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F.R.S.E., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., ETC.

J" 9














The following pages may be considered a census of the col- lection of the Author, and therefore of little more than local value.

The synopsis of the Fauna is far from being complete, since circumstances have prevented much addition to obser- vations made many years ago, when, perhaps, experience in such investigations was less matured, though opportunity might have been more ample. It may be regarded, indeed, as a list of the more conspicuous forms in each group ; for with so wide a field nothing like an exhaustive catalogue could be attempted. Tlie latter circumstance, liowever, may prove an encouragement to those who may be interested in the subject, from the facility with which additions can be made to the lists.

The beach at St. Andrews has afforded a harvest to numerous zoologists. The late Dr. John Reid, Professor of Medicine, made many original observations on the Nudibranchiate moUusks, molluscoids, and Polyzoa. The genial and dis- tinguished Prof. Edward Forbes also knew the value of the specimens thrown ashore on tlie West Sands. The late Dr. G. E. Day (the accomplished successor of Dr. J. Reid), aided by Miss Ottd, always encouraged his students to cultivate a knowledge of the riches of the bay. Tlie late Dr. Eraser


Tliomson, of Perth, Mr. E. Ray Lankester, tlie late Dr. Adamson, of St. Andrews, the late Mrs. Macdonald, Mr. Walker (the University Librarian), and many others have also specially interested themselves in the marine animals of St. Andrews.

My thanks are due to the following gentlemen for their valued aid in the several departments : viz., to Dr. Bower- bank in the Sponges ; Mr. H. B. Brady, in the Foraminifera ; Mr. Busk and the Eev. T. Hincks, in the Zoophytes and Polyzoa ; the Rev. A. M. Norman, in the Echinoderms, and also, with Mr. Spence Bate and Mr. G. S. Brady, in the Cmstacea ; and Dr. Gwyii Jeffreys, in the Mollusks. I have also to remember the kind attention, in regard to the Uni- versity Library and Museum, of Principal Tulloch, Professors Bell, Macdonald, and Heddle ; while Mr. R. Walker, the Librarian, has supplied me with the names of a few ad- ditional fishes.

The Plates are the earlier efforts of my late sister ; and the vignettes (with the exception of a sketch of the Harbour by my nephew) are reduced outlines of various pictures and coloured drawings by the same lady, who, with otlier relatives, was equally persevering in collecting and in portraying.

The lists for the most part appeared in the 'Annals and Magazine of Natural History' for the present year (February to December).

I have to acknowledge, in conclusion, the skilful touch of Mr. Ford in his rendering of the Plates. The Woodcuts were engraved in Edinburgh, by Mr. J. M. Corner, who spared no pains in their execution.

Murthly, December 1874.





The beach at St. Andrews combines smooth sandy flats with tide- worn ridges of rocks which freely communicate with the German Ocean ; and the proximity to rich coralline ground renders the products of its storms peculiarly varied. An unbroken surface of pure sand extends from the estuary of the Tay past that of the Eden to the north-western border of the city. From this point the rocks run eastward in parallel rows narrow sandy flats intervening between some of the ridges, which, with one exception, are all covered at high water. Lines of rocks having a similar arrangement fringe the Castle and Pier to the East Sands ; then a coarse sandy and gravelly beach extends in a southerly direction about half a mile, after which the jagged rocky border passes round the eastern coast to the Frith of Forth.

The greater part of the sandy bay has a depth of less than 10 fathoms ; for at this point the 20-fathom line bends outwards to the Bell rock. The whole region is thus comparatively shallow, and in contrast with that to the north of Arbroath Eoad, or with the Frith of Forth and the neighbouring coast on the south.

If the fine stretch of sand from the river Eden to the city (usually termed the West Sands in contradistinction to the East Sands which extend from the harbour southward) is only en- livened in summer by thousands of bleached heart urchins, broken shells, skeletons of plaice, frogfish, and haddock, or




in autumn by the jellies of the medusae, the storms of winter and spring wholly alter the aspect. Immense banks of sea- weeds mingled with black fragments of wood, coal, and muddy matter cover the beach, which in many parts becomes brilliantly phosphorescent at night from the zoophytes and annelids on the blades of the tangles. Amidst this debris are vast numbers of sponges, zoophytes, shells, starfishes, annelids, crabs, and fishes which have been swept from their various habitats. All storms are not equally prolific ; they also vary in regard to the abundance of the several groups a feature probably due to the direction of the wind and the invasion of particular sites. The waste of marine life in such storms does not attract much notice ; yet it is exti-aordinaiy and so constant that it may be regarded to some extent as a check upon its uninterrupted development. It is, however, to be remembered that even the autumnal ripple in the Outer Hebrides brings countless swarms of Salpa', Velellce, Medusce, and other forms to die on the beach.

When the tide has receded after a severe storm the general appearance (to select an example in October) is as follows : Besides the Fuci and other seaweeds, here and there banks are formed almost entirely of tangles. Now and then one is attached to the shell of a living dog whelk, a cumbrous load for so tiny a niollusk ; others spring from polished pebbles (bound together by their roots), from the shells of the great vf'k(i]k,Ta])es pullast7-a,Mactra soIida,hoYse mussels, and others, or bear evidence of having been forcibly torn from the rocks. The latter more readily happens when the surface of the rock has been coated with Balani, Lepraliw, and the purplish dif- fused form of Corallina officinalis, to which the roots of the tangles adhere a fact which can be tested in a rock-pool. In the interstices of the twisted roots many specimens of Saxi- cava rugosa occur, their habitations being more easily con- structed, though less secui-e, than perforations in the rock itself. Porcelain crabs can scarcely be observed in greater abundance, in company with the young of the shore and spider crabs ; while a few sessile-eyed cnistaceans tiy to escape notice in the crevices tenanted by common and brittle stars. The root-fibres also give shelter to specimens of dog whelks,


valves of the commou mussel, Venus striatula, Anomice, and many fragments of shells and stones. Ascidians of various kinds are studded on the roots or in close array along the blades ; and the stellate molluscoid forms (Botryllus andiBotryl- loides) are equally abundant. The coarse timnels of Thelepus and Terebellce, the finer tubes of Sabdlaria^ and the white coils of SerpulcR wind amongst the fasciculi ; and Nereids and Lepi- donoti creep into every protecting crevice. Lepralice and the ubiquitous Membranipora pilosa cover the dull surface of the tangles with silvery patches, intermingled with masses of Alcyonium, hydroid zoophytes, and shaggy fringes of seaweed. On the broad blades of Laminaria saccharina grow forests of Ohelia gem'culata, amongst which rare and curious nudi- branchiate mollusks still find food and shelter after their perilous journey. The same seaweed is streaked with the tough gelatinous tubes of a little phosphorescent annelid [EusyUis) .

The chief representative of the sponges in these storms is Halichondria panicea, though occasionally Chalina octdata is equally abundant. The i-ugged masses of the former afford a favourite lurking-place for Doris tuherculata, porcelain crabs, and Lepidonoti; while in the general wreck it becomes hispid with the stiff sharp spines of the sea-mice, common and pm-ple heart urchins. Sea-mats and corallines in general are plentiful. Numerous fragmentary Medusos (chiefly Aurelia aurita and Cyanea ccqnllata) sti'ew the sands in company with Pleurohrachia, the parasitic Hyperiw also being liberated from the former and swarming in the tide-pools. Anemones are com- mon, either perched inside shells or mixed with the debris ; and some of the rarer (such as PeacMa hastata and the case-making Edwardsia) lie freely in the pools. Alcyonium digitatum occurs in great profusion, both loose and attached to various shells, or on the leathery tubes of Sabella pavonia ; and the crevices of this zoophyte contain many specimens of Tritonia plebeia. Here and there are groups of large cockles ( Cardium echinatum) exposing their pink feet through gaping valves ; and in shallow pools the great whelk [Buccinuni undatum) spreads out its speckled fleshy disk. Multitudes of other univalves and bi- valves are scattered around, tufted with parasitic seaweeds and



corallines, or knobbed with Balani and masses of Serpulce. Swept from their haunts in the deep water and stranded by the restless waves on the sandy beach, the shell- fish—thrusting siphons or feet from their relaxing valves in sickness, in search of safety or their native element are now pounced on by hooded and carrion-crows and gulls ; and the vacant and gaping valves frequently attest how daintily they and the cunning oyster-catchers have fed on the soft inhabitants. Hosts of young sea-urchins are found on the beach alive ; and the safety of the larger specimens is attained by immersion in the soft debris. Occasionally a bare portion of sand is speckled with numerous starfishes, from the pale hues of the sand-stars to the brilliant scarlet of Solaster papposus and the purples of 8. endeca and Astropecten irregu- laris. Others slowly disentangle themselves from the wreck, and, throwing out their sucker-feet, make active progress over the tiny sand-ridges. Op)hiura lacertosa, again, often buries its disk from the gaze of the sea-fowl or for moisture, leaving its arms projecting. Another echinoderm, Cucumaria com- munis, is plentiful, though it can scarcely be distinguished in the muddy debris. Vast multitudes of the sheaths of Tere- bellw lie on the sands and especially collect on the bottom of the Swilken burn ; they are for the most part, but not always, empty, the agitated waters having compelled these denizens of the sand and gravel either to evacuate their homes in their native sites or before reaching the beach ; and hence the dis- proportion between the tubes and their inhabitants. Thousands of the annelid Phyllodoce citrina may be scooped from the sand-pools. Nereides lurk in shells, sheaths, or anywhere for shelter ; sea-mice occasionally in myi-iads are indicated by their splendid bristles amidst the debris ; and in the pools lie the curious Opihelia limacina, the golden-bristled spoon-worm, and many other rare annelids. Sessile-eyed crustaceans also swarm in the pools and tide-streams ; while the larger forms are represented by Eyas, the edible, shore, and hermit crabs. Fishes are sometimes scarce dead gurnards, plaice, and frog- fish being the most conspicuous, though occasionally weevers, sand-launces, viviparous blennies, gunnels, armed bull-heads, suckers, father-lashers, and tadpole-hakes are also found.


The tidal rocks, again, which are mostly covered by sea- weeds, present a varied and prolific site for many species. The rock-pools are both frequent and picturesque ; and they possess many undisturbed stones, often of large size, the under surfaces of which are most favoiu-able for the growth and shelter of numerous forms— though of course they cannot be compared in this respect with the littoral stones at Herm, which have a profusion of rare crabs, annelids, ormers and other mollusks, polyzoa, hydroids, and the yellow, red, purple, green, and white sponges. The rocks may conveniently be divided into the East and West Kocks, the former stretching from the pier to the east, the latter from the pier westwards. The rock- pools in these resemble miniatm-e oceans of surpassing beauty. The borders of the clear basins are luxuriantly fringed with different kinds of seaweeds Fucus serratus^HaUdnjs siUquosa, Furcellana, and Chondrus, and the broad blades of Laminaria saccharina hang sombrely downwards and trail on the bottom. These sober tints are here and there relieved by the fine green tufts of Cladophora and the broad Ulva, the dark red of Cera- mium rubrum, and the pinkish hues of Corallina. The latter, in some of the clearest and finest pools, is not infested by the little white coils of Sjnrorhis, so that it is variegated only by its own whitish tips, which are in strong contrast in the quiet depths with the dull olive roots of the tangles.

The pools are tenanted by representatives of all the animal subkingdoms ; and many species are in profusion. Cotti^ gun- nels, blennies, shannies, gobies, and sucking-fishes swim in the clear water or glide under the protecting seaweeds. Bunches of Furcellaria and Fuci afford a site for Eolidce ; and Eyas, Carcinus, and Pagurus nestle in their shade or peram- bulate the bottom. In some pools beyond the Maiden rock Palamon squilla aboimds, darting hither and thither with great velocity or poising its long antennaj over the seaweeds in graceful curves. Minute crustaceans and moUusks people the laminarian blades, while the roots give shelter to many of the forms previously mentioned. The larger mollusks {Btic- cinum, Purpura, and Trochus) crawl on the same leaves, or adhere in the society of limpets to the margins of stones. The under surface of the latter reveals a varied fauna. It is


patched with Cynthia grossularta either singly or in groups, each with its brick-red tunic and prominent papillae. A miniature forest of Sertularia pumila is carpeted by pinkish Lepralm and gelatinous molluscoids of diverse patterns and colours. White Serpulce and the sandy tubes of Sabellaria are mingled with the coils of hosts of Spirorbis. Sponges of various species, developing Medusce, molluscoids, nudibranchs, and other mollusks, starfishes and their ova, annelids and crustaceans, reward a careful search. Some shallow pools, again, are hollowed out of the surface of the bare rocks near high-water mark, e. g. near the Maiden rock ; and in each of these dwell a group of Littorma rudis, numerous sessile-eyed crustaceans, a solitary anemone {A. mesembryantJiemum) and a few limpets, the latter bearing the most conspicuous vegeta- tion on their shells.

Certain pools, especially near the pier, begin by a shallow margin, but end deeply against a perpendicidar wall of rock, the bottom thus gradually shelving downwards. On the shal- low border Ceramium nibrum and other seaweeds tuft the slopes, and are the favourite cover of many specimens of Ca- prella tuberculata, whose red bodies can scarcely be recognized amongst the branches. Each plant of Ceramium rubrum^ indeed, is the abode of a marine colony. Hippolytce cling to the boughs, their translucent bodies forming excellent subjects for the microscope, even where colour and outline are the only objects ; they exhibit lively motions of the antenna, maxillipedes, and the ambulatory limbs ; while internally the flattened branchial and other whips vibrate with rapidity. Idotea tricuspidata darts from place to place, climbs up the branches, or remains stationary on a twig. Small sessile-eyed crustaceans alternately swim through the water, and nm like monkeys along the boughs. Many little mussels with hairy valves hang motionless as fruit on the branches. Eissoa move up and down the twigs stretching their delicate white tentacula and blunt snouts, or vary their exercise by floating on the surface, shell downwards. Some detach themselves and pass swiftly to the side of the vessel and out of the water, thus forming a voluntaiy and sometimes useful segregation. Lacunce also occur on the branches, and twist their muscular


feet and turn their shells with business-like pertinacity, mean- while^ exposing their minute black eyes and feeling in all directions. The little Skenea planorlis can just be distin- guished with the naked eye as it crawls and twists on the seaweed ; it is less apt to leave the latter and its native element than the Rissow. From the cells of Membranipora pilosa in- crusting the branches of the seaweed, the bodies and tentacles of the pretty polyps protrude. Gampanularia verticillata and C. voluhilis expand their delicately baiTed arms over the transparent cups now conti-acting as prey is seized, or in- stantly if touched, and again gently unfolding. HippotJwa divaricata, which here (on seaweeds), according to Dr. John- ston, alters its shape, shoots its delicate white stems from a branch of the Ceramium. Masses of the snowy sponge {Leu- cosolenia lotnjoides) tuft the tips of others, while in the vantage-ground aflforded by a fork of the seaweed a colony of Leptodinum is seated. Pedicellina echinata here and there attracts notice— some of the stems headless, as described by Dr. J. Reid. When irritated the heads bend so as to toucli the basal portion of the stem or the surface of the seaweed. In the deep part of the pool the tangles spring from the per- pendicular rock and from stones at the bottom— waving their rich fringes of phosphorescent Oldia on agitation of the water. In the pool swim Htppolyte varians and H.pusilla, sessile-eyed crustaceans, and Mysida: ; but the latter are not common in pools north of the pier, apparently giving place in this stormy region to Hippolytai. Besides the ubiquitous shore crab, each pool is inhabited by a spined Gottus, whose fine iridescent hues of silvery bluish green are displayed most vividly in the water. The larval form called Campontia eruciformis by Dr. Johnston swarms amongst the roots of Corallina in summer, just as another insect-larva does amidst the damp and decaying seaweeds on the sand at high-water mark, and a third in the muddy fissures of the tidal rocks.

The soft sandstone and shale afibrd an ample field for tlie perforations of Pholas crispiata, Saxkava rugosa, and Leuco- dore ciliata. The fissures and chinks of the rocks, more- over, as on almost eveiy part of the Britisli shores, give shelter to a large number, especially the annelids, wliich find


in the muddy or sandy crevices a safe retreat for their soft bodies, slender tubes, or muddy tunnels, and opportunities for capturing sufficient food at the free margin of the rock or from the ingoing cuiTcnts. It is chiefly in such localities that Sipunculus Johnstoni and swarms of Leucodore and Nicomache occui-, while Nereis cultrifera, Eulalia, 8i/Uis, and the nemer- teans are also common. Occasionally an Idotea is met with ; but by the general absence of the isopods these crevices are distinguished from those in the gneiss of the south and west, as in the Channel Islands and the Outer Hebrides ; and they are especially distinguished from the former by the absence of Pilumnus Mrtelliis, Area, the Sabellidce, the Eunicida and their allies. To these fissures certain boring annelids and Saxicavce chiefly retreat when the rocks do not aflPord a suitable medium for their perforations though at St. Andrews there is free scope in this respect, from the sandstones and shales so soft as to be pitted deeply by the common limpet to those nearly as dense as granite.

If further, under the favourable ebb of a spring tide, the water has receded to an unusual degree, the observer may look down from the jutting rocks on the rich laminarian forests that flourish in a region of perpetual flood, and watch the silvery Memhraniporce and the amethystine streaks of Helcion peUu- cidum on theii- flattened bands, which wave and curl with every siu-ge of the sea ; and just as the trunks of the forest- trees are incrusted with lichens, so feathery tufts of red algae cluster on the stalks of the seaweeds. Hosts of coal-fishes swim through and among them ; and entangled Medusm, now at the mercy of the tide, are lifted on the rock and again washed oflF. Scarlet Solasters and more soberly coloured Urasters contrast strongly with the dark water and olive-green seaweeds ; and nothing can be more beautiful than the light purplish pink of the sea-urchins as they progress by aid of their sucker-feet along rock, stone, or laminarian root.

Moreover, in the deeper water off the bay the fishermen occasionally secure rare fishes, entangle a shark, a bonito, a porpoise, a seal, or even a great northern diver in their nets, and bring many rare invertebrates to the harbour in their boats. The crab-pots, salmon-nets, and trawls further add their quota


to swell the list of marine animals, and associate with the venerable city interests and ties of no common order even in this department alone.

The sea-margin at St. Andrews, like other parts of the east coast of Scotland, presents decided differences when contrasted with the northern, southern, and western shores, though many forms are common to all. Thus the laminarian zone at St. Andrews is much less luxuriant than that of the Zetlandic waters with the fine forests of gia-antic tangles, amidst which there is a galaxy of animal life. The vegetation of its littoral zone is surpassed by the rich Fuel of the tidal rocks and the trailing masses of Chorda filiim on the surface of the sea immediately beyond low-water mark in the Outer Hebrides. Its marine forms are placed under very different circumstances from those in the quiet voes of West Shetland, as at Cliff Sound and between the Burras, where the still sea- water is bridged by a single arch of a few feet. To represent the Zos<e?-rt-fields of the west and south there are but a few ConfervcB, Ulvce, and Porphyrm attached to stones on the flat surfaces of the beach. There is no confusion of fresh and salt water as in the Hebrides, where from a hill-top the eye is \ quite unable to trace the intricate connexions of the endless lakes or distinguish the one element from the other at full tide where, moreover, the breadth of the highway is the only sepa- ration in some cases between the rich vegetation of the fresh water, with its white and yellow water-lilies, and the swamps of ZostercB and Conferva of the salt. The calcareous rocks of the south, and the multitudes of worm-eaten boulders scattered on many parts of the shore, as in the Isle of Wight, form likewise a boldly marked contrast, which is heightened in some of the chalky bays by the semi-milky colour of the flowing tide (from calcareous admixture). Boring forms are very conspicuous in the latter rocks, but they are by no means confined to them; indeed they abound at St. Andrews. The muddy beach at the estuary of the Eden afibrds a site for the splendid mussel-beds; but (though Corophium is present in both) it cannot be compared with the tenacious greyish mud which sometimes, as at Herm, retains footprints so firmly that they are visible after




several tides, and swarms with Sipunculus^ Edwardsia, and Lumbri'conereis.

Within reach of the modem tide, also, it is interesting to find the remains of oceanic animals long since extinct to see Actinia mesemhryanthenium attached to a mass of encrinite stalks, Littorina rudis in groups on Lingula-^vAt, and the white coils of Spirorhis incrusting a nodule containing a fossil fish. Yet these features do not appear much out of place near a city whose pier is to a considerable extent con- structed of the fine old stones and ancient oak which once formed part of the splendid pile of its cathedral.

On the whole the zoological features of St. Andrews are northern.


Subkingdom PR 0 TOZOA .



The beach at St. Andrews affords very ample opportunities for the study of the Rhizopods ; but unfortunately, with the exception of the Spongiadaj, I am only able at present to give a list of a few common Foraminifera, which were kindly de- termined for me by Mr. H. B. Brady, of Newcastle, one of

the highest authorities on the subject. They were ol)tained ^

from shell-sand collected near the estuary of the Eden, and :

are forms common in shallow water and the littoral region. 1

Family Miliolida. Biloculina depressa, D'Orb. Trihculina ohlonga, Mont. Qutnqueloculina seminulum, L.

suhrotunda, Mont.

secans, D'Orb.

Family Lagenida. Lagena sulcata^ W. & J.

glohosa, Mont.

squamosa, Mont.

CristeUaria crepidula, F. & jM. Pohjmorphina lactea, W. & J.

gibha, D'Orb. '

compressa, D'Orb.

Family Globigerinida. '

Textidaria sagittula, Defr. TruncaUdina lohatula, Walker. Rotalia Beccariij L.

Family Nummulinida PolystomeUa striatopunctata, F. & M. I

Nonionina depressula, W. & J. I



Mr. David Eobertson, in the absence of Mr. Brady, kindly examined similar shell-sand, and also mud from the interstices of Filigrana implexa from deep water. To the foregoing list he adds Discorhina ghhularis, D'Orb., and gives the follow- ing species from the latter :

Gornuspirafoliacea, Phil. Moderately common. Quinqueloculina sennnulum, L. Rare.

suhrotunda, Mont. Rare.

Trockammina incerta, D'Orb. Moderately common.

Polymorphina lactea, W. & J. Rare.

Textularia sagtttula, Defr. Common.

Buliinina marginata^ D'Orb. Rare.

Discorhina ghhularis, D'Orb. Moderately common.

Truncatulina hhatula, Walker. Common.

Rotalia Beccarii, L. Moderately rare.

Patellina corrugata, Will. Rare.

Operculina ammonoides, Gron. Rare.

Nonionina depressula, W. & J.


The Sponges of St. Andrews are, perhaps, the least-inves- tigated gro\ip, partly because a collection carefully made many years ago has been lost. In looking over those obtained since, Dr. Bowerbank has most kindly given his experienced aid in doubtful cases ; and the description of the new species is solely his. The littoral forms are scattered in considerable profusion between tide-marks under ledges and stones, sometimes near high-water mark. Indeed, in the higher pools and tide-runs in the latter region they are often peculiarly luxuriant. The brightly coloured Halisarca, so abundant on the under siufaces of stones in the Hebrides, and the rarer botryoidal Teihea are unknown at St. Andrews, as are likewise the cup and turnip sponges of the Zetlandic seas. The greater luxuriance of the ubiquitous Halichondria panicea on the stems of the Lami- narise further characterizes the coast of the exti-eme west;


and the decay of the seaweed often leaves tubes of sponge from a foot to eigliteen inches in length. In like manner the greatly increased size of Grantia ciliata, the vast abundance of Hymeniacidon celata, its beautiful arborescent patterns in the tide-worn shells, and its perforations in the limestone rocks are diagnostic of the warmer waters of the southern coast.

The classification of Dr. Bowerbank in his valuable work published by the Ray Society has been that followed in the list.

Suborder I. Calcaeea.

Grantia comp-essa, Fabr. ; Bowerb. Brit. Sponges, vol. ii. p. 17.

Abundant on Cynthia grossularia under shelving rocks between tide-marks, and attached to the roots of Fuci and other seaweeds. It occasionally assumes an abnormal form, and has a broad attached surface under stones. Longest, 3 inches.

Grantia ciliata, Fabr. ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 19.

Not unfrequent on laminarian roots cast on the West Sands after storms, and growing near low-water mark at the East Rocks. The species somewhat resembles a grain of oat re- moved from its husk.

Leucosolenia hotryoides, Ellis & Sol. ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 28.

Abundant on the under surfaces of stones in tidal pools, especially if large and little-disturbed. It frequently accom- panies Grantia compressa.

Leuconia nivea, Grant ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 36. Found abundantly in the deeper tidal pools, under large


stones which have been long untouched. It covers spaces several inches square ; and its margin is generally rounded and "finished" like the border of a lichen. Most of the speci- mens have their surfaces elevated into firm rugse, resembling miniature mountain-ranges, some of the crests rising into flattened lobes | inch in height. There are at least two varieties of this sponge the first of which, besides the equi- angular triradiate spicula of the skeleton, the minute acerate ones of the interstitial and dermal membranes, and the uni- curvo-crucifonn, has many spined acuate spicula of consider- able dimensions and others of the same size approaching the fusiformi-spinulate character. In the other variety the latter kinds are so little developed, if present, as not to be dis- tinguished from the ordinary minute acerate forms. In both, almost all the latter are distinctly spined.

Suborder II. Silicea,

Hymeniaddon ficus, Esper; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 206.

Occasionally from deep water, attached to dead shells. Cla- vate specimens frequently grow from the smaller end of Den- talium entalis. This species seems to frequent muddy groimd.

Hymeniaddon celata, Grant ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 212.

Abundant in shells from deep water, between the layers of which it tunnels its devious tracks. This is one of the main agents in causing the disintegration of dead shells.

Halichondria panicea, PaUas ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 229.

Scarcely a stone can be lifted near low-water mark, amongst the rocks, but has a patch of this common sponge. Under the cavernous ledges overhanging rock-pools it spreads its structui-e over the dark red Cynthia, matting together sea- weeds and corallines, and hanging in pendulous nodules on


interwoven stalks of Corallina officinalis and Fuci. Near the Maiden Rock splendid specimens are found incnisting a square foot or two of rock in some of the quiet pools. It also abounds on the backs of crabs, such as Ilyas araneus and Inachas dorynchus, covering the former so completely that it can scarcely be recognized except by its legs ; and besides the pro- minent oscula of the sponge, on this complex back are gaps for Bahm, shells, and seaweeds. On the carapace of the latter species it forms a thinner coating, but is likewise grouped in little nodules on the legs. A mass as large as a good-sized apple sun-ounds the stem of Clmlina oculata and it is a com- mon envelopment of various stones, mollusks, seaweeds, and tangle-roots. The usual colours of the sponge are yellow brown, purple, gi-een, and grey. In the interstices of thJ masses thrown on shore at the West Sands are to be found mul- titudes of marine animals, besides incorporated shells ; and the fine patches at the East Eocks are favourite feeding-grounds of Doris tulerculata. The forms of the spicula of this species are variable, some being much curved like a stretched bow, a few more or less inrequiacerate vermiculoid, besides, of course, the ordinary diagnostic spicula. The odour emitted on tearing it from the rock is characteristic, but causes no

Halichondria, n. s.*

The following is Dr. Bowerbank's description :— " Sponge coating, thin. Surface smooth and even. Oscula more or less elevated, dispersed, margins thin. Pores inconspicuous. Dermal membrane aspiculous. Skeleton veiy irregular, rete mostly unispiculous, occasionally bi- or trispiculous ; spicula acerate, short and stout. Interstitial membranes aspiculous.

" Colour in the dried state light nut-brown. Examined in the living and dried states.

"The nearest alliance with the known species of the first section of our British Halichondria; is with H. reguJaris. The spicula of the two species are as nearly alike In size and pro-

* Dr. Bowerbank has courteously named this species H. M'Intoshii Bowerb. '


portions as possible ; but this is their only approximation to each other; in their other characters they difFer to a con- siderable extent. The coloui- of E. regularis in the dried state is milk-white ; that of H. M^Intoshii is nut-brown. An- other important difference is, that while the skeleton of H. regularis is remarkable for its symmetry, that of H. M'Intoshii is irregular to a very considerable degree."

This form is not uncommon on the under surface of stones in tide-runs and somewhat muddy pools not far from high- water mark at the East Eocks. Its greyish brown coloui", smooth sm-fiice, and prominent, well-detined oscula distinguish it at first sight from its allies.

Halichondria incrustans, Esper ; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 249.

Occasionally found under stones near low-water mark, especially at the East Eocks. It forms a thickish crust ; and the spicula very much resemble one of the knobbed walking- sticks which taper from above downwards.

Suborder III. Keratosa.

Chalina oculata, Pallas; Bowerb. vol. ii. p. 361. Thrown in great profusion on the West Sands after storms ; and small specimens are also found imder the ledges of rocks near low-water mark. The shape of the specimens varies much : some are ilatteued and much divided into branches of various sizes, either narrow or broad ; others have then- branches matted together so as to form a connected and somewhat coarse " gorgonian " appearance, more or less sepa- rated at the tip. In some the branches arise mostly from one side of an unbroken prolongation of the sponge-tissue. One o-rows on a valve of Mytilus modiolus, and has a mass of Halichondria ■panicea round a branch at its base. Another envelops the stem and branches of Delesseria sanguinea, the leaves of which appear here and there from the centre of the sponge. Many are attached to small rolled stones.



Those from the beach are loaded with sand, spines of the common and purple heart urchins, bristles of the sea-mouse : and many starfishes seek refuge in tlieir interstices.

11. p. 373.

Chalina limbata, Bowerb. ; vol.

Not uncommon under stones in tidal pools, either coating the sm-face of the stone or attached to the stems of Corallina


R.M. p'mxit





The Hydroid Zoophytes of St. Andrews are chiefly pro- cured from the deep water of the bay^ though a few appear between tide-marks. Many are found in great profusion. Compared with the southern shores, as at Devon and Corn- wall *, the majority of the Hydroids are equally common in both localities, some occm- more frequently in the one than in the other, while a third series is more characteristic of each area. Thus Sertularella rugosa, Sertidaria cujjressina, Thuiaria thuja, and lialecium muricatum appear to be more abundant at St. Andrews than in the south ; on the other hand, Sertidaria argentea and Obelia dichotoma are probably more plentiful in the latter, together with the appearance of Tubularia at the extreme margin of low water. Tlie cha- racteristic forms in the south are Corymorpha nutans, Aglao- pkenia pluma, A. pennatula, Ophiodes mirahilis, Diphasia pinnata, and an abundance of the species of Plumularia. At St. Andrews Sertularia filicula, S.fusca, Tubularia coronata, Cuspidella humilis, and Halecium labrosum afford distin- guishing features. Moreover, instead of the tufted Clava squamata, so common on the littoral Fuci of the western coast, we have C. multicornis at St. Andrews on the under surface of stones ; the splendid Corymorpha nutans of the sandy voes, and the rich tufts of littoral Corynidte and Gonothyrcece of the Zetlandic region, are likewise wholly absent. Amongst the Hydi-omedusas, Sarsia prolifera, Forbes, occurs occasionally, and Thaumantias pilosella, Forbes, in great abundance on the surface of the bay in autumn.

The habit of the zoophytes affords many interesting facts, especially in regard to the profusion of parasitic structures. The roots of the polyparies spring from diverse shells, stones,

* J. & R. Q. Couch, in their ' Cornish Fauna ; ' the elahorate catalogue of the Rev. T. Hiucks in the ' km\. & Mag. Nat. Hist' 18G1-62 ; and Mr. Parfitt's Devonshire Catalogue published in 1866.


crabs, submerged sticks and branches. One of the most curious examples found by the fishermen in the bay consisted of a stout branch of a thorn-tree, about four feet in height, which had large specimens of Balanus Hameri and Ascidians clustered like living fi-uit on the main trunk and branches, and lobulated and club-shaped masses of Ahyonium covering the more slender twigs and overrunning the neighbouring Cirri- pedes ; while Obelia fringed most of the branches, here and there giving place to the shorter coating of Sertularia, stunted Tuhidwia, or the downy Clyda. Hosts of other animals occurred on the congenial site— tubes of Thelepus and Serjmla, Anomia, Saxicava, Xyhphaga, Lejjralia, Cellepora, and Tuhi- lipora representing the sedentary forms, sessile-eyed Crusta- ceans and Stai-fishes the free. Indeed the production formed a compendium of marine zoology that took much time and trouble to investigate. The rapidity of growth of the larger specimens (the Balani being as large as walnuts) was shown by the condition of the wood and bark, and the presence of many delicate twigs. This is also seen in the case of slender branches of the common currant-bushes, which are brought to land in good preservation yet densely fringed with Obelia longissima and studded with large ascidians. The zoophytes themselves are subject to many parasitic inroads from sponges, Foraminifera, other zoophytes, various Polyzoa, Ascidians,' Nudibranchs and their ova, young mussels and Anomice, the ova of Pycnogonum, Annelids and their tubes (hyaline, giitty, and calcareous), and minute Cirripedes.

In the following list the arrangement and nomenclature of the Rev. T. Hincks in his recent beautiful work on tlie Hydroida is adopted.

Order I. Hydroida.

Suborder I. ATHECATA.

Fam. 1. ClavidaB.

Genus Clava, Gmelin.

Clava multicorms, Forskal ; Hincks, Brit. Hydroid Zoophytes, vol. i. p. 2.

Frequent under stones in pools near low-water mark, and



growing on Cynthia grossularia under the cavern-roofs ; but it is not seen on the littoral seaweeds, as is Clava squamata on the shores of the Hebrides and the western and other coasts of Scotland. The tentacles show a sliglitly enlarged sucker- tip. ,

Fam. 2. Hydractiniidse.

Genus Hydractinia, Van Beneden.

Hydractinia echinata, Fleming ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 23.

Abundant on Fmus islandicus, Natica, and other univalve shells cast on shore after storms. The outer lip in the shells inhabited by hermit crabs is frequently prolonged into a horny membrane, as mentioned by Dr. Johnston.

Fam. 9. Eudeudriidae.

Genus EUDENDRIUM, Ehrenberg.

Eudendrium rameum, Pallas ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 80.

Plentiful in the deep water of the bay, attached to shells and masses of Balani and Serpulce. A fine specimen measured 9 inches high ; and the breadth of the branched portion was 8 inches.

Eudendrium capillare, Alder; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 84.

Fine tufts are occasionally found on the stems of Anten- nularia /amosa, interwoven with other zoophytes, from deep water. The specimens had no short branches ; all were much elongated, and the polyps terminal. Some slight rings exist here and there on the main stems at the base ; those at the origin of each branch are very distinct.

Fam. 11. Tubulariidae.

Genus TUBULAEIA, Linnseus.

Tubularia indivisa, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 115.

Common in deep water. One of the large specimens


springs from an agglutinated basis of the valves of Pecten opercularis and gravel, 8 inches in diameter; and the gigantic tuft had tubes 11 inches in height. It also some- times fixes the valves of a living Mytilus modiolus so as almost to prevent motion.

Tubularia coronata, Abildgaard ; Hiucks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 119.

Abundant in deep water. I am obliged to Prof. Allman for discriminating wrinkled specimens of this species, in 1863.


Fam. 1. Campanulariidae.

Genus Clytia, Lamouroux.

Clytia Johnstoni, Alder ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 143.

Abundant on Alcyonidium Mrsutum and seaweeds in the

pools near low-water mark, as well as coating the stems of

Laminarice with a hairy fringe fully half an inch in heio-ht.

In a fine example of the latter many of the stems possess one

or two branches, and the gonotheca3 here and there have a

stalk composed of several rings.

Genus Obelia, P^ron & Lesueur.

Ohelia genic.ulata, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 149.

Common on laminarian blades thrown on the West Sands after storms, forming a miniature cover amidst which many Nudibranchs find food and shelter. It occurs plentifully also on Ilalidrys siliquosa and other seaweeds near low-water mark, and on crabs. In the interior of many of the gonothecse are the young of a Pycnogonidian.

Obelia longissima, Pallas ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 154.

Abundant in deep water. It bristles on every branch or fragment of wood which has been submerged for some weeks. It appears also in a very interesting condition in the peculiar rounded balls formed by the rolling action of the waves on the beach ; these zoophytic masses are either sjjlierical or


rounded-oblong, and the fibres are firmly felted together *. In this state the present species is stripped of its minute branches, and feels bristly and crisp. The same rolled masses (also chiefly composed of an Obelia allied to the present form) were brought from the shore of a New-Zealand bay by Dr. Lauder Lindsay, who kindly sent them to me. They are formed in a similar manner to the well-known balls in Loch Tay, where the rolling action of the waves produces perfectly round masses, often as large as a spherical shot of thirty or forty pounds, com- posed of the linear leaves of the larches and pines which shade its margin. Miss M'Leod, of Paible, brought me spherical masses of a similar description from a freshwater lake in South Uist, the species in this case, according to Prof. Dickie, being Gladophora ghvierata. 0. longissima affords a favourite site for young mussels.

Obelia dichotoma, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 156. Not common ; parasitical upon a piece of seaweed from the laminarian region, and reaching about 3 inches high.

Genus Campanularia, Lamarck.

Campanularia volubilis, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 160.

Common on crabs, the stems of Sertularia argentea and other zoophytes from deep water. It is a smaller and more delicate species than C. verticillata. The shape of the cup and the very distinct " spherical ring " below distinguish it when the gonothecse are absent.

Campanularia Hincksii, Alder ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 162.

Occasionally found on the stems ot Antennularia antennina from the deep water of the bay. This species presents certain

* One of these masses so closely resembled the chignon lately in vogue that it -was secretly used by a patient for this purpose ; and I learned that it was only the disagreeable abundance of sand in its tissue that saved it from further duty in this respect.


variations. In some the stem is nearly smooth from the base to the cup, where there are only a few slight twists ; in others there are several distinct though irregular rings or twists at the base, a few about the middle of the stem, and others at the base of the calycle; in almost all there is one very distinct ring at the base of the latter, as Mr. Alder shows in his figure*. There is also a peculiar hollow at the base of the calycle ; but this cannot be called a

6 Cmnpanularia Hincksii.

Gampanulai-ia verticillata, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i.

p. 167.

Common in deep water. Many specimens were also found in the stomach oi Echinus esculentus from the laminarian zone.

Canvpanularia fleocuosa^ Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 168.

Not uncommon on the under surfaces of stones near low- water mark. The peculiar zigzag form of the stem, with the arms of the forks tending in opposite directions, together with the short, broad, and smooth-edged hydrothecse, are character- istic. The long pedicels of the hydrothecse had their central smooth portions peculiarly flattened out, so as almost to assume a fusiform aspect.

Cavipanularia raridentata, Alder ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 176.

Occasionally found on Antennularia antennina and other zoophytes from the coralline ground. The form agrees in most respects with the published description. The calycle is very narrow and deep, with six to eight large teeth on the margin ; stalk rather slender (much more so than in Clytia Johnstoni), with several distinct rings below the cup, and many less distinct towards the base. The peculiar slenderness of the stalk, the

* Catalogue of the Zoophytes of Noi-thumberland and Durham pi ii fig. 9.


length of the cnp, and the small number of teeth are the characteristic features. Specimens which resemble Clytia Johnstoni occasionally grow in proximity ; and some interme- diate forms occur.

Genus Gonothyr^a, Allman.

Gonothyrcea Loveni, Allman; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 181.

Abundant on Sertularia abietina and Diphasia rosacea from deep water. The exceeding delicacy of the free margins of the hydrothecfe, even in good spirit-preparations, renders it difficult to say whether they are (or were) notched or smooth. It was only by a comparison of observations on many examples that the peculiar crenations were understood, as none showed more than a few, and the majority none at all. The appear- ance of the gonothecse, however, is characteristic.

Gonothyrcea gracilis, Sars; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 183.

Plentiful on Tuhularia indivisa, from deep water, amongst Clytia Johnstoni, on the tests oiAscidia sordida, on Scal2}ellum vulgare, Stenorhynchus rostratus, and Cellepora 2'>U'>nicosa. The capsules are large, translucent, and borne on a ringed stalk. Growing as this did amongst C. Johnstoni, it at first seemed to be a branched variety of the latter ; but the peculiar nature of the branching and the structure of the gonothecse, which were chiefly borne on the stems, distinguished it on closer scrutiny. Moreover the hydrothecte of this species, contrasted with C. Johnstoni, are much larger and deeper.

Fam. 2. Campanulinidae. Genus Opercularella, Hincks.

Opercularella lacerata, Johnston ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 194.

Abundant on the stems oi Plumularia pinnata, Ohelia lon- gissima, and other zoophytes, and amongst Clytia Johnstoni on the stems of Laminarice ; Prof. John Reid also found it on Scriipocellaria scrujwsa. This species presents two well- marked varieties, which occur together on the same stem :


(a) hydrotliecffi on simple stalks of variable length, viz. from three to nine rings ; and (b) branched stems of some height, with the alternate stalks of the hydrothecse composed of from six to more than a dozen rings. Moreover, in these branched forms it is not uncommon to see more than one pedicel arise at the same fork, so as to cause the observer to fancy he is viewing the Camjianulina turrita of Prof. Wyville Thomson ; only the hydi-othecK are much shorter in proportion to the length of the teeth. Some examples on a laminarian stalk had veiy long stems. The hydrothec» in all very closely resembled those on Dr. Allman's CampanuUnarepens (Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 189, pi. xxxviii. fig. 1). No gonothecaj were observed.

Fam. 4. Lafoeidse. Genus Lafoea, Lamouroux. Lafo'ea dumosa, Fleming ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 200. Common on various zoophytes from deep water. Some varieties of this species have short stalks of one or two whorls supporting the hydrotheca; ; but they are not quite so long as those described under L. fruticosa, Sars, and the intennediate forms show that they are to be referred to the present species.

Lafoea fruticosa, Sars ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 203. Occasionally on zoophytes from deep water, especially Ser- tularia filicula. The pedicels of the hydrothecse have from three to five rings.

Besides the above there are several microscopic forms closely allied, which creep along the stems of various zoophytes. A sessile form is common on Crista eburnea, and a stalked species on Scrupocellaria scruposa.

Genus Caltcella, Hincks. Calycella syringa, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 206. Abundant on the stems of Hydrallmania falcata and other zoophytes from deep water.


Genus Cuspidella, Hincks. Cuspidella humilis, Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 209. Not uncommon on the tests of Ascidia sordtda, and on the valves of Psavimohta and other shells, from deep water. The tests of Ascidians are the seat of a reticulated growth with numerous minute club-shaped processes risingfrom the creeping stem which is associated with C. humilis.

Genus FiLELLUM, Hincks. Filellum serpens, Hassall; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 214. Abundant on the stems oi Sertularia abietina and H.falcata fi-om deep water.

Fam. 6. Coppiniidse. Genus CoppiNiA, Hassall. C'oppim'a arcta, Dalyell ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 218. Common on the stems and branches of Sertularia abietina and Hydrallviania falcata.

Fam. 7. Haleciidae.

Genus Halecium, Oken.

Halecium halecinum, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 221.

Plentiful in deep water, though somewhat less common than the next species. Young specimens under an inch in height sometimes occur, which in spirit quite agree with the Rev. A. M. Norman's description of H. sessile (Hincks, I. c. p. 229, pi. xliv. fig. 2), with, of course, the exception of the polyps. In these cases the hydi-othecje do not seem to be fully developed; but they show the row of dots below the margin. Specimens are also seen in which one or two of the hydrothecaj are better developed at the base of the stem, wliile all the rest are in the condition described by Mr. Norman. It would appear to be doubtful if the mere elongation of the polyps would constitute specific distinction, any more than the fact that the branches are not in the same plane. Some are slightly ringed.

Halecium muricatum, Ellis and Solander; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 22.3.

This is the common Haleciuiu from the deep water of the

' tl^

Genus DiPHASiA, Agassiz.

Diphasia rosacea, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 245.

Abundant in deep water on other corallines, such as Hydr- allmania falcata, Thuiaria thuja, Hahcium, &c. The speci- mens are large and luxuriant. Mr. Hincks is right in stating that the male gonothecaj have eight longitudinal ridges, and not six as Dr. Allman says.

Diphasia tamarisca, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 254. Not uncommon in deep water attached to shells and stones.



bay. Most of the specimens show a ring or two on the stem above the calycles.

Halecium Beanii, Johnston ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 224. Not uncommon in the coralline region, attached to other zoophytes and to the tests of Ascidians. Young examples have piles of little cups on the hych-othecse hke those on the beautiful southern H. tenellum, Hincks.

Hahcium labrosum, Alder; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 225. From the deep-sea lines of the fishermen. Eather rare.

Fam. 8. SertulariidaB. _ -''^fC^

Genus Sertularella, Gray.

Sertularella polyzonias, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 235.

Abundant in the deep water of the bay, generally attached to the roots of other corallines. All the specimens seem true to the description of the species ; at least there is no tendency to wrinkles in the hydrothecaj so far as examined.

Sertularella rugosa, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 241. Common under stones near low-water mark, and thence to deep water, on seaweeds, Flustra foliacea, &c.

Sertularella tenella, Alder ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 242.

In profusion on Sertularia abietina and other zoophytes from the coralline srround.


Genus Seetularia, Linn.

Sertularia pumila, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 260.

This is the common Sertularian under stones in rock-pools at and near low-water mark at St. Andrews ; but it is less luxuriant than on the Fuci of the western coasts. It forms a miniature forest on the under surface of the stones in quiet places, and is a favourite haunt of Eolis viridis and other Nudibranchs. It presents the peculiarity in such situations that the stem is not always contracted above the hydrothecse, but not unfrequently these follow each other without the con- striction. In some preserved specimens the hydrothecEe con- tained a number of large nucleated cells, having apparently a thickened and regularly crenated cell-wall ; these cells varied in size ; and some also occurred in the centre of the stem.

Sertularia (yperculata, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 263. Not imcommon; on seaweeds at and beyond low-water mark, but chiefly procured on the West Sands after storms. Its comparative scarcity is in marked contrast with its profu- sion on our western coasts, where almost every laminarian root and stalk are clothed with dense tufts.

Sertularia Jilicula, Ellis and Solander ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 264.

This, perhaps, is the most abundant Sertularian next to S. abietina from deep water. Dried specimens, when carefully laid out, show a somewhat rectangular arrangement of their terminal branches. Good examples have also been procured from the stomach of the cod.

Sertularia abietina, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 266, Very common, and occasionally reaching the height of 9 inches ; fine tufts occui- on Mytilus modiolus. This species is a favourite seat of many parasites, such as other hydroid zoophytes, calcareous corallines, Sj^irorbis, Alcyonidium, Goppinia, &c. From its attachment to living mollusca [Anomia and others) it is not unfrequently swallowed by the cod.


Sertularia argentea, Ellis and Solander ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 268.

Not common ; from the deep-sea lines of the fishermen. This seems to be a form more characteristic of our southern shores.

Sertularia cupressina, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 270.

Very plentiful in the coralline region sometimes reaching the length of 18 inches. Besides the ordinary form there are two branched varieties. In the first, numerous secondary poly- paries spring from the ordinary dichotomous branches, each twig so burdened being very little thicker than the ordinary forms, and bearing in the usual manner for some distance the hydrothecffi, which gradually become obsolete ; this secondary trunk assumes considerable dimensions, with jointed stem and dichotomous branches, like an independent specimen. In the other variety the main stem itself splits into two divisions, or the secondary trunks throughout are directly connected there- with.

Sertularia fusca, Johnst. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 272.

A single fine specimen only has yet been procured, in the deep water of the bay. Mr. Alder correctly observes that this form leads us to Tkuiaria.

Genus Hydeallmania, Hincks. Hydrallmania falcata, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 273. One of the most abundant hydi-oid zoojjhytes from the coral- line ground. Its form varies from the elongated spiral to the broadly branched condition ; and it is frequently loaded with parasitic zoophytes, both horny and calcareous. It is a favourite site for Nudibranchiate Mollusca and their ova ; and minute Armelids construct their tubes on every convenient bough. Young specimens are plentiful also under stones between tide-marks, where their habit differs considerably from the foregoing, having the form of a simple sti-aight pinna, generally coated with parasitic structures, both animal and vegetable.


Geuus Thuiaria, Fleming. Thuiaria thuja, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 275.

Common ; chiefly frequenting dead valves of Cyprina, Pecten, and Tapes, as well as stones shooting its long stems upwards (occasionally to the length of 14 inches) amidst masses of the tubes of Serjmla, Thelejms, and other Annelids, and patches oiAlcyonium. In some examples a short secondary stem branches from the main trunk near the base. Parasitic upon the stems are numerous other corallines, such as Diphasia rosacea, which clothes anew the bare zigzag trunk with a more silky fringe than nature originally provided ; rough crusts of Cellejjora or the spreading Alcyonium andAlcyom'dtuni entirely suiTound it ; while occasionally a long tunnel of Thelepus is glued from the base to the branching portion. Now and then it occurs in the stomach of the cod.

Fara. 9. Plumulariidse.

Genus Antennulaeia, Lamarck.

Antennularia antennina, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 280.

From the deep water of the bay ; common, but less so than the next species. Fine tufts reach a height of fully 11 inches. In a curious example a number of simple sti'aight stems pro- ceed from the upper edge of a fragment of an old trunk.

Antennularia ramosa, Lamarck ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z.

vol. i. p. 282.

Common in deep water, whence it is usually brought by the fishermen's lines.

Genus Plumularia, Lamarck.

Plumularia pinnata, L. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 295.

Frequent in deep water, and often reaching the height of 7 inches. A tall variety is found in which no spines are present


on the gonothecjB. It sometimes occurs on Stemrhyachux rostratus between tide-marks.

Plumularia Catharina, Jolmst. ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z. vol. i. p. 299.

Common on Asciclians, tubes of Thelejms, and the roots of other corallines in deep water.

Plumularia frutescens, Ellis & Solander ; Hincks, Brit. H. Z vol. i. p. 307.

Occasionally thrown on the West Sands after storms, and also brought in by the deep-sea lines of the fishermen. The smaller specimens are pale. One example is 6 inches in height, and broadly branched.

Order Medusid^.

The Medusida; abound chiefly in autumn in the bay, the most conspicuous amongst the larger forms being Aurelia and Cyanea, the former often occurring in such numbers as to form a closely packed layer on the surface of the sea over considerable areas ; and though not in the dense party-coloured masses of various species occasionally seen in the Hebrides, still they form an interesting featm-e. At certain points the bay in quiet weather is quite purplish with thousands, many of which are loaded with ova; and through the transparent umbrellas the abdominal feet of the parasitic Hyperidffi are observed in con- stant vibration. Occasionally, whether from accident or de- sign, one specimen is found adhering to the umbrella of another, and is thus carried through the water. Moreover, on many of the stones at the East and West Eocks, near low-water mark, A^'Hydra tuba" is found, which maybe the hytboid condition of the foregoing. This pretty little white structui-e, developed from the ova of Aurelia and its allies, can be observed in all stages not only throwing out lateral buds like a Hydra, but by transverse fission dividing into a series of saucer-shaped bodies which ultimately assume the form of the a.Mi Aurelia: This form, it is well known, formed the subject of valuable observations by the late Prof. M. Sars,and afterwards, amongst



others, by the late Dr. John Reid, who obtained his examples at St. Andrews.


Hydra tuba. On the whole we lack at St. Andrews the splendid profusion of the swimming jellies occasionally met with on our western shores, and especially in the Outer Hebrides, to which a favouring wind and tide sweep them from the warmer ai-ea of the Gulf-stream beyond, in company with lantMna and the Pteropods. Amongst these the strange and beautifully tinted Diphyes is seen darting hither and thither amongst the brilliant blues of its brethren with its trailing fringes of bright orange polypites ; and on the lonely western shores, as at Monach, countless myriads of the little Veldla are tossed in autumn on the sand.

Mr. Darwin *, referring to the colours of certain Invertebrate animals, thinks that it is doubtful if such serve as a protection ; but he goes on to observe that the perfect transparency of the Medusa3, " many floating mollusca, Crustacea, and even small oceanic fishes partake of this same glass-like structure," and that " we can hardly doubt that they thus escape the notice of pelagic birds and other enemies." It seems to me somewhat * Descent of Man, &c. vol. i. p. 323.


difficult to say what will escape the eye of a pelagic bird, such as gull, guillemot, or hawk-like tern. Theu- keen eyes distinguish very indistinct objects for instance, the nucleus of SaJjja runcinata, and the minute and almost transparent bodies of the young fishes that flit amongst the splendid masses of swimmmg jellies (Molluscan and Coelenterate) which some- times throng oui- western shores. The mere tremor of the water is almost sufficient to attract such acute and skilful marauders. Moreover the statement of the great natiiralist is incomplete without the appendix that many of the Medusse and Hydromedusffi are brilliantly colom-ed and, in addition, phosphorescent, the latter property likewise characterizing the translucent Pyrosoma, and that my distinguished friend Prof. Wyville Thomson regards the luminosity of marine animals as a provision of nature for attracting their enemies in the abysses of the ocean, or for throwing a flood of light on their own prey. I have already* shown my reasons for believing that the theory of the latter author is open to doubt, and shall make a fewfm-ther remarks on the subject under the Annelida. If the notion had been promulgated that the sexes in the abysses of the ocean used their light to atti-act each other, and thus had a better chance of continuing the race, perhaps more might have been said in its favour.

Genus AUEELIA, Per. & Les. Aurelia aw-ita, 0. Fabr.

Abundant in autumn and often so late as November. Genus Cyanea, '26i\ & Les. Cyanea capillata, Eschsch.

Common in autumn.

Order LucERNARiiD^. {Calycozoa, R. Leuck.).

Genus Luceenaria, 0. F. Miiller.

Lucernaria auricula., 0. Fabr.

[Plate III. figs. 11 & 12.]

Frequent on Fuci near the commencement of the East

Rocks, and occasionally at the West Rocks. It is as common

as in the south.

Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1872, ser.4, vol. ix. p. 2.



Class CTENOPHOE^. Two representatives only are found at St. Andrews, viz. a species of Beroid and a Pleurobrachia. The former occurs in vast swarms in July, indeed almost as plentifully as in the Zetlandic seas, and is easily procured by the hand-net from the rocks or at sea. The latter is equally abundant from August to the end of autumn, and even in winter, occasionally filHng the towing-net or the dredge in the bay, and thrown ashore after storms on the West Sands. Few objects are more engaging than one of these spherical jellies in a clear glass vessel of sufficient size to exiiibit the matchless mechanism of of its complex tentacles and the splendid iridescence of its locomotive rows.

Order Saccate, Agassiz. Genus Pleurobrachia, Flem. Pleurobrachia pileus, Eschsch. Abundant. It eagerly devours Carcinus maenas in the zoea-stage.

R.M. N\

Plearohrachia piletts, swimming downwards after engulfing a zoea.

Order Beroid^, Ggbr. Genus Idyia, Freminville, Idyia cucumis, O. Fabr. Occasionally in large numbers in July and August.



Though the total number of species of this class at St. Andi-ews is small, many occur in great abundance, and espe- cially such cosmopolitan forms as Actinia mesemhryantJiemum, Tealia crassicornis, and Actinohha diantlius. The frequent occurrence of Sagartia troglodytes, again, at St. Andrews, distinguishes it from the shores of the extreme south, as at Guernsey. We have not, moreover, the fine AntJiea ceretis of the west and south, which, for instance, in the quiet creeks of the Outer Hebrides studs the stems and blades of the tangles at the border of the littoral zone, the beautiful greenish puii^le tentacles gently waving with every swell of the tide ; neither is the gaudily tinted Sagartia parasitica, so character- istic of some of our southern shores, to be found between tide- marks, nor Adamsia palliata in deep water. Gorynactis, the stony corals, Zoantlms, and the northern free-swimming Aracknactis albida are entirely absent. The places of these are filled by swarms of the common forms above mentioned, and by some of the rarer types, e. g. Edwardsia, Cerianthus, and Peachia, which seem to be characteristic of sandy beaches. A remarkable example * of the latter turned inside out occurs in my collection. It was mistaken for a curious polyp witli beautifully ai-ranged longitudinal and transverse muscular bundles, and was found inserted in a tunnel in the sand in this condition in Cobo Bay, Guernsey. It is simply a large Peachia everted.

Amongst the Alcyonarians the phosphorescent Pennatula occurs in great beauty, and replaces the Pavonaria of the west, while with Virgularia it also affords a diagnostic mark from the south. The fine Gorgoniada of the latter region, again, have no representatives at St. Andrews.

* I am indebted to Dr. Cooper, of St. Peter Port, for the speci- men.



Order I. Zoantharia.


Fam. 2. Sagartiadae^ Gosse.

Genus 1. Actinoloba, Blainville.

Actinoldba dianthus, Ellis; Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 12, pi. 1. fig. 1.

[Plate I.] Common in the d^ris of the fishing-boats, and thrown ashore after storms attached to sticks and shells. Young spe- cimens (Plate II. fig. 8, and woodcut, p. 39) occasionally appear on stones at exti-eme low water, and when ver)- hungry greedily swallow green seaweeds. Some expand the disk like a Doris or Lamellaria, and float on the surface of the water.

Genus 2. Sagartia.

Sagartia troglodytes^ Johnston ; Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 88, pi. 1. fig. 3, pi. 2. fig. 5, &c.

Everywhere abundant under stones, and attached to rocks near low-water mark. In regard to the physiology of the digestive sac, Mr. Gosse * states that the walls of this chamber are only separated for the reception of food ; but in this species the mouth often expands, and the digestive cavity dilates so as to be readily viewed as an open and empty sac. The ciliary currents com'Se over the lip and into the stomach ; so that minute particles of nutriment might be available, though by no means necessary.

Fam. 4. Actiniadae.

Genus 1. Actinia, L.

Actinia mesemirt/anthemum, Ellis & Sol. ; Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 175, pi. 6. figs. 1-7.

Very common on stones and rocky ledges between tide- marks.

Brit. Anem., Introd. p. xri.


Fam. 9. Bunodidae. Genus 3. Tealia, Gosse.

Tealia crassicornis, O. F. Muller; Gosse, Brit. Anem p. 209, pi. 4. fig. 1. The variety coriacea {Actinia coriacea, Cuvier) is extremely abundant along the West Eocks at low water, while the other comes in great profasion and of large size from the deep water ot the bay. A bifid specimen occun-ed at the Castle rocks ihis species is also found in the stomach of the cod.

Genus 5. Stomphia, Gosse. StompMa CJmrcMcB, Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 222, pi. 8. fig. 5. Occasionally from deep water.

Fam. 6. Hyanthidae.

Genus 2. Peachia, Gosse.

PeacMa hastata, Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 235, pi. 8. fig. 3.

[Plate n. figs. 5, 6, & 7.] Thrown ashore on the West Sands after stoms in great numbers, and was thus first found in Britain by Dr. Jolm Reid, of St. Andrews, who published a description of his single example in 1848 (Physiological, Anat., and Pathol. Observations, p. 656, pi. 5. f. 21 & 22) : his title {A. cylin- dnca) has therefore a prior claim to that of Mr. Gosse It occurs also in the stomach of the cod.

Genus 4. Edwardsia, De Quatrefages.

Edwardsia callimorpha, Gosse, Brit. Anem. p 255

pl. 7. fig. 7. "^ '

A variety (Plate II. figs. 1 & 2) was found on the West

Sands after a storm in March, with brown instead of the

usual whitish specks. It is an elongated form inhabiting

sand, °

Edwardsia AUmanni, M'L, Proc. Roy. Soc. Ed. 1864-5. [Plate II. fig. 3.]

From a shallow pool on the West Sands after a storm in October. It inhabits a distinct case, and can retract its tentacles and cover them by the external border of the


disk (Plate VII. figs. 1 & 2). The latter is marked by eight alcyonarian divisions or radii, and has always a ragged border of the investing sheath. The disk has a pale brownish colour.

The tentacles (Plate VII. fig. 4) are simple, rather blunt, pale and translucent, with a white streak in the centre; the rim of the mouth (fig. 3) is occasionally protruded as a conical process.

This form exhibited none of the " remarkably vigorous and spasmodic conti-actiUty " ascribed by Mr. Gosse to the family ; for it was comparatively inert.

Edwardsia Ooodsiri, M'l., Proc. Eoy. Soc. Ed. 1864-5. [Plate n. fig. 4.]

Found at the same time and place with the former. Ten- tacles 15, translucent, longer than the diameter of the oral disk, and not much tapered (Plate VII. fig. 6). A whitish ring occurs at the tip of each ; and from the base a white spear-head with a transparent centre reaches more than half- way up (fig. 7). Oral disk streaked with white and brown. It is somewhat allied to E. Beautempsii, De Quatref.*, but is distinguished by the marks on the tentacles, which in the latter only have the tip " d'un beau jaune rougeatre." The posterior end of the example (fig. 5) was often fixed to the glass by its ectoderm, which apparently had very minute or granular suckers.

Swarms of an Edwardsia occur in the stomach of the


Genus 6. Cerianthus, Delle Chiaje.

Cerianthus Lloydii, Gosse, Brit. Anem. p. 268, pi. 7. fig. 8,

and woodcut, p. 269.

Procured at low water from the margin of the East Rocks,

and occasionally thrown on the West Sands after storms. A

splendid specimen from the latter (measuring 7| inches long

and as thick as a finger) in February discharged a^ vast

number of ova after a week's confinement. The majority of

these ovoid bodies were rather coarsely granular ; and some

had minute papllliB at one end. No cilia were present ; so

that in all probability they were dead. Both examples had

» Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2= s^r., Zool. iviii. 1842, p. 69, pi. 1. fig. 1.



the first series of tentacles of the usual brown colour, with about four faintly marked whitish specks on the inner surface. The second series were uniformly brown.

Orderll. Alcyonaria.

Fam. Pennatulidae.

Genus Pennatula, L.

Pennatula phosphorea, L. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph p. 157, fig. 35. Abundant on muddy ground in deep water, and often brciught up on the lines of the fishermen.

Genus Viegularia, Lamck. Virgularia mirabilis, L. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 161, pi. 30. Occasionally in the stomach of the cod.

Fam. AIcyoniadEB.

Genus Alcyonium, L.

Alcyonium digitatum, L. ; Jolinst. Brit. Zooph p. 174, pi. 34. [Plate Vn. figs. 8 to 12.] Abundant in deep water, as well as in small patches on rocks and stones between tide-marks. Often thrown in large quantities on the West Sands after storms, attached to various submarine structures.

Colony of yotmg Adinolobu dianthus.


Subkingdom MOLLUSC A. Section I. MOLLUSCOIDA.


The majority of the Polyzoa come from the deep water ox the bay ; and, indeed, there are comparatively few to be met with between tide-marks that do not also occur in the former. The minute animals of the calcareous masses so characteristic of many of this group, perform none of those alterations on the surface of the earth which the equally tiny coral-polyps daily effect ; yet their workmanship in our northern waters is as regular and beautiful as that fashioned by the latter in the ti-opical seas. The patterns of the Lepralice^ for instance, excite admiration ; and though the apparent resemblance in growth, superficial aspect, and position may suggest to some an analogy between them and the lichens of our rocks and trees, yet it is remote and unable to bear close criti- cism. It is true it is difficult to assign an exact function to these organisms ; but in some cases the calcareous crust of the LepralicB affords a better hold to many stationary marine animals than the rock itself. Moreover, after heavy-coated forms (like the Balani) have reared themselves on this basis, it frequently happens that the original crust is loosened from its attachment, and both fall off together. The coating of LepralicB, also, may prevent to some extent the disintegration of soft rocks and stones. By removing a portion of bark with an adherent Balanus from a submerged thom-tree, and care- fully detaching the former, a fine network of Lepralia is found lowest, then the calcareous coating of the Balamis ; and if the latter has perished, a rough layer of Cellepora pumicosa obliterates all ti-ace of it from without.

The Cheilostomatous Polyzoa are fairly represented ; and several, e. g. Flustra and Gemellaria, occur in vast quantities attached to stones, shells, and corallines on the West Sands after storms. The majority are common to the eastern shores,


the west, and the extreme north and soutli, as shown in tlie valuable catalogues of Messrs. Alder, Couch, Hincks, and Norman. Many species will doubtless yet be found at St. Andrews though at present they appear to be confined to the other areas, which have been more thoroughly investigated by observers specially skilled in this department. Bicellaria ciliata and Bugula purpurotincta seem to be more common at St. Andrews than in Shetland, the latter fonn being especially abundant and fine, and apparently taking the place of the Ti. flumosa of the southern shores ; Menipea ternata and Bugula Murrayana are likewise in considerable profusion and in fine condition ; while the southern Flaatra cJmrtacea is wholly absent. Tlie species of the Membraniporida;, perliaps, are more abundant in Shetland ; and Xh^Lepraliae are decidedly more numerous there and in the extreme south. Amongst the more conspicuous forms we notice the entire absence of Lepralia Pallasiana, so common in the extreme west and south, and of the characteristic L. innominata and L. figularis of the latter. The Celleporidse are abundant, but the species are few. Cellepora avicularis is exceptionally rich, according to Mr. Hincks ; and the same high authority in this department states that the sole specimen of Eschara Skenei is fine.

The Cyclostomatous forms are not numerous ; but all the examples are abundant ; and the same may be said of the Ctenostomata. The late Dr. John Eeid mentions Vesicularia spinosa as growing near low-water mark ; but I have not been successful in finding it. The Zetlandic Hornera and the rich tufts of Amathia lendigera, so plentiful in the south, , are altogether absent.

On the whole it would appear that the Hebridean, Zetlandic, and southern waters furnish a richer field for the Polyzoa than our eastern shores, not only as regards the number of species, but the condition and size of the specimens. I need only allude, for instance, to the luxuriance of the branching Celleporid^ and Eeteporaj of the Hebrides and Shetland, and the extraordinary beauty and profusion of the Escharidse and Lepraliffi, and indeed of the whole group, in the extreme south and in the Channel Islands, both between tide-marks and on the shell-banks around.



The arrangement followed is that of Mr. Busk in his accurate, well-known, and beautifully-illustrated 'Catalogue; ' and I have further derived great assistance from the valu- able Catalogue of the Zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham by the lamented Joshua Alder, and the extensive Zetlandic lists by the Rev. A. M. Norman. I have also to thank Mr. Hincks for his kindness in revising the list and making several additions, and to acknowledge the information derived from his careful and original Catalogue of the soutliern forms.

Order Gymnol^mata.


Family Salicornariadae.

Genus Cellaeia, Lamarck.

Cellaria farciminoides, Ellis & Solander ; Busk, Catal. id. 16, pi. 64. f. 1-3, pi. Q5 (bis), f. 5.

Attached to the roots oi Flustra foliacea and other corallines ; abundant in deep water.

Family Cellulariadse.

Genus Menipea, Lamx.

Menipea ternata, Ellis & Solander ; Busk, Catal. p. 21, pi. 20. f. 3-5.

Fine tufts on Sertularia Jilicula and other corallines from the deep water of the bay.

Genus Sceupocellaria, Van Beneden.

Scrupocellarta scruposa, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 25, pi. 22. f. 3 & 4.

Abundant mider stones between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water. In October many are marked with the reddish orange ova ; there are also numerous brownish black specks on these specimens.

Genus Canda, Lamx. Cauda reptans, Pallas ; Busk, Catal. p. 26, pi. 21. f. 3 &4. Found by Dr. John Reid near low-water mark (Anat. and Pathol. Observat. p. 602).


Family ScrupariadaB. Genus ScRUPAEiA, Oken. Scruparia chelata, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 29, pi. 17. f. 2. Common on Ceramium rubrum, Sertularia puviilay and other algaj and zoophytes between tide-marks.

Genus Hippothoa, Lamx.

Hippothoa catenuJaria, Jameson ; Busk, Catal. p. 29, pi. 18. f. 1 & 2.

On stones and shells from deep water ; less common than the following species.

Hippothoa divaricata, Lamx. ; Busk, Catal. p. 30, pi. 18. f. 3 & 4.

On stones and shells from deep water ; abundant.

Family Gemellariadse.

Genus Gemellaria, Sav.

Gemellaria loricata, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 34, pi. 45. f. 5 & 6.

Abundant in deep water, and thrown on shore in masses after storms.

Family Bicellariadae.

Genus Bicellaria, De Blainville.

Bicellaria ciliata, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 41, pi. 34.

Frequent on stones and shells from the coralline groimd.

Genus Bugula, Oken.

Bugula flahellata (J. V. Thompson, MS.), Gray ; Busk, Catal. p. 44, pis. 51 & 52.

On Flustra foliacea from deep water ; rather rare.

Bugula avicularia, Pallas ; Busk, Catal. p. 45, pi. 53. From the coralline ground, on Flustra truncata not common.



Bugula purpurotincta, Nonnan, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. n. s. vol. viii. p. 219.

Abundant on the same ground, attached to shells.

Bugida Murrayana, Beau ; Busk, Catal. p. 46, pi. 59. Plentiful on the beach after storms, and at all times from the coralline ground.

Family Flustridae. Genus Flustra, L.

Flustra foliacea, L. : Busk, Catal. p. 47, pi. 55. f. 4 & 5, pi. 56. f. 5.

Very abundant on the sands after storms.

Flustra truncata, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 48, pi. 56. f. 1 & 2, pi. 58. f. 1 & 2.

Common in the laminarian and coralline zones.

.asL-'iilJiiioifLax) vlljUJ. i-

Genus Caebasea, Gray.

Carbasea papyrea^ Pallas ; Busk, Catal. p. 50, pi. 50. f. 1-3.

After storms, and from the fishing-boats ; not abundant.

Family Membraniporidae.

Genus Membranipora, De Blainville.

Membranipora memhranacea, L.; Busk, Catal. p. 56, pi. 68. f.2.

Abundant on the fronds of Laminaria digitata and other algae.


Membranipora pilosa, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 56, pi. 71. Very common on the stems and fronds of Delesseriw^ Lami- narice, and other seaweeds between and beyond tide-marks, and on shells and stones from the coralline groimd.

Membranipora Flemingii, Busk ; Catal. p. 58, pi. 61. f. 2, pi. 84. f. 4-6, pi. 104. f. 2-4.

Common on stones and shells from the coralline ground.


MemhraniporaLacroixii, Sav.; Busk, Catal. p. 60, pi. 69, pi. 104. f. 1.

On the inner surface of a valve of Cyprina islandica from deep water.

Membranipora spitiifera, Johnst. ; Alder, Catal. Zooph. p. 53,

pi. 8. f. 2, 2 a.

Abundant on the under surface of stones between tide- marks.

Membranipora Dumerilliiy Aud. ; Alder, Catal. Zooph. p. 56,

pi. 8. f. 5.

Not uncommon on bivalves from deep water. As Mr. Alder observes, it may occasionally be seen in company with M. Fhmingii.

Membranipora unicornis, Flem. ; Alder, Catal. Zooph. p. 56, pi. 8. f. 6.

On bivalves from deep water ; not very common.

Membranipora craticula, Alder ; Catal. Zooph. p. 54, pi. 8. f. 3. Occasionally in deep water.

Genus Flustrella, Gray.

Flustrella hispida, Fab. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 363, pi. 66. f. 5.

Abundant on the stems of Fuci and other seaweeds, and on stones between tide-marks.

Genus Lepealia, Johnst.

Lepralia Brongniartii, Aud. ; Busk, Catal. p. 65, pi. 81. f. 1-5.

Kather plentiful on laminarian roots tlu-own on shore after storms. Often forms a basis for other growths, and may be seen on their under sm-face when detached from seaweed or rock.


Lepralia reticulata, J. Macgillivray ; Busk, Catal. p. 66, pi. 90. f. 1, pi. 93. f. 1 & 2, pi. 102. f. 1.

Not uncommon in the siphons and inside the mouth of Fusus antiquusj and also on Cardium echinatum from deep water.

Lepralia concinna, Busk, Catal. p. 67, pi. 99. Very abundant on stones and shells from the coralline ground. A well-marked variety, with perforations round the cells, is not uncommon.

Lepralia verrucosa, Esper ; Busk, Catal. p. 68, pi. 87. f. 3 & 4,

pi. 94. f. 6. '

Occurs rather abundantly on the roots of Laminaria digitaia and on stones near low-water mark.

Lepralia unicornis, Johnst. ; Brit. Zooph. p. 320, pi. 57. f. 1. A common littoral species, everywhere abundant, and in large patches on the under surface of stones. The colours vary, probably in some cases from the ova.

Lepralia spinifera, Johnst. ; Busk, Catal. p. 69, pi. 76. f. 2 & 3.

Veiy common on the under surface of stones near low- water mark.

Lepralia trispinosa, Johnst. ; Busk, Catal. p. 70, pi. 85. f. 1 & 2, pi. 98, pi. 102. f. 2.

Abundant on stones and shells from the coralline zone.

Lepralia coccinea, Abildgaard ; Busk, Catal. p. 70, pi. 88.

On sandstone, shale, and laminarian roots from the East Kocks, and on shells from deep water. Also fomid by Prof. J. Reid. Rare as contrasted with its profusion on our- south- em shores.

Lepralia linearis, Hassall ; Busk, Catal. p. 71, ]A. 89. f. 1-3. Common on shells and stones from deep water.


Lepralia ciliata, Pallas ; Busk, Catal. p. 73, pi. 74. f. 1 & 2, pi. 77. f. 3, 4, 5.

Occasionally on the under surface of stones near low-water mark ; more frequently on stones and shells from the coralline ground.

Lepralia variolosa, Johnst. ; Busk, Catal. p. 75, pi. 74. f. 3, 4, 5, pi. 75.

On shells and stones from deep water ; not uncommon.

Lepralia nitida, Fab. ; Busk, Catal. p. 76, pi. 76. f. 1. Abundant both between tide-marks and in deep water, on stones and shells. The spines are in general less developed than in those from the Channel Islands.

Lepralia annulata, Fab. ; Busk, Catal. p. 76, pi. 77. f. 1.

Instead of being partial to the laminarian blades, as on the west coast, this species is not uncommon on the under surface of stones between tide-marks, generally in small patches ; and also occurs on shells and stones from deep water. Some dried specimens are of a pinkish colour.

Lepralia Peachii, Johnst. ; Busk, Catal. p. 77, pi. 82. f. 4,

pi. 97.

Common on stones near low-water mark, and on stones and shells from deep water.

Lepralia ventricosa, Hassall; Busk, Catal. p. 78, pi. 82. f. 5 & 6, pl.83.f. 5, pl.91.f.5&6.

Not uncommon on stones and shells from deep water.

Lepralia punctata, HassaU ; Busk, Catal. pi. 90. f. 5 & 6, pi. 92. f. 4, pi. 96. f. 3.

Everywhere abimdant on the under siu-face of stones in pools and elsewhere near low-water mark, and also on shells and stones from deep water.

Lepralia Malusii, Aud. ; Busk, Catal. p. 83, pi. 103. f. 1-4. Not uncommon on shells and stones from deep water.


Lmralia granifera, Johnst. ; Busk, Catal. p. 83, pi. 77. f. 2, pi. 95. f. 6 & 7.

Abundant on the under surface of stones near low-water mark in considerable patches. The aspects of the old and new cells differ much. The new cells glisten like those of L. hyalina, have a number of opaque white granules, a D- shaped aperture, and a distinct mucro ; the transverse wrinkles of the cells are also apparent ; and in some very new ones the granules are also glistening and hyaline, and show the per- forations. In the old cells the walls are opaque, whitish, or yellowish, the granules still more opaque, perhaps larger, but less defined and beautiful.

Lepralia hyalina, L. ; Busk, Catah p. 84, pi. 82. f. 1-3, pi. 9.5. f. 3-5, pi. 101. f. 1 & 2.

Common on laminarian roots and stems, on Delesseria and other algse, and on stones near and beyond low-water mark.

Family Celleporid.se.

Genus Cellepora, Fab.

Section A. Incrusting, adnate.

Cellepora jmviicosa, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 86, pi. 110. f. 4-6. Very abundant on stones, shells, zoophytes, and seaweeds generally from deep water.

Cellepora avicularis, Hincks ; Catal. Zooph. Devon, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. ix. p. 304.

Occasionally on zoophytes.

Section B. Et-ect, branchhig.

Cellepora ramulosa, L. ; Busk, Catal. p. 87, pi. 109. f. 1-3. Attached to the stems of zoophytes &c. in deep water; common.

Cellepora dichotoma, Hincks, Catal. Zooph., he. cit. p. 305. On zoophytes ; abundant and fine.


Family Escharidae.

Genus Eschara, Eay.

Eschara Skenei, Ellis & Sol. ; Busk, Catal.p. 88, pi. 122.

A remarkably beautiful specimen on Cyprina tshndica from the coralline a-round.

Suborder CYCLOSTOMATA, Busk.

Family Tubuliporidae, Jolinst.

Genus Tubulipora, Lamarck.

Tubulipora serpens, L. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 275 pi. 47. f. 4-6. '

On zoophytes and shells from deep water ; very abundant and characteristic.

Genus Alecto, Lamx.

Alecto granulata, M.-Ed. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 280

pi. 49. f. 1 & 2. On stones and shells from deep water ; not rare.

Family DiastoporidaB, Busk. Genus Diastopora, Lamx.

Diastopora obelia, Flem. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 277 pi. 47. f. 7&8. '

On shells and stones from deep water.

Genus Patinella, Gray.

Patinella patina, Lamarck ; Hincks, Catal. Zooph loc. cit. p. 468. '

Abundant on corallines and shells from deep water, especially on Mytilus modiolus.



Genus Heteroporella, Busk. Heteroporella hispida, Flem. ; Hincks, loc. cit. p. 469. On stones and shells from deep water ; rather rare.

Family Crisiadse. Genus Crisia, Lamx.

Crista eburnea, L. ; Jolinst. Brit. Zooph. p. 283, pi. 50. f. 3 & 4.

On the under surface of stones between tide-marks, often with many parasitic hydroids and Confervse, and on zoophytes and seaweeds from deep water. Abundant.

Suborder CTENOSTOMATA, Busk.

Family Alcyouidiadse. Genus Alcyonidium, Lamx.

Alcyonidium gelatinosum, Pallas ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 358, pi. 68. f. 1-3.

On stones and bivalve shells from deep water ; common.

Ahyonidium Mrsutum, Flem. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 360, pi. 69. f. 1 & 2.

Abundant on seaweeds near and beyond low-water mark.

Alcyonidium parasiticum, Flem. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 362, pi. 68. f. 4 & 5.

Frequent on the stems of zoophytes from deep water ; very cliaracteristic.

Genus Aeachnidia, Hincks.

Arachnidia hippothooides, Hincks, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd ser. ix. p. 471, pi. 16. f. 2.

On Ascidia sordida from deep water ; in abundance.



Family VesiciilariadaB. Genus Vesiculaeia, J. V. Thompson.

Vesicularia spinosa, L. ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 370, pi. 72. f. 1-4.

Found near low-water mark by the late Prof. John


Genus Bowerbankia, Farre.

Bowerbankia imbricata, Adams ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph.

p. 377, pi. 72. f. 5 & 6.

Abounds on the under surface of stones, on the stems and

branches of littoral zoophytes, and on the tests of Gijnthia

grossularia under shelving rocks. Also foimd by Prof. J.


Order Phylactol^mata. Suborder PEDICELLINEA.

Family PediceUinidae. Genus Pedicellina, Sars.

Pedicellina echinata, Sars ; Johnst. Brit. Zooph. p. 382,

pi. 70. f. 5. On the branches of Ceramium rubrum and other littoral algse and zoophytes ; abundant.


Comparatively few Ascidians have been procured ; indeed the department is in such a condition at present (as to specific identification) that a much greater amount of time would have been required for their elucidation than was available. The late Mr. Joshua Alder most kindly looked over the collection, and named those requiring identification in his usual con- scientious manner ; and it is to be hoped that the work on




these forms by him and the late Mr. Hancock (one of the best minute anatomists this country has produced) will soon be published. The most abundant simple form is the Ascidia sordida of Alder and Hancock, which is thrown by storms on the West Sands in large numbers, attached to sea- weeds, sticks, shells, and other objects. A. mtestinalis is also procured in this manner as well as between tide-marks ; Pelonaia corrugata and Molgida arenosa, A. & H., affect deep water only, and rarely occur during storms. The compound forms are common under stones between tide-marks and in the laminarian region : but much yet remains to be done in this respect at St. Andrews. Though Ascidians on the ex- posed parts of the east coast of Scotland are for the most part rare in the laminarian region and between tide-marks, they are common in still muddy waters on the west coast and in the Hebrides, and in water which cannot but be slightly brackish, as at the head of Loch Portan near Lochmaddy, where they are both abundant and large ; they are also numerous and large between tide-marks at Herm and in the rich waters around the Channel Islands, as well as in the Zetlandic voes.

Cynthia echinata, L. (From the Minch.)


Family Botryllidae. Genus Leptoclinum, M. Edwards.

L^tocUnum durum, M. Ed. ; Forbes & Hanley, Brit. Mollusca, 1. p. 17 (as L. aureum, a misprint).

Common under stones in rock-pools between tide-marks. Dull yellowish white, with white specks from stellate cal- careous crystals.

Leptoclinum punctatum, Forbes; F. & H. Brit. Moll i p. 18.

Not uncommon under stones between tide-marks.

Genus BoTRYLLUS, Gartner.

Botryllus ScMosseri, Pallas ; F. & H. Brit. Moll. i. p. 19, pi. A. fig. 7, pi. B. fig. 7.

Occasionally under stones between tide-marks. The red spot in the centre is not very visible in these specimens. On tearing, a dark brownish digestive system appears.

Botryllus polycyclus, Sav. ; F. & H. Brit. Moll. i. p. 21.

Frequent near low-water mark on the under surface of stones, on Fuci and Corallina officinalis.

Genus Botrylloides, M. Edwards. Botrylloides Leachii, Sav. ; F. & H. Brit. Moll. i. p. 23. Common in the laminarian region attached to seaweeds.

Numerous other species of Botrylloides and a Didemnum are common under stones in the rock-pools.

Genus Paeascidia, Alder.

Parascidia Flemingii, Alder, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist 1863, xi. p. 172.

[Plate IX. fig. 3.]

Occasionally on laminarian roots near low water. Mr.



Alder was of opinion that the drawing represented a young- form of this species. It consisted of cylindrical animals with a transparent investment. On the summit of each are several long-ovate reddish orange structm-es marked with yellowish white grains, showing at the free extremity an oral aperture surrounded by eight small papilla?.

Family Clavelinidse. Genus Clavelina, Sav.

Clavelina lepadiformis, O. F. Miiller; F. &. H. Brit. Moll. i. p. 26.

[Plate II. fig. 9.]

(Occasionally between tide-marks.

Clavelina lepadiformis, 0. F. Miiller.

Family Ascidiadae.

Genus Ascidia, Baster. Ascidia intestinalis, L. ; F. & H. Brit. Moll. i. p. 31. Abundant on the roots of tangles thrown on the West Sands


after storms, and also under stones between tide-marks. Evinces considerable and spasmodic muscular contractions.

Ascidia sordida, Aid. & Hanc. [Plate IX. figs. 1 & 2.] Very plentiful in the deeper water attached to stones, shells, sticks, and seaweeds. One has placed itself on tlie anterior end of an empty tube of Pectinaria helgica and quite filled it uj) (Plate IX. figs. 1 & 2). An elongated (club-shaped) variety is not uncommon.

Ascidia depressa, Aid. & Hanc. Not uncommon on the under surfaces of large stones in tide- pools. In November specimens are often loaded with a pinkish-white creamy fluid, which appears to be made up chiefly of ova. The cellular border of each ovum is faintly greenish by transmitted light.

Genus MOLGULA, E. Forbes. Molgula arenosa, Aid. & Hanc. ; Alder, op. cit. p. 160^- Abundant in deep water, and in the stomach of the cod and haddock.

Genus Cynthia, Sav. Cynthia J n. sp. A nodulated Ascidian like a raspberry or small bramble occurred on the West Sands after a stoi-m. Mr. Alder stated that it was not C. morus, but a species unknown to him.

Cynthia grossularia, Van Beneden ; F. & H. Brit. Moll, i. p. 40.

Very common on the roofs of rocky ledges, between tide- marks, where it becomes incrusted by many parasites. The development of this species is easily observed.



Genus Pelonaia, Forbes & Goodsir.

Pelonaia corrugata, Forbes & Goodsir ; F. & H. Brit. Moll, i. p. 43, pi. E. f. 4.

[Plate n. fig. 10.]

Frequent in deep water, and occasionally in the stomachs of the cod and haddock.


Section II. MOLLUSCA (proper).

The Mollusca are chiefly procured by dredging, examina- tion between tide-marks, or the deep-sea lines of the fisher- men, thoua-h certain storms sometimes strew the sands with many species in great profusion. Not a few of the rarer forms are found in the stomachs of fishes, such as the cod, haddock, and flounder. The remarks on the class may be arranged in three divisions, founded on the economical value, peculiar habits, and rarity.

By far the most important species in the first group is the common mussel {Mytihis e(ZM?is), which occurs in vast numbers in the form of mussel-" beds " on muddy flats, chiefly situated on the right bank of the estuary of the river Eden. Attached to stones, sticks, and to eacli other, these shell-fish luxuriate in abimdance of Diatomacese, Infusoria, and other minute forms of animal and vegetable life. From their special value as bait the city derives a considerable annual revenue ; and if the wise protection only lately enforced were supplemented by skilful mussel-farming, great increase in revenue might be anticipated. Shell-fish, like other animals in civilized parts, cannot survive constant inroads without special restrictions. Multitudes of the young mollusks, moreover, are found in- crusting the poles for the salmon-nets on the West Sands, and the rocks, stones, and tangle-roots elsewhere ; but they do not attain a large size, apparently from overcrowding and the want of congenial food, which the purer water seems incapable of supplying. This species takes the place of the horse-mussel ("yoags ") of the Zetlandic fishermen, and the worms of those in the Channel Islands. It is seldom eaten by the natives. The edible cockles, again, abound on the sandy flats near the entrance of the Eden into the sea, and are occasionally sold as food, though of late years their scarcity has rendered their appearance less frequent in the market. Periwinkles and limpets are constantly gathered for similar purposes. The



only uses to which some of the other mollusks are applied are in the amateur manufacture of ornaments, such as shell pin- cushions from various univalves and bivalves, bracelets from Nassa incrassata and Trochus cinerarius, after the latter has had its nacreous layer exposed by an acid.

The rock-boring shell-fisli are five in number, though only one exercises any great influence on the disintegration of the rocks viz. Pholas crispata, which often swarms in the shale and sandstone, and takes the place of the Pholas dactylus of the chalk rocks of the south. Pholas Candida occurs too rarely to require special mention in this respect ; and the same may be said of Saxicava rugosa. The excavations of Patella vul- gata and Chiton fascicularis in sandstone show that no special boring-organ is necessary for this purpose. The latter species sometimes scoops out considerable cavities in sandstone, in which it reposes. The only wood-borer is Xylophaga dorsalis. In taking, under this head, a general survey of the boring forms, it is found that they belong to at least three invertebrate subkingdoms, viz. the Protozoa, MoUusca, and Annulosa. In the first are boring sponges ; in the second, Bryozoa and various mollusks ; in the third, sea-urchins, gephyreans, annelids, and cirripedes.

The sponges appear to bore only into calcareous substances, such as shells and limestone. The Bryozoa perforate shells ; the mollusks proper, limestone, sandstone, aluminous shale, gneiss and other roc^s, wood, wax, shells, &c. ; the annelids tunnel shells and rocks of various kinds ; the sea-urchins cal- careous rocks, gneiss, granite, and other rocks ; the gephyreans and cirripedes shells and limestone. Good opportunities are afforded at St. Andrews for studying the boring-action of the mollusks and annelids. Pholas crispata and Leucodore ciliata are equally abundant, and must exercise as much influence on the disintegration of the sandstone and shale between tide- marks as the boring sponges amongst the shells in deep water ; while Patella, Chiton, Saxicava, and Dodecaceria are also frequent.

The theories which have been promulgated to explain the mode by which these various creatures perforate materials so diverse may be ranged round two great centres, viz. the


chemical and the mechanical*. The advocates of the former seem to take for granted that the borings occur cliiefly in calcareous substances ; and with propriety, therefore, they make their solvent an acid. It is clear, however, that this agency is unable to account for the abundant perforations in media totally impervious to such action. Moreover no trace of acid IS found in many borers ; and though present in some, as in Sabella saxicava and Pholas, it is likewise cliaracteristic of other marine animals which do not bore ; and it is purely hypothetical at present to bring in the aid of the carbonic dioxide derived from sea-water, for the same reason.

The mechanical theory, again, supposes that the animals perforate by means of shells or gritty particles in the case of moUusks, teeth in the sea-urchins, bristles in the annelids, horny processes in certain ciiTipedes and gephyreans ; but we are left in doubt concerning the extensive and wonderful per- forations of the sponges, those of the Bryozoa, and the rest of the cirripedes. If, however, we regard the "macerating" theory as a modification of this, certain of the difficulties will be overcome. The grains of wood, however, found in the stomachs of Teredo, are interesting in this respect.

The whole subject of the boring of marine animals, indeed, is much in want of further elucidation ; and it is hard to believe that the same modus operandi is employed by all. In con- clusion, the theories may be arranged under the followino- heads (for all the subkingdoms), after Forbes and Hanley and Gwyn Jeffreys :

I. That in the shell-fish the perforations are made by rotations of the valves, like augers (Bonanni, Adanson, Born, J. E. Gray, Dr. Fleming, Osier, Forbes and Hanley, Cailliaud, Robertson, &c.) ; in the sea-ui-chins, by the teeth (Cailliaud).

This theory is not supported by an examination of the perforations of the sponges, Bryozoa, those of the annelids, gephyreans, and cirripedes, nor by a comparison of the

We do not here allude to the boring by jaws or tongue (e. tj. in Lwt- noria and Trochus).



shells and tunnels of the mollusks themselves. The epidermis of the latter in each case would likewise suffer.

II. That the holes are made by rasping effected by siliceous

particles on the foot of the mollusk (Hancock), by grains of silex from the exterior (Bryson), by the foot in some way (Dr. Fischer), by chitine in the cirripedes (Darwin) and gephyi'cans and the bristles of the annelids. This explanation Is not borne out by the case of the sponges, by that of the Bryozoa, and certain ciiTipedes ; moreover such siliceous particles are rare in boring mollusks.

III. That the excavations are due to ciliary cun-ents, aided by rasping (Garner).

The cui-rents may assist, but seem to be insufficient to accomit for the borings of any group.

IV. That the perforations are produced by a chemical solvent : Gray, Osier {ior Saxicava) , Drummond,Cailliaud, Man tell, Thorent, Reeve, Bouchard-Chantereaux, Spence Bate, Darwin (for Verruca), E. R. Lankester, and Parfitt.

This will not explain the borings In wood, aluminous shale, gneiss, granite, sandstone, and wax. It is interest- ing, however, as my friend Mr. Ray Lankester has spe- cially shown, that shells and calcareous rocks are much affected by burrowing marine animals.

V. That the borings are the result of a secreted solvent and

rasping action (Thompson and Necker).

It seems Improbable that the solvent should vary with the nature of the rocks attacked.

VI. That the perforations are caused by a macerating or simple solvent action of the foot In mollusks (Sellius, Deshayes, and Gwyn Jeffreys).

It is doubtful if this would be supported by the action of the sponges, Bryozoa, annelids, gephyreans, and cirri- pedes. The striaj in certain of the tunnels of the shell- fish are also somewhat at variance with this notion. The most interesting species in regard to rarity are Lima stibauriculata and L. Loscombii, which come from deep water, the characteristic Lima hians of our southern and western


shores being absent. A worn valve oi Isocardia cor found dii the West Sands is purely accidental. Tdlina pusilla and Psammohia telUnella are uncommon at St. Andrews. Amongst univalves, TricJiotrojns horealis, Pleurotoma Trevelyana, Aplysia punctata, and Philine pruinosa are notevvortliy. Tlie smaller univalves, such as Rissoce and their allies, are much less numerous in species than on the southern and west- ern shores, the absence of Trochus umbilicatus being especially diagnostic when contrasted with the latter. The Nudibvanclis are well represented at all seasons ; and the individuals in the majority of the species are numerous. Ommatostrephes and Loligo amongst the cuttles often occur in great profusion on the West Sands after storms.

On the whole the species are northern, and stand in strong contrast to the molluscan fauna of the western shores, where Thracia convexa, Tapes decussatus, Pecten vari'us^ var. nivea, Teredo megotara and T. norvegica, Fissurella, Trochus umhili- catus and T. zizypliinus in the littoral zone, and the abund- ance of T. magus and T. tumidus in the laminarian, Phasianella, Alcera buUata, Eli/sia, swarms of large and small Rissoce, and the pelagic lanthina form conspicuous features of the marine fauna, just as the hosts oi' Bulinjus acutus do on the sandy fields of Killipheder and other parts of the extreme west. Still more evident is the contrast with the rich southern species that cluster round the Channel Islands— such as the finely developed pectens, oysters, and Anomice, and the appearance of the former between tide-marks (P. varius), besides Mytilus harhatus (which takes tlie place of the bearded varieties of our Mytilus modioTus) in obscure crevices in the littoral zone, the frequency of Area tetragona in fissures of the rocks, Galeomma on the under surface of stones in tide-pools at Herm, the boring Gastrochrenam shells, and the abundance oi Haliot is. Pandora, Venus verrucosa and V. ovata, Mactra glauca, the Psammohia', and the "angel's wings" {Lima), which when disturbed flit with their brilliant orange fringes so nimbly in the tide-pools. Amongst univalves, again, the large size and abundance of Chiton discrepans, Fissurella, Emarginida, Murex erinaceus, Aplysia jmnctata, Euli7na j}olita, Trochus Itneatus, Cerithium and Gerithiopsis, and the predatory and cunning cuttles



( Octopus) between tide-marks are noteworthy ; while in the surrounding water are the rare prizes Triton nodifer, T. cutaceuSj Cardium pajyillosum, Argiope decollata, and other forms which, with the foregoing, are thrown in such pro- fusion on the shell-beach at Herm e. g. Calyptrcea chinensis, Trochus MontaciUi, and Murex aciculatus. The line Pinna rudis, though it has been found by Dr. Howden off Montrose, is also entirely absent at St. Andi-ews. Neither do we find the swanns of Trochus helicinus and T. grcenlandicus, Tri- chotropis boreaUsy and their allies amongst the tangle- roots, as in Shetland, nor the Terebratwlte, Lyonsia, Lepeta, PunctureUa, Trochus amabilis, the Jeffreysice, Columbella ha- liaeti, Pleurotoma nivalis^ P. carinata^ Scaphander librarius, Philine angidata and P. nitida, Rossia papnlUfera, the Clios, and the half hiindred new British forms discovered by Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys in his frequent cruises in the surrounding waters. The great beds, also, of Mytilus modiolus (called "yoags "), which occur in from 3 to 15 fathoms near the shore in many parts of the Zetlandic seas, present an interesting conti-ast. It is this mussel (esteemed but a coarse bait at St. Andrews) which is extensively employed by the Shetlanders ; and in its collection many rare invertebrates are found amongst the roots of the tangles and stones, which with the mussels form huge muddy masses. The old ten-toothed " dreg "noticed by the accomplished Prof. Edward Forbes is still the chief instrument in pro- curing the shell-fish, and is much more serviceable to the zoologist on such ground than the dredge. In the figure given by the facile pencil of the great naturalist the rope is attached to the eye of the di'eg ; but in modem times the fishermen more correctly attach it to the head of the instrument (after the manner of the ordinary dredge), and fix the rope at the eye of the dreg by a piece of spun yam ; so that if the dreg gets entangled the


spun yam gives way, and the rope pulls the head of the di-eg backwards, and disengages the teeth from the tangles and stones. In transverse section the teeth form a trun- cated ellipse round the central iron rod.

The nomenclature adopted is that of Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys in his valuable work on the British Mollusca ; and I am specially indebted to him for his great courtesy in frequently aiding nie in doubtful cases, and also carefully investigating shell-debris containing minute species, which otherwise might have been overlooked.

Class CONCHIFERA. Order Lamellibranchiata. Fam. 1. Anomiidae, Gray. Genus Anomia, L.

Anomia epMppium, L. Jeffreys, Brit. Moll. ii. p 31 V. pi. 20. f. 1, 1 a-1 e.

Not uncommon in the d6bris of the fishing-boats.

Anomia patelliformis, L. Op.cit. ii. p.34, v. pi. 20. f. 2,2a-2c. Common in the same region, as well as between tide-marks.

Fam. 2. Ostreidae, Broderip.

Genus Ostkea, L.

Ostrea eduUs, L. Op. ciu ii. p. 38, v. pi. 21.

Living examples are rare. The "rock" variety with

purplish streaks, however, is occasionally found at the East

Rocks on the under surface of stones in pools near low water.

Fam. 3. Pectinida, Lamarck.

Genus 1. Pectex, Pliny. Pectenpusio, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 51, v. pi. 22. f. 1 & la. Common j the living specimens come from the deep water


of the bay, cliiefly attached to bivalves. Worn valves are abundant in the gravel at the East Rocks.

Pecten opercularisj L. 0}^. cit. ii. p. 59, v. pi. 22. f. 3 & S a.

Frequently brought by the fi.shing-boats, and thrown on the beach after storms.

Pecten tigrinus, 0. F, MiiUer. Op. cit. ii. p. 65, v. pi. 23. f. 2 & 2 a.

Perfect specimens from the coralline ground and the stomachs of haddocks and flounders ; single valves on the beach in gravel and after storms.

Pecten similis, Laskey. Ojj. cit. ii. p. 71, v. pi. 23. f. 5. Frequent in the stomachs of flounders and haddocks ; more rarely procured from the coralline ground.

Pecten maximus, L. Op. cit. ii, p. 73, v. pi. 24.

Occasionally brought up on the deep-sea lines of the fisher- men.

Genus 2. Lima, Brugui^re. Lima suhauriculata, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 82, v. pi. 25. f. 3. Not common j from the deep water of the bay.

Lima Loscomhii, G. B. Sowerby. Op>. cit. ii. p. 85, v. pi. 25. f. 4.

Single valves occasionally appear in the fishing-boats ; perfect specimens are found in the stomach of the cod.

Fam. 5. Mytilidae, Fleming. Genus 1. Mytilus, L.

ilytilus edulis, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 10-1, v. pi. 27. f. 1. Constituting by their vast numbers a most important mussel- bed at the estuary of the river Eden. Multitudes of the young animals, besides, form a coating to the posts of the salmon- nets, to rocks, stones, and tangle-roots in various places.


Mytilus modiolus, L. Op. cit. ii. p. Ill, v. pi. 27. f. 2.

Frequently thrown ashore after storms, and brought by the fishermen from deep water. Monstrosities and varieties are common ; and there is no shell so prolific in parasitic or com- mensalistic growths ; pea-crabs and pearls are common in tlie interior. Young forms (bearded) occur in chinks of the rocks between tide-marks.

Genus 2. Modiolaeia, Beck. Modiolaria marmorata, Forbes. Op. cit. ii. p. 122, v. pi. 28. f. 1 . Abundant in the tests of Ascidia sordida, and sometimes found in a free condition on the West Sands after storms.

Modiolaria discors, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 126, v. pi. 28. f. 3. Occasionally attached to the roots of Fuci near low water, and to the top-shaped fronds of Himanthalia lorea.

Modiolaria nigra, Gray. Op. cit. ii. p. 128, v. pi. 28. f. 4. Fine specimens occur in the deep water of the bay, and also in the stomachs of cod.

Genus 3. Crenella, Brown. Crenella decussata, Montagu. Op. cit. ii. p. 133, v. pi. 28. f. 6. Not rare in the stomachs of cod and haddocks, though perhaps swallowed in the first instance by other fishes.

Fam. 6. Arcidse, Lowe. Genus 1. Nucula, Lamarck. Nucula nucleus, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 143, v. pi. 29. f. 2. Common in the bay ; brought in by the fishing-boats, and frequent in the stomachs of cod and haddocks.

Nucula nitida, G. B. Sowerby. Op. cit. ii. p. 149, v. pi. 29. f. 3 & 3 a.

Not rare off" the East Rocks in sandy gravel between the rocky ridges, and in the stomaclis of haddocks and cod.



; Nucula tenuis, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 151, v. pi. 29. f. 4. From deep water and the stomachs of cod and haddocks.

Genus 2. Leda, Schumacher. Leda minuta, Muller. Op. cit. ii. p. 155, v. pi. 29. f. 6. Common in deep water and the stomachs of flounders.

Genus 4. Pectunculus, Lamarck. Pectunculus glycymeris, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 166, v. pi. 30. f. 2. Abundant in the bay ; generally brought in by the fishing- boats.

Genus 5. Arca, L. Area tetragona, PoH. Op. cit. ii. p. 180, v. pi. 30. f. 6. Instead of the clusters in which it appears in the chinks of the rocks in the Channel Islands, solitary examples only are dredged oif the bay in deep water.

Fam. 8. Kelliidae, Forbes & Hanley. Genus 2. Montacuta, Turton. Montacuta bidentata, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 208, v. pi. 31. f. 8. Abundant in shell-debris on the West Sands.

Montacuta ferruginoaa, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 210, v. pi. 31. f. 9.

Common in the deep water of the bay and in the stomachs of cod, haddocks, and flounders ; also in the shell-debris on the West Sands after storms.

Genus 3. Las^a, Leach. Lasma rubra, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 219, v. pi. 32. f. 1. Abundant amongst algae, in crevices under stones in rock- pools, and in the cavities of shells between tide-marks.


Genus 4. Kellia, Turton.

Kellia suborbicularis, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 225, v. pi. 32. t'. 2.

Common under stones in rock-pools, and in the cavities of old limpet- and other shells.

Fam. 9. LucinidsB, D'Orbigny. Genus 2. Lucina, Brugui^re. Lucina borealis, L. 0/j. cit. ii. p. 242, v. pi. 32. f. 7. Frequently brought in by the fishing-boats, though the majority of the specimens are imperfect (single valves).

Genus 3. Axinus, J. Sowerbv.

Axinus flextiosus, Mont. Oj). cit. ii. p. 247, v. pi. 33. f. 1.

Single valves occasionally from the fishing-boats, and on tlie West Sands after storms.

Fam. 10. Carditida, Gray. Genus Cyamium, Philippi. Gyamium minutum, Fabricius. Op. cit. ii. p. 260, v. pi. 33. f. 5. Common in sheU-d^bris on the West Sands.

Fam. 11. Cardiidffi, Broderip.

Genus Caedium, L.

Cardium echinatum, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 270, v. pL 34. f. 2.

Very abundant on the West Sands after storms, and in the debris of the fishing-boats.

Cardium fasciatum, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 281, v. pi. 35. f. 3.

Not uncommon on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod, haddocks, and flounders.

Cardium nodosum, Turton. Op. cit. ii. p. 283, v. pi. 35. f. 4. Dead valves occasionally dredged off the East Rocks in 3 to 4 fathoms.



Cardium edule, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 286, v. pi. 35. f. 5. Abundant in the muddy sand at the moutli of the river Eden. Cockle-gathering forms the occupation of some of the fisherwomen.

Cardium norvegicwm, Spengler. Op. cit. ii. p. 294, v. pi. 35. f.7.

Not uncommon ; generally brought by the fishermen from deep water.

Fam. 12. CyprinidaB, Geinitz.

Genus 2. Cyprina, Lamk.

Cyprina islandica, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 304, v. pi. 36. f. 2.

Common in deep water, and thrown ashore after storms. Some have rows of small adlierent pearls.

Genus 3. Astarte, J. Sowerby. Astarte sulcata, Da Costa. Op. cit. ii. p. 311, v. pi. 37. f. 1 & 2. Frequently brought up by the deep-sea lines of the fisher- men. Semifossil valves of ^. horealis are also not uncommon.

Astarte compressa, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 315, v. pi. 37. f. 3 & 4. Frequent in deep water.

Genus 4. Circe, Schumacher. Circe minima, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 322, v. pi. 37. f. 6. Not uncommon in deep water, and in the stomachs of cod, haddocks, and flounders.

Fam, 13. Venerids, Leach.

Genus 1. Venus, L.

Venus exoleta^ L. Oj). cit. ii. p. 327, v. pi. 38. f. 1 .

Abundant in deep water, and on the beach after storms.


Venus lincta, Pulteney. Op. cit. ii. p. 330, v. pi. 38. f. 2.

^ Common in deep water, and thrown plentifully on the West Sands after storms.

Venus fasciata, Da Costa. Op. cit. ii. p. 334, v. pi. 38. f. 4. In 3 to 4 fathoms off the East Rocks, and from the deep- sea lines of the fishermen. Dead valves are common amongst the gravel at the East Rocks.

Venus casina, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 337, v. pi. 38. f. 5. ^ Occasionally procured in a perfect state from the deep-sea lines of the fishermen. Single valves are abundant.

Venus ovata, Pennant. Op. cit. ii. p. 342, v. pi. 39. f. 1.

Common in deep water ; generally procured from the fishing- boats.

Ve7ius gallina, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 344, v. pi. 39. f. 2 & 3. Abundant on the West Sands after storms, and in a few fathoms water on a sandy bottom all round.

Genus 2. Tapes, Muhlfeldt. Tapes virgineus, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 352, v. pi. 39. f. 5. Common in deep water and in the fishing-boats.

Tapes pullastra, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 355, v. pi. 39. f. 6. Abundant between tide-marks amongst the muddy sand, and occasionally in cavities bored by Fkolas crispata.

Genus 3. Lucinopsis, Forbes & Hanley. Lucinopsis undata, Pennant. Op. cit. ii. p. 363, v. pi. 40. f. 1. Common on the sandy ground, and thrown in vast numbers on the West Sands after storms.


Fam. 14. Tellinidse, Latreille. Genus 2. Tellina, L. Tellina crassa, Gmelin. Op, cit. ii. p. 373, v. pi. 40. f. 4. Single valves of good size are not uncommon in the debris of the fishing-boats.

Tellina balthica, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 375, v. pi. 40. f. 5. Abundant on the sandy beach at the mouths of the Eden and Tay, and on the West Sands after storms.

Tellina tenuis, Da Costa. Op. cit. ii. p. 379, v. pi. 41. f. 1. Very common on the sandy grotmd everywhere ; and dead valves occui- on the West Sands throughout the year.

Tellina fahula, Gronovius. Op. cit. ii. p. 382, v. pi. 41. f. 2. Only less common than the last species on the same ground.

Tellina pusilla, Philippi. Op. cit. ii. p. 388, v. pi. 41. f. 5. Rather frequent in deep water, and in the stomachs of haddocks and flounders.

Genus 3. Psammobia, Lamarck. Psammobia tellinella, Lamk. Op. cit. ii. p. 392, v. pi. 42. f. 1 . Worn valves occasionally found amongst the deep-sea lines of the fishermen.

Psammobia ferr'oensis, Chemnitz. Op. cit. ii. p. 396, V. p. 187, pi. 42. f. 3.

Abundant and in fine condition on a sandy bottom off the West Sands. Often thrown ashore in large numbers near the estuary of the Eden.

Genus 4. Donax, L.

Donax vittatus, Da Costa. Op. cit. ii. p. 402, v. pi. 42. f. 5.

Very abundant on the West Sands after storms, and on sandy ground in a few fathoms.


Fam. 15. llactridae, Fleming. G-enus 2. Mactra, L. Mactra solida, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 415, v. pi. 43. f. 2. Abundant on the sandy ground off the West Sands, and thrown in great numbers on the beach after storms. Var. elltptica is common.

Mactra subtruncata, Da Costa. Op. cit. ii. p. 419, v. pi. 43. f. 3 . Equally common with the last species, and from the same ground.

Mactra stultorum, L. Op. cit. ii. p. 422, v. pi. 43. f. 4. Very abundant on the same ground as the last two species. Var. cinerea is common.

Genus 3. Lutearia, Lamarck. Lutraria elliptica, Lamk. Op. cit. ii. p. 428, v. pi. 44. f. 1. Common on the West Sands after storms, and in muddy sand at the mouth of the river Eden.

Genus 4. Scrobicularia, Schumacher.

Scrobicularia prismatica, Mont. Op. cit. ii. p. 435, V. pi. 45. f. 1.

Not rare in deep water, on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod and haddocks.

Scrobicularia alba, Muller. Op. cit. ii. p. 438, v. pi. 45. f. 3. Less common than the foregoing, ft-om the same ground, and in the stomachs of the same fishes.

Scrobicularia piperata, Bellonius. Op. cit. ii. p. 444, V. pi. 45. f. 5.

Common amongst the muddy sand at the mouth of the Tay, and frequently thrown on the West Sands after storms ; also procured from the fishing-boats.


Fam. 16. Solenidse, Latreille.

Genus 3. Solen, L.

Solen pellucidus, Pennant. Op. cit. iii. p. 14, v. pi. 46. f. 4.

Common on the sandy ground, and thrown ashore in large

numbers after storms ; occasionallj in the stomachs of cod and


Solen ensis, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 16, v. pi. 47. f. 1.

Frequent on the sandy ground, and after storms on the West Sands.

Solen siliqua, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 18, v. pi. 47. f. 2.

Abundant amongst the sand uncovered by low tides. The fishermen collect them for bait j and the children use them as scoops for digging in the sand.

Fam. 18. Anatinidae, D'Orbigny. Genus Thracia, Leach. Thracia papyracea, Poli. Op. cit. iii. p. 36, v. pi. 48. f. 4 & 4 a. Common on the sandy ground off the West Sands, and cast ashore plentifully after storms.

Fam. 19. Corbulidae, Fleming. Genus 3. Corbula, Bruguifere. Corbula gibha, Olivi. Op. cit. iii. p. 56, v. pi. 49. f. 6. Oft' the East Rocks in a few fathoms, and on the beach after storms ; good specimens are also procured from the fishing- boats.

Fam. 20. Myidae, Fleming.

Genus Mya, L.

Mya arenaria, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 64, v. pi. 50. f. 1.

Frequent in the muddy sand at the mouth of the Eden. Distorted valves are common.


Mya truncata, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 66, v. pi. 50. f. 2. Abundant off the mouth of the Eden, and on the beach after storms.

Fam. 21. Saxicavidae, Swainson.

Genus 2. Saxicava, Fleurian de Bellevue.

Saxicava rugosa, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 81, v. pi. 51. f. .3 & 4.

Common at low-water mark amongst the rocks in crevicea

and holes in sandstone and shale, as well as inside empty

limpet-shells and Balani. Often firmly adherent to its cavity

by a byssus.

Fam. 23. Pholadida, Gray. Genus 1. Pholas, Lister. Pholas Candida^ L. Op. cit. iii. p. 107, v. pi. 52. f. 2. Karely found in shale at the Castle Rocks ; commonly met with on the beach after storms, sometimes in a perfect con- dition.

Pholas crispata, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 112, v. pi. 53. f. 1. Abundant in the soft shale and sandstone at East and West Rocks, and especially opposite the castle. Occasionally the siphons are observed protruding through sand which coats some of the ledges. Young specimens are often cast ashore on the West Sands in water-logged and decayed wood, whence they are extracted by the sea-fowl.

Genus 3. Xylophaga, Turton.

Xylonhaqa dorsalis, Turton. Op. cit. iii. p. 120, ^ ^ ^ v! pi. 53. f. 4.

Not common; several living specimens occurred in the wood of a submerged thorn tree.




Fam. Dentalidae, H. & A. Adams.

Genus Dentalium, L.

Dentaliuvi entalis, L. Ojy. cit. iii. p. 191, v. pi. 55. f. 1.

Occurs on the West Sands in a living state after some storms. The specimens procured from the fishing-boats are generally tenanted by Sipunculi. Common.



Order I. ("yclobranchiata.

Fam. ChitonidsB, Guilding.

Genus Chiton, L.

Chiton fascicular is, L. Jeffreys, Brit. Moll. iii. p. 211, V. pi. 55. f. 3.

Abundant under stones between tide-marks. This species, like the limpet, forms considerable cavities in sandstone, so that specimens become almost immersed.

Chiton cinereus, L. Oj). cii. iii. p. 218, v. pi. 55. f. 2. Common in deep water, and in the stomachs of the cod, haddock, and flounder.

Chiton marginatus, Pennant. Oj). cii. iii. p. 221, v. pi. 56. f. 5. Frequent under stones between tide-marks.

Chiton ruber, Lowe. Op. cit. iii. p. 224, v. pi. 56. f. 4. Occasionally between tide-marks at the East Rocks.

Chiton laevis (Pennant), Mont. Op. cit. iii. p. 226, v. pi. 56. f. 6. Under stones at the verq-e of extreme low water durin» spring tides. Rare ; but the examples are large.

Order II. Pectinibranchiata. Fam. 1. Patellidae, Guilding. Genus 1. Patella, Lister.

Patella vulgata, L., and var. depressa. Op. cit. iii. p. 236,

V. pi. 57.

Common everywhere ; occasionally eaten. The soft shale and sandstone are extensively pitted by this form.



Genus 2. Helcion, De Montfort. Helcton jjellucidum, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 242, v. pi. 58. f. 1 & 2. Abundant on the blades of the tangles ; while var. IfBvis occurs in hollows at the bases of the stems.

Genus 3. Tectura, Cuvier. Tectura testudinalis, Miiller. Op. cit. iii. p. 246, v. pi. 58. f. 3. Common imder stones near low-water mark.

Tectura virginea, Miiller. Op. cit. iii. p. 248, v. pi. 58. f. 4. Under stones near low-water mark ; nearly as common as the foregoing.

Tectura fulva^ Miiller. Op. cit. iii. p. 250, v. pi. 58. f. 5. A single specimen on the West Sands after a storm.

Fam. 2. Fissurellidae, Fleming. Genus 2. Emarginula, Lamarck. Emarginula Jissura, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 259, v. pi. 59. f. 2. Not uncommon in deep water ; and worn specimens amongst the shell-debris on sands.

Fam. 3. Capulidae, Fleming. Genus Capulus, De Montfort. Capultis ungaricus, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 269, v. pi. 59. f. 6. Frequent in deep water, and often brought in by the fishing- boats.

Fam. 7. Trochidae, D'Orbigny. Genus 2. TroCHUS, Rondeletius. Trochus ttiniidus, Mont. Oj). cit. iii. p. 307, v. pi. 62. f. 2. Common on hard ground in the bay, in the stomach of the cod and haddock, and on the West Sands after storms.


Trochiis cmerarius, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 309, v. pi. 62. f. 3.

In great abundance on stones and rocks between and beyond tide-marks.

Trochus zizyphinus, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 330, v. pi. 63. f. 6. Not uncommon in deep water and on the beach after storms ; rarely met with at extreme low water at the East Rocks. Var. Lyonsii is occasionally seen.

Fam. 9. Littormidae, Gray. Genus 1. Lacuna, Turton. Lacuna crassior, Mont. Op. cit. iii. p. 344, v. pi. 64. f. 2. From tangle-roots and in old shells in the lamiuarian region, and from deep water ; not rare.

Lacuna divaricata, Fab. Op. cit. iii. p. 346, v. pi. 64. f. 3. On Fuci and laminarian blades at and beyond low-water mark. The colourless variety is not uncommon ; and the same may be said of var. quadrifasciata.

Lacuna, puteolm, Turton. Op. cit. iii. p. 348, v. pi. 64. f. 4.

With the former at low-water mark ; less common than the foregoing.

Lacuna pallidula, Da Costa. Op. cit. iii. p. 3.51 V. pi. 64. f. 5&5a. '

On the West Sands after storms, and from the laminarian region.

Genus 2. Littorina, F^russac. Littwina obtmata, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 356, v. pi. 65. f. 1 & 1 a. Very common (with varieties) on stones and rocks be- tween tide-marks.

Littorina rudis^ Maton. Op. cit. iii. p. 364 v pi 65 f. 3, 3 a, & 3 J. '

Abundant on the rocks near high-water mark.


Littorina litorea, L. Op. cit. iii. p. 368, v. pi. 65. f. 5 & o a. Between tide-marks in vast numbers. Often eaten.

Genus 3. Rissoa, Freminville. Eissoa parva, Da Costa. Op. cit. iv. p. 23, v. pi. 67. f. 3 & 4. In great numbers on the seaweeds in the laminarian region all round, especially off the East Rocks. Var. interrupta is also common in shell-sand.

Bissoa striata, Adams. Op. cit. iv. p. 37, v. pi. 68. f. 2. Common under stones between tide-marks. The var. arctica is the prevailing form.

Rissoa soliita, Philippi. Op. cit. iv. p. 45, v. pi. 68. f. 7. Occasionally in deep water and in shell-sand.

Rissoa semistriataj Mont. Op. cit. iv. p. 46, v. pi. 68. f. 8. From deep water and in shell-sand ; not common.

Genus 4. Hydrobia, Hartmann. Hydrohia ulvce, Pennant. Op. cit. iv. p. 52, v. pi. 69. f. 1. In great abundance in the brackish pools near the mouth of the river Eden.

Fam. 11. SkeneidsB, Clark. Genus 1. Skenea, Fleming. Skenea plariorbis, Fab. Op. cit. iv. p. 65, v. pi. 70. f. 1. Common in rock-pools amongst Geramium and other algae.

Genus 2. Homalogyra, Jeffreys.

Homalogyra rota, Forbes & Hanley. Op. cit. iv. p. 71, V. pi. 70. f. 3.

In shell-debris from the West Sands. Dead.


Fam. 13. Turritellidae, Clark.

Genus Turritella, Lamarck.

Turritella terebra, L. Oj). cit. iv. p. 80, v. pi. 70. f. 6.

Common in deep water. Var. nivea is also not rare. A

favourite food of the codfish, probably in many cases on

account of its tenant the hermit qrab.

Fam. 15. Scalariidae, Broderip.

Genus Scalaria, Lamk.

Scalaria Trevelyana, Leach. Op. cit. iv. p. 93, v. pi. 71. f. 4

From the fishing-boats, and on the West Sands after storms. Rather rare.

Fam. 16. Pyramidellidse, Gray. Genus 2. Odostomia, Fleming. Odostomia rissotdes, Hanley. Op. cit. iv. p. 122, v. pi. 73. f. 4. Common in shell-sand.

Odostomia clatkrata, Jeffreys. Op. cit. iv. p. 148, v. pi. 74. f. 9.

Worn specimens not uncommon in shell-debris from the West Sands.

Odostomia indistincta, Montagu. Ojj. cit. iv. p 149 V. pi. 75. f. 1. '

Occasionally in shell-sand from the West Sands.

Odostomia interstincta, Montagu. Op. cit. iv. p. 151 V. pi. 75. f. 2.

In shell-sand from the same locality.

Odostomia nitidissima, Montagu. Op. cit iv p 173 V. pi. 76. f. 8.

In debris from the West Sands.


Fam. 19. Eulimidae, H. & A. Adams. Genus EuLiMA, Eisso. EuUtna bilineata, Alder. Op. cit. iv. p. 210, v. pi. 77. f. 8. In muddy debris in old shells from deep water.

Fam. 20. Naticidse, Swainson. Genus Natica, Adanson. Natica tslandtca, Gmelin. Op. cit. iv. p. 214, v. pi. 78. f. 1. A single specimen from the fishing-boats.

Natica catena, Da Costa. Op. cit. iv. p. 220, v. pi. 78. f. 4. Common on the sandy bottom off the West Sands. The ova occur abundantly in July and August.

Natica Alderi, Forbes. Op. cit. iv. p. 224, v. pi. 78. f. 5. Less abundant than the foregoing, on the same groxmd.

Fam. 22. Velutinidae, Gray.

Genus 1. Lamellakia, Mont.

LameJlaria perspicua, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 235, pi. 3. f. 6, V. pi. 79. f. 2 & 2 a.

Common under stones between tide-marks, especially in rock-pools. The figure of the living specimen in Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys's work (iv. pi. 3. f. 6) was copied from a coloured drawing of my sister's. The colours of this species vary in a remarkable manner, as shown in Plate III. figs. 2-10.

Genus 2. Velutina, Fleming. Velutina laevigata, Pennant. Op. cit. iv. p. 240, v. pi. 79. f. 4. Frequent in the laminarian region, and on the West Sands after storms ; occasionally under stones at the verge of low water.


Fam. 23. Cancellariidae, Forbes & Haiiley. Genus 2. Trichoteopis, Broderip & Sowerby.

Trichotropis horealis^ Brod. & Sowerb. Ojy. cit. iv. p. 245, V. pi. 79. f. 6.

A single specimen from the stomach of a cod.

Fam. 24. Aporrhaidae, Troschel. Genus AporrhaiS, Da Costa. Aporrhais pes-pelecani, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 250, v. pi. 80. f. 1. Abundant on the West Sands after storms, and frequent in the ddbris of the fishing-boats.

Fam. 27. Buccinidse, Fleming. Genus 1. Purpura, Bniguifere. Purpura lapillus, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 276, v. pi. 82. f. 1. Very abundant between tide-marks on rocks and stones. Varieties are common.

Genus 2. Buccinum, L. Buccinum undatum, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 285, v. pi. 82. f. 2-5. Common in the living state (var. littoralis) in pools at the East Kocks, especially where a sti-eam of salt water rushes through the seaweeds. This species spawns in October, November, and the following months ; the young are found in swarms on the egg-cases in May. Frequent on the West Sands after storms- Genus 5. Trophon, De Montfort. Troplion truncatus, Strom. Op. cit. iv. p. 319, v. pi. 84. f. 6. Not uncommon in the fishing-boats, and the stomachs of the cod, haddock, and flounder.



Geniis 6. Fusus, Bruguifere. Fusus antiquus, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 323, v. pi. 85. f. 1 & 2. Abundant in the coralline zone, and frequently thrown on shore after storms.

Fusus gracilis^ Da Costa. Op. cit. iv. p. 335, v. pi. 86. f. 2. Common on the West Sands after storms, and often brought in by the fishing-boats.

Fusus propinquus, Alder. Op. cit. iv. p. 338, v. p. 219, pi. 86. f. 3.

Occasionally procured from the deep-sea lines of the fisher- men.

Fam. 29. Nassidae, Stimpson. Genus 1. Nassa, Lamk. Nassa incrassata, Strom. Op. cit. iv. p. 351, v. pi. 88. f. 1. Common in the laminarian region and under stones between tide-marks ; while worn shells are abundant in debris at the East Rocks. An egg-capsule is shown in Plate IX. fig. 4.

Fam. 30. Pleurotomidae, LovAi.

Genus 1. Deprancia, Millet. Defrancia linearis, Mont. Op. cit. iv. p. 368, v. pi. 89. f. 2. From deep water ; rather rare.

Genus 2. Pleurotoma, Lamk. Pleurotoma costata, Donovan. Op. cit. iv. p. 379, v. pi. 90. f. 3. Occasionally in shell-dt%ris from the West Sands.

Pleurotoma rufa, Montagu. Op. cit. iv. p. 392, v. pi. 91. f. 6. Common on the West Sands after storms.

Pleurotoma turricula, Montagu. Op. cit. iv. p. 395, V. pi. 91. f. 7.

Abundant under the same circumstances.


Pleurotoma Trevelyma, Turton. Op. cit. iv. p. 398, V. pi. 91. f. 8.

Not uncommon in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Fam. 31. CypraeidsB, Fleming. Genus 2. Cype^a, L.

Cyp-cea europaa, Mont. Op. cit. iv. p. 403, pi. 7. f. 4, V. pi. 92. f. 2.

Not uncommon at extreme low water, under stones in pools in the same region at the East Kocks, and generally in the laminarian region. The living animal represented in Dr. Gwyn Jefireys's work is from a coloured drawing by my sister.

Order IV. Pleurobeanchiata, Gray.

Fam. 1. BuUida, Clark.

Genus 1. Cylichna, Lov^n.

Cylichna cyUndraceaj Pennant. Op. cit. iv. p. 415, V. pi. 93. f. 4.

Abundant in deep water ; generally thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Genus 2. Uteiculus, Brown.

Utriaihis truncatulus, Brugui^re. Op. cit. iv. p. 421, V. pi. 94. f. 2.

Occasionally from deep water, and in debris on sands.

UtriculvLs obtusus, Mont. Op. cit. iv. p. 423, v. pi. 94. f. 3. Not uncommon in deep water. A variety with a more ex- tended spire is often met with in shell-debris from the West Sands.

Genus 4. AcT.a:oN, De Montfort. Actceon tornatilis, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 433, v. pi. 95. f. 2. Frequent off the West Sands, and thrown ashore after storms.



Genus 6. Scaphander, De Montfort. Scaphander lignarius, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 443, v. pi. 95. f. 5. Not uncommon in deep water, and thrown ashore alive after storms.

Genus 7. Philine, Ascanius.

Philine scahm, Miiller. Op. cit. iv. p. 447, v. pi. 96. f. 1.

Abundant in deep water, and in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders. The shells occur on the West Sands after storms.

Philine pruinosa, Clark. Op. cit. iv. p. 454, v. pi. 96. f. 6. From the stomach of a haddock ; rare.

Philine aperta, L. Op. cit. iv. p. 457, v. pi. 96. f. 8. Occasionally from deep water ; shells thrown on the West Sands after stomis.

Fam. 2. AplysiidsB, D'Orbigny.

Genus Aplysia, L.

Aplysia punctata, Cuvier. Op. cit. v. p. 5, pi. 97. f. 1.

A single specimen (Plate III. fig. 1) was found in autumn amongst the sea-weeds of a large pool at extreme low water. No spots or other markings were present on the dull olive hue of the body.

Order V. Nudibranchiata, Cuvier.

Suborder 1. PELLIBEANCHIATA. Fam. 1. Limapontiidse, Alder & Hancock. Genus 1. Limapontia, Johnston. Limapontia nigra, Johnston. Op. cit. v. p. 28, pi. 1. f. 5. Not imcommon amongst the seaweeds under stones in rock- pools.



Fam. 3. Eolididae, D'Orbigny.

Genus 2. Eolis, Cuvier.

Eolis papulosa, L. ; Alder & Hancock, Brit. Nud. Moll, fam. 3, pi. 9.

Abundant in early spring (February) amongst the rocks near low water, and occasionally at other times.

Eolis coronata, Forbes ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 12.

Common in February and the spring months in the same localities.

Eolis nifihranchialis, Johnston ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 16.

With the foregoing ; common.

Eolis olivacea, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 26.

Not uncommon imder stones in pools at all seasons.

Eolis viridis, Forbes ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 32.

Abounds on the small hydroid zoophytes under stones in rock-pools.

Eolis Farrani, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 35.

Occasionally occui-s under stones at low-water mark at the East Rocks. The fine pui-ple variety has been found more than once (Plate II. figs. 12 & 13). A specimen shows the abnormality of a clavate median process between the oral and dorsal tentacles.


Eolis Adelaides, Thompson ; Jeffreys, Brit. Moll. v. p. 55. A single specimen (Plate II. fig. 11) was found in a sandy- pool in August.

Eolis exigua, Alder & Hancock ; A. &H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 37.

Not uncommon on laminarian blades thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Fam. 5. Dotonidse. Genus Doto, Oken. Doto fragilis, Forbes ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 5. Occasionally on zoophytes brought in by the fishing-boats.

Doto coronata, Gmelin ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 6. Common in the debris of the fishing-boats ; small specimens are frequently found in groups on Sertularia pumila under stones in rock-pools near low-water mark ; also on laminarian blades after storms. One example has an abnormal left tentacle (Plate II. fig. 14).

Fam. 6. DendronotidaB. Genus 1. Dendronotus, Alder & Hancock.

Dendronotus ariorescens, Miiller ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 3, pi. 3.

Not uncommon amongst zoophytes from deep water, on laminarian blades thrown on the West Sands, and occasionally at extreme low water. A white variety is sometimes seen.

Fam. 8. Tritoniidae, H. & A. Adams. Genus Tritonia, Cuvier. Tritoma Hombergi, Guv. ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 2, pi. 2. From deep water. Both pale and deep reddish-brown


varieties are found on the zoophytes in the fishing-boats. Occasionally in the stomach of the cod.

Tritonia plebeia, Johnston ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam 2

pi. 3. '

In vast numbers amongst the zoophytes from deep water, m the crevices of Alcyonium digitatimi and on Hahcuim tossed ashore after storms. One specimen showed the abnorm- ality of a bifid tail (Plate II. fig. 15).

Suborder III. ACANTHOBRANCHIATA. Fam. 1. Polyceridae. Genus 1. ^GiRUS, Lovdn.

jEgirus punctilmens, D'Orbigny ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 21.

ISlot uncommon under stones in rock-pools between tide- marks at the East Rocks.

Genus 2. Triopa, Johnston.

Triojia claviger, Muller ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam 1 pi. 20. '

Fine specimens are occasionaUy found under stones near low-water mark. The same Ergasilus is parasitic on this as on Doris.

Genus 5. Polycera, Cuvier.

Polycera quadrilineata, Miiller ; A. & H. B. Nud. M fam. 1, pi. 22.

Not uncommon near low-water mark and in the laminarian region.

Polycera ocellata, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud M fam. 1, pi. 23.

Gregarious under stones between tide-marks, but not com- mon. They chiefly occur at the West Eocks.


Polycera Lessoni, D'Orbigny ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1,

pi. 24.

On a lamiuarian blade after an October storm ; one spe- cimen.

Genus 6. Ancula, Lov^n.

Anmla cristata, Alder; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 25.

Not rare under stones in rock-pools, chiefly at the East


Genus 8. Goniodoeis, Forbes.

Goniodoris nodosa, Mont. ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 18.

Abundant between tide-marks under stones in rock-pools and elsewhere, throughout the year.

Fam. 2. Dorididae.

Genus Doris, L. Doris tuberculata, Cuvier ; A. &H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 3. Abundant under rocky ledges and under stones in pools. Its parasite, Ergasilus, is common.

Doris Johnstoni, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 5.

[Plate n. fig. 16.]

Occasionally under stones in pools between tide-marks at the East Rocks. The same Ergasilus occurs on this species.

Doris repanda, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. \, pi. 6.

Abundant at all seasons amongst the rocks between tide- marks. A specimen in the act of spawning is represented


in Plate VII. figs. 13 & 14, and the ova after deposition in fig. 15.

Doris aspem, Alder & Hancock ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1 , pi. 9. f. 1-9.

Common under stones in pools near low-water mark.

Doris bilamellata, L. ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 11. Abundant between tide-marks at all times ; in swarms in March.

Doris pilosa, Muller ; A. & H. B. Nud. M. fam. 1, pi. 15. Common at all seasons between tide-marks.

Class CEPHALOPODA. Order Dibranchiata, Owen.

Fam. 1. Teutliidse, Owen.

Genus 1. Ommatostrephes, D'Orbigny.

Otnmatostrephes todarus, Delle Chiaje, Mem. An. s. Vert. Nap. iv. Mem. ii. tav. 60.

Frequently thrown in numbers on the West Sands, especially after April storms.

Genus 2. LOLIGO, Schneider.

Loligo vulgaris, Lamarck. Jeffreys, Brit. MoU. v. p. 130, pi. 5. f. 2.

The shells are sometimes found in the stomachs of codfisii. The spawn of this species is frequent.

Genus 4. Sepiola, Rondelet.

Sepiola Rondeletii, Leach. Op. cit. v. p. 136, pi. 6. f. 2.

The sole specimen occurred in the stomach of a flounder.



Fam. 3. Octopidae, D'Orbigny.

Genus 2. Eledone, Leach.

Eledone cirrosa, Lamk. Op. cit. v. p. 146, pi. 7. f. 2.

Occasionally in pools between tide-marks, and on the West

Sands after storms ; common in the stomachs of cod and



Subkingdom ANNUL 08 A. Series I. ANNULOIDA.


The Ecliiiioderms of St. Andrews, though plentiful, are by no means remarkable, being those generally disti-ibuted over the north-east coast. We do not find the rosy feather, the bird's- foot, and the little cushion starfishes so abundant on the south- em and western shores, the former extending to the tangles of Shetland and far into the Atlantic. The beautiful pale bluish-purple Asterias glacialis, so common under littoral stones at Herm, and the great Luidia Sain'gnii of the sur- rounding cuiTents are absent (though the former occasionally occurs on the east coast of Scotland) ; and so is Asterias Miilleri of the Hebrideau lochs. The northern waters are further distinguished by the piper {Cidan's jjopillata) and swarms of Echinus norvegicus ; and the southern by the splendid condition of the purple, Fleming's, and the silky- spined ui-chins. The profusion of sea-cucumbers characteristic of certain parts affords another contrast : thus, as ti-uly said by Prof. Edward Forbes, the giant of the race seems to have rallied all his subjects around him in the rich tangle-forests of the Zetlandic voes. The vast numbers of Si/iiapta tenera on the muddy banks of the numerous islets in the Sound of Harris is distinctive, just as the abundance of Synapia GalUennii (which the Eev. Mr. Norman seems inclined to link on to S. inhoBrens) is in Belgrave Bay, Guernsey, and a large brownish-purple species on the south-west coast of Ireland.

The places of the rare are filled by a multitude of the common forms, which abound on the beach after storms, and under stones between tide-marks, or are dredged in the sur- rounding waters. The ease with which the development of


92 makine fauna of st. Andrews.

the young of this group can be observed opens up an excellent field for future investigators.

I have to thank the Kev. A. M. Norman for his kind assistance in revising the following list, and determining several Holothuroidea.

Order II. Ophiuroidea.

Fam. 2. OpMuridae. Genus 4. Ophiothrix, Muller & Troschel.

Ophtothrix fragilis, O. F. Miiller ; Rev. A. M. Norman, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. February 1865, p. 107.

Abundant under stones in rock-pools and near low- water mark, and dredged in the water beyond to a considerable depth. Many of the stones in the pools are covered with the ova of this species about the middle of November ; and some of the starfishes have them attached to the disk.

Genus 5. Amphiura, Forbes. Amphiura filiformis, 0. F. Muller ; Norman, op. cit. p. 107. Occasionally in the stomachs of haddocks. Eare.

Amphiura Cktajti, Forbes ; Norman, op. cit. p. 107. Vast numbers are thrown ashore on the West Sands after storms. It is also common in the stomachs of the cod and haddock.

Amphiura elegans, Leach ; Norman, op. cit. p. 109. Frequent imder stones in rock -pools and near low water, especially towards the Rock and Spindle.

Genus 7. Ophiocoma, Agassiz.

Ophiocoma nigra, O. F. Muller ; Norman, op. cit. p. 111.

Not uncommon from deep water (by dredging and the deep- sea lines of the fishermen). It does not occur in profusion, as in many parts of the Zetlandic and southern portions of our seas.


Genus 8. Ophiopholis, Miiller & Troschel. Ophiopholis acuhuta, 0. F. Muller; Norman, op. cit. p. 112. Rather plentiful in Jeep water, and common in the stomach of the cod ; occasionally under stones near low water at the East Rocks.

Genus 9. Ophiura, Lamarck. Ophiura lacertosa, Pennant; Norman, op. cit. p. 112. Abundant off the West Sands, and thrown on the beach in great numbers after storms ; it is then much preyed on by gulls.

Ophiura albida, Forbes ; Norman, op. cit. p. 113. Dredged off the East Rocks on a sandy bottom, and pro- cured from the stomachs of haddocks.

Order III. Asteroidea.

Fam. 1. Astropectinida.

Genus 10. Astropecten, Linck.

Astropecteji irregularis, Pennant; Norman, op. cit. p. 116.

Veiy abundant on the West Sands after storms.

Genus 11. LuiDiA, Forbes.

Luidia Sarsii, Duben & Koren ; Norman, op. cit.i). 118.

(Occasionally from the deep-sea lines of the fishermen. It takes tlie place of the larger L. Savignii of tlie prolific waters of the Channel Islands.

Fam. 2. Solastridae. Genus 15. Solaster, Forbes. SoJaster papposus, L. ; Norman, op. cit. p. 122. Abundant on the West Sands after storms, and at all times at low water amongst the rocks.


Solaster endeca, L. ; Norman, op. cit. p. 122. Not uncommon on the West Sands after storms, but much less abundant than the foregoing.

Genus 18. Cribrella, Agassiz.

Crihrella sanguinolenta, 0. F. Miiller ; Norman, op. cit. p. 124.

Very common between tide-marks, often hanging to the dripping sides and roofs of caverns. A large and much softer variety occasionally occurs. The greater diameter in several instances reaches 5 inches ; and one exceeds this size.

Fam. 3. Asteriadae.

Genus 20. Asterias, L. Asterias rubens, L. ; Norman, oj). cit. p. 128. Abundant between tide-marks and beyond. Many singuhir varieties, from the loss or partial reproduction of the rays, occur, the most remarkable, perhaps, being that represented in Plate VI. fig. 1. A specimen shows five large rays, two of which are formed by the splitting of one arm, while in the interspace are two small rays situated one over the other. They spawn in November ; and many are found in the pecu- liar stool-like position, grasping the ova, at this season. The same postui-e, however, is sometimes assumed when devoiu-ing Littorina ohtusata or other mollusks. Examples with devel- oping arms are shown in Plate VI. figs. 2 & 3.

Asterias violacea^ 0. F. Muller ; Norman, op. cit. p. 128. As common as the foregoing, and even more so between tide-marks.

Asterias hispida^ Pennant ; Norman, op. cit. p. 128. This species has only been seen at St. Andi-ews by Prof. Edward Forbes, who found several specimens on the sands after a storm in 1839. Although hmidreds of small forms have been examined, no specific character has occun-ed to separate them from the foregoing {A. rubens and A. violacea).


Orderly. Echinoidea.

Fam. 1. Cidaridae. Genus Echinus, L.

Echimis esculentus, L. ; Forbes, Brit. Starfishes, p. 149.

Common amongst the tangles at extreme low water, and in the laminarian region ; yomig specimens occur under stones between tide-marks. In many the intestinal canal is loaded with fragments of laminarian stalks, pieces of Delesseria, and other seaweeds covered with Memhranipora ; in some there are fragments of the shells of Balani and tubes of Serpulw.

Echinus miliar is, heske; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 161. Not uncommon under stones in rock -pools.

Echinus Flemingii, Ball ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 164. Occasionally in deep water off the bay, and thrown on the West Sands after storms. The specimens are much less than those of tlie Channel Islands.

Genus Toxopneustes, Agassiz.

Toxopneustes drobachiensis, O. F. Muller ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 172 (as Echinus neglectus).

Not uncommon on the West Sands after storms. The spe- cimens are smaller than those from the Channel Islands.

Fam. 2. Clypeastrldae. Genus Echinocyamus, Leske.

Echinocyamus angulosus, Leske ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 175.

Abundant in deep water and in the stomachs of the cod, flounder, and haddock. Worn specimens also occur at tlie East Rocks amongst the shell-gravel.


Fam. 3. Spatangidae. Genus Spatangus, Klein.

Spatangus purpureus, O. F. MuUer ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 182.

Not uncommon in deep water, and occasionally tiirown on the West Sands by storms.

Genus Echinocardium, Gray.

Echinocardium cordatum, Pennant ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 190.

Very common off the West Sands, and tossed on the beach at all seasons.

Echinocardium ovafum, Leske ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 194 (as Amphidotus roseus).

Occurs in deep water, and on the beach after storms ; some- what rare.

Order V. Holothuroidea.

Fam. Psolidae.

Genus Psolus, Oken.

Psoitis phantaptis, L. ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 203.

Occasionally from deep water, and brought in by the fishing- boats.

Fam. Pentactae.

Genus Cucumaria, Blainville.

Cucumaria ?

A large purplish-brown species, common on the West Sands after storms. Mr. Norman thinks " this is probably the , species found by Mr. Goodsir off the Fifeshire coast, and re- feiTcd to G.frondosa by E. Forbes. It is very like that species


in most of Its characters, especially in tlie total absence of skin-siiicules, and in the form of the tentacular spicula, whicli are elongated and cribrose. It appears to differ from G.fron- dosa in its very thick test, and especially in appearing to have feet scattered over the body between the regular rows. At the same time it is possible that the firmness may be due to a state of rigid contraction from having been beaten about in a storm when alive ; and with respect to the latter, the pores

may not mark contracted feet It does not correspond badly

with the description of C. Drummondi, a species unknown to



Cucumaria ehngata, Diiben & Koren ; Norman, Zetlandic Fauna, Kep. Brit. Assoc. 1868, p. 316.

= Cucumaria pentactes, Forbes (partim), the centime figure in woodcut p. 21^.

Specimens are occasionally brought from tlie coralline ground by the fishermen.

Cucumaria Hyndmanni, Thompson ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 225.

Not uncommon in the stomaclis of haddocks and cod.

Cucumaria lactea, Forbes & Goodsir ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 231.

[Plate IV. fig. 5, and Plate IX. fig. 5.]

Abundant in the coralline region amongst zoophytes. Young specimens are numerous in June.

Genus Thtone, Oken. Thyonefusus, 0. F. Miiller ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. ji. 233. Common in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus Thyonidium, Dub. & Koren. Thyonidium Duheni, Norman, o^). cit. p. 317. Occasionally in the stomachs of the cod and haddock. Mr. Norman states that he has found it on the coast of Ireland as




well as in Shetland. He observes {in lit.) that in this torm there are no skin-spicula ; feet with a large, circular, cribrose plate at the end, no spicula on sides ; tentacles cased in large cribrose spicula of varied form elongated, short, or most elegantly irregular and branched.

Tliyonidium commune, Forbes & Goodsir ; Forbes, Brit. Starf. p. 217, and Norman, op. cit. p. 317.

A fragmentary specimen in the stomach of a cod.

Fam. Synaptidae. Genus Synapta, Eschsch.

Sunapia inhcerens, O. F. Miiller ; Dr. Herapath, Journ. Micr. Sc. 1865, p. 4.

[Plate IV. fig. 4, and Plate IX. figs. G, 7, & 8.] The typical form occurs between tide-marks, as well as in the laminarian region, the anchor-plates having six apertures surrounding the central, and comparatively few openings in

the narrow part to which the anchor is attached (see smaller figure in woodcut, which represents both forms x 210 diam.). Such agrees closely with examples from the Channel Islands, the Hebrides, and other parts. An imperfect specimen from the stomach of a haddock diverges very considerably in the form of its anchor-plates (woodcut, larger figure), since the



whole plate is much larger, and there are generally seven apertures round the central, instead of six as in the former case ; while the slits in the smaller end (to which the anchor is attached) are much more numerous and linear. Various abnormal anchors occur in S. inhcerens, such as one with five flukes (a bifid process on the summit, a bifid fluke and a normal serrated fluke), or an anchor with several processes on the stalk.

Plate and anchor of Si/nnpfa temra, Norman, fiom Lochmaddy.




The marine annelids have sometimes been considered an un- inviting group, dimly associated with parasites and earthworms. In regard, however, to beauty of form and coloui-, wonderful structm-e and habits, they are not surpassed by any invertebrate class. The splendid bristles of the Aphroditidte, constantly glistening with all the hues of a permanent rainbow, the bril- liant colours of the Phyllodocidfe, Hesionidffi, and Nereidaj, and the gorgeous branchial plumes of the Terebellidaj, the Sabel- lidffi, and the Serpulidae can only be compared with the most beautiful types of butterflies and birds. The structures formed by many exhibit an amount of precision and skill equal to that of the most remarkable insects. Thus, at St. Andrews, the common Pectinaria belgica fashions a tube like a straight horn of minute pebbles, carefully selected and admirably fixed to each other by a whitish cement. In the placing of these together there is no haphazard, but angle fits angle as in a skilfully built wall, and no profusion of the whitish cement hides slovenly masonry. There is much similarity in the ordinary tubes ; dozens may be examined without observing any noteworthy sti'uctural difference. All have the same blending of the white or light-coloured grains with the yellow, the brown, and the black. There is no chance grouping, so as to cause the tube to be out of harmony with its suiToundings ; but the whole tone is such that it can with difficulty be distinguished from the sand. Some annelids, again, secrete transparent tubes of the aspect and toughness of crow-quills ; while others cement the mud into caoutchouc- like pipes, fix gravel, stones, and shells by the same means into convenient tunnels, or rely on the parchment-like tenacity of a tube formed solely of one or more layers of their re- markable secretion. The interest in the group is further heightened by the brilliant phosphorescence characteristic of many, and the powers which others have of perforating



sand, limestone, sliells, aluminous shale, sandstone, and otlier rocks.

The annelids are not devoid of interest even in an economical point of view. All round the coasts of Britain the Arenicola marina (common lobworm) is generally used as bait, and here and there Nejyhthjs and Nereilepas fiicata. On the pro- lific shores of the Channel Islands the great abundance of the Nereids is of considerable importance to the inhabitants, since two of the most plentiful (viz. Nereis cultrifera, Grube, and N. diver sicolor, Miiller) are extensively used in fishing. The fisher- men constantly search for them with a pointed instrument resembling a spear (see annexed woodcut), and keep them in vessels amongst a little sand and seaweed. They are much employed in catching whiting, the latter, again, being used as bait in conger-fishing. In the same islands one of the most esteemed baits is the large Marpkysa samjuinea, which reaches the length of two feet. It is termed " varme " by the fishermen, and is highly prized both for the capture of ordinary white fish and dog- fish. The annelids are kept alive in vessels amongst seaweed or rather the anterior segments only, no more than three or four inches of this region being retained since experience has sliown that, miless so treated, the animals will break off posterior fragments, which, puti-efying, soon cause the death of the whole. The natives of the Fiji group much esteem a form allied to the British Lysidice ninetta as an article of diet, and they predict its annual appearance in their seas with unemng precision by observing the phases of the moon, as at Samoa. It is called " Palolo " by the Samoans and Tongese, and " Mbalolo," Dr. Denis Macdonald informs us *, by the Fijians. This annelid occurs in numbers so vast that it is collected by the natives as a dainty and nutritious food ; and it is so much prized that formal presents of it are often sent considerable distances from certain chiefs to others

« Linn. Trans, vol. x.xii. p. 237 (18-J9).


who.se small dominions do not happen to be visited by the Palolo. Dr. Macdonald thinks the tendency to transverse fission exhibited by the annelids (since they are seldom got entire) may be connected with the diffusion of the ova, and not with the development of new forms a conclusion the more likely, though by no means necessary. He states that the species had been supposed to exhibit an alliance with Areni- cola, but that the anatomical characters refer it to the Nereidse. As already mentioned, it ought rather to be classed with the EunicidiE. If the Palolo has similar habits to the Lysidice of our southern coasts (that is, dwells in fissures and crevices of the rocks at and near low water), it probably leaves its retreats for the purpose of depositing ova. Lastly, Echiurus is used as bait by the Belgian fishermen ; and a Sipunculus is employed as food by the Chinese, whose varied taste ranges from trepangs to edible birds' nests.

If the uses of the majority of the annelids are restricted in the case of man, a very different condition holds with regard to mai-ine animals. An examination of the stomachs of our most valuable fishes shows how acceptable and important a part they play in the supply of nutriment. The large number of species which a few hours' fishing on a rich coast will produce with bait of Nereis cultrifera is strongly corro- borative ; indeed I should be inclined to place them even before crabs and mollusks in respect of the avidity with which fishes devour them. The majority of the annelids of St. Andrews are found in the stomachs of cod, haddock, whiting, flounders, and other common fishes ; and it is often puzzling to explain how those which dwell in tubes under stones, in fissures of rocks, and in other remote places have been ob- tained. To give a satisfactory account of the food furnished liy this class to fishes would require an enumeration of every family, and most of the genera and species, found in this countiy ; indeed I do not know a single form that would be rejected. It will suffice, on the present occasion, to notice a few of the more conspicuous at St. Andi-ews. The stomachs of cod and haddock are frequently filled with sea-mice and Polynoidfe; and another very common form is Sigalion Mathildce. The Nereidaj (from the gigantic Alitta virens,


Sars, whicli often distends the stomachs of large cod, to the smaller Nereis pelajica and K cuUrifera) are universally eaten. The somewhat uninviting Trophonin plumosa some- times forms the sole food in the stomachs of large haddocks, many hundi-eds occurring in a single fish. Owenia filiformis, with its gravelly tubes, is a favourite diet of the same fish, and of cod and flounders. The Terebellidje and their sandy tubes are also largely devoured ; and even Serpulida are not passed by. Moreover, in their young or larval forms they constitute an important element in the food of the herring and other fishes that feed near the sui-face of the water.

Many of the annelids of St. Andrews are common to the whole British area ; but some have not yet been found in other parts of our seas : as this, however, is probably due to a larger amount of attention having been directed to the locality, we shall not at present particularize.

The fauna at St. Andrews is distinguished, as far as our present knowledge extends, from the Zetlandic by the absence of such striking forms as Lcetmonice, PanthaUs, Nothna conckykga, TereheJla nehuhsa, Pista cnstata, Trickobmnchm glacialis, and Ditrypa arietina from that of tlie western regions by the absence of Sjnnther, Lepidonotus clava, Pohj- tioe scolopendrina, Ophiodromus vittatus, Gattiola spectahilis, Terebella nehuhsa, and Pista cristata; and of the southern' types we miss Euphrosyne, Hermione, Polynoe areoJata, Nereis Mariomi, Lysidice ninetta, the Eunicidaj, the abundance of the Chffitopteridaj, Sahellaria alveolata, Leprcea textrix Sabella saxicava, Protula, and Filigrana between tide-marks! The great preponderance of Polynoe floccosa in the south is also an interesting feature.

Amongst the annelids that, besides other very commun forms, abound at St. Andrews, and therefore most cliaracteristic ot It, are Sigalion Mathildoi, Sthenelais limicola, Phyllodoce laminosa, P. granlandica, Nereis cullrifera,Alittavirens, Auto- lytus pictus, Aricia Cuvieri, Ophelia limacina, Trophonia plu- mosa, Nerine foliosa, Polydora ciliata, Capitella capitata Sahellaria spinulosa, Pectinaria helgica, Lanice conchilega, Sabella pavonia, and Branchiomma vesiculosum.

Some of the phosphorescent forms at St. Andrews have


already been noticed * ; so that in the mean time the remarks shall be confined to the PolynoidaJ, three common species of which afford ready means of experiment. In Harmothoe imbricata irritation causes a series of bluish-green flashes at the points of attachment of the scales, and then a steady light for some time. Very pale specimens seem more irri- table than ordinary forms. No pulsations of light are ob- served on the phosphorescent surface of the detached scales. On the whole the light in this species is characterized by its steadiness. It does not readily emit its phosphorescence when a little sulphuric ether is added to the water ; nor does mechanical irritation in these circumstances cause any change in its mani- festation. Acetic acid acts as a poison, causing a momentary gleam as the scales are thrown off, which wholly disappears with the death of the animal and the ejection of the proboscis. If strong methylated spirit be gradually added to the sea- water (In a small Yessel), there is seldom phosphorescence if no mechanical irritation occurs ; the animal perishes with all the scales on its back. The luminous emissions are similar when spirit Is applied to the annelid in the air. Pohjnoe fioccosa seems to be more irritable, and to emit its phosphor- escence more readily than the foregoing at the same points. When one of the scales Is detached, the greenish light is o-Iven off as if In pulsations from the surface of attachment, somewhat quickly at first, then slower, and finally dis- ajipearlng. In Evarne inqmr, again, the detached scales give off a flashing light, such as might be caused by a swift series of waves, and which quite differs in character from tliat In P. foccosa.

The Gephyreans are not so abundant as on the muddy flats of the west and south, where swarms of the common forms are found in a single spadeful. The highly characteristic Echiurus vulgaris^ however, occurs, often in great numbers ; and though Priajmlus caudatus is not met with In the lit- toral region, nor so large as in the Hebrides, still it is not rare In deep water, and is frequent in the stomachs of fishes.

* Ann. & Mas. Nat. Hist. 4th ser. 1872, vol. ix. pp. C & 7.


The Nemerteans, again, are especially abundant between tide-marks, though some range thence to deep water, and a few occur only in the latter. Amj>hij}orus lactifloreus is common under sion&B, axiALineusgesserensis and Cephalothrix linearis in still greater numbers, especially in muddy places. The greatZ/iVjews marinus is frequently found under stones, and occasionally in the pools. Near low water the TetrastemrruT. (such as T. melanocephahij T. Candida, T. vermicula, T.flavida, and occasionally T. dorsalis) occur in varying numbers, tlie latter, however, attaining its maximum amongst the red sea- weeds in the laminarian region. By splitting the rocks at fissiU'es Nemertes Neesii, Lineus bilineatus, Micrura fasciolata, M. purpurea, and Carinella annulata are found in great beauty ; while the intricacies in the roots of the tangles afford favourite sites for Nemertes gracilis and others already mentioned. The d(5bris in the fishing-boats is especially productive of fine examples of Amphiporua pulcher and Micrura fusca *, both, besides the ordinary metliod of progression, swimming grace- fully through the water like freshwater leeches, by throwing themselves on edge and striking right and left alternately with their flattened tails. The curious Nemertes carcinophila is abundant on the ovigerous abdominal hairs of the females of the shore-crab.

Almost all the Nemerteans live well in confinement ; and while the development of several is known, that of others (such as Nemertes Neesii, N. gracilis^ Lineus marinuSj L. sanguineus, the Micrurce, and Carinella annulata) affords a fine field for further research. The Nemerteans approach the Annelids proper very closely.

The Rhabdoccela are generally minute, but tolerably numer- ous amongst the red ascidians hanging from cavern-roofs, or algous and zoophytic growths on the under surface of stones, in tidal pools and near low-water mark.

The Planarians are fairly represented, the common forms frequently occurring under stones between tide-marks, and

* A fine specimen of the large Cerebratulus angulatus, O. F. Miiller, was sent me from the neighbouring Bay of Montrose by l)r. Howden ; but unfortunately no proboscis was present. The tivo forms closely ap- proach each other.



gliding over the surface of rock or glass like a living skin, whicli requires a keen eye for detection. When much disturbed tliey swim a short distance through the water, with a horizontal stroke that has been compared by some to the motion of a skate ; but the undulation in the former is much greater than in the latter, which has a gliding or skimming character. They also progress on the surface of the water. Even more active and irritable than the Nemerteans, they move with ease and swiftness never avoiding any small obstacle, but spread- ing their thin mobile bodies over it, and continuing their course uninteiTuptedly. Occasionally when a projecting point is attained, the anterior part of the body is elevated and waved to and fro till a convenient branch of seaweed or zoophyte is reached. Some are very prettily coloured ; and tliough the large and gaudily sti-iped Eurylepta vittata, so characteristic of our southern shores, is not found, yet the pink and yellow hues of Planaria elltpsts are scarcely less attractive. The little Planaria ulvce, which abounds in the brackish waters of many of the creeks on the western coasts, is absent. The common Lepfopkma flexilis may be kept for months in con- finement; but it is perhaps less hardy in this respect than the Nemerteans. Even though it perishes, however, it fre- quently deposits pale brownish masses of agglutinated ova on the side of the vessel ; and the development of these can easily be followed.

Subclass TURBELLARIA. A. APROCTA, Max Schultze.

Order I. Dendroccela.

Fam. Leptoplanidae.

Genus Leptoplana, Ehrenberg.

Leptoplana subauricidata, Johnston, Catalogue of the Non- parasitical Worms, Brit. Mus. p. 6.

Common between tide-marks.


Leptoplana flexilts^ Dalyell ; Jolinst. Cat. p. 6. Abundant under stones between tide-marks.

Leptoj^Iana atomata, Miiller ; Johnst. Cat. p. 6. Common in the same localities.

Leptoplana ellipisis, Dalyell ; Johnst. Cat. p. 7. Not uncommon between tide-marks.

Order II. Khabdoccela.

Fam. 1. Proboscidea, J. V. Carus.

Genus Prostomum, (Erst.

Prostomum lineare, (Erst. ; Johnst. Cat. p. 62.

Occasionally found on stones brought from the rocks near

low water.

A curious fonn, having a pointed snout with a globular process posteriorly, and a dull pinkish alimentary canal, was procui-ed from the fishing-boats ; but unfortunately I possess only the drawing, upon which, however, every reliance can be placed (Plate V. fig. 9).

Fam. 2. Schizostomea, 0. Schm. Genus CoNVOLUTA, (Erst. Convoluta paradoxa, Abildgaard ; Johnst. Cat. p. 16. Very common amongst seaweeds and Corallina in tide- pools.

Convoluta Diesingii, Schmidt (?), Sitzungsb. der k. Akad. 1852. Occasionally under stones in rock-pools.



Fam. 3. Mesostomea, 0. Schm. Genus Mesostomum (Dugfes),M. Sch.

Mesostomum htfidum, n. sp. [Plate VIII. figs. 3-6.] Oil the under surface of stones from low-water mark, East Rocks. One tentli of an inch long, and of a very pretty pale orange hue. The body is pointed anteriorly, dilates in the middle, and diminishes posteriorly, terminating in two pro- cesses which have a few rather large papillaj on their crenated edge ; these pajsiUae seem to have a slight sucker -action. There are two semilunar eyes, with the concavity external. The cilia are specially distinct a little behind the snout, on each side, at points corresponding to the long ciliary whips of the developing Nemertean. The male organ formed a spirally marked conical process behind the large median sucker ; and the testes were loaded with spermatozoa in various stages of development.

Fam. 4. Derostomea, ffirst.

Genus Vortex, Ehrenberg.

Vortex capitata^ OErst. Entwurf Plattwiirmer, p. 65, pi. 1. f. 7.

[Plate VIII. figs. 7-10.] Occasionally under stones between tide-marks. Many dia- toms occur in the digestive canal.

Fam. 5. Opistomea, O. Schm. Genus Monocelis, Ehrb. Monocelis unipunctata (Fab.), (Erst. Ent. Plattw. p. 56. This appears to be the Planaria flustrce of Dalyell. It is abundant under stones between tide-marks.

Monocelis rutilans, O. F. Miiller, Zool. Danic. iii. p. 49, tab. 109. f. 10 & 11.

Occasionally in the laminarian region.



Order Nemertinea.

Suborder ENOPLA. Proboscis furnished with stj'lets.

Fam. 1. AmphiporidsB.

Subfamily Ampsipobin^. Proboscis proportionally large.

Genus 1. Amphiporus, Ehrenberg.

AmpMporus lactifloreus, Johnst. M'Intosli, Brit. Annel.

(Ray Society), i. p. 156, pi. 1. f. 1 «& 2. Common under stones between tide-marks.

AmpMporus pulcher (0. F. Muller), Johnst. Op. ctt. p. 158,

pi. 1. f. 3. Frequent in the coralline ground in crevices of shells. A verv large, though fragmentary, specimen appears to be this species (Plate IV. fig. 3). It was found by its artist on the West Sands after a severe storm in March. The pro- boscis is extruded, and the tip of the snout forms a kind of button, which, however, may be due to the condition ot the parts ; the cesophageal region protrudes as a rugose disk on the ventral surface near the tip. A reddish line along the body is pecuhar, and is probably the nerve-cord, since no vivid coloui-ing has been seen in the vessels of ordinaiy specimens. The dull greyish coloration of the body is also peculiar, and may be partly owing to the brownish-red ova shining through the other tissues, or to alimentary material. The posterior end of the specimen shows the pinkish elements of the digestive chamber and ova.

Genus 2. Tetrastemma, Ehrenberg. Tetrastemma melanocejahala, Johnst. Op. cit. p. 165, pi. 2. f. 1. Not rare amongst the roots of seaweeds on stones near low- water mark.


Tetrastemma Candida, O. F. Miiller. Op. cit. p. 167, pi. 2. f. 2 & 3.

Abundant amongst seaweeds on stones in the same localities.

Tetrastemma vermicula, De Quatrefages. Op. cit. p. 169, pi. 3. f. 3.

Common amongst the roots of seaweeds on stones between tide-marks.

Tetrastemma flavida, Ehrenberg. Op. cit. p. 170, pi. 4. f. 1. Not uncommon in the same situations.

Tetrastemma dorsalis, Abildgaard. Op. cit. p. 172, pi. 1. f. 4, & pi. 3. f. 4.

In swarms on Ceramium and other seaweeds in the lami- narian region, and occasionally imder stones near low-water mark.

Subfamily Nemestin^. Proboscis proportionally small.

Genus 4. Nemertes, Cuvier. Nemertes gracilis, Sohn&t. Op. cit. p. 176, pi. 2. f. 5. Frequent under tangle-roots at low water, and occasionally under stones between tide-marks.

Nemertes Neesii, CErst. Op. cit. p. 178, pi. 3. f. 6, & pi. 7. f. 6.

Common in the same localities, in fissures of the rocks be- tween tide-marks, and often from deep water.

Nemertes carcinophila, KoUiker. Op. cit. p. 180, pi. 1. f. 5. Very frequent on the abdominal hairs of female Garcini.

Genus 5. Lineus, Sowerby. Lineus marinus, Montagu. Op. cit. p. 181, pi. 9. Common between tide-marks and in deep water.


Lineus gesserensis, 0. F. Miiller. Op. cit. p. 185, pi. 4. f. 2, & pi. 5. f. 1.

Abundant between tide-marks. Green and red varieties are equally common.

Lineus sanguineus, Jens Rathke. Op. cit. p. 188, pi. 5. f. 2. Somewhat less common than the former, in the same sites.

Lineus bilineatus, Delle Chiaje. Op. cit. p. 191, pi. 6. f. 1. Not uncommon between tide-marks, and in deep water.

Genus 8. Micrura, Ehrenberg. Micrura fusca, M'Intosh. Op. cit. p. 196, pi. 6. f. 3. Common in the coralline ground amongst old shells.

Micrura fasciolata, Ehrenberg. Op. cit. p. 197, pi. 6. f. 2.

Not rare in fissures of the rocks between tide-marks, and occasionally from deep water. The uniformly tinted variety frequents the latter.

Micrura purpurea, Dalyell. Op. cit. p. 200, pi. 7. f. 3. Occasionally in the same localities.

Fam. 3. Carinellidae. Genus 10. Carinella, Johnst.

Carinella annulata, Montagu. Oj). cit. p. 203, pi. 7. f. 5, & pi. 8.

Common between tide-marks, and in deep water amongst shells.

Fam. 4. Cephalotrichidae. Genus 12. Cephalothrix, (Erst.

Cephalothrix linearis, Jens Rathke. Op. cit. p. 208, pi. 4. f. 4 & 5.

Abundant under muddy stones between tide-marks.


Subclass CHiETOGNATHA. Genus Sagitta, Slabb. Sagitta bipunctata, Quoy & Gaimard (?) , Krohn. Vast numbers were found on the West Sands, after a severe storm, in January 1867. They were scattered amidst the foam on the beach along with multitudes of Pleurohrachia ; and it is curious that very little else was cast ashore at this time. The season is remarkable, as Prof. Busk, who is the author of a most valuable paper * on the structure and rela- tions of the animal, thought it would chiefly be procured in fine and calm weather in the towing-net. They were re- cognized by the active movements of their bodies, wliich glistened all along the beach like needles of glass.

Subclass GEPHYREA.

Fam. Echiuridea, J. V. Carus.

Genus EcHiURUS, Cuvier.

Echiurus vulgaris^ Sav. ; Baird, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 109.

[Plate IV. fig. 1.]

Abundant amongst the debris on the West Sands after


Fam. Sipunculidea, J. V. Carus. Genus Phascolosoma, F. S. Leuck. Phascolosoma Harveii, Forbes ; Baird, loc. cit. p. 82. Abundant in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Phascolosoma Stromhi, Montagu ; Baird, loc. cit. p. 86. Common in deep water in Dentalium, TurriteUa, and Aporrhm's.

* Journ. of Microscop. Science, 1856, p. 14.



Phascohsoma Johnstoni, Forbes ; Baird, he. cit. p. 95. Frequent amongst the roots of corallines and seaweeds on stones in pools, and in crevices of rocks. Eanges to deep water in shells.

Fam. Priapulidea, J. V. Carus.

Genus Priapulus, Lara.

Priapulus caudatus, Lam. ; Baird, loc. cit. p. 104.

[Plate IV. fig. 2.]

Plentiful in the stomachs of cod and haddock, and from

deep water.



Fam. 1. Hirudinea, Savigny. Genus Pontobdella, Leach.

Pontohdella muricata, L. ; Jolinst. Cat. p. 39.

[Plate V. fig. 1.]

Abundant on skate, and tossed on the West Sands after storms.

Pontohdella Uttoralis, Johnst. Cat. p. 42. [Plate V. figs. 3-6.] Not uncommon on Cottus huhalis thrown on the West Sands after storms, and occasionally in the stomach of the haddock. It is curious that an example of Piscicola geometra (Plate V. tig. 2) should have been found on the fonner fish on the sands near the mouth of the Eden.

Fam. 5. Malacobdellea, J. V. Carus.

Genus Malacobdella, Blainville.

Malacohdella grossa, O. F. Miiller ; Johnst. Cat. p. 35.

Occasionally in Cyprina islandica. The late Dr. Fraser Thomson procured my specimen.


Fam. Lumbricina, D'Ud.

Genus Clitellio, Sav.

ClitelUo arenanus, O. F. Miiller ; Johnst. Cat. p. 66.

In swarms under stones on sandy and muddy ground between tide-marks.



Subclass ANNULATA POLYCH^TA. Fam. 3. Aphroditidse. Genus Aphrodita, L.

Aphroditaaculeata, L. ; Malmgren, Annulata Polychseta &c. p. 3.

Abundant in deep water, and thrown on the West Sands in thousands after some winter storms. It is also a common diet of the cod and haddock.

Fam. 4. Polynoidse. Genus Lepidonotus, Leach. Lepidonotus squamatus, L.; Mgm. op. cit. p. 4. Frequent in deep water, under stones in pools between tide- marks, on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus Nychia, Mgrn. Nychia cirrosa, Pallas ; Mgrn. oj}. cit. p. 5. Occasionally in deep water, and on the West Sands after storms.

Genus Lagisca, Mgrn. Lagisca propinqua, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 9. Occasionally in debris of the fishing-boats. It is distin- o-uished by its greyish scales mottled with black, by the dark spots at the bases of the feet, the mottling of the dorsum beneath the scales, and by the position of the eyes (the posterior pair only being visible from the dorsum). The dorsal bristles have a short clear portion at the tip ; the ventral are long, much tapered and minutely bifid superiorly, while the inferior have shorter and stouter tips, more evidently bifid.



Genus Harmothok, Kinberg. Harmothoe imhricata^ L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 9. Very abundant under stones between tide-marks, and ran- ging to deep water.

Harmothoe lunulata, Delle Chiaje, Descriz. e Not. pi. 144. f. 5 & 6 [fide Claparfede).

Occasionally on the West Sands after storms.

Harmothoe Macleodi, M'lntosh. Stomach of the cod. It is allied to H. zetlandica in regard to general appearance and processes. Scales fourteen to fifteen pairs, pale and semitranslucent ; dorsal cirri scarcely extend beyond the bristles ; serrations of the dorsal bristles continued to the tip ; ventral bristles boldly bifid, and with rather broad tips.

Genus Polynoe, Sav.

Polynoe floccosa, Savigny, Syst. des Ann^l. p. 23.

Not uncommon on the West Sands after storms, and under stones between tide-marks.

Genus Evaene, Mgrn. Evarne impar, Johnst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 10. Occasionally under stones in pools between tide-marks, and in littoral sponges.

Genus L^nilla, Mgrn.

Lwn-illa setost'ssima, Savigny, Syst. des Anndl. p. 25 ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 12.

Polynoe hngketis, Grube ; Lemilla glabra, Mgi'n. ; and Harmothoe Malm- greni, Lankester.

Tossed on the West Sands after storms, amongst tangle- roots. Not uncommon.


Genus Hermadion, Kinberg.

Eermadion pellucidum, Ehlers, Die Borstenwtirmer, i. p. 105, pis. 3 & 4.

Occasionally in deep water amongst corallines and shells.

Hermadion assimile, M'lntosh.

Amongst the debris in the fishing-boats. This species is easily discriminated from the foregoing (in spirit) by the presence of a brownish-black band commencing behind the head, and continuing along the central line to the tail. Dorsal bristles with the rows of spikes much less marked, and with a notch at the tip of each bristle ; the ventral bristles have a somewhat blunt tip, with processes or beaks which differ characteristically from those of the foregoing.

Genus Halosydna, Kinberg.

Hcdosydna gelatinosa, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 14.

Not uncommon imder stones in rock-pools and in the stomach of the cod.

Genus Malmgeenia, M'Intosh.

Malmgrenia andreapolis, M'Intosh.

Amongst the debris in the fishing-boats, in the stomachs of cod and haddock, and abundantly on the West Sands after stomis. The scales have a persistent brown belt Dorsal bristles terminated by a peculiar knob ; ventral bifid, but the distal process is constituted by a modification of the knob.

Genus Enipo, Mgrn. Enipo Kinhergi, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 15. Occasionally in the stomachs of cod and haddock.


Fam. 6. Sigalionidse.

Genus Sthenelais, Kinberg. Sthenelais boa, Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 124. Not uncommon between tide-marks under stones.

Sthenelais limicola, Ehlers, Die Borstenwurmer, i. p. 120, pis. 4 & 5.

Abundant on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders.

Genus Sigalion, M.-Edwards.

Sigalion Mathildce, M.-Ed. Hist, du Litt. de la France, ii. p. 105, pi. 2.

Common on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus Pholoe, Johnst. Phohe minuta, Fab. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 17.

Frequent vmder stones between tide-marks, and also in deep water.

Fam. 7. Nephthydidae.

Genus Nephthys, Cuvier.

Nephthys ccpxa, Fab.; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 18.

Common on the beach after storms, in sand under stones

between tide-marks, and in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and

other fishes.

Nephthys Hombergii, Aud. & M.-Ed. Hist. Litt. olim cit. p. 235, pi. 5 B. f. 1-6.

Not uncommon between tide-marks, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.


Nephihys Johnstoni {longisetosa, Johnst.). Occasionally between tide-marks, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock. This quite differs from the K longisetosa of (Ersted, Malmgren, and others.

Fam. 8. Phyllodocidae.

Genus Notophyllum, (Erst.

NotophyUum foUosum, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 19.

Amongst the debris of the fishing-boats. Not common.

Genus Genetyllis, Mgrn. Genetyllis lutea, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 20. Occasionally in deep water.

Genus Phyllodoce, Savigny. Phyllodooe graetilandt'ca, (Erst; Mgm. op. cit. p. 21. Thrown in numbers on the West Sands after storms; stomachs of cod and haddock.

Phyllo(hce maculata, O. F. Miiller ; Johnst. Cat. p. 177. Common under stones between tide-marks.

PhyUodoce hminosa, Savigny ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 24. Frequent between tide-marks, in the laminarian region, on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and other fishes.

Genus EuMiDA, Mgrn. Eumida sanguinea, (Erst., and var. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 25. Common between tide-marks under stones, and on the West Sands after storms.


Genus EULALIA (Sav.), Mgm. Eulalia virtdis, 0. F. Miiller ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 25. Abundant between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water.

Eulalia biUneata, Jolinst. ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 25. Under stones in rock-pools. Frequent.

Eulalia tripunctata^ n. sp. Amongst the debris of the fishing-boats. Colour pale yellow, with three rows of black spots on the dorsum.

Genus Eteone (Sav.), Mgrn. Eteone picfa, De Quatref. Annel^s, ii. p. 147. West Sands after storms, in the stomachs of cod and haddock, and rarely under stones at the East Kocks.

Eteone andreapolis, M'lutosh. On the West Sands after storms. The species has large eyes, a peculiarly shaped head, and madder-brown or piu-plish bands on the dorsum.

Eteone arctica, Mgrn. (?) ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 27. West Sands after storms.

Genus Eteonella, M'Intosh. Eteonella Bobertianaij M'Intosh. Found whilst digging for littoral annelids. It appears to be most closely allied to Eteone longa, ffirsted. Head conical, with a distinct furrow on each side ; and, like Malmgren's Chattoparia, the cephalic and buccal segments seem to be united; for two short filiform tentacles proceed from tlie posterior part of the head 5 the mouth, moreover, opens in the cephalic segment ; no visible eyes in spirit ; there is a distinct elevation in the centre of the head posteriorly ; the lobes of the feet are lanceolate.


Fam. 9. Hesionidae.

Genus Castalia, Savigny.

Castalia jnmctata, 0. F. MuUer ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 31.

Not uncommon in deep water, and occasionally under stones near low-water mark.

Genus PSAMATHE, Johnst. Psamafhe fusca, Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 182, pi. 14 a. f. 4.

Frequent under stones in pools and moist places between tide-marks.

Fam. 10. Syllidffi.

Genus Autolytus, Grube.

AutoJytus piroUfer, 0. F. Miiller ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 32.

Not uncommon near low-water mark under stones, and ranging to deep water.

Autolytus {Procercea) pictus, Ehlers, Die Borstenwiirmer i. p. 256, pi. 11. f. 8-17.

Occasionally under stones in tide-pools. This form also appears to show alternation of generations.

Genus Eustllis, Mgm.

Eusyllis tubifex, Gosse(?) ; M'Intosh, Trans. Eoy. Soc. Edinb. vol. XXV. 2. p. 414. Abundant on laminarian blades cast ashore by storms.

Genus ExOGONE, (Erst. {Sphcerosyllis).

Exogone naidina, (Erst. (?), Archiv f. Naturg. xi. 1845 p. 20, Taf. 2. '

Occasionally under stones in rock-pools.

Genus Stllis, Savigny. Syllis armiUarts, 0. F. Muller ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 42. Frequent between tide-marks under stones, and in the

laminarian region.



Genus " Ioida," Johnst.

"loida macrophthalma" Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 197, pi. 14 a. f. 5.

Occasionally between tide-marks. This is the sexual bud of a Syllis. Four or five of the segments anteriorly are devoid of the long bristles.

Fam. 11. Nereidffi-

Genus Nereis, L. Nereis pelagica, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 47, Everywhere abimdant from high-water mark to the coralline ground, and in the stomachs of many fishes.

Nereis cuUrifera, Grube ; Ehlers, Die BorstenwUrmer, ii. p. 461, pis. 18-20,

Frequent between tide-marks under stones on muddy ground, and in the stomachs of various fishes.

Nereis Dumerilii^ Aud. & M,-Ed. ; Ehlers, op. cit. p. 535. It is curious that only the epitocous form (olim Iphinerets fucicola) has yet occm-red, viz. in the coralline region and on the West Sands after storms.

Genus Hediste, Mgm. Hediste diversicohr, 0, F. MuUer ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 49. Occasionally between tide-marks, and after storms on the West Sands,

Genus Eunereis, Mgm.

Eunereis longissima, Johnst. ; Mgrn, op. cit. p. 57.

Occasionally cast ashore on the West Sands after storms.

This is an epitocous form, the relations of which are at present

in obscurity ; there is no known species with which it may be

connected except those mentioned here.


Genus Nereilepas, Blainville. Nereilepas fiwata, Savigny ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 53. Abundant on the coralline ground, chiefly in company with Pagurus in Buccinum. It also occurs in the stomachs of various fishes.

Genus Alitta, Kinberg. AUtta virens, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 56. Sometimes thrown in large numbers on the West Sands after storms, and not uncommon in the stomachs of cod.

Fam. 13. Lumbriconereidae.

Genus Lumbeiconeeeis (Blainv.), M.-Edwards. Lumbnconereis fragiUs, O. F. MuUer; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 63. West Sands after stoi-ms, and in the stomachs of haddock and flounders. Not rare.

Lumbriconereis Laurentiana, Grube, Archiv f. Naturg. Bd. xxix. 1863, p. 40.

Stomachs of cod and haddock.

Fam. 15. Onuphididffi.

Genus Onuphis, Sars. OnupMs tuhicda, 0. F. Muller; Mgm. op. cit. p. 67. Fragmentary specimen in the stomach of a haddock.

Fam. 16. Goniadidae. Genus Goniada, Aud. & M.-Ed. Goniada maculata, CErst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 68. Common in the stomachs of cod and haddock.



Fam. 17. Glyceridae.

Genus Glycera, Savigny. Glycera dubia, Blainv. (vel Bouxit, Aud. & M.-Ed. ?). West Sands after storms and in fissures of rocks.

Glycera capitata, (Erst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 70. Occasionally in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Glycera Goesi, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 71. Stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders. Not uncommon.

Fam. 18. Ariciidae.

Genus Aricia, Savigny.

Aricia Cuvieri, Aud. & M.-Ed. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 71.

Common between tide-marks in sand, and thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Genus ScOLOPLOS (Blainv.), (Erst. Scoloplos armiger, O. F. Muller ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 72. Frequent between tide-marks under stones on sandy ground.

Fam. 19. Opheliidje. Genus Ammotrypane, H. Rathke. Ainmotrypane aulogaster, H. Rathke ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 73. Occasionally in the stomachs of haddocks.

Genus Ophelia (Sav.), M.-Edwards. Ophelia limacina, H. Rathke ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 74.

Very abundant on tlie West Sands after storms, and often in tlie stomachs of cod and haddock.


Genus Travisia, Johnst.

Travisia Forhesii, Jolinst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 75. Occasionally under stones on gravel at East Rocks, and in the stomachs of flounders.

Fam. 20. Scalibregmidse. Genus EuMENiA, (Erst. Eumenia crassa, (Erst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 76. In the stomach of the haddock. Not uncommon.

Genus Scalibregma, H. Rathke. Scalibregma inflata, H. Rathke ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 77. In the stomach of a flounder. Rare.

Fam. 21. Telethusidse. Genus Arenicola, Lamarck. Arenicola marina, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 78. Everjrw^here abundant in sandy ground.

Fam. 22. Sphaerodoridas.

Genus Ephesia, H. Rathke.

Ephesia gracilis, H. Rathke ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 79.

Occasionally between tide-marks, and frequently in the coralline region.

Fam. 23. Chloraemidse.

Genus Trophonia, M.-Edwards.

Trophonia plumosa, O. F. Miiller ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 82.

Common on the beach after storms, in muddy fissm-es of

the rocks between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water, as

weU as in the stomachs of various fishes.


Genus Flabelligera, Sars. Flabelligera affints, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 83. Frequent in deep water, and sometimes between tide-marks.

Fam. 25. Chaetopteridae.

Genus CH.aiTOPTERUS, Cuvier. Chcetopterus norvegicus, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 88. Occasionally in the stomachs of haddock.

Genus M.ffiA, Johnst. Mesa mirahilis, Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 278. Not uncommon amongst gravelly sand off the East Rocks. The position of this remarkable form may be regarded as provisional (between the ChsetopteridEe and Spionidfe).

Fam. 26. Spionidae. Genus Nerine, Johnst. Nerine foliosa, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 89. Common in sandy groimd or in muddy sand.

Genus Scolecolepis, Blainv. Scolecolepis vulgaris, Johnst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 90. Not uncommon in muddy sand.

Genus Spio, (Erst. Spio seticornis, Fab. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 92. In fine sand tubes under stones at the East Rocks.


Genus Polydora, Bosc. Polydora ciliata, Jolinst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 95. Very abundant in soft sandstone and shale.

Fam. 27. Cirratulidae.

Genus Cikratulus, Lamarck. Cirratulus cirratus, 0. F. Muller ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 95. Common in mud and muddy sand under stones between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water.

Genus Dodecaceeia, CErst. Dodecaceria concharum, (Erst. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 96. Not unfrequent in tangle-roots and old shells from low- water mark to the coralline ground.

Fam. 28. Capitellidae.

Genus Capitella, Blainville.

Capitella capitata, Fab. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 97.

Common on the West Sands after storms and in fissures of rocks in mud.

Fam. 29. Maldanidse. Genus Maldane, Grube. MaUane hiceps, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 98. A fragmentary specimen in the stomach of a haddock.

Genus Nicomache, Mgrn. Nicomache lumhricalis, Fabr. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 99. Common between tide-marks imder stones, and thence to deep water ; it is especially abundant in vertical fissures of the soft sandstone at the East Eocks.


Genua Praxilla, Mgrn. Praxilla prcetermissa^ Mgrn. ojj. cit. p. 100. In the stomach of a haddock. Not common.

Fam. 30. Ammocharida.

Genus Owenia, Delle Chiaje.

Owenia JiUformis, Delle Chiaje ; Clapar^de, Chset. Naples, p. 446, pi. 26. f. 5.

Common in the stomachs of haddock.

Fam. 31. Hermellidae.

Genus Sabellaria, Lamarck. SabeUaria sjnnulosa, R. Leuckart ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 102. Abundant between tide-marks, and thence to deep water.

Fam. 32. Amphictenidae.

Genus Pectinaria, Lamarck.

Pectinaria helgica, Pallas ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 103.

Very abundant oiF the West Sands, and tossed ashore in vast numbers after storms. Common in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus Amphictene, Sav. Ampkictene auricoma, O. F. Miiller ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 103. Occasionally off the East Rocks in sandy ground, and in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders.

Fam. 33. Ampharetidae.

Genus Ampharete, Mgrn. Ampharete arctica, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 104. Occasionally in deep water and in the stomachs of haddock.


Genus Amphicteis (Gr.), Mgm. Amj^Mcteis Gunneri, Sars ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 105. Not uncommon in the stomachs of haddock.

Genus Melinna, Mgm. Melinna cristata, Sars ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 106. Frequent in the stomachs of cod.

Fam. 34. Terebellids.

Subfam. 1. Amfhitbitea, Mgrn.

Genus Amphiteite, 0. F. Miiller.

Amphitrite figulus, Dalyell ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 107 (as A. Johnstoni).

Not uncommon between tide-marks, and ranging to deep water.

Genus Lanice, Mgm. Lanice conchilega, Pallas ; Mgm. op. cit. p. 108. Abundant between tide-marks and off the West Sands, and multitudes are thrown on the beach after storms. A common food of many fishes.

Genus Nicolea, Mgm. Nicolea zostericola, (Erst. & Gr. ; Mgrn. oj). cit. p. 109. Common between tide-marks amongst tangle-roots, and ranging to deep water.

Genus Thelepus, Leuckart. Thelepus circinatus, Fab. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 110. Frequent in the laminarian and coralline regions, in the stomachs of various fishes, and on the West Sands after storms.



Subfam. 2. Poltctssidea, Mgrn.

Genus Polycirrus, Grube. Poly cirrus (Ereutho) Smitti, Mgm. op.cit. p. 111. Not uncommon between tide-marks.

Subfam. 5. Canepbosidea, Mgrn.

Genus Terebellides, Sars. Terebellides StroBmii, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 112. Large specimens occur in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Fam. 35. Sabellidae. Genus Sabella, L. Sabella pavonia, Sav. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p.' 112. Abundant in the coralline ground, on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomach of the cod.

Sabella {Branchiomma, Kolliker) vesiculosa, Mont. ; Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 259.

Frequently thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Sabella viridis, M. -Edwards, Rfeg. An. lUust. pi. 1 e {fide De Quatref.).

Amongst mud in the interstices of Filigrana implexa from the coralline region.

Genus Dastchone, Sars. Dasychone Dalyelli, Kolliker; Mgm. op. dt. p. 115. Occasionally from the coralline ground in the debris of fishing-boats.


Genus Amphicoea, Ehrenberg. Amjjhicora Fabricia, O. F. Miiller; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 117. Abundant under stones on muddy ground between tide- marks and amongst tangle-roots.

Fam. 36. Serpulidse.

Genus Protula, Risso.

Protula tubularia, Mont. {=protensa, Johnst.) ; Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 264.

Occasionally in deep water.

Genus FiLiGEANA, Oken. Filigrana impleoca, Berkeley ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 119. Fine masses are common in the coralline region.

Genus Hydroides, Gunner. Hydroides norvegica, Gunner; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 120. Abundant in deep water, attached to shells, stones, &c.

Genus Serpula, L. Serpula vermicularis, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 120. Common in deep water.

Genus Pomatocerus, Phil. Pomatocerus triqueter, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 121. Very common from the littoral to the coralline region.




Genus Spirorbis, Daud. Spirorhis borealis, Daud. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 122. Abundant on seaweeds and stones between tide-marks.

Spirorhis lucidus, Mont. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 123. Common on zoophytes from deep water.





The sessile-eyed Crustacea of St. Andrews are tolerably numerous both in species and individuals. Between tide- marks the most conspicuous (as usual) are the swarms of Talitrus locusta which speedily reduce dead fisli and other animals to skeletons at high-water mark and considerably be- yond it, and the multitudes of Gammarus locusta and Amphi- thoe jwdoceroides under stones amongst the rocks. The Podo- cerides, Pherusa licuspis, CaUiopius grandocuKs, and CapreUu tuherculata are plentiful in the rock-pools, and Corophiuw grossipes in the brackish pools near the estuary of the Eden. Jariira maculosa abounds both in the tidal region and in deep water, while JcBra Nordmanni occurs in numbers under stones near high-water mark. In the laminarian region one of the most abundant, perhaps, is Atyhis Sioammerdami, which con- gregates in swarms on the loose seaweeds. BipJionoecetus typicus is common amongst shell-gravel, and Eurydice pulckra on the surface of the sea as well as in rock-pools in autumn. Many of the rarer forms occur in the deeper water in con- siderable numbers; but the distribution of the group in British seas is still involved in considerable obscurity; and at present it will suffice to observe that two of the most plen- tiful in this region are Ampelisca BelUana, Bate, and the new CaUiopius bidetitatus, Norman. The former is likewise common on the beach after storms and in the stomachs of fishes ; and the latter ranges to the laminarian zone.

Compared with the Zetlandic area, the absence at St. Andrews of such forms as Acanthonotus Owenii, Dexamine vedlomensis, Cymodocea truncata, and Spliceroma Prideauxia- num in the laminarian region strikes even a superficial observer of the group ; while the large number of rare and new spe- cies which were met with during the frequent di-edgings of Dr. Gwyn Jeffreys and the Rev. A. M. Norman still further heightens the contrast. The southern region, again, is boldly


separated by the presence in considerable numbers of Cymodo- cea truncata and Spharoma Prideauxianum in the fissures of rocks between tide-marks, and Dynamene in rock-pools. The characteristic Tanais vittatus, Paranthura costana, Ncesa hidentata, Moera grossimana, Ohelura terebrans, Conilera cylin- drica, and the large Cymothoa parasitic on the fishes at once distinguish the fauna of the Channel Islands from that at St. Andrews. The rarity of Orchestia littorea at the latter and its abundance in the tidal region of the Outer Hebrides, and the absence of Sulcator arenarius and its frequent occur- rence in the sand of the western shores of England, are also interesting conti-asts.

Many of the sessile-eyed Crustacea, such as Talitrus locusta, are extremely hardy. Gammarus locusta is often found in putrid localities, and it survives almost every other marine form in putrid vessels in confinement. The group as a whole is composed of extremely active animals ; and even the most grotesque, such as Caprella tuberculata, are at home in the intricacies of Ceramiinn and other finely branched seaweeds. The boring forms (by j'aws) are represented by Limnoria lignorum ; but its depredations are comparatively insignificant, probably because little wood is employed within water-mark in the construction of the harbour. The perforations of Talitrus, again, abound in the sand, and the looped burrows of Coro- phium in the sandy mud of the flats it inhabits. The nest- forming crustaceans are represented hj Amphithoe podoceroides, Siphonrecetus typicus, Podocerus variegatus, and P. falcatus ; while the young of Gammarus locusta are often observed adhering to the abdominal region of the parent.

The Cirripedes occur abundantly between tide-marks, the most conspicuous being Balanus lalanoides, wliich covers the bare rocky ridges opposite the Castle and other parts. In deep water the various species are attached to shells, stones, crabs, wood, cork, coal, tests of ascidians, and other structures.

I am indebted to Mr. Spence Bate for the determination of several doubtful forms, and especially to the Eev. A. M. Norman for his courteous assistance in this respect, and in revisin"- the list. Mr. G. S. Brady kindly furnished me with the names of the Ostracoda occurring in shell-debris on the West Sands and other collections.


Order Pycnogonoidea.

Fam. Pycnogonidae, Latreille. Genus Pycnogonum, Briinnich. Pycnogonum littorale, 0. F. Miiller. Abundant under stones between tide-marks.

Genus Phoxichilidium, M.-Edwards. PhoxicMUdiuvi femoratum^ Ratlike.

Occasionally under stones in rock-pools, and ranging to deep water.

Besides the foregoing, there are several species (one appar- ently identical with Mr. Goodsir's Nymplion Johnstoni, and another with his N. spinosum) not uncommon in the coralline region. Many delicate zoophytes are found on their limbs.

Order Cirripedia.

Suborder SUCTORIA. Fam. Peltogastridae, Glaus.

Genus Peltogaster, H. Rathke. Peltogaster paguri, H. Kathke. Occasionally on Pagurus hernhardus. A more elongated form occurs on P. cuanensis.

Genus Sacculina, Thompson. SaccuUna carcini, Thompson. [Plate IX. iig. 1.3.] Common on the abdomen of Carcinus mcenas. Another is found on Portunus holsaius (Plate IX. figs. 14 & 15).


Suborder THORACICA. Fam. Lepadidae.

Genus Lepas, L. Lepas anatifera, L. ; Darwin, Mon. i. p. 73, pi. 1. f. 1. On the bottoms of ships, and thrown ashore after storms attached to timber.

Genus ScALPELLUM, Leach. Scalpellum vulgare, Leach ; Darw. Mon. i. p. 222, pi. 5. f. 15. On Thuiaria thuja and Sertularia cupressina from deep water.

Fam. Balanidas.

Subfamily Balanin^.

Genus Balanus, Lister.

Balanus porcatus, E. da Costa ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 256, pi. 6. f. 4.

Abundant on stones, Ascidia sordida, crabs, &c. in deep water, and occasionally between tide-marks.

Balanus crenatus, Braguifere; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 261, pi. 6. f. 6. Not uncommon on Hyas araneus, Lithodes maia, and on rocks in the laminarian region.

Balanus balanoides, L. ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 267, pi. 7. f. 2. Very abundant ; coating extensive surfaces of the rocks between tide-marks and in the laminarian region, and ad- hering to mussels, sticks, jjosts, &c. Elongated varieties are not uncommon. The exuviae swarm in the rock-pools and on the sm-face of the sea in summer.

Balanus Hameri, Ascanius ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 277, pi. 7. f. 5. Occasionally in deep water ; a small thorn-tree (still fresh) was covered with fine examples.



Fam. VerrucidsB. Genus Verruca, Schumacher. Verruca Stromn, O. F. Miiller; Darw. Mon. p. 518, pi. 21. f. 1. Abundant on rocks and stones between tide-marks in the laminarian region, and on crabs in the coralline.

Order Coi'EPODA.


Genus NOTODELPHYS, Allman.

Notodelphys ascidicola, Allman.

Common in Ascidia intestinalis and others.

Suborder PARASITA.

Genus Caligus, 0. F. Muller. Caligus rapax, M. -Edwards. Common on cod. Many specimens have Udonella caUgorum attached to them. Free specimens often occur in rock-pools.

Genus Lepeophtheirus, Nordm. Lepeophtheirus salmonis, Kroyer. Abundant on the salmon.

Genus Cecrops, Leach.

Cecrops LatreiUn, Leach.

Common on the gills of the suntish {Orthagoriscus niola).

Genus Anchokella, Cuvier. Anchorella uncinata, 0. F. Muller. Abundant on the gills of cod and haddock.


Anchorella emarginata, Kroyer, Naturhist. Tidsskrift, Band i. p. 287, tab. 3. fig. 7, a-e.

On the gills of the wolf fish {AnarrMchas luptis). Mr. Norman states that this is new to Britain.

Genus Lern^a, L. Lerncea hranchialis^ L. Common on the gills of cod and haddock.

An Ergasilxis ? is frequent on the gills and other parts of Doris tuberculata, D. Johnstoni, and occasionally on Triopa claviger.



Fara. Cytheridae.

Genus Cytheee, O. F. Muller.

Cythere pellucida, Baird ; G. S. Brady, Monogr. Brit. Ostra- coda, Linn. Trans, xxvi. 2, p. 397, pi. 28. f. 22-26 & 28.

Abundant in shell-sand from the West Sands.

The following come from the same locality :

Cythere alhomaculata, Baird ; Brady, op. cit. p. 402, pi. 28 f. 33-39, pi. 39. f. 3.

Cythere lutea, 0. F. Muller ; Brady, op. cit. p. 395, pi. 28 f. 47-56, pi. 39. f. 2.

Cythere villosa, G. O. Sars ; Brady, 02). cit. p. 411, ijl. 29 f. 28-32.

Cythere cuneiformis, Brady, op. cit. p. 404, pi. 31. f. 47-54.

Cythere viridis, O. F. Muller ; Brady, op. cit. p. 397, pi. 28. f. 40, 41, &c. Also from deep water.

Cythere tulercidata, G. O. Sars ; Brady, op. cit. p. 406, pi. 30. f. 25-41.


Cythere concinna, Jones ; Brady, op. cit. p. 408, pi. 26. f. 28-33 &c.

Cythere fimnarchica, G. 0. Sars; Brady, op. cit. p. 410, pi. 31. f. 9-13.

Genus Cytheridea, Bosquet.

Gytheridea elongata, Brady, o^. cit. p. 421, pi. 28. f. 13-16 &c.

Cytheridea papillosa, Bosquet ; Brady, op. cit. p. 423, pi. 28. f. 1-6 &c.

Genus Loxoconcha, G. O. Sars.

Loxoconcha tamarindus, Jones ; Brady, op. cit. p. 435, pi. 27. f. 45-48.

Occasionally in the debris of the fishing-boats.

Loxoconcha guttata, Norman ; Brady, op. cit. p. 436, pi. 27.

f. 40-44.

In shell-debris from the West Sands.

Genus Xestolebeeis, G. O. Sars.

Xestoleheris aurantia, Baird ; Brady, op. cit. p. 437, pi. 27 f. 34-37 &c.

Abundant in tide-pools.

Genus Cttheropteron, G. 0. Sars.

Gyilieropteron latissimum, Norman ; Brady, op. cit. p. 448, pi. 34. f. 26-30.

In the debris of the fishing-boats.

Genus Cytheeideis, Jones. Oytherideis suhulata, Brady, op. cit. p. 454, pi. 35. f. 43-46. In shell-debris from the West Sands.

Genus Sclerochilus, G. O. Sars

'us contortiis, Norman ; B pi. 34. f. 5-10 &

Common in ddbris from deep water,

Sclerochilus contortus, Norman ; Brady, op. cit. p. 455 pi. 34. f. 5-10 &c.

T 2



Genus Paradoxostoma, Fischer.

Paradoxostoma variahile, Baird ; Brady, op. cit. p. 457, pi. 35. f. 1-7 & 12-17.

Abundant in tide-pools and in deep water.

Paradoxostoma ensiforme, Brady, op. cit. p. 460, pi. 35. f. 8-11.

In the debris of the fishing -boats.

Paradoxostoma jlexuosum, Brady, op. cit. p. 461, pi. 35.

f. 30-34. In the same locality.

Paradoxostoma arcuatum., Brady, op. cit. p. 461, pi. 35. f. 37 & 38.

With the foregoing from deep water

Crustacean parasite of Couchia glmira, ftom Lochmaddy.

Crustacean parasite of An^e- don, from Lochmaddy.


Order Amphipoda.


Di\nsion Gammasina. Subdivision VACANTIA.

Tribe Saltatoria.

Fam. 1. Orchestiidae.

Genus Talitrus, Latreille.

Talitrus locusta, L. Bate & Westwood, Brit. Sessile-eyed Crust, i. ]). 16.

Abundant amongst the debris of seaweed and dead animals of all kinds near high-water mark, and in burrows in the sand even above the latter.

Genus Htale, H. Rathke.

Hyale Nilssoni, H. Rathke ; B. & W. o]}. cit. i. p. 40 (as AUorckestes Nilssotiii).

In small pools near high-water mark on the sm-face of the bare rocks beyond the Maiden Rock, where almost the only vegetation is borne on the backs of the limpets, and under stones in littoral pools at the West Rocks. Stomachs of the cod and flounder.

Tribe Nat at or ia.

Fam. 2. Gammaridae.

Subfamily Stegocephalibes.

Genus Stenothoe, Dana {=Proholmm, Costa, ; Montagua, Bate & Westwood).

Stenothoe nionoculokles, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 54.

In debris of fishing-boats, not uncommon. The dorsum has rows of orange or reddish-orange specks, three distinct rows on the broad plates of the anterior limbs, and other isolated spots of the same hues ; eyes orange or reddish orange, with small red dots posteriorly. A variety also occurs.


Stenothoe marina, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 58. Frequent in debris of fishing-boats. Ova green.

Stenothoe Alderi, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 61. With the foregoing, occasionally.

Stenothoe poUexiana, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 64. In the same locality. Body barred with red ; eyes red.

Stenothoe clvpeata, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. Supplement,

p. 499.

Occasionally in the debris of the fishing-boats.

Genus LxsiANASSA, M.-Edwards. Lysianassa atlantica, M.-Edwards ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 82. Not uncommon in the stomach of the haddock.

Genus Anonyx, Kroyer.

Anonyx Holbollii, Kroyer, =A. denticulatus, B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 101.

Occasionally after storms on the West Sands, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus Acidostoma, Lilljeborg. Acidostoma ohesum, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 98. Occasionally at the East Rocks.

Genus Callisoma, Costa. Callisoma crenata, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 120. In the stomach of a haddock.

Subfamily Ampeliscides. Genus Ampelisca, Kroyer.

Ampelisca carinata, Bruzelius ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 127 (as A. Gaimardii).

Abundant in the stomachs of cod and haddock.


Ampeh'sca BelUana, Bate {=A. macroceplmla, Lilljeborg?) ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 135.

Common in the stomachs of the cod, haddock, skate, and flounder, and dredged off the East Rocks. Nothing else is found in the distended stomachs of some haddocks except masses of this species ; or they may be accompanied by green pea-urchins, tubes of Terebellcv, fragments of OjihiocomcE, and sea-mice. In multitudes on the West Sands after some storms.

Genus Amphilochds, Bate.

AmpMlochus viamidens, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 180.

Occasionally in the dc^bris of the fishing-boats. Eyes bright red ; body purplish brown, speckled with dark granules ; the tips of the antennte have the same purplish hue.

Genus Iphimedia, H. Bathke.

Iphimedia obesa, H. Bathke ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 219.

Not uncommon in pools at the East Rocks, and in debris of the fishing-boats. The brownish-red markings of the young specimens form a double row on the posterior segments.

Subfamily Gammaeides.

Genus Dexamine, Leach.

Dexamine spinosa, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 237.

Abundant in pools near low-water mark at the East Rocks,

and in the stomach of the cod. Eyes white. Most have a

straw-coloured body, very prettily mottled with brownish-red

patches and many minute white specks; the antenna are

laeautifully barred with white and brown.

Genus Atylus, Leach.

Atylus SwammerdamiijM.-Edwiirds; B.& W. op. cit. i. p. 246.

Occasionally in rock-pools at the pier, or clinging in hundreds

to the seaweeds in the laminarian region off the West Rocks ;

abundant on the beach after storms, and in the stomach of the


cod. Translucent and slightly yellowish, with three brownish- red spots along the dorsum, and a small one above the eyes ; the latter ai-e pinkish brown; the elongated heart pulsates very evidently on the dorsum.

Atylus hispinosusy Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 250. In the debris of the fishing-boats, under stones at the Pier rocks, and on the West Sands after storms. Eyes occasionally reddish. Most of the body and appendages are speckled with small black dots ; many have specks of a carmine hue behind the eyes.

Genus Pherusa, Leach. Pherusa hicMspis, Kroyer ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 253. In the di^bris of the fishing-boats, and in swarms in the fine pools near high-water mark beyond the Rock and Spindle.

Genus Calliopius (Leach), Lilljeborg.

OalUopius Iceviusculus, Kroyer ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 259.

Occasionally in pools near low water at the East Rocks.

Calliopius Ossiani, Bate; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 261. Frequent in the fishing-boats.

Calliopius p-andoculis, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 265.

In the same locality, and not uncommon in the rock-pools. Many show a decided brownish bar from the eyes along the dorsal ridge ; and sometimes small reddish specks are present. A. Boeck includes this form under C. Iceviusculus *.

Calliopius hidentatus (n. sp.), Norman, Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. & Durham, vol. i. 1865, p. 24.

This species is frequently dredged off the Harbour and the East Rocks, as well as in the deeper water outside the bay, and found on the West Sands after storms. Mr. Norman states that it is not uncommon all along the east coast.

* ' Crustacea Ampbipoda borealia et arctica,' p. 117.


The body is about two fifths of an inch long, of a pale straw-colour, tinted with brownish at the joints and the bases of the limbs. Superior antennae twice as long as the in- ferior, beautifully banded with red. Eyes irregularly rounded, brownish red or pale brick-red. The first and second gnatho- pods are nearly equal (the second, liowever, being larger) and similar in sti'ucture. Hand almond-shaped, the palm fur- nished with a series of very distinct stout spines, and a row of smaller spines reaching the base of the finger ; the latter is long, boldly curved, and regularly divided on the concave side. The first and second pleopods have spines, that of the former, however, being sometimes indistinct. A very cha- racteristic convexity occurs at the junction of the third and fourth pleopods ; and the dorsal margin of the latter is

Genus Leucothoe, Leach.

Leucothoe spinicarpa, Abildgaard ; B. & W. o]). cit. i. p. 271 (as L. artlculosa).

Occasionally in pools at the East Kocks, and on the West Sands after storms.

Genus AoRA, Kroyer. Aora gracilis, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 281. Not uncommon in the debris of the fishing-boats. One had a spike beneath the second pair of gnathopods.

Genus MiCEODEUTEROPUS, Costa. Microdeuteropus Websteri, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 291. In the stomach of a haddock, and in debris of the fishing- boats. Body of a straw-colour, the antenna; having lighter and darker bands of the same hue ; eyes round, black.

Genus Bathtpoeeia, Lindstrom. Bathyporeia jiifosa, Lindstrom ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 304. Common off the East Rocks in the laminarian region.


Bathjporeia Robertsoni, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 309. Occasionally in pools at the East Rocks. Tlie eyes in the ex,amples were large, nearly meeting in the middle line.

Genus Melita, Leach.

Melita palmata, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 337.

In the debris of the fishing-boats ; not common. The body

is yellowish or straw-eolour, with pale brownish antennas

marked at the joints with pale rings ; eyes dark brown or

black, with whitish specks.

Melita obtusata, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 341. From the fishing-boats ; not uncommon.

Genus Gammaropsis, Lilljeborg.

Gammaropsis erythro2)hthalmus, Lilljeborg ; B. & W. op. cit. i.

p. 354.

From the fishing-boats ; not rare.

Genus Amathilla, H. Rathke. AmatJiilla Sabim, Leach ; B. & W. oj). cit. i. p. 361. A single example in the stomach of a haddock.

Genus Gammarus, Fab. Gammarus marinus, Leach ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 370. In the stomach of a cod, and occasionally off the East Rocks in a few fathoms.

Gammarus locusta, L. ; B. & W. ojj. cit. i. p. 378.

In swarms below the flat stones on sand between tide- marks and in the laminarian region. It swims a consider- able time in putrid water. Occxu's frequently in the stomachs of cod and haddock.


Genus Heiscladius, B. & W. Heiscladius longicaudatus, B. &W. op. cit. i. p. 412. In the fishing-boats ; rave.

Subdivision DOMICOLA.

Fam. Corophiidae. Subfamily Pobocesides.

Genus Amphithoe, Leach. Amphithoe ruhricata, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 418. In the debris of the fishing-boats.

Amfhithoe podoceroides, H. Kathke ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 422 (as A. littorina).

Common in the laminarian region, and under stones between tide-marks, where it constructs tubes or nests. Most of the fine specimens have the hand of the second pair defined by a distinct tooth, as Rathke and Dr. Jolmston state.

Genus PoDOCERUS, Leach.

Podocenis falcattts, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. i. pp. 436 &447 (as P. puhJieUus and P. pelagicus).

In rock-pools on Ceramimn ridirum at the Pier, in the laminarian region beyond, in the stomachs of flounders, and in the fishing-boats. Sometimes gaudily tinted with reddish brown and white, and with red bars on the inferior an- tenna.

Podocerus variegatus, Leach; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 439, & p. 442 (as P. capiUatus).

Not uncommon in pools near low-water mark at the East Rocks.



Genus Ceeapus, Say.

Cerapus diffonnis, M.-Edwards ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 457.

Common in deep water. The straw-coloured body is marked with dark grains ; and the superior antennae have the basal third of the second and third segments tinted of a crimson hue, the flagellum being similarly coloured for its proximal half; the eyes have black centres and, as usual, a pale margin.

Genus SiPHONCECETUS, Kroyer.

Si]}hona!cetus typicus, Kroyer ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 465.

Abundant in the laminarian region in 3 to 6 fathoms off the East Rocks, where it constructs nests on the inner surface of bivalve shells. 8. Whitei, Gosse, is probably the female of this species.

Genus N^nia, Bate. NcBtiia tuberculosa, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 472. Occasionally in the d(5bris of the fishing-boats.

Ncenia rimapalmata, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 474. With the former.

Nmnia excavata, Bate ; B. & W. op. cit. i. p. 476. Common in the same debris from the coralline ground.

Subfamily Cobofriides. Genus Corophium, Latreille.

Corophiumgrosstpes, L. ; B._ & W. op. cit. i. p. 493 (as C. lon-


Abundant in the brackish pools near the moutli of the Eden, and occasionally at the West Rocks. It is common in July : swims excellently on its back.


Division Htpesina.

Fam. HyperiidsB.

Genus Hyperia, Latreille.

Hyperia viedusarum, 0. F. Miiller ; B. & W. op. at. ii. p. 12 (as H. (/alba).

Common in the cavity of Aurelia aurita ; each medusa had six or eight large examples. The Lestrigonus Kma/iam, Bate, is a sexual variety (male). Some large specimens are found swimming freely on the siuface of the water.

Hyperia ohlivia, B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 17. In a tide-pool on the West Sands after a storm.


Fam. CaprellidsB. Genus ^gina, Kroyer. .iEgina phasma, Mont. ; B. & W. op), cit. ii. p. 45. Abundant in the debris of the fishing-boats.


Genus Caprella, Lamarck. Caprella linearis, L.; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 52. Plentiful in the same locality.

Caprella lohata, 0. F. Muller j B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 57. Frequent in the fishing-boats.

Caprella tuberculata, Gudrin ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 68. Common on Ceramium rubruni in rock-pools, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock-

Caprella hystrix, Bate ; B. & W. op), cit. ii. p. 63. Not uncommon in the fishing-boats. The Eev. A. M. Norman does not think this is the C. kysirix of Kroyer, hut rather the C. septentrionalis of that author.


Order I so POD A.


Tribe Vagantia.

Genus Anceus, Risso.

Anceus maxillans, Mont. ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 187.

Not uncommon in the debris from the coralline ground.


Tribe Pabasitica.

Fam. Bopyridae.

Genus Phryxus, H. Eathke.

Phryxus paguri, H. Eathke ; B. & W. o/). cit. ii. p. 240.

Occasionally on Pagurus hernhardus.

Fam. .aigidae.

Genus Cirolana, Leach.

Cirolana spinipes, M.-Edw. ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 299.

A large specimen occurred in the stomach of a haddock.

Genus Eurtdice, Leach. Eurydice pulchra, Leach ; B. & W. oj). cit. ii. p. 310. Abundant on the surface of the sea off the East Eocks in autumn, and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Tribe Liberatica.

Fam. AseUidae. Genus J.«;ea, Leach. Jcera Nordmanni, H. Eathke ; B. & AV. op. cit. ii. p. 320. Common under stones near high-water mark at the East Eocks.



Genus Janira, Leach. Janira maculosa, Leach ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 338. Frequent on shells and Filhjrana from the coralline ground, and under stones in pools near lowwater at the East and other rocks. This species has many of the habits of Idotea.

G-enus LiMnoria, Leach. Limnoria Ugnorum, Rathke; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 351. Abundant in the stakes for the salmon-nets on the West Sands, and in wood elsewhere.

Fam. Arcturidse.

Genus Aecturus, Latreille.

Arcturus longicorms, Sowerby ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 365.

Common in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders.

Arcturus gracilis, H. Goodsir ; B. & W. opi. cit. ii. p. 373. Abundant in debris from the coralline ground and in tlie stomachs of haddocks.

. Fam. Idoteids.

Genus Idotea, Fab. Idotea tricuspidata, Desmarest ; B. & W. op. cit. ii. p. 379. Frequent near low water in the laminarian region, and in the stomachs of all the common fishes.

Idotea linearis, Pennant ; B. & W. oj}. cit. ii. p. 388. Common in 3 or 4 fathoms on sand near the bar of the Eden, in the trawlers' boats, and in the stomachs of the common fishes. They are active swimmers.

Messrs. Bate and Westwood state that I sent Cymodocta truncata, Mont., from St. Andrews ; but this is doubtful. The specimens probably came from the Outer Hebrides.




Fam. Oniscidae.

Genus Lygia, Fab.

Lygia oceanica, L. ; B. & W. op. ci't. ii. p. 444.

Abundant at the margin of high water at the East Rocks.

A specimen of Porcellio scaber occurred in the stomach of a cod.

Order Cumace^.

Fam. Diastylidae.

Genus DiASTYLlS, Say. Diastylis Rathhii, Kroyer. Common off the East Rocks in 3 to 4 fathoms, and in tlie .stomacli of the cod, haddock, and flounder.



Order Podophthalmata.

The stalk-eyed Crustacea of St. Andrews are cliiefly north- ern in type ; and though the species are not numerous, many are very plentifully represented. The most important forms here, as elsewhere, are the edible crab and the lobster. Both are caught in considerable numbers along the border of the rocks by means of the ordinary crab-pots, which are generally baited with fragments of grey gurnards and other fishes of little value. The most successful ground is off the East Rocks, though a very large lobster in the Museum of the University was procured to the north of the West Rocks. Some of the fishermen have an idea that if a lobster enters a trap first, none of the edible crabs will venture beside it, whereas a lobster will invade the crab-pot though a dozen of the former are already there. Constant attacks seem to have diminished the numbers of both species, and especially of the lobster. 1 have never seen any of the latter between tide- marks ; but young edible crabs are common under ledges and stones, and even in tlie sand at low water, their presence in the latter being recognized by a depression. The common shore-crab occm-s everywhere along the rocky border, both between tide-marks and in the laminarian region. This ubi- quitous species lurks in the retired apertures and clefts amongst and under the rocks, especially where these have a bottom of soft sand or dark mud. In this it buries itself so as to retain moisture in the gills, while the anterior part of the carapace is uncovered, probably for quiet observation. In these situations it quite understands an attempt to capture it ; and there are few examples, if any, in which, by seizing the crooked iron with its chelae, it has allowed itself to be drawn out. On the contrary, it endeavours to escape with much effort and consider- able agility. Even when quite invisible its presence may be detected by striking the rock, when the grating of the carapace is heard as the animal retreats. It is often to be found in positions which seem any thing but comfortable amongst blackened and putrefying animal remains, in muddy and odoriferous pools tenanted by none except itself. Tn these



circumstances the body is coated with mud, which fills up the in-egularities of its conformation, and loads the abdominal feet and hairs ; yet the crab is vigorous and healthy, and out- lives sanitary apprehensions.

Under almost every stone within reach of the tide young specimens occur. At low water the full-grown crabs seek the hiding-places just mentioned, or shade themselves under the blades of the seaweeds in the rock-pools. Occasionally one is found adhering to the soft body of a moulting brother and, cannibal-like, devouring the branchiffi, new carapace, and other .soft organs with savage pertinacity, while the old shell has not quite fallen from its victim. Moiilting shore-crabs are generally found alone, as if aware of their helplessness, and dreading, with some degree of justice, the voracity of enemies and even unscrupulous relations. Very slight injury kills them in this condition ; and of course, for a time, they are incapable of defending themselves from even weak assailants.

The shore-crab is found in pools at the East Eocks where no other marine articulate of the same class occurs, and the water cannot but be brackish, since the pools are not filled by ordinary tides, and fresh streams from the crags flow in the neighbour- hood. In these resorts the colour of the crab is not so pretty, being of a muddy green with pale limbs ; and the specimens in the highest pools are generally small. It is not surprising, however, to find them in sucli places, after watching their activity in the innumerable brackish lakes of the Outer Hebrides, and their evident comfort in perambulating the muddy flats even where streams of fresh water abound.

On land, Oarcinus mcenas is, perhaps, the most active British crab, especially in regard to offence, defence, and escape. It scrambles over the rugged rocks with astonishing speed, while defending itself with its uplifted chelaj ; and so fierce is it in attack, that, having once seized an object with the latter, the spasmodic effort is sometimes so great that the limb separates from the trunk at the base. The males frequently engage in combat ; and a fatal issue would more frequently ensue, were it not for the provision whereby hemorrhage is speedily arrested and the lost portion repaired or reproduced. Few specimens, indeed, are quite free from injury. Some liave recently repaired wounds of the carapace (Plate IX. fig. 12) ; others have lost


an eye, an antenna, or one or more limbs. They surpass most marine animals in their powers of enduring life at a distance from sea-water, and may easily be kept for several weeks in a botanic vasculum.

The shore-crab is strictly carnivorous and, as already men- tioned, even relishes its fellows. It is a curious feature in its histoiy that it suffers serious annoyance and injury from the young of the common mussel, which plant themselves in its orbits (Plate IX. fig. 11), in the sockets of the in- ternal antennae, in the branchial chambers, and under the tail (Plate IX. fig. 10)— in the former case often destroy- ing both eyes. It feeds with avidity on the mussel in its adult state; so that here is an instance of a helpless young form avenging the destruction of the mature. The shore-crab, again, is devoured by many fishes : thus in the stomach of a Cottus huhalis I have found five or six speci- mens, two entire and upwards of 2 inches across the carapace. The Gottus, however, unfortunately came in the way of a large frogfish, which found a place for it in its capacious stomach, though nine full-grown flounders were already present. In many parts of Britain and the continent the shore-crab is used as food by man (and this is a safe-enough practice so long as it is well boiled, internal parasites being abundant) ; but at St. Andrews it is only employed occasionally for bait.

Myriads of the young of this species in the zoea-stage occur at the sm-face of the bay in autumn, and may easily be kept alive, so as to show the subsequent stages of develop- ment.

Besides those already mentioned, many of the other forms are very common, such as Stenorhynchus rostratus, Inachus, Hyas, Portumnus variegatus, the Portuni, Pumotheres, Ehalia, and Nephrops in deep water, Porcellana, the Paguri, Galatkea, and Crangon between tide-marks, and in both regions Hippo- lyte, Pandalus, and Palmnon. In deep water swarms of Hyas coarctatiis for the most part take the place of H. araneus. As a littoral form Palcemon squilla is local, but, in company with Pandalus annulicornis, it is abundant in deep water. The common shrimp is seldom captm-ed by man for food. Portwnmus variegatus is often the only form visible on the West Sands, and is very plentiful. The rarer forms are Ewynome, Piri-

X 2


mela, Liihodes, Gebia deltura, Hippolyte spinus, and Dory- pliorus Qordoni.

In contrast with the fauna of St. Andrews, we have in the mild sea of the west of Scotland the fine velvet crabs {Portu- nus puber) amongst the seaweeds between tide-marks. The common lobster is also much more abundant, though the wholesale fishing has of late years told severely on this crusta- cean, even on the most remote shores of the Outer Hebrides as, for instance, off the rocks of Haskeir near the north-west ]ioint of North Uist, where tlie frequent inroads of the fishermen with their lobster-pots and floats have rendered even the seals less frequent in their accustomed haunts. Xanthoj Munida, and the rarer species of Craiigon and Hippolyte are also absent from St. Andrews. In the south of Britain, again, are the splendid spiny lobsters off the rocky shores, velvet crabs, Pirimela, and Ebalia under stones between tide-marks, Alpheiis ruber and Pagurtis cuanensis in littoral pools, Pilumnus in the crevices of the tidal rocks, Pagurus Prideauxii with the beautiful Adamsia adherent to its protecting shell, Maia *, Dromia, and Polyhius. In the northern waters swarms of the hardy Por- t.unus pusilliis^P, tuberculatus, Pagurus pubescens, andPandalus hrevirostris are characteristic, besides the rarer Pagurus tri- carinatus, Crangon serratus, and SabincBa septemcarinata.

I am indebted to the Eev. A. M. Norman for kind assist- ance with several species of Palcemonidse and Galatheidas.

Suborder STOMAPODA. Fam. Mysida.

Genus Mysis, Lati-eille,

Mysis jlexuosa, O. F. Miiller ; Bell, Brit. Crust. ]). 336 (as M. chamceleon) .

Very abundant in rock-pools.

* It was receutly stated in ' Land and Water ' that Maia squinado had been procured near the Bell Rock ; but, by the kindness of JMr. F. Buck- land, who forwarded the specimen, I am enabled to observe that it was only Litliodcs maia.


Mysis vulgaris, J. V. Thompson ; Bell, oj). cit. p. 339. Occasionally with the former in rock-pools; much less common.

Mysis Griffithsice, Bell, op. cit. p. 342.

Not uncommon in rock-pools, and occasionally thrown on the West Sands in multitudes after storms.

Suborder DECAPODA. Tribe Macbura. Fam. Palaemonidae.

Genus Pal^mon, Fab.

Pahemon squilla, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 305.

Common in pools beyond the Rock and Spindle and in the stomachs of cod.

Genus Pandalus, Leach.

Pandalus annulicornis, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 297.

Abundant from the laminarian region to deep water, and also in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Genus HiPPOLYTE, Leach.-

Hijjpohjte varians, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 286.

Frequent in rock-pools and ranging thence to deep water ; stomachs of haddock.

Ilippolyte pusiola, Kroyer, Monogr. af Slajgten Hippolytes Nordiske Arter, p. 319, pi. 3. f. 69-73 [fide Rev. A. M. Norman).

Occasionally from the coralline ground amongst shells and stones, and in pools at the East Rocks.


Hippolyte securifrons, Norman, Tyneside Nat. Field-Club Trans, vol. v. (1863), pi. 12. figs. 1-7.

Occasionally in the stomacli of the flounder.

Hippolyte spinus, Sowerby ; Bell, op. cit. p. 284. Occasionally in the stomach of the haddock.

Genus Doryphorus, Bate.

Doryphorus Oordoni, Bate, Nat. Hist. Review, vol. v. (1858),

p. 51.

Under a large stone in a pool near low water at the East

Rocks. Rare.

Fam. Crangonidse. Genus Crangon, Fab. Crangon vulgaris, Fab. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 256. Abundant off the West Sands and in sandy tide-pools, as well as on the beach after stoi-ms.

Fam. Astacidae. Genus Nephrops, Leach. Nephrops norvegicus, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 251. Common in deep water and in the stomachs of cod.

Genus Homarus, M.-Edwards. Homarus gammarus, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 242. Common in the laminarian region.

Fam. Thalassinidae. Genus Gebia, Leach. Gebia deltura, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 225. Occasionally in the stomachs of cod and haddock.


Tribe Akomura.

Fam. GalatheidsB.

Genus Galathea, Fab.

Galathea strigosa, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 200.

Not uncommon in deep water and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Galathea squamifera^ Mont. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 197. Very common under stones near low water, especially in pools and runlets ; occasionally in the stomachs of cod.

Galathea dispersa, Bate, Proceed. Linn. Soc, Zool. vol. iii. p. 3.

Abundant in deep water, and in the stomachs of the cod, haddock, and flounder.

Fam. PagiiridsB.

Genus Paourus, Fab. Paguriis bernhardus^ L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 171. Everywhere abundant between tide-marks and in deep water. A young specimen was lodged inside a fragment of a stalk of wheat.

This species has nine or ten branchia on each side, besides a rudimentary organ at the base of the first pair of foot-jaws. The latter have no branchial whips, and differ considerably from those of the Brachyura.

The first pair of foot-jaws have the inner division very much elongated, almost antenniform, and bordered with long hairs, while the external portion is small. In the next pair the inner division more closely agrees with the external in length, and the whole is not very different from the same part in Cardans nianas minus the whip and branchia. The third pair is shorn of its whip and large flap, and has the middle segment * repre-

« Corresponding to d, &g. r,, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxiv. p. 80.


sented by a narrow pedicle. Tlie fourth pair has a narrow shield turned over at the free edge, and, instead of the two narrow spikes below, there is a flattened organ which forks into a narrow and a broad flap at the tip. The fifth pair has its inner division broad and flattened, and its outer small, but widened at the tip ; the median division has a very regular aiTangement of bristles at its tip, which points or slopes inwards.

The parasitic Peltogaster paguri frequently occurs on the abdomen.

Pagurus cuanensis, Tliompson ; Bell, op. cit. p. 178. Occasionally from deep water.

Pagurus uUdianus, Thompson (?) ; Bell, oj). cit. p. 180.

St. Andrews Museum. I cannot speak with certainty of this form.

Pagurus Icevis, Thompson ; Bell, op. cit. p. 184. ' Occasionally in the stomach of the haddock.

Fara. Porcellanidae.

Genus Porcellana, Lamarck.

Porcellana platycheles, Penn. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 190.

Abundant under stones between tide-marks, especially in mnlets, and on muddy ground. A group of young forms of some size may sometimes be seen in company with their parents.

The first pair of foot-jaws have their two terminal segments furnished with the longest hairs (proportionally) yet met with in the local forms. The hairs have a double row of spikes, diminishing towards base and tip, and ceasing before aii'iving at the end of the hair, which has very fine linear serrations. The external division has a powerful triangular, and some- what tapering, lower segment, and a delicate appendage fringed with a brush of spiked hairs at the tip. The second pair has


the external division much flattened, lanceolate, and with hairs having spiked bases and serrated tips on the outer edge ; the hairs also occur generally along the inner margin, and are frequently sheathed in mud and particles of all kinds. The third pair consists of three portions furnished with long branched . hairs. The fourth pair has the large flat shield surrounded with branched hairs ; next is a curved tapering portion with bristles having short spikes towards the tip; then come a series of flattened organs with truncate tips covered with spiked hairs. The fifth pair has three divisions— an inner irregular portion with hairs shortly branched on its free edge, a middle and somewhat club-shaped piece with rather stiff serrated hairs scantily spiked at the base, and a curiously curved and rather slender inner portion with about half a dozen finely serrated hairs on one side of its tip.

The hairs on the outer border of the chelae are densely plumose ; and hence it is exceedingly difficult to clean them from mud and sand for the cabinet.

Porcellana longicornis, L. ; Bell, oj>. cit. p. 193. As common as the former, in similar, though not muddy, situations. The embryos are found in the ova in August- and many young occur under stones in November and December.

Fam. Lithodida;.

Genus Lithodes, Latr.

Lithodes maia, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 165.

Not uncommon in deep water, whence it is brought by the fishing-boats.


Tribe Brachyujia.

Fam. Leucosiadae. Genus Ebalia, Leach. Ehalia tuherosa, Penn. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 141. Not uncommon in the stomachs of cod, and occasionally from deep water.

Ebalia Cranchii, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 148. - Occasionally in the stomach of the haddock.

Fam. Maiidffi. Genus Inachus, Fab. Inachus dorsettensts, Penn. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 13. Not uncommon in the stomach of the cod.

Inachus dorhynrjms, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 16. Occasionally imder stones near low-water mark. In the stomach of one were fragments of Ulva, and in another the debris of a large sessile-eyed crustacean. The hairs on this species are shaped like the horn of the chamois ; and some have a slight enlargement at the base.

Genus Hyas, Leach. Hyiis araneiis, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 31. Abundant under ledges in rock-pools, cast ashore on the West Sands after storms, in the crab-pots, and in the stomach of the cod.

This species has eight branchial processes on each side torn- lateral, two anterior, and one to each of the first two pan-s of foot-jaws. Their structure resembles that described in Car- cinus mcBTias. The ova apparently of a small leech {Ponto-


bdelh) arc often found attached to the walls of the brancliial chamber.

The number and variety of parasitic growths, both vegetable and animal, on the carapace of this form are remarkable. Balani of two species cover the back almost with a continuous rugose pile, adhering to the limbs, the abdomen, the foot-jaws, or each other. Coils of Serpiikp and hard sandy tubes of Sahellaria interlace with these and fill up the depressions, and, with the former, occur on the tip of the abdomen as well as cm less mobile situations. Fine tufts of Sertidaria puriiila and Crisia ehurnea adorn the surface of the carapace in others, or the parasitic algte thereon ; while Halichondria panicea forms a thick rugged crust, from which Balani, Seipuhv, Anomicj zoophytes, and seaweeds emerge. Even the sockets of tlie eyes are invaded by the sponge. Moreover young examples are not unfrequently clothed with thick tufts of Ohelia yen'i- cidata. It would appear that it is not always on attaining full growth that moulting ceases for considerable intervals, since small specimens are found as completely covered wnth parasitic growths. In the rock-pools the carapace often forms a moving forest of seaweeds ; and in such specimens the shell is frequently fragile, so that the extraneous covering may be of use for protection, or else had grown with uniisual rapidity, even before the carapace became fully consolidated.

One old example had the internal antennae quite fixed by a hard sand-tube of Sahellaria ; and the young of the common mussel are occasionally found in the cavities for the eyes.

In the young females the genital apertures are small, and the abdomen less developed ; while in the adult tlie latter becomes hypertrophied, hollowed out on its ventral surface by the bending downwards of the outer edges, and touches the bases of the legs on each side.

Hyas coarctatus, Leach ; Bell, ojj. cit. p. 35. Common in deep water, and procured in hundreds amongst the coralline debris in the fishing-boats ; frequent in the stomachs of cod, haddock, and flounders.



Fam. Leptopodiadffl;

Genus Stenorhynchus, Lam.

Stenorhynchus rostratus, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 2 (as S. phalangiuiii) .

Abundant in the coralline region, in the stomachs of cod and haddock, and occasionally under stones at low water. Fragments of sessile-eyed Crustacea and sand occvu-red in tlie .stomachs of those examined. Males greatly preponderate.

Fam. Parthenopidae.

Genus Eurynome, Leach. Eurynome aspera, Penn. ; Bell, oj), cit. p. 46.

A few specimens were procured from the coralline ground. Bare.

Fam. Canceridae. Genus Cancer, L. Cancer pagurus, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 59. Abundant all round the rocky border in the laminarian region, and frequent between tide-marks. In the stomach of this species are many curious parasites, such as Tetrarhynchus (Plate VII. figs. 16 & 17) and EcMnorhynchus, probably de- rived from its food. Sections of the carapace sliow internally tubular processes, apparently connected with the hairs (Plate IX. fig. 9).

Genus Pirimela, Leach. Pirimela denticulata^ Mont. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 72. Occasionally from deep water. Bare.

Fam. Portunidae. Genus Portunus, Leach. Portunus depurator, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 101. Dredged occasionally off the West Bocks on a sandy bottom, cast ashore by storms, or found in the stomach of the cod.


Portunus marmoreus, Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 105. On the West Sands after storms. Rather rare.

Portunus holsatus, Fab. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 109. Not uncommon in the stomachs of cod and haddock, Saccu- lina occurs on this species occasionally (Plate IX. figs. 14 & 15).

Portunus pusillus, Leach ; Bell, o]}. cit. p. 112. Occasionally from deep water, and rather common in the stomachs of the haddock and flounder.

Genus PoRTUMNUs, Leach. Portumnus variegatus^ Leach ; Bell, op. cit. p. 85. Abundant on the sandy ground oft' the "West Sands.

Genus Carcinus, Leach. Carcinus nuenas, L. ; Bell, op. cit. p. 76. [Plate V. figs. 7 & 8, and Plate IX. figs. 10-1.3.]

Everywhere abundant between tide-marks and in the laminarian region. Occasionally used as bait. Swarms in the zoea-stage occur in autumn at tlie surface of the water in the bay ; they are almost invisible with the exception of the greenish-blue eyes.

This crustacean has nine branchite : the first rudimentary, and attached to the horizontal portion of the first pair of foot-jaws (Plate V. fig. 7) ; the succeeding, rather long and delicate organs, fixed to the second pair of foot-jaws on opposite sides of the horizontal portion ; while six are at- tached to the body of the animal (four being prominent) as in allied forms. The flabellum of the first pair passes between the four prominent and larger branchiae and the apodematous region, so as to sweep their inner surface; while the organ of the second pair goes between the same portion of the shell and the fifth and sixth branchiae (counting from behind), and may also affect the exposed surface of the seventh, which lies in the groove anteriorly. The long and finely curved flabellum of the third pair of foot-jaws curves externally, so as to brush all tlie seven.


The great development of this organ, its central calcareous bow, and long hairs are thus explained. The branchial laminas are ranged with their edges to the afferent current, which crosses the organs at right angles to their long axes, and so impinges between the plates. The action of the broad shield of the fourth pair of foot-jaws, again, affects the ingoing stream, and plays upon the large fiat surface at the base of the flabellum of the third pair. It would thus tend to spread out the long hairs of the latter, and direct the current upwards over tlie branchial lamina;. The fiftli pair as a whole would seem to be connected with tiie buccal rather than tlie respira- tory apparatus ; for the curiously twisted portion (c, fig. 6, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xxiv. p. 88) is nicely adapted to the deep an- terior notch of the mandible, while the curved portion (a) enters tlie mouth above the chitinous tissue filling up the posterior notch of the mandible. The tuft of long hairs (e, loc. cif.), however, may render some assistance to the branchial portion of the fourth pair of foot-jaws in contact Avitli it.

The appendage of the mandible (a, fig. 7, op. cit.) seems to have a considerable influence in the prehension and direction of tlie food between the maxilla; ; it has lateral motion as well as flexion and extension. The flexible process filling up the gap in the underpart of the maxilla, and connected with the lip beneath the latter, would seem to prevent the escape of particles in biting and deglutition. It is attached to a firm horny basis, which has free liorizoutal, but little or no vertical motion, except when greatly extended.

In females bearing eggs the muscles on the external or under surface of the intestinal tract greatly increase in size at the junction of the abdomen with the cephalothorax. In males and females without ova the exterior of the gut is sparingly supplied with such tissue.

This crab affords a good example of the " commensalisme " ()f Prof, van Beneden. Nemertes carcinopJiila abounds on the hairs bearing ova ; and the young of the edible mussel and other adventitious growtlis are common, besides Sacculina (Plate IX. fig. 13), and Trematode larva; in the liver and other parts. Various abnormalities from injury also occur. The colours of the males are often remarkably bright, both on the upper and under surfaces of the carapace (Plate V. fig. 8).



Fani. Corystidffi. Genus Atelecyclus, Leach. AteJecyclus septemdentatus, Mont. ; Bell, o/>. cit. p. 153. Frequent in the stomachs of cod.

Genus CoRYSTES, Latreille. Corystes cassivelaumts, Penn. ; Bell, op. cit. p. J/i9. Common on the West Sands after severe storms.

Fam. Pinnotheridffi. Genus Pinnotheres, Latreille. Pinnotheres pisuni, L. ; Bell, oj). cit. p. 121. Frequent in Mytilus modiolus.


Subkingdom VER TEBRA TA.


Contrasted with the extreme shores of Britain the fish-fauna of St. Andrews bay exhibits certain interesting differences, though of course its features are common to many other parts of the north-east coast. There are, for instance, no shoals of young wrasses (chiefly Jago's goldsinny) gliding amongst the seaweeds, or swarms of grey mullets, as in the tide-runs of the sandy flats and inland seas of the western shores no large rock-fishes (Ballan wrasses) hiding like dark shadows under the tangles, groups of black gobies between tide-marks, or of young congers breaking the border of the flowing tide into a seething expanse, as in the quiet bays of the southern parts, just as the " schuUs " of glittering pilchards do on the surface of the open water. The curious Hippocampi, exquisite red mullets, and the splendid conger-fishing also belong to the latter region, together with the abundance of the smaller sharks in-shore. The sandy western shores of England are also distinguished by the greater variety of large Pleuro- nectidffi, and the frequent occurrence of red gurnards, angel- iishes, and spotted rays. The adjoining bay, moreover, does not present that richness of finny life from the little bimacu- lated sucker nestling beside its ova in the hollows of the


gigantic tangles to tlie fine cod and coal-fish of the Zetlandic seas, which also possess the rarer Chimcera. While it is thus vain to look for the vast variety or the gorgeous colours of the species which a few hours' fishing off the shores of Guernsey brings before the investigator, or for the plenitude of large forms which in the north soon fill the boat to overflowing, yet there is sufficient success to reward exertion, either in deep water or off the sea-margin. Good white and flat fish occur in the bay, the latter especially abounding on the sandy flats off the West Sands, which thus form a rich ground for the trawlers, who are for the most part strangers. The trawl in common use (see accompanying figure, and also view of of Harbour at the end of the Fishes) consists of a beam of

iV'^<'"f'<\\-il{,f!f<^'^*"^ ''- 'T^>"4'='?5^^(5^"rV^;^

wood about 28 feet long, borne on the top of the bulbous ends of two pear-shajDed iron structures. A large bag net is fixed to the apparatus, which is dragged behind the boat by ropes attached to the convex portion of the iron supports. The under surface of the latter is flattened, and the point of the apex (which is posterior) turned upwards the whole thus forming a kind of subaqueous sledge, which glides over the sand and embraces in its progress every thing loose. Young coal-fishes occur all round the rocks and harbom" ; occasionally a sea-trout is captured oft' the former; sand-eels frequent the sand near low water ; and the salmon-nets are often very productive. In the rock-pools swim hundi'cds of little two-spotted gobies, swarms of the beautifully colom-ed young of the lumpsucker, and strings of young sand-eels sport in the sunshine amongst the fringes of seaweeds like flashes of silvery light affording witii other littoral fonns, such as shaunics and blennies, ample food for the aquatic birds that frequent the beach.

The rarer forms include the lancelet, garfish, doree, opah. oar-fish, and bonito.



In the following list the arrangement adopted is that of Dr. A. Giinther in his valuable and laborious 'Catalogue of Fishes in the British Museum ' and in subsequent papers.

Younp Antedvn (one fifth of an inch), from Lochmaddy.



Fam. Cirrostomi.

Genus Beanchiostoma, Costa.

Branchiostoma lanceolatum, Pall. ; Giintlier, Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum, vol. viii. p. 513.

Rare. Two specimens occurred in the stomach of a cod.


Fam. Petromyzontidae.

Genus Petromyzon, Artedi. Petromyzon marinus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 501. Not uncommon. One was captiued by attaching itself to a boat.


Genus Myxine, L. Myxine glutinosa, L. ; Gthr. oji- cit. viii. p. 510. Occasionally on the cod.

Subclass III. TELEOSTEI. Order I. Acanthopterygii.

Fam. GasterosteidsB.

Genus Gasterosteus, Artedi. Oasterosteus aculeatus, Albert. Mag. ; Gthr. o^>. cit. i. p. 2. Frequent on the West Sands after storms.

Gasterosteus spinachia, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. i. p. 7.

Abundant in the rock-pools.



Fam. Sparidae.

Genus Pagellus, Cuv. & Val. Pagellus centrodontus, De la Eoclie ; Gthr. op. cit. i. p. 476. Not uncommon in the bay.

Fam. Triglidse.

Group GoTTiNA.

Genus COTTUS, Artedi. Coitus scorpius, Bloch j Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 159.

Common in the rock-pools. Small sucking-fishes, shrimps, Terehellce, and fragments of green algEe occur in the stomacli

of this form.

Gotlus hubalis, Euphrasen ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 164.

Frequent in the rock-pools. Distomes are common in this species (Plate VIII. tigs. 1 & 2). .

Genus Trigla, Artedi. Trigla pini, Bloch ; Gthr. 02). cit. ii. p. 199. Occasionally procured in the bay.

Tiyla. hirundo, Bl. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. jj. 202. Rare. A single specimen occurs in the University Museum.

Trigla gurnardus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 205. Abundant at all seasons.

Group Catapssacti.

Genus Agon us, Bl. Agonus cataphractus, L. ; Gthr. o^J. cit. ii. p. 211. Fine specimens are common on the West Sands after storms.


Fam. TrachinidsB.

Group Tbacuinina.

Genus Tkachinus (Artedi), Cuv. Traehimis draco, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 233. Frequent on the West Sands after storms.

Trachinus vipera, Cuv. & Val. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 236.

Not uncommon in the same locality, and brought in by the fishermen.

Fam. Scomhridse.


Genus Scomber, Artedi. Scomber scomber, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 357. Common.

Genus Thynnus, Cuv. & Val.

Thynnus pelamys, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 364.

A fine specimen, about 3 feet long, was procui'ed by Dr.

Moir, of St. Andi-ews, from a salmon-net near the mouth of

the Kenley Burn in July 1873, and described by Mr. R.

Walker in the ' Scottish Naturalist' for January 1874.

Group Ctttina. Genus Zeus (Artedi), Cuv. Zeus faber, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 393. Rather rare.


Genus Brama (Schneid.), Risso. Brama Raii, Bl. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 408. A specimen occurs in the University Museum.


Genus Lampris, Eetzius. Lampris luna, Eetzius ; Gthr. oji. cit. ii. p. 416. Rare. A single specimen from the bay exists in the Uni- versity Museum.

Fam. Carangidae. Group Cabanoina.

Genus Trachurus, Cut. & Val. Trachurus trachurus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. ii. p. 419. Not uncommon.

Fam. Gobiidae.

Group GoBiiNA.

Genus GOBIUS, Artedi.

Gohius niger, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 11.

Mr. Robert Walker states that he has found this species.

It has not occuiTed in my collection.

Gohius Buthensparri, Euphrasen ; Gthr. opj. cit. iii. p. 76.

Common in the rock-pools and in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Group Calliontmina. Genus Callionymus, L. Callionymus Jyra, L. ; Gthr. c/p. cit. iii. p. 139. Common in deep water, and in the stomach of the cod.

Fam. Discoboli. Group Ctcloftbbina.

Genus Cyclopteeus, Artedi.

Cyclop)terus lumptts, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 155.

Frequent on the West Sands after storms, and occasionally in the stomach of the cod. The young abound in the rock- pools in autumn.



Genus LiPARiS, Avtedi. Liparis vulgaris^ Flem. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 159. Occasionally.

Liparis Montagui, Donov. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 161. Abundant in rock-pools, in the larainarian region, and in deeper water, as well as in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Fam. Pediculati. Genus Lophius, Artedi. Lophius piscatorias, L. ; Gtlir. op, cit. iii. p. 179. Common off the West Sands, and frequently captured m the salmon-nets. One of the specimens liad acute peri- carditis.

Fam. Blenniidae. Genus Anarrhk^has, Artedi.


Anarrhichas lupus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 208. Frequent in deep water. The stomach of this form contains fragments of Echinus esculentus, Buccinum undatum, Trochi, Nassa incrassata, Natica, Mi/a, starfishes, Stenorhynchus rostratuSj and Galathea.

Genus Blennius, Artedi.

Blennius pholis, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 226. [Plate VI. fig. 4] Abundant between tide-marks in moist crevices and rock- pools. Feeds on Balani, small littoral shells, and sessile-eyed crustaceans.

Genus Blenniops, Nilss. Blenniops Ascanii, Walbaum ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 284. Not uncommon in deep water, and occasionally in the stomach of the cod.


Genus Centronotus, B1.

Centronotus gunellus, L. ; Gtlir. op. cit. iii. p. 285.

Abundant between tide-marks and on the West Sands after

storms. The food of this form includes Hippolyte, sessile-eyed

Crustacea, annelids, starfishes, and small MoUusca (Rtssoa,

Skenea, &c.).

Genus Zoarces, Cuv.

Zoarces viviparus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 295.

Not imcommon between tide-marks and on the West Sands

after storms. Sessile-eyed Crustacea and small starfishes

occur in its stomach; but in confinement it swallows its


Fam. Trachypteridae.

Genus Eegalecus, Briinn. Regalems Banksii, Cuv. & Val. (?) ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 309. An imperfect specimen, 7 feet 2 inches long, occuiTed amongst the West Eocks, and was described by Mr. R. Walker *.

Fam. Atherinidae.

Group Atbesinina.

Genus Atherina, Artedi.

Atherma preshi/ter, Cuv.; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 392.

A specimen in the University Museum. Rare.

Fam. Mugilidffi.

Genus Mugil, Artedi. Mufftl capita, Cuv, ; Gthr. op. cit. iii. p. 439. Not uncommon in the bay.

* Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. July 1862.


Fam. Gobiesocidse.

Genus LepadoGASTEE, Gouan. Lepadogaster limaculatus, Flem. ; Gthr. op. at. iii. p. 514. Occasionally in the laminarian region, and in the stomachs of the cod and haddock.

Order II. Acanthopteeygii Phaeyngognathi.

Fam. Labridse. Group Labbina. Genus Labeus (Artedi), Guv. Lalrus maculatus, Bl. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 70. Occasionally brought from deep water. Many young ex- amples occur in the rock-pools in autumn.

Genus Ceenilabeus, Cuv. Crenilabrus melops, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 80. Not common.

Order III. Anacanthini. Suborder ANACANTHINI GADOILEI.

Fam. Gadidae. Genus Gadus, Artedi. Gadus morrhua, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 328. Common. It is hard to find an inhabitant of the sea that

is not swallowed bv this fish.



Gadus ceglejinus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 332. Common.

Gadus merlangus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 334. Frequent.

Gadus minutiis, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 335. Common.

Gadus luscus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 335. Not uncommon.

Gadus poUacJtius, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 338. Occasionally from deep water.

Gadus virens, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 339. Abundant.

Genus Molva, Nilss. Molva vulgaris, Flem. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 361. Common.

Genus Couchia, Thomps. Couchia argentata, Reinh. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 363. A single specimen in the stomach of a cod.

Genus Motella, Cuv. Motella mustela, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 364.

Common in rock-pools. Feeds often on sessjle-eyed Crus tacea.

Motella cimhria, L. ; Gthr. y^j. cit. iv. p. 367. In a rock-pool at West Rocks. Rare.


Genus Raniceps, Cuv. Ranicejjs trifurcus, Walb. ; Gtlir. o]}. cit. iv. p. 367.

Not uncommon. The specimens have chiefly been pro- cured from the West Sands after storms.

Genus Brosjiius, Cuv.

Brosmius brosme, 0. F. Miiller ; Gthr. op. cit, iv. p, 369. Not common.

Fam. OpMdiidae.

Group Ammodytina.

Genus Ammodytes, Artedi.

Ammodytes lanceolatus, Lesauvage; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 384.

Frequent in the debris of storms on the sands, as well as in the latter near low-water mark. Bands of young occur in the tidal pools in May.

Ammodytes tohianus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 385. Occasionally with the former.

Suborder ANACANTHINI PLEURONECTOIDEI. Fam. Pleuronectidae.

Genus Hippoglossus, Cuv.

Hijjpioglossus vulgaris, Flem. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 403.

Not rare. The parasitic Epibdella kippoylossi is often seen. On the Caligus of this fish, Udonella caligorum also is common.

Genus Rhombus, Klein. Rhombus maximus, Will. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 407. Common. In the abnormal examples, which swim on their edges, both dextral and sinistral surfaces are coloured, and each has an eye (Plate VI. figs. 5 & 6).



Rhombus leevis, Rondel. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 410. Abundant.

Rhombus megastoma^ Donov. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 411. Occasionally.

Rhombus punctatus, Bl. ; Gtlir. op. cit. iv. p. 41.3. Not common.

Genus Pleuronectes (Artedi), Cuv. Pleuronectes platessa, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 440. Abundant. The gulls are fond of emptying the stomachs of those thrown on the sands after storms.

Pleuronectes limanda, L. ; Gthr. oj}. cit. iv. p. 446. Not uncommon.

Pleuronectes microcephalus, Donov. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 447. Common.

Pleuronectes Jlesus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 450. Abundant.

Genus SOLEA (Lac^p., sp.), Cuv. Solea vulgaris, Quensel ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 463. Frequent.

Solea minuta, Rondel. ; Gthr. op. cit. iv. p. 470. Common.


Order IV. Physostomi.

Fam. Salmonidae.

Genus Salmo, Artedi.

Salmo salar, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. vi. p. 11.

Many are caught in the stake-nets on the West Sands, and

also off the East Eocks.

Sahno trutta, L. ; Gthr. 0^7. cit. vi. p. 22. Common.

Genus OsMERUS (Artedi), Cuv. Osmerus eperlanus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. vi. p. 166. Not uncommon. Large numbers are also caught in thv Tay.

Fam. Scombresocidae. Genus Belone, Cuv. Behne vulgaris, Flem. ; Gthr. op. cit. vi. p. 254. Occasionally thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Genus ScoMBRESOX, Lac^p. Scombresox saurus, Walbaum; Gthr. op. cit. vi. p. 257. Not uncommon.

Fam. Clupeidse.

Group Clufeina.

Genus Clupea (Artedi), Cuv.

Clupea harengus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. vii. p. 415.


Clupea sprattus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. vii. p. 419. Common.


Clupea alosa, L. ; Gtlir. op. cit. vii. p. 433. Not uncommon. In the stomach of a large specimen caught in the Tay were Conferva, Desmids, and a (quantity of vege- table d(jbris.

Fam. Mursenidse.

Subfamily Mus^nid^ Platyscmistje.

Group AsauiLLiNA.

Genus Anguilla (Thunberg), Cuv. Efegne Anim.

Anguilla vulgaris^ Turt. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 28. Abundant in the streams joining the sea, and occasionally between tide-marks ; but the latter occurrence is rare in con- trast with the western and southern shores.

AnguiJIa latirostris, Risso ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 32. Not uncommon in similar localities. A curious instance of the fatal effects of the voracity of this fish was found in the Swilken burn. A specimen about 20 inches long had seized the head of another not much shorter than itself, and attempted to swallow it. In its struggles the victim's tail also entered the mouth of the larger, and passed out at the left gill-slit, so that several inches were free (Plate VIII. fig. 11). The body of the victim thus formed a large loop which could not be swallowed, while the impaction of the head and tail, and the direction of the teeth of the large specimen, pre- vented the ejection of the prey. The marauder became exhausted, and was captured at the edge of the stream a the sands.

Genus Conger, Cuv. Conger vulgaris, Cuv. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 38. Abundant in deep water.


Order V. Lophobranchii.

Fam. SyngnathidsB.

Genus Syngnathus, Artedi. Syngnathus aciis, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 157. Occasionally seen on the beach after storms.

Genus Nerophis (Rafinesque), Kaup. Nerophis mquoreus^ L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 191. Not uncommon on the West Sands after storms.

Nerophis lumhriciformis, Willughby; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 193. Often caught by the hand-net amongst the seaweeds border- ing pools and rocks as tJie tide enters ; on the West Sands after storms.

Order VI. Plectognathi.

Fam. Gymnodontes.

Group Molina.

Genus Orthagoriscus, Bl. Orthagoriscus mola, Bl. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 317. Occasionally caught in the bay. A fine specimen occurred in October 1862, measuring 4 feet 8 inches from the tip of the dorsal to the tip of the anal fin, and 3 feet 4 inches from the snout to 'the posterior margin of the body. Externally there were several specimens of Tristoma coccineum ; and two wounds existed in the caudal region (from which it was stated the fishermen pulled two animals like leeches, probably specimens of Pontohdella). Numerous examples of Gymno- rhynchus horridus were found in the muscles on dissection. The intestine measured 10 feet 6 inches ; and the liver weiehed 3^ pounds.



Order Ganoidei. Suborder CHONDEOSTEI.

Fam. Acipenseridae. Genus Acipenser, Artedi. Aapenser sturio, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 342. Occasionally caught in the salmon-nets.

Order Chondroptertgii.


A. Sezacsoibxi.

Fam. Carchariidse.

Group Caxcbasiina.

Genus Carcharias, Cuv.

Carcharias glaucus, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 364.

Not uncommon in the bay. Captured by the fishermen in

the salmon-nets.

Genus Galeus, Cuv. Galeus cams, Rondel. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 379. Frequently caught in the bay.


Genus Mustelus, Cuv. Miistelus vulgaris, Miill. & Henle ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 386. Not uncommon.

./-/■/^ -v^-



Genus Amphicteis (Gr.), Mgrn. Amjihicteis Gunneri, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 105. Not uncommon in the stomaclis of haddock.

Genus Melinna, Mgrn. Melinna cristata, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 106. Frequent in the stomachs of cod.

Fam. 3-4. Terebellidae.

Subfam. 1. Auphiteitea, Mgrn.

Genus Amphiteite, 0. F. Muller.

Amphitrite figulus, Dalyell ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 107 (as A. Johnstoni).

Not uncommon between tide-marks, and ranging to deep


Genus Lanice, Mgrn. Lanice conchilega, Pallas ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 108. Abundant between tide-marks and off the West Sands, and multitudes are thrown on the beach after storms. A common food of many fislies.

Genus NiCOLEA, Mgrn. Nicolea zostericola, ffirst. & Gr. ; Mgrn. oj). cit. p. 109. Common between tide-marks amongst tangle-roots, and ranging to deep water.

Genus Thelepus, Leuckart. Thelepus circinatus, Fab. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 110. Frequent in the laminarian and coralline regions, in the .stomachs of various fishes, and on the West Sands after storms.


Subfam. 2. Poltcibsibea, Mgrn.

Genus Polycierus, Grube. Polycirrus {Ereutho) Smitti, Mgrn. op. cit. p. 111. Not uncommon between tide-marks.

Subfam. 5. CanepsobideAj Mgrn.

Genus Teeebellides, Sars. Terehellides Stroemii, Sars ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 112. Large specimens occur in the stomachs of cod and haddock.

Fam. 35. Sabellidae.

Genus Sabella, L. Sabella pavonia, Sav. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 112. Abundant in the coralline ground, on the West Sands after storms, and in the stomach of the cod.

Sabella {BrancMomma, KoUiker) vesiculosa, Mont. ; Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 259.

Frequently thrown on the West Sands after storms.

Sabella viridis, M. -Edwards, Rfeg. An. Illust. pi. 1 e [fide De Quatref.).

Amongst mud in the interstices of Filigrana implexa from the coralline region.

Genus Dasychone, Sars. Dasychone Dalyelli, Kolliker; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 115.

Occasionally from the coralline ground in the debris of fishing-boats. .



Genus Amphicoea, Ehrenberg. Amphicora Fabricia, O. F. Miiller; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 117. Abundant under stones on muddy ground between tide- marks and amongst tangle-roots.

Fam. 36. Serpulidae. Genus Peotula, Kisso.

Protula tubularia, Mont. ( =protensa, Johnst.) ; Johnst. Cat. Brit. Mus. p. 264.

Occasionally in deep water.

Genus Filigeana, Oken. Filigrana implexa, Berkeley ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 119. Fine masses are common in the coralline region.

Genus Htdroides, Gunner. Hydroides norvegica, Gunner; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 120. Abundant in deep water, attached to shells, stones, &c.

Genus Seepula, L. Serpula vermicularis, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 120. Common in deep water.

Genus POMATOCEEUS, Phil. Pomatocerus triqueter, L. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 121. Very common from the littoral to the coralline region.




Genus Spirorbis, Daud. Spirorbis borealis, Daud. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 122. Abundant on seaweeds and stones between tide-marks.

Spirorbis lucidus, Mont. ; Mgrn. op. cit. p. 123. Common on zoophytes from deep water.




The sessile-eyed Crustacea of St. Andrews are tolerably numerous both in species and individuals. Between tide- marks the most conspicuous (as usual) are the swarms of Talitrus locusta which speedily reduce dead fish and other animals to skeletons at high-water mark and considerably be- yond it, and the multitudes of Gammarus locusta and Amphi- thoe podoceroides under stones amongst the rocks. ThePof/o-' cerideSj Pherusa bicuspis, Ccdliopius grandocidis^ and GapreUa tuherculata are plentiful in the rock-pools, and Corophium. grossipes in the brackish pools near the estuary of the Eden. Janira maculosa abounds both in tlie tidal region and in deep water, while Joera Nordmanni occurs in numbers \inder stones near high-water mark. In the laminarian region one of the most abundant, perhaps, is Atylus Swammerdami, which con- gregates in swarms on the loose seaweeds. Slphonoecetus typicus is common amongst shell-gravel, and Eurydice jndchra on the surface of the sea as well as in rock-pools in autumn. Many of the rarer forms occur in the deeper water in con- siderable numbers ; but the distribution of the group in British seas is still involved in considerable obscurity ; and at present it will suffice to observe that two of the most plen- tiful in this region are AmpeUsca Belliana, Bate, and the new CalUopius hidentatus, Norman. The former is likewise common on the beach after storms and in the stomachs of fishes ; and the latter ranges to the laminarian zone.

Compared with the Zetlandic area, the absence at St. Andrews of such forms as Acanthonotus Oicenii, Dexamine vedlomensi's, Cymodocea fruncata, and Sphceroma Prideauxia- niim in the laminarian region strikes even a superficial observer of the group ; while the large number of rare and new spe- cies which were met with during the frequent di-edgings of Dr. Gwyn Jeftreys and the Rev. A. M. Norman still further heightens the contrast. The southern region, again, is boldly


separated by the presence in considerable numbers of Cymodo- cea truncata and Sphaeroma Prideauxianum in the fissures of rocks between tide-marks, and Dynamene in rock-pools. The characteristic Tanais vitiatus, Paranthura costana, Ncesa hidentata, Mcera grossimana, Chelura terebrans, Conilera cylin- drica, and the large Cymothoa parasitic on the fishes at once distinguish the fauna, of the Channel Islands from that at St. Andrews. The rarity of Orchestia littorea at the latter and its abundance in the tidal region of the Outer Hebrides, and the absence of Sidcator arenarius and its frequent occur- rence in the sand of the western shores of England, are also interesting contrasts.

Many of the sessile-eyed Crustacea, such as Talitrus locusta, are extremely hardy. Gamniarus locusta is often found in putrid localities, and it survives almost every other marine form in putrid vessels in confinement. The group as a whole is composed of extremely active animals ; and even the most grotesque, such as Caprella tuberculata, are at home in the intricacies of Ceraniium and other finely branched seaweeds. The boring forms (by jaws) are represented by Limnoria Ugnorum ; but its depredations are comparatively insignificant, probably because little wood is employed within water-mark in the construction of the harbour. The perforations of Talitrus, again, abound in the sand, and the looped burrows of Coro- 2jhium in the sandy mud of the flats it inhabits. The nest- forming crustaceans are represented hjAmphitlioepodoceroides, Sijjhonoecetus typicus, Podocerus variegatus, and P. falcatus ; while the young of Gammarus locusta are often observed adhering to the abdominal region of the parent.

The Cirripedes occur abundantly between tide-marks, the most conspicuous being Balanus halanoides, which covers the bare rocky ridges opposite the Castle and other parts. In deep water the various species are attached to shells, stones, crabs, wood, cork, coal, tests of ascidians, and other structures.

I am indebted to Mr. Spence Bate for the determination of several doubtful forms, and especially to the Rev. A. M. Norman for his courteous assistance in this respect, and in revising the list. Mr. G. S. Brady kindly furnished me with the names of the Ostracoda occurring in shell-debris on the West Sands and other collections.


Order Pycnogonoidea.


Fam. Pycnogonidae, Latreille. Genus Ptcnogonum, Briinnich. Pycnogonum littorale, O. F. Mtiller. Abundant under stones between tide-marks.

Genus Phoxichilidium, M.-Edwards. PhoxicMlidium femwatum, Ratlike. Occasionally under stones in rock-pools, and ranging to deep water.

Besides the foregoing, there are several species (one appar- ently identical with Mr. Goodsir's Nymphon Johnstoni, and another with his N. spinosum) not uncommon in the coralline region. Many delicate zoophytes are foimd on their limbs.

Order Cieripedia.

Suborder SUCTOEIA.

Fam. Peltogastridae, Glaus.

Genus Peltogaster, H. Rathke. Peltogaster jpaguri^ H. Rathke. Occasionally on Pagurus hernhardus. A more elongated form occurs on P. cuanensis.

Genus Sacculina, Thompson. Sacculina carcini, Thompson. [Plate IX. fig. 13.] Common on the abdomen of Carcinus mamas. Anotlier is found on PuHunus holsatus (Plate IX. figs. 14 & 15).


Suborder THOKACICA. Fam. Lepadida.

Genus Lepas, L.

Lepas anatifera, L. ; Darwin, Mon. i. p. 73, pi. 1. f. 1.

On the bottoms of ships, and thrown ashore after storms attached to timber.

Genus SCALPELLUM, Leach.

Scalpellum vulgare. Leach; Darw. Mon. i. p. 222, pi. 5. f. 15.

On Tkuiaria thuja and Sertularia cupressina from deep water.

Fam. Balanidae.

Subfamily Balanin^.

Genus Balanus, Lister.

Balanus porcatus, E. da Costa ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 256, pi. 6. f. 4.

Abundant on stones, Ascidia sordida, crabs, &c. in deep water, and occasionally between tide-marks.

Balanus crenatus, Bruguifere; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 261, pi. 6. f. 6. Not uncommon on Hi/as araneus, Lithodes maia, and on rocks in the laminarian region.

Balanus balanoides^ L. ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 267, pi. 7. f. 2. Very abundant ; coating extensive sm-faces of the rocks between tide- marks and in the laminarian region, and ad- hering to mussels, sticks, posts, &c. Elongated varieties are not uncommon. The exuvise swarm in the rock -pools and on the surface of the sea in summer.

Balanus Hameri, Ascanius ; Darw. Mon. ii. p. 277, pi. 7. f. 5.

Occasionally in deep water ; a small thorn-tree (still fresh) was covered with fine examples.



Fam. Scylliidse.

Genus Scyllium, Cuv. Scyllium camcula, L. ; Gtlir. op. cit. viii. p. 402. Not uncommon in the bay.

Fam. SpinacidsB. Genus Acanthias, Risso. AcantMas vulgaris, Eisso ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 418. Often caught on the deep-sea lines of the fishermen.

Genus L^maegus, Miiller & Henle. Lamargus horealis, Scoresby ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 426. Occasionally caught off the bay, near the estuary of the Fortli.

B. Batoidei.

Fam. Rajidse.

Genus Raja, Artedi.

Raja elavata, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 456.


Raja radiata, Donov. ; Gthr. o/*. cit. viii. p. 460. Not uncommon on the sandy flats.

Raja circularis, Couch ; Gthr. oj). cit. viii. p. 462. Not uncommon.

Raja batis, L. ; Gthr. op. cit. viii. p. 463.





Raja lintea, Fries ; Gtlir. op. cit. viii. p. 466. This and the following are entered on the authority of Mr. R. Walker, Librarian of the University.

Raja fuVonica, L. ; Gthr. o/;. cif. viii. p. 467. Occasionally seen.

Pi.ATi; I. Slightly tnlarged drawing i><i Actinuhiha duuifhus, Kllis.

PI 1 .







Plate II.

Fig. 1. Edwardsia calUmorpha, Gosse, in its investing tube. Enlarged.

Fig. 2. The same, in a slightly contracted condition.

Fig. 3. Edwardsia Allmanni, M'l., in its investing tube. Considerably enlarged.

Fig. 4. Edwardsia Goodsiri, M'l. Enlarged.

Fig. 5. Peacliia hastata, Gosse, in the seinicontracted state. Sliglilly enlarged.

Fig. 6. The same species in expansion. Similarly enlarged.

Fig. 7. The same (a contracted specimen) with adherent particles forming a kind of tube. Enlarged.

Fig. 8. A young example of Actinoloba dianthus, attached to the side of a glass vessel.

Fig. 9. Clavelina lepadiformis, O. F. Miiller. Enlarged.

Fig. 10. Pclonaia corrugata, Forbes & Goodsir. Slightly enlarged.

Fig. 11. Eolis Adelaida;, Thompson. Enlarged.

Fig. 12. Eolis Farrani, A. & H., purple variety.

Fig. 13. An example of the same species luore richly tinted.

Fig. 14. J)oti> corimata, Gmelin, with abncn-iiial left dorsal tentacle and sheath.

Fig, Ifl. Tritonia plebeia, Johnston, bifid posteriorly.

Fig. 16. Doris Juhnsioni, A. & 11. Slightlv enlarged.


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Plate III.

Fig. 1. Aplysia punctata, Cuv., in the contracted state. Somewhat reduced. The great muscular lobe (epipodium) of the right side has been folded downwards, so as to expose the shell (on the left in the figm-e). The purplish dye exuded by the animal surruuuds it.

Fi;/. 2. Lamellaria pcrspicim, L. Slightly enlarged.

Fig. .3. Another specimen. About natural size.

Fig. 4. The same, slightly contracted. Viewed from the under surface.

Fi<j. o. A pale specimen of the same species. Slightly enlarged.

Fig. ii. View of the under surface of the same.

Fig. 7. Anterior view of another small specimen, showing the foot and cloak.

Figs. 8, 9 & 10. Figures showing the great variability of colour in this species.

Fig. 11. Lateral view of Lucenmria awicala, 0. Fabr., attached to a piece of Fiicus serratus. Enlarged under a lens. The pale streak on the pedicle indicates one of the longitudinal muscles.

Fig. 12. View of the same expanded, and seen from above. Similarly enlarged. Running inwards from each bundle of tentacles are the orange reproductive organs. One of the border papilla; is double ; and various urticating organs are scattered over the bell.








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Plate IV.

F(>. 1. Eclimni'< vnhjaris, Sav. About natural size.

Fif/. 2. Piiapulus caudatas, Lam. The specimen is somewhat contracted, so as to give prominence to the transverse ru<rre.

Fig. 3. A very large specimen, apparently of Amphiporuti pulchrr. En- larged.

Fig. 4. Sgnaptn inhca-ens, 0. F. MiiUer. Somewhat enlarged.

Fig. 5. Cvcumaria hictea, Forbes & Goodsir, attached to a glas.-< vessel. Enlarged.

PI. IV .


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Plate V. Fig. 1. Pontobdella murimta, 1.. Slightly enlarged. Fig. 2. Piscicola geometra, L. Enlarged.

Figs. -3, 4, & o. PotitobdeUa littornlis, Johnst., various positions, on Coitus buhalis.

Fig. 6. Sucker of the .same. All enlarged.

Fig. 7. First pair of foot-jaws in a brilliantly-coloured male of Carciims nuenas, L.

Fig. 8. Under surface of the carapace of the same male.

Fig. 9. Prostonmm (?) from deep water.


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ob^ pinxil.

Prir.ied in Colours by Mmtem Bros.


Platk \l.

Fiij. 1. Monstrosity of Asterias rubciis (dried), in whicli oim arm lias become bifid. Natural size.

Fii;x. 1' >S: ?>. Otlier examples of the same species, in which peculiar appearances arise from the reproduction of arms.

Fig. 4. Shanuy (Bleniiiiis pholis) emerging fnini a tuft of HalUtii/f. siliquosa.

Fifja. ■") & ll Right and left (usually upper and lower) sides of an abnormal Turbot. Both sides are coloured : and the right eye has been arrested in its progress towards the left or upper surface. From a spirit preparation.





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Printed :n Cc.curs -v Mmtem Bros.

GH Ford-

Plate VII.

Fill. I. Oral disk oi Edwardsia AUmanni , 'Sl^L, completely contracted. Enlarg'ed.

Fig. '2. The same, with the tentacles partially expanded.

Fi;;. :^. Anterior portion of the sheath and pouting rim of the mouth. Viewed laterally.

Fiff. 4. A single tentacle. Enlarged.

Fif/. 5. View of the posterior part of Fdwanhia Goodsiri, M'l., showing the " blown-bladder " aspect.

Fi;/. (i. The oral disk with expanded tentacles.

Fi;/. 7. A single tentacle. Enlarged.

Fii). S. An entu-e colony of Akyonmm diyitatum, L., with the polyps in varying degi'ees of expansion.

Fig. 9. External -view of a polyp on a level with its cell.

Fig. 10. The same, more expanded.

Fig. 11. A polyp half-expauded.

Fill. 12. A polyp of the same, much attenuated, showing the minute spicula and the somewhat fusiform aspect of the expanded arms.

Fig. 13. Boris repanda, A. & II., in process of spawning : u, the dimple of the foot. The arrow marks the direction of its turning. Seen through a glass vessel.

Fig. 14. The same, in another position, with the cloak much folded.

Fig. 15. Spawn of the foregoing. The single interrupted chain of ova appended thereto is exceptional.

Fig. 10. A scolex of Tctrarhiinchux from the stomach of Cancer pagurus, encysted. Probably from the debris of lishes eaten by the crab. X about 60 diameters.

Fiq. 17. The same, separated from the sheath and somewhat compressed. X 65 diam.

Fig. 18. Echinorhynchus strv.mo.'im, Rud., from the intestine of a common seal {Pliocn vitulimi) caught at St. .\ndrew3. x 60 diam.

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Plate VIII.

Fig. 1. Didumii from muscles of Cottus buhdtu. x (JO diameters.

Fiy. -2. Appearance of the posterior end of the Distoma after pressure. Similarly magmified.

Fiy. •'). Mesostomum bifidmn, u. sp. x 'W diam.

Fit/. 4. Penis of the foregoing-, x 350 diam.

Fig. o. Rod-shaped bodies and granules from the testes of the .specimen. X 350 diam.

Fig. (!. Fully developed spermatozoa of the same animal.

Fig. 7. Vorte.i capUata, (Erst. x about I'OO diam. «, muscular pro- boscidian organ, not ciliated ; a , secondary and probably exsertile muscular organ ; J, eesophageal division : /, central digestive chamber ; /', posterior digestive chamber ; s, anus ; m, cilia of the organ homologous with the cephalic sac of tlie Nemerteans ; d, clear papilla with active though .short cilia (in some views a duct-like structm-e passes inwards fromi/) h, clear globule capable of contraction under pressure ; ;', radiate appearance at genital sphincter (?) ; k, spenu-sacs : u: mouth.

Fig. 8. Another specimen, showing ova. Similarly ma^nitied. ao, ova.

Fig, '.). Cells of the alimentary region. X 350 diam.

Fig. 10. Spermatozoa of Voitcv capitata. x 700 diam.

Fig. 11. A'iew of an Eel (which was choked while endeavouring to swallow a fellow eel|.


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Plate IX.

Fi(/. 1. Ascid'ia sordida, attached to the upper end of the tube of Pecti- naria belgita. Veiy slightly enlarged.

Fn/. 2. The same, from the other side.

Fif/. ?>. Ptvascidia Flemingii, Alder, attached to a rootlet of tangle.

Fir/. 4. Egg-ease of Nassa incrassata, Strom. Enlarged.

Fif). 5. Tentacles of Ciicumaria lactea. Enlarged. The oral orifice occupies the centre.

Figs. 0 & 7. Views of the oral region and tentacles of Si/napta inhcerena in different degrees of contraction.

Fig. 8. Anchor and plate of the foregoing. X 280 diameters.

Fig. 9. Section of the shell of Cancer pagurus, showing the internal processes of the hairs, The preparation was mounted by the late Dr. Eraser Thomson.

Fig. 10. Young of common Mussel attached by its byssus to the carapace of a Shore-Crab.

Fig. 11. Yoimg Mussels in the eye-cavities of the same crustacean, causing the peduncles to project, and partially blinding the Crab.

Fig. 12. Defect of the carapace in the Shore-Crab, exposing the branchial chamber exterior to the first pair of foot-jaws.

Fig. 13. Abdomen and part of the cephalothorax of a female Shore- Crab, with a parasitic Sacciilina carciiii and other abnormalities.

Fig. 14. Sacculina parasitic on a male Portimus hohatiis.

Fig. 1 o. Another view of the same, with the tail reflected.



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