Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ‘ ny — ee ances GARDENERS’ CATALOGUE ER ORE FOES i w JAN 25 | te I = == — 9 eS ee — eee eee eee eS Le J “SUPERIOR: SEEDS i Tested, Proven and f Dependable Suds: foe Market Gardeners ; Forty-Fourth Year of Successful Service | a Baie XZ arretatl Vv % \ ‘ .N SOB Js ; 8 —_* NORTH 2. YORK ROAD LANVALE ST. TO PHILADELPIVA FD. BALTIMORE ST. PRATT. _ ST EASTERN _AVE. EDMONDSON AVE. FRANKLIN LEXINGTON .~- MARKET TEATRO | es B | CALVERT. ST ||2 LS. RO. (OLLIDAY a BALTIMORE ST. OLLINS MAT. =—70O FREDERICK ROAD PRATT ST FELLS POINT MARKET =— To ANNAPOLIS | HANOVER) Conveniently Located to Serve You Best This map shows how accessible our store is to the suberbs and agricultural districts surrounding Baltimore. You will enjoy calling at our store and making your purchases of seeds and supplies personally, and we extend you a cordial invitation to visit us often during 1930. But if more convenient, phone your orders and inquiries to Wolfe 5161, or write and you will be well pleased with our quality, our price and our service. Prompt, Courteous, and Intelligent Attention Always MAIL ORDERS: We pay Parcel Post or Express Charges on all vegetable and flower seeds, except Beans, Corn, Peas, and Seed Potatoes. This enables distant customers to use Manns’ Superior Seeds at no additional expense. Suburban Delivery | PLEASE READ—Non-Warranty Domestic Parcel Post Rates Within the U. S. and Possessions For |For Ha. First | Addit’l. Pound | Pound It is very evident to anyone who gives the matter the slightest thought that it is to our best interests to send out only such stock | first Zone within A $0.07 as will grow and prove true to name and description. There are, | Second Zone within 50 to 150 miles “07 however, so many contingencies to be encountered, entirely beyond | Third Zone within 150 to 300 miles < our control, such as the weather, soil and other conditions that: |Fourth Zone within 300 to 600 miles a J. Manns & Company give no warranty, express or implied, as to | Fifth Zone within 600 to 1000 miles | : a oa . = Sixth Zone within 1000 to 1400 miles description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter of any Saianth Zone withine 1400.40 1800s mies | | Seeds, Plants or Bulbs sent out, and will not be in any way respon- EiBHEHMizone lores 1800 miles sible for the crop. All Prices Quoted Subject to Change >, 3 Where Market Quality of Strains Proven Gardeners Buy at Our Trial Grounds : ORDER SHEET Established 1887 J. MANNS & CO. Superior Seeds BALTIMORE, MD. FORREST AND HILLEN STS. AT BELAIR MARKET HAVE YOU Date dance ate ee uene EINE a oseseb IS) Canevace ALLOWED FOR NGAI OMe ene EE ne ep NeIC RGN Circe awatiy et Roltanccd is) uy usta WhtSieraius'ig co: ah oteuetenatere isl avalos a aeigiectaed NECESSARY POSti OMe ee ie ee he Re eeee Ee ea eae ey eR DE INO Ms es alti st yew POST AGE AND Feige Hts OM CO male ere cernehen sitaiiec once cr sacle as es elalinre Ce Mucho ShelelieSeiloie ai eran uae Statens ia ties BAGS IN YOUR Please Forward Via.................. Gee nee i ee ea Payee ariavacatsaetent Staite ance REMITTANCE? | Enclosed..... pe Se Natst SERS McLee para iny> sTois ale eo olcvalet’slsnns 1 DU at ore n OO ee oO DSO (Check, Money Order or Stamps) J. MANNS & CO., give no warranty express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness or any other matter, of any Seeds, Bulbs, Plants they sell, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned. QUANTITY , ARTICLES PRICE Amount Carried Forward, WANTED—Names and addresses of your acquaintances who should receive our Annual Catalog, Price Lists, ete. We will appreciate your kindness and so will they.—Thank you. NAMES POST OFFICE STATE NP EN eR RO ae ee en, cee oe PRICE ARTICLES : ‘ Amount Brought Forward, QUANTITY | Selected from the World’s Best ~ When you sow Manns’ Superior Seeds you have the satisfaction of Rnowing that you have sown quality and will reap profit. @ Your investment in Land, Buildings, Stock, Machinery, Implements, Fer- tilizers; the value of your time and labor are worth thousands of dollars, you therefore cannot afford to purchase any seeds which do not assure a profitable return. @ We in turn have a valuable investment, and a 43-year reputation which we must protect with the greatest possible interest, effort and care. @ Having built this reputation on high quality, and fair dealing, we make it our business to find the most highly improved, the most carefully rogued and the greatest profit-producing strains in existence, and after definitely testing, proving, and becoming thoroughly familiar with these super-quality stocks we offer them to you absolutely confident that they meet the highest standard of perfection; which not only adds prestige to our reputation but assures success to you. @ Our low prices are made possible by our experience, location, capable per- sonnel, large volume and efficient business methods. @ In offering “Everything for the Farm and Garden,’ we aim to render a complete service to Market Gardeners, Florists, Farmers, Home Gardeners and Poultrymen, and on the basis of superior quality, fair price, intelligent, prompt and courteous attention, we solicit your inquiries and orders. so =So ESS Joos J. MANNS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1887 FORREST AND HILLEN STS. AT BELAIR MARKET BALTIMORE, MD. “Where Market Gardeners Buy Superior Seeds” 1887 consistent with highest Quality. MANNS’ SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS Selected from improved strains having true commercial merit, offered at lowest possible prices FOR MARKET GARDENERS and other judicious and careful growers who sow the best. 1930 Varieties of Special Merit UR general stocks are unexcelled in quality O and better seeds cannot be purchased at any price. The following recently im- proved strains, however, are worthy of special consideration and should be grown by every progressive market gardener. BEANS NEW STRINGLESS GREEN POD—The very prolific nature, season of growth, length and roundness of pods are identi- eal with Full Measure. More vigorous and hardy, however, and known to produce successful crops when other varieties have failed. Qt., 75c; pk., $4.75; bu., $17.50. BEET NEW MODEL—Fills a definite need among market gar- deners and has met with success. Practical growers realiz- ing the superior quality ef this strain are ordering in 25, 50 and 100-pound lots, using this one variety throughout the entire season. Being entirely free from white zones, ex- tremely dark, smooth, with short tops and excellent quality, it always commands the highest market price. Pkt., 10c; % Ib., 30c; Ib., $1.00. SUPERIOR EXTRA CURLED GREEN SCOTCH — More curled than any other Borecole and yielding many more bushels per acre due to its extremely vigorous growth. Nearly as hardy as Hardy Winter and now very popular with many of our customers. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; %4 Ib., 60c; Ib., $2.00. BROCCOLI CALABRESE GREEN SPROUTING OR HEADING — The accompanying illustration shows the center head of Cala- brese Broccoli greatly reduced. After this is cut, numerous sprouts develop, forming smaller heads which are also mar- ketable. Broccoli is becoming very popular, commanding high prices, and should be grown more extensively by Mary- Pkt., 10c; 0z., 50c; land truckers. 1% Ib., $1.75; lb., $6.00. % Manns’ Selected Scarlet Globe Radish _ very Broccoli Calabrese CABBAGE NEW SELECTED JERSEY WAKEFIELD—An improved strain of Early Jersey Wakefield, grown and selected with greatest care (see photo on page 10 showing stock seed breeding). The entire crop can be gathered in one or two cuttings, and practically every plant makes a marketable head. Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; %4 Ib., $1.00; Ib., $3.00. CANTALOUPE SUGAR ROCK—A valuable new variety of a distinct type, solid. Has a marvelous flavor, heavy netting and a tough rind. Very prolific. Pkt., 10¢; oz., 25c; % Ib., 75c3 Ib., $2.50. CARROT NEW CHANTENAY—Produced from individual root se- lected stock, therefore a great improvement in uniformity of size and shape. The principal feature of this new strain, however, is its deep solid color. Pkt., 10c; oz. 25ce; 14 Ib., 75c; Ib. $2.50. CORN MANNS’? EARLY SUPERIOR —This new variety is of remarkable size considering its earliness. The ears are 8 inches long and have 16 to 20 rows of rather narrow deep grains. The quality is excellent and the attractive appear- ance of the rich, tender, well-filled ears make it a very desirable sort for the Market Gardener. Qt., 35c; pk., $2.25; bu., $8.00. CUCUMBER NEW DARK EVERGREEN—Retains its evry dark green color for an exceptionally long period. Very prolific, of medium size; a wonderful shipper and a profitable Market Garden Variety. One of the earliest of its type. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; %4 Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.25. LETTUCE NEW YORK OR WONDERFUL—Our stock of this popular variety is unsurpassed but each seed crop is rogued with the greatest care, thereby enabling us to offer better and ees quality every year. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; %4 Ib., 60c;. Ib., $2.00. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimere, Md. [3] SPINACH We offer improved strains, grown in Holland by the orig- inators of these strains; extensively imitated by other Hol- land growers, but universally recognized as the most supe- rior types ever produced. See pages 30 and 31. SQUASH Green Tinted Preferred by market gardeners by reason of true decided light green color, even when fully matured. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; %4 Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50. ASPARAGUS 1 ounce to 60 feet of drill; 1 pound per acre; 3,000 plants per acre. Sow in spring in drills about eighteen inches apart and two inches deep in light, rich soil, planting fifteen to twenty seeds to each foot of row. Thin to about one inch apart and give frequent and thorough cultivation during the summer. Set the plants about four inches deep and one to two feet apart in rows four to six feet apart. After the plants are well started, give frequent and thorough cultivation. Early the next spring spade in a heavy dressing of manure and about one quart of salt and double the quantity of fresh wood ashes to each square rod and cultivate well as long as the size of plants will permit, or until they begin to die down. The next season the bed may be cut over two or three times. After the final cutting, give a good dressing of manure, ashes and salt. MARY WASHINGTON—Superior to Martha Washington and Washington Pedigree, in quality and equally resistant to disease. It is larger and earlier and produces remark- ably tender dark green stalks with very compact purplish green tips. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; % Ib., 60c; Ib., $2.00. ASPARAGUS ROOTS From one to two years may be saved by planting Asparagus roots instead of seed. Choice, 2-year-old roots, all leading varieties. $1.25 per 100; $8.00 per 1,000. MARY WASHING- TON, $1.75 per 100; $12.00 per 1,000. ARTICHOKE LARGE GREEN GLOBE—About 500 plants from 1 ounce. The scale-like leaves of the flower heads are used as a salad or boiled, making a delicious dish which is very popular with the quence and Italians. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; %4 Ib., $1.50; -» $5.00. JERUSALEM OR TUBEROUS ROOTED — Grown exclu- sively for their large potato-like roots which are valuable for feeding hogs. Price, 4% pk., 45c; pk., $1.25; bu., $4.00. Expressage extra. TOMATOES IMPROVED ADVANCE—An extra early, large tomato of high quality, round or slightly flattened shape, and excep- tionally smooth for such an early variety. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; %4 Ib., $1.50; Ib., $5.00. MANNS’ SPECIAL STRAIN BONNY BEST—Our special strain of Bonny Best has become a favorite among large growers for the early market. It is truly so superior to the ordinary stocks that it might rightfully be considered a new variety. Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 14 lb., $1.00; Ib., $3.50. MARGLOBE—This new introduction by the United States Department of Agriculture is without doubt the most won- derful development ever offered tomato growers. Oz., 50c; % Ib., $1.50; Ib., $5.00. MANNY’ IMPROVED STONE—A favorite with canners and market gardeners, because of its heavy yields, excellent quality, and beautiful appearance. Very much superior to regular strains of New Stone. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 25c; %4 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.50. Asparagus, Mary Washington Rust Proof [4] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS according to variety. picking condition in 45 days. the Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod. Full Measure Stringless New Stringless Green Pod into it. Its prolific nature, season of growth, length, roundness of pods and appearance, are definitely inherited and yet to these very desirable features has been added a wonderful degree of hardiness which helps New Stringless with- stand adverse weather conditions better than its parent stock. NEW STRINGLESS GREEN POD is known to produce an abundant crop when other varieties have failed to do so under the identical conditions. Our supply of seed of this variety is very limited, but we hope to have sufficient stock to permit all of our customers to have at least a trial planting of same. Don’t fail to test New Stringless for yourself. Giant Stringless Green Pod Burpee’s Stringless. The pods are round, meaty, brittle, entirely stringless and of fine quality. Vines are large, vigorous and spreading. A few days later than BUSH BEANS 1 pint to 100 feet of drill; 1 to 1144 bushels per acre. Beans are tender and should not be planted until the soil is well warmed. Sowing too early will often result in a poor stand and uneven ripening. Sow the seed 144 to 2 inches deep in rows not less than 18 inches apart and firm the soil to assist germination. Allow the plants to stand 4 to 10 inches apart in the row Shallow cultivating and hoeing should be done frequently until the vines are in blossom. To prevent blight do not cultivate deeply and avoid working them while the vines are wet. Beans grow best in a warm, well-drained, sandy loam. For succession plant every two weeks until about August 15th. ~ ROUND GREEN PODDED VARIETIES Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod (his varicty has justly become very popular and can be profit- ably grown by either trucker or home gardener. It combines vigor, earliness and productiveness. The pods are produced: in abundance and are handsome in appearance, being rich dark green in color, smooth, absolutely round, meaty, stringless, free from fiber, and of exceptionally delicate quality. Mature for This new highly productive strain has many Full Measure characteristics bred A very productive long, round-podded variety, longer and straighter than A second early, round-podded, stringless bean of recent introduction. The pods are Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod straight, meaty, and are dark green in color. They are entirely stringless and measure 6 to 8 inches in length. Very prolific. ; One of the best dwarf sorts for green shell beans for the home Dwarf Horticultural or Dwart Cherry garden and market and can be used early as a snap bean. As a green shelled bean it is equal to the lima in quality while any surplus crop can be kept for winter use. The pods are 5 inches long, stout, flat and stringless. They are green at first changing as they mature to yellow splashed with carmine. The dried seeds are large, almost round, light buff spotted with dark red. Our special stock of this variety is superior to the old style Dwarf Cherry, being entirely stringless and free from runners. Black Valentine This variety has proven itself to be the most hardy of all string beans. It will resist cold and wet better than any other sort and therefore can be planted extremely early and very late in the season. They should be picked as soon as ready as they will become tough if allowed to remain on the vines too long. Late Refugee or Thousand-To-One Noted for its great produc: tiveness, this variety gained favor for canning and pickling. The dense foliage protects the pods from early frosts, thereby prolonging the season. The pods measure 5 to 5% inches, are round, somewhat slender, almost stringless and of good quality. FLAT PODDED GREEN STRINGLESS ; Extra early, green pod, good cropper, hardy, prolific; pods long, Bountiful straight, thick-flat, entirely stringless, good quality. The best extra early, semi-round variety. PRICES GREEN PODDED VARIETIES Qt. Pk. Bu. BlacksVialentinersso nse ei ee ee $ .45 $3.00 $10.00 Bou rre Ral 6 cys cece ee eee Ie aoe 50 3.50 12.00 Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod........................ 50 3.50 12.00 Dwarf Horticultural or Dwarf Cherry................. 50 3.50 12.00 Fall: Measure: Stringless7200 232 5.) een ee see ee -75 5.00 18.00 GiantzStrinzgless Pod ee eee eo Once 50 3.50 12.00 Late Refugee or Thousand-To-One.................. -60 4.00 15.00 New. iStringless:Green Pods cise cs ee ee -75 4.75 17.59 WAX VARIETIES Burpee’s) New. Kidney Wax acct se ee aie 0 3.50 12.00 Currie’ss Ruste Proofawax enna ee ees 0 3.25 10.50 DavisaWwhite Kidney Wax faster ee ee eee 0 3.50 12.00 Bencil/ Pod? Blacks Waxtuncn2c mo ene ee 50 3.50 12.00 Refugee |Strinzless!| Waxes. ee ee 45 3.00 10.00 Round: Pod ‘Kidney: Wax? 5520 02k oe eee 50 3.50 12.00 Sure {Crop Waxes eee eae Sea Pe 50 3.50 12.00 Wardwells “Kidney: (Wax sem. s5 seen einen oe 50 3.50 12.00 Full Measure J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [5] SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS Block of Selected Pedigreed Stock Seed on Idaho Breeding Farm WAX BEANS—Flat Podded Sorts Decidedly better quality than Cur- Sure Crop Wax rie’s Rust Proof but vine and seed very similar in appearance, and maturing about a week later. The pods are of a rich yellow color, growing an inch longer than Currie’s and stringless at all stages of growth. The disease resistant qualities found in Currie’s are duplicated in this variety and it is vigorous, hardy, and very productive. For quality use Sure Crop, while for earliness Currie’s is better. 0°. This variety is not Currie’s Rust Proof Wax Js yee cine the earliest, hardiest and one of the most prolific of all flat wax-podded beans, has become a favorite among market gar- deners and truckers. It is ready for picking in 42 days and the large, flat, straight pods which are of a bright golden yellow color make an attractive appearance when offered for sale. The vines are strong and upright, holding the pods well off the ground, their vigorous and hardy nature making them immune from rust, mildew or blight. Wardwell’s Kidney Wax “4 very Popular stan- dard gardeners’ va- riety, bearing a large crop of handsome, light golden yellow, long, broad pods which are nearly stringless and of very good quality. Very attractive and always command a good price in the markets. Burpee’s New Kidney Wax ®esembles Ward- well’s Kidney Wax, excepting that the pod is larger and thicker, though not so broad. Fairly productive and of high quality, string- less, very fleshy and brittle. Pods measure 6 inches and are of attractive, clear yellow color. Mid-season sort; not dam- aged by wet weather. For Control of Mexican Bean Beetle CALCIUM ARSENAT# MAGNESIUM ARSENATE RED ARROW EVERGREEN See Pages 54 and 55. AIDS IN PREVENTION OF BEAN SPOT | Bean Spot or Anthracnose is a disease caused by the fungus colletotrichum lindemuthianum, which is carried in seed, soil and dead vines, from previous years’ crop. It is very rare or unknown in the semi-arid region of the West where our Bean seed is grown, and with this disease-free seed, the damage from spot may be reduced considerably by the customary methods of crop rotation, burning the refuse, destruction of weeds, and improving the air and soil drainage. For a successful crop, plant disease-free seed, and practice crop rotation, never planting Beans on land where the same crop grew the previous season; do not cultivate or walk through the Bean field or pick beans while wet with dew or rain. If the disease is present, it is then easily spread from one part of the field to another. Disease-free soil is just as essential as clean seed in the production of a crop free from spot. INCREASED YIELDS RESULT FROM NITRAGIN INOCULATION See Page 78 An early, tive and attractive sort of fair quality. Pods 6 to 7% inches, stringy, the white seed being the best feature as it makes a very satisfactory shell bean for winter use. produc- Davis’ White Kidney Wax ROUND PODDED SORTS Round Pod Kidney Wax (Brittle Wax) | An podded variety of handsome appearance. Pods are long, straight, brittle, meaty; entirely stringless and of exception- ally desirable quality. The best round-podded wax bean for the home garden. 7 This popular canner’s Refugee Stringless Wax {his popular canner s vigorous and productive. The pods are about 5 inches long, slender, regularly curved, round, well-filled, with no depres- sions; fleshy, fine grained and of excellent quality. Pencil Pod Black Wax The best black seeded wax variety. It is early and very productive, exceptionally strong and vigorous, pro- ducing pods 6% to 7 inches long which are fleshy, brittle, strictly stringless and free from fibre. They are of fine quality and clear yellow in color. Round Pod Kidney Wax [6] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS EDIBLE-PODDED POLE BEANS For Cultural Directions See Pole Limas. Burger’s Stringless Green Pod or White Ken- tucky W onder Bears large, brittle, stringless pods of excellent flavor, dark green in color. It resembles the Kentucky Wonder in form of pod but is much earlier, more produc- tive and bears longer. Seeds white, fine for baking. Kentucky Wonder or Old Homestead 1s 0!4 stan- dard variety is extremely productive and of finest quality. It is early and produces round, green pods about 9 inches long. Splendid for use as snaps for the home gardener as it continues to bear for a long period. Seed light brown. Horticultural Cranberry or Wren’s Egg 4".°'4 f- vorite, ex- cellent both as a snap and shell bean. Medium early, producing large quantities of 5 and 6-inch pods which are broad, thick, and of fine flavor. , One of the best general purpose pole beans; of supe- Lazy Wife rior quality as a snap, green shelled or dried bean. Pods, which are borne abundantly throughout the summer, are very easily gathered and entirely stringless, brittle, light green in color and of a mild, sweet flavor. Seed pure white, 6 to 8 in each pod. Yard Long, Celestial or Asparagus Bean °° ™ °; a curiosity and yet possessing excellent qualities. It is very prolific, absolutely rust proof and a rank grower. It will produce pods 18 to 24 and sometimes 30 inches long. An excellent table vegetable, the pods being tender, stringless and of a rich asparagus flavor. BUSH BEANS VARIETIES USED AS SHELL BEANS Dwarf Horticultural, Fordhook Favorite, and Davis’ White Kidney Wax. Three very satisfactory shell bean sorts have been listed previously. White Marrowfat This is a very prolific variety and has be- come a choice family sort both for green shells and dry beans. Pods are broad, about 5% inches long, medium green changing to yellow, having large, clear, white seeds which cook very dry and mealy. Royal Dwarf or White Kidney "xcelent late variety, : green, shelled or dry. Seeds are large, white, kidney shaped, and of fine quality. J Of foreign origin and entirely different from any Broad Erfurt other variety, being larger than the ordinary lima, with much darker pods. This sort will prove profitable for mar- ket gardeners who have Italian and Spanish trade. Inoculate With NITRAGIN Grow Bigger Crops and Improve Your Soil. Kentucky Wonder PRICES Qt Pk. Bu. Broadwibreurtc3ce Se ee ee $ 50 $3.50 $12.00 Burger’s Stringless or White Kentucky Wonder........ 45 3.00 10.00 Horticultural Cranberry......... .. 00 3.50 12.00 Kentucky Wonder................... 45 3.00 10.00 Taz y2oW ike: on ieee caida 50 3.50 12.00 White Kidneyie en ae ea 45 3.00 10.00 White Marrowfat................... 45 3.00 10.00 Oz. Lb. Yard Long, Celestial....................4... $ .10 $1.00 y a White Marrowfat SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [7] dra ii nT anne eee eee POLE LIMA BEANS 1 quart to 150 hills; 8 to 10 quarts per acre. Pole beans do not bear as early as the bush varieties but they are more productive, their bearing season is longer and they are more easily gathered. They succeed best in a warm sandy loam which has been enriched with well rotted manure. If poles are used they should be set three to four feet apart each way. After the ground has become warm and dry, plant 4 to 6 beans to a pole and when well started thin out to 2 or 3 plants to a pole. By placing the seed eyes down they will germinate more quickly and for this reason are less liable to rot. Cultivate frequently but shallow. ’ , The Early Leviathan stands supreme because of its combined Farly Leviathan qualities, earliness, size and productiveness. The large, well filled pods are borne in clusters of five to ten and are spaced over the entire vine. They are well filled with large fleshy beans of excellent quality, delicate pale green in color. 7 ry A very desirable pole lima for the home and market garden, producing Carpinteria an abundance of large four-seeded medium green pods. The color is distinctive in having a decided greenish tint, an indication of very finest quality. The beans are thin skinned, delicious flavor and retain the distinctly green tinge even when dried. Ideal One of the largest and most valuable of the medium late varieties, producing a tremendous crop of seven-inch pods, which are filled with five to six large beans of excellent quality. Seed large, ovid, flat white with slight greenish tinge. Splendid for market gardeners. 7 ; This is the best and most popular main crop variety. King of the Garden Vines are strong and vigorous; setting pods early and continuing to bear until frost. Is used extensively by market gardeners because of its very prolific nature and the immense size of the pods, which are very straight and hand- some; of medium dark green color, broad, flat and filled with four or five large white beans of finest quality. Challenger or Dreer’s Pole Vigorous, productive, and quite early, producing : 2 pods which are much thicker than any other sort and filled with four thick beans so closely set that the ends are flattened. A favor- ite among market gardeners. Giant Podded The largest podded lima in cultiva- tion; extremely vigorous in growth, mid-season. Pods are borne in clusters of 6 to 8 and measure 7 inches long and 1% inches broad. The beans are extra large and of excellent quality. BUSH LIMA BEANS f Large seeded sorts, 1 qt. to 100 hills; 1 bu. to the acre. Small seeded sorts, 1 qt. to 150 hills; 3 pks. to the acre. These varieties require no support, are about two weeks earlier than the pole beans, and can be planted closer in the rows. They are therefore used by large growers and by gardeners who do not find it convenient to use poles. Early After danger of frost is past and the ground has become [Leviathan warm, plant in 3 foot rows dropping 3 seeds to a hill and the hills 15 inches apart. Early Giant Bush Lima The largest and earliest bush lima; two seeks earlier than Fordhook, very prolific and of excel- lent quality. Pods contain 4 to 5 large, close setting beans, and are borne in clusters of 5 to 8. Plant very vigorous and upright, often attaining a height of 30 inches. Fordhook Bush Lima A most excellent variety and exceedingly popular e plants with market gardeners. are freely branching and very erect in their growth. Four or five large, very thick beans are contained in each pod and the plants continue to produce large quantities from July unt nae The green beans even when full size are tender, juicy and sweet when cooked. Burpee’s Improved Bush Lima A very prolific mid-season variety of very hardy, vigorous and true bush growth, bearing clusters of 5 to 8 pods measuring 5 to 6 inches long. The pods are borne abundantly, enormous in size and well filled with handsome beans which are both larger and thicker than those of the regular Burpee’s Bush Lima. Wood’s Prolific or Henderson’s Improved Bush Lima A very early and vigorous type, producing an abundance of 3 to 4-inch pods; contain 4 small, flat, white beans of good quality. BUSH LIMAS PRICES Qt. Pk. Bu. Burpee’s Improved Bush Lima...................... $ .55 $3.75 $12.50 Early Giant Bush Lima...........................:- 50 3.50 12.00 Fordhook Bush Lima.......................0..0..005 .60 4.25 15.00 Wood’s Prolific or Henderson’s Improved Bush Lima. .55 3.75 12.50 POLE LIMAS CaTpint ered awry ee eso esse ease inbehou decal d wiser -50 3.50 12.00 Challenger or Dreer’s Pole......................... -60 4.00 14.00 Barly Weviath anes cisco one etre Corn lees ues 50 3.50 12.00 Giant Podded Pole.................. 0.00. cece eee eee 50 3.50 12.00 LICE as se lero leis Rees) CR TENET HAEMOST en 50 3.50 12.00 Early Giant Bush King, of ‘the 'Garden:. 2.233.550 524 bee ks one ee ee ne 50 3.50 12.00 [8] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS ; Ae FS eet Re Z me UASROGA ISBT C: Detroit Dark Red Beets Crosby’s Egyptian Smooth, globe shaped, deep red in color, tender, sweet and richly palatable when served. This should not be confused with Flat Egyptian as it is similar only in point of earliness. Crimson Globe An excellent main crop variety of medium size, globe shaped, with a remarkably smooth surface and high in quality, being tender, crisp and sweet, never stringy. The flesh is very deep pur- ple, slightly zoned in lighter and darker shades. Is without rootlets and the foliage is small and attractive. New Model Perfect in shape and of a beautiful red color, very uniform in shape and size, the entire crop maturing during the same week. Forces well under glass. This variety fills a definite need among the market gardeners and has met with success. Practical growers realizing the superior qual- ity of this strain are ordering in 25, 50 and 100-pound lots, using this one variety throughout the entire season. Being entirely free from white zones, extremely dark, smooth, with short tops and excellent quality, it always commands the highest market price. BEETS—MANGEL AND SUGAR Sow 1 ounce to 100 feet of drill, 6 pounds to the acre in drills and 15 to 20 pounds to the acre is sown broadcast. Plant from middle of May to middle of June in drills about 2% feet apart and 1 inch to 1% inches deep. When the plants are about three inches high begin thinning out and continue at intervals until they stand 8 inches apart in the rows. Attains enormous size, pro- Mammoth Long Red ducing thirty to fifty tons per acre. The roots are straight, well formed and much thicker than other sorts. Grows well above the ground and is therefore easily gathered. The flesh is white tinged with rose. Highest feeding qualities. TABLE BEETS 1 ounce to 50 feet of drill; 5 pounds per acre. The soil for beets should be light, rich, fine and deeply cultivated. Smooth beets cannot be grown if fresh manure is used. If wanted very early, sow in hot beds and trans- plant, cutting off the outer leaves. For early outdoor crop plant the seeds about 1 inch apart and 1 inch deep in rows 1 to 2 feet apart, firming the soil about the seeds by walking on the row. This should be done as soon as the ground can be worked and for table use, plantings should be made every three weeks. Thin out the plants to 3 inches apart. For main crop sow in the early part of May while for winter use they may be planted up to July 1st. One of the very Extra Early Flat Egyptian earliest, excellent for forcing and early crop. Roots are distinctly flat, very dark red, have very small tap root and are of fine quality when young. They measure 2 inches in diameter when mature and have very small tops. Being extremely early, of 9 e Manns Karly Spring a wonderful dark red color, and of exceptional quality, Manns’ Early Spring Beet offers an unusual opportunity for profitable production. Detroit Dark Red Careful comparison with other prominent strains of this va- riety show that our stock is unsurpassed in quality and appearance. The tops are small and upright in growth and the roots are globular, of medium size, very smooth and of a wonderful dark red color throughout. Very desirable for canning. BROCCOLI Calabrese Green Sprouting or Heading This plant is somewhat similar to cauliflower in its nature of growth, but produces a large solid head which remains green. When this head is cut, numerous sprouts develop, forming small heads which command a fancy price among Italian trade. It is rapidly becom- ing popular and is being generally used in leading hotels because of its delicious, rich asparagus flavor. ; , Known in the South Italian Green Sprouting 4° erect grows more “greens” than seven top turnip and is fairly hardy in Maryland, making a profitable cover crop. Sow in August broadcasting two to three pounds per acre and the first sprouts will be ready for market during February or early March, at which time they usually command a very good price. PRICES BEETS Pkt. 144Lb. Lb Crimson Globe................0.00005 $ 10 $ .30 $1.00 Crosby’s Egyptian............ Sei sced age 10 30 ~=11.00 Detroit Dark Red.................... -10 30 =. 1.00 Edmand’s Blood Turnip.............. 10 -30 = =6. 1.00 Burelia ocak es aE 10 30 =: 1.00 Extra Early Flat Egyptian........... -10 30 =: 11.00 Improved Detroit.................... -10 50 1.50 Mammoth Long Red................. -10 .20 50 Manns’ Early Spring................. -10 00 1.50 New: Modelo toe eee een ee 10 30 =: 1.00 BROCCOLI Pkt. Oz. %4Lb. Lb. Calabrese Green Sprouting or Headings cee eee $ .10 $ 50 $1.75 $6.00 Italian Green Sprouting....... 10 .20 45 1.50 SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS BORECOLE Extensively grown in this section for market- ing during the winter months, when other vege- tables are scarce. Borecole should be grown like cabbage, the seed being sown from early spring to the middle of August. It is customary to pull off the lower leaves and let the plant grow on to furnish a continuous supply. , This variety is one of the Hardy Winter most salable and profitable sorts for either the home or market gardener. The plant attains a height of 18 inches and pro- duces an abundance of beautiful light green leaves, which are densely curled and crimped. It is extremely hardy and has the additional advan- tage of putting forth a second crop of leaves after -the first have been gathered or have fallen off. Superior Extra Curled Green The leaves of this variety are very Scotch much more curled than the Dwarf- Green Scotch, and many more bushels per acre can be cut due to the extremely vigorous growth, which is characteristic of this variety. Nearly as hardy as Hardy Winter, and very popular with many of our customers. Just as New Blue Curled Scotch }°*+ +; Hardy Winter and having very curly dark blue- green leaves. More dwarf than Dwarf Green ' Scotch. Every trucker who grows Borecole should have a portion of this variety. This excellent sort is low Dwarf Green Scotch spreading and compact in its nature of growth, forming a mass of leaves which are beautifully curled and mosslike in appearance. The color is an attractive bright green and the quality is excellent. DANDELION French Cultivated, or Common wild dandelion, vigorous and hardy. Improved Broad Leaved of large broad slightly cut leaves. An improve- ment on the The best and earliest strain, forming a tuft Swiss Chard—Fordhook Giant J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [9] Borecole—Dwarf Green Scotch BRUSSELS SPROUTS 1 oz. will sow 500 ft. of drills or 3,000 plants. Sow in April for early crop or in early June for a late fall crop. Transplant to rows which are 3 to 4 feet apart, 18 to 24 inches apart in the rows. Will live through the winter without protection. 7 7 Found to be the best variety both in Danish Prize quality and _ productiveness. The sprouts develop very evenly over the entire stem, the lower sprouts being as tightly folded and as solid as those higher at SWISS CHARD Plant the seeds the same as ordinary beet seeds but thin out at first to 6 inches anart, later to 1 foot apart. Ready for use in about 60 days. , The best Swiss Chard in cultiva- Fordhook Giant tion, producing extremely large, heavily savoyed leaves of a beautiful glossy, very dark green color. The ribs average three inches broad and are pure white. COLLARDS , The chief South- Georgia, Southern or Creole {re piel fount. greens, growing 2 to 3 feet high and forming a large, loose, open head or cluster of leaves with a rather long stem. One ounce of seed will sow 300 feet of drill; two pounds per acre. CHIVES Chives are a small hardy perennial plant, resembling the onion in appearance and growing in clusters. They are grown for the young leaves, which are produced freely from early in the spring and give a mild onion flavor to sausage, salads and various dishes. PRICES Variety Pkt Oz. % Lb. Lb. BORECOLE Dwarf Green Scotch.......... $ .10 S25 SD Hardy Winter................. 10 $ .20 -60 2.00 New Blue Curles Scotch....... 10 30 =61.00 Superior Extra Curled......... 10 .20 -60 2.00 BRUSSELS SPROUTS Danishwbrize sos wri: -10 -30 90 3.00 SWISS CHARD Fordhook Giant............... 10 30 =. 11.00 KucullusSieerns ae 10 25 75 CHEVIES BAR risinnce eee: -10 1.00 3.50 COLLARDS Georgia, Southern or Creole... .10 .25 -15 DANDELION French Cultivated or Common. .10 25 75 2.75 Improved Broad Leaved........ 10 -60 2.00 7.50 [10] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS Individual plants covered for self pollination. The Breeding of character and quality into our cabbage and other varieties of seeds is your assurance of successful crops. CABBAGE 1 oz. for 2,000 plants; 14 lb. per acre. CULTURE.—The best results are obtained from a well- drained, deep rich loam. The very early varieties should be sown about September 15th and in 4 or 5 weeks transplanted to coldframes, from which they are transplanted to open ground from March 15 to April 15. If this is not done the seed should be sown in hotbeds in February; making plant- ings later of course according to variety and time crop is wanted. The earliest sorts should be set out in rows 2 feet apart and 18 inches apart in the rows. If it is not especially desired to have early cabbage the seed may be sown in open ground and transplanted after 4 weeks. For second early crops sow in April and transplant in May; these will mature in July and August. The later varieties should be planted in May and transplanted in July to rows 3 feet apart and 2 feet apart in the rows; these will mature from September to November. New Selected Jersey Wakefield Cabbages should be hoed every week and the ground thor- oughly stirred as they advance in growth, drawing a little earth to the plants each time until they begin to head, when they should be thoroughly cultivated and left to mature. FIRST EARLY SORTS Earlier than Jersey Wake- Extra Early Express field, smaller and less com- pact, but often a very profitable crop. An improv- New Selected Jersey Wakefield *: Dees Early Jersey Wakefield, grown and selected with the great- est care; there is none better. Plant compact and erect or very slightly spreading, with few outer leaves, which are smooth, thick, nearly oval and light green. Stem short. Heads of medium size, very solid, uniformly pointed and of excellent quality. (Regular Early Jersey Wakefield Stout.) Charleston or Large Wakefield ae oe less pointed heads than Jersey and a week or two later in maturity. The heads are very solid and the leaves are large, smooth and thick. It is exceedingly hardy and has become very popular with growers and shippers because of its earli- ness and size. An excellent succession to Jersey Wakefield. Golden Acre Matures earlier than Jersey Wakefield, forming a large round, solid head re- sembling Copenhagen Market; very uniform, and compact, having few outer leaves which permits close planting. Golden Acre commands very -high prices. Copenhagen Market This very fine, large round headed variety is of Danish origin and has proven to be very valuable to the American grower. It is nearly as early as Jersey Wakefield. The heads average about 10 pounds, and the stems are very short. Close planting is possible because of the fact that there are very few outer leaves, the stems are short and the heads very compact. Very early flat heading sort forming New Leader small solid heads, very early but devel- oping larger heads if allowed to stand. Large sure heading, dark Glory of Enkhuizen green variety, globular, very hard and solid, few outer leaves, excellent quality. Commercial SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [11] CABBAGE SECOND EARLY SORTS Volga: short stem and compact growth is wanted. under difficult conditions, good keeper. All Head Early or New Early Remarkably a favorite for the home garden. sized varieties. For winter use sow in July. making. Early Flat Dutch mer. smaller. American Drumhead Savoy tinct from all other sorts. for either early or late crops. This savoyed and grow closely about the large, solid, dark green heads. One of the earliest main crop cabbages of superior quality. Very desirable where a large, uniformly round head with Sure to produce a crop solid and uniform in color as well as in shape and size, its sure heading qualities and tenderness make it By reason of its compact growth, it is possible to produce 1,000 more heads per acre than many other good Splendid sort for kraut Excellent large early flat sort, producing solid heads that mature with Early Sum- The stem is short and it has comparatively few outer leaves. Compares favorably with Large Late Flat Dutch but much earlier and is the finest of the Savoy class and very dis- It forms the hardest heads and is the best The leaves are heavily crimped or Savoy American Drumhead The flavor is far superior to that of other cabbages, and for this reason is It is an excellent keener and very very much in demand. of it will keep in perfect condition hardy. Entire “pits” until May. Heads medium in size, round, some- Early Summer what flattened, compact and solid; outer leaves spreading and light green in color. Ten days later than Jersey Wakefield, and one of the best large second early sorts. 3 , The best very large Henderson’s Succession Jis..p08t Very 4 Bree about a week later than Early Summer but much larger and can be planted closer because of its compact growth. It is sure to head, very uniform in habit and the quality is excellent. A reliable variety to use when only one All Seasons planting of cabbage is made. It is equally as good for fall and winter as for summer use. Nearly as early as Early Summer and much larger heads of the best quality are produced. Extremely popular with the private gar- Sure Head dener because of the sure heading quali- ties and the remarkably large, uniform, heavy heads. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS SQUASH 1 oz. of bush sorts to 40 hills; large seeded 15 hills. 2 lbs. of bush sorts to acre; large seeded 3 to 4 to acre. Squashes, like other vines, are partial to a light, dry, rich soil. Plant the running varieties in hills 10 feet apart each way; thin out to three plants in a hill. Cultivate frequently until the vines commence running, after which do not work the soil deep. Use Paris Green to destroy bugs, as with Cucumbers. Plant Bush Squashes in hills 5 feet apart each way; thin out to four plants in a hill. Baltimore, Md. Extra Early White Bush Squash Extra Early Jersey White Bush Scallop This is an improved strain of the Old White Bush. It sets fruit 10 days earlier, of a beautiful clear waxy white. Very productive and shows less ridge or scallop; containing a larger amount of solid flesh. , Preferred by many market gardeners Green Tinted by reason of true decided light green color, even when fully matured. Summer Crookneck A beautiful bright yellow, bears all summer, and com- mands good prices. Very desirable for market and private use. Produces pale Cocozza Large Green Italian (recs P's feet long and 3 to 4 inches in diameter; very straight if vines are trailed so that squashes are suspended. The numerous runners are sometimes cut, bunched and sold for boiling greens. Well-known winter variety, with very hard Hubbard firm shell, fine grain, sweet and rich flavor, and excellent for table use. A splendid keeper. , e . Flesh red, of fine flavor Winter Crookneck re ey keeper ! A fall and winter variety j Boston Marrow regarded very highly in the markets. Oval form, pointed, thin rind, fine grain; salmon-colored flesh, remarkably sweet and delicious. Keeps well in winter and will boil dry as a mealy potato. improvement in quality and shape over its parent Summer Crookneck; measures 18 to 20 inches long, of a deep orange color and packs well for shipping. PRICES Lb. $1.25 Pkt. 14 Lb. $ .10 $ .40 RHUBARB Victoria 1.75 Mammoth Sandwich Island SORREL Large-Leaved French SQUASH Boston Marrow Cocozza Large Green Italian Extra Early Jersey White Bush Scallop Giant Summer Straightneck Green Tinted Hubbard Summer Crookneck Winter Crookneck SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [33] TOMATOES 1 oz. to 2,000 plants; 14 Ib. per acre. All our tomato seeds are grown from stocks, exclusively for seed purposes, by the originators, experienced growers and experts. We are fully convinced of the merit of all new varieties before placing them in our catalog, and therefore strongly recommend our strains as being absolutely reliable. For early, the seed should be sown in hotbeds during February or the first week in March, in drills 5 inches apart and half an inch deep. Later sowing may be made until the last of April. When the plants are 3 or 4 inches high they should be set out 4 or 5 inches apart in another hotbed or cold frame, or removed into small pots allowing a single plant to the pot. Expose to the air as much as possible to harden. few days until the plants are established. Water freely at time of transplanting, and shelter from the sun a Cultivate thoroughly as long as the vines will permit, but the last two or three workings should be very shallow or the crop may be badly injured, especially if the cultivator is run too near the plants. Extra Early Varieties : An extra early, large tomato Improved Advance of high quality, round or slightly flattened shape, and exceptionally smooth for such an early variety. As early and hardy as Earliana and yield- ing more fruit both in the first and subsequent pickings. It is more shapely, more free from cracks and shows less green about the stem than other extra early sorts. With Improved Advance the grower can produce a crop which will stand superior in appearance and quality, in compe- tition with the other extra earlies and command the fancy prices of an early market. Developed in Ontario, Canada, for Early Canadian adaptability to their very short growing season. Extremely early, perfectly shaped and quite prolific. ; ? 7 This is an extremely early variety Sparks Earliana and produces large clusters of fair-size fruits, which are very uniform in size and shape. It is hardy, and can be set out early. Color of flesh deep red, very solid and fine flavor. 7 , A very productive and quite King of the Earlies early variety, very similar to Sparks’ Earliana; the vines are somewhat heavier and leaves more plentiful, which furnish great protection for the fruit; and for this reason it has become a favorite with many growers. Second Early and Main Crop Varieties Th i f st , vig- : Matchless Sees. Seeaet i. etl ae with fruit, the foliage is very rich, dark green color. They are entirely free from core, of a very rich cardinal red color, and are not liable to erack from wet weather. The fruits are of the largest size, and this is maintained throughout the season, the healthy growth of foliage continuing until killed by frost. PRICES Pkt. Oz. % Lb. Lb. Bonny Best.......... $ .10 $ .25 $1.00 $3.50 Chalk’s Early Jewel.. .10 .30 85 3.00 Cometieer sean as -10 1.00 3.00 ae Early Canadian....... -25 -60 2.00 7.00 Early Detroit........ 10 50 1.50 5.00 Enormous ........... 10 40 1.25 4.00 Greater Baltimore.... .10 -40 85 §«=3.00 Improved Advance.... .10 00 1.50 5.00 IXL Extra Early..... 10 30 -90 §=3.00 John Baer............ -10 .30 85 3.00 King of the Earlies.. .19 -30 90 3.50 Kelley’s Red......... -10 25 -15 2.50 Livingston’s Beauty.. .10 -30 -90 3.00 Livingston’s Globe.... .10 35 8 ©=6©1.00 §=—3.50 Livingston’s Paragon. .10 25 -75 =. 2.50 Marglobe ............ 25 45 1.385 5.00 Maryland Price...... -10 -30 -90 3.00 Matchless ........... -10 -30 -90 3.00 Ponderosa ........... -10 0 1.50 5.00 Red Rock............ 10 .30 -85 3.00 Sparks’ Earliana..... -10 .30 -90 «3.00 Stone (Improved).... .10 25 75 2.50 Success .......:..... -10 30 85 3.00 Wilt Resistant....... 10 25 -75 2.50 Wisdom Tomato...... -10 .35 1.00 3.50 Pear Shaped Red..... .10 .30 1.00 yee Pear Shaped Yellow.. .10 30 =1.00 Bee Yellow’ Plum......... 10 30 = 1.00 aniae Ae SR ean I KIEV NOH Ae CUI SONU Our special strain of Bonny Best has Bonny Best become a favorite among large grow- ers for the early market. It is truly so superior to the ordinary stocks that it might rightfully be considered a new variety. It is earlier than Chalk’s Early Jewel, and within two or three days as early as Earliana. Very pro- lific, with liberal foliage to protect the fruit from the sun. The beautiful scarlet-red fruit is set in clusters of 5 or more. Its great characteristic is that it ripens each set- ting of fruit nearly all at once, and ripens evenly all over up to the stem. I want to say a word of praise for your special strain of Bonny Best Tomato. For heavy cropping, large size, and earliness and smoothness, it can not be beat. It will suit any critical market gardener if he wants the best strain obtainable. I have been growing Bonny Best To- matoes for 20 years and have paid as much as $5.00 per ounce, but I must say that you have about the best strain I ever used. They are extra fine. Geo. T. Robinson, 3 Ripens 10 days later than Chalk’s Early Jewel sparks’ Earliana, but more desirable for home use, as fruits are thicker through and more solid, comparing favorably with the later maturing sorts. Color bright scarlet and quality very best. A second early variety, maturing 10 days John Baer later than the King of the Earlies. Fruit , Md. is borne in clusters of 3, of bright red color, averaging 3 inches across and 2% inches from stem to: blossom end. Bonny Best Tomatoes [34] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS TOMATOES Marglobe 0 The largest purple fruited Tomato in culti- Ponder osa vation; “very solid and of finest quality. , Medium early, perfectly smooth, Wisdom Tomato deep red and uniform. This variety has at- ’ Manns Improved Stone tained great favor with canners and market gardeners everywhere. Its solidity and carrying qualities are remarkable. Its color is a desirable red; in shape perfectly smooth, and thicker from stem to blossom end than most varieties, making it most handsome and salable. ° , In developing this wilt-proof strain Wilt Resistant the plant breeder has made his se- lections from a strain of the very highest quality in points of production, size, flavor, weight, thickness of skin and color. A very profitable main crop sort. (Continued) This new introduction by the U. S. Depart- Marglobe ment of Agriculture is without doubt the most wonderful development ever offered tomato growers. We quote the following description given us by Dr. Fred J. Prichard, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture. “In regard to the description of the Marglobe I would say that it is a very prolific, second-early, red-fruited variety. It usually produces heavy yields of large smooth, globular, meaty, red fruits. They have a delightful flavor, and are covered with a thick skin which hinders cracking. Moreover, the plants shade the fruits well and thus pro- tect them from sun-scald. “Marglobe has been developed primarily to resist wilt. In addition to this extremely valuable feature, however, the variety has many other characteristics of merit. The heavy yields produced make this a very profitable variety to grow. Fruits average one-half pound each, of a perfect globe shape, beautiful deep scarlet in color, and only mildly acid; vines grow vigorously without spreading, have abundant foliage furnishing adequate cover for the fruits without too much shade, and ripening its first fruits from 90 to 95 days. Marglobe is unsurpassed for table use and canning purposes, and is worthy of careful consideration of every tomato grower.” Since our introduction of it in 1905 Maryland Pride it has been grown with great suc- cess by canners and market gardeners, who pronounce it “the very best second early and main crop Tomato they have ever grown.” The fruit is a beautiful bright red color, magnifi- cent size and handsome, smooth shape. The vines grow vig- orously and produce abundantly until killed by frost. B. B. Tomato For description see New Stone. ; So named on account of the large size of Enormous Tomatoes, which are very solid and smooth. Quality good. Large, Greater Baltimore *2"5*.. a prolific bearer and fine shipper. smooth, solid, bright second early Tomato; 7 The following small-fruited Preserving Tomatoes varieties are used for mak- ing preserves, and are also quite ornamental while growing in the garden: Pear-Shaped Red—Pear-Shaped Yellow—Yellow Plum PRICES-—PAGE 33 Maryland Pride Tomato 4 SUPERIOR VEGETABLE SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [35] TOMATOES (Continued) Prices—Page 33 One of the most popular varieties for general crop. Red Rock Very productive, yielding one-third more tomatoes than New Stone; the vines are very vigorous and have dense pro- tective foliage. The brilliant red fruit has very tough skin and is not apt to crack from wet weather. F797 , Color of skin deep red. Livingston’s Paragon Wor ha and ievaniky Gen ored. It is larger than several of the standard varieties, and grows large fruit up till frost. TOMATO PLANTS—Fresh Daily See Page 36 RUTABAGAS OR SWEDES Rutabagas require about four weeks longer to mature than ordinary varieties of turnips, but are more solid, of firmer flesh and therefore keep later into the spring. They are for this reason more desirable for storage, while turnips are better adapted for the early market. Sow during July either in drills or broadcast. Neckless Purple Top Our superb strain of this excellent variety has _ be- come a favorite because of its hardy and productive nature. The flesh is sweet and solid, excellent for table use or stock ~ feeding. Red Rock Tomato TURNIPS 1 oz. to 150 feet of drill: 1 lb. per acre. Being primarily a cool weather vegetable, turnips thrive best when planted in early spring or in the fall. For spring crop sow the seed early in April, while for fall and winter use, plantings should be made from July to August. Sow in rows not less than 18 inches apart and one-half to three-quarters of an inch deep. A very popular method, however, is to broadcast the seed between rows of corn or in the cultivated orchard. Proper control of root maggots is effected by rotation of crops, the use of commercial fertilizers in- stead of manure and the application of Mag-o-tite or other carbolic acid emulsion. ; Pure white all over and perfectly Extra Early Six Weeks pr ied. Very carly. 7 A white variety, pur- Extra Early Purple Top Milan > pie yates, pee This, with the White Milan, is the earliest of all turnips. Remains in good condition a long time. Extra Early White Milan Similar to above, except it is pure ivory white in color, and about one week earlier. White Early Flat Dutch A standard variety, good size, pure white; small top, few leaves and very sweet. Purple Top Strap Leaf The popular variety, either for t family or market use; large size, white, purple above ground, flesh fine grained. Yellow Globe Orange Jelly One of the best for general crop; flesh firm and sweet; grows to a large size; splendid for table or stock, and keeps well until late in spring. o Also known as Red Top White Globe. Purple Top White Globe This excellent turnip is decidedly the most popular variety and more extensively grown than any other. The roots are globular, very handsome and of superior quality; either for table use or stock feeding purposes. It:is a heavy producer, early, of rapid growth, and one of the best for winter storage. Cow Horn ver heavy cropper, a quick grower, most practical for stock eed. : This variety is principally planted in the South for the green Seven Top tops which are produced very abundantly. FOR GREENS—See Broccoli—Page 8. = 7 PRICES RUTABAGA ; b TURNIP Neckless Purple Top. - Extra Early White Milan 1 25 TURNIP Purple Top Strap Leaf 15 Forple ep White Globe 15 . Sis even Top -20 Extra Early Purple Top Milan White Early Flat Dutch 15 Extra Early Six Weeks Yellow Globe Orange Jelly -20 [36] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR VEGETABLE PLANTS MANNS’ VEGETABLE PLANTS AND ROOTS We are large producers of the following plants and can fill orders daily with fresh, strong, stocky plants, grown from the best strains of seed. Varieties not grown by oureslves are contracted for with the most reliable and trustworthy plant growers in this section, who, we know from experience, produce only the best plants. prices on lots of 5,000 or more. CABBAGE PLANTS. Frame-grown and transplanted. (Ready in March and April.) Early Jersey Wakefield. Charleston Large Wakefield. Copenhagen Market. Golden Acre. All Head or New Early. Postpaid, per 100, 50c; 1,000, $3.00. FROST-PROOF PLANTS—Same prices. CABBAGE PLANTS. Field-grown, strong and stocky. (Ready May and June.) All Head Early. Early Flat Dutch. Succession. Improved Lupton. Large Late Flat Dutch. Imperial Drumhead Savoy. Postpaid, per 100, 50: 1,000, $2.50. CABBAGE PLANTS. For late planting. (Ready September and October.) ets Extra Early Jersey Wakefield. Charleston, or Large Wakefield. All Head, or New Early. Postpaid, per 100, 50c; 1,000, $2.50. CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. March, July and August.) Postpaid, per doz., 25c; 100, $1.50; 1,000, $12.00. BORECOLE PLANTS. Hardy Winter. Dwarf Green Scotch. Postpaid, per 100, 75c; 1,000, $4.50. CELERY PLANTS. (Ready in July.) Self-Blanching. Giant Pascal. Golden Plume. Winter Queen. Postpaid, per 100, $1.10; 1,000, $6.00. EGG PLANTS. (Ready in May and June.) Mammoth Imp. Purple. Black Beauty. Postpaid, per doz., 1,000, $10.00. LETTUCE PLANTS. and October.) Postpaid, per 100, 50c. (Ready in (Ready in May and June.) 25c; 100, $1.50. By express, (Ready in March, April, September By express, 1,000, $3.50. We shall be pleased to quote special PEPPER PLANTS. (Ready in May and June.) Ruby Giant. Chinese Giant. Perfection. Ruby King. Bull Nose. Needle. Postpaid, per doz., 1,000, $10.00. SWEET POTATO PLANTS. (Ready May and June.) Up Rivers. Big Stems. Yellow Jerseys. Postpaid, per 100, $1.00. By express, 1,000, $7.00. TOMATO PLANTS. Hotbed grown. (Ready in April and 25c; 100, $1.50. By express, May.) Advance. Bonny Best. Marglobe. Postpaid, per doz., 20c; 100, 75c. By express, 1,000 $5.00. TOMATO PLANTS. Field-grown plants. (Ready June and July.) Maryland Pride. New Stone. Red Rock. Greater Baltimore. By express, per 100, 60c; 1,000, $3.50. POTTED VEGETABLE PLANTS Success with transplanting plants depends largely on the condition of the root system. Plants with well established roots, thoroughly protected with soil, are best prepared to withstand adverse weather conditions. We offer strong, well rooted stocky plants from 2-inch pots as follows: EGG PLANTS PEPPERS TOMATOES 5c each; 50c doz.; $3.75 per 100. ASPARAGUS ROOTS From one to two years may be saved by planting Asparagus Roots instead of seed. Choice, 2-year-old roots, Palmetto and Argentevil. $1.25 per 100; $8.00 per 1,000. WASHINGTON. $1.75 per 100; $12.00 per 1,000. HORSERADISH ROOTS. Maliner Kren or Bohemian. Postpaid, doz., 25c; 100, $1.25; 1,000, $9.00. RHUBARB ROOTS. Best market varieties.) Postpaid, each, 15c; doz., $1.50; 100, $9.00. STRAWBERRY PLANTS OCTOBER 15th TO MAY 10th. We can supply fresh, strong, healthy plants of all the lead- ing varieties in any quantity. Following is a partial list of the most popular sorts for plenting in the vicinity of Baltimore. Mitchell’s Early. Extra early. Big Joe. Midseason. Gandy. Late, very productive. $1.25 per 100; $7.50 per 1,000. extra. Postage or expressage EVERBEARING PROGRESSIVE. Undoubtedly the best everbearing variety in cultivation, producing a large crop of high quality fruit the same year they are set out. The main crop ripens in the fall. $1.75 per 100; 1,000, $12.00. Postage or expressage extra. Get Our Price on Berry Boxes SUPERIOR FARM SEEDS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. tareccosmemonsnecs | Scout, Powder Reservoir, 1%4x3 inch, each, $ .35. Cadet, Powder Reservoir, 1%4x4 inch, each, $ .45. Major, Powder Reservoir, 2°%4x5 inch, each, $1.00. [58] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES HOT BED SASH SENS tes : Finest quality; white pine jumver, free from knots, substantially made, grooved for glass to lap or for putty (unglazed). $1.75 each. HOT BED GLASS 1 box of glass will glaze 3 sash, 8x10 GALVANIZED WATERING POTS : “WIDE SPOUTS” and 10x12. $2.75 per box. HOT BED MATS ETE : Burlap. Made of strong burlap inter- Made of heavy galvanized iron, with lined with wool. removable Sprinkler. Size, 40x76 inches, each............ $1.60} 4 qt. 6 qt. 8 qt. 10 qt. 12 qt. 16 qt. Size, 76x76 inches, each............ 2.60/$ .60 $.70 S$ .75 § .85 $1.05 $1.25 HOSE NOZZLES Mystic Spray Nozzle............... $ .60 Justrite Spray Nozzle.............. 75 Made from heavy weight burlap, ab- sorbent pulp and felt cemented together with a specially prepared waterproof compound. This combination forms a covering both airtight and waterproof. Easy to handle. Wear for years. Milo mats are made in sizes 40x78 inches and 78x80 inches, also in continuous lengths. Ae inch, $1.75 each; 78x80 inch, $3.50 each. MARLINE Made from Indian Hemp and the best product in making Straw Mats. Fur- nished in 1 and 5-pound balls. Per pound, 25c. PEERLESS GLAZING A ENE These will positively keep the glass from sliding and are interchange-, able, right or left. The use of a_ special pincers is recomended. Price, per box of 1,000, 65c. per pair, 70c; by mail, 75c. PUTTY BULBS A very useful tool for applying liquid Putty and Mastica for glazing Sash or Greenhouses. Large size, $1.35. Pincers, MASTICA For glazing green- houses, sashes, etc., new and old. It is elastic, adhesive and easily applied. It is not affected by dampness, heat or cold. Price, % gal., $1.50; 1 gal., $2.50. MASTICA GLAZING MACHINE Price, $2.25. TWEMLOW’S OLD ENGLISH GLAZING PUTTY Semi-Liquid For bedding glass in sash and filling cracks or seams in roof joints or frames of greenhouses or hotbeds. 16-pound can (1 gallon capacity), $2.75. WOODEN LABELS Painted Plain 4 inch pot, per 1,000...... $2.00 $1.60 4% inch pot, per 1,000...... 2.10 1.70 5 inch pot, per 1,000...... 2.20 1.80 6 inch pot, per 1,000...... 2.50 2.00 12 inch pot, per 100........ ae 75 3% inch Tree, iron wired.... 2.20 1.70 3% inch Tree Copper Wire.. 2.40 1.90 8 inch Garden, per 1,000... 6.50 10 inch Garden, per 1,000... 8.00 12 inch Garden, per 1,000...11.00 Prices, per 100—3% to 6 in., 35c; 8 in., $1.00; 10 in., $1.25; 12 in., $1.75. HARDWOOD FAN TRELLIS Very durable and artistically made; will not scorch the most tender plant, and is far superior to any metal trellis. 30 in. x 13 in. $ .60 6 ft. x 38 in. $2.10 36 in.x 16 in. .95 7 ft. x 42 in. 2.50 4ft.x 27 in. 1.50 8 ft. x 46 in. .2.95 5 ft.x 32 in. 1.80 10ft.x 72 in. 3.80 FLOWER POTS We carry a complete line of Regular Pots, Azalea Pots, Bulb Pans and Saucers in stock and quote as follows: Saucer Size Each Dozen 100 £1,000 Each 2 in..$ 02 $ .15 $1.10 $9.25 2% in.. .03 20 1.40 12.25 3 ins 2203 25 1.75 15.50 ae Ae Sanne 0o 45 3.25 25.00 $ .03 Eatin earths ict EL -70 5.00 05 6 in... .10 1.00 7.25 06 7 in... .15 1.50 12.00 -08 8 in.. .25 2.50 16.75 11 9 in... .85 3.50 24.00 15 10 in... .45 4.50 32.00 18 11 in... .65 6.50 50.00 22 12 in.. .75 7.50 64.00 25 WEE NEPONSET FLOWER POTS Made of waterproof paper, extensively used for starting seeds and seedlings in frames and hot houses. Per Per Per doz. 100 1,000 2% in....$ .08 $ 50 $3.75 3 IN eel Dae siio in. 20 1.00 7.25 4 in.... .25 1.25 9.00 CEDAR PLANT TUBS . (Richmond Style) Made of Selected Vir- ginia White Cedar, bound with electric welded hoops, painted green. Inside Inside Inside No. Top Dia. Bot. Dia. Depth Price 5 10 7% 9 $ .80 7 12 1.20 9 14 1.70 11 16 2.10 13 18 2.95 The simplest way to handle plants for transplanting is to grow them in our Ready-to-Use Plant Bands, because they are ready to use and no time is lost in setting them up. Per Per Per Size Depth 5,000 1,000 250 2x2in. 2%in. $11.00 $2.50 $ .75 38x38 in. 3 in. 16.50 4.50 1.25 BANDS WITH FOLDING BOTTOMS 2x2in. 2% $13.10 $3.00 $1.00 SMa (West Coast) The best material for tying plants, ae etc. Per pound, 25c; 10 pounds, BAMBOO PLANT STAKES 3 ft. Light $ .85 per 100 $6.00 per 1,000 5 ft. Heavy .75 perdoz. 5.00per 100 6 ft. Heavy 1.00 per doz. 7.00 per 100 ETN BOLD FLOWER BOX The Perfecto Flower Box is recognized by scientific gardeners and florists as the correct idea in construction for growing house plants and porch plants. The problem is solved by means of the patented self-irrigating and air-circulat- ing system. — _The Perfecto is an ornament in good taste for any home and is constructed with this purpose in view. The finish is enamel, in either of three colors— Green, Old Ivory or Red. They measure 6 inches deep and 7 inches wide. 20 in. 26 in. 32 in. 38 in. 44 in. $ .90 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 GALVANIZED HARD STEEL WIRE PLANT STAKES Very durable, neat and strong, and extensively used for carnation and rose beds. No. 8 gauge. Height Doz. 100 1,000 Baie lana 8 Bebra asec caBIG $ .20 $1.20 $10.85 BPA aite as ooo oue odiad ac 25 1.40 12.65 (Neth att Buetseigako oO CIOIOO c 30 81.60 14.45 rides comodo. aire , 385 2.00 18.00 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [59] MANURE FORKS (Meadow Monarch) 13-inch tines, 414-foot handle, strap ferrule. 4 tines, $1.25; 5 tines, $1.40; 6 tines, $1.60. Malleable D-Handles same prices as above. HAY FORKS (Meadow Monarch) Three 12-inch tines, 6-foot straight handle, Strap Ferrule. Price, $1.25. SPADING FORKS Meadow Monarch—Heavy, five 11-inch tines, D-Handle, Strap Ferrule. Price, $1.65. Jumbo—Four 11-inch tines, D-Handle, Strap Ferrule. $1.55. Boys’ Spading Forks—Four 17-inch tines, D-Handle, Plain Ferrule. Price, 80c. English Digging Forks—Four 11%4-inch tines, D-Handle, Strap Ferrule. Price, $1.55. HEAVY MILL AND STREET FORKS (Continental) Steel D-Handle, Strap Ferrule. Price, STEEL GARDEN RAKES Meadow Monarch — Round Bow Curved Teeth, 5'%-foot Handle. Price, 14 teeth, $1.00; 16 teeth, $1.05. Meadow Monarch — Level Head Curved Teeth, 51% -foot Handle. h 81.0 Price, 12 teeth, 80c; 14 teeth, 85c; 16 teeth, $1.00. BROOM RAKES Continental—22 14-inch Flat Teeth, 4-foot Handle, Flexible Spring Steel. Price, 75c. WIRE LAWN RAKES Meadow Monarch—20 2-inch Teeth, 5-foot Handle, No. 9 Steel Wire. Price, 60c. SIDEWALK CLEANERS OR SCRAPERS Meadow Monarch — Socket Pattern, 7-inch 1/3 Polished Blade, Red Finish, 4%-foot Handle. Price, 80c. TURF EDGERS Socket Pattern, 9-inch 1/3 Polished Blade, Green Finish, 4-foot Handle. Price, $1.00. SPEEDY CULTIVATORS Four 4-inch Sharp Curved Tines, Blue Finish, Plain Fer- rules; 41/3-foot Handle. Price, 75c. — SCYTHES Price 7) Best American Grass...... $1.50 ) Bush or Brier Scythes.... 1.50 English T. Waldron, 34, 36 and 88-inch ............ 2.25 IMPORTED GERMAN SNATH STC UT Uris ZI YANKEE SHAPE, GRASS Four 12-inch Diamond tines...............-++++-- Price, $2.35 $2.25 Each Five 16-inch Diamond tines...............+-++.+-. Price, 3.00 SNATH or SCYTHE “HANDLES Six 14-inch Diamond tines..............-.-..-2+-- Price, 3.10 — Two-Ring, plain Price, $1.40 Five 15-inch Oval tines............... woceeeeces Price, 2.75 Patented cnn e ten OralP rine: 1.40 SixealideinchviOwvaletinies seria cclrc tiereticlelciel ensues se Price, 3.00 aus Bush Snath, heavy... Price. 150 ENSILAGE FORKS (Continental) GRASS AND BRUSH HOOKS : Ten 16-inch Oval tines, 24%-foot D-Handle, Strap Ferrule. ; Price Price, $2.50. American Grass Hook........ $ .60 , Draw Cut Grass Hook....... 75 POTATO HOOKS (Continental) German Grass Hook.......... 50 Round Steel Tines, 4%-foot Handles. Best English Grass Hook..... 90 Four 7-inch tines.............-6- 0 sete eee e eee Price, $ .85 BRUSH HOOKS Five 7-inch tines Suid oo OOOO O'S Oh O066.6:5 DOO ORO Ud one O Price, 1.05 For shrubbery and underbrush. Sisei7einchatine shee aaerischiie sis icons oe |e vista aaah Price, 1-15 | Tempered Steel.../........... 0. cece cece eee ee Price, $1.75 Imported Solid Socket.........................5. Price, 1.25 GARDEN HOES Imported Solid Socket, with Cutter............. Price, 1.40 LIGHTNING HAY KNIFE Grwcibles Steelers esss seen eal evaie ens ahd eaeaes Geel Price, $1.75 Meadow Monarch—Solid Socket Pattern (no rivets), 6 to 71-inch Blades, 4-foot Handle. Price, 85c. Ladies’ Hoe, Meadow Monarch—5-inch Blade, 4-foot Handle. Price, 65c. WARREN HOES Continental—Heart Shaped, large size 74-inch. Price, $1.05. WEEDING HOES Acme—(Pressed Steel), Double Prong, 4%- inch Blade, 41/3-foot handle. Price, 90c. Forged Steel, Double Prong, 3%-inch Blade, 41/3-foot Handle, 8%4-inch Head. Price, 90c. Forged Steel, Four Prong, 3%-inch Blade, 41/3-foot Handle, 6-inch Head. Price, 85c. GARDEN SCUFFLE HOES -. 8-inch Cold Rolled Steel Blades, Plain Ferrule, Handle. Price, 95c. 5-foot FLORAL SETS Consisting of Shovel, Hoe and Rake. Price per set, $1.60. HAND-MADE GRAIN CRADLES Hand-Made, 4-finger Cradle, with best American BS CYiGING ee Pa ree eH aMeL oesh cEavaeeusitersileeceatcueeeneeorbena ate Price, $5.00 With English Waldron Scythe.................. Price, 5.75 &S... SHOVELS 5 Round or Square Point. Long or D-Handles. No. 2...$1.25 No. 3...$1.35 No. 4... 1.40 No. 6... 1.50 SPADES Semper D- Handle, carton steel. Price, $1.50. Nursery, extra heavy D-Handle, full strap. Price, $2.00. U. S. Army spades. Price, 75c. POST-HOLE DIGGERS Baldwins Brand erase eielseistalels ebelione sie usichetietelehels Price, $1.75 EARTH AUGER Price Bores holes 8 to 14 inches in diameter, 3% feet deep.. . $6.00 Bores holes 8 to 16 inches in diameter, % foot deep.... 6.75 Deciaedly the best tool for transfer- ring plants. Allisteel; Dehandle ree pe aes $ .80 All steel, bent handle.............. -60 Wood bent handle, steel point..... -65 Steel points. for same.............. 35 HAND GARDEN FORKS No. 2. 11 inches long, hardwood handle, 3 tines, Japanned. Price, 40c. No. 3. 10 inches long, hardwood handle, 4 tines, Japanned. Price, 30c. ASPARAGUS KNIFE Made of solid steel; point. Price, 45c. ASPARAGUS BUNCHER........... $4.00 GARDEN TROWELS see the cutting Each 6-in. Steel Blade, Malleable Shank. .$ .15 6-in. Extra Strong, Hollow Back.... .35 6-in. Solid Steel, Bronzed and Pol- Us hie dite hice eRe S CIEL TS -50 6-in. American Solid Steel, Hollow Back, finely finished............. 50 5-in. Solid Steel, Forged Shank..... -60 6-in. Florists’ favorite, solid steel forged, Shank and Blade one piece .75 TRANSPLANTING TROWELS Nios 25) 5zineh=bladereessoske einer $ .20 Nok. :8-in cheblad enc iois cones 25 EVERLAST ALL STEEL GARDEN TOOLS The one piece construction and qual- ity of steel make them practically un- breakable. Trowel, transplanting trowel, weeder, and cultivator, made of heavy steel, enameled. Each tool guaranteed. Set of 4 pieces, 75c. THERMOMETERS Price 8-inch, Tin Japanned.............. $ 50 10-inch, Hardwood Cabinet......... -60 12-inch, Tin, Japanned, Hot-Water RG Drei Ratcretaiane Mosman sasiieqepentiey sy ota enegebe ae Mushroom Bed and Hot Bed, Brass Point AMERICAN EDGING KNIVES All Steel. Price, $1.00. PRUNING SAW 18-inch 20-inch J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. DIBBLES NORCROSS CULTIVATOR The Norcross is an adjustable garden cultivator of 5 blades. A very handy garden tool. By removing the center tooth you can straddle the rows. The teeth can be made to set close or wide apart. Can be detached from handle and attached to any wheel hoe. Price, $1.00. MIDGET NORCROSS 3-prong, short handle......... Price, 50c 3-prong, long handle.......... Price, 85c MAGIC WEEDER A perfect and efficient tool, made of best tempered steel and furnished with 6 and 18-inch handle. Price, 15¢ and 20c. GRAFTING WAX Trowbridge Brand. Price, 14 Ib., 15¢; lb., 50c. FRUIT PICKER Made of galvanized hard-steel wire, shaped so as to imitate the human hand. Without pole. Price, 50c. SIMPLICITY HEDGE TRIMMER— SIMPLICITY PRUNER AND TRIMMER “Cutting more surface with more cut- ting surface,’ the Simplicity tools will make it possible to trim and prune hedges quickly, easily and accurately. The Trimmer is designed to cut new growth only, but the Pruner and Trim- mer does both the trimming of the fresh growth and pruning back the old growth. Both patterns are so easily operated that no experience is necessary to do a first-class job. They will trim every variety of hedge grown to any shape or cut desired. “Simplicity” tools are made of the finest high-grade carbon steel, and will give you long service and satisfaction. Price, Trimmer, $4.00. Pruner and Trimmer, $6.00. (Write for descriptive circular.) LOPPING SHEARS ‘ SS No. 6 Forged bledo on and ferrule... .$1.75 No. 4 Handy Andy (9-in. handles).. 1.75 No. 3 American Draw Cut (22-in. handles) erp ee 2.75 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES “LITTLE WONDER” HEDGE TRIMMER (a See New Model N, Electric Makes cut 36 inches wide. ONE MAN Machine. Will easily trim 300, to 500 lineal feet per hour. Cuts costs to a minimum. Saves untold hard labor. Write for descriptive circular. Hand Elec- Driven tric 30-in. size, Hedge Trimmer $25.00 $103.00 40-in. size, Hedge Trimmer 27.50 106.50 60-in. size, Hedge Trimmer 35.00 114.00 Side Cutting Carriage for Hedge Prices Mrimmensins se eee 4.50 WATERS’ IMPROVED TREE PRUNER CoS Ba ARE rats as ay Our ES $2.00 LOWE es es aoe a ere 2.20 PARIS Boao nn eae a 2.40 Extra Knives, 25¢c each. LITTLE GIANT PRUNING HOOKS Without pole. Extra heavy. $2.00 each. Ps a 2. 1Onin es eae Res 2.50 P2vini ae AS THE RODERICK MOLE TRAP Self -setting by pressing down on lever. Very con- venient feature, found on no other trap. Made from best spring steel, thoroughly gal- vanized. Simple and durable in its construction. Price, 85c. OUT-O’-SIGHT MOLE TRAP This, while possessing all the good qualities of other traps, is especially adapted for setting under glass in hot beds. Price, $1.25. ose us oe Each No. 0 Pexto—Wire Spring; 8 in..$ .50 No. 140 Pexto—Rose Shear; 6 in... .60 No. 37 Tempered blades, polished; Black handles; 9 in..... 15 No. 41 Best steel, full polish; 9 in. 1.25 No. 44 Nickel plated German Shear, best steel; 6 in.......... 1.35 No. 39 Same as No. 41 but with ratchet nut; 9 in........ 1.50 No. 100 Pexto—French style; 8 in.. 2.00 Pexto— Extra heavy full polishedsi(9isiniiateerniece 2.25 HORTICULTURAL SUPPLIES J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [61] RUBBER HOSE Molded Hose made of the very best materials —first-class cotton fibre and brand new live rub- ber, giving entirely sat- isfactory service to many of our florist customers who need high quality material to withstand the hard usage of the greenhouse. Furnished in any length % inch. Price, 10c per foot; $9.00 per hundred. CLIMAX. finished. INO Bale sea ree SEN So $6.50 NOesSi aerate Soci ee ees 7.50 NOP 2 eck aay Seas ale: 7.00 Invaders sees oe $8.00 Wil Chobe worse tawnera sie 7.2 KING. The frame is constructed of tubular steel, very rigid, ball bearing, adjustable seat, and equipped with tread- les. Stone is 20-22 inches in diameter by 2-inch face. .$8.00 CYCLE. Of angular steel, well braced, with sliding seat, ball-bearing bicycle treadles. Stone is 20-22 inches in diam- eter by 2-inch face of the best Berea grit.............. $6.00 Loose Grindstones, 5c per pound. (40 to 200-lb. stones.) WHEEL BARROWS Substantially made of seasoned wood, firmly bolted and braced. Buch’s No. 1. Size of body 30 inches long, 24 inches wide in front and 25 inches in back. Side- f 7 boards 12. inches Buch’s No. 1 high. $8.75. Buch’s No. 2. Size of body 28 inches long and 20 to 24 inches wide. Side-boards 12 inches high. $7.00. Buch’s No. 3. 26 inches long, 19 to 22 inches wide. boards 12 inches high. $6.65. Side- No. 4. Boys’ Barrow, body 22 inches long, 15 by 18 inches wide, side-boards 9 inches high. $4.75. No. 67. Greenhouse size. $9.00. No. 20. Steel wheel, wooden body. $5.75. No. 6%. Wooden Frame, steel wheel. Bed length 27 inches, width 22 inch and 17 inch; 20-inch wheel. $4.85. No. 8 Canal Barrow. : With steel spoke wheel, full-sized bent tray, planed, cleated and strapped together, well finished. $4.75. No. 21. Light steel tray cement and dirt barrow. $5.00. No. 2-B. Steel Pan, 4 cubic feet Capacity. Wooden Handles. $5.50. 3 No. 17-B. Size of tray 32 by 27 inches; capacity 4 cubic feet. $7.00. No. 37. 3 cubic feet Capacity; weight 70 pounds. Handles shaped from 1-inch wrought pipe. $8.00. No. 25. All steel, tubular handles, rivet- ed tray, high front to prevent spilling. Spe- cially built for heavy work and rough usage. $8.00. No. 5. $6.00. No. 37 Steel Pan, 5 cubic feet Capacity. Wooden Handles. bor Machines. And Profits. Save Hours of La- with These NEW FELINS VEGETABLE TYING MACHINE Bigger and Better é Than Ever. BUNCH VEGETABLE WASHER) Washes 200 Dozen Bunches An Hour. Increase Your Let Us Send Literature and Prices, FERWNS Tesh [62] OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS Wood or Steel Beam Al Light, one horse, wood beam, $10.00. Steel Beam. . .$10.50 B Medium, one horse, wood beam, $12.00. Steel Beam.. 12.75 10 Full, one horse, wood or steel beam................ 16.00 13 Heavy, one horse, wood or steel beam.............. 18.00 19 Light, two horse, wood or steel beam.............. 19.50 20 Medium, two horse, wood or steel beam............ 21.00 40 Two or three horse, wood or steel beam............ 24.00 Bull ttwoshorsesw.0.0 dickens aeyece Lee yet eneme ng ee 24.00 Wheel and Jointer Extra. OLIVER TRACTOR PLOWS The No. 9xx Oliver (two 12-inch bottoms) has been found to be the most practical for use with Fordson Tractors. Comparative tests in which this plow has been placed in competition with other makes have always resulted in favor of the Oliver. There are more Oliver tractor plows in use among our customers than any other and all are giving entire satisfaction. Let us send illustrated literature giving full description. Price, $101.00. SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOWS John Deere Syracuse Plows are the result of forty years study andexperiencein = plow manufacture and “Quality” always has been the motto of the Syracuse Plow Com- - pany. The Company has made a special study for years of shapes and the assembly of different materials in the same plow with the purpose of fitting properly a particular plow for a particular section. Syracuse plows have proved their worth through years of use. They are scientifically designed, built of the best mate- rial obtainable and are equipped with attachments which will permit of a fine, accurate and reliable adjustment for gov- erning the plow. ; Prices quoted are subject to 5% cash discount. | Wheel and jointer extra. : SS ae One-Horse Plows No. 50. Right, wood beam, light, one horse, making fur- row 2 to 5 inches deep and 8 to 10 inches wide. $10.00. No. 52. Right, wood beam, medium, one horse, making furrow 3 to 5% inches deep and 9 to 11 inches wide. $15.50. No. 53. Right, wood beam, heavy, one horse or light two horse, making furrow 3 to 6 inches deep and 9 to 12 inches wide. $17.50. No. 1464. No. 1465. Right, steel beam, $17.50. Right, steel beam, $15.50. Two-Horse Plows—Wood Beam No. 603. Right, wood beam, light two horse, making fur- row 4% to 6% inches deep and 10 to 12 inches wide. $20.00. No. 602 Right, and No. 502 Left. Wood beam, medium, two horse, making furrow 5 to 7 inches deep and 11 to 14 inches wide. $22.00. No. 601 Right, and No. 501 Left. Wood beam, heavy, two horse or light three horse, making furrow 5% to 8 inches deep and 12 to 16 inches wide. $23.00. Two-Horse Plows—Steel Beam No. 1462 Right and No. 1362 Left. Steel beam, similar to No. 602 wood beam plow. $20.00. No. 401 Right and No. 301 Left. row 5 to 8 inches deep and 12 to 15 inches wide. Steel beam, making fur- $24.00. SHOVEL PLOWS Steel beam, single shovel. Price, $4.00. Steel beam, double shovel. Price, $4.50. Steel beam, triple shovel. Price, $6.25. ~ Plow Repairs at Popular Prices J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS STEEL FRAME SPRING TOOTH HARROW Fd 15-Tooth, 2 Section; Cuts 58cinchese-a5- tee inna $27.50 17-Tooth, 2 Section, Cuts 64 inches................... 29.50 23-Tooth, 3 Section, Cuts 87 inches................... 40.00 ALL-STEEL SPIKE TOOTH HARROW One Horse, One Section, 4-foot Cut. with Bale. $8.75. Two Horse, Two Sections, 8-foot Cut. $19.50. Two Horse, Two Sections, 10-foot Cut. $21.75. DISK HARROWS 8 Disk, 16 inches, 4 feet, 2-horse evener and pole..... $42.00 LO Disk alGminchesaancis ieee ee ee 48.50 12 Disks elG sin Cheseescr ia eerie es ee een 55.00 TONGUE TRUCK FOR DEEP DISK HARROW The Harrow Truck is a new device and enables the user evgmace a short turn and relieves the neck weight entirely. IRON AGE CULTIVATORS Plain 5-tooth cultivator; expands 9 to 24 inches. Price, $5.85. Lever Expander, $1.50 extra. I. A. extra heavy cultivator, plain, bent frame. Price, $7.65. Plain Wheel, $1.00 extra. I. A. Cultivator and horse hoe combined, as illustrated. Price, $11.50. WHITE’S PLAIN SOOT BENT FRAME CULTIVATOR 5.00. IRON AGE COMBINED HARROW AND _ CULTIVATOR _ A splendid tool for cultivating crops In rows; thoroughly pulverizes and loosens the soil without throwing dirt on the small plants. The teeth are re- versible and can be changed in 4 different positions. Expands 11 inches to 36 inches. Price as shown in illustration, $8.00. INOS al Ke Gad eee $9.50 Kix Jie 7.50 NOm2 KEG Ie eee 8.50 No. 1. Maumee ....... $8.00 No. 2. Maumee ....... 7.00 TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [63] BUILD PROFITS WITH J. I. CASE IMPLEMENTS Full Line Now Includes EMERSON-BRANTINGHAM—OSBORNE—GRAND DETOUR THE NEW CASE MODEL “L” TRACTOR Four years of extensive development have gone into the perfecting of the new Model “lL” Case Tractor. During that time dozens of machines were made and tried out. Model after model was designed, built, tested and discarded after field trials showed that further improvement could be made. As a result of this Case offers a tractor far ahead of any other, possessing every good advantage of present-day tractor design, with additional features as well. Its powerful engine develops 20 and 35 H. P. and has removable cylinder barrels or liners. The crankshaft is drilled for pressure lubrication. The entire tractor is sealed against dust, thus prolonging the life of all working parts. The Model “L” Tractor handles so easily that driving it is a pleasure. The operator has a roomy platform sf and a comfortable seat which allow CASE) him to stand or sit in any position SG, he desires. “Se All parts of this tractor are ex- ceptionally easy of access for adjustment or repair. use. Ample provision is made for renewing parts which wear from long On many parts, such as bearings, adjustment is provided to take up for the natural wear of parts. Low, compact, clean construction, together with neat painting and striping, give the Model “L” Tractor that attractive appearance in which owners take so much pride. adding to the tractor’s trim lines. A long hood covers the motor and all its parts, both protecting them and CASE TRACTOR PLOWS bp tractor plow second to none. It has ae Al shares, heat treated beams, solid Combining the best features of both the E-B and Grand Detour lines the J. I. Case Company has now produced a a dependable power lift, easy scour- f ing mouldboards, quick detachable Sas ae Lo Qe A * rear wheel, rolling coulters, and all ge other advantages of the latest de- sign in the development of tractor equipment. THE CASE POWER CONTROL DISK HARROW Eliminates Lost Time and Hard Work The design and construction of the Case E-B Power Con- trol Disk Harrow is of as much value to the power farmer as was the development of the power lift plow. It eliminates all of the lost time and unnecessary effort in- volved in disking with the old type . of implement. With this Case Har- row, the gangs may be angled or straightened by tractor power without stopping, backing up or leaving the seat—all done by pulling a single rope while the outfit moves forward. The patented power clutch is the simplest device of the kind found on any implement. There is nothing to get out of order and all working parts run in oil enclosed in an oiltight case. You will profit by the advantages of this Tractor Harrow because: It saves time, labor and fuel by eliminating all stopping, backing up, starting and adjustment of the disks by hand. Headlands may be left level and in fine condition for planting. Irregular places in the field such as back fur- rows and dead furrows may be leveled during the disking without extra work. The load on the tractor may be quickly reduced to avoid being stalled in difficult places. CASE E-B SPIKE TOOTH HARROWS Built for hard rough use and long service. The teeth are adjustable and reversible, and neatly headed on the upper end to prevent losing out. A size and type for every need. We also offer durable and depend- able Spring Tooth Harrows. CASE E-B MOWERS Case E-B Mowers are more easily handled, run lighter and are more durable than any other mowing machine. The manner in which the cutter bar is carried on the wheels, together with CD a proper distribution of the weight, \ greatly increases the traction pow- , er of the machine, overcomes side r draft and weight on the horses’ iecaaeamaa "necks, giving it a powerful cutting capacity which enables it to cut through the heavier grass without materially increasing the draft. The gear and driv- ing mechanism is the three motion gear and is especially valuable in obtaining the high speed required without undue strain on any portion of the machine. This mower has many other points of superiority and we would be pleased to give you full information. CASE HAY RAKES Make Hay the Case Way. Save leaves and preserve that rich green color. Increase the mar- ket value as well as feeding value of your hay. Let us send literature describing this line of hay making implements. CASE E-B MANURE SPREADER The efficiency of the old E-B has even been improved upon by Case until now it is the most practical manure spreader on the market. It is low, permit- ting easy loading, has tight body holding liquid manure. One piece continuous channel steel frame sills LT\ with oak cross bars and adjustable steel braces, built to stand heavy loading and hauling over rough ground, levers convenient to operator, wide spreading cylinder and integral part of the machine, not an attach- ment, remarkably light pulling, fine pulverizing and even spreading. Six rates of unloading are provided ranging from 6 to 23 loads per acre. Many other features such as pressure lubrication, full seven foot spread, pivot auto type front wheels, etc., will be appreciated more and more during years of usage. Let us Send Literature on the CASE Implements in Which You Are Interested [64] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS woe lt lanet Jr Garden lools is The No. 4 is a combination of the most useful tools for the home garden. Plants almost all vegetable seeds in continuous rows or in hills 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24 inches apart. A plow adjustable for depth opens a straight, narrow furrow, the seeds are dropped in it, are covered and the soil firmed and the next row marked out, all in the same operation. converted into a Single Wheel Hoe by changing one bolt. Cultivating equip- ment includes the most useful attach- ments—hoes for weeding and cultivation, cultivator teeth for deeper and general cultivation, and the plow for furrowing and ridging. Price $18.00. No. 4-D, a Seeder only, Price, $14.25. No. 300 DRILL SEEDER for all seeds seeder from the smallest up to and including A plate or dis¢ peas, beans and corn. Growers of peas and beans will appreciate this seeder as it does not break the seed and sows with great regularity. Only three plates each with thirteen holes, making ample adjustment for various seed. Hopper holds four quarts and is removable which makes easy filling and emptying. Net weight 36 pounds. Price, $20.09. No. 220 FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR Will distribute 100 to 2,000 pounds of commercial fertilizer to the acre. Six adjustable spouts inches. Equipment includes plates for closing up four spouts or three spouts | Hopper weight placed over | the wheel making lighter load and eas- | on left side. Feed can be opened and Positive agita- ier pushing. closed without stopping. tion. Price, $27.00. Can be| shallow | spread from 4 to 30 | No. 11 WHEEL HOF | | Equipment is complete including one | pair 6-inch and one pair 44-inch hoes | for weeding and shallow cultivation, | | four cultivator teeth for deeper and gen- }eral cultivation, one pair of plows for | plowing, covering and ridging, two 3- | tooth and two 5-tooth rakes for fine close cultivation and a pair of leaf lifters which lifts the leaves or vines out of the | | way when the plants are more fully | grown. Frame is adjustable for rows |of different widths. Price, $13.75. No. 12 WHEEL HOE Same as No. 11, but less the rakes and 44-inch hoes. Price, $10.75. No. 13 WHEEL HOE Same as No. 12, but with 6-inch hoes | only. Price, $8.00. No. 16 WHEEL HOE Equipment very complete, including | one pair of 6-inch hoes for weeding and |shallow cultivation, three cultivator | teeth for general and deeper cultivation, one plow with landside for hilling, ridg- ing and plowing. One three-tooth and |one five-tooth rake for fine close culti- | vation and one leaf lifter, which is use- ful for protecting overhanging leaves and vines. An ideal machine for the family garden. Price, $9.00. No. 17 WHEEL HOE Is of the same construction as No. 16, omitting the two rakes. Price, $7.75. No. 174% SINGLE WHEEL HOE Equipment, one pair of 6-inch hoes, three steel cultivator teeth, one leaf | lifter. Price, $6.75. No. 18 WHEEL HOE Frame and wheel as No. 16, but has |for equipment one pair hoes only. | Price, $5.75. | No. 19 GARDEN PLOW | An inexpensive, yet sturdy, garden | plow and cultivator for the home gar- |/den. Attachments consist of plow, cul- |tivator tooth, sweep and a five-prong cultivating attachment for fine work. Handles are adjustable for height. | | Price, $5.90. | No. 90-D 12-TOOTH HARROW The fruit, berry and vegetable grow- | er’s favorite. Does fine, thorough culti- vation. Expands to 32 inches; contracts | to 12 inches. Price, $10.75. | No. 119 GARDEN PLOW A sturdy and inexpensive garden plow and cultivator. For those liking the high wheel this tool is the favorite. Equipment includes a large plow, a scuf- fle blade and three cultivator teeth. Due to the high center of gravity this tool pushes very easily. Price, $4.75. No. 8 HORSE HOE e——S — Made almost entirely braced and adaptable to any conditions. Frame of stiff steel, extra long and high, closes to 10 inches and opens to 25. Cultivator teeth are of high carbon beveled steel, thereby making them self- sharpening and the point retains its shape, greatly prolonging the life of the steel. Patent hillers are reversible for hoeing or hilling. Can be run close to the plants without endangering the roots. Handles adjustable up, down and side- wise. Price, $16.25. No. 9-D HORSE HOE and CULTIVATOR Same as the No. 8, less the depth regulator and steel lever wheel. Strong and light. Does perfect work. Price, $12.25. No. 9-D PLAIN 5-TOOTH CULTIVATOR Equipment: Four 3x8-inch cultivator steels; one 4x8-inch cultivator steel; lever expander. Hollow steel standards and steel draft hook. Simple, practical —always ready for work. Price, $10.75. No. 4-D.PLAIN CULTIVATOR Same as the No. 9-D, but does not include lever expander. Patent beveled steel teeth. An every-day, all-day tool. Price, $8.50. No. 101-D PLAIN CULTIVATOR Equipment: Five 3x8-inch cultivator steels; lever expander. Lever is all steel; simplified and improved; works very easily. Just the tool for sandy soils or light cultivating. Price, $9.25. No. 106-D PLAIN CULTIVATOR Same as the No. 101-D, less the lever expander. The right tool for sandy soils in this section. Price, $7.50. No. 92-D PLAIN 12-TOOTH HARROW No Wheel A-light, but effective cultivator for fine work—at a moderate price. Price, $9.75. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [65] STEEL LAND ROLLERS Ee al Ne S Drums of Heavy Tank Steel. Angle Steel Tops—Angles 3x3x5/16 inches—Extra Strong. Axles—1%-inch Round Steel. Closed Pressed Steel Heads. Hardwood Boxings—Acknowl- edged by all to be the best. Tractor or Horse Hitch. No. 102144—8 ft., 2 sec., 26 in. diameter; 550 Ibs....... $40.00 No. 103144—8 ft., 3 sec., 26 in. diameter; 600 lbs....... 42.00 No. 1054%4—8 ft., 2 sec., 24 in. diameter; 510 lbs....... 36.00 No. 10614—8 ft., 3 sec., 24 in. diameter; 535 lbs....... 40.00 No. 120144—9 ft., 3 sec., 24 in. diameter; 585 lbs....... 44.00 No. 118144—4 2/3 ft., 2 sec., 24 in. diameter; 370 lbs.... 34.00 Extra for Eveners, $2.75. BUCH’S SOIL PULVERIZER Simple in construction. Strong rigid frame. Angles— 2%x8x5/16 inches with Heavy Cast Hangers, 1%-inch Axle. Inclosed Dust-Proof Wood Bearings with Hard Oil Cups. Solid one-piece Discs 4-inch face, 15-inch front, 12-inch rear. Pulverizer so constructed that Discs must alternate and impossible to get out of alignment. End Discs closed to keep out stones and dirt. With our Trailer Arm, both front and rear Gang work independent. No division of weight, both front and rear gang pulverizing the soil under all conditions in uneven ground. This feature makes our pulverizer light in draft. Rolling No. Length Capacity Weight Price 625 6 ft. 62 inch 800 $62.50 626 iets 74 inch 900 68.50 627 8 ft. 84 inch 1000 75.00 628 9 ft. 98 inch 1100 83.00 630 ial ate, 122 inch 1350 100.00 Foretruck, $8.50; Eveners, $2.75; Tractor Hitch in addition to Pole and Seat, Extra $3.00. McWHORTER FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTORS McWhorter Fertilizer Distributors have been used for many years with great success and have features not to be found on any other fertilizer distributor. The McWhorter does not depend on gravity for feeding fertilizer, but positive belt force feed which can be adjusted to feed any amount required. The spouts are adjustable and can be set to feed the number of rows desired, or to broadcast. Each set of spouts can be adjusted to feed any amount of lime or fer- tilizer desired from a few pounds to over a ton per acre. The feed adjustment of each set of spouts is regulated inde- pendently. By moving a lever the entire machine can be shut off while going to or from the field. The hopper on the larger machines is so constructed that it sits down over the wheels. This patented feature brings the hopper very close to the ground, thereby eliminating waste of material on windy days, and making the loading much easier. No. 21—Hand Fertilizing Distributor—Capacity 80 pounds; width 30 inches; weight 85 pounds. Has all McWhorter features; ideal for gardeners requiring a small distributor. Price, $20.00. No. 12—Light-draft one-horse machine, excellent for both furrow work and top and side dressing growing crops, as it makes a fine and even distribution. Capacity 200 pounds, width 8 feet 2 inches, weight 145 pounds. Price, $40.00. No. 11—Constructed on the same general lines as No. 12, but is much lower in price. It has onlv one feed belt and one set of spouts and will spread from 3 to 15 inches. Ca- pacity 200 pounds, weight 136 pounds. Price, $33.50. No. 34—One-horse machine, equipped with 16 Spouts. Will sow broadcast or in rows. Can be used for side dressing on both sides of two rows of growing crops or one side of four rows. Capacity 875 pounds, width 6% feet, weight 260 pounds. Price, $68.00. as No. 44—One-horse machine similar to No. 34, but with wheels adjustable to any width row, a patented feature not found on any other machine. It will broadcast 7 feet wide or can be adjusted to fertilize three furrows 3 feet apart and two furrows up to 6 feet apart. Will side dress both sides of two rows of growing crops or one side of four rows. Capacity 400 pounds, width 7 feet, weight 266 pounds. Price, $73.50. No. 13-C—One-horse machine intended for row work only. Has adjustable rubber spouts so that they can be set for any width row desired. Capacity 400 pounds, width 7 feet, weight 260 pounds. Price, $66.75. No. 13-D—Similar to the 13-C, but has three wider belts with six adjustable rubber spouts to each belt, and can be used as a broadcaster as well as for rows. Price, $72.00. No. 26—Two-horse machine, equipped with 24 spouts, used for broadcasting fertilizer or lime. Capacity 540 pounds, width 9 feet, weight 373 pounds. Price, $93.50. FOR HIGH GRADE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS See Page 78 [66] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS PHILADELPHIA “21 INCH” MOTOR MOWER Constructed in the most up-to-date manner developed to withstand rough usage. Air-cooled, four cycle engine, %4 to 1% H. P. This unit is in our judgment the most dependable and economical type of mower for lawns of from % to 3 acres. Price, $150.00. High wheel, Ball Bearing. Very light running. Wheels 9 inches high; reel 6 inches in diam- eter; all latest im- provements; noise- less action; keen cutting; self-sharp- ening; high speed. LEADER MOWER LZ Seinen $6.75 TA ine one 7.00 gH Tab erent ray 7.40 1S ere sen 7.75 ARDMORE LAWN MOWER (Style J)—BALL BEARING High Wheel. Case-hardened Bearings, double geared. Every detail of this Mower is in keeping with any high grade machine on the market. High cylinders and very easy running. 1M Miso Beene pica $6.75 UGG $7.25 V8 ine ees $7.75 KING HIGH GRASS MOWERS—BALL BEARING Driving wheels 9% inches high; 6-inch ball-bearing re- volving cutter; blades crucible steel, hardened and tempered in oil. 14-inch cut $13.50 16-inch cut $14.25 18-inch cut $15.00 Plain Bonehardened Bearings, 5 Blades, 10-inch Drive Wheels. PHILADELPHIA STYLE “K” PLAIN BEARING Geiss sees sae $17.50 18 in 18.75 PHILADELPHIA STYLE “B-B”’ MOWER ROLLER BEARING A very sturdy yet easily operated Philadelphia-made ball bearing mower, having 9-inch drive wheels, revolving cutter, and 4 crucible steel Ibades. Made only in 16-inch. Price, $11.00. REVOLVING SPRINKLER These sprinklers are compactly and ——y strongly made with phosphor-bronze bearing. revo. sem Eureka Sprinkler, 12 inches high, Price, $1.85. RAB Newport Sprinkler, 24 inches high, CER Price, $3.25. FOUNTAIN SPRINKLER Made of Heavy Brass Easily moved over the lawn without turning off the water. The mist-like spray is a veritable “thing of beauty.” Price, 75c. FOUNTAIN. SPRINKLER PHILADELPHIA ALL DAY MOWER PLAIN BEARINGS ET sobs oslo aos $12.00 lepine nee 12.50 USM cree 13.00 STERLING BALL BEARING Light running; practical design. 12 ine Pessina $6.00 V4 Sin eere ete es 6.40 NGSinks eee 6.75 TERRACE SPECIA AND PLAIN STERLING PA THUG G Sododa6 ac $5.00 147 ine eee eee 5.25 Gwin eee eee 5.50 PHILADELPHIA EAGLE HORSE LAWN MOWER AND ROLLER This is the latest production of this well-known factory, and is now acknowledged by every user to be the best Mower in operation. 30-inch, with seat, shafts and draft pole, $135.00; 35-inch, $169.00; 40-inch, $180.00. Special price on motor mowers. PHILADELPHIA STYLE “H” MOWER Roller Bearing A new. open- wheel and _ open- side frame mower » with 10-in. wheels. Equipped with ad- justable roller bearings, 5% - in. revolving cutter, and 4 crucible steel blades. 6S ines $11.85 18s sinters 13.00 GRASS COLLECTOR Made of best quality duck with galvanized iron bottom, easily attached or detached. 12 in., $2.75; 14 in., $3.25; 16 in., $4.00; Water Ballast 18 in., $5.00. D. & M. Lawn Roller Collectors, No. 1, $1.50; No. 2, $1.60. LAWN ROLLERS These rollers represent all the latest and up-to- date improvements; they are fitted with hardened steel roller bearings, which reduces the draft by 40 per cent; the coun- ter-balance attached on the outside of the drum induces the handle to stand in an upright posi- tion. The outer edges of the drum are well round- ed to prevent cutting. No. 605 has plain bear- ings and no scraper. WATER BALLAST LAWN ROLLER No. 601—14x24, Empty 70 lbs.; Filled 175 lbs..Price, $15.50 No. 602—18x24, Empty 85 lbs.; Filled 265 lbs..Price, 18.00 No. 603—24x24, Empty 110 lbs.; Filled 420 lbs..Price, 21.00 No. 605—14x24, Empty 68 lbs.; Filled 175 lbs..Price, 12.00 Diameter Total Weight Cast Drum Rollers Face Length Pounds Price No. 504—2 section 20 20 250 $24.50 No. 507—2 section 20 24 300 30.00 No. 509—2 section 24 20 400 39.00 DAY-OLD CHICKS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [67] MANNS’ Quality-Bred CHICKS WE GUARANTEE DELIVERY 100% LIVE VIGOROUS CHICKS With Profit Producing Characteristics Bred Into Them They are hatched from eggs of free-range stock and in- herit the physical perfection made possible only by an abun- dance of sunshine, fresh air and exercise. Place your order with us for your season’s supply of Day- Old Chicks, and you will have taken the first step toward a very profitable poultry year. FRESH, HEALTHY CHICKS Day-Old Chicks can not be properly cared for in a show- window or in a busy seed store and for this reason we do not regularly carry them in stock. It is requested, therefore, that you anticipate your requirements and order as far in advance as possible. You can in this way specify a definite delivery date and we can serve you direct from our hatchery with strong chicks full of vitality. ORDERS It is very important that you let us have your order as early as possible. Just as soon as you have read this page is the very best time. Should there be a decline in the mar- ket price of chicks, we will make an adjustment to equal the reduction. Customers not having charge accounts with us are re- quested to send at least one-fourth of the price when plac- ing orders; remittance for balance to reach us before ship- ment is made. No chicks sent C.0O.D. No orders accepted for less than 25 chicks of any one variety. DELIVERIES Chicks are forwarded postpaid and brief instructions are sent with each order, suggesting best methods of care and feeding. Be prepared; see that hovers are in good condi- tion, and have a ready supply of grit, charcoal and Butter- milk Starting Feed. Please Note—Inspect chicks immediately upon arrival. If full count live chicks are not received, have postman sign a statement showing number dead, mail this to us and a satis- factory adjustment will be made. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS First distinctively American breed and still the most popu- lar of the all-purpose breeds. Barred Rocks are hardy and vigorous; excellent winter lay- ers, and also preferred by experienced buyers of table fowl because of their abundant breast meat and bright yellow skin. Easy to raise and will thrive anywhere. Barred Plymouth Rock BUFF ORPINGTONS A choice table bird—either as broiler or roaster. They develop rapidly, eight-week-old cockerels often weighing two pounds. They are excellent winter layers, stately in appear- ance, with long, round deep bodies, full breasts and broad backs, JERSEY BLACK GIANTS This new breed is becoming more popular every year. The plumage is lustrous greenish black, skin a rich yellow, finest table fowl, extremely large and heavy; excellent layers of 1 b eggs. aes BLACK MINORCAS Noted chiefly for their very large white eggs which com: mand highest prices in the New York Market. They are hardy and begin laying when four to five months of age. They have glossy black plumage, large combs, black legs and white skin. WHITE LEGHORNS Most widely used breed of chickens, being the best of all for egg production. The strain which we offer are bred to suit the require- ments of commercial egg farms and every possible means has been employed in developing the stock for this purpose. White Leghorn WHITE WYANDOTTES One of the oldest and most popular of all American breeds, and ranking among the highest as egg producers.. They have broad backs, deep round. bodies, large red rose combs, yellow skin, and heavy close fitting plumage which enables them to withstand cold weather. Very striking in appearance; unsur- passed for table fowl. White Wyandotte RHODE ISLAND RED One of the best layers of the heavy breeds and an excellent table fowl. Somewhat rangler than Plymouth Rocks but the strongest competitor. A very profitable breed for the farmer. They are universally popular, however, with all poultrymen. WHITE ROCKS Differ from Barred Rocks only in their plumage. Quiet and easily confined. Popular be- cause of their beauty, produc- tiveness and value for market purposes; they dress easily hav- ing no dark pin feathers. Not- able layers of large brown eggs. Rhode Island Red PRICES All Breeds (Except Leghorns and Jersey Giants) Jan.-Feb. March April May June 25 $4.50 $4.25 $4.00 $3.75 100 16.00 15.00 14.00 13.00 1000 159.00 140.09 130.60 120.09 White Leghorns 25 $4.25 $4.09 $3.75 $3.50 109 15.00 14.00 13.00 12.00 1000 140.09 130.60 120.00 110.00 Jersey Black Giants p 25 $5.00 $4.75 $4.50 $4.25 160 18.00 17.00 16.00 15.00 Order Early—You will be given full benefit of any reduction in prices until shipping date. J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. POULTRY SUPPLIES POULTRY SUPPLIES, FEEDS AND REMEDIES eae mee aif ; a aN The Original COonKeYSs BUTTERMILK STARTING FEED Vi-tal-ized with Conkey’s Y-O0| Every poultryman knows what Conkeys means to Baby Chicks. Now this famous feed is better than ever because it is vitalized with vitamins of Cod-Liver Oil are sealed and held for a long time. Feed it for less loss, rapid growth and no leg weak- ness (rickets). Prices: 2% lIbs., 20c; 5 Ibs., 35c; 10 Ibs., 65c; 25 Ibs., $1.35; 100 lbs., $5.00. GECCO BUTTERMILK GROWING MASH This mash is fed after the chicks are eight weeks old. ‘It is balanced for rapid and even development of muscles, bone, vital organs and feathers. Like all Conkey mashes it is low in fibre, clean and always uniform. The Growing Mash differs materially from the Starting Feed—meat scraps are added, bone is increased, and corn decreased—growing birds demand a heavier diet than deli- cate baby chicks. Prices: 10 lbs., 50c; 25 lbs., $1.00; 50 lbs., $1.90; 100 Ibs., $3.60. GECCO BUTTERMILK GROWER WITH Y-O Prices: 10 lbs., 55¢e 25 Ibs., $1.10; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.85. COonkKeys GECCO EGG MASH To Fill The Egg Basket It’s easy if you use the right feed—Gecco contains 20 per cent animak food and 20 per cent protein. Low in fibre, it is scientifically proportioned to induce heavy egg production without unnatural “forcing.” Prices: 10 Ibs., 45c; 25 Ibs., $1.00; 50 Ibs., $1.90; 109 Ibs., $3.50. GECCO CHICK GRAINS Well balanced, clean, fresh, nutritious feed. 100 Ibs., $3.15. x j fees ef : GECCO GROWING GRAINS The very necessary small scratch feed for the proper development of young fowls. Price, per 100 Ibs., $3.00. ~ GECCO SCRATCH GRAINS Wholesome, clean grains, correctly mixed to give a well- balanced ration. Contains no grit and no cob. In mixing this feed we have made quality the first consideration but believe that our price is attractive as well. We shall be pleased to mail sample. Price, per 100 lbs., $2.75. Price, Conkeys Y-O, in which the A and D | per. | For White Diarrhea Stops Chicks Dying Avicol is positively guaranteed for both prevention and treatment. Easy to give. Simply drop it in the drinking water. It will pay you to give Avicol to all your chicks this year, and keep them healthy and free from disease. Prices: 50c and $1.00. 66 9 Kills Chicken Lice is E Both Young and Old This is the method endorsed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture for killing all poultry lice. It never fails to do the work. Three sizes, 35c; 60c and $2.50. (If by mail, add 10c for postage and packing.) DONSUN ¥ Makes HENS LAY 3S GUARANTEED A wonderful tonie that acts directly on the egg-laying organs and is beneficial in every way. Makes chickens healthy, keeps them developing, and gets the eggs. Prices: endorsed by leading poultrymen everywhere. Prices: 50c and 50c, $1.00 and $5.00. The sure way to treat Colds, Group-Over $1.00. PERMOZONE Roup and Canker. Used and Keeps Chickens 2 ZB Germozone three times a week in the drink destroys disease germs taken in with the food or water. Keeps the crop pure and sweet. Corrects and prevents diarrhea and bowel troubles, also recommended for A: Roup, Colds, Canker, Sa = Swelled Head, etc. S Prices: 12-o0z. bottle, wf 75c; 32-0z. bottle, $1.50; % gal., $2.50; gal., $4.50. A Triple Combination Worm Medicine’ con- taining Kamala (for Tape Worms), Nicotine Sulphate (for Round Worms) and Pyrethrum (for Pin Worms), all in an Insoluble Capsule. Being Insoluble it therefore carries through to the gizzard. In the gizzard it is ground up, pouring the correct dose in full strength directly into the intestines upon the worms. No starving birds to force eating of bad-tasting food—Gets : all three tinds of worms. Two sizes: Adult, for chickens, turkeys, etc. Half grown or older, 50 capsule pkg., $1.00; 100 for $1.75; 500 for $7.09; 1,000 for $12.00. Chick size, for birds under half grown, $1.00 per 100. G@onkeyS Y-0 O What a Difference A little Yeast and Cod-Liver Oil makes in Egg Production, Quality of Eggs, Strength of Shell, Fertil- ity of Breeders and Hatchability of Eggs. And for Chicks it’s just wonderful. If you are not using Conkeys Feeds with Y-O already mixed in be sure to get Conkeys Y-O and add it to your regular ration. Prices: 1 Ib., 55c; 2 Ibs., $1.00; 5 Ibs., $2.00; 25 Ibs., $7.50; 100 Ibs., $22.50. GOOD POULTRY EQUIPMENT STAR FOUNTAIN AND FEEDER Made of a single piece of rust-resist- ing metal. No solder, no seams, no loose parts. Suitable for feed as well as water. Little chicks cannot drown. Fits any Mason jar in 1-Pint, 1-Quart and 2- Quart sizes. (Glass jar not included) No. 32—Each No. 138—Tin plate, Each........... ROUND CHICK FEEDERS A great feed saver, and can also be used for water or milk. Accurately stamped with dies. Top fits snugly, yet is easily taken off for filling and clean- ing. Each No. 11—Diam. 6 in., with 8 holes..$ .10 No. 12—Diam. 8 in., with 12 holes. .20 CHICK FEEDING TROUGHS Gal- vanized iron. No seams, rivets or solder. Sliding top, easy to fill and keep clean. No. 27—Length 10 inches, each....$ .20 No. 27—Length 20 inches, each.... .30 For chicks and growing stock. DIXIE CHICK FEEDERS The deep, half-round troughs have a turned-in flange to prevent waste. Easy to fill and clean. The wire top guard keeps the chicks out, and is adjustable, so it can be raised as the chicks grow in size. Galvanized Steel No. 460—Length 18 inches, each....$ .20 No. 462—Length 30 inches, each.... .30 SINGLE AND DOUBLE FEEDING TROUGHS Made of t steel, accurately stamped with dies. No sharp or rough edges to injure the chicks. Sliding top. Easy to fill and clean. Single No. 55—12 inches, 9 holes, each...$ .25 No. 56—18 inches, 13 holes, each... .35 No. 57—24 inches, 18 holes, each... .45 Double . 58—12 inches, 18 holes, each...$ . No. 59—18 inches, 26 holes, each... .40 No. 60—24 inches, 36 holes, each... .50 No. 76—36 inches, 52 holes, each... .65 J. MANNS & CoO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [69] LARGE CAPACITY FEEDERS Fine Feeders for growing stock, ample capacity and great time and labor sav- ers. Two sizes. Each No. 140—Length 21 inches, holds 10 quarts, 32 feeder holes........... $1.20 No. 141—Length 35 inches, holds 17 quarts, 54 feeder holes........... 1.80 No. 146—Hopper only, to fit No. 140 Feeder. Holds 5 quarts......... 50 No. 148—Hopper only, to fit No. 141 Feeder. Holds 9 quarts......... 15 MOE’S BIG BOY FEEDERS Especially designed for growing stock —three to four week chicks—and up to full-grown fowl. - Big capacity, about 75 pounds of dry mash, with large wide feeder openings, smooth rounded edges. Can be placed on the ground or sus- pended by wire handles. Length 33 inches, with 34 feeder openings. Each No. 160—Without the wide covers..$3.50 No. 161—With wide adjustable cov- ers (as shown) MOE’S FIVE-FOOT FEEDER Heavy galvanized steel, well braced. Heavy steel legs. The trough has wide turned-in flanges to prevent waste. Tilt- ing Top Cover to prevent roosting and this cover swings .out of the way for refilling and cleaning. No. 370—Length of feeder, 5 feet; height, 15 inches; width, 8 inches; depth, 5-inches; each............ $3.75 FOUNTAIN AND BROODER HEATER : . a " : | i Can be used with all styles of foun- tains, and effectively prevents water from freezing. It is also an excellent heater for small brooders. No. 10—Each TOP FILL FOUNTAINS Provides pure, fresh water at all times. The double wall construction re- tards freezing and keeps water cool in summer. Fills from the top, easily cleaned, and feeds automatically. No. 1—Capacity 1 gallon, each..... $1.50 No. 2—Capacity 2 gallons, each.... 2.25 No. 4—Capacity 4 gallons, each.... 2.75 INSULATED WALL FOUNTAINS Thick double walls packed with an efficient insulating material, which keeps the water at an even temperature in win- ter or summer. Feeds the water automatically, no valves or springs. Made of heavy gal- vanized iron with strong carrying handle. No. 5—Capacity 2 gallons, each....$3.00 No. 6—Capacity 3 gallons, each.... 3.50 No. 7—Capacity 5 gallons, each.... 4.50 HEATER FOUNTAINS A good reliable fountain with heater. Made of heavy gal- vanized iron, easily filled, with nothing about it to get out of order. Made in two sizes, with a capacity of 5 and 10 gallons, and the lamp holds suffi- cient kerosene to burn continuously for one week. No. 75—5 gallons, each............ No. 79—10 gallons, each J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. GOOD POULTRY EQUIPMENT DRY MASH HOPPERS A strictly high qual- y ity hopper, properly designed. The curved bottom keeps the feed in easy reach, and the taper shape of the hopper prevents the feed from clogging. Height 19 inches. Each No. 35—Width 8% inches.....$1.50 No. 36—Width 12 inches ........ 1.70 No. 13—Width 18 inches........... 2.20 No. 37—Width 24 inches........... 2.60 OAT SPROUTER The frame is of steel, well braced and neatly painted. Has six heavy galvanized iron pans. Five of the pans have perforated bottoms to secure the proper drainage, and the bottom pan is solid to hold the drip- pings. Packed knock- ed down, one in a crate. Shipping weight 25 pounds. No. 110—Each - -$6.00 ALUMINUM LEG BANDS No. 136—-Aluminum, with raised num- bers. 5 50 100 500 1,000 5 $ 45 $ .75 $3.50 $6.00 SPIRAL BANDS Best quality. Made in six sizes and ten colors. Sizes: Asiatic, Ameri- can, Mediterranean, Ban- tam. 25 bands, 25c; 50 honds, 40c; 100 bands (de. Baby Chick and Pigeon. 25 bands, 20c; 50 bands, 35¢; 100 bands, 50c. RED CHIEF HAND CORN SHELLER Clamps on barrel or box; has patented oval-shaped teeth, shelling the corn without cracking the grains. It shells very easily and throws out the cob every time. Price, $2.25. AUTOMATIC FOUNTAIN A perfect automatic valve and float, to regulate the flow of water to a drinking dish. The valve mechanism is entirely of brass, nickel finish, with nothing about it to rust or clog up. Positive in action. Each No. 30—Automatie Valve and Float only No. 31—Water Pan only. Heavy gal- VANI Zed iT OM ss 5. sincere Soko Actes eek -40 No. 31A—Automatic Valve and Pan complete GRIT BOXES Economical and practical for feeding grit, shells, ete. Thoroughly well made, no solder used in their construction. Each No..45 — 2 Com- partments ....$ .40 No. 9—3 Com- partments .... No. 90—4 Com- partments . 1.00 -80 It is built on scientific lines and com- bines all the elements which make ur the most satisfactory Hand-Power Mill for grinding small grain. The burrs are extra hardened and self-sharpening; they cut: do not smash. The only Mill that can be cleaned and adjusted in a moment’s time without the use of a wrench. No. 2—Is operated by a crank; chains or bolts to a box as desired. Has hooks on which to hang a bucket. Capacity 1 to 2 bushels per hour. Price, $5.00. No. 5—Has a fly wheel which makes the Mill run steady. and requires the least possible power to turn it. It fas- tens by chains or bolts. Capacity 2 to 4 bushels per hour. Price, $7.25. No. 10—This Mill has beautiful out- lines, as shown in illustration; will grind any kind of small grain; also oyster shells and dry bone. Capacity 2 to 4 bushels per hour. Price, $9.00. DROP BOTTOM FOUNTAINS Drop Bottom, easy to fill and to clean. Has wire handle and may be hung on the wall out of the litter and dirt. No. 41—Galvanized, 1 gallon, each. .$1.00 No. 42—Galvanized, 2 gallons, each. 1.25 No. 136—Tin, Buttermilk Feeder, 1 galllonaieachty- oi. teuieicr vein tote WALL FOUNTAINS A large capacity fountain, made of heavy, tight coated, galvanized iron. Easy to fill, and nothing about it to get out of order. Each No. 74—5 gal... .$1.75 No. 78—10 gallon, Giant Fountain 2.95 No. 20—Combined Hand-Power Mill. It is substantially constructed; all bear- ings bronze metal, and when run a speed of from 3800 to 450. revolutions per min- ute will grind from 10 to 20 bushels per hour. Power required, from 1% to 2 horse-power engine. Price, $21.00. Extra Attachments for No. 20 Mill These devices, including Corn Sheller and Table Meal Separator, can be at- tached to any No. 20 Mill now in use, and can be operated combined or inde- pendently, as may be desired, and enable the user to shell, grind or crack cory also save fine table meal in one opera: tion. Table Meal Separator. Price, $6.50. Corn Sheller Attachment hand crank). Price, $9.00. i (including POULTRY SUPPLIES J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [71] Poultry Waterer Eight gallon capacity, plain, Kerosene or Electric Heated, with perch and legs. HUDSON No. B18— Plain no heat (lamp may be added later), weight 30 pounds. Price, $8.25 each. No. B19—With single burn- er flueless lamp, weight 31 pounds. Price, $9.50 each. No. B20—Base_ insulated and ready to receive electric light socket, weight 32 pounds. Price, $10.75 each. Insulated Waterer Keeps water warm in win- ter, and cool in summer. No. PW3—3 gallon capacity, weight 17 pounds. Price, $3.50. No. PW6—6 gallon capacity, weight 26 pounds. Price, $4.75. Handy Fill Chick Fountain No. CW2—Two gallon capac- ity, made of heavy galvanized iron in two pieces, shipping weight 5 pounds. Price, $1.00 each. No. CW3— Three gallon ca- pacity, shipping weight 6 pounds. Price, $1.25 each. Non-Clog Combination Feeder No. PF103—Made of heavy rust-resisting copper alloy gal- vanized sheets, 3 feet long, mash capacity approximately 100 pounds, 4 compartments for grit, shells, etc., built in at ends, for 75 to 100 hens. Shipping weight K. D. crated 60 pounds. Price, $12.00. No. PF105—Five feet long, mash capacity approximately 150 pounds; 4 compartments for grit, shells, ete., built in at ends, for 125 to 150 hens. Shipping weight K. D. crated 96 pounds. Price, $17.00 each. PRACTICAL POULTRY FARMING, by L. M. Hurd. Here are practical, useful, and money-making ideas on raising poultry for profit. Complete The only book which tells the vitamin content 149 illustra- $3.50. in every detail. of poultry feeds. tions, 405 pages. KLEEN-EZY POULTRY EQUIPMENT Poultry and Produce Scale No. 83—Used by grocers, butch- ers, fruit dealers, ete. Also a re- liable scale for use in the home, giving an accurate check on house- hold purchases and supplies. Ca- pacity 20 pounds by ounces; heavy steel throughout, equipped with a special tempered Hanson spring and gravity rack, adjusted by set serew at top, 6%-inch dial, 28- guage steel; figures in black on white enamel. Finish Black Japan and decorated in gold. Has a heavy prime galvanized machine- made scoop and chains. Height overall 28% inches. Scoop size 18 by 14 inches. (Weight 5 pounds.) Price, $3.25. Egg Cartons These pasteboard egg cartons are just the thing for safely and quickly packing eggs in one dozen lots for delivery to your retail customers. The appearance and convenience of fa the package will increase your |' sales. 15c doz.; $1.00 per 100; $1.85 per carton of 250 (weight 27 pounds). Postage extra. Metal Egg Crates For Selling Eggs By Mail Indestructible; pays for itself in a few shipments; lasts years; makes interchangeable’ shipping easy. Buy yours now and realize more money for your eggs. Your friends want them. The Metal Edge Filler is a won- der. A new invention and cannot be beat for safely carrying Eggs by mail. Light in weight but strong. Write us about Butter-Egg Crates C4R08048D 1%-dozen size......... $1.25 2 -dozen si 3 -dozen 4 -dozen 6-dozen 9-dozen size......... 12-dozen si 2.00 15-dozen size......... 4.75 Postage Extra. Unbreakable Screen weather proof, transmits violet rays (Glass does yj not). Ideal for poultry house, fronts,windows and = doors, and many = eae | other uses. = = Standard Roll, 36 : inches wide, 100 feet long, 15c per square foot. = Glass Fabric Re Scientifically pro- cessed white cloth, thin enough to ad- admit violet rays, and yet. strong enough for all weather. 5 yards, $1.75; 10 yards, $3.00; larger quan- tities, 25c yard. [72] 103 DEGREE INCUBATORS The Hen’s Only Rival Six Sizes: 110 to 1100 ABSOLUTE AUTOMATIC CONTROL EASE OF OPERATION Three Remarkable Patented Features: THE TILTING CHIMNEY THE TWO-WAY CIRCULATION THE VENTILATION AND MOISTURE CONES It hatches like the hen. It cannot overheat. It cannot underheat. It’s ventilating system hatches more eggs. It supplies the right amount of moisture. It needs less atten- tion than any other incubator. It is the most durable and reliable incubator built. It is safe from fire and carries the Underwriters’ label. It hatches the highest per cent of chicks. IT IS GUARANTEED TO GIVE SATISFACTION With this excellent machine, having many patented fea- tures, and built to last a lifetime, you can easily take off big hatches of strong, healthy chicks that will live, grow rapidly, and Make You Money. The 103 Degree is the best incubator investment your money can buy. It will be your silent, active partner, because it will hatch bigger hatches of strong, healthy chicks that will live and grow; without worry, bother and atten- tion on your part. Large 48-page special catalogue will be mailed you for the asking. Or call and inspect the machines at our ware- rooms. PRICES 110 Egg—Weight 105 pounds.....................0.. $30.00 150 Egg—Weight 120 pounds........................ 35.00 200. Egg—Weight 135" pounds. 0226.20 ee es. 43.09 300 Egg—Weight 185 pounds........................ 76.50 550 Egg—Weight 285 pounds.....................4-- 115.80 1100 Egg—Weight 570 pounds........................231.60 Sizes 300 and over equipped with new automatic turning trays. OAKES HOT WATER INCUBATOR This round-shaped, all-metal incubator has been approved by poultry raisers because of its simplicity of construction and economy of operation. There is nothing to get out of order, nothing complicated that needs watching—no failures. Thoroughly dependable and reliable. No. D-98— 60-egg capacity, weight 25 pounds........ $11.00 No. D-99—100-egg capacity, weight 40 pounds........ J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. POULTRY SUPPLIES OAKES ELECTRIC HEN The most modern thoroughly efficient, venient and very economical. Heat and ventilation regulated auto- matically. Also serves as a per- fect brooder when the lid is re- moved and the legs and curtain attached. Furnished for either 32 volt or 110 volt currents. The Electric Hen, if properly handled, will last a lifetime, and is guaran- teed to give satisfactory results. Each machine is thoroughly test- ed before it leaves the factory and incubator; highly con- is adjusted to maintain the proper temperature. Prices include thermometer, egg tester, hover-curtain and | legs. No. D-87— 60 egg capacity, weight 25 pounds......... $16.00 No. D-88—100 egg capacity, weight 40 pounds......... LITTLE PUTNAM STOVE Made of galvanized iron and equipped with a burner which embodies an entirely new principle in oil combustion. The combustion is complete and perfect, doubling the heat value of the oil. The oil tank holds three pints of oil and burns three to four weeks without refilling or other attention. This stove is absolutely fire-safe and non-explosive. If it is tip- ped over it will go out. Size, 4 inches high and 9 inches in diameter. Price, $1.95 each, postpaid. PUTNAM BROODER STOVES......................... $4.25 OAKES SANITARY METAL BROOD COOP............ $2.00 ECONOMY PORTABLE BROODER The Economy Hover is simple in construction, made of steel throughout, and all parts are seamed or welded to- gether, making it light, strong and durable. No. D-102—18-inch Drum, weight 14 pounds............ $5.25 No. D-103—22-inch Drum, weight 32 pounds............ Cc — ee “MaKOMB nm GIANT” COAL BROODER Stove made of heavy cast iron, burns any kind of coal, easy to clean. Has a tilting canopy made of heavy galvanized steel, arranged to make refueling easy. Stove pipe size 5 inches. HEAVY FLUTED BARREL GREDT Ccoau CAPACITY REMARKABLE RACIATING SEPVICE Canopy Diameter 52 in. 62 in. Actual Coal Capacity........... 52 lbs. 73 Ibs. Actual Chick Capacity 600 800 Diameter of Grates............. 11 in. 13 in. TICES oie cep ssaee tee ok ee ee $21.00 $26.00 Brazed Oil Assembly. Wire Edged Canopy. Attractive Steel Shell. Patented Hand Control. Burner. Entire Simplicity. 32-inch Canopy—Capacity 150 chicks, weight 34 pounds..... 42-inch Canopy—Capacity 250 chicks, weight 38 pounds..... 52-inch Canopy—Capacity 500 chicks, weight 51 pounds..... THE “SIMPLICITY” OIL BROODER Unexcelled Wickless Blue Flame | “MaKOMB” IMPROVED FOUNTAIN A stoneware foun- tain far superior to other types; bottom pan has a convenient rim for handling, and the jar has a wire handle which makes it easy to carry. Price, 14% gal., 60c; 1 gal., 80c; 2 gal., $1.20. WIRE FENCING J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [73] WIRE FENCING UNITED STATES POULTRY NETTING United States Poultry Fence is strictly a “NO SAG” fence, as the combination of line and mesh wires, closely woven, prevents any lengthening or nar- rowing between posts. In erecting U.S. Poultry Fence the line wires per- mit of being stretched to a high _ tension, which com- pels the fence to remain rigid and upright without an- choring it to a baseboard or top oo rail. These _ fea- tures place it a long stride beyond the Hex mesh netting, which never fails to narrow and lengthen if you attempt to stretch it to a tention required to prevent sagging. There is no netting on the market that compares with U. S. Poultry Fence for strength, beauty and durability, and we invite comparison with other makes, feeling confident that all our claims of superiority will be substantiated. Made of No. 19 hard steel wire, double twisted and gal- vanized after weaving. 2-inch Mesh—Put up in Rolls of 150 feet waaay 19 guage 20 guage DST cm eay ea heies baa eis apes Leen rane Ma ieee $1.25 $1.15 24-inch ..... Beatties Cn aE 2.30 2.00 BXOSo GNC) ah ke 5 Geeta ra picid dus eLaenta Uo Gre eee a DI SeNCN 3.10 2.75 LUST oY Cl alicy oH tei piceirdlo eM MENE De aioKe SCAR R RRARO EMERO 4.25 3.60 BESTE ON Wisiaid crbinia ig Broaronerett oletcusie ouaiche iacee cnet 5.25 4.50 POSTING Mey eee ease et Aer RL es ete ecinone tees 6.25 5.50 In less than Roll lots, 1%e a square foot. Also made in 1-inch Mesh. Price on application. Corner Posts, 40c; Pig-Ear Latch, 75¢; for The Boys Are Tamping While We Have Our(\o Work ALLDONE!\4 cy Ground Made by American Steel & Wire Company GAO, IDinGl IMM CHIN be cdosoboosooboueabos $3.75 TOO Ino) IMSS, CONV cocobusconbousccea sone 6-foot Corner Posts, each................... 7-foot Corner Posts, each................... PIONEER CHANNEL BAR POSTS Bar Iron—Special Price on Quantities Driving Caps Line Post, 40c. 1-inch Mesh (Hexagon) 12-inch, 150 square feet. .$2.75 18-inch, 225 square feet.. 4.00 24-inch, 800 square feet.. 5.00 30-inch, 375 square feet.. 6.10 36-inch, 450 square feet.. 6.90 48-inch, 600 square feet.. 9.20 Less than roll lots, 3c square foot. Poultry Netting Staples, pound, 10e. © American Steel — “0 posts KR 5 -foot ..... $ .60 : > San Go foots 65 H axa 6%-foot ..... -70 H ee tooth: 15 H 7%-foot ..... 80 a 8 -foot ..... 85 H Special Prices 4 on Quantities. fe Ball Tops for bi Line Posts, 25c; FI Fi be. i HOOK Sho ceouces $ .35 ee SOO Pitre ene -50 @ HOCH Soo ceoods 40° ‘T42-foot +2. ..5... 5Y5) 64%-foot .......... (IS (3 SOO boo cones -60 CHAMPION WIRE STRETCHER No. 1 has hickory handle and malleable clamp; can be quickly adjusted, and is a favorite with fence builders. Price, $1.50. RATCHET WIRE STRETCHER Is operated by one man and holds the wire in any desired position. Price, $1.50. BARBED WIRE—GALVANIZED Four points, price per 100 pounds........... $4.40 Same in 80-rod spools......:.......... Each, RIBBON WIRE Galvanized, per 100 pounds.................. $8.00 ORNAMENTAL LAWN FENCE Very attractive and we believe the most durable wire lawn fence made. Can be furnished heavy galvanized, or, in addi- tion, coated with a specially-prepared Gray Enamel Paint. Spaces, 1% inches; wire, No. 9 Crimped Pickets in No. 12% Tw. Cables. Price, 36-inch, per foot, 13c; per 100 feet.............. $11.50 Price, 42-inch, per foot, 14c; per 100 feet.............. Price, 48-inch, per foot, 16c; per 100 feet.............. In Rolls of 165 feet, deduct 1c a foot. Style 100—6 in., per 100 ft., $9.00 42 in., per 100 ft., $10.00 FLOWER GUARD. : Designed for protecting Flower Beds 16-inch, per foot........ 7c. 22-inch, per foot........ 9e. 100 feet or more, Ic per foot less. ORNAMENTAL GATES Heavy steel frames, filled to match the fence; fittings for wood or metal posts. Distance Between Posts Height 3 ft. 3% ft. 4 ft. 5 ft. 8 ft. 10 ft. BOM NEM” Goody aes soos $4.10 $4.20 $4.40 $4.85 $9.50 $11.00 ANON: soe meueee sue 4.20 4.50 4.65 5.10 9.75 11.50 8m inichites ai icve erate. 4.40 4.75 4.90 5.40 10.00 11.65 OISTANCE BETWEEN BARS-Iwcues fa PIONEER FARM FENCE Thoroughly galvanized, ‘“Pio- neer” patent double lock knot. Let us send descriptive folder. No. 635—6 strands, 35 inches high, 12-inch stays, per rod, 30c. No. 845—8 strands, 45 inches high, 12-inch stays, per rod, 3le. Regular No. 1047—10 strands, 47-inch height, 39c. Hog Style, No. 726—7 strands, 16 stays, 12 inches apart, 28c. Hog Style, No. 726—7 strands, 32 stays, 6 inches apart, 33c. Hog Style, No. 832—8 strands, 16 stays, 12 inches apart, 3lc. Hog Style, No. 832—8 strands, 32 stays, 6 inches apart, 39c. Put up regular in 20-rod Rolls. Prices subject to change. 10-Rod Rolls, 25c per Roll Extra. (em a PIONEER POULTRY FENCE ,y- An ideal fence against poul- try and small animals. The 4° spacing is graduated from 1% inches at the bottom to 5 inches at the top, and the 3% distance between the stays is 3h" 6 inches. ae No. 1948—48 inches high, 3" per roll of 165 feet, $5.25. De ee ay C . wz x A No. 2260—60 inches high, tS || AeA per roll of 165 feet, $5.75. un LIBERTY POULTRY FENCE x: 4 feet high, 10-rod Roll. .$5.00 5 feet high, 10-rod Roll.. 5.40 (7: 6 feet high, 10-rod Roll.. 6.20 7 feet high, 10-rod Roll.. 7.35 a [74] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. DAIRY SUPPLIES DAIRY SUPPLIES NEW E-Z AMERICAN SEPARATOR No other separator gives you the advan- tages of the newly- developed American. Gets ALL the cream, low speed preventing frothing; bowl needs no rebalancing, new polished _ stainless steel dises, unmatched for easy turning, only separator with waist- low supply _ tank; greatest value for price charged. A size for any capacity. We offer the following three models for com- parison. No. 10, Bench Model —Capacity 125 pounds of milk per hour. Skims about 16 quarts in 15 minutes. Price, $24.95. No. 30, Upright Model — Capacity 300 pounds of milk per hour. Skims about 38 ¢ quarts in 15 minutes. Price, $39.95. No. 50, Regular Dairy Style, Upright—Capacity 500 pounds of milk per hour. Price, $59.50. No. 50, Electric, with Standard make Motor, as shown in illustration. Skims about 62 quarts in 15 minutes. Price, Complete, $91.50. BOSS CREAM SEPARATOR Every small dairy should certainly have the Boss. It means one-quarter more cream of better quality and saves one- quarter the time. No machinery to run or look after. Separation is effected by cir- culation of cold water in outer can. All the cream rises to the surface in an hour or two and is drawn off sweet. Suitable for table use or other purposes. 2% gallons, capacity 1 to 2 cows..... $6.00 4 gallons, capacity 3 to 4 cows..... 6.50 6 gallons, capacity 4 to 5 cows..... 7.25 8 gallons, capacity 5 to 7 cows..... 8.00 TWIN SEPARATOR Has many advantages over the separator with a single milk vessel; one can be used in the morning and the other in the evening. Made in 5 to 20 gallon sizes. 2 cans, 12 gallons, capacity 6 to’ 7 cows.....0. 0256000. $14.25 DAIRY THERMOMETERS, each......................... 75¢. CREAM-TESTING TUBES, each........................ 60c. PARCHMENT BUTTER PAPER Is furnished in sizes: 24x36, 9x12, 6x9, 6x6. Price, per pound, 30c. By mail, add regular Parcel Post rate. BUTTER WORKER &, Inside Measurement Cap. Price == No. 1—23x36x2%% in., 50 lbs...$21.50 No. 2—20x36x2%% in., 30 lbs... 17.00 No. 3—17x27x2% in., 20 lbs... 15.35 HUDSON COW STANCHIONS Tubular Stanchions (No. 105). These stanchions are wood lined, and so constructed as to be comfortable, strong and durable. They are made of high quality metal with but very few working parts to get out of order. The wood lining is a very important feature, as it is a protection against the cold iron. Price, $3.85 each. LETZ GRINDERS No. 6 Letz Junior. Has 6-inch diameter plates, 1%-inch diameter drive shaft, pulley either 6, 8, 10 or 12-inch diam- eter and 4-inch face. Fly wheel 14 inches in diameter, weighing 25 pounds. Complete weight of mill 175 pounds. It will operate on 1 horsepower to 3 horsepower, at 200 r. p. m. to 800 r. p. m., grinding 3 to 15 bushels (of 70 pounds) of ear corn, according to power and speed. Price, $30.00. KELLY DUPLEX GRINDING MILLS The only mill manufactured which has double or duplex grinders. It has a grinding surface of just double that of any other mill of equal size, and therefore can do twice as much work; or as much work as any other mill twice its size. Grinds any kind of grain, cotton-seed, corn and cob, and corn, cob and shucks equally well, and produces a grist of any desired quality—coarse, medium or fine. Its shifting device for regulating the grinding is the most perfect known. A positive force feed, no choking; no end thrust on ‘the main shaft under any conditions. Simple in construction, easily operated, strong, durable and efficient. No. 1—3% to 6 horsepower. Three feet 4 inches high, shaft 3 feet 6 inches long; capacity 8 to 18 bushels ear corn, according to power and speed. Price, $57.00. No. 11, Junior—3 to 6 horsepower. Height 3 feet 2 inches, length of shaft 3 feet 2 inches; capacity 6 to 12 bushels ear corn, according to power and speed. Price, $38.00. \ KOW-KARE The Great Cow Tonic and Conditioner for toning up the appetite and stepping up milk production through its action as a stomachic of genuine merit, an alterative and general regulator of cows subjected to modern conditions of forced production. HAA p OLIN AeCAN ss icrsttientvorecteciate legs eicterah a aes Price, $ .65 29 p oun ds cane cece: cic iee ee eae Price, 1.25 CONKEY’S FLY KNOCKER The best preparation on the market for keeping flies off cattle and horses. Easily sprayed on and retains its strength all day, allowing the cows to pasture without annoyance, and therefore assists in the production of milk. Qt., 60c; gal., $1.50. CONKEY’S CALF MEAL Quality is of more importance in Calf Meal than in any other feed; it pays to buy the best. The advantages in feed- ing it are many. 1. It saves milk. 2. It costs less to feed. 3. It makes better veals. 4. You can raise your own dairy cows on it cheaper than they can be bought. 5. It leaves more milk to sell, and more profit to you. Satisfaction guaranteed. 25 Ibs., $1.35; 100 Ibs., $5.00. CYLINDER CHURN Made of selected white cedar and well put up. Full Churning Capacity Number 1 2 3 4 Gallons 1% 2 3% 6 Price ..$4.25 $5.00 $6.00 $7.25 BARREL CHURN DANDELION BUTTER COLORING Dandelion Brand Butter Coloring is guaranteed to be purely vegetable, and that the use of same for coloring butter is permitted under all Food Laws—State and National. Will not color the buttermilk; will never turn rancid; gives the brightest and best color; butter never becomes reddish; perfect economy in use. It is cheaper than any other coloring. Put up in four sizes. Small size to color 500 pounds............ 0.220 c ee eee $ .35 Medium size to color 1250 pounds.................... -.. 65 Large size to color 2800 pounds........... 0.050. .0 ene 1.25 MILK CANS Made of special heavy cold rolled milk-can material. One of these cans will outlast two of the common light-weight cans. Sold at very attractive prices. 5-gallon size only. No. 205—Umbrella Cover, 13 pounds empty, each........ $3.50 Oak stave; steel top; it works by concussion and will not break the grain of the butter nor make it of a salvy consistency. Number .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gals. ch’rn’d 3 5 7 10 13 18 30 Price ....... $6.00 $6.75 $7.50 $8.25 $10.50 $12.00 $16.50 BUTTER SHIPPING BOXES 20-pound prints...... $13.75 40-pound prints...... $19.75 16.00 56-pound prints...... 23.75 HAND BUTTER PRINTS %-]lb. Seeley Pattern, as shown 30-pound prints...... INMCUE: {eee oes aerOe eee $ .75 Baltimore Pattern ............. 1.25 Round Print and Mould......... -40 PUMPS AND WATER SYSTEMS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. GOULDS ELECTRIC FRESH-WATER “EKVER-OILED” OUTFIT W-40 Lubricated for Life 210 Gallons per Hour Compared feature for feature with any other water system, this outfit is one of the greatest values on the market today. A complete system supplying fresh, cold, running water direct from well or stream. Unit includes the new EVER-OILED Ball-Bearing Pump, lubricated for life, guaranteed for two years; an electric-welded, steel air-cushioning chamber; % h. p., A. C. or D. C. motor; electric control switch set to start at 23 pounds and stop at 43 pounds; air valve; relief valve; and V-belt drive, with endless non-slipping, rubber and fabric belt. Pump, air-cushioning tank and motor mounted on pressed steel base. Price, $79.50. Other Goulds Water Systems A complete line of GOULDS Shallow and Deep-Well Systems comprising outfits for every type of service is recommended to any one interested in domestic water supply. All Shallow Well Outfits have the new ball-bearing pump, which is lubri- cated for life and carries a 2-year pump guarantee. All deep-well units are auto- matic oiling throughout and embody the most modern designs. Let us quote you on just the pump for your requirements. [75] 2-year Pump Guarantee Ball-Bearing Pump GOULDS AUTOMATIC OILING PYRAMID PUMPS Figure 1741 By adding an entirely automatic oiling power end to the famous “Pyramid” double-acting pump, GOULDS have a pump unsurpassed for general pumping service. Machine-cut gears operating in a bath of oil, impossibility of crankcase dilution, and long life are noteworthy features of this pump. GOULDS SINGLE- ACTING DISTRIBUTING FORCE PUMP HEAD Surface and Underground Discharge GOULDS Fig. 1482 is suitable for either hand or windmill operation and is good for lift and forces up to 1385 Suction and Tight and Price feet. Underground discharge is 46 inches ; Gals. per Speed Discharge Loose (Pump | below base of pump and is operated by Size Minute R.P.M. Size Pulleys Only) | conveniently located handwheel. Adjust. 2x2 13 250 1% 12x2% $60.00 | able 6, 8, 9 and 10-inch stroke. 3x2% 25 150 1% 15x2% 91.00 Price, $25.20 4x2% 44 150 2 15x2% 130.00 : aes 5x4 82 125 2% 16x4 203.00 GOULDS “EMPIRE” KANAWHA WOOD PUMPS DOUBLE-ACTING Cy Porcelain Lined—Ready to Set in the Well : FORCE PUMP A ta ; Subject to Cash Discount With Guided Top and 3-Way Discharge ieee GOULDS Fig. 17381 Double - Acting Pump is built in 2 sizes with 24%x12-inch i Depth No.2 No.5 Depth No.6 No.4 and 3x12-inch cylinder for hand, wind- of Well 6x6 7x7 of Well 6x6 7x7 mill or with use of jack, for power il 8 ft.....$13.20 $15.80 31 ft.....$28.50 $32.50 | drive. An exceptionally well built pump 9 ft..... 13.60 16.20 32 ft..... 28.90 32.90 | for general farm use. Cylinders are 10 ft..... 14.00 16.60 33 ft..... 29.30 33.30 | brass lined. Either size, $25.40. 11 Ae ... 14.40 17.00 34 ft..... 32.10 36.10 12 ft..... 14.80 17.40 385 ft..... 32.50 36.50 13 ft..... 15.20 17.80 36 ft..... 32.90 36.90 RED JACKET 14 ft..... 15.60 18.20 387 ft..... 35.70 39.70 IRON 15 ft..... 16.00 18.60 388 ft..... 36.10 40.10 16 ft..... 1640 19.00 39 ft..... 36.50 40.50 EASY-TO-FIX 17 ft..... 16.80 19.40 40 ft..... 36.90 40.90 " 18 ft..... 17.20 19.80 41 ft:.... 40.90 44.90 PUMPS j 19 ft..... 17.60 20.20 42 ft..... 41.30 45.30 Prices quoted below are ig 20 ft..... 18.00 20.60 43 ft..... 41.70 45.70 WIAD GRORGKY awa Ee Ta CGO ‘i 21 ft..... 19.20 22.00 44 ft..... 42.10 46.10 ey Suniect tou Gashir Dass 22 ft..... 19.60 22.40 45 ft..... 44.90 48.90 aguas J 23 ft..... 20.00 22.80 46 ft..... 45.30 49.30 : 24 ft..... 20.40 23.20 47 ft..... 45.70 49.70 Fig. 28 Fig. 51 25 ft..... 20.80 23.60 48 ft..... 47.30 51.30 = > my 8626 ft..... 22.00 25.00 S43 a 27 ft..... 22.40 25.40 i oo ae 28 ft..... 22.80 25.80 = a 583 29 ft..... 24.80 28.20 PO ot ae 30 ft..... 25.20 28.60 ee eel ie | piel o ORO o Smit = Ve. wAaSis\ ee) ASS We shall be pleased to quote 10 ft. $28.50 28 ft. $53.50 attractive prices on Galvanized 14 ft. 30.50 32 ft. 58.25 ii 16 ft. 31.25 34 ft. 60.50 Pipe. 18 ft. 32.25 36 ft. 63.00 20 ft. 33.00 88 ft. 65.25 22 ft. 34.00 40 ft. 67.75 GOULDS HYDRAULIC RAMS 24 ft. 35.00 42 ft. 70.00 GOULDS Hydraulic Rams are a very economical means of 26 uitE 36.00 eovniani200 elevating water to storage tanks without outside power. If over 44 feet, add $1.25 Energy of the falling water does the work without atten- per foot to the above prices. tion or care. All working parts of bronze and will give a lifetime of service. Fig. 1701—No. 3.Price, $17.75 Fig. 1701—No. 4.Price, $23.00 Fig. 1702—No. 5.Price, 28.25 Fig. 1703—No.6.Price, 45.00 If 3-Way is not wanted for Fig. 51, deduct $5.00. If 38-Way is wanted for Fig. 28, add $5.00. [76] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. MISCELLANEOUS FARM SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS FARM SUPPLIES SAW FRAMES BARRETT ROOFING MATERIAL The Barrett Company makes roofing materials of the very highest quality, in a variety of styles and weights. These products carry the Barrett Guarantee and are moderately priced. MINERAL SURFACED. A good grade of rubber and felt covered with a coating of granulated slate, furnished in Red, Green or Blue-Black. Everlastic $2.70 per roll; Vitex $2.35 per roll. (100 square feet.) SMOOTH SURFACED. Combination of a little felt and plenty of rubber. One of the most popu- lar roofing materials. Everlastic—Heavy or “3-ply” 100 square feet. Vitex—Medium or ‘“2-ply” $2.00 per roll of 100 square feet. Tomahawk—Light or “1-ply” $1.40 per roll of 100 square feet. MULTI-SHINGLES. $6.50 per square. BLACK DIAMOND TARRED FELT. feet, 55 pounds, $2.55 per roll. ‘ 5-X SHEATHING PAPER. 500 square feet, roll, $1.10. : ONE-PLY TARRED FELT. 1.30. ASBESTOS LIQUID ROOFING Guaranteed for 10 Years. This roofing is a heavy liquid which thoroughly seals every hole and makes a leak impos- sible for at least ten years. It is made of asbestos fibre and contains no coal tar products and therefore is not injurious to metal. Not affected by summer heat, is absolutely fire- proof and may be used on any roof. 1 gal., $1.25; 5 or 10 gal. at $1.15; 15 gal. at $1.00; f. o. b. Baltimore. $3.00 per roll of (4-in-1.) Mineral-Surfaced 432 square 216 square feet, 28 pounds, KURE-A-LEAK SS A semi-liquid mastic or cement-like composition, not affected by extreme heat or cold; absolutely water tight and fireproof. It “kures” the leaks in CONTAINS RO COML-AR ADDS NEW LIFE suO OLD ROOFS “WAGON 1» wornout tin, galvanized iron or com- position roofings. 1 gal., $1.15; 5 gals., $5.00. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING Heavy galvanized iron corrugated roofing is always car- ried in stock in all the standard sizes. Prices subject to change. $4.75 per square (100 square feet.) CaN ROOFING Made of COP-R-LOY The Copper-Alloyed Steel That Resists Rust and Corrosion Channeldrain has a barrier to leaks—a vertical wall run- ning the entire length of the lap—and no water gets by this wall. The channel formed by the patented design of Chan- neldrain roofing carries off the water before it can mount the ridge. This means that Channeldrain roofing goes far- ther than other metal roofing in doing what roofing is intended to do—IT DRAINS OFF ALL THE WATER THAT FALLS ON THE ROOF, permitting the surface to dry quickly and prevents rust under the laps and around nail holes. It is easy to understand the economy in roofing that has these advantages—and only Channeldrain has them. You can apply Channeldrain yourself and enjoy the supe- rior benefits of this modern patented roofing, with freedom from repairs through long years to come. It will save money for you. 28 guage, 5144c per square foot. Built of hard wood, mortised and tennoned, and full bolted; with Cold Rolled Steel mandrel; heavy balance wheel, and the table firmly hinged to frame—thoroughly braced and reinforced. The blades are made of genuine saw steel and have given universal satisfaction. LADDERS Made of the very highest quality lumber and assembled to give the safest, most durable and most rigid construction. Side rails made of the best selected Norway, Southern Pine or Spruce and the rungs are Hickory. Equipped with sturdy gravity ae rope and pulley. =SS25=5 HA Automatic Extension Ladders 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36-foot................... Per foot, 460c. AORLOO CI Rs OR reer eg Nene aoe eee SE Per foot, 44c. STRAIGHT LADDERS, 14, 16 and 18-foot...... Per foot, 27c. RED CROSS CIDER MILLS AND WINE PRESSES Hinged Plain Cages SINGLE CAGE CIDER MILL.................. $18.25 $19.25 JUNIOR 2-CAGE CIDER MILL................ 24.00 26.00 MEDIUM 2-CAGE CIDER MILL............... 29.50 31.50 SENIOR 2-CAGE CIDER MILL................ 45.00 47.50 No! -ERUIT PRESS isos kt ba ce eres 11.75 11.00 Noi 2. ERULDIPRESS ai aeieeo easy ste naeies ieee 15.15 15.00 No: 3 -ERUIT PRESS eect nier creer 20.30 20.00 No.5" FRUIT ‘PRESS eh et eee sete 31.50 32.50 MISCELLANEOUS FARM SUPPLIES J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [77] MISCELLANEOUS: FARM SUPPLIES CENTURY ELECTRIC MOTORS Repulsion Start Induction Single Phase Motors fill the demand for motors where high starting torque, low starting current, quiet and automatic operation are desirable. The % Horse Power and smaller are equipped with the Century Wool Yarn System of Lubrication, which insures proper lubrication for at least one year of continuous opera- tion. The larger sizes are equipped with ring oilers. The brushes are in service and touch the commutator only while starting. All prices listed below are for 110/220 volts, 60 cycle rat- ings, and they include pulley and belt tightening base with 1/3 Horse Power and smaller, and rails with larger sizes. Horse Syn. Standard Pulley Power Speed Diam. Face Bore Prices % 1800 2 2 VW $22.30 uy 1800 2% 2% % 26.10 % 1800 B) 2% 34 41.00 4 1800 3 2% 4 51.00 1 1800 3 2% 4 62.00 1% 1800 4 38% 1 80.00 2 1800 4 3% 1 90.00 No. 82 TOOL GRINDER This very useful grinder is especially suited to farm work and can be easily clamped to a mower wheel or bench; com- pact, simple and serviceable. 82 C —With Bevel Tool Wheel only................-. $6.50 82 _CW—With both Flat and Bevel Tool Wheels........ GASOLINE ENGINES John Deere—Type E The result. of improvements made on the old reliable Waterloo. Boy..engine; perfect lubrication, highest quality bearings; all ‘working parts enclosed, easy to start, delivers full rated power; equipped with magneto. 1% H.-P 4%x4-inch pulley.....................05. $60.00 Oy eee xD Inch puller ei cc latserieiencne seh ler 95.00 6) HeeP=—12— x6-ineh pulley... te een ee ene 150.00 Hand Truck-for 1% or 3 H. P........-... eee ee eee eee 7.50 SleunGl “ave store O MwGEIPs sboddeoacosunasducbocosdouddoou 20.00 New Way—Air Cooled Slightly. shop-worn; mechanically perfect, a rare oppor- tunity. for anyone requiring powerful stationary equipment of this type. The merits of the air-cooled motor are known to all, and hundreds of our customers are using New Way engines with entire satisfaction. Sizes available: 3% H. P.; 4 H. P.; 6 H. P.; Priced to sell—Let us quote. 7 H. P. MYERS’ DOUBLE LOCK UNLOADERS N No. 209. Has extra long truck, wheel base 16 inches, large steel bearings, 7-inch sheaves, reversible and swivel, for double steel track, designed for heavy work. Price, $12.50. MYERS’ CLOVER LEAF UNLOADER No. 114. This is the well-known reversible car for double steel track. The locking device grasps the fork pulley on either side and permits it to swing free. Price, $10.25. Double Steel Track. Price, per foot, 25c. Hanging Hooks. For double steel track. Price, each, 18c. Rafter Brackets. Steel. Price, each, 6c. Pulleys, 6-inch; wood sheaves; malleable iron frame. Price, each, 75c. Pulleys. Knot-passing swivel; 6-inch malleable iron sheave. Price, each, 80c. Double Harpoon Forks. All steel. Price, each, $2.50 to $6.00. Floor Hooks, %-inch wrought iron. Price, each, 18c. WAGNER BARNDOOR HANGER Q) @ = @) © Extra Heavy All Steel I ss and Self-Cleaning He Tandem, Ball-Bearing Rollers, per set................. $2.00 No. 15 Tubular Steel Track, per foot................ Meteo) No. 100 Evertight Steel Track, per foot................ 32 SteeliBrackets Mea chymase isis iene ct eeheee .20 RURAL MAIL BOX In order to better serve the patrons and with less effort on the part of the carrier, the Post Office Department adopted the new box and have -provided a receptacle that will take the regular mail and parcels as well. Body made of No. 20 guage galvanized steel, door No. 18 guage, bottom and rear No. 20 guage. Inside of box has a corrugated drain board to provide for any water accumula- tion. Finished in aluminum bronze, flag bright red enamel. Size of box 2314 inches long,:11% inches wide, 14 inches high. Price, $3.25. [78] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SOIL IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS SOIL IMPROVEMENT MATERIALS ISH ONE OR ETTER OTASH RODUCTION Fertilizer GUARANTEED ANALYSIS The Commercial Fertilizers which we offer are made by one of Baltimore’s largest and most reliable manufacturers. Animal base products are consistently used, making a plant food which in its chemical action in the soil is best suited for continuous growth of the crops . THE BEST GRADES ARE THE CHEAPEST Don’t pay manufacturing and handling costs on fillers. These figures tell why: Net cash price of 5-8-5 is $1.65 per unit. Net cash price of 7-12-7 is $1.42 per unit. 17-12-7 shows a saving of 23c per unit. On every ton of 7-12-7 (26 units) you save $5.98, plus the cost of distributing propor- tionally larger quantities when using lower quality materials. Place your order at once for your seasons fertilizer re- quirements. While we aim to maintain these prices until July 1st, we must quote subject to change due to possible market fluctuations in raw materials. List Price July 1st, C.O.D. Per Bag, Analysis per ton per ton per ton 167 Ibs. 2-12- 2 $26.50 $25.18 $23.85 $2.50 5- 8- 5 33.00 31.35 29.70 3.15 4- 8-10 35.00 33.25 31.50 3.35 7-12- 7 41.00 38.95 36.90 3.90 BONE MEAL (Extra Fine) An excellent fertilizer, especially recommended for lawns, rose bushes, grape vines, and deep-rooted shrubbery, where it is desired to furnish the plants with a perfectly safe, slow-acting but continuous supply of nourishment. Florists and nurserymen use large quantities of our bone meal very successfully. 2 Ibs., 15c; 10 Ibs., 45c; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100-Ib. bag, $3.25; ton, $50.00; steamed bone, $45.00 per ton. PULVERIZED SHEEP MANURE One of the most popular fertilizers for lawns, thoroughly dried and pulverized, giving lasting results. For top dress- ing of lawns use 1 ton per acre, applying in fall or early spring. 5 Ibs., 25c; 10 lbs., 45c; 25 Ibs., $1.00; 100-Ib. bag, $2.50; ton, $38.00. CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA Highly soluble, quick in action and hastens the maturity of crops fully two weeks. Will not take the place of other fertilizer but supplies the growing crop with an abundance of nitrogen, which greatly assists the plants to make use of other nourishment already in the soil. Champion Brand (shot form.) Lb., 8c; 10 Ibs., 55c; 100 Ibs., $3.00; ton, $53.50. Subject to liberal cash discount. ALUMINUM SULPHATE For rhodedendrons and azaleas. 15c lb.; 10 Ibs., $1.00; 100 Ibs., $6.00. BLOOD MEAL One of the best plant foods for forcing flowers and vege- tables. Excellent for rose bushes during blooming season. 10c per Ib.; 3 Ibs., 25c; 100 Ibs., $4.50. LAND PLASTER Useful as a medium for retaining moisture and the fluids and ammoniates of manure. 100-lb. bag, $1.20; ton, $19.00. HYDRATED LIME Especially useful for correcting acid condition of soils in gardens and lawns. 50-lb. bag, 55c; $16.00 per ton. ADCO Is a powder, which, when mixed with almost any non-woody vegetable waste, and kept wet, gradually converts it into manure. 50 pounds of ADCO makes a ton of manure. Equal to stable manure—Odorless. Prices: 150 Ibs., $10.50; 25 Ibs., $2.00. SMARTT’S NITRATE OF SODA AND FERTILIZER CRUSHER. Price, $13.95. PEAT MOSS Promotes Growth by Improving Texture of Soils and Regulating Supply of Moisture Investigate its Many Advantages Granulated Peat Moss has rapidly come into general use for horticultural purposes, and large commercial growers recommend it highly as a moisture retaining humus, unsur- passed for mulching. It is excellent for clayey, light, sandy or gravelly soils, beds, hotbeds, coldframes, greenhouse benches, in potting soil and as a winter protection for lawns. Also as a mulch on strawberry, perrenial beds, roses, rhodo- dendrons, azaleas, evergreens, ferns, etc. 1% bu., 50c; 1 bu., 85c; 2 bu., $1.50; bale, $3.50. Special Price on Larger Quantities O. K. POULTRY LITTER $3.50 per bale. Inoculate | ALL LEGUMES Alfalfa, all Clovers, Soy Beans, Cow Peas, Peas, Beans, Vetch, Peanuts with NOBBE-HILTNER PROCESS | * AGIN TRADE MARK REG. DEC.S,1896 NO. 32212 THE ORIGINAL SOIL INOCULATOR with the Date and Germ Count on every can For profitable results, Agricultural Colleges ad- vise inoculation for all legume seed, because it pays well in producing larger quality yields. Fresh, high count NITRAGIN, containing billions of nitrogen-gathering germs build up the soil. Costs less than others—is cheapest crop insur- ance, Insist on NITRAGIN. NITRAGIN PRICES Alfalfa, All Clovers, Vetch, Peas, Beans Size Inoculates Price Size Inoculates Price 4 bu. 15 lbs. seed $ .40 | 1 bu. 60 lbs. seed $1.00 2 bu. 30 lbs seed .60 | 5 bu. 300 lbs. seed 4.75 Special Prices on Soy Beans and Cow Peas (Note sizes carefully—not packed in smaller sizes) 1 bu. 60 Ibs. seed $ .40] 5 bu. 300 lbs. seed $1.50 2 bu. 120 lbs. seed .70]10 bu. 600 lbs. seed 2.50 GARDEN NITRAGIN Inoculates from 1 ounce to 8 Ibs. seed. Price, $.25 IMPORTANT: When ordering NITRAGIN, al- ways be sure to state kind of legume seed you wish to inoculate. Nitragin Has Served the American Farmer Since 1898 Beautiful Plants Successful Gardens Guaranteed to improve your plants lo00. ~TaBLers «4 2 ~ PLANT PRopucts ©” BALTIMORE,MO- J These TABLETS are very concentrated, are high in per cent of vital elements, nitrogen, ammonia, phosphoric acid and potash, properly balanced, they dissolve quickly, giving immediate fertilization which promotes vigorous growth, more blooms, richer colors and bring vegetables two weeks earlier. 25c; 50c; $1.00, and $3.50. MOTOR CULTIVATOR J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [79] Are You Paying the Price of a GRAVELY MOTOR CULTIVATOR Without Really Owning One? More than a hun- dred successful Baltimore growers are using this equipment. F YOU are growing oats, hay and corn on a big scale, you do not need a Gravely Tractor. But if you grow row crops that require frequent and careful cultivation, you need one or more, depending on the acreage you are cultivating. If you grow nursery stock or shrubbery, you are losing money every day that you do without a Gravely Tractor. If you grow bulbs or flowers and do not use a Gravely Tractor, you are wasting good money for labor in planting as well as cultivat- ing. If you are a market gardener and have several acres under cultivation, the Gravely will save you enough each season in labor alone to pay for itself several times. It will increase your yields and give you better quality in your crops, because you can cultivate them so well and so rapidly that you can get your work done at the proper time to kill the weeds and conserve both moisture and fertility for the growing crops. q If you are a poultryman, the Gravely will bring you big returns. It will go through the narrow gates and plow your runs close up to the fences and in the corners. It will mow your oats, weeds, lawn or orchard, plow, plant and cultivate your garden and do many other jobs. q If you have a home garden and a lawn to mow, the Gravely Tractor will pay you in the satisfac- tion of having a good garden, a well-mowed lawn and you will be able to do the work so quickly and so easily that it will be a real pleasure. @ Gravely Tractors are being used by people who have less than one acre of ground, and by many who have hundreds, and by some who have thousands of acres under cultivation. q If you have crops to plant and cultivate, the A Few Gravely Features: Gravely will do your work like you want it done, Does better and faster work than hand tools. and at the time you want it done, it will save you Operates at lower cost than any other cultivator. 7 ibe Constructed of very best material and built for long, time, TOY and money, regardless of the num hard usage. ber of acres you are cultivating. Designed to meet the requirements of the nation’s larg- __ est vegetable growers. Will work in rows from 8 inches to 3 feet apart. We suggest that you see the GRAVELY Turns in three-foot space. ———_—_—<——— Does excellent por even. on fully land. ‘ ools can be attached either on front or rear of machine. D ‘ Working tools and attachments are standard Planet Jr. demonstrated just as soon as possible. Aen products, costing approximately $5.00 per set. working parts protected from dust and dirt. a Powerful 2 Horse Power Air-Cooled Motor. Write or phone (Wolfe 5161) today for an Patented single wheel, giving positive traction, easy con- eee nn eS trol and accurate work. Easily operated by inexperienced help. appointment. [80] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. SUPERIOR LAWN SEEDS i + + & *% $3 + | 4 ae & % ee | | | | | Bae | ies | | | | | | | | | | | ) | | | | | | | | | = F< = = EAP ae + + ¥ = t + ALWAYS SOW MANNS’ SUPERIOR LAWN GRASS For Beauty and Permanence Lawn Grass Seed is not a distinct standard variety which can be sold at a standard market price, but is a mixture containing many varieties blended to meet certain requirements. The price is determined entirely by the value and proportions of the various grasses used in the mixture. Cheap lawn mixtures are the most expensive to sow because they contain only a small percent- age of high germinating seed of the desirable varieties and large proportions of the cheap, undesir- able grasses and chaff. Manns’ Superior Lawn Grass Seed is a correctly proportioned mixture of the very best varieties of grasses blended according to a formula which has resulted from many years of study and experi- ence. Every variety included has its special duty to perform in the quick production and steady maintenance of a beautiful and permanent lawn. MANNS’ SHADY PLACE LAWN SEED Contains only those grasses which are best adapted for growing under trees .and in shaded spots. It quickly pro- THE HAWKS duces an abundant and even growth of beautiful grass, FERTI-SPREADER harmonizing in color and general appearance with our regu- lar Superior mixture. Distributes any kind of commer- 9 cial fertilizers, lime, Vigoro, bone MANNS EVERGREEN LAWN SEED meal, ete. Easily filled through Is a good, clean mixture of high germinating stock, strictly Z d- ing. No lumps pure and of low weed content. Not as permanent as our the Jargenend opens P as Superior mixture, but well worth the price. can come through the sieve-like | openings. Adjustable instantly to PRICES , i i ick, effi- Pie oe Lb. 10 Lbs, 25 Lbs 100 tbs, Manns’ Superior....... $ .40 $3.75 $8.75 $32.50 | $12.50. Manns’ Shady Place .50 4.75 11.25 42.50 Manns’ Evergreen... .25 2.25 5.25 20.00 GARDEN BOOKS J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. [81] Aue, A Laas THE STANDAW] THE SYAMDANO | THE STANDARD CrCLOPEBIA | CYCLOPEDIA | cycLoneniA : of ea, i, ™ ( | co OE oe “mORTICVLTURE | HenTieuLTvae Ls ” HORTICULTURE i PRINCIPLES OF VEGETABLE GARDENING, by L. H. Bailey. Full information on growing 70 vegetable crops makes this book worth several times its price to every grower. Inciudes practical pointers on hotbeds, cold-frames, weeds, insects and diseases, marketing, stor- ing, and drying. 250 illustrations, 490 pages. $4.00 THE GARDENER, by L. H. Bailey. You get’ full advantage of Dr. Bailey’s unequalled knowledge and experience in this book. It tells how to grow flowers, vegetables, and fruits from the time of plant- ing through to maturity. Special articles on different types of gar- dening. Information that is easy to find and simple to use. 116 illustrations, 260 pages. $2.00 AROUND THE YEAR IN THE GARDEN, by F. F. Rockwell. Be- cause the time when you do your garden work is so important, you meed a regular schedule. This book gives you complete information on every garden problem, outlined week by week, and written by a practical gardener. 88 illustrations, 350 pages. $2.50 THE STANDARD CYCLOPEDIA OF HORTICULTURE, edited by L. H. Bailey. This is the one universal and invaluable authority on every horticultural question. Makes a compact but thorough presen- tation of the kinds, characteristics and methods of cultivation of the plants grown in the United States and Canada for ornament, for fancy, for fruit, and for vegetables. Formerly in 6 volumes, but now in three at about half the original price. 5,000 illustrations, 8,637 pages, 3 volumes, fabrikoid binding. $25.00 PRINCIPLES OF FRUIT GROWING, by L. H. Bailey. Practical information for growers of every kind of tree and bush fruits. ‘Tells where to locate the orchard, how to plant, cultivate, prune, spray, and do every other operation necessary to bring high production. ss ee ae 26 GATOR-HIDE MULCH PAPER stimulates plant growth by increasing the temperature of the soil, by conserving moisture in the soil and by eliminat- ing the weeds. The Gator-Hide Mulch Paper used here on Early Iceberg Lettuce not only yielded more to the row than the unmulched area at the right, but it produced lettuce that was of de- cidedly better quality and brought it to maturity earlier than lettuce planted at the same time on adjacent unmulched land. Try Gator-Hide yourself this year. * PRICES Type Width Length Sq.Ft. Per Roll A ( Light Weight). 18 in. 900 ft. 1350 $3.50 A ( Light Weight) 36 in. 900 ft. 2700 7.00 B (Heavy Weight) 18 in. 450 ft. 675 3.50 B (Heavy Weight) 36 in. 450 ft. 1350 7.00 Substantial discounts on orders of 30 rolls or more. q Samu a Ns ell v. ss m” ee Gardens Methods of harvesting, grading, and marketing are described. illustrations, 432 pages. $2.50 HOME FLOWER GROWING, by HE. C. Volz. A real flower garden encyclopedia! It will teach you how to propagate and cultivate your plants, how to care for, fertilize, and maintain them. It tells how and when and where to grow flowers ; what different kinds look like; how to plan indoor, outdoor, rock, and water gardens; how to pre- pare exhibits for a flower show; how to organize a garden club. 151 illustrations, 364 pages. ; $3.50 ROCK GARDENS, by F. F. Rockwell. Shows just how you can build a rock garden yourself, on a small or large scale and at little expense. Describes the types of rock gardens, tells what soils, cli- mates, and locations are best, how to construct, and what to plant for the effect you want: 31 illustrations, 86 pages. $1.00 HOW TO GROW ROSES, by Pyle, McFarland, and Stevens. Makes 186 every step in the culture and care of roses so clear that any grower can understand it and succeed with them. A completely re-written 211 pages, 138 illus- $2.00 edition of America’s most popular rose book. trations, including 45 varieties illustrated in color. Bean Culture, by E. V. Hardenburg... The Corn Crops, by E. G. Montgomery.. Dahlias, by F. F. Rockwell................. Farm Management, by G. F. Warvren. Gladiolus, by F. F. Rockwell. Lawns, by F. F. Rockwell Making Your Own Market, by Russell Lord and T. Delohery. The Potato, by A. W. Gilbert. Shrubs, by F. F. Rockwell SKINNER SYSTEM AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION This system is always made to order to fit each particular plot. The nozzles deliver a fine mist-like spray. The Type “C” oscillator moves the lines slowly from side to side, so that this moisture is evenly distributed. A very comprehensive catalog and complete information will be mailed to you upon request. THE RAIN WAVE SPRINKLER A Miniature Skinner System automatically operated and handily portable because of its compactness and small weight (only 17 pounds). This wonderful sprinkler will cover a space 50 feet by 50 feet at one setting and comes to you completely assembled, ready to attach to hose. $35.00. [82] J. MANNS & CO., Forrest and Hillen Sts., Baltimore, Md. A Time of Pleasure and Profit— —For the Users of VIGORO CIENCE now shows the way to secure what you have always wanted—vel- vety lawns, crisp, succulent vegetables, beautiful flowers, luxuriant shrubs and trees. For such results plants must be properly fed. Vigoro, scientifically prepared, is a complete plant food. It is surprisingly inexpensive—only 10c to 20c for every Apply at th te of 2 to 4 100 square feet. And so easy to apply! per 100 aia feet. eee You simply sow by hand, like grass seed. ‘Hundreds of professional gardeners, thousands of home owners, have come to rely on Vigoro, to recommend it enthu- siastically. PRICES Complete plant food for Lawns, Vegetables, Flowers, Trees, Shrubs Send your order today for delivery when wanted. eel = _ INDEX pee VEGE" armenoke rae SEEDS eae reene Pe ae Dwarf E ragus ia Rigi see 3 Fi ssex Ra Beets Was RU Of 8 = eld Corn mea vier 39 | El ee aS aL eld Commas | ect Borecole 2-2... zg Bae eas Se 39 palectne ae Broceoli oso. svsrecees J panian, Millet ise... 3 Eme Water g tee RB sels S A anes g | Japan C et.. T\h Tson Std. yste TN Bust ea Ss, Cod 8 | Kaffi awe Re. a Seems eens “75 Na Pot wichiaae i inauesl 9 | i r oe ne 3 | ie 63 1cO Fum Te geet Cabb Sou GNt, eee 42 | ees Se i 8 | Feed AMM 2 is os Say tate Messe geescee sees 58 Gas ate Sane Wo ponent! 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PENNY Balen oe oe oo | Baby — en Bd Geemon go Shear eco ata TA pee ee eae 3] fete Aaa ooo 2 i whims a Bo a ee ose . Ree em S Manure..........., 0 Hedisligs Pe aontanee a os aos Black Doge Fete ees ph ae a Bee es : ie ig set a ees Shot, j HS aE B Bae vans 1 Hangers... OCS ate et eens Sec) eee 9 Rhubarb eee 28-29 Biped Meal. oan ee EY u Hot epee ee ot oe eee 55 hubarh Roots........... 32 | Bo lealss sess. e esses Hot Bed Glass...... FA pee tes re, 59 Roots vee eeeeetee eer: 36 |B me Meal... ...0..0.-.. 78 | Hot Bed MIS ines 64 epading ee 78 Highs ee E ee a ae ee a ae TSers A NS Shee ayi PRE bin nite Sel Gis ae ian: 35 gue EB vane t eee 31 | Inoculati AEE Oy 58 Sprive eA area Fee Bec Bo Be cae Places Ga Sgt e Ineubators ie ee us Sprinklers. ee ic Aaoedee pl ach Be 10 aaa tN 6 er hc) eae 9 nse Comet ahah u bea WSs.. ae eg ee a ee ash oleh Poe -3 er Papers.........+.. 74 i Seamed 5 a) lide Squash 5 Butter ae a eee 7A ee Thermome ROE i) 55 | Peay ae a i eee 5 ugar Com... Some, Wh er West ee. Sweet Potatoes....... A cancer ee ar See eeaemmee ne a Dees cn ee ied Tomatoes ae 8 Chicks «= as ENP Baier 16 | Tree cued eee) Prine ee 34004. pe ee i ane 71 La ARGH kg reais 6| Tree PANPACHT re bene phe Vegetable Plants... 3485 | Goan Sie a awn Grass. be Pree Tanglefoot... "180 Wi giermelon eee “ Geen Grinders... ie 3: o Lea Beene 2020000ee Seamearee: atermelon vs. G inders........... pie Ts fie ee 7 a F eee 2 ae) oe tthe oron Roe AL i ae 74| aes... oe eee s oe ee 8 Batis ey iy ae 21 a Co senBe 4 | Law CWS 25 « Lae E Sait sain Alf a ae 5 Corsugated iron Ca a 70 Tee "Sprinklers Riya Mae te oe y nec en nts ome a os aaa Ral Beat Takes 8 ee 65 ate Glover Bs Ee BAN ie Day sieane aS ca 64, 65 ie Hemon OiL. SHB i: ; ey | 59 Vic Ra aR ying Mach’s..61 ae oe ee Bilis Bina oa ne a y Can Rae eine 38 | D se Harr Be UE 67 Magn ite Ta ae 5A SS 1 panne ne eS 39 | Dea; Senawe’ Ee ara 60 Wecuce ‘Re ae FE Waterir Hoes 7-155 cones cee CAS ee eae as Rhee Scoop. Gh A di 63 Marling Forks.. mania. aR Water & 08 era 5 Crim a ae D ee a et 59 | Weed CUE ea Cow son Clov Grass. : ae peyjLime std Sulphur Metal 1 ee ee Weed I ystems........+., 58 Peas... ee, ee esa” ur...54| Milk use Gate ce 8 Wheel ES eevee ie Se ARE 38 | Egg Augers ee ac) Mole GHUIS3o 9 este) 3 | Whe Bannon cee are aay: .38 | Eg Carriers........ Mot Ee Nee 71 | Wi el Barrows........... 55 ee 59 e ‘Traps.............. 74 a 61 Bass ee as il Mose Gutiteeig TD 1 ee ae Dee ee 64 ait aye val owers a) GRGGE eae Wire Fencing. 22020002013 Mowers 2.2600... Wh retch ree | J 79 | wi ale Oil S hist ara 73 ES Oita nsinte Oeh 63, 66 ine Pre Ra tape el 73 A a 81 Y.0 ERA pe ashe Be oe ee 76 Ue reeves ds = MANNS’ NEW MODEL BEET See page 8 for description PRICES: Pkt. 10c; Oz. 15c V4 Ib. 35c 1 Ib. $1.00 10 Ibs. $8.50 FORREST AND HILLEN STS. (AT BELAIR MARKET ) BALTIMORE, MD.