Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ARS 91-49 JUNE 1965 MANUAL ON LIVESTOCK TICKS FOR ANIMAL DISEASE [LIER ERADICATION DIVISION \ * PERSONNEL EP U.S. uPA Vata “et BELTSVILLE BRO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE /AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Prepared by Animal Disease Eradication Division Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture Hyattsville, Maryland, 20781 USE PESTICIDES SAFELY If you use pesticides, apply them only when needed and handle them with care, Follow the directions and heed all precautions on the container label, If pesticides are handled or applied improperly, or if unused portions are dis- posed of improperly, they may be injurious to humans, domestic animals, desirable plants, honey bees and other pollinating insects, fish, and wildlife, and may contaminate water supplies, For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C., 20402 - Price $1.25 ARS 91-49 JUNE 1965 LIVESTOCK TICKS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE/AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE PREFACE The Animal Disease Eradication Division and the former Bureau of Animal Industry have long been aware of the livestock tick problems in the United States, Following eradication ofthe cattle ticks (Boophilus spp,), however, interest in ticks diminished, In 1960, Boophilus microplus recurred, and Rhipicephalus evertsi and Dermacentor (Anocentor) nitens were discovered, in Florida, With the resulting renewal of interest in livestock ticks, two needs became apparent: (1) More knowledge about the identity, incidence, and distribution of ticks established in the United States; and (2) wider dissemination in a usable form of the vast body of published’ information on ticks, To satisfy the first need, surveys and a reporting system were Started; to fulfill the second, this Manual on Livestock Ticks was prepared. There are some 400 known species of ticks in the world. Approximately 75 of these are found in the United States; of these, perhaps 20 are of veterinary interest, The positive identification of ticks is a prerequisite to their control and eradication, Positive identification is also essential to justify long, costly eradication programs, and the imposition of rigid quarantines, This manual includes economic importance, descriptions, habits, life histories, as well as taxonomic keys for the identification of ticks of im- portance to the livestock industry of the United States, The manual is not a definitive work in veterinary ixodiology--it is in- tended rather as a handy reference of condensed information for Animal Disease Eradication Division personnel concerned with the health of live- stock, A Section on Ticks, intended as the first part of a contemplated field manual on Veterinary Entomology for Division personnel, was initially prepared by W. G, Bruce, Gerald Diamant, and R, K, Strickland. The Sec- tion was issued in June 1961 and slightly revised in August 1961. The present revision and amplification of the Section into a Manual on Livestock Ticks has been prepared by Drs, Gerald Diamant and R, K, Strickland, naka CONTENTS Economic importanceyy oscar acneneee oe Cattlenmevier cipeisiscsacieces ewe teers comets AnaplasmoOsis;; <5 < 2). «1s SO ORO OsOkO Rocky Mountain spotted fever .......... 500000 Ticks panalySisivveve sa ciel eneleieie 0 OO O6 Canine piroplasmoOsiSiy. cs) cwelcuereneleers THCKSHASHDESESIE tee 6 sucmet hones seonorcee DESCHIPLLIOMereichewsnen eter ene BOD OOOO U0 BiOlOGVevevencwoloaees Wen chcl cikowelichc ns 5:60:00 Matingeene sre alaneteutedoueMeroneboplel castioke Oviposition and incubation......... eATaValronots eheltelie S665 6006 Soc moo 6 AGU CE Sy cre topierieuteiiotele to onomate eM 50000 MOIEIn ge. chonchewcworiensmereiewcine.eie aaeeh inlets Reeding habits cyte vewsseroteters tevctelel siteite TEONGSVACV Erotic cacy ike felis woweneten cto! orehewons Instincts andvadaptations!. 25 =» cueseneueme Control-and eradication: . <6 Ee Natural Controlsicwcuci set etretsasicielions tere Chemical Controls sn onevcere ce 50.00 Oc IdentificationvOfstiGksSi., = 1.0 ciersucone ene Classification of ticks of veterinary interest in The key and how to uSeit.......... 2 Explanation of terms used in the key. Key to families and genera of adults.... amily Txodidaer eae anes 30,00 OIC owe General comments... 3 fs aoe ee Ea Morphological characteristics........ Key tontherstenerar hens caren ouevenetten cine Genus Ixodes....... MESO BO TOLD Semen Morphological characteristics...... hhesspeciessotelxodeStuna cwarel oueneronee Genus Haemaphysalis ..........ee. Generalscomments senna ewe rnemeicl cue Morphological characteristics...... IWCVielineer erst conch cceietn che ovegateteasmenencrede Genus Boophilus..... SOO O00 0 0.0 m00 General comments. ..... SNewa tewarroticns INC VAT cies evovetienauia DEO On 080-00 0 OrOrOnG. arb 'c Genus: Rhipicephalus: wisueca emencneun cas aie