Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. SEED BOOK bald 1922 |. MAUuLE'S BLOOD TURNIP BEET PACKET 10¢ OUNCE 20¢ 4LB.50¢ LB $175 POSTPAID Ws. HENRY MAULE Inc. | >» Zist and Arch: Sts. +PHILADELPHIA, SS PENNA. MAULES GIANT i 2 EMPLE'S GIANT BRANCHING, —"S AMERICAN ASTERS 2g WHITE PKT. 10° a 2 ben, One Packet each of mee a these Seven Distinct Varieties 50¢ Postpaid =~ IMPROVED - INVINCIBLE, PINK. | } I KING, |} MIXED COLORS, & PKT. 10¢ » (oe : . 4 | | } i PEERLESS PINK PRT. 15¢ goer PRT. Be hee i | CREGO, PURPLE a i PKT. 10¢ © CL A631390 PKT.15¢ = > CTE J 9 LAVENDER Ke ————$—— ee ——— rae j _ BOOKED BY INCORPORATED. 2 Flap py) = =| : PHILNGE LPHIA, PA. 2 x ; > 4 CHECKED BY. Mi . M ~ Date = SHIPPED BY. ° PACKAGES Name S ee BAGS (Mr., Hrs. or Biiss; wzite name plainly and alwayz ihe same way) < 2 Post Office__ ES BOXES 5 | CRATES County State = : 4 BBLS. Ree. D Nose oo RoR Do Box P.O, Boxe = “” Amount Enclosed o . Uv _P. O. MONEY ORDE 3 oer 3 . O. ee nn ’ = Express or If different m =e oo Freight Office | from P. O. | DRAFT : I baye marked a cross X in square to ie Sa = a5 x > 5 Parcel Post indicate preference in shipping. GASH ; Send the Following Express Wedeliver free by Parcel Post all Seeds, a G d b : Bulbs, Planis, ete., marked in our STAMPS oocs by Freight catalogue Postpaid. All Flower pees TeUEe are sent iP Besa: WM. HENRY MAULE, INc. GIVE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO DESGRIPTION, QUALITY, PRODUCTIVENESS, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OF ANY SEEDS, BULBS OR PLANTS THEY SEND OUT, AND THEY WILL NOT BE IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CROP. IF THE PURCHASER DOES NOT ACCEPT THE GOODS ON THESE TERMS THEY ARE AT ONCE TO BE RETURNED. _ QUANTITY NuMBER ARTICLES WANTED PRICE = ORDER BY NUMBER OR NAME_ WHICHEVER YOU PREFER. — : SAMGUNT CARRIED FORWARD = PLEASE GIVE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS IN FULL @ ee | ae = eS ae | hi f | GUYMYO4 GIINYV) LNNOWY Be wt TAY Pat re gee tae or eg? wee) 331ud GQ3INVM S319ILYUY YuaGWNN ALuNvadh 2 os jsonboy uo pousiuiny sodojaauy Uinjoy pue sje0yg JOpiO SAXy oy oF The Greatest Test of All No business in the world depends so com- pletely on quality as theseed business. Nothing is So disheartening to a gardener as the failure of seeds to grow. After preparing, cultivating and auticipating the results, it is exceedingly aggravating to find that the seed refuses to ger- minate. This is the reason for the old adage: “a disappointed seed customer never returns.” What a splendid tribute to the quality of Maule’s seeds is Maule success over a period of forty-five years, Quality has brought cus- tomers back year after year for more. Many Maule customers have purchased Maule Seeds for over a quarter of a century. And quality has attracted new customers. Wm. Henry Maule, lnc., is now the largest ‘‘direct to planter’ seed business in the United States. 1t is well to rely on this 45-year-old test of sSaccess in supplying seeds. A Health Book, Too The Maule Seed Book for 1922 is really a nealth guide. Gardening seems to get a man just a little ‘‘closer to nature’’—a little nearer to the soil—than anything else. And Science is constantly finding new proof that a wide variety of vegetables is the roadway to good health. Many vegetables, especially Spinach, are rich in ‘‘vitamines’’—a newly discovered food element that is essential toeuergy. ‘‘Eat more vegetables,’’ that’s the advice of diet- icians. This book provides an ample variety for health. All Maule’s Seeds Tested Practically The testing grounds for Maule’s seeds are lo- eated at Newfield, N. J. Here the trial of seeds and the development of newer strains are con- Stantly carried on. Every variety of Maule’s Seeds is practically tested in the grounds at Newfield, and every lot of seed that comes to the Maule warehouse is again tested for germination. The exacting nature of these ‘control tests” in a deciding factor in Maule quality which in turn has been a deciding factor in Maule success. : Once Grown-Always Grown | 18771922 Small Orders Appreciated The customer who buys but a dollar’s worth of Maule Seeds is as welcome and receives the same painstaking attention as the buyer who purchases in hundred dollar quantities. The Maule business has grown to its present size because it is founded on the broad principle of service and helpfulness to all. Pay Us a Visit When in Philadelphia, we would be pleased to have you call at the retail store we conduct for the convenience of customers on the first floor of our eight-story building at 2lst and Arch Streets. Here we have onssale a full line of Garden Tools, Sundries, etc. as well as every- thing illustrated in catalogue. ‘Orders by phone | PLEASE NOTE:—We do not send trees, plants will receive prompt attention. Phone Bell, SPRuce 4684 or 4685. Prices More Reasonable Than Ever Maule Seed Prices are doing their part in the trend toward lower costs. You will notice that many prices quoted are lower than last year, though Maule’s Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Trees and Implements have always been unusually rea- sonable, quality considered—thanks to the Maule “Direct-to-the-planter” idea. Maule’s Seeds are more than “seeds,” they represent years of research, expert attention and infin- ite precaution in tests. Special Quotations are gladly given on larger quantities of any- thing offeredin this book. If in need of some- thing pertaining to agriculture not herein listed, write us before ordering elsewhere. Expert Advice On page two of this Seed Book, we give a condensed planting and culture table, telling when and what to plant at certain periods, while on page three is a Spraying schedule for the control of diseases and insect pests; also, from page to page in this book you will find helpful gardening information, but should you need further information than that given, youare free to write us at any time for advice on your special problems. Your letter will receive the attention of an expert gardener. State questions clearly and briefly, but not on order sheet. Market Gardeners and Florists Growers of vegetables or flowers for mar- ket can save money by sending for our SPECIAL MARKET GARDENERS’ AND F'LOR- ISTS’ PRICE LIST, at once. It will be sent only to those who grow for market, and will Dot besent to private gardeners. Wecater to the most critical trade. Orders for Nursery Stock and Plants are filled direct from our nursery and green- houses, in the order in which they are re- ceived, as soon as the weather is warm enough for shipping. Nursery stock, plants and seeds cannot be: sent together. or other perishable steck C. O. D. THE MAULE SEED FARMS AT NEWFIELD, N. J.. WHERE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE SPENT EVERY YEAR IN TESTING OUR SEEDS FOR GERMINATION AND GROWING POWER AS WELL AS FOR PURITY. For a CopyrRiGHTED 1921, Wm. Henry MAULE, INc. complete Index of this Seed Book refer to the last page, number 176 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 4 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 ‘=| Read before Ordering these Suggestions Save errors Bee to Make Out Orders How to Make On the order sheet enclosed in this Seed Book, write Qut an Order. your fullname and complete address plainly. Give post office and box number, hame of county and state. If mail is delivered to your door, give R. F. D. numberand box or full street address, to insure prompt delivery of your mail. State whether goods are to be shipped by mail, express or freight; if by express or freight, give the name of the railroad station if different from your post office. How to Select from this catalogue the articles wanted, and if Order. vegetable and flower seeds are arranged numerically, as nearly as possible, and plants, tools, etc., kept separate on the order sheet, it will help us fill your order more quickly and accurately. Ifseeds are ordered by number, be sure to give it correctly. If number and name of each variety is given, mistakes are less liable to oceur. State clearly whether a packet, ounce, quarter pound, pound, etc., is wanted. Read over your order to ‘see if prices are correct and all is clear. Keep a Copy We use the greatest care in filling, checking and of your Order packing orders, but in spite of all, mistakes may occur. Should anything wrong happen in your order, advise us promptly, and same will be promptly rectified. Do not return goods until you hear from us. Send Us Your The sooner you send your order after you receive Order Early. this book, the better. Should you want any perish- able goods (potatoes, bulbs, plants, etc.) held for later shipment, advise us when you want them shipped, and we will book order for delivery at the time you specify. All Orders are and as far as possible, in rotation as received. Promptly Filled If you do not receive your order after waiting a reasonable length of time, send us a duplicate, giving date, amount, form ofremittance, your full name and post- office from which original order was sent, and it will help us trace your order. a Gur Terms. Cash for full amount of order must be sent us. We do not care to send goods C. O, D., but if you want them this way. one-third of the amountof the order must accompany it. Plants or other perishable goodscannot be sentC.O. D. If in @ special hurry for seeds, etc., you can now telegraph your order and the money in the Same message by the Western Union Telegraph Company. ‘ How to Send The safest way to send money is by post office money Money. order, express money order, or bank draft. On ail amounts of $1.00 or over you may purchase your money order or register your letterat ourexpense. If you remit by cash, your letter should be registered. When remittance is made by any of the above methods,we hold ourselves responsible for its safe arrival. If you live on an R. F. D. route, give mail earrier your order and money; he will purchase a money order for youand mailit tous. Where the above methods are incon- venient we will accept postage stamps. We Deliver Free by parcel post or express to your home, post- office or express office all seeds, bulbs, plants, ete., listed in this Seed Book at postpaid prices. If you wish larger quantities of seeds, potatoes, onion sets, roots, tools, insecticides, etc., which we quote, not prepaid, sent by parcel post, you can in cent money to cover parcel post charges must be added to the prices quoted not prepaid and remitted with your order, as post- age on parcel post packages must be prepaid. Change of Notify us when changing residence, giving new as well Address. aS old address. Catalogues or merchandise sent to wrong address cannot be forwarded by your postmaster. Extra Send us names and addresses of your friends, and we Catalogues. Will mail a catalogue to them, FREE. Correspondence. We give full cultural directions on all our pack- ages of both flower and vegetable seeds, also Planting Table on page 2 and Spraying Schedule on page 8, but should you need further information than that given, write us, but on a separate paper from the order sheet. some instances save money by having them sent this way. Suffi-: Parcel Post Rate WEIGHT EMMEF:—The weight limit within the first, second and third zones is now-70 pounds, and within all other zones 50 pounds. Shipments of 20 pounds or over are cheaper if sent by Express beyond the third zone. Domestic Parcel Post Rates Within U.S. and Possessions. Rates from Philadelphia, Pa. First Pound Each Additional or Fraction Pound or Fraction First Zone, within 50 miles of Phila. 5e Ic Second Zone, within 50-150 miles of Phila. 5¢ le Third Zone, within 150-300 miles of Phila, 6c 2¢ Fourth Zone, within 300-600 miles of Phila. 7c = 2 .4C) Fifth Zone, within 600-1000 miles of Phila. 8c 6c Sixth Zone, within 1000-1400 miles of Phila. 9¢ 8c Seventh Zone, within 1400-1800 miles of Phila. l1¢ ~ 10¢e Eight Zone, all over 1800 miles of Phila. 12¢c 12¢ If in doubt obtain your zone rate from your Postmaster. Beans, Sweet Corn, Peas, Clovers, Grasses, Farm and Grain seeds ordered in bulk can often be sent cheaper by parcel post than by express. When ordering any of these seeds, add postage to the prices quoted not prepaid and remit with your order, as postage on all parcel post packages must be prepaid. : WE DELIVER FREE BY PARCEL POST all Seeds, Plants, Bulbs, etc., auoted in our catalogue POSTPAID. The Maule Club Contest Plan $1,000 in Cash Prizes 45 Prizes in all Largest club order $200.00 Next 5 largest (each) $20.00 Second largest 150.00 Next 5 largest (each) 15.60 Third largest 100.00 Next 5 largest (each) 10.00 Fourth largest 75.60 Next 5 largest (each) 5.00 Fifth largest 50.00 Next 5 largest (each) 4.00 Next 5 largest (each) 25.00 Next 160 largest (each) 3.60 < When you send your first order for seeds, ete., tell us you want to enter the contest. Call upon your friends and ask them to buy their seeds, bulbs, plants, ete., through you. Take a copy of this catalogue with you (it tells you everything) and plenty of order blanks. We willsend you allthe blanks you wantfree. This ofier holds good on allorders received up to July], 1922. You get full credit for all orders. Maule’s Remarkable Four Leaf Clover Guarantee i. Safe Arrivai. We guarantee that all goods, except perish- able plants, will reach the customer in good condition. 2. Momey Imsured. We further hold curselves responsible for the safe arrival of all remittances sent by post office money order, express money order, draft, check or registered letter. This, with the first of the guarantees, protects you absolutely from dan- ger of damage or loss through transit. 3. We Pay Postage. Allseeds quoted by the packet, ounce, or fraction thereof, quarter pound, half pound, pound and 5 pounds, as well as all bulbs, plants, trees, tools, Insecticides, etc., offered in this Seed Book at postpaid prices will be delivered free of any extra charges to your home or post office. 4. As to Crops. Under the varying conditions of soil and climate, it is absolutely impossible for any seedsman to guarantee theresults of seeds, bulbs or plants. We, WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., therefore, in common with all American Seedsmen, give no warranty, express or implied, as tothe description, quality, pro- ductiveness or any other matter of any seeds, plants and bulbs we send out, and we will not be in any way responsible for the crop. We cannot, under any circumstances, assume responsibil- ity for more than the actual price paid for seeds, plants or bulbs. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned; but we do guarantee that we will use every effort tosend you the best seeds, plants and bulbs procurable, of such varieties as you may order. Arrange articles wanted on Order Sheet in numerical order to expedite filling your order 5 9 e Maules Superior | Vegetable Seeds Both old reliable kinds and entirely new varieties of seeds, plants and bulbs are listed on the following pages. _In all cases full tests have been ade, conforming to the unvarying Maulerule. Some old varieties have been discarded because newer sorts listed are an improvement over em. You may be sure of every article listed. They have been proven so far as possible. Our listing merits the same confidence as Shown by ir customers in the past, for which we thank them. United States Food Administration License Ne. G=119724. Order by the correct number given each variety or by name, but if both are given, mistakes are less liable to occur. e e a Philadelphia Asparagus Buncher Whether your patch is small or large, it will pay you to get our Asparagus uncher, made in two sizes. No. 1 size will shape bunches 8 to 383 inches in iameter, 6 to9 inches in length, weighing about one pound. No. 2 will nape bunches 4 to 43 inches in diameter, 7 to10 inches in length, weighing bout two pounds. Either buncher packed for parcel post weighs 8 pounds. f wanted by parcel post add postage. Not prepaid, either size, $3.50 each. Asparagus Book PHILADELPHIA een BUNCHER _ reliable treatise on Planting, Cultivating, Cutting, Packing and GARDEN GUIDE Canning. Illustrated, cloth bound book, by HEXAMER. The Amateur Gardeners’ Handbook ‘$1.00, POSTPAID. Throughout its pages.expert veteran gardeners tell the amateur in remarkably simple, easily understood language, how to plan, plant and maintain the home grounds, suburban garden or city lot, how to grow good vegetables and fruit; how to raise beautiful fiowers; how to take care of lawns, porch plants, window boxes, ete. THE GARDEN GUIDE consists of 384 pages and numerous illustrations, with teaching plans and diagrams, ete. Bock with paper cover, $1.16; bound in cloth, $1.65, pestpaid. IM = — : i : FZ Te I= = Straight Edge Asparagus Knife This popular tool for cutting asparagus is very useful in the garden r lawns for removing weeds, etc. Made of drop forged steel, 10 inch raight edge blade, with enameled shank. 50 cents each, postpaid. Asparagus Seed Asparagus grows easily in any good soil; a bed well cared for lasts for years CULTURE.—Sow in the early Spring in drills 2 to 3 feet apart, scattering about linch apart in thedrills. Cover with 1 inch of soil; cultivate freely. A packet will produce about 200 plants; an ounce, about 750 plants; 4 to5 pounds to the acre. The following spring set out the rootsin a permanent bed. Fight beetie with Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Slug Shot or Bug Death. 1 Palimetto Produces large, always green grass The most profitable asparagus on the market; mammoth in size, light green, heavy yielding, early producing and more disease resisting than any other variety. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cemts; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds $4.50, postpaid. 2 Giant Argenteuil Improved strain for home gardens We recommend it with great confidence to all asparagus growers; an ideal home garden sort producing mammoth stalks yet retaining that tender quality and beautiful green color. Always commands a high price. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, i0 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 3 e s 3 Barr’s Philadelphia Mammoth targe, strong growing, yet tender It throws strong, well developed green shoots the entire season. A favorite and leader in many markets. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 25 cents; pound, 75 cents; 5 pounds, $3.25, postpaid. ASPARAGUS ROOTS Cultural directions are sent with every order of Asparagus Roots For a home garden, Asparagus Roots may be planted 18 inches apart in rows 2% feet apart, thereby requirlng about 100 roots for a patch 20x20 feet. 5000 to 7000 roots will plant an acre. If yonr garden is smaller or larger, order accordingly. Asparagus can be cut the following spring. Not less than 50 roots of the one kind supplied (i 1 PALMET fi To ASPARAGUS at the 100 rate. 250 roots or over at the 1000 rate. Asparagus Roots are out of season during June to October. By mail, postpaid By express or freight, not prepaid 1-year old 2-year old l-year old 2-year old Jo. : per 12 per 100 per 12 per 100 No. per 100 per 1000 per 100 per 1000 1 Palmetto. $0.25 $1.35 $0.35 $1.75 1 Palmetto $1.00 $9.00 $1.25- $11.00 2 Giant Argenteuil 229 1.35 23D 1.75 2 Giant Argenteuil 1.00 9.60 1.25 11.00 3 Barr’s Philu. Mammoth 25 1.35 35 1.75 3 Barr’s Phila. Mammoth 1.00 9.00 1.25 11.00 Inoculate Garden Beans, Lima Beans, Garden Peas, Peanuts and Sweet Peas with Increase Your Crops Improve Your Soil The Best, Safest and Cheapest (Quality and Price considered) method of inoculation available MULFORD CULTURES contain pure, tested strains of active, vigorous nitrogen-fixing bacteria, for inoculating such seeds as GARDEN BEANS, AMA BEANS, GARDEN PEAS, PEANUTS AND SWEET PEAS. : i P MULFORD CULTURES are Supplied for the four varieties of vegetable seeds listed above and Sweet Peas at the following prices: _ Quarter Acre Size, 75 cents each, postpaid; Acre Size, $1.50 each, postpaid; 5 Acre Size, $5.00 each, postpaid. Small size (supplied only in 4 varieties for Garden Beans, Lima Beans, Garden Peas, and Sweet Peas), 35 cents each, postpaid. When ordering, specify for what crop wanted. No Special Imple- ments or experi- ence required. Se 2) Se ae ee a es 6 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Dwarf or Bush Beans—Green Pod b> -INOCULATE-THIS= =} 225 > SEED=WITH ORD Cu RD CULTURE CULTURE.—Succeed best in warm, sandy loam, enriched with well rotted stable or poultry manure. Must not be sown until the ground Sow in drills 18 to 80 inches apart, 1 to 2 inches deep, placing the beans 2 to 3 inches apart in the drills; for a succession Bush is warm and dry. sow every 2 weeks until September. beans are ready for use in 30 to 50 days. A packet will sow about 25 feetof row; use 1 pound to 100 feet of drill, 60 pounds to the acre. Cultivate frequently but shallow and never when the foliage is wet. ———— ' SS 16 Fordhook Favorite A White Seeded, Stringless and Tender, Green Podded Sort | A green podded bean, perfectly stringless, with white seeds, which | | can be used for soup or baked beans all winter. The bush grows from | 18 to 20 inches high, with dark green foliage, producing an enormous yield of beautiful, meaty, almost round, green pods, averaging 5% to 644 inches long. Very brittle and juicy, and above all BalMively stringless at all stages of its growth; pods ready for use in 82) days. This variety will be found to be one of the best for home or market. s Extra Early Refugee Sure Cropper, Very Early and Productive A green podded bush bean thatis very widely known. It is an early form of the famous old Late Refugee or Thousand-to-One, maturing its pods in about 30 days. Almost certain to produce a crop even in un- favorable seasons; enormously productive. Suitable for early or late planting. A standard bush bean for home and market. Seed drab eolor, nearly covered with dark purple blotches. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. Packet, 15 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at _ 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. gee nes aes (ae 4 Stringless Green Pod Bush Bean One of the Earliest; Always Stringless, Tender and Crisp The Stringless Green Pod is now one of the most popular bush beans in America. In point of earliness it ranks among the first, in quality it is excelled by none, and in bearing ability it stands without a rival. The pods are round, fleshy and nearly straight; are borne in abundance through a Jong season, being ready for the table in about 81 days. They are five inches in length, rich green in color, very tender, and of highest and best favor. They remain long in edible condition. Unexcelled for home use, or for market. Seed of medium size, yellowish brown color. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 24 cents;10 pounds or over at 21 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $19.00. Never cultivate or pick beans when foliage is wet; it causes pods to spot or rust 7 ww An Early Standard Variety 13 Earliest Improved Valentine “hati teat Beat Our improved strain of this famous old reliable green podded bush bean is ready for the table in 82 to 35 days. perfected it has full, meaty round pods, which possess beauty, tenderness and superior flavor. It.is an ideal snap short bean, and one that always sells well in the market. Plants grow uniformly about fifteen inches in height. Our Earliest Im- proved is a great improvement over the original Red Valentine and is now the most prolific and profitable bean of its kind. Seed is purplish pink splashed with pale buff. One of the most popular green podded sorts. Our stock is true round podded. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. AS now Not prepaid, Ib., 22 cts.; 10 lbs. or over at 19 cts. per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. NOTICE We offer Beans and Peas pints, quarts, bushels, ete. “lb. equals about 1% pint 1 lb. equals about 1 pint 2 Ibs. equal about 1 quart 15 Ibs. equal about 1 peck 60 Ibs. equal about 1 bu. Customers may order 5 pounds or over at the 10 pound rate, 25 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate 11 Black Valentine The Earliest Bean to Plant, Owing to Its Hardiness Very hardy and productive; the green pods are fit for the table in 31 days. ‘This bean withstands early and late frosts that kill other varieties. It yields enormously and the pods are one-third longer than most other green podded sorts; they are perfectly round and straight. Owing to its many 12 Henderson’s Bountiful A Continuous Bearer, Tender and Stringless An improved ‘‘Long Yellow Six Weeks,”’ producing many more, better and largergreen pods. It is very hardy, extremely early, very prolific and bears continuously for several weeks. The green pods are of large size, flat, solid, meaty, stringless and of delicious flavor. Excellent home garden or market sort. Ready for the table in 35 days. Seed a light yellow color. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. excellent qualities and large and handsome appearance it is a splendid sort for the market as well as the home gardener. Very popular in the Southon account of its blight resisting qualities; a long distance shipper. Seed black, of medium size. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 eents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid, ot prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. 8 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, Sey ee Ss -1oMammoth Stringless Green Pod An Absolutely Stringless Giant Podded Bush Bean The handsome round pods are 6 to 7 inches long, dark green in color, very brittle and of superior quality. The plant grows large and erect, producing its pods very early, in about 382 days. Itis one of the most productive varieties, and is one of the best for the market or home garden. Seed dark yellow. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. 20 Keeney’s Stringless Refugee Perfectly Stringless, with Fleshy, Brittle Pods The handsome, round, green pods average about 5 inches long and are brittle, tender, fleshy and perfectly stringless at all stages of their growth. Fit for the table in about 45 days. Its quality is superfine; for commercial canning it is unequalled, and is very desirable for home or market garden. Seed light drab, thickly mottled purple. Packet, 12 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 40 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. 7 Round Pod Refugee or 1000 to 1 Excellent Summer Variety; Enormous Yielder Very popular in many sections; enormous yielder. The plants are very large, spreading, exceedingiy hardy, with an abundance of foliage. Pods are perfectly round and straight, tender and of excellent table qualities; good for both early and late planting. Very popular with canners. Pods ready for use in 48 days. Seed light drab color, thickly dotted and splashed with purple. : Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. > 18 Longfellow or French Stringless Attractive, Long Green Pods of Excellent Quality This perfectly round, green podded bean is tender and prolific, and is one of the best varieties for the home garden. The pods are of fine qual- ity, nearly stringless and exceedingly handsome. In production, very prolific; exhibits a profusion of highly beautiful, rich green pods7 to8 inches long, straight and round. When cooked the flavor is exquisitely delicious. The plant grows 14 to 16 inches high, bearing edible pods in 85 days. Seed purplish pink, mottled pale ochre red. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid, Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. To prevent or kill weevil in your dried Beans or Peas use Rajah; see page 173 9 ° Dwari Shell or Field Beans Note: Most of these have a tendency to send out runners or trailers. For Soups and Baking CULTURE.—Succeeds best in warm, sandy soil. Sow in drills 2 to 8 feet apart, placing the beans 2 to 3 inches apart and cover the seeds with 2 inches of soil. of row, a pound about 200 feet; 30 to 46 pounds per acre. 6 Dwarf Horticultural Excellent Either as a Snap or Shell Bean Also called Cranberry and Italian bean. A vigorous grower with large green pods, splashed with carmine. Pods ready for the table in about 35 days. Excellent either as snaps inthe green state, shelled green or dry. They become fit for use as green shelled beans about 10 days later, and in this condition the beans are yery large, easily shelled and about equal to the lima in quality. Seed pale buff mottled pink. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. e e 22 Burlingame Medium 7h¢stand2ra sort Harliest. hardiest, most productive and profitable field bean in Amer- ica. It averages 40 bushels per acre. Ripens its dry pearly white beans in 60 days, and in a wet season remains sound and healthy where other varieties rust and spot. Produces somewhat larger white beans than the Improved Navy but not as large as White Marrowfat. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. Can be sown any time from May until July 10, maturing the dry beans in about 50 to 65 days. The following varieties are extensively grown for winter shelled beans. BEAN CULTURE Practical Guide Book by Sevey. Illustrated, Cloth- bound, $1.00 Postpaid A packet will sow about 25 feet One of the heaviest yielding shell beans known This variety has become very popular and is now more extensively grown than the larger sorts. It is without question one of the heaviest yielding white beans known. The strong upright plant carries the pods well above the ground, which keeps them from getting injured by wet weather before harvesting. Ripen its crop of dry, small, almost round, solid white beans in about 60 days and all at once. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 18 cents; 10 pounds or over at 16 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $14.00. BEAR IN MIND When ordering large quantities of BEANS, SWEET CORN and PEAS by PARCEL POST add postage to the prices quoted not prepaid and remit with your order, as postage on parcel post packages must be prepaid. See Parcel Post Rates, page 4. We make nocharge for bags. t one 24 White Marrowfat The Largest White Seeded Sort This remarkable shell bean, grown so generally in all sections, is probably the most popular ofall. Requiring only about 65 days to ma- ture and ripen its large white beans. Plants are healthy and vigorous, absolutely free from all disease, a sure cropper, and a prodigious yielder. The dry white beans cook tender. Excellent for soup or baking. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 26 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $16.00. 10 |: =-]NOCULATE-THIS <<} | 2 i |MULFORD CULTURE AX: 36 Prolific Black 1 Wax Waxy Yellow Pods, Tender and Productive An improved strain of the old Black Wax; a stronger grower, with longer, straighter and rounder pods, and twice as prolific and is one of the earliest wax sorts. It also remains in good picking condition for a long season. Its handsome, yellow, fleshy, stringless pods are produced in 40 days, and borne well up from the ground, which commend it for both home and market purposes. Seed is solid black. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Dwarf or Bush Beans— Yellow Pod — |* INOGULATEATHIS - = “== SEED: WITH=_— “MOLFORD CULTURE Early, Perfectly Stringless; a Sure Cropper While it resembles the well-known Currie’s Rust Proof Wax in plant, pods and bean, it is in no way related to this variety, but is entirely different in quality, tenderness, and is stringless at all stages of its development. Produces pods in 45 days, which average 6 inches long, are flat, thick and meaty. The plants are very thrifty and hardy, resist- ing blight admirably and stands a remarkable amount of dry weather. Desirable for market or home gardeners. Seed is black. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.60. x WMiaule’s Improved Butter Wax The Best Wax Bean for the Home Garden. Extremely Early, Very Handsome Round Yellow Pods This bean was first offered by us as ‘‘Nameless Wax” in 1906, later known as Maule’s Wingold Wax, and now Maule’s Improyed Butter Wax; at present, considered one of the best and handsomest general purpose wax beans. Its pods are straighter, more uniform in color and Size, more attractive than any other wax sort and fully as productive. Snap pods very uniform in size, long to medium, very straight, round, medium yellow, extremely brittle, absolutely stringless, without fibre and of excellent quality. The yellow pods are ready for use in about 40 days and are borne equally above and below foliage, never colored or splashed. Seeds are white with a little brown around the eye. In addition to the above this bean is one of the earliest wax sorts, and is rust-proof and free from disease attacks, and allin all is unsurpassed. Packet, 15 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. For a continuous supply of Beans, make successional sowings every two weeks until September 11 x» Maule’s Profusion Wax A Distinct and Profuse Bearer of Handsome Yellow Pods The plants are literally covered with handsome, delicious, transparent yellow pods, which are remarkably brittle, as it has no strings whatever. It is a wonderfully strong grower. Pods are round, of large size, full of meat, brittle andstringless. In addition to these good qualities it is very early, producing its pods in 35 days, and continues in bearing a long time. Maule’s Pro- fusion Wax holds its own at all times against competition. Seed yellowish drab, mottled purple. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $16.00. A handsome, prolific and profitable sort. The pods are of a clear, waxy yellow color; are more conspicuous than the foliage itself when the bush is in full bearing. Pods oval-shaped, ready to use in 35 days, of high table quality, and is adapted to home use or marketand is not excelled for canning, haying white seeds, which are very attractive in jars. The dry white kidney shaped beans are good for winter use, either for soup or baking. ) Packet, 30 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 23 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. 33 Unrivaled Wax Extremely Early with Creamy Yellow Wax Pods : This handsome, attractive, wax podded bean is one of the earliest inaturing sorts. The dwarf plant is strong, well branched. and produces in about 33 days an enormous crop of beautiful, semi-transparent pale yellow pods. These pods average six inches in length, almost straight and remain teader for along period. The flavor is excellent, seed small, flat, slightly kidney shaped, color ochre brown. A. suitable bean for home or market gardener. % Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid; s Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, § 20.00. 1 31 Round Pod Kidney Wax Handsome; Round, Yellow Pods, Known as Brittle Wax This desirable round podded wax bean has attained the top notch among beans of this class. Producing unusually large round pods 4 to 6 inches in length, in about 42 days, which are very solid, meaty and tender, free from string, breaking brittle; the flavor is unsurpassed. Seed nearly all white with a little dark marking about the eye. Packet, 12 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. 33 UNRIVALED WAX BUSH BEAN. Vines robust and vigorous; the handsome broad pods are produced in great abundance and are very uniform in size and color, which is a very attractive light golden yellow; meaty and of superior quality, ready for use in 88 days. Seed clear white. Valuable for both home or market | fine flavor.. The plant is of robust, upright growth and productive. gardeners and canners.° The dry white beans are good for winter use. Seed white with dark markings about eye. | Packet, 10 cents; halfpound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. ; Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, £40 cents, postpaid. ; Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at | Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound, 100 pounds, $16.00. ES ee WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Se) ) = NOTICE All Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, etc., Listed in this Seed Book Postpaid are Deliveredto Your Home or Postoffice FREE of All Charges 19 New Kidney Wax Early Profuse Bearer of Handsome Lemon-Yellow Pods A productive yellow podded sort, producing handsome pods in 42 days, which are fleshy and flattened in form, often measuring 6 to 7 inches in length, and are entirely stringless and brittle, meaty and of 34 Michigan White Wax Briefly Described as a White Seeded Golden Wax 22 cents per pound; I00 pounds, $20.00. Incculate your BEANS with MULFORD CULTURE Garden Size 35 cents Quarter Acre Size 75 cents Acre Size $1.50 5-Acre Size $5.00 Postpaid b] =, oe 25 Wardwell’s Kidney Wax 37 Pencil Pod Black Wax. One of the Best, Earliest and Hardiest of the Wax Sorts Round, Golden-Yellow Pods, Very Productive ; Medium Early . The plant becomes loaded with long, broad and flat, beautiful yellow The beautiful yellow, straight pods are from 6 to7 inches long, wel: ; colored pods, which are fit for use in 40 days. Stvingless and of arich,|;ounded, meaty and deeply saddle-backed. They are always solid, luscious flavor, and exceedingly brittle. Wecan recommend this bean brittle and entirely stringless and of excellent quality, and are pro- very highly to market gardeners. It always commands a ready sale. A | queed through a long season. The plants grow about 15 inches high, h great favorite for shipping, fine for the family garden. The white, producing pods in 40 days, hardy and very prolific. Seed jet black. mottled purple, dried beans are of a distinct kidney shape. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid, Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at = Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. Ee 13 For cut worms and other insects that attack your plants see page 173 for the Insect Killer 28 Golden Guceh or Hodson Wax Late Variety of Excellent Quality; Free from Spot or Rust An entirely distinct type of wax bean. Produces a healthy growth of foliage, resists rust and blight, and is remarkably prolific, with long, straight, attractive, light yellow, oval-shaped pods, brittle and tender, ready for use in 50 days. Of good quality and remarkable productive- ness. Seed is purplish pink, mottled pale ochre red. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $17.00. SS& S = = = = eye 5 aan es BERET TETGteoedenite ok Paneer pouNsot and This grand cabbage is a great acquisition. In a field of Beveral acres ort. It is a money maker for gardeners, and a very desirable sort frequently not a single plant shows any variation froma true an AG n eyery garden. It is the earliest of large cabbages, being ready able type, the large heads are of about equal size and shape, roun a8.a ‘or the table or market in about 90 days. “All Head Early in size of ball, hard and solid, and Stand a long time before bursting, producing 1eads is one-third larger than Barly Summer or Copenhagen 1 Market, |2¢eads in about 100 days. This main crop sort is very desirable where large [The deep, flat heads are remarkably uniform in shape, size and color. uniformly round heads with short stem and plants of compact growth Food quality and tenderness are marked features. The compact |@%@ wanted, furnishing large heads of excellent shape. ‘The outer aabit of growthof All Head Early cabbage renders close planting leaves are thick, long 4 , oval rine rather smooth.. The variety is hardy, easible. A good early spring, summer or winter sort. usually very solid and a good keeper. Packet, 8 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents; Packet, 10 cents; halfounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 85cents; pound, $3.00; 5 pounds, $13.75, postpaid. CR EUEE OES 85 ocr pound, $3.00; 5 pounds, $13.75. postpaid. Market Gardeners and Florists Have you received our Special Market Gardeners’ Price List? If not, and you are raising vegetable or flowers for sale, send a postal card request for it to-day. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 ‘Maule’ s Frost Proof Cabbage Plants WILL DOUBLE YOUR PROFIT. rs Because they mature heads which can be marketed two to three weeks earlier than yous home grown plants and you get early market prices EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD VERY EARLY 2nd EARLIEST EARLY FLAT DUTCH SUCCESSION LARGE FLAT HEAD " FOLLOWS EARLY FLAT DUTCH. Maule’s sturdy southern grown cabbage plants are tough and hardy They mean doilars to the wide awake gardener Our plants are grown, from the best strains of seed, in the south where the soil and climatic conditions are just suited for growing tough, hardy, frost proof cabbage plants. Plants are ready for shipment when from eight to ten weeks old, the buds are then purple and the outer leaves a reddish brown; when in this condition they can be shipped to territory farther north and planted in the open ground a month to six weeks earlier than home grown hot bed or cold frame plants. The top of the plant does not grow until your regular spring weather opens up, but the roots grow from the time the plants are set. They have stood a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero without injury; the land freezing or the plants being covered with ice, sleet and snow did not effect them. Headed cabbage is ready ten days to three weeks earlier than from any other plants. Frost proof cabbage plants may be shipped to any point where they will arrive within four or five days, by parcel post, and should be planted four to six weeks earlier than home grown plants. The plants will be somewhat wilted and have a hard stunted look when received which will be disappointing to persons who have never used them before. Regard- less of their appearance, however, they will produce the results. Order early and state about what date you wish your plants sent. We will ship just as near the time desired as weather and other conditions permit, but PLEASE REMEMBER Your order must first be sent from our offices in Philadelphia to our grow ing station in the south, and it will take several days to reach there after we send it. Plants cannot be pulled and shipped in rainy or freezing Ww eather, when wet they heat too rapidly. Wesometimes have a week or ten days of continued wet weather which prevents shipment. Your order will be accepted with the understanding that you are willing to allow for delays, such as explained above, over which we |? have absolutely no control. : READ CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ORDER VARIETIES. Wecan supply frost proof cabbage plants only in the following varieties: Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston or Large Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch and Succession. : No Plants Shipped C. O. D. No Less than 100 Plants Sold. No Plants Shipped by Express We do not advise shipments of cabbage plants by express, but if you are willing to assume the entire risk will quote prices on large quantities, on request, for express shipment. We fill orders from December Ist to April 20th. 100 of any one kind, 50 cents, postpaid; 500 of any one kind, $1.75, postpaid; 1000 or more of any one kind, $3. 25 per thousand, postpaid: Order in even hundreds or thousands, viz., 100, 200, 300. Not 150, 250, etc. Maule’s New Jersey Grown Cabbage Plants Ready for Delivery C Ready for Delivery Early Cabbage Plants about April 20th Late abbage P lants about duly ist Maule’s Early Jersey Wakefield,Charleston Wakefield, Maule’s Early Prize Late Flat Dutch, Maule’s Surehead, Flat Dutch, Copenhagen Market and Succession. Danish Ball Head, Drumhead Savoy and Red Rock. 25 cents per dozen; 50 cents per 50; 85 cents per 100, postpaid. 25 cents per dozen; 40 cents per 50, 75 cents per 100, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.75; $6.00 per 1000. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.25; $4.50 per 1000. Start your early Cabbage and Cauliflower in Neponset paper pots, offered on page 175 29 132 Henderson’s Succession | Does Well in All Seasons; a Sure Cropper _ A large heading sort, producing its heads in 100 days, adapted for late Summer as well as winter use, and is absolutely true to its type. It isso finely bred that in a field of twenty acres every head appears alike. It is a very handsome cabbage in make up and habit of growth, as well as high bred in quality. The heads are deep and very firm. Its large size, great productiveness, reliability, excellent flavor, sure crop- ping and long keeping qualities make it one of the best for general use. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, 90 cts.; pound, $3.25; 5 pounds, $13.75, postpaid. Hammond’s Slug Shot KILLS CABBAGE AND CAULIFLOWER WORMS 1 Pound carton with perforated top, 45 cents, postpaid. By express or freight, not prepaid, 1 pound carton, 25 cents; 5 pound package, 65 cents; 10 pound package, $1.20. 136 Marblehead Mammoth The Largest Headed Late Cabbage This enormous cabbage excels in size all other varieties. Under high culture it has reached the enormous weight of 50 to 60 pounds per head with a diameter equal to that of a bushel basket, while 30 pounds per head is by no means rare. If you wish to haye the biggest cabbage in the whole neighborhood this js the variety to plant. The quality and the flavor is excellent; it produces mammoth size heads in about 120 days. It is well adapted to the South; is considered one of the most desirable varieties of late cabbage for warm latitudes. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.75; 5 pounds, $17.50, postpaid. Late or Winter Cabbage Ready to use or store in about 100 to 120 days 128 Celebrated Lupton A Leading Winter Cabbage Lupton cabbage has some of the best traits of Surehead, with the size and general shape of Maule’s Prize Flat Dutch, but is several days earlier than the latter. Its growth is particularly strong and vigorous. The stem is short, the head is thick and flat, adark bluish green, with the outer leaves covering it well across the centre. It is very large, solid, and of the most excellent quality, without any features of coarse- ness, the veins and ribs being well developed, but not prominent. Matures its large solid heads in 110 days. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $16.25, postpaid. Cabbage, Cauliflower and Allied Vegetable Culture A COMPLETE BOOK Illustrated, 126 pages, cloth bound, by C. L. Allen $1.00, postpaid. te Z 140Red Danish Round Head Round, Solid, Dark Red Heads This is the newest and most superior variety of red cabbage. It orig: inated in Denmark and is considered one of the best strains introduced. The plants are strong and compact in growth, producing dark red, round, solid heads of medium size, equally as hard and handsome in appearance as our famous Danish Ball Head. The red color extends to the centre of each head, making it a valuable sort for the home garden, market or pickling. Its beautiful solid heads are ready for the table in 110 days. Originator’s stock. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; oumce, 45 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $20.00, postpaid. SN WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, i ( PA., 1922 133 Maule’s Prize Drumhead Large, Solid Heads on Short Stems Sureness in heading and regularity in growth have placed this variety high in the list, and we have no fear of using words of praise too high for its merits. It forms very large, hard, solid, flat- tened heads, uniform in shape and color, and of handsomeappearance. It has ayeryshort stem, and is a compact grower. Shortness of stem is so characteristic as to be associated with the very best strains of this cabbage, and the stock which we offer is thoroughbred in this and all other respects. This cabbage, like Prize Flat Dutch, has so long been an established standard that certain peculiarities have been bred into it, and have be- come so firmly fixed as to be necessary features of growth. It is as natural for this cabbage to form a head as to form leaves, and reports of 99 marketable heads from 100 plants are of frequent occurrence. Nobody will be disappointed in our strain of Short Stemmed Drumhead, for it far surpasses the old-fashioned strains of the same name, with heads of deeper and better shape maturing in 120 days. It is a standard sort for winter keeping or kraut making, and sells read- ily in the winter and spring markets. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; 1383 MAULE’S PRIZE DRUMHEAD CABBAGE. 125 Danish Ball Head ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $15.00, postpaid. The Best Winter og Cabbage Middle Stem The Cabbage that is Swelling the Bank Account of Thousands of our Customers Every Year Our Strain of this Seed is Simply Unsurpassed for Home or Market Use If you want the highest price per ton in ear lots, you must plant Maule’s Seed of this cabbage. In describing our Danish Ball Head we can do no better than refer to the above illustration, from a photograph sent us by our grower of this famous cabbage in Denmark. The wide and unfailing popularity of Danish Ball Head eabbage is simply wonderful. It seems to adapt itself to all soils and conditions. The leading characteristics of Danish Ball Head cabbage are: First, that it is a sure header; second, that it is of unapproachable solidity and weight; third, that it is an extra good keeper; and fourth, that it is a good seller. Danish Ball Head Cabbage produces its crop in about 120 days. It is sure to head, the heads being round, hard and extremely heavy, though not extra large. It can be grown in close quarters, on account of its compact habit. As to its keeping qualities, it comes out of the pit in March or April as fresh as when put in, and with no waste. Itis popular in the markets of all the large cities. Our seed of this popular cabbage comes to us direct from the best growers in Denmark Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $15.00, postpaid. Ih the 0 any 0 strail Rout oni To rid your cabbage of worms, use Slug Shot, Hellebore or Bug Death; for prices and information see page 173 31 The of Earliest Danish Short Ball Stemmed © Head Strain Cabbage bi ~ —— » ~ ~: o =n is oa | e Short * Danish Round Head Cabbage so. ‘ The Heaviest Yielding Strain, Often Producing 22 Tons Per Acre In this strain we have very large, solid heads on short stems, produced in 110 days, having the same keeping quality as the original strain of Danish Ball Head, so widely known. It is 10 days to 2 weeks earlier and produces a larger yield than any of the so-called Danish cabbages. It is especially valuable for high, dry land, producing good sized heads where other strains would be too small. For shipping in the late fall or winter there is no finer cabbage than this strain. Danish Round Head is exceedingly hardy in resisting cold and stands dry weather well. Our stock comes to us direct from the originator in Denmark and is so well bred that practically every plant will produce a good solid head. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $15.00, postpaid. 135 Lhe Houser—Latest Cabbage of Them All This excellent cabbage is in very wide favor, and thousands of our friends testify SS toits value. It is at least two weeks later than any strain of the Late Flat Dutch type. In solidity it is almost as hard as the renowned Danish Ball Head. It is very compact in habit of growth, the leaves closely surrounding and overlap- ping the head. The shape and appearance are shown in the illustration. In size the Houser cabbage will average about 12 pounds at maturity, and the heads are uniformly handsome. The shape is round and deep, as indicated; and when a head cracks or bursts it isalways at the stem end, which does not destroy its use for market. In quality the Houser cabbage equals the best, being very free from the coarse ribs found in most late sorts. In fact we would say that the Houser cabbageis very well bred, and in the careful trials and comparative tests on our grounds, it has shown up excellently with ali other late sorts. It is a strong, vigorous grower, with ability to withstand drought better than most varieties. Its true merit is shown by the demand for it. It behaves well in the field and sells well in the market, and adapts itself to various conditions of soil and climate. Its keeping qualities, in winter storage, are perfect. It is because the Houser is so extremely late and is such an excellent keeper that it has attained such wide pop- ularity. Owing to the scarcity of seed we can offer in packets only. Prices for 1922—Packet, 25 cents; 3 packets, 70 cents, postpaid. : = TG a = 134 Mlaule’s Prize Flat Dutch Weill Known and Widely Grown This cabbage is as widely grown as any other in =YV the whole country. Continued care and critical selection haye secured a perfectly true stock of seed. The heads of our Prize Flat Dutch are very large, heavy, solid, flat on top, and of a bluish green color. Our strain is a iow growing variety with short stem and comparatively few outer leaves.. The quality is fine and the flavor ex- ) cellent, the heads being white when cut and the inside leaves crisp and tender. Our seed has Y always been American grown, coming from the celebrated Long Island districts, and whoever purchases Maule’s Prize Flat Dutch may be as- sured of getting the best. It is everywhere a favorite market variety. It matures slightly earlier than Prize Drumhead, producing heads in about 110 days. Prize Flat Dutch is comparatively free from a disposition to burst, and is one of the most reliable winter keepers. We think this strain will do better under partial neglect than any = other in the world, possibly excepting Surehead. Packet, 8 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; 184 MAULE’S PRIZE FLAT DUTCH CABBAGE. pound, $3.50;5 pound, $15.00, postpaid. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 eS Zi S aule’s Seeds Once Grown Always Grown ie Hl | We watch with great care all the new cabbages, and test them at our trial grounds, but we still think that Maule’s Surehead for main crop will do the most good for the most people. No other cabbage in America today has all the merits of Maule’s Genuine Surehead. People who have never sown Maule’s Surehead do not know what good cabbage is. The Surehead is the greatest and most profitable cabbage ever introduced, that has, for such a long term of years, main- All Head and Always Sure to Head tained so wide a popularity. This is proven by the testimony of over 100,000 planters, in all sections of the country, representing all con- ditions of soil, elevation, climate and cultural treatment. Maule’s Surehead is a late variety, with head as large as Maule’s Prize Flat Dutch. Ready to cutin 110 days. The heads are firm and hard, elegant for kraut; the cabbage keeps well, is a splendid shipper, giving satisfaction everywhere. ea Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $15.00, postpaid. 1414 Improved Drumhead Savoy The best crumpled leaf cabbage The Savoy cabbages are noted for their fine and delicate flavor. The leaves are wrinkled or densely crumpled. Matures fine large heads in 110 days. A good winter keeper and one of the best for home or market. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 5 pounds, $16.25 postpaid The best, largest heading red cabbage The hardiest and largest heading red cabbage. pounds each. Used principally for pickling. A sure cropper. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00, postpaid. Produces heads in 120 days, round, very solid and of a deep red color, often weighing 12 ys {oral SS Other leading varieties of Cauliflower, as well as our New Jersey grown plants, are offered on the next page 33 CAULIFLOWER CULTURE.—A gross feeder, and well repays heavy manuring and high culture. It succeeds best on well drained soil. Start plants in frame or seed bed, and transplant. Seed for early cauliflower may be started in Autumn ina cold frame, or in early Spring ina hotbed. For main crop, Summer and Autumn, the seed should be sown in May or June. A packet will produce about 150 plants, an ounce about 3000 plants; 144 pound for anacre. Set the plants 2 to 3 feet apart each way. Ready to use in 85 to 120 days. Fight worms with Bug Death, Hellebore or Slug Shot. To obtain pure white heads, tie or bend the leaves over to keep out the light. 164 Maule’s Prize Earliest The Earliest Grown; a Sure Header Heads the list as the earliest, finest and handsomest cauliflower. Whether for forc- ing under glass or growing in the open ground, and whether planted early or late, it is the surest header of all, maturingits heads in about 8 days. Itis very dwarf and com- pact in habit of growth, like the Snowball, and can be planted as close as 18 inches each way for forcing or where space is limited. Maule’s Prize Earliest is particularly desir- able for forcing under glass, while in our open air trials every plant has produced a head, excelling all. other varieties in earli- ness, size and quality. Packet, 25 cents; 14 ounce, $1.00; ounce, $3.50; quarter pound, $9.00; pound, $35.00, postpaid. ¥ xtra Early ; 172 Early Favorite Sure Heading, Second Early Sort 173 Autumn Giant Very Popular; Easily Grown A reliable variety, producing a good large white head, in 100 days, solid and compact and of the finest quality. The large heads remain a long time fit for use. Packet, 10 cts.; quarter ounce, 35 cts.; ounce, $1.00; 4 pound, $3.00, postpaid. Will stand heat and drought exceptionally well, which is a great point 1n its favor and makes it most highly desirable in regions where other varieties have failed. Producing beads in 100 days. P Packet 10 cents; quarter ounce, 40 cents; ounce, $1.25; 14 pound, $3.50, postpaid. An Extra Fine Late Sort This isa late variety, maturing its heads in 120 days. The heads are large, very white and of the best quality. The heads are protected by the foliage and remain a long time fit for use. Packet, 10 cents; quarter oumce, 25 cents3 ounce, 85 cts.; quarter pound, $2.50, postpaid. 34 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Se 168 Larly Snowball Cauliflower Large Solid White Heads. A Sure Cropper This standard variety is known everywhere, either in the home garden or with the market gardeners. Produces large solid white heads when conditions are ordinarily favorable in about 90 days. Averages about 9 inches and often attains a size of 12 inches in diameter. Being one of the earliest strains of cauliflower it becomes one of the most popular sorts, either for forcing under glass during winter and spring, or for planting in the open ground. The plants are of compact habit, which enables close planting, producing one-third more heads on the same space of ground than can be procured from most other sorts, excepting Maule’s Prize Earliest. A desirable variety for sowing in the early Spring, as well as for late Summer or for Fall use outdoors. Packet, 20 cents; quarter ounce, 85 cents; ounce, $3.00; quarter pound, $8.50; pound, $32.50, postpaid. New Jersey Grown Cauliflower Plants Ready for delivery about April 20th - Maule’s Prize Earliest and Early Snowball 35 cents per dozen, $1.00 per 50, $1.75 per 100, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $2.75, $5.50 per 500, $10.00 per 1000. aula The above two named varieties ready for Late Cauliflower Plants delivery about July ist at the same prices A Very Early, Reliable Sort This is a first-class cauliflower, and next to our Prize Earliest and Snowball is the best, producing heads in 90 days. It would be a leader, except for these two especially fine sorts; flower, that in season andout of season it can always be depended upon nevertheless, it finds especial favor in many sections. Packet, 15 cents; quarter ounce, 85 cents; ounce, $3.00; quarter pound, $8.50; pound, $32.50, postpaid. to make a head. Produces solid pure white heads in 90 days. absolutely unsurpassed strain. 165 Dry Weather Cauliflower Reaches Perfection When Ordinary Sorts Fail This desirable strain originated in Denmark, but has been fully tested in America with the most favorable results. It pro- duces a large, solid, pure white head, maturing in about 95 days, a little later than Maule’s Prize Earliest. Itisin all respects a first-class cauliflower, but is especially and pecu- liarly adapted to dry situations and to resisting the effeets of droughts. It will also do well in moist or wet seasons, making heads equal to any. Excellent home or market sort. Packet, 20 cents; quarter ounce, $1.00; ounce, $3.25; quarter pound, $9.00; pound, $35.00, postpaid. Maturity Dates In all descriptions of VEGETABLE SEEDS offered in This this Seed Book, we have given the maturity date. will tell you when you may expect vegetables ready for the table; of course the weather conditions must be favor- able for producing the crop. RLM Ase 166 Maule’s Always Heads Cauliflower The Popular and Perfect Header The name well illustrates the strongest characteristic of this cauli- It is an Excellent home garden or market sort. Packet, 20 cents; quarter ounce, 85 cents; ounce, $3.00; quarter pound, $8.50; pound, $32.50, postpaid. Sow seed of Carrots for winter storing in June. Carrots from earlier sowings are too old for winter use 35 Either for Table Use or Winter Storing G aa r d e rn Cc a r r Oo t S Rich in Food Value. Easily Grown CULTURE.—Sow in drills in early spring until July. Cover 4% to 1 inch deep, and press soil about seed; afterward thin plants to 2 to 6 inches Make rows 12 to 30inches apart. Use a packet to 60 feet of drill. an ounce to 400 feet. 2 to 3 pounds to the acre. Ready to use in 45 to 75 days. 148 Early Searles Horn The Popular Sort for Early Planting A variety of carrot long and fayorably known toallgrowers. It is not large, but is often used for early crop. It is sometimes used for fore- ing. The flesh is fine grained and the color a deep orange. It has Small tops, and grows well in shallow soil. It matures in about 55 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. 152 Maule’s Danvers Half Long The Popular Carrot for the Home Garden or Market See Back Cover for Colored Illustration This variety is well adapted to all soils and sections, and some years it leads our whole list as the best seller. It is half long in shape, almost cylindrical, somewhat stump rooted, and of rich, dark orange color. Weclaim that it will yield greater bulk and weight for a given length of root than any other carrot now grown. Over 40 tons per acre of Maule’s Danvers have been grown, and a yield of 25 to 30 tons per acre isnot uncommon. Matures its crop of beautiful shaped roots in 70 days. Grown extensively by market gardeners for bunching and makes a handsome appearance on the market Stalls; of the finest quality and one of the most popular sorts for home use. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.V0, postpaid. S Yf All Seeds, ete, Note listed Postpaid are delivered to your home or postoffice free of charge AN ULC KS GF ey | Ame) 155 Red St. Valery 147 Earty HALE Known as a Pointed Rooted Danvers CONG ScARteT, A desirable garden carrot, longer than 147 Early Half Long Scarlet Danvers, tapers abruptly ith boned This is one of the best early stump rooted varie- roots, often called Pointed Danvers. 1€ | ties, and is coreless. The flesh is of a bright orange P= root measures 10 to 12 inches in length, | color. It is early, has a Smooth skin, and is most is { ts | excellent for table use. A good variety for both B35 VERY. broad at the shoulder, BD) ERS home and market gardens. It will mature its evenly to the small tap root. It grows) crop of roots in 60 days. smoothly and is sweet and tender; roots Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; are ready to pull in 70 days. Its color | quarter pound, 30 cts; pound, $1.00, postpaid. is a rich reddish orange. For market | 144 Extra Early Parisian Forcing gardeners its beautiful appearance makes Thes Eacliest, br kiest ofall’ Carrot it a rapid seller on the market stalls. AS} his carrot is oue of such quick growth that we arr + 4 aq Thi think a good name for it is the radish carrot. a table carrot it aS, unsurpassed, Ny hile te Matures quickly; in about 45 days. It has a very afield carrot its immense yield makes it| fine neck andarather hollow crown. Good for extremely valuable. forcing under glass or outdoor planting. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. | quarter pound, 4Ucts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 144 EXTRA EARLY PARISIAN FORCING. 36 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 \ | lA WASTES SW SMEAR REA NI S (Gs Wir) Wily > RS AEE S iY) ry TRF ) Sh Ta Oem. Wa 151 Chantenay or Model Unexcelled in Quality and Productiveness This variety is a very productive one. _SSSSSSSSSSSSSSEE_ZZEZZ It has an extra large shoulder, is easily SSSA dug, and is desirable in all respects. (CEES SSS oA is a stump rooted sort, very smooth, fine _ SSS a7Tt7zZA in texture and ofa beautiful, rich. SSSEEZZ a a LSSSSSSSEEIZ,) orange color. For table use it is consid- _SSSSSSSEZ ered by many to be the best of all; ma- SSS EUTAZz tures its beautiful shaped roots in 60 days. Sa AA Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; _ SS ea quarter pound, 30 cents; SS pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.59, _SSSaZzz postpaid. _ SS 159 SAN JOSE CHAMPION CARROT. 163 Mixed Table Carrots SS ; 1S HALF LONG. One Sowing to Produce Carrots All Season HORAN BESS HALE FO A most desirable mixture for planting | 149 Nante’s Half Long Stump Rooted in the home garden where a few carrots are wanted for the table. One planting Handsome Early Sort; Tender and Delicious is i ssary. producing ten- The medium-sized roots are a beautiful, bright scarlet color, perfectly Bite ee See eee irae cpa! | cylindrical in form. The fiesh is orange and tender all the way through. E 7 ys. It is very early, ready to pullin 65 days. Very popular as a bunch Car- Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; rot, has smalltops. Excellent for the market or home garden. quarter pound, 30 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound,$1.00, postpaid. pound, $1.35; 5 pounds, $6.25, postpaid. F) \\ \ For the Home Garden or Market, Sow Maule’s Golden Rod Carrot, listed on page 37. e An E - Scarlet 159 San Jose Champion xcellent Half-long Scarle Bunching Carrot In shape midway between Chantenay and Long Orange. It is quite broad at the top and tap- ers toa blunt point. Flesh is a dark reddish orange color, tender and sweet. A heavy cropper, maturing its root in about 70 days, yielding 35 to 40 tons per acre. A handsome market variety Z on account of its fine shape and appearance. It is also an ideal table sort; and for stock raisers is just what is wanted. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. bd I d O The Heaviest Cropper and 153 Maule’s Improved Long Orange the Best Keeper Maule’s Improved Long Orange is the strongest and purest strain of that well known carrot on the market. The roots are of large size, and are smooth, fine grained and in all respects — superior. This beautiful carrot is always well formed. The color is deep orange, as indicated by the name. Enormous crops can be grown under good culture, being fit to pull in 75 days. The beaviest yielding table carrot and one of the most profitable to grow for stock feeding. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 146 Oxheart or Guerande ‘a teeclent Keeper. an Excellent Keeper This carrot is a splendid second early sort. In length it comes between Early Scarlet Horn and Half Long Scarlet. It runs fully 3to 4 inches in diameter, and specimens have been raised Ez measuring over 7 incbes in diameter, being ready to pull in 65 days. In quality it is extra good. i This handsome carrot will prove satisfactory for home use and profitable for market. G Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30cents; pound, $1.00; UERANDE CARROT. 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 146 OXHEART OR Carrots are liked by all kinds of stock; we advise farmers and gardeners to increase their planting Golden Rod |The Money Making 37 us Maule’s Golden Rod The Handsomest and Best Carrot for Both Home and Market This handsome carrot is an intensified ii Danvers, suited to both table and stock. =I It is a half long, stump-rooted carrot, some- what deeper in color than Danvers and a | heavier cropper. The root is smooth, uni- form and handsome, entirely free from core, with sweet and tender flesh. It never becomes stringy nor shows rings, producing its crop of desirable size and shape carrots in about 68 days. Highly recommended both for table use and stock feeding and especially desirable for mar- ket gardeners and amateurs who wish to | grow something choice in quality. With ordinary good treatment Golden Rod will yield close to 40 tons to the acre. ‘| Thousands of testimonials in favor of ‘| Golden Rod have already reached us, and | we are sure it is worthy of universal trial. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $6.75 postpaid. Maule’s Stock or Field Carrots 156 LONG LEMON STUMP-ROOTED CARROT. 161 LARGE WHITE 162 LARGE YELLCW BELGIAN. BELGIAN. 156 Long Lemon Stump-Rooted Also Known as Lobberichs Agricultural Considered the best yellow carrot ever offered to American farmers. It is ofa rich yellow color, stump rooted, and grows to a very large size. Matures its roots in about 80 days. Valuable for stock feeding. Pkt., 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; 1{ pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 161 Large White Belgian A Great Producer Attains a length of one foot. Flesh and skin white. Producing its crop of handsome large roots in 90 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 1{ pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents; 5 pounds, $4.00, postpaid. 162 Large Yellow Belgian Enormous Yielder This is the giant among carrots and produces an im- mense quantity of pale yellow roots in 90 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents; 5 pounds, $4.00, postpaid. SK =< xf, BWYA 2 157 MASTODON CARROT. 158 Improved Short White A Heavy Cropper, Easy to Harvest One of the very best. Roots are half long, seven to nine inches in length, smooth, very heavy at the shoulder but tapering regularly to the point, maturing its crop of roots in about 8 days. The color is creamy white with light green crown. The flesh is white, solid, crisp and of excellent quality for stock feeding. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents; 5 pounds, $4.00, postpaid. 157 Mastodon Highly Relished by Stock This carrot is extremely heavy at the shoulder, pro- ducing a short, heavy root, suited for shallow soil, and is fit to pull in 8 days; an enormous cropper. The crown is light green in color, but below ground the root is pure white, both skin and flesh. Root smooth, 158 IMPROVED SHORT WHITE. flesh rich and solid—best for stock feeding, Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents pound, 90 cents; 5 pounds, $4.00, postpaid, 38 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 In great favor for early C E. | E R Y Indispensable for the Thanks- Fall or Winter use. giving or Christmas dinner. CULTURE.—Celery seed is slow to germinate, and ample time must be given. Sow thinly in early spring and cover lightly. Keep constantly moist. Count on about 400 plants to a packet of seed, about 7,500 plants per ounce or quarter pound per acre. When the seedling plants are 3 inches high they should be clipped at the top, to favor stocky growth, or else transplanted. Celery is mostly grown under flat culture, without trenches, in rows 4 feet apart, 6 inches apart inrow. For home use celery is often grown in double rows, 10 inches apart, and plants 6 inches apar¢ in each row, allowing 4 feet of space before setting out another double row. ‘This will permit soil for banking for winter storage without lifting. Ready for use in 110 to 140 days. 15 Miaule’s Golden Self—Blanching Celery XX Selected French Grown Our XX Selected Freneh Grown Golden Self-Blanching celery is absolutely the best strain of this variety that we know. It is as true to type as any variety on the market. In quality it ranks with the highest. It is the favorite sort with both the market gardener and the amateur. Maule’s Golden .Self-Bianching is the money making celery. No gardener or trucker should fail to plant this grand sort, producing beau- tiful golden yellow stalks very early in the season. It is dwarf to half dwarf, growing 18 to 20 inches in height wonderfully stocky, very heavy, perfectly solid, of delicate flavor and a very good keeper, ready for the table or market in 110 days. Added to these points is its great distinctive feature of being literally self-blanching. All the largest and most experienced celery growers plant Maule’s Golden Self-Blanching XX Selected French Grown seed. The top notch prices which they receive from their commission merchant produces an enormous profit annually. Maule’s Golden Self-Blanching XX Selected French Grown Produces a bumper crop of excellent celery which stands shipping better than most other sorts, and brings the highest market prices. In the home garden the golden yellow stalks, which are crisp, and nutty in flavor, keep in good condition until Christmas or New Year. We have had this seed grown for us in France by the same grower for a number of years, so we Know our stock is right. Packet 15 cents; half ounce, 55 cents; ounce, $1.00; quarter pound, $3.25; pound, $12.00; 5 Ibs., $50.00, postpaid. By C. M. WEED A book explaining how to apply liquids, powder to destroy insects and fungi. $1.00, postpaid Cloth bound | SA NY YS SC, 175 MAULE’S GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING CELERY. * New Jersey Grown Celery Plants Ready for delivery about July 10th. We can supply only the four varieties here mentioned: Perfected White Plume, Giant Pascal, Winter Queen, Golden Self Blanching. f 25 for 40 cents; 50 for 70 cents; $1.00 per 100, postpaid. By express, net prepaid, $3.50 per 500; $6.50 per 1000. Illustrated This is a valuable celery to follow Golden Self-Blanching. Stored at the same time it will be ready just as soon as the Golden Self-Blanching is gone. The stalks are broad and thick, almost round, solid and of the highest quality, and very attractive in appearance. The foliage is of a distinct light shade of green with a tinge of yellow. The plant is of medium height, which matures in 115 days, blanches easily and is a good winter keeper for home or market. Packet, 10 cents: ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00, postpaid. 178 Dwarf Golden Heart Very Popular, Long Keeping A reliable half dwarf sort, producing handsome stalks of a rich green color in about 120 days, bleaching to beautiful golden yellow; crisp and tender and of ex- cellent flavor. A good winter keeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound. 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. 178 Dwarr GoLveN HEART CELERY. 180 COLUMBIA CELERY. a Sn SS 2. SS — Blanch early Celery with boards, paper or tiles; from 10 to 20 days will be required for blanching 182 GIANT PASCAL OR WINTER KING CELERY. 131 Perfected White Plume UO (XX Selected Strain.) Valuable for F all or Early Winter Use This magnificent celery is improving from year to year under high culture and careful selection. It is a truly beautiful type. Not only does the stem whiten, but the leaf itself, especially every inner leaf assumes the attractive white color. This makes the White Plume celery one of the most showy ornaments that can be put upon the Thanks- giving or Christmas dinner table. As to succulence, crispness and quality, the Perfected White Plume is all that can be desired of a white celery. Fit to eat in 110 days. 186 Sanford Easy Blanching Easiest and Quickest to Blanch; Long Keeping The heavy stalks are stocky in growth and of medium height and are the easiest and quickest to blanch and keep better in the trench than other sorts. The tender, brittle, sweet, nutty flavored stalks are attrac- tive in appearance. Ready for the table or market in about 115 days. Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, 45 cents; ounce, 85 cents; quarter pound, $2.75; pound, $10.00; 5 pounds, $45.00, postpaid. Packet, 10 cents; haif ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.35; pound, $5.00, postpaid. Celery Culture By BEATTIE This book is a practical guide for the home or market grower 150 pages; Fully Iilustrated Cloth bound, $1.00, postpaid. 1385 Winter Queen | which it is an offspring. = Unsurpassed for Winter Use ] NS Probably the most desirable winter keeping celery. It is y|. short, stout, thick and heavy, with double the amount of heart Ht of any other celery,a habit of growth which gives it truly re- | markable value. The flavor is sweet, nutty and delicious, leav- i} \ ing nothing to be desired. It bunches up handsomely. The Wil leaves are light green, and blanch to a cream white. Matures its crop in 140 days. ! Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00, postpaid. 18 Boston Market White, Solid, Crisp and Tender An old standard celery of widely known excellence. It isa | Vigorous grower, with dark green leaves, attaining a medium height. It blanches quite easily, and is ready for the market Zor table in about 130 days. Stalks are crisp, tender and fine A flavored. It is a good and reliable winter keeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. a a 185 WINTER QUEEN CELERY. 182 Giant Pascal or Winter King The Largest Ribbed Celery in Cultivation This celery has the sweet, nutty flavor of Golden Self Blanching, of The stalks are about two feet high; thick, | solid and stringless, and as brittle as glass. blanches easily and is an elegant winter keeper for home or market. ~ 1 Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 30 cents; | quarter pound, &5 cents; pound, $3.00, postpaid. Maturesin 140 days. Sl? = bs Cad : = 184 BOSTON MARKET CELERY. 40 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 i909 Miaule’s American Yellow Celery An Excellent Shipper. A Quick Money Maker Has Become the Favorite Seli-Blanching Sort for Home and Market Maule’s American Yellow Celery is an early, self-blanching sort, very similar in many ways to XX French Grown Golden Self-Blanching, except that it grows a larger stalk, with the additional advantage that it fills a standard celery crate more evenly, maturing its beautiful golden yellow stalks in 110 days. In the last nine years we have sold hundreds. of pounds of Maule’s American Yellow Celery to both amateur and market gardeners, and they all praise it in the very highest terms. The demand for this variety shows a largeincrease each year and we feel very confident you will be entirely satisfied. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 40 cents; ounce, 75 cents; quarter pound, $2.25; peund, $7.50; 5 pounds, $30.00, postpaid. iss Celeriac Or Turnip-Rooted Celery Culture is the same as celery, as the roots are the edible portion it requires no hilling. The large roots are smooth, without any side roots, globular in shape. Flesh is pure white, tender and of excellent flavor and quality. Celeriac de- serves to be grown much more than it is, as the roots are used for flavoring soups and salads, or are boiled like turnips, having the pleasant celery taste. Fit for the table in 120 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25, postpaid. 188 CELERIAC. 187 CELERY FOR FLAVORING—Not for Sowing Too old for sowing but used largely in place of celery stalks for flavor- ing soups, pickles, ete. Ounce, 10 ets.; quarter pound, 25 cts.; pound, 75 cts., postpaid. Grown principally for its popping purposes 99999929) Say 233 Mapledale Prolifi Enormously Productive The most prolific pop corn The ears are very often 8 or 10 inches long, well filled with bright handsome, white grains. Excellent for popping. The 6 foot stalk is of vigorous growth; ears ready in 140 days — S=— 234 Queen’s Golden The Largest of All Grains This surpasses all others in size and color. It pops perfectly white, expanding nearly one inch. Matures in about 1380 days. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 18 cents; 10 pounds or over at 15 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $12.00. FI3S 2 SSS LES AALS 236 Black Beauty Pearly White When Popped An early variety, maturing in 120 days. The kernels are black, but this color is not noticeable after popping, being then a pearly white, tender and crisp. Ears average 6 inches long, kernels smooth. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 40 cts, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. POP CORN SS Sees SS Sess —S ee 189 MAULE’S AMERICAN YELLOW CELERY. Fodder makes excellent food for young stock (5 oP IEEE === ES = SSS 235 New Tom Thumb Known as Australian Hulless and Dwarf Baby Rice New tom Thumb is a heavy yielder of attractive ears, peculiar in form, being nearly as thick as long. The kernels are similar to the best strains of White Rice, only longer and slimmer and pearly white in color, but its crowning merit lies in its popping quality, fine flavor and absence of hull or shell. Most tender and delicious flavor, without any hard particles. The stalks grow about 5 feet high, and bear two or three perfect ears each, which are matured in about 130 days. Packet, 10 cents; 144 pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents: 10 pounds or over at 19 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. LEE LL LAL 2 Monarch White Rice The Popular Variety For Popping Everybody knows this old favorite sort. Three earson a stalk is not a rare occurrence, maturing its long, Slender ears in 140 days. The white grains are sharply pointed, but when popped are very full; very popular. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts; pound, 35 cts, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 17 cents: 10 pounds or over at 14 cents per pound; 100 pound, $11.00. 239 POPCORN FOR POPPING—Not for Planting Freshly gathered grains do not pop satisfactorily. We have some thoroughly dried and ready for popping, but too old for planting. Pound, 25 cents; 3 pounds, 65 cents, postpaid. The only way to have good, sweet, sugary Corn is to grow it yourself 41 Sweet or Su ar Co BSF eaeacnigss oe. g r S Ready to Use in 55 to 62 Days CULTURE.—Plant when danger of frost is over, in drills 2x3 feet or 3x4 feet apart, about an inch deep and the seed 8 inches apart in the rows, or 4 seeds may be dropped in hills 3 to 4 feet apart each way, allowing 2 or 3 plants to remain ina hill. Make successionat plantings until July 10th to insure plenty of corn during the summer, and to have enough to dry or can for winter use. A packet will plant about 100 feet of drill, half pound for 200 hills; 1244 pounds per acre. oMaule’s ideal Barly Corn Do you want delicious corn on your table the 4th of July? If so, plant this extremely hardy, early maturing, large eared sort larger, and, best of all, contains a sweetness equal to most true sugar varieties. It has the power of germination under conditions where all others have failed, and can safely be planted much earlier than any true sugar corn on account of its Z/, extreme hardiness. It adapts itself to any kind of soil, either sand or heavy clay. YZ, tis as large as Stowell’s Evergreen. The fodder grows 6 feet high; no small YZ, item to a gardener; and as a proof of its quality and sweetness, we have a con- q tinuous call for “Ideal” from our customers year after year. In earliness, any 4 one growing this pearly white corn will have the crop marketed and the money in his pocket before any of the early sugar corns are ready. Matures in 55 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound 45 cts., postpaid. | NOTICE Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at [we ofter Sweet Corn by the half 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. pound and pound instead of pints, : iquarts, etc. Half pound equals a 207 Golden Bantam little more than 44 pint. 1 pound The.-Earliest and Sweetest Yellow Grained Variety equals a little more than 1 pint. #2 pounds equals a little more than 1 quart, eA aS equals avout fy eck. Ss. equals about 1 bushel. This is a very early sweet corn, deep yellow incolor. The de- e - a : licious yellow kernels are sotender that they do not need scor- ing or cutting across the grain; the flavor is also distinct, being almost as sweet as honey. Can be planted thickly, and with us every Stalk has from 2 to 3 perfect ears about 6 inches long. Matures in 60 days.. Most popular sort for the home garden. Pkt., 12 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 40 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cts.; 10 pounds or overat 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. 208 Kendel’s Early Giant Early, with Ears of Remarkable Size The ears measure 8 to 10 inches long and have 10 to 18 rows Z of grains. The majority of the ears are 12 rowed. The kernels are pure white, and are very sweet, tender and palatable. Kendel’s Early Giant is a prolific variety, and matures its large ears in about 60 days, depending on location and character of soil. The large, well filled and highly palatable ears com- mand a quick sale in any market where there is a demand for J really choice early sweet corn. Valuable for the home garden. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 20cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. 27 Adam’s Extra Early A Popular Sort for Roasting Ears This white grained corn on account of its hardiness is largely planted for extra early table use. Of good quality if pulled promptly after reaching maturity. The grains are tender and sweet, and the ear presents a fair and attractive appearance. Io general demand by truckers. Matures in 60 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $19.00. 21 Golden Giant An Extremly Early and Sweet Large Eared Yellow Grain Sort. Golden Giant is a cross between Golden Bantam and Howling Mob, combining the distinct buttery flavor of its most delicious yellow parent with the size of its white parent, making it the Sweetest, most tender and juicy of all sweet corns. The stalks | grow 4% to 6 feet high, producing in 62 days two to three good ears 7 to 9 inches long with 12 to 20 rows of long, deep kernels of deep orange color. The husk is very heavy, affording the end protection from worm and bird. It excels all other early varieties in size, productiveness and quality. It is an excellent yellow grained corn forthe home or market garden. Pkt., 12 cts.; 14 pound, 25 cts.; pound, 45 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. Customers may order 5 pounds or over at 10 pound rate 25 pounds or over at 100 pound rate. 206 MAULE’S IDEAL EARLY CORN. 42 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 “ THE BIG 4”. THE LEADING WEET ncaa Av PACKET OF EACH ONLY 2 — “The Big 4” Leading Early Sweet Corns Ready to use in 60 to 70 days One packet each of the four sweet corns on this page only 35 cents, postpaid. 14 1b. of each (4—} Ibs. in all), for 75 cents, postpaid; 1 Ib. of each (4 Ibs. in all), for $1.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, 14 Ib. of each (4—% Ibs. in all), for 40 cents; 1 pound of each (4 peunds in all), for 75 cents. 224 PREMO. 224 Premo_ Exceptionally Early One of the earliest sweet corns. reaching maturity in about 60days. It combines all the merits of the leading early varieties, and is superior to many of them in size, quality and yield. Stalks grow 5 feet high. Packet, 10 cents; 4 pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $16.00 219 Howling Mob Large, Thick Ears A large eared early sweet corn, ready for use in about sixty-five days, generally producing two good large size ears to a Stalk, averaging 7 to 9 inches long, with 12 to 14 rows of pearly-white grains. Stalks, 5 feet. Packet, 10 cents; 4 pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. me i AN ih 242 MAULE’S Xx. 226 MAMMOTH WHITE CORY. 212 Maule’s XX As Large as Stowells All who plant Maule’s XX want it again and again. It is fit for the table in about 70 days from planting and of most delicious, sweet and sugary flavor. The stalk grows 6 to 6 feet in height. Packet, 10 cents: 4 pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $16.00. 226 Mammoth White Cory A Favorite Stalks grow four feet high, each generally bearing two large, finely shaped ears, fit for use in about 65 days. Ears are twelve rowed, 6 to7 inches long, very Symmetrical and handsome. Packet, 10 cents; 4 pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents, 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. BEAR IN MIND: When ordering large quantities of Sweet Corn, Beans and Peas by Parcel Post add postage to the prices quoted not prepaid, and remit with your order, as postage on parcel post package must be prepaid. See parcel post rates page 4 eet care ee t \ For the largest and sweetest early Sugar Corn grown, plant Maule’s Colossal 43 ns Maule’s Colossal Early Sugar Corn For the Home Garden or Market The Finest Large Eared Sugar Corn in Existence The first real rival of the Shoe Peg or Country Gentleman, as large as Stowell’s Evergreen, and of delicious flavor. Frequently matures fine large ears ten weeks from planting Maule’s Colossal has three principal points that especially recommend it: First—Earliness. It has matured a crop in 60 to 65 days under extraordinary circumstances, but can generally be depended upon to produce ears of marketable size within 70 days. Second—Flavor. Itis the most delicious sugary corn you have ever eaten. Third—Size. It is undoubtedly the largest eared early sugar co as the ears average from 7 to 9 inches in length, and frequently 23 to 3 inches in diameter, with 12to 14 rows of large sweet kernels that fairly melt in your mouth. Two or three ears are generally found on every stalk; it grows from 6 to 7 feet tall, which furnishes a most desirable fodder. Pkt., 15 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 45 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 Ibs. or over at 30 cents per pound; 100 Ibs., $28.00. Include in your order MAULE’S XX SWEET CORN and enjoy eating real Sugar Corn, listed on page 42 Second Early Varieties Ready for Use in About 70 Days 20 Early Evergreen Ter Days Earlier than Stowell’s This variety resembles Stowell’s Evergreen, maturing its crop in 70 days. Producing very large ears with deep, narrow grains, which are tender and sweet; remains in condition for use longer than most other sorts. Very desirable for the home garden, and is grown extensively for market. S Phkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. © Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 lbs. or over at i7 cents per pound; 100 Ibs., $15.00. 29 Bantam Evergreen A Larger ear than Golden Bantam, but 10 Days Later Just the right sized ear for eating off the cob. Stalks grow © 6 to 7 feet high, bearing two ears of 12 to 14 rows of light yellow ? grains. Maturesin 70 days. Sweeter than Golden Bantam. : Pkt., 10cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 40 ets., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 3 10 ibs. or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 Ibs., $20.00. | 26 Country Gentleman or Improved Shoe Peg The Best Known and Most Largely Planted The ears are quite large, and frequently three are on a stalk. The grains are irregularly set on the cob, which is remarkably small, giving great depth to the compressed grains. The ears average eight to nine inches in length. Ready for the table or market in 70 days. For delicious flavor and sweetness none surpass this popular variety. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 Ibs. or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 lbs., $18.00. SWEET CORN, cultivation, drying and canning of Sweet Corn, by Wilkinson. ce $1.15, postpaid oe bound Customers may order 5 pounds or over at 10 pound rate, 25 pounds or over at 100 pound rate. ——- caine: 205 MAULE’S COLOSSAL EARLY SUGAR CORN. 216 COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Extra Early, Medium and Late Varieties -~ 2 SP, 4 214 MAULE’S FIRST OF ALL. 214 Maule’s First of All Extra Early, Succeeds Everywhere Matures in about 55 days.and we can confidently recommend it. It produces larger ears than Premo and more to the stalk, and will prove a boon to gardeners who desire to be first in market. It is one of the earliest sugar corns for the home garden, and in the market brings double the price that other corns command later. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.: pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. Maule’s Ever Ready Sweet Corn Collection Plant all three varieties offered on this page the same day and make successive plantings to ensure sweet corn throughout the season. 1 packet each of the three varieties of sweet corn for 25 cents; _ 1 half pound each for 50 cents; 1 pound each for 90 cents, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, half pound each for 30 cts; 1 pound each for 50cts. 215 MAULE’S NONESUCH. Ready to Use in 55 to 80 days egal, gcc A Bo, hy mr, MOON’ 221 STOWELL’S EVERGREEN. 215 Maule’s Nonesuch Best Second Early Sweet Corn It almost always yields two perfect ears to the stalk, the ears being §to 12 inches long, compactly filled with grains from endtoend. Kernels large, tender and deliciously sweet. Ears are 12-rowed, and the tips are always filled out. Stalks about6 feet high. Matures in 70 days. . Itisa pink-cobbed variety, and preferred by many people on that account. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., pestpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. 9 221 Stowell’s Evergreen The Standard Main Crop Matures in 80 days, producing strong and vigorous stalks, seven to eight feet high; produces ears eight inches long with 16 or more rows of the finest sugary grains. This variety has gained and maintained a reputation with the home gardener or market grower for productive- ness, fine rich flavor, sweetness and deep set tender white grains. Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 20 cts.; pound, 35 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. In a small garden where space is valuable, corn may be planted in rows rather than in hills 45 Main Crop or Late Varieties Ready for Use in 70 to 90 Days 222 Maule’s Lead All Evergreen Sweetest and Most Delicious Sugar Corn for a Main Crop A distinct new sugar corn of the evergreen type. Produces handsome ears which are sweeter and larger than either Country Gentleman or Stowell’s Evergreen. The stalk grows 8 to9 feet high, usually producing 2 large, well developed ears 8 to 10 inches long to eachstalk. The large, white grains, of great tenderness ana sweetness, are deep set with 14 to18 rows onthecob. It is usually ready for the table or market in 85 days. It withstands drought unusu- ally well and holds its edible qualities better than most other varieties. We highly recommend this delicious sugar corn for the home garden, market gardener or canner. Packet, 12 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 22 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $20.00. 225 Maule’s Improved Giant The Largest Eared Sugar Corn Maule’s Improved Giant is the largest and best Sweet corn grown, and any one desiring sugar corn producing ears of immense size, which are at the same time of delicious flavor, will do well by planting Improved Giant. Matures in 90 days. The stalks are comparatively short, and so thick and strong they stand up well against storms and rains. The ears are frequently 12 inches or more in length, well formed and exceedingly handsome. In sweetness, succulence, depth of grain and fine table quality Maule’s Improved Giant will be found hard to beat. We recommend it to private or market gardeners as well as canners. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 18 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $16.00. 228 Maule’s Late Mammoth As its Name Implies, Late Maturing with Enormous Ears This tall growing sugar corn is one of the very sweetest known. It matures its crop in about 90 days, and is large in both stalk and ear. In quality it is delicious, being sweet and tender. The ears remain long in the green state. The jJarge, broad grains are particularly good for can- ning or drying purposes. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 10 pounds or over at 17 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $15.00. 218 Black Mexican Considered by Some the Sweetest of All Grains when first perfected are pure white, and are then at their best for table use. Very tender and sweet; bluish black when ripe, but when cooked, grains are white with a bluish tinge. Fit to eat in 70 days. One of the best for home use. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 22 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. 232 Sugar Corn for Green Forage Excellent for Dairy Stock For cutting in the green state, for summer forage, sweet corn is superior to any of the fieldcorns. We recommend it especially to dairy- men and stock raisers. Ready to cut in 50 days. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 25 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 10 cents; 10 pounds or over at 8 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $7.00. 225 MAULE’S IMPROVED GIANT. 46 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Cucumbers Sow when danger of frost is over, in hills 4 or 5 feet each way. CULTURE.—Flourish best in a rich, warm, sandy loam. plant has many enemies sow thickly half an inch deep, and thin out finally to three or four plants to the hill. Use a packet of seed to 15 hills; an ounce to 7d hills; two to three pounds to the acre. Ready to use in 450 to 80 days. and July. Used extensively for slicing and pickling 2 As the young For pickles plant during June Gather cucum-. bers by cutting, not tearing. Leave none to ripen if you want a full crop. Use Bordo Lead, Key-Cide, Bug Death or Slug Shot to keep down bugs. 24 Maule’s Extra Early Cucumber First for the Table, Market and Pickling This widely popular cucumber is as early as Green Cluster. attractive dark green. for slicing they are 6 to 7 inches loug, crisp and of a most delicious flavor. When suitable for pickling, the cucumbers are straight, square ended and very firm. Although early, the fruits are of fine quality and the color an When ready The vines are of extra vigorous growth and pro- duce an abundance of fruits, which are fit for the table or market in 50 days. Its extreme earliness is, however, its greatest recommendation, making it invaluable. Its earliness and its very high quality make it a good variety for both home and market gardens, or for planting in June or July for late pickles. Packet, 12 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $7.50, postpaid. » Davis Perfect Cucumber Plant the Davis Perfect, and you will raise cucumbers in the open ground that will equal in flavor and resemble the high priced hot house forcing sorts The Davis Perfect has become the most popular cucumber both for forcing under glass and growing outside, for the following reasons : First. It has an ideal shape, and the handsomest dark green color of all cucumbers. Ready to pull in 55 days. Second. It is a type of the most perfect size; just what is wanted either for the table or market. Third. Eating qualities surpass any other cucumber. Fourth. It is almost seedless one-third of its length from the stem end, and the seeds when it is in slicing condition are so small and tender that’ they are unnoticed. Fifth. It is enormously productive, in fact, beats anything we have ever tried. Sixth. It does not change its dark, rich color when grown outdoors; in fact, it resembles a hothouse cucumber so closely that dealers cannot tell the difference, and are willing to pay as much for it as the hothouse production. We believe this is the greatest cucumber ever introduced, and it is bound to become popular everywhere when it is known. It will bea big money maker for anyone engaged in growing cucumbers in the open ground. The Davis Perfect has had the greatest sale any cucumber novelty has ever had and every grower, whether for home consumption or for market, to be abreast | of the times, should plant this variety. Packet, 12 cents; ounce, 2O cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $7.50, postpaid. For Striped Beetles, dust young Cucumber plants with Bug Death, Slug Shot, or spray with Bordo Lead or Key-cide 47 ~ RA 256 Green Prolific or Boston Pickling Early and Valuable for Pickles This is one of the most popular pickling cucum- bers, of the very best form and quality, and has yielded at the rate of over 200,000 pickles per acre. Its enormous productive ability makes this variety a favorite one. Ready to pick in 50 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. ? 257 Maule’s Improved Leng Green Very Popular Variety This fine cucumber grows from 12 to i6 inches or more in length, andis of superior quality. The young fruits are very largely used for pickling, and it is a standard sort for that purpose. Full sized cucumbers are in high favor for making the so- called sweet pickles. Vines arestrong growers and the fruit is always produced in great abundance. Produces large pickles in 65 days. Packet, 12 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75, postpaid. = SSS 263 Early Green Cluster Bears in Twos and Threes days. It is rather prickly and contains few seeds. ling on account of its great productiveness. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 250 Improved Arlington White Spine Attractive, Long, Dark Green in Color A productive white spine variety of average size, seven to eight inches in length, with broad and showy foliage, habit of growth rather rampant. Fruit long and slim and very dark green throughout the entire length with only a very slight white marking at the blossom end. Matures in 55 days. The flesh is white, crisp and solid with comparatively few seeds. Improved Arlington is a superior strain and is recognized as a standard by all growers. Very desirable for the home garden, and an ideal truckers variety. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.35, postpaid. This is a short. pale green variety, maturing in 50 The fruit is borne in clusters; it is a favorite for pick- 252 Maule’s Early W The finest for slicing “An extra fine im proved type of the best and most widely grown variety in America. It is unsurpassed asa table and market sort, and is also used for pickling. No other kind exceeds it in productiveness, and it is equally good for forcing under glass or growth in the open air. The fruit is from 5 to 7 inches long and 2 to3 Color, a beautiful dark Matures in 55 days. inches in diameter. green throughout. ite Spine Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $6.75, pestpaid. | i | 271 Shale an excellent pickle for slicing. in length, coiled like a serpent. a curiosity and for exhibition. size in 75 days. i i i | i i | im He Packet, 15 cents, postpaid. Ch | BF, ,=F cruppemenn nn Cucumber Curious, but Useful for Slicing If picked when young and tender they make Often grow 6 feet Grown chiefly as Grows to a large Seed crop short. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 5 48 21 Maule’s Earliest Klondike Cucumber ~— | A Desirable Dark Green White Spine : Excellent strain of White Spine, remarkable for the uniformly dark green skin ofits shapely fruits. Its good qualities are its extreme earli- ness and prolificness. Very hardy, resisting unfavorable weather conditions and is a good size for slicing. It is also quite firm when small and \ is excellent for pickling. A most prolific bearing sort. Matures in 60 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. s oe : 3 th 28 Maule’s Early Fortune Cucumber . A Great Favorite with Southern Shippers. Excellent Table Sort longer than most other sorts. Being fine grained, its white flesh is ex- || py now being largely grown by market gardeners and shippers both north | ceedingly crisp and brittle, excellent for slicing. Matures in 52 days. and south. In color it isan attractive deep green,which it retains much | Is one of the earliest, dark green white spine cucumbers. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. An attractive variety, and has become very popular. Early Fortune is | » Maule’s Shamrock Cucumber Holds Its Dark Green Color for Many Days After Picking Our special strain of this desirable cucumber grows regular | attractive, dark green in color, and stay green for days in shape, size and color, and will be sure to please you. | after being picked and shipped. Very crisp and_unsurpassed The vines are very hardy, prolific and a sure cropper, | for slicing or pickling. Matures in 60 days. It is a good producing cucumbers 7 to 8 inches long which are very} table cucumber and is one of the best market sorts. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. > Pick all Cucumbers when fit for use; if left on the vine to ripen, they destroy its productiveness 49 - ~~ te See ean »0 Panmure Long White Desirable for the Home Garden This wonderful pure white cucumber grows to an enormous size, often producing specimens 20 inches long, weighing 4 to 6 pounds, which is larger than any other sort. Itis a monster. When only half grown it is exceedingly fine in quality. Ready to eat in 65 days. Its beautiful white skin is very smooth; entirely free from spines. It is solid, tender and crisp, with very small seed cavity; splendid for slicing. Its enorm- ous size, beauty and oddity make it one of the best cucumbers for exhibition at fairs. The vines are vigorous and productive. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00, postpaid, Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. Medium Size,Thickly Set with Small Spines WH 267 Danish Pickling This variety has shown itself to be a remarkable grower, produc-) ing in 60 days handsome cucumbers which remain green through all the growing stages. excellent flavor. It is a Shy seeder and is just what is wanted for | Slicing for the table as well as for pickling. Hil is used exclusively for making dill and mustard pickles. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 30 cents; 245 Fordhook Famous Cucumber The Largest of the White Spines A handsome extra long White Spine cu- cumber; produces perfectly smooth, very dark green, straight fruit, often measuring 12 to 17 inches long. They are always solid, flesh being a greenish white, firm, crisp and of most delicious flavor. It is a great crop- per and fruit is full of flesh with but few seeds. Matures in about 60 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $6.75, postpaid. 264 Cool and Crisp Bears the Whole Season An exceedingly prolific and handsome variety. At the pickling age'l) the fruit is straight, long, even and slim, and until it reaches full size!'|j| it is of a very dark green oralmost black color. The knobs bearing the) characteristic appearance. | l\ } table variety, tender and crisp. \ Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. Se The flesh is firm and solid, crisp and has an }ji{\| In Denmark this variety \\j|/ HN Hi} 1 | quarter pound, 85 cts.; pound, $3.00; 5 pounds, $13.75, postpaid. ||| i} Spines are prominent at all stages of growth, giving the cucumber aij Matures its crop in about 65 days. A fine |||) 274 Mixed Cucumbers One Planting for the Season This mixture contains early, medium and late sorts. ———. — SS= == his mixture prolongs the picking season from 50 to 80 days. Packet, 5 cemts; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. I Customers ean \\ | have an abundant supply of cucumbers, either for pickling or slicing. i & ' RY 269 PANMURE LONG WHITE. 273 Small Gherkin Used for Pickles only 266 Thorburn’s Everbearing A Continuous Bearer Throughout the Season A novel little cucumber grown for show and pickles. The fruit is oval, 2 to 3 inches in length, and closely covered with spines. Used exclusively for pickling, for which purpose it is in high favor. Matures in 80 days. Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 25 cts.5 quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. a This is a unique and highly meritorious pickling variety; meritorious because of its quality, and unique in its ability to go right on bearing throughout the entire season. It is enor- mously productive and a general favorite. Fruits of every age may be found on asingle vine. Fit to eat in 55 days. Especi- ally desirable for pickles and excellent for home gardens, Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; 4 pound, 40 cts; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. S55 = = i S 273 SMALL GHERKIN. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 272 Japa Can Be Grown on Pole or Treltis All cucumbers are of trailing or creeping _ habit, but this one is a real climber and does * ( best on pole or trellis. It can be picked in 50 ye thes days. The fruit is of excellent quality, of dark Iie q Pack green color. The flesh is pure white and never bitter. Fine for slicing and pickling. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; ly pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. 259 Snow’s Pickling | The Right Size for Bottling A beautiful dark green cucumber which is the ‘right size for bottling. Matures in 65 days. It is cylindrical in shape with square ends. The flesh is firm, crisp and tender. Very popular. Packet, 8 cemts; oumce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. | 258 Nichol’s Medium Green Always straight and Smooth 259 SNOW’S PICKLING A handsome variety, in shape between Early White Spine and Long Green. Worthy of a high place in the list of pickling sorts, and second to none for slicing when mature. Ready to pick in 50 days. Color dark green. Flesh crisp and tender. Size medium. Always straight and smooth. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cemts; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 261 Westerfield’s Chicago Pickling Green, with Prominent Spines This variety is preferred above all others by some of the largest pickling establishments in Chi- cago and elsewhere. It is one of the best for the purpose, combining almost every good quality, and being satisfactory alike to grower and pickle maker. Matures its crop in 68 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid. A Vegetable that should a : be Mors Larealy. Gan E, gg P] ants It affords an Excellent § Substitute for Meat ails CULTURE.—Sow the seed in hotbed or greenhouse in March or April, and transplant in small pots or shallow boxes. Plantin the open ground when danger of frost is past, in rows 3 feet apart eachway. A packet will produce about 150 plants, an ounce about 2000 plants; 44 pound for anacre. Ready for use in 120to140 days. To prevent blight and bugs use Bordeaux Mixture, Bordo Lead, Key-Cide or Bug Death. The nal if 282 Black Beauty The Earliest Large Egg Plant Originated in South Jersey. It combines in itself many characteristics which are very val- uable. It is very early, maturing in 120 days. By this we mean it is the earliest variety that grows to a good size suitable for market. It is very desirablein color, being ajet black. Shape is well shown in illustration; average weight 2 to 8 pounds. It is dwarf growing and bears its fruit close to the main stem. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.50; pound, $5.50, postpaid. Improved Purple Egg Plant Leading Sort for Home and Market A vigorous grower. Fruit is large, fine and free from thorns. Matures in 130 days. Skin rich purple. FlesH white and of good flavor. We can highly recommend our carefully se- lected strain of this egg plant to everyone. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.50; pound, $5.50, postpaid. 277 Maule’s Excelsior The Largest of All Egg Plants;Blight Proof It is of large size and extremely good shape, being particularly adapted to slicing, and for flavor it cannot besurpassed. It resists drought, blight and bad weather to a wonderful degree, iis on account of its strong, upright growth. The New Jersey Grown Egg Plants . fruit often measures 18 to 24 inches in circum- } Py: Ready for delivery about May 15th ference (6 to 8 inches in diameter) and is borne © = yell above the ground. Matures in 140 days. 9 Seed-bed plants, 50 cents per dozen, 85 cents per 25, $1.60 per 50 Wo Maule’s Excelsior §5°o per 100, postpaid. By express, not prepaid; $2.50 per 100. Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; | Pot grown plants, by express, not prepaid, 75 cents per dozen, $5.50 per 100. ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.50 wey pound, $5.50, postpaid. Pr, For winter use, wilt herb blooms or leaves in the sun, dry in the shade; keep in jars or bottles 51 Gourds CuLTURE.—Gourds are tender annuals. Leave only three or four plants in a hill, and allow the vines to ramble over the ground, or train on fence, trellis or arbor. sow about 10 hills, 2 ounces about 100 hills. Matures in 65 to 90 days. = 293 Dipper Useful for Dipping A well Known and ‘useful gourd. When grown on the ground fhe stem is much curved; but on a trellis the weight of the fruit makes the stem or handle straight. Matures in 75 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents, postpaid. 291 Dish Cloth or Luffa Useful as a Sponge or Dish Cloth The peculiar lining of this gourd gives it its name. The fruit grows about two feet long. The interior membrane is serviceable for a variety of household purposes, being used as a dish cloth, or sponge. Matures in 90 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents, postpaid. Ground Cherry Used Only For Preserving or Pies CULTURE.—Grow and cultivate the same as tomatoes. A packet will produce about 400 plants; Ready to use in about 120 days. recipes sent with every order. an ounce, about 5000 plants. 500 Mammoth Purple The Green Gage Husk Tomato A prolific bearer of enormous size fruit, which measures 1% to 2% The flesh is green while the color of the skin This fruit when made into ages. Forms a plant 2% feet high. Ready | inches in diameter. is green changing to a purple. has the appearance of green ¢ for use in 120 days. serving. Matures in 120 days. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents, postpaid. 301 Improved Ground Cherry Known as Strawberry or Husk Tomato The small, yellow fruit is very sweet, of mild flavor, used for pre- Vines low and spreading. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents, postpaid. 295 Nest Egg Useful for Darning or Nest Eggs This interesting gourd produces white fruit exactly the size and shape of a hen’s egg. The matured fruit does not crack, and will serve for years as a nest egg, or for darning stockings or ornamental purposes. Matures in 65 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents, postpaid. | 292 Orange or True Mock Orange Useful for Darning A good old sort, the fruit often finding its way into the family sewing basket. A beau- tiful and rapid climber. Fruit the size and shape of an orange. Matures in 70 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents, postpaid. | Useful When Dried for Various Purposes The seed should not be planted until the ground is warm. Plant in hills and cultivate as squash. A packet will Fight bugs with Red Wing, Bordo Lead, Key-Cide, Bug Death or Slug Shot. 299 Calabash or Pipe Useful for Making Pipes An ornamental gourd from which are made the African calabash pipes now so popular on account of their lightness, grace and meer- schaum coloring qualities. When grown for the production of pipe gourds, the vines are usually allowed to grow on the ground like cucumbers, pumpkins, ete., so that the fruits in place of hanging down and growing straight, will take their natural pipe curve. Matures in 80 days. Directions for growing, curing and how to make pipes sent with all packages. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents, postpaid. 297 Mixed Gourds Ornamental as well as Useful In this mixture of gourd seeds we offer all the above mentioned sorts, so that our friends may enjoy a number of curious novelties by purchasing a single packet. Matures in 60 days. Packet,10 cents; ounce, 25 cents, postpaid. Full cooking apart. frequently and keep free 732 736 740 742 744 746 750 752 754 756 758 764 770 772 774 778 780 782 when the trees begin to leaf, in ordinarily good and well drained garden soil, in rows 12 to 24 inches Cover seed lightly.. Thin or transplant to stand 6 to 12 inches apar sow about 25 feet of drill; *Anise.—Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents. *Basil, Sweet.—Packet,10 cts.;ounce, 25 cts. *Borage.—Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents. ;Caraway.—Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 25 ets. ;7Catnip.—Packet, 15 cents; ounce, 50 cents. *Coriander.—Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 25 cts. {Dill.—Pkt., 8e.; oz., 15¢.; 14 1b., 40¢.; 1b., $1.25. 7Fennel, Sweet.—Pkt., lv cts.; oz., 25 cts. +;Horehound.—Packet, 10 cents. jLavender.—Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 40 ets. *Marjoram, Sweet.—Pkt., 10 cts.; 0z., 50 cts. ;Rosemary.—Packet, 15 cents. jSage.—Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 65 cents; 14 pound, $1.75; pound, $6.50. *Summer Savory.—Packet, 10c.; ounce, 25c. +Tansy.—Packet, ;+Thy me.—Packet, 15 cents; ounce, 75 cents. +Winter Savory.—Packet, 15 cents. +W ormwood.—Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 25 ets, | (Herbs marked * are annual; marked + are per- ennial; marked t are biennial. All above prices for Herb Seeds are postpaid, Herb Seeds Every garden or har are easily grown and are always pleasant and desirable for favoring, dy border, should have a few herbs. They t in the rows. Cultivate from weeds. Packet will an ounce about 200 feet. 15 cents. "778 THYME.) New Jersey Grown Chives reserves Peppermint Sage, Holt’ Herb Plants Set plants outdoors where they are to remain in Spring, Summer or Fall. Spearmint Lavender Thyme Rosemary s Mammoth Any of the above pot-grown Herb Plants, 25 cents each, $2.25 per dozen, postpaid. Special Offer One each of the above seven Herbs Plants for only $1.50, postpaid. 52 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Kale Also known as Borecole CULTURE.—For late Fall or early Winter use, sow early in June and transplant about the middle of July in rows 18 to 24 inches, setting the plants 8 to 10 inches apart in the rows. For Spring use, sowin August September. A packet will produce about 300 plants, an ounce about 2000 plants; 44 pound enough for an acre. Protect during winter with a covering of hay or coarse litter. All Kales are improved when touched py frost. Ready to use in 50 to 60 days. ex 363 Emerald Isle Quite hardy, half-dwarf, finely curled sort Of medium height, with long, well-curled green leaves, and is one of the handsomest and hardy kales ever developed. Matures in 55 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 15 cts.3 14 1b., 45 cts.; lb., $1.50, postpaid. 304 Dwarf Siberian In some sections called Sprouts; extremely hardy One of the best known and most largely used varieties. A large plain leaved variety of a low or spreading habit, with grayish green leaves which are only slightly curled at the edge. Matures in 60 days. Pkt., 8 cts.; oz., 12 cts.:141b., 30 cts.; 1b., $1.00, postpaid. 306 Dwarf Green Curled Scotch Very hardy; sometimes called Norfolk The plant is low and compact. Remarkably tender and delicate in flavor. Leaves rich green and very curly. Hardy. Matures in 50 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 15 cts.; 14 1b., 40 cts.; Lb., $1.25, postpaid. 307 Tall.Green Curled Scotch Quite hardy, plume like foliage Grows about two feet high, with an abundance of dark green leaves, which are very curly and wrinkled. Quite hardy. Matures in 60 days. PKt., 8 cts.; oz., 12 ets.; 14 Ib., 40 cts.; Ib., $1.25, postpaid. Kohl Rabi > CULTURE.—Sow in drills 12 to 18 inches apart and thin out to 6 inches apart in the row. A packet will sow about 40 feet of drill, an ounce about 300 feet, 2 pounds to anacre. Ready to use in 50 to 60 days. 310 Improved Imperial Small tops. Matures medium size roots in 50 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 30 cts.; 14 1b., 85 cts.; pound, $3.00, postpaid. 311 Large White Extra large roots. Matures in 60 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 25 cts.; 14 1b., 75 cts.; pound, $2.50, postpaid. KOHL RABI. 385 Melon Peach or Mango Melon Makes excellent Preserves or Pickles Cultivate the same as muskmelon, but {\ used only for mangoes, preserving, pies |\ or pickling. The fruit has the size, shape |W and golden yellow color of an orange. The fiesh is snow white, and makes excellent preserves. Recipes for cooking are sent with every order. A packet will plant about 15 hills, an ounce about 75 hills. Ready to use in about 80 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents, postpaid. 385 MELON PEACH. Mushroom Spawn CULTURE.—One brick ot Spawn is sufficient for eight square feet of prepared bed. Special cultural hints sent with every order. Pure Culture Brand. By a newly discovered pro- cess of selection and graft- ing, the spawn is scientifi- cally propagated so that large, vigorous and finely SASG Havre us rooms are re- produced. e sort we offer MUSHROOM SPAWN. is the earliest strain. Brick (about 114 lbs.), 50 cents; 5 bricks, $2.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 bricks, $1.25; 10 bricks, $2.25; 25 bricks, $5.50. Mustard Used as a Salad CULTURE.—Sow broadcast or in drills, 1 to 144 feet apart, 14 inch deep. Thin out piants to 1 or 2 inches apart in the row. A packet will sow about 50 feet of drill; an ounce about 200 feet, 3 to 5 pounds in drills, or 25 pounds broadcast to the acre. Ready to use as salads in about 30 to 40 days. a. S CS Av S 421 Southern Giant Curled Very curly; the popular sort Produces in 80 days large, dark green leaves with extra curled edges. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 422 Elephant Ear or Large Smooth Leaf Very quick grower; plain leaf sort This variety produces in 30 days large leaves of a light green color. A single plant will produce sufficient leaves for a mess of greens. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 1U cents; quarter pound, 30 cents}; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 423 Fordhook Fancy Finest of all, curled like an Ostrich Plume Dark green leaves, used as a Salad. Matures in 30 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 424 White Used as a salad or grown for its seed Grown for its large yellow seeds. Matures its seed in 40 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 25 cents; pound, 75 cents; 5 pounds, $3.50, postpaid. Nasturtium Sometimes called Indian Cress CULTURE.—Sow in the early Spring in rows 3 feet apart and 2 inches apart in the row, covering linch deep. Vines can be supported if so desired by stakes, strings or brush. A packet will sow about 15 feet of row; an ounce about 50 feet. 42 6 Dwarf Plants of a bushy habit Does not require sticks, a profuse bearer. Matures its green seed pods in 90 days. kt., 5 cts.3; oz., 15 cts. ly Ib., 50 cts.;3 Ib., $1.75, postpaid. 42 7 Tall Trailing or climbing sort A rampant grower. Matures its green seed pods in 100 days. Pkt., 5 cts.3 oz., 15 cts.3 4 Ihb.., 45 cts., lh., $1.50, postpaid. NASTURTIUM, Sow a little Lettuce at a time and often for a continuous supply 53 I To Grow the Best Lettuce, Soil Should be Made e ce Rich by Liberal Manuring or Fertilizing CULTURE.—Seed may be started in-doors or in frames during February or early March and plants set out-doors as early in the Spring as the ground can be worked, in rows 1 foot apart and 8 to 12 inches apart in the row. Seed may be sown in the open ground as soon as it can be worked, in rows 1 foot apart, covering seed about linch: thin plants out to stand 6 to 8 inches apart in the row. Make successional sowings every two weeks until June; for fall use sow seed in August and September. A packet will sow about 30 feet of drill, an ounce about 300 feet, use 4 tod pounds foranacre. Ready to use in 38 to 55 days. To kill worms, aphis or lice use Bug Death Aphis, Slug Shot, Red Wing or Tobacco Soap. In table quality this lettuce is perfection itself. It is wholly free from bitter taste, having a sweet and rich flavor, even to the outer leaves. Maturesin 45 days. It remains long in good table condition, and resists heat and drought well. It is a perfect open air lettuce in all respects. It is hardy and may be set out in earliest spring or grown late in the fall. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. CUSTOMERS may order half pounds at the pound rate; 333 Unrivaled Summer 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. Similar to Big Boston Without any Pink Edge A large light, bright green heading lettuce similar in habit of plant to Big Boston but a trifle earlier, maturing in about 40 days, and is an excellent outdoor summer variety, having no red or bronze shading on the leaves. Heads are large, firm and of superior quality. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. ih ut = Wi 2 331 Crisp-as-Ice Compact, Solid Heads 536 All Seasons A Great Heat Resister A beautiful cabbage head lettuce for home use. The solid heads are of An excellent variety; does exceedingly well in hot, dry weather. It | medium size, and the leaves are so tender anéd brittle as to have suggested is medium large in size, having large, broad leaves of a light green| the name bestowed upon it. The heads, when cut open, have a rich, ereamy yellow heart. The green leaves, variegated with bronze, are Solor, extremely solid, tender and mild. Matures in 50 days. thick and glossy, somewhat curled. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. pound, $1.75, postpaid. TE eT LEWE WE ET WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 ey } I K« | hm ) Daa “ 54 Great Favorite for Forcing and Equally Desirable for Out-door Planting paid. < \ SS a yan y \\ Mi LG Boston Lettu Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, post \ \ e 34 Big forcing in the greenhouse during the winter. WEED | with waxy cream colored heart leaves. Does remarkably well in all sections. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75cents; -00; 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. 345 New York or W A popular variety for summer planting. The best heat resister with large white heads. Resemble cabbage in their solidity, frequently weigh The quality is superb, being crisp, rich and tender. 2 and 3 lbs. each. Matures in 55 days. pound, $2 aule’s Silver Anniversary An Excellent Summer Variety Forms dense heads of bright green leaves A Home Garden Favorite Its | 342 Grand Rapids Bright green sayoyed leaves, finely crumpled | at edges; of crisp, sweet, delicious flavor. upright habit admits of very close planting. Matures in 88 days. Best for forcing. Packet, 10 cents; omnee, 15 cents; in 50 days, Y%{ pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50, postpaid. | [Sai Its large, compact, bright green, crisp and tender heads mature in 45 days. a = eae ; ce A popular sort whether grown in the open ground for summer and fall use or in frames for use in early spring, as well as for : - rey im 1 ce Early, Cabbage Heading Sort The heads are large and round, tightly formed, tender, sweet and crisp 319 Tenderheart Lettu 40 days and will withstand the early summer heat splendidly. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7 AY that make it very conspicuous in the garden. This fine lettuce matures in | It 7.00, postpaid. we WN omal Crisp, Tender and Sweet ; Grows about 10 inches high. Leaves being well folded toward the centre, bleaches almost pure risp and tender. Matures in 55 days. acket, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; 4 pound, 20 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaide white, c P The leaves are crisp, tender and juicy. Matures Packet, 8 ots.3 oumce, 12 cts, \% pound, £0 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid, f= After planting Maule’s seeds, cultivation is the next thing necessary to success 55 316 Maule’s Immensity The Largest Grown, the Best Heat Resister 344 Black-Seeded Simpson This grand lettuce is claimed to be without exception the very largest The Best Cut and Come Again Lettuce lettuce in cultivation. Notwithstanding its great size it is tender, sweet The best of the non-heading lettuces. It is light green colored, with and crisp. It produces in 50 days a fine large, solid head. lt has great | inner leaves almost white; good for spring and early summer culture. heat resisting qualities, being slow to run to seed, so that it is very re-| Matures in 40 days and remains long in edible condition. : liable for a late crop when many other sorts are unfit for use. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 327 Philadelphia Dutch Butter Best for All 346 All the Year Round An Improved Salamander Purposes j Brae tes Z ‘ Produces solid heads in 50 days, of large size; white, tender, crisp and | , Ong of the eras popes z al tics jor withstanene Beat. anos of good flavor. The outer leaves are dotted with brown. Very hardy, | /@rse size, solid heads in o0 days of a light green color, whic eac sell adapted to culture in cold frames in winter. white, of the finestquality. Good for spring or fall planting or forcing. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; Packet, 10 aa oa 15 cen) quarter ponds, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. A\\ | 326 Early Prize Head Crisp and Tender 330 California Cream Butter i large, tender, crisp, loose head of bright green Round, Crisp, Solid Heads of Buttery Flavor PETS eonos tinged with ‘brownish 5s of superior flavor, long re- Forms a very large head inal days, whichis very buttery. The bright Maining sweet and slow to run toseed. Matures in 50 days. leaves are slightly spotted with brown. Withstands extreme heat or cold. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents: pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. - pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 56 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 323 ICEBERG LETTUCE. - 338 MAULE’S STUBBORN SEEDER LETTUCE. 323 Iceberg Known as Ice Head Lettuce, Extremely Hard Heading Large, handsome head, of fine flavor. The light green, curly out- side leaves have slightly reddish edges. The inside leaves are strongly arched, making a solid, well blanched head. Matures in 40 days. Pkt., 8 cts.; ounce, 12 cts.; 14 Ih., 40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 337 Early Curled Simpson or Silesia Very Early Loose-head Cutting Variety This is the old favorite popular loosehead variety, of dwarf, compact habit. Matures in 40 days. The curly leaves are large, yellowish green with finely curled edges. Crisp and tender, hardy and withstands heat and drought. - Pkt., 8cts.; ounce, 12 cts.; 14 1b.,40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 338 Maule’s Stubborn Seeder An Excellent Long Standing Sort Forms large, solid heads of superb quality in 45 days; resists drought and heat well. Slowest variety going to seed, sometimes failing altogether in that respect; held in high esteem by home and market gardeners. Pkt., 10 ets.; ounce, 15 cts.; 14 lb., 40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 339 Mixed Lettuce One Sowing for the Season Twelve to 15 sorts—early, medium and late. One sowing produces salad for the entire season; a grand assortment of decidely distinct and excellent lettuces; all are crisp and tender. Matures in 40 to 55 days. Pkt., 5 cts.; ounce, 12 cts.; 4 1lb., 40 ets.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 332 Mammoth Black Seeded Butter The Finest and Largest Cabbage Headed Sort = A smooth leaved lettuce forming very large, compact, cabbage-like heads of thick, yellowish green leaves, the inner ones beautifully blan- ched, very crisp, tenderand buttery. Maturesin 50 days. It is one of the most largely grown sorts, suitable for the home garden as well as market. Pkt., 8cts.; ounce, 12 cts.; 14 lb., 40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. New Jersey Grown Lettuce Plants Ready for Delivery About May ist \Improved Hanson and Tenderheart 25 cents per 25; 40 cents per 50; 60 cents per 100, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, $2.25 per 500; $4.00 per 1900. 4 : i “Ae \ ve = =S = - \ SS SS FES ae EL Nit AE \\ \ SS SS ak AX \\S Fy] ; LC Wayahead May Ki ayahea 318 Miay King The Earliest of the Head Lettuces A Quick Grower, Extremely Hardy An extra early heading lettuce, producing good size heads in 40 Very early, and a quick grower. Matures in 42 days. Leaves are a days, which are tightly folded, the inner leaves bleach to a rich buttery |}jo , west ; 4 : H i 5 Ate Quality prcelledts very sweet, crisp and of firm texture, an ee Dae Bupa tly, tinged with brown, inner leaves a bright yellow. excellent lettuce for sowing in cold frames in the early spring, as wellas In flavor it is particularly rich, buttery and tender. Popular both in in the open ground in springor fall. A desirable home or market sort. | home or market gardens. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75 postpaid. pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. Never cut or pull Muskmelons from the vine; when fruits crack around the stem they are ripe 57 Seeds from hand M k | Popularly known selected fruits us me Onis — as Cantaloupes CULTURE.—Plant seed in hills 4 to 6 feet apart each way, after danger of frost is over. Use well rotted manure in the hills. Insert seeds just under surface of soil; use a packet to 15 hills, 1 ounce to 60 hills; 2to 3 pounds to an acre. Thin out, leaving only4 plants toa hill. A light, warm soil is best Suited to all melons. Ready to use in 58 to % days. Casabasin 120days. Fight bugs with Bordo Lead, Key-Cide, Slug Shot, or Bug Death. 364 Improved Watter’s | Solid Net Rocky Ford _~ y The Earliest of All Pe Rocky Fords y (Green flesh.) Watter’s Solid Net sets a very heavy first cror,so thatin afew days after the first ripe melons, heavy pickings are in order for the nexttwoaor threeweeks. Itis a most valuable sort to plant where first melons on the market are of great im- portance, and has made the best record for money returns on account of its early matur- ity. Furthermore, Watter’s produces melons of even size and shape. The well devel- oped gray and green netting is very closely laced. The thick flesh is light green, spicy and sweet. It germinates a very vigorous plant that sets fruit early and matures its erop in about 65 days. The large yield ofearly canta- loupes when prices average high, is the strong point in favor of this strain. The il- lustration is a reproduction of a photograph. Our stock is direct from headquarters. Excellent for home garden or nearby market. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; ~ pound, $1.50; A 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 364 IMPROVED WATTER’S SOLID NET ROCKY FORD MUSKMELON. a 369 Pollock’s Solid Rock or Eden Gem The handsomest, best netted and most profitable early melon in existence. (Green flesh.) It gives us much pleasure to be able to offer to our customers this grand early solid net strain of Rocky Ford. It has the heaviest, thickest flesh and the smallest seed cavity. Its oval shape is the same as the Rocky Ford witha solid white netting. The average yield is over 250 crates per acre of A No.1 shipping melons, fully a third more than other sorts. The extra thick green flesh has a beautiful pinkish Jnue of the most delicious quality, and is one of the best rust resisting melons ever produced. It is a wonderful producer; matures in 70 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. es QAP 375 Montreal Largest of All. The Famous Canadian Melon. (Green flesh.) This celebrated melon is in universal esteem. It is of large size and delicious, melting flavor. The skin is green and the flesh is light green in color. The shape and markings are shown in the engraving. A weight of 20 to 25 pounds is not rare, and a weight of 3914 pounds is on record. The vine is prolific; fruit matures in 80 days. This is the melon that commands such high prices on the Eastern market in the late fall months; is a goodshipper. The best seed comes from the neig#- borhood of Montreal, and our stock is the true Canadiax. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents} quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. 58 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 39 Solid Netted Burrell’s Gem 22nPR Rei roa (Orange fleshed.) This new muskmelon may be called an orange fieshed Rocky Ford with solid netting, which is quite different from the original Burrell’sGem. By careful breeding, the ribs have been reduced in size until now they are almost solid netted. The oval shaped melons are well shown in the illustration. They are very thick fieshed, fine grained, rich orange colored, sweet and spicy. For a shipping melon, they pack ideal, both for size and shape, and for either market or home use where a pink or orange fieshed melon is wanted, we recommend Solid Netted Burrell’s Gem. Matures in 75 days. Packet, 8 cts.; 0z., 15 cts.; 14 Ih., 45 cts.; lb., $1.50, postpaid. 3 pet eee ae Pare Be Bae 382 Maule’s a oS Prize os Jenny Lind Though Small, the Sweet- est of All (Green flesh.) This is the earliest of the green J fleshed sorts, and one of the sweetest. In size it is small, being from 8 to 5 inches in diameter. Vines are very prolific. Matures in 58 days. Pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 20 cts.3; = ly Ib., 60 ets.; Ib., $2.00, 382 MAULE’S PRIZE JENNY LIND. postpaid. a 9 hy | ad The Famous so Wiaule’s Model mac, Spicy Green Flesh. Small Seed Cavity. A Prodigious Cropper. A Melon of Distinguished Pedigree. High Bred at Every Point. (Green flesh.) A paragon of merit—in size, shape, netting, appearance, aroma, flavor, depth of flesh, smallness of seed cavity, cropping ability and shipping quality. It is by far the finest, most delicious muskmelon ever grown. Miaule’s Model is an early large melon, maturing its crop of fine, luscious, green fiesh melons in 70 days, It is larger than Rocky Ford, the average weight being somewhat above two pounds. It has an ideal shape for a fashionable market. The interior seed cavity is small, and of triangular or prismatic shape, the seeds being few. Asa table melon Maule’s Model cannot be surpassed. In delicacy and quality of flavor it is unexcelled by any variety in our list. The flesh is deep and firm, extending from the rind almost to centre of the melon. Rich and highly flavored. Maule’s Model bears transportation well, and ean be earried to distant cities without injury, where it will bring the highest prices, The right size for hotel or table use. One of the best for home or market gardeners. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. (S age] free Dust young Muskmelon plants with Bug Death, Slug Shot or spray with Bordo Lead or Key-Cide for Striped Beetles 59 SS ~~ mney Dew Melon Dew Green Flesh A Wonderful Melon, Sold at Fabulous Prices in all Markets 380. Ho (Green flesh.) Honey Dew is a new type of muskmelon, which grows uniform in size, about 6 inches in diameter from top to bottom and 7 or S inches long. The color is a dull white when.ripe, having no netting. The rind, though thin, is very tough and so close that the excellent flesh is practically sealed up where it keeps in fine condition for several weeks after they are ripe. The flesh isa rich green color, very sweet and possesses a delightful flayor. Matures in 100 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. 312 Extra Early Hackensack The Earliest Large Melon (Green flesh.) In shape and color itis similar to Hackensack. Matures earlier, in about 65 days. It is a round melon, flattened on the ends and wellribbed. The skin is netted, and the green flesh is rich and sugary, Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. Splendid Size, Color and Flavor 313 Emer ald Gem A Melon that Can be Grown in Any Garden (Salmon flesh.) This beautiful melon matures in 80 days. It is truly agem. Theribs are marked, but the skin is smooth, of a deep emerald green color. The flesh is thick and firm, ripening almost to the rind. Packet,.10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pound, $7.00, postpaid. 383 Banana So Called on Account of its Banana-like Shape and Flavor (Orange flesh.) This curious melon attains a length of 18 to 30 inches and a diameter of 2 to4 The flesh is deep, and of exquisite flavor. mere curiosity, but is in such favor as to command good prices in choice city markets, 50 cents to $1.00 being sometimes demanded for one specimen. A good melon for home use. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50, postpaid. inches, maturing in about 8 days. = 373 EMERALD GEM 370 Delicious Gold Lined Rocky Ford One of the Sweetest. and Most Delicious Early Melons (Green flesh.) The melons are covered with a heavy grayish netting. Its shape is ideal, very slightly oval, no ribs and is heavily netted over the entire melon. A wonderfully prolific yielder, producing its luscious medium size melons in 68 days. It is the right shape to pack to best ad- vantage in erates. The seed cavity is very small, flesh thick and firm; a good melon for market as well as the home garden. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. MUSKMELON. 7 Large, Delicious Melons 365 Extra Early Grand Rapids for Dine Home Garden (Orange flesh.) This extremely early muskmelon matures extra large melons in 60 days. Oblong shape, pale green, turning to yellow whenripe. The flesh is orange, sweet and luscious. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 381 Early Green Nutmeg ps lash Early and Productive surpassed in Luscious Fiavor (Green flesh.) Fruit of a medium size, very rich, melting, and of ex- quisite flavor; flesh light green. The skin is a dark green, deeply ribbed and finely netted. Itis a productive sort. Matures in 65 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. This sort is nota 383 BANANA MUSKMELON. 381 EARLY GREEN NUTMEG MUSKMLEON. « 60 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 361 Salmon Tinted Eden Gem The Popular, All Round Melon for Home or Market (Salmon tinted.) This muskmeion is considered the best of thesalmon tinted Rocky Fords. Is the most reliable and best cropper, thriving on most any soil, producing ripe melons in about 70 days. The fruits are of great uniformity in size and shape, with gray netting, closely laced and covering the entire surface. The richsalmon tinted flesh is very deep, solid, of a luscious, sweet flavor and ripens clear to the rind. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. x1 Maule’s Perfection The most delicious of all large melons. Weigh 8 to 10 pounds each, and attracts attention anywhere. Flesh from 2 to 3 inches in thickness, and in shape and general appear- ance it resembles the large French melons sold on the fruit stands at 50 cts. to $1.00 each. (Salmon flesh.) The shape of this melon is well shown in the illustration herewith: color of skin is a deep rich green, well ribbed and thickly netted, while the flesh is a rich salmon. The melon is nearly all flesh, the interior being very small, hardly large enough to accommodate the seed. In flavor it is simply unexcelled, and it certainly justifies its name, given by us in 1884, Hig by its past experience and real merit. It issoy «i thick fleshed that one melon is enough for two or three people under ordinary circumstances, and W in a patch of an acre or more you can find hundreds of melons that very closely resemble the large French melons sold on fruit stands. Matures in 7s days. For the home garden or near market trade it is unsurpassed. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. (Orange flesh.) some appearance. 366 TIP TCP MUSKMELON. This is a fine melon, The flesh is firm but not hard, and is edible almost to the rind. The melon is of medium to large size, evenly ribbed and moderately netted; a strong grower Matures in 80 days. : : market gardeners near Rochester, in every way that there is on the market stall is very attractive; sells on sight. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 80 cents; pound, $2.75, postpaid. 360 Golden: Bea asaba The Great Christmas Melon, Often Called Winter Muskmelon (White flesh.) It is extensively grown throughout the Southwest for shipping to our Eastern markets, and sold at such high prices during the fall. Matures in 120 days. The melons are nearly globular in shape, bright yellow with golden tint and wrinkled skin. Measures 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Flesh is white, thick, and of delicious flavor. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00; 5 pounds, $9.50, postpaid. The Largest and Sweetest Can’t-Be-Beat Melon nearly round in shape. It is sweet, juicy and delicious. 366 Tip Top e 2 heavy yielder and of hand- This melon has been grown for a number of years by N. Y., also Columbus, Ohio, and has proven so superior practically no other variety grown for this market. Its appearance To prevent blight keep your vines in a healthy condition by spraying or dusting with Bordo Mixture or Key-Cide 61 347 Maule’s Select Rocky Ford or Netted Gem The Popular Melon for Market or Home Garden (Green flesh.) In this Rocky Ford melon we offer our cus- tomers a strain of seed grown for us by one of the very best if not the best, growers of melons in Rocky Ford, Colo. Melons are slightly oval in shape, finely netted. Flesh islight green in color, very thick and firm, ripening close to the rind: In flavor itis lusciousand sweet, the vines are vigorous and productive. Matures in 70 days. Rocky Ford or Netted Gem has become one of the most popular melons; is shipped in large quantities from Colorado and Ari- zona. It is also a desirable medium early sort for home and market garden. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. SPRAYING CROPS A valuable book by C. M. Weed Tilustrated Cloth Bound $1.00, postpaid. 384 Mixed Muskmelons Excellent for the Home Garden (Green and orange flesh.) By planting this mix- ture one is sure to produce melons in 58 to 85 days of luscious flayor that are suited to your climate. Excellent assortment for the home garden. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter Ib., 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. MELON CULTURE This book tells best how to grow and care for Melons. By TROOP. Mlustrated. Cloth-bound. $1.00, postpaid. SSS = Hearts of Gold Extremely Thick, Sweet Orange Flesh - (Orange flesh.) An ideal basket and crate melon of medium size, round, heavily netted, flesh very thick, of rich orange color, handsome appearance and of the sweetest flavor. Average size of melon 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Matures in 75 days. The seed cavity is small and the rind is very tough, making it a good shipper; its vine is a vigorous grower and a heavy cropper. A very convenient sized melon for the table and for packing in shipment. Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 20 cts.; quarter pound, 60 cts.; pound, $2.00, postpaid. Customers may order half pounds at pound rate, 2 pounds or over at 5 pound rate, postpaid. 355 Maule’s Honey Noted for its Very Rich, Sweet and Sugary Flavor (Green flesh.) Wecall it Honey from the fact that 56 of our customers Suggested this name, in competition for a$l00 prize, and it was very gratifying to us to know that so many felt compelled on account of its sweet, delicious flavor tocall this grand melon Honey. Maule’s Honey muskmelon is of medium size, weighing 3 to4 pounds onan average. It is distinctly and evenly ribbed and moderately netted; globe shape and somewhat flattened at the stem and blossom end. Its exterior color is a peculiar shade of green, quite unlike any other muskmelon. The flesh is green, inclining to yellow. The spicy flayor is as distinct and characteristic as it is sweet and pleasing. The flesh is both deep and firm, the edible portion almost touching the rind. Matures in 75 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cts.; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00,postpaid. Orange 378 New Honey Dew “Sri The Famous New Melon; Sweetest Melon Ever Grown (Orange flesh.) New type of melon, cross between cantaloupe anda Cassaba. The fruit is oval-shaped, about 6 inches in diameter and 7 to 8 inches long, weighing from 8 to 10 pounds each. It ripens in about 100 days. Theskin is smooth, dull white when ripe. The rind is thin but tough. The flesh is thick, of rich, orange color. This melon has been appropriately named; it is of a distinct honey like flavor, more luscious and juicy than any other muskmelon. It is the best keeper and shipper of all and will stay in good con- dition several weeks after it is ripe. Melons not ripe when frost comes may be stored in a cellar and will there ripen slowly and can be used all winter. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00, 5 pounds, $9.50, postpaid. 62 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 The Sweetest of the Salmon-Fleshed Sorts (Salmon- flesh.) wider ribbed, of deeper fiesh and better quality. the acre. ime: the specimens weighing 6 to 7 pounds. quality, but a better shipper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. 37% Osage or Miller’s Cream : The Best Home and Market Melon; Does Well on Heavy Soils (Salmon flesh.) Flesh salmon colored, of luscious fiavor. its-handsome distinct melons in 75 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; - quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. 8 ALE , Bee Lis 4955 SE 377 Large Hackensack The Noted Turk’s Cap Melon; Very Hardy and Productive (Green flesh.) Fruits very large, weighing from 5 to 6 pounds each, and is one of the most extensively grown of muskmelons. Itis a large, round variety, flattened at the ends and well ribbed. The skin is deeply netted. The flesh is green, inclining toward yellow at the centre, and of delicious flavor. Is astrong grower, very productive, maturing large, luscious melons in 75 days. Excellent for the home garden or market. t Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cts.; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. 348 Bowman’s Gold Coin Musimelon Bowman’s Gold Coin is earlier than Paul Rose or Petoskey, maturing | in 70 days. It is two or three times as large, and a great deal more netted, of lighter skin, It also yields twice as many melons to The specimens run from round to oblong, often both on the same vine, some of In Bowman’s Gold Coin we consider we have found what we have long been looking for—a melon equal to the Emerald Gem in Excellent for both the home garden or for market. Of medium size, nearly round, with skin ribbed and somewhat netted. Prolific bearer. Seed cavity very small. Matures A good keeper and an excellent shipper. 359 Texas Cannonball A real Sunproof and Insect proof Melon (Green flesh.) This splendid muskmelon produces medium size melons in 75 days. In flavor it is first class and its dense netting makes it almost sun and insect proof, this being a very great advantage where insects are troublesome and melons liable to sunseald. Is almost all meat, seed cavity being small. The firm, green flesh is very Spicy. If you have found it difficult to grow any other varieties of muskmelon try Texas Can- nonball, as it succeeds where other varieties fail. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid, Delicious Gold Lined Rocky Ford should bein your garden. Don’t fail to order it. See page 59. SD May: Ae 358 Fordhook (Orange flesh.) This melon resembles the Prize Jenny Lind in shape. The vine is a strong vigorous grower, branching freely and frequently setting five to nine melons close to the hill. The melons grow very ry 1 An Orange Fleshed Jenny Lind even and regular in size and attractive in appearance, Slightly flat- — tened at both stem and blossom ends. The shape is Shown in the illus- tration. They are roughly netted. The flesh is very thick, color an attractive deep orange and of a delicious flavor. Matures in 70 days medium sized melons which are excellent for both home and market. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cts.; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. Watermelons are usually ripe when the tendril or curl on the vine, opposite the fruit stem, dries up 63 MAULE’S SUPERIOR WATERMELONS CULTURE.— W atermelons do best on light, well drained soils, but there are varieties adapted to heavy loams. each way, with some well rotted manure in each hill, thoroughly incorporated with the soil. 395 1 OM Watson The Most Popular of All Melons for Shipping This melon was an instantaneous success in some of the very best watermelon growing sections of the country. The above illustration was taken from a melon Sent into our office. It isan average specimen of the stock from which our seed is saved; it weighed 36 pounds. Tom Watson is a long, dark, mottled green melon, which at times grows exceptionally large, often weighing from 60 to 70 pounds, but at the saine time one of the most prolific melons in cultivation. SSS 394 Gray Monarch or Long White Icing Known for its Fine Shape, Large Size and Sweetness The exterior color of this fine melonis a light green, though its mottled markings make it appear gray. The flesh is deep red in color, and of fine quality. Matures in 80 days. Specimens of Gray Monarch weigh- ing 60 to 70 pounds have been produced. It has become widely popular in the home garden and nearby market. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 408 Peerless or Ice Cream ‘Always Good; Excellent for the Home Garden = A. watermelon which we strongly recommend for home market or garden eulture. Of good size. Color mottled green. Flesh rich scarlet and sweet; rind thin. Vine is very productive. Matures in 8 days. Being thin in the rind, it is not so well adapted for shipping. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. Although the rind is thin it is very tough, making it a most excellent shipper for long distances. The flesh is of most superb quality and intense red in color; matures in 90 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. A desirable melon for both market and home use. Of Enormous Size and Excels all 389 Excel Others for Home or Market The large oblong melons are of a dark green color with faint stripes. The tough rind permits rough handling in transit, making ita good long distance shipper. The red flesh is very solid, crisp and of excellent flavor. The vines produce au enormous crop in about 90 days. This melon has black seeds, also white seeds with a black border. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 412 Phinney’s Early Extremly Early. A Melon Anyone Can Grow The finest of all the early maturing melons of medium size and oblong shape, marked with two shades of green. Therindisthin. The red flesh is very sweet and tender. The vine is produc- & tiveand a surecropper, ma- § turing in 65 days. Adapted to all sections, and does excep- tionally well in the Northern States. Packet, 8 cents: ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. 412 PHINNEY’S EARLY WATERMELON. 64 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 : IONAL WATERMELON 9 > The Melon for Everybody 38 Miaule’s Nationa Alwareieiecet The National is a watermelon of medium to large size and of high table quality. It is of Southern origin, but thrives well in the North. In shape it is oblong. The outside color is pale green, with darker green markings. The fiesh is brilliant red in color, and remarkably solid. The flavor is delicious, and the flesh entirely stringless. The rind, though thin, is tough, insuring good shipping qualities. National produces large melons, often weighing 40 pounds and over in 80 days. Its handsome appearance makes it a rapid seller, and for the home garden it has no equal. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, 34.50, postpaid. 43 Florida Favorite Watermelon A Reliable Keeper _é S An Excelient Shipper This variety originated with one of the most extensive melon growers of Florida. A beautiful melon, with dark and light green exterior; shape oblong; fiesh bright crimson, crisp and deliciously sweet. Ripens large, handsome melonsin about 4 80 days. A good shipper. Sample spe- e cimens of this melon sent us from Florida * always reach Philadelphia in prime condi- * tion. Desirable for the home garden. Tos Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. = 403 FLORIDA FAVORITE WATERNEDONE 413 Halbert Honey Most Deliciously Flavored Large Melon This melon is as handsomein color as the Kleckley Sweets, but more regular in form and much more productive. The melons are blunt both at stem and blossom end, generally free from any appearance of neck. They average 18 to 20 inches in length; 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Color of rind a clear, glossy deep green. The flesh is a beautiful crimson, extending to within less than half an inch of the rind, maturing in 65 days. Excellent melon for the home garden and for local markets. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 413 HALBERT HONEY WATERMELON. 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. Dust young Watermeion plants with Bug Death or Slug Shot or spray with Bordo Lead or Key-Cide for Striped Beetles 65 Sa =e — ng Apple Pie Citron Melon Excellent for Pies, Preserving, Etc. This citron melon has fruit very similar to the watermelon, but the flesh is used exclusively for sauces, pies, preserving, etc., having a most delicious flavor, resembling somewhat the flavor of apples. The flesh is white and solid, Hach vine produces5 to 15 large size melons in 100 days. One will make as many pies asia half bushel ofapples. They keep fresh and solid all winter, so can be used when wanted. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 399 Sugar Stick Crisp, Sweet and Delicious A long, grayish or light green melon of handsome appearance. The Strong vines are of vigorous growth, producing numerous large melons often measuring 2 feet in length and. weighing 30 pounds each. This melon has @ thin rind which is very tough, making it a good keeper and an excellent shipper. The luscious flesh, which is a deep, rich red is very crisp and sugary, maturing in 80 days. Sugar Stick is desirable either for the home garden or market. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 37 Panmure All-Heart Watermelon The Sweetest of all; a Vigorous Grower and Exceedingly Productive Here we have an entirely distinct variety that is sure to excite the admiration of all lovers of fine watermelons. Solid as a cannon ball, and while it has a thin rind, the skin is Seeds are about the same size as apple seeds; but, not withstanding this fact, The shape, which runs uniform, is well shown in illustration. not only of superb flavor, but is all its name implies. firm, consequently making it a good shipper. the ayerage weight of the melon is 30 to 40 pounds. It is Every one of our customers who grow watermelons should make a trial of Panmure All-Heart this season, as it is sure to please the most exacting. Matures in 80 days. We cannot recommend Panmure All-Heart too highly for home or market use. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 30 cenis; quarter pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00; 5 pounds, $13.75 postpaid. 396 Branch’s Improved Georgia Rattlesnake A Good, Sweet, Juicy, Old Time Melon The old Rattlesnake has always been re- garded as a fine melon. Our improved strain is the result of careful selection by an experienced Georgia melon grower, Mr. Steiner Branch. Mr. Branch unhesitating- ly claims, and we agree with him, that this is the best strain of Rattlesnake melon in existence; in quality and flavor it is not surpassed. It hasa thin, tough rind, which makes it a good shipper. Flesh deep scarlet, sweet and delicious; shape oblong, striped and mottled with various shades of green, maturing in 80 days. Branch’s Im- — 396 BRANCH’S IMPROVED GEORGIA RATTLESNAKE WATERMELON. proved Georgia Rattlesnakeis largely grown for shipping to Northern markets. Packet , 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 66 Sweetest Early Melon. Largest Early Melon. The general shape and appearance of the Harris are shown in the illustration. The skin is mottled with green and white. The flesh is red, sweet, juicy and crisp. The seeds are black. The weight varies all the way from 12 to 40 pounds, the average being 15 to 20 pounds. They average about 20 inches long and 12 inches thick, which is exceptionally large for so early a variety, maturing in 65 days. Its table quality is first class. Owing to its extreme earliness, and adapt- ability to growing in heavy soils, it is exten- tively planted in the Northérn States; where it is the undisputed favorite. We have known this melon to mature in latitudes as far north as Canada, and in places where watermelons never grew before. The Harris is the earliest watermelon on the market; the sweetest early melon, the largest early melon and the best early melon for the home garden. These are sweeping statements, but they are true. Moreover, the Harris will out-yield any other early melon. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 37 Harris’ Earliest Watermelon | Best Early Melon for the Home Garden. 397 HARRIS’ EARLIEST WATERMELON. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. One of the Best Round Melons for Home and Market This is a large melon of handsome appearance. The rind is dark green striped with narrow bands of Jighter green, but when ready for shipping has a solid dark green appearance. It grows to huge size, averaging when well grown from 40 to 50 pounds each. In addition to this it is a melon of delicious flavor, and frequently produces melons in 90 days as large as 60 pounds each, its bright red flesh being of tempt- ing appearance. Excellent home or market sort. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 407 IRISH GRAY WATERMELON. for all Melon Growers Cloth-bound $1.00 Postpaid. 418 Mixed Watermelons A Great Assortment for the Home Garden All different sorts in a grand mixture, producing melons of different shapes ! maturing in 60 to 90 days, and all of a delicious flavor. Everyone is sure to a melon to suit their taste. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; | Melon Culture By Troop A valuable Book get | pound, $1.00, postpaid. : 391 Fordhook Early An Extra Early Large Melon; Does Well Anywhere» One of the largest of the extra early varieties, maturing in about 60 days. Shapenearly round. Color a medium shade of green. Flesh bright red, and of deliciously sweet flavor. The rind is sufficiently hard to make it a good shipper. Does well if grown in heavy soils. A sure cropper on light soils, Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 407 Irish Gray A Superb Melon Equal to or Better than Kieckley Sweets This combination melon is equally as good for shipping as for home use and has attained great popularity on its merits. It isa melonyou a willlike. The flesh is red, sweet, crisp and free from stringiness. The) thin but tough rind is a mottled greenish gray, entirely distinct. Vines Ji, are very vigorous, healthy and produce fine melons through a long Aj season. Matures in 85 days. The melon worthy ofa trial. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. For planting in the Northern States we recommend Harris’ Earliest, Phinney’s Early and Fordhook Early Watermelons 67 33 Kleckley Sweets or Monte Cristo The Sweetest Flavored Large Melon Grown One of the most popular, early, large watermelons grown. It is a high bred delicious melon originated in the South, by Mr. W. A. Kleckley, and is especially cele- brated for its fine flavor. It is a long, oval shaped watermelon, averaging 18 to 20 inches in length by 10 to 12 inches in diam- eter, with a dark green rind. Of handsome appearance; ripens early. The flesh is scar- let, very firm, and of luscious quality and crisp texture. It is widely popular, and is one of the best family garden melons, or for nearby market it is a ready seller, but the rind is rather too tender for distant ship- ping. It gives satisfaction almost every- where, and we can recommend it for use ae both North and South; matures in 85 days. 393 KLECKLEY SWEETS OR MONTE CRISTO WATERMELON. Packet 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 415 Sweet Heart Remains in Condition Much Longer than Most Sorts A large watermelon, nearly globular in shape, but a little longer than thick. The skin is a bright, beautiful mottledgreen. The flesh is red, firm, crisp and exceeding- ly sweet. A good keeper and excellent shipper, and a good selling melon, maturing in 90 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. 420 Colorado Preserving Citron For Preserving or Sweet Pickles A productive citron melon producing medium sized round fruit, with white flesh, which is very solid; used exclusively for preserving or pickling. The rind is dark green, distinctly striped with light green. Seed red; ma- tures in 100 days. The fruit will keep in good condition for : some time after picking and can be used when wanted. 420 COLORADO PRESERVING Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; CITRON MELON. quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. SSS ———SSSSS=== c=) = ee An Vs Kiss A Delicious Watermelon 401 se Novel and Attractive Angel’s Kiss originated with one of the largest Southern melon growers. It is a handsome melon of large oblong shape, which is well shown in the illustration herewith. The flesh is bright red, solid, firm and of melting flavor. The vine is a remarkably strong, vigorous grower and a heavy bearer of large mottled, silyer gray melons with very tough thin rind. The melons measure from 20 to 30 inches in length, with an average weight of from 30 to 40 pounds each, ripening through and through and is one of the very earliest good melons in cultivation, maturing in 80 days. The seed is pure white. Growers for market will find Angel’s Kiss a rapid seller and a good shipper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. Customers may order half pound at pound rate, 2 pounds or over at 5 pound rate, postpaid. 68 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 == = = OPA = s» Wonderful Sugar or Mclver Watermelon s Always Sweet; an Ideal Shipper This widely famous watermelon is, we believe, the sweetest ever put before the people of this country. It is of medium size, with striped or variegated exterior, beautiful red flesh, and light colored or white seeds. The flesh is entirely stringless, and of perfect quality as to texture. The vines are strong, thrifty and prolific, and well adapted to withstand either wet weather or drought. We introduced it to the American public in our 1894 catalogue. Since that time it has been tried by many thousands of our customers, both North and South, and unlimited praise is giventoit. Maturesin 90 days. It is well adapted to nearby markets. An excellent home garden melon. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 49 Golden Sweet Watermelon Yellow Fleshed, Sweet, Crisp and Delicious A large melon with yellow flesh that fairly melts in the mouth, and which for its fine sugary, juicy and delicious flavor cannot be surpassed by any red flesh melon on the market. The outside skin is dark green, grows a long oblong in shape, maturing} }/ its large size melons in 85 days. The rind) / is thin but hard, and the color of flesh a golden yellow, solid, crisp, smooth, of de- licious sweetness, and with few seeds. For table use it is equally as good as any of the red flesh varieties, and is extensively planted. Its tempting, melting flavor, has : = made it one of the most popular water- 409 GOLDEN SWEET WATERMELON. melons of our list for the home gardener. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. The Favorite Melon Everywhere 14 Alabama Sweet s02.War'in me South of North This splendid large melon, as shown in the illustration, is oblong in shape. The tough skin is very dark green, with still darker stripes; flesh is dark red in color, fine grained, sweet and luscious, entirely free of stringiness. A first class shipper; under good cultivation they grow to a very large size, frequently weighing from 30 to 60 pounds, and commanding the very highest prices in the market, Makes a strong, healthy vine and is very productive; ma- tures in 85 days. It is a favorite above all others in sections where it has been grown. npbeiereE She eae tee : = Also one of the best melons for home use. 414 ALABAMA SWEET WATERMELON. iy Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.59, postpaid. ly When tops turn yellow and skin becomes tough and transparent, Onions may be pulled up, dried and stored 69 Maule’s Select Onion Seeds CULTURE.—Onions do best on arich loam, previously cultivated for | and don’t thin out; use 60 to 80 lbs. of seed per acre. Hight to ten bushels two years. Stiff clay and light sand are equally unfavorable. The land | of sets will plant an acre. Fine marketable size onions (according to should be highly fertilized with well-rotted manure, complete fertiliz- | variety planted) are easily produced the first year from early spring ers, etc. Fresh stable manure has a tendency to produce soft onions. | sown seed, maturing in from 60 to 126 days. Culture should be frequent For dry (fall) onions a packet will sow about 40 feet of drill, an ounce} though shallow. The same ground may be used for onions, season after about 300 feet, 4 to 5 lbs. of seed per acre. Sow in drills 12 to 18 inches | season, if well fertilized annually. Bone meal isan excellent fertilizer. apart as early in spring as possibleand cover one-half inch deep. When| Winter storage demands dryness and protection from sudder changes, large enough thin to 3 inches apart. Ifsets are wanted, sow seed thickly | Onions should never be handled while frozen. Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. 44 Southport Red Globe Onion The Standard Red Globe Onion. An Enormous Yielder In districts in New York and Ohio, we frequently ship 1,000 pounds of this Red Globe onion annually. Itis a perfect globe, skin being of arich glossy red; flesh fine grained, white and always mild and pleasant, maturing in120 days. Itis very hardy and a splendid keeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. 45 Southport White Globe Onion The Handsomest and Best Winter Keeping White Onion This onion, on account of its handsome appearance, always brings top prices in the city markets. It is silvery white in color, globe Shaped in form, flesh of delicious flavor, and Ane keeper. This main crop variety is excellent for the home garden; matures in 120 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 80 cents; pound, $2.75; 5 pounds, $12.50, postpaid. 46 Southport Yellow Globe Onion A Sure Cropper and Long Keeping Onion for Home or Market One of the most popular of the Yellow Globe onions, and our annual sales run into thousands of pounds. Perfectly globe shaped with rather full shoulder, rich yellow skin, fine grained, mild creamy white flesh. Very productive and a good Keeper; \ matures in 110 days. LG Fe Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; 446 SOUTHPORT. YELLOW GLOBE ONION. pound, $2.25; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. Maule’s Collection of Three Best Southport Giobe Onions Fed vhite One packet each of the 3 sorts fer 25 cents, postpaid. One ounce each of the 3 sorts for 75 cents, postpaid. Winter Keepers 444 SOUTHPORT RED GLOBE ONION. 445 SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE ONION. 470 MEXCG QMIOMS au shaves and cotors NEW ONION CULTURE. : Book by T. GREINER. This mixture contains a grand assortment of the different colored and various shaped onions, maturing at intervals in 60 to 120 days, so New and highly valuable methods for growing onions as to give a supply of onions fit for the table when wanted, or for of the largest size and yield for home or market. Saving for winter use, as all are good keepers. F Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; Illustrated. Cloth Bound. $1.00, postpaid. pound, $1.50, postpaid. 70 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 La White and Pickling Onions wii es | | (i | WAZ = fa i in | y)) ) SSS See 466 Extra Early Pearl ; The Earliest Large White Onion : == —= Of mild flavor and a good keeper. Sometimes 463 White Barletta 464 Neapolitan Marzajola grows 5 to 6 inches in diameter, maturing in Earliest and Smallest for Pickles Large, Early, Silvery White 65 days. A very attractive early onion for the 14% to 14% inches in diameter, flattened on top, An earlyand productive flat, white onion, home garden as well asthe market. In the | ready to use in 60 days. Color, beautiful waxy | Maturing in 65 days. Desirable for early use. S= MN Sf S —Z=_ Z=_*, SS SS south the seed be sown in the late fall. - a = = and used for pickling. In the South theseed can t a Se ae b : OM in tie : white. A good keeper; excellent “Oe pickling. be sown in the fall, producing good size onions. 38 acket, cents; ounce, <9 Cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents} quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. M{AULES PRIZETAKER i aire % 508 7 ONIONS ws Y= == = )—_ = es IgE = AIA SA SZ w MAULD’S PRIZETAKER ONION The Largest, Most Productive, Mild Flavored Yellow Globe Onion in Existence Wenamed and introduced this great onion in 1888, and ever since | avery small neck, and ripens up firm and solid. In market it never have given it special prominence in every catalogue we have issued. | fails to attract attention on account of its beauty, and is sure to bring a Today, thirty-four years after it was named by us, it will be found in| better price than any other onion. Maule’s Prizetaker has attracted almost every seedsman’s catalogue. more attention and awakened wider and more cordial enthusiasm than Prizetaker is by far the handsomest, most productive, most popular | any other onion ever introduced to the American public. It is the largest, and best of all Yellow Globe onions. It is a bright, clear straw color, | finest flavored and most superior Yellow Globe onion under cultivation and always grows to a uniform shape, which is a perfect globe. It has | for either the home garden or market. Matures in 100 days. Headquarters Stock can be obtained only from Wm. Henry Maule, Inc. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. SS Maule’s seeds are essential to success in every garden; proved by our 45 years’ experience and 450,000 customers 71 | The Earliest of the Red 3s Extra Early Re Skinned Sorts It will succeed in cold, mucky ground, where other sorts would fail. t matures ten days sooner than the Red Wethersfield. It can be made o produce fine, marketable onions in 9%) days from the sowing of the eed. It is of mild flavor, and keeps well. The color is adeep, rich red, he grain is fine and close and the onion is solid and heavy. It is hardy, eliable, and well adapted for early market. Extra Early Red will suc- eed almost anywhere, but is peculiarly fitted for northern Jatitudes. Packet, 10 cents; oz., 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00, postpaid. wz Maule’s Yellow Globe Danvers The Old Reliable Yellow Globe Onion. Heavy Yielder and an Excellent Keeper Our strain of Yellow Globe Danvers onion is unsurpassed. It always attains a good size, with deep bulb and small neck. It is choice in flavor, being rather mild, and is invariably a market favorite at prices above average quotations. It frequently produces 600 bushels per acre, and capable of doing even better under extra culture. Matures in 115 days; a splendid keeper. Our strain of Yellow Globe Danvers has been famous for the past quarter century in every onion growing district. In the Southern States they can be planted in Autumn and will continue growing the entire Winter. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; + lb., 60 cents; lb., $2.00; 5 Ibs., $9.50, postpaid. 42 White Welsh Onion The Hardy Salad or Bunching Onion Pearly white in appearance and mild in flavor. It does not form a bulb, but very early in the Spring, before seeds or sets are planted, it produces a fine bunch onion or scallion. Being very hardy, requires no winter mulching. Seed may be sown in the early Spring, but not later than the latter part of July; further south as late as September. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50; 442 WHITE WELSH ONION. > pounds, $16.25, postpaid. 436 Maule’s Large Red Wethersfield Sure and Heavy Yielder A Good Keeper—Very Popular This has been one of our leading specialties for more than thirty-two years. The skin is deep purplish red. The flesh is white, tinged with pink. Onion seed value depends greatly upon the way the stock is selected and cared for, and the seed which we offer is of the earliest form, grown from hand sorted bulbs and sure to pro- duce large onions. Specimens of Maule’s Large Red Wethersfield grow to an immense size in about 100 days. They are solid, oval shaped flattened on top, strong flavored and excellent keepers. Many strains of Red Wethersfield are offered the American public, but our careful com- parative tests convince us that none surpass the one here described. It is in every way a perfect red onion for home and market purposes. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents} quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. 72 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 461 Mammoth MAMMOTH $3) 7 gf ; SILVER Silver King The Earliest Giant White Onion We introduced this grand onion to the public over 38 years ago. The skin is a beautiful, silvery white. The flesh is so sweet that it may be eaten raw like an apple. No other white onionattainssuch | mammoth size. The bulbs are of an attractive shape, flattened, but thick, as shown in the illustration. The average }j diameter of fully grown Mammoth Silver \j King onions is from 5 to 73 inches. We have a record of one of these onions weigh- ing 4 pounds and 9 ounces. Matures its crop of large size white onions in about 80 days. An excellent keeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 80 cents; pound, $2.75; 5 pounds, $12.50, postpaid. ; The Very Best Extra Early The Surest Cropping =.= mu \ Kt | he \ \ \\ \ / f Wp iy) WU SZ EETIRSOS =a Soe SA S ~ 450 Maule’s Extra Selected Australian Brown Onion Remearkable for its Uniform Size, Shape and Keeping Quality; a Money Maker Tas This Extra Selected Strain of Australian Brown onion has|and bulk. The skin is thick and of a beautiful rich brownish _ +; been grown from onions 1mported direet from Australia by|red color. The flesh is always white, extremely solid, sweet | c. ene of our best onion seed growers here. They are so well|and mild in flavor. Its keeping qualities are phenomenal. hh fixed both for shape, color and keeping qualities that all| We have reports from our growers that this remarkable strain |” @nion growers should plant at least a few pounds of this| has been kept in good solid condition fit for market for over a remarkable keeping strain. The handsome onions are ex-| year after they had been harvested. A desirable enion for tremely hardy, yielding an enormous crop, both in weight! the home garden as well as for market. Matures in 85 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. it To hasten the maturity and increase the size of Onions, bend over the tops before ripening begins 73 «s Maule’s Commercial Yellow Globe Perfect Globe Shape. 443 MAULE’S COMMERCIAL YELLOW GLOBE ONION. When planting your garden don’t fail to plant See page 71. Maule’s Yellow Globe Danvers Onion. “SEN Carey 452 One of the Earliest Yellow Onions _ A large, dark, straw colored thin skinned onion, almost flat in shape, with fine grained white flesh. Of fine keeping quality which recommends it to the home as well as the market gard- ener. For a yellow onion it is rather mildly flavored. A standard market sort, very productive and profitable, matur- ing in 100 days. Anexcellent winter keeper and shipper. Grown extensively for large onions and sets. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. Large, Heavy and Solid. Mild Flavored. Maule’s Commercial onion has been selected from our original Prize- taker and has been bred to a size that is more merchantable. Our efforts have been rewarded by securing an onion fully as handsome as the Prizetaker in every way; of more uniform size, and whose keeping qualities are simply remarkable and decidedly superior to the parent variety. Six toeight hundred bushels per acre have been no unusual yield, and this quantity has been frequently surpassed. Thirty-four years ago we introduced the Prizetaker onion, and untilnow we have not found a single variety that could equal, let alone surpass it in any way. Wetake great pleasure in offering our customers Maule’s Com- mercial, which produces large handsome yellow globe onions in 100 days. Packet, 10 cemts; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $10.00, postpaid. \ | | \ 456 Silver S The Favorite Mild White Onion A mild and pleasant onion, ofsomewhat flattened shape. It is very popular for family use and one of the best for pickling, also for slicing or boiling. A favorite with many when young asaSsalad or bunching onion; excellent for winter. This variety is largely grown for sets, and is re- gardedasa Standard sort on account of it being hard and firm, maturing in 90 days. Excellent variety to plant in August for early spring “ereen”’ or bunching onions. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25;5 pounds, $10.00, pestpaid. S Se 454 Gigantic Gibralt An Extremely Large, Mild, Yellow Globe Onion. By farthe most dependable strain of Giant Yellow Globe onions. It is somewhat similar in appearance to Prizetaker. The leayes or blades are deep green, with a glossy surface, enabling it to withstand dry weather and the attacks of insects. The handsome globe shape onions are of light straw color, and while large in size are splendid keepers. Flesh white, tender and mild; matures in 100 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 75 cents; pound, $2.50; 5 pounds, $11.25, postpaid. 74, WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Maule’s Onion Sets of the Best Quality Produced from Thoroughbred Seed and True to Name. We Sell All Onion Sets 32 Pounds to the Bushel CULTURE—Onion sets should be planted as early in the spring as the ground can be worked. Set the onion in the ground lightly (do not cover) in shallow furrows, 12 to 18 inches apart and about 2 inches apart in the row. Young onions may be had in 5 weeks. By planting sets, onions can be produced for market or household use 4 to 6 weeks earlier than can be had from seed. Onions from sets are usually harvested in the locality of Philadelphia in July, which allows the sowing of another crop on the same ground the same season. A quart of onion sets will plant a row about 100 feet long, use 8 to 10 bushels to an acre. Maule’s Yellow Globe Danvers Grown from our own seed. This is one of the best and most popular for raising early big onions from sets. Pint, 20 cents; quart, 35 cents; 5 quarts, $1.50, postpaid. Not prepaid, quart, 25 cents; 4 quarts, 75 cents; peck, $1.35; bushel, $5.00. Maule’s White Silver Skin Grown from our best selected seed. These sets will pro- duce beautiful, silvery-white onions very early in the sea- son. A favorite sort for home and market gardeners. Pint, 25 cents; quart, 40 cents; 5 quarts, $1.75, postpaid. Not prepaid, quart, 30 cents; 4 quarts, 85 cents; peck, $1.50; bushel, $5.75. The value of onion sets may vary, so all our prices are subject to change without notice. Yellow Potato or Yellow Multiplier This really excellent sort multiplies by division of the parent bulb. It is a large yellow skin onion, flesh white and mild in flavor, and a good cropper. Will produce either green bunching or large, dry ripe onions earlier than any other kind. This variety does not produce seed. Pint, 30 cents; quart, 45 cents; 5 quarts, $2.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, quart, 35 cents; 4 quarts,$1.00; | = peck, $1.75; bushel, $6.50. White Multiplier or White Potato Increases by division of the parent bulb, producing a cluster of large white skin onions. Flesh white and of mild |= flavor. Hardy, early and a good cropper, 5 to 145 bulbs grow- |= ing from one bulb set out. Of excellent quality and size for bunching. This variety does not make seed. Pint, 30 cents; quart, 45 cents; 5 quarts, $2.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, quart, 35 cents; 4 quarts, $1.00; Maule’s Large Red Wethersfield Grown from seed of our celebrated strain. Very hardy; good keepers. One of the best red onions for all purposes. Pint, 20 cents; quart, 35 cents; 5 quarts, $1.50, pustpaid. Not prepaid, quart, 25 cents; 4 quarts, 75 cents; ONION SETS. peck, $1.35; bushel, $5.00. CULTURE—Sow in frames or border in early spring, in drills. 12 to 18 inches apart and1 inch deep. When plants are 6 to 8 inches high ee transplant to permanent quarters in rows a foot apart and plants 4 to 6 inches apart in rows. Set the young plants deeply in the soil, so that the neck being covered will easily blanch. A packet will sow about 25 feet of drill, an ounce to 150 feet, 4 to 5 pounds to the acre. The soil should be rich. The leek is hardy, and may be preserved in trenches like celery; or,in mild latitudes, left in The Favorite Home or Market Sort The largest variety, stems very thick with broad leaves. When well grown often produces stalks three inches in diameter; white and tender, mild in flavor. It is an exceptionally hardy garden or market sort; matures in 80 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 25 cents; quarter pound, 70 cents; pound, $2.25, postpaid. Customers may order half pound at pound rate, 2 pounds or over at 5 pound rate, postpaid. Garlic Sets Used for Flavoring A bulbous root of the onion type, Okra or Gumbo having a strong, penetrating odor, and flavor, esteemed for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Ready to use in 150 days. CULTURE—The bulbs (sets) are com- posed of several parts, which should be | divided and planted in rows 1 to 3 feet apart, 6 inches apart in the rows, and one inch deep. When the tops turn yel- low take up and dry in the shade. 4 pound, 25 cents; 4 pound 45 cents; pound, 80 cents, postpaid. Green Pods Impart a Rich Flavor When Used in Soups, Stews, etc. A fashionable Southern vegetable of easy growth in the North. The pods are used when young and tender as a Separate dish or in soups and stews. CULTURE.—Sow in May and June, after the ground is warm, in drills three feet apart, cover the seed with about 1 inch of soil, and thin to 12 to 18 inches apart in the rows. Use a packet to about 25 feet of drill; an ounce to about 100 feet, 8 pounds to an acre. Ready to use in 50 to 60 days. 431 Perkin’s Perfected Long Pod Long, Dark Green Pods Large okra, esteemed by canners and market gardeners. It isa great improvement on the old green podded sorts. Large, handsome green pods. Fine quality, very productive. 4to5 ft. tall. Matures its giant green pods in 60 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 25 cents; pound, 75 cents; 5 pounds, $3.25, postpaid. 434 White Velvet Low Growing but Giant Podded 433 Dwarf Georgia Favorite Early and Productive A giant podded dwarf okra, producing in 50/4 Pods are round and smooth, while in other days an abundant crop) of long, ‘dark greenhify yaa hyd ele : pods, which are twice the length of the common ! sorts the pods are ridged or square edged. Super-| varieties. Grows about 2 feet high, and produces}! | jor flavor and tenderness. It is very productive,| pods a few inches from the ground to the top of Lj producing its smooth white pods in 55 days. the plant. The pods last Jong an [pe cee SOT Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; one Pre potne Tn eleaL mr oncion wiyetamer quarter pound, 25 cents; pound, 75 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.005 5 pounds, $3.25, postpaid. 5 pounds, $4.50,postpaid. Send us the names of your gardening friends; we will gladly mail them a catalog, free 75 CULTURE.—Sow in early spring, in rows 2 to 3 feet apart; thin to 4 to 6 inches in the row. A packet will sow about 40 feet of drill, an ounce about 200 feet, 4 to5 pounds per acre in drills 244 feet apart. Cover the seed ¥% inch. Ready to use in 80 to 85 days or may be stored in the cellar for winter use or left in the ground all winter and dug when weather permits, or leave in the ground for spring use. 477 White Lisbon Parsnip Of uniform size and shape A striking and attractive parsnip grown ex- tensively by our market gardener friends, to their great satisfaction. The shape is well shown in il- lustration (one-half natural size). It is remark- ably free from side roots; in fact, in this respect it is about the cleanest of all parships. It is fine grained and of superior flavor, maturing in $5 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 478 Maule’s Improved Half Long Parsnip == Roots smooth, halilong, easytoharvest FS We consider this the best parsnip for market S= ardener or amateur. The root is smooth, and the SS flesh fine grained and of excellent flavor. It is a = heavy cropper. Being larger in diameter and short- = er than the Long Smooth, it is harvested with less labor. Matures large roots in 80 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cts.; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 483 Maule’s Improved Long Smooth Parsnip Straight, smooth and handsome This is the sameas Hollow Crown or Improved Long Sugar. A highly improved type producing uniformly large and handsome roots of stocky form, heavy at the shoulder, well rounded, gradu- ally tapering to the base. Flesh white, of fine tex- ture, free from core and stringiness; fine flavored. Cooks tender; sweet and rich;enormously produc- tive andexceptionally smooth. Matures in 8 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 30 cts.; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. Customers may order half pounds at pound rate,2 pounds or over at 5 pound rate, postpaid. Used for flavoring and garnishing CULTURE.—Sow seed in shallow drills in the early spring in borders, or in rows 12 to 18 inches apart, care being taken that the drills be not more than ¥ inch in depth, and that the seed be well pressed down after sowing, as the seed germinates very slowly, 3 to 5 weeks elapsing sometimes before it makes its appearance. Use a packet to 25 feet of drill: an ounce to 150 feet, 5 pounds to an acre. Ready to use in 60 to 100 days. = Beautifully crimped 471 Champion Moss-Curled °° sny'.9c3 A choice strain. . ee We Ready to use in 65 days. & Bix 2 Packet, 5 cents; ; ounce, 10 cents; l4 pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. 472 Plain Parsley Excellent for seasoning. ——$——— ———SS YY Ready to cut in 70 days =} Packet, 5 cents; == RE Z ounce, 10 cents; yee SS l4 pound, 30 cents; a ae Ss ig pound, $1.00 474 DOUBLE CURLED PARSLEY. SZ postpaid, ” |= 474 Double Curled Parsley. Everybody’s Favorite The leaves are handsomely curled, dark green in color and of a very fine flavor. Fit to use in 60 days, : Packet, 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts.; quarter lb., 30 cts.;lb., $1.00, postpaid. 475 Hamburg or Turnip-Rooted Parsley The edible roots resemble a small parsnip, and it is esteemed for flavoring soups, stews, etc. Roots ready to use in 100 days. Packet, 8 cts.; 0Z., 12 cts.; quarter lb., 30 cts.; lb., $1.00, postpaid. Mh WY, if eM hes 483 MAULE’S IMPROVED LONG SMOOTH PARSNIP. 76 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 i 9 | INOCULATE THIS cee Gare Maule’s Garden Peas eam CULTURE.—Sow in earliest spring and make successional plantings every ten days until Junel. In the latter part of August sow early peas for an autumn crop. Drill1 to 2 inches deep in rows 246 to 4 feet apart. Inthe field use no sticks. In garden cul wi fe) inch aD: : = DOMES ez » apart. S sticks. d ture sow in double row apart, and use supports for the tall growing varieties. A packet will sow about 20 feet of drill; a pound to 100 feet; 90 to 120 pounds emeccreG a e 2 Sow as early in Spring as the ground can be worked; th Extra Ea ded Varieties hardier than the wrinkled varieties. Ready to use in 41 to 30 days. AULE’S EARL S SS wes — Bee ARLIEST °5 ALL. —> 488 Maule’s Earliest of All Peas Bright Green Peas of Excellent Flavor Mauile’s Earliest of All pea has become the main reliance of thousands of truckers and gardeners who wish to be first in market with new peas. It is a smooth sort; maturing an abundance of pods in 41 days. Itis absolutely unsurpassed in extra early aualities, in flavor, in size of pod and productiveness, in vigor and regularity of growth. Vines grow 30 in. high. a Every seedsman claims to sell an “earliest’”’ pea, but, after testing them all, we know that} E not one excels our own celebrated Strain, either in quality, quantity or earliness. Maule’sf Earliest of All is very hardy,and may be sown as soon as the soil becomes mellow. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; & 100 pounds, $18.00. 508 Prolific Early Market The Most Productive Extra Early Garden Sort _A smooth, white seeded extra early sort, with pods one-third larger on vines six inches taller than Maule’s Improved Extra Early, maturing in 50 days, but of remarkable productiveness, giving a yield of 30 to 50 per cent more pods than any other strain of extra earlies of which we know. Desirable for home or market. : Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. f 529 Market Surprise Largest Podded of the Extra Earlies Market Surprise has become the popular extra early large podded sort, producing large pods in abundance which are filled with luscious green peas. The robust growing vines grow 23 feet high, which require no staking. The delicious sugary peas are ready for picking in about 50 days. The largepods, which contain eight to nine fine peas, are of rich green color. This is the pea that all progressive gardeners are look- ing for asit is very hardy, extremely early, large podded and a prolific bearer, making it a quick basket filler. The peas are of excellent flavor, sweet and delicious. Weexpect the usual heavy demand for this phenomenal extra early pea, so advise ordering early. Packet, 12 cts.; half pound, 30 cts.; pound, 55 cfs., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 40 cents; 10 pounds or over at 35 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $30.00. E offer Peas and Beans by the half pound, pound and 100 pounds, instead of pints, quarts, etc. Half pint equals about half pound One pound equals about one pint Two pounds equal about one quart Fifteen pounds equal about one peck Sixty pounds equal about one bushel \ 508 PROLIFIC EARLY MARKEJ. 529 MARKET SURPRISE PEA. The varieties offered as a collection on page 79 will give a successional supply of Peas for the season ee a | 492 Nott’s Excelsior ; Excellent for Home Gardens One of the best dwarf wrinkled peas; hardy md vigorous, and will mature almost as soon SS the smooth varieties. Frequently ready in 2 days. The pods are filled with seven to nine arge peas. Of superior tenderness and flavor. leight, 1 foot. An excellent home garden sort. | Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. prepaid, pound, 30 cts.: 10 lbs. or over at 25 cts. per lb.; 100 lbs., $23.00 Tot 501 Alaska A Popular Extra Early Green Seeded Smooth Pea An extra early sort, producing dark green colored pods, in 45 days, making it a desirable shipping variety as it will carry a long distance without losing its color. Vines grow 23 feet high. A prolific bearer, maturing its crop all at one time. Packet, 10 eents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. 505 Maule’s Improved Extra Early The Best Extra Early Smooth Pea for the Family Garden This fine, smooth pea is surpassed in point of earliness only by Maule’s Earli- est of All. The handsome pods are ready to pickin 48 days. It requires no Sticks. It grows about 2 feet nigh, is a sure cropper, and very productive. The pods are well filled with 5 to7 medium sized peas. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; . pound, 40 cents, postpaid. : S) Not prepaid, pound, 25c.; 10 Ibs. or over at 2U0c. per Ib.; 100 Ibs., $18.00. 501 ALASKA PEA. 505 MAULE’S IMPROVED EXTRA EARLY PEA. A Prolific, Hardy, Early 489 Early Morning Star Pea Smooth Seeded Sort This hardy early maturing pea produces a heayy crop of pods on vines growing 2 to 2% feet high, which do not require any sticking, so prolific are the pods that they can be readily picked, filling the basket very quickly. The large size pods produce excellent peas which are sweet in flavor. This pea has become a leading favorite with market gardeners, as well as in the home garden, producing a crop in 45 days under favorable weather conditions. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds or over at 20 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $18.00. EXTRA EARLY WRINKLED SORTS Should not be planted as early as thesmooth, round seeded sorts. Wait until the weather becomes warm and settled. Ready for use in 48 to 60 days. 491 American Wonder 493 Surprise Esteemed for Earliness American Wonder is one of the earliest of the wrinkled varieties. It is quite distinct from all other peas in habitof growth and appear- ance, of dwarf habit, with vines about a foot high. In favorable weather and soil it will mature in the remarkably short period of 48 days, but it is less hardy than Maule’s Earliest of All, and must not be planted as soon. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cts.; 10 lbs. or over at 25 cts. per lb.; 100 lbs., $23.00. The Earliest Pea of Quality This is one of the best wrinkled peas, pro- ducing an abundance of pods in 50 days, and is far superior in quality to any of the smooth early sorts. It ranks with the very earliest of the wrinkled sorts. The vine grows 20 to 24 inches high, and requires noSsticks. Its sweet- ness is note worthy, and it bears with remark- able profusion. Excellent home garden sort. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cts.; 10 lbs. or over at 25 cts. per lb.; 100 lbs., $23.00. 78 — WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Extra Early Wrinkled Garden Peas—Continued «9 Laxtonian ree Known by Some as The Dwarf Gradus or Blue Bantam This is the largest podded of all the early dwarf varieties and is a grand sort of decided merit. The vines are vigorous, grow- ing about l6inches high, and produce a large crop of good sized pods, averaging from 9to10 peas tothe pod. The peas are of exquisite flavor, maturing in 55 days. Many people who have tried Laxtonian consider it superior to any of the so called tall growing later maturing sorts, and claim it to be the best of all early dwarf peas, Itis certainly worth a trial. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 30 cts.; pound, 50 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound 35 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 10U pounds, $25.00. e 5022 Premium Gem An Improved McLean’s Little Gem A fine early wrinkled pea similar to, but better than Me- Lean’s Little Gem, with vine about lj inches high. Pods long, with 6 to 8 very large peas to a pod and of fine quality. Pro- duces an abundance of well filled pods, about 3 inches long in 55 days. A profitable pea for market; and for the home garden it is a favorite, giving satisfaction everywhere. Pkt., 10 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 45 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 25 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $23.00. 500 New Pioneer Dark Green, Giant Pods, with Large Luscious Peas This new, large podded, early wrinkled pea isin great favor with market gardeners in all sections. The hand- some large pods, which are well filled with big peas of delicious flavor, make it a good seller-on the market stall. The vines are extremely vigorous, grow- ing only fifteen to eighteen inches high, with dark green foliage, and produce a wonderful erop of pods. Pioneer is an early wrinkled pea, bearing its dark green pods in 60 days, a few days later than Prosperity or Gradus, but a much heavier cropper and of quality equally as good. i Pkt., 10 cts.; halfpound, 30 cts.; ponnd, 50 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. Bear In Mind | _ When ordering large quantities of Peas, Beans and Sweet | Corn by Parcel Post add postage to the prices quoted not pre- | paid and remit with your order, as postage on parcel post | packages must be prepaid. See Parcel Post Rates, page 4. »o Richard Seddon ‘a The Newest Dwarf Extra Early Pea of Quality—The Greatest Yielder This extremely early, dwarf wrinkled peas is sure to becomea favorite. In season this new sort produces pods with Nott’s Excelsior, usually borne in pairs, and are more numerous, It has two striking features, the beautiful dark green color of the pods and its.great keeping qualities, when ready for the table or market staying in excellent condition for a week longer than most any other early sort. The vines grow 16 inches in height, bearing handsome large dark green pods, jammed with 6 to 8 large dark green peas, which are of luscious sugary flavor. Ready for use in 52 days. Excellent for the home garden or market. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 245 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cents; 10 pounds or over at 25 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $23.00. 14 Prosperity or Gradus The Earliest, Largest Podded, Wrinkled Pea Prosperity or Gradus is a wrinkled pea, with vine growing about 30inches high. It requires no sticks or brush, though sticks may be used if preferred. The peas are freely borne, and remain in good condition fora number of days. The pods are of a dark green color, and measure 4 inches or more in length, being as large as Tele- phone, and equally well filed with luscious peas—8 to 10 or more ina pod. The peas themselves are of first-class table quality, and retain their color and attractive appearance after cooking. The peas are round and plump, maturing in 62 days. It is entirely adapted to the purposes of the market gardener, and does equally as well in the home garden. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cents; 10 pounds or over at 25 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $23.00. ws Thomas Laxton The Rival of the Famous Prosperity or Gradus, with Giant Pods It grows like Gradus, about 30inches high. The wrinkled peas are very large, of fine deep green color. he pods are large, long, with square ends and finecolor. Many market gardeners have planted the Thomas Laxton in preference to Gradus, to their entire satisfaction. Our opinion of Thomas Laxton is that itis as early as Gradus, maturing in 52 days; at thesame time it is, if anything, more productive; peas are fully as large, of a richer greencolor. Planted side by side, it is frequently a bard matter to tell which is the better of the two varieties. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cents; 10 pounds or over at 25 cents per pound; 100 poands, $23.00. Customers may order 5 pounds or over at 10-lb. rate; 25 pounds or over at 100-lb. rate. 499 RicHARD SEDDON GRADUS To increase your yield of Peas, inoculate seed with Mulford’s Culture, small size, 35c; garden size, 75c, postpaid 79 s10 Little Marvel extra Early wrinkded A Marvel in Earliness and Productiveness See Back Cover for Colored illustration -A dwarf early pea of unusual value. The vines average 15 inches in height, and the pods 24 inches in length, frequently borne in pairs. The pods contain from 6 to 7 large dark green peas which remain in good eatable shape a week later than most other varieties, maturing in 53 days, and is as early as Nott’s Excelsior but produces a much larger pod, and the vines produce a much heavier crop. A desirable pea for home garden or market. Packet, 10 cts; half pound, 25cts.; pound, 45Cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, lb., 30 cts.; 10 pounds or over at 25 cts. per Ib., AN | \\ 100 pounds, $23.00. 512 Sutton’s Excelsior A Dwarf Wrinkled Pea, Known as Melting Marrow The Sutton’s Excelsior pea resembles Nott’s Excel- sior, but has longer and broader pods of a bright green color; the pods are square at the ends with 6 or 8 large sized peas to a pod. The vines grow 15 inches long and are hardy, permitting early planting. They are very heavy bearers, and on account of its hardiness and large sized pods, many prefer Sutton’s Excelsior to the large podded taller varieties. Comes into bear- || ing in about 54 days. It isa fine pea for either home ff or market gardeners. | Packet, 10 cts.; half pound, 25 cts.; pound, 45 cts.; postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 30 cents; 10 pounds or over at rd 510 LITTLE MARVEL PEA. 25 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $23.00. 512 SUTTON’S EXCELSIOR. Maule’s Succession Collection of Peas If you plant all these varieties the same day, you will have a successional supply of fresh, luscious, green peas for your table, from spring until late summer. 508 Prolific Early Market, early and hardy sort 494 Prosperity or Gradus, midsummer, large podded 499 Richard Seddon, extra early wrinkled sort 512 Sutton’s Excelsior, latest of them all 1 packet each of these four named grand peas for 35 cents; half pound of each (4 half poundsin all), for 90 cents, postpaid. 1 pound of each (4 pounds in all), for $1.65, postpaid. Not prepaid, half pound of each (4 half pounds in all), 55 cents; 1 pound of each (4 pounds in all), $1.00. Second Early or Main Crop Varieties } Plant)these varieties at thesame time as the extra early wrinkled = sorts, they will bear when all others are done. All are giant pod- ded sweet wrinkled varieties. Ready for use in 65 to 72 days. WY Also known as Juno, 498 Dwarf Champion Profuse Bearer This pea is one of the finest we have ever tried. Itisa hardy, robust, vigorous grower, producing uniform dark green pods of good size, with great abundance and unsurpassed quality. Grows only 2 to 2%%4 feet tall, requiring no supports. Matures in 65 days. | Pkt., 10 cents; 44 pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. |/ Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. 515 Improved Stratagem Large Podded, Immense Peas of Delicious Sweetness HH Anexcellent wrinkled pea, with sturdy vine growing 2 feet high; ||| vigorous and productive. The pods are of extra large size, often | measuring 6 inches in length, and are always well filled, frequently |||) containing ten peas to the pod. Matures in68 days. The flavor is ||| first class. Desirable for the home garden and market. ! Pkt., 10 cents; 144 pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. The Standard Large Podded 517 Telephone Pea for General Crop A fine wrinkled pea, growing about 4 feet high. The peas are ||| large and a bright green color, sugary flavor. Matures in 70 days; robust grower, and great bearer. The pods are of large size, con- || taining 8to10peaseach. Special valuein the choice family garden. ||| Pkt., 10 cents; 14 pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. A Handsome Pea of 520 Senator Delicious Flavor A handsome, large podded, second early wrinkled sort, produc- | ing in 65 days an abundant crop of large, round, dark green pods ||| which are well filled, containing 7to 10 peas. Tender and sweet and \\\ of excellent quality. Vines grow 30 inches high. A very heavy cropper. Excellent forthe home or market garden, on account of its prolificness and extra good quality. Whether your acreage is small or large you need not hesitate to plant the Senator. Pkt.. 10 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. 2 Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at ; 498 DWARF 515 STRATAGEM. 520 SENATOR. Pos cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. 517 TELEPHONE. CHAMPION. ———— oy 80 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 S Varie Second Early or Main Crop 495 Perpetual Ready for picking right after the Extra Earlies and continuing to bear large and handsome pods much longer than most varieties. It ismore accurately named than any other pea in the list, and for the private garden is an excellent variety, commence ‘bearing its large pods in 65 days and will continue producing its pods for a long time, making it a desirable main crop variety. We consider it the best or nearest to a per- petual pea of anything we have ever seen. It grows about 2% to 3 feet high, ofstrong, robust habit, a good cropper. Afterremov- jit § ing the giant pods as fast as they are filled } it will continue to bear right along through- out the season. This one feature makes it ji especially desirable for home or family gar- i j den and we know of no large podded pea {ii} F that will produce so many pods and none ji, that are so well filled as the Perpetual. It is f certainly the most remarkable everbearing pea that has ever come to our knowledge. i Packet, 12 cents; half pound, 30 cents; h pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 ceuts; 10 pounds or over at 30 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $28.00. 491 Dwarf Telephone Dwarf Vines, Large Green Pods Dwarf Telephone is of healthy, stocky growth and very productive. The green pods frequently measured inchesin length, containing nine or ten large, luscious peas which fairly melt in your mouth, maturing Hf its giant pods in 65 days. A desirable home i) garden sort as they do not require any brush. 495 PERPETUAL PEA. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; = f; M SN pound, 59 cents, postpaid. ; SS Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; S 10 pounds or over at 28 cts. per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. Adis pide sound pods snapbi Pac 10 po = ——— S== Te Sh 497 DWARF TELEPHONE 503 Bliss’ Everbearing A Continuous Long Season Bearer A celebrated wrinkled pea 2 to 2% feet high, of good quality and flavor maturing its podsin about 6) days, and is especially adapted to sum- mer and autumn cropping. It has a remarkable and valuable branch- ing habit. It will do well without sticks or brush. Repeated pickings may be made, for the vine continues to produce blossoms and succes- sional cropsof pods in its effort to ripen its seeds. It is a continuous bearer through a long Season. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at Nh: 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. a 511 Alderman \ A Standard Large Podded Main Crop Sort A large main crop pea, producing in 70 days long, straight, dark green pods 5 to6 inches long, well filled with large peas of excellent flavor. The vines grow nearly 6 feet high, vigorous and exceedingly productive. Market gardeners are demanding the large podded, dark green colored sort, which retain their appearance after a distant shipment; the Alder- man answers these requirements. A popular home and market sort. Packet 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 28 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $25.00. 513 PRODIGIOUS. 513 Maule’s Prodigious or Prince Edward The Giant of the Pea Family The Largest Podded, the Heaviest Cropper, the Greatest and Unrivaled Pea There are few varieties of seed in this seed book that are better named than this pea. Nothing more nearly expresses its one remarkable characteristic than its name Prodigious, when you con |] sider that this variety will produce pods attaining the extraordinary length of 7 inches and upwards || closely packed with 11 to 13 large, dark green peas of fine flavor. The plant is of branching habit growing about 5 feet in height, with dark green foliage. It is of very vigorous and robust consti tution, which enables it to withstand drought and mildew. The pods are produced in great pro fusion, mostly in pairs. Prodigious cannot be excelled as an exhibition sort, on account of its striking and very attractive appearance. Market gardeners who do not know Prodigious should give it: trial. There are thousands of our customers who will be delighted to show their friends such enorm ous pods of peas, the largest, by far, they have ever seen; matures in 72 days. Packet, 12 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 503 EVERBEARING- 511 ALDERMAN. 30 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $28.00. Wi i Sugar Peas are usually not shelled, but the pods cooked the same as String Beans Sugar Peas Long, Thick, Fleshy, Edible Pods Choice for Snap Shorts, being Cooked in the Same Manner as String Beans Ready for Use in55to 70 Days 525 Dwarf Gray Sugar The Earliest Edible Podded Sugar Pea A distinct variety with edible pods, maturing in55 days. Plants growing 2 feet high with an abundance of medium size, sweet and tender pods. Prepare for the table just as you would snap beans, and serve with butter or white sauce. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; - 10 pounds or over at 30 cents per pound; SSS ae t ——————— : 514 MAMMOTH LUSCIOUS SUGAR PEA. 526 Melting Sugar Large Edible Podded Late Sort A great favorite, white seeded sugar pea, With those who have once used them. Plants grow 5 feet high, producing handsome large pods in 70 days, which when cooked resemble Wax beans; tender and delicious. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 32 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $30.00. 57 Potlatch or Big Dinner Decidedly the Best of All Dwarf, Large Podded Main Crop Peas Potlatch or Big Dinner has become one of our most popular sorts, the de- mand for this excellent variety among our market gardener friends being enorm- ous; it is not only a favorite sort with them, but is equally popular for the home garden. The vines grow 20 to 24 inches high, with unusually dark green foliage, which can be distinguished from that of other peas. Producing in 68 days long pods of a rich dark green color, often measuring 6 inches or more, with 9 to 11 enormous peas in a pod. The growth of vine is sturdy and pods are borne in pairs; it is a wonder in produc- tiveness, and the way the peas shell out is astonishing. No variety known will produce more pods, shell better, or con- tain more tender and delicious peas. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents; postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 30 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $27.00. 518 Maule’s Satisfaction Enormous, Dark Green Pods. Wonderfully Productive Main Crop Sort This decidedly new pea produces in pairs very large dark green blunt pods well filled with 8 to 10 large dark green peas which are exceedingly sweet, rich and tender. The very dark green vines usually grow four feet high, maturing in 70 days a wonderful crop of enor- mous size dark green pods. An exception- ally fine pea for the home or market garden. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 35 cents; 10 pounds or over at 32 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $30.00. PEAS AND PEA CULTURE You will find this book by Sevey an authority on growing garden peas and sweet peas. Illustrated. Cloth bound, $1.00, postpaid. 514 Mammoth Luscious The Perfect Sugar Pea Unsurpassed by Any Other Sort This splendid sugar pea fully maintains its reputation as a choice table variety. Indeed, our sales of the seed increase year by year. The peas are not shelled, but the pod is eaten like a snap bean. The pods are stringless, and in flavor, brittleness and succulence are unex- celled. The vines arevery tall, reaching a height of 5 or 6feet and requiring support. The full grown pods are ready to eat in 70 days and are 6 to7 inches long and 144 inches broad, and are produced continuously for a considerable period, the vines having great bearing capacity on account of their height. The sweetness and tenderness of this pea insures it a permanent place in the garden. It is enormously pro- ductive of delicidus pods. It should be tried where bush beans and snap Shorts are relished. Packet, 15 cents; half pound, 30 cents; pound, 55 cents; postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 40 cents; 10 pounds or over at 37 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $35.00. Customers may order 5 pounds or over at the 10 pound rate, 25 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. 518 MAULE’S SATISFACTION BEA. 82 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 ——s The large fruited, mild varieties are largely used as salads, or stuffed with meat or other ingredients and baked or stewed, or sliced and fried as eggplants. The hot and pungent sorts | are largely used for flavoring. The hot peppers may be strung on thread or the whole plant hung up to dry for winter use. CULTURE.—Sow the seed % inch deep in hot bed, greenhouse or warm window, in March or April. After all danger of frost, set out in open ground. A warm, moist soil is best, with plenty rotted manure plowed under. Set in rows 2 to 3 feet apart and 18 inches apart in the rows. A packet will produce about 100 plants, an ounce about 1500 plants; 144 pound to transplant for an acre. Ready for use in 110 to 140 days. 530 Giant Crimson The Earliest, Large, Smooth Sweet Pepper Anyone wishing an early, large, sweet pepper cap have one by planting Giant Crimson. Maturing its handsome large size peppers in 120 days. The plant is vigorous and upright, growing 2\4to 3 feet high. The fruit is not quite as large as the Chinese Giant. Very sweet, with ex- ceptionally thick heavy fiesh. ‘he color is a beautiful deep green when young, turning to a deep crimson waen matured, Packet, 15 cents; haif ounce, 35 cents; ounce, 60 cents; guarter pound, $1.75; pound, $6.00; 5 pounds, $27.50, l postpaid. 545 Large Bell or Bull Nose An Old Standard and Favorite Sort Early, bright red in color at maturity, of Jarge size, and has thick flesh. Sweet, but occasionally plants will produce fruits which are hot in flavor. Matures in 120 days. The standard variety for both home and market. Sometimes called Sweet Mountain. Packet. 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce. 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $18.75, postpaid. = a g e 533 Maule’s Improved Ruby King The Standard Home and Market Sort This pepper was introduced to the American public more than a decade ago, and it at once took a conspicuous place and became the leader of the sweet red sorts. It grows about 5 to 6 inches long by 3 to 4 inches in diameter; flesh is very thick, sweet and so mild it is often sliced for a salad; also fine for stuffing. We have furnished this seed to tens of thousands of gardeners with the most satisfactory results, and our strain of this splendid stock is now noted for perfection of form, large size, brillianey of color, and sweet, mild flavor. So prominent are these desirable features the words “Maule’s Improved” are properly attached to the strain we furnish. Matures its large well shaped peppers in 150 days. Mi i Hae Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; Ls quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $20.00, postpaid. 542 Royal King 538 Tom Thumb Ideal for Stuffing, Baking or for Slaw Very Hot, Used Principally for Pepper Vinegar This grand sweet pepper is exceptionally large in size, thick and ete The type is thoroughly fixed, producing in 125 days uniform cherry. Very hot and productive. Matures in 135 days. Excellent for | S4@Ped crimson colored fruit, and continue bearing an enormous yield ROO, Bepnee vinegar, Eee or dried for winter an : throughout the season. A superb pepper for home or market. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; qauarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50, postpaid. quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $20.00, postpaid. Plant dwarf and branching. Fruit globular, about the size of a red We can supply New Jersey grown Pepper plants in the varieties and at prices quoted on page 84 83 544 Worldbeater A Cross between Chinese Giant and Ruby King This wonderful large mild pepper, shape Similar to Ruby King, except broader at the | pointed end and almost the size of Chinese Giant, can be sliced and eaten raw without any fear of burning. The color of fruit is green at first, turning to a beautiful scarlet. Flesh thick and sweet: very productive, ma- tures in 150 days. An excellent shipper. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound,S1.35; pound, $5.00; 5 pounds, $23.75, postpaid. NS SS 531 Maule’s Neapolitan The Earliest of all Sweet Peppers by Two Weeks Small Peppers Neapolitan proves itself tobe two weeks earlier than any Puncentaciemonemee 4 other large, sweet, mild pepper. A wonderful bearer, single MADR is easily ree plants often yield 30 to 40 peppers, and continues loaded with | the fruit does not adhere to the fruit right up to frost. Plants are of strong growth, very plow analerons almogkerect on : z : E ¢ variety is stocky, and peppers are borne erect, maturing its good SiZ@ | ysedin TARE ONE Geallle peppers in 110 days. Flesh is very thick and fruit is pale | known Tobasco Sauce. It is tall green turning toa brilliant red color. If our customers want | growing, producingsmall, slen- 537 Tobasco The Hottest of All peppers two weeks ahead of their neighbors, they must plant | demendivery hovers: vm 0 Neapolitan. Our seed is carefully selected. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $17.50, postpaid. | | days, which are splendid for | family use, sauce and pickling. | Packet, 10 cts.; half ounce, 35 cts.; ounce, 60 cts.; quarter pound, $1.75, postpaid. 535 Maule’s Red Hot The Hottest of All Large Peppers The handsome long peppers grow about 5 to 7 inches long. If produces its fruit upright on the plant in wonderful profusion. This is a strong feaiure, aS none of the peppers are apt torot at theends. Fit to pick in 120 days. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $18.75, postpaid. 548 Red Cluster Pods are Small and Hot Distinct and beautiful. Thesmali peppers area pretty coral red color, crowded in a bunch at top of the branches. Hot and pungent. The dwarf com- pact bush produces an abundantcrop of small pep- pers in 135 days. Excellent dried for winter use. , ; Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 35 cents; a9 PNA ounce, 60 cents; quarter pound, $1.75; 548 RED CLUSTER PEPPER. pound, $6.00, postpaid. 585 MAULE’S RED HOT PEPPER. 84 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 32 CHINESE GIANT The Monster of the Peppers The Finest, Largest and Handsomest Mild Pepper Chinese Giant is certainly a wonder. The plants are of strong, stocky growth, of bushy, erect habit, growing 18 inches to 2 feet in height, with abundant foliage. The compact plants are very prolific, set- ting 8 to 4 extra large fruits at the base quite early in the season, which ripen while a second crop is setting on the branches. ‘The fruit is quite square in appearance, while the flesh is thick and very mild, being entirely free from any fiery flavor. Without exception Chinese Giant is the finest and largest mild flavor- ed pepper ever grown. Maturesin 140 days. Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, 40 cents; ounce, 70 cents; quarter pound, $2.00; pound, $7.00; 5 pounds, $32.50, postpaid. AS 534 Maule’s Tomato A Sweet Pepper for All Purposes Of upright growth, enormously productive. May be eaten out of the hand like an apple, or stuffed with meats, rice, etc., and baked, or served as a salad, and fine for canning, being of mild and delicate flavor. Stays in bearing right through the season from early June until frost, producing an enormous crop, maturing in1l10 days. An ex- cellent sort for home or market. Packet, 10 cents: half ounce, 25 cents; ~ ounce, 45 cents: quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $20.00, postpaid. 550 Mixed Peppers Especially Suitable for a Family Garden A grand assortment of peppers, whereby any- one can have peppers in 110 to 140 days. Packet, 10 cents; half cunce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents: quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00, postpaid. oe Maule’s Pepper Planis—Sash Grown Ready for delivery about May 15th. Ruby King, Chinese Giant, Bell or Bull Nose. Golden Queen, Maule’s Red Hot or Big Cayenne. 35 cents per dozen; 95 cents per 50; $1.75 per 100, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, $4.00 per 500; 7.50 per 1000. 536 Golden Queen Pepper The Sweetest and Largest Yellow Sort Is the best of all yellow peppers. It is always large, speci- mens reaching 6 to 10 inches in length and 4 to 45 inches in diameter, maturing in 125 days. A single plant sometimes carries 20 large peppers at the same time. The flavor is mild and pleasant. The beautiful golden yellow color con- trasting with the green and red of the other sorts makes an excellent combination which is always admired on the table or in pepper sauce. A desirable pepper for the home garden. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.35; pound, $5.00; 5 pounds, $22.50, postpaid. 540 Pimiento The Mildest Flavored of ali Peppers Its superior and valuable qualities will be much sought. Itis extensively grown by canners for pimientos, pickles and pulp, maturing in 135 days. Its productiveness makes ita desirable sort for market gardeners as it yields heavy crops until cut off by frost. Its smooth, thick flesh and uniform shape makes it an excellent shipper. Shoul)d be planted in every garden where a delicious sweet flavored pepper is wanted both forsalad and for stuffing. Packet, i0 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $17.50, postpaid. 547 Long Red Cayenne The Well Known Favorite Hot Pepper The conical shaped fruits are 3 to 4 inches long, of bright red color, and borne in great profusion. The flesh in char- acter is very hot. A favorite for bunching with pot-herbs or for winter use. Matures in 125 days. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 30 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.35; pound, $5.00; 5 pounds, $22.50, postpaid, 547 LONG RED CAYENNE. Paris Green, Slug Shot or Bug Death kills potato bugs; Bordeaux Mixture or Key-Cide prevents blight. For prices see page 173 85 _Maule’s Maine Grown Seed Potatoes CuLTURE—Cut to one or two eyes. sufficient for 100 feet of row, use 10 to 12 bushels per acre. POTATO PRICES fica ‘wanted. Order your Seed Potatoes at once. Extremely Early—A World Wide Favorite A most excellent extra early variety, producing plump, handsome tubers of good size and excellent quality. It has also the remarkable characteristic of producing very few, if any, small potatoes, all the tubers being of marketable size, The flesh is pure white, with a clean, smooth, white skin with strong well-developed eyes slightly indented. Splendid keepers, matures in 80 days. x Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. Concave Potato Knife A handy knife for cutting seed potatoes and shaped soasto cut enough flesh with each eye to strengthen and vitalize it. SS By using this knife you will save time, > labor and seed. 35 cents each, postpaid. “MAULE’S NEW JERSEY GROWN YELLOW NANSEMOND SWEET POTATO PLANTS Ready for delivery about May 25th 80 cents per 25; $1.00 per 50; $1.60 per 100; $4.75 per 500; $8.00 per 1000, postpaid. Plant in rows 3 feet apart, and drop 15 to 18 inches apart in row. One half peck of potatoes should be Cultivate constantly and thoroughly. At the time of printing this Seed Book prices for potatoes by the peck, bushel or barrel sacks could not be antici- Write for special prices on any variety of potatoes listed below, stating quantity and varieties We will reserve our choicest seed for you and make shipment any date you request. Mature in 80 to 140 days, according to variety. An Old Standard and Pure Early Rose Favorite Early Sort This standard variety has been a great favorite with planters for many years on account ofits yield and quality. Potatoes are long in Shape, good size, and light red in color, maturing in about 100 days. They cook mealy and of the finest flavor. Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. Maule’s Early Thorougbred 3.oreks! Basket Filler On account of its extreme earliness it is not much affected by the usual midsummer and autumn droughts, while in keeping qualities it is unsurpassed. The large tubers run very uniform as to size and are practically all marketable: matures in 100days. Excellent yielder; cooks perfectly white, dry and floury. Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. The Snow The Newest Money Maker This large main crop potato originated in Maine, and after repeated trials in various sections of the country has proved itself to be of great value on account of its immense yield, together with the fact that it in- variably produces very few small potatoes and is now attracting wide- spread attention. Inshape the Snow potato is roundish, slightly flat- tened, eyes on the surface, the skin is well netted. It is very fine grained and flaky. Grows a large crop of handsome tubers in 135 days. Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. Gold Coin The Most Popular and Quickest Seller A splendid main-crop variety of remarkable productiveness and finest table quality; slightly oblong in shape, skin light golden, flesh pure white. Cooks a dry, floury whiteness. Matures in 140 days. An excellent winter keeper. Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. Cc An Improved Green Mountain sox Meee Potato This is a most excellent late potato; it does remarkably well on poor soils, and is very free from disease: it resists drought wonderfully well, and produces tubers of large sizeand attractive appearance; flesh white. It is a good keeper, and when put away in the fall will keep well until spring. Matures in 140 days. Pound, 35 cents; 3 pounds, 90 cents, postpaid. Potatoes will be shipped DATE OF POTATO SHIPMENTS at any date ordered dur- ing the winter, but at your own risk. Where no special instructions are given to the contrary, we will hold same until in our judgment there is no danger from freezing, then ship promptly. 551 Potato Seed Seed Saved from the Flower Ball of Many Sorts We have a choice Strain of potato seed which is the product of numer- ous selections of the best new and old varieties now in cultivation, for those who wish to experiment in the production of new sorts, maturing good size tubers in about 160 days. Packet, 15 cents; 2 packets, 25 cents; 10 packets, $1.00, postpaid. Peanuts CULTURE—Select warm light or sandy soil, rich in lime, if not rich in lime, the soil must be made so by using air slaked lime or land plas- ter. Mark out rows 2% to 3 feet apart, plant the shelled nuts in May or June, 8 to 10 inches apart inthe rows, or if in the hulls 16 to 18 inches apart. Cover with 2 inches of soil; it is not necessary to remove the Shucks or hulls before planting. Cultivate and hoe freely, keeping the soil mellow around the plants. Matures in 100 to 120 days. In the fall before frost, dig and hang them under a shed or in an airy room tocure. A packet will sow from 15 to 25 feet of row; a pound from 100 200 feet, according to variety and method planted. Use 385 or 40 pounds of seed per acre. - 48 Improved Virginia Peanut Ps The Popular Commecial Sort, Very Productive. _ arly, large and prolific, yielding fewer imperfect pods than any other kind, and producing 100 bushels per acre on medium land. With Zor 3 kernels to the pod; large and of rich flavor, maturing in 120 days. Vines average 3% to 4 feet across, making valuable fodder for stock. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 25 cents; pound, 40 cents, postpaid, - Not prepaid, pound, 28 cents; 10 pounds or over at 25 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $22.00. ‘ a Size Kernels 48 Mammoth Bush Peanut The Largest of All, a Heavy Cropper This peanut grows to an astonishing size, and does exceedingly well in the North. They make compact, bushes 18 inches high, with heavy, erect stalks and large leaves. They are good producers, and of distinet appearance. The giant nuts have a thick, heavily ribbed protecting shell, maturing in 100 days. On light sandy soil makes a good crop. Packet, 15 cents; half pound, 45 cents; pound, 85 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 70 cents; 10 pounds or ever at 65 cents per pound; 100 pounds, $60.00. listomers may order 5 pounds or over at the 10 pound rate, 25 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. 86 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 PUMPKINS CULTURE.—Pumpkins will grow almost anywhere, but rejoice in rich soil. In many varieties the size and weight depend almost wholly on culture and fertility of the land. Plant in hills 8x8 feet, or drop three or four seeds in every fourth hill in the corn field. © Put seed in ground in May or June. three to four pounds. per acre; thin out to 2 or 3-plants toa hill. Use a packet to about 5 hills, an ounce for 25 hills; Ready to use in 65 to 100 days. For winter use, gather before frost and store in a warm, dry place. Fight bugs with Bug Death, Slug Shot, Bordo Lead or Key-Cide. ss Maule’s Yellow Sweet Potato Pie Pumpkin cE =\ eo 564 Japanese Pie A Large Dark Green Crookneck Sort A high quality pumpkin of Japanese origin. The flesh is very thick, of arichsalmon'color, fine grained, dry and sweet. Seed cavity small. Of medium size, early, very productive and a good keeper. Highly desirable as a pie or cooking pumpkin. Ripens in 70 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; | Dry, Sweet and Sugary The pumpkin from which the celebrated Yankee pumpkin pie is made. It has a deep orange skin and fine grained flesh of extra fine fiavor, maturing in 65 days. An excellent keeper. Is prolific and desirable. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, i5 cents; l4 pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.%5, postpaid. | 14 pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25, postpaid. BEEZ - 567 Mixed Pumpkins Ail Shapes, Colors and Sizes This mixture is especially offered to those who wish to grow a collection of the \ different kinds of pumpkins here listed for exhibition at County Fairs, or for home use. All are good keepers, maturing in to 100 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. — —. Connecticut Field The Best Yellow Corn Field Sort Also known as Big Tom. A large round or slightly oval shape pumpkin. Skin reddish orange color, with rich orange yellow flesh. Extensively grown for stock feeding, and generally planted with corn, producing enormous crops in 65 days. One of the best grown for pies. Packet, 5cents; ounce, 10 cents; ly pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; quarter pound, 45 cents; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. pound, $1.50, postpaid. 556 Maule’s Prize Pottron Enormous; Have Been Grown Weighing Over 100 Pounds A prize winner. Grows to an immense size in 90 days. Flesh bright yellow, fine grained and of good quality. The outer skin is salmon colored. Notwithstand- ing its great size itis excellent for making into pies, and a good winter keeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00; 5 pounds, $8.75, postpaid. ==> S= SS : 63 Cushaw or Crookneck The Popular Crookneck Sort One of the widely popular varieties. Often producing pumpkins in 70 days, two feet long, light colored. Flesh yel- low, solid, sweet; excellent for pies. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; 559 Green Striped Cu An Improved Strain of the Old Cushaw A Favorite Household Sort of Superior Quality This handsome and high merit pumpkin, famed as a pie-maker, is one of the most Satisfactory that we ever introduced. It has given satisfaction to many thousands of our customers. It is not only a good thing for the kitchen, but is also an unsur- iF passed food for dairy cows. The fiesh is very thick and fine grained, of a |z beautiful golden yellow color, and in texture and flavor peculiarly adapted for pie-making purposes. Asa winter keeper it is unexcelled; the pumpkins will remain in perfect condition until spring. We do not know of any other pumpkin that will | be found more Satisfactory for the family garden or farm use than Maute’s Yellow Sweet Potato Pie Pumpkin; matures in 90 days. Packet, 10 cents: ounce, 20 cents: quarter pound, 50 cents: pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. = 555 SMALL SUGAR PUMPKIN. shaw A great favorite. Beautiful in appearance; a distinct mottled green, whitestriped. Fruit solid, average 15 to25 pounds. Flesh jj yellow, fine grained, sweet and excellent for pies; matures in 7a days. li 1b., 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. | 556 Excellent keepers. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; ys NI \ 4 | N 1 feccemecrennei (i sep heat SAAN MAULE’S PRIZE POTIRON PUMPKIN. a sgarini ent 87 In small gardens, plant near a low fence over which vines will climb Mention Pumpkins and you think of pies. WA 558 Large Cheese Makes Good Pies; Rich Stock Food A large, round, fiattened pumpkin, with broad ribs. Often attains a diameter of two feet. Color, creamy buff. The flesh is yellow. Fine grain, a large sort and does well amongst corn. Fine for pies; rich food for stock. Matures in 90 days. “ Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 14 pound, 30 éents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. undred-Weight King of the Mammoiths; the Largest of All. The Great Premium Taker. A selected strain of our Prize Potiron, maturing in 100 days. Seed saved nly from specimens weighing over 100 pounds. This is the pumpkin for show DULY poses, as it not infrequently attains a record of 200 pounds. In spite of its large p Pear shaped, slightly ribbed. Color, creamy white, some- size, it is one of the best pie and table varieties grown. The outside is a dark times lightly striped with green Flesh licht colored, fine salmon, decidedly handsome; the flesh is bright yellow, sweet and tender. These grained, dry and of a superior flavor, and when cooked reseni- 562 Tennessee Sweet Potato Highly Recommended for Pies and Custards arge Specimens contain few seeds, so the price is necessarily high. Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, 30 cemts; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.35; pound, $5.00, postpaid. bles a sweet potato in taste. A good keeper. Matures in 75 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cemts; 14 pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.35; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. Horse-Radish Sets In Great Demand for Seasoning. Easily Grown Full cultural directions for growing Horse Radish sent with every order. The culture is by sets or root cuttings. These sets are planted vertically in rows or furrows 2 to 3 feet apart and 15 to 18 inches apart in the rows with the small end down, so that the top end is about 2 inches below the surface. Ready to use in the late fall or winter months. \ TUN i Aun sy is about doubled. Then, too, it matures much quicker. The flesh is pure white. Wg Maliner Krem The Large White Horse Radish from Bohemia The roots are so much larger and heayier than the common variety that the yield Geo 6 for 25 cents; 40 cents per dozen; $2.00 per 100, postpaid. Not prepaid, $1.50 per 100; $13.00 per 1000. Rhubarb or Pie Plant Seed CULTURE.—Plants easily grown from seed. Sowin drills about 18 inches apart, _ MALINER KREN._ and thin the plants 7 to 12 inches in the drills. Use a packet toabout 10 feet of drill, an ounce to 75 feet. Stalks should not be cut until the third year. Full cultural directions for growing Rhubarb sent with every order. 611 Victoria The Most Popular Variety Grown A good market sort, with beautiful red stalks, giving satisfaction everywhere. Packet, 10 cents; oumce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 4U cents: pound, $1.25, postpaid. Victoria Rhubarb or Pie Plant Roots Plant roots 4 feet apart each way. Stalks can be cut the following spring. 20 cents each; 3 for 50 cents; 12 for $1.75, postpaid. Not prepaid, 25 for $1.75; 50 for $3.25; 100 for $6.00; 500 for $27.50; $50.00 per 1000. Sa i sity Also Known as Oyster Plant or Vegetable Oyster CuLTURE.—Treat about the same as carrot, except that salsify is hardier, and may \e be left in the ground all winter. Sow in April or May in drills a convenient distance, \\WQy 1 to 2 feet apart, and thin to 4 inches in the row. Cover seed about 1 inch. Use a packet | to about 20 feet of drill, an ounce to 75 feet; 8 to 10 pounds per acre. Ready to use in \ about 90 days. 614 Mammoth Sandwich island This is an improved type and the largest and most profitable salsify now in cultiva- tion. It is white in color; being quite smooth, is a satisfactory sort In every way. Packet, 10 cts.; ounce, 25 cts.; quarter pound, %5 cts.; pound, $2.50, postpaid. 66 Sorrel Large Leaved Used as a salad or boiled and served like spinach. & \ ff iS = Ed CULTURE.—Sow in early spring in drills 12 to 24 inches apart and cover seed lightly. a = 614. MAMMOTH Use a packet to 15 feet of drill, an ounce to 100 feet. Ready to use in about 60 days. WN SANDWICH ISLAND SALSIFY. Packet, 10-cts.; ounce, £5 cts.; quarter pound, 45 cts.; pound, $1.50, postpaid. 611 RHU Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or ever at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Early round and olive shaped radishes are very popular for early spring use; 88 ; R; AD A § rr the half long and long varieties planted at the same time follow a little later. CULTURE.—Sow in ground well enriched with rotted manure. Quality depends on quickness of growth. Sow seed 44 inch deep in the early spring in rows 12 to 18 inches apart; for a succession sow every 10 days. Cultivate frequently. A packet will sow about 20 feet of drill, an ounce about 100 feet, or use 8 to 10 pounds per acre. Thin tol inch apart for small varieties and 8 or 4 inches for the large varieties. Early Round Radishes. Fit ie) = Ee s \ for forcing or out-door planting. Ready for use in 18 to 35 days. aur 572 Crimson Giant Grows Double the Size of Any of the Early Round Sorts A rapid growing sort, of a beautiful deep crimson color, often measur- ing from 6 to 7 inches in circumference. The flesh is white, mild in flavor, firm and crisp. Good for market or home gardeners, for forcing or open ground culture, maturing in about 35 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 9 573 Miaule’s Just So The Best White Globe Shaped Radish for Home or Market Maule’s Just So is the best all around radish ever offered the Ameri- can public. Good either for forcing or open ground culture. We have tested nearly every variety sent out, and have originated many varie- ties ourselves, but nothing has ever come to our notice that will equal Just So. Crisp and tender radishes may be had in 30 days that will measure Over one inch in diameter; fine, brittle, white and smooth. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00; 5 pounds, $9.50. -~ BEAR IN MIND All SEEDS, BULBS, ROOTS, PLANTS, Etc., listed in this Seed Book, POSTPAID, are delivered to your postoffice or home FREE OF ALL CHARGES. Ke Customers may order half pounds at pound rate; 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. AS Rel My Wy etn \\ so7 Early Searlet Globe A Popular Radish for Forcing or Outdoor Planting This grand radish has established a reputa- tion as a forcing sort. Its peculiarity is that it will bear the heat requisite for forcing without becoming pithy in character or suffering in- jury to its flavor. Its color is a rich searlet. It has asmalltop. Matures in about 20 days and is an excellent variety for sowing outdoors. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 610 Mixed Radishes All Kinds, Colors and Shapes This mixture contains a great variety. Just what is wanted for the home garden where the space is limited. One sowing is all that is required for a continuous supply, as they be- | come ready for table use in i8to50days. An 582 Maule’s Scarlet Turnip White Tipped Attractive and Handsome The color is rich, carmine scarlet and tipped white. It is extremely quick to mature, being ready for the table in 20 days from the time of sowing the seed. It is invaluable for forcing under glass, as well as for growth in the open air. The skin is very smooth, and its clear color gives it an appetizing appearance on the table. Its flavor is excellent, and its qualities high in all respects. Market garden- ers find it a quick selling sort at good prices, always above ordinary Sorts, and it is no less 583 Miaule’s Earliest Scarlet The Best and Quickest All Red Round Radish If you wish to have the finest and first red radishes sow Maule’s Earliest Scarlet. It is crisp and brittle. Theskin is of a rich, scarlet color, while the flesh is pure white, and always tender, mild and sweet. It has a small, short top, and is well adapted to open air culture or to forcing under glass. In favorable weather and in good soil it will mature in 18 to 20 days from the sowing of the seed. It is extensively used by market gardeners and truckers. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cenis; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. satisfactory in the private or home garden. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. excellent and desirable mixture. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; | lf pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00, postpaid. | The secret of growing radishes—they must be grown quickly on any good soil, with plenty of moisture 89 Early Round Radishes Continued ZF 5 ny ; apm Rapid Red or Saxa The Quickest Growing Round Red Sort This desirable, quick growing, red button rad- ish produces its cropin 16 to 20 days. Round as a marble, having a very small top and tap root. The skin is @ bright scarlet color, with firm white flesh, which is crisp, brittle and juicy. Adapted for forcing or out-door planting. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; ly pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. ep Early Olive Shaped Ready to Use in 16 to 20 Days i) y] The Ideal Early Radish This pretty radish in color is bright red, tipped with white. It is oblong in shape, and in quality is crisp and tender. It isa quick grower, matur- ing in 18 to 20 days. Exceedingly popular. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; 4 pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid. S= sea White Box The Favorite for Home Garden or Market | A most excellent radish for forcing under | glass or for growing in the open ground. Its short top and rapid growth make it a great | favorite with market men, and its mild, sweet | quality wins the favor of the consumer. It remains solid and crisp fora long time. Matures its white globe shape radishes in about 30 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; 4 pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.73, postpaid. ss0C OOper’s Sparkler Best of the Round White Tips Crisp and sweet, remaining fit for use longer than most of the other globe-shaped sorts. The colors are very vivid and attractive. The up- per part is arich carmine scarlet, with a large tip of the purest white. An excellent forcing Sort and highly recommended for growing in the open ground. Ready in about 20 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; lf pound, 40 cts.; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 3 598 Scarlet Olive Shaped The 20=Day Radish This highly desirable early radish is of quick growth and attractive rich carmine color. Of goodappearance, withcrisp white, tender flesh of mild flavor. Fit to eat in 20 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; l4 pound, 35 cents; pound, $1.10; & pounds, $5.00, postpaid. Z Wr SS \\ Ly, STi} Dy 9 ° ° 585 Maule’s Earliest White The Earliest of all Radishes A splendid, olive-shaped radish, pure white in color. Good sized radishes may be pulled in 16 to 20 days which are solid and crisp, of good flavor, and first-class in every respect. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; ly pound, 60 cts.; pound, $2.00, postpaid. Long Radishes Ready to Use in 25 to 35 Days | im i aH 567 Improved Chartiers Large, Handsome and Crisp One of the best long radishes for general planting. Mature in about 35 days, and con- tinue hard and crisp. Red above and shading to clear white at the tip. Large, but both brittle and tender. Widely popular and desirable. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; 4 pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 576Maule’s Red Delicious An All Season Radish This large radish is of a bright carmine red eolor, inclining toward a purple tint. It is superlatively good. Itssize and form are cor- rectly shown in the illustration. Flesh is white, erisp, juicy and sweet. A quick grower, ready to pull in 35 days and bunches handsomely. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; l4 pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50, postpaid. 90° WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 LONG RADISHES—Continued. \ (ll 1) come rece ames mC 581 Maule’s Improved Long Scarlet Short Top | The Very Best Long Red Radish C Our strain of this very popular long radish | is the finest to be had on the market. In) it we have; without exception, the very best long brittle, brightest scarlet radish we are ac-| quainted with. It matures beautiful radishes, which are always brittle and sweet, 25 to 30 days from the sowing of the seed. It is undoubtedly the standard long red variety that will with- | stand the hot dry weather and remain firm and | crisp and of fine flavor. For either the market | or bome gardener, it is the best. | Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. ! Ss = ———————— eS SSS 591 LONG CARDINAL 601 White Lady Finger Snow White, Brittle and Crisp Sometimes called Long White Vienna. An extremely popular sort, and is one of the very best long white radishes. It is gracefulin form and in flavor is sweet and mild, with brittle flesh. Ready to use in about 25 days. Packet, 8 cemts: ounce, 12 cents: quarter pound, £0 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 586 Cincinnati Market Sometimes called Glass or Red Icicle This radish is widely Sown in the Souta, and is certainly of high quality, very early, maturing in about 28 days. Splendid for forcing or open ground. Handsome bright red in color, growing straight and smooth; about 6 inches long. Packet, 8 cents; oumce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, pestpaid. 59] Long Cardinal The Quickest Maturing Long Radish Fit for use in 25 days from sowing. Itis of a bright red color, with white tip. Noted for its crisp, tender flesh and good appearance. It is smooth and uniform and highly colored. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. i ai Mj iy 504 KCICLE The Finest of the Early Long, White Radishes The Icicle radish is perfectly white in color, and long, slender and tapering in shape. quickty grows to market size, is crisp and brittle, and of mild, sweet flavor. It remains tender during the entire growing period, and is quite as good when an inch in diameter as | when only half an inch. Excellent and profitable. about 20 to 25. days. door planting and forcing under glass. A fine variety for market and private gar- deners, who have a demand for an early, long, white radish. It isamarvel of excellence, most attractive in appearance and very popular. Packet, 10 cemts; ounce. 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. It | Ready for use in Admirable alike for out- | ) For insect troubles, see Spraying Calendar on page 3. For fertilizer and manure, see page 175 91 SUMMER RADISHES. Ready to Use in 40 to 50 Days = aS —.- Ss E LEZ GLA LAF 593 Wuite STRASBURG RADISH. ___=. == 593 White Strasburg The Popular White Summer Radish A white radish, of large size, often growing to 5 inches in length, of good quality, and bility to resist severe heat. This variety keeps ontinuously crisp and tender for a very long | time. Ready to use in about 45 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, £0 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. | iy t or All Year Round Adapted to Every Season This high-bred white radish, widely known under the name or 1834, is of a beautiful ivory color, crisp and brittle. That it has been in fayor for two-thirds of a century is proof of its extra good quality, and still maintains its originalexcellence. The shape is Shown in the illustration. Ready to use in 40 to 45 days. Gives satisfaction everywhere. _ Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; REIS pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. - 577 Maule’s White Delicious One of the Very Best Large Summer Varieties ~ This half long radish is far superior to any other white radish yet introduced, producing handsome shaped white radishes, whose crisp, sharp, brittle quality has no superior, while the roots are always smooth and regular in Shape and solid all the way through. A rapid grower, Maule’s White Delicious is an early summer variety, does equally as well when sown later for late summer or early fall use. A popular market or home garden sort, maturing in 42 to 45 days. A Large Late White Sort This mammoth white radish is the largest of the turnip Shaped sorts. It has solid, crisp, pungent fiesh, and is highly prized. Both skin and flesh are pure white. It should be given plenty of space in the row. Ready in about 50 days. May be stored for early winter use. 5 . c Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; Packet, 10 cents; DO, 15 eae Rah gaa 45 cents; Brn. AUS WMInE apres ence RO pound, Gi.25; DECREE SHOE DRE TONERS CUTE) USUI DELICIOUS RADISH. 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. Winter Radishes ©" iie'tiap. CULTURE.—Thrive best in a light, sandy soil enriched with rotted manure. 3 Sow the seed ¥% inch deep in rows 15 to 24 inches apart, in July or August; thin = out to stand 4 to 6 inches apart in the rows. Cultivate frequently. Use a packet to 20 feet of drill, an ounce to 100 feet, 8 to 10 pounds per acre. Ready for use in 60 to 70 days. Can be kept over winter by placing in box of sand stored in cool cellar. 9 2 Large White, the 603 Maule’s Winter Best of the Winter Sorts This is a fine, large, white radish, superior to any other variety. It will grow to a very large size in 60days, 8 to 15 inches in length and even larger. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, i5 cents; quarter pound, 35 cents; pound, $1.15; 5 pounds, $5.00, postpaid. 604 Japanese Colossal solic, crisp ana Mita = _ Every radish grower should plant some of this great variety: it is oval => shaped, flesh and skin pure white, and grows to immense size in 70 days and retains the delightful crispness of the smaller sorts: excellent lkeeper. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 605 Long Biack Spanish White Flesh, Solid and Pungent A large, black-skinned radish. Roots oblong, black, with firm white flesh and firm texture of pungent flavor; matures in 70 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 607 China Rose A Quick Grower; a Splendid Keeper __A large, fine shaped rose colored radish, growing partly above the ground. The portion above ground is darker in color than that below ground. The size 1s 3 to 444 inches long and in proportion. Flesh pure white. Flavor mild. A splendid keeper for use in winter; matures in 60 days. : = Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; 607 CHINA ROSE WINTER RADISH. pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 603 MAULE’S WINTER. 92 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 | Ds e 4 S ina Cc When properly prepared, no vegetable makes Pp more nutritious and palatable greens CuULTURE.—Sow seed in good, rich soil in early spring 1 inch deep in rows 1 foot apart or broadcast. For a succession, sow every two weeks until June 15th, and again from August 10th to September 15th. For early spring use, seed may be sown in September, and covered with a few inches of hay, leaves or litter the last of November and left on during the winter. A packet will sow about 20 feet of drill, an ounce to 100 feet, Z 8 to 10 pounds per acre in drills; 12 to 15 pounds broadcast. Ready to cut in about 40 to 50 days. zg 618 Victoria 622 Everlasting ( Teacsavoy Type Endures Heat; vw Thisis ahandsomevar-| Best for Summer : : ; Soe Entirely different @& ge bee wauiexcecding ly, from thetruespinach dark green color, and | jn typethatit thrives has yery long standing | during hot weather 543 in any soil. Fit to qualities. Ready to eat cut in 50 days. The in 45 days. Unexcelled | tender shoots are of for spring or fallsowing.|good_ quality and Packet,5 cents | Sure meee PORE Ve Nanan an aubees tos Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 5 Ibs., $2.25, postpaid. 619 Viroflay or Improved Thick Leaved 621 Bloomsdale or Savoy Leaved Large, Crumpled Leaves; A Quick Grower A [x ~| One of the best market sorts, producing large, thick, dark green Harliest and Hardiest, Best for Early Spring and Fall Planting | .;4mpled leaves in 45 days of fine quality, standing a long time before oi Also called Norfolk Savoy Leaved. A favorite with the home and | running toseed. A favorite in all sections for fall or spring Sowing. market gardeners, Matures in 40 days. It has thick, dark green Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 20 cents; ve wrinkled leaves, and is perfectly hardy. Oneof the best for fall sowing. pound, 50 cents; 5 pounds, $2.25, postpaid. The Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 20 cents; = 7 pound, 60 cents; 5 pounds $2.75, postpaid. 623 Long Standing Remains Fit for Use a Long Time Leaves large, thick and crimped. One of the best varieties for early | spring and successional summer planting. Ready to cut in 45 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, £0 cents; quarter pound, 20 cents; pound, 59 cents; 5 pounds, $2.25, postpaid. 625 Long Season A Good Summer Sort TEP Forms a dense rosette / of thick, tender and | succulent crumpled or blistered leaves of dark green color. With this variety Spinach may be con- tinuously grown in) > any home garden. ==; The best variety to be | sown in the spring | and at intervals for a | successional summer = supply. Ready tocut, , 020 Giant Fillbasket The Largest Growing Variety in 50 days. | The glossy dark green foliage is attractively crumpled and thick in | texture.” The numerous leaves are extra large, broad and rounded. Packet, 10 cemts;- Ready to cut in 48 days, will stand a long time without bolting tu seed. ; 2 ounce, 15 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, i5 cents; quarter pound, 25 cents; 4 pound, 25 cents; peund, 60 cents; 5 pounds, $2.75, postpaid. pound, 60 cents; 5 pounds, $2.75, postpaid. Summer Squashes “iybieyongc tes qi before the skin hardens CULTURE—About the same as melons. Make the ground very rich. A good sandy loam is best. The squashes are all tender, and the seed should not be planted until warm weather. Allow 4 x 4 feet for the hills of the summer squashes and 8x8 feet‘or more for the winter varieties. Use seed freely, thin out summer varieties 4 plants to a hill; winter varieties 2 to3 plants to the hill, A packet will sow about 8 hills, an ounce, about 40 hills; 3 to 4pounds to the acre. Summer squashes are ready for use in 45 to 55 days; winter sorts in 55 to 80 days. Use Bug Death, Slug Shot, Red Wing, Bordo Lead or Key-Cide to keep down the bugs. qui RY 1 \\ ~ 639 Cocozelle or Italian Vegetable Marrow BANS 7 VAA H Fine Grained Flesh of Excellent Flavor an f Hin: Fruits large, oblong shaped, dark green at first but as they mature HAN ——— become marbled with yellow, and lighter green stripes. Heady for 3 ZZ y y Z table in 55days. Fine grained, tender and of excellent flavor. f tty, GY YY Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; | : Uff ] ty pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. | ZY) MTR NN 632 Mammoth Golden Summer Crookneck q ny OnOTORENCADEST Largest and Earliest of the Crooknecks a SU iD Bejyyy|\ 0 eo == = S of the summer 628 Earliest White Bush Earliest uashes squashes. It is offff The bush or patty pan squashes are earlier than any other summer|@Warf, bushy variety. The illustration shows the characteristic shape. The skin of| habit and very this one is white and it is tender when ready for use. It is of dwarf| productive, ma- bushy habit, quite hardy and very productive. Matures in 45 days. turing its squash Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; in 45 days. The | pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. skin is 7 ellow = 631 Early Yellow Bush Golden Yellow, of Good Quality Beene -eealen Similar to the white bush in every way, except color and markings. YE RG SEA FCINE : The skin and flesh is of a clear yellow. Matures in 45 days. agreeable flavor. === 4 Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; 3 - pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. x Customers may order half pounds at the pound rate, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. Dust young Squash plants with Bug Death or Slug Shot, or spray with Bordo Lead or Key-Cide for Squash Bugs or Beetles 93 For Winter use, store ry place iyi il i) fi Winter KA 646 F ordhook A Late Summer or Winter Vine Sort The flesh of this squash is very dry and sweet. It is one of the best of the late sunimer varieties and if stored ina warm, dry place, will keep until the following June. The outside color is bright yellow; inside color, straw yellow. Produces an abundant crop of squash in 55 days. The meat is thick and can be used for baking or pies. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00, postpaid. 647 F ordhook Bush Perfect for Summer or Winter Use A true bush type of Fordhook, that can be grown much more closely. The fruits are rather shorter and thicker than those of the running type, also thicker fleshed. Ready for the table in 55 days. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound $1.50; 5 pounds, $7.00,postpaid. = = = a 645 Red or Golden Hubbard Golden Yellow Flesh of Excellent Flavor A valuable squash, a sport of the old Hubbard. It has the shape and virtues of its parent, differing in color of the skin which is deep yellow or orange red. Flesh richer in color than Hubbard, and of equal quality. Fine grained and sweet, cooking dry. It is asplendid keeper; matures in 65 days. A desirable home garden or market sort. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 69 cents; pound, $2.00; 5 pounds, $9.50, postpaid. 648 Chicago Warted Hubbard One of the Best of the Winter Keepers This is a distinct strain of the famous Hubbard and an ideal squash for home or market. The shell is deeply warted and a dark green in color, the flesh dry and sweet in flavor. It grows to a large size, its cooking qualities are unsurpassed. Matures in 65 days. Packet, 10 cemts; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. prolific variety, Squas 644 Mammoth Chili Largest of all Squashes The outer skin of this great squash is a rich orange yellow. The flesh is yellow and very thick, and the quality is good and nutritious. value as a stock food, pumpkins in this respect, maturing in 80 days. and a good winter keeper. reached the great weight of 100 pounds or more. a typical sort to grow for exhibition at the fairs. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75, postpaid. 650 Mixed Squashes Supplies the Table the Entire Season These sorts should be left on the vine to ripen hes 642 Boston Marrow Rich, Sweet Flavor. Makes Good Pies This is a widely popular squash for autumn and winter use. is a bright orange. Flesh is salmon yellow, rich and sweet. in 60 days. Fine for making pies and largely used by canners. Packet, 5 cents; oumce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. Its color Matures —— 635 Maule’s Improved Hubbard Squash The Acknowledged Standard for Quality While the average strain is good there are differences in the Hubbard type which should be recognized by progressive gardeners; Maule’s Improved Hubbard represents the perfection of the type. ‘The flesh is of arich, deep golden yellow or orange color, and is very fine grained, solid, dry and sweet. The toughness of the dark, olive green rind or shell makes it a good winter keeper. Ready to pick in 65 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; quarter pound, 50 cents; pound, $1.75; 5 pounds, $8.25, postpaid. Customers may order half pounds at the pound rates, 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate, postpaid. Itis of the highest far exceeding ordinary Itisa Has It is In this mixture will be found early and late, small, medium and large, whereby any one can hayea good supply of delicious squashes which mature in 55 to 80 days. All are good winter keepers. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25, postpaid. 643 Faxon Not Excelled for Table Use nor as a Keeper = 643 FAXON SQUASH. 637 Essex Hybrid — Hara shell Turban For shapesee illustration. Skin and flesh a rich orange red. Flesh thick and solid. The flavor is excellent. 8quashes. Anextra good winter keeper. Matures in 75 days. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 20 cents; ' quarter pound, 60 cents; pound, $2.00; 5 pounds, $9.50, postpaid. One of the most reliable. Outside color varies from green to orange. One of the most productive | The flesh is rich, dry and sweet and unequalled for table quality. A good keeper. Matures in 60 days. Excellent for home or market. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; quarter pound, 40 cents; pound, $1.25; 5 pounds, $5.75, postpaid. 94 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 — Extra Early Varieties Maule’s ‘Tomatoes Ready for Use in 80 to 85 Days Every garden should have an early as well as a mainor general crop of tomatoes. Hither for market or home use, the idea of growing early tomatoes is to get them as soon as possible and follow up with the main crop, which may be used in many ways and are especially desirable for canning. Do not plant in over-rich soil as it will cause an over-growth of foliage and few fruits. CULTURE.—Sow the seed in February or March in a hotbed, greenhouse or in shallow boxes in the house in rows 4 to 6 inches apart and half an inch deep. When the plants are about 2 inches high transplant to 3-inch pots or into shallow boxes 4 inches apart each way. Transplant in the open ground after all danger of frost is past,3 to 4feet apart each way. Cultivate frequently. A packet will produce about 100 plants an ounce about 3,500 plants, enough for an acre. Neponset paper pots, offered on page 178, are ideal for starting tomatoes. ‘ (MAULES = LIES! _, ERT OMALC The Greatest ef All Early Tomatoes Four Days to a Week Earlier Than Any Other Tomato If you have not given this wonderful variety a trial you will neglect your own interests if you do not include it in your order for 1922. Maule’s Earliest of All is the best extra early tomato in America for the home or market gardener. Nor is its extreme earliness its only virtue, for it is of large size, good color and delicious flavor. It does not crack and has no large core. Color is a bright red, a little irregular in shape, but not rough. Ready to pick in 80 days. Pages of this Seed Book could be filled with statements and comments about the money value of this fine, early tomato. Maule’s Earliest of All is all its name implies, namely: the earliest tomato in existence, notwithstanding the claims made for June Pink, Earliana, King of the Earlies, Early i ! i i . . - ; _ Z A Michigan, Chalk’s Early Jewel, John Baer, ete. uh far Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, £5 cents; quarter pound $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $21.25, postpaid. a qu firtti HHO) taee eae 662 June Pink The Earliest of ali Bright Pinks, a Pink Earliana 660 John Baer Extremely Early; Smooth, Solid and Meaty (Brightred.) On our trial grounds at Newfield, New Jersey, this (Bright pink.) Juve Pink, ripens in 85 days, as early as Earliana. In | tomato produced in 85 rv lar d attractive bright red colored markets where pink varieties are preferred it is a great seller. The | fruit. The introducer ee fo aoMonn ner Fences large, beauti- vine is compact and branches freely, with handsome, good size, deep | ful, solid tomatoes which ripen early right up to the stem and is an | @ pink fruit hanging in clusters of 6 to 8 fruits. A popular market | enormous cropper, and when dead ripe will not burst. Unexcelled for | 21 variety, excellent for shipping, and equally desirable for home use. early homeor market use. Packet, 10 cents; half oumce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50; 5 pounds, $21.25, postpaid. quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $18.75, postpaid. So ea Aria ee For prices and varieties of Maule’s New Jersey grown Tomoto plants, that we can supply, see page 96 95 Maule’s Early Tomatoes Ready for Use in 85 to 95 days, y (| ale Aan DQ - cea | a (aN Som S oo ve Ate on S g : SSN IE ‘ pe), Me = SUIS An we = aS els \ V7 (i \ y LD ul i, ji : \ UN 657 Maule’s Imperial The Trucker’s Favorite of all Large Fruited Pink Sorts (Purplish pink.) Maule’s Imperial is unquestiona- bly the best pink fruited tomato in the market today. Not quite as early as Maule’s Karliest of All. Matures in about 90 days. The fruits are beautifully smooth, and in market this variety invariably commands the highest prices at all times and in all seasons. The flavor is of the best. It ripens evenly to the stem, and is highly productive. A desirable home garden tomato or long distance shipper. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50, postpaid. | = = e 678 Dwarf Champion The Best Pink Tree Tomato (Purplish pink.) The famous Dwarf Champion tomato owes its wide popularity te its stiff, vigorous, upright growth, with fruit well above the soil, and to its earli- ness; matures large size fruit in 95 days. In coloritisa purplish pink, and is always round, smooth and Symmetrical. A valuable home or market sort. Packet, 10 cents; 4 ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50 postpaid. SNH CAN Np Vg Z 663 Chalk’s Early Jewel Cne of the Best Early Tomatces for Home or Market (Bright Scarlet.) Within a week to ten days as early as Spark’s Earl- jana, it is even a heavier cropper, with tomatoes of larger size and sweeter flavor, while its morerobust growth makes it asure cropper. Large, handsome fruits, very solid, deep through. Ripening right up to the stem without any cracks or green core. Ready to pick in 95 days. For the home garden if is one of the best; for market gardeners or canners it is unsurpassed. Packet, 10 cents; haif ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, 18.75, postpaid. 683 Bonny Best Very Early, Large and Smooth; Heavy Cropper (Searlet red.) This variety is a vigorous grower; enor- mously prolific. In shape it is slightly flattened but thicker through than most other tomatoes. In color it is a beautiful scarlet red, settingits fruit in clusters of five or more at close intervals. Ready to pick in 88 days. Makes a magnificent variety for greenhouse growing. Also an excellent quality tomato for all purposes. Packet, 10 cents; 14 ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 40 cents3 quarter pound, $1.10; peund, $4.00; 5 pounds, $18.75, postpaid. 674 Golden Queen A Very Early, Large, Smooth, Yellow Tomato (Bright yellow.) Early large yellow tomato. Much like Paragon, ex- capt in color. Always smooth, and ripens in about 95 days. Quality excellent in all respects, either for slicing or preserving. Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce 45 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50, postpaid. 96 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 Maule’s Main Crop Tomatoes Reaay for Use in 85 to 110 days 615 New Golden Ponderosa Equals Ponderosa in Size Produces Golden Yellow Tomatoes In Great Size and Profusion (Golden yellow.) This grand large tomato equals its famous parent, the Crimson Ponderosa, in every respect but color. The fruits are very uniform in shape and size, contain but little core and few seeds. It is the largest and heaviest of the yellow sorts, free from acid, sweet and luscious, with very heavy meat. The skin is thin, ripens its first fruit in about 110 days and continues to bear until frost. Golden Ponderosa should have a place in every home garden. Packet, 15 cents; half ounce, £0 cents; ounce, 75 cents, postpaid. 665 Paragon The Well-known Favorite Large Red, Smooth Tomate For Home Use or Canning (Deep red.) The fruits are large, dark red in color, and perfectly smooth. The flesh is solid and of excellent flavor, maturing in about 100 days. The vines are large, vigorous and exceptionally productive. Excellent home or market sort. Packet, 8 cemts; oumce, 35 cents; quarter pound, $1.00; pound, $3.50, postpaid, Customers may order half pounds at pound rate,2 pounds or over at 5 pound rate, postpaid. 659 Greater Baltimore Firm and Meaty. Excellent fer the Table or for Canning (Brilliant red.) This grand, second early variety produces large bright red tomatoes in clusters in about 88 days. The vines are vigorous, compact and healthy growers; a heavy cropper of large, smooth, well formed tomatoes: deep from stem to blossom end. Very firm and meaty. Free from ridges, cracks and blight. For canning or the home garden the results have been far beyond expectations. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, £0 cents; quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00; 5 pounds, $18,75, postpaid. TOMATO CULTURE The most complete book ever written on growing Tomatoes, By TRACY. CLOTH BOUND, $1.00, POSTPAID. WZ 658 Spark’s Earliana p Extremely Early, Good Size and Quite Smooth (Scarlet red.) Very popular with many growers of tomatoes for early market. The fruits are of good size, scarlet red color and crowded in clusters over the entire plant. An excellent first early tomato for home 675 NEW GOLDEN PONDEROSA TOMATO. Maule’s New Jersey Grown Tomato Plants Ready for delivery about May 10 to 15th Maule’s Earliest of All, Stone, Maule’s Success, Bonny Best, Spark’s Earliana, Ponderosa, Maule’s Enormous 30 cents per dozen, $1.00 per 50, $1.50 per 100, postpaid. Hie i ARE Uiniia cee ) ton’s Globe Distinct in Shape, Firm and Blight Proof (Purplish Pink.) This tomato has become aleader with prominent and successful tomato } growers. In shape it is distinct, being globe | Shape, which permits a greater number of slices to be made. Of large size, smooth, firm } and has very few seeds. Color a glossy pink, | tinged with purple. Bears fruit in clusters | of from three tc seven; ready to pick in 95 days. Of special value to all long distance shippers or for forcing under glass. 5 Packet, 10 cents; half ounce, 25 cents; ounce, 45 cents; quarter pound, $1.25; pound, $4.50, postpaid. ia ; One of the Best Mediam-Early Purplish Pink Sorts (Pink purple.) ” .also grown fora fall crop. N.edium size; matures in about 7 6 4 i thespring sue eee elem eb eta 40 aaa Skin is clear white; flesh excellent, mild, juicy. A good keeper, Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents;-~ ‘ter pound, 45 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; qvarter pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents; 5 pounds, $4.00, postpaid. pound, $1.50; 5 poun postpaid. : ' 104 Japanese 696 White Six Weeks 2 = < Large, Pure White, Tender and Sweet Knownlas Early Snowball This grand turnip isa large white variety, of < : ‘ ae c D : great merit, and comes directly from Japan. It This globe-shaped white skinned early turnip Solid, Fine Grained, Good Keeper is between flat and globe. The color is y pure S large, smooth and handsome; flesh white and| Egg-shaped root; with white skin. The white | white, both outsid inside; soli 7 f mild flavor, an excellent winter keeper, | flesh is always firm, solid, sweet, a quick growing Ready for the tabloen imanlee caaivkaaes. ER naturing its crop in about 65 days. sort, maturing in about 50 days. A good keeper. | heay y "a 5 Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; : Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; e oN Pa ODIO NN Boe NESS EEEON 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cts., postpaid. | 14 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents, postpaid. acket, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; ¥Z - 2p ff aN SH 3 : 694 EXTRA EARLY WHITE MILAN A Rapid Grower, Sweet and Tender fab \s An excellent extra early white flat turnip, iy \ maturing in about 40 days. Mild flavor, and WY S\ fine grained. Desirable for spring or fall sow- ‘ ing, making wonderfully rapid growth. —— E = Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; so ite Globe 691 Southern Seven Top ly pound, 45 cents; pound, $1.50, postpaid. 703 Wh P Known as the Salad Turni ° : e Extra Large, Round, Pure White A variety of turnip grown entirely BS its tops, 689 Mixed Table Turnips This is one of the most productive turnips | which are used asasalad. Can be cut at all times. A Grand Mixture of All Turnips and in good rich soil the roots will frequently | 1¢ produces no edible root. This isa very hard ; i 5 b srow to twelve pounds in weight. It is globe- ace standing through the winter south of Phila- ee ST AGSIIEGE aT de college eee ee shaped and slightly flattened. The skin is white | gelphia, without any protection. This mixture maturing its crop in 40 to 75 days and smooth. Matures in about 75 days. Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; does not contain any ruta bacas 2 Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; ly pound, 25 cents; pound, 8 cents, postpaid. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cts., postpaid. 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents, postpaid. ELLow ——— oe 692 Yellow Aberdeen } 698 Golden Ball Long Keeping, Sweet Yellow Flesh 702 Large Yellow Globe One of the Best For Family Gardens _A turnip of high merit. The flesh is yellow, Fine For The Table or Stock A superior table turnip, of bright yellow sender, sugary and very solid. In color the i color. Rich and sweet in flavor. A rapid grow- jurnip i deep yellow below, Globe shape, pale yellow with green top. The AC Z : pic Be incicnt ed en eo Meattation. Used on the |skin is smooth, yellow flesh, firm and sweet, | eT Producing handsome globular shaped roots 2 5 eaten = ts - | in 70 days. An excellent keeper. Makes an jable as ll a stock feeding. Producing | maturing in about 75 days. A splendid variety for | - a f : arge aoataynicl a ies Paladaead in 75 we either table or stock and is an excellent keeper. | ideal fall croptostore for winter use. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; Y pound, 30 cents; pound, 96 cts., postpaid. 14 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cents, postpaid. | 4 pound, 30 cents; pound, 90 cts., postpaid. ~ 102. 7 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 CULTURE.—Sow seed in a hot bed in February or March and treat same as Tomatoes. Use wood ashes on seed F O B O bed. When plants are large enough and weather settled, transplant in rows sor 3% feet aparteach way, and cul- tivate frequently. A packet will produce about 200 plants; an ounce produces about 0000 plants; sufficient for an acre. 716 BIG HAVANA.—An Americanized Havana, large, long leaf. It is one ofthe earliest. Fine texture. E SS) re | Packet, 10 cents: ounce, 50 cents; fs re CS ce S quarter pound, $1.35; pound, $5.00, postpaid. Oy gs Culture directions are. plainly printed 719 IMPROVED GOLD LEAF .—For bright ag “ on each package. wrappers this variety is the best. The leafislarge, of — - =\ 2a 866 Arbor Vitz, American, ounce 75 cents. medium breadth, and fine grained; cures bright or = . 867 Apple, ounce, 30 cents; pound, $3.00. mahogany. Packet, 15 cents; ounce, 65 cents; 869 Catalpa Speciosa.- O7z., 35c.; lb., $3.50. quarter pound, $1.75; pound, $6.50, postpaid. 870 Cherry Mazard, ounce, 25 cents; Ib., $2.50. 720 PENNSYLVANIA SEED LEAF .—Very ex- 871 Honey Locust, ounce, 20 cts.; pound, €2.00. tensively grown in the Lancaster district of Pennsyl- 872 Norway Spruce, ounce, 55 cts.; pound, $5.50. vania, which is famous for its fine cigar tobaccos. - 874 Pear, Kieffer, ounce, 60 cents; pound, $6.C0. Packet, 15 cents; ounce, 75_ cents; 878 Spruce, Douglass, ounce, 75 cents. quarter pound, $2.00; pound, $7.50, postpaid. 879 White Pime, ounce, 50 cents; pound, $5.00. 724 CONNECTICUT SEED LEAF.—Grown in 880 ¥Yellow Locust, ounce, 20 cts.; pound, $2.00. all sections of the U. S. and extensively in Connecti- 881 Yellow Pine, ounce, 90 cents. cut. Broad leaf of medium length. Suitable for cigar At above prices, all tree seeds are postpaid. fillers. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 50 cents; quarter pound, $1.35; pound, §5.00, postpaid. 873 @) Sa2 o e oO ram oe 725 SWEET ORONOKO.—A Jong narrow leaf, ~ 2 curing a rich red, the finest plug fillers. Makes the The Best of all Hedge Plants Easy grown, anda rapid grower, hardy, pro- duces a good hedge in from 3 to4 years. best natural chewing leaf. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 60 cents; quarter pound, $1.75; pound, $6.00, postpaid. 726 THE PRIMUS.—This is the earliest tobacco grown. It will ripen evenin Canada. Leaves large, fibre fine, texture Silky, flavor superior. It makes an elegant smoking tobacco, either for cigars or pipe. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 60 cents; quarter pound, $1.75; pound, $6.00, postpaid. 727 IMPROVED WHITE BURLEY.—Of es- pecial value for cut or plug tobacco; often used for wrappers. Large, broad leaf, curing a very desirable growers in different parts of the country. color. Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 40 cents; = Lllustrated, Paper Cover, 5UVe postpaid. quarter pound, $1.10; pound, $4.00, postpaid. 726 THE PRIMUS TOBACCO. ———— ee a ae Highly nutritious as a table =) Ruta Bagas or Swede Turnips nr eri2 food for stock and fouls CULTURE.—Does best on new land, or light and sandy soil. Sow the seed from the latter part of June until August in drills 15 to 24 inches apart. Cover seed 14 inch and thin out to 6 to 8 inches in the rows. Cultivate frequently. Can be sown broadcast. Use a packet to about 50 feet of drill, an ounce to 230 feet, 144 pounds to the acre in drills or 244 pounds broadcast. Ready to use in 90 to 95 days. Book of 50 pages giving full details on the — Selection and preparation of the seed and soil, harvesting, curing and marketing the F crop. Prepared by 14 experienced tobacco } 7a Improved Purple Top Very richly colored, fine grained and sweet ye Next in yield and value after our Heavy Cropping Swede, we place this old standard variety. It is of fine quality and is widely grown. It keeps per- fectly all winter. It is hardy, productive, sweet, solid and Satisfactory. Itis globe shaped, purple top, yellow skin and flesh, with smaller top and Shorter neck than most sorts. It is justly held in high esteem even for both table and stock feeding Pk purposes, as the roots grow 1 fairly smooth, with compara- oh tively small tap root; uniform inshape, color and quality. Flesh is crisp, fine grained and solid. Matures in 95 days. Packet, 5 cents; a ounce, 10 cents; ay quarter pound, 25 cents; zl pound, 85 cents; a 5 pounds, $3.75, postpaid. en W 711 White French bu Or Sweet Russian Grows to a large size, and is most excellent for table use or for live stock. The white flesh is firm, rich and of sweet, nutritious qual- ity. Maturesin 90 days. * Packet, 8 cents; ounce, 12 cents; lf pound, 30 cents; pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. 713 White Rock Reliable Keeper In all sections it has long had an enviable —— RUTABAGA “| reputation as an extra 5 Kencgerheeciae:| Zor Maule’s Heavy Cropping nearly globe shape, . d small neck, skin is| The perfect Ruta Baga, of symmetrical shape, and firm flesh greenish white; flesh| )jsaule’s Heavy Cropping is the flnest.and most profitab!e of all yellow, |», white. Matures in 90) purple top Ruta Bagas, being the hardiest, heaviest, best shaped and},,. days. It is equally desi- | most productive. The roots are better keepers than most sorts. The];,, rable for table purposes | gesh isof a beautiful yellow color. of the choicest quality, fall of nourish- } ), | SSS = =) or for Stock feeding. ment. Excellent for table use and stock feeding. Matures in 95 days. | ¥.) Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; Packet, 10 cents; ounce, 15 cents; quarter pound, 30 cents; j pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. pound, $1.00; 5 pounds, $4.50, postpaid. * In the fall, sow your garden or farm down with Crimson Clover, Winter Rye, or Vetch as a cover crop Maule’s Farm on Grain Seeds The following varieties of field and grain seeds are especially adapted to Spring,Summer and Fall sowing. In the description of each variety We make no charge for bags. we give the quantity of seed required to plant an acre. 789 Japanese Buckwheat The best and most profitable variety. From 4 bushel of seed sown a crop of 40 bushels has been harvested. Flour is superior to that from any other variety. Ripens early. Sow 36 pounds in drills or 48 lbs. (bu.) broadeast to an acre. Pkt., 10¢c; Ib., 30c; 3 lbs., 75c, postpaid. Not prepaid, 12 peunds (peck), 70 cents; ¢ 48 pounds (bushel), $2.25. 849 Spring Rye Used with profit as a catch crop where grain has winter killed, Quite commonly employed recently. Sow 841bs. to 1121bs. broadcast to acre. Pkt., 10¢; Ib., 30¢; 3 lbs., 75c, postpaid. Not prepaid, i4 pounds (peck), 75 cents; 56 pounds (bushel), $2.50. 846 Rosen Winter Rye An excellent, hardy sort giving satisfaction everywhere. A vigorous grower, producing tall stiff straw which stands up well, with large grains. The Rosen is a distinct improvement over common rye, and should be more largely grown. Sow 8+ pounds to 112 pounds to acre. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. ' For larger quantities of winter rye, write us for prices when you are ready to order. - Somewhat similar to Rape. It produces plants growing 3 to 4 feet high, the stems cov- ered with rosettes ofleaves. It is aheavy crop- per. Animals, especially sheep, eat it greedily. Hardy and will thrive on most any soil. Sow the seed in rows or broadcast, using 2 pounds Ofseed per acre, Packet, 10 cents; quarter Ib., 30 cts.; Ib., $1.00, postpaid. Sunflower Sunflower seed is one of the best egg produc- ing foods for poultry; the leaves make excellent fodder, being relished by all kinds of stock. The stalks make excellent fire wood. lt can be sown any time before the middle of July, Plant in hills, 344 to4 feet apart each way, allow- | ing 3 to4 plants to each hill, or in drills; 5 pounds willsowan acre. Cultivate the same as corn. Black Giant This magnificent sunflower produces even larger heads than the Mammoth Russian, pro- ducing more seed per acre than any other yariety. The seeds are short, plump, well filled with meat, and have a thin shell. Specimens have been grown measuring 6 feet in circum- ference. It is something wonderful and is extremely profitable to grow. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 35 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, pound, 25 cents; 644 pounds (peck), $1.10; 25 pounds (bushel), $4.00. 856 Mammoth Russian Flowers 18 to 20 inches in diameter. Very showy, and largely grown for the amount of seed produced. Stalks often grow 10 feet high. Packet, 10 cents; half pound, 20 cents; pound, 30 cents, postpaid. : Not prepaid, pound, 20 cents; 614 pounds (peck), 85 cents; 25 pounds (bushel), $3.00. Write for special prices on larger quantities. | per acre, or 60 TAU / 787 Imp. Evergreen Broom Corn The best. Brush firm, of good length and bright green color. Sow in drills, using 10 to 12 pounds of seed to the acre. Pkt., 10¢; lb. 30c; 3 Ibs., 75 cts., postpaid. Not prepaid, 1114 pounds (peck), 90 cents; 46 pounds (bushel), $3.25. 860 Hairy or Winter Vetch This useful plant is noted for its extreme hardiness. As a winter cover crop, to prevent leaching, aS well as for forage and fertilizing purposes, it is one of \ Dp ge the best. If sown in A ir September or October it will make excellent forage the following ’ Me spring. The top 153 is small and in- conspicuous at S| fF, E ; coals Q ital y. ; ii Sh 2 vy 2 S SH RS iS : : Ss ze AW the start, but the rootsys- tem is exe- 4 tensive from the be- € ginning. The plant is a valuable nitro- gen gatherer. * Forage yield, 14% to4 tons per acre. Excellent for diary stock and for poultry pasturage. Use 90 lbs. of seed lbs. of vetch with 28 pounds of rye or oats. Pkt., 10 cts.3 pound, 45 cts.; 3 Ibs., $1.25 postpaid. Not prepaid, 15 Ibs. (peck), $2.75; 60 Ibs. 7 A (bu.), $10.00. % GLZE Lyi Zow UPC LLLP APE BPO 861 Spring Vetch This vetch or Tares is not hardy and must, therefore, be sown in the spring during May or June. It possesses the same desirable fea- tures as the Winter Vetch. Use 90 pounds per acre alone, or sow with spring wheat, springrye or oats for support. Pkt.,10c; lb., 30c; 3lbs., 75c, postpaid. Not prepaid, 15 pounds (peck), $1.35. 5 60 pounds (bushel), $5.00. 104 WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., PHILADELPHIA, PA., 1922 851 Speltz c: Emmer Yields More than Wheat or Barley Early seeding usually produces the best yields. Use a F Bar eS drill, planting the seed about two inches deep. 96 pounds of seed usually sown to an acre. s 2 The Heaviest Yielding 783 White Swiss Barley Six Rowed Bearded Sort | The straw is very strong and stiff, growing from 36 to 40 inches high. The f heads are of the bearded type, long and well filled with six rows of plump } grains of the finest quality. It yields abundantly, 50 to 68 bushels to the acre. An excellent variety for growing on light, thin soils, while on rich, fertile soils its yields are wonderful. It isa great drought resister and especially adapted to Northern latitudes. For yield, malting, milling and feeding has no superior. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 12 pounds (peck), 60 cents; 48 pounds (bushel), $2.00. Sow in the spring as early as the ground can be worked, also a Ss in the fall, at the rate of 64 to 96 pounds to the acre. i = A Wonderful Stooler 841 Improved Swedish Oat 4 WVgnderful Stooler The heaviest yielding white seeded branch oats forspring sowing, ranking first in weight, stiffness of straw and thin hulling qualities. The stiffstraw which holds up unusually well grows from 4 to 5 feet tall with heads measuring from $tol1l% inches long and produces grain weighing from 36 to 40 pounds to the measured bushel. These oats are quite early, less Hable to smut or rust than other sorts. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 pounds (peck), 50 cents; 32 pounds (bushel), $1.65; 320 pounds (10 bushels), $15.00. 844 Winter Turf Oats Also known as Virginia Gray This variety is especially valuable for fall seeding. It is the best and hardiest of oats, standing the winter better than any other kind. The turfing and stool- ing qualities of these oats is remarkable, and under anything like favorable conditions theysoon spread and cover the ground with a thick, heavy growth. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 8 pounds (peck), 60 cents; 32 pounds (bushel), $2.00. © W Sow in the spring as early as the ground can be Spring heat worked, using 90 pounds to 120 pounds per acre. 863 Marquis Spring Wheat the Popular Milling Sort A wonderful variety which has become popular and met with wide spread interest. It is remarkably early and exceedingly productive. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 15 pounds (peck), 85 cents; 60 pounds (bushe!), $3.00. S Sow in the fall either broadcast or in drills, using Winter Wheat 90 pounds to 120 pounds per acre. 3 ® - A rful i 864 Miracle Winter Wheat *¥ocerin) Stooler, producing It is a bearded, red grained sort a little larger than the average wheat, and its remarkable stooling habit makes it a heavy cropper. Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cemts; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. 865 Red Wave Winter Wheat * 2007 4nd reliable vielder; A vigorous, tall growing, red grained, bald variety. In favor on account of its hardiness, stooling and good yielding qualities. It stands unfavorable weather conditions much better than the average wheat. d Packet, 10 cents; pound, 30 cents; 3 pounds, 75 cents, postpaid. 841 IMPROVED SWEDISH. For larger quantities of Winter Wheat, write us for prices when ready to order. ‘ ,