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Vol. I.

Maryville College, Jan. 1876.

No. 5.

To my beloved Vesta.

Miss, I'm a Pensive Protoplasm, Born in some prc-lrstoric chrism. I iri'l my humble fellow men A. re hydrogen and oxygen. And nitrogen, and carbon, loo. And so is Jane, an 1 so are you. In stagnant waters swam our brothers And sisters, but we've manv others, Among them animalculae, And lizard's eggs so, you see, My darling Vesia, show no pride, Nor turn coqurtti.-h head aside, Our pedigrees, as thus made out. Are no great things to boast about. The only comfort teems to be Is this philosophers agree That how a protoplasm 's made Is mystery ou,vide their trade. And we aro parts, so say the sages, Of 1 ft come down from long pist ages. So let us haste in Hymen's bands To join our Pr toplastic h mds, And spend our gay organic life. A happy man and happy wife. London Punch.


By D. M. W.

Not a small part of the wisdom possessed by men consists in ac- quaintance with the connections and dependencies of things. A knowledge of isolated facts is of little value. Unless we know what relation one event bears to another we might about as well be igno- rant of both. One Mind has formed the plan of the universe,

and in our world nothing can be named so minute as not to form a part of one stupendous whole. Cause and effect are seen every- where. A cause is that which produces change; and while there is one great First Cause, there are multitudes of creatures, depend- ent indeed for their own existence, yet while upheld, truly causes in their turn. We can create nothing, but we can observe what is about us, and thus enlarge our enjoy- ments, and increase our power to be useful.

Thousands of years have passed since man was first formed, yet we may be sure that only a begin- ning has been made in exploring the works of God. The relations existing between things remain es- sentially the same from age to age. The "ordinances of heaven" hold on their way, paying no heed to what we call the "mutations of time,'' and working out their re- sult with unvarying exactness, and a certainty which is absolute. The

laws of health and growth among the several species in the Aegetable and animal kingdoms, are the same as at the beginning.

The violation of the order of God's empire is what introduces confusion and occasions distress. Our ignorance of a law we violate can not shield us from any part of the penalty. The lad, who ig- norant of the relation between fire and gunpowder, should throw the

arnirig plump oi a cigar into an opened barrel of powder, would suffer the same as if he had planned the explosion. Political economy has its laws, and the Darty ignoring those laws must suffer in consequence. To com- plain of the issue would he child- ish. We see statesmen of opposite parties contending still about the wisdom or the lolly of a protective tariff. We do not infer from this disagreement that there are no fixed relations existing between trade and commerce on the one side, and national prosperity on the other. A 1 we infer from such discordant conclusions is that the subject is one of difficulty, and that the work of discovery pro- gresses but slowly. Invention is but the application of a formerly unknown or neglected principle. The propositions of Geometry were as true before as after their first demonstration. ''Kepler's laws", as they are called, were a discovery, but their use is manifold, and open to all. "Science from whatever motives it may be prosecuted is in effect and in real- ity an inquiry after God." An Humbolt and Tyndale may indeed in exploring nature have found no place for a God: but such men have labored and we are entered into their labors. If wisdom in artifice reflects honor upon the ar- tificer, then the more thoroughly nature be explored, the more of glory will redound to Him "whose nod was nature's birth and nature's shield the shadow of his hand."

It is in the domain of morals

that the study of relations is most interesting. Relations there ex- ist— law rules. Speaking figura- tively, we may "affirm of morals what was long1 ago declared of matter "-God hath ordered ail things in measure, number and weight." If authors on Moral Science as Dymond and Paley differ in respect to the principles which should regulate conduct we must not marvel, since the chemist even dealing in dead matter, has but made a beginning in the work of discovery. Right and wrong never exchange places, Moral distinctions are immutable. What men sow they reap. Ill choice in- sureth fate, and there is no escape. To be carnally minded is death, we are told, while to be spiritually minded is life and peace. There is that giveth and yet increaseth, and there is that withholdeth more than is well, yet it tendeth to pov- erty." Let any one attempt to search out the proof of these statements, and he will find an in- teresting work on his hands. If there be difficulty connected with such investigations the comprehen- sive views obtained will amply re- pay him. Let him to the extent of his power prove all things, and then hold fast to that which is good. It is a good tree which bears good fruit, and on the other hand a wicked law, or vicious in- stitution grinds out its grist of cursedness, whatever may be the opinions or prejudices of men about the matter. To write "good anger' on the devil's horns changes not the nature of the fiend. To


make the whiskey traffic legal, abates not a drop from the deluge of woes with which it floods a land. It was sometimes said that slavery was from God; but slavery wrought out its legitimate results, cursing the very soil that bore it up, and its end was as a devour- ing flood.

The history of an age is proph- ecy of that which is to come, just because like causes are at work. The man may be predicted from the character of the boy. A thorough knowledge of currents and cross-currents of the present time would give us great skill in predicting the future.

Scottish Prsy.


The history of Scotland is one which can be read only with the deepest interest, resembling as it does, a fairy tale or work of the imagination, more than a chroni- cle of the words and achievements of men mortal ourselves. Every plain, every hill and mountain, every glen and valley, every stream that winds its way among the banks and braes of the Highlands, every lake nestled among the hills, and every rock and crag has its own peculiar history, and many traditions and legends of exploits done hard by connected therewith.

As regards its scenery we know it is unsurpassed in grandeur; and since even to aliens it seems so enchanting, we can not wonder

at the boundless love and burning patriotism which, it is plain, has ever characterized the Scot. And again, since romantic scenery, and a chivalrous knighthood are the favorite inspirations of the muse, and love and patriotism the prin- cipal objects of her attention, we need not think it strange that the followers of Erato have been many and gifted in "Auld Scotland." As long ago as the times of Caesar, we read there were numerous har- pers among the then barbarian inhabitants of the unknown island the Romans traveled so far to sub- jugate, who by their fierce, ani- mated music, accompanied by in- spiriting battle songs, moved the arm of the warrior to do deeds, and win victories which caused the ruthless invaders to tremble and be astonished at the wonderful courage exhibited by their adver- saries. Nor in the piping times of peace was the minstrel placed aside as were the implements of war, for his services were then demanded to cheer the quiet which his harp had assisted in bringing about; for the ancients were as susceptable of being moved and excited by the songs of their na- tive land, as our soldiers of twelve years ago were of being inflamed with patriotic zeal and undaunted courage, by hearing the army band play '"Rally round the Flag,'' "Hail Columbia'' or "Yankee Doodle."

Aa Scotland advanced in refine- ment, she attracted the attention of the reading world by her num- ber of vigorous, original poets, as

much as she did 'he attention of trie world of chivalry bv her con- tinued and noble efFoits for inde- pendence. James the First, of the unhappy family of the Stuarts, was, as is generally conceded, the most brilliant poet of the fifteenth century. The disasters and mis- fortunes which naturally befell him as a Stuart for fate was againstthat family seemed rather to brighten his mind than other- wise. His works, although writ- ton before the invention of print- ing, were widely read and applauded. lie was, in his age, the moon, aud the rest of the poets but satellites. Next came Gawin Douglas, brinerinsr with him such poetry as we might ex- pect from a Douglas, strongly expressed, warlike and yet softened at intervals by the soft touch of love. No wonder is it that so long as Scottish minstrelsy existed, the language of Douglas was treasured away as household words in the hearts of his countrymen. Robert Iienryson, and Blind Harry had also the disadvantage of living at the time when the pen was the only printer of books, and for this reason we know little of them; but the chronicles of the time say they were bright and shin- ning lights in the galaxy of authors: especially is mention made of the touching pathos of the latter 's poems. At the dawning of the sixteenth century dawned the genius of another, who, had it not been for the unfavorable circum- stances surrounding him, would have been classed with the"favored

few." As it is, William Dunbar is called the "Chaucer of Scotland," and compared withnone of his coun- trymen save Burns.

The beginning of the 17th century found Allen Ramsey, writing new songs and re-writing old ones, thus aiding very materi- ally to place Scotland far in ad- vance of the rest of the world in this kind of poetry, according to Hallam. Again, the 18th centu- discovered a youth named James Thompson, in a retired portion of Scotland, making his first obeisance to the muse. Seasons will be no more when his master- piece, "The Seasons," will be forgotten. James McPherson, who claimed to have collected fragments of verse while traveling in the Highlands, calling them the works of Ossian. although undoubtedly, he himself was the author, was a Scot. Of all queer, weird poetry it is the strangest, and has elicited the admiration of all reading it. Next in order we find Robert Burns, nature's truest, simplest and yet profound poet; be, upon upon whom the mantle of all the great poets preceeding him, fell, combining to make him as perfect as it is possible to become in the sphere in which he moved and labored. Taking him from the plow on to the time of his death, he has undoubtedly done a life's work for which the literary world cannot be too grateful. Although a reckless man, he wrote many poems the very models of purity. He is the pride of Scotland, the one whose words are engraved on

tablets more enduring than ada- mant— the hearts of all his coun- trymen. But little below Burns in worth and reputation as a poet stands Sir Walter Seott. who nob- ly sustained his country's fame in both prose and poetry. His works present a commingling of all styles, and are particularly noted for the force of diction easily apparent in them.

These we have mentioned ; re but a very small part of those of whose poetic genius Scotland is justly proud •. for scarcely a ham- let nestles on her bosom, unless it holds green the memory of some ''follower of the muss." The great secret of the irresistable at- traction lurking in each line of the poetry of Scotland, is the per- fect simplicity of the style, treating of objects which nature's observers and students in that clime find around them everywhere. Un- hampered by the stiff style obtain- ed by the neglect of the study of nature and too close study of books elsewhere so prevalent, they tell their story in the unaffected ryth- mic language of every day peasant life, and not in the formal lan- guage of a court, striving rather to find an entrance to the heart than to be admired through its beauty. Yes, when wearied with care and fatigued by labor, it is not to the pages of a Milton, Young or Pope that we go for a release from our situation ; but O Scotland! it is the incense of thy songs that relieves our condition, and makes us forgetful of the rest of the world.

Well does Sir Walter Scott in the ''Lay of the Last Minstrel," apostrophize his native land in this manner;

0 Caledonia! stern and wild,

M< et muse fur a po •lie ehild ; Lan ) of brown heath and slurry wood,

I. a n'l of tin- mountain arid Ins flood, Land of my sir ■>! what mortal hnno

Gun e'er untie the filial band That binds n.e to thy rugged strand.


New Bedford is said to have but one whaler left a school- master.

Pnnctuitionwasfirstusedinlitera- tureinl520 ! eforethattimewords wereputtogetherlikethese.

An "alum mine" is reported in

Colorado. Denver could start a

college with plenty of alum-nigh.

N. Y. Graphic.

An inquisitive Freshman inquir- ed of a Senior what the President was lecturing about this term. The Senior informed him that he had been lecturing on Erasmus and Luther. "O, I see,'' says Freshie; •1 e is lecturing on biblical char-

acters! ''

Scene an examination. Tutor sees a mysterious and suspicious looking paper fall to the floor. He also sees an opportunity to dis- tinguish himself. Cautiously he advances to the attack and cap- tures the paper. He reads : " again!"

|'ic $Wtlie Student.

;.v,7A' Colkge, Fern wiry, 1876.



One year, in advance, By mail, -

50 cents. GO cents.


One inch, one insertion, - - 8 0 50

each subsequent iuserfiou, 80

" one year, - - - 9 00

One column, one insertion, - - 2 50

one year. - . 10 00

Address The Student,

P. O. Box 74, Maryville, Tenn,


Wo have several new visitors on our exchange list this month, and these we welcome right heart- ily.

Carter & Wester, two Athens boys, "throw out upon the tissue wings of the breeze the first num- ber of the Monthly Sunbeam for public favor; a paper in its com- position that will he entertaining ana instructive to the snow haired as well as the young fastidious and gay." Brothers in the journalistic race, you have succeeded in your attempt; for undoubtedly your journal is entertaining. May the edifying rays of the Sunbeam penetrate everywhere.

The irrepressible T. T. Mc- VVhirter of Athens has issued the

first number of The ffiwassee Re- porter at Calhoun Tenn. Success, long life and prosperity to it.

The Cnlhye Sibyl, a quarterly edited by the Senior Class of El- mira Female Seminary, is replete with well written articles. Let no one say that Ladies are not able to fill the editorial chair with credit to the profession.

2 li e J fa ry r ille Repn Mica n"' has been changed to its former' size, and has discarded its patent oat- side and is printed entirely at home now. By these changes its worth has been doubled.

We have received the following exchanges this month:

Lafayette College Journal. Col- lege Journal, College Sibyl, Oberlin Review. University Month- ly, Maryville Republican, Inde- pendent, Athens News, Hiwassee Ke porter, Chaiata Leaflets, Sun- beam.

We decided not to publish any January number, but instead of so doing issue a double one for -May. We think this will better as there Mill be a deal of Coin- men cement news, and we will need more room.

We would call the attention of the public to the advertisement of John T. Anderson who has recently set up a book store in our town. Those who desire anything in his line will do well to give him a call before going elsewhere, and our students especially should patronize this enterprise.


Profs. Sharp and Crawford and Miss Clute have monthly debates in their Rhetorical Classes thus increasing the interest materially, Prof. Crawford's Class occupied the Chapel at the last public ex- ercise and showed that it is a strong class. First came die de- bate on the question; "Resolved that the warrior has done more wood than the statesman."' "W. H. Franklin, G. S. Moore and G. A. Cochran affirmed it, and J. T. Gamble and G.C. Stewart denied. The speakers reflected credit upon themselves, teacher and class. Then I. H. Anderson delivered an oration on the subject. '-Be a man,'' giving healthy advice in a pleasing manner. "What shall we read?" was a question pro- pounded and answered eloquently and sensibly by J. W. Rankin. Then Messrs Clemens and Garner delivered declamations. In Prof. Sharp's class, at the last debate. "Are Roman Catholics Christians'' Avas discussed with considerable warmth.




JuTaryvUle, Tennessee.

Office ; B rick Block, up Stairs


tk JlcpubliraiL

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Maryville, : : E. Tennessee.




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JOHN OLIVER, Proprietor.

Confectionery of all kinds, Cakes, Pies etc.,


SO pounds of bread for &He SPollar.

Also Agent for


Maryville, Tenn.



Bound at Low Prices.

Old or Injured Volumes mended cr Re-Bound.

Call and see specimeLS.

JTohn Collins,

Maryville, Tenn.


Miss (Jlute's rhetorical class liave hud a debate on "Which is the greater privation, deafness or blindness?"

Cn the 16th, notwithstanding the rain and mud, a goodly number came together to the social in the Chapel, and the gloom without was soon forgotten, serving only to make it more enjoyable within.

Pros. Bartlett delivered an ad- dress on ''The relation of the Public Schools to every day life," before the Blount County Teach- ers' Institute, in session at Mary- ville February 3d. It was a mas- terly effort, well received.

Married, at the residence of the bride's mother, in "Weston, Mo. , on the 25th of Jan., by Rev. P. J. Burrus, Mr. John M, Currier, of Maryville, East Tennnsse.j, and Miss Lizzie T. Brady,

Mr. Currier and bride arrived in Maryville on the 80th of Feb. Both having formerly been stu- dents of the college, this news created quite a sensation. The happy couple are located in Maryville, enjoying their "honey- moon" hugely. The best wishes of The Student for their future.


Thirty Chinese boys, who are to be educated at Hartford, Con- necticut, and Springfield Mass. are on their way to these cities fro m San Francisco. They are to re- main fifteen years for completion

of their education.

The new chapel at Oberlin gives much satisfaction to the students there.

Advanced sheets of the cata- logue of Lafayette show 335 in the college course.

_ The Northwestern Inter-Colle- giate Association represents fifty colleges and 10,000 students. Ex.

Co-education has been adopted in 30 colleges and institutions in ♦he United States. Madisonensis.

Yanderbilt University, Term., has five hundred students, and is the largest medical school of the South.

President Clark of Amherst Agricultural College has been in- vited to found a similar institution in Japan, and will sail for that country about the first of June.

The Ladies seem to be coming forward as orators, and showing that they can not only fill that place well, but that the other sex will have hard work to keep ahead or even up with them. At the Ohio oratorical contest at Spring- field, at which nine colleges were represented, the only lady con- tending, Miss Laura' A. Kent of Antioch college bore off the first prize. The second was won by Thomas F. Day of Ohio University. The next contest will be at Oberlin.


'•There is nothing new under the sun," saith the preacher, but the students have been treated to something as novel as interesting. The Bainonian Society gave a public exercise on the 25th of this month. A large audience larg- er than has attended any previous society exercise crowded the college chapel to running over. The Society was called to order by the President, Miss Cora Bart- lett, and the minutes read by the Secretary, Miss Biddle. Miss Grade Lord as declaimer was the first to appear before the house. She delivered her piece, "My Ship," with great clearness of e- nunciation and with effect. Next also as declaimer, Miss Lizzie Brown ascending the stage, recited "■Dolly Sullivan,'' well meriting the applause she received. Then Miss Nellie Lord favored us with a composition in German. Some of the old gentlemen on the back seats thought that she did not pro- nounce distinctly enough! Next on the programme was the discus- sion on the question "Should woman be allowed to preach?' The debaters were,

Affirmative; Negative;

Sallie Henry, Mary Bartlett,

Sara Silsby. Belle Porter.

Rarely has a debate engaged the attention of its audience more than did this one. The speeches were not only bristling with argu- ment, but also couched in the fin- est of language. The decision was awarded in favor of the Neg-

ative. The Bamohian Review, tie organ o1 the Society, was read by the editors Misses Maggie Henry and Mollie Biddle. Much of the paper was of real literary merit, and all were unanimous in pro- nouncing it well written. The whole exercises were interspersed with music.

Since the Seniors have received their "walking- papers'' from the Rhetorical exersise, they are real- izing more than ever before that they are nearly at the end of the college curriculum, and are pre- paring their farewell salutes to be delivered to us at Commencement.

Cupid was as busy as usual on Valentine's Day sending out dainty little missives, bordered with roses surrounding still prettier verses about admiration, friendship 'and love. Of course Memorial had its share, and many a smiling face could be seen as the contents of these notes were read. A few of the more fortunate ones received not only notes with loving words, but were also favored by the senders with their photographs.

liev. Mr. Heron of Knox Co. delivered a deeply interesting lec- ture in the chapel, Wednesday evening, the 23d. "Intellectuality and Godliness" wTas the subject of the discourse, which was listened to with close attention by the stu- dents and many of the town people, stored as it was good things. Would that we could have lectures more frequently than heretofore.


Animi Cultus.

On the 27th of January, the Atiimi Cultus Society had their public debate and paper. The debate, on the subject ''Resolved that Poverty is a Blessing," was arranged as follows:

Affirmative: Negative:

J. E. Rogers, | G. McCampbell, R. H. Coulter. | J. B.Porter. After an animated discussion it was decided in favor of the nega- tive. The paper was then read by the editor, Mr. Harris, and was attentively listened to by the crowded house.

The 28th of January being the Day of Prayer for Colleges, the regular exercises were laid aside, and the day left free for apropri- ate public meetings and private prayer. At ten o'clock there was an interesting meeting in the chapel, led by the President, and at three the young men and ladies held separate meetings of prayer. At night, also, there was another meeting, at which the President delivered a short sermon.

Since the Day of Prayer, nearly every day, either in the chapel or at the rooms of the students, short prayer-meetings led by the Presi- dent or carried on entirely by the students, have been kept up, from time to time varied with short dis- courses by the President.

And now Base Ball has been resuscitated, and at its shrine bow many lads enamoured with the entrancing pleasures it bestows upon its devotees. Every favor- able afternoon finds an eager, ex- cited crowd on our magnificent grounds willing "to live and die for their king'' Base Ball. On Satur- day, the 26th an interesting game was played between the Reckless, a club just organized with George S. Moore as Captain, and the In- dependent Clubs, resulting in a tie of 39 to 39. More games on the docket. Students can find no better exercise than on the ball- ground.

Henry L. Heffron.

Another one of our former fel- low students, touched by the icy finger of Death, on New Year's day was entrusted to the tomb.

Sudden and saddening was the intelligence that H. L. Heffron, who but a few months before, had seemed so happy with his young bride, had been called away. He came to us from Michigan, "a stranger in a strange land," in 1872, and left in 1874 to teach school in Cade's Cove. Here he won an estimable young lady, and located as teacher of a school hard by. His life is somewhat veiled in mystery. Little or nothing is known of his history before his arrival here. He came and went quietly, aud was of a retiring disposition. Possessing a good mind, he stood well in his classes.


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