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[ Bible Colle^ip j

p 1894 - 1994 ^^ ^

F 25 ftallyconnor Crt. North York. ON.. M2M 4h3

L l-416-226v6380


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The Unforgettable Journey

Student Leadership '94

The cars were packed. The truck loaded. The shuttle bus rockin'. The stage was set tor the leadership Retreat of 1994. Destination: Awenda Provincial Park, Penetanguishene, ON. Towards the rocky and serene shores of Georgian Bay the Leadership Team travelled, full ote.xpectations, excitement, and, of course, energy. The days ahead were full of promise and sunshine (we hoped). We were not disappointed, well except for the sunshine part but we'll N.ivethat story for a rainy day I With the camp set up and the retreat underway, the team experienced a wide range of activities. Whether it was preparing the meals, having to scrape up a sample of animal droppings tor Cherilyn's scavenger hunt, suttering through Rick's punishing game of "Exodus", or singing around the campfire, this year's leadership team was treated to two days of fun, relaxation, and, most importantly, spiritual guidance. It was a time for OBC's student leaders and Community Life staff to form a bond with one another and with the Lord before a busy and stressful year, and to leam the importance of working as .1 team There isn't a better way to accomplish this than having to share a tent with three or four other bodies, h,i\ 111;; lo w (irk together to build a fire or preparing Egg McMuffins over cold camp stoves at eight in the morning. \^ e bonded as a team over those two days in late August. We learned about ourselves, about others, and about Christ. We came back tired, we came back a little wet, hut. above all. we returned equipped lor the task which lay before us. By: Trevor Russell

"...having to scrape up a sample of animal droppings for Cherilyn's scavenger hunt..."




ci ihis. Sieve turned inldlhc Increilihlc We're sorrj' we can'l shcm ydu hiil it wa,sn't a pretty sight. Debliie's never been the same since. (Detibie Harris & Sieve Russey)

Aw , Cmon John. Please don't put il in the yearbcKik. I'lldoanything. I'll write captions, develop film. I'll even carry yourcamera foi ['lease don't put il in the yearbook (Trevor Russell I



,. : i,,r^.,..,^ ..I il„

Ijird Wh<icajiciimpafc,niltiihchcaul> <■! he l.otil '* (One. hcaulilul ^unvcl al (jcorgian Bay. AwcdaPrtiv iiwial Pari i

I'm ihc guy yi>ur molher warned you aNiui IsualK I'm cule and cuddly, hul uhcnl Iri l.mvc Walch()ul.l-jdics'( Ja> IxtiMun -1 C'l-nli.ilkAi






Lislcn. if I «aminhruvhm> lim-iK. Ih.uc e>er\ nghl and Irccdum In do vi ll ^ a proven fact Brushmg your (onsils greaily reduces the nsk of laranzilis UoannaEtol

I lo\eil»hcnihc> leimcslnniiihcm along They rcallpully mm> hands (Xki Thais fun' I Danielle Lamarchc and ihe Boys Sieve. Eddie and Paul i

Luana-shc is quid, gcnile. canng. warm, capable, proper and kind Houever.loihis day I'm noi sure I understand her sudden interest in the game of si veer il.u.in.i Busih. 5 Central R.\ I

An\ |okes aSiul pigs and I II gcniK

this apple up your nose Nice morning, isnl

It '! iTodd Brown, bdilor of the New


, Thibwildlifecat Awenda waanpthing«h6rk of breath-takinA Beautiful. yGnTr!(Luana •^ ^ aBusch. Joy W<K«i Krisia Webfc.)Nata<iIia Cascho)

''Aipigos, Para Siejnpw' mean^y^'ll - alwayi be my friend!" To PjuL tires in^icaLaa^ ihe world, his ^age.)^Paul Moiris) O '^

So one ]^I3^e that R/Ptraining *oufil be this rigorous. But I am^etermined. I too will havj many dorm dates w ith my^stec dorm. ( Vania Willik & Jny I ehmarn

Being a stiSdent leaderis hard ranifnng. playing, telling others what fo do, singing. lolling others what U) do. t*), beings student leader fs'Sntat' (Don t.ndll^\y.-4(

.South,RA> ,


From The Familiar To The

Unknown, a FwsIi Perspective

Leaving behind the funky tartan, t'lddle music, and nules ot tann land of Cape Breton and heading towards the tall buildings, crazy traffic, and smog of Toronto was pretty scan, . However, when I amved at OBC. it was almost as scary. Strange people, people wanting all my monev and happy, insane people in purple shins bopping around. After signing about a hundred chl-cks and gi\ ing away all my v/-, money, and them bolting up what seemed jj" to be a about a million stairs. I found my dorm, mv roommate, and my RA. The most comforting thing I saw was a ton ot other people looking almost as lost and as scared as I felt.

When I look back on that tirst day and also that first week at OBC. it makes me laugh. Those crazy people in purple shirts turned out to be great. They worked hard to help us. showed us around, helped us feel at home, and worked hard to plan a great week

offun and memories. A trip to the "wet and cold" Centre Island where, when you left, you either had pneumonia or really dirty feet from geese droppings. First time and fast rides on the subway, trips downtown Toronto wandering aimlessly looking for Kensington Market, roaming around Queen St.. losing people, running to people's aid on the street, seeing the sights, and going to Canada's Wonderland praying that we wouldn't die on the roUercoasters. Line ups on registration day. and of course the hardest baule of all - trying to stay awake. The things that I think were the most productive were the praisefests and the ravine walk, where you could feel the unity of this group of people.

Orientation week was fun but the I best parts were the friends we have made ' and how quickly we became like family. Frosh. upperclass, staff and faculty coming together with one main goal - God. This family and these friends we will have lorever.

"From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. "

tiere. I'm supposed to be well mannered. Forget Ii "Hiis is me. You married me; live with ill



The irresistable RA's

the variety in Beaver Foods

the huge and spacious rooms

we were assigned

the most comfortable beds in

the world

the mountain of stairs

stereo wars

the cool voice mail

gotta love Otis, he is never around

cheapest place for pop, 50 cents

the next flight out didn't leave

'til Tuesday

Up top we have Tracey. Not only the author of the Frosh Perspective, but also a product of God's country. Cape Breton & NewFoundLand.

Yeah. Yeah. Move yourhandoutof the way. BniiD that cute yellow mouse over and I'll show you w hai 1 think uf balloon animals.

Everyone should have Iheir very own lite size Klingon Personal Scalp Massager and Back Scratcher. A little more to the right please Aahhhh!. (John Walduck& Mark Abraham)

Uk. Iin iiicJ ol MUiling Like (he picluii and il you come any closer, you'll be sorry Ha Ha Ha. iFrosh student )

OBC IS full ofparty animals, literally. Two frosh students after a full day of Canada's Wonderland. ( Sorry, il'sjusitoocolorful to leave out)

Do you sense a distance problem m ihis picture? Cindy. Kaia & Andrea getting readv for a showdown.

Here we have our first attempt at casting for the show .Maverick. Or is it an attempt at reverting back to our past? Who Knows! They look great, don't they'

O ;• WITH :%



.)\ciheaiila>niall.bul»4lcr> Miicr. lallxul HiiMsliuK iviulslon Thisi\alji.'r>inly miiDlhriioulJltAc (K<|>^' Wrung hiHik ' I A iiiiHmri\h i

Hc> lh<;lc.loll^ rj|ik(:li>inlri>Jucc>i>ut»ni\ iiru LuiiiK Bui pIcdNC don'l icll in> uilc ahxul this lilllc liip im» iIk- fNiNl She'll kill nu: Sarah. Uoik at Ihr taiiirra Noi al thai lall.hli>ndguv



t))lp CIL®SIE

and Pe^f^^onac

Already inlu (he lirsi ucek ul ■h.IukiI and xtie s lired Folk«. do you think -.he will make it ' lis hard to icll Oh well, lei her sleep

Students: Being Open and Honest about Themselves

Candids What exactly are those pictures anyway? Well, according to Mr. Noiih Webster, a candid is a descnptive word that means "frankly truthful even if the truth is unpleasant: honest, open." So a picture that I-. .1 candid IS one that shows a

person (in the case of the yearbook, a student) who is letting his or her true personality.

Many of the pictures in this edition are of the candid nature. You will find all sorts of interesting shots of students as they show their true colors here in the halls of OBC. And who could forget those exciting outings'?

Many thanks to those who were able to get all those amazing candids.

Remember to look over \ our shoulder. You never know when one of those yearbook photographers will be taking YOUR picture!!!

By: Lana Baglole

Dawna Wilson models the new mandilory student leader's hat and how to wear il in a most diginifed manner.

"I'm just .so excited; I'm just so happy. I'm jusl so thrilled. ..Icould just BURST!" (Josh Sklar atiempiing loconlain his Frosh Week exatineni )

"I sec Billy and Sue and Joey and Bobby. ..and I see You I" (Kara Riepma doing her best Romper Room impression. )

"Aw. shucks, don't take my picture... naww, you don't want one of me. ...make sure you get my good side. OK?" (Jay Lehman catches balloon fever)



It* '






'NilU l( SdlllCIMIC Cliultl JUSI hlllsl u

ii\ci wc could lluptiui .uiii% aiiJ I 111 sun wcoiultilly

ll.iHiking 1)11 Ihc lop ol llic t'.aloii C'ciiln duiiiig a lour ol Toronto I

"Hows THIS one '" (Krisia Hall prat lite lici iiioM wclcommn. loniloiiint: smile ii make llie tiosh led al home aiiil sate' 'I

11 less leader Natasha Gaschoallcmpts to "Look! Here's one of those tiny mimsculc \eiheluggagcofallthcfroshuptotheir Imlc hairN Don keeps talking about Oh. Minsinonetrip sorr>! It's a piece of fuiz." (TheRA'sfrom

South-Don. Krista. Kalhv. Eddie I



I >>nuck up un Beih- Ann tor ihis picture. She dermitely has that 'iflooks could kill" look. And believe mc when she sees this, it will he the death of me.

After aday of hard partying. Perry and Mark ended up on our list of 'Endangered Siudenls'. Or is that "Dangerous Students" .'

Welcome to OBC's first tr> for "Swan Lake'. As you can see. we have many hopefuls, but only one will be chosen. What do vou think '


* atf*

M!Mi^>. i-Ji



Does this picture bnng Mall into focus or what' He definitely is still a cute andcuddly Teddy Bear Right, Matt?

Frank wa.s heard saying. "I work best w ith my own kind I. illle People''


Steve, w hat sup." ' Did Beaver Foods ■-lip something into your sandwich that wasn i .ery tasty?



I'mnol \uii: uhai ihcsc (iiils uric u|)lii ll uas cilhrr ^ |hi|< |;u//lin(; mnlrM >>i lhc>

(\iuglil Vj' !)•• >«u kn>m thai il s a SIOIJ tiitr liK C4iint; li > iji xhci ihuii licii\c( Kuif » inthccalc ' Mcy. ucuiulrrMwJ'Canlhjte M»mc ' linSlancJ" (Tinikiiuipi>livhc»off vimr Harvey vuhilepfrpaiingtiH A&Al

I lie Surgeon General has nou declared thai n uiiy cones" do have lemhle side afTects on

humans. Ahhh. looks like il's stuck again! !

Look! Darlcnc has turned into Dopey.

These are Ol'R students, our Torch and Flag bearers for the March for Jesus and Prayer Rally held at the Skydome on Saturday. October Isl. IW4

*Put up your hands. You are under anest for the federal offence of stealing extra

Aaron its a BALL BAG. not a BOI)^ BAG Andvouderinilelvdonotlooklike.i


tomat«s Honest'"*

"But officer. I didn't know ball By the way. nice checkered BUTT!'

The M.•.lM'n^ ^onif aiiil ci>. ihc «.i> wf drcv. t'hangcs. ok.i> . ,is mmii .is iIicn l.ikc ihc |iic(uic. niakt- ynur

ihtf songs we sing chungL-. but our GOD, our Mighty way to the car. got in. and we'll timl out just what this

G<xl. He remains Ihc same. (The Turn of ihc Century baby can do. But remeinhei. Be Discreet About It!

Salvation .^rmy Allirei (Dr & Mis Penner in Period Costumesi

The Father's Great

Turn to me andipe saved all you ends of the earth: For I am God, and there is no other "

Isaiah 45:22


J. Shigeru Y. Bautista BRE

OBC-Three years of struggling. Stmggling to use my head yet give mv heart; to t\im truth into life; to create wisdom out of knowledge... Knowledge is easily attained, but Wisdom takes forever.

Thank you Pa & Ma for praying, Batch for vour support. Thank you. Lord, tor vour patience & iove! Phil. 3:13, 14

Peter Brubacher BRS

That I'm here at all is a miracle. That I'm graduating is grace, both God's and certain professors'. The most important lessons have been about thankfulness and living life abundantly. "I'm alive. What a crazy thing!"

Patricia Blakeley BTh

O Ckxi, vou are my God, I seek you my soul thirsts for vou; my flesh faints for \ou, as in a drv' and vvear\' land where there is no water So I ha\e Icxiked ufKin vou in the sanctuar.', beholding \'our po\%er and rIoh'. Ektause your steadfast line is K-tter than Ufe, my lips v\ill praisi' \c)u Ps. 63:1-3 "Some people come into our lives, make footprints on our hearts, and we are ne\'er quite the same " Flavia Thanks Mom and Dad for tieing there tor me, and thanks OBC for providing true friendships and wonderful memories that will last a lifetime. Baaa!

Edmundo J. De Freitas BRE

Is this the end or just the beginning? Three years pass quickly, but the memories last forever. Thank you for your friendship A], DL, JW,'dL, PM, Asian, DC, DJ, JB, BC, TS, NE, KM, JM, PF, RAs. Thanks, Mom /Dad /Sis, for your love. Vania, you are my best friend and my beloved. For you faithfulness, I thank you. Father.

John Bowman BRE

"If I could be honored just to gaze upon vour face, 1 would give a million worlcfs like this to be with vou in that

Filace." (Acapella) never thought I'd be graduating from a Bible college. Ha. There are many people in mv life who have cared enough to help me along the way. To my familv who have been a real support as 1 was growing up. I love you. Mom! To all my friends, especially Sandy, Danielle, Sarah, L.ana & Joel, I love you all . Finally, my praise & worship to Christ Jesus, to whom mv life is mdebted. You, 1 love most of all. I Peter 5:2

Jairo Essendi BRE

It feels good to finally come to an end of this "milestone". My recollection of my time here at OBC is one of great respect for the knowledge and vdsdom I have received here. It has tempered and developed an attitude of humbleness towards life and fjeople. Long live OBC. As for me, I will cling on to Qxi's grace to lead me on into the future.

Asfaw Bedecha BTh

Isaiah 48:18 Trusting in Gtxl's faithfulness day by da\' makes us confident in His great promi.si's tor the tutun.'. 1 thank Him tor Hls loving care and provision. He brought me this far and I will lean on Him

Special thanks for mv wife, Esther, and our kids, OBC staff, faculty and tnends as well as the first Korean Presb\'tenan Church of Toronto for their faithful support and prayer. All my friends, 1 love you. I miss you. Let us remember Each other in prayer. God bless vou.

Iris Cameron BRE

"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" was the verse I claimed as I entered OBC. Graduation then was only a dream; now it's reality and with God's strength, I did it My prayer now is that God will "instruct me and teach me in the way I should go".


Sjmuel loyis^j BTh

1 >.iiiu- 111 DBC trom tthmpu Mv H Ik'U-ikMfti'vl thank> tt> l.<ij w ht.> iiuidr [xnMhk' tJv~' hiuiuui in\(x>vuhilitfc-< h\ i II-* jxn\tT .uwl ^r.Kf 1 vs M\t u> th.uik llu* >|jtl .ind l.uullv tor iht- III.' .md rvjxTifiKV I tvid .ukI .UI lh«'stlld«'I>llx»i\ ll>f thi' WlKxItfUll MM.ll lltCfXHfUIKX'

IKuito lo (.«'d«-»' Kl H. .uwi ln«i>d'. Ii>r pr-ivit and tanuiN ••upixirt I I'vtiiid thai\k> tn IVmj'U-. Ct>unh aiid tlv LHK. admmistralur dff'.irtnifiil tor lln-ir hfUiVktlMipfXict A'>fi«'vi.iltKuilo.hini\ wiir hiWrtf and m\ mhis Hinil and MfUuim li>r viiur jmIkixv .uvJ lor Ivinj; an «"naxira(;»"mrtit to nv u< nuinv was-* inmvL»»«hiur>iMrNaH.H«. Matt 1*^

n.hhn- M.irris


hl'lau^t• Ml- liveti I c<in fjcr

i.imnrruw. b<*tau!>r Hf liven all

U-ar i> Horn*, IxtauM* I know Mr

IioMn ihf lulun- and life in worth

livinK'|U!il bfiausii* He livesi


Ihank. you lur the chjllrngeii,

i-vpi-ricncfk, pvupir and

rt'lalionship!! thai havi* hllrd my

liti- luTf at DIJt A* thf U)rd Irad*

im- inlti a m*w ihapti-r ol rn>' lid*. 1

know that lhi» oni* will alwayo

ri-main dear to mv heart

Gar\' Hunt BRb

VN iiw . wheiv has the time j;i)ne? It ?<vn\s like \i'sten.l.i\' I niet all thex' wild ,ind ora/\' piH)ple. IKinks Mom & Dad .md the tvst ot m\- tamil\-; Gene; mv nximies: Carslen Darlmg, Marcus, Billy Bi)\-; Tamnn . |C. |M, BM, SB, CB, AC, LB, ME, in, CK, \G, DL, and man\- others; and, especially, CAxi. "Cast .ill vou .laxjety on him because he cares tor \ou." See va. -CANNON BALL

Doug Jerome BRE

I have been involved with my proy;ram since the tail ol 19K2. It IS linallv over Cod has lx*en taithtui and has allowed me to complete the task which He pa-pared for me. 1 just want to thank Him Hrst and foremost, then 1 would like to thank my wife for putting up with me for these past 13 years. Onward to Si'minarw

Danielle Lamarche BRE

OBC has been a place of growth and challenge Manv good triendships have been made which means mans good-byes. To my special SM, you taught me to listen, to risk and to be myself. Thanks for your friendship. I thank God for all the e.xperiences he has allowed me to have. Thanks also to mv familv. I love vou!

Don Ludlow BRt

How can so few words capture the best years of my lite' I thank God for the way OBC challenges each of us to be all that we are for all that he IS Thanx to ED, I'M, RB, Vun, Jodi & Tig. You guys have brought a lot to my life - too manv memories to forget. Mom, Dad & SB, I love you. I'm outta here!!

Lynn Mackley BRE

Profos.sors taithtullv pounnR their hiMrts & God-pven wisdom into me, tnend-s that never faik'd me & God's immiMsurabii' love leadine me throu);h all-lhi-si- are mv OBC dxTLshed memoni's juds-for vour lo\e, aca."ptaniv & kstening to m\' crxr, stont-- S^m & Ci>lin-for voiir tniTid.ship, late ni^t talk.-. -«'i\-nades, loud music. pinTTLs and ixrttixi toilets Daruelli-lor tmu' s^x-nt^ sKinnp our hearts & sfxiial tn[>. to \S Siriav & Uavid-mv two vouneer brothers whom r lovf & look up to in .idmirativm Mom ft Had-lor vour kivi" tt praviT that made thi.s possibfe But most import.intlv to Jesus-my Fnend, Lord and Saviour who is loiwer to he prai.'*\l

Sandy Mackley BRE

One ot my mi>ttos b>ecame. if at first I don't graduate. tr\' another year I leave here with a lot more than I cami- with because of oil the gifts, something from vou. mv speaal fnends. pven to me It wiis worth iL i-ven il I can't get a loan lor the next 2(1 years To all my buds in Community' LiK". thank you for investmg intoetemitv thniughme Danielk-, thank vihj tor vour kixe and all \-our supporting wa\-s Hi-v. [B. CM, SL BM. G & LT Nt\' and my littW Bro, I kiveyou all. May my lifebea k>ve note to vou. Cod.


Judy McKay BRE

Thank you, God, tor the staff and the students that have given their lives to your ministry- To all those who have touched my heart, thank you for showing me Christ's love through joy, laughter, chats, tears and care. 1 will never forget how much we have shared. My promise leaving here is Ps. l'):14. Stay in touch. Love, ]ud\

Cynthia Marie Nyp BRE

He called a little child and had him stand among them And he said: "1 tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in mv name welcomes me." Matthew 18:1-5

Paul Neuman BRE

There's a treasure at the end of this narrow I'm travelling that gives me a purpose for life. Jesus is my treasure!!

Frank Quan BRE

I want to thank her iorher support and encouragement in these very few \ears 1 spent with her. She is but a tender child and I am sure she will mature into a beautiful woman unto God's glorv God be with her as she ventures on her pilgrimage. Thank vou,CkxI, torluT.tlUC To her, I otter this hope, "I have stinvd up one from the north, and he comes-one from the 'rising (of the) sun' who calls on mv name..." to CkkJ K' the glor\' Gixl bless thee and tliank-s tor \-our lovi>, faith and hope. Thank you, my Father, for hearing our prayers.

Jeffrey Alan Nowers BRS

"The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying him forever." John Piper After six arduous semesters, I remain a debtor to profs Friesen and Hiebert for their inspiring scholarship, and to prof Wyper for exhibiting a humility which bespeaks exemplary Christian virtue. SOLI DEO GLORL\!

Ellen Richardson BRE

Praise You, Jesus! !-as if words could express my gratitude for the miracle of health! I Thess. 5:18; Jer. 29:11; Phil. 1:6. A special thanks to Sheila for listening and loving. Love you. Mom and Dad! Thanks also to Dr. Barsky.

Breton Murphy BTh

Well, OBC, it has been four years already. You have brought me fond memories, dose friends and much debt! Thank you to my family for their support and encouragement. Thank you to my friends who have been there through thick and thin. And thank you. Lord Jesus, for your great faithfulness. Amen. Rom. 8:28.

Scott Nyp BRE

OBC has helped me to see things rightly. Thanks to the profs for caring to teach. Thanks to Community Life for giving us the freedom. Thanks to my good friends, RB, PM and TR. Thanks, Tan, for your love. "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."


Trevor Kussoll BRS

(iir th«' |^\is» (hnv WMTs. vi>u h.>vf nurtiirwi rmv lanvl li«r int-, Mu^hl iihv

Uiii^. \i>ii fum' nuvJf iiw >.t\: wm

\\.\w brvikni n»- Jow-n, .ind wu h.i\v

built nu- Kiik up Fur .lU thts, I th.mk


To my tamily. you've helptti nu-

nMluv who I am TKink vou I knx*


to thi- mtTi -tC ■*H-'*f<. vou haw

Uu>;ht nw to knv lih- .u\d tK.ee wv

sKin-ilwith ■'Ikivom-mnRlheflaR'"

Th.u\k \\iu. K-SU.S ^ou truly aa- my

stix-ngth l'->ilm M"

Blaine Scott BRE

W Ikti I came to C3BC. I set aside my own dreams and obeyed God's calling to the nuntstry Now .IS 1 (inish, I lind that the vision Gixi had lor my Ule h.is now become m\' owa and the dn-ams I divam are ol the plans and purpiwes ol God. WKit .1 change' I praLse Gi)d tor all He has done and I prav (or laithtulness tor all ol us, that we may win our generation tor Christ. Luke 20:24

Jodi Smith BRS

Petunia, D .i w n a , V u n , Sh"anne", Lisa-my soul- mate, DY and DL-my brothers, Carsten (Baaa): You are niv precious memories. I love y'all!

"He who wears his moralit)' but as his best garment were better naked." - Kahlil Cibran

\ eta .\1. Saundep» BKE

M\ h.-artlell thanks to the l.iculty, students and stall who h.U'e played a sigrulicant role in preparing me (or ininistrv' (or such a time liki- this


Tracy Sproule BRS

"i know the plans 1 have tor vou, plans to give vou a hop>e and a future. You will seek me and you will (ind me when vou seek me with all vour heart." Jer. 29:11.13. Thanks to all who helped me seek God at OBC Vun & M^ thanks for our search East - Iiir\iiing! Kev & Mike, let's write that book - Jeff will sell it!

.\ila Stemmler


[■heix' an- many who seek knowk-dge

tor the sake o( knowkxlge

That is curiosity

There are others who desire to know in order that ihev may theiTLselves K- known: That IS vanity

But there are some who seek


in order to serve and edify others

And that is low

- Bemani ot dairvaax

I Cor 13 13

Pamela Stringer BRS

Deaa"st Lord Jesus, Praise be to vou-For the U>rd is good and his love endures forever; his (aithfulness continues thrviugh all generabons. Ps. 1005 Thank you. Lord, for your conhnual blessings of love and faithfulness.

Mom and Dad, thank you for Ntiur love, prayer> and support Speaal mems: DC, RK. CC, AK. 3S and Glen-1 love you all Lead oa O King Eternal.

Greg Sumner BRE

I'm thankful for my time at

OBC Getting (irmly rooted, lieing

tniilt up instnjcted

I'm grateful to my wn(e. Colleen, and

my tamily. Brad, Kellie aiKi Dand-my

Bamabus'; Dr Russell, a model

servant and "builder o( kings "; Ruth

and CoL my pra\ing wamors who

upheld my arms in tne "battk? of the


And to the anonymous donors who

hi'lpwi me ihnnigh financially

And to Cixi who h.is taught me an

enormous amiunt in this amanng

|oumi"\' thniugh OBC

To Him be the glocyl


Darrell Robert TriHon BRS

Well, this is it! What words can be said about these past three years and what words can be said about the next three years? All I can say is: Lord, you are so faithful! It is finished!

Vania Willik BRS

"And what is this valley called?"

"We call it now Wisdom's

Valley; but the oldest maps mark

it as the Valley of Humiliation."

Thanx 4 the lu\- MB, JS, DW, TA,

TS. 2 all my friends, come C me

in Cape Breton! If not, 'dl glory!

Eddie, this is it!

Father, Your peace carries me


niRVmNG!!! Thank you Rod L.

John Ufkes BRE

Challenged convictions often resulted in more questions than answers. Yet the process enabled subtle growth. Growth not only from the classroom and books, but also from the fellowship and discussion found in the lounge around the "Pharisee Table". To my peers, I encourage once again - Heb. 10:24.

Dawna Wilson BRS

I luv you, Jodi, Vania, Joe and Steve. Thanks for believing in me. Will, and, Mom, when I grow up, I want to be just like you. ILU2. Jesus, thanks you for loving me "real, real, real hard." You have covered me with your arms and have shown me favour unending- Thanks for being my Faithful One.

Joy Wood BRE

"I take the hand of the One who will be my Companion, for He will show me the place to begin."

Father, thank you for using this unworthy child. My family, thank you for modelling His love to me. BY, DL, LB, ED and LT, thank you for being the friends who seem like unexpected angels to me - I love vou.

Michael Bowyer BRS

Loma Charles BRE

Matthew Fox BRE

Susy Kim BRS

Heather Bogar BRE

There is so much I could say. OBC has shown me that I still have lots to learn, and that is O.K. God has remained true to me. When I felt down and lonely, he always picked me up.

Thanks BC, TL & The Humber Group". Special thanks to Mom & Dad. Your love, prayers and support have not gone unseen. I Love You!

Mattlu'w Kaine BUI

Thomas Smith

Mark Connelly BRE

Till hunj;rv. Mayonnaise on toast is what 1 like the most, but if you have only jam, I'll eat that tixi. Thanks, Steph.

Ann Margaret Hudgins BRS

Years of growing, bending, stretching, hurting, laughing describe my time here. I pray I will continue to follow and grow closer to Him. Thank you to my teachers who helped me and my parents for their constant support. Thanks, Ross, for you. Thank vou, God, for making all things possible.

Kosem.ir\ Siharfe BKi;

\aughn Butt BRS

Mhrrmrr lK«t I pmnjnrtii m«ri iTjin fitf '

John Huh BRE

If one's mistakes are considered to be experiences, then the schix>l cafe food was full of experiences. Praise God "...that he who began the good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil. 1:6

. \HtM* luf thr

mr . rr., ,. up

unu»mlK ... I rntoy

II itviUKli'i I i-iiJi^^llv »i)L.lJ hi-r U: ri(ir»« my KralltuJr III my iir«r wilr Ar Jrlir. my pAfmu ami my fjmit\ liK ittnr li>%r anj Mjppun itut hHp*^ mv mr •t.iniKlv jnd (>t> Irjh r))A\K VOt) LORD"

Alain Blondin BRS

I will ni'VtT be the sjmi- Two words d e s c r 1 b I- m V OBC experience I'arjdif;m Shifts I have disciivered more of Cod: His will. His world. His people and morv o( mvseK Thanks to Dorven and Thomas-Cod's Angfls, Lx-e-Ann, ^ van 4 Kvan lor their lovinj; support I'raise the Lord! Here am I, send me'

Rich Hutchings BRS

Ji->us ri-plii'd "Love the Lord your Cod with all your heart and with all your soul and with all vour mind ' This Is the first commandment And the second is like il 'Love your neighbor as vourself 'All the Law and (he Prophets hanf; on these two commandments " Matthew 22 .V-40

Sung Soon Hwang


Hear this, all you peoples;

listen, all who live in this

world, both low and high,

rich and poor alike.

My mouth will speak words

of wisdom, the utterance

from my heart will give


I will turn my ear to a proverb,

with the harp I will expound

my riddle.

Ps. 49:1-4

Julie Scath BRE

I'll cheri.sh these years of hard work and learning always. Thanks to my Humber group for your love and friendship. I wish you all God's richest blessings in the future. Don't forget, "ifty-bittv'-tiny-faifh!" Thanks Trev for your love and support through these three years. I love vou very much!

Dave Tughan BRE

Four years hen.' and only 3(X) words to sum il all up Theiv have been Rival fnends and px-al lau^s Musi of all. ihouRh theR- have btvn tlv quieter times when even I could think and gniw Thanks ai>d love to all of you

Dow, I love ya, bud BB, vou'r> the best. Keep on kn-ing! PI. thanks for all vixir help

Finallv, lo ", whix-xer she mav t«e Good luck, all the best and I II be seeing you soon.

Dawn Wilson BRE

OBC has taught me much about ser\'ing our Lord and growing as a pers*in Thank you to my family and fnends for their love and support during my time here. I love you all. Thanks to JB for the love and encouragement. In my life. Lord, be glorified. Here I am, send me!



"Can you see me ' No '.' Now can >ou sec me?...' Tr\or. come out of the closet, O.K.?!?

Now. ladies and Gentlemen, Joy WikkI is sporting a beautifully sculpted head of hair. At least I think it's hair. I could be wrong though!

Here ' s Looking At...

Long term fnendships have an adverse Hey. Veta. You though I never took a As Debbie, our Student Council president, bites into her sub. she realizes that there is affect on people, especially in Ontario pictureof you? Wrong! Have a good day! something in her sub that just shouldn't be there. (From afar. "Has anyone seen my dog's Bridal College. chewy steak!?!)


f ^ -■

Auuuu Ami Ihal sweet It nuics mc

wanllii' l>i>u (ill ini tiill

and Judy, yd another couple destined to ha\e the Ontario Bridal ( .illc(;c logo branded on thcin LiiaKTillUlitliunt!"

And here is l>>n who docs the branding No. niK with an iron, silly' You use abow and arrow, remember ' Your Cupid!

ominglogctyou'Ahhhhb Run. runaway' Hide before HrankenGary gels us' Hide' \rrrgb'

Darrell just played one of his most sour notes yet Can you lell'*'^



We the yearbook committee would like to dedicate this page to our students and close-ups. You very seldom get close to people so here is your chance to see their faces really CLOSE UP. Have a Laugh!!





Michael Fnl/ BRh

"My first year-So why did Ihey put me on the 3rd tloor' Good thing for Carsten or I think we'd all lose touch with reality."

Peter Brribacher BRS

"Theyearof thecenobite - in order to graduate. I have cut myself off from all human contact. Except for my beloved room- male, of course."

Jiihn Hr\an


Tim Stevens


Irevor Aucoin


Ross Baxter


Asfaw Bedecha


Jeremy Choi


'Peter Davison


Samuel Feyissa


Fred Hall


Rich Hutchings


Mark Jefferson


Bnan Lindstrom


Cursien Lorenz


Onm Meikle


Breton Murphy


Mussie Yohans

Photos Not Ava


Photos Not Available:

Nat Brettell


Ron Maliler BRE

Alan Cole


John Richer NSR

Mike Comeau


Kevin Stoesz Cert



Guy Tasse BRE

Di Vincenzo

Len Veenslra NSR

Russ Haynes





rjliuij Blakclr>

IIKs HKI U 1 1.


Inr/ I itvit) ( CM

"A whole ycaj mi «S" The pciulur slcrpinu hjbiis 111 my toiiinie'. I'clunij' The moil en (crlaining serenoJin^ i>l l>auna Jusi a lasie i>l ihe hi/artc happenings on 'S-whal an expenente "

Jixii Smilh Toshimi Takahashi Chenlvn Waine


JuhcHackcii BKI

"Even Ihough ihc pirK .■! ? Soulh have i.'iimc frnm all 4 comers of the uorld- Japan. Africa. British Columbia. Avonlca-wc arc unified in ihc Lo\c of God The home of ihc WaHcK,'-



DaMd l.apsley


"Whais impoiiant is rather iricky. However. I guess il's a bonus ihal everyone in my dorm ilcesn'l smell bad."

Duane Jukcma


"What's important to notice is thai there is a real commitment to Christ here and that the dorm is growing in thai commitment together and having a blast doing

KcMii Johnson Josh Sklar Michael Bowver

Darryl Buckle [barren Conley Karl Deoadillo

f Thomas Francois Brad Gibson Perry Goodyear

Matthew Learn Sandy Mackley

Joel Main

1 Sloul Paul Turner John Walduck




Photos Not Available: Colin Malthison NSR

Craig Minchin BRE

Sae Ho Park NSR

Dave Polman NSR

Shandy White NSR


)a\ Ixhnun IrrMii Kux^cll \le\ Hcldan


lolin Hiiuiiian (iiahani Huclunan


Aaron HJIinglun IXin Hllioti

Mathew LangfrcN Andrew Mack David Mackley

Mykc McCarron Scoll Nyp tXwinie Peters

(rank Quan BRE

Jim Seckings Cen

Mark Wcllman BRI

I'holos Not Available R(1^ln Bailev (BRbi. Mark CiHinclly (BREk David McCallum INSR)

KcMli Aiiaciv.iii I cii

'Although iiuiiy of us .iir Kild and cra/\ individuaK. I notice ul »c tome together .1- i group vtc are Miiceie aiul devoted to one anothei .iriJ nev et loose the sense oil and hri>therh(Njd *

4 C e n t r a I - M a y I encourage you 10 keep our dorin theme verse a pnonty in your life May you strive to knov* CHRIST and keep Him

Phil v7.ll


H J Kj\moiiJ BRS

Who'stheman.' ll'snota i.|Ucslion ; il's a slalement. ^' iiu know, who the man i s . In case you don'l. here's a hint: It's not you and it's not me hut He set us hoth free."

l-.cll)elreilas Don Liullow Mark Ahr.ihani

Todd Brown Danny Caldwell Jonathan Collins

fMall Dredge Adam Gordon Ciarv Hunt

Bill Jewetl

"South contains a certain uniqueness of fellowship with one another thai doesn't exist just on the floor but carries over outside the school setting. I am glad to say that I have been part of South."

Jason Taylor Darrell Tritton Dave Tughan

I'hoto Not Available: Chapman (BREi


A C'ind\ Nyp J K4M Kirpiiu

lora AahtJckin


C'hnMinu Bovkinun ViMun Carutiounis HkIIn Dickvm

Shclcnc tllord Cen

Danielle Lamurchc BRE

Andrea Mvland

Marcia Van Schcl\en

Man-Ellen While


Jaiu Klli'l'


"l.i\ inn in S Ntiflh liashccn ltic|;icalc<>liin>eiilin> life' lis been lun )!ellin(.' u< Lniiw all ihe pcnple liei>- and making laslin lnend\hip\ '

Sarah Thompson BRh Quole Niil Available


Callie Clemenls


" Besides being ihe 'Central' of all activiiy, being the inoilialors between North & South IS the best of both worlds It IS the best feeling w aking up in the morning and ha\ing 20 of your friends saying 'Good Morning'. This [■-what I II alwavsenioy."

Sandra DeFreitas Cert

'What a sense of humour God has! He places 20 some odd girls together in 5 Central. He also gave us the theme to 'Keep Him in the Centre of our lives'."

Luana Busch Joy WixxJ Nicole Craig


Jen Dyett Joanna Elo Heather Ferguson


Jennifer Heidemann Galen Ireland Shelley Oseil


Sarah Post


Shauna Spronston


Meg Smith



Paub Chan Chnsiy Uohcny Melindii EslahriMiks

.Nala>ha Ga.scho Knsia Hall McUkIv Hamillon

Andrea Johnskm Mclanie Joseph Mehnda Lehman



Salali HuLhaiun

C cil

■| liivc S..ulh" ll iik.Il'." People aic lnenJI> and oult;oin); \khi<.h iiukc\ lilc lun& exciling' Theic ■. ib itlhcr place I'd ralhei K

Margie Ma> Tracy Ross Lisa Wiebe

Tara BeUivcau

To me. South means fncndship

"\ frirnd will strrnelhrn >ou with hrr prayers, hievs you with her loir, and rncouragr yuu with hrr hup<-"



Shigeru Baulisia BRl;

"OBChaschallengeilin> mind, tested my faith, strengthened my love - Praise the Lord for He Is GtHHj!!!"

William Bonnallie Geoff Bressmgton Keith Bundock

l.oma Charles BRH

"OBC has been a time of growing and learning more about God. I have learned that God is more than a character in a story. He is a personal, living father, brother, and Saviour."

Kenneth Achio' .Steve Balmer Marc Bertrand

Tesia Chutla Letitia Collins Andrew Costley

Rizza Damian Paul Dicks








Shaun l.llioii IK>u): 1 Kin

Leslie Jackson


Maiihcw Fox Soma Giu govaz If inn Grant


Rick Gninds Stephanie HanciK'k Debbie Hams


Janice Jenkins Carolyn Jung




Mike GibiK


'In the tunc I have been at UBC, I have made gixxj friends and received spiritual & accdeinii. guidance Giid has been gracious III alhiu mc i' study here '

Joanne Gregory BRE

"OBC has been an answ er to prayerforme Sincelvvasin Papua. New Guinea last summer. God impressed on me the importance of being grounded in the word.*


John Kim


Al OBC I have learned ihal God has creaied L-veryone really, really differenl. These differences add spice lo life. Everyone is special in Mime unique way."

Karla Lees


"Something I've learned while al OBC is thai a communily of friends and acquainlenccs alike who can share, pray, and worship logelher despite individual preferences isa precious thing in God's eyes."

Jchun Jung BRE

John Kelly BRE

.Ann Margarel Kennedy BRS

Hui-Jong Kim Kin-Jin Kim William Kim


fk-na Kwack BTh

Michael Milsom-LeBreux BTh .•\ileen Lee BRE

Tara Lindemann

Clara Louie Judy McKay Heather Medhurst


Jennifer Mitchell


■■?, 1 '$

Sieve Mixcjii Sirvc McHiii i.icni Ngu>cn


bllcn Richardson


Roscman Scharfc B:irr>' Sharp Hsand Seok Sim


Adam Sutherland Sisi Theodorakidis Calhannc Thomion

Van Yvonne Tnnh Andrevk Turk I Dale Walson


Julia Wong


Dion Oxford


"l-nendship. expcnemcd teachers, inter •! nominations, opcnnr shanng These arc tlic kc \ ^ to learning and I have found each at ()B( in ahundarKe P S Dont eat veil

Tracy Sproule BRS

Quote Not Availahle


You Thought We Didn't See Them "Did You!"

"I know Open Dorm was over 5 minutes ,iL^n, hut can't 1 just have a couple more mmutes. Pleeeaaaasseee!! iSteve Lougheed, Are you better now',')

No' I w as notat Woodstock. And it I hear

that agam I'm gonna start hurtmg people


(Shannon Gerard our very own Flower


Ahh, Yes. The beauty of mug shots is that there are always a couple that are never seen until the end of the year. These are the ones that we held back until we could use them. Please look closely, these people ARE dangerous. Psycopaths, lunatics, nutcases. These are them. Remember to approach with great CAUTION!! Be Friendly though.




Thanks to the * Faculty & Staff

Businysv ( )rnn I .iiia Ragliik- Sludi-ni \c^l'unI^ Snnia Kckcl Accounts Payable P/T. Rob tish Husincsv (llticc Manager, Lori Hoycs - Puhlic Sen ices Co-ordinator; Julie l-ighl - Acomnls Payable; Lorriane Littleproud - Personnel; Anne McLean - Senior Accouniant.Suzette Rhodius- Student Accounls;Bel Voegelin Comptroller


Bookstore & Campus Shoppe: Andrew Bronson - Bookstore Manager; Nita Stemmler- Booksioie Assistant Manager;TracySproule- Shipping & Receiving; Jeff Steames - Clerk; Marguerite Glanfield - Campus Shoppe Manager; Jeremy Choi - Clerk; Karen Coverett - Clerk; Andy Nagcl - Clerk

-*" ,^:^i4^|psb'

\ *

Community lift l.mus H.nln : )can of Studenls;Laura Collins- Secretary ;Rudy Dirks Directii; i (._.■.,. .jl^; .SciMces/Chaplain; Cherlyn Fagan - Director of Residence Life; Rick Hancock - Male RD/Intem Chaplain; Sharon Ramsey - Councilor; Kara Riepma Student Worker; I.aura Tobin - Female RD; Steve Wilson - Director of StuJcni Atii\ iiies.Cummuter Ser\ices

Thanks to the staff and faculty for all their hard work. Their support and friendliness is appreciated by all the students. The faculty has helped in challenging us all to grow closer to Christ. They have been approachable and open-minded to their students. Without their direction and leading, we would all be where we began. They have been an awesome example and have encouraged us all to do our best academically as well as spiritually.

As for the staff, they've done a lot to make our life comfortable. Maintenance has done a great job in making residence life fun. We sometimes take advantage of them in that we forget to thank them for the small "fix it" sessions they do in the dorms. You guys are great and we love you!

Bookstore and Campus Shoppe have upgraded immensely this year and have pro\ided great services for us students. Thanks for your continuous hospitality!

From Enrollment Services and the Registrar's Office to the Business Office, they've put up with many complaints and questions. Your doors have been open for us students and you have been very approachable. Thanks!

And to all of those people who do thankless jobs, we appreciate the ministry you have in this school. Without you, the school would not run smoothly. God bless you all!

By: Danielle Lamarche

Library: lona Beagan - Circulation Assistant; Chris Beldan - Technical Ser\ices Libranan; Sharon Dickinson - Missionary Volunteer. Sandy Finlayson - Library Director; Emma Pcnner .Acquisitions Assistanl;Barbara Robinson - Technical Services Assistant; Hugh Rendle - Public Services Libranan

Development: Bethanne Clark - Donor Relations Analyst; Linda Coates -

Administrative Assistant;Sandv(;reen- Alumni;SaraMelia-Adininistrative Assistant


Look Who's Tallcing


Gcmuino Rumsc \

.\(Jniinislru(i\t- Av.jstaiil lu Ihv I'ri-sidtiil \ \i;i<lnnk IH-<lll



OBC/OTS Proctors: Rick Hancock Male RD, Laura Tobin Female RO; Robin Bailey. Jeff Beamish, Tara Belliveau, Craham Buchanan. Steve Bussey, Brian Lindstroni. Sandy Mackley. Mark Page. Tim Richards, Tracy Sproule, Darrell Tritton

Chinese Development: Rev. Chris Chung - I

Co-ordinalor;Peggy Fan - Administralive Secretary

Campus Facilities: Jeff Beamish A/V & Shuttle Services C(i-ordmal()i; John Buckley - Campus Facilities Manager:Guang Cai - Custodial Services: John Dundys - Custodial Services;Hector Mcl-ean - Campus Facilities Assistant Manager: (leorge Whitmore - Stationary tngineer:Andrew Smith -CustcxiialServicesSupervisor; Neil Vanleeuwin - Custodial Services

Registrar's Office: Isobel Crites Secretary to the Registrar;Kevin Kirk - Enrollment ServicesCo-ordinalor; Jennifer Leicester - Assistant Director of Admissions; Lisc Shields - Assistant to the Registrar: Rev. Steve Thomson - Registrar/ Director ot Admissions



aj.d ltic> k-cl iIk-> v.vii i.-ll >..u .u.Mlniii:' I liip IN M>l , I repeal. ixNOTtiiiiiij! lnhcahjllcl daiicci'" (Kick HaiKtvk <& Shoioii Kain\j> i

Whii Me ' A pie lhii>» ing cunleM ' Ni«. I ihiiik V'u hj\ c mixed up » ilh vwiiciinc else (HelhonneC'Uik IVielopinenli

This semesler we're going lo engage ihe pursuit of expanding our minds. In these l»o pages I've managed lo an\»er all the questions that any Chnsiian has ever had (Tim MtKire - Prof of Youth Cutllurel

Now. if I join A with B.I should he able lo Aaahhhhh'

John, you shouldn't sneak upon people like that. You might

gi\c them a heart attack!

( Diane Spiers - Music Major Coordinator i

Another one of these sorry excuses for a memo and I'm sending i( to Ihe faculty as IS But. hut. but Kidding ( Stex e Thomson. List Shields i



FACULTY OF OBC •...••••,•••••.••••


Mr. James Bailey


Mr. Paul Bramer

Christian Education Focus Co-ordinator

Mr. Henry Brglez

Bihle& Theology Dir. hidependant Studies

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Davies

General Arts

Mr. Rudy Dirks

Directorof Counselling/Chaplain

Dr. Robert C. Duez

lible& Theology/Independent Studies Co-ordinator

Mr. Sandy Finlayson


Mr. John Franklin

General Arts Chairperson Bihle/Arts Major Co-ordinator

Mr. Paul Kriesen

General Ars

Dr. Robert J. V. Hiebert

Bible & Theology

Dr. F>win Pennir

Bible & Theology Chairperson Christian Studies Major Coordinator

Dr. J. Klizabeth Posterski

Ministry Studies Chairperson

Early Childhood/Special Needs Majors



» m






Ms. Mary Lynn Ascough

Mr. Steve Baldry

Ms. ( alheriiuHiirllett

Mr. Alan l)a\e\

Mr. .Instill Dennison

Mr. I)a\id Dorinan

Mr. Bill Freeman

Ms. Barbara Haycraft

K. Ilenton

Mr. Nick Hunter

Mr. Paul.lohansen

(f. Lemarquand

Mrs. France\ McKen/ie

Mr. Tim Moore

Ms. Be^erl^ Miiir

Dr. rinioth\ (^uek


B. \ olman

General Arts Youth Ministry Music

Ministry Studies Ministry Studies Music- Ministry Studies Ministry Studies General Arts Theatre Bible/Theology Bible/Theology lainily V lolence ^'oulh Ministry .Ministry Studies Psychi)U)g\ General Arts General Arts




What Do the Faculty Think of Themselves?

TIk- OBC Faculty is composed o{ gentlemen and women who approach their teaching ;md ad\ ising tasks witli tortitude. imagination, intelligence ;uid integrity. Wliile each is indi\iduall> capable ol pertomiing their duties with ;il;icnt>\ together the> join their mellow \ oices in one h;innonious concx'rt of mekxiy.

.A short lexicon tor the definitionally-challenged: Compose from Latin "compostun". a mixture of decayed materiiJ. Gentle from Middle English "gentil". heathen. Teach from Middle English "teched". mentally unbal;inced. .\dvise from Old French "a\iser". civing information that

This is one professor that was definitely

taken by surprise. Just look at that facial


(Dr Beth Posierski - Ministry Studies


IS not wiuiteti.

Fortitude from Middle French

"foil", closed, shut, impenetrable.

Imagination from New Latin

"imago", imaginary, fancitul.


Intelligence from Middle

linglish . ;m agency tlial digs up

useless facts.

Integrity from Latin "integer",

i.e. a base entity.

.Vlacrity from Uitin "alacritas",

neat a kike, inundated, swmnped.

Mellow from Middle English

"mellowe", well-aged, over-npe,


Harmonious from Old Hebrew

"hemiaii". a cartoon.

Concert from Middle French

"concerter", i.e. a candy to diminish


Melody from Old Scottish "me-

oldia", grey-haired, cute and


translated from the original Synac by Glenn Wyper (ak.a. Rob Hiebert)

Despite what students think, they aren't the only ones who have to crack open the books. I Glenn Wyper -OT Prof.)

"Mey. Lise, what's happening to your computer scene?" "Oh no, not again. This IS the third time this week that ADAM has crashed!" (Lise Shields - Registrar's Assistant)

"F.xcuse me, but what do you think you are doing' I hate being interrupted when I'm marking papers'" (Paul Bramcr - Ministry Studies Prof)


You iTome here ItKikin i.- ^ no

piuj. I onl> sell cami) anJ i.hips jnU ihal

son uf thing Honest'

(Jeff Steams - BooLstore/Campus Shoppc


Well, »c cenainl) know that the staff are well loved' But what about Fred' I Fred Hall. Margie May. Dr Ebe Sikakane. Knsta Hall I

Boy. was Iwiticl v> miule when John tuuk this picture She was yelling w> UhhJ yuu could hear her in the Business (Mliie ( l«>bel Cnles Registrar's Secretary I

'Hey. Neil, what arc yuu doing lying down on the job'" "I'm not' Those yearbook people turned the picture sidew ay son me ' I Neil Vanleeuw in - Custodial Sers ices i



1 ,

Faculty & Staff oj OBC

"A Graduate's View"

OBC. what's thai ' W hen I first arrived at this school, my first reaction was unc ot absolute horror. 1 had no idea why I was here and \s ho the teachers were. So. as a lost student. 1 went about asking other older students who this teacher was and what he/she was like. The responses 1 received only served to strengthen my frightened mind.

Now, as 1 look back over the last four year a.s I graduate. I luneslly can not think ot a more AWESOME group of people to have IS tnends and family than the faculty and staff of OBC.

They were a constant source of encouragement and love, canng people who were not afraid to confront (carefronii when necessary. People who were vast vaults of knowledge (sometimes, not the knowledge that you were looking for but knowledge that challenged you to grow ). To you. the Faculty & Staff of OBC. we. the graduates, of 1994-95 applaud the time and effon you have given us to help mould us into the men and women that Chnst Jesus wants us to be. Our gratitude and thanks go with you as we leave to step out on our own

The Graduating Class of 1994-95


u u u



Have you seen yourself in these pages? Maybe you have seen yourself in a ver>' interesting situation, and wonder "How did John get that picture?"

Well, inresponcetoihat. I would like you to think back over the last couple of months and remember when there was a camera trained on you. Yes. your fellow roomies. They have continuously donated photos to my cause. That is to capture the real, uncensored edition of the typical OBC student, staff, or faculty member. Though, we do censor some photos, to produce an accurate representation of life at OBC. we are not beyond croping the photo to suit our purposes. So. if you happen to .see something in the book that you remember to be very revealing but IS cropped to suit the book, you can thank your domimates for that photos. Some of my photographers to thank would be Natasha Gascho. Melanie Joseph, Tracey Ross. Andy Nagel, Danielle Lamarche, Robin Bailey, Jen Dyett, and many more. LOOKOUT!! Some of them will be around next year!

"AndMomsaidI would havetostudyhard... This is the life. Eh, waiter! Another pie. Makt 11 a sirawberry/rhubbard. ( Don Elliott - Cherry Pie Eating Comesianl i

"No Really, it's moving. I'm not sure what it is But It don't smell good either. (Lise .Shields. Kevin Kirk - Registrars Offiscel

This IS Her Lady's and Gentlemen. The 94/ 95 Beaver Food Pie Ealing Champion. Don't go to close she looks like she's going to loose it all. quicker than she took it in. (Julie Hackett)

"The secret Ui free lime is ihis. You hear l(K)lsieps in the hall, pick up the phone. Give an acknow ledging wave and wait fo them to lease Works like a charm. Then you can get loihe imporlanl stuff, like videogames. ( Bell V'oegelin -Comptroller)

"Mama always said, if you keep doing that, you're face is gonna get STUCK ! (Faribore Khandani - 3rd Floor Resident)

I've heard of Casper the Friendly Ghost, but this is rediculous. This gives a new meaing to transparent. (Sara Meha - Development)



4 ^mrnMB





Rorth Rorth Rorth Rorth Rorth Horth Rorth Rorth S

3 North

"Adds a Little Spice to Life at OBC!"

Take ot't'to the Great White Noiih, eh I Yessiree- Bob. we are definitely one "strange brew", but we sure know how to partee. Be warned, however, before venturing onto our floor: You might run into Fariborz in the hallway swinging a sledgehammer and wearing women's clothing adorned with fragmentation grenades while singing "Allahu Akhar" (If you do. take a hint - run for your life!).

Yes. Life, contrary to what you may have heard, is what 3rd Floor is all about. Our lives are in constant flux, brimming o\er with many theology sessions, jam sessions, cram sessions, depressions, obsessions, regressions, digressions and, sometimes, indigestions. Our days are full, our nights are full, our stomachs are full ( thanks to 2-for- 1 pizza). Yes. quite honestly. .^ North is the spice of life: Obnoxious yet courteous, friendly yet arrogant, selflsh yet sensitive. We are, in all humility, the best. Incorrigible, indestructible, impassible, indomitable - No other words do us full justice. Indeed, we are just too deep for words.

Yet, in all our diversity and complexity, if there is one remaining constant, it is our age (average 33). We are .seriously serious guys whose favourite pastime is to know the One "in whom we live, move, and have our being." So if you young-uns want to learn a thing or two about life, about theology, come visit us. ..Otherwise, take off. eh!!! And heh' ll,i\c .i l'.u.J ,1.i\"'

Your Prestigious RA's,

Back Row: Fariborz Khandani.CarstenLorenz,

Ross Baxter, Michael Fritz, Tim Stevens (RA),

Peter Brubacher. John Bryan (RA), Mark

Jefferson. Asfaw Bedecha. Trevor Aucoin. Orim

Meikle. Russ Haynes

Front Row: Guy Tasse. Samuel Fey issa. Jeremy

Choi. Brian Lindstrom.

Ab.sent: Nat Brettell. Kevin Stoes/. Breton

Murphy. Mike Comeau. Rich, llutchings. Fred

Hall. Guiseppe Di Vincenzo. Ron Mahler. Mussie

Yohans. Peter Davison


John Bryan & Tim .Stevens

(Band Member: Carsten Loren/)


o o

South South South South South South South South 3

What's That Noise Coming tVom the 3 South?

Ah, yes! As you walk intu Alloway South, you can hear Ihc sweet voice «)l Dawna sinking as she play s her guitar. Lord, you.are more precu>us than ..sil...ver..." Trish. our very own SemGeek, isblastinj! 1'2 and Jodi runs past you screaming as she tnes to avoid yet another phone call (At this point, you may want to make note ol what color her hair IS this week » At this time of the day. Shannon and Cynthia are oliat York. C'herlyn and Amy are at work. Patricia is m .mother meeting and Inez is at practice Hliie is at Seneca. Vania's at the Iront desk, and Trish. well you can "Hunt" her Jow n at church Toshimi is diligently studying in her rtH>m but would love it if you dropped by . and if you get the munchies. Julie has a wonderful assortment of treats on her candy tray.

.After quiet hours though, the w hole gang is home and \ ou can hear us laughing in the hallway . Yes. it's hard to enforce quiet hours here. We're so gixxl at it dunng the day but at night. .AT NIGHT!, well, that's a different story . Besides, everyone is usually awake in the hall anyway' We are all bunched up on the IliKir eating piiia. popcorn, ice cream. Julie's candy. Mrs. Wilson's cookies, and any other fixxi to be found on the third tliVH (always check Davvna and Vania's stash! ). This would be .1 gtxxl time to let you know that it is here Julie often raises a big ^iink. unlike Vania who is still in the closet!

.As morning daw ns here at OBC. we on the third floor cnioy watching the smoke on the water. Above the silence a haunting melody drifts - "Petunia Blakeley. my friend. Petunia Blakeley...."

Love & Peace.

N'ani;i ^^illik & Dawna XMIson


Ihc Whole Picture: J.di Smith. Tricia Hunt. Julie Hackett. Vania Willik (RA). Dawna Wilson (RA). Amy Lauber. Toshimi Takahashi. Ellie Man/o. Inex Liberty Absent: Holly Hobby as Trisha McF.wen. Grover

.; I'.lIrKI.I Hl.lkk-N

^ q4no§ q4no§ q^nog q4no§ q4no§ q^nog q^nog mnog

^arik North Narth I^nrtt] 3^nrti| ^avil} yort^ yort^







Growing Together In 4 North

Mary Puppins dcrined the word "Super-cala-lragilistic-expialadocious" as the word to say when you don't know what to say. No other word tits the situation that Kevin and Joshua find themselves in.

How do you put words down to describe gentlemen that are far hey ond description? How can we hope to possibly portray our true feelings when words just won't suffice? We can't, but v\e shall try.

From the first that we had the domi to see it become The way these bonded with each way they quickly brothers, only expectations. IHE^SI^'^ /' K ^ y

From late early morning Old It all. Wild^ and us justice for some of episodes that went enough, \ery few of

But not only together, having fun other's company in

prospered spiritually. We grew together as brothers not only in the most amazing dorm around. We grew together in Jesus Christ.

Gentlemen, for the high times, the low times, and all the times in between, we love you dearly. We shall always carry a soft spot in our hearts and a torch held high for the gentlemen of NORTH. THK TRUE NORTH STRONG AND FREE!!!

Your Brothers In Christ,

Joshua Sklar & Kevin Johnson

few weeks, we knew potential in this something great. complete strangers other so well, the became a group of heightened our

night pizza runs to Testament, we did wacky does not do the late night on. (Surprisingly us were written up.) did we grow and enjoying each social settings, we

Back Row: .Matt Learn, .Michael Bowyer, Joel Main, Brad Gibson, Colin MaiihiMHi, Kevin Johnson (RA), Glen

Surctte (.Semi Team Member)

Front Row: Sae Ho Park, Aaron Stout, Joshua Sklar (RA), Duane Jukema

.Vbsent: Dave Pulman, Perry Goodyear, Paul Turner, Sandy Mackley, John Walduck, Craig Minchin, Karl

Delgadillo. Darryl Buckle. Darren Conley, David l,apsley. Shandy White

l|;an\^ i\\:iosi ^IP^\N^ ^h'^'^^ 4^^!^^ ^PO|v£ ^P*^>i ^IP^I^

C.nl.ul C'cMl-x.r C^nliul' CnlTuC CcmIiuC Cih^.r (\Ml-,..r Cnl-...!' ':^^

4 Central Reaches (ioal

"Keepifii^ Christ Central"

In .1 NC.ir when there was ni> h.iseh.ill and no hiKkes. the men nl C'enli.il weie lei I |Minderint;. "What Is Ihert- IfH to li>e for?" Atiei inanv late night debates over pi//a and subs \n the Central lounge, there shone a ra\ ol hojK- the year would not be a total loss ...there was an answer anudst the turiiioil we call hie (or s[>orts| I'he answer was lound ni the least e\|H"cled plaee...a place where man\ had |ounie\ed but lew had succeeded We lound ii w ithni each other In our i|uest to keep Christ "central " in our own lives, we discovered that ^

our strength lav inourcomnn)n focus. ( Anmiporiant as[ieci that Ml.H and the Nlll. were overK>oking.)

While baseball and hockev continued their stubborn wavs. leniral established themselves as "Canada's Team" through donimaling the Hag lootball season. Tremendous support and encouragement \sas displayed by the entire dorm Irom each player right through to Krankie our "porsonal trainer", John our "photographer", .Alex our "statistician", and Rohm our "Head coach'". Thanks guys for an incredible season. Central once again upheld its proud tradition of the football field.

Centrals theme of "Keepinj; Christ Central" pemieated ever> aspect of life in the donii. Whether it was marathon prayer rallies in the lounge. Christ-like attitudes on the football field, or uplifting and encouraging one another in our everyday conversations. Central accomplished their goal through establishing a community centered on Christ. From the beginning of Frosh week lo the end of exams in Apr the bond that was formed between each guy m the dorm was cemented m Christ

Trevor Ku.ssell & Jereniv I.ehinan

"'What IS mi>re, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. ..that 1 may gain Christ...! want lo know Christ and the power of this resurrection. ..becoming like him in his death..." Philippians 3:X.I0 Central Theme \ erse ''^4-95

Jay and Trevor would like to thank Central for an absoulutely amazing year. ..we will never forget

you guys'"

May the Spirit of Central live on forever!!!



i^xA'V '4

The Central Clan: Dave .McCallum. Robin Bailey, Jon Seekings. Phil MacComiack, Honnie Peters. Kevin Doerksen. I ii.iham Buchanan. Jay Lehman Iv \). Frankie Quan. Mike t (arron. Don Elliott. Trevor lUissell (RAl. Aaron Ediington. Dav id Mackley. Andrew .Mack. Keith Anderson. Scott Nyp. Mark Croswell. Mark Connelly .\hsent: Alex Beldan. Matt Langfrey . Mark Wellman. John Bowman ( Photographer I

'Z^ ]i>i.|u.>^ iniju.>A ii>i.|u.>"y ii>i.jit.>A iniiiLiA jni.jw.>^ ji>i|n.>^ ji>i|i»,>^ ^.













o a















6011th 6outh 6outh South South South South South

The Awesome Happenings of 4 South

To South.

What can be said to best describe you. the men o' south? Well, there's always the stereos. That seemed to be the prerequisite. Much wattage in order to belong. Even so, everyone found themselves cranking the volume, trying to listen to their own stereo over Matt and Todd's state of the art. 5{)()0+++ watt, librap, rockin. sound system. South Quiet?? We were not!

Then there were those great morning bonding times. A cup of hot coffee, a chocolate chip cookie, and lots of goss...uh. spiritually stimulating, envigorating rich, deep conversation in Don and Ed's room.

Late night talks. Pass the guitar ( you mean everyone doesn't play one'^) and sing us a song. It all happened in the south lounge. Would someone please clean up that microwave!?! "It's just not right! It shouldn't be that way!" Then, there was football!

On the field we were graceful, we were dominant, we were powerful, we came and took over... Alright, we ran around

trying to confuse the opposition with plays that didn't even make sense to us. Anyone figure out where the flats are? I wish the Q.B. did.

We prayed together, we laughed together, we prayed and laughed together, at the same time that is. The men of south w ere men committed to prayer and the search of a deeper relationship with the one who brought them together. They grew in favour with God and with the other dorms.

Secret Saint Weeks, concerts of prayer, joint prayer

meetings, donn dates, cheering from the sidelines,

catacombs. If one word could describe our sisters it

would have to be.. .Awesome. Thank you for all your

support, your encouragement and your love.

South was what it has always been and more. It was

a place to belong, a place to share, even a place to disagree. A place where unity went beyond conformity and explored

the realm of indiviualit).

Each one of you has contributed to making our year an unforgettable one. You have played a part in writing memories in our hearts. We pray that many v<, ill linger v\ ilth you.

Someday we'll all sit together, laugh, and say. ..remember when?

We love you guys!

2 ^

Edmundo DeFreitas & Donald Ludlow

Back Row : Steve Lougheed, Matt Dredge. Greg Mann. Jay Taylor. BillJewett.DanCaldwell Middle Row: Peter Kim. BJ Raymond. Paul Morris. John Collins. Dave Tughan. Gary Hunt. Todd Brown. Adam Gordon. Mark •Abraham. Darrell Tntton Front Row: Eddie DeFreitas (RA ). Don Ludlow ( R A ). Andy Nagel .\bsent: Bret Chapman

q']no9 qino^ qino^ qinocj i|ino§ i|ino§ qino^ ijino^

. Nnrth Nmtii Nnrtii North \niih Nmtli Ninth Xnrth

c ' ' ' '■ ' '



Take Christ witli You. 5 Nortlv.

Ill MMi ol li\ mi; t,)i:cilK-i III iIk- u ilds ol Nonh Ci.unti> h.is ciiii.- lu .in ciiJ Can >ou bclicsc ii ' Doirsni il sfcin like just ycsierday thai you were thrown into a Miiall institutional liHikinj; room with a weirdo lor a riHHiiniale and i\so psycho chicks in purple trying to tell you all about meridian iiuul'

Now. that weirdo has (hopelully ) become a Iriend. and not only have you mastered the telephone thing, you're sick and tired ol gelling messages Irom the still psycho chicks who no longer w ear purple ' We's e done sci much as a lamily this year, all the while Ivcoming more and more KHAI. in our Christian walks We\e l.iughed and cried, prayed and sung, dominated on the couns, and (under the ic.idciship ol one brave souh loughl the cockroach haiile tuture out" generations will remember us and smile as they cat their morning branllakes (that was tor you Andrea'!!).

So now. as you !ea\ e this place lor the summer, tor a lew years or lor your lite, please lake with you the precious gilt ola KKAL relationship with Christ. Shine out the gilts and talents that He h.is gi\ en you with enthusiasm and great cont idence ForGod has not given us a Spirit ol timidity, but a Spirit ol POWHR. ot LOVE and ofSELF- DISCIPLINE (2 Timothy 1:7). We love you. 5 North"

In Agape.

I IK) .Much....: \ ivian Caragounis. Mary -Kllen White.

TaraArchekin. Holly Dickson. Sara Thompson, Cindy

Nyp (RA). Kara Riepma (RA). Darlene Noble,

Chnstina Bow man. Karen IVIillar. Jana Knop. Shelene


Absent: Andrea My kind. Danielle I .iin.irchc. M.irci.i

\ .inSchehcn

i|;.in\: ii;.in\^ MI-ui\t i|;.ui\T q;ju\r i|;.m\- q;an\r i|;.m\j




Clc^tml C^ntioi- C«nli<.i( Vcntaai Letii/uii V_c«iti«i Lc«i/ial vLcnt/uil


The Meaning of 5 Central

Life in Central. ..Life at the centre of OBC...

Christmas party, caniaradene, catacombs,

conchology. cross-stich, cheering t'or4C

in rain, sleet and snow.

Encouragement (Secret .Saints, shared burdens

etc.) endemicai. ever-present popcorn and

junk food.

Neighbours, neurathenia, no batiiroom

Turtles (Samuel and Thomas, our dorm

mascots), tercentenary, true friendships

Ravine modelling sessions, rosaceae

ravenous hunger pains.

Awesome, amazing and always sweet

brother dorm. (Oh, yeah and antiphrasas)

Late night talks, laughter (lots),

lepioptera. lounge laziness.

N- T-


.'> Central was full of craziness. fun. friendships, leaning experiences and a great bunch of girls! Our theme, "Keeping Christ Central" (Phil 3:8 10) kept us motivated to grow continually closer to Christ. Thanks, 5C, for a 2reat year, and a lot of cherished memories we'll never foraet.

P.S.: \Vc love you, 4 Central.

With Love.

The Whole Gang: Nicole Craig. Meg Smith, Sarah Post, Jennifer Dyett. Shelley Oseil, Joanna Eto. Sandra DePreitas, Jennifer Heideman. Callie Clements. Joy Wood (RA), Luana Busch (RA), Shauna Sproston Ah.sent: Galen Ireland

.lov Wood & Luana Busch

,ot,i..>| j»M'"\) j'»M'»'\^ r^'J"'^^') r'J"'P r'^^''''^ r''^"''? r''*"'*^

(S^^iitli cSv^iith cSv^iith cSv^nth (Sv^iitli cSv^ntli (S.^iitli cSi^iitl;









5 South

What a FroduclionU!

"CuhhJ evening, ladic>and jronllenien' H.l^>ouI iinic \Aiihusbt'cncnji)>.il>lc ' iJidvou enjoy your stay? Did you laugh III you cried and did you ery until there were no more tears? Were you stretched; did you grow? Did you love and did \ou learn \o love.'

This production of "SiMh" was designed for just thai piiqvisc NS'ouid sou likeionieci ihe iiiciiibersol the cast ' In order o\' appearance:

Lisa - held us together with her strength.

Andrea - added a touch of class & elegance... hnini ChnstN - with the heautifui voice of a songbird

skated us lo freedom

the woman of many coffee flavours I

a heart full of kindness and ail that JAZZ!!

a.k.a. BUB

a.k.a. B.J. (Bub junior)

what a heart of love and care for all!!

Wu!! Our sporty. Western beauty!

a smile that brightens up any room!

spunky, bubbh. energetic, wonderful!!!

she's got the best champagne roses in town!

she was the tune of South

inspired us w ith underwear to brighten anyone's day

bouncy & vivacious, not afraid to shout the praises of PCW!

that globtrotling skydi\er!!

not wicked, not related to the Dr. a.k.a Mrs. Farmer Al Putting this production together was difficult. There were setbacks, stresses and tears. It came together, as you see It. because of laughter, love, and true joy. Special thanks to George & Bob and to the men of the South floor who supported us through it all. "South" was for the glorification of Christ Jesus, the chief cornerstone of this production.

Melissa - Natasha - Sarah - Paula - Lisa - Melinda - Ellen - Melanie - Traces - Tara - Melod y- Margie - Knsia H. Krista W. Kathy -

Kathv I'l-nntr & Krista \Nil)l)

With All Our Love.

The Cast & Company (Rack Row):

K.ith> Pcnncr (K.Ai, Krisia Hall. Tara

Bcllivcau. Lisa \\ icbc. Mclodv Hamilton.

l-isa Chan

Middle Row: Sarah Buchanan. Margie

M.i\. Tr.iccN Ross. .Melinda Eslabrooks,

Krista Webb (RA)

Front Row: Paula Chan. Chrisi\ Doherty.

Melissa Lehman. Hllen Wu

\bscnt: .Andrea Johnston

qino9 ipnoQ ipno^ ipno<^^ ^'11109 11)1109 ipnoQ ipiioQ

TlK- Aildains Hamily had "Thing". C'cnlral had "Thang". Everyone ihought central's unity stemmed from Jay and Trevors Leadership, the X-Files toll a different story.

"Aw, C'inon Mom. of course 1 ale my milk and cookies. 1 even brushed my teeth afterwards. Yes. I'll he right home after school, love you Mommy.

I #




"LIKE A R H 1 N h S I O N K COWBOY". ..Hey where is my horse

gone now ?

iGuiseppe Di V'incenzo - .^rd Floor Resident I


;■ "■<:.

"i 1 . '


^^ J|H




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ITTiin JlW

Listen, it's camera happy people that push me to the edge. Today is one of those days where you don't want to see what the edge looks like. (Trevor)

"You like. I can do the same for you at a bargain price. All you need is tell me what you want for an accessorie. and beauty will be seconds away. (Patricia Blakley, Carslen Lorenz)

WOW. lew times in the history of OBC has such beauty, such elegance, such feminity set foot in these halls and classrooms. I hope the female population is taking notes. (Graham Buchanan)



^kibi^t: Brvkcn Co/^fmtwr. Ejd\iblhP' Osjeue^p^rn ipencJ/^

A shfde^Hf

A sunt Jfjhofshwn.

Ei^M ^ ' Pile ofnohci . I Jo

< I > * I ' I » 1 , ', ^ t


om ^


A dro^d ^th/ of College L/fe,„

^'The most

important things

though are the

memories and the

friendships made

here that will last

for a lifetime and

the learning and

strengthening of

our personal

relationship with

God that will last

for ever. "

Life at OBC is... an experience!

Being a frosh and living in dorm, you never want to miss out on anything. There is always lots to talk about, laugh about and cry about with friends. Loud music is often heard through the halls and w indows, and you hardly ever get any sleep. If you want to procastinate, the Kat is the place to be; playing pool and hanging out with friends. Chapels and singing are great ways to get together and worship God. The most important things though are the memories iind friendships tliat will last a lifetime and the learning and strengthening of our personal relationship with God that will last forever!

By : Jennifer Heideman

It says in the word that we are to call "Be still for the presence of the Lord on the Lord because he may be found. is moving in this place." So I dialed home!

It's 4:00 AM at Ontano Bible College Like so many of the students. Bret works had to complete a paper. Hey. that's my typewriter!

I wonder what Mom would think if I sha\ed my head' Studying fills your mind with cra/y thoughts.

It might seem hard to believe, but this is an actual shot. It is not a dramatization. This is a true life situation. Some of our students have discovered the location of the library.


Piny, Piny, P|ny

piny wl-f-W Me'


\N hal is play? The New LcxK'nn Wtbsler's Kncyclupcdic Dictionary ot the Knglish Language defines it as "to take part in games or a game ot,/(»/>/w\ f»7i;i/.v. to make music on a musical instniment, lo Irohc. to strike or

deliver, to act in a theatrical perti>nnance. to imitate or preteiul to be, to engage in amusement Im amusement." These are onl\ ale\^ ot the det~inilu>ns Irom \Nebsiei Ha Ha We here at OBC" ha\e .1 dillereni meaning ti>r the \Mn\.[ I'l.A'l ". To us. It means to enjo\ i|ualii\ lime spi-nt with Iriends. in let oil some steam during exam limes. 10 let the little kid inside ol us come out. Most of all. it means lu let the lun loving nature that God has created in us join those whom w e love to play w ith the most. The> would be our brothers and sister « horn God has also created in his iniaire

riic Lumpetilion was fierce j1 "ui llr^l ever Mr OBC CKfnpeiiiion Iiuasahard JeciMiin. hui Chip HaiKock look it all Wa> lo go. Oiip'

Oh. Lord. jl CMT I needed >ou. ihis is the lime I kmm I've hecn asking you to light ihe fire, but this is not whal I meant

Kwww, come on ^06

WM .






A ^ w






What you don't knou is uhal happened next' Don l>il and scratched his way out and girls never messed vkilh him again. You can a.sk

farmer M..Kracken

"■^'cah' Im flying " Can someone hnng this girl to rcahty'' Melanie. It's only a slide.


dec^i^er: Food for


Food? Any substance which by a process of metabolism, a living organism can convert into fresh tissue, energy . etc. or a solid substance eaten for nurishment. e.g. chefs surprise (breaded veal or Rataloloui, or whatever that is ) or as Webster explains, "something which can be put to constructive use (the meatloaf m relation to a brick)." I wonder it Webster every ate at the OBC catcleria. 1 The ever had the chance

to eat here, he would definiteh want to change this definition. In all respect, we should be grateful to Beaver Foods for the meals which they so faithfuih supph us each day.

"Hey, Eugene, pass the salad. Mmmmmml Thiscrunchie stuff in the salad tastes amazing. Any idea what it is?"

"Do you reeaally want to know' Ha, Ha, Ha."

No. seriously, it's a family tradition! You lift up (he right leg and wave the bagels in the air... Try it. It's a bundle of fun We should make thi.s a school event.

One of the favorite meals al OBC ha.s to be seafood. Oh my. I get giwse bumps just thinking ah<iul ii Yes. seafcxid and fries We cat .ind laugh and laugh

Sometimes the penalty of having to pay a fine is not too high a price to pay. You see this food'? One more picture and...

Gotcha. Kevin' Ha. Ha

Aggressive eating has liecome a problem at OBC. Be careful. Aaron. It's gonna get you!



Yju Snoo^e, You Lj^c

Yiiu thoughl you cnuld hide' I wasn't iluTc V«iu never know when I niighl show up WriHKH)ng'!' I don't have \o show up My goons show up lor inc. Ihes caught you nappuig on the job. Students don't need sleep, or rather it seems that they never do. sleep that


What IS sleep, you ask? It could bejust a little catnap or a coma. You could do/e off in class or you could be do/.ing right now. Am 1 making you drowsy'.' if you could only be a

bear, you might he able to hibernate somewhere Letharicisnext Are you sure y«)u want to napor jusi plain nod ' Sweet rcposc- isn't It nice to be able to go back and rest w iihoul mice'.' Mexican siesta, lumberjack sniK)/e-il you can explain somnolism.we'lllealurc you on the news' Slumber, stupor, trance-that's the end! Sweet dreams until we meet again' I

(Tlul miuld he page (*.)

l^le nighis and early nsings make for lined viudcnls. Il als«> makes for inleicMing picture. Who n this ' Can

- - you guess?

iyat fin iai


A variety of animal life is not scarce at OBC Try walking around the residence early in the morning and Jk you'll see what I'm talking about. No. Blaine. I wasn't ■^^ talking ahoui yixi See ya'

- ® PACE


You for

dein^ My


lii.iim \uu liir I.^Ikmiii; in nu-

when 1 found it difficult

to believe in myself...

for saying what I've needed

to hear sometimes,

instead of what I've wanted to hear...

for siding with me...

and for giving me another side

to consider.

Thank you for keeping me

from taking myself-or mv problems-

too seriously...

and for not laughing at me

when I was too sensitive

to laugh at myself.

Thank you tor opening yourself up to


for trusting mc with your thoughts

and disappointments and dreams...

for knowing you can depend on nu

and for asking my help

when you've needed it.

Thank you for putting so much

thought and care and imagination

into our relationship...

for sharing so many nice times-

and for making so many special mcmorics-

with me

Thank you for always

being honest with me....

being kind to me...

being there for me...

Thank you for being a friend to me

in so manv truly meaningful ways.

- Dorothy R. Colgan


The OBC experience develops much more than just our minds. It builds on the talents we've been given and encourages us to be all that God calls us to be. Unfortunately, it seems to have no affect on fashion.

I don't care what it takes. I'm going lo get in every picture in this yearbook. I love these Katimavik parties!

How could anyone say no to such beautiful, caring, friendly, innocent children-Ooops! I'm sonry, women of God?

Listen. I'm smiling for the picture, but I'd appreciate it if you'd keeps your hands to yourself.

I'm not sure 1 like the methtxis of transpotation in Cape Breton. Are you sure all the guys do this there'.'

The secrets we keep are txiund to catch up with us Hope Sandy doesn't see this!

wek€&im f

itmBiiQi BMkB

m^imiie^eg ^ggtiW #lfli....*

wms wmmtm #r §»mmw


The 1994-1995 OBC Varsity Teams

Subhead B(L) is set in 14 point Times Italic.

Men's Basketball Team

Good day and welcome to a paragraph in the lite of the Ontario Bible College Swordsmen Basketball team. This was a stellar year, a year ot truly ludicrous proportions. This year saw the Swordsmen beat the very tlrst American team that they have ever beaten throughout theur long and sordid history. We were witness to a display of an enormous reser\oir of coaching prowess. The team itself performed beyond any reasonable expectations. It was the dawn of a new era in politics and commerce. Peace ruled throughout the many lands of this great planet, and we had the Ontario Bible College Swordsmen Basketball team to thank for it. Life was grand.

Is any of this true? Heck, how should I know? It's only December. Yearbooks are swell.

By: Todd Brown

Back Row: Robin Bailey (Coach). Scott Nyp, Phil MacCormack, Kevin Doerksen. Todd Brown ( Really I ). Jon Seekings, Bill Jewett. Mark Connelly. Andrew Mack ( Manager) Front Row: Orim Meikle, Perry Goodyear. Jason Taylor. Adam Gordon, John Bryan

Back Rom: 1. aura Tobin( Coach), Lorna Charles, Galen Ireland, ShaunaSpronston. Rosemary Scharte. Inez Liberty, Graham Buchanan (Assistant Coach)

Front Row: Andrea My land, Vivian Caragounis, Nicole Craig, Mary Ellen White, Lllen Wu Absent: LorettaKo


Women's Basketball Team

"Let us run the race with perseverance." The Ladies Basketball team has certainly put this year's theme verse well into practice. They have put off all that hinders ( ?the boys?) when it comes to practice time. These women have shown an incredible amount of dedication and intense effort to the game of basketball. Detennination to play impeccably, practice intensely and socialize immensely has led this team to an all-round success in the game of basketball. This year's frosh recruitment could not have been better! ! You ladies truly were an asset. Lorna and Rose, our graduating heroes- Thanks! It has been a great three years. Graham, we couldn't have done it without your help. Thanks for putting up with us. Great work. Team ! Thanks for the incredible effort and the beautiful reflections you each are.



Back R«»»: Kevin W ond (Co.ich). Kevin Jnhnson. Mike Coiikmu. Graham BiKhanan, Duane

Jukcma.Ciirorge Mamas

Front Row: Robin I cc. Bohhv Ramjisi. Aaron Hdliniiion. Mark Abraham. Jay Lehman

Men'sVollevhall Team

I'ol lov^ mg u championship season, ihis \ ear's men's \olle\ball team had a hard act lo tollov^ . Ii was ob\ lous at the bcginnmg ot the se.ison that the pressure lo succeed v^as a lot lor this voung team lo handle

Through the course ol the season, through hard work and deierminaiion b\ bolh I he coaching stall and the plav ers. OHC's men's \ olle yball team created themselves as the most intimidating team in the (K'CAC Special mention lo Duane Jukema and .Mark Abraham for their improvemenl and hard word. And thank you to Kev. Jay and George lor their coaching and support

Basically, the men's volleyball team took care ot business'

Women's Volleyball Team

This year in \ oiley ball, the ladies' team has grov^'n into a great team that works together supptirting each other and laughing a great deal' N^'e have learned to move quicker than molasses in January (or is that quicker than molasses in the microwave. Callie.'). Not oh di J we do great in the tournaments, we had a lot ol fun doing it! The team is encouraging and om fiKus has been to have fun. Thanks to oui ama/ing coach for his guiding us through practices and games w ith this focus of ha\ iiii: fun (and admitting who really is the greatest, nght Luana'.'). lamsurelhatwewillallgoaway after the season is over with great memories! We'll also have a little more skill and a lot more perseverance and detemiination in volleyball. And remember - HIGHF.R' FASTIiR' STRONGER"

Bv KristaWebb

Back Row : Clara l.ouie. Luana Busch, Marcia Van ScheK en. Kara Reipma. Callie Clements Front Row: Grace Kim. l-llen VSu. KristaWebb. Hui-Jong Kim Missinj;: Bobby Ramjist (Coach)



Back Row: Paul Turner. Keith Anderson, Jon Seekings, John Walduck, Don


Front Row: Josh Sklar, Brad Gibson, Steve Lougheed, Trevor Russell, Tim


QBC Swordsmen Hockey Team

Hockey is far more than a sport; it's a way of life for those who play the game. The Swordsmen hockey team is filled with players who "live" the game. At the beginning of this year, we decided notto play in a league, but rather to play in a number oftoumaments throughout the season. Our team consists of players from OBC and OTS, both residents and those from out of domi. Our goal for the sean was to have fun, win or lose, and have fun we did ! As coach, I would like to congratulate all the players on their excellent effort this season and wish them God's blessings for the seasons to come. By: Don Elliott

r »"

Ah! 1994-95 -The year in Sports. Well, what can be said? Really - What can be said? Hmmmm! Yes!! Flag football started things off with I a BANG! With the Big Bad Central machine rolling through the season undefeated and winning the championships, stopping South in its quest for a 4-PEAT. Floor hockey was a tremendous success, though it is only January and the draft, let alone the season, hasn't even Jonbeekmgs

.started yet. But I'm sure it will | Male Social Convenor be great.

In the lovely field of varsity sports, OBC proved that it is a force second to none in the OCCAC. Men's volleyball is poised to win back-to-back titles and in basketball, only one team stands between the Big Men of the court and a title - themselves. One of the most talented and deepest teams in the history of OBC hoops also became the first team to defeat an American team, defeating two of them on the way to a third place finish at the Wagner Classic in Washington, D.C. In Hockey, there hasn't been much to report as all of their games occur after this is due, but I'm sure they will do well.

Well, it has been an excellent year in sports at OBC. Thanks to all the coaches and people who helped out making 1994-95 the best year in sports at OBC.

This past year in the wide world of sports has been one to remember! OurLadies' Intramural Volleyball league evolved into a touch football league. From there, we moved into Floor Hockey season. As you can see, the interests of our Swords women are as varied as the ladies who played! A special word of thanks to my partner Jon who helped out whenever he could.

As for our varsity teams, we have amazing coaches with dedicated team players. Our Ladies' Varsity Volleyball team have awesomely dug and spiked their way through a very impressive season. As for our S wordswomen Basketball team, we have left an impressive sense of pride with whose who have seen the games. Congratulations to both varsity teams and their coaches for a very successful season.

Being the Female Sports Convenor this year was a great privilege. I would not have been able to do it without the help of Steve Wilson and many students. Throughout the year, our ladies have displayed competitive sportsmanship with positive attitudes which bring glory to God. May we continue to be ambassadors for Christ no matter where ■^?39i^Hi^BHH we are or what game we are

I Rosemary Scharfe playing. Female Social Convenor ;



A Plethera of Feet

I'Ih' OBC Athletes Feel Hall of Fdnie

Your joh i\ i;uf\\ hIih nu h prr\iin i\ h\ liiokinf; at

tlifir Jtel I hr (iii\Htr\ will hr pnividrd in Ihr

I ililor y \,l,lri-ys ill ill, ,n,l .// llir lu.nk (,.,.„! I ti, k

^^ Nil. ix-ally' My back does hurt! Right here... I'm nol kidding guys!

Tins IS the lirst time ihal I've ever seen Luana get cold Il-11. literally. Now you know why there is a ring around ilic edge of the sink. Kidding!


As I ponder

life's role, I

have come to

wonder why

chicken's act

like they


Cautc I have a rcall) big urge lu scralch tor seed nghl now '


11.1' Are you kidding ' Me work ' H.i' 1 lusi mi Ik Juk people See' Watch Thais i;s H.i'

II ihese are our future contractors. Im movinj! ^Miiewhere else Nice houses. Ladies!


"Oops, I'm caught now. Please don't tell them I was jumping on the beds?" "Waaa, I want my mommie!"

Hi, I'm Nat the Cat. Where did everybody go? I'm all alone. Meeeoww!

Hey. Doiil I'huphf! Don. what do you think you're doing? Mmrfmgh? Come again, I couldn't understand. Mmrfmgh!! Oh, you're blowing a bubble !Well. why didn't you say so!


Pllggh! Yes, you too can have Bill for the low price of $ !

Do you really like her? Oh, you are all crazy. The whole lot of ya!







Presenting the 1994-1995 Leadership Team

"From him the whole body joined and held ioi;ether hy everv supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. " Ephesians 4:16

WAHOO! Oui llKMiK- u.is ihal we, as a sludenlcoun. '' i^ti

i>llici giutt in separaie minisliies. yet colleclively grow in love. Overihe 1994/95 year siudenl council experienced "WAHOO"S! ". races to second motions, budget hassels.devolionals. wet leadership retreats, and many other unifying activities. ..The Party of the Centurj. Loonie Lunches. Street Walks. Community Picnic. (IHC Rules. The Z.«.. Coinmulei Coffee

Bieaks. S C, Chapels. Football. Vollyball. Hockey. IntramuraK. Class Fundraising Weeks. The Hendersons. Christmas Tree Lighting. Asian. From the Top. Vineyard. Meditation Verses. Survival, Winter Carnival. Misions Conference. Arts Festival, the list could go on!

We've grown together this past year through our highlights and struggles. Keep the Faith!

-Lisa Weibe -1994/94 Social Con.

I 1994-1995 Leadership Team


I ■*«?^-.:* '

vt («<


The Whole Flippin' Gang (1st Row):

Joanna Eto, Dawna Wilson, Vania Willik. Luana Busch, Cindy Nyp, Steve Bussey. John Bowman ( Yearbook Editor) 2nd Row; Dave Tughan, Lisa Wiebe. Kathy Penner. Knsta Webb. Joy Wood, Kara Riepma. Jodi Smith. Leslie Hams 3rd Row; Natasha Gascho, Danielle Lamarche. Eddie DeFreitas, John Bryan, Jay Lehman. Tim Stevens. Glen Surette. Malt Dredge. Patricia Blakley 4th Row : Jon Seekings. Paul Morris. Don Ludlow. Kevin Johnston. Trevor Russell. Joshua Sklar. Aaron Stout. Steve Wilson (Faculty Advisor)

5th Row; Gary Hunt. Debbie Harris, Rosemary Scharfe. Melanie Joseph, Rick, Jesse, and Stephanie Hancock ( RD'S ), Peter Brubacher, Carsten Lorenz.

Student Council Executive

Debbie Hams President

Palncia Blakeley Vice-President

Dave Tughan Secretary



Big Brother & Big Sister

Matt Dredge Danielle Lamarche



( I. INS rii'Mtlnils

Gar> Hum tl»s» of VS

Leslie MaitiN

AaiKiiSloul tins* of V?

Mcl.inic Joseph Frosh ("law

Kt'Mili'lK \(Ims<)|s

KoCluni Kow: [liiwna Wilsmi. \ jiiij W illik. l.ujiuHus>.'h.C'inJ> N\|i

2nd Row: Kjih> I'cnncr. KnslaWehh. Jii> WihkI, K.uuKir|<ma

Creative ArtsCommittee

Nai;ish;i Gascho Joanna Elo

Chair Co-Chair

Peter Bruhacher

Devotional Committee

Carsien Lorcn^

Global Missions Committee

Steve Bussey Chair




-V "s;**;^'






R.\ Representative to Council

Dun l.udhnv

1994-1995 OBC Student Council

BuUom Row: Aaron Slout, Don Ludlow. Jodi Smith. Steve


2nd Row: Joanna Elo. Dave Tughan. Gar\ Hunt, Lisa Wiehe.

Mall Dredge. John Bowman

3rd Row: Jon Seekings. Paul Morris. Danielle Lamarche. Steve

Bussey. Leslie Harris. Patricia Blakeley

Top Row: Carslen Lorenz. Rosemary Scharfe. Natasha Gascho.

Dehhie Hams. Melanie Joseph. Peler Brubacher


Students Reach Out To And From Our Schcx)!

hach )tMr. scm-i.iI hI ilu- Siiiilciii Olhcr teams prt)viilc iiiinisiry u> ihe

Council conimitli-cs pul in^cihcr Icams »>! siudcni b»)d\ here alOBC One such example

students to reach out lo the commuDuiy, city .ind pri>vince that we hve in. In some cases, ilicse students pul their own lives at risk in order to take the gospel ot Christ to those who need to hear it.

IS the ( )BC" Choir w ho [vrf ormed enerpts Irom Handel's Messiah at Christmas time

We extend hearilell thanks to those involved in these ministries.

Back Row : Dale Watson. ( Carsten I .'!.'). Ste\ e Bussey (CMC Chair). Mark Croswell. Joel Mam. Trevor Swanson Front Row: Melinda Hstabrooks. Jodi Siuiih (GMC Co-Chair ). Joanna Bto


FromL loR: .Shaw n Hlliot. Nadyne Thompson. Darlene Noble. Ann Marrie Keddy . Jonathan Collins

l-.\tra.s: l)r l:rw in and .Mrs |-.mma I'enner

Ontario Bible College Choir and



Luana Busch

SheleneElford SoniaGiugova/ Melody Hamilton Jennifer Heideman Jessica Heidt Jan Jenkins Samantha Karim AileenLee Karen Miller Mvune-Jec \'ani;



Thuv Bach


Anna Cho

Keith Bundock


Shawn Elliott

Jennifer Dyett

Rick Grundy

Cherlyn Pagan

Philip Jacobs

Erinn Grant

Ron Mahler

Sharon Kivell

Dion Oxford

Kathryn Penner


Tracey Ross SisiTheodorakidis


Marcia Van Schelven

Adina Whilby

Elizabeth Davey

Choir Director


Diane Speirs

Philip Jacobs


Wendy Tidy

Paula Chan


Jan Jenkins

Sharon Tiessen


Mark Abraham IrvinAmoraal DougElvin Sung-Soon Hwang James Kearsley Ebenezer Sikakane


Michael Kumor







Mfinlivrs of Asian are:

hddic Dc Itcii.i>. Slese Busses. Darrein rilti>n and DiKnOxlord


,.,,oNS ^ ''''''■' -niAx ,v,



Vocal Jazz Ensemble

Ailcen Lc-c Sonia Giugovaz Jan Jcmkins Sarah Buchanan Karen Miller



Dion Oxford Keilh Bundock Don Ludlow


Cherlyn Fagan

Doug Elvin

Marcia Van SchclNcn

Aaron Slou(

Erinn Gram

Philip Jacobs

Kalhv Penner

Shawn Elliott

Jennifer Dvell

W'hai IS iinnistry ' Websier's Diclionary defines nnnisir>' as "iheoHkeandduiiesolaiiiinisterolreligitin" How doesOHCritinlu this del mil ion ' Whileiiioslol usdon'lhold jDotloraleinnicolo^y. OIK "oilers aw ideran^eolininisiPi opprtuniies lor those uishinglu reach oul lo the coniinuniiv

This year ihe I'rban Ministries Team set apart IhuisdaNs to head downtown and hand out sandwiches to those hvin^ on the street. Steadlast [lerlorined at area churches as pan ol the services. I here were also tree concerts j;i\en by Asian and the OHC Choir

As a new member of the OBC Choir, this year was really (un and exciting tor me I had the opponunit\ lo tell about (iod's los e the best way I can - by singinj;. This is. in essence, the purpose of the ministry teams - to provide a w ay tor everynne to show Ciod's love to others in the best way they can.

B\ Jennifer Dvett



tme §mmif #r

#11 fliaf# SfSM €#£££€£


Rah, Rah.Sis-Boom-Bah! Does OBC have any school spint. you ask. I would think so! This book full of memories for years to come should pro\e that to any would-be reader. Though the pictures in this book may not show tlag waving or painted faces, in our school colors, the Spirit of OBC has never been stronger. The student body is dedicated to making their time here one full of joys, tears, laughing and crying, times of worship and prayer and times of play ing in the mud and the snow. Do we have school spirit !* YesSir-Ree.Bob!

If you ever have had the chance to talk with our own Mr. Spirit, he would most likely respond with, "Yep, Yep, We have spirit..."

Thank you to you the students who have provided a thrilling year of excitement and spirit here at OBC. Remember to always... BETRLIETOYOURSCHOOL!

The OBC Spirit lives on!!



i:^ ^




^ I


Candids, Candids, Candids!

Herearejust afcw pictures for the person who doesn't care to read much, but would rather just look at pictures. Hope you enjoy these funny pics of students ofOBC.

^^jecml ^wcds

"A Blast from Some of Our G rods' Pasts. "

ri(c i|cnri)ooli omff Ikw iiirbi&cii n ovcnnl tribute tu tf)c (^mdiuitiit(\ rUuxi ill n occtiuii tttlri) "2pcrinl 2ccrao". Hiic iKnr. it iii tiK (">1n«i of l!H>r» tJKW io fcntiircJi.

Ciic of tiK rcnuoiui tlnit tliic occrioii ic n frntiircJ) itnii of our l)cnrtiool( piiblicnrioii ii:> to c^iuc tlK rcc<t of tlK i'nii>att boOl) n dinurr to occ "n bLwt ftvni tifc pttiff of n fciu cvlcrt (^mBo. 3t iii nbuctiio n lot of fini to ivc tuliat ooliir of onidoitci looticd liitc tulKii tlKll lucre n bh lioiuu^rr. Mind of nitc locrcii t tl)ct).'

'JliiotJ(cr rciuiou ic to (^i^»c conic potnitii n clKiurr to rjruc tl(cir clril&rai n note of ciiroumflniiatt. n note of tlinitlu? or n note fillcii luitJ) iiiciiiorict.1. H|ccc tiuo vnr^co nho«H|ii taib to be ucni cverini raiiiuaerc fniiii ti(e t>cople iul(o broui\l|t tliece n,x«Xi^ iuto tliio loorlO.

^tiere ic no prirtieulnr metlioi) to el|oociiu\ iul|o luill i^et tljeir pieturec iii tlicoc tioo iwi^cc Hint ic left i4> to tiK aicercrioii of iIk i|cnrbuol« editor. luliu iHtWnic tu be. Mice lu^mii. ^oi|it 'l^oiuumii.

1) i III c e I f ii () r n & II n t e . (Itiifortiiimtell). .~t dibii'i liriue tiK elKiiiee to trl) to ciienb in one of ^ol|iil) (Vncii tl)oiu^l| oiilli n fciu (\m&c iiinJie it iuto il|ic ccctioii euerii i|cnr. lue coiiciDcr eucrti cnidnit iul|o leniiec tljic ccliool beciuicc of (^mdiintion cvcrini!

Hie luorB cveeini". neeorOiiifl to ^Jkbcter ( Ik ceciiic to be Viittiiu) Ific nuo enitc in n lot. icn't Ik'.'I. incniic "pnrtintlnr in liiiiQ. coiiietl|tiii^ cipcrinlhi ciiu^led iMi rtiiB fennireb". tlnnl* aiouflli iKtc bcai cnib in tt)nt definirioul

Hk tuort) "ccrret' niennc "ooinetliini) Kept from tt|e luioiulcik^e of otiicrc. luioiun onh| to tiK initirtteii". xlii tljic cnce. tlK "initintei)" luoiil!) be n celeet (^roiip of people, nonnnlhi ineUi&iiu^ cuiiie on tiK tienrbooli ctnff mil) tiK (im&c pnrottc. ('■itcni onee in n iol|ile. tiK cetret of iul|o ic in tiric ccrtion ic lenlieO out. Hint'c C..M. tl|on()l|.

C< ti|tnh enoiu^t) Imc beat

cnia. iHnnonber (^mac. i|on nrc

all ueni cpocini to iic niiB uk luill

mice )|oii n lot IuIku >|ou nrr i\one'

'i'l(: Vnnn 'i^m^lule


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Well, skiff.. .after another semesters hard work I can honestly .uiy that I am ready to hand over the baton to someone else. I'm not saying that I won't miss producing the yearbook, no sir.. .it's just lime to move on.

As I wached the hook come together over the last year, I couldn't help hut wonder why people wanted to be involved in something that took alot of time. Then it hit me. .."to have .uwiething that they can look back on and .say I did that. I helped produce this book".

This book, our year in memories far surpassed those done in the past years. To an .4 WESOME staff, to an A WESOME job.

Congratulaltons. on a hook worth of anotherCEXTURY OF CHRIST SERVICE!

John Bowman / Editi

Front Row: Melody Hamilton, Cheryl Bradley,

Sarah Buchanan, John Bowman

Middle Row: Eddie DeFreitas, Luana Busch,

Kri sta Webb, Melanie Joseph, LanaBaglole

Back Row: Brad Gibson, Jennifer Heideman,

Jennifer Dyett, Robin Bailey, Andrew Mack, Paul


1994-1995 Yearbook Staff

John Bowman - Editor

Lana Bagloie - Acting Co-Editor

Andrew Mack - Graphics Design (Title Pages )

Jennifer Dyett - Darkroom

Brad Gibson- Darkroom

Paul Morris - Photographer

Robin Bailey - Photographer

Melanie Joseph - Photographer

Mark Page- Photographer

Sarah Buchanan - Photographer

Cheryl Bradley - Proofing

Eddie DeFreitas- Captions

Glenn Hunt - Technical Advisor

Steve Thomson - Faculty Advisor



S|ncial Thanks Tu:

Hinr>'s Cameras & Accesories

()li( Student Council - For continuous support

OBC Student Writers - Your work on the write-ups is


Janet Krawcuck & Bill Rutherford - For your continuous

^upp<l^ wilh our yearbook

<')BC Students F-nr being mir iii\ anil inspiration

Photo Credits:

There were so many people that have donated pictures to us that it is

hard to name all of them Here are a few:

Danielle Lamarche Sarah Post

Joy Wood Danny Caldwell

Andy Nagcl Krista Webb

Melinda F.stabtouks Luana Busch

Natasha Gascho Melody Hamilton

To those of you whose names we missed, Thank You!!!

"^nJ iy~^ tj'~\>

i t/'-vi ly-^^ LT^ (v~\i 'kr~\^ l^~\i itx~\i ly^ i^^ i^r^S


AMonent ' sThcu^t




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Extra!- 'Exttkl

Read All About It! The OBC Yearbook Has Expanded To 104 Pages!

As many of you know, this page, #96, would normally be the last page of the OBC yearbook. Well, this year we have expanded. Due to the 100th Year Celebrations and some work gathering advertising, we now offer you eight extra pages.

Featured in this section will be a brief three page look back over the past 100 years that OBC has existed. As well, our advertisers are featured.

The last three pages will consist ot the people for whom this publication is created everv' year, you the students.

So enjoy Ihe Blast Irom Ihe Past and a Candid look at vour fellow- classmates!

% >




Ontario IBB Bible (j^*^ College

Tin-: RiRLr: training scHnrii



I'.'i.L'.N l' I. ULLLAiDLii. ir




"Tlic Grcal Design of the school is ihc irainiiig ul cuiisccralcd Christian iiil-ii and wunicii tur Christian service at huiiic and abroad. I'ur ihcsc llic school shall luriiish a llioruugh and sysieinatic iraining in ilic knowledge and practical use of the [iiiglish Bible, without refcreiKe to dcnoininational doctrines or peculiarities of Church Govcrimieiit. as the College is distinctively imerdcDoininational . '

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This is our Centennial Year! It may be said that one hundred year old institutions are unusual but they aie not rare. What is rare is a one hundred year old institution that has remained faithful to the Biblical principles upon which it was founded.

In North America, and especially in the north- eastern United States, most of the centres of higher learning, including Princeton. Yale and Harvard, were founded as Christian universities which would train students for ministry. Ontario Bible College began with a similar purpose.

In his book Canadian Evangelicalism in the Twentieth Century, John G. Stackhouse, Jr, says, 'Toronto Bible College arose out of the evangelicalism characteristic of Ontario in the late nineteenth century."


In writing the story of Ontario Bible College, Author Al vyn Austin points out that Toronto was a city where 99% of the population claimed to have a religious preference and where the local newspaper, The Daily Mail, (now The Globe and Mail) ran a contest to boost its sales by having readers vote for the most popular preacher of the day.

The spires of the Anglican, Roman Catholic and Methodist Churches not only dominated the city's skyline, but the churches themselves had a direct effect upon the religious, moral and spiritual life of the city.

It is upon the canvas of this background that we paint the picture of the establishing of the Toronto Bible Training School. The architect of the plan was Rev. Elmore Harris, Minister of the Walmer

Road Baptist Church. He was an heir of the Harris family of Brantford who had merged their prosperous farm implement company with another company owned by the Massey family of Newcastle, to form Canada's internationally known farm implement company, Massey-Harris.

Elmore Harris was bom in 1854 and was a graduate of the University of Toronto. Rev. Harris built the Bloor Street Baptist Church (which later became Yorkminster Church) largely with his own money. In 1889, he built Walmer Road Baptist Church. His congregation included many prominent and influential citizens of Toronto as well as a number of professors from the U. of T. and McMaster University, the Baptist seminary, at the comer of St. George and Bloor Streets.

Elmore Harris believed that God was leading him to establish a Bible training school in lortMiltv II was evident to him thai Toronto did not need another seminars as there were already: Knox College (Presbyterian). Victoria University (Methodist), Trinity College (High Anglican), and W\clitTe College (Low Anglican) on the University of Toronto campus.

However, these seminaries were training ministers and pulpit preachers who were studying at the university level. This left a gap as women were not admitted

and many young men could not allonl a uni\ersity education. The Bible liaining scln>ol uouKI fill this niche.

()nMa\ 14lli IS^M.Llmore Harris iiuited twelve leading business people and clergy to his home where he laid before them his "Prospectus of the Torontt) Bible Training School". This small group was bound together by a shared vision of the need for a place to train laity in knowledge of the Scriptures and by a common commitment to make that vision a reality.

Classes bee an in the

Walmer Roail Church in September of that \ ear. The first class graduated in 1896.

One hundred years later we look back on a Idiil: and distinguishetl historx for which \\ e are grateful. Toronto Bible Training School has over the years seen a long line of devoted followers of Christ come year after year to prepare U )r the work of the kingdom. From our present vantage point we are able to look back and s e c l h e faithfulness of God in preserving that original vision.




"Congratulations to Ontario Bibie Coiiege on 100 Years of Teaciiing Ciiri stand Taldng ttie Gospeito ttie World"

The Peoples Church


John D. Hull, Senior Pastor

Oswald J. Smith, Founder and Senior Pastor. 1928-1958 Paul B. Smith, Senior Pastor, 1959-1994

374 Sheppard Avenue East, Willowdaie, Ontario M2N 3B6 Tel: (416) 222-3341 Fax: (416) 222-3344

Join us for worship on Sundays at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm. Waidt 'Peoptes Ctiurcit' on CFTO, Sundays, 10:30 am and VISiON TV, Sundays, 1:00 pm.




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You Outta Be In Pictures...!

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The Final Frontier. . .

VI t' Have Gone Where No One Has Gone Before

\\c arc rinall) licio, llio end of another school year. For some. It's just the being of their education iuid tor others this is THE END! As the editor. I want to lease you with these last few

pages of candids of t'riends you have made here at OBC. Cherish the memoines made m this school and someda\ when the final trumpet sounds, we will race home to he \v ilh our Father together, for all eternity. Keep strong in the faith and live for Christ each day as if it u as your last.

Thank you for one of the best years of ms education here at OBC.

John Bowman Editor '94-'93 To a friend:

Joel, here's that picture I said 1 would put in. No one knows who you are except the Central guys. Right! Thanks for your constant friendship. Remember to li\e your life like that of Christ Jesus. See ya round the comer sometime...

YourBro, John





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