.—astringent Acr.—acrid poison Berb.—contains berberin Alk.—alkaloidal poison Card.—cardiac poison Amyg.—contains amygdalin Cath.—cathartic Androm.—contains andromedotoxin Con.—convulsive Anes.—anesthetic Cou.—contains coumarin Ant.—anthelmintic Cur.—curare poison Antisc.—antiscorbutic ‘i Cyt.—contains cytisin Antisp.—antispasmodic Del.—deleriant 804 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS A. P.—arrow poison Ast.—asthenic Dr. Em.—drastic-emetic Em.—emetic Ent.—causes enteritis Eser.—contains eserin Exp.—expectorant F, P.—fish poison Gastr.—causes gastro-enteritis Hyd.—contains HCN. Hyp.—hypnotic Ineb.—inebriant Ins.— insecticide Intox.—intoxicant Ir.—irritant Lax.—laxative Loco.—causes loco poisoning Mech.—causes mechanical injuries Nar.—narcotic Diaph.—diaphoretic Diur.—diuretic Naus.—nauseant Ord.—ordeal poison Par.—paralyzing Pur.—purgative Sap.—contains saponin Sed.—sedative Sial.—sialagogue Sol.—contains solanin Sop.—soporific Stim.—stimulant Taen.—taenifuge Toxal.—Contains a toxalbumin. Tymp.—causes tympanites Ur.—causes uraemic poisoning Urt.—urticarial Ver.—vermifuge Ves.—vesicant The abbreviations for the literature referred to are as follows: C—Cornevin’s Les plantes vénéneuses et ses empoisonnements qui elles determinent, Ches.—Chesnut’s Preliminarv Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. E.—Ernst’s Ueber fischvergiftenden Pflanzen. G.—Greshoff’s The Distribution of Prussic Acid in the Vegetable Kingdom. Phytochemical Investigations at Kew. K.—Kirtikar’s The Poisonous Plants of Bombay, L.—Lyon’s Plant Names, Scientific and Popular. M.—Maiden’s Plants reputed to be Poisonous to Stock in Australia. M.i—Miquel’s Poisonous Plants of North Netherlands. R.—Radlkofer’s Plants said to be Poisonous to Fish, Rusby—Rusby’s The Poisonous Plants of the Vicinity of New York City. Sm.—Smith’s Poisonous Plants of all Countries. Wh.—White’s Dermatitis venenata. ACANTHACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Localitv Hygrophila hispida Nees. G. Em. Cuba Justicia Gendarussa Burm. G. Tr. As. Lepidagathis Wightiana Benth. G. Abort. Paulowilhelmia polysperma Benth. G. ey tke Tr. Afr. Paulowilhelmia speciosa Hochst. G. Em. Abyss. Rhinacanthus communis Nees. G. Ind. Malay. ; Burma. Abyss. Ruellia patula Nees, G. Em. Arab. Ind. Ruellia strepens L. G. Em. N. Am. W. Ind. Ruellia tuberosa L. G. 1. . |Em. N, Am. Tr. Am. ADOXACEAE ALISMACEAE Alisma Plantago L. Tem, N. Am. G. M. L. be Austr. ee POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 805 NAME OF PLANT Achyranthes bidentata BI. Amaranthus gangeticus L. Amaranthus hybridus L. Amaranthus hypochondriacus L,. Amaranthus viridis L. Celosia anthelmintica Aschers. Celosia trigyna L,. Deeringia celosioides R. Br. AMARYLLIDACEAE Amaryllis Belladonna L. Buphane disticha Herb. Crinum asiaticum L, Crinum zeylanicum L,. Curculigo scorzoneraefolia Baker Furcraea gigantea Vent. Galanthus nivalis L, Haemanthus Haemanthus coccineus L, Hippeastrum equestre Herb. Hippeastrum rutilum: Herb. Hymenocallis sp. Leucojum aestivum LL. Leucojum vernum L,. Lycoris radiata Herb. Narcissus poeticus L. Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus L,. Narcissus Tazetta L. Pancratium Illyricum L, Pancratium maritimum L. Pancratium zeylanicum L,. Sprekelia formosissima Herb. Zephyranthes Atamasco Herb. ANACARDIACEAE Buchanania sp. Comocladia glabra Spreng. Corynocarpus laevigata Forst. Gluta Benghas L,. Holigarna caustica Roxb. Holigarna longifolia Roxb. Lithraea venenosa Miers. Mangifera indica L. Oncocarpus vitiensis A. Pistacia Khinjuk Stocks Pseudosmodingium perniciosum Engl. Rhus Cotinus L,. *Rhus glabra L. Q QO pe aa aaZe =n oO AMARANTHACEAE Authority G. Cc. F snas i P: SORNDOOFOONNOO _ ze ero) L,. Locality IT'r. As. Trop. Reg. Eur. N. A. N. Am. Eur, Tr Reg ANAM Ht setae m ARAHOHHALA © Med. Reg. Tr) As) Paci Ts. Austr. Cuba. N. Zeal. Java. Ind. Ind. S. Am. Malay, Ind. Fiji Is. Egyp. Pers. |Him. Mex. Eur. China. Med. Reg. N. A. * Just as this part of the work is going to press I have received two important papers on Rhus by L. E. Warren in which the statement is made that the poisonous substance of Rhus is a powerful escharotic, one milligram producing very severe blistering when 806 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority Rhus Metopium L, | Properties Locality ee Emeto-Cath|N. A. W. I. Rhus Toxicodendron L,. [iy UGresaesetnern alu N. Am. Rhus venenata DC. G. Ir. N. Am. Rhus vernicifera DC. CooL. Wid Thib. Jap. . Sclerocarya Caffra Sond. G. ives S. Afr. Austr. Semecarpus Anacardium L,. G. E.. ade; As. Tr. Austr. Semecarpus heterophylla Bl. G. Ir. Java. Spondias mangifera Willd. G. Ir Trop. As, ANONACEAE Anona amara Raeusch, G. Guiana Anona Cherimolia Mill. G. je a Tr. Am. Anona muricata L, G. L, Astr, Tr. Am. Anona palustris L. rie) RB yee Tr. Am. & Aft Anona reticulata L. GuLA Act Tr Am Anona spinescens Mart. G. Brazil Anona squamosa L, L FP Ind Asimina triloba Dun. L Em N. Am G G Goniothalamus macrophyllus Hook. G. Guatteria veneficiorum Mart. G. Brazil. Popowia pisocarpa Endl. G. Xylopia odoratissima Welw. : Xylopia polycarpa Oliv. Berb. ts Afr. Xylopia salicifolia HBK. Tr. S. Am APOCYNACEAE Acokanthera Lamarkii G. Don. | G. S. Afr. Acokanthera venenata G. Don. G. S. Afr Adenium Boehmianum Schinz. | G. Afr Adenium obesum Roem & Schult. | G. Afr. Arab Adenium somalense Oliv. | G. [A. P. Afr Aganosma calycina A.DC. | G. FE. PY Ind. Allamanda cathartica L,. | G. Em. ‘Tr Arn Alstonia constricta F. Muell. Ly, | Bitter | Trop. Old Alstonia Scholaris R. Br. Gals: World Alstonia venenata R. Br. G. Ind. Alyxia buxifolia R. Br. G. Austr. placed on the arm for fifteen minutes. When in contact with the air it produces the characteristic non toxic varnish. The resinous products from the latex of the Rhus give black compounds with the alkali hydroxides. The irritating properties he thinks will be found to be connected with the presence or the relations of these hydroxyl groups. This writer found that the milk sap of Rhus vernix is analagous in almost every particular to the Japanese lac. Warren agrees with nearly everyone else that the bacterial infection theory has very little to support it. Nor is there much to support the recently elaborated theory of immunity. He shows hew a popular impression in regard to supposed immunity has become widespread even among scientists. It has not, however, been demon- strated. In the same way, contrary to the early published records, Rhus Michauxii has been shown by Warren and Trelease not to be poisonous. As to treatments, Warren, after an extensive investigation of the subject, states that the great majority are empirical. “There is no specific for this troublesome complaint. Remedies which have alleviated the symptoms in one case have proved utterly valueless or worse in others.” ‘The follow- ing species are listed by Warren as poisonous: Rhus venenata D. C, (R. vernix L.); Rhus radicans 1,.; Rhus Toxicodendron I,.; Rhus diversiloba. Torr. & Gray; Rhus Rydbergii Small; Rhus Metopium 1; Rhus flori- dana Mearns; Rhus littoralis Mearns; Rhus vernicifera DC; Rhus succedanea I,.; Rhus sylvestris Sieb. & Zucc.; Rhus Wallichii Hook. fils; Rhus Grifithii Hook. fils; Rhus striata R. & Pav.; Rhus perniciosa H. B. & K.; Rhus chinensis Mill.; Rhus javanica L.; Rhus caustica Hook. & Arn.; Rhus lucida L,. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 807 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Alyxia daphnoides A. Cunn. G. Norfolk Is. Amsonia Tabernaemontana Walt. N. Am, Apocynum androsaemifolium L, Ches. G.C.|Card. |N. Am, Rusby L. | Apocynum cannabinum L. Ches. “ot. F. P. Card.|N. Am, Rusby L. Apocynum venetum L,. G. | Med. Reg. Ori- Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Schlecht.| %. L. | aie As. Ind. . Am. Aspidosperma sessilifolium Fries. Gas Rue: S. Am. Cameraria latifolia L,. G. | Ind. Carissa ovata R. Br G. Austr. Carissa Xylopicron Thou. G. Mascar Is. Cerbera Odollam Gaertn. GAC Re ee: Ind. Malay. Cerbera Tanghin Hook. Cans Echites alexicaca Mart. & Stadelm. | iv Cath. Braz. Echites maculata A. DC. evGenG: St. Doming. Is. Echites venenosa Mart. Lievens CMe CSc, ial 2 Brazil. Ellertonia Rheedi Wight. | c Ind. Geissospermum vellosii Allem Ga Bitter Braz. Haplophyton cimicidum A. DC. G. Ins. Mex. Malouetia nitida Spruce Cre. Bal iPAQ Braz. Melodinus monogynus Roxb. - Go Ry [Boe Him, Malaya. China. Nerium odorum Soland. G. Car. Per Jap. Ind. Nerium Oleander L. G. C. Mi.jCar. Med. Reg. Ori. Ches. L,. Ochrosia Moorei F. von Muell. G. Austr. Plumiera rubra L. Gay Ty, Trop, Am. Pottsia cantonensis Hook & Arn. G. Ind. Java China Prestonia toxifera G. | Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. G. Lge 2 Ind. Java. Rauwolfia trifoliata Gaertn. G. | Java. Rauwolfia verticillata Baill. G. Ban be Strobilanthes callosus Nees. K. | Ind. Strophanthus Eminii Asch, | bE [Aok: |Cent. Afr. Strophanthus hispidus DC. Geek! ES Ri AL B So Adin Strophanthus Kombe Oliver | Les Bes Trop. Afr. Strophanthus Pierrei Heim. G. W. Afr. Tabernaemontana Borbonica Lam. G. Tabernaemontana citrifolia L,. G. Ind. Mex. Taberaemontana coronaria Willd. G. | iInd. Taberaemontana malaccensis Hook. G. | !Malacca, Taberaemontana Mauritiana Poir. G. a oa ee. |Mascar. Is. Tabernanthe Iboga Baill. G. | |Trop. Afr. Thevetia Ahouai A.DC, G. R. By BP. Brazil. Thevetia nereifolia Juss. CG: CyR ieee: |Tr, Am. Urechites suberecta Muell. Gi Te + sed: ‘St. Doming, Is. Vinea major L. G. lL. |Abort Med. Reg. Vinca minor L, Eh Astr Eur. Vinca pusilla Murr. G. Ind. AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex Cassine Walt. sm. L. |Em. Cath, |N. Am. Tlex glabra A. Gray L. Astr. Wis Ae Tlex verticillata A, Gray By Astr. N... A; ee a ae 808 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ARACEAE . NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Alocasia indica Schott. G. | Ind. Malay. Alocasia montana Schott. G. Ind. Malay. Amorphophallus viridis BI. G. | Anthurium Ferrierense it Arisaema curvatum Kunth. G. In? Him. Reg Arisaema tortuosum Schott. G. ped Him. Reg Arisaema triphyllum Schott. Rusby |Em. N. A. Arisaema vulgare Targ. G. if Med. Reg. ) Arum Dioscoridis Sibth. G. | 'Greece re Min. — Arum Dracontium Schott. L. Acr N. A. Arum italicum Mill. GC. Mi. |Sap Eur. Arum maculatum L. G. Mi. Ir. Eur. Arum triphyllum Schott. L. Acr N. A. Caladium bicolor Vent. G. Ins. Am. Ausfr. Caila palustris L, (Cob racer. |Eur. As. N-Am. Colocasia antiquorum Schott. Ge ie Aver Te. As: Colocasia gigantea Hook f. G. Acr Colocasia virosa Kunth G. Acr Ind. Cryptocoryne spiralis Fisch, G. Erm. Ind. Cyrtosperma Merkusii Schott. G. Sumatra. Dracontium asperum C. Koch. G. Brazil. Dracunculus vulgaris Schott. & 1S.) Bar, Epipremnum mirabile Schott. G. L. {Ant. |Java. Homalomena aromatica Schott. G | |Malay. Ind. Lasia aculeata sp. Lour. G. Hyd |Tr. As. Monstera pertusa Schott. G. Tr. |Tr. Am. Philodendron bipinnatifidum Schott. — | G | | Brazil. Philodendron hederaceum Schott. | G P. S. Am. Philodendron Imbe Schott. G. em |Argentine. Philodendron Simsii Sweet. Sm. Ir. ‘Guiana. Pinellia tuberifera Ten. Ged ie |Japan. Scindapsus officinalis Schott. G, Ant. |Burma. Spathiphyllum candicans Poepp. G. Trop. Am. Symplocarpus foetidus Nutt. hoSnaly ia E. N. Am. ARALIACEAE Aralia sp. G. Eee N. Am. Asia Aralia hispida Vent. | L; Dur. N. E..U. S Aralia nudicaulis L. | 16 Dur. IN. Beas Aralia racemosa L,. | G. Them: IN. A. Aralia spinosa L, L. Diur. N. Am. Hedera Helix L. iG. C. L.|Em. Nar |Eur. Afm As Heptapleurum emarginatum Seem. G. Zeylan. Heptapleurum scandens Seem. G. Malay. Heptapleurum venulosum Seem. G. Austr. Panax sp. G. Sap. N. Am, As Polyscias sp. G. Sap. Austr. N. Zeal. |\Afr. Madagas. Malay. Pac. Is. Polyscias nodosa Seem. G. Fh al oe ‘Malay. Trevesia sp. G. Sap. \Java, Sumatra. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia anguicida Jacq. G. Diaph. S. Am. Aristolochia antihysterica Mart. G. Em. Brazil. Aristolochia argentina Griseb. G. em. Argent. Reg. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 809 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Aristolochia brasiliensis Mart. & Zucc.| | Er. Brazil. Aristolochia Clematitis L, |G, C Mi. |Em. Eur. Caucas. | Reg. As. Minor. Aristolochia elegans Mast. G. Em. Brazil. Aristolochia grandiflora Arruda Cre Pernamb. Aristolochia indica L. G. Ind. Aristolochia Kaempferi Willd. G. Japan. Aristolochia longa L. aan, ures Daa Med. Reg. Aristolochia pallida Willd. | G. |F. P. Nar. |Eur. As. Minor. Aristolochia Pistolochia L, ek @ hn ieee a |Med. Reg. Aristolochia rotunda L. | G. L. | Nar. 'Med. Reg. Aristolochia Serpentaria L,. Ly, |Diaph Bvwss Aristolochia sp. | E. BP Italy. Asarum albivenium Regel. G. Em Japan. Asarum arifolium Mx. By Tr. Wi A, Asarum canadense L. ue ie N. Am. Asarum caudatum L, L. Ir, Calif. Asarum europaeum L. |Mi. Sm. L.|Ir. Em.-Cat. Dap Asarum virginicum L, | L. ibe A. Bragantia tomentosa BI. | G. JA) ek Ind. Malay. Thottea dependens Klotzsch. | G. \Ir. | Malay. ASCLEPIADACEAE Araujia sericifera Brot. | G. am |Peru. Asclepias curassavica L. Gey) eet S. Am. Asclepias eriocarpa Benth. L. Em W. N. Am. Asclepias incarnata L,. Ches. C.L,JAnt N. Am. Asclepias mexicana Cav. Ches. |Em. W. N. Am. Asclepias syriaca L,. Ches. C. L.| Em. N. Am Asclepias tuberosa L, C. Ches. |Em N. Am. Calotropis gigantea R. Br. by KG ain ean Ind. Calotropis procera R. Br. | G. ate Be N. Afr. Ind Ceropegia bulbosa Roxb. | G. | |Ind. Chlorocodon Whiteii Hook. G. Cou Ss Ath, Choristigma Stieckertianum. G. Arg. Cosmostigma racemosa Wight. G. | Ind. Cryptostegia grandiflora R. Br. | G. Tr. Afr, Ind. | |(Cult.). Cynanchum acutum L, Tih Sin Bae | Ore (Kur. Ori. As. Cynanchum sarcostemmoides K. Schum. G. | Gonolobus laevis Mx. G. |A. P N. Am. Gonolobus obliquus R. Br. G. | |N. Am. Gymnema latifolium Wall. | G. Ind. Burma. Gymnema sylvestre R. Br. GL) Destroys») Ind. ie Ade sense of Austr. taste | Hemidesmus indicus R. Br. Gu Cou Zeylan, Marsdenia Cundurango Nich. L. Dog Poison|S. A. Marsdenia erecta R. Br. Ce Oe yr. Menabea venenata Baill. Ge sored: !Madagas. Metaplexis Stauntoni Schult. : |China. Morrenia brachystephana Griseb. G. Argentine. Periploca graeca L. : G. L. |Em. Wolt- |S. Eur. Periploca vomitoria Leschen. G. (Em. \Java. Sarcolobus carinatus Wall. G. | Ind. Burma. Sarcolobus narcoticus Miq. G. TNar. Java. % 810 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME, OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Sarcostemma australe R. Br. Gee 7] Aust. Sarcostemma glaucum HBK. G Em. S. Am. Venez. Solenostemma Argel Del. 1: Nubia. Stapelia sp. Cc: S. Afr. Tylophora asthmatica W. & A. Go ey Bim. Ind. Malay. Tylophora fasciculata Ham. G. Em. Ind. Tylophora laevigata Decne. G. Em. Maurit Is. Vincetoxicum nigrum Moench. CG Dr. Em. Eur. As. Minor. Vincetoxicum officinale Moench. C.MivL. [Drs Bm: Eur. Cag, @ BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens amphorata Edgew. | G. | Him. Impatiens aurea Muhl. | a: Diur. N. A. Impatiens biflora Walt. | iff Diur. N. A. Impatiens Noli-tangere L, | G. LL. |t,Dier. |Eur. Siberia. BEGONIACEAE Begonia gracilis HBK. | G. |Jém. |Mex, BERBERIDACEAE Berberis Aquifolium Pursh. oe seh N. Am. Berberis aristata DC. Cet, ab. Pe Ind. Berberis vulgaris L. GL... IF. PL Ir... |Bur. Demes Caulophyllum thalictroides Michx. Goal ae: N. Am. Leontice Leontopetalum L, Giedleealtit: Or Italy Orient, Nandina domestica Thunb. G. Opium Japan China. Podophyllum Emodi Wall. L. Cath. Him. Reg. Podophyllum peltatum L. Sm. Rusby|Pur. |N. Am. | C. Ches. | BETULACEAE Betula lenta L. | Witthaus | Astr. E. N. Am. Betula lutea Michx. | Witthaus |Astr. |E. N. Am. BIGNONIACEAE Bignonia capreolata L,. GreRedpelieek: IN. Am. Crescentia cucurbitina L,. G. | Tr. Am. Crescentia Cujete L. G. Trop. Am. Dolichandrona falcata Seem. G F. P. Abort.|Ind. Jacaranda procera Spr. R vee: ‘Guiana. Osmohydrophora nocturna G ae Braz. Tanaecium crucigerum Seem. G. W. Ind. Tecoma ceramensis Teijsm & Binn. is " Ceram Is. Tecoma leucoxylon Mart. ware P. Guiana W, Ind. Tecoma obtusata DC. e. |Brazil. Tecoma radicans Juss. R. N. Am. Tecoma speciosa DC. te Brazil. Tecoma stans Juss. G. N. Am. S. Am, Tecoma toxophora Mart. G. Brazil. BIXACEAE Gynocardia odorata R. Br, RX ee Pest ee ~ [Ind. Hydnocarpus anthelminticum Pierce. L. Ant. Hydnocarpus castanea H. F. & Thoms. G | endl ss Andoman Is. Malacca. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 811 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Hydnocarpus heterophylla Bl. [Peo Bone Java. Hydnocarpus Kurzii I. Ant Trop. As. Hydnocarpus piscidia Sm. Hyndocarpus venenata Gaertn. BC Be Zeylan. Hydnocarpts Wrightiana Bl. LDN Raa iM AN itd \Ind, Pangium ‘edule Reinw. | GR, BE. Hyd. Fo P.. Java. Taraktogenos Blumei Hassk. G. Eosndte Sumatra. Trichadenia zeylanica Thw. | G. Zeylan. BORAGINACEAE Asperugo procumbens L, | Sm. | N. As. Eur. Borago officinalis L. |. Whiy'C. : (Ir, Afr. As. Pourreria Havanensis Miers. | G. | iCuba. Cynoglossum officinale L. Gi Ly B |Kur. Orient. Echium vulgare L. G. (Ir. \Eur. N. Am. Heliotropium europaeum L. | G. | (eur, Afr. Ori. | Austr. N. Am. Int. BROMELIACEAE Ananas sativus Schult. Neer ee Aart (Tr. Am. Bromelia Pinguin L, leas Grenier esas Tr. Am Karatas Plumieri Emorr. H G. Ant |Panama, BURMANNIACEAE Dipodium punctatum R. Br. A a aR | Aust. BURSERACEAE Canarium sp. | G. A SASY ec (Aust. Pac. Is. | | Philipp. Canarium commune Linn. L. |Cath. i‘Molucea_Is. BU XACEAE Buxus balearica Lam. G. Cath |Balearic Is. Buxus sempervirens L. Ches,'G. Cats, |Eur, Ori. Tem. L. JAs. CACTACEAE Anhalonium Lewinii Henn. \Card. Ineb.| Mex. Nar. Cereus Bonplandii Parm. Card. Sed. \Brazil. Cereus flagelliformis Mill. Ant. jo. Am. Cereus grandiflorus Mill. in Card: a Ind. Sed. Cereus McDonaldii Hook. is oi y Honduras, Echinocactus sp. | G. N. Am. Echinocactus Williamsii Lem, Gil ods, eu |Mex. Tex. Mammillaria sp. G. | W. N. Am. Rhipsalis sp. G. 'S. Am, Trop. | | |Am. CALYCANTHACEAE Calycanthus glaucus Willd. |G. L. Ches.|Sheep Poi. |\N. Am. 812 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS CAMPANULACEAE (Including LOBELIACEAE) NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Isotonia axillaris Lindl. = = =~ © | GM... ©. (Aneel Isotoma Brownii G. Don. M. Austr. Isotoma longiflora Presl. G. M. W. Ind. Lobelia cardinalis L,. C. Mi. L.| Ant. E. N. Am. Rusby Lobelia fulgens Willd. C. Mi, [{Ac. Eur. Lobelia inflata L. Sm. Ches.|Dep. Em. |N. Am. L. Rusby. | Lobelia Kalmii L. Ches. | IN. A. Lobelia nicotianaefolia Heyne. G. Ac. \Ind. Lobelia pratioides Benth. G ein Acr Austr. Lobelia rhynchopetalum Hemsl. Tr, Afr. Lobelia siphilitica L. Maa Acr E. N. A. Ches. Lobelia spicata Ruiz. & Pav. | Ches, | Peru. Lobelia Tupa L. GR bec P Chili. Peru. Lobelia urens Willd. Gx Ci ACE Eur. Pratia erecta Gaud. ae oe Austr. Siphocampylus giganteus Don. ss | = Gs | sd Equa, CANELLACEAE Canella alba Murr. [IG Te Sap. BV Be CAPPARIDACEAE Boscia urens Welw. G. | Tr. Afr. Cadaba indica Lam. G. Ind. (Capparis Cynophallophora L. G. Sm. L.|Ant. Diur. |S. Am. BS aris ferruginea L. L. Ant. Diur. |W. Ind. Capparis globifera Del. G. Try Afs, \Capparis odoratissima Jacq. G. S. Am. Venez. Teome Chelidonii Lf. G. Ind. Java. Cleome frutescens Aubl. G. Guiana. Cleome gigantea L. G. Braz. S. Am. Cleome graveolens Raf. G. Iz, |N. Am. Cleome psoraleaefolia DC. G. | | Brazil. Cleome rosea G. i Shy a | Texas. Cleome spinosa Jacq. G. ©. Aim, Maerua angolensis DC. G. Tr Aim Morisonia americana L, G. | |S. Am. CAPRIFOLIACEAE Abelia uniflora R. Br. G. Hyd. China. Diervilla japonica DC. G. Sap. Japan. Diervilla trifida Moench. L. Diur. N. Am, Lonicera chrysantha Turcz. | G. Sap. ‘Siberia. Lonicera involucrata Banks G. Sap. N. Am. Ry.Mts, Lonicera japonica Thunb. G. Sap. Him. Reg. Lonicera Standishii Hook. G. China. Lonicera tatarica L. G. Sap. Siberia. Lonicera tomentella Hook f. & Thoms. Sap Him. Reg. Lonicera Xylosteum L. G. Sap. [Rur. N. As. Sambucus canadensis L. C.Rusby L,.|Em. IE. N. Am. Sambucus Ebulus L. Gi'Cy (San. e Eur. Him. eg. Sambucus mexicana Presl. q,: Em, IW. N. A POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 813 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Sambucus nigra L, |G.C. Rusby|Pur. |Rur. N. As. Sambucus racemosa L, Gari IN. Tem. Reg. Symphoricarpos mollis Nutt. G. Sap. IW. N, Am. Symphoricarpos racemosus Michx. G. Tr. |N. Am Triosteum majus Michx, E. N. Am Triosteum perfoliatum L. G.Rusby L.|Cath. N. Am. Viburnum Lantana L. Gy A. “Aste |Kur, Cauc. Reg. Viburnum macrophyllum Thunb. G. Sap. |Japan. Viburnum Opulus L. Gy. Sens |Eur. As. N.Am. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. sp. Agrostemma Githago L, Ge ‘Sm. leap Tr: Eur. As Int. N. ‘Ches, | & S.Am. Austr. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. | Abert Eur. Dianthus chinensis L. | G. | Sap. Eur. Tem. As. Gypsophila Struthium L. | G_L. [Sap. Spain. Herniaria glabra L. | G. Sap. Eur. N. As. Lychnis chalcedonica L. | G. | Sap. Japan. Lychnis dioica L. G. Sap. Eur. N. As. Lychnis Flos-cuculi L. | G. Sap. Eur. N. As. Lychnis indica Benth. | G. Sap Him. Reg. Polycarpaea sp. . G. Sap. Atistr:.: Pac. 3s: | - Trop. Saponaria officinalis L. Gwe be lr" Sap Eur, W. As. Saponaria Vaccaria L. | G. aa Eur. As. Min. | |Siber. Silene antirrhina L. [is oes E. N. Am. Silene Cucubalis Wibel. | G. | Eur. N. Afr. | | |Him. Reg Silene Griffithii Boiss. G. Him. Reg Silene macrosolen Steud. G. | Abyss. ue virginica L, G. pats N. Am. ilene viscosa Pers. G. Eur. N- Am. Stellaria crassifolia Ehrh. | G. | N. & Arct. Reg. CELASTRACEAE Catha edulis Forsk. G, |Stim. | Trop. Afr. Celastrus scandens L. | Ches. L. |Em. E. N. Am. Elaeodendron orientale Jacq. | G. | Madag. Is. | | Maurit. Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. LG ni oe PL Earry. N. Am. Euonymus Europaeus L. | G. Cc. |Em. Pur. |Eur. As. Min. Euonymus latifolius Mill. Em. Eur. As. Minor. Kurrimia zeylanica Arn. G. Ray |Zeyl. Lophopetalum pallidum Laws. G. | Malacca. CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex Halimus L. G. |Sap. N. & S. Afr. Atriplex hortensis L. G. L. |Sap. Em. |Cosmop. Cult, Atriplex laciniata L. G. Sap. Eur. N. Am. Atriplex Nuttallii S. Wat. G. Sap. W. N. Am. Atriplex rosea L,. G. Sap. iKur. N. Am. N. ; Afr. As. Minor. Atriplex tatarica L. G Sap. Cent. As. Atriplex vesicaria Hew. | G ap Austr. Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Temp. & Trop. 814 MANUAL, OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority ee | Chenopodium anthelminticum L,. be Say, aa Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus L. | L,. Ant Chenopodium Botrys L. LG af eA Chenopodium californicum S. Wat. | G. | Sap. Chenopodium hybridum L, ! G. Chenopodium mexicanum Mog. G. Sap Chenopodium polyspermum L,. R. aS Chenopodium rubrum L,. G. Chenopodium Vulvaria L. |_ Sm,L. JAnt Eurotia ceratoides C. A. Mey. | G. fags Halocnemum fruticosum D. Dietr. G. |Ant Kochia arenaria Roth. G. Sap. Kochia scoparia Schrad. G. Sap. Kochia trichophylla Hort. | G. Sap. Salsola Kali L, ! G. Ant. Salsola Kali var tenuifolia G. F.W. Mey. in Salsola tamariscifolia Cav. G. Ant. Sarcobatus Maximilianii Nees. | Ches. |Tymp. | CISTACEAE COMBRETACEAE Combretum bracteosum, Brandis G Sap. Combretum erythrophyllum Sond. G. Combretum phaneropetalum Bak. G. Combretum racemosum Beauv. G. | Combretum trifoliatum Vent. | G. | Ant. Gustavia augusta L. Fa: FAP Sega {1 Sic Gustavia brasiliana DC. Vc Ce: nike oe a ae Quisqualis indica L,. G. Ver. Terminalia Bellerica Roxb, [ee POR ha Terminalia Chebula Retz. L. Astr. Terminalia tomentosa Wight. G. COMMELINACEAE Athyrocarpus persicariaefolium Hemsl.| G. | Commelina deficiens Herb. | G. Sap Commelina nudiflora L. G. Commelina tuberosa L. Faas creer Tradescantia crassifolia Cav. | FP, Tradescantia elongata G. F. W. Mey. | G. } COMPOSITAE Achillea Ptarmica L, | Misi kye ED Anacyclus officinarum Hayne. GL. | yd Anacyclus pedunculatus Pers. | G. Ur Anacyclus Pyrethrum DC. Sm. 4 Sir. Anthemis aetnensis Schouw. G. Hyd Anthemis altissima L. G. livd Properties Locality |Reg. N. Am. Temp. & Trop. | \Reg. N. Am. |Eu. N. Am. iCal. |N. Temp. Reg. \N. Am. Eur. {Mex. |Fur. N. As. lhur. N. As. Eur. N. Am. (Cal. Eu. N. As. |W. N. Am. is Eur. N. Afr. S. Eur. W. As. @ lEur. W. As. |Am. |Eu. As. N. Am. Eur. Ry. Mts. W. |N. Am. | |S.. Afr. |S. Afr. ‘Trop. Afr. Hab. iTr. As. (Ind. Malay Pre ava 'Ind. Panama Braz. Tr. Reg. Mex. S. Am. S. Am. |N. Temp, Reg. ‘S. Eur. | Barbar. |N. Afr. Orient. Mt. Aetna Eur. Orient. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 815 NAME OF PI,ANT Authority | Properties Locality Anthemis arvensis L. G. Hyd. ‘Eur. Orient. Anthemis austriaca Jacq. G. [lyd. ‘Eur. Orient. Anthemis Blancheana Boiss. G. ilyd. Syria Anthemis chia L. G. yd. Greece, As. Min. Anthemis Cota L,. G. Hyd. \S. Eur. Anthemis Cotula L, Gee.) ht iRur. N. Afr. | Orient. Anthemis elbuensis | G. | Hyd. Anthemis montana L. G. vd. |Eur. Orient. Anthemis nobilis L,. L. Naus, Stim.;Eu. As. Arnica alpina Olin and Ladau. 1 Be Nar. ‘Eur, N. A. Arnica Chamissonis Less. L. Nar. /Unalaschk. Arnica montana L, G. Sm; Te) Par, In (Eur. N. A. Nar Arnica nudicaulis Ell. | te: | Nar N. A. Artemisia Abrotanum J. [ny Gage Ineb ‘Eur. Temp. A. Artemisia Absinthium L,. PG GSCI ii eh te dN age: | Rusby |Ant Eur. Artemisia arenaria DC. Sm. Ineb. \Cau. Reg, Artemisia maritima L. L. G. |Ineh. Ant. |Eur. Cauc. Sib. Artemisia mexicana Willd. G. Ant. Mex. Artemisia pontica L. | Te: Ant, [Kur. Cau. Reg. Artemisia trifida Nutt. | Le Diaph W. N. A. Artemisia vulgaris. L; Antisp 'Tem, Reg. Athanasia amara L. G. Ant. | Atractylis gummifera L,. | Ger. [Med. Reg. Baccharis cordifolia DC. G. L. [|Poi. Alk. |Brazil Cardopatium corymbosum Pers. G. | 'As. Min. Med. \Reg. Carlina acaulis L. G. L... |Diur |Kur. Centaurea Calcitrapa L. L, Tr. iN. Af. Eur. Temp. As. Centipeda orbicularis Lour. G. Ant \As. Austr. | Pac.” Is. Chrysanthemum Balsamita L. Go Ane |W. As. Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Vis. | ee Peto ins: |Dalmatia Chrysanthemum Parthenium Berrh. GCN Eas’ Anti by pee Chrysanthemum pinnatifiidum L. G. [Cum. [Madera Ts. Chrysocoma Coma—aurea [L,. G. | 1S. Afr. Clibadium Barbasco DC. |S Aaa Den WL DAN a Clibadium surinamense L, CES TEES) IDET Fe |S. Am. Cosmos sulphureus Cav. G. | ‘Mex. Crepis lacera Ten. G. | iItaly Cynara Cardunculus L. | G. |Diur. ‘Med. Reg Dimorphotheca Ecklonis DC. G. [Hyd. Sap. |S. Afr Dimorphotheca pluvialis Moench. G. | IS. Afr Doronicum pardalianches L,. | Ir. iEur. As Dysodia papposa Hitch. lie N. Am. Echinops Ritro L. G. | N. Am Elephantopus tomentosus L., | Gino: ean N. Am. Elytropappus glandolusus Less. G. | iS. Afr. Eupatorium amarissimum G. Ins. Eupatorium cannabinum L, | Geely VD: (Bar oN. tAS: Eurybia moschata G. | Flaveria Contrayerba Pers. Gory Op Age. (Trop. Am. Gnephosis eriocarpa Benth. G. Austr. Grindelia robusta Nutt. G. L. fAntispas. “Call: Grindelia Tournefortii L,. | G. Em. Haplocarpha lyrata Hav. G | [S; Agr 816 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Helenium autumnale L. Ches. G.L,|Ir. Nar. Helenium tenuifolium Nutt. Ches. G. L.|Ir. Nar. Helianthus tuberosus L. @. Helichrysum apiculatum D. Don | G. Ant. Hieracium virosum Pall. | G. Ichthyothere Cunabi Mart. RG, RoE se Inula Royleana DC. G. Lactuca Scariola L, iG.C. Mi.L.| Nar. Lactuca taraxacifolia Schum. G. Nar. Lactuca tatarica C. A. Mey. | G. Lactuca virosa L. G. Mi, L. | Nar. Launaea pinnatifida Cass. G. Montanoa floribunda C. Koch. G. Montanoa tomentosa Cerv. G. Mutisia viciaefolia Cav. GL \Sap. Sed Oldenburgia Arbuscula DC. G. Sap. Olearia macrodonta Bak. G. Sap. Olearia moschata Hook. G. | Onopordon Acanthium L, ! G. | Othonopsis intermedia Boiss. | G. Parthenium MHysterophorus L. | L. | Parthenium integrifolium L. | G. |Diur Pentzia virgata Less, G. Perezia oxylepis Sch. G. Petasites officinalis Moench. G. Picris hieracioides L. | 1 | Bitter Prenanthes altissima L. G. L. {Bitter Pterigeron adscendens Benth. G. M. Pterocaulon pycnostachyum EI. G. | Nar. Pulicaria dysinterica Gaertn. | Ty. |Ins, Senecio gaudalensis. Ches. Senecio Grayanus Heimsl.. G. oe Senecio Jacobaea L. G. L. Ches.| Anodyne Senecio toluccanus DC. 3. Senecio vulgaris L. Ge Ly). Aste: Senecio vulneraria DC. en ysere Silybum Marianum Gaertn. L.. |Exp. Solidago Virgaurea L, G.) L. {Diar Spilanthes Acmella Murr. Lh Ge LPs: Spilanthes oleracea L,. 1, Pung. Tanacetum umbelliferum Boiss. G. Abort. Tanacetum vulgare L. 'G.Rusby L.| Abort. Vernonia anthelmintica Willd. 1) Gea Ant. Vernonia nigritiana Oliv. and Hiern. | G. Xanthisma texanum DC. G. Sap. Xanthium canadense Mill. | G. Ches. |Mech. Xanthium spinosum L, | G. Ches. Xanthium Strumarium L, | G. Ches. CONIFERAE Cephalotaxus drupacea Sieb and Zucc. | G. | Ginkgo biloba L. G. Acr. Juniperus Sabina L. C.G. Mi.L,.\Abort. Juniperus oxycedrus L, Sm. Abort. | Locality N. Am. N.Am. S.States N. Am. Austr. N. As. Eur. Brazil Him, Reg. \E. Eur. iTr. Afr. W. As. In. Eur. N. As. As. Trop. Afr. Mex. Mex. Chili iS. Afr. IN. Zeal. N. Zeal. lEur. N. Afr. |Orient. Eur. N. As. Eur. Tem. As. fe N. Zea. iN. Tem. Reg. Cosm, Trop. Ber -trop. A. bred, 'Rur.. N. As. |Him. Reg. (Tr. Afr. Texas |N, Am. |\Cosm. ICos. Jap. Jap. Eur, N. As S. Eur. Cauc. Reg. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 817 NAME OF PLANT Authority Juniperus virginiana L., IC. L. G. Mi.|Abort. Picea excelsa | White i Pinus Laricio Poir. hae et Pinus sylvestris L, | Sin: | Ineb Sequoia sempervirens Endl. : | Taxus baccata L,. Mi Rukh iH a Taxus brevifolia Nutt. Taxus canadensis Marsh. |Ches.Wh.L. mee Thuja occidentalis L. | G. L. |Abort. Torreya nucifera Sieb. and Zucc. G. Tsuga cannadensis 1 We Aste CONNARACEAE Agelaea emetica H. Bu. G. Cnestis corniculata Lam. G. Cnestis glabra Lam. G. Cnestis polyphylla Lam. G. Cnestis glabara Lam. G. Connarus africanus | G. Rourea glabra HBK. | G. Con. CONVOLVULACEAE Convolvulus Scammonia L. (Ci Sm (Caih Convolvulus sepium L. | Oe Convolvulus venenatus West. G. Cuscuta americana L, G. Cuscuta australis R. Br. G. AC Cvscuta Dorycnium L. | G. Cuscuta epithymum Murr. Sm. = _|Cath. Cuscuta europaea L. Sm. Cath. Ipomoea emetica Choisy. G. Em. Ipomoea Jalapa Coxe. | Cy Em. Ipomoea pandurata G. F. W. Meyer. Rusby |Pur. Ipomoea Purga Hayne. Sm. Pur. Ipomoea sinuata Orteg. G. Em. Ipomoea tuberosa L. G. CORIACEAE Coriaria myrtifolia L,. OU ONG BY | Coriaria naepalensis Wall. G. Coriaria ruscifolia L. | G. | Coriaria sarmentosa Frost, | Gia Coriaria thymifolia Humb. & Bonpl. G. | CORNACEAE Alangium Lamarckii Thwait. G. Amyris balsamifera L. G. Tr Aucuba japonica Humb. Sm. Exp. Cornus Amomum Mill. OEE Sem yi ES 8 Cornus circinata L. Her. De LAS. Cornus Mas. L,. L. Astr. Cornus paniculata L. Her. Pammel |Exp. Garrya Fremontii Torr. Gaur Marlea Vitiensis Benth. G. Properties Locality |B. N. A, |Eur. Cult. Mad. Maurit Trop. Afr. Trop. Afr. | Venez. |As. Minor Eur, N. A. St. Croix Is. N. A. Aus. Eur. N. As. N. Am. Eur. Orient, IN. Am. Am. Calid. |Trop. Reg. Med. Reg. Him. China Peru N. Zeal. Peru W. N. Am. ‘Austr. Pac. Is. 818 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS CRASSULACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Cotyledon ventricosa Burm. G. Kalanchoe spathulata DC. G. Sedum acre L, G. Mi. L. Ir. Sempervivum montanum L,. G. Ir. CRUCIFERAE Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. GL,” [Antise: Brassica alba Boiss. Sm. Tf. Brassica arvensis L. Brassica nigra Koch. Capsella Bursa-pastoris Medic. G. Sap. Cardamine amara L, Cardamine pratensis L, G. L. {Antise. Crambe filiformis Jacq. : Diplotaxis erucoides DC. Ge te tin: Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC. 1 Ir *Eruca sativa Mill. Wilcox* | Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Erysimum crepidifolium Reichb. Isatis corniculata Lepidium Draba L. G BP Lepidium latifolium L, Sm. Is} Lepidium oleraceum Forst. oe eas Te Lepidium Owaihiense Cham. & Schlecht. G. i oe Lepidium piscidium Forst. SAS SN 2s Lepidium sativum L, G. Whi. L,.|Ir Matthiola livida DC. G. Radicula Armoracia (L.) Robinson. Antisc. Gah Raphanus Raphanistrum L, Coy ea Raphanus sativus L. L. Antise. Senebiera pinnatifida DC. G. Sisymbrium Alliaria Scop. Cc Sisymbrium Sophia L. | G. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. | Ly Antise. Sisymbrium toxophyllum G. A. Mey. _ | G, | Vesicaria gnaphalodes Boiss. | G | CUCURBITACEAE Bryonia alba L. ) Mia. Coat Bryonia dioica Jacq. G.Mi. C.L,.\Ir Cayaponia ficifolia Cogn, G. Citrullus Colycinthis Schrad. GG Pur Corallocarpus epigaeus B. & H. L. Ant | Cucumis africanus Lindl. | G. Em. | Cucumis dipsaceus Ehrenb, G. Cucumis metuliferus E. Mey. G. Cucumis myriocarpus Naud. L. Be Cucumis prophetarum L, | L. Pur, Si Lyre Ant Locality - |Afr. Austr, | Trop. As. Eur. N. As. N. Am. Cent. Eur. Eur. Temp, As. Ama Eu. As. N. Am. Eu. As. N. Am. Eu. As. N. Am. Temp. Reg. ~ Eur. N. As. Temp, Reg. Pat. Chili Med. Reg. As. Minor Eur. Med. Reg. W. Eur. Orient. Eur. As.Orient. N._ Zeal. Hawai. Is. Paces Orient. Egypt, Arab. Eur.As. N. Am. Eur. Asia Cosmop. Eur. Orient. Him. Reg. Temp. Reg. \Kur. N. As. N. As. Persia Eur, Med. Reg. Brazil |Afr. Calid. E. Ind. S. Afr. |Arab. Trop.Afr. Si Afr. |S. Afr. |Arabia, *A case of probable poisoning of sheep by this weed was reported to Dr. Wil- cox from Nebraska. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 819 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Cucumis Sacleuxii Hort. |Sap. | Cucumis trigonus Roxb. on 1.) (ne Ind. Cucurbita maxima Duchesne G. Sap. | Ecballium elaterium A. Rich. CirSm,L, Pur. Med. Reg Echinocystis fabacea Naud. Gos Sap Calif. Echinocystis macrocarpa Greenee Sap Calif Fevillea cordifolia L. GB hee Ind. Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. Gries sap Trop. Reg. Luffa acutangula Roxb. G. Trop. old world Luffa aegyptiaca Mill, | G. Trop. old world Luffa purgans Mart. | by Cath [Tr. Am Melothria scrobiculata Cogn. G. Taen Abyss. Momordica Balsamina L. | L, Em. Trop. Reg Momordica Charantia L, | a Ant. Em. |Trop. Reg Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng. G. rop. As. Momordica Cymbalaria Fenzl. | G. Trop. Afr Sicydium monospermum Cogn. G. Em. |Brazil Telfairia pedata Hook. | G. Taen. ['Trop. Afr. Trichosanthes Celebica Cogn. | G. |Celebes. Trichosanthes globosa BI. G. Eee: |Java Trichosanthes pubera Blum. G. [Ind. Malay Trichosanthes trifoliata BI, G. Malay Trichosanthes wallichiana Cogn. G. IInd. CYCADACEAE Callitris sp. | G. Austr. Cycas circinalis L. | G. Molucce. Is. Cycas media R. Br. Gay Austr. Macrozamia sp. He Ge Ni Austr. Zamia media Jacq. | G. W. I. CYPERACEAE Cyperus articulatus L. Goi lAnk Cosmop. Trop. Kyllingia monocephala Rottb. G. Trop. old worid Schoenus apogon Roem. and Schult. M. Austr. N. Zeal. CHAILLETIACEAE Chailletia cymosa Hook. | G. | SARE Chailletia toxicaria Don. Pees Goa ter ees Trop. Afr. Tapura guianensis Aubl. a Se Guian. DILLENIACEAE Davilla rugosa Poir, G. | Brazil Doliocarpus Rolandri J. F. Gmelin. G, Guiana, Brazil. Hibbertia glaberrima F. Muell. G. M. Austr. Hibbertia longifolia F. Muell. | G. Austr. Tetracera alnifolia Willd. (Crain Tt A 5 ie Ae Tetracera Assa DC. | E. [FUP Ind. Malay | DIOSCOREACEAE Dioscorea sp. | G. Dioscorea alata L. | G. cys Dioscorea bulbifera L,. | G. Pe AS Dioscorea deltoidea Wall. | G. Ind. 820 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT | Authority | Properties Locality Dioscorea hirsuta Mart. G. Mex. Dioscorea macroura Harm, G. Dioscorea toxicaria Bojer. G. Tr: Atri Dioscorea triphylla Schimp. G. | Abyss. Tamus communis L, G. C.L. [Ir. Diur:, |Ear.' Persiat | Afr. DIPSACEAE Scabiosa Succisa L, | Sm. LL, | |Eur. Tr. N. A. | _|& S.A. DIPTEROCARPACEAE Ancistrocladus Vahlii Arn. | G. |Zeylan. Dryobalanops camphora | Sm: L. “Del. |Zevlon DROSERACEAE Dionaea muscipula Ellis. | G. Sm. L, |Ir. Hyd. hes Am. Drosera binata Labill. G. Hyd. Austr. N. Zeal. Drosera communis S. Hil. G. Brazil Drosera intermedia Hayne. G. Hyd. Eur. Drosera peltata Sw. G. M. Austr. Drosera rotundifolia L, G Sm. L. |Ir. Hyd. |N. Reg. Drosera Whittakerii Planch. M. |Austr, Drosophyllum lusitanicum Link. G. Hyd. |Lusitan, | |Morocco. EBENACEAE Diospyros acris Hemst. | G. Acr. Solomon Is. Diospyros amara | G. Diospyros Ebeneum Koen. | G. L. R. {Astr. F. P. [Ind. Malay Diospyros embryopteris Pers. Le. Astr. |\Tr.Afr. Philipp. Diospyros malacapai A. DC. | G. Trop. As. Diospyros montana Roxb. | G. Philipp. Diospyros multiflora Blanco, G. Eee? N, A. Diospyros obtusifolia Willd. L. Astr. | Diospyros samoensis A. Gr. G. F. P Samoa Is. Nav. Diospyros tesselaria Poir. G. BLE Mascar. Is. Diospyros toxicaria Hiern. G. | Madagascar Diospyros virginiana L. |G. T LAnt. Astr, ieiee EQUISETACEAE equisetum arvense L, |G. Mi. L. [Diur. Eur. N. A. | Ches. | Equisetum hyemale L. L. Diur. Eur. As. N. A, Equisetum palustris L. | Ches. {Diur. Eur. ERICACEAE Andromeda Polifolia L. | Ches, |Nar, ne N. Am, Eur. s. Arbutus Andrachne L. G. Nar. Med. Reg Arbutus Unedo L. G L Med. Reg Arbutus varians Benth. G | Mex. he POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 821. NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Arbutus xalapensis H. B. K, | 1s Diur. Nar. |Mex. S.W.U.S. Arctostaphylos polifolia H. B. K. - | G. Nar. Mex. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi L,. San L.), [ie Wars se IN A Epigaea repens L. | Ches Nar. . N. Am. Gaultheria microphylla Hook. G. | Magellan Reg. Gaultheria numularoides D, Don. G. Him. Reg. Java Gaultheria procumbens. Gio i taNete, (By NAL Kalmia angustifolia L,. G. Rusby |Nar. Astr. |E. N. A. L. Ches. Kalmia glauca Ait. 1B) Nar. IE. N. A. Kalmia hirsuta Walt. |B Nar. iE. N. A, Kalmia latifolia L. G. Ches. |Nar. Astr. |E, N. A | L. Rusby | Ledum glandulosum Nutt. | L. Ches. |Nar N. and Arc.Reg. Ledum latifolium Jacq. iC. hes: fine N. N. A. | L. Rusby Ledum palustre L,. | CAA 8 Nar N. & Arc. Reg Rusby L,. Leucothoe Catesbaei A. Gr. C. L. Ches.|Errhine. N. A. S. States Leucothoe racemosa A. Gray. Ches, |Errhine. Oxydendron arboreum DC. | Whi. L. JIr. N. A. Pieris floribunda Benth. & Hook. Ls Ches.)): ineb: |N. A. Pieris mariana Benth. & Hook. G. Rusby |Ineb i. N, A. L,. ‘Ches. Pieris nitida Benth. & Hook. | G. L. {Ineb. VB IN WAL Pieris ovalifolia D. Don. G, Him. Reg. Java Rhododendron arborescens Torr. (Os Nar. — IN, A. Rhododendron arboreum Sm. om. /G. iNan ‘Ind. Him. Reg Rhododendron californicum Hook. Ches. |Nar N. A. Calif Rhododendron campanulatum D. Don. G. Nar Him. Reg Rhododendron catawbiense Mx 1 Nar, E. No A Rhododendron caucasicum Pall. | G. Nar, Caucas, Rhododendron chrysanthum Pall. Gl Sean La iNet: !Davur. Rhododendron cinnebarinum Hook. | G. Nar, Him. Reg Rhododendron dauricum L,. Gi Ry Nar RBS ole Ags Rhododendron ferrugineum L. G.-C. Sm.L.| Nar. Eur. As Rhododendron hirsutum L,. ie le aN Rea ur. Rhododendron indicum Sw. Ons Nar China Rhododendron ledifolium G. Don, c. Nar. |China -Rhododendron maximum L. G. Ches. C.| Nar E. N. A ; | Rusby L. | Rhododendron nudiflorum Torr. @! Nar ND AG Rhododendron occidentale A. Gray. et Chess.) Nain W.N. A Rhododendron ponticum L,. G. C. Sm. | Nar A. M. Rhododendron punctatum Andr. Co N. A. Rhododendron sinense Sw. Cc. Nar |Japan Rhododendron sublanceolatum Miq. | Ce Nar \Japan Zenobia speciosa D. Don. G. ] N. A. ERY THROXYLACEAE Erythroxylon coca Lam. | Sm. L. G. | Del. Stim. |Peru | Anes. | EUPHORBIACEAE Acalypha colchica Fisch. & Mey. | G. | Hyd. |Caucas. . Acalypha cordifolia Muell. G, Wat. Him. Reg. Acalypha indica L,. | G. Em. Tr. As. & Afr. Acalypha virginica L. L; Exp.Diur.Jr|N. Am. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Baliospermum axillare BI. Beyeria viscosa Miq. Bridelia retusa Spreng. Chrozophora plicata A. Juss. Chrozophora tinctoria A. Juss. Cleistanthus collinus Benth. & Hook. Cnesmone javanica BI. Croton muricatus Zipp. Croton Tiglium L. Croton Verreauxii Baill. Daphniphyllum bancanum Kurz. Eloeococca verrucosa Eremocarpus setigerus Benth. Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia aleppica L, alsinaeflora Baill. amygdaloides L. antiquorum L, arborea bicolor Engem & Gray. candelabrum Trem. caracasana cerebrum L. chamalsyce L,. characias L. corollata L.. cotinoides Miq. cotinifolia L. Cyparissias L, dendroides L. Drummondii Boiss. eremophila A. Cunn. Esula L,. Gerardiana Jacq. helioscopia L. heptagona L. heterodoxa Muell. hyberna L,. Ipecacuanhae L, Lathyris L,. linearis Retz. lingularia marginata Pursh. mellifera Ait. neriifolia L,. officinarum palustris L. Paralias Lb. Peplus L, piscatoria Ait. pithyusa L. platyphyllos L,. Preslii Guss. primulaefolia Baker pulcherrima Willd. punicea Sw. pungiformis Boiss. Authority | Properties G. G. M. G. G. G. G. G. G. (CCS mike uae 1b G. | G. | C. 1. A. Poe RE lr anes Canine ie (Gan Re ire. G. ite le Ches hie. ics Ry Go) ee Bes G. Nis | G. Tiss G. iWee L. Ir. Gea lice dew, ex Goi les oe Mi Cerin | GaiRG a POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 823: NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Euphorbia Regis-Jubae Webb. & Benth.| G. Ir. Teneriff Is. “Euphorbia resinifera Berg. | L. Ir. Moroce. Euphorbia Royleana Boiss. GouRS. |) ine BaP! ion, Reg, Euphorbia Sibthorpii Boiss. |G. Rote BP. [Greece Euphorbia Sieboldiana Moor. & Decne.| G. \Ir. Japan Euphorbia thymifolia L,. | G. Te: Tropics Euphorbia Tirucalli L. eR ie BPs Ages vind Euphorbia venefica Trem. | G. Ir. as. Agr, Euphorbia verrucosa Lam. Mia Cue Nites Eur Euphorbia Wulfenii Hoppe. | G. ibe Dalmatia _ Excoecaria Agallocha L. |G. R..M. C.|Aer. F. BP. | Tir As:) Malay | L. Pacis Excoecaria virgata Zoll and Mor. | G. Java Fluggea Leucopyrus Willd. Ge BB ie. Ind. Fluggea obovata Baill. G. Tr. Afr. Gymnanthes lucida Sw. Sm. W. Ind. Hippomane Mancinella LG. Sm. [Tr Ind. Homalanthus crepitans L,. Tenet (CuReiin 12) | Homalanthus Leschenaultianus A, Juss.| G. M. Ind. Malay | | Austr, Hyoemanche globosa C. | Jatropha Curcas L. (Ge COMRSHE Ein ey Tr. Amphig. Jatropha glandulifera Roxb. G. Tr. As. & Afr. Jatropha macrorhiza Benth. G. Mex. Jatropha multifida L. G. a Tr. Amphig. Jatropha urens L,. G; Sm. |Ir: Tr. Am. | Ches. _Joannesia princeps Vell. GL. E. [Cath. F. P. |Braz. Macaranga sp. G. Java Mallotus philippinensis Muell. Sui Bs (Pur As. Astr. Manihot Glaziovii Muell, G. Manihot utilissima Pohl. | RuinGs E P. Hyd. |Braz. Wh. Sm. | | Pe | Mecurialis annua | Ci Etat Eur. Mecurialis perennis L, Gi) Tavtre Cath: Eur. Mecurialis tomentosa | Ci Pedilanthus tithymaloides Poit. Gi Te) lie SE ‘Mex. S. Am. Petalostigma cordifolia Fv. M. | G. F Phyllanthus Conami Sw. AG, P Tr. Am. | Sm. Mi. | Phyllanthus Emblica L. | G. pees Phyllanthus epiphyllanthus L. | G. Cuba. Phyllanthus Gasstromi Muell. Lapa Gagne Austr. Phyllanthus lacunarius F. M. G. M. Austr. Phyllanthus Niruri L. G. Tr. Reg. Phyllanthus piscatorum H. B. & K. G. Mi. E. | Venezuela Phyllanthus urinaria L, G. Be Tr. Amphig. Piranhea trifoliata Baill. G. Mi. Braz _Platygyna urens Mercier F, Putranjiva Roxburghii Wall. G. Tnd. Burma Ricinus communis 1 (G.Sim) (CAL is Py Tr. Reg. Ghés. (Par! | Sapium indicum Willd. | Ge Ma BB Ps. Nar wads Sapium insigne Trim. G ir Ind. Sebastiana Palmeri Riley. G. | Sebastiana Pavoniana Muell. Arg. | G. Securinega ramiflora Muell. Arg. G. Hyd. As. Stillingia lineata Muell, | G \Ind, Maurit. 824 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Stillingia sylvatica L. L. Expect, U.S. Toxicodendrum globosum G. Con. ‘Tragia cordifolia Vahl. G. Ves. Arabia Tragia involucrata L, | G. Ves. Tr. As. Tragia volubilis L. G. Le Ves. Ind. FAGACEAE Castanopsis Tungurrut A. D C. Malay Fagus sylvatica L. C. Mi. |Gastr. Eur. Quercus alba L, L,. Astr. Tymp.jE.. N. A. Quercus Toza Gillet cS. S. Eur. Quercus lusitanicus Lam. L. Astr. Med. Reg. Quercus sp. | Ches. FICOIDEAE Aizoon canariense L,. | G. Canar. Is; Aig Orient. Gisekia pharnacioides L. G |Taen. Taen. Ind. Limeum sp. G. S.. Air. Mesembryanthemum anatomicum Haw. G. Nar. Tr.Reg & Sub. | Tr. Reg, Afr. Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. L | Diur, Gr, ‘Can. Ise Afr. Calf. Mollugo hirta Thunb. G. M. Austr. Tetragonia expansa Thunb, G. Sap. Japan Trianthema sp. | G. Sap. Arab. Afr. Austr. Trianthema Portulacastrum L. | G. Sap. Par. ./|Tr, Age FILICALES Adiantum pedatum L. G Astr E. As. Jap N. A. Adiantum peruvianum Kl. G. Peru Adiantum trapeziforme L,. G. Trop. Am. Anemia oblongifolia Sw. G. Trop. Am. Angiopteris erecta Hoffm. G. Aspidium athamanticum Ktze. GL. Ant S. Afr. Aspidium Filix-Mas Sw. named Sop bilan Ws 3 Eur. N. A: Aspidium marginale Ktze. Sy. do Pea Eur. N. A, Aspidium odoratum Willd. G. N. Ind. E. As. Aspidium prestulatum Ten. G. An. Aspidium rigidum Sw. G. Ceterach officinarum Willd. G. LL. {Abort. Eu. Ind Cheilanthes fragrans G. Med. Reg Him, Reg Cryptogramme crispa R. Br. G. : Eur. N. W m. Cystopteris alpina Desv. G. Hyd. Eur. Mt. Reg. Cystopteris bulbifera Bernh, G. Hyd. N. Am. Cystopteris fragilis Bernh. G. EL. ° (Hyd. Eu. N. Am. Cosm. Cystopteris montana Bernh. Hyd. Cent. Eur. E. Malay, Trop. Davallia brasiliensis Hook. G. Hyd. As. Austr. Davallia elegans Sw. | G. aya nN a POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Davallia hirsuta Kaulf. G. Hyd. Davallia majuscula Lowe G. Hyd. Davallia pentaphylla Don. G. Hyd. Davallia platyphylla Don. Hyd. Davallia strigosa Sw. G. Geniophlebium incanum Sw. G. Gleichenia flabatellata R. Br. G. Sap. Gymnogramme cordata Schl. G. Lindsaea cultrata BI. G. Polypodium laciniatum BI. G. Polypodium ligulatum Sw. G. Polypodium percussum Cay. G. Polypodium Phymatodes L,. G. | Polypodium scandens Forst. G. | Polypodium suspensum L. G. Polypodium vulgare L. 1 )Exp. Diur. Polystichum spinulosum DC. | G. Pteris aquilina L. G. Hyd. Ant. Pieris caudata V+} caudata_L. | G. Ant. FLAGELLARIACEAE Susum anthelminthicum BI. ! G. | FRANKENIACEAE Frankenia ericifolia Chr, Sm.G. (i Pp. Frankenia grandifolia Cham. & Schlecht, L. |Astr. FUMARIACEAE Corydalis racemosa Pers. G. Dicentra canadensis Walp. L. Diur. Fumaria officinalis L. Gag heii Nias: Fumaria spicata L. G. GENTIANACEAE Gentiana verna L,. G. Menyanthes trifoliata L. G. Tachia guianensis Aubl. G. GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium | | Pelargonium peltatum Ait. G. GNETACEAE Ephedra L,. { G. Ephedra antisyphilitica C. A. Mey. L. Astr. Gnetum scandens Roxb. G. FOP. Gnetum urens Blum. G. Ur. GOODENIACEAE Goodenia grandiflora Sims. G. Scaevola sp. G. AP: Velleia paradoxa R. Br. G. M. 825 Locality PAA eR EL EL HO ADEM Ceylon Java & adj. Is. Ind. N. Ind. Japan, Malay | S. Afr. N. Ind. Malay Mad. Austr. Malay, Ceylo Austr. N. Z. Austr. Trop. Am. Eu. N. Am. N. Am. inte Eu. N.Am. |Java Canary Is. Calif. Japan N. A. |Temp.old world |Lusitan. |Eur. Cauc. Reg. iN. Temp. Reg. Guian. Eur. N. A. Mex. Ind. Malay |Guian. Austr. Austr. Austr. 826 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS GRAMINEAE | NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Agrostis alba L. | *Hell, Tr N. Temp. Reg. Andropogon annulatus Forsk. | G. Afr.Ind. Austr. Andropogon halepensis | Hyd. Eur. Afr.N.Am. Anthistiria prostrata Willd. | Ind. Anthoxanthum odoratum L, G. Cou. Eur. As. Afr. Arrhenatherum avenaceum Beauv. | G. Sap. ‘Eur. Avena fatua L. G. Mech. Eur. Ori. As. Briza sp. G. Hyd. S. Am, Eur. N- Am. As. Bromus catharticus Vahl. G. Bromus mollis L. | G. Eur, Afr. As. Bromus secalinus L,. G. Pay Med. Reg. | Ss. Bromus tectorum L, Pa. Ir. iKu. N, Am. Catabrosa sp. | G. Hyd. Cenchrus tribuloides L, G. Mech IE Am. Cortaderia argentea Stopf. G. Cortaderia conspicua G. Hyd | Cortaderia Kermesiana G, Hyd. | Deyeuxia Langsdorffi Kunth. G. Sap. N. Am.. Elionurus sp. | G S. Af. S. Am. | Austr. Elymus sp. | G. Hyd. Eur. N. Am. Festuca sp. G. Hyd. Festuca quadridentata H. B. & K. Gre: Equador Glyceria sp. G. Hyd. N. Am. Eur. Glyceria aquatica Wahleb. G. Hyd. N. Tem. Reg Heteropogon hirtus Pers. | | Tr. Reg. Hierochloe australis R. & S. | G. Cou. Eur. Hierochloe borealis Roem. & Schult. Cou. N. .Reg Hierochloe rariflora Hook. G. |Cou. Eur. Holcus sp. Hyd. |Eur. N. Am. Lolium Lamarckii L. G. C. |Hyd. Del. ‘Eur. As. Lolium perenne L. | G. C. Mi, |Hyd. Eur. As. Lolium temulentum L. | L. Ches. |Nar. Intox. |Eur. As. U. S Melica sp. G. Iyd, Milium effusum L. | G. N. Temp. Reg. Molinia caerulea Moench. CRG re Eur. As Panicum | G, Hyd. N. Temp. Reg. Panicum junceum Nees. | G. Hyd. Braz. Panicum sanguinale L,. | G, Em. Cosmop. Paspalum scrobiculatum L, | G, Nar. Tr. old world Setaria scandens Schrad. | G. |Braz. Sorghum vulgare Pres. 1 Gr liv Tr. Reg. Spartium junceum Ty. Em.-Cath. |Cosmop, Stipa capillata L. G. S. Am, As. Stipa inebrians Hance. G. Del. China. Stipa palmata Pall. Stipa pennata Hohen. G. Mech (Eur. As. N.Am. Stipa robusta Nash. | Ches. {Meb. N. Am. Ry.Mts, | Triodia irritans Brown | G. Mech Austr. ‘ Zea Mays L. G. C, LL... |Hyd, ‘Paraguay *A case of poisoning by Agrostis alba was reported from West Liberty, la.. by Dr. Fell. Probably forage poisoning. ee Ee a POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 827 GUTTIFERAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Calophyllum Calaba Jacq. G. Sap. [Caith. Is. Calophyllum Inophyllum L, G. F. P. Sap. |Tr. old world. Calophyllum montanum Vieill. G. N. Caled. Clusia macrocarpa Spreng. G. Guiana Garcinia Cambogia Desr. Sm. Ind. Garcinia Forsteriana BI. G. Mammea americana L,. Gini. Ant: DR yataal Stalagmitis Mangle G. HAEMODORACEAE Aletris farinosa L. | G. N. Am. Gyrotheca majalis Morong. Ches. E. N. Am. Haemodorum sp. G. Austr. Braz. Ophiopogon sp, G. Japan, Ind. Sansevieria thyrsiflora Thumb. G. S. Afr. HIPPOCASTANACEAE Aesculus californica Nutt. Ches Sap. W.N.Am. Calif. Aesculus flava Ait. G.R Sap. PF. Py eee Aesculus glabra Sm. Ches.|Sap. |N. Am Aesculus Hippocastanum L,. G. Ches. L.|Sap. Turkey Aesculus Pavia L. G. R. Sap. F. P. |N. Am. Ches. I, HYDROPHYLLACEAE Eriodictyon glutinosum Benth. | |Exp. |Calif HYPERICINEAE Hypericum crispum L, G. | Med. Reg Hypericum humifusum L,. G. Eur. As Hypericum maculatum Walt. Ches._ |Acr. E. N. Am Hypericum perforatum L,. Ches. |Acr. Eur. N. Am ILICINEAE Ilex Aquifolium L. | Go... |Em. Cath. [Bury As. ILLECEBRACEAE Paronychia bonariensis DC. | G. |Argent. Reg. Paronychia capitata Lam. G. Sap. |Eur. Orient. IRIDEAE Belamcandra punctata Moench. | G, China. Crocus sativus L,. oh Pain remy Ul a8 As. Min. Gladiolus communis L, Cc. Ig Eur. Orient. Gladiolus segetum Ce Tr. Med. Reg. Homeria collina Vent. G. M. S. Afr. Tris G. Ir. N. Am. Iris florentina Sair. Sm) C.K. Lr S. Eur. Iris foetidissima L,. Same. pir Eur. Orient. Iris germanica L. Crbe lig Eur. Orient. Tris hybrida Retz. | hie Iris neglecta Parl. Ke? Sine edd 828 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Iris prismatica Pursh. D;: ic IN. A. Tris Pseudoacorus L,. CSmoia) me: Eur. As. Ori. Tris reticulata Bieh. Sm. af; As. Minor Iris sibirica x. C: Ir. Eur. N. As, Iris variegata L . Wh. ibe Eur. Orient. Iris versicolor L. Rusby |Ir.Em.Cath.|N. Am., Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. | Cath. |N. A. JUGLANDACEAE Juglans cinerea L. | Te Cath. NAG Juglans regia L. Cc. L. . |Ant. Astr. |Him. Reg LABIATAE Achryospermum Gl. { G. Urt. Mad. Eremostachys superba Royle. Gia oe Him. Reg. Lagochilus inebrians Bunge. G. Nar. As. Leonurus Cardiaca L. GL Card N. Tem. Reg. Ocymum viride Willd. Sm. Trop. Afr. Salvia amarissima Orteg. G. Nar. Mex. Salvia officinalis L. ID; Nar. Med, Reg. Salvia pratensis L. Gab. aiNar Eur. Caucas. Scutellaria galericulata L. G. Sed. N. ig Reg. Scutellaria lateriflora 1D L,. Sed. N. . Stachys arvensis L,. G. M. L,. |Antisp Nera old wld. Stachys palustris L. L, Antisp Eur. As, N. A. Tetradenia fruticosa Benth. G. Pur: Madag. Teucrium Chamaedrys L. Az. Eur. Teucrium Marum L,. G. C. L. |Diaph Med. Reg. Teucrium scordium CL Ant Eur. LAURACEAE Hernandia sonora L,. | G, IP: Ind. Laurus nobilis L. Sm. L. Med. Reg. Lindera Benzoin Muss. Sm. L. |Ant E. N. Am, Umbellularia californica Nutt. A Gp PU BS is N. Am. LEGUMINOSAE Abrus precatorius L. M. Sm. L.|Toxal. Ira. |India Abrus pulchellus Wall. Mi. Ind. Afr. Acacia sp. Ca Gara SDN es Austr. Tr. Reg. Acacia arabica Willd. es Sn Afr. As. Acacia catechu Willd, | L,, Astr Ind. Ceylon Acacia concinna DC. G. Astr Chili Acacia Cunninghamii Hook. G. Sap Austr. Acacia delibrata A. G. Sap Austr. Acacia falcata Willd. G. Austr. Acacia Georginae Bailey G. Acacia Jurema Mart. LL. Astr Brazil Acacia pennata Willd. G. As. Afr. Acacia penninervis Sieber. G. Austr. Acacia pruinescens Kurz. G. Bae. Burm. Acacia pulchella R. Br. G. Austr. Acacia salicina Linal. G. Austr. Acacia verniciflua A. Cunn. | GM. Austr. Acacia verticillata Willd. G. Sap. Austr. Adenanthera pavonina L, G. Tr. As. Malay POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 829 NAME OF PLANT Albizzia anthelmintica Brongn. Albizzia Lebbek Benth. Albizzia odoratissima Benth. Albizzia procera Benth, Albizzia stipulata Boiv. Anagyris foetida Andira anthelmintica Benth. Andira araroba Aguiar. Andira Aubletia Benth. Andira inermis H. B. K. Andira rosea Mart. Andira retusa HBK. Andira spinulosa Mart. & Benth. Andira vermifuga Mart. & Benth. Argyrolobium pumilum Eckl. & Zeyh. Astragalus baeticus L,. Astragalus Bigelovii A. Gray. Astragalus exscapus L Astragalus galegiformis L. Astragalus garbancillo Cav. Astragalus glycyphyllos L. Astragalus hamosus L, Astragalus Hornii A. Gray. Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl, Astragalus maximus Willd. Astragalus mollissimus Torr. Astragalus Mortoni Nutt. Astragalus ochroleucus Cass. Astragalus oocarpus A. Gray. Astragalus Pattersoni A. Gray. Baptisia sp. Baptisia tinctoria R. Br. Barbieria maynensis Poepp. Barbieria polyphylla DC. Bauhinia coccinea DC. Bauhinia guianensis Aubl. Bauhinia variegata L,. Bowdichia virgilioides H. B. K. Brachysema undulatum Ker. Gawl. Caesalpinia Bonducella Fleming. Caesalpinia coriaria Willd. Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sw. Calliandra Houstoni Benth. Camptosema pinnatum Benth. Canavalia obtusifolia DC, Cassia acutifolia Delil. Cassia’ alata LL, Cassia angustifolia Vahl. Cassia didymobotrya Fres. Cassia hirsuta L,. f. Cassia kituiensis Vatke. Cassia laevigata Willd. Cassia marylandica L, Cassia occidentalis L. i) ve Se To QQ" . © eS Ree mr Q@ Be QeHe” oO @ O POOOROAH: = ad s iS op) op) OOO _OOLOHS Fao —@e ss Properties Sap.) iP? Waco: . Loco. . Loco. . Loco. Ne oce . Loco. " Cath. Locality Abyss. Tr. old world Tr. As, Ind. Tr. As. Austr. W. Ind. Braz. Braz. Guiana Braz. Braz. Afr. Austr. Eur. Caucas. Reg. Peru iSiber. Eur. |Caucas. Reg. Caucas. Reg. Med. Reg. Ind. N. Am. N. Am., Armen. Caucas. Reg. N.Am. Ry. Mts. ‘Col. N. Am. Morocco W. N. Am. W. N. Am. N. Am. N. A. Peruv. Porto Rico Cochin China |Guiana. China, Burma. Ind. Tr. Cosmop. N. A Tr. Cosmop. Mex. Braz, Cos. Trop. Egypt Cos. Trop. Trop. Afr. Tr. Am. Abyss. Tr. Am. |Tr, Afr. Cos. Trop. A as tas Cosm. Trop. 830 NAME OF PLANT Authority Cassia sophora L,. | Cassia stipulacea Ait. | Cassia Sturtii R. Br. Castanospermum australe A. Cunn. | Centrosema amazonicum Mart. Centrosema Plumieri Benth, Cercis canadensis L. Cercis chinensis Bunge. Cladrastis amurensis Benth. Clitoria amazonum Clitoria arborescens Ait. G. Clitoria Ternatea L. Copaifera Langsdorfhi Desf. Copaifera Salikorinda Heck. Coronilla Emerus L. G Coronilla juncea L, Coronilla montana Scop. Coronilla scorpioides Koch. ' Coronilla varia L,. Cenc: Crotalaria alata Hamill. G. Crotalaria Mitchelii Benth. | Crotalaria paniculata Willd. Crotalaria sagittalis L,. Crotalaria striata Schrank. Crotalaria verrucosa L, Cytisus Alschingeri Vis. Cytisus austriacus L. Cytisus biflorus Ker. Gawl. Cytisus capitatus Scop. Cytisus hirsutus L. Cytisus nigricans L. Cytisus proliferus L. Cytisus purpureus Scop. Cytisus scoparius Link. @ Cytisus sessilifolius L,. Cytisus supinus L,. Dalbergia lanceolaria L,. f. Dalbergia toxicaria Baill. Derris amoena Benth. Derris elliptica Benth. Derris guianensis Benth, Derris Negrensis Benth. Derris uliginosa Benth. Detarium Senegalense J. F. Gmel. Entada polystachya DC. Entada scandens Benth. Enterolobium cyclocarpum Griseb. Enterolobium timboiiva Mart, Eperua falcata Aubl. Erythrina Corallodendron L. Erythrina Hypahphones Boerl. Erythrina Mulungu Mart. Erythrophleum Comminga Baill. Erythrophleum guineense G. Don. Euchresta Horsfieldii Bena. Flemingia congesta Roxb, | Galega officinalis L. G) Galega orientalis Lam. G. Gastrolobium bilobum R. Br. G. M. Sm. ARES Ches. L,. |Ineb. G. " E2EEFANRAANAAAAA jest DR ep hp Md 7 Ar 7) Sap. Em. Ly Vapi QO GHG oon" aelo’ Hpy. CMe a P, Nar. Taen, Sap. Sap. Ineb. Properties MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Locality Tr. old world Chili Trinidad Is. Trop. Reg. Braz. S. Am. S. Eur. Eur. | Per. Reg. Med. Braz. Cosm. Trop. Dalmatia. Cautc. Saeuie S: Bar: As. Min. Eur. As. Teneriffe Eur. As. Eur. Jap.N.Am. . Eur. Eur. Ind. Madag. Burm. Malaya Burm. Malaya Guiana. Braz. Braz. Tr. old world Tr. Air Tr. Am. Tr. Am. Jamaica Braz. Guiana E. Ind. N. Am. Braz. Mad. Trop. Afr. Jav. "EE AS: Eur. As. Caucas. Reg. Austr. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD NAME OF PLANT calycinum Benth. Callistachys Meiss. Gastrolobium Gastrolobium Gastrolobium grandiflorum F. M. obovatum Benth. ovalifolium Henfr. Gastrolobium Gastrolobium Gastrolobium Gastrolobium spinosum Benth, Gastrolobium trilobum Benth. Genista monosperma Lam. Genista sphaerocarpa Lam. Genista tinctoria L Geoffraea superba Gleditschia amorphoides Griseb. Gleditschia sinensis Lam. Gleditschia triacanthos L,. Gliricidia maculata HBK. Glycine hispida Max. Gompholobium uncinatum A. Cunn. Goodia lotifolia Salisb. Gymnocladus canadensis Gymnocladus chinensis Buill. Halimodendron argenteum Fisch. Hosackia Purshiana Benth. ~Hymenaea Courbaril L, Indigofera anil L. Indigofera australis Willd. Indigofera galegoides DC. Indigofera tinctoria L. Isotropis juncea Turcz. Laburnum anagyroides Medic. Lathyrus amoenus Fenzl. Lathyrus Aphaca L,. Lathyrus Cicera L, Lathyrus Clymenum L, Lathyrus odoratus L., Lathyrus purpureus Presl. Lathyrus sativus L. Lessertia annularis Burch. Leucaena glauca Benth. Lonchocarpus densiflorus Benth. Lonchocarpus ichthyoctonus Baill. Lonchocarpus latifolius Kth, Lonchocarpus Nicou DC. Lonchocarpus rariflorus Hart. Lonchocarpus violaceus Kunth, Lotus australis Andr. Lotus corniculatus L,. Lupinus sp. Lupinus albus L. Lupinus angustifolius L. Lupinus densiflorus Benth, Lupinus leucophyllus Dougl. Lupinus luteus L Melilotus alba Lam. Melilotus indica Desf. Melilotus officinalis Desr. oxylobioides Benth. Authority | Properties G. M. Sm.|[Ineb. G. M. Sm. |Ineb. G. Ineb. G. M. Sm. |Ineb. G. Ineb. G, M. Sm. | Ineb. G, M. Sm. |Ineb. G. M. Sm. |Ineb. G. Ineb. G. Ineb. IL. Sur. G. Ant. G. Mech. G. Sap. G. Mech. G. G. Em, G. M. |Ineb. G, Ineb. Gc. iSapt G. Sap. | G. Sap. G. G. Ant. G. G. M. G. Hyd. G. Ins. M. c. oa LL. Pent: Cyt. Cc Ast. Hyd. | C: | (ee Cc & F. Sm. C. |Ent. I ae | G | Ee Gage (aoe G. | G: Rae iBY P Gi Rese | eee [Re G. hs BP G. Sm. M. M. G. @u@hes G: | Sm, Ches. c: 1 Con. Con. L Con. 831 Locality Austr. Austr. Austr. Austr. Austr. Austr. Rye: Reg. Caus. IN. As. N. Am. S. Am. S, Am. Austr. Malay Trop. Reg. Austr. Eur. Syria Eur. Orient. Eur. Orient. lKur. N. Afr. |Orient. Austr. Trop. Guiana Madag. Tsu Ami Tr. Afr. Braz. Ae |Austr. Tem. old world Austr. IN. Temp. Reg. |S. Eur. Med. Reg. @al [W. N. Am. Bie Reg. Eur. As. Eur. N. As. 832 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Milletia caffra Meiss. | SS Ae Milletia ferruginea Hochst. e BYP: S. Afr, Milletia pachycarpa Benth. G. Malay Milletia rostrata Meig. G. Java Milletia sericea G. & E. Re Bee, Burm. Malay Milletia splendens Wright & Arn. G. Ind. Mucuna capitata Max. G. fe: Him.Reg. Malay Mucuna gigantea DC. G. Tr, ‘Atr Mucuna purpureus DC. Whi. {Ir Trop. Mucuna urens DC. L, it S. Am. Mucuna venenosa A. Murr, G. Tro Air Muellera moniliformis L. GB: Rey Trop. Afr Muellera Telfairii Baker G. Mad Myroxylon Pereirae Klotzsch. L. Stim. Cs Myroxylon peruiferum L. L. Stim. Eq. Peru. Braz Myroxylon toluiferum HBK. L. Cou Trop. Am. Nissolia fruticosa Jacq. G. bes 2 Tr. Am Ormocarpum glabrum Teis. & Binn. G. Celebes. Ormosia coccinea Jacks. G. Tr. Am: Ougeinia dalbergioides Benth. G. Ind. Oxylobium parviflorum Benth. G. M. Austr Oxytropis foetida DC. Phase Eur. Oxytropis Lambertii Pursh. Ches. |Loco W. N. Am. Ia. Ry Mts. Oxytropis Lapponica Gaud. G. Hyd. Sap. |Eur. N. As. Oxytropis sulphurea Fisch. G. Hyd. | Siber. Pachyrhizus angulatus Rich. G. Tr. As. Pachyrhizus tuberosa Spreng. G. TSW ey Ind. Parkia africana R. Br. G. (Tr, Afr. Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth. G. Alk. ir Ate. Phaseolus aconitifolius Jacq. G. \Hyd. Ast. |Ind. Ar. Phaseolus lunatus L,. Cron S. Am. Cosm Cult. Phaseolus multiflorus Willd. G, | Mex. Phaseolus semierectus L,. Ge Re) aap: \Trop. Reg. Phaseolus vulgaris L. Ga, N. Am. Cosm. Cult. Physostigma venenosum Balf. G. Sm. L. |Dep. Eser. | Afr. Piptademia peregrina Benth. |Braz. Piscidia Erythrina L, E. G.Sm.R.L. |Ineb. F. P.;Trop. Am. Pithecolobium bigeminum Mart. | G. Malay Pithecolobium fasiculatum Benth. G. By re ‘Malay Pithecolobium Minahassae Teis. & Binn. G. Malay Pithecolobium montanum Benth. G. |Him. Reg. Malay Pithecolobium Saman Benth, G. Sap. ‘Tr. Am Pongamia Piscida Steud. G. E. |F. P. ‘Ind. Prosopis juliflora Benth. G. iN. Am. Tex Prosopis ruscifolia Griseb, G. Sap. |Argen. Psoralea glandulosa L,. G. L. |Em. ‘Chili. Mex, Psoralea macrostachya DC. G. Sap. ‘Cal. Psoralea pentaphylla L. G. Mex. Psoralea tenuiflora Pursh. G. Sap. N. Am. Pterocarpus esculentus Schw. G. Intox. Tr. Afr. Pterocarpus Marsupium Roxb. L. Astr, Ind. Rhynchosia minima DC. G. Cosmop. Trop. N. Am. S. Robinia Pseudo-acacia L. G. Ches. |Toxal. States L. Rusby N. A Robinia viscosa Vent. Rusby |Em. is. Eur. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD NAME OF PLANT Authority Sabinea florida DC. G. Securigera Coronilla DC. G. Sesbania vesicaria Ell. Ches Sophora alopecuroides L,. G. Sophora japonica L,. L. Pur Sophora mollis Grah. G. Sophora secundiflora Lah. G. Ches. L.|Nar. Sophora sericea Nutt. L. Ches. |Nar. Sophora tomentosa L, G. M. |Sop. Stryphnodendron Barbatimam Mart. G. Sap. Stryphnodendron polyphyllum Mart. L.. Astr. Swainsona coronillaefolia Salisb. G. Ineb. Swainsona Greyana Lindl. G. M. [Ineb. Swainsona Oliverii F. Muell. M. Ineb. Swainsona phacoides Benthm. M. Ineb. Swainsona procumbens F. Muell, M. Swartzia triphylla Willd. G. Templetonia egena Benth. G. M. Templetonia purpurea M. Templetonia retusa R. Br. G. Tephrosia astragaloides Benth. G. Tephrosia candida DC. UI SA SU Tephrosia cinerea Pers. Cre RE) Ba Tephrosia coronillaefolia DC, a) Rt ee Tephrosia densiflora G. TE sib Tephrosia frutescens DC. Sm. Tephrosia macropoda Harv. G. BrP. Tephrosia nitens Benth. G. Tephrosia periculosa Baker. G. Leal 2 Tephrosia purpurea Pers. GoM. Ro ks Pe: Tephrosia tomentosa Pers. R. Be ee Tephrosia toxicaria Pers. Gi ROL: E Tephrosia virginiana Pers. G. iad Tephrosia Vogelii Hook. G) Re Teramus labialis Spreng. G. Sap Tetlapleura caerulea Willd. G. Tetrapleura Thonningii Benth. Ches. {Diur Thermopsis rhombifolia Rich. Te Tymp Trifolium elegans Sair. ¢ Tymp Trifolium hybridum L,. e Trifolium incarnatum L. G. Mec Trifolium nigrescens Viv. LO Trifolium repens L. oe Tymp Trigonella cretica Boiss. G, Vicia Ervilia Willd. oe | Wistaria chinensis DC. G. Xylia dolabriformis Benth. G. |Sap. LENTIBULARIACEAE Pinguicula vulgaris L. | G. LILIACEAE Agrostocrinum stypandroides Ev. M. G. M. Allium ascalonicum L, L. Ant. Allium canadense L. L. Ant. Allium Cepa L. Ty Ent. Allium Douglasii Hook. L. Ant. Properties 833 Locality S. Eur. N. Am. S. States Him. Reg. Japan, China China,Him.Reg. Mex. N. A. iCold Reg. Braz. |Braz. Austr. Austr. Austr. Austr. Austr. Tr. Am. | Austr. Austr. |Austr. | Austr. 'T'r. As, |Borbon. Is. Priv Air: Honduras. S! Aer Tr. Am. Austr. Arab, Jamaica N. Am. Tr. Afr. Cosm. Trop. ie) Air: W. N. Am. Egypt Med. Reg. S. Eur. As. Min. S. Eur. S. Eur. N. Temp. Reg. As. Min. Eur, N. Afr. China |Burma. Malay Eur. Sber. N. Am. Austr. Cult. N. A. Per. Bel. Calif. 834 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Allium Macleanii Baker Allium Moly L. Allium Porrum L,. Allium sativum L,. Allium Schoenoprasum L,. Allium tricoccum Soland. Allium ursinum L Allium Victorialis L. Allium vineale L. Aloe abyssinica Lam. Aloe africana Mill. Aloe arborescens Mill. Aloe chinensis Steud. Aloe ferox. Mill. Aloe saponaria Haw. Aloe spicata L. Aloe succotrina Lam. Aloe tenuior Haw. Aloe vera L. Anemarrhena asphodeloides Bunge. Asparagus officinalis L. Asparagus scaber Brign. Astelia Banksii A. Cunn, Bulbine bulbosa Haw. Bulbine semibarbata Haw. Chamaelirium carolinianum Willd. Colchicum autumnale L. Colchicum neapolitanum Tenore. Colchicum speciosum Stw. Colchicum variegatum L. Convallaria majalis L. Dianella nemorosa Lam. Dracaena arborea Hort. Drimia ciliaris Jacq. Drimia Cowanii Ridl. Erythronium albidum Nutt. Erythronium americanum Ker. Gawl. Erythronium Dens-canis L, Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh. Erythronium purpurascens S. Wat. Fritillaria Imperialis L. Fritillaria Meleagris L. Fritillaria pudica Spreng. Gloriosa simplex L. Gloriosa superba L. Helonias frigida Lindl, Hyacinthus orientalis L. Leucocoryne Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. Medeola virginica L. Melanthium cochinchinense Lour. Melanthium virginicum L, Muscaria comosum Mill. —EEEEE Authority | Properties Locality L. Ant Afghan IU. Ant Eur. L. Ant Eur. 1b. ihe, Bor Nae ie. Ant Eur. As. Wh: I. [in N. A. Corts Ant Eur. N. As GL, WaAnt Eur. Sib. Cc: Ir. Eur. N. A L. Pur Austr. Te Pur S. Af. ibe Pur. S. Af. 1G, Pur China Gy bs etre Sarda: G. Pur S. Afr Le: Pur S. Afr. 1 Pur S. Afr. G. Pur Med. Reg G. Pur Med. Reg G. China. IW Ir. Eur. As. N. A. 1s Tr. Med. Reg Cauc G. N. Z. G. M. Austr. G. Austr. G. L. {Ant EN. A GCsmi| Eur. Cc. Ast. Italy. Sm. Ast. Cauc. Reg (ee Ast. S. Eur OG SmiG lou |Ches.Rusby|Car IN. Tem. Reg. G. | As. Trop. | Austr. G. Tr Aut G. Em. Agr. Austr. G. Madag. L. Em. N. A. Ibe Em. N. A. G. Em. Ant. |Eur. N. As G. N. Am. G. Sap. Cal: GC Minis, Persia. Him. | Reg. Ibe Eur. Cauc. L. |Ineb, Reg. G. Nar. W. N. Am. G. Em. Tr: Ave G. Trop. As. G. M. Austr. Ches. N. Am. .Ry. Mts. G Sap N. Am. y. Cochin China. G. L. |Fly Poison |N. Am. SE Sap. _- __|Med. Reg. Ori. |Med. Reg. Ori. ‘ i * 4 i ‘ ¥ a ee = ee eee ee a ee ee i i ee oe a oe a oe? sas, er a ee ee ee ee ee POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 835 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Muscaria racemosum Willd. pe (Santon fir aa Reg. auc Narthecium ossifragum Huds. | (Cale Eur. As. Min. N. Am. Nothoscordum striatum Kunth. Ches. Ne Am, °S: States Ornithogalum sp. Mi. |Kur. As. Afr. Ornithogalum nutans L. G. Em. Eur. As. Min. Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq. S. Afr. Ornithogalum umbellatum L. ? Afr. As. in. Paradisea Liliastrum Bertol. G Card |Eur. Paris obovata Ledeb. G. |Siber. Paris quadrifolia L,. G. C. Mi. |Ir. Nar [Eur. N. As. Sm. L | Polianthes tuberosa L. G. |Mex. Polygonatum biflorum Ell. G. [IN. Am. Polygonatum officinale All. G. Eur. Siber. Polygonatum verticillatum All. G. Eur. N. As. Ruscus aculeatus L Gok.) |Sap Eur. Ori. Schoenocaulon officinale A. Gr. G. Sm. EAst Mex. Scilla bifolia L, Sm. Ir. Eur. As. Min. Scilla festalis Salisb, Sm. Ir: Eur. Smilax pseudo-syphilitica Kunth. G. Sap. Braz, Stypandra glauca R. Br. G. M. Austr. Tofieldia calyculata Wahl. G. Ant. Eur. N. Am: Trillium erectum L, L, Rusby |Em E. N. Am. Trillium grandiflorum Salisb. G. Sap. N. Am. Tulipa Gesneriana L. | G. Eur. Orient Tulipa sylvestris L. G. Eur. Urginea Scilla Steinh, G. Cae age 1 245 is Afr. Veratrum sp. N. Temp. Reg. Veratrum album L,. EF. G, Mu iC. Ast Be Nias: sm.) 1. Veratrum californicum Dur. te Chies Tay [Tr W.N. Am. Ry. Mts. Veratrum viride Ait. G. Ches. |Ir. Em, BE. N. Am L. Rusby| | Xanthorrhoea sp. G. Austr. Xerophylla Douglasii S. Wat. Sap. BE. N. Am. $ : , States. Xerophylla setifolium Michx, G. EB. N. Am. Yucca filamentosa L. G. Sap. W.N. Am. Ry. Mts. Yucca glauca (Nutt.) Carr. G. Sap. BON: Ame S: | States Zygadenus angustifolium S. Wats. | L,. N. A. Zygadenus elegans Pursh. | Ches. L, E. N. Am. Ry. Mts. Zygadenus venenosus S. Wat. \cthes. G. | N. W. Am. LINACEAE Hugonia Mystax L, G. Ind. Linum catharticum L,. GL ~ (Ptr: Eur. Orient. Linum rigidum Pursh. Ches. |Pur. N. Am. N. M. Tex. 836 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Linum toxicum Boiss. G. Syria. Linum usitatissimum L, Ge ie) ae Eur. Orient. | N. Am. LOGANIACEAE Anthocleista grandiflora Gilg. Alk. Buddleia brasiliensis Jacq. G Poe Hab. ? Buddleia curviflora Hook. & Arn. G, Chili. Peru. Buddleia globosa Hope. G, Sap. China. Buddleia Lindleyana Fort. G, Hop: Madag. Buddleia madagascariensis Lam. G, Taen. Abyss. Buddleia polystachya Friesen. R.Gi Sap. SF MPP irae: Buddleia variabilis Hemsl. Sap. Buddleia verticillata HBK. RAP Mex. Fagraea ceilanica Thumb. Sm. G. |Cou Zeyl. Gelsemium sempervirens Ait. G.C.Sm.L. |Ast. E. N. Am. S. Sts. Nicodemia diversifolia Ten. G. Sap. Mascar. Is. Spigelia Anthelmia L, GL. |Ir.. Nar.” |Trops Am Spigelia glabrata Mart. G. Brazil. Spigelia marylandica L. G. Sm, L,. |Ir. Nar Ee N. Am. Spigelia pedunculata HBK. G. Old World. Strychnos angustifolia Benth. G. Chinn Strychnos brachiata Ruiz. & Pav. G. Con. Peru. Strychnos Castelnaei Wedd. G. Sm. L,/Con. India. Strychnos colubrina L, L. 7 NA Fae Guiana Strychnos cogens Benth. L. FOcPy Braz. Strychnos Crevauxiana Baill. Gea SAP: Guiana. Strychnos gubleri Planch. eo APY Venez. Strychnos Icaja Baill. Ordeal Poi.|Trop. Afr. Strychnos Ignati Berg. IG, fone L.|Con, Philipp. Is. Strychnos innocua Del. G, Nubia. Strychnos malaccensis Benth. L. |Bur. Malay. Strychnos Melinoniana Baill. G. Guiana. Strychnos Nux-Vomica L. | G.Sm.R.L. owe F. P. |Burma. Strychnos paniculata Champ. G. China. Strychnos potatorum L. G. Burma. Strychnos Pseudo-quina A. St. Hil. G. Braz. Strychnos Santhierana Pierre. | G. Strychnos spinosa Lam. G. Madag. Strychnos Tieute Lesch. | G. Sm. L. |Con. A. P: |Java. Strychnos toxifera Schomb. G. Sm. |Con. A. P. |Guian. Strychnos yapurensis Planch. | L. As ae Ecuador. LORANTHACEAE Phoradendron flavesceus Nutt. ee cd va N. Am. S. Sts. Viscum album L,. Sm. L._|Ir. Eur. Temp. As. LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium clavatum L. | Mi. L. |Diur. N. Am. Eur. Lycopodium Selago Mi. L. |Pur. Eur. LYTHRACEAE Ammannia baccifera L. G. Acr. Tr. Old World Cuphea viscossissima Jacq. G. Card. N. Am. §S. Sts. Ginora mexicana Lam. G. Em. Mex. ey ee ae Eee ae a ae me — << Sera & ae on POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 837 NAME OF PLANT Authority Lagerstroemia Flos-reginae Retz. | G. Nar. Nesaea verticillata HBK. ; Punica Granatum L, |) hGeUELs s laen: MAGNOLIACEAE Drimys aromatica F. Muell. G, Hyd. Drimys Winteri Forst. G, Hyd. Tllicitum anisatum Gaertn. Gisai ky Illicium floridanum Ellis. G, Ches. L Liriodendron chinense Sarg. G. Liriodendron tulipifera L,. G. Magnolia grandiflora L. G. Manglietia glauca BL. G. Michelia Champaca L. | G. Alk. Michelia fuscata Bl, | G. Alk Michelia parvifolia Bl. G. Alk Talauma macrocarpa Zucc. G. Talauma ovata A. St. Hil. G. MALPIGHIACEAE Byrsonima amazonica Griseb. | G Byrsonima crassifolia HBK. G Byrsonima spicata Rich. G. Heteropteris syringaefolia Griseb. G. Malpighia oxycocca Griseb. G. Sphedamnocarpus angolensis Planch. G MALVACEAE Althaea rosea L,. | G. Abort. Gossypium herbaceum L,. GL... [Abort Hibiscus diversifolius Jacq. G. Abort Pavonia zeylanica G. Ant. Sida jamaicensis L,. G. Sida paniculata L. G. Mech Sida urens L,. G in: MELASTOMACEAE Mouriria rhizophoraefolia Gard, | G. | MELIACEAE Carpa moluccensis Lam. G. Dysoxylum arborescens Miq. G. Flindersia Schottiana Fv. Muell. G. Lansium domesticum Jack. G. | Ant. Melia Azeldarach L, Gig: | Ant. Ches./ Ty, Melia birmanica Kurz. G. Naregamia alata W. & A. Gel? Baim Ptaeroxylon obliquum Rdlk. G. Sandoricum indicum Cav. G. Swietinia humilis Zucc. G. Swietinia Mahagoni Jacq. L. Astr. Trichilia sp. G. Sap. Trichilia Moschata Sw. | 1 Astr. Trichilia trifolia L. | G. Abort Walsura piscidia Roxb, G. & E. Dia AS Soa Sans 6 Properties Locality |Trop. As. NAY SiAm,: S. Eur. Maurit. Austr. S. Am. China. N. Am. S. Sts. China. E. N. Am, INE Amal SWiStss Java. Malay. China. Java. Mex. |Braz. |Braz. Guiana. Thop. Am. Braz. W. Ind. 'Trop. Afr. [Ori. Cult. Eur. NE ie Trop. Tr. Die World. Trop. Am. Trop. Am. Trop. Am, Afr. |Marting. Is. Tr. Old World. Borneo. Austr. Malay. Himal. Ch. CultS)) States: Burma. S. Am. | Jamaica. |Venz. | India. 838 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS MELIANTHACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Bersama sp. G. Arab. & Abyss. Melianthus comosus Vahl. G. S. Afr. Melianthus major L. G. S. Afr. MENISPERMACEAE Anamirta paniculata Colebr. G. Sm. C, [Del) F. BP) ind ROL, OE. Anomospermum japurense Eich. G. Braz. ‘Cissampelos Pareira L. G. Trop. Reg. Cocculus Ferrandianus Gaudich. G. Be: Hawai, Is. Cocculus glaucescens BI. G. Sap. Bur. Jav. Cocculus laurifolius DC. G. Him. Reg. Jap. Cocculus toxiferus Wedd. G. Coscinium Blumeanum Miers. G. Sap. Ind. Menispermum canadense L. i, Diur. N. A. Pachygone ovata Miers. Gor eee Pe Malay. Ind. Pericampylus incarius Miers. Ind. Malay. Sarcopetalum Harveyanum Fv. M. G. Austr. Stephania discolor Spreng. G. Tr. Old World. Stephania aculeata Walp. | G. Tiliacora racemosa Colebr. G. Ind. Jav. MONIMIACEAE Kibara angustifolia | Smal | MONOTROPACEAE Monotropa uniflora L. L1G. Es An arome E. N. Am. Jap. Him. Reg. Pterospora andromedea Nutt. | G. N. Am. MORACEAE Morus alba L. | Bs ‘Taen. Temp. As. Morus nigra L,. | iB Taen. ‘Temp. As. Morus rubra L. L. Taen. N. A. MYOPORACEAE Eremophila maculata Fv. M. M. G. Austr, Myoporum deserti A. Cunn. G. M. Austr, Pholidia maculata Baill. G. MYRICACEAE Myrica cerifera i, |Astr. Nar. [N. A, MYRISTICACEAE Myristica gibbosa Hook. | L. Astr. India. Myristica philippensis Lam. L. Astr. Phil. Is. MYRSINACEAE Aegiceras majus Gaertn. G. E.R. /Sap..——«Xd'T'r. Old World. Aegiceras minus Gaertn. SR) 1 BP, India. Anguillaria dioica R. Br. : Aust. Clavija macrocarpa Ruiz. & Pav. G. S. Am. ] POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 839° NAME OF PLANT Embelia micrantha A. DC. G. ae Embelia Ribes Burm. G. Jacquinia arborea Vahl. Goku tee Jacquinia armillaris Jacq. Gz E.R) IBS P Jacquinia obovata Schrad. Gay, VRP: Maesa indica Wall. G. FP; Maesa lanceolata Forsk, G. Myrsine africana L,. G. Taen Theophrasta americana L,. | G. MYRTACEAE Baeckea frutescens L. G, Abort. Barringtonia acutangulata Gaertn. G, Barringtonia alba Blume. G, Barringtonia Butonica Forst. GaeRi ipo Barringtonia Careya Fv. M. G. Barringtonia insignis Miq. G. Barringtonia intermedia Viell. G. BP Barringtonia neo-caledonica Viell. Barringtonia racemosa Rexb. | peal 2 Eucalyptus Globulus Labill. | 1 Astr Eucalyptus microtheca F.v. Muell. G. LD 2: Eucalyptus rostrata Schlecht. a, Astr Eugenia Jambos L. : G. Lecythis amara Aubl. G. Lecythis lanceolata Poir. G. Nar Melaleuca leucodendron L. Smet kuey Napoleona Whitfieldii Van Houtte | G, Sap Pimenta acris Kostel. Whi. Tire Psidium montanum Sw. | G. MUSACEAE Musa sapientum L. | G. Sap. Nepenthes gracilis Korth. | G. NYCTAGINACEAE Boerhaavia erecta L. G. Em. Boerhaavia hirsuta L,. G. Em. Boerhaavia repens L. G. Em. Pisonia obtusata Jacq. G. Em. Pisonia tomentosa Casar. G. Em. NYMPHAEACEAE Euryale ferox Salisb. Sm. Nymphaea advena Ait. L Astr Nymphaea alba L. ? Nymphaea lutea L, L. Astr. OCHNACEAE Ochna sp. Schreb. | G. | OLACEAE Villaresia Moorei F. v. M. | G. Authority | Properties Locality Manrit. Is. Trop. As. Trop. Am. igi Ind. Ind. Malay. N. Afr. Him. Reg. Tr. & S. Afr. Azores W. Ind. | Malay. China. Malacca Is, Malacca Is. Pacific Is. Austr. |Malay. N. Caled. N. Caled. Malay. Polyn. |Austr. Austr. Austr. Trop. As. Guian. Brazil, Austr. Trop. Afr. Ind. |W. Ind. |Trop. Reg. Borneo. N. Am. W. Ind. N. Am. W. Ind. Cosm. Trop. W. Ind. |Braz. Ind. China. N. A. N. Temp. Reg. Eur. |Afr. Ind. | Austr. 840 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS OLEACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority Chionanthus picrophloia Fv. Muell. G. | Chionanthus virginica L, G. Sm. L. | Nar. Forsythia intermedia Zabel. G. Sap. Forsythia suspensa Vahl. G. Sap. Forsythia viridissima Lindl. G. Jasminum floribundum R. Br. G. Jasminum officinale L, Sm. Ast. Jasminum Sambac Ait. G. Ligustrum vulgare L. Sm. Ches.|Ir. Olea dioica Roxb. Phillyrea media L. alee mM ~ no) ONAGRACEAE Ludwigia erigata L,. | G. Montinia caryophyllacea Thunb. | Trapa natans L, | G. ORCHIDACEAE Angraecum fragans Thou. | Catasetum sp. Cymbidium aloifolium Sw. Cypripedium pubescens Willd. Cypripedium spectabile Salisb. Dendrobium nobile Lindl. Eria stellata Lindl. Eulophia virens Spreng. Habenaria nigra R. Br. Neottia Nidus-avis Rich. Orchis coriophora L, Orchis odoratissima L. Orchis purpurea Huds. Orchis Simia Lam. Phajus callosus Lindl. Phalaenopsis amabilis Blume. Phalaenopsis Lueddemanniana Reichb. | OROBANCHACEAE OXALIDACEAE Ty. ip | Oxalis amara A, St. Hill. | G. Oxalis Pes-caprae L. pues, Aa bs Oxalis purpurata Jacq. | Oxalis Smithiana Eckl. & Zeyr. G. PALMACEAE Oo Se > ey POEEQEHOHEGLHHAD’ Oxalis Acetosella L. Areca Catechu L,. var. nigra. BR. © By PR ee Arenga saccharifera Labill, Borassus flabellifera Murr. G Cocos amara Jacq. G Cocos nucifera L, L. Corypha umbraculifera L,. | G. Hyphaene thebaica Mart. G Hyphorbe indica Gaertn. G Phoenix dactylifera | iS |Cur, Properties Locality N. Am. Japan, China. China. |Abyss |Trop. As. Eur, As. N.Am. Med. Reg. Ori. Ind. Eur. Mascar Is. Ind. Ind, N. Am. N. Am. China. Philipp. Is. Ind. Eur. N. As. Eur. Orient, As. Min. Eur. Ori. Malay. Philipp. Is. ery As. N. Afr. N. A. Braz. Sy Adin S. Afr. S. Afr. Ind. Malay. Malay. Ind, W. Ind. Trop. Afr. Ind. Trop. Afr. N. Afr. Arab. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 841 PANDANACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Pandanus odoratissimus L. | G. | ae Arab. Pandanus Thomensis Henrig. G. PAPAVERACEAE Argemone alba Lestib. L. Nar. Sys S Argemone intermedia Sw. L. Nar. Mex. Argemone mexicana L, Sm.Ches.L,| Nar. a Am. Tex ex. Bocconia cordata Willd; Ly. Ant. China. Japan. Bocconia frutescens L. .. Gi) Te.) pea Mex. Peru. Chelidonium majus L, C. Rusby |Ir. Nar. Eur. As. N.Am. . G.) Sm:. Ches. Mi. L. Eschscholtzia californica Cham. G. nee Glaucium corniculatum Curb. L,. Pur. ur. Glaucium flavum Crantz. C. Sm. L, |Ir. \Eur. Med. Reg. Hypecoum procumbens L. G. Med. Reg. Arabia, Papaver aculeatum Thumb. G. S. Afr. Austr. Papaver Rhoeas L,. Go Sm.) ir | Eur. Ori. Afr. Ches. C. L,. Papaver somniferum L,. ee Wii aed |Eur. As. Ind. t Chee. Ie IN. Am. Roemeria violacea Medic. Sm. Ir: Eur, N. Afr. Sanguinaria canadensis L,. G.Rusby L.|Ir. Em. N. Am. Stylophorum diphyllum Nutt. | G. IN. Am. PASSIFLORACEAE Andenia lobata Engl. G. Ant. Trop. Afr. Carica Papaya L,. G. Trop. Amr. Carica quercifolia H. St. Hil. G. f Carica spinosa Aubl. G. Braz. Gutana. Modecca palmata Lam. G, \Ind. Modecca trilobata Roxb. G, Sap. \Ind. Modecca venenata Forsk,. G, Ophiocaulon gummifera Han. G. Trop. Afr. Passiflora caerulea L. G, Em. Brazil, Passiflora foetida Sm. L. |Antisp. Passiflora Herbertiana Ker-Gawl. | G. ‘Austr. Passiflora hispida DC. Te Nar. Jamaica. Passiflora incarnata L,. | ya Antisp. Trop. Amer. Passiflora laurifolia L. | G. Hyd. ‘|Trop. Amer. Passiflora quadrangularis L,. en Nar. Trop. Amer. Passiflora rubra L,. |Nar. W. Ind. PHYTOLACCACEAE Anisomeria drastica Mey, G. Gallesia Scorodendron G. Ant. . Petiveria alliacea L,. G, | Le: pAbort, W. Ind. Petiveria tetrandra Gomez. i G. tS Brazil. Phytolacca abyssinica Hoffm. G. Sap. Trop. & S. Afr. Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. G. Del. Sap. |Him.Reg. Chin, Phytolacca decandra L,. GC io. Nar Ba |) NG omer Ches.Rusby|Sap. Plumbago rosea L, Plumbago scandens L,. Plumbago toxicaria Bertol. Plumbago zeylanica L,. Statice pectinata Ait. G. L. |Nar. Acr. Pur. G. G. Abort. Ir, G : FP Locality S. Am, = India. Chili & Peru. Panama : ere Is. |Trop. Am. . Cosm. Tr. Reg. N. Temp. Reg. s N. Temp. Reg. Madeira Is. N. Zeal. N. Zeal. N. Zeal. Malay. Austr. Japan. China. Austr. N. Am. S. Eur. Orient. Eur, S. Eur. Caucas. Ind. Trop. Am. Trop. Afr. Tr. Old World. Canary Is. 842 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Phytolacca dioica G. Sap. Phytolacca icosandra L, G Sap Pircunia sp. (Phytolacca) G Sap Rivina humilis PIPERACEAE Piper Carpunya Ruiz. & Pav. ean Ce Be Piper darienense C. DC. Te Sial. Piper methysticum Forst. BoB. WEE: Piper nigrum L,. L. Ineb. Piper Palmeri C. DC. | G. Sap. Piper peltatum L. ~ | Ty Daur Piper umbellatum L, et H le: Diur PIROLACEAE Chimaphila maculata Pursh. [GE sAsétr Chimaphila umbellata Nutt. | ee Astr. Monotropa uniflora oe Pyrola chlorantha Sw. Astr Pyrola elliptica Nutt. Astr Pyrola rotundifolia L. ae L. {Em. Pyrola minor L,. | ip |Astr PITTOSPORACEAE Billardiera longiflora Labill. | | Sap. Pittosporum coriaceum Ait. G. Sap. Pittosporum cornifolium A. Cunn, G. Sap. Pittosporum crassifolium Soland. G. Sap. Pittosporum eugenioides A. Cunn. G. Sap. Pittosporum ferrugineum Ait. Sap. Pittosporum floribundum W. & A. G. Pittosporum Huttonianum T. Kirk. G. Sap. Pittosporum javanicum Bl. G. Lae as Pittosporum Moorei F. v. Muell. G. Sap. Pittosporum phillyraeoides DC. G. Sap. Pittosporum rhombifolium A, Cunn. | Pittosporum tobira Ait. G. Pittosporum undulatum Vent. G. |Sap. PLANTAGINACEAE PLATANACEAE Platanus occidentalis L,. | G. Hyd. Platanus orientalis L. G. Hyd. PLUMBAGINACEAE Armeria elongata Hoffm. L. Astr. Plumbago capensis Thunb. Plumbago europaea L,. L. Em. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD POLEMONIACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Cantua buxifolia Lam. G, Cantua pyrifolia Juss. G, Cobaea scandens Cav, G. Sap. Gilia achillaefolia Benth. G. Sap. Gilia aggregata Spreng. G. Sap. Gilia laciniata Ruiz, & Pav. G. Sap. Loeselia caerulea G. Don. GE. (Em Phlox L. G, Polemonium boreale Adams, G. Sap Polemonium caeruleum L, 1 Sap. Polemonium flavum Greene G. Sap Polemonium gracile Willd. | G. Sap Polemonium humile Willd. G, Sap. Polemonium panciflorum Ser. Wat. | Polemonium reptans L. PG B. isan POLY GALACEAE Krameria triandra R. & Pav. 1: Ast. Monnina sp. R. & P. G. Sap. Polygala alba Nutt. Ib. Gee Polygala amara L. | G. Polygala angulata DC. G. ie Polygala aspalatha L. | G. Polygala Boykini Nutt, | By Ir. Polygala Cyparissias A. St. Hil. G. Pe Polygala glandulosa HBK. G. Polygala Javana DC. G. Sap. Ins Polygala Senega L. G) Sm, LE, | Sapir Securidaca longepeduculata Fres. G. ; POLYGONACEAE Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. | ©: Ir. ‘Polygonum acre HBK. [Rees de ie ha P Polygonum barbatum L,. G. BoP Polygonum Bistorta L. Citi Aste Polygonum Convolvulus L, C: Polygonum flaccidum Meiss. G. Un Polygonum Hydropiper L. GC. k Hr Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. G. Ir. Polygonum orientale L,. | G. ir Rheum Emodi Wall. L. Pur Rheum hybridum Murray L. Pur Rheum officinale Baill. Te Pur Rheum palmatum L, Sm. Pur. Rheum Rhaponticum Delarb. L. Pur. Astr. | Newspaper } Death in | * Iowa Rumex abyssinicus Jacq. | G. Taen. Rumex Acetosa L. | EB Astr. Rumex Acetosella Cr Es jOxal. Acid Rumex Crispus {Oxal. Acid Rumex Ecklonianus Meiss. | G ’Taen, Rumex hymenosepalus Torr. by Gather) DASE. Rumex obtusifolius L,. | L. Astr. 843 Locality Peru Peru Mex. Ry. Mts. N. Am. Calif. N. A. Ry. Mts. Peru. Chili. Mex. N. Am. Siberia. N. Temp. Reg. iN. A. N. Mex. Arct. Reg. {W. N. Am. N. Am. Peru |Trop. Am. IN. A. |Eur. | Brazil. Braz. Ds A. | Mexico. Malaga. N. Am. | Abyss. Eur. N. As. Cosm. (Tr. Old World. N. Reg. N. Temp. Reg. Ind. Malay. Temp. Reg. N. & S. N. Am. Tr. Old World. Him. Reg. ‘Mongolia | Thibet. Mong. Siberia. | Abyss. Eur. N. As. ‘Kur. N. Am, [Kur. N. Am, S. Afr. W.&S. W.N. Am. Eur. As. N, A. 844 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS PORTULACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Lewisia rediviva Pursh. Talinum polyandrum Ruiz. & Pav. | G. G. Acr. PRIMULACEAE Anagallis arvensis L. Cortusa Matthioli L. Cyclamen europaeum L. By: Cyclamen graecum Link. R. iS ee Cyclamen hederaefolium Ait. G. Cyclamen latifolium Sibth. & Sm. G. Lysimachia Nummularia L. Gi) este Primula Auricula L, G. Primula obconica Hance. Say Cats OAM BB Primula Parryii A. Gray. | Pam. Primula reticulata Wall. | G. Primula sinensis Sm. Tr PROTEACEAE Brabejun L,. G. Hyd. Grevillea mimosoides R. Br. G. Helicia robusta Wall. G. Lyd. Knightia excelsa R. Br. G. Sap. Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell. G. Hvd Protea cynaroides L. G. Hyd Roupala Pohlii Meiss. G. Roupala vervaineana Hort. I G. Xylomelum pyriforme Knight. | G. RANUNCULACEAE Aconitum Anthora L, Coy. Aconitum chinense Sieb. L. Aconitum ferox Wall. C. Sm. LLB) BLAS. Aconitum columbianum Nutt. Ches. Aconitum Fischeri Reich. L. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. Cys Aconitum japonicum Decne. L. Aconitum Lycoctonum L, Mi.C.G.L. Aconitum Napellus L. Mi. Rusby]Ast, C.Sm. Wh. L. Ches. Aconitum noveboracense Gray, Rusby |Ast. Aconitum uncinatum L. L. Actaea alba (L.) Mill. L. Rusby |Em. Ches. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Rusby Actaea spicata L,. |Wh. G. Sm.| Asth. Adonis Dill. sp. | Mi. Adonis aestivalis L. G. Ir. Adonis amurensis Regel & Radde. G. Ir. Adonis vernalis C..Sm. L. tr: Anemone altaica. Fisch. a Anemone apennina L, Ir. G. C. Ches.|Sap. L. Ti Sap RCE GlSan FP. Locality W.N.Am. Mont. Peru. iy: Temp. As. N. As. Eur. Cauc. Reg. Greece. S. Eur. Greece, A. Min. Eur, Eur. China, } Ry. Mts. N. A. _ Him. Reg. China. a 2 S. Afr. j Austr. Him. Reg, Bur- ma. Malay. : N. Zeal. Austr. Spree Brazil. Austr. Austr. a ee IN. As, |Japan. |Him. Reg. |W. N. Am. Ry. Mts. N. As. N, Am. |Him. Reg. [Japan N. be Reg. Eur. We Eur. Ori. Manchuria. ur. N. Am. Siber. Altai. N. Am. Anemone Anemone Anemone Anemone Koch. Anemone Anemone Anemone Anemone Aquilegia Aquilegia Aquilegia POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD NAME OF PLANT coronaria nemorosa L,. parviflora Michx. patens L. var Wolfgangiana pratensis L,. Pulsatilla L, ranunculoides L. sylvestris L. caerulea James. canadensis L. vulgaris L,. Caltha arctica R. Br. Caltha palustris L,. Cimicifuga foetida L. Cimicifuga racemosa L. Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis Clematis aethusiaefolia Turcz. alpina Mill. Bergeroni A. Lavall. brachiata Thunb. Buchaniana DC. caripensis HBK. cirrhosa L,. Flammula L,. florida Thunb. Fremonti S. Wat. Gouriana Roxb. integrifolia L. lanuginosa Lindl. mauritiana L,. orientalis L,. Pitcheri Torr. & Gray. pseudo-flammula Sch. reticulata Walt. Vitalba L. Wightiana Wall. Williamsii Gray. Delphinium Ajacis L. Delphinium Brunonianum Royle Delphinium caeruleum Jacq, Delphinium Consolida L. »- Delphinium Geyeri Greene Delphinium Menziesii DC. Delphinium mauritiana Coss. Delphinium peregrinum L. Delphinium recurvatum Greene Delphinium Requieni DC. Delphinium scopulorum A. Gray. Rama i Properties Ir ei Ch.Giitr Mi. L. | G. Ches.Rusby|Abort. Ir. C! |G.C.Mi.Sm.|Abort. Ir. Mite Teg | Maes ID. ia Ie: Diur Te: Diur G.C.Mi.L. |ir. By hein: Pur G. C. Sm. |Acr. CrySnre WAcr Gey Smale Ast Rusby G, Acr Gy ©) Sn Sap, G. Sap. | G. Ver. | G. Sap. G. Ves. G. Sap. Co, Gan Sap G. Ir. Sap G. Sap. Hyd G. Ir. Gi Cio abaya, G. Ir. Hyd. G. G. ryd. G. Sap. G. Sap. Sap. |G.Sm.C,Mi.|Ir. 1 Hyd. G. Sm. ME Gein: G. Card. G. CoM es Ast Ches. Ches. L. |Acr. Ches. G. L. Ches.|Car G. G. Ches. L. |Acr. Ches, Cc L. Ches. 845 Locality 'Med, Reg. Ori. Eur. N. Am. |N. Am. iN. Cent. St. Ry. Mts. Br. Am. As. N. W. N. Am. Arct. Reg. |Eur. Siberia. N. Am. Mong. Eur. N. Am. IS. Afr. Him. Reg. Mex. Med. Reg. Med. Reg. Japan. W. N. Am. Ind. Malay. S. Eur. N. As. China. W. N. Amer. Ry. Mts. Madag. Maurit Ts. ob Reg. Ori. BE. N. Am. Am. rae N. Afr. Cauce. Ind. , Japan. Eur. Him. Reg. Him. Reg. N. Am, Eur. N. As. IS, Eur. Ori. lW. N. Am. Med. Reg. N. Am. 846 NAME OF PLANT Delphinium Staphisagria L. L. Delphinium tricorne Michx, G. L. Ches.|Car. E. N. A. S. Sts Delphinium trolliifolium Gray. G. Ches. W. N. Am Delphinium uncinatum Hook. Cones ilie Him. Reg Eranthis hyemalis Salisb. Sm. G. |Ast. Eur. Helleborus foetidus L. | C.G.Sm.L. Pur. Eur Helleborus niger L. }G.W.C.Sm.| Pur. Eur. | LL. Mi. Helleborus odorus Waldst. Sm. Hungary, Helleborus orientalis Lam. C.. Sm. A. Min. Greece. Helleborus viridis L,. G. Ches. L.|Pur Eu. Hydrastis canadensis L. ibs Berb IN. A Tsopyrum fumarioides L, G. Hyd Eur. N. As. Tsopyrum thalictroides L. G. S: Har: Knowltonia vesicatoria Sims, Gy L | NemiVess Afr. Cape. eg. Nigella damascena L, LL. Sap. Med. Reg. Nigella sativa L. G. L. |Sap. Med. Reg. Ranunculus abortivus L. iia EK. N. Am. Ranunculus acris L. C.G.Sm.Mi.|Acr iis Eur. N. As. Ranunculus alpestris L. Acr Eur. Ranunculus aquatilis L. Mi. Sm. |Ir. Tem. Reg Ranunculus arvensis L. G.Sm.C.L. |Acr Eur. N. As Ranunculus, asiaticus L. Sm. ir. Asia. Ranunculus auricomus L, Mi. Sm, L,.|Ir. N. Temp. Reg Ranunculus bulbosus L. G.C.Mi.Sm.|Ir. Temp. Reg Ranunculus Ficaria L,. G.C.Sm.Mi.| Ir. |Eur. Caucas. Ranunculus Flammula L. G.C.Sm.Mi.|Ir. Rusby N. Temp. Reg. Ranunculus hybridus G. °C. Mi. Be 9. Eur. Ranunculus lanuginosus L. G. iRur. Cau. Reg. Ranunculus lappaceus Sm. M.. |P. Austr. Ranunculus lingua L, C. Mi. Eur. Siber. Ranunculus polyanthemos L, Mi. Cauc. Reg. Ranunculus repens L,. C. Mi. N. Temp Reg. Ranunculus sceleratus L. |G. Mi. Sm.|Acr. Ir. Eu. N. Am. RusbyChes. Ranunculus septentrionalis Poir. | Ir. Acr E. N. Am, Ranunculus Thora L. | G. Mi. [Ves S.. Bur {| Rusby Thalictrum flavum L. Cc Eur, N. .\s. Thalictrum foetidum L,. Sm. Eur. Siberia Thalictrum macrocarpum Gren. CG: Trollius asiaticus L. G. Sap. Siberia. Trollius europaeus L, G. Sap. Eur. Cancas. Trollius pumilus D. Don. | G. Sap. Him, Reg. Zanthoriza | M. | | Austr. RESEDACEAE Reseda Tourn. sp. | G. Hyd. Eur. Reseda Luteola L, L. Diur. Eur. RHAMNACEAE Ceanothus americanus L, | Gea Sap) |E. N. Am. Ceanothus azureus Desf. iat Mex. eanothus caeruleus Lag. L. Mex. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Authority | Properties Locality |G.Sm.W.C.|Ast. Paras. |Med. Reg. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 847 NAME OF PLANT | Authority Ceanothus integerrimus Hook & Arn. G. Sap. Ceanothus ovatus Desf. G. Sap. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschw. G. Sap. Ceanothus velutinus Dougl, Ge Ee isan Colletia spinosa Lam. G. Sap. Discaria serratifolia Benth. & Hook. G. Sap. Gouania Jacq. sp. G. Karwinskia Humboldtiana Zucc., | G. Coult (Mtchell) Paliurus aculeatus Lam. [ete Grer ees Rhamnus Alaternus L, | (ie Rhamnus californica Esch. G. Tar: Rhamnus caroliniana Walt. L. Lax Rhamnus cathartica L. Ce Smelee tlie Rhamnus Frangula L. GAG i: Tee Rhamnus Purshiana DC. | L. Dax, Rhamnus Wightii W. & A. | 1 Lax. Zizyphus Joazeira Mart. G. Sap. Zizyphus Lotus Lam. | G. Zizyphus sativa Gaertn. | G. ! RHIZOPHORACEAE Rhizophora Mangle L,. (Gy Sm. Tan: ROSACEAE Agrimonia eupatoria L. [Gs ay Sant Brayera anthelmintica Kunth. Gs Ey’ . Ant. Cercocarpus parvifolius Nutt. G. Sap. Cormus foliosa Planch. G, Hyd. Cotoneaster Rupp. G. Hyd. Gillenia stipulacea Nutt. (© Beis) am PE sk Gillenia trifoliata Moench. Li Gy peat Kageneckia angustifolia D. Don. G. Hyd. Kageneckia oblonga Ruiz. & Pav. G. Hyd. Licania hypoleuca Benthm. G. Nuttallia cerasiformis T. & G. 1 i Gre Osteomeles arbutifolia Lindl. | G. Hy Peraphyllum ramosissimum Nutt. G. Hyd Poterium canadense A. Gray. | G. Em. Poterium officinale A. Gray. L. Astr Prunus amara | Sm. Ast Prunus Amygdalus Stokes. C. G. Sm. |TTyd Prunus Capollin Zucc.. G. Hyd. Prunus caroliniana Ait. Ches tlyd. Prunus demissa D. Dietr. Ches Lae Prunus domestica L, : Lax Prunus Laurocerasus L,. Sm.Mi.C.L.|Hyd. Prunus Mahaleb L. G. Hyd. Prunus persica Stokes. ae NR Ge Properties L. |Amyg. Hyd. d. Ast. Hyd. Locality N. W. Am. N. Am. Calif, N. W. Am. Ry. Mts. S. Am. |Chili. Pat. W.N. Am. Tex. S. Eur. W. As. Med. Reg. As. Minor. Asia. N. Afr. |Tr. Shores. |N. Tem. Abyss. Ry. Mts. W. N. Am. N. Temp. Reg. N. Am. Chili. New Gran. \W. N. Am. | N. W. Am. N, Am. Eur. N. Am. N. As. Asia \N. Afr. Eur. W. As. Orient. Mex. iN. A. Ry. Mts. W. N. Am. Eur. Cauc. Reg. Orient. S. Eur. Orient. Temp. As. 848 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Locality Java. N. Tem. Reg. Eur. N. As. Him. Reg. |Eur. N. Afr. Chili. Spain. |Eur. Tem. As. \Eur. Cauc. Reg. N. & Arc. Reg. Eur. E. N. Am. N. Tem. Reg. Him. Reg. Him. Reg. iN. As. Rus. Tem. As. Japan. Siberia. Siber. China. N. A. j\Eur. As. Min, Eur. Trop. Am. S. A. |Galapaene Is. E. N. A, Mascar. Is. Amic. Is. N. Zea. Malay. N. Tem. Reg. Magellan. NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Prunus serotina Ehrh. G. Ches. |Hyd Prunus undulata Ham. G. Hyd. Prunus virginiana L. Gi (CC) E. yd. Purshia tridentata DC. G. Em. Pygeum africanum Hook. G. Hyd. Pygeum parviflorum Teijsm. & Binn. G. Hyd. Pyrus L,. G. Hyd. Pyrus Aucuparia Gaertn. G. Pyrus Janata D. Don G. Pyrus Sorbus Gaertn. Quillaja saponaria Molina Coie: Sap. Rhodotypos herricides Sieb, and Zucc. | G. Sap. Rosa canina L,. | Ty Astr. Rosa gallica L. IE Astr. Rubus chamaemorus L, | by; Diur. Rubus cuneifolia E. Merc. se Astr. Rubus villosus Ait. (Gs i 0A Sap. Mech. Spiraea Aruncus L, G, Sap. Spiraea bella Sims. G, Sap. Spiraea canescens D. Don. G, Sap Spiraea Filipendula L. G, Ant, Spiraea Humboldtii Hort. G, Sap. Spiraea hypericifolia L. iby Astr. Spiraea japonica L, G. Sap. Spiraea laevigata L. G. Sap Spiraea palmata Pall. G. Sap. Spiraea tomentosa L,. 1p, Nsth. RUBIACEAE Asperula cynanchica L, eee etic y i ae ae Asperula odorata L. o” L. {Cou. Basanacantha tetracantha Hook. | G. (aye 1 Bo Bothriospora corymbosa Hook. G. Cephaélis toxica A. St. Hil. G. Dras. Cephalanthus occidentalis L,. G. Sap. Chiococca P. Br. sp. G. Dras, Chiococca P. Br. sp. L. Dras. Chiococca brachiata Ruiz. and Pav. | Ik Diur. Chiococca racemosa L, L. Diur. Cinchona sp. G Wh. “inc P ae Coffea mauritiana Lam. G. Coffea odorata Forst. G. Coprosoma linariifolia Hook. f. G. Coptosapelta flavescens North. G. ae) = Galium Aparine L, L. Diur Galium asprellum Mx. | Ue Cou Galium triflorum Mx. Goby Coed Geophila macropoda DC. G. Em, Geophila reniformis G. Don. G. Hamelia patens Jacq. | G. Mitchella repens L. G. LL. {Sap. Mitragyna speciosa Korth. G. Morelia senegalensis A. Rich, G. 1 ee POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 849 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Mussaenda frondosa L. | G. |Sap. |Malay. Ind. Oldenlandia senegalensis Hiern. G. Ant Ind. Tr. Afr. Oldenlandia umbellata L. | L. Ant India Paederia foetida Sm. Ind. Malay. Palicourea rigida HBK | S. Am. Pavetta reticulata BI. | G. Em. Java. Plectronia dicocca Burck. G, i Hyd. Psychotria emetica L. | wy |Em. N. Gran. Psychotria Ipecacnauha Stokes |G. Wh. L. |Dep Em. /|Braz. Randia aculeata L. Sm. W. Ind. Randia dumetorum La. OE (AM Te ea Tr. Old World. Sickungia rubra Mart. \ G. Alk. |Braz. Spermacoce capitata Willd. G. Peru. Spermacoce semierecta Roxb. G. Cou. Sumatra. Tricalypsa Sonderiana Hiern. | G. eA Vangueria spinosa Roxb. G. SLES ANS: RUTACEAE Acronychia laurifolia BI. | G. PP |Tr. As. Casimiroa edulis L. Gee) Nar: Mex. Choisya ternata HBK. G. Sap. Mex. Citrus Aurantium L, C; | ar As: Citrus medica L., G. Wh. |Hyd. Tr. As. Cusparia febrifuga H. & B. ipa Bees New Gran. Cusparia toxicaria Engl. G. |Braz. Evodia rutaecarpa Hook. Ep Pur Him. Reg. China. Japan. Lunasia philipinensis Planch. G. AE: Philipp. Melicope erythrococca Benth. G. Austr. Peganum antidysintericum Kostel. L. Astr. S. Ate, Peganum Harmala L, GC) Ey Amt Cent. As. Pilocarpus sp. G. |W. Ind. S. Am. Pilocarpus officinalis Poehl. | L, Diaph, S. A. Pilocarpus pennatifolius Lem. | Sm. Wh. |Dep. Ir. Brazil Pilocarpus racemosus Vahl. L. Diaph. W. Ind Pilocarpus spicatus A. St. Hil. i Diaph. Brazil. Ptelea trifoliata L. G, Sap. - |E. N, Am. Ruta graveolens L, G:C.Sm.L,. |Abort. Ir. |S. Eur. Ruta montana Mill. G. Abort. Med. Reg. Cau. Skimmia japonica Thunb. G. [Re Japan. - Thevetia Ahouai A. DC. | Braz. /Thevetia neriifolia Juss. | Zanthoxylum alatum Roxb. | G. LAA | Him. Reg. Chin. Zanthoxylum caribaeum Lam. G. |New Grau, Zanthoxylum Naranjillo Griseb, | G2 iar: Pasi Zanthoxylum scandens BI. G. ( Java. SALICACEAE Populus balsamifera L. | Halsted Ir. ‘E. N. Am. Asia. SALVADORACEAE Salvadora persica L. G. | Orient. Ind. N. fr. 850 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS SAMYDACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Casearia graveolens Dal. G. Dad ea Ind. Casearia guineensis G. Don. G. Boke Te Ae Casearia tomentosa Roxb, G. fear. [Tr. As. Austr. SANTALACCEAE Exocarpus cypressiformis R. Br. AG IM |Austr. SAPINDACEAE Alectryon excelsum Gaert. G. | Hyd. N. Zeal. Blighia sapida Kon. Afr. W. Ind. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L, GC. ak. aisap: Tr. Reg. N. A. S. States Cupania sp. G. Cupania Pseudorhus A. Rich, G. FY 'P Austr. Dittelasma Rarak DC. G. Fe. Malacca Dodonaea physocarpa Fv. Muell. G. | Austr. Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. G.UoRS aise Cosmop. Tr, Ganophyllum falcatum BI. G. Sap. Malacca. Harpullia arborea Radlk. Gs4Ro), BPs Harpullia cupanioides Roxb. GR a Bes Ind. Harpullia thanatophora BI. G. N. Guin. Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm. G. China. Magonia glabrata A. St. H. G. R. |Sap. F. P. |Braz. Magonia pubescens St. Hil. G. R. E. |Sap. F. P. [Braz. Nephelium lappaceum L. G. Malay. Nephelium Longana Camb. G. Ind. Burma. Paullinia costata Schlecht. R. G. |Sap. F. P> |Mex. Paullinia Cupana HBK. G, R. L. |Sap. F. P. Venez. Paullinia curassavica Jacq. R Sap. F. P. |W.. Ind. Paullinia macrophylla Kunth. G. R Sap. F. P. |N. Gran. Pauilinia meliaefolia Juss. _ G. Sap. F. P. |Braz. Paullinia thalictrifolia Juss. G. Sap. F. P. |Trop. Amer. Paullinia trigonia Vell. Sap. F. P. |Brazil. Sapindus abyssinicus Fres. | G Sap. F. P.. |Abyss. Sapindus aborescens Aubl. | G. Bi uP: Guian. Sapindus marginatus Willd. om, L. .| Sap: N. Am, 8. Sts. Tex. Sapindus Mukorossi Gaertn. G. BPs Trop. Asia Sapindus Saponaria L, Cg Rea N. & S. Am. Sapindus trifoliatus L,. Ge ae Trop. As. Schleichera GC. Hyd Serjania acuminata Radlk. Gi Re Narn Braz... Serjania curassavica Radlk. RR. Est) Sap. make Serjania cuspidata Cambess. G, Sap. W. Ind. Serjania erecta Radlk, EK. & G. R.|Sap. F. P.* |Brazil. Serjania ichthyoctona Radlk. BR. (Sap. Fo Py Brag Serjania inebrians Radlk. E. & G. R.|Sap. F. P., |Costa Rica. © Serjania lethalis A. St. Hil. BE. G. R. L.|Sap. F. P. |Brazil. Serjania mexicana Willd. L, Sap. F. P. |Mex. Serjania nodosa Radlk. G. R. E. |Sap. F. P. |W. Ind Serjania piscatoria Radlk, EF. & G. R.|Sap. F. P. |Brazill Serjania polyphylla Radlk. G, -R. |Sap. F..P, {Gitian; R Talisia stricta Triana & Planch. G. Sap. New Granad. Ungnadia speciosa Endl. [Gai Aha) ap: Texas. a eS a ee POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD SAPOTACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Achras sapota L, GPE" jean: Bassia butyracea Roxb. G. PP. Bassia latifolia Roxb. G. Bassia longifolia L. L. Astr. Bassia Mottleyana Miq. G. Hyd. Illipe Maclayana G. Lucuma Bonplandia HBK. G. Lucuma deliciosa Planch & Linden. G. Hyd. Lucuma glycyphloca Mart. L. Astr. Lucuma mammosa Gaertn. G. Hyd. Lucuma multiflora A. DC. G. Hyd. Lucuma salicifolia HBK IL; Sap. Omphalocarpum procerum Beauy, G. Payena latifolia Burck. G. Sap. Sideroxylon borbonicum A. DC. G. Sideroxylon dulcificum A. DC. G. Sideroxylon toxiferum Thunb. G. APs SARRACENIACEAE Sarracenia flava L,. Te Astr Sarracenia purpurea L. Gi I. pAste Sarracenia variolaris Mx. P Astr SAURURACEAE Saururus cernuus L, I SGie. 7 san SAXIFRAGACEAE Aphanopetalum resinosum Endl. G. Alk. Callicema serratifolia Andr. G. Sap. Ceratopetalum apetalum D. Don. G. Cou. Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. G. Poi. Chrysosplenium americanum Schw. |e Deutzia staminea R. Br. G. Sap. Dichroa febrifuga Lour, G. Em. Escallonia myrtilloides L,. f. | G. Francoa appendiculata Cav. G. Alk. Hydrangea arborescens L. be Gs Ee.) Sapo yd: Hydrangea Hortensia Sieb. | G, Hyd. Hydrangea involucrata Sieb. | Hyd. Hydrangea Lindleyana G, Hydrangea Thunbergii Sieb. G, Hyd. Jamesia americana Torr. & Gray. Hyd. Philadelphus coronarius L, G, Sap. Philadelphus grandiflorus Willd. G. Sap. Philadelphus Lemonei ~ G, Sap. Philadelphus Lewisii Pursh. G, Sap. Philadelphus microphyllus A. Gray. G, Sap. Ribes aureum Pursh. G, Ribes cereum Dougl. G. Sm. ene Ribes macrobotrys Ruiz. & Pav. Sait Ribes nigrum L, L. gee Ribes prostratum L. Her. Sm. Locality S. Am. Ind, Ind, Ind, Malay. New Guin. Cuba. New Gran. Braz. S. Am. W. In. Mex. Tr As: Sunda. Is. Barbon Is. Tr: Afr. |E. N. Am. Him. Reg.. |Malay China. New Gran, Chili. N. Am. Asia. Orient. Japan. | Japan. Ry. Mt. N. Am. 5. Bur N. Am. IN. Am. Ry.Mts. IN. Am. N.Mex. [Ry. Mts. W. N. Am. IW. N. Am. Ry. Mts. Peru. Eur. N. As, N. Am. 851 852 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Saxifraga Andrewsii Harv. G. Sap. Saxifraga cortusaefolia Sieb. & Zucc. G. Sap. Saxifraga cuneifolia L. G. Sap. Saxifraga Sibthorpii Boiss. G. Sap. SCITAMINEAE Kaempferia rotunda L, | Kirtikar | SCROPULARIACEAE Beyrichia scutellarioides Benth. | G. km. Bonnaya veronicaefolia Spreng. | G. Ant. Calceolaria scabiosaefolia Sims. H Em. Capraria biflora L. G Castilleja canescens. Benth. G. Car, Chelone glabra L. Gio pat Digitalis ambigua Murr. hie Card. Digitalis lutea L. Digtalis purpurea L, Digitalis Thapsi L. G. Mi. Sm.|Card. Ast. EGR CiROP Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl Ches. Gratiola officinalis L,. Mi.G.C.Sm.|Ir. | Ches. L. Gratiola peruviana L, G. Limosella aquatica L. G. Sap. Limosella. Cymbalaria Mill. C Limosella Elatine Mill. c. Limosella spuria Mill. | 'G) Linaria vulgaris Mill. C.Sm.Mi.L,.|Ir | Rusby Melampyrum arvense L. Cink. Melampyrum silvaticum L, Gus) Drug Pedicularis palustris L. |G.Mi.Ches} Pedicularis sylvatica L,. | Mi Rhinanthus major Ehrt. Cc Rhinanthus minor Ehrt. HENS Ins. Scrophularia aquatica L, G.S Scrophularia nodosa L,. G Striga euphrasioides Benth. Vandellia crustacea Benth. Vandellia minuta Miq. Verbascum Blattaria L. Verbascum crassifolium Hoffmgg. Verbascum dubium Roem & Schult. lest QQ ONEORS” os jest 3 Verbascum orientale Bieh, RoR Verbascum phlomoides L, BR ARO Verbascum pulverulentum Vill G. Verbascum simplex Labill. Be RP, Verbascum sinuatum L., G. Verbascum thapsoides L. G. Verbascum Thapsus L, E.G.R.C.L.AB. PB. OOM Be Se OQ ret) — = Locality Japan. Spain. Greece. ise: A. | Brazil. Malay. China. Peru. |Trop. Am. | Mex. E. N. Am. Eur. W. As. 5, Buri ee W. N.Am. Spain. _ E. N. Am. Eur. Trop. Am. Aus. New Zeal. N. & S. Temp. Reg. Eur. Eur. Orient Eur. N. Afr, Eur. N. Am. Caucasus Eur. N. As. N. Tem. & Arc. Reg. Eur. Eur. Eur. Eur. Caue. N. Temp. Reg. India. |Cosm. Trop. |Java. Eur. N. As. N. Am. Lusitania. Lusitania. Caucas. Eur. As. Min. S. Eur. | . ee ee ag ee ee ee ee ee a ee eee ee a POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 853: NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Veronica Beccabunga L. Ee |Diur. Veronica officinalis L. 1 Diur. Veronica virginica Nutt. Gi Ls) Kar. fom. Rusby SELAGINELLACEAE Globularia Alypum L, . ee RR eis SIMARUBACEAE Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. | G. Rusby |Taen. L. Balanites aegyptiaca Delile. : G, Sap. Balanites Roxburghii Planch. G, Sap. Brucea sumatrana Roxb. Gok: Cneorum tricoccum L,. c. Picraena excelsa Lindl. L. Ins. Picrasma quassioides Benn. GiB) Piss Samadera indica Gaertn. G.. 1, Simaba Waldinii Planch. | G. Simaruba amara Aubl. | Sm. SOLANACEAE Acnistus arborescens Schlecht. | G. Nar. Anthocercis Lab. sp. | G. Atropa Belladonna L,. |G.C.Mi.Sm.| Del. | L. Rusby Brunfelsia Hopeana Benth. Ray ean! DT 2 Sah 24 Capsicum annuum L. HESS rycen OAS 1 Capsicum frutescens L. sm. L. [Ir Capsicum minimum Blanco. | Win Dy. |r. Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. Sm. Nar Cestrum auriculatum L’Her. G. Nar Cestrum macrophyllum Vent. G. | Cestrum nocturnum L,. G. Cestrum pallidum Lam. G. Cestrum Parqui L’Her. G. Cestrum vespertinum L,. G. Datura arborea L, Gre Datura fastuosa L. EH Berney Yd cand Datura ferox L,. C. Datura Metel L. Ge: CE Nar Datura meteloides DC. 1 Nar Datura sanguinea Riz, & Pav. | Go Le Narn P Datura Stramonium L,. | C.G.Rusby | Hyp Sm. Mi Ches. L Datura suaveolens C. |Hyp Datura Tatula L,. |Ches. ae Fa Duboisia Hopwoodii F. Muell. |& a Hyp. Duboisia myoporoides R. Br. | Hyoscyamus albus L, Hyp. ‘Del. Locality IN. Temp. Reg. Eur. As. Min. N. As. ib N. Am. |Med. Reg. China. N. Afr, Arab. Pales. Ind. Trop. As. Aust. Har, W. Ind. |\Him. Reg, China Ind. Trop. Am. | Mexico. Austr. Eur. Ori. Ind. Brazil, Trop. Reg. |Mex. S. Am. Tex. Mex. Trop. Reg. Philipp. Is. Guztimal. Ss. Am. W. Ind. S. Am. Jamaica. Trop. Amer. W. Ind. S. Amer. Tr. Old. World. China. Trop. Am. W. N. A. S. Am. Cosm. Trop. | Cosm. Trop. Austr. Austr. Orient. 854 NAMK OF PLANT Hyoscyamus aureus L. Hyoscyamus Falezlez Coss. Hyoscyamus muticus L. Hyoscyamus niger L,. Hyoscyamus physaloides L. Hyoscyamus reticulatus L. Latua venenosa Phil. Lycium barbarum L. Lycopersicum esculentum Mill, Mandragora autumnalis Bertol. Mandragora officinarum L. Nicandra physaloides Gaertn. Nicotiana alata Link & Otto. Nicotoana chinensis Nicotiana glauca Grab. Nicotiana quadrivalvis Pursh. Nicotiana rustica L. Wicotiana suaveolens Lehi. Nicotiana Tabacum L. Nierembergia hippomanica Mers. Physalis Alkekengi L. Physalis foetens Poir. Physalis virginiana Mill. Physochlaina orientalis G. Don. Physochlaina praealta Miers. Scopolia carnicola Jacq. Scopolia japonica Max, Scopolia lurida Dun. Scopolia physaloides Dun. Solandra grandiflora Sw. Solanum aculeatissimum Jacq. Solanum aviculare Forst. Solanum caripense Humb. & Bopl. Solanum carolinense L,. Solanum crispum Ruiz, & Pav. Solanum Dulcamara L. Solanum ellipticum R. Br. Solanum esuriale Lindl. Solanum eremophilum Fv. M. Solanum grandiflorum R. & P. Solanum mammosum L, Solanum Melongena L. Solanum nigrum L, Solanum saponaceum Dun. Solanum sodemeum L,. Solanum Sturtianum F. v. M. Solanum stramonifolium Jacq. Solanum torum Sw. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Authority | Properties Locality @ A. Min. Mesop. CG; W. As. Cy a) Nar, Med. Reg.? R.Ches.Sm.|Hyp. Del. |Eur. W. As. Mi. Rusby Him. Reg. CHE Ga hs G. Hyp. Del. | Siberia. G. Hyp. Del. |As. Min. Egypt. iia Chili, G. Orient. G. Mi, Sm.|Sap. S. Am. Mex. CORN Bs Tex. Tem. Reg. Sm. Med. Reg. Cc Gabe Del: |Med. Reg. G. P. berry Peru. GC: Brazil. (Ge China, | CGM: |Arg. | Gs W. N. Am. LCA Nags. Mexico. G. M. Australia. | RusbyC.R.|Naus. F. P.|S. Am. Temp. hes. G. Reg. Lawes G. Arg. Rep. 1 Diur. Eur, Japan. G. Nar. Trop. Am. G. Nar. E. N. Am. CAG, Orient. G, Es Him. Reg. C. L. |Atropin Eur. G. L. |Atropn Pi. |Japan. G. 1D. Him. Reg. Siberia. Altai. — G. Alk. Trop. Amer. G. Tr. As. & Am. G. | Aus. & N. Zeal. G. | Venez. Ty Diur N. A. | Sm. Del. Chili. Ches. |Sol. Nar. |Eu. N. Am. | Rusby L. Austr. G, Austr. Austr. G. M. Austr. | G. | Peru. | G. | Trop. Am. [Cy Seach I'Tr. Old World. | | |Austr. N. Am. |G.M.Rusby| Nar |Eur. N. Am, |C.Mi.Ches. | |As. aay Fe | | G. | |Peru. | G Sm. | (Trop. Old | World. Calid. Wg CRO Austrl. | G. |Cosm. Trop. | | |Cosm. Trop. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 855 NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Solanum triflorum Nutt. G. Ches. | Solanum tuberosum L, M. Rusby |Sol. Ches. Solanum villosum Willd. - Mi. Solanum Xanti Gray G. Triguera ambrosiaca Cav. G. Vestia lycioides Willd. G. Withania somnifera Dun. G. Abort. ; STERCULIACEAE Pterospermum diversifolium Bl. G. dre Sterculia alata Roxb. : G. Nar. TERNSTROEMIACEAE Camellia japonica L. G. [F: P. Camellia Sasanqua Thunb. G. 1 an 2 Caraipa fasiculata Cambers. G. Caryocar glabrum Pers. G. Llanosia Toquian Blanco. G. i ie THYMELAEACEAE Daphne Gnidium L. | L, Ir. Dahpne Laureola L. LGC My Whe Bees Daphne mezereum L. i. a Daphne striata Tratt. G. Daphnopsis cestrifolia Meiss. G. Daphnopsis Cneorum L., | G.R.MLE. |F. P. Daphnopsis Gnidium L. GRG.Bs (iPoPs brs Daphnopsis oleoides Schreb. Brandt Ir. Dirca palustris L. G. L. |Sap. Edgeworthia Gardneri Meiss. G. F, Lasiadenia rupestris Benth. G. P. Lasiosiphon anthylloides Ness. G. P. Lasiosiphon eriocephalus D. C. G ER Thymelaea Tartonraira All. G Ir. Wikstroemia Chamaedaphne Meiss. G. 1 etal a Wikstroemia viridiflora Meiss. GekRe. [Ee Pe: TILIACEAE Corchorus capsularis L. G. Echinocarpus Sigun Bl. G. Hyd. Grewia asiatica L. Ge Ree es Grewia bracteata Roth. Hiyae: Grewia Malococca L., Graks SBR Grewia orientalis L. G. Grewia pilosa Roxb. G. Grewia piscatorum Hance. Prockia theaeformis Willd. G. EP. TROPAEOLACEAE Tropaeolum majus ea WS i [lees TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L,. | G. |P. Locality W. N. Am. Ry. Mts. Neb. De Aan @ alt. Temp. Reg. Eur. As. Afr. Calif. Spain. Chili. Med. Reg. Ori. India Malay. India. Japan, China. Japan. Guiana. Pacific Isl. Guiana. |Med. Reg. Eur, N. As. Eur, N. As. Alp. S. Eur. BS Granat. Eur. Austr. Med. Reg. Eur. As. Min. E. N. Am. Him. Reg. Chi. Japan. Guinea. S. Afr. India. S. Eur. China. |Tr. As. Austr. Trop. Cosm. Java. India, India, Amicor Is. Tr. As. & Aus. Ind. Trop. Afr. China. Mascar Is. |Peru. |N. Temp. Reg. a 856 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ULMACEAE UMBELLIFERAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Aethusa Cynapium L,. iG.C.MiSm.|Ir. ‘| Bur. Orient. Ammi Visnaga Lam. Di ae MC ona Med. Reg. Anthriscus cerefolium Hoffm. Te Diur. Eur. N.. Asia. Anthriscus sylvestris Hoffm, | L. Eur. N. As. Can, Reg. Anthriscus vulgaris Bern. i C7 Gai Ds Eur. Orient. Apium graveolens L. MeL; Vir. Eur. Ori. Ind. . Calif. Apium leptophyllum F. v. M. G. M. Austr. Apium nodiflorum Reichb. Wyse Ic. Azorella Glebaria A. Gray. | G. iB: Carum capense Sond, | G. Ss Ate Carum copticum Benth. & Hooker. | G. Eur. N. Afr | N. Asia. ‘Carum Petroselinum Benth & Hooker a igs RV Le Eur. Caucalis daucoides L. | C: Eur. Temp. As. Chaerophyllum temulum L,. | G. Eur. N. Afr. | Caucas. Reg. Cicuta Bolanderi A. Gray. 1} iGhes. Cane Calf. Cicuta bulbifera L. | Rusby |{Con. N. A Cicuta californica A. Gray, Rusby |Con. Calif Cicuta maculata L,. | Rusby |Con. \G. Ches. L. E. N. Am. Cicuta occidentalis Greene | Ches. {Con. We N. Am. Ry its. Cicuta vagans Greene |G. Ches, L.|Con. W. N. Am Cicuta venenata Nutt. | G. Con. W. N. Am. Cicuta virosa L. 1G.Sm.C.Mi.|Con. |Eur. N. Am. | L. Rusby | Conium maculatum L,. | L. Mi. [Dep | Rur.Ori.N.Am. Rusby G. Sm.Ches.C. Conopodium denudatum Koch. G. Kur. Coriandrum sativum L,. We 1: S. Eur, Ori. Crithmum maritimum L, | Ant. ur, Daucus Carota L o L. |Diur Eur. Ori.N.Am. Elaeselinum asclepium Boiss | as if S.. Eur: Elaeselinum foetidum Boiss Wie if S. Eur. N. Afr. Ferula communis L, Med. Reg. Ferula foetida Regel | , Antisp. Turkest. Ferula galbaniflua Boiss. & Buhse. PVs aks bas Persia. Heracleum lanatum Michx. ie Got, Acs. Eur. N. Am. W. As. Heracleum Spondylium L,. Cra Ser Eur. N. As. Heteromorpha arborescens Cham. & Schl.| G. S. Agr. Hydrocotyle asiatica Ly. Nar. Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. G. PB: Java Hydrocotyle umbellata L, G. Em. Trop. Reg. Hydrocotyle vulgaris Sm. Mi Eur. Lichstensteinia Beiliana Eckl. & Zeyh. | G. S. Afr. Lichstensteinia pyrethifolia. Cham. & G,. S. Afr, Schlecht. | Molopospermum cicutarium DC. G. Nar Eur. Oenanthe crocata L Gi Cain: Eur. Oenanthe fistulosa CC. Mi air Eur. Casp. Reg. Oenanthe Lachenalii G. Gmel. G. Eur. Casp. Reg. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 857 NAME OF PLANT Authority Oenanthe Phellandrium Lam: ee Cite . Mi. Oxypolis rigidus Britton. Ches. Pastinaca sativa L. Coke (rar, Peucedanum ambiguum Nutt. G. Peucedanum foeniculaceum Nutt. L. Peucedanum Ostruthium Koch. L.. Acr. Pimpinella Saxifraga L,. L,. Naus Sanicula marilandica L. Ge Ea) tAste Sium cicutaefolium Schrank. L. Ches. Sium erectum Huds. G. Sm. Mi.|Ir Sium latifolium L. Mane: Ches. Thapsia garganica L. Lo Dn Fr Thapsia villosa L. G. Tr. Trachymene australis Benth. G. M. URTICACEAE Anitiaris toxicaria Lesch. Sie Artocarpus calophylla Z. & M, | Bees Cannabis sativa Lam. Mi. Sm. L,|Del. | ay Ficus altissima BI. ie Ficus Carica L,. | ax. Ficus hispida L. re Ficus hypogaea. Ficus leucantatomia Poir. Ficus Roxburghii Wall. ae Ast, Humulus Lupulus L. Mi. L. |Sed Laportea canadensis Gaud. Wie ian is Laportea crenulata Gaud. L. Ir Laportea Gaudichaudiana Webb. L. Ir Laportea stimulans Migq. Cain San 9 Fi Trema aspera R. Br. M. Urtica dioica L,. Sm. Mi. L,.|Ir | Ches. Urtica gracilis Ait. | Chesil: (he Urtica holosericea Nutt. [yo kaPamn I Urtica pilulifera L. om) 1.) {Ir Urtica urens L. 1 SS WW VALERIANACEAE Valeriana dioica L. Valeriana officinalis L. VERBENACEAE Callicarpa americana Lam. G. Callicarpa cana L, G. Callicarpa longifolia Lam. G. Basie Callicarpa tomentosa Willd. G. Clerodendron infortunatum Gart. G. Properties Ast. A. P. 12 Locality Eur. N. As. N. Tem. Reg. Eur. Cauc. Reg. Eur. N. A. Med. Reg. S. Eur. Austr. Ind. Malay Tennasserim Cent. As. N. Him.Eur.N.Am. Tr.Asia, Malay S. Eur. Orient Afr. N. & S. Am. Austr. Trop. As. & Austr. Malaya Him. Burma N. Am. Trop. As. Phil. Is. Java Austr. |N. Temp. Reg. Ry. Mts. W.N. Am. Orient. Med. Reg. Tem. old world Eur. Eur: N. As, N. Am. Tex. Trop.As. Austr. Malay, Austr. China Malay 858 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Clerodendron Siphonanthus R. Br. G. Ind. & Malay Duranta Plumieri Jacq. G. Sap. Trop. Am, Lantana salviaefolia Jacq. G. S. Agr; Stachytarpheta indica Vahl. G. L.. |Abort. Cosm. Trop. Verbena hastata L. Ts r N. A. Verbena officinalis L. 1 ime, Bene ae Amphig. temp. Verbena venosa Gill. & Hook. ] Sm. es Arg. Reg. Vitex sp. | G. S. Am. Afr. As. Austr. Vitex pteropoda Mig. | G. Malay Vitex vestita Wall. G. Malay VIOLACEAE Anchietea salutaris St. Hil. eR a Cie |Brazil Ionidium Ipecacuanha Vent. | L. Em. Brazil Noisettia HBK. | G. Em. Ss. Am. Viola, G. Em. N. Temp. Reg. Viola odorata L. Cai. | Baa N. Afr. & As. Viola pedata L. | L. Em. N. A. Viola sepenicola Jord. Ge Eur. VITACEAE Cissus nivea Hochst. G. | Abyss. Cissus pruriens Planch. G. Vitis hederacea Ehr. L. Ir. E. 'N. Am: Ry: (Ampelopsis quinquefolia Michx. Mts. Psedera quinquefolia (L.) Greene) | Hals. Vitis elongata Wall. G. Ind. Vitis Minahau. G. Vitis Saponaria Seem. G. Austr. Pac. Is. Vitis sessilifolia Baker. 1}: Brazil XYRIDACEAE Xyris communis Kunth. | | |Trop. Am. ZINGIBERACEAE Globba Beaumetzii Heck. G. Taen. | Hedychium longecormatum. G. Ant. Thaunatococcus Daniellii Benth. G. Trop. Afr, Zingiber officinale Rose. Sm. ihe India ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Guaiacum officinale L. G. L. |Sap. India Larrea mexicana Moric. Giles aL Mex. S.W.U.S. Nitraria tridentata Desf. G. Ineb. Syria, N. Afr. & Tropics Tribulus cistoides L. G, Cosm. Trop. Tribulus .maximus L, G. Sap. N. Am. Guiana Zygophyllum coccineum L, G. N. Am. Arab. Zygophyllum Fabago L. G. Spain, N. Afr. W. Asia. Zygophyllum iodocarpum F. v. M. G. | Austr. POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 859 EUTHALLOPHYTA. SCHIZOPHYTA. SCHIZOMYCETES. Bacillus botulinus von Erm, Bacillus piscidus Sieber (i) Schum. For other toxic species see Buchanan, Part I of this Manual. NAME OF PLANT BACTERIA. Authority | Jordan G. | Locality N. Am. Eur. Eur. EUTHALLOPHYTA. EUPHYCEAE. ALGAE. Hypnea muscaeformis Rhodomenia palmata Gre. See Parts I and II of this Manual. EUTHALLOPHYTA. PHYCOMYCETES. Saprolegnia sp. Gyromitra esculenta Fr. Claviceps purpurea Tul. Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Amanita Cantharellus aurantiacus Fr. cothurnata Atk. floccocephala Atk. Frostiana Pk. magnivelaris Pk. mappa Fr. muscaria L,. phalloides Fr. recutita Fr. rubescens Fr. solitaria Bull. spreta Pk. strobiliformis Fr. verna Bull, virosa Fr. Clitocybe illudens Schw. Coprinus narcoticus Batsch._ Entoloma clypeatum (L.) Miquel. Entoloma graveolens Pk. Hebeloma crustuliniforme Bull. | G. ASCOMYCETES Helvellaceae | lef Hypocreaceae BASIDIOMYCETES Agaricaceae A. A. |CLA.H.Pk. H. ial. Ch GE, | Farl, A. Pic Bie Ches. Ph. Cie: Farl. \|A.Mi. Bull. | Cl. A. Fr. Ph. Pk. |Bull. Cl. A. Fr, Ph. Pk. RHODOMELACEAE Alsidium Helminthochortes Ktzg. Chondria vermicularis Hook. G. Mi. |Abort. | | Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean |Cosm. |Eur. N. Am. Eur. N. Am. |As. Austr, Eur. Eur. N.Am. Fr. N. Am, N. Am, 860 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Hebeloma fastible Fr. In ay @ b Eur. N. Am. Inocybe scaber Miill. H. Eur. N. Am. Lactarius acris Bolt. COVE e Eur. N. Am. Lactarius atroviridis Pk. Phare N. Am. Lactarius camphoratus B. | H. Eur. N. Am. Lactarium chrysorrheus Fr. LDeagral Eur. N. Am. Lactarius insularis Fr. Bee Act Eur. N. Am Lactarius pergamenus Fr, Fite Gel Aer Eur. N. Am. Lactarius rubus Scop. G. a\cr. Eur. N. Am. Lactarius scrobiculatus Fr. Pee Aer Eur. N. Am. Lactarius subdulcis Fr. H. Fr. |Acr Eur. N. Am Lactarius torminosis Fr. G. Acr. Eur. N. Am. Lactarius trivialis Fr. H. Fr. |Acr. Eur. N. Am. Lactarius turpis Fr. | re Acer Eur. N. Am. Lactarius vellereus Fr. (Ep yeg bls Dalas Pa era Eur. N. Am. Lactarius zonarius B. G. Acr. Eur. Lentinus suavissimus Fr, Gi Br. Eur Lentinus stypticus | G. Eur Lepiota Morgani Pk. Pk. Cla N. Am. Marasmias oreades Bolt. G. Eur. N, Am Marasmias urens Bolt. GER Eur. N. Am Paneolus papilionaceus Fr. | H. N. Am. Pholiota caperata Cr |N. Am. Pholiota radicosa B. G. Ke Eur. N. Am Russula Barlea L. G. Eur. N. Am Russula emetica Sch. | H.G.A.C1. | Em. Eur. N. Am Russula foetens Pers. te CL Eur. N. Am Russula fragilis H. Eur. N. Am Russula rubra Fr, G. H. Fr. Eur. N. Am Stropharia aeruginosa Curt. H: N. Am. Tricholoma album Schaeff. | 1B Acr Eur, N. Am Tricholoma saponaceum Fr. Be CL Ace Eur, N. Am Tricholoma sulphureum | Ch. Acr Eur. N. Am Volvaria volvacea I (@p jN. Am. HY DNACEAE Hydnum amarescens L,. | G. | Eur Hydnum graveolens G. Eur LYCOPERDACEAE Lycoperdon Bovista Pers. G. Mi. lEur. N. Am. Lycoperdon gemmatum Mi. Eur. N. Am Lycoperdon giganteum Fr. Br. GC. Eur. N. Am Lycoperdon saururus Lam. G. Eur. Scleroderma vulgare G. Eur, N. Am. Secotium acuminatum | ‘er |N. Am, PHALLACEAE Ithyphallus impudicus Ay Cr. N. Am. Eur. Lisurus borealis Burt. inl N. Am. Mutinus caninus Fr. Fes Cis Eur. N. Am. Mutinus elegans Mont. Fly N. Am. Phallus duplicatus Bosc. BCL Eur, N. Am. Phallus Ravenellii (B&C) E. Fisch. H. Eur, N. Am. NIDULARIACEAE Crucibulum vulgare. Cl. Eur, N. Am. Cyathus striatus Cl Eur. N. Am Cyathus vernicosus Chi Eur, N. Am POISONOUS PLANTS OF THE WORLD 861 POLYPORACEAE NAME OF PLANT Authority | Properties Locality Boletus alveolatus B. & C. H. N. Am. Boletus felleus Bull. AE Eur. N. Am. Boletus Frostii Russell He N. Am. Boletus luridus Schaeff. pias! BE & Eur. N. Am. Boletus satanas Lenz. isle @ik Eur. N. Am. Polyporus anthelminticus Berk. G. |Eur. Polyporus hispidus Bull. G. Eur. Polyporus squamosus Fr. Fr. G: Eur. UREDINEAE Coleosporium Sonchi-arvense (Schw.) Ir. Eur, N. Am. Thunb. Ches. Austr. Cosmp. Puccinia coronata Cda. Pammel Eur. N. Am. | Cosmp. Puccinia graminis Pers. Virchow | Eur. N. Am. Cosmp. Puccina rubigovera DC. | Pammel Eur. N. Am. Cosmp. Puccinia xylorrhizae | Nelson N.Am. Ry.Mts. Uromyces trifolii (Hedw.f) Lev Mohler Eur. N. Am. Cosmp. USTILAGINACEAE Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jens. Mi. \Ir. |Eur. N. Am. |Cosmp. Ustilago Hordei .P) well. & Swingle. Mi. te: |Eur. N. Am. |Cosmp. Ustilago neglecta Niessl. | Pammel |{Ir. [Kur. N. Am. | |Cosmp. Ustilago nuda (Jensen) Kell. & Swingle. Mi. Ir. Eur. N. Am. Cosmp. Ustilago Tritici (Pers.) Jens. Mi. Ir. Eur. N. Am. ; Cosmp. Ustilago utriculosa Tul. Pammel |Ir. N. Am. TILLETIACEAE Tilletia foetens (B.&C.) Trel, | Schaffner |Ir. N. Am. Eur. Tilletia Tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. | Schaffner |Ir. N. Am. Eur. FUNGI IMPERFECTI Cladosporium sp. | G. ii 'Kur. N. Am. Diplodia zeae Lev. |E. F. Smtih| Pellagra Eur. N. Am Fusarium sp. G. It; Eur. N. Am. Fusarium roseum Lk. Pammel |Ir. Eur. N. Am. Giberella sp. G. fics Eur, N. Am. Macrosporium Brassicae B. Pammel |Ir. Eur. N. Am. Polydesmus exitiosus Kiihn. | Mohler Ir. Eur. N. Am. Polythrincium trifolii Kuntze. | Pammel |{Ir. Eur. N. Am. See Part II of this Manual for other species. LICHENES Cetraria juniperina Ach. G Cetraria pinastri Ach. G Evernia vulpina Ach. G. : Parmelia vulpina Ach. G. Eur, Peltigera horizontalis L, G Variolaria amara Ach. G BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS By Harriette S. KELLOGG In this bibliography we have included such modern works bearing upon the subject of poisonous plants as are more easily accessible to the student, but to make this list more complete many titles of books by older writers have been added. These works are of interest not only from an historical point of view, but also from an artistic standpoint because many of them are hand- somely illustrated. This is particularly true of the works of Brand and Ratze- burg, Berge and Riecke, Godet, Bulliard, Dietrich, Henry, Hegetschweiler, Otto, and Miquel which were published many years ago. The bibliography also contains the more important articles published by the various experiment stations and by the United States Department of Agricul- ture besides a long list of rather recent papers appearing in technical chemical journals and in professional journals of medicine, veterinary medicine, and pharmacy. However, this bibliography is by no means complete so far as these technical journals are concerned, but from the papers indicated in the bibliog- raphy the student can easily find further literature. Miss Kellogg has attempted to make a subject catalogue covering a great many different topics such as the sale of poisons, general treatises on poisonous plants, vegetable toxicology, poisons from Abrus, vegetable alkaloids, hydro- cyanic acid, immunity, lupinosis, ricinus, poisonous seeds, geographical papers, poisons from a legal standpoint, pellagra. antidotes, etc. While it would be impossible to indicate a reference to every species, the catalogue of the poisonous plants of the world indicates, to some extent, where the species was discussed. We have had to omit from the catalogue refer- ences to many popular treatises such as Lehmann’s “Giftpflanzen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der wirksamen Stoffe,”’ and the works of Godet, Vicat, Henslow’s “Poisonous Plants in Field and Garden” and the “Giftpflanzenbuch” . by Berge and Riecke. ‘The later as well as the earlier treatises, frequently refer to the literature where the species is mentioned as being poisonous. An example of this is found in Helleborus niger, Berge and Riecke give seventeen references where the plant is mentioned as poisonous; eleven references are cited in regard to Oleander, and five upon Tecoma radicans, showing that many of these plants have passed as poisonous for a considerable length of time. Of peculiar and local popular treatises Germany has contributed more than any other country. Tle treatment of the poisonous plants in books such as Goeppert’s “Ueber die Giftige Pflanzen Schlesiens,” and Krause’s “Studies of Poisonous Plants, in the German Colonies,” aid materially in determining the distribution of certain plants. The United States has done something along this line, especially through its Department of Agriculture. The publications of Coville and Chesnut, are excellent illustrations of this. Popular accounts in such treatises as that by Miss Huntington are helpful. ‘The subject of poison ivy probably has been treated more exhaustively than any other subject indi- cated. Dr. Warren has recently published a long list of papers on this subject, and he shows especially how popular impressions get into current literature BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 863 without having much foundation in fact. On the subject of the anatomy very little has been published. Attention may be called to the excellent treatise of Collin, “Traite de Toxicologie Vegetale, Application du Microscope a la Re- cherches des Poisons. Vegetaux.” 1907. The German work by Mitlacher, “Toxi- cologische oder forensische wichtige Pflanzen und vegetabilische Drogen, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung ihrer mikroskopischen verhiltnisse”, also has an admirable discussion of the subject. There are, however, many pharmocopeal treatises like the work of Fliickiger ,(English translation ‘““Pharmacographia’), “Pharmacognosy” by Powers, Kraemer’s “Botany and Pharmacognosy”, the “Organic Materia Medica” by Sayre, “Foods and Drugs” by Greenish, Tschirch and Oesterle’s “Anatomischer atlas, der Pharmakognosie and Nahrungsmittel- kunde,” and “Microscopy of Vegetable Foods” by Winton, and the English trans- lation of works of Moeller, which will indicate the sources from which informa- tion of this kind can be secured. We have added some “second hand” references which have been taken from what we believe to be reliable sources. It was quite impossible to obtain all of the original papers referred to in the bibliography. Many of them, however, have been seen in the original, either by Miss Kellogg or myself. We wish to express our thanks to Dr. Wm. Trelease of the Missouri Botanical Garden, Dr. B. L. Robinson and Dr. W. G. Farlow of Harvard Uni- versity, Dr. C. S. Sargent of the Arnold Arboretum, Mr. C. G. Lloyd of the Lloyd Library, Cincinnati, to the Surgeon General of the United States Army, and Mr. Johnson Brigham of the Iowa State Library, Des Moines, for cour- tesies in the loan of books and papers. L. H. PAMMEL. PARTIAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY The numbers following the topics correspond with the numbers in the Bibliography. Asrus, 158, 508a, 550 Achorion, 94 Aconite, 1186, 263, 302, 366, 474, Aconitum, § 503a, 528, 923, 947, 1078 Acorn, 2 Actinomycosis, 88, 123, 138a, 463, Antiarin t 662, 916, 917 Antiaris, Antidotes, 157, 307, 319, 376, 410, 478, 507a, 508a, 522, 804, 932, 973 Antitoxins, 561, 718 Arbor toxicaria, 981 809, 832, 859a, 1072 Aethusa, 147, 302, 1078 Agaricus, 934 Alexipharmics, 679 Alfalfa, 414, 628, 1036 Algae, 33, 34, 70, 74, 126, 285, 286, 676, 728, 742, 991 Alkaloids, Vegetable, 121, 171, 187, 397, 484, 779, 779a, 780, 781, 808, 817, 873a, 938, 1082 Almonds, 688 Amanita, 307, 510, 512, 633a, 660, 797 Anatomy, 236, 237, 763, 887, 997 Andromeda, aye Andromedotoxin, i 695, 799, 801 Anemone, 687, 708 Anhalonium, 193, 593, 599 Anise, see Star anise Anthocercis, 670 Areca, 183, 302 Argemone, 885 eae l 754, 897 rum, Arrow Poisons, 43, 50, 133, 156, 314, 329, 594, 598, 898, 916, 917 Aspergillosis,) 95, 154a, 318, 375, 527, Aspergillus, § 618, 939 Astragalus, 332, 640, 725 Atractylis, 602 Atropa, 887 Atropin, 15la, 302, 944, 1078 Auto intoxication, 986 BACILLUS, anthracis, 51, 561 oedamatis, 135, 561 suipestifer, 711 tetani, 292, 561 virgula, 1011 864 Bacterial Poisons, 126a, 144, 321, 544, 1007 Bacterium, diptheriae, 561, 944 tuberculosus, 38, 217, 463, 561, 826 Baneberry, 41 Barium, 209, 482, 487, 984 ea 115, 256, 260, 388, 393, 394, 420, 8 Beech, 316 Belladonna, 302, 559, 621 Berberis, 302, 862 Bibliography, 3a, 477, 502a, 561, 579a, 727a, 823, 895, 1025, 1030 Black Tongue, 352 Blastomycosis, ae 526a, 776b, 987a Borage Plants, 2 Does i 367, 368 Botulism, 5 Boxwood, 334 CactacEAk, 193, 444, 599 Calabar Bean, 302, 311, 412 Calandrina, 720 Camas, 253 Camphor, 856 Cannabis, 284, 816 Capsella, 532 Cardiac Poisons, 493 Cascara, 290 Cashew, 1063 Cassava, 19, 224, 657, 990, 1058 Castor Oil, See Ricinus Catalpa, 1024 Celastrus scandens, 78 Cerebritis, 128, 247, 247a, 466, 655, 749, 106la Cherry, 250, 681 Chickerinchee, See Ornithogalum Cholera, 1035 Cicuta maculata, 96, 219, 442, 474, 803, 929, 1094 virosa, 96, 302, 531, 736, 1078 Cicutoxin, 96. Also see references under Cicuta Claviceps. See Ergot Cleistanthus, 480 Clover, 202, 414 Coca, 921 Cocaine, 35a, 52a, 579a, 921, 1031a, 1078 Cocos, 271 Coffee, 953 Colchicum, 6, 6a, 129, 302, 689, 832a, 1078 Coniin, 501 Conium maculatum, 336, 501, 538, 1078, 1086 Convallaria, 474 Convulsives, 845 Copaifera, 302, 440 Copas, 481 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Corn, 86, 86b, 247a Broom, 427 Kaffir, 767 Cornstalk Disease, 12, 207, 819 Corydalis, 642 Cotoneaster, 460 Coumarin, 440 Cowbane, 732 Creosote, 213 Crotalaria, Crotalism, i 331, 945 Crotin, 508a, 561 Croton, 257, 302, 553, 645 Cryptogams, 75, 714, 778, 805 Curare, 50, 788, 789 Cyanogenesis, 258, 262, 264, 583 Cynoglossum, 246, 883. See Borage Cypripedium, 474, 513, 625, 626, 699, 700, 983 Cytisin, l > Cytisus, § 189, 302 DALBERGIA, 199 Damiana, 72 Darnel, 384 peo 159, 239, 302, 337, 835, 887, 1053 Dermal Mycosis, ) 659,675, 680, 713, Dermatitis, 741, 783, 784, Dermatomycosis, | 1043 Derris, 727, 763 Dicentra, 35 Digitalis, 270, 302, 563, 669 Dioscorea, Dioscorin, 905 Diphtherial Poison, diphtheriae Diplodia, 836a, 930 Duboisia, 1078 See Bacterium EcuireEs, 410 Economic Plants, General, 238, 287, 686, 911 America, 228, 433 Mexico, 911 United States, California, 160 Montana, 90 Porto Rico, 185, 761 Vermont, 518 Asia and Adjacent Islands, Japan, 60 Australia, 282, 638 Miscellaneous, Cuba, 655b Guam, 870a Ee ih quisetosis, Reaioerdia nl fh 842, 843, 843a, 961 Ergot, 1002 Ergotism, 52, 231, 423, ‘S307Gam Ericaceae, 799 Se Swe BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 865 Erigeron, 243, 574 Eriobotrya, 458 Erythrophloeum, 596 Escholtzia, 297 Eupatorium, 474 Euphorbiaceae, 474, 925 Exalgin, 816 Favus, 94, 191 Ferns, 296, 683 Fish Poisons, 277, 278, 279, 371, 480, 543, 727, 746, 829 Flax, 259 Fioras, General, 47a, 274, 523 North America, 117, 363 United States, 116, 117, 155, 359 Alabama, 673a California, 1030a Connecticut, 355a Iowa, 364a Maryland, 924 Minnesota, 631 Washington, 786a See also Bulletins from the various Experiment Stations South America, See Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Asia, See Economic, Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Australia, 685a Europe, England, 70a Germany, 554 Switzerland, 554 Flowers, Poisonous, 22, 23, 853 Foods, 140, 421, 616, 1064 Forage Poisoning, 125, 291, 465, 469, 749, 1061 Fungi, Poisonous, 73, 94, 95, 503, 509, 610, 611, 629, 903, 1091 Also see Mushrooms GALEGA, 682 Gastro-enteritis, 542 Gaultheria, 399, 407, 474, 514, 786, 820, 859 Gelsemium, 273, 474, 875, 926a, 1078 Genista, 227, 242 Germicides, 1009 Gift-apple, 232 Ginger, 417, 499 Gleditschia, 745 Glucosides, 306, 308, 349, 392, 458, 520, 938 Golden Rod, 910. See Hay Fever. Grasses, 729, 731, 739, 740 Darnel, 384 Foxtail, 696 Johnson, 214 Porcupine, 82 Red Top, 423 Sleepy, 213 Sweet, 276 Hay Fever, 6b, 338, 661, 814, 814a, 852, 879a. 976 Haya Poison, 596 Heaves, 1062 Hemlock, 865 Hemlock Water, 501, 572, 573 Heracleum, 335 Hippomane, 411, 846 Honey, Poisonous, 529, 800 Horsetail. See Equisetum. Hydrocyanic Acid in Plants, 80, 105, 125, 196, 224, 261, 349, 369, 372, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 435, 458, 459, 520, 630, 992, 1014, 1078 Hyoscyamus, 887 Immunity, 229, 252, 306, 502, 561 Ipoh, 327, 916, 917 Ivy, Ground, 890 Ivy Poison. See Rhus JABORANDI, 419 Janipha, 409 Jatropha, 409, 553, 1058 Jequirity, 661 KauMIA, 204, 212, 533, 695, 864 Kenyah, Dart Poison. See Ipoh Kimanga. See Komanga Kirondro Poison, 199 Kissoumpa. See Menabea Kokra. See Cocos Komanga, 439, 439 Ksopo, 765 Lac, Japanese, 948, 998 Larkspur, 79, 211, 302, 339, 1047 Lathyrus, 267, 396, 900 Laurel. See Kalmia Lauro-cerasus, 1006 oh hai 465, 557, 684, 761, 857, Lemon, Salts of, 111 Lepiota, 161 Leucomaines, 484, 1008 Lichens, 553b Linamarin, 520 Loco Weeds, | 89, 209, 210, 233, 234, Locoism, § 235, 268, 356, 472, 482, 487, 533, 648, 649, 655a, 705, 721, 728a, 743, 810, 876, 946 Loganiaceae, 549 Lotus, 265 , Lupine Tagine | 141, 565, 889 Lychnis Githago, 148, 554 Lymphangitis, 727a, 727d, 749a, 827a Mactiura, 404 Macrosporium, 822 Macrozamia, 591 Manchineal Tree. See Hippomane ‘366 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Mangels, 665 Materia Medica, 9, 39, 55a, 57, 248, 350, 365, 592, 1066, 1074 Mechanical Injuries, 82, 87, 537, 696, 729, 731, 735 Medicinal Plants, General Distribu- tion, 71, 169, 170a, 302, 604, 612, 620, 834, 943, 1090 Africa, Soudan, 575 America, 8&4 United States, 57, 172, 281, 830 California, 333 Massachusetts, 1060 Minnesota, 1034 Missouri, 733 North Carolina, 497 Tennessee, 324 Asia and Adjacent Islands, Afghanistan, 26 Japan, 60 Malay, 338 Philippines, 44 Medical Jurisprudence, 65, 155a, 169a, 304a, 586, 804, 828, 837, 967, 968, 1078 Menabea, 437, 438, 765 Meningitis, 291, 561, 749 : Meningo-encephalitis. See Cerebritis Mesquite, 1063 Millet, 219a, 467, 468 Mistletoe, 580 Morphine, 92, 299, 302, 516, 562, 877, 886, 967, 1045 1074 1078 Mucor, 354 Mucorymcoses, 55 Mulberry, 103, 367 Mushrooms, 36, 173, 175, 201, 203, 205, 308a, 381, 382, 569, 629, 654, 751, 815, 971. See Fungi Mycosis, 145a, 673, 874 Nicotine, 93, 302, 758a Nuts, Areca, 183 Betel, 302 Nutmeg, 1052 Numa, 873 Nux vomica, 241 Oak. See Acorn, Quercus Oedema. See Bacillus, oedamatis Oenanthe crocata,' 61, 1078 Oils, Castor, 230, 302. See Ricinus Croton. See Croton Gaultheria, 820 Pennyroyal, 1029 Peppermint, 417 Savin, 1029 Tansy, 1029 Vervain, 104 Oleander l Oleandrin § 892, 1021, 1067 Opium, 229, 302, 639. See Morphine Orange, 107 Orange, False, 106 Paneer Poisons, 311, 438, 694, 1033, Ornithogalum, 495 Oxalic Acid, 561, 1078 PAPAVEACEAE, 747 Parasitic Diseases, 703 Parsnip, 119, 473, 730 Peas, 507 Pellagra, 29, 86a, 150, 154a, 351a, 581, 661, 756, 825, 836a, 930, 987 Pellotinia, 443 Peppermint, 417 Pharmacognosy Nee 302, 558, 877, Pharmacographia - § 1046, 1079 Phamacopoeia, 302, 450 American, 182 United States, 774, 776a British, 115a French, 176a German, 244a Italian, 288 Swedish, 775 ER See Beans ysostigma, Physostigmin } 272, 412 Phyto-bezoars, 202, 425, 991a Phytolacca, 474, 1042 Pink-root. See Spigelia Poison Lore, 4, 5a. 92a, 587, 978, 1018 Poison Tree. See Copas Poisons, Detection of, 92, 93, 118, 154, 157, 429, 446, 552, 933 Poisons in General, 4, 92, 97, 130, 310, 380, 552, 614, 723, 846, 940 Mineral Poisons, 723, 963 Vegetable Poisons, 30, 31, 197, 475, 400, 764, 827, 919, 920, 1000, 1016 Poisonous Plants General Treatises, 28, 42, 75, 145, 188, 194, 197, 248, 249, 252, 299, 341, 343, 403, 455, 457, 521, 523, 556, 578, 588, 668, 709, 714. 744, 773, 812, 824, 834, 853, 858, 884, 902, 915, 933, 982, 1010, 1018, 1032a, 1048, 1077 Geographical Distribution Africa, 839, 851 Soudan, 575 South Africa, 374, 1021b, 1059 America, North, 23 Mexico, 911 United States, 27, 162, 163, 166, 167, 340, 500, 555, 805 California, 67, 533, 894, 1005 Colorado, 339 Idaho, 927 Indiana, 195 Iowa, 734, 738 Massachusetts, 922 x) u) fv \ ‘ ( i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 867 Minnesota, 175 Missouri, 733 Montana, 84, 90, 168, 1049 Nebraska, 82, 83 Nevada, 534, 536 New Jersey, 405, 406 New York, 751, 988 New York City, 863 North Carolina, 497, 626 North Dakota, 1004 Ohio, 878, 913, 914 Pennsylvania, Erie, 395 Rhode Island, 47 Vermont, 518 America, South, Brazil, 143, 571 Chili, 787 Guiana, 747, 898 Surinam, 747 West Indies, Cuba, 180 Porto Rico, 185, 761 Asia, and Adjacent Islands Afghanistan, 26 China, 218 India, $88, 947 Bombay, 543 Japan, 948, 998 Malay, 69, 225 Philippines, 43 Australia, 46, 282, 634, 635, 636, 684, 996 Victoria, 282 Europe, 445 Austria, 564 Belgium, 139 Central Europe, 445 Denmark, 377 England (also Great Britain), 21,457, 515 France, 131, 344, 973, 1015 Germany, 112, 245, 342, 353, 373, 383, 402, 449, 454, 538, 556, 778, 792, 881, 904, 1073a, 1087 Colonies, 562 Duisberg, 99 Thuringia, 726 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, 926 Hungary, 393, 566 Netherlands, North, 666 Poland, 73 Saxony, 275 Silesia, 941 Switzerland, 446, 447, 470, 1015 Russia, 869 Potato, 617, 627 Primula, 701, 702, 831 Printhogalum. See Ornithogalum Prulaurocerasin, 459, 460 Prunus, 459, 474, 1014. Cherry — Also see Ptomaines, 121, 484, 1008 Quercus, 4, 474, 1021a Ranunculus, 149, 424, 580, 759 Rape, 49, 469 Rattle Weed. See Crotalaria Raphanus, 606 Rhizopus, 192 Rhododendron, 800, 1071 Rhus, 3, 11, 15, 30, 53, 76, 124, 134, 138, 146, 181, 223a, 422, 426, 432, 474, 476, 485, 491, 517, 525, 531, 539, 613, 637, 639a, 678, 741, 758, 771, 772, 783, 784, 790, 368, 907, 949, 951, 955, 965, 969, 972, 974, 1025, 1038, 1044, 1056. Biblioghaphy on Rhus Poisoning, 1025, 1026, 1027. Rhus and Bacterial Infection, 136 Ricin, 508a, 561 Ricinus, 85, 220, 229, 683 Robinia, 811 Roots, Poisonous, 836 Rosaceae, 386 Rumex, 1078 Sakalava, 438, 439, 765 Sale of Poisons, 93, 280, 448 Salikounda, 440 Sambucus, 474 Sanguinaria, 474 Santonin, 345 Saponin, 45, 372, 896 Savanna Flower. See Echites Sawdust, Poisonous, 271 Scarlet Fever Poison, 120 Seeds, Poisonous Beans, 115 Colchicum, 302 Cotton, 215 Croton, 302 Cynoglossum, 883 Eriobotrya, 458 Garcia, 152 Larkspur, 79 Leguminosae, Lupine, 141 Lychnis, 589 Nux vomica, 302 Omphalea, 152 Rape, 49 Ricinus, 85, 302 Sabadilla, 302 Simarubaceae, 185 Sinapis, 302 Vicia, 80 Wormwood, 100 Septicaemia, 320 Shepherd’s Purse, 532 Sicyos, 404 Silage, 208 Simarubaceae, 199 868 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Sinapis, 860 Sium, 610a, 777 Sneezeweed, 641 Snowdrop, 601 Solanaceae, 674 Solanum, 283, 474 Sophora, 190, 798 Sorghum, 24, 48, 767, 1022 Spigelia, 295, 315, 846, 954, 979 Sporotrichosis, 3a, 90a, 135a, 145a, 536b, 727a, 727c, 859a, 993a Spruce, 752 Spurge, 568 Staphisagria. See Larkspur Star-anise, 222, 242, 494 Stellaria media, 150 Stomatitis, 298, 671 Strawberry, 814b Streptococcus, 174, 176, 561 Strophantus, 311, 329 Strychnin, 283, 376, 658, 1045 Strychnos, 133, 241, 436 Stylophorum, 886 Sugar Beets, 665 Suicide, 688 Sumach, 491, 951, 1050. Also see Rhus. Symptoms from Poisoning, 37, 37a, 39, 92, 93, 118, 376, 382, 552, 932. Also see General Treatises upon Poisoning TANGHIN, 311, 437, 438 Tartaric Acid, 1078 Taxus, 150a, 461, 901, 959 Tea, 953 Temperature affecting Toxicity of Poisons, 418, 872, 1088, 1089 Templetonia, 190 Tetanus. See Bacillus tetani Thalictrum, 505, 506 Therapeutics, 39, 55a, 288, 783, 893, 953, 1070 Thrush, 379, 607, 608, 609 Tobacco. See Nicotin Tonka Bean, 440 Toot Poison, 605 Toxicology, General, 155a, 551, 553a, ae 597, 651, 724, 796, 828, 918, Vegetable, 173, 177, 197, 553, 561, 851, 107 Veterinary, 592, 706, 715 Toxins, 718 Treatment for Poisons, 39, 595, 646, 689, 693, 722, 804, 933, 956, 962, 1068 Trees, Malignant Effect of, 838 Trichophyton, 401, 870, 975 Tropaeolum, 389 Tulip Grass, 109 Tunas, 415 Turpentine, 958 UMBELLIFERAE, 547, 603, 803 Upas, 241 Ustilago, 276 VERATRUM, 58, 114, 221, 302, 313, 760 Verbascum, Verbena, 104 Veronal, 328 Water Broom, 650 Weeds, Poisonous, 734 Yew. See Taxus. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS By HARRIETTE S. KELLOGG ADDO) Ad @ssiahtaensiaciete: Principles of Bacteriology; a Practical Manual for Students and Physicians. 641. Phila- delphia and New York. Ed. 8. Acorn Poisoning ......... Vet. Rev. 138:369. London. Acree, S. F. and Syme, W. PAL Piel Rae SL va ly ay es la Some Constituents of the Poison Ivy Plant. Am. Chem. Jour. 36:301-341. Pigs.’ y01t-(a)s el a © ee Sporotrichosis, a Resumé of the Literature Relating to Sporotrichal Infection of the Skin. Brit. Jour. or Derm. 20:296. Adoynis, Santes de........ Liber de venenis. 101. Venice, 1492. NATE Site draciad biaraistasa’s ope Two Interesting Outbreaks of Vegetable Poi- soning. Am. Vet. Rev. 32:368. BINSVAEL ING ln sapiels a rielnis-ale Certain Facts Regarding the Poison-lore of the Hindus. Trans. India Med. Cong. 1894:507-510. Calcutta. ADEs aa ds nate aethist On Colchicum Poisoning. See Zeitsch. f. Staatsarznk. 84:202. 1862. . Albertoni and Casali...... On Colchicum Poisoning. See d. Bologna. 1890, 9 ser. 1:38. RIP EL ESY, 7d arora ste eisteratataias etka Het Pollen-asthma. Amsterdam. 1903. Alem andresen. \ 1.0 ness 0 4/2 See Soir. Alkaloids in Plants........ Botanical Magazine. 16: (Written in Japa- nese. ) Allen, Timothy F..........4 Allen Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia of Ma- teria Medica. A Record of the Positive Effects of Drugs, etc. 10 vols. Philadel- phia. 1877-1879. Pileees,’ Wis Cy, ces sete a ane The Antidote Cabinet. Phar. Era. 22:136- 138. pp elsbeee, C Wo oid usielate See Black, O. F. Alumbaugh, W. E......... On Death from Rhus Poisoning. See Med. World, 21:176. Alway, F. J. and Peters, Yikes (GM Ei, Ns} x Tk Ari abate Losses from Cornstalk Disease in Custer Co., Nebraska, during the Winter of 1906-1907. Press. Bull. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. 27:4. Anderson) Ba) Wire. nes Poisonous Plants and the Symptoms they Pro- duce. Botanical Gazette. 14:180-181. Andrews, Fi Muri yo)... The Effect of Alkaloids and other Vegetable Poisons upon Protoplasm. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1905:195. peAndrews:, Ey) ues soca eietes See Graves, C. B. Antde, Jolin, 23 ic5 ssitera ae Chemical Observations on Rhus Toxicoden- dron. Therapeutic Gazette. 13:676. PATIMIVINOUS, » x73): Sites Bs So 3 Acorn Poisoning. Vet. Rec. London. 13:359. MOUS 0 io he se ee ae Alkaloids in Plants. Bot. Mag. 16: HURON W975 Pulte waht rately baa Are Birds Affected by Eating Poisonous Food? Scientific American 79:424- RIUM Ms lateie Sid apd Daca ole aed pacer Poisoning. Agr. News. Barbadoes. BROS co tae Jy lend davies On Death Ensuing from Rhus Poisoning. See Boston Med. and Sur. Jour. 137 :302. 870 35a. 37a. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS PRINGEY An oe a Whend Sie eisigle Wiehe = English Poisonous Plants. Gentleman’s Mag- azine. No. 1755. PNEVEDETS eeu ioietalaterels erations erearats Flowers that are Poisonous. Current Litera- ture. 33:331-333. PNTIO Mae ia ts bs ine seseiek ares Giftigkeit der Amerikabliithen. Pharmaceu- tische Centralhalle. 1903:136. JENTIOYG Bir anid REE ACR Rt Green Sorghum Poisoning. West Indian Bul- letin 3 :326-333. PRION ONSY cet A Wises wie ee Die Immunitat von Pflanzen gegen ihr eigenes Gift. Zeitsch.f.ang. Mikr. 18:60-62. Leip- sic. 1907. TaN 610) 5 ORO ie LAE De, Lay arp Medical Plants in Afghanistan. Jour. Applied Science. 1880:142. AMON See eee ae see Native Poisonous Plants. Harper’s Bazaar. 34:941, (RAMON sow a take tn Poisoning by Water Hemlock. See Med. Times and Gazette. 1855:51. ANTONIE ysis ns Ma See coms ee Our Poisonous Plants. Pathfinder 6:7. AROTE EY Gest Meee ae ena ane Pellagra. Boston Evening Transcript. Aug. 18. 1909. PATIO RSE: See tach eeti cil ecevee Plant Poisons. Sci. Am. 93:361. TIO Tel Te Plant ae Gardener’s Chronicle. 45: 111; 366. Are Birds Affected by Eat- ing Poisonous Food? Sci. Am. 79:424. Ar thug i Creel ere is eter Some Algae of Minnesota Supposed to be Poi- sonous. Bull. Minn. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2:4. (Appendix) 3:97. Second Report in Ann. Rept. Minn. Univ. 4: Supplement ft. Also Report U. S. Dept. Agr. 1897:97. A ee GOGO ae A Supposed Poisonous Seaweed in the Lakes of Minnesota. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 32:305. (Abs.) PASANMIAS GUGnL. save cont ne Ueber die Alkaloide von Dicentra pusilla. Sieb. et Zucc. Arch. Pharm. 24'7:201. 1909, NST WOTEHA welt cote On Cocain. See Lancet 1889:273. NtinisOne Ge eo ae ee Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc. 322, Ith- aca. IN,ove » 1901.) ane AINSONS Wf. sly laa ss eta Action of Poisons. Special Report, Diseases of Cattle and on Cattle Feeding. U. § Dept. Agr. Bur. An. Ind. 1896:63-76. Medes ctenes tou as DESEN ET rat ace eee Poisons and Poisoning. In Special Report, Diseases of Cattle, U. S. Dept. Agr. 1908: 53-69. Revised by Leonard Pearson. PMICLAI A Va ete atervord aacateeiaee Les poisons du bacille-tuberculeaux humain et la degenerescence caseuse, Revue de la Tu- berculose. 1898. Aurand, S. Herbert......- Botanical Materia Medica and Pharmacology ; giving the Botany, Pharmacology, Physio- logical Action, Therapeutic Range, Treat- ment of Poisons and Antidotes. 406. Chi- cago. 1899. Avery: Samtueli..crmnceeiecs See Peters, A. T. Bacon Alice sEy es cctvaeiein ol An Experiment with the Fruit of Red Bane- berry. Rhodora 5:77-79. Bacon: ‘Crate we woe eae Handbook to Accompany Chart of Poisonous Plants. 30. London. 1899. Bacon Ry Be hes cnet Philippine Arrow Poisons. Philippine Jour. Sci. B-A :41 :44. ShLGialaetaaieote ine > ERT OmemenetaR ees The Physiologically Active Constituents of Certain Philippine Medical Plants. Phil. Jour. Sci. 1:1007-1036. 45. 47a. 55a. ‘ Bacon, R. F. and Marshall, fe i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 871 The Toxic Action of Saponin. Phil. Jour. Sci. 1:1037-1042. Bailey, F. M. and Gordon, eveccevesceseeseeeces 12d) SR Se en Gg omega Plants Reputed to be Poisonous and Injurious to Stock. Gov’t Printer, Brisbane. #:112. 1887. Batley WeoWy coor sect. Rhode Island’s Poisonous Plants. Trans. R. I. Med. Soc. 6:64-72. Bellon yeah cy steers tests yeeiets Histoire des Plantes. 13 vols. Paris. 1868- 1896. 5 Brit Cert PSA av Md A Ne Saccharine Sorghums for Forage. Far. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. 246 :37. Ups enedeiiah) Ber oeine, male moe On Aconite Poisoning. See Witthaus and Becker’s Medical Jurisprudence, 4:648. Abs. of Article in Ann. Univ. d. Med. Milan. 3: 635. 1840. Beiter bse trevsheels tales sah veustatessaets Cases of Poisoning from Rape-Seed Cakes. Ugeskr. Landw. 438:589-591 ; 604-605. 1897. Abs. in Exp. Sta. Rec. 9:954. Ban DOSAar meee) ee aera sceeises sre L/uiraery du curare. 180. 7pl. Brussels. 1903. Bape yan le eres tien ee kiad shel bs The Ravages of Bacillus Anthracis in Cali- fornia. South Cailfornia Practitioner.1894: 121-153. Barger, G. and Carr, F. tee on Ergot Alkaloids. Phar. Jour. 23: 257. “i Bye aa) pM RA a RS RM a CP On Cocain. See Am. Jour. Opth. 10:342. 1893. BaGrows,) Wiemann ecuece.- On the Non-poisonous Quality of the Ripe Fruit of Rhus Toxicodendron. See. Bull. Div. Orn. Mam. U. S. Dept. Agr. 6:85. Barthineilenindtiy osha ee Studien iiber den mikrochemischer Nachweis von Alkaloiden in pharmaceutisch verwen- deten Drogen. Botanischer Centralblatt 75: F 225-231 ; 261-267; 292-300; 326-644; 369-378; 401-409, Bagiielate Caaieeeene ser Mucormycoses, Spontanées, Historique. I, Les Mucorinées chez l’homme. Arch. de Para- sitologie. 1903. Barthelowaks mans foots oe A Practical Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Ed. 7. New York. 1889. Barton avWaGoweeeeecner ay A Flora of North America. Philadelphia. 1820. 4155 QE ares RO ae brea HE Sea Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States; or Medical Botany. 2 vols. 1817- 1818. Bastin, iio: sommes bake Structure of Veratrum viride. American Jour. of Pharmacy. 77 :196-203. Bastin, E. S. and Trimble. Coniferae. Batchelor, J. and Miyabe, TE 5o,:, dbevettaeras eetgnacing Japanese Economic Plants. List of those used Medicinally by the Aines. Trans. Asiatic Society of Japan. 21. Abs. in Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc. 44:501-505. Bare, Mier owe oe sin eons Poisoning by Oenanthe crocata. Archiv. des Mal. Mentales. 1881. No. 3. Abs. in Ed. Vet. Rev. 4:704. Baumgarteny Pines! on Lehrbuch der pathologischen Mycologie. 1 Hfte. 220. Braunschweig. 1836. Sur les microorganismes morbigénes d’origine végétale. Traduit par Steinen. Jour. de médecine de chirurgie et de pharmacologie. 1886. Mai. Cig e) aie glee ea. \0 tel vee) 6 a) ohal a) acs, pa) 'e 872 74. 74. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 8la. 82. 82a. 83. 83a. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Baumgarten, P, and Miller, LS SU AD Fa AHS) MLAB A Un LP Te Versuche tuber accomodative Ziichtung von Schimmelpilzen. Berliner klin. Woch, 1882. 120 [EM (se BE CALA ee Dea ae The Legal Responsibility of the Pharmacist in the Sale of Poisons and Dangerous Sub- vii Pharm. Rev. 19:292-298; 338- Recken (Ai Gas wes are See Witthaus, R. A. Bene eM idee sus sees On the Poisonous Plants indigenous to Cali- fornia. Repr. Betstetn Mew atte ae Handbuch der organischen Chemie. 4 vols. Hamburg and Leipzig. 1895-1899. Benidiciente, A. .......... Recherches pharmacologiques sur quelques poi- sons par les negritos de l’archipel Malais. ate Italiennes de Biologie. Fasc. 1. 1 Bennett vaw Wares ta. tenets On Vegetable Growths as Evidence of the Purity or Impurity of Water. St. Thomas Hospital Report. 20:8. . Bentham, George ,.......... Illustrated Handbook of the British Flora. 1: 503. 2:505-1076. Bentley,’ Robert and Tri- TIMeMA,W ETeRIRY, Neate eaters Medicinal Plants. Description and original Figures of the Principal Plants employed in Medicine. 4 vols. London. 1880. Bentley; Wi SEG ee fe ease Poisoning by Damiana—Recovery. Therap. Gaz. N. S. 4:57. 1883. Berdan. vl) aie ccucieweesse Tablica grzybon trujaeych w kraju. (Table of poisonous Fungi in Poland.) Warsau. 1888. Bete: 22 itc cen oe eh nanos Ueber die Schwimmen bei Kindern. Bremen, 1842. (Clinique des hépitaux des enfants de Paris, 1842.) Berge, Fr. and Riecke, V. 2. EL Sen PP UE PCE era Sh ee Giftpflanzenbuch; oder Allgemeine und_be- sondere Naturgeschichte sammtlicher in- landischen so wie der wichtigsten auslandi- schen phanerogamischen und kryptogami- schen Giftgewachse, mit treuen Abbildungen sammtlicher inlandischen und vieler aus- landischen Gattungen. 11-329. 72p/. Stutt- gart. 1845. Beringer, Gs WV sien ase Rhus Poisoning. Am. Jour. Phar. 68:18-20. Berlinany) Mun: ete ee See Sabanijeff. Bernmards) EM s beeen Celastrus scandens, L. Amer. Jour, Phar. 4: ee BE CinOnd bys yt ever ate cle aia Empoisonnement par les semences de Staphis- aigre. Jour. de Phar. et de Chimie. 1882. Aug. Bertrand Giese vane ue cee La vicianine, nouveau glucoside cyanhydrique contenu dans les graines de vesce. Bull. Soc. chim. France. 4 ser, 1:151-154. BeGtich wai catia neers cies See Guenther, J. IBOBLEW AN WN us Un iciceemnercta pe See Shreve, F. GESEY, CAE i doves pics se Injuriousness of Porcupine Grass. Am. Nat. 18:929. inte epee bok bit okie nae Notes on Poisonous Plants of Nebraska. Proc. Soc. Prom, Agr. Sci. 23:34. a city & where Beeb ane aa Beara Poisonous Weeds. Rept. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. 16:14-62. Besta iCicmasinccanscheske See Ceni, C. 95. 97. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 873 Bigelow, Jacob ........... American Medical Botany. A Collection of the Native Medicinal Plants of the United States. 3 vols. Boston. 1817-1820. Bishpani WiooNvyesteersts Report of Cases of Poisoning by Fruit of Ricinus communis. Am. Jour. Med. Sci. 126:319. Re BISSells CAE set an sha See Graves, C. B. Brbtine | Ae Was e see The Effects of Eating Mouldy Corn. See Rept. Ind. Agr. Exp. Sta. 1899:44-45. Psenheratcy Amy bas milae stele See Hare, R. F . Black, O. F. and Alsberg, SW ee AME Ma re at Cathe The Determination of the Deterioration of Maize, with incidental References to Pella- gra. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. 199 :32. Blanchard, Raphael ....... Accidents causés par une graminée américaine. Archives de Parasitologie. 10:187-194. Bye Medsh ct sal lalatat aaa aya abs ata cecayatate Quelques cas anciens d’actinomycose. Arch. eae de Parasit. 2:362-376. 1899. Blankinship, J. W........ The Loco and other Poisonous Plants of Mon- tana. Bull. Mon. Agr. Exp. Sta. 42:75-104. OA Cea hed oe DI SET Native Economic Plants of Montana. Bull. Mon. Agr. Exp. Sta. 56:36. MUS IOCH:. SGUNOu ls 4 as su sists 6 Die Sporotrichose. Mediz. Klinik. 1909. DEROCIC AS pret tictera ee Go eho at shee Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pilzbildung in der Geweben des thierischen Organismen. Thése. Stettin. 1870. WUE Ways keeye Mow VELA ee 6 kia ee See Shreve, F. BV BHEWAS IVE Naive ete eis Poisons: Their Effects and Detection. A Man- ual for the Use of Analytical Chemists and Experts. 712. London, 1884. HBS AAA ILA bag CRATE HON vo Old and Modern Poison Lore. “Biyth A. W and Blyth, M. Rey yee Vay LW re ee aN Fourth Edition of “Poisons.” Revised, En- larged and Rewritten. 772. London. 1906. [BS He ONR DEA RIA ae ad BM Sur le champignon du favus de la_ souris Achorion Quinckeanum. Archiv. de Parasit. res Bodin, E. and Gautier, L... The Toxins Produced by Aspergillus fumiga- tus. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, 20:209- 224. Abs. in Exp. Sta. Rec. 18:8. EMRETAIID ot) ce gine ol ciate ara ee ie Cicutoxin. See Archiv. f. exp. Path. p. Phar- makol. 5:279-310. Bohm, R., Naunyn, B., and won Boeck iets. acs Handbuch der Intoxicationem. Ed. 15 of the German Ed. of Ziemssen’s Cyclopedia. Boehmer, Gy Rove yeas. als Commentatio de plantis segeti infestis: ac- cidit commentatio de plantis auctoritate publica exstirpandis, custodiendis, et a foro proscribendis. 198. Wittemberg. 1785. tidapckiddic otic joeeeeeveeeesssCyano segetum nuper imputatum virus limita- tur. 12. Wittemberg. 1787. Boenitiger,; lakers aes se De plantis venenatis et speciatim de plantis venenatis agri Duisburgensis. 133. Duis- burg. 1790. Bondy As Rig eres Poisoning by Wormwood Seed. Phar, Jour. Ser. 4. No. 1483. poole: AVE eves one. See Dunstan, W, R. Bosesy Cuma unucnns cette erate .See Evans, J. F. Bouchard, Charlesha aes). Upon the Role of Poisons of Microbic Origin in Infectious Maladies. Gaz. hebdom. de Med. et de Chim. 1889:120-122. 874 104. 104a. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111 112. 113. 114. 115. 115a. 116. 117. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Houndwerne DL, Yikes Lovie. Sur la “verbenaline’, glucoside nouveau re- tiré de la verveine (Verbena officinalis, L.) C. R. Soc, Biol. Paris. Nov. 1. 1907. earer Oe, NE) oso. Fite See Rabuteau, A. aun E. and Danjon, SPAS CR NMA Cocca toa ea Sur la presence d’un glucoside Ganka dans les fueilles du sureau. C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 1905. July 3. sect te SiS aa We eae MT ER pL we 2 Sur un empoisonnement par le fausse oronge, survenu a Bois-le-Roi, Seine-et-Marne, le 6 septembre 1896. Bull. de la Soc. myc. de France. 12:146-150. Boutet. and Clement. ..¢: -. Empoisonnement par la fleur Oronze. Bull. de la Soc. des Nat. Sci. de l’Oeust de la France. 1901:45. Boutiry: BS. ae Se ne See Brouard, P. Bowl Pe ee eco i oe Tulip-grass Poisoning. Vet. Rec. Lande 18: 220- Bewer, F. O., Translator..See De Bary, A. Braithwaite: PsF a ).56 05s Suicidal Poisoning with Salts of Lemon: Per- foration of the Stomach. Brit. Med. Jour. 21:183. (1905.) Brandt, J..F. and Ratze- (245 7 ite ASA sal UN tise) Deutschlands phanerogamische Giftgewachse in Abbildungen u. Beschreibungen. Ed. 2. 200. 48 pl. Berlin. 1838. Brehecks isaiieenG ao 5 oe ase See Fischer, A. Bredeman,. \Guse ciL eres Alkaloids of Veratrum viride and their De- termination. Phar. Jour. 22:283. Bretin, Evesque and Ver- CG 7s a ee et en Ge Haricots toxiques dits de Hongrie. Jour. Phar. et Chim. 26:348. British Pharmacopoeia ....1898. (Ph. Brit.) 13 soy 5170) Pa a ames Sec. Ul Manual of the Flora of the Northern States and Canada. 1080. New York. 1901. Britton, N. L. and Brown, yA NS a AeA Me iy UCR 9% ‘Illustrated Flora of the Northern United States and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the Parallel of the South- ern Boundary of Virginia, and from the At- lantic Ocean westward to the 102d Meri- dian. Vol. 'T:612. ° f.'1-1425; TEs Gagiege 1426-2892; III:588 f. 2893-4081. New York. 1896-1898. Brodie Ee Begs nc chavs ak Further Experiments and Observations on the Action of Poisons on the Animal System. Phil. Trans. 102:218. ROGIS, VDE Piag seas chr ae Poison Parsnip in Western Washington. Bull. Wash. Agr. Exp. Sta. 45:12. BOOK teen ee Ace Activity of the Scarlet Fever Poison After a Year. Med. Rec. 2:126. Brouard, F. and Boutmy, E.Ptomaines et alcaloides végétaux. Bull. de I’ Acad, de Med. 1881:19. 27 2a RN RAY Rane FCSAM ah See Britton, N. L. SPOT: | Ean Ars He adios ckde a eae “A Case of Actinomycosis. Chicago Medical Record. 1894:251. MFOWD: Oat Auten ue Cee On Rhus Poisoning. See Med. Rec. 30:221. Brpaieh: o)) Asin Hydrocyanic Acid in Fodder Plants. Jour. Chem, Soc. 1903:788-796. Buchanan, R. E........... Notes on the Algae of Iowa. Proc. Ia. Acad. Sci. 14:47-84. 126a. 27. 127a. 128. 129. 130. #131. 133. 134. 135. 135a. 136. ere 138. 138a. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 145a. 146. 147, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 875 Bache raiilleo ye 335 eccues Ueber Bacteriengifte und Gegengifte. Mutinch- ener Medicinisch Wochenschrift. 1893: 449-452; 480-483. Buchner Max (2.0 ou. ns a: Ueber pathogenetische Wirkungen der Pilz- keimkorper. Jahrb. med. Wissensch. 1868. Bewley sc oicnascau enn See Mohler, J. S. IBICKIEY:, 5 Oc. ota eecteres bons A Special Investigation of the So-called “New Horse Disease” in Maryland. Bull. Md. Agr. Exp. 53:110-114. Biddy Charlesia.asnassae Probable Poisoning by Colchicum. Lancet. No. 3001. Bucchnes JG aa sae De venenis. Halle. 1746. GUE aac cccke aks iat sche Histoire des plantes vénéneuses et suspectes de la France. 398. Paris. 1798. Ed. 2. iredie Pedr g i, gue te: Sur les Strychnos africains et les plantes ser- vent a empoisonner les armes en Afrique. Bull. Mus. Hist, nat. Paris. 1901:418-425. Burgess, T. Joi\Wiss sone: 2. The Beneficial and Toxical Effects of the va- rious Species of Rhus. Canadian Jour. Med. Sci. (Phar. Jour. and Trans. 1881.) Brice, RAW ote wean ete The Bacillus of the Malignant Oedema. Vet. Jour. 1890:246-247. Bumlews Vo Woe. asec rcs eats Subcutaneous Abcesses Caused by the Sporo- thrix Schrenckii. Southern California Pract. 24:1. Bagel Pa iansdss cae cone On Bacterial Infection and Rhus Poisoning. See Am. Mo. Mic. Jour. 3:192; Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 31:515; Am. Nat. 17:319. LEAN US Ieee TRANS Sete MOS Rhus Poisoning. Garden and Forest 8:386- 369. Buseveor (Grace deer ane « On Recurrence of Attacks of Rhus Poisoning without Re-exposure. Am. Jour, Med. Sci. 66 :430. Eyam a ast ees bie en a A Case of Actinomycosis in Man. N. Y. Med. Jour. 2:716. (1889.) @aelse I, Panic a ween. De Belgii plantis qualitate quadam hominibus caeterisve animalibus nociva seu venenata praeditis symtomatibus ab earum use pro- ductis nec non antidotis adhibenis. 66. Brussels. 1774. Calan eae sien aa tame On Toxins in Foods. See Strasburger-Medi- zin. Zeit. Jan. 1906:27. Callisent e Jey ae whet. Ueber die Alkaloide der Samen von Lupinus angustifolius und von Lupinus perennis, var. poe. Archiv. der Phar. 287:566- 9 Cambie Jacob wet ae, 82734 See Power, F. B. Caminhoa, Jes Mess. n. Das plantas toxicas do Brazil. Rio de Janeiro 1871. Trans. into French by F. Rey. (Cat- alogue des plantes toxiques de Bresil. Paris, 1880. Campbell, EH Py coe deaeane Bacterial Poisoning through Medicine. Am. Jour, Phar. 1890:113-118. Canc) ist Wis, ovarian Poisonous Plants. Gar. and For. 9:8. Carougean, MES... Sur une nouvelle mycose sous-cutanée des équides. Madagascar. 1906. Jour. de Méd. vétér. et de Zootechnie. 60:8-22, 75-90, 148-153. Abs. in Centrbl. f. Bakt. Abt. I. 45 :610-612. Carpenter. GicRsa5... asa: Rhus Toxicodendron. Ther. Gaz. 14:93. Casruthers Winkis 822 sae.. Aethusa Cynapium. Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc. of Eng. 68:280. RE Ratt Made seal Lychnis Githago. id. 68:279. 154a. oe: 155a. 156. 157. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Oe i . Carruthers, Wm. and OPIERS eects ae eodner Cantera i larion elev sae Cassava’ Poisoning) 0/0). 3. Cattell ay TV iy «tk eeu Ceni, Carl and Besta, Carlo eeianiaunss acne rete: Chapraan, WAS Woe! ideas Chapman VEG Cari. eral’ ceie @harteriss, Homan cna alse Chaassien Elie W alert CC Cie Su ee CMe CER Cnt CUE ar Je Wi Se ur Sta Ser a) 6[6f Bre) @1e\.0) » e\bl ed e\id 6 (0) 6s) 66.6 8's 6 \e @ Ranunculus bulbosus. id. 68:279. Stellaria media. Is it Poisonous? id. 64: Yew Poisoning. id. Ser III. 3:698. The Medical Mystery of Today. (Pellagra.) McClure’s 34:94-104. A Case of Atropin Poisoning. N. Y. Med Jour: Sept. 5, 1903. See Albertoni. The Characters and Actions of the Seeds of Omphalea megacarpa (diandra), Omphalea triandra and Garcia nutans (from Trini- dad). Phar. Jour. 81:351-352. Agr. News. Barbadoes. 1:5. Post-Mortem Pathology. A Manual of Post- Mortem Examinations and the Interpretations to be Drawn therefrom. A Practical Trea- tise for Students and Practitioners. 551. 6 bh V8St. Bd.2.) L908; Ueber die Toxine von Aspergillus fumigatus und flavescens und deren Beziehung zur Pellagra. Centrbl. f. Allgem. Path, u. Path. Anat. Jena. 13:930-941. 1902. Flora of the Southern United States. 698. Ed. 2. New York. 1884 A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence and Tox- icology. Philadelphia. 1892. On the Active Principles of Poisoned Spears Obtained from the Motchi or Monchi Coun- try. ‘Phar. Jour. London: 1901. Sen 13:43. Contre-poisons, ou moyens reconnus le plus ef- ficaces pour commatre l’effet des diverses especes de poisons; suivis de l’indication des secours a donner auz personnes mordues ou piquées par des animaux ou des insectes vé- néneux, aux noyes, aux asphyxies, aux en- fants nouveaux-nés, etc. Paris. 1818. Abrus Poisoning. Asa Gray Bulletin. 5:35-36, Datura Poisoning. id. 5:87. Plants Used by the Indians of Mendocino County, California. Cont. U. S. Nat. Herb. 7 :295-408. Poisonous Spores of the Green-spored Lepiota. Asa Gray Bull. 8:87-93. Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. Ann. Rept. Bur. An. Ind, U. S. Dept. Agr. 15:387-420. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. 20:60. See also Repr. Ill. St. Bd. Health 60. 1899. Problems in the Chemistry and Toxicology of Plant Substances. Science, (N. S.) 15: 1016-1028. Some Common Poisonous Plants. Year Book U. S. Dept. Agr. 1896:137-146. Some Poisonous Plants of Northern Stock Ranges. Yr. Bk. U. S. Dept. Agr. 1900: 305-324. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 877 LAA IE SER UO ..... Thirty Poisonous Plants of the U. S. Farm- er’s Bulletin, U. S. Dept. Agr. 86:32. 168. Chesnut, V. K. and Wilcox, 1 AR Aa RMA MCU Na The Stock Poisoning Plants of Montana, Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. 26:150. NOON Chevalter pei ea wee aan cysts Considerations sur les causes qui peuvent in- fluencer la teneur en principe actifs des plantes médicinales. Bull. Sc. Pharmac. 16 :390, 169d: Cheversy Nee Benya A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence for In- dial), Bid:))3.\') Caleuttal). 18/0, 1702) Chrysler) Me A Ow. See Shreve, F. POA Cheha Fo a Medical Botany. London. 1827. ALN Clantraar Aah ie kiya Nature et signification des alcaloides végétaux. Rec. Inst, Bot. Bruxelles. 5. DAW Clapp WA VN OS LH A Synopsis; or Systematic Catalogue of the Indigenous and Naturalized Medicinal Plants of the United States. Trans. Am. Med. Assoc. 1852, LIPS ON EV fd Ag PON CMU NAT ease Re Chemistry and Toxicology of Mushrooms. See Chapter 12, pp. 288-298, Atkinson’s Mush- rooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc. aK Leathe Ter is Ue UR Ms SAN Myelites aigues par toxines strepto-staphylo- cocciques. Compte. Rend, d. 1. Soc. de Biol. 1896 :547-550. 175.) | Crenaents; VE) Bes Mees ain Se Minnesota Mushrooms. Geol. and Nat. Hist. 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Rr nest ELC anu A Case of Poisoning by the Areca Nut. Chem. News. No. 1934. 1895. toa Cook OMe Ue, Origin of the Hindi Cotton. Cir. Bur. PI. frag(W.\'S:) Dept Aon, 12:12; 185. Poe O. F. and Collins, G. SUE A AS LAU LPO NU: Economic Plants of Porto Rico. Cont. U. S. Nat. Herb. 8:269, BSG) Cooke) INC reer yuh Oriental Aconite. Phar. Jour. III. 8:563- 565. 1873. 18S FAN Oc 90 Us Cee UIT oP LO SI UE Action des alcaloides sur les végétaux. Assoc. franc. pour lAvance des Sci, 1906:388- 391. 16S.) | Cosnevin; Chi ioral ee Les plantes vénéneuses et ses empoisonnements quelles déterminent. 524. Paris. 1893. 878 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194, 195. 196. 197. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS A SSL Sear Se ALE rat Sur l’empoisonnement per quelques espéces de Cytisus. Compte Rend. des seances de I’ Acad. des Sci. de Paris. 1886:13, NA COd DACA OE TH aired ERA iG Vénenosite de quelques légumineuses exotiques appartenant aux genres Templetonia et So- phora. Compte. 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Courchet,\Miy Le iets On Kirondro Poison not from Dalbergia tox- icaria, as stated by Baillon, but from one of the Simarubaceae. See Ann. de I’Inst. Co- lon. de Marseille. 1905:195-247. (Rev. in Phar. Jour, 1906:463. OLEH. eartereieh ake oc Saat See Pictet, A. Courtet vA oem uiele cretes Ais Notes sur divers cas d’empoisonnement par les champignons a Pontarlier. Bull. Soc. myc. France. 24:133-137. Coville MEV 8 ciclhe hin nden Crimson Clover Hair Balls. Cir. U. S, Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. 8:4. ARO Std om Fab te SUE ey MUST ROT) Ci Observations on Cases of Mushroom Poison- ing in the District of Columbia, Cir. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Bot. 13:24. a bigest Teena ATE SIG lps aici eee Poisoning by Broad-leaved Laurel. (Kalmia latifolia). Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sen 44:189,. (Abs.). renille, F. V. and Funston, LE eta ie toe eR este “The Botany of Yakutat Bay, Alaska. Cont. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3:325-353. Cownley, AY He. cascode: See Paul, B. H. iain ii Aude seh oe us oe COR een ate Cir. Pur. Univ. Agr. Exp. ota. 3:10. re RM im ean eee ect Silage Poisoning. Supp. to Bull. Pur. Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. 147 :628. Crawtord, Albert(Ci ess Barium, a Cause of the Loco Weed Disease. Bull. Pur. Pl. Ind. 129:87. Rds din Die v alah oibeme rem areca le chint Laboratory Work on Loco-weed Investigation. Bull. U.. S. Dept: Agr. Burt seh 121 :39-48. LP SRS te RAE ey ME ee Larkspurs as Poisonous Plants. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. 111 :1-12. PAS ArT IT A EIA cee os Mountain Laurel, a Poisonous Plant. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Pl. Ind. 121:21-35. Eph he th man Naira tality »..see++...Notes, mainly bibliographical, on two Ameri- can Plants—Sleepy Grass and Creosote - Bush. Phar, Rev. 26:230-235. Repr. ‘ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 879 PAO Te SIE A cl alle eee DM Rtas The Poisonous Action of Johnson Grass. Bale is. Dept Age. Bur.) Pl Ind, 90 :31-34. Se eee ene CPR ee Cain A ste uA A Poisonous Principle in certain Cottonseed Mealsin), jour) Phas.) and) Bap, }) Ther. 1:519-548, Crook, E. and Powell, R. DSR Ops Hen See Powell, R. D. Crookshankks: )E.- Miin§ Yeon On the Morphology, Cultivation and Toxic Products of the Tubercle Bacillus. Lancet, 1.::296-300. 1891. BLOW abun Soee eek eee Criminal Poisoning in Hongkong. Lecture be- fore Odd Volumes in Hongkong. Rev. in Pharm. Rev. 14:164. Brozier cAG Aya sy. padeisian oe Another Death from Eating Cicuta maculata. Bot. Gaz. 14:17. PD yas Seca ween atEn Aaa Millet. Bull. Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta. 17:64. @iushnys) Rae. eee ey ee ne Ueber das Ricinusgift. Archiv. fiir experi- mentelle Pathologie et Pharmacologie. 41. 1898. Czapele: Devas tse sees: Biochemie der Pflanzen. 1:584; I1:1026. Jena. 1905 Dar. Gamay jay Avewes van aoe Poisoning by Star-anise. Trans. Grant. Coll. Med. Soc. 1898, (Bombay 1899) :13. Discussion, p. 15. Dakinay Re see Wire ak On Rhus Toxicodendron. See Am. Jour. Med. Sci. 4:98. Damen) Carleen. mwecty i Die Gesundheitspflege der landwirtschaftlichen Haussaugetiere. Ed. 3. 873. Berlin. 1902. Weantel Be Wie Veh ks ey On the Production of Hydrocyanic Acid from Bitter!) Cassava’) Rooty, \ Phar) jours) Te 6 :302-304. Waniels).C) Wises cesach owe A Plea for the Scientific Study of Native. Drugs and Poisons. Jour. Malay. Br. Med. Ae Singapore. 1895. N. S. Nos. 2, GS Danjon. Ban) ec ataewae. See Bourquelot, Em. Darlingtony) Wile 22 ese Agricultural Botany. Useful Plants and Weeds. Philadelphia. 1847. He Mie ors a ape neericce eA ee American Weeds and Useful Plants, Being a eee Edition of the Above. New York. Dassonvillesn Cae oe nace: See Matruchot, L. Dangherty, CMe ea.s sae. The Castor-oil Industry. Yr. Bk. U. S. Dept. Agr. 1904:287-298. Davenport, C. B. and Neal, EIR VS Le pte see On the Acclimatization of Organisms to Poisonous Chemical Substances. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz. 2 :564- 583. 1895-1896. David Son: Wvta terse ee ener Fatal Case of Poisoning by Ergot of Rye. Lancet No. 2083. (1882). Daviess D. Ek posh ast The Gift-apple of South Africa. Chem. and Drug. London. 64:696. Dhatyar, Mis Geeks rcick Experimental Demonstrations of the Toxicity of the “Loco Weed.” N. Y. Med. Jour. 49 :237. A Nb a 1 aU Pa ca EL Pa aN Loco Weed. Ref. Book of Prac. Ther. by F. P. Foster. 1:587. Bakr) 1th seed Mme fi aataneL sd Separation of the Poison of the “Loco Weed.” N. Y. Med. Jour. 50:604. 880 236. 252a. 252b. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Der Bary vay ta Munya Mele Comparative Anatomy of the Vegetative Or- gans of the Phanerogams and Ferns. Trans- lated and Annotated by F. O. Bower and D. H. Scott. 659. Oxford, 1884. APORRA TERS WRIA AUTE TN UVB A US YN Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa and Bacteria. Trans. by H. FE. F. Garnsey. Rev. by I. B. Balfour. 525. Oxford, 1887. De Candolle, Alphonse....Origin of Cultivated Plants. English Trans. 468. New York. 1892. Deffernez, Edmond....... Triple empoisonnement par le Datura Stra- monium. Extr. du Bull. med. de Charleroi. 6. 1895. Delacroma Gay voy eae See Prillieux, E. Delile, A. Raffineau....... Dissertation sur les effetes d’un poison de Java appelé Upas tieuté, et sur_la noix: vomique, la féve de St. Ignace, le Strychnos potatorum et la pomme de Vontac, qui sont du méme genre de plantes, qui 1’ Upas tieuté. 48. Paris. 1809. 1B P23 Fo 2a des Mn aoa URN oh HATO Intoxications aigués produites par l’anis étoilé et les fleurs de genet. Limousin med., Lim- oges. 25:86-89. 1901. De Pray Ge Behan Wy An Enquiry into the Botanical History, Chem- ical Properties, and Medicinal Qualities of the Erigeron Canadense. 1815. PES ATTEN RN Ree iV) aN a See Moussu. . Deutsches Arzneibuch..... Ed. 4. 1900. (Ph. Germ. IV.). Dreteieh Mos Ne EAT Deutschlands Giftpflanzen, nach _ nattirlichen Familien aufgestellt mit Abbildungen. 64. 24 col. pl. Jena. 1826. Dieudiilin, Jakob.......... Cynoglossum officinale. St. Petersburg, 1868. See Eckhard’s Beitrage zur Anatomie u. Physiologie. MAD shaksiantone emir [h Oran ieee WV HANG See Kennedy, P. B. Dinwiddies'Re Reo eae On the Toxic Properties of Molds. Bull. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta. 40:35-36. HS os SES SHIDIES i 4(8 MEM NERS Ct} OY ald Unsound Corn and Forage as a Cause of Dis- ease in Live Stock. Bull. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta. 25 :1-9. Dioscorides, Pedanios Ana- ZABBEMSE Wallan weal oniue De materia medica libri quinque. Ejusdem de venenis libri duo. Interprete Jano Antonio Sarraceno. 767. 1598. AD oF =) ker AA FA OUD MEAN NH ENlaneh a Neue Versuche und Erfahrung der einige Planzengifte, Herausgegeben von J. C. G. Ackermann. 53. Nuremberg. 1892. Dohme, A. R. L. and En- Pelharde iE Wale ea vn Further Experiments with Wild Cherry Bark. Phar. Rev. 14:13-15. See also Phar. Rund. 3:260, Doren Si Ban ee soo See Kennedy, P. B. Dragendorih \Gui iid Die gerichtlichchemische Ermittelung von Giften in Nahrungsmitteln, Luftgemischen, Speiseresten, K6rpertheilen, etc. St. Peters- burg. 1868. Ed. 3. Géttingen. 1888. HE pate Ga cia bated BGC IU RLU Ke ACs a Die Heilpflanzen der verschiedenen V6lker und Zeiten; ihre Anwendung wesentliche Bestandheile und Geschichte. 1896. Darigerm Bi iciiec on wen Beitrage zur Immunitatslehre. Mutinch. med. Woch, 1800. Nos. 20 and 28. 253. 254. 254a. 255. 256. 257. 258. Zoo. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 2/5: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 881 Dunglison, Robley ......./ A Dictionary of Medical Science, New Edi- tion by R. J. Dunglison. Camas Poisoning. 820-829. Philadelphia. 1874. ALSURNE UN Nis Merny eee ol aN ......New Remedies. Ed. 4. Philadelphia. 1874. Hunslison, R) Porson fee - See Dunglison, R. Dinmino sew WARNE sa wae See Hynson, H. P. MITTS GAT VW aL ENinevayersheleieneneests A Report on the Chemical Examination of the Beans of Phaseolus lunatus. Agricultural Ledger. 1905. No. 2:11-16. Dunstan, W. R. and Boole, Li. LET NA SRR Po SUC SN MeN Croton Oil. Abs. in Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc. 44:641-642. Dunstan, W. R. and Henry, APN Abs ee aPe UR, ere ape a The Chemical Aspects of Cyanogensis. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1906:145-157. at a PAGES RAR eRe OER Eee ATONE Le glucoside cyanogénétique du lin. Bull. de l’Acad. roy. de Belgique. (Classe des Sci- - ences). No. 7:790-793. HAD Ut COPE wis a tA EE The Poisonous Properties of the Beans of Phaseolus lunatus. Jour. Board of Agr. Great Britain and Ireland. XIV. 12:722- 731. EMIS een UA NALS MLB Sue Lhd Sur la formation de l’acide cyanhydrique dans les végétaux. Ann, Chi., et de Physique. 8 ser. 10:118-128. Dunstan, W. R., Henry, T. A. and Auld, S. J. M.....Cyanogenesis in Plants. Proc. Royal Soc. London. 78. Dunstan, W. R. and Um- 1CXSS I A CALE PN erie AHS TaN la I. Contributions to our Knowledge of the Aconite Alkaloids. II. The Alkaloids of the true Aconitum Napellus, III. The For- mation and Properties of Aconine and its Conversion into Aconitine. Jour. of the Chem. Soc. 51: 1892. Dunstan, W. R. Wyndham, R., and Henry, T. A.....Cyanogenesis in Plants. Pt. II. Proc. Roy. Soc. 70:153-154. Part III (by Dunstan and Henry). Proc. Roy. Soc. 72:285-294. MERE TE LCN oa ea aes The Nature and Origin of the Poison of Lotus arabicus. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. 1943 :515-533. Dp pennys Ws We Sek EP ees 24s See De Nabias. Duyernoy, MG oes e De Lathyri quadam venenata specie in com- itatu Montbelgardensi culta. 19. Basle. 1770. RNa Gy cc ae Maal ese Ue a See Graves, C. B. Hastwood,sA ju uiinckie oer The Loco-weeds, Zoe. 3:53-58. Bieches,, RR. Gace es outa: What is a Poison? Am. Med. Philadelphia. 106:986; 1007. 1306s ial: Ona DA UN Digitalis and its Cumulative Action. Ther. Gaz. 6:89. Elborne, Wrihamecs Vea Cocos (or Kokra) wood. Irritant Properties of the Sawdust. Chem. and Drug. 189:85- 86. Abs. in Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc. 44:642. Elphinck, Edward ........ Case of Physostigmine Poisoning. Am. Vet. Rev. 34:50. Biwent,, Cr seuaren astagias-,a3 Gelsemium sempervirens. Proc. Cal. Phar. Soc. 1881. (abs.). Zion. Engelhardt, SEU eats a/c steals See Dohme, A. R. L. 882 274. 275. 276. 2/7. 278. 279. 280. 281. *281a. 282. 283. 283a. 284. 287. 289. MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Engler, Adolf and Prantl, aren: Das eee 8 Die natuerlichen Pflanzenfamilien nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten insbeson- dere den Nutzpflanzen. Leipsic. 1887-1909. Bedmann: ae iG, .51.% pe. aoe Sammlung und Beschreibung der Giftpflanzen, die in Sachsen wild wachsen. 9 parts. Dresden, 1797. GAKSSOM MPS U2 ae are ee one Giftiges Siissgras, Glyceria spectabilis, von Us- tilago longissima befallen. Zeitsch. f. Pflanzenkr. Stuttgart 10:15. BTATSt: AL USE ES tree nas Enumeracion de les especes de plantas em- pleadas en los diferentes paises para el metodo de pesca conocido bajo el nombre de “embarbascar.” Univ. Centr, Venezuela Rev. Cientif. 1:318-327. 1888. wa Lao ete SHEA RTE Te EC Memoria Botanica sobre el Embarbascar 0 sea La Pesca por medio de Plantas venenosas. 16) Caracas). 188. EAS 2 BUR cle ee RE bei bc Abels Ueber fischvergiftenden Pflanzen. Gesell. Na- turf, Freunde. Berlin, Sitz. vom Juni, 1888:111-118. (Abs. Bot. Centrbl. 41:232- 2a3:) Evans, J. F.. and Bose, C. DN ea Aa IC Dis peaiar e DU IE The Necessity for an Act Restricting the Free Sale of Poisons in Bengal. Indian Med.- Chir. Rev. Bombay. 3:289-336. Evan Sigil. csereaeve cee head Medicinal Plants of the Cherokees, Proc. Am. Phar. Assoc. (abs.) 28:154-156. VOSQUE ES, cuit ciceiece e clon oer See Bretin. Ewart, A. J. assisted by WOVEVs ele liee ss ape eke The Weeds, Poison Plants and Naturalized Aliens of Victoria. Dept. Agr. Victoria. 8:110. Melbourne. 1909. Paper Jo vice ate eke Strychnomannia, explicans Strychni manici an- tiquorum vel Solani funosi recentiorum his- toriae monumentum, indolis nocumentum, antidoti documentum. 107. 73 pl. An- gustae Vind. 1877. Patek He (As ser aes Pens Lehrbuch der praktischen Toxicologie. Stutt- gart. 1880. Famulener, L. W. and Ly- OS: HANNS Heel, A eee ata The Physiological Assay of Cannabis indica. Paper read before the Am. Phar. Assoc. 1903. Abs. in Phar. Rev. 21:370-371. Barlow, VV Geo! do hey, Relation of Certain Forms of Algae to Dis- agreeable Tastes and Odors. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 32:306. (abs.) chai eis tens! | Calls ei tiere, wit 0) s, omeree ete LA Remarks on some Algae found in the Water Supplies of the City of Boston. Bull. Bus- sey Inst. Jan, 1, 1877. SCSI S ie testa bo eo eee ee Some Edible and Poisonous Fungi. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Veg. Path. and Phys. 15 :453-470. Farmacopea italiana....... Ossis Dizionario popolare di farmacia e ter- epeurica, con l’aggiunta delle sostaze ali- mentari, preparato e metodi industriali piu commune compilato de scelti farmacisti e dottori in chimica e medicina, sotto la dire- zione del prof. Guiseppe Gallo. Fase. 1.8:1-448. Turin. 1880. Bart, , tv. is hie seat ere See Wright, R. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 883 eae Fenn, Co Messe. ot Watts. Untoward Effects of Cascara Sagrada, Ther. Gaz, 4:522. pee Perguson, A’ T.i205 svcd ss: Cerebro-spinal Meningitis or Forage Poison- ing. Am. Vet. Rev. 34:383. 292. Fermi, C. and Pernossi, L.. Ueber das Tetanusgift Vergleichende Studien mit Beriicksichtigung andere Gifte und der Enzym. Zeitsch. f. Hygien. 16:385-444. mes.) Hernald, Malice se oes. See Gray’s Manual. Powe Meydels Pail) \.ic!dc asta nose He de l’acide filicique. 75. Toulouse. 1897. Bon sischer.) Ao sJ ese saalieree Vorlesungen tiber Bakterien. Ed. 2. 374. 69f. 1903. 296. Fischer, A. and Brebeck..Zur Morphologie, Biologie and Systematik der Kahmpilze, der Monilia candida und der Sooreregers. Jena. 1894. PMA IGEREES They) ars: Gia oha s.aternccaioye The Alkaloids of Escholtzia californica. Proc. Am, Phar. Assoc. 49:443-453. ee EISEN GES Wop 2 vs. verde «lak ed Ein Fall von Stomatitis, Bacterium stomato foetidum, ein aérober Faiilnisserreger. Zeitsch. f. Hyg. 49:329. Oem Agi, Ch iralars: i's: aes. sineets De lempoisonnement par les végétaux ou leurs principes immediats ou général, par lYopium ou la morphine en particulier. Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris. 25:150- 154. - 1847. Oe. Pleming! Gees 4).6 8 osecs 2 See Neumann, J. G. shes eluckigers Eo Ala ix. oeeee Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreiche. 2 Aufl. Berlin. 1881-1882. 302. Flickiger, F. A. and Han- Bianyer Davids yo. eoee es Pharmacographia. A History of the Principle Drugs of Vegetable Origin, Met with in aoe Britain and British India. London, Wee ieee OM cd aha See gale een reer und Mikroparasiten. 308. Leipsic. 1 UNAM Oe S ci hal oi citve resto ane We cs ageetee Die Mikroorganismen mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Aetiologie der Infektions- krankheiten. 692. Leipsic. 1886. eae Rodere,) Boi Begs srauss } Voyage aux alpes maritimes, ou Histoire nat- urelle agraire, civile et médicale du Comté de Nice et pays limitrophes. 2 v. 376+426. Paris. 1821, SEES COA Be Sere Beary 2 See Re Traité de médecine legale. 6y. Paris. 1813. on Bogel.. Estelle. Ds 0, os, 3,00 See Pammel, L. H. Bot Mande n iW.) Wisc agateciaoaeae Artificial Immunity to Glucosides. Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 1908. Abs. in Science, 27 :652-657. SUF fateh aA Re cP ae» A The Toxins and Antitoxins of Poisonous Mushrooms, Amanita phalloides. Jour. Inf. Dis. 3:191. ED chedst allie See Widal. INockoldS Cee niet oh anes Poisoning by Loco Weed. Am. Vet. Rey. 20:570. ING ere pr Rh ae cde ae Se hh Se Action de divers poisons sur les animaux hi- bernants (herissons); variabilité et specif- icité des effets des substance toxiques. Archiv. internat. de pharmacod. 12:153- 158. Brussels and Paris. 1903. INKGELS (CIMBI ES, sha, See eeu Contributions a l’étude médicale de 1’ Anemone Pulsatilla. 81. Nancy. 1897. Noel, Ch. and Lambert, L.. Recherches experimentales sur l’Anemone Pul- satilla. Arch. inter. de phar. 1897:Fasc. 1-2. NMomrey. Me ty shea bee Plantes vénéneuses croissant dans les prairies et dans les artificiels. Agriculture rationelle. £898. No. 15. IN OLE EHEZ IIA, Seimei ae ana are See Strasberger, E. Nia viyankt, = Gee aaa tke don) The Toxic Effects of the Bacillus of Hog Cholera. Med. News. 2:231-237. Bee lacs Wiper eae eR Sree See also McClintock, C. F. Nuckolds, Coleman ....... Bein Dermatitis. Am. Vet. Rev. 25:635- 659. Numan, A. and Marchand, | Sen aye ED AD ee a dL aA Ma Sur les propriétés nuisibles que les fourrages peuvent acquerer pour differens animaux domestiques par les productions crypto- gamiques. 115. 5 pl. Groéningen. 1830. Nin: osha ooo ade ae Veterinary Toxicology. New York, 1901, 1907. Oestenle yee ew See Tschirsch, A. OLver awe Ewe ye acuta See Kerner, Anton von. O02 MANUAL OF POISONOUS: PLANTS 718. Oppenheim, Carl ......... Toxines and Antitoxines. Trans. by C, A. Mitchell. London. 1906. FLO NO prerutdas Re doe she Sweets wie See van Praag, L. FZ A COLCA Co URO \ajerie vie cie-cee The Calandrina Plant. West American Sci- entist. 7:190. ES RAP a EM ne os, AOE The Loco Weed. do. %. FE, | (Ovaniei, PGR As sa gadiaea Se acy. \ Popular Treatise on the Remedies to be Employed in Cases of Poisoning and Ap- parent Death. Trans. by W. Price. Phila- delphia. 1818. CE ANE RARER SB ETERS Soft ree «3 5 Traité des poisons tirés des régnes minéral, végetal, et animal ou Toxicologie générale. Paris. 1813. 724 cots d otal acted ahd Sete efotane Traité de Toxicologie. Ed. 5. Reviewed, Cor- rected and Considerably Enlarged. 2 vy. Panis.) lesz. (25. ORE, tense ethene: eee Physiological Action of Astragalus mollissi- mus. New Remedies. 2:227. 726! QUO AIRS io de ee ee Die vorztglichsten in Thuringen wildwachsen- den Giftpflanzen mit besonderer Rucksicht auf ihren Standpunkt in Furstenthum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. 28. 15 p!. Rudol- stadt. 1834. Ed. 2. 1842. F071) (eR ADISCH, Ea a sib cre atoms Ueber eine Tuba-Wurzel (Derris_ elliptica, Benth.) Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der indischen Fischgifte. Phar. Centralhalle. 26 :697-706. (ofaa Baer. Noi ee ce ttepepre Sporothrix and Epizootic Lymphangitis. Jour. Inf. Dis. 28:137-149. (Contains Bibliog- raphy). Df. WE Ie) GL BS eaten etoee ayo B= See Page, C. G. 727c. Paitrier and Lutembacher. Sub-cuti-réaction positive obtenue chez deux sporotrichosiques par l’injection sous-cutanée de cultures jeunes de sporotrichose, broyées, dilués dans du sérum et stérilisées. Compt. Rend. Soc. de Biol. 67. No. 24. Foe) Walling We Ax cave scid sia \ Treatise on Epizootic Lymphangitis. Lon- don. 1904. 7Zp- /) PammMelee,.) El..)<)., Poisonous Effects of Grasses. See Bull. Ia. Geol. Sur. 1 :171-176. 7 SANA SMe OPS Ph oes ee fi 8H 8 Poisoning from Cowbane. Bull. Ia. Agr. Exp. Sta. 28 :215-228. TSOON ws Sores ties sy sietapoel orter Nar aee Sieas Poisonous and Medical Plants of Missouri. Bull. Mo. St. Bd. Hort. 14:46. TOA As di ikene S$ he OPN SCAMS Aiagaana CIS eke Poisonous Weeds. See pp. 423-448 in “Some AV ede of Iowa.” Bull. Ia. Agr. Exp. Sta. 0. I Mts PS SAE MOM er Mee ASRS Oe Squirrel-tail Grass or Wild Barley. Bull. Ia. Agr, Exp. Sta. 30 :302-319. FG he oe doe skate aw aia Vergiftung durch Wasserschierling. (Cicuta virosa, var. maculata.) Phar: Rundjlse 102-103. 4 f. TOT Bae Mame Halal at a dca ethioce SR be Also see McNeil, J. H. 738. Pammel, L. H. and Fogel, BD Gauls ceetbaste me eevertopaera A Catalogue of the Poisonous Plants of Iowa. Proc. Ia, Acad. Sci. 14:147-172. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF POISONOUS PLANTS 903 foo sbanines) oe Bball @. Re and Scribner we. It ae ss. Grasses of Iowa Pt. 2. 436. Bull. Ia. Geol. Sur. Suppl. Rept. 1904. 740. Pammel, L. 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Assoc. 42:135. f49, Pearson, Dy. iia ielss fees. sie od A Preliminary Report on Forage Poisoning in Horses (So-called Cerebro-spinal Meningi- tis). Jour. Comp. Med. and Vet. Arch. 21 :654-657. TEASE USSR UE EDS wR SH SA Epizootic Lymphangitis in Horses and Mules. Cir. Penn. St. Livestock Sanitary Bd. 8. TS ESTE OS) (Aes Ge VC PP See Atkinson, V. T. fol. Peckst Charles Heh. 20 1 Annual Report of the State Botanist of New York. 43 colored Plates of Edible and Poi- sonous Fungi with Full Descriptive Text. 241. Albany. 1897. Oe Reclaim Mr eta tiles nod teats” Sans The Black Spruce. Albany Institute. 1875. Toh haw) adsl, c] | us Ms ee ee Pe The Medicinal Plants of Brazil. Phar. Arch. 1898:No. 9. 754. Pedler, A. and Warder, H.On the Nature of the Toxic Principle of the Aroideae. Jour. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, Cal- cutta. 1890:106-117. foe > Pelagra .shess£ Skee oie See Boston Evening Transcript. “The Clinic” Aug. 18, 1909. 7S OLSON SS MOA Dg aa me fee Notes on Pellagra. McClure’s 84:104-107. Pooaier ellen (Go Barc cass aioe eae See Hamilton, A. M. IST RS CED | ots eal Sd = Ea ae er a See Wilcox, R. W. foe. 4 Penkallow;, (Dy (Pose scr /aco Rhus Poisoning. Gar. and For. 8:359. PE EMR INV: Asia's 3!e sie 3ia.0.04:500 « The Soveraine Herb. A History of Tobacco. 326. London. 1901. Yon eneIvals (Co ENS Meteo, alae Ranunculus acris as an Irritant. Jour. Bot. Brit, and Foreign. 32:184. Geol eerey: (oo Rissk susie aoe An Inquiry into the Properties of Veratrum viride. Trans. Am. Med. Assoc. Ze, Perkins: ue vioku mie eis The Leguminosae of Porto Rico. Cont. U. S. Nat. Her. 10:220. We. Periossi, Wis Vere ae ce. See Fermi, C. Woon” Perredeés, Pa Haske i The Anatomy of the Stem of Derris uliginosa, Benth. Bull. Wellcome Chem. Res. Lab. 33:10. fot. Percet. Al Web Ih ee 8 Recherches des poisons pruritants dans les vé- Be C. R. Soc. de Biol. Paris. 59:602- Woon, Perret Hints so enon. Sur la Ksopo, poison des Sakalaves (Menabea venenata). Revue des Cultures Colon, 10: See also C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 134:303- 306. 904 766. 767. *768. 769. 770. 7/1. 72: Tes 774. TED 776. 776a. 776b. 777. 778. 779. ae ee 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 786a. 787. MANUAL OF POISONOUS, PLANTS J fat ss mo Rep/ NU Ie ey a ORD a a See Alway, F. J. Peters, A. T., Slade, H. B., ANG JAVERY, Moy des: sence Poisoning of Cattle by Common Sorghum and ~ Peta Corn. Bull. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta. 77: % 16. Peterson, F. and Haines, . ececcceeeseeeceees American Text-Book of Legal Medicine and Toxicology. 815. 1903. Peterson, Maude G........ How to Know Wild Fruits. A Guide to Plants when not in Flower, by Means of Fruit and Leaf. 340. 1905. Peytfe, Aj).. :.038 wibosds oe) See) Rabutean, PP Falths whinatiz wets eae Ivy Poisoning and its Treatment. Bull. Roy. Bot. Gar. Kew. 1908:15-16. RIOR Reo UNMU FESTA On the Active Principle of Rhus Toxicoden- dron and Rhus venenata. Jour. Exp. Med. 2:181-195. 1897. dace Lage MeH re eaHetia ls agch at ate tena: et NEWS Poisonous Plants. Phar. Rund. 9:8. 1891. 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Vienna. 1785. fo) Plowmgnat Co Booey. Mee Six Fatal .Cases of Poisoning by Amanita phalloides (Vaill) at Ipswich in September, 1907. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 1908:25-26. POS MEAG ER EME. Oy. so ate .Das Alkaloid von Sophora tomentosa, L. Ar- chiv. der Pharm. 229:561-165. 1122 iy RR ANIC SAV aC Andromedotoxin haltige Ericaceen. Arch. der Phar. 229:552-554. 22 A ARTS UES, RANG Giftiger Honig von Rhododendron ponticum. Arch. der Pharm. 229:554-556. SULA EA ted aR, SN ON Ueber Andromedotoxin den giftigen Bestand- heil der Andromeda Japonica. Phar. Zeitsch. f. Russland. 1883:609-613; 625-631. RMT OTM ERON NN SoA UQI LINNEY AC ILS a Die Wichtigiren Heilmittel in ihrer Wech- selnden chemischen Zusammensetzung und Pharmakodynamischen Wirkung. Jena. 1866. oS A 23571 (ER EUR De plantis venenatis umbelliferis. 4. Leipsic. AZZ: rs: SS TARR A CMS MRE RRR HO DU See also Arch. f. Exp, Path. u. Ph. 34:265. 1894. 804. Poison Register, Universal. Containing also Poison Acts of the various States, Lists of Poisons in Groups, with Antidote Treatment, Maximum Doses, etc. Chicago. 1898. SLO SY Ud Broyrtele rexel RUG) By Ot aN TSU The Medical, Poisonous and Dietic Properties of the Cryptogamic Plants of the United States. 126. New York. 1854. From the Trans. Am. Med. Assoc. 7. aacys ty nectar: Laboratory Notes,—A Partial Analysis of the See Lamberti. Am. Jour. Phar. 50: 64 Prices Dy OM ioe. es wee Enzymes in Corn Stalks and their Relation to Cornstalk Disease. Cir. Bur. An. Ind. U. S. Dept. Agr. 84:75. Price, T. W. and L'Engle, BS IMO neeAS .OatlianOme A Fatal Case of Poisoning with the Oil of Gaultheria. Am. Jour. Med. Sci. 127:265. 1904. Price, Wi Lranslatonoca.-. - See Orfila, M. J. B. Prillieux, "KE. and Delacroix, Meeps els feces cenaie ca et eee nite Maladie de l'oeil produite par le Macrospo- rium parasiticum, Thum. Bull. de la Soc. Myc. de France. 1893:201. Priizel,| G. Aaseocesecroanat Thesaurus literaturae botanicae omnium gen- tium inde a rerum botanicarum initiis ad nostra usque tempora, quindecim milia op- erum recensens. 547. Leipsic. 1851. RrOCtObad ceticie ack ene eee Poisonous Plants. Pract. Phar. Proc Ge gwcc aise meyers La Pellagre. Paris. 1903. Pruddenjs leew ee eae On the Poisonous Products of the Tubercle Bacillus. New York Med. Jour. 2:281- Pashia: Wy Ge cies emabetem arate Materia veneraria regni vegetabilis. 196. Leip- sic. 1785. AO seh Hinal Our eer eerie 6 cree Report of six Cases of Tubercular Ulcers and Tubercular Lymphangitis of the Upper Ex- tremity. St. Paul Med. 1904. (Aug.). IRADUMUEAIE, Ara isnatecctsten cen Elémens de Toxocologie et de Médicine Lé- gale, applikuées a l’/Empoisonnement. Paris. 1873. Ed. 2. Edited by E. Bourgoing. 1888 Rradivoter, oly ws './erctas aiaain Ueber fischvergiftende Pflanzen. Sep-Abd. Bayerisch. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Miinchen 16:379-416. 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Jan. 22. 1910:18. 126A eIS/ ST RY (Se AR aN Text-book of Medical Jurisprudence and Tox- icology. Ed. 2. Phila. 1889. The Malignant Effect of certain Trees upon Surrounding Plants. Plant World. 10:279. shehe els le akei/s, ea (0 ©, s/w) ele \e)e)e eee REMI R te rere ee Native Poisons. West Africa. Jour. Afr. Soc. 1904:109-111. RUE BETE) Woe Wee el Ueber den Untergang pathogen Schimmel- pilzener organismus. 59. Vers. D. Naturf. 1886. BOUG A UNC FSO veka, tai 4 aia a eae Suspicious Character of the Woods. Outing. 40 :551-554. Si Sr Ne EO TRE SL Tee rR BD Equisetum Poisoning. Am. Vet. Rev. 26:944- 951. Rich, F. A.....:.. ....... Poisonous Equisetum.. Proc. Am. Vet. Assoc. 1902:178. . Rich, F. A. and Jones, L. R A Poisonous Plant: the Common Horsetail. Bull. Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta. 95:187-192. RICNALASOM . Jove e Wisco ee An Epidemic of Acute Poisoning in Horses. Am. Vet. Rev. 38:566-571. TET aN 2 ad GAEL aa Lt A el Les poisons convulsivants. Arch, internat. de pharmacod. 4:293-309. 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J., 35, 242 Abelia uniflora, 812 Abies balsamea, 327 concolor, 327 Abortifacient, 803 Abortion, 78, 100, 101, 123 Abortives, Poisoning by, 76 Symptoms, 76 Treatment, 76 qualities, Abrin, 11, 55, 72, 534, 536, 595) Abroma-angusta, 622 Abrotanin, 755, 791 Abrotin, 140 Abrus, 52, 55, 149, 862, 863 precatorius, 1, 52723 53 S34, 595, 82 pulchellus, 828 Abscesses, in rabbits, 179 Metastatic, 170 Absinth, 793 Absinthe, 755, 756, 791, 793 “Absinthe epilepsy,’ 793 Absinthiin, 140, 793 Absinthin, 140, 755 Absinthium, *f. 141, 756, 793 Absinthol, 756 Abutilon, 624, 626-627 indicus, 623 Theophrasti, 124, 627 Acacia, 89, 523, 533 arabica, 529, 828 Catechu, 529, 533, 828 concinna, 828 Cunninghamii, 828 delibrata, 828 falcata, 828 False, 559, 560, f. 559 Farnesiana, 523 Georginae, 828 Gerrardi, 523 Jurema, 828 palleus, 534 pennata, 828 penninervis, 828 pruinescens, 828 pulchella, 828 salicina, 828 Senegal, 529 tenerrima, 530 vernicifua, 828 verticillata, 828 Acalypha, 590, 603, 604 colchica, 821 cordifolia, 821 gracilens, 604 indica, 821 Ostryaefolia, 604 ‘ virginica, 122, 604, f. 605, 821 ACANTHACEAE, 90, 692, 698, 804 Acanthophyllum, 89, 813 Acanthosicyos horrida, 750 *The reference is to figure on page 141. INDEX Acer macrophyllum, 615 Negundo, 615 nigrum, 615 rubrum, 615 saccharinum, 615 saccharum, 615 ACERACEAE, 607, 615 Aceras, 90 Acetanilid, 147 Acetoxin, 666 Acetyl, 147 Achillea, 757, 758, 785-787 Meconic, 144 Mineral, 6 Myristic, 389, 593 Myronic, 7 Nitric, 78 Ophelic, 689 Oxalic, 6, 72, 150 Oxy- 144 Palmitic, 593 Phytolaccic, 435 Picric, 72 Poisonous, 72 Millefolium, 140, 149, 756, f. 786, 786-787 moschata, 787 Ptarmica, 756, 786, 787, 814 Achillein, 140, 149, 756, 786, 787 Achlya prolifera, 209 Achorion, 12, 13, 863 akromegalicum, 296 cysticum, 296 demergens, 296 didtkroon, 296 eutythrix, 296 moniliforme, 296 radians, 296 Schoenleinti, 17, 294, 295 tarsiferon, 296 Achras, 89 Sapota, 128, 679, 681, 851 Achyranthes bidentata, 805 Achryospermum, 828 Acids, 6, 72, 144 Aconitic, 144 Amido-fatty, 73 Anemonic, 111, 454 Angelic, 573, 648, 789 Arsenious, 2 Benzoic, 144, 683 Carbolic, 6, 77, 78, 79 Carbonic, 77 Catechutannic, 530 Cathartic, 418, 526 Chrysophanic, 418 Cinnamic, 683 Citric, 144, 505, 512, 529, 572.) 983 Copaibic, 529 Crassulacic, 501 Crotinic, 588 Cygnic, 533 Embelic, 679 Ergotinic, 7, 28, 277 Eriodictyonic, 703 Fatty, 73 Filicic, 77, 319 Formic, 106, 412 Gallotannic, 533 Gastrolobic, 533 Gentisic, 689 Helvellic, 78, 238, 253 Hydrocyanic, see Hydro- ecyanic Acid Juglandic, 401 Lauric, 593 TLobelic, 752 Loco, 565 Lupulic, 106 Maizenic, 342 Malic, 144, 501, 505, 512 Polygalic, 62, 536 Polygonic, 107 Pumice, 679 Pyrogallic, 608 Quillaic, 7, 62, 505, 506 Quinic, 144 Rheotannic, 419 Ricinoleic, 594 Salicylic, 505 Sphacelenic. 278, 279 Stearic, 593 Sulphuric, 6 Tannic, 144, 403, 503, 608 Tartaric, 529 Tiglinic, 593, 789 Tropic, 716 Uric, 146 Acne, 78 Acnistius, 89 arborescens, 853 Acokanthera Lamarkii, 806 venenata, 806 Aconin, 109, 450 Aconins, group of, 450 Aconite, 2, 4, 72, 75, 85, 87,. 109, 381, 446, 449-453, 863 Columbia, 46 European, 46, 109, 450, 452, 453 Group of alkaloids, 148 Indian, 449, 450 Poisoning by, 6, 75, 450 Seed, 83, 450 Statutes regarding, 6 Toxicity of, 109, 450 Treatment for poisoning 3 79 Western, 450, 452-453, f. CEA Aconitic Acid. 144 Aconitin, 73, 77, 78, 109, 144,. 145, 148, 450, 452 Pseudo, 450 Aconitism, 44, 45, 46 Aconitum, 46, 448, 449-453, 863 altigaleatum, 4 Anthora, 4, 844 cammaruin, 4 chasmanthum, 4, 450 chinense, 844 columbianum, 46, 109, 450, f. 452, 844 deinorrhysum, 450 ferox, 449, 450, 844 Fischeri, 449, 844 heterophyllum, 148, 449, 450, 844 japonicum, 844 920 Lycoctonum, 4, 449, 844 Napellus, 46, 75, 87, 109, 145, 148, 446, 449, he 451, 453, 844 noveboracense, 109, 449, 844 palmatum, 450 reclinatum, 109, 449 spicatum, 450 uncinatum, f. 45, 109, 449, f. 452, 453, 844 variabile, 4 Acorin, 371 Acorn, 105, 403, 863 -Acorus Calamus, 371 Acquetta di Napoli, 2 ACRASIEAE, 160 Acree, S. F., 869 Acrid poison, 803 Acrocomia, 370 Acronychia laurifolia, 849 Actaea, 447, 467-468 alba, 108, 844 rubra, 108, 467, 844 spicata, 844 Actinella, 757 Actinomycosis, 863 Adamson, H. G., 869 Adansonia digitata, 621 Adder’s Tongue, 313 Adenanthera pavonina, 828 Adenin, 146 Adenium Boehmianum, 806 obesum, 806 somalense, 806 Adiantum, 90, 316, f. 316 capillus-V eneris, 316, 317 pedatum, 101, 317, 824 peruvianum, 824 trapeziforme, 824 Adlumia, 485 cirrhosa, 480 Adonidin, 148, 446 Adonis, 78 aestivalis, 446, 844 amurensis, 446, 844 vernalis, 148, 446, 844 Adoynis, Santes de, 869 Adoxa, 741 moschatellina, 741 ADOXACEAE, 741, 804 Aecidium berberidis, 226 columnare, 222 Rhamni, 229 Aegle Marmelos, 582 sepiaria, 582 Aegiceras, 52 majus, 838 minus, 838 Aegolethron, 64 Aeschynomene aspera, 524 Aesculetin, 617 Aesculin, 123, 617, 642, 683 Aesculus, 89, 616-617 californica, 123, 827 flava, ae glabra, 617, f. 619, 827 Painn 63,yileos 617, f. 618, 827 octandra, 123 parviflora, 617 Pavia, 63, 123, 617, f. 619, 827 Aethusa, 650, 659, 863 Cynapium, 4, 76, 126, 659, Pe 856 Afghanistan, Poisonous plants of, 867 Africa, Medicinal plants of, 66 Poisonous plants of, 866 African Marigold, 755-756 S16 -387e wore Afzelia, 1, 534 Agallocha, 588 Aganosma Salycina, 806 Agaric, Deadly, 238-239, 240 Fly, 10, Ay 74, 99, 236-238, f. 236 AGARICACEAE, 99, 235-245, f. 235, 859- 860 Agaricus, 863 arvensis, 235 bulbosus, 78 campestris, f. 233, 235 oreades, 503 Agave, 63, 89 americana, 105, 386 heterac antha, 386 rigida, 386 Schotti, 386 virginica, f. 384 Agave saponin, 386 Age of plant affecting activity of poison, 83 Agelaea emetica, 817 Ageratum, 90, 756 conyszotdes, 756 Aggio, C., 869 Agglutinin, Bacterial, 165 Agrimonia eupatoria, 847 gryvposepala, 505 Agropyron, 340 occidentale, 364 Ergot on, 276 repens, 103, 364-365, f. 365 Ergot on, 276 tenerum, 364 Agrostemma, 436, 439-441 Githago; 62, 63, 107, 43¥- 441, f. 440, 813 sapotoxin, 62 Agrostemmin, 108 Agrostis alba, 826 Ergot on, 276 Agrostocrinum stypandroides, 33 833 Ailanthus, 583-584 Family, 583-584 glandulosa, 121, f. 584, 853 Air Potato, 374 Airyar, N. S., 869 AIZOACEAE, 423 Aizoon canariense, 824 Akebia, 629 quinata, 629 Alabama, Flora of, 865 Alban, 681 Albert, 869 Albertoni, 869 Alberts, 869 Albizzia, 1, 52, 89 anthelmintica, 829 Lebbek, 829 lucida, 530 odoratissima, 829 procera, 829 stipulata, 829 ALBUGINACEAE, 204, 208 583-584, Albugo, 195 canida, f. 204, 206 Albumin, Poisonous, 73 Alcohol, 728 Methyl, 144 Poisoning by, 6, 73, 77, 78 Alcoholism, 7 Treatment, 78 Alder, 404 Aldrovanda, Leaf of, 499 Alectryon excelsum, 850 Aletris farinosa, 104, 827 Aleurites Fordti, 587 proluccana, 587 triloba, 587 Alexandresen, 869 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Alexipharmic, 863 Alfalfa, 118, 525, 552-553, f. 554, 863 Dodder, 130, 701 Yellow-flowered, 526 Alfilaria, 578, f. 579 Algae, ae 98, 184-195, 859, 863 Blue-green, 91, 97, 160, 185, 187 Brown, 154, 194 Green, 153, 160 In dynamite, 188 In water supplies, 91-94 Prevention of growth of, 94 Red, 154, 194-195 Violet, 154, 194-195 Algarrobe, 523 Algicides, Use of, 94 Alhagi maurorum, 527 Alisma Plantago, 335, f. 335, 804 Plantago-aquatica, 102 ALISMACEAE, 102, 335, 804 Alizarin, 742 Alkali Differs from alkaloid how? Caustic, 72 Corrosive, 72 Salts, 144 Alkaloids Aconite group, 148 Chemistry of, 142, 150 Classification of, 145-146 Composition of, 143, 144 Defined, 143 Gluco, 149 Iso-quinolin group, 145 Liquid-volatile group, 147 Mydriatic group, 148 Occurrence of, 144-145 Opium group, 147 Physiological action of, 146, 147 Properties of, 143, 144 Purin group, 146 Pyridin group, 145 Quinolin group, 145 Solid, 144 Solubility of, 143 Strychnin group, 147 Detinue Dela group, 14 Vegetable, 862. 863, 869 Abrotanin, 755, 791 Abrotin, 140 Achillein, 756, 786, 787 Aconitin, 73, 77, 78, 109, 144, 145, 148, 450, 452 Agrostemmin, 108 Alstonamin, 692 Amaryllin, 386 Anhalonidin, 637 Anhalonin, 637 Arecaidin, 370 Arecain, 370 Arecolin, 78, 370 Argyraescin, 123, 617 Aricin, 742 Aristolochinin, 417 Aspidosamin, 692 Aspidospermatin, 692 Aspidospermin, 147, 692 Atisin, 148, 450 Atropamin, 7 ie Atropin, 3, 60, 61, 88, 145, 148, 149, 238, 584. 706;,. Zig una eee 726, 728;,° (730; anouy 732 Baccharin, 755 Baptitoxin, 530 Belladonnin, 386, 715 Benzoylecognin, 575 Berbamin, 472 Berberin, 88, 90, 108, 112, 146, 468, 470, 472, 473, 478, 483 Bikhaconitin, 450 Brucin, 145, 146, 147, 686 Bryonicin, 751 Caffeidin, 628 Caffein, 144, 146, 606, 614, 628, 742 Calabarih, 148, 528, 531 Calycanthin, 112, 476 Carpain, 627 Cathin, 614 Celastrin, 614 Cephaelin, 742 Chelerythrin, 113, 489, 485 Chelidonin, 480, 485 Chenopodin, 429 Chrysthanthemin, 789 Cicutin, 656 Cinchonidin, 145 Cinchonin, 145, 742 Cinnamylococain, 575 Coca Oy Ton vie) 79: alae S575. S76; 614 Codamin, 147, 481 Wademn 59" 7.7.0 Wie ells: 146, 147, 479, 481 Colchicin, 77, 78, 79, 146, 148, 375, 479 Columbamin, 473 Conicein, 651 Coniferin, 382 Coniin, 3, 73, 77, 79, 126, 135, 144, 147, 648, 651, 652, 653, 688, 726, 728, 747° Conydrin, 651 Cornutin, 28, 77, 78, 277, 278, 279 Bie Balkin: 147, 480 Corydalin, 147, 480 €ryptopin, 481 Curarin, 73, 77, 687 Curin, 148, 687 Cusohygrin, 575 Cusparin, 582 Cynapin, 126, 659 Cynoglossin, 706 Cytisin, 77, 78, 79, 90, Eee 148, 530, 537, 543, Damascenin, 446 Delphinin, 108, 446, 464 Delphinoidin, 108, 464 Delphisin, 108, 464 Disinchonin, 742 Ditamin, 692 Drumin, 588 Duboisin, 716 Ecbolin, 149, 277 Echitamin, 692 Echitemin, 692 Ergotin, 277, 278 Ergotinin, 277 Ergotoxin, 278 Erythropholoein, 48, 534 Eserin, 82, 531, 729 Eseridin, 528 Eupatorin, 138, 755, 772 Fumarin, 483 Gelsemin, ZEA ets Oona ere 147, 689 Gelseminin, 147, 689 Gnoscopin, 481 Gratiolin, 734 INDEX Guvacin, 370 Heliotropin, 705 Hydrastin, 108, 146, 468 Hydrastium, 146 Hydrococotarnin, 481 Hydroquinon, 505, 742 Hygrin, 147, 575 Hyoscin, 148, 716, 726, 727, 730 Hyoscin-pseudocyanim, 148 ‘Hyoscamin, 3, 60, 61, 775-133, 148; 716, 726, LM he SUE WISER VANS Imperialin, 375 Inaein, 692 Indaconitin, 450 Isopilocarpin, 148 Tsopyrin, 446 Jaborin, 148, 582 Japaconitin, 148, 450 Jervin, 103, 148, 381 Jurubebin, 715 Kisanin, 386 Lanthopin, 481 Lappakonitin, 450 Laudanin, 147, 481 Laudanosin, 481 Lobelin, 78, 752 Lophophorin, 637 Lupanin, 530 Lycorin, 386 Manacin, 715 Mandragorin, 715 Matrin, 530 Meconidin, 481 Menispermin, 112, 149, 473 Mescalin, 637 Methyleoniin, 126, 651 Morphin, 3, 59, 73, 78, 80, 82, 85, 90, 112, 113, 143, 144, 146, 147, 479, 489 Moschatin, 140, 787 Muscarin, 10, 32, 73, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 148, 150, 237, 238, 242 Myriocarpin, 750 Narcein, 146, 481 Narcotin, 146, 147, 481 Neurin, 237 NICOL T/A zon WALES 80, 85, 87, 133, 144, M47 poo Alon 28s 729 Nigellin, 446 Oxycanthin, 112, 472 Palmatin, 450 Papaveramin, 113, 147 Papavarin, 59, 113, 146, 147, 481 Pectenin, 637 Pellotin, 637 Pelosin, 413, 478 Pereirin, 147 Phytolaccin, 107, 435 Physostigmin, 146, 148, 582 Picolin, 728 Pilocarpidin, 582 Pilocarpin, 146, 148, 528, 531 Pilocerein, 637 Piperin, 396 Piturie, 5 Piturin, 147, 716 Protocurin, 148, 687 Protopin, 113, 480, 481, 485 Protoveratridin, 381 Pseudohyoscyamin, 148, 715, 726 Pseudojervin, 148, 381 Pseudomorphin, 481 Pyrethrin, 754 Pyridin, 145, 146, 728 Quebrachin, 692 Quebrachinamin, 692 Quebracho, 147 Ouercitrin, 506, 510, 584, 666 Quinamin, 742 Quinin, 77, 78, 87, 145, 147, 741, 742 Rhoeadin, 481 Rubijervin, 381 Sambucin, 747 Sanguinarin, 113, 489, 484, 485 Sarracenin, 114, 497 Scopalamin, 60, 77, 78, 148, 716, 732 Secalin, 278 Septentrionalin, 450 Solanein, 718 Solanidin, 132, 148, 718 Solanin, 60, 83, 132, 133, 144, 148, 149, 718, 721, 722, 724 Sophorin, 530, 543 Spartein, 147, 551 Spigelin, 688 Staphisagrin, 108, ch Strychnin, e725, 73s 129, 144, 145, 147, ae 686, 688, G28 07295 736 Stylopin, 480 Synaktonin, 450 Taxin, 101, 148, 328 Thalictrin, 446 Thebain, 146, 147, 481 Thein, 146, 629, 742 Theobromin, 144, 146, 621, 628 Theo-phyllin, 146, 628 Trigonellin, 531, 648 Tropa-cocain, 575 Truxillin, 575 Tubocinarin, 687 Tubo-curarin, 148 Ulexin, 530 Vicin, 120 Xanthopuccin, 108, 468 Veratrum group, 148 Volatile, 144 Alkana tinctoria, 704 Alkanet, 704 Allamanda cathar tica, 806 Alleghany Thermopsis, 538- 539 Allen, Dr., 440 Allen, H. M., 608 Allen, Timothy F., 869 Alligator Pear, 478 Allium, 104, 377, 383 ascalonicum, 375, 383-384, 833 canadense, 104, 383, 833 Cepa, 383, 833 Douglasti, 833 Macleantt, 834 Moly, 383, 834 Porrum, 373, 383, 834 sativum, 375, 383, 834 Schoenoprasum, 375, 383, 834 tricoccum, 104, 383, 834 unifolium, 104 ursinum, 834 Victorialis, 834 zvineale, 834 Allspice, 639 Almacigo, 575 Almond, 505, 863 Bitter, 88 Oil, 315 922 Essence, 55 Puip, 517 Seeds, 505 Flowering, 505, 514 Indian, 638 Oil, 608 Alnus glutinosa, 404 Alocasia indica, 808 montana, 808 Aloe, 375 abyssinica, 834 africana, 834 American, 386 arborescens, 834 chinensis, 834 False, f. 384 jerox, 834 saponaria, 834 spicata, 834 succotrina, 377, 834 tenuior, 834 vera, 834 Aloin, 377 Aloinum, 375 Alpers, W. C., 869 Alpinia Calanga, 392 oficinarum, 392 striata, 391 IsherosiDry Ge, Alsidinin 859 Alsike Clover, 525. 55 Alsine crassifolia, 436 Alstonamin, 692 Alstonia, 691 constricta, 806 Schalaris, 806 spectabilis, 692 venenata, 806 Alstonamin, 692 Altenaria brassicae, 283 Althaea' officinalis, 623 rosea, 623, 837 Altimarans, 128 Alum Root, 500 Alumbaugh, W. E., 869 Alyssum maritimuni, 486 Sweet. 486 Alyxia, 90 buxifolia, 806 daphnoides, 807 Alway, F. J., 869 Amanita, 99, 235-243, 863 chlorinosma, 36, 241, 242 cothurnata, 241, 859 foccocephala, 241, 859 Deadly, 35, 36 Fly, 236-238, f. 236 Frostiana, 99, 238, 242, 859 magnivelaris, 859 mappa, 859 muscaria, 31, f. 32, 35, 74 99, 148, 236- 238, $59 pantherina, 237 phalloides, 31, f. 22, 35-36, 79, 99, 237, 238- 243, he 239, 859 porphyria, 241, 242 radicata, 36, 241, 242 recutita, 859 rubescens, 36, 99, 241, 242 859 solitaria, 36. 99, 242, 859 spreta, 36, 99, 241, 242, 859 strobiliformis, 36, 241, 242, 859 verna, 36, 99, vittadini, 242 airosa, 36, 99, 241, 242, 859 White, 35 Amanita-hemolysin, 35, 242 Amanitin, 10, 238 343, 869 - 241, 859 Helmninthochortes, Amianthemum Amanita- toxin, 35) 136, "242, 43 eden Family, 430-433 Spiny, 432, f. 433 AMARANTHACEAE, 423, 424, 430-433, 805 Amaranthus, 431-433 bhitoides, 431, f. 432 gangeticus, 805 graezicans, 431 hybridus, 432, 805 hypochondriacus, 107, 805 retroflexus, 107, 493. fii 433 Saneat 107, 432-433, J. pine 805 AMARYLLIDACEAF. 63, 89, 194, 375, 386-388, 805 Amaryllin, 386 Amaryllis, 386 Belladonna, 386, 805 Family, 386 Ambrosia, 757, 764-767, f. 7 artemisiaefolia, 137, 755. f. 766. 766-767 trifida, 136, 137, 755, 765- 766, f. 766 AMBROSTACEKAE, 748, 753 AMBROSIEBAE, 757 Amelanchier canadensis, 504 spicata, 504 vulgaris, 53 America, Economic plants of, 864 Medicinal plants of, 866 Poisonous plants of, 866-867 North, 866 South, 867 American, Aloe, 386 Beech. 403 Celandine, 4890 Centaury, 689 Chestnut, f. 402, 403 Columbo, 689 Elder, 747 Elm, 405, 406-408 Hellebore, White, 85, 381 Holly. 614 Nelumbo. 108 Pawpaw, 111, f. 476, 476-477 Pennyroval, 711 Savin, 102 Vetch, 570 Yew. 101, 328 muuseaetoxi- cum, 104, 376 Amianthus, 16 Amins, 73. 143, 145, 149-150 Ammania baccifera, 638, 836 Ammi Visnaga, 856 Ammonia, 72, 145 Poisoning hv, 6 Ammoniac, 650 Amomis carvophyllata, 639 Amomum maximum, 391 subulatum, 391 xanthotdes. 391 Amorphophallus, 371 viridis, 808 Ampelopsis quinauefolia, 858 Amphicarpaea monoica, 204 Amsonia Tabernaemontana, 807 Amyegdalin, 7. 54, 83, 116, 117, 144, 503, 504, 505. 506. beh ne Ce 05) Amnugdalus persica, 117 Ammnris bolsamifera, 817 Anabaena, 91. 93, 94, 184 flos-acuae, 92, 98 Hassalii, 186 macrasherma, f. 18. stagnalis, 98 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS ANACARDICEAE, 53, 122-123, 607, 614, 805-806 Anacardium occidentale, 607 Anacyclus officinarum, 814 pedunculatus, 814 Pyrethrum, 754, 814 Anagallis, 89, 676- 677 arvensis, 128, 676-677, f. 678, 844 Anagyrin, 530 Anagyris frees, 90, 530, 551, 829 Analgen, 147 Anamirta, §2 paniculata, 1 , 472, 838 Ananas sativus, 373. 811 Anastatica hierochuntica, 486 Anatomy, 863 Anchietea salutaris, 858 Anchusa officinalis, 228, 404 Ancistrocladus Vahlii, 820 Andenia lobata, 841 Anderson, Dr.. A. P., ser Anderson, F. W., 869 Andira anthelmintica, 829 araroba, 528, 829 Aubletit, 829 inermis, 829 rosea, 829 retusa, 829 spinulosa, 829 vermifuga, 829 Andrachne cordifolia, 590 Andre, G., 348 Andrews, F. M., 869 Andrews, L., 869 Andromeda, 667, 673-674, 863 calyculata, 65 Catesbaei, 65 floribunda, 127, 674 glaucophylla, 127 japonica, 65, 666 polifolia, 65, 127, 666, 673- 674, f. 674, 820 Andromedotoxin, 64, 65, 127, 666, 667, 668, 669, 803, 863 Andropogon, 339, 344-348 annulatus, 826 citratus, 344-345 halapensis, f. 344, 345, 826 Ischaemon, 276 muricatus, 345 Nardus, 345 Schoenanthus, 344 sorghum, 102, 345-348, f. 345 Androsace, 89 Anemarrhena asphodeloides, 834 Anemia oblongifolia, 824 Anemone, 109, 447, 863 altatca, 844 apenina, 844 canadensis, 455 coronaria, 844 Kuronean, f. 454 Meadow, 455 nemorosa, 4. 77, 109, 844 parviflora, 844 Pasque, f. 454. 454 patens, 76, 454 453-456, patens v. Wolfgangiana, 109, 446, 453-455. f. 454, 844 pratensis, &44 Pulsotilla, 453, 454. f. 454. 844 auinouefolia, f. 455, 455-456 ranunculotdes. 844 svlvestris, 844 Wood, 77, 109 Anemonic acid, 111, 454 Anemonin, 109, 446, 459 Anemonol, 111 Anesthetic, 803 Anethol, 648 Anethum graveolens, 648 Aneurosis, 77 Angelic acid, 593, 648, 789 Angelica, 650, 660-661 atropurpurea, 126, 660-664 Great, 660-661 Purple-stemmed, 126 Angiopteris erecta, 824 ANGIOSPERMAE, 102, 155 Ang-quac, 247 Angraecum, 90, 392 fragrans, 629, 840 Anguillaria dioica, 838 Angustura Bark, 582 False, 688 Angusturin, 582 Anhalonidin, 637 Anhalonin, 637 Anhalonium, 88, 837, 863 fissuratum, 637 Jourdanianum, 637 Lewinii, 125, 637 prismaticum, 637 Williamsti, 637 Anide, John, 869 Anilin, 72, 147 Colors, 78 Dyes, 72 Animals, action of on, 6, Anise, 474, 863 Oil, 648 Seeds, 648 Star, 474, 863 Tree, 112 Anisette, 474 Anisomeria drastica, 434, 841 Annatto, 627 Annual, Mercury, 603, f. 603 Sow Thistle, 759 Anomospermuim 838 Anona amara, 806 Cherimolia, 806 muricata, 806 balustris, 806 reticulata, 806 spinescens, 806 squamosa, 806 ANONACEAE, 111, 444, 476-477, 806 Anstie, Dr., 471 Antennaria, 757 Anthelmintic, 803 ANTHEMIDEAE, 757, 758 Anthemidin, 754 Anthemin, 789 Anthemis, 757, 758, 787-789 aetnensis, 814 altissima, 814 arvensis, 140, 788-789, 815 austriaca, 815 Blancheana, 815 chia, 815 Cota, 815 Cotula, f. 130, 140, 756, 787- 788, 815 elbuensis, 815 montana, 815 nobilis, 754, f. 788, 789, 814 Anthistiria prostrata, 826 Anthocercis, 853, 863 Anthocleista grandifiora, 836 Anthoxanthum, 90 odoratum, 826 454, poisors japurense, 446, INDEX Anthrax, 8, 177 Bacillus, f. 178 Symptomatic, 175 Anthriscus cerefolium, 856 sylvestris, 856 vulgaris, 856 Anthurium Ferrierense, 808 Anthurus, 245 Antiarin, 148, 406, 863 Antiaris, 148, 863 As Arrow poison, 1, 52 As Fish poison, 52 toxicaria, 1, 52, 85, 148, 406, f. 408, 587, 857 Antidotes, 2, 72, 73-77, 79-81, 862 Antifebrin, 78, 147 Antipyrin, 78, 147 Antirrhinum majus, 733 Antiscorbutic, 803 Antispasmodic, 803 Antitoxin, 164, 165, 863 Apeiba, 621 APETALAE, 156, 397 Aphanes Braunit, f. 208 Aphanizomenon, 93 Aphanomyces _ stellatus, /. 208 Aphanopetalum resinosum, 851 Aphrodaescin, 617 Apium graveolens, 647, 648, 856 leptophyllum, 650, 856 nodiflorum, 856 APpocyNaCEAE, 52, 99, 129-130, 147, 683, 691-695, 806- 807 Apocynein, 692 Apocynin, 129, 148, 692 Apocynum, 692-693 androsaemifolium, 129, 692- 693, 807 cannabinum, 129, 692, 693, f. 693, 807 venetum, 807 sp., 148 Apomorphin, 59, 78, 147 Apple, 504 Balsam, Wild, 751 Bark, 506 Common, 116, 512, f. 512 Crab Eastern, Wild, 512 owas cies ats Old World, 512 Wild. 512 Custard Family, 111 Mammevy, 627 126;\) 4. May, 75, 112, 469-471, f. 470 of Pern. 131, 726 Rose, 639 Star, 679, 681 Thorn. 715, 729-733 twigs, 150 Apricot, 505, 514 Hydrocyanic acid in, 88 Apthanhvta. 302 Aqueduct, Claudian, 8 AourFortackaAr, 123, 607. 614, 807 Aquilegia caerulea, 446, 844 canadensis, 446. 844 aulgaris, 53, 446, f. 447, 844 Arabin, 530 ARACEAE, 53. 89, 103, 370- 372, 808 Arachis Hypogaca, 521, }. Aragalius spicatus, 569 Aralia, 89, 808 hispida, 808 923 Japanese, 647 nudicaulis, 647, 808 racemosa, 647, 808 spinosa, 808 ARALIACEAE, 89, 125, 646-647, 808 Aralien, 647 Araliin, 647 Araroba, 528 Araucaria brasiliana, 327 excelsa, 327 Araujia sericifera, 809 Arbor toxicaria, 863 vitae, 328 Arbutin, 505, 665, 668 Arbutus, 665 Andrachne, 820 Trailing, 127, 665 Mensiesti, 665 Unedo, 665, 820 varians, 820 xalapensis, 821 Arceuthobium, 106, 415 ARCHICHLAMYDEAE, 156, 395 Arctiwn, 757, 758, f. 796, 797 Lappa, 141, 755, f. 796, 797 major, 68 minus, 756 Arctostaphylos, 629 polifolia, 821 Uva-ursi, 77, 665, 666, 821 Areca, 863 Catechu, 370, 849 Catechu v. nigra, 840 Arecaidin, 370 Arecain, 370 Arecolin, 78, 370 Arena lobata, 623 Arenaria, 89 serpyllifolia, 436, 813 Arenga pinnatus, 370 saccharifera, 840 Argania Sideroxylon, 681 Argemone, 480, 483, 863 alba, 841 intermedia, 113, 483, 841 mexicana, 88, 90, 113, 483, 841 Arginin, 548 Argyrolobinum pumilum, 829 Argyraescin, 123, 617 Aricin, 742 Arisaema, 372 curvatum, 808 Dracontium, 103, 372 tortuosum, 808 triphvllum, 103, 372, f- 372, 808 vulgare, 808 Aristida, 339, 352-353 basiramea, f. 353 : hygrometrica, 352, 354 tuberculosa, 352-353 Purple, 352, f. 253 Aristolochia, 106, 417 anguicida, 808 antihysterica, 808 argentina, 808 brasiliensis, 809 Clematitis, 106, 417, f. 478, 809 elegans, 808 European, 106, 417, f. 418 grandiflora, 417, 809 indica, 417, 809 Kaempferi, 809 longa, 809 macrophylla, 417, f. 417 mexicana, 417 pallida, 809 Pistolochia, 809 rotunda, 809 924 sempervirens, 417 Serpentaria, 417, 809 sp., 899 ARISTOLOCHIACEAE, 52, 416-417, 808-809 ARISTOLOCHIALES, 156, 416-417 Aristolochin, 417 Aristolochinin, 417 Aristotelia Macqui, 622 Armeria elongata, 842 Arnica, 89, 140, 758, 794-795 alpina, 795, 815 Chasissonis, 815 cordifolia, 140, 794-795 European, 140 mollis, 795 monocephala, 795 106, montana, 140, 755, 795, 815 nudicaulis, 815 Root, 755 Tincture of, 791 Arnicin, 755, 794 Arnold, 548 AROIDEAE, 863 Aroids, 150, 371 Arracacia, 648 xanthorrhiza, 648 Arrack, 198 Arrhenatherum 826 elatius, f. 340 Arrow Arum, 372 Poisons, Plants furnishing, 1, 2, 52-58, 386, 406, 587, 606, 640, 687, 692, 803, 863 Arrow-head, 335, f. 336 Large, 102 Arrow-root, 77, 391 West Indian, 391 Arsenic, 2 Poisoning by, 6 Statutes regarding, 6 Arsenious acid, 2 Artault, Stephen, 198 aie 756, 758, 790-794, - 79 Abrotanum, 755, 791, 815 Absinthiwm, 74, 140, 141. 755: 756, 791, 793, S15 arbuscula, 792 arenaria, 815 Barrelieri, 791 biennis, avenaceum, f. 792 cana, 791, 792 Cina, 754 Dracunculus, 756 maritima, 755, 791, 815 maritima v. Stechmanniana, 791 mexicana, 815 pontica, 755, 815 tridentata, 140, 755, 791, 792-793 trifida, 792, 815 vulgaris, 793-794, 815 Artemisin, 791 Anthritis, 169, 171 Arthur, .,). GC: 9187, 227, 230, 870 Artichoke, 656 European, 756 Jerusalem, 710, 756 Artocarpus calophylla, 857 incisa, 405 integrifolia, 405 Arum, 89, 149, 863 Arrow, 372 Dioscoridis, 808 Dracontium, 808 140, 755, 791-792, - European, f. 372 Family, 372 italicum, 371, 808 maculatum, 4, 53, 77, 371, f. 371, 808 triphyllum, 808 Arundinaria, 217 Asafoetida, 648, 650 Asahina, Y, 870 Asamin, 62 Asarin, 416, 417 Asarum albivenum, 809 arifolium, 809 canadense, f. 415, 416, 809 caudatum, 809 europaeum, 416, 809 virginicum, 809 ASCLEPIADACEAE, 53, 54, 90, 130, 683, 695, 697, 809- 810 Asclepiadin, 696 Asclepias, 695, 696-697 campestris, 130 curassavica, 695, 809 eriocarpa, 130, 696, 809 incarnata, 130, 696, 809 mexicana, 130, 696, 809 speciosa, 130, 696-697, f. 697 stellifera, 696 syriaca, 130, 697, 809 tuberosa, 130, 695, 696, 809 vestita, 696 Asclepion, 130, 697 Ascogonium, f. 27 ASCOLICHENES, 154, 307 ASCOIDEACEAE, 247 ASCOMYCETES, 12, 100, 154, 222, 224, 247-281, 307, 859 Ascospore, 12, f. 21 Asebogenin, 666 Asebotin, 666 Ash, 629 Black, 683, f. 687 Green, 683 Mountain, 115 European, 629 Prickly, 581 White, 683 Ashton, 607 Ashworth, 870 Asia, Economic plants of, 864, 865 Flora of, 865 Medicinal plants of, 866 Poisonous plants of, 867 Asimin, 477 Asminia, 476-477 triloba. 111, 476-477, f. 476, 806 Asparagin, 623 Asparagus, 375 medeoloides, 375 oficianalis, 104, 375, 834 scaber, 834 ASPERGILLACEAE, 100, 256-266 Aspergillosis, 20, 29-30, 863 Aspergillus, f. 21, 79, 199, 257- 266, f. 258, 261, f. 262, 287, 863 flavescens, 29 flavus, 100, 199, 262, 264, . 26r, 265, 595 fumigatus, 29, f. 20, 100, 199, f. 261, 262, 265. 595 glaucus, 100, f. 257, 257, 261, 287 malignum, 261 nidulans, 199, 266, f. 267 niger, 29, f. 20, 100, 199, 266, 505 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Oryzae, 261, f. 261 repens, f. 257 subfuscus, 266 sulphureus, 257 sp., 82 ; Asperugo procumbens, 811 Asperula, 90, 741 cynanchica, 848 odorata, 744, 848 Aspidin, 319 Aspidium, 101, 315 athamanticum, 824 Filix-mas, f. 309, f. 312, 315, f. 318, 319, 824 fragrans, 319 marginale, 101, 315, 319- 320, f. 320, 824 odoratum, 824 prestulatum, 824 rigidum, 824 trifoliatum, f. 312 Aspidosamin, 692 Aspidosperma, 52 quebracho blanco, 147, 692, 807 sessilifolium, 807 Aspidospermatin, 692 Aspidospermin, 147, 692 Asplenium, 315, 318-319 Filix-foenvina, 318-319 Asprella hystrix, 276 Astelia Banksti, 834 Aster, 757, 776 Chinese, 756 laevis, 776 multiforus, 776 New England, 776 novae-angliae, 776 Parry’s, 776 Parryi, 138, 776 White, Small, 776 Woody, 138, 776 ASTEREAE, 757 Asterionella, 188 Asthenia, 177 Asthenics, 803 Poisoning by, 75 Symptoms, 75 Treatment, 75 Astier, 573 Astilbe japonica, 500 Astragalus, 119, 531, 534, 535, 562-567, 863 arigonicus, 567 baeticus, 527, 829 Bigelovii, 564, 567, 829 caryocarpus, 558, 562, f. 563 Coffee, 527 Crotalaria, 564 diphysus, 567 exscapus, 829 galegiformis, 829 garbancillo, 829 glycyphyllos, 829 gummifer, 530 hamosus, 829 Hornii, 119, 564, 829 Lamberti, 566 lentiginosus, 564, 829 maxtnus, 829 mollissimus, f. 30, 119, 534, 544, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 829 Mortoni, 829 ochroleucus, 829 oocarpus, 564, 829 Pattersoni, 564, 829 Thurberi, 567 Astringent, 803 Atamasco Lily, 105, 387-388, f. 388 Athamantin, 648 Athanasia amara, 815 Athyrocarpus persicariaefol- ium, 814 Atisin, 148, 450 Group, 450 Atkinson, G. F., 96, 234, 237, 238, 240, 803, 870 Atkinson, V. T., 870 Atractylin, 83 Atractylis, 863 gummifera, 83 Atriplex, 426 canescens, f. 425 halimus, 107, 813 hortensis, 107, 424, 813 laciniata, 107, 813 Nuttallii, 107, 813 rosea, 813 tatarica, 813 vestcaria, 813 Atriplicismus, 107, 426 Atropa, 863 Belladonna, 4, 60, 133, 148, LO LAA fee 7LOs ers Atropamin, 715 Atropin, 3, 60, 61, 82, 148, 149, 238, 584, 715, 715, 726; 728; 730) 731, (732; 863 Poisoning by, 61, 77, 78 Treatment for poisoning, 79 Attalus Philometer, 2 Attar of Rose, 699 Auclair, J., 870 Aucuba japonica, 664, 817 Aucubin, 664 Auld, S. J. M., 881 Aurand, S. H., 870 Aurantia, 78 Aurantiamaric acid, 583 Auricularia, f. 202 Australia, Economic of, 864 Flora of, 865 Poisonous plants of, 867 Australian, Gastrolobiums, 533 Indigo, 534 Salt-bush, 107, 425 Wattles, 523 Austria, Poisonous plants >f, 867 Austrian, Pine, 329 Turpentine, 329 AUTOBASIDOMYCETES, 220, 233-247 Auto-intoxication, 10, 863 Auto-poisoning, 73 Avena, 339, 358-359 fatua, 102, 215, f. 358, 359, 826 sativa, 102, 215, 359, f. 360 Avery, S., 96, 348, 870, 904 Avocado, 478 Oil of, 478 Awned Brome Grass, 359-369, f. 361 Axwort, f. 523 Azalea, 666, 667 California. f. 668, 668-669 javanica, 666 Azolla, 315 Azorella glebaria, 856 Babcock, H. H., 393 Baccharin, 755 Baccharis cordifolia, 138, 755, 815 halimifolia, 138 plants INDEX Bachelor’s Button, 756 CEE ARE 153, 188- Bacillus, 171, 863 aceticus, 163 acidi-lactici, 250 alvei, 174 amylovorus, 163 anthracis, 97, f. 160, 775, 863 anthracis v. symptomatici, 175 botulinus, f~. 174, 174, 859 cloaceae, f. 164 coli, 172 diptheriae, 97 enteridis, 172-173 * larvae, 175 murisepticus, 176 oedematis, 175, 863 oedematis v. maligni, f. 175 piscidus agilis, 172, 859 prodigiosus, 163 psitticosis, 176 Sorghi, f. 164 subtilis, f. 160 suipester, 171-172, 863 tetani, 174, f. 174, 863 typhi, f. 161 typhosis, 173, f. 173 virgula, 863 Bacomyces roseus, f. 308 Bacon, Alice E., 870 Bacon, C. W., 870 Bacon, R. F., 52, 62, 870, 871 Bacteremia, 170, 173, 176 Bacteria, 10-11, 97, 160, fF. 161, 161-163, 775, 859 Biology of, 161-163 Nitrifying, 163, f. 163 Poisonous properties, 10, 163-165 Saprophytic, 10, 97 Soil, 163 BACTERIACEAE, 165, 171-182 Bacterial poisons, 864 Classified, 10, 11 Bacteriolysin. 165, 177, 182 Bacterium, 864 anthracis, 177-179, f. 178, f. 179 astheniae, 177 avium, 177 bovisepticum, 177 cancrosi, 176 cholerae, 177 coli commune, 172 diphtheriae, 179, 864 leprae, 180 mallet, 180 necrophorus, 179 pestis, 181 pneumoniae, 176 sanguinarium, 177 suicida, 177 tuberculosis, 180, f. 180, 864 Baeckea frutescens, 839 Bailey, F. M., 871 Bailey, W. W., 871 Baillon, H., 871 Balanites, 89 aegyptiaca, 853 Roxburghii, 853 BALANOPHORACEAL, 416 Balanops, 399 BALANOPSIDACEAE, 399 BALANOPSIDALES, 156, 399 Balfour, A., 346 Baliospermum axillare, 822 Ball, C. R., 345, 871, 903 Ballardini, 871 Balloon Vine, 604 Balm, Sweet, 710 Balm-of-Gilead, 397, f. 300 Balmony, 134 Balsam, Apple, 751 Calaba, 627 Family, 618-619 of Copaiba, 78, 529, f. 530 of Tolu, 528 BALSAMINACEAE, 123, 607, 618- 620, 811 Bamboo, 338 Banana, 391, f. 30r Baneberry, 467-468, 864 Red, 108, 467-468 White, 108 Bang, B., 871 Banyan Tree, 405-406 Baptisia, 118, 530, 533, 534, 535, 539-542 alba, 90 australis, 90, 540 bracteata, 117, f. 542 leucantha, 90, 117, 541, f. 540, 541- 541 perfoliata, 90 tinctoria, 90, 540-541, 829 versicolor, 90 Baptisin, 533, 540 Baptitoxin, 530 Barbarea vulgaris, 818 Barbatorin, 375 Barberry, 468, f. 460 Family, 112, 469-472 Barbieria maynensis, 829 polyphylla, 829 Barbosa, R. J., 871 Bare, C) 40871 Barger, Geo., 278, 871 Barilla, 424 Barium, 864 in Loco Weeds, 40, 566, 567 Bark, Acacia, 533 Angostura, 582 Calisaya, 741, 742 Canella, 627 Cascarilla, 588 Cherry, Wild, 518 Cinchona, 78, 87, 145, 146, 741, 742 Clove, 478 Cotton Root, 624-626 Cuprea, 742 Dita, 691-692 Dogwood, 664 Funifera, 642 Hemlock, 327 Logwood, 528 Maple, 615 Mulberry, Paper, 406 Oak, 403 Paper, 642 Pereira, 147 Peruvian, 144, 741, 742 Quillaja, 78 St. Ignatius, 688 Simaruba, 583 Soap, 505 Walnut, 401 Barker, 248, 871 Barleria cristata, 692 lupulina, 692 Prionitis, 698 Barley, 366-367 2-rowed, 366 4-rowed, 366 Little, 367, f. 368 Smut, 98, 217 eae f. 67, 103, 338, f. 926 Yellow leaf disease of, 281, f. 281, 282 Barosma crenulata, 583 Barrett, J. T., 100, 288 Barringtonia, 2, 52, 89, 638, 647 acutangula, 839 alba, 839 Butonica, 839 Careya, 839 insignis, 839 intermedia, 839 neo-caledonia, 839 racemosa, 839 Barringtonin, 647 Barrows. W. B., 871 Barth, Hermann, 871 Barthelat, C. J.. 198, 871 Barthelemy. 290 Bartholow, Dr. R., 453 Barton, W. C., 65, 871 Bartuch, F., 887 Barry, A. de, 257, 874, 880, 910 Basanacantha, 89, 90 tetracantha, 848 BASELLACEAE, 424 Basidiobolus ranariim, 204 Rasideal lichens. 307 BASIDIO-LICHENES, 307 BASIDIOMYCETES. 98. 154, 209-247, 307, 859 Rasidiophora entospora, f. 205 Basil, 771 Sweet, 709 Basiner, 459 Bassia, 89 butyvracea, 680, 681, 851 latifolia, 851 longifolia, 851 Mottleyana, 851 Bassorin, 623 Basswood, 621 Bastard, Cardamon, 391 Toadflax, 416 Bastin, E. S., 871 Batchelor, J., 871 Bauberlein, 715 Bauhin, C., 275 Bauhinia, 1, 52 coccinea, 829 guianensis, 829 vartegata, 829 Baum, 300 Baume, M., 871 Baumgarten, P., 871, 872 Bay, 478 Bayberry. 639 Wax, 399 Raycurn, 675 Bay rum, 399, 639 Bazin, 297, 602 Beal Fruit, 582 Beal, W. J., 213, 359, 872 Bean, 574, 864 Adzuki, 520, 526 Broad, f. 522, 523 Burma, 574 Calabar, 72, 85, 148, 528, 864 Cape, 574 Castor, 75 Coffee, f. 116, 117 Common, 520, 574 Coral, 117, 542, 543 Tava, 574 Kentucky Coffee, 116, 117 Kidney. Three-lobed, 520 Lima, 75, 87, 119, 520, 574 Lyon, 520 Mescal, 88, 125 637 Moth, 526 Ordeal, 528 Sacred, 444 St. Ignatius’s, 74, 145 Seeds, 867 Scarlet Runner, 119, 527, 574 Sieva, 574 Soja, f. 520 Soy, 520, 548 String, 520 Sword, 521 Tonka, 523, 552, 868 Tree, 533 Wax, 520 White Indian, 574 Yam, 521 Bearberry, 665 Beard Grass, 344-348 Beard-tongue, 733 Becker, T. C., 872 Bedstraw, 771 Sweet-scented, 744 Bee Plant, Rocky Mountain, 496, f. 406 Beech, 864 American, 403 European, 403 Family, 105 Nut, 105 Beefsteak, Vegetable. 234 Beer, Bitter flavor of, 406 Spruce, 328 Beet, Common, 424 Sugar, 107, 424-427, 868 Beggar’s Lice, 707 Beggar-ticks, 779-781 Black, 139 Small, 139 Beggar-weed, 525 Beggiatoa, 91 alba, f. 166 BEGGIATOACEAE, 166 Begonia, 89, 150, 627 gracilis, 810 BEGONIACEAE, 89, 627, 810 Behr, H. M., 872 Behrend, 300 Pehring, 534, 594 Belladonna, 6, 72. 77, 148, 560, 718, 727, 731 732 Source of drug, 87, 715 Statutes regarding, 6 Beilstein, F., 872 Belamcanda chinensis, 105 punctata, 827 Belgium, Poisonous plants of, 867 Belladonna, 864 Belladonnin, 386, 715 Bellis perennis, 756 Bengal Cardamon, 391 Benidiciente, A., 872 Bennett, A. A., 143 Bennett, A. W., 872 Bennett, Hughes, 295 Bennett J, T., 662 BENNETTIALES, 326 Bentham, Geo., 872 Bentley, R., 872, 913 Bentley, W. H., 872 3Zenzaldehyde, 517 Benzene, 145 Benzoic acid, 144, 683 aldehyde, 505 Benzoin, 682 aestivalis, 477 Siam. 683 Benzoylecgonin, 575 Berbamin, 472 BERBERIDACEAF, 53, 63, 89, 112, 444, 469-472, 810 Berberin, 88. 90, 108, 112. 146, 468, 470, 472, 473, 478, 483, 803 520, MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Berberis, 89, 864 Aquifolium, 472, 810 aristata, 469, 810 repens, 112, 472 vulgaris, 469, f. 469, 810 Berchemia scandens, 620 Berdan, T., 872 Berensprung, 301 Beresem, 525 Berg, 302, 303, 872 Bergamot, 583 Oil of, 86, 583 Berge, Fr., 862, 847, 872 Beringer, G. M., 872 Berlmann, M., 872. 908 Berlese, A. N., 206 Bernegau, Ludwig, 85 Bernhard, H., 872 Bernon, 872 Berry, Indian, 1, 149 Fish, 1 Oso, 115 Poison, 123 Berryer, G., 895 Bersama, 89, 838 Berthelot, 348 Berthollet, 3 Bertholletia excelsa, 638 nobilis, 638 Bertrand, G., 872 Bertuch, F., 872 Berula, 76 erecta, 650. f. 650 Besley, F. W., 872 Bessey, C. E., 96, 357, 415, 544, 593, 724, 872 Besta, C., 265, 595. 872, 876 Beta vulgaris, 107, 424 Betain, 150 Betel Nut, 87, 396 Palm, 370 Pepper, 396 Betula alba, 404 alba v. papyrifera, 404 lenta, 404, 810 lutea, 404, f. 405, 810 nigra, 404 BETULACEAE, 810 Beyeria viscosa, 822 Beyrichia scutellarioides, 852 Bezoars, 68, 359 Bhang, 411 Bibliography on poisonous plants, 863-918 uh, Bidens, 757, 779-783 bipinnata, 780-781 discoidea, 780 frondosa, 67, f. 68, 139, f 780, 781 Biennial Wormwood, 702 Bigelovia, 757 Bigelow, Dr. J., 601, 665, 671, 873 Bignonia, 52 capreolata, 135, 739, 810 Family, 134-135, 738-739 venusta, 739 BIGNONIACEAE, 52, 53, 134- 135, 698. 738-739, 810 Bikhaconitin, 450 Billardiera longiflora, 842 Bindweed, 701 Black, 421 European, 702 Hedge, 701-702, f. 702 Birch, 404 Black, 404 Cherry, 404 Paper, 404 469, 471-472, 112, 472, . fe 638. f. 140, /. 602, . Tar, 404 White, 404 Witches Broom on, 253 Yellow, 404, f. 405 Bird-foot Violet, 631 Birthwort, 385 Bispham, W. N., 595, 873 Bissell, C. H., 873 Bitter Almond, 88 Essence, 505 Oil, 315 Pulp, 517 Seeds, 505 Boletus, 234 Cassava, 503, 587 Orange, 582 Bitternut, 402 Bitter-root, 423 Bitter-sick Tree, 628 Bittersweet, 60, 132, 614-615, fs 615, 9715, 718-719) 07, 79 Climbing, 123 Family, 123 Bitter-weed, 766 Yellow-flowered, 539 Bitting, A. W., 260, 290, 343, 769, 772, 873 Bixa Orellana, 627 BIxacEaE, 52, 53, 627, 810 Bjerregard, A. P., 873, 888 Black, O. F., 869, 873 Black, Ash, f. 682, 683 Beggar-ticks, 139 Birch, 404 Snakeroot, 692 Bully Tree, 680 Bottle Grass, 280 Byrony, 149 Currant, 498 Drink, 614 Elder, 746 Fir, 327 Hellebore, 446, f. 448, 449 Henbane, 133, 726-727, |. 727 Beene a ree 64, f. » » 527, f. 550, 560 Medick, 553 ‘ pci Meda 195-200, f. 1096, Mustard, 77, 486, 488, f. 490 409, Nightshade, 60, 61, 74, 131, fa 32s 719-721 ies HES 771 Oats, 66 Pepper, 77, 87, 396, f. 306 Raspberry, 505, 508 Scours, 533 Snakeroot, 121, f. 585, 585- 586 Tea, 628 Tongue, 864 alnut, f. 400, 401 Blackberry, 507 High-bush, 508, f. 508 Lily, 105 Black-cap Raspberry, 508 Black-leg, 175 Blackman, V. H., 222 Black-purple Vetch, 526 Black-spot of Grasses, 280 Black-stem Rust, 227 Bladder Fern, 101, 319-320 Nut, 604 Bladderwrack, f. 192, 193, 194 Bladderwort, 698 Blakeslee, A. F., 195 Blanchard, R., 354, 873 Blanche, Dr. G. W., 380 Blankinship, J. W., 873 INDEX Blastomycosis, 100, f. 304, 864 Blazing Star, 104, 773 Blechnum exaltata, f. 312 occidentale, f. 312 Bleeding Heart, 480 Blennorrhea, 170 Blighia, 89 sapida, 607, 850 Blight, Fire, 163 Sorghum, 163, f. 764 Stem, 267, f. 268 Blite, Strawberry, 424 Bloat, 68, 107, 118, 419, 424 Symptoms of, 554-556 Block, B., 873 Block, 873 Blodgett, F. H., 873 Blood-berry, 434 Bloodroot, 113, 479, 480, 483- 484, f. 484 Bloodwort, 385 Blue, Cohosh, 112, 446, 469, 485 Flag, f. 388 Carolina, 389 Exotic, 389 Large, 105 Grape, Wild, 620 Grass, 1275) 27052720976. 277, 338, f. 339 Indigo, 524 Larkspur, 460, 466 Lettuce, 761-762 Lobelia, 136 Lupine, 118 Mould, 82, f. 255, 256-257 Passion Flower, 633 Spiderwort, 373 Vervain, 708 Violet, 125 Bluebell Family, 136 Blueberry, 665 Dwarf, 665 Mountain, 665 Tall, 665 Blue-bottle, 802 Blue-flowered Water Lily, 445 Blue-Green Algae, 91, 97, 169 185, 187 Blueweed, 707 Blumenbachia, 633 grandiflora, 633 Blyth, A. W., 2, 4, 6, 54, 55, 39, 60; 61; 62) 63. 72) 85, 147, 149, 450, 480, 551, 588, 607, 649, 651, 689, 727, 873 Blyth, M. W., 873 Bocconia, 485 cordata, 841 frutescens, 841 Bodin, E., 15, 265, 873, 884 Boeck, H. von, 4, 873 Boehm, 873- Boehmer, G. R., 873 Boehmeria, 409 nivea, 406 Boeninger, T. K., 873 Boerhaavia erecta, 839 hirsuta, 839 repens, 839 Bohm, R., 4, 653, 873 Bog, Rosemary, 127 Bog-bean, See Buck bean Boils, 171 Boleria, 135 Boletus, 234-235 alveolatus, 861 edulis, 234 felleus, 99, 234, 861 Frostti, 861 luridus, 234, 235, 237, 861 303-305, ’ 927 satanas, 235, 861 scaber, 234 Bitter, 234 Bolley, H. L., 227 BoMBACEAE, 621 Bond, A. R., 873 Bone Oil, 145 Boneset, 755, f.| 763, f. 770, 770-772 Oil of, 770 Bonnaya veronicaefolia, 352 Boole, I. E., 873 Boorsnis, 392 Boot Jack, f. 68, f. 786 Borage, 68, 704 Family, 131, 227, 704-707 Plants, 864 BoraGInaceak, 131, 707, 811, 864 Borago officinalis, 704, 811 Borassus flabellifer, 840 Borna’s disease, 26 Borneol, 417, 709, 710 Borreria, 90 Boscia urens, 812 Boses) | Gy Wea S7n S82 Boston Ivy, 620 Botrychium Lunaria, 313 virginianum, 313, 692 Bothriospora corymbosa, 848 Botrypiaceaz, 191 Botryodiplodia, 286 Botrydium granulatum, f. 92. 191 je ron Botrytis, 297 Bottle Grass, Black spot on, 280 Botulism 111, 77, 174, 772, Botulismus { 864 Bouchard, C., 873 Bouley, 290 t 77, 102, 698, 704- Bouncing Bet f aaeoal Bouncing Betty 442) f. 442 Bourdier, L., 874 Bourgoing, E., 874 Bourlier, 572, 573 Bourquelot, Em., 874, 879 Bourreria havanensis, 811 Boussingaultia baselloides, 424 Boutet, 874 Boutmy, E., 874 Boutron, L,, 505 Bovista plumbea, f. 246 Bowbill, 874 Bowdichta, 52 virgilioides, 829 Bower, F. O., 874 Box, 122, 604, f. 606 Elder, 615, 629 Poison, 533 Boxwood, 864 Brabejun, 844 Brachysema undulatum, 829 Bracket Fungus, f. 233, 234 Bragantia tomentosa, 809 Brain, Poisons acting on, 73 Braithwaite, P. F., 874 Brake, Common, 100-101, SiUse 315, 317-318, f. 377 Branch, Ivy, f. 672 Brandt, J. F., 4, 5, 874, 907 Brassica, 486-490 alba, 77, 486, 818 arvensis, 488, f. 480, 818 Besseriana, 490 campestris, 486 juncea, 490 Napus v. dichotoma, 490 nigra, 77, 486, 488, f. 489, 818 oleracea, 486 747, 928 Pe-Tsai, 486 Rapa, 490 Brayera anthelmintica, f. 506, 595, 847 Brazil Nut, 638, f. 638 Poisonous plants of, 867 Brazilian Ipecac, 631 Magonia, 64, 607 Stinging Nut, 596 Breadfruit, 405 Breadnut Tree, 405 Bready, G. W., 630 Brebeck, C., 320, 874, 883 Bredeman, G., 874 Breeder’s Gazette, 561 Brefeld, O., 213, 256 Bremia Lactucaec, 205 Bretin, 874, 882, 914 Bridelia ovata, 53 retusa, 822 Brewer, W. H., 564 Brier, Green, 104 Brigham, Johnson, 863 Brimball, 25 Bristle Fern, 313 Bristly Foxtail, /. 339 Britton, N. L., 874 Briza, 90, 826 Broad Bean, f. 522, 523 Brodie, D. A., 874 Brodie, E. C., 874 Broken-back, 575 Brome Grass, 66 Awned, 359-360, f. 36r Bromelia, 89 Pinguin, 373, 811 BROMELIACEAE, 89, 372, 811 Bromelin, 373 Bromin, 72 Bromus, 226, 340, 359-360 catharticus, 826 mollis, 826 secalinus, 826 Septoria on, 286 , tectorum, 66, 359-360, f. Bronchitis, 170, 171 Membranous, 263 Purulent, 176 Bronchomycosis, 264 Deis lel dilate inea 262 Brooke, J., Broom, a Common, 147 Corn, 345, 864 Rape, 698 Scotch, 118, 551 Broom-weed, 621 Brosimum Alicastrum, 405 3rouard, F., 874 Brown, A., 874 Brown, Crum, 146 Brown, E. L., 874 Brown, Dr. J .J., 662 3rown, S. A., 874 Brown Mustard, 490 Brucea sumatrana, 853 Brucin, 145, 146, 147, 686 Brunfelsia Hopeana, 715, 853 latifolia, 715 Brunnich, J. C., 54, 874 grunton, T. L., 518 jrussels Sprouts, 486 Bryonia alba, 751, 818 dioica, 135, 751, f. 799, 818 Bryoniciv, 751 3ryonin, 751 Bryony, f. 7 Black, 149 BRYOPHY'TA, 155, Bryophytes. 310 Bryum, 310 Bubonic Plague, 181 505, 308, 312 MANUAL OF Buchanan, R. E., 24, 248, 720, 859, 874 Buchanania, 805 Buchner, H., 250, 302, 875 Buchner, M., 875 Buchu, 87, 583 3uckbean, 129, 690-691, f. bot Buckeye, 123, 616-617 California, 123, 617-618 Family, 123, 616-618 Ohio, 123, 617; f. 679 Red, 123, 617, f. 610 Buckley, J. S., 25, 263, 265, 875 Buckley, S. S., 875 Buckthorn, 123, 124, 229, 620 Family, 620-621 Sea, f. 640, 641 Southern, 679 Buckwheat, 12, 78, 106, 419- 420, 421 Family, 418-423 Flour, poisonous, 419 Budd, Charles, 875 Buddleia, 52, 89 brasiliensis, 836 curviflora, 836 globosa, 836 Lindleyana, 836 madagascartensis, 836 polystachya, 836 variabilis, 836 verticillata, 836 Buechner, J. G., 875 Buffalo Berry, f. 630, 641 Bur, 718, f. 722, 722-724 Bugloss, Bristles of, f. 77 Viper’s, 131 Bulb-bearing Hemlock, 126 Bulbine bulbosa, 376, 834 semibarbata, 834 Bulbocin, 237 Bulbous Crowfoot, 110, 459 Water Hemlock. f. 658, 659 Bull Nettle, 72, 122, 596, 724- 725 Thistie, 141, 798, f. 800 Bulliard Pierre, 3, 803, 862, 875 Bully ‘Tree, Black, 679 Bumelia lanuginosa, 679 lycioides, 679 Bunch flower, 103, 379 Common, 379-380, f. 380 Bunt, 219 Stinking ' 2 9) 9? Wheat if a edaee Buphane nd 386, 805 Bur, Clover, 552 Cucumber, 135 Marigold, 779 Oak, 403 jur-reed, 332, f. 334 Burckhardt, 298 Burdock, 67, f. 68, 141, 756 Root, 755 Source of drug, 87 Jureau, va 875 Burgess, Pe Vay Jurgundy Pitch, 308 Burke, R. W., 875 Surlew, J. M., 875 Sjurma, Bean, 574 3URMANNIACEAE, 811 Burnet, 116 Burning Bush, 123 SUPT eb ey U0; neoor ez 5 Bursera simaruba, 575 3URSERACEAE, 575, 811 guschke, 304 Busey, S$. C., 875 POISONOUS) PLANTS Bush, Burning, 123 Calico, 669 Caustic, 696 Honeysuckle, 135 Busse, Otto, 249, 304 Bussey, B., 486 Butler, Tait, 292 Butter, Vegetable, 681 Butter-and-Eggs, 134, 735, #. Yellow, 78 Buttercup, 77 Creeping, 110 Crowfoot, 457 Family, 89 Fall, 110, f. 450 Tufted, 110 Butterfly Weed, 695 Butternut, 401 Butterprint, 124 Butter-tree, 680 Butterwort, 698 Butter-yellow, 78 Button, Bachelors,’ 756 Bush, 744 Snakeroot, 648, 692, 755 Butyrospyrum Parkii, "680 BuxackagE, 122, 604, 811 Buxus balearica, 65, 811 sempervirens, 122, 604, fF. 606, 811 Byron, J. M., 875 Byrsonima amazonica, 873 crassifolia, 837 spicata, 837 Cc Cabbage, 486 Chinese, 486 Skunk, 371 Cacalia tuberosa, 417 Cacao, 621, 624 Tree, f. 623 CACTACEAR, 125, 634-637, 811, 864 Cacti Spines cause phytobe- zoars, 68 a Cactin, 637 Cactus, 125, 637 Family, 634-637 Giant, 635 Night: -blooming, 730 Old Man, 635 Cadaba indica, 812 Cadaverin, 10, 149, 172 eat 648 Caels, T. B.; 875 ie te: ’89 Bonducella, 829 coriaria, 533, 829 pulcherrima, 829 Caeoma, 221 Caffeidin, 628, 742 Caffein, 144, 146, 606, 614, 628, 742 Cahn, \A., 875 Cainito, 679 Caisimon, 396 Cajanus indicus, 521 Cajaput, 639 Cajaputol, 639 Cajotillo, 124 Calaba Balsam, 627 Calabar Bean, 72, 85, 148, 528, 864 Calabarin, 148, 528, 531 bametiihoy 14 ies canadensis, 102, Caladium bicolor, 808 Calamander Wood, 681 Calamus, 105, 389 Calandrina, 864 Calceolaria, 733 crenatifiora, 733 scabiosaefolia, 852 Calcitripin, 464 Calculi, Renal, 107, 424-425 Calendula officinalis, 756 Calendulin, 756 Calicium, f. 308 Callicema serratifolia, 851 Calico Bush, 669 California Azalea, 668-669, f. 668 Buckeye, 123, 617-618 Economic Plants of, 864 Flora of, 865 Hellebore, 103, 104, 381 Laurel, 112, 478 Lily, 3 Medicinal Plants of, 866 Poison Ivy, 123, 609-613, f. 09 Poisonous Plants of, 866 Poppy, 479, f. 480 Rhododendron, 127, 667 Walnut, 401 Calla palustris, 371 Calliandra, 89 Houstoni, 829 Callicarpa americana, 13}, 708, 857 cana, 857 longifolia, 857 tomentosa, 857 Callirhoe involucrata, 624 triangulata, 624 Callistephus hortensis, 756 Callitris, 819 quadrivalvis, 328 Callsen, Jacob, 875 Calochortus, 375 Calluna, 666 vulgaris, 665 Callunatannic acid, 666 Calomel, 78 Sweet, 371 Vegetable, 371 Cahophyllum, 627 Calaba, 827 Inophyllum, 827 montanum, 827 Calotropts gigantea, 809 procera, 65, 695. 809 Caltha, 447, 448-449 arctica, 845 palustris, 4. 75, 381, 448- 449, 845 Caltrop, 120 CALYCANTHACEAE, 112, 444, 445. 475-476, 811 Calycanthin, 112, 476 Cal&canthus, 475 Horidus, 112, 475, 476, f. f glaucus, 811 sp, 112 Calyptospora Goeppertiana, 299 Camas. 377-379, 864 Death, 103, 375, f. 376, 377- 378, 466 Poison, 378 Swamp, 103 Cambier, Jacob, 875 Camelina, 486, 493 sativa, 493, f. 404 Camellia, 89, 629 Hongkongensis, 629 Japonica, 855 sasanqua, 855 Cameraria latifolia, 807 Caminhoa, J. M., 875 CAMPANULACEAE, 52, 136, 811- Q19 ols INDEX CAMPANULATAE, 158, 748-802 Campbell, H. P., 875 Campbell, J. R., 379 Camphor, 72, 77, 87, 477, 864 Camphorin, 478 Campion, 439 Bladder, 437 Starry, 437 Camptosema, 52 pinnatum, 829 Canada Moonseed, 112 Pitch, 327 798, f. 799 Thistle, 141, Violet, 631 Canadian Cocklebur, 763 Canadin, 468 Canaigre, 418 Canarium commune, 811 sp., 811 Canavalia ensiforme, 521 obtusifolia, 521, 829 Candlenut Tree. 587 CANDOLLACEAE, 748 Candolle, A. de, 275g Candytuft, 486 Cane, Frosted, 346 Canella alba, 627, 812 Bark, 627 CANELLACEAE, 627, 812 Canna edulis, 391 flaccida, 391, f. 3917 indica, 391 Cannabin, 106, 411 Cannabin hybrid, 411 Cannabinol, 411 Cannabis, 72, 410, 864 indica, 411, 445, 637 sativa, 74, 106, 410-411, f. 410, 857 CANNACEAER, 391 Canoe Gum, 405 Cantharellus aurantiacus, 859 Cantharides, 2, 6, 7 Cantharidin, 72 Contua, 89 buxtfolia, 843 pyrifolia, 843 Caoutchouc, 588 Cape Bean, 574 Gooseberry, 715 Jasmine, 742 Myrtle, 637 Saffron, f. 387 Caper, 495 Family, 111, 495-497 Spurge, 121, f. 590, 602 Capillitium, 160 CAPPARIDACEAK, 52, 114, 479, 486, 495-497, 812 Capparis Cynophallophora. 812 ferruginea, 812 globifera. 812 odoratissima, 812 spinosa, 495 Capraria biflora, 629, 852 CAPRIFOLIACEAE, 53, 135, 741, 744-748, 812-813 Capsacutin, 726 Capsaicin, 726 Capsella, 487, 493, 864 Bursa-pastoris, f. 492, 493. 818 Capiscum, 717, 725-726 annuum, 77, 395, 714, 725- 726, f. 725, 853 frutescens, 714, 725, 853 minimun, 853 Caragana, 527, 534 Caraipa fasciculata, 855 929 Carapa, Oil of, 575 procera, 575 Caraven-Cachin, A, 602 Caraway, Oil of, 648 Source of drug, 87 Carbolic acid, 6, 77, 78, 79 Carbolism, 78 Carbon disulphid, 72 in alkaloids, 143 monoxid, 72, 728 Carbonic acid, Poisoning by, 77 Card, F. W., 875 Cardamine amara, 818 pratensis, 818 Cardamon, Bastard, 391 Bengal, 391 Java, 391 Malabar, 391 Round, 391 Cardiac Poisons, 73, 74-75, 148, 692, 803, 864 Herpoisenous to insects, Stimulant, 637 Cardinal-flower, 136 Cardiospermum Halicacabusn, 606, 850 Cardol, 78, 395, 608 Cardoon, 756 Cardopatium corymbosum, 81 Carduus Flodmannii, 801 natans, 65 Careya, 89 Carex, 368, 369 arenaria, 360, f. 369 hirta, f. 369 Carica, 89 Papaya, 627, 841 quercifolia, 627, 841 spinosa, 841 y CARICACEAE, 627 Caricin, 627 Carissa ovata, 807 Xylopicron, 807 Carleton, M. A., 227, 230 Carlina acaulis, 815 Carnation, 436 Carniolica, 148 Carob Tree, hseOn bag Caroba, 134, 739 Carobin, 134 Carolina Blue-flag, 389 Jasmine, 147 Larkspur, 108, f. 46r Moonseed, 472 Carougeau, M., 875 Carpa moluccensis, 837 Carpain, 627 Carpenter, C. R., 875 Carn.) He 78 ai8au Carrageen, 194 Carrion Flower, 64 Carrot. f. 68, 127, 647, 663 Family, 647-664 Wild, 663-664 Carruthers, Wm., 875, 876 Carter, Marion H., 876 Carthamus tinctorius, 756 Cartwright, C. B., 876 Carum capense, 856 Carvi, 648 Copticum, 856 Petroselinum, Carvacrol, 709 Carver, Geo. W., 272 Carvol, 648, 709 Carya cordiformis, 402 glabra, 402 illinotensis, 401 laciniata, 401 648, 856 930 ovata, 401 tomentosa, 402 Caryocar, 52, 89 glabrum, 855 CARYOCARACEAE, 627 CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 63, 89, 107- 108, 423, 424, 435-444, 813 Caryophyllin, 639 Casali, 869, 876 Cascara, 864 sagrada, 620 Cascarilla, 588 Cascarillin, 588 Cascinium fenestratum, 473 Cashew, 607-608, 864 Family, 607-614 Nut, 608 Oil, 608 Casimiroa edulsi, 849 Casearia esculenta, 627 graveolens, 850 guineensis, 850 tomentosa, 850 Cassava, 87, 587, 864 Bitter, 503, 587 Bread, 587 Meal, 587 Sweet, 54, 587 Cassia, 477, 528, 535-536 acutifolia, 528, 536, 829 alata, 829 angustifolia, 528, 536, 829 Chamaechrista, 117, 529, 536, f. 536 didymobotrya, 829 Fistula, 529, f. 532 hirsuta, 829 hispidula, 534, 536, 829 kituiensis, 829 laevigata, 829 marilandica, 117, 535, 536, f. 537, 829 occidentalis, 523, 829 Oil of, 86, 523 Pomade, 523 Purging, 529, f. 532 Sophera, 830 stipulacea, 830 Sturtiti, 830 Castalia odorata, 445 tuberosa, 445 Castanea americana, f. 402, 403 dentata, 105, 403 japonica, 403 sativa, 403 Castanopsis Tungurrut, 824 Castanospermium australe, Soe Doo wosO Castilleia canescens, 852 coccinea, 734 €atabrosa, 90, 826 Castilloa elastica, 405, f. 406 Castor Oil, 594, 595, 864 Bean, 55, 56, 594-595 Plant, f: 56, 121, 594-595, f. 505 Seed, 149, 594 CASUARINACEAE, 395 Casuarina equisetifolia, 395 Cat-tail, Common, 102, 332. f. 334 Catalogue of Poisonous Plants, 803-861 Catalpa, 739, 864 bignonioides, 134, 739 Common, 134, f. 740 Hardy, 134, f. 740 speciosa, 134, 739, f. 740 Catalpin, 739 Catarrh, 170 Gastro-intestinal, 20, 279 Catasetum, 392, 840 Catch-fly, 436, 437 Nightlowering, f. 437, 438- 43 439 Sleepy, 108, 438, f. 438 Catechin, 533 Catechol, 530 Catechu, 529 Catechutannic acid, 530 Catesby, 470 Catgut, 558 Catha edulis, 501, 614, 813 Cathartic, 803 Cathartic acid, 408, 528 Cathin, 614 Catnip, 710 Cattell, H. W., 6, 876 Caucalis daucoides, 856 Cauliflower, 486 Caulophyllum, 89 thalictroides, 63, 484, 810 Caustic Bush, 696 Cavantou, 3 Cavara, F., 285 Cayaponia ficifolia, 818 Cayenne Pepper, 77, 87, 133, 714, f. 725, 725-726 Ceanothus, 124 americanus, 124, 621, 629, 846 azureus, 124, 846 caeruleus, 846 integerrimus, 847 ovatus, 124, 621, 847 thyrsiflorus, 124, 847 velutinus, 124, 847 Cecropia, 405 Cedar, Oil of, 330 Platte, 330, 331 Red, 101, 102, 330-331, 7. 331 332 West Indian, 575 White, 327, "328 Cedren, 101 Cedren- -camphor, 101 Cedrene, 332 Cedrela "odorata, 575 Cedrol, 332 Cedron, 583 Ceir, 370 Celandine, 113, 479, 485 American, 480 Common, f. 485 CELASTRACEAE, 53, 123, 607, 614-615, 813 Celastrin, 614 Celastrus, 614-615, 864 articulatus, 615 scandens, 123, 615, f. 615, 813 Celeriac, See Celery Celery, 126 Turnip-rooted, f. 647, 648 Celosia anthelmintica, 805 cristata, 431 trigyna, 805 Celtis occidentalis, 408 Cenchrus, 339, 352 Tribuloides, 67, f. 68, f. 59, - 349, 352, 826 Ceni, C., 265, 595, 872, 876 Ceniin, 688 Centaurea, 757, 758, 801-802, . 802 calcitrapa, 815 Cyanus, 756, 758 scabiosa, 65 solstitialis, 141, 802 Centaury, American, 689 Centella asiatica, 648 Centipeda orbicularis, 815 Centrosema, 52 112, 469, MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS amazonicum, 830 Plumieri, 830 CENTROSPERMAE, 156, 423-444 Century Plant, 105, 386 Cephaélin, 742 Cephaélis toxica, 848 Cephalanthin, 135, 744 Cephalanthus, 89, 744 occidentalis, 135, 744, 848 Cephalin, 78 CEPHALOTACEAE, 498 Cephalotaxus drupacea, 816 Ceratonia siliqua, f. 526, 527 Ceratopetalum, 90 apetalum, 851 demersum, 445 CERATOPHYLLACEAE, 444, 445 Cerbera, 52 Odollam, 807 Tanghin, 692, 807 Cercis canadensis, 830 chinensis, 830 Siliquastrum, 527 Cercocarpus ledifolius, 117 parviflorus, 89, 117, 503, 847 Cercospora angulata, 281 Cerebritis, 864 Enzootic, 259 Cerebro-spinal System, Pois- ons affecting, 73 Cereus, 125 Bonplandii, 811 Aagelliformis, 811 giganteus, 635 grandiflorus, 125, 635, 637, 811 gummosus, 637 McDonaldii, 811 Night-blooming, 125, 635 speciosissimus, 635 senilis, 635 Ceropegia bulbosa, 809 Cestrum, 133 aurantiacum, 853 auriculatum, 853 cauliforum, 133 elegans, 715-716 macrophyllum, 853 nocturnum, 133, 853 pallidum, 716, 853 Parqui, 853 vespertinum, 853 Ceterach officinarum, 824 Cetraria islandica, f. 309 juniperini, 861 pinastri, 861 Cevadillin, 377 Cevadin, 103, Cevadina, 103 Chaerophyllum temulum, 659, 856 Chaetocladium Jonesti, 196 Chaetodiplodia, 286 CHAETOMIACEAE, 280-281 Chaetomium chartarum, 281 Chaia Resin, 627 Chailletia cymosa, 52, 575, 819 Tapura, 52 toxicarta, 575, 819 CHAILLETIACEAE, 52, 575, 819 Chamaemeles, 53 japonica, 503 Chamaelirium, 89 carolinianum, 834 luteum, 104 Chamomile, 756 Corn, 140, 788-789 German, 754 Oil of, 751 Roman, 754 148, 377 *«Chancre, Soft, 176 Chancroid, 176 Chantemesse, A., 262, 263 Chapman, A. W., 876 Chapman, H. C., 876 Chara, f. 92, 194 CHARALES, 154, 193-194 Chardinia xeranthemoides, 53 Charlock, 114 English, 488, f. 489 Charras, 411 Charteris, F., 876 Chaussier, H., 876 Chavicol, 648 ‘Chayote, 750 Cheat, 66 Septoria on, 285 Smut, f. 278 “Cheeses, 624 Cheilanthes, 90 fragrans, 824 Cheiranthin, 78, 148 Chetranthus, 148 Cheiri, 486 ‘Cheiratin, 689 Chelerythrin, 113, 485 Chelidonin, 480, 485 Chelidonium, 480, 485 majus, 113, 479, 485, f. 485, 841 Chelone glabra, 134, 733, 852 Cheney, M., 464, 485, 503, 2 ACHENOPODIACEAE, 52, 89, 107, 423, 424-430, 813-814 Fee in reduced by heat, 8 Chenopodin, 429 Chenopodium, 52, 89, 427-429 album, f. 426, 427 ambrostoides, 107, 424, 423, f. 428, 629, 813 ambrostoides v. anthelmin- ticum, 107, 428, 429 anthelminticum, 814 Bonus-Henricus, 427, f. 427, 814 Botrys, 428 californicum, 814 capitatum, 424 hybridum, 428, 814 mexicanum, 107, 814 polyspermum, 814 Ouinoa, 427 rubrum, 814 Vulvaria, 814 ‘Chequen, 640 Cherry, 505, 514-519, 864 Birch, 404 ee 116, 503, 514- 107, English, 505 Ground, 715, f. 715 Laurel, 85, 117, 503, 504 Leaves, 517, 629 Powdery Mildew on, 269, . 269 Sand, 116, 505 Sour, 505, 514 Sweet, 514 Wild, 60 black, 64, 117, 503, 505, f. 515, 515-516 red, 116; f. 504, 505, *. 516, 516-519 Western, 515 Chesnut, V. K., 5, 31, 44, 64, 65, 84, 96, 107, 111, L126 21 1287 TSO S35, 241, 328, 378, 379, 381, 383, 385, 386, 388, 394, 403, 430, 434, 440, 441, INDEX 453, 462, 463, 466, 467, 476, 479, 517, 518, 519, 537, 543, 548, 549, 56l, 564, 565, 568, 581, 593, 594, 612, 617, 626, 628, 630, 651, 653, 656, 667, 669, 677, 684, 694, 720, 722, 730, 733, 762, 769, 775, 782, 784, 793, 803, 804, 876, 877, 892, 916 Chestnut, 105 American, f. 402, 403 Burs, 105 European, 403 Oak, 403 Spanish, 403 Water, 640 Chevalier, J., 877 Chevers, N., 877 Chibon, 575 Chick Pea, f. rr9, 120, 521, f. 573, 573-574 Chickasaw Plum, 505, 514 Chickerinchee, 377, 864 Chickweed, 107, 442, 444 Common, 442, 444, f. 444 Chicorin, 137, 759 Chicory tat: 755, 756, 758- Root, 759 Chilean Strawberry, 505 Chili, Holscdous plants of, Chimaphila maculata, 842 umbellata, 665, 842 Chimaphin, 665 Chinas Eons plants of, Chincona, 848 Red, 741 Chinese Aster, 756 Cabbage, 486 Ginseng, 647 Indigo, 421 Jujube, 621 Sumac, 583, f. 584 Tea, 614 Umbrella Tree, 121 Yam, 699 Wood, Oil of, 587 Yeast, 198 Chinquapin, Water, 444 Chiococca brachiata, 848 racemosa, 848 Chionanthin, 683 Chionanthus, 89 picrophloia, 840 virginica, 69, 129, 683, 840 Chios Turpentine, 608 Chirata, 689 Chiratin, 689 Chives, 375, 383 Cladothrix dichotoma, f. 166 CHLAMYDOBACTERIACEAE, 165, f. 166, 183-184 Chlamydospores, f. 17 Chloral, 73 Chloral hydrate, 6 Chlorocodon Whiteti, 809 Chlorophora excelsa, 408 Chloroform, 6, 73 Chlorogalum, 89 pomeridianum, 63, 104, 389 CHLOROPHYCEAE, 98, 154, 190- 193 Biology, 190, 191 Choisya ternata, 849~ Choke Cherry, 40, 116, 503, 514, 515 Choking Distemper, 21 Chlorocystitis, 172 Cholera, 864 Chicken, 177 OS Hog, 8, 171 Asiatic, 181-182 Organism of, 182 Cholesterin, 62, 506 Cholin, 106, 237, 238, 648 As a remedy for ptomaine poisoning, 10 Chondria vermicularis, 859 Chondrodendrum tomento- sum, 473 Chondromyces pedunculata, f. 167 Chondrus crispus, 194 CHORIPETALAE, 156 Chorisia, 624 Christian, Robert, 746 Choristigma Stieckertianum, Christman, A. H., 222 CHROOCCACEAE, 184-185 Chroococcus turgidus, 185 Chrozophora plicata, 822 tinctoria, 822 Chrysanthemin, 789 Chrysanthemum, 90, 756, 753, 767, 789 Balsamita, 815 cinerariifolium, 789, 815 coccineum, 789 coronarium, 756 frutescens, 756 indicum, 756 Leucanthemum, 789 Marshallu, 78 Parthenium, 756, 789, 815 pinnatifidum, 815 sinense, 756 Summer, 756 Chrysler, M. A., 877 Chrysobalanus Icaco, 575 Chrysocoma Coma-aurea, 315 Chrysomyxa Rhododendrit, 222 Chrysophan, 518, 528 Chrysophanic acid, 418 Chrysophyllum Cainito, 679, 681 Chrysosplenium alternifolium, 851 americanum, 851 oppositifoluum, 115 tetandras, 115 Chrysotoxin, 277 Churchill, J., 877 CHYTRIDIACEAE, 204 Cicer, 535, 573-574 arietinum, f. 119, 120, 521, f. 573, 573-574 CrcHorIAcEAk, 748, 753, 762 CICHOREAE, 757 Cichorium, 757, 758-759 Endivia, 756, 758 : Intybus, 137, 755, 756, 758- 759 Cicuta, 44, 50, 651-659, 746 Bolanderi, 126, 658, 856 bulbifera, 49, 126, f. 658, 659, 856 californica, 856 Douglasii, f. 655, 656 -maculata, 49, 79, 83, 126, 648, 651, f. 652, 652- 656, 856, 864 acer earns, 6; Ff: 46, 1265 8 6 vagans, 49, 126, 665-658, f. 657, 856 venenata, 856 virosa, 4, 79, 83, 126, 652, f. 653, 656, 864 Cicutin, 656 Cicutoxin, 50, 77, 79, 126, 149, 435, 475, 648, 652, 653, 656, 864 932 Cienkowsky, L., 305 Cimicifuga, 467, 468 foetida, 845 racemosa, 75, 446, 845 Cinchona, 741, 742, f. 742 Bark, 78, 87, 145, 146 lancifolia, 741, f. 742 Ledgeriana, 741 officinalis, 741 succiruba, 741 Cinchonamin, 742 Cinchonidin, 145 Cinchonin, 145, 742 Cineol, 640, 710, 791 Cineraria, 756 Cinerol, 754 Cinnabar, 2 Cinnamic acid, 683 Cinnamomum, 478 Camphora, 477 Cassia, 477 zeylanicum, f. 477, 477 Cinnamon Fern, 313, 322 Oil, 86 Tree, f. 477 Wild, 627 Cinnamyleocain, 575 Cinquefoil, Shrubby, 88 Cirsium, 757, 758, 797-801 Cirsium, 757, 758, 797-810 altissimum, f. 754 arvense, 141, 798-799, f. 799 canescens, f. 798, 801 discolor, 801 Drummondii, 798 ertocephalum, 798 danceolatum, 141, f. 142, 798, f. 800 ochrocentrum, 801 undulatum, 798, 801 undulatum wv. megacepha- lum, 801 Cissampelos Pareira, 838 Cissus nivea, 124, 858 pruriens, 124, 858 CISTACEAE, 627, 814 Cistus polymorplhits, 627 Citral, 708 Citric acid, 144, 505, 512, 529, 572, 583 Citron, 582, 750 Oil, 582 Citronella Oil, 345 Citrullus Colocynthis, 818 vulgaris, f. 748, 750 Citrus, 582, 583 Aurantium, f. 582, 582, 849 Aurantium v. vulgaris, 582 Bigardia, 582 decumana, 582, 5&3 japonica, 582 Limetta, 582, 583 medica, 53, 582, 583, 849 trifoliata, 582 Cladonia furcata, f. 307 rangiferina, 307 CLADONIACEAR, 307 Cladophora, 93, 190 fracta, 190 Cladosporium, 284, 861 herbarum, 284, 286 Cladothrix bovis, 183, f. 183 farcinica, 184 madureae, 184 Cladrastis amurensis, 830 Clammy Locust, 119, 560 Weed, 497 Clantrian, G., 877 Clapp, A., 877 Clarke, J. F., 877 749, Clerodendron Clarkia elegans, 644 CLATHRACEAE, 245 Clathrocystis, 91, 93, 184-185 aeruginosa, 184 Kiitzingiana, 185 roseo-persicina, 185 Clathrus columnatus, 245 Claude, H., 877 Clavarta argillacea, f. 232 aurea, f. 232 Claviceps, f. 27, f. , 864 microcephala, 276 purpurea, 28, 31, 76, 100, 275-279, 859 pusilla, 276 ' setulosa, 276 Clavija macrocarpa, 838 Clayton’s Fern, 313, 322 Clearweed, 771 Clegg, 184 Cleistanthus, 864 \ collinus, 822 Clement, 874 Clematis, 109-110, 447, 456- 457 aethusiaefolia, 845 alpina, 845 Bergeroni, 845 brachiata, 845 Buchaniana, 845 caripensis, 845 cirrhosa, 845 erecta, 110 Flammula, 845 florida, 845 Fremonti, 110, 447 Gouriana, 845 integrifolia, 447 Jackmanin, 446 lanuginosa, 447, 845 hgusticifolia, 110, 456 mauritiana, 845 orientalis, 447, 845 Pitcheri, 110, 447, 456, f. 457, 845 pseudo-flammula, 447, 845 recta, 110, 447, 456 reticulata, 845 Viorna, 456 virginiana, 109, 446, 456, +. 274, 275- 457 V italba, 845 Wightiana, 845 Williamsti, 845 Clement XIV, Poisoning of, 2 Clements, F. E., 224, LN 877 Cleome, 52, 495-496, 497 Chelidonti, 812 frutescens, 812 gigantea, 812 graveolens, 812 lutea, 114, 496, f. 496 psoraleaefolia, 812 rosea, 812 serrulata, 114, 496, f. 496 spinosa, 812 Western, 114 Yellow, 496 Cleomella, 495, 497 angustifolia, 497 Cleopatra, 2 Bhramaramari, infortunatum, 857 serratum, 65 Siphonanthus, 858, Thompsonae, 708 Clibadium, 52 Barbasco, 815 surinamense, 815 Cliffe, 679 MANUAL OF POISONOUS: PLANTS Climate, Toxicity of plant affected by, 83, 85 Climbing Bittersweet, 123, 615, f. 719 Fern, 315 Fumitory, 480 Clinton Grape, 620 Clitocybe illudens, 99, 859 Clitoria, 1, 52, 534 amazonum, 830 arborescens, 830 Ternatea, 529, 830 CHLOROPHYCEAE, 307 Closed Gentian, 690 Closterium, f. 92, 189, f. 190 Clotbur, 137, 767-768 Spiny, f. 137 Tree, f. 638 Clover, 150, 553-557, 864 Alsike, 525, 553, 554, 557 ‘ Bur, 552 Cre ee 118, 556-557, f. 55 Dodder, 130, 701 Hop, 552 Low, 553 Yellow, 553 Italian, 118 Japan, 525 Red, 2793)525, 7. ussaenaoe Rust, 20, 99, 230-23 LAK 231 Sickness, 556 Stinking, 114 Stone, 553 Sweet, 552 White, 118, f. 557, 552 Yellow, 118, 552 White, 118, 525, 553, 557, f. 557 Club-root of Cabbage, f. 759, 160 Clusia macrocarpa, 827 Cluster-cup Fungus on Bar- berry, 226 Cneorum tricoccum, 853 Cnesmone javanica, 822 Cnestis corniculata, 817 glabra, 817 polyphylla, 817 Cnicin, 756, 798 Cnicus, 757 benedictus, 798 Coats, J., 877 Cobb, N. A., 284, 285 Cobaea scandens, 843 Coca, 575, f. 576, 576, 864 Cocain, 6, 73, 77. 79, 144, 147, 575-576, 614, 864 Cocainism, 77 Coccaceak, 165, 167-171 Cocco-bacillus, 343 Coecognin, 642 Coceulin, 112 Cocculus, 89 carolinus, 472 Ferrandianus, 838 glaucescens, 838 indicus, 112, 149 laurtfolius, 838 toxiferus, 838 Coecus, Golden-pus, 167 White-pus, 167 Cochineal Plant, 635 Cockerell, V., 466 Cockle, Corn, 107-108, 439, f. 440 Meal, 441 Seeds, 440 Cow, 108 Cocklebur, 67, 137, 767-770 Canadian, 763, f. 769 Cock’s-comb, Gangrene of, 278 Cocoa, 742 Cocoa-nut Palm, 370 Cocoon Antidote, 751 Cocos amara, 840 nucifera, 370, 840 Oil, 627 Codamin, 147, 481 Codein, 59, 77, 112, 113, 146, 479, 481 Codinene, 330 Coffea arabica, 629, 742, f. 743 mauriiiana, 848 odorata, 848 Coffee, 629, 741, 742-744, 864 Adulterant of, 759 Bean, f. 716, 117 Mocha, 744 Plant, 742, f. 743, 744 Seeds, 629 Substitutes fons /5230!)/525, 527, 614 Tree, Kentucky, f. 116, 117 Wild, 745 Cohagen, S. L., 552 Cohosh; 75 Black, 446 Blue, 112, 469 Coix Lacryma, 339 Cola acuminata, 621, 742 Habit, 621 Nut, 621 Colchicein, 375 Colchicin, 77, 78, 79, 146, 148, 375, 479 Colchicum, 6, 72 864 2, 83, 85, 148, 375, autumnale, 4, 148, f. 376, §34 neapolitanum, 834 Seeds, 867 speciosum, 834 variegatum, 834 Coleman, 65 Coleosphacrium, 185 Coleosporium, 222 solidaginis, 98, 222, 775 Sonchi-arvense, 861 Colic Root, 104 Colletia, 124 spinosa, 621, 847 Collin, Eug., 863. 877 Collins, G. W., 877 Collomia gracilis, 698 Colloturin, 681 Colocasia antiquorum, 808 gigantea, 53, 808 wirosa, 808 Colocynth, 749, f. 750 Coloeynthin, 78, 749, 750 Colombia Disease, 279 Color of animals, 386 Colorado. Poisonous plants of, 866 Coltsfoot, 755 Colubrina fermenta, 621 Columba Root, 473 False, 473 Columbamin, 473 Columbia Aconite, 46 Columbine, Eastern, 446 European, 446, f. 447 Rocky Mountain, 446 Colombo, American, 689 Columella, 160 Colutea, 534 arborescens, 534 crienta, 551 Colville, G. W., 877 INDEX Colza, Indian, 490 Coma, 375 Comandra umbellata, 416 COMBRETACEAE, 53, 640, 814 Combretum bracteosum, 814 constrictum, 53 erythrophyllum, 814 phaneropetalum, 814 racemosum, 814 trifoliatum, 814 Combs, R., 396, 587, 877 Comfrey, 704 Wild, 131, 706 Comma bacillus, 149 Commelina deficiens, 814 nudifilora, 814 tuberosa, 814 COMMELINACEAE, 89, 373, 814 Commiphora abyssinica, 575 Comocladia, 608 glabra, 805 ComposiITak, 52, 53, 89, 99, 137-141; 222, 692, 748, 753-802, 814-816 Composite Family, 137 Concord Grape, 620 Condurango, 696 Cone-flower, 139, 779 Tall, 779 Western, 779 Conferva, 190 CONFERVALES, 190 Conhydrin, 147 Conicein, 651 - Conidiobolus utriculosus, f. 203 ; Conidiophore of Aspergillus, 2t ConrIFERAE, 155, 326, 327-332, 651, 816-817 Coniferin, 392 Conifers, 101, 327 Conicein, 651 Contin .3N7 317735) (79s) 26, 135, 144, 147, 648, 651, 652, 653, 726, 728, 747, 864 Conydrin, 651 Conium, 2, 6, 44, 650, 651 Alkaloids of, 147 maculatum, 4, f. 50, 51, 75, 126, 648, 651, 652, 855, 864 CONJUG: ATAE, 154, 189-190 Conjunctivitis, 7 77, 169, 170 CON NARACEAE, 498, 817 Connarus africanus, 817 Connecticut. Flora of, 865 Connor, J. T., 877 Conopodium denudatum, 856 Consolidin, 706 Consumption, 180 CONTORTAE, 158, 683-697 Convallamarin, 104. 148, 385 Convallaria, 78, 377, 384-385, 864 majalis, 64, 104, f. 384, 384- 385, 834 Convallarin, 104, 148, 385 Convicin, 572 CONVOLVULACEAE, 53, 89, 130, 698-702, 817 Convolvulin, 130, 699, 702 Convolvulus, 701-703 arvensis, 702 Family, 130, 698-702 floridus, 699 Scammonia, 699, 817 scoparius, 699 sepium, 130, 701-702, f. 702, 817 venenatis, 817 Convulsive Poisons, 803, 864 933: Conydrin, 120, 147, 651 Cook, Dr., 607 Cook, E. H., 877 Cook, O.. F., 877 Cooke, N. C., 877 Copiaba, Balsam of, 78, 529, ale ebsh Copaibic acid, 529 y Copaifera Langsdorfii, 830, 864 officinalis, 529, f. 530 Salikorinda, 830 Copas, 864 Copernicia cerifera, 370 Copper sulphate as an algi- cide, 94-95 Coprinus, 234 comatus, 235 narcoticus, 859 Coprosoma linaritifolia, 848 Copostella flavescens, 848 Coral Bean, 117, 542, 543 Fungi, Tree, 527 Coral- -berry, 135, 748 Corallocarpus epigaeus, 818 Corchorus capsularis, 621, f.. 622, 855 Cord Grass, Fresh-water, f. 69 CORDAITALES, 326 Cordia alba, 704 Cordier, 877 Cordyceps, 273 cinerea, f. ey militaris, Fal 27. Op RAGELO Geniten Pnere Ravenelii, 273 Taylori, f. 273 Cordyline terminalis, 375 Corean Foxtail Millet, f. 349 Coreopsis, 756, 757 discoidea, 139 tinctoria, 756 CorrAcEAr, 607, 817 Coriamyrtin, 607 Coriander, 648, f. 649 Coriandrol, 648 Coriandrum sativum, 648, * 649, 8 Coriaria, 607 myrtifolia, 607, 817 naepalensis, 817 ruscifolia, 607, 817 sarmentosa, 149, 607, 817 thymifolia, 607, 817 Tutu, 607 Cork, 403 Tree, 581 Wood, f. 4or, f. 717 Corkwood, 621, f. 717 Cormus foliosa, 503, 847 Corn, 102, f. 337, 338, 864 Broom, 345, 864 Chamomile, 140 Cockle, 62, 107-108, 439, - 440 Meal, 441 Seeds, 440 Crop, Statistics of, 342 Dent, 341 Diplodia on, f. 287 Fusarium on, 287 Flint, 341 Kaffir, 345, 346, 347, 348, 864 Leaf-browning of, 281, f.. Pop, 341 Poppy. 112, 483 Rust, f. 230 034 Salad, 741 Silk, 342 Smut, 98, 210-215, f. 212 Soft, 341 Starchy sweet, 341 Sweet, 341 Wilt, 163 CORNACEAE, 127, 646, 664, 817 Cornevin, C., 4, 83, 85, 8, 96, 803, 804, 877, 878 Corn-flower, 802 Cornin, 664 Cornstalk Disease, 287, 291, 342-343, 864 Cornus Amomum, 817 ctrcinata, 664, 817 florida, 864 Mas, 817 Nuttallii, 664 paniculata, 127, 664, 817 stolonifera, 664 Connutin ice: 77 wen TeIe TS: 279 Coronilla, 78 Emerus, 830 juncea, 830 montana, 830 scorpioides, 524, 830 varia, 119, f. 523, 830 Coronillin, 148 ‘Corozo Palm, 370 Corrosive sublimate, 6 Corrothers, Wm., 444 Cortaderia argentea, 826 conspicua, 826 Kermesiana, 826 Corticium amorphum, f. 232 Cortusa Matthioli, 844 Corybulbin, 147, 480 Corydalin, 147, 480 Corydalis, 564, 864 aurea, 113 aurea v. occidentalis, 564 cava, 147 Golden, 113 lutea, 480 racemosa, 825 tuberosa, 480 Tuberous-rooted, 480 Corylus americana, 403 Avellana, 402 Corynocarpus laevigata, 53, 5 2rr of. Corypha, 370 umbraculifera, 840 Coscinium, 89 Blumeanum, 838 Cosin, 505 Cosmarium, f. 92, 189 Cosmos bipinnatus, 756, 815 Cosmostigma racemosa, 809 Costantin, J., 200, 202, 203, 878, 897 Costoxin, 595 Costus, 755 Cotoneaster, 864 integerrima, 53, 503, 847 ‘Cotton, 124, 622-623, 624-626, f. 625 Crop, 625 Fiber, 623 “Frenching”’ of, 287 Gun, 623 Root, 625-626 Sea Island, 623-624 Seed, 124, 623, 625, 867 Meal, 124 Silk, 621 Tree, 623, 624 Upland, 625-627 ‘Cottonwood, f. 308 Cotyledon ventricosa, 501, 818 Coulter, J. M., 878 Coulter, S. M., 878 Coumarin. See Cumarin Couperot, 877 Coupin, H., 877 Courbaril, 527 Courchet, M. L., 878 Court, G., 878, 904 Courtet, A., 878 Coville, F. V., 68, 96, 118, 237, 448, 557, 746, 878, 917 Cow Cockle, 108 Oak, 403 Parsnip, 126, 663 Pea, 520, f. 532 Poison, 109 California, 463, /. 464 Wheat, 134, 734 Cowbane, f. 48, 49-51, 79, 33, 126, 652-656, 661, 364 Cowhage, 527 Cow-herb, 442 Cownley, A. H., 878, 903 Cowslip, American, 676 English, 676 Coyotillo, 621 Crab-apple, Eastern wild, 512 Iowa, 512, f. 513 Old World, 512 Wild, 512 Crab’s Eye, 527 Craigs RA. (261,291,878 Crambe maritima, 486, 818 Cranberry, 665 Large, 665 Small, 665 Crandall Currant, 500 CRASSULACEAE, 114, 498, 500, 501-503, 818 Crassulacic acid, 501 Crataegus, 506, 513-514 molhs, 116, 504, 513-514, 514 orientalis, 503 Oxycantha, 53 punctata, 504, 513 Crawford, A. C., 40, 65, 34, 96, 124, 346, 465, 565, 566, 567, 626, 772, 878 Creeping Buttercup, 110 Crowfoot, 457 Water Parsnip, f. 650 Crenothrix polyspora, f. 166 Creosote, 6, 864 ree ( Crepis lacera, 815 Crescentia cucurbitina, 810 Cujete, 810 Cress, Garden, 113 Penny, 114 Criminal Schools, 2 Crimson Clover, 68, 556, 556-557 Crinum asiaticum, 805 seylanicum, 805 Crithmum maritimumn, 856 Crocin, 742 Crocodile Poison, 2 Crocosmia aurea, 389 118, f. Crocus, 109, 389, 446, 454 sativus, f. 387, 827 vernus, 389 Cronyn, J., 278 Crook, E., 879, 905 Crookshank, FE. M., 879 Cross-vine, 135 Crotalaria, 524, 533, 535, 543- 546, 565, 864 alata, 830 juncea, 524 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Mitchelii, 830 paniculata, 830 sagtttalis, 118, 543-546, #. 543 striata, 830 verrucosa, 830 Crotalism, 118, 543, 544-546, 864 Crotin, 595, 864 Crotinic acid, 588 Croton, 52, 121, f. 589, 599, 591, 593, 864 capitatus, 121, 591, f. 59r, 593 eluteria, 588, 393, 595 muricatus, 822 Oil, 6, 72, 149, 588, 589 Seeds, 867 Texas, 121, 592, f. 5092, 593 texensts, 121, 592, f. 592 Tiglium, 149, 588, f. 580, 592, 822 V errauxii, $22 Crotonilic acid, 7 Crotonol, 588, 593 Croteap lice Toxicity of, Crow ,W. E., 879 Crow Poison, 104 Crowberry, 604 Crowfoot, 4, 110, 457 Bulbous, 111, 457 Common, f. 110 Caen ty te Sia urse 1 4 4 Ditch, 457 s Family, 148, 446-468 Small- flowered, 458, f. 459 Tall, Wate, 46 Sp., 446 Crowned Rust, f. 223, f/ 1225, F< eek; 228, Crozier, A. AS 654, “879 Crucibulum vulgare, f. 245, CrucrFERak, 52, 53, 113-114, 485- 495, 81 8 Cruel Plant, 600 Crustaceous Lichens, 307 Cryptocoryne spiralis, 808 Crrptagemne, Poisonous, 4, Cryptogramme crispa, 824 Cryptopin, 481 Cryptostegia grandiflora, 809 Cuba Bast, 623 Economic plants of, 864 Poisonous plants of, 867 Cuban Physic Nut, 596 Cubebene, 78 Cubebin, 396 Cubebs, 396 Cuckoo-pint, f. 377 Cucumber, 750, f. 757 Bur, 135 Root, Indian, 104 Squirting, 749 Star, 751 Tree, 474 Wild, 751 Cucumis, f. 751 africanus, 818 Anguria, 750 dipsaceus, 818 Melo, 750, f. 75 metuliferus, 750, 818 myriocarpus, 750, 818 prophetarum, 818 Sacleuxii, 819 sativus, 750 trigonus, 819 Cucurbita foetidissima, 751 maxima, 750, 819 moschata, 751 Pepo, 750, 751 CucuRBITACEAE, 89, 135, 748, 749-751, 818-819 Culture, affects toxicity of plant, 87 Culver’s-physic, 733, 736 Culver’s-root, 134, 733, 735 Cumarin, 90, 523, 551, 552, 773, 803 Cumin Oil, 648 Cuminum Cyminum, 648 sativum, 648 Cuminol, 583 Cummin Seeds, 648 Cupania, 53 Pseudorhus, 850 Cuphea, 637 viscosa, 638 viscosissima, 638 Cupressus Lawsoniana, 327 nootkatensis, 327 thyoides, 327 Curare, 72, 687, 706, 788, 89, 803, 864 Alkaloids, 148 Plants, 148, f. 685 Curarie. See Curare Curarin, 73, 77, 687 Curcas Oil, 78 Curcin, 595 Curculigo scorzoneraefolia, 805 : Curcuma leucorhiza, 391 longa, 391 Zedoraia, 392 Curin, 148, 687 Curled Dock, 419, f. 420 Curly Grass, Small, 315 Maple, 615 Currant, Black, 184, 498 Crandall, 500 Indian, 744, 748 Missouri, 498, f. 500 Red, 498 Septoria on, 284 Spot Disease of, 281 Tomato, 715 Curry Powder, 392, 527 Cursed Crowfoot, 77, 110, 457, f. 458 Cuscotoxin, 505 Cuscus Grass, 345 Cuscuta americana, 817 arvensis, 701 australis, 817 Doryvenium, 817 Epilinum, 701 Epithymum, 130, 901, 817 europaea, 817 Cuscutin, 701 Cushaw, 751 Cushny, R., 445, 879 Cusick, W. C.,. 465 Cusohygrin, 575 Cusparia febrifuga, 582, 849 toxicaria, 582-583, 849 Cusparin, 582 Custard Apple, 110 Family, 476-477 Cut-leaved Water 76 Cutch, 530 Cyamopsis tetragonoloba, 526 Cyanide of Potassium, 6 Cyanides, 72, 73 Cyanogenesis, 53, 348, 864 Cyanogenetic species, 315 CYANOPHYCEAE, 307 Cyanosis, 78, 241 CYATHEACEAE, 313 Parsnip, INDEX Cyathus striatus, f. 246, 247, ; 860 vernicosus, 860 CycapAcEAE, 819 CYCADALES, 325 Cycas circinnalts, 819 media, 325, 819 Cyclamen, 52, 89, 128, 676 europaeum, 4, 128, 844 European, 676 graecum, 844 hederaefolium, 844 latifolium, 844 persicum, 128 Persian, f. 677 Cyclamin, 128, 676, 677 Cycloloma atriplicifolium, 424 CYCLOSPOREAE, 194 Cygnic acid, 533 Cygnin, 533 Cylindropuntia, 636 Cymbidium aloifolium, 840 Cymene, 648, 709 Cymol, 710 Cynanchum acutum, 809 sarcostemmoides, 809 Vincetoxicum, 4 Cynapin, 126, 659 Cynara Cardunculus, 756, 815 CYNAREARE, 757, 758 Cynoglossin, 706 Cynoglossum, f. 68, 705, 706, 325, 326, 864 officinale, 131, 705-706, }. 706, 811 Seeds, 867 virginianum, 706 virginicum, 131 Cyphomandra betacea, 716 CYPERACEAE, 336, 367-369, 819 Cyperus, 368, 369 articulatus, 819 Papyrus, 369 Cypress Plant, 130 Spurge, 121, 600, f. 607 Summer, 107 Vine, 699 Cypripedium, 105, 392-395, 864 acaule, 395 Calceolum, f. 393, 395 candidum, 105, 393, 395 hirsutum, 393-395, f. 304 macranthum, 395 montanum, 395 parviforum v. pubescens, 392-393, f. 303 pubescens, 105, 395, 840 regina, f. 393 spectabile, 105, f. 393, 840 Cyrtosperma, 53 lasioides, 53 Merkusit, 808 Cystitis, 172 Cystopteris, 315, 319-320 alpina, 824 bulbifera, 320, 824 fragilis, 315, 320, 824 montana, 824 Cystopus, 206 G@ytisin, 47270, 0/9) 905 13; 148, 530, 537, 551, 803, 864 Cytisus, 535, 551, 864 Adami, 90 alpinus, 90 Alschingeri, 90, 830 Attleanus, 90 austriacus, 830 biflorus, 90, 830 candicans, 90 935 capitatus, 330 formosissimus, 90 hirsutus, 90, 830 Laburnum, 65, 85, 90, 148: monspeliensis, 90 nigricans, 90, 830 polytrichus, 90 proliferus, 90, 534, 830 Ruthenicus, 90 scoparius, 90,527, 551, 836 sessilifolius, 830 supinus, 830 Weldent, 90 Cytomycosis, 264 Czapek, F., 543, 879 D DACRYOMYCETINEAE, 233 Dactylis glomerata, 229 Daedalea quercina, f. 232 Daemonorops Draco, 370 Daffodil, 386 Da Gama, J. Dahlia, 756 variabilis, 756 Daisy, 776 Garden, 756 Ox-eye, 789 Dalbergia, 864 lanceolaria, 830 toxicaria, 830 Dakin, R., 879 Dale, E., 278 Damascenin, 446 Damen, C., 879 Damiana, 864 Dammar, 627 Dandelion, 755, 756, f. 75¢ Root, 755 Daniell, F. W., 879 Daniells, C. W., 879 Danjon, Em., 747, 874, 879 Daphne, 52, 642-643 cannabina, 642 Cneorum, 642 Gnidium, 855 Laureola, 855 mezereum, 4, 125, 149, 642: 643, f. 643, 855 pontica, 65 striata, 855 Daphnetin, 125, 642 Daphnin, 125, 642 Daphniphyllum 822 4 Jags eS) bancanum, Daphnopsis cestrifolia, 855 Cneorum, 855 Gnidium, 855 oleoides, 855 Darlington, Wm., 879 Darlingtonia californica, 497, f. 498 Darnel, 4, 72, 74, 103, 361- 364, 864 Poison, 361-364, f. 362, 363 Meal, 363 Dartre crouteuse, 16 Darwinia, 713 Dassonville, Ch., 13, 15, 252, 879 Date Palm, 370 Datisca cannabina, 628 glomerata, 125, 628 DaTISCACEAF, 125, 628 Datiscin, 628, 769 Datura, 88, 148, 717, 729-733, 864 alba, 88, 133 729 arborea, 853 atrox, 729 fastuosa, 729, 853 727,. ‘936 ferox, 853 Metel; 64, 715, 729, 733, 853 Metelotdes, 715, 729, 732- 733, 853 sanguinea, 853 Stramonium, 4, 60, f. 61. 74, 88, 133, f. 730, 732. 853 suaveolens, 729, 853 Tatula, 133, 729-732, 853 Wrightti, 64, 133 Wright’s, 133, 732-733 Daturin, 730 Daucus, 650, 663-664 Carota, f. 68, 127, 647, 663- 664, 856 Dougherty, C. M., 879 Davidson, 879 Davies, D. H., 879 Davillia brasiliensis, 315, 824 elegans, 824 elegantissima, 315 Jursuta, 825 majuscula, 825 fhrentaphylla, 315, 825 platyphylla, 825 strigosa, 825 Davenport, C. B., 879, 901 Davilla rugosa, 819 Davis, B. M., 169, 209 Davy. G. Burtt, 133, 696 Day, Dr. C. M., 140, 795 Day, Dr. Mary G., 564, 879 Day Lily, 375 De Bary, A. See Bary, A. de De Candolle, A. See Can- dolle, A. de De Nabias. See Nabias, De De Puy, C. EB.) See Puy, 'C. Ty. de Dead Nettle, 131, 712, f. 712 Deadly Agaric, 238-239, 249 Amanita, 34. See A. phalloides Nightshade, 133 Death Camas.) 10540375). 4. 376, 377-378, 466 Cup, 238-243, f. 230 Deeringia celosioides, 805 Deffernez, F., 880 Delacroix, G., 880, 906 Delafoy 686 Delite A. R. 880 Deliriant poisoning 73-74, 803 Delirium a symptom of pots- oning, 72 Delotte, 880 Delphinin, 108, 446, 464 Delphininm, 446, 448, 460-467 Ajacis, 460, 845 asureum, 460 Barbeyi, 467 bicolor, 6, f. 461, 466 Brunonianwm, 845 cacruleum, 845 camporin, 84 Consolida, 84, 108, 446, 460, 463, 464 decorum wv. nevadense, 465 elatum, 460 elongaium, 467 exaltatum, 108 Geyeri, 109, 461, 467, 845 glaucum, 6, f. 47, 84, f. J64, 466, 467 grandifiorum, 460 hesperidum, 108 Menziesti, 44, 97, 462, 466, 845 mauritiana, 845 Nelsoni, 467 462-463, 109, 461- nudicaule, 109 occidentale, 463 Penardi, 460-461, f. 461, 467 peregrinum, 845 recurvatum, 109 Requieni, 845. Scopulorum, 109, 463, 464, 5 simplex, 462 staphisagria, 108, 446, 448, 460, 463, 846 tricorne f. 43, 108, 463, 845 trolliifolium, 109, 463, fF. 464, 846 uncinatum, 846 Delphinoidin, 108, 464 Delphinosis, 43, 44-45, 47, 79, 463 Delphisin, 108, 464 Deming, Dr., 244 Demosthenes, 2 Dendrobium nobile, 840 Denmark, Poisonous plants of, 867 Depre, 290 Depressant poisoning, 74-75 Deptford Pink, f. 437 Dermal Mycosis, 864 Dermatitis, 12-19, 78, 79, 104, 106, 120, 121, 122, 126, 16) S7i, 393.510, 5049 588, 704, 864 Acute, 464, 583, 663, 755 Necrotic, 179 Dermatomycosis, 12, 80, 295, 864 Dermatophytes, 13 Derosne, 3, 143 Derris, 1, 52, 864 amoena, 830 elliptica, 830 guianesis, 830 Negrensis, 830 uliginosa, 830 Desaint, 534. 880, 900 Desenne, 299 Desmids, f. 92 DESMIDIACEAH, 189 Desmodium tortuosum, 525 triforum, 525 Despranches, 572 Detarium senegalense, 830 Deutzia, 115 scabra, 500 staminea, 115, 500, 851 De Vecchj, Count Achilles 237 Devergie, A., 301 Devil’s Apron, 194 Dewee 505 Dewey, L. H., 430, 625 Deyeuxia "Langsdorfit, 826 Dhobie Itch, 299 Dhurrin, 54, 348 Diamins, 10, 73, 149 Dianella nemorosa, 834 Dianthus, 89 barbatus, 436 caryophvllus, 439 chinensis, 813 Diaphoretic, 803 Diarrhoea, 78 Diatoms, 92, 188-189, f. 180 Dicentra, 864 spectabilis, 480, 825 DICHOPETALACEAL, 53 Dichopsis Gutta, 680, f. 680, 681 Dichroa febrifuga, 851 Dicksonia, 313 DICOTYLEDONEAE, 105- 155, 395, 802 Dictamnus albus, 581 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS DICTYOTACEAE, 194 . DICTYOTALES, 154, 194 Dictyuchus clavatus, 208 mish ru caryophyllatum, Diedra, 299 Diervilla japonica, 135, 812 Lonicera, 135 trifida, 812 Dietrich, N. F., 862, 880 Dieudiilin, vie 880 Dieulafoy, 263 Digitalein, 736 Digitalin, 78, 130, 134, 144, 148, 385, 441, 534, 692, 736, 737. Digitalis, 6, 752) 72a aaeS 80, 87, 89, 637, 638. 692, 694, 734, 736-737. 864 ambigua, 852 lutea, 852 purpurea, 4, 75, 134, 148, ¢ 441, 733, 9736-737, f. 2 Thapsi, 852 Digitogenin, 148 Digitonein, 148 Digitonin, 134, 148, 736 Digitonin-saporubrin, 62 Digitophyllin, 736 Digitoxin, 134, 377, 736 Dill, 648 Oil, 648 DILLENIACEAE, 52, 628, 819 Dimorphotheca Ecklonis, 815 pluvialis, 815 Dinsmore, S$. C., 880, 894 Dinwiddie, R. R., 290, 880 Diodia, 90 Dionaea, f. 429 muscipula, 498, f. 499, 820 Dioon, 326 Dioscorea, 89, 105, 374, 864 aculeata, 374 alata, 374, 819 bulbifera, 374, 819 deltoidea, 819 divaricata, 374 hirsuta, 820 japonica, 374 macroura, 820 sativa, 374 toxicaria, 820 triphylla, 820 villosa, 374, f. 3 DroscorEAcear, 80, 819-820 Dioscorides, P., 2, 601, 880 Dioscorin, 864 Diosmin, 583 Diospyros, 52, 681 acris, 820 amara, 820 Cargillia, 681 chloroxylon, 681 discolor, 681 Ebenum, 681, 820 embryopteris, 681, 820 Kaki, 681 malaccapat, 820 melanoxylon, 681 montana, 820 multiflora, 820 obtusifiora, 820 pentamera, 681 quesita, 681 rubra, 681 samoensis, 820 tesselaria, 820 toxicaria, 820 virginiana, 128, 681, 820 Dipholis salicifolia, 680 374 105, 374, Se Diptheria, 179 Avian, 179 Diphtherial poison, 864 Diplococcus, intracellulus meningitidis, 169 of Neisser, 170 Diplodia, 77, 286, 861, 864 Zeae, 100, f. 286, 286- 287, }. 287 Diplodiella, 286 Diplodina, 286 Diplotaxis erucotdes, 818 tenutfolia, 818 Dipodium punctatum, 811 Dipper Gourd, 751 DirsacearE, 741, 820 Dipsacus fullonum, 741 sylvestris, f. 741 DIPTEROCARPACEAE, 627, 820 Dipterocarpus, 627 Dipteryx, 90, 523 odorata, 523 Dirca, 643 palustris, 125, 642, 643, f. 644, 855 Discaria serratifolia, 847 Disinchonin, 742 Disophenol, 583 Dita Bark, 691-692 Ditamin, 692 Ditch Crowfoot, 457 Dittelasma Rarak, 850 Diuretic, 803 Dock, Curled, 419, f. 420, 421 Great Water, 421 Pale, 419, 420-421 Sour, 106, f. 420 Dodecatheon Meadia, 676 Dodder, 130, 701 Alfalfa, 130, 701 Clover, 130, 701 Exotic, 130 Flax 701 Dodonaea, 52, 89 physocarpa, 850 viscosa, 850 Doeltz, J. C., 880 Doerr, Dr. John, 725 Dog Fennel, f. 139, f. 785, 787-788 Dog’s-Tooth Violet, 104 Dogbane, 692-693 Common, 148 Family, 129-130, 695 Spreading, 129, 692-693 Dogwood, 127, 609, 664 Family, 127, 664 Flowering, 664 Jamaica, 74 Panicled, 664 Round-leaved, 664 Western, 664 148, 691- Dohme, A. R. L., 88, 880, 881 Doir, 572 Dolichandrona falcata, 810 Dolichos biflorus, 526 Bablabyi5oy 521 Doliocarpus Rolandri, 819 Door-yard Knotweed, 423 Dorema Aimmoniacum, 650 Doronicum pardalianches, 815 Dorpat, Laboratory at, 62 Doten, S. B., 880, 894 DOTHIDEACEAE, 279-280 DOTHIDEALES, 279-280 Douglas Fir, 327 Dow, Dr., 25 Dracaena arborea, 834 Dracontium asperum, 808 iia oN mangiferun, INDEX Dracunculus vulgaris, 808 Dragendorff, G., 4, 894 Dragon-tree, 375 Dragon’s Blood, 370 Dragon’s Head, 103, 372 Drapernaldia, f. 92 Drimia ciliaris, 834 Cowanii, 834 Drimys aromatica, 837 Wintert, 474, 837 Drosera, 497 binata, 498, 820 communis, 820 intermedia, 498, 820 . peltata, 820 Pigments in, 498 rotundifolia, 498, f. 500, 820 Whittakerii, 820 DROSERACEAE, 497-498, 820 Drosophyllum Insitanicum, , 820 Drug plants, Sources of, 87 Drumin, 588 Drummond, 533 Dry-rot Fungus, f. 232, 234 Dryobalanops camphora, 829 Duboisia, 148, 864 Hopwoodii, 147, 716, 853 Leichardtu, 716 Myoporoides, PAGE Pe linha 853 Duboisin, 716 Duchesnea indica, 505, 509 Duckweeds, 372 Duges, A., 342 Duisberg, Poisonous of, 867 Dulcamara, 718 Duleamarin, 62 Dunbar, 755, 767 Dugern, E. V., 880 Dunglison, R., 881 Dunglison, R. J., 881 Dunning, H. A. B., 881, 892 Dunstan, W. R., 54, 88, 348, 450, 534, 754, 873, 881, 890, 914 Dupony, 881 Duranta Plumieri, 858 Duris zibethinus, 621 Durra, 345, 346 Dusty Miller, 756 Dutchman’s Pipe, 417, f. 477 Duvernoy, G. D., 572, 881 Dwarf, 665 Blueberry, 665 Mallow, 624, f. 624 Dyer’s Broom, 524-525, f. 525 Dyer’s Weed, 479 Dyer’s-woad, 486 Dyes, among legumes, 524-525 Dysodia, 758, 784- 785 “chrysanthemoides, f. 139 papposa, 785, f. 785, 815 Dysoxylum arborescens, 837 Dyspagia, 25 Dyspnoea, 55 plants = Eames, E. H., 881, 885 Earth-star, 245 East Tennessee Pink-root, 688 Kastern Columbine, 446 Easterfield, 607 Eastwood, A., 881 EBENACEAE, 52, 128, 679, 679, 681, 820 EBENALES, 158, 679-683 Ebony, 681 Black, 681 Ceylon, 681 937 Family, 128, 681 Green, 681 Indian, 681 Red, 681 Striped, 681 White, 681 Ecballium Elaterium, officinale, 749 Ecbolin, 149, 277 Eccles, R. ros 881 Ecgonin, 144 Echinocactus, 635, 811 Ottonis, 635 texensis, 635 Williamsii, 811 Wislizeni, 635 Echinocarpus, 53 Sigun, 622 Echinocereus stranuneus, 635 Echinocystis, 89 fabacea, 819 lobata, 751 macrocarpa, 751, 819 Echinops Ritro, 815 Echitamin, 692 Echitemin, 692 Echites, 864 alexacaca, 807 maculata, 807 venenosa, 807 Echium, 707 vulgare, 131, 228, 707, /. 708, 811 Economic plants, Among Le- gumes, 520-527 In America, 864 Asia, 864 Australia, 864 Cuba, 864 Guam, 684 Japan, 864 United States, 864 Eczema, 301 marginatum, 300, 301 Eden, R. T., 881 7 Edgeworthia Gardnert, 855 Edward, 684 Tel Grass, Fresh-water, 332 Effront, J., 486 Egg Plant, 714, 718 Egyptian Lotus, 445 Wheat, 345 Eichornia speciosa, 374 Eidamella, 13 spinosa, 12, 13 252 Eisendrath, 306 ELAEAGNACEAE, 125, 640-642 Elaecagnus angustifolia, 641 hortensis, 641 multifora, 641, f. 641 orientalis, 641 Elaejs guineensis, 370 ELAEOCARPACEAE, 622 Elaeococca verrucosa, 822 Elaeodendron australe, 614 orientale, 813 Elaeoselinum asclepiwmn, 856 foetidum, 853 Elaphonwces granulatus, /. 273 Elaterin, 749 Elateriospermum Tapos, 53 Elateriwm, 749 Elborne, Wm., 881 Elder, 135, 744, 745-747 American, 747 Black, 745-746 Common, 745-746 Marsh, 137, 763-764, 767 Small-flowered, 763 Red-berried, 135 Elephantopus tomentosus, 815 Elettaria cardamomum, 391 749, 819 938 Elionurus, 826 Ellertonia Rheedi, 807 Elm, 405, 406-408 American, 406-408, f. 407 Rock, 408 Scotch, 408 } Slippery. 408, /. 4090 Elodea canadensis, 332 Elphinck, E., 881 Elwert, C. P., 881 Elymus, 90, 826 canadensis, 276 robustus, 276 striatus, 276 virginicus, 276 virginicus v. 277 Elytropappus glandulosus, 815 Embelia micrantha, 839 Ribes, 839 Embelic acid, 679 EMBRYOPHYTA, 100, 101, 154, 325-802 Emery.) Zab Dre 060 Emetic, 804 Drastic, 804 Emetin, 78, 633, 742 Emodin, 377 EMPETRACEAE, 604 Empetrum nigrum, 604 Empusa, 195 Grylli, 204 Muscae, f. 203, 204 sphaerosperma, f. 203, 204 Emulsin, 83, 505, 517 Incephalitis, 290 Endive, 756, 758 Endocarditis, 169 Ulcerative, 167, 171 Metastatic, 177 Endoconidium 364 Endometritis, 171 JSNDOPHYLLACEAE, 221 Endo-toxin, 10 Engelhardt, H., 88, 880, 8381 England, Poisonous plants o:, 867 Engler, A., 882 English, Charlock, 488, /. 489 Cherry, 505 Oak, 403 Walnut, 401 Entada, 89 polystachys, 830 scandens, 63, 525, 751, 839 Enteritis, 105, 171, 804 Haemorrhagic, 490 Enterolobium, 1, 63, 89 cyclocarpum, 830 Timboiiva, 830 Entoloma, 864 clypeatum, 859 graveolens, 859 ENTOMOPHTHORACEAE, f. 202, submuticus, temilentuni, 204 Entyloma ranunculi, 219 Environment, ‘Toxicity 2f plant due to, 83 Enzootiec Cerebritis, 20 Enzymes, 77 Eperua falcata, 830 Ephedra, 326 antisyphilitica, 825 nevadense, f. 326 sp., 825 Ephedrin, 77 Epichloe typhina, 273 Epigaea, 666 repens, 127, 665, 821 Epilobium angustifolium, 629, 644 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Epipactis pubescens, 692 Epiphyllum truncatum, 635 Epipremum mirabile, 808 EQUISETACEAE, 101, 323-325, 820 EQUISETALES, 322 . Equisetosis, 20, 37, 38, 80, , 864 Equisetum, 323-325, 864 arvense, 37, f. 38, 101, 323, 820 hyemale, 323, 820 hyemale v. robustum, 10i. 323 palustris, 820 Poisoning, 324-325 Eragrostis major, f. 339 megasiachya, 692 Eranthis hyemalis, 846 Erbe, 291 Erdmann, K. G., 882 Erect Wake-robin, 104 Eremascus, 252 Eremocarpus setigerius, 822 Eremophila maculata, 838 Eremostachys, 52 superba, 828 Ergochrysin, 277 Breo an Oe Leutorslee Ss 275-279, 546. 864 Chemical composition © f, 28, 277-278 Toxicology of, 278-279 Ergot on Agrostis alba, 216 Blue Grass, f. 27, 276 Blue Joint, f. 27 Bottle Grass, f. 2 Calamagrostis, 276 Darnel, 364 Glyceria, 276 Koeleria cristata, f. 27 Manna Grass, f. 27 Quack Grass, 363 Reed Canary Grass, f. 27 Red Top, 277 Timothy, f. 27, 276 Western Wheat Grass, 365 Wild Rice, 276 Wild Rye, f. 27, 149, 546 Ergotin, 277-278 Ergotinic acid, 7, 28, 277 Ergotinin, 277, 278 Ergotism, 28-29, 31, 77, 80 100 276-279, &64 Enidemics of, 276-277 Effects of, f. 278 Nervous, 279 Gangrenons. 28 Spasmodic, 28 Ergotoxin, 278 Eria stellata, 840 Erica, 666 ERICACEAR, 52, 64, 127-128, 664-675, 820-821, 864 ERICALES. 157, 664-675 Ericinol, 666 Ericolin, 127. 665. 666, 669 Erigeron, 757. 776-779. 865 annuus, 138, 777, 778 canadensis, 138, 755, 777- CLS fe Tee divaricatus, f. 777 philadelphicus, 777 ramosus, 138, 778 Eriksson, J., 882 Eriobotryva, 865 japonica, 53 Eriocaulon septangulare, 372 Eriocolin, 703 Eriodendron 621, 624 anfractuosum, Eriodictyon crassifolium, 793 glutinosum, 827 Friodictyonic acid, 703 Eriogonum umbellatum, 419 Eritrichium gnaphaloides, 629 Ernst, A., 52, 803, 804, 882 Erodium, 578-579 cicutarium, 67, 120, 578, #. 579 moschatum, 120, 578, 579,. f 579) Musk, f. 579 Eruca sativa, 818 Eryngtiun maritimum, 648 yuccaefolium, 648, 692 JERYSIBACEAE, 268-273 Erysimwn, 486 asperum, 486 cheiranthoides, 818 crepidifolium, 486, 818 Kirysipelas, 171 Erysiphe, 269 Cichoracearum, 269 communis, 269, 272 graminis, f. 270, f. 271, 272-—- 273 ; Erythema, 421, 611, 731 Scarlatiniform, 78 Iirythrasma, 298 Erythrina Corallodendron, 527, 830 Hypaphones, 830 Mulungu, 830 Erythrocentaurin, 689 Erythronium albidum, 834 americanum, 834 Dens-canis, 834 grandifiorum, 834 purpurascens, 104, 834 Erythrophloein, 148, 534 Erythrophloeum, 1, 865 Comminga, 830 guineense, 534, 830 FERYTHROXYLACEAE, 575, 821 Erythrroxylon Coca, 147, 575,-. f. 576, 821, 835 Escallonia myrtilloides, 851 KEscharotic, 805 Escholtzia, 865 : californica, 479, f. 480, 840 Douglasti, 113 . Eserin, 82, 531, 729, 804 Eseridin, 528 Ister, 500 Ether, 73 EUASCALES, 248-281 EUASCI, 248-281 EUBASIDII, 209, 220-247 Eucalyptol, 640 Bucalypts, 640 Eucalyptus Globulus, 640, 832° microtheca, 839 Oi] of, 640 rostrata, 640, 839 Euchlaena mexicana, 342 Euchresta Horsfieldti, 90, S51, 830 Eudorina, 93, 193 Eugenia caryophyllata, f. 63%,. 39 3 6 Chetuen, 640 Jambos, 839 - Ikugenin, 639 Eugenol, 392, 478, 583 Euglena virtdis, 188 E,UGLENACEAE, 188 EUGLENALES, 188 Eulophia virens, 840 EUMYCETES, 98-100, 154, 195-308 Euonymin, 148, 615 Euomymus, 615 atropurpureus, 123, 614, f. 615, 813 europaeus, 813 latif olius, 813 Kuparin, 772 EUPATORIEAE, 757 Eupatorin, 138, 755, 772 Sheba 90, 757, 770-772, 6 148, altissimum, f. 763 amarissimum, 815 cannabinum, 138, 815 capillifolium, 770 perfoliatum, 138, 755, 772 purpureum, 771, 772 serotinum, 771 urticaefolium, 138, f. 773, 771-772 Euphorbia, 52, 65, 588, 589, 590, 597, 603 aleppica, 822 alsinaeflora, 589, 822 amygdaloides, 822 antiquorum, 589, 822 arborea, 822 bicolor, 822 canariensis, 589 candelabrum, 822 caracasana, 822 cerebrum, 822 Chamaesyce, 822 Characias, 589, 822 corollata, 21, : 122," 598, f. 508, 601, 602, 822 cotinoides, 822 cotinfolia, 822 Cyparissias, LAA DU pa. 589, 600, 601, OL, 822 dendroides, 822 Drummondti, 11, 588, 589, 822 eremophila, 589, 822 Esula, 589, 822 exigua, 589 Gerardiana, 822 Helioscopia, 589, 822 Heptagona, 589, 822 heterodoxa, 597, 822 heterophylla, 121, 588, 600 hyberna, 822 Ipecachuanha, 599, f. 690, 602, 822 Lathyris, 1, 121, 589, f. 590 599, 602, 822 linearis, 822 lingularia, 822 maculata, 121, 598 marginata, 64, 121, 509, 600, 822 mellifera, 822 nertifolia, 822 obtusata, 121 oficinarum, 822 palustris, 4, 589, 822 Paralias, 822 Peplus, 589, 822 piluifera, 601 piscatoria, 822 Pithyusa, 822 platyphyllos, 589, 822 Preslti, 121, 597, f. 602, 603, 822 primulaefolia, 822 pulcherrima, 679, 822 punicea, 822 pungiformis, 822 Regis-Jubae, 823 Reinhardtii, 589 12. fe 5075 598, f. INDEX resinifera, 121, 588, 601, j 2 Royleana, 823 Sibthorpu, 823 Sieboldiana, 823 splendens, 588 thymifolia, 823 Tirucalli, 823 venefica, "823 verrucosa, 823 Wulfenti, 823 FSUPHORBIACEAE, 52, 53, 89, 121-122, 575, 577, 586- 604, 821-824, 865 Euphorbon, 121, 588, 602 EUPHYCEAE, 98, 153, 188- 194, 859 Europe, Poisonous plants of, 86 European Aconite, 46, 109, 450, 452, 453 Anemone, f. 454 Aristolochia, 7. 478 Artichoke, 756 Pekcq bane) y(5 Tey AE Beech, 403 Bindweed, 702 Chestnut, 403 Columbine, 446, f. 447 Cyclamen, 676 Grape, 620 Heliotrope, 705 Holly, 614 Horse-chestnut, 617 Licorice, 527, f. 528 Lupine, 118 White, 547 Mistletoe, 106 Mountain Ash, 629 Oak, 105 Peppergrass, 486-493 Plum, 500, 514 Prickly Lettuce, 756, 760 61, f. 76r Saint John’s-wort, 631 Sandwort, 436 Strawberry, 115 Sumac, 608 Vetch, 87 Violet, 83 Water Hemlock, f. 653 Yew, 101, 328 Eurotia ceratoides, 107, 424, 814 lanata, 107 Euryale ferox, 445, 839 Eurybia moschata, 815 Eustoma Russellianum, 690 EUTHALLOPHYTA, 97, 153, 160-308, 859 EUTUBERACEAE, 253, f. 254 Evans, J. F., 873, 882 Evans, J. R., 882 Evening Lychnis, 439 Primrose Family, 643-645 Everlasting Pea, 572-573 Evergreen Oak, 403 Evernia vulpina, 861 Evesque, 874, 882, 914 Evodia rutaecarpa, 849 Ewart, A. J., 882, 913 Exalgin, 78, 865 Exanthemata, 170 Excoecaria, 52 A gallocha, 588, 823 glandulosa, 588 .virgata, 823 Exoecarin, 588 Exidia truncata, f. 220 EXOASCACEAE, f. 252, 252-253 Exoascus Alni-incanae, f. 252 alnittorquus, 252 939 betulinus, 253 Cerasi, 253 - communis, f. 253 deformans, 253 Prum, 252, f. 252 EXOBASIDIINEAE, 233 Exocarpus cupressiformis, 850» Exotic Blue-flag, 3 Dodder, 130 Expectorant, 804 Extra-cellular Toxin, 10 F Faber, J. M., 882 Fabiana imbricata, 716 Fadong, 326 FaGaceak, 105, 824 FAGALES, 156, 402, 404 Fagopyrism, 80 Fagopyrismus, 12 Fagopyrum, 419-420 esculentum, 106, 419, 843 tataricum, 106, 419-420 Fagraea ceilanica, 836 Fagus ferruginea, 403 sylvatica, 403, 824 Fairchild, Dr. D. S., 544 Falck, é: P., 4 Falck, F. A., 882 Falk, 688 False Acacia, f. 559, 559-569 Aloe, f. 384 Columba Root, 473 Flax, 493, f. 494 Hellebore, 103, 375 Jasmine, 129 Mallow, 626 Mistletoe, 106 Ragweed, f. 764 Truffle, 247 Famulener, L. W., 882 Farcinica organism, 184 Farcy Glanders, 180 FARINOSAE, 155, 372-374 Farkleberry, 665 Farlow, W. G., 91, 96, 186, 205, 217, 236, 238, 239, 245, 803, 863, 882 Farr, E. H., 882, 917 Fatsia horrida, 125, 647 Fatty acids, 73 Faville, G. C., 277 Favus, 12, 14, 17-19, 100, 294- 297, 865 of cats, 295 dogs, 295 guinea pigs, 295 mouse, f. 294, 295 on hair of human beings, 295 onchomycosis, 295 Fawcett, H. S., 121 Fehr, 297 Fenchone, 648 Fenn, C. M., 883 Fennel, 648 Oil, 86 Source of drug, 87 Seeds, 648 Fenshoe, 328 Fenugreek, 527 Ferguson, A. T., 25, 883 Fermentation, 250 Fungi in, 249 Fermi, C., 883, 903 Fernald, M. L., 883 Ferns, 100-101, f. 309, f. 311, f, 312, 312-322, 865 Bladder, 101, 319-320 Bristle, 313 Cinnamon, 313, 322 Clayton’s, 313, 322 940 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Climbing, 315 Filmy, f. 309, 313 Flowering, f. 321 Maiden Hair, 101, 313, f. 316, 316-317, f. 317 Male Shield, 149, f. 309, 315 Extract of, 77 Ostrich, 321 Royal, f. 309, 313, 322 Sensitive, 320-321 Shield, f. 320 Sweet, 399 Tree, 313 Fertility, Toxicity of plant affected by, 83 Ferula, 650 communis, 856 foetida, 856 galbanifilua, 648, 856 Narthex, 648 Sumbul, 648 Festuca quadridentata, 826 sylvatica, 229 Fetid Marigold, 139, 140, 784- 785, f. 785 Fetterbush, 673-674 Mountain, 674, 675 Fever, Relapsing, 182 Rheumatic, 171 Scarlet, 171 Splenic, Bacillus of, f. 173 Typhoid, 173 Bacillus of, f. 173 Feverwort, 135, 744, 745 Fevillea cordifolia, 751, 819 Feydel, Paul, 883 Fiber, Ceir, 370 Cotton, 623 Jute, 621 Plants, 345, 386, 580-581, 621, 622, 623 Among Leguminosae, 524 Ramie, 406 Raphia, 370 Sisal, 386 Ficaria, 89 FICOIDEAE, 89, 824 Ficus, 89 altissima, 406 benghalense, 406 Carica, 405, f. 407, 857 elastica, 405 hispida, 857 hypogaea, 857 leucantatomia, 857 religiosa, 406 Roxburghii, 857 Sycamorus, 405 Field Larkspur, 108, 460 Marigold, f. 139, 140 Mushroom, 235 ne ay enny Cress, 495, f. 4 Sow Thistle, 759, 760 * Fig, 405 myrna, 405 Sycamore, 405 Tree, 407 Figwort Family, 134, 733-738 Filbert, European, 402 spe? i 312, 313-322, Fruices, 89, 90, 417 Filicie acid, 77, 319 Filicin, 319 Filipendula Ulmaria, 115, 629 Filmy Fern, f. 309, 313 Fine-leaved Sneezeweed, f. Fir, Balsam, 327 Black, 327 Douglas, 327 Fischer, A., 874, 883 Fischer, B., 302 Fischer, E., 146 Fischer, R., 883 Fischer, T., 883 Fisetin, 612 Fish, Poisoning from, 77, 78 Poison, 1, 2, 52; (53) 54, 120, 121, 131, 472, 606, 621, 804, 865 California, 125 Soapwort, 593 Fistulina hepatica, 234 FLACOURTIACEAE, 627 Flag, Blue, f. 388 Carolina, 389 Exotic, 389 Large, 105 Sweet, 105 FLAGELLARIACEAE, 825 FLAGELLATAE, 153, 188 Flandin, C., 883 Flaveria Contrayerba, 815 Flax, 120, 580-581, 865 Annual Blue-flowered, 580 Dodder, 701 False, 493, f. 404 Family, 120, 580, 581 Fiber, 580-581 Latee flowered Yellow, 120, 8 Red Garden, 580 Seed, 120, 581 Fleabane, 776-777, 778-779 Fleming, George, 13, 277, 883 Fleming, Luke, 746 Flemingia congesta, 830 Flickinger, Dr. P. W., 720 Flindersia Schottiana, 837 Floras, See page 865 FLORIDEAE, 194 Flower-de-luce, 389 Flowering Almond, 505, 514 Dogwood, 664 Fern, f. 322, 322 Plants, 101 Spurge, 121, 122, 598, f. 508 Tobacco, 133, 715 Flowers, Poisoning from, 64 Poisonous, 865 Fluavil, 681 Fliickiger, F. A., 59, 86, 449, 481, 482, 594, 718, 863, 883, 888 Fliigge, C., 883 Fluggea Leucopyrus, 823 obovata, 823 Fly’ Agaric, 10; 31,74, 99, 148, f. 236, 236-238 Fungus, 195, f. 203, 204 Killer, 34 Poison, 104, 131, 376, 726 Fodder Pea, 45 Fodere, F. E., 3, 5, 883 Foeniculum vulgare, 648 Fogel, Estelle D., 96, 883, 902 . Fog-fruit, 708 Foliaceous Lichens, 307, f. 309 Folliculitis, 16 Fomes applanatus, 234 Foods, Poisonous, 865 Fool’s Eneys 76, 126;.'659; Foot and Mouth Disease, 277 Foot-rot, of cattle and sheep, 179 of orange and lemon trees, 287 4 Forage Plants, 338, 525-526 Poisoning, 20-24, 80, 287, 343, 865 Ford, W. W., Prof., 31, 35, 36, 235, 238, 241, 242, 243, 613, 883 Forget-me-not, 704 Formalin, 78 Formic Acid, 80, 106, 412 Forrest, 883 Forster, E. L., 883 Forsythia, 128 intermedia, 840 suspensa, 128, 683, 840 \ viridissima, 128, 840 Foss, B., 347 Foster, 687 Foul Brood of Bees, 163 American, 175 European, 174-175 Fouquiera splendens, 627 Fourcroya, See Furcraea Fourie, 16 Fowl Meadow Grass, Powd- ery Mildew on, 272 Foxglove, 75, 736-737 Common, 385 Purple, 134, 736, 737, #. 737 Foxtail, Corean, f. 349, f. 143 Green, f. 207 Smut, 217, f. 218 Fragaria, 507, 509-510 chiloensis, 115, 505, 509 indica, 509 vesca, 115, 505, 509-510, f. 500, f. 510, 629 virginiana, 115, 509, f. 509. 629 virginiana var. illinoiensis, 505 Fragrant Golden-rod, 774 Violet, 631 Fraissenet, J. F. F., 884 France, Powoneus plants of, Francis, Dr., 25, 54 Francis, Geo., 91, 97, 884 Francoa appendiculata, 851 Frangulin, 620 Frank, A. B., 288, 296 Frankenia ericifolia, 825 grandifolia, 825 FRANKENIACEABR, 825 Frankforter, G. B., 884 Frasera carolinensis, 689 speciosa, 689 Fraser’s Honeysuckle, 744 Frazer, 146 Frazer, T. B., 884, 913 . Fraxinus, 629 americana, 683 nigra, f. 682, 683 ornus, 683 pennsylvanica v. lanceolata, 83 Frederick, Dr. H. J., 176 Free, J. E., 884 Freeman, 884 Freeman, E. M., 364 Freesia, 389 refracta, 389 French Honeysuckle, 525 Mulberry, 708 Pharmacopoeia, 866 Sorrel, 419 Turpentine, 330 “Frenching”’ of cotton, 287 Fresh-water- Cord-grass, f- Eel Grass, 332 Friedberg, L. H., 4, 884, 894 am Friedberger, F., 20, 46, 324, 328, 330, 377, 383, 403, 441, 449, 483, 548, 552, 560, 574, 581, 589, 626, 642, 649, 696, 707, fas, 728, 751, 884 Fries, 803 Frijolillo, 543 Fringe Tree, 129, 683 Fringed Gentian, 690 Fritillaria, 377 Imperialis, 4, 834 Meleagris, 834 pudica, 834 Frohner, E., See Friedberger Frothingham, L., 884 Frullania, 310 Fruticose Lichens, 307 FUCACEAE, 194 Fuchs, F. A., 265, 884 Fuchsia, 644 Fucus vesiculosus, f. 192, 7. 193, 194 Fuligo, 160 Fuller’s Teasel, 741 Fumaria officinalis, 413, 825 spicata, 825 FUMARIACEAE, 113, 824 Fumarin, 483 Fumitory, 113 Climbing, 480 Family, 113 Funaria, 310 hygrometrica, f. 31r Fungi, 53, 90, 98, 195-306 Cup, 253 Edible and poisonous, Dif- ference between, 239- 240 Gelatinous, 220 Parasitic, 281 Poisoning by, 31-36, 78 Poisonous; 125) 5.) 72,. 803; 865 Trichophytic, 295, 300 Fungi Imperfecti, 100, 154, 281-306, 861 Cause of disease, 12 Fungus, Bird’s nest, f. 246 Cat-tail, 273 Corn- silage, f. 248 Death-cup, 241 Dry-rot, f. 232 Erythrasma, 298 Fly, 195, 204 Mold, 293 Prickle, f. 232 Rape, 100, 283 Funifera utilis, 642 Furbringer, R., 199 Furcraea, 89, 386 gigantea, 805 Furcroya, See Furcraea Fusarium, 260, 287-294, f. 289, 861 culmorum, 290 equinum, 100, f. 292, 293 heterosporum, 288, f. 289 limonis, 287 lycopersici, 287 moniliforme, 290 roseum, 100, 273, 288, 364, 861 vasinfectum, 287 sp., 291, 293 Fusicladium destruens, 284 Fustic, 406 G Gaffky, George, 884 Gaillard, A., 237 Gaillardia pulchella, 756 INDEX Galangal, 392 Galanthus nivalis, 386, 805 Galega, 534, 865 officinalis, 534, 535, 830 orientalis, 830 GALEGEAE, 504 Galen, 276 Galeopsis tetrahit, 131 Galium, 90, 741 Aparine, "848 asprellum, 848 triflorum, 744, 848 Gallesia Scorododendron, 841 Gallic acid, 503, 608, 612 Gallotannic acid, 533 Galloway, B. T., 565 Galls, Aleppo, 403 Gamaleia, N., 884 Gambier, 742 Gambier, J., 565, 567 Gamboge, 627 American, 629 Gamgee, J. 213, 261, 290 Gammer, 6 GAMOPETALAE, 157 Gangrene, Dry, 28, 100 Erysipelatous, 600, 601 Ganophyllum, 89 falcatum, 850 Garcinia Cambogia, 827 Forsteriana, 827 Hanburyi, 627 Mangostana, 627 Garden Cress, 113 Leek, 383 Lettuce, 756, 760, 762 Pea. 520) -f.) Ser iPoppyal fa Conon llilen ifs 481, 481-482 Pussley, 423 Raspberry, 505 Strawberry, 505 Thyme, 709 Gardenia jasminioides, 742 Gardiner, W. W., 884 Garget, 434 Garlic, 375, 383 Field, 383 Golden, 383 Wild, 383 Garner, W. W., 86 Garnsey, H. E., 884 Garrya Fremontti, 127, 817 Gas (illuminating), poisoning by, 6 Gas Plant, 581 GASTEROMYCETERS, f. 246 Gastro-enteritis, 10, 20, 319, 3285 5505 O01 8/55 OF Ly 386, 421, 581, 643, 652, 694, 725, 726, 804, 865 Gastrolobic acid, 533 Gastrolobin, 531 Gastrolobium, Australian, 533 bilobum, 531, 830 calycinum, 533, 831 callistachys, 831 grandifiorum, 533, 831 obovatum, 831 ovalifolium, 831 oxylobioides, 831 Poisonous to Stock, 37, 533 polystachyum, 533 spinosum, 831 trilobum, 533, 831 Gattinger, A., 884 Gaultheria, 666, 669, 865 microphylla, 821 nummularioides, 821 Oil of, 665, 866 procumbens, 404, 665, 821 Shallon, 665 941 Gaura, 644-645 biennis, 644-645 coccinea, 645 parviflora, 645 Scarlet, 645 Gautier, 0% 265, 873, 884 Gautiera morchallaeformis, f. 2 Gaylussacia baccata, 665 Geaster, 245 timbriatus, f. 246 Geiger, P. ioe 3, 884 Geissospermum V ellosii, 147, 8 Gelsemin, 77, 80, 129, 147, 9 Gelseminin, 147, 689 Gelsemium, 688-689, 865 sempervirens, 129, 147, f. 686, 689, 836 Geniophlebium incanum, 825 Genista, 865 ephedroides, 90 florida, 90 germanica, 90 monosperma, 90, 831 ramosissima, 90 sphaerocarpa, 531, 831 spicata, 90 tinctoria, 90, 524-525, f. 525, 831 GENISTEAE, 530, 551 Gentian, Closed, 690 Family, 129, 689-691 Fringed, 690 Horse, 135 White, 690, f. 690 Yellowish, 690 Gentiana Andr ewsit, crinita, 690 flavida, 690, f. 690 puberula, 689 verna, 825 GENTIANACEAE, 691, 825 Gentiopicrin, 689 Gentistic acid, 689 Geoffraea superba, 831 Geophila macropoda, 848 reniforemis, 848 GERANIACEAE, 120, 575, 577- 579, 825 GERANIALES, 157, 574-604 Geraniol, 577, 709 Geranium, Cultivated, f. 578 Family, 67, 120 Oil, 506 Robertianum, 578 sp., 150 Geranoil, 88 Gerardia, 734, 737-738 grandifiora, 134, 738 purpurea, 134 tenuifolia, 134, 738, 852 Slender, 134, 738 Gerhardt, 145 Gerlach, M., 16, 295, 301 German, John, 884 German Chamomile, 754 Millet, 102, f. 349, 350 Pharmacopoeia, 866 Vetch, 572 Germander, 709 Germany, Poisonous of, 867 Germicides, 865 Gerrard, A. W., 884 GESNERIACEAE, 698 Geum nivale, 505 urbanum, 505 Geyer, C. A., 801 Gherkins, West Indian, 750 689, 690 129, 683, 689- plants 942 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Giant Cactus, 635 Puff-ball, 99 Gibbellina cerealis, 267, f. 268 Gibberella, 273, 861 Saubenetiti, 273, f. 288, 288 Gibbes, H., 884 Gibbons, H., 884 Gibbons, W. P., 884 Gibson, R. J. H., 885 Gid, 569 Giesecke, 3 Gift Apple, 865 Gilchrist, W. D., 556 Gilia achillaefolia, 843 aggregata, 130, 698, 843 laciniata, 843 Gillenia stipulacea, 505, 847 stipulata, 115 trifoliata, 115, 847 Gillot, Victor, 244, 245 Gillot, X., 885 Gilman, J. F., 885 Giltay, E., 284 Giltner, Ward, 344 Gimlette, J. D., 729, 885 Gin, Juniper used in the manufacture of, 330 Ginger, 77, f. 390, 391, 865 Wild, f. 475, 416 Gingerol, 391 Ginkgo biloba, 326, 815 Seed, 395 GINKGOACEAE, 326 GINKGOALES, 326 Ginora mexicana, 836 Ginseng, f. 646, 647 Chinese, 647 Family, 125, 646-647 Gipsies, Poison used by, 2 Gisekia pharnacioides, 824 Githagin, 440 Githagism, 441 Gladiolus, 389 communis, 827 segetum, 827 Glanders, 180 Bacillus of, f. 18r Farcy, 180 Glaucin, 113 Glauciuwm corniculatum, 841 flavum, 841 Gleditschia, 63, 89, 865 amorphoides, 831 sinensis, 831 triacanthos, 527, Gleichenia, 315 flabellata, 825 GLEICHENIACEAE, 315 Glenk, R., 918 Gleocapsa, 184, 187, f. 300 Gliricidia maculata, 831 Globba Beaumetzii, 858 Globularia Alypum, 853 Glototrichia, 93, 186-187 Piswm, 187 Gloiopeltis coliformis, 194 Gloriosa simplex, 834 superba, 376, 834 Glover, G. H., 96, 346, 347, 467, 885 Gloxinia, 698 Gluco-alkaloids, 149 Achillein, 149 Solanin, 149 Glucose, 489, 505 Glucosides, 865 Absinthin, 140, 755 Achillein, 140, 149, 756 Adonidin, 148, 446 Aesculetin, 617 Aesculin, 123, 617, 642, 683 537,, 83 Amygdalin, 7, 54, 83, 116, 117, 144, 503, 504, 505, 506, 512, 517, 518, 519 Antiarin, 148, 406 Apocynein, 692 Apocynin, 129, 148, 692 Arbutin, 505, 506, 665, 666 Asclepiadin, 696 Asclepione, 130, 697 Aucubin, 664 Baptisin, 533, 540 Bryonin, 751 Caricin, 627 Catalpin, 739 Cephalanthin, 135, 744 Cheiranthin, 78, 148 Cheiratin, 689 Chicorin, 137, 759 Colocynthin, 77, 749, 750 Convallamarin, 104, 148, 385 Convallarin, 104, 148, 385 Convolvulin, 130, 699, 702 Coronillin, 148 Crocin, 742 Cyclamin, 52, 89, 128, 676 Daphnetin, 125, 642 Daphnin, 125, 642 Dhurrin, 54, 348 Digitalin, 78, 80, 130, 134, 144, 148° 385, 441, 534, 692 736, 737 Digitonein, 148 Digitonin, 134, 148, 736 Digitoxin, 134, 377, 736 Diosmin, 583 Elaterin, 749 Ericolin, 127, 665, 666, 669 Erythrocentaurin, 689 Erythrophloein, 418, 534 Euonymin, 148, 615 Euparin, 772 Eupatorin, 138, 755, Frangulin, 620 Gastrolobin, 531 Gentiopicrin, 689 Glycyrretin, 531 Glyeyrrhizin, 527, 531 Gratiolin, 734 Gynocardin, 54 Helleborein, 449 Helleboretin, 148, 449 Helleborin, 73, 148, 449 Hesneridin, 583 Hydrochinon, 596 Ibo, 683 Indican, 106, 419 Tpomoein, 130, 701 Trigenin, 389 Jalapin, 702 Kolanin, 621 Lappin, 755 Leptandrin, 733, 736 Linariin, 735 Loganin, 687 Loliin, 103 Lotusin, 54, 534 Lupinin, 118. 531, 548 N “I bo *Melanthin, 62 Nerin, 130, 148 Oleandrin, 148 Ononid, 531 Ononin, 531 Oxycoccin, 666 Phaseo-lunatin, 54 Phillyrin, 683 Pinicrin, 328 Populin, 397 Prophetin, 749 Purshianin, 621 QOueratrin, 560 Quercitrin, 506, 510, 584, 666 Rhamnetin, 124, 620 Rhamnin, 124, 620 Rhamno-cathartin, 124 Rhinanthin, 738 Robinin, 119, 560 Salicin, 397, 505 Scillain, 148, 377 Scillitin, 377 Sinalbin, 489 Sinigrin, 489 Solanin, 60, 83; 132, 133, 144, 148, 149, 718, 721, 722, 724. Tampicin, 702 Tephrosin, 533, 558 Thevetin, 148, 692 Turpethin, 702 Tutin, 149, 607 Veratramarin, 381 Villosin, 508 Violin, 632, 633 Wisterin, 534 Xanthostrumarin, 137. 769 Glucotropaeolum, 575 Glue, 529 GLUMIFLORAE, 336-369 Gluta Benghas, 805 Glyceria, 90, 826 aquatica, 53 canadensis, 692 fluitans, Ergot on. 276 Glycine hispida, 520, f. 520, 831 Soja, 520 Glycosuria, 73 Glycyrretin, 531 Glycyrrhiza, 534 glabra, 527, f. 528 glabra v. glandulifera, 527 Glycyrrhizin, 527, 531 Gmelin, J. F., 3, 885 Gnephosis eriocarpa, 815 GNETACEAB, 825 GNETALES, 326 Gnetum scandens, 825 urens, 825 Gnidia carinata, 642 Gnoscopin, 481 Goat’s Death, 64 Goat’s Rue, 118, 558 Godet, C., 862, 885 Godfrey, B., 885 Godfrey, Geotke 885, 899 Godlee, R. S., 885, 905 Goeppert, H. R., 885 Gola, G., 885 Godkin, 888 Golden Corydalis, 113 Glow, 756, 779 Seal, 448, f. 468, 688 Golden-rod, 138, 222, 755, 767, 774-776, 865 Fragrant, 774 Rigid, 775, 776 Rust, 222, 775 Goldsmith, W. W., 383, 384 Gompholobium, 534, 831 uncinatum, 533 Gontothalamus macrophyllus, Gonolobus laevis, 809 obliquus, 809 Gonorrhea, 170 Good King Henry, 427, /. 427 Good, Peter, 885 Goodale, G. L., 633 Goodenia grandiflora, 825 GoopENIACEARF, 825 Goodia, 533 lotifolia, 533, 831 medicaginea, 533 Gooseberry, Cape, 715 Cultivated, 500 Missouri, 500 Septoria on, 284 Goosefoot, 427 Gooseplant, 417 Family, 424-430 Gordon, P. R., 871, 885 Gordonia, 629 Gosio, B., 885 Gossypium, 624, 626 arboreum, 623 barbadense, 623, 625 herbaceum, 76, 124, 622, f. 625, 625-626, 837 hirsutum, 625 Gottheil, 885 Gotti, 263 Gouania, 2, 52, 89, 621, 847 tomentosa, 621 Goumi, 641, f.641 Gourd, Dipper, 751 Family, 135, 749-751 Missouri, 751 Nest-egg, 750 Sponge, 750 Towel, 750 Goze, 885 Gracilaria lichenoides, 194 Graham, H., 885 GRAMINEAE, 53, 89, 90, 102- 103, 336-367, 692, 825 Graminol, 767 -Grand Traverse Disease, 344 Grandilla, 633 Grape, Clinton, 620 Concord, 620 European, 620 Family, 124 Fox Northern, 620 Southern, 620 Fruit, 582 Janesville, 620 Mustang, 124, 620 Oregon, 112, 472, f. 472 Powdery Mildew on, 269 Small, 620 Wild Blue, 620 Worden, 620 Graphis scripta, f. 308 Grass, 865 Beard, 344-348 Bent, 225 Blue, 338, f. 339 Ergot on, f. 27, 276 Powdery Mildew on, f. 271, 272 Blue-joint, Ergot on, f. -7 Bottle, Ergot on, f. 27 Bristly Foxtail, f. 339 Brome, 338 China, 406 Cord, Fresh-water, f. 69 Curly, Small, 315 Cuscus, 345 Eel, Fresh-water, 332 Family, 89, 90, 336-337 Foxtail, 207, 349, 865 Fowl Meadow, Powdery Mildew on, 272 Holy, 339, Hungarian, 102, 350 Johnson, f. 344, 345, 346, 865 Knot, 421 Lemon, 344 Meadow-oat, Tall, f. 349 Mexican, 342 Needle, 66, f. 70, 102, 338, fs 355, 355-357 Western, f. 66, 10 = INDEX - Orchard, Powdery Mildew on, 272 Rust on, 229 Spot-disease of, 282, a 283 Pigeon, 98 Porcupine, 102, 355-356, f. 356, 865 Smut on, f. 216 Poverty Long-awned, 352-353, Te 353 Short-awned, f. 353 Quack, 103, 364-365 Black-spot Disease of, /. 280, 280 Ergot on, 276 Quaking, 90 Ramie, 406 Rattlesnake, 692 Red Top, 338, 865 Ergot on, 277 Rice-cut, f. 338, 339 Rust, f. 223, 224-227, f. 225 Rye, 361-364 Common, 361 Italian, 361 Salt, 90 Sleepy, 102, 355, 357-358 865 Smut, 98, 212, 214-219 Snake, 692 Sprouting Smut, f. 214 Squirrel-tail, 66, 103, 360, 366-367, f. 368 Injuries from, 66, 360 Powdery Mildew on, 272 Staggers, 21 Sweet, 865 Tickle, Rust on, f. 223 Triple-awned, 352 Tulip, 868 Vanilla, f. 347, 552 Vernal, 524 Sweet, 552 Wheat, 364 Western, Ergot on, 276 Wild, Ergot on, 276 Wire, 374 Yellow-eyed, 372 Gratiola officinalis, 4, 134, 734, 852 peruviana, 852 sp., 134 Gratiolin, 734 Gravel-root, 772 Graves, C. B., 881, 885 Grawitz, Paul, 260, 295, 298, 302, 305, 885 Gray, Dr. Asa, 533, 602, 885, 886 Greasewood, 68, 107, 429, 439 Great Angelica, 660 Lobelia, 753 Ragweed, f. 136, 137, 765- 766 St. John’s-wort, 125, 629. 630-631, f. 632 Willow-herb, 644 Great-flowered Larkspur, 460 Magnolia, 473, f. 474 Great Britain, Poisonous plants of, 867 Green, J. R., 250, 486, 886 Green, Wesley, 886 Green Algae, 160 Ash, 683 Brier, 104 Hellebore, f. 45, 75, 109, 449 Mold, f. 257, 257, 261 Pigweed, 107 943 Tea, 628 Greene, E. R., 746 Greenish, H. G., 886 Greenleaf, R. W., 886 Greimer, Karl, 886 Greshoff, M., 54, 65, 84, 88, 89, 90, 96, 101, 110, 114, 115, 124, 128, 130, 135, 141, 315, 426, 447, 498, 500, 503, 535, 567, 590, 621, 698, 750, 803, 804, 886 Gressler F. G. L., 886 Grevillea mimosoides, 844 Grewia, 2, 52, 89, 621 asiatica, 855 bracteata, 855 Malococca, 855 orientalis, 855 pilosa, 855 piscatorum, 855 Grey, Geo., 886 Griffiths, David, 635 Grohe, 886 Gromwell, 629 Grigorescu, G., 886 Grindelia, 89, 757, 774 lanceolata, 138 robusta, 774, 815 squarrosa, 138, 755, 774 Tournefortii, 815 Grindelin, 755, 774 Grénlund, C., 886 Gross, Herman, 886 Ground Cherry, 715, f. 715 Ivy, 131, 710, f. 771 Plum, /. 563 Groundsel, 795-797 Salt, 138 Grouse poisoned by Laurel, 66 9 “Grub-in-the-head,”” 138, 776 Gruby,) 13,295,508, 302, 885 Griinfeld, 279 Guaco, 417 Guaicum officinale, 575, 853 Guanin, 146 Guapacum, 89 Guar, 526 Guarana, 606 Guardia, J., 886 Guatteria veneficiorum, 806 Guava, 525, 639 Gueguen, J., 886 Guenther, J., 887 Guerin, P., 363, 364, 887 Guiana, Poisonous plants of, 867 Gatgaet gy Dt VO SA4, 7H, 8 8 Guinea Pepper, 725 Guizotia abyssinica, 755 Gum, Canoe, 405 Elastic, 588 Galbanum, 648 Kino, 523, 640 Sandarac, 328 Sour, 664 Tragacanth, 530 Tupelo, 664 Gumbo, 623 Gumweed, 755, 774 Gun Cotton, 623 Gustavia, 52 Augusta, 814 brasiliana, 814 Gutta, 681 Gutta-percha, 680, 681 Tree, f. 680 Guttenberg, G., 96, 435, 887 GUTTIFERAE, 827 Guvacin, 370 Gymnanthes lucida, 823 944 Gymnema latifolinm, 53, 809 sylvestre, 809 GYMNOASCEAE, 252 Gymnoascus, 252 Gymnocladus, 89, 536-538 canadensis, 527, 831 chinensis, 831 dioica, 63, f. yt SSKSH 116, 117, 537, f. 53 a ES a cordata, 825 GYMNOSPERMAE, 101-102. 155, 325-332 Gymnosperms. See Gymnos- permae Gymnosporangium Gynocardia odorata, 53, S4, 627, 810 Gynocardin, 54 Gynopogon, 691 Gypsophyl, 436 Tall, 436 Gypsophila, 89, 436 paniculata, 436-437 Struthium, 63, 436, 437, 813 Gypsophila-sapotoxin, 62 Gyromitra esculenta, 253, 859 Gyrotheca, 385 majalis, 827 H Habenaria nigra, 840 Hackberry, 408 Hackel, E., 362 Haemanthus, 805 coccineus, 805 Haematein, 528 Haematoxylin, 528 Haematoxylon campechianum, macropus, Haematuria, Caused by Marsan Marigold, 499 Caused by Ferula, 650 HAEMODORACEAE, 104, 385-386, 827 Haemodorum, 827 Haemolysis, 107 Hager, Hermann, 887 Hahn, G., 301 Haines, W. S., 887, 888, 904 Hair-balls. See Phyto-bezoars Hairy Phacelia, f. 703, 704 Trilisa, 773 Vetch, 527, 570 Halesia carolina, 682 Halderman, 887 Hale, E. M., 887 Half-breed Weed, 137 Halgand, 887 Halle, J. S., 887 Haller, 362, 721 Halocnemum fruticosum, 814 HIALORHAGIDACEAE, 640 Halsted, B. D., 105, 135, 276, 381,386, 415, 5/75, o89: 601, 634, 663, 732, 751, 887, 888 Hamamelis virginiana, 500 HAMAMELIDACEAE, 498, 500 Hamburger, W. W., 305 Halimodendron argenteum, 3/35 Hamelia patens, 848 Hamilton, 411, 888 Hamilton, A. M., 914 Hamilton, W., 888 Hanbury, D., 59, 86, 449, 481, 482, 593, 718, 883, 914 Hancornia, 691 Hannibal, 2 888, 903, Hanriot, Maurice, 558 Hansen, N. E., 526, 641, 888 Haplocarpha iyrata, 815 Hapliphyton cimicidum, 807 Harcourt, A. M., 553 Hard, M. E&., 234, 803 Hard Maple, 615, f. 676 Hard-shell Hickory, 402 Hardin, M. B., 626 Hardy Catalpa, 134, f. 740 Pink, 436 Hare, a E1635, (873, Soe. Haven on ‘Be. Harknis, D>: oee8, 912 Harlan, H., "S88 Harnack, E., 888, 899 Harper, R. A., 222, 267 Harpullia, 52, 607 arborea, 850 cupanioides, 850 thanatophora, 850 Harrington, C., 888 Harris, N. M., 305 Harrison, F. C., 25 Harrison, W. H., 888 Harshberger, J. W., 277, 342, 888, 889 Hartley, C. P., 342, 889 Hartman, G., 889 Hartzell, Stella, 422-423. 889 Harz, C. O., 247, 248, 359, 889 Tash. See Hashish Hashish, 7, 411, 445 Hashishin, 411 Haslam, T. P., 889 Hatch, 199 Hatch, W. G., 889 Havard, Dr. V., 357, 889 Haw, 116, 506, 513-514 Red, f. 514 Hawthorn, 513-514 Hay, Moldy, as cause of dis- ease, 259 Hay- fever, "136, 137, 764, 767, 865 Serum, 767 Haya Poison, 865 Hayes, Capt., 626 Hazelnut, 403 Vazeltine, Dr. R., 49, 655 Heald, FE. D., 889, 892 Heald, F. D., 96, 100 Heart, Poisons acting on the, fe 7h} Also see Cardiac Poisons Heart’s-ease, 632-633 Heath Family, 127-128, 664- 675 Tleather, 65 Scotch, 665 THleaves, 865 Heboloma crustuliniforme, 859 fastibile, 860 Hebert, A., 889 Hecate, 2 Heckel, E., 889, 909 Hedeoma, 710, 711 Oil, 711 pulegiodes, 131, 711 Hedeomol, 711 Hedera Helix, 808 Hedge Bindweed, 701-702, f. 702 Hyssop, 134 Mustard, 114, 487-488 Hedges, Florence, 287, 889, 911 Hedrick, U. P., 3, 656, 658, 889 MANUAL OF POISONOUS, PLANTS j Hedychium longecormatuin, 858 Hedysarum coronarium, 525 Heffter, A., 889 Hefti, J. J., 889 Hesetschiveiier, J., 862, 890, Hehir, P., 890 Hein, Bornes ae Hektoen, L., 8 HELENIEAE,- 387, 758 Helenin, 754 Helenium, 757, 758, 781-784 autumnale, 139, 756, 78i- 783, f. 782, 816 autumnale v. grandifiormm, 781 Bigelovti, 781 Hoopesii, 140, 781 nudtiorum, 781 quadridentatum, 783 tenuifolium, 139, f. 142, 783-784, f. 784, 816 Heliamphora, 497 HELIANTHEAE, 757 Helianthemum canadense, 620 Helianthus, 757 annuus, 756 Maximiliani, 763 tuberosus, 756, 816 Helichrysum apiculatum, 755; 816 Helicia robusta, 844 Helicin, 505 Heliotrope, 704, 705 European, 705 Indian, 705 Seaside, 705 Wild, 131 ; Heliotropium, 705 Curassavicum, 705 europaeum, 131, 705, 811i indicum, 131, peruvianum, 704, 705 Hell, Dr., 826 Hellebore, 46, 78, 381, 449 American, 85 White, 381, f. 382 Black, 446, f. 448, 449 California, 103, 104, 381 False, 103, 375 Green, f. 45, 75, 109, 449 Swamp, 103 White, 75, 103, 381 Helleborein, 449 Helleboretin, 148, 449 Helleborin, 73, 148, 449 Helleborus, 447, 449 foetidus, 4, 148, 449, 846 niger, 4, 80, 148, 446, f. 448, 846, 862 odorus, 846 orientalis, 846 viridis, 4, 75, 109, 148, 449, 846 Helminthosporium ramine- um, 100, 281, 28r, f. 282 inconspicuum, 281-282 turcicum, 281, f. 282 HELOBIAE, 332-336 Helonias, 89 frigida, 834 Helvella, 253 esculenta, 237, 238 suspecta, 253 HELVELLACEAE, 253, 859 Helvellic acid, 78, 238, 253 HELVELLINEAE, 253-255 HEMIASCALES, 247-248 HEMIASCTI, 247-248 HEMIBASIDIALES, 210-220 HEMIBASIDII, 209, Hemidesnius, 90 indicus, 695, 809 Hemileia vastatrix, 222 Hemizonia macradenia, 138 Hemlock, 327, f. 327, 651-659. 865 Bulb-bearing, 126 Pitch, 327 Poison, f. 648, Purple- ede f. 655 Water, 126, 648, 651-659, 865 Bulbous, f. 658, 659 European, f. 653 Oregon, 656-658, f. 657 Hemolysins, 35, 36, 242 Hemorrhagic Septicemia, 177 Hemp, 74, 106, 410-411, 531 Common, f. 410 210-220 n Fin Ue Th on Indian, 72, 129, 411, 692, 693, f. 693 Manila, 391 Mauritius, 386 Queensland, 624 Hempel, C. J., 890 Henbane, 20/05 g Black, 133, 726- 727, f. 727 Henderson, 278 Henkel, Alice, 85, 732, 890 Henna, 638 Hennings, P., 229 Henry, Aimé, 862, 890 Henry, J., 890 Henry, T. A., 54, 88, 348, 450, 534, 881, 890 Henry, W. A., 213 Henslow, G., 862, 890 Hepaticae, 310 Heptapleurum emarginatum, 808 scandens, 808 venulosum, 808 Hereles, Poisonous honey 64 Habreteiay 650, 663, 865 lanatum, 126, ‘648, 663, 865 spondyilium, 865 Heraclin, 126, 663 Herb of Grace, 76 Herbarium Mold, 257 Herbs, poisonous, Hecate discoverer of, 2 Herissey, J., 890, 895 Herman, L,., 890 Herniaria, 63, 89, 436 glabra, 813 Herniaria-saponin, 62 Hernandia sonora, 828 Heroin, 147 Herpes, 15, 17 tonsurans, 301 Herr, Bertha D., 803 Herzog, M., 890 Hesperidin, 583 Hester, Dr., 655 Heteromorphae 856 eteropogon contortus, 354 hirtus, 826 Heteropteris 837 Hetier, Fr., 890 Heuchera americana, 500 Heusinger, H., 262, 295 Hevea, 587 brasiliensis, 53, 588 Heyer, F., 890 Heyl, 637 Heymans, 687 Hibbertia glaberrima, 819 longifolia, 819 arborescens, syringaefolia, INDEX Hibiscus abelmoschus, 624 cannabinus, 623 diversifolius, 837 elatus, 623 esculentus, 623 ficulneus, 623 Sabdaritia, 623, 624 tiliaceus, 623 : Hickman, R. W., 25, 891 Hickory, 402, 403 Hard-shell, 402 Missouri, 401 Shell-bark, 401 Hieracium, 757 venosum, 692, 755 virosum, 816 Hierochloe, 90 australis, 826 borealis, 826 odorata, 339, f. 341 rariflora, 826 High-bush Blackberry, 508, f. 508 Hilger, A., 891, 892 Hillman, F. H., 378 Hiltner, R. S., 348 Hinebauch, T. D., 350, 351, 891 Hippeastrum equestre, 805 rutilum,- 805 HIPPOCASTANACEAE, 123, 607, 616-618, 827 HIPPOCASTANEAE, 52, 63, 89 Hippocrates, 572 Hippomane, 865 Mancinella, f. 586, 587, 823 Hippophae rhamnoides, 125, f. 640, 641 Hippurus vulgaris, 640 Hirtz, 721 Hitchcock, A. S., 891 Hoary Pea, 558 Hochsetter, C. F., 891 Hoffman, E. 1 Rea 891 Hoffman, F. R., 891 Hoffman, Ralf, 891 Hog Pea, 204 Plum, 608 Hogweed, 766 Hogwort, 121, Holcus, 826 lanatus, 90 Holden, R. ewa22 Holigarna caustica, 805 ferruginea, 608 longifolia, 805 Holland, J. W., 10 Holly, American, 614 European, 614 Family, 123, 614 Sea, 648 Hollyhock, 623 Holm, T., 656, 772, 891 Holmes, E. M., 587, 891 Holy Grass, 339 Homalanthus crepitans, 823 Leschenaultianus, 588, 823 Homalium, 53 Homalomena aromatica, 808 Homen, E. A., 891 Homeria collina, 390, 827 Homochelidonin, 485 Honey Locust, 527 Plant, Simpson, 134 Poisonous, 64, 121; 601, 606, 865 Honeycomb Ringworm, 294 Honey-dew, 275 Honeysuckle, Bush, 135 Family, 135, 744-748 Fraser’s, 744 French, 525 591, f. 592 945 Rocky Mountain Bush, 135 Sullivant’s, 744 Trumpet, 744 Western, 744 Honeywort, 676 Hoof-ail, 277 Hooper, D., 891 Hop Clover, 552 Low, 553 Yellow, 553 Tree, 581 Hops, Common, 106, 406 Oil of, 406 Horand, 14 Hordeum, 340, 366-367 caespitosum, 103 distichum, 366 Gussonianum, 103 jubatum, 66, f. 67, 103, 366-367, f. 368 Ergot on, 276 murinum, 36, 367 nodosum, f. 67 secalinum, 103, 367, f. 368 spontanum, 366 vulgare, 103, 366 Horehound, 709 Horse Gentian, 135 Nettle, 60, 132, 718, f. 723, 724 Horse-chestnut, 618 European, 617 Horseradish, 113, 435, 486, 490-491, f. 4or, 656 Horsetail, 37, f. 38, 101, 312, 300° 325, 865 Horse-weed, 724, LOS aaa 778, . 778 Small, 777 Horsfield, Thomas, 891 Hosackia Purshiana, 525, 83t Houghton, Dr., 411 Hound’s Tongue, 131) 705- 706, f. 706 Houseleek, 221 Howard, C. D.. 517, oe 900 Howell, Miss 0) ey Hoya carnosa, 695 Huart, L,., 891 Hubbard, Re ene Huckleberry, 665, Huff, Elisha, 771 Hugemeyer, 891 Hughes, D. A., 541, 891 Hughes, Richard, 891 Hugonia Mystax, 835 Humea, 90 Humulus Lupulus, 857 Oil of, 106, 406 Hungarian Grass, 102 Hunger, Poisonous LASS G7 inihs 106, 406, plants 6 Hunt, Reid, 686, 891, 893 Huntington, Annie Oakes, 612, 862, 891 Hura crepitans, 587, f. 587 Husemann, A., 4, 892 Husemann, Th., 4, 891, 892 Hutcheon, D., 892 Hutyra, F., 13, 26, 892, 893 Hyacinth, 375 Hyacinthus orientalis, 375, 834 Hyaena Poison, 588 Hyams, C. W., 380, 415, 541, 580, 663, 677, 688, 747, 892 Hyatt, Virgil, Case of, 49 Hybanthus Ipecachuanha, 632 Hyde, J. N., 13, 19, 295, 298, 299, 302, 892, 900 946 HAydnocarpus, 52 anthelminticum, 810 castanea, 810 heterophylla, 811 inebrians, 54 Kursti, 811 piscidia, 811 venenata, 53, 627, 811 Wrightiana, 811 Hydnum amarescens, 860 graveolens, 860 iwmbricatum, f. 232 Hydrangea, 84, 89, 500, 629 arborescens, 115, 500, 851 Cultivated, 500 Garden, 500 Hortensia, 84, 115, 500, 629, 851 involucrata, 500, 851 Lindleyana, 500, 851 paniculata, 500 Thunbergti, 500, 851 Wild, 115, 500 Hydrastin, 108, 146, 468 Hydrastis, 447, 468 canadensis, 88, 108, 468, f. 468, 846 Hydrastium, 146 Hydric cyanid, 73 Hydrochinon, 506 Hydrocotarnin, 481 Hydrocotyle asiatica, 856 javanica, 856 umbellata, 856 vulgaris, 856 Hydrocyanic acid, 4, 6, 53- 55, 77, 80, 82, 83, 89, 90, 101, 102, 105, 115, 116, 119, 120, 128, 140, 141, 315, 346, 348, 447, 498, 500, 503, 512, 517, 518, 519, 567, 574, 590, 622, 627, 633, 681, 747, 804, 862, 865 Distribution in Vegetable Kingdom, 53-55, 89-90 Effect of, 54 Toxicity of, 7 Hydrodictyon 190 Hydrogen, Peroxid of, 72 Hydrogen in Alkaloids, 144 Tlydrogen potassium sulphate, 489 TiyDROPHYLLACEAE, 131, 698, 703-704, 827 Hydroquinon, 505, 742 Hygrin, 147, 575 Hygrophila hispida, 804 Hygrophorus agathosmus, 53 Hymenaea courbaril, 523, 527, 831 Hymenocallis, 805 HYMENOLICHENES, 154 Hymenogaster tener, f. 246 HYMENOGASTRINEAE, 245-247 HyMENOGASTRACEAE, 245 HYMENOMYCETES, f. 232, 281 HYMENOMYCETINEAE, 233-245 HyMENOPHLLACEAR, 313 Hynson, H. P., 881, 892 Hyoemanche globosa, 823 Hyoscin, 148, 716, 726, 727, 730 446, reticulatum, Uyoscin-pseudocyanin, 148 Hyoscyamin, 3, 60, 61, 77, 133, 148, 716, 726, 727, 730, 732, 756 Hyoscyamus, 2, 52, 60, 72, 78, 148, 716, 717, 726- 727, 865 albus, 853 aureus, 854 Falezlez, 854 muticus, 854 niger, 4, 60, 133, 726-727, f. 727, 854 pbhysaloides, 854 reticulatus, 854 Hypecoum procumbens, 841 HYPERICACEAE, 124-125, 629- 631 HYPERICINEAE, 827 Hypericum, 629-631 Ascyron, 125, 629, 630-631, . 631 crispum, 827 humifusum, 827 Kalmianum, 629 maculatum, 124, 630, 827 Oil of, 630, 631 perforatum, 125, 629-630, f. 630, 631, 827 prolificum, 629 punctatum, 630 Hypha, f. 17 Hyphaene thebaica, 840 HYPHOMYCETES, 249 Hyphorbe indica, 840 Hypnaea muscaefromis, 859 Hypnotic Poison, 804 Hypocratic facies, 35 HypocreackEAk, 100, 273-278, 859 HYPOCREALES, 273-279 Hyssop, Hedge, 134 Iberis, 486 Ibo, 683 Ibotu, 683 Icaco Plum, 505 Ice Plant, 423 Ichthyothere, 52 Cunabi, 816 Ictrogen, 78, 149, 548 ideo, peinonons plants of, Idaho Pea, 120 Ikeno, S., 248 Ilex Aquifolium, 123, 614 Cassine, 123, 614, 742, 807 glabra, 807 opaca, 614 paraguensis, 614, 742 theezans, 614 verticillata, 807 Tlicin, 614 ILICINEAE, 827 ILLECEBRACEAE, 89, 827 Illicium, 89 anisatum, 149, 474, 837 floridanum, 112, 474, 837 vernum, 474 Illinois State Board of Health, 892 Illipe Maclayana, 681, 851 Imbert-Gourbeyre, 892 Immunity, 165, 862, 865 Impaction, 9, 68, 102, 342 Impatiens, 618, 619-620 amphorata, 810 aurea, 810 Balsamina, 619 biflora, 620, 810 fulva, 123 Noli-tangere, 123, 810 Royalii, 123 Imperatoria Ostruthium, 648 Imperialin, 375 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Inaein, 692 Indaconitin, 450 India, Pe peter plants of, 6 Wheat, 419 India-rubber Tree, 405 Indian Aconite, 449, 450 Almond, 638 Bean, White, 574 Berry, 1, 149 Colza, 490 Cucumber, 104 Currant, 744, 748 Heliotrope, 705 Hemp, 72, 129, 411, 692, 693, f. 693 Ipecacuanha, 695 Laurel, 478 Mallow, 124, 626-627 Mustard, 490 Opium, 85 Pear, 635 Pennywort, 648 Persimmon, 681 Pink, 129, 688 Sarsaparilla, 695 Shot, 391 Strawberry, 505, 509 Teak Tree, 708 Tobacco, 75, 136, 752 Turnip, 372, f. 372 Manian sence plants of, Indians, Food plants of, 108 Indican, 106, 419 Indies, East, Fish-poison of, 1 Indigo, 424 Australian, 534 Blue, 524 Chinese, 421 : Large White Wild, 117, 41, f. 541 Large-bracted Wild, 541 Indigo-eaters, 533 Indigofera, 534 Anil, 524, 831 australis, 534, 831 galegioides, 53, 747, 831 tinctoria, 831 Inebriants, 74, 804 Inflammation of internal or- gans, 172 respitory passages, 170 serous membrane, 171 Inflatin, 752 Influenza, 176 Inga vera, 525 Ink Tree, 608 Inocybe, 244 echinata, 244 infida, 244 scaber, 860 Inoko, Y., 237, 892 Insect Powders, 789 Dalmatian, 789 Persian, 789 Traps, f. 499 Insecticide, 804 Hydrocyanic acid as, 54 Insectivorous plants, 498 Intoxicant, 804 Inula, 757 Helenium, 754 Royleana, 816 INULEAE, 757 Inulin, 753, 754, 756 Tonidium Ipecacuanha, 858 Iowa, Poisonous plants of, 66 Ipecac, 633 Brazilian, 631 Powdered, 78 Roots of, 78, 742 Wild, 599, f. 600 Ipecacuanha, Source of, 87 Indian, 695 Ipoh, 865 Ipomoea, 89, 701 Batatas, 699, f. 600 Bona-nox, 699 congesta, 699 dissecta, 53 ° emetica, 817 fastigiata, 699, f. 700, 701 Jalapa, 699, 817 leptophylla, 701 pandurata, 130, 817 Purga, 699, f. 700, 701, 817 purpurea, 699 Ouamochit, 699 sinuata, 817 tuberosa, 817 lpomoein, 130, 701 lregenin, 389 IRIDACEAE, 105, 375, 388-390 IRIDEAE, 827-828 Tridin, 105 Iris, f. 389, 827 Carolina, 389 Dwarf Garden, 389 Family, 388-390 forentina, 389, 827 foetidissima, 827 germanica, 389, 827 hybrida, 827 missouriensis, 390 neglecta, 827 pallida, 390 prismatica, 828 Pseudoacorus, 828 pumila, 390 reticulata, 828 sibirica, 390 variegata, 828 versicolor, 105, 7. 388, 389- 390, 828 dish; EC, 7145 725 Trisin, 389 Iron, Salts of, 7 Ironweed, 765 Iron-wood, 395, 681 Irritants, 76, 804 Irving, 572, 892 Tsaria farinosa, 273 Isatis corniculata, 818 tinctoria, 846 isonandra, 53 Isopilocarpin, 148 Tsopyrin, 446 Isopyrum fumarioides, 846 thalictroides, 446, 846 Isorottlerin, 589 Isotoma axillaris, 812 Brownii, 812 longiflora, 812 Isotropis juncea, 831 Israel, O., 878, 889, 892, 893, 894, 913 Italian Clover, 118 Millet, 350 - Pharmacopoeia, 866 Rye Grass, 361 Italie, L. van, 892 Tich, Barber’s, 100, 300 ands ene f. 300 Dhobic, 2 Disease ae Horses, 293-294 MMe a inpudicus, 99, 860 Iva, 757, 763-764 axillaris, 763 xanthiifolia, 137, 763-764, /. 764 Ivory, Vegetable, 370 INDEX Ivy, Boston, 620 Branch, f. 672 Ground, 131, 710, f. 771, 865 Japan, 620 “Poison, 77, 122:) 1123) 1394, 600, 608, 613, 676, 679, 865 California, 123, 609 Three-leaved, 609-610 =, Jaborandi, 148, 582, 865 Jaborin, 148, 582 Jacaranda, 52 procera, 739, 810 Jack Fruit, 405 Pea, 521 Pine, 330 Jack-in-the-Pulpit, 103 Jack-my-Lantern, 99 Jackson, J. R., 892 Jacob, J., 892 Jacobi, 278 Jacobj, C., 892 Jacoby, M., 893 Jacquinia, 52 arborea, 839 armillaris, 839 obovata, 839 Jahn, E., 893 Jalap, 130, 699, f. 700, 702 Jalapin, 702 Jamaica Dogwood, 74 Locust Tree, 523 Sorrel, 623 Jambosa ‘malaccensis, 639 vulgaris, 639 Jambuse Berries, 639 Jamesia, 89, 115 americana, 115, 500, 851 Jamestown Weed, 732 Janczewski, 286 Janipha, 865 Japaconitin, 148, 450 Japan Clover, 525 Ivy, 620 Medicinal plants of, 866 Plum, 505, 514 Poisonous plants of, 867 Japanese Aralia, 647 Peppermint, 709 Persimmon, 681 Potato, 710 Sumac,- 608 Walnut, 401 Yam, 374 Jasmine, 683 Cape, 742 Carolina, Alkaloids of, 147 False, 129 SanEe -flowered, f. 684 il Yellow, 688-689 Jasminium floribundum, 840 grandifiorum, 683, f. 684 ofticinale, 840 Sambac, 840 Jateorrhiza Columba, 473 Jatropha, 52, 590, 596-597, 865 angustidens, 53 Curcas, 587, 595, 596, 823 glandulifera, 823 gossypifolia, 587 macrorhiza, 823 Manihot, 75 multifida, 823 stimulosa, Tig ee.5 96s f- 59 urens, 596, 823 Java Bean, 574 Cardamon, 391 947 Javanin, 742 Jeanmire, 893 Teffersonia NAR coe 88, 469 893 Jeliffe, S. M., Jenkins, E. H., 130, 701 Jennings, O. E., 893 Jequirity, 534, 865 Ophthalmia, 56 Plant yn52 Seed, 55, 527 Jerusalem Artichoke, 710, 756 Jervin, 103, 148, 381 Jessamine, See Jasmine Jesup, H. G., Jew, Waecae: co Jewel Weed, 619 Jewett, 893 Jimson Weed, 6, 60, 61, 133, fs 033) 729- Faye 730 Purple, 133, 729, 732-733 Joannesia, 52 princeps, 823 Job’s Tears, 339 Toe Pye Weed, 771 John, 302 Johne, 26 Johnson, 1x 893 Johnson, F. M., 460 Johnson, L., 96, 114, 390, 419, 421, 433, 455, 460, 484, 491, 560, 625, 669, 719, 736, 746, 767, 772, 773, ae 797, 893 Johnson, S. H., 367 Johnson, T Y., 654 Johnson, Grass, f. 344, 345, Jointill, 179 Jolliffe, J. J., 215 Tones, L. R., 101, 324, 893 Jones, W., 891, 893 Jonquil, 386 Jorissen, A., 893 Juch, K. W.. 893 Judas Tree, 527 Judkins, E. H., 893 JuGLANDACEAE, 105, 401, 828 JUGLANDALES, 156, 400- Tusieriaie acid, 401 Juglandin, 105 Juglans californica, 401 cinerea, 401, 828 nigra, 105, f. 400 regia, 401, 828 Sieboldiana, 401 Jujube, 621 Chinese, 621 JUNCACEAE, 374 Juncus tenuis, f. 373, 374 Juniper, 330-332 Berries, 101 Common, 101, 330-331 Low, 332 Oil of, 101 Savin, f. 331, 332 Juniperus, 4, 102, 149, 330-332 ) communis, 101. 330, 332 communis v. alpina, 330 horizontalis, 102 Knightti, 332 occidentalis, 102, 331 Oxycedrus, 330, 816 Sabina, 4, 102, 149, f. 337, 332, 816 scopulorum, 101, 330 virginiana, 101, 330-331, f. 331, 817 Jurubebin, 715 Justicia Gendarussa, 804 Jute, 621 Plant, f. 622 948 K Kabsch, W., 893 Kaempferia Galanga, 391 rotunda, 391, 852 Kaffir Corn, 345, 346, 347, 348, 864 Kageneckia angustifolia, 503, 847 oblonga, 847 Kahlenberg, L., 893 Kairin, 147 Kairolin, 147 Kalanchoe spathulata, 818 Kalm, P., 893 Kalmia, 666, 667, 669-672, 865 angustifolia, 127, 669, 670, f. 671, 671-672, 821 glauca, 821 hirsuta, 821 latifolia, 64, 65, 127, 665, 669-671, 7. 670, 821 polifolia, 127, 672 Kalm’s Lobelia, 136 St. John’s-wort, 629 Kalo Nut, 587 Kamala, 589 Kamas, 378 Kapok, 695 Oil, 624 Seed, 621 Tree, 621 Karatas Plumieri, 811 Karsten, G., 893, 912 Kartulis, 893 Karwinskia Humboldtiana, 124, 621, 847 Kassner, 724 Kauffman, C. H., 209, 260 Kaufmann, P., 893 Kaupp, B. F., 893 Kauter, 637 Kava-kava, 396 Kebler, L. F., 64, 65, 893 Kedzie, R. C., 213 Keeler, D. D., 893 Kellerman, K. F., 94, 893 Kellogg, A., 893 Kellogg, Harriette S., 803, 862, 869 Kelty, W. A., 219 Kennan, George, 34 Kennedy, G. W., 893 Kennedy, P. B., 96, 467, 889, 893, 894 Kennedy, Ww. J., 424 Kentucky Coffee Tree, f. 116, HAE 5275 SST fe 538 Kenyah Dart Poison, 865 Keratitis, 354 Purulent, 263 Keratomycosis, 265, 266 Kerner, Anton von, 894, 901 Kerne ay J. S., 894 Kew Garden, 501 Kerria ja oe 504 Khittel, J., 894 Kibara ‘angustifolia, 838 Kicksia, 691 Kidney Bean, ‘Three-lobed, 520 Kiggelaria africana, 53, 627 Kilborne, F. L,., 215 Kimanga, 865 King, F. H., 357 King, John, 894, 897 Kingery, Mrs. A., 654 Kingsbury, Capt., "358 Kingsley, Charles, 587 Kingsley, Dr., 363 Kingsley, A. T,, 894 Kinnebrew, C., 894, 899 Kinnikinnik, 77 Kino, 523, 640 Kirondro Poison, 865 Kirtikar, K. R., 372, 376, 391, 698, 751, 804, 894 Kisanin, 386 Kissenia, 633 Kissoumpa, 865 Kitt, Theo., 894 Klebahn, H., 229 Klebs, 894 Klemperer, F., 302 Klingman, Th., 894 Knapweed, 141, 802 Knightia excelsa, 844 Knolle, 894 Knotweed, Dooryard, 423 Saghalen, 421 Knowles, M. E., 894 Knowlton, F. H., 894 Knowltonia wesicatoria, 846 Knotgrass, 421 Kobert, R., 1, 4, 7, 28, 35, 62, V2, Ty 79-8), 96,0237 238, 241, 242, 277, 278, 279, 505, 572, 889, 894 Kobner, 298 Kobus, 621 Koch, D. G. D. J., 894 Kochta arenaria, 426, 814 scoparia, 107, 426, 814 trichophylla, 814 Koda Millet, 349 Koelreuteria, 89 paniculata, 607, 850 Koenig, A., 894 Kohlhaus, J. J., 894 Kohn-Abrest, E., 894 Kokra, 865 n Kolanin, 621 Kolarea, 621 Koltjar, E., 298 Komanga, 865 Koochia Tree, 685 Kooso, 505, f. 506 Koto, 2) 'O2) 721 Kraemer, H., 2, 724, 755, 863, 894 Krameria triandra, 843 Krapf, K. von, 894 Krasheninnikoff, 33 Kraus, R. V., 894, 896 Krause, A., 862, 895, 900 Kremers, Edward, 86, 88, 662 Kren, 895, 910 Kreutzer, K. J., 895 Krocker, 895 Krustenstern, M. de, 341 Kruskal, 440 Ksopo, 865 Kubach, Oscar, 771 Kubingi, 895 Kudzu, 526 Kulti, 526 Kumquat, 582 Kunkel, A. J., 895 Kurrimia zeylanica, 53, 813 Kyle, H. M., 895 Kyllingia monocephala, 819 E La Calve, 16 La Glesch, L., 895 Tabesse, 895 LABIATAE, 52, 131, 698, 708- 713, 828 Labram, J. D., 890, 895 Labrador Tea, 127, 629, 666 Laburnum, 72, 148, 527 anagyroides, 527, 551, 831 Lac, Japanese, 865 Lace-bark, 623, 642 Lacerda, J. B. de., 895 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Lacnanthes, 385 tinctoria, 104, 386 Lacquer, Source of, 608 Lactarius, 90 acris, 860 atroviridis, 860 camphoratus, 860 chrysovtharis, 860 insularis, 860 pergamenus, 860 rubus, 860 scr obiculatus, 860 subdulcis, 860 torminosis, 860 trivialis, 860 turpis, 860 vellereus, 860 zonarius, 860 Lactone, 149 Lactuca, 755, 757, 760-762 canadensis, 761, 762 pulchella, 761-762 sativa, 756, 760 Scariola, 137, 760-761, f. 761 Scariola v. integra, 137, 816 taraxacifolia, 816 tatarica, 816 virosa, 5, 762, 861 Lactucarium, 755, 756, 762 Lactucol, 755, 762 Lactucopicrin, 755, 762 Lactucorol, 762 Lactucrin, 762 Ladd, FE. F., 352, 895 Lady Laurel, 642-643, f. 647 Lady’s Slipper Showy, 393-395, f. 304 Small White, 105, ate Small Yellow, 105, Yellow, 105, 392 Thistle, 802 Thumb, 421, f. 422 “Ta face vulteuse,”’ 35 Lefitte, H., 895 Lagenaria "vulgaris, 7500 Toads 819 Lagerstroemia 837 indica, 637 Lagetta ‘lintearia, 642 Lagochilus inebrians, 828 Take Shore Disease, 344 Lakes, Working of, 91-93 Lambert, L., 895, 901 Tambkill, 127, 669, 671 Lamb’s Quarter, 427, 433 Lamium, 710, 712, album, 712, f. 712 amplexicaule, 712) feo ge Laminaria digitata, "194 Landolphia, 691 Trane, 714 Lance-leaved Sage, 710 Lang. W. H., 895, 912 Tangbeck, 302 Langenbeck. 302 Langguth, 895 Langhard, Dr., 475 Langsdorff, F. I. I,., 34 Lansium domesticum, 837 Lantana, 708 salviaefolia, 858 Lanthopin, 481 Laportea, 410, 413-414 canadensis, 77, 106, 414, f. 414, 857 crenulata, 414, 857 Gaudichaudiana, 857 gigas, 414 stimulans, 2, 857 stimulosa, 857 Lappa major, 67 Flos-reginac, ee Tappakonitin, 450 Lappin, 7 Lappula, 706 echinata, 707 floribunda, 707 officinalis, 131 virginiana, 707 Large Arrow-head, 102 Blue Flag, 105 Cranberry, 665 Peppergrass, 494 Rhododendron, i127 Spotted Spurge, 597, f. 602 Tupelo, 664 White Wild Indigo, 117, 541, f. 547 Large- ‘bracted Wild Indigo, 41 Large-flowered Jasmine, f. 684 Trillium, 104 Wake-robin, 385 Larkspur, 43, f. 47, 108-109, 865, 868 Blue, 460, 466 Carolina, 108, f. 46rz Field, 108, 460 Great-flowered, 460 Mountain, Tall, 109 Poisoning, 44-45, 465-467 Poisonous, 463 Prairie, 460, 461 Purple, 44, 84, f. 461, 462- 463, 466, "467 Rocket, 460 sp., 446 Tall, 108, 462, 463, f. 464, 465, "466, 467 Toxicity of, 84, 467 Western Purple, 109 Wyoming, 109 Larrea mexicana, 858 Larsen, C., 895, "899 Laserpitin, 648 Laserpitium latifolium, 648 Lasia aculeata, 808 Lasiadenia rupestris, 855 Lasiosiphon anthylloides, 855 eriocephalus, 855 Latex, Poison elaborated in, Lathyrism, 44, 45-46, 80, 534, 572-573 Lathyrismus. See Lathyrism Ears, 875), 149") 535-5722 73 amoenus, 831 Aphaca, 831, 865 Cicera, 45, 534, 831 Clymenum, 45, 534, 572, 831 hirsutus, 572 ochroleucus, 572 odoratus, 831 ornatus, 572 palustris, 572 polymorphus, 572 purpureus. 831 sativus, 45, 534, 831 svlvestris, 572 tingitanus, 526 venosus, 525, 572 Latte, 895 Latua venenosa, 854 Laudanin, 147. 481 Laudanosin, 481 Laudanum, 627 Laudanum Poisoning, 6 Launeae pinnatifida, 816 LAURACEAE, 112, 444, 477-478, 828 Laurel, 127, 478, 865 California, 112, 478 INDEX Cherry, 85, 117, 503, 504 Family, 112 Indian, 478 Lady, 642-643, f. 643 Mountain, 64, 84, 665, 669- 671, f. 670 Great, f. 666, 667 Spurge, 125, 642-643, f. 643 Swamp, 672 Laurent, E., 895 Lauric acid, 593 Laurocerasin, 503 Lauro-cerasus, 865 Laurotetanin, 478 Laurus canariensis, 478 nobilis, 478, 828 Lavandula Spica, 709 vera, 86, 709 Lavender, "709 Oil of, 709 Lavinder, C. H., 343, 895 Lavoisier, 3 Law, James, 259, 277, 296, 293, 895 Lawrence, G. W., 245 Lawrence, H., 324 Lawsonia inermis, 638 Laxative, 804 Lazell, F. J., 895 Le Count, E. R., 305, 306 L’Engle, Dr., 665, 896, 906 Le Grand, Dr., 793 Lead Poisoning, 6, 72 Lead-color Puffball, f. 246 Leather, J. W., 895 Leatherwood, 125, 643, f. 644 Leaves, Wilted, 102, 116, 119 Leber, Th., 263, 265 Lecanora, 307 esculenta, f. 308 subfusca, f. 308 LECANORACEAE, 307 Lechea minor, 627 Leclerc, N., 895 LECYTHIDACEAE, 638 Fish poisons among, 2 Lecythis, 638 allaria, 638 amara, 839 lanceolata, 839 Ledum, 666 Catesbaci, 127 glandulosum, 127, 667, 821 groenlandicum, 127, 666 latifolium, 629, 821 palustre, 4, 666, 821 Leek, Garden, 383 Wild, 104, 383 Leersia lenticularis, f. 338 Lees, F. H., 54 Lefebre, C., 890, 895 Legrand du Saulle, H., 895 Legue, G., 896 Legumes, See Leguminosae LEGUMINOSAE, 52, 63, 89, 117- 120, 148, 395, 498, 500, 519-574, 828-833, 865 Arrow poisons among, 1 Economic plants of, 520-527 Fish poisons of, 1 Medicinal plants of, 527- 530 Mildews on, 269 Ornamental plants of, 527 Forscuges plants of, 530- LEGUMINOSAE - PAPT- LIONACEAR, 53, 89 Lehmann, Otto, 328, 416, 446, 589, 590, 606, 650, 666, 719, 721, 756, 862, 896 Lehmans, K. B., 896, 900 949» LEITNERIA, 400 floridana, 400, f. 4or LEITNERIACEAE, 400 LEITNERIALES, 156, 400 Lejolisia mediterranea, f. 194 Lemna, 372 LEMNACEAE, 372 Lemon, 582 Grass Oil, 344 Oil of, 583 Salts of, 865 Verbena, 708 Lens esculenta, 521 LENTIBULARIACEAE, 698, 833 Lentil, 521 Lentinus stypticus, 860 suavissinus, 860 Leonia glycycarpa, 632 Leontice, 89 Leontopetalum, 810 Leonurus, 710, 711-712 Cardiaca, 131, 711-712, 828 Lepidogathis Wightiana, 804 Lepidium, 52, 487, 493-494 apetalum, 113, 487, f. 404,. 494 campestre, 493 Draba, 818 latifolium, 818 oleraceum, 818 Owaihiense, 818 piscidium, 818 sativum, 53, 113, 818 virginicum, 487, 494 Lepidoptera, Fungi upon, 273 Lepiota, 243, 865 Morgani, 99, 243, 860 nausina, 240 procera, 235, 243 Smooth, 240 Toadstool, 243 Leprosy, 180, 181 Leptandra, 89 Leptandrin, 733, 736 Leptomitus lacteus, f. 208 Leptosphaeria tritici, 286 Lespedeza striata, 525 Lessertia, 533, 534 annularis, 831 Lettuce, 756, 760-762 Blue, 761-762 Cultivated, 756, 762 European Prickly, 756 Garden, 760 Prickly. 137, 760-761, f. 762 Wild, 761, 762 Leucaena, 1, 52 glauca, 831 Leucin, 277 Leucocidin, 168 Leucocoryne, 834 Leucocrinum, 104 montanum, 104, 834 Leucocytes, 179 Leucocytosis, 169, 179 Leucojum aestivum, 805 vernum, 805 Teucoma, 265 Teucomains, 10, 865 LEUCOSPOREAE, 235 Leucothoe, 667, 672-673 Catesbaet, 127, f. 672, 673, 821 racemosa, 128, 673, f. 673, 821 Swamp, 673, f. 673 Leukemia, Infectious, 177 Leuterer, Dr., 896 Levaditi, A., 894, 896 Levant Wormseed, Oil of, 791 Levi, G., 896 Levisticum officinale, 648 Lewandowski, F., 896 ‘950 Lewin, L., 637, 896 Lewis, L. L., 9 Lewista rediviva, 423, 844 Liatris, 90, 757, 773-774 punctata, 773-774 pycnostachya, 773 spicata, 755, 773 squarrosa, 417 Liautard, A., 377, 383, 896 Licania hypoleuca, 847 LICHENES, 154, 307, 861 ASCO-, 307 BASIDIO-, 307 Lichens, f. 307, 308, 309, 865 Basideal, 307 Crustaceous, 307 Foliaceous, 307, f. 309 Fruticose, 307 Reindeer, 307 Lichtheim, 199 Lichtensteinia Betliana, 856 pyrethifolia, 856 Licorice, 531 European, 527, f. 528 Extract of, 527 Russian, 527 Wild, 531 Liebig, H. V., 505 Light, its effect upon toxicity of plants, 83 ‘Lignum-vitae, 575 Ligouzat, 896 LEC U LE LOR AE, 757, issn canadense, 649 Ligustrum, 683-684 robustum, 683, 684 vulgare, 128, 684, 840 Lilac, 683 Powdery mildew on, 267, 269 758- LILIaAcEAE, 52, 63, 89, 103- 104, 374, 375, 386, 417, 833-835 Lilienfeld, Fr., 896 ee 155, 374- 90 Lilium superbum, 104 Bere 375 Lil ys Be 105, 387-388, f. 388 Mackberry: 105 California, 375 Day, 375 Family, 375-385 Mariposa, 375 Sacred, 444 Texas, 690 Tiger, 375 Turk’s-cap, 104 Water, 445 Blue-flowered, 445 Yellow, f. 445 Lily-of-the-Valley, 64, 104, 148; (375, -384-385;. f. Lima Bean, 75, 87, 119, 520, 574 Lime, 582 Timettin, 583 Limeum, 824 LIMNANTHACEAE, 486 Limonium carolinianum, 128 Limosella, 89 aquatica, 852 cymbalaria, 852 Elatine, 852 spuria, 852 LINACEAE, 53, 120, 575, 577, 580-581, 835-836 Linacol, 713 Linalool, 709 Linamarin, 120, 865 Linaria, 734, 735 vulgaris, 735, fs 735% 865 Linariin, 735 Lindenberg, A., 896 Lindley, J., 5, 362, 385, 533, 738, 896 Lindau, Gustave, 301, 302 Lindera Benzoin, 828 Lindsaea cultrata, 825 Lindsay, W. L., 896 Lingon Berry, 665 Linin, 120 Linn Tree, 621 Linnaeus, See Linne, C. v Linne, Carl v., 277, 642, 643 Linossier, G., 302, 897, 908 Linoleic acid, 581 Linoxyn, 581 reece tore 621 Lageced Oil, 581 Linum, 580- 581 catharticum, 120, 835 grandifiorum, 580 perenne, 580 rigidum, 120, 581, 835 toxicum, 836 usitatissimum, 53, 120, 580- 581, 836 Linuttin, 584 Lipierre, 169 Lippia citriodora, 708 mexicana, 708 nodiflora, 708 pseudo-thea, 629 Lippial, 708 Liquidambar orientalis, 500 tyracifiua, 500, f. Sor Liriodendrin, 474 Liriodendron chinense, 837 tulipifera, 474, 837 List, A., 897 Lisurus borealis, 860 Litchi, 607 Lithosperamum, 704 arvense, 228 officinale, 629 Lithraea venenosa, 805 Litmus, 307 Little, 897 Little Barley, Live Oak, 403 Live-for-ever, 502 Liverwort, f. 309, 310, f. 377 Lizard’s Tail, 396 Llanosia Toquian, 855 738, 367, f. 368 S01, 502; -f. Lloyd, C. G., 863, 897 Lloyd, J. U., 96, 484, 894, 897 Lloyds, U. and C. J., 452, 4 4, 456, 460, 465, 468, 471, 897 LoasacEAE, 125, 628, 633-634 Lobelacrin, 752 Lobelia, 378, 752-753 Blue, 136 Breynti, 752 cardinalis, 136, 753, 812 erinus, 752 Family, 751-753 fulgens, 812 Great, 753 inflata, 72, 75, 136, 464, 752, 753, 812 . Kalmii, 136, 812 Kalm’s, 136 nicotianaefolia, 752, 812 Pale Spiked, 136 pratioides, 812 purpurascens, 752 rhynchopetalum, 812 siphilitica, 136, 753, 812 spicata, 753, 812 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Spiked, 753 Tupa, 812 urens, 812 LoBELIACEAE, 748, “Lobeliaed,’”’ 378 Lobelic acid, 752 Lobeliin, 136 Lobelin, 78, 752 Lobelina, 752 Loblolly Pine, 330 Lock-jaw, 174 Lockhart, Dr., 25 Loco acid, 565 Loco Disease, 501 Loco poisoning, 804 Loco Weed, 6, 37, 39, 97, 533y 544, 562- 570, 865 Distribution of, 563, 570 Loss from poisoning by, is 563; 567-5705 wire Stemless, 39, 119, 566, °567- 5 68 70, f. 5 Woolly,” 39, 562, 567, 568 Locoism, 37- 40, 80, 865 Locust, 526, 746 ie co fe’ diy, F 64, 559-560 ae Bark of, 55 Clammy, 119, 560 Flowers, 64, f. 66 Honey, 327 Poisoning, 56-58 Tree, noaae ae 558, 559- 751-753 Purple, 8 x amaica, 523 of West Indies, 527 Lodeman, E. G., 897 Lodge-pole Pine, 330 Loeselia coerulea, 843 Loew, O., 89 Logania Family, 129 LOGANIACEAE, 33 , 89, 129, 147, 148, 683, 684-689, 836, 865. Loganin, 687 Logwood, 528 Loliin, 103 Lolium arvense, 363 festucaceum, 364 ttalicum, 363, 364 Lamarckii, 826 linicolum, 363 multiforum, 364 perenne, 364, 826 remotum, 364 temulentum, 4, 72, 74, 103, 361-364, 826 Ergot of, 364 Lollin, 362 Lombroso, C., 290 Lonchocarpus, 1, 52 densitflorus, 831 ichthyoctonus, 831 latifolius, 831 Nicou, 831 rariflorus, 831 violaceus, 52, 533, 831 Long-awned Poverty Grass, 352-353, f. 353 Long sno -fruited Poppy, 113 Long-leaved Pine, 329 Lonicer, A., 275 Lonicera, 744 chrysantha, 812 flava, 744 fragrantissima, 744 involucrata, i > 44 812 japonica, 744, Periclymenum, 744 sempervirens, 744 Standishii, 812 Sullivantii, 744 tatarica, 744, 812 tomentella, 812! Xylosteum, R120 Lophopetalum pallidum, 813 Lophophorin, 637 Lophophyton, 13 gallinae, 14 VORANTHACEAE, 106, 415, 836 Lotase, 534 Loturin, 681 Loturdin, 681 Lotus, 54, 90, 865 Bark, 681 arabiscus, 53, 534 australis, 534, 831 corniculatus, 534, 831 Egyptian, 445 Suaveolens, 90, 551 Tree, 681 Lotusin, 54, 534 Loudon, J. 1G) 587, 601, 642, Lousewort, 134, 734, 738 Mountain, 134 Swamp, 738 Lovage, 648, 649 Low Hop Clover, 553 Juniper, 332 Lupine, 550 Lubeman, 897 Lucas, E., 897 Lucet, af 200, 202, 203, 877, 89 Luco-encephalitis, 20 Epizootic, 25 Lucuma, Bonplandia, 53, 128, 851 deliciosa, 851 glycyphloea, 851 mammosa, 128, 679, 851 multifiora, 851 obovata, 679 saliciflora, 681, 851 Ludwigia erigata, 840 Luerssen, Ch., 897 Luffa, 89 achtangula, 819 aegyptiaca, 750, 819 purgans, 819 Lumpy Jaw, f. 183 Lunasia amara, 583 philippensis, 849 Lungwort, 704 Lupanin, 530 Lupigin, 531 Lupin Oil, 548 Lupine, 6, 118, 149, 525, 550, 865 Blue, 118 European, 118 White, 547 Hairy, 546 Low, 550 Nebraska, 546, 550 Poisoning in Montana, 548- Silvery, 550 Western, 118 Wild, 546 Lupinidin, 118, 548 Lupinin, 118, 531, 548 Lupinin II, 548 Lupinin IIT, 548 Lupinosis, 20, 37, 40-43, 80, 548-550, 862, 865 Lupinotoxin, 78, 548 a age Pi 546-550, 831, albus, 118, 392, 525, 546, 548, 831 angustifolius, 546, 548, 831 argenteus, 118, 546, 550 argophyllus, 118 densifiorus, 831 INDEX hirsutus, 149, 548 holosericeus, 548 leucophyllus, 118, 548, 550, 831 lintfolius, 548 luteus, 149, 531, 546, 548, 831 ornatus, 550 perennis, 118, 546 Plattensis, 546, 550 pusillus, 550 sericeus, 550 Lupulic acid, 106 Lupulin, 406 Tutembacher, 897, 902 Luteolin, 479, 736 Luzula, 374 Lychnidin, 439 Lychnis, 63, 89, 436, 439, 865 chalcedonica, 439, 813 dioica, 439, 813 Evening, 439 Flos-cuculi, 439, f. 440, 813 indica, 813 Meadow, f. 440 Scarlet, 439 Lycium, 717, 733 barbarum, 854 chinense, 716 halimifolium, 133,.716, 733 Lycogola epidendron, f. 159, 160 LYCOPERDACEAE, 99, 245-247, 860 LYCOPERDINEAE, 245-247 Lycoperdon Bovista, 99, 247, 860 cyathiforme, 247 excipuliforme, 246 gemmatum, 860 giganteum, 245, 860 saururus, 860 sp., 246 Lycopersicum, 89 esculentum, 132, f. 713, 714 bimpinellifolium, 715 LyYCopoDIAcEAk, 836 LYCOPODIALES, 312 Lycopodium, 312 clavatum, f. 373, 836 Selago, 836 Lycorin, 386 Lycoris radiata, 805 sp., 386 Lygodesmia, 757, 762 juncea, 762 Lygodium palmatum, 315 Lymphadenis, 184 Lymphangitis, 171, 184, 865 Lyngbya, 93, 188 aestuarti, f. 185 Lyonia, 667, 674-675 mariana, 128, 674-675, f. 675 Lyons, A. B., 803, 804, 897 Lyperia atropurpurea, 734 Lysimachia Nummularia, 676, 844 Lysin, 10 LYTHRACEAE, 637, 836-837 Lythrum Salicaria, 638 M Mabola, 681 McCallum, 25 McCarroll, Dr., 25 Mecarty, Gerald, 23, 245, 9 McCord, Dr. E. S., 50 MacDougal, Dr. D. T., 386, 394, 395, 897 McFarland, Dr., 184 McFaydean. J.. 897 McGinnis, J. W., 897 951 McIlvaine, C. M., 243, 897 McKelway, J. I., 897 MacMillan, Conway, 897 McMullen, Dr., 25 McNeil, Dr. i H., 279, 546, 898, 902 MacOwen. 534, 552 ips dre James, 898 McWilliams, J. W., 782 Macadamia ternifolia, 844 Macaranga, 823 Mace, 445 Maclura, 410, 865 pomifera, 406, 414-415 tinctoria, 406 Macrocystis pyrifera, 194 Macrodiplodia, 286 Macrospora cicadina, 204 Macrosporium Brassicae, 861, 865 Macrozamia, 325, 819, 865 Madder, 524, 742 Family, 135, 741-744 Maderia Vine, 424 Madia glomerata, 138 Oil, 755 sativa, 755 Madrona, 665 Madsen, B. A., 898, 899 Madsen, Thorwald, 898 Madura-foot, 184 Maerua angolensis, 812 Maesa indica, 839 lanceolata, 839 Magar, 623 Magnan, Dr., 793 Magnin, L,, 898 Magnolia, 111 acuminata, 474 Family, 111-112, 149, 473- 475 er enaeicre, 64, 111, 474, f. 474, 837 Great-flowered, vias f. 474 Large-leaved, 474 macrophylla, 474 obovata, 474 Purple, "474 tripetala, 474 virginiana, 474 Yulan, 474 Magnoliaceae, 8950 90)) ty: 444, 446, 473- 475, 837 Magnolin, 474 Magonia, 52, 63, 89, 607 Brazilian, 64, 607 glabrata, 850 pubescens, 850 Mahogany, 575 Mountain, 89, 503 Nigeria, 587 Mahonia eens 112, 472 Maiden, J. H., 37, 96, 390, 533, 534, “Gee, 650, 716, 724, 729, 734, 755, 803, 804, 898 Maiden-hair Fern, 101, 313, FaTOn SLOs Olas s) Maidismus, 11, 80 Maish, J. M., 898, 918 “Mai-trunk,” 744 Maize, See Corn Maizenic acid, 342 Majun, 411 Makosi, 898 Malabar Cardamon, 391 Malassezia Furfur, 298 Maldi-gomma of orange and lemon trees, 287 Male Shield Fern, 149, f. 309, 315 Extract of, 77 Malic acid, 144, 501, 505, 512° aod phillippensis, 589, 952 Mallow, Dwarf, 624, f. 624 False, 626 Family, 564, 622-627 Indian, 124, 626-627 Marsh, 623 Poppy, 624 Malmsten, 13 Malonetia nitida, 807 Malpighia oxycocca, 837 MALPIGHIACEAE, 575, 837 Malva moschata, 624 rotundifolia, 624, f. 624 MALVACEAE, 124, 621, 622-627, 837 MALVALES, 157, 621-627 Malvastrum, 626 coccineum, 564, 626 Mamnullaria, 635, 811 Mammea americana, 627, 827 Mammey Apple, 627 Man-of-the-earth, 699. f. 700, 701 Manacin, 715 Manchineal Tree, f. 586, 587, 865 Mandarin, 582 Mandragora, 715 autumnalis, 854 oficinarum, 715, 854 vernalis, 4 Mandragorin, 715 Mandrake, 88, 112, 469-471, f- 470, 715 Manganese, Salts of, 7 Mange, Doughy, 301 Sarcoptic, f. 292 Umatilla Horse, 100 Mangels, 425, 866 Manegifera indica, 608, 805 Manglietia glauca, 837 Mango, 608 Mangold, 107 Mangosteen, 627, 681 Mangrove, 638 Mangrovin, 575 Manihot; 52, 586, 587 Glaziovti, 823 utilissima, 53, 503, 587, 823 Manilla Hemp, 391 Mann, J. D., 898 Manna, 527, 683 Manna Grass, 90 Ergot on, f. 27 Manners, 721 Mannetol, 683 Mannheim, 898 Mannite, 506 Maple, Curly, 615 amily, 615 Hard, 615 Red, 615 Silver, 615 Sugar, 615, f. 616 Maqui Fruit, 622 Maranta arundinaceae, 391, MARANTACEAE, 391 Marasmius oreades, 53, 860 tenerrimus, f. 232 urens, 860 Marattia, 315 MARATTIALES, 315 Marcassa Oil, 606 Marchand, JL., 898 Marchantia, 310 polymorpha, f. 300, 317 Marcgravia umbellata, 628 MARCGRAVIACEAE, 628 Marcus, H. D., 898 Marek, J., 13, 26, 892, 898 Mare’s-tail, 640, f. 777 Marguerite, 756 Marie, 572 Marigold, 756 African, 755-756 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Burr, 779 Fetid, i =e7 Flowers, 756 Marsh, 75, 381, 448-449 Pot, 756 Marimbo, 751 Mariposa Lily, 375 Marjoram, 710 Marlea vitiensis, 127, 817 Marmalade, 679 Marrubin, 709 Marrubium vulgare, 709 Marsdenia Cundurango, 696, 809 139, 140, 784-785, erecta, 809 Marsh, C. Dwight, 40, 93, 96, 467, 565, 566, 567, 569, 898 Marsh C. W., 898 Marsh Cress, 490 Elder, 137, 763-764, 767 Small-flowered, 763 Mallow, 623 Marigold, 75, 381, 448-449 Skullcap, 131 Vee Ene 572 Marshall, C. E., 344 Marshall, H. T., 62, 871, 898 Marsilia, 315 quadrifolia, f. 313 MARSILIACEAE, 3151 Martin, 290 Maschka, J. v., 241, 898 Masoin, P., 687, 898 Mason, W. P., 8 Massachusetts, Poisonous plants of, 866 Report of State Board of Health of, 95 Massey, W. F., 898 Mash, Bitter, 403 Sweet, 403 Mastic, 608 Maté, 614, 742 Materia Medica, of, 866 Matico, 396 Matico de Peru, 396 Matricaria Chamomilla, 754 Matrimony Vine, 133, 733 Matrin, 530 Matruchot, [L,., 13, 15, 252, 879, 899 Matthiola incana, 486 livida, 818 Maurandia, 733 Mauritius Hemp, 386 Maurizio, A., 899 May Apple, 469-471, f. 470 Maybole, Record of injury from polluted water in, Literature 9 Mayday Tree, 504, f. 570 Maydism, See Maidismus Mayo, N. S., 215, (259, 290, 65, 899 Maypop, 633 Mayweed, 140, 756, 787-788 Maximilian’s Sunflower, f. 763 Maza, M. G. de la, 899 Mead, Richard, 3, 899 Meadow Anemone, 455 Sweet, 629 Meadow-oat Grass, 340 Mease, James, 277 Meat poisoning, 172, 174 Mechanical injuries, 64, 66, 804, 866 Meconie acid, 144 alls ot. Meconidin, 481 Medea, 2 Medeola, 89 virginiana, 104 virginica, 834 edicago, f. 535, 552-553 falcata, 526-552 hispida, 552 lupulina, 553 platycarpa, 526 ruthentca, 526 sativa, 118, 525, 526, 553 Medical J urisprudence, 866 Medicinal plants among le- gumes, 527-535 Distribution of, 866 Medick, 552 Black, 553 Mee, George, 899 Meehan, 679 Megnin, 14 Mehlthau, 272 Meiner, 899 Meissner, 300 Melnlegse leucodendron, 639, Melambsora betulina, f. 222 populina, 222 MELAMPSORACEAE, 98-99, 221- Melampyrum arvense, 734, 2 lineare, 134 silvaticum, 34 Melandryum, 89 Melanopsichium, 210 MELANOSPOREAE, 235 MELANTHACEAE, 379 Melanthin, 62 Melanthium, 376, 377, 379-380 cochinense, 834 latifolium, 380 parviflorum, 380 virginicum, 103, 379-380, f. 380, 834 MELASTOMACEAE, 53, 640, 837 Melia aaecerae 121, S75; MELIACEAE, 52, 121, 575, 837 MELIANTHACEAE, 89, 838 Melianthus comosus, 838 major, 838 Melica, 826 Melicope erythrococca, 849 Melilotus, 90, 523, 535, 551- 552 alba, 831, 118, f. 55r, 552 indica, 552, 831 officinalis, 118, 552, 831 Melissa officinalis, 710 Melodinus, 52 monogynus, 807 Melon, Nutmeg, 750 Sugar, 750 Melothria scrobiculata, 819 Meltzer, S. J., 899 Melvin, A. D., 293, 294, 899, 900 Memecylon, 53 Menabea venenata, 809, 866 Mendis, 575 Menes, 2 Meningitis, 169, 171, 172, 866 Cerebro-spinal, 260 Epidemic, 169 Epizootic, 20, 259 Infectious, 21 Spinal, 291 Meningo-encephalitis, 866 MENISPERMACEAE, 52, 89, 112, 444, 472-473, 838 Arrow poisons among, 1, 52 Menispermin, 112, 149, 473 Menispermum canadense, 112, 472-473, f. 473, 838 cocculus, 149 Menispin, 112, 472 Mentha, 78, 710, 713 arvensis v. piperascens, 709 arvensis v. canadensis, 713 crispa, 713 piperita, 709, 713, f. 713 Pulegium, 709 spicata, 709 Menthol, 709 Mentzelia, 125, 633-634 Family, 633-634 gronoviaefolia, 633 oligosperma, 633, 634 ornata, 633-634 ovata, 125 Showy, 633-634, f. 634 Menyanthes, 690-691 i se 690-691, f. 691, Menyanthin, 129, 691 Merbane, Oil of, 6 Merck, E., 899 Merck’s Report, 656 Mercurialin, 83 Mercurialis, 590 annua, 83, 603, f. 603, 823 perennis, 603, 823 tomentosa, 823 Mercury, Annual, 603, f. 603 Biniodide of, 6 Three-seeded, 603-604 Mericourt, 572 Merismopedia, 184, 188 Mermaid-weed, 640 Merrill, E. D., 52, 899 Mertensia sibirica, 704 virginica, 704 eggs lacrhrymans, f. 232, 34 Mescal bean, 637 Button, See Mescal bean Mescalin, 637 Mesembryanthemum anatomi- cum, 824 Crystallinum, 424, 824 Mesquit Tree, 120, 527, 866 stk garde a Products of, 82, Metaplexis Stauntoni, 809 Meta-phosphoric acid, 124 Metchnikoff, E., 249 Methyl xanthin, 146 Methylconiin, 126, 651 METACHLAMYDEAE, 157 Methaemoglobin, 72 Methoxy, 147 Methylamin, 10, 149 Methysticin, 396 Metritis, 179 Metroxylon Rumphii, 370 Mexican Mulberry, 131 Prickly Poppy, 113, 483 Tea, 107, 629 Mexico, Economic plants of, Meyer,: 203 Meyer, A., 899 Meyer, H., 888, 899 Mezerein, 642 Mezereon, 149 Mezereum, 642 Family, 125, 642-643 Michael,, Helen A., 375 Michael, L. G., 424, 885, 889, 894, 895, 898, 899, 907 Michelia Champaca, 837 fuscata, 837 nilagirica, 474 parvifolia, 837 Michener, C. B., 259 Micrandus, 587 Microcystis, 185 INDEX Micromeria punctata, 710 Micrococcus caprinus, 168 catarrhalis, 170 gonorrheae, 170 lanceolatus, 169-170 meningitidis, 169 pyogenes, 171 pyogenes v. albus, 167 pyogenes v. aureus, 167 tetragenus, 170 MICROSPERMAE, 155, 392 Microsphaera Alni, 267, 269 Microspira comma, 181-182 Microsporon, 13, 299, 302 adouint, 301, 302 canis, 299 equi, 299 Furfur, 298 tigris, 299 Microsporosis, 14 : Microthyrium microscopicum, - 260 Mignonette, 479, 736 Migula, W., 161, 165 Mildew, Downy, 98 On Bean, 208 Clover, 205, 206 Grape, 205 Lettuce, 205 Millet, 205 Onion, 205 Sunflower, 205 Powder On Cherry, f. 260 Grape, 269 Grasses, f. 267, 268, 269-272, f. 271 Hop, f. 269 Legumes, 267 Lilacs, 267 Milfoil, Water, 640 Milium, 102 effusum, 826 Milk Plant, 589 Vetch, 562-567 Milk-fever caused by Eupa- torium, 138 Milk-sickness, 771, 772 pala 130, 386, 598, 696- 6 Family, 130, 695-697 Narrow-leaved, 130 Showy, 130, 696-697, f. 697 Swamp, 130 Milkwort, 585-586 Family, 584-586 Miller, S. T., 546 Miller, W. H., 454 Millet, 102, 350-352, 866 Broom Corn, 350 Corean Foxtail, f. 340 German, 102, f. 349, 350 Italian, 350 Koda, 349 Poisoning, 350-351 Smut, f. 214, f. 278 Milletia, 1, 52, 89 caffra, 832 ferruginea, 832 pachycarpa, 832 rostrata, 832 sericea, 832 splendens, 832 Millspaugh, C. F., 96, 134, 411, 419, 429, 435, 440, 449, 454, 459, 471, 484, 489, 509, 552, 560, 586, 602, 617, 632, 655, 659, 661, 671, 728, 739, 747, 752, 762, 790, 793, 899 Milnes, Dr., 544 Mimosa, 89 MIMOSEAE, 530 Mimulus luteus, 733 moschatus, 733 953 Mimusops Kauki, 681 Mineral poisons, Testing for, 3 Mint, 713 Family, 131, 708-713 Horse, 709, f. 709 Minteer, J. A., 653 Mio Mio, 755 Miquel, F. A. W., 214, 247, 287, 803, 804, 862, 899 Mirbelia racemosa, 533 Missouri Currant, 498, f. 500 Gooseberry, 500 Gourd, 751 Hickory, 401 Missouri-Bottom Disease, 118, 4 Mistletoe, 866 European, 106 False, 106 Southern, 415, f. 416 Mitcham Oil, 86 Mitchell, A., 124, 621 Mitchell, S. R., 899 Mitchella, 89 repens, 742, 848 Mitlacher, W., 863, 899 Mitracarpum, 90 Mitragyne speciosa, 848 Mnium, 310 hormum, f. 311 Moccasin Flower, f. 393 Showy, 105 Mocha Coffee, 744 Mock Orange, 500 Modecca, 89 palmata, 841 trilobata, 841 venenata, 841 Moeller, J., 899 Moeller, Josef, 900, 917 Moffit, J. E., 900 Mohler, J. R., 26, 28, 231, 263, 265, 283, 284, 293, 294, 875, 899, 900 Mohr, Ch., 900 Molinia caerulea, 826 Molle, Ph., 900 Moliugo hirta, 824 | P Molopospermum — cicutarium, Molteno Cattle-disease, 795 Momordica Balsamina, 819 charantia, 819 cochinchinensis, 819 cymbalaria, 819 Monarda citriodora, 710 didyma, 629, 709 fistulosa, 709, f. 709 punctata, 709, 710 MONASCACEAE, 247-248 Monascus, 24 heterosporus, 247 purpureus, 247, f. 248 Monilia candida, 302 MonriMIAceEAk, 838 Monkey Flower, 733 Monkey-bread Tree, 621 Monkey-pot Tree, 638 u Monkshood, Wild, 109, 453 Minnina, 89, 843 MONOCOTYLEDONEAE, 102, 155 Monospora bicuspidata, 249 Monotropa uniflora, 65, 838, 842 MonotropacEak, 838 Monstera deliciosa, 371 pertusa, 808 Montana, reg oe or, Montanoa floribunda, 816 tomentosa, 816 Montgomery, E. G., 342 plants 954 Montgomery, F. H., 13, 19, 295, 298, 299, 302, 892, 900 » Montinia caryophyllacea, 840 Moon-flower, 699 Moonseed, 472-473, f. 473 Canada, 112 Carolina, 472 Family, 472-473 Moonwort, 313 Moor, Dr., 482 Moore, G. T., 94, 95, 188, 900 Moore, Dr. V. ie 22, 214 Moose-wood, 125, 642 MORACEAE, 405-406, 838 Morbitz, 726 Morchella esculenta, 253 Morel, 253 Morelia senegalensis, 848 Morgan, 637 Mori, R., 896, 960 Moorman, J. W., 900 Morinda citrifolia, 742 Morindin, 742 Morning Glory, 699, 701 Morphin, 3, 59, 73, 77, 78, 80, 82, 85, 90, 112, 113, 143, 144, 146, 147, 479, 489, 866 Group, "147 Morphinism, 77 Morvrenia brachystephans, 809 Morris, Daniel, 900 Morris, Malcolm, 300 Morrisonia americana, 812 Morrow, P. A., 900 Morse, F. W., 900 Mortierella Rostafinshii, 196 Morus alba, 406, 629, 838 nigra, 406, 629, 838 rubra, 838 Moschatin, 140, 187 Mosely, FE. L., 771-772 Moses, Jacob, 553 Moss, f. 309 Pink, 423 Spanish, 372 Mosses, 310 Moss, f. 3121 Club; fi 372 Iceland, 309 Juniper, f. 377 Sphagnum, 310 Moth Bean, 526 Mullein, 134, 734-735 Motherwort, 711, 712 Common, 131 pee 22, 195-203, 209, 6-261 Black, 98, 195-200, f. 106 200 Blue, 82, f. 255, 256-257 Green, f. 257. 257-261 Herbarium, 257 Pale, f. 261, 262 Slime, f. 158, 159, 167 Water, f. 208 Mountain Ash, 115, 629 Blackberry, 665 Fetter Bush, 674 Larkspur, Tall, 109 Laurel, 64, 84, 665, 669- 671, f. 670 Great, f. 666, 667 Lousewort, 134 Rose-bay, 127, 667-668 Sneezeweed, 140 NMEA rhizophoraefolia, Mouse Septicemia, 176 Moussu, 534, &80, 900 Moutet, 900 Mucor, 195-203, 208-866 Ziology of, 195-198 corymbifer, 98, 198-199, f. Musa sapientum, 391, 199, 200, 201 equinus, 202 fusiger, 198 * inaequaelis, 200 melittophtorus, 198 ee 98, 195, f. 1096, nigricans, 198 Oryzae, 198 parasiticus, 202 pusillus, 201 racemosus, 98, 198, 200- 201 ramosus, 201 Regniert, 200 rhizopodiformis, 98, 200 Rouxti, f. 197, 198 stolonifer, 98, 195, f. 198. 200 septatus, 199, 202 Trichisi, 200 sp., 287 MU conheEsS 12;, 13;,98,, 195, hiueirer canes 203, 866 Mucuna capitata, 832 gigantea, 524, 832 pruriens, 524, 527-528 purpureus, 832 urens, 832 venenosa, 832 Mudar, 695 Mudarin, 695 Muehlenbeckia platyclados, 419 Mueller, C., 85 Mueller, F. v., 752, 900 Mueller, G., 895, 900 Mueller, O., 900 Mueller, K., 900 Mueller, R., 872, 900 Muellera moniliformis, 832 Telfairiii, 832 Mugwort, 796 Common, 793-794 Muir. R., 305 Mulberry, 405, 406, 629, 866 French, 708 Mexican, 131 Paper, 406 White. 406 Mullein, 733, 734-735 Common, 733, 734, f. 73 Moth, 134, 734-735 Muller, 25 Mundulea, 1 suberosa, = Muntingia, 622 Murphy, H. ss 56 Murphy, J. B., 183 Murrain, Dry, 9 Murray, 459 Murrell, W., 900 Murrill, W. A., 244 f. 301, 839 textilis, 391 MuSACEAE, 391, 839 Muscaria, 89 comosum, 834 racemosum, 834 Muscarin, 10, 32, 73, 74, 77; 78, 80, 82, 148, 150, 237, 238, 242 Musci, 310 Musgrove, 184 Mushrooms, 99, 160. 233, 866 Common, 239, 240 Cultivated, 235 Field, 235 Poisonous, 235-242 Shaggy-mane, 235 220, fs MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Musk Flower, 733 Seed, 624 Tree, 755 Muskmelon, 7505, fs 750 Musk-root, 741 Musquash Root, 83 Mussaenda, 89 frondosa, 849 Mustan Hf Grape, 124, 620 Mustard, 460, 488, 491 Black, 77, 486, 488, f. 489, 490 Brown, 490 Family, 113, 485-495 Hedge, 114, 487-488 Indian, 490 Myronic acid o Oil of, eae Ethereal, Tig Gd Volatile, 114 Sarepta, 490 Tumbling, 114, f. 487, 488 White, 77, 486, 488, f. 489, 496 Muter, John, 692 Mutinus caninus, 245, 860 elegans, 860 Mutisia, 89 viciaefolia, 816 Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, 901 Mycetoma, 184 Mycetozoa, 158 Mycorrhiza, 154 Mycose in fungi, 277 Mycosis, 199, 301, 866 Dermal, f. 202 Pulmonary, 263 Mycotic stomatitis, 99, 100 Mydalein, 150 Mydatoxin, 150 Myelin, 395 Myers, J., 305, 306 Mykosyrinx, 210 MyYoporACcEAE, 838 Myoporum deserti, 838 Myosotis scorpioides, 704 Myrobalons, 640 Myrcia, Oil of, 640 Myrica, f. 3098 acris, 399 asplenifolia, 399 cerifera, 399, 838 Nagi, 399 MyRrICacEAE, 397-399, 838 Myricales, 156 Myricaria germanica, 627 Myricetin, 399 Myriocarpin, 750 Myriophyllum, 93 spicatum, 640 Myristic acid, 389, 59 Myristica fatua, 445 fragrans, 445 gibbosa, 838 philippensis, 838 succedana, 445 Myristicackak, 444, 445, 838 Myristicin, 445 Myristin, 594 Myronic acid of _ Mustard, Toxicity of. Myrosin, 486, 489, “491, 633 Myroxylon, 523, 627 Pereirae, 832 peruiferum, 832 toluiferum, 528, 832 Myrrh, 575 MyRsINACEAE, 838-839 Myrsine africana, 839 MYRSINEAE, 52 MyrvracEak, 52, 53, 89, 629, 639, 839 MYRTIFLORAE, 157, 637- 645 7 489, 575 ee Se Myrtle, 575, 637-645 Cape, 637 Spurge, 121, 599 Myrtus communis, 640 Ugni, 629 MYX oOBACTERIACEAE, 166-167 MYXOGASTERES, 160 MYXOMYCETES, 167 MYXOTHALLOPHYA, 153, 158-160 N Nabias, De, 901, 881 Nandina domestica, 53, 810 Napoleona Whitfeldii, 839 Nara, 750 Naranja, 582 Narcein, 146-481 Narcissus, 104, 386 Jonquilla, 386 poeticus, 104, 386, 805 Poet’s, 386 Pseudo-Narcissus, 4, 386 805 Tazetta, 380, 805 Narcosis, 125 Narcotic, 804 Narcotic poisoning, 73, 78 Narcotics, Narcotin, 3, 112, 146, 147, 481, 482 Naregamia alata, 837 Naringin, 583 Narrow-leaved Milkweed, 130 Sneezeweed, 783-784 Narthecium ossifragum, 835 Nasturtium, 120, 575 Family, 120 Garden, 575, f. 577 oficinale, 729 palustre, 490 Native Plum. 614 Naunyn, B., 873 Nauseant, 804 Neal, H. 'V., 879, 901 Nebraska Lupine, 546, 550 Neckweed, 735-736 Necomospora, 287 Necrobacillosis, 179 Necrosis, 179, 265 Nectandra Rodioei, 478 Nectar, Poisonous, 64 Nectria, 273 Neebe, C. H., 296 Needle Grass, 66, 102, 355-357 Western, f. 70, 102, 355, f. 355 Negundo aceroides, 615, 629 Neisser, 168 Nekoe, 52 Nekoeid, 52, 53 Nelson, Aven, 138, 332, 367, 776, 901, 918 Nelson, S. B., 96, 97, 109, 378, 462, 795, 901 Nelumbo, American, 108 Putea, 108, 444 nucifera, 444° Nemalion multifidum, f. 194 “Nenta”’ Disease, 501, 533 “‘Nenta Lessertia” Disease, 37 Neottia Nidus-avis, 840 Neovossia iowensis, 219 Nepenthes gracilis, 839 villosa, f. 498 Nepenthaceae, 497 Nepeta, 710 cataria, 710 hederacea, 131, 710, f. 711 Nephelium, 89, 607 lappaceum, 850 Litchi, 607 Longana, 850 A INDEX Nephritis, 613 Suppurative, 172 Nephrolepis exaltata, f. 312 Nerianthin, 130 Neriin, 130, 148 Nerium, 419, 693-695 odorum, 691, 807 oleander, 4, 65, 75, 129, 130, 691, f. 694, 694-695, 807 Nervin, 10, 78 Nervous system, Poisons af- fecting, 72 Nesaea verticillata, 837 Nest-egg Gourd, 750 Nestler, A., 364, 395, 901 Netherlands, Poisonous plants of the, 867 Nettle, 76, 77, 405, 594 Bull, 72, 122, 596, 724-725 Common, 594 Dead, 131, 712, f. 712 Family, 409-415 Handling of, 78 Slender, 106 Small Stinging, f. 412, 412- 413 CRUGBE, 1225 fe 593,596, f- 59 Stinging, 106, 413 Western, 106 Wood, 77, 106, 414 Neumann, L. G., 13, 198, 901 Neumayer, J., 249 Neuridin, 149, 150 Neurin, 150, 237 New England Aster, 776 New Jersey Tea, 124, 621, 629 Newbouldia laevis, 739 Nicander, 2 Nicandra, 717, 726 physaloides, 131, 726, 854 Nichols, H. J.. 901, 904 Nicholson, J. T. Dr., 9 Nicodemia diversifolia, 836 Nicotein, 728 Nicotellin, 728 Nicotemin, 728 Nicotia, 752 Nicotiana, 52, 717, 727-729 alata, 133, 715, 729, 854 attenuata, 729 chinensis, 854 glauca, 133, 854 glutinosa, 728 macrophylla, 728 quadrivalvis, 729, 854 rustica, 728, 729, 854 suaveolens, 729, 854 Tabacum, 75, 133, 714, fe, 714, 727-729 Nicotin, 7,:73, 77, 78, 80, 85, 87, 133, 144, 147, 551, 716, 728, 729, 866, 868 Nicoulin, 531 NIDULARIACEAE, 247, 860 Nierembergia Trippomanica, 854 Nigella, 89, 446 damascena, 446, 846 sativa, 846 Nigellin, 446 Niger Oil, 755 Nigger-head, 779 Night-blooming Cactus, 730 Cereus, 125, 635 Night-flowering Catchfly, f. 437 Nightshade, Black, 60, 61, 74, US feersaiZl 9-72.18) fe 720, 771 Common, 132, 719-721 Deadly, 133 Family, 131-133, 713-733 14, 16, 955 Spreading, f. 721 Three- doscacds fab vats eae Yellow-flowered, 693 Nine-bark, 504 Nipa fruticans, 370 Nissolia fruticosa, 832 Nitraria tridentata, 858 Nitric acid, 78 Nitrobenzene, 72 Nitrogen in alkaloids, 144, 145 Nitrous oxid, 73 Nobecourt, 901,916 Nocard, Ed., 184 Nockolds, C., 901 Nodularia, 97 i spumigera, 91 Noel, Ch. * 895, 901 Noffrey, FE f., 901 Noll, F., 901 Noisettia, 858 Nopalea coccinellifera, 635 Norfolk Pine, 327 Norgaard, V. A., 293 Northern Plum, Wild, 505 Nosebleed, 787 Nostoc, 184, 186 caeruleum, 97 commune, 97 muscorum, 97 paludosum, £. 92 verrucosum, 186 NostTocackEAk, 97, 186 Nothoscordum bivalve, 104 striatum, 835 Novy, F. G., 171, 901 Nucin, 105 Nuckolds, C., 901 Numa, 866 Numan. A., 898, 901 Nunn, J., 901 Nut Areca, 866 Beech, 105 Betel, 87. 396, 866 Brazil, 638, f. 638 ‘ Cashew, 608 Cola, 621 Hickory, 401 Kalo, 587 Levant, 1 Pecan, 401 Physic, Cuban ,596 Pistachia, 608 Sapucaya, 638 Stinging, Brazilian, 596 Water, 640 Water-chestnut, 640 Nutmeg. 445, 866 Oil of, 445 Poisoning, 445 Nuttall, Thomas, 801 Nuttalia cerasiformis, 53, 115, 503, 847 Nux vomica, 6, 866 Family, 648-689 Tree, 74 NYCTAGINACEAE, 423, 839 Nymphaea advena, 839 alba, 839 lotus, 445 lutea, 839 polysepala, 444, t. 445 stellata, 445 NYMPHAEACEAE, 108, 444, 83% Nyssa aquatica, 664 sylvatica, 666 (@) Oak, 866 Bark, 403 Bur, 403 Chestnut, 403 Cow, 403 English, 403 : 956 European, 105 Evergreen, 403 Galls, 403 Live, 403 Pin, 403 Poison, 609, 610, f. 611, 612 Red, 403, f. 404 Scarlet, 403 White, 403 Oat, Rust, 99 Smut, 215-217, f. 216 Oats, 215, 225, 338-339, 538 Black, 66 Common, 102, 359, f. 360 Cultivated, 359 Rust of, 225 Smut, 98, 215-217, f. 216, 218 Wild, 102.215, f. 358, 359 Obigenin, 560 Ochna, 839 OCHNACEAE, 839 Ochsner, A. j., 183 Ochrolechia tartarea, f. 308 Ochroma Lagopus, 621 Ochrosia, 691 Moorei, 807 OCHROSPOREAE, 235 Ocimum Basilicum, 709 Thymus, 713 viride, 828 Ocotilla Wax, 627 Odors, Fishy, 93 From decomposition, 93 From poisonous flowers, 64, 134 Oily, 93 Pig-pen, 98 Oedema, 177. 866 of glottis, 78 of lungs, 78 malignant, 175 Oenanthe crocata, 72, 648, 649, 856. 866 fistulosa. 4, 856 Lachenaliti, 856 Phellandrium, 648, 649, 857 Oenanthotoxin, 648 Oenothera, 644 Oesterle, 716, 914 Oesterlein, 642 Oesterlen, 503 O'Gara, P. Wes 107, 324, 432, 433, 750, 565, 593 Ohio Buckeye, 123, 617, Tis 619 Oidiomycosis, 306 Oidium, 100, 154, 249, 303- 306 albicans, 12, 100, 302, 303 Furfur, 298 granulomatogenes, 305 hominis, 303-305 lactis, f. 17, 200 lithogenes, 305 minimum, 298 moniliodes, 272 tonsurans, 301 Oil, 866 Almond, 6, 315, 608 Anise, 648 Anthemis, 789 Attar of Roses, 86 Avocado, 478 Bay-berry, 639 Bergamot, 8&6, 583 Bitter Almond, 6, Bone, 145 Boneset, 770 Buttertree, 689 Camphorin, 478 Carapa, 575 Caraway, 648 Cashew, 608, 864 Cassia, 86, 523 315, 503 Cedar, 101, 330 Chamomile, 751 Cheken, 640 Chinese Wood, 587 Cinnamon, 86 Citron, 582 Citronella, 345 Clove, 93, 639 Cocos, 627 Corn, 342 ener 330 Croton, 6, 72, 78, 149, 588, 389,” 66 Cumin, 648 Curcas, 78 Dill, 648 Eucalyptus, 640 Eupatorium, 770 Fennel, 86 Gaultheria, 665, 866 Geranium, 506 Hedeoma, 711 Hops, 406 Horseweed, 778 Jasmine, 86 Juniper, 101 Kapok, 624 Lavender, 86, 709 Lemon, 583 Lemon Grass, 344 Linseed, 581 Lupin, 548 Madia, 755 Marcassa, 606 Merbane, 6 Mitcham, 86 Mustard, 7, 77, 575 Myrcia, 640 Myrrh, 575 Niger, 755 Nutmeg, 445 Olive, 683 Orange, 86 Palm, 370 Palmarosa, 344 Peanut, 521 Pennyroyal, 131 Peppermint, 86, 87, 93, 709, 866 114, 489, Pine needles, 774 Pinhoen, 587 Poley, 78 Poppy, 479 Ranunculus, 459 Rhodium, 699 Rose, 503, 506 Rosemary, 86 Sassafras, 86 Savin, 149, 866 Sesame, 698 Sunflower, 756 Sweet Birch. 86 Tanacetum, 789 Tansy, 756, 789-790, 866 Tolene, 528 Turpentine, 329, 330, 608 Vervain, 860 Wintergreen. 404, 621, 665 Wormseed, 107, 428 Levant, 791 Wormwood, 793 Okra, 623 OLACEAE, 53, 839 Old Man Cactus, 635 Oldenburgia arbuscula, 816 Oldenlandia senegalensis, 49 wmbellata, 849 Olea diotca, 840 evropaea, 683 glandulifera, 683 OLEACEAE, 683-684, 840 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Oleander, 75, f. 129, 130, 148, te ef 604, oer 695, 866 Gleanaen: 148, Olearia mean she 755 macrodonta, 816 moschata, 816 Oleaster Family, 125, 640-642 Russian, 641 Olein, 683 Oleoresin of Male Fern, 419 Oleson, 654 Olive, E. W., 222, 248 Olive, 683 Family, 128, 683, 684 Oil, 608, 683 Wiid, 641 Oliver, F. F., 894, 901 Omphalocar pum, 89 procerum, 63, 681, 851 Omphalophlebitis, 179 ONAGRACEAE, 643-647, 840 Oncocarpus vittensis, 805 Onion, 150, 375, 383 Poisoning, 384 Wild, 104 Onoclea, 315, 320-321 sensibilis, 320 Struthiopteris, 321 Ononid, 531 Ononin, 531 Ononis spinosa, 531 Onopordon Acanthium, 816 OOMYCETES, 154, 204-209 Oospora, 13, 294 porriginis, 17, f. 294 Ophelic acid, 689 Ophiocaulon gummtfera, 841 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE, 313, 692 Uphioglossum vulgatum, 313 Ophiopogon, 827 Ophthalmia Jequirity, 56 Ophuls, 306 Opium, 2, 6, 7,472, Say ne 144, 145,'395, 479, 481, 482, 866 Alkaloids of, 145, 146, 481 Consumption of, 59 Indian, 85 Ee niag by, 6, 59, 77, 78 Poppy, 112 Petes of, 482 Smyrna, 85 Statistics of deaths from, Toxicology of, 482 Turkey, 481 Oppenheim, C.,902 Opsonin, 165, 177, 178, 182 Opuntia, 125, 650 636, 637 Dillenti, 635 Englemannt, f. 626 Ficus-Indica, 635 Karwinskiana, 637 Larrevi, 635 Pereskia, 635 polycantha, 635 Rafinesquti, 125. 635 Striptacantha, 635 Tuna, 635 vulgaris, 635 OPUNTIALES, 157, 634-637 Opwyrda, R. J., 902, 906 Orange, 582, f. 582, 866 Bitter, 582 False, 866 Mock, 500 Oil, 86 Osage, 106, 406, 414-415 Root, 108 Sour, 582 Orchard Grass, Rite Mil- dew of, Rust on, 370" Spot disease of, 282, f. 283 Orchid Family, 392-395 _ ORCHIDACEAE, 90, 105, 392- 395, 417, 692, 840 Orchids, 524 Orchis, 90 coriophora, 840 maculata, 392 odoratissima, 840 purpurea, 840 Simia, 840 Orcutt, C. R., 902 Ordeal Bean, 528 Plant, Madagascar, 148 Poisons, 804, 866 Tree, 692 eda Grape; 1123 472, of: Water “Hemlock, 656-658, f. Orfila, gee Jesnagnos 1902 Organic acids, 150 Origanum floribundum, 710 Marjorana, 710 Ormocarpum glabrum, 832 Ormosia coccinea, 832 — _ dasycarpa, 527 ~ Ormsby, 306 OROBANCHACEAE, 698 Ornithin, 10 Ornithogalum, 835, 864, 866 muscart, 377 nutans, 835 thyrsoides, 377, 835 umbellatum, 377, 835 OROBANCHACEAE, 840 Orobanche minor, 698 ramosa, 698 Orobus, 52 Oroxylin, 739 Oroxylon indicum, 739 Orpine Family, 114, 501-503 Orr S.- S:, 904 Orris Root, 389 Osage nee: 106, 406, 414- 41 Oscillaria, 93 Oscillatoria, f. 92, 97, 185-186 OSCILLATORIACEAE, 97, 185- 186 Osier, Red, 664 Osmanthus fragrans, 683 Osmohydrophora nocturna, Osmorhiza longistylis, 648 Osmunda, 322, f. 322 cinnamomiea, 313, 322 Claytoniana, 101, 313, f. 231, 322 regalis, f. 309, 313, 322 OsMUNDACEAE, 101, 313, 321- 322 Osteitis, 173 Osteomeles, 53 arbutifolia, 847 Osteomyelitis, 167, 169, 173 Ostertag, 26 Ostrich Fern, 321 Oswego Tea, 614, 629 Othonopsis intermedia, 816 Otitis, 171 media, 169, 177 Otomycosis, 199, 262 Ott, Dr. J., 564, 902 Otto, K., 862, 902 Ougeinia dealbergioides, 832 Oxalates, 72, 150 Oxalic acid, 6, 72, 150, 866 OXALIDACEAE, 120, 575, 577, 579-580, 840 Oxalis, 150, 579-580 Acetosella, 840 amara, 840 corniculata, 230, 580 crenata, 580 flava, 580 184, INDEX grandis, 580 lasiandra, 580 Pes-caprae, 840 purpurata, 840 Smithiana, 840 tetraphylla, 580 violacea, 120, 580 Oxaluria, 73 Oxy-benzyl-thiocyanate, 489 Oxycannabin, 106 Oxycanthin, 112, 472 Oxycoccin, 666 Oxygen in alkaloids, 144 Oxydendron arboreum, 821 Oxylobium parviflorum, SER 832 Oxypolis, 650, 661 rigidior, 126, 661, 857 Oxyria digyna, 419 Oxvytropis, 535, 564, 567-570 defiexa, 567 foetida, 832 Lamberti, 39, 119, 564, 565, 566, 567-570, 832 Distribution, 570 lapponica, 567, 832 multifiorus, 567 spicatus, 569 sulphurea, 567, 832 sonium, 154 P Pabsch, H., 902 Pachira macrocarpa, 624 Pachistima, 614 Cambyi, 614 Myrsinites, 614 Pachygone, 52 ovata, 2, 838 Pachyrhizus angulatus, 521, 832 tuberosa, 832 Paederia foetida, 849 Paeonia Moutan, 446 officinalis, 446 Paeony, 446 Page, C. G:, 902 Paige, J. B., 902 Painted Cup, 734 Paint-root, 386 Paitrier, 897, 902 Pale Dock, 419, 420 Mold, f. 261, 262 Spiked Lobelia, 136 Palicourea rigida, 849 Paliurus aculeatus, 847 australis, 621 Pallin, W., 902 Palm, 370, 523 Betel-nut, 370 Cocoa-nut, 370 Corozo, 370 Corypha, 370 Date, 370 Oil, 370 Royal, 370 Traveler’s, 391 Washingtonia, 370 Wine, 370 PALMACEAE, 840 PALMAE, 90, 370, 417 & Palmarosa Oil, 344 Palmatin, 450 Palmer, Dr., 237 Palmer, C. C., 432 Palmer, Dr. Edward, 357 Palmitic acid, 593 Palmitin, 594 Pammel, L. H., 883, 898, 902 Panaeolus papilionaceus, 244 Panax, 647, 808 ginseng, 647 quinquefolium, 647 Pancin, 531 957 Pancovia, 89 Pancratium tlyricum, 805 maritimum, 805 seylanicum, 805 PANDANACEAE, 841 PANDANALES, 332 Pandanus, 332 fragrans, 333 odoratissimus, 841 Thomensts, 841 Pandorina, 92, 93, 98, 191, 193 Morum, f. 102 Paneolus papilionaceus, 860 Pangium, 52 edule, 53, 54, 82, 747 Panic Grass, Black-spot on, Panicled Dogwood, 664 Panicum, 53, 89, 826 junceum, 826 sanguinale, 826 Papa, 297 Papain, 597. 627 Papaver, 480-483 aculeatum, 841 dubium, 113 nudicaule, 481 orientale, 113 Rhoeas, 112, 479, 483, 841 somniferum, 4, 60, 73, f. TIT, 112, 479, f. 482; 481-482, 841 PAPAVERACEAE, 112-113, 144, 479-485, 486, 841, 866 Papaveramin, 147 Papaverin, 59, 113, 146, 147, 481 Group, 147 Papaw, 111, 476, 477 American, ie 476, 476-577 Paper, 404 Bark, 642 Mulberry, 406 PAPILIONACEAE, 530 Paprika africana, 523 Pappoose Root, 469, 484 Papyrus, 369 Paradisea Liliastrum, 835 Paralysis, 74, 804 Bulbar, 174 Caused by Aroids, 371 Parasitic Diseases, 866 Poisons, 10 Yeast, 249 Paregoric, 6 PARIETALES, 157, Parillin, 62 Paris, 89 obovata, 835 quadrifolia, 4, 377, 835 Park, R., 903 Park, Davis and Co., 613 Parker, G. H., 93, 903 Parker, W. T., 903 Parkia africana, 832 Paronychia argentea, 436 bonariensis, 827 capitata, 827 Parry’s Aster, 776 Pine, Parmelia vulpina, 861 Parsley, 126, 648, 650, 651 Family, 126, 647-664 Fool’s, 76, 126, 659, f. 660 Parsnip, 126, 651, 661-663, 866 Cow, 126, 663 Cultivated, 662 Water, 126, 659 Cut-leaved, 76 Creeping, t. 650 Wild, 49, 650, 656, 661-- 663, f. 662 627-634 958 Parthenium, 757 Hysterophorus, 816 integrifolium, 816 Parthenogenesis, 208 Partridge Berry, 742 Pea, 117, 529, f. 536, 536- 537 Paspalum, 339, 349 scrobiculatum, 349, 826 Pasque Anemone, f. 454 _ Pasque-flower, 109, 446, 453- 455, f. 454, 456 Passifiora caerulea, 633, 841 edulis, 633 foetida, 747, 841 Herbertiana, 841 hispida, 841 incarnata, 633, 841 laurifolia, 841 quadrangularis, 841 rubra, 841 PASSIFLORACEAE, 53, 89, 628, 633, 841 : Passion Flower, Blue, 633 Family, 633. Pasteurellosis, 177 Pastinaca, 650, 661-663 sativa. 126, 661-663, f. 662, 857 Patchouli, 710 Patek, J., 903 | Pathogenic Poisons, 10 Paul, B. G., 878, 903 Paullinia, 89, 123 costata, 850 Cupana, 606, 850 curassavica, 850 macrophylla, 850 meliaefolia, 850 thalictrifolia, 850 trigonia, 850 Paulowilhelmia polysperma, 804 speciosa, 804 Pauwels, W. M. 903 Pavesi, V., 903 Pavetta reticulata, 849 Pavia, 52 Paviin, 617 ’ Pavonia zeylanica, 837 Pawlonia tomentosa, 7 Pawpaw, 627 M Payena latifolia, 53, 681, 851 Payne, G. T., 903 Pea, 531, 866 Chick, f. 179, 120, 521, f. 573, 973-574 Everlasting, 572-573 Field, 521 Fodder, 45 Garden, f. 521, 521 Hoary, 558 Hog, 204 Idaho, 120 Ea 521 artridge, 117, 529, f. 536, 536-537 Pigeon, 521 ‘Tangier, 526 Wild, 525 Pea-eating Disease, 533 Peach, 505, 514 Curl, 253 ( Hydrocyanic acid in, 88 Peach-leaved Willow, f. 3207 Peanut, 521, f. 522 Pear, 115, 504 Buds, 506 Indian, 635 Prickly, 635, 636, f. 636 Pearson, J.., 25, 30, 263, 903 Pease, H. T., 346 Pecan, 491 Pech, J., 263 Bees 33 Peck, C. H., 96, 234, 238, 240, 284. 803, 903 Peckolt, Th., 903 Pectenin, 637 PEDALIACEAE, 698 Pediastrum, f. 92, 190 Pedicularis, 734, 738 bracteosa, 738 canadensis, 134, 734, 738 groenlandica, 134, 738 lanceolata, 134, 738 palustris, 738 racemosa, 738 sudetica, 738 sylvatica, 738, 852 Pedilanthus tithymaloides, 823 Pedler, A., 903, 915 Peganum antidysintericum, 849 Harmala, 849, 858 Peinemann, Dr., 88 Pelargonium, 5 peltatum, 825 South African, 577 zonale, f. 578 Peli, 747 Pellasray Ul 77, 344, 866, 903 Pellagrocein, 11 Pellate, 637 Pelletier, Joseph, 3 Pellew, C. E., 888, 903 Pellicotti, 572 Pellitory, 754 Root, 754 Pellizi, 290 Pellon, H. H., 903, 916 Pelosin, 473, 478 Pellotin, 637 Pellotinia, 866 Peltandra virginica, 372 Peltigera horizontalis, 861 Penhallow, D. P., 903 Penicillium, 256-261, f. 258 glaucum, 24, 82, f. 2 256, 260, 505 minimum, 256-257 Penn, W. A., 903 Pennsylvania Persicaria, 421 Pennycress, Field, 495, f. 495 Pennyroyal, 709, 711 American, 711 Oil of, 131 Pennywort, Indian, 648 Pentaclethra macrophylla, 531, 832 Pentstemon, 733 grandiflorus, 733 Pentzia virgata, 816 Peperomia, 396 Pepper, 78, 396 Betel, 396 Black, 77, 87, 396, f. 396 Cayenne, 77, 87, 133, 714, f. 725, 725-726 Guinea, 725 Red, 87, 133, 714, f. 725, 725-726 Shrubby, 133 Tree, 608 White, 87 Peppergrass, 486, 493 European, 486, 493 Large, 494 Small, 113, f. 494, 494 Peppermint, 709, 713, f. 772; 866 287, 343, Japanese, 709 Oil of, 86, 87, 709 Pepsin, 373 Peraphyllum ramosissinum, 847 Percival, C. H., 903 Percy, S. R., 903 MANUAL OF POISONOUS: PLANTS Pereira, Jonathan, 59, 482 Pence Alkaloids of, Pereirin, 147 Perezia oxylepis, 816 Pericampylos incarius, 838 Pericarditis, 169, 171 PERIDINALES, 153, 188 Periosteitis, 173 Periostitis, 171 Periploca graeca, 695, 809 vomitoria, 809 PERISPORIALES, 268-273 Perithecium of Aspergillus, f. 2I Peritonitis, 167, 169, 171, 172, 177 Periwinkle, 691 Perkins, J., 903 Pernossi, L., 883, 903 Peronospora alsinearum, f. 205 calotheca, f. 205 leptosperma, f. 205 parasitica, 206 Schleideniana, 205 trifoliorum, 205, f. 206 PERONOSPORACEAE, 204-208 Perredes, P. E. F., 903 Perret, A. H., 903 Perrot, Em., 903 Persea gratissima, 478 Persian Cyclamen, f. 677 Persicaria Pennsylvanica, 421 Persimmon, 128, 681 Indian, 681 Japanese, 681 Peruvian Bark, See Bark Petalostigma cordifolia, 823 Petasites officinalis, 816 Peters, A. T., 96, 214, 290, 291, 325, 346. 347, 869. 903, 911, 912 Peterson, F., 887, 904 Peterson, Maude G., 904 Petiveria alliacea, 841 tetandra, 841 Petroleum, Poisoning by, 6 Petroselinum hortense, 126, 648 Petunia violacea, 716 Peucedanum ambiguum, 857 foeniculaceum, 857 graveolens, 648 officinale, 648 Oreoselinum, 648 Ostruthium, 857 Peucedone, 648 Peyre, A., 904 Peziza, 253 Pfaff, F., 613, 904 Phacelia, 703-704 circinata, 131 Hairy, f. 703, 704 Menziesti, 704 sericea, f. 703, 704 Rough, PHACIDIACEAE, 253 Phacidium Medicaginis, 253 PHAEOPHYCEAF, 194 PHAEOSPORE ARF, 194 Phajus callosus, 840 Phalonopsis amabilis, 392, 840 Lueddemanniana, 840 Phalaris arundinacea, Ergot on, f. 27 Phalen, J. M., 901, 904 Phaliota radicosa, 53 PHALLACEAE, 99, 245, 860 Phallin, 32, 35, 80, 240, 241, 242 Phallogaster, 245 PHALLOIDEAE, 245 Phallus duplicatus, 860 impudicus, 239, 245 Ravenelii, 860 Phares, Dr., 782 Pharmacognosy, 866 Pharmacographia, 866 Pharmacopoeia, 866 American, 866 British, 866, 874 French, 866 German, 866 Italian, 866, 882 Swedish, 866 Pharyngitis, 170 Phascum cuspidatum, f. 309 Phaseo-lunatin, 54 Phaseolus, 52, 535, 574, 866 aconitifolius, 832 angularis, 526 hunatus, 53. 54, 75, ‘87, 119, 520, 574, 747, 832 multiflorus, 119, 520, 574, 32 8 Mungo v. glaber, 520, 574 semierectus, 832 trilobus, 520 vulgaris, 520, 574, 832 Phellandrene, 649 Phellodendron amurense, 581 Phenol, 330 Philadelphus coronarius, 115, 500, 851 grandifiorus, 115, 500, 851 Lemoinei, 500, 851 Lewisit, 851 microphyllus, 115, 500, 857 Philippines, Poisonous plants of the, 867 Phillips, 904 Phillygenin, 683 Phillyrea media, 840 Phillyrin, 683 Philodendron bipinnatifidum, 808 hederaceum, 808 Imbe, 808 Simsti, 808 Phlegmon, 171 Phieum pratense, Ergot on, 2 Phlorizin, 505 Philipp, 4, 803, hoebus, 90 Phoenix, 90 dactylifera, 370, 840 Pholidia maculata, 838 Pholiota caperata, 860 radicosa, 860 Phoradendron, 106, 415 flavescens, 106, 415, f. 416, 836 Phormium tenax, 375 Phosphorus, 72 Poisoning by, 6 Photinia, 53 Phragmidium incrassatum, 225 hs. 225 Rubi, 221 subcorticum, 222 Phragmites, 217 Ergot on, 276 communis, 219 Phrynin, 72 Phycomyces, 195, 197 nitens, PHYCOMYCETES, 98, 154, 195-209, 281, 859 Phycophaein, 194 Phyllachora, 279-280 graminis, 280, f. 280 Trifolii, 279 Phyllanthus. 52, 89 Conami, 823 Emblica, 823 INDEX - epiphyllanthus, 823 Gastromei, 823 lacunarius, 823 Niruri, 823 piscatorum, 823 urinaria, 823 Phyllocactus, 625 Phyoscyamin, 248 Physalis Alkekengi, 854 foetens, 854 virginiana, 854 Physarum, 160 Physcia pulverulenta, f. 309 Physcocyanin, 184 Physic Nut, Cuban, 596 Physocarpus opulifolius, 504 Physostigma, 866 venenosum, 85, 148, 528, 531, 832 Physochlaina orientalis, 854 praealta, 854 Physostigmin, 146, 148, 528, 531, 866 Poisoning by, 77, 78, 81 Phytelephas macrocarpa, 370 Phytobezoars, 866 Caused by Common Oats, 102, 359 Crimson Clover, 68, 118, 556, 567 Helichrysum, 755 Opuntia, 635-636 Phytolacca, 434-435, 866 abyssinica, 63, 434, 841 acinosa, 841 decandra, 107, 150, 433-435, _f. 434 dioica, 434, 841 icosandra, 841 littoralis, 434 Tincture of, 434, 435 PHYTOLACCACEAE, 63, 89, 107, 423, 424, 433-435, 841- 842 Phytolaccic acid, 435 Phytolaccin, 107, 435 Phytolaccotoxin, 435 Phytophthora infestans, 205, 2 08 Phaseoli, 208 Phytotoxins, 11 Picea canadensis. 328 Engelmanni, 327 excelsa, 328, 817 mariana, 328 sitchensis, 327 Pichi, 716 Pick, F. J., 295 Pickerel-weed, 374 Picolin, 728 Picraena excelsa, 853 Picrasma quassioides, 853 Picric acid, 72 Picris hieracioides, 816 Picropodophyllin, 112, 470 Picrotin, 149 Picrotoxin.) 129772). 8055 ai2* 149, 435, 473, 475, 534, 607 Picrotoxinin, 149 Pictet, A., 728, 878, 904, 917 Pictou Disease, 140, 795 Pie-plant, 150, 418 Pierce, H. C., 440 Pieris floribunda, 821 formosa, 65 mariana, 821 nitida, 821 ovalifolia, 65, 821 Piffard, H. G., 904 Pigeon Grass Smut, 98 Pigeon Pea, 521 Pignut, 402 959 Pigweed, 427, 431-433, f. 43> Common, f. 426, 427 Green, 107 Prostrate, 431, f. 432 Slender, 432 Thorny, 107 Pilea pumula, 409 Pilocarpidin, 582 Pilocarpin, 77, 78, 80, 148, 582, 731, 732 Pilocarpus, 849 officinalis, 849 pennatifolius, 148, 582, 84% racemosus, 849 spicatus, 849 Pilocerein, 637 Pilocereus Sargentianus, 63% Pilolobus crystallinus, 195 Pilz-atropin, 238 Pilzmerkblatt, 904 Pimelia trichostachya, 642 Piment, 639 Pimenta acris, 839 officinalis, 639 Pimpernel, 128, 676 Pimpinella Anisum, 648 Saxifraga, 648, 857 Pimpinellin, 648 Pin Oak, 403 PINACEAE, 101 Pine, 101, 328, 329-330 Austrian, 329 Jack, 330 Loblolly, 330 Lodgepole, 330 Long-leaved, 329 Norfolk, 327 Screw, 332 Sugar, 329 Western Yellow, 330 White, 329, f. 320 Pineapple, 373 Family, 372 Wild, 373 Pinellia tuberifera, 808 Pinene, 330, 640, 710 d-Pinene, 648 “Piney” Resin, 627 Pinguicula vulgaris, 698, 833 Pinguin, 373 Pinhoen Oil, 587 Pinicrin, 328 Pink, Deptford, f. 437 Family, 435-444 Hardy, 436 Indian, 129, 688 Moss, 423 Rose, 689 Yeast, 250 Pink-root, 129, 688, 866 East Tennessee, 688 Pinkham, 904 Pinnularia viridis, f. 18 Pinus, 101, 329-330 Banksiana, 330 contorta, 330 echinata, 330 heterophylla, 330 Lambertiana, 329 Laricto, 329, 817 palustris, 329, 330 pinaster, 330 ponderosa, 330 ponderosa v. scopulorum, 330 Strobus, 329, f. 320 sylvestris, 330, 817 Taeda, 330 Pinweed, 627 Piper, C. V., 526, 904 Piper, 52 angustifolium, 396 Betle, 396 Carpunya, 842 146, wi oe 960 Chaba, 396 Cubeba, 396 dariense, 842 longum, 396 methysticum, 396, 842 nigrum, 77, 396, 3 306, 842 Palmeri, 842 peltatum, 396, 842 umbellatum, 842 PIPERACEAE, 52, 396, 842 PIPERALES, 156, 396 Piperin, 396 Piperovatin, f. 754 Pipsissewa, 665 Pipewort, 372 Piptadenia peregrina, 832 Piranhea, 52 trifoliata, 823 Pircunia, 89, 842 PIROLACEAE, 842 Piscidia, 1, 52 Erythrina, 74, 832 Pishek, A., 904 Pisidium montanum, 839 Pisonia obtusata, 839 tomentosa, 839 Pistachia Khinjuk, 805 Lentiscus, 608 Nut, 608 Terebinthus, 608 vera, 608 Pisum arvense, 521 sativum, f. 521 Pitch, Burgundy, 328 Canada, 327 Hemlock, 327 Pithecolobium, 1, 89, 534 bigeminwmn, 832 dulce, 525 fasciculatum, 832 Minehasse, 832 montanum, 832 Saman, 527, 530, 832 PrITTosPORACEAE, 89, 498, 842 Pittosporum, 89 coriaceum, 842 cornifolium, 842 crassifolium, 842 eugenioides, 842 ferrugineum, 842 Aoribundum, 842 Huttonianum, 842 javanicum, 842 Moorei, 842 phillyraeoides, 842 rhombifolium, 842 tobira, 842 undulatum, 842 Piturie, 147, 716 Piturin, 716 Pius III poisoned, 2 Planchon, Gustave, 904 Planchon, Louis, 905 Planchonia valida, 638 Plane Tree, 84 Plankton, 93 Planococcus citrus, f. 161 PLANTAGINACEAE, 739-740, 842 PLANTAGINALES, 158, 739-740 Plantago arenaria, 740 indica, 740 major, 740 ovata, 740 Rugelii, 740 Plantain Family, 739-740 Water, 102, 335, f. 335 Family, 335 Plasmodiophora Brassicae, f. 750, 160 PLASMODIOPHORALES 160 Ho Plasmopara, 195 Halstedti, 205 viticola, 205 PLATANACEAE, 498, 500, 842 Platanus, 84 acertfolia, 500 cuneata, 500 occidentalis, 500, 842 orientalis, 500, 842 Plato, C. G., 905 Platopuntia, 636 Platte, Cedar, 330, 331 Platygyna urens, 823 Plawts iE i@s13,)1-995.265, 295, 302 PLECTASCINEAE, 25e% 267 Plectospora minutula, f. 307 Plectronia hee 53, 849 Blenckyi2 isa; Pleurisy- root, 30, 205 Pleuritis, 167, 169, 170, 171 Pleurococcus, 190 Pliny, 2, 64, 365, 601, 749 Ploss, 61 Plowright, C. B., 35, 905 Plugge, P. C., 65, 905 Plum, 505, 514 Chickasaw, 505, 514 European, 500, 514 Ground, f. 563 Hog, 608 Icaco, 505 Japan, 505, 514 Native, 614 Northern Wild, 505 Pocket, f. 252 Sapodilla, 679 Wild, 116, f. 506 Northern, 505 PLUMBAGINACEAE, 128, 675, Plumbago capensis, 842 europea, 842 Family, 128 rosea, 842 scandens, 842 toxicaria, 842 zeylanica, 842 ‘Phlox, 698, 843 divaricata, 698 Drummondii, 698 maculata, 698 Perrenial, 698 _ pilosa, 698 Plumiera rubra, 807 Pneumonia, 171, 176, 177 Acute infectious, 169 Epidemic from parrots, 176 ypostatic, 37 Purulent, 170 Pneumonomycosis, 29, 199, 263, 264 Pneumotoxin, 169 Poa, 276 annua, Ergot on, 276 Septoria on, 285 pratensis, 277, f. 330 Powdery Mildew on, f. 271, 272 Ergot on, 276 serotina, Powdery Mildew on, 272 Wolfi, Powdery Mildew on, 272 PODALYRIEAE, 530 Podocarpus, 327 Podophyllin, 88, 112, 470, 471 sien r yptenie 76, 88, 112, Podophyllum, 469-471 Emodi, 88, 470, 810 peltatum, 75, 88, 112, f. 470, 470-471, 810 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Potysa acre tridactyla, f. 269, PopOSsTEMONACEAE, 498 Pogostemon Heyneanus, 710 Poet’s Narcissus, 386 Pohl, J. E., 905 Poikilocytosis, 169 Poinsettia, 588 Poison Box, 533 Berry, 378 Darnel, ae 364, f. 362, 363 Defined, Distibution in plants, 82 Hemlock, f. 50, 51, 72, 75, 648, 651 ,’ Ivy, 77, 122, 123, 394, 600, 608, f.. 609, 609-613, 676, 679, 862 California, 123, 609 Lore, 866 Oak, 609, f. 6rz, 612 Register, 905 Sago, 378 Sumac, 609, 610, f. 610 Toot, 868 Tree, 866 Use of to plant, 82 York-road, 533 foisoners, Professional, 2 Poisoning by Aconite, 380 Gas, 5 Cryptogamic, 20-37 Deaths from in Eng- land, 6 United States, 5, 6 Wales, 6 for criminal purposes, 5 Mushroom, 237, 2 practiced in India, 2 Statistics of, 5-6 Stock in Montana, 6 Symptoms of, 73, 74, 75; 76, 77-79, 868 Treatment for, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79-81 Poisonous plants, Biblio- graphy, 862-918 Poisons, Action of in plants, 2 Ancient use of, 2,3 Antidotes to, 2, 868 Classified by Biyth, 72 Brandt and Ratzeburg, 6 Buchner, 5 Dioscorides, 2 Fodere, 72-73 Smith, 73-77 Sobernheim, 5 Detection of, 3, 866 History of, 2 Indian use of, 1 Kinds Abortives, 76 Abrus, 5 Aconite, 5 Acrid, 5, 803 Acrid narcotic, 5 Agaricus, 5 Alkaloidal, 803 Animal, 2, 5 Asthenic, 75, 804 Astringent, 5, 804 Blood, 5, 7 Boletus, 5 Bryonia, 5 Cardiac, 74, 803 Cicuta, 5 Colchicum, 5 Conium, 5 Convulsive, 72, 74, 803 Deliriant, 72. 73-74, 803 Depressant, 74 Digitalis, 5 Darca,, 5 Drastic Resins, 5 Emetic alkaloids, 5 Hot acrid, 5 Hydrocyanic, 5 Hypericum, 5 Inebriant, 74, 804 Inflammatory, 5 Iris, 5 Irritant, 5, 72, 76, 804 Irritant narcotic, 5 Lolium, 5 Lycoperdon, 5 Melica, 5 Mineral, 2, 5, 866 More volatile, 5 Narcissus, 5 Narcotic, 5, 72, 804 Narcotic acrid, 5 Narcotic alkaloidal, 5 Nervous, 5 Oleander, 5 Pepper, 5 Phallus, 5 Plant 205 Pokeweed, 5 Poppy, 5 Prunus, 5 Rhus, 5 Ruta, 5 Septic, 5 Smartweed, 5 Spartium, 5 Stupefying, 5 Unknown, 5 Uraemic, 77, 804 Vegetable, 5, 866 Volatile narcotic, 5 Sale of, 867 Poisonous Larkspur, 463 Plants among Legumes, 530-535 Treatises upon, 866 Poke, See Pokeweed Pokeberry, 434, 746 Pokeweed, f. 434, 434, 435 Family, 433-435, 771 Root, 435 Poland, Poisonous plants of, 867 Polanisia, 495, 497 graveolens, 114, 497 trachysperma, 114 Polemonium boreale, 843 caeruleum, 843 Family, 130 flavum, 843 gracile, 843 humile. 843 pauciflorum, 843 reptans, 843 Poley Oil, 78 PoLEMONIACEAr, 89, 130, 698, 843 Poko: tuberosa, 64, 386, 83 Pollantin, 767 Pollen ae ceHee of Hay-fever, 6 Polk, 184 Polyalthia argentea, 477 Polyanthus, 386 Polycarpaea, 89, 813 Polycythemia, 169 Polydesmus, 283 exitiosus, 20, 100, 283-284 Polygala, 89, 121, 585-586, alba, 843 amara, 843 angulata, 843 aspalatha, 843 INDEX Boykini, 843 Cyparissias, 843 glandulosa, 843 javana, 843 Senega, 63, 121, f. 585, 585- 586, 617, 843 _ venenosa, 586 virginiana, 586 POLYGALACEAE, (OR Pi ukes} py) oe LAs 417, 575, 577, 584-586, 843° Polygalic acid, 62, 586 Porscon 106-107, 843 POLYGON ALES i 423 ee eerie orum, 835 giganteum, 377 oficinale, 835 verticillatum, 835 POLYGONEAE, 52 Polygonic acid, 107 Polygonum, 52, 419, 421-423 acre, 106, 4211, 843 aviculare, 421. 423 barbatum, 843 Bistorta, 843 Convolvulus, 421, 843 flaccidum, 843 Hydropiper, 107, 421, 423, f. 423, 843 ievavapiberondee. 422, 843 Muehlenbergii, 421 orientale, 421 pennsylvanicum, 42 Persicaria, 421, f. 422 sachalinense, 421 tinctorum, 421 POLYPETALAE, 395 FORYEODIACEAE, 100, 313, 315- 321 Polypodium, 89, 90, 315-316 aureum, 316 incanum, 316 laciniatum, 825 ligulatum, "925 percussum, 825 Phymatodes, 825 scandens, 825 suspensum, 825 vulgare, f. 309, 311, 316, 531, 825 Folypedy, Common, 311, 315, 6 418- 156, 417- 422- POLYPORACEAE, 99, 234-235, 861 Polyporus anthelminticus, 861 hispidus, 861 ignarius, f. 233 perennis, f. 222 squammosus, 861 Sulphur, 234 sulphureus, 234 Polyscias, 808 nodosa, 808 Polystichum Spinulosum, 825 Polystictus versicolor, 234 Polystigma rubrum, 273 Polythrincium, 279 trifolii, 100, 861 Polytrichum, 310 commune, f. 31 POMEAE, 501, 506 Pomegranate, 638 Pometia, 89 pinnata, 63 Pomme Blanche, 558 Pomme de Prairie, 558 Pond Scum, f. 192 Pondweed, 332, f. 333 Pongamia Piscida, 832 Pontederia cordata, 374 PONTEDERIACEAE, 374 961 Poor-man’s Weather-glass, 128, Poplar, 397 Balsam, 105 Popowia pisocarpa, 806 Poppy, 90, 480-483 Alkaloids of, 90, 147, 479- 481 California, 479, f. 480 Common, }. 11, 479 Corn, 112, 483 Family, 479-485 Garden (72/50). 735111, Ff: 481, 481-483 Long Smooth-fruited, 113 Mallow, 624 Oil, 479 Opium, 112 Prickly, 113, 483 Mexican, 113, 483 Red, 479 Populin, 397 oes balsamifera, 105, 397, 49 candicans, 397, f. 399 deltoides, f. 398 Porcher, F. P., 905 Porcupine Grass, 102, 355-357, 356 Smut, f. 216 Porrigo. asbestinea, 16 Porta, Gsi3 Porters Fy Dy Sz Porto Rico, Economic plants of, 864 Portulaca grandiflora, 423 oleracea, 423 Portulacaceae, 423, 844 Potamogeton, 93, 332, f. 333, 4 natans, f. 333 Potassic chlorate, 72 cyanide: Poisoning by, 6, nitrate, 85 Potato, 132, 867 Air, 374 Common, 714, 724-725 Japanese, 710 Sweet, 698 Wild, 701 Potato-rot Fungus, f. 205, 208 718, f. 778, Potentilla davurica, 88 fruticosa, 88 Poterium canadense, 847 ofticinale, 847 Pottsia cantonensis, 807 Pouchet, G., 895, 905 Poverty Grass, TLong-awned, 352-353, f. 353 Short- awned, f352 Powell, R. D., 879, 905 Power, F. B., 4, 54, 118, 217, 452, 468, 470, 533, 546, 565, 567, 575, 662, 684, 905, Power, F. W., 560 Praag, L. van, 902, 906 Prain, Col., 490 Prairie Larkspur, 460-461 Thermopsis, 539 Vetchling, 572 Wake-robin, 385 Prantl, K., 882 Praschil, W. W., 906 Pratia erecta, 812 Prausnitz, C., 906 Precipitates, Red, 6 White, 6 Preiss, 533 Bir oe alba, 417, 692, 5 ~ iy 962 altissima, 816 Seq bentarsa, ee Prentiss, A 510, 906 Prentiss, D. Wy, 637, 906 Prescott, A. B., "568, 906 Preston, E., 435 Prestonia toxifera, 807 Price, T. M., 291, 906 Price, T. W., 665, 896, 906 Price, W., 906 Prickle Fungus, f. 232 Prickly Ash, 581 Lettuce, 137, 760-761, f. 76r European, 756 Pear, 635, 636. Fiend Poppy, 113, 483 Mexican, 113, 483 Prien, O20-, 039; 776 Priestly, 3 Prillieux, E., 880, 906 Primrose, 676, 677 Family, 128, 675-679 Parry’s, 128 Primula, 89, 676, f. 676, 677, 867 Auricula, 844 obconica, 128, 676, 677, 679, 844 Parryi, 128, 676, 677, fe 78, 844 reticulata, 844 sinensis, 676, 679, 844 vulgaris, 676 PRIMULALES, US7,, <675- 679 PRIMULACEAE, 52, 89, 128, 675-679, 844 Primulin, 676 Prince’s Feather, 421 PRINCIPES, 155, 639-370 Pringlea antiscorbutica, 486 Printhogalum, 867 Pritzel, G. A., 906 Privet, 128, 684 Prockia theaeformis, 855 Proctor, 906 Procupin, G., 906 Prophetin, 749 Proserpinaca palustris, 640 Prosopis, 89 juliflora, 120, 527, 535, 832 ruscifolia, 832 Prostrate Pigweed, 431, f. 432 Protea synaroides, 844 PROTEACEAE, 415, 844 PROTEALES, 156, 415 Protein, 10 PROTOASCINEAE. 248-253 PROTOBASIDIOMY- CETES, 220, 221-232 Protococcus, 92 Protocosin, 505 Protocurin, 148, 687 Protomyces macrosporus, 247 PROTOMYCETACEAE, 247 Protopin, 90, 113, 481, 485 Protoveratridin, 381 Protoveratrin, 381 Proust, 372 Prouty, 243 Prulaurocerasin, 503, 867 Prudden, T. M., 906 Prunes, Hydrocyanic acid in, PRUNEAE, 506 Prunus, /. 66, 252, 506, 514- 519, 867 amara, 847 americana, 116, 505, f. 506, Amygdalus, 53, 505, 847 Amygdalus v. amara, 503 Amygdalus v. commutnis, 517 angustifolia, 505 Armeniaca, 505, 514 avium, 505, 514 Besseyi, 116, 505 Capollin, 847 caroliniana, 116, 847 Cerasus, 253, 505, 514 chicasa, 514 demissa, 116, 515, 317, 847 domestica, 505, 514, 847 instititia, 506 javanica, 747 Lauro-cerasus, 504, 517, 847 Mahaleb, 524, 847 maritima, 253 nana, 505 Padus, 252, 504, 510, 519 paniculata, 503 pendula, 503 pennsylvanica, UG S0S= fe 504, 505, 516, f. 516 persica, 503, 514, 847 pumila, 116, 505 serotina, 64, 88, 117, 503, 505, 506, f. srs, 515- 516, 518, 519, 847 triloba, "514 triflora, 505, 514 undulata, 848 virginiana, 116, 503, 514, 518, 848 Priissics acid, 152: aussi: 346, 348, 505, 517, 518, 534, 581) See also Hydrocyanic aci Psedera heterophylla, 620 quinquefolia, 124, 858 tricuspidata, 620 Pseudoaconitin, 109, 450 Pseudoconydrin, 651 Pseudocumarin, 524 Pseudohyoscyamin, 726 506, f. 148, 715, Pseudojervin, 148, 381 Pseudomonas campestris, 163 pyocyanea, f. 161 syncyanea, f. 167 Pseudomorphin, 481 Pseudo-narcissin, 386 Pseudosmodingium sum, 805 Pseudotsuga Douglasii, 327 Psidium Guajava, 639 montanum, 53, 839 Psoralea, 535, 557-558 argophylla, 118, 558 cuspidata, 558 esculenta, 118, 558 glandulosa, 629, 832 hypogaea, 558 macrostachya, 535, 832 pentaphylla, 832 Silvery, 118 Silver-leaf, 558 Slender, 118 tenuiflora, 118, 535, 832 Psychotria emetica, 849 Ipecacuanha, 742, 849 Ptaeroxylon obliquum, 837 utile, 608 Ptelea trifoliata, 581, 849 PTERIDOPHYTA, 100-101, 155, ale, deo Pterigeron adscendens, 816 Pteris, 815, 3alz aquilina, 100, 315, f. 377, 317-318, 825 caudata, 825 serrulata, f. 314 pernicio- MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Pterocarpus Dalbergioides, 523 esculentus, 832 Marsupium. 523, 832 tinctorius, 523 Pterocaulon. pycnostachyum, 816 Pterospora andromedea, 838 Pterospermum diversifolium, 855 Ptomains, 10, 73, 144, 149, , 867 Ptosis, 77, 174 Ptyalism, 25 Puccinia, 224-230, 776 coronata, 99, f. 223, 225, 228, 229, 861 coronata I, 229 coronata II, 229 coronata dactylidis, 229 coronifera, 229 dispersa, 229 emaculata, 223, f. 22 glumarum, 226, 227- 339 graminis, 99, f. 223, 223-227, fetes 228, f. 228, 231, 861 rubigo-vera, 226, 227, f. 227, 22 Sorgh, 229, 230, f. 230 xylorrhizae, 138, 861 PUCCINIACEAE, 99, 222-230 Biology, 222-224 Puccoon, Common, 468 Yellow, 446, 468 Pueraria ’Thunbergiana, 526 Puff-ball, 160, 220, f. 246 Giant, 99 Lead-color, f. 246 Puihn, J. G., 906 Pulegium, 78 Pulicaria dysinterica, 816 Pulque, 386 Pulsatilla, 446, 455, 460 vulgaris, 4 Pulse Family, 117-120, 501, 564 Pumice acid, 679 Pumpkin, 750 Punica granatum, PUNICACEAE, 638 Purgative, 804 Purging Cassia, 529, f. 532 Purins, 143, 144, 416, 147 Purple Jimson Weed, 133, 729, 732-733 Larkspur, 44, 84, /. 46r, 462-463, 467 Western, 109 Loco wet 563, f. 5 Magnolia, 474 Ragwort, 756 Thorn Apple, 729-733 Purple-stemmed Angelica, 12 Poison Hemlock, f. 665 Purshia tridentata, 848 Purshianin, 621 . Pus Organism, f. 168, 177 Pussley, Garden, 423 Putranjiva Roxburghii, 823 Putrescin, 10 “Putrid sore throat,”’ 21 Puy, C. E. de, 880 Pyemia, 167, 171 Pygeum africanum, 53, 848 latifolium, 54 parviflorum, 54, 848 Pyocyanin, 10 PYRENOMYCETES, 281 PYRENOMYCETINEAE, 266-281 Pyrethrin. 754 638, 837 567-570, Pyridin, 145, 146, 728 Pyrola chlorantha, 842 elliptica, 842 minor, 842 rotundifolia, 842 Pyrophosphoric acid, 124 Pyrogallic acid, 608 Pyronema confluens, Fertili- zation of, f. 247 Pyrus, 53, 506, 512, 848 americana, 504, 512 angustifolia, 512 Aria, 503 Aucuparia, 115, 504, 506, 512, 629, 848 baccata, 512 communis, 115, 504, 512 coronaria, 504, 512 Cydonia, 503, 504, 512 toensts, 512, f. 513 japonica, 503, 504 lanata, 848 Malus, 116, 504, 505, f. 512, 512 pinnatifida, 503 rivularis, 512 sambuctfolia, 512 sinensis, 512 sitchensis, 512 Sorbus, 848 PYTHIACEAE, 204 Pythium DeBaryanum, 204 proliferum, 204 Q Quack Grass, 103, 364-365, f. 365 Black-spot on, 280, f. 280 Ergot on, 276 Quain, E., 906 Quaking Grass, 90 Quamasa, 378 pees evil, 175 uassia, 583 amara, 583 Quebrachia Balansae, 608 Lorentztt, 608 Quebrachin, 692 Quebrachinamin, 692 Quebracho, 147, 692 Queen of the Meadow, 115 Queen’s Delight, 604 Root, 604 Queensland Hemp, 624 uelet, 34 Queratrin, 560 Quercitrin, 506, 510, 584, 666 Quercus, 105, 402, 629, 866, 867 alba, 403, 824 chrysolepis, 105 coccinea, 403 Ilex, 403 lusitanica, 403, 824 Muhlenbergti, 403 palustris, 403 , Pseudo-suber, 403 Robur, 403 rubra, 105, 403, f. 804 Toza, 824 virgimana, 403 Quillagic acid, See Quillaic acid Quillaic acid, 7, 62, 505, 586 Quillaja, 89 Bark, 72 Saponaria, 63, 505, 848 Quillaja-sapotoxin, 62 Quinamin, 742 Quince, 504 Seeds, 503 Quincke, H., 295 Quinic acid, 144 INDEX Quinolin, 145, 146, 147 Quinin, 77, 78, 87, 145, 147, 741, 742 Quinoa, 427 Ouisqualis indica, 814 R Rabak, Frank 88 Rabbit Septicemia, 177 Rabinowitch, Lydia, 249 Rabuteau, 904 Radicula, 490, 491 Armoracia, 113, 486, 490- 491, 818 Nasturtium-aquaticum, 486 palustris v. hispida, 490 Radish, 486 Radlkofer, L., 52, 803, 804, 906 Rafinesque, C. S., 449, 906 Ragged Robin, 439 Raggi, 198 Ragweed, 137, 755, 764-767, f. 765 False, f. 764 Great, f. 136, 137, 765-766 Pollen as cause of Hay Fever, 137, 767 Small, f. 766, 766-767 Tall, f. 766 Ragwort, 795 Purple, 756 Raillet, 15 Raleigh, Sir W., 714 Rambusch, W. T., 907 Ramie-grass Cloth, 406 Ramsdell, William, 771 RANALES, 156, 444-479 Randall, Dr., 277 Randia, 89 aculeata, 849 dumetorum, 849 Ransom, 62 Ransom, W. B., 907 RANUNCULACEAE, 53, 83, 89, 108-111, 417, 444, 446- 468, 844-846 Ranunculus, 81, 110-111, 447, 448, 457-461, 867 abortivus, 111, 458-459, f. 459, 460 acris, 4, 77, 78, 110, 457, 458, f. 459, 460, 846 alpestris, 4, 846 aquatilis, 846 aquatilis v. capillaceus, 446 arvensis, 460, 846 asiaticus, 846 auricomus, 846 bulbosus, 4, 111, 457, 459, 846 fascicularis, 110 Ficaria, 446, 846 Flammula, 460, 846 hybridus, 846 lanuginosus, 846 lappaceus, 846 leptosepala, 108 lingua, 846 Oil of, 459 polyanthemos, 846 repens, 4, 457 sceleratus, 4, 77, 78, 111, 459-458, f. 458 septentrionalis, 110, 457, 846 Thora, 4, 846 Rape, 486, 867 Fungus, 283-284 Raphanus, 867 raphanistrum, 277, 818 sativus, 486, 818 963 Raphia Fiber, 370 pedunculata, 370 vinifera, 370 Raspberry, 507-508 Black, 505, 508 Black-cap, 508 Wild, f. 507, 508 Garden, 505 Red, Wild, 505, 507, f. 507 Rat Poison, 377 Ratsbane, 575 Ratti, 907 Rattle-weed, 867 Rattlebox, 118, 543-546, f. 543, 564 Rattlesnake Fern, 692 Grass, 692 Master, 692 Plantain, 692 Rattlesnake-root, 692, 755 Rattlesnake-weed, 692, 755 Ratzeburg, J. TT. Sra aire bi 803, 862, 874, 907 Raum, J., 249 Rauwerda, 90 Rauwolfia serpentina, 807 trifoliata, 807 verticillata, 807 Ravenala, 391 Ravenel, M. P., 23, 30, 263 Ravenna, 747 Ray, 290 Rawton, Oliver de, 907 Read, Alex, 907 Red Baneberry, 108, 467-468 Buckeye, 123, 617, f. 619 Cedar, 101, 102, 330-331, f. 337, 332 Clover) "'2792"°S255553;5) fe 555 Currant, 498 Flax, Garden, 580 Gum, 500, f. 5or Haw, 500, f. 514 Maple, 615 Oak, 403, f. 404 Osier, 664 Pepper, 87, 133, 714, f. 725, 725-726 Poppy, 479 Raspberry, Wild, 505, 507, f. 507 Rust, 227 Seaweed, f. 104 Top, 338 Ergot on, 277 Vetch, 572 Red-berried Elder, 135 Red-bud, 527 Redmond, 771 Red-root, 104, 385, 432 Redwood, 102 Reed, H. S., 907 Rees, 302 Reese, J. J., 907 Reindeer Lichens, 307 Reinders, 621 Remak, 13, 18, 295 Remijia pedunculata, 742 Remsen, Dr., 612 Renner, Dr., 575, 907 Renon, L., 263 Reproduction of Bacteria, 161 Reseda, 846 luteola, 479, 846 odorata, 479 RESEDACEAE, 479, 486, 846 Resin, 319, 330 Botany Bay, 375 Chaia, 625 Piney, 627 Retamin, 531 964 Reynolds, C. F., 775 RHAMNALES, 157, 620-621, RHAMNEAE, 52 RHAMNACEAE, 53, 89, 620-621, 846-847 Fish poisons among, 2, 621 Rhamnetin, 124, 620 Rhamnin, 124, 620 Rhamno-cathartin, 124 Rhamnose, 612 Rhamnus Alaternus, 847 californica, 847 caroliniana, 847 cathartica, 123, 124, 229, 620, 847 dahurica, 620 srameute, 53, 124, 229, 620, 84 infectoria, 620 lanceolata, 124, 229 Purshiana, 621, 847 tinctoria, 620 Wightii, 847 Rhein, 418 Rheotannic acid, 419 kKheum Emodi, 843 hybridum, 843 officinale, 418, 843 palmatum, 843 Rhaponticum, 418, 843 Rhexia, 640 Rhinacanthus, 90 communis, 692, 804 Rhinanthin, 738 Rhinanthus major, 852 minor, 852 Rhipsalis, 637, 811 Rhizobium leguminosarum, f. 162, f. 163 Rhizocarpon geographicum, f. 308 Rhizoids of Botrydium granu- latum, f. 92 Rhizomucor, 202 Rhizophora ’Mangle, 638, 847 RHIZOPHORACEAE, 638, 847 Rhizopus, 198, f. 258, 867 nigricans, 195, 198 Rhode Island, Poisonous plants of, 867 Rhodinol, 506 Rhodium, Oil of, 699 Rhododendrol, 666 Rhododendron, 52, 64, 222, 666, 667, 669, 867 arborescens, 821 arboreum, 821 Azalea, 667 barbatum, 65 California, 127, 667 californicum, 127, 667, 821 campanulatum, 821 catawbiense, 83, 127, 667, 668, 821 caucasicum, 821 chrysanthum, 85, 666, 821 cinnebarinum, 821 dauricum, 821 ferrugineum, 821 fulgens, 65 grande, 65 hirsutum, 821 indicum, 821 japonicum, 666 Large, 127 ledifolium, 821 maximum, 127, f. 666, 667, 668-669, 821 nudifiorum, 821 occidentale, 127, f. 668, 668- 669, 821 ponticum, 64, 668, 821 punctatum, 821 sinense, 821 sublanceolatum, 821 RHODOMELACEAE, 859 Rhodomenia palmata, 859 RHODOPHYCEAE, 154, 194 RHODOSPOREAE, 235 RHOEADALES, 157, 479-497 Rhoeadin, 481 Rhodotypos lierricides, 848 Rhubarb, 418, 419 Rhus, 79, 409, 608-614, 805- 806, 865, 867 caustica, 806 chinensis, 806 Coriaria, 608 Cotinus, 608, 805 diz versiloba, eae 609, f. 611, 806 floridana, 806 glabra, 608, 613-614, 805 Griffithii, 806 javanica, 806 littoralis, 806 lucida, 806 Metopium, 806 Michauxti, 806 perniciosa, 806 radicans, 806 Rydbergi, 123, 806 semialata, 608 striata, 806 succedanea, 608, 806_ sylvestris, 806 Toxicodendron, 4, f. 12, 77, 78, 122, 394, 608-609, f. 7 609 venenata, 610, 806 vernictfera, 608, 806 vernix, 122, 609, f. 610, 0 Wallichii, 806 Rhynchosia minima, 832 Ribes aureum, 53, 500, 851 cereum, 851 gracile, 500 grossularia, 500 macrobotrys, 851 nigrum, 498, 851 prostratum, 851 vulgare, 498 Ribbert, M. H. W., 907 Rice, W. S., 907 Rice Paper, 647 Rice, Wild, 276, 338 Rice-cut Grass, 339 Rich, Rages LOL isa4e 255 Richardia africana, 371 Richardson, 907 Richet, C., 907 RAiCin, iG-7 6 ly Dose eee kes 594, 626, 687, 867 Ricinodendron africanus, 587 Ricinoleic acid glycerid, 594 Ricinolein, 594 Ricinus, 55, 590, 594-595, 862, 864, 867 communis, 53, f. 56, 75, 121, 594-595, '823 “Rickets,” 325 Ricketts, Be D306 Ricord-Madianna, J. B., 907 Ridinger, 467 Riecke, V. A., 862, 872, 847, 907 Ringworm, 12, 14, 301-302 of Body, 301 Dog, 12 Horse, 14 Also see Tinea Scalp, 301 Ritchie, J., 305 Rivina humilis, 842 Rivolta, S., 263 Rivularia, 93 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS RIVULARIACEAE, 186-187 Robbins, E. J., 424 Robbins, EF. L., 899, 907 Roberts, G. H., 260 2 Robin, Ch., 298, 302, 595, 907 Robinia, 534, 530; 558- 561, 8 hispida, 559 neo-mexicana, 118, 559 Nicou, 531 Pseud-acacia, f. 57, 64, f. 66, 118-119, 527, f. 559, 559-560, 595, 832 vicosa, 559, 560-561, 832 Robinin, 119, 560 Robinson, B. L., 18, 488, 863, 886, 907 Robiquet, 505 Roccella tinctoria, 307 ROCCELLACEAE, 307 Rochea coccinea, 501 Rochebrune, A. T. de, 907 Rochussen, F., 755, 907 Rock Elm, 408 Rose, 627 Rocket Larkspur, 460 Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, 496, f. 406 Bush Honeysuckle, 135 Columbine, 446 Rodigras, Em., 908 Rodin, H., 908 Roemeria violacea, 841 Rolly, 908 Roman Chamomile, 754 Root, Indian Cucumber, 104 Pellitory, 754 Red, 104 Root-tubercle Organism, /. 162 Roots, Poisonous, 867 Roretz, A. von, 908 Roripa hispida, 490 Rosa, 504, 506, 510-512 arkansana, 115 blanda, 510 canina, 504, 510, 629, 848 centifolia, 510 cinnamomea, 504 damascena, 503 gallica, 504, 510, 848 pratincola, 510, f. 511° rubiginosa, 115, 504 rugosa, 504 Savi, 511 setigera, 504 RosackaE, 53, 63, 89, 90, 115- 117, 144, 498, 501, 503, 519, 847-848, 867 ROSALES, 157, 498-574 Rose, 629 Apple, 639 Arkansas, 115, f. 511 Attar of, 699 Bay, 667 Mountain, 127, 667-668 Cinnamon, 504 Dog, 504 Family, 503-519 Oil, 503, 506 Pink, 689 Prairie, 504, 510 Rock, 627 Say’s, 511 Smooth, 510 Sweetbriar, 504 Wood’s, 511, 512 Rosebay, 667 Mountain, 127, 667-668 Rosendal, 450 Rosemary, 709 Bog, 127 Oil of, 86 Wild, 127, 673 Rosenthal, D. «4., 908 Rosmarinus officinalis, 709 Roseol, 506 Rossi, P., 908 Rostafinski, 158 Rostrup, E., 290 Rot, Cabbage, 163 Rotenbiller, von, 908 Rothe, L., 908 Rotschky, 728 Rottlerin, 589 Roub, J. F., 908 Rough Phacelia, 131 Round Cardamon, 391 Round-leaved Dogwood, 664 Green Brier, 104 Roup, 177 Roupala Pohlii, 844 vervaineana, 844 Rourea glabra, 817 Roux, G., 302, 897, 908 Row, 199 Royal Fern, f. 309, 313, 322 Palm, 370 Roystonea borinquena, 370 Rozites gongylophora, 235 Rubber, Para, 588 Plants, 587, 691, 696 Tree, f. 406 Rubia tinctorum, 742 RuBIacEaAE, 53, 89, 90, 135, 144, 741-744, 848-849 RUBIALES, 158, 740-748 Rubijervin, 381 Rubus, 507-508 chamaemorus, 848 cunetfolius, 505, 848 tdaeus, 505 idaeus v. ee one 505, f. 5 occidentalis, 7305, f. 507, 508 odoratus, 504 parviflorus, 505 phoenicolasius, 505 Rance les and spines of, 507- 08 villosus, 508, f. 508, 848 Rudbeckia, 757, 779 hirta, 779 laciniata, 139. 756, 779 occidentalis, 779 Ridel, C., 908 Rue, 78, 524 Common, 581 Family, 120, 581-583 eer 111 Ruedi, Carl, 565 Ruellia HRA. 688, 698 patula, 804 strepens, 804 tuberosa, 804 Rumex, 419, 420-421, 867 abyssinicus, 843 Acetosa, 150, 846 Acetosella, 106, 420, f. 420, 846 altissimus, 419, 420-421 crispus, 106, 419, f. 420, 421, 846 Ecklonianus, 846 hymenosepalus, 418, 846 obtusifolius, 846 orbiculatus, 421 Patientia, 419 scutatus, 419 Rumicin, 421 Runge, 145 Rusby, H: H.;°96, 102, 105, 114, 121, 389, 448, 456, 471, 484, 491, 560, 584, 617, 633, 746, 793, 803, 804, 908 Ruschhaupt, F. R., 908 INDEX Ruscus aculeatus, 835 Rush, 374 Common, 367, f. 373 Scouring, 333. Russelia juncea, 734 Russell, Dr., 775 Russell, W., 908 Russia, Eb seaons plants of, 86 Russian Licorice, 527 Oleaster, 641 Thistle, 68, 150, 424, 430, Ff. 431, 433 Turpentine, 330 Russula, 90, 243 Barlea, 860 emetica, 237, 243, 860 foetens, 53, 860 fragilis, 860 rubra, 860 Rusts, 20, 160, 220 Black-stem, 227 Clover, 20, 99, 230-231, f. 231 Corn, f. 230 Crowned; f. 223) f.) 225, f. Goldenrod, aap 775 Grass, f. 223;' 224-227,' f. 225 Maize, 229-230 Oat, 99 Red, 222 Reproduction, 222 Strawberry, 281 Teosinte, 230 Tickle Grass, f. 223 Wheat, 99, 227, f. 228 Covered, 227, f. 227, 228 White, f. 204 Ruta graveolens, 76, 120, 581, 849 montana, 849 Rutabaga, 486 RutaceEakF, 53, 89, 120, 148, 575, 577, 581-583, 849 Rutin, 495 Rye, 338 Grass, 361-364 Common, 361 Italian, 361 Smut, f. 278 Wild, 27, 90, 149, 546 Black-spot on, 280 Ergot on, 276 Rhynchospora, 369 Rynning, 662 Ryon, A. M., 908 Ryparosa caesia, 53 Ss Sabadilla officinalis, 377 Sabadillin, 381 Sabadin, 379, 381 Sabadinin, 379, 381 DABALACEAE, 849 Sabanijeff, N., 872, 908 Sabatia angularis, 689 Sabina, 78 Sabinea florida, 833 Sabli, 241 Sabourand, 13, 16, 301, 908 Sabourne, 300 Saccardo, P. A., 288 Saccharomyces, (100, 249 apiculatus, 250 cerevisiae, 250, f. 251 ellipsoideus, 250s fai Sen glutinus, 250 kefyr, 250 mycoderma, f. 2 GA KROME ES. 249- 253 965 Sacred Bean, 444 Lily, 444 Safflower, 756 Safford, W. E., 325-326, 908 Saffron, f. 387, 389, 734, 756 Cape, 734 Meadow, 148 South American, 389 Sagaretia theezans, 629 Sage, 710 Lance-leaved, 710 South American, 710 White, 424 Sage brush, 790, 792, f. 7or Saghalen Knotweed, 421 Sagittaria Engelmanniana, SSM fesse latifolia. 102 Sago, 370 Poison, 378 Wild, 378 Sagot, M. P., 908 St. Hilaire, 908 St. Ignatius’s Bark, 688 Bean, 74, 145 St. John’s-bread, f. 526, 527 St. John’s-wort, 124, 386, 629-631 Common, 125, 629-630, f. European, 631 Family, 629-631 Great, 125, 629, 630-631, 631 Kalm’s, 629 Shrubby, 629 Spotted, 630 Sakalava, 867 “Sake,” 261 Salep, 392 SALICACEAE, 105, 396-397, 849 SALICALES, 156, 396-399 Salicin, 397, 505 Salicornia, 150 Salicylic acid, 505 Salikounda, 967 Salix, 629 amygdaloides, li 307 Salmon, D. E.. 277 Salmon Berry, 505 Salpingitis, 171 Salsify, 756 Salsola, 426, 430 Kali v. tenuifolia, 424, 430, f. 431, 814 tamariscifolia, 814 Webbii, 424, 814 Salt Bush, 107,°425 Australian, 424 Grass, 90 Groundsel, 138 Salts, Caustic, 72 Corrosive, 72 Saltwort, 430 Shrubby, 424 ’ Salvia, 756 amarissima, 828 coccinea, 710 lanceolata, 710 officinalis, 710, 828 pratensis, 828 splendens, 710 Salvadora persica, 849 SALVADORACEAE, 849 Salvinia, 315 Salviol, 710, 756 Samadera indica, 853 Sambucin, 747 Sambucus, 745-747, 867 canadensis, 133, 744, 745- 747, 812 Ebulus, 746, 747, 812 mexicana, 812 966 migra, 53, 746, 747, 813 racemosa, 135, 744, 747, 813 Sambunigrin, 747 Samolus, 2 SAMYDACEAE, 53, 850 Sand Cherry, 116, 505 Flower, 109, 454 Sand-bur, 67, , 68. fu 093.0 F- 349; 352 , 722 Smut on, f. 278 Sand-box Tree, f. 588 Sandalwood, 415 Sandarac Tree, 328 Gum, 328 Wood, 328 Sand Flower, 109, 454 ~Sandoricum indicum, 837 Sandwort, European, 436 Sanfelice, F., 249, 304 —Sanguinaria, 480, 483-485, 867 canadensis, 113, 479, f. 484, 484-485, 841 Sanguinarin, 113, 480, 484, Sanguinarina, 113 Sanguisorba canadensis, 116 Sanicula marilandica, 692, 857 Sansevieria thyrsiflora, 827 SANTALACEAE, 415, 850 SANTALALES, 156, 415- 416 Santalum album, 415 Santonica, 754 Santonin, 140, 149, 754, 791, 867 Poisoning by, 77, 81 Sap Green, 620 SAPINDACEAE, 52, 63, 64, 89, 123, 604, 606-607, 850 SAPINDALES, 157, 604-621 Sapindus, 52, 89, 123 abyssinicus, 850 arborescens, 850 emarginatus, 65 marginatus, 123, 606, 850 Mukorossi, 850 Saponaria, 63, 606, 850 sapotoxin, 62 trifoliatus, 63, 850 Sapium indicum, 823 msigne, 823 sebiferum, 587 Sapodilla, 681 Family, 128, 679-681 Plum, 679 Tree, 681 Sapogenin, 108, 586 Saponaria. 89, 436, 441-442 oficinalis, 62, 63, 77, 108, f. 436, 441, 442, f. 442, 812 rubra, 63 Vaccaria, 442, f. 443, 812 Saponin, 4, 62-63, 72, 89, 104, 107, 108; T1001. 215, TZ AIZO) TS0n0Ss thes, 149, 315, 371, 375, 434, 435, 436, 437, 439, 441,° 442, 447, 470, 500. 503, 505, 535, 567, 586, 606, 617, 621, 624, 637, 683, 698, 750, 774, 804, 867 Distribution in plants, 89 Group, 62, 149 Saponin-cholosterin, 62 Saponin-senegin, 62 SAPOTACEAE, 52, 53, 63, 89, 128. 375, 679-681, 851 Sapotin, 681 Sapotoxin, 7, 437, 441, 505, 586 Saprolegnia, 209, 859 monoica, Thureti, f. 208 SAPROL ENIAC, 204, 208- Sapucaya Nut, 638 Sarcobatus, 426, 429-430 Maximiliani, f. 429, 430, 814 vermiculatus, 68, 107 Sarcolobus carinatus, 809 narcoticus, 809 Sarcopetalum Harveyanum, 838 Sarcoptes, 294 equi, 293 scabet, 293 Sarcostemma 810 glaucum, 810 Sarepta Mustard, 490 Sargasso Weed, 194 Sargassum bacciferum, 194 Sargent, C. S., Sarracenia, 497 australe, 696, flava, 851 laciniata, f. 498 purburea, 114, 497, 851 Trap of + 499 variolaris, a 498, 851 SARRACENIACEAE, 114, 497, 851 SARRACENIALES, 157, 497-498 Sarracenin, 114, 497 Sarsa-saponin, 62 Sarsaparilla, 647 Indian, 695 Saponin, 62 Sarson, 490 Sassafras, 112, 478-479 officinale, 112 Oil of, 86 variifolium, f. 478, 479 Satureta hortensis, 710 Saunders, C. F., 908 SAURURACEAE, 396, 851 Saururus cernuus, 851 Sausage, poisoning by, 77, 78 Saussurea Lappa, 755 Savanna Flower, 867 Savin, 6, 49, 72 Fevs3iwaoe American, 102 Oil of, 149 Savory, 710 Savoure, C., 908 Sawdust, poisonous, 867 Sayre, L. E., 468, 564, 565, 567, 751, 803, 863, 909 Saxifraga, 115 Andrewsti, 852 cortusaefolia, 852 cuneifolia, 852 Sibthorpti, 852 SAXIFRAGACEAE, 53, 89, 90, 115, 498, 851-852 Saxifrage Family, 89 Saxony, Poisonous plants of, Scabiosa succisa, 65, 820 Scabious, 741 Scaevola, 825 Scammonin, 699 Scammony, 699 Scarlet Fever, 867 Gaura, 645 Lychnis, 439 Oak, 403 Runner, 119, 520, 528 Vetch, 526 Scenedesmus, 190 Schaffner, J. H., 96, 101, 104, 108, 112, 115, 118, 120, 126, 130, 139, 439, 471, MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS 498, 503, 552, 570, 580, 581, 584, 593. 620, 632, 702, 710, 909 Schauenstein, 688 Scheele, 3 Schell, Dr., 661 Schenck, kK. 909, 912 Scherer, 909 Schimper, A. F. W., 909, 912 Schimpfky, R., 96, 453, 642, 718, Bl 727, 909 Schinus Molle, 608 Schizaea pusilla, f. 309, 315 Schizanthus pinnatus, 715 SCHIZEACEAE, 315 SCHIZOMYCETES, 97, 153, 160, 161-184, 859 Schizonella, 210 SCHIZOPHYCEAE, 97, 153, 184- 18 8 Biology of, 184 SCHIZOPHYTA, 97, 153, 160-188, 859 Seblaagrnbauiens Fr., 889, Schlegel, 26 Schleichera, 850 trijuga, 53, 606 Schlesinger, 36, 242 Schlitzberger, Se 909 Schlotterbeck, J. D., 90, 113, 483, 909 Schmelz, J. D., 909 Schmidt, E., 909 Schuniedebera Oswald, 238, 692, Schneck, Dr., 601 Schneidemiihl, George, 548, 909 Schneider, 505 Schneider, A., 909 Schneider, Max, 909 Schniegans, M., 909 Schoenlein, J. L., 17, 295 Schoenocaulon officinale, 835 Schoenus apogon, 819 Schomburgh, R. H., 910 Schorlemmer, C., 910 Schoren, 241 Schramek, 895, 910 Schreber, 721 Schribaux, E., 910 Schroeter, 96, 325, 439, 448, 460 Schuchardt, 572 Schuetz, K. E., 910 Schulze, J. E. F., 910 Schummel, T. E., 910 Schiinemann H., 910 Schutte, H. W., 910 Schutz, Josef, 910 Schwalbe, K., 910 Schwarz, A. 910 Scilla, 78, 377 bifolia, 835 festalis, 835 Scillain, 148, 377 Scillin, 377 Scillipicrin, 377 Scillitin, 377 Scillotoxin, 377 Scindapsus officinalis, 808 Scirpus, 369 lacustris, 369 SCITAMINEAE, 155, 390- 392, 852 Scleranthus perennis, 436 Sclerocarya Caffra, 806 Scleroderma vulgare, 247, 860 Sclerospora graminicola, 205, . 207 Sclerotinia, 253 Sclerotium clavus, 275 Scolecotrichum graminis, 282, f. 283 Scopalamin, 60, 77, 78, 148, 716, 732 Scopalina atropoides, 4 Scopola, 60, 716 Scopolia carnicola, 854 japonica, 854 lurida, 854 physaloides, 854 Scopolin, 716 Scorzonera, 757 Scotch Broom, 118, 408, 551 Heather, 65, 665 Scotium acuminatum, 860 Scotts CsJi.,, 556 Scott, D. Scott) J..4, Scouring Rush, 323 **Scours,”’ 130 Screenings containing cockle, 108, 439, 440 Screw Pine, 332 Scribner, F. Lamson, 903 Scrophularia aquatica, 852 marilandica, 134 nodosa, 852 SCROPHULARIACEAE, 89, 134, 698, 733- 738, 852-853 Scrophularin, 134 SCROPHULARINEAE, 52 Scum, 93 Scutellaria galericulata, 131, 828 lateriflora, 828 Sea Holly, 648 Kale, 486 Mosses, 91 Weed, Red, f. 194 Sea Island Cotton, 623 Seaside Heliotrope, 705 Seasonal variation affecting toxicity of plants, 83 Sebastiana Palmeri, 823 Pavoniana, 823 Secale luxurians, 275 Secalin, 277, 278 Secalin-toxin, 149 Secalinotoxin, 277 Sechium edule, 750 Secor, Eugene, 654 Secotium erythrocephalum, f. 246 Securidaca longepedunculata, 843 Securigera Coronilla, 833 Securinega, 52 ramtfiora, 823 Sedative, 804 Sedge, f. 77, 369 Family, 367-368, 369 Sedum, 501-503 acre, 114, 501, 502, 503, 818 purpureum, 501, 502, f. 502 stenopetalum, f. 502 Seeds, 144, 862 Aconite. 83 Adzuki Bean, 520 Aleurites, 587 Anagyris, 530 Anise, 648, 651 Baptisia, 530 Bassia, 681 Beans, 867 Calabar Bean, 528 Caraway, 648 Cassia, 535 Castanospermum, 527 Castor Oil, 149 Cerbera, 692 Cherry, 503 Coffee Astragalus, 527 Coral Tree, 527 INDEX Cockle, Corn, 439-441 Cow, 108 Colchicum, 867 Corozo Palm, 370 Corypha Palm, 370 Cotton, 867 Crab’s-eye, 527 Croton, 149 Cummin, 648 Cynoglossum, 867 Datura, 729 Entada, 525 Eriobotrya, 867 Fennel, 648 Fenugreek, 527 Flax, 120, 581 Galega, 535 Garcia, 867 Ginkgo, 395 Hura, 97 Hyoscyamus, 726 Jatropha, 587 Jequirity, 55, 527, 534 Kapok, 621 Larkspur, 867 LEGUMINOSAE, 867 Linseed, 581 Lupine, 867 Lychnis, 867 Mucuna, 524 Musk, 624 Nux vomica, 867 Ocimum, 710 Olive, 683 Omphaloa, 867 Oxytropis, 567 Paprika, 523 Peanut, 521 Physostigma, 528, 531 Poppy, 727 Prosopis, 55 Psoralea, 535 Quince, 503 Rattlebox, 546 Rape, 867 Ricinus, 867 Sabadilia, 867 Sinapis, 867 SIMARUBACEAE, 867 Stavesacre, 464 Strychnos, 683 Tamarind, 529 Trigonella, 531 Ulex, 530 Vetch, 120, 527 Vicia, 867 Water Hemlock, 651 Wormwood, 867 Segura, J. C., 910 Sehlen, von, 298 SELAGINNELLACEAE, 853 Selby, Bia D., 130, 286, 701, 0 Seligman, C. G., 910 Selmi, F. 4, 910 Semecarpus Anacardium, 608, 806 heterophylla, 806 Sempervivum Pe ot 818 Semple, R. H., Senebiera aide: 818 Seneca Snakeroot, 585-586, + 585 Sanerig, aes 757, 758, 795- aureus, 140 Balsamitae, 796 Burchelli, 795 Cineraria, 756 cruentus, 756 elegans, 756 Forstert, 755 guadalensis, 140, 816 Grayanus, 816 967 Jacobaea, 140, 795, 816 ffl latifolius, 795 plattensis, 140 toluccanus, 140 vulgaris, 816 vulneraria, 816 SENECIONEAE, 757 SENECIONIDEAE, 758 797, Senegin, 149, 586 Senf, E., 395 Senn, Nicholas, 183 Senna, 536 Leaves, 528 Substitute for, 534 Wild, f. 537 Sennacrol, 528 Sennapicrin, 528 Sensitive Fern, 320-321 Septentrionalin, 450 Septicemia, 167, 171, 867 Generalized, i72, i77 Goose, 182 Hemorrhagic, 177 hemorrhagica, 343 Mouse, 176 Rabbit, 177 Streptococcic, 171 Septoria, 284-286 Bromi, f. 285, 285-286 graminum, 284-286 rubi, 284 tritici, 286 Sequoia sempervirens, 102 Serjania, 52, 89, 606, 607 acuminata, 850 curassavica, 606, 850 erecta, 850 inebrians, 850 ichthyoctona, 850 lethalis, 606, 850 mexicana, 850 nodosa, 606, 850 piscatoria, 850 polyphylla, 850 trifoliatus, 606 Serpentaria, 688 Serttirner, F. W. A., 143 Service Berry, 504 Sesame, 698 Sesamum indicum, 698 Sesban, ;. 567, 561 Sesbania, 534, 535, 561 aculeata, 524 platycarpa, 561, f. 65r vesicaria, 118, 833 Sessile- flowered Wake-robin, Setaria, 339, 350 germanica, 350 glauca, f. 339 ttalica, 102, f. scandens, 826 verticillata, fs viridis, f. 207, Ro Seymour, 910 Sexton, 662 Shaddock, 582 Shaggy-mane Mushroom, 235 Shallon, 665 Shallot, 375, 383 Shallu, 345 Sharp, G., 911 Shaw, Dr., 560 Sheep-pox, 179 Sheep Sorrel, 106, 150, f. 420 Sheldon, J. L., 290 Shell-bark Hickory, 401 Shellac, 406 Shenstone, J. C., 911 Shepherd argentea, 349, 350 f. 639, 968 Shepherd’s 493, Weather-glass, 128 Shield Fern, 319-320, f. 320 Purse, f. 492, 7 Male, 149, f. 300, 315 Extract of, 77 Shiomoyana, J., 911 Shola, 524 Shorea, 627 Short- ava Poverty Grass, seis ge ’s Slipper, 393- 395, - 304 Mentzelia, 633, 634, f. 634 Milkweed, 130, 696-697, f. 697, Moccasin Flower, 105 Shreve, F., 911 Shrubby Cinque-foil, 88 Pepper, 133 St. John’s-wort, 629 Saltwort, 424 Sialagogue, 804 Siam Benzoin, 683 Sickungia’ rubra, 849 Sicydium monospermum, 819 Sicyos angulatus, 135, 751, 867 Sida, 124 jamaicensis, 624, 837 paniculata, 124, "624, 837 retusa, 623 rhombifolia, 624 Stinging, 124 urens, 124, 837 Sidamgrotzky, 26 Side-saddle Flower, 114 Sideroxylon borbonicum, 851 dulcificum, 851 tomentosum,. 681 toxiferum, 851 Siebenmann, 199 Siegel, A., 911 Sieva Bean, 574 Sikimin, 474 DRESS emEOE from, 24-28, 67 Silene, 89, 436, 437-439 antirrhina, 108, 438, f. 438, 813 Armeria, 437 Cucubalis, 813 Grifithti, 813 latifolia, 437-438 macrosolen, 813 noctifiora, ei f. 437, 437- 438, stellata, 437 virginica, 813 viscosa, 813 Silesia, Poisonous plants of, 867 Silk-worm Disease, 163 Silky Sophora, 117, 542, f. 542 Silphium, 757 Silver Maple, 615 Nitrate, Poisoning by, 6 Plant, 419 Silver-bell Tree, 682 Silver-leaf Psoralea, 558 Silvery Lupine, 550 Psoralea, 118 Silybum, 758, 802 Marianum, 802, 816 Simaba Cedron, 583 valdivia, 583 Waldinii, 853 Simaruba amara, 853 Bark, 583 SIMARURACEAE, 89, 121, 575, 577, 583-584, 853, 867 Simblum, 245 Simon, J. F., 3, 911 Simpson, W. T., 911 Simpson Honey Plant, 134 Sinalbin, 489 Sinapin-sulphate, 489 Sinapis, 868 Sinapism, 113, 114, 490, 494 See fae 491 Sinkler, Spain ae Sieceiiets, 812 SIPHONEAR, Seen iol, 325 Sisal, 386 Sisyrinchium angustifolium, 2 Sitanion elymoides, 103 Sium, 651, 659, 868 cicutaefolium, 651, 857 erectum, 857 latifolium, 857 Skimmia japonica, 849 Skullcap, Marsh, 131 Skunk Cabbage, 103, 371 Slade, H. B., 96, 338, 911 Sleepy Catchifly, 107, 438, f. 438, 439 Grass, 102, 355, 357-358 Slender’ Gerardia, 134, 738 Nettle, 106 Pigweed, 432 Psoralea, 118 Wheat Grass, 364 Slime Mold, f. 158, 150, 167 Fresh-water Green, /. 191 Slippery Elm, 408, f. 409 Sloanea dentata, 622 Slobbering, Cause of, 557 “Slobbers,” 603 Sluyter, Theodor, 263 Small Beggar- ticks, 139 Cranberry, 665 Horse-weed, f. 777 FeCee: Slipper, White, 105, Yellow, 105, f. 393 Hepp rraraee, 113, tf. 494, 494 Ragweed, f. 766, 766-767 Stickseed, 780 Stinging Nettle, 412-413, f. 412 Small- i panies Assia 458, f. 4 Marsh Bilder, 763 Siiartneee 78, 106, 107, 421, 422 Disease caused by, 12 Family, Weeds of, f. 420 Smut on, 98, 219 Water, 421-422 Smilax, 89 Cultivated, 375 herbacea, 64 pseudo-syphilitica, 835 rotundifolia, 104 Smith, Bernhard S., 73-77, 803, 804, 911 Smith, Clinton D., 213, 214, 344 Smith, BE. F., 100, 287, 293, 889, 911 Smith, F., 261, 911 Smith, John, 441, 596, 694 Smith, J. B. 911 Smith, Theobald, 214 Smith, W. G., 272, 911, 914 Smithsonian Institution, 911 Smoke Tree, 608 Smoogth Lepiota, 240 Sumac, 608, 613-614 Tobacco, 133 Zygadenus, 378-379 Smut, Barley, 98, 217 Cheat, 218 Corn, 98, 210-215 MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Foxtail, 217, f. 218 Millet, 214, f. 278 Oat, 215-217 Loose, 98 Tall Meadow, f. 216, 218 Pigeon Grass, 98 Porcupine Grass, f. 216 Rye, 218 Sandbur, f. 278 Smartweed, besa 219 Sorghum, Sprouting aces f. 214 Stinking, 219-220, f. 219 Timothy, 218 Wheat, 217 Stinking, 98 Smyrna Opium, 85 Saakebiteh, Antidotes against, Snake lea 692 Poison, 7 Venom, 2 Snakeroot, 773 Black, 692 Ber oee 648, 692, 755, 773- 7 Seneca, 121, 585-586, f. 585 Virginia, 417 Western, 773-774 White, 771-772 Snap Dragon, 733 Sneezeweed, 139, f. 142, 756, 781-784, ie 782, 868 Fine-leaved, 784 Mountain, 140 Narrow-leaved, 783-784 Sneezewood, 608 Snowberry, 1353 844, 747-748 Snowdrop, 386, 868 Tree, 682 Snow-on-the-Mountain, 64, 121, 598, f. 500 Snuff, 381 Soap Bark, 505 Brush, 120 Fish, 593 Plant, 104 Tree, 123 Soapberry, 123 Tree, 606 Soap-root, 380 Soapwort, f. 436, 441, 688 Sobernheim, J. F., 3, 55, 912 Socrates, 2, 651 Sohn, C. E., 442, 911 Soil affecting toxicity of plant, 83, 87-88 Soir, 869, 911 Soja Bean, f. 520 SOLANACEAE, 52, 60, 72, 89, 131-133, 144, 698, 713- 733, 853-855, 868 Solandra grandiflora, 854 Solanein, 718 Solanidin, 132, 148, 718 Solanin, 60, 83, 132, 133, 144, 148, 149, 718, 721, 722, 724, 804 Solanum, 89, 714, 717, 718- 868 aculeatissimum, 854 aviculare, 854 caripense, 854 carolinense, 60, 132, f. 723, 724, 854 citrullifolium, 723 Dulcamara, 60, 138, 715, 718-719, f. 719 elacagnifolium, 724 ellipticum, 854 eremophilum, 724, 854 esuriale, 854 grandifiorum, 854 Jamesii, 714 2 — ~*~ mammosum, 854 Melongena, 714, 718, 854 nigrum, 4, 60, f. 61, 74, 131-132, f. 132, 719-721, . 720, 854 rostratum, 718, 722-723, f. 723 saponaceum, 854 sodomeum, 854 Stramonifolium, 854 Sturtianum, 854 torvum, 854 triforum, 1, 32, f. 721, 722, 854 tuberosum, 132, 714, 718, Eve CRA Kes zvillosum, 855 Xanti, 855 Soldanella, 89 Soldier’s Herb, 396 Solenostemma Argel, 810 Solidago, 757, 774-776 canadensis, 138, 774-775 Rust on, 222 Drummondii, 774 missouriensis, 774 odora, 755, 774 rigida, 775-776 serotina, Rust on, 222 speciosa, 774 Virgaurea, 816 Solomon’s Seal, 377 Sommerfeld, T., 911 Sonchus, 757, 759-760 arvensis, 759-760 oleraceus, 759 Rust on, 222 " Sophora, 535, 542-543, 868 alopecuroides, 833 angustifolia, 530 flavescens, 90 japonica, 833 mollis, 833 secundiflora, 90, 117, 534, 542-543, 833 sericea, 90, 117, 542; f. 542, 564, 833 Silky, 117, 542, f. 542 speciosa, 530 tomentosa, 90, 833 SOPHOREAE, 530 Sophorin, 530, 543 Soporific, 804 Sorbite, 506 SORDARIACEAE, 280. Sorghum, 54, 102, 338, f. 345, 345-348, 503, 747, 868 Smut, f. 42 vulgare, 53, 346, 826 Sorosporium, 210 Sorrel, 579-580 French, 419 Jamaica, 623 Mountain, 419 Sheep, 106, 150, f. 420 Wood, 120 Violet, 580 Bendae Bota aoue plants of, Sour Cherry 505, 514 Dock, 106, f. 420 Orange, 582 South American Saffron, 389 Sage, 710 Southern Buckthorn, 679 Mistletoe, 415, f. 416 Sow Thistle, 759-760 Annual, 759 Field, 759-760 Soy Bean, 520, 548 Spanish Chestnut, 403 Needle, 67, f. 780, 780-781 INDEX Wormseed, 424 Vetch, 572 Sparganium, 332, f. 334 Spartein, 147, 551. Spartina cynosuroides, f. 69, 338, 339 Spartium junceum, 826 scoparium, 147 SPATHIFLORAE, 155, 370- 372 Spathiphyllum candicans, 808 Spatzier, 633 Spearmint, 709 Speedwell, 228, 229, 733 Purslane, 735-736 Spergula arvensis, 436 Spermacoce, 90 capitata, 849 semierecta, 849 SPERMATOPHYTA, 155, 325-802 Sphacelenic acid, 278, 279 Sphacelia, 275 Sphacelinic acid, 28 Sphacelotheca, 210 Sphacelotoxin, 277 Sphaerella Fragariae, 281 SPHAERIACEAE, 267, f. 268, 281 Fadia ear ean 280- Sphaerotheca Castagnei, f. 269, 270 Sphaerozyga, 186 Sphedamnocarpus angolensis, 837 Spice-bush, 477 Spider Poison, 7 Spiderwort, 373 Blue, 373 Spieler, A. J. T., 911 Spigelia, 698, 868 Anthelmia, 836 glabrata, 836 marilandica 76, 129, 688, 836 pedunculata, 836 Spigelin, 688 Spiked Lobelia, 753 Pale, 136 Spikenard, 647 Spilanthes Acmella, 816 oleracea, 816 Spinach, 150, 424, 427, 435 Australian, 427 New Zealand, 423 Spinacea oleracea, 424 Spinal cord, Poisons acting on, 74 Symptoms of, 74 Treatment, 74 Spiny Amaranth, 432, Clotbur, f. 137 Spiraea, 189, 504 Aruncus, 848 bella, 848 canescens, 848 Douglasti, 504 Filipendula, 848 Humboldtti, 848 hypericifolia, 848 japonica, 503, 504, 848 laevigata, 848 palmata, 848 salicifolia, 504 Thunbergu, 504 tomentosa, 848 Ulmaria, 492 Spiranthes, 392 SPIRILLACEAE, 165, 182 Spirillum, 150 comma, 161 rubrum, 161 f. 432 969 Spirochaeta anserina, 182 Obermeieri, 182 pallida, 182 Spirogyra, 92, 94, 95, 189, 190 Spleenwort, 318-320 Common, 318 Spondias dulcis, 608 lutea, 608 mangifera, 806 purpurea, 608 Sponge, Fresh-water, 93 Gourd, 750 Sponia virgata, 53 Sporangium, 160 Spores, 160 Sporodinia, 195 Sporotrichosis, 868 Sporotrichum, 13, 15, 297, 302 Furfur, 100, 297, f. 297 giganteum, 299 minutissimum, f. 298, 298- 299 tonsurans, 100, f. 300, 300- 30 3 Epidermis invaded by, f. 206 Spot disease of currant, 281 Orchard Grass, 282, f. 283 Strawberry, 281 Spotted St. John’s-wort, 630 Spurge, f. 597, 597-598 Large, 597, f. 602 Touch-me-not, 123, 620 Spratt, G., 911 Spreading Dogbane, 129, 692 Nightshade, f. 721 Sprekelia formosissima, 386, 80 Sprouch, C, H. E., 912 Sprouting Grass Smut, f. 274 Spruce, 868 Black, 328 Norway, 337, 328 Tideland, 327 White, 328 Spurge, 597-603, 868 Caper, 121, f. 590, 602 Common, 602 Cypress, 121, 600, f. 607 Family, 89, 586-604 Flowering, 121, 122, 598, f. 598 Vellow, f. 6or Laurel, 125, 642, f. 643 Myrtle, 121, 599 Nettle, 122, 596, f. 506 Spotted, f. 697, 597-598 Large, 597, f. 602 Spurrey, 436 Squash, Bush, 750 Crookneck, 750 Hubbard, 751 Winter, 750 Squaw-weed, 138 Squill, 148, 375, 377 Squirrel-tail Grass, 66, 103, 366-367, f. 368 Powdery Mildew on, 272 Injuries from, 360 Squirting Cucumber, 749 Stachys arvensis, 131, 828 palustris, 828 Sieboldti, 710 Stachytarpheta indica, 858 Stadlinger, 482 Staff-tree, 614-615 Family, 614-615 Bh cei 128, 674, f. 675). Staggers, 100, 388 Mad, 259 Stomach, 261 Staggerwort, 140 970 Staghorn Sumac, 608 StanleA Ss Stalagmitis Mangle, 827 Stalberg, S., 912 Stalker, M., 9, 118, 187, 277, 356, 544, 564, 912 Stange, C. H., 24-28 Stapelia, 64, 695, 810 Staph Oo ie Staphisagrin, 108, 464, 868 Staphylea trifolia, 604 STAPHYLEACEAE, 604 Staphylolisin, 168 Leucocidin, 168 Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 168 Star Anise, 149, 648, 863, 868 Apple, 679, 681 Cucumber, 751 -of-Bethlehem, 377 Starch, Cassava, 587 Tacca, 374 Yam, 374 Statice brasiliensis, 675 pectinata, 128, 842 Statutes on Poisoning, code, 6 Stavesacre, 446, 460, 463 Seed, 464 Stearic acid, 593 Stearin, 594 Stearns, Fred, 468 Stebler, 96, 325, 6 Iowa 439, 449, 560 Stellaria, 436 crassifolia, ~813 mente, 107, 442-444, f. 444, 68 Steitronema, 676 lanceolatum, 676 Stemless Loco Weed, 39, 119, 566, 567-570, f. 568 Stemonitis, 159, 160 Stephania, 89 aculeata, 838 discolor, 838 Sterculia alata, 855 STERCULIACEAE, 53, 621, 855 Stereocaulon ramulosum, f. 307 Sterigmata, 21 Sterigmatacytis, 258 Stevens, A. B., 912, 915 Stevens, F. L., 206 Stewart, F. C., 126, 210, 663 Stickseed, 131, 706-707 Large-flowered, 707 Stick-tights, 786 Stillingia, 590 lineata, 823 sylvatica, 604, 824 Stillmark 595 Stimulant, 804 Stinging Nettle, Small, f/. 412, 412-413 Nut, Brazilian, 596 Sida, 124 Stinkhorn, 99, 239, 245 Stinking Clover, 114 Smut of Wheat, f. 219, 219-220 Willie, 797 - Stipa, 339, 353, 578, 579 avenacea, 66, 354 capillata, 354, 926 comata, 66, 70, 102, f. 355, 355-357 hystricina, 53 inebrians, 354, 355, 826 lessingiana, 90 Neesiana, 354 palmata, 826 pinnata, 826 robusta, 90, 102, 357-358, 826 sibirica, 354 spartea, 70, 102, 210, 354, Shee She) tenacissima, f. 354 Western, 355, f. 355 Stipe, 160 Stitchwort, 436 Stizolobium Lyoni, 526 Stock, 486 Stomatitis, 179, 272, 290, 642, 649, 868 Catarrhal, 20 Mycotic, 256, f. 259, 260, 282, 283 Stockberger, W. W., 688, 912 Stokes, J. S., 912 Stone Clover, 553 Stone, G. E., 613 Stonecrop, 114, 221, 501 Mossy, 501, 502 Stonewort, 92, 194, 688 Storax, 500 Storesin, 500 Stork’sbill, 67, 120, 578-579 Hemlock, f. 579 Stowe, W., 912 Strabo, 64 Stramonium, 72, 718 Poisoning by, 6, 78 Purple, 729 Strangles, 170 Strasburger, E., 82, 893, 901, 912 Strattuard, R., 912 Strawberry, 504- 505, 629, 868 Blite, 474 Bush, 475 Chilean, 505 Cultivated, 115, 609 European, 115 Wood, 509 Garden, 505 Indian, 505, 509 Rust, 281 Tomato, 715 Tree, 665 Virginia, Wild, 115, 509 Streptococcic Septicemia, 171 Streptococcus melanogenes, 28, 868 equi, 170 erysipelatos, 171 pyogenes, 87, 171 Streptocolysin, 171 Strickland, C. W., 912 Striga euphrasioides, 852 String Bean, 520 Strobilanthes callosus, 698, 807 Strong, A. B., 912 Strophanthin, 692 Strophanthus, 78, 868 Eminii, 807 hispidus, 148, 692, 807 Kombe, 692 Pierrei, 807 Strophantin, 148 Stropharia aeruginosa, 860 Strimpell, Dr., 572 Strychnia, Statutes ing, 6 Strychnin, 1, 72, 73, 82, 129, “144, 145, 146, 147, 628, 686, 688, 728, 729, 736, 868 Antidotes against, 528 Discovery of, 3 Nitrate, 688 Poisoning by, 6, 77 Sulphate, 688 Toxicity of, 7 regard- MANUAL‘ OF POISONOUS PLANTS Treatment for poisoning y, 81 Strychnos, 52, 685, 868 angustifolia, 836 brachiata, 836 ‘ Castalnaei, 148, 836 cogens, 836 colubrina, 836 Crevauxiana, f. 685, 686, 836 gubleri, 836 Icaja, 836 Ignatii, 74, 144, 688 innocua, 836 malaccensis, 688, 836 Melinoniana, 836 nux-vomica, 74, 85, 147, 685, 688, 836 paniculata, 836 Potatorum, 685, 836 Pseudo-quina, 836 Santhierana, 836 spinosa, 836 toxifera, 1, 148, 687, 836 Napurensis, 836 Stryphnodendron Barbati- mam, 833 polyphyllum, 833 Stuartia, 629 Stubbleberry, 719 Studor, 241 Stuhr, W. A., 17-19, 20-24, 28-29, 37, 39-40, 303 Sturdevant, L. B., 912 Stylophorum, 868 diphyllum, 113, 480, 841 Stylopin,. 113, 480 Stypandra glauca, 835 Styptic, 396 STYRACACEAE, 679, 682-683 Styracin, 683 Styrax Benzoin, 682, 683 Family, 682 Suaeda fruticosa, 424 Subjee, 411 Succory, 758-759 Sudworth, G. B., 332 Sugar Beet, 107, ”424- 427, 868 ane, 338 Maple, 615, f. 616 Pine, 329 Suicide by Poisoning, 2, 868 Sullivant’s Honeysuckle, 744 Sulpho-cyanate of allyl, 489 Sulphur Polyporus, 234 Sulphur dioxid, 72 Suiphiie acid, Poisoning by, Sumac, 122, 608-614, 868 Chinese, 583, f. 584 Kuropean, 608 Japanese, 608 Poison, 609, f. 610 Smooth, 608, 613-614 Stag-horn, 608 Summer Chrysanthemum, 756 Cypress, 107 Sundew, 77, 114, 497 Common, f. 500 Family, 89, 114, 497-498 Sunflower, 756 Great, 756 Maximilian’s, f. 7 Powdery Mildew se 269 Superbin, 377 Supple-jack, 620 Surgeon General of U. S. Army, 892 Surinam, Poisonous plants of, Susotoxin, 150, 171 Susum anthelminticum, 825 Sutton, R.“I,.,. 912 Swain, R. E., 888, 912 Ss wainsona, 534 coronillaefolia, 533, 833 Greyana, 533, 833 Oliverti, 833 phacoides, 833 procumbens, 833 Swamp Camas, 103 Hellebore, 103 Laurel, 672 Leucothoe, /. 673, 673 Lousewort, 738 Milkweed, 130 chau Sree, 102) fing or; muee, 486 Swartzia triphylla, 833 Sweet Alyssum, 486 Balm, 397 Basil, 709 Bay, 474 Birch, Oil of, 86 Calomel, 371 Cassava, 54, 587 Cherry, 514 Cicely, 648 Clover, 552 White, DG fa 55s LOS Yellow, 118, 552 Fern, 399 Flag, f. 398 e, f. 308 Family, 397 Hay, 105, 389 Potato, 698 William, 437 Sweet-scented Bedstraw, 744 Shrub, 476 Sweetbriar, 115 Swertia chirata, 689 Swietinia humilis, 837 Mahogoni, 575, 837 Switzerland, Poisonous plants of, 867 Sword Bean, 521 Sycamore, 500 Sycosis parasitaria, 301 Sylvacal, 604 Syme, a A., 612, 613, 869, Symphoricarpos, 157, 745, 7, 748 mollis, 135, 813 occidentalis, 744, 747 orbiculatus, 135, 744, 748 side te ak 135, 744, 748, 8 Symphytum officinale, 704 ah eee foetidus, 103, Symplocos Alstonia, 629 lanceolata, 614 racemosa, 681 Symptoms of Poisoning, 72 Synaktonin, 450 Synalissa ramulosa, f. symphorea, f. 309 SYNANTHARF, 155 Synaptase, 505 Syncephalis cornu, 196 intermedia, 196 Synchytrium, 204 decipiens, 204 SYNPETALAKE, 157 Synura, 188 Syphilis, 182 Syringa, 89, 115 persica, 683 vulgaris, 63, 683 Syringin, 684 Syringopicrin, 128 Sisymbrium, 486, 487-488 Alliaria, 818 altissimum, 114, f. 487, 488 INDEX officinale, 114, 487, 818 Sophia, 818 toxophyllum, 818 T Tabernaemontana Borbonica, citrifolia, 807 coronaria, 807 malaccensis, 807 mauritiana, "807 Tabernanthe Iboga, 807 Tacca pinnatifida, 374 Starch, 374 "TACCACEAE, 374 Tachia guianensis, 825 Tacsonia, 53, 633 Taenia serrata, 568 Taenifuge, 304 Tagetes erecta, 756 Takosis, 168 Talauma, 90 macrocarpa, 474, 837 ovata, 837 Talinum polyandrum, 844 Falisia stricta, 850 Tall Blackberry, 665 Buttercup, 10, f. 459 Cone-flower, 779 Crowfoot, 458 Gypsophyl, 436 Larkspur, 108, 462, 463, f. 404, 465, 466, 467 Meadow Oat Wee) Ragweed, f. Tallow Tree, say ‘TAMARICACEAE, 627 Tamarind, 529, anh Tamarindus Seda 359, f. f. 340 531 Tamarix gallica, 627 mannifera, 627 Tampicin, 702 Tamus communis, 820 Tanacetin, 756 Tanaceton, 790 Tanacetum, 757, 758, 789-790 balsamita, 789 umbelliferum, 816 palbere: 756, 789-790, 793, Tanaecium crucigerum, 810 Tanausek, 364 Tangerine, 582 Tanghin, 868 Tanghinia venenifera, 148 Tangier Pea, 526 Tannic acid, 44, 403, 503, Tannin, 105, 319, 327, 403, 418, 608 Tanrets, Ch (2772 278 Tansy, 789-790 Common, 140 Oil, 756, 789-790 Tanweed, 421 Tape-worm, Presence in lo- coed sheep, 568 Taphrinae, 252, 253 Tapioca, 75, 587 Tapura, 2, 621 guianensis, 819 Tar-weed, 138, 755 Taraktogenos Blumei, 53 Taraxacerin, 755 Taraxacin, 755 Taraxacum, 757 officinale, 7555) 7503) fe 750 Tarragon, 756 Tartaric acid, 529, 868 TAXACEAE, 101 Taxin, 101, 148, 328 971 Taxus, 52, 148, 328 baccata, 4, 328, 817, 868 brevifolia, 101, 328, 817 canadensis, 101, 328, 817 Taylor, A. Si, 4, "363, 913 Taylor, H. H., 905, 913 Taylor, J. L., 130 Taylor, ue QO., 701 ‘Taylor, 1A oy Taylor, ahoeee 913 Tea, 628, 868 Black, 628 Chinese, 614 Green, 628 Labrador, 127, 629, 666 Mexican, 107 New Jersey, 621, 629 Oswego, 109, 629 Plant, 628, 629 Substitutes for, 436, 629 Wild, 501 Teak Tree, Indian, 708 Teasel, f. 741 Fuller’s, 741 Tecoma, 52 ceramensis, 810 jasminoides, 739 leucoxylon, 810 obtusata, 810 radicans, 135, 739, 810, 862 speciosa, 810 stans, 810 toxophora, 810 Tectona grandis, 708 Teilleux, 573 Telfairia pedata, 751, 819 ‘Temperature affecting toxicity of poison, 868 Templetonia, 868 egena, 833 purpurea, 833 retusa, 833 Tenbosch, J., 913 Tennessee, Poisonous plants of, 866 Teosinte, 230 Rust on, 230 Tephrosal, +3 Tephrosia, 52.0 So ose ieee 833 candida, 833 cinerea, 833 coronillaefolia, 833 densiflora, 833 frutescens, 833 macropoda, 833 nitens, 833 periculosa, 833 purpurea, 534 tomentosa, 833 toxicaria, 118, 533, 558, 833 virginiana, 118, 558, 833 Vogelti, 833 Tephrosin, DEBS ests Teramus labialis, 833 Terminalia Bellerica, 814 Catappa, 638, 640 Chebula, 640. 814 fagifolia, 640 tomentosa, 814 TERNSTROEMIACEAE, 52, 89, “855 Tesnier, T. J., 913 Testicularia, 210 Tetanin, 10, 150 Tetanoid spasms, a symptom of deliriant poisoning, Tetanolysin, 174 Tetanospasmin, 174 Tetanotoxin, 150 Tetanus, 150, 174, 868 Bacillus, 174 Toxin of, 77, 174 9/2 Tetracera, 52 alnifolia, 819 Assa, 819 Tetradenta fruticosa, 828 Tetragonia expansa, 423, 824 Tetrapanax papyrifera, 647 Tetrapleura, 89 caerulea, 833 Thonningti, 833 Teucrium canadense, 709 Chamaedrys, 828 Marum, 828 scordium, 828 Texas Croton, 121, 592, f. 592, 593 Lily, 690 Thacher, J., 913 Thalictrin, 446 Thalictrum, 868 aquilegifolium, 53 flavum, 88, 846 foetidum, 846 macrocarpum, 446, 846 polycarpum, 111 revolutum, 111 Thalins, 275 THALLOPHYTA, 91 Thallophytes, 188, 310 Thapsia garganica, 857 villosa, 857 the leet Daniellii, 858 Thaxter, R., 167 Thea assamica, 63, 629 Kissi, 629 sinensis, 628 sinensis bohea, 628 sinensis viridis, 628 Sassanqua, 63, 629 THEACEAE, 63, 628, 629 Thebain, 146, 147, 481 Thecaphora, 210 Thein, 146, 629, 742 Theobroma Cacao, 621, 623 Sipe ai 144, 146, 621, 62 Theophrasta americana, 839 Theophyllin, 146, 628 Thermopsis, 118, 534, 535, 538-539 Alleghany, 538-539 caroliniana, 90 mollis, 538-539 montana, 90, f. 530, 539 Prairie 539 rhombifolia, 117, 539, 833 sp., 551 Therapeutics, Literature up- on, 868 Thespesia grandiflora, 623 Theveresin, 692 Thevetia, 52 Ahouai, 807, 849 nereifolia, 148, 692, 807, 849 Thevetin, 148, 692 Thin, G., 913 : Thistle, 797-802, f. 802 Bull, 141, 798, f. 800 Canada, 141, 798, f. 709 Family, 757-802 Lady’s, 802 Milk, 802 Prairie, 801 Russian, 68, 150, 424, 430, f. 431%, 432 Sow, 759-760 Annual, 759 Field, 759-760 Woollv. f. 798, 801 Thlaspi, 487, 494-495 arvense, f. 495 Thompson, C. J. S., 913 Thomsonia napalensis, 372 Thorn Apple, 60, 74, 715, 729- 733 Purple, 729-733 White, 513 Thorns, Rose, 67 Thorny Clotbur, /. 768 Pigweed, 107 Thottea dependens, 809 Three-flowered Nightshade, fo7el, nee Three-leaved Poison Ivy, 609- 610 Three-lobed Kidney Bean, 520 Three-seeded Mercury, 83, 122, 603, 604 Thresh, 726 ‘Thrush, 302-303, 868 Thuja, 78 occidentalis, 328, 756, 817 Thujin, 328 Thujone, 328, 710, 756, 790 Thunberg, C. P., 913 Thunbergia alata, 698 Thurber, Dr., 679 Thurber, Geo., 913 Thyme, Garden, 709 Thymelaea Tartonraira, 855 THYMELAEACEAE, 52, 125, 640, 642-643, 855 Thymol, 89, 648, 709, 710 Thymus albus, 89 officinalis, 710 Serpyllus, 89 vulgaris, 709 Shelter ena wa) Tickseed, Small, 780 Tickle Grass, Rust on, f. 223 Tidy, C..H., 913 Tieute, 687 Tiger Lily, 375 Tiglinie acid, 593 Tilia americana, 621 cordata, 621 TILIACEAE, 53, 89, 621, 855 el esr among, 2, Tiliacora racemosa, 838 Tillandsia usneoides, 372 Tilletia, 98, f. 218, 219-220 foetens, 98, f. 219, 219-220, 861 hordei, 219 secalis, 219 Tritici, 220, 861 TILLETIACEAE, 98, 210, 219- 220, 861 Tillie, T. B., 884 Timothy, 338 Ergot on, f. 27, 276 Tinea, 295 circinata, 301 circumscripta, 300 disseminata, 300 favosa, 294-296 of Fowl, 14 Horse, 14 Sycosis, 300 tonsurans, 12, 14, 300 Transmission of, 14 Ting, Chung Yu, 237 Tireli, 290 Tirelli, V., 913 Tissue change, Poisonous pro- ducts of, 73 Tizzioni, Guido, 913 Toad-flax, 134, f. 735, 735-736 Toadstool, 31, 160, 220, f. 232, 503 Lepiota, 243 See Mushrooms also Tobacco, 72, 75, 86, 714, 725-729, 868 Adulterants of, 773 IU ey ie MANUAL OF POISONOUS PLANTS Alkaloids of, 147, 728 Common, 727-729 Flowering, 133, 715 Indian, 75, 136, 752 Nicotine in, 86, 87, 728 Smooth, 133 Wild, 729 Tococo guianensis, 640 Toddalea aculeata, 88 Toddy, Philippine, 370 ‘Loffana of Naples, 2 Tofieldia calyculata, 835 ‘Tokishige, 249, 913 Tolene Oil, 528 Toluifera, 90 Tolyposporella, 210 Tolyposporium, 210 Tomato, 132, f. 773, 714 Currant, 71 Strawberry, 715 Tree, 716 Tonka Bean, 523, 552, 868 Tonquin, 523 Tonsilitis, 171, 177 Toot Poison, 868 Torenia asiatica, 733 Torrey, John, 913 Torreya nucifera, 817 Touch-me-not, Spotted, 123, 620 Tovey, J. R., 882, 913 ‘Towel Gourd, 750 Toxalbumin, 52, 55, 165, 804 Abrus, 55-56, 149 Black Locust, 56-58 Castor Oil Seed, 55, 149 Poisoning from, 55-58 Toxicodendrol, 394, 612, 620 Toxicodendron capense, 588 globosum, 824 Toxicology, 1, 3, 868 Vegetable, 868 Veterinary, 868 Toxins, 10, 149, 164, 868 Animal, 149 Defined, 10, 164 Food, Classified, 10-11 Plant, 149 2 iaaecre are for poisoning by, 1 Toxiresin, 475 Trachoma, 265 Trachymene australis, 857 Tracy, S. M., 87, 913 Tradescantia, 89, 374 crassifolia, 814 elongata, 814 virginianum, 373 Zebrina, 374 Traganthin, 530 Tragia, 590, 593-594 cordifolia, 824 involucrata, 824 nepetaefolia, 122, 594 urens, f. 503, 594 volubilis, 824 4 Tragopogon porrifolius, 756 Trailing Arbutus, 127, 665 Wolf’s-bane, 109 Trametes radiciperda, 234 Trapa natans, 840 ‘TRAPACEAE, 640 Traveler’s Palm, 391 Tree Fern, 313 Pepper, 608 Tomato, 716 thse oid 121, 583, 584, » 504 Tree-toot, 607 Trees, Malignant effect of, 868 Trelease, Wm., 68, 91, 186, 279, 635, 636, 806, 913 Trema aspera, 857 ee eo *““Trembles,” 771, 772 Tremella lutescens, f. 220 TREMELLINEAE, f. 220 Tremellodon gelatinosum, f. 220 Treub, M., 54, 82, 747, 913 Trevesia, 808 Trianthema, 89, 824 Portulacastrum, 824 Tribulus, 89 cistoides, 858 maximus, 120, 858 terrestris, 120 Trichadenia zeylanica, 53 Tricalypsa Sonderiana, 849 Trichia decipiens, f. 159 varia, f. 15 Trichilia, 89 emetica, 575 moschata, 837 trifolia, 837 Tricholoma album, 860 saponaceum, 860 sulphureum, 860 Trichomanes alatum, f. 309 radicans, 313 Trichophytic Fungi, 295, 300 Trecho on, OSs 14, 302, 868 atractophoron, 301 ectothrix, 13, 301 endo-ectothrix, 13 endothrix, 13 equinum, 15 eretmorphoron, 301 flavum, 15 mentagrophytes, 15 minimum, 200 oidiophora, 301 pterygodes, 301 tonsurans, 301 Verrucosum asint, As Verrucosum v. equi, 15 Trichophytosis, 14-16 Remedy for, 16 Trichosanthes, 89 celebica, 819 cucumerina, 751 globosa, 819 palmata, 135, 751 pubera, 819 trifoliata, 819 wallichiana, 819 Trichosporum, 297 giganteum, 299 ovoides, 299 Trientalis, 89 Trifolium, 535, 553, 557 agrarium, 553 a exandrinum, 525 arvense, 553 elegans, 833 hybridum, 525, 553, 833 incarnatum, 68, 118, 5565 fs 556, 557, 833 nigrescens, 833 pratense, 118, 525, 553, f. 555. procumbens, 553 repens, 118, 525, 553, 557, Fe 5 BSS, ee v. hispidissimus, Trigonella cretica, 833 Foenum-graecum, 527, 531 Trigonellin, 531, 648 Triguera ambrosiaca, 855 Trilisa, 90, 524, 757, 772-773 Hairy, 773 odoratissima, 138, 772-773 paniculata, 773 Trillin, 104 Trillium, 89, 377, 385 erectum, 104, 385, 835 INDEX grandiflorum, 104, 385, 835 Large-flowered, 104 nivale, 385 recurvatum, 385 sessile, 385 Trimble, W. K., 751, 913 Trimen, Henry, 872, 913 Triodia irritans, 826 Triosteum, 745 majus, 813 perfoliatum, 135, 744, 745, 13 Triphragmium Ulmariae, f. 221 Triple-awned Grass, 352 Trisetum, 226 Triticin, 103, 365 Triticum Spelta, 226 Tritoma, 389 Trollius asiaticus, 846 chinensis, 447 europaeus, 111, 846 laxus, 111 pumilus, 447, 846 Tropa-cocain, 575 TROPAEOLACEAE, 120, 486, 575 Tropaeolum, 868 majus, 855 Tropic acid, 716 Trow, A. H., 209 Truax, Peter, 775 True, R. H., 87, 346, 565, 603, 688, 913 Truffle, 253, f. 254 False, 247 Trumpet Creeper, 135, 739 Honeysuckle, 744 Truxillin, 575 Tryon, H., 913 Trypsin, 373, 627 asc k, A., 94, 863, 901, 914 Tsuga canadensis, f. 327, 327, heterophylla, 327 Saba an0 Tuber aestivum, 253, f. 254 magnatum, f. 254 rubrum, f. 254 Tubercle bacillus, 170 Organisms, 180 Tuberculin, 180 Tuberculosis, 2, 8, 180 Tuberose, 64, 386 Sahih ee ye Corydalis, 4 Tebeuf, K. F. v., 288, 914 TUBIFLORAE, 158, 698-802 Tubocinarin, ee Tubocurarin, 14 TUBULIEFLOR AE, 757, 762- 802 Tuczek, E., 914 Tufted Buttercup. 110 Tulasne, I. R., 275 Tulip, 375, 377 Grass, 868 Tree, 474 Tulipa, 375 Gesneriana, 835 sylvestris, 835 Tumble-weed, 424, 431 Tumbling Mustard, 114, f. 487, 488 Tuna, 635, 868 Tung, 587 Tungsten, Salts of, 7 Tupa, 52 Tupelo Gum, 664 Turboin, 533 Turkey Opium, 481 Turk’s-cap Lily, 104 Turmeric, 391 Paper, 392 973 Turnera diffusa, 628 ‘TURNERACEAE, 627 Turnip, 486 Indian, 372, f. 372 Swedish, 486 Reraip sootcd Celery, f. 647, 48 Turpentine, 329, 330, 868 Austrian, 329° Chios, 608 French, 330 Russian, 330 Turpethin, 702 Tussilago, 757 Farfara, 755 Turtlehead, 733 Tutin, 149, 607 Tutin, Frank, 575 Tutu Districts, Cattle in, 607 Plants, 607 Twin-leaf, 88, 469 Tylophora asthmatica, 695, 810 fasciculata, 810 laevigata, 810 "TYLOSTOMATACEAE, 245 Tympanites, 38, 403, 483, 490, Soa 97.9005 570, 589, 804 Typha iaet oka, 332), f-, 334; TYPHACEAE, 102, 855 Typhoid Fever, Cause of, $ Typhotoxin, 10 Tyrotoxicon, 150 U Ubelacker, Dr., 747 Ugenol, 683 Ulex, 118 europaeus, 90, 530, 551 Jussiae, 90 Ulexin, 530 UbMaceak, 405, 856 Ulmus americana, f. 407, 408 campestris, 408 fulva, 408, f. 409 montana, 408 racemosa, 408 Ulva latissima, 190 UMBELLALES, 645-664 UMBELLIFERAE, 44, 125-127, Be 646, 647- 664, 856, Poisoning by, 49-51 Umbelliferone, 648 UMBELLIFLORAE, 157 Ombelieiare carn onice P12; 478, Umbra ened oe Chinese, 121 Umney, C., 881, 914 Uncaria, 742 Uncinula spiralis, 269 Unna, P. G., 296, 301 Ungnadia speciosa, 850 Upas Tree, 85, 148, 406, f. 408, 587, 868 United States, Flora of, 865 Medicinal plants of, 866 Pharmacopoeia, 866 Poisonous plants of, 866-867 Uraemia, 73 Uraemic poisoning, 804 Symptoms of, 77 Urceola, 691 Urechitea, 692 Urechites suberecta, 807 UREDINEAE, f. 227, 861 Urginea, 377 cilla, 835 Uric acid, 146 974 Urocystis, 218 agropyri, 219 occulta, f. 218, 219 Uroglena, 188 Uromyces, 230-231 appendiculatus, 230 Fabae, f. 221 pisi, 230 striatus, 230 Trifolii, 99, 230-231, f. 231, Ursone, 665 Urtica, 410, 411-413 diotca, 106, 413, f. 473, 857 gracilis, 106, 412, 857 holosericea, 413, 857 membranacea, 412 pilulifera, 412, 867 spatula, 412 urens, f. 412, 412-413, 857 URTICACEAE, 53, 106, 405, 409- 415, 857 Fish poisons in, 2 URTICALES, 156, 404-415 Urticaria, 12, 78, 412, 419 Urticarial poisoning, 804 Urticating hairs, Bugloss, f. 71 Nettle, f. 77 Sedge, /. 77 Grass, f. 7I USTILAGINACEAE, 98, 210-219, 61 8 USTILAGINEAE, 217, 364 Ustilago, 210, 868 avenaeé, 98, 215-217, f. 216 861 bromivora, 210, 215, f. 278 Cesatt, f. 218 Crameri, f. 214 esculenta, 210 Fischeri f. 214 Hordei, 98, f. 211, 217, 861 hypodites, f. 216, 217 maydis, 217 minima, 210 meglecta, 98, 211, f. 278, 861 nuda, 98, 217, 861 panici-glauci 217 panici-glauci miliacea, f. 214, 218 perennans, 216, f. 218 segetum, 217 Sorghi, f. 212 striaeformis, f. 218 Tritici, 98, 217, 861 utriculosa, 98, 219, 861 zeae, 98, 210-215, f. 2rz, 212 Utricularia vulgaris, 698 Vv Vaccaria vulgaris, 108 Vaccinium, 222, 629, 665 arboreum, 665 caespitosum, 665 canadense, 665 corymbosum, 665 v. pallidum, 665 macrocarpon, 665 membranaceum, 665 Myrtillus, 629 Oxycoccus, 665, 666 pennsylvanicum, 665 stamineum, 665 vacillans, 665 Vaginitis, 179 Vahlen, E., 914 Valentin, G. C., 914 Valeriana dioica, 857 officinalis, 857 VALERIANACEAE, 857 Vallisneria spiralis, 332 Van de Warker, Ely, 790 Van der Velde, 168 Van Dresser, H., 663 Van Es, L., 914, 915 Van Hasselt, 601 Vandellia crustacea, 852 minuta, 852 Vangueria spinosa, 849 Vanilla, 392, 773 Grass, ft 341 guianensis, 392 palmarum, 392 plantfolia, 392 plant, 772-773 Pompona, 392 Vanillin, 392, 683 Vanquelin, 734 Vapors, Poisoning by, 77 Variolaria amara, 861 Varnell, Prof., 290 Vasey, Geo., 357, 914 Vater. A., 914 Vateria, 627 Vaucheria, 191 Vaughan, V. C., 150, 564, 572, 888, 897, 914 Vaulabelle, A. de, 914 Vegetable, Beefsteak, 234 Butter, 681 Calomel, 371 Poisons, 149 Velleia paradoxa, 825 Velvet-leaf, 124, 627 Venus Fly-trap, 498 Veratalbin, 379 Veratramarin, 381 Veratridin, 381 Veratrin, 46, 77, 81, 82,.377, 381 Veratrism, 44, 46 Veratrum, 46, 52, 148, 376, ae 379, 380-383, 835, album, 4, 75, 148, 381, 835 alkaloids of, 148, 381 Arrow poisons, 2 ee 104, 381-383, 83 lobelianum, 381 vrsde, f-)°45.. 75,9853, 103; 148, 381, f. 382, 835 " Woodii, 103 Verbascum, 52, 734, 868 Blattaria, 734-735, 852 crassifolium, 852 dubium, 852 orientale, 852 phlomoides, 852 pulverulentum, 852 simplex, 852 sinuatum, 852 thapsotdes, 852 Thapsus, ee 133; 734-735, fs 730% Verbena, 708, orca Aubletia, 708 Family, 131, 707-708 hastata, 708, 858 officinalis, 858 stricta, 708 urticaefolia, 708 venosa, 858 VERBENACEAE, 131, 707-708, 857-858 Verdier, 874, 882, 914 Vermifuge. 804 Vermont, Economic plants of, 864 Vernonia, 757 anthelminticum, 816 nigritiana, 816 noveboracensis, 222 VERNONIEAE, 757 MANUAL OF POISONOUS ‘PLANTS Veronica, 734 Beccabunga, 853 officinalis, 853 peregrina, 735-736 Virginica, 134, 733, 736, 853 Veronal Poisoning, 868 Verschaffelt, E., 914 VERTICILLATAE, 156, 395 Verticillium, 24 graphi, 199 Vervain, Blue, 708 White, 708 Vesicant, 804 V esicaria gnaphalodes, 818 Vestia lyctoides, 855 Vetch, 45, 120, 525, ‘526 American, 570 Black- -purple, 526 Common, 120, 570-572, f. 571 European, 87 German, 572 Hairy, 527, 570 Milk. "$62: 567 Red, 572 Scarlet, 526 Spanish, 572 Wild, 87 Woolly-pod, 526 Vetch-Bread, 572 Vetchling, 572-573 Marsh, 572 Prairie, 572 Viburnum Lantana, 813 macrophyllum, 813 Opulus, 813 Vicat? Po RS font Vicia, 570-572 americana, 570 atropurpureus, 526-535 dasycarpa, 527 Ervilia, 833 Faba, 522, 523, 572 fulgens, 526 hirsuta, 527 sativa, 53, 120, 269, 525, S70: 571, Sa villosa, 525, 570 Vicin, 120, 572 Victoria regia, 445 Vigna Catjang, 520; fe 45a Villamilla peruviana, 434 Villaresia Moorei, 839 Villiers, A., 914 Villosin, 508 Vinca major, 691, 807 minor, 691, 807 pusilla, 807 Vincetoxicum, 695 nigrum, 810 officinale, 696, 810 Vinegar, Acetic acid in, 163 Tarragon in, 756 Viola, 631-632, 858 blanda, 631 canadensis, 631 cucullata, 125 Natallii, 631 odorata, 125, 631, 858 pedata, 631, 858 pedatifida, 631 pubescens, 631, f. 632 sepincola, 858 striata, 631 tricolor, 631, f. 632, 632- 633 VIOLACEAE, 125, 417, 628, 631- 633, 858 Violaquercitrin, 632 Violet, Bird-foot, 631 Blue, Common, 125 Canada, 631 Dog’s-tooth, 104 2 OO —EEE—— European, 83 Fragrant, 631 Pansy, 632 Sweet, 125, 632 White- flowered, 631 Wood Sorrel, 580 Yellow, 631, f. 632 Violin, 632, 633 Viper’s Bugloss, 131 Virchow, R., 231, 263 Virginia Creeper, 124, 620 Peppergrass, 72 Snakeroot, 417 Strawberry, Wild, 115, 509 Virgin’s Bower, 109, 446, 456, f. 457 Viscum album, 106, 836 seedlings, 595 Vismia viridiflora, 629 VITACEAE, 124, 620, 858 Vitex littoralis, 708 Negundo, 708 pteropoda, 858 vestita, 858 Vitis elongata, 858 Minahau, 858 Saponaria, 858 sesselifolia, 858 Vitriol, Oil of, 143 V oandesia subterranea, 521 Vogel, 3 Volkens, G., 915 VOLVOCACEAE, 98, 191-193 Volvaria bombycina, 243-244 volvacea, 860 Volvox, 93, 98, 191, 193 globator, 193 minor, 193 Vuillemin, P., 298, 299 Vuillet, Jean, 895 Ww Waahoo, 123, 6 150, ‘ 148, 614, 615, . 615 Wager, H., 206 Wainwright, J. W., 915 Wake-robin, f. 3717, 385 Erect, 104 Large-flowered, 385 Prairie, 385 Sessile-flowered, 385 White-flowered, Large, 385 eee Dir. (G.1 B23) 56) S60} 61 Waldron, I. R., 915 Wall-flower, 486 Waleff, S., 695, 915 Wallace’s Farmer, 915 Wallroth, K. F. W., 13 Walnut, Black, f. 4oo, 401 California, 401 English, 401 Japanese, 401 Walsch, J. J., 295 Walsh, L. H., 915 Walshia amorphella, 569 Walsura, 52, 89 piscidia, 837 Wandering Jew, 374 Raa one Ch Wri 271690346; Warder, H., 903, 915 Warren, L. E., 805-806, 915 Washington, Flora of, 865 Washingtonia, 370 Palm, 370 Water, Algae in, 91-95 Avens, 505 Cherry- laurel, 503 Chestnut, 640 Chinquapin, 444 Cress, 486 INDEX -Crowfoot, 446 Dock, Great, 420 Dropwort, 649 Hemlock, 126, 648, 651-659 Lily, 444-445 Blue-flowered, 445 Yellow, f. 445 Moulds, f. 208 Parsnip, Cut-leaved, 76 Creeping, 7. 650 Pepper, 422-423 Wild, 422-423, f. 423 Plantain, 102, 335, f. 335 Family, 335 Pollution of, 91 Smartweed, "421-422 Water as source of disease, Water- biooni! 93, 186, 868 Waterleaf Family, 131, 703- 704 Watermelon, 750, f. 748 Water-weed, 332, 445 Watkins, H. C., 909 Watkins, W. H., 915 Watson, E. B., 403 Watson, Miss C. M., 564 Watson, Sereno, 342, 564, 915 Wattles, Australian, 523 Way, 915 Weatherby, C. A., 915 Weather-glass, Poor-man’s, 128 Shepherd’s, 128 Webb, Paul C., 915 Webber, Tel as 287, 582, 62 Wechsberg, 168 Weeds, Poisonous, 868 Weems, J. B., 903 Weevers, 82 Weichardt, 482, 767 Wellcome Laboratory, 4 Wellman, F. C., 915 Welwitschia, 326 Wenzell, 277 wn Weschke, Carl, 915 West: India Arrow-root, 77, 391 Cedar, 575 Gherkin, 750 Locust Tree, 527 Westbrook, F. E., 915 Western, Aconite, 450, 452, 453, f. 452 Cleome, 114 Cone-flower, 779 Dogwood, 664 Honeysuckle, 744 Larkspur, Purple, 109 Lupine, 118 Needle Grass, f. 66, 102, BS Sata 55 Nettle, 106 Snakeroot, 773-774 Yellow Pine, 330 Westgate, J. M., 915 Wettstein, R. von, 915 Wheat, 225-338 Bunt, f. 279, 219-220 Cow, 134, 734 _ Egyptian, 345 Grass, 276, 364 Slender, 364 Western, 364, 365 India, 419 Rust, 99, 227, f. 228, 228 Smut, 217 Stinking, 98, 219, 220, f. 210 Wheipley, H. M., 915 Whipple. G. C., 93, 189, 915 White, fy. A., 915 White, G. R., 916 White, J. C.,96, 104, 112) 975 134, 215, 217, 455, 456, 464, 471, 485, 490, 503, 583, 587, 600, 601, 608, 609-612, 634, 679, 739, 794, 803, 804, 916 White, R. B., 417 White, Amanita, 34 Ash, 683 «\ster, Small, 776 Baneberry, 108 Birch, 404 Cedar, 327, 328 Clover, 118, 525, 553, 557, ‘ + 557 Sweet, 118, f. 552 Gentian, 690 Hellebore, 79y LO Sasa Indigo, Wild, TIA RF AMIN SEN a 541 mie Large Flowered, + O04 Lady’s Slipper, Small, 105, 393 Lupine, European, 547 Mulberry, 406 Mustard, 77, 486, 488, f. 489, 490 Oak, 403 Pepper, 87 Pine, 329, f. Rust, f.. 204 Sage, 424 Snakeroot, 771 Thorn, 513 Vervain, 708 White-flowered | Wake-robin, _ Large, 385 White-weed, 138, 756, 778- 779, f. 778 Widal, F., 263, 916 Wigand, Albert, 916 Wikstroemia Chamaedaphne, 855 viridifiora, 855 Wilcox, E. M., 100 Wilcox, E. V., eB 44, 84, 96, 97, 109, 378, 379, 383, 462, 466, 548, 568, 626, 656, 762, 793, 795, 916 Wilcox, R. W., 903, 916 Wilcox, RS RES 916 Wild Apple, Balsam, 751 Apple, Crab, 512 Barely, 66, 67, 368, f. 368 Carrot, 663-664 Cherry, Black, 64, 117, 503, SOS Fis 515.) SSF 16 Red, 116,).\f- 504; S05; 516-519, f. 516 Western, 515 Cinnamon, 627 Coffee, 745 Comfrey, 131, 706 Cucumber, 751 Ginger, f. 415, 416 Grape, Blue, 620 Heliotrope, 131 Hydrangea, 115, 500 Indigo, Large-bracted, 541 Large White, 117, 541, f. 541 Ipecac, 599, f. 600 Leek, 104, 383 Lettuce, 761, 762 Licorice, 531 Lupine, 546 103, 338, Monkshood, 109, 453 Oats, 102, 215, f. 358, 359 Olive, 641 Onion, 104 Pea, 525 Pineapple, 373 976 Plum, northern, 116, f. 5 Potato, 701 Rice, 276, 338 Rosemary, 127, 673 Rye, 27, 90, 149, 276, 280, 546 Sago, 378 Senna, f. 337 Tea, 501 Tobacco, 729 Vetch, 87 Water Parsnip, 49, 650, 656, 661-663, f. 662 Yam, 374, 688 Wildeman, E. de, 916 Wiley, H. W., 916 Williams, Dr., 10 Williams, 917 Williams, A. J., 916 Williams, S. W., 916 Williams, T. A., 348, 357, 916 Williams, W. L., 259, 916 Williams, W. T., 916 WallisiG Si evs O17 Willoughby, W. G., 917 Willow, f. 398, 629 Family, 396-397 Peach-leaved, f. 397 Willow-herb, 629 Great, 644 Wilmer, B., 917 Wilson, Dr., 572 Wilson, Dr., 572 Wilson, F. W., 25, 96, 694, 917 Wilson, James, 878, 917 Wilson, J. C., 917 Wilson, pe 917 Wilt, Corn, 163 Wind-flower, 109, f. 455, 455- 456 Wine Palm, 370 Wineberry, 505 Winegate, J. B., 917 Winkler, L,., 917 Winnebago Lake, 93 Winslow, Kenelm, 55, 96, 109, 251, 278, 381, 450, 482, 518, 575, 593, 628, 687, 689, 726-727, 728, 731, 736, 742, 917 Wintergreen, 621, 665 Oil of, 404, 621, 665 Winter’s-bark. 474° Winton, A. L,., 917 Winton Disease, 795 Wire Grass, 374 Wistaria, 64, 527, 534, 629. chinensis, 527, 534, 629, 383 speciosa, 527 Wisterin, 534 Witch Hazel, 500 Bike" Broom” 130, on Birch, on Cherry, 253 Withania somnifera, 855 Witthaus, R. A., 872, 917 Wittstein, G. C., 917 Woehler, 505 Wokas, 444 W olfberry, 744 Wolffeisner, A., 767 Wolffenstein, R., 904, Wolfner, Dr. 199 Wolfgang, 482 Wolf’s-bane, Trailing, 109 917 Wood, 276, 503 Wood, Alphonso, 917 Wood, H. C., 917 Wood, Anemone, 77, 109 Nettle, 77, 106, 413, Sorrel, 120, 586 Family, 120 414 MANUAL OF POISONOUS. PLANTS Strawberry, European, 509 Woods, Dr. A. F., 348 Woodville, Wm., 917 Woody, Aster, 138, 776 Woolly Loco Weed, 39, 562, 567, 568 Thistle, f. 798, 801 Woolly-pod Vetch, 526 Worden Grape, 620 Wyoming Larkspur, 109 Wormseed, 107, 428, f. 428 Oil of, 107, 428 Levant, Oil of, 791 Spanish, 424 Wormwood, 74, 754, 755, 756, 790, 791-794, f. 791 Biennial, 140, f. 792 Common, 140, 793 Wright, 168 Wright, J. S., 917 Wright, R., 917 Wright’s Datura, 133, 732-733 Wyman, Dr. Walter, 343 Wyndham, R., 881 x XNanthin, 147 Bases, 146 Derivatives, 146 Di-methyl, 146 Methyl, 146 Nanthisma texana, 138, 816 Xanthium, 757, 767-770 canadense, 67, f. 68, 137, 768-770, f. 760, 816 spinosum, 137, 767, f. 768, 816 strumarium, 137, 816 Xanthopuccin, 108, 468 Xanthostrumarin, 137, 769 Xanthorrhoea, 358 hastilis, 375 Xenophon, 64 Xeranthemum annuum, 53 Xerophylla Douglasii, 835 Ximenia americana, Xylia dolabriformis, 833 Xylomelum pyriforme, 844 Xvylopia odoratissima, 806 polycarpa, 806 salicifolia, 806 Xylorhiza Parryi, 776 XYRIDACEAE, 372, 858 Xyris communis, 858 » ¢ Yagna, 370 Yam Bean, 521 Chinese, 699 Family, 374 Japanese, 374 Starch, 374 Wild, 374, 688 Yarrow, 149, 756, f. 786, f. 787 Yampon, 123 Yeast, f. 249, 250-251 Chinese, 198 Common, 250-251, f. 250, f. 251 Parasitic, 249 Pink, 250 Yellow Birch, 404, f. 405 Cleome, 496 Clover, Hop, 553 Sweet, 118, 552 Flax, Large-flowered, 581 785-787, 120, Flowering Spurge, f. 607 Jasmine, 688-689 me 9 Slipper, Small, 105, - 393 Pine, Western, 330 Puccoon, 446, 468 Violet, 631, f. 632 Water Lily, f. 445 Yellow-eyed Grass, 372 ; Yellow-flowered Alfalfa, 526 Bitter-weed, 539 Nightshade, 692 Yellow-leaf disease of barley, 281, f. 287 Yerba, 614 Maté, 614, 742 Santa, 703 Yew, 4,. 72; 101, 148) 3268 328, 868 American, 101, 328 European, 101, 328 Yopan, 742 York-road poison, 533 Yucca, 89, 375 angustifolia, 375 filamentosa, 375, 835 glauca, 63, 835 impertalis, 375 Yuki, 380 Yulan Tree, 474 Zz Zalachas, 729 Zamang, 527 Zamia, 326 media, 819 Zanthorhiza, 840 Zanthoxylum, 89 alatum, 120, 849 americanum, 581 caribaeum, 849 Clava-Herculis, 581 Naranjillo, 849 scandens, 120, 849 Zea amylacea, 341 amyleasaccharata, 341 canina, 342 everta, 341 indentata, 341 indurata, 341 Mays, 102, f. 337, 826 History of, 340-342 saccharata, 341 tunicata, 341 Zedoary, 392 Zebl, 1%, 917 Zenobia’ Speciosa, 821 Zephyranthes, 386-388 atamasco, 105, 387-388, f. 388, 805 ¢ Ziegler, Ernst, 304 Zinc, Sulphate of, 6 Zingiber officinale, 77, f. 390, 391, 858 ZINGIBERACEAE, 391, 858 Zinnia, 756 elegans, 756 Zisania, Ergot on, 276 latifolia, 210 Zisyphus, 2, 89, 621 Joareira, 847 Jujuba, 621 Lotus, 621, 847 sativa, 621, 847 Zoethout, W., 9, 918 Zoidiogama, 154 : Zoogloea, 161 Zoon, yi 947 ' Zopf, , 918 Zwaluwenberg, A. V., 909, \ 918 Zygadenus, 377-379 angustifolium, 835 chloranthus, 378-379 elegans, 6, 103, 835 paniculatus, 378 smooth, 378-379 0h den att Di a venenosus, 6, 103, f. 376, 377-378, 379, 835 Zygnema, f. 92, 189, 190, f. Tot TCYGNEMATACEAE, 190 INDEX ZYGOMYCETES, 154, 195- 204 ZYGOPHYLLACEAE, 89, 575, Zygophyllum coccineum, 858 Fabago, 858 todocarpum, 858 Zygorhyncus, 195 Zygospores, 13 Zylia, 89 Zymase, 250 9 7 ’ (ip ee Bae aa | | ee a a Oe tia ‘a at baine i ha es ee " i, RNa 7 ee i (ova Se oy) r a rt f « ane Auer Pa J , ‘ ; i CDSs Hit i Meh i he ak lew York Botanical Garden Library of poisonou ALCON Louis He’ il L s -. - ag yma. s, ry A PLL ee PRI LEE eg soe 8 No et PE ne sore