'^- w* V •r> '^ ^' 7,n t \.^ r Vi ^a %, % \\ '"v^^ ^ J ^'^ ^..' ^u :5<. '-y^. b^' f r 1 ^ ^; / .r' ^ >* ^.v w 4/- 'iS y- iA 't^ ^^ / -7 /f(vy ^C ^C^<^ -»i .•' 6' " GALBRAITH & HAUGHTON'S SCIENTIFIC MANUALS. Experimental and Natural Science Series. MANUAL OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. I. PROTOZOA. BT PROFESSOR J. REAY GREENE. NEW IMPRESSION. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1868. MANUAL OF THE SUB-KINGDOM PROTOZOA. WITH A GENEBAt UfTEODrCTION OK THE PEINCIPLES OP ZOOLOGY. BY JOSEPH REAY GREENE, B.A. PROFESSOK OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE QUEEN'S COLLEGE, CORK, &c. &c. NETW IMPRESSION. LONDON: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1868. LOITDON : PEI5TKD ET 8P0TXISW00DB AND CO., NKW-STEEET SQCAB^ AKS FABLIAMENI STB££I ^<^/* ^m^ 3 38 SPONGID^. diate substance. The longitudinal axis of each of the rods is traversed by a very narrow canal. To return to the intermediate substance. Its granular mass is found to be altogether made up of small circular cells (a, (o), "and of sperma- tozoa in every stage of development from those cells. The cell throws out a long filament which becomes the tail of the spermatozoon, and becoming longer and pointed forms, itself, the head. The perfect spermatozoa have long, pointed, somewhat triangular heads about -3-0^-0 of an inch in diameter, with truncated bases, from which a very long fili- form tail proceeds." " The ova (a, o) are of various sizes. The largest are oval and about 3^^ of an inch in long diameter. Fig. 7. \ ^g^^^^ <> Structure of Tethta : — a, portion of the intermediate sub- stance of Tethya (magnified), showing 0, ova embedded in sper- matic mass («), together with stellate bodies (k); — b, section of Tethya (nat. size), showing A, central portion, iS, intermediate substance, a, cortical layer, 5, canals. They have a very distinct vitellary membrane, which contains an opaque coarsely granular yolk. , 55 SPONGID^. 39 In the centre of each, surrounded by a clear space may be noticed the * germinal vesicle/ and mthin the latter a minute * germinal spot ' may sometimes he seen. 9. Ilevelopment. — The development of the Sponges is effected, a. by ova and spermatozoa; b. by various other bodies, the true nature of which is not yet sufficiently determined. a. True reproduction has hitherto been proved to take place in Tethya alone, although from analogy, there can be little doubt that it must Fig. 8. Structure of seed-like body of Spongilla : — a, one of the seed- like bodies of Spongilla Meyeni, shown in magnified section ; b, one of its spicula seen in profile ; c, the same, viewed endways ; d, germs of cells of a (very much magnified) ; e, one of the cells cf a, containing germs ; /, portion of coriaceous membrane of a, showing hexagonal divisions and transparent centres. also occur in most other forms of the group. In the fresh-water Sponges small moving corpuscles, D 4 40 SPONGID.E. similar to the spermatozoa of Tethya have been recently detected by Lieberkiihn. 6. Carter has described certain '* seed-like bodies " {fig. 8, a) which are found embedded ia the gelatinous substance of Spongilla. Each of these consists of a round or ovoid coriaceous cap- sule, the sm'face of which when magnified, pre- sents a hexagonally tessellated appearance (/), and is surrounded by a zone of the peculiar asteroid spicula (b, c) to which we have already referred (p. 36), these being embedded in a coating of gela- tinous matter. Within the capsule are numerous, transparent, spherical "ovi-bearing cells" con- taining granules and germs in their interior {d, e), and surrounded by a cortical layer of peculiar nucleated cells. MTien arrived at matmity the contents of the seed-like body escape through the hilum or aperture with which it is provided, " under the form of a gelatinous mass, in which the ovi-bearing cells and their contents appear to be embedded entire." Next, spicula are developed and with them a delicate pellicle or "investing membrane " which would seem to be formed from the nucleated cells of the cortical layer. This becomes separated by an interval or " cavity "" from the " parenchyma " or gelatinous substance enclosing the ovi-bearing cells. Apertures sub- sequently originate in the investing membrane, whilst at the same time a canal system is being formed in the parenchyma ; and, finally, the ovi- bearing cells are developed into a number of stomachal or " ampullaceous " sacs, which open into the incm-rent canals. From the investigations of Lieberkiihn it would appear that the propagation of Spongilla is some- SPONGID^. 41 times effected by peculiar bodies to which the name of " swarm spores " has been given. These were oval in form ; more pointed at one end than at the other and consisted of three distinct sub- stances; viz. I, an epithelial cellular envelope; 2, a structureless cortical layer ; and 3, an interior spheroidal medullary portion. The latter is re- solvable into an exterior mucoid layer, containing a variable number of " germ granules," embedded in an albuminous substance and associated with numerous minute siliceous spicula. The swarm spores were actively locomotive, swimming ra- pidly about by means of the cilia which were dis- posed in a regular manner over the entire surface of their bodies. After leading a somewhat restless existence for one or two days they sunk to the bottom of the vessel wherein they were confined, to which they soon after began to adhere. The greater number decayed ; a few, however, were observed to expand into a delicate layer consisting of a gelatinous substance in which minute siliceous needles were embedded, and at length, on the 20th day, the characteristic Sponge structures made their appearance. In addition to the germ-granules contained in the swarm spores, spherical aggregations of the same bodies, in a free condition, were not unfre- quently met with. They were found in all parts of Spongilla, being especially abundant at the base or attached portion of the mass. With regard to the natiu:e of the above swarm spores, and the relation which exists between them and the seed-like bodies, much has yet to be learned. Carter asserts that they are merely ciliated forms of the latter, a statement which, however ^ 42 SPONGID^. probable, must for the present be considered as un proven. In the interior of the canals of some marine Sponges minute bud-like extensions of the sarcode substance may readily be observed at certain sea- sons of the year, and these, which are provided with cilia, detach themselves from the body of the parent, and probably, at length becoming fixed, give rise to new Sponge formations. But it may be questioned whether these bodies have not been, in many cases, confounded mth true ciliated swarm spores, similar to those which are found in Spongilla. 10. distribution The distribution of the Sponges may be compared, in many respects, to that of the Fovaminifera. Like them they are almost exclusively marine, are found in most climates, but occur most abundantly, are more varied in form, and luxuriant in growth, on the shores of the warmer regions of the globe. Like them also they have been found in most of the geological epochs from the Silurian period to the present. The Sponges of the chalk have more especially attracted attention, the well known flint nodules of that formation, in many cases, owing their peculiar form to the presence of the extinct remains of these animals. Several fossil Spongidse have been figured and described of which PalcBO- spongia is said to be peculiar to the Lower Silurian ; Actinospongia, Goniosjjongia, and Perispongia to the oolite ; and Hemispongia, Thalamospjon- gia, Meandrospongia, Retispongia, Ccelopty- climm, PleuTostoma, Turonia, with many others, to the chalk. The curious genus Cliona, which SPONGID.E. 43 possesses the remarkable power of excavating bur- rows for itself in shells and other calcareous bodies, is found in most of the secondary and tertiary formations, and is sufficiently abundant along the shores of the existing ocean. Since, however, we are still by no means certain as to what constitutes a genus among recent Sponges, it is evident that even greater difficulties must at- tend our investigations among extinct forms, and hence, any tabular arrangement showing the successive appearance and relative distribution of these *^ genera '' seems to us, at present, premature. II. AflSaaity to Foraisiiaiifera The nature of the relationship between the Sponges and amoebiform Ehizopods has been already alluded to. Eecently, Dr. J. E. Gray has described, under the names of Carpenteria and Dujardinia, two remarkable attached forms of Protozoa, present- ing characters intermediate between those of the Spongidce and Foramninifera. Both of these are furnished with conical calcareous shells, composed of an aggregation of elongated chambers disposed in a spiral, the orifice of the last-formed chamber being placed at the apex of the entire shell. In Carpenteria, the interior of the chambers " is filled with a fleshy sponge-like body, strengthened by numerous minute, simple, pin-shaped and fusiform smooth spicula placed in bundles." In both of these organisms the entire shell is pierced with very many, minute, circular perforations. 44 THALASSICOLLID.E. CHAPTER V. THALASSICOLLID^. I. External characters. — 2. Organisation. — 3. Acanthometrse. 1. External characters. — The group of TJialassicollidce includes certain gelatinous marine animals which, though abundant in most seas, would appear to have remained altogether unno- ticed until the year 1851 when Mr. Huxley first directed the attention of naturalists to the pecu- liarities of structure which they present. They can scarcely be said to possess any determinate form, and seem to be destitute of the power of vo- luntary motion, being usually found floating near the surface of the water. In size they vary from an inch downwards. 2. Orgasaisatioii. — Sphoirozoum 'punctatum^ one of the most abundant of these animals, presents in many cases a somewhat ovate body constricted in the centre {fig. 9, ci), and is found to consist of a transparent, colourless, gelatinous substance, destitute of structure, surrounding a large internal cavity. Enclosed in the gelatinous mass are a number of isolated, minute, "cellae- form bodies " (e), each of which consists of an external membrane filled with granular contents, mthin which a " clear fatty-looking " nucleus may be observed. The gelatinous mass frequently contains mi- nute, yellow, spherical cells, these being either irregularly diffused through its substance or gi'ouped around each of the cellseform bodies. THALASSICOLLID^ 45 The cellseform bodies are often surrounded by peculiar cylindrical spicula, terminating at both extremities in three or four conical rays, beset on either side with minute spine-like pro- cesses. Fig. 9, Structure of Thalassicollid;e : — a, Sphcerozoum pimctafum (nat. size) ; b, variety of the same ; c, ThalassicoUa nucleata ; d. CoUosphcera Huxhy'i; e, portion of a (magnified), showing two of the celloeform bodies with their coloured vesicles, nuclei, and spicula. In some specimens the central cavity is re- placed by an aggregation of large vacuolar spaces (6). ThalassicoUa proper is more constant in form than the preceding, and is destitute of cellaeform bodies (c). It contains, however, the coloured vesi- cles above referred to ; these, associated ^vith vacu- olar spaces and very many minute dark gi-anules. 46 THALASSICOLLID.E. being aggregated round a blackish body placed in the centre of the spherical mass. The dark cen- tral body is found on examination to consist of a strong elastic membrane, enclosing a pale nucleus-like vesicle, embedded in a somewhat peculiar granular substance. Numerous slender branching ''fibrils" radiate through the gelati- nous body from the interior of the dark central mass. In CollosphcB^^a the spicules are absent, but the entire animal is enclosed in a transpai'ent, reticu- lated, very brittle shell (d). From the preceding account it will be evident that the Thalassicollidce differ essentially from the other groups of Astomatous Protozoa, though they at the same time present remarkable affinities to more than one of these. Of their animal nature no doubt can be entertained, notwithstanding the assertion made by some that " they are referrible rather to the Diatomacese," whilst others have de- signated them " agglomerations of organised ra- "phides, as it were, raised to the state of inde- pendent beings." 3. Acantliometree. — The curious Acantho- metrcB of J. Miiller are closely allied to the pre- ceding. Their peculiar, siliceous, radiating spines, which meet in the centre of the gelatinous body and project in most cases considerably beyond its surface, will sufficiently serve to distinguish them {fig. lo). Like the ThalassicollidcB, the AcantJiometrcB are marine, and destitute of loco- motive power. In size they are more minute. It was proposed by Miiller to unite these animals THALASSICOLLID-E. 47 Fiq T o. ACANTHOMETRA LANCEOLATA. together with the Polycystina and Thalassicollidce into a group by themselves named Rliizojpodia radiolaria. This arrangement is indicated in the accompanying table. 48 TnALASSICOLLID.E. v,^ TABLE SHOWING MULLER'S ARRANGEMENT OF THE THALASSICOLLID^, POLYCYSTINA, AND ACANTHOMETE^. RHIZOPODA RADIOLARIA. A. RADIOLARIA SOLITARIA. (^Sinrjle.) 1. Thalassleollina. (Animal naked : with or without siliceous spicula.) 2. Polycystisaa. (Animal enclosed in a siliceous, reticulated, shelly covering. ) 3. Acanthometra. (Animal naked: with siliceous radiating spines.) B. RADIOLARIA POLYZOA. (Aggregated.) 1. l§pb8erozoiiiidae. (Animal naked : with or without siliceous spicula.) S. Collospliaeridae. (Animal enclosed in a siliceous reticulated covering.) GEEGAEI^'ID^. 49 CHAPTER VI. GREGAPJNID^. 1. Habit. — 2 Form and Structure. — 3. Development. — 4. Classi- fication. — 5. Psorospermi^e. 1. Habit. — Dufour was the first to designate under the name of GregavincB a group of micro- scopic organisms which differ remarkably in habit from the preceding Protozoa, since they have hitherto been only known to occur as parasites wdthin the bodies of other animals, more especially those belonging to the sub-kingdom Annulosa. 2. Forsii a;id ^trtic*l?ire. — The form of the body varies, being, in most cases, more or less ovate. In many Gregarinidce it is marked by clefts or strictures which, with their corresponding internal septa, divide it into two or more segments {Jig. 11). In some, a sort of process projects from one end of the body, and this is frequently furnished at its extremity with a number of re- flexed booklets, by means of which it is supposed that these animals are enabled to attach them- selves more firmly to those surfaces whereon they are usually found (c^). Anatomically, the Gregarinidce are found to consist of a transparent membrane enclosing a mass of granular contents, in the interior of which a nucleus, surrounded by a well defined clear space, may in most cases be observed (c, d, f ). The Gregarinidce are colourless, and would appear to possess a limited amount of locomotive power. E 50 GREGAEINID.E. 3. Development. — These animals have been observed to propagate by a peculiar method, to which the term " conjugating process " has been, it would seem, somewhat hastily and erroneously applied. Two Gregarince come into contact and a cyst or capsule soon forms around them both. Fig. II. GREGARiNiE and PsoRC'SPERjii.E : — a, cyst of Gregarina sce- nuridis, with two cells, containing in their interior a number of pseudonaviculre ; b, Gregarina Sipunculi, with two enclosed cells ; c, two Gregarince scenuridis, adhering together by their ends; d, Gregarina Sieholdii; e, peculiar pseudonavicula (?) from abdominal cavity of Sipunculus uudus ; /, younger stage of a ; g, various PsorospermicB. Next, certain globular vesicles are produced in the interior of the C3''st, and these become ultimately metamorphosed into peculiar bodies which have received the name of *' pseud onaviculie" (a, e, /). GEEGARIXID.E. 51 The partition by which the two Gregarince were at first separated meanwhile disappears, the cyst bursts, and the pseudonaviculae escaping therefrom burst in their turn, and give rise to amoebiform bodies which at length develope themselves into young Gregarinidce, But the coalescence of two Gregarinidce is by no means a necessary prelimi- nary to the formation of pseudonaviculae, since these are sometimes observed to occur within the bodies of single animals. 4. Classification. — The Gregarinidce have been divided by Stein into three sections, viz. : — 1. MonocystidecB. — Simple Grregarinidse without constrictions or internal septa. 2. Gregarmarice. — Gregarinidse with the body divided into two portions. 3. Didimophydce. — Gregarinidse with the body divided into three parts, as if resulting fi-om the adhesion of two individuals, one from each of the preceding sections. This, however, is merely an arbitrary division, and, if not erroneous, is certainly premature. By some the Gregarinidce have been regarded as vegetable forms ; by others, as larval stages of various Annuloida, Neither of these opinions has been supported by proofs, and, upon the whole, it seems desirable, for the present at least, to view these organisms as adult members of the sub- kingdom Protozoa, 5. Psorosperniiee. — The Psorosperonice are exceedingly minute parasitic creatures, occurring in great numbers both on and within the bodies of fishes. In form they are ovate, hemispherical, E 2 52 GEEGARI^'ID^ or depressed, and are frequently provided with a peculiar fish-like tm\ {Jig. 11, g). They consist of a somewhat tough external membrane, within which are two or more oblong vesicles, usuallji situated near the anterior extremity of the body. In addition to these a globular mass of organisable matter may often be observed. Lieberkiihn has shown that, under certain circumstances, the Pso- rospermiicB may burst, when the globular mass, thus liberated, mil be found to resemble the amcebiform bodies resulting from the rupture of the pseudona- viculae above referred to. Hence it is exceedingly probable that the Psorospermice are identical with the pseadonaviculae of true Gregarinidce. iNFrsoKiA. 53 CHAPTER VII. IXFUSORIA. I. Nature of Infusoria. — 2. Example of the group : Vorticella 3. Classification. — 4. Size. — 5. Form and Structure. — 6. Diges- tive apparatus. — 7. Contractile vesicle. — 8. Nucleus, &c. — 9. Urticating organs. — 10. Locomotive organs. — 11. Develop- ment.— 12. Distribution. — 13. Noctiluca. I. IVature of Isafiisoria. — If water, in con- tact with organic matter, be exposed to the atmo- sphere for a few days, it will probably be found to contain, upon examination, a considerable number and variety of living beings, whose size is such as to render the majority of them invisible to the unassisted eye. These minute creatures received from the older microscopists the name of Infuso- ria, a term having reference to their frequent oc- currence in most animal and vegetable infusions. Subsequently, they were investigated with great industry by Ehrenberg, who figured and described a vast number of " species " belonging to the group, all of which he arranged under two leading divisions, denominated respectively, Rotifera and Polygastrica. But the recent observations of se- veral eminent naturalists have, however, shown 1st, That the organisation of the Rotifera is of a far higher nature than had been suspected by Ehrenberg, and that the true position of these animals is in the Annuiose sub-kinofdom* and, 2ndly, That the Polygastrica of Ehrenberg may be defined as a heterogeneous assemblage of E 3 r. 4 INFUSORIA. minute (in most cases, organised) beings, chiefly consisting of A. Rliizopoda; B. Unicellular and other Algse ; C. Embryonic forms ; and, lastly, D. True Infusoria. The true nature of many of the Infusoria proper is still a disputed question. According to Dujardin, their bodies are com- posed of a gelatinous substance, similar to that which we find among the Rhizopoda. By Siebold, Meyen, Kolliker, and others, they have been re- garded as unicellular animals ; a view of their nature which certainly does not appear to be con- firmed by the examination of the more highly or- ganised forms. Agassiz, on the other hand, has endeavoured to get rid of the entire gi'oup of In- fusoria by assigning higher positions in the animal kinofdom to those of its members whose non-em- bryonic nature would seem to be fully established. In the midst of so many conflicting opinions, the following course has seemed to us most worthy of adoption. Combining the results of our ovm recent obser- vations with those of the more elaborate inves- tigations of Claparede, Lachmann, and others, we shall, with some limitations, adopt the views of the last-mentioned authors, and define the InfusoriasiS Animals belonging to the department of Proto- zoa, provided with a mouth and rudimentai^ digestive apparatus; their bodies usually con- sisting of three distinct layers, the outer of vjhich is, in most cases, furnished vjith a variable num- ber of cilia. INFUSORIA. 55 2. Example of the group : Yorticella. — A good example of the true Infusoria is fur- nished by Vorticella, a large and well-known form, found plentifully on the roots of duckweed and other similar situations. A group of these elegant organisms, when placed under the micro- scope, presents the appearance of a number of bell-shaped vases, each of which surmounts the extremity of a slender pedicle or stalk {fig. 12, a). F'u. 12. Structure of Yorticella, &c. : — a, group of Vorticella ne- hulifera, showing at a, a Vorticella spirally contracted on its stalk ; /3, another form, with its cilia retracted ; 7, a third form, undergoing fissiparous division ; 5, a detached Vorticella bud, furnished with a posterior circlet of cilia ; — h, upper portion of Vorticella campanula (very much magnified) ; (p, commence- ment of ciliary spiral ; tt, peristome , A, lumen of CESophagus ; /3, bent bristle situated in the vestibulum ; 0, one of the stronger cilia which arise in front of the mouth ; k, contractile vesicle ; V, band-like nucleus ; j, cuticle ; ,u, contractile filament of stem forming apical prolongation of contractile layer ; — c, diagram- matic section of Paramecium, showing t, cuticle bearing the cilia ; K, K, contractile vesicles contained in the parenchyma of the body, |. E 4 56 INFUSORIA. If one of these vase-like bodies (b) be carefully examined, its edge is seen to be surrounded by a projecting rim or border, wbich has received the name of ^ peristome ' (tt). Within the latter is placed the ' disk/ the outer edge of which is provided with one or more circlets of cilia (^). The peristome itself is not fm-nished with these appendages. The mouth is placed in a small opening situated near the edge of the disk, between it and the peristome. The disk, which is separated from the peristome by an intervening furrow, forms the upper surface of a peculiar pro- cess termed the ' rotatory organ,' which the animal has the power of retracting deeply into the interior of the body, over which latter a covering is then formed by the contraction of the peri- stome. The cilia with which the outer edge of the disk is furnished are arranged in a spiral line. This spiral commences a little to the right of the oral orifice, above which it proceeds towards the left, and, after performing one or more revolu- tions round the edge of the disk, descends into the ' vestibulum ' or commencement of the digestive apparatus. In addition to the oral orifice, the vestibulum is provided with a lateral aperture which would appear to discharge the fimction of an anus. Between the anus and the mouth springs a stiff bent ' bristle ' (/S), which usually projects beyond the edge of the peristome. From the vestibulum a short tube called the * oesophar- gus ' leads to a wider portion of the digestive canal which has been termed the 'pharynx.' The latter is fusiform in shape, being truncated at its lower extremity, which hangs down into the in- terior of the body, forming an abrupt termination INFUSORIA. 57 to the simple alimentary apparatus. It should also be mentioned that the spiral line commenced by the circlet of cilia is continued by the vestibu- lum and oesophagus, the longitudinal axis of which may be considered as nearly parallel to the plane of the ciliary disk. The position of the pharynx, on the other hand, is perpendicular to this plane, so as almost to correspond with the general axis of the body. Externally, the Vorticella is invested wdth a thin membranous integument or * cuticle ' (l), within which is placed the ' parenchyma of the body ' sometimes known as the ' cortical layer.' In the substance of the latter may usually be seen the ' contractile vesicle ' (/c), which lies close beneath the cuticle, near the anterior extremity of the body. In contact with the parenchymatous layer may also be detected the peculiar band-like body termed the ' nucleus ' (z^), the position of which would seem to vary in different individuals. The ' stalk' of the Vorticella consists of a tubular prolongation of the cuticle, having its longitudinal axis traversed by a peculiar contractile filament (/z.), which is regarded by some observers as the produced apex of a special contractile layer, distinct from the * parenchyma of the body.' By the rapid motion of its vibratile cilia the Vorticella is enabled to create currents in the sur- rounding water, by means of which any alimentary particles that may be floating therein are brought into the neighbourhood of the vestibulum. Some of these are rejected, whilst others are quickly propelled through the ciliated oesophagus into the pharynx, where they usually remain until a suflfi- cient number become aggregated into a single mor- 58 INFUSORIA. sel. The latter then quits the alimentary appa- ratus and is passed into the interior of the body, to the posterior extremity of which it runs, and then, turning upwards, rises on that side which is opposite the pharynx. For some time after the morsel has passed from the pharynx it retains the fusiform shape which it had acquired therein, but when, changing its course, it commences to turn upwards, it becomes somewhat globular in form. As soon as this is the case it ceases to have an}^ separate motion of its own, and takes part in a general rotatory movement which is shared by the entire contents of the interior of the body, the nucleus alone (according to Lachmann) being exempted. The morsel, after making one or more circuits within the body, at length arrives in the neighbourhood of the anus through which it passes into the vestibulum. The final removal of the indigestible remains of the food is effected by means of the strong non-vibratile cilia which arise in front of the mouth, and it is not improba- ble that these (which must not be confounded with the vibratile cilia belonging to the spiral) are also employed in guarding the commencement of the alimentary apparatus from the ingress of coarse or adventitious particles, which might otherwise obstruct the entrance of the oesophagus. Though usually fixed, the Vorticella is some- times observed to detach itself and swim slowly about in the surrounding water ; it has also the power, when alarmed, of contracting its stalk into a series of spiral folds, and of again causing it to resume its erect position, both of these movements being performed with great rapidity. IXFUFOEIA. 59 3. Classification. — Of the numerous me- thods of arranging the Infusoria which, at differ- ent times, have been proposed, those of Ehren- berg, Dujardin, and Claparede appear to be most worthy of attention. All these classifications must, however, be regarded as premature, since we know so little of the life-history of these animals that it is by no means improbable that many appa- rently distinct species are nothing more than transitional conditions of more adult forms. It is now many years since it was satisfactorily demon- strated by Cohn, that at least e'lgld of Ehrenberg's genera were merely so many different stages in the development of one of the lower Algae. Hence, in the follo\\dng account of the Infusoria, it will be desirable to confine ourselves to the description of those more important characteristic featm-es which have been made the subject of renewed and care- ful investigation, directing attention, as we pro- ceed, to those members of the group, in which such characteristics may most readily be observed. 4. Siizp. — The Infusoria vary considerably in size, the greater number being invisible without the assistance of the microscope. Thus the ave- rage length of the body of Vorticelkif exclusive of the stalk, may be estimated at '003 of an inch. Stentor {fig. 13, a), which is, perhaps, the largest of all Infusoria, attains a length of -04 of an inch, whilst others are so minute as to present the ap- pearance of mere moving points under the higher powers of the most improved instruments. But, since the true nature of these last can be judged of only by analogy, it seems probable that they ought rather to be regarded as vegetable monads, 60 INFUSORIA. or embryos, either of higher animals or true hi' fusoria. 5. Form and §4ruetiire, — In outward form the Infusoria may be said to vary indefinitely, all being, however, more or less rounded (figs. 13 and 14). The presence of a simple spu'ally contrac- tile stalk is especially characteristic of the true Fig. 13. Various forms of Infusoria : — a, Stentor Miilleii ; b, Chi- lodon cucullulus; c, Oxytricha gihba ; d, Aspidisca lynceus; e, Euplotes patella (under view) ; e', the same (side view) ; /, Pe- ranerna globulosa ; g, Vaginicola crystallina. Vorticellce ; in other stalked forms, the pedicle is either rigid as in Epistylis, or branched as in CarchesiiiTii and Zoothamoihion, Vaginicola (fig. 13, g) has the body protected by a membranous or nsFUSOBIA. 61 horny 'carapace,' wdthin which the animal can re- treat when alarmed ; and, in some cases, additional protection would seem to be afforded by a valve placed obliquely across the upper end of this sheath (^fig, 14, a). In Lagotia (b) the rotatory organ terminates in a pair of mde ciliated lobes which are seldom seen at rest during: the life of the animal. In Ophrydhnriy the most anomalous. Fig. 14. Marine Infusoria : — o, Vaginicola valvata, showing animal extended and valve (^) raised ; a', the same, showing animal contracted within its sheath and valve (<^') shut down ; — b, Lagotia viiidis, showing rotatory organ | ; b', young animal of preceding, perhaps, of all the true Infusoria, the several animalcules, though sometimes foimd detached, are more frequently embedded in the interior of a greenish gelatinous substance, which sometimes occurs in masses of such extent as to have been 62 INFUSORIA. mistaken for frog's spawn, to which, in consist- ence, it bears some resemblance. Anatomically, the bodies of most Infusoria may be regarded as consisting essentially of three dis- tinct structures, viz. : — 1. The cuticle or integument ("pellicula" of Carter) on which are borne the cilia and other locomotive apparatus {fig, 12, c — c) ; 2. The cortical layer or parenchyma of the body (" diaphane " of Carter) (f ) ; and 3. The chyme mass, abdominal cavity, or in- terior of the body (sarcode or "abdominal mucus '' of Carter), wdthin which the particles of the food rotate. It is not certain whether the carapace, w^ith which some Infusoria are provided, be distinct from the cuticle properly so called. We have already seen how, in Vaginicola and its allies, it is so far separated from the rest of the body as to act the part of a protective sheath. Of the above structures, the second alone pos- sesses any contractile power. In those Infusoria which are attached, e. g. Vorticellaf the free extremity of the body which bears the ciliary disk is termed " anterior," the end remote from this being said to be " poste- rior." The term " ventral " is usually ajDplied to that side of the body on which the mouth is placed. 6. Digestive apparatus. — In all those In- fusoria whose animal nature has been placed above suspicion the presence of a mouth must be re- garded as universal, though the position of this organ varies considerably among the different INFUSORIA. 63 members of tlie group. The mouth is often sur- rounded with cilia. These cilia, as we have seen in the case of Vorticella, are usually continued into the oesophagus, though the latter would seem to be in some cases destitute of these appendages. In most Infusotia the oesophagus presents the appearance of an open tube, freely hanging down into the cavity of the body; but in some of these animals it is completely collapsed, and it is only in Vorticella and a few of its allies that it has been observed to widen below into a pharjrnx. Eecently, however, it has been proved by the observations of Lieberkiihn, that in Trachelius and Loxodes the oesophagus is continued into a peculiar ramified canal. In other Infusoria it is altogether wanting, and in these the alimentary apparatus consists merely of a mouth leading into a cavity excavated through the parenchyma of the body. In Ghilo- don and Nassula, the interior of the oesophagus is provided with a number of peculiar rod-like "teeth'' arranged in the form of a cylinder (fig' 13, h). Besides the oral orifice, many Infusoria are pro- vided with an anus, which in Steoitor, Vorticella, and certain of their allies, is situated not far from the mouth, close beneath the surface of the disk, whilst in others, e. g. Biirsaria, it is placed at the posterior extremity of the body. 7. Contractile vesicle. — We have already noticed in A'tnoeba and ActinopJwys the existence of certain clear spaces which occur in the substance of the body, and in which movements of con- traction and dilatation have been seen to take place. Similar contractile vesicles have been ob- served in most of the true Infusoria, being usually situated in some part of the parenchyma of the body 64 IXFUSOPJA. {fig* 12, k). In their dilated condition these ve- sicles would seem to be filled with a clear fluid, which suddenly disappears when they contract. It may, in some cases, be noticed that the vesicles are furnished mth branches or processes, and Lachmann asserts that he has seen two such pro- cesses issue from the large contractile space of Steator polymorphiis, the one annular, running beneath the surface of the ciliary disk, the other longitudinal, proceeding to the posterior extremity of the body. "WTien the vesicle contracts, both of these " vessels " suddenly expand, the longitudinal vessel, in particular, being seen to present nu- merous dilatations. At the same time two rounded expansions make their appearance in the annular vessel, the one being situated in the neighbour- hood of the anus, the other lying close to the oesophagus, on the ventral surface of the body. When the contractile vesicle reappears, both of these vessels gradually decrease, " apparently ^Yith.- out any contraction of their own." In healthy spe- cimens of Bursaria, Ophryoglena, and Pavame- chwif the contractile vesicles, together with their associated vessels, assume a peculiar stellate form. These and other similar appearances, observed in the bodies of various InfusoAa, are supposed by some to present us mth what may, perhaps, be termed a rudimentary apparatus of circulation. It seems proper to distinguish the above con- tractile vesicles from certain other clear spaces which have received from Dujardin the name of " vacuoles." These may make their appearance in any part of the interior of the body, and are usually observable within a short period after food has been swallowed. They may readily be known INFUSORIA. 65 from true 'vesicles' by the variations wliich con- tinually occur in their size, number, and position. 8. ;^'isc3oMs &v. — Most, ifnot all, of the77i/i(,- soria are provided with one or more central solid particles or ' nuclei,' the presence of which we have already stated to be more or less charac- teristic of the Protozoa. The nucleus varies in position, being in most cases attached to some part of the parenchyma of the body. It varies also both in form and structure. Thus in Vorti- cella and Stentor it is elongated, band-like, con- sisting of an external membrane filled with granu- lar contents, whilst in Ophryoglena (according to Lieberkiihn) it is ovate, and destitute of any ap- parent structure. In other Infusoria it may be either round {Oxytricha), reniform {Loxodes), shaped like a horse-shoe (Eitplotes), or spiral (as in some species of Stentor). Sometimes, though rarel}^, it is branched. In colour it is usually pale yellow. In the o-ranular contents of some nuclei a cleai* space or cavity is observable, within which a smaller body termed the * nucleolus ' is placed. In other cases it occurs on the exterior of the same orc^an. Lieberkiihn describes the nucleolus of Ophryoglena as minute, globular, structureless, and firmly at- tached to the surface of the ovate nucleus. But in Chilodon, the centre of the nucleolus is marked by a transparent dot. A bright coloured particle (usually red), termed the ^pigment-spot,' is found in the bodies of many Infiisoria. In some it is altogether desti- tute of structure, in others it is made up of a number of exceedingly minute granules. 66 INFUSORIA. In Opkryoglena flavicans a remarkable body termed the " watch-glass-like organ " has been recentW observed by Lieberkiihn. It is colourless, transparent, homogeneous, and immovable, with its convex side turned towards the pigment spot, whilst its concave side is directed towards the point of the head. It has also been detected in Bursaria flava. Its use (as also that of the pig ment spot) is unknown. 9. Urticating organ*^. — In the cortical layer of Bursaria, certain peculiar fusiform bodies or ' trichocysts ' have been detected, and from these Prof. Allman states that he has observed the emis- sion of minute filaments which bear some resem- blance to the urticating organs of the fresh-water polype. They occm-, also, in other Infusoria. 10. liO€»oiiiJ>tlve orgaes. — In by far tho greater number of Infusoria locomotion is effected by the vibratile movements of the peculiar hair- like appendages usually denominated cilia. The cause of these movements is at present unknown, nor is it certain vv^hether they are dependent upon volition. The cilia vary in position and mode of arrangement among the several members of the group. Thus, in Enclielys they are scat- tered, apparently without order, over the entire surface of the body ; in Vorticella and Vaginicola they are confined to the neighbourhood of the an- terior extremity, whilst in Paramecimn and its allies they are disposed in a series of regular rows, parallel to one another. In other Infusoria they either surround the entire marg-in of the flattened body, or encircle it in the form of an oblique iNFusorviA. 67 spiral. In Trichodina there is a crown of cilia on the back, in addition to which a peculiar undula- tory merabrane, richly furnished with these minute organs, occurs on the ventral surface of the body. In form the cilia may be described as elongated, broader at the base than at the tip, being usually somewhat flattened. They vaiy in length from •02 to about '00005 of an inch. Their motion is mostly uniform, each of the cilia bending in rapid succession from its base to its point, and returning immediately to its original condition : sometimes these movements suddenly cease, but after a mo- ment's pause they are again resumed either in the same or in an opposite direction. From their minute size the cilia are often difficult of detection. Their presence, in many cases, can hardly be ascer- tained until their motion has very much slackened, or it may be indirectly inferred from the agita- tion of floating particles caused by the cm-rents w^hich are excited in the surrounding water. By means of these cilia, the Infusoria move ra- pidly about in the water wherein they are found, and it is curious to observe how, when a number are confined to a small portion of that fluid, they rarely seem to come into collision with one an- other or any obstacles which may be placed in their way. Besides the true cilia, other appendages, of ap- parently similar natm-e, but larger size, are met with among many Infusmia, Such, for example, are the ^ setae' or ciliary bristles of Oxytricha (/5''T3, c), the ^ uncini ' (hooks) and 'styles' of Euplotes (e, e'), and the 'flagelliform filaments' of Peranema (/). The latter may be described as long filamentous prolongations, proceeding from •s 2 68 INFUSORIA. the anterior extremity of the body, their termina- tions only being capable of performing vibratory movements. But there is reason to infer that many of the organisms in which they occur are, in all probability, members of the vegetable king- dom. All the above appendages are properly to be regarded as elongated processes of the cuticular layer. It has been asserted by some observers that each of the cilia arises from the apex of a four-sided prism. But further observation on this point is necessary. The contractile movements which the stalk of Vortioella undergoes have been described in our account of that Infusorium. II. BovclopiBient. — Propagation is effected among the Infusoria by a. Fission, h. Gremmation, c. Encystation, and d. True reproduction (i. e. by ova and sper- matozoa) ? Of these the three first tend to separate the individual into a number of seemingly independ- ent beings or ' zooids,' while the fourth method gives rise to new individuals. For an individual (in Zoology) is equal to *'the total result of the development of a simple ovum." a. Multiplication by the method of fissipa- rous division is of frequent occurrence. It may be either longitudinal (Vorticella), or transverse (Stentor), or either indifferently {Chilodon, Eu- plotes, Parameciuni). It is usually stated that INFUSORIA. 69 tlie process of separation first commences in the nucleus, but this is incorrect, since in some cases its division into two parts is not effected until that of the body is nearly complete, or it may happen that fission of the nucleus is not partici- pated in by the body as a whole. h. Geniination (or the development of buds) takes place far less frequently than fission. It is best seen in Vorticella. Here a bud is formed (usually near the posterior extremity of the bod}^) by the expansion of a portion of the cortical layer. This at first derives its nutriment by means of a diverticulum or prolongation proceeding from the digestive cavity of the parent animal. At length this connection is interrupted, the bud becomes furnished with a posterior circlet of cilia, by the aid of which it finally detaches itself and S"v\T[ms freely about in the surrounding water {fig. 1 2, 3). It should, however, be borne in mind that the dif- ference between fission and gemmation is more apparent than real, and in many cases it is im- possible to distinguish the one from the other. c. Some Infusoria, previously to undergoing fis- sion, become coated with a secretion of gelatinous matter which gradually hardens so as to enclose the body in a ^cyst.' In other cases, peculiar vesicular bodies become formed in the interior of such cysts, through which they finally burst, and, becoming ruptured at the apex, give exit to the embryos contained in their interior. But it would appear, from recent observations, that the pre- vious formation of a cyst is by no means necessa- rily antecedent to the production of the vesicles in question. According to Stein, the process of encystation F 3 ro iNFrsoraA. is sometimes followed by a remarkable snccession of phenomena, which have been thus described by their discoverer, as they occur in the case of Vorticella 'microstoma {fig. 15). An old Vor- ticella loses or retracts its cilia, becomes encysted {a) and finally drops off its stalk (6). The cyst may either burst and discharge its contents Fig. 15. Development of Vokticei.la microstoma : — a, old Vorti- cella in its encysted state, the nncleus and contractile vesicle being visible within the body ; b, the same, detached from its stalk ; c, cyst discharging its contents ; d, the band-like nucleus, isolated ; e, Acineta form of encysted Vorticella ; f, stalked Aci- neta (^ = Podophyra) form of the same ; g, two Acineta forms in a state of conjugation j h, two Podophyra forms in the same con- dition. in the manner already indicated (c), or become changed into an '^ Acineta form " {e). The latter may subsequently develop a stalk, so as to as- sume the appearance of a " Fodophyra " (/ ). In either instance, the band-like nucleus becomes transformed into a peculiar ovate body, the narrow end of which is provided with a circlet of vibratile cilia, whilst a mouth leading into an internal iNrrsoRiA. 71 cavity soon becomes formed at its opposite extre- mity*^; at the same time a nucleus and contractile vesicle may be observed in its interior, Ultimately tlie ovate body escapes through a rupture formed in the wall of the cyst, which soon after closes, and after a while a new nucleus is produced in its interior, which in its turn may become trans- formed in the same manner as its predecessor. Relations somewhat similar to those which con- nect Vorticella and Aclneta have been affirmed by Haime to exist between Aspidisca (or Trichoda) {fig, 13, d) and Oxytricha (c). If these statements be admitted as true, it follows that important modifications will be thereby effected in our views as to what constitutes a " genus " or " species " among the Infusoria; since they would appear to show that ' Acineta^ and Podojjliyra, usually considered to be distinct genera, are rather to be regarded as intermediate or transi- tional forms produced by the metaphormosis of encysted Vorticellce. But the conclusions of Stein have recently been altogether rejected by Lach- niann and others, who assert that in none of his observations did he take sufficient care to isolate the specimens submitted to examination. It sometimes happens that two or more Infu- soria cohere together, but in an imperfect manner, a line of demarcation being always observable between them {fig. iS^ 9 ^^^ ^)' ^^ ^^^^ union (the object of which has not yet been ascertained) the term "conjugation" is often improperly applied. d. Under the head of true reproduction the following series of changes, recently observed in Paramecium by Balbiani, would seem to be de- serving of mention. Two Paramecicc adhere toge- F 4 72 INFUSOEIA. ther, their months being closely applied to one another, and in this condition they move rapidly through the water wherein they are confined. Next, the nucleolus of each undergoes a consider- able increase in size, and assumes the form of an ovate capsule striated on its surface. It then divides into two or four parts which increase inde- pendently of one another, and form a number of secondary capsules. Meanwhile the nucleus also enlarges, becoming at the same time rounder, wider, and softer in consistence; a number of transjDarent spherical bodies are formed in its inte- rior, within each of which an obscure central point may be observed. Sometimes the nucleus breaks up into fragments, previous to the formation of the spherical bodies. After a certain period has been permitted to elapse, a transfer is effected by the two conjoined Paramecia of one or more of their secondary capsules, which pass through the closely appressed mouths from the body of one into that of the other. But this does not hinder the further increase of the capsules in size, which still con- tinues after their transference has taken place, one only arriving at maturity at the same time. Five or six days after copulation minute rounded germs make their appearance; these for a time remain attached to the body of the parent animal by means of the suckers "with which they are pro- vided. At length they detach themselves, lose their suckers, acquire a mouth in their stead, and, becoming fm'nished with vibratile cilia, take on the aspect of adult Parmnecia. Such are the facts as stated by M. Balbiani. He explains them by regarding the nucleus as an ovar^', its contents as ovules, and each of the INFUSORIA. 73 secondary capsules as a testis. The transference of the capsules is then an act of fecundation, and dissection of these bodies when fully developed would seem to corroborate this view, since they are found to contain numerous minute fusiform bodies, the extremities of which are so fine as to be almost invisible. These are said to be sper- matozoa. 12. Histrll^iition. — The Infusoria are very abundantly distributed over most parts of the globe, nor does there appear to be an}^ remarkable difference, either in aspect or organisation, between the forms of temperate and tropical climes. They are found plentifully in ponds, lakes, rivers, salt marshes and the sea itself, some species, e. g. Chilodon cuculluhts, being common to both fresh and salt water. They occur also in many artifi- cial infusions, and there can be little doubt that several of these animals have been occasionally met with as internal parasites. Those who re- quire Infusoria for microscopic examination may, mthout much difficulty, obtain most of the more remarkable forms, by searching for them diligently in suitable localities, the exact nature of which can only be learned by experience. Thus, the muddy sediment at the bottom of pools may be examined for such species as avoid the light, whilst others, on the contrary, are obtainable only by skimminof the surface of the water. Careful in- spection of the stems and roots of sub-aquatic plants will often reveal the presence of Vorticella, Vaginicolaf Stentor, and other attached forms. The last-mentioned of these is almost \dsible to the naked eye, and the practised observer soon 74 IJsFUSOEIA. learns to recognise the appearance presented by the aggregated colonies of Vorticella or Epistylis. There are no true fossil Infusoria, the organisms usually designated by this name being either Fo- raminifera, Polycystina, or Diatoniacece. 13. ;Rfc^octilM«'s?. — Certain of the marine Infu- soviet are phosphorescent, contributing, along with other animals, to impart a luminous appearance to the sea-water wherein they abound. But this remarkable property is possessed in a much more eminent degree by JS'octiluca, an organism whose Fii). 16. NOCTILUCA MILIARIS. true position in the animal kingdom has long been much misunderstood. The simplicity of its organisation shows it to belong to the Protozoa ; and, since it is provided with a distinct mouth, it ought probably to be regarded as an aberrant member of the gi'oup Infusoria. Its structure has been of late years investigated by Quatrefages, and Krohn, and still more recently by Mr. Huxley. In form it is nearly globular, presenting on one side a * hilus,' or groove, from the anterior extra- INFUSORIA. 74 mity of which issues a peculiar curved stalk or ap- pendage, marked by transverse lines, which would seem to be made use of as an organ of locomotion. Kear the base of this * tentacle ' is placed the mouth, provided on one side with a tooth-like pro- jection. The mouth leads into an 'oesophagus,' from the bottom of which a delicate flickering filament or ' cilium ' is sometimes protruded. The oesophagus passes into a dilatable digestive cavity which is supposed by Mr. Huxley to be con- nected with a small funnel-shaped depression or * anal aperture ' situated in the midst of a flattened space behind the mouth. An oval 'nucleus,' rather less than '002 of an inch in length, lies in front of the digestive cavity. The body of Kocti- luca is invested by a rather firm membrane, destitute of cilia, beneath which occurs a gelatinous layer richly furnished with minute granules. From this layer arises a network of delicate granular ' fibrils,' which unite to form coarser fibres as they proceed towards the centre of the body, until finally they reach the nucleus and digestive cavity. The diameter of Noctiluca varies from '04 to '01 of an inch. It is, perhaps, the most frequent som-ce of the diffused luminosity of the sea in tempe- rate climes, the light which it emits being, as it were, the combined result of a rapid succession of vivid scintillations. Noctiluca multiplies by spontaneous fission. Within the body of this animal Busch observed the existence of certain brown masses, containino- ora- nules m their interior. It is not certain whether these were true ova or merely the result of a process of gemmation. In other Noctilucce the same observer detected peculiar germ-like bodies, 76 INFUSORIA. each furnished \vith an obtuse process. These germs were also met with in a free condition, and their development was traced up to a certain point, after which Busch was obliged to discontinue his investigations. In the same situations as Noctiluca, Busch further discovered numerous transparent gelatinous bodies, of similar size and appearance, and possessino^, in many cases, phosphorescent properties, though not pro\ided with radiating fibres, or locomotive ap- pendage. These bodies were almost destitute of structure, but on a portion of their surface there usually occurred several remarkable yellowish pro- cesses, either rounded or tapering to a point, con- taining in their interior minute spherical granules. The nature of these problematical organisms pre- sents a subject for future inquiry. 77 NOTE ON 'ACINETA FORMS/ It seems proper to conclude, with Lachmann, that these organisms are not, as was formerly supposed, Rhizopods allied to Actinophrys, nor yet again meta- morphosed conditions of Vorticellcs, but that they rather constitute a distinct group of Infusoria, to which the term 'polystome' might, without objection, be perhaps applied. For each of the radiating fila- ments {fig. 15, e) with which the AciiiefcB are pro- vided is, in truth, a retractile tube, susceptible of elongation to a remarkable extent, and furnished at its extremity with an adherent disk. With the aid of these unique organs an Acineta is enabled, not only to seize and retain its more active prey, but also to imbibe the nutrient particles contained in the body of the latter, by a peculiar method of suction. ^Tien the size of the prey is considerable, this process has been observed to occupy several hours. With the exception of the above-mentioned mouths, no other aperture has been hitherto discovered in the bodies of these animals. 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PROTOZOA. RHIZOPODA. a. Amceba, A>fD ITS Allies. AuERBACH. — ' Ueber die Einzelligkeit der Amoeben.' Zeitschrift fijr VVissenschaftliche Zoologie, 1855. KoLLiKEPw. — ' Das Sonnenthierchen, Actinophrys sol.' Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., 1849, and Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1853. Bailey. — ' Observations on a newly discovered Animalcule.' Ameri- can Journal of Science and Arts, 1853. Also: Claparede, Miiller's Archiv, 1854, and Annals of Natural History, 1855; Westox, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1856; and several treatises on the Infusoria, more especially those of DujAKDLN, Lachmann, and Claparede. }}. FORAJVIINIFERA ; GENERAL CHARACTERS. ScHULTZE. — 'Ueber den Organismus der Polythalamien (Fora- miniferen) nebst Bemerkungen iiber die llhizopoden im AUgemeinen,' 1854. Williamson. — ' On the Recent Foraminifera of Great Britain,' 1858. Appended to this work, which contains figures and descriptions of the more important varieties of all the British species of Foraminifera, will be found a very complete bibliography of the entire group. C. FOP.AMLNIFERA ; STRUCTURE OF THE ShELL. Carpenter. — 'Researches on the Foraminifera.' Philosophical Transactions, 1856-7. 80 BIBLIOGEAPHY. Carter. — ' On the Form and Structure of Operculina Arabica.' Ann. Nat. Hist., 1852. Willia:>ison. — Various papers published in Quart. Journ, Micr. Sci. d. FORAMINIFERA ; FoSSIL FoRMS. Ehrenberg. — 'Ueber den Griinsand und seine Erlanterung des Organischen Lebens.' Abhandlungen der Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1855. Egger. — * Die Foraminiferen der Miocan-Schichtenbei Ortenburg in Nieder-Bayern,' 1858. Pictet. — 'Traite de Pale'ontologie,' 1857; and the 'Cours Ele'men- taires de Pale'ontologie,' and ' Prodrome de Paleontologie,' of D'Orbigny. Other memoirs are indicated in the bibliography appended to the monograph of Williamson, above referred to. POLTCYSTIXA and TH.aASSICOLLID/E. MuLi.ER, J. — ' Ueber die Thalassicollen, Polycystinen und Acantho- metren des Mittelmeeres.' Ab. d. K. Akad. Berlin., 1858, and Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1856. HrxLEY.— ' On Thalassicolla.' Ann. Nat. Hist., 1851. For information on the fossil Polycystin^e see Ehrenberg, * Mikrogeologie,' 1854; Ab. d. K. Akad. Berlin, 1846-7, and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1847. SPONGTD^. BowERBANK. — ' On the Anatomy and Physiology of the Spongiadae :' Phil. Trans., 1859. ' On the Vital Powers of the Spongiadae :' Reports of the British Association, 1856-7; and other papers in Ann. Nat. Hist., 1 841-2-5; and Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1859. Hl'xley. — 'On the Anatomy of the genus Tethya.' Ann. Nat. Hist., 1851. Johnston. — • History of British Sponges and Lithophytes,' 1842. Also: Carter, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1848-9-54-7; Lieberkuhn, Mailer's Archiv, 1856-7, and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1856; Dobie, Goodsir's Annals of Anatomy and Physiology, 1852; Han- cock, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1849; Morris, do. do.; Owen, Transactions of Zoological Society of London, 1841 ; Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1858. An account of the older memoirs oni OF THE PROTOZOA. 81 Sponges -will be found in Dr. Johnston's Tvork, cited above. With reference to the fossil Spongidae, the following papers may be consulted : — Boaverbajstk, ' On the Siliceous Bodies of the Chalk, Greensand and Oolite,' Transactions of Geolo- logical Society of London, 1841 ; J. T. Smith, * On the Ven- triculidae of the Chalk,' Ann. Nat. Hist., 1847-8. See also PiCTET, *Trait-e de Paleontologie,' 1857; and the paleonto- logical treatises of D'Orbigny, already alluded to. GREGARINIDiE (including PSOROSPERMIiE). KoLUKER. — * Beitrage zur Kenntniss niederer Thiere.' Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1848. LiEBERKiJHN. — ' Uebcr die Psorospermien.' Muller's Archiv, 1854. Also Bruch, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1850; Dufour, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1828; Frantzius, ' Obsei^vationes quaedam de Gregarinis,' 1846; Henle, Muller's Archiv, 1845; Leidy, Transactions of American Philosophical Society, 1S51 ; Leydig, Muller's Archiv, 1851 ; MIjller, ibid., 1841 ; Roein' 'Histoire Naturelle des Vegetaux Parasites,' 1853; Stein, Muller's Archiv, 1848. INFUSORIA. Ehrexberg. — ' Die Infusionsthiere als volkommene Organismen,* 1838. DujARDiN. — ' Infusoires,' 1841. Stein. — ' Infusionsthiere auf ihre Entwickelungeschichte unter- sucht,' 1854. Lachmann et Claparede. — ' Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rhi- zopodes,' Memoires de I'lnstitut National Genevois, 1858; also, Muller's Archiv, 1856, and Ann. Nat. Hist. 1857. CoHN. — Various papers published in Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., 1851- 3-4 and 7. See also the memoirs of Auerbach, Czermak, Ecker, and CiENKOWSKY, in the same journal, together with those of various writers in Ann. Nat. Hist., Ann. Sci. Nat., Muller's Archiv, and Wiegmann's Archiv. Among these may be mentioned : Carter, Ann. Nat. Hist., 1856-9; Haime, Ann. Sci. Nat., 1853; LieberkIjhn, Muller's Archiv, 1856-7, and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1856 ; Schneider, Miiller's Archiv, 1854, G 82 BIBLIOGTlArHr. and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1854. An abstract of the contents of Ehrenberg's work will be found in Pritchard's 'History of Infusorial Animalcules,' and the ' Micrographic Dictionary' of Griffith and Henfrey. Other sources of information are: Allmann, Quart. Joum. Micr. Sci., 1855 ; Balbiani, Comptes Rendus, 1858, and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1858 ; Focke, ' Amtlicher Bericht der Naturforscherversammlung zu Bremen,' 1844; Frantzius, ' Analecta ad Ophrydii versatilis historiam natu- ralem,' 1849; Kutorga, 'Naturgeschichtederlnfusionsthiere, verzuglich nach Ehrenberg's Beobachtungen,' 1841 ; Peltier, L'Institut, 1836; PoucHET, Comptes Rendus, 1849, and Ann. Nat. Hist., 1849 ; Schmidt, Froriep's Notizen, 1849 ; Huxley, Quart. Joum. Micr. Sci., 1857; Samuelson, do. do.; and the classical treatises of Leuwenhoek, Phil. Trans., 1676 ; C. F. MiJLLER, ' Animalcula Infusona,' 1786; and Wrisberg, ' Observationum de Animalculis infnsoriis satura,' &c., 1765. Also, T. S. Wright, Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1858. NOCTILUCA. BuscH. — *Das Meerleuchten unddie Noctiluca,' in Beobachtungen, iiber Anatomic und Entwickelung einiger wirbellosen See- thiere, 1851. Huxley. — * On the structure of Noctiluca miliaris.' Quart. Joum. Micr. Sci., 1855. Quatrefages. — * Observations sur les Noctiluques,' Ann. Sci. Nat, 1850, and Ann. Nat. Hist, 1853. Also: Brightwel, Ann. Nat Hist, 1850; GossE, Devonshire Coast, p. 253, 1853; Krohn, Wiegmann's Archiv, 1852; Lesson, Acalephes, p. 145, 1843; Pring, Philosophical Ma- gazine, 1849; and Webb, Quart Joum. Micr. Sci., 1855. 83 QUESTIONS ON THE PROTOZOA. 1. Why is it desirable to separate Amoeba and its allies from the true Infusoria ? 2. Compare Pamphagus with Amoeba and Difflugia. 3. What are Psorospermise ? 4. Describe the process of gemmation in Vorticella. 5. In addition to the true cilia, what other locomotive organs aro found among the Infusoria ? 6. What animal forms were included by J. Miiller in the group Rhi- zopoda Radiolaria ? 7. Mention some of the characters by which Grantia is distin- guished from other Sponges. 8. How are the Polythalamia subdivided by Schultze ? 9. Into what two sections may the Rhizopoda be divided ? Distin- guish between them. 10. Give examples of Foraminifera which occur in the primary rocks. 11. What organised beings were included among the Infusoria of Ehrenberg ? 12. By what single anatomical feature may the Infusoria be distin- guished from other Protozoa ? 1 3. Distinguish Polycystina from Foraminifera. 14. Give some account of the 'aquiferous system' of the Spongidae. 15. Describe the structure of the seed-like body of Spongilla. 16. Of what essential structures does the body of an Infusorium con- sist? 17. What is meant by the term * Sarcode ' ? 18. State briefly what is known concerning the development of the Rhizopoda. 19. What principle guided D'Orbigny in framing his classification of the Foraminifera ? 20. To which of his groups ought Miliolina to be referred ? 2.1. Why is his arrangement objectionable? G 2 84 QUESTIONS ON THE PEOTOZOxV. 22. How do Acanthometrae differ from Thalassicollidae ? 23. Give some account of the mode of propagation among the Gre- garinidce. 24. Distinguish Vorticella from other stalked forms of Infusoria. 25. What is meant by the terms, 'peristome,' 'vestibulum," pharynx,' and 'oesophagus,' as applied to the Infusoria ? 26. In the simple form of Orbitolites, how are the segments of sar- code contained in the outermost zone connected with those of the cells belonging to the zone immediately within it ? 27. Give examples of Foraminifera in which the 'shell' is not cal- careous. 28. Why are Sponges regarded as members of the Animal Kingdom ? 29. Describe Gregarina Sieboldii. 30. Mention some examples of Infusoria in which the digestive cavity is furnished with a second aperture. 31. Distinguish 'vacuoles' from 'contractile vesicles.' 2e. What is the nature of the so called ' fossil Infusoria ' ? 33. What are ThalassicoUida? ? 34. Of what geological period are Nummulites chiefly characteristic ? 35. In what group of the Astomatous Protozoa has true reproduc- tion been proved to occur? 36. Give examples of widely distributed Foraminifera. 37. Define the terms, 'septum,' 'septal plane, and 'peripheral margin.' 38. How is the digestive px-ocess effected in Actinophrys .? 39. How in Vorticella ? 40. Why ought all classifications of the Infusoria which have hitherto been proposed to be considered premature ? 41. Describe the swarm spores of Spongilla. 42. Explain the mode of growth of the shell in Miliolina. 43. How is the growth of the shell supposed to take place in Orbito- lites? 4^ What position does the ' nucleus ' occupy in the body of an Infusorium ? 45. What is the position of the nucleolus ? 46. What functions has Balbiani ascribed to these two organs ? 47. What facts have induced him to infer that true reproduction occurs in Paramecium ? 48. Describe NoctiluCv^ miliaris. 49. Give a resume of Stein's account of the metamorphoses of Vor- ticella miscrostoma. 50. What is the position of the urticating organs in Bursaria ? 85 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page 1. Amoeba radiosa, after Auerbach 4 2. Various forms of Rhizopoda, after Ehrenberg and KoUiker 6 3. Various forms of Foraminifera, after D'Orbigny, Parker, and Williamson 13 4. Structure of Orbitolites complanatus, after Carpenter . 19 5. Polycystina, after Ehrenberg 28 6. Structure of Grara^ia,&c., after Dobie and Williamson . 31 7. Structure of Tethya, after Huxley 38 8. Structure of seed-like body of Spongilla, after Carter . 39 9. Structure of Thalassicollidce, after Huxley 45 10. Acanthometra lanceolata, after J ]\I tiller . . . .47 11. Cr re^anw« and Psorosper?ni Lv4 -^-* -•■^v ::>. ,4 c. \ ^^/ \ *'''"'• -."".'V ;-^.-v^.- % ^ *« V^.^;^ er :^ ^4 '-J ..^^ •*.,.. *',,■'■■ .^*'!^^V