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i^i4f6) 226-63^0

®aiiU oi Ol0ntents

^l]t ^nslhtxs Report


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Tire President's Message

During my years at Algoma University College in Sault Ste. Marie, I had the prixilege of ha\ing an ongoing interaction with our Native Community.

I remember distinctly of one incident, standing on the front steps of Shingwauk Hall, with a 90-year-old Elder and a Medicine Man. The three of us stood quietly looking out o\'er our Campus and the St. Mary's River.

Pointing to our front lawn, the old Elder stated, "Many

battles have been fought here. My people would come prepared to talk of peace but at times they were


Then standing up straight, he proudly exclaimed, "But they were warriors! They were always prepared!"

As Christians, can we say the same? Spiritual warfare is real. We must always be prepared.

I trust this past year has added to your preparation; that it has better equipped you to li\'e that daily life, at times, in the heat of the battle.

You are a "Warrior for Christ". Wear his armour proudly, remembering, you do not walk alone.

Let's encourage each other by remembering God's special reference to Joshua's army as they moved into position on that great day when the sun and moon stood still. "The valiant warriors went up from Gilgal with Joshua." (Joshua 10:7)

Dr. Bruce E. Gordon President, OBC/OTS

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Many memories from this past year have been captured in this book. They are the good times with friends either shidying or playing or just plain procrastinating. Jus. as the contents will evoke the happy memories, there are also memories of the hard times, the battles that are always waged for one reason or another during a school year. The most exciting thing about that is that our Lord Jesus Christ and His Father and the Comforter have been there every step of the way. We as Christians ha\e built our lives on the foundation of the life of Jesus Christ. In the^^iable of the foolish man and the wise man, the wise man builds his house i rock. The rock for each of us is Jesus Christ. As many of^s^ " found out this year. He is the One upon whom we ca stand andnot be destroyed by the storms in our lives Thank you, Jesus, for being that Rock. We gi\'e YouJ all glory and honor.

The beaut)' and majesty of God' i- creation goes beyond

explanation, but ne\er be\'ond contemplation! A beautiful sunsi' on the beach at Awenda Provincial Park.<=

Our President, Trisha De\'rie

takes some

time to erase the pressures ot her rigorous >chedule, while cie\ eloping deeper relationships with her co-worker. How do \ ou steer this thing anvwav, Tanva? tl

The men ot OBL ore not only smart, full of wisdtim, romantic and friendh". The\'reassexvas the\- come, as you'can see by'the incredibly impressed ladies of OBC.Ii '

One of the prerequisites for the position of treasurer is the content of huge amounts of air. Or is

that hot air? =>

Hal I guess no one has bothered to listen to the weather report. Well, they'll be a swimmin' tonitel *=

Once upon a time in the land of OBC, the student leaders travelled to a far away place, Awenda Provincial Park, where all the families play. Everyone was really excited about the new year, but decided to take time out for ourselves. At least, that's' what most of us had in mind, right, Chris?!

Drip, Drop, Flash, BOOM!!! The familiar sounds of the first night. Hey, there is a flood in the basement of my tent. Xo, I eiidn't wet mv sleeping bag. I haven't seen this much water since the flood in Noah's day. While some worked hard diggiiig trenches around their tents, certain individuals, J. and D., slept in a nice dry car.'

Cherlvn Pagan had a farm, EIEIO. And on that farm she had "Sommerspv "? First day', it rained most of the morning', so rnan\' hopped in the bus and spent the afternoon at Cherh'n's farm. Some decided to toug,h it out and hang out at the campsite and had tons of fun. The weather cleared up'in the evening, but the wind picKed up. We headed to the beach to watch the whitecapped waves hit the rocks. \\Tio are the two bra\e souls who swam in these waves, Mimi and Shelly? Our \'er\' own ' On Shore Singers" entertained most of the trip. That night on the beach, they led praise and worship songs'. WTiat an opportuniu' to be surrounded by God's beaufs' and peace.

Sunshine, sunshine in m\- soul todaw What a great w'av to begin our second da\- camping. VVe began with some quality group bonding time. He\', Sco'tt, how far can \ou Flv? Then we headed for the beacli for the afternoon. Canoeing, swimmingTbeach \-olIe\'ball, football or just some relaxing in the sun. And for some extra excitement, how about we throw people with their 'clothes on in the water, eh, Sandy! OBC's famous leaning tower of Pisa, Four people high- AMAZlXG!

After a great afternoon, student leaders headed back to the campsite for a Dave Nichol's barbeque. Dut what is this!! OBC leaders had lost three kittens who then began to cry! What a long hike this is going to be. Shelly, Heidi and Danielle. What ha\e we here? What kind of example is thumbing a ride with a complete stranger?

To end our spectacular experience, we shared food, fellowship and fun. A huge thanks goes out to the entire Communit\- Life staff who organized an excellent fun-filled e\ent. Our group ponded together and learned tolean on God and each other. A special thanks to Dave N'ichciTs for great food that kept us going, riaht, Robin! Danielle Lamarche

I<ing, Ring. Hev, Donna, can you get that please?!!

\ ou like it? It only looks compact from the outside. Inside it's a luxurious, three story, fully furnished condominium complex. How 'bout that, eh! Rud\- Dirks showing us his "One person or Happv Couple Tent". OOOH, .AHHH! <^


Hmmm, 1 wonder if 1 shiuild tell Laura about the spider in her conflakes? Oh, Flip! Its too early in the morning to open my mouth. James and Laura, are they not a sight in the morning? No, James, vou can not have Laura's cereal.


"Look, it's a brand new, life size Squeeze A Laugh. If

you poke her just in the right spot, she laughs and laughs and laughs. Don't forget the trendy hairdo. Danielle having one of her better hair days. And hey, who's that? Is it Dumbo the Clown? Must be, he sure has a face like him. => 6

No, really. This is a lot of tun. We just smile pretty and Gary

and Margie untangle us. A few more hours and well be free.


During the Leadership Retreat, there were many initiati\c games to

participate in which taught us how to work together as a team and not as

separate members of the same btxlv. H

You've heard of the Wanderer. Well, I'm Mr. Happy Go Lucky. 1 ha\e no worries. I trust m\'self to the arms of my brt>thers and sisters. Yes, that's Happy Go Lucky. No Doubt, Eh? 1 wonder if Scott realizes the gravity of his situation. Rick: What would happen if 1 took my arms out at the last minute. OOPS, Hip the Dog! =>

.\.s Creati\ e

.Arts Chair you ha\e to explore new ways and means to make thi> \ear'> arts


wft'7 '^ ^^l^^^^^^l

cictn itu's more If^i^' .


appealing. AVhat do think oi embalming



worms? No,


\^ ^^^1

I'm serious!"

Tanya Hodgins caught in the act.






So you wanted to know how I came up with the name for Katimavik. Well, it's a long story. 1 was ernptying the recycling bins when... Creative .Arts Co-Chair Paul Abell talks with Peter Daxison during the boat ride to Center Island, li

Anything for a case of pop! Roomies share one of their first bonding experiences at the OBC MacFollies! Student Leaders Danielle Lamarche and Margie Dyck enjoy breaking eggs on Dan Flliot and Graham Buchanan's heads, ft

One of OBC's many attempts at equipping us for life. Does the name Ontario Bridal College ring a bell? An\ possibilities? Some of our Frosh getting to know each other and enjoying; the atmosphere at the Frosh

So what are you, an

Armenianist or a


Has this donkey from

the Center Island petting

zoo taken one of Dr. Duez's

theolog\ classes^ li

3oume7 To R ^^ote

When 1 showed up on that exciting, in\igorating, ner\e-racking, electrifying, important, stimulating, meaningful, galvanizing, joyous and even momentous Frosh mo\e-in day, I had yery little idea what 1 was really getting myself into. 1 had heard a lot about what it was like to liye in dorm at a bible college, but now I was going to experience this for myself. It felt as if some of the world's biggest c]uestions were all running through my mind at the same time. What would my roommate be like? Would 1 like the rest of the guys in my Rez? Would 1 be able to do all the work for the classes? What on earth is Katimayik? Hamburgers? What is up vyith that?!?

When 1 look back at Frosh week, two words come to mind. Acceptance and Community.

When 1 nio\'ed into OBC, I felt accepted. Through all the acti\ities we did that week, I felt an overwhelming loye flowing from the others on this journey to a whole new world. I did not feel as if 1 were on the outside looking in, but that 1 was on the inside looking out. Howe\er, if I were to speak honesth', it was not the programs that made me feel welcomed. It was that the upperclassmen would take time to show us the TTC or hang out in the lounges. It was the people that were there to just "be". This was the real reason for me feeling accepted at OBC.

Community is a big part of OBC life. We are a community of believers that are striving to live for God. During Frosh week, this was \'ery evident. From worship times to late night pizza runs, community was being built with those around us. 1 am close with those around me at OBC because during Frosh week, time was spent working on community. This is the only thing that can turn OBC into a life changing institution and not just a place to acquire knowledge.

As a Frosh, I want to thank those involved in Frosh Week '93. 1 had a blast. I li\ed. I laughed. It was better than Cats. 1 am only sad that I cannot be a Frosh again in '94. Richard Birch

1 111- anticipation iit a nuturing, ...Just a little closer.. .The last one who

\\ hoU'.sonH' nuMJ. The few times you tried to pet me is suffering from a lack of

,v;et a k>nging for a good egg finger disease.

Mclieaver. _ Wfll, we didn't \uw to call yi 1. Krista Webb

Student Leaders join witli the Frosh in managed to keep all of her fingers after her encounter

preparing for a very much anticipated meal. with this guy. 11

Our Leadership is caring, friendly and loving. Well, at least when the cameras are around.

New Apocrypha Editor Susv Kim shares a hug and a smile with Jen Mitchell. But what are those fingers doing sticking out of your head, Jen? JJ-

Should I stand or sit? Should I look at the camera? Oh, John, I hate pictures! Well, girls, how about sideways? Some of the South Frosh spend some time getting to know each other.

Where did

I'm so excited

vou go to?

and 1 just

Somehow 1

can't hide it.

don't think

I'm about to

we're in

lose control


and I think 1


like it.

Chris Locke

Richard Birch

tries to figure out

falls asleep on

how to get out of

the subway on

the maze at


Center Island.


E\er\' picnic has its unexpected guests. But unexpected is not necessarily un welcomed. Praise God for His creation. Tliese geese were only some of the wonders of God that could be seen at the Center Island Picnic. _..

What a fine bunch, gracing the ground of Canada's Wonderland! Hey, Lydia, nice floating hand trick!

Some of our newcomers enjoying a trip to Toronto's - amusement park. "

Deep down she


Get away from

me before 1

become upset and

disable that


Tara Belliveau is caught in the act during move-in day- =>

This is wh\

vou should never be an anchor for a pyramid



when vou




have to hit



the can! Hi,




This IS how lohn and Lana introduced themselves to the Frosh! =>





Bruckner finds out whv we call lohn

Bowman, The Man Who Is .Almost Omnipresent'l Did you get behind your ears too? =>

Hey, sweet thing! What do you say we go read some Scripture? And we'll share my highlighter!

John Ireland gets to "nose" a I roshladv during an Orientation Wi^kactivitv 1}

A is for APPLE! B is for BIG WOMAN! Uh...um...What comes next Steve? I think it's C... but.. .I'm not sure!

Big Brother Sandy Mackley helps Steve Lougheed pick out some courses as he registers for classes. 11


Mmmmm...I just love.. .to.. .stuff.. .my face. .all the. .time! Anvtime...Mmmm. Centre Island provided many with a very satisfying and enjovable time, especially at supper, right, .Angela'" ...



Lot mc got this straight! You'ro noi Bruco Gordon and we can't cut a deal? New student David Plain discusses a financial situation with Anne McLean from the Business Office. =>

Ahh! This is why wo call OBC the place where we know how to dress. Some of our Frosh ladies chatting before the Frosh Banquet. Ii

Josh: "Look, Trevor, if you don't get it right, I'm going to get real angry! Now keep in time, Mister!" Trevor: "Uh... Yeah.. .OK!"

One of the manv \\a\s students passed the time away during the line ups at registration, ff

Reverse the engines. Captain! We're

heading for the Black Hole...! AHHHHH! Frosh Margie May is showing us what

undigested food looks like. Oh, is that a cavit%' I

Come here. I'm not going to hurt vou. Honest!... Kara Riepma attempts to put a strangle hold on something in her closet. =>

The joy of the Lord is reaching and transforming the hardest of Hearts, even Oscar couldn't resist it.

It's not easy being GREEN. Hey there Kim, you gotta little something in vour hair. 11

Script sav that we will not inherit the Kingdom of God, unless we become like little children. Some of our OBC frosh have taken this to Heart. Children, I hate children! Whats wrong Holly? Did you wet your diaper. M


Oh, Debbie. Don't be too proud cause you missed a spot shaving.

Debbie Harris showing us her almost clean and smooth legs. =>

"Hev, Look what 1 found in here. Can I keep her Mom, Oh can L can 1. PLEEEASE!

Mike and Kendra playing in the lea\es during one of thier many romps in the park, ff

As the workload increases, students at OBC plead with the Lord for deliveance.

The Rapture perhaps.

Come on Rev you can do a better job on your

makeup than that. \^





I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys R' Us kid....

Kid will be kids, I'd say. WhatdoyouthinkMartha? :










P^B^^^CaTj^iP^f^ ^^^L

VVt'if tlie 1 lapp\ - Co-Lucky crowd. We're smooth, cool, calm, and collected. Nothing can touch us.

-Sonic imitation ot an airplane guys<=

LOOK! It's a huge chicken! Guickget the Colonel. Turning yellow Sandy. Or Could it be that your a little chicken? =>

At OBC teaching methods are becoming more practical e\ervdav. Here we have an example of God's surrounding Love. —AIRHEADS!! What are you doing? =>

But why Bert? Why didn't you talk to me about it? I wouild understand. Confess, Loma. You did it, didn't you? You killed Bert and all because he was seeing another girl.

I know. Oil of Olay works better, but if it doesn't match my wardrobe I won't put it on my face. We know who you are so vou can take the mask ofCinny. =>

Another great moment in the Jays Odyssey to a back to back World Series Championship. —Hey, IS that Dave Nichols inthecrowd? Naw.couldn't be. He's a Phillies fan. Jl



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Ill sick and tired ot \ on bi)rrovsing ni\ oths. Off with the track pants cause I

want my shorts back!"

Tim Ricliards having a small game of Tug-O-War

ivith John's track pants. Guess who's losing! IJ.

You too can smile and know that the world will smile along with you. Just remember... Use Close-Up!

Steve and two other commuter students caught by the camera while they were skipping class (kidding). Are they doing a Sears pose or what! 'ff

"Alih man, there's nothing like a good neck massage after 3 hours of theology. She had great hands. What was her name anyway?"

Hey, look! It's Guy Smiley, right here at OBC. Can 1 have your autograph? =>


Hello, e\erbodv. We're here. The fabulous, hip-shaking, hair- raising, make-you-laugh till you loose it, Steve and the Wedgers.

Who let in all the Steve Urkle look-a-likes? Too scarv! IT

"Oh, 1 hate it when vou guvs do this! Next thing you knov\' we'll ha\e 'Fatal Attraction 11' happening here. I will not be held responsible! Kim MacEachem getting her light lit from Sandv and Dvvayne. "I'm not EXCiTABLE,guys!"

"When off the field, take my ad\'ice. Be careful who you sit beside. Where did they dig this









"Well, it's like this. If I felt like telling you about myself, I would, but, hey, I donl! April Morgan giving us one of those "it's not my day" faces. Too bad, the camera caught her. fl

one up? II

"I know it's in here somewhere. 1 could \e sworn it ran this way. Actually Jamie, I'm kinda tired of chasing around these things. I think you need to get a flea collar."

Sarah checking out Jamie's hair transplant. How's it doing, Sarah? "Well " fl

Simon says, "Lie down on your back and frolick Hke little babies!" Some of our Frosh and Senior students showing the ladies how to act like real men.

No really, come here.

this the face of someone about to do anything

mischievious? C'mon don't you trust me? Graham Buchanan trying to hide that rather Large

The price is high for all those of you who fail to meet the deadlines. I want the pictures developed by 9:00 am sharp!

This is what happens to those who mess with my yearbook. Ha Ha Ha! =>

All Heaven Declares, The Majesty of the Living God.

One of the manv beautiful


I always knew all these hands would get nie into trouble somedav. Somebody HELP! They are out of control.... If you poke me in the right spot I just might be able to get

I i/\vi-; wi' f.tTii


I C >!■; N c >L I



No this is not a dance in the RD's apartment. Merely an expression of Joy and Happiness with a lot of movement. Remember, Christians don't dance. It leads to all kinds of things. Blaine do you have to i;o to the bathroom? <=




Some of us are morinig

people and others, well

Awwww, come on Roseman' smile for the camera. It


Through Jp^siic C hrisT, To whom hp tor roi*. Anion.

leb 11:20 21


Lana Lorraine Baglole BRE

It hasn't been an easy 3 years, but I have madeit. ToiMyprofessors-mvmindhas grown. 5&4N- YOU'RE THE BEST! All myfriends(lYr.Spec,)-Thank you; Hove you and miss you terribly. CB, G&CH-I iove you! Thanks so much for your friendship. NT-I love you!!! CD)-Thank you for everything, good and bad. I'm glad we're friends! My wonderful, loving parents-Thanks for everything. Pam- Thank vou, big sister!My Lord and Saviour-I mav not have been perfect. 1 ha ve done my best. Thank you for loving me. You're the reason 1 am here today! 1 Corinthians 13:11 (Rev)

Shelly Beal BRE

Alias: Happy FeeKright, John?! ) OBC-What an experience! Thanks soo much for teaching me how much I didn't know! I'm going to miss the laughs, the pranks (both as the giver and receiver), John's laugh, and the music majors, WE RULE!!! (Oh . and I lo\e you, George!)

Marti Beamish (nee- Wakefield) BRE

My four years at OBC have now come and gone. I am grateful for the opportunity. To LM, VW and Jo B., thanks, you guys taught me a lot. 5C Rules! To my mom, thanks, you're the best. Most of all, thank you, God, for my husband. J.T.- 1 couldn't have doneit withoutyou. lloveyou. Prov.3:5,6.

Sarah Christin Card BRE

It is with joyful, heartfelt gratitude that I say good-bye to you, my dear friends. You are precious to me.

And "to H im who is able to keep you from falling & to present you before his glorious presence without fault & with great joy-to the only God our Saviour-be glory, majesty, power & authority through Jesus Christ our Lord, beforeall ages, now & forevermore! Amen." aude24,25)

DwayneCline BTh

Thank you. Mom and Dad, for your support and love. Thank you. Dr. Russell and Dr. Duez. Thanks to my friends who have pushed me on to be more like Christ. You mean so much to me. I love you. Most importantly , thank you. Lord. You brought me here. Now lead me and help me to follow You no matter the cost.

Patricia OeVries BRE

Mv three years at OBC have elchi\i many memories in my mind and heart .Ml thanks gix's to the Lord, first and foremost To Penn, Swack and Tan thanks for the awesome times toovale unforgettable memones...!>N, pi/va tea, malls, Cuelph, flixir hockc\ cruLsmg, Ottawa and the list goes on ForTS.you reagixid friend and tfianks lor all the eventful times. To my "litlle brothers", RB, SN, you guys have definitely been an encouragement to me Tomy dearest Rob, your love and support are truly appreciated. 1 lo\ e you! August 27, 1994 is our day!

Joy R. Dickson BRE

OBC has been an experience which I will never forget, both the fun times and the difficult times. I am thankful to God for mv learning here and for the people that He sent my way who have touched my life. May my life, and the lives of those who graduate withme,always reflect what we have learned at OBC. (1 Cor. 15:51-57)

John F. Dundys BRE

How can I begin to describe my life at OBC, for the past several years, in a few words?! How about two words life- changing. Thankx to all my good friends the Body of Christ Special thankx toGixd the Father. God the Son, and God the Spirit for making all things possible. Psalm 71


Matthew H. Dyck BKS

"\ou shall teardovvn thoiraltars, and smash their sacred pillars, and hew down their Asherim, and hurn their graven images with tire. Tor you are a holy pi\>pletotheLord yourCod; the I ord your God has chosen you to be a people for His own piissession out of allthe peoples w hoareonthefaceoftheearth." Deut.7;5-6

Tammy Friesen l!KE

I he past 2 years seem to have heen made up of 1 struggleafter another but I can see how God has used these struggles to strenghtenmeasaperson. As I now entera world of uncertainty, I rest assured in the fact that "with my Father shining down t)n

me I'll reach farther thanmy dreams." (WhiteHeart-"Silhouette")

Krista Giles BRE

I came knowing little and I lea\'e feeling like I know less. Through domi tun, studentcouncil, classes, music lessons,hair, lane, laughter, food, skiing and especially relahonships, I'vecertainly s-t-r- e-t-c-h-e-d through this chapter in my life. Three years of security is overandnowonto...SoJesushelp me to use this precious gift for your service. Life's definitely a symphony, but You are the Great I AM. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Keri Gilroy BRE

To the 1 Yr. Music remainders, Mimi, Kim, Di, Tara, Matt, Mom, Dad and Boo. Thank you so much for making it a little easier with your Wisdom and Love. Wally, a most Godly man, thaiJc you. Remember...

Til be there when thechoresare through if you get there before I do..."

- Colin Ray "Love Me" God bless vou all.

Judy Fay Gomes BRS

In these walls,

1 '\e been stretched;

r\egrown,cried and laughed.

In these wall,

r\e experienced

God's faithfulness, holiness and

love. And now,

1 continue my journey with Him, outside of these walls. To my Heavenly Father, family and friends (esp. LM & BS): Thanks, and I love you ! Ps.62:ll-12a - Terminator /Mom

Ava Ha BRE

I ha ve a wonderful time at OBC. I met many peoples and made a friendship with them. Three years study have help my spiritual life grow. Thank you Lord to guide and teach me on hiswavsatOBC.

Glen Heslinga BTh

1 ha\'e learned, not how to make a living, but rather how to live. Lord, may 1 live my life for You. 1 thank you OBC for the many amazing memories. To all my friends, and my special little friend, I thank you and 1 love you. "The graceof our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." -Rev. 22:21

Tanya Hodgins BRE

So do not fear, for I am with

you donotbedismayed,forlam

your God. 1 will strengthen you and help

you; 1 will uphold you with my

righteous right hand .

(Isaiah41:10) God has proven to me His faithfulness throughout the past 3 years. I leave with gained knowledge, wonderful friends and fond memories.


Bev Hunt BRS

Thank you. Lord, for the priviledge of studying at OBC. You have provided me with an excellent road map to use as 1 continue my travels along the only true, adventurous road of life.

Allowing Jesus to take the lead is, by far, the most exciting and challenging way to go. Phil. 4:13

D. J. (Jaszczak) BRE

In the pa-st four\ ears, I ha\egro\\Ti in m\ walk with Gixi. I have realized that I will continue to growwith every new step. Thank you to those who talked with mi and helped me to realize that I am a special person in Christ. Coral B thank you for beingmybestfrieni.i who I could count on for hone-t talks. I will never forget you. Finally, I am ready for You, m\ Lord. Take me where You ha\ i willed. Thanks! Love vouall! Isaiaih40ii

Ross H. Kennedy BRS

Isaiah 40:31 : They will soar on wings like eagles.. ..Lord, You called and I came reluctantly! My time here at OBC was one I will never forget. Thanks to my profs and my family and my family to be! Thanks and praise to my fiancee, Ann Margaret, for her support and to God: I will serve you both with my life.

Nhai Knounvongsa BRS

A vous, mes bien-amies parents, freres et soeur, je dis, "Merci beaucuop!"

O God, You have brought me this far, let me not forget it, nor despise it, nor be silent about it But gently make my heart and my mind open to the re\ealed and focuson the yet unre\ealed Friends, fight and run for the battle and the race are of God.

Gord MacCormack BTh

1 feel as if I am beingmoulded as clay bv the Potter. This piece of work will not he complete in a short time.but will takealifi'time Thank vou, OBC, for being an integral part of this process. Because of \ou, my lo\c for God and others has been magnified . I take with mo an abundance ot treasure; friends, n-iemnru's, questions,vision.and quite .1 tew nicknames! 1 thank Cod for m\ friends and the times we shared (vou know who vou are), my parents (I lo\e \ouT^oth), and fo'r thegraceHehasshowTime.Iwant Him to know! Phil. 3:10

kimberlv MacEachem BRS

Where was P Did I wake or sleep? Had I been dreaming? Was I dreaming; stilP" Charlotte Bronle

The line that you gave me is the reason 1 dream." Rita MacNeil Dad . Mom - Thank you for that love. OBC: These three years have been a great gift from God. In you, my friends, I've seen Jesus Jennipher, vouvcdreamed with me I love you. to Cape Breton, 1 offer much thanks for the bcaut\' of your seas and the soul ot your people. Yet, to the greater rock, the One to which I ding, I give all the praise. "Oh Thou My Joy!"

George Nikolas Manias BTh

The law of the Lord is perfect, re\i ving the soul; the decrees of the Lord are sure, making the wise the simple: the precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to theheart;the commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eves; the fear of the Lord is pure,.. .theordinancesof the Lord are true. ..More to be desired...than...even much fine gold. Psalm 19:7-10

John Stephen Marquis BRE

Jer 29:11

N.N.: Big John, aka Highlander. Thank you: Father Cod for sending Your Son, Christ Jesus for recondlir-; me before God. Dad, Mom, Sis, Angu & Grandma. Ian, Kev, Glen, String i Bethy, Mark & Mary, Phil & Andrew for being great friends. Rev. Gene 1 for being there when I needed him Yes, Gene, there will be hippies ir heaven, the long hair & cowboy boot^ won't keep us all out & the straights won't be the only leaven. To CCM for starting a good work in me thru the Spirit. Especially M. Heard, Rez, P. Keaggv, King's X, R. Matthews, L. Nomian, D&K, & K. Livgren. "Love is not the only thing, hut it's the best thing." M. Heard.


Chris Matthison BRE

I Jki it; I Hii.illv m.ido it through! 1 iiK\di.'.i lotcitlrit'nds.ind won't torgft thorn ThanksOBC tor four iTii^y years of stress. Thanks also to Dr. B. and her Associates. .\ND 4 Central, I think you almost killed me this year, or put me close to it! God Is Awesome! Remember Hebrews 10:24.

Colin Matthison BRE

At one point, we lost but we became His. As we leaveOBC, it is our turn to make a difference for God. Thanks Heather, Jill, lara, Judy, Gary, Breton, Beverly, Danielle and so many <ithers who played a role in my life at OBC. Thanks Sandy & I .ynn for always being there for me. A special thanks toSoo, the one who brought me out of my shell. Prov.3:.'5,6

Jennipher Mauger BRE

1 began OBC with tears ha\ing to leave my faniiK' in Cape Breton and 1 finish OBC with tears having to leave a much bigger family. You, my friends, havepushed me to become more like my precious Saviour. I treasue and thank you for your efforts. To my profs, my dorm, mv big brothers and Cherl\n,\ou've gone beyond the call ot duty. Mom, Dad and Kim, you have made the journey with me. My deepest gratitude. Now, lead on, O King Eternal.

Beverly Lynn McDonald BRE

Thanks, friends, for your love and support. Lesley, Sarah and Joy, you've taught me so much. Gary, thanks for letting me get to know you and for accepting me. I love you! Mom and Daddy, thanks for your support. Jesus, my Savior, thank You for Your grace. OBC, I will miss you! In His Service!

James Christopher Alexander



"lust one spark of decency Against the starless night One glow of hope and dignity A child can follow the light No matter what they say" (Peart)

Let us be "A Blaze of Everyday Glor\", a reflection of God's great love in all that we do (II Tim. 4:1-5) To my Dearest Friend, Rickie: Thank \ou for e\er\'thing. "A treasure's vvhati,'ou are," Let usdance forever, rain or shine. 1 lo\e you!!

Nestor Medina BRE

Lord, there are no words to express my gratitude towards You for having been with me during my journey in College. All that 1 am and all that 1 could ever be, I owe to You. Pro v. 1:7 Samia, thank you \'ery much for your unconditional support. 1 love you very much.

Jennifer (Goodwin) Mousley BRE/ECE

Against all odds! It seemed everything was against me! You were there to carry me! Now may I carry you ever3rwhere I go. Thanks!

Mom & Dad, I love you. Thanks Robert, John, Shirley and the Mousley's. Thanks KAU 4ever KW, CH, BW, KD. GT, Thanks for making me laugh. Love, Jenn.

Robert Mousley BTh

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Prov. 3:5-6)

Thank You, God, for teaching me so much. Jenn, I love you. Thanks for everything. Thanks SM, CM, JD, LP, CS, BW, JV, DL.

Emmanuel de Vera Palisoc BRE

"I know that Thou canst do all


And that no purpose of Thine

can be thwarted."

ToGod be the glory forevenmore!

Many thanks to my family, for

their love; my friends, church

families & faculty, for their

prayer-filled support; and most


faith in me. Mahal na mahal ki ta!

Heidi Lea Victoria Patriquin BRE

Therefore, since we are surrounded b\ such a great cloud of witnes.ses, let u^ throw off eventhing that hinder? and the sin thai soeasilv entangles, and let u^ run ttith perseverance the race markeo out for us. And this is my prayer that your love may abound more annd more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that vou may be able to discern what i> best and mav bepure and blameless unti I thedayofChrist.(Heb.l2:l.PhU.4<»,10 To all those at OBC or elseivhere w h. have touched mv life, a verv special than k vou. I \vill show vou bv mv faith what i do.0ames2;18b)

r. pE>.7pu6t \\£k'A£

G. Belgrave Pelle BRE

If God be for me, who can be against me? Who shall separate me from theloveof Christ?Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No, in all these things 1 am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. Romans 8:31b, 35, 37

Erin May Penney BRS

"Friendship exhibits a glorious 'nearness by resemblance' to Heaven itself, where the very multitudeoftheblessed increases the fruition which each has of God. "-C.S.Lewis In my 3 yrs here, it is you whom I've plaved with, prayed with, laughed with and lo\e that I'm grateful for.

I have drawn closer to being the one He has always meant me to be. He is the Potter. I am the clay. Thank vou, I ord

Alister R. Penny BRS

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy sot before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb.l2:2

Stephanie Phillips BRE

"Space in your face." - The Galatic Cowboys OBC - complete insanity Lambert the flying Ewe, BOC . the man with the hair. Ken, Vem and the 5S dance club. Thr voungest OBC graduate MBl' The Golden Gridd le! "Be strong and courageous. Di not be terrified, do not bi discouraged, for the Lord you i God will be with you wherevii you go." Joshua 1 :9

Amy Russell BRE

1 came here uncertain of the futureand I leave here uncertain of the future, yet sure that God's love and faithfulness will carry me through. Thanks OBC for: 520, 510, 542, "the stick", FHD, voUevball, Jules, Heath, Pamnier, RAing, 5S 93/94 - You're the best! My family - Thank you. I love you.

Kim Swackhamer BRE/DSW

I leave OBC after 3 incredible years in which God has drawn mecloser to Him, revealing His faithfulness and love in so many ways especially through 3 special friends: PD, TH, and EP. Thanksforall thememoriesand forbeing there through both the laughter and the tears. To TS: Thanks for your understanding. To AW:Thanksforyour constant support, encouragement and love.

Bob Tacky


Winners Never Quite And

Qiiiters Never Win.

" 1-orgetting the things that are

behind and pressing toward

\s hat is ahead, 1 presson toward

the goal to win the prize for

which Cod has called me

heavenward in Christ Jesus."


EmitaTrenholm BRE

I thjnk Cod lor His faithfulness over ttiese pjst two very STRKSSFLL yeors. To Mom, Dad, & Michclli': Thanks lor sticking with me through the second graduation. 1 couldn't have made it without you!!!

Terry, thanks for being that special friend, fiancee, & listening ear (even though the phone bills are high). Finallv, to all mv Seneca/OBC friends: You were the best sympathizers when the assignments got rough. Thanks a million & all the best in future endeavors.

Nancy Varga BRE

"A true friend is forever a friend."

I thank you, my forever friends, for your laughing, understanding and caring through the enlightenment and struggles of my OBC years, and for the years ahead.

Tanya L. Waldron BRE

I give God the glory and honour for all that He's done. Jesus, I thank you for the friends and memories from OBC and for all the ways vou'\e changed me. 1 look to the future with great expectations.

A special thanks to Heather for vour friendship and supporhve and loving nature. You are a blessing from God

Dave Young BRE

"Two roads in a wood di\'erged - and I, I took the one less travelled bv and that has made all the difference." Thanks to Jesus Christ, Brighton Bovs and beautiful wives, John Bell, W'ilsonfamilv, my family (Dad), Garth Wilson, Lefty, and last but far from least - my Precious Gift from God - Martha L\nn (You are my beloved, and my friend),

I love vou all, Shaka! !

Heather Ann Young BRE

That 1 mav know, vet more, and

mcire The loveof God, whom I adore; That I may be, increasingly. The person that He would ha\e

me be; That loved and kept, I may find

grace To ser\e before Him, face to face; .•\nd that, at last my great reward Mav be the "Well done!" of my

Lord. - Henry Weston Frost Lead on my Sa\'iour and King. Amen.

Simon Chun Sing Yung BRE

I will praise you, O Lord,

among the nations; I will sing of you among the

peoples. For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the

skies. Be exalted, OGod, above the

hea\ens, and let your glory be over all

the earth.

Bruce Allen BRE


Gary Burke BRE

Melissa Huddart-Samchek BRS

James Pesce BTh

Rauni Salnincn BRL

Sandra Somers BRE

Gary Tsc


Christine Anne DuMoulin BRE

O = open door, obed ience, office (Lise & GW), opportunities (Field Ed., placements), old roomies (CB & BK), o-so-manv smiles

B = Bible, busyness, best friend (then fiance; new husband- thanks for your deep love & support, Troy), best parents (thanks for your love & understanding),blessings. C = Christ, cross, courage, communitV'. Gal. 1:10

Roderick Philip .Alvin Lamb BRE

The more we love, the more pain we suffer. I thankall my brothers and sisters in Christ for being here with me. God bless! Jesus will never fail us.

We came, we saw, we left.

Wesley Lim BRE

My heartfelt thanks to my family; my best friend Hung Ling and her family;all my profs at OBC who helped me to experience God. Above all, I thank my Lord Jesus who made Himself real to me through His Word. "You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you." Psalm 118:28

Kevin Liscombe BRE

Never give up. Never look back Never let hard times push you off your track. I share this with my dad, my wife and kids.


David Chung Pierre Herou\ kin Ho Reina Hung

Alan E.Todd BRS

TliLTC is little hope tor us until we become tough-minded enough to break loose from the shackles of prejudice, half- truths, and downright ignorance. Through my studies Joon Lee here, the Lord has allowed me to see the great battle that stands Kelly Kao

before us. , , ^ ,,


Doris Lee

Yung Lee

Bftsv Marie VVarnar BRL

BRE Can Thanh Nguyen BRE Amanda Tucker

BRS Brian Palmer BRE

BRE Janet Rasmussen BRS

BRS Brian Schnurr BRE

BTh Harald Seidlcr BRE

BRE Jonathan Smith BRE

BRE Robert Speakman BRE

BRE David Staffen BRE

BRE lennvTan BRS

Not all of the graduates' time was spent in the books. Here are a few of them that the Yearbook Committee was able to catch on film. Remember to congratulate them on their accomplishments when you see them

1 . 3 South RAs Kim MacEachem and Jennifer Mauger

2. Male Social Conx'evTior James MacFayden and Creative Arts Chair Tanya Hodgins

3. 4 Central RA Chris Matthison 4. 3 North RA Gar\' Burke and

Big Sister Be\'erly MacDonald

The graduate names that appear here are a combination of those who planned that they would graduate and those that appeared on the potential graduate list that was received from the Registrar's office on January 26, 1994. To those who were not able to complete their graduation requirements, good luck with your studies as you attempt to graduate in 1995. To those who were successful in completing their requirements - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!. Good luck and God's blessings in the future. Enjo\ your graduation day - \'ou deserve it!

We don't care if the rest of OBC can't see the parking kit ii^ more than just ,\ bi inch of potholes. We ve discovered It holds thekev to good looks an rejuvenation. Iniii us in 1 > 1 1 ' campaign. Don't Pave OBC s

Parking Lot. >ou Look M.irvelous, Darlingsl


nore Mr. \iceCiu\I \\c put up \\ ith \our ji iaughmg long enough. You'\e been a pani in the i too long. Now it's Mv Turn! VVhv is she smiling^ '^

\ ou might like helium because of how it makes you talk. 1 just like the way it makes me feel. Kevin, vou lixik a little light-headed. =>

It's always nice to know oiir safet\ is the hands ot t]ualified, carin*;, concerned people ready to give their all for the well- being of their fellow students. (Joy Wood)

I was just standing here beside

myself perplexed at'the situation. It 1 keep tiiem, things will ne\er again look the same. What do 1 d o ? ( D o n Ludlow) =>

When out of funds, there's no telling what people will do to get free coffee at the tuck shop. Keep smiling, guys! You might win them over yet! c=

N ou see, the secret is in the lazy e\e. One good long look and tiiere's not one of them who will stick around unless you wanthimtostickaround. Then you put on the charm." Once again, Tara takes off the mask.


I'jul Abell


Trevor Autoin


MikcConuMu HKl

Jonathan listey^

Non-Student Resident


Brian Lindstrom



Kuss lld\nos




Carsten Lorenz


Sandv Macklev BRE

\slju Hodeih.1



l.ihn DundN


Mali |)\ck

Mark li'tl.iscn HKl

oon 1 ec HIM


Mall McKeown

\iin-Student Resident

Orim Meikic BRs


I hi" gu\s cil 1 .\oilli aiv ii ^pt'cicil bunch of guvs. We're deeply committed toChrist in ourdaily lives, from our studies, weekly dorm meetings and prayer meetings to our successful clorm supper. We're grateful for the opportunites God places before us anti do it all to His glorv. Rich Hutchings


( niLouinv soDriT]

Kim MacEachern





L>.l 1 Hoi Mils 1 J






Patricia Blake




Ava Ha


You may enter the 3rd tloor south dorm and fiiid it unbearably quiet at times. But don't be dismayed if suddenly out of the blue, sorneone with yellow hair leaps out of her room and yells out, Vania! Get back in here and do your homework!' Vun's nowhere to' be found when I go looking for her! Sandra deFreitas ^ ^^






Kent Babbev


David Bell

P.I 11


Barry Doner


Dietmar |as/c/jk.


Kevin lohnsttn


^ET 1^



Michael Bow\er


Rob Bovd


Brel Chapman





Duane jukema

|a\ lehnian One "iear Special

t olin Mallhison BKI

James McFavden ERE

Dave I'olman Seneca / Recreation


Da\e Iu^han



We made it a piiorit) of our dorm that we would grow in our prayer lives. As a dorm we believe that a dorm without prayer is a dorm without blessings, and a dorm without prayer is a dorm witout power. The world may doubt the power of praver; the saints of North know better. Ke\ in lohnson





Julie Hackett




Andrea Johnston

Lvnn Macklev

Ellie Manzo


Lisa Wiebe One Year Special



Scott Nvp



Graham Buchanan



Uan Llliott One Year Special

Andrew Mack Stewart Mavnell

One Year Special BTH

Jamie Simpson

One ^ear Special

Scott VVaddell


Uonnie I'eterN Seneca/Fire Protection


Kidiard Birch


John Bon man


I rank (Juan BRl

SloM- Kan^;




Blaine Scott Jonathan Scekings

Hill Seneca /Aviation



Wo hc)\e the i\pc ul Linit\ tlvit \t)ii can only experience with a group ot brothers in Christ. It has been a pure jov to spend the last eight months with these guys. We were a strong unit that supported each other no I matter what the cost. Tliat is what is I up w ith thati .Xndrew Mack


( u$^^^ cei^j^tkal]


Sarah Card


Mimi Romulus

Heather Bogar

Natasha Gascho

One \e4ir Special

Lesley Harris



Cind\ Nvp BRE '

Allene Huber

L ot T Physiotherapy

Jennifer Osbourne

Xon-Student Resident


Holly Burbridge

t liu- ^ear Specuil

Angela kaldeuav

One year Special



Tara Lindemann


Beyerh McDonald


/ / .^i

Surely we are the loudest, most., .well, girl-giggly dorm that has EVER existed. But hey, we are also sugar and spice and all other things nice. Tara Lindemann


\ \




Sieve Bussev


Dwavne Clir

B 1 1 1


linlii Brown |(injthan t (illin

Craig Strong Uarrell I ritton


Udve 'ioung


\|jrk C onnL'IU I'oter Da\ ison

: :.• ivU

\i.iti 1 .1.. ,ii,s





- ■i;on


M.irk l'.ij;i-

Ir.-M.r Kussi-ll




It .ill >tartL'd on September Mh. Who would have known! Hey guys. Pizza, Beckers? The South will reign, the mightv men of South are terrific, awesome and what about those wild Tuesda\s and Wednesdays full of praise. Whatcanlsay? Whciwould've known! Most important, whatever happens, we did it first!



Amy Russell l'.im Stringer Tjrj Belli\e.iii I eigli Benjllkk I'.uiLi C h.in I orna C harles

KRll HK^ ' I;K1 ' liKI I'.KI I!K1 I I I

Michelle Kim

^ET 1^

Cynthia Leung

'^ork BSC

21. Girls. Dance. George. Muffin. Food. Ugle. Ernie. Quiet? LOUD! Studv? PROCRASTINATE! Sisters. FRIENDS!! Margie May

|ov Dickson



Naomi Estabrooks

Esther Gaines


Krista Hall

C'lH' 'icir Spra


^ "-* '■'• *

Margie Mas



kathv Penner


Stephanie Phillips BKE

Rosemarv Scharfe

BRl 1\ I

Cherilvn Waine



Tanva Waldron




April Morgan's impression of OBC : "Aucsome, great, you know, .'njoyable, wonderful. "

Janine Donald H |,ike Diiock BRE H LiuirJ.ULd




Christine DuMoulir








f -





t?ri Gil



Karen Isaac


Hui-Jong Kim



lairo Issendi

Rudi Feichtinger



1 i

Stephanie Hancock

L ndc'clari'd

Kin Ho




Jennifer lohnson


Abraham Kattuparampil




John Kim


Myungah Kir BRE


OBC is a spiritual smorgesboarci. There is a great deal of activity occuring here. I consider it a pri\iledge to be among the file and rank in cfoing battle at this institution to the glor\' of God the Father in the name of His Son and bv the power of the \\o\\ Spirit. Amen. Adam Sutherland


Dev Hulirai



Tanya Kunzelmann One Year Special

lena Kiioack

L ndixKu-rd

Aileen Law


.Ann Margaret Hudgins


Ian Kerr



y coHHuiejis



*^ ^-'*

K.irl.i I ecs


John Marquis BKfi

Bclgravc Pelle



VVcslev I ini


Ke\in I iscomhi

\S.ill\ I lilt




sifxo I (Hii;lioi-d LiKlcd.ircJ

^ %


i 'iH- ^ i-.ir ^(x-i 1,1

lilli.N \iiu.rs

<.i(iri;e \l.ini.i-.


D.ui.n Mill.N

I nim.inuol Palisoc


Cheryl 1'iir.incn

[ rik ruranen



\talthi-\v Rainc

tllcn Richardson



Mark Ro


|ohn Rodermond




. .tlu' stui.i\ litf IS quilf VNi-ll establishod with the KKultv and Christian education. The students are h\elv - some people are renlK invoked in studies while others are in\ol\ed in conimunilv lite. To me there a re t wo kinds of people at OBC. Shirlev ^ iiiv'



Trevor Townsend Stephen Tripp

Undeclared Liidec hired

Cm Ts


lohn Ltke



Erendira Visser


Jacqueline Weelink BTH



Da\id White Undeclared


Heather VVeick


naun Wilson



Tlie thini; that I like about OBC the miist is bringing vour Bible to class. r\e ne\er haci that experience before. Da\'ic1 Narine

\ancy \ arga


Pauna WiKcin

Vu-\ ing U'ong One "^ear Special


Simon ^ ung BRE


^ -^^ ^ ^5^ ^^5^ ^^ ^^ v^^




cin.ci aTricd: uou. didn t

Well, well, well, it's about time that you students were able to see exactly what you never did see in the way of your mug shots. These are the best of the bunch and we on the Yearbook staff hope that you have a good laugh at those who either blinked when the flash went off or just responded to someone that was talking to them at the wrong minute. Oh, and Steve.. .stay away from the coffee, eh! It starting to affect your looks!!


j)e©o©oe©o© ©©©©©.




Business Office

Julie Fazekas

Accounts Payable Clerk

Bell Voegelin


Robert Fish

Business Office Manager

Lorraine Littleproud Personnel

Anne McLean

Senior Accounting Clerk

Linda Loganwood Student Accounts Clerk

Registrar's Office

Kevin Kirk

Enrollment Services Co-ordinator

Isobel Crites

Secretary to Registrar

Rev. Stephen Thomson

RegistrarX Director of Admissions

Lise Shields

Assistant to the Registrar

Jennifer Leicester

Assistant Director of Admissions

Krista Kirk

Enrollment Serxices Assistant

Sharron Moffat

Enrollment Sei\ ices X'olunteer

Developlment Office

Rev. Glen Buffam

Dir. of Planned Gixing

Angela Collura

.Alumni Deselopment

Linda Coates


Bethanne Clark

Donor Relations Analyst

Mary Ann Buffam

Dir. of De\elopment

Community Life

James Baile\

IX'aii oi Students

Steve Wilson

Dir of Student Acti\ities/ Commuter


Sharon Ramsay

Councelling Services

Rick Hancock

Male Resielence Director

Rudy Dirks

Dir. of Coiincellinj; Services/Chaplain

Sandra Somers

Student WorkerCLD

Cherlyn Fagan Dir. of Residence Life

Kara Reipma

Student Worker CLD

Laura Webb

Female Residence Director

Laura Collins Community Life Secretary

h Campus Facilities

Jeff Beamish

Custodial Services

John Buckley

Campus Facilities Manager

Gerorge Whitemore

Stationary Engineer

Andrew Smith

Supervisor Custodial Services

Hector McLean

Assistant Manager

Neil Vanleeuwin Custodial Services

Guang Cai

Custodial Services

Library Staff

Sandy Finlayson


Chris Beldan

lona Beagan

Emma Penner

Barbara Robinson

Hugh Rendal

Absent from Photo

m ggQ


Campus Shoppe & Bookstore

Harold Sarles


Andrew Bronson

Manager Retail Services

Karen Coverett


Marguerite Clanfield

Manager Campus Shoppe

Bonnie Waterfall

Shipping & Reciexing Clerk

Susy Kim


left Steams


Nita Stemmler

Asst. Manager Bookstore

OBC/OTS Proctors H

Rick Hancock


John Dundys Germain Ramsey Mike Comeau Robin Bailey Jeff Beamish Bonnie Waterfall Steve Bussey Bret Chapman Joanne Sears

Laura Webb


To the Staff & Faculty:

We as a Student Body would like to thank each & everyone of you for your help in making this a great year at OBC. To the staff, all of you have been incredible, from the Business Office to Community Life, from Enrollment Services to the Registrar's office, from the Bookstore & Campus Shoppe to the Maintenance Staff and also to all of those whom we have failed to mention. To the Faculty we would like to say "Thank You" for your encouragement and example in helping us to strive to do our best both academically as well as spiritually. Finally, we would like to congratulate each one of you for a "JOB WELL DONE!" --


Germain Ramsey

Gillian Hobson


lenniter Simcoe

Secretary Bible /Theology, General Arts /Field Ed.'

Sherlvn McLeod

Secretary of Ministry Studies













Lvnda Aiken

Administratiye Asst. to President & Acedemic Dean of OBC



Mr. James Bailey

Dean of Students Ontario Bible College

Mr. John Bel!

C o-ordinator Music Majors Director of Music \iniistries

Mr. Paul Bramer

Co-c>rdinator Christian tducation Focus

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Davies

Ceneral Arts

4 '^'W ^ ounselling - ^

Mr. Rudy


Director of C ounselling

Ser\-ices/ C ha plain

Dr. Robert C. Due/

Bible & Theology liidependant studies Co- ordinator


Mr. A. Sandy I inlayson


Mr. John K. Franklin

Chairperson Ceneral Arts C\>-ordinator Bible/ Arts Major

Mr. Paul I ricsen ( .eneral Arts

Dr. Robert J.V. Hiebert

Bible & 1 heology


Dr. Erwin




Chairperson Bible &



^ '^^^fc_


tttnkki. jflPB^



Studies Vlajor

Mrs. J. Elizabeth Posterski

C hairperson Ministr\ Studies Co-ordinatt>r lark- Childhood studies Maji>r "^pi'cial Needs Ministries Major


Dr. David Russell

Co-Didinatur l\isUn\il Studies Major

Dr. IZbenozer M. Sikakane

Civordinatur Intor-ciiltural


Rev. Steve I'homson

l\i.'v;istrar Ontaru) Bible College

Dr. Rod Wilson


' -1

& Acedemic


Dean of Ontario

Bible College



Mr. Glenn A. VVyper

Bible & Theology

Ms. Mary Lynn Ascough


Faculty OBC

General Arts

Mr. Nick Hunter

Mr. Steve Baldry

\'outh Ministry

Mr. Paul Johansen

Ms. Catherine Bartlett


Ms. Sylvia Keesmaat

Mrs. Sharon Bell


Ms. Susan Ludwig

Mr. James Beverley

Ministry Studies

Mr. Tim Moore

Ms. Diane BoUis

General Arts

Ms. Beverly Muir

Ministry Studies

Rev. David Payne

Mr. Bruce Clemenger

General Arts

Ms. Jan Potz

Ms. Kathryn Dean

General Arts

Mr. David Dorman


Dr. Timothy Quek

Rev. Bill Freeman

Ministry Studies

Mr. Paul Robertson

Mr. Kenneth Fox

General Arts

Mr. Bruce Twinning

Ms. Barbara Haycraft

Ministry Studies


Bible/Theology Bible/Theology Ministry Studies Youth Ministry Ministry Studies Ministry Studies General Arts Ministry Studies Pyschology Youth Ministry Ministry Studies





The tliiii<^s tlint wc will nhvat/s roitcmbcr i/ou hi/, Kevin, arc your love for life ami the smile that always wcut with it. Someiiay, Kevin, we icill meet a<^ain and together we will siu^ ivith all lieai'ens hosts and dance it'itli the an'^els for all time.

Dan Martin

\ taitli and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the he\^innin>^ of time.

Titii> 1:2


June 26, 1974 - November 20, 1993


Kevin was a first year student at Ontario Bible College in the Intercultural Program. His long term goal was to go into full-time miiiistr\' abroad in the mission field. This is where he felt God was calling him. The Lord called Kevin home on November 20, 1993 to be with Him in Everlasting Glory.

We dedicate this page in the memory of Kevin Oakley Knights. May his testimony go with all he has touched in his short stay here with us. Pray also for the Knights famiU' in the loss of their son.

W' ^if^ ^'if^ ^jf^ 'P&Q 9!^ 9^^ "PS^


Photos for your enjoyment without any words. Hey, what can you say! We thought about those who don't want to read again. Remember to "SMILE." J^^




O o ° ^


We, the Yearbook

Staff would like to

Welcome the New Frosh of 1994 to OBC. |

We hope that you

r time with us will |

help vour grow


your faith and

encourage you onward

s towards Christ.




Bronda BautJ

William l-ee

loremias Berenger

Sherry Loeffler

Bereje Bc\ene

Maggie Man

Nat Brettell

Stacey McAllister

Lora Bullock

Mvke McCarron

Brian Carlo

Terry Miller

Deborah Crott

Paul Morris


Gloria Ng

Beverly Cyrus

Emmanuel Oduro

1 riedrich David

Remi Dmasanva

lack Dieleman

Bruce Paddle

Rozina Dwarka

Keith Peck

Carl Esau

James Peters

Richard Fisher

Loma Robinson

Patrice Svlvain Giroux

Jonathan Seekings

loanne Gregory

William Sheets

Victoria Haum

Daniel Shcwaseged

IXiuglas Hefford

Saroeun Sou

Ian Hinds

John Tabakos

Richard Houldcroft

Toshimi Takahashi

Tricia Hunt

Rod Thompson

sung-S<xin Hwang

Catharine Thornton

David Hvnes

Michael Vanderdoor

Bill Jewett

Bemice Vardv

Elsie Johnson

Mark Wellman

Christian Jones

Esther Wong

1 ariborz Khandani

Paul Wright

SherrsI K(X>p

Im Yon

lefftTv Langman


Three North

When you think of third floor, what comes to mind? Do you picture a place that is quiet, full of intense }

studious labor and little activity? If your answer is yes than you will need to adjust vour \iew of the Village i

of North Alloway. j

In actual fact, these land sur\eyors, Rnglish teachers, tour guides, sports fanatics, video dishheads, Sunday School teachers, Bible Study leaders, sports directors, youth leaders, cashiers, counsellors, crash test

dummies, ceiling tile cleaners, welder/ fitters, machine operators, flagmen, rangers, data processing i

managers, pastors, newspaper reporters, editors, photographers, musicians, grocery clerks, student car (

drivers, tapers, tire technicians, lingerie salesmen, security guards, draftsmen, truckers, farmers, mechanics, i

landscapers, salesmen, tree planters, pool repairmen, cooks, managers, snorkel gear managers, electronics '

technians, Romeos, computer programmers, camp directors, assembly and delivery men, proctors, i maintenance men and bus drivers can be a bunch of wild, crazy, uncontrollable animals at times. Taking a

walk through here when the boys let loose will prove it to you. ,

These guys take their studies serious but that dosn't keep them from ha\ing fun and building J

community. Hebrews 10:23 24 is the theme verse for the year. We consider it important amongst our fun, ,

study and ministry to love and encourage one another so that we can grow in the Lord and be more '

effective servants for Him and shine as His lights. i


som souiH som som som som ^ouih som som som somJ I Three South i

Jennipher Mauger

Kimberley MacEachem

Dear 3 South,

We want to thank you for all the fun times we've shared this year. We'\e grown together as a family through good times and bad. There are just a few things that make 3 South imique! As you look back on these events, we hope you will take a few moments to laugh as we have: It's about the bulletin board where is it and what does 3SWCMS4 reaaly mean? So what if you don't remember the bulletin board. You must remeber the granny backwards bowling with 5 South. (Who won the kitchen sink anyway?) And who could forget our guys, or should we say "men" Go 3 NORTH! Of course, we have the quietest. We have 8 Student Leaders on our floor hmmm.... Funny how all those leaders were found on top of the roof with the rest of the dorm. Life goes on.. .but, just barely. Senior panic has almost claimed the lives of many of our dormers. Taking a stroll Sesame Street with its many coffee shops does help lighten the load. (Of course, Jane Fonda also helps with some of the lightening.) Stay away from the pretzels Remember.. .we're all counting the calories. Speaking of counting. ..how many mice are in the broom closet now?

Seriously though, we love you guys. (Is that term gender inclusive?) You made our last year so special. Hey, let's have a reunion in 10 years! Catch ya in the hallway with your PJs on we'll bring the movie. ..and the Kleenex.


Yout friendly RAs,

Kim & Jenn

Hms mos mos nms Hinos nms nms nms hidos hidos hidos


Four North


tddic Ue Krietas

Our tale begins one rainy day in September.

Some veterans had already occupied and claimed their territory. Others, new to the OBC experience, quietly began to settle into that small cramped space that would be their home for the next eight months. Together, they would become. ..The Northern Smurfs!

Led by their fearless RA (Papa Smurf), they were men of character, men with personality, men of purpose and men with a mission. North would ne\er be the same again.

With a combined wattage of 2000+ stereo power. North would never again be thought of as a cjuiet dorm.

On the football field, they were unstoppable. ..no, in\'incibIe...no, merciful. ..Yes, merciful, not wanting to force the bitter agonies of defeat on another team. Yes, they were men of character.

When it came to their sisters, there was nothing too good, nothing too special and no task too great to perform. They gave their time, resources, prayers and even roses to the women that fate (Community Life) had brought into their lives. Their encouragement was unsurpassable during those weeks they became secret saints. Yes, they were men of personality.

Northern ladies, we love you. North wouldn't have been the same without vou. TTiank you for your cheering, your encouragement, your prayers and all the small things you did that made our year such a good one. We'll never forget those crazy, fun dorm dates.

They were men of purpose. To grow in praver. Who would have ever thought that praver meeting could be such a fun thing? It was in North. Concerts of Prayer and even some faithful members who dare face the morning at 7:00 a.m. in the Northern lounge, were but a few of the times that made North Grow in Prayer. (Thanks to those of you from Central who joined us in the morning.) 1 Thessalonians 5:n, 16-18.

To be different, to make North the place to be, to grow, to challenge, to encourage and to build up. Truly, the men of North were men with a mission. Men after God's own heart.

A special thank you to all my little smurfs. You guys made my year the greatest 1 could have had. I'll treasure your friendships and keep you Ln my prayers and in my heart. God bless each one of you.

Never to be doubted again! Never to be questioned again! Never to be underestimated again! NORTH!




g^ Four Central §

§ I

Hamburgers, what's up with that? From the begirming, our 2 fearless leaders in action ha\'e guided us with their pearls of great wisdom. Scott was there to hang out. Chris was there to be stressed out. However, we do wish to thank these 2 fine up standing men for putting themselves out. Chris Matthison

Let's recall some of the 4 Central memories. Late night pizza runs. Late night/early morning wing runs. Dorm retreats and smellv feets. Dave Nichols of President's Choice and Dan Elliot, the pop guy choice. Lounging around and making a touchdown. Ultimate Baseball, Sherlock Holmes, Tennis Court Baseball and Coming Home. Hockey Games and Nick Names. (Thunder, Gee, Dave Nichols, Crisper, Christmas Tree, Crispy Cnonch.) Loud music and louder music. Theology of hamburgers and I still don't understand that one.

Okay, now that I have you all confused, 1 want to speak with some clarity. As a rez, we have grown together this vear. We have become more than a bunch of guys lix'ing on one floor. We ha\'e become brothers in Christ. As we all go in different directions, I ask that you will continue to pray for each other. Remember the unit}' of tfiis year. Remember the brothers on this page. These are men of God going in different directions with one purpose. The pictures on this page are but a two dimensional representation of those memories. Reflect upon these thoughts. Let them motivate you to unity, caring, love and prayers. Keep on keeping on in His unitv.


T^&^IO 7¥)IiQ^'lO 7¥>liI^'lO 7¥)iiLl\0lO 7YW^'30 IYW^JO IYW^JO

som som som som ^om som som som som som som

Four South


Spirit of the South

The Halls of Smith seem to be scented with an aroma of excitement, spirit. ..and those horrible belches that echo into our rooms with a certain forte.

Rooted and Built Up in Christ, Col. 2:6-7. Our goal for the year., to be more like Christ. Those weekly prayer meetings con\ ientlv terminated by the dreaded fire alarm. Who pulled that alarm anyway?

The dream of all Southboys.. .encounters with the Southgirls. The Sports Bar, the Beaming Blob, the murder of the century. ..volleyball, floor hockey and, of course, dorm dates.

The Hanger. The social hub of this establishment. If it was going to happen anywhere, it would happen here first. Dorm meeting in the Hanger. Hey, it's crowded in here. "Bittv get off the couch." And the question we're still asking, "Where'd the paper go?"

No, the bamboo in the lounge is not meant for sword fighting.

What is that outside our door? It's our names in Arabic. Of course we knew that. Thanks, Connell.

Southball... renaming football after those who have given new meaning to the game. "My head hurts", "my back hurts", ...am I In the end zone?" Good catch. Glen.

Waking up to a wall of cans outside our door. We'd have ne\er known they were there if you guys hadn't knocked them over a hundred times that night trying to set them up. Granted, it was a nice try.

What's that coming from Peter and Todd's room. It's really music?

South. ..the experience. South. ..the reality.


Thanks for being a great dorm. You guys are number one!

mas mas mas mas hms Hinos nms nms mos Hinos mos


g Five North 99




j FOOD.. .Pizza parties in the lounge whenever the hunger "hit", trips to Lime Rickey's to tame "the Volcano", ^

■j instant oatmeal when breakfast was just too early, drinking pop to sur\4ve all nighters, microwave I popcorn for that salt fix and that ever present and always appealing green stuff growing at the bottom of the fridge...


I FOLKS.. .Fun folks, caring folks, sweet folks... vaseline on doorknobs at 2:00 a.m., helpmg mvalids to the ^

I bathroom, supporting in grief, sending surprises to Secret Saints, listening to stressed people "vent", i

J praying for eacn other, joining together in tne lounge for encouragement... i

S FUN. ..Trying to play volleyball in a vertical position, cheering for our football men, riding in the trimks of i

cars ("isn't this illegal?"), getting roses from the best brother dorm we could ask for, celebrating I birthdavs, listening to conversations of the floor below the windows, tanning in the hallway, seeing

how loud Lynn could turn up the tunes before Sem complained, hip hopping (?) in the hallway, J , discussing men and the trinitv over pizza, dorm dates (!), life in general... [ a I

We were family!! We laughed, cried, screamed, studied (?), played and grew together. Oh yeah... one more ' t thing. "We love you, 4 North! !!!!!!!!!!!!" ,



Five Central

5 Central is Luana & Holly, Judy & Georgia, Mimi & Sarah, Lesley & Beverly, Kim & Cindy, Heather & Tara, Angela & Christy, Allene & Natasha, Jennifer, and Sandy. What more can we say except that Central is the best.

We are spiritual... ( "Koom bye ya") yet fun... (Duck Duck Goose), mature... (Go to bed early?!) yet party animals... (dancing in the hallway), studious... (A+) yet athletic... (Boom!).

Just one big group of well-rounded, good-looking. Christian girls. We even get along! Isn't that great?







Mimi Romu


S,,rjii t.ird




7¥>m3^U 7¥>liI^U


mfH_ som som soujh som som som som som som somj

Five South §


Pamela Stringer


3 cups

thinly sliced Tanya and Krista

1 cup

snipped fresh Tara and Lydia

.5 cup

small head of Lori and Margie lettuce

.25 cup

seeded and chopped Lorna and Rosemary

.75 cup

thoroughly spun Steph and Leigh

1 tsp

finely groimd Paula and Kathy

4 cups

all purpose Joy and Naomi

1 tbsp

salted Cherilyn


salsa Cynthia


semi-sweet Michelle chips

.33 cup

freshly squeezed Esther and Ginny

5 cups

canned or fresh Amy and Pamela puree

Base: With constant prayer, mold 21 girls into Godly women. Add the desire to grow in knowledge of Christ. Mix well. Firmly pack Bible Studies and Prayer meetings until ingredients become rooted in Christ.

Filling: Combine all the above ingredients together and let 'em fry for 8 months, stirring frequently so not to burn (out). Add some good times of friendship and laughter. Mix in some shaving cream, peanut butter and perfume a la carte. Put foot in mouth and bang nails iii walls while stealing bananas and cookies. Puncture Ernie and hang him with Pirate Man. George.

Makes 21 servants.

CAUTION: Health hazard to Central, North

and 3 South.


Hmos HiDos Hms Hunos hidos hidos mos mos Hinos hidos Hmos




We had a hard time thinking of a quote for this picture and finally we came down to 2 different ones. You can decide which one you hke best.

I wonder if I should let Margie know about that hairy thing crawling up her legs. Nahh.


Well, what do you know?


Rich, what are you kxjking at?

Grrrrr! Anynne up to n ndil

driving contest. Grrrr, I am

woman. Hear Me Roar!


Sarah Card on one of her better

days, we hope. =>

Mmmm, mmmm good. Hi, I'm the repre.sentative ol President's Choice on the Starship Enterprise. Whenever you feel hungry and just don't know what to have for a snack, try something orange and wet, our all new Memories of Halloween Pumpkin pack. Everything you could want 111 one small package. |[



Mill :4u\s. We better put this back on before maintenance sees it. Oh, crap. John, give me that camera.

Proof that at night doors on the dorms do seem to go missing for awhile. You never know where they might end up


Suzy Kim's impersonation of a fish just after it saw a cat looking at it in the fish bowl. Pucker up, guys, cause I'm coming tor vou. =±,

1 1 I tt>ld VOU once, r told you ice. Always ish behind vour :s. LiH'k thev . filthy. O.K., M'ks like I'm '•una have to do everything. luhe learning how I . > wash her face, or ]- Margie tr\ing to ,lr..UMluT^'1T




Sarah Thompson models the "Anne of Green Gables/ Theological- Scholar" combination look.

One of our many students trying to portray the typical studying almopherc that we try to represent.

. M> a c c


Holly, attempting to draw on the wisdom of past scholars by sitting with them.

Does this look posed or vvhat?

"Whenever I feel like studying, I lie down until the feeling goes

away." loanna studied so hard that she needed a break, only kidding.




W7 ^iFV/^'

^ ou mean


that llezekiah



isn't a Bible book?" - Yes, Kevin, there is a GOD and that's His book. Do you

^^- r^

believe me?


yt^k^- J

•There's just too much....HEEELP!!!"

Kim is doing the mail. Tell us, Kim - how do you keep up with your studies and do the mail as well.

^ t m^

Welcome to the section on Student Life. Among these pages you will see the typical student at work, sleep and play. We hope that this opening page dazzles your eyes because you will not see it anywhere else. Ha Ha Ha. Have fun laughing at the pictures.


_'mon, Vun! You bring me )ut to the game and you lon't even pay attention. 3oy, look at North go! —This page has remarkable theme unning through it. Can you figure

tout:' li

he Cerber Bab\' Food \irporation proudly resents this year's Gerbei Food Foster Boy.

Isn't he so cute? Barf, choke blah. <=


"It seems some people take Loonie Lunches too seriously. Aren't they UnBearably Cute? "

and Krista during one ot the nianv theme and dorm meals at OBC =>

Sarah Thompson is spotted in the cafeteria after hours sabotaging cafeteria food. As if it needs sabotaging! =>

Let's get this straight. You're the secretary! This is where I draw the line.

Well, if I am the secretary, then let me draw the line. O.K? iS

There's no star too BIG, no talent too LARGE for OBC. The Spirit of Cape Breton Fills trie college. At night, Trevor Aucoin dresses as Rita McNeil. Or is it the other wav around? Who knows? 11

I wish I had an air mattress I could nibble on. You're so mean! You won't even give me a nibble. Looks like Tanya has her mouth full right now. We'll talk to her later. <=



"I don't understand why thev don't cut these into smaller pieces? How am I supposed to stick all this in my mouth at once? Maybe if I lick it first it 11 get soft. =>


I kn e coconut cream pie. 1 lo\ e to eat it. I lo\ e to wear it. I love it! I love it! I love it! Margie, is that how you learned how to eat? No, it's supposed to go in your mouth. ]^

My mommy told me c^n apple a day would keep the dentist away. Mv ttKith hurts so I'm gonna eat lots of apples.

Don't eat too m^inv c.nise thr\- ri',ill\- biinl you up. =>



Onemorestupid jokeand 1 swear III

thrt)w up! Doesn't she ever Shut


This one is from your brother, Sandra, so

go Get 'em! JJ.

1 li, 1 m Dcw'c Nichols wite. Have you ever wondered how 1 get a brighter smile? You need not wonder any longer. Trv some of m\- husband's brand new Memories of a !~ il "^milirMiiana Toothpaste. It looks

like a banana, it tastes like a banana. But it's really toothpaste. ^ou too can ha\e a bright beautiful smile.

^) ^^^^<J.^ ^=J


Sisterhood is Powerful! But where the heck in the world are the Men?!

Careful, Ladies

'. re are many

rns nearby.

1 \ are very

irpand pointx





Yes, school brought us together. \Ve'\e been friends, roomies, and, in a few months, I'll be your best man. Not only that, for two weeks I'll be the better man James and Barrv, all of the Mens dorms from North to South and Central in between wish you and your fiancees all the best in your futures together. Bon soir mes amies, ff

Every now and again, when papers are overdue and the mind just isn't working a strange desire overtakes the women ot

OBC. We call it THE BIG MACK


Nice face on va, Sarah. =>


"1VS>^ U Q T

I B c:) N T F



"Yes, these are the People in my Neighbourhood, and I love them all. When school's out, I'm gonna take them al home with me."

Better ask Mom first, Beverly. 11

\ot onlv are they the renown Vigilantes of OBC , \u) other friends look qiute like they do in Panty Hose. Holv Flibberv, Batman, thev \ e found out. What do we do now!" —No worries, mv red caped inend. We must tlv the coop. =>


I— ,.^

.^ ■'...

- I

:' I : .'

W ^'


] I

■'^ L#F


i-;!^- i

! ^

fa be \\tih soon ,?;

i ■.. I I






■■ 1

;: -i






^ i." L ■• <


<i Ifl^^^l







1 V

I . i



Mens Soccer Team

Back Row: Brian Lindstrom, Joshua Sklar,

George Manias, Graham Buchanan, Duane

Jukema, John Br\an, Dwavne Cline

F ront Row : Jay Lehman, Trevor Russell,

Tim Stevens, Mussie Yohans

After intense tryouts (Yeah, right!), the mighty Swordsmen entered the world oi college soccer with .in exhibition game against Redeemer College.

The Mohawked defenders and fierce looking forwards were cause for intimidation, but we came up shi>rt in our only game of the year. Outshot 66 to 5, the Swordsmen fell 6 to 1 to the Rovals. Congrats to Scott Waddell for scoring the first ever goal in Swordsmen soccer. See ya next year!

losluia Sklar

Thi^ rising

In the past, the mens flag-football championship has been an exciting and pressure-packed game, year's final proved to be no different. With the clefending champs from South meeting their surpri;- but determined opponents from North, the combatants were deadlocked 21-21 at the end of regulation time. As darkness set in on that mid-No\ember afternoon, overtime was scheduled for one week later. After a thrilling overtime. South prevailed 35-28 winning their third championship in as many years. Both teams are to be congratulated on a fine season and an exciting final. "Way to go boys!"

Tre\or Russel

Mens Intramural Football

Back Row: Matthew Dredge, Mark

Connelly, Todd Brown, Dave Young,

Glen Heslinga

Middle Row: Steve Bussey, Andrew Dow

Front Row: Craig Strong, John Collins,

Don Ludlow, Trevor Russell, Dwayne



Mens Basketball Team

Back Row : Stephanie Phillips (Manager), Orim Meikle, Matt Dyck, Graham Buchanan, Robin

Bailey, Mark Connelly Front Row: George Manias, Jamie Simpson,

Joshua Sklar, Mark Ro

Ready, set. ..free throw?? How many suicides? This vear the ladies basketball team had the ad\'antage of being a fine-tuned second year team. The first vear basic skills were stretched and refined as Graham Buchanan helped coach this championship-bound team. (At least our pre-season invitational showed this.) Thanks Graham. Ladies, your hard work & persistent attitude has paid off. You looked great out there! Are we tired yet?? Thanks for all your hard work.

Laura Webb


"^^S ^


It was a turbulent start but they finally got off the ground! These guys are probably the most fun you could ever pack into a team, not to mention dedication and talent. Who wouldn't be impressed with Graham's Dunkin', Captain Caveman!!, the Greek, Matt "All you see is the bottom of my shoes!", the Ol' Lamby, Orim the Man, Air Jamie, Josh - The Bionic Man, Mark Ro - "The Friendly Giant", and, of course, THE coaching staff of Robin, Dan, and Ray!! Good Job, Guys!!

Stephanie Phillips

Ladies Basketball Team

Back Row: Laura Webb (Coach), Lorna Charles,

Trish DeVries, Pamela Stringer, Ginny

Vuksanovich, Erin Penney

Front Row: Tara Lindemann, Mimi Romulus,

Rosemary Scharfe





'^fc % ^



Mens Volleyhall Team

Back Row: George Manias (Asst. Coach), Bill Hall, Mike Comeau, Scott Nyp, Kevin Johnson

Front Row: Ivan Lee, Bobby Ramjist (Asst. Coach),

David Narine, Jay Lehman, Craig Strong

Absent: Kevin Wood (Coach)


This year we were not a tall team, but were extremlv well-rounded. This was the best passing team in vears. Other strengths were digging and team play. We made up tor our lack of height by having some leaders on the team. Hightlights of the year included playing Ryerson University and the #2 "AA" high school in Ontario. We continued to play more community college and university teams. At the time of writing, the OBC Swordsmen were 6-0 in matches and 12-0 in games in league play. We are aiming to regain the championship this year!! Let's Go, SWORDSMEN!!

Kevin Wood

What can be said about our year (especially since this is being written in December!)? A lot actually: Starting

the year off undefeated; staying at the top of the conference; Sharp new uniforms ("525 please"); black Umbros;

"KaaaBooom!!"; "Homer!"; carrot muffins; Honeycomb and bagels with cream cheese; "5 push-ups, 5 sit-ups, 5 lows,

5 highs"; Michelle's hat; "life is a highway"; "We are Family"; thanks for the help, George; skinned knees & elbows,

bruised hips and jammed fingers (lots of tape!); "38 Special!"; "Free Ball!!"; Honnalee (sic?); "How about another

cake. Shelly?"; Knee "Pads" and Russellmania!! (great job, captain!). Thanks for the laughter and the memories.

Let's do it again! And the last word is PUFF! c. iaci

° Steve Wilson

Womens Volleyball Team

Back Row: George Manias (Coach), Trish DeVries, Leigh Benalick, April Morgan,

Sandy Lee, Steve Wilson (Coach)

Front Row: Shelley Beal, Michelle Pauze,

Amy Russell, Krista Webb


^.^^^^^ OBC Swordsmen Hockey Team /^>^

« ^ n r>

The Sport of Kings

Hockey, the sport ot Kings which combines speed, agiHty and brawn at breakneck speed. A fascinating sport, to those who know there is not a greater feeling than the cutting of blades and wind in your face as you tear up the ice. It has been an interesting season through all the ups and downs but hopefully vve have all learned a lesson in life about where our priorities are. Thanks a lot gvi ys for a great season. Coach

Back Row: Greg Tobin (Coach), Stewart (Grimmer) Maxwell, Jonathan Seekings, Glen Heslinga, James

McFayden, Andrew (Cowman) Gordon, Vaughn Butt, Gordie MacCormack

Front Row: Tim Stevens, Joshua Sklar, Jamie Simpson, Trevor Russell (nice look on ya), Rob Boyd

Absent: Kevin Knights (#7 retired), Tim Bruckner, Steve Lougheed

1993-94 was an exciting year for sports at OBC! Womens Intramural Volleyball started the fun. All teams were well represented with only one resulting forfeit. South's powerhouse team came out on top of the fighting Sem-Odie team in the nail-biting finals. The Womens Floor Hockey Intramural season proved to be another enjoyable, yet anxious fight to the end with the best team triumphing!

In Varsity sports, the experienced Womens Basketball team had a successful season. Despite injuries and other setbacks, the women proved themselves to indeed be the true "Sivordswotnen"l Womens Varsity Volleyball, with a relatively inexperienced team, shocked everyone with a great showing in every tournament! Congrats Ladies!!

Thank you to all referees, score keepers, players, fans, and especially thanks to Trev and Steve, for a very fun and successfuU sports year! GO O.B.C. SWORDSMEN!! (and WOMEN)!!

Shelly Beal Female Sports Convenor 1993-94

Trevor Russell




"SWWORDSSMENNN!!" - the battlecry of the Mighty Swordsmen machine rises before every clash.. .the battle commences.

What a year it has been for OBC athletics. Whether it was

again worn with pride and dignity.

Flag Football finished with a flurry as the men from South, in the tradition established by the Chicago Bulls and hopefully our beloved Blue Jays next season, won their third consecutive championship. Floorhockey was another tremendous success which gives credit to all participants who worked hard at making it fun for all. Thanks very much guys.

Varsity sports again proved to be a success due to the

commitment and determination displayed by our varsity

athletes and coaches. Our Men's Hockey team entered the EHL

(Evangelical Hockey League) for

__^ the first lime and competed well

with all teams. Special mention is

due our first-year coach, Greg

Tobin. Both our volleyball and

basketball teams completed

seasons of success in all their

!.' tournaments.

'^ Thank-you to all those

individuals who helped out in

many areas over this past year. I

couldn't have made it without your

support. Thank-you Shelly, my

* partner, my friend. You were

^ always an encouragment to me.

To all athletes, I have one


"Let's do it again next year!"


In their never-ending search for a suitable mate, the women of OBC will stop at nothing to impress and possibly attract that man!

The Central Ladies, cheering on their Men ! =>

"Now that we're iiiti> gender equalit\ jt OBC, I'm finally able to come out of the closet. Ipaintmynails and I want the whole world to know it!" White is just not vour 1 uKiur, DwtU lU'l <=











p w^















'Oh?!? Well, 1 thought the Prof wasn't really fair on this student's pnper. I just thought I'd help in

till' iipgrddint; proce'i*^! U

"I'm so excited, I just c.iii't hide il I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!

It's so quiet in the Library that its si. easy to catch them of f guard . Hee hee hei.- '


Welcome to the tryouts tor this vear s OBC Production of "Swan Lake " put on by both the North and SH?niinar\- Football Teams. It'll be a sure and exciting hit! t|

1 he OBC W'omens li.isketball Team ■-hould not onlv be remembered as intense, committed, on- tire basketball pl.n'crs, but alsn kir their trend- setting, hot, everybody- loves-it, fashion sense.

I've known shorts to ride up, but this is ridiculous.

Some people on liic Student Leadership Team just take their jobs too far! Bv the way, Darryl, NICE LEGS! Wheredid you get thatdress, Darryl? It'ssimply ravishing, ff

To You, From Us

Many times the yearbook is pressed by deadlines so that the book can be here on time in April. In being this way, we were not able to include many of the Christmas photos we would have liked to include in this first section. So, we will be adding a Christmas section to our last deadline. Below is a neat story for you to have some fun with, just follow the story and fill in the necessary word where appropriate. Have fun and enjoy the remainder of your book.

New Year's Bowl Games

On New Year's Day, there are always a lot of football games. On television,


they interrupt the with


commercials every few minutes. This year the

are playing the

animal (plural)

in the famous

another city animal (plural)

Bowl. And the

a flower a city

are matched up against the

bird (plural)

nation's number one team, the

another city

They will be playing in the

something alive (plural)

Bowl. But the game that all of

a bird

the sports

a vegetable a city


plural noun

Bowl. There, the

are talking about is the

Cowboys will play the hard- , whose

another city animal (plural)

quarterback is the super-

full name of a person in room

the fabulous Houston Astro- which has a sliding

They will play in

a container


part of a house


a color

Remember, ne\er think that 1 am not around to take your picture because when you least think that I'm not there, POOF', I appear like the night. Ha Ha Ha! IT

The Class of '95 wishes every student at OBC/OTS the very best of the Holiday season. We hope that each person's Christmas and New Year brings with it God's favor on your family.



"Hello,mynameisOrimMeikle. I'd just like to sav that I'm a serious basketball player. I don't believe in excessive emotional outbursts like my friends. Out- bursts ruin your concentration. Why won't anyone listen to me? Oh, well.

Hey ,Orim, smile! Lifeisn'tall4's, or

is it.




F\ir those of you who know . \ndrea real well, you'll know that there are many endear- ingqualitiestoher. Her abil- ity to express herself is unequaled in the school, just ask the girls in North. <=

The problem with being a trend-setter is that your friends fail to lea\e you alone. Ihe other big problem with looking like this is trying to get across the border with no dcKuments.

- Ooo, babe, have I got some truil lor vou!

^ /■


\ ou have this much work as an RA .icid you do nothing, but complain, tomplain, complain!

Well, 1 do this much and more and you never hear one lousy complaint from me, do you?


Video Games? You must be jok- ing. ThisisseriousHermeneutics happening here. Oh no! There goes my last man.

Hi, Pal! Thought that you would never let Deb know, now did va?




Student Council Executi\e

Trisha DeV'ries President of Student Council

Erin Penney Vice-President

Darrell Tritton Secretary

Debbie Harris Treasurer

Big Brother & Big Sister

Sandy Mackley Big Brother


Resident Advisors

Back Row: Pamela Stringer, Steve Bussey, Scott Nyp, Gary Burke, Mimi Romulus

Middle Row: Rick Hancock, Stephanie Hancock, Danielle Lamarche, Dwayne Cline, Chris Matthison, Ed DeFreitas, Kim MacEachem, Laura Webb, Tim Richards

Front Row: Sarah Card, Amy Russell, Jenn Mauger, Joy Wood, Breton Murphy



Class Presidents

Devotional Committee

Glen Heslinga Chair

Gord MacCormack Co-Chair

Tanya VValdron class of '94

Robin Bailey Class of '95

Margie Dyck Class of '96

Stewart Maxwell Frosh Class

E\an^elism Committee

Darren Mille)' Chair


'm M

« " r. t^ Q

Ontario Bible College Student Council

Back Row: John Bowman, lanwi Hudgins, Stewart Mawvell, Darivn Mille\', Robin Bailc)', Sand\ Macklo\', Clcn

Heslinga, Paul Abell, Tracv Sproule, Darrell Tritton, Steve Wilson

Middle Row: Debbie Harris, Erin Penney, DwayneCline, Beverly McDonald, Trevor Russell, Irish DeVries, Gord


Front Row: Susv Kim, Margie Dvck, Tanva Waldron, Lana Baglole, Shelly Beal, Dawna Wilson, Heidi Patriquin

7a4e it pn a, c^ailetu^.

When you ha\e power, use it to build people up, not to constrict them.


A good leader is someone who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit .

'Behold the 'Turtfe. 'Me makes progress on[y when he sticl^s his necf^out.

Unihad of Loinnu uoui intmiii., hied UOUI kitnai. a IMu liii batiii

-t^/^Jt \Aj£^- -yh^^Uic t^^*^ ^i^j^^^c^

-t^-^t U/^. -MZ-At^ t^-il^^ C^^>^f4-tA^


Sometimes the facilities in the school just don't seem to work like they're supposed. At those times, the school spares no

expense in hiringthebesthighest trained individuals in the field.

Oh, Sandy your fly's down! "

My Mom al- ways told me not to play with my food. But sincecomingto OBC, I found food and it's purpose has taken a whole new meaning. Yeah, but oat- meal is supposed to be eaten not worn.


The North Fans cheer their team to an incredible 2nd place finish in the finals. A "special thank vou to all the North- t'rn Ladies from I'Lir X'orth Brothers. Thank youtoo,Christ\, for your non-bi- ased support

Surprise,John!!!!!!!! Your yearbcKik editor, John Bowman, assignment. This is what theCo-Editorof the yearbook will have to put up with next year. Do not be afraid. Hereallyisaniceguy!!!!

on the


Okay, no one told us we had to pass an art and crafts exam to be RD's. How am supposed to say inside the linesanyways

Hey, don't worry there's going to be someoni along in a while that will givearts and craftsa whoft new-meaning. Just don't get he/she any crayons.

dUmtstm Yearns



Sometimes the facilities in the school just don't seem to work

like they're supposed. At those times, the school spares no

expense in hiring the best highest trained individuals in the


Oh, Sandy your fly's down! It

\1y Mom al- ways told me not to play with my food. But sincecomingto OBC, 1 found food and it's purpose has taken a whole new meaning. Yeah, but oat- meal is supposed to be eaten not worn.

The North Fans cheer their team to an incredible 2nd place finish in the finals. A special thank you to all the North- ern Ladies from your North Brothers. Thank youtoo,Christ\', for your non-bi- ased support.

Surprise,John!!!!!!!! Your yearbtwk editor, John Bowman, on assignment. This is what theCo-Editorof the yearbook will have to put up with next year. Do not be afraid. He reallv is a nice guv!!!!

Okay, no one told us we had to pass an arts

and crafts exam to be RD's. How am I

supposed to say inside the lines anyways? j Hey, don't worrv there's going to be someone alongina while that will give arts and crafts a whole I newmeaning. Justdon'tgethe/sheanycrayons. Get it?

Mmtstru ^Eams

:-^^^' "^t^i^mr,-. -.'■: ^§^^:


Ontario Bible College Student Choir


Karen Coverett Joy Dickson Cherlyn Fagan Krista Giles Lesley Harris Danielle Lamarche Kim MacEachern Jennipher Mauger Sharolyn McLeod Kathyrn Penner Marcia VanShelven Adina Whilby Heather Young


Shelly Beal Holly Burbridge Luana Busch Paula Chan Lydia DeBoer Christy Doherty Naomi Estabrooks Keri Gilroy Sonia Giugovaz Krista Hall Janet Howie Tanya Kunzelmann Aileen Lee Heather Thurton Esther Venketeswaran Nancy Wong

OBC Brass Ensemble

Joy Dickson Trumpet

Jennifer Mitchell Trumpet

Connell Monette Tuba

Dion Oxford Eb Tuba

Paul Theriault Flugelhom

Trevor Russell Trombone


Brian Birdsell Paul Dicks Dion Oxford Belgra\e Pelle Jerry Stachovv Paul Theriault

Choir Director

Mr. John Bell


Sandra Somers


Jonathan Ccillins l\an Lee Wally Lot Kevin Shepherd Barton Wigg


^^ /4^ie...

cfo*c one t^t&te cv^e*t 1 Keed cf^KC.

"TftM- evie tAe ^Aoiddex ^ need to. auf 9k,

"TftM. axe t^ cMilt ^ need to- ^eeefr me 4t^x*tdiH^

'^otc one t^ (oKAC tAat <^eefri- tne ^oc*t^,

'Ifou- wte t^ tea.iott tAat ^ euu, ^ene.

^ t^eut/i- (focc ^ ail t^iat tfotc ane

Ifowi c^iitt^ io- Mtofie UH-frontattt t^aut

a*ttft^iH^ attefone couteC cCo

"pan, (fotc one a


^^isMtei. ^antltt ^a^iUt

As some of you may have noticed, there are a couple of ministry teams not represented here in the pages of the yearbook. That is the fault of the Yearbook Committee and we are sorry. As the time started to close down upon us for deadlines we were unable to get pictures of all of them. One other problem is that we don't have as many teams as we used to and don't see them very much if we did have them. There are two teams that I'd like to mention right now who did or do alot of ministry that we don't see. The first is the Urban Ministries Team who minister to people in downtown Toronto and also Steadfast who minister in churches and events in the way of song, dance and mime. Both of these teams have been a real asset to our community and to the community around us. We are thankful that the members of each team are dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who are around them. The poem above says "Your caring is more important than anyone could do. For you are a FRIEND!" Your love and care for those that you minister goes with out saying, that you do show and perform the love of Christ through your actions. You are all lo\'ed and cherished bv this communitv-


"You are. ..so.. . beautiful... to me..."

Aw, Jay, don't be embarrassed! Look at it from this point of view. Atleast someone is willing to sing a love song to ya!

Blaine checks out the financial situation on his cellular. ..His idea of a study break! Hi, Cheryl. Can you come down for a


Hey, did you hit me? You can't hit me! I'm Dawna! Hey!" - Dawna, remember the moth ball joke? Well, just don't tell it anymore, o.k?

"Mom didn't say it would be like THIS!"


Laura Collins, Super Secretary, at your service!

Always with that beautiful smile! Oh, and, hey. can 1 ask you not to mi\ skin cream and egg and onion sandwiches again. That smell is really over- whelming.

"What?!? You don't LIKE my new OUTFIT??"

Vcs, andl think youncedahaircut too, not to mention that beard. Come on, does Mom need to dress you?





'->ome of you may not know this guy. He is usually \cry obscure and incrediblv hard to find. His name is Nhai. If you see him, say HI.

Welcome Bill, to the OBC cafeteria. We hope your stay herewith ii'- will help you put on some good weight. Oh, by the way someone is watching you. Can you see iiim?

All the students, staff, and faculty want to wish Greg & Laura Tobin all the best in their years together. May Cod bless you richh and may his face shine down upon you.

"To my roommate who has now become my friend . All the best in the future. Julie Baker Forever."


I'lgggghhh! If 1 keep my face this way for a week or two maybe it will freeze like this and then I could really scare people.









I tliinkllinielU-

ind Jovare

vningamouth liunouth contest \\ hodo\'Ou

link is the \\ inner?

"Finally, a Real Man who's not afraid to carry me over a puddle." =>



Every morning I wake up and get that weird feeling that I ha\e missed something. Mavbe it's that cup of freshlv brewed coffee that gi\es me that fix I need. Mavbe it's !


"James, pick me up. You have left me all


Isn't this sweet? James doesn't know that I took this

picture of him sleeping with his doll, tl

^^ Pffl

pec PCS


"j i



Welcome Bill, to the OBC cafeteria. We hope your stay herewith u will help you put on some good weight. Oh by the way someone is watching you. Can you see CQd : him?

Some of you may not know this guy. Heisusualh very obscure and incredibly hard to find. His name is Nhai. If you see him, say HI.


All the students, staff, and faculty want to wish Greg & Laura Tobin all the best in their vears together. Ma\ God bless you richh and may his face shine down upon \ou. =>

To mv roommate who has now become my friend . All the best in the future. Julie Baker forever."


•Plgggghhhl'lflkeepmy face this way for a week or two maybe it will freeze like this and then I could

really scare people.





















E\-er\' morning I wake up and get that weird feeling that I ha\'e missed something. Maybe it's that cup of freshly brewed coffee that gi\'es me that fix I need. Mavbe it's !


"James, pick me up. You ha\e left me all


Isn't this sweet? James doesn't know that 1 took this

picture of him sleeping with his doll. IT









PCS p^





"Guys, you're supposed to singwheni putmv hands up in the air. Get the hint. Now, again. Chi one, two, tiiree...."

YEAAAHi: Let shear it tor OBCs Ladies \'olleyball Team. They said they were going for the gold. They got the GOLD!! From us to you. Ladies, AWESOME JOB!! 11

Even though Michelle didn't get to finish, she did get to ha\e a good looking gu\' hanging oft her ankle. Great Job, Michelle!!

Bobbv, take care of that ankle, O.K'


"FREE KISSES!! No cost, no charge. What do ya think? Am 1 a nominee for the Aunt Jemimah product or what?" 11

Even though our Central Ladiesdont take drugs, that doesn't mean that thev cant be flying HIGH, now does it?


P3^ p;c P^




















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Dwayne Allan Cline

Being our first child, we waited for you xuith great anticipation. You are a very special gift from God. When you were five years old, you said when you grezv up that you -would be a minister. Even then we could see God had given you many special gifts. You were always the first one with your little hand out to greet someone new at church or next door.

You have given us great joy and encouragement , and ice praise and thank God for you. On the occasion of your graduation, we want you to know how proud we are of you and how much you are loved. May God bless you, and use you mightily for His Kingdom. Proverbs 22:22

With much love.

Dad, Mom, Jennifer

& Philip

Matt Dyck

"You've came a long -way, baby!" Matt, ice are all very proud of you. God bless and lead you as you continue i/oi/r studies.

Dad, Mom & Family

Glen Heslinga

Congratulations, Glen! We are ivry proud of you as this is your graduating year You ha~ve been a blessing and have been blessed of the Lord tliese past 4 years. May the Lord guide you as you continue in His service.

We loi'c you, Glen. Pad & .\^om

Erin Penney

Erin, it is with great pride and love that we write this note to you on this your graduation from OBC. You sought God's will and direction for your life and have travelled on in His care ever since. You are a gentle sweetness that we have been blessed with in our life. God bless you, dear, as you continue your journey in His service.

Loi'C, Mom, Brian & Famih/






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Shelly Beal



Wc kuoic that \/oii could lunr lioiic

wlmti'vcr i/oii set your mind to do

in life beaiusc \/ou apply yourself

and do well. "Praise God!"

We are glad you chose to go to

Bible College as lue kiuno that it

zvill give you a great foundation

for the rest of your life and toe pray

that God will guide and direct

your paths as you continue your


We are proud of you, Shelly.

God bless.

Love, Dad & Mom



77ns /> I'M smiling "Barbara Aufi Scott". ]enn loved to skate and alioays tried her best. She was usually involi^ed in extracurricular activities and enjoyed meeting neiv people. She truly is our Gift from God, ivho has given us immense pleasure and tries to please us in everything she does. She has always set goals for herself and works very hard in accomplishing them. We know God has plans for her life and ive have trust in Him that all her goals will be accomplished. Remember, "babe", we will al'ways be therefor you ami we love you very much.

Love Mom & Dad


Trisha DeVries

/ am a little shy, but not anymore once I started school. Congratulations! We are proud of you, Trish! May God bless you this year in planning your wedding.

Love Dad & Mom Sisters & Brothers

Jennipher Ann Mauger

Rod Lamb

Congratulations, dear Rod! We are very proud of you. OBC lias given you new understanding, greater faith and neiv relationships which luive helped you prepare for neiv challenges now before you. God has blessed you with many gifts - now you 77nist discover where He calls you to be. God will provide you with the knowledge that all things are pwssible with Him. We wish you much happiness and success for your future. God bless you always.

Mom & Dad

easy to «£













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Dwayne Allan Cline

Being our first child, we waited for you with great anticipation. You are a very special gift from God. When you were five years old, you said when you grew up that you u'ould be a minister. Even then we could see God had given you many special gifts. You were ahoays the first one with your little hand out to greet someone new at church or next door.

You have given us great joy and encouragement, and we praise and thank God for you. On the occasion of your graduation, we want you to know hoiu proud ive are of you and hoiv much you are loved. May God bless you, and use you mightily for His Kingdom. Proverbs 21:22

With much lozv,

Dad, Mom, jeunifer

& Philip

Matt Dyck

"You've came a long way, baby!" Matt, ive are all very proud of you. Cod bless and lead you as you continue \/our studies.

Dad, Mom & Family

Glen Heslinga

Congratulations, Glen! We are very proud of you as this is your graduating year. You have been a blessing and have been blessed of the Lord these past 4 years. May the Lord guide you as you continue in His service.

We love you, Glen. Dad & Main

Erin Penney

Erin, it is with great pride and love that we write this note to you on this your graduation from OBC. You sought Cod's will and direction for your life and have travelled on in His care ever since. You are a gentle sweetness that we have been blessed with in our life. Cod bless you, dear, as you continue your journey in His service.

Love, Mom, Brian & Family


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Shelly Beal



Wc know that you could have ilonc

whatever you set your mind to do

in life because i/ou apply yourself

and do well. "Praise God!"

We are glad you chose to go to

Bible College as ice know that it

will give you a great foundation

for the rest of your life and we pray

that God will guide and direct

your paths as you continue your


We are proud of you, Shelly.

God bless.

Love, Dad & Mom

iillp * *






This is our smiling "Barbara Ann Scott", jenn loved to skate and always tried her best. She luas usually involved in extracurricular activities and enjoyed meeting nezo people. She truly is our Gift from God, who has given us immense pleasure and tries to please us in everything she does. She has always set goals for herself and works very hard in accomplishing them. We knozv God has plans for her life and we have trust in Him that all her goals will be accomplished. Remember, "babe" , we will ahoays be therefor you and we kwe you very much.

Love Mom & Dad

Trisha DeVries

/ am a little shy, but not anymore once I started school. Congratulations! We are proud of you, Trish! May God bless you this year in planning your ivedding.

Love Dad & Mom Sisters & Brothers

Rod Lamb

Jennipher Ann Mauger

Congratulations, dear Rod! We are very proud of you. OBC has given you neiv understanding, greater faith and new relatio)iships which have helped you prepare for new challenges now before you. God has blessed you 'with many gifts - nozv you must discover where He calls you to be. God will provide you with the knowledge tliat all things are possible with Him. We wish you much happiness and success for your future. God bless you always.

Mom & Dad

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Well, my faithful staff. It does seem that everything is finished. No more pages, quotes, pictures, and nagging deadlines to deal with. Our book, "Warriors for Christ" is finished. (And we all said, "AMEN"! [Baptist are we?!]) But I want to play off the idea of being a "Warrior for Christ" for a moment.

Many times this year I pushed many of vou to complete deadlines and wTiatnot, 1 gave all kinds of stuff to you to do and you did it, proving that you are all Warriors (that is surxiving my pushing and proding). Thanks for all the haro work, not only physically but mentally, that went into the book'. You are all very much part of the continuous story of OBC.

Remember to dream the largest goal possible and then add some and go for it! It's our dreams that keep us alive.

God Bless & See ya in next year's pages

1993-1994 Yearbook Staff

John Bowman - Editor, Ceativeness Himself

(There the same)

Lana Baglole - Co-Editor, Co-Hort

Holly Dickson - Photographer

Cherlyn Fagan - Proof/Grammar Check

Tanya Waldron - Proof/Grammar Check

Mark Page - Photographer

Chris Malthison - Photographer

Edmundo DeFrietas - Caption Man

Darrell Johnson - Graphics Design (Title Page


Glenn Hunt - Technical Assistant

Steve Thomson - Staff Ad\isor

To all those who also wrote stories about your dorms, they're AWESOME!!

Back Row: John Bowman (Editor), Holly Dickson (Photographer), Cherly Fagan (Proof Check), Mark Page (Photographer)

Front Row; Lana Baglole (Co-Editor) Joy Wood (Captions), Edmundo deFrietas (Captions), Danielle Lamarche (Write-ups), Tanya Waldron (Proof Check)



Special Thanks To:

Henry's Cameras & Accesories

OBC Student Council - For continous support

OBC Student Writers - Your work on the

writi'-ups i.s outstanding.

Helen Dupasquier - Your continuous support

o\er the phone was much needed.

Glenn Hunt - For technical assistance in all


OBC Students- For being our joy and


Photo Credits:

There are so many people that have donated pictures

To name a few:

Sandy Mackley Amy Russell Joy Wood

Tracy Sproule Pam Stringer Tanya Waldron

Hon Ludlow Kim teSligte Janet Howie

Chris Matthison Joanna Elo

Lorna Charles Holly Dickson

Margie May Natasha Gascho

To all those whose names did not appear, a very

Sincere Thank You. Your continous donations

made this book what it is.







7 /^m ^kmi^ ^n/^tr. ^7^/^

John Bowman Editor 1993-94

The title of my little blurb sure suiui up exactlii hoiv I am fceliu^ ri'^ht now. It's the iveek of our last deadline (Feburary 1-5) and am goiu^ very

crazy because "I am still short some pages AA.ARRGGHHH" aud it

is driving me crazy. "Where do I find those pages?" and "\Vttat can I do to get them?" HEELLPPPH The life of a yearbook editor is a rough one. Year after year you think to yourself, "Things are going to get easier because you have learned neiv things in the previous year that ivill help." WRONGGGl There arc always those little naging things that you don't expect. Here are just a few: 2 x broken cameras blank films xtra color charges sic, sic, sick SSS - SSS computer ($%S!@%&) too much homework (blown off) procrastination (Something to live by) one RA murder (Chris) and many other things as well. Crazy, possibly. Insane, mayby, just plain Gone off the Rocker, yep!

The OBC yearbook has given me many times of joy and happiness and at the same time pain and sorroiv, but I LOVE IT! It has been a great joy to work over the last two years with many different people in putting together a legacy. I only hope and pray that as you look back at tliesc pages time after time, that they bring you many years of great joy and laughter. I knoic they have for me and I only put the book together. Oh, and to one person inparticidar, Lana thanks for putting up with someone ivho can be a real pain in the neck alot of times. To the rest of my great staff, here's to a marvelous year together and to many more in the future. Adios Amigos. Hi Ho Silver Aivay Ha Ha Hall

,^,^,^,^,^,1 ,1,1 ,1 ,1 ,1,1,1,1 .^.^.^.^.^.^


QXLAjruujnci. . . .^^

Well, here we are. This the end of another semester and the oid of an- other year. This is a time of celebration and thankfidness and mourning for this marks the end of the 1993-1994 Machaira ami the end of the 1993-1994 school year. (Not quite you still have those autograph pwges to fill with a lot of memo- ries that we the yearbook committee could never even try to put together!)

A lot of people have put A LOT of work into this year's yearbook. I want to metion a couple of those. John, thank you once again for all of your creative- ness. Without all of your hard work, this book would have a generic cover, a lot of square corners and very few pictures (Thanks to all of our PhotograpihersH). Hey, there were NO 36 hour cramming for deadlines!!!!!!!! Darrell, you may not go to OBC any longer, but you have contributed a lot with your God-given talent. Thanks for those wonderfid title pages, Mr. Title-Page-Man himself Thanks to all of you who have dropped in to the yearbook office and spent some time just shooting the breeze with me. Some of those times will always be with me. Thank you, OBC, for openuig up the many opportunies that have allowed me to be a part of the school. These three years will never be forgotten.

Thank You, Father. You truly are the Author and Creator of all. Thank You for all the gifts and talents that You have given me as well as all the other members of the Yearbook Committee that has allowed us to once again produce a yearbook that is just a little bit better than the rest. You desrve all the honor and glory for this book. AQ


Lana Baglole Co-Editor 1993-1994





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