:y!^iWf^lf^r&i*«^tt?^ FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FORSCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 'V"'.t7'"t' '•"'''">' ''v-''" "-? •!' ^''fii7",y^^^*' "■ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. 'S UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. Geologist. MATERIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OK NORTH AMERICAN MAMMALS, PREPARED BY THEODORE GILL AND ELLIOTT COUES. EXTRACTED FROM THE ELEVENTH VOLUME OF THE FINAL REPORTS OF THE SURVEY, HEING MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. ELLIOTT COUES AND JOEL ASAPH ALLEN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1877. is DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY. F. V. HAYDEN, U. S. Geologist. MATERIAL rOR A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF iXOllTH AMEJUCAN MAMMALS, PREPARED HY THEODORE GILL AND ELLIOTT COUES. EXTRACTED FROM THE ELEVENTH VOLUME OF THE FINAL REPORTS OF THE SURVEY, BEING APPENDIX B MONOGRArHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. ELLIOTT COUES AND JOEL ASAPH ALLEN. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1877. APPENDIX B. MATERIAL FOR A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF NOETH AMERICAN MAMMALS. Prepared by Theodore Gill and Elliott Coues. Several years have passed since a Bibliography of North American Mammals was begun by Dr. Gill, and continued with the cooperation of Dr. Coues. The design was to make it as complete as could be reasonably expected, and to include (a) all works and papers on Mammalia at large published in North America, (6) all works and papers, wherever published, relating to North American Mammals, and ((■) such general works or collateral special papers as bear more or less directly upon the subject. Pressure of other eug.agemeuts upon each of the authors, however, obliged them to suspend the work in 1874, and the material now published represents simply the progress they had made at that date toward the completion of their plan. The Bibliography is tliereforo not supposed to be brought beyond 1874, when systematic compilation of titles was abandoned, although a number of titles of later date hivvo been collated by one of the authors during his preparation of the index-slips for the press. In the full- est sense of the term, this compilation is only "material " for a Bibliography ; the compilers are fully cog- nizant of its defects, and no criticism could be more severe than that which they themselves would pass upon it. But even in its present state, the Bibliography is much more extensive than any hitherto prepared ; it is published in connection with these Monographs of by far the largest order of Mammalia, that the material which it represents may at length become available for all those who are working upon North American Mammalogy ; and it is believed that it will be very useful to all who duly regard the purport of this explanatory note. The titles are arranged in chronological order under a few heads. The first set consists of general and miscellaneous publications on Mammals at large ; the second of faunal publications, or those relating to the Mammals of particular geographical areas ; while the remaining sets are those of orders or sub- orders of the Mammalia. The Bibliography of American publications is believed to be very nearly comjilete down to 1874 inclusive ; in other respects, the work is very imperfect. Many of the titles, especially the foreign ones, are taken at second hand, and those which have not been verified may not be found to be literally correct. The titles of many of the general works are not given in full. A considerable part of the Bibliography — thaJ. relating to teveral of the families of the Koden- tia — has already been presented on earlier pages of this volume, and such titles are not here duplicated. In the labor of preparing this matter for the press, which has devolved upon Dr. Coues, much . assistance has been rendered by Mr. Allen, who has kindly revised the proofs, adding some titles, and making many valuable suggestions. Very great assistance has also been rendered by Mr. William Young, the acconiplished proof-reader of the Government Printing Office, to whom special thanks are due for his valuable services in securing accurate typography, and in perfecting the arrangement of the titles. 9.51 952 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN EODENTIA. A.-GEWERAL, AND ITIISCEELA«rEOlIS PVBLICATIOIVS. 1551. — Gesner, C. — Conr. Gesneri historite animalinm lib. i de qnadrnpedibus viviparis. Folio. Ti- guri, 1551. 1669.^Gesner, C. — Allgemeinea Thierbueb,durch Conr. Gesnerum in lateiuischer Spracbe beschriebon, durch Conr. Foierura ins Deutsche ubersetzt. Folio. Frankf. 1669. 1693. — Ray, J. Synopsis metbodica animalinm quadrnpeduni et serpentini generis. Vulgarium notas obaracteristicas, rariornm descriptioncs integras exhibens: cum bistoriis & observ.ationibus anatomicis perquam curiosis. Prajmittuntur nonnuila de animalinm in genere, sensu, genera- tione, divisione, &c. 8°. 8 p. 1., 336 pp., with portrait opposite title. London: impenais S. Smith & R. W.alford, 1693. 1704. — Tyson, £. A now division of terrestrial brnte animals, particularly of those that have their feet formed like hands. <^ Philos. Traus. Eoy. Soc. London, xxiv, 1704, pp. 1566-1573. 1734-65. — Seba, A. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesaurus accurata descriptio et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam. 4 vols. Folio. 1734-65. 1735. — Linnaeus, C. Caroli Liunasi, Sveci, Pectoris Medicinse, Systema naturae, sive regna tria naturne systematice proposita per classes, ordiues, genera & species. O Jehova! quam ampla sunt opera Tua! Quam ea omnia sapienter fecisti! Quam plena est terra possesaiono Tua! Psalm. civ. 24. Lugduni Batavorum, apudTheodorum Haak, 1735. Ex typographia Joamiis Wilhclmi de Groot. Folio. 7 1. unnumbered and unpaged. [The only copy of the original edition the existence of which in the United States is linown to as is in the library of J. Carson Brevoort, esq., of Brooklyn. The 3d ed., published in Latin and German, by J. J. Lango, at Halle, in 1740, is a reprint of the first. (See beyond for the other editions, under their respective dates.) A textual reprint of the first edition was also published in 8*, at Paris, in 1830, by F6e, q. v.] ANALYSIS. 1. Quadrupedia: — 33 genera. I. Anthrojiomorplia. — Homo, Simia, Bradypus, 3. IL FercB.—VTsns, Leo, Tigris, Felis, Mnstela, Didelphis, Lutra, Odobienus, Phoca, Hyaena, Canis, Meles, Talpa, Erinaceus, Vcspertilio, 15. III. Giiies.— Hystrix, .Sciurus, Castor, Mus, Lepus, Sorex, 6. IV. Jumenta. — Equus, Hippotamns, Elephas, Sus, 4. V. Pecora. — Caraelus, Cervus, Capra, Ovis, Bos, 5. 1740. — Linnsus, C. — Caroli Linniei Naturae Curiosorum Dioscoridis Secundi Systema naturae in quo natiine regna tria, secundum. [!] Classes, ordiues, genera, species, systematice proponuntur. Editio secunda, auctior. Stockholmiie, apud Gottfr. Kiesewetter, 1740. 8°. 2 p. 1., 80 pp. [The 5th ed. is a reprint of the 2d, and was published by M. G. Agnethler, at Halle, in l^^^ (8°, 88 pp). It contains the German names.] analysis. 1. Quadrupedia: — 32 genera. I. Anthropomorpha. — Homo, Simia, Bradypus, Myrmocophaga [not in let ed.], 4. II. Ferae. — Ursus, Leo, Tigris, Felis, Mustela, Didelphis, Lutra, Phoca, Canis, Meles, Erinaceus, Talpa, Vcspertilio, 13. [Odobienus and Hyaena suppressed.] HI. Glires. — Hystrix, Lepus, Sciurus, Castor, Mus, 5. [Sorex removed to Jumenta.] IV. Jumenta. — Elephas, Hippopotamus. Sorex !, Eqvns, Sus, 5. V. Pcvora. — Camelus, Cervus, Capra, Ovis, Bos, 5. [Two genera suppressed ; one added, i 1743. — Eleiu, J. T. Summa dubiorum circa classes quadrupedum et amphibiornm in Celebris domini Carol. Linna;i systemate naturae ; sive naturalis quadrupedum histoiiae promo vendao prod ro- mus cum praeludio de crustatis. Adjecti discursus: I. De ruiniuantibus. * II. De periodo vitjB humaiuc collato cum brutis. Gedaui et Lipsiaj, 1743. Gleditsch. 4°. 52 pp., 2 pi. 1743-51. — Edwards, G. A natural history of uncommon birds and of some other rare .and undescribed animals In 4 parts. 4°. London, 1743-51. (I't. i, pll. 1-52 ; pt. ii, pll. 53-105 ; pt iii, pll. 106-157 ; pt. iv, pll. 158-911.— French transl, 1745.1 BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 953 1744.— Linnaeus, C. Carol! Liniioei Medic. &, Botan. in Acad. Upsaliensi Professoris Acad. Imporialis, Upsaliciisis, StockUoluieusis & Monspeliensis Soc. Systema natural in quo proponvintur naturaj regni tria secundum classes, ordines, genera & species. Editio qnarta ab auctoroemendata & aucta. Accesseruut uomina Gallica. Tarisiis, sumptibus Michaelis-Autouii David, bibliopolie, via Jacobea, sub signo Calami anrei, 1741. Cum privilcgio regis. 8°. 3 p. 1. [Fundamenta Botnnica], xxvii, [1], 108 pp., tab. (This is said, by Linn6, to have been edited by B. Jussien, and to bo the same as the ad ed. (" per B. Jnssieum. Ailjectii noraina Gallica. idem cam 2"). It contains, however, in addition to the "Fundamenta Botanioa", a special introduction (by himself), which concludes with the remark that it is the 4th ed., revised and enlarged (jam quartam castigatam iteruni auctainque Lectori offoro Benevolo p. 3).] 1747.— Linnaeus, C Systema naturae. ... 8°. 88 pp. Halle, M. G. Agnethler, 1747. [The 5th ed., a reprint of the 3d, with the German names. Mamin. pp. 43-51. The genera are exactly the same as in the 3d ed., but spelled with v instead of u. See under 1740.1 1748.— Linnaeus, C. Caroli Linuiei Arcbiatr. Reg. Med. et Bot. Profess. Upsal. Systema naturaj sis- teus regua tria uatune, in classes et ordiues genera et species redacta tabulisque aineis illustrata. Cum privilegio S. R. M. Svecica) & S. R. M. Polonicas ac Electoris .Saxon. Editio sexta, eniendata et aucta. Stockholmiaj, impensis Godoi'r. Kiesewetteri, 1748. 8°. iv, 224pp.,2p I., 14 1.,7pll. [The 7th ed., published at Leipzig (Lipsiaj) in 1748, is a textual reprint of the (ith (secundum soxtam Stockhol- mienseni eraendatam & auctam editionem), hyihe same publisher, but with the German popular names instead of Swedish. The 8th ed. cont.aiQs the vegetable kingdom only.] 1'51.— Klein, J. T. lacobi Theodori Klein . . . qvadrvpedvm dispositio brevisque historia natvralis. Lipsiaj, apvd lonam Schmidt, bibl. Lvbec, 17.")1. 4°. 2 p. ]., 127-f 1 pp., 5 pll. folded. Steller, G. W. Do bestiis mariuis. < Nov. Comment. Acad. Petropol. ii, 1749 (1751), pp. 289- 298, 3 pll. 1752.— Anon. Scbauplatz (Systematiscber) aller eiubeiuiischen und auslandischen vierfUseigen Thiere. NUruberg, 1752. Hill, J. An history of animals. Folio. London, 1752. ^'5*-~S"sson, M. J. Systfeme naturel du ihgne animal, par classes, families ou ordres, genres et especes. Aveo une notice de tons les animaux ; les noms grecs, latins & vulgaires, que les naturalistes leur out donnas; les citations des auteurs qui en out forit; une table pour chaque classe, qui d^signe la famille ou I'ordre, le genre & I'espece, de chaque animal. Ouvrage enrichi de figures en taillo douce. Suivaut la m^thode de Klein ; avec une notice de celle de M. LinuiBus, et I'ordre des poissons, sui van t la division d'Artedi et I'ordre des oursius de mer. Trad, de I'AUom. par Math. Jacq. Brlssou. 8°. Bauche, Paris, 1754. Klein, J. T. Doutes ou observations de Mr. Klein . . . sur la revile des animaux, faite par le premier homme, sur quelqnes animaux des classes des quadrupfedes & amphibies du systfeme de la nature do M. LinnaBus. Et des remarques sur les crustac^es, sur les animaux qui ruminent, & sur la vie de I'homme, comparecifico, denorainatione germanica, ac designatione iconvm. 16°. 5 p. 1., 90 pp., 1 1. Rostochii, apvd lohannem Cbristianvm Koppivni, 1778. 1778-83. — Zimmermann, E. A. W. Geograpbische Geschichte der Mensclieu uud der vierfUesigen Thicrc. 8°. 3 vols. 1778-83. • 1780.— Storr, G. C. C. Prodromua method! mammaliiim. ... 4°. 43 pp., 4 tab. Tiibingen, 1780. [See GiLl-, r.ull. Philos. Soc. of Washington for Oct. 1874.) 1781.— Pennant, T. A history of quadrupeds. 3 vols. 4°, 1st ed., Loudon, 1781 ; 2d ed., 1792; 3d ed., (/ 1793. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 957 V 1783. — Hermann, J. Tabula aflSnilatuni aEimalium olini acadeniico specimiiie cdita nunc nberiare comuientai'io illiistrata cuui auuotati(mibus ad historiam naturalum auiuialium augeudam faci- entibus. 4". 2 p. 1., .'{70 pp., 1 1., 3 tab. Argentorali, iiupcUBis Job. Georgii Treuttel, biblio- pola;, 17H3. IManim. p. 115.] 1784. — Berchem, J. P. B. van. Tableau des animaux qnadrupfides, raug(Ss suivant I'ordro de leurs rapports; et explication raisonu6o de ce tableau. <^Mdm. Soc. Sci. I'hys. Lausauue, i, 1784, pp. 9-50. Boddaert, P. Eleucbusauimalium. Vol u men i. Sistensquadrupedia buc usque nota, eorum que varietates ad ductum naturas, quantum 6eri potuit dispoeita. 8". xxxviii pp. (1 1.), 174 pp. Eoterodami, apud C. R. Hake, 1784. 1788. — Blumenbach, J. F. Haudbuch der Natargescbicbto. Mit Kupfern. Dritte sebr verbesserte Ausgabo. 10°. xvi pp., 3 pi. folded, 71.") pp. Giitiiugen, bey Jobann Christian Dieterich, 1788. 1788-93. — Gmelln, J. P. Caroli a Linn6 Systenia uatura) per regna tria natuiai, eecundum classes ordines, genera, species, cum cbaracteribiis, diU'ereutiis, syuonymis, locis. Ed. 13ma, aucta, rei'onnata. 8°. 3 v. in 9 parts. 4120 pp. Lipsia;, impensis Geoig. Emanuel Beer, 1788-93. [The three volumes, being very uiuch autplitied, were divided iuto parts, with hall'-titles, for biodiug, viz ; — ] Tomus I. [Regnum animale: para i. (Mammalia ; Aves, ordines 1-2), 6 p. 1., pp. 1-500: pars ii. (Aves, ordines 3-6), 1 p. 1., pp. 501-1032 : pars iii. (Amphibia, Pisces), 1 p. 1., pp. 1033 (Pisces, 1126)-1516 : pars iv. (lusecta, oidiues 1-2), 1 p. 1., pp. 1517-2224 : pars v. (lusecta, ordines 3-7), 1 p. 1., pp. 2225-3020: pais vi. (Vermes), 1 p. 1., pp. 3021-3910: pars vii. (Indices), 1 p. l.,pp. 3911-4120.] 1789. [The first two parts date 1788.] Tomus II. [Regnum vegetab.Ie : pars i. 1 p. 1., xl, 884 pp. : pars ii. 1 p. 1., pp. 885-16G1.] 1791- Tomus III. [Regnum lapideum.] 476 pp., 3 pi. folded. 1793. [This edition is noticed under the date of 17g6 and the namo of Ginelin, as that naturalist is alone responsible for the incorporation of the many species described since the laat ediiiou of the Systema Natural revised by Linn6. The compilation displays very little acquaintance with any branch of zoology, and species are incorpo- rated into the system in defiance of the chai acters of the groups to which they are refeixed.J 1792. — Kerr, R. The animal kingdom of Liunseus. Class I, Mammalia. From the edition of Prof. Gmelin. 4°. London, 1792, Pinel, P. Rechercbes sur uue nouvello ni^tbode du classification des quadrupfedes, fondde sur la structure m^cauique des parties osseuses qui servent d I'articnlatiou de la miichoire inf^ri- eure. <[ Actes Soc. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, i, 1792, pp. 50-66; Journ. de Phys. xi, 1792, pp. 401-414. Tessier, H. A. Sur la durde de la gestation dans les femelles d'animaux. -^Bull. des Sci. Soc. Pljilom. i, 1792, pp. 177-178. Vioq-d'Azyr, P. EncycIop^Tlio m^tbodique. Systdme anatomique. Quadrupfcdes. Tome ii. Paris, obex Pauckoncke; Liiige, chez Plomteux, 1792. [The iirst volume is entitled " Eucyclop6.1io ni6thodiqu6. Syst^me auatomique. Bictiounaire raisonn^ des termes d'auatomie et de physiologie ; par Hipp. Cloquet, . . . Tome premier. A Paris, chez mme. veuve Agasse, ... 1843 ". It was, as will appear from the date of the volume (let ed.), published long after the first volume of the " Syat6me anatomique ".J 1792-96. — Shavir, G. Museum Leverianum, contaiuing select specimens from the museum of 4be late Sir Asbton Lever, with descriptions in Latin and English. 2 vols. 4°. London, 1792-96. 1795. — Geoffrey St.-Hilaire, I., and Cuvier, G. M^moiro sur une nouvelle divi.sion des mammif^res, et sur les priucipes qui doivent servir do base dans cette sorto de travail. <^Mag. Encyc. Ire ann&-, tome ii, 1795, pp. 164-190. 1796. — Retzius, A. J. Animadversioncs in classem mammalium Linneanam, resp. Jac. Sonnerberg. 4°. 17 pp. Lund, 1796. 1796-1808.— W oil' J. Des Ritters Carl von Linn6 vollstUndigen Natursystems; Fortsetzung nach der 13ten lateiuischen Ausgabo. 2 vols. 8°. Niirnberg 1796-1808. 1796-1810.— Blumenbach, J. P. Abbildungeunatarh.GegenslUr.de. 8°. Giittingen, 1796-1810. 1797-98.— Cuvier, G. .Sur les differences des cerveaux, considiSriSes dans tons les animaux b, sang rouge. , pp. 293-369; Meckel's Deutsch. Arch. f. Physiol, iii, 1817, pp. 131-136. 1812.— Cuvier, G. Snr la composition de la tfete osseuse dans les animanx vert6br^s. re8. 24°. 1 p. l.,iv, 2C0 pp.] Otto, A. W. De animalium quornndam per hiemcm dorniicntinni vasis cephalicis et aure interna. <[ Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xiii, pt. i, 1826, pp. 23-86, 1 pi ; Ann. Sci- Nat. xi, 1827, pp. 70-111, 1827; F<5russ. Bull. Sci. Nat. xi, 1827, pp. 267-270. Gl M 962 MONOGEAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA, 2826. Prevost, C, and Le Royer, — . Note sxir I'acide libre contenu dans I'estomac dea herbivores. < M(Sm. de la See. de Pbys. ct d'Hist. Nat. de Genfeve, iii, t. 2, 1«'26, pp. 143-137 (sic ! 3 pp.). 1827.— Edmonston, L. On the origin of the power of suspending respiration possessed by aquatic mammalia and birds. < Pbilos. Mag. ii, 1827, pp. 126-130; F6russ. Bull. Sci. Nat. xiv, 1828, ]ip. 114-115. Griffith, E., and others. The animal kingdom, arranged in conformity with its organization. 15y the Baron Cuvier, .... with additional descriptionsof all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed. By Edward Griffith, .... London, George B. Wbittaker. The class Mammalia, arranged by Baron Cuvier, with specific descriptions by Edward Griffith, F. L. S., Major Charles Hamilton Smith, F. R. S., and Edward Pidgeon. 1827. Vols. i-v. 8°. [The 5th volume (pp. xxvii, 391) is a gener.al synopsis of miimmiUs.J Lesson, R.-P. Manuel de mammalogie, ou bistoire naturello des mammifferes. 18^. xv, 441, (1) pp. ; ? atlas, 80 pll. Paris, Roret, 1827. Fastre, T. Expose succinct des opinions ^mises jusqu'ioi sur la cause de I'engourdissement p^riodique qu'eprouvent les animaux appel^s bibernans. < M<:m. de la Soc. Linn, de Paris, vl, 1827, pp. 121-138. Ritgen, F. F. A. Classification des maramifferes. Tome 3e, cuutenaut la philosophie chimique et la philosophie biologique, 1838, 556 pp. Leuret, F. Anatomie comparfo du systfeme nerveux consid6r^e dans ses rapports avec I'intelli- geuce. 8°. 2 vols. Paris, J -B. Bailliore et fils, 1838-.57. Ogilby, W. Observations on " Rules for nomenclature ". < Mag. Nat. Hist, ii, 1838, pp. 150- 157, ■.i75-284. 1838-39.— Dugfes, A. Trait6 de physiologic compar^e de rbomnio et des auimaux. Avec planches lithographiees. 3 vols. Montpellier, chez Louis Castel, 1838-39. Tome ler, sviii, 526 pp., frontispiece, table, 6 pll., 1838. Tomo 2e, x, 636 pp., 12 pll., 1838. Tome 3e, viii, 494 pp., with portrait, 1839. [Vertebrates named sous-ifegue des Hominiaires (i, 15) ; mammals, classe des Homluistes (i, 18).] ^ Lesson, R.-P., Olid Garnot, P. Mastologiem^thodique. < Revue Zool. D6c. 1838, Mars 1839. Owen, R. On the structure of teeth and the resemblance of ivory to bone, as illnstrated by microscopical examination of the teeth of man and of various existing and extinct animals. < Rep. Brit, /issoc. 1838, pt. 2, pp. 135-150 ; Fror. Notizen, viii, 1838, col. 65-73, 86-89; Ara. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts, xxxv, 1839, p. 507. 1839.— Bachman, J. Observations on the changes of colour in birds and quadrupeds. . IS p'. =r. viii. ] (IL.l Des Petilours (O. Subureue).) [I:i41.— 123 pp. 16 pi. = F. is. (+ pi. 17 < F. x, I84a 1 [With tliia f.isciciilo was issued a. general title limited thus; " Maiumif^ires. — Caraasaiers: [ Vespertilio Talpa. Sorcx. Erinaceus. Plioca. tJfaiis. Subursus 1841." ([M. 1 Des Mnstelas (O. ilusUla. L. ). ) [1842.-83 pp. 15 pi. = F. x.] {\N.] Des Viverras. ) 11843.— 100 pp. 13 pi. = r. xi.) ([O. J Des Felis. ) 1 1843.-1013 pp. 1 fiilded tab. 10 pi. = F. xii. (+ pL 20 < F. xxv., 18;5).) {\r.) DesCanis. ) [1843.— ICO pp. 16 pi. = F. xiii. J ( [ <2. 1 Des HjflDes. ) [1844.— 84 pp. 8 pL = F. xiv. ] Tome troisi6mo | Quatornatfes ] Avec atlas do 54 planches, [viii pp. -f 5 parts.] Atlas— Tome troisi6nio | corapos6 de 54 plaaches [ QuaternatSs. (2 p. 1. + 5 parts, viz : — ] ([K.orS. 1 Des fil6phanta. ) [184J.-3C7 pp. 18 pi. = F. xvi.) ((S.orr.l Du Diliothorium.) (lH4.'i — C4 pp. 3 pi. = F. xvii.] {\T. or U.J Dea Lainautins (Uuffou), (JIana(u», Scopoli), on Gravigradea aqoatiqnes.) [1844.— 140 pp. 11 pl. = F.xv.| {[¥.] Des Datnaua (Buffon), (iTi/roa:).) [1845.-47 pp. 3 pi. = F.xviii.] ([ v. or X ] Des Khinoceros (BufTim). (C. Ithinoceros,L. ).) (1846.-232 pp. 14 pi. =F. xx. ] (|X and non-lettered.*] Monographic du Cheval, G. U^uus. ) 1864. [80 pp. th., Erlangen, in der Expedition des ScLreber'scben Siiugtbier- und des Esper*- Bcben Scbmetterlingswerkes und in Commission der Palm'scben Veilagsbucbhaudluug, 1840. Erste Abtbeilung: Die Affeu und Fliederthiere. 1640. [xiv, (1), vi, 551 pp.] Zweite Abtbeilung : Die Kaubtbiere. 1841. [viii, 558 pp.] Dritte Abtbeilung: Die Beuteltbiereuud Nager (erster Abscbuitt). 1843. [xiv, 614 pp.] Viertc Abtbeilung : Die Nager (zweiter Abscbuitt), Zabnliitker, Einbufcr, Dickbiiuter und Wiederkiiucr. 1844. [xii, 523 pp.] Fiinfte Abtbeilung : Die Alien, Zahnliicker, Beufeltbiere, Huftbiere, Insektenfresser und Haudflugler. 1855. [xxvi, 810 pp] * The first series of letters is given in tfao list of monographs opposite title-pages, and tho second in the table of con- tents of the 3d volume, t The cacography of the original is copied. 968 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1841. — Bonaparte, C. L. A new pyRleinatic ariaDgement of vertebrated animals. <^ Trans. Linn. Soc Lon<1ou, xviii, 1841, pp. 247-304 (Classis i, Mammalia, pp. 247-258). [In sequeuce, tbis is essentially similar to the " Synopsis verfebratornm syslematis", but a "'Conspectus fami- liarum ot snbfaniiliarnm", ■with diagnoses of the gioups. replaces the "Index". As in the last, the groups Placentalia and Implacentalia are designated " series" and the Educabilia and Ineducabilia "subclasses", and the sequence of the subfamilies !.'> and 16, 38 and 39, 54 and 55, aie severally reversed. Compared -wilb the iirst arrangement, the Hippopotaraina, Ilhinocerontina, and Tapirina are transfeia from the Elephantidai to the Suida? ; a new subfamily ii3) Dinotberin.i forming with {24) Elephantiua, the Elephantidae, is interposed, whereby a total of 41 families and 76 subfamilies results. These moditications indicate the author's emendations since 1839, and therefore not the status of the article at the date of " reading ".] Coates, B. H. [On the use of the sutures of the cranium.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i, 1841, PP.U9-71. Fennell, J. H. A natural history of Ilritish and foreign quadrupeds; containing many modern discoveries, original observations, and numerous anecdotes. 8°. xv, 556 pp., 200 woodcuts. London, Joseph Thomas, 1M41. Jones, T. R. A general outline of the animal kingdom, and manual of comparative anatomy. 8°. xiv, 732 pp., 336 figs. London, J. Van Voorst, 1841. Martin, W. C. L. A general introduction to the natural history of niammiferous animals, with a particular view of the physical history of man, and the more closeh' allied genera of the order Quadrumana, or monkeys. Illustrated with 296 anatomical, osteological, and other inci- dental engravings on wood, and 12 full-plate representations of animals, drawn by William Harvey. 8°. 1 p. 1., 545 pp., 12 pi. London, Wright & Co., 1841. Pompper, H. Die fiiugethieie, Vogel und Amphibien, uach ihrer geograpbischeu Verbreitung tabellarisch zusammengestellt. 4°. Leipzig, 1841. 1842.^Duvernoy,G. L. Supplement historique pour les mdmoires, " Snr les dents des mammifferes." < Coniptes Kendus, Paris, xv, 184'2, pp. 1000-1006. Gray, J. E. Descriptions of some new geuera and fifty unrecorded' species of mammalia. <^ Anu. Mag. N. H. X, 184-2, pp. 25.'')-267. Lesson, R. P. Nouveau tableau du rfegne animal. Mammifferes. 8". 3 p. 1., 204 pp. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842. Meyer, G. H. Ueber das Saugethierei. <^ Archiv flir Anat. 1842, pp. 17-18. Schiuz, H. R. Ueber seine Synopsis Mamnialium. <[ Verhaiidlgn. d. Schwciz. naturf. Gesellsch. 27. Versammlg. Altdorf, 1842, pp. 11(M'25. Smith, C. H. The naturalist's library. Edited by Sir William Jardine, Bart. . Vol. xv. Mam- malia. Introduction to mammalia. 18°. Eng. title, 4 p. 1., pp. 17-313, portrait of Drury, 30 col. pll. Edinburgh, W. H. Lizars [1842]. 1843. — Bischoff, T. L. W. Ueber die erste Bildung des Centralnervensystems bei Siiugethieren, mit Beriicksichtigung der kritischen Beleuchtung meiner Beobachtungen durch Herrn Dr. Rei- cbert. Mit 1 Taf < MuUer's Arch. f. Anat. 1843, pp. 252-275. Gray, J. E. Descriptions of some new geuera and species of mammalia iu the British Museum collection. < Ann. Mag. N. H. xi, 1843, pp. 117-119. Gray, J. E. List of the specimens of mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. Printed by order of the trustees. 16°. xxviii, 216 pp. London, 1843. Hays, I. [On piipers relating to Koch's collection.] <[ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. ii, 1843, pp. 264-266. Oiven, R. Letter on R. Harlan's notice of new fossil mammalia. <[Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, xliv, 1843, pp. 341-345. ■Waterhouse, G. R. Observations on the classification of the mammalia, <^ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, xii, 1843, pp. 399-412 ; Rep. Brit. Assoc. 1843 (pt. 2), pp. 65-67 ; Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. iii, 1845, pp. 371-386. 1844.— Bischoff, T. L. W. Recherches sur la maturation et la chute p6riodiqne de Toouf de rhomme et des inaiuiuifiires. Avec 6 planches. < Ann. Sci. Nat. 3e s^r. Zool. tome ii, 1844, pp. 104-164. Bonaparte, C. L. Spechio generale del sistema masto-zoologico. <[Riunioue degli Scienziati Italiani, atti della prima riunione, Lucca, 1844, pp. 3'23-356. Bourgery, J. M. Sur les masses comparatives que prcSsentent dans I'homme et qnelques ani- maux mamiuitferes les ditfdrents organes qui composent le systtime nerveux. <^ Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, tome xix, 1844, pp. 603-607 ; Institut, xii, no. 561, 1844, p. 321. BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— A. GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 969 1844. — Milne-Edwards, H. Consicldrations surquelques priucipcs relatifs il la classiOcatioii natiirelle iks aiiiniaux, I't plus particuliiirenieut sur la distributiou u:6tliodiquo des niaiumilfercs. <^ Ann. Sci. Nal. 3t; s<5iie, Zoologie, tonic i, 1844, pp. 65-99, with folded tab. Pouchet, F. A. Eecherchea siir la progression et r6tat du fluido seminal dans les organes g^ni- taiix des femelles des luamiu if feres. <^ Comp. Kend. Acad. Sci. Palis, xix, 1844, pp. 1362-1363 ; luNtitut, xii, no. 573, 1844, p. 422. 1844-45. — Schiuz, H. R, Systematiscbes Vcrzeicbniss aller bis jetst bekanuten Siiiigethiere, oder Synopsis MammaUiim, nach deiu Cuvier'sclieu System. 2 vols. 8°. Vol. i, 1844, pp. iv, 574. NacUtrag znni ersten Baude, 51 pi). Vol. ii, 1845, Solothuru. Jent und Gassmann, 1844^5. 1845. — Bourgery, J. M. Sur rextr<;mit<3 c. 1., 553 pp., 22 pll. ; vol. ii, Rodentia, or gnawing animals, 1848, 1 p. I., «» pp., 22 pll. (No more published.) 1846-49. — Vrolik, W. TabuUc ad illustrandam embryogen'sin hominis et manimalium, tam naturalem quam abnormem. — [Also with the title:] De vrucht van den nienscb en van de zoogdieren, afgebeeld en bescbrevea iu hare regelmatige en onregelmatige entwikkeling. Fasc. ix-xx. Cum 62 tabulis lithogr. Fol. Amstolodami, Q. M. P. Londonck, 1846-49 ; Leipzig, T. O. VVoigeL 1846-52. — Schinz, H. R. Monographion der Saugetbiere. Mit Abbildgn. nach der Natur und den vor- ziiglichsten Werken gezeichnet von J. Kull. 11.-29. Heft. 4°. 41 pp. (mit 74 litb. u. col. u. 4 scbwarzeu Taf.). Ziirich, Meyer & Zeller, 1840-.5-2. 1847. — Eckhard, C. Das Zungenbein der Saugetbiere, mit RUcksicht auf das Stininiorgan und allge- meiueu zoologischen Bemerkungeu. Mit 2 Taf. <; Miiller's Arch. f. Anat. 1847, pp. 39-87. Hollard, H. Consid<5ratious sur la classification des mamraifferes. < Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ncu- cbatel, ii, 1847, pp. 86-90. Lessor), R.-P. Description do mammifi^res et d'oiseaux receniment dccouverts. 12°. Paris, 1847. [A rare and not well knuvrn Iroatiao, containing doscriptions of ni.iny new Hpeciea of North American mammals.] Medicus, K. F. G. Ideai do niammalium sjsteniate. Diss iuaug. (Mouac.) Lutrinse, 1847. 8-. 56 pp. X 970 MONOGRAPHS OP NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1847. — Pouchet, P. A. Thdorie positive de I'ovnlatiou spontaude et de la fdcondation des Diammifferes et de I'espfece humaine, basde sur I'observatioD de tonte la sdrie auimale. Ouvrage qui a ob- tenu le prix de physiologie exp(?iimentale ^ I'Acad^mie royale des sciences. Accompagnd d'un atlas iu-4° de 20 plauches gravdes et colories. 8°. (4J sheets.) Paris, J.-B. Baillifere et fils, 1847. Scliinz, H. R. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der SUugethicre. < Schweizer. Gesell. Verhandl. 1847, pp. 132-159. 1848. — Agassiz, L. Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis, contiuens noraina systematica classi- um, ordinuui, faojiliaruiu et geuerum auimalium omnium, tam viventium qiiam fossilium, secundum ordiueni alpbabeticum unicum disposita, adjectis bomunymiis plantarum. 16°. xi, 1136 pp. Soluduri, sumptibus et typis Jeut et Gassmaun, 1848. Agassiz, Ii. [Prediction tbat among the higher mammalia the foot of the embryo would be found to be webbed.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1848, p. 42. Comstock, J. L. Natural history of quadrupeds; with engravings, on a new plan, exhibiting their comparative size; adapted to the capacities of youth ; with authentic anecdotes, illustrat- ing the habits and characters of the animals, together with reflections, moral and religious; designed ibr sabbath-school libraries, families, and common schools. 4°. 73 pp., with 23 figs., frontispiece, 1 folded pi. New York, published by Pratt, Woodford Si, Co., 1848. D' Alton, E. Beobachtuugen Uber die verscbiedenen Typen in den Hand- und Fussknochen der Saugetbiere. < Zeitung f. Zool. Bd. 1, 1848, pp. 25-29, 33-36. Milne-£idV7ards, H. On certain principles bearing upon the natural classification of animals, and more particularly on the methodical distribution of the mauimifera. <^Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), v, 1848, pp. 428-431 [from Ann. Sci. Nat. 3e s6r. i, 1844]. Nilsson, S. Uuderstigelse over Pattedyreues Udbredelse. 'C Oversigt K. Dausk. Selsk. For- haudl. 1848, pp. 2-5. 1848-49. — Fraser, L. Zoologia typica; or, figures of new and rare mammals and birds, described in the proceedings, or exhibited in the collections of the Zoological Society of London. 20 parts, with 100 pi. Folio. London, Fraser, 1848-49. 1849. — Agassiz, L. [On the egg, in vertebrata, as a means of classification.] <^ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts aud Sci. ii, 1849, pp. 183-184. Deen, J. van. Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichto des Menschen und der Siiugethiere, mit besouderer Beriicksichtigung des Uterus masculinus. (Mit 2 Taf.) <^Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. 1, 1849, pp. 295-346. Waterhouse, G. R. The physical atlas of natural phenomena. By A. Keith Johnston. Ta- bles of the orders Eodeutia and Ruminantia. No. 5. By G. E. Waterhouse. Fol. 1849. 1849-50. — Kilian, F. M. Die Structur des Uterus bei Tbieren. <[ Henle u. Pfeufer, Zeitschr. f. ration. Med. viii, 1849, pp. 53-90, 1 pi. ; 2. Artikel, ibid, ix, 1850, pp. 1-51. 1850. — Agassiz, L. The zoological character of young mammalia. <] Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ii, 1850, pp. 85-89. Betz, F. Ueber den Uterus masculinus. Ein Beitrag zur Eutwickelungsgeschichte der Ge- schlecbtsorgane. Mit 1 Taf. < MUller's Arch. f. Auat. 1850, pp. 65-70. Browne, P. A. A microscopic examination and description of some of the piles of the head of albiL>OH. <^Proc Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iii, 1850, pp. 108-114. Burnett, W. J. Kesearches on the origin, development, and nature of the spermatic particles throughout the vertebrata. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iv, 1850, pp. 22-25. Geoffrey St.-Hilaire, I. Cours de zoologie (mammiferes et oiseaux) fait an Mutdum d'Histoire Naturelle en 1850. < Rev. et Mag. Zool. ii, 1850, pp. 12-20; Bibl. Univ. Archives, xviii, 1851, pp. 23-32. Marcusen, J. Ueber die Entwickelung der Zahne der Siiugethiere. < Bull. Phys. Math. Acad. St. Pdtersbg. viii, 1850, pp. 305-320, 1 pi. ; Mdlaug. Biolog. i, pt. ii, 1851, pp. 109-130. Regley, — . Histuire naturelle des mammileres. Avec uue gravure. 12°. 21() pp. Limoges, Barbou, (1847) 1.-50. Ruschenberger, W. F. S. Mammalogy. 12°. Philadelphia, Grigg, Elliot & Co., 1850. ■White, A. A popular history of mammalia; comprising a familiar account of their classifica- tion aud habits. Sq. 16°. viii, 346, 14 pp., 16 pll. Loudon, Reeve, Benham & Reeve, 1850. BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— A. GENEEAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. 971 1850-51. — Browne, P. A. [Peculiarities of the bair in the mammalia.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. V, 1850, 50; 1851, pp. 145-140. 1851. — Corti, A. Recberehe.s siir I'organo ile Wm'ie des tnammifei'cs. lo partlc. LimaQon. Avec 2 planches. < Zeitsclir. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. 3, 1851, pp. 109-109. Fitziuger. L J. Ueber die j^eograpbiscbe Verbroitung eiuiger Saiigetbiero. <^ Wiener Si- tziingsber. inatb.-nat. CI. vi, 1851, pp. 100-103. Gegenbaur, C. Untersucbiingeu Uber die Tasthaare eiuiger Saugetbiore. -c^Zoitscbr. wis- senscbatt. Zool. iii, 1851j pp. 13-^0. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. Musi?um d'Histoire Naturello de Paris. — Catalogne mdtbodique de la colleetioii des mam niif feres, de la collection des oiseanx ot des collections anncxdes. Par le professeur-admiuistratear M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, . . . . et ies aides-naturalistes MM. Florent Prdvost et Pucberan. Paris, Gide et Bandry, .... 1851. 8"^. 3 p. 1. (Intro- duction), XV pp. (Premifere partie.— Mammifferes. — Catalogue des Primates, par M. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire), 1 p. 1., vii, 90 pp. Krauss, F. Die Siiugetbiere nacb Familien and Gattungen. Folio. Stuttgart, 1851. Pucheran, J. Sur Ies caractferes zoologiques des mammifferes aquatiques. <[ Eevuo et Mag. de Zool. 2 sdr. iii, 1851, pp. 05-71, 1'20-128, 101-108. 1851-52.— Girard, C. On tbe classification of mammalia. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. vi, 1851-52, 319-335 pp., 2 tables. 1852.— Agassiz, L. [On the allautois.] < Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. iii, 1852, pp. 15-10. Browne, P. A. Tricbologia mammalinm ; or a treatise on the organization, properties and uses of bair and wool; together with an essay upon the raising and breeding of sheep. Published under tbe patronage of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. With illustrations. 4°. 18M pp. Philadelphia, 1852. Burnett, W. J. [Formation and junction of the allantois.] <[ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. iii, 1852, pp. 12-15. Dareste, C. MiSmoire snr Ies circonvolutions du cervean cbez Ies mammifferes. <^ Ann. Sci. Nat. xvii (Zool.), 18,52, pp. 34-54. Dareste, C. Rdponse aux observations de M. Gratiolet, an snjet d'nn mdraoire sur Ies circon- volutions du cerveau. <^ Comptes Reudus Paris, xxxiv, 18.52, pp. 324-327. Girard, C. On the classification of mammalia. <^Pr. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. vi, 1852, pp. 319-3.35. Gratiolet, P. Observations sur Ies propositions que M. Dareste a soumise h, I'Acaddmie des Seiencis, touchant Ies circonvolutions du cerveau. <[ Rev. et Mag. Zool. iv, 1852, pp. 97-113. Gray, J. E. Catalogue of tbe specimens of mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. Part iii. Ungulata furcipeda 12". Loudon, printed by order of the trustees, 1852. pp. xvi, 280, pll. 37. Joly, H., and Lavocat, A. fitude d'auatoraie philosophique sur la main et le pied do I'homme et sur Ies extrdmitds des uiammifferes, ramendes ail type pentadactyle. <[ Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, xxxv, 1852, pp. 388-392. Iiachmann, A. Die Pelztbiere. Ein Handbuch fiir Kiirschner u. Rauchwaarenbandler. Ent- balt. naturhistor. Schilderungen derjenigen Thiero von denen die Pelze im Raucbwa.aren- bandil vorkommen, mit Aiigabe dcr Eigenschaften der Letzern und deren Verwendung in der Kiirscbnerci. 8°. vi, 378 pp. Leipzig, Baumgiirtner, 1852. Mayer, C. Ueber den Ban des Organs der Stimme bei dem Menschen, den Siingetbieren und einigen grosseren Vogeln, uebst physiologischen Bemerkungen. <^ Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xxiii, pt. ii, 1852, pp. 059-706, pll. 28. Peters, W. Njiturwissenscbaftlicbe Reise uach Mossambiqne auf Befebl seiner Majestiit des Kiinigs Friedrich Wilhelm IV in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgefiihrt von Wilbelm C. H. Peters, Mitglied der kouigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Zoologio. — I. Siiugetbiere. Folio. xvi, 202 pp., 40 col. pll. Berlin, Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer, 1852. 1853. — Bro'wne, P. A. Tricbologia mannualium ; or, a treatise on the organization, properties and uses of hair .and wool; together with an essay upon the raising and breeding of sheep. "Dacit amor patriie." 4". viii, 7-179 pp., 1 1., with 10 pll. Published under the patronage of the Commonwealth of Penunvlvauia : Philadelphia, J. H. Jones, printer, 1853. [Title iluplicated ? date iu questiuu : see 1852, Browne, I*. A.J 972 MONOGEAPHS OF NORTH AMBEICAN RODENTIA. 1853. — Burnett, W. I. Researches upon tho origin, mode of development, and nature of the sper- niutic particles among tho four classes of vertebrated animals. <^Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. V, 1853, art. iii, pp. 29-4S, 1 pi. Dareste, C. Deuxifeme ni^moiro sur les circonvolutions du cerveau chez les mammiiferes. <[Coniptes Rendus, Paris, xxxvii, 1853, pp. 422-425; Ann. Sci. Nat. i (Zool.), 1854, pp. 73-103. Greene, F. V. Chemical investigation of remains of fossil mammalia. <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. vi, 1853, pp. 292-290. Girard, C. [Classification of mammals.] < Edinb. New Phil. Joiirn. Iv, 1853, pp. 1G7-184. Joly, N; and Lavocat, A. fitude d'anatomie philosophique sur la main et le pied de I'homme et sur le.s extrdmitiSs des maramifcres, ramenfies au type pentadactyle. Avec 2 planches. 8°. 52 pp. Toulouse, impr. de Chauvin, 1853. Joly, N., and Lavocat, A. l5tudes tendant &, rameuer an type pentadactyle les extr^mit^s des mammifftres fossiles. <^ Comptes Rendus, xxxvii, 1853, pp. 242-244. Meigs, C. On the corpus Uiteum. < Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. n. s. x, 1853, pp. 131-139. Os?en, R. Descriptive catalo;;ue of the osteological seiles contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2 vols. London, printed by Taylor & Francis, 1853. Vol. i. Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Marsupialia. xlv, pp. 1-350. Vol. ii. Mammalia Placeutalia. pp. 351-914. Saint-Martin, P. de. D(5couverte d'un ciuqui^me os de la chalne tympaniqne chez qael- qiies animaux. <; Soc. Philom. Extr. Procos Verb. 1853, pp. 86-38; Institut, xxi, no. 1020, 1853, p. 244. Schmarda, L. K. Die geographische Verbreitung der Thiero. 8°. Wien, 1853. 1853-57. — Pictet, F. J. Traitd de pal^ontologie on histoire naturclle des animaux fossiles consid(5r^8 dans leurs rapports zoologiques et gcSologiques. 26 6d., revue, corrig<5e, consid<5rablement augmenttSe, accompagmSe d'un atlas de 110 planches grand in-4''. b'^, 4 vols. ; 4°, atlas. Paris, cliLZ J.-B. I5ailli6ro, 1853-57. 1854.— Owen, R. Tho principal forms of the skeleton and the teeth. 8°. pp. xv, 329, figg. 76. Phila- tklphia, Blauchard & Lea, 1854. f From London edition, which i'orujcd part of the series entitled "Orrs Circle of the Sciences".! Peters, W., and Lichtenstein, H. Ueber neue merkwuidige Siiugethiere des Koniglichen Zoologischcn Museums: 1. Ueber die Gattung Centuiio, Gray, und eiue ueue Art derselben von Cuba (C. flavogularis). 2. Ueber Hyonyctei is, eine neue Gattung von Flederthieren ans Puerto Cabello (H. discifera). 3. Ueber Antilope leucotis, eine neue Art aus dem nordostli- chen Africa. < Abhaudl. K. Akiul. Wis. Berlin, 1654, pp. 81-90; Bericht, Berlin, 18.')4, pp. 334-337. Reissner, E. Beitriige zur Konntniss der Haare des Menschen und der Siiugethiere. Mit 2 lithogf. Taf. 8^. 75 pp. Breslau, Trewent u. Granies, 1854. 1854-55. — Garvaia, P. Histoire naturelle des mammiffsres avec I'indication de leurs moBurs, et de leurs rapports aveo les arts, le commerce et I'agriculture 8°. 2 vols. Ire partie. [Introduction, Primates, Chdiroptferes, lusectivores. Rongeurs.] .... Pai'.s, L. Curmer 1854. xxiv, 418 pp., 1 1., 18 col. pll., 14 uucol. pll. 2b parl^ie. [Carnivores, Proboscidiens, Jumentds, Bisnlques, fidentds, Marsupiaux, Mono- tremes, Phoquos, SiriSnides et C6tac6s. Paris, L. Curmer, .... 1855. 2 p. 1., 344 pp., 40 / col. pll., 29 uncol. pll. 1855. — Dareste, C. Troisiumo mdmoire sur les circonvolutions du cerveau chez les mammif^res. 5. Pucheraii, J. Noto siir I'fSquatour zoologiqiie. < Rov. et Mag. Zool. vii, 1855, pp. 304-308. Reichenbach, A. B. Praktis'cho Naturgeschichte des Meuschen und der Siiugethiere. Fiir Gebildi'ti) Mvv Stiiiulc. Mit in Stahl gestochenen uad uaturgetreu colorirten AbbildgQ. auf 91 Taf. None Ausg. (mit neuom Titel). 4°. 807 pp. Leipzig, Gebhardt & Reislaud, (1S45- 50) 1855. Waguer, J. A. Die Siiugethiere in AbbiUluugcn nacb der Natar, rait Beschreibuugen von . . . . I'orlgesctzt vou Dr. Johauu Andreas Wagner. . . . Supplcmentband. Fiinfte Abtheilung : i)ie Alien, Zahnliicker, Beutelthiero, Hausthiere, Insekteufresser nnd HandflUgler. 4°. xxvi, pp. 337-810, with pi!. 22-51. Luipzig, Verlag vou T. D. Weigel, 1855. [Complotiny a work begun in 1775. Seo that dite, ScHREiiER, J. C. D. v., and 1840, Wagneb, J. A.) 1855-56.— Heusel, R. Beilriige zur Kcnntniss fossiler SUngethiere, lusectenfresser uud Nagethiero der Diluvialt'uruiatiou. < Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell. vii, 1855, pp. 458-501; viii, 1856, pp. 2;i)-2UU,GG0-703. 1856. — Agassiz, L. [On the general characters of orders in the classification of the animal kingdom.] <^ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. iii, 185G, p. 34(i. Briihl, C. B. Osteologisches aus dom Pariser Pflanzengarten. Mit 11 Tafeln vom Verf. nach der Natur gezeichuet und auf Stein radirt. 4°. pp. xiv, 76, xliii. Wien, 185G. (Leipzig, Brockhaua iu Coram.) Burnett, 'W. I. On the blood-corpuscle-holding cells, and their relation to the spleen. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. vii, 1856, pp. 224-230. Burnett, W. I. On the formation and functions of the allantois. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. vii, 1856, pp. 200-203. Burnett, W. I. Ou the formation and mode of development of the renal organs in vertebrata. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. vii, 1856, pp. 184-199. Hannover, A. Ucber die EntwickeUing und den Baa dca Siiugethierzahns. Mit 8 Taf. < Xova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol. Nat. Cur. xsv, pt. ii, 1856, pp. 805-936, pU. xxii-sxix. Kneeland, S.,ji: Ou the sterility of many of the varieties of the domestic fowl and of hybrid races geuerally, <;Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ix, 1856, pp. 246-250. 1857. — Agassiz, L. [J. R.]. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America. First monograph. Vol. i. [Essay ou classification.] 187 pp. 1857. Fitzinger, L. J. Bilder-Atlas zur wisseuschaftlich-popnlUren Naturgeschichte der Siiugethiere in ihreu siiiimitlichen Hauptformen. Nebst einer Einlcitung iu di" Naturgeschichte Uberhaupt und TJnterricht der Bliuden. 1. Bd.; 1.-4. Heft. 4°. 45 chromo-Iithograph plates. Wien, 1857. Jager, G. Osteologische Bemerkungen. <^Acad. Ctes. Leop. Nova Acta, xxvi, 1857, pp. 87- 134. Joly, N., a/irf Lavocat, A. Nouvelle d2, pp. 24.5-^48, 2G()-?68. 1863.— Brehm, — . Illu.strirtes Thicrlcben. Hildburghauseii, 1863. Dana, J. D. On ceplializiition, and on megasthenes and microsthent'B, in classification. No. i. < Am. Join n. Sci. and Arts (2), xxxvi, 1863, art. i, pp. 1-10, art. xxix, pp. 321-354. (Appendix, --pp. 440-442.) [I'riif. Diiim's views of ceph.alization were first applied to the classification of the mammals in a foot-note of liis excellent " Manual of Geology", and in a special memoir on the classification of the mammals, printed BnbsequeDtly but published previously to the manual.) Dana, J. D. On tbo higher subdivisions in the classification of mammals. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 2d series, xxxv, art. x, Jan. 1863, pp. 65-71. Dana, J. D. On the par.allel relations of the classes of vertebrates and on the bearing of these relations on the question of the distinctive features of the reptilian birds. p. 74-75. 1865.— Cornelius C. Die Zug- und Wanderthiere. 8°. 341 pp. Berlin, ISCo. [The author treats iu systematic order of the animals, from the mammalia to the mollasca, of which periodical or isolated migralious are known.) Deiters, O. [ Uutersuchnngen Uber Gehirn und Kuekenmark des Menschen und dev SUugethiere.] With 6 pi. Braunschweig, 1865. Doebner, — . [Ou the changes of color in mammalia and birds.] <[ Zool. Gart. 1865, p. 3. Dumeril, A. Des animaux utiles 5. 1'homme, programme d'un cours de zootechnie on zoologie appliqude. p. 1-2G, pi. 1-5. Miklucho-Maclay, — . Beitrag zur vergleicbenden Anatomie des Gebirns. -(^ Jena. Zeitechr. iv, 18G8, pp. 053-569, witb woodcuts. Moseley, H. N., and Ray-Lankester, B. On tbe nomenclature of mammalian teeth, and on tbe dentition of tbe mole (Talpa euiopiea) and of tbe badger (Meles taxus). <^ Journ. Anat. and Pliys. iii, 1868, pp. 73-80. Parker, W. K. A monograph of the structure and development of the. shoulder-girdle and sternum in the vertebrata. 4^. 237 pp., with 30 pi. London, published by the Ray Society, 18G8. Sclater, P. Ij. On the breeding of mammals in the gardens of the Zoological Society of Lon- don during tbe past twenty years. <^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, pp. 623-626, with 1 pi and woodcuts. Smith, S. I. The geographical distribution of animals. <[ Am. Nat. ii, 1868, pp. 14-23, 124-131 Wagner, M. Die Darwiu'sche Theorie und das Sligrationsgesetz der Organismeu. b'^. 62 pp, Leipzig, 1868. WiniTvarter, A. v. Zur Anatomie des Ovarinms der Siiugethiere. n, J. &. A. Churchill, 1871. Mivart, St. G. On the vertebrate skeleton. < Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvii, 1871, pp. 3(59-392, pi. 53. Troschel, F. H. Ilandbuch der Zoologie. 7te Aufl. 8°. 788 pp. Berlin, 1871. ■Waterton, C. Essays on natural hittory. Edited, with a life of the author, by Norman Moore, B. X. 8°. vii, 631 pp., with engravings. London, 1871. ■Wilder, B. G. Intermembral homologies. ^. 5 p. 1., 72 pp., 1 1., 20 pU. London, Alexander Macmillan & Co., 1874; New York, Harper & Brothers, 1874. [With pLites of (7) tke female wiipiti aud pnnia ("Strategy tiCT-ii/s Strength ") ; (9) the j.igaarC' The Siesta"); (IS) the male wapiti and wolves ("A Eace for Life ") ; (15) bison and grizzly bear ("Eival Monarchs").) , Anon. Have animals souls? Am. Sports. Dec. 19, 1874. [From Atlantic Monthly.] Anon. Longevity of animals. <^ Am. Sports. Mar. 7, 1874. 1875. — Sclater, P. L. Ou several rare or little-known mammals now or lately living in the Society's. Collection. lH | of a corps of discovery, | under tbo coni- inaiid iif Cajit. Lewis and Capt. | Clarke of the army of tbe United States, | from | the mouth of tlie river Missouri tbrongb tbe | interior parts of North America | to tbe Pacific Ocean, | durinji the years 1804, 1805, & 180(i. | Containing | an authentic relation of the bios'; interesting transactions | during tbo expedition, — a description of tbe country, — | and an account of its inhabitants, soil, climate, curiosities | and vegetable and animal productions. | — | By Pat- rick Gass, I one of tbo persons employed on tbe expedition. | — | With geographical and ex- planatory notes I by the publi.sher. | — | [Copyright secured according to law.] | Pittsburgh, | printed by Zadok Cramer, | for David M'Keehan, publisher and | proprietor, .... 1807. | 1 vol. I'.i'^. i-viii, 9-2G2 pp. (No illustrations.) [There are several later editions. The book refers to various mammals passim. See Lewis and Clarke, 1814.] Heame, S. Journey to the northern ocean, by Samuel Heame, in the years 1769, 1770, 1771, and 177a. London, 1807. 1808. — Cuvier, G. Des os fossilcs trouvds dans I'Am^rique septentrionale. <[ Journ. de Pbys. Ixvii, 18US, pp. 331-333. 1811. — Rees, T. Travels on the Missouri and Arkansaw, by Lieutenant Pike, in 1805 and 1806. Edited by T. Rees, esq. London, 1811. 1814. — Brackenridge, H. M. Views of Louisiana. ... 8°. Pittsburg, 1814. Lewis, M., and Clarke, W. History | of | tbe expedition | under the command of | Cap- tains Lewis and Clark, | to | tbe sources of tbe Missouri, | tlience | .across the Rocky Mount- ains 1 and down tbe | river Columbia to the Pacific Ocean. | Performed during the years 1804-5-6. I By order of the | government of tbe United States. | Prepared for tbe press | by Paul Allen, esquire. | In two volumes. | Vol. I-[II]. | Philadelphia, | published by Bradford and luskeep ; and | Abm. H. Inskeep, Newyork. | .J. Maxwell, printer. | 1814. 2 vols. 8°. Vol.1, i-xxviii, 1-470 pp., maps. Vol.11, i-ix, I-5-.''.> pp., maps. (> Vol. II, Chap. VII, "A general description of tbe beasts, birds, and plants, &c. found by the party in this expedition ", pp. 148-201.) [This is the original ed. of the authentic narrative ; there are many others later, q. v. See especially Couee, Bull. U. S. Gcol. Surv. no. 6, 2d ser. 1876, pp. 417-444, for an account of these books, and of numerous spurious or collateral publications relating to the travels of these explorers. Ooutains passim, and particularly at the place above specially indicated, an account of npmerous mammals observed in the region traversed ; none under binomial names; some of the accounts are our arlgin.al notices of species. The mammalogical matter ia important, as the basis of various binominal species, especially of Ord and Rafiucaque.J Levris, M., and Clarke, W. Travels | to the | source of tbe Missouri River | and across the American continent | to tbe | Pacific Ocean. | Performed | by order of tbo government of the United States, | in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806. | — | By Captains Lewis and Clarke. | — | Published from tbo official report, | and | illustrated by a map of the route, | and other maps. I — I London : | printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Paternoster-Row, | — I 1814. One vol. 4". i-xxiv, 1-663 pp., 1 folding and ii full-page maps. (> Chap. XXIV, "A general description of the beasts, birds, and plants, &c., found by the party in this ex- pedition", pp. 450-489.) [Nearly identical, except in form, with the orig. ed. of same d,ate, q. v.] 1815. -Lewis, M., and Clarke, 'W. Travels | to the source of | the Missouri River | and across tbo I American continent | to I the Pacific Ocean. | Performed by order of | the government of tbe United States, | in tbe ye^rs 1804, 1805, and 1806. | — | By Captains Lewis and Clarke. | — I Published from tbo official report, | and illustrated by a map of tbe route, | and other maps. I — I A new edition, in three volumes. | Vol. I, [II, III]. 1 — 1 Loudon : | printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, | Paternoster- Row, | 1815. 3 vols. 8°. Vol. I, pp. i-xxvi, 1 1. not paged, 1-411, maps 3. Vol. II, pp. i-xii, 1-434, maps 3. Vol. Ill, pp. i-xii, 1-394. (> Vol. Ill, Chap. XXIV, " A general description of the beasts, birds, plants, &c., found by the party in this expedition", pp. 1-73.) [Except in fofm. and in some minor details of typography incident to resetting of the typo, this is identical with the 4° edition of 1814, q. v. It was reissued, 1817.] Lewis, M., and Clarke, 'W. "Tagebuch e. Entdeckungsreise durch Nord-Amerika in d. Jabreu 1804-6. Ans d. Engl. v. Weyland. Mit 1 Karte." ng the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the years 1833, 1834, and 1835; by Captain Back, R. N. ... 8°. [Other copies in 4°.] London, mdcccxxxvi. jjp. i-x, 1 1., 1-663. Map and plates. [Appendix contains zoological remarks by John Richardson.] 1837. — Bell, T. A history of British quadrupeds, including the cetacea. . . . Illustrated by nearly 200 woodcuts. 8°. xviii, 526 pp. London, John Van Voorst, . . . 1837. Gervais, P. Sur les animaux mammiferes des Antilles. <^ Soc. Philom. Extr. Procfes. Verb. 1837, pp. 107-108; lustitut, v, no. 218, 1837, pp. 253-254; Ann. Sci. Nat. 2e s^r. viii, 1837, pp. 60-62. Richardson, J. Report on North American zoology. <^ Sixth Ann. Rep. Brili. Assoc, for 1836, 1837, pp. 121-224. [An important commentary on, and digest of, the then state of onr knowledge on the subject. Some now species are described.) 1839. — Bachman, J. Description of several new species of American quadrupeds. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.a. viii, 1839, pp. 57-73. Bachman, J. List of quadrupeds procured by Mr. Townsond, and sent to the Academy of Natural Sciences. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1839, pp. 73-74. Bachman, J. Additional species to the list of Mr. Townsend's quadrupeds. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1839, pp. 101-105. Baer, K. E von. Ueber die Hiiuligkeit der Gewitter in den Polar-Regionen. <^ Poggend. Annal. xlviii, 1839, pp. 601-610. Darwin, C. Narrative of the surveying voyages of his majesty's ship.s Ilecla and Beagle. . . . In tbrcio vobimes. Vol. iii. S^. pp. xiv, 615, figg. London, 1839. [This volnme lias secondary title: "Vol. III.— Journal and reniarkn. 1832-1830. By Chai les Darwin. ... " Contains important notices of animals. There is an American edition, 2 vols. 16°. New York, H.irper & Brothers, MH. | BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— B. FAUNAL PUBLICATIONS. 987 1839 -Eydoux, P., and Gervais, P. Voyage autonr du iiionde snr la corvette de l'6tat La Favorite, ,,..,M\ant les amides 1830-3d, . . . Tome v. Zoologie par MM. Eydoux et Gervais. 6^. Pans, Dcrtraud, 1639. Gray, J. E. Descriptions of some mamm.alia discovered in Cuba by W. S. MacLo.iy. < Aun. Nat. Hist, iv, 183'.), pp. 1-7. Richardson, J. The zoology of Capt. Beechey's voyage. ... 4°. London, 1839. [Maminaliii by Dr. J. Richardson.] Townsend J. K. Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River, and a visit to tlio Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c., with a scientific appendix. By J. K. Town- send. 8C-. Philadelphia, 1839. y 1839-41 -Maximilian, -. Reise in das innere Nord-America, in den Jahron 1832 bis 1834, von Maxi- milian Prinz zu Wied. 2 vols. 40. Coblenz, J. Iloelscher, vol. i, 1839; vol.11, 1H41. [Num,.ruus important notice3 of North American mammals. The English translation, in 1 vol. 4". and the French, in 3 vols. 8°, abridge, or scarcely reproduce, this matter.) 1840 -De Kay J. E. Letter from J. E. De Kay, of the zoological department. May 7, 1839. < St.ate of New York, .... Communication from the governor, transmitting several reports relative to the geological survey of the State, 1840, pp. — . [A mere list of species, of no value.] , De Kay, J. E. Report of J. E. De Kay, of the zoological department. [On the fauna of New York. December 20, 1839.] < lb. I A 1 ist like the preceding.] Emmons, E. Report on the quadrupeds of Massachusetts. 8°. Cambridge, 1840. 1840-41— Low, D. Illustrations of the breeds of the domestic animals of Great Britain. 13 parts and supplementary par'.. With 56 coloured plates from drawings by W. Nicholson. 4°. London, Longman, Brown & Co., 1840-41. 1840-44.-Waterhou8e, G. R. The zoology of H. M. S. Beagle. 4°. London, 1840-44. [Mammalia hy G. E. Waterhoase.) 1841.-Audubon, J. J., and Bachman, J. Descriptions of new species of North American quadrupeds. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i, 1841, pp. 92-103. Audubon, J. J., and Bachman, J. Descriptions of new species of quadrupeds inhabiting North America. < Jouru. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1841, pp. 280-323. Eydoux P and Souleyet, — . Voyage autour du monde, ex^cut<5 pendant les ann^es 1836 et 1S37, siir la corvette La Bouite Paris, 1839-44. S'^. Zoologie, par Eydoux et Sou- leyet, 1841. Lund, P. V. BlikpaaBra-siliensDyreverden < Kongl. DanskeVidensk.Selsk. Naturv. och Math. Afhandl. viii, 1841. 1842.-De Kay. J. E. Zoology of New York, or the New York fauna. By Jdmes E. De Kay. Part i. Mammalia. 4°. Albany, 1842. [Many plates.] [Besides descriptions, biographical notices, and figures of the animals of the States, lists of citra.hmit.n,l species are given, including all those then known to inhabit North America. The work has not been recog. nized as of high authoiily, nor has it exercised much influence upon the progress of the science.) Eschricht, D. P. Jagttagelser paa Naebbehvalen eller Islaendernes Andarnefiii, Faeriiernes Diigling.' < Forhandl. Skand. Naturforsk. 3. Mote, 1842, pp. 651-658; Isis, 1845, pp. 437-440. Harlan, R. Notice of two new fossil mammals from Brunswick Canal, Georgia ; with observa- tions on some of the fossil quadrupeds of the United States. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, xliii, 1842, pp. 141-144. Hays, I. [Remarks on Prof. Owen's paper on Missouri fossils.] Vol. ii. Appendix, "Farther ennmeration and description of the qaadrapeds, birds, tishes, and plants noticed during the expedition", pp. 3.39-.378.) Memorand;i of ihe dates of the successive issues, raost of which consisted of ii50 copies : — September, 1842 ; January, 1843; May, 1843; January, 1844; July, 184.'i; April, 1847; May, 1850; August, 1851; June, 1855; April. 1858; November, 1860; rebru,ary, 1868; March, 1871 (vol. ii) ; April, 1873 (vol. ii ; February, 1874 (vol. ii) ; De- cember, 1875 (vol. i) ; in all fourteen issues of the whole work, under sixteen different dates. This is an editorial abridgment, or digest, of the original of 1814, q. v., faithfully and, on the whole, judi- ciously executed. The natural.history chapter, besides being relegated to an appendix, is transposed as to its botanical and zoological portions. It is furthermore abridged at the editor's discretion, the omissions being indicated by asterisks. A new feature is foot-note references to the pages of the body of the work on which the various species were before mentioned. This is a valuable set of cross-references, for the narrative ac- counts scattered through the work are often no less important than the formal notices themselves.J 1843. — Harlan, R. Ilemarks on Prof. Owen's letter. [About Harlan's notice of new fossil mammalia.] -3:i7, 3b9-373. 1846. — Carpenter, W. M. Remarks on some fossil bones recently brought to New Orleans from Tennessee and from Texas. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Alts (2), i, 1846, art. xii, pp. 244-2C0, with 4fi^g. Falconer, H., and Cautley, P. T. Fauna antiqua sivaleusis, being the fossil zoology of tho Sewalih Hills, in the north of India [Edited by Hugh Falconer.] Letterpress.— Part i. Proboscidea. 8°. 64 pp. London, Smith, Elder & Co., 65 Cornhill, 1846. Godman, J. D. Ameiican natural history To which is added his last work, The ram- bles of a naturalist, with a biographical sketch of the author. In 2 volumes. 3d ed. Phil.i- delphia, Uriah Hunt & Son, 184t). Vol. i, eiig. title, 345 pp. (xiii -|- 332), 27 pU. Vol. ii, eng. title. :!;!7 pp., 22 pll. HalloTveU, E. [Description of the locality whence a collection of fossil bones presented to the academy by Mr. Wm. PaucoJst had been obtained, and an enumeration of the same.] Appen- dix F. Zoology. Mammals. By Captain R. B. Marcy. 1855.— Baird, S. F. Characteristics of some new species of North American mammalia, collected chiefly in connection with the U. S. surveys of a railroad route to the Pacific. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, 1855, pp. 333-336. Baird, S. P. Characteristics of some new species of mammalia collected by the U.S. and Mexican boundary survey. Major W. H. Emory, U. S. A., commissioner. Appendix F. Zoology. Mammals. By S. F. Baird pp 153-171, pi. xi. [Includes a synonymatic list of mamni.ila found in Chili, pp. 163-171, and plate of Chlamyphorns trnncatos.] Brandt, J. F. Beitriige zur uiihern Keimtniss der Saugethiere Russland's. Von J. F. Brandt. eidy, J. Notices of extinct vertebrata, discovered by F. V. Hayden, during the expedition to the Sioux country, under the command of Lieut. G K. Warren. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1856, pp. 311,313. Leidy, J. Notices of remains of extinct mammalia, discovered by F. V. Hayden, in Nebraska Territory. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1856, pp. 88-90. liCidy, J. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrated animals, discovered by Prof. E. Emmons. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 18.56, pp. 255, 256. LOrvcterocetna comutideDS, n. sp., described p. 255.] Leidy, J. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrated animals of New Jersey, collected by Prof. Cook, of the State geological survey, under the direction of Dr. W. Kitchell. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Puila. viii, 1856, pp. 220,221. [Macrophoca atlantica, n. sp., described p. 220.] Iieidy, J. Notices of several genera of extinct mammalia, previously less perfectly character- ized. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1856, pp. 77, 91, 92. Iieidy, J. Notices of some remains of extinct mammalia, recently discovered by Dr. F. V. Hay- den in the Bad Lands of Nebraska. <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1856, p. 59. Pucheran, J. Essai de ddtermination du caractfere faunique de I'Europe et du nord de I'Asie. < Institut, xxiv, 1856, pp. 282,283. Sclater, P. Ii. List of mammals and birds collected by Mr. Bridges in the vicinity of the town of David in the province of Chiriqui in the state of Panama. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xxiv, 185(), pp. 138-143. 1857.— Baird, S. F. Catalogue of North American mammals, chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. 4°. 21 pp. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, July, 1857. Baird, S. F. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and econom- ical route for a railroad from the Mississippi Eiver to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the Secretary of War in 1853-56, according to acts of Congress of March 3, 1853, May 31, 1854, and August 5, 1854. Vol. viii. 4°. pp. i-xlvii, 1-757, pll. i-lx. Washington, Bev- erly Tucker, printer, 1857. (The coDtents of tbis volume (whicb is " Part i " of a " General report on the zoology of the several Pacific Kailroad routes") consist entirely of "Mammals, by Spencer F. Baird". It is a work otherwise known as " Mammals of North America ", the text having been reissued, in 1859, with the plates, and with the plates of the other volumes of P.icific Railroad reports, and others. It is a systematic account of the mammals (exclusive of Cetaeea, Chiroptera, Sirenia, and Pinnipedia) of North America, about 220 in number, and is by far the most important and most authoritative treatise which has ever appeared upon the subject.] [BHIings, E.] Gleanings in the natural history of the Hudson's Bay Territories, by the arctic voyagers, ianon.;^ < Can. Nat. and Geol. ii, 1857, art. xxi, pp. 170-185, 185, 186, 186-188, 172- 178. Blasius, J. H. Naturgeschichte der Siiugethiere Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Liinder von Mitteleuropa 8°. vi (including 2 titles), 549 pp., 290 figg. in text. Braun- schweig, Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohu, 1857. Also entitled: Fauna der Wirbelthiere Deiitschlands und der angrenzenden Liinder von Mitteleuropa Erster Band, Siiugethiere, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen im Texte. Kemp, A. F. Notes on the Bermudas and their natural history, with special reference to their marine alga). <[Can. Nat. and Geol. ii, 1657, art. xix. pp. 145-156. Eennicott, R. The quadrupeds of Illinois injurious and beneficial to the farmer. <[ Rep. of the Commissioner of Patents for the Year 18.56, Agriculture, 1857, pp. 52-110, pll. v-xiv. Le Conte, J. L. Descriptions of several new mammals from Western Africa. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. ix, 1857, pp. 10-11. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— B. FADNAL PUBLICATIONS. 993 1857.— Leidy, J. List of oxtiuct vertebrata, the remains of which have been discovered iu the region of the Missouri Eivor: with remarks ou their geological age. i River to the Pacific Ocean .... Vol. x. 4°. Washington, 1859. [Contaioa the following articles ou mammals: — Baird, S. F. Report of Liiut. E. G. Beckwith .... Zoological Report, No. 1. Report on mammals collected by the survey, pp. 5-9, with 3 pll. This article belongs to the report in vol. ii. Kbnnehly, C. B. R. Report .... by Lieut. A. W. Whipple. Part vi. Zoological Report. No. 2. Report on mammals collected on the survey, pp. 11-18, with G pll. Baird, S. F. Report .... by Lieut. R. S. Williamson. Part iv. Zoological Report. No. 3. Report on mammals of the route, pp. 81-82. These reports are rather of aperfunctory ch.iracter, as officialities of the pablication. chiefly valnablo for the plates. The make-up of this tenth volume of the Paeitic llailroad Reports is sifch that it might bo styled " The •Bibliographer's Despair"; it contains about 20 difl'erent title-pages, and a corresponding number of different paginations.) Holmes, F. S. D6bris d'animaux domestiques m61aug^s avec dcs fossiles post-pliocfenes dans la Caroline du Sud. (Transl.) < Bibl. Univ. Archives, v, 1859, pp. 37-44. Leidy, J. [On extinct vertebrates of Nebraska.] <[Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. vii, 1859, pp. lU, 11. Leidy, J. [Remarks on Dromatherium sylvestre and other fossils from Chatham County, N. C] -44tt.] Duj^s, — . [Listof mammalia observed in the republic of Mexico.] < La Naturaleza, Periodico Cientitico do la Sociedad Mexicana do Historia Natural, entrega vii, 1869, p. 137. [38 species.] Fatio, V. "Vertebrate fauna of Switzerland. Erster Band, Siiugethiere. Genfeve & Biile, 1869." Frantzius, A. von. Die Siiugethiere Costarica's, ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der geographischcn Verbriitmig der Siiugethiere America's. <[ Archiv fiir Naturg. 1869, pp. 247-325. Gilpin, J. B. On the mammalia of Nova Scotia. ... No. vi. [Castoridaj, Muridas.] Zoological Report. By George Bird Giinnell. Chapter i. Mammals, pp. 79-84. [Field-notes on 34 app.] BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— C. PUIMATES. 1001 1875.— Giiather, A. Instructions for making observations on, and collecting specimens of, the mam- malia [not including cetacea] of Greenland. < Instr. for Use of Sci. Exped. to Arct. Regions, IBTf), pp. 30-39. (8°. London.) Osburn, W. Mammals of the Kansas plains. < Observer of Nature (newspaper published at Lawrence, Kansas) of Mar. 24, 1H75. { Auuotatod list of 14 spp.l Reinhardt, J. Note on additional mammals of Greenland. ... < Man. Nat. Hist. ... of Greenland, . . . 1875, p. 34. 1876.— Allen, J. A. Description of some remains of an extinct species of wolf and an extinct species of deer from the lead region of the Upper Mississippi. < Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. xi, no. 61, Jan. 1876, pp. 47-51. (Caois misaiasippiensis, Cervua whitncyi, spp. nn., p. 49.1 Allen, J. A. Geographical variation among North American mammals, especially in respect to size. < Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. vol. ii, no. 4, pp. 309-344. (Pub. Aug. 4, 1876.) [An iraport.int contribution to tlio aubject.] Allen, J. A. Geographical variation among North American mammals, especially in respect to size. < Amer. Nat. x, 1876, pp. 625-027. I Abstract from Bull. U. S. Geol. burv. Tor. vol. ii, no. 4, pp. 309-344 1 Carpenter, W. L. Field notes on the natural history of the Big Horn Mountains [Montana]. <; Forest and Stream, Nov. 2, 1876, Coues, E. An account of the various publications relating to the travels of Lewis and Clarke, with a commentary on the zoological results of their expedition. < Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr. no. 6, 2d ser. pp. 417-444(8°, Washington, Government Printing Office, Feb- ruary 8, 1876). (TUe mammala and birds described by these authors arc diecusaed and identified as far .as practicable.) Gibson, "W. H. The complete American trapper, or tho tricks of trapping and trap-making. A trapper's repository, .... 1 vol. Sq. 16°. 1 p. 1., 1-6, i-xvi, 1-300 pp. Profusely illus- trated by the author, au artist by profession. New York, James Miller, publisher, 1874. [A. very attractive and useful treatise, of popular character,] Henshaw, H. W. Notes on the mamnuals taken and observed in California in 1875 by H. W. Henshaw. < Ann. Rep. of Chief of Engineers, U. S. Army, for 1876, Appendix JJ (pp. 30.5-312 of separate is sue). (Washington, Government Printing Office, " 1876" ; probably not published till 1877.) (An annotated list of 30 spp., containing m.any interesting observations on the habits of the mammala of Southern California and adjacent islands.] Jordan, D. S. Manual of the vertebr.ates of tho northern United States, including the district east of the Mississippi River and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, exclusive of marine species. 12°. 342 pp. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1876. [Mammals, pp. 5-35.] Aiioii. Pending extermination of large game in America. < Rod and Gun, Dec. 30, 1876. [From Tho London Field.] 1877.- Couper, W. Notes on mammals of Canada. < Forest and Stream, June 14, 1877. Murphy, J. M. Tho bunting fields of Wyoming. < Rod and Gun, Dec. 30, 1877. fStockwell, G. A.] The fauna of Michigan, [jpsefi^on. "Archer ".] < Fore8t«,nd Stream of May 3 and earlier, 1877. (Annotated list of mammals.] C— PRIMATES. 1817.— Meckel, J. P. Beitrag zur Entwickelung.sgeschichte der menscblichen Ziihne. < Deutsches Arehiv liir Phys. iii, 1817, pp. 556-574. 1818.— Mitchill, S. L. The original inhabitants of America shown to be of the same family and line- age with those of Asia. < Phil. Mag. (Tilloch's), xlviii, 1816, pp. 4-8; Isis von Oken, 1818, col. 315-319. 1821.— Griffith, E. General and particular descriptions of the vertebrat«d animals, arr.anged conform- ably lo the modern discoveries and improvements in zoology Order Quadrumana [and] order Quiidrumombria.— London: printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy and Rodwell and Martin, .... mdcccxsi. [8°. Quadrumana, (eug. title) vii, 143 pp., 34 pU. ; Quadrumembria, (eng. title) v, 295 pp. 64 pU.] 1002 mojStogeaphs of north amebic an eodentia. 1826 — Harlan, R. Description of an hermapbrodite orang ontang [Hylobates concolor, n. sp.], lately living in Philadelphia. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v, 1«26, pp. 229-236, pll. 9-10. 1329.— Baer, K. E. von. Lettre sur la formation de I'ceuf dans I'espfece humaine et dans les mamnii- fferes. < Repert. Anat. Pb.ysiol. vii, 1829, pp. 155-218. 1834. — Harlan, R. Description of a species of orang [Simla (Hylobates) hoolock], from the North- Eastern Province of British East India, lately the Kingdom of Assam. <^ Trans. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Pbila. iv, no. iii, 1834, pp. 52-59, pi. 2. LeTwis, W., jr. Description of a gibbon [Hylobates fuscns, n. sp.]. <[ Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. i, pt. ii, 1834, art. iii,pp. 32-40. 1836. — Ovyen, R. [On the morbid appearance observed in the dissection of the chimpanzee (Simia troglodytes, Linn.).] < Proc. Zoul. Soc. London, 1836, pp. 41-43. 1843. — Savage, T. S. Observations on the external characters and habits of the Troglodytes niger, Geotf. By Thomas S. Savage, M. D And on its organization, by Jeflries Wyman, M. D. <[ Boston Journ. Nat. Hist, iv, no. iii, April, 1843, art. sxx, pp. 362-386. 1845. — Lund, P. AV. Sur l'antiquit6 de la race am^ricaine et sur les rapports qu'on pent lui snpposer avec les races de I'ancien monde. <] Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, xx, 1845, pp. 1368-1370; Froriep, Notizen, xxxv, 1845, col. 161-163. 1847. — Savage, T. S. [On the external characters and habits of Troglodytes gorilla.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, pp. 245,246. Savage, T. S., and Wyman, J. Notice of the external characters and habits of Troglodytes gorilla, a new species of orang from the Gaboon River, by Thomas C. Savage, M. D Osteology of the same, by Jeffries Wyman, M. D <^ Boston Journ. Nat. Hist, v, no. iv, Dec. 1847, art. xxxiv, pp. 417-441, pll. 40-43. Wyman, J. [On the osteological characters of Troglodytes gorilla ] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, pp. 246,247. Wyman, J. [On Prof. Owen's opinion respecting the identity of the gorilla with an adult chimpanzee.] <^Proe. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, p. 249. 1848. — Cassin, J. [Remarks on the management of monkeys in captivity.] <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv, 1848, pp. 3-4. Hallowell, E. Notes of the post mortem appearances observed in a Cynocephalus porcarins, which died in the menagerie at Philadelphia. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv, 1848, pp. 86, 87. Hallovre'l, E. Post mortem appearances observed in a Cynocephalus papio, which died at • the menagerie in Philadelphia. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv, 1848, pp. 62, 63. Lesson, R.-P. Etudes sur les mammifferes primates. <[ Revue Zool. xi, 1848, pp. 1.59-170, 191- 210, 223-235,255-260. Wyman, J. A new species of Troglodytes. <^ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), v, 1848, pp. 106, 107. 1849.— HalloTweU, E. Notes of the post mortem appearances of a Cynocephalus which died in the menagerie at Philadelphia. <[Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv, 1849, pp. 151-152. Leidy, J. [On the existence of the intermaxillary bone in the embryo of the human subject.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. iv, 1849, pp. 145-147, with 2 figg. Morton, S. G. Observations on the size of the brain in various races and families of man. \>. ir>-21. 1855.— Keep, N. C. [On siiperuuuieraiy teetb in man.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, p. 159. Warren, J. C. [Ou superuumerary teeth in man.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, pp. i:,A, i,'-)9. Wyman, J. [Account of the dissection of a black chimpanzee (Troglodytes nigor).] < Proo. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, v, 1855, pp. 274,275. Wyman, J. [Ou a " spongy disease of the bouesof the head" in ayoung Cynocephalus.] 4, pp. b0-ti2. Trail], T. S. Remark» ou some of tbe Americuu animals of the genus Felis, particularly ou the jaguar, Felis on^a L. (and Felis puma). >^ Mdm. Werner. Nat. Hist. Soc. iv, pt. ii, 1823, pp. 468-474 ; Philos. Mag. Ixii, 1823, pp. 37i-3:6; Fror. Not. v, 1823, no. 102, pp. 213-21.5 ; F^ruas. Bull. Sci. Nat. i, 1824, pp. 174. 175. [See alao op. cit. iii. p. 107, F. unicnlor, F. pnma.] 1825.— Fisher, H. L. Uolier den Wolf [Cauis lupus]. < Fror. Not. ix, 1825, uo. 194, pp. 278-280. Gray, J. E. Ou the genus Ursus, Cuvier, with its divisions into subgeuera. <[ Thomson's Ann. I'hilo.s. X, 182.5, pp. 59-02. Horsfield, T. Description of the Helarctos euryspilus; exhibiting in the bear from the isl.ind of Borneo the type of a subgenus of Ursus. < Zool. Journ. ii, 1825, pp. 221-234, 1 pi.; F^russ. Bull. Sci. Nat. vi, 1825, pp. 3'J9,400; Isis, ja30, pp. 1023-1027. 1827.— Children, J. G. On the Esquimaux dog. < Zool. Journ. iii, 1827, pp. 54-56, 1 pi. ; F^russ. Bull. Sci. Nat. xiii, 1828, p. 351. 1828. — Wiegmann, A. P. A. Ueber merkwiirdige Bastarde von Wolf und Hund. t^Isis von Oken, xxi, 1828, col. 924,925. 1829.- Brehm, L. Wo stammt die Hauskatze her t < Isis, 1829, pp. 639, 640. Dureau de.la Malle, — . Bestimmung der Thierarten, welche den Griechen under dem gencri- schrn Nameu ya'/f/, den Romern unter dem Nameu JIustela bekannt waren. <^Fror. Not. Bd. 25, no. 544, 1829, pp. 241-250. Dureau de la Malle, — . Ueber die urspriingliche Heimath nnd die erste Domesticitiit der Katze. < Fror. Not. xxv, no. 542, 1829, pp. 209-216. 1830.— JnoB. Anecdote of a fox. < Donghty's Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, p. 228. Anon. Anecdote of a grey fox. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, p. 47. Anon. Anecdote of young fox cubs. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, p. 192. Anon. Anecdotes of the shepherd's dog. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 266-268. Anon. A bear hunt. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 91-94. Anon. Count de Lannay's description of a fox hunt. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 164, 165. Anon. The cougar. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 243-24.5. [From Aadubun'a Aniericin Ornithological Biography. ] Anon. Encounter with a panther. <[ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 137-140. Anon. An encounter with wolves. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 190, 191. Anon. An extraordinary wolf bunt. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 66-71. Anon. Grisly be.ir, Ursus horribilis. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 121-125, pi. xi. Anon. Newfoundland dog, Canis familiaris var. sensilis. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 49-!>5. Anon. Prairie wolf, Canis latrans. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 73-75, pi. 7. Anon. Red fox, Canis (Vnlpes) fulvus. < Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 25-30, pi. 3. Anon. Winter wolf skalls, or the manner of destroying wolves in Sweden, with anecdotes of these ferocious animals. <^ Cab. Nat. Hist, i, 1830, pp. 31-36. 1831. — 'WiegmanD, A. F. A. Ueber die gropsen gefleckten Katzenarten. < Isis von Oken, xxiv, 1831, col. 282-299. 1832.— Bennett, E. T. [Lutra chilensis, n. sp.] < Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lond. ii, 1832, pp. 1, 2; Isis, 1835, p. 3G5. Puller, D. [Report on certain experiments on the feeding of carnivorous mammalia.] <[ Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1832, pp. 49, 50. Puller, D. rKeport on the period of gestation of the puma (Felis concolor).] <[ Proc. Coram. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1832, p. 62. Gray, J. E. [Ou the family of Viverridse and its generic subdivisions; with an enumer.itiun of the species of Paradoxuras and characters of several new ones.] <[Pioc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Loud, ii, lf'32, pp. 62-68. Martin, 'W. C. L. [On the anatomy of the jaguar (Felis onf a, L.).] < Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1832, pp. 7-9. 1008 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1832.— Smith, W. [Notice of the capture of an arctic fox (Canis lagopus, L.) on an iceberg.] < Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1832, pp. 189-192. 1833. — Martiu, W. C. L. [Notes of the dissection of a pekan, or fisher-marten (Mustela canadensis, Schreb.).] < Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. London, i, 18'W, pp. 97, 98. Martin, W. C. L. [Notes on the dissection of the puma (Felis concolor, Liun.).] <:^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i, 1833, pp. 120, 121. Sykes, W. H. [On the fcetus of a panther, exhibiting all the markings of the adult animal.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, i, 1833, pp. 49, 50. 1834. — Jardine, .!., 17-276 pp., portrait of Cuvier, 34 col. pll. Edinburgh, W. H. Lizars, 1834. Martin, 'W. C. L. [On the occurrence of aneurism of the aorta in the brown coati (Nasua fusca, F. Cuv.).] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1834, p. 9. O^wen, R. [On the distinguishing peculiarities of the crania of the lion and tiger.] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, ii, 1834, pp. 1,2. 1835. — O'wen, R. [Notes on the anatomy of the kinkajou (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus).] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, iii, 1835, pp. 119-124. 1836.— Bazin, A. Note sur la structure des poomons des animaux carnassiers. < Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, ii, 1836, p. 570; Institut, Iv, no. 102, 1836, p. 189. Gray, J. Ii. Characters of some new species of mammalia in the society's collection, with remarks upon the dentition of the carnivora, and upon the value of the characters used by Cuvier to separate the plantigrade from the digitigrade carnivora. <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, iv, 1836, pp. 87, 88. Martin, W. C. L. [Description of two species of the genus Cercoleptes.] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, iv, 1836, pp. 81-83. Martin, 'W. C. L. [On the osteology of Enhydra lutris.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. iv, 1836, pp. 59-62 ; Institut, v, 1837, no. 192, pp. 15, 16. 1837. — Weissenborn, W. Remarks on the habits and economy of the common fox. -^ Charlesworth's Mag. Nat. Hist, i, 1837, pp. 507-516. ■Wiegmann, A. P. A. Ueber die Gattung Procyon. <[ Archiv fUr Naturg. iii, 1837, pp. 353-378 (or 356-371) ; Ann. Nat. Hist, i, 1838, pp. 132-135. 1838. — Bonaparte, C. L. Remarks on the species of the genus Mustela. < Charlesworth's Mag. N. H. u. s. ii, 1838, pp. 37,38. Iiichtenstein, K. M. H. Das Gebiss der litis iihnlichen Raubthiere, vorziiglich in Beziehung auf das Africanische Stinktbier. < Bericht Verb. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, pp. 87-91 ; Institut, vi, 1838, no. 257, pp. 381, 382. Iiichtenstein, K. M. H. Ueber die Gattung Mephitis. < Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin (1836), 1838, pp. 249-314. Waterhouse, G. R. [On the skull and dentition of tfie American badger (Taxidea (g. n.) kvbradoria).] <[ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vi, 1838, pp. 153, 154. ■Wiegmann, A. F. A. Betraohtungen iiber das Gebiss der Raubthiere. <^ Archiv fUr Naturg. iv, 1838, pp. 257-296. 1839.— Bonaparte, C. L. [Article on North American Mustelidse.] < Liun. Trans. 1839. [?] Smith, C. H. Colonial edition. | The natural history | of | dogs. | Canidaa or genus Canis of authors. | Including also | the genera Hyiena and Proteles. | By | Lieut.-Col. Charles Hamil- ton Smith I . . . . Vol. i. | Illustrated by thirty-three coloured plates, with | portrait and memoir of Pallas. | W. H. Lizars, Edinburgh [etc.] | Hamilton. 16". 1839. 267 pp., 32 pll., and title-page. [For vol. ii see title at top of next page.] ■Waterhouse, G. R. [On the skulls and dentilion of the carnivora.] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, vii, 1839, pp. 135-137. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— D. FER^ (FISSIPEDIA). 1009 1840.— Smith, C. H. Colonial edition. | — | The | natural history | of | ilogs | Canidas or genns Canis of authors | Including also | the genera Hyoena and Protelea | by | Lieut.Col. Charles Hamil- ton Suiitli I . I . . Vol. ii. I Illustrated by tliirty-eight coloured plates, with | portrait and me- moir of Dou Felix D'Azara | W. H. Lizars, Ediuburgh; | Armour and Ramsey, Montreal; | Ram- sey, Armour and Co., Kingston ; and Ramsey and M. Kendrick, Hamilton. 1G°. 1840. 299 pp., 41 pll. Gen. title and spec, title, 11-299 pp., 2 11. Smith, C. H. The naturalist's library. Edited by Sir William Jardine, Bart. Vols, xxv, xxviii. Mammalia, Dogs. Vol. i [vol. ii]. Eug. title, 4 p. 1., 17-267 pp., with portrait of Pallas, 31 col. pll. Edinburgh, W. II. Lizars, 18:!9 and 1840. 2 vols. 18°. Waterhouse, G. R. Ou certain characters in the crania and dentition of carnivora which may serve to distinguish the subdivisions of that order. < Anu. Nat. Hist, v, 1840, pp. 25-27. 1841.— Charlesworth, E. [Ou the habits of Bassaris astuta, Licht., and of Aacomys mexicauus, Licht.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1841, p. 60. Morton, S. G. [On an albino raccoon.] t. Ueud. Acad. Sci. Paris, xliv, 1857, pp. 707-713; Kevue et Mag. Zool. 2e s6r. ix, 1857, pp. 387-391, 433-439; x, ia58, pp. 3-8, 145-150, 193-196, 241-246, 385-393. ■ 1858. — Kneelaud, S.,j>. [On the North American species of Mustela.] <^ Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. iv, 18.58, p. 4H. 1012 MONOGRAPHS OF NOETH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1858. — Leidy, J. [Remarks on the stomach of a mink (Mustela vison) containing a laigo nnmber of worms.] <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. x, 1858, p. 25. 1859. — Coinde, J. P. De la subdivision des mammifferes carnassiers digitigrades. ■< Congrfes Scien- tifiqiie, France, xsiv, 1859, pp. 46"2, 4(33. Leidy, J. [Ou skull of Ursus americanus from the drift, Claiborne, Miss.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1859, p. 111. I860.— Bartlett, A. D. Note on some hybrid bears bred in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. < Proc. Zool. See. London, xxviii, 1860, pp. 130, 131. [Observations on young hybrid between U. americanus (cf ) and U. arctos ( 9 )■] Bennett, G. Notes on the habits of the brown coati (Nasua fusca, Desm.). < Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, xxviii, 1800, pp. 3-23, 324. « Bischolf, T. L. W., and Volt, C. Die Gesetze der Ernahrung des Fleischfressers durch neue Uutersuchuujjen festgestellt. 8^. iii, 305 pp., 2 pU. Leipzig, C. F. Winter, 1860. Kueeland, S., Jr. [Ou the barkiug of dogs in its bearings on Darwinism.] <^ Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. iv, 1860, pp. 426-128, 431,432. Thoreau, H. D. [On a Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) killed in Carlisle, Mass. ] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. N.at. Hist, vii, 1860, pp. 355, 356. Wilson, J. [Remarks on a tiger cat (Felis pardalis minimus).] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1860, pp. 82-84. 1861. — Bartlett, A. D. [Exhibition of specimen of young polar bear born in the menagerie.] <^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, p. 391. Bartlett, A. D. Remarks on the breeding of the larger Felid* in captivity. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1861, pp. 140-141, pi. xxii. [The plate represents the young of F. concolor.J Nordmann, A. von. Ueber das Vorkommen des Polarfuchses (Canis lagopus) am Amur. < Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxiv (pte. 2), 1861, pp. 321-324. 1862. — Saussure, H. de. Ueber die Nasenbiiren von Mexico. p. 330-3;!2. Wilder, B. G. Variation iu the pectoral muscles of domestic dogs. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. xxii, 1873, p. 308. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— D. FER^ (FISSIPEDIA). 1015 -Adams, A. L. Ou tbo natural history aixl gi'.ojjrapliical distributiou of living and exiiuct bcais. , pp. 104, 105. (Orig pub. Greifsw. Acad. Zeitschr. i, 1822, p. 139 seq.) King, P. G., and Ludlovrary. Edited by Sir William Jardiue, Bart Vol. xxv, Mammalia. Amphibious Carnivora 18°. Eng. title, 4 p. 1., 17-336 pp., with 30 col. -|- 7" pll., and portrait of Peron. Edinburgh, W. H. Lizars 1839. 1841.— Gray, J. E. On the variation in the teeth of the crested seal, Cystophora cristata, and on a new species of the genus from the West Indies. < Proc Zool. Soc. London, 1841, pp. 91-93. Selby, P. J. Observations on the great seal of the Faru Islands, showing it to be the Halichco- rus griseus Nilss., and not the Phoca barbata. < Ann. Nat. Hist, vi, 1841, pp. 46'i-4t)6; Fror. N.Not. xviii, no. 390, 1841, pp. 244-246. Wyman, J. [Ou the Stenorhynchus leptonyx.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, i, 1841, pp. 2, 3. 1842.— Stannius, H. Ueber Gebiss und Schiidel des Walrosaes, unter Berucksichtigung der Frage, ob die Verscbiedenheiien im Baue des Schiidels zur Unterschtiduug raehrerer Arteo der Gattung Tricliecus berecbtigen. < Miiller's Archiv, 1842, pp. 390-413. 1843.-Reinhardt, J. T. Bemaerkuing om T.andforholdet hos Halichoerus gryphus. < Kroyer's Naturhist. Tidsskr. iv, 1843, pp. 313,314 ; Isis, 1845, p. 702. 1844.— Jager, G. vou. Ueber die Stelluug und Deutung der Ziihne des Wallrosses. < Miiller's Ar- chiv Auat. 1844, pp. 70-75. 1845.— Sundevall, C. J. Om en Phoca fran Ladoga (Ph. annulata). < Ofversigt K. Vet. Akad. Forli. (Stockholm), ii, 1845, pp. 187, 188. 1846.-Hill, R. [Description of a seal found on a shoal south of Jamaica.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, xiv, 1846, pp. 80-81. 1847.-Bon8dore, E. J. Auatomiska beskrifning ofver de sex fureta cerebral-nervparen hos gria hafs- bkiilan ( HalicboTus gryphus), resp. Joh. Just. Staudinger. 4°. 46 pp., 2 pll. Helsingfors, 1847. 1848— Lesson, R.-P. Sur uu phoque de I'Am^rique du uord. < Eevue Zool. xi, 1848, pp. 1,2. 1849.— Wagner, J. A. Bemerkungen uber die Bescbaflenheit des Knocbcngerustes des Seebaren und des Seeotters. . < Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. Ann. 6. 1687 (1688), pp. 4.7.1-465, 5 pll. Wepfer, J.J. Genitalia cervi. < Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur. Dec. 2. Ann. 6. 1687 (1688), pp. 241, 242. 1695 96 — Nebel, D. De glaudula lachrymali Harderiana non tantum in ccrvis, sed etiam aliis diversi generis aniuKilibus reperta. <[ Ephem. Acad. Nat. Cur. Dec. 3. Ann. 3. et 4. lG9.')-96, pp. 291 293 (with illustratious). BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— F. ARTIODACTYLA. 1021 1696. — Hulden, P. ab. Rangifcr tani in gcnere quam iu specie secnndnni partes ipsius considcratus. t'ui access. Ulilar. Heinsii de alco. 4°. :!4 pp. Jtiiop, Joa. Bielx, 1G'J6. 1697. — Helnsius (U.) pra3S., resp. Pautal. Lcutner, Diss, de Alee. 4°. 8 sheets. Jena^, 1G81. [Also with IIui.DEN, P. Ab, Di> rangifuro.] 1717. — Riedliu, V. De coruuum cervinorum ramis. < Epbcic. Acad. Nat. Cnr. Cent. 5. et G. 1717, pp. u-:, i-^:!. 1718. — Valleiius (J.) pra;'8., resp. Henr. Job. Carlborg, Diss, de cervis. 8°. 12 pp. Upsalis, 1718. 1721. — Dudley, P. A desciiptiou of the moose-deer in America. ni<5caiiisiuo tin In ruminatiou. <^ Auu. Sci. Nat. t. 27, 18:W, i>t>. :!4-:i7, t!91-:!09; McSiu. Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 1'2, 18X1, pp. 48:t-r;06, Sni-.^O. 1832-37.— Flourens, M. J. P. Experienced touchaut J'aotion de riSm<5ti(iiu) sur les auimaux rmiiiiiaiis. p. 291-297, with illustrations. [Kirtiand, J. P.] Misee.laueons observations of a uaturalist made duriug a tour in May, 1835, to the Falls of Cuyahoga, near Lake Erie. 1011011.2 < Amer. Journ. Sci. xxxi, 1837, pp. 29-33. [Ovis maiumilaria .aud Castoroides ohioeusis.] 1839.— Ogilby, W. [Exhibition of the skull of an elk from Nova Swtia.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, vii, 1839, pp. 93,94. Rapp, 'W. von. Ueber ein eigenthUmliches driiseniihuliches Organ des Hirsches. < MUUer's Aieb. f Auat. 1839, pp. 362-365. 1840.— Goodsir, J. Ou the follicular stage of dentition in the ruminants, with some remarks ou that process in the other orders of mammalia. < InstituI, vii, no. 313, 1839(?), pp. 461, 462 ; Kep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 9th meeting, 1839 (1840), Trans. Sect. pp. 82, 83. 1024 MONOGEAPHS OF NORTH AMEEICAN EODENTIA. 1840. — Lichtenstein, K. M. H. Mittlieilung iiber mehrere im noidlicbeu America gefundcne Pachy- dfiiueu [UngHlata]. < Isis von Oken, 1840, col. 903-906. Ogilby, W. [Monograph of the hollow-borned niniiuaots : abstract.] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. Loixlon, viii, 1840, pp. 4-10. 1840-43. — Gulliver, G. Observatious on the blood corpuscles of certain species of the genus Cervus. pe der hirschartigen Thiere. < Sitznngsber. Isis, Dresden, 1861, pp. 82-86. Slack, J. H. [Remarks on some specimens of mammalia.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, p. 24. [Specifies Caprovia c.anailensia = Ovis raontana.] Wyman, J. [On a partially double pig.] , p. 618 (4 lines). [Alludes to several varieties, two by oame, viz: C. c. verns and C. c. occidentalis.) 1866.— Barkow, — . [Arteries of Dicotyles and Sus.] < Zool. Gart. vii, 1866, Bd. 4, pll. It), 24. Brandt, P. von. Ueber den vermeiutlichen Unterschied des Caucasischeu Bison, Zubr oder sogenannten Auerochseu, vom Litbauischen (Bos Bison s. bonasus). <^ Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, xxxix, 1866, pp. 252-259. Canfield, C. A. On the habits of the prongbuck (Antilocapra americana), and the periodical sheddiug of its horns. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, pp. 105-110. Canfield, C. A. Notes ou Autilocapra americana, Ord. <^ Proc. Cal. Acad. Nat. Sci. iii, 1866, p. 238. Gray, J. E. Ou the long-eared or mule deer of North America (Eucervus). <^ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii, pp. 338,339. Sanson, A. Sur la pr^tendue transformation du tanglier en cochon domestique. < Comptes Rendus, Ixiii, 1866, pp. 843-845. Scbiel, — . [Ou Antilope furcifer, j. e. Antilocapra americana.] < Zool. Gart. vii, 1866, p. 239. Schmidt, M. [On various Cervidai.] <] Zool. Gart. vii, 1866, pp. 47-61. Sclater, P. L. On the systematic position of the proughorn (Autilocapra americana). Ab- stract of a paper read before the British Association, Sectiou D, Aug. 23, 1866. <^ Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii, pp. 401-404. Soemmering, W. [Ou the developmetit and growth of the horns in Cervus elaphus.] <_ Zool. Gart. vii, 1806, pp. 41-47, pll. i-vi. Anon. [On Cervus virgiuianus.] <[ Proc. Chicago Acad, i, 1866, p. xxviii. 1867. — Agassiz, L. [Comparison of the bison and aurochs.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, xi, 1867, pp. 316-:U8. Dawkins, W. B. Ovibos-mosebatus (Blainvillc). < Proc. Roy. Soc. 1867, pp. 516, 517 (abstract). Gray, J. E. Notes on theproughorn buck (Antilocapra) and its position in the system. <^Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii, 1867, pp. 323-326. Iieidy, J. [On the abseuen of bippopotanius in America.] < Proc. Acud. Nat. Sci.Phila. 1867, p. 32. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— F. ARTIODACTYLA. 1029 1867.— Leidy, J. [Kemarks on skull of Bison latifrons.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 18C7, p. 85. Rutimeyer, L. Versuch einer Naturgescbicbto des Uindes [Bos] unter dem Gesichtspunkte seiner Bczicbnugeu zu den Wicderkiinern [Pecora] iiberbaupt betracbtet. , pp. 288,289, with tig. 1847. — Clarendon,!. The foot of the horse, its structure and functions. With the means of preserv- ing its healthy action and remedying its disease, by a new method of shoeing. 12°. 106 pp. Dublin, 1847. London, Longmans. Leidy, J. On the fossil horse of America. < Proc. Acad, Nat. Sci. Fhila. iii, 1847, pp. 262-266, pi. 2. Leidy, J. [Additional observations on the fossil horse of America.] <[ Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila. iii, 1847, p, 328. Prout, H. A. Descrii)tion of a fossil maxillary bono of a palaeotherium, from near White River. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), iii, 1847, art. xxvii, pp. 248-250, with 2 figg. 1849, — Brandt, J. P. De rhinoccrotis antiqnitatis, sen tichorhini, sen pallasii, structura externa et ostcologica ob.servati<)nes, e reliquiis quaj in Musei.s Petropolitanis servantur erntaj, <^ M4m. Acad. Sci. St. P<5te,rsb. vii, pt. ii, 1849, pp. 161-416. Leidy, J. [Tapirus americanus fossilis.] <. Proc, Acad, Nat.-Sci. Phila, iv, 1849, pp. 180-182. Pomel, A. Description d'un os maxillaire fossile de palasotherium, par Hiram Prout, < Archives Sci. Phys. et Nat. x, 1849, pp. 73-75. [Menodus proposed as ii new gunua fur tho species.! BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— G. PERISSODACTYLA. 1035 1850.— Gibbes, R. W. Roinarka oii tho fossil Equus. 0, p. 119. 1851.— Bouley, H. Traite de I'orgauisation du jiied de cbeval, compreuaut i'6tudo de la structure, des I'oiictious et des maladies de cct organe. Avec un atlas de 24 planchcslilbograpbi6es, dessimSes d'aprfes nature par Edm. Pocbet. le partie. Anatomio et jibysiolog e. 8^. Paris, Baillifcre et tils, 1851. Iieidy, J. [On some fossils — j. o., Equus amerieanus — from Bigbone Lick, Kentucky.] <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. v, 1851, p. 140. Leidy, J. [On some fragments of Pala!otberium proutii.] <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. v, 1851, p. 170. Leidy, J. [On two species of fossil rbincccros from Nebraska.] <[Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. V, 1851, p. 331. [Fiefers K. uebrascensis and K. occident.ilis to Acerotherium.] 1852. — Hays, I. [Eemarks on a tooth of a fossil tapir from North Carolina.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. vi, 1852, p. 53. Kneeland, S., jr. [On the rhinoceros' horn.] <^Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iv, 1852, p. 175. Leidy, J. [Reference to a fossil tooth of a tapir — T. haysii, n. sp.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. vi, 1852, p. 106. Leidy, J. [Remarks on some fossil teeth of rhinoceros — E. amerieanus — from Nebraska.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. vi, 1852, p. 29. Leidy, J. [Remarks on Tapirns haysii.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. vi, 1852, p. 148. 1853.— Joly, N., and Lavocat, A. Etudes anatomiques sur uue mule iissipfede aux pieds ant^rieurs. <; Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, sxxvii, 1853, pp. 337-341. 1855.— Joly, N., and Lavocat, A. Note sur le systfeme digital des ^quidds, improprement appelfis mono- dactyles. <^Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci. Paris, xli, 1855, pp. 262,263; lustitut, xxiii, no. 1129, 18."5,p.286. 1857.— Skillmau, Dr. [Ou Equus major.] < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, vi, 1 857, pp. 303, 304. 1858.— Gratiolet, P. Fetus confu par une mule. <^Verb. Proc. Soc. Pbilom. Paris, 1858, pp. 41, 42. Leidy, J. [Remarks on fossil remains— Procamelus — from Nebraska.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1858, pp. 89, 90. 1859. — Gratiolet, P. Sur l'enc(Spbale de I'Oreodon gracilis. ^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 18G8, p. 195. 1869. — Ovwen, R. New species of fossil horse iu Mexico. <^ (Abst.) Am. Nat. iii, 186!), p. 392. 1870. — Blake, W. P. On a fossil [equine] tooth from Table Mountain. <^Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (•i), 1, 1870, pp. 262,263. Gill, T. [Elasmognathus dowii, n. s., Guatemala.] < Am. Journ. Sci. 1, pp. 141,142. Leidy, J. [On the identity of Protohippus, Leidy, and Hippidion, and the species of the genus.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, pp. 126, 127. Leidy, J. [On a Lophiotherium (L. sylvaticum,u. s.) from Wyoming.] <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1870, p. 126. Solater, P. L. Remarks on the hairy tapir (Tapirus rouliui) of the Colombian Andes. <[Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1870, pp. 51,52. "White, R. B. Letter concerniug the hairy tapir (Tapirus roulini) of the highlands of the Culuuibia. <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. Loudon, 1870, p. 51. 1871.— [Bennett, A. W.] Madness in a horse, lanon.'] < Am. Nat. v, 1871, p. 789. Leidy, J. [Note on Anchitberium.] <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871, p. 199. Leidy, J. [On polydactylism in a horse.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871, p. 112. Marsh, O. C. [Tooth of Lopbiodou validus, n. s.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1871, pp. 9,10. Murie, J. On the Malayan tapir (Rbinocbojrus sumatranus. Gray). <^ Journ. Anat. aud Pliy.siol. vi, 1871, pp. 131-169, pU. 8-10. ■Wood-Mason, — ? [A case of polydactylism in a horse described by Wood-Masou, P. A. S. B. 1871, p. 18, pi. 1.] 1872. — Gray, J. E. Description of a young tapir from the Peruvian Amazons. <^Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1872, pp. 624,625, pi. 45. Gray, J. E. Notes on a new species of tapir (Tapirus lencogenys) from the snowy regions of the Cordilleras of Ecuador, and on the young spotted tapirs of tropical America. <^Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 483-492 (with 1 tig.), pU. xxi,xxii. Perkins, G. H. Calculi from the stomach of a horse. <[ Am. Nat. vi, 1872, pp. 552-.554. Sclater, P. L. [Exhibition of the skull of a hairy tapir (Tapirus roulini), and remarks on its ditl'erences from that of T. terrestris.] <^ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1872, pp. 604, 605, with 2 iigg. Anon. [Baird's tapir.] < Zool. Gart. xiii, 1872, pp. 58,59. [From "The Field".] 1873 -Cope, E. D. [On Eobasileus.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 10-12. Cope, E. D. [On Eobasiliidse and Bathniodontida'.] <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 102, 103. Cope, E. D. The gigantic mammals of the genus Eobasileus. <^ Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 156-160. Cope, E. D. On some of Prof. Marsh's criticisms. < Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 290-299, pll. 4,5. Cope, E. D. On the osteology of the extinct Tapiroid Hyrachus. <^ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc xiii, 1S73, pp. 212-224. Gervais, P. Sur le tapir dn Baird. < Journ. de Zool. ii, 1873, pp. 22-26, pi. 1. Marsh, O. C. The fossil mammals of the order Dinocerata. <^ Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 146-153, pll. 1,2. Marsh, O. C. On the genus Tinoceras and its allies. •< Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 217,218. Marsh, O. C. On the dates of Prof. Cope's recent publications. <| Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 303-306. Marsh, O. C. On someVf Prof. Cope's receut investigations. <^ Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 51, 52. Marsh, O. C. Reply to Prof. Cope's explanation. ■< Am. Nat. vii, 1873, App., pp. i-ix. Marsh, O. C. Sur des mammiffcres fossiles gigantesques constituant uii ordrc nouveau sous le Tioni ill! dinocdrates. <^ Journ. do Zool. ii, 1873, pp. I(i0-168, pi. 6. Marsh, O. C. Tinoceras and its allies. < Am. Nat. vii, 1873, pp. 306-308. 1874. — Cope, E. D. On some extinct types of horned perissodactylcs. ed [Tetracaulodon mastodoutoideum]. < Trans. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. u. s. iii, 1830, art. XIX, pp. 478-485, pll. 17, 18. Anon. The elephant. < Doughty's Cab. N. H. i, 1830, pp. 245-247. 1832.— Kaup, J. G. Ueber zwei Fragmente eines Unterkiefers von Mastodon angustidens, Cuv., nach welcben dieso Art in die Gattung Tetracaulodon, Godman, gehiirt. . 104. 1850.— Agassiz, L. On the fossil remains of an elephant found in Vermont. <[ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ii, 1850, pp. 100,101. Gibbes, R. W. Remarks on the northern Elephas of Prof. Agassiz. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iii, 1850, p. 69. ■Warren, J. C. On the Mastodi;n angustidens. < Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. ii, 1850, pp. 93-95. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— I. PROBOSCIDEA. 1039 1851.— Lathrop, S. P. Mastodon iu Nortbcrn Illinois. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, xii, 1851, p. 439. Warren, J. C. [Account of tbo original discovery of tbe remains of the Dinothcrium 1 < Proc Bost. Si)c. Nat. Hist, iv, 1851, p. 1G8. "Warren, J. C. [Exbibition of a cast of a mastodon's tooth.] !t. Pfitersb. iv, 1845, col. 167-109. CG M 1042 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1845. — Brandt, J. F. Observationes ad structuram crauii RhytiuEe stelleri spectautes. <[ Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P^tersb. iv, la45, col. 135-138. Stannius, F. H. Beitrage zur Kenutniss der AmerikaDiscben Manatis. 4°. 38 pp., 2 pll. Rostock, 1845. 1847. — Perkins, G. A. [Description of a West African manatiis.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1847, pp. 198, 199. [Named by J. Wyiuan, in a foot-note, M. nasutus. ] 1849. — Agassiz, L. [On some points of resemblance between tbe skulls of Manatus and Mastodon.] < Proc. Bostou Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1849, p. 209. Brandt, J. F. Symbolas sirenologicie [fasciculus i], quibns praecipue Rbytiuse historia natu- ralis illustratur. <[M(5m. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. P^tersb. 6e s6t. 2e partie, Sciences naturellcs, t vii, 1849, Zoologie et physiologie, pp. 1-lGO, pll. 1-5. [See also 1861-68.] V/arren, J. C. [Presentation of the stuffed skin and skeleton of an Araeriean manati.J < Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1849, p. 199. Wyman, J. [Description of the Manatus nasutus.] <^ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, iii, 1849, p. 102. 1850. — Kneeland, S., ji: The Manatus not a cetacean but a pachyderm. <^ Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. iii, 1850, pp. 42-47. Wyman, J. Notice of the cranium of the uc-hoo-le, a new species of manatee (Manatus nasn- tiis), from West Africa. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), ix, 1850, art. ix, pp. 45-47. 1851. — Vrolik, W. Bijdrage tot de natuur- en ontleedkundige kennis van den Manatus americanas. < Bijdr. tot de Dierkunde, i, Afd. viii, 1851, pp. 53-80, 6 pll. 1857. — Gray, J. B. Observations on the species of the genus Manatus. < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, XXV, 18.")/, pp. 59-01. Rapp, W. von. Anatomiscbe Untersuchungen iiber Manatus (Lamantiu). <^ Wiirttemb. natur- wiss. Jahresh. 13. Jahrg. 1857, pp. 87-98, 1 pi. 1858. — Krauss, F. Beitrage zur Osteologie des suriuamischen Manatus. <^ MuUer's Arch. f. Auat. 1858, pp. 390-425. 18S1-68.— Brandt, J. F. Symbola) sirenologicaj. Fasciculus ii et iii. Sireniorum, pachydermatum, zeu- glodontum etcetaceorum ordinis osteologia comparata, nee ncn sireniorum generum monogra- phia;. ... Petropoli, 1861-68. [4°. 3 p. 1., 383 (+1) pp., 9 pll.] -597. Sclater, P. L. Notice of adiiitions to the eociety's nienagerio, and of llie traiiHmissioii of a man- atee to tho society, by Mr. G. W. Latimer, of Pcrto Rico. < Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. ISGG, p. 201. 1867. — Brandt, J. F. Elnige Wcrte iiber eine neiie unter meiner Leltung eutworfeiie ideale Abbildiiiig der Steller'schen Seekuh. serv6e (ImiH la uier glaciale. <^Nonv. Bull. Sci. Soc. Pbilom. iii, 1812, p. 71; Giorn.di Fis. Cbim. e StoiiaNat. v, 1812, p.>J40. 1816.- Barclay, J., and Neil), P. Account of a beluga or white whale killed in the Frith of Forth. < M. m. Weru. Nat. Hist. Soc. Iii, pp. 371-395, 2 pll. (Apart, 8°, London, 1816.) 1818. — Barclay, J. Ueber den Ban des Beluga (Delphinus albicans L., Delphinaptcru.-i beluga Lacces de c6tacol. 1, 187'2, pp. 323, 324, pi. xvii. Scammon, C. M. On a new specius of Balajiiopteia [B. davidsoui]. <^ Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. iv, 1.-72, pp. 2(11), 270. Turner, W. De la placentation des ci5tac(S3 compai6e i celle des autrcs uiammiffere.s. <^ Joiirn. Zool. 1, 1872, pp. 304-323, pi. xvi. Turner, W. Thu sternum of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). < Journ. Anat. and Physiol, vi, 1872, pp. 377-380, with 2 flgg. 1873. — Brandt, J. F. Uutersuchuu<;en iiber die fossileu und subfossilen Cetaceen Enropa's von J. F. Brandt mit Beitragen vou Van Benedeu, Corualia, Gaataldi, Quenstedt und Paulson, nebst einem gwilogischen Anhauge von Barbot de Marny, G. v. Hehuersen, A. Goebel und Th. Fuchs. Durch sxxiv Tafelu erliiutert. St. Pdtersbourg, 1873. ConiniissioDaires de FAcaddniie Impi?riale des Sciences. MiSmoires de FAcaddmie Imp<5riale des Sciences de St. Pdtersbourg, 7e s6rie, tome xx, no. 1. 4°. 1 p. I., viii, 372 pp., 34 pU. Chapman, H. C. [On a species of Delphiuus: its anatomy.] <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, pp. 279, 280. Dall, "W. H. Descriptions cf three new species of Cetacea f rom.the coast of California. < Proc. Cal. Acad. Soi. v, 1873, pp. 12-14. Douglas, J. A whaling voyage to Spitzbergeu in 1818. < Trans. Lit. and Hist. Soc. Quebec, n. s. X, 1873, " paper ii ", pp. 21-67 (with 21 figg. of flukes). Gervais, P. Remarques sur la dentition du uarval. <^ Journ. Zool. Paris, t. 2, 1873, pp. 498-500. Gray, J. E. On the geographical distribution, migration, and occasional habitats of whales and dolphins (Cete). < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), xi, Feb. 1873, pp. 9-104. Malm, H. A. W. Sur le Pcociena linnaii on Delphiuus phocajna. (Kongl.Vet. a Witt. Samhallets i Giiteborg Handlingar, 1873, p. 43.) 7, 18511; Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860 (Phys.), pp. 123-137. Peters, W. Eine ueue Gattnng (Phyllonjcteris) von Flederthiereu aus Cuba. < Monatsber. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 18()0, pp. 817-819. Peters, W. Nene Gattang von Flederthieren(Chiroderraa villosum) aus Brasilien. < Monats- ber. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1860, pp. 747-754. 1861.— Allen, H. Description of a new Mexican bat. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, pp. 359, ?60. Allen, H. Descriptions of new pteropiue bats from Africa. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1861, pp. 156-160. Peters, "W. Uebersicht der von Herrn Dr. Gundlach beobachteten Flederthiero auf Cuba. < Monatsber. K. Pr. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1861, pp. 149-159. Saussure, H. de. Diagnosis cheiropterae mexicanse e familia veepertilionidaruni. <[ Eev. et Mag. Zool. xiii, 1801, p. 97. 1862. — Allen, H. Description of two new species of Vespertilionida?, and some remarks on the genus Antrozous. ^ Am. Jonrn. Sci. and Arts, sxviii, 1835, pp. 168-171. 1837. — Bachman, J. Some remarks on tbe genus Sorex, witli a monograpb of tbc Nortb American species. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, pt. ii, 1837, pp. .362-402, pll 23,24. (The first form.al reviaion of tbe sirbject, being the fouudation of our knowledge of I. o American species; — S, carolinensis. n. sp., p. 30n, pi. 23, fig. 1 ; S. longirostri.s, n. sp., p. 370, pi. 23, fig. 2i S. cinereus, u. sp., p. 373, pi. 23, fig. 3 i S. (lekaji (Cooper), n. sp., p. 377, pi. 23, fig. 4; S. brevicaudus. Say, p. 3^1 ; S. ricbardsonii, Jiach ( = S. parvus, Rich, nee Sa.v), p. 383, pi. 24, fig. ^ ; S. forstori, Eich., p. 3S6, pi. 24, fig. ; S. cooperi, n. sp., p. 389, pi. 24, fig. 7; S. finibripes, n. sp., p. 391. pi. 24, fig. 8; S. parvus, Say, p. 394 (descr. copied) ; S. palustris, Ricb. p. 390 (copied) ; S. talpoides, Gapper, p. 397 (copied) ; S. personatus, I. St.-Hil., p. 39«.— 13 spp. ; 6 new ; 1 re named; 2 identified; 4 merely quoted.] Blainville, M. H. D. de. Note sur les carnassiers insectivores. <^ Ann. Franf . et iJtrang. d'Auat. et de Physiol, i, 1837, pp. 315, 316. Gray, J. E. [Revision of the genus Sorex, Linn.] <[ Proc. Zool. Soc. London, v, 1»37, pp. 123-126. [Invents tbe nonsense-names Corsira, Blarina, etc.] 1839. — Selys-Longchamps, E. de. fitudes de miciomammalogie. — Eevne des musaraignes, des rats et des campagnols, suivie d'uu index m(5tbodique des raammiferes d'Europe; parEdm. de Selys- Longcbamps, membre de plusieurs soci6t^s savantes. 8°. 2 p. 11., pp. l-lO.'i, pll. 1-.3. Paris, 1839. [§ 1. Eevne des musaraignes d'Europe, pp. 1-48. § 2. Revue des rats d'Europe, pp. 49-80. § 3. Revne des cam. pagnols d'Europe, pp. 81-132. Catalogue mfitbodique, pp. 133-136. Europaeorum mammalium index metbudicus, pp. 137-1.'39. Xbe plates represent skulls of Arvicolaj.J 1840. — Linsley, J. H. Sorex parvus and Sorex brevicaudis, < Am. Jouru. Sci. and Arts, xxxix, 1840, pp. 38S, 389. 1841. — Sundevall, C. J. Ofversigt af sliigtet Erinaceus. < Kong. Vet. Akad. Handlgr. Stockholm, 1841, pp. 215-240; Isis, 1845, pp, 273-280. 1841-42. — Bachman, J. Observations on the genus Scalops, (shrew moles,) wiih descriptions of the species found in North America. <^ (Abstract) "Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, i, 1841, pp. 40,41; (in full) Jouru. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, iv, uo, i, art. iii, June, 1842, pp. 26-35. 1842. — Duvernoy, G. L. Notices pour servir il la monographic du genre musaraigne (Sorex, Cuv.) <[ Mag. do Zool. 1842, Mamm. pll. 38-54 (with 48 pp.); Coniptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, xv, 1842, pp. 7-13; Institut, x, 1842, pp. 247,248. Duvernoy, G. L. Sur les dents des musaraignes, considdr^es dans leur composition et leur structure intime, leurs rapports avec les mfichoires, leur ddveloppenient et leur succession. ica). < Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, xix, ISG7, pp. 377-;i81, pi.; and (in full) Trans. Odoutolog. Soo. v, 1867, pp. 2G1-294, 6 pU. Fitzinger, L. J. Die naliirlicho Faniilio der Igul (Erinacei) naeh dom gegeuwartigen Stande der Wissenschaft. out. viii, 1867, pp. 221-284; ix, 1868, pp. ■311-:!72.) 1868.— Leidy, J. [Extinct Inseclivora from Dakota.] ics dans leurs rapports avec lea circonstauces locales; suivies de la description de trois nouvelles esptces. <^ Gui5rin-Mdn(S. Mag. de Zool. 2e auu^e, 1832, pp. — , pll. 2. 1833. — Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, E. Mtfmoire sur les dents anterieures des raammifferes rongeurs dans lequel on se propose d'etabler que ces dents, dites jntqu'ici et ddterniinees incisives, sent les auulogues des dents canines. <^ Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, xii, 1833, jip. 181-222. Lukis, F. C. On the extraordinary growtli of the incisor teeth occatioually met with iu the wild rabbit. <[ Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist, vi, 1833, pp. 21-25 (see also ibid. p. 390). 1835. — Brandt, J. F. Bemerkungen ilber die DiBerenzen im Schiidcl- und Zahnbau zwisehen den Stachelschweinen [Hystricidie] der alten und neuen Welt. <^ Muller, Archiv, 1835,pp. 548-553. Brandt, J. F. Mammalium rodentium esoticorum novorura vel minus rite cognitorum Mus. Acad. Zool. descriptiones et icones. <[M^m. Acad. Sci. St. P^tersb. iii, pte. ii, 1835, pp. 357-442. 1836. — Cuvier, F. Observations sur les genres gerboites et gerbilles. <^ Comptes Eendus, Paris, iii, 1836, pp. 211-214 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. vi (Zool.), 1836, pp. 152-155; Zool. Soc. Trans, ii, 1842, pp. 131- 148; Isis vou Oken, 1838, pp. 836-842, 1837. — Bachman, J. Description of a new species of hare [Lepus palustris"] found iu South Caro- lina. < Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, pt. ii, 1837, pp. 194-199, pll. " 16" (i. e. 15) and 16 bis, figg. 1, 2. Bachman, J. Observations, on the different species of hares (genus Lepus) inhabiting the United States and Canada. <^ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vii, pt. ii, 1637, pp. 282-361, pll. " 16" (i. c. 15), 16 bis, 21, and 22. [An irnportaut monograpb. L. glacialis, Leach, p. 265, jil. 21 ; L. virginiaDus, Harl., p. 1301 ; L. aqanticua, n. Rp., p. 319, pi. 2-3, low. fig. ; L. americanus, p. 3a(!, pi. 16 bis, flgg. 3, 4 ; L. palustris, p. 336, pll. " 16" (t. e. 15) and 16 bis, figg. 1,2 (descr. orig. at p. 194, same vol.) ; L. nuttallii, n. sp., p. 345, pi. 22, up. fig. ; L. campestris, n. sp., p. 349 ; L. (Lagomys) princeps, p. 354—3 spp., 2 new. See anted, p. 219.] Cuvier, F. Du genre eligmondonte, et de I'eligmodoute do Buenos-Ayres, Eligmodoutia typns. < Ann. Sci. Nat. 2o s6r. Zool. t. vii, 1837, pp. 168-171, 2 pll.; Arch. f. Naturg. Bd. i, 1837, p. 407. 1838. — Bachman, J. D. [Mouography of the species of squirrels inhabiting North America.] <[Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vi, 1838, pp. 85-103. ISpp. nn. tesi.inns, p. 86; subaurattis, p. 87; anduboni, fuliginosus, p. 97; ricbardaoni, p. 100; lanuginosa^, p. 101. A full abstract of his monograpb of the genus Sciurus, etc., -which was published the following year, 7. v.] Wateihouse, G. R. [On a new species of hare — Lepus bachniani — from North America.] < Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vi, 1838, pp. 103-105. 1839. — Bachman, J. Additional remarks on the genus Lepus, with corrections of a former paper and descriptions of other species of qn.idrupeds found in North America, [i. e., additional species to the list of Mr. Townsend's quadrupeds]. <[ Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. viii, 1839, pp. 75-105. Bachman, J. Monograph of the genus Sciurus, with descriptions of liew species and their varieties as existing iu North America. <^Charlesw. Mag. Nat. Hist, iii, Mar.-Aug. 1639, pp. 113-123, 154-162, 220-227, 330-337, 376-390. [An elaborate monograpb of the then known North American Sciuri, embracing detailed notices of habits and distribution, as well as descriptions. Sciurus capistratus, pp.I17-193; S. texianus, p. 154 ; S. subauratne, p. 155; S. magnicaudatus, p. 156; S. aureogaster, p. 158; S. cinereus, pp. 159-162; S. leucotis, pp. 220-227 ; S. caroUneusis, pp. 330-333 ; S. nigrescens, S. collia:i, p. 334 ; S. niger, pp. 335-337 ; S. anduboni, pp. 378-380 ; S. fuliginosus, p. 380 ; S. douglassi, pp. 381-383 ; S. budsonius, pp. 383-385; S. ricbardsoni, pp. 385-387 ; S. lanuginosns, pp. 387-389 = 17 s]ip.| Bachman, J. Abstract of a mouogiiiph of the genus Sciurus, with descriptions of several new species and varieties. <[ Amer. Journ. Sci. and Arts, xxxvii, 1839, pp. 290-310. [An abridged reprint of the preceding] Waterhouse, G. R. Observatious on the Rodeutia, with a view to point out the groups as indi- cated by the structure of the crania in this order of mammals. <[Mag. Nat. Hist, iii, 1839, pp. 90-96, 184-188, 274-279, 593-600. [Compare 1842, same author.] Waterhouse, G. R. [On the geographical distribution of the Eodentia.] 4, pp. 508-512; lusti- tut, xxii, no. 1081, 1854, p. 323 1855.— Brandt, J. F. Mittbeilungen iiber den Biber, wobl riebtiger die Fisch- und Meerott«r aus chiuesischeu Scbriflslellern uach Stanislaus Julien. < Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pdtersb. ix, 1855 (pie. 2), pp. 359-365. 1066 MONOGRAPHS OP NOETH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1855. — Dareste, C. Note sur le cerveau des rongeurs et particuliJirement enr le cerveau da Cabiai. < Auu. Sci. Nat. ii (Zool.), 1855, pp. 355-365; Comptes EeDdus, Paris, xli, 1855, pp. 199-201. Dehne, A. Musculus (Raf. Schmalz.) mollissimus Dehne. < Allg. deutsche naturhist. Zeit. n. F. i, 1855, p. 443. Dehne, A. Zu Micromys agilis. < Allg. deutsche naturhist. Zeit. n. F. i, 1855, p. 237; Nach- schrift von L. Keichenbach, ibid, i, 1855, p. 242. [See 1857, same author.] Giebel, C. G. ZurOsteologieder Stachelschweine [Hystricidse]. <[Zeit8chr. gesanimt.Naturw. Halle, V, 1855, pp. 306-316. Oudet, J. £!. Considerations anatomiques et phjsiologiqnes snr les dents a conronne divis6e, et plu:i particuliferemeut sur les niolaires ilu lifevre et du lapin. <^ Compt. Kend. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, pp. 266, 267 ; -Institut, xxiii, no. 1129, 1855, p. 286. Reichert, C. B. Ueber Structur, Textnr, Bildung und Wachsthum der Haare. <^ Zeitschr. klin. Med. GUusburg, vi, 1855, pp. 1-13. Winsor, F. Pteromys volucella. <^ Proc. Essex Inst, i, 1855, p. 147. 1856.— Brandt, J. T. Bemerkungen iiber die Gattungen Gerbillus, Meriones, Khomboniys und Psam- moniys. < Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P^tersb. xiv, 1856, col. 76-80. Wheatland, H. [Anatomy of rabbit.] p. 26G-259, pi. 1. 1867.— Boardman, G. A. A black variety of the common red squirrel (Sciurus hudsonicus). <^Am. Nat. i, 18G7, p. 53. Fitzinger, L. J. Versuch einer naiiirlichen Anordnung der Nagethiere (Rodentia). <[Sitz. iiiath.-nat. CI. K. Akad. Wise. Wien. (1), 18G7, Iv, pp. 453-515, and Ivi, pp. 57-168. Gray, J. Z!. Notes on the skulls of hares (Leporidse) and picas (Lagomyidte) in the British Museum. -i var. Ivodiacensis, varr. nn.] Batty, J. H. The Little Chief hare [habits of Lagomys princeps]. <^Amer. Agriculturist, xxxiii, no. i, Jan. 1874, p. 13, with a fig. Coues, E. A short chapter on American rabbits, or hares. ■< Am. Sports. Aug. 29, 1874. Coues, E. The pine mouse — Arvicola pinetorum. <^ Rod and Gun, May 9, 1874, fig. (bad). " Jacobstaff." Hares and rabbits. <^ Field and Stream, Jan. 15, 1874. Mather, F. About woodchucks [Arctomys monax]. <^ Am. Sports. Dec. 12, 1874. "M. P. McK." Squirrel [S. carolineusis] breeding in confinement. <^Am. Sports. Apr. 4, 1874. Anon. Melanism of Tamias striatus. <^ Am. Sports. Apr. 4, 1874. 1875.— Abbott, C. C. The Americau chipmunk [Tamias striatus]. < Am. Sports. Oct. 2, 1875. Allen, J. A. Synopsis of the American Leporida). <^Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist, xvii, 1875, pp. 430-436. [Recognizes 9 spp., with 5 v.ars. See antea, p. 281.] Coues, E The prairie gopher [Spermophilus rirhardsoni], <^ Am. Nat. ix. Mar. 187.'i, pp. 147-1.'".(!, and Rod aud Gun, Mar. 27, 1875. [Reprinted in a great many papers under various editorial modilicntions.l Coues, E. Synonymy, description, history, distribution and habits of the i>rairie hare (Lepus rampestria). < Bull. Essex Inst, vii, 1875, pp. 73-8.5. BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX— O. EDENTATES. 1069 1875.— Mulligan, J. Prairie mice. < Am. Nat. ix, 1875, pp. 515, 516. Rothrock, J. T. lieavc.r habits. < Am. Sports. Marcli 6, 1875. 1876.— [Allen, J. A.] Recent coutributions to North American mammalogy, lanon.} 2-3(iD. [Review of Cones's MuridiE and Zapodidai.] Allen, J. A. [On the signilicance and use of the terms] " Hare " and " Rabbit ". < Forest and Stream, June 8, 187G. Alston, E. R. On the classification of the order Glires. 4t. Nat. Paris, t. v,,1869, M<5m. pp. 229-251, pll. 13, 14. McCoy, P. On the species of wombats [Phascolomyidai]. (Abstract.) < Trans, and Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, viii, 1868, pp. 266-270. Peters, W. Ueber das Os tympaniouni und dieGehorknochelchen der Schuabelthiere in Bezag auf die Frage von der Deutung des Quadratbeines bei den Vogeln. < — ? Also, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist, i, 1868, pp. 779-782, with 1 pi. Sander, J. Ueber das Quercommissurensystem des Grosshirns bei den Beutelthieren [Marsu- pialia]. < Arch. Anat. 1868, pp. 711-718, with 1 pi. 1369.— Editorial. Marsupial dogs. , pp. 65-68. 1846. — Lister, G. [On the allegations of Dr. Koch respecting the discovery of Hydrarchos. ] <;^ Proc. B(wti>n Soc. Nat. Hist, ii, 1846, pp. 94-96. 1846-49.— Holboll, C. Notice over Gronlasuderues kiperkarnak [Balieua]. of Sci- ence, Literature, and Art. New York: Rudolph Garrigno, publisher 1851. 8°. 2 p. 1., ix-xxi, 502, xvi pp. [ A reprint of tho "Zoology "of the i)reccding volume with special title-paj;o and inlrounctory notice. The chap- ter on Mammals occupies 111 pp. (392-505).] Leidy, J. [On some fossils — i. e., Arctodou — from Nebraska.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. v, 1851, p. 278. 1852. —Leidy. J. Keuuirks on a fossil vertebra — of Ponlogenus priscus, u. sp. — from Ouachita, La, < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. vi, 1852, p. 52. 1076 MONOGRAPHS OF NORTH AMERICAN RODENTIA. 1858.— Chadbourne, P. A. List of mammals of tbe vicinity of Williamstown, Mass. < Williams Quarterly, v, June, IS.'iS, pp 356, 357. [A nominal list of 35 species.] Emmons, E. [Fossil mammals of North Carolina.] <[Rep. Geol. Survey North Carolina, 1S58, pp. 196-212, figg. 18-34. [Equus, Sus, Mastodon, Elephas, Cervus, Balasna, etc.] Hind, J. H. Catalogue of the animals of Rupert's Land. < Rep. of Expl. of Country between Lake Superior and Ked River Settlement, 1858, pp. 406-409. 1859. — Winans, E. W. Mephitis quaterlinearis [n. sp.]. — Win. — Four-striped skunk. <^ Unknown newspaper, date 1859. [See Coues's Monogr. Mustelidae, p. 239.] I860.— Prout, H. A. [On a fossil tooth from Virginia.] < Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, i, 1860, pp. 699, 700. [NaiDod Leidyotheriiim (without Bpecific name), and referred near Titanotberium.] 1861. — Ross, B. R. [Nominal list of the mammals of British America.] <^ Edinburgh New Philos. Journ. xiii, 1861, pp. 161 . 1862. — 'Wood, C. B. Remarks on the natural history of British Columbia and Vancouver. <^ Mayne's (R. C.) Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. [Mammals, pp. 414-416.] 1864. — Editorial. Mesozoic mammals. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts (2), xssviii, 1864, p. 285. 1865.— Beneden, P. J. Van. Reeherches sur les squalodons. <^ M^m. Acad. Roy. Belgique, xxxv, 1865. 1867. — Seeley, H. E. The laws which have determined the distribution of life and rocks. <|Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (3), xx, 1867, pp. 404-415. 1868. — Leidy, J. Indication of an Elotherium [E. superbus, n. s.] in California. <[ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1868, p. 177. Leidy, J. Notice of some remains of extinct pachyderms. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1868, • pp. 230-233. Marsh, O. C. Notice of a new and diminutive species of fossil horse (Equus parvulus) from the tertiary of Nebraska. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 2d ser. xlvi, 1868, pp. 374, 375. 1868-74. — MUne-Edw^ards, H. and A. Reeherches pour servir ^ I'hi.-ttoire naturelle des maramiffercs. . . . Paris : Victor Masson et tils, 1868-1874. 2 vols. 4°. Vol. i, 2 p. 1., pp. 394 ; vol. ii, pp. viii, pll. 105, with 105 11. explanatory. [Compare defective title, anted, p. 978.] 1869. — Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the extinct mammalia of the cave formations in the United States, with some observations on some Myriopoda found in and near the same, and on some extinct mammals of the caves of Anguilla, W. I., and of other localities. <[ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. xi, 1869, pp. 171-192, pll. iii-v. [Twenty-seven species from caves of ditferent parts of the United States, fourteen of them extinct and thir* teen still existing. The following extinct species are described as new; — Stereodectes tortus, Tamias Isevidens, Sciurus panolius, Mixopbagua spelieus, Galera perdicida; also, Amblyibiza inundata and Loxomylus longidens (gen.et epp. nn.) from Anguilla, W. I., and Anoplonassa forcipata, Hemicaulodon etfodieus (gen. et spp. nn.), extinct marine species, the tirst allied to the Cetacea, from near Savannah, Ga., and the last a Sireniau, from Keyport, N. J.) 1870. — Brandt, J. F. Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte des Elends in Bezug auf seine inorphologischen und palaeontologischen Verhiiltnisse, sowie seine geographische Verbreituug, nebst Bemer- kungeu liber die miocaue Flora nndlnsectenfauoa desHochnordens. < M(3m. Acad. St. Pnt. Bull. no. 17, Oct. 25, 1873, pp. 1-4. [Spp. nn. Eobaaileus galealua, Arcbienodon (gen. nov.) insolens, Pbenacodus (gen. nov.) primxvus, Oroth© rinm iu.lex.) Cope, B. D. [Ou a supposed fotsil skull of a hog.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1873, p. 207. Cope, E. D. On the short-footed Ungulata of the eocene of Wyoming. <^Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. xiii, 1873, pp. 38-74, pll. i-iv. [On tbe ayetematic position and cbaractera of Loxolopbodon, Eobasilena, Uintatberium, Megaceratope, Bath- modon, and Metalopbodon.] Cope, E. D. On the flat-clawed carnivora of the eocene of Wyoming. < Proc. Am. Philos. Soo. Phila. xiii, 1873, |ip. 198-209. [Genera Mesonyx and Synoplotherium.] BIBLIOGE. APPENDIX— Q. ADDENDA. 1079 1873. — Cope, E. D. Ou two new perisBodactyli'S from tbo Bridger eocene. =:Pula;out. Bull. no. 11, Jan. :U, 1873, pp. 2; < Proc. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Pliila. xiii, 1873, pp. 35,36. [Spp. nn. Lymnobyus laDvideus, raltcfwyops fuutiualis.] Cope, E. D. Ou 80IU0 eocene uiamuials obtained by Hayden's geological survey of 1872. = Pala)ont. Bull. no. 12, March 8, 1873, pp. 1-6. (Spp. nn. Microsyopa vicarins, Antiacotlon furcttus, Oligotomoa {gen. nov.) cinctus, Paramys l«*ptodu8, Pataiosyope diaconus, Ilydachyus implicatua. Keforencea to IG otber speciea.J Cope, E. D. On tbo extinct vertebrata of the eocene of Wyoming, observed by tbe expedition of 18T2, with notes on the geology. < Auu. Kop. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr, for 1872, 1873, pp. 545-649, pll. i-vi. (Mammala, pp. 546-6U ; general review of the vertebrate fauna of the eocene of 'Wyoraing, pp. 643-G4!t.] Cope, E. D. [Remarks on mammalian remains from tbe miocene of Coloraf RODENTIA. 1074. — Cope, E. D. Report on the vertebrate palteontology of Colorado. <^ Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Ter. for 1873, 1874, pp. 427-533, pll. i-viii (mammals). [Mammals jjamm, and pp. 45(i-.150, 4Cil-5lO, 518-o32. L< xolophodon galeatus, Symborodon bypoceras, Acera- tbtrium mite, Ancbitboritim exoletam, spp. nu.] Cope, E. D. [Mastodon productus, Steneotiberpansus, spp. nn.] <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1874, pp. •J21--2-23. Cope, E. D. Synopsis of the vertebrata of tbe niiocene of Cumberland County, New Jersey. < Proc. Am. Pbilos. Soc. Phila. xiv, 1874, pp. 361-364. [List of mammals, p. 363—6 species.] Gervais, P. Remarque au snjet du systeme dentaire de I'ai. <^ Journ. de Zool. t. 2, Paris, 1874, pp. 434-436, pi. 18, figg. 1-2. Leidy, J. Notice of remains of Titanotherium. <^ Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1874, pp. 165, 166, 223. Maxsb, O. C. Fossil horses in America. <^ Amer. Nat. viii, 1874, pp. 289-294, figg. 73-75. Marsh, O. C. On the structure and affinities of the Broutotheridae. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. vil, 1874, pp. 81-86, pll. i, ii. [Sp. nov. Broutotherium iugens.] Marsh, O. C. Notice of new equine mammals from the tertiary formation. <[ Am. .Tourn. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. vii, 1874, pp. 247-258, with woodcuts. [Spp. nn. Orohippua major« iliobippns {nov. gen.) annectens, Ancbitberiiim anceps, A. celer, Pliobippus (nov. gen ) pernix. P. robustus, P. avus, Ancbippus brevidens.] Marsh, O. C. Notice of new tertiary mammals, iii. <^ Am. Journ. Sci. ana Arts, 3d ser. vii, 1874, pp. 531-534. [Spp. nn. Marotberium (nov. gen.) fiigas, M. leptonyx, Stj-linodon (nov. pen.) mirus, Tillotheriam latidens, Elolberium batbrodon.j Marsh, O. C. On the structures and affinities of the Brontotheridse. < Am. Nat. viii, 1674, ])p. 79-85, pll. i, ii. [Piiblisbed in part in the Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d aer. vii, Jan. 1874.] Marsh, O. C. Small size of the brain in tertiary mammals. <[ Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. viii, 1874, pp. 66,67. Putnam, P. 'W. [Account of a blacliisb taken in Salem Harbor, Mass.] < Bull. Essex Inst. vi, 1874, pp. 22-24. Anon. [Notice of fossil walrus .skull from Accomac Harbor, Virginia.] <[ Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. Phila. xiv, 1874, pp. 17, 18. 1875.— Cope, E. D. The feet of Bathniodon. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, p. 73. Cope, E. D. The phylogeuy of the camels. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, pp. 261, 262. Cope, E. D. [On fossil lemurs and dogs from the eocene deposits of the Rocky Mountains.] < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pbila. 1875, pp. 255, 256. [Sarcolemur, g. n. ; Canis ursinus, sp. n.] Cope, E. D. On some new fossil Ungulata. Abstract of remarks made before a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. ^Palseout. Bull. no. 19, June 28,1875, pp. 1-4 ; < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, pp. 258-261. [Spp. un. Pliauchenia (gen. nov.) bumpbrcysiana, P. vulcanorum, Eippotjierinm calamarium, Apbelops jame> zanns ] Cope, E. D. On the auteloi)e-deer of the Santa F6 marls. <^ proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1875, p. 257. Cope, E. D. Oq the homologies of the sectorial tooth of caruivora. <^Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1675, pp. 20-23. Cope, E. D. On the supposed carnivora of the eocene of the Rocky Monntains. <^ Pioc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 187.5, pp. 444-448; =Palceont. Bull. no. 20, pp. 1-4, Dec. 22, 1875. Cope, E. D. Systematic catalogue of the vertebrata of the eoceno of New Mexico collected in 1874. < Gtol. and Geogr. Espl. W. 100 Merid. April 17, 1875, pp. 1-37. [Spp. nu., Anibloctonufl (g. n.) sino.sus, Prntotoraus secundarius, P. ninlticuspis, P. ."^trenuus, Didymictis (g. n.), DiacoUon (g. n.) alticii-pis. L). celatna, Pelycodus (f.'. n.) fiMigivorus, P. anjiulatU8, Pantoleates cbaeensis, Opistbo tomua (g. n.) astutus. O. flagrans, Apbeliscus (g. n.), Antiacodon mentalis, A. crassos, Ilyracbyna siugularis, Ondiippus tapirinus, O. a-.Jgastideii8, O. cilspidatua, Batliniodou latidens, B. cu.spidatns. Also, new order Ambly- poda pi'opitBed.] Cope, E. D. The Wheeler geological snrvey of New Mexico for 1874. <^Aiu. Nat. x, 1875, pp. 49-52. [Relates chiefly tc extinct uianimalia.] BIBLIOGR. APPENDIX-Q. ADDENDA. * 1081 I075.-Coue8. E. Tl.o crani.l an.I .leutal characters of Mepbitinaj, with .lescription of Mephitis fro„. tata, u:sp. f,.s8. <15nll. U. S. Gcol. and Geog. Surv. Terr, ad ser. no. i, 1875, pp. 7-15, ii.. Dana, J. D. Reindeers in Soiuhorn New England. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, :W ser' x"w, pp. :!5:!-;ir)7. ' ' • Klippart,J.H. Discovery of Diootyles (Platygon.is) compressus Lo Conto. 4, rJUO. ' ''''■"''r Si^ Je:;; s^^^iniSr^ "^^"^^ "' ^"^ ^^""-^ "''*"^^^- < ^-- ^-'- ^^'• ■ °°.^^' P'.^' °" ""' geologic age of the vertebrate fauna) of the eocene of New Mexico. ^ Proc Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1876, pp. 63-C5. = Patoout. Bull. no. 21, pp. 1-3, April 26, 1876. ^ ' [Uyracothenum and Coryphodon are identified] '^^K-!' ^ ?n ^" Tajuiodonta, a new group of eocene mammalia. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila 10/ O, p, oJ. ^P^; ^\^-^ ^" 00'"" '"P'^"'"'^ Icmurine forms of the eocene period. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Jruila. lH/(j, pp. 88,89. °°^%f; f.; ^r".''' °*"^ """"^ [Protolabis] of Camelid^. < Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1876, pp. 141-147. [Sp. n. Procamelus iissidens.] Cope, E. D. Note on the genus Calamodon. o-340, pil. x-xiii. **iT,^ °' '::■■> ^'i' '"'r^ characters of the Dinocerata. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. xi, 10/0, pp. Ib.(-lb8, pll. ii-vi. ' ' ^^!'r' ° ?,;. r-'!""!r' '''""■=^''^-'-'' "f t'^" Tillodontia. < Am. Journ. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser. xi, 1?!