
e Bulletin


JULY, 1921


proaprrtus fax tlj? (EnlbQ? f mr

1921 = 1922

The Thaw Memorial Hall

This handsome, new building, the largest of the fifteen buildings that crown College Hill, will be used for the first time at the beginning of the fall semester, September 13, 1921. The building provides new recitation rooms and quarters for the Cooperative Boarding- Club. The erection of the hall has been made possible through a generous gift of Mrs. Mary C. Thaw, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The build- ing has been named by the Directors in honor of one of the greatest benefactors of the College, Mr. William Thaw.

Entered May 24, 1904, at Maryville, Term., as second-class mail matter. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Octobers, 1917, authorized February 10, 1919.

information of Slntmat ano important

Maryville College is one of the oldest and strongest educational institutions of Tennessee.

Founded in 1819, it has rendered one hundred and two years of worthy service to the cause

of Christian education. Located at Maryville, one of the most healthful and moral towns of

East Tennessee, it attracts students from every part of the country. THE COLLEGE

Three hundred and forty-four of the nine hundred and thirty-three

students in attendance during the past year came from forty states and countries other than

Tennessee. In the heart of the cis-Mississippian section of the United States, only sixteen

miles from Knoxville, Maryville is easily accessible to students from all parts of the country.

Many students rind the climate a beneficial change from the rigorous winters of the North

or the enervating heat of the South.

The college grounds, embracing two hundred and fifty acres of undulating campus and

woodland, are attractively situated. They contain, besides two frame dwellings, fifteen large

buildings. The College owns property and endowment to the total CAM PL)"^ it.

^rtmi-^o amount of $1,350,000, of which $509,000 is invested in buildings and

equipment, and $285,000 is subject to an annuity. The annual income for current expenses

from endowment, tuition, and other sources is $115,000.

Anderson Hau,

In all departments the effort is made to serve the best interests of the students in even- possible way. (1) The standard of scholarship is the highest, and the possibility of securing a thorough college education is brought within the reach of all that have energy and ambition. All the courses of study in the curriculum are under the direction of competent instructors. The use of the Lamar Library of '21,000 volumes is free. Four literary societies are valuable adjuncts of the College. (2) The physical culture of the students is secured by exercise taken under the guidance of physical directors. Bartlett Hall, the Y. M. C. A. and Gymnasium building, is one of the largest structures of its kind in the South. The Swimming Pool, twenty-five by seventy-five feet. occupies a separate building fifty-eight by one hundred and ten feet, erected especially for the purpose. Great interest is taken in athletics. The Ralph Max Lamar Memorial Hospital is of great service in caring for the health of the students. Free medical consultation is pro- vided for all out-of-town students. (3) The spiritual culture of the students is the first con- cern with the management °f the College, and with the very efficient Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.

iHaromllr (Eoltegr ^tutonta

The College exists solely for the benefit of the sturdy and aspiring young people that enter its halls. Its directors and faculty labor incessantly to make it a congenial, wholesome, and helpful college home for all, including those whose limited resources render a college education an impossibility unless it be pro- vided them at a very moderate expense. To that end the rates for tuition, room rent, board, and the like, are kept at a minimum, and abundant opportunities for self-help are provided.

The College welcomes all students that are earnest and law-abiding. It does not admit those that have had trouble at other schools, nor those that are sent to be reformed. Students that are found guilty of intemperance, vice, or other immoralities, are sent away promptly, to safeguard the other students from their influence. The principal administrative rules are given in the catalog. They have in view the formation and conser- vation of good habits and worthy character, and the development of sound scholarship, and are founded upon long experience with local conditions. These rules are impartially enforced, and are not modified in favor of any one. It is presumed that no student will be sent to the College who can not be trusted with the


Pearsons Halt,

expenditure of the small amount of money that is needed at Maryville, and so the college authorities can not undertake to keep the accounts of students. Simplicity and economy in the matter of dress are strongly urged, and modest dress and behavior are insisted upon. Parents and friends are requested not to visit the students on the Sabbath. Students are not allowed to use the Sunday trains. A pledge of loyalty to law and order is required of every student.

In a coeducational institution the regulations regarding social privileges have to be espe- cially careful. The College endeavors to secure for the students the advantages of social intercourse without its distractions and abuses ; and the management confidently ask and expect the cooperation of parents, guardians, and judicious friends in support of the enforcement of its regulations in this regard, and, indeed, in all respects. It is requested that parents or guardians read the rules governing Baldwin and Pearsons Halls, and do not send their daughters or wards to us unless ready to support the college authorities in the enforcement of the rules. A copy of the rules will be sent upon application.



BtpwctmmtB of Slnstntrtton nnh ]&?qmtmwntB fur AfcmtsBum

The College of Liberal Arts maintains fifteen departments of instruction Bible, Educa- tion and Psychology, English Language and Literature, History, Home Economics, French, Spanish, Latin and Greek, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Philosophy, rn| _rp and Political and Social Science providing a course of the highest

standards leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Candidates for admission to the Freshman Class are expected to be at least sixteen years of age, and of good moral character, and must have completed fifteen standard units of high-school work. For graduation with the degree of B.A., one hundred and twenty-six semester hours, four years, in academic subjects and physical training, are required. The major subject determines the group in which the degree is conferred. The Faculty of the College of Liberal Arts numbers fifteen professors and associate professors, graduates of twelve different institutions of higher learning, and ten instructors and assistants. Classes are divided for instruction into groups of a maximum of thirty to a teacher. Last year there were four hundred and sixty-eight college students. Recommendations as to moral character are required of every student. An application blank providing for a certificate of credit and character from the school last

Familiar Scenes 01

attended will be sent upon request. To insure proper classification, this blank, when properly certified, should be sent to the Registrar as early in the summer as possible. Applicants that delay filing entrance certificates until the opening of the year or whose certificates show less than fifteen standard units will be required to take the entrance examinations, September 13 and 14. The first semester begins on Tuesday, September 13, 1921; the second semester, on Tuesday, January 31, 1922.

The Preparatory School, separately organized- as to its administration, faculty, and the like, provides two courses of instruction. Classical and General. In both courses, the second, third, and fourth years' work of the standard high-school curriculum is required, and a diploma of graduation is granted for the com- pletion of fifteen units as outlined in the catalog. Graduates are admitted to the Freshman Class of the College. For admission to the Preparatory School, the completion of the common-school branches, and also one year of high-school work, is required. Boarding students must be at least fifteen years of age; local students, living with parents or relatives, may be admitted below that age limit. Students


coming from other schools of high-school grade are required to present properly certified records of studies pursued and letters of honorable dismissal. The Faculty of the Prepara- tory School consists of nineteen specially qualified instructors, thirteen of whom have the degree of B.A., or higher degree, and four laboratory assistants. Classes are limited to thirty to an instructor. The School is on the accredited list of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States. The preparatory year is divided into three terms : fall, September 13 to December 22, 1921; winter, January 3 to March 18, 1922; and spring, March 21 to June 8, 1922. Special classes for public-school teachers and others unable to enter before the winter term are begun in January.

(l) Teachers'. Six-year pedagogical curriculum. (2) Bible Training. Three-year diploma

course of college grade, or four years leading to the B.A. degree. (3) Home Economics.

Four-year course of college grade leading to the B.A. degree. Two- OTHER COURSES , . * ..r ! ,,, ,. , %,

year (college grade ) certificate course. (4) ire-medical. 1 wo years

of college work meeting the requirements of the American Medical Association for admission

to medical schools of Class A standard. (5) Music. Private and class lessons under skilled

instructors. Diploma course in piano, violin, voice, harmony, and theory and history of music.

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(6) Art. Two-year, three-year, and four-year courses; private instruction. (7) Expression and Public Speaking. Three-year diploma course.

SPECIAL All students rooming in the college dormitories and taking chiefly

STUDENTS music, expression, or art, are required to take a sufficient number of

literary courses to make up, together with physical culture, and their work in the departments mentioned, sixteen recitation hours a week.

HEALTH Those that may have communicable diseases are not expected to

apply for admission. A physical examination is required annually of every student. Vaccination against smallpox is required of those students that have not recently been vaccinated.

No young women outside Baldwin and Pearsons Halls may board

BALDWIN AND in the Cooperative Club. All young women from a distance room

PEARSONS HALLS in Baldwin or Pearsons Hall under the supervision of the Matrons.

The college authorities also reserve the right of denying permission to room in town in such other cases as they may deem it best to do so.

Snrmttorg Eonma nnb Hoard

All rooms will evidently be engaged before fall. Applications from college students have precedence over those from preparatory students, but no room will be reserved until a three- dollar deposit has been made with the Registrar of the College. The Registrar will send the applicant a deposit receipt, which, upon presentation by the student when he enters, will be accepted by the Treasurer for credit on the room rent to the amount, and only for the term, or semester, specified thereon. The deposit is not refundable if the applicant fails to enter, and the room will not be held unless the

student enters the first day or pays the room rent in full for the term, or semester, in advance. All the dormitories are equipped with complete modern sanitary conveniences. Rooms are fur- nished only as described in the catalog. Students must bring all bedding, except mattress, or be prepared to provide it in Mary- ville. Students rooming together share the expense of furnishing their room. Very little need be expended in furnishings. Mam7 of the people of Maryville have set aside rooms to be rented to young men students. Unfur- nished rooms rent for $5.00 to Some of the Methods of $7.00 a month. Furnished rooms.

with everything provided except fuel and lights, usually rent at from $9.00 to $12.00 a month. Two students, of course, divide this expense. Young men that use tobacco may not room in the halls, but must rent rooms off the college grounds ; others may, and many do, rent such rooms.

BOARD The Cooperative Boarding Club, with more than seven hundred members, provides wholesome board at cost, about $3.50 a week. It has been so suc- cessful in providing good board for the students at a rate that is impossible for private boarding houses, that Maryville has very

few houses where student board can be had. When it is provided, the sum of $24.00 to $28.00 a month is charged for table board. Students are not permitted to room or to board at hotels. The Cooperative Club dining room is on the ground floor of the new Thaw Memorial Hall.

Any young woman that desires to do so may work out in the dining OPPORTUNITIES rQom one_iialf the cost of her board. Young men who show their

FOR WORK worth and need the help are allowed $5.00 to $10.00 a month in work.

This work is principally done on the college grounds or in the manual training shops.

Student Seef-help

A Btnbmt'B (Enlleg? Stlla

It costs the College more than twice the amount paid in as tuition and other fees by the students to meet the annual expenses of the institution. The endowment and contributions from benevolent friends enable the directors to provide advantages unexcelled in this section at almost incredibly low charges. From the carefully itemized schedule that follows, the cost to a student for all college bills may be computed.

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Girls' Basketball Team


i^jmrial HimtiottB far (Homing to iHargmU?

The ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD YEAR of Maryville College will open on Tuesday, September 13, 1921. The Cooperative Boarding Club will open on Monday, September 12, at the supper hour. Let none come before that day, for the buildings will not be open. Trains leave the Southern Railway Station at Knoxville for Maryville at 7:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:20 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. -The L. & N. direct train leaves the L. & N. Railroad Station in Knoxville at 4:15 p.m. The motor-bus leaves Knox- ville, from the corner of Gay and Church Streets, at 9 :30 a. m., and at 1 :00, 4 :00, and 5 :30 p. m. Schedules, being subject to change, should be verified by reference to the latest time-tables.

Let all be present promptly at the beginning of the term. All students not registered and attending classes by the third day of any term pay a Late Registration Eee of five dollars. Late registration also reduces grades in proportion to the time of ab- sence. Students from a distance, however, will be counted as "on time" if they leave home directly for Maryville on Monday morning, September 12.

Every student should come prepared to pay in advance one term's tuition, room rent, book rent, and incidental and students' activities fees, to make the deposit of $14.00 required by the

Cooperative Boarding Club, and to make the one-dollar key deposit.

This sum will vary from $40.00 to $50.00. In case a student expects to study home economics or a natural science, the laboratory fee and breakage deposit ($5.00 to $8.00) will need to be added to this amount. The board bill is paid at the end of every fourth week. The Treasurer runs no accounts. In view of the very low rates, no tuition or room rent will be refunded.

During the opening week incoming students will find Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. com- mittees at the depot to meet them, and to render them any assistance that may be required. The transfer of trunks from the railway station to the dormitories will be handled by the College without extra charge, provided the trunk- check endorsed with the name of the student and dormitory, is left at the Treasurer's office. A cordial greeting is always extended to new students. Receptions are given by the Eaculty, and by the Christian Associations in the opening week. The May number of the Bulletin, the Annual Catalog, will be mailed upon request. Address.

REV. Clinton If. Gilltngham, D.D., Registrar,

Maryuitte, Tennessee.










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