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Page 1

J03 -^H .. ;L yRT^V.SS'C to llnry Emanuol, Feb. 20, 1856 by jaaieal Znicht, J. r, Book rr4iC»-'''0nt p 241

L;',.VI3 WILUAIO to Ohnrlty Oraveo, J.5arch 15, 1856

by ^nvid i;. :!irtiay, J. P. book i'rag-.ru3nt p 242

JOHN G. ITiWaMf to /Ifrod A. Oainn, Msiy 22, 1056

by A. J. Baicor, Wlnistor of tho rjospal jooic FraRmont p 243

JOHN 'iV. S?r.t7AHT to Mary Oorlllo, Aug 3, 1656

by J. Baiter, Uinlst ar of the Oospal boolc irYafynent p 244

V. R. Din^Olt? to ..lias tiarah Knl^^ht, llov. 2:^, 1656

by Ja3. li. Chandler, y.iinister of the Ooapel ijoolc Fragment p 248

JA M 30ID to :;lii:aboth Hlrier, Aug. 3, 1057

by A. J. Baker, I'.inlster of the Gospel Book: Pragtoent p 249

HKNRY SMITH to tiargery noddln??, Feb. 18, 1858

by A. J. Baicor, lilnlstar of the Dospel Book Fragment p 251

Ja:.!1:S SANEQ to Martha Ilinshew, Ifarch 25, 1058

by A. J. Baker, Mini* or of tho Oospel JJook Fragment p 253

WILLIA]* V.'. ATJJLMJD to Franoos Dhepherd, July 6, 1858

by A. J. Baker, llinistor of the 5ospol Book ifragment p 255

v;iIiLlA-*T miiryin-V,V to llrjaay Michael, Oct. 18, 1858

by John ?>, 'Jinnona, Ordained llinlater Book Fragnient p 256

'VILLIAII F. DOiaJEl tO l-lan Ilinix, Feb. 27, 1059

by Jaa. H. Chandler, Ifiniater of tho Goa .el Book Fragnent p 250

ARCHIBALD HIIISHAV; to I.'artha Jane Hlcka, Oct. 6, 1859

by Jarae3 K. Chandler, Ulniator of the Gospel Book Fragment p 259

JAlITiS RIOH.Uiai to I'arintha Htory, both of Brevard County (License issued, but no return or date given) Book Fragttient p 260

J. A. F^KiililiL to Knncy VarneSt Kov. 3, 1859

by Liam Ordbarry, J. P. Book Fragment p 263

Page 2.

Jomi 3. lim'dAP.i) to LLortha D. Provatt, llov* 24, 1859

by Jas. H. Ohandler, Ulnlatar of tha 'joaiJel Book Pra/nnont p ^64 ""

AjUQU iSHdlOKUdiJ to I'iiry Ilorrison, Ilaroh 30, 1860 IV Pranols Duaton, J, f. boolc Fragment p 265

JOHli HOUliTOH to Susan Kliaabath Stuwart, aopt 5, 1660 by Fransia IXiaton, J. P, Booic i-'ragraont p 266

IIo further entriaa in remaining blanic paf^es of this fragmont of the first liarria^e Boole of Volusia Ooonty. a number of the raraes recorded in this Booic were re-inscribed in Book k of the Volusia Oounty l&rrlage Records, thougji not in quite the same sequence given in the original record book. This fragrant ar/ book is kept inside tb the cover of Book A in the Coorthouae.

GLORGL f . COLLINS to Caroline Eolland, July 26, 1661 by lloBe H. Brown, J. Book A p 15

RCSiirvT BOLER to ILiea Cella Paget (spelled Padgett in return) March 17, l&Sl by J. S. Heenfen, J. P. Book: A p 16

BLL'JAWIN nC}LAroi:CN to Mrs. Zllpha Brownlee, Jan. 17, 1662 by Jaisea H. Prwatt, J. P. Book A p 17

WILLIAM McILVAlNL to Elizabeth Gaakina, Sept. 7, 1662 by Jamea H. Prevatt, J. P. Bock A p 16

KATHAN I. TfvOWELL (given as NATHAN T. RG*ELL in return)

to^iaa Sa3«na C. Hart, Nov. 15, 1661

by A. J. Baker, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 19

DAVID A. DUOGEf to VIbb Vary Parrott, Sept. 11, 1662

by A. J, Baker, Minister of the Gospel Bock A p 20

J. 1^. KUMAK3 to Mi83 Harriet Dyall, April 26, 166^ by James H. Prevatt, J. P. Book A p 21

DANIiil H. CAUSLT to Liom C. Cateen, I'ny 25th, 1666 by James H, Prevatt, J. P. Book A p 12

WILLIAM A. SIU;CK3 to Mary A. Curr/, Aug. 25, 1666

by Nathan Poberte, Minister .of 'the ^ospal, BooK A p 2.T

DAVID A. i:iDDLLTCN to to rtha J. Oaueey, Sept. 6, 1666

by James H. Haytnan, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 24

JCHU VAn.'LS to Trinity Col Una, Aug. 25, 1666

JamfS H. Haytnan, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 25

JAMES P. HULL to Saiah E. Smith, Oct. 4, 1666

by Nathan Roberts, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 26

PPAKCIS D. GAIKEY to Jane Minishew, Sept. 27, 1666

by Nathan Roberts, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 27 (t'r. Roberts in his return gives the bridegroom's name as ?. D. Kaiper. )

J.-.CKSOM BROOKE to Kancy M. Prevatt, NqV. 1, 1666

by Jas. H. Chandler, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 27

JOHN }j. CHANDLER to Elizabeth f. Prevatt, Jan. 17, 1667

by Jas. H. Chardler, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 26

P. M. OLIPTOH to Ph?by Roberts, James H. Prevatt, by Jaaee H. Prevatt, J. P. Book A p 29

IM. CA3ID1' to Viiiy Arm Campbell, Nov. 28, lf66 by Jam SB H. Prwatt, J. P. Book A p 29

RUFUS D. BFCOKfc to ZenobU Sauls, Va ich 17, 1567 by Jaa. H. Chardler, 1^. 0. Book A p JO

AVC5 fcl^AKUtL to Juliann Otendl«r, Warch 7, l£67

by L. U, Idchardaon, Julge of Probata Book A p Jl

imtiii: JOUivS to l.Aticf ii. Htara, Oct. 25, 1&56 by James H. Prwatt, J. P. Bock A p 51

JOHiM VAFOffia. to Trinity Cdlina, Aug. 25, 1866

by James H. Hayuan, l^iniater, Goepel Book A p 52 (i'arked in red ponoil, Duplicate from pace 25 this bookQ

KCSi^ t. BAhBi:.ft to Susan L. Oook, Sept. 26, li66 by Jaa. il. Prevatt, J. P. Book A p 55

His. T. YATiiS to Saxeh Oook, Dec. 12, 1665

by Jaa, K, Prevatt, J. P. Bock A p 55

JAtlLS SCOIT to tory fcoanuel, June 27, 1667

by James K. Chandler, Minister of the Gospel Book A p 5A

JOSEPH Oi^iLN to Zena Lewis, Itey 5, 1667

by C. 0. Sutton, J. P. Book A p 55

RICWFD &LAOK to, Ltwy Brown, Maroh 2, 1667

by James H. fowler, Clftrgyman Book A p 5^

JAL!L2 J. fOUKTAIN to ISinda Tates, Aug 20, lf67

by Levi Wothershod, Crdainrd Jk'inlster of the Cloapel Book A p 57

PHILLk'CH M. BWAN to Louieiana 0. tluriy, Aug. 15, 1667

by Levi llotharshad, Ordained li'inleter of the Gospel Book, a p >c

L£ftIS U. WGHAIOSOK to Margaret F. Kail, (fiiven aa Hull in return) Oct. 5, 1667, by Jaa. H. Haynan, Linieter of the Ooepel Book A P 59

JAWtS a; AmOh to Almedl* 0. Oarliele, Deo. 4, 1667

by J. U. Field, iiiniator of Gospel Book A p AO

PB.TW> hOBIKSOK to Cornelia Garelera, Deo. 10, 1667

by Cupit Hilson, Minister of the Ooapel Book A p Al

Book A p ^2

DAVID I. n:K«. to ».ry ^;J-J>f J; t^^'or^-a'^^Lo. * p "6

by Levi k-otherohod, l^iinieter o.

j^St 3.Lf to «A..B/.H '*'»./P''l ^J;i^7 p ,7 by Jsmes H. PrwaU, J. S^' '■'=-' " *

jo™ MOhA,D.C» to .;Mh^ Tonl«r ..n.^.. U6e by Jaaiee Foi»ler, J. *ouk. «i *

-- -UtVJ^rA'^S: ^Tooh"^.

- %-!!1.^:.;.n: S^I^lo^S ?^n.rZ, .00. * P ».

by L. I'. hlchHrdeon, l^ OtTici- t^u s. Book A p 55

by L. v. flchariBon, Judge of frouax.t

.. „. puf.u. to "^»5."r^iTo:£-A'p» " ""' ''''' ''

jBB. R. layman, V. 0. Book A P =" by td*ard A. Uol/eniel, c. f. Hti^ TOL.IVU. to '^^12'Tl- toU: Tsr.

ftige 6

JOW'l FAhhOTT to ilizabAh Boyd, Cot. 21, l£6e

by James H. Fre/att, Oounty Judge Book A p 56

DANIli GLI?TCK to tllzabeth Co«art, Aug, Jl, l£6e by rhad. J. Vaaa, J, P. Boole A p 59

RICHAI^D Lf.t.IS to Sarah V.alker, Oct. 29, 1^6^

by tdviard A. I.'cDanleL, J. V, iiooA A ? 60

JACOB ROamCIvCUQB (also given as RCSIOOhO) to I'&r/ llaal.

Cot. 29, lf66, by tdwa rf A MoUanieL, J. P. Book A p 61

JACXSO?^ TAYLOR to Harriett Walker, Nov 2, 1666 by Miaid A. i'oDaniel, J. P. Book A p 62

DAVID MCRhia to lianrah Forest, Kov. 5, 1£66 by E. A. JiJcDBriel, J. F, Boolt A p 6?

tDWAhD i'.OhhIS to Kitty Pranltlln, Hov. 5, ie6£ by L, A. I'.Gii&nld , J. P. Book A p 6A

WILLIAM KCLLLBSCH to Sarah L'orria, Jiov . 3, lt6e by i, A. .V'oLarlel, J. P. Book A p 63

EH'MOND HiMT to ILUJ; iFhta'-A,^, Nov. 16, 1166 by H. 0. Lungeen, J. P. Book A p 66

GAIL BfAWrN to Sally Hatcher, Deo. 1, lt6e by Cupid «ilaon, V, Q. Book A p 6?

JULT JQfKIInS to hirrA SAUNDihS, DfO. 5, lf-60 by hev, Cupit fcilaon

RIOH.'iKD CHAPhLflN to VArJ Gfcean, Deo. Ik, ItSt by Cupid «llacn U. 0, Book A p 65

AUGUST LANL to roily Ann Gore, iept. 17/ Ifct by John v., ?uld, M.Q.G. Bock A p 70

TITU3 BIKL5 to I'aria Thocpeon, Feb. 6, 1669

by Jas, v.. Gher-dler, Ordained Mnieter iook A p 71

Bt«JAKiI?i &-AF*KALL to i^rab t'. fvoseetter, i^eb. 9, 1665

by J. l\. Chandler, Ordelrisd J-inister Bock A p 72

HWiBT ThCVFSOK to Gency Atiana , Apri 1 16, U65

by Jar CO H. prCTfitt, County Judge Book A p 75


J. *. EMViY to Vary £. Stewart, l/arch 5, 1666 by John iV. /ille, .V. 0. Book A p 7A

HL'iF.i' wlUGIN toCarolinc Davis, Feb. 7, lt6?

b/ Jaaea H. Chandler, Crdalred J.iniater 3ook A p 75

GAr>iil;ih S. hCfiliiB to uEily J. iteiart, .-fet. 2^5, 1669 By John .V. ?llle, ft. G. 0. bock A p 76

ISAAO KSINSOK to Jai e Woflurney (iLScJlrriey In return)

Apii 1 16, 1E69 by Jama H, Frfvatt, Oounly Jul£e Book A p 77

JANUARY GUIuN to tlizab^'th Holfflea, f*. 21, 1£69

by JaaeB H, Chandler, Crdainrd Llnitt er book A p 7^

HAY«ARD MOaihNiff to J/ar£«r rt Sloan, Apn 1 If., If 69 by 0, C. Suttona J. P. aook A p 79

CliATLtS GAKY to Llary terrle, April 16, If 69

by James H. Prevatt, County Judge dock A p 60

PIxAKK STAI.KE. to Jennio Grem, April 27, li^9 by C. ftilson L. G. dook A p 61

Cl'ArLi^ H'Lhtl to !.!ary Gocdwin, April 29, 1£69 by CupiA ^ilscn, i... G. dook A p £2

liAitK A^Th()KY to I^ad^©l Heath, April 26, 1£69 by C. feilsG, {/. 0. Book A p tj

KiLHAU S. NOr.mCCD to .Visa Lmna f ?Q0t er, i:a/ IJ, l£69 by David N. Carlile, J. P, dock A p fVt

JUlf BEO*K to Bebeoto Goodrin, June 6, lf.69 by Cubit Kilson, J^. G, Bock A p es

JAl'.LS h. iv'»n'AK to Acanda Kail, Juno 7, lf-69 by 0. 6? Long, I!. C. Book A p £6

OLLLlSCIi P. hCBhi-.TS to iarah Sonnett, June 9, If 69 by Hmjamir i<ich|^rdaon, J. P. Bock A p C7

JAUl^ E. mtmiTi to Sarah Ann Tedder, July 22, ifop by Benjamin hiohardson, J. P. Bock A p £6

JAKiS J. HALL to itortha t. Griffin, Jul/ 29, If 69 by SenJaain r.iohardson, J. P. Bock A p f9

Pfag« 8

JC:DAN D^LGCCRS to .-"erir-y Suoanra Long, Sept. 3, lt69 by Jamca H. frevatt. Count/ Judge, Book A p 90

pr.AVK v.. .':Ar3 to Zplla Ch^ldcn, i ct. 5, 1669

by JajtpB H. Chandler, Ordained fjinioter Boole A p 91

JCIC: L. CASPti-. to ».ary \' . tJucLan (daocands in return)

Cct, 1, ie69 by David h, Cdrlile, J. t\ liook A p 92

EILLIA- l'<. DCI.L1K0 to Caroline A. Centar, uot. 25, 1£69 by lienJeicin Idchardeon, J. ^* j3ock A p $^

IhUAC. LIO.':IvHlLL to iiao Sarah Jlifton, f;ov . 4, 1£69 BenJaain l.ichardaon, J. P. Book A p JA

IKILLlAl-i B. *ATSCr; to riirrlet I., aroolc, Larch 15, 1£6A,

by Jiiciea H. Chariiler (heoorded &e o».orn etatesimt of nerriuge ocfore William J. Ihayrr, Uient ox* circuit Court Cct. 2£, lf69, and entered in reocrd book L«, £, 1669) Book A p 9^

JCiaTH/.K CLin'CN to Sarah Ann Ccwart, Jan 10, 1670 by T. f. Kelly, J. P. Bock A p 96

THCl.'A. £., CAVAGL to £-5 ran aii45rM.gQ (given in return ae Sarah I I. Savage), Jan ZZ, 1170 by Jaa, ti. Oi;ar.alcr, Crd<|ined

r.:lnleter dock A p 97

AUOUaTUi.' T. FiCKHAU to l^ea I'aria A. ^eckhare, Jan. 27, lt70 by David N. Carlile, J. i-. Book A p 9t

a, f'. H/.CillJ to K'iea L. L^. Itardec, Jaji 27, 1^70 by David N, Carlile, J. t. Book A p 99

l(iXL:iAM A. £(.'ITH to i-ydne/ J. D. Bryan, liarch 22, 1C70 by C. C. Sutt-on, J, F. book A p IOC

ALfhtU v.. IrALSTIKN to h^rriet Brown, torcn Iti, 1£70 by Cubit id'ilidBon, I.:. book A p 101

RILLIA," If. SUGKlsLB to Kellen Lewis, iarcn 17, lc70

by Geo. ?/. i-rioe. Judge Gevcnth Judicial biatrict Book A p 102

DLCiCAi; VCGAICHLIH to G o rr i nth ia B. Arbett, iarch 26, l£70 by Julimn i . i->iiEon ;;ook A p 105

CILLJIB. CCLi. to Asxinda l>'ie80Qri Croy, ^pril y , IbJO by 3 S. I Cook, J. P. dock A p 10^*

rage 9

jOhDAN ICCALLU),' to Susanm Victoria Brown. April 6. WO by C. C. Sutton, J. I'' -"'^ A p IC.

OdChui. r'HAai^ to Loulea Taylor. Jun. 8 1|70 by 0. G. Sutton. J. P. ^ook A p ICo

PK.U.I)i.- STLtKLY to Adalinr Oroov.r Jun. 25. U70

by T. f. KeU;/, J. i^'. ^^'^^ ^ ^ ^^' WILLIAM I. JOHKSCN to ^-ary L. k'cDanl ^1, Jul/ 4. UTO

byO. C. Sutton, J. P. Book A p lOf

SIVVCNS Dif^WT to Victoria Voes July 12. 1^70 by JohnC. Va]e7, J. ^ 'l^^'^ ^ p ICS

MACK SHtALLr to Varrarrt fyl-^' ^^^ 20 UTO by John C, L'alr/, J. I'- ^°^^^ ^ p UO

THCyA;i I. VOiiS to Susan A. Davla July 2t. I'^O by JohnG. i.ale7, J. t. Book A p Ul


HUUttv '^m^.^ to Kartha L. L. 1. Morris. Cct. 15. 1570 by B^rJamin Mct..rdBon. J. P. Book A p UA

IJAJGii CLAhK to I.onlver Wheat, Kog. 5, 1^70

by J. C. J. ?feetpr, J. P. l^ock A p 115

jomi W. HIIF^ to Lli^abrth J°"^«' '^°^- ^^' ^^^° by T. P. Krllr, J. P. >^o^^ * P ^^^

FtTtE STCML to Annie liinieohfn, Dec. ^^.1^0 byB. Richerdecn, J. P. "i^^.k A p li6

«y. W. aUTLtB to Ijucy Clifton. D«:. '^^^ 1^70 by T. P. KeUy. P* '^^^^ -^ P ^^

JAWLS «. COCM to I/artha Ann Clifton, !Je«- ^' 1^^° by T. P. Kelly. J. P. 80^*^ * P ^^^

PiLL WILLIS tc-ne^a King. Dec. 25. If70 by 'f. P. Kelly, J. P. ^^°^-^ P ^^°

S?;AF.T JAGKSC.N to vary A. f crrle, Jen 22, lf71 by Q. G, Sutton, J. P. Soolc A p 122

ANIihiJ FFASHtiv to Invlnla I. ??^Bt<»r, FfD. 26, 1671 by J. 0. 0. Fmeter, J. P. Book A p 12^

JCSLPK KCSS to Varg^jy Hcdg*e, i,aroh 16, 1671 by r. P. Kelly, J. P, dock A p 12A

UIChALL J. l.Chi.15 to Very C. W^lkrr, Larch 15, 1671

by JamPB fi. Ghfirdlcr, Ordain«i ^linleter Bock A p 125

JCaiPH liintL to iUzfao^h Pickham, April 5, 1671 by J. C. 'J. Tflaatrr, J, F. Bock A p 126

KlLLIAlx- 'fU>ilii^ to KKte Hudaon, 6^ 9, lf7X

by Cupid *ilecn; M, G, Book A p 127GiChGi- BCfiD to Uarriet L. An

OILUjLBOH D to Harriet L. Andrew*, Jurn- 1^, 1671 by Jchr *'. . Larvey.J. P. Uook A p 126

htlMia ST'^^ki^a to Jennett ^rke, July 5, 1671 by Cupid iilscn, V . C. book A p 12i.

F.CDii^IUK GALLSPIi. to hannah Oook, July |6, 1671

by Saujuel J. Cook, J. P. LocR A p IJC

laAUKOXON PIQUi. to i-iety Devonia Stratton, Aug. £, 1671

by T. i. Kelly, J. P. bock k p 151

ftlLLIAll J. PUBDU; 1,0 Dellah George, Cot. 1, 1671 by h. C. LunJgren, J. P. book A p 1J2

QRAJWILLi BtaiL to tUza Hiera, Deo. 19, 1671 by £amu<9l J. Cook, J. P. l3ock A p IJJ

FRdDiRICK B. flSiiih to ilnnle P. Hiokwlre, Jan 6, 1672 by Jamos K. frfvatt. County Judgr Book A F IjA

OMAI.TiC QUAKTthKAN to Catherine Burnham, Jan. 17, 1672 by J. 0. C. feast er, J. P. Book A p 155

SAVUiL LO«iiHi and Joaephine S. WoLean, Nov, 25, 1671

by Jamee H. ChandlT, Mlniotcr of thf" Ucspel dcok A p 156

li. W. JiCUNt to J7i«br Ollfton, Oea. 25, 1671 by Samuel J. Cook, J. P. riooK A p 157

ISAAC iiJ-.OtK to I«*»rgurH A. Dnivtdy, Jan. 11, 1672 by K. G. Lundgren, J. P. Book A p I56

Rȣe 11

JCStPR F. BAKih to PermelU Foberto, Jan. IP, 1672

by Jaoet H. Chandler, Crdain^ Lilnistrr Book A p I59

lAUL ht-L to Amwlia Harks, Jan. 2P, IP7?

by i^rifliUD Ucwens, Grdilned k'lni0t«r Jock A p lAO

Al.DiiiJ. JACXSGH to teto Duwpit, J'aroh 2C, lf72 by J. 0, J. t^metnt, J, P. Bpok A p lAl

JGdi|)h VaUghStftCatherlnr 0. Drejrore, Varch 2l8t, I972 by John C. Dr/BOn, J. P. Book A p IA2

*t!!IlAM KIKO to leabpl VoSaulry, }>!arch 7, 1^72

by L. ¥.pbb, 'l-^iEtfr cf th?Cc£pfl Bo-.c A p lAj

A. C. Mcar.CRT to lira. D. K, Gamp.-on, llarch 27, 1C72 by J. C. C. Poaster, J. F. 3ook A p lAA

CiCKGLBCTJD +0 I'artha Jane Senders, April 11, 1£72 by John 'A. Vavjct, J. P. 3ook A p lAS

THADICU3 GCTDaiN to Jane Boberoon, toy 12, 1C72

by frinrje Cowrne, Crdalnrd I'inlot^r Book A p IA6

jeSLPH '^ILIIAI'£ to Lllfn Strphora, April 2h , 1672

by Priffius Gc»pr.e, Crdainrd rinietT Jc.k A p IA7

Phimj? lebhariiy to -liza i^auls, April 2?, 1^72

by Jce, F;. Chardlcr, CrdaJupd Mr.lst-^r Jook A p 146

QhLLli CHlAL to Jane Ourloj, h'&y It, 1^72

by FrlauD Gcwens, Ordained Ji'lnistrr liock A p IA9

SIL'CK b, aUC/.i. to i-hebe Ann ulifton, July l£, lt72

by Ja3. H. Cmrilrr, '-rdair.rd Mnia ter Book A p 150

UilJiE •rdClWSCr. to 4:ully arannua;, Aug. 26, 1172 by Lev. rrlttus :^owpnB 3ock A p 151

£A?.Uii J. PILLD to Julia A. ^5oCrorey, Cept. ZA, l£72 by J. C, C. Ppiolrr, J. I, Bock A p 152

e. F. CT.uii:r to Allc>* Csteen, Dfc. 1, 1172

by Ju9. K. -vhundlrr, Crdainrd Minister Bock A p ISJ

JAML3 ycBW.KLr to to ly Curlpy, r>ec. 2, 1L72

by l-ridus Gowpre, Crdainrd friniater iock A p 15^

AC\ bdsliurT: to Dorian 3 lack^ielder, Lrc. 29, lf:72 by U. ?:. Bennett, J. F, licck A p 116

i=ag? i2

JOSiFH WFIiMtf to Luoinda 0 lift on, Deo. 26, 1672 b/ U, J.;. Beinrtt, J. P. aoolc A p 156

SALUi-L -. COIBithT to Vary Arabella Ohandler, Jan. 16, 1675 by S^acurl J. Cook, J. T. dock A p lb7

r;iJ,J.;MXI-. }.U';.;tLL to f.ftrah Sparknan, i-'eo. 25, 1^75

by } rlnua Uo'Aft:aq! Crdainpd Midatrr iiocic A p 1S£

J(Hr. K, iiMTli to lifltlv K. Sikea, f'eb. 7, 1675 by U.>.^ Brnnrtt, J. I, B^ckA p IE;'/

riLli.AV ..TCI.'tJR. to Jane t. hioherdeon, IJarch 15, 1675 by L'. I, , Ba-inftt, J. P. uoci£ A p l6C

U\ U, QUncW to Loui«iona George, faroh 6, l£75 by U. !'.U iJmnetL, J. P. Joca. A p l6l

ALf^r>£L Khl^Ttllf to imma 3arwiell, i'ay 19> lt75

by i.rv, Pritr.UB aovi(;i.o, d.inieter of the Coopel 3ook A p 162

CHAhLiLj: liAUf-'AN to Lucy Cottrell, Jwna.^;v.lf75etr-r, J. P. by J, 0, 0. ff«8trr, P. •ioOA A p l65

V, ILl.iAt.' OCCUV.IK tc Sarah Finknfy, Juna 17, 1^5

b/ Johij W. Price, Judge cf 7th Judicial w-lrouit Book A p 16A

IDfeAFD 0. .'lUlfJ^.LIH to ?,i«B Polly Ami Oetpen, Aug. 1£, l£75 by Jacjrs K. Chandler, Crdair.cd L:inicter iJooiC A p 16S

JAMLS ftlLLIAt'S to Angellm Qilbrrt, 5fpt. 21, 1675 by Saniurl J. Go'k, J. F. boc/k A p l^^o

JC.H.\' LUJii to r<^ary An-) trlt^siaa (Lrlgc^se) » Srpt. 23, 1675 by Henr/ 6. Uir^ran, C. i. .-ioclc A p 167

JCHTi F^\hlLlLtc L(7ttip Goodwin, Get. i. If 75

by James h. C'iiandler, Crdaincd tiniater iiook A p toB

DCTKA D. !.^ILDL^C!J to Capolins Uizabrth Mart, Oct. 15, 1675 by Jenirs h, Ch'-ndl'^r, Crdaincd iinietfr oook A p 169

i^AAI.: S,Al,£:TIili to Uliaa Starkp, Cct. 20, 1675

by Jno. t. iricp, Judgf of 7th Judicial ^iicuit, IVook A p 170

3Ai.rC'i :". tfl.CCXa to hne-* rlla Urorgf!, April 2^, 1(75 by U. K'. Brnnfett, J. P. Bock A p 171

Bage 15

JAV.i£ h, HOUSTON to r.:ar/ Drap-r Frwatt, Kov. 6, 1^75

by J. Horner :"inlth, Ordainrd Minister Book A p 172

hnl.:>' KoOLCK to LlizAuriYi hie herd oon, f.ov. t, lt75 oy U. 'I, Brnr.ftt, J. ?, liook A p 175

3.-.i.xhLL Ui;iG to CV-arlcttf £a-.ith, J ov . It, 1675

by leaac Ilurlin Parkinacn, J, jr. iovk A p 17^>

Ll3i}.T BiJvrUT to fer.ry ?urerll, Dr<j. 1^;, U75 by L'. :. timrctt, J. F. bocic A p 173

^IM'l'ilb i.r;r^rr tc Icadcre Wlllhite, Dfc. 1£, l£75

by .'i. J. jjJcer, MnietfT oi' thr Ccopd jiook A p 176

U/'nAhD FA.'L-T to Louloa ,'^itifrB, D re . Jl, If 75

by Jno« «. ^rlcp, Judgr, &c i^ook A p 177

WF.ICi; A. Dr>J^';.Oh£ to ;:arah rratioea Garrott, July 17, 1£75 by G. 0. Pc».rl, l', G. boolc A p 17t

ttlLLIAli iIViJ,S to Lizett hatcher, Jan. 50, 1674

by jHUf-e h. Cl-iuridl<>r, Uinistor of tup Gospel Book A p 179

hCBii.i LAI-O'Hl.'^ to Louian Dimmptt, Pcb. 8, 1C7A

by i. Dunlin larklrson, J. r. Book A p l£0

U.-V.Yi.n.- GOLD to >5iis«y Lavlo, i'<'b. 7, 187^

by l.rnry C. hun^-Tfn, J. P. book A p 161

JLSLl-ii VChGAN Fl>r/'TT, to ^ylantha Jane Lc-pflls, Feb. 25, IfifTA by C. B, Bi'Okror, County Judge Jock A p l£2

ALVn: ;t.3TCN DAY to Oath-'rlne C. JiioOarth-y, Peb. 19, 167^ by lauao Lunlli! Parklrecri, J, P, lioc^: A p 185

C. P.. BAKiR to Uiza Coreen Brnnrtt, Jan. 1£, lfc7A

by A. J, dakcr, filinict^r of the Goaptl Book A p l£A

Hciifidhcl J3 BtflricSg to Caroh L. Gorrmn, i^eb. 21, Itjk

hy A. J. bzkcr, Mnletcr of th.= (JcapeJ Book A p

CiiAlvLl:5 LAtthlMOi. PABiH to Clare Luetta Norton, Feb. 27, 1£7A iy loaac_ Dunlin Farkinion, J. P. Joc*c A p lt6

VilLLJAM 'if LI^CK ZAV\C'k (glv-n altjo as SAVAlWi.), to f^ary Ann Dugger, i>b. 10, 15.7^1 by ."J. 3. Mchola, '.iniotpr of the Goepel Book A p 1^7


JCSIIH FALAIT to Mice Florida Dlllard, I^Siroh lA, lllk h^j ilriiry G. l,uni?rrn, P. Book A p 1£6

iilLLlAM L. l!cDANli.L, uarry M. Koixaire, iarch Jl, ICJA

by Jis. H. '/hanilrr, Crdainfd liiinleter iiook A p i£9

JAJCd /^'.aTiih tc Vra, J. l.. TrtUia, iar;:n U, 187^ ty ;j. J. k^lll^rd, J. t. Ucuk A p ]>0

A:rrhCNif i'■'huJ/A^ to Urgurrt Cveratrert, i.iy 2'::>, ItjA cy *^iitr !,. t. Icr.n, J. I- . Udok A p IS 1

JAl:tS TKC.VSOW to Uliitle Ueby, June 6, \L'{k

by .''■ar'.url Jac. son, Crdaiiud L'inietfr cock. A p lj'2

Hftiry Alexander toAoflDda Cvorutreet, Junf 16, l£7A by .iij;,ar W. V.al-.]rcr., J. f. iiook A p l^^J

Vinc-t^iT C. 2nV«0ij. to iaui-a D. uuggcra, July IC, l£7^

by ^iiP.rlrfl o. Trllick, Crdalnwd jKinieter in thp his. Church, ir. '/oluale v";:© at/, Florida (iook A p 19^

/I..-.KK tJLlIi to t,3tKX« Vary Ohapttan, July 22, 18?^

by ^^^in-u*"! Jeckf^on, Oriainrd ivinieter 3ooSc A p 195

JCHi; ,',. V. I1.LIS to Very A. »ir.gatp, July 19, U74

by A, J. Bakfr, Minister oT M\( Jcapc-l j^ook A p 19^

ri-.-.\.ZV^ \ . CLlJfTCN to UiB8 lavility Bpnn'tt, July 11, Itlk by U. V. 3rrj>ett, J. P. ;jock. A p 197

UlLmK HSV.l to Sarah Kir.ohfn, Aug. 17, Hl^

by Ceni;rl Jackeon, Crdein ,'Jinioter dook A p 196

JAV^ .'', '.iCCDV-ChTl! to Annie JohriB cai, AUfi. 15, U7A

by '^has. G. Trliiok, Ordain A.iniettr aook A p 199

CALLBhAWlKG to fylvia F>oll<-rBon, ilrpt. S, Itlk by J. noracr 5.nilth, V. 0. dock A p 200

KdA{ L. HC.AU.L to Oathf rine Stmglo, O-pt. IJ, l£7A by C;. i3 . buokroT, County Judgp L,ook .. p 201

ECljCLi-hUS T. ShflH&ii to kiss Wattle ?. hoaaetter, Oot. 7, 1^7^ by }. V. VcKay, Jv^Bbyn. [Uniotfr Jock A p 102

ASA BirGATt to H'argarrt Vlnahen, ^:ov. 5, lfc7A

b*y V,uj, Stor.*, J. V. Bork A p 20^

Page 15

OLCl.CL KCCDVfAlvD to !.=.r/ tllzau fth Cook, Kov . If, 1£7A

by Jarara L. Clardlrr, Vinlater or th^ Coopel oook A p 204

Vh. 01 t.Ii ffflU^ Q. l-','i.T to ?^le9 Miae Pinkpt (FinkP/ In return) ?. Frrvatt, t'sy 12, 1P99 B/ A. J. 3aker, iinistpr of the Goeprl Book A p 2C6

nxr.lLL OijCi^Ci. !o ?:am)»nn Clifton, D-^o. It, Klh by I'. I.:. flpnr.»-tt, J, P. i3ouk A p 2C6

Jamfs Bennftt to Mbh !artha liarrla, Jan. li, U75

by J. florae f Catth, Mniat^r of the- Gcepel Jook A p 2C6

JAV.tS Cl.CVii. to t'ies ?loranc<- Brownlee, Jei.. lA, U75 by H. MoGlon, M. G, Book A p 206

Li.Vl il. rK::V«TT to Vide Vargarott Uizacfth l.pasrr, Dec. 25, 107A by U. V, Bennft^-, J. F. Book A p2DS:^

Htl»;>T VC:.. IG to i.arolin.' Oowart, Ut-o. 2^, i(7A by U. V. Brnrrtt, J. Ft Jooii Ji p 210

WILLIAM B. Kaa'AN tc Varrgaret Ann tllzabtn Frrvatt, Jan. 26, 197S

by U. ^. Btin-'tt, J. i^, dcok A p 211

GiJlHGL^^. Ar.ri'L- to M^llnda 0. Frrvatt, /'f-b. A, 1£75

by JC6. H. Oh?ndler, Mni3t<r of ttif- i oaprl Book A p 212

h. K. £T*Vlitig toVartha Jolly , Ja. . 7, U/o by V.c. Stonr, J. I, Jcc/k A p 215

jAti5 TuJK-i' to Jarr Beddp-tt (giv<°r. a leo hedditt), torch lA, l£75 by J. h. Chandler, Minister iiook A p 2lA

hCSiUT h. GILBJ.T to Vls6 Janr harning, i^roh 16, 1675

by C. B. bucknor, Oour.t/ Judge cf Voluoia ijounty Book A p 215

CijChGi./;. 2i^'N-rr to h'lee ZusAnsiT/an, torch 16, 1£75

by Charlca A. Selllok, Crdein iinlatfr cf thf Gospel cf the rrr^bytrrlsn Church dool: A p 216

SCLCiXIs S, ChiUi \o Hiaa Ami CaubBCy, .V.ril 11, l£75

'jy -^r dfric In.co, rr«'6ldir^r^ Llfd*»r V.^.C. cl. Book A p 217

JCStli. f', Ch^l'J to t.'iaa Jemica 'ifatcn, April 22, 1^75

by. Jen. H. Ch'^rril'^r, VinlatfT of thf (joeprl Book A p 216

rXAH l.CJ: :i:'S to ^Hi«h Allc' tulttl'-n, : u/ 1^, 1^73

by J, h. Koblnnon, Crdadn .'inietpr uock A p 219

y&ge 16

ISAlAh aCkty to Cclia tlark, Vey 6, 1£75

by J. K. Robinson, Miniattr of the Gospel Bokk A p 220

CHAI^LiiS i-. JAOK^Oli to ii3B Nora !.'.OLioriald toy 27, l^S

by Char If B 0. Selilok, .ini8t<^r of tn<* Ooopcl of the Prea- byt-^rlan I/'".nomin<iui^^n Book A p 1

IilCSiS liAhQli to Ulaa OoWaaeyBraoy, May 25, 1175

by Hfnry Lrov.n, .Viniatrr of the Co^jjel oojJc A p 222

KCBlivT U. COCK to Louanz* U. Ball, fcay 27, 1675

by flardy McGIurii, Minloter Jabtibt. Church bock: A p 225

GiCKGi-HUl.T to SuBgn Barmtt, June 25, 1*:75

by Chas . U. iieliii:;<., (rdainnl oleTgyn^tm 1:; the Preabyterlan

Ohurah oo^k A p <J24

CHAI-LtS KIl.G to B<?t^y Zixrirr, Jun- 2~^ . U.15

by Olias. G. Selliok, Clergyman of th>^ p/ab Church In U S C Book A p 221^

WILLIA/ ThOY to ^ary I'aranda Siokfllre, June 'd'j. 1675

by CheB. C, ii<ulick. Clergyman of Pree Church in U.S.A.

J/\Ui,S L, a'Jr.MJ?T to ?,'i8a Sjvaniiah Crockp, i-iy 21, 1675 by U. i;. Beiaiatt, J. P. Bock V* p 227

tiim J0Kh3 to y.is^ Dom /airi Clifton, Aug. 51, 1^75 by U. l., 3«in»-tL, J. 7. 3ouk A p 22'C

Daniel DlackK^lder to Vise ,1a rah Tqw line, ipt. 2, 1675 by U, L.. Bfnnftt, J. F. Book A p 229

JCm: SH'CrsCi; to r<»r£ar -n Delfour, Aug. 6, 1675 by fvobPit t. hoach, D. D. Book. A p 250

IILLIAUT. L-!i:\NLTT to I.ucindc Gruvrr, £<pt. 10, 1675 by tilllt.m Stcr,-, J. P. dClY. A p 251

JGHIi A. NtL,SCi;, CUn iJloomcr, Oct. 10, 1675 Dy £. J. Cook, J. r. Bofk A p ^52

AWL>JCU,-3 K^JJ (RUD in ieti.:>-:i) fecxd^'itang L'.n^, Cct. 6, 1^75

by Jaiucs h. Chfcr.aler, Kliniater of ti.f Goep'?! Liook A p 235

GijOi.G-I,;. 'it\l-j\aL to Iv'.ieo Vary Boot rom, Oct. 1^*, 1675 by ui^:ar N. Waldron, J. P. ^ook A p 2jA

tnge 17

JAL 1.. PL''C;H to iiuean ie«i*Ha ( murn stv^a It Suaan Selth)

Cct. 26j li-JZ> tyL. o. UieffiPld, t. G. Bcok. A p 255

(;a.J'.i- Fi.^xl/.:* to *iu.a c'1/^l■utr'^tJ tct. 21, U75

by John i.. KcbLr.L'OD, iiriiei-rr took A p 256

G. r. s-I'."') to .nna Luotw, f pt. r-^S-, if/S

b/ r. !). entry, >-. Ooupwl JcUc A p 25o

t'^"'\v JaO'.'CI. to Vlua i.adi»»Un» Vale/, cot, £c, lt75 ^^"hy OtJ^rlr-e (i. iial^ak Mnist(r of Uv Cospf-l In Coosiunlon v.ithJr'-^jytTy :^ook A p i'i)7

C-'i^l-- i!. Pi':Ki-.u' to kra. Jturriet (i.ivtn b Hanmh in return) ' "iiu^hn, Vov. 1, ir,'5 by vlftu. ;.. v;riUnaler, kinlfltrr

of th" Gcdpfl .<jok ; p 25^

l,'AlV.O!t^ I-. SAS'tH to ;.nr UllhUe, Nov. 21, IC/S by I, ' . f T/.ry, t, 0, Book A p 25t'

1 '^I'- ". B'i^'>^' tft OiCKOii At:?{ Ga-.lJf.IJh, t»ov. 2Aj> lETS

br Jh'vrl'O C, C-lUoic, i'.riBt:r of U'l*" Goepfl in oob- BTJSlon with thr i-Tffi. church o<x-k A p 259

»j.::. :.. r.i,-^i to :.dr/ .\ v-ail-r. ^«-?t. 2t, lefS by l-frv. C, b, Curtle bock A p 240

Q'i? u'. -Uf.'Ml. to taiL^a J. /.Uand, Cat. 5, 1^75 by H. ko'-lon, K'.. 0. Eoolc ii pi

O-C;.' . •. . LA'^'A- to h'r.rto-asi Joyd, L'c, 2^, 1^75 by f!, H, Hayiran, l-, (J. 'Jook. .i p 1

J. •■?•.• .-. G . ■■:: to iary .■^r.uls, I-^^c. 2a, lt?5

b-/ Jnm^B H. Gh„ttiicr, hLinlatcr of Uj« lioepel rfook B p 2

a;:iCi. ri. ,.:l... :c.T5, to Jiir;'- a, hall, u^c r^5, 1^75 by silllf.i Stouf, J. i-« iiock li p 2

AliJ'T .:'u..';.I. tc f:£T.cy fiur.t, Jan. 2-:, Ulo

O. d'. uuokncr, .JouTity Judc Jotic u p 5

JC! % ".;aiii.S to -itn£ lor^,f, ?eb. f', IU&

oy -dr,ur L. s^aUrcn, .i . J. :i"'.-'^ >> P 5

ftigft le

STtPhU'* 1' AI.M:-G tc L:L99 J.llpa hobTte, DfC. 2J, ief6

(Dote probably ir. rrror Dro. i£75 ncfant aa liornae nae

leaufd Ufc, ?.l, IfTt), ni.d tht '/o rrocic; it) jus-t bf'guc. ) by U, ;'. Bfisnett, J. f. BooL D p A

IGJ^JCli DCUGiiKlT to Jane Jonro, Kov . 16, 16?^ by V, > , bem.ftt, J. i. Jook li p A

tllitW w. GhAi>VA^■ to i'i-rtha £. Uoar, Jin. 27, li;76 by *. illitr :ulc\:>-, J. P. Jook j3 p b

OAI/SDa- L. L.-TaUI' to Winnie Fleher, Jan. 2t, lt76

by Ulma, G, L;rl Irok., t'tnlattr of whriut in coiuTunlon with Frr?9oyt '^rikiii Uhuroh i)ook. B p 5

B«f;JAk:IK GCCK to iatj-lcla i-urdanj, TeU, 6, ic/o

U^ff b'btiWoGlonJfiixak? Vinistfr oftth' Goupel laaok B p 6

JAWiiS P. B^Ujili to ^a rah ii. StHler, ?eo. 2A, 1£76

by Ghas, G. SpIIpcIc, Jriinistcr of thf Go&pcl 3oo5c B p 6

JOm< il. hlLiOH to Kioa Lurar.a Ytlviiigtonj i.ov . 5, 1676 by U. M. Bfv.n»i.t, J. P. Uook a p 7

«. P. Brown tp i'iae hat*" fiale iiorden, rfpb. 9, l£76 oy fifv. C. B. Ourtla Book B p 7

LOJ.'.IS C. DA'f to ijdly V.. Aileon, torch 2, 1676

by C. 0, Srllrck, ;/inict<r of th»=- .ojjpfl Book B p 8

ilLLI.U: hCBIM^GN to Lrttl' .^url'»y, /eu. Vy , U.76

by Jae . H, Chandler, Minister of tnt (iospel Book B p 6

SAMUtL JfJ^AilsS to isry Jsn* hich, Pet). 2>, U76

by Jn. *, Friop, Judge 7tn Judioial -.ircult Book B p 9

GiXhCA.B. BAlLi-T U- uiily ii. Futoh, tarch 26, U-76 by iujigcr N. V.aldron, J. P. tiook J p 9

SAkua, jLii.uj^ haeit^ i'UrirC ^prii '^6, ia6

by hill|r.ni "S^oik^ J./f . Book B p 1

CHAhLii IuwlL to Ja:-i>^!>,&jul6, April 15, 1^6 by „. ti> Bfiir.ctt, J. P^ -dock dpi

iage 19

SAi'Ui- J, JCfJ,-ii to G^ori^lana LuPi^oan, April 5, 1576 by .illiLin Stoii', J. I', Book b p 11

Sft^■UiJ JO-i-K to DPlflrii ?Urn, April 26, IU6 by '-i Ilium f.tor'-, J, P. 13 or K a p 12

ChAi-Li.3 r;lC;/.S Tc Jenr L. v'=;aula, April 15, 1''76 by LI. -;, O'-.a.-tt, J.. I, t-ook ii p 12

R'i.LA:. I-. Difi-- to kmir L. Hoovry, i.CLy lA, 1176

/.Ifr'd ". hleccck, an oidaln Wiiiictfr o: the L<oQpfl dock D p 15

SA.!.:Ui.L iILr.02- to I.r.Kl, •, Counta, i^y i:6, lL'l6

by John } . ; obii:6r,r.,, Crdain tiniot-r ->u^.ic d p IJ

HuNhx' J, Liiikli to li.f-b>'cc9 .'.yora, Jun^^' 1, if) 6 by ;^£ar l-., V.aldron, J . i . uook o p lA

I\C3^.T ; . '-/iJil-, to J ii.a ArjTii'" •^uIe* •J'-'"'' 1^* 1^76 by Hfnr/ S. Llbt'-Te, J. i-. Book b p iA

tlLLlAJ,' A, i;.;r:i; to '"Knry C. »ini',ate, Junr 11, lf:.76 by Denifl t3. ShffPi'ld, V. G. Jcok n p lli

B.-KJAM!: h. i,JL'::CI: to i.tJilund ii . .•v^e^'-r, July 10, 1676 by A, li. iani'^tt, Ci^'r^yman jook d p 15

OHARLi-£. :.rAlS to VL-:-/ Dlllard, i^ot. 7, U7o by Viilliaa Stor.f, J. F. Jooic B p 16

Jeaaff- 'f - Iv In^to': to HIbb iluten Jonfs, Aug 5> 1^76 by Li. a. Sh«'fri'-ld, y. G. Jo-k ri n l6

AliBU^T SAVAGi; to uiith '.sin/'atF, Cot. 11, U i'6 by cdgar N, V.>,ldrcn, J. p. liook ri p 17

a^VA.-.ii, J.iri.i:;- tc J.-o«phirc l.ovp, Uro. 6, l£76

by Chae, 3, f^llpok, j'iniotrr Oi? the i,;t>pfl aooic B p 17

iLAAi.'j I: KK to Janf- _v0n8, June 2'-y, ]i7'!j

by Jaa. h. ChaiTJltr, Oraaiiifd i-iniottr dccic B p 16

JCH:, C. LICKrAf; tc ;.:i.udatrii A Csf.Tr, f«'pt. 5, lt76 by i L LiHaid. J. ?. bock j p U

ISAAC T.^CrAhb^iK to V'ise I.Urty ^nn 0 llf tor., Si..?, . 51, 1^76 &y L-'nr.le :r, rno^r, ?.'.. (> . ^iook d j' Iv

JACK.O. JCi.^ to FanniP \inch«i, U'ki, 2A , ir,'6 by .dt'ar ! . lij.lCTc.n, J, 1, Sock L p IS

i«ge 20

FKAliK L'TAlCClf.'O to Carrie F. hoaetter, D»»o. 26, 1176 by ; . rj, Tel'crd, U. G. liock B p 20

I£A.-.C InAh^ to Iklty aiipp'r, L'c. 2;5, U7^''>

by Johr h, l-obireor, cirlair^d i. iniatfr iock B p 20

Ui-CiG^A. :;uh»j;C^ i'^U't ir.kilCL ir, r'^um) tr ..aruh h.. Kelme Nov. l^., 1''.76 1/ U. V. £<r.ri^t, J. i . iJof.k B p 21

JvCdU.T 0'. Eiii-H.'littD Licorglar A. Cduxn, D;a. ?1, lt76 by U, V. orr.r.ftt, J, I-, Dr. v!c d 1^ ^1

JAL:.-; iiALIL'IGN tol.isc i'QrLha r^'dd^r, Dec. Jl, lc76 Dy U. J . B-r.n-'^tt, J, E. iicclt a p

V*}.'. C. TUx.:;-:t to 'ulua lAoh^'i Olark Jovnrr, Jan. !?, li.77 by A. '.' . HiscocV-, At. crdaii.''J iini..ufj cf thr OoBpt'l Bck E: p i^2

Jtiti^ H. LlcGLOUG to .^.llzaiJrth Dovi3.in£, Jcv. 26, 1^76

by t. J, Bi.^:'i, fJniGt<-r of the G cap d uook B p 2?

Ff^iTC:; iUIlJ. to Martha Kir.chfr., Jan. JO, U77 by C, 'i. uultot; J. P. IlooL b p 2J

OiXBQ^ oAhr'^.O-L to IrrorttP. ColTran, ' Vb . 1, U77 by Jo'-.n i\. h'Jbiiucn, .vinl.st''r Bov-.:-: i2 p 2^

liML S, r\Ci}~i to laabella f.uatrle, t'^b. It, ir/7 by .4--.V I., uacron, J. P. bock - p 2-^

KAhivl^CM •■.QCL.i. tu t.ury JiCwio, /'b. 26, 1677

by Anthouy -. i'rfdiuin, J. T. Jouk i3 p 25

SSEOTHa. QALHCU; to tpary t<rovvn, Mich 'y, lijl by Jchr Ti;of.u8, .'. . Q. ^ock d p 2:5

ABnAM P4.1\ua to ;<iiri3/ hcblnatn, i.r-rch 10, Ic//

Dy f'rfd J. lajf r.otierf., ;our.ty Judge ai/d J. f . Book B p 26

J. H. L, :;otffL'rtr. to T&nny oarpfnx*5^r, .-iprxl 1, 1L77

b/ Fred J. Lat.fnotierr, OoMnty Judt^e Jooi o p 26

HliOVi' ALh-H to Folly Ann jfarUaa, A;n-il C, 1C77 by l.<^. DFRnie iij.'-ncer doof- b p 2/'

JOHN OR^iiL tj) Ann Uiza taith, April 1^, WH ■py i,aul J. Cook, J. *• Book 3 p 27

Page 21

DAUIfcL BC.nhlGKT to Boele Brown, April 28, 1677 by uigar N. ialdron, J. P. Book B p 26

hlLty OVijSa to Idlee to ly K. Draudy, April 26, 1677

by A. J. Baker, Winiotcr of the Ooepel Book B p 28

HU^T JACKSOH KIRKLAKD to Oelia Batrrentine, Uay J, 1877 by Samuel Downpy, J. P. Book B p 29

JOHN F. BO*'UAN to Rhoda h, Zagon, May lA, 1877

by George J, Aldoi, Notary Public Book B p 29

ifilABD WALSTIta to flortroe Adaaa, Kay 26, 1677

by 1. John Thonaa, Klnieter Gospel Book B p JO

Ji-FfiitSON lARt to i^tild* Posey, June J, 1677

by fclden Bingain Wright, U, Gospel Book B p JO

JOHN A, MolilLUN to Annie U. P. Margwiff, iSay JO, 1877 by Henry T. Titus, Notary Public Book B p Jl

Wood Hanilton to 7annie Lewie, July 7, 1877 by Samuel Lewis, J. P. Book B p Jl

-^i^MAl CASSADAT to Luand ^imi^r., Jauly 17, 1677 by fifth I. Bennett, V.D.M. Book B p J2

jAldiLS U, itNIGHT to Mias Wary Burnham, July 19, 1877

by A. V. Hisoook, ordain liinister Book B p J2

Ponapey FBrgereon to Julia Albert, Aug. ik, 1677

by John Thomas, Minister of the Gospel Book B p JJ

CHAhLi:5 0ATi3 to Uiss Hary A. Thursbey, Sppt, 8, 1877 by Seth «. Bennett, V, D. M, Book B p JJ

KOBii^T ARiJSTRONG to Florence L. Swings' Sept. 29, 1877 by Samuel Lowrie, J. P, Book B p j4

ilLLIAW A. McBRIDiuto Mary L. Levone, Sept. 27, 1877

by A. J. Baker, Minister of the Gospel Book B p jA

Bi^JAWIN GADSOH to Julia Ann Watson, Sept. 22, 1677 by A, 1.. Freeman, J. P. Book B p J5

yOStS »^ BARBiO^ to Mary P. Garrett, Oct. lA, 1877 by Saml, Lowrie, J. p. Book B p J5

Pag? 22

BtilJAVi:^ £^. GOLGCi-J) to Anra S. Kirk, Nov. 12, l£77 by I.. £. Lert, i^lnietpr book B p 56

ISAAC TfLiii to L'ary Jackson, Nov. 12, 1677

by A. i.. PrPffcan, J. P. Book B p 56

ADKUIti^ BhADY to Wles tva G. nnrs, S'-pt. 27, 1677 by Thos. A. Rosefr, J. P. Book 3 p 57

AUGUSTU2 DILUFO to Was Henrietta Purdum, Nov. 12, l£77 by H. McGlon, Llnister Go0p«»l Book B p 57

GiXfi3fa h, FAKKt ( Rirfcer in r«lum) to Lydia C. Saxon

by JamfB i", Lfaton, Minister of the Gospel Book B p 56

CiWI'.LtS UCa.L ai'ITH to lATgarn Bertha l.orieka Smith (given in return VargarPt Bertha Koriska caith), ?co. 17, 1676 by SilllBin T. Pierson, factor U.fc. Ohuroh, Daytona, i-'la. Book B p AO

TKOK'AS h. OBOkt, to i-Uza H. Batten ?eb . 2A, 1176 by ThoB. Bartleo, J, P. Book B p Al

KOihf P. SAVAOi:. to KiBB Honoriene M, Lorrain, h'«roh 21, 1678 by W. H. Garter, DD., LID,, Clergyman at Holly Hill, r'la. Book B p Al

RiaJ\ R. OCLLI'S to Josephinr F. FlFming, April 16, 1678

by R. H. Carter, DD. ND , Olergyman Prota. iips. Ohuroh Book B p A2

Pi-Ti* HChN to iiliza D. Pootcher, torch 26, 1676 by Barton P, Brooks, J. P, Book B p A2

KARhlSCN n, OLAhKfc to liiee Helen H. Telfair, April I6, 1676 by M. Black, i'lnieter Book B p A5

BUTLiJ^ CAK'PBtLL to Lucy Warren, Jan. 22, 1676 by Thoa. A. Rosstr, J. P. Book fl p A5

JOHN T, TAYLOK to Ida J. Prieat, April lA, 1676

by Daniel B. Sheffield, &?. 0. Book B p AA

BILLIAM S. TttJKJiR to iJias N. A. Bennett, April 25, 1676 by B. b., PRijrATT, J. P. Book B p AA

GtChOfcM. QUABTii-J^AN to Mies Anm D. Burnham, Way l6, 1676

by A. V. Kisoock, Wlniatrr of the Goapel Book B p A5


ft^ge 25

hICHAhD hOBIIlSON to Allc«« wiiiards, June 12, 1676

by Ohao. K. Katooan, r^otary mblio liook ri p ^5

tlLLIAM hJ^iAS to I^aohael Dellla Futoh, June ^. 1^7£ by Ohas. H. Kauran, I^otary hPpubUo iiook B p A6

HAYiOCD MoBUKHiiY to Mclvim UUlame, i^roh 2% IpE

by John ThoMB jdost . Mniet^r of Goopel Book: B

ABhAHAKl Pf.IKCiu to Harriet Or^fn, July 7, 1676 by Z. K. Bmnftt, C M. Q. Book B p A7

ViASHIKGTOH PUKG^HSOW to hacha'^1 Qurley, July 15, 1676 "by John ThOR^a, Linister of OoBpcl oook B p A7

hICHARD S. KtffflthSai to Mies tlizabrth Duncan, Aug. 10, 1676 by ?. J. Lap^notlPre, County fludge Book B p ^t

ALLISON 0. OLOVi* to Marietta Conley Aug. <5. 1678

by A. V. Hleoock, a I/inlet rr of the Ooepel Book B p AC

Jhl-t& AhCHIi. Ti:WvY to tliza Freraan, F.rpt. 1, U7e

by John Thomas, MiniBt^r of the Ooepel Bock B p A9

?r•JlSia^ U OIGhrr to i^m^^etlne S. SpUEbcr, sept. 15, 1676 by Seth S. E^nn'^t, V. D. U. Book 3 p ^9

JAMM H. PRd/ATT to franoea Lrnora Akins, Sept. t. 1676

by Jae. H. Chandler. ^'Iniet^r of the Gcaprl Book B p SO

by Jas. H. Ohardler, ULnlater of the Qoap*-! Book B p 50

JAMi^ H. OHARDLi-ft to Mrs. Caroline H. Dyall. Srpt. 19, 1676 byJ^m^B T. Lct^n, kilnlet er of the Goapel Book B p 51

JOHN F. DITSOK, to tery EKt-VATT, Sept. 22, 1676 » 31

by Jaa. h. Chaniler, Minister of the Goeprl, Book B p 51

CHAKLW. ik. WILLAW) to tllZABWH THUhSB^-Y, Sept. 2h , 1676 by S^h B^-nnH-t, V. D. M. Bock B p 52

by Ghaa. H. Naumn, Notary Fubllo Book B p 52

JAOCB BILLIA^iS to lanoy Wdugton, Cot. ^^76 by Daniel J. Oook, J. P. ^0°^ ^ p 55

Page 2A

JLKW i!l:^£f.:AN to Liazie Ann ?itBgerald, Oct. 21, lETE by Seth Bennett, V, D, U. Book B p SJ

JAV.tS LAK'B to Kanoy T-oldT, Cot. 19, lf7P by Saral. Lowri^, J. P, Boot B p 5^

VlhOIL llAhPii\ to ;.u3tella t.'orriaon, Jiov . 21st, lilt

by A. J. Bakrr, Mlnietfr of th? Goapel Boole B p 5A

SA.VUi-L KU.Ti^ to ?njno'-B Falany, llov . 21, lilt by h. K. Dillard, J, P. i3ook b p S5

hICIiAhD XMGiiT to *nii ly Moore, Kov . 11, Itlt by Ch&e. l!. Jlaunan, J. P. tJook B p 5ti

Hi4>ihr BKCADhAL: to Coria clkfQ, Dfo. 20, U7^ by ThPo. Barf, J. F. liook 3 p 56

LLISHA AKDi^-SCN to Crorgia SlKons, Dec. 2t, lt7£

by John Thomaa, African W. a^. Churoh, --ntfrFrlae Book B p 56

THC!.!AS CKA«iPCf£ to liary Ann hunter, Dec. 2A, 1676 by Km. H. Butlcr, J. P. Book 3 p 57

iiCGAK i;. V.ALDhCN to >^na. is. Cross, Jan 15, U79

by Chae. G. SPll^ok, Faetor Church of Chrlet, Snyrna, ?la. Book B p 57

WILIIAII «ATTOH to LSargarrt Yelvlngton, Jahy. 9, l£79 by Barton F. Brooks, J. P. Book 3 p 59

JAMii5 CASV-fcLL to Carrie h. Kitch<»ll, Jar.. 1, lfc79

by «. ii. CartfT, DD. LID., Clergyman dock B p 59

TIVCTKY AW.S3CCD to i).lla Farley, Jan. 11, lf79

by H. K', Glon, Crdaln'd Mnieter Book B p 60

WfcP.WT J. SiiATTUOK, to Mies Sal lie U. Jordan, Jan, 2S, 1879

by Jas. H, Chto'chill, l!lnister of thf Qoepel Book B p 60

DAVID A. THOWfSCI^, to Fheby Ann Boyd, feb. 16, 1679 by K, H. Dillard, J. I', Book fl p 61

JtENlC. IM IliaCKhTtotbaimnA Pf tflv tngton, yuffch. 10)?, 11??9 by Shf*oaaiftl3«9oa, ff, P.Booitobk 1^ 6p 61

JChlJ D. BAKiih to Virginia Qalcchat «ioode, April 1, U7$ by B. &. Prfvatt, J. P. Book 3 p 62

fage 25

JCHN VoLMN to iiary hhittam, April 27, 1£7S; •iy P. IJ. Bryj^n, J. p. Book B p 64

THCrAS llAYS to Kora Lee, April 1? If 79

by Ufo. D. Kulot, Cl-rgjrman ' Book S p 63

CTF.US tlCRSi. to Dora 6arn«ell, toy 5 1^75

by John Ihoiiias, .sinister oP CiosFcl Book a p 6S

by A. -L. Frf'can, J. i. ,^ock d p 66

O^hGu AMi^S to Lucy Walker, llay 6 lf.79 by fiaail. Lo».rir, J. p. ^oot fl p 66

H^ihY h AhCHU< to Corn.lia fobinson, V.rcn 6, 1679

by John Ihcmaa, Minister of the Qoapel ^^ok B p 67

JOH^ L. Sanderlin to i.lizabnh Oetem, ;ay l?, U79 by henry T. Titus, .Notary Public 3ook 3 p 67

JCHi; I., MWLINS to Sarah S. Prrvatt, June IC, 1679

by Jac. H. Chandler, ;-i„ieter of Go.pei 'boT B p J^O

OhAKLha H. COHKS to Corr^lia P. c^.pnan, toy 7. 1679

by ^. r. Pink^ton, Miniater of Christian Ohur oh Book B p 66

JACOCB (JACOB in r^u^)SU,imiN to Ui.a Josephine Sik^o,

Bock B p 6e ^ ' ^' ^^"'^'^' ^'°^^y ^^li°' ^t-te'at Larg«,

UASTCN ^. QDUL! to Sarah J. Gone, liay 29, 1£79

by A. J. Baker, l-iniet.r of Gospel 'sookB p 69

JOaW a*,LL*^s to Annie MoMilland, 2/^y 29 U79

by Henry T. Titus, Kotary a^blio Book B p 69

JCHK *l. hAi-.LlNS to SAhAH S. Prevatt, June 10, 1679

by Jaa. h. Chandler, Minister of Goapel' Book B p 70


Hi»NhY SILLIAL'S to DeaUmory Courtney, June 12, U79

by a. 0. Johnson, his X (Oglored tiiniater) Book B p 70

I2KA-L SMITH to I.'^bf'oa (^Iv^n also Reb'-<jQa) Cunspale, July 11, .1C79 b/ John Thorwe, .Vinlafr o? Gospel Ooclc B p 71

JOKi R. JT-O'. to Htirlf^tta BllBon, Junp 5, 1679

b/ A. V, Hiacock, Orrialnrd liinlotfr of th'^ Go3pf»l Book B p 71

JOHIJ U FACt. to 'Jrs. iilla A. Brantloy, Jul/ 15, 1£79

by Rev, ThoB. D.. Latimer, iastor of trcabytf rien Church iJook B p 72

Qi^f^tW. DYALL to Charity i^wlins, July ih, 1679

by JaG. A. Ohanclrr, MrjiutT of thP Goopel Book B p 72

JAliiS' S. Bt-LL to ii«ailyL4«@9w , July 2A, 1679

by ?.m. S. Abbott, Kotar/ i\jblic Book B p 75

JACK TIIJJOKS to Famlf Hern, July Jl, lt79

by Cubit nileun, I'lniat^r of Goapol Uook. B p 75

JOfii; C. BWUlt/rr to J^art^ia liingatP, Aug. 19, U79 by Charles I'o^iiry, J. P. Book 3 p 7A

H«;ivr ALSTON to Louisa lalBlfciffl, Aug. 2t5, 1^79

by John Thoxds, VinlBfer of OoapPl Book 3 p 7^

JOHIJ PHHILIPS to V&Tj yranole (iTrano^^s) Alaobrooks, Oct. 1, 1679 by fvufua A, hueerll, '„:inl3ter of Gospel Bock B p 7S

iLI BAKiJUIKL to yartha Held, Oct. ^, 1879

by Jas. R. Chandler, Liiniat^r of Goapd Book B p 75

mi\k amiwiT tc cavid m. o>x)m\ oct. s, 1^79

by T. H. Bennett, 0. t* 0, Bock B p 76

WILLIAM r. L£A1EITT to Mies Hattle Vrmch, Nov. 21, 1679

by Jani^'c T. L^Bton, I'lnlstPr of tho Goepel Book B p 76

ALi^AfBiR H. DAVIS to Sarah Sauls, Cot. 26, 1679

by Hao. H. Chandler, Llnlet <-r of Gosp<»l flock B p 77

FCSTiJ% VAUfil!!? to Frsnoia (franoFfl in r«turn) Jackson, Dco. 2^, 1679 by J. H. i-ldridge, J. p. Book B p 77

FBge 27

Gl^ROt. ALLtN to Kanoy INllllama, D^o. 2A, 167? by L. n, bldridge, J. ?. Book B p 76

SAVUikL PUhDUM to lartha A. Mlnahe», D»n3. 25, 1679 by L. h. tldridgc, J. P. Book fl p 78

JOHN S. SMITH to Svaan 0. Lan^, Jan 1# ISCO by Charl^« HoMry, J. P. Book 3 p 79

VW^CH S. Sl'ITH to Nancy B<nn<tt, Jan. 5, UEO by Charlpe JoCl\ary, J. P. Bock B p 75

JOHN LCBO to AEiandasT Blaokw elder,

by Jae. h. Ghandltr, Miniot'r of Goepfl 3ook B p 80

H*^Z*KIAK hAV<LINS to Wary Oatepn, Jan. 15, lePO

by Jaa. H. Chandler, Liniet^r of Gc&pd Book: li p CO

JOHt'i DAVIS to Jane L. Thomas, Jan. 23, 1660

by A. J. baker, MLnleter of the Gospel Book. B p CI

OUDW (Gucmiu^in return) OOSilSBS {CC}ii:^S in return), to iiattle Jay lor, Jan. it, letO by A. fc.. ^reesian, J. P. Bock B p CI

IMIS PO**.LL to Mary S. Oowart, t'^b, ^S;, lECO

by D<^nl9 Sp^no^r, kiniet^r of Ooepc-l Book B p ti2

BiJ^JAUro F. GHILTC:J to Mary *. Tucker, Feb. J, l£fcO

by Oha». sell* ok, K!lni»st«r o."- Christ, K^m Snyrm Book B p 62

FFATOIS ks, KIIvKLAiy} to ftlwlnu BoO«?rt8, f'^h, 16, ICCO By T. U. Bftinnt, 0. k. 0. Book B p CJ

JOSi-P'rl BUOKLi^ to Hulda Sf^iomrdaon, 8^0. 19, l£EO by H. iSc&lon, filiniatcr Book B p £J

JOHN tlChi^Ll. to AUBabath 3. TilUe, iieroh 16, l£eO by L. h. i-ld ridge. Notary Public Book B p cA

STUHtJJ QOis^ to Amand lay lor, Uec. 22, If'tO

by John Thomaa, Miniet«Jr of Ooept'l Book B p 64

JCHIs VAUIiOr to H«^e «. U^o^h, April 15, 1G£0 by I.. D. Kuatcn, J. P. Book B p 65

THADIUS M. BAK^A to «*althy A. I^uahint, ?^ii* 5, 1660

by U. W. Bennett, yiniator o? th^ Go9p<--l Book 3 p to

. ,. *^^ 'a' 12, If 60

Book B P 91

Page 29

JOHJJ U. CAhhABAT to ^^rtha aennett, Sept. 9, IftO by uiiarl«B L. i;ci:ajy, J. r-. iit^ok b p iA

OU)hG*- tt. i'ODArai.Lto Belle h. Ladore, SCpt. 2^, l£fO by *-. U. i-inkOton, Vlriiei«-r Ucok ':i p Tb

FtfiPOS ^ff.D&Ofeftht^TT to ktortha t. Drawdy, ^i^pt. 12, iceo by Saiiil, I.owric, J. T. book B p S'^

IHLLIAM H. TiiDDi4^ to Kancy Y^lvlngton, £«^pt. 2. ItlO by iiilliasE A. autl^r, J. I. i^cxk B p 5/6

WILLIAM LASTING^ to I'ary Ann Tedder, Sfpt. 2, le^O by williaa U. riutl^r, J. i,

JCKN 0. HALL to Itory Laatlng'^r, S^pt. 2, If^O by «illiats «. liull^^r, J. P. iiock 3 p >7

William Sr-PH-;^ to Vary Child ere, icpt. 2^, lEfO

b/ ^red J. Lai-enotifre, Go. Judge, Voluaia Go. Ifla, book B p 57

THCUA: J. i'l/hhAiT to Ailiaa lilclionicl, Oct. IJ, iCtO by Ohas. G. u«llcok, I'iniatcr of thf Gospel in Glcncoi, Volusia Co., Kls, Book B p

». J. GI.i-i^l to HioPbP iPst bi-oGk, S^pt. 2£, iCtO by *illiam ». Butler, J. P. Book B p $€

tlLLIAW hOBi-hT BAW::!AKT to fianay -manual, u'pt. 20, 1££0 by Jas. H. Olvandler, WinietPr of Clc'jp<^l oook B p 9f

JCStPH C. PRiVATT to Florida /ord, tot. 2C, UIO

by Ktv. r«"ni;ifl Sp<"ncPr, J.lniatcr of GoBpt"! book B p 99

BO^JAUINL GEIfi'lN to I'ary Jauc IWgnt, liov . IJ, iCfcO

by Jas. il. Chandler, I'lniafr of the Gospel dock B p 100

Umm A. WAWI*A to *fflr A. Viarr.er, Kov. 20, ir:PO

b/ Jaaee T. Lawton, VinlatfT of Gospel Book B p 100

JAU^a J, D. RIC:i'iivI>SCK to Laura D. Cduin, Lto. 12, 1610 by L. 1.!. RiohaySon, J. P. Book B p 101

WILLIAM STCKJ"- to Didamtl OufsaCDidenn/ in return), Jan. l££l by A. J. Bak«r, .Vini9t*r of Gospel Jook B p 101

J, P. FJ^NSOi;, JR. to Laura Llnaic, Dfo. 2^, l££0

by Jamte T. Luton, J^it.ietfr of Goep^l, Book B p lOJL, (Jamea T. Lenton on lioensc)

FBgo 50

WWILLIAM Aia}a\SCN to 0. A. A. Davie, Jan. 2A, Ittl b/ J, «. becks, t\, Q, Book B p 102

iL'. H. FC*iiLL to Ar^eline Stirling, Dec. 25, lefO by tin. W. iutUr, J. P. :jiyok p lOJ

K. B. C0K«IJN to tUza A. Baldron, Jan. 6, 1661

by C. f. £lr>(;hi>ui, iaotor Congl, Church, mytcr^,

^ooic b p 105

SiMOK HUS^a to i-lizabcth TrocjrAn, Ja. . IJ, letl

by ^rPd J. lapfnoti^rc. County Jud^e, Volusia Co, Book B p 104

ABKAHAi; f'. T3rf<*' to .'.argar*^- A. hichardaon, /eb. J, lt£l by 2, K. Bfnnett, C. U. G. Bock ii p 1C4

JOiSK ^. PAhhi-TT (PAr.iCTT in rrturn) to Aufrica Ann i.ichardecn, Feb. 24, 16£1 by L. f^. Fvichardson, J. F. Book B p 105

J. ?, *IL£ON to Julia Ncebitt, i^&rch 5, Utl

by Jas. h. Chandler, lliniater of Goepri Book B p lOS

K«a\r KOiNin to tolly K N^sbit, l&rch Zh, Utl

by fifth S. Bmnctt, ^VinistPr of the Church Chriat Bock U p 106

GtOFOi-v.. BAK4i to L'iao rlargar^t A. Fouth, I'ftrch IG, 1661 by £fth S. 3«?mett, Vinister of thf Churoh of Chriet Book a p 1C6

H^5h? P. Fridfiftux to Diana Z. Bfnnnt, larch Jl, IfCl by Fi ^4. Bryan, J. Book B p 1C7

iO«AFl3 COLOIAK t Ida tlleby, Jiarch 25. 1661

by Jee. li, Chand ler,VJ.nlat er of Xht (jospcl Book 3 p 1C7

SilLLIAll *.. SlKGCiL to Anni« KI. ?oazard, April 10, 16£0

by G. L. And«T8on, J. P., Volusia Co., fla. Book 3 p 106

SAi:Ui4. SUravLY to Arjile PolitP, April 9, lf6l

.by if'rPd J. Lapcnotiere, Notary Fublic, Florida Booh B p 106

flLLlAy K BALLOL'GH to MlsB Uzzie Sharth, April 5, 16£1 by i-. Y. Pi-nkn-ton, Vinietfr Book B. p 109

JAf.'i-S P. TCftNStND to J,!arift J. i-'itte, April 11, 1661 by Seth £. BfrjQCtt, V. D. ii. Book B p 109

*ALTi* 0. HADDJJ^ to Miao terlon J. I, Moai^r, April 21, 1661 by John H. Griffith, Japtiet Church Book B p 110

f^g< 51

Hj-KKY L. Ut.i-^ to Sancrtha Janf- fountain, April 25, l6tl by i.obt. ft. iburdervant, J. P. BOOK B p 110

LC\'D /tU.TAIH to >'«llrela iTatfrs, L'ay 10, Utl by hev, t,, R. Johnaon Beck B p 111

JJ)KIK I!. SKCVi to Aliof i. Lcr^e, Sjay 15, ILCl by L, D, Huston, J. Boole ii p 111

Htlihf A. J. JAKOi to Zilpha Ktgieter, t'ay 19, l£fcl by A . J, Ual:er, winiu^e"r of Ccapcl book ti p 112

MILi^ Di^S to Caroline Gardn^T, Jun« 6, Iff 1

by Vt., C. uot.:s, i.otary i'ublio. Vol. o'o, dooK 0 p 112

ISAAC hlCiA'AN to Mizaonh buggCr, Jun'= 26, 16£1 by *., C. Suiirafrlin, J. h. Bool: b p UJ

WILLIAM HONT^ to iatline Billiams, Jun» 2h, 1561

by K^v, Qfo. Johnaon, Administrator book 6 p llj

TITUS BAT*^ to J^nerva Simpkina, Jun** 17, IPfl

by Jc&. [1. Chardlfr, li^ini8t«=r of the Gospel Bo&k B p llA

Oi^. v.. P'UTCH to Suean Hckwire, July 5, Iffl

by C. G. SflUck, Klinister of tne Church of Chriat Book 3 p nh

ORSON J. HILL to Addi^ riinkl«, July 2fc, Ui'l

by Jea. T. L'wton, L'lnioter of Goepei Book 3 p 115

KAYMCND MaDY to DoroUiy Uuggf'r, Jyly 2£, lEfl by L. !. . ^ich£rdson, J, F, Book d p 115

JCH2J Y-LVn.UTCK to ^nr.ic Jontg, July 2fc, Itf'l by S. i. BdcGor/clc, J, P. Book B p 1 16

ANDRWS C. BAKi^x to I>csey A. Koocrtf ,>.ug. 25, ICfl

by L. i:oGlon, i!ini3tcr of UiC Gcapci tJooK. a p 116

JOHN A. WILLIAVS to i-llcn H<nry, Aug. 2A, l£fl by. Rcv. G. ». . Johi.aon Book B p 117

PHILLIP FLFBUxSOK to June Soott, Stptcniber 1, ICei

by Seth 6. B«nnrtt, Mnalttr of Goaptl Uook B p II7

ROBi*T ». STUFDi-LVANT to Kathrine Bock^r, Sept. 15, l££l

by Jas. T. L'wton, Mniottr of tht Gospel jjook fl p 116

Page 32

EU.rARD REIMER (RIEMER) to Jennie Routh, Sept. 29, 1881 by L. H. Eldrlge, J.P. Book B p. 118

E, T. LANE to Adel© Prarch, Oct. 12, 1881

by Jas. T. Levjton, Minister of the Gospel, Book B p. 119

LAURENCE BATES BKO>'^N to Bettle Washington, Sept. 29, 1881 by U. U, Bennett, Minister of the uospel. Book B poll9

THOMAS SELLERS to Lydia Carter, Oct. 27, 1881

by E, 0. Summorlln, J. ?• Book B p. 120

LEVIN ARMWOOD to Margaret Brlnley, Jan. 18, 1B82

by John ThOKias, Minister of Oosuol, Book B p,120

JOHN MITCHELL to Idelle Btirthlow, Nov. 25, 1881

by L, H. Eldrldge, J.P, Book B p. 121

TONY FURGEKSOH to Louisa H. Roach, Nov. 26, 1881

by John Thomos, Minister of Gospel, Book B p. 121

R. S, BENNETT to Miss M, P. Dean, Dec. 22, 1881 Witness G. A, Dreka and 0. M. Jordan by O. Gordon, Book B p. 122

EDUAN DAVIS to Ida Taylor, Dec. 6, 1881

by L. H. Eldrldge, J. P. Book B p, 122

HENRY L. OKll.N to Morlj^h Clark, Dec. 12, 1881

by Jas. H. Chandler, Minister of the OospelBook B p,123

JAMES F. LEAKE to Mary A. Taylor, Dec. 8, 1881

by Rev, 0. W. Johnson, DcLand,Pla. Book B p. 123

SAMUEL J. JOHBS to Laura Lake, Dec. 9, 1881

by John Thomas, Minister of the Gospel Book B p. 124

SAtdUEL JjiMES to Hi»ncy Peters, Doc. 21, 1881

by 0, W. Johnson, Minister of the Gospel Book B p, 124

D, 0. H. BRADSHAW to Elizabeth Coalman, Deo. 25, 1881

by A. J. Bnker, Minister of the Gospel Book B p. 125

KALPH MITCHELL to Ella Cromer, Dec. 28, 1881

by Jtraes T. Lewton, Minister of the Gospel Book B p, 125

EDGAK A. WATSON to June Dynll, Jan. 10, 1882

by Robt. W. Sturdevant, J. P. Book B p. 126

Poge 33

OLIVEh N.^wTON to Kifiry Jeno bills, Februory 11, 1882

by John Thomfis, luinlster of ti.e Gospol, Book B p, 126

JOHN I. ALiiXAWUEK to Mi^ry Mvirsh, Februj.ry 9, 1882

by G, Gordon, Minister of Gospel, Book B p. 127

KOBl.KT RBID to Minerva MoKenzie, February 25, 1882

by James H. ChCindler, Minister of Gospel, p, 127

GEORGK DITHMaN to Mrrla Anna Schstetter, March 16, 1882

by Williura J. ReraincRcher p. 128, Jr. Moricua Ch, Platka,Fli

CARL F. PIEKSON to tisry Anna Rogers, April 6, 1882

By T. Bishop, Pt^stor M. E. Church South p, 128

GENL. GEORGE . MILLER to Maria A. Mitchell, Msrch 16, 1882 by J. Y. Puree, J .F p. 129

FRANK M. CONE to Mary A. Willis, March 20, lK82

by Ch? rlos McNar-y, J. P. p. 129

JAMES CASMEY to Josephine Green, March 26, 1882

by L. H. Eldridge, J. P. p. 130

THOMAS M. BANDY to Li lis M, Richards, March 30, 1882

by Seth L, (S?) Bockwith, iain. of the 0. p. 130

ROBT. ANDERSON to Mary Hall, April 8, 1882

by G. VV, Johnson, Min. of 0, p. 131

LAURENCE COACHMAN to Hattie Gardner, April 12, 1882

by Jas. H. Chandler, Min, of G, p. 131

SAMPSON JEFFERSON to Eliza Rosier, May 3, 1882

by John F. Palmer, min, of G, p. 132

ALKXANDEh PhEVATT to Ida Elizabeth Morton, May 11, 1882 by Geo. W. Lefncn (?) J, P. p. 132

EDV»ARD MOORE to Lnura Jane Clark, May 23, 1882

by H. B. Stewart, (Mason?) Priest p, 133

ANDREW DEMPS to petience Viilson, June 5, 1882

by James T, Lofton, Min, 133

LEVI COLLETT to Rachel Green, June 11, 1882

by A. L. Farr, Baptist Minister p. 134

Page M

GIDKUN D. VAN DYKK to Lorena Reld, June 13, 1B82

by Wm. .;, Hulat, J. P. p. 134

JAMiiS A. TEDDER to Martha Groover, June 21, 1882

by Churles Mo Nary, J.Pt p. 136

ROBERT G, V.ALESBY to Bona Oedelmen, June 27, 1882

by John T, Palmer, Uin, of M.E. Church, Orange City 136

PliANK A uHlTE to Jennie L. V.'ilkinson, Jtme 29, 1882

by C. Bingham; pastor of Cong, Church, Daytona p»136

PRANK BAlLLy to Mery Lodore, July 1, 1882

toy C, M. Bingham, pnstor Cong, Church (7 ough) p,l36

CHARLES F. GATES to Easter Reid- July 7, 1882

by (minister's name not given) p. 137

BENJAMIN HYMES to Anno Morgan, July 21, 1882

by A, L, Farr, Min. of the G, p. 137

OTTA (OITO?) VOSS to Ella R, Ardell, August 4, 1882

by Soth 3, Bennett, Min. of the Ch. of Christ p,l38

ELI ROCHELLE to Florence Proctor, September 9, 1882

by C. B. Buoknor (C ?), J.F, p,13B

CH/iHLES PEARCE to Mlnorva Livingston, Septortibor 7, 1882 by Horace A, GBines, J.P# p,139

JAMES PAULING to Mnhaley Higgins, September 11, 1882

by Robert W. Sturdevont, J. P. p. 139

ISHAM HALL to Darcus Cow lias, October 19, 1682

by M, H.Bridge, J. P. Volusia Co, p. 140

GEORGE B. BENNETT to Polly Futch, September 26, 1882

by J. Edwards, Min, M.E. Church, Florida Conf, p. 140

VrtC. H, EDMONDSON to Luna Eastman, December 3, 1882

by ChBs, M, Binghom, Pastor Church Cong, Dnytona p,l4l

ROLLA N. SEYMOUR to Eliza J, Builey, December 18, 1882 by 0. Gordon, Min. of the G, p,14l

ItjAhG Cl MONROE to Arnbelee M. Josaelyn, December 27, 1082 by John P. Palmer, Postor M.E. Church, Orange City 142

^■L^i^^ti. '-X


Page 55

ALBERT TUHNER to Currle V. Sands, Januory 7, 1883

by L, E, Eldridgo, J, P. p. 142

CIIAKLt-S A, BALLOUGH to Dora A. Dayton, Jonuary 7, 1883 by L. D, Huston, J, P. (Huston) p. 143

CHAhLiiS R. BLOOMiJi to Mortho A, Munger, Jtmuary 25, 1883 by Jrmes T, Lewton, KLn. of the Gospel p, 145

JOHN ELOF BEMGST'Oll (BEliGTON ) to Mrs. Elizabeth S.Ekenburg, Jan. 23, 1883 by John h\ Pt^lmer, Portor M,E, Church 144

J.J, AYDELOTT to Bet tie J. Jamison, Februfiry 1, 1883 by James T, Low ton, Min, of the 0, p. 144

JAMES R. STAT-FORD to Nettie Moore, February 7, 1883

byL. H. Eldridge, J. P. p. 145

AlBiiRT W, CH/.TTUCK to VJilllo Lee Conovor, February 20, 1883 by Jainca T. Lev. ton, Min. of G, p, 145

JAMES A.MITCHELL to Delia Doisey, February 22, 1883

byL. D. Huston, J .P . ^03!^Zkit^ P* ^^^

WILLlAf^ V<. STAPLER to Alice M. Rossetter, March 7, 1883 by G, Gordon, Min, of G. p. 146

ISAIAH B. LIBBY to Fsinnie B. Smith, March 8, 1883

by A. L. Farr, Bnptist Min, p. 147

HENRY H. MITCHELL to Mrs. Victoria H. McAlpin,Mor.l9,1883 by Jds, H. Chandler, County Judge p. 147

ISRAEL DOUGHERTY to Georgia Long, March 15, 1883

byjas, H. Chandler, Min, of the G, p. 148

WILLIAM KINO to Sallie Armstead, March 15, 1883

by D, Moore, Clergyman p, 148

JOSEPH SILAS to Carrie B. Loe, Mar. 15, 1883

by W. M, Bennett, Min. of G, p. 149

GEORGE '.V, BOYER to Bertha L. Longo (Gouge) return,Mor.27,1883 by C. M, Binghp.m, Pastor Congl. Ch. Daytona p. 149

GEO}vGE*'.V. /.KINS to Florida A. Prevatt, March 28, 1883 by Jco. H. Chandler, Min. of the G. p. 150

Pff£:e 36

EDViARD H. HOPKINS to Susan Alexander, April 3, 1883

by Seth S. Bennett, tilnister of the Chuich of Christ p,l50

WILLIAM 0. MOOHE to Snrah Clifton, Mnrch 8, 1883

by Uilllca W, Butler, J. P. p. 151

CLAIIETJCE M. GOKDAN TO Phoebe 0. Dt.rke, April 5, 1883

(Drake in return) by G. Gordan p. 151

THOMAS R. BYRD tc Sinthey L, McS'.valn, Ap, 8, 1883

by L. H. Bennett, 0,.-.G. p,152

AARON \;ILJON to Matilda Taylot, May 9, 1683 Ap,9 in lloense by Duvid Moore, Clergynan p,152

BOfllllO (?) TAYLOR to Lldia Thompson, May 14, 1883

by Soth S. Bennett, Min, Ch of Christ p. 153

Wtl, L. CROUSOH GROU.^EH, to Mrs. Uory Lewis, May 15, 1883 by v.m. W. Hulst, J.P, p,153

ISMEAL JACKSON to Doroas Ann Cooper, May 10th, 1883

by Joseph C. Crora&ck, Mln. of G, p. 154

ADAM (ADAI.IS) OVERSTRELT to Alice Anderson, May 26, 1883

by L. D. Huoton, J.P, p. 154

HUJRY MITCHELL to Annie Sirrns, June 10, 1883

by Seth S, Bennett, Mln. of the Ch. of C, p. 155

CHARLES \;. liARVIH to Annie M, Swing, June 12, 1883

by Jas, H. Chandler, County Judge p.l55

OSCAR JGNSON to Mary Miller, July 6, 1883

by Seth S, Bennett, Min. of the Ch. of C. p. 156

HE14KY PAUL C. LONG to Uartho Jane Oateen, Jul 10,1883

by Jas. H. Chtmdler, Min. of the G. p. 156

HARRY B. CUTLER to Laura J. Beck, July 8, 1883

by Chas, M, Binghnm, Mln. of the Gospel p. 157

Ja3. a. HUFi-LAN to Mrs. Ell abeth A. Pudgor, July 10, 1883 by Robt, B, Violseley, Poster of St, Barnabas

Mission Church DeLand p.l57

AARON YELVINGTOH to Jocnah V. Hall, June 24, 1883

by U. M. Bennett, kin. of Go p. 158

i-oge 37

CHKIl^TUrHi^h C. SUTION to Mary June Sutton, July 12, 18)33 by Geo. W. Lefman, J. P. p. 158

OEO. W. CHaNDLKR to Louise Davison, July 11, 1883

by Jnraes F (T?) Lewton, Mln. of G p. 159

lAhUUi-ii LIBBY to Aug-usta Jolvnson, July 15, 1883

by U. M. Bennett, Mln. of G. p. 159

JOHN H, GAhRON to Dora E. McDaniel, July 18, 1883

by C. C. Sutton, J. F. p. 160

ISAAC '..ILLIAMS to tflary Wiggins, July 14, 1883

by Rev. B. M. vUley, Enterprise, Fir. p. 160

REV. E. B, P003ER to Annie L. Finney, Aug, 6, 1883

by Gas, A, Pulwood, Or, Mln. p. 161

HKZEKIAH LAlviB to Kachel W, Register, Aug 12th, 1883

by Z. H. Bennett, O.lu.G. (as Is) p. 161

WILLIAM KOCK to Morgprett MoDougoll, Aug, 19, 1883

by Jas. U, Chandler, Ordained Minister p,162

OLIVm JOHNSTON to Cecilia Oorey, Sept, 3, 1883

by Seth S. Bennett, Mln, of Gh, of C, p. 162

ADAM GOHKELL to Tillie Palmer, Sept. 5th, 1883

by W. Hulst, J. P. p. 163

FhhNK D, BURM^STiiJi to Augusta F. lUlmaen (also Willnsen) by L. D. Huston, J,P, Sept. IG, 1883 p, 163

D, SAVAGE TO Victoria C. Sutton, Sept. 16, 1883

by Geo. W. Lefman, J. P. p. 164

EDWARD W. GREGOR to Mary J, Williams, Sept, 23, 1883

by Chas. M. Bingham, Past. Cong. Church, Dr^ytona p. 164

JOHN YOUNG to Clonh Davis, Oct. 30, 1083

by U. M, Bennett, fdln of G p. 165

ALONZO AiQNS to Frances M, Prevett, Oct, 14, 1883

by James H. Chandler, Minister Gospel p. 165

LEiiLIE'L. vtELLilAN to Florence V. Jones, Oct. 11, 18M3 by James W. She&rcr, Mln. of the G p.l6«

Page 38

REDD^ D. GREEN to Marie Scott, Oct, 17, 1883

by Chas, *. Bingham, Pustor Cong. Church, Daytona p. I6fi

MAT MILINER to Florida Da via, Oct. 14, 1883

by Seth S. Bc-rniett, V.D.M. (I don't Icnov; vihut it me ana) 167

EfmU LARKINS to Delio Anderson, Oct. 1?, 1883

by Seth S. Bennett, V.D.M. p, 167

DAVID F. ftiOKRISON to Mery A. McBride, Oct, 24, 1883

by L. H. Eldrlde, J. P. p. 168

wILLIAVi MITCHELL to Jonnna McCoy, Oct. 28, 1883

by Robt. ¥v, Sturdevant, J. P. p. 168

v.Ii.LlAk H. HiiN>MAN to krs. Missouri Boyd, Sept. 18, 1883 by U. M. Bennet, kin of G p. 169

liENRY H, FATANY to aartha C. Dryden, Nov. 4, 1883

by U. H. Bridge, J. P. p. 169

CHARLIE M. Bingham to Julia Helen Ma ley, Nov. 8, 1883

by Chas. M. Binghamson Pustor Cong Church, Doytona,Pla, 170

DAVID MACKEY to Lucy Lamb, Nov. 10, 1883

by Seth S. Bennett, Verbl Del Minister p. 170

JAMES SIf.U-iONS to Rouis Roule Manning, Nov, 14, 1883

by U, M, Bennett, Minister of 0, as is p. 171

HEj<RY F, QUACKENBOS to Clara Sauls, Nov. 21, 1883

by W. N. Chndoln, Mln of the 0. p. 171

ISRAEL 8MIj.lI to Katie Chestnut, Nov. 19, 1883

by C. C. Sutton, J. P, p. 172

PERRY EVAMS to Maggie Watkins, Nov. 25, 1883

by Jas. H. Chandler, Kin of the 0, p. 172

THOMAS 3. ANDERSON to Maggie Scott, Dec. 9, 1883

by Jag, H. Chandler, Kin, of 0. p. 173

i.ILLlAM S, JAMISON to Hat tie Cooper, Deo. 17, 1883

by C. B, Buckiior,ir, p, 173

LEE PATTON to Henrietta Haywood, Dec. 16, 1883

byM, A, Tanner, J. P, p. 174

P«ge 39

E, D, BliADDOCK to Josephine Robinson, Dec, 20, 1883 by Horace A. Ttinner, J, p, 174

EAlilLTON CLIi'TON to K&rtha A. Brynn, Deo. 22d 1883 by Villliam W. Butler, J, P, p. 175

jAUiiS L, EDLKFIELD to Luella Botts, Dec. 26, 1883

by L, M, Rlchsrdson, J. P, p, 175

VJILUAM PAULiiKSON to Mnrie Jonos, Jan. 20, 1884

by U. M. Bennett, Minlstor Gospel p. 176

J£RH;IIAH KELLY to Mary Elizabeth Guess, Nov. 4, 1883 by A, Enloe p, 176

jOSUt'li E, BROOKLK to Doi-a Ann Jones, Jan. 13, 1884 by William W. Butler, J. ?, p. 177

JACOB G.HUBi'.K to Martha L. Smith, Fob. 13, 1884

by L. Moreton Murray, J. P. p, 177

Haywood WCBUKNLY to Mary Nichols, Feb. 18, 1884

by B. W. Wiley, Pnst of A.M.E. Church p, 178

MONROE BhOhSON to Colestine Modesta Sewall, Feb. 14, 1884 by Rev. B, v.-, V'iloy, Pastor A.t,:.i;. Church p. 178

DAVID V«, AhLINE to Holen L, Smith, Feb, 19, 1864

by Rev, CM. Binghan, Pastor, Cong. Ch, Day, Pla. 179

MOSES M^KSH to Mary Blackwater, Feb, 21, 1884

by S. P. McCorklo, J. P, p. 179

MORRIS G. MUNN to Annie B. Kobb, hlhvch 3, 1884

by Seth S. Bennett, U,D,LU p, leo

J. B, SANBOFvU to Margaret A. Boguo, Merch 4, 1884

by Jemes W. Shearer, Min, of the G p. 180

IRAM AILLlAJflS to Violet Roberson, Merch 1st. 1884

by Rev, W. B. Riley, Pastor Union Baptist Church 181

JOSEPH OOLLINS to Julia Griffin March 4, 1884

by L, D. Huston, J, Po p, 181

ASA BifMN to Rachel Bleke, March 9, 1884

by Horace A, Tea nar, J. P. p, 182

Ptfie 40

NOIU'LLT LONDON to Ann Robinson, March 20, 1884

by Rev. W. B. Klllax Killix p. 182

DANIi;L L. BEIOjETT to Mrs. Elizabeth TJnderhill, March 20, 1884 by U. M. Bennott, ilin, of tlie 0, p. 183

i'lifrm LOHMAN PAUL to Mtiry C, Ml or, March 31, 1884

by George J. Alden, J. P. p. 183

CHARLES B. BUCxQIER to Olive D. Lleffler (Leffler) April 7, 1884 by C. 0, McLean, Uin, of the G,,Jf okaonville,Fla, Book B,184

JOHN J. ALiOUNDER to Miss Nannie Shields, April 25, 1884 by James G. GruhBin, U of tho G,

W/iSHINGTON HOU;iTON to Rosa V.illiams, May 2, 1884 by Jamos H, Chandler, laln. of the G,

MACK DAVIS and Mnry Lsrkins, Apl. 30, 1884 by L, D. Huston, J. P.

OFCANDISON jmES to Minnie Burges, May 6, 1884 by W. H. Bridce, J. P. Volusia Co. Fla.

CHARLES RYALS to Rosetta Eliot, May 7, 1884 by Rev. k. . B. Killix, DeLand

A. Q, GOODRICH to Annie C, Wilson, April 28, 1884

by VKllliam C. iiovves, Notbry Public p, 187

COLUMBUS COX to Hester Robinson, Mny lo, 1884

by Soth S. Bunnett,, V, D. M. p. 187

S. S. BUELL to Lula Svuumerlin, May 14, 1884

by Soth a. Bannett, V. D, M, p. 188

GEO. A HUNT to Deborah Louisa Evans, Mny 13, 1884

by George J, Alden, J. P. p. 188

HARRY V. BRYAN to Roena Clifton, May 8, 1884

by S. T, McCorkle, J. P. p. 189

WILLIAM RIVERS to Hannah Robinson, May 17, 1884

by C. B. Bucknor, J. P. p. 189

I/.BAN L. HANSCOM to Mnry Schildrith, May 20, 1884

by Scth S. Bennett, V. D, II. p. 190











Page 41

JOSEPH JOimSOU to Allcu Dunber, hay 19, 1884

by 0, Gov/orn, 11. of G. p. 190

R,R. ?OSTON to XrlQ h, iTlco, May 8, 1884

by G, Grovor, Miii. o, 0, p. 191

MaTT E, LAFOLLlvi'T to Lnura H. PurdBiu, May 27, 1884 by Jfimes G. OrvlioUy k. of tht G, p. 191

CHAKLi^S MAKTLNSOK to Ellon Brown, May 16, 1884

by L. D. Hu8to;i, J . i' . p, 192

JACOB hOSiBON (KOSiBOivN on cer,) to Lizzie Clarke, June 4, 188-. by Soth 3. D^^miott p. 192

LKE B. liORKIS to idattie Finney, Jun, 18, 1884

by Jomc3 G, Gi-ohaL'i, Moth, Min, p, 194

Everett L. Hi l?:;. rdson to Eva G, Mecconn, Jun. 19, 1834

by Robt, B, Wolseley, Koctor 3t. BarnabjiB Church, DeLond, 194


SiuIUEL I,i, CI-UL3LKLIK, to Nellie V. Jones, M.oy 27, 1884 by 3. V. MCDUFFiil^, Min. of t.G. p. 195

HHIKY HAKHISOII to Henrietta Freoman, July 3, 1884

by Robt. W. Sturtevant, J. P. p. 195

TIIOI.IAn J. HEATH to Msrthb A. Young, July 15, 1884

by S. W. Stownrt, J. P. p. 196

CH hLIJS A. COCP'uIi to Acldie Ketchell, July 27, 1884 by Rev, Chna, M. Bingham, Pas, Con. Ch, Daytonap, 196

\aLLIAM fiTJUTLTi to Hiss Emnia Pollard, July 7>0 , 1884 by George J, Aldon, J. P. p. 197

JAMES M. ARITOLD to Louisa M. Owens, Aug, e, 1884

by C, G. Sutton, J. P. p. 197

PERRY .JlilAMS to Martha To liver, Aug. 10, 1884

by Rev. W. C. Wilson, Or. Min. p. 198

TIi::oD01.E L. CUliKINCHAlv! to S&rah Ann C. Clinton, Aug, 14, 1884 by Emerson W. V;icks, Min, of G, p. 198

DANIE];, CLIlrTON, JR., to Minnie Cosmer (or spelled nnd pronounced in Polia langua^';©. Me Morzmeckoneoh)

Aug, 10, l;)84 by V.m. Vi/ Butler, J. P. p. 199

Page 42

JOilH JOiriiS to Lula Lair.b, Aug. 15, 1G84

by Horace A, Tanler (Tomer) J. P. p,199

MtiCK SLlftiOUh to fciergaret Gtrnet, Jun, 20, 1684

by J. G. Grlmoa, li.G, (tibb, ns Is) p,200

Qsi.Oii(}E hKOm to Mottle Grirfin, Aug. 24, 1834

by Jolrn n-iomos lUn. fs Ir. p»200

JOmi G, HALL -.0 Harriett Sylvlo Burma ster, Aug, 28, 1884 by J. C. Bnk^i', J. P. p. 201

CiL ivLl'S G. SMILli to Kiss Annie Phillips, Aug, 26, 1084

byB. I'., rdller, lsOo;.i-y rubllo of the Sttt o of Florida, 201

CapuS U, VOUGiiT (CAi'Ijl.S on orig.) to Llllle IIankerson,Sp.3, 188' by Jos. B. Hfarikcr2on,I.Ilni3tGr U.L.Bethel Baptist Churoh 202

MAlvSliALL JOKS to Ella Williams, Str, 6, 1084

by C. B. B-ucluior, J. ?• p. 202

Ohlliai W. BObTiKOUGHS to Alice Phillips, Str 7, 1884

by L, G. Grin-.cs M, G, as la p. 203

GOE, W. CLiri'OM to Istibelle Tedder, Str 14, 1884

by Wiii. u. Butler, J. P, p. 203

EOBEHT L. CLIIYON to Lucindo Tedder, S. 14, 1884

by Wm, W, Butler J, P, p. 204

IRA V«. WHITGOLiB to lllnnle Drake, S. 10, 1884

by D. V. McDuffuo. M.G, p, 204

W. JOHi,S to Nancy Futch, S. 24, 1884

by J, P. Wllklnaon,Lluer Moth.lrot Church,01enoo,Fla, 205

BEN JAIiNIN GKEEM to Annie e Edward Aug. 9, 1004

by J. G, Grimes M. G. p. 205

UnUiY T. liOUrH to fcury Tyler S. 30, 1084

by J, C. Baker, J. P. p. 206

MILES LAlvriNGER to Matilda Hunter, Oct. 7, 1884

by Wm. W. Bui^lhr, J. P. p, 206

DE^.UIS H. LOVihY to Isabella Morris, Oct. 2nd, 1884

by Jchn Thomaa, k. Gf^spol hs is 207

Pago 43

CHAlwiJS W. OUUDKICH to Uester C. Wilson, Oot. 8, 1884 by Wrii, C, Ho^aea, Hotavy Public p, 207

JiilPE R, OlviiOORY (Jept,?) to Lizzie Henry, Oot. 9, 1084 by Ji^jnea W, SliMi'or, y, G, p, 208

ALFRED FORCE to Surah Ann Green Oct. 8, 1804

by Oeo, tt. Lifiuun, J. F, p. 208

SAMUEL H. DARE to Norma P. Brf*oy, Oct, 19, 1064

by 0. Go PCI) n, i.i . G, 209

HEIiHY ?RI*JE to Mnrioh Rendolph, St-pt . 20, 1884

by Rv. «rf. 3. KillijJ, DeLsmu, Fla, p. 209

hOLAirO ROGKLEY (RO..LAN KECLLT, cor.) to Mary Rhodes, July 22,18< by J , A. Ball, Cong, Liniatcr iiS is p. 210

Jacob v. GILL/vSPKK (OILLISIIE) to Georoeanne Brown (GetinclaraanL by J. C. Bf'ker, J. P. Hov. 3 p. 210

COLONEL DaVIS to Julia Miller, Oct, 28, 1884

by L. D, Hunter, J, P. p. 211

La.«REWOE I"«\Yl<10hK to Francis ThoriBS, Nov, 8, 1384

by hv. fc. B. Kiliix of DeLand , Fla. p, 211

S/vMULl, H. RAY to Maria h.A, Smith, Nov. 12, 1884

by Tho3, J, Sookohutt, iJotury Public p. 212

HENRY *;Ii.LIAMS to M&ry Turner, Nov. 26, 1884

by Horace A. Tanner ? J. P. p. 212

J. D. HUPBAHD to Sf^rah Tucker, Nov. 26, 1884

by James H, Chnndler, M. p, 213

THOMAS K. ESTIS to Margaret C. Crov/ell, Nov. 26, 1884 by Soth S, Bennett, ailn, of the Ch.of Christ, p, 213

AARON CLIFTON to Eraallne Peeton, Hov. ^;6, 1884

by D. F, Morrison, J. F, p. 214

EUGENE A, BRANCH to Borber Borboe Odum, Aug. 3, 1884 by J . D, Bohonnon (Bohamon) Baptist Minister p. 214

J, U^VID JONES to Phely Boll (Beely) Dec. 25, 1884

by C, C. Sutton, J, P, p. 215

Pa£,e 44

JOHN L. JONES to Mnry F,. m^lte, Jan. 10, 1885

by L. Mrf Richardson, J. P. p. '^.15

JAMES F. VASS to liarlfi A. SKxlth, Jan. 8, 1886

by Clios, M, Blnghcjn, PusoOf Cont,l.Chvu ch Dpytona,Fl8,216

PLTini SMITH to Hattie Koid, Jnr.. 13, 1885

by S, V. MclXiffcs, I' . G . p. 216

smaiEivS MCCKUli to H^ttle T. Hortwoll, Jen, 4, 1885

by E. 0. V;icl:c, Goiig, minister p. 217

KDV; liD D. CHAMBLHC to Addlo Jones, Jan. 6, 1885

by iJeth S. Bcnnott, V. 1). h, p. 217

lAVihjiUCY. COLCKo (GOLOSS?) to Cst.hei-lne kcBurney, Jon. 6, 1885 by Seth G. BenncLL, V. D. fci, p. 218

aNDI'.RSON carter to ClareEoa Harris, Jen. 20, 1885

by C, B, Bucknor, J . i\ p. 218

BLIJ,.H BALL to Ann H. Herring, Jn. 27, 1885

by Rv Jos. 3. Hankerson, Port Ui-an^o, Fla, p, 219

SALTJEL F. SMART to Wattle t. Harrie, Fb . 2nd, 1885

by J. H. Grimth, PsatorB^pt. Cl.urch p. 219

JOHN S. BUCKLES to Eliza G. Slkes (Sjkes) on cert. Fb. 15, 1885 by L. JJ, Richardson, J. P. p. 220

EDWIN 3. STILUIAN to Jessie M, Heldebrand, Fb . 3, 1885

by E. L. Turquend, Church Eplscl. church of all Srints 220

EDV/IN H, PERRY to Oro Ann Buckles, Fb, 3, 1885

by Rv, Joseph Brotker (Bivakcr( p. 221

DAVID liERKI to Lizzie Berry, Feb. 25, 1885

by Rv. J. B, Hsnkerson, Dtytona ,Florid(^ p. 221

P.M. STRAKD to Sf'.r;;h Bennett, Mar. 8, 1885

by A. Kiiinell, M. G, p. 222

F. A, V.HKELEJi to Haria F. Pullerton Smith, Mor. 25, 1885 by E. Edvuerda, Babt. Minister p. 222

HENRY vV.li DOliN TO Margaret J. Sloti^h, Mar. 26, 1885

by Chunoy M, Bingham, P«stor Goni.Ch.DHytona,Fla.p.223

Page 45

S. D, PEACOCK tc Wnrtha Doughnrty, Apr. 15, 1885

by L. Mcc Dane la, J. F. 223

AlLLIALI raVKKS to Sophrcnla Lenon, Apr. 13, 1885

by C. B, Buckr.or, J. P. T. ^^4

b". G, AUr'i'IN to K-lttle Lonkeetor, Apt, 17, 1835

by E. h, Turquand, In chi^rgo of t 11 S&ints Chui-*ch, P24:


JaML^ MOKGAK to Isabella Ruth, Apl, 19, 1885

by Rv. Jaa, Gchofield, Orariije Cicy p. 225

0. 0, G'w.i-i-'OhU CO Goorgle L^stlngor, Apl. 21, 1885

by QJ'l. M. Butler, J, ?. P. ^25

GEOhaK JOillJSON to, Delia Randolph, Apl. 22, 1885

by Horaco A. Ttuinor, J. P. p, 2£6

HiJJKY H. SThV.'AuT to M-ry S. Steunton, Apl. 22, 1885

by E, 0. Plnkerton, GbrlBtipn Minister p. 226

vaLUAJ-l E. -CK to Therese Achstettor, Oct. 1, 1885 by Rv, B. C. Keilly 227

HARRY 0. GAilAOK (GAMADGL) to Fenny Ellsiibeth Jones, Apl. 8, 1885 by U. M. Bennett, M. G. 227

CATC CMIPBEKL (C/aiBELL,ln cer.) i.o Roea Sutty, M»y 5, 1885 by D. F. llorrlson, J. F. P. 228

WATT JOIILG to Mary Glsps, Mt>y 7, 1885

by J. L, Fragret, M. G. 228

OSBOIJH MAY to Ccncia Hopkins, May 6, 1086 by T. T. Grino:;, M. 0.


\iU, &. CLIFTON to laabol Cliiton, Hay 13, 1085

by D. F, Uorripon, J. P. ?• 229

JOSiiPH E. COULTLR to Belle DeYaiman, tiny 15, 1805

by Jar.GS Schofleld, i't^ctor I.I . L. Chu] ch p.230

MOAH MOOiUil to Florida Robinson, May 10, 1685

by J. C. Bf^ker, J. ?• 2'^0

R. t/gRAY to Katie B. Jordan, May 14, 1085

by J. H. Griffith, Glorgynian '^•^l

Pa^ro 46

R. r. . r.HOOK to Lulona Alnan, Mny 14, 1885

by Goo, V;. Dickson, J. P. p. ^31

STEPHAIJ SPAROIAU to J. T. , HcHnll (Winn), Mny 20, 1885 by Robt. V/. Sturdevfint, J , P. p. 23;^

'./ILLIAM JOHNSOII to Anna Harris, May 23, 1885

by Pred Wllllons, Henry Jaokaon belov? line, p, 23^

J, L. NICKOLS to Ura, J. H. Andornon {\iidov) May 29,1885 by Rv, U. B, Youn^, Minister Clijijtisn Church p. 233

ARIEL P. GAns to Isabella D. P. Smith, Jun. 4, .1885

by J, 11, Gri filth. Pastor 1st Bipt.lst Church, DeLrod 233

HKKUY SIMMONS to Elvira Jackson, Jun. 4, 1885

by E. Mocy, Mln, p. 234

JJii.iiMY BAKElv WARD-^ELL to Grace Amelia Penfield, Jun 10, 1885 by E. 0, Plnkerton, Minister p. 234

WILLIAlri C, C0^4PT01J to Dora A. Jones, Jun 15, 1885

by D. F. Morrison, J. p. 235

JAJilEH B. TAYLOk to Clara F. Burrell, Jun 19, 10B5

by Jnnes Schol'ield, Oranf';Cf City p, 235

GRAHAM THOMpnoH to Hery E. Muthotvs, koy 25, 1385

by Gaoc W. Jones, Clorfc-yman P.^. Cb^Mch p. 236

WARRH^I JOKES to Erarao Hill, Jun 18, 1305

by b. M. Miller, Notsry Public, Florida p. 236

CHARLr^S GXIFFIN to Emma Buckner, Jun. 19, 1885

by 'i'. T. Gj>inG3, n , G. p. 237

U\, W. CAKl'iix to Clara Vrf. Mitchell, Jun, 17, 1885

by W. H, Ct.rter, Rector St. Jolms, Ts'llehasseo, Florida M&rriod at Holly Hill, Florida p. 237

V.TLLlAi.i V/. ALCOTT to Lizzie J, Parrcc, July 8, 1885

by 1/. B, Yo\ing,Ps:'tor Christian Church, DeLand, Volusia Co.

Fla, p. 238

TUOiaiTOU B. SThlllGJ ELLO.v to A. Krnc.itine Browne, July 23,1885 by H, W. Gelaton, Clergymen, DeLi^nd, Fla, 238

BElIJ/u\l-H HAi-Ki::. to Surah Ann Tho.npson, Aug. 3, 1885 by Rv. J. L. Prazlor, M, 0. P. 239

Page 47

a. T, FUDGLK to Laura C. Dean, Aug. 11, 18^5

by KoLl., B, MosolejjPriest of the Prot.Ep. Church,

DeLand, Fla, p. 239

JOHil H. AbBUl'i' Lo Grace B. >»ilklnson, Au^;. 17, 1885 by O^orge J, Aldtn, J , i- . ' p. 240

V, W. LOCKwOOD CO Garrio Babingtcn, Aug. 18, 1885

by Chi'O, Chu3 . M. Elni^haai,Potit,Con{cl, Church, Daytona, Fla, 240

JOHIJ GAKDEH to Gnraphina Pacettl, July 30, 1885

by J Sim A, Baj.1, Gon2i-e£:aT,ional Minister p«241

JOHN WILSON BLALKwLLDiiR to Mijry E, Tlioinaa, ang, 30, 1Q85 by Wm. ^, Biitlcr, J. j. , p, 241

GUST JOnN:::ON to Augusta Green, Aug. 30, 1885

by Gfcto, w. Lei man, J, P. p, 242

W, Mm PARGii to iiiary L, Holbrook, Str, 8, 1835

by H. iii, Gelsuon, Presu. Cloj-g-jnian, DoLan, Fla, p, 242

iilLLLi'iK BU.VjiiAii to Betsy Llicklns (ena) Sep, 15, 1885 by iiiaer V< . B . Klllix p. 243

JOliN V.YLLIE to Leila Angelina IJorthrop, Oct. 6, 1885 by Chu3. li, binghi*ra,i-'t.&uor Congl, Ch. D^ytona p. 243

PKED GliUMl^ to iritnta (Mlnter) Bresly, Oct. 8, 1885

by Horace o. Tanner, J. P. p. 244

JALIE3 J:J. i'JcTLiiGON to Tulle Tyre, Oct. 1, 1885

by L, U, Klciuruaon, J, T, p. 244

jAMiiii MiiiAL to Alice C. Kuslilng, Oct. 14, 1885

by T, N. Jonkina, J. p. 245

WILLlAlvI A. PhlKLT to Mary I'., Bennett Oct. 15, 1885 by Jac, Carnell, Hoti.ry i'ublic p. 245

J/J-iES BMNELT to Haggle Bennett, Oct. 15, 1885

byJaa, Garnoll, H. P. p. 246

HLlhvy C. PACETTI to Lulu K. Yatoa, Oct. 22, 1385

by L. L>, Hufci'ton, .i . P. p. ,246

MASOW HOLD to Francis Vau^es, Oct. 23, 1886

by Rv. w. B. iViJLilx, pastor Union Bapuitat Church, DeLuixi ,

Fla. p. 247

Page 48

ROBT. MCCTJLLERB to Eliza Msrahall, Nov, 5, 1885

by Kv, John Thomas, Enter prise, Pla, p. 247

mos JOrj)AN to Lydia Glass, Nov. 5, 1P85

oy Rv. Jno, Thomas, Knterpri?e, PI". p, 248

A. h, ^iHLKUX to HaLtie A. Chenery, Nov. 9, 1885

hy J. H, Grirnth, ClercryTiian p. 248

»*IbLlAi>l BUKNj-.Y Lo fJury Gory, Nov, 25, 18R5

hy E, Mecy Minister p, 249

i«IN3T0H AMBhor.E to H'Jrtha Thigpon, Nov. 21, 1885

by Rv. John Thonas p. 249

\t, H. BAILEY to iiarah L. Wingate, Dec. 13th, 1885

by L, Moreton Uurra-j, Notary Pi^.blio p. 250

C. U, GRaKhM to Julio HpII, Doc. 16, 1885

by Rv. T. T. Giiinen, M, G, p. 250

JAliKS V.ILI.IAM uINGATE to Lnura Jsne Haynoa, Dec. 20, 1885 by Chtis, M, BlnThon, I', G, v.nci P-r^or of Congl.Churoh,

Drytonn, Fla , p. 251

SaIHUEL Bhm to Anna Dell £towe, Deo, i:5, 1385

by Geo. Stov/o, I'l . G, p, 251

CDLLi£iB. JOHNSTON to Anne C. Hinl'wle, Dec. 23, 1885

by Ho none given as to cerenory porfoi-cTS d,no date on oer»

p,252 T. B, RICHARDSON to Kiss A. D, Cnrter, aamo as above,

p. 252 SAtWEL B. './ILSON to Susan M. Berbo)-, Jrn. 5, 1886

by J. T. Conard, Mln, Proa. Church, p. 253

J. W, JOHNf/roN to Dorallna De Prctta (Do?elind Deprattor)

Jan. 7, 1886 by ff. H. Jenkins, .T. r. p. 253

A. P. MCCORIJIGK to Anna C. Scarlett, Deo. 31, 1885 by Edv;ard 'i' . CnrT^ick, Kinioter p. 254

PMITH W. BAIffiLhrr to Abble L. Green, Jan. 14, 1886 by Chrn, J/ , 'Plnslioia, rnc. Congl.Chu,Daytona,Fla, 254

GEORGE R. ROBIiRTS to Jennie Blocker (Block on cort.) Jan. 14, 1^ by Rv. J. B, Hcnkorcon, Dry tone, Fla, p, 255

Page 49

EDV.ARD DELAINY TUCKEli to Lulie Waterfall, Jon. 29, 1886 by Jyrfieg H, Chandler, County Judge p, 255

J, R. TURNER to Llllle E. V/eavor, Fob. 1, 1886 by ChGS, M. Bingham, M.O. p. 256

J. W. WINN to E. J. Wlngate, Fob. 2, 1886

by L. Moreton SSurr&y, K. p. 256

PHILLIP SIMMONS to Catharine Long, Feb. 7, ai886

by T. T. G&ines, a m of the G. p. 257

VaLLAlM M. DUNN to Nellie Mellette Feb. 9, 1886

by J. H, Griffith, C, DeLand, Fla, p. 257

THOMAS ALLEN to Currie Peterson, Feb. 6, 1886

by H. liV. Gelscn, Presbyterian Clergyman p. 258

R, M. CARTER to Martha A. Dixon, Feb, 11, 1886

by David Moore, M. 6. p. 258

080AR H. BRYAN to Mary F. Clifton, Feb. 11, 1886

by D. F, Morrison, J. P. p. 259

ANDRE;i/ CARTER to Georgia Berry, Feb. 18, 1886

by T. T. Gaines, a M. of the 0, p. 259


A. S, OSTEEH to{Georgle in cer.)Dugger, Feb. 19, 1886 by Geo. W, Dickson p. 260

JOHN B. CAI^PBELL to Christiana MoRae, Feb. 11, 1886 by A , L. Loder, Pastor Pres.Ch., Sonford, Fla. p, 260

W. H. STOWE to Lucy A. Richardson, Feb. 24, 1886

by L. H. Eldrldge, N. P. p. 261

F. M, NICHOLAS to M. J. Veres, Dec. 5, 1885

by H. McGlon, M. G, p. 261

DAVID D. HALL to Mary Lou Drew, Jan. 27, 1886

by R. MoGlon, M, G, p. 262

THOMAS N. PAGE to Ida Hardman, Mar. 11, 1886

by J. H. Griffith, Clergyman p. 262

BOAT'.RIGHT BKOV^ll to Henrietta Jackson, Mar. 18, 1886 by J. F, Frezer, M. G, p. 263

Poge 50

J. V/. WATSON to Mory Self, Mar, 20, 1886

by J. Quartman J^eS

JOSKFH LEVIKOTON and Susan Ooodvjln, Mbt. 24, 1886 by Rev. T. T, Orines p. 264

G. HOWAKD and Rebooca Drake, Mar. 30, 1886

J. H. Griffith, poBtor 1st Baptist Church, DeLand 264

WILLIAM WIGGINS and Earns Buck, April 8, 1886

Burton K, Barrs, n, p. Stfte of Florida p, 265

WILLIAM HENRY MORTEN end Habashom C. Dorman, Ap, 5, 1886 A. T. Llnbarger, J. P. p. 265

FREDERICK LESTER and Maggie Thurley, Murch 24, 1886 James H, Chandler, County Judge p. 266

ALEXANDEfi REID and Mary H. Carter, Ap. 6, 1886

James Russell, Pastor of M. E. Church South p. 266

BEHJAiilN JEUNINGS and Precllla Carter, April 8, 1886 H. W. Gelston, Presbyterian Clergynan p. 267

R, M. GODHIN end Elizabeth Bennett, April 11, 1886 Rev. James Russell, Pastor M. L. Church South p,267

WILLIAM F. HORMAN and Josephine Achat etter, April 14, 1886 M. F. Foley, Catholic Priest p. 267

Q. F, BAKER and Laura Thornton, Apr. 20, 1886

D. Moore Minister of Gospel p. 268

EDWARD Vv. JAI.aSON andGrace E, Gray, Apr, 25, 1886 Mengo S. Leote H. ofG. p, 269

A HATCHER and Miss Eva Hanoock, Ap, 25, 1886

Patillo (ChRS.) Pastor Volusia Circuit M.E. Church South

p. 269

C. F. FIERSON and Clara P. Blake, Ap. 29, 18B6

J. T. Leon&rd Minister of Presbyterian Church p«270

W. T, SMILET end Liba Gory, Ap. 29, 1886

Rev. James Wallace p. 270

JAMEs'h. BARRON and Irene Allyn, May 13, 1386

S, V, McDuffie, U, of Q, p. 271

Page 51

MAC HOU.STu!^ and Sorah Peteraon,Bay 9, 1886

by tho Revont Elder James Welle c-e p, 271

JOIiH PETER POLLITZ and F.liza Wltr.el, June 6, 1886 E, L. Turquand, Enterprise p. 272

GEORGE vy, FISHER end 0. Gertrude Lancaster, June 8, 1886 M, F. Foley, Acting Rector St, Peters R.C. Church, DeLnnn, Fla, p, 273 C. H, PALLIER and Lou Stong, June 8, 1886

U, M. Babcock Poster of S.D.B, Church, Day tona, Plo,

p. 273 CURT BENTON and Hsrrlet Moore, June 12, 1886

H, V;, Oolston Presb, Clergyman p. 273

HARRY ANDERS nnd Laura M. Novle, June 15, 1886

H. V». Gelaton, Presb. Clergynmn p. 274

EDWARD MCDONALD end Cora Brown, June 18

Rev. W. B. Killix p, 274

ALFOKD E, JONES and Rosa Lee Green, June 14

C. C, Sutton, N. P. p. 275

JOHN DOUGHiJiTY anclHf^ncy Florence Jones, June 17 U. M, Bennett, J. P. p. 275

Fl^AKK W. TAYLOR ond Susan S. Clarke, June 5

U. M. Bennett, J, P, p. 276

J, H, 0. QUINN and Lech Lucinda Bennett, June 20 John . Price, H. P, State at Lurge, p. 276

BALAM MORGAN end Luella Hicks, July 1

Rev, 0?. T. Gaines, i«i.G. (actual) p. 277

EDWARD HURRY ondEvelyn Mary Cox, Hay 6, 1886

C. F, A. Blelby, Priest of Protestant Episcopal Church

In tho U.S.

HENRY JONES and Nancy Sanders, July 7, 1886 T. T. Gains M. G.

GRAHAM STEPEEiUiUN and Rosa Mosely, July 12 JuB McCoinb Jr N.P, Volusia Co., Fla.

Fi^NK STEPHENSON and Julia Vihite, July 12 Jus. McCoiab Jr, N.P. Volustt. Co,, Flo,








Pogo 52

LEVI iiAKN and Jtno McDuffle, July 11

H. W.Celston, Prcsb. Clergyman p. 279

JOHU T. MOODY snd Kile J. Pievett, July 16 - T. K. Jenkins, J. P. U Instead of N? p. 280

BAhNEy DILLA.RD and Alice G. Sherrill, July 18,

D. V,. OllsBon D.D. p. 280

JEJ'PMiSON DAVIS and Mattle J. C# Gould, July 20

L. M. Richardson, J. P. p. 281

HENKY MOORE endMartha Drayton, July 29, 1886

J. W. Ctirnoll, N. P. p. 281

CALEB WARE and Hnttie Jones, Aug. 9

J. L. Prazier M. G,. p. 282

CHARLIE S. FLOV/ERS and Missouri Hares, Aug. 11,

T, N. Jenkins, J. P. p. 282

ROBERT R. TAYLOR and Pauline Jundon, Aug. 4, 1886

Rev. Felix P. Sviembergh Catholic Pri( st p. 283

THOI^S SUWdERLIN end Viney Rye la, Aug. 26,

J, C. Bi-ker, J. P. p. 283

TITUS BENKS and Elizabeth Rosenborough, Aug. 30

J, A. Quurterman Clergyman p. 284

LAURExlCE H. ROBERTS and Victoria Bis son, June 28, 1886 A, L. 3, Bslerman Pastor M. E, Church, Orange City, Fla,

p. 284 C. F, bPAULDIHO and Martha L. Sutton, Sept, 9,

W. B. Yovmg, Pnter Chriatian Church, DeLand, Fla.

p. 285 CHARLES H. PAYIJE and Fanny M. Moore, Sept. 1,

Rev, W. B. Klllix Fr.stor of DeLand, Fla, p, 285

ERD AKDERSON and Sarah Williams, Sept, 19

L. McDonald J. P. p. 286

GEORGE BAIiI^VvELL and Lou Anderson, Sept. 28

J. A. Quarterman Minister 286

WILLIaM SMITH and Cornelia E. Denny, Sept. 28

Menzo S. Leete, k. G. p. 287

Page 53

W, Vv', PAWXl\ £ridHenrletta Livingston, Sept, f.8, T. N. Jenkins J. P. p. 287

FRiiNK T. PECK ftnd Ida A. Alford, Sopt. 29,

ChDS. M . BlnghfiL;, Pastor Cong. Church Dry tons Bep.ch

Florida p. 288

JOHN KUKPHY ond Chi.ilty Row 11ns, Oct. 4, 1886

Jumea H. Chandltr County Judge p, 288

B, W. PHILLIPS ond Hester Brown, Oct, 5,

Rev. T. T. GalneE M. G, p. 289

JAijES G, GhAHAW ax'd Josle Price, Sept. 8 (License Issued Ap,21 John B. Lee ? Ley M. 0. p. 269

RICHARD J, MCCAKThT find Annie Msry Moellcr, Oct, 27, Wm, C. Howos, II. P. p. 290

GEOROL H. COIJUT and Mrs. Erma M. McLonn, Oct. 28 3. V, McCorkle, M. 0. p. 290

MILLAKD B. JPJirNINGS «ndMallnda Davis, Nov. 6

H. W, Gels ton Presbyterian Clergyman p. 291

R. H, HULL end H&ttle E, Imcrson, Nov. 10

E. W. Gelston, Prea. Clergy p, 291

FivED EONE'£lifELL and Cella Chesner, Sept, 14 (1, Issued 13 Nov.) Rev, M. Holnan Baptist Minister p. 292

JOHN C. BALL and Ida P. Swift, Nov. 25,

Chas, L. Puttlllo, M. 0, p. 292

EDMRL L, SMITH and Nancy Elizabeth Bennett, Nov. 30 J, P. Wilkinson, Elder Meth.Proteatant Church 293

FREDERICK W. J.'JiLLY and Alice M, Mathews, Nov, 25, 1886 Chas, W, Bingham, Pastor Cong, Church Daytona Plrp-^^da

p. 293

LINCOLN ROBINSON and Eliza Gerry, Nov, 50

Robert W. Stxxrdevant J, P, p. 294

CHARLY H, MANSFIELD and Mary E. Guthrie, Nov. 30 Rev. Geo, G, Jones, ClGrgymen, P,E, Church p, 294

S. H, KIRJ and Mattle Roblnetto, Dec. 22

Chas. L. Pattillo, M. G, p. ^95

Ptge 54

JOHH IcmJi^'fl. and E3sie M. Wilson, Dec. 23

J. L. Pinkorton, Poster of Church of Ormond Golu3la Co.Fla

V.ILLlHf.' FAQAII and LiUion Msud Smith, Dec. 5 (Ir:.Hon.29) J. L. Pinkorton '^^

Vi. B. yo\ing, Pf,3tor of Dei,^n<J Christian Church ^96

WILLIS SAVAGE and Charity Perry, Jn. '^ , 1807 H, Y.', Goiaton, Pi^es. Glerg^^Ttien P. ^^^ f

COTOTK'A'D BUGKK1AN and Mamie A. Berne, Jan. 5, 1887 C. C. r-'oLeen Pnstor M. E . Church St:. Augustine, Fla.

p. c,y I

PAUL BENH^.-l'T &ndl..pry J. Thompson, Doc, 30, 1886 Eoraco A. Tonner, J. P. Volusia Co. Flo. p. 298

THOlfAS H. AD/vMS snd K. A. Lpnier, Jan. 9, 18B7 Z. H. Bennett M.G. '^^^

KOBUIT SMiaS pno Luler Oorey, Jen. 1^, 1887

Geo. Rovraan, Minister of the Gosr.ol,L9ke Helen FU. ^99

ED-iARD -^IIOMAS KING and Susan Clifford Fo:s, Doc. 12, 1886 J. A. Ball Congref:atlonal Minister p. ^^y«-^

D. 0. CtTA'ING and Mary Butler, Jpn. 27, 1887

T. K. Jenkins J. P. p. ^uu

LAKGE WATSON end Eniina Rivers, J^*^,^^,,. ^v ^ 300 O^vene PhlollyB H. Devls M. G. (Phillys) p. 300

V/ESLEY CLIFTON findEllon Pop^jell, F^J?- J; ,

J. L. Plnkerton Cliurch of Ormond Lnlon p. <50X

FPANKLIN BENJAMIN DAVIS and Erana Berry, Fob. 6,^ J. Di Qaarterman P* '^

JOSHUA VULTOH end Fannie Y/oshlngton, Feb. 17

J89. McCorib Jr N.P. Volusia Co. Fla. P. 302

C. 3. VIHILAN and Clnra Euroth, Feb. 15

Jno. F. Lundell M. G. p. ou<;

Y-TLLIAIA E, HEDGECOCK and V. V. Thlgpen, Feb. 19 John ff. Price N.P. State at Large p. '^uo

Page 55

DAVID BUFJROUGH;: and Emmo Tillman, Feb. 21

Horace A. Tanner, J, ?• for Volusia Co, Fla. p. 303

J. F. SHIELDS and Mrs. Medora Brunch, Fob. 27

Chna, L. Pattlllo, M. G. p. 304

ALLKN J. ODWi fmd Mrs. Emily Topley, Feb. 26

John II, Burton, N. Stato of Floriati p, 304

BRYAHT MORRIS and Mary 0. Manning, Murch 7

Geo, W, Lifnsn, J. P. p. 305

jor.ErH LICHTEIISTETK and Mrs . Lucrotla TJndorhlll, Mar, 9 D. F. Morrison, J. P. p. 305

M/iRIAK DEPRATTA end Mary Ann Pierson, Mar. 10

T. A. Jenkins, J. P. p. 306

.ANDREW VVALSLEIH and Georgianna Foster, Mar, 10

L. D, liuston, N. P, . p. 306

E. K, LOViD JR. and Anna Leonore Putch, Mar, 15

Robert L. Wilson N. P. p. 307

NATHAN COLLINS and Allco Jenkins, Msr, 20

Robt. W. Sturdevant, J. P. p, 307

IRA L. DOHALD and Clemrals J. Vnndegriff, Mor. 16

Seth L. Bennett, M. 0. p. 308

JOHN K. DEDRYSDALE and Mary A, Bennett, h'cr, 20

Janes A, Oruver, J, Pt p, 300

JASPJJl STlsVJART and Annie Thurman, Mar. 26

T. N. Jenkins J. P. p, 309

J, W. CLARK and Susan Baker, Har. 23

D.L.S. Bateman M.O, p. 309

W, L, KATZ end Jennie Giddings, Feb, 20

A.L.S. Bnteman Pi'stor of M.L.C, p. 310

B. WlLoGN and Bessie Rankin, Mar. 31

H. W. Gelston, Preeb, Clergyman p, 310

JACK GRICE and Fanny Nunrue ? Mar. 31

Rev. Philip H. Davis M. G, p. 311









I'sge 56

mOS> H. ^.IliKn''. und Ell£\ Simmons, Ap. 5, Kev, J. R, Frof.ior M. Q,

JOHK .V. SIuIIH nnd Bc-tty 'Mnn, Ap, 7 L, Soroton Murray, N, P,

JAMI'S L, HI'.Ni:Y eri'I Norah Tdraons, Ap, 18 R, S. Quavter;nan M. G,

K, H, HILL sn;l Mrs, Llzzl© f.'.onroo, Ap. IQ Kev, v/. B. Klllix

T, R, HATCIiKi and I'&ry St e them, "5 Ap.

M. S. Leote M. G. p, 313

AhTEMA3 ELEvaOHTH COLBURII and Asoneth Druallla Vjalton,Ap,28 Jos, B, Beldvjln, R,F. St&to of I'iorlds

S._B. BROOKE f^nd Ellen M. Clifton, t/oy 1 D, F. Korrlson, J, P.

J. Vv. TV.INE and Mnllnda Patterson, Ap. 24 J. B. Heukerson DrnVld Rolnes

CHA?:TJ-:n HA-.-KINS nnd Martho Woodward, Mny 3 T.N. Jenkins J . i' .

TILMAi! JOirWSOlI and Amy Carter, Mriy ?0

H. K. Qelston. Presti, Clorgyratm DeLund PlD,p, 316

JAMl-^S SAl-'PAKD and Lucy Hogans, Key 10

Geo, H, Count K,P, Stute at L«^:rrre p, 315

THOMAS E. DAV]^?OKT andPlorida Dnyition, May 10

Rev, H. Ho]jar.n Baptist Minister p, 317

JOHH E. STILLIUN ond Martha E, Deycrraen, Ap. 13 A , L, S. Dateman Minister p. 317

KKIRy Y. THOMPSON and Lena Marsh, May 11

Ghas, ?i, Blnghfim 3t, Pastor Cong.Ch, Daytona Fin. 318

DANIj-I. haze end Francis Edwards, May 10

Rev, M, Stephens p. 318

CHx^JSTIAN L. DOHK and Mary A, Havjley, May 18

J. A. Ball Congregational Minister 319









Pf.gG 57

FivliDUIIIO Mlilii;?^. Hjiu Chi'i'lotte P.o^Tnoiir, Way 24

Rev. W. P, Killi^; Pj'ator, DeLend Flo. p. 319

jOini CliANOh Jiiid Lvn Vihitrann, Moy 25

H. V<. Golatcn, Proat). 01. p. 320

jA?!Ii:3 Si'QCKTOK m d I/ia^iglc He.ll, M^^y r:4

Rev. Jr.iies Wallace Mlnistor p. 320

D.iVID NEL301] and Hnttlo Kay, M^y '^e

Soth S. Bonnott V. D. M. p. 321

ALr::>^AND!i:K DYAL : nd llin3 B, Cromer, K:ny 2Q

A. L. S. Boteium, minister p. 321

SrUlUEL uI].LI.U:3 nnd Lleo Wotsoxn, Juno 2

Rev. K. Yatos, M. O. P. 322

F. I". PI'i"I!/UvN ^nd Mary Ann W»re, Juno 5

Rnv. M, D. iaiUx, DeLand, Pla. p. 322

PSPJiY MEltPY fin"^ Sarah Androws, Juno 10

Jo-hn Vi. Prlf^.e, J. P. ^^3

H£.'Ni:Y L. KAW:ui:.Y ynd Ell?.tfbeth Faliy, June 15 M. P. Foley Acting Hector St. Pators Church

(C^tiiolic) DeLand, Fie. p, 323

JOSI'l'H M. GhAUVlH. and Mina Cella ?. . Cordfts, June 18 S. V. McDuffio, M, a, p. 324

EE!IRY AETISH nnd Annie Taylor, J\me 22

C. J. B. Jackson, J. P. P. 324

GEORGE ULYSSKS PELLSTi' find Merta InQ I/IanBflQld, June 21 Ghas, M, Elnchan Pop tor Con. Church D«ytone,Flp, 325

ROBERT VillJLI.UiS and Hennph Hr,ri-3 s, June Ji7

Rev. H. Holnian Brpti st preacher p. 325

SA?.!IIi!:L A. D01;aLD and Hrs . Wtry J. ^:8lkon, June 25 Seth S. Bfc.nnctt, P. L> . M. P. 326

JE5BE ■nODGEEKl'Y and Grfc© D. Undtr-vfcod, Juno 30, T. H. Jenkins J, P. 326

Vies Vlrcinla Da Una Bi-ytn >.nd MILTON BRYATvT, June^30 K. L. Foley, Acting Rector, etc, p. 327

Pti ge 58

ELTJI'iY K. DH30IG and Florence E. Bracey, July 6 B, M. Beadln, Hector nt.BarnabBS, Church, DoLaad,

Voluslr, Co. P^la. p. 327


BOOK. r.AJ.KI/iCiiJ hx.COhDo VuLuL^A COUN'xT, FLOhllM,

JOIlN TIDLkW una btttiG Kail, July 7, 1387

Hev. 'j!'. T. Gf.ina M.G. p. 1

C. G, L:ij.."i01I nr.'. Si roh Saundorson, July 20, 1887 u allies II. Ohiiiic-ler, Miiilster of tine Gospel p. 1

SAiailE A. BALi:^AuD and rnnnio Dolaur;htor, July £6 F. T. Cuinet, L. G, p. 1

JGIill 3. ,4i^itiBLE. und Lllns Suo Vvliitncy, July HS

Charleu N. Blnghaa, i'astor Congl»Chui-ch, Dtytona,Flo, p«2

JAo, TUCKEIc nnd WI23 Suo Ellen L'lCLean, Aug, 2

Benj. i;. Miller N .i' . Stft c of Florida p. 2

AKTIICliy CTi-.KKE (Clvy:E) In one uluce f-nd Sarah l/iorrlson,Aug.7 J , L. Frasior M . G.

S/JJUEL :;AVIS und E-uja Turner, Aug. 10 W. B. Killlx, iJnptlut Klnlster

O/AllT GiilFillT und Anno Ivy, Auguijt 17

James II, Chandler, ulnlster of tha Gospel

JOJEi"!! HAYli.X OITTEIiS i.n d Luclla Lcn^-fr, Aug. J . 3, Beelcuun

JC^EI'II jOIIEi; tn'iEully tIcGrlff, Aug. 17

KcV. W. B. Klllix p. 4

jClill LI, LV.VIS i.nd Agatha lUiWlina, Copt. 1,

Jcian »;. Price, J . P, p. 4

■..ILLIa:.. J. hA.pAi i.nd Liics Us-ry E. Eoniiott, Aug. 18 S. E. Bennett O.M.O, p. 4

L_VI MLLIAES and Fanny LuT;iE, Sopt. 8

T. N. Jenkins, J. P. p. 5

p. ^ p. 3 p. 3 p. 3

Pofre 59

a:iBK0L'1J IlAlLciir* ana Uico ir-nma L, ;-illl!..r;m, Sept. 8 S. A . Scott, U. G, p. 5

30111] M, v'.OI.'i^LB find iinno Ei'l'^kson, Sopt, 12

T. J. Iloo^ti n. D. p. 5

MITCHSIJ. A. BKO. lILLi: and An^s-llnc G, Cclline, Sept. 11 Jeino'5 A, Gannt^r, J. f . p. 6

\.ILLIi\K B. KILLIX and. Anna Donal^on, Sept. 15

Kev. H. Holijun, CM. P. 6

JOIIK P. BLSSLNT and K.s. .^>rchD, Alns, Sept, 16 Jpjner, H. Chanclljjr, /a. G, p. S

Ii£V. 1, . ii. QUAhTLr„..Ai\ Jnc kiss Sarnh A , Hopor, Sept. 12 .Kev. T. T, Gams, C. k, P. 7

AUiJlIJ 3. llA^Oli end Franccc A, Ciuith, Gopt . 19

Ghc3. K. Blnshan M.G, p. V

S, V.i:lLL1. JGIi:;i:ti; (oIgo given sc ;.ellor Johnson) and Mis Doi'tha Bennett, Sept. 21 L. B. Plvimer, M. Q. P. 7

JA'iT..3 M. IIIRl-'i and Aricrica Hires, 3cpt. 17

By Hf.rdy McGlon, Ordained M.G, p. 8

SHEARILCN S, llOGIiiiS tn\C Carrie II. Marsh, Sept. 24 James H. Chandler Co, Judge p. 8

WIlXI/Jl G. \t» JOmrjCJJ and Phoby Snily, Sept. 22

Ghas . J, B. Jackson J. P. p. 8

M. li. lYOK'Y and Susan McCoy, Sept. 2S

H. P. Burrlll, M . P. P. 9

V^ALES STAKLj.1 unc' Annlo Day, Oct. 2

L, Moreton Hourry (Kurry) ?• 9

\\U, II. iMO'JtExtS and Sallle McFall, at DeLand Fit.. Oct. 4 H. W. Oelston, Prea, Clergyman P. 9

CHARLES 1^. LA'x'iiiiii and Francis E. Betts, Sept, 28

Set^ 3. Bennett M. 0, ^0

ELSi^/OiiTH LOilGii and Louiea &.nn Hodoon, Oct. 12

Charles M. Bingham, M, G. P. 3-0

Pag© 60

HENRY MGCLOER and Emma Delane, Oct. 12

Rev. Jaa, B. Hankerson p, 10

WASHINGTON RANSOM and Alice Hill of the town of Seville, Volusia Co, Fla, Oct, 15 P. S, Jonkins, Mayor of Seville p, 11

A. W, SILENCER and Mazsene Littleton, Oct, 17 (also Mazalner) Rev, U, R, Kc^ilix p. 11

WILSON DRAKE and Ellen A. Vandovm (Vandolne) Oct. 23

C. H. Bingham Sr,, Pflstor Congl. Churoh,Dtiytona,Pl8 , 11

H. F, LUNOREN and Nancy Dougherty, Oct. 9

Eld. U. M, Bennett p, 12

A, 0, SHEPPARD and Jennette Cortez, Oct. 27

Goorge H. Count N. P. p. 12

MASON HOLT and Enily Pitman, Oct. 27

Rev. M. B. Kellix p, 12

^AMES HOWARD and Letty Robenson (Robinson) Nov. 7 James H. Chandler Co. J, p. 13

JOHN B. SMITH end Auguster Burma ster, Nov. 21 James H. Chindler M, G, ^ p. 13

GEORGE PARKER end Anna Mitchell, Nov. 24

Rev. S. A. Scott, M. G. p. 13

REV, A.J. BhOt«N and Mary J. E. Bacon, Nov, 24 Rev. ff. B, Killix, DoLfind p. 14

ELIE MIRON and Mattl© Smith, Nov. 5

Rev, 3, M. Gibba Minister p. 14

JOSEPH VVILLIAI'IS and Miss Oeorgeanna (Georgana) Dozier, Nov. 26 Rev, James Walls ce M, p. 14

CHARLES E. VtlLLIAkS and Susie Manning, Dec S. V. McDuffie, M. 0,

R. D, SMITH and Amanda E. Smith, Dec. 17 Alrnqn Taylor Clarke M. G,

VJ. L, POTER end Miss Mary Moaley, Deo. 18 Rev. A. A. Scott, M. G,

1 p.






Pace 61

AAhON Gll£SS and Uiss Mary Jane Stone, Dec. 22

A, J, Jorrogan, M, (>• p. 16

Mil, iiU, B, Li:.\KlS and Mlr,a Jane Olive Yoting-ue (Yon zuo) Dec. 20 H. \i » Oelaton, Clorgym.- n, DeLond, Fie. p. 16

MR. GhjihLKS UILLIAMS ARNOLD and Miss Nancy Ellen Chase, Deo. 28 George H. Count, N. ?. Sttt e of Florida p, 16

MR. RAUKEN3 (RAUiaNS) CHERRY and Miss Mny 0«Connell,Dec. 27 James H. Chimdler M, p. 17

WILLIAM P. LEFFLER and Mary J. Hairraond, Jen. 4, 1888 S. V. McDuffee Li. G. p. 17

EZRA P. HATCH and Grace A, Poppleton, Jon. 5, 1888 Robert 3. Nelson, K. P. ot Large p. 17

R. G. HALL and Miss Carolina Allen, Jan. 12, 1888 George P. Gould Baptist Minister p. 18

ANTHONY BRIGHT and Rachel Morlck, Jan. 12, 1888

No ministers namo given, recorded by Jos, H. Chandler

Co, Judge p, 18

GEORGE K. DENNIS and Mary Jane Edwtjrds, Jan. 15

S. A, Scott, U. G, p. 18

ROBERT GA^fflLE end Mary Margaret Sumner, Jan. 12 E, L, Linquand, Minister p. 19

HENRY TYUS and Hattie Higdon, Deo. 15, 1888 (evidently meant J&n, as record filed Jan. 25, 1888 A, L. 3. Batonan, M, p, 19

T.J. NEVvMAN end Victoria Rushing, Jan. 24, 1888 T. J. Jenken (Jenkeres) Mayor of Seville p, 19

FRED R, \;aT30N and Annie James, Jan, 25

Rev. Jemos ftollace p. 20

ELIJAH F. MCDANIEL and Moniga Hardymnn, Jan. 29, 1888 Gcorge P. Lefman J. P. for Dist. No. p. 20

GEORGE UlLLIAi-IS and Delia Johnson, Jan. 30

Georg,e W. Johnson M. G. p. 20

SAMUEL MAYNOR and Emma Wilson, Dec, 28, 1807

Seth S. Bennett, V. D. U, p. 21

Page 62

JOSlii^H SCII/iERDI (3CHKARDI) and Helena Ochotetter (Achotetter) U. F, Foley, Cothollc Priest Feb, 14 p. 21

CHAKLLS J. SIHGLE'i'Oil end Lizzie L. Wingute, Fob. 19 Kugeno Marolle N. p. 21

\^. R. SCKIBNER and Georgianna Durfeo, Feb. 9

J, A. BeII, Cong. Ulnistor p, 22

ROBiJftT H. IIYMAN and Texas McKinzle, Feb, 23

Jas. H, Chandler Co. J, p. 22

GEORGE F. CARLILE and Ellen Sauls, Feb. 23, 1888 v;. H, Chaudoin M. G. p. 22

M, J. MCLENDOH t'nd Mrs. Permella Baker, Jan. 25, 1888 Charles Pattlllo, M.. G, p, 23

JAIdiiS V<EBSTER O.STEEN and Lizzie G. Pattlllo, Feb. 29, 1888 Charles L. Pattlllo, M. G, p. 23

JAMES DOUGHlJiTy and Matilda Anderson, March 8, 1888 T. H. Jenkins J, P. p, 23

MODUM R. COX and Hnttlo Flynnd ? Mr.r, 11

Geo. W. Lefman J, P. p, 24

JOHN M. DOUGHERTY and Dicy Guess, Mar. 13

Charles L. Pattlllo, M. G# p. 24

JOKM LONDON end Annie Oliver (also given ns James London )Ma, 11 L. Moreton Murray N.P» p. 24

M. E. HALL and S. V, Braddock, tear. 20

Chas, L. Pattlllo, M.G, p. 25

JOHK SPENCER and Laura A. V/infield, Mnr. 28

Frederick Towers, Rector of St Mcry Episcopal Church,

Daytona, Fla, p, 25

JOHN MITCHELL and Mossuorl Peterson, Ikiar. 22

J, C, Baker, N, P, p. 25

PRANX GREEN and Amanda Bell, M&r. 24

E. Macy Minister p. 26

James M. BEI^NETT and SidaUne Harris, Mar. 29

Z. H. Bennett M. G, p. 26

Pago 63

CIUS, A. i^KINDLE and lirama V^atts, Mar. 29

S. \;. McDuffee, LI. G, p,

CISERO Sx'EVY and Hattie Hervin, Apr. 4

R, L. Quart erman M. G. p. 27

2 erroneously entered rest of page cancelled, having been entered at 18b and 15o respectively,

JOSEl'H K. UUhKY iind Dora E, Cowls, June 6, 1888

J. C, Bakur, Notary P, State of Florida, p, 28

J. M. SMITH and May E. Banghort, Juno 6, 1888

E, V/, Gelaton, Presb, Clergyman p. 28

RALPH KIUQ and Morion Olivia Pickett, Of Daytono, Fla,,June 10 M, Binghampton, Pastor Congl, Ch. Doytona, Flo, 29

JOHN ailTH -end Leah vailirms, Juno 12, 1888

G, W, Williams, M, G, p, 29

MARTIN \;ILLIAMS and Mary Baldwin, June 12

Minister* s name not given, license recorded June 14 by

Ezeklel Clifton Co. J,

Mli. G, VJ. BEIIKETT and Miss Leytha E. Bennett, March Seventh, 188G Z. H, Bennett, V, M. p. 29

BAKTOLA J. P^iCETTI and Berths E, Rouleuske, April 7, 1888

Robert S. Nelson, N.P, Filed for record taar,10,18B8 E.C. Co. J

p. 30 i»ILLIE MITCHELL of Orange City, Fla, end Mary Wiggins of 0,0, A, L. S. Bateman June 23, 1888

Filed for record 22 June, 1888 E.C. Co. J, 30

ED^/ARD JOIINSON(colored)and Salllo Dorsey (colored) June 18, 1886 Rev. J. B, Hankerson

CHiiRLES A. MAT3IN0EK and Eula M, Jones, June 18, A, L. Bateiuan 31

ISHAM MORGAN and Alice Jenkins, June 20

D. V/. Gillespie, Minlcter p. 31

So third entry P. 31

AVERY JOHNSON and Mary Glass, Aug. 14, 1888

R. 3. Quartormcn, M. 0, Field Aug. 23 p. 32

PRANK MOHGAN and Mary Adelaide Sutton, 27, 1888

No minister's name given, record filed Aug. 23 by Ezekiel

Clifton Co. Judge

Pcge 64

C. B, lilCCAh'i'HY and Julio Stevens, July 26

Rev. A.J. Brown Filed Aug. 24 P. 32

HECi'OR S. SMITH and Linrinh Phillips, Aug, 2, 1888 Rev. Ao J, Brovm p. 55

CIIA]cLi::S STIJUART KARRIS and Sarah Alice Ct-rter, June 28, 1888 No nlnlator'a name. Piled Aug. 24 by Ullfton Co, J,

p. 33 JALIES '..ILLIAMS and Rasia Cook, Jime 21, 1888

D. F. Morrison, K. ?• Field Aug. 24 p. 33

MARTIM J. GREELY and Hottie Heisler, July 1, 18R8

M, T. Foley, Acting Rector St. Peter's Church, DeLond

p. 34

ALBERT CUBEI'i and Lucy Stewart, July 22

0. W. Gillislle, tuiniater p. 54

J. T. JEFFRIES and liottie Rolinson, Juno 28

Field by K. Cllltcn Co. J, July 25, 1888 p. 34

WILLI/u.1 OLIVi^R and Charity Woodsrds (colored), July 25 J. A. Ball, Cong. Minister p. 55

WAL'i'ER DAVIS and Hannah Caalin, coloiod, July 21 Mo minister named. Filed by E. C. Co. J,

CHARLEY TAl^KER and Elor Mitchell, colored, July 26

E. May p. 55

JOini DA.iSON and Lizzie A. Weaver, oo lored, July 26 Roert 3. Melson N.P, (State) p. 36

E. D, KELLY and Clf.riasy (Clarsa also given) colored (Clarisa)

July 26 Filed by E. Clifton July 27, no minister given p. 36

GEORGE LA/iGON and Mollle Richardson, colored, July 26 No minister given. Filed by Co. J, July 27 p. 36

AARON YELVINGTON and Barbosie Cowart, Aug. 2

No minister given, filed Aug. 28 by Co. J. p. 37

G, H, ANDERSON and Hizell Leadf&il, Aug, 6

Silas 'B, Wright, N. P. p. 37

^'.ILLI/Ji JONES and Ema (olso given Enirna ) Robertson, colored Aug.l' No minister numed. Filed by Co. J. Aug. 28 p. 37











Page 65

JOim J. HOLTON and Mr ry E, Bennett, A\if , 18

L. Morton Murray, N. P, p, 38

CHARLES D, SVJEET arc Anna J. VValkor, Sept, 6,

Proderlck Towers, Roctor St. Mary's Kplscopnl Church, Dtiytono, Fla,

J, R, COLE nnd Sarah J. Odum, Aug, 26 J. J, W, Plooo, a Bi.ptlat Clergyman

HARKLESS V-TLLIAMS and Lizzie Fisher, Auc . 30 Ezoklol Clifton, County Judge

JAIAES H. JEJIKINS and Emily J, Davis, Sep. 17 L. Moretoii Murray, N. P,

W. A, BRYAN ondBulahA, Perrls, Oct. 1 Samuel Lomrle, J, P,

ISAAC H, PO'*.KLL nnd Martha J. Andoraon, Oct. ?0

Z, H. Bennett a M, G, p, 40

DUNCAN DRADY and Elizabeth Henderson, Dec. 18

Rov. J. A, Klromons p. 40

3d entry name as C,P59

HENRY ALEXANDER and Mat tie Humphi-y, Deo. ?3, 1888 A. L. S. Bntemf.n (Minister) p. 41

Entry B. P# 39 repeated as B. 41

HENRY \K HEALET and Jonephlne A, Gorden, Aug. 28, 1888 Emory J. G. Mcthlcs, Minister p, 41

WILLOUGIIBY MINSPIEN and Mary Jane Bennett, Aug. 23, 1888(Mlnshew? . Z, H. Bennett, a M.G, p. 42

WILLIAM A. ALLEN and Laura Tanner, Dec, 19, 1888 M. T. Foley p. 42

UK. GEORGE V<ARNOCK and Eliza L. Bennett, Deo. 25, 1888 Z. H, Bennett, A. M.G, p. 42

SHEijTON HATGHiili Jind Uyrlck VJynn (nlso given Lizzie Myrlck 'jynn) Nov, 15, 1888 L, Morton Murray, N. P. p. 43

Pace 66

SLATLR JAMUS and Sharlott Cooper of Benr-sford, Hov. 8 0, VV, Joimson M, 0. 43

CHAS, F, HALS (alco £:lveri ns Caa) Aiinie L, Eujes (Hogss) Dec,26 E, Macy, Minlstbr ^ p, 43

P. OB Li* T BALL and Lucy (Louisa) Rt-ndull, Colored, Oot. 6, 1888 Eugone Marslle H.P. p, 44

J, R, COOK end Llnr^^rot Smith, Juno 29, IBBB

W. Vv', Golcton, Pato Glorgyuon p, 44

COLQIAJI ..ILLI.>L^S find Rutho Sponcer, Dec. 28, 1888

Rev, G, W, Johjison, Minister Prirat, Baptist p. 44

ELI WOimiY snd Amr.nda Urilkor, Nov. ;^6, 1388

EzeMel Clifton, G. J, p. 45

HARVEY SMALL nnd Charity Morris, colored, Oct. 4, 1888 By Eugene liarcGlll N, P, (Mancelll?) p, 45

HORACE H. O..EN and Ella A, Rotors, Doc. 6

John McKlnney, Paator Bnptiat Church p, 45

First item repeat of 45 A.

LITT JAMES and Louisa Anderson

No minister's name, filed by E, Clifton, G.J, Oot, 28, 1888

JOHN K. BLIVEN (BLIVIN) and Flora L. Becker, Sept. 21 No minister named. Filed by E. C. Co. J, Oct. 1, 1808

Po 46

HORACE S. ALLETIIE (SLLY) and Macile E. Smalley, Dec. 24 Ezekiel Clifton, Co. J. p. 47

FRED 0. GhAlLUl and Georglanna Burrlll, Nov. 14

Ezekiel Clifton, Co.J, p, 47

Item C cancelled p. 47

JOHN V;. MOORE and Malinda A. palmer, Jan. 12, 1889 A.L.S. Batoman, Minister p. 48

Item B. repeat Of above p. 49

HORACE F. STEWART and Uay L. Livingston, Jen. 21, 1889 Vta. P. Stewart U. G, p. 48

Page 67

JOIffl MC; LAWK and Mary Relaford, April 9, 1808

E. Msay Minister p. 49

JO^L^U JOIJP^ nnd Eially McCrirf, Aui?. 10, 18L'8

Revd. W. D. Kelly p. 49

CHARLES w. BALL and Jennie L. Hainilton (Mnnsfleld Mesa, Uv33, and Orniond, Fl.) Unr. lb, 1088 By I . L, Plnkerton, M. p, 49

FRED C. LOWGE rmd Gertrvide E, Mosalnger, April 28, 1888 J. H, Stoney, M. p. 50

HORACE G, MMN i.nd Miss Lee Ella McCormick, Mcy 1st, 1888 Charles M. Bingham, M, G. p. 50

LOUIE G. WILLIAMS and Hsttie M. Coieman, Jan. 19, 1888 J. H. Stoney V.D.M, p. 50

W. C. COMi^TON and Kannle Yolvington, Dec. 25, 1887 U, M. Bennett, K. G, p. 51

B. 51 rci,.e£it of 6-A

JNO. F. LEITLR Wid Kettle K. Lent, April 4, 18^8 S. V, iicDuffeo, H. G. p. 51

HENRY ».ILLIAMS and GrQce Manning. No certificate of marriage

A-52 FhEDEi\lCK MERCLIi nnd Dorcas Pov.'ell, Jan. 16, 1889 Rev. A, J, Brovjn p, 52

F. G. CLIiTOU i.nd Lizzie Bonks, Jan. i^7, 1880

Z. H. Bennett O.M.G. p. 52

JOliU AKIiJ'S nnd Ellen Fults (also FultrJ on return, Jan, 27, 1889 Geo, W. Dickson, 3,Pt for the State of Florida at Large 53

SAMUEL H. JOKES and Clara Davis, Jan. 27, 1889

Chas. L, Pattlllo, M, 0, p, 53

AlTDRi^'.. >.. l-iiiURY (MAUi.LY) and Lotta A. Oilman, Fob. 2, 1889 E, R, Richardson, Pastor St. Barnabas Ch.

CII-.ULi.S. M. CLINTOK and Annie E. Rossio, Feb, 16, 1889 Co\inty Judge (nnno not given) p, 54

BUTLER COi'EL/iilD and tenny Laine, Feb. 16, 1009

Isaac Stone, Co. J, p. 54

Pa^e 68

I. V. TAL-Vira and Emia Harris (Hunis?), Fob. 19, 1889 John llcKlnney, Pnstor Bopt, DeLand p. 54

KIKG I.AHLt.y end Gfcl.la JoiJison, Fob. 25, 1089

Geo. \' , Dickson, N, i' , .p. 55

JILLIAtl B, loblSIiUhE (LoShunc?) and Jennie V/arnock, Feb, 26 T. M. Vjhlte H, p. 55

CHAKLES LOVING and i^nk (Pinky) Hawkins, Feb. 29, 1889 Fvev. A. J. Bi'ovn p. 55

Gi;OhGE i., BMNhl'T and Krte C. McRj;e, Mf;i«, 7

C. R. inickett, J. P, .p. 56

..ILLIA/.1 h. ROBLiKTS end Snrah Annlo V.hlpplo, Mr.r. 6 U'llllari lici. tltere p. 56

JOiiN V, UALT:^ and Bf.rb&ry Weber, llbi', 17

r.-ugene M&rclls N, P. p. 56

SAlilUjiL J. SaUHD}:JiS rnd Georgia Bicherdson, liar, 7

vaill,ua H. Hill, K. P, p. 57

COLKMAN HiihDY i^nd Sally Almond, Wur. 10

Geo, W. Dickson, K. Pt P. 57

JOiHi ADAI1-: AWDatr:olI and Annio D. Dlllrrd, Mnr. 12

P. C, Baker, N. P. p. 57

JOHN OSTEEN and Annie Brooks, Wbrch 23

3. F. Gore II. G. p. 58

JOHN J, PAIJiER find Mnry R, Sperry, Mbr, 20

T. M. White M. p. 58

EDWAKD Vv, GILAY r.nd Clfira Ef<ton, Mar. 29

L, Moretoa Murray, K.P. p. 58

OEOi.GE JONES jind Maggie M. Frazior, Mnr. 26

Kev. J. B, HfinkerDon p. 59

WILLIAM TILLI-IAN and Julia Everett, Ajirll 11

K, S. QuartGrr.i.an, U, G, p. 59

HUGO C. LI/uiSS and Luclnda Hodgson, Ap, 9

J^tnioa Stunton, 11. G, 59

Frige 69

..ILLliui II. Hi.Si.LLL and An;.io L. Duvls, Ap. 9

Joiin McKinney, i'a::tor let Baptist, DeLand p„ 60

i.B.^.:. h. .Llhi: tno Ollvo Lhnln, 18 Ap,

A, J, Bi'ou'n GO

HILLlAliD PJ.ClU...ijZJli and x^lizo C-reen, Ap. £9

J. C. ).^111.T, IT. :^. p. 60

CHAIIjLS ?, DILZilf. and Julia Murdock, Ap, 25

3, C. Ktnody, i -;: !.or Kevj Sriyrna Cong, Churchp. 61

ATKUifl J. KCCKIiihY und M-rla J. Che scTtjo rough, Ap, 30 S. B. Richrrdson, Rector St, BornGbos Ch.DeLriid, 61

ED.^AIX) LOCiILL, r.nd Faxmy V.richt, Ap , 25

Thom^r, Singleton, Pastor (Hie lArrk) p. 61

MUiiaLL uE't^ fcud Si'llle Daugherty, Ap, 10

U. L. Bennett, M . G, p. 62

li^NlCL CLllTOii Mid Lhoda Glifton, Wny 2

U. M. Bennett, i.1 . 0, p. 62

JmES TAlJli^ t.nci Ko:xy Bailey, Ap. 15

A. H. i;rv.ln, U, p. 62

J. i:iZEK DiliM and Lucy Co::, Jan. 19, 1589

J. H. Stoney, K, G, p, 63

AxwUOi: V\ILS01[ 3nd Marr/orot V;hlte, May 12

D, V<. Gillialue, K, p. 63

JOIOJ H. LiCGAKRY end Frances Price, May 0

T. M. V/hite, M, p. 65

PHge 70



^arly history of Voiasla Joancy, as ia tnac of nil Florida, bo- foro tho whiC'3 man jfinia, ia aztromaly fri^nmoncary. .;roJii»eologist8, havo not yet boon faliy ;-ibie "to road rojords written in 3ond and stone and in gront 'iioanas loft by a peaoefai and, apparently, naTioroaa people, uo.v viiniahodi.

From pottery, war .voapona, articiea of domoatl:: isa, sicujlia and bones foand in the mounds, bariai and othorwlao, the saiontiscs dQda3a that the anoiont aborigines Aore n tali, accivo poopie, with 3rade, if any, idoas of oqjriciilt are, who lived Tiainiy b^/ hinting and fisning. Frofn ashes .nd other contents of the mounds, lapses of tiiio a^^poar be- tAean oitinot and inoitincjc habitations, showing life hero for a period of at l3ast soveral Cintarlos.

Jartlo ::jand, in tho 3oath-o«at p^rt of what is now Voiusla Jointy, highest point ^long the .'.tlMntio ^oaat of Florida, so great it loa somo early oiplorers to C'lli it a swiij. mjintain, was the first iiiua.ar/C signtod by i^onoj do j.eon wnjn ho dis^ovored Florida in ..;ar ;h, lol3.

Da Laoxi a9em3 to hti7Q aotixea into whcit is now Mo3qaito Inlet anfl sent n booitxciid of man tishorQ to explore. GeogrAphera of tod.<»y eqaaca his chronialer'a description of tne "Rio da la Craze" wltn the aonfla.c of the Halifax and Indl^tn Rivera K. with Spraca Crealc.

rha Indi.kn««, aaually daaoritjea by early explorers hs pe^icefui, greeted Le Loon and his man with a shower of tirrowa and tha Spjciiards thO'jgh unharmed, withdrew in disgust, and Soiiea farther ap tha -^oast to maxe their first real landini^ in friendlier t«rriCory near where St< Aagastina now stauaa.

The next white man to visit tha section were members of Rene de Laiidonniere's expedition, in loo4, who Duilt Fort Caroline on tha St. John's Rivar. DfErlach, French chronicler, called t-he land "macchleas", yet soft and pleasant of be»uty . . . giant forests grow on high elevations, shore low . . . Beach one of the finesc in the woria, hard and broad anoogh for « lurga army to ranrcn over . . . and tnoagn tha ami shine aver 30 brightly, moistened with the tlaes and cooled by the sea winds, it is seldom hot or anconfifortabio."

Of tha Indiana, D'firlacn dasorioea tnara as "mealum in height, weix proportlpnad, vary sappie.'* Kot as dari a.8 the trioea beyonn the 3c. Jjnn's River, nor as savage in mien and speech, with "fiua, regular featured, hign forenaaud, lustrous eyea, spiritaa facaa, pieisAiig marmera, not excelxea oy bast gonulemeu of Prance. Good to oe in thoir company."

3p»-nisni Meuauao^ explorea through the country in iJtu Lryiue' to iiiid an outiei ly tne Gulf of Maxico, out I'aiied. He left io men, tha first white sat tiers tnereabouts, to teach the Mayuca Indiana Cnrlsfcian- Ity. Thay were not vary succaasfui. Lo-cer, some Franciscan Friars

convercaa r.airj of tno iLfxtivea «na oailt rn«re h Viisaion of ann sai- vaaor uo /fiHyaOc*. Kiins of two ot or Missions Dalle oy the bpaniarua, ■nay stiii. bo 3-i«ii, ono ncnr Ko.v ojiyrim, t ;0 other nonr tho TomolCH Rivor, bat tho ona on tho Jt. John'3 Blvor hus cli3r»ppQnroa wlt-houc a crrt.-,o, jniesa u wiia oron^o -jrovs. probably dosoondea fron plantings by the ^r'iniis^aaajTiHy bo jjnslaered as aicn.

For Tioro tn^n lUO yo^ro tho Fran.::i3ctin3 nnO. the :.aya3*%ns flourish- ed. Than j07. ;.'oyro, od JoJtn ^nrolina Joiony, Invaded Pioridti ana turnea SaVogo Jrooa. hIIIos loose on the poM^ofai Florida trioea, who wora no mat oh for them nor for Jimnigaiirtt ion v<ith tnoTi rinl other war- iiice trloos infiltrating from Saorgia. fhoy toOtc refuge under Spnn- isn proto-^tion during tho yoixrs of sximrilshing .vhich foilowea. Tno last of thoso poaoa-iiindoa auoriginoa, it is said, vveretaicon to 3ut)a when ripain jedea Floridci to ingiana around xlb-t,

Poaoe between En.^^iana, Frjinja and 3pain at this t im« gave ':iii^lHnd an unbroKon xino of ooioniab on the entire seaocnsc for the northern half of l.ort-h Tiorica.

Florlaa flojrisne»a. (jBoves of oranges wore planted; sueiar oane, indigj, hemp and ootton wore planted. Tho Tarnbuil aottloinnt of Now jn^rna .vas started. "'"iny lana gri»nt3 were Tiaau in whatiiis now Voiusii. Jounty, 'iiostly for lar";e plitntations. rh.) Kinf^'s Highway was biilt froTi a fow miles souta of F.ew Smyrna to 3t. lU-^istine and beyona it to Jowford (later 5Jao.C3onvlxle) , and on to th'3 ileorgia lino. Tho growth "in .veait<h and population not eqjallod ngain for a hindred y^ars."

The Indians, who haa not li^ed tho Spaniards, Tiade friends .vith

kiik English to aach an axcent cna,t wnen Florid,* was re-ceded to Spain i7tt3, tneir sniefs naiced the British Governor to requeat his King to sand tt grortt 3«no9 to ta.-vo them away nlong with the British settlers. .'rhen taJtfally tola that woald be impossioie, the Indij^ns vowad that they woaid make aonstunt war on "any Spanlara who stacslt his nose out oi St. Aagiistine", or any other city.

The .ngiish had done mors to develop the coantry in twenty years than Spain had in two hundred. Tru.ce3 of tneir ocaapancy oan still be fouma todtty in t^laca nr.mes and ot:ier ways, though when they went so did prosperity. Volusi^k bounty again beca,'tie a wilderness. except for a trading post or two and a scattering of Indian villages no record is foana of anyone living in the S'^otion for many years.

The tremendous embarkation of British settlers back to England, the Bahtutfas, Bermuda, Novu. Scotia, and even former Tories back to the new United States of America, left the trading firm of Panton, Leslie and Forbes, lacar Juc»n Forbes U Co., as the last of British-born prosper- ity. Gov. ^espedes, awaking finally, to the fact of rhe firms* gre^t influence with the Indians, offered them special grants and inducenents to remain. Further, he begija offering land grants to Englishmen to re-3ettle along the Haliftja and Hillsboro rivers.

Under this mora liberal policy, settlers began coming into the territory. Followed by Qvon more liberal policy by Zespedes' succes- sor, by 1818 cotton, sugar and indigo plantations were again flourish- ing. The treaty ceding Florida to the United States of America con- firmed all such grants mad? before January, lolb by Spain, consequently:

tltio to Tiaih liLnd in Voiusla County, wost of tno Uf,iif3.>c i^iver, r93ts, co^Hy, apon tnoao oii .punisli arrancs.

AndroA- J;i:K3on, firac -nilit^-iry j07crnor of r.ho Territory of ?loridH, dlvilod th.' rorritory into tvi-o hs^ Jointioa, ^acja-nbln, wit;i Jojnty ijoat tiC ?on:i;-icolo; '.It. .Jphu':3, -irh Dt. .la^istino as its dojnty Jear. All pripor3 of tho roaont Volasln Ooanty .vara iopc nt ot. «agu3tlr.o antii. ici4<i.

Indian affairs qaioiciy boamg ^tn a.^/ite probloii. ?ho wurllKO jreoKa, Jaminoles .'ind ochor triboa that j-i^no down fion 3..iorgi<i tha middle of the Ibth contary hiid , ns boforo montlonod, i.rctjt ii^lly dostroyea or £ib3orDad hho peH-jefii abori^inoB, and rcepc tho .iponish population, nfter the ena of tho -ni^lish Oacapation, pretty ■nuch ^onfinod to coastHi towns.

Pinntotions ore jsjaily ran by overseers, ..hilo tho ownors livod in 3c. AJiTUstlne. J 3 i.mani-jHt ions -Aero poar. Tl:a King's Road, disasea, was ovori>ro7;n; brid,^3 ov t strenras wore wreskod by Indians. I'jtil, asaal- ly broaf^ht in by boat 3 oarrylnf* hinting or fishinf* parties, was Infr.aQUGnt .

iiftor th.3 ''nlted :tnce3 tooiC ov r, there WrtS a strong detiand by set- tlors, f r removal of tho Indians to their former hinting f^roands. Tho troHtlQiJ of P-iyno*3 1 ndinp;, 1B3^ .ind Fort illbson, 18,53, tribal chiefs Hi^roea to exohitn'^ tiioir I'loridi* homos for others farther .Vest promlsoa thorn by tho ''.overnrnonc. Bat thi yoanij chiefs and their adherents refus- ed to 30T.j,iy .vith tho «^-^reoT..5nts. Efforts of tho 'Jhitod :3tatGS to en- force treaty conditions broa'j;ht on th 3 mlnolo '.»'Ar, iastiug from 183ij

, and costing many lives and more monoy than the amounc that wos to 164i;

paid to Spwln for Florida.

PtigQ 76

?h030 In liina a.-tj raaaf^J to osjape frunaportnt Ion to OKlahoma, fled Intc rho sv.MT^s. Thfe T:;vorn'Ti2nt lot rhom stwy th .ro.

"n? rivoi of th:; prossry '/oDueirt ;o mty hnd been u v-arltHbla batlAe- iToinc " h-i: i.ar,co ::('.^ic, |)lHnter? aloni' th^^ JlKllfai '~i7 ir nad ajffer- •u too .rrf;ati.:r .ntl ^jr:- i 50 i'Mpov-^r Itihea to r is n/j vofx In tualr leaoiti^ ta 1 fioicl.3. )re.'it pi:-x;.t.'Cior3 faas,.! baax to prl .i-)\/ril ,vl Idarneaa."

I'htj dlstanioo in i.orlJiM's sc^mtlly sittlrcL co:intr,y xoro so <»reat it aa r.:on I'ja.ii tnjit t.-:^ j ilf^os or .>j ;nty c:)uld hnrdly carry on the Io^hI oiic. .ibOi tlij jtitQrr.HtG 'ijo tiLir;3 of ti.o j offisint ive 3ojnoll \\2ro hjavy birdoiia to r iomajntat iroa living fur from PonsHiola ono ye ir anl Jt. ..i!?iitir:o, the noxt. ^ -iite for a no.v jaf.ltal «h3 chosen T.ia- ■WHy bit.vc!on tho t.vo oltloft •> jMnwhila, tr.o f-vo 'juorffloua Ooanties bosjan to hfive s'a.-ilitjr ones jhxvou fi ua tho-n.

rh'j nroa of the proiijnt '/iiasla Joiiity ajrved 'jn>lQr several -O'lntles airini? tho fonstti/j yoars of .Uorivia. H,-r firat treinsfer was fron tho origir^Hi SSe .Jp^;.a_,to *t 'Scjilto ;ainty. i'!i.ct sii--; -.va.^ o'trt of Orana^ Zo» ia idw>4, ..ic.i 'i j^'iTt ji' -/iiat 1j nj/; orava^-d Jo., Volusia Oo. waa orpan^ Izoa and i^amed. in ^870, Jrovard was subtraatsl into h 3op*xr;ite Coanty.

A*. uQ.v ::)natU-acod, 1966, Voii'Jii* Joir.cy " ^-'ibf^'jeg tnnt territory vvhi ;h lies botwjon tno ".cianr.io O'iean on tne ansc, 'md tho St. John(s riivor on tiio «-03t, 3otioc1'iw3 iuiown «3 thi ^t. John's iUvor PeninS'iift, pcirciy in th ~':/th nnd p«rciy In ch'=r ,''Jtfi a^p;ree of i.:tr lt'Aa«. It is bounded on tne nortn by Si.^i^ior Jo. »Jid in rho 30-itn by drv7.*rd ana J'-j^raiiolQ Jojntiua.

i?ho nH'.« I'or the ne.v Jo rnt ji ..an t^M^im frou Vi>iaslt» ;,.inain{; on tne

Psge ?6

3t. Jonn'3 Hlv)r vvht3ro, d.irin(; t-ho English Oofyipwtlon, a Swlaa by name of Voijala or Vnj.acr,9 hcvi oscabilsh^a a thriving baalngss. .'.arllor a trlDo of ;'«yao« Indincs hud n vlllago thare» una shoii moiinds towgring 6u fyet abovo t-ho river btuiK ahtoac fo tnolr ione ocjcap&nny in former yyars.

Tm L->f^iFlitC ivo *',t , ■iroHtins; tha Joauty, .;-h3 paasea jy the Mouse of tho ?lorMjt I«f»i3ldt jra, EDsaiiber IB, iba4; by zha Oonate Deoembor ii.'inu ^ni slgnea Dy Tov. Jc-njs S. Brouiius, i oooiiOT i;Jch, i{;54«

"SntGrprise, n art.-fii tO'm on LHk^ i.'ionroe "an etpringlon of tho 3t. John's Rlvor nt rh^t olnt", was nMmad as the Coanty .3wat«

Not tiiany settlors livod in tha nroa at thii timo. '/scept ttt the to'.vna of rJnt3rpri33 ani Ke* Hrnyrna, cho -sopio uorw sjactaroci around the -ounry on th? coiJtr«ii '-indth-iJiSt -^nd woot aiaas. O-i-ttl' raising, cut- ting tiTiDsr f.nd farning snail patches w-jre the rrialn oaoapatlona. Thousjh thore .vn3 little popalation Inoraaso, It *tts E^ood .<yiitie oo'intry und a good hotel 'It iiitjrpriS'O fiO'irlahea In hunting and fishing sensons.

In iboi Tt tho oitbroak of tha '.VHr Beiwyen tho Dcates only about t\7ency-fi76 fiT.lll'ja llvoA ihoro rQ,<2;alo.riy.

Trx'i w-»r toa.ihgi th-J dointy llf^htly. Kaiu^roas inlics nlong the sea- co.iot offoi-aa e'cjoilont m'^icjis for blo^icane rjnning. In pirsalng one su ;h votjboi, fJ.S. Hcwy ships bO'abnrded now ati^/rn^ fmd barnod homes thor*. A small ImhI engagQMOnt toox pljiuo nnar V'^liala i.an.iufi;. rnr. i3attle ralslnf» in :-)nrrfi.l nnd Routh Florida proviuol nst of tne bjof that reach- ed tho Jjnfoaerate c ora-ulnaary , '-nd Voiusla County did its share both

in pro7iaing tho doof ana in the "Ouw O^bairy', men una boys who were extjmpted from nonsoription becaase beeaea so bnaiy for raising th9 OHtti-a rtnil drlvlnf? tnom ovorlM.nd at aarcf*ln suosons Co points in G«orgl& or elsowhora to f^itn tho-n over n tno 0onft9dorrtco -\3ay«rnment .

i<ow iTiiii.'^rrtCion Hfcor tho .,ar iiet'.vgsn tfte St-itea bosjan vihen Gnaries and .inarew Boat ram SMiind down froin :ib. -igi3Cine, -ip Mutanaaa Bay as far as possiblo, Chen h«ulod thoir boat ovorlnnd to tho H.-iilffix Uvor.

Aooit t'lO 3'imi tlT.o, 13r. Hr.witg una soveriil Arny offlcors starcod Che FiorldM l^ud nnd LuTiDor dopttny, nnd boaght ImhI n^^r what is now Port Oranma. ?h;^y Dro ii?ac 60U famiiles of fraolman to soctlo th'3re. ?he sot tiers aialllcoa the ganay soil and iiost of that) movod away. In lH6i) Dr. Hrtvlca bought "Spanish Trant" two -niles so'ith of !Iqw 3tT^7rna and foundaa tho vli 1.150 of Hawica Pnri'.o, no-.v ^(iffowator.

In ia7i ? colony ::a'no dov.Ti from 'niisfloia, Oaio nnd boif^hc nn old S'jf^r piftnt«tlon which hud been desortaa darinsj tho Sominoio ',V«r, and haraea it r-aytona, 'iftsr T'^thi'is ^y^ leader of th: noiony. Ithad slow s^rowtn «c firt, chon b -nrnn to spread r'.uldiy. In lb7L h colony from No . aritain, Oounejt lo'ic, boas^nt land five iiiies north of l^^ycona ana foianaed Kow dric«in, now Omond.

Kew Siiymrt basjan a^nin to flourisn. Onk Hiii, Port Or«n^Q, Hoiiy Hiii arose. Lc»nd drained by largo oinais i^^s piitntecit usually with orange gro7e8 or as tr'Jolc farms, Tnose along tho 3t. John'i River, 'riain stream of the west part of the Cointy, dovgiopod most rapidly, jintorprlse af&'s anile Dat reT.oval of the Ooancy 3e<*r to IciLand in 16«7 nnd slowing doATi of riv::r tr<4ffio jpon wdvent of railroais ^batod its

Paga 78

vrograas. Higu piaB-riaf^« i^na east oi" St. Joim's Riv jr ia fartiie c»na well oaaptoa to citrua crowing. oovliiw, .mporla, anrDorviiiQ, l)0^«nu, Dt* iGon 3prln^3, Laico Helen, Or«n*»9 Jlty waro Tjanlea and grow, surroonlad oy gooa mrai popaitations,

Doiaad grew thd qalalceat. In 1875 a log caoin, owned by Cwpt. Jonn Bion whs the only home thera. Dwelve jonrs, inter, there was a t'lrivln^ town import&nt enox'jn to have the Jo'inty "Jent ro-looMtod thera*

Locrttea H f.jw Mllos from the 3t. John's River, In high, rolling pineiand, in pi*ije3 sixty foet aDova sea level, it whs an ideal site to develop nnd a ioli?htfjl and ha*ilthfial plwoa in whi :h to 11 ;e.

Atfte time, steaTiboat trips up the 3i, John's Hiver and back to JtiOitaonvllle wore popular with winter tourists. 7ak:in^ such an exjur- aion, Henry voiuna, wealthy, ratirod .ii.inuf«3turer of P^irport, Now Yoric, loft tne boat «t a landing in cent ml Floridti anu tooK m leisurely drive tnrough tho surroundinf^ country, was dellghtod with it ana went homo t»na uroagnt some twenty frienas, so report Sfiya, to 3o:> and -.ettle there if it lrnpro3t»eo ^h<l/,'i as favorably as it h«d him.

Thoy came, thuy 3»w, thay were conquered, thoy sottlod, thoy naraod. the,7f sottlomont, Btn-nnd.

CJrontly intorostea in eduoHtion, Mr. Doxond o&ny started an Academy on .toodltina Boulevard, the town's main street. Tae first sessions were h«id in tne nowxy butlt Fapcist -inarch. Later, Dei,?ind built h second struct are for tho school, which was called DoLnnd Haii in his honor. Considered except lonnlly Inrgo when cons traction was uniGr way, tho building was outgrown by tho ond of tho first school year.

Page 7y

At first Honry DoAwntt mot ttll sahooi lefloita out of his o'.'m poo»- ot« then, as expenses p^ro.v, friends, nocabiy Joto iltacson , jolnod in contribiit ln?» boch monoy, titio ana litbor.

jloro nnd mora scadonrs pourea in, from oatside tho city, from odt- 3iu9 the 3tUe. ?.!ore dopartmants wora aaaod. five thousand acrea were donnced to It. A librnry whs balit with h thousand booics bought as a beginning for its ahaivaa* 2he Oolies* grew wnd grow. In the spring of iOa? it Aas chart orod by the ioglnxatare as h University.

xJesHUsa of cho interest , attention and -lonoy givon it by John B. Stdt- son, ttho bna no.v become the hotivlGst sontribafcor to it, .r. i:eiand insisted the UHTie of tho 'Aiiversity bo chimf^ed to becorna the John B. Stetson Uni- versity. i.J*. stetson doraarrea, bat was porsaitdad ^.nd as the Jojjm B* 'Jtetson Univ -rslty it hns groAn enormoaaly in size, infiaenoe and ijreatige and continues to do so,

The oity of i^i nd and Volusia Gooiity have gro'ia 5:roatly too, but nwnes of the original settlers atlli linger on m.-jny of the streets 'xtpt. John Rich and his family gave their n&mos to nttny of thom -- and "flHny of the original nHmes pro still v.orn proadly by th3lr dos^oninnta in Volusia i)oanty bodny, ilexander, Alien, Bracy, duroh, Campbell,

Jannon, Jodrlugton, f^do, Dreica, Howry, Hull, Jordan, i^ete, Putnam, Painter, Boseboroi^h, Stewart, Stith, Svift, riilis, ?aten, Voorhis, .Vllson , to n-cime Just a few.

Oov. James K. Broome, who signed the act creating Volusia wms the .'^randfatner of Jait^o James 1). Broomo, for "-any years an honored citizen of l-eLana, whose daut^hter and her faodiy still live there.

P<tf:e 80

Long ainjo tha shoaclu.'; wnd tho taraiit aioa. :ho japColns fina. In this QtiSQ, the Jnljfa UQ^^iirtotl. 'i'h© Jomlnoiea who fled to the awarapa to dSOHpo sarrondor, hn/e, by cronty, obtained deed to the lnna where they oho 30 to iivo.

Florida buR m>Tib9r3, doaoondHnts of mon iho foaght saocossfally for freedom und the rit^hc of self-govornnentt reash oat holping hams t 5 an eq lolly dnd dGcerminadiy froedora-iov ing people, iontribatlng in many ways to thoir ;jroje3ts, Incladlng scholarships for jollego stu- dents. 3illy Jypr633, holaor of 8ii::h a sahoiarship, f^raaaatad, with a fl.iu da^re© f ro u 3totson Uuiverslry, in Jjno, lybo. Today, Lieut, cllly Jypreaa is in Viet liam, h iplng the South Viet Nanwse atra'jgia to iceep thair oountry free.

There are L.AH mombors in /oliaia «oanty, too, who, faelin^T the tu^ of the l.tnd on them, looic with sympatny on tho young ohiafa and their follov/era , Ailiinf^ to flight to tho death for the right to live in their own l«md . ^spjclally at Ooacooohee (v.lldcat), who fou'^^jut valiantly,

lea wisely, and \\a,3 clavar enouf^h whan wounaod nnd oaptared, to os- japo from a sappoaodly inbrealcable prison, aid find his way to Mesioo, to live and die a free aai , rathor than where thoso ho oonsideral ty- rants dcnanaed that he dAOii.

And, 80 looKin"?, thoy feel a oercaln priao that Coaooochee -.vai a sou of Voiusia, born and bred thore, ana also, that the Oounty oan t*iJCd a justifiou priae in him as a native son.



Page 1'. 6i

Achstetter, Josephine Achstetter, Therese Adams, Florence Adams, Gency Aiken, Elizabeth Aklns, Frances Lenora Albert, Julia Alexander, Susan Alford, Ida A. Allen, Carolina Allyn, Irene Alman, Lulana Almand, Emma J, Almond, Sally Alsobrooks, Mary Franc Anderson, Alice Anderson, Delia Anderson, Mrs. J. H, Anderson, Lou Anderson, Louisa Anderson, Martha J. Anderson, Matilda Andrews, Harriet L. Andrews, Sarah Ardell, Ella R. Armstead, Sallle Arnett, Corrlnthla B.

Babington, Carrie

Bacon, Mary J. E. Bailey, Eliza J. Bailey, Mrs. Emma Bailey, Roxy Baker, Mrs. Perraella Baker, Susan Baldwin, Mary Balfour, Margaret Ball.(Beely), Phely Banghart, May E. Banks, Lizzie Barber, Susan M, Barker, Ana Barnett, Susan Barnwell , Dora Barnwell, Err.rra Bari-entlne,* Cella Barthlow, Idelle Beck, Laura J. Becker, Flora L. Beddett (Reddltt), Jai


Bell, Amanda




Amelia G.








Diana Z.



Bennett ,

Eliza Coreen




Eliza L.








, Emma




, Lavlllty




, Leah Luclnda




, Leytha E.




, Maggie




, Martha



Bennett ,

, Mary A.


Is 26


, Mary E.



, Mary E.




, Mary E.




, Mary Jane




, N. A.




, Nancy




, Nancy Elizabeth

t 53



, Roxcey A,




, Sarah




, Sarah




, Sarah K,



Berne, 1

Sarnie A.



Berry, 1



Berry, (




Berry, J




Betts, :

Frances E.



Blackwater, Mary



Blackwelder, Amanda



Blackwelder, Dorian



Blackwelder, Martha








Clara P.








(Block), Jennie




, Clara




Marp-aret A.








Kate Hale




, Mary







Boyd, Elizabeth



Boyd, Henrietta



Boyd, M

rs. Missouri



Boyd, Pheby Ann



Bracey ,

Florence E.


ne 15





Page A 8ii

Bracy , Norma F. kj

Braddock, Mary L. 28

Braddock, S. V. 62

Brannum, Sally 11

Brantley, Ella A. 26

Bresly, Mlnta (Mlnter) h7

Brlnley, Kargaret 32

Brock, Harriet M. 8

Brooke, Savannah l6

Brooks, Annie 68

Brown, Cora 51

Brown, Ellen ^1

Brown, Epsey 20

Brown, Georceanna kj

Brown, Harriet 8

Brown, Hester 53

Brown, Lucy 5

Brown, Rosle 21

Brown, Susanna Victoria 9

Browne, A. Ernestine 46

Brownlee, Florance 15

Brownlee, Zllpha k

Brunch, Mrs. Medora 55

Bryan, Martha A. 39

Bryan, Martha C. ^a

Bryan, Susan 15

Bryan, Sydney J. D. 8

Bryan, Virginia Dallas 57 Buchan (Buccands) ,Mary M. 8

Buck, Emma 50

Buckles, Ora Ann kk

Buckner, Emma h6

Burges, Minnie 40

Burraaster, Auguster 60

Burmaster, Harriett Sylvia kZ

Burnham, Anna D. 22

Catherine 10 5a 21

Clara F. k6

Burrlll, Georglanna 66

Butler, Mary 5^

Burnhara; Burnham, Lucy Burnham, Mary Burrell

Cameron, Mrs. D. K, 11

Campbell, Kary Ann 5

Carllle, Mkry 1

Carlisle, Almedla C. 5

Carpenter, Fanny 20

Carter, A. D. kQ

Carter, Amy 56

Carter, Betty I6

Carter, Lydla 32-;

Carter, Mary H. 50

Carter, Precllla 50

Carter, Sarah Alice 6h

Caslln, Hannah (col.) 6^^ Causey, Martha J. 4

Caussey, Ann I5 Centar, Carolina A, 8 Chandler, Jullann 5 Chandler, Mary Arabella 12

Chapman, Cornelia F, 25

Chapman, Mary 14

Chase, Nancy Ellen 6I

Chenery, Hattle A. 48 Cheseborough, Marie J. 69

Chesner, Cella 53

Chestnut, Katie 38

Chllders, Mary 29

Clark, Laura Jane 33

Clark, Marlah 32

Clarke, Lizzie 41

Clarke, Susan S. 5I

Clifton, Dora Ann I6

Clifton, Elizabeth 5a

Clifton, Ellen M. 56

Clifton, Isabel 45

Clifton, Luclnda 12 Clifton, Lucy 9

Clifton, Lucy Ann 19 Clifton, Martha Ann 9

Clifton, Mary F. 49

Clifton, Phebe 10

Clifton, Phebe Ann 11

Clifton, Rhoda 69

Clifton, Roena 40 Clifton, Sarah 8

Clifton, Sarah 36

Clifton, Sarahann I5

Clinton, Sarah Ann D. 41

Clipper, Hetty 20

Coalman, Elizabeth 32

Coleman, Hattle M. 6?

Coleman, Precetta 20

Collins, Angallne C. 59 Collins, Trinity 4

Cone, Sarah J. 25

Conley, Marietta 23

Conover, Willie Lee 35

Cook. Hannah 10


Page %X b-6

Cook, Mary Elizabeth Cook, Rasla Cook, Sarah Cook, Susan L. Cooper, Dorcas Ann Cooper, Hattle Cooper, Sharlott Cordes, Cella E. Cortez, Jennette Cosmer, Minnie Cottrell, Lucy Counts, Louisa Courtney, Destamony Cowart, Barbasle Cowart, Caroline Cowart, Elizabeth Cowart, Mary S. Cowart, Sarah Ann Cowllas, Darcus Cowls, Dora E, Cox, Lucy Cox, Evelyn Mary Cromer, Ella Cromer, Nina B. Cross, Emma E. Crowell, Margaret C. Croy, Amanda Missouri Curley, Jane Curley, Mary Curley, Rachael Curry, Mary A,

Darke, Phoebe G. Daugharty, Sallle Davis, Annie L. Davis, Caroline Davis, Clara

Davis, Davis

Cloah , Emily J.

Davis, Florida G. A. A, Georglana Mallnda Nancy Susan A. 'VI It ham

Dawson, Louise

Day, Annie

Daymon, Florida

Dayton, Dora A,

Davl Davis , Davis , Davis, Davis , Davis ,

15 6k



38 66

60 ^1 12 19 26 6^ 15

6 27

8 3U 63 69 51 32

57 2k k3 8 11 11 23


36 69 69

7 67 37 65 38 30 5a 53 13

9 28 37 59 56 35

Dean, Laura C, Dean, M. P. DeLane , Emma DeLaughter, Fannie Denny, Cornelia E, DePratta, Dosallna DeYarman, Belle Deyarman, Martha E. Dlllard, Annie D. Dlllard, Florida Dlllard, Vlney Dixon, Martha A, Donalson, Anna Dorman, Habasham C, Dorsey, Delia Dorsey, Sallle (col.) Dougharty, Martha Dougherty, Nancy Dowllng, Elizabeth Dozler, Georgeanna Drake, Minnie Drake, Rebecca Drawdy, Margaret A. Drawdy, Martha E. Drawdy, Mary F, Drayton, Mn.rtha Dreggors, Catherine C, Drew, Mary Lou Drlgglss, Mary Ann Dryden, Martha C. Dugger, Amadatha A. Dugger, Dorothy Dugger, Elizabeth Dugger, (Georgle?) Dugger, Mary Ann Duggers , Laura D. Dummett, Louisa Dummlt, Kate Dunbar, Alice Duncan, Elizabeth Durfee, Georglanna Dyall, Caroline H. Dyall, Harriet Dyell, Jane

Eastman, Luna Eaton, Clara Eddlngton, Nancy Edward, Alice Edward, Annlce

^7 32


58 52



^^ 68




59 50 35 63 ^5 60 20 60 42 50 10 29 21

52 11 ^9

12 38 19 31 31 49 13 14

13 11 41 23 62 23 4 32


23 28 42

Edwards, Alice Edwards, Frances Edwards , llary Jane Ekenburg, Mrs .Elizabeth Eleby, Mlntle Eliot, Rosetta Elleby, Ida Ellis, Hary Jane Emanuel, Ilary Emanuel , Mary Emanuel , Nancy Erlckson, Anna Euroth, Clara Evans, Deborah Louisa Evans , Jane Everett, Julia

Fahy , Elizabeth Falany, Frances Farless, Polly Ann Farley, Ella Feaster, Ethland B. Feaster, Emma Feaster, Lavlnla H. Finney, Annie L. Finney, Hat tie Fisher, Lizzie Fisher, Winnie Fltsgerald, Lizzie Ann Fltts, Maria J. Fleming, Joseohlne F. Fllnn, Delflna Fllnn, Delflna Flynnd, Hattle Foote, Ada C. Ford, Florida Fordam, Mary E. Forest, Hannah Foster, Georglannn Fountain, Samantha Jane Fox, Susan Clifford Fozzard, Annie M. Franch, Adele Franklin, Kitty Frazler, Maggie M, Freeman, Betsy Freeman, Eliza Freeman, Elizabeth Freeman, Ellen Freeman, Henrietta













40 19

57 2h 20 2k 19 7 10 37 kl

65 18 24 30 22 18 19 62 5^ 29 23


55 31 5^ 30 32

6 68

9 23 30

6 41

Page % 84


French, Hattle


Fudger, Mrs. Elizabeth A.


Fults (Fultz), Ellen


Furley, Lettle


Fuss ell, Fanny


Futch, Anna Leonore


Futch, Emily H.


Futch, Nancy


Futch, Polly


Futch, Rachael Dellla


Futch (Smith?), Susan


Gardner, Caroline


Gardner, Hattle


Garnet, Margaret


Garrett, Mary P.


Oarrott, Sarah Frances


Gasklns, Elizabeth


Gedelman, Bona


George, Dellah


George, Louisiana


George, Rose Ella


Gerry, Eliza


Glddlngs, Jennie


Gilbert, Angelina


Gilbert, Ella


Gllman, Lotta A.


Glass, Lydla


Glass, Mary


Glass, Mary


Goodrich, George Ann


Goodwin, Lettle


Goodwin, Mary


Goodwin, Rebecka


Goodwin, Susan


Gorden, Josephine A,


Gore, Polly Ann


Gorey, Cecilia


Gorey, Luler


Gorman, Sarah L.


Gorrle, Ella


Gory, Llba


Gory , Mary


Gould, Mattle J. C.


Graves, Charity


Gray, Grace E.


Green, Abble L.


Green, Augusta


Green, Eliza


Green, Harriet


Green, Jennie


Green, Josephine


Page :S 65


Green, L^ary Green, Rachel Green, Rosa Lee Green, Sarah Ann Griffin, Julia Griffin, Liartha E, Griffin, Mattle Groover, Adaline Groover, ilartha Gruver, lucinda GuesB, Dicy

Guess, Didanni (Didenn CuesG, I.:ary Elisabeth Gumpsie, Rebeca (Rebec Guthrie, I'ary E.

Hacans, Lucy Kail, Amanda Hall, Bettle Hall, Jane A. Hall, Joanah V. Hall, Julia Hall, Louanza M. Hall, . ap-';'le Hal 1 , ( Hul i ) , Margar .-t a Hall, Mary h'amilton, Jennie t. Haminond, Mary J. xiancock, Eva HankcrBon, Lillio Hardee, L. M. Hardnan, Ida Hardy man, J.';oniga Hares, iiissourl Harrlfi, Anna Harris, Claressa Harrl s , ( Huml s ) , ^na Harris, Hannah Harris, Martha Harris, Hary Harris, J.iattie E. Harris, Sidaline Hart, Caroline tllizab Hart, Catherine Franc Hart, Susana 0. Hiartv?ell,*Hattle T. Harvln, Hattle Hatcher, Llzett Hatcher, Sally Hawkins, Pink (Pinky)


Hav/ley, Mary A.



Hayes (Hoses), Annie L.



Haynes, Laura Jane



Haywood, Henrietta



Heath, Rachel



Helsler, Hattle



Heldebrand, Jessie M.



Helms, Sarah E.



Henderson, Elizabeth



Henry, Ellen



Henry, Lizzie


iy) 29

Hern, Fannie



Herring, Ann H,



Hlars, Nancy E.



Hicks, Luella


Hicks, I.^lartha Jane



Hicks, lAartha Jane



Hlers, Eliza



Higdon, Hattle



Hlgglns, Mahal ey



Hill, Alice



Kill, Duma



Kinkle, Addle



Hinkle, Anno C.


i. 5

Pllres, America



Hodges, Margery



Hodgson, lucinda



Hodson, Louisa .Inn



Holbrook, Kary L.



Holmes, Elizabeth



Hopkins, Cenda



Hoover, Annie E.



Hubbard, Hart ha E.



Hudson, Kate



Humphry, Hattle



Hunt, Hancy



Hunter, Annie J,



Hunter, Mary Ann



Hunt or, Matilda



Hunter, Virginia




Imerson, Hattle E.


eth 12

Ivy, Anna


es 3


Jackson, Elvira



Jackson, Franci^ (es)



Jackson, Henrietta



Jackson, Mary



Jainer, Mary



James, Annie


Page 6x 86


Jamison, Bettle J.


Larklns, Mary


Jenkins, Alice


Lastlnger, Georgle


Jenkins, Alice


Lastlnger, Mary


Johnson, Annie


Leadfall, Mlzell


Johnson, Augusta


Lee, Carrie B.


Johnson, Cella


Lee, Nora


Johnson, Delia


Leeflls, Wylantha Jane


Jolly, Martha


Lemon, Sophronla


Jones, Addle

Lent, Nettle K.


Jones, Annie


Levone, Mary L.


Jones, Dora A.


Lewis, Fannie


Jones, Dora Ann


Lewis, Fanny


Jones, Elizabeth


Lewis, Hellen


Jones, Eula M,


Lewis, Julia Ann


Jones, Fenny Elizabeth


Lewis, Mary


Jones, Florence V,


Lewis, Mrs, Mary


Jones, Hattle


Lewis, Zena


Jones, Jane


Lleffler (Leffler )01lveiD.Ub

Jones, Marie


Llg ? ,, Emily


Jones, Nancy Florence


Llnlg, Annie


Jones, Nellie V.


Llnzle, Laura


Jones, Susan


Littleton, Mazaene


Jordan, Katie B.


Livingston, Henrietta


Jordan, Sallle M.


Livingston, May L.


Josselyn, Arabelee M.


Livingston, Minerva


Joyner, Rachel Clark


Lodore, Mary


Joynes, Barbara


Long, ? stang


Jundon, Pauline


Long, Catherine


Long, Fanny Susanna


Ketchell, Addle


Long, Georgia


Klnchen, Fannie


Longe, Alice S.


Klnchen, Martha


Longe (Gouge) , Bertha L.


Klnchen, Sarah


Longe , Emma


King, Rosa


Longer, Luella


King, Mrs. Sarah D.


Lorraln, Honorlene M.


Kirk, Anna S.


Lory, Amanda


Kitchen, Carrie E.


Love, Josephine


Knight, Sarah


Lowd, Emma Jane


Luff man, Georglana


Ladore, Belle R.


Lalne, Penny


McAlpln, Mrs. Victoria H.

. 35

Lake, Laura


McBrlde, Mary A,


Laraar, Martha S,


McBurney, Catherine


Lamb, Lizzie M.


McBurney , ( McBlrney ) Jane


Larab , Lucy


McCarthy, Catherine C.


Lamb, Lula.


McCarthy, Isabel


Lancaster, G. Gertrude


McCormlck, Lee Ella


Lang, Susan C.


McCoy, Joanna


Lanier, E. A.


McCoy, Susan


Lankester, Kittle


McCrorey, Julia A,



Page ^ 87

McDanlel, Dora E. 3?

McDanlel, Eliza 29

McDanlel, Mary E. 9

McDonald, Nora l6

McDougall, Margarett 37

McDuffle, Jane 52

McFall, Sallle 59

McGrlff, Emily 58

IlcGrlff, Emily 6?

McHall, J. E. 46

Mclntlre, Carry M. 1^

McKenzle, Minerva 33

McKlnzle, Texas 62

McLauchland, Nancy 3

McLean, Mrs. Emma M. 53

McLean, Josephine S. 10

McLean, Sue Ellen 58

McMllland, Annie 25

McRae, Christiana ^9

McRae, Kate C. 68

McSwaln, Slnthey L. 36

Macconn, Eva C. hi

Malken, Mrs. Mary J. 5?

Maley, Julia Helen 38

Maley, Madeline 1?

Manning, Eliza E. 28

Manning, Grace 6?

Manning, Jane 15

Manning, Roule 38

Manning, Mary 0. 55

Manning, Susie 60

Mansfield, Merta Ina 5?

Margraff, Annie M. P. 21

Mark, Cella 16

Marks, Amelia 11

Marks, Jennett 10

Marsh, Carrie H, 59

Marsh, Lena 56

Marsh, Mary 33

Marshall, Eliza ^+8

Mathews, Alice M. 53

Mathews, Mary E. ^+6

Mellette, Nellie ^9

Mendell, Sarah E. - 23

Merlck, Rachel 61

Messer, Margaret Ellz. 15 Messlnger, Gertrude S. 6?

Michael, Nancy 1

Mlcklns, Betsy 4?

Mler, Mary C. kO

Miller, Julia ^3

Miller, Mary 36

Mines, Eva G. 22

Mlnlschew, Annls 9

Mlnlshew, Jane ^

Mlnlx, Elan 1

Mlnshew, Margaret 14

Mlnshew, Martha 1

Mlnshew, Martha A. 2?

Mitchell, Anna 60

Mitchell, Clara W. 46

Mitchell, Elor (col.) 64

Mitchell, Hannah 5a

Mitchell, Maria A. 33

Moeller, Annie Mary 53

Monroe, Mrs. Lizzie 56

Moore, Emily 24

Moore, Fanny M. 52

Moore, Harriet 51

Moore, Nettle 35

Morgan, Anna 3^ Morris, Charity (col.) 65

Morris, Isabella 42

Morris, Mary A. 10

Morris, Nartha L.E.T. 9

Morris, Sarah 6

Morrison, Austella 24

Morrison, Mary 2

Morrison, Mary 3

Morrison, Sarah 58

Mosely, Rosa 51

Mosler, Marlon J. I. 30

Mosley, Mary 60

Munger, Martha A. 35

Muntrle, Isabella 20

Murdock, Julia 69

Murry, Loulsana C, 5

Myers, Rebecca 19

6 30

30 39

Neal , Mary

Nesblt, Emily A.

Nesbltt, Julia

Nichols, Mary

Northrop, Leila Angelina 4?

Norton, Clare Luetta 13

Norton, Ida Elizabeth 33

Novle, Laura M. 51

Nunrue , Fanny 55

Ochotetter(Achotter), Helena 62


Page jft 88

O'Connell, May 61

Odura, Barber Barbee ^+3

Odura, Georgian A. 20

Odum, Laura D. 29

Odura, Sarah J. 6?

Oliver, Annie 62

Osteen, Allmy 11

Osteen, Elizabeth 25

Osteen, P. S. 5a Osteen, Llona C. k

Osteen, Martha Jane 36

Osteen, Mary 2?

Osteen, Polly Ann 12

Overstreet, Amanda li^

Overstreet, Emma 17

Overstreet, Margaret 1^

Owens, Louisa M. kl

Pacettl, Saraphlna hy

Padgett, Mary Jane 29

Paget (Padgett ),Gella k

Palmer, Ava N. 28

Palmer, Mallnda A. 66

Palmer, Tlllle 37

Parrott, Mary ^

Patterson, Mallnda 56

Pattlllo, Lizzie G. 62

Pearce, Lizzie J. ^6

Peckham, Maria A. 8

Peeton, Emallne ^3

Penfleld, Grace Amelia k6

Perrls, Bulah A. 65

Perry, Charity 5^

Peters, Nancy 32

Peterson, Carrie ^4-9

Peterson, Mossuorl 62

Peterson, Sarah 51

Phillips, Alice ^0

Phillips, Annie ^4-2

Phillips, Marlah 6^

Pickett, Marlon Olivia 63

Pickham, Elizabeth 10

Plerson, Mary Ann 55

Plnkney, Sarah 12

Pitman, Emily 60

Polite, Annie 30

Pollard, Emma ^1

Pootcher, Eliza D. 22

Poppleton, Grace A. 61

Popwell, Ellen 5^

Posey, Matilda 21

Powell, Dorcas 67

Frevatt, Catherine D. 28

Prevatt, Elizabeth F. ^

Frevatt, Ella J. 52

Prevatt, Florida A. 35

Prevatt, Frances N. 37

Prevatt, Mallnda 0. I5

Frevatt, Martha E, 2

Prevatt, Martha E. 3 Prevatt, Marg.Ann Ellz, 15

Prevatt, Mary 23

Prevatt, Mary Draper 13

Prevatt, Nancy M. k Prevatt, Flnkey (Plnkey )P.15

Frevatt, Sarah S. 25

Price, Frances 69

Price, Ida E. ^4.1

Price, Josle 53

Priest, Ida J. 22

Proctor, Florence 3^

Purdam, Laura N. ^1

Purdum, Henrietta 22

Purdam, Matilda 18

Qulnn, Alfred A. 1

Randall, Lucy (Loulsafcol. 66

Randolph, Delia ^5

Randolph, Marlah ^3

Rankin, Bessie 55

Rawlins, ngatha 58

Rawlins, Charity 26

Rawlins, Charity 53

Rawlins, Sarah lo

Ray, Mattle 57

Rector, Lucy 28

Redding, Margery 1

Register, Rachel M. 37

Register, Selemma 25

Register, Zllpha 31

Reld, Easter 3^

Reld, Hattle '4'^

Reld, Lorena 3^

Reld, Martha 26

Relaford, Mary 6?

Rhaln, Olive 69

Rhodes, Mary '4.3

Rich, Mary Jane 18

Richards, Lllla M. 33

Page 9x 89


Richardson, America Ann 30

Richardson, Elizabeth 13

Richardson, Georgia 68

Richardson, Hulda 2?

Richardson, Jane L, 12

Richardson, Lucy h. i+9

Richardson, Margaret A. 30 Richardson, ."lolly (col.) 6U

Richardson, Nancy L. 5a

Rimer, Elizabeth 1

Rivers, Emma 5^

Roach, Louisa M. 32

Robb, Annie B. 39 Robenson( Robinson) ,Letty 60

Roberson, Jane 11

Roberson, Violet 39

Roberts, Eliza 18

Roberts, Elwlna 2?

Roberts, Permella 11

Roberts, Pheby h

Roberts, Rosey A, 31

Robertson, Emma (col.) 64

Roblnette, Mattle 53

Robinson, Ann ^0

Robinson, Cornelia 25

Robinson, Florida ^5

Robinson, Frances 28

Robinson, Hannah kO

Robinson, Hester 40

Robinson, Josephine 39

Robinson, Nancy 20

Rogers, Ella A. 66

Rogers, Mary Anna 33

Rollnson, Nettle 6^

Rolland, Caroline k

Rollerson, Sylvia Ik

Rollins, Mary J. 5a

Roper, Sarah A, 59 Rosenborough, Elizabeth 52

Resetter, Carrie P. 20

Rosier, Eliza 33

Rossetter, nlice H. 35

Rossetter, Ilattle F, Ik

Rossetter, Sarah F. 6

Rossle, Annie E, 6?

Rouleuske,* Bertha E. 63

Routh, Jennie 32

Routh, Margaret A. 30

Rushing, Alice G. k7

Rushing, Victoria 6I

Rushing, Wealthy A. 2? Russell , Susan Washington 3 Ruth, Isabella k<,

Ryals, Vlney 52

Sanders, Louisa Sanders, Martha J-ane Sanders, Nancy Sands, Carrie V, Sarelers, Cornelia Sauls, Clara Sauls, Eliza Sauls, Ellen Sauls, Jane L, Sauls, Jane L, Sauls, Mary Sauls, Sarah Sauls, Zenobla Saunders, Rltta Saunderson, Sarah Savage, Sarah I. Saxon, Lydla A. C. Scamraell, Mattle A. Scarlett, Anna C. Schlldrlth, Mary Schstetter, Maria Anna Scott J Anna Scott, Jane Scott, Maggie Scott, Marie Self, Mary

Sewall ,Celestlne Modes Seymour, Charlotte Sharth, Lizzie Sheely, Margaret Sheldon, Zella Shepherd, Frances Sherrlll, Alice G. Shields, Nannie Slkes, Corla Slkes, Dellly H. Slkes, Eliza C. Slkes p Eliza Josephine Simmons, Ella Slmms, Annie Simons, Georgia Simons, Norah Slmpkins, Manerva Sloan, Margaret Slough, Margaret J.

13 11 51 35 5 38 11 62 18 19 17 26 5 6 58 8 22 28 kS ho 33 17 31 38 38 50 ta 39 57 30 25 8 1 52 kO 24 12 kk



36 Zk


31 7


Page iO 90

Smalley, Mamie E. 66

Smiley, Pheby 59

Smith, Amanda E, 60

Smith, Ann Eliza 20

Smith, Charlotte 13

Smith, Fannie B. 35

Smith, Frances A. 59

Smith, Helen L. 39

Smith, Isabella D. F. kS

Smith, Lillian Maud 5^

Smith, Margaret 66 Smith, Marg. Bertha Norlska22

Smith, Maria A.


Smith, Maria F.Fullerton U^

Smith, Maria H. A. 43

Smith, Martha L. 39

Smith, Mattle 60

Smith, Sarah E. k

Smith, Mrs. Susan 3

Sparkman, Sarah 12

Spencer, Rutha 66

Sperber, Earnestlne S. 23

Sperry, Mary R. 68

Starke, Louisa 12

Staunton, Mary S. 45

Stengle, Catherine 14

Stephens, Ellen 11

Sterling, Angellne 30

Stethera, Mary 56

Stetler, Sarah A. 18

Stevens, Julia 64

Stewart, Emily J. 7

Stewart, Lucy 64

Stewart, Mary M, 3

Stewart, Mary S. ?

Stewart, Susan Elizabeth 2 Stewart, Susan Elizabeth 3

Stone, Mary Jane 6I

Stong, Lou 51

Story, Marlntha 1

Story, Marlntha 3

Stowe, Anna Dell 48

Stratton, Piety Devonla 10

Sulton, Mary Adelaide 63

Summer, Mary Margaret 6I

Summerlln; Lula 40

Sutton, Martha L. 52

Sutton, Mary Jane 37

Sutton, Victoria C. 37

Sutty, Rosa 45

Swift, Ida P. 53

Swing, Annie M. 36

Swing, Florence L. 21

Sylvester, Matilda 5a

Tanner , Laura 65

Tannin, Luand 21

Tapley, Mrs. Emily 55

Taylor, Amand 27

Taylor, Annie 57

Taylor, Hattle 27

Taylor, Ida 32

Taylor, Louisa 9

Taylor, Margaret 9

Taylor, Mary A. 32

Taylot, Matilda 36

Tedder, Isabella 42

Tedder, Luclnda 42

Tedder, Martha 20

Tedder, Mary Ann 29

Tedder, Nancy 24

Tedder, Sarah Ann 7

Telfair, Helen H. 22

Teston, Jemima 15

Thlgpen, Martha 48

Thlgpen, V. V. 5^

Thomas, Francis 43

Thomas, Jane L. 27

Thomas, Mary E. 47

Thompson, Harriet Y. 25

Thompson, Lldla 36

Thompson, Maria 6

Thompson, Mary J. 5^

Thompson, Sarah Ann 46

Thornton, I^ura 50

Thurley, Maggie 50

Thurman, Annie 55

Thursbey, Elizabeth 23

Thursbey, Mary A. 21

Tlllls, Elizabeth B. 27

Tillman, Emma 55

Tollver, Martha 41

Tolllver, Synthla 5a

Trellis, Mrs. J. E. 14

Tucker, Mary E. 27

Tucker, Sarah 43

Turner, Emma 58

Turner, Mary 43

Tyler, Mary ^2

Tyre, Tulle ^7

Page n 9i


Underbill, Elizabeth 40 Underhlll, Mrs.Lucretla 55

Underwood, Grace D. 57

Vandegrlff, Clemmls J. 55

Vandoun, Ellen A. 60

Vares, M. J. 49

Varnes, Nancy 1

Varnes, Nancy 3

Vaughes, Francis 4-7 Vaughn, Mrs. Harriet

(Hannah) 17

Voss, Victoria 9

Waldron, Eliza A, 30

Walker, Amanda 66

Walker, Anna J. 65

Walker, Harriett 6

Walker, Lucy 25

Walker, Mary G, 10

Walker, Sarah 6

Waller, Mary F, I7

Walstlen, Louisa 26

Walstlen, Sarah Alice 15 Walton, Areneth Drusllla 56

Ware, Hannah 5a

Ware, Mary Ann 57

Warner, Effle A. 29

Warnockj Jennie 68

Warren, Lucy 22

Washington, Settle 32

Washington, Fannie 5^

Waterfell, Lulle 49

Waters, Mellnda 31

Watklns, Maggie 38

Watson, Julia Ann 21

V/atson, Liza 5?

Watton, Eliza H. 22

Watts, Emma 63

Weaver, Llllle E. 49 Weaver, Llssle A. (col.) 64

Weber, Barbary 68

Westbrook, Phoebe 29

Wheat, Lonlver 9

Whipple, Sarah Annie 68

White, Jul-la 51

White, Margaret 69

White, Mary E. 44

Whitman, Eva 57

Whitney, Sue 58

Whlttam, Mary 25

Wlckwlre, Martha Jane 3 Wlckwlre, Mary Maranda I6

Wlckwlre, Susan 31

Wlckwlre, Winnie F, 10

Wiggins, Mary 37

Wiggins, Mary 63

Wilhlte, Ann 17

Wilkinson, Grace B, 47

Wilkinson, Jennie L. 34

Willhlte, Isadora 13

Williams, Ella 42

Williams, Emellne 31

Williams, Emma L, 59

Williams, Leah 63

Williams, Mary J, 37

Williams, Melvlna 23

Williams, Nancy 27

Williams, Rosa 40

Williams, Sarah 52

Willis, Mary A. 33 Wllmsen (Wi.llnson)

Augusta F. 37

Wilhlte, Ann 17

Wilson, Annie C. 40

Wilson, Emily W. 18

Wilson, Emma 6I

Wilson, Essie M. 54

Wilson, Henrietta 26

Wilson, Hester C. 43

Wilson, Patience 33

Wlnfleld, Laura A. 62

Wlngate, E, J. 49

Wlngate, Edith 19

Wlngate, Lizzie L, 62

Wlngate, Martha 26

Wlngate, Mary A. 14

Wlngate, Nancy C, 19

Wlngate, Sarah L, 48

Winn, Betty 56

Wltzel, Eliza 51 Woodards, Charity (col.) 64 Woods, Virginia Galechat 24

V/oodward, Martha 56

Wright, Fanny 69 Wynn, Myrlck (Lizzie) 65

Yates, Lulu E. 47

Yates, Manda 5

Yelvlngton, Larena 24


Yelvlngton, Lurana 18

Yelvlngton, Margaret 2^

Yelvlngton, Nancy 29

Yelvlngton, Nannie 6?

Young, Martha A. U-l Youngue (Yonzue) Jane

Olive 61

Zagon, dhoda E, 21


Page .93

Abbott, John H. Adams, Thomas H, Aklns, Alonzo Akins, George W. Aklns, George W. Aklns, John Alcott, William '..'. Alexander, Henry Alexander, Henry- Alexander, John I. Alexander, John J. Allen, George Allen, Hlrara Alien, Thomas Allen, William A. Alieyne, Horace 3, Altaand, William W. Alston, Henry Ambrose, Winston rtmes, George Anders, Harry Anders, Lewis

Anderson, Anderson,

C. H. Ellsha

Anderson, Erd Anderson, John Adair rtnderson, Robt. Anderson, Thomas S. Anderson, William Anthony, Mark Archer, Henry H, Arllne, David W. Armor, James A, Armstrong, Robert Arnold, Charles Williams Arnold, James M. Armwood , Levin Arrawood, Timothy Artlsh, Henry Austin, F. C. Aydelott, J. J.

Bailey, Frank Bailey, George B, - Bailey, W. H. Baker, Andi^ew C. Baker, G. F. Baker, George W. Baker, Henry A. J. Baker, John D.

47 5^ 37 15 35 67 46 14 65 33 40 27 20 49 65 66

1 26 48 25 51 28 64 24 52 68 33 38 30

7 25 39

5 21 61 41



57 45 35

34 18 48 31

50 30 31 24

Baker, Joseph P. 11

Baker, Malcolm L. 17

Baker, Thadlus M. 27

Baker, W. R. 13

Baker, William B. 25

Ball, Charles W. 67

Ball, Elijah 44

Ball, John C. 53

Ball, Robert (col.) 66

Ballard, Sammle A. 58

Ballough, Charles A. 35

Ballough, William E. 30

Bandy, Thomas M. 33

Banentlne, Ell 26

Barber, Moses E. 5

Barber, Moses W. 21

Barber, William J. 5^>

Qarblett, Smith W. 48 Barnhart, William Robert 2Q

Barnwell, George 20

Barnwell, George 52

Barron, James H. 50

Bates, Titus 31

Belden, James P. 18

Bell, Frank 14

Bell, George N, 3

Bell, James 3. 26

Benes, Titus 52

Bengston, Johji Elof 35

Bennett, Asa 11

Bennett, Daniel L. 40

Bennett, Elbert 13

Bennett, G. W. 63

Bennett, George W. 15

Bennett, George W, 34

Bennett, George W. 68

Bennett, Herchel J. 13

Bennett, James 15

Bennett, James 47

Bennett, James M. 62

Bennett, John C. 26

Bennett, Paul 54

Bennett, R. S. 32

Bennett, Shepperd 13

Bennett, Simmons 9

Bennett, William T. I6

Benton, Curt 51

Bessent, John P. 59

Bevel, Granville 10

Beverly, Samuel 30


Page y*

Bines, Titus

Bingham, Charlie M, Black, Richard Blackwelder, Danle] Blackwelder, John '. Blew, Jamuel Bllven(Bllvln), Jol Bloomer, Charles H, Bloomer, Charles R, Boatwrlght, Daniel Bold, James Boler, Robert Bond, Georp;e Bond, Georp-e Boreland, John 3, Botefurte, J. H. L. Bourroughs, Green ' Bowman, John P. Bowman, l;llliam Boyer, George '.i , Braddock, E. D. Bradshaw, D. G, H. Brady, Adherr.er Branch, Eugene a.. Brannon, Gall Braunlng, Gale Breland, Eocert C. Brlprht, Antriony Broadham, Henry Br on son, I-ionroe Brooks, Bartow F. Brooke, Jackson Brooke, Rufus D. Brooke, o. B. Brooke, olmcn 3. Brooker, Joseph E. Brown, Rev. A. J. Brown, Boatwrlght Brown, George Brown, July Brown, Laurf:nce Bal Brown, V/. P. Brownlee, iMtchell Bryan, Harry V. Bryan, Heni^y B. Bryan, Lewis 1!. Bryan, i'lllton Bryan, Oscar H. Bryan, Philemon r; , Bryan, W. A.


Bryant, Gadsden 0.



Buchan, Joseph D.



Buckles, John 3.



Buckles, Joseph


11 son k7

Buckman, Courtland



Buckner, Charles B,


a ti. 66

Buckner, V.'llllam F.



Buell, 3. 3.



Bunn, Asa



Burmaster, Frank D.



Burmaster, Frank D.



Burnett, James L.



Burney, William



Burroughs, David



Butler, Preston



Butler, Wm. W.



Byrd, Thomas R.




Calhoun, 3trother



Campbell, Butler



CamobelKCambell), Cato



Camnbell, John 3.



Carllle, George F.



Carllle, Robert W,



Carlln, Charles



Carraway, John M.



Carron, John H.



Carter, Anderson



Carter, Andrew



Carter, R. fl.



Carter, William Henry



Carter, Wm. V,'.



Casldy, V.m .



Casmey, James



Casper, John L.



Cass, Hrlel P.



Gassaday, Daniel



Caswell , James



Gates, Charles



Gates, Charles F.


es 32

Causey, Daniel H.



Causey, L. E.



Charaberlln, Samuel M.



Chambers, Edward D.



Chandler, Geo. V/.



Chandler, James H.



Chandler, John L.



Chanman, Dunter C.



Chapman, Richard



Chauvln, Joseoh M.



Page 95

Cherry, Raukens (Rauklns ) 6l

Chilton, Benjamin Chilton, BenjaT.in F. Clark, J. VJ. Clark, Major Clarke, Harrison W, Clifton, /laron Clifton, Daniel Clifton, Daniel, Jr. Clifton, F. C. Clifton, F. T'l. Clifton, Francis M. Clifton, Goe. W. Clifton, Hamilton Clifton, Henry Clifton, Henry J. Clifton, Jonathan Clifton, Robert L. Clifton, './esley Clifton, '/m. D. Clifton, Wm. E. Clinton, Charles M. Coachman, Laurence Colbert, Samuel F.

19 27 55

9 22 ^3

6 ^1 67


1^2 39 69 28 8 U2 5^


^5 67 33 12 Colburn, Artemas Elswcrth 56 Colcord, Benjamin F. 22 Cole, George 8

Cole, J. R. 65

Coleman, Sdv;ard 30

Collett, Levi 33

Collins, George W. 4 Collins, Heber R. 22 Collins, Joseph 39

Collins, Nathan 55

Colors, Lawrance ^§- Comines, (Commens ) ,Georg 27 Compton, W, C. 67

Corapton, William C. h6 Cone, Frank F', 33

Cook, Benjamin 18

Cook, J. R. 66

Cook, Robert M. I6

Cooper, Charles A. ^1 Copeland, Butler ' 67 Corns, Charges K, 25 Correll, Adam 37

Corwin, H. B. 30

Cottral, David 5a

Coulter, Joseph '•'.. I45

Count, George H. 53

Cowin, James 28

Cox, Columbus '4-0

Cox, Hodum R. 62

Cozart, Slmmeon W. 28

Cranor, John 57

Crawford, 0. C. ^5

Cravjford, Thomas 2h

Creel, John 20 Crouson(Crousen) , i*'m.L, 36

Crowe, Thomas R. 22

Crump, Fred ^7

Curamjng, D. G. 5k Cunningham, Theodore L. ^4.1

Curry, Joseph E. 63

Cutler, Harry B. 36

Davis, Davis , Davis,

Dare, Samuel H, Davenport, Thomas E Davis, Alexander H. Davis, Colonel Davis, Edman Dav^s, Franklin 3en Davis, Jefferson Davis, John

John H.


Samuel Davis, V/alter (col. Dawson, John (col.) Day, Alvin Weston Day, Lomis G. Daymore, Lawrence Dean, J. Elmer Deas, Miles Debois, Henry K. DeDrysdale, John E. Demps , Andrew Dennis, George E. DePratta, Marian Dillard, Augustus Dlllard, Barney Dilzer, Charles P. Dithman, George Ditson, John P. Dohn, Christian L. Donald, Ira L, Donald, Samuel h. Doup-herty , Ichabod Dougherty, Israel Dougherty, James

^3 56 26 kj 32

Jamln 5^ 52 27 58 40 58

) 6h 6k 13 18 U3 69 31 58 55 33 61 55 22



33 23

56 55 57 18 35 62


Page J6

Dougherty, Jesse 5?

Dougherty, John 51

Dougherty, John M. 62

Dougherty, Rufus P. 29

Dowlln.T, \'illl'im N. 8

Downey, V.'llliaai F. 1

Drady, Duncan 65

Drake, Wilson 60

Dreggors, Jordan 0

Dreggors, Harlon A. 13

Dugger, David «. 4

Dunn, '.iilllam II. kQ

DuPont, V. R. 1

Duren, Robert L, 28

Durence, George V,'. 20

Duval, Albert" 1?

Dyal , Alexander 57

Dyall, George >/. 26

Dye, Harlan P. 19

Sarley, .^Ing 68

Sdenfield, Jameij L. 39

Edmonson, V/m. H. jh-

Smig, Barthel 13

■ilmanuel , Amos 5

Evans, Perry 38

i'.veret, Charles 7

Estls, Thomas R. ^3

Faber, /Albert 9 Faber, Charles Lav;rance 13

Fagan, '..'llliam 5^

Falany, Joseoh 14

Farley, 'i^dward 13

Fatany, Henry H. 38

Fearllle, John 12

Feaster, Jacob W, 1'^

Field, Samuel J, 11

Fisher, Frederick B. 10

Fisher, George W. 51

Flowers, Charlie S. 52

Force, Alfred 43

Fountain, James J. 5

Fountain, Loyd 31

Frasher, Andrew 10

Frazer, GeoVge 9

Freeman, Anthony 14

Freeman, George 1?

Fudger, G. T." 47

Fulce, James 5a

Furgerscn, Phillip 31

-'ergerson, rompey Furgerson, Tony Furgerson, Washington Fussell, C. C. Fuss ell, J. A, Fussell, J. A, Futch, Geo. W. Futch, James W,

Gadson, Benjamin Gainey, Francis D. Gains, James S. Galespje, Roderick Gamage, Harry G. Gamble, Robert Garden, John Gary, Charles George, Daniel George, David H. Gilbert, Robert R. Glllaspee, Jacob V. Gitt-'ns, Joseph Haynes Glover, Allison C. Godhin, R. X. Gordan, Clarence M. Gold, Lafayette Goodrich, A. Q. Goodrich, Charles \1, Goodvi/in, Thadious Goodwin, I'/illiam Gorey, Stephen Goway, Isaiah Graham, C. G. Graham, Fred C. Graham, James G. Gray, Edward V.'. Gray, R. T. Gregor, Edv;ard W. Gregory, Jepe R. Greely, Kartin J. Green, Ben Jannin Green, Prank Green, Henry L. Green, Henry H. Green, Joseph Green, Joseph F. Green, Beddy D. Green, V.'. J. Grio.e, Jack Griffin, Ben.lamine


32 23 17 1 3 31 17


4 17 10


61 47

7 15 26

15 43 5B 23 50 36 13 40 43 11 12 27 16 48 66 53 68 ^5 37 43 64 42 62 32 31 5 15 38 29 55 29


Page if

Griffin, Charles Griffin, Grant Grover, James Gruber, Jacob Guess, Aaron Guess, Riley Gunn, January

Hadder, Walter G


, B. F.


Chas. F.


David D.


I sham


James J.


John C.


John G.


H. E.


R. C.

Hamilton, James Hamilton, V/ood Hanscom, Laban L. Hardy, Coleman Harper, Virgil Harris, Ambrose Harris, Benjamin Harris, Charles Stewart Harrison, Henry Hart, Christopher C. Hart, John Harvey, J. W, Haskell, William H. Hatch, Ezra F. Hatcher, 0. A. Hatcher, Shelton Hatcher, T. R. Hawkins, Charles Hayman, James H, Hays, Thomas Haze, Daniel Healey, Henry W. Heath, Thomas J. Hedgecock, William E, Heirs, John M, Henderson, Richard' S, Henry, Erampnd Henry, James L. Hickman, Isaac Hickman, John C. Hill, M. H. Hill, Orson J.

^6 Hires, James M, 59

58 Hold, Mason ^7 15 Holt, Mason 60 39 Holton, John J. 65

61 Honeywell, Fred 53 21 Hopkins, Edward H. 36

7 Horder, Gardner S. 7 Herman, William F. 50

30 Horn, Peter 22

8 Houston, James R. 13 66 Houston, John 2 h<) Houston, Mac 51 "^h Houston, Washington hO

7 Howard, H. G. 50

29 Howard, James 60

U2 Houston, John 3

62 Howell, Henry L. 14 61 Hubbard, J. D. h^

20 Hubbard, John D. 2

21 Hubbard, John D. 3 UO Huffman, Jas. A. 36

68 Huger, Simon 30 2h Hull, James F. k

59 Hull, R. H. 53 46 Hull, William W. 5a

64 Hunt, George I6 41 Hunt, Geo. A. 40 15 Hunter, James E, 7 5a Hunter, Samuel 24

7 Hunter, William 31

69 Hunter, William 41 61 Hurry, Edward 51 50 Hyman, Robert H. 62

65 Hymes, Benjamin 34 56

56 Ivory, M. L. 59


25 Jackson, Andrew 11

56 Jackson, Charles E, I6

65 Jackson, Ismeal 36

41 Jackson, Smart 10

54 Jackson, William 17

9 James, Grandlson 40

23 James, Samuel 32

6 James, Slater 66

56 Jamison, Edward W. 50

31 Jamison, William S. 38

19 Jefferson, Samoson 33

56 Jeffries, J. T. 64

31 Jenkins, James H. 65


Page ?fi


Jenkins, July Jenkins, Samuel Jennings, Benjamin Jennings, Millard F. Johnson, Avery Johnson, Edward (col.) Johnson, George Johnson, Gust Johnson, Joseph Johnson, S. Weller Johnson, Tllman Johnson, William Johnson, William E. Johnson, William G. W. Johnston, Cullen B, Johnston, J. W, Johnston, Oliver Jones, Alford E, Jones, Evln Jones, George Jones, Henry Jones, J. David Jones, Jackson Jones, John Jones, John E. Jones, Joseph Jones, Joseph Jones, Robert Jones, Samuel J. Jones, Samuel H, Jones, V/, Jones, Watt Jones, Warren Jones, William (col.) Jons, Marshall Jonson, Oscar Jordan, Amos Joyner, Samuel Joyner, Samuel Joyner, Samuel J.

Katz, W. L. Kawley, Henry L, Kelley, Jeremiah Kelly, E. D. (col.) Kllllx, William B. King, Charles King, Edward Thomas King, Ralph King, William


King, William



KlrJ, S. H.



Klrkland, Francis M.



Klrkland, Henry Jackson



Knight, Fraser L.



Knight, James M.


^5 hi

Konlg, Henry


Lafollett, Matt E.



Lamar, George W.



Lamb, Hezeklah



Lamb, James



Lane, August



Lane, E. T.



Larklns, Esau



Lastlnger, Miles



La stinger, William



Latham, Charles F.



Lawson, George (col.)



Leake, James F,



Leavltt, William F.



Lee, Merrill



Lee, Paul



Leffer, Jno. P.



Leffler, William P.



Leonardy, Phllllo Leshure (LeShune), Wm.B,



. 68


Lester, Frederick



Levlngton, Joseph



Lewis, Richard



Lewis, Wm. B.



Llbby, Isaiah



Llbby, Tallman



Llchtensteln, Joseph



Lltt, James



Lockwood, V. N,



London, John



London, Norflet



Long, Henry Paul C.



Long, John


Longe, Elsworth



Longe, Fred C.



Loving, Charles



Lowd, E. K., Jr.



Lowrle, Samuel



Lowry, Dennis H,



Luce, John


5^ 63 11

Lungren , H . F ,


McBlrney, Hayward



Page ?y

McBlrney, Haywood Mc3rlde, William A. Kc3urney, Haywood Hc3urney, James McCallum, Jordan McCarry, John H. McCarthy, C. B. McCarthy, Richard J. McCarty, Arthur L. McClellan, Jeremiah McCloer, Henry McCormlck, A. F. McCreery, Atrum J. McCrum, Summers McCullers, Robt. McDanlel, Elijah McDanlel, George W, McDanlel, Wllllara L. McDonald, Edward McGauchlln, Duncan McGlon, Hardy McGloug, Jesse H, McGrory, h. C. Mcllwalne, Wm. McLane, John McLane, H. M. McLean, John McLendon, H. J. McMillan, John A. Maass, Hugo C. Mackey, David Maley, Frederick W.

Mann, Horace G.

Mann, Levi

Manning, Stephen

Mansfield, Charly H.

Marsh, Moses

Marsh, Moses

Marshall, Benjamin

Martenson, Charles

Martin, James

Marvin, Charles W.

Mason, Alman E.

Matslnger, Charles A.

Mauloy, John

Maury (MauV-ey) , Andrew

May, Osborn

Maynor, Samuel

Mendel, Joseph

Mercer, Frederic


Mercer, Frederick



Mercer, Isaac



Merry, David



Merry, Perry



Messman, John



Mlchell, John



Mlddleton, David A.



Mlddleton, Dotha D.



Mlllner, Mat



Miller, Abert(Albert) X.



Miller, Genl. Geo. W.



Mlnshaw, Archibald



Mlnshen, Wllloughby



Mlnshew, Archibald



Mlnshew, W. B.



Mlnshew, William



Mlron, Elle



Mitchell, Henry



Mitchell, Henry H.



Mitchell, James A.



Mitchell, John



Mitchell, John



Mitchell, Ralph



Mitchell, WUlle



Mitchell, William



Monroe, Isaac C.



Moody, John T.



Moody, Raymond



Moore, Edward



Moore, Henry



Moore , Henry



Moore, John W,



Moore, Noah



Moore, William G.



Morgan, Balam



Morgan, Frank



Morgan, I sham



Morgan, James



Morgan, John G.



Morris, Bryant



Morris, David



Morris, Edward



Morris, Henry



Morris, Lee B.



Morris, Michael J.



Morse, Cyrus



Morten, William Henry



Mowers, Vim. H.



Morrison, David F.



Munn, Morris G.




Murphy, John


Peck, Frank T.


Murray, Thomas J.


Peckham, Augustus T.


Myer, John W.


Pellet, George Ulysses


Perry, Edwin N.


Nauman, Charles


Peters, nbram


Neal, James


Peterson, James E,


Nelson, David


Peterson, George W,


Nelson, John h.


Phillips, B. W.


Newman, T. J.


Phillips, John


Newman, William B.


Pierson, Carl F.


Newman, '.Vllllam H.


Pierson, G. F.


Newmans, J. M.


Pierson, Peter


Newton, Oliver


Pierson, Tue


Nicholas, F. M.


Pigue, Malangton


Nlckols, J. L.


Pinkham, Gyrus H,


Norwood, William S.


Pittman, F. M.


Point, John Peter


Odum, Allen J.


Pooser, Rev. E. 3.


Odum, Leaston E.


Post on, R. R.


Oliver, William (col.)


Poter, W. L.


Oneal, Green


Powell, Isaac H.


Odum, James W.


Powell, Lewis


Osteen, A. S.


Powell, Wqj.H.


Osteen, James V/ebster


Prevatt, Alexander


Osteen, John


Prevatt, James H.


Osteen, Marlon P.


Prevatt, Joseph C.


Overstreet, Adam


Prevatt, Joseph W. M.


Owen, Horace H,


Prevatt, Joseph Morgan


Prevatt, Levi M.


Pace, John E.


Price, Henry


Pacetti, Bartola J.


Pride, Abram B.


Pacettl, Henry C.


Prideaux, Henry F.


Pacetty, 3artolo C.


Priest, V/llllam A.


Page, Thomas N.


Prince, Abraham


Palller, C H.


Prindle, Charles A.


Palmer, John J.


Purdum, J. H,


Palmer, T. V,


Purdum, Samuel


Parce, W. W.


Purdum, William J.


Parke, George H.


Prior, Edward


Parker, George


Quackenbos, Henry F.


Parker, W. W.


Quarterman, George M.


Parrett, John A.


Quarterman, Orlando


Parrott, John


Quarterman, Rev. R. S.


Patton, Lee


Quinn, J. H. 0.


Paul, Peter Lohman


Paulerson, 'William


Ransom, J. P., Jr.


Pauling, James


Ransom, V'ashington


Payne, Charles H.


Raulerson, James


Peacock, S. D.


Raulerson, Wade Hampton


Pearce, Charles


Rawlins, Benjamin



Page ioi

Rawlins, Hezeklah


Rawlins, John M.


Rawlins, John M.


Hay, Samuel H.


Heed, Araericus


Held, alexander


Held, Robert


Relmer (Rlemer) , Edward


Revels, William


Richards, James R.


Richards, James R.


Richardson, Benjamin


Richardson, Everett L.


Richardson, Hllllard


Richardson, Isaac


Richardson, James J. D.


Richardson, John


Richardson, Lewis M.


Richardson, T. B.


Rivers, William


Rivers, William


Rivers, William


Robblns, Noah


Roberts, Clemson P.


Roberts, George R.


Roberts, Laurence H.


Roberts, William R.


Robinson, Isaac


Robinson, Lincoln


Robinson, Peter


Robinson, Richard


Robinson, William


Rochel , Edward


Rochel, Isom


Rochelle, Ell


Rock, William


Hockley, Roland


Rodes, Levi F.


Rogers, Shearman S.


Rollerson, William


Rosebon, Jacob


Roseborough, Jacob


Ross, Joseph


Routh, Henry T.


Russell, BeJiJamln


Ryals, Charles


Ryals, Charles


Sams, Frank W.


Sanborn, J. B.


Sanchey, Robert 13

Sanderlln, John L. 25

Sanders, William R. 17

Sands, James 1

Sappand, James 56

Saunders, Samuel J, 68

Savage, Albert 19

Savage, D. C. 37

Savage, Henry P. 22

Savage, Thomas A, 8

Savage, Vincent C. 14 Savage, William Wilson 13

Savage, Willis 54

Saxon, William A. 28

Schaerdl, Joseph 62

Schlappi, John 54

Scott, James 5

Scrlbner, W. R. 62

Self, Jesse 5a

Sellers, Thomas 32

Seymour, Mack 42

Seymour, Rolla N. 34

Shattuck, Albert W. 35

Shattuck, Everett J. 24

Shealey, Mack 9

Sheldon, Rudolphus T. 14

Sheppard, A. G. 60

Shields, J. F. 55

Shook, R. S. 46

Slkes, Henry D. 23

Slkes, Jno. D. 28

Silas, Joseph 35

Simmons, Henry 46

Simmons, James 38

Simmons, Phillip 49

Simmons, William A. 4

Slmonson, John I6

Sincoe, William E. 30

Singleton, Charles J. 62

Small, Harvey (col.) 66

Smart, Samuel F. 44

Smiley, W. T. 50

Smith, Charles C. 42

Smith, Charles Lacell 22

Smith, Edward L. 53

Smith, Hector S. 64

Smith, Henry 1

Smith, Israel 26

Smith, Israel 38

Smith, J. M. 63

Pae;e 10a





John B.


John H.


John 3.


John 'a'.




R. D.

Smith, Robert Smith, Vernon 3, Smith, .Vllllam Smith, William A. Smith, William a. Snow, Rdwin >'■".. Solomon, S, Green Somers, John Souber, Permlllous Sparkman, Stephen Spauldlng, C. F, Spencer, A. W. Spencer, John Spevy, Clsero Stafford, James H. Standing, Frank Stanley, ..'ales Stapler, William '..', Starke (Sarke), Anthony Starke, Frank Starling, R. H. Steeley, B. F. Stephens, William Stephenson, Frank Stephenson, Graham Stevens, Reubln Stewart, Henry H, Stewart, Horace F. Stewart, JasTier Stewart, John V/, Stlllman, Edwin 3. Stlllman, John E. Stockton, James Stone, Peter Stone, William Stone, William, Jr. Stowe, W. H. Strand, P. ^M. Strickland," Aaron Strickland, Aaron Strlngfellow, Thornton Stuckey, Plnckney Sturdervant, Robert W.

63 60 12 2? 56 hU 60 54 27 52


19 31 15

17 Q

k6 52 60 62 63 35 20 59 35 58


15 11


51 51 10





56 57 9 29 12 49 44


3 .46



Suber, Albert 64

Suramerlln, Erlward C. 12

Summerlln, Jaccob( Jacob) 25

Sumnerlln, Thomas 52

Sutton, C. C. 58

Sutton, Christor^her C. 37

Sweet, Charles D. 65

Tanner, Charley (col.) Tanner, James Taylor, Boring Taylor, Frank W. Taylor, Jackson Taylor, James 3, Taylor, John T. Taylor, Robert R. Tedder, Hug-hy Tedder, James A, Teddar, Williara H. Terry, James Archie Thomas, Charles Thomas, Charles Thomas, Elbert Thompson, David A. Thompson, Graham Thompson, Henry Thompson, Henry Y. Thompson, Sylas Thomson, James Tillman, William Tllman, John Timmons, Jack Toliver, John H. Tolliver, Henry Townsend, James F. Trowel 1, Mathan I. Troy, William Tucker, Edward Delalny Tucker, Jas. Tucker, James Tucker, William 3, Turner, Albert Turner, J. R. Turner, Owen Turner, Wm . C. Turner, William Twine, J. W. Tyre, Abraham F. Tyus , Henry Tyler, Isaac

64 69 36 51

6 46 22 52

9 34 29 23 18 19 28 24 46

6 56 11 14 68 58 26 25 5a 30

4 16 49 58 15 22 35 49 5a 20 10 56 30 61 22


Page 1U3

Underbill, Thomas

Van Dorn, Henry


Van Dyke, Gideon D.


Vandegrlff, Edward


Varnes, John


Varnes, John


Vass, James P.

Vaughn, Foster


Vaughn, Joseph


Vlehlan, C S.


Voss, Otta (Otto)


Voss, Thomas I.


Vought, Capus (Caples)M.


Waldron, Edgar N.


Walesby, Robert G.


Walkley, a. H.


Wallace, George M.


Walsteln, Alfred


Wal stein, Andrew


Walstlen, Alfred W.


Walstlen, Edward


Walstlen, Edward


Walton, Joshua


Waltz, John V.


Wamble, John S.


Wardwell, Jeremy Baker


Ware, Caleb


Ware, Isaac


Ware, Jefferson


Warner, Lauren A.


Warnock, George


Watson, Alexander H.


Watson, Edgar A.


Watson, Fred R,


Watson, J. W.


Watson, Large


Watson, William B.


Watton, William


Wellman, Leslie L.


Westall, Chrlstonher


Wheeler, F. A.


Whltcomb, Ira W.


White, Frank A.


Whitney, Jose-oh


Wlckham, David L.


Wlckwlre, D. T.


Wlggln, Henry


Wiggins, William


Wilcox, C. P. 17

Wilkes, Amos H. 56

Wlllard, Charles E. 23

William, Louie G. 67

William, Oseola 28

Williams, Charles E. 60

Williams, Coleman 66

Williams, George 6I

Williams, Harkless 65

Williams, Henry 26

Williams, Henry ^3

Williams, Henry 67

Williams, Iram 39

Williams, Isaac 37

Williams, Jacob 23

V/llllams, James 12

Williams, James 64

Williams, John A. 31

Williams, Joseph 11

Williams, Joseph 60

Williams, Levi 58

Williams, Lewis 1

Williams, Martin 63

Williams, Perry 41

Williams, Robert 57

Williams, Samuel 57

Willis, John W. 14

Willis, Pell 10

Wilson, Aaron 36

Wilson, Aaron 69

Wilson, B. 55

Wilson, Benjamin H. 19

Wilson, J. P. 30

Wilson, John G. 24

Wilson, John W. 18

VUlson, Samuel 19

Wilson, Samuel B. 48

Wlngate, Asa 14 Wingate, James William 48

Winn, J. W. 49

Womble, John M. 59

Wooden, Harrison 20

Woodward, George 15

Woodworth, James F. l4

Worthy, Ell 66

Wright, Richard 24

Wyllle, John 47

Yates, Nordham 3

Yates, Wm. T. 5



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