Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. . eae ee Valet Bush Best Cee ae : ‘ Pound, 20. cents; 5 pounds, 85 cents; 100 pounds, $1 5.00 cf = OF || SEEDS, PLANTS, ROOTS & SUNDRIES | i a FOR | MARKE she GARDENERS G FLORIS rs WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. Ge os Bs ME wee PHILADELPHIA, iP Ae UL SUA: United States Food Adminis eae ; a catalogue. “request, | if you have not already received one. Reduced Prices to Market (Gardeners and Florists * Maule’s prices are more reasonable than ever and are doing their part in the trend toward lower costs. You will notice that many prices ‘quoted are lower than last year, though Maule’s Seeds, Plants, Savi euts, etc., have always been unusually reasonable, quality consid- thanks to the MAULE “Direct-to-the-Planter’ idea. Maule’s See are more than “Seeds,” they represent years of research, expert attention and infinite precaution in tests. ae, For years it has been our policy of supplying the best strains of seeds, plants, etc., obtainable to market gardeners and florists. _ For Parcel Post yates see page 4 in the MAULE SEED BOOK, as often seeds, ete., can be sent cheaper by parcel post than by express. Special Terms Cash with order, or satisfactory bank reference. Money may be i sent by post office or express money order, draft, check or registered letter. We will send C. O. D., by parcel post or express, orders amounting to $15.00 or over if one-fourth of the amount is remitted __ with order to guarantee acceptance. We cannot send C. O. D. by freight. Freight Paid Anywhere in U. S. A. . on all orders amounting to $10.00 or more, provided the order is for small seeds only. Peas, beans, corn, potatoes, plants, roots and onion sets are not small seeds; prices given on same are for delivery f. o. b. cars or boat Philadelphia, customers in all cases to pay the transportation charges from Philadelphia to their own railroad station. HET ES we “make no charge for bags or packing. - What Maule Does W : RS We pay freight or ex- e Pr repay Shipping Charges press charges, our ° ; ‘ option, to your near- in the VU. S A. ‘ est railroad station SSS > on all orders for small seeds amounting to $10.00 or over. Transportation charges are not prepaid on orders containing peas, beans, corn, potatoes, roots, vege- table plants, onion sets, nor on spraying materials, sprayers, tools, etc. nor for delivery to freight, boat We Make No Charge MELEE LORE Sa Pay Ca ee or express offices in Philadelphia. find it ad- We Will Ship Your Order Promptly to order all the seed you will Reca at once, so as to have your full supply reserved. If you wish, we will ship the seeds for early planting at any date you name, and hold the balance of your order to be shipped later. for bags, boxes, crates or packing. You will 1. Safe Arrival. We guarantee that all goods, except perishable plants, will reach the customer in ’ good condition. 2. Money Insured. We further hold ourselves ‘esponsible for the safe arrival of all remittances sent ost office money order, express money order, draft, « or registered letter. As to Delivery. We guarantee to deliver free renee oree ion charges to your nearest railroad in U. S. A. all orders amounting to $10.00 or f for small seeds only. On orders for small — ess than $10.00, or for peas, beans, corn, pota- onion sets, roots, plants, tools, etc., we will not -rrying charges, but such articles as can be mailed, yill deliver by parcel post if you will remit the unt of postage required with order. | ~Maule’s Remarkable HE MAULE SEED BOOK FOR 1922 hing worth growing in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, but also contains a list of Summer Flowering Bulbs, Plants, Fertilizers, ete. Tell your friends who do not know Maule’s Seeds to send us their address on a postal card, “and we WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc., 21st and Arch Streets Pi Tools, glad to mail them a copy FREE. Y istration License No. G-119724., . MAULE’S ank our old customers for their past patronage and look forward to a continuance of same. ured of our endeavors to satisfy them and make LEE permanent buyers of Maule’s seeds, pleut a > year after THIS BOOK IS A READY REFERENCE PRICE LIST For full description of the seeds, plants, roots, etc., see Maule’s Seed Book for 1922, a copy of. which We You will note the reduced prices quoted in this list are for market gardeners pee Accurate Address Write your full n SEEDS Evento “Once Grown, Always Grown.” oy For tests of new seeds and Speen wi tain. extensive trial grounds at Newfield, N. J For proving before planting, every lot of € warehouse is subject to a germination tes conditions and cultivation. We do all we can to s where we are enabled to render prompt and who wish to call for their seeds or bulbs and for have added a full line of gardening tools, spray ng ‘ms ete. If inconvenient to call, and you wish goods G by phone will receive prompt attention. Phone, Bel SBR Be sure 4p pet. your ee ores erly ‘supply of seeds, plants, ) heavily. seeds, plants, roots, etc., exactly when thes are. ing. Mail, express and freight are sometimes - di dress on every ort If you have a post office box or live on an R. F. D. 2 the RG Se ibs the goods ordered are to go by freight r goods are to be delivered. i The safest way to send money is by Post: off mone money order or bank draft. On all amounts of 3 « purchase your money order or register ‘your Stamps will be secant tale as cash. _ oe seedsman to guarantee the resul plants. We, WM. HENRY MAULE, IN common with all American Seedsmen ranty, express or implied, as to the d seription, ual productiveness or any other matter oO ny eds responsible for the crop. ‘ d circumstances, assume responsibilit a actual price paid for seeds, plants bulbs. _ purchaser does not accept the 4 peo ese 1 they are at once to be returned; but we that we will use every effort to se’ r plants and bulbs procurable, of may order. is pronounced by one sae all the most Soni published in this country. It not only contains | SUCCESS WITH HOGS | SUCCESS Dao cet, By Charles Dawson PRACTICAL book which tells in a clear, reliable way everything about hogs and how to raise them most success- fully. It gives the latest and best methods for the feeding, breeding and care of swine; also full directions and plans for making hog buildings and feeding equipment. The author of this excellent work is a well-known expert with a long and wide experience in every branch of the hog busi- ness. This is the most useful book on swine ever published and no hog raiser can afford to be without it; for it will increase his ability and help him to make more money. Illustrated. 268 Pages Price, $1.25; by mail, $1.35 XN WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. 21st & Arch Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. PARTIAL CONTENTS Hog Man The Hog Farm The Poland-China Breed The Berkshire Breed The Spotted Poland-China Breed The Duroc-Jersey Breed The Chester White Breed The Hampshire Breed The Yorkshire Breed _ The Tamworth Breed The Cheshire Breed The Improved Essex Breed The Victoria Breed The Suffolk Breed The Mule-Foot Breed Hog Breeding Selection of Breeding Animals Size, Quality and Finish Care of Young Pigs Forage Feeds Hog Feeding and Body Building Ideal Buildings Feeding Equipment Disinfectants, Antiseptics, Etc. Hog Remedies, Stock Foods and Powders Fitting and Exhibiting Show Hogs The Marketing of Swine (OVER) (form INO. OUU1) Post @ttire Department No... Stamp of Issuing Office THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL DIVISION OF MONEY ORDERS The Postmaster |_DOLLARS _ |_ CENTS — . will insert | [So hrenssnoat cece bar oc bnat o REPORCC CLARO OIE EF Oreo Cen onAactt CONE Cee SERS SOLES | ye the office drawn on, when the office named by the ae remitter in the body of this application is not a Money Order Office. Spaces above this line are for the Postmaster’s record, to be filled in by him. Application for Domestic Money Order ittance by registered mail Take it to your Postmaster and procure a 5 Spaces below to be filled in by purchaser, or, if necessary, es by another person for him. = Amount a Se a eee ee Dollanswee ca. Cents ° 5 dgbay to | WM. HENRY MAULE; INC., $ret Ord er fii yi esr acre ee eRe REO 3c soccscnavs aesepeneees Ifo) (Name of person or firm for whom order is intended) oe nN tne ee &S Whose 2 Address Sa is NA Sees Den Rey res Ds RE ee Be PMU R OER a ae Street 26 5 APost } PHILADELPHIA, BS OE Ce aera aan armen ane ne te eae nO ESOL, «0s cncdase ices () os Spare Pennsylvania. to Ao Hot §Sent DY sae et ee ee pe one coset r ener cer ON BITE COOELOITETCCETD= OSE EERREEODESE ss (Name of Sender) =| gi eer ec ee caves es ennnccecennaseneanen nnn eens ances an ans ean aes anne wane naan nw nna e ne ee ane en en sen ennasesasaccanecccessscuscstesccussss= E Address } Daooaccd posn0ese CSO c0Do-RoUaS co Lost Soca ano santo eecned oct dace SERRCEEOOUOSOOSCOCH UO: COCO OEE Street PURCHASER MUST SEND ORDER AND COUPON TO PAYEE Fees for Money Orders drawn on Domestic Form Payable in the United States (which includes Guam, Hawaii, Porto Rico and Tutuila, Samoa); or payable in Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, Canada, Canal Zone (Isthmus of Panama), Cuba, Newfoundland, at the United States Postal Agency at Shanghai (China), in the Philippine Islands, or the following islands in the West Indies: Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, and Virgin Islands. Fer Orders From $ 0.01 to $ 2.50 3 cents. Hues e-o3! Wey HN) So. 5 eents. From $ 5.01to$ 10.00 ..... 8 cents. From $10.01 to $ 20.00 .....10 eents. From $20.01 to $ 30.00 ; 12 cents. From $380.01 to $ 40.00 J... -bicents: From $40.01 to $ 50.00 .....18 cents. From $50.01 to $ 60.00 20 cents. From $60.01 to $ 75.00 : 25 eents. From $75.01 to $100.00 .._.. 30 cents. Memoranda of Issuing Postmaster: Note.—The maximum amount for which a single Money Order may be issued is $100. When a larger sum is to be sent additional Orders must be obtained. Any number of Orders may be drawn on any Money Order office on any one day. Applications must be preserved at the office of issue for three years from date of issue. (Edition Feb., 1915.) OTE a He ¢ BEN | y Were Write Plaimiy Name and Address Before Malling Name ______. SURE. see IN ee ee em cee PUT Posto Tce j Street or R. F. D. No. j STAMP | Eo EN To Brmnaees tie is Se pe nh Se ceiine iae tatn te ee oO aE ME RUS, | HERE |} WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. PHILADELPHIA P. O. Box 1296 PENNA., U. S. A. THE MAULE SEED BCOK IS FREE TO ALL Teli Your Friends To Send a Postal for it. Please see that your name and address are written on order enclosed BEFORE You SEAL THIS ENVELOPE WE WANT TO SERVE YOU PROMPTLY BY DOING TRIS YOU CAN HELP US TO DO SO. Wm. Henry Maule, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. | WM. HENRY MAULE, INC. MARKET GARDENER AND FLORIST DEPARTMENT PHILADELPHIA, PA. If you are satisfied with MAULE’S SEEDS give them a boost by telling your Market Garden Neighbors and Friends how good they are. If you are not satisfied with MAULE’S SEEDS, tell us. Our earnest endeavor is to please every customer with both Quality and Service. We have the facilities and goods as well as 45 years’ ex- perience. Our slogan, ‘“ MAULE’S SEEDS ONCE GROWN ALWAYS GROWN ” is also the slogan of thousands of satisfied customers today. Send us the names and addresses of your Neighbors and Friends who grow vegetables or flowers for Market, and we will send them our 1922 Catalogue and Special Market Gar- deners’ price list. The most up-to-date Seed Book we have ever issued. Your Name Wddiressa: airs ia Thanking you in advance for this courtesy and awaiting your further orders, which will have our best care and atten- tion, we are, yours very truly, WM. HENRY MAULE, Inc. == AMOUNT CARRIED FORWARD | re MARAC I GARUCNER EDS, BULBS, PLANTS, ETC. =) ge PHILADELPHIA, PA. (Mr., Mrs., or Miss; write name plainly and always the same way) Amount Enclosed P.O. Name : MONEY ORDER___ | ; EX. 5 MONEY ORDER Post Office Se Courity CASH sti a STAMPS 3JovdS SIHL NI ALIWM LON Od Asvald R.F.D.No__——s—— SCS @P«sr: O..: Box Street State Express or If different Freight Office \‘t°™ *.° I have marked a cross X in square to Send the Following Parcel Post indicate preference in shipping. Express We deliver free by Parcel Post ali Seeds, Goods by Freight Bulbs, Plants, etc. marked in our Sn catalogue Postpaid. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE = PLEASE SEE THAT YOU GIVE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS IN FULL “@a WM. HENRY MAULE, INC. GIVE NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO DESCRIPTION, QUALITY, PRODUCTIVENESS, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OF ANY SEEDS, BULBS OR PLANTS THEY SEND OUT, AND THEY WILL NOT BE IN ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CROP. IF THE PURCHASER DOES NOT ACCEPT THE GOODS ON THESE TERMS THEY ARE AT ONCE TO BE RETURNED. QUANTITY NUMBER ARTICLES WANTED PRICE CH’K COL. S | — nt i . ae z | | es ee Ta \ = ORDER BY NUMBER OR NAME : | —————]| WHICHEVER YOU PREFER. St ee ee = i AMOUNT CARRIED FORWAPD | SLvis ALNNOD ‘aad 391430 1SOd AWYN *asieyo Jo as1y Adood e UloYy} Pues 0} Pes oq li“ eA conSopezes ano yo Adood e aaevy ©} SAI] p[nom HUIYy} nod oyM pure szueld so sqing ‘spess Juejd om s1oqusieu 10 spudl4ij ANOA JO 5914} 10 OM} JO SouIeU 94} SN pues pjnOoM noA ‘aspio anoA SuIpues usYyM jr YONUT ArsA ZI O}eIODIdde pjnNoM eA FGNAINA YVaa | | | | E | ! | ] | * i} | | | | |} | ! | | % \ | i = i | | i | i i] | i Lhe be : i | | | 7 | | | | | i | | \ | \> = | - = : pes | i! | | i aes | = Sei | | i | | | j 1 | a = 2 | i . | | | i | i as | ij = i H | i | 4 aes F | = aD we | i H i | | - Wf si 1 aril aa \ | | | i {| ers 3 | | i re | | \ | | | | | | i = i P i 7 i i GuYVMYOA GaIwYuVD NOE eg | ee == i . We "109 4.HD S31ad GaINVAA SADLY = ysasgNnN ALILNVAD ysonbey: uo peysiuiny sedojeauy uinjey pue s}e9Uug JepiO e414yXY a Maule’s New Jersey Grown Vegetable Plants Shipped Direct from the Maule Seed Gardens, Newfield, New Jersey. For Description of these Vegetables see the Maule Seed Book for 1922. Early Cabbage Plants - wait )) Ready for Delivery about April 20th Early Jersey Wakefield, Charleston Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch, Copenhagen Market and Suc- cession. Rock. Ss ee X Maule’s Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage. Brussels Sprouts Plants Ready for Delivery about July 1st Danish Prize 100 for 75 cents, postpaid By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.50; $5.00 per 1000. Early Cauliflower Plants Ready for Delivery about April 20th Maule’s Prize Earliest and Early Snowball. By express, not prepaid, 100 for $1.25; 250 for $2.50; 500 for $4.50; $8.50 per 1000. Late cauliflower plants. The above two named varieties ready for delivery about July 1st, at the same prices as above. ZA; ~< LAINE oo Nii: Maule's Prize Earliest Cauliflower. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.50; $5.00 per 1000. Late Cabbage Plants Ready for Delivery about July 1st Maule’s Prize Flat Dutch, Maule’s Surehead, Danish Ball Head, Drumhead Savoy and Red By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.00; $3.50 per 1000. Celery Plants Ready for Delivery about July 10th Perfected White Plume, Giant Pascal, Winter ‘Queen and Golden Self Blanching. 100 for $1.00; 250 for $2.00, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.50; $5.50 per 1000. Egg Plants Ready for Delivery about May 15th Maule’s Excelsior. Seed-bed plants by express, not prepaid. $2.25 per 100; $20.00 per 1000. Pot grown plants, by express, not prepaid, 65 cents per dozen; $5.00 per 100. Lettuce Plants Ready for: Delivery about May 1st Improved Hanson and Tenderheart. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $1.25; 500 for $2.00; $3.50 per 1000. Sweet Potato Plants Ready for Delivery about May 25th Yellow Nansemond. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $2.00; 500 for $3.75, $7.00 per 1000. Tomato Plants—Sash Grown Ready for Delivery about May 10 to 15 Earliest of All, Stone, Success, Bonny Best, Sparks Earliana, Enormous and Ponderosa. 100 for $1.25; 250 for $2.50, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $2.00; $7.00 per 1000. Ruby King Pepper. Pepper Plants—Sash Grown Ready for Delivery about May 15th Ruby King, Chinese Giant, Bell or Bull Nose, Golden Queen, Maule’s Red Hot or Big Cayenne. By express, not prepaid, 250 for $2.00; $7.00 per 1000, Herb Plants Ready for Delivery about April 20th Lavender, Chives, Rosemary, Spearmint, Sage (Holt’s Mammoth), Peppermint, Thyme. 25 cents each; $2.25 per dozen, postpaid. By express, not prepaid, $2.00 per dozen. Maule’s Frost Proof Cabbage Plants Will Double Your Profi —— Why ?- Because they mature heads which can be marketed two to three weeks earlier than your home grown plants and you get early market prices The seed is planted in the open field in the south; the plants make a slow but steady growth, until at 8 to 10 weeks of age they are very tough and hardy, the buds are purple and the outer leaves a reddish brown. When in thig condition they can be shipped further north. These plants have stood a temperature of 8 to 10 degrees above zero without injury; the land freezing, or the plants being covered with ice, sleet or snow, after they were planted, did not injure them. The top of the plant does not grow until your regular spring weather opens up, but the roots grow from the time they are planted. Headed cabbage is ready 10 days to 3 weeks earlier than from any other plants. Our cabbage plants are grown from the best Long Island grown seed and are shipped direct from our growing stations in the south by parcel post. We can fill orders from Dec. 1st to April 20th. To get the full advantage of these frost proof cabbage plants they must be planted a month or six weeks earlier than you would plant heme grown plants. Order early and state about what date you wish your plants sent. We will ship just as near the time desired as weather and other condi- tions permit. Your order must first be sent frofa our Please Remember offices in Philadelphia to our op ous station in the south, and it will take several days to reach there after we receive it. Plants cannot be pulled and shipped in rainy or freezing weather, when wet they heat too rapidly. We sometimes have a week or ten days of continued wet weather which prevents shipment. Your order will be accepted with the understanding that you are willing to allow for delays, such as explained above, over which we have absolutely no control. Read Carefully Before You Order .Y2rcties. We proof cabbage plants only in the following varieties: Early Jersey Wake- field, Charleston or Large Wakefield, Early Flat Dutch and Succession. No plants shipped €. O. D. No less than 109 plants sold. No plants shipped by express. We do not advise shipments of frost proof cabbage plants by express, but if you are willing to assume the pnvite risk will quote prices on large quantities, on request, for express shipment. 100° of any one kind, 50 cents, postpaid; 500 of any one kind, $1.75, postpaid; 1000 or more of any one kind, $3.25 per 1000, postpaid Order in even hundreds or thousands, viz., 100, 200, 300. Not 150, 250; etc. If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices (age MAULE’S SPECIAL PRICE LIST FOR MARKET GARDENERS AND FLORISTS—1922 ASPARAGUS SEED | Way \\ NUN | Nete—You may order half pounds at the pound rate. 4] | << AVN ; Oz.7 944 Lbs osha isi ibs:, | bE I@Ballinetto) 5... a. eee ee $0.10 $0.25 $0.75 $3.50 | ZaGianteArsenteutl os esemc nein 10 25 fa) = 390} | 3 Barr’s Philadelphia Mammoth .. .10 25 190, 3250) | ASPARAGUS ROOTS Per 100 Per1000 | 1SRalmettor.liiyear 2 ee eee $0.90 $8.00 | jeseolmetto,i22veancer eee eee eee eee 1.10 10.00 | ZaGiant-Angenteutl ll v.ear=.s. asc lo: Seas 90 8.00 | QaGiane Argentewil: 2y year eater oe 1.10 10.00 | 3 Barr’s Philadelphia Mammoth, 1 year...... 90 8.00 | 3 Barr’s Philadelphia Mammoth, 2 year...... 1.10 10.00 | ASPARAGUS BUNCHER Philadelphia Asparagus Buncher, made in two sizes. No. 1 size will shape bunches 3 to 3% inches in diameter, 6 to 9 inches in length, weighing about one pound. No. 2 will shape bunches 4 to 4% inches in diameter, 7 to 10 inches in length, weighing about two pounds. Either buncher packed for parcel weighs 8°pounds. If wanted by parcel post add postage. Not prepaid, Either size, $3.50 each. ASPARAGUS KNIFE Popular took for cutting asparagus. Made of drop forged steel, 10- inch straight edge blade, with enameled shank. 50 cents each, postpaid. BEANS—Bush Wax or Yellow Podded NOTE.—You may order 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate; 10 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. Lb. 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. 17 ‘Refugee Wax: 3.25 ...060 eee Eee $0.20 $0.80 $14.00 19° New Kidney Wax i353. 2333.53 22 1.00 18.00 23\ Sure. Crop. Stringless’ "Wiaxs sane 22 1.00 18.00 25 Wardwell’s Kidney Wax ........... .20 85 15.00 26 Davis Kidney Wax. 2; 1.12 eee .20 90 16.00 | 27 Maule’s Improved Butter Wax ...... e288 5 e25; | 23100 | 28 Golden Queen or Hodson Wax ....-. 20 {35 — ISN) \29' Maule’s ‘Cracker. Jack3Wax--3--peeee 18 80 = 15.00 | 30 Currie’s Rust Proof Wax .........-. .20 po Smee 5100 | 31 Round Pod Kidney or Brittle Wax... .22 1.00 19.00 |: 32) Maule’s Profusion! Wax : s:-)7--eooee 18 80 =: 14.00 |. 33) Unrivaled: Wax.>.2222:55 3 eee 22, 1.00) ~- 18:00 | 34 Michigan, White. Wax 2: -cce:teeaee 18 80 15.00 | 35 Improved Rust Proof Golden Wax:. .20 90 16.00 | 36™Prolifc ‘Black Waxtis-. 0a .20 90 16.00 | 37. Pencil. Pod: Black=Wax nes: sash .20 90 =: 16.00 | BEANS—Pole or Climbing | 38° Golden Cluster! Wax’... - 2 seme $0.27, $1.25 $23.00 | 40 Burger’s Stringless Green Pod...... PF NO) “Ws | 41--McCaslan- (Green-Pod)- 2 See 22 1.00 18.00 9 | 42 Kentucky “Wonder Waxi..-.t. oes LY NAS. 2350) — | 43 Kentucky Wonder Green Pod) ..... 25) allOhs 20!00 ll. Black Valentine Bush Bean. 44 French Asparagus (Green Pod) ..... 90 iz a | 45 Lazy Wives (Green Pod)........... ff MNP : BEANS—Dwarf or Bush, Green Podded = Maule’s Noxall (Green Pod) ....... 271.25 23.00 NOTE.—You may order 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate; 10 | 47 White Creaseback (Green Pod) ..... 22 1.00 18.00 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. Lb. 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. ° 6 Dwarf Horticultural (2.519. 4 22. $0.22 $1.00 $18.00 BEANS—Pole Lima 7 Round Pod Refugee or 1000 to 1.... .20 89, 15:00 | .90'-Burpee’s Giant Podded’ 5.2.9 eee $0.32 $1.50 $28.00 Sb Extras Marlys Retugeen se. erie: .20 6852 5100 (| 51-Panmure: Extra Early: sas eee 25 1.10 20:00 10 Mammoth Stringless Green Pod..... .20 90) 1600 |. 52-Maule’s- Evergreen’ 225. 9223 eee 5250 lel O)Z0100 ll BlackeValentines eee cee sere .20 90.5 127400 :| 53° King, of the Gardens 2. 22g eee 232 IO ADO 12, Henderson’s -Bountiful@ sys. 2 .20 85 15.00 | 55 Salem Improved or Large White.... .23 1.10 20.00 13 Earliest Improved Valentine ........ .20 85 15.00 | 56 Dreer’s Improved or Challenger .... .23 1.05 20.00 14=Strnglessm Greentse odwe sien oe “i aa | 57: Carolina_or: Sieva 200 ee 23 1.05 20.00 16-Fordhook:-Bavorite. = sheer... cose 22 1.00 18.00 | F 18 Longfellow or French Stringless.... .20 .85 15.00 | BEANS—Bush Lima 20 Keeney’s Stringless Refugee ........ 2 eal OOamS00 |.98 hordhook (2.53.0. eee eee $0.25 $1.15 $21.00 21 Imp. Navy or Boston Pea Field ...... 16 o/Oemlsc00 |\-61° Wood's’ Prolific *:.2 2: . 2. eee 22° 1400) ‘18.00 22 Burlingame Medium Field .......... al? /oemi00 |~62)/Burpee’s: 22-4... 5--: eee eee eee 23) 1057.) 20:00 24 White Marrowfat Field ............: 18 80s a5i00-| 64 Burpee’s. Improved4... 2.5.20. eee 25. alel Sie 100 If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices. See 116. All Head Early Cabbage. CABBAGE— Extra Early Varieties NOTE.—You may order half pounds at the pound rate. ys = s , ( 112 Maule’s Earliest ExpLesse = tae $0.20 $0.30 $0.85 $3.00 w™. Crosby's Egyptian Beet, 113 Maule’s Prize Jersey Wakefield .. 20 30 95 3.00 + LE BEETS 114 Earliest Etamp ese ee 20. 30 85 3.00 AB 115 Maule’s Winningstadt ..-..5). J) 25. 75 235 NOT ie (nee ES as 118 Charleston Wakefield... || 20 -:30 .80 275 —0U ma order a. nds a e ‘ate; un or = over at the 5 pouniientee 10 pounds or over at He teh Boca Hie oe Deepen Werke: ; * : : ; } : : 3 ; : i oe o ee Bee Oz. % lb. Lb. 5 Ibs. 100 lbs. ie. i 66 Maule’s Blood Turnip..... $0.15 $0.45 $1.50 $7.25 $140.00 Second Early or Summer Varieties 67 Maule’s Alpha ........._.. 10 40 1.25 6.00 115.00 | 116 UU Ee adage ar ly gee eee ee ll 25 73° DFS 70 Maule’s Early Wonder.... 10 SommlelOm 5:25) 100100 || 117 Maule’s Early Flat Dutch ....__. A) SO) 0 27/5 71 Maule’s Market LOT oo55 - oll@) © Ds -90 425 80.00 | 126 Maules Midsummer ..........__. 20 30 © 85 3.00 dc) lech came ee ni LO Se-25i 2908 425 80100 127 Glory of Enkhousen......... |” ll) ZO FS DIS dae Clipse apepyise dine Tene 10) 25 90 4:25 80100 | 132 Henderson’s Succession ......__. -20) 30), -80.) 275 75 Early Bassano ........... lO 2B ~O0 425 80.00 | 138 Volga or Stonehead .........._. lS 25 75 Das 76 Phila. Early ARTY a eae 10.35 1.15 5.50 105.00 A * ott 7 Crosby’s Egyptian ...__ AOS 5s Weo0, 4255 980100, ete Sao’ : 78) CrimsongGlobess st | 10.29 90 425 80.00 | 124 Danish Round Head Short Stem. 20 30 85 3.00 81 Maule’s Dark Red Egypt.. 10 25 90 4.25 980.09 | 125 Danish Ball Head Medium Stem. .20 30 §=.85 3.00 $2 Maule’s Market Gardeners. 15 (45. 150 725 140.00 ie ee Re ORES, pee bocoee ace. tebaloo ei ga 84 Detroit Dark Red ........ 10) 25. 90 4'25 ‘80100 Se oe aie a.s se ee AY 2 LAY 2 86 Maule’s Imp Long Red 10 25 90 4.25 80 00 131 Maule’s Genuine Surehead COpocDS 20 30 85 3.00 91 Edmand’s Early Turnip xs 10 25 90 425 80.00 133 Maule’s Prize Drumhead S0000000 20 30 85 3.00 Row Sap i : . : 134 Maule’s Prize Flat ID crECH ee 20 30 85 3.00 136 Marblehead Mammoth .......__ AY. 85 OY) 3.50 BEET SPINACH OR SWISS CHARD 140 Red Danish Round Eleads aaa 29 .40 1.10 4.00 Oz. %1b. Lb. 5 lbs. 100 Ibs. | 141 Improved Drumhead Savoy-::....; AY 80. O 3.25 88 Large Ribbed White ..... $0.10 $0.25 $0.90 $4.25 $80.00 | 143 Mammoth Red Rock ..........__ MS A YW 275 A 89 Lucullus Swiss Chard ecco oll) 35 LIQ S25 100.00 CAULIFLOWE rh VY oz. Oz. 1% lb. Eb. SUGAR BEETS AND MANGELS 164 Maule’s Prize Earliest .....__.- $0.80 $3.00 $8.50 $3230 Oz. %\b. Lb. 5 bs. 1001bs. | 165 DiyWWieather ee eens. eee 80 2.75 8.50" 32.50 92 Imperial Sugar .......... $0.10 $0.25 $0.80 $3.75 $70.00 | 166 Maule’s Always Heads ........ 73 2.50 8.40 30.00 93 Klein Wanzleben .......__ LO 20 he e203 25s 6000 | 167 Earliest Dwarf Erfurt .......___ 75 2.50 8.00 30.00 Dy INNS IETS Leones yo... JO WS 88° 2H) 45.00 | 168 Earliest SnowDalll= =) 75 2.50 8.00 30.00 95 Maule’s Gate Post ........ 10 15 55 250 45.00 | 171 Extra IBewlhy IES sa 5eoccnngue. 25 .85 2.75 10.00 20) MellowsRankard 4) 081.) HO SAS OS AM 25.09 We Weary TERY “cankooscus sce... 30 1.00 3.25 12.00 98 Mammoth Prize Long Red 10 15 9 2.50 45.00 I73 Autumn Giantess ee. Sle 20) AO) 2.008. 7450 101 Giant Half Sugar eee ce lO AS 8S DEH 45.00 102 Champion Yellow Globe.. lO IS $5 DH 45.00 CHICORY ‘ Es Es Z. Y% |b. : 193 Large Rooted or Coffee ........... $0.20 $0.70 $2.25 BROCCOLI 194 Witloof or French Endive ......... 25 75 2.75 % oz. Oz. 1% Ib. Lb. 103 Early Angiers (hs $0.30 $0.55 $2.00 $750 | COLLARDS 2015 irteGeorgiaen ae ee EGS $0.10 $0.25 $0.80 BRUSSELS SPROUTS CORN SALAD LOS PD anishig riz cme ene a --. $0.25 $0.75 $2.75 | 203 Large Round Leaved ..........._.. $0.10 $0.35 $1.15 If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices. RACHA ANIA By" PNY senegal waaay Vaiis F\ iV, a = MAULE’S SPECIAL PRICE LIST FOR MARKET GARDENERS AND FLORISTS—1922 SS 175. Golden Self Blanching French Grown Celery. 152, Maule'’s Danvers Half Long Carrot. aK CELERY NOTE.—yYou may order half pounds at the pound rate. ee Ze b. Lb. CARROTS 175 Golden Self Blanching, French Grown $0.85 $2.75 $10.00 ay) LY Bes NOTE.—You may order half pounds at the pound rate; 2 pounds or | !78 Dwarf Golden Heart ................ U 70 over at the 5 pound rate; 10 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. L80"Coltimbia 2 ote ee ee eee ee 25 fs) 2.75 Oz. % Lb. Lb 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. | 181 Perfected White Plume. XX Strain... .45 1.25 4.50 144 Ex, Ey. Parisian Forcing.$0.10 $0.35 $1.10 $5.25 $100.00 |- 182 Giant Pascal or Winter King......... a) ff) Qi/3 145 Maule’s Golden Rod .... .10 .40 1.25 6.00 115.00 184 Boston Market-<.3 703 ieee LA) fd) 2.25 146 Oxhearts or Guerande 2-10) 41225).1-90!.-4.25' ~.80100m), 185"Winter Queen... W722... eee ere ima YS BAP 147 Early Half Long Scarlet.. .10 .25 .90 4.25 980.00 | 186 Sanford Easy Blanching.............. fa, 2250) 99:00 148 Earlv Scarlet Horn....... 10 25 .90 4.25 80.00 | 188 Celeriac, Turnip Rooted Celery....... 20 @.60 ~=2.00 149 Nante’s Half Long ...... 10.2—.35° 12:25. 6.00. 115.00 |" 189 Maule’s American Yellow: .5... seen 60 1.75 6.00 151 Chantenay or “Model™... MOY 22251290) 4.25,) 80:00 ° oye 152 Maule's Danvers... 10 30 1.00 475 90.00 con VEET CORN—First Early Varieties | ie 153 Improved Long Orange .. .1 oT ie 4.25 i ess are oe 2 3 155 Red Se Valery 9a ee MQ ASO “ALTON | ama Mebane Wes, Biibe, si) to, 156 Long Lemon Stump Rooted .10 .25 .90 4.25 80.00 | 205 Maule’s Colossal Early .............. $0.30 $1.40 $26.00 157 Mastodon® = jose eee alOU Zoe) 80" “31/5: —70:00%!' 206, Maule’s Ideal Earlya'.. 2.3.2 eee .22 1.00 18.00 158 Improved Short White zeeeal02 #225 280) «3:79 —- 70:004) 207 Golden Bantam ..:...85....05seeee .22 1.00 18.00 159 San Jose Champion ..... S10) 225° = 90. 4.25 -80:00%) 208 Kendel’s’ Karly" Giant = & soe aly 7/5 ° WSO) 161. Larges White Belgiana., 2:4 ol OMeeZ5 er 80 ise, 0.00M 211 Golden: Giant .. 25.) 0 en. ae eee 28 1.25 23.00 162:-bargenY cllows Belgian: :<-1, 059-25) 522809 3:75:91 70.008| 212°Maule’s XX. fee. 5 eee 18.80 14.00 214° Maule’s’ First of Alleo3e. =e pee eee 20% 290 i 219° Howling ‘Mob «25. 25 soe" ee eee 20-90 a6: FIELD CORN eat mre 224, Prem: 2/0222 Some eee ao eee 18 .80 14.00 dite. 56 Lbs 4. 220, Mammoth White Corys:- ss ss2eeeee 175 2751300 799 Maule’s Earliest of All Dent............-- $1.10 $3.75 | 227 Adam’s Extra Early .......... sizeses 20 90) 16.00 801 Canada Early Yellow Flint.............. 75 a7) |e _ __ Second Early Varieties 802 Droughtproof Yellow Dent.............. 65 2:254\ 215 Maule’s Nonesuch 72°” Stratagem!) “25522055 4--- Bs NPS Sl 7schelephoney. a. crctee oe I Oe 2825 HS Maule Satistactlone seinem cries 325 = 1250 S20BSenatorm mace eerie ese eee 2S SNPS PEAS—Sugar 514 Mammoth Luscious Sugar ......... $0.37 $1.75 SVAN IDA venes (Cini Silene oo bococnero weds 30 =1.40 BAS Wighsing Swemie ooosdetcoslcoucoceee 32.01.50 If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices. $16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 28.00 $21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 23.00 21.00 23.00 21.00 21.00 8 3 MAULE’S SPECIAL PRICE LIST FOR mm hy, CONN if & 542, Royal King Pepper. PEPPERS NOTE.—You may order half pounds at the pound rate; 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate. %, Oz. Oz. % Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs. 530 Giant ‘Grimson. ssse one ae $0.30 $0.55 $1.50 $5.50 $25.00 531 Maule’s Neapolitan ...... 20305721500) 3550) 16:25 jo2 ChinesemGiante. 4-25 230). 1209) 187569086 30/00 533 Improved Ruby King .... .25 .40 1.10 4.00 18.75 994 MauleiseRomato. 3... stees 29). 40). 10) 4:00), 618575 935 Maule’s Red Hot ........ 0p e355 004532759 212250 536 (Goldenie@ueen(..5... ee 2 eA Sle 254A oO) a2 1EZ25 5372 LObasCom tener ens He naa 530) 20 2559165" 26950 583; Lomb h umber soe 202) = 40815" 4:25 540 Pimiento or Perfection ... .20 .35 1.00 3.50 16.25 S42 URoyalla einige, ccm seromisher es 25 40 110 400 18.75 S44> Worldbeéater. <5: 4a cack eeces = WASOIMIZ5 ceA7 5) 22°50 545 Large Bell or Bull Nose..: .20 .35 1.00 -3.75 17.50 547 Long Red Cayenne (True) .20 ..35 1.00 -3.75 17.50 S48 sRedli@luste tone oe 230) 295) 50s 550 PUMPKIN Oz.. .%.Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs 554 Maule’s Yellow Sweet Potato Pie.$0.15 $0.45 $1.65 $7.50 $55. SmiallleStioarae eu ice eee HOM 35210 ¢ 5:00 §$6: .Maule’s: Prize, PRotirony+s-olo4.0. MS INSeS ORES ue 8:25 597 Gonnectictits Pielduclivcw eae nee MO FEE25N a 20076375 558 Large Cheese or. Kentucky Field. 10 .25 .90 3.75 959 Green Striped Cushaw ............ Si 4 5 leo Si 7250 561 Maule’s Hundred Weight ....... 451 aa1225= 4150 562 Tennessee Sweet Potato ........ Sh 4 Se Pele OS 7550 563 Cushaw or Crookneck .......... SOM e405 E35) 6:25 564: JjapanesemBieter a. reas eee ere: aS rhe 105i 7-50 POTATOES Peck Bushel __Bbl. Sack 15 Lbs. .60 Lbs. 165 Lbs. Trisha Cobblers nee PuresHarlyzsNOsety..).naico see ee God Cie ee enor = Whew Snowy. Ake saw ere eee Green Mountain (State of Maine) | Potato Prices at the time of printing this price list could not be an- ticipated. Write us for special prices, stating varieties and quantity wanted. Order your seed potatoes at once. We will reserve our choicest seed for you and make shipment any date you request. MARKET GARDENERS AND FLORISTS—1922 RADISH NOTE.—You may order half pounds at the pound rate; 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate 10 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. Early Round and Olive Shaped Varieties Oz. % Lb. Lb.~ 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. 570 Earliest Scarlet Button ...$0.10 $0.35 $1.00 $4.75 $90.00 572Erimson Giantess 10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 573 Mawle!s-a)iis tS Oss-ccmeece 15 50 1.75 8.50 165.00 580 Cooper’s Sparkler ........ 10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 582 Scarlet Turnip, White Tip. .10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 583 Maule’s Earliest Scarlet .. .10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 585 Maule’s Earliest White... .15 ~.50 1.75 8.50 588 White (Box) .2......0eyor 10 = .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 590, Rapid. Red or Saxa. 10 .40 1.25 6.00 115.00 592 French Breakfast ......... 10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 597 Early Scarlet Globe ...... 10 =.35 1.00 4.75 90.00 598 Scarlet Olive Shaped ..... -10-® 30) 295945 Oiee85:00) Early Half Long and Long Varieties Maule’s Imp. Long Scarlet.$0.10 $0.35 $1.00 $4.75 $90.00 4 White Icicle 10 = .35 «1.00 4.75 90.00 586 Cincinnati Market or Glass .10 §.35 1.00 4.75 90.00 59iedsongea Gandinal geese sya 10 .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 601. White Lady Finger ...... 10 35 1.00 4.75 90.00 Summer and Autumn Varieties 571 1834 or all Year Round. .$0.15 $0.45 $1.50 $7.25 $140.00 576 Maule’s Red Delicious .... .10 .40 1.25 6.00. 115.00 577 Maule’s White Delicious.: .10. .40 1.25 6.00 115.00 587 Improved Chartiers ...... 10 35 1.00 4.75 90.00 593 White Strasburg ...:.-..: 10 = .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 602% GianteStutteanrtoe..0. season 10. .35° 1.005 4.75" 90:00 Winter Varieties 603 Maule’s Winter .......... $0.10 $0.30 $1.00 $4.75 $90.00 604 Japanese Colossal Winter .10 .40 1.25 6.00 115.00 605 Long Black Spanish ..... 10 8.35 1.00 4.75 90.00 608 Celestial or White Chinese .10 .30 1.00 4.75 90.00 607 China Rose Winter ...... 10. .35 1.00 4.75 90.00 RHUBARB SEED Gl-Wictoriaa ste cee eee $0.10 $0.35 $1.00 $4.75 RHUBARB ROOTS Victoria, 25 for $1.50; 50 for $2.75; 100 for $5.00 500 for $23.50; $45.00 per 1000. SALSIFY OR OYSTER PLANT Oz. % Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs. 614 Mammoth Sandwich Island... $0.20 $0.70 $2.25 $10.75 SORREL 6lo>Warge Leaxed” Shc sdsieseee $0.10 $0.40 $1.25 $5.75 If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices. 685. Maule's “Improved Hubbard Squash. SQUASH—Summer Varieties NOTE.—You may order half pounds at the pound rate; 2 pounds or over at the 5 pound rate; 10 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. 5 Lbs. — aes Oz. % Lb. Lb. scat SESE 628 Earliest White Bush.:.......... $0.10 $0.35 $1.10 $5.00 680, Columbia Tomato. 631 Early Yellow Bush ............. “0) 235, 110 5:00 ae 632 Mam. Golden Summer Crookneck .15 .45 1.60 7.50 TOMA TO—Red Varieties 639 Cocozelle or Italian Veg. Marrow .10 .40 1.35 6.25 NOTE.—yYou may order half pounds at the pound rate; 2 pounds or - aoe over at the 5 pound rate; 10 pounds or over at the 100 pound rate. Squash—Autumn and Winter Varieties < % Oz. Oz. % Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs. 635 Maule’s Improved Hubbard...... 15 .45 1.60 7.50 | 691 Maule’s Earliest of All...$0.20 $0.40 $1.15 $4.25 $20.00 (OY lossex lake ..5ccecccecesus00s Esmee (SSuee5) St slooZs Manileis- Success) ass 4nacn- 20 .40 1.15 4.25 20.00 6425 Bostone Marrow ace cones 10 .25 .85 3.75 | 693 Maule’s Magnificent ...... 20). 39) 100 | -3:75.01750 GACPRaxonke See ee. ke ee 10 .35 1.10 5.00 | 956 Maule’s Enormous ....... 30 55 1.50 5.75 27.50 644eMammiothn@hili ere: seen eeettes. 15 45 1.60 7.50 | 998 Spark’s Earliana <¢..2..... 20) 35) $100) 83:7) el eo0) 645 Red or Golden Hubbard ........ SSS 1885) 2 St750 009) Greater Baltinvore = oj.4554- 20335) 100) 3:25) 7250 646 Fordhook (Vine) ............... JO £90 123 S75 || GoW oon ee sess soc docsees osc. A. 85 MD S77 WSO 647pbondhooldeBush jas seen ee a1 Oleme4 ON wIN2 St Soo OOLN WiestissRinsteanlys 76 ei AD Wl) Zo - S00 648 Chicago Warted Hubbard ....... 15 .45 1.10 7.50 | 663 Chalks’ Early Jewel ...... A) 3) UO Sed UD 6645iMiaitchilessaneeneae nies o- 20F 35) O00) (3:75: 17-50 605s Raracongenereee ee eneenec 20. 30 .90 3.25 15.00 666 Dwarf Stone ....:........ 20:. .35 1.00) 3.75 17.50 6725Stoneg nts re eee ae -20Y 30" 290% 3:25) 15:00 676 Pear Shaped Red ......... e250 AS melee 5 450M ase. 680k CGolumbiaaeeeeceseeee see: 20-35) lOO 3:75) 17250 683 Bonny Best Early ........ 202358 LOO RS 5i 17250) Tomato—Pink or Purple Varieties 657 Maule’s Imperial ......... 20) S40 Rel sr 4225 20:00 662 an eeinkaeeeeeeme ec 20 .40 1.15 4.25 20.00 (oy Idewhy AGING 54 oc0nc0c00se0e A Si CO GAS USO) 678 Dwarf Champion ......... 20 40 1.15 4.25 20.00 679 Livingston’s Globe ....... 20 .40 1.15 4.25 20.00 682pRonderosamementte eee: 0) 5) ISO) GO See Tomato—Yellow Varieties 674 Golden Queen ........... 20 .40 1.15 4.25 20.00 675 Golden Ponderosa ........ OS On = CASON = Ho eerie 677 Pear Shaped Yellow ...... 5) AS NAS GLO) 620. Giant Fillbasket Spinach. TURNIP SPINACH Oz. % Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. Oz. %4 Lb. Lb. 5 Lbs. 100 Lbs. 686 Red or Pur. Top. W. Globe.$0.10 $0.25 $0.75 $3.50 $65.00 GISeVictoria ay es $0.10 $0.15 $0.45 $2.00 $35.00 | 87 Red or Pur. Top Strap Lvd 10 .25 75 3.50 65.00 619 Viroflay or Imp. Thick Lvd .10- .15 .45 2.00 35.00 691 Southern Seven Top ...... +0) 20). 755, 3:50) 65:00 620 Giant Fillbasket ......... IQ 2) 55 250 4500) |) Ge Wolo eloewson oboe peo) LON 2552-79 53:50), 65-00 621 Bicomsdalel orl Gayoy vd 10) 20 sm55) 250) 45009 | 093 Ex Barly Bur, Top Milan: 9-10) 40° 125) 600 115-00 622 Everlasting or N. Zealand .10 .25 90 3.75 .... 694 Extra Early White Milan.. .10 .40 1.25 6.00 115.00 623 Long Standing ........... Opes 4521008. 35100) 07> Early, White Blat Dutch.” 10 9-25) 7573-90 (69.00 625 Long Season ...°.......-. 10 20 558 50 4500) 020) Whites Six, Weekst =)... NO 25 37. SSO O00) : : : By Cour IEIOR Jocesoccocdoe = 10 2 oe S30 69,00 o98sGoldentBallaeeenaane MQ : 3.50 .00 RUTA BAGA OR SWEDE TURNIPS 700 Lge. White Norfolk Globe. .10 .25 .75 3.50 65.00 707 Maule’s Heavy Cropping. .$0.10 $0.25 $0.80 $3.75 $70.00 | 701 White Egg ............... 10 .25 .75 3.50 65.00 708 Improved Purple Top .... .10 .20 .70 3.25 60.00 | 702 Large Yellow Globe ...... 10 25 .75 3.50 65.00 711 Large White French ..... LOM Zorn ca se75 72010058703 Whites Globels = ss. cece 10 .25 .75 3.50 65.00 TIBI Waitt’ TRO Goescecusncoe O25 9 80 S/S ZAM) || ZY eoRMESS Goasoscnacsascueac 10 .25 85 4.00 75.00 If larger quantities are wanted, than listed in this price list, write for special prices. 10 MAULE’S SPECIAL PRICE LIST FOR MARKET GARDENERS AND FLORISTS—1922 - Maule’s Superior Flower Seeds OUR LIST CONTAINS THE VARIETIES MOST LARGELY USED BY FLORISTS. We will gladly quote special prices on large quantities or on any not herein offered. : Our constant endeavor by extensive trials and the demand that our growers exercise extreme care in growing and selecting to give us strains of superior quality, assures you Maule’s Seeds are the best the market affords. Maule’s Seeds are money-makers and should have an important place 1 Sales, last season, were the largest we ever experienced in our 45 years in business. popularity yearly. order early. 892, Abutilon, Choicest Hybrids, ° ABUTILON (Flowering Maple) Make handsome house plants. Ym Oz. % Oz. Oz. 892 Choicest Hybrids, All sorts and colors.$0.50 $0.85 $3.00 ACROCLINIUM \ Everlasting) Very valuable for winter bouquets. 898. Acroclinium, Finest Mixed. % Oz. Oz. PAG Dt Seis Be $0.20 $0.50 white 898 Finest mixed. Rose and = a be 904, Ageratum, Little Blue Star. AGERATUM 914, Alyssum, Little Gem. (Floss Flowers) Unexcelled for borders or bedding. %0z. % Oz Oz. 902 Dwarf Imperial, Dark Blue........ ..-: $0.20 $0.60 | 904 Little Blue Star. Bright Blue...... $0.50 85 3.00 | 906 White Little Dorrit. White........ .20 .60 908 Finest Varieties. Mixed............ 15 50 ALYSSUM Popular for bedding or pots. % Oz. Oz. 914 Little Gem. Carpet of Snow..........:. $0.15 $0.50 918 Sweet. The well-known sort .....:.......... 30 AMPELOPSIS (Japanese or Boston Ivy) Clings firmly and permanently to walls, trees, etc. 926 Veitchii. Perfectly hardy; grows 30 to 60 feet.... $0.35 in every greenhouse and garden. Maule’s Seeds are gaining in There must be a reason; send your - 940. Antirrhinum. Half Dwarf Fancy Mixed. ANTIRRHINUM (Snapdragon) Popular for bedding; largely used for cutting. Tall Giant Flowering Varieties 2 to 3 feet high; long spikes of large flowers. 4% Oz. % Oz. Oz. 936NGiant? Pink? FRichsrosé.c aos. ee on $0.20 $0.30 $1.00 942 Giant Scarlet. A bright color........ .20 30 ~=-1.00 946 Giant Yellow. Pure Golden......... .20 30. ~=1.00 952 Queen Victoria. Giant White........ .20 30 =: 1.00 948 Giant, Tall Mixed. A select strain....... 25 5 Half Dwarf Giant Flowering Antirrhinums Compact, bushy growth, 12 to 20 inches high; bear large flowers profusely from early summer until frost. % Oz % Oz. Oz. 941 Daphne. Soft blush pink............ $0.25 $0.40 $1.25 943 Defiance. Orange or russet red...... 25 FAQ gle25 944 Firebrand. Rich, deep red........... 25 40 1.25 945 Golden Queen. Rich, golden yellow.. .25 40 4.25 947 White Beauty.. Pure White...:...... 25 40 1.25 940 A \ WU. NN : SDN mS GAS GKS 0 ESS ANS Res BAST RZ NS SNS \ Asparagus, Sprengerii. 926, ASPARAGUS Used extensively. Always in demand. Extremely pretty window or house plants. Per 100 Per 1000 Seeds Seeds 974 Plumosus Nanus. Valuable in bouquets....$0.60 $5.00 976 Sprengerii. Fine for baskets.............. 25 1.50 - WM. HENRY MAULE, INC, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 11 Maule’s Giant American Asters ASTERS are one of our specialties. Our list comprises the finest American sorts grown; it is impossible to procure better quality anywhere. Asters are the most important outdoor commercial flowers. They are easily grown, stand rough handling, have splendid keeping quali- ties as a cut flower and come in colors most useful to the florist in summer. ASTERMUMS A beautiful new class of the comet type. Flowers are large, with long, gracefully curled petals. Unrivaled for table decoration, and particularly appreciated as cut flowers. %Oz. % Oz. Oz. OSA SB Wawenderamenc cr iisnireis,cinrtocsy. «atcha $0.40 $0.75 $2.50 Was). IR@GS IEW ss yy Sore eae ake .40 Vy 0 OS OmShrelleiimicaeeeg eh eee sa, ...c.< oeaele .40 75 2.50 WH) IPH WSUS: ag eo Se co eee ee 40 sy PW CREGO GIANT COMET ASTERS The flowers are as fine as chrysanthemums, seldom meas- uring less than 5 inches across. Stands well when cut. tg Oz. 44 Oz. Oz 1002 Azure Blue. A most desirable shade. .$0 30 $0.50 $1.50 1004 Lavender. Delicate color............. 30 .50 1.50 1005 Rose. Brilliant rose, attractive........ 30 .50 1.50 1006 Shell Pink: Beautiful, delicate shade.. .30 .50 1.50 1007 Purple. A deep, rich color........... 30 86.50 =1.50 1009 White. Large pure white............. 30 50 R150 1010 Mixed Colors. All the above in mixture .25 40 1.25 Dark rich garnet or ox-blood red. Grow 18 to 24 inches high, well branched and covered with flowers which show up well when cut. Entirely distinct, being the reddest of all red asters. ¥% oz., 40 cents; % oz., 75 cents; oz., $2.50. 1080 PEERLESS PINK The plants are robust; branching habit, 24 to 30 inches high, bearing globular-shaped flowers measuring 4 to inches in diameter and of great depth and densely petaled. The center petals are prettily incurved, while the wide, outer _ petals reflex, making a most artistic flower. The color-is a . very pleasing shade of rich shell pink, It blooms about the middle of August, being at its best during the early part of September. ¥% oz., 35 cents; % oz., 60 cents; oz., $2.00. FY ya) Kn ‘im Y SEMPLE’S GIANT LATE BRANCHING These admirable asters give late flowers, blooming just before the chrysanthemums. The tendency to form numer- ous branches gives the class its name. The flowers are 4 inches in diameter, borne on long stems and are showy. Ye Oz. % Oz. Oz. HOS Grimson ee eee $0.30 $0.50 $1.50 1104S Wavender tar pares nee 30 50 1.50 INIOS AROS Trial osocaceseaooadsoocs .30 50 1.50 06! Shelleeinkaaaee eee eee 30 50 1.50 N07, Rurpleeees oe eeeee ae Sec CA eB Aee 30 50 1.50 1103 DarkAOletiaer peer ore ee 30 50 1.50 O09) Puree\Vihiteme nae eee een: 30 50 1.50 1110 All Colors Mixed ............. JI5) 40 1.25 IMPROVED INVINCIBLE The early branching aster, a favorite in all cut flower markets. Flowers large peony-shaped on long stems. 1 le Oz. Y% Oz. Oz. NOKV MDa URS coecasssccceuedeudor $0.30 $0.50 $1.50 OS: Grimsoni@en eee eee eee ee 30 50 1.50 1052 avenderar saan eee eee 30 50 1.50 O54 Pinkeye aoe eee 30 50 1.50 NOSH PRUE Bosdcosscvcsscaccscuodes 30 50 1.50 alOSwe Wihites me aaebeer ke yaaa 30 50 1.50 1058) MaxedeColorsienoose aaa 25 40 1.25 MAULE’S EARLIEST BLOOMING Blooms in July, two weeks earlier than most of the other types. Of open spreading habit, producing large flowers on long stems. 1% feet high. A valuable cut flower aster. te Oz. % Oz. Oz. 11026) Erimsonere ee eae eee $0.30 $0.50 $1.50 10272 aventd enero soe ee 30 50 1.50 1028: Elecite Rinllae sere tees 30 50 1.50 11029) RosesPinissee ea oeeee 30 50 1.50 11030) Piunpl eyes ess: crests noms encyeyecee 30 50 1.50 OBA’ Wikitewme Nira... a hee aces oes 30 .50 1.50 1033 Mixed, all colors .....:.......- 25 40 1.25 Calendula, Mixed, Candytuft, Empress. CALENDULA (Cape or Pot Marigold) 1161 Mixed, All double sorts in a mixture 1161. 1176, CANDYTUFT Valuable for cutting. % Oz. Oz. 1176 Empress, Large spikes of pure white...... $0.20 $0.35 1180 Lavender, Rosy lavender colored......... 20 30 1182 Rose Cardinal. Free blooming............ 30 .50 1183 Hyacinth Flowered, Pure white........... 30 50 1184 Dwarf, Little Prince. Pure white.......... 1185 Mixed. All sorts; all shades Carnations and Picotees, Mixed, 1192, 1201, Celosia, Chinese Wool Flower. CARNATIONS Now deservedly popular. % Oz. % Oz. Oz. 1191 Chabaud’s Perpetual Early Fl’r’ng..$0.35 $0.60 $2.00 1192 Carnations and Picotees, Finest Mx. .35 Ash) AS Mammoth Flowering Marguerite 1198 Finest Mixed. All colors........... 25 40 ~=1.50 CELOSIA (Cockscomb) Desirable for cutting. 12016 Chinese: Wioolthlowerenmocsescsemoee $0.35 $0.60 $2.00 1209: Pride=of Castle, Goulds. 2e.s ee .20 30. ~= 1.00 CENTAUREA (Imperial Sweet Sultans) Especially valuable for cutting. % Oz. Oz. 1212 Giant Marguerite. Immense White....... $0.25 $0.75 1211 Imperialis Mixed. All the colors......... .20 60 Hardy Perennial Centaurea (Dusty Miller) Finely cut silvery foliage; elegant for vases or hanging baskets; valuable for edging beds. 1215 Gymnocarpa. Sow seeds early............ $0.30 $0.85 COLEUS Indispensable for bedding. 1/16 Oz. % Oz. 1245 Large Leaved Sunset Shades....../......: $1.00 $1.75 1.25 1246 Choicest Hybrids Vi COSMOS extra Early Mammoth Flowering. Flowers 4 to 5 inches across; bloom in 60 days. % Oz. Oz. 1262) Pinker patie eae ane a es $0.25 $0.75 IAM (GUNG saiscesceseddodasceccedeooosceude 25 75 1264 Wi it eRe a eee Rian ors 25 o75) 1265) Mixed Colorsy aoe eee eee .20 50 A large percentage come true from seed, both as to color and doubleness. Fine for cutting, being very attractive. % Oz Ox. | 1258 Pink Beauty .......-...-..-...-+522...-- $0.75 $2.50 ebZ59) Whites @ een ters os y-mroese) crore en eo eeee 75 2.50 1259 White Queen 1282. Daisy, (Bellis) Double Mixed. 1268. Cyclamen, Giganteum. CYCLAMEN (Alpine Violet) BaD Rae OW | 1267 Persicum, Exceedingly valuable.......... $0.50 $4.00 1268 Giganteum. Extra select strain........... 1.25 10.00 DAISY, ENGLISH (Bellis) % Oz. %0z Oz 1280 Longfellow. Rich, dark rose........ $0.35 $0.60 $2.00 1281 Giant White. Large flowers........ 40 WS CRY 1282 Double Mixed. Pink and White..... 285 55 OmleZ5 DELPHINIUM (Hardy Larkspur) Now very popular as cut flowers. 1288 Belladonna Hybrids Mixed......... 50 85 3.00 DIANTHUS (Grass, Border, Clove or Spice Pinks) They are excellent, hardy plants. % Oz. % Oz. Oz. 1308 Double Mixed. Beautiful colors....$0.30 $0.50 $1.50 1309 Single Mixed. Splendid flowers..... .20 e390 1.25 Dw —— re = ee eae ) Sy eae, yy Se WM. HENRY MAULE, INC., 1341, Gaillardia, Fine Mixed, 1371, GAILLARDIA Largely used for cutting. Y% Oz. 1338 Lorenziana, Double Mixed.............. $0.20 ISMN Title Wibbecl ANU sinc coocnsecegseooe50 20 GERANIUM Useful in many ways. 1348 Zonale Mixed. Many colors............. 90 GYPSOPHILA (Baby's Breath) 1371 Paniculata. Misty white panicles........ .20 Gypsophila, Paniculata. Oz. $0.60 60 1.50 .60 | : S/F \\ 1374, Helichrysum, Double Mixed. HELICHRYSUM (Straw Flower) Highly prized for winter bouquets. 1390, Hollyhock, Double Fine Mixed. Y% Oz. Oz. 1374 Tall Double Mixed.....................5 $0.15 $0.50 HELIOTROPE A useful plant. Oz. %4 Oz. Oz. 1375 Lemoine’s Giant Hybrids, very large. .$0.35 $0.60 $2.00 1380 Choice Mixed. Many varieties........ a) 30) ESO) HOLLYHOCK Fine for backgrounds. ISO ID@wlnlo WHate oocsScocebacoonngooauer 2540p e25 ISSAeDouble MWellowmenen. 5.505. +-c0. 0 seek 540) E25 1383 ID@wbblle ROSS scocccedacdocndoogagendue Py LZ 1389 Double Scarlet ...... Ree oe) et eS ceo J. AD QS 1390 Double Fine Mixed. All colors............ .30 = 1.00 1391 Allegheny. Mammoth fringed............. pay 335) IFO Single Mipweal CollOrScccabcocodcvcse0ccccds 20 ~=.60 IPOMOEA (Moonflower) The quickest growing summer climber. 1404 Grandiflora. Black seeded................ 15 .40 (The Giant Flowering White Moonflower.) PHILADELPHIA, PA. 13 My Lantana, Finest Hybrids Mixed 1418, 1413. Jerusalem Cherry, JERUSALEM CHERRY (No. 1413) % Oz. Oz. Walwablesiorspotacultinemepmennaacmaee arcane $0.20 $0.50 LANTANA Shrubby plant, bearing verbena-like flowers. -50 1418 Finest Hybrids Mixed .20 DUES Larkspur, Double Stock Flowered. LARKSPUR (Annual Va rieties) Tall double stock flowered. The flowers are borne in great profusion and last well when cut. This type is the finest variety of larkspurs. % Oz. Oz. NOD Eide [Bikes Sono Mena cs od debe mene s $0.20 $0.50 1422ShiellisPinkeaee tare tc ee ee ene ee .20 50 L423 SRiiremVVihitese eect ote eine ete eens .20 50 WAYS iaimeGie Mbb, :60) “2:00 1530 Scarlet. Glowing vermilion scarlet.... .20 .60 2.00 1535 1.00 5 Choice Mixed. Many fancy colors.... .10 .30 1658. Phlox, Star of Quedlinbug. PETUNIA Invaluable for massing. % Oz. % Oz. Oz. 1646::-Bellemitoiless cee eee $0.25 $0.40 $1.25 1648 Best Hybrids Mixed ............... .20 30 - 1200 PHLOX DRUMMONDII Good for cutting; excellent for beds. 1654 Finest Mixed. Large flowering..... .20 35 ~=1.00 1658 Star of Quedlinburg, Mixed........ 25 “407 25 MAULE’S GIANT PANSIES For many years, in fact ever since we have been in business, we have given particular attention to pansy seeds, until we really think our strains of pansies are as good as can be found anywhere in the world. % Oz. % Oz. Oz. 1600 Maule’s Giant Phenomenal......... $0.85 $1.50 $5.00 The largest and most “phenomenal” specimens. 1602 Giant Trimardeau. Finest mixed... .40 Lis). Za) | Delicate shades, hues and pencilings. 1614 Maule’s Prize Mixed Giant......... W259 2:25) 8:00 The richest, handsomest and largest pansies known. MAULE’S BEDDING PANSIES The flowers are not of the largest type, but are robust and free flowering. 1633 Choice Mixed. Ordinary strain..... $0.35 1634 Extra Fine Mixed, Bedding sorts... $0.65 $2.25 40 gs Sy 1723, SALVIA Salvia, Bonfire. (Scarlet Sage) Always needed. Every florist should grow plenty. % Oz. % Oz. Oz. 1722 Drooping Spikes’ Se 4.-e so. ae eet $0.40 $0.75 $2.50 1/723;-Dwart Bonhte sesso eee Deore 235 60 2.25 STOCKS (Cut and Come Again) | 1746 Brilliant. Blood red flowers........ 40 J Pa 1748 La France. Beautiful rose....:..... 40 o/ Sie 00 1750 Princess Alice. Pure white......... 40 WS SPW 35 .60 2.00 1752 Finest Mxd. Soft and distinct shades ee ee ee | 1874. Sweet Pea, Hercules Spencer, 1893. Sweet Pea, Mrs. J. Balmer Spencer. 1865. Sweet Pea, Fiery Cross Spencer Maule’s Giant Spencer Sweet Peas Under the best conditions Spencer sweet peas grow 6 to 6 inches apart. fours on long, strong stems. x Oz. % Lb. Lb. 1865 Fiery Cross Spencer. Orange scarlet. .$0.50 $1.50 $5.00 1874 Hercules Spencer. Pale rose pink...... 0) al 1876 Illuminator Spencer. Cerise salmon... .50 1.50 5.00 1880) King, Wihite Spencer .....:............ 50 1.50 - 5.00 1893 Mrs. J. Balmer. Cream-edged rose... .45 1.25 4.50 10 feet high, and for full development should stand at least The flowers measure 2 to 214 inches across, are beautifully waved and are generally borne in threes or Oz. % Lb. Lb. 1901 Old Rose Spencer. Color as named... .$0.50 $1.50 $5.00 1903 Orchid. Lavender suffused pink...... 90) 1250)» 5:00 1914 Wedgewood Spencer. Wedg’d blue... .50 1.50 5.00 1915 Vermilion Brilliant Spencer. Scarlet... .50 1.50 5.00 1922 Maule’s Best Giant Spencer Mixture.. .20 .60 2.25 1938. Sweet William, Single Mixed. SWEET WILLIAM Well known, free blooming, old-fashioned EXOTICS: ; VY Oz. Ze 1936 Double Mixed. Rich and beautiful colorings $030 $1.00 1938 Single Mixed. All shades and markings..... 20 60 Hardy Annual Blooms the first year. Verbena, Extra Large Flowering. 1928 Finest Mixed. A large variety of colors..... 40 1.25 THUNBERGIA (Black-Eyed Susan) Excellent for vases, trellises, porch boxes. NOAM EN mem Ntace dab neyem ert rte ed oe ae nee PS Ase) VERBENA Extra Large Flowering Fine for vases or window boxes. Indispensable for beds and borders. % Oz. %Oz. Oz. IDED Ith SO So Bees ae 6 Soi eee eee $0.25 $0.40 $1.25 IQ? IPerplle- 2s adage ete Oe oe odes COED Ee B25 OM WAS HOGABS Carle teen gta e a rele rss caress. § 25 40 1.25 IOGE \Winathie Soa en oe ann 5 ee one 25 40) 1-25 OEY NCSNICKT 7 5 aie SOE oem On ecionee 40 ds DSW 1968 Finest Mixed. All colors............ .20 30 ~=©1.00 VINCA Free blooming, bushy plants. AO, YOR, 1992 Mixed (sow seeds early) R\\ Oz. bi ts Ae, $0.20 $0.30 $1.00 ZINNIA New Giant Flowering Perfect form, round, full, double and immense in size. Oz. % Oz. ZU42AErimSonmerme deacnict ke ee ee $0.25 $0.40. $1.25 20468 Scarlet ds, esate eee 25 40 1.25 AVE IENESIN COE csccconstcoosascoccoeec E25 40 «1.25 ZOASRNVINIte ey cto REE SCORES cies 25) 54 () ele 5 2050 Golden Yellow ...................- 25 40 1.25 205i Salmone Pinks sees coe cae 25 FAN IEZS 20528S al prune iellowseerreeee see eee 25) LD NS 2054 Mixedet Colors aan .20 35 1.00 Sprayers,Dusters, Implements etc. Any Articles Wanted but not Offered by Parcel Post, Add Postage for the Weishts Given. Masters Rapid Plant Setter | Makes transplanting easy. Will set, water and cover | in one operation such plants as cabbage, cauliflower, | celery, pepper, tomato, tobacco, sweet potato, straw- | berries or any similar plants. One man with this | planter can set 10,000 to 15,000 plants per day, In set- | ting plants in dry weather, this planter will give each plant half a cup of water at the roots the moment they are put in the ground. Saves labor. Weight, 8 pounds. Not prepaid, $5.75 each, Pulverized Sheep Manure This pure natural Manure is immediately effective; unequalled for mixing with the soil. Excellent for the flower or vegetable garden, potted plants, shrubbery and small fruits. Not prepaid, 35 cents; 10 lbs., 60 cents; 5 lIbs., 25 Ibs., $1.10; 50 Ibs., $1.75; 100 Ibs., $3.25; 500 Ibs., $14.00; 1000 Ibs,, $25.00; ton (2000 Ilbs.), $47.50. Panmure Plant Food 1922 Guaranteed Analysis: | Nitrogenpreyrerterictvorsrersistoversicinteteleievelels, 3.29 per cent. | Equivalent to Ammonia ............ 4.00 per cent. Total PhosphoricwAci dizekc-)- s\cicteyerens 8.00 per cent. Available Phosphoric Acid.......... 8.00 per cent. | Potash, Soluble in Water.......... 4.00 per cent. Panmure Plant Food is just what is wanted when preparing your ground for planting your vegetable | and flower seeds, plants and bulbs. The great suc- cess of Panmure Plant Food, however, lies in the fact that every one of its ingredients is a high- grade and first-class fertilizer. Not prepaid, 5 lbs., 35 cents; 10 Ibs., 25 lbs., $1.25; 50 lIbs., $2.25; 100 lbs., ii $7.00; 500 lbs., $16.00; 1000 lbs., (2000 Ibs.), $55.00. 65 cents; $3.75; 200 $30.00; ton For Dusting Price Plants 70 : Sat Cents, dry powder Bug Death Sifter For applying Bug Death, Slug Shot, Paris Green, mixed with lime or land plaster to potato vines, cot- -ton, tobacco, egg plants, tomatoes, cabbage, rose and eurrant bushes and all other plants and vines requir- ing a top application. Will cover instantly and per- fectly a plant 3 inches or 3 feet in diameter as fast as a man can walk. Parcel post weight, 2 pounds. Not prepaid, 70 cents each, Prices on all garden tools, weeders, Neponset Waterproof \ Paper Pots Unbreakable, easy to handle, light and made from tough, last- ing waterproof paper. Ideal for growing cabbage, peppers, egg- plants, tomato and other vege- table or flowering plants. Mailing Weight Size per 100 per 1000 100 500 1000 214 in: 2 Ibs. 15 Ibs. $0.65 $2.40 $4.00 21% in. 2 lbs. 18 lbs, -15 2.75 4.75 3. in. 3 Ibs. 28 Ibs. 1.00 3.50 6.50 314 in. 4 lbs. 37 Ibs. 1.15 4.50 8.50 45 in? 5 Ibs. 48 Ibs. 1.25 5.50 10.50 At prices quoted if 100 lots or over are wanted by parcel post, postage according to weights given must be sent with order. ——SSH = Brown Duster Powder Gun An excellent general purpose dusting outfit for handling dry powder and chemicals. Automatically ejects a sufficient amount in a fine, mist like man- ner that reaches all parts of growing plants, vines, trees, shrubs, ete. It is double-acting, throwing dust on both the up and down strokes. Parcel Post weight 4 pounds. Not prepaid, $2.00 each, Stim-U-planT A plant food in tablet form. The most modern, efficient and scientific method of fertilizing grow- ing plants. Stim-u-planT Tablets are designed for use by all who grow plants—home gardeners, mar- ket gardeners, small fruit growers, fruit growers, florists and farmers. Their most valuable use is in feeding the growing plants. Being composed of water soluble materials of great feeding power and of known weight and percentage of plant food, Stim-u-planT Tablets can be used directly to the soil at the base of the plants to feed them definite amounts of available food. Once in the soil they immediately dissolve and mingle with the _ soil water, pass into the root-hairs and roots to begin feeding the plants. No matter how fertile the soil may be Stim-U-plant is effective in feeding the crops because of its rich, available food content. Stim-U-planT Tablets are packed in five sizes. Tria] size, 12c.; small size, 25c.; 100 tablets, 75c.; 500 tablets, $2.00; 1000 tablets, $3.75; each size post- paid. JUST LIKE RAIN Even Spread Lawn Sprinkler At last! The sprinkler that every lawn owner has been looking for. Attached to hose, its won- derful little spreader spins like a top, spreading the drops as evenly as a shower. Sturdily built, sound in principle, will last a life time; is truly a little wonder. Price, $2.25 each, postpaid, Lang’s Weeder. Excelsior Hand Weeder Excelsior Weeder. Very useful for weeding seed beds, stirring soil in hot beds, cold frames, etc. A handy tool for loosen- ing and pulverizing the soil. 20c. each, postpaid. Prices, $6.00 and $9.00 Complete. Auto-Spray No. Charged in 15 seconds by a few strokes of the plunger. Holds 314 gallons, useful for all liquid solutions, a practical sprayer for the garden, po- tatoes,. tobacco, small fruits, vineyards, poultry houses, etc. The Auto-Pop nozzle cannot clog. Weighs 12 pounds, Not Prepaid. Galvanized steel reservoir, with AutoPop nozzle, complete, $6,00. With brass reser- voir and Auto-Pop nozzle, complete $9.00. EXTENSION PIPE — Made of solid brass. Two feet in length. Several lengths of pipes may be screwed together and the nozzle elevated for spray- ing trees, vines, etc. Weighs 1 pound. Not prepaid, 50 cents each. BRASS ELBOW. — Used in connection with one length of extension pipe for spraying cucumbers, melons and other low growing vines. Made of heavy 45 cents each, postpaid. brass. Auto Spray No. 22 ; A very convenient sprayer for all soe pur- poses. It is a single acting atomizer ‘that throws a fine misty spray, thus making it very effective for all kinds of small spraying, disinfecting, and applying furniture and automobile polish. Made of heavy tin and holds one quart. Parcel post weight, 3 pounds. Not prepaid, 50 cents each, Capacity, either 1 or 2 quarts. Auto Spray No. 25 Compressed Air Sprayer. This sprayer can be used in the garden or poultry house. Will deliver-a continuous spray of all liquid solutions, An extra nozzle cap is furnished for spraying the underside of foliage. 1 qt. weight 3 lbs,, 2 qts. weight 4 lbs. Not prepaid, with 1 qt. galvanized tank, $1.25; with 1 qt. brass tank, , ol. “50; with 2 qt. galvan- ized tank, $1.50; with 2 qt. brass tank, $1.75. Lang’s Hand Weeder A band passing over the fingers gives perfect use of the hand for pulling weeds without having to - lay down the tool. The best weeder for truckers or onion growers. 25 cents each, postpaid, remedies, fertilizers, sprayers, insecticides, etc., are subject to market changes ee of Lead, Powdered Gansot be mailed. eating insects. Safer than Paris Green. Does not burn foliage. Can be used for wet _ spraying and dry dusting. Has all the advantages of Arsenate | of Lead Paste, but has double the strength, goes twice as far. tym One lb. makes from 15 to 25 iy, gallons of solution. By ex- eat or ct) not prepaid. ¥% lb,, 35c.; 1 65c.; 5 Ib., on 88. 75; 10 Ib., 94.75. _— leaf shevin in- ies a and codling moth. icks like paint, vill not burn foli- tion lasts a Jone Pee Mixture. POWDERED Can be sent Parcel Post. fungus diseases. Also prevents and checks black rot and scab and acts as a deterrent for in- sects on fruits and vegetables. Also used for dry dusting. Dilute 1 Ib. to about 8% gal- lons of water. Not prepaid, -14 Ib., 80c,; " 55c.; 5 Ibs., . to about 4 | n, 35 cents: Ib. can, $2.50. _ Cannot be mailed, ; nsecticide and Fungicide—Two sprays in one. Arsenate of Lead — combi with Bordeaux mixture by a new process, producing in one spr: operation the killing of nd preventing of blight, , Tust and fungus ee 1 0 ii ‘ not prepaid, 3; 10 lb. can, $2.75. et spraying or as 1 its, getables or yer, ‘Soluble Oil Cannot be mailed. ant spray for San Jose and ovster Shell Scale. Most effective Spray for tree festin scale and most soft bodie: i -No disagreeable bt ning of the eyes like I.ime Sul- May be used in spring or Mixes easily, has no sedi- mt. Dilute 1 gallon to 20 gal- | of water. _ B: express o” freight, not prepaid. gallon ey = 35; 5 ‘gallons, $6. 00. For the destruction of all leaf E For blight, mildew, rust and- 2. ders and Liquids are Not Mailable. Other Artie 1 Ip., '$2.25; 10lbs.,$8,50. | Kerosene. } 4 I } j | $3. 00; 25 Ibs.. the Weight Given “bage Sure pests door vines. time. time tion, Powdered Hellebore Can be sent Parcel Post. Thoroughly reliable for killing eurrant worms, ‘slugs, ete. Can be used when fruit is ripe and almost ready to eat. Made ‘from roots of Hellebore, this powder is poisonous to insects but not to human beings, Ap- ply as a powder, just as it comes from package. Not pre- paid. % 1lb., 35 cents; ib., 65c.; 5 Ibs., $2.75. Can be 4 Wg 35 25 Ibs,, Cannot be mailed. Better than Kerosene mule sion, mixes easier, has greater — killing power and is especially valuable against all soft bodied, chewing or sucking insects. ‘Can be used ¢ on practically all insects for which nicotine is employed. For wooly aphis on apple and } thorn, it is much more effective than Nicotine. ‘Dilute 1 part oil to 16 or 36 parts of water. pint can, 40c.; quart can, 1» We. j gallon can, $1.60 i 4 f BRAND RIS GREA i SG Dry Lime Sulphur express or Can be sent- by Parcel Post. § For dormant or summer” spraying § of f uit and shade trees, shrubs | bushes against San J ose and Oyster odor, n0- clogging of nozzle or | § Shell scale, also for peach leaf and brown rot of peaches. the effectiveness of liquid Lime phur, and is much easier to handle. 1 Ib. makes from 3% to 3 gallons of solution. Not prepaid. | 1 Ib.) 40c.; 5 Ibs. P's. 15; 10 lbs., $5.50, ] shrubs, H : ; N 8-ounce cake, gatos of Senedd solution, 35c, each, nostpala: Contains 80%. By express or freight, not prepaid, Paris Green _ Cannot be mailed. For use against potato bug, to- bacco worm, etc. Paris green, minimum danger of burning foli- age. Can be used wet or dry. a y, Ib., 20c.; vas Ib-, 35c.; 1 a = $2, 15: $18. 00. $6. "ibs, 28 Ibs., Has all _ Sulpho-Tobacco Soap. Can be sent by Parcel Post Destroys squash and Gentata bugs, currant or cab- worms, lice, green-fly, | mealy bug, red spider, etc. death to all animal and plant insects in- and out-of-doors. Of special value for spraying fruit trees and) Produces luxuriant | roses if bushes are liberally ‘sprayed before blooming Acts quickly and ef- fectively and at the same it is a fertilizer. _ 3-ounce cake makes 1144 “gallons of prepared solu- 15c. each, ‘postpaid. makes 4 evi ¥ a DERED HELLEBORE WHEN | FRUIT 1S WEL GROWN Cut Worm Killer sent Parcel Post, For use as killing bait against cut worms and slugs. around plants subject to attack. Cut worms do most of their damage in one or two nights, so advise having the killer on hand ready for use. oF 75 to 100 hills. Not prepaid. | Place 1 Ib. is sufficient cents; 5 es: ‘ Biss 35; $4 «Tb, ‘Kerosene Miscible ol “FOR PLANT LICE | yi AND, SUCKING INSECTS ‘high poison content, freight, not prepaid. and curl # Sul- Tiss ue Strictly pure Series nee fruits and Beabhsy from Aran vand blight by spraying or dusting. “we have found to be the very best; directions for their use are plainly printed on each package. les Wanted, but not Offered by Parcel ae Add Postare for All preparations listed on MARK . = : ’ 2 Hascmoad s Slug-Shot Can be sent by Parcel Post. ; For the destruction of potato bugs, cabbage worms rose bugs, slugs, and all lice, worms or ecaterpiilars, attacking trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables. 1-lb.carton with perforated top, 45 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1-lb. carton, 25 cents, d-Ib, package, 60 cents; 10-lb. package, $1.10. Readeana Insecticide nat Can be sent by Parcel Post, — . Superior to other insecticides, inasmuch as it is harmless to flowers or vegetables, and still is a ‘great killer of insects of every kind. Especially . adapted for cleaning {flowers of every kind of insects. 8-02. ean, 60 cts.; 24-oz. can, $1.25 each,. ‘postpaid, cae Red Wing Powder Can be sent by Parcel Post. — For the destruction of chicken lice, roaches, fleas, bed bugs, ants, cock-roaches, flies, etc. of fact, it will destroy all leaf eating insects that infect ‘the garden and house plant. Harmless to man and all animals. Trial size, 144 0z., 15 cents. Small size, 144 ozs., 30 cents; regular size, 3 0ZS., 55 cents; large size, 8 oz., $1.10; each, postpaid. ce _ Rajah Can be sent by Parcel Post. A Wonderful Insecticide and Disinfectant. Rajah as an insecticide will destroy all germs and insects such as ants, bedbugs, buffalo bugs, flies, mosquitoes, moths, roaches, weevils in beans,— peas and grain seeds; poultry lice and mites, fleas on dogs and cats, and keens flies and mosquitoes from horses and cows.. Whilst it will destroy all "germ and insect life, it is non-poisonous to other animals or human beings. ‘It is non-explosive. Not prepaid. %4-pint can, 35 centas! i-pint can. 50 cents; 1-quart can, “$1.00; 14-gallon can, $1.75; 1-gallon can, $2,50; 5-gallon can, $10.00. Tt wanted “by parcel post add postage for the weights given: 14-pint BASES. weighs 1 lb.; “Lpint weighs 1 lb., 1- quart cas 2 Ibs. hy J if} y end obs : Bug Death Can be sent by Parcel Post. ~ An efficient insecticide which contains no deadly poisons. Now largely used instead of Paris Green, safer, just as effectual. Can be used on all vegetable and flowering plants, trees or vines dry, or it can be mixed with water and applied with a sprayer. Bug Death also prevents blight. 1-lb. box with tin sifter top, 40 cents; 3 pounds, 80 cents, postpaid. Not prepaid, 1 pound, 20 cts.; 3 lbs., 45 cts.; BES 65 cts.; 1214 Ibs., $1.40; 100-Ib. keg, $8.75. Bug Death Aphis Can be sent by Parcel Post. A non-arsenital insecticide for many plant eating and sucking insects in the vegetable garden, flower ga den, or house plants, Sure death to lice, aphis, flea beetle, currant worms, etc., also prevents fun- | gus, insuring health to all plants. Apply by dusting. 5 lb 12-ounce sifter top package, 40 cents, postpaid. | Not prepaid. 12-ounce sifter top package, 20 cents; J 10 BoURS: $1, 40; 80-pound keg, 75, Bore As a matter — a POOP E Ss SWEET BEST MARKET SORT EXTREMELY pt ; EARLY DEEP BLOOD RED BEET 70 Maule’s Early Wonder Beet = = Ounce, 10 cents; quarter pound, 35 cents; pound, $1.10; 5 pounds, $5.25; 100 pounds, $100.00 | 125 Danish Ball Head Cabbage “STem* ; Half ounce, 20 cents; ounce, 30 cents; quarter pound, 85 cents; pound, $3.00