MASS, SALT, AND HEAT TRANSPORT BY OCEAN CURRENTS ACROSS 35° NORTH LATITUDE IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Dennis James Whit ford NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS MASS CURRE , SALT, AND HEAT TRANSPORT BY NTS ACROSS 35° NORTH LATITUDE PACIFIC OCEAN OCEAN IN THE by Dennis James Whitford June 19 79 Thesis Advisor: G , H. Jung Approved for public release; distribution unlimited T190309 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PACE (Whmn Data £n,»rmd) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1 «»0*T NUM•*.<> The geostrophic approximation was assumed valid. A level of no motion was determined at 851 meters by establishing mass continuity across the latitudinal cross section. A net northward salt transport of 16.27 x 10^2 o/00/sec was deter- mined. 12 A resulting meridional heat transport of 288 x 10 cal/ sec toward the equator was determined. It would have been expected that most of the oceanic heat transport would take place in the upper waters where the temperature and currents are much higher and stronger and that the transport would be poleward. However this study showed that the lower tempera- tures found at depth, transported at slower, velocities , can balance the upper waters' heat transport due to the tremen- dous volume of middle, deep, and bottom water. The southward heat transport agrees with previous re- search estimates by several authors using earlier and less synoptic data with other methods and may be compensation for excess atmospheric poleward heat transport. DD Form 1473 . 1 Jan ,3 2 .__«__-_——— — S/N 0102-014-6601 »cu*itv cuAMirie*TioM or t*i» ^*oerw»«« o«<« *««•'•<<> Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Mass, Salt, and Heat Transport by Ocean Currents Across 35° North Latitude in the Pacific Ocean by Dennis James Whitford Lieutenant, United States Navy S., United States Naval Academy, 1972 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1979 ABSTRACT This work represents a synoptic study conducted in the North Pacific Ocean to determine mass, salt, and heat trans- ports from a calculation of geostrophic currents. Compre- hensive depth, temperature, and salinity data were obtained from the INDOPAC I and XVI expeditions (April 1976 and July 1977) which covered a complete cross -sectional area along 35°N from California to Japan. The geostrophic approximation was assumed valid. A level of no motion was determined at 851 meters by establishing mass continuity across the latitudinal cross section. A net northw mined. northward salt transport of 16.27 x 10 /oo/sec was deter- 1 2 A resulting meridional heat transport of 288 x 10 " cal/ sec toward the equator was determined. It would have been expected that most of the oceanic heat transport would take place in the upper waters where the temperature and currents are much higher and stronger and that the transport would be poleward. However this study showed that the lower tempera- tures found at depth, transported at slower velocities, can balance the upper waters' heat transport due to the tremendous volume of middle, deep, and bottom water. The southward heat transport agrees v/ith previous research estimates by several authors using earlier and less synoptic data with other methods and may be compensation for excess atmospheric poleward heat transport. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION - 9 II. BACKGROUND - - - - -_. 12 A. PREVIOUS MEASUREMENTS ----- 12 B. THE LEVEL OF NO MOTION -----------13 III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM -----17 IV. PROCEDURE - 18 A. DATA SOURCE ------ 18 B. TRANSPORT COMPUTATIONS - - 22 C. COMPUTER DETERMINATION OF THE LEVEL OF NO MOTION 2 7 D. WATER MASS IDENTIFICATION --------- 32 E. BOTTOM AREA CONTRIBUTIONS 32 F. PERIPHERAL AREA CONTRIBUTIONS ------- 38 V. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS ------ - - 44 A. THE LEVEL OF NO MOTION, MASS TRANSPORT, AND SALT TRANSPORT ------- 44 B. HEAT TRANSPORT --------------- 47 VI. CONCLUSIONS ------------------ 52 APPENDIX A: Magnetic Computer Tape Procedures - - - -56 APPENDIX B: Station Pairs - - - - - - - -60 APPENDIX C: Mass, Salt, and Heat Transports by Location and Water Mass ------ -66 APPENDIX D: Card Image Format - - - - - -80 APPENDIX E: Key Computer Variable Definitions - - - -83 APPENDIX F: Computer Program ------ 85 BIBLIOGRAPHY -------------------- 103 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST -------------- 107 LIST OF TABLES I. Temperature and Salinity Criteria for Water Mass Identification in the North Pacific Ocean ------ _-___33 II. Variation of Total Mass Transport and Heat Transport with Various Depths of the Level of No Motion -------------45 III. Comparison of Heat Transport in the North Pacific Ocean with Estimates by Other Authors ' -50 IV. Total Transports Across 35°N Latitude in the Pacific Ocean ----54 LIST OF FIGURES 1. R/V Thomas Washington - 19 2. INDOPAC Cruise Transit along 35° North Latitude ---------20 3. Illustration of the Averaging Process Used to Obtain a Central Mean Value for Velocity, Density, Salinity, and Temperature for a Rectangular Cross-Sectional Area --------26 4. Example of Linear Plot to Determine Level of Mo Motion ------- 29 5. Graphical Illustration of the "Regula Falsi" Method to Solve for the Level of No Motion -----30 6. Temperature-Salinity Diagram for Water Mass Identification ---------------34 7. Pacific Ocean Bathymetric Profile along 35°N Latitude Illustrating Bottom Area Contributions and INDOPAC I and XVI Data Areas ------------- 35 8. Peripheral Area Contribution Example ------ 39 9. Peripheral Area Contribution from Japanese Coast at 35°N Latitude in the Pacific Ocean - - - 42 10. Peripheral Area Contribution from California Coast at 35°N Latitude in the Pacific Ocean - - - 43 11. Plots of Japanese and California Peripheral Area Mass Transport and Main Area Mass Transport Versus Depth of the Level of No Motion ---------------------46 12. Plot of Total Heat Transport Versus Depth of the Level of No Motion - --49 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank Dr. Glenn H. Jung for his guidance and assistance during the preparation of this thesis . The author also wishes to thank his wife, Dorothy, for her support and patience in this project. I. INTRODUCTION Scientists have theorized on the earth's heat budget and resulting transporting mediums for almost two centuries. It had long been recognized that the earth's polar regions lose more energy by long-wave radiation to space than they receive by incoming solar radiation. Conversely, the equa- torial regions gain more energy by incoming solar radiation than they lose via long-wave radiation to space. However, since the polar regions have not become progressively colder, nor have the equatorial regions become progressively warmer, it was assumed that the excess heat in the tropics must be transported poleward by some mechanism of energy transfer. The conduction of geothermal or oceanic heat through the sea floor is relatively small; consequently the earth's fluid envelope - the atmosphere and hydrosphere - must act as the exchange medium for this transfer of energy (Jung, 1955). The problem then became, and still remains, to determine how this transport is partitioned between (a) the fluxes of sen- sible heat, potential energy, and latent heat of water vapor in the atmosphere and (b) the flux of energy in ocean cur- rents (Bryan, 1962) . Although much more is known about energy fluxes in the atmosphere than in the ocean, the existence of warm and cold ocean currents has been known to mariners for hundreds of years (Emig, 1967). Jung (1952), Sverdrup (1957), Bryan (1962), and Emig (1967) have shown that the transport of energy by ocean currents is quite considerable. Sverdrup (1957) and Bryan (1962) went on to indicate that oceanic heat transport is of importance to the meteorologist as well, thus portending the present day studies of air-sea interaction (Perry and Walker, 1977) . There has been much controversy over the years as to the relative importance of the ocean's versus the atmo- sphere's role in meridional heat transport. Maury (1856) thought the hydrosphere held the predominant role. Angstrom (1925) and Vonder Haar and Oort (1973) found the atmospheric and oceanic transports were of comparable overall importance Jung (1955) felt that although the role of the ocean was less important than the atmosphere's, the ocean's contribu- tion was far from negligible and thus should be seriously considered. In 1952, Jung proved that the transfer of all forms of energy in the ocean is very accurately approximated by the transfer of thermal energy alone. There are two methods used for the measurement of oceanic heat or thermal trans- port. The first consists of measurements of heat transport based on calculations of dynamic heights to obtain velocity from direct measurements of salinity, temperature, and depth. The second method utilizes heat balance computa- tions (Bryan, 1962). Many studies of meridional heat transport have been done in the North Atlantic Ocean (Jung, 1955; Budyko, 1956; 10 Sverdrup, 1957; Bryan, 1962; Sellers, 1965; Vonder Haar and Oort, 1973; Oort and Vonder Haar, 1976) but only the most recent one (Baker, 1978) had the fortune to have nearly synoptic data. In the North Pacific Ocean, relatively few comprehensive studies have been conducted (Bryan, 1962; Wyrtki , 1965) and none have used synoptic data. This study is the first synoptic or nearly synoptic com- prehensive study of the meridional heat transport in the North Pacific Ocean. Data were obtained from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography by the R/V Thomas Washington's INDOPAC I cruise in March/April 1976 with supplemental data from a subsequent INDOPAC XVI cruise in July 1977. Computa- tions were based on direct measurements of depths, salinity, and temperature. Dynamic heights and the level of no motion were calculated using a computer and resulting net mass, salt, and heat transports were determined. 11 II. BACKGROUND A. PREVIOUS MEASUREMENTS Present knowledge concerning heat transport in the world's ocean is relatively poor since few studies have been made and of those, most were performed using dissimi- lar methods, thereby making a meaningful comparison of transports difficult. Houghton (1954) studied the Northern Hemisphere heat balance and used observational data from the North American pyrheliometric network. His calculations of atmospheric radiation made no assumptions regarding the planetary albedo nor the albedo of clouds. Sverdrup (1957) was the first researcher to calculate meridional heat transport by the heat budget method. He calculated heat sources and sinks at the ocean surface using radiation data (Kimball, 1928) and charts of evaporation and turbulent heat flux (Jacobs, 1951). Heat storage problems were not considered since he assumed that the heat content of the ocean was not changing appreciably with time. Heat transport was computed by in- tegrating its divergence between latitude belts as bound- aries. Both Sverdrup and Houghton concluded that the mean oceanic heat transport for the North Pacific was poleward and estimated to only be 10°o of that transported by the at- mosphere. Several authors (Manabe, 1969; Bryan e_t al . , 1975) used numerical models of the ocean-atmosphere system 12 and concluded that a net poleward transfer of heat was* more probable than an equatorward transfer of heat. However, Patullo (1957) and Wyrtki (1965) calculated an influx of heat to the ocean from the atmosphere thereby inferring an equatorward heat transfer. Tabata (1965) also calculated a net annual heat gain as far north as 50° latitude at Ocean Station Papa (50°N, 145°W). Bryan (1962), using a method for combining hydrographic station data and climatological estimates of surface wind stress, con- cluded the presence of an equatorward heat transport. He used the NORPAC data of August 1955 and heat balance maps compiled by Budyko (1956) and Albrecht (1960). In 1952, Jung suggested that the meridional circulation in the vertical plane could be of significant importance, in addition to the horizontal meridional circulation, in determining heat transports. Bryan (1962) later stated that the slower mean currents in the vertical plane could dominate heat transport in the oceans (Tabata, 1975). B. THE LEVEL OF NO MOTION Since this study utilized the dynamical method for calculating mass, salt, and heat transports, the problem of determining a reference level along which the velocity is zero had to be solved. This was done so that absolute current velocities may be determined when the relative current velocities are referred to this level of no motion (LNM) . In essence, the reliability of dynamic calculations depends on an accurate determination of the LNM. Greeson 13 (1974) provided a detailed discussion of the historical de- velopment of the various methods of LNM determinations. The four basic methods that have been postulated thus far include choosing the LNM: 1) at a sufficient great depth, 2) at the level of oxygen minimum, 3) by Defant's method, and 4) based on the equation of continuity. The earliest method depended on choosing the LNM at a great depth. It was felt that in deep waters, the isopycnal surfaces are nearly horizontal and in general, all the oceans' deep waters are nearly uniform. It was therefore assumed that the isobaric surfaces were also horizontal and motionless. The discovery of substantial currents on the deep ocean floors has since invalidated this theory. In 1916, Jacobsen initiated a second theory which stated that the LNM was also the level of oxygen minimum. It was assumed that biological processes consume oxygen by oxida- tion of organic matter at all levels. Therefore layers where the oxygen supply has not been replenished after oxida- tion are layers of minimum horizontal motion. This argument runs into difficulty when one considers that the distribu- tion of oxygen in the oceans has been assumed to be stationary, meaning that the inflow of oxygen at a given time and volume by physical processes must exactly equal the consumption of oxygen by biological processes at the exact same time and volume. This requirement leads to certain conceptions about the biological community which appear ex- tremely arbitrary. Rossby and Iselin, in two separate 14 studies in 1936, tended to disclaim the veracity of this method. In 1937, Dietrich showed in his Gulf Stream experi- ment that utilization of the oxygen minimum as the LNM was in error. Defant (1941) felt that the LNM lies within the inter- val where the relative distances between isobaric surfaces remains nearly constant within certain intervals of depth. However, accuracy of this method is downgraded due to the accumulation of errors involved in its calculation. Sverdrup et al_. (1942) developed a method based on the equation of continuity. It is evident that the net trans- port of water through any cross -section in an ocean basin must be equal to zero because water cannot be continuously removed or accumulated. In the North Pacific, a LNM had to be chosen where the net mass transport in one direction be- low the LNM must equal the net mass transport in the other direction above the LNM. This method has not been used until' recently, since it requires a comprehensive and nearly synoptic data base across an entire vertical cross - section of the ocean. Sverdrup ' s method was used in this study due to the availability of the INDOPAC data. Several other methods for determining the LNM have been suggested. In 1938, Parr developed a method dealing with the distortion of the thickness of isopycnal layers. Fomin (1964) added the importance of the vertical water density gradient to Parr's work. Hidaka (1940) developed two methods The first dealt with the salinitv distribution in the water 15 column, the second involved the continuity equations and the computation of the vertical distribution of current velocity by the dynamic method. In 1956, Stommel developed a method based on Ekman's concept of the ocean consisting of a wind driven surface layer of frictional influence and a deeper frictionless geostrophic layer. The most recent method was developed by Stommel and Schott in 1977 and was based on the beta-spiral and the determination of the absolute velocity field from density data. All of these methods are described in detail by Baker (1978) . As suggested from this literature survey, an accurate determination of the LNM is still subject to debate. This must be kept in mind when viewing the results of any study which is based on its determination. 16 III. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objectives of this study were to: (1) manipulate large amounts of data from a Scripps Institution of Oceano- graphy magnetic computer tape to a medium and form com- patible with the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School's IBM 360/67 computer and with the basic computer program developed by Greeson (1974) ; (2) develop a computer subroutine to enable the computer to automatically select a level of no motion vice having the researcher laboriously calculate it manual- ly; (3) establish a constant LNM along 35° North latitude in the Pacific Ocean for which mass and salt transports are approximately equal to zero; (4) determine the heat trans- port of the North Pacific Ocean; compare the results with other studies; and draw conclusions concerning the mass, salt, and heat transports in the various layers of the cross section; and (5) provide documentation on the basic computer program, plus additions developed in this study, so as to aid future researchers in utilizing the program. 17 IV. PROCEDURE A. DATA SOURCE Oceanographic data were initially obtained from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography for a cruise made on the R/V THOMAS WASHINGTON between March 2 3 and April 30, 19 76. The cruise, entitled INDOPAC I, obtained data from 98 sta- tions (one at every whole degree of longitude) , spaced at an average distance of 91 kilometers along 35° North lati- tude from California (122°W) to Japan (141°E). The vessel and the cruise location are depicted in Figures 1 and 2, respectively . These data presented two problems for this study. The first problem resulted from the cruise procedure to alter- nate a deep station (to near the ocean bottom) with a shallow station (down to approximately 1200 meters). To avoid gross approximations and to maintain the required de- gree of accuracy, geostrophic calculations must be done utilizing adjacent deep stations. The deepest standard depth of the two adjacent stations must be well below the LNM and near the bottom to avoid transport approximations. Thus ap- proximately half of the 98 stations had to be discarded due to their shallowness (see second section of Appendix C) . This increased the average distance between stations from 91 to 182 kilometers with a proportional decrease in station den- sity along the latitude cross-section. 18 Q O S 0 z o h i — i X CO < CO < o H > CJ •H 19 o CVJ U4 5kJ II \/>N r-> I Hi**? a ? q ~ < 3 •H o ro o CVJ 20 The second problem resulted from a mechanical problem during the INDOPAC I cruise. A malfunctioning winch aboard the research vessel allowed only shallow casts (down to 1200 meters) to be completed for stations numbered 18 through 42 C139°W through 163°W) . This continuous shallow section of 2184 kilometers was much too long to allow meaningful geo- strophic computations between the two closest deep stations, numbered 17 and 43. Therefore additional data were sought. In July 1977, Scripps Institution of Oceanography con- ducted another cruise, entitled INDOPAC XVI, which covered the aforementioned continuous shallow area along 35°N. INDOPAC XVI stations, numbered 26 through 4 (140°W to 162°W), were utilized. The data used for this study in the short section between 140°W and 162°W consisted of INDOPAC I data down to 1200 meters and INDOPAC XVI data from 1250 meters to the ocean bottom. The actual location utilized for this short section was that of the INDOPAC XVI data. The longitude and latitude differences between the two cruises for the same station were minimal. It was felt that synopticity and continuity were main- tained for the March/April 1976 time frame since seasonal and annual variations are found mostly above 1200 meters. Compari- son of data below 1200 meters between March/April 1976 and July 1977 showed only minor deviations. The data for the INDOPAC I cruise were received on a mag- netic tape in 80 character card image format (Appendix D) . The data from the INDOPAC XVI cruise were received on computer 21 cards in the same format. Tape manipulation procedures are contained in Appendix A. B. TRANSPORT COMPUTATIONS Baker (1978) showed that the energy flux or transport across any latitude barrier in the ocean can be expressed as T * = p C TV dO , o / s ps s ns where p is the density of seawater, C is the specific heat at constant pressure of sea water, T is the temperature of sea water, V is the component of fluid velocity normal to the ' ns v latitude wall at a given level in the ocean, and dO is the dif- ferential vertical cross section area of the latitude wall. Jung (1955) and Baker (1978) have detailed explanations for the derivation of Equation (1). For this study, the specific heat at constant oressure of sea water, C , was assumed to v ps ' have the value of unity, since that introduced only an in- significant error (Sverdrup e_t al . , 1942, p. 62). Actual synoptic velocities across any latitude circle of great length for any ocean are not feasible to measure at this time. However, with the assumption of geostrophic equilibrium and utilizing the procedure outlined by Sverdrup et al. (1942, pp. 408-411; 447-448), temperature and salinity data at standard depths may be used to determine dynamic height values, and subsequently, velocity values. For oceano- graphic purposes, where physical processes and forces vary 22 much slower than in the atmosphere, values of temperature and salinity obtained in a less than one month period can be considered as synoptic data. Therefore, the velocities obtained by this study were considered synoptic velocities. An IBM 360/67 computer was used to facilitate the num- erous calculations involved. A program originating in the Department of Oceanography of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, entitled "HYDRO", and subsequently modified by Greeson (1974), Mason (1978), and this study, was utilized for the actual computations. For more information on the program, refer to Section IV (C) and Appendices E and F. Greeson (1974) and Mason (1978) discuss in detail their contributions to the program. Only the basic ideas behind the program will be discussed here. The temperature and salinity data from the various depths were first interpo- lated to standard depths. All subsequent calculations were done down to the deepest common standard depth between oceanographic station pairs. Values of sigma-t, specific volume anomaly, and specific volume were computed for each standard depth by the computer subroutine "SGTSVA". An average specific volume anomaly between each pair of standard depths for each station was computed according to the follow- ing equation: l - -2 /^^i , (2) 23 where 6 is the mean specific volume anomaly, and 5 and 6 . are the specific volume anomalies at the standard z + Az r depths of z and z + Az. Density (p) was determined from the inverse of the specific volume at a particular salinity, temperature, and pressure. The dynamic height difference, AD, between the standard depths was computed by: AD = 6 [z - (z + Az) ] . (5) The dynamic height (D) of each station was found by a verti cal summation of the dynamic height differences: E AD = D . (4) The horizontal distance between stations, L, was computed by the computer subroutine "DSTSTA". Geostrophic relative velocity differences between depths 1 and 2 in an area be- tween adjacent pairs of stations were computed with the Helland-Hansen equation: Vi . v2 = ioe (D . Db) t (5) where L is the horizontal distance between stations A and B, D^ and Dg are the dynamic heights (or depths) of stations A and B, C equals 0.5 Q sin 0, Q, is the earth's angular velocity, and 0 is the latitude. 24 Absolute geostrophic velocities were calculated from rela- tive geostrophic velocities once a LNM was determined, since the absolute geostrophic velocity is zero at the LNM. The computer subroutine "GEOCUR" handles calculations of Equation (5) . Values of density, salinity, and temperature were then available at the four corners of a rectangle composed of a pair of stations and a pair of standard depths (Figure 3). Values of velocity were available at the horizontal faces of the rectangle. These values were then averaged for the entire rectangular area in numerical steps as numbered in Figure 3. The area of the rectangle was computed by multi- plying the increment of depth, Az, with the station spacing, L. Mass transport for each rectangular area was found by multiplying the average velocity, the average density, and the area. Salt transport (salt flux) and heat transport (heat flux) were determined by multiplying the mass trans- port by the average salinity and average absolute tempera- ture, respectively. These values of mass, salt, and heat transports were then summed vertically yielding the net transports for that pair of stations. They were also summed horizontally to yield the net transports for a particular layer. When the LNM was varied, the absolute velocities varied, and thus the transports varied in turn. Therefore, the accurate determination of the LNM was essential to this study 25 STATION I ii DATA POINTS STANDARD DEPTHS r ft ^ ^-fe^J/2 STEP 2 STEPI 4 T: STEF S,= ^+S3]/2 t>[t, +t^/2 I 5- [s, +s,]/2y v«[v, + v^/ 2 TEP3 2 STEP 2 STEP 9* S,T, STATION 2 r ?t S2 T. STEP 2 -^ r _ . t / • VfSa^J/2 1 V[T2*T4]/2 STEP 2 04 S4 T4 Figure 3. Illustration of the Averaging Process Used to Obtain a Central Mean Value for Velocity, Density, Salinity, and Temperature for a Rectangular Cross -Sectional Area. 26 The LNM was considered established when the net mass and salt transport across the entire Pacific cross section was zero, or nearly zero. Baker (1978) stated that exact zero fluxes of both mass and salt obtained simultaneously was essentially im- possible to attain due to wide data spacing, data interpo- lation, extrapolation techniques, and computer procedures. Therefore this study used a zero mass flux as the primary requirement with zero salt flux as a secondary requirement. When a satisfactory balance of mass and salt transport was attained, the meridional heat transport was recorded. C. COMPUTER DETERMINATION OF THE LEVEL OF NO MOTION Prior to this study, the LNM was determined rather laboriously by a man-machine mix procedure. This was done by manually setting in the program a constant LNM equal to a standard depth, for all stations and calculating the net mass, salt, and heat transports for the entire cross - section . If a selected LNM was deeper than the deepest common standard depth between the two stations (such as near a seamount) , the program automatically used the deepest common standard depth. The procedure was repeated until the mass and salt transport values changed algebraic sign. Smaller intervals of standard depth were entered into the computer until the values of mass and salt transport closely approached zero. The value of the LNM entered into the program which resulted in values of mass and salt transport closest to zero was 27 selected as the LNM for that particular set of data. This initial procedure required a great deal of time and expense. Later, the use of a linear plot of several mass and salt transport values versus depth to determine the zero cross- ing depth, shortened the time required for a LNM determina- tion. However, its accuracy still required several addi- tional program runs near the actual LNM for accurate LNM determinations. Figure 4 shows an example where the LNM based on mass transport was 925 meters and the LNM based on salt transport was 900 meters. A method to accurately determine the LNM in a single program run was desired. A computer routine was developed in this study to enable the computer to automatically and accurately determine the LNM in this manner. Two numerical analysis procedures were utilized, the bisection method (method of halving the interval) and the "regula falsi" method (method of linear interpolation) . The bisection method was later discarded since it took many more iterations than the "regula falsi" method to achieve the same results. Figure 5 is a graphical illustration of the "regula falsi" method where the dashed line is the solution one is attempting to determine. An algorithm to determine a root of f(x) = 0, given values of x-. and x7 such that f(x-,) and f(x?) are of opposite sign, is described by Gerald (1968) and is given below: E * o o CM Si — oo z z < < »- v> -J 2 v) O CM i o 2 o UJ > UJ -J UJ z cr UJ UJ o o i- i- o -J Q. cr < UJ u. o UJ -J Q. < x UJ 8 CD o 2 o (sjawui) HldHQ 29 > a u c c * o 2 = i O (0 •• >* "o ^ o — 3 o Z 2 \ ■ * - 3 CO 2 \ / \\ * \ J \\ \\ ^v ^\ /\s f 2 V 2 3 _l V N / CM 2 Z -J CO 2 \ cm 2 3 CO 2 o o O X (O UJ 2 co O < *■ *^ u. • < -i £ 3 CD UJ o CM jT z o CM "o UJ o X 2 U. 2 O 0) O U. - o o o M T-l -J Q. t- UJ CO < > O CM | < CO UJ -J 1- 3 UJ _l X co -1 i- en — < < _i tolerance value and iterations <_ given value set x3 = x± - f(x2)[(:x2-x1)/(f(x2)^f(x1))J IF f(x-z) is of opposite sign to f(x,): ELSE set x, = x., 1 j END IF ENDDO . It must be noted that this method may give a false root if f(x) is discontinuous in the interval [x,,x?]. In the pro- gram developed by this study, LNM is an abbreviation for level of no motion and TMSUM is an abbreviation for total mass transport for a given level. In addition, LNM1 , LNM 2 , and LNM3 correspond to x1, x?, and x3, and TMSUM1 , TMSUM2 , and TMSUM3 correspond to f(x,), f(x~), and f(x,), respectively. The "regula falsi" method requires an initial shallow estimate and deep estimate of the LNM. These values must bracket the actual LNM to insure convergence of the routine. As an example: if an ocean area is assumed to have a LNM be- tween 800 and 1100 meters, then choose shallow and deep esti- mates of 650 (LNM1) and 1250 (LNM2) meters, respectively. The program will alert the programmer if he violates this rule. If the programmer desires to use a zero salt transport as a primary requirement for a LNM determination, a provi- sion has been incorporated to accomplish this. Actual documentation and instructions are included in the program itself (Appendix F) . 31 D. WATER MASS IDENTIFICATION Water mass identification consisted of matching known values of salinity, temperature, and sometimes depth to the averaged values of temperature and salinity for each rec- tangular area bounded by a pair of stations and a pair of common standard depths. Brown (1974), Williams (1962), Ingmanson e_t al. (1973), Sverdrup et al. (1942), and Defant (1961) were consulted for specific temperature and salinity parameters. No two authors' parameters or water masses were identical and none fit this study's data perfectly. Therefore, a composite of specific water mass parameters was determined and utilized for this study (Table I). Figure 6 is a temperature- salinity diagram for the water masses involved. A water mass of particularly low salinity ,■ 33 . 138 °/oo to 34.074 /oo, with a temperature range of 8°C to 17°C, was found near the surface off the coast of California. This low salinity water was also found by Brown (1974) in his study of the "Geostrophic Circulation off the Coast of Central California." Since it had not been previously named as a specific water mass, this study titled it CALIFORNIA due to its proximity to the State of California and the California Current. E. BOTTOM AREA CONTRIBUTIONS The computer program calculated all the transports from the ocean surface down to the deepest common standard depth between two adjacent station pairs. The net transport values TABLE I TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY CRITERIA FOR WATER MASS IDENTIFICATION IN THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (°/oo) 10.00 - 20.00 34.075 - 34.900 10.00 - 18.00 34.050 - 34.900 8.00 - 17.00 33.100 - 34.074 4.00 - 10.27 33.840 - 34.500 2.00 - 4.00 34.000 - 34.650 -1.00 - 3.00 34.590 - 34.700 * Surface water mass had an additional requirement of being less than or equal to 150.0 meters in depth. WATER MASS * Surface North Pacif: Lc Central Calif< Drnia No. P; icif ic Intermediate Pacif: Lc Subarctic Deep 33 294 291 288 285 282 UJ 0 0>0 0>0 N. Pac. Central o.O 0.0 0.0 Intermediate -11.13165 -381.63599 -3115.15086 Subarctic -4.12278 -142.34567 -1135.55542 Deep -24.12177 -836.32788 -6625.86719 Subtotal -39.37619 -1360.30955 -10876.55078 Station Pair 43: INDOPAC 1-85 to INDOPAC 1-87 Surface -11.86495 -409.72852 -3400.62207 California 0.0 0.0 0.0 N. Pac. Central -6.55071 -224.34108 -1857.78955 Intermediate -6.98588 -239.04507 -1963.00635 Subarctic 14.80660 511.36450 4077.65576 Deep 65.90004 2215.72534 17551.91406 Subtotal 55.32509 1853.97510 14408.15234 Station Pair 44: INDOPAC 1-87 to INDOPAC 1-89 Surface 9.55035 530.52785 2746.96289 California 0.0 0.0 0.0 N. Pac. Central 6.79643 233.66109 1936.22144 Intermediate 4.32764 147.81055 1214.24023 Subarctic -9.77676 -337.52832 -2693.31445 Deep -40.78888 -1414.39648 -11204.49609 Subtotal -29.89122 -1039.92578 -8000.38672 77 WATER MASS MASS SALT HEAT Station Pair 45: Surface California N. Pac. Central Intermediate Subarctic Deep Subtotal INDOPAC 1-89 -7.88103 0.0 -3.76135 -3.50387 5.35035 18.51855 8.72266 Station Pair 46 : Surface California N. Pac. Central Intermediate Subarctic Deep Subtotal Station Pair 47 : Surface California N. Pac. Central Intermediate Subarctic Deep Subtotal Station Pair 48 Surface California INDOPAC 1-91 7.14235 0.0 3.73588 3.57432 -5 .24007 -86.58156 -77.56908 INDOPAC 1-92 3.87459 0.0 0.0 3.13753 -1.61226 34.45474 39.85460 INDOPAC 1-9 3 -18.99075 0.0 N. Pac. Central -15.85830 Intermediate -5.69382 Subarctic 25.31216 Deep 106.26227 Subtotal 91.05156 to INDOPAC 1-91 -272.73291 0.0 -129.32088 -119.56943 184.74051 64-2.15063 305.26807 to INDOPAC 1-92 247 .48308 0.0 128.50659 114.92603 -180.82317 -3002.55469 -2692.46240 to INDOPAC 1-93 133. 53107 0.0 0.0 106.86459 -55.77979 1195.03198 1379.64771 to INDOPAC 1-9 5 -655.46924 0.0 -544.68604 -195.17429 874.03882 3684.56909 3163.27832 -2273.40381 0.0 -1072.31372 -982.67749 1473.73755 5086.82813 2232.17065 2067.33813 0.0 1065.16919 945.06250 -1443.55498 23777.21484 21143.00000 1111.29102 0.0 0.0 877.43457 -443.46289 9461.60156 11006.86328 -5457.36719 0.0 -4507.46484 -1606.75391 6970.69922 29188.91016 24588.02344 78 WATER MASS MASS SALT HEAT Station Pair 49: INDOPAC 1-95 to INDOPAC 1-97 Surface 3.15826 109.74318 916.96631 California 0.0 0.0 0.0 N. Pac. Central 4.66232 161.41829 1342.42090 Intermediate -0.24304 -8.41105 -65.71400 Subarctic -7.80389 -269.25635 -2150.21167 Deep -31.66768 -1098.02466 -8699.39453 Subtotal -31.89403 -1104.53052 -8655.92969 79 APPENDIX D CARD IMAGE FORMAT MASTER CARD CARD COL. VARIABLE 1- 2 SHIP CODE (WT) 3- 4 LATITUDE (DEGREES) 5- 6 LATITUDE (MINUTES) 7 LATITUDE (TENTHS OF MINUTES) 8 HEMISPHERE (N OR S) 9-11 LONGITUDE (DEGREES) 12-13 LONGITUDE (MINUTES) 14 LONGITUDE (TENTHS OF MINUTES) 15 HEMISPHERE (E OR W) 16-17 YEAR 18-19 MONTH 20-21 DAY 22-23 HOUR. CGMT) } FIRST CAST 24-25 MINUTES (GMT) ; 26-27 28-29 m?nStesMIgmt } SEC0ND CAST 30-34 SOUNDING (M) , i.e. depth in meters 35 IF BLANK, SOUNDING IN METERS IF =1, SOUNDING IN FATHOMS 36-37 WAVE DIRECTION 38-39 WAVE HEIGHT (FEET) 40-41 WAVE PERIOD (SECONDS) 42-43 WIND DIRECTION 44-45 WIND FORCE (KNOTS) 46-49 BAROMETER 50 IF BLANK, BAROMETER IN MILLIBARS IF =1, BAROMETER IN INCHES 51-53 PJ^l ?HH?> AIR TEMPERATURE 54-56 WET BULB 57 IF BLANK, AIR TEMPERATURE IN °C IF =1, AIR TEMPERATURE IN °F 58 WEATHER 59 CLOUD TYPE 60 CLOUD AMOUNT 61 VISIBILITY 62-65 WATER COLOR 64-65 WATER TRANSPARENCY 66 67-69 CRUISE NAME OR NUMBER 70-75 NODC ASSIGNED CRUISE NUMBER 74-79 STATION NUMBER 80 ALWAYS 1 FOR MASTER CARD 80 DATA CARD CARD COL. VARIABLE 1- ■ 5 6 7- ■11 12 13 14- •18 19 20 21- -23 24 25 26- -28 29 30- -33 34- -36 37 33- -40 41 42- -66 67- -69 70- -73 74- -79 80 DEPTH (M) (15) DEPTH FOOTNOTE INDICATOR TEMPERATURE (°C) (F5.3) TEMPERATURE FOOTNOTE INDICATOR TEMPERATURE ACCURACY INDICATOR: 1 = TEMP GOOD TO 1 DECIMAL PLACE 2 = TEMP GOOD TO 2 DECIMAL PLACES 3 = TEMP GOOD TO 3 DECIMAL PLACES SALINITY (°/oo) (F5.3) SALINITY FOOTNOTE INDICATOR SALINITY ACCURACY INDICATOR: 1 = SAL GOOD TO 1 DECIMAL PLACE 2 = SAL GOOD TO 2 DECIMAL PLACES 3 = SAL GOOD TO 3 DECIMAL PLACES OXYGEN (ml/Z) (F3.2) OXYGEN FOOTNOTE INDICATOR 1 = OXYGEN > 9.9 9 PO, (ml/ I) (F3.2) PO4 FOOTNOTE INDICATOR SILICATE (yg at/ I) (F4.1) NITRITE (yg at/ I) (F3.2) NITRITE FOOTNOTE INDICATOR NITRATE (yg at/2,) (F3.1) NITRATE FOOTNOTE INDICATOR CRUISE NAME OR NUMBER NODC ASSIGNED CRUISE NUMBER STATION NUMBER ALWAYS 3, 4 OR 5 FOR DATA CARD 81 FOOTNOTE CARD CARD COL. VARIABLE 1- -64 67- ■69 70- •73 74- •79 80 FOOTNOTE INFORMATION CRUISE NAME OR NUMBER NODC ASSIGNED CRUISE NUMBER STATION NUMBER ALWAYS 7 FOR FOOTNOTE CARD 82 APPENDIX E KEY COMPUTER VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ADH AHEATT AMASST AMB ASALTT AVDENS AVSAL AVT AVTEMP BDH BSVA D DD DH ICOUNT INSTA 10, IT, IS KLNM LNM NGC NOV NPA,NPB NSD 0LNM3 02 RVEL S SGP SGT SLEV dynamic height at station A absolute heat transport (1012 cal/sec) absolute mass transport (1012 gm/sec) dynamic height at station A minus dynamic height at station B , « absolute salt transport (10 gm/sec) average density in grams/cubic centimeter average salinity in °/oo absolute volume transport average absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin dynamic height at station B interpolated values of temperature in degrees centigrade actual depth levels of oceanographic cast in meters interpolated values of dynamic height interpolated values of mean specific volume anomaly iteration counter for linear interpolation method for determining level of no motion number of oceanographic stations to be considered information character on oxygen, temperature, and salinity, respectively desirability indicator for level of no motion determination level of no motion number of geostrophic transports and currents to be calculated; equal to number of station pairs; equal to INSTA- 1 number of depths for which information was obtained on that cast station pair number at A and B respectively; not to be confused with oceanographic cruise station number; NPA and NPB are initially set as 01 and 02, then 02 and 03, etc. maximum number of standard depths old level of no motion number 3 actual oxygen at level of oceanographic cast in ml/ 1 relative velocity in cm/sec actual salinity at levels of oceanographic cast in °/oo sigma- t value interpolated values of sigma-t standard level 83 SQUARE SS SSUM ST STD,SD SV SVA T TEMSUM VEL XMSUM number of previously calculated square areas between deepest common standard depth and bottom; used in calculating bottom area contributions interpolated values of salinity in °/oo cumulative total of absolute salt transport UO12 gm/sec) interpolated values of temperature in degrees centigrade standard depths (interpolated values) interpolated values of specific volume interpolated values of specific volume anoma actual temperature at levels of oceanographi cast in degrees centigrade cumulative total of absolute heat transport (10 cal/sec) absolute velocity in cm/sec cumulative total of absolute mass transport (10 gm/sec) depth in meters c 12 12 84 APPENDIX F COMPUTER PROGRAM z* LU CO1-4O Xt/JixiXoc: CC h-»->-< •• l-co • OUcc-'iuja:• o >-i-*»— LU«— t xo-ax x h-Qt- Q-Q.V- Q a.,^ coorc^cra. -tOQ^'-,a: U7 lux'Z'Xh-. lu lu • •0<_j-srX X •*--»-. — o (->XOIUJ - LULU Luujr-t-i— i-zca >ac o^O-X-JO ajLuuj-^uj-j'^i— !•<— . I— O— QOWH -J zza: co oxu Lua< luo_< at-iJ- ooo<3 >X i.— LULU <0rO JuQ ^>l— _iUJ23" -J co LU O ►— t— < LU LU tO_J_i 2LUU.<— I -JfM 0iz • coosrujoa. a-* to c 9 -J .-H lu t— z h- (X o 5" co r*-«Xa!LUX>~ a: oo »z:r-j— f-Lu ooo -^oouj(^-Juj X •UJ-^I— LU<-< X o *o "— LO tf\7KH i— — * i-^ —i -z. o o »o _ t — < • o C3 LU o r- inoo >s:o "ooolo COLTS z: z: o LU V — • *0(M ^U^OOWZu. z:u- c c > a in -v t«^ •• — .coo t«o » o » -j -j X CO , ajo^^ . o * ►x~»— »— JoZ •• z: ► • • LL •> wocr o «•>« — - m w p. ■» H- H X tLO— t •0>— .—- * *3T •■ ■» —4 — * 1 1 —x vfOO •> ^•oo > J— O — . 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Cu. uj-<>->*Z • z m y- o f> z a 3UJ -j z z » 1— 2 nXOa —i >-• 00 Qq — »cNn • • • a. o 0 ZZZO. om a 00C «i — « •» a. *-o tfuu: C— — ' I— Z oo LUC»— 03"~,Cl H- II 1— O +-^fMrriOO (N»n h- Z Z a: >X 0—42: ^oda-H--*? •O — *»— • • 'luO » •» \S) •— • c ujo o — •-4 cDi/i .rf-ti-io— m 11 lu-Ju_oq.oi ^ «o »3luujoi— ••2: 00 OO LU II — (_ 2: -J" UJ I •— .LL— — »c£^ x2m • II O II • OO • • »Z^Z Z Qin a mq < 3oo,-4'" ■ lului— • »o»-iii— .0 ujoi— h- 1-3 11 -j » incsio • o^lu 1— O z I n-Luin^ ».+ ooi— 1— — »joo — »>-i 11 lu •wzzzohiiuj^ ^jin it o a: o 11 3 00m 'j0 — ,xi " «» «.»_ 11 Luom-^z 11 uji— 11 — ^zomi— ^-joooZoo h jnho«»i>-.zozi-oCChnmzih • «Zm CDinO^<-> u_«l— CH hl-Z< IIZC32Q^V) H-z2Q^f-^ mooz 3a oz 00 ►-i»-«Zo'**lu_jlu2'z i/is^zz*a--— luz (MOUJ Z00C*-O CCZ OO - >OU.LUCI-UQ_ ZLU2"i«C|— ^ZC2-UJ00O_jU.oU-U_LLU.O-JCLJ 0vjin»-4O ZQ<^0 UJ»_ >^ * OZ'-'CCLL.CtZJ-O UJ c-J-IOXI-w0^i-— •>— >Q_I — h LU < O Z L)3Uh O O »-LU0UJ NO >0 I** O Z Z»->Z ^hSqh ««yi O s0 r- 00 00 uuuoo 000000 86 NQ LU o > U CO i— • LU U- 3 2: x < >-• o < ■— 5:2 I— ~ w LU > _ Z < — O Q. < < - _J *-• u) Q > »2T < — » -» LU LO Z _J I— (~ — "OH- p. _J2 < -1 •-• j_ Z < -* ZZ Q < — I > _J ►"• •> «. ► N < (fl O — — — • U_ — . 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Louis Sherfesee III, USN NWSED Misawa, Japan Box 6357 APO San Francisco, California 96519 LT. Timothy L. Baker, USN VS-22 NAS Cecil Field Cecil Field, Florida 32215 LT. Dennis J. Whitford, USN Department of Oceanography United States Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland 21402 109 / msH Ur^ Thesis W558 c.l 184626 Whitford Mass, salt, and heat transport by ocean cur- rents across 35 north latitude in the Pacific ocean. thesW558 Mass, salt, and heat transport by ocean 3 2768 001 95084 3 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY