Law ; a eel “ ~ ° — > eee ae ). It is the same for the actinal are, which forms a spiral identical to that of the abactinal area, only bent in the opposite direction. The actinal and abactinal regions are, in reality, two warped spiral surfaces, making an angle with one another, separated by the whole width of the stomach. This is best seen in a view from the dorsal or 34 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. oral side (Pl. VII. Fig. 8), when the folds are distinctly visible one above the other, but so arranged as to be all seen at the same time (Pl. V. Figs. 4, 6, 7, 8; Pl. IL. Figs. 8, 10, 11). Three of the folds are near the edge, while the other two are placed close to the digestive cavity on the ventral side. This spiral, seen from the dorsal or from the ventral side, has all the appearance of the foot of a bivalve (¢, Pl. V. Figs. 4, 6, 8). The spiral position of the five rods indicating the position of the future rays of the Starfish (7{'-7) is also apparent from the same point of view. ‘T'wo of the rods are placed on the dorsal side of the larve, run- ning somewhat obliquely (7'y, 7;), the three others (73, ri, 7;) turning away still more from the median line; the last (7';) placed very near the edge, on the ventral side, close to the base of the median arms (Pl. V. Figs. 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, r'{-r;'); the nearest distance between these two spiral surfaces being fully as great as the width of the water-tube: in fact, it seems as if the rudimentary tentacles and the dorsal system had as yet no connection whatever with one another (Pl. V. Figs. 6, 8). It is very important that this oblique position of the actinal and abac- tinal areas, as well as their great distance apart, should be distinctly kept in mind; as it will explain many of the errors committed by pre- vious writers on this subject, and greatly assist us in correctly understand- ing many points in the anatomy of Echinoderms hitherto unexplained. From what has been shown thus far, it is self-evident that the water- tubes, the problematic bodies, as Muller has called them in their early condition, are the surfaces from which the future Starfishes are developed, and not the surface of the stomach. The spiral of tentacles is developed by folds placed on one side of the stomach (PI. III. Figs. 6, 8, 10, 11), on one of the water-tubes (w’), that with the water-pore (+); while round the other water-tube (w), placed on the other side of the stomach, is formed the spiral surface of the abactinal system. The stomach has re- mained as it was before, and has in no way contributed to the formation of the young Starfish. A glance at any figure of the larva, either in pro- file or from above or from below, will show that no change has taken place in the shape of the stomach, or any part of the alimentary canal, as Miller believed (Pl. V. Figs. 1, 8; Pl. ILL. Figs. 1-11), but that a kind of cap has been formed round it by the water-tubes. Owing, how- ever, to the accumulation of very fine granules of limestone, the anal extremity has by this time lost its transparency; this would be easily FORMATION OF THE AMBULACRAL SYSTEM. 35 mistaken for an encroachment on the stomach itself. In proportion as the abactinal region becomes solidified (Pl. III. Fig. 11; Pl. IV. Figs. 1, 2; Pl. VII. 2g. 8), the stomach loses its globular shape, and becomes from this time forward flattened and pear-shaped. Previously to the for- mation of the Starfish on the surface of the two water-tubes, placed on opposite sides of the stomach, we could trace no change of form in the stomach itself. From the time, however, when the Starfish encroaches little by little upon the anal extremity of the larvae, it pushes the stom- ach and the intestine slightly to one side, owing to the great increase in bulk of its actinal and abactinal areas. The anal portion of the water- tubes now swells and contracts in such a way as apparently to divide that portion of the water-tubes into chambers; but, on watching the circula- tion of the fluid in the water-tubes for any length of time, the currents can be followed flowing from one of these elliptic chambers to the other, plainly showing the different planes in which the ventral and dorsal part of the tubes are placed to be the only cause of this delusion. Miller has distinctly stated, over and over again, during the course of his investigations, that the young Echinoderm was formed by encroaching upon the stomach itself ; I am satisfied, from repeated observations of this point, in Starfish, Sea-urchin, and Ophiuran larve, that this is not the case. The mistake arises from the fact that the water-tubes, by their extension and increase, cover and conceal part of the stomach, forming a sort of hood over it; while the two sides of the young Kchinoderm, separated by the whole width of the stomach and the thickness of the two water-tubes, form upon the outer surface of the latter, and do not in any way encroach upon the stomach, which is simply enclosed by the actinal and abactinal areas of the Echinoderm. Had I not traced this with the greatest care, I should scarcely venture to doubt the statements of Miiller, but I am satisfied that he was mistaken in this explanation of the mode of the formation of the Echinoderm.* Formation of the Ambulacral System.— We have already seen that the very first changes which take place in the water-system (w, w’) consist of the five folds (¢, Pl. V. Avg. 2) extending obliquely across the exterior surface of one of the water-tubes (w’). From the fact that these folds * Tt may not be out of place to say, that Professor Agassiz, during this investigation, satisfied him- self of the accuracy of every point which seemed in the least contradictory to the statements of Miiller. 6 36 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. develop across the surface of an elliptical tube, the five folds naturally form a twisted spiral, with a pentagonal outline, each side of this spiral forming the first nucleus of the five ambulacral tubes. I speak con- stantly of pentagonal spirals, pentagonal ambulacral system, and pentago- nal abactinal system. In using these terms, I do not mean a pentagon with five equal sides, the adjacent sides making equal angles with one another and surrounding a closed surface, but simply that we have five sides limiting an open space, the two extremities of this five-sided figure being separated by the whole vertical diameter of the water-tubes. One extremity of the ambulacral five-sided open figure is placed at the water- pore (J, Pl. V. Fig. 2), the other at the opposite side of the water-tube on the surface of which the ambulacral system is developed. The two ex- tremities of the abactinal open five-sided figure are placed, one above the water-pore (d, Pl. V. Figs. 8, 9, 18, 7‘), the other on the opposite side of the water-tube, which develops the abactinal surface on one side of the anus (a, Pl. V. Fig. 14,73). A glanee at the figures of the Brachiolaria from the dorsal or ventral side (Pl. IV. Figs. 1, 2; Pl. VIL Fig. 8; Pl. V. Figs. 8, 9, 15, 14) shows that the two surfaces, upon which the actinal and abac- tinal areas are developed, do not correspond to one another, or fit into each other as in the full-grown Starfish. That is, if the ambulacral system were projected upon the abactinal system, in order to bring these two surfaces into the same relation which they hold in the adult Asteracan- thion, we should find the ambulacral system projecting beyond the out- line of the abactinal system, and placed nearer the mouth of the Brach- iolaria, while a portion of the abactinal system — that which is placed at the anal extremity of the larva — would, in the same way, project be- yond the outline of the ambulacral system. ; The sides of this twisted pentagonal spiral are somewhat concave, and the apex of the angles of adjacent sides are rounded. It is in conse- quence of the changes taking place at the apex of the sides of this irregu- lar ambulacral pentagon that we have the simple apex transformed, by its gradual extension beyond the general outline of the open pentagon, into the five-folded loops (Pl. V. Figs. 10, 12), each of which corresponds to an ambulacral tube and its accompanying suckers in an adult Star- fish. The ambulacral pentagon with concave sides and rounded angles, seen in profile (Pl. V. Figs. 2, 5; Pl. Ill. Figs. 7, 9, 2), changes its shape FORMATION OF THE ABACTINAL SYSTEM. 37 rapidly ; the convex cavity becomes greater, the apex of each angle of the pentagon more prominent and less pointed, a double line is formed by the ruffling of their folds (Pl. IIL. 4%. 11), and each apex of the pen- tagon has the appearance of a small loop projecting beyond the curved sides; the loops grow larger and larger, untii they have reached a size somewhat less than one third of the diameter of the water-tube, when they stand out freely from the pentagon, and seem to form no part of the water-tube (Pl. V. Figs. 10, 11, 12, ¢; Pl. IV. Wg. 4). When seen either from above or from below, the folds appear as small flaps on the | broad side of the foot-like appendage projecting from the surface of the stomach, formed by the folding of the water-tube (Pl. V. Figs. 4, 6, 8, 9, he, fee el TT. Fags 10, 11 PL TV. Figs 1, 23; PL VEL Pig-8).” “These small folds are, in reality, nothing but open bags communicating with the main water-tube (w’); small pouches leading from it. The outer and inner fold of each loop do not remain concentric, and we can soon trace, in the inner fold, changes similar to the first folding of the water-tube. The rounded end of the inner fold becomes triangular; this is the first “indication of the formation of the separate suckers (Pl. V. Figs. 10, 11, 12,¢¢¢¢¢). The ambulacral pentagon remains in this state until the Starfish has resorbed the many appendages of the larva. Formation of the Abactinal System.— Let us now follow the corresponding changes of the abactinal system, accompanying the modifications, just de- scribed, of the ambulacral pentagon. On examining the anal extremity, at the time when the larva has reached the state represented on PI. Il. Fig. 10, we are at once struck with the fact that the outline of the abactinal system has undergone analogous changes to those of the actinal pentagon. Instead of remaining a uniform spiral, the two ends of which are separated by the whole height of the water-tube, while the two areas are divided by the combined width of the stomach and the two water- tubes, it has a slightly lobed pentagonal outline, the convexities corre- sponding to the apex of the pentagon of suckers (Pl. V. Fig. 5, rj-r; ; Pl. Ill. Fig. 10). The rods, simple at first (7, Pl. V. Fig. 2), have increased in size; small Y-shaped appendages have developed at their extremities. We also see that in the intermediate spaces, corresponding to the con- cavities of the lobes of the actinal system, a second set of small rods (7, Pl. V. Fig. 5), of a similar character to the large ones, have developed. The whole of the abactinal system has become coated with a very fine 88 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. granular deposit of limestone; and the edge of the surface, connecting the two extremities of the abactinal pentagon, can readily be seen in profile (Pl. V. Fig. 5). The five large rods placed in the middle of the sides of the spiral abactinal pentagon, and the five small ones placed in the angles of this same pentagon, are the first trace of the plates com- posing the abactinal surface of the young Starfish. The water-pore (4, Pl. IL Ig. 10; 4, Pl. V. Figs. 7, 8) remains open, the only change being an accumulation of limestone matter round the opening, forming a sort of solid tube to protect it. This water-pore, as we shall see hereafter, eventually becomes the madreporic body; and the canal formed by the deposition of limestone is the stone canal of the full-grown Starfishes. Abactinal System.— The double line on the edge of the abactinal pen- tagon (Pl. V. Fig. 2) is formed by the thickness of the surface of the abactinal system. This double line, at first only slightly undulating, be- comes gradually more indented (Pl. V. Figs. 3, 5); at the same time, additional rods arise round the primary ones with such rapidity that we soon find a complicated network of limestone rods, forming ten clusters (PL V. Figs. 8, 9, 13, 7’, 7”), five large (r’) and five smaller ones (7”) round the original rods. This network is produced by the addition of a Y- shaped rod, at each extremity of a simple primary rod; presently, eight Y-rods arise upon the shanks of the first set of Y-rods, followed by a third set upon the shanks of the second set, and so on; in this manner are formed the closed polygons composing the clusters of the patches of limestone deposit (Pl. V. 2%. 9, 7’, 7”). The small granular cells, filling the larger meshes of the network, increase in number, rendering the whole abactinal system somewhat opaque; when the larva is seen in profile from the abactinal side, the outline of the stomach (Pl. V. Fi%g. 5) can be traced exactly as it was before the Starfish had begun to form ; and outside of it, the edge of the future back is distinctly visible (Pl. V. dig. 5). As the two water-tubes are placed on opposite sides of the larva, it fol- lows that when seen in profile (Pl. V. Figs. 11, 12), from the left or from the right, it presents, in the one case, a full view of the tentacular pen- tagon (¢), and only the lower oral edge of the abactinal system, the net- work of limestone meshes being quite indistinct, as seen through the thickness of the abactinal surface (PL IIL. Fig...75) Bl, Diego) Pee FORMATION OF THE SPINES. 59 Figs. 10, 12); while, in the other case, a full view of the abactinal pen- tagon (Pl. WIL. Fig. 10; Pl. IV. Fig. 4; Pl. V. Figs. 5, 11) is obtained, and the arrangement of the different rods forming the plates of the limestone network is distinctly seen. A view of the larva from the dorsal side (Pl. IM. Fig. 11; Pl. VIL Fig. 8; Pl. V. Figs. 8, 9, 13) shows the abac- tinal system extending in such a way as to surround the stomach en- tirely on one side, while the tentacular pentagon covers it on the oppo- site side. This attitude gives us the position of the lobes (r;{—r;), the future rays of the Starfish, next. to the water-pore (77, 72), while a view from the oral side (Pl. V. Figs. 4, 14) indicates the trend of the lobes on the opposite extremity of the spiral of the abactinal system (7{, 7;). [Metschnikoff was able to trace most satisfactorily the development of an Ophiuran in which the formation of the abactinal system was shown to be identical in every respect with that here given of the Starfish. In the Ophiuran of which I had previously * traced the growth the forma- tion of the plates of the disk could not be seen. These I on'y traced at that time in one of the viviparous species. | Formation of the Rays of the future Starfish.—The plates of the abactinal system early reach a condition when the changes they undergo are merely quantitative, and the only modifications affecting the appearance of the Starfish take place on the edge of the disk. A depression is formed in the middle of the convexity of the lobes of the abactinal area; this is soon followed by two other depressions in the middle of the small arcs thus formed, dividing each lobe of the pentagon into four smaller lobes ; at the same time the indentations between the original sides of the pen- tagon have grown much deeper, separating these five lobes in a very marked manner. We can now no longer mistake the true character of the lobes; they are the five rays of the Starfish, but as the actinal and abactinal regions are not yet fitted together, as in the adult (Pl. V. Figs. 10, 11, r'{-7/; Pl. IV. Fig. 4), they represent only the dorsal sides of the rays. A glance at Mig. 9 of the same Plate (Pl. V.), seen from the dorsal side, will show how far the suckers (¢) are removed from the abactinal portion of the arm which is to protect them. The position of the water- pore (4) is immediately on the edge of the disk, at the extremity ef the dorsal end of the pentagon (Pl. V. Figs. 10, 13, 6). * Mem. Am. Acad. 1864. 40) EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. Formation of the Sjines. — Such is the state of the abactinal system when the pentagon of tentacles is composed of simple loops; let us now examine this system in more advanced larve, at the time when the inner fold of the loops has become triangular at the extremity. When seen from the ventral side (PI. VII. Fig. 8), we find that the small lobes have become wart-like projections, surrounding the whole edge of the abactinal system (Pl. V. Jy. 9). These projections are composed of accumulations of Y-shaped rods, connected with the system of network in the larger plates. The surface of the abactinal system has also become covered with these wart-like projections, rendering the outline irregular. In an abactinal profile, smaller tubercles are seen on each arm, identical, in every- thing except size, with those of the edge; the tubercles are young spines, arranged in regular lines (Pl. VI. Figs. 2, 4, 6); one row of four alternat- ing on the edge of the abactinal system with one row of three, this again with one of two, followed by single tubercles, forming a pentagon, placed in the apex of adjoining rows, in the angle between two arms; the older tubercles are those nearest the edge. When the young Starfish has reached this state, it has the rudiments of nearly all the external parts of the adult. I shall, therefore, apply to these rudimentary organs the names usually given to them. .The spines are warts, not rising much above the general level of the abactinal region, and they are arranged in regular rows. The position of the network of limestone meshes has become well circumscribed, the plates formed by them occupying the position of the original rods. The five smaller plates in the angles of the arms are arranged round a central plate, the larger plates alternate with them and occupy nearly the whole of the surface of the arm; this arrangement is identical with that of the plates of the abactinal surface, as shown in Pl. VI. Mig. 10, 7, 4, &. The indentations of the rays are now so well marked (Pl. V. Figs. 12, 13) that there is quite a large open space between the outer spines on the edge of any two adjoinng arms. On examining the plates formed by the network of limestone meshes, we see that the cells are polygonal; they are usually hexagonal, and are more or less quadrangular near the exterior of the plate. The original rod can be recognized by the larger cell it has de- veloped (Pl. V. Figs. 9, 13, r’); and it is from this central cell that the others diverge, growing smaller and smaller as they approach the edge. In the present stage of the young Starfish the anal extremity of the il RESORPTION OF THE BRACHIOLARIA. 4] Brachiolaria (Pl. VII. Fig. 8) has almost entirely disappeared, and the embryo Starfish has taken its place (Pl. V. Pigs. 9-14). This embryo is so heavy that, when floating about, it loads down the anal part, which is always the lowest, and the larva is compelled to move always more or less obliquely, having to drag this great weight after it. The water- pore remains in the position in which it was at first, in the angle of the arm (7{'), which opens the pentagon, and is encased in a stronger deposit of limestone. Resorption of the Brachiolaria.— While the Starfish is growing upon the outer surfaces of the two opposite water-tubes, and is gradually becoming apart of the Brachiolaria, no changes take place in the external appear- ance of the larve (Pl. IV. Figs. 1, 2; Pl. VII. Fig. 8). But when the Starfish has become so far advanced as to occupy a very prominent posi- tion at the anal extremity of the larva (Pl. IV. Fig. 4; Pl. VII. Fig. 8), the complicated appendages designated as arms, which have served for the development and for the locomotion of the Starfish, are resorbed by the little Echinoderm. We now come to a most interesting period in the history of our Star- fish. The larve, very active up to this time, grow sluggish; the body, which, with the exception of the anal portion, is, in the early stages, perfectly transparent and clear, becomes cloudy and opaque. Changes are first visible in the side arms (Pl. IV. Figs. 7, 8, 9); they contract, and apparently divide into many large cells. Next in turn the anal ven- tral arms, and, lastly, the dorsal arms, contract in the same manner. This contraction of the arms is accompanied by a corresponding shrinking of the anal part of the larva, beyond the mouth (Pl. IV. Fig. 9), so rapid that in a few hours the anal arms have shrunk to quite a small compass (Pl. IV. Fig. 9); the oral dorsal arms and the oral ventral arms contract in their turn, until there remains nothing but the brachiolar arms, brought close to the Starfish by the shrinking of the mass of the body (PI. IV. Fig. 8). They soon follow the rest, and we can actually see the gradual disappearance of this complicated fabric. It has served its purpose of developing and feeding the young Starfish, which has now reached a state when, in a few hours, it will move about independently, having resorbed, for what purpose is not known, the whole of the framework. Not a@ single part ts dropped off, the whole of the larva passes into the Starfish, and, before twelve hours have elapsed from the commencement of the first sign of 42 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. contraction of the anal tentacles, nothing is to be seen of the larval ap- pendages, except a few indistinct swellings on the actinal side of the little Starfish (Pl. VI. Hg. 1). The Starfish after the Resorption of the Bipinnaria.—The process of resorp- tion, which I have frequently had the opportunity to examine and trace in all its stages, leaves no doubt, at least in this case, that the young Starfish does not separate from the Brachiolaria. We cannot, therefore, consider the Starfish and the framework (the Brachiolaria) as two indi- viduals, leading a separate existence at different stages of growth, but must regard them both as one and the same thing. This is in direct contradiction to the statements of Miiller, and of Koren and Danielssen, with regard to the Echinoderm, the development of which they have had occasion to watch. I must add that my own observations concerning the development of Echinoids and of Ophiurans have led me to an entirely different opinion from the one they have expressed; see my remarks on the Embryology of Echinoderms, in the Memoirs of the American Academy for 1864. Closing of the Actinal and Abactinal Areas. — Although the young Starfish has now resorbed all the appendages of the Brachiolaria (Pl. VI. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7), it is very different from the adult; the rays do not yet make a complete circuit, nor are they similar to each other; the penta- gon of tentacles is still open, and the first step, preceding any other great change, is the closing of the actinal and abactinal areas, by which the two regions are brought into their proper relations. While the arms of the larva are shrinking away, the tentacular and abactinal pentagons are drawn closer together by the contraction of the water-tube. The ex- tremities of the two open pentagons approach each other simultaneously by the flattening, in opposite directions, of the two pentagonal spirals, until the surfaces are brought into parallel planes, and the space, still separating the two ends of the pentagon (Pl. VI. Fig. 4) gradually dimin- ishes, when they finally join; the Starfish is then in its normal con- dition, and the circuit is completed, though the embryo is by no means symmetrical. [Metschnikoff has since also shown the same thing in his development of an Ophiuran. See 1. e, Pl. IV] Development of the Ambulacrval Tentacles of the Starfish. — While the closing of the spiral goes on, the pentagon of the tentacular side is undergoing AMBULACRAL TENTACLES. 43 great changes. We will follow these until the tentacles have acquired their normal shape, and then return to the changes of the abactinal sur- face. The points of the inner folds of the tentacular pentagon, as seen in Pl. V. Figs. 11, 12, ¢ ¢ ¢, become rounded, forming a rosette, dividing each loop into five lobes. The terminal lobe in its turn goes through the same process; two smaller lobes are developed on each side of it (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 5), thus dividing the original simple loop into seven lobes, a terminal one (¢’), and three pairs (¢ ¢ ¢) arranged symmetrically on the sides. The first-formed lobes retain their greater size until the tentacles are well developed, which at first is always in proportion to their prox- imity to the base of the loop. The odd lobe, from which the last pair of tentacles was formed, does not participate in the rapid growth of the others, and is soon outstripped by all the lobes formed along the side of the original loop (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 5). The point at which additional tentacles are formed is plainly seen in this early stage of growth; a pair is always added at the outer extremity of the arm, immediately at the base and on the side of the odd tentacle (the eye-bearing tentacle), which remains at the termination of the ray during the whole life of the Star- fish. It is quite the reverse with the additional spines of the abactinal surface of the disk; they are always formed upon the disk, and are pushed out upon the arms by younger spines growing up nearer the centre of the disk. This will be plainly seen when describing more ad- vanced conditions of the young Starfish. As the loops increase, they ex- pand, lose their character of simple folds, and soon become quite extensive sacs (¢ ¢ ¢, Pl. VI. Fug. 8), opening into the main tube (¢’), from which they were formed, until, finally, they attain the shape represented upon Pl. VI. Fig. 9. They soon grow long enough to be quite movable; they contract at the base, the walls thicken towards their extremity, and they become club-shaped. The result of this contraction is a change of the tentacular cavity into a rudimentary radiating tube (¢”), with the ten- tacles attached to it; it also draws together the first pair of tentacles, which are usually seen in such a way as to appear like knobs (PL VL Fig. 5). This basal pair does not lengthen so rapidly as the second pair, which in a couple of days becomes the longest (Pl. VI Fig. 9). Before the base of the radiating tube (¢’) has contracted, the adjacent basal ten- tacles of adjoining loops are placed nearer together than those of the same basal pair, the basal tentacles thus forming five pairs of tentacles 7 44 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. (Pl. VI. My. 8, ¢ 2), separated by the radiating tube (¢”). In proportion as the tentacles elongate, the separation between them and the radiating tube is more distinct, and very soon the tentacles appear like club-shaped branches projecting from it (Pl. VI. Fig. 9); the first pair of tentacles are somewhat shorter and stouter than the second, which is the longest, while the three terminal tentacles have nearly the same size, the odd tentacle (¢) not showing as yet the slightest tendency to become club- shaped, though developed so much earlier than the larger basal pairs at its base. Formation of the Sucker of the Tentacles of the Starfish. — When the ten- tacles have reached the state of Pl. VI. Fig. 9 they. develop rapidly; the walls at the extremity of each tentacle thicken so much, that the cavity becomes a pointed tube set into a somewhat conical head, which grows more club-shaped, and projects beyond the walls of the tentacles as they increase in length, so that, when the basal pair of tentacles equals again in length the second pair (Pl. VI. Fig. 12), the clubs at the extremities are supported upon comparatively narrow bases. This club-shaped termi- nation is the future disk of the tentacle, the sucker, by means of which the Starfish adheres so firmly to rocks. From an early period, even when there is only one large pair of tentacles at the base of the ray, and when the others exist only in the most rudimentary condition (Pl. VL Hig. 5), these tentacles are used by the embryo in adhering to the sur- faces upon which it is placed; and, though they are not provided with a regular sucking disk, they fasten themselves so firmly, by means of these loops, that it requires considerable force to make them loose their hold. ‘ormation of the Eye.—We have seen that, unlike the others, the odd terminal tentacle does not become club-shaped, but increases slowly in length alone, the walls retaining a uniform thickness. It is not till all the pairs of tentacles are well developed that we begin to perceive slight changes (Pl. VIII. Fg. 5). The opening leading into the radiating canal contracts, the basal portion of the tentacle swells, and it assumes a some- what pear-shaped form, the swelling at the base increases, principally on the oral side, and we soon trace in it an accumulation of pigment cells (Pl. VIL. Fig. 6, e), which, by the time the other tentacles have developed knobs, and equal in length the diameter of the arms, has become a brill- iant carmine spot (PI. VI. Mig. 12, e; PL VIL Fig. 6, e, and Pl. VIII. fig. 5, e). This odd tentacle, placed at the extremity of the radiating ' oe MOUTH OF THE STARFISH. 45 tube, is the ocular tentacle. Ehrenberg discovered the presence of eyes in Starfishes, but their true relations to this odd terminal tentacle was first pointed out by Professor Agassiz, in his Homologies of Radiata. [The nature of this terminal tentacle in the young Starfish and all young Kchinoderms seems to have been entirely overlooked by all writers who have described the eye of the Starfishes, which they have usually represented as an organ totally unlike any other Kchinodermal ap- pendage. The Embryology of Echinoderms certainly shows most distinctly that the eye of the Starfish is only a modified tentacle, an organ of sense, such as we find at the base of the marginal tentacles of Acalephs.] Formation of the Mouth of the Starfish.— From the manner in which the tentacles are formed by folds of the water-tube, it is plain that, in the younger stages of the Echinoderm, the two ends of the circular tube must remain disconnected; the rapid accumulation of limestone particles on the lower surface prevents us, however, from ascertaining this point. Soon after the larva has disappeared, the whole actinal surface between the pentagon of tentacles is covered by a membrane; this membrane, in the centre of which is placed the mouth, is the remnant of that part of the larva situated in the groove between the anal and oral plastrons (m, Pl. VI. Fig. 12; Pl. VII. Fig. 1). The mouth of the Starfish, how- ever, is not in reality the mouth of the larva. During the shrinking of the larva the long cesophagus has become shortened and _ contracted, bringing the opening of the mouth of the larva to the level of the open- ing of the cesophagus, which becomes eventually the true mouth of the Starfish. Before the limestone particles have accumulated sufficiently to cover the base of the radiating tubes, the mouth is movable, shifting its posi- tion from one side to another indifferently (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 7, 8, 12, m; Pl. VII. Fig. 1), though by the time the deposit of limestone has formed a small pentagon inside of the base of the radiating tubes, it has lost its mobility. The water-pore (Pl. VI. Fig. 12, 6), or the madreporie body, connects with the circular tube through a long, narrow tube, and is placed on the actinal side in the angle between two rays; it is, as yet, only a simple opening, protected by a thick funnel-shaped limestone pro- jection (Pl. VI. Fig. 12, 6). The young Starfish has no other anus than that of the larva, which is placed on the very edge of the disk; but, 46 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. with the rapidly increasing deposit of limestone cells, it is soon hidden © from view, and I have not been fortunate enough to find it again in more advanced young. I am therefore unable to say where the anus opens outside, though it undoubtedly discharges, at this time, through one of the many limestone cells. Owing to the difficulty of tracing its opening in the deedalus of round cells, I am not able to state this positively, never having seen, from any point, discharges of fecal matters. Like the mad- reporic body, it is not yet upon the abactinal area, but on the actinal side, near the edge of the disk. The madreporic body itself would have been lost in a similar manner, had it not been possible to track it by means of its connection with the circular tube (Pl. VI. Mig. 12); and, even then, it was only by the closest attention, and at moments when the position of the young Starfish was especially favorable for the inspec- tion, that the opening of the madreporic body could be distinguished from that of the surrounding limestone cells. [With regard to the functions of the mouth of the Pluteus and its sub- sequent fate in the young Starfish and Ophiuran, my observations as well as those of Metschnikoff would show that it becomes the mouth in both, This does not seem to be the case in Auricularia, and the fate of the openings (both the anal and oral) of the Pluteus of Echinoderms is not yet definitely known for all the orders. Additional observations are needed on this point. Embryological studies on Mollusca would seem to favor the formation of a new mouth distinct from that of the early stages of the embryo, but the direct observations on Echinoderms all tend to prove that there is no new opening formed, and that the mouth of the Pluteus passes directly into that of the young Echinoderm. Selenka shows for Holothuria also that the original opening of the Plu- teus becomes the permanent anus. | Formation of the Actinal Limestone Surface. — The actinal side of the disk is at first a narrow flat band (Pl. VI. Fig. 3), following the general out- line of the rays. This band increases in breadth, loses its convex outline, and soon reaches the terminal tentacle, when the actinal band has assumed a pentagonal shape. Inside of this small pentagon is situated the ambu- lacral system, entirely independent, as yet, from the limestone deposit on the actinal surface, the whole rosette of tentacles expanding and contract- ing, with perfect liberty, in every direction. This freedom soon ceases; the points of the limestone pentagon develop rapidly towards the centre SPINES OF THE YOUNG STARFISH. 47 of the disk, and soon reach the base of the radiating canal (PI. VI. Fig. 7). There they unite by bridging the intervening spaces, and form five tri- angular openings, enclosing the tentacles, which are still at liberty, with the exception of this band across the base of the radiating tubes (Pl. VI. Fig. 9). The additions made to this deposit of limestone take place more rapidly near the bridge, where additional limestone cells are sent out, enclosing at first the basal pair of tentacles, but leaving the remaining five still unconfined. The next pair is then imprisoned by a similar pro- cess, without, however, interfering with the terminal tentacles. Finally, the last pair of tentacles is surrounded in a like manner, and all the ten- tacles are now confined somewhat as we find them in the adult (PI. VI. Fig. 12; Pl. VIL. Fig. 1). A row of limestone cells, extending along the median line, separates the base of the suckers, while transverse bands join the larger cells of adjoining spaces. It is plain that the transverse bands correspond to the ambulacral plates of the adult, and that, in the earlier stages, the embryo Starfish has no trace whatever of any inter- ambulacral system. This mode of formation of the ambulacral system may explain the absence of interambulacral plates in the Crinoids and Ophi- urans. The deposit of limestone is not sufficiently transparent to allow a good view of the radiating canal, or of the formation of the vesicles of the tentacles. Formation of the Spines of the young Starfish.— We have seen that, at the time of the closing of the young Starfish, the abactinal region is already covered with regular rows of spines (Pl. VI. Fig. 4). These spines are, however, simple warts, slight protuberances, in which limestone cells are formed, connecting with the general network. The cells of these spines are arranged in regular tiers one above the other; the younger cells, formed at the base, being always more numerous, and pushing up the older ones. All the cells send off Y-shaped appendages, which unite, forming stories (Pl. VII. Figs. 3, 4, 5) of circular cells; the cells of the spine near the edge do not close, but project beyond the margin, giving the spines the appearance of small Gothic spires. ‘ The spines of the first row — viz. those immediately on the edge of the rays— increase rapidly, curving sideways, expanding at the tip, and assuming as fantastic shapes as those of Rhabdocidaris Orbygniana (Pl. VI. Figs. 10, 11, 12, p p). The other rows of spines, diminishing in size as they approach the centre, are exactly similar to the former (~, 48 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. ps), but not so broad at the extremity, and somewhat more slender. New spines are always added between those originally at the extremity of the rays and the centre of the disk; the latter always remain the most advanced and most prominent of the spines, even when the young Starfish has assumed many more of the features of the adult than it has at present, and has reached a stage when it would not be mistaken for anything but a Starfish, closely allied to our common species. Network of Limestone Cells.— As we have seen in the earliest stages of the Starfish, there are, on the abactinal area, rods from which, by the addition of Y-shaped processes, clusters of polygonal cells are gradually formed (Pl. VII. 4g. 7); one cluster in the middle of each ray (PI. VL Fig. 10, 4), one around the smaller rod placed in the angle of the rays (/,), and a still smaller one round the rod placed in the very centre of the abactinal area (/). The large clusters extend and unite along the edge of the rays, forming a continuous network; it is from the cells of the edge that the limestone deposit is formed, which extends over the abactinal surface. The clusters of cells placed in the angle of the rays do not unite laterally, though they become indirectly connected in the more advanced stages of our Starfish, joing with the plates of the rays by a few cells (Pl. VI. Fig. 10). The central plate remains unconnected with the others in the most advanced of the young which I have raised from the Brachiolaria. The whole of the network is quite movable, and the plates, before they become united, are capable of independent motion by the contraction of different portions of the abactinal area. [Lovén has given excellent figures of the young of Asterias glacialis, corresponding to some of the stages here figured. They differ, however, in having the plates more distinctly separated even in the young stages (Pl. VI. Fig. 19). The reticulation is compact, so that it is only in cer- tain stages of expansion that the original composition of the abactinal surface can still be traced. It is from the careful! comparison of these young stages (Pls. VI. VIL. VIII.) with the corresponding stages of the young Ophiurans, given by Metschnikoff, Pl. IV. of his memoirs, and in my memoir on the Embry- ology of Kchinoderms, Figs. 29, 32 (Mem. Am. Acad.), and of young Kehini with the young of Comatula figured by Allman, Carpenter, and Thomson, that we can make out a satisfactory homology of the test of Echinoderms as has been so successfully done by Lovén in his superb OUTLINE OF THE YOUNG STARFISH. 49 Memoir on Sea-Urchins,* where he has most thoroughly proved the homol- ogy of the basal and radial plates of Crinoids with their corresponding plates, still readily to be traced in the young Starfish, and with their homologies in the apical system of Echini. An admirable paper by Selenka in the Zeits. f/ Wiss. Zool. (June, 1876) . gives us a complete history of the development of Holothuria, showing an entire agreement in its general features with the Embryology of other Echinoderms in the mode of formation of the water-system as diverticulum for the alimentary canal, forming eventually (as in the Starfish) the cir- cular canal with the ambulacral system. ] Change of Outline of the young Starfish. —With advancing age, the outline of the young Starfish is greatly modified; at first, when the actinal and abactinal areas are not yet closed, while the larval appendages are still visible on the lower side of the young Starfish (Pl. VI. Figs. 1, 2), im- mediately after the larval appendages have disappeared, and the surfaces of the actinal and abactinal areas are brought nearer together (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 4), it is hardly more than an irregular pentagon, with slightly convex sides, and small rounded notches cut in at the angles (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 4). These notches become deeper, the arms of the Starfish as- sume more the appearance of a Greek cross (Pl. VI. Figs. 6, 7); the sides of the rays are strongly concave, and the concavity is increased with the development of the spines to such a degree that the extremity of the ray is almost twice as broad as its base (Pl. VI. Figs. 10, 11, 12). The outline of the inner wall of the disk can be easily seen through the lime- stone network. The pentagonal form, so different from that of the adult, is still less like it when seen in profile (Pl. VII. Mig. 2). The abac- tinal area rises like a high, rounded cone, supported upon the spines ( /) of the edge of the disk; the tentacles project far beyond the edge on every side (Pl. VII. /%g. 2). In fact, the regular rows of spines, their great size, the convexity of the disk, are features so unlike our usual concep- tion of a Starfish that, without closer examination, one would readily mis- take this Echinoderm, at first sight, for a young Sea-urchin, like the flat, conical Kchinocidaris. The tentacles are longer than the rays, extending far beyond the edge in front and on the sides. The pairs of tentacles move in every direc- * Kongl. Svenska Vets. Akad. Handl. XI. No. 7. Etudes sur les Echinoidées par S. Lovén. Stockholm, 1874. 50 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. tion; but the odd tentacle is always curved upward, and carried between the two middle spines of the extremity of the rays. When we see the Starfish in profile (Pl. VIL Fig. 2), the red eye-speck appears prominent near the edge of the disk, surmounted by the upturned tentacle (¢ 7), of a slight rosy hue. This manner of carrying the terminal tentacle re- minds us strongly of the way in which A%ginopsis, as well as the young of so many of our Hydroid Medusze, carry their marginal tentacles: Ne- mopsis, Staurophora, Turritopsis, Willia. This is the most advanced stage of the young Starfishes (Pl. VI. Fig. 11) which I have succeeded in raising in confinement. When we com- pare this with an adult, having long, slender-pointed rays, four rows of suckers, its surface covered with pediceilariz and water-tubes, surround- ing individual spines, like so many wreaths, we cannot fail to be struck with the astonishing changes of form which must still take place to bring this pentagonal star to any shape resembling a slender five-rayed Star- fish. In fact, when we remember how rarely embryologists continue the study of the egg beyond the moment of hatching of the embryo, it is not to be wondered at that this same young Starfish should be intro- duced to us again and again, in its different stages of growth, under half a dozen new names, both generic and specific. It is only by a thorough knowledge of all the changes of form through which these young em- bryos pass, from the first moment of their existence till they are full- grown, that we can hope to remedy this evil. The next state of our young Starfish is, when magnified (Pl. VIL Fig. 1), even more different from the adult than the pentagonal state of Pl. VI. Fig. 11. The young Starfishes figured on this Plate (PI. VIII.) were all found attached to roots of Laminaria, thrown up on the beaches, in the neighborhood, after a storm; and from their differ- ent stages of growth, as compared with the oldest Starfish raised from a Brachiolaria (Pl. VI. Mg. 11), specimens of which were also found upon these roots, it is probable that the sizes here figured are one (fig. 1), two (Fig. 8), and three (Fig. 10) years old. A considerable number of specimens were picked up in this way, and they could all be arranged into very distinct groups, representing the Starfishes of the present and of two previous seasons. There seemed to be no gradation from one group to another, such as we have among the young Sea-urchins, which, in consequence of their manner of breeding during the whole year, form OUTLINE OF THE YOUNG STARFISH. 51 series, the relations of which it is impossible to determine. In this con- nection I would say, that by arranging the Starfishes found upon our rocks into series according to their size, we are able to obtain a rough estimate of the number of years required by them to attain their full de- velopment; this I presume to be somewhere about fourteen years.* They begin to spawn before that time, as specimens have been success fully fecundated which evidently were not more than six or seven years old. It is during the fourth year that the rate of growth seems to be most rapid. A young Starfish, measuring one and a half inches across the arms, was kept, during five months, alive in Mr. Glen’s tank at the Museum, and during that space of time it grew to three inches. In the youngest specimens (Pl. VIII. /%g. 1) it is easy to see how the young Starfish has changed its outline from a pentagonal cross (Pl. VI. Fig. 11) to the one here represented. The original plates are sufficiently distinct to enable us to trace the process. The arm-plates at the ex- tremity have been pushed away from the body by the addition of new spines formed at the base of the ray, and on each side of the interradial plates (4) (the ovarian plates?). The terminal plate (4) is perfectly well defined at the extremity of each ray, and, by cutting out the remainder of the arm, and bringing the extremity of the ray close upon the disk, we should have our former pentagonal Starfish almost identically the same; the only change being the greater stiffness of the suckers, the more rounded character of the spines, as well as their greater number upon the original radial plates. The spines have almost entirely lost their fan-shaped embryonic type, and are gradually assuming the aspect of the full-grown rounded spines of the adult Starfish. Here and there, however, a spine still occurs which has retained its fan-shaped out- line. Owing to the elongation of the ray, the single median line of spines stands out very prominently, and this, together with the rows of large spines extending from the interradial plates on each side of the rays, gives to the young Starfish the appearance of a small Oreaster. The median line of spines is supported by a long, narrow limestone plate, ex- tending distinctly from the basal plate almost to the terminal radial, plates totally independent, also, of the prolongation of the ovarian plates * For an account of the method adopted by Professor Agassiz for ascertaining the age of many of our marine animals, see Proceed. Essex Inst., 1863, p. 252. 8 52 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. (p.), Which make a broad binding on each side of the ray, uniting with the terminal plate so as to form a continuous limestone cord round the edge of the Starfish. The interradial plate projects from the angle of the rays towards the basal plate, spreading somewhat, to fill up the space be- tween the median arm-plates. We find, in this stage (Pl. VII. Fig. 1), the first dorsal water-tubes (d’); there are five pairs, one tube on each side of the ovarian plate (p,). But, as yet, no pedicellarie have appeared. From the lower side, no trace of the plates of the interambulacral sys- tem can be seen, beyond the spines which have formed at the extremity of the ambulacra. The ambulacral pores are arranged in a single row on each side of the median line, and the slender last-formed tentacles are placed at the extremity of the ray, nearest to the odd ocular ten- tacle ; while the tentacles nearest the mouth are quite skort and stout, having a large sucking disk, "and resembling, in all respects, those of the adults. The separation of the different ambulacral plates is very faint, and does not become well marked till a later stage. The odd ocular tentacle has retained its function; the eye-speck has increased greatly in size, as well as the bulb to which it is attached, while the walls of the tentacle are nearly as thin as in the younger stages (Pl. VIII. Fig. 5), exhibiting no trace of the formation of any sucking disk. Nearest to this are found the last-formed tentacles, easily recognized by their length, and the some- what less developed sucker. These and subsequent stages of the young Starfish show undoubtedly that new tentacles are formed at the extremity of the rays, while new portions of the upper part of the arm are formed at the base; that is, the actinal system is developed at its periphery, while the abactinal system is developed at the centre. In young Starfishes of two years (Pl. VIL Fig. 8) the median plate is longer, more closely crowded with spines; the terminal plate being less prominent, though still distinct, while the processes from the median and lateral plates are quite large. No additional dorsal water-tubes have been formed since the last stage (Pl. VIII. Fig. 1). When examined from the oral side, the median line is becoming more strongly marked, and the lateral and ambulacral spines more prominent. These features give to the young Starfish a more pointed appearance, and the resemblance to the adult now becomes more apparent. . In somewhat older specimens (three years old) (Pl. VIIL Fig. 10), we finally trace the first appearance of pedicellarie (Pl. VII. Figs. 2, 3, 4, = OUTLINE OF THE YOUNG STARFISH. 53 P; p’), the dorsal tubes (Pl. VIII. Fig. 10, d’ d’) are found arranged in greater number along certain portions of the rays; while the median and lateral plates have increased so much in size that the terminal plate has lost entirely the preponderance which it had in younger stages, and the extremity of the arm actually assumes a rounded outline. The dorsal tubes (d”) are found numerous on both sides of the median arm-plate, and along the edge of the oral lateral plates (d’), diminishing somewhat in size as they approach the extremity of the ray; they are not open at the tip. The central basal abactinal plate is still distinct from the others. The development of the pedicellaria around the base of the spines gives us no clew as to the function which they perform in Starfishes (Pl. VIII. Figs. 2, 3, 4). At first a simple projection, they early assume the character of the head of pedicellariz without stems, the rounded swelling becoming conical, after which the fork of the head begins to be distinguished. In Plate VUI. Figs. 2, 3, 4, we have the different stages of the spines (p), and the pedicellariz (p’, p”), found at their base. It was impossible in these young Starfishes to discover the place of the madreporic body. [Professor E. Perrier has published a very elaborate and beautifully illustrated memoir on the Pedicellariz of Echinoderms in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles. For the discussion of the nature of Pedicellariz see an account in the Revision of the Echini, Part IV., by A. Agassiz, and an article in the American Naturalist, Vol. VII.] From the oral side these Starfishes (PI. VIII. Fig. 9) exhibit scarcely any difference from those of the stage last described, with the exception of the somewhat more crowded ambulacra. There is a row of median ambulacral spines (w’), quite small, defining the plates distinctly, as well as the presence of a very distinct row of spines (w), the ambulacral spines, along the edge of the ambulacral plates. In the most advanced of these Starfishes we must specially call attention to the absence of a well-defined interambulacral system. The young Starfish is still emi- nently ophiuroid in its most important embryonic features. Professor Sars, in his Norge’s Echinodermer, has described a new genus, which he has named Pedicellaster. I think there can be but little doubt, on comparing the figure he has given of his Starfish and the different stages of our Asteracanthion, that his Pedicellaster will turn out 5d EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. to be the young of one of the species of Asteracanthion of the northern coast of Europe. The single row of ambulacral pores, the ocular ten- tacle, the arrangement of the pedicellariz, the size, all confirm the idea of its being only the young. Successive Phases of Development of the Larve of Starfishes. — Before apply- ing the information thus far obtained to the solution of more general problems, it may be well to consider what are the normal stages of growth, at different periods, in the history of our Starfish larve. During the earlier stages of its existence, the young developed from the egg (Pl. I. Figs. 22—28) laid by one of our Asteracanthion has no resemblance what- ever to the future Starfish. This first condition we might call the pyri- form, or Scyphistoma stage; when it is simply a symmetrical radiate animal, reminding us of earlier stages of Polyps and Acalephs. It then assumes the shape of a dumb-bell, becomes slightly one-sided (PI. I. Figs. 2-19), and has, in its most advanced state, no other appendages but the simple crescent-shaped, slightly undulating, vibratile chord (PI. II. Figs. 20-24). The simple, straight digestive cavity is now differentiated into three distinct regions. This second stage we might call the Tornaria stage, from its resemblance to the Echinoderm larvex, called Tornaria by Miiller, in which all the parts of the adult larva are simply hinted at in the most rudimentary form, and during which it is eminently cylindrical. [This Tornaria has been proved by Metschnikoff and myself to be a young Balanoglossus.] Another well-marked epoch is that during which the larva passes from the cylindrical, or, as we have called it, the Tornaria stage, into a quadrangular, somewhat compressed form; and the compli- cated system of locomotive appendages, so greatly developed in the Brachi- olaria, is gradually laid out, thus preparing the larva for the last stages of its existence, characterized by the development of the young Echino- derm. This third stage, corresponding to that observed by Van Beneden, may appropriately be called the Brachina stage. During this period the former independent water-tubes (w, w') of the Tornaria stage (the prob- lematic bodies of Miller) become united, and are gradually transformed into the Y-shaped, elliptical water-system (the Schlauch-System of Miil- ler); this present stage (the Brachina stage) is therefore marked by the great modifications of the water-system (Pl. Ul. Pigs. 25-28; Pl. IIL. Figs. 2-10). In the last stage, which we shall call, with Miiller, the Brachiolaria stage (PI. II. Fig. 11; Pl. VI. Figs. 1, 2, 4; Pl. VIL. CHARACTER OF THE DEVELOPMENT. 5d Fig. 8), the rudimentary locomotive organs, laid out during the Brachina stage, attain their greatest development, as long, slender arms. The great changes which take place on the anal extremity of the water-tubes on both sides of the stomach, characterize the present stage (the Brachiola- ria stage). These changes upon the surface of the two branches of the water-tube lead to the formation of the future Starfish. But the incipi- ent Starfish is, as it were, a part of the Brachiolaria, or rather the Bra- chiolaria is undergoing local transformations which lead to the fermation of a Starfish. They present thus, for a time, the appearance of a double existence, as if a new being were forming in one which had completed its growth. This third period, during which the twofold nature is pre- served, is the one which constitutes the Brachiolaria stage. In the Bra- chiolaria stage there are several marked periods: the parts which appear at. first on the surfaces of the water-tubes have no connection, and stand in such indefinite relation to each other, that they do not seem to tend towards a common result. But in proportion as the young Echinoderm progresses in its development, the relations of the two areas, formed on the surfaces of the two water-tubes, are more apparent; and we finally reach the last of the strictly larval stages, when the Brachiolaria, with its complicated system of locomotive appendages, becomes secondary to the young Kchinoderm and is completely resorbed by it, when the em- bryo enters into its truly echinodermoidal condition (Pl. VI. Fig. 1), the different stages of which we have already described. Exanunation of the Character of the Development.—The mode of develop- ment of Starfishes, thus divided into phases as observed in our Astera- canthion, cannot be called a case of alternate generation, nor is it a metamorphosis in the ordinary sense of the word. It is a mode of development peculiar to Echinoderms, entirely different from that of any other class of Radiates. It is not an alternate generation, for the Brachiolaria can in no way be called a nurse, as each Brachiolaria pro- duces but one Starfish, and the whole of the larva is resorbed by the Starfish, not an appendage being left out. Nor is it strictly a metamor- phosis, as the changes which take place are so gradual that at no time can the line of demarcation be drawn between two stages with any degree of precision, as in Crustacea or Insects, where the casting of an envelope marks distinctly different epochs. There is, however, something in these successive phases of development which reminds us of the meta- 4 . 56 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. morphoses of Insects. There is a sort of general similarity between this process of resorption and the growth and changes in the chrysalis of Lepidoptera, ending in a butterfly. In the latter case, the chrysalis, though retaining its character throughout the whole growth and develop- ment of the Insect, has an earlier stage when it seems to be purely chrysa- lis, and a later one immediately before the hatching of the perfect Insect, when the butterfly seems to be gaining the ascendency, and the whole outline of its form may be seen through the chrysalis, which now seems to be only its envelope. And yet the character of the development of the Starfish during its Brachiolaria stage recalls also vividly the phenomena of alternate generations. It is, nevertheless, strictly echinodermoid, and whether we observe it in the Ophiurans, the Sea-urchins, or the Holo- thurians and Crinoids, there seems no doubt, from the observations of Miller, Busch, Thomson, Krohn, and Agassiz, that it is carried on according to one and the same plan in all the orders of the class, where we have corresponding differences in their various modes of development. With reference to the separate existence of the larva and of the Echinoderm, urged by other observers, I can only say that nothing of the kind has oc- curred in those Echinoderins the changes of which I have traced, whether it be an Ophiuran, an Echinus, a true Starfish, or a Holothurian. RECAPITULATION," I shall, in a few words, recapitulate the development of these Star- fishes, in order to be able more fully to compare my observations with those of previous writers, and to explain the differences, when they exist. Changes of the Yolk.—The yolk, after fecundation, separates slightly from the outer envelope. The segmentation takes place rapidly; as soon as the yolk has divided into eight portions, they arrange themselves in such a manner as to enclose the remaining space, which is more and more separated as the spheres increase in number, until, finally, there is a complete envelope formed of spheres of segmentation. Seyphistoma, or pyriform Stage.—At the time the young escapes from the egg, it is spherical, and the walls of the envelope are of the same thickness. One side becomes thicker, the embryo flattening at this ex- tremity, which is bent in so as to form a slight cavity, in which fluids circulate. This cavity extends half-way the length of the larva, then RECAPITULATION. 57 swells at the extremity, the walls become thinner, the pouch formed at the end of this cavity develops laterally, forming two smaller pouches, which afterwards become hollow bodies, entirely separated from the main cavity, whence they originated (the problematic bodies of Miiller). Tornaria Stage. —'The main cavity bends slightly towards one side, and eventually unites with a depression formed there. This depression be- comes the mouth; the other opening, which was the first to be devel- oped, and served the purpose of a mouth, is changed to an anus. This agrees with the observations of Krohn, who shows that in an Echinus larva the mouth is formed after the anus. The bent tube, or cavity, divides into three distinct regions, forming the cesophagus, the stomach, and the alimentary canal. Brachina Stage.—The small disconnected hollow bodies (the water- tubes, the problematic bodies of Miiller) are not alike; the left one (Ut, when seen from above) connects with the surrounding medium by means of an opening, the water-pore. This opening in the Starfish is the mad- reporic body. The water-tubes elongate so as to reach beyond the mouth, when they approach each other and unite, forming a Y-shaped tube. Bracholaria Stage. — Arms are developed from the sides of the larva, edged with rows of vibratile cilia. Some of these arms are of a different character, having peculiar appendages, the so-called brachiolar arms. It is on the outer surface of the water-tubes that the Starfish is developed (not from the stomach, as stated by Miiller); one of the tubes, the left, when seen from above, developing the actinal or ambulacral side, the other developing the abactinal area. These two areas are open, pentago- nal, warped, spiral surfaces, making almost a right angle with each other. The open pentagons do not close till after the Starfish has resorbed the whole of the larva. Echinodermoidal Stage. —The complicated system of arms and the whole of the Brachiolaria are resorbed by the Starfish, which does not separate from the larval stock, as seems to be the case of Bipinnaria, from the statements of Miiller and of Koren and Danielssen. The arms of the Starfish are broad and short in the young, and not symmetrical; the suckers are pointed, have no terminal disk, and are arranged in two rows, the sucking disk being developed later. The embryo, if compared to Aca- lephs, might then appropriately be said to be in its Ephyra stage. The 58 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. odd terminal tentacle has an eye at its base, and no disk is ever formed at the extremity of this tentacle. The abactinal surface is very arched, the spines are arranged in regular rows, and the arrangement of the plates reminds us of the plates of Crinoids; the plates first formed retaining their embryonic or crinoidal character. ‘The anus opens near the edge of the disk, on the lower side; the madreporic body is situated on the edge, but moves to the abactinal area, in more advanced stages. About a fortnight is required for the egg to pass through its different stages, or the embryo to be hatched, and the larva to have reached the condi- tion when the young Starfish is ready to resorb the Brachiolaria; and another week must elapse before it reaches the stage represented in PI. VI. Fig. 11. Those which I raised from eggs artificially fecundated re- tained this shape four months. CRAP EER. PHIRD. EMBRYOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF STARFISHES. Tue study of the young forms, or morphological embryology, if I may so call it, is destined to play an important part in Systematic Zodlogy ; though investigations of this kind can only be carried on under peculiar advantages not easily obtained. The fact that many marine animals live, in their early stages, under stones, or firmly attached to roots of Lami- narians, in deep water, and are only occasionally thrown upon the beaches after storms, when their small size prevents us from obtaining them in any great number, increases the difficulty of this kind of observations. We must, therefore, limit ourselves-to those animals which pass the greater part of their lives near the surface of the water, or within the limits of tide-marks. A commencement has already been made in this direction, in the study of Fishes, the young of which live among the eel-grass, and in that of the young of the several species of Ctenophorz, so abundant during the summer months along our coasts. For an account of these investigations, I would refer the reader to the Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy.* Comparison of Young and Adult Starfishes.—The difference in appearance between the young and the adult of our Starfishes is so great, that they would not be placed in the same family by one unacquainted with their transformations. The young has characters which, if taken singly, recall a variety of families; in fact, the combination of characters belonging to different families is almost always a sign that these features will disap- pear, or become modified with age. Here I must again insist on the importance of the constant comparison of the younger stages of growth with the adult. We are but little accus- tomed to consider these younger stages in our description of animals, * [See also my papers on Young Stages of Annelids, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist.; Young Echini, No. VII. Ill. Cat. Mus. Comp. Zoél.; Embryology of Ctenophore, Mem. Am. Acad. 1874.) 9 60 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. and we necessarily lose many elements of the greatest importance, when- ever we attempt to associate the adults of any class in natural groups, without taking into account the characters of their young. Natural- ists, who have not yet entered upon this method of study, cannot con- ceive what extraordinary facilities this kind of investigation affords for tracing the more complete affinities among animals. One of the principal reasons why embryologists have overlooked these investigations may be found in the fact that they rarely examine more than one species of each type at a time. Who would place the young Echinus, with its Cidaris- like spines and straight simple ambulacra, among the true Echinidx, or take a young Spatangoid for anything but an Echinus? What has the pear-shaped outline and long tentacles of a young Bolina which is, in- deed, a diminutive picture of a Pleurobrachia—in common with the adult, with its long, twisting rows of ambulacra, and wing-like projections of the spheromeres beyond the actinostome? Yet these embryonic char- acters remind us of familiar forms, and cannot fail to give us an insight into the relative standing of the forms through which they pass. Let us commence with our embryo Starfish at the time when it is just forming, and when the first outlines of the abactinal region can be traced. Suppose its development were to stop there (Pl. V. J%g. 5), and that the slight lobes should close soon after the formation of the coating of limestone granules over the abactinal area, we should then have a condition strongly reminding us of a Culcita, with its arched back, its almost cireu- lar outline, and the total absence of any very prominent spines. In the next stage (Pl. V. J/g. 12), the cuts between the rays have become some- what more marked, the plates of limestone cells are well developed, and there are tubercles in place of future spines. The resemblance of this stage to such forms as Anthenea, Pentagonaster, and the pentagonal Starfishes, in which we find a great development in the abactinal plates, is at once apparent. In a somewhat more advanced stage, the rays are slightly more marked, the spines quite well developed; this type is rep- resented among living Starfishes by such forms as Pteraster, Paulia, Pen- taceros, Artocreas, Oreaster: unless it were known beforehand that PI. VII. Fig. 1 represents a highly magnified young Starfish, the figure would readily pass for a new species of Oreaster. The corresponding changes of the actinal surface are not the less important. In the early stages the tentacles are pointed, they have no disk (Pl. VI. Figs. 3, 9); EMBRYOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION. 61 it is only afterwards that they are developed (Pl. VII. Fig. 1; and PI. VI. Figs. 10, 11, 12). In fact, the tentacles of our young Starfish, in its earlier stages, resemble those of Astropecten, Luidia, and Ctenodiscus. We are, therefore, at once provided with a set of characters taken from the young, enabling us to decide the comparative value of the various features, and the order in which they are to be taken. From the tenta- cles alone we are fully justified, upon embryological data, in placing Starfishes with pointed tentacles lower than those which have disks, like Asteracanthion. Another embryological feature is the fact that the em- bryo has only two rows of tentacles, while in the adult Asteracanthion we find the tentacles arranged in four rows. [The arrangement of the ambulacral tentacles into furrows seems due simply to the crowding to- gether of adjoining plates in consequence of increasing age, and has not the systematic value formerly assigned to it.] Combining these charac- ters, as we find them in the adults, we have at once good and conclu- sive reasons for placing all those Starfishes which have, like Ctenodis- cus, a pentagonal outline, and at the same time pointed tentacles, low- est in the scale; next in order would come the Starfishes with pointed rays and pointed tentacles, without suckers, like Luidia and Astropecten ; above them pentagonal Starfishes, with plates like Anthenea and Hippas- teria, and two rows of tentacles, provided with suckers; then those with more prominent rays, and tentacles also ending in suckers, like Penta- ceros and Artocreas; higher still, the Starfishes, with long slender arms, and only two rows of tentacles with suckers, such as Cribrella, Ophidi- aster, and the like; while highest in the order we should place the gen- uine Asteracanthion, with four rows of tentacles, with suckers, and highly developed spines on the abactinal area. The same principles applied to the different families would place Star- fishes having plates without spines lower than those in which the net- work of limestone is covered with spines on the abactinal surface. This classification is not very different, as far as regards the order from that of the three families proposed by Miiller and Troschel. It differs materially, however, from the standing given to pentagonal Starfishes in a short paper by Professor Agassiz, in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society of Boston. From this it is plain, that the mere study of the adult is not a sound foundation for a natural classification. The echinoid characters of the young Starfishes were not known at that time, which would natu- 62 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. -~ rally give the pentagonal Starfishes an entirely different position. Nor is it always sufficient to have traced the development of any one species; unless it happen to stand highest in its group, its different phases would not tell us anything of the relative standing of the other members of the group with which the adult is associated. Embryologists should, there- fore, whenever it is possible, select those species for investigation which, upon anatomical evidence, stand highest in their group. There are other embryonic features, recalling not simply families of the same suborder, but characters of other lower orders. The situation of the anus on the actinal side, the presence of the madreporic body on the same area, are features of the Crinoids and Ophiurans. These pecul- larities are soon lost, and the madreporic body gradually finds its way to the abactinal area. The opening of the anus next to the mouth is eminently crinoidal, and it is accompanied by other structural details reminding us still more of that order. Were there a stem on the central plate of its abactinal area, the young Starfish, when seen from the abactinal side, would have all the appearance of a Crinoid. The central plate corresponds to the basal plate (Pl. VI. F%g. 10), the set of five plates in the angles of the arms to the interradial plates, and the arm-plates themselves to the radial plates of a Crinoid; and, to make the resemblance still stronger, the anus opens near the mouth, on the same side with it, as in Comatula. This analogy had already been pointed out by Professor Agassiz, in his Lectures on Embryology; and it shows conclusively that Starfishes are built upon the same plan with other Echinoderms, contrary to the views long entertained by Johannes Miller. This comparison to the plates of a Comatula can be carried out to its fullest extent, and is exceedingly instructive if made with the young Comatula, of which an admirable figure has been given by Pro- fessor Allman, in his valuable memoir on the prebrachial stage of Coma- tula, in the Memoirs of the Royal Society of Edinburgh for 1863. The arrangement strikes one, at once, as identical, though the plates are by no means homologous. The central plate oecurs in both, but the most prominent plates, occupying indeed the greater part of the abactinal re- gion of the young Starfish, are the same plates which eventually develop with others at the base of the arms, those at the angle of the arms being but little developed. It is quite the reverse with Comatula, in which the arm-plates are but small at this stage; though, according to POSITION OF THE MADREPORIC BODY. 63 Professor Allman, who quotes Carpenter, these small radial plates event- ually encroach upon the others, at the time of the appearance of the arms, the rest of the calyx being formed by the five large interradial plates. I cannot agree with Professor Allman in considering the central plate otherwise than as a solidified homologue of the basalia of the other Crinoids figured by him; the only difference being that in some cases the plates composing this piece are soldered together, as in Comatula, while in others they are kept distinct, as in Coccocrinus, and the like. From the peculiar way in which young tentacles are formed in Starfishes may not the strange toothed plates noticed by Professor Allman, at the base of the tentacula (or cirri, as he calls them), be young tentacles? Their position seems to me to make this very probable. Position of the Madreporie Body.— There has lately been a great deal of discussion among writers on Echinoderms, as to whether the madre- poric body was, or was not, a proper point to start from in determining the axes of the body; Agassiz, on one side, maintaining that the madre- poric body was constantly in the same relation to the different parts of the Echinoderms, while Miiller, Cotteau, and Desor have warmly opposed this view. The mode of formation of the madreporic body seems to me to decide this question in favor of the former view. The madreporic body is invariably formed on the left water-tube of the Brachiolaria, and is placed, during the development of the Starfish, at the angle of the upper arm. The future position of the madreporic body opposite the third arm of the open pentagon is therefore, after it has closed, the nat- ural consequence of its position. The opening of the anus, on the con- trary, has no such clear and precise relation to the middle arm. At any rate, however this may be, one thing is perfectly apparent, viz. that the madreporic body is always placed in the suture of the terminal arms of the pentagon, which brings it opposite the third arm. Thus the mad- reporic body gives ‘us the means of dividing the Starfish into symmetrical halves, and of determining the position of the odd arm. The case of the Echinometradz and Salenidx is constantly quoted to show that the mad- reporic body is not connected with any definite axis. But might it not be that a stage which is embryonic in the young Starfish— viz. that preceding the closing of the actinal and abactinal areas—is probably re- tained in those Echinoid families in which the process of closing is not completed? And may not the unsymmetrical position of the madreporic 64 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. body in such cases be owing to the continuance’ of this embryonic char- acter?— the natural result of which would be, to throw the madreporic body slightly on one side of the middle line, so that, though still retain- ing its position opposite the third arm, an axis passing through them both would not divide the spherosome into symmetrical portions. If there were in nature such forms as asymmetrical Starfishes, analogous to the Echinometrade, they would be represented by the embryonic Star- fishes of Pl. VI. Figs. 1-6, in which a line drawn through the madre- poric body and the middle of the odd arm would not divide the Starfish into symmetrical halves. Suppose the flattenmg of the young to be completed without the loss of this want of symmetry, and we have a form representing Echinometra-Starfishes, if any such exist im nature. The fact that in some of these Echinometradx the axis, passing through the madreporic body and this long arm, crosses the median line from opposite sides, could be easily explained on the supposition that the former is placed on the ventral instead of the dorsal side of the larva, — an assumption which is not unfounded, as this occurs in Ophiurans and in young Starfishes. In this way the change of position in the direction of the axis which is found in Acrocladia and Podophora on one side, and in Echinometra on the other, could be easily explained. [For fuller discussion of the bearing of the positions of the madreporic body deter- mining the anterior axis of the Echinoderms, see my Revision of the Kehini, Part 1V., and the description of Salenia. Consult also the Memoir of Lovén (Etudes sur les Echinoidées).] In Echinoids the actinal and abac- tinal areas are formed upon the exterior surfaces of the water-tubes, as in Starfish larve. This I have shown in the paper referred to above, published in the Memoirs of the American Academy for 1864. The earlier appearance of the tentacular pentagon in Echinoids and in Ophiu- rans is that of a spiral on the surface of the water-tubes, similar in plan to that observed in our Starfish larva; it is evident that the additional plates formed in a young Sea-urchin arise spirally, and from what is known of the mode of formation of the young Echinus and young Ophi- uran, it follows, necessarily, that the ambulacral system in both must have been open pentagons, becoming connected only by the closing of the surfaces upon which the young Sea-urchin or Ophiuran were de- veloped. An examination of the figures of our young Starfish, just after the re POSITION OF THE MADREPORIC BODY. 65 sorption of the larva (Pl. VI. Figs. 2, 3, 4), in which a line, drawn from the madreporic body through the middle of the odd arm, would by no means divide the Starfish symmetrically, confirms the above explanation of the eccentricity in Echinometra. Supposing the spiral to have been formed from the other side, the obliquity woull be in the opposite direc- tion. Of course this is simply a supposition on my part, which future - examination alone can verify; but it seems to me such a natural expla- nation of the whole difficulty, that I give it here for what it is worth. The multiplication of madreporic bodies in many Starfishes need not in- validate the view I have taken of its value, as we need only ascertain which is the original one, the others being supplementary. I have found larvee with two water-pores (madreporic bodies), but have never succeeded in raising them. CHAPTER. FE O@UA TH, EXAMINATION OF THE INVESTIGATIONS OF FORMER OBSERVERS. Review of Miiller’s Observations. — It is with the greatest diffidence that I enter upon this part of my subject. It seems the height of presump- tion, for one who has scarcely any claim to recognition, to begin by criticising so many statements of one of the great masters of our science. Yet I hope to show, from Miller's own figures, that the observations I have made upon the development of our Starfish, though they do not agree with his earlier memoirs, yet coincide entirely with a few figures which he has given on the last plate of his great memoirs on the em- bryology of Starfishes; and that it is only because Miller neglected the earlier stages of development, that he failed to arrive at the conclusions to which I have been led by the above investigations. I trust that I have succeeded in describing the successive stages in this development with clear- ness enough to enable me now to draw a comparison, which the reader may easily follow, with the last drawings made by Miller, and to show that, had he had the good fortune to see so complete a series as that which I have traced, he would undoubtedly have entirely remodelled his former views, with the same frankness which has characterized all his memoirs. No preconceived theories, no observations, however careful, have ever been allowed by him to interfere in the least with his subsequent obser- vations. Hence the great difficulty of following Miiller in his intricate discoveries ; each memoir modifying, correcting, and sometimes entirely contradicting, the previous ones, so that we must, as it were, begin his book at the end, in order rightly to understand his meaning. Any one who has tried to follow the development of a single animal, so that noth- ing should be wanting in the evidence of the successive stages, will easily understand how later observations continually modify and explain what had previously been considered as well understood. Although Sars was the first who followed the development of an Echi- BIPINNARIA AND BRACHIOLARIA. 67 noderm, which, at first sight, did not seem to differ very materially from what was known of the development of other Radiates, yet Miller was the first to trace the wonderful changes of the young Echinoderms ; his memoirs have been the basis of all subsequent investigations, which are Insignificant when compared to the immense amount of labor involved in his researches. Not alone the history of a single animal, but the history of a whole class, is gradually unfolded in his successive memoirs. The very fact that so little has been done in the embryology of Echinoderms since the days of Miiller— for, in fact, with the exception of Krohn and Thomson, no one has followed these transformations — is a sufficient proof of the great difficulty attending investigations of this kind. It must also be remembered that these animals are so small that it re- quires the most practised eye to detect their presence; their habits also are such that we may spend days in watching for them, without obtain- ing a single specimen, and again be overwhelmed with such an amount of material as to be at a loss where to begin. This can but heighten our admiration of the untirimg zeal and perseverance of Miiller in fol- lowing out the development of so large a number of species, in a field- where everything was unknown, and where his powers as an observer must have been taxed to the utmost. Bipinnaria and Brachiolaria.— A glance at the figures of Bipinnaria and of Brachiolaria of Pl. LX. of Miiller’s seventh Memoir will show how dif- ferent they are, with few exceptions, from the figures of the same larve in his former memoirs; compare Pl. VII. of his third Memoir and PI. II. of his second Memoir. From the figures and explanations given by the author, it is evident that he had observed, in the last larve of Star- fishes found by him, the very characters which have enabled me to correct his observations. He has seen the two Y-shaped water-tubes ex- tending the whole length of the Bipinnaria. He has seen, also, that the pentagon of the future back of the Starfish was open in its younger stages, though he did not succeed in tracing the position of the tentacu- lar pentagon, nor does he perceive the connection of these two pen- tagons with the water-tubes. And, finally, if he had kept his Bipinnaria alive but a short time longer, he would have seen brachiolar appendages develop, and have satisfied himself that Brachiolaria is only an adult state of what he calls Bipinnaria. It must be remembered, however, that the original Bipinnaria of Sars, the Bipinnaria asterigera, has en- 10 68 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. tirely different characters from the Bipinnaria of Miller. Judging from the development of our Starfish, it seems to me that Miuller’s Bipmnaria von Helsingér, second Memoir (PI. I. Figs. 1-7), is probably nothing but a younger stage of his Brachiolaria von Helsingér (Pl. II. Figs. 4, 5; and Pl. IlI.). Van Beneden’s Brachina, in its turn, is a still younger stage of the same thing, or of an allied species. A comparison of the above figures of Miiller, and of the figures of Pl. III. of this Memoir, will leave no doubt on this subject. For the same reasons the Brachio- laria of Marseilles is probably only the adult of a Bipimnaria, closely resembling that of Marseilles (second Memoir, Pl. I. Figs. 8, 9), if it is not the same species. In the Brachiolaria figured on Plates II. and UL of the second Memoir of Miller, the young Starfishes are evidently on the point of resorbing the arms. The larve present all the appear- ance of contraction and distortion usually accompanying this process, and Miiller’s figures agree entirely with the various -attitudes which they as- sume during this resorption. If we now turn to his fourth Memoir, which contains the fullest de- scriptions, we shall see that although in many of the figures of Miller the Starfish, or at least one side of it, has been drawn correctly, yet his statements and some of the figures which he gives cannot be reconciled with one another. On Plate I]. Figs. 5, 6, of his fourth Memoir, we have the evidence, from his own drawings, that his Bipinnaria had two water-tubes ; yet, in the subsequent stages, Miller says positively that it has only one water-tube, the one with the water-pore,—a statement entirely contrary to the earlier stages of his Bipinnaria. From what I have shown of the mode of development of these water-tubes, of their increase in size in proportion to the age of the larva, it is quite improbable, notwithstanding the statement of Miller, that one of them should disappear; he also says that they are not to be confounded with what he calls “ wimpernder Schlauch,’ while our observations of Astera- canthion go to show that these two systems are but one. The discovery of the water-pore in Miiller’s Bipinnaria was a great step towards solving the question of the origin of the madreporie body, which he rightly conjectures to be nothing but the water-pore. He also notices the rosette of tentacles, or, more properly speaking, the five radi- ating tubes from which the tentacles eventually branch. He fails, how- ever, to notice that this rosette, like the cap of the Starfish, as he calls BIPINNARIA ASTERIGERA. 69 the back, is open; and although he has occasionally represented it as such, he has not perceived the true relation between the positions of these two areas. He says distinctly that the cloak-like envelope, or the abactinal area, originates upon the surface of the stomach, whereas it lies, in reality, upon the surface of the second water-tube, which he says does not exist in his Bipinnaria; while the water-system, or the ambulacral system, originates on the water-tube in such a way that the two open warped pentagonal surfaces, the actinal and the abactinal areas, make a very large angle with one another; Miller, however, did not notice that they were open and warped surfaces. Van Beneden’s observations, in which he says that the two branches of the Y-shaped water-tubes are separate in the young, and become united in the adult, are fully confirmed by my observations. Miller has called these small bodies, while they are still separate, problematic bodies; he says they disappear in older larve, and have nothing to do with the “Schlauch-System.” It is evident, from my observations, that the Schlauch- System is only the advanced condition of the problematic bodies, which are isolated on each side of the body in the young larve (see Pls. IL, Ill. of this Memoir, and Van Beneden’s Brachina), and become united in a Y-shaped water-system (Schlauch-System), when they reach the con- dition of Bipinnaria of Miiller. It would seem, from his figures, as if the abactinal pentagon closed, while the Bipinnaria is still visible. I am rather inclined to think that more advanced larve will be found to be Brachiolaria-like, as is the case with our Starfish and the Brachiolaria from Messina; and that this apparent closing up is due to the fact that the larva is not in its normal state, or that the drawings are made some- what foreshortened. In the second Memoir of Miiller, on Plate I., we see that the Y-shaped water-system (Schlauch-System) has been noticed in two of the larve (Figs. 4, 7), while in the intermediate stages, and in younger larvae, it has escaped his notice. It is undoubtedly to Miller's want of acquaintance with the earlier and later stages of his Bipinnaria that we must ascribe the discrepancies in his observations. Many of the more important points in the structure of the young larve naturally es- caped Derbés and Krohn, who were not familiar with the adult larve ; neither of these observers tells us anything of the presence of the water- tubes, or of the first appearance of the young Echinoderm. Bipinnaria asterigera. — Miller’s views concerning the different organs of 70 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. Bipinnaria asterigera of Koren and Danielssen are undoubtedly correct. What they took for a respiratory opening, leading into the cavity, is the mouth; they had correctly seen the anus, as well as its connection with the intestine of the Starfish, Judging from the figures of Muller, and of Koren and Danielssen, there are evidently striking differences in the termination of the intestinal canal, from that of our Starfish. In Bipin- naria asterigera the anal opening is on the abactinal side of the Starfish, while in our young Starfish it is still on the actinal side. The position of the young Starfish, with reference to the stomach of the larva, seems still to require further investigation, as it is not possible to say, from the figures of Miiller, or from those of Koren and Danielssen, what is its true relation, and whether it has the same oblique position which it occupies in our young Starfish. The investigations of younger specimens than those examined by Miiller, or Koren and Danielssen, will at once settle this point, as well as determine the mode of formation of the mouth of the young Starfish, and the question of its separation from the Bipin- naria. From the figure given by Miller, in his third Memoir (Pl. VIL. Figs. 5, 6, 7), 1 am led to think that the position is also an oblique one; and that, though the Starfish may separate from the Bipinnaria, yet it is undoubtedly the opening of the cesophagus into the stomach, which be- comes the future mouth of the Starfish, as in our Asteracanthion. In his third Memoir Miller shows conclusively that the madreporic body is not the scar left by the junction of the young Starfish with the Bipinnaria, but corresponds to an opening leading into a short tube between two of the arms; and also points out the probability of its correspondence with the opening leading into one of the water-tubes which he had noticed in Auricularia. This supposition is fully confirmed by the observations we have made of the coincidence of the water-pore and of the madreporic body. The slit in the Starfish, noticed by Miller and by Koren and Danielssen, was probably owing to the fact that im their young specimens the spiral was not yet closed and flattened, as is the case in older Starfishes. From the drawings of Sars, and of Koren and Danielssen, it would seem as if a large tube extended into the long appendage opposite the arms. If this is truly so, it leaves no doubt that the long, tail-like appendage of the Bipinnaria is homologops to the brachiolar appendages of our larve, only developed to a much greater extent, and with all the arms placed nearer together, immediately round the mouth. A comparison, after care- DIFFERENT TYPES OF LARVA“ "1 ful examination of the position of the Starfish in the Bipinnaria asterigera with the mode of development as noticed in Echinaster (Cribrella) A. flac- cida, and A. Miilleri, will give the means of settling the true affinities of the singular ventral appendage of these larvae, and of deciding whether they are, as I have suggested, the homologues of the brachiolar appendages, — a result which seems probable from the observations made by Professor Agassiz, of a circulation in this peduncle, in a species of Asterias (A. flac- cida, Ag.) closely allied to Asteracanthion Miilleri, the mode of develop- ment of which is identical with that observed by Sars in Echinaster. Professor Thomson, who has had occasion to study the sedentary mode of development of several Echinoderms, has given us the most accurate description of the structure of this peduncle, in a species which he calls Asterias violaceus. A glance at his figures and descriptions will suffice to show us the complete identity between the brachiolar appendages and this peduncle, in which there is a circulation arising from a branch of the water-tube, and at the base of which, at the point of junction of the three arms, we find a peculiar disk, having the same structure as the elliptical disk, noticed at the base of the brachiolar arms in our Starfish larvae. But we cannot agree with Professor Thomson, that this peduncle is the first sign of an ambulacral tentacle, the ambulacral tentacles being developed at a totally different part of the water-tube.* Different Types of Larve.— Miller did not suspect that his Bipinnaria and Brachiolaria were the larvxe of different species of Asteracanthion. The observations of Sars, who had traced the embryology of Asteracan- thion Miilleri, in which the eggs attain their full development without leaving the mouth of the parent, seemed to preclude the possibility of these nomadic larve belonging to the same genus. He even went so far as to say that his Bipinnarie belonged to the same genus as the Starfish of the Bipinnaria asterigera. This is undoubtedly an error, for the Star- fish of the Bipinnaria asterigera, as figured by Miiller, and by Koren and Danielssen, has already the characters of a Pteraster ; and it is evident that the Bipinnaria of Miller, being a young Brachiolaria, which I have shown to be the larva of an Asteracanthion, cannot belong to that genus. The larve which I raised by artificial fecundation from Asteracanthion * [See also a most interesting paper by Thomson in the Journal of the Linnwan Society, Vol. XUL p. 57, 1876.] 792 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. berylinus and Asteracanthion pallidus — species which have their representa- tives in Europe, and which have, up to the present time, been included in the same genus with Asteracanthion Mulleri— are free-swimming larve, resembling the Bipinnaria of Muller. These facts can, therefore, leave but little doubt that Muller and Van Beneden have observed the larve of Asteracanthion rubens JZ 7’, and of allied species, the larve of which have been called by them Bipinnaria, Brachiolaria, and Brachina, and are only different stages of one and the same generic type. The difference of the two modes of development of A. Mulleri and A. pallidus is so great, that these two groups of species have been separated into two genera by Professor Agassiz. [Verrill has subsequently placed A. Milleri in a separate genus (Leptasterias), to which have been added Asterias tenera and A, compta. The former is probably what I have seen called A. flaccida. See also Memoirs Am. Acad. Fig. 54, 1864, for an account of its mode of de- velopment. Compare also the development of Pteraster militaris, M. Sars, Norges Echinodermer, 1861. (Pl. VI. Figs. 3-15).] The Brachiolaria from Trieste and Messina present very striking differences from the northern Brachiolaria. These larve are probably the young of Asterias tenui- spinus, so common in the Mediterranean. In his revision of the Starfishes, Professor Agassiz has also separated this species from the true Asteracan- thion, under another generic name. We have next the Bipinnaria asteri- gera, still another type of larva, belonging in all probability to another family, differing from both the other larval forms. As Bipimnaria asteri- gera can only be the larva of a Pteraster, a Ctenodiscus, an Astropecten, or of an Hippasteria, either of which belong to families distinct from the Brachiolaria type of larvae, we find differences in form, modified by struc- tural features, characterizing the larval conditions, as well as the adult stages of families of the same order; while structural peculiarities in the larvae characterize the different generic divisions more plainly than in the more advanced conditions. It is evident, from the observations of Pro- fessor Agassiz and of Sars, that the Asterias violaceus of Thomson, the embryology of which he has traced in the Microscopical Journal, must be placed in the same genus with A. Mulleri, and may, perhaps, be iden- tical with it, unless the true A. violaceus Z. has also a similar mode of development. [This would most certainly prove that A. violaceus, at least what the English call A. violaceus, cannot be the male of the European of A. rubens, as has been suggested by several European writers on Star- DIFFERENT TYPES OF LARVZ. 73 fishes.]| There is still another type of Echinoderm larvae, which in all probability are the larve of Starfishes, viz. the Tornaria type. [For the history of Tornaria, which has been proved to be the embryo of Bala- noglossus, see my paper in the Memoir of the American Academy, Jan. 1873, where the relations of Balanoglossus and Tornaria to Echinoderms and their mode of development are fully discussed.] In this type there is not the excessive development of the ciliary chord into long, slender arms, charac- teristic of the Brachiolaria; there are only slight, wavy indentations, cor- responding to the position of the arms of the Brachiolaria, as we find them in the younger stages of the larve (Pl. III. Mg. 4; Pl. IL Fig. 26). In fact, this type of larva, in its adult condition, seems to be a permanent embryonic type of the younger stages of the Brachiolaria. I would infer from this that the Tornaria will probably prove to be the larva of Cteno- discus, Astropecten, or Luidia, or of some Starfish with pointed ambulacral suckers. Having had the opportunity to examine several of the Tornaria type of larvee at Naushon, in different stages of development, i hope to return to this subject at a future time. [The only important embryology relating to Echinoderms in general: pub- lished since the distribution of copies of this Memoir in 1864, is that of Metschnikoff.* He has confirmed the explanation I had given of the mode of development of the Echinoderm upon the surface of the water-tubes, the spiral nature of the young embryo, the mode of development of the water-tubes as diverticula of the original imaginated cavity, and the re- sorption of the pluteus by the young Echinoderm in Starfishes; he has also been able to follow very carefully the mode of development of the water-system of an Ophiuran, and showed its entire agreement with the changes I have traced in the development of the Starfish as far as relates to the formation of the abactinal system and the ambulacral system. Although Metschnikoff has added some new points to the development of Echinoids, still the mode of formation of the original plates composing the test of the young sea-urchin is not yet clearly shown, beyond the very earliest stages. As far as relates to the development of Auricularia, we can form a better idea than formerly of the nature of the change from the Auricularia to the young Synapta; and certainly in a general way this development is different from the normal growth of some of the other * Studien iiber die Entwickelung der Fehinodermen und Nemertinen, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. XIV. No. 8. 1869. 74 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. Echinoderms (Starfish, Echini, or Ophiurans). The changes in the rela- tive position of the organs remind us strongly of the mode in which the Tornaria gradually passes into a Balanoglossus by a mere difference in the topography of the organs of the Pluteus and of the enclosed Synapta The mode of development of Holothurians seems to be intermediate be- tween the pelasgic pluteus, with its gigantic arms (Starfish, Ophiuran, Echinus) and the sedentary or viviparous development of certain Ophi- urans, Starfishes, and Echini. See also the excellent paper by Selenka on Holothuria in Zeitscrif. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XXVIT.] FIFTH CHAPTER. ON THE PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS. We have constantly insisted, during the whole of this Memoir, upon the radiate plan of our Starfish larvee in their different stages of growth. We have, however, seen that this radiate plan of structure, at certain periods of their existence, is so far hidden by the apparent bilateral arrangement of the locomotive appendages as readily to escape notice. We have also had occasion, in discussing the development of these appar- ently bilateral appendages, to show that Miiller’s views of the bilateral nature of these larvae were founded upon mistaken analogies. It now remains for us to examine, somewhat in detail, the theory put forth by Huxley, in his review of -Miller’s observations, concerning the articulate nature of the Echinoderm larve. The facts already stated respecting the development of these larvae show that they have only a very remote analogy to some of the larval forms, quoted by Huxley in order to strength- en his interpretation of the investigations of Miiller. Misled, perhaps, by the names which Miller has given to some of these larvee (“ Wurmfirmige Larven”’), he has allowed this analogy to influence him so far that he revives the old opinion of Oken, and refers the Echinoderms to the type of Articu- lates. [See my Memoir on Balanoglossus, for a later review of the views of Huxley, Haeckel, and others, who have urged the affinities of Echino- derms with worms.] Huxley has given us no observations of his own, bearing upon the subject, but endeavors to justify his assertion by redu- cing all these forms to one hypothetical type, having an elongated form, a straight intestine, with the mouth at one extremity, the anus at the other, and girded by a circular ciliated fringe, just like the larvae of some Annelids. The region in front of the ciliated fringe he calls pretrochal, and the region behind the fringe postrochal; and then, by an imgenious process, he shows how all these different forms might be produced by the greater or less development of one or other of these region. He 11 76 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. then attempts to prove, further, that there is an intimate connection be- tween the point where the young Echinoderm is developed, and the po- sition. of the rows of vibratile fringes; Starfishes being, according to him, developed in the postrochal and the Echini in the preetrochal region. Any one who has observed these larve alive cannot fail to see that whatever may be the position of these vibratile fringes, the young Echinoderm, whether it be an Kchinus, a Starfish, or an Ophiuran [also a Holothurian Selenka], is developed in exactly the same spot on the sides of the stomach, upon the outer surface of opposite water-tubes, one of them forming the actinal, the other the abactinal surface of the future Echinoderm. The hypothetical form of Huxley is indeed one which has never been observed, as in all larve of Echinoderms the mouth and anus are always on the same side, viz. on the lower surface of the larva. It is only during the first few days, after hatching from the egg, that the so-called mouth is placed at one end; this, however, is not observed beyond the time when this open- ing performs the double function of mouth and anus, and leads into a very short digestive cavity. By the time the true mouth begins to be formed, the future anus, which has served the purpose of mouth thus far, has already changed its position to the lower side. The mouth is, in fact, never formed at one extremity, but always in the centre of the lower surface, and only some time after the anus, which performs the functions of a temporary mouth. This has been demonstrated by Krohn and my- self, with reference to the Echinus larve, and I trust that the preceding pages have shown it to be also the case with our common Starfish. [See also Selenka for Holothuria.] The division into rings, of what Miller calls the Wurmfdrmige Asteridenlarve, is only an optical delusion, due to the lines formed upon the abactinal surface during the closing of the pentagon. The radical difference in the mode of formation of the cesophagus, stomach,.and intestine, in the Echinoderm larve, as compared with the larvee of Annelids, a number of which, including those most resembling Echinoderm larvee, I have examined myself, will, perhaps, be the strong- est proof that they do not belong to one and the same type. The diges- tive cavity of Annelid larve is formed by the liquefaction of the interior of the larva, while in the Echinoderm larve the digestive cavity is formed by the bending in of the outer wall of the larva itself. The superficial resemblance of Annelid larvae to those of Echinoderms is due to the append- ages surrounding the mouth, while the principal appendages of the Echini —_—— —_ PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS. 77 and Starfish larvee are developed from the vibratile chord developed round the anus. Nothing is more characteristic of the Echinoderms among Ra- diates than the isolation of the digestive cavity by means of distinct walls. This feature is so strongly marked that a larva can be recognized as an Echinoderm larva before its radiate characters are developed. It is only later that the circular tube, the water-system, is formed, while the ciliary appendages, which have nothing to do with the formation of the Echino- derm, make their appearance later still long after the first rudiments of the Echinoderm (the water-tubes) are present. It seems to me that the different modes of development in Holothu- rians, Echini, true Starfishes, Ophiurans, and Crinoids, different as they are apparently, may easily be reduced to a single type. [See the Memoirs of Metschnikoff on the affinities of Echinoderms, in Siebold’s Zeitschrift for 1874. Since this paper was written Haeckel has put forth his views of the relationship of the Sponges and Ccelenterates, and of the Echino- derms and Worms. As the whole subject is intimately connected with the history of Tornaria and Balanoglossus. I would refer to my Memoir* for an analysis of the modifications which these views are likely to bring about regarding the classification of Echinoderms and of Ccelenterates ; also to my Memoir on the Embryology of Ctenophore, Mem. Am. Acad. 1874.] We have in Ophiurans two different modes of development, — one by means of the Pluteus, the other by means of the viviparous mode of de- velopment observed by Krohn and Schultze. We have two similar modes of development in the Starfishes,—the one as observed by Sars and Agassiz in Echinaster, the other in which the embryo assumes the shape of a Bi- pinnaria or Brachiolaria; and, finally, in the Holothurians we have these two modes represented by the Auricularia type and the type of the “Wurmférmige Holothurienlarve.” [See also for Echini Thomson’s paper in Journal Lin. Soc. and A. Agassiz, Viviparous Echini from Kerguelen, Proc. Am. Acad. 1876.] The difference between these two modes seems to be one of time; in one case, the eggs are retained by the parent until they have passed through many of their changes, and are freed in a stage corresponding to that of our young Echinoderm after it has resorbed its Pluteus, its Brachiolaria, or its Auricularia. In the other case the egg goes through all these changes after it has left the parent, developing this complicated system of arms, which seems to be * A. Agassiz Balanoglossus and Tornaria in Memoirs American Academy, 1873. 78 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. simply a means of locomotion for the young Starfish till it shall have acquired a sufficient size to be able to take care of itself, and use its suckers as organs of locomotion. Have we not here, in Echinoderms, something analogous to what we have in Discophorous Medusee? In Cyanea and Pelagia, for instance, where, in one case, the young Acaleph passes through a Scyphistoma stage before it reaches the Ephyra condition, while in Pelagia, on the contrary, the Ephyra is at once produced from the egg, without passing through the Scyphistoma stage. I think it can be easily shown that there is, in reality, no difference be- tween these two modes of development ; it is merely a question of quantity. In Cribrella, in Pluteus, in Brachiolaria, or in Auricularia, the young Echi- noderm is developed on the outer surface of the water-system. The water-tubes obtain a great prominence in Auricularia, in Brachiolaria, and in the Pluteus-like form of the Ophiurans and Echini, while in types of development like those of Echinaster they remain more rudimentary ; the only appendages developed in this last type being those which cor- respond to later periods of growth in the Starfish larvae, viz. the brachiolar appendages. The peduncle and its appendages, by means of which the young Echinaster fastens to the rocks, are strictly homologous to the brachiolar appendages of our Starfish larve. In fact, when the young Starfish has resorbed all the arms, and there is nothing left of them, except a few swellings on the actinal side, to mark their former position, the brachiolar appendages are in exactly the same position as that occupied by the peduncle of the Echinaster larva. Had we known nothing of the previous modes of development, and found those young Starfishes in the open sea in this stage, nothing would have been more natural than to have assumed that they had reached this condition by the same mode of development. The cavity noticed in the peduncle of the Echinaster larvae is part of the water-system, corresponding to the branch of the water-system leading into the brachiolar arms of our Asteracan- thion larva. The same is the case with the two modes of development of Ophiurans and of Holothurians; they are shorter ways of arriving at the same point, whether they pass through what we shall call hereafter the Pluteus type of development or the Echinaster type; in either of the orders it is one and the same thing differently carried out. The larve of our Cribrella, PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS. 79 which I have had frequent occasion to examine, have satisfied me that the process of development is the same, with the exception that it is shorter. The larve of Ophiurans examined by Professor Agassiz at Charleston would lead to the same conclusion with reference to the Ophiurans; while, from the drawings of Muller, it is easy to satisfy one’s self, with the above data, that the two types of development of Holo- thurians examined by him are only modifications of each other. As the only larve of Holothurians which I have seen belong to the “ Wurm- formiger” type, I am unable to state this from actual observation. It is evident that we have also in Comatula these two types of development. Professor Agassiz frequently observed that in a species of Comatula found in Charleston, 8. C., the young embryos remain attached to the par- ents; while Thomson and Busch have found the larve swimming freely about. [An important paper on the development of Comatula by Goette, in the Archiv fur Microscopische Anatomie for April, 1876, gives us the early stages of its embryo. Goette shows conclusively that the type of the crinoidal development is echinodermoid. We have, as in Echini, Starfishes, Ophiurans, and Holothurians, an original digestive cavity, from which arises the water-system, as diverticula. This observation is in direct contradiction to that of Metschnikoff, who distinguishes the Cri- noids from the other Echinoderms by the absence of these processes. Goette’s observations of the early stages are, however, in complete agree- ment with the usual mode of development among Echinoderms. Unfortu- nately the subsequent stages are all figured from embryos preserved in osmic or chromic acid, and while I have the greatest respect for Goette’s technical skill, the very fact that in so many general pceints he differs, both from Metschnikoff and myself, throws considerable uncertainty on the whole of his memoir. He begins by stating that the larval mouth (the subsequent anus of the other Hchinoderms) is entirely obliterated. As he has not followed this from living embryos, we must be pardoned if, knowing, as we do, the difficulty of tracing the gradual changes in living embryos of the most transparent kind, we doubt many of his conclusions obtained from the study of opaque embryos acted upon Ly re- agents. Although Goette has derived his knowledge of the present paper from the excellent abstract in Leuckart’s Jahresbericht, he has not only credited me with a very indifferent treatment of the embryology of 80 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. Echinoderms, but also with several errors contained neither in the ab- stract nor in the original. He does not appear to know my paper on the Embryology of Ctenophorz, nor on Balanoglossus, published in the Memoirs of the American Academy in 1875 and 1874, and distributed at the time; consequently, in what he now writes, the older views re- garding the affinities of Echinoderms with Coelenterata and Annelids, which had been discussed from a different standpoint, do not receive the least recognition. The mode of development of these two types having been shown to be on one and the same pattern, modified in such a way that a like re- sult is reached either by fewer stages or by a greater or less rapidity in the process, it remains for me to show that the larve we have had before us, in the complicated form of a Brachiolaria or a Pluteus, is really built upon the radiate plan. We find a good starting-point in the water- tubes, which, as I have shown, become the circular tube of the young Starfish, from which the ambulacral system is afterwards developed. This water-tube, it is true, is not circular; it is not continuous, and yet it is the homologue of the circular tube of Acalephs, the radiating tubes being developed only afterwards, when the pentagon of tentacles is formed. The mouth is placed within this circular tube; and the fact that the mouth of the larva is brought, by the contraction of the oesophagus, close upon the stomach, does not change its position with reference to this circular tube. The water-system contracts with it, changes its position, and surrounds eventually the new opening, by the flattening and closing of the Starfish. The Brachiolarian and Plutean stages are the Acalephian stages of the “chinoderms, corresponding to the Hydrarium forms of the Acalephs, in their Polyp stage; while the arms of the Pluteus stage, with their cords of locomotive cilia, recall strongly the strange filiform appendages of por- tions of the spheromere, covered with locomotive flappers as in Euramphzea, and other Ctenophora. The resemblance of the larve of Echinoderms to Ctenophor had already been pointed out by Baer, and more recently by Professor Agassiz, who was not then acquainted with the observations of Baer. This comparison seems to have found but little favor with more recent investigators. Leuckart, in his Bericht for 1862, simply says that no further proof has been adduced by Professor Agassiz to show that the homology holds good. A writer in the Natural History Review for 1861 PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS. 81 seems to consider the whole comparison so puerile as not to be worth even a moment’s consideration ; and the offhand way in which he dis- misses the whole subject shows his total want of appreciation of the argu- ments by which this view is supported. If the writer of the said article had ever seen the young of Brachiolaria, of Pluteus, or, still better, the young of Tornaria, swimming about amongst crowds of young Ctenophore, such as Idyia, Pleurobrachia, Mertensia, or Bolina, he would not have passed such a sweeping judgment on this comparison. The motions of a Tornaria are so similar to those of young Ctenophore, that I venture to say that many a skilful naturalist would be deceived as to their true nature, on first seeing them moving about together in the water. The Tornaria has no appendages developed into long arms as in the adult Brachiolaria or Pluteus. The appendages remain always abortive, the Jarvee in their adult condition resembling young Ctenophore. From an examination of drawings given by Miiller, Professor Agassiz was induced to make the same comparison already hinted at by Baer, and we have seen that it is sustained in every particular. Gegenbaur has also noticed the resemblance between young Trachyneme and Echinoderm larve. From what has been said, it is evident that the plan of radiation un- derlies this apparent bilaterality of the Brachiolaria and of the Pluteus. The throwing of the whole of the stomach and the alimentary canal on one side, the complicated system of arms arranged with perfect symmetry on each side of the axis, passing through the mouth and the anus, does not change, though it partially conceals, the radiate plan. We have Holo- thurians which always creep upon three of their ambulacra, where a dorsal and a ventral side, an anterior and a posterior region, are subordinate to the plan of radiation; and the same takes place to a less extent in Spa- tangoids. Among Polyps even, which are, as it were, the simplest type of radiate animals, an anterior and a posterior region are strikingly shown in the case of Arachnactis. The additional spheromeres are all added at one extremity of the mouth-slit, and yet the Actinia is made up of radi- ating spheromeres. The earliest stages of the larvae of Echinoderms, be- fore the appearance of the water-tubes, reminds us forcibly of the young Actinia soon after it has escaped from the egg, or of the first stages of growth of a Scyphistoma, after it has attached itself to the ground, pre- vious to the formation of tentacles, Let us now consider what constitutes the difference in the structure of these animals in their primary stages 82 EMBRYOLOGY OF THE STARFISH. of growth, as far as the different classes of the type are concerned. They are all built according to one and the same plan, yet this plan is so car- ried out as to be eminently echinodermoid in one instance, acalephian in another, and polypoidal in a third. In young Echinoderms, as in young Ctenophorz, we find nothing of the remarkable preponderance of certain parts which gives these young their bilateral appearance in more advanced conditions. Their radiate character is extremely prominent at first, but becomes gradually obscured and hidden under the guise of this bilateral- ity, which is, after all, due only to the excessive development of certain spheromeres as compared with the others. The case of these larve is only an additional example of what we find so often in nature, that a plan of structure which seems to prevail is in reality only an external analogy produced by great predominance in certain parts, but subservient to the primary plan, even though the latter be perceived only on closer examination. This view solves a question which has hitherto perplexed all investigators of this subject, viz. how it was possible that a larva, which has always been considered as bilateral, should produce a radiate animal by a process of internal gemmation. It is, indeed, a bilateral larva, but built upon a radiate plan; a larva recall- ing a lower class of this branch of the animal kingdom, an acalephian larva giving rise to an Echinoderm, which, from its very beginning, is a radiate animal, having all its spheromeres developed at the same time, and equally.* These transformations are, however, peculiar to the class of Echino- derms; they constitute neither a metamorphosis nor a case of alternate generation. The egg becomes the embryo larva, nothing essential is lost during the process, no intermediate individual comes into the cycle. It is the yolk which becomes the larva, the latter being, in its turn, trans- formed into the young Echinoderm. This larva is, in short, an Acalephian larva, reminding us somewhat of the twin individuals of free Hydroids, the Diphyes, though adapted to the mode of development of the Echino- derms. But in the latter we have no intermediate condition corresponding to the Polyp-like Hydroid in Acalephs from which the Meduse or repro- ductive individuals arise, and in their turn, bring forth the Hydroid again, which completes the cycle by developing another set of Meduse. * For a closer comparison of young Ctenophore and Echinoderm Larve, see the Chapter on Cte- nophore, Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, No. II. PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINODERMS. 83 a If the views here taken of the plan of development of Echinoderms be correct, they introduce a new set of facts respecting their affinities with the Polyps and Acalephs, which cannot fail to have an important bearing on the question of the separation of the Echinoderms as a distinct type from the two latter groups. The Echinoderm plutean form, with its mouth, stomach, intestine, and with its water-system originally forming a part of the digestive cavity, bears, as it seems to me, the same relation to the ~ Ctenophorze which the Hydroid Polyps hold to the true Polyps. The Cte- nophore may be considered, as it were, the prototype of the Echinoderms, as the Polyps are the prototype of Acalephs. We have in the Ctenophor» a digestive cavity, from which branches the water-system, and that peculiar funnel opening outwards, through which the fecal matters of the Cteno- phore are discharged, reminding us at once of the almost identical arrange- ment of an Echinoderm Pluteus, in the relations of the intestine to the stomach. The plutean forms certainly show that the plan upon which the Echinoderms are built does not differ from that upon which the Acalephs are built, and that we have between the Echinoderms and Acalephs the same connection, based upon identity of plan, as exists between the Acalephs and Polyps. We cannot, therefore, admit that the views so frequently urged and so universally admitted, in support of the separation of the Acalephs and Polyps as a distinct type (Coelenterata), from the Echino- derms, have any real foundation in nature; and still less can we concur in them when we remember that the main argument in their favor rests upon the assumed total want of connection between the ambulacral system and the digestive system. This connection has been shown by Pro- fessor Agassiz to exist in the adult of many Echinoderms, while the facts above stated prove that it also exists in the early stages of the embryonic development, where, in fact, the water-system is formed from the digestive system. With this evidence falls the strongest argument for the validity of a classification by which the type of Radiates would be broken up, and the Polyps and Acalephs separated from the Echinoderms, as a dis- tinct type, under the name of Coelenterata. We are, therefore, justified in affirming that the type of Radiates constitutes an independent type of the animal kingdom, containing three equivalent classes, — Echinoderms, Acalephs, and Polyps. 12 iL ee a: t fmt apt AMES ta kee ee AR yi ae 1 ne aan: pitt tates tat aig aie ee ne, Bee es te on vis ow Lee ay ct, | ~ wi lodtiot tid ot *, ger +iiver oe ae wf ap aS ae up. therreibiapept Cegeecgiaiaae a oo ee a iron ley aeure ery Br ; 1a tl table AR wwTr Aster tie ie : nid tatt shee achie ¥ ee a » aly ener (pes i, i seqrntap tind, aie Ring | a's web’ 4entey}s: re Pen od wer ; zs ee a eh 0! 2th eigen ee p> iret tiny a le ae eet hie Ae AER ae a t, +. ce 9h Sepeotaies -tteas pain la Pe ed : F “| Wf Sa gts oF (ee ‘a ideo Eee i et . tose tek y Sar ae ee ee oi oy ca ot otherness aietit eS ‘ou Salt tet oie a igae + °° ewe ae tee ae patel se gtrtngthe | ee aol th ete paar ow nthe » { a a : a +? 3S 5 aa 4, a9 pea) | Sas ap a Se ool ON THE SOLID PARTS OF SOME NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. a ee eo sg at sity a ob ee @ i oe Ate, ' e > we ; y ; ee Se eee ms oan . \ ne cee fy) ; a : “ \ Fl ys ; G a) Pe gpd hs ; ’ = > = 2 | waco Se ee - < 0 OUPTEELD 2 ae - , 2 : * ; - u *s ry ~ Oe. ad 2 - ae ne - ‘ - y & . a) Es oe ; : é ws ae) —— is -~ a a hs HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. CoMPARATIVELY little use has been made thus far, in the study of Starfishes, of the structure of their hard parts. With the exception of the short paper by Gaudry, the occasional references to them in sundry memoirs of Miller, Duvernoy, Agassiz, Perrier and others, only show that we know but little of the solid frame concealed under the mass of appendages covering a starfish. The study of these solid parts is instructive, as it throws new light on their homologies with other Echi- noderms, and enables us to form a better idea of the relationship be- tween Ophiurans, Echini, and Starfishes. The homology between these orders, as usually understood, can be stated in a general way as follows; the great development in Starfishes of what has been called the tergal system, covering the centre and arms, forming a system where no special regular arrangement could be traced, joined to the presence of distinct ambulacral and interambulacral plates, limited to the furrows occupying the lower face of the arm; also the absence of specialized genital plates, or anal plates, and the presence (in some genera) of a special ocular plate. The essential character in a general way of the Ophiurans as distinguished from Starfishes is the presence of genital plates, and the limitation of the tergal plates to a comparatively simple casing, con- sisting of few plates enclosing an ambulacral system, no interambulacral system having been traced; while in Echini the tergal system is re- duced to a minimum, ocular and genital plates being present, and the ambulacral and especially the interambulacral plates greatly developed. From the more careful examination of Echini a hypothetical Echino- derm was formerly established, which has served as the type to which the other Echinoderms were to be reduced, and with which they should homologize. In the absence of embryonic data, however, the fundamentel facts derived from the study of young Echinoderms already point to £8 HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. a different interpretation of the Echinodermoidal homologies. Taken in connection with our knowledge of the hard parts of Starfishes as compared with those of Ophiurans and Echini, they throw much light upon many imperfectly known structural features of Crinoids. The liy- ing Crinoids, on account of their small number, have till recently seemed to promise but little help in explaining the fossil forms. The collec- tions of the Challenger include, however, a variety of stalked Crinoids, and until the information to be derived from them is on hand it does not seem advisable to extend the comparison of the hard parts beyond the more common orders. All young Echinoderms, while still in the Pluteus stage, or soon after its resorption, are strikingly alike. They all have an actinal and an abactinal area. The actinal area is occupied almost entirely by the ambulacral canals radiating from the central ring enclosing the actino- stome, with their lateral ambulacral tubes existing as mere loops, the different tubes not being as yet encased in any limestone plates. The abactinal surface consists of the outer integument, in which rudiment- ary plates begin to appear, made up in the early stages merely of Y- shaped rods, more or less closely connected together, so as to form patches of reticulated network to become in the future the solid plates of the Echinoderm. Thus far all Echinoderms are alike, and show no structural difference between the different orders. We shall greatly facilitate our examina- tion of them by beginning our comparison at this early and uniform stage, so that we may see how far we can, by merely tracing the devel- opment, explain the mode of differentiation by which the orders gradu- ally assume the structural features of the adults. Before proceeding any further in this comparison, I must state that I have given already in detail* my reasons for considering the Echi- noderms as more closely related to the Polyps and Acalephs in oppo- sition to the view lately revived of their affinity to Worms. I have stated the objections mainly on embryological grounds, by comparing the development of the most Echinodermoid larva among Annulata, that of Balanoglossus, with other vermiform Echinoderm Plutei. Haeckel has recently strongly urged, on theoretical grounds chiefly, their annulate * See A. Agassiz, Embryology of Ctenophore ; Revision of the Echini; The History of Bananoglossus anl Tornaria. HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. 89 affinity, and has assumed the composite nature of Echinoderms, which he considers as a colony of five persons united at the buccal extremity in a somewhat similar way to that of a colony of compound Ascidians hay- ing a common cloacal opening. He considers each arm of a Starfish, for ‘nstance,—and it will apply equally well to any Sea-urchin,—as made up of a series of distinct ar- ticulations, just as well marked as the articulation of any Annelid. To a certain extent this analogy is correct; we find a repetition of very similar parts, a remarkable vegetative capacity in all Echinoderms, which at first glance might seem to be of great importance as confirming their articulate affinities. Yet the earliest stages of the young Echinoderms in the Pluteus show beyond doubt that they have nothing in common with a community. As well might we compare the simple chymiferous tube of an Aca- leph with a single individual, and make a many-rayed Zygodactyla a community of individuals with a single central digestive cavity. The very fact that we can trace the passage between an Acaleph with a polymeral chymiferous system like Zygodactyla and a Siphonophore zoid in which we can trace but a single chymiferous tube, shows, at any rate, that the number of ambulacral tubes should not be taken as any proof whatever of a composite structure. When we come to the ar- ticulation of the arms, can we consider that as anything beyond the adaptation of the ambulacral system to the deposition of limestone plates, allowing certain limited movements? In the whole order of Echinoderms traces of this adaptation can be seen, as in some genera of Echini, which, like Astropyga and the Armored Echini, retain a more or less movable test, while in Holothurians the limestone deposition is reduced to a minimum, the latter showing the range of a dermal and closed ambulacral system, while the Ophiurans show the limits within which the articulation can be developed in the Starfishes proper (Crinoids not being in question at present). In consequence of this articulation and their presumed Annulose affinities, Haeckle does not hesitate to derive Echinoderms from worms, but as far as the orders of Echinoderms now known are concerned, it seems impossible to imagine, even with the light paleontology has thrown upon their appearance, how they have succeeded one another, much less whence they have been derived. We can readily see from the presence of several of the orders of Echino- 90 HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. derms in the older geological deposits, that, if any development from one order to another has taken place, it must have been during much © earlier geological periods. As far as we now know, paleontology throws no light whatever upon such a transition, however possible it may seem from embryological data. Starfishes, Ophiurans, Echini, and Crinoids ex- isted in the oldest-known Echinodermoid fauna, having all the typical features of Echinoderms of our day, or only so far modified as to be readily homologized with them. If there has been such a thing as a single ancestral Echinoderm, his primordial descendants early assumed different lines of development diverging to a great degree, and retain- ing their characteristics from the earliest-known geological period. This at least appears to be the case with Starfishes* and Ophiurans; while the different groups of Crinoids which have appeared and vanished are numerous as compared to those of the other orders. The Echini again continued to develop until the secondary period with very little modification, and only after the Jurassic period did the marked changes begin through which they subsequently pass; changes fully equal- ling those of the Crinoids in their earlier geological history.t And yet, great as these changes have undoubtedly been, were we to measure them sim- ply by palzontological evidence, we must remember that they are not greater in degree than the changes known to take place among the Echini of the present day during their embryological development. But while the successive appearance of the great types of Echini in geologi- cal time —in other words, their paleontological development—is in the strictest harmony with what we know of their embryological develop- ment,t we as certainly know nothing whatever of the causes which have brought about their sequence in time, in such striking agreement with * The attempt made by G. O. Sars to prove Brisinga to be the living representative of the palao™ zoic Starfishes seems to be very far-fetched, and I must acknowledge I have been unable to see any such radical difference between Brisinga and ordinary Starfishes (Solaster, Crossaster, and Pyeno- podia, for instance) as Sars insists upon in his Memoir on Brisinga. The type of Starfishes, as I have already shown, has been remarkably persistent from the earliest geological periods to the present day, and there is no indication that the Starfishes now living have undergone such changes as to make the agreement of Brisinga or other genera with the older forms a matter worthy of especial notice as survivals or representatives of the earlier types. See also the view taken by Liitken in regard to the affinities of Protaster in his OpLiur. Add. IIT. ; he does not agree with the view taken by Sars. t See A. Agassiz’s Revision of the Echini, Part TV. { See Part LV., Revision of the Echini, by A. Agassiz. HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. 9] the sequence in their phases of growth. All we can say at present is that the course of the embryological development of the Spatangoids is such that we can, as it were, read off upon it the sequence of echinoidal development since the Jurassic time in the developmental history of some genera of that group. In the one case, however, this development is accomplished in the course of a few years, in the other it stretches over a comparatively infinite period. We have no data for any such comparisons in the other orders of Echinoderms. The case of successive modifications of the ancestral horse, which has so often been brought forward as conclusive regarding the genealogy of the group, although more familiar, is far less complete and much more limited in time than the succession to be traced from the paleontological evidence of Echini. But while natural selection gives a plausible explana- tion of like problems among Vertebrates, it fails utterly when applied to the majority of the Invertebrates, and we have completely failed thus far to find any causes for their paleontological development dif- fering from those acting upon their successive embryological stages at the present day, of which we know absolutely nothing. Let us return now to the comparison of the changes undergone by the embryo Echinoderm from its earliest post-Pluteus stages, until the structural features characteristic of the several orders are clearly differ- entiated. The actinal and abactinal surfaces of the embryo Echinoderms in the different orders are, as has been stated, identical; and it would be impossible to characterize them from early stages immediately follow- ing the resorption of the Pluteus, in the same way as from the adult. The abactinal surface consists, in all cases, of a central plate, round which ‘are arranged radial and interradial plates, while the actina! surface is en- tirely occupied by the pentagonal rosette of the water-system, held by the abactinal system as it were in a cup,—a combination which is strictly erinoidal. It is only later that ordinal distinctions appear, but in such succession as to show that the homologies of the several orders as usually understood are not correct. In the case of the young Starfish the radial plates of the abactinal system, which form the dorsal part of the arms, gradually extend towards the edge of and.down on to the actinal side, enclosing the water-system little by little, and finally, as has been described, covering the ambulacral tube, leav- ing only openings for the passage of the tentacles. This is a stage which 13 92 HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. is passed through by Ophiurans and Kchini as well as Starfishes, the only difference in the subsequent development being that the Ophiurans always remain in an embryonic condition, closely resembling the one just described. In the Starfishes the actinal plates formed by the bridges separating suc- cessive pairs of tentacles become resorbed along the central line, the edges forming inwardly by spurs the true ambulacral plates, and the plates which little by little develop so as to form the edge of the arms are likewise formed from the plates originally a part of the abactinal system. Those which are on the outside of the tentacles become the interambulacral plates, but differ in no way from the plates forming the sides of the arms. In the case of the Starfishes these side arm-plates are often very numerous; in the case of the Ophiurans they are reduced to a minimum, the upper arm-plate being, as in young Starfishes, very prominent and distinct, while the lower arm-plate is formed by the junction of opposing spurs of the interambulacral plates, as can readily be imagined from a comparison with Brisinga, where we find a spur from the interambulacral plates extending nearly one third across the arms. We must only remember that in Ophiu- rans the lower arm-plates represent the original plates derived from the abactinal side extending across the tentacles, while in Brisinga and Star- fishes the median part of the plate has become resorbed, so that the tentacles passing between the ambulacral plates are inside of the inter- ambulacral plates, while in Ophiurans they pierce the connected inter- ambulacral plates (or the lower arm-plate). Something analogous to what takes place in Ophiurans occurs in Echini. The plates which cover the water-system never become resorbed (as in Starfishes); there is no internal ambulacral system of plates developed, from the fact that new plates in the Echini are always developed near the basal plate (the apical system), while new plates in Ophiurans and Starfishes are invariably formed at the extremity of the arms. In Echini, therefore, the extremity of the water-system (the ocular tentacle) remaining connected with the original apical system, the water-system thus forms a loop, one end of which is attached to the so-called ocular plate, while the other connects with the circular canal at the mouth, and hence, both ends being fixed, the new plates must necessarily cover the water-system, while in Ophiurans and Starfishes, one end alone being fixed, it is possible, as in the case of Starfishes, for the water-system, owing to the resorption of the central part, to appear in a peculiar position. But in spite of this similarity EE ———— —_— HOMOLOGIES OF ECHINODERMS. 93 in the position of the water-tube in Echini and Ophiurans, the latter are really more closely allied structurally to Starfishes than to Echini. This will readily account for the position of the water-system inside of the test in Ophiurans and Echini, contrasted to the Starfishes. We can also homologize Holothurians with Echini by supposing that in that group the limestone plates never form ambulacral and interambulacral plates, but that the abactinal system of the embryo, as it elongates, covers irregularly the water-system, the suckers of which pierce the plates as they do in the embryonic stages of other Echinoderms. In fact, the external limestone plates forming the test of a Sea-urchin, the reticulated network of the actinal and abactinal surface of a Starfish together with the ambulacral and interambulacral plates and the plates forming the disk of an Ophiuran, the upper, lower, and side arm-plates, as well as internal skeleton, are all directly derived from the simple system of limestone plates of the abactinal surface of the Echinoderm embryo. This system consists, in all cases, of a basal plate, five radial and five interradial plates. In Ophiurans the genital plates are formed from the angles of the five interradial plates; similar plates can still be traced in the young Starfishes, while in the full-grown Starfishes their presence is shown by the interbrachial partition, on each side of which the ovaries discharge. Thus there exists a complete homology between the genital plates of Ophiurans and the interbrachial partitions of Starfishes, a ho- mology fully carried out in its details when we examine the relations held by the genital plates to the ovaries in Ophiurans and by the inter- brachial partitions to the ovarian openings in Starfishes. From the primitive number of plates existing in the disks of all em- bryo Echinoderms, it is evident that paleontologists have laid altogether too much stress upon the arrangement of the plates of the arms in Crinoids. The study of the solid parts of Starfishes, while valuable as accessories, would certainly furnish no very’ satisfactory data for a classi- fication, at least if this were based entirely upon an examination of the hard parts of the abactinal system alone, as is so frequently the case in Crinoids. HARD PARTS OF SOME NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. ASTERIAS. In the genus Asteracanthion (Asterias) the true character of the plates of the abactinal and actinal surfaces is far more difficult to trace than in other genera where the plates retain more or less homogeneous features. In Asteracanthion, although in the younger stages (as shown in Plate VIII.) the reticulation consists entirely of plates readily distinguished one from the other, yet in the adult the plates have become changed to a mere irregular network anastomosing in all possible directions (PI. IX. Mig. 3), and thus rendering it quite difficult, if not frequently impossi- ble, to trace the connection of the actinal and abactinal reticulation with the interambulacral plates. In the majority of species of this genus the plates adjoining the inter- ambulacral plates are cross-shaped (Pl. IX. Fig. 6), connecting with ad- joining plates at three ends, in front, behind, and towards the abactinal surface ; the other end connects with the interambulacral plates. These plates lose their regularity as they ascend towards the abactinal side on the edge of the arms, the prongs becoming gradually short processes, and finally simply rods or irregularly shaped plates all more or less imbricating (Pl. IX. dv. 4). The spines are generally attached to the rods by a very shallow socket fittimg into a rudimentary tubercle and ring. The spines of the interambulacral plates are movable, those of the actinal and abactinal less so, and frequently soldered to the reticulation. Asteracanthion berylinus. Asteracanthion berylinus * Aa., A. AG. 1868. Proc. Amer. Acad. Boston. Asterias Forbesii Des. 1848. Proce. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Il. p. 67. Pl. IX. The base of each of the interambulacral plates at its junction with the ambulacral plates is marked by a pore for the passage of a water- * For the typography used to explain the synonymy, see A. Agassiz, Revision of the Echini, p. 26. NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 95 tube (Pl. IX. Figs. 5, 6) between this plate and the following reticula- tions, forming a part of the sides of the arms; similar pores are found arranged like the first row of pores in a line parallel to the longitudinal axis of the arms. The other water-pores are irregularly placed over the surface of the arms. Near the mouth the interambulacral plates come together in the angle of the arms and form the mouth-papille so called. They are readily seen in a Starfish examined from the lower side (Pl. IX. Mig. 5) when denuded of spines. Seen from above (Pl. IX. Fig. 6, an interior view), the connecting plate between adjoining ambulacral systems is formed by the rising of the outer edge of the plate (the outer pore not being present) towards the limestone network formed by the junction of the interambulacral imbricating pieces which constitute the framework of the abactinal system. This structure is best seen in large specimens of A. vulgaris, in which the alternate arrangement of the ambulacral plates commences at once at the base of the arms, and where the interbrachial fold at the angle of the arms is high and well set off from the pores left for the passage of water-tubes. The spines placed on the junction of the interambulacral plates (a’, Pl. IX. Fig. 5) form the papille (Pl. TX. Fig. 6), near the actinal opening ; they differ in no respect from the other spines. The arrangement of the pores in double rows (Pl. IX. Figs. 5, 6) for the passage of the ambulacral suckers is, as is well known, only due to age, owing to the crowding of adjoining plates; in large specimens there is no trace of the original linear arrangement of the ambulacral pores beyond the plates nearest the actinostome or at the extremity of the arms. But while the ambulacral pores thus alternate, the plates themselves extend entirely across from the median line to the interam- bulacral plates; they are wedge-shaped, the broad and pointed ends of adjoining plates alternately extending to the median line of the arm or to the edge of the interambulacral plates (Pl. IX. Figs. 5, 6). See a note on the fecundation of A. berylinus and A. vulgaris in Archives de Zool. Expér., which suggests a plausible cause for the great number of varieties of the genus Asterias. A. Forbesii (berylinus) extends from Hali- fax, N. S, to Florida, while A. vulgaris (pallidus) has a more limited southern range, and extends farther north, from Labrador to Long Isl- and Sound. In Massachusetts Bay the two species are about equally common. 96 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME Asterias ochracea. Asterias ochracea Br. 1835. Prodrom. Pe AA: The striking differences which apparently exist on a cursory examina- tion of the species allied to A. ochracea are not found to be of suffi- cient importance, when analyzed, to warrant us in considering the genus Pisaster, as recognized by Professor Agassiz, anything more than a con- venient systematic generic subdivision ; the special points of difference are the great width of the ambulacral system, its elongated plates, the breadth of the furrow forming the median ambulacral ridge (seen from the interior) (Pl. IX. Fy. 5), the proximity of the openings for the passage of the ambulacral tubes on each side of the median ridge, with the cor- responding slender interambulacral plates carrying only one row of long spines at the outer extremity. When denuded of spines the reticulation of the actinal surface of the arms adjoining the interambulacral plates forms a close pavement with small interstices (Pl. XI. Fig. 4); the tubercles carrying the spines are arranged in three or four rows at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the arm; they have a deep slit at the top of the boss; these tubercles are connected laterally by a comparatively low ridge. In the reticulation of the abactinal surface of the arms the primary spaces are quite large, but these are greatly subdivided by a secondary system (Pl. XI. Migs. 1, 2) (more or less prominent), consisting of smaller plates, most irregular in shape, which encroach upon the primary areas and subdivide them again, or materially reduce the area through which the water-tubes can be protruded. The reticulation of the actinal surface carries large club-shaped spines of moderate length, while the spines of the upper surface are shorter but similarly shaped, presenting the appearance of having been ground down so as to form nearly continuous walls on the separating ridge of the reticulations (PI. XI. Hig. 1). The interambulacral papille are generally cylindrical, some- times pointed or somewhat club-shaped at the tip, contrasting with the generally ~ flattened and slightly spatulate interambulacral spines of Asteracanthion proper. The interbrachial partition (Pl XI. Fig. 5) is naturally very well developed, owing to the great number of narrow interambulacral plates from which the brachial reticulations arise. The whole reticulation of the arms ts far more solid than in any other group of species of Asteracanthion (Asterias); compare Pl. IX. Fig. 6, the NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 97 corresponding interbrachial partition of A. berylinus, and also Pl. XI. Fig. 4, the prolongation of the plates separating adjoining ambulacral systems in A. ochracea and in A. berylinus (Pl. IX. Fiy. 5). To show the differ- ence in the thickness of the limestone reticulation of the abactinal and actinal systems compare Pl. XI. Fig. 3, and Pl. LX. Fig. 4, which are simi- lar views of the interior of the abactinal systems of A. berylinus and A. ochracea, or compare the horizontal sections shown in Pl. XI. Fy. 5, and Pl. IX. Fig. 6. The range of Asterias ochracea is from Sitka to San Diego, California; it is the most common species of Starfish on the coast of California. Echinaster sentus. Asterias sentus Say, 1825. Journ. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phila., V. 143. Echinaster sentus VERR. 1867, Notes on Radiata. Pl Xs The meshes of the abactinal limestone network are larger than in Asteracanthion, especially near the centre of the disk, where the irregu- lar polygonal spaces covered by the abactinal membrane are quite large (Pl. X. Hvg. 3). The same loose structure extends a short distance along the abactinal surface (Pl. X. Fig. 4) and the sides of the arms; but towards the extremity the meshes become smaller, and on the actinal side, immediately adjoining the interambulacral plates, the limestone work is quite compact (Pl. X. Figs. 5, 6), and leaves only a few small openings for the passage of the water-tubes. In addition to the water-tubes in the actinal surface of the arms, there is a row of very large tubes (Pl. X. Fug. 1’) passing between the interambulacral plates. The madreporic body differs considerably from that of Asteracanthion, and is not as well separated or as distinct from the general abactinal surface as is the case in that genus. The interambulacral plates, forming the so-called teeth, are larger than the others; they form the extremity of the single lateral rows (Pl. X. Fig. 5), and do not make a partition or division-wall between adjoining am- bulacra, as in Asteracanthion proper, the actinal part of the limestone net- work extending nearer the actinostome. The solid character of the actinal part of the limestone network covering the arms is well shown in an interior view (Pl. X. Mig. 6). This figure also shows how far the ambulacral and interambulacral plates become soldered together with the 98 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME actinal limestone network. The small size of the first set of ambulacral plates is characteristic of the genus as well as of other Starfishes with two rows of suckers; the plates of the actinal are scarcely more promi- nent than the other ambulacral and interambulacral plates, forming a strik- ing contrast to the immense development they take in Asteracanthion and allied genera. The interambulacral plates, as is well shown on Pl. X. Fig. 5, are remarkably uniform in size; the secondary ambulacral plates forming the brachial limestone network adjoiing them are compactly soldered together. In this genus the spines of the limestone network are completely sheathed by the outer membrane covering the whole abac- tinal and actinal system (Pl. X. Jigs. 1, 2); they are large, sharply pointed, generally placed only at the angles of the limestone polygons, and form irregular longitudinal rows, from the central part of the abactinal part of the disk, gradually diminishing in size towards the extremity of the arms. ‘This species is particularly abundant in the West Indies and Florida, and extends northward to New Jersey. CROSSASTER. Crossaster M. T. 1840, Monatsb. d. Akad. Berlin, (emend.) A. Ac. The genus Crossaster, as originally established by Miiller and Troschel in the Monatsbericht d. Akad. d. Wiss. of Berlin, was identical with So- laster of Forbes, which had the priority of a year. In the System d. Asteri- den, Miller and Troschel adopted Forbes’s genus. From an examination of the hard parts, it is evident that Solaster papposus and Solaster endeca should not be included in the same genus, having really nothing in com- mon beyond the great number of arms. The accompanying descriptions will fully show my reasons for placing these two species in different gen- era. In order not to multiply names, I have retained the genus Cros- saster, which is quite closely related to Pyenopodia, only limiting it to S. papposus, and have kept Solaster for 8. endeca and its allies, which are more nearly related to Cribrella. * a + 2 ale ieee NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 99 Crossaster papposus. Crossaster papposus M. T. 1840. Monatsb. d. Akad. Berlin. Re aed. In Crossaster the membrane covering the abactinal system, like that of Pyenopodia, forms a mere film, but it is strengthened by a regular reticulation, with open meshes, carrying, at the points of junction of the horizontal limestone plates, prominent club-shaped processes, upon the tip of which are attached minute slender spines, forming more or less promi- nent tufts (Pl. XII. Mgs. 3, 4). The interbrachial partition consists of a membrane, without limestone plates, extending towards the base of the arms, connecting the few limestone plates reaching from the actinal plate to the abactinal surface with the triangle formed by the rising of the actinal floor at the point of junction of adjoining arms (Pl. XIL Fig. 3). The actinal floor, with the exception of the plates of the interambulacral area, is entirely composed of a compact pavement formed of small irregu- larly shaped imbricating plates, gradually passing into the open reticula- tions of the abactinal surface, along the sides of the arms (Pl. XII. Fv. 2). The ambulacral plates of this genus are broad and well separated; the ambulacral groove is broad and prominent (PI. XII. Fig. 2); at the june- tion of the ambulacral and interambulacral plates the former are well separated; they are pointed, bulging in the central portion, leaving a wide opening for the passage of the sucker. The basal plates take an unusual development, forming a prominent ring round the actinostome ; they are well separated by the interbrachial basal plates, forming the base of attachment to the limestone plates, which constitute the basal part of the interbrachial arch (Pl. XI. Figs. 2, 3). The actinal side of the interambulacral plates forms a series of slightly curved plates, at right angles to the ambulacral groove, carrying tubercles diminishing in size as they recede from the edge of the arms; these plates form a prominent row along the edge of the arms on the actinal surface (PI. XII. Fig. 2); the tubercles of the interambulacral plates, arranged in narrow belts, carry slender spines, similar to those of the tufts of minute spines found on the abactinal surface. The basal interambuiacral plates, like their corresponding ambulacral plates, are immensely developed, projecting far into the large actinal ring, and carrying, like all the interambulacral plates, long, slender spines; these form powerful papille, 14 100 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME saa surrounding the mouth; though their use, as in all Starfishes, is evidently very limited, the prin- re cipal work of digestion being done by the : stomach itself, which folds over the substance to be introduced, and thus gradually dissolves it. The accompanying woodcut (Fi. 1) shows somewhat more plainly than Fig. 3 on Pl. XII. the plates composing the parts round the acti- nostome and base of the arms. This species is common to both sides of the Atlantic ; it is found in Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, on the west coast of France, in Ireland, Greenland, and extends on the east coast of America as far south as Massachusetts Bay. Pycnopodia helianthoides. Pycnopodia /lianthoides Strmps. 1861. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., VIIL Asterias helianthoides Br. 1835. Prodrom. PsA Ee In Pycnopodia the opening at the end of the large ambulacral plate near the actinostome is best seen in profile (J%y. 2); it differs in no way from the structure of the corresponding plates in Asteracanthion, though apparently, on first examination, the actinal plates forming the actinal ring seem quite peculiar, owing to the disappearance near the mouth of the interbrachial membrane, and the isolation of the interbra- chial partition; this connects the actinal and abactinal reticulated surfaces by a mere film only. The large plate at the actinal ring, forming the base of the interbrachial partition (Pl. XIII Fig. 6 cp), is entirely discon- nected from the interambulacral system, as can easily be seen by an exunination of the actinal extremity of the arm from the inside of * Fig. 1. Crossaster papposus. — Internal view, seen from above, the abactinal surface of the plates at the base of one of the arms, round the actinostome, removed. c’ c’, attachment of muscular bands con- necting adjoining ambulacral plates; a 0, @ 0, openings for passage of ambulacral suckers; a’d, a’b, am- bulacral plates with projecting spur ; im, termination of film forming the interbrachial partition ; c’p, spur from interambulacral plates forming connecting floor of actinal surface; c’b, large muscular plate at base of the arm; tp, interbrachial plate to which the film forming interbrachial partition is attached (when it extends to that point) at the base of the arms; sp, spur of interambulacral basal plates forming the base of attachment of the interbrachial partitions ; mp, interambulacral plates forming the so-called mouth-papille ; p’, spines of mp. 2 a NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 101 the actinal ring, showing the plate rising up on the side of the two large ambulacral plates of the actinal ring. The Fig. 2.* interambulacral plates (Pl. XII. Mig. 7) form small scale-like plates near the base of the arm, carrying slen- der pointed spines; they increase somewhat in size at a distance from the base. They are followed on the edge of the arm by two lozenge-shaped plates, with extended points, carrying large club-shaped spines forming a thin low wall for the support of the line of at- tachment of the abactinal membrane covering the abactinal surface of the arms. This membrane extends also over the central part of the disk; over the abactinal surface it is strengthened here and there by a few small limestone plates or rods, placed at the base of the large spines irregularly scattered on the surface of the abactinal region; these plates sometimes form in the disk a very irregular disconnected retic- ulation, the lines of which are composed of small irregularly shaped rounded plates. Within the space where the arms are united the am- bulacral plates rise nearly vertically, but towards the extremity they gradually slope more and more, inclining towards the actinostome, so that the ambulacral plates form a hard flat area, occupying nearly the whole of the actinal surface of the arms. The genera Pycnopodia and Crossaster are specially interesting on account of the close relationship they have to Brisinga. In fact, compared with Brisinga, they prove conclusively that the latter genus, * Fig. 2.— Profile view of actinal extremity of arm of Pycnopodia (the dermal covering of arm removed). e’r, small plates forming the ridge, covering the ambulacral groove, repeated along the whole length of the arm. a’c, the correspond- ing plate of the second interambulacral plate. The upper projecting part of this plate is the support of the basa! plate of the interbrachial partition, and below it is seen the plate which strictly corresponds to it. This plate a’c also covers in part the plate a’s of the basal am- bulacral plate a’, at the base of which is situated the interambulacral plate aip carrying the short spines forming the mouth-papill. The relative position of the plates a’s to the basal plate of the interbrachial partition is well shown in Jig. 3, which represents an inside view, seen from above, of a part of the actinal ring. a’s, a’e, the same as in Fig. 2, ip, the interbrachial partition, reduced in this genus to a few scale-like plates, supported on spurs of the interam- bulacral plates. c’, longitudinal groove, line of junction of ambulacral plates. c’r, ridge of connecting plates forming groove c’.. ao, opening for passage of ambulacral suckers. 102 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME far from being so exceptional in its structure as has been generally supposed, is structurally very intimately connected with Pycnopodia and Crossaster. We might readily transform a Pycnopodia or a Crossaster into a Brisinga by reducing the actinal and abactinal interbrachial spaces into a minimum, which would give us a Starfish with a small disk, in which the ambulacral plates adjoining the actinostome assume a great development, and thus the numerous arms would appear quite discon- nected (as in Brisinga). The connection of the arms in Starfishes does not depend so much on the greater or less development of the ambu- lacral and interambulacral systems, as upon the greater or less increase of the limestone network forming the interbrachial spaces, which, although a feature greatly affecting the physiognomy of the Starfish, yet influences but slightly its internal structure. The range of this species is from Sitka to Mendocino City, California. In the Gulf of Georgia and at Mendocino it is a very common species in shallow water and at low-water mark. BRISINGA. The genus Brisinga, with its long slender arms, the whole actinal side of which, with the exception of the large interambulacral plates forming the edge of the arm, is occupied by the ambulacral plates, shows us very distinctly how we can pass from the Starfish to the Ophiuran by the joining of the large interambulacral plates on the lower surface, and their becoming soldered together into one plate to forni a lower arm-plate, so that the absence of interambulacral plates, which has always been cited as the great difference by which Starfishes and Ophiurans could always be distinguished, is readily explained; the lower arm-plates of Ophiurans being only modified interambulacral plates. We further find, on examin- ing, in Brisinga, the secondary imbricating plates forming the arches which support the abactinal membrane covering the arms, each of which carries only a single spine, and is arranged in more or less regular curves, that we have some approach already to the side arm-plates so characteristic of Ophiurans, the separation of the so-called disk from the arms, — which, although so striking a feature of the genus, is less im- portant than it seems at first sight, — being merely brought about by the reduction to a minimum of the lateral spreading of the actinal part of the secondary and interambulacral plates. In the case of Brisinga this NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 103 forms at once an arch over the arms without expanding, as in other Starfishes, into a flat actinal floor of greater or less extent on the side of the interambulacral plate, from the extent and shape of which the vari- ous families are determined. This obtains its maximum of development in the extreme forms like Culcita and Palmipes; in one case the actinal and abactinal floors are well separated, in the other closely united by vertical shafts and walls. The analysis of the structure of Brisinga gives a most satisfactory explanation of the general homologies existing be- tween Starfishes and Ophiurans, and reduces the gap hitherto unfilled between Starfishes and Ophiurans to a comparatively unimportant method of development. As the madreporic body of Starfishes is placed in one of the interbrachial arches, and this arch reduced as it often is to a minimum (Solaster), or lim- ited sometimes to the mesenteric support of the stone canal, we have a ready explanation of its position in the Ophiurans on the homologous plates in the interbrachial spaces, namely, the single plate in the continuation of the line of the interambulacral plates; at the same time the homology between the genital plates and the single interbrachial plate found in some Starfishes at the angle of the arms is fully carried out, as it is well known that it is on each side of the interbrachial arch that the ovarian openings are found. An examination of the base of the arms of Brisinga near its junction with the disk shows already quite a constric- tion, and of course a corresponding reduction in the length of the inter- brachial arch. The great extension of the interambulacral plates across the space covering the ambulacral canal reduces it to its minimum at that point. The mode of articulation of the ambulacral plates of joints in the arms of Brisinga has been compared rather with Ophiurans than with Starfishes, but the articulation of the internal skeleton in Ophiurans is not specially different, although somewhat more perfect, from the artic- ulation of the joints of arms in the Starfishes proper, and the homology between the internal skeleton of Ophiurans and the ambulacral system of Starfishes can be clearly established. If we imagine for each primary interambulacral plate but a single row of secondary interambulacral plates composed of a small number of plates, we shail of course have a side urm- plate and an upper arm-plate; the lower arm-plate being formed of the opposed interbrachial plates, which have become soldered together, and through which the tentacles have pierced their way. 104 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME The abactinal membrane of the disk of Brisinga is eminently Asterian ; it is only slightly strengthened by a few minute limestone plates, as is the case in Crossaster and Pycnopodia, and in spite of the general re- semblance, at first glance, of this well-defined disk to an Ophiuran disk, we have nothing whatever corresponding to the arrangement of the cen- tral plates so characteristic of the disk of Ophiurans. But we have in a great many genera of Starfishes the central part of the disk, show- ing in the young stages only, as regular an arrangement of the plates of the abactinal system as in any Ophiuran, though it is lost in the adult. Such a young stage is figured in Pl. VIIL, a corresponding stage has also been recently figured by Lovén in his Memoir on the Echini (1875), and a similar structure of the disk will undoubtedly be found to exist in the very youngest stages of each genus, as it seems to be a general structure of the young of all Starfishes, as far as observed. While Brisinga is a most important form, as showing the relationship between Starfishes and Ophiurans, there certainly is nothing. in its strue- ture or in its affinity to Protaster to warrant the paleontological importance ascribed to it by the younger Sars; and it cannot be considered, any more than several other genera of Starfishes now living,* as the representative at the present day of the oldest-known Echinoderm. I think we can show from the study of the hard parts of Starfishes that they have been a remarkably persistent type, and that the apparent changes of form due to the excessive increase or diminution of the interbrachial lime- stone deposit is a very secondary feature, which, though greatly modi- fying the external appearance of the Starfishes, yet does not affect the main structure, which, as has been stated, is remarkably uniform through- out the order. While fully admitting the many important points (so well brought out by Sars in his Memoir on Brisinga) wherein the genus differs from the other Starfishes, yet I must call his attention to the fact that many of the structural details which he strongly insists upon as specially characteristic of Brisingat are common to the other Starfishes, and do not constitute features by which this family can be contrasted with the remaining Starfishes. * Pycnopodia, Crossaster. + For an opportunity of examining both dry and alcoholic specimens of Brisinga, I must thank Sir C. Wyville Thomson, and Dr. G. O. Sars. Brisinga endecacnemos is found in deep water off the Lofoten Islands, Norway. It has been collected by the “ Challenger” in eighty fathoms, on the La Have Bank off Nova Scotia. ; be a * NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 105 Linckia Guildingii. Linckia Guildingii Gray, 1840. Ann. Mag., VL Pl. XIV. Pigs. 1-6. A longitudinal section of one of the arms (Pl. XIV. Fig. 6) shows the great thickness of the irregularly shaped polygonal plates composing the limestone network of the abactinal surface. The plates (as seen in Fy. 4, Pl. XIV., when they are denuded of the finer granulation covering them, Pl. XIV. Fig. 1, and the intervening spaces) are very closely packed; the processes connecting plates laterally often do not exist in the median space of the arm, and appear only as short rods along the sides of the arms and on the outer edge of the lower surface (Pl. XIV. Fg. 3), where they are closely packed, forming in older specimens a compact pavement, and losing on this surface the imbricating arrangement to be traced only along the sides of the arms or to be seen in a transverse section. The fine granulation mentioned above extends over the whole actinal surface of the arms, concealing almost completely the three to four longitudinal rows of small plates immediately succeeding the interambulacral plates (compare Jigs. 2 and 3, Pl. XIV.; see also Fig. 2’). The top of the large papilla (Pl. XIV. Ig. 6) attached to the interambu- lacral plates forms a close pavement when seen from the actinal side; these large papillae pass very rapidly into the minute granules covering the lower side of the arms (PI. XIV. fg. 2). Toward the actinostome the pa- pille flare inwardly, forming several rows placed one behind the other, and appear, when seen in section, as if there were a series of secondary inter- ambulacral plates forming the mouth-papille, but on examination we find that the structure of the actinal interambulacral plates is that of other Starfishes. Seen from the interior on the actinal floor, the interbrachial plate is sunk far below the level of the ambulacral groove; the inter- brachial arches are reduced to the thickening produced by the junction of the arms, which extend in wedge shape a short distance toward the actinal ring; the space in which the limestone canal is situated alone connecting by a low ridge with the actinal ring. This is specially a West-Indian and Florida species. 106 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME Asterina folium. Asterina folium LUtrx. 1859. Vidensk. Meddel. Pl. XIV. Figs. 7-9. In Asterina, as in the bulk of the pentagonal Starfishes, the great lateral development of the secondary interambulacral plates introduces some modifications in the structure and position of the hard parts in this genus. The plates forming the actinal and abactinal floors are irregularly lozenge-shaped, imbricating at the extremities of the adjoining points, leaving thus a greater or less free space for the passage of the water- tubes; the plates of the two floors at the ridges of the disk become sol- dered together, thus forming, as it were, a new system of plates, which in some genera are regularly arranged and often furnish characteristic spe- cific distinctions. At the actinal ring the interbrachial arches exist only as columns rising directly from the actinal to the abactinal floors in the interambulacral spaces. As in all the species of the genus, the lozenge- shaped plates of the actinal and abactinal surface carry short slender spines, with a more or less regular fan-shaped arrangement on the abac- tinal side; the spines are less numerous on the actinal side, some- what longer on the interambulacral plates, especially near the actino- stome, forming mouth-papille of considerable prominence (Pl. XIV. Figs. 7 and 7’). The simple structure of the short, pointed terminal tentacle at the ex- tremity of the arm is well seen in this genus (Pl. XIV. Migs. 8’, 8); adjoin- ing tentacles are, as in Asterias, long, slender, without a prominent suck- ing-disk. The water-tubes are specially large in this genus (Pl. XIV. Fig. 9). This species has the same range as Linckia Guildingii. Asteropsis imbricata. Asteropsis imbricata GruBr, 1857. Wiegm. Archiy., XXIII. Pl. XV. The abactinal limestone reticulation of this species consists of flat, irreg- ularly star-shaped plates, from which diverge longer flat pieces, connect- ing the adjoining centres of radiating plates (Pl. XV. Fig. 2); the plates and their connecting links are all imbricating. Towards the central part of the disk the larger spaces between the rods are partially closed by shorter spurs, and are further separated by disconnected plates into ellip- NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 107 tical areas, through which the water-tubes are protruded (Pl. XV. Fiys. 1, 2); the network becomes closer towards the tip of the arms, and there are a great number of small areas for the passage of the water-tubes (Pl. XV. fig. 3). In the living state the limestone skeleton is deeply imbedded in a thick epidermis, completely covering the upper and lower surface of the disk. Compare Pl. XV. Figs. 1, 1’, with the figures Pl. XV. Figs. 2, 3, showing preparations of the plates of abactinal surface from the exterior and interior. The interbrachial arches are reduced in this genus to a mere vertical column, consisting in portions of not more than a single plate placed close to the actinal ring, and leaving a large open space be- tween it and the edge of the arm (Pl. XV. Fiz. 6). The plates of the actinal floor form a regular pavement, diverging from the interbrachial angle parallel to the axis of the arms; the actinal and abactinal systems of plates form, at their junction on the edge of the arms, a double row of large plates forming a binding at the periphery (Pl. XV. Fig. 4), one row placed on the actinal side, the other on the abactinal side (see Pl. XV. Figs. 4 and 2). There is a well-marked abactinal ori- fice near the centre of the disk (Pl. XV. Fig. 1). In Gymnasteria, otherwise closely related to Asteropsis, there is no special difference between the plates of the actinal and abactinal systems ; they are more distinct, and not arranged quite so regularly as to form a pavement. In the greater number of the pentagonal Starfishes we find the same general distinction between the pavement-like plates of the actinal side, extending to the junction of the actinal with the abactinal sys- tem, although we do not always find so regular a peripheric series of plates. This is the case in Culcita (see Figs. 4, 5). Where the actinal plates acquire a great thickness, forming a lower floor through which the passages between the plates and beams make an intricate system of openings placed at different levels (Fig. 4), while the abactinal system is reduced to a comparatively simple series of rods having the general ar- rangement of triangular network with the longer or shorter rods separat- ing them set on edge and imbricated (#¥g. 5). The whole limestone sys- tem is, as in Asteropsis, entirely imbedded in the thick epidermal iayer in which the plates have been deposited, so that but a trace of the lime- stone network appears when seen either in a natural condition or merely in dried specimens. The interbrachial arch of Culcita is reduced to a few 15° 108 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME vertical plates rising close to the actinal ring from the interbrachial in- terambulacral plate. Fig. 4.* This species of Asteropsis occurs on the West Coast, from Vancouver's Island to San Francisco. The general arrangement of the limestone plates of the European As- teropsis pulvillus does not differ materially from the one here figured. The European species carries spines on the edge of the marginal as well as of the interambulacral plates, and the interbrachial arch is more fully developed, separating adjoining arms more completely. Pentaceros reticulatus. Pentaceros reticulatus Linck, 1733. De Stellis Marinis. tag Mie ge 2 Figs. 1, 2, 4, 5, on Pl. XVI, show the extent to which the lime- stone network of the actinal and abactinal surfaces is hidden by the spines and granules covering the plates and rods of the two surfaces. Seen from the abactinal side, the network consists of a central plate more or less hexagonal, with projecting angles connected together by short stout rods, overlapped by the plates, so as to form an open tri- angular network, covered by minute granules, and in their interstices giving passage to the thickly clustered water-tubes (Pl. XVI. Mig. 1). The same granulation covers the plates and rods as well as the greater * Fig. 4 is an interior view of the actinal plates of a Culcita, as seen in an alcoholic specimen, of which the abactinal floor has been removed to show the intricate system of passages lying between the limestone rods. a 6, abactinal system; s, section across a limestone rod; jf, interior muscular sheath con- necting limestone rods; 0, passages between adjoining plates. + Fig. 5, edge of a Culcita, to show the gradual passage of the open reticulation of the abactinal surface into the closely packed vertical wedges mp, forming the outer edge of the disk of a Culcita. NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 109 part of the spines scattered over the abactinal area, leaving but a short piece of the end of the spines bare. The meshwork of course becomes closer towards the extremity of the arms; the plates and rods are of considerable thickness, as is seen in their section along the edge of the arm (see My. 5, Pl. XVI.). The junction of the actinal and abactinal systems forms a double row of large contiguous plates carrying a heavy spine (see Figs. 4, 5, Pl. XVI). The pavement-like plates of the actinal surface are arranged in rows parallel in a general way to the longitudinal axis of the arms (Pl. XVI. Fig. 4), and also in indistinct rows at right angles to this (Pl. XVI. Fig. 2). They are well covered by a coarser granulation than that of the abactinal surface, the central part of the plate carrying a cluster of three to five larger granules, becoming in some cases nearly fixed spines ; these granules, on the actinal surface of the interambulacral plates, become a large flat pointed movable spine, with smaller flat lateral spines, rounded at their extremity. Round the edge of the interambulacral pieces forming the jaws they increase materially in size, becoming very prominent mouth- papille (Pl. XVI. Figs. 2, 3). In all the pentagonal Starfishes the fact that the jaw pieces are simply the modified interambulacral plates of the last joint is very apparent, as well as that the interbrachial plates forming the base of the interbrachial arch are also only a modified part of the interambulacral plates formed by the soldering together of the inner lateral spaces of the opposite interambulacral plates of the joint of the jaw. The interbrachial arches are composed of comparatively few large solid plates ; their breadth varies materially in different specimens, either nearly filling the whole space between the actinal ring and the angle of the arms, or limited to a shorter wall next to the mouth. The ambulacral system is composed of tall plates rising well above the actinal floor, forming a broad median groove, seen from the abactinal side (PI. XVI. Fig. 5); when seen in profile (Pl. XVI. Wig. 7), large elliptical spaces are left for the passage of the powerful ambulacral suckers (PI. XVI. Fig. 2). The interambulacral plates are large, distinct, and of great thickness, with their actinal face well developed (see Figs. 4, 7, Pl. XVI.); the last joints of the plates of the actinal ring are prominent, raised high above the interbrachial plates. The jaws are large, projecting far into the central actinal space (Pl. XVI. Migs. 4, 5, 7); the papille when extended meet, 110 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME nearly closing the actinostome, only leaving (Pl. XVI. Figs. 2, 3) a small pentagonal opening. The interambulacral spines, when the suckers are drawn in close, com- pletely cover the ambulacral furrow (see Mig. 2, Pl. XVI., where they are closed over a portion of the ambulacra at the base of one of the arms). Pentaceros reticulatus is found on both sides of the Atlantic, at Cape Verde Islands, and in the West Indies, extending north to South Carolina. Several other West India species of Echinoderms are also found at Cape Verde Islands and on the main coast opposite. In the pentagonal Starfishes the plates forming the so-called jaws are huge interambulacral plates extending far towards the centre of the mouth, where they nearly meet, to form, with the papille, the so-called jaws and teeth of Starfishes. So far we have not been able in any way to homologize the teeth of Echini with any of the solid parts of Star- fishes or Ophiurans; the auricles of the *regular Echini and the peculiar spur of the interior of the test near the mouth of some Spatangi being the only processes which appear to have analogous position. For a com- parison of the Starfish mouth parts with those of Ophiurans compare the figures here given with those of Lyman in the Bull. Mus. Comp. Zoil., Vol. IIlL., from which it is evident that in Starfishes and Ophiurans the mouth parts are strictly homologous, and are formed by the terminal oral interambulacral plates. Comparing profile figures of the oral ex- tremity of one side of an arm in Culcita (/¥%. 7), Acanthaster (F%y. 6), and Solaster (7g. 8), we cannot fail to be struck with the great size of the terminal oral interambulacral plate aip, carrying the mouth- papillae mp. In the views of the arms, seen from the interior (the abactinal sys- tem being removed), the great development of the oral terminal plate (ac) is well shown. In J%g. 6’, Acanthaster, Fug. 8’, Solaster, and Fig. 9, Anthenea, the lettering corresponds to the profile figures. The only addi- tional notation introduced is 7p for the interbrachial partition, and 7 p for the spur forming the basal plate of the interbrachial partition. The mobility of the arms of Starfishes depends entirely upon the comparative width of the ambulacral and interambulacral plates compared in their length, upon the solidity and extent of the interbrachial partition, and the extent to which the abactinal system corresponds in its articulation NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES, 111 to the number of plates of the ambulacral system. Genera where there are large marginal plates, as in Astropecten, and the pentagonal Star- Fig. 6’. aie mp Fig. 8’. y, = 5 am . °g f y ‘ | aap a f} us h - 7 if ‘ i er — 5. ad S & =. f Gig —— i ze rc Ub i Cok 1g \ — et ale See 5 —_ iii} — oe a ——- \ My ’ a sp a ao 7 cu ep * In Figs. 6, 7, 8, c!r are the small plates or spurs forming the ridge covering the ambulacral groove ; a’ c, the corresponding plates of the ambulacral plates a’; ao, the opening for passage of ambulacral ten- tacle; ai, the interambulacral plates carrying papille p., The large terminal plate @’c at the actinostome encroaches upon the corresponding ambulacral plate, so as to cover it by a spur a@’s, so much so that, when seen from above, this plate appears to be directly connected with the terminal interambulacral plate aip, but the profile view clearly shows in all these genera that the terminal plates, although of different proportions, do not differ in their arrangement from those forming the bedy of the arm. The spur a's of the terminal oral plate a’c sometimes forms a secondary cup-shaped plate along the edge of the arms; in Figs. 7, s a’, and 8, a's, this plate is quite prominent; while in Jy. 6 it is less developed, 112 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME fishes, or Starfishes in which the abactinal system is stiffened by -heavy interbrachial partitions extending from the oral ring to the angle of the arms, or Starfishes where the abactinal reticulation is extremely solid, as in Ophidiaster, are all capable of but slight movements. On the contrary, Starfishes in which, as in most of the Asteracanthidz, the Fig. 10. , reticulation is loose, the interbrachial partitions reduced often « toa film, or to a mere arch of limestone plates, and in which ¢' the ambulacral plates are high, are much more flexible. ; ™~°’ The extremes are found in such forms as Anthenea and aes Brisinga. In some genera the arms are rendered more stiff by long flat spurs extending on the inner side of the actinal surface from the sides of the ambulacral plates towards the edge of the arms (see a’ 6, Fig. 1, and a’ b, Fig. 8’). These spurs are also highly developed in Cribrella (/%y. 10), where, as in the preceding figures, they conceal the interam- Fig. ll. bulacral plates, which are small compared with the ambulacral plates of Culcita, Anthenea, Acanthaster, and the like. The interambulacral plates retain their pre- ponderance even towards the extremity of the arms quite near the tip, where the ambulacral and interam- bulacral plates become separated from the abactinal system proper (see Fig. 11, the tip of an arm of Culcita). Solaster endeca. Solaster endeca Fornes, 1839. Mem. Wern. Soc. Asterias endeca LIN. Po AVE In Solaster endeca the arrangement and general structure of the am- bulacral and interambulacral plates are identical with those of Crossaster ; the plates are, however, more closely articulated, and the basal ambu- lacral plates attain a still greater prominence even than in Crossaster. The mouth-papille are also more powerful. The fundamental difference between these genera, Crossaster and Solaster, lies in the structure of the abactinal floor (compare Pl. XVIL /%y. 1, and Pl. XII. Fig. 4). The ac- tinal floor between the arms is composed of small, somewhat elongated plates, arranged in more or less regularly diverging rows, quite similar to those of Crossaster, The interbrachial partitions can hardly be in- NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 113 tended for the support of the abactinal floor, either in this genus or in Crossaster. In Solaster it forms a broad band when it connects with the abactinal surface, and is gradually changed into a mere chord at the point of attachment to the interbrachial basal plates. These partitions are all exactly similar to the one supporting the stone canal. At the base of the arms the sides of adjoining arms come together, forming rounded angles, and do not, in the specimen examined, form an interbrachial par- tition for the support of the abactinal floor (see Pl. XVII Fig. 3). The reticulation of the sides of the arms and of the abactinal region is com- pact, composed of small meshes forming diagonal lines across the arms, and more or less irregularly radiating lines from the centre of the disk. All the plates of the actinal floor carry tufts of small spines (Pl. XVIL Fig. 2), arranged usually in parallel rows, corresponding to the long axis of the plates; so that on the actinal side the spines of the interambu- lacral plates are at right angles to the arms; on the plates forming the triangular interbrachial space, the spines diverge from the actinostome, while those of the plates at the angles of the arms, of the arms themselves, and of the abactinal surface, form more or less circular tufts arranged on the lines of the plates of these surfaces. Solaster endeca and Cribrella sanguinolenta are both found on the two sides of the Atlantic, occurring in Norway, Denmark, Great Britain, the north- west coast of France, Iceland, Greenland, Labrador, and as far south as Massa- chusetts Bay ; C. sanguinolenta extending as far south as Long Island Sound. Cribrella sanguinolenta. Cribrella sanguinolenta LUTK. 1857. Vidensk. Meddel. Asterias sanguinolenta O. F. Mtiu. 1776. Zool. Dan. Prod. Pl. XVIII. The genus Cribrella is most closely allied to Solaster. It has, like So- laster proper, a compact system of limestone network, forming, when de- nuded of spines, small meshes on the abactinal surface (Pl. XVII. Fig. 1), while the actinal surface and a part of the edge of the arms are covered with larger plates, forming longitudinal rows parallel to the longer axis of the arms, with more or less irregular shorter rows at right angles to the axis (Pl. XVIII. My. 4). The arrangement of the spines on this net- work is very similar in the two genera, consisting of short sharp spines placed on the abactinal surface, either in clusters or in semicircular fan- 114 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME shaped rows as they approach the edge and lower surface of the arms; the sharp spines often become quite blunt in larger specimens. On the actinal surface the spines are longer and sharper, usually arranged in lines parallel with the longitudinal axis of the plates upon which they are earried (Pl. XVIII. Fig. 2). They gradually increase in size towards the ambulacral furrow; the spines of the interambulacral plates are still longer, and those which form the actinal papille attain the greatest develop- ment (Pl. XVIII. Fig. 3). The above features this genus has in common with Solaster, differing from it, however, in not having in the interbrachial angles the sharp line of demarcation between the arrangement of the plates and rods forming the actinal and abactinal surfaces. The genera differ also greatly in the structure of the interbrachial arch. In Cri- brella the arch is well developed (Pl. XVUI. Fy’. 7), starting from the angle of the arms and extending the whole way, between the two floors, towards the actinal ring, while in Solaster the arch is lim- ited to a free loop, swinging between the abactinal surface and _ its basal interbrachial plates at the actinal ring in the interambulacral space. The last actinal joint of the ambulacral system is large, the ambulacral plates distant, and the interambulacral plates prominent, with a wide actinal face, upon which are placed numerous spines of different sizes, arranged in rows at right angles to the ambulacral furrow (Pl. XVII. Fig. 2). On the actinal surface two to four water-tubes pass through the free space enclosed by the limestone rods; the water-tubes on the actinal sur- face are less numerous, but longer. Astropecten articulatus. Astropecten articulatus M. T. 1842. Syst. d. Ast. Asterias articulatus Say, 1825. Journ. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phila. Pt. AIX On account of the great prominence of the marginal plates of the actinal and abactinal surfaces in this genus, the limestone network is reduced to a small surface. This is particularly the case on the actinal surface, where the reticulation corresponding to the actinal surface of the arms is reduced to a few minute plates between the interambulacral and marginal plates placed at the angle of the arms near the base of the Jaws (see Figs. 4, 7, Pl. XLX.). The remainder of the lower side of the NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES 115 arm is occupied by the marginal plates; these project beyond the mar- ginal plate of the abactinal surface ; forming, when seen from above, what appears like a second row of marginal plates (see I’. 3, Pl. XIX.). The abactinal limestone network extends over the disk and over the narrow elongate space left on the upper side of the arms between the marginal plates (Pl. XIX. Figs. 1, 3, 6). The marginal plates are firmly soldered together, leaving no space between the floors where they are placed, with the exception of a single large opening for the passage of water- tubes along the line of junction of two plates, across the arms; the whole space in the arms between the plates being thus reduced to a narrow flattened space, of which the larger part is occupied by the ambulacral plates (Pl. XIX. Fig. 5). The interbrachial arches are reduced to a thin partition at the angle of the arms, where the abactinal marginal plates attain their greatest height. The abactinal limestone network is, when seen from above, found to be closely covered by short club-like spines, often with a broad base and constriction in the middle below the head, attaining their greatest diameter a short distance from the base of the arms, passing gradually into mere granules towards the extremity of the arms and the centre of the disk ; these spines are attached to the abactinal limestone network (Pl. XIX. Fig. 3) by a very shallow sucker, shaped like a saucer, with edges slightly turned up. On the tip of these spines are arranged concen- trically a number of minute spines more or less cylindrical, with rounded ends, often completely filling the interval between adjoining spines, so that they appear to form at first glance a smooth surface (Pl. XIX. Fig. 1) over the whole space lying between the marginal plates. The grooves between the adjoining marginal plates are lined by similar, but even more delicate spines, which appear to perform the same functions as the delicate spines on the fascioles of Echini, namely, to sift the foreign matter contained in the water admitted to the water-tubes. Seen from the actinal side, the abactinal floor consists of small circular plates (Pl. XIX. Fig. 6) corresponding to the flat saucer-like plates of the centre of the disk; seen from the opposite side, these gradually pass | into the flattened plates closely soldered together, which extend into the arms, leaving only, however, on each side of the solid central band, a number of passages for the water-tubes (see PI. XIX. Fv. 6). The gen- eral surface of the marginal plates of the abactinal side is covered by 16 116 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF SOME short rounded spines passing mainly into granules similar to those cover- ing the abactinal surface of the arms; they are in addition provided with one or two long flat triangular movable spines similar to those covering the outer edge of the actinal side of the marginal plates, which are arranged in irregular diagonal lines across the plates, varying in size, generally flattened and triangular; but we find with them, along the edge of the furrows separating the plates, slender spines similar to those of the grooves of the abactinal side. The interambulacral plates carry flat spatula-shaped spines placed at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the arms; these plates, when denuded, are seen to be in contact with the marginal plates, except near the actinal ring (Pl. XIX. Fig. 5). Spines similar to those carried by the interambulacral plates, only shorter, cover the actinal side of the jaws (Pl. XIX. Mg. 2). The ambulacral plates seen from the interior of the arm occupy, with the base of the interambulacral plates, the whole space between the mar- ginal plates; the median furrow formed by the junction of adjoining plates is deep; the ambulacral plates themselves are narrow, elongate, spreading somewhat at their junction with the interambulacral plates, leaving a wide space for the passage of the ambulacral feet. It is not uncommon in this genus to find the ambulacral and interam- bulacral plates soldered together, either wholly or in part, so that it be- comes difficult to trace the line of contact. In Astropecten and Luidia the interambulacral plates of the last basal joint of the adjoining arms are connected together, forming a prominent point at the angle of the arms; but those plates which carry the mouth- papilla are not, as in other families of Starfishes, at a lower level than the adjoining interambulacral plates. The jaws are on the same level, in direct continuation of the other interambulacral plates, only somewhat more prominent (see Pl. XIX. Migs. 7, 8). Astropecten articulatus and Luidia clathrata extend from New Jersey to the West Indies. Luidia clathrata is one of the most common Star- _fishes of the sandy coasts of North and South Carolina. NORTH AMERICAN STARFISHES. 117 Luidia clathrata. Luidia clathrata LturK. 1859. Vidensk. Meddel. Asterias clathrata Say, 1825. Journ. Acad. Nat. Scien. Phila. y i ee D.& The genera Astropecten and Luidia are most closely allied, not only by their possessing but two rows of pointed ambulacral suckers (PI. XX. Fig. 2), but also by the structure of the limestone network of the two surfaces of the spines and other appendages covering them. As in Astro- pecten, the actinal limestone network is limited to a small triangular area close to the mouth in the angle between two arms; this area reminds us of the interbrachial space on the actinal side covered by small plates in such genera as Solaster and Crossaster; with the latter they are closely connected. The rest of the actinal surface of the arms is covered by the narrow elongated marginal plates which correspond in number to the ambulacral and interambulacral plates (Pl. XX. Mg. 4). The actinal marginal plates are, as in Astropecten, separated at the surface by deep grooves edged by minute spines less numerous along the main lines of the grooves than in the grooves of Astropecten, but much more crowded at the openings near the interambulacral plates, form- ing a regular sieve from plate to plate. The spines when removed leave upon the face of the plates markings exactly similar to those found as bands upon KEchini, and known as fascioles. The spines carried upon these minute granules are similar in every respect to the spines of the fascioles of Echini. Their function is evidently identical, namely, that of filtering and clearing the water before it reaches the water-tubes. Their use is much more apparent than in the Spatangoids, where the bands of fascioles are really of use only when lining the edges of the. sunken ambulacra of such genera as Hemiaster, while their extension from the tip of one ambulacral rosette to the other seems to be a remnant of a structure having at the present day in Echini but little if any use, while in Spatangoids it still performs its function of accumulating minute muddy particles floating in the water, which would to a certain extent impede the access of clean water to their lobed ambulacral tentacles. I have not observed these fascioles in other genera besides Astropecven and Luidia. The presence, however, in some genera of minute spines arranged in tufts on a solid basis projecting above the general surface shows us a regular transition from the closed area formed by them on 118 DESCRIPTION OF THE HARD PARTS OF STARFISHES. the abactinal surface between the marginal plates in such genera as Astropecten and Luidia, to a somewhat looser arrangement in Solaster endeca and Cribrella. This arrangement is still further modified in Crossaster papposa and Pycnopodia, and leads to such spines as are found in Asterina and Palmipes, where the tufts consist of a smaller number of minute spines more uniformly scattered over the surface, thus forming an approach to the usual distribution of spines in Asteracan- thion. Finally we pass to genera where the spines are long and few in number, and do not, as in the genera of the Asteriade proper, perform the part of sieves. In place of the single row of large marginal plates along the abactinal eage of the arms, we find in Luidia~a series of much smaller plates, cor- responding in number, as on the actinal side, to the number of ambula- cral plates. There are sometimes four or five rows of such plates, form- ing regular longitudinal and transverse rows (Pl. XX. Fig. 3), followed towards the median band of the arm by more irregularly arranged plates. These plates form the base of prominent pillars, somewhat constricted in the centre, flaring at the extremity, surmounted at the tip by short spines or merely granules articulating in a shallow socket. These spines are so closely packed as to leave but very narrow passages between ad- joining rows (see Pl. XX. Fg. 1), generally mere slits edged by minute spines, so that longitudinal and transverse passages run _ the whole length of the arms for the passage of water, which must be all carefully sifted before it enters either through the passages protected by the fascioles or through those screened by the minute spines of the abac- tinal surface. The plates of the abactinal limestone networks are completely sol- dered (Pl. XX. Ivy. 6), leaving but few irregular rows of holes for the passage of the water-tubes to the abactinal side, where they are com- pletely sheltered under the floor formed by the minute spines of the abactinal surface of the arms. In no other genera of Starfishes do we find so great a simplicity in the structure of the plates of the actinal ring as in Astropecten and Luidia. Usually the ambulacral and interambulacral plates of the arms differ in no essential way except at the actinal ring formed in most Star- fishes by such a modification of the last joint as to make it somewhat difficult to trace the homology of all the parts. This last joint is extremely FASCIOLES OF STARFISHES. 119 simple in Astropecten, being but slightly modified and differing from the others mainly in length. Thus the homology I have attempted to trace between the jaws can there be seen in its simplest form (PI. XX. Figs. 4,5, 8). The plates of the extremity of the arms are soldered together when seen from above (Pl. XX. /%gs. 9-11), forming a prominent knob with a deep groove on the actinal side for the passage of the ambulacral tentacles. The spines of the actinal side increase slightly in length towards the outer edge of the arms, where there is found a prominent row of larger flattened spines fringing the edge of the arms. The actinal face of the jaw-plates is prominent and thickly studded with irregularly arranged minute spines, forming a marked feature at the actinal angle of the arms, between adjoining ambulacral rows (Pl. XX. Fig. 7). The madreporic body is often irregular in outline (Pl. XX. Fig. 12), and is frequently completely hidden by the surrounding spines of the abactinal surface. FASCIOLES OF STARFISHES. The description of the accompanying figures of Luidia and of Astro- pecten will explain the disposition of the minute spines of those genera which I have homologized with the fascioles of Echini. Jy. 12 repre- sents a transverse section of an arm of Astropecten, ad being the ambulacral, a7 the interambulacral, plate, with its spines p. Jp is the plate on the edge of ts the lower side of the arm, and /p’ the correspond- oe ing plate of the upper edge of the arm, ¢p being the small columnar plates surmounted by tufts of minute spines forming the close covering of the central part of the abactinal side of the arm. Tbe surfaces s of the upper and lower plates on the edge of the arm are the articulating surfaces which rise somewhat above the surrounding edge of the plate, leaving a flat space g” on the lower arm-plate, g’” on the upper arm-plate, and from g to g/ between these two plates, through which water from outside can circulate as in a groove all round the articulation, and thus find its way between the columnar plates of the abactinal surface of the arm. ‘The smail papilla which 120 FASCIOLES OF STARFISHES, cover these marginal plates, but more especially the minute spines LA crowded upon the surfaces of the grooves g, g’, g’, and gy” form an effective sieve, and in thus freeing the water from its impurities before it circu- lates through the channels between the abactinal plates, act exactly like the fascioles of Echini. Only in Starfishes we can much more readily see their great use in the economy of the animal, while their action in the Echini is much less efficient. In a profile view of a part of the edge of the arm of Astropecten (F%y. 13), the openings, left for the passage of the water, which are lined by these so-called fascioles are very plainly defined. 7p and /p’ are the lower and upper marginal plates, with the deep grooves g” between the lower plates and the furrows g’” be- tween the upper plates, these furrows being completely arched over by the minute spines.acting as meshes of a sieve. At the angle of the junction between the shallower horizontal grooves Fig. 13. and the deeper vertical grooves a prominent open- _ ing g is formed for the passage of the bulk of the ipsa shai is —_ admitted to ous — In Luidia tke a difference in the mateo of the fascioles is the greater number of openings through which the water is admitted to circulate between the columnar plates covering the abactinal surface and a part of the arms. In Fig. 14 we have a section of the arm of a Luidia, corresponding to Pig. Fig. 14. 12 of an Astropecten. The lettering is the same, only, there being a larger number of upper marginal plates, the passages between them (g, G,95,9 59) ave more numerous. The lower marginal plate alone is as prominent as in Astropecten. The articulation forms a continuous ring round the arm, broken by the columnar plates sur- mounted with their tufts of minute spines. These tufts are so thick as to form a uniform ‘shield almost solid and unbroken on the abactinal surface of the arms. Seen from below (Fig. 15), the deep groove g of the lower marginal plate edged with minute spines, the fascioles, is well shown. !9, lg, . - brachial plates of young Starfish. m, mouth. m’, pistol-shaped oral pouch of esophagus. m!', anal pouch of cesophagus. n, opening for passage of ambulacral sucker. 0, esophagus. Pp, spines on edge of ray of Starfish. P,, spines of exterior rows along abactinal surface of rays. Po) spines of middle row on abactinal surface of rays. Ps, central spine of abactinal surface of Starfish, on central plate (/,). Pz plate at junction of adjacent rays (ovarian plate). p', p", different forms of pedicellariz. r, abactinal surface. r', first set of five limestone rods which appear on abactinal surface, and which eventually become the brachial plates (/,). r'', second set of five interbrachial limestone rods, which eventually become the interbrachial plates (h). ril!—rll!, rays of young Starfish; rj’ being ray next to madreporic body, when Brachiolaria is seen from the dorsal side. stand s, actinal region. t, t, t, . . tentacles of the young Starfish. t’, odd tentacle. tv’, ambulacral tube. u, lateral ambulacral plates, surmounted by spine. u’, median ambulacral plates with very small spines. v, vibratile chord, anal part. v', vibratile chord, oral part. w, water-tube, developing abactinal area. w’, water-tube of Brachiolaria leading to madreporic opening (b), developing actinal area. w w', portion of water-tube of Brachiolaria formed by junction of w and w’. In all the figures of the Brachiolaria (Plates I.-IV.), the attitude which has been given to them is not a natural attitude. This has been done pur- posely, for the sake of making the comparison with the memoirs of Miiller easier. The only ficure of a Brachiolaria which is in its natural attitude is that of Pl. VIII. Fig. 8. The young Brachiolaria does not, however, move with the anal part below, till the latter is loaded down by the development of the Starfish, and we see them swimming about, before that time, almost in every possible attitude, 124 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Puates I., 11. Emsryotocy or ASTERACANTHION BERYLINUS Ag. Pl. I. Figs. 22-28, Pl. Il. Figs. 2-19, Seyphistoma stage ; Pl. II. Figs. 20-24, Tornaria stage; Pl. Il. Figs. 25-28, Brachina stage. PLATE i Fig. 1. A mature egg, surrounded by spermatic particles, soon after the artificial fecundation. The egg has assumed a spherical shape, and contains the germinative vesicle and dot. ‘There is no trace of any interval between the yolk and the outer envelope. Fig. 2. The germinative vesicle has disappeared, but the germinative dot remains. Fig. 3. The germinative dot is no longer visible; the yolk has contracted, and is separated by a slight space from the outer envelope. The egg has all the appearance of having already gone through the segmentation ; the whole yolk being made up of small spherical cells, resembling very minute spheres of segmentation, although the segmentation has not yet commenced. Two hours after fecundation. Fig. 4 shows the first trace of segmentation, consisting in a depression on one side of the yolk. Fig. 5. The yolk has become flattened on opposite poles; the Richtungsblischen are visible on one side of the yolk. ‘a Fig. 6 shows the yolk divided into two united ellipsoids, the whole yolk rotating slowly, always in one direction, from right to left. The Richtungsblischen are at one pole of the axis of segmentation. Fig. 7. The two segments of the yolk have entirely separated. The Richtungsblischen are likewise iso- lated at one pole of the axis of segmentation. Fig. 8. First trace of a further segmentation; one half of the yolk is partially divided. Fig. 9. The two yolk segments are about to separate into four. Fig. 10, The four yolk segments are all distinct, and almost transformed into regular spheres. Fig. 11, Different view of Fig. 10, showing the position of the segments. Fig. 12. The yolk about to separate into eight spheres. Fig. 13 shows eight spheres of segmentation, all of which are more or less spherical; the spheres are arranged in two clusters of four, on opposite sides of the envelope. Fig. 14. This view of the egg shows the tendency of the spheres of segmentation to arrange themselves on the circumference. Fig. 15. The yolk is divided into sixteen spheres. Fig. 16. ‘The shell of segmentation is composed of thirty-two spheres ; owing to the position from which the egg is viewed, only half the shell of segmentation is visible. Fig. 17. The thirty-two spheres are again subdivided. Fig. 18. The spheres of segmentation are still smaller than in the preceding figure. Fig. 19. These spheres have become so small, that the walls of the spherical shell formed by them can be readily distinguished Fig 20. The walls have become still more distinct in consequence of the close packing of the small spheres, which are now somewhat polygonal, owing to their pressure upon each other. Fig. 21 represents an egg ten hours after segmentation; the spheres are still more polygonal; the rotation of the yolk is quite rapid, and the embryo is ready to break through the outer membrane; the shell envelope is very distinct from the inner contents, and has a uniform thickness, Fig. 22. An embryo after its escape from the egg; the wall is no longer of the same thickness through- out, but has become very much thickened at one pole (a), while the spheres of segmentation are somewhat indistinct. Fig. 23. The embryo has been slightly flattened at the pole (a), where the wall is thickest; the planula, if we may so call it in its present condition, reached this stage at the end of about eleven hours. Fig. 24. The wall of the flattened pole has been pressed in so as to curve slightly inward (a). Fig. 25. The depression (a) has become much deeper, and the spheres of segmentation have entirely dis- appeared, twelve hours after fecundation. The depression at @ assumes here somewhat the aspect of a digestive cavity. Fig. 26. Seventeen hours after fecundation; the embryo has lost its spherical shape and has become somewhat pear-shaped ; a transverse section is still circular. The depression made by the thickened walls has increased in depth; the opening (a) performs the functions of a mouth and anus; d indi- cates the bottom of the digestive cavity. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 125 Fig. 27. Twenty hours after fecundation ; the depression has the appearance of a small pouch (/) hang- ing in a pear-shaped body with circular section, showing no deviation from the absolute radiate type ; the opening (a) still performing the double functions of mouth and anus. Currents of water circulate in this cavity, as they would in the digestive cavity of any Polyp or Acaleph in about the same stage of development. Fig. 28. Twenty-two hours after fecundation; the embryo has become somewhat more cylindrical, losing its pear-shaped form, but is still circular when seen ia a transverse section. The cavity (¢) has slightly expanded at the closed extremity, and is comparatively deeper and wider; the walls of the body are much reduced in thickness, except at the perforated region. The body is somewhat translu- cent, and slightly tinged with ochre color. The opening (a) still serves as a mouth, although, in more advanced stages, a second opening is formed, which is the true mouth, at which time the present mouth then becomes the anus. PLATE II. In Figs 1, 3, 9-17, the digestive cavity alone is represented. Fig. 1. The digestive cavity of Fig. 2, seen by itself from above, has expanded into a large reservoir at the extremity, the walls of which are quite thin. Fig. 2. The embryo of Fig. 1 seen in profile; the cavity is no longer in the axis, but is bent to one side. The larva has also lost its symmetrical outline, and the dorsal part of the perforated extremity projects somewhat beyond the opening of the present mouth (the future anus). Fig. 3. The digestive sac of a larva somewhat more advanced than Fig. 2, in which the present mouth (a) (the future anus) has been brought to the lower side. Fig. 4. The larva of Fig. 3 seen in profile; the pouch at the closed extremity of the bent digestive cavity is now nearer the lower side than in Fig. 2, having approached the slight depression (m) placed in the middle of the larva. Fig. 5. A larva somewhat more advanced, seen in profile, in which the pouch has actually come in con- tact with the wall of the lower side at m. The dorsal region of the perforated extremity projects still more beyond the opening of the present mouth (a) (the future anus) than in the preceding stage (Fig. 4). The digestive cavity is not yet divided into distinct regions. Fig. 6. The same larva as Fig. 5, seen from above, forty-two hours after fecundation; large epithelia- cells have appeared on the surface. Fig. 7. A somewhat more advanced larva, seen in profile; the digestive cavity is no longer a simple bent tube, as in Fig. 5; it is strongly contracted near the extremities, one of them projecting upwards (w). At the point of contact of the digestive cavity with the outer wall at m, a second opening has been formed, connecting by a short tube with the pouch of the digestive cavity. This second-formed open- ing (m) is the true mouth, while the first-formed opening (a) now becomes the anus, after having, up to this stage, performed the functions of mouth and anus; end of the second day. Fig. 8. The same larva as Fig. 7, seen from above, to show the position of the lobes (w, w’) formed on each side of the pouch of the digestive cavity (¢), which in Fig. 7 appear like projecting angles (vw). Fig. 9. Isolated digestive cavity of a more advanced larva, showing still more plainly the transverse con- tractions of the digestive cavity by which the esophagus (0), the stomach (d), and intestine (¢) are gradually formed, and also the greater projection of the earlets of the pouch, which have become quite elongated laterally ; the opening (0) in the centre is the tube leading to the mouth. Fig 10. The same as Fig. 9, seen in profile; the tube (0) now connects very freely with the mouth (m), formed in the depression, mentioned in Figs. 4, 5, and with the digestive cavity; the currents now change their course, and circulate in the opposite direction. While the larva was in the state repre- sented by Fig. 6, the currents of water enter at the mouth, the future anus (@), cireulate in the pouch (d), as well as in the earlets formed from the thickening of the wall, and then issued again from the same opening (a). Now the water enters through the mouth (m) (the last-formed opening), passes through the narrow conical tube (0) into the digestive cavity (d), communicating with the earlets (w, w’), and out through the anal opening (a), which was the first formed, and formerly performed the functions of mouth. Fig. 11. Isolated digestive cavity, seen in profile, showing the tube leading from the mouth (m) to the digestive cavity (d), and earlets (w, w’), more developed than in Fig. 10. Fig. 12. The same seen from above. Fig. 13. Oral end of an isolated digestive cavity, in which the earlets, formed by the pouch, are more 126 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. Fig. Fig. distinct from the digestive cavity than in any of the former stages. There is a slight constriction at their base of attachment, the first indication of their final separation from the alimentary canal. 14. Isolated digestive cavity seen endwise, to show the tube leading from the mouth to the digestive cavity, at right angles to the pouch of the earlets. g- 15. Isolated digestive cavity seen from above, in which the earlets (w, w’) (the future water-tubes) are so far differentiated as to be quite distinct from the digestive cavity. The walls of the earlets are exceedingly attenuated, and are scarcely connected with the main digestive cavity. g.16. The same as Fig. 15, seen from below, to show the position of the mouth and anus on the same side of the larva. g.17. Part of the same larva seen in profile: on account of the obliquity of the earlets, one of them (w’), as it increases in size more rapidly than the other, soon reaches the outer surface of the larva and opens into the surrounding medium by means of a small aperture (b). The walls of the tube (esophagus) leading from the mouth to the first swelling of the digestive cavity (d) (the stomach), and of that part of the tube leading from the stomach to the anus, have a very different thickness. They are sufficiently distinct in their character to enable us to distinguish readily three regions ; forty- eight hours after fecundation. ig. 18. The two small bodies (w, w’), the former earlets of younger stages formed from the pouch at the closed end of the digestive cavity (the problematic bodies of Miiller), have entirely separated from the digestive cavity from which they were formed; seen from above, the three divisions of stomach, intestine, and cesophagus are plainly marked out. g.19. The same larva in profile. g. 20. The same figure from below, shows the presence of short crescents of vibratile cilia (v, v’) placed in opposite directions near the mouth and anus; sixty-five hours after fecundation. g. 21. A somewhat more advanced larva, seen in profile; the anal crescent (v) of vibratile cilia is seen as a small wart between the mouth of the anus, the oral crescent (v’) projects beyond the general out- line. The division into esophagus (0), stomach (d), and intestine (c) is quite prominent. The stomach has a tendency to approach the anal dorsal extremity. g. 22. The same as Fig. 21, seen from below, to show the triangular shape of the mouth (m). The greater size of the problematic bodies (w, w’) (the water-tubes), which increase independently at an unequal rate, and also the position of the oral and anal vibratile crescents. . 23. The same larva seen in a profile, to show the position of the mouth in a strongly marked depres- sion; the great increase in size of the oral part of the cesophagus; the swelling out of the stomach, and the bending of the intestine back towards the mouth, so as to make a small angle with the trend of the stomach; at the end of the third day after fecundation. 24. Larva seen from above. The only difference in this stage from the preceding is in the greater increase of the vibratile crescents, forming two small plastrons, and of the water-tube. The intes- tine also bends so as to make almost a right angle with the stomach, which is pushed out further towards the anal extremity. g- 25. More advanced larva, seen from the left profile, in which the oral pouch has assumed its charaec- teristic pistol-shape. . The stomach and intestine make a sharp angle with each other, the latter being much longer than the stomach proper. In its present aspect it closely resembles a retort, the stomach being the receiver, the intestine the tube. The anal and oral vibratile crescents have greatly ex- tended, the one on the oral and the other on the dorsal side, to the extremity of the body. 26. The same as the preceding, seen from below; the oral plastron is quite large, projects beyond the sides of the body; slight indentations can already be traced in the anal plastron, indicating the position of the future arms (e’). The water-tubes have increased in length, and extend half-way from the base of the stomach to the oral plastron. g- 27. A larva six days after fecundation, seen from the right profile, the water-tubes extend beyond the opening of the mouth. The tube leading from the water-pore (b) (dorsal pore) to the water-tube (w’), is quite distinctly seen. g. 28. The same larva as Fig. 27, seen from below; the intestine, as in Fig. 26, is thrown to one side of the axis of the larva. The water-tubes extend also along the sides of the stomach towards the anal extremity; the sinuosity of the anal ciliary chord indicates the position of the future anus. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 127 Puates II.—VIII. Empryrotocy or AsTERACANTHION PALLIDUS Ay. POATE It. Owing to the transparency of these larve, it is not easy to ascertain whether they are seen with the mouth downwards or upwards, unless we ascertain the position of the madreporic body. In all these fig- ures, whenever the water-tube w’ is on the left of the figure, the mouth is turned upwards. Fig. 1. The youngest larva of this species, seen from the mouth side, corresponding to Pl. IL Fig. 20; a comparison of these two figures will show the great difference between the larve of these two species of Starfishes. In the former, the chords of vibratile cilia appear much earlier, and the oral plastron is well defined; while, in the other species, it is not before it has reached the condition of Pl. II. Fig. 26, that the oral plastron is as well developed. Figs 2-10. Brachina stage. Fig. 2. A larva seen from the left profile, corresponds to the stage of Pl. II. Fig. 27, of A. berylinus; with the exception of the size of the water-tubes, the larva of this species is much stouter, shorter, and the anal portion is the most prominent, while the larva of the A. berylinus is quite slender and elongated. Fig. 3. The same larva as Fig. 2, seen from the dorsal side. Fig. 4. A more advanced larva, seen from the dorsal side; the undulations of the ciliary chord indicate the future arms, the water-tubes extend beyond the mouth, and have already begun to bend towards each other. Fig. 5. The same larva seen from the left profile, to show the bent attitude frequently assumed by the larva when disturbed. Fig. 6. This larva, seen from the mouth side, is more developed than any raised by artificial fecundation from the eggs of A. berylinus. The water-tubes have greatly increased in diameter; they have united beyond the mouth, and extend on each side of the stomach so as almost to meet, but without uniting. The mere indentations of the previously figured larve correspond to accumulations of pigment cells, and to the thickening of the vibratile chord, accompanied by the formation of rudimentary lobes, which indicate plainly the position of the median arms (e’), the dorsal anal (e”), the ventral anal (e’”’), and dorsal oral arms (e¢’””). The greatest accumulation of pigment cells, and the thickening of the vibratile chord, is found at the rudimentary median arms (e’). The anal ventral pair of arms (e’”’) is especially well marked. Fig. 7. The preceding figure seen in profile, the mouth to the right, shows the great development which the oral position of the water-tube has taken; also the mode of formation of the oral ventral pair of arms (e*), as well as the first sign of the odd brachiolar appendage (/’”). Fig. 8. Larva seen from the dorsal side. The arms have increased greatly in size since the stage repre- sented in Fig. 6. The oral portion of the water-tube has become very pointed; it extends into the odd oral arm (€), which has also elongated, and stands out prominently beyond the oral plastron. Fig. 9. The same figure seen in profile, with the mouth downward. The vibratile chord is a deeply undulating line, following the edge of the arms, which extend beyond the general outline. The water-tube, it will be seen, forks also at the oral extremity; one branch extending into the odd arm (¢), the other toward the angle made by the base of this arm and the pair of oral ventral arms (e°). The great increase in size of this odd arm will be seen when compared to Fig. 7 of this plate. Fig. 10. Larva seen from the mouth side. Thus far the arms had altered but little the character of the outline of the larva. In this figure, however, some of them are sufficiently developed to be capable . of extensive motion. The median arms (e’) especially are far in advance of the others. All the anal arms develop so as to become more slender at first, and assume their true character sooner than the oral arms, which, during the early stages, are always more heavy, and take their final shape later than the anal arms. At the angle, where the oral ventral arms and the odd arm come together, at the base of the oral arms, slight swellings are formed (f), which are the first trace of the pair of brachi- olar arms (ff), the odd brachiolar arm being only seen in the profile view (Fig. 12, 7’), though it can be traced as a double outline of the odd arm (/”). We can already see a constriction in the water-tube as it passes into the odd arm, and from this (nearer the mouth) are sent off two small pouches (f’ f’), which enter into the brachiolar pair of arms (/). The first trace of the actinal area of the future Starfish is also plainly visible (¢) on the water-tube (w’), on the left of this figure. 128 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. a Fig. 11. A more advanced larva than Fig. 10, seen from the mouth side, in which the oral arms have assumed all the characters of the anal appendages. The brachiolar arms are quite well developed ; the intestine and the stomach are slightly crowded to one side by the greater increase of the actinal area (t) of the Starfish; the ambulacral pentagon of the future Starfish is still more marked (¢) than in previous stages. Brachiolaria stage. Fig. 12. The same as Fig. 10 seen in profile, with the mouth downwards. PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Seen from the mouth side. A larva with its arms fully developed and in full activity; no fur- ther changes take place in the general aspect of the larva, with the exception of those of the anal part where the Starfish is developing, and those of the brachiolar arms. All the arms are nearly equally advanced, with the exception of the median arms (e’), which still retain their greater size. The odd terminal arm (¢*) has also greatly increased in length, as well as the brachiolar arms (ff), which are capable of motion, and into which the branches of the water-tubes can easily be traced. Brachiolaria stage. Fig. 2. The same larva, seen from above, on a somewhat smaller scale, shows in what way the stomach and the intestine have been pushed to one side, by the great development of the actinal part of the Starfish, on the right of the figure (s 4). The shape of the mouth (m) is particularly well seen, in a dorsal view, at this stage of growth, Fig. 3. The same larva on a different scale, seen endways, from the oral end, to show the connection between the pair of brachiolar arms (ff) and the oral ventral pair (¢°), as well as the position of the odd brachiolar arm (f”) at the base of the odd terminal arm (e’*). Fig. 4. An adult larva seen from the right, actinal profile ; the arms are in the position which they take when moving rapidly, arched towards the median arms, the brachiolar arms alone being curved in the opposite direction from the others, Here the crescent-shaped ambulacral pentagon, as well as the lobed pentagonal outline of the abactinal area are plainly seen. Fig. 5. A magnified profile view of the brachiolar arms. Fig. 6. The brachiolar arms seen from the ventral side of the larva, to show the position of the single disk and of the double row of disks at the base and on each side of the odd brachiolar arm, somewhat less magnified than Fig. 5. Fig. 7. ‘The anal part of the larva soon after the shrinking of the arms has begun. The whole of the terminal anal part of the larva has gradually been absorbed, so that the disk of the Starfish occupies the whole of the space between the median arms, seen from the ventral side; the oral extremity of the Brachiolaria is unchanged and not represented. Fig. 8. The shrinking has gone so far that the whole of the anal part has been affected, and the oral ex- tremity alone, with the brachiolar and the terminal arms, retain their original shape and proportions. Fig. 9. A different view of the anal part of a larva from that of Fig. 7; in a slightly more advanced condition than that of the preceding figure, showing the great height of the abactinal region of the young Starfish ; the oral extremity of the Brachiolaria is omitted, as it remains almost unchanged. F LAA ey DEVELOPMENT OF THE STARFISH PROPER. The Figures on this Plate show the gradual development of the actinal and abactinal regions of the Star- fish, and the figures represent simply the anal part of the Brachiolaria, which is alone affected during this development. Figs. 1-7 correspond to a Brachiolaria, having reached a state about as advanced as that of PI. III. Fig. 10. Fig. 8 is a Starfish developed on the Brachiolaria of Pl. IV. Fig. 11; while Figs. 9-14 are stages of development which are only found on Brachiolarie having their full complement of arms, and in which, except these changes of the Starfish, but slight modifications take place. Figs. 1, 2, 10, 12, represent that profile of the anal part of the Brachiolaria, in successively more advanced stages, which shows the water-tube upon which is developed the actinal area. Figs. 3, 5, 11, represent the opposite profiles of the anal extremity of the Brachiolaria, showing the water- tube, upon which is developed the abactinal area. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 129 Figs. 4, 14, represent the ventral side of the anal extremity of the Brachiolaria, showing the extremities of the actinal and abactinal areas of the Starfish. Figs. 6-9, 13, represent the dorsal side of the anal extremity of the Brachiolaria, in the successive stages of growth of the young Starfish, showing the opposite extremities of the actinal and abactinal areas of the Starfish. Owing to the partial transparency of the Brachiolaria, either the actinal or the abactinal area is always projected upon the other, when the larva is seen in profi’e. In the dorsal or ventral views, the angle made by the actinal and abactinal areas becomes visible. Fig. 1. Actinal profile of the anal part of the water-tube (w’) of the Brachiolaria, previous to the appear- ance of the pentagon of lobes. In stage of Pl. III. Fig. 7. Fig. 2. Somewhat more advanced actinal profile, showing the ambulacral pentagon, as well as the posi- tion of the five rods of limestone, opposite the angles of the actinal pentagon, seen through the thick- ness of the larva on the surface of the other water-tube (w). In Stage of Pl. IIL Fig. 8. Fig. 3. The same larva seen from the opposite profile, to show the abactinal area; small Y-shaped rods have appeared at the extremities of the simple rods. Fig. 4. The same larva seen from the ventral side of the Brachiolaria, to show the relative position of the pentagons of the two areas; only two of the rods of the abactinal side are seen, while the edges of three of the actinal folds () can be perceived, one above the other, on the foot-like projection formed by the folding of the water-tube w’. Fig. 5. A more advanced Starfish, in stage of Pl, III. Fig. 10, from the “abactinal profile ; the Y-shaped appendages of the original rods have increased in number; smaller independent Y-shaped rods have made their appearance in the intervals between the larger ones, in the spaces corresponding to the middle of the pentagon of the actinal side. The angles of the actinal pentagon are formed of a double fold, the sides of which are concave; the stomach is almost concealed by the great accumulation of limestone granules on the abactinal area. Fig. 6. The anal part of a larva from the dorsal side, to show the apparent dividing into elliptical com- partments of the water-tubes (w, w’), made by folding and the bending of the extremities of these tubes (Pl. II. Fig. 10). Fig. 7. The same larva from the dorsal side, to show the manner in which the first fold (#) is made on the exterior surface of the water-tube (w!), and the greater size of the right water-tube extending over the digestive cavity to the madreporic opening (6). Fig. 8. A Starfish from the dorsal side of the Brachiolaria (PI. III. Fig. 11) ; shows the lobes formed by the two arms which are in view, with the large cluster of rods in the centre of the lobe, and the small cluster in the space opposite the angle of two lobes. Fig. 9. The same view of a more advanced embryo, somewhat older than Pl. IV. Figs. 1, 2; the lobes of the arms have become indented, the arms themselves are separated by a deep cut, the Y-rods extend so as to form almost a continuous network over the whole abactinal area. The actinal pentagon has assumed the shape of prominent loops projecting beyond the foot-like, oblique fold of the water-tube. Fig. 10. The same embryo, seen from the actinal profile; the tentacular loops stand out independently from the surface of the water-tube; the stomach and nearly the whole length of the intestine are enclosed by the abactinal area. Fig. 11. Seen from the abactinal profile in stage of Pl. VII. Fig. 8; tubercles have formed upon the sur- face, the Y-shaped rods extend into them, the lobes of the edge of the disk are deeper, the second set of clusters of limestone cells have greatly increased. Fig. 12. The same embryo from the opposite profile ; the inner tentacular folds have become tipped with a triangular point. ‘The thickness of the abactinal surface prevents the network of cells on the edge of the arms from being seen. Fig. 13. A view of the embryo from the dorsal side of the Brachiolaria; the madreporic body (8), the opening of the water-pore, is placed at the edge of the upper arm (r,/’’), the tubercles on the edge of the arms are well shown by the great accumulation of small Y-shaped rods. Fig. 14. The same from the ventral side of the Brachiolaria (Pl. VIL. Fig. 8). This figure shows, per- . haps better than any other, the relative position of the extremity of the two pentagonal warped sur- faces. The rough outline of the Starfish is due to the manner in which the tubercles of the abactinal surface project above. The Starfish in this condition is at the point of resorbing the larva, and of closing the actinal and abactinal areas. 130 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Pris Te “Ts THE YOUNG STARFISH AFTER THE BRACHIOLARIA HAS BEEN RESORBED. 1. A young Starfish, seen from the actinal side; the anal and oral clusters of arms of the Brachio- laria appear like small knobs, placed on opposite sides of the new mouth. The future rays are mere lobes, and are not symmetrical. 2. The same embryo, seen from the abactinal side, to show the arrangement of the network of lime- stone meshes. 3. A more advanced embryo, in which all traces of the appendages of the larva have entirely disappeared. Lach side of the pentagon of suckers is a rosette made up of seven loops; the limestone particles are deposited so as to project at the angle of the arms between these loops. The mouth is movable, the pentagon is not closed, and the Starfish is not yet symmetrical ; the shape of the different rays is not identical. - 4. The same embryo, seen from the abactinal side, showing the arrangement of the successively formed rows of rounded spines and of the plates. The two ends of the open pentagon have approached nearer than in Figs. 1, 2; the outline is not yet regular. 5. Magnified view of one of the ambulacral tubes, with its rudimentary tentacles. . 6. The young Starfish, in which the two pentagons have almost closed, and been brought into parallel planes. There has been a great increase in the size of the cut between adjoining rays; the spines also have grown longer and more pointed; the limestone points of the angle of the rays have advanced nearer the centre. The Starfish is not quite symmetrical, nor are the arms exactly - alike. 7. The same embryo, from the actinal side, shows the great increase of the ambulacral system, the tentacles being distinct pouches on each side of the main tube. The basal tentacles of one system are much further apart than all the others, and this is the last indication that the ambulacral pentagon is not closed. 8. A more magnified view of the actinal side, when the ambulacral pentagon is entirely closed, and the Starfish has become symmetrical, and all the basal suckers are equally distant. 9. The ambulacral system of one arm, when confined by the circle of limestone which has been formed round each ambulacral system; the first two pairs of tentacles begin to develop disks; they become club-shapel; the three terminal tentacles are still closely connected, and show no sign of any disk. g- 10. An abactinal view of one ray and the centre of a young Starfish, in which the spines project far beyond the edge of the disk. The arm-plates and the interradial plates have be- come connected by a nariow bridge. The limestone rods are so much thickened by additional deposits, that they form elliptical cells which have entirely lost the polygonal character of the younger stages. g. 11. One arm and a portion of the centre, from the abactinal side of the most advanced of the young Starfishes which have been raised by artificial fecundation. The spines are very prominent, long, somewhat spreading, and becoming even fan-shaped. The limestone cells are gradually assuming the character of the limestone cells of the adult, small cells within larger ones ; the cut between the rays is very deep, 12. The same young Starfish as Fig. 11, seen from the actinal side; the three pairs of tentacles have suckers; the deposit of limestone of the actinal area having the same cellular structure as that of the abactinal area, though formed by the increase of small cells instead of rods. This Starfish also shows the position of the madreporic body, immediately on the edge of the disk of the lower side; the eye is very prominent at the base of the odd terminal tentacle. The young Starfish (Figs. 11, 12) is about four months old. PLATE VII. 1. Two rays and the centre of the Starfish (Pl. VI. Fig. 10), seen from the actinal side. All the tentacles are encased separately by the limestone deposit of the actinal region. The ten- tacles have grown so long that they extend beyond the edge of the arm. The pair of terminal tentacles has, as yet, increased but little in comparison to the other pairs. The odd terminal tentacle has, at its base, a bright carmine spot, the eye, which appears about this time. The EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 131 mouth, limited by the limestone deposit, takes the shape of a pentagonal opening; the ambulacral tube is concealed. Fig. 2. The same Starfish as Pl. VI. Fig. 11, seen in profile, to show the great development of the abac- tinal area, and the Echinus-like arrangement of the spines in the young Starfish. ‘The odd tentacle is seen turned up, between two of the spines, with the eye at its base. Figs. 3-5. Spines of the young Starfish in different stages of growth. Fig. 6. An enlarged view of the terminal tentacle, to show che position of the eye at the base of the odd tentacle. Fig. 7, An enlarged view of the meshwork of limestone cells, to show the mode of formation of additional cells, by means of Y-shaped rods. Fig. 8. A greatly magnified figure of a full-grown Brachiolaria in its natural attitude, at rest, with the Starfish almost ready to resorb the larva; the obliquity of the planes, in which the actinal and abac- tinal pentagons are situated, is especially well seen in the pointed anal extremity of this Brachiolaria. No letters have been added to this figure, as the different parts can readily be distinguished by com- paring it with Pl. IV. Figs. 1, 2, 4. PLATE Vitt. Fig. 1. Young Asteracanthion about one year old, seen from the abactinal side. Figs. 2-4. Magnified views of spines (p), and of rudimentary pedicellariz (p’, p’’). Fig. 5. Odd terminal tentacle of a Starfish in the stage of Pl. VIII. Fig. 10, at the extremity of the arm with the eye-speck (e). _ Fig. 6. One of the abactinal water-tubes (d’) at the angle of the rays. Fig. 7. One of the abactinal water-tubes (d/') along the edge of the rays. Fig. 8. Abactinal view of the arm of a young Starfish, probably two years old. Fig. 9. Actinal view of an arm of a young Starfish in its third year. Fig. 10. Abactinal view of a young Starfish, in which the rudimentary pedicellarie have made their appearance, also having median and lateral lines of abactinal water-tubes along the arm. Probably three years old. PLAT B. Dk ASTERACANTHION BERYLINUS. Fig. 1. Living specimen, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 2. Living specimen, seen from the abactinal side. Fig. 3. Preparation showing the calcareous network, abactinal side. Fig. 4. Abactinal calcareous network seen from the interior. Fig. 5. Preparation showing the connection of the solid parts, seen from the actinal side. (ai) Interambulacral plates, with two rows of pores at base. (a’) Ambulacral plates, showing the alternating arrangement of the ambulacral pores penetrat- ing between the ambulacral plates. (a) Base of interbrachial partition. (c) Ambulacral groove. (1) Lateral imbricating pieces forming the calcareous network of the abactinal surface. Fig. 6. The same, seen from the interior. Lettering as in Fig. 5. (c) Dorsal groove of ambulacral system. (ip) Interradial partition formed by soldering of the imbricating pieces attached to the interam- bulacral plates. Fig. 7. Longitudinal section of preparation of arm, to show the formation of the interradial partition by the soldering of the imbricating lateral pieces of the interambulacral plates. All Figures natural size. The color of this species, as of all the species of the genus Asterias, varies greatly; it ranges from dark chocolate (on the abactinal side) to light violet. The actinal side is of a much paler shade of the same color. The general tint of the abactinal side depends also greatly upon the state of expansion of the water-tubes and the development of the light-colored pedicellariz clustered around the spines. Ee EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE X. T-cHINASTER SENTUS. Fig. 1. Living specimen seen from actinal side. Fig. 1/. Portion of arm of Fig. 1, somewhat more magnified. Fig. 2. Same from the abactinal side. Fig. 2/. Water-tubes of part of abactinal surface. Fig. 2”. Madreporic body. Fig. 3. Caleareous network of abactinal side. Fig. 4. Internal view of abactinal surface. Fig. 5. Calcareous network of actinal side (same as Fig. 3). Fig. 6. Inner view of actinal calcareous network. All Figures natural size, except Figs. 1’, 2/, 2’, which are somewhat enlarged. The color of this species varies from a dark reddish-brown to a pale violet, sometimes more or less yellowish-brown or purple. The water-tubes are light pink or violet. PLATE -X1. ASTERIAS OCHRACEA. Fig. 1. Single arm and disk, seen from the abactinal side. Fig. 2, Single arm, seen from the abactinal side, with the spines of the limestone network removed. Fig. 3. Interior view of limestone network. Fig. 4. Actinal view of the disk and arm, to show the narrow ambulacral plates, the marginal interam- bulaeral plates, and the adjoining actinal limestone network. Fig. 5. Inner view of the same, showing the huge spaces left between the pillars forming the marginal support of the limestone work adjoining the interambulacral plates. Fig. 6. Portion of half of the arm, to show the arrangement of the ambulacral and interambulacral plates, seen from the actinal side near the base of the arm-plates forming the median groove on top. Fig. 7. Profile view of a similar portion of the arm (as Fig. 6) toward the central part of the arm, seen from the interior of the arm. All Figures natural size, except Figs. 6 and 7, which are somewhat magnified. This is often a very brilliantly colored species. Brandt has separated as species the extreme variations in color. The most common coloring is a dark orange, passing in some specimens to an almost pure yellow, or in the other direction to a rich chocolate color, We find also frequently violet as the prevailing tint. The ridges, on the abactinal network, are invariably of a lighter tint than the ground-color. PLATE XII. CROSSASTER PAPPOSUS. Fig. 1. Seen from the actinal side, with the spines of the interbrachial surface, and of the lower surface of the arms. (The abactinal surface has been removed.) Fig. 2. Seen from the actinal side, with the spines removed to show the structure of the plates carrying the spines along the edge of the arms, round-the actinostome, and of the limestone plates strengthen- ing the interbrachial membrane; the limestone network of the inner surface of the abactinal surface is seen through the opening of the actinostome. Fig. 3. Fig. 1, seen from the interior (from the abactinal side), showing the portion of the membrane ex- tending as a division wall between arms, and forming the support as well as the connection between the actinal and abactinal surfaces; this membrane is often a mere film strengthened with limestone plates only at its outer and inner extremities, where it connects by more numerous and stronger plates the two surfaces of the interbrachial space. The plates near the actinostome are frequently drawn out into a long comma-shaped support on the abactinal part of the connecting membrane. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 503 Fig. 4. Same as Fig. 2, seen from the abactinal side, to show the network of the abactinal surface and the projecting knobs forming the support of the clusters of spines of that surface. Fig. 5. Longitudinal section through the median line, seen in profile. Ali figures natural size. The coloring of this species is of all shades, between a brilliant red and a light orange or a dark violet. PLATE XIII. PYCNOPODIA HELIANTHOIDES. Fig. 1. Portion of disk, seen from abactinal side, with papilla fully expanded (from life). Fig. 2. Same as Fig. 1, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 3. Actinal view of central part of the disk, showing the connection of the arms around the central opening. Fig. 4. Limestone network of part of the abactinal membrane, with the pillar separating adjoining arms seen from the interior. Fig. 5. Profile view of the extremity of one arm. Fig. 6. Interior view of the arm; the abactinal membrane is removed, showing the mode of connection of g. adjoining arms at actinostome, ambulacral vesicles all removed. Fig. 7. Same as Fig. 6; seen from below, the soft parts all being removed. ig. 8. Profile view of Fig. 6. F Fig. 9. Section across Fig. 6, Fig. 10, 10’. Profile views of two of the large spines of the abactinal surface. Fig. 10/,10"’. The same spines, 10, 10", seen from above. Figs. 1-5 are natural size; all others slightly enlarged. The color of the abactinal surface varies greatly in this species, from a brilliant carmine to yellow, violet, or bright vermilion, with the intermediate shades of orange. PLATE XIV. Linckia GUILDINGII. Fig. 1. Seen from above. Fig. 1’. Enlarged tip of one of the arms. Fig. 2. Fig. 1, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 2’. Magnified portion of arm of Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Preparation of actinal side, showing the limestone plates after the granulation is removed. Fig. 31. Magnified view of opening of actinostome of Fig. 2. Fig. 4. Preparation of abactinal surface, showing the limestone plates of that surface. Fig. 4’. Enlarged view of madreporic body. Fig. 5. Interior view of abactinal surface of one of the arms, showing the small openings left between the nearly united plates. ? Fig. 6. Section across one of the arms, to show the depth of the ambulacral furrow, with its single line of ambulacral pores. Linckia is generally of an ashy-violet color, with darker spots scattered over the abactinal surface of the arms. ASTERINA FOLIUM Liith. Fig. 7. Actinal view prepared to show the plates of that surface. Fig. 7/. Enlarged view of plates, forming edge of actinal cpening, in Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Somewhat enlarged view, natural attitude, with suckers expanded. Fig. 8’. Enlarged view of arm, showing ocular tentacle, at base of pointed terminal ambulaeral tube. Fig. 9. Water-tubes of abactinal surface somewhat enlarged. _ Figs. 1-7, natural size; others somewhat enlareed. oO ? ’ > The abactinal surface of Asterina is of a pea-green color. The actinal surface is more yellowish. Specimens frequently occur of a yellow color on both sides, 134 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XV. ASTEROPSIS IMBRICATA. Fig. 1. Seen from above; in two of the arms the water-tubes of the abactinal surface are represented as fully expanded, while they are drawn in on the others. Fig. 1’. Actinostome with the tentacles drawn in, taken from life; the plates, except the marginal ones, are all imbedded and hidden in the membrane of the actinal surface. Fig. 2. Preparation showing the irregular limestone plates and needles of the abactinal surface. Fig. 3. Portion of abactinal surface; seen from the interior, showing the original reticulation, which is lost in the exterior view from the abactinal side. Fig. 4. Fig. 2, seen from the actinal side, to show the arrangement of the limestone plates. Fic. 5, Interior view of the actinal floor, showing the broad ambulacral groove, the connection of the ambulacral plates round the actinostome, and the position of the pillars connecting the actinal and abactinal surfaces. Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5, seen in profile, to show the interbrachial arches and the great height of the am- bulacral plates. Fig. 7. Section across the arm near the tip; the ambulacral plates almost touch the abactinal surfaces. All figures are natural sizes. On the actinal side Asteropsis is of a brownish color, with yellow edge along the ambulacral furrows. The abactinal surface is most brilliantly colored with large patches, irregularly arranged, of vermilion, bright green, blue, yellow, with prominent carmine spots enclosing the areas for the passage of the water-tubes. PLATE: 294° PENTACEROS RETICULATUS. Fig. 1. Arm and portion of the disk with water-tubes fully expanded and ambulacral tubes extending | beyond the edge of the arms near the tip, seen from the abactinal side. Fig. 2. Same as Fig. 1, seen from the actinal side, the two rows of tentacles drawn in and ambulacral furrow almost closed near the face. Fig. 3. Actinostome natural size, with the ambulacral tentacles at base of furrow fully expanded. Fig. 4. Actinal view of the lower surface, showing the limestone plates of the margin of furrow sup- porting the papille, and the plates covered by the granulation of Fig. 2. Fig. 5. Interior view showing the ambulacral system, the connection of the ambulacral plates round the actinostome, the thick abactinal surface with the nearly solid interbrachial limestone arches. Fig. 6. Central portion of the abactinal surface of the disk, natural size, showing the massive reticulation of the surface. Fig. 7. Section through the centre of the ambulacral system, seen in profile, with the interambrachial arches. Figs. 3 and 6 somewhat enlarged ; others, natural size. The general coloring of this species is yellowish or pinkish brown, sometimes bright carmine. The ridges separating the spaces for the passage of the water-tubes are a darker shade of the general color. On the actinal edge the plates are of a darker brown color, while the actinal surface itself is faintly colored gray. PLATE 279i SOLASTER ENDECA. Fig. 1. Limestone network of the abactinal surface. Fig. 2. Dried specimen, with spines bordering the ambulacral furrows and covering the actinal surface. Fig. 3. Interior view of the actinal floor, showing the narrow furrow of the ambulacral system, its con- nection round the actinostome, the absence of a prominent interbrachial arch separating the central arm-spaces, >. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 135 er q ig. 4. Same as Fig. 2, only denuded of spines to show the plates of the actinal surface supporting them. Fig. 5. Longitudinal section through the median line of the ambulacral furrow, All Figures natural size. This species is generally, on the abactinal side, a dirty orange yellow, passing into red; more yellowish and lighter in shade on the actinal surface. PLATE 724-3 EE. CRIBRELLA SANGUINOLENTA. Fig. 1. Seen from the abactinal side, to show the minute spines covering the whole disk and arms. Fig. 2. Fig. 1, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 3. Enlarged view of spines round the actinostome and base of the arms. Fig. 4. Actinal view; specimen denuded of its spines to show the close system of limestone plates form- ing the actinal surface. Fig. 5. Interior view of the abactinal surface, showing its close reticulation. Fig. 6. Longitudinal section across the central line of the ambulacral furrow, somewhat enlarged. Fig. 7. Interior view of the ambulacral system of one of the arms and its central connection, somewhat enlarged. Figures 3, 6, 7 are somewhat enlarged ; all others, natural size. This species varies in color from brilliant orange-yellow to dark purple or dull violet. PLATE. 3.12. ASTROPECTEN ARTICULATUS. 1. Dried specimen, from the abactinal side. Fig. 2. Fig. 1, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 3. Abactinal view of denuded specimen, Fig. 4. Actinal view of denuded specimen. Fig. 5. Interior view of actinal floor, showing ambulacral system, the interbrachial arches, the connection of ambulacra round the actinostome. g. 6. Interior view of the abactinal surface. Fig. 7. Actinal region of specimen somewhat larger than Fig. 4. ig. 8. Longitudinal section through arm, showing the great thickness of the marginal plates. All Figures are natural size. The marginal plates are of a light brown color with darker edges; the abactinal surface of nearly the same shade, some- what lighter than the plates. The color is sometimes arranged in darker rectangular patches along the edge of the arms on the abactinal side, The marginal plates are also bright yellow, enclosing a violet abactinal surface. PLATE XX. LUIDIA CLATHRATA, 1, Abactinal view from life. 2, Same, seen from the actinal side, showing the two rows of pointed tentacles, Fig. 3. Same view as Fig. 1, denuded specimen. 4. Preparation showing the plates of the actinal surface. 5. Interior view of actinal floor, showing ambulacral system and mode of connection round actinal opening. Fig. 6. Interior view of abactinal surface. Fig. 7. Actinal view of central part of disk, with tentacles contracted, showing the spines along the edge of ambulacral furrows and at their junction. Fig. 8. Longitudinal section of arm. Was - = J ’ ae rs aay aed a te ee caf , im a? Ay * = iv : toot ne Ki. br ay ? Pe 4 - {¥- we af Fe rw a ve, 2 gt 136 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. a Fig. 9. Terminal knob of arm seen from above. &i a Fig. 10. A terminal knob, seen from the actinal side. Fig. 11. The same, seen from the end. “= Fig. 12. Madreporic body. All Figures natural size, with the exception of Figs. 9-12, which are somewhat enlarged. i ia The coloring of this species is quite dull; it has a grayish hue, with large square patches of brown arranged along the i margin of the arms, The color of the abactinal surface is frequently in lines, one in central part of the arms, the others ~ 1a along their margin. The ambulacral tentacles are yellow. 1 it "aa » g ry s 3 - a sa * . 4 - * ERRATA. On page 6, 13th line from bottom for Bliitschli read Biitschli pace th “ . for pallidus read berylinus Se Pilg 7th “ cee: for r, read 7," - 8th “ ~ for r,’ read r,’” oe Sth“ for or the read for the — 61,12th “ from top for furrows read four rows “« 74, 9th « ‘“ for Zeitscrif. read Zeitschrift <¢110; 18th. “ a for analogous read an analogous eS 2 “ for when read where DS eta q - — E Burrill, on stone oe A ASTERACANTHION BERYLINUS As z Cena it iy Pe : ’ P rT - ie | ee fs ay sy r 1 ’ \ iy ‘ ‘ ' J stone ,on f Burrill stone | D A Agaesiz and Burri}} ) from nature ASTER RACANTHIO N BERYLINUS Ag Settee 4, “< Zz Mabbbaabealibii ts siisercrrerrrir rr Tae < y A Masel A Agassiz ana Burkhardt from nat AMERICAN STARFISHES é 4 ‘TH Nor Hy’ « Wt H 94 r | La ” ” un ‘ SAOLMEL EARLS © hike i" a — Ete * a » > hae 6 Ste 2-3 Ne ec ee MT ae YU Burrill on s tone Print by A Meise = Burril! from nature al AUUITIP ET TIF FHV PD. y PIII ee yy oy CLAaee = iF Sz oe Wy % ¥ \ LT Ways FITZ | IIDo, DD apres ets PD, CROSSASTER PAPPOSUS MT Pea AUT UNNN "OR IITTS ore A Mese! a Cte 990. 99;0 a RON Fe) Zo5. 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Gate ae eee ior s a Ay : a - : aoe, a ee a i ee Ry se etd * aie a ere rae) ew <7 ” i? - SO Uae eee a aS | ae Ieee, | “ ge y+ —_ — ' 4 - 7 7 _ mae ee ae A, te es y & Ay fai ae we ee [> kr Ler & Aa aan = Beep: —— RA? y a2 “5 : ete ele ha an ae bet ol Sis = , J ‘ - ae ’ P - ’ 7 ; “s a «ee can : We i ke +" 9& ; twp 4 .: ale ' s . Y 4 ~~ 4 aa * “s >, ' a 7 ths Ute oe eo we (ee ~ yo wa > , “to fy > ng ; . ¥ c *'. of a” s ‘? am ¥ 4 ~ . 4 y . : Cm | iy 2 * r Wis nm & e-> . ‘ .., a? - ~ Ps . ee hy, ; ‘ 7 ee Ha" si - ¢ 41 ’ a4 f - F airs 5 by , ‘eh, 7 > ’ * ; . - e ; ¥4 » "4 - i 44> ~ = . ¢ ~~ a J , - - a ~ z tay nee y i.e i he 7 > 7 \Ss ws , - _— sa ad = if iv . =” 2 . te": ? ye Pa - 7 . i : 4 * - _ . a aS a = ca es - = a ~ a r _ . . : i ~~ >? 's } _ 7 . ”™ a . i] NortTH AMERICAN STARFISHES RAARARNUSNAT m>P>PA>PD>D> > DD ts ting ELLE trent PePATEACUY Print by A Meisel * Burrill from nat on stone. SOLASTER ENDECA Forbes : sean "8868. ae A a oe eee Burrill irom nature A Agassiz and a Ca me e~ NorRTH AMERICAN STARFISHES alae’ Sn eel See ere RS HVS = 3 Tes we raFIVTTOTTT Pre e) oa PT — ’ creo ~ PREP IY va wales Cbdbdbddbddbddddecses if 4, WOO 44 WElipis Burrill on stone ASTROPECTEN ARTICULATUS M.T “a 4 —- ; LY TY TY . 4 Mded Sebisbldas,, Tea te tise Pv eeesetsss antsnassiscsninh armmiaararrde SLAY ads Gsepe) PTI ture A Agassiz and Burrill from na 7 Atlemoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vou. V. No. 2. REPORT ON THE ey ROLD A COLLECTED DURING THE EXPLORATION OF THE GULF STREAM BY L. F. De POURTALES, ASSISTANT UNITED STATES COAST SURVEY. (PUBLISHED BY PERMISSION OF PROFESSOR BENJAMIN PerIRce, SUPERINTENDENT U. S. Coast Survey] BY GEO. J. ALLMAN, M.D,, LL.D., F.R.S., M.R.LA, Cor.M.Z.S.L, F.R.C.S.L, PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL DANISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, EMERITUS REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, ETC, WITH THIRTY-FOUR PLATES. CAMBRIDGE: WELCH, BIGELOW, AND COMPANY, Gniversity Bress. 1877. INTRODUCTORY, THE collections of Hydroids obtained by Mr. de Pourtalés during the ex- ploration of the Gulf Stream between Florida and Cuba, while assistant of the Coast Survey, were sent to me by Mr. Alexander Agassiz for deter- mination. The collection, which had been put up in spirits and is, for the most part, in an excellent state of preservation, proves to be a very large one, and to contain a great number of undescribed species. The determi- nation of the specimens, and the drawing and description of the new species, have occupied more time than I had anticipated, and with the pressure of other avocations have caused more delay than I could have wished in the publication of the results. All the enlarged drawings and details of structure have been carefully made by myself, while most of the drawings representing the natural size of the hydroid, as well as the completion of some of my sketches and the drawing of the whole on stone, have been executed by Mr. Hollick; and I must here bear testimony to the truthfulness of his work and the almost photographic actuality with which he has reproduced the natural form of the specimen. One of the most striking features of the collection consists in the large number of undescribed species, and the small percentage which can, with probability, be referred to forms known to exist on the European side of the Atlantic. Leaving out of consideration a few specimens whose characters, in con- sequence of their imperfect preservation, could not be ascertained, the collection consists of seventy-one species. Sixty-four are here figured and described for the first time, and none of these have as yet been known to occur beyond the area to which the exploration was confined. There thus remain only seven species which, so far as their identification is possible, 9 INTRODUCTORY. are already known as European forms. These are Félellum immersum, Hale- cium muricatum, Sertularella polyzonias, Sertularella Gayi, Antennularia ramosa, Plumularia catharina, and probably Tubularia indivisa, whose identification is, in consequence of the absence of all the soft parts, less certain than in the others. : One of the specimens here described, Halecium capillaris Pourtalés, has been already examined and named (7'hoa capillaris) by Mr. de Pourtalés in No. 6, Bull. M. C. Z., Vol. I. Mr. de Pourtalés has also described Tubularia crims, but this has not been received by me in a condition sufficiently perfect to admit of further examination. The Gymnoblastic genera sufficiently well preserved for satisfactory de- termination consist of nine species, all new and referable to two genera, Eudendrium and Bimeria. Species of Tubularia would also seem to exist in the collection, and one of these, as just said, is probably the Zwubularia indivisa of the European seas; but as in none of the specimens of apparent Tubularia does anything remain beyond the tubular perisarc, the characters needed for a reliable determination are entirely wanting. Several of the specimens referred to Eudendrium have, on the contrary, their soft parts well preserved, and leave no doubt of the correctness of this determination; while others may, with a provisional reservation, be referred without much hesitation to the same genus. In the little hydroid referred to Bimeria the soft parts are well preserved both in the tropho- some and the gonosome. Of species referable to Calyptoblastic genera fifty-six are here described and figured. Of these, fifty-five are now recorded for the first time, while I have figured one form which occurs also on the eastern side of the At- lantic, and has been elsewhere* described by myself as a variety of Sertu- lurella Gayt. Of the fifty-five new Calyptoblastic species forty-five belong to the Ser- tularine and ten to the Campanularine. The collection is especially rich in the Plumularide ; no less than twenty- eight out of the seventy-one determinable species belong to this beautiful family. Of these, twenty-six species are now described for the first time, the remaining two, so far as it is possible to determine specimens in which no gonosome is present, are identical with the An‘ennularia ramosa and the Plumularia catharina of the European shores. * Reports on the Hydroids collected during the Expeditions of H. M. S. Porcupine, Trans. Zoil. Soc, London, February, 1873. i INTRODUCTORY. 3 It is thus obvious that the region from which the present collection has been obtained, and which includes an area between the Florida Reef on the north and west, and Cuba, the Salt Key, and Bahama Banks on the south and east, is characterized by a very distinct hydroid fauna, and must form part of a special province in the geographical distribution of the Hydroida. How far the same forms will be found to extend beyond the limits of the exploration must remain for future researches to decide. The European species which was met with in greatest abundance over this area is the Sertularella Gayi, which occurred chiefly in the condition of the strong irregularly branched variety already referred to. It was among the most widely distributed species of the area, and was obtained from no less than nineteen different dredgings. Among the specimens of Gymnoblastea the gonosome is present in a considerable proportion of species. So also a large proportion of the Plumularidz is provided with the gonosome, and presents some interest- ing and beautiful modifications of this part of the hydroid colony. From the other Calyptoblastic forms, however, the gonosome is in almost every instance absent. The very rare cases in which it is present are from some of the deepest dredgings made. Among the new species are many which must be regarded as representa- tives of new generic groups. Indeed, throughout the whole collection we meet with features many of which are of great interest and significance in their general bearing on hydroid morphology. Bathymetrical Distribution. — With very few exceptions a careful record had been kept of the depths from which the specimens had been dredged. These depths varied from that of quite shallow water to four hundred and seventy-one fathoms. The following table will show at a glance the relative richness in hydroid life of the various depths explored :— Species whose Species whose depths have Depths from which the species have depths have Depths from which the species have been recorded. been dredged. been recorded. been dredged. 10 Between 1 and 10 fathoms. 0 Between 200 and 250 fathoms. 2 s LQ “ss 26 & 6 “ 250 “ 300 “ 5 SS 20:5% 7030 a 2 . 300 “ 350 = 13 ee Oe 8s E00 A 0 a 350 “ 400 " 10 a 100" * 150 : 2 = 400 “ 450 es 6 “ 150 “ 200 ? 2 450 “ 500 - DEFINITIONS OF TERMS. In the descriptions of the genera and species I have adopted the terminology which I have used on other occasions, and these descriptions will perhaps be rendered more intelligible by giving here definitions of the principal terms employed. Hydrosoma. The entire hydroid colony. Ectoderm. The more external of the two organized layers of which the body of every hydroid is composed. Endoderm. The more internal of the two organized layers of which the body of every hydroid is composed. Perisarc. The unorganized chitinous excretion by which the soft parts are to a greater or less ex- tent invested. Zooids. ‘The more or less independent products of non-sexual reproduction, forming by their asso- ciation the hydroid colony. Trophosome. ‘The entire assemblage of such zooids as are destined for the nutrition of the colony. Gonosome. The entire assemblage of such zooids as are destined for the sexual reproduction of the colony. Hydranths. The proper nutritive zooids, or those which carry the mouth and proper digestive cavity, and which are almost always set with tentacles. Hydrotheca. The cuplike chitinous receptacle which protects the hydranth in the Calyptoblastic genera. Intrathecal Ridge. An imperfect septum by which in many Plumularide the cavity of the hydrotheca is transversely divided into a distal and a proximal portion. Hydrophyton. The common basis of the hydrosoma by which its zooids are connected into a single colony. Hydrorhiza. The proximal end of the hydrophyton by which the colony fixes itself to other bodies. Hydrocaulus. All that portion of the hydrophyton which intervenes between the hydrorhiza and the hydranth. It is polysiphonic or fascicled when it is composed of several mutually adherent tubes ; monosiphonic, when consisting of a single tube. In some species the cavity of its perisare may be divided by annular ridges or imperfect septa,— sepral ridges. The rachis is that portion of the hydrocaulus along which in the Plumularide the hydrothece are arranged. Ceenosare. The common organized fleshy portion of the hydrophyton; the living bond by which the zooids are organically united to one another. Nematophores. Peculiar bodies developed in certain genera from definite points of the hydrosoma, and consisting of a chitinous receptacle with sarcode contents in which thread-cells are usually im- mersed. They are eminently characteristic of the family of the Plumalaride. They are supracalycine when situated one on each side of the orifice of the hydrotheca; mesial when situated on the mesial line of the hydrotheca or rachis. Gonophore. ‘The ultimate generative zooid which gives origin directly to the generative elements, — ova or spermatozoa. Gonangium, An external chitinous receptacle within which in the Calyptoblastic genera the gono- phores are developed, Acrocyst. An external sac which in certain hydroids is formed on the summit of the gonangium, where it constitutes a receptacle into which the ova are discharged in order to pass within it through some of the earlier stages of their development. Corbula. A basket-shaped receptacle which encloses groups of gonangia in certain plumularian hy- droids. Phylactogonia. Special branches intended for the protection of the gonangia in certain plumularidans. Gymnoblastic. The condition of a hydroid when no external protective receptacle (hydrotheca or gonangium) invests either nutritive or generative buds. GyYMNOBLASTEA, the name of one of the sub- orders of Ilyproipa. Calyptoblastic. The condition of a hydroid when an external protective receptacle (hydrotheca or gonangium) invests either the nutritive or generative buds. CALYPTOBLASTEA, the name of one of the suborders of Hyproipa, DESCRIPTIONS OF NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. Suporper GY MNOBLASTEA. Famty EUDENDRIDZ. Genus EUDENDRIUM Enurenpere (in part). Eudendrium eximium. Pl. I. Figs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about six inches, much branched, with the main branches and subordinate ramuli alternate and distichous ; main stem and origin of the principal branches fascicled ; ulti- mate ramuli with nearly obsolete annulation at their origin. Hydranths with about twenty tentacula. Gonosome. — Female sporosacs springing irregularly from the body of the hydranth and from its supporting ramulus. Dredged from a depth of 43 fathoms off the Florida Reef. This is a fine species, rendered conspicuous by its size and by its profuse ramification. All the branches, both the primary ones and the subordinate ramuli, are in the same plane. The main stem is strongly fascicled, and towards its base acquires a thickness of nearly two lines. From £. ramosum of the European coasts the present species differs in the more extensive fasciculation of its main stem, in the disposition of its ultimate ramuli, which are not, as in /. ramoswn, confined to one side of their supporting branch, and in the absence of very decided annulation at the origin of the branches. All the specimens preserved in the collection are female, and the hydranth of the sporosac-bearing ramulus shows no tendency to atrophy. 6 EUDENDRIUM ATTENUATUM. Eudendrium exiguum. Pi. I. Figs. 3, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, irregularly branched, fascicled in main stem; principal branches and ultimate ramuli slender, mostly annulated at their origin. Hydranths with about twenty tentacula. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 98 fathoms off the Florida Reef. This is a small species; it is strongly fascicled towards the proximal end of the main stem, but the branches are for the most part monosiphonic, very slender, and with very thin perisare. Eudendrium fruticosum. Pi IT Figs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, much and irregularly branched; main stem and base of principal branches fasci- cled. Hydranths with about twenty tentacles. Gonosome.— Male gonophores bithalamic, springing in a verticil of about ten from the body of the hydranth. Female gonophores oval, also spring- ing in a verticil from the body of the hydranth. Dredged off Key West from a depth of 135 fathoms. This is a strong, confusedly branched form. The annulation of the peri- sare is either altogether obsolete or is at most represented by a few obscure rings at the origin of the ultimate branches, or an occasional group of rings near the middle of their length. The stem is thick and strongly fascicled below, where it resolves itself into numerous hydrorhizal filaments. In the hydranths which carried the gonophores there was no tendency to atrophy in the male, and but little in the female. The specimen was loaded with small spherical capsules, — probably a mollusean or annelidan nidus,— which adhered to the stem and branches in dense clusters. Eudendrium attenuatum. Pi. II. Figs. 3, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, not fuscicled, very slender, alternately branched; ultimate ramuli short, given EUDENDRIUM GRACILE. 7 off alternately at short and nearly equal intervals along the stem and branches; main branches and ramuli annulated at their origin; stem with a few annulations here and there. Gonosome not known. Dredged S. S. W. of Tortugas from a depth of 60 fathoms. The specimen was destitute of both gonosome and hydranths, but its very slender non-fascicled stem, and short regularly disposed hydranthal ramuli, afford characters sufficiently diagnostic. In the absence, however, of hy- dranths and gonosome, the species is only provisionally referred to Eu- dendrium. Eudendrium laxum. ta a Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, irreg- ularly branched, not fascicled; ultimate ramuli alternate, rather long, and with a few annulations at their origin. . Gonosome. — Sporosacs (male) bithalamic, springing in a verticil of about ten from the body of the hydranth. Dredged off Sand Key from a depth of 100 fathoms. This is a loosely branched, somewhat straggling species, with unusually long, flexile, hydranth-bearing ramulli. Imbedded in the ccenosarcal walls of the lower end of the hydrocaulus and in those of the hydrorhiza, there occurred in the specimen clear spherical bodies of whose nature I am unable to give any satisfactory account. They showed no trace of a nucleus, but are too regular to be mere lacune. Their real nature can scarcely be determined without an examination in the recent hydroid. Eudendrium gracile. Pi. IV. Figs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of upwards of an inch, slender, fascicled at extreme base, alternately branched; ultimate ramuli with nearly obsolete annulation at their origin. Gonosome not known. Dredged at Double-Headed Shot Key from a depth of from 3 to 4 fathoms. This is a slender and delicate species. The hydranths were well pre- served in the specimen, but no gonosome was present. 8 BIMERIA HUMILIS. Eudendrium tenellum. Pi.IV. Figs. 8, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about half an inch, very slender, not fascicled, irregularly branched; branches annulated at their origin; main stem and branches with groups of two or three annuli at distant and irregular intervals. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Double-Headed Shot Key from a depth of 471 fathoms. Eudendrium tenellum is a minute and very slender form, perhaps the most slender species as yet referred to the genus Eudendrium. Its reference to this genus is probably correct, but as neither hydranths nor gonophores were present in the specimen, it may possibly have its true place in some other. The specimens were obtained along with Sertularella amphorifera from the deepest dredgings made. Eudendrium cochleatum. PLS. Fig tee: Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of between two and three inches, not fascicled, alternately branched; main branches and ultimate ramuli with very distinct oblique annulation at their origin, and here and there with groups of three or four ordinary transverse annuli. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Cape Fear River from a depth of 6 fathoms. The strongly marked screw-like annulation at the origin of the branches forms a characteristic feature of this species. Some of the hydranths were well preserved in the specimen, but no gonophores were present. Attached to it were numerous specimens of a little tube-dwelling crus- tacean. Famity BIMERIDA. Genus BIMERIA Srr. Wriear. Bimeria humilis. Pl. V. Figs. 8, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about a line and a half, springing at intervals from a creeping and ramified stolon, sending off an OBELIA MARGINATA. if) short, alternate hydranth-bearing ramuli which are marked at their origin by spiral corrugations, and which, increasing in thickness towards their distal ends, gradually pass into the piriform body of the hydranth; perisare very opaque. Hydranths large, assuming for the most part a drooping attitude. Gronosome. — Gonophores (male?) oviform, supported on short spirally corrugated peduncles, scattered on the hydrocaulus. Dredged at Tortugas in shallow water. The massive-looking hydranths and the enlargement of the hydrocaulus towards their base give a peculiar aspect to this little hydroid. The peri- sarc, which is very opaque, is apparently continued for some distance over the tentacles, as in J. vestita Wright, the only species of the genus hitherto described. In the condition of the specimens of B. humilis, however, it was not possible to make this out satisfactorily. The massive hydranths and comparatively slight development of the hydrocaulus distinguish this species from B. vestita. In both species the hydranths exhibit a tendency to assume a drooping attitude. It occurred in considerable profusion, creeping over the surface of a sea- weed which it covered with a low but rather dense growth. Susorper VALYPTOBLASTEA. Trine CAMPANULINA. Famity CAMPANULARIDZ. Genus OBELIA Peron & LESUEUR. Obelia marginata. Yt gl A 2 an eee Trophosome. — Stem attainmg a height of nine inches, monosiphonic, pin- nately branched; pinne alternate; stem and pinne gently zigzag, with a strong short process given off from the salient angle of each geniculation, and with a joint at the distal side of the process. Hydrothec supported on short stout peduncles which rest on the processes of the stem and pinne, large, nearly cylindrical, slightly oblique at the inner side of the base, and with a circular even orifice which is margined by a narrow, more transparent rim. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Logger-Head Key from a depth of 9 fathoms. 2 10 THYROSCYPHUS. This is a very large, strong form, rendered striking by its regularly pin- nate hydrocaulus, and its large, nearly cylindrical hydrothece, with perfectly even orifice margined by a narrow clear band. Without a knowledge of the gonosome its reference to Obelia must be regarded as purely provisional. The beautiful little Lafoéa venusta crept over the stem and pinne of one of the specimens. Obelia longicyatha. Pl. VII. Figs. 4, 5. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of nearly an inch, fascicled below, alternately branched; main stem annulated for a short distance above each ramulus; ramuli annulated at their orig; hydrothecal peduncles of moderate length, more or less annulated. Hydrothece narrow, deep, nearly cylindrical above, and then tapering towards the base; the orifice cut into about twenty acute, deep, narrow teeth. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 90 fathoms off the Florida Reef. The specimens were found attached to Halecium macrocephalum. It is a delicate species with the hydrothecez very thin and compressible. No gono- some was present, and its reference to Obelia is therefore only provisional. THYROSCYPHUS A.LiMAN nov. gen. GENERIC CHARACTER. Trophosome.—Hydrocaulus divided into internodes, each internode carrying a hydrotheca. Hydrothecz pedunculate; orifice closed by an operculum which is formed by four converging valves. Gonosome not known. The small and definite number (4) of valve-like segments composing the operculum of the large and strong hydrothecs, combined with the very definite division of the hydrocaulus into distinct and equal internodes, dis- tinguishes the genus Thyroscyphus from the other operculate genera of the Campanularide. It is highly probable that if we were acquainted with the gonosome other and still more important characters would be found. LAOFEA VENUSTA. 11 Thyroscyphus ramosus. Pl. VI. Figs. 5, 6. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, much and rather irregularly branched. Hydrothecze alternate, large and deep, oblique at the inner side of the base, supported each on a short peduncle which consists of two oblique rings and which springs from the summit of a short thick process given off from the distal end of the internode ; orifice with a narrow border; opercular valves broadly triangular. Gonosome not known. . Dredged south of Sand Key from a depth of 10 fathoms. Thyroscyphus ramosus is a large and strong species, rendered striking by its large valvular and bordered hydrothece. It contrasts markedly with the other operculate Campanularine, which are all, so far as is known, small and delicate forms. Genus CAMPANULARIA Lamarck (in part). Campanularia macroscypha. Pl. VIET. Fegs. 1, .2. Trophosome. — Peduncles short, rismg from a creeping stolon, marked with a few distant-annulations, and having a discoid internode just below the hydrotheca. Hydrothece large, cylindrical from above downwards for the greater part of their length, and then tapering rapidly to the base; orifice cut into about twelve conspicuous, rather blunt teeth. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Sand Key from a depth of 120 fathoms. This is a simple creeping species, and though of humble growth is re- markable for the large size of its hydrothece. Famity LAFOEIDA Lanovrovx. Genus LAFOEA.* Lafoéa venusta. Ph. VI, Figs. 3, 4. Trophosome. —Hydrophyton minute, creeping. |Hydrothece borne on moderately long, slightly corrugated peduncles, which spring at short in- * It is difficult to find characters for the definition of the genus Lafoéa. I regard, however, as an essential character of the genus the absence of any definite floor to the hydrotheea, a character which 12 LAFOEA CONVALLARIA. ; tervals from the creeping filament, cylindrical, deep, slightly curved in one aspect, regularly annulated ; orifice circular with everted lip. Gonosome not known. Dredged along with Obelia marginata at Logger-Head Key from a depth of 9 fathoms. This elegant little campanularian was found creeping over the branches of Obela marginata. Lafoéa tenellula. Pl. VIII. Figg. 3, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrothece very minute, slightly curved, contracted below into a short thick peduncle, springing at intervals from a creeping tubular filament. Gonosome not known. Dredged south of Marquesas from a depth of 140 fathoms. This is a very minute species. The form of the hydrothece resembles that of the hydrothece of ZL. dumosa, but the whole hydroid is more minute and delicate. The hydrothecz are usually marked by rings of elongation behind the orifice. Lafoéa convallaria. Pi AX. Trophosome.— Stem attaining a height of about an inch, simple, fascicled below, sending off simple, non-fascicled, alternate pinne. Hydrothece stalked, alternately disposed along the main stem and pinne, tumid towards the base and contracted towards the orifice, which is turned towards one side. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 152 fathoms off the Florida Reef. Lafoéa convallaria is a beautiful little hydroid. Its cornucopia-like hydro- thecze on their short stalks, with their regular symmetrical disposition along the main stem and pinne, give to the entire hydrophyton a remarkable and very elegant aspect. The form of the hydrotheca appears to change somewhat by age, for while in some the distal end is turned only slightly to one side, in others it possesses in common with the operculate genus Cuspidella. The cavity of the hydrotheca thus passes uninterruptedly into that of the supporting peduncle, or if the hydrotheca be sessile, into the cavity of the stem or branch which carries it. Admitting the correctness of this view, it appears to me very doubtful whether many of the species referred to Lafoéa are rightly so placed. CUSPIDELLA PEDUNCULATA. 13 the orifice is turned quite downwards by a curving of this part of the hydrotheca. In many of the hydrothece annular indications of growth show themselves just behind the orifice. The peduncles are nearly equal in length to that of the hydrothece which they support. The pinne of one side are not given off irom the middle point of the interval between two pinnz of the opposite side, but rather nearer to one of these than to the other. The species is probably correctly referred to the genus Lafoéa, but in the absence of all knowledge of the hydranths this determination must be taken as only provisional. Lafoéa coalescens. Pl X. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining’ a height of about half an inch, alter- nately branched, fascicled below, springing from a network of tubular fila- ments. Hydrothece borne on the summit of peduncles which are for the most part given off from the sides of a common tube to which they become immediately adnate until within a short distance of their extremities. Hy- drothece very deep, tubular, tapering towards the base, and again slightly narrowing towards the margin, which is itself slightly everted. Gonosome not known. _ Dredged south of Marquesas from a depth of 140 fathoms. The adnate condition of the hydrothecal peduncles gives to this elegant little hydroid a remarkable character. This must, however, be regarded as a continuation of the fascicled state of the lower part of the stem. Occa- sionally hydrothece occur which are borne on shorter peduncles springing from the main stem, but free in their entire course, while there are also some which are borne on free peduncles springing from the hydrorhiza. The hydrothece in every case pass gradually into the supporting pedun- cle without any basal diaphragm. Genus CUSPIDELLA* Hincxs. Cuspidella pedunculata. Pl. VIL. Figs. 5, 6. Trophosome. — Hydrosoma very minute. Hydrothece springing by * The genus Cuspidella was instituted by Hineks for certain minute operculate Campanularine which he separated from Calycella (Campanularia syringia of authors) on the ground of the sessile condition 14 OPLORHIZA. rather long peduncles from a creeping filament, very delicate and filmy, deep, tapering toward the base, where they gradually pass into the peduncle without any definite line of demarcation. Gonosome not known. Dredged south of Tortugas from a depth of 260 fathoms. OPLORHIZA ALLMAN nov. gen. GENERIC CHARACTER. Trophosome.— Hydrothec tubular, provided with a floor and having the orifice cut into thin collapsible segments; borne by peduncles which spring from a creeping network of tubes. Hydrorhizal network carrying peculiar appendages which are in the form of tubular re- ceptacles with an orifice in the summit, and which enclose a granular, fleshy column, supporting a cluster of thread-cells, Gonosome not known. The genus Oplorhiza is nearly allied to Lafoéina Sars. In Lafoéina, however, the hydrothece are absolutely sessile on the hydrorhiza, and their cavity passes directly into that of the hydrorhiza without the intervention of an infrathecal diaphragm or floor. The genus Lafoéina was established by Michael Sars for a little Lafoéa like hydroid (Lafoéina tenws) obtained off the Norwegian coast, and essen- tially distinguished from Lafoéa by the presence of peculiar urticating appendages which are borne by the hydrorhiza.* These appendages in Lafoéina are long, filiform, and flexuous, while in Oplorhiza they are short and cup-shaped. In both genera they remind us strongly of the nemato- phores of the Plumularidz. Like these they consist of a chitinous receptacle with fleshy contents which are probably of a simply sarcodie nature, and in which thread-cells are immersed. In the species on which the genus Oplo- rhiza is founded, these contents extend through the proximal part of the appendage in the form of a cylindrical column, which towards the summit becomes enlarged into a bulb in which numerous very long, curved thread- cells are imbedded. A very similar condition exists in Lafotina tenws. of the hydrothecew. A more important character, however, will be found in the absence of any defi- nite floor or basal diaphragm in the hydrothece. It is the only known operculate form of the Cam- panuline in which the cavity of the hydrotheca thus passes uninterruptedly into that of the supporting tube as in the non-operculate genus Lafoéa. The sessile or pedunculate condition must be regarded as of merely secondary or specific value. * G. O. Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Christiania, 1873, p. 119. HALECIUM FILICULA. 15 Lafoéina and Oplorhiza afford the only known instances in which organs resembling true nematophores occur outside of the family of the Plumularide. Oplorhiza parvula. Pl. VIL. Figs. 1-3. Trophosome. — Hydrosoma very minute, scarcely attaining a line in height. Hydrothece deep, narrowing towards the summit and towards the base; peduncles with about two rings just below the hydrotheca, and several less distinct ones at their origin from the hydrorhiza. Hydrorhizal appendages very minute, clavate, scattered over the upper side of the hydrorhiza. Gonosome not known. Dredged south of Marquesas from a depth of 296 fathoms. Famiry HALECIDA. Genus HALECIUM OKEn. Halecium filicula. Plex. Figs. 1 —4, Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about three inches, alter- nately branched; branches pinnately disposed; internodes rather long; main stem and principal branches fascicled, but becoming monosiphonic toward their distal ends. Hydrophores* with one or more usually oblique and irregular annulations at their base, then gradually widening from the most distal annulation to the summit, where they terminate in a circular and abruptly everted margin. Gonosome not known. Dredged south of Marquesas from a depth of 140 fathoms. This species is rendered striking by the graceful trumpet-shaped form of its hydrophores. Many of these are provided with a double or even triple margin, caused by the hydranth in its growth leaving behind it the old dilated extremity of the hydrophore, and becoming encircled by a new one, —acommon occurrence among the various species of Halecium. * The genus Halecium is destitute of true hydrothece, and the term hydrophore is here used for the appendages of the stem which take the place of the hydrothece in giving support to the hydranths. 16 HALECIUM MACROCEPHALUM. Just within the everted margin of the hydrophore is the circle of minute brilliant points which is scarcely ever absent in any species of Halecium. Halecium capillare. Thoa capillaris Pourra.Es. Bull. M. C. Z., I. No. 6. Pi. XI. Figs. 5, 6. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attains a height of about an inch and a half, slender, irregularly branched, fascicled at the origin of the main stem and principal branches; internodes rather long. Hydrophores short, nearly cylindrical. Gonosome not known. Dredged five miles S. 8. W. of Sand Key from a depth of from 90 to 100 fathoms. This is a small and delicate species. The circle of brilliant points which in almost every species of Halecium occurs just within the margin of the hydrophore is not here obvious. This is one of the specimens examined by Mr. de Pourtalés, who has assigned to it the specific name here adopted. Halecium macrocephalum. Pl. XIT. Figs. 1-5. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, rigid, stout, and very irregularly branched in all directions; main stem and principal branches fascicled, becoming monosiphonie distally; internodes of — moderate length. Hydrophores suppressed. Hydranths very large, sup- ported directly on the fixed lateral processes of the stem. Gonosome. — Gonangia springing from the sides of the lateral processes which support the hydranths; female slipper-shaped, with the orifice situ- ated near the middle of one side; male smaller than female, cylindrical, with truncated summit. Dredged off Sand Key from a depth of 120 fathoms. Halecium macrocephalum is remarkable for the suppression of the hydro- phore, whose sole representative is found in the narrow membranous lip, which is here quite sessile on the fixed bracket-like process of the stem. In some of the specimens the form of the hydranths was well retained. These were very large, reaching when fully extended the height of about two internodes of the stem. CRYPTOLARIA CONFERTA. 17 In their slipper-shaped form the female gonangia come very near to those of H. Beanii. The orifice, however, in the latter is more exserted than in the present species. Halecium macrocephalum, in the suppression of its hydrophores, and in the great size of its hydranths, comes very near to H. sessile Nordman. It is, however, a. much stouter form than H. sessile, which, moreover, judging from the figures and descriptions of that species, has a monosiphonic instead of a fascicled stem. As a rule, the hydranths are relatively large in the various species of Halecium, and this fact, taken in connection with the absence of a true hydrotheca, is not without significance. Trine SERTULARINA. Famity GRAMMARIDA. Genus CRYPTOLARIA Busx. Cryptolaria conferta. Pl. XII. Figs. 6-10. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, much and irregularly or subdichotomously branched, fascicled except towards the terminations of the branches. Hydrothecz adnate for somewhat more than half their height, and in the fascicled portion of their stem deeply immersed, then becoming free and arching outwards; adnate portion slightly narrowing downwards , free portion cylindrical, with circular and entire orifice behind which the walls are marked by several annular striz. Gonosome ? Dredged off Cojima, Cuba, from a depth of 450 fathoms. Cryptolaria conferta forms crowded entangled tufts. The proximal portions are strongly fascicled, but towards the extremities the fascicled condition dis- appears. Here the whole form of the hydrothece is frequently visible, but farther down the greater part of every hydrotheca is immersed and con- cealed in the fascicled portion. The hydrotheca where fully seen in the non-fascicled portion of the hy- droid is found to have a distinct floor perforated by an offset from the coeno- 3 18 CRYPTOLARIA CONFERTA. sare of the branch. It is possible that this floor disappears with age, and that the older hydrothece, where they are immersed in the fascicled stem, are without it. In Cryptolaria longitheca, another species occurring in the pres- ent collection, the hydrothecz appear to pass continuously into the tubes of the hydrocaulus without the intervention of a perforated floor. I have had no opportunity of examining the nearly allied genus Grammaria, but accord- ing to Sars the hydrothecz in this genus form continuous tubes passing un- interruptedly into the tubes of the fascicled stem and allowing of the entire retraction of the hydranth from the hydrothece into the tubes of the stem. On the branches of the specimen here described there occurred here and there certain very remarkable bodies, the real nature of which I have not succeeded in placing beyond doubt. They are of an irregularly fusiform shape, and at the spots where they occur surround the branch like minute sponges. A closer examination shows them to consist of a multitude of flask- shaped, apparently chitinous receptacles (Figs. 9, 10), adnate to one another by their sides, and springing by a narrow base from an irregular network of tubes which encircles the branch. The distal extremity of each is prolonged into a free neck-like extension which terminates in an even circular orifice. Each receptacle gives exit after a time to a single spherical body, which is retained for a period in an external membranous sac connected by a nar- row neck to the orifice of the flask-shaped receptacle (Fig. 9, a, a). It is scarcely possible not to recognize in these bodies an assemblage of true hydroid gonangia, each giving origin within it to a single ovum, which is subsequently expelled from its cavity and lodged in an acrocyst in which it continues to be for some time retained. With the exception, indeed, of there being no apparent hydrothece in- tercalated among the gonangia, the bodies in question resemble in all essential points a colony of Coppinia. For, just as in Coppinia, we have here a colony of mutually adherent gonangia, each containing a sporosac with a single large ovum, which after a time is carried out and retained within an acrocyst. The absence of apparent hydrothecsw, however, will not allow us to make too close a comparison with Coppinia or to regard these enigmatical bodies as constituting a hydroid colony complete in itself. Another view, however, suggests itself. May they not represent the gonosome of the hydroid with which they are associated? In favor of this interpretation it may be urged that nothing else which can be regarded as a gonosome occurs in the specimen, and that if we look upon them as CRYPTOLARIA LONGITHECA. 19 merely a parasitic hydroid we should have in these bodies a gonosome without its correlative trophosome. Further, the tubular base from which the gonangia spring forms a close irregular plexus which embraces the fas- cicled stem of the supporting hydroid, and I believe I have traced a com- munication between this plexus and the cavities of the outermost tubes of the stem. If we admit the reasonableness of this view, we may compare the entire hydroid to a Coppinia in which the trophosome, instead of consisting of « number of sessile hydrothece intercalated among the gonangia of the gonosome, as in the only known species of Coppinia, is further differentiated, and assumes the form of a branching hydrocaulus with the hydrothece distributed along its length. I do not wish, however, to lay too much stress on this view. I do not feel that I have been able to place beyond all doubt the reality of a com- munication between the tubular base of the incrusting body and the tubes of the stem, while the fascicled condition of the stem increases the difficulty. Against its constituting the proper gonosome of the supporting hydroid, may also be urged the facts of its irregular form and of its sometimes ex- tending in such a way as to embrace a portion of more than one branch, exactly as a foreign incrusting growth might do. The question, however, of its exact relation to its associated hydroid must await for its solution the examination of recent specimens. Cryptolaria longitheca. Pl. XIII Figs. 4, 5. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, pin- nately but not profusely branched ; fasciculation disappearing towards the ends of the branches. Hydrothecx cylindrical, adnate in the non-fascicled portion for about half their height, then becoming free and bending out- wards; margin circular and even, surrounded by annular striz. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Double-Headed Shot Key from a depth of 315 fathoms. Oryptolaria longitheca is a far less profusely branched species than €. conferta, and from this species it further differs in the pinnate disposition of its branches and in being a stronger form with larger hydrothece. The hy- drothece, moreover, where a complete view of them can be obtained, as in 20 CRYPTOLARIA ELEGANS. the unfascicled portion of the hydrocaulus, are cylindrical throughout, pre- senting no diminution of their diameter towards the base as in @. conferta. They appear also to pass continuously into the tubes of the hydrocaulus, no distinct floor being apparent in the hydrothecze of any part of the specimen. The circular striz which surround the margin of the hydrothece are here as in other species most probably indications of successive elongations occur- ring during the growth of the hydroid. Cryptolaria abies. Pi. XII. Figs. 1-3. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, irreg- ularly branched, with a pinnate disposition of the ultimate ramuli. Hydro- thecze, where completely visible, near the ends of the branches where the fasciculation ceases, flask-shaped, adnate by somewhat more than half their height, and then bending outwards; margin circular, even, and without obvious annular striation. Gonosome not known. The hydrothece of this species are considerably smaller than those of either C. conferta or C. longitheca. They can be seen, too, in the distal, non-fascicled portions of the hydrocaulus, where they are fully exposed, to be of a very different shape from those of the two former species, being here of an elongated flask-shape, tumid below and gradually. narrowing towards the orifice. Here also they are plainly provided with a distinct floor, and in all respects resemble a typical sertularian hydrotheca. In the fascicled portion of the stem, where they are in great part immersed and concealed, their form cannot be satisfactorily determined.* Cryptolaria elegans. Pi. XIV. Figs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, delicate, pinnately and very regularly branched; pinne alternate fascicled only at their base or entirely monosiphonic. Hydrotheex alternate, tubular, nearly cylindrical, narrow, adnate for somewhat more than half their height on the distal portions of the hydrocaulus, with the free part bending outwards * The label placed with the specimens of this species had become effaced, so that neither their exact station in the area explored nor the depth from which they were dredged could be ascertained. SERTULARELLA CONICA. | at nearly a right angle to the adnate part. Margin circular, even, frequently surrounded by annular strize. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 152 fathoms off the Florida Reef. This is a much smaller and more delicate form than any of the other species of Cryptolaria in the collection, its hydrothece having only about half the diameter of those of C. abies, the species which in this respect approaches it most nearly. The fasciculation is not carried to the same extent as in the other species, for it usually disappears from the pinnz at a short distance from their origin, and those pinnze which are given off near the summit of the stem are generally quite monosiphonic. In the monosiphonic portions the hydrothecz are seen to arise from the sides of a common tube to which they are generally adnate for more than half their height; they are here provided with a distinct floor, and are entirely differentiated from the supporting tube. In the fascicled portion they are, as in all the other species, deeply immersed and in great part concealed. The pinnez are so disposed that those of one side do not arise from the middle point of the space opposite to the interval between two pinne of ~ the opposite side, but from a point quite near to one end of this space. Fanny SERTULARIDA. Genus SERTULARELLA Gray. Sertularella conica. Lt. AY¥.. Figs. GT. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch and a half, simple or with an occasional short branch, not fascicled. Hydrothece distant, each springing from a point close to the distal end of an internode, tumid towards the base, much narrowed towards the orifice, slightly marked with transverse corrugations on its upper side. Gonosome not known. Dredged southwest of Tortugas from a depth of 60 fathoms. Sertularella couca is a rather rigid species. It is distinguished from S. polyzonias by its nearly simple habit, by the greater distance of the hydro- thece from one another, and by their more conical form, resulting from their rapid narrowing towards the orifice. } 92 SERTULARELLA GAYI. Sertularella amphorifera. Pl. XV. Figs. 8-10. Trophosome. — Uydrocaulus very slender, dichotomously branched ; inter- nodes long, attenuated, each carrying a hydrotheca near its distal end. Hy- drothece nearly cylindrical, deep, adnate to the internode for about their proximal third, then becoming free and bending outwards; margin with three teeth, one internal and two lateral. Gonosome. — Gonangia springing each from a point near the base of a hydrotheca ; obovate, strongly annulated, rapidly narrowing to its point of attachment, and terminating distally in a conical neck, which carries on its summit a small circular orifice with everted margin. Dredged off Double-Headed Shot Key from a depth of 471 fathoms. Sertularella amphorifera is very closely allied to the S. tricuspidata of Alder. It is destitute, however, of the two or three oblique annulations which at intervals give to the stem in S. ¢ricuspidata a twisted appearance, while the disposition of the teeth of the hydrotheca is also different, there being an anterior but no posterior tooth in Alder’s species. Further, the gonangia of the present species become much more rapidly narrow towards their point of attachment, a condition which makes them closely resemble in form the old Roman amphora. The specimens in the collection were mere fragments, so that the full size to which the species grows could not be ascertained. They were obtained from the deepest dredgings of the exploration Sertularella Gayi var. RoBUSTA. Pl. XV. Figs. 3-5. I have assigned to the well-known species Sertularella Gayi the hydroid here figured, which I regard as one of the many variations of that species, from the typical form of which it differs in its more irregular ramification and stouter habit. The specimens examined had attained a height of two or three inches, and sprung from a hydrorhiza composed of a dense tow- like mass of fine tubular filaments, formed by the disunion, free exten- sion, and repeated division of the tubes which constitute the fascicled stem. The valvular apparatus by which the orifice of the hydrotheca is closed was well seen in some of the specimens, and the four bands by which the valves are connected with the body of the hydranth were in some cases visible (Fig. 4). SERTULARIA TUMIDA. 23 These bands, so far as I am aware, have not been hitherto described. I have found them in many other Sertularidans, and they are especially obvious in young hydrothecs. They are destitute of fibrillation, and appear to consist of a cord of protoplasm enclosing nucleus-like bodies, and are plainly intended to close the valves forming the operculum of the hydro- theca during the retreat of the hydranth. Specimens of the same variety, but in which the strong, robust habit was still better marked, were dredged by the “ Porcupine,” in the eastern parts of the North Atlantic.* Genus SERTULARIA Linnzvus (in part). Sertularia marginata. PU x VES Figs 3 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, simple ; internodes elongated, attenuated below every pair of hydrothece. Hydro- thecze opposite, deep, tubular, free, and divergent above for about three fifths of their height, slightly tumid below; orifice entire, with a broad rim formed by close striz, which run in a circular direction round the distal end of the hydrotheca. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 324 fathoms, off Florida Reef. The species is remarkable for its distant pairs of long tubular hydro- thece, with the orifice surrounded by a band of delicate circular strie. The specimen is destitute of gonangia; it is possibly immature, and may become ramified before attaining its adult condition. Sertularia tumida. Pi. XVI. Figs. 3, 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of ¢ of an inch simple; internodes of moderate length, thinning away for some distance below each pair of hydrotheces. Hydrothece opposite, short, tumid below, adnate to the stem for about half their length, and with the distal half free and diverging at nearly a right angle. Gonosome not known. Tortugas, shallow water. _ * See Report of the Hydroids collected during the Expeditions of H. M. S. Porcupine, Traas. Zool. Soe. London, 1873. 24 SERTULARIA EXIGUA. The present species resembles in its general habit Sertularia pumila, and might, without examination, be mistaken for it. It is, however, dis- tinguished from that species by its tumid hydrothece, and by the wide angle at which their distal portion diverges from the stem; as well as by the greater length of the internodes and consequent separation of the pairs of hydrothece. = No gonangia were present, and the specimen may not have attained its full growth. In some of the hydrothece the hydranths were fairly preserved, and the opercular bands were recognizable. Sertularia tubitheca. PLAX Ud Figs. 5, 6. Trophosome. —Hydrocaulus attaining a height of upwards of an inch, branched ; branches opposite ; internodes of moderate length, thinning away below every pair of hydrothece. Hydrothecse long, tubular, cylindrical, free, and divergent for a little more than their distal half, with the orifice circular, abruptly but slightly everted, and having close behind it an annular ridge resembling the margin of a former orifice. Gonosome not known. Dredged from a depth of 16 fathoms at the Tortugas. Sertularia tubitheca is a small but elegant species. The double-lipped condition of the hydrothecs: was constant in the specimens examined, and seems due to the existence of an earlier orifice, to which the present one has succeeded. It is possible that indications of more than one such earlier orifice would be found in older specimens. Sertularia exigua. Pl. XVI. Figs..7, 8. Trophosome.— Hydrocaulus minute, simple, attaining the height of about ; of an inch; internodes very short, not prolonged by an attenuated con- tinuation below the pairs of hydrothecee. Hydrotheex opposite, not tumid below ; free and divergent on their distal half, and with the opposed sides of each pair parallel to one another. Gonosome unknown. Dredged off Cape Fear from a depth of 9 fathoms. This little Sertularia might be mistaken for S. pumila; unless, however, DESMOSCYPHUS. 25 the specimens are immature, and would have acquired a greater develop- ment in their adult state, it is a much smaller form than S. pumila. Fur- ther, in S. pumila the opposed sides of the hydrothecze composing each pair converge from above downwards, while in S. ezigua they are parallel. Sertularia distans. BE AVL: Figs. 9, 20. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, simple or with an occasional branch; internodes rather long and prolonged by an attenuated extension below each pair of hydrothece. Hydrothece tubular, with the distal half free and divergent, and the opposed sides of the proxi- mal halves parallel. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Tennessee Reef from a depth of 21 fathoms. This species bears considerable resemblance to S. pumila, from which, however, it differs in the much greater length of its internodes and con- sequent distance of its pairs of hydrothece. The orifice of the hydrotheca is cut off obliquely above and below, so as to present two broad lateral teeth, and the intervals between these are closed by two thin membra- nous valves. Each of these valves is composed of delicate superimposed laminz, which may be usually seen partially separated from one another, as thin exfoliating films. The species resembles also S. gracilis Hassall in the length of its inter- nodes, but it is a larger form. In the absence of gonosome it is impossible to approximate it closer to any European form. DESMOSCYPHUS AttMan nov. gen. Generic CHARACTER. T'rophosoime. — Hydrocaulus jointed, each internode corresponding to one or more pairs of hydrothece. Hydrothece adnate to one another in pairs, each pair adnate to the side of the hydrocaulus. Gronosome. — Gonangia simple, borne along the front of the hydrocaulus. The genus Desmoscyphus was originally constituted for a hydroid trom the New Zealand shores.* It resembles most of the species of Thuiaria in the extent to which the hydrothece are adnate to the hydrocaulus, but it * Allman on New Genera and Species of Hydroida, Journ. Linn. Soe. Zodlogy, Vol. XIL 4 26 DESMOSCYPHUS LONGITHECA. , differs from this genus in the fact that the hydrothece are also adnate to one another in pairs, and thus brought all to one side of the hydro- caulus; while a still further difference is found in the fact that the inter- nodes may in some cases carry each a single pair of hydrothecs, as in Ser- tularia. In the New Zealand species, Desmoscyphus Buskii, the main stem is divided into internodes of variable length, carrying each a variable number of pairs of hydrothecx, while the branches are regularly divided into equal internodes each with one pair of hydrothece. In the species here described from the Gulf Stream (D. longitheca), the entire hydrocaulus is regularly divided into internodes, each carrying a single pair of hydrothece. Desmoscyphus longitheca. Pl. XIV. Figs. 3-6. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, pinnately branched ; pinnee alternate, much contracted at their origin; main stem and pinne divided into regular internodes, each internode carrying a single pair of hydrothece. Hydrothecx long, tubular, with semicircular orifice, which is closed by a valve-like lid; along the branches and the greater part of the main stem adnate to one another in pairs for nearly their entire height, but becoming free and diverging from one another close to their distal ends; towards the basal end of the stem the hydrothece of each pair receding from one another and ultimately disposed on two diametrically opposite sides of the internode. Gronosome not known. Key West, shallow water. Desmoscyphus longitheca constitutes an interesting transition form by which the genus Desmoscyphus becomes connected with Sertularia. For while in D. Buskii the branches alone are divided into equal internodes, each carry- ing a single pair of hydrothece, the main stem being composed of internodes of variable length, each with a variable number of hydrothece, in the present species both stem and branches possess the Sertularian character of division into equal internodes, with a single pair of hydrothecse upon each. Further, in D. longitheca the hydrotheee composing each pair, where they approach the base of the main stem, begin to recede from one another, the separation gradually increasing, until just above the hydrorhiza they are situated upon opposite sides of their supporting internode exactly as in a THUIARIA PLUMULIFERA. 27 true Sertularia; while the resemblance of this part of the hydroid to a Ser- tularia is further increased by the occurrence of a deep constriction be- tween each internode. Genus THUIARIA FLeminc. Thuiaria distans. PL AVIT,: igs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Stem attaining a height of about four inches, simple, non- fascicled, sending off alternate pinne, which extend from its distal end to within a short distance of the base; pinnz with transverse joints at distant but uncertain intervals; main stem with an oblique joint just above the origin of each pinna. Hydrothece distant,-alternate, borne upon the stem and pinn, to each of which they are adnate for very nearly their entire height; short, tubular, slightly enlarging upwards and bending outward, with a somewhat wavy margin destitute of teeth, and with a narrow, though distinct border. Gonosome not known. Tortugas, shallow water. Thuuria distans is remarkable for the length of the intervals by which the hydrothecz of each side are separated from one another. The inter- nodes of the stem are regular in length, and support each three hydrothece ; those of the pinne are irregular in length, and vary in the number of hydro- thecze to which they give support. The coenosare of the stem is canaliculated. Thuiaria plumulifera. Pi. XVII. Figs. 3-6. Trophosome. —Stem attaining a height of about six inches, slender, flexile, emitting numerous pinnate branches which are disposed from distance to distance rather irregularly on all sides of the stem, and which carry the hydrothece both upon their axis and pinnx; pinne alternate, much con- tracted at their origin. Hydrothece alternate, deep, adnate for nearly their entire length ; orifice with two strong, broad teeth, beyond which the walls of the hydrothecx are continued as a thin, membranous, collapsible tube. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Cape Fear from a depth of 9 fathoms. 28 THUIARIA SERTULARIOIDES. Thuaria plumulifera has a good deal of the habit of Hydrallmama falcata. The pinna-bearing branches are regularly divided into equal internodes, each internode carrying three hydrothecz and giving off a pinna from alternate sides just above its proximal end. The pinne are much contracted at their origin, and united to the branch which carries them by a very short, nearly globular internode. The joints of the pinne are at distant and uncertain intervals. The hydrothecz at their distal ends are thin and collapsible, so that it was very difficult to determine the true form of the orifice. In some cases, however, where the parts were well preserved, it could be seen that the thin collapsible portion was a tubular prolongation of the walls beyond the true orifice, which was provided with two strong, broad lateral teeth. The gonangia had all fallen, but the indications of their attachment were visible just below many of the hydrothece. Thuiaria pinnata. Pl. XV. Figs. 1, 2. Tyophosome.— Stem attaining a height of nearly three inches, sparingly branched, fascicled below, alternately pinnate; pinne given off at nearly right angles to the stem, jointed at distant and uncertain intervals. Hydrothece borne both by stem and pinne, deep cylindrical with obscurely 4-toothed margin, adnate to the axis in their whole length. Gonosome not known. Double-headed Shot Key from a depth of 3 to 4 fathoms. Thuaria pinnata is a strong, rather rigid form, rendered somewhat striking by the very open angle at which the pinnx are given off from the stem. Some of the hydranths were well preserved in the speci- men, and it would appear that they are capable of extending them- selves far beyond the orifice of the hydrotheca. Thuiaria sertularioides. Pl. XVI. Figs. VW, 42. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of three inches, slender cylindrical, sending off short, simple branches which spring from the anterior aspect of the axis. Hydrotheee opposite, with the. distal half free and divergent, gradually narrowing from the base to the orifice, PLUMULARIA FILICULA. 29 which is obliquely cut above and below so as to present two broad lateral teeth. Gonosome not known. In its opposite hydrothecse adnate to the axis for only half their height, and disposed in distant pairs, this hydroid has so much of the aspect of a Sertularia that it might at first sight be easily referred to that genus. The fact, however, that the pairs of hydrothec are not separated from one another by a joint removes it from Sertularia, and notwithstanding the freedom of the hydrothecz for so considerable a portion of their height, brings it into the genus Thuiaria.* It is a slender form, with a somewhat rigid habit which it would seem to owe to the non-jointed condition of the axis. Famiry PLUMULARIDA. Genus PLUMULARIA, Lamarck (in part). Plumularia filicula. Pl VIG Pigs, 1. o. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, simple or with an occasional branch close to the root, not fascicled; pinnz alter- nate, one borne by each internode of the stem, immediately below a joint, where it is supported on a long process of the internode; proximal inter- node of the pinne short and destitute of hydrotheca; following internodes elongate, every alternate one carrying a hydrotheca, the hydrotheca-bearing imternodes slightly longer than the intervening ones. Hydrothece small, each borne near the middle of its supporting internode. Supracalycine nematophores large ; a single mesial nematophore borne by the hydrothecal internode at the proximal side of the hydrotheca, two by each of the inter- vening internodes, and a single one by the short proximal internode. Gonosome. — Gonangia elongate, oval, smooth, narrowed below into a * I regard the presence of a joint at regular intervals between every two or every two pairs of hydro- thece as an essential character of the true Sertularidans (Sertularia, Sertularella, Diphasia) quite irrespec- tively of the extent to which the hydrothecx are adnate to the hydrocaulus. in Thuiaria, on the other hand, the joints occur at distant, and for the most part irregular intervals, thus allowing numerous hy- drothecz to follow one another without any intervening joint. See Journ. Linn. Soc, Zodlogy, Vol. XU. p- 267. 30 PLUMULARIA ATTENUATA. short peduncle, by which they spring from the axils of the pinne, open- ing on the summit by a wide oblique aperture. Off Alligator Reef, from a depth of 88 fathoms. This species grows in tufts, numerous undivided stems springing from a common base. It is of a rather rigid habit; the pinne are close set; besides the nematophores of the pinnze we find on each internode of the stem two large, alternately placed, solitary nematophores, and two pairs of nematophores which are borne by the lateral process on which the hydrothecal ramulus is supported. Plumularia macrotheca. Pl. XVID, Figs. 3} 4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, simple, fascicled, springing from an entangled mass of fine tubular filaments; pinnz very slender, alternate, composed each of a succession of long internodes alternating with short ones, each of the long internodes bearing a hydro- theca. Hydrothecze deep, tubular, with very slightly everted margin. Supracalycine nematophores springing each from a short process which pro- jects from the long internode, just below the margin of the hydrotheca, one mesial nematophore carried by the same internode at the proximal side of the hydrotheca, and another on each of the short internodes. Gonosome not known. Off Cojima, Cuba, from a depth of 450 fathoms. Plumularia macrotheca is remarkable for its long narrow hydrothece. Its very slender pinnx are rather widely set upon the stem, which is fas- cicled, and, like other fascicled stems, resolves itself below by the separation of its component tubes into a loose plexus of hydrorhizal filaments. Plumularia attenuata. Pil. XVIII. Figs. 5, 6. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus branched, fascicled below; pinnz alternate, each arising from a point of the stem close to the distal end of an inter- node; internodes of pinnew elongated, becoming abruptly slender in the distal two thirds of their length. Hydrotheex small, borne by the thicker basal portion. Supracalycine nematophores springing from tooth-like processes which PLUMULARIA MEGALOCEPHALA. 31 flank the hydrotheca on each side; mesial nematophores, one at the distal and one at the proximal side of each hydrotheca. Gonosome not known. Off Boca Grande, from a depth of 105 fathoms. The abruptly attenuated distal portion of the internodes of the pinnz is sufficient to distinguish this species. The internodes of the stem are short, and the pinne are in consequence close set, resembling in this respect those of P. jilicula. In the stem each internode carries two nematophores which are placed laterally and alternately, and one pair of nematophores which is borne by the lateral process. Plumularia megalocephala. Pils AEX. get, 2 Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus irregularly branched, not fascicled; pinne alternate, each borne close to the distal end of an internode of the stem, where it is supported on a long stout process of the internode; proximal internode of pinna short and destitute of hydrotheca; following inter- nodes longer, every alternate one carrying a hydrotheca, and slightly longer than the others. Hydrotheczx small and shallow, each borne near the middle of its internode, and supporting a very large hydranth. Besides the supracalycine pair of nematophores, each hydrotheca-bearing internode carrying a single mesial nematophore at the proximal side of the hydro- theca; intervening internode carrying two mesial nematophores, and short basal internode carrying one. Gonosome not known. Off Alligator Reef, from a depth of 14 fathoms. The specimens from which the description has been written were im- perfect, and the height to which they had attained could not be determined with certainty, but it was probably about two inches. The internode intercalated between the hydrotheca-bearing internodes was sometimes present, sometimes absent, and was of variable length. The internodes of the stem carry two nematophores placed laterally and alternately, and one or two pairs on its lateral process. Some of the hydranths in the specimens were sufficiently well preserved to afford a sketch of their outline. They are of enormous size in com- parison with the hydrothecx, into which they could never have been retracted. The very large pear-shaped body was supported on a slender stalk, the only part which lay within shelter of the hydrotheca. a2 HALOPTERIS. Plumularia geminata. Pl. XX. Figs. 1-4. Trophosome. —Stem attaining a height of about one inch, dichotomously branched ; internodes towards the distal extremity of the branch alternately longer and shorter; each shorter imternode carrying near its middle a hydrotheca, on each side of which springs an ultimate ramulus, also com- posed of alternately longer and shorter internodes; each shorter one carrying a hydrotheca. Hydrothecze campanulate with slightly everted margin, free for about its distal half. Lateral nematophores borne each on a strong tooth-like process of the internode; mesial nematophores carried upon both the hydrothecal and the intervening internodes. Gonosome. —Gonangia pyriform, borne on short two-jointed peduncles which spring from the mesial line immediately below the hydrotheca, the narrow proximal end of the gonangia carrying a nematophore on each side. ; Off Sand Key, from a depth of 120 fathoms. Plumularia geminata is a very remarkable form; the ultimate ramuli given off in regular pairs from the principal branches confer upon it a very striking aspect. All these pairs of ramuli are directed towards one side of the branch from which they spring. The proximal joint of each hydro- theca-bearing internode in the ultimate ramuli is very oblique, the distal one transverse. This internode carries a single mesial nematophore, which is situated at the proximal side of the hydrotheca, while each intervening internode of the ramulus carries three. In the main branches each hydro- theca-bearing internode carries also a nematophore at the distal side of the hydrotheca, while four nematophores are borne on every intervening internode.* HALOPTERIS ALLMAN nov. gen. GENERIC CHARACTER. 'rophosome.— Hydrosoma pinnate plumose; stem and pinne divided into internodes. Hydrothecw adnate to side of pinnae, unilateral. A pair of nematophores flanking the hydrotheca, one on each side, and adnate to it. Mesial nematophores two (or more), not adnate to the hydrotheca, fixed, monothalamic, with an oblique aperture continued into a lateral slit. Gonosome not known. * See Addenda, p. 56. HALOPTERIS CARINATA. 33 The genus Halopteris constitutes an intermediate form between Aglao- phenia and Plumularia. To Aglaophenia it shows an affinity by its paired nematophores being adnate to the hydrothece, and by its fixed monothalamic mesial nematophores with slit-like aperture. To Plumularia it is connected by having more than one azygous nematophore seated on each internode of the pinne, and all at a distance from the hydro- theca, by the wide separation of the hydrothecx from one another, and by their even margin. Halopteris carinata. Pl. XIX. Figs. 3-7. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, simple, non-fascicled ; pinnz alternate, springing one from each internode of the stem, near its proximal end; internodes of pinnz separated from one another by oblique joints, each carrying a hydrotheca near its mid- dle. Hydrothece very large, adnate to internode for about two thirds of their height, and then becoming free, deep, nearly cylindrical in lateral aspect, infundibuliform in front aspect, margin even, with a slightly prominent cusp in front, from which a slight keel is continued for some distance along the front of the hydrotheca. Lateral nematophores in the form of a long tubular stalk which springs from the internode at a point near its middle, and thence passing obliquely across the side of ‘the hydrotheca, reaches the margin, where it terminates in a cup-like dilatation. Mesial nematophores free, fixed by a narrow base, two on each internode, one being just below the hydrotheca, and one at a little distance above it. Gonosome not known. Off Carysfort Reef, from a depth of 35 fathoms. This is a remarkable hydroid, rendered striking by its long tubular lat- eral nematophores, and by the peculiar form and large size of its hy- drothece. The stem carries between the pinne longitudinal rows of short fixed nematophores whose oblique aperture is continued into a lateral slit. Though the mesial nematophores of the pinne are attached by a narrow base, they are firmly fixed, thus, along with the nemato- phores of the stem, contrasting with the movable and easily detached nematophores of the true Plumularie. In this respect, and in their oblique and slit orifice, they resemble the nematophores of Aglaophenia. 5 34 ANTENNOPSIS. Genus ANTENNULARIA Lamarck. Antennularia simplex. Pl. XXI. Figs. 1, 2. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about three inches, simple; verticils closely set, each composed of about five ramuli; ramuli borne each on a stout process from the stem, and composed of long, nearly equal internodes, every internode carrying a hydrotheca near its proximal end. Hydrothece small, campanulate, flanked on each side by a short tooth-like process from the internode. Supracalycine nemato- phores borne on the tooth-like processes; two mesial nematophores on each internode, one at the proximal and another at the distal side of the hydrothecx; a pair of nematophores borne on the basal process and single nematophores scattered over the common stem. Gonosome not known. ‘ Off Alligator Reef, from a depth of 86 fathoms. The present species comes very near to Antennularia ramosa, from which, however, it differs in its simple habit, and in the position of the hydrothecx, which are here situated further towards the proximal end of each internode. ANTENNOPSIS ALLMAN nov. gen. Grenerio CHARACTER. Zyophosome.— Stem jointed, sending off scattered jointed ramuli which carry the hydrothecse. Hydrothece with entire margin, unilateral, associated with a pair of movable supracalycine nemato- phores and with movable azygous nematophores borne along the hydrothecal side of the ramuli. Gonosome. — Gonangia not protected by corbule or other appendages. The genus Antennopsis differs from Antennularia, to which it is closely allied, by the scattered disposition of its ramuli, which in Antennularia are verticillate. In all the species of Antennularia which I have examined, the coeno- sure is canaliculated in the stem, the hydrosomal cavity being there represented by a network of interecommunicating canals. In Antennopsis hippuris the hydrosomal cavity is of the ordinary simple type, but we do not yet know enough of the species which may compose the genus Antennopsis to enable us to regard this as a true generic character. HIPPURELLA. 35 Another feature in which Anfennopsis hippuris differs from the species of Antennularia consists in the absence of the tow-like mass of fila- ments which forms the hydrorhiza of the various species hitherto referred to the latter genus, the place of these entangled filaments being here taken by a small knot of free tubular fibres. | Antennopsis hippuris. Pl X XT, digs. 3, 6. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, spring- ing from a cluster of distinct tubular fibres; stem simple, non-fascicled, divided into rather short internodes; ramuli slender, supported each by a thick process of the rachis which is given off from all sides irreg- ularly, every alternate internode of the ramulus supporting a hydrotheca. Hydrothece small, cup-shaped. Hydrothecal internodes carrying besides the supracalycine nematophores two mesial nematophores, one at the proximal and one at the distal side of the hydrothece; intervening internodes with two mesial nematophores. Gonosome. — Gonangia shortly pedunculate, borne singly in the axils of the ramuli; male? elongated oval, with an oblique terminal orifice ; female? slipper-shaped with the distal end curved over to one side, and with a sub-terminal orifice. Off Double-Headed Shot Key, from a depth of 195 fathoms. Antennopsis jippuris is a small and rather delicate species. Like almost every other hydroid, it is dicecious, and the collection contains specimens of each sex, which differ from one another considerably in the form of the gonangia. The contents of the gonangia were not well enough pre- served to enable their nature to be determined, and it is therefore with hesitation that, guided by the analogy of some other forms, I have regarded the long oval gonangia as male, and the shorter slipper-shaped ones as female. HIPPURELLA ALLMAN nov. gen. GENERIC CHARACTER. T'rophosome. — Hydrocaulus branched, ultimate ramuli pinnate on the proximal portion of the branches, but distributed on all sides towards their distal. extremities. Hydrothece borne on the ultimate ramuli, unilateral, with entire margin, associated with a pair of 36 MONOSTAECHAS. supracalycine nematophores, and with azygous nematophores along the hydrothecal side of the ramulus. Gonosome not known. The genus Hippurella unites in itself the characters of a Plumularia and of an Antennularia or Antennopsis. Indeed, the genera Plumularia, Antennularia, Antennopsis, and Hippurella differ from one another mainly in the disposition of the ultimate ramuli. The characters thus afforded have long been recognized as of generic value in the separation of Antennularia from Plumularia, and the application of the same principle to other forms necessitates the construction of Antennopsis and Hippurella as legitimate genera. | Hippurella annulata. PL RRL, igs. 1 )8. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about three inches, springing from a dense bundle of tubular filaments, fascicled throughout the main stem, which sends off numerous non-fascicled branches, which are pinnately disposed below, but given off irregularly towards the distal end of the hydrocaulus; ultimate ramuli alternate and pinnate towards the proximal ends of the branches, but towards the distal ends surround- ing the branch on all sides, and here either scattered or regularly verticil- late ; each composed of alternate long and short internodes with inter- vening groups of very short ring-like internodes, each of the long internodes carrying a hydrotheca. Hydrotheczx deep, thimble-shaped, with slightly everted margin. Besides the supracalycine pair of nematophores, there are two mesial nematophores, borne by the ramulus, between every two hydrothece. Gonosome not known. Off Pacific Reef from a depth of 283 fathoms. The species is rendered striking by the large size and deep thimble- shaped form of its hydrothecee, and by the annulation, at intervals, of its ultimate ramuli. MONOSTAZCHAS ALiMAN nov. gen. GENERIC CHARACTER. Zyophosome.— Stem branched ; hydrothecal ramuli confined toone side of their supporting branches. Hydrothecx unilateral er 5 j r 4 MONOSTACHAS DICHOTOMA. 37 with entire margin, associated with a pair of supracalycine nematophores, and with free mesial nematophores. Gonosome. — Gonangia not contained in corbule, or connected with special branches. The unilateral disposition of the hydrothecal or ultimate ramuli on the main branches is very remarkable, and, being absolutely constant, becomes a character of generic value. Monostzchas dichotoma. Pil. XXII. Figs. 1-5. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch and a half, pellucid, dichotomously branched ; every alternate internode of the hydro- thecal ramuli carrying a hydrotheca and separated from the others by a transverse distal joint, and a very oblique and more strongly marked proximal one. Hydrothece rather large cup-shaped, flanked on each side by a prominent tooth-like process of the internode. Supracalycine nematophores borne by the tooth-like processes, one mesial nematophore borne by the hydrotheca-bearing internode at the proximal side of the hydrotheca, and two by the intervening internode; numerous nemato- phores borne in a single series along the opposed sides of the bifurcat- ing branches. Gonosome. — Gonangia pyriform, contracted below into a short stalk, which springs from a slightly prominent process of the internode, just below the base of the hydrotheca, and carries a nematophore on each side of it. Off Pacific Reef, from a depth of 283 fathoms. The present species closely resembles, in several important characters, the Plumularia catharina of Johnston. In the form and position of the hydrothecse, in the internodes and nematophores of the ultimate ramuli, and in the form and position of the gonangia, the resemblance is so close, even in minute details, that it is impossible to find in these parts any characters by which the one hydroid can be distinguished from the other. It is entirely different, however, with the ramification of the species for which I have here founded the genus Monostacuas. This ramification is of a very remarkable kind, so much so, indeed, that I regard it as affording a character of generic value. It has not only no resemblance to that of Plumularia catharina, but belongs to a type which has no representative , in any other known Plumularidan, 38 ANTENNELLA GRACILIS. ANTENELLA ALLMAN nov. gen. Generic CHARACTER. — Trophosome.— Hydrocaulus consisting of simple stems, which spring from a congeries of tubular filaments; stems divided into internodes, destitute of pinnz, and directly bearing the hydrothece. Hydrothece with entire margin. Nematophores free and movable. fronosome not known. If in a true Plumularia the rachis had never been developed, and the pinne had thus come to stand immediately on the hydrorhiza, we should have a form with the essential characters of Antennella. Antennella gracilis. Pl. XXII. Figs. 6, 7. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about an inch, simple or with an occasional division near its base, springing in dense tufts from a mass of creeping, tortuous, inosculating, and entangled filaments, divided into internodes by very oblique joints, and with an intervening obscure hori- zontal joint, also generally apparent. Hydrotheex borne along the hydro- caulus from its distal end to within a short distance of its base, rather large, cylindrical, deep, with a circular margin, free for about half their height. Supracalycine nematophores borne each on the extremity of a long hollow process which flanks the hydrotheca on each side ; mesial nematophores usually four between every two hydrothece. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Carysfort Reef from a depth of 60 fathoms. A form nearly allied to the Antennelia gracilis of the present Report has been dredged off the British coast by Hincks, who regards it as a variety of Plumularia catharina Johnston, and believes it to be identical with the Antennularia cyathifera of Dana, and with the Sertularia secundaria of Cavolini. That all these belong to the form for which I have constituted the genus Antennella, there can, I think, be little doubt. Throughout that section of the Plumularidw which is characterized by its movable nematophores, and of which Plwnularia setacea may be taken as the type, the modifications of ramification as expressed in the disposition of the hydrothecal or ultimate ramuli admit of being thrown into a series whose members present a definite relation to one another. Taking as our point of departure such forms as Plwnuiaria setacea of AGLAOPHENIA RAMOSA. 39 the European shores or P. /jilicula, etc. of the present Report, we find that the hydrothecal ramuli are given off on two opposite sides of the simple or branching stem from which they spring with a regularly alternate arrange- ment. In P. catharina the hydrothecal ramuli, instead of being alternate, are exactly opposite. In P. geminata, while the points of origin of these ramuli are opposite to one another, as in P. catharina, the ramuli themselves are all directed to one side, and thus lie in unilateral pairs along the sup- porting branch. In the genus Monostxchas, as represented by the single species I. dichotoma, the main stem is dichotomously branched, and every al- ternate prong of the forks gives off—from one side only —the hydrothecal ramuli. In Antennella the whole of the main stem has disappeared, and the hydrothecal ramuli come to be borne directly on the hydrorhiza. Again, in Antennularia the hydrothecal ramuli are disposed in regard- verticils along the stem. In Antennopsis they also surround the stem, but instead of being disposed in verticils they are scattered. What An- tennularia is to P. catharina with its opposite distichous ramuli, Anten- nopsis is to P. sefacea with its alternate distichous ramuli. Finally, in Hippurella we have a transition between the alternate and distichous ramuli of P. setacea and the scattered ramuli of Antennopsis or verticillate ramuli of Antennularia; the proximal parts of the branches having their hydrothecal ramuli disposed as in P. setacea, while towards the distal extremity these ramuli become scattered as in Antennopsis or verticillate as in Antennularia. Each of these modifications is in itself so well marked that it may be justly taken as characterizing a distinct specific form, or, in some cases, even a generic group. Any one of them, however, may be regarded as an easily understood derivation from others, while all may obviously have descended from a single ancestral form Genus AGLAOPHENIA Lamovrovx (in part). 4 Aglaophenia ramosa. Pl. XXUUZ. Figs. 1-4. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about, six inches, sub- dichotomously branched, fascicled in main stem and branches, and becoming monosiphonic only near the distal ends; pinne given off at an acute angle from the anterior aspect of the branches; internodes of rachis with a 4() AGLAOPHENIA RHYNCHOCARPA. strongly marked septal ridge on a level with the intrathecal ridge, and with a less distinct one at the base of the supracalycine nematophores. Hydrothece deep, with strongly dentate oblique margin, and with the intrathecal ridge extending obliquely upwards across the entire width of the hydrotheca. Supracalycine nematophores strong, overtopping the hydrotheca; mesial nematophore attaining nearly the level of the margin of the hydrotheca, and adnate to it for nearly its entire height; cauline nematophores forming a longitudinal series on front of the stem. Cronosome not known. Florida Reef, from a depth of from 2 to 3 fathoms. This is a tall-growing species, with a loose, somewhat straggling habit. In the absence of all knowledge of the gonosome, its reference to Aglao-~ phenia is only provisional. Aglaophenia rhynchocarpa. Pl. XXII. Figs. 5-8. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, non-fascicled, simple, springing in dense plumose tufts from a network of tubular fibres; internodes of pinnz divided transversely by three or four strongly marked imperfect septa. Hydrothece incurved in front, margin deeply dentate with the anterior tooth strong and bifid; intrathecal ridge well marked, stretching obliquely upwards across the entire width of the hydrotheca. Supracalycine nematophores slightly overtopping the margin of the hydrotheca; mesial nematophore adnate for nearly its entire length to somewhat less than the proximal half of the hydrotheca. Conosome. — Corbule closed, with the rachis continued beyond the distal end in the form of a beak; leaflets each with a strong process at its base directed outwards and towards the distal end of the corbula; nematophoral ridges not rising in prominent crests. Key West, Triangle Shoal, 3 to 4 fathoms. This is a very beautiful species, and presents several well-marked char- acters. ‘The hydrothecw are rendered striking by their rather prominent base giving rise to a sinus-like depression of the anterior wall, and by the bifid anterior tooth of the margin. It is, however, in the corbula that the most marked characters are to be found. The prominent beak-like distal extension of the rachis forms a striking feature, while the processes e J AGLAOPHENTA APOCARPA. 41 which the leaflets of the corbula give off at their base form a series of pinn upon each side of the rachis, very obvious when the corbula is viewed either from above or below. These pinne-like processes carry nemato- phores along their upper side, and when viewed from below are seen to send off a somewhat triangular, flat, wing-like expansion from the lower. The beak-like extension of the rachis carries also on its upper surface nematophores which are disposed in two pairs. The peduncle of the cor- bula carries a single hydrotheca. Aglaophenia lophocarpa. Pl. XXIV. Figs. 1-4. Trophosome.— Hydrocaulus attaining a height of between two and three inches, simple, not fascicled; pinne alternate, springing from a point near the distal end of each internode. Hydrothecz deep, somewhat tumid below, margin slightly everted, with nine equal very distinct teeth; intrathecal ridge transverse. Supracalycine nematophores slightly overtopping the hydrothecze ; mesial nematophore adnate to within a very short distance of its summit, and attaining nearly half the height of the hydrothece ; cauline nematophores two on each internode of main stem, one close to the axil of the pinna and the other near the proximal end of the internode. Gonosome. — Corbula with about ten pairs of leaflets; leaflets broad, united into a completely closed corbula, the distal margin of each carry- ing numerous well-developed denticles, and projecting from the sides of the corbula in the form of a pectinated ridge which is continued as a free serrated crest beyond the roof; a spur-like denticle at the base of each leaflet; peduncle of corbula carrying a single hydrotheca. Off Tortugas, from a depth of 68 fathoms. The corbula of this species, with its pectinated ridges and crests, is a very beautiful object, and affords a well-marked specific character. Aglaophenia apocarpa. Pl. XXIV. Figs. 5 -9. Trophosome. —Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about two inches, simple, not fascicled; pinne alternate; internodes of pinne somewhat bent backwards at their proximal end so as to give rise to a slight angular bend at the point of junction of every two internodes. Hydro- thecee deep; margin with about nine deeply cut teeth, slightly everted ; 6 42 _ AGLAOPHENIA GRACILIS. intrathecal ridge transverse. Supracalycine nematophores stout, slightly overtopping the hydrotheca; mesial nematophore attaining nearly half the height of the hydrotheca, adnate for nearly its entire length; two cauline nematophores on each internode of stem, one of which is situated close to the axil of the pinna, and the other near the distal end of the internode. Gonosome. — Corbula with about ten pairs of leaflets; leaflets quite free, narrow, with denticles nearly equaily developed on each edge and with a spur-like denticle at its base; peduncle of corbula carrying a single hydrotheca. Off Sand Key, from a depth of 100 fathoms. In its trophosome this species comes very near to Aglaophena lophocarpa. It differs from it, however, in the occurrence of a slight angular bend be- tween every two internodes of the pinne, and more especially by its open corbule. There can be little doubt that the open condition of the corbule is not here the result of an immature state of these bodies. Like a similar condition of the corbule of other species, it is of considerable morpho- logical interest as a persistent state of a condition elsewhere transitory. The nature of the denticles along the edges of the leaflets is very obvious in this species. They are plainly seen to be nematophores of the ordinary Aglaophenian type. Their cavity communicates by an aper- ture in the base with the interior of the leaflet, and through this aperture their contents become united with the ccenosare of the leaflet. The ccenosare does not uniformly fill the leaflet, but is disposed in the form of a loose, irregular network of intereommunicating channels. Aglaophenia gracilis. Pl, XXV. Figs. 1-4. Trophosome.— Wydrocaulus attaining a height of about three inches, sparingly branched, not fascicled; pinne alternate, springing from a point near the distal end of each internode; internodes of pinnz with two strong but short septal ridges, one on a level with the short, strong intrathecal ridge, the other on a level with the base of the supracaly- cine nematophore. Hydrothece deep, slightly widening towards the orifice, with strongly toothed margin; intrathecal ridge strong and short, q AGLAOPHENIA RIGIDA. 43 situated near the bottom of the hydrotheca. Supracalycine nemato- phores scarcely overtopping the hydrotheca; mesial nematophore adnate to less than half the height of the hydrotheca, and with a short, free extremity ; cauline nematophores two on front of each internode of the stem, one of these close to the axil of the pinna, and the other near to the proximal end of the internode. Gonosome not known. Off Carysfort Reef, from a depth of 52 fathoms. This species comes very near to Aglaophenia rigida in the form of its hydrothece. The hydrothecal internodes, however, are longer and narrower than in that species. A. rigida, moreover, is a much more ramified and a taller form. Aglaophenia rigida. Pl, XXV. Figs. 5-9. Trophosome.— Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about nine inches, springing from a mass of tortuous filaments, non-fascicled, slender, wiry, much branched towards the distal ends of the stems; branches given off from a point on the anterior side of the stem, from which they frequently spring in pairs; pinnz alternate, springing from a point a little below the distal end of each internode; hydrothecal inter- nodes short, each with two short septal ridges. Hydrothece closely set, deep, slightly widening towards the orifice, and with strongly toothed margin. Supracalycine nematophores slightly overtopping the hydro- theca; mesial nematophore adnate to about half the height of the hydrotheca and terminating in a short, free extremity. Gonosome. — Corbulze completely closed, long, nearly cylindrical, with about fourteen ridges rising into slightly prominent crests; denticles of ridges cup-shaped, with the basal one in the form of a tubular diver- gent spur. Off Cape Fear, from a depth of 9 fathoms. The pinnz appear to be easily detached in this species, for most of the specimens were nearly destitute of them, and presented little more than a cluster of long, naked, wiry stems. The ramification is peculiar, the branches springing from the anterior side of the stem, where each is usually accompanied by a second from 44 AGLAOPHENIA DISTANS. the same point of origin, the twin branches then directing themselves forwards and remaining nearly parallel to one another. The hydrothece are so closely set that the summit of each is on a level with the base of the next above it. This species closely resembles the preceding, A. gracilis, of which it may possibly be regarded as a variety. Aglaophenia distans. Pl. XXVI. Figs. 1-8. Trophosome.— Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about four inches, sim- ple, rooted by an entangled bunch of tubular filaments, fascicled below, becoming non-fascicled above, and here divided into equal internodes, each of which carries a pinna on alternate sides; pinne distant, attain- ing the length of nearly an inch. Hydrothece deep, nearly cylindrical above, narrowed below; margin crenate, with a single long tooth-like process in front ; intrathecal ridge not conspicuous. Supracalycine nematophores not overtopping the hydrotheca ; mesial nematophore attaining about a third of the height of the hydrotheca, to which it is adnate for its entire length. Gonosome.— Corbulze composed of numerous pairs of ribs, which are quite free from one another, each carrying a small hydrotheca near its origin, and having numerous tooth-like nematophores along its distal edge; peduncle of corbula rather long, carrying three hydrothece. Dredged off Pacific Reef, from a depth of 283 fathoms. The present species is rendered very distinct by the long tvoth-like process on the front margin of the hydrotheca, and by its remarkable open corbula. The form of the hydrotheca is not absolutely constant, and occasionally there may be seen on the same pinna with the ordi- nary form others in which the narrowing of the hydrotheca towards the base is much less marked. (Fig. 4.) The corbulx, which closely resemble those of Aglaophenia bispinosa, are in the highest degree instructive, and afford a beautiful example of morphological transformation. Like the corbule of other species they are metamorphosed pinne, but the change here undergone is of such a character as to bring out very distinctly their true morphology. The pinna (Fig.) 7, which is here to become a corbula, retains nearly its ordi- AGLAOPHENIA SIGMA. 45 nary form for some distance from its origin. It is, however, somewhat more attenuated, while its hydrothece are slightly smaller than in the ordinary pinne. In the specimens examined these hydrothecz were three in number, and the first and third internode carried each a small accessory mesial nematophore (not represented in the figure) at the proximal side of the principal one. After the third internode the principal transformation of the pinna suddenly commences and continues to its distal end. This transformation consists in the hydrothecx ceasing to be adnate to the rachis of the pinne, and becoming elevated on short stalks while they become at the same time approximated and thrown alternately to the right and left, so that the pinna carries now two alternate rows of short processes, each bearing a little cup similar to that of the ordi- nary hydrotheca except in being somewhat smaller. With the elevation of the hydrotheca above. the level of the rachis the supracalycine and mesial nematophores are carried up with it (Fig. 8). The former (0) retain nearly their ordinary shape and size, but the mesial nematophore (c) becomes enormously developed, being not only greatly increased in length, but becoming broad, flattened, and somewhat sabre- shaped, while a row of small tubular nematophores is developed along the distal edge of each, as well as along the proximal edge of the stalks (a) which carry them. It is the mesial nematophores thus singularly transformed which mainly constitute the ribs which form the sides of the corbula. Be- tween these and the mesial nematophores of the proximal portion of the pinna, which remains nearly unaltered, there is no gradual transition, but it is interesting to note that the internodes of this part of the pinna differ from those of the ordinary pinne in carrying a smail acces- sory mesial nematophore, which is repeated and multiplied on the short stalks which form the bases of the ribs in the corbula. The jomts, which are very distinct in the proximal portion of the pinna, become obsolete in the corbula. Aglaophenia sigma. Pil. XXVI. Figs. 9, 10. Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about six (*) inches, simple, fascicled almost to the tip; pinne alternate, with their origin from the front aspect of the stem. Hydrothece deep, nearly cylindrical, AG AGLAOPHENIA BISPINOSA. with the margin cut into rather shallow teeth, and with the cavity divided into a distal and proximal portion by a distinct intrathecal ridge of a sigmoid form. Supracalycine nematophores not overtopping the hydro- theca; mesial nematophore adnate to the proximal fourth of the hydro- theca, becoming free only close to its point. Gonosome not known. Dredged off Alligator Reef, from a depth of 110 fathoms. The remarkable sigmoid form of the intrathecal ridge constitutes a very distinctive character of this species. Another striking feature is found in the numerous well-marked septal ridges by which the inter- nodes of the pinne have their cavity divided into intercommunicating chambers. It is a strong, rather rigid species, and attains a considerable size; but as the specimen had lost its hydrorhizal extremity, the entire length attained by it could not be determined with certainty. In the absence of the gonosome its reference to the genus Aglao- phenia is of course only provisional. Aglaophenia bispinosa. Pis. XXVII, and XX VII. Trophosome.— Stem attaining a height of eight inches, stout, simple, rising from an entangled mass of branching tubular filaments, fascicled below, and presenting from distance to distance knot-like projections ; pinne alternate, attaining a length of nearly an inch and a half. Hy- drothece deep, widening upwards; margin with a single, strong tooth-like process in front, and with short, blunt teeth in the rest of its extent; intrathecal ridge not conspicuous. Supracalycine nematophores stout, not overtopping the hydrotheca; mesial nematophores two in number, the distal one adnate to the hydrotheca, along which it extends for about one third of the height of the hydrotheca, the proximal one forming a short, stout spine-like process just below the distal. Gonosome. — Corbulee open, formed by two alternate or sub-opposite series of free, rib-like processes, each of which carries near its base a small hydrothecal cup, and along its distal margin a series of numerous tooth-like nematophores; the rachis of the corbula continued towards the common stem as a long peduncle carrying about five unchanged hydrothece, Dredged off Alligator Reef, from a depth of 156 fathoms, and off Tennessee Reef, from a depth of 200 fathoms. AGLAOPHENIA CONSTRICTA. AT Aglaophenia bispinosa is a beautiful species, and is surpassed in size by very few hydroids. The proximal part of the stem is composed of a congeries of tubes (Pl. XXVII.), which at rather regular intervals become curiously contorted into knot-like projections, and which, at the extreme proximal end, become separated from one another, and here form a large entangled mass of hydrorhizal filaments. Knot-like projections of quite a similar kind occur in the European Aglaophenia myriophylla. Towards its distal extremity the stem loses its polysiphonic or fascicled condition and becomes monosiphonic. In the specimens examined the pinnz were borne along somewhat less than the distal half of the stem. The hydrothece are remarkable for the long, strong tooth which projects from the front of the margin; but a still more remarkable character is found in the presence of a second mesial nematophore situated on the internode, just behind the normal one and unconnected with the hydrotheca. (Pl. XXVIII.) The corbule (Fig. 3) are very beautiful. They closely resemble those of A. distans, present the same elements in their formation, and, like these, afford a most instructive illustration of the essential morphology of the organ. The peduncle which connects them with the common stem, and which consists of the proximal portion of the pinna, which, in its ter- minal portion, becomes transformed into the corbula, is unusually long (Fig. 4), and consists of five scarcely altered internodes with their hy- drothece ; an additional mesial nematophore, however, is developed near the proximal end of each of these internodes. Aglaophenia constricta. Pl. XXIX. Figs. 1-4. Trophosome. — Stem attaining a height of about eight inches, thick, fascicled, springing from an entangled mass of wiry filaments, and send- ing off numerous, irreguiarly disposed, simple branches, which carry alternately disposed pinnx, three pinnx springing from every internode. Hydrothecz with the distal half expanded and separated from the proxi- mal part by a deep constriction; margin with four broad teeth. Supra- calycine nematophores slightly overtopping the margin of the hydro- theca; mesial nematophore nearly equalling in length the height of the hydrotheca, to which it is almost entirely adnate; cauline nema- 48 AGLAOPHENIA PERPUSILLA. tophores two on the axil of each pinna, and one immediately below the pinna in front. Gonosome not known. Off Conch Reef, from a depth of 30 fathoms. This is a well-marked species. The expanded summit of the hydro- theca and the deep constriction between this and the proximal por- tion are striking features. No gonosome was present in the specimen; and it is quite possible that if this were known we should find it necessary to remove the species from Aglaophenia. Aglaophenia perpusilla. PL, XX1X. Fras, bs Trophosome. — Hydrocaulus attaining a height of about one fourth of an inch; stem simple, non-fascicled ; pinnz alternate, each springing from the anterior aspect of an internode in the axil of a strong tocth-like pro- cess, which carries on its proximal side a fixed nematophore, and just below which another strong fixed nematophore also springs from the internode. Hydrothece deep, slightly widening upwards; margin with about nine strong and deeply cut teeth, the anterior tooth continued into a narrow keel, which runs down the front of the hydrotheca; intrathecal ridge dis- tinct, horizontal, situated at the junction of the lower and middle third of the hydrotheca. Supracalycine nematophores strong, overtopping the hydrotheca ; mesial nematophore scarcely reaching the intrathecal ridge, adnate as far as its oblique terminal orifice. Gonosome not known. Dredged off the Quicksands from a depth of 34 fathoms. Aglaophenia perpusilla is the most minute of all the hitherto described species of Aglaophenia, and is further rendered very distinct by certain special characters. The tooth-like processes given off from the anterior side of each internode of the stem have not been found in any other Aglaophenia. These processes appear bifid from the fact of their carrying in front a strong nematophore, while just below this another similar nemato- phore is also borne by the internode. Fig. 1 . Fig. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. 63 PLATE XXVIII. Figs. 1-5. Aglaophenia bispinosa. Portion of stem and pinna, magnified ; front view. Portion of pinna, magnified; lateral view. Corbula, magnified ; viewed from above. Peduncle of corbula, more magnified. (a, a) Internodes of peduncle showing the three mesial nematophores borne by each internode. Base of proximal rib of corbula, still further magnified. (a) Supracalycine nematophores slightly altered. (5) Base of mesial nematophore which has become transformed into a rib of the corbula. Between a and 6 is seen the slightly altered hydrotheca with a hydranth still visible in it, PLATE XXIX. Figs. 1-4. Aglaophenia constricta. A specimen, natural size, with some sponges growing over its stem. Portion of stem with the proximal ends of the pinne ; magnified. Portion of a pinna, still further magnified ; viewed laterally. Same, viewed in front. Figs. 5-7. Aglaophenia perpusilla. Entire colony, natural size. Portion of a pinna, viewed laterally ; magnified. Portion of stem with the proximal ends of two pinnez, magnified. PLATE XXX. Figs. 1-5. Cladocarpus dolichotheca. Entire colony, natural size. Distal end of a colony, magnified. (a, a) Phylactogonia. Portion of a pinna with hydrotheca, magnified ; viewed laterally. Same, front view. Portion of stem near proximal end, showing nematophores disposed like the denticles of a grapto- PLATE XXXI. Figs. 1-7. Cladocarpus ventricosus. A colony, natural size. Distal end of a colony, magnified. (a, a) Phylactogonia. Portion of a pinna, still further magnified ; viewed laterally. Same, front view. Portion of stem near the proximal end, with a longitudinal series of nematophores ; magnified. Gonangium, magnified; lateral view. Same, front view. PLATE XZXHI. Cladocarpus paradisea ; an entire colony, natural size. PLATE! XXII. Figs. 1-6. Cladocarpus paradisea. Portion of a pinna, magnified ; lateral view. Portion of stem with proximal end of pinna, not so highly magnified ; front view. 64 DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 3. Proximal end of a pinna carrying a phylactogonium; magnified. | (a) Pinna. | (b) Phylactogonium with gonangia; female (?); front view. Fig. 4. Portion of a phylactogonium from a point near its distal end, carrying a single young gonangium ; female (?); back view. Fig. 5. Portion of a pinna with a phylactogonium, magnified. (a) Pinna. (b) Phylactogonium with gonangia; male (?). Fig. 6. Portion of one of the branches of a phylactogonium with two of its nematophores ; still further magnified. PLATE XAAXITY., Figs. 1-5, Halicornaria speciosa. Fig. 1. Natural size. Fig. 2. A portion taken from a point towards the proximal end ; magnified. Fig. 3. Same, from a point near the distal end. Fig. 4. Portion of a pinna, still further magnified; front view. Fig. 5. Same, lateral view. D* —— ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Aglaophenia Aglaophenia apocarpa Aglaophenia bicuspis Aglaophenia bispinosa Aglaophenia constricta Aglaophenia distans ~ Aglaophenia gracilis Aglaophenia late-carinata . Aglaophenia lophocarpa. Aglaophenia myriophylla Aglaophenia perpusilla Aglaophenia ramosa Aglaophenia rhynchocarpa . Aglaophenia rigida Aglaophenia sigma Antenella Antenella gracilis Antennopsis Antennopsis hippuris . Antennularia Antennularia cyathifera Antennularia ramosa Antennularia simplex Bathymetrical distribution Bimeria Bimeria humilis Bimeria vestita Bimeridee Calycella Calyptoblastea . Campanularia Campanularia macroscypha Campanularia syringa Campanularidz Campanulinz Cladocarpus. : é Cladocarpus dolichotheca Cladocarpus formosa . Cladocarpus paradisea . 44, 46 PAGE 44, 47 41, 42 48, 56 50, 33 Cladocarpus ventricosus Coppinia . Cryptolaria . Cryptolaria abies Cryptolaria conferta Cryptolaria elegans . Cryptolaria longitheca Cuspidella Cuspidella pedunculata Definition of terms Desmoscyphus Desmoscyphus Buskir Desmoscyphus longitheca Eudendridz Eudendrium Eudendrium attenuatum . Eudendrium cochleatum Eudendrium exiguum Eudendrium eximium . Eudendrium fruticosum . Eudendrium gracile Eudendrium laxum . Eudendrium ramosum . Eudendrium tenellum Filellum immersum Grammaridz GRAPTOLITES Gymnoblastea . Halecidee Halecium . Halecium Beanwt Halecium capillare . Halecium filicula Halecium macrocephalum Halecium muricatum Haleciwm sessile Halicornaria PAGE . 50,52 18 ¥7- 20, 21 17, 19, 20 ; 20 18,19 13 13 TINO n Oo” o o Oo oO 2 17 51, note 66 Halicornaria speciosa Halopteris Halopteris carinata Hippurella Hippurella annulata Hydrallmamia falcata Lafoéa. Lafoéa coalescens Lafoéa convallaria Lafoéa dumosa . Lafoéa tenellula Lafoéa venusta Lafoéidee Lafoéina tenwis Macrorynchia Monostzchas Monostzechas dichotoma Obelia . Obelia longicyatha Obelia margiata Oplorhiza Oplorhiza parvula Plumularia . Plumularia attenuata Plumularia catharina Plumularia filicula . Plumularia geminata Plumularia macrotheca Plumularia megalocephala PAGE 29 : 30 2, 37, 38, 56 : 29 32, 39, 56 30 31 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Plumularia setacea Plumularide RHIZOPODA Sertularella Sertularella amphorifera Sertularella conica . : Sertularella Gay . : = Sertularella Gayi var. robus Sertularella polyzonias : Sertularella tricuspdata. . Sertularia : Sertularia distans Sertularia exigua Sertularia gracilis Sertularia marginata . Sertularia pumila Sertularia secundaria Sertularia tubitheca . Sertularia tumida Sertularide . ; ‘ Sertularinz 3 4 : Thoa capillaris Thuiaria Thuiaria distans Thuiaria pinnata Thuiaria plumulifera Thuiaria sertularioides Thyroscyphus . ‘ Thyroscyphus ramosus * Tubularia crinis Tubularia indivisa AuLMaN, Hyprows oF Guur SrREAM. PLaTE | SED) M&N.Hanhart imp Prater II. M&N Hania aime, Attwan,, Hyprows OF GULF Srrpan. Auctor SAF Hollick. ad nat. de). I. PLATE ff Auuman, HypRoips OF GuLr STREAM. M.&N.Hanhart mp. PLATE V. Auman, Hyproips oF GULF STREAM. M& N.Harhart imp. Auctor & AF Hollick,ad nat. del. a Auuman,Hyproms or Guir Srream. Pant | | Auctor & AF Hollick, ad nat del. M&N.Hanhart in, LAN Harha imp TO SAF Hollick. ad nat. del. Auman, Hyproms or Gur Srrean. - Auta, Hyproms OF GULP Stream Puare VII ata”. I Z Prars U + M&N Hanhart imp > 2a _ ¥ ee ee on 2 : - c Liiwwais iynkone or Gune Stream Piarr X ; mrad ~) * 2 S a M&N Aanhart iop Hollick. . Auiman, FiypRows oF Gur STREAM. M&N Banhart mp. PLATS ZIT AVIMAN, HyDROIDS OF Gour STREAM . MAX Honhart any Plate XI\ _ M&N Hanhat ump xy. Prare M &N Hanhart imp. a | luctor & AF Hollick, ad nat del. ALLMan, Hyprotps oF Gutr Strra | Prate XVI. Auman, Hyproms or Gur STREAM. e %, : s < a is w 5 a) fe } Q =] re & > =z : A fe =z Xe) dd Uy 4 ibs Uy ~ S SS SN Leg, ig s\ RWV&&Q{ Gv So WSs SS < _™ S a ee Ling MAN Hanhart imp . Auctor KAP Hollick adnat dd. Poare din. Avian, Hyprorps OF GULF STREAM M&N Hanhert imp Auctor & AF Hollick,ad nat del. a » «@ ee - a ra © ee ; Auuisan Hypraws ov Cure Syrmaw. (aa % Poare XX. PLaTE XX! ALLMAN, HypRoips oF GULF STREAM. LH); “Ly : SSS = Sips Lf / fo GW) Ud MAnsd cs x WYO SSS ACR RS a \\ x Oe Tw VSS JY YF CS Witten cece Sw NN pe ee ee 77 Ys Ve 4 3 > 5 A a MAN Hanhart imp | Austor & AF nat del. - Auman, Hyprows or Guur Sean. Pave XXII Y, ® i a =~ Xu | ~. LEEKS Cel r\ ; Py: Sd -wer = ~~ = = : L/ fas Cee Cf ——, ste 3 _ 6 — Auctor & AF Hollick, ad nat del. a -M&N Hazhart imp UF. Hollick admat.del . M&NHanhart ump. ALLMAN, HypRorps OF GunF Streay . Se. UMM IE ; SNS, ans ~ SS SSN SSS ~~ ~ CLM seen le M&N.Hanhert ump. Auctor & AF Hollick ad nat del. ay PLATE XXVi \ WWW "0 + SS SS S Ss7 SSRN SS - yy a Se % aay Y, ys ts yy wee SS - “MY J P"r"UD— é eT PINT: SIL EF? std \ \ t Y MA&N Hanhart imp ALLMAN. Hyprois oF GULF STREAM. & AF, Hollick,ad nat del. : 4 7 ’ y, -s ‘ iy , Kf ° Cee 2 i , | . ALLMAN, HypRoips oF GULF Stream. Friars XXVIIT M&N cannare imp. Atiman, Hyproips or Gur STREAM Puare XXIX . a J 7 PLATE XXX. ALLMAN, HypROIDS OF Gunr STREAM. — ay , om re! | cence = ae ares ER eel 7 . 1 AAR ALRITE a FT SN AMAT OEM ee tt cel Te a a eS ee ee 3 co % R ino] pt < 2 EI bj < 38 : HypROIDS OF GuLF STREAM - ALLMAN, M&N Hanhart =p- ‘* ~ Atuiman, Hyoroms or Gur Srream. 7 Poare XXUI ) See < b a er CRS SSR Se CONN a Puare XXXII. ke Laxton SAF Hollidk, ad nat, del. M&ii Hatkart imp s M&NHanhart.imp. = F- % ~ VA om rai a WN oy oe os YY = WWW — LZ YY yy Attman, HypRoiws oF Gurr STREAM. Bele ML Hollick aadnat del’ COMMERCIAL hemect At IN ea, 0 oe AREA, POPULATION, PRODUCTION, RAILWAYS, TELEGRAPHS, TRANSPORTATION ROUTES, FOREIGN COMMERCE, COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES WITH JAPAN. [From THE SuMMARY oF CoMMERCE AND FINANCE FOR DeceMBeER, 1901. ] O. P. AUSTIN, Ch ief of Bureau. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Bureau of Statistics. ee or Zi = ea ieee | | CARS a er i Me i I ; Wh . aS oO fewer s . COMMERCIAL JAPAN. aT ES Sig i Es | a en ae a a a ee Ea oe SE a ee i ee ae ae EOS IES Ts 1G 5 ee a a a a a a i a ae BE ee ee ee Oe a a ae ae CME eel fer tae Cee oo en Se tie Seen = ee en on See a nos oe SE owen coe nee cence enaese er a re aa ac wo Peace Wa ao kere eas aces oes ode Sanat e as dacen etc nensenmecsbesdescon ner te ee a i. 5 Aa on Came saan soe See aos nee eo awed oS ceo e eon eb ewcoe nen enac-cndeennecaee eS DS See ete OE SRS 2 ee es ee ee ae aa eae nA NT ee eR aI tery tae Sie aera ne elo aes aly ie cla ae = a= SC aa og eb wom hoe ee eee nee ose eee ner enncecmesccns rE a RENE RED es GION eee eee BE Se SS Se Bee Se ae pela eon ma oo ake woes ones eee na con cn scnensenndeene PE ed eee es ee icine eee Toe ee gens aa noe ewes cen Sonn Beemer cep ad menentoneancecedewdaeceus EIN Oa Re Oe oi hy ch) 2 i a eee ee The development of commerce in Japan and its effect on civilization in that country.........-----...--..------------------ a ERI Sir Sp ne SO ela a oe ance accom wn ee ore was Cone qe cet ood Sone tadenennccbecue coh Sd gle ey SG cS a a a ee a an ei eee eee ee Pree fPONL COMGUIOM Ebner we can Soseu a ainnceeenacawadicesceces Se Pe oi elisa a mia he Sead aera EO IOC AOL PiANOAId WT JADA. 3, Wo scan cae aime Sa ctee wcin a= vied ons se anuis wos scene ow Sbowcss cee ence es ecccacde= Official statement of the Japanese minister of finance accompanying the report upon the adoption of the gold standard... Effect oi the change in standard upon economic conditions in Japan..-..-.-.--..------+-------- 22-22 eee eee eee teen The report of the high commission of agriculture, commerce, and industry on the adoption of the gold standard.......-- eerie Cente Reis HEY, Ole SEMA 3 i oe, ol aptealeees — 3 La ee a ' ee 34 2 ~~ wth 453 Berke Roe A = ea 1 ak Bee : : yon taxi BENG ER ee OR i) a Abe lod inh i bee dan re a < . yy Sint ee iy Pie - =e i 4 ote it Aaa = % « ~~ e - ee ee te y — » tee t pag eendterk es ie ae (v= Pag ee hones Y senress a, 4 ‘o-meraee . : al + «cutee = alee eae ; a - . . : 2 | ee oh bias oP ee - —_, > ¥ ~ 2 & 4h — -— £5 ~ q © 7 ie a COMMERCIAL JAPAN IN 1900. Recent events so much increase the interest which the people of the United States feel, and have for many years felt, in Japan that a brief review of present conditions in that country compared with those of earlier years seems justifiable. Japan has, during the past few years, assumed an important rank in the list of commercial nations, and in doing so has vastly increased her commerce with the United States, the nation instrumental in first opening the doors of that country to commerce with the world. Within the last few years new treaties have been made with the principal countries of the world, by which their citizens are given equal privileges with the citizens of Japan in all parts of the Empire and made subject to the laws of that country, which have been recently revised, new commercial codes established, new currency adopted, new tariffs created, and new ports opened for commercial intercourse with the world.. Lastly, by reason of more recent events, Japan and the United States have become near neighbors, physically as well as otherwise, Japan’s northern territory, the Kurile Islands, lying within 500 miles of our Aleutian Islands, and her southern extreme, Formosa, lying within 200 miles of the Philippines, thus making a complete chain along the Pacific front of Asia. From Yokohama, her most important port of entry, the distance to Manila as a trade center is practically the same as that to Hongkong, which has proved so important a distributing point for British trade; from Yokohama to Honolulu, a distance of 3,400 miles, Japanese steamships now regularly ply; and from Yokohama to the Pacific coast ports of the United States the distance is far less than to the ports of any other great commercial nation, while the opening of an isthmian canal would greatly lessen the water route between Japan and the Gulf and Atlantic ports of the United States, from which she draws so large and constantly increasing a proportion of her supplies. EARLIER COMMERCIAL RELATIONS. The earlier commercial relations of Japan to the world, and the part which the United States has had in developing them, are so well known that they need not be recounted in detail. Portuguese adventurers, who were the first to establish commercial relations in China, soon extended their trade to Japan, the first Portuguese sailors landing on her soil in 1542, and within a few years an active commerce was established. Encouraged by that success, the Dutch East India Company in 1598 dispatched five merchant vessels to Japan, one of which reached it in 1600, and in 1609 other Dutch ships arrived and were well received by the Japanese, who conceded thera a port on the island of Hirado and the privilege of establishing a ‘‘factory’’ or trading post and settlement. The hostilities between the Portuguese and Dutch, however, and the extreme demands of the Portuguese, who considered themselves already established in the commerce of Japan, coupled with dissatisfaction with the attitude of foreign missionaries toward the popular religion of Japan, led to the exclusion of all traders except the Dutch, who were permitted to take up their residence on a small island, Deshima, where they remained for more than two centuries in undisturbed monopoly of the entire European trade of Japan. In 1852, serious complaints of mistreatment of American sailors wrecked on the coast of Japan having been made, Commodore M. C. Perry, with a fleet of American vessels, was sent by the United States Government to demand from Japan a treaty by which American vessels should be allowed to enter one or more of its ports to obtain supplies, and, if practicable, that Americans should also be given general trading privileges in these ports. This undertaking was peacefully carried to a successful termination, a treaty being signed March 31, 1854, by which the ports of Shimoda and Hakodate were opened as harbors of refuge, supply, trade, and consular residence to the United States. This action was quickly followed by a successful demand for similar privileges by the British, Russian, and Dutch governments, and by 1860 the ports of Hakodate, Kanagawa, Nagasaki, and Niigata were opened to the commerce of the leading commercial nations of the world. From this time forward the commercial relations of Japan with the world made rapid progress. In 1860 and 1861 a Japanese embassy visited the United States and Europe. The decade 1860-1870, while largely occupied by dissensions and, in some cases, hostilities between the elements favoring commercial relations with the world and those preferring former methods, saw marked developments within Japan, the beginning of the adoption of the customs and methods of western nations, and laid the foundation of the progress which has since been made. In 1871 an embassy consisting of the embassador and junior prime minister, Iwakura, the vice-embassador, Kido, Count Ito Hirobumi, the three ministers of the cabinet, and several inferior officers and secretaries, numbering 49 in all, sailed from Japan to visit all the nations having treaties with that country. Count Ito, in an address at San Francisco, the first landing place after the embassy had left Japan, said: ‘‘Our mission, under special instructions from His Majesty the Emperor, while seeking to protect the rights and interests of our respective nations, will seek to unite them more closely in the future, convinced that we shail appreciate each other more when we know each other better. * * * Held in absolute obedience by despotic sovereigns through many thousand years, our people knew no freedom or liberty of thought. With our material improvement they learned to understand their rightful privileges, which for ages had been denied them, Civi’ war was but a temporary result. Our ‘daimios’ magnanimously surrendered their principalities, and their voluntary action was accepted by the General Government. Within a year a feudal system, firmly established many centuries ago, has been completely abolished. By educating our women we hope to insure greater intelligence in future generations. Japan can not claim originality as yet, but will aim to exercise practical wisdom by adopting the advantages and avoiding the errors taught her by the history of those enlightened nations whose experience is their only teacher.” The development of Japan which followed this tour of observation and intercourse with other nations of the world was very rapid. Schools were increased, students Were sent abroad to obtain a higher education and study foreign methods; internal highways were made, steamships built, and communication with foreign countries was increased; manufacturing industries were encouraged and “a 2219 2220 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [Decewser, multiplied, and business men from other countries welcomed to participate in the commercial and business development of the country As a consequence the foreign commerce of Japan, which in 1878 amounted to less than 60,000,000 yen, in 1898 was over 484,234,480 yen while the development of railroads, manufactures, and internal industries had been equally great. The progressive spirit of the Japanese and the rapidity with which they are adapting themselves to modern methods is shown in the increasing proportion in the trade of Japan conducted by Japanese. In 1890 the relative share of the exports from Japan by Japanese and foreigners, respectively, was, Japanese, 6,123,961 yen; foreigners, 48,767,635 yen. In 1900 the relative share was, Japanese, 73,381,634 yen; foreigners, 124,681,912 yen. Of the imports in 1890, the value of 19,521,764 was by Japanese, and 61,033,109 by foreigners; in 1900, the value of 112,737,050 was by Japanese and 173,433,883 by foreigners. Taking the total of imports and exports, the share of the Japanese in 1890 was 25,645,726 yen, or 18.9 per cent of the total; that of foreigners, 109,800,745 yen, or 81.1 per cent of the total; while in 1900 the share of the Japanese was 186,118,684, or 33.4 per cent of the total, and that of foreigners 371,497,429 yen, or 66.6 per cent of the total. Commenting upon this subject, the Austrian consul at Yokohama called attention to the fact that the number 3 of European and American firms established in Japan is decreasing. At Yokohama in 1899, he says, the number was 303, while in 1900 it was but 248. The number of Japanese merchants in China and Korea is increasing, and it is expected that as soon as things in China return to their normal state a large contingent of Japanese merchants will proceed thither to compete with foreigners in that trade. The consul adds that in Korea Japanese merchants have already made competition impossible, and states that Japan is becoming more and more an important commercial factor in Asiatic and generally in international commerce. A table showing the share in the commerce of Japan conducted by Japanese and foreigners, respectively, will be found on another page. SHARE OF THE UNITED STATES IN THE COMMERCE OF JAPAN. The United States, which has been constantly and actively associated with the development of Japan, has participated largely in the growth of her commerce. Thousands of young men from Japan have visited the United States as students, and thousands of mer- chants and business men from the United States have visited Japan as instructors in educational and commercial lines. As teachers and professors in schools and colleges, as editors and publishers, as merchants who engage in both importing and exporting, as manufac- turers, as constructors of railways and telegraphs, and in establishing modern electrical aids to commerce, citizens of the United States have been active in Japan. As a consequence, the trade relations between the two countries have grown with greater rapidity than between Japan and any other nation. In 1881 the imports from the United States formed less than 6 per cent of the total importations into Japan, while in 1900 they formed 21.93 per cent of the total importations. Meantime, Great Britain’s share in the imports of Japan fell from 52.57 per cent in 1881 to 25.03 per cent in 1900. The United States is also Japan’s largest customer, by reason of the fact that the chief export products of Japan are articles required by the manufacturers of the United States, and which can not be produced in this country. The total exports from Japan in 1900 amounted to 198,063,547 yen in value, and of this amount 52,566,395 yen went to the United States; 39,177,455 to Hongkong; 31,871,576 to China; 19,150,423 to France, and 11,262,997 to the United Kingdom. The exports of Japan to the United States, as already indicated, are chiefly of articles which are not produced in this country, and in a majority of cases are those required by our manufacturers. Of the 52,566,395 yen in value exported to the United States in 1900, the value of 26,710,050 yen consisted of raw silk, 5,972,012 manufactures of silk, 6,930,475 of tea, 3,002,519 mats for floors, 1,011,923 rice, 1,743,671 chemicals, drugs, etc., while manufactures of bamboo, lacquered ware, and other products peculiar to the Japanese have also figured largely in the list. Exports from Japan to the United States have steadily grown, especially since the development of the silk- manufacturing industry in this country. In 1893 the value of her raw-silk exports to the United States was 11,078,748 yen; in 1894, 22,457,348; in 1895, 27,826,245; in 1896, 14,080,981; in 1897, 32,262,900, and in 1900, as already indicated, 26,710,050. The United States is the largest purchaser of raw silk from Japan, whose total exportations of raw silk exceed 50,000,000 yen annually. France is the next largest customer in this line, her purchases of raw silk from Japan in 1900 amounting to 10,861,352 yen in value, against 26,710,050 yen by the United States, while Italy took raw silk to the value 6,092,140 yen; England, 374,927 yen; Russia, 429,304 yen, and other countries 189,256 yen. The total exports from Japan to the United States in 1881 were 11,056,464 yen in value, being 36.5 per cent of the total exports of that year, and in 1900 were 52,566,395 yen, or 26.05 per cent of the total exports of that year. Japan’s imports from the United States have grown with even greater rapidity than her exports to the United States. In 1881 they amounted to but 1,781,108 yen, and in 1900 had reached 62,761,196 yen in value. They have grown with much greater rapidity than the total importations of Japan, our share of her import trade having increased from 5.72 per cent in 1881 to 21.93 per cent in 1900, while the United Kingdom, our principal competitor in that market, which furnished, in 1881, 52.57 per cent of the total imports of Japan, supplied, in 1900, 25.03 per cent. A detailed examination of the supplies furnished by the United States to Japan can perhaps be better made from our own standpoint measured in dollars. In the fiscal year 1892 our total exports of domestic merchandise to Japan amounted to $8,288,282, and in 1901 to $18,656,899. Of this total the largest item of export was illuminating oil, which aggregated $4,784,350; the next largest item being manufactures of iron and steel, with a total of $4,649;287. Third in rank is raw cotton, with a total of $4,086,317; other important items being breadstuffs, $1,107,235; provisions, $399,684; scientific instruments, $376,068; leather and manufactures, $285,551; tobacco and manufactures, $238,890; clocks and watches, $237,381; paper and manufactures thereof, $206,586; lubricating oil, $197,342, and paraflin, $167,118; while many other articles of less importance have found a place in the markets of Japan. Taking up the great class of iron and steel and examining its details, it is found that the exports of locomotive engines in 1901 amounted to $372,162 in value, builders’ hardware, $121,697; sewing machines, $30,979; firearms, $42,512; car wheels, $20,773; other machinery, $1,481,796; and miscellaneous manufactures of iron and steel, $2,579,368. A detailed study of the exports from the United States during the decade is presented on another page, the purpose being to determine the articles most in demand in that country and those in which the export trade has most rapidly grown. It will be found that the exports of raw cotton have grown from but $85,211 in 1890 to $4,086,317 in 1901. Illuminating oil, the exports of which amounted in 1890 to $3,559,395 in value, showed in 1901 a total of $4,784,350, despite the active competition of Russian and Sumatran petroleum, and the further fact that Japan is now herself supplying a part of her consumption of illuminating oil. Exports of flour increased from $127,120 in 1890 to $1,035,893 in 1901. This increase is evidently due to a growing disposition among the Japanese to consume more of this class of food rather than to rely upon rice, as in former years, since the number of foreigners in Japan other than Chinese and Koreans amounts to less than 4,000, and has not materially increased during the period in which our exports of flour to that country have increased sevenfold. In paper and manufactures thereof our export trade with Japan has grown very rapidly, the total exports in this class being, in 1890, $1,606; in 1896, $10,126, and in 1901, $206,586. Instruments for scientific purposes increased 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. ye Sf from $9,441 in 1890 to $34,600 in 1894, and $376,068 in 1901. In 1890 the value of the canned beef exported from this country to Japan was but $11,212; in 1901 the total was $140,648; while exports of pickled beef advanced from $638 in 1890 to $72,325 in 1901. Leather and manufactures of leather find a steady demand in Japan, owing to the fact that the number of cattle and other animals whose skins are used for tanning is comparatively small, the total number of cattle in Japan, according to the last census, being but 1,433,583, or 30.24 for each 1,000 inhabitants. THE COTTON TRADE AND INDUSTRY OF JAPAN. Exportations of cotton cloths to Japan have fallen by reason of the rapid increase in the manufacture of cotton cloth in that country, the total for 1901 being but $37,891, against $141,264 in 1897. Meantime, however, exportations of raw cotton to Japan have rapidly increased, being, as already indicated, $4,086,317 in 1901, against $85,211 in 1890. This is largely due to the increase in the manufacture of cotton goods in Japan, though American cotton has grown in popularity with the manufacturers there within the past few years. Experience has shown them that cotton from the United States is more satisfactory for use in manufacturing than that which Japan had been accustomed to obtain from India and China, the staple in American cotton being longer, thus giving better results. As a consequence, imports of American cotton now form a much larger percentage of the total importation into Japan than in earlier years, although the raw cottons of China and India have largely the advantage, both in the matter of proximity and cheapness of labor utilized in their production. Japan also produces a considerable amount of cotton of her own, though it can scarcely be expected that this will increase in a manner to at all keep pace with the growth of her cotton-manufacturing industry. The entire area of Japan is but-161,245 square miles, or less than the State of California, while but about 12 per cent of its land is under cultivation, and but a com- paratively small proportion cultivable, since mountain ranges and rocky islets and shores occupy a large proportion of its area. It must be remembered that Japan, with her small cultivable area, has a population of 43,760,815, and must therefore devote most of her arable land to the production of food stuffs, while her natural products of silk and tea are so much in demand the world over that they are not likely to be displaced for cotton, which can be so readily brought from other and comparatively adjacent countries. Cotton manufactur- ing in Japan has, however, grown very rapidly, the total number of spindles in 1899 being 2,074,475, against 5,456 in 1863. It is thus apparent that Japan will continue to purchase from other parts of the world a large proportion of the raw cotton which her rapidly growing cotton mills will consume, and as the cotton from the United States has already made rapid headway against that from the nearer countries of China and India, it is reasonable to assume that the market for American cotton will continue to grow, especially if an isthmian canal gives opportunity for direct water shipments from the cotton-growing section of the United States to the ports of Japan without breaking bulk. IRON AND STEEL. In iron and steel there seems no reason to doubt that the demand upon the United States will continue. The importations of manufactures of iron and steel into Japan have grown very rapidly. It is apparent that the demand for manufactures of this class will continue to increase with perhaps greater rapidity. The various manufacturing and mechanical industries are being encouraged by the Government and by Japanese capitalists, as are also the construction of railroads, the building of ships, and other enterprises of this kind, which will require great quantities of iron and steel and their manufactures. While considerable quantities of iron ore are known to exist in various parts of Japan, it is not believed that they will prove sufiicient to seriously interfere with or take the place of the supplies now being furnished from other countries, especially since there are few places where iron and coal are found in conjunction. In addition to this, it may be said that while the coal supply is now such as to have become quite an article of export, rivaling that of Australia and other localities in that part of the world, it is believed that it will not be sufficient to meet the great demand upon it for all classes of manufactures for any considerable term. Besides, the large capital required for the construction of establishments for the manufacture of iron and steel, coupled with the extreme cheapness of production in the United States, through proximity of coal and iron mines, also makes it improbable that the market in Japan for manufactures of this class will be seriously impaired by local production and manufacture. One factor which enters into this question of local manufactures in Japan, as a competitor with those of other countries which have formerly held that market, is that of labor. Upon this subject all recent writers who discuss this feature of conditions in Japan agree that rates of wages in that country have very much increased in the last few years and are likely to continue to increase, and that the fears formerly expressed that a combination of modern manufacturing developments with the cheap labor of the Orient would result in driving the manufacturers of other parts of the world out of the markets do not seem to have been justified by the experiment thus far, A table showing rates of wages in the principal industries for a term of vears will be found on another page. THE DEMAND FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. In products of agriculture other than cotton and tobacco the demand of Japan is up to this time comparatively small. Importations of rice in 1898 were heavy, but this was due to a short crop. Asarule Japan produces rice sufficient for her large population, and as this cereal is the most important food article with the masses the importations of food stuffs are, up to this time, comparatively light. That there is a growing demand for meats, however, is shown by the figures already quoted, which indicate that the exports of meats from the United States to Japan have increased at a reasonably rapid rate in the past few years, and with a growing demand for food stuffs of this class and the extremely small number of animals which can be utilized for this purpose, the prospect for a market for provisions, including meats, butter, cheese, etc., seems fairly satisfactory. Of petroleum, as already indicated, the importations continue heavy, though in this the oil fields of Russia and Sumatra are proving active competitors of those of the United States, resulting both in a reduction of price and something of a reduction in quantity exported. A STUDY OF JAPANESE IMPORTS, Those desiring to study the import trade of Japan in its broadest sense and to determine the class of articles for which a market is to be found in that country will find on another page a table showing the importations into that country in the order of their greatest value in 1898, with a comparative statement showing the importations, article by article, beginning with 1892, the year the marked growth of imports into Japan began. Cotton importations, as already indicated, have increased very rapidly, being 11,026,637 yen in 1892 and 51,500,002 yen in 1900. Sugar forms the next article of importation in relative value, being 26,606,528 yen in 1900, against No. 6 12 , st oa - 2222 COMMERCIAL JAPAN, ee << a 9,519,612 yen in 1892. Sugar importations up to this time have been largely in the form of the refined material ready for use. — tariff recently adopted, however, makes the rate of duty on refined sugar about three times that on raw sugar, the intention presumably — + being to encourage the sugar-refining industry in Japan. Cotton yarns show no important gains in the seven years in question, but,on the contrary, a decrease since 1896, this being due to the rapid increase in the cotton-spinning industry of Japan, which has not only proved able to supply the local demand of the cotton mills, but is making a large market for itself in China, and thus increasing the -cotton cloth manufactures of that country. Kerosene oil imports from 1892 to 1900 increased from 3,328,398 yen to 14,162,651 yen, thus more than doubling in value, while the exports to Japan from the United States in those years barely kept pace with the general growth. The growing demand for food products other than rice is illustrated by the fact that importations of beans, pease, and pulse have increased from 2,712,044 yen in 1892 to 8,822,111 yen in 1898, and 4,817,767 yen in 1900. Another article which shows a rapid growth in importations into Japan, and one which the manufacturers of the United States may find worthy of attention, is that of oil cake for fertilizing. The importation of this article in 1892 amounted to 824,651 yen, 3,220,600 yen in 1896, 4,614,967 yen in 1898, and 5,696,453 yen in 1900. The extremely limited cultivable area of Japan, coupled with the large demand from its 45,000,000 population whose wants are rapidly growing with increased earnings and greater activity, calls for the most careful attention to the producing possibilities of the soil, and with the small number of domestic animals from which to obtain supplies of fertilizers there is a growing demand ior fertilizers of other classes. This doubtless accounts for the rapid increase in the imports of oil cake for fertilizing, a product of which our own exportations have rapidly grown, while the possibility of introduction of other fertilizers, of which our supply is now so large, may be also worthy of consideration. The United States now supplies a large share of the phosphates of the world used for fertilizing purposes, and this, coupled with the almost unlimited capacity of production of oil cake, makes this rapidly growing Japanese market for fertilizers one worthy of attention. Another line of imports into Japan which has rapidly grown in the last few years is that of woolen goods, especially those classed as ‘¢mousseline de laine.’’ This single line of manufactures has increased from 2,448,899 yen in 1892 to 4,373,988 yen in 1898, and 7,364,991 yen in 1900. Recent writers on Japan indicate a growing disposition on the part of the people of that country to utilize woolen goods for garments, and as wool is not produced in any considerable quantities in that country the demand for woolen cloths is constantly increasing. All efforts to introduce sheep for wool-producing purposes have been unsuccessful, the physical conditions of the soil and climate as well as its grasses being such as to make it improbable that Japan will become a sheep-producing country, so that the growing disposition to utilize woolen cloths will increase the market for raw wool or woolen goods, as is shown by the single item alluded to above. Other classes of woolen cloths have also increased from 640,417 yen in 1892 to 2,969,763 yen in 1900, while wool yarn increased from 427,992 yen in 1892 to 1,798,535 yen in 1900, and cloths made in part of wool from 196,618 yen in 1892 to 2,433,758 yen in 1900. One curious and interesting feature of the importations of Japan is that which relates to clocks and watches. The opinion was expressed a few years ago that the cleverness of Japanese workmen in reproducing articles of delicate workmanship brought to their attention would soon reduce to a minimum the importation of clocks and watches and other articles of this character. Experience, however, has not justified this belief. The importation of clocks and watches into Japan, according to the official figures of the Japanese Government, has increased from 687,734 yen in 1892 to 3,419,727 yen in 1898, and 1,840,503 yen in 1900. Other articles-in which the increase in importation has been rapid and suggestive to manufacturers and exporters of the United States are rails for railways, which increased from 67,437 yen in 1892 to 4,753,371 yen in 1900; other materials for railways, from 51,865 in 1892 to 2,514,232 in 1898; printing paper, from 217,309 in 1892 to 2,036,844 in 1900; satins of cotton, from 523,459 in 1892 to 3,662,658 in 1900; plate and sheet iron, from 240,583 in 1892 to 4,080,543 in 1900; iron pipe, from 55,814 in 1892 to 2,981,693 in 1900; cotton prints, from 436,544 in 1892 to 2,002,732 in 1900; nails, from 906,422 in 1892 to 2,181,064 in 1900; white shirtings, from 330,558 in 1892 to 1,325,142 yen in 1900, while numerous other articles whose values are stated in smaller sums show equal and even greater relative growth in the importations, the details of which will be shown by the table printed on another page. AREA, POPULATION, AND PRODUCTION. The geography of Japan is so well known that details need not be discussed. From the northernmost of its group of Kurile Islands, adjacent to Kamchatka, to the southernmost extremity of Formosa is over 4,000 miles, or more than the distance from the northern boundary of Alaska to the southern extremity of California. Its principal islands of course are Hondo, or Niphon, with a total area of 87,485 square miles, about equal to the State of Kansas, and a population, as shown by the census of December 31, 1898, of 33,327,935, or an average of 381 inhabitants per square mile; Hokkaido, or Yesso, with an area of 36,299 square miles, about equal to that of Indiana, and a population of 610,155, or an average of 16.8 per square mile; Shikoku, lying next south of Hondo, with an area of 7,031 square miles, or a little less than that of Massachusetts, and a population of 3,013,817, or 428 per square mile; and Kiushiu, still farther south, with an area of 16,840 square miles, about the same as the combined area of Vermont and Massachusetts, and a population of 6,808,908, or 404 per square mile, making for these four principal islands a total area of 147,655 square miles, or about the sameas that of the State of California, and a population of 43,760,815, or an average of 296.4 per square mile. In addition to this the population of the island of Formosa, ceded to Japan by China after the war between China and Japan, was given on December 31, 1898, as 2,690,096. The Kurile Islands, stretching northward from Hokkaido to Kamtchatka, which were obtained from Russia in exchange for a part : of Saghalin, number about 25, with an area of 3,070 square miles, and a small population, subsisting upon hunting and fishing, : the products of which they barter to American, Portuguese, and Dutch traders. The Riu Kiu Islands, which lie between Japan and Formosa, also belong to Japan, and likewise have a small population, subsisting chiefly by fishing and barter. Hokkaido or Yesso, the ” — most northerly of the islands, has but a comparatively small population, the climate being severe and large portions of the surface : unsuited to agriculture. Indeed, the fact that the large proportion of the Empire of Japan is yoleanic and that lines of mountains, some b= of them active volcanoes, run through the center of the islands with merely a frontage of low lands on each side and yalleys between these mountains, renders the cultivable area relatively small, the land now under cultivation being estimated at but about 12 per cent of the total area, This is, however, very carefully tilled, mostly by hand, with spades, hoes, and implements of this character, plows and — other agricultural implements being but comparatively little used. Rice is the largest and most important crop agriculturally, supplying, _ as it does, the principal food of a large part of the population, though wheat, corn, barley, and millet are grown in certain localities in J quantities bearing but a small relative proportion to that of rice. As to natural products for exportation, silk is by far the most impor- tant, the exports of raw silk in 1900 amounting to 48,818,347 yen. Tea is the next in importance among the natural products, exports of 1900 being 9,035,819 yen in value; rice, 3,576,569 yen; cuttle-fish, 1,158,794 yen; camphor, 3,070,701 yen. Of the mine nea . =, is, 1901.) COMMERCIAL JAPAN. | 2223 coal is the most important in export value, the exportation of 1900 being 13,703,655 yen; those of copper, refined, 12,680,185 yen, while the chief of the manufactured articles exported were cotton yarn, 20,589,263 yen; silk goods, 23,512,116 yen; cotton tissues, 6,099,261 yen; mats, 3,310,042 yen; porcelain and earthenware, 2,660,478 yen. Of the cereals, rice cecupied in 1899 6,958,885 acres, against 1,105,000 in wheat, 1,605,000 in barley, and 1,677,000 in rye, the number of bushels of rice being, according to the Statesman’s Year- Book for 1901, 196,367,997, as compared with 20,126,043 bushels of wheat, 41,690,025 of barley, and 32,767,134 bushels of rye. The production of tea for 1899 is given at 7,543,997 kwan, or 62,454 pounds avoirdupois, the kwan being equal to 8.28 pounds; sugar, 14,615,473 kwan (in 1898); raw silk, 3,277,404 kwan; silk cocoons, 2,512,562 koku, the koku being equal to 4.96 bushels, THE COAL §SUi’PLY. Coal, the most important of the minerals of Japan, is found in the northernmost island, Hokkaido, and in the northern part of the island of Hondo, and in large quantities in the most southerly island of the group, Kiushiu. Coal has been mined systematically during the last thirty years, formerly by the Government, but more recently the management has been transferred to a prominent financial] firm of private citizens, who promptly established trading stations, not only in Japan but in China, Straits Settlements, Burmah, and the Philippine Islands, their product rapidly taking the place of Australian coal, upon which steamships in that part of the world were formerly compelled largely to rely. Locomotive engines from the United States and electric power have been introduced into the mines to take the place of horses, and branch railways convey the coal to ports 50 miles distant, where steamships can have constant access to the docks and depots of supply. The coal veins at the most important of these mines range from 8 to 20 feet in thickness, and the area is believed to be such as to justify the expectation that Japan will, for many years at least, prove an important coal producer and distributor in the East, while the fact that enormous coal deposits, easily worked, are in China, simply awaiting transportation methods to render them available, shows that the coal supply of the Orient can from this time forward be relied upon as sufficient for ordinary requirements. And when it is remembered that the supply of natural water power in the mountains of Japan must necessarily be very great and that this may now be conveyed in the form of electricity to accessible points for use in manufacturing, the manufacturing ' possibilities of Japan, with its large industries and skillful population, will be apparent. r TRANSPORTATION METHODS. Methods of communication and transportation, which play such an important part in the productive possibilities of any country, have so rapidly improved in Japan during the past few years as to add greatly to its industrial prospects, whether agricultural, mining, 7 or manufacturing. Railway lines now stretch along the coast on either side of the principal islands, the total length of railroads being over 3,000 miles, with a large additional mileage proposed and in many cases under construction; telegraph lines form a network ove Er the entire group of islands, while large sums of money have recently been expended by the Government in the construction of highways for transportation connecting the railways, the chief lack, however, being in horses, of which, as already indicated, the number is but a little over 1,000,000 for the 45,000,000 population of the Empire. Of the 11,684 foreigners residing in Japan in 1900, 11,561 were classed as ‘‘ merchants and other professions,’’ while of the 1,296 from the United States 1,282 were classed as ‘‘merchants and other professions.’’ Of the 2,113 British subjects 1,994 were thus classed, and of the 532 Germans 518 were so classified. The number of foreigners residing in Japan is only about one-ninth as great as the number of Japanese residing in foreign countries. The Japanese census of December 31, 1899—and it is interesting to observe that the Japanese take a census each year—showed 99,039 Japanese residing in other countries. Of this number 71,315 were in the United States, so that 62 per cent of the Japanese now residing abroad are subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Of the remaining 27,724 Japanese residing abroad 15,068 were in Korea, 5,681 in England and English colonies, 4,021 in Russia and Russian colonies, and 2,442 in China. Of the 71,315 residing in the United States 282 were students and 1,983 merchants. It is interesting to observe that the disposition of the Japanese is apparently to look almost exclusively to the United States in educational matters, as the total number of Japanese students residing abroad, as shown by the census figures, was 605, and of this number 282 were in the United States, 147 in Germany, 37 in Russia and Russian colonies, 35 in England and English colonies, 49 in China, 15 in Korea, and 17 in France. The new relation in which the foreigners in Japan stand to its citizens, laws, and Government is especially important because of the unusual relation they hold to its foreign commerce. Both the import and export business of Japan are conducted largely by foreigners residing in that country. About 63 per cent of the exportations from Japan and more than 61 per cent of its importations are conducted by foreigners. Of the total exports from Japan in 1900 over 124,000,000 yen were sent abroad by foreign merchants doing business in that country and 73,000,000 by Japanese merchants, while of the total imports of the year 173,000,000 yen in value were imported by foreigners and 112,000,000 yen in value by Japanese merchants. That the Japanese have proved apt pupils in the study of foreign commerce as an art is shown by an examination of the record of Japan’s foreign trade during the past few years. In i883 only Fe 4.85 per cent of the imports into Japan and 14.4 per cent of the exports were made by Japanese merchants. By 1888 the percentage of S importations made by Japanese merchants had increased to 17.8 per cent; by 1894 they had reached 29.2 per cent, and in 1900 39.4 per cent of the total imports were made by Japanese merchants. Meantime their share in the exportation business has also inereased, reaching 18.4 per cent in 1894, 25.8 per cent in 1896, and 37.05 per cent in 1900. The total value of imports by Japanese merchants in 1883 was 1,383,101 yen, and in 1900, 112,737,050 yen, while the total value of the exports by Japanese merchants, which in 1883 was 5,149,078 yen, was in 1900 73,381,634 yen. ‘The fact that three-fifths of the exports of Japan still find a market through foreigners residing in that country, and that a like proportion of the imports is brought in and distributed by foreign merchants doing business in Japan, adds greatly to the importance of the new relations which now exist between the Japanese Government and foreigners residing and doing business in that country. CURRENCY. “ae Naturally the banking and currency of a country which is so rapidly increasing its commercial relations with the United States is __. amatter of especial interest. The gold standard, as is well known, was established in Japan in 1897, and its general banking iacilities, __ 48 well as its currency, are considered stable and satisfactory. The total coinage issued from the mint from its foundation in 1870 up to i “March 31, 1900, exclusive of recoinage, was, according to the Stateman’s Year-Book of 1899, 431,246,052 yen. The paper money, e “egensae the same authority, consists of Nippon Ginko, or Bank of Japan notes, exchangeable for gold on presentation, and the _ amount in circulation on April 1, 1900, 217, 809,333 yen. In 1899 the Nippon Ginko, or Bank of Japan, had a paid-up capital of « - es DP ) es 2224 COMMERCIAL JAPAN.’ ee | “ee --—_-- 80,000,000 yen; notes in circulation, 217,809-333 yen; loans, 786,117,640 yen; deposits, 1,725,404,724 yen. ‘In 1898 ihicents ere J =? private banks, with a paid-up capital of 190,292,740 yen; loans, 1,576,200,337 yen; Avpsonite, 3,393,044,548 yen. In 1899-99, 1,56 i persons deposited 37,921,508 yen and withdrew 15,430,590 yen from the post-offices, which agt as savings banks. In — same : there were 413 savings banks, with a paid-up capital of 14,966,242 yen, and deposits aggregating 93,659,013 yen. The following table shows the amount of coinage issued in the fiscal years ending March 31, 1896 to 1900: COINAGE. 1895-96 1896-97 * 1897-98 1898-93 Yen. Yen. Yen. on Yeus OIA CMO aoa as sc aecan anon acceasr se swespherms|, 01, 420,700 952, 433 76, $24,311 21, 385, 797 SUVEU CONS she oxaese sen ee ress enon dees sop ae oeonaen 20, 007,377 12, 927, 034 10, 298, 085 17, 000, 000 OR CUOOIIS acco snares seen nen eee ee anak ameare 51, 500 650, 000 600, 000 750, 006 IBYONZE COMMIS. 2220s ssnceom “AePR OPE FADO CH Aa Co Wer ipsees Set He a epee be eee tine 100, 000 OUI cos Saccn een aer poaee eae ss seamen amen ee 21, 482, 627 | 14, 529, 467 87, 722,396 39, 235, 797 ‘The following table shows the condition of banks in Japan in 1898: | Head | Branch soa 7 cap- . | BANKS. offices. | offices, tal. Deposits. Loans. Yen. Ye Yen. ' ee GInkoie eee crencasdane cane a anenaeeneene eeeaee 8 36, 000, 000 1, 725, 404, 724 786,117,640 : = st Industrial Bank. esesebeaed 2.600; 000) 12, 5>- >. Sshase vee 6, 776, 609 ohama Specie Bank. 2 10, 500, 000 842, 014, 934 209, 777, 971 ool banke-...5:. 3! 1 399, 000 6, 682, 266 2,981, 879 Acricultural-Industrial osc scavecsosscescmpecuressac! & bly Sa acscacmees 8, 798, 020 962, 686 4,356, 337 PE OtO estan erences sa 904 190, 292, 740 3, 393, 044, 548 1, 576, 200, 337 453 14, 966, 242 93, 659, 013 , 84, 056 1, 368 257, 447, 002 6, 061, 768, 165 2, 659, 064, 829 In January, 1899, there were 4,481 miles of State roads and 15,362 miles of prefectural roads. Railways are of two classes: (1) State railways; (2) railways owned by private companies, 42 in number, two of them supported in a certain way by the Government. The following table gives the railway statistics for 1898-99: miles). 222... . cn enncecncnceevsveereecencdcenss st esue-=r cathe ee =aaeE ae Lae =a eres 2, 652 GTOSS INCOME «occ cenecconscoecnnwcsnrcccececmerevicd@h este esos een eee ete eee eee En ae yen..| 11,143,742 21, 841, 458 BXPenditure . ccacddcwesscvcccetecevcduceudoncscrgeecuceuccucee te] === seems scouseeeeaeee do....| 6,343,030 12, 059, 674 Goods Carrled . 2... cccccoccosanncesccccasemuicdue cus su wcnbineee ame eG pee eee eee eee tons..| 1,857,227 8,141,315 PASSED ZCIS: . on ccc cceeweceuces seu cu sueeduleccenncenn eink emee ee ite o ee eee eee number..| 31,720,787 66, 816, 330 The following are postal and telegraphic statistics for four fiscal years: : 1896-97 1897-98 | 1898-99 Letters and post: semanas 403, 818, 612 4 : 54, 052, 108 505, 002, 412 501, 960, 680 Newspapers and periodicals. ........cccscunccuncnce kuseeded 86, 801, 875 88, 750, 347 91,519, 154 110, 064, $13 BOOKS’. - = ict covlendcaussanuctnevaecnkn sees eee euemee neal 6, 617,114 7, 363, 932 7, 663, 751 8, 079, 462 BAMples; O62 iss. cccecctonuucweiwacsc Hews sceccCc ses aence™ 898, 190 1, 053, 116 1, 164, 327 1, 341, 151 Registered: Packets <..ccoccucauncvactoctpuwcceuscaneeeaeaee 6, 223, 891 6, 498, 199 7, 409, 388 8, 424, 703 WOLSCOIB: . .tiocesruaccnduapeeecouumasuammouy cond eee te pe 2,737,138 4, 213, 849 5, 076, 648 6, 016, O11 DOE] cnn wan cs etnv anne nunaah Kuh ws Seimei a eee eee 506, 096, 820 561, 981, 651 617, 835, 680 635, 886, 810 POBCOMGES::..ncxctcsexvoewsecucestleennanmeweuaee a ecmerenene 4,270 4, 285 4,337 404 LOLEORTAINS CEMVCLG. wacnsconcuveunucumounnenweene auuemamene 10, 978, 153 14, 186, 012 TOlORTADNIG ING. .ccacccavacsscueecweuueantanauweee miles.. 11,517 INGIORTADLIG WIG oc cancaasnd twine aRuaaene sen genes dons 87, 654 44, 801 SUDMETING CADIS We. «spun ccncnanevauneee ne eeeneusmeee 50 fo es 387 ‘ BOOMATING WiTGr..: wchicdeenneoeccesu nea xteeeotrewenee Ggere « 481 1, 691 reeks OMLOGIB'. ssn nnvccxucssapanusseseekiianoeeeeerrene 1,114 1, 255 Post and telegraph OmiGera .> 2. .canvecancte cuaeununeeeen 17, 050 18, 464 Post and telegraph income .%.<.i.essasconnecdessakeun yen.. 9, 221, 833 10, 797, 093 Post and telegraph expenditure.........ccccsecscces do.. a , 625, 725 > 7 In March, 1899, there were 1,562 miles of telephone (31,273 miles of wire), with 18 exchange offices, 40 calling offices, and 8,083 subseribers. EDUCATION IN JAPAN. Educational conditions in Japan are the subject of very favorable comment by those who haye had opportunity for thorough investigation, while the official reports of the Japanese Government show that the number of schools, teachers, and pupils has rapidly increased during the past few years. The number of primary schools on January 1, 1899, as shown by the official reports of the Japanese Government, was 26,824, with a total attendance of 4,062,418, of which number 2,582,277 were boys and 1,480,141 girls. Special te val schools also number 268; ordinary normal schools, 47; and these, with others of various designations, brought the total number of g pub! slic 7. =. , <=) = 1901.] | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2295 schools and educational institutions up to 28,479, against 25,611 in 1893; while the total attendance was 4,183,507, against 3,459,446 in 1893, 3,055,380 in 1888, and 2,833,350 in 1887. In addition to these the universities and institutions of higher grade founded by the State include the Imperial University of Tokyo, with 2,696 students, while there are also superior schools with an attendance of over 5,000, schools of music, schools of art, schools for the blind and dumb, and schools for instruction in military and nayal matters. Mr. Stafford Ransome, C. E., whose views regarding the effect of the new treaties are quoted elsewhere, discussing the educational conditions in Japan, estimates that 61 per cent of the Japanese of school-going age were, according to the latest available information, receiving at all events an elementary education based on modern principles,.and adds that his investigations showed that so far as the masses are concerned education is making its most effectual progress in the quiet and outlying districts which are undisturbed by foreigners and modern methods. ‘‘ Roughly speaking,’’ he says, ‘‘we may estimate that there are in Japan at the present day 30,000 schools of all sorts, 100,000 teachers, 500,000 graduates, 5,000,000 pupils of both sexes, and that the annual outlay in one way and another to maintain them has reached about £1,500,000,’’ or $7,500,000. PORTS AND TRADING CENTERS. Naturally the principal trading centers of Japan are the treaty ports where commerce has flowed in and out and where foreign vessels have been permitted to land and foreign merchants to do business. Especially this is true in view of the fact that the large proportion of the foreign commerce of Japan is conducted by citizens of other countries residing in that Empire, and necessarily residing only at the treaty ports. A table published on another page shows the amount of imports into each of the principal ports of Japan in 1900. It will be seen that the largest imports of 1900 were at Kobe and Yokohama, those at Kobe being 137,484,281 yen and those at Yokohama 109,775,317 yen; Nagasaki being next with 15,427,338 yen, followed by Osaka with 9,741,437 yen. Of the 62,761,195 yen imports from the United States in 1900, the value of 37,553,855 yen entered at the port of Kobe, 19,022,004 yen at Yokohama, 3,610,307 yen at Nagasaki, 368,842 yen at Hakodate, and 2,214 yen at Osaka. Yokohama still continues to be the favorite port with imports from Great Britain, as 35,108,611 yen of the imports from Great Britain in 1900 entered at the port of Yokohama, 28,404,815 yen at Kobe, 6,552,257°yen at Nagasaki, and 578,946 yen at Osaka. Yokohama still continues to hold the largest percentage of the German import trade also, the imports at that port from Germany in 1900 being 15,409,225 yen; at Kobe, 12,240,284 yen; at Nagasaki, 211,323 yen, and at Osaka, 156,054 yen. SHIPPING. Of the 6,630 vessels entering Japanese ports in 1900, 2,685 were foreign steamships, 2,645 Japanese steamships, 1,172 Japanese sailing ships and junks, and 128 foreign sailing ships. Of the 9,825,622 tonnage of the vessels so entering, 6,243,095 tons were foreign steamships. Of the total foreign ships entering the ports in 1900, 1,590 ships, of 3,819,804 tons, were British; 411, of 1,068,914 tons, German; 163, of 340,032 tons, American, and 137, of 297,801 tons, French. Of the total shipping in 1900, 1,075 vessels, of 1,974,428 tons, entered Nagasaki; 766 vessels, of 1,850,043 tons, entered Yokohama, and 1,361 vessels, of 2,816,949 tons, entered Kobe. In 1898 the merchant navy of Japan consisted of 1,130 steamers of European type, having a total tonnage of 447,430 tons; 1,914 sailing vessels of European type, of 170,894 tons, and 19,097 Japanese craft above—‘‘koku’’ each, of 3,320,284 koku (koku equals 180.4 liters). CHANGES IN VALUE OF THE STANDARD OF THE CURRENCY. In closing this discussion it is proper to call attention to the fact that the value of the yen, in which all statements of the value of imports and exports of Japan are made, has fluctuated with the value of silver during the years under discussion, prior to the date at which the gold standard was adopted, and that this fact should be borne in mind in considering the statements of imports and exports. The following gives the value of the yen in United States money on January 1 of each year from 1885 to 1899, as shown by the Annual Report of the Director of the Mint: Value of yen on January 1, 1885, in United States money, 85.8 cents; 1890, 75.2 cents; 1891, 83.1 cents; 1892, 74.5 cents; 1893, 66.1 cents; 1894, 55.6 cents; 1895, 49.1 cents; 1896, 52.9 cents; 1897, 51.1 cents; since 1898, 49.8 cents. Monme=27.0067 grains troy. Picul=1334 pounds avoirdupois, catty=1} pounds, tael=14 ounces, i » i> . 3 a —— a re} ye ha py 2 : , i oe Pe A . ; i a. , ‘ During the war. ¢ 1898. 4 About. PAID-UP CAPITAL. YEARS. : Agziculture.| Industrial. Commercial. Eh RS Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Ie ee ee ee rode nach wa cen atte 1, 188, 203 44,589, 762 20, 014, 874 82, 569, 279 | ein eee ie saiiicars Spee snecananen sai lane peal ichie in 1, 526, 409 58, 728, 636 23, 835, 358 89, 969, 835 Reisen alle gare ae wae ee ocidk we tiv ceanaciaciveaniceciecenncddawas'cse 2,336, 720 122, 066, 653 300, 039, 664 197, 233, 421 An increase of fivefold in a decade. —_ i ag Thus the country suddenly became a strong power, and made a jump from agriculture to the industrial arts. Altogether it has _ been most successful. The new treaty resulting in the increase of customs reflected accurately the expansion of trade. The people's purchasing power increased, general price of commodities and wages went up;* in fact, the standard of living of the people was rapidly raised. Average increase in price of commodities and wages in two largest cities are as follows, taking the year 1892 as 100: a OSAKA AND TOKYO. TOKYO. | OSAKA AND TOKYO. | TOKYO. COMMODITIES. ——_—— COMMODITIES. SSS 1892 1895 1897 1899 1892 1895 1897 | 1899 ae pe eaodeeesae==oe5 100 120 159 192 || Silk: BE) inna iaininisi caine oe RSS BS eseoe 100 117 155 187 EUW) SRC in sn cans acnasamaeenenn 100 97 By Ripa a Ree 5 RA carat » Ee otras daawanceoes 100 99 141 155 Js Le Se ee a ee 100 140 151 | 156 - Sp ot aaa 100 118 154 164 APRON do lee, as ck et Rae cee om 100 122 159 1% Eas see side sala ss asin eaielote we 100 72 178 OSs PMB. 5 seh ocdes sctcas evauaaochueccace 100 185 183 lll BPREE INE Ge chen eile cine ain mse on misie 100 102 152 OP EMCO ts oe et Seon i ce ania 100 87 97 96 Se Siecle ne a miaeieisieie cic. cineucaeene 100 182 199 234 || Iron: EES oe Saralcin oc. cwcid'cenie asian aa’ 100 73 84 122 PMPAMESE. 5 Jos ataanen vonaaes a 100 237 215 130 Been tODACCO......2......% Rasetaee see 100 170 205 RI Sete OLCIEM ane ace aeaua seem. senneeaee 100 98 115 122 ays Cut REE eS Seo SSic onesies sic ae 100 158 142 Rh Oe Eres aceteeaws «aha yescased 100 145 161 168 Fano i 100 163 215 ES i REETORCUINS +. nsec amcescuce sc cues vous 100 135 128; ~— 124 Sugar: = PMROO CHUL w.S0> cotta mentee weldn ace dae 100 112 140° 12 RIPIBALESE WLLC 2. .ccncwceccecicnce 100 107 152 DS OR ORCRIID SI tae twlecamdceccnd 100 208 305 218 See POTEsO DTOWD - --sccucccenncsoe 100 133 191 125 |} Manure: BLOTGIET WHITE 5. cccciccdececnees 100 127 120 126 Dried sardines. ............ estan’ 100 102 1388 200 BP MOLCIPT DIOWD 5-200 ose scececceees 100 103 123 136 Refuse of Berrings.. ......<143-°128 | >169--155 /......... = _ Forcign raw ...... Sana ake 100 120 126 114 OO es oer ic 100 151 152 118 Ree) Sens Selasiabais aa aS 100 130 178 100 HSA eee pana texans pines 100 138 age 114 : I ‘ <_< ————— es , 4 OSAKA AND TOKYO. : OSAKA AND TOKYO. WAGES. : ES WAGES. = 1892 1895 1897 1892 1895 1897 C208. jon Se eSo ee ee Maer 100 164 De ead Be ap cians eS a ee ee ee ee 100 178 173 ULS- Sl Se Seer nese Piicewcets 100 164 TEN GSS a SL eae vc ae CC 100 115 192 = SES ee Tas See 100 125 161 |} Agricultural laborers: 2 a 9 a ee 100 189 144 cn Sp RE Re oh ie A SER Se LE 100 163 185 RMS DiS noe twas aacidclielomcen ae 100 153 153 | Ce a ie SS Tae SY 100 1s 158 I Beans sama easiness ee 100 127 158 || Silkworm raisers: WRN nin aan ddcen wanntcbne select sp ot 100 119 167 es oe eee ee 100 167 150 Nth aS Re SE a ne a are 100 im 183 2: Oo Door One ee Cane Sc enr ee 100 136 TE SEU SPIRMOIS 50. cic une wave ateecsuscbunces~ss 100 83 143 Sacerapeneseewes 100 130 AU | SOP ORVOIS, TOMRION Soc op annncene snk Gnancuaccuns 100 8s 135 Pa arentedtece 100 159 GAO) RSG OLE GI Sat annctncacaccnwncsnecceusdebune 100 240 229 apr 100 170 139 |. $a —______— s 100 148 164 Py a es 6 Se Saceeeemacae 100 | ° 1635-117 | >192-«118 cauee. 100 167 128 : et . 606-615 and 623-532, the Nineteenth Annual Census of Japan, and pp. 29 and 47, Resume Statistique de ]’Empire du Japon, 1900, Se a + +s vee = “a something left for wine, clothing, and cther comforts. 2236 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. a 4 ee. The wages gencrally paid do not compare favorably with those in the United States and Europe and the standard of living is al not so high Z Agi pists neg the labor market being for the most part supplied by those who are satisfied to live under conditic which Americans would not accept. The wages are very low—there is not much margin left for the ordinary laborer—yet there 3 Great amounts of rails, machinery, useful materials, sugar, liquors, tobacco, watches, and woolen goods were imported into the . ol ountry to the excess of 113,334,222 yen over export in 1899; 53,831,714 yen in 1897, against the excess of export over import of 6,831, £5 rat in 1895. At the same time the total ecen trade was increased enormously; 265,372,756 yen in 1890 was increased to 289,517,235 yen in 1896, and in 1899 was rapidly increased to 440,558,820 yen, against only 96,711,933 yen in 1887, or an increase of 262 per cent in export and 294 per cent in import in 1895, and 418 per cent in export and 628 per cent in import in 1899, compared with 1887. But the indemnity of 300,000,000 yen from China, which the people thought was to be spent in increasing the productive facilities of the country, — the Government used for the improvement of the army and the navy (the estimate for this purpose was increased to 60,000,000 yen in 1897, against 16,009,000 yen before the war), the telegraphs, harbors, a subsidy for navigation, and the expenses of the new territory of 65,000,000 yen annually. The extravagance which almost inevitably follows a successful war has led to a lavish expenditure of the ublic money, partly due to the increase in price of commodities and labor. In consequence of the increase of national expenditure, the fiaget always finds an excess of expenditure over receipts, which necessitates an appropriate Increase in revenue, and the question of raising the land tax was discussed in the Imperial Diet. The budget of the country, only 80,000,000 yen before the war, was raised to more than four times that sum. The Government expenditure and revenue for the last fiscal year (1899-1900) were substantially as follows: Yen. Expenditure. 22222: -.0 0.2 c 0. coe e ce cccnn ncn cew nn an ties oon wmeeenssece=snsesaseeensssssseesanee= 253, 662, 841 OPGinary <2 0S -eseece ps tenes cvepewecssscawareeus Speers = —n 45> saan n aaa ee eee eee 137, 314, 631 EXAOPOIBALY oo owe wcicccid wee ces coe nd poche eakee dade aan tee = meen eer a we ae eee 116, 348, 210 Tnteveb ant debt. 22 -22n en seameanemam ae cee tee eee ee 54,278, ee 4 War department .. 2.2... 22 eee een n nn een n nee n cee nent ee en ncn eee een n ee meen cen ne seceecen== 16, 876, 231 1 ; Navy department ee 47, 066, 796 Communication department... s.c2 000 ve - cat nee es occ cn emer ern oe saree oe een eae a 38" de ReCVENUG: - .nvccesesndne tases sobeun Je eb ens de on nee n= apect seewes ae Peeters 253, 682, 356 Ordinary 2oos ube. peor eee ance ae ate ae eee ee 0 So Ae anes aeons 176, 749, 819 ; Extraordinary «2 0% science cescsee seabeenses cass ccees saree aeabe > ease ase eee ee eee ee ee 76, 932, 537 All taxes 2.20. ccccacccccccaseese senda setnne see one aun eases eee ae) Sone eee eee 125, 504, 331 Stamp taxes .......sc0cccscancesccwccnennnassencaesecadnen seereseuenesaeness 5-5 e=en= ieee aeee 11, 935, 531 Quaal private ........cccce csc cccceneseceennecns sh aenwes= cheev ees esen =ses 6s = seen aan 34, 709, 059 BONS: jase oinc'cic wm wc wien mw 5 wen mi creme a el ee a 35, 172, 362 Indemnity .. 2. ..0c. i, a” ’ VESSELS WHICH CLEARED THE PorTS OF JAPAN. DOMESTIC. Steamers. | Sailing. Steamers. Vessels. | Tonnage. | Vessels. | Tonnage. |} Vessels. 327, 818 VESSELS ENTERED THE Ports or JAPAN. DOMESTIC. FOREIGN. YEARS. Steamers. Sailing. Vessels. | Tonnage. | Vessels. | Tonnage. 93, 505 834 22, 634 277, 385 837 20, 921 318, 163 616 23, 757 ®1895 shows the effect of Chino-Japanese war, while sailing vessels of the country and foreign steam and sailing vessels. are not affected by it, yet there is the steady substitution of steamers for sailing vessels. The sailing vessels of the country are increasing as well as the steamers, while foreign sailing vessels are decreasing more rapidly than fercign steamers. Shipping, since 1891, shows an enormous development in its total capacity; showing relative growth as follows: STEAMERS. . UNDER 100 TONS. | 100 To 500 TONS. | OVER 500 TONS. Tons, Vessels. Tons. | Vessels, While the number of ships is increasing, the size is also increasing, especially of steamers. In 1891 the average size of steamer 157 tons; in 1895 became 258, and in 1898 increased to 422 tons. During the same period sailing vessels increased only from 60 to § Thus the country is utilizing immensely the facilities of navigation. cia COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2239 - ji The standing of Japan’s merchant marine in comparison to that of the world was given by Professor Mayo-Smith: Worup’s Vessers Over 50 Tons or Capacrry 1 1893. f STEAMERS. SAILING. | TOTAL. COUNTRIES. oe an as wnt: | Number.| 1,000 tons. || Number.) 1,000 tons. Number. | 1,000 tons. — = emo 4) cu gree. | Ee CUpUiited Gigteg ©2225 5 isan wane oe 2, 372 825.7 || 4,853 | 1,573.7 || 7,225 | 2,399.4 | 1. Great Britain and ireland ......... {| 5931" | 6,183.3 || 7749 | 2891-1 |] 13,080 | 9}074.4 DA NOLW EY = cn aawne aoc eeawstemes F 542 246.1 || 3,559 1, 420.5 4,101 1, 666.6 if (GORI EThy a teenies eee ee a Bape e CEP Coen h Oreo 867 783.3 1, 427 686.9 2,294 1,479.2 5, France..... as oes Fo igs ste sees 599 621.5 1, 634 288. 4 2, 233 909.9 agit 1 eer EER ETT RA EE ee tae 224 223.6 1,738 529.7 1,962 753.3 8. Sweden.. Re a 429 145.6 1, 506 325.0 1, 935 470.6 Se SDA ee eR Me Ua nt Se ca cawewmed 367 202. 4 733 138.5 1,100 449.9 LE POR Getl Hae ae ae ein aisle on a alaielels\s niv=ciniac coe na ioe wan 201 108.3 1, 649 213.2 1, 850 321.5 PASTY! aril te nee ees code oe a acu ne egeceaee 150 177.6 47 121.4 597 299.0 I aOR es one eae ainsi x ciciw'e ess ee be mapinmes 240 122.6 885 158.1 1,125 280.7 14. Greece’ eo 1 oe. a ee ae ee ee 118 80.1 852 192.9 97 273.0 Lie ASU yen NO aon oe anes p neve ss cciseeriennsicses 132 118.1 241 96.7 373 214.8 TRNAS ea 2s SESS ee a 63 39.5 630 125.2 713 164.7 20 SPORES) aininin Meistac te ateataabicemaeinch ae at aa maaain as 51 42.6 211 44.6 262 $7.2 Fee SET 5S ee oe ee a 47 69. 4 6 1.0 | 53 70.4 Pei Raee OV eis en EE aca ho Be «de waa wb -| 10,049 9,290.0 24, 126 7,436.9 34,175 | 16,726.9 FSP STE Se eRe RE ee Soe oe | 300 80.9 3, 416 761.9 3, 716 $42.8 ! 751 169.5 5 # 351 1,077 96.4 1 204.7 282 65.2 458 146.3 149 76.5 185 105.2 | 56, 264 | 10, 450.9 | 50, 518 | 21, 234.2 ‘In this table Japan stands next to Austria-Hungary, in the sixteenth position, having only 22.2 per cent of the average tonnage of the total, which average is 92,300 tons, and only 8 per cent of the average tonnage of 2,488,100 tons of the six great nations, England, United States, Germany, France, Italy, and Russia, and only 2.2 per cent when compared with Great Britain and Ireland. But since 1893 Japan has made her most rapid improvement; in 1899 she had increased her-tonnage to three times as much as in 1893, and her comparative standing to-day would be as high as Sweden, or perhaps as Italy. (B) CREWS AND OFFICERS. No accurate statistics have been taken since 1892 which -will give an idea of this matter. Japanese. | Foreign. Total. ABRs STIR Gh GREE PLO Ole se ee ate ie eit de ole a aceite ofaln wialietnlntn nies aia isiniwieisie'ninnele sw a'qnins seme en'=in | 752 652 1,404 IER UGA ROW Ons h- = Sasadeadeag - Pete a aee or ence Qo Ger BO OUD E DEO OC EEC Hc eee Oe SEC ener 1, 802 52 1,854 Licensed for'small vessels). ... 22. -enncwecce-scecceenae Ran ash oeeseaaees siete edosec 1,061 |.----------- 1, 061 In 1891 there were 1,442 vessels in the country, which shows that only three men were employed to one vessel. This fact is due to the less demand for crews, smallness of compensation for their rough work, and less comfort in yoyages, which naturally causes dislike for the work. The majority of these men were employed in the coast lines, and only one-third were employed for vessels abroad, and only one-sixth of all that go abroad are Japanese, foreigners being employed in the more important voyages. Oi the officers licensed the division was as follows: . Engi- | Special Captains.| “Mates. neers, pilots, READ AGH Otainnin either a stele aieinim a 3) Oe Soe aoe a a emnt alee waene was oem ctaanspasecteswnae d's 93 150 175 4 Foreign ....--.-..----222eeeceeeeeeene eos ee EE eo oncle Oe wan eaapcioesasececes These figures plainly show the poorness of marine interest at that date. (Cc) NAVIGATION LINES. — ; Recently the Japanese navigation lines ‘to different countries have made remarkable progress, and a5 present the Japanese flag is ss. peeling over all waters. Hitherto all shipments to foreign countries were made in foreign vessels, which enjoyed this privilege fora long time. a : (1) Vladivostock line. _-— _—s (2) Korea lines, two companies. ct (3) Tientsin, Manila, Niuchwang, Singapore, Sidney, and Bombay line. : ag 2 (4) Shanghai, Hongkong, London line, to consist of 12 steamers of over 6,000 tons, with minimum speed of 14 knots an hour, nning fortnightly, with a subsidy of 1,331,600 yen. , (5) Australasia line. (6)*South America, irregular. : t7} North America: (a) San Francisco line, 3 steamers, 6,000 tons each, 17 knots; (5) Seattle line, 3 steamers, 6,000 tons each, 13 The above lines are controlled by Japanese companies. Beside these there are— _ : , ‘England: (a) Canadian Pacific Railway Company, every four weeks; (/) Peninsular and Oriental, running between London apan yia Oriental ports; (c)'Castle Company, running between London and Japan via Oviental ports; (d@) Glen Company, running en London and Japan viaOriental ports; (e) Ocean Company, running betweev London and colonial China, with annex to Japan. 2240 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. (2) The United States: (2) Occidental and Oriental, running between Hongkong and United States via Japan and Hawaii; (6) Pacific Mail, running between Hongkong and United States via Japan and Hawaii; (c) Northern Pacific, ranning between Tacoma and Japan, and to Shanghai if necessary; (d) Great Northern, running between Portland and Japan, irre s ; bs (3) France: Compagnie des Messageries Maritimes, running between Marseilles and Japan via Oriental ports, with aggregate tonnage of 192,600, annex to London. : 4) Germany: Norddeutcher Lloyd, running between Hongkong and Japan, annex to Germany, with 199,000 tons aggregate. 5) Austria Lloyd Company, between Port Said and Japan via Oriental ports. 6) Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, Hongkong and Japan. : ; | Thus, facilities on the ocean are increasing most favorably, and by their competition improving their accommodations, speed, and all other details. (D) TRAFFIC POWER. Before the war (1894) the carrying trade was almost entirely in foreign hands, but after the war, with the improvement of shipbuilding, the traffic power increased and came into Japan’s vessels, and the traffic that passed through Japanese ports in 1898 was the largest in her history. Its relative power was as follows: 1894 1895 P IMPORTS. Yen. Yen. Yen. < PLCAIN cee eras attain tec Pet ea Saco spor emus une pees ares 10, 353, 694 2, 971, 196 63, 819, 992 4 Raninie’ seen este nows ar et rancid denne eeues ameee ome seeee 422, 064 884, 694 2, 448, 747 . cs ee aoe EE Se ER Re See 10, 775, 758 8, 855, 890 7 ‘Total trate Carried - o. soccscecoanccuvevesscnonwaeee coe 109, 278, 986 124, 618, 573 7 Percentage of Japan’s power to foreign ..............-- 9.75 3.1 P EXPORTS. ; SUCAI so, cons caver wee ceca cscde~soneoess snap eeaee aaa 5, 746, 869 3, 453, 299 ) SAUNT. cc caaen pees feacece suse ssampawsiels one nereneradseee 307, 870 477,121 Mota ee. este ota e eee ee ee ee 6, 054, 739 3, 930, 420 ‘ Totelitraiie carried — Ja: $ooc22c anode eee ecey lore eee 111, 284, 986 133, 513, 036 Percentage of Japan’s power to foreign ...............- 3.9 Percentage of Japan’s power to foreign, both exports And Imports secces oeeesienccns ae ecs eee see ee ee aeeree 7.6 3.5 Thus the traffic power is on a steady increase. e (£) SHIPBUILDING. The shipbuilding of the country has made considerable progress, 5 large steamers, of 15,650 tons gross capacity, and 177 steamers and sailing vessels, of 16,822 tons gross, were built during the year 1898. The Mitsubishi, the largest of the shipyards, made 2 steamers, of 6,000 tons each, although the materials were imported from abroad. There are at present 160 shipyards, both state and private establishments, but their constructing power is only about 40,000 to 50,000 tons yearly. (F) DOcCKs. There are now about 20 docks in the country, all under private management, and all very prosperous. (G@) TONNAGE DUES. For the charges of ports and light-houses the custom-houses collect 5 sen per registered ton upon a ship’s entry into a port. (11) COAST CONVEYANCE, LIGHT-HOUSES, AND BUOYS. The coast line of the country is about 15,185 miles, excluding Formosa, and the survey of it isall completed. The light-houses and buoys were placed by the Government, the Government and private persons together, and by private persons. The figures show: LIGHT-HOUSES, DAY. YEARS. Light Light | Light ‘a reaches reaches reaches ndica- Number.| inder10| 10 to 20 | over 20 || BUOYS. | “tions, | Other. miles, miles, miles. MSOS WisiSceccctcbanveccctevdivecgduateesee metReNe 137 67 57 18 24 LOMO nb 6S ak kecue oc bia ne um balms mor kloan ike aCe ee } 1381 67 54 10 22 LOUO chweseatvarceenuasecd ane cuaea dul Guus THEME ENE 149 91 61 26 LONE pian se Unwh et Gib oun as wWa dda schnell eaeieiehe mane 138 87 44 7 21 One light-house in every 111 miles, most of their lights reaching only 10 to 20 miles, shows, roughly speaking, that coast steamers and sailing vessels were running every 90 miles without any directing light. It is not comparable with European countries as can be seen by the following table: : COUNTRIES. Coast line.| iht | per mile. EENGiANG . .naeccasdennbecddnannninneadtanhneaeneneae 12 BIOS vane ceesanuawnnauudls awh s AGaunrneEenee 38 1 4 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2241 (1) INSTITUTIONS. Many institutions were built for the encouragement and improvement of maritime interests. They are a feature of the country, an@ there are 927 students in these institutions. Before closing the subject of navigation I would like to add a few lines concerning the business of navigation. Just recently the Japan Mail Steamship Company published its semiannual report for 1900, from which is summarized the following: (a) Coast lines.—The economic condition of the country was not very active, but, as usual, in the latter half of the year the traffic movement was great. The business was fairly done, as the company ran five extra vessels for the transportation of crops. Suddenly the outbreak of the Chinese trouble compelled the company to hire thirteen vessels to the Government, and consequently the company was forced to hire five vessels from other companies, and a decrease of the traffic was unavoidable. But the company did the best it could for transportation, running extra vessels to the necessary places. (b) Oriental lines.—All were affected by the Chinese trouble and stopped all direct lines to northern China or decreased the number of trips. But the passenger trafic was great, and rather more prosperous than in previous years. (c) European lines.—For the outward trip the freight from the country does not yet exceed one-fifth of the capacity, but is on the increase. And to the Straits Settlements, which are the most important export places of this line, a great decrease has followed since the Transvaal trouble. But by reducing their prices, and giving some advantages, they have found some increase of traffic since last August. On return trips only iron and the remainders of old orders were brought home. On account of the reaction in Japan against the great excess of imports new orders were almost stopped. Only-8 per cent of the whole capacity of the ships, including the goods brought to the Straits Settlements and elsewhere, was occupied. After July the traffic was fair in coal and other supplies to China, and the . passenger traffic was prosperous. (d) American line.—On the outward trips the competition of different companies reduced the price lower and lower, but at the : ‘ end of April a committee was selected for the arrangement of charges, and the recovery of prices was made. But the ships now building . are not ready to use, and the ships which are in use are slow compared with other competing lines, therefore valuable goods which need prompt delivery all go to other companies. On the return trips large shipments of flour to Oriental countries made a heavy traffic. The passengers were almost all emigrants. (e) Australasia line.—Both trips generally increase their traffic, and the improvement is going on. Passengers increased about 30 per cent in first and second classes and 16 per cent in third class compared with previous year. Competition was expected with Norddeutschér Lloyd Company. (f) Bombay line.-—The important feature of this line is in the raw cotton traffic. As the Chinese trouble has affected the cotton trade, the demand for raw cotton has almost disappeared, therefore the business was very poor, and naturally the trips decreased. ’ (9) Revenue and expense of the company.—The Chinese trouble and the great need of public service caused vessels which had been + in the Oriental and Bombay lines to be utilized in places where they were needed. ~ Yen. Yen. ps Pemette 10 LYANAPOLtAtION. -... 2. ew ee cece cence nace 7,762,471 | Reserved fund by commercial code ............-.---- 147, 986 LTS) DEG 2 sa BORE See ee Oe Bee tars Semeur Dae Hoc), oo | tond‘reserveditor dividend. ...-20 2. 5. 2s. esses 940, 000 0 NG ne i, 012,004 | OCOMpenbation £0. directors: .. 2.2 co ccee cc cneccmcwcecs 94, 711 Doth PiU GTI GES Sas ae ee eee as ee es ae 35998; 009") Extra-reward for employees: =o... 222252222225 -- 125, 000 > oy Live) iil 5 Sa ee ee ee er ree 025560 | Diyadends: 10 per centia, years -4=2s2- - 52252. -2 22. 225 1, 100, 000 peer tound for building ........cccaccascccscsccene 12,870 | Extra dividends, 2 per cent a year...............---- 220, 000 II. Raiiways. ' The most important means of inland transportation is the railroad. The success attained of late years in industry and trade in ’ Japan is due to the measures taken for the extension and regulation of the railway system, because it gave great facilities for transportation 4 of surplus products, and also brought progressive ideas among peasants. The railroads of the country were started in 1872, with only ‘ 18 miles, between Yokohama and Tokyo, under Government control. Progress was rapid, and in March, 1900, there were 3,635 miles, ; of which 833 miles belonged to the Government and 2,802 miles were managed by fifty-eight private companies. Only five companies have more than 100 miles in operation. Railroad capitalization in March, 1899, was 234,567,634 yen; that is, 67,354.50 yen per mile. | The longest mileage under one company was 857.07 miles, and the shortest 8.06 miles. There isa uniform, stable, and reasonable ‘ railway tariff, which is fixed in accordance with the general national interests in industry and trade. The passenger tariff is cheaper thanin other countries. Railroadsare built largely for the passenger traffic, running along the coast lines, where many densely inhabited cities are located, and many railroads have their destinations at the famoustemples. The natural effect is that this business is eminently satisfactory. The growth of railroads is wonderful, as is shown by the following tables: : ; ConsTRUCTION oF EAcH Y®BAR, 1873-1896. : [Report of Bureau of Railroad Communication Department.] ‘ : : 1873-1877 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 | 1895 1896 A . Government: > AUT Le SNe ts aan ei ce ss Saca seule sigeielatle 224. 40 200. 59 LOSE ace aemesesec See arecoasice Maan eRe ene 7 23.20 12. 33 88.40 : WambA ECVEN)| ca cuedeccstesccasecenrecne 22,447,622 | 7,349,811 | 1,820,915} 1,142,493 | 1,480,663 | 1,177,493 684,255 | 4,288,202 | 8,311,552 5, 363, 077 ’ Private: A 293. 24 118. 14 118. 64 262. 60 283.18 17.28 47.51 169. 36 142. 42 120.14 * 6,702,924 | 5,130,641 | 8,532,175 | 12,021,880 | 7,359,667 | 2,558,697 | 4,408,195 | 8,640,118 | 10,130, 063 ' 15, 619, 811 Railroad Per cent = YEARS. Mileage. ofin- | Proposed. | Stations. sg ib tes crease. Shes miles. Go t 828.77 OR vernment.. 28.7 pined ene Sa cewdeuecsqencauscaiaasc/anunecccases acs Private ....... 2, 652.13 18 4, 412.01 913 2.36 2, 944. 33 16 8, 691. 32 746 1.98 2,501. 47 10 8, 034. 51 582 1.69 2) 273.17 7 | 2'794.84 525 1.54 2,118. 24 10 2, 580. 69 462 1.45 1, 925. 46 8 2, 236. 69 894 1.34 1,87 1 gl DER Ra Ul meh ay dicta EA te es 170 ee Cee oS Ce eee Mea ~ OP det PS Ee ees nT : bee Foe: wa oy “a COMMERCIAL J. = The carrying capacity of railroads is partly indicated by the total number of locomotives and cars. This table _ on March 31, 1899: b112 every 100 miles. ¢413 every 100 miles. 232 every 100 miles. * The total capacity is sufficient to accommodate 145,139 passengers and 94,350 tons of freight. 7 wz (B) RAILWAY TRAFFIC FOR THE GENERAL AND PUBLIC SERVICE. “Aft FISCAL YEARS. ‘ . Compared with other countries: ee = rs a COUNTRIES. | * Tug asl (UOGF) 20. shoud wheat F 2 United States (1900) .........----e0c00 a MTRNCC (1806) 2. -- ceeman cw aeee cements . i + ie Germany (1891) 32352 ~ uit oe ee ee eee = Average number of cars per trip .......00-sccencsenpupes sseuee ae ay ge 13.6 6 = ‘es Average weight of engine (f0N8) 22... a00--n - EXPENSE. yr 7 Maintenance A Transporta- Net a Z YEARS. of ways. Train tOTL Other. Total. revenue. ct” Yen Yen. Yen. Yen Yen. Yen 4 ROSES 85 on is ee Bb ie es 8,941, 509 8, 239, 306 4,172,344 2,049,545 | 18,402,704 | 14,582,496 SED nee eiweinlepaiope Piciais etsun ote a aletaip et aete ate oTe 2, 582, 311 3, 669, 625 2,122, 987 1, 006, 192 9,381, 115 11, 765, 969 SOQ sao cia os RSI One Bees 1, 899, 656 3, 040, 918 1, 635, 644 1, 087, 348 7, 663, 566 11, 123, 229 = NBO sec ad alaic poe as es eso cdpiasies Saas 1, 384, 943 1, 593, 750 1, 002, 170 996, 480 4,977,343 |. 6,617,131 N b PM 2 . ~~ - ~ or , The percentage of net revenue to the total revenue is: 1898, 44.21; 1896, 55.64; 1895, 55.27; 1893, 57.06. i .! of | United States. Z 1598 : 1890 | 1896 Revenue per passeneer per mile’ (cemis):~ .-j..ceeescecscccsnensnces (ks SE eae ae 2.16 2.06 Revenue per ton per mile (eee) Bae ee ee eee alanis nica nie dis eciwetalarteiciaw ad 4.1 . 94 -8 BOOT OMI EREDAR CLINE LO EL Die Ses tae etna hs Sey Sa facials jp uigtaneaimepeyarmainciiele 175 144 138 Average cost of running @ train 1 mile, all trains (cents) .....-......ccceenncececcseseceee 81 96 93 Percentage of operating expenses to operating income ...............---seseceeeeceeeeeeee 44.21 65. 80 67. 06 Revenue Wen witie, WASseMmPen (VEIN: ~- opescss oss ccs cu sce cedtemce secs Cacasevucdeseacceceas 5, 895. 76 ae 9,475.51 yen ‘ Revenue per tino ener NON ao ee ote Sac neg netic cn oduwce anecs con aceuebec'eecccouns 2, 958. 42 a ee ee = Revenue pends per mile, DASSCUSED (VCD) cvnane sins = Snincinine cn tacwarmaccce nc veqceueawecmece 16. 23 i = 24.70 yen Mevene pevcny poenille, Teeth (FCM). sie va dies ococ atc do saben's deecacne wap owmcdannwe none | | Pe a ot EPG EHAC HM OMmEMeN VY Cll rem iecr saan tees aa cteceels aayoe wae tierey ee ka ca Se ehlow SadS scesc's seus 5, 286.48 | -. FOE FOVOHUC 1D OR TALO WY CBN i oan turetninte apenter pera ciaraio Cig ae wre Sree eretencretal arate re eterenhenensaetaianemere 4,189.03 | ——. Net revenue per mile per day (yen)........- Bo Sg concn p Ie em ot See Ean Sere aeons 11.48 No statistics of traffic according to commodities have been taken. The comparison of the cost of service with that of other - countries was made. > ; ‘ Reyenue. Expense. SCHMPTATC Peden coc dees cduesaess cote ce sie pounds sterling..| 91,066, 038 55, 960, 543 RECO. Le Otine. gcid tele ced aaeiac osc oases 1,000 franes..| 2,595,300 1,373, 200 Germany, 1896......... Ee ee ee 1,000 marks..| 1,604,375 856, 722 Aastriay, [BGs semalee ssa. an Bie tetie sicaes wate 1,000 florins. . 263, 955 153, 896 - RIP PISO scare one op oes tena alegre cae 1,000 lire... 257, 072 178, 460 OS eS eee BOE ee 1,000 rubles... 398, 628 232, 787 PAPAIN, LOIOS cso. nccuw ue coadedeaccaccccedeccnwe wees yen..} 38,219, 000 18, 230, 000 : -The percentage of net revenue of Japanese railroads is the largest in the world. Government roads show a good income but heavy expenses. ‘The cost of construction of railroads is largely increased, the average of 1897-98 being 54,472 yen per mile; that of 1898-99, 62,007, an increase of 7,535 yen per mile. : ‘ In comparison with other countries, Japan shows one of the cheapest costs of construction, the cost for 1897 being: _ YR SSE ee es eee le | Bele te ee oe oe SLOG 9S) | Rrante 22.202... Yen. ¢ Koku. 4 Square yards. Industries for which materials are locally produced.—They are the manufacture of silk, tea refining, pottery, clay pipes, matches, iron and other metal, ete. The iron and steel industry has now attained great proficiency in every kind of production, and is advancing daily. The iron industry, under Government control, was established in 1896 with 4,090,000 yen, and it improved its investment to 6,470,000 yen in 1898. The inconveniences of material transportation caused the Government to give a bounty in opening a port to facilitate the transportation of coal, iron, and machinery. The capital was increased again to 8,630,000 yen in 1899. Match factories are kept very busy. There were 278 factories, with 19,229 employees, in 1899. They produced 5,871,506 gross, and 58,906,665 were exported in 1899. Our pottery and clay pipes are favorites in the world, and imitations of our porcelain is seen in the Netherlands. In 1899 tea was produced to the amount of 33,451,528 yen, of which 8,387,598 yen was exported. In the silk factories haying more than ten employees in 1896: Production. | Machinery. |Hand work. COCOON US0G 2... sco c:cemane nme oduacmciceeac ete aee ee kokus..| 1,036, 849 887, 098 149, 751 Silk produced:=...ioccc ccc clk tedanmkne ene aoe pounds..| 6,031,738 5, 140, 627 891,111 Silk produced im. 1898). .ccisis sraetog= mn ceases Ceara a een aa DO nnecls vik eeackensee 8, 381, 008 428,413 WOrsted) SEE. un «= ois agin n'a sm octetee en niente tine eae ae GOn< we 1, 522, 383 1, 302, 912 219, 471 BMployees <2... ce cch aus achucpeetecuates veetuna eee eee number.. 172, 901 12, 444 48, 460 This table shows that the producing power and efficiency are great in machine work and machines are going to be used more and more. ‘The factories of silk manufacture are getting larger and the number of employees is increasing. FACTORY EMPLOYING— More than 10 persons: OD. MACHINES wcnwan xs wnnensvce.nn 0.0.0ceb mun oboe eke sheen By hand More than 50 persons: ON MAGHINGS wo... cack news veinn bohow nadie eile Cae ene aseucaccus IBY. DANG 6 oi ccc ween cuasinntuisen com's ae eee ner ete ome octet More than 100 persons: ONL TACTICS aia sawn. a:p's:c0 0c 0 a:l’ew peleeete ama ae ieneao eri ee re BY DGDG. .0 i tenis oa wmuciwiin enw 6 uvelaunih en © ae ue’ e sini in ennai tsnnnnnn ernie More than 500 persons; OP, MAGHINGR on asin oc ccc duncncccccenn cat cack MineneeeMeauden aenenan BY DANG . ons ncanon wacccncucaucesncu iaucaseeven NORE eNGREGAnen ane eMen Total: OM MACHINES .... ccacccnesndcceveunceaentacsttctsausauns teGeneene IS MENG sc ccenansncwauawd kkihile daaeexte aan iemenenmae eccucescee ee 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2249 SHors WHERE MAcHINERY Is USED, NUMBER OF FAC- TORIES. Decrease (—) oF increase 1896 | 1893 (+). DU, SLC ao dec emwcncaadehanknaaneaaAamicong=adewa nace a SSS Ee 829 613 +316 IY) Wetheltectons aeeeeace te on ne eee n eae n teen ce Bocas sonlcrneccone 1,077 1,151 — 74 994 1,539 —545 Steam power is going to take the place of water power and men. EMPLOYEES IN FACTORIES UsING— Per cent increase 1896 | 1893 | meorcas crease Mia chine ioilen a eertewscctvenc istatcuscecsewatcs a aweldimae ewan eases oes = 130, 753 85, 988 +52 RIO WOURNMONILON fe ain gic 3atic ae seme ee atin as vlncus aun cte Seeetee cece ncueeeste ae 47,514 19, 169 —74 EXXPENSE FOR EVERY 100 Pounps SILK. 1897 1893 Yen. Yen. Machine 126 110 Mande = 20 108 82 Silk, flax, and ramie machines have been mostly supplied from England, although a small numher of them haye come from Germany and France. Industries for which materials are imported from abroad.—A few materials are partly supplied at home, such as cotton, wool, sugar, ete. The manufacture of woolen goods is yet in an infant condition, not more than 2,000 spindles being at work. The manufacture of textiles has become one of the most important industries of the country. Its product: Mixture YEARS. Silk. cotton and | Cotton. | Hemp and Total. silk. others, , Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen, TRORS SS cae sate 73, 936, 028 17, 240, 317 48, 728, 404 8, 834, 449 143, 739, 198 BOHR ere’. 4, 647, 401 10, 281, 272 37, 088, 757 2,350, 805 96, 187, 235 ASG es) 19, 347, 885 7,807,364 | 19,113,409 2, 671, 978 48, 940, 536 There are many companies for cotton spinning located at various places in the country. The supply of raw materials is great, and there is active competition between the United States and India in furnishing them. The manufactured goods are mostly exported to the Orient. More than $14,000,000 worth of yarns was exported in 1900. The growth of this industry was very rapid, the total number of spindles in 1899 being 1,353,125 against 5,456 in 1863. The quantity of raw materials worked up during the year 1898 totaled 27,343,000 pounds, and the output of yarns was 23,773,000 pounds. The following shows the cotton-spinning condition in September, 1898: er ee rere eae ee ae re ete ree en ar on CE ica eon age nano a ienGa te naadaemucvanans 910, 441 egemdee Gti Gicnr Or COAL DOR IRON 25 a 4- a2sm anc ace ace nnennccunemacecchecsutecnaous pounds... 53, 219, 168 rnp Ene Rniie PRONE CIP ES OGIO er te. Ane ek ee ee oe ce ee kwan.. 2,728, 695 Employees— Ee Rape ees Rr ele ead tea i te, te ee Oe re ara nen n ooo Sa woe poem ae eee wa bease 14, 811 See a Oe oe eee ER, ie 2 ES RE ae ee no ee ae ee ee 49, 608 pee arena Uae ot ene eS Sao een ae 8 a ce ee ale 28, 367 Other statistics: First half | Second half / of 1898 of 1897. Increase. | Decrease. Number OF COMPANIES . o.oo cceane nen cenaweqgeam= 67 63 4 a ee ING HOU CRUG: sete meni cavicld Jacinuts enteric Cenc Sewers Ukiga 1,701,163 1, 274, 660 426, 503 . Reset Oa Surplus FUN. ... 20.05. seeee eee eeese cece cee eeeeen sees 613, 249 249, 683 So a ae eee TOE OXRCR es ec a clei aisle a teietireranc ciniciastcle ete aoahe tare es 815, 650 pS ae aoe See ; 40, 986 TROP CON Gy etiaee acer tae ale orern worn warrew SaaS pice towiae'a 26.5 CGE Pie gewcate tas ' 5.1 Netteyenue per compamy «..- 2... .smees-~cenewecns 25, 391 20, 232 OL PEPE sence Surplus fund per company .........--.--e0--.e----- 9, 153 3, 963 nah Le ee eS re ID VIC O Der COMDAILY «<< « Saeed = r A rn 7 J a ? f = » r = COMMERCIAL JAPAN. | : a4 - ° PENSION. | ; : For long service the company gives pensions according to the length of employment and rate of wages. Facrories or Atu Kinps Emptoyina More tHan 30 Men 1n Japan Decewser 31, 1897. BY MACHINE POWER. HAND POWER. ~" : 7 , ARTICLES. Number | Number Horse- Number =a of facto- of ma- ee Employees.| of iacto- Employees. — ries. chines, | POWEr- ries. PUN CA I ms Sal Fs 1S ero wicivn'e wineru + seater esis oa ox ema ER Ue a mele nals te ite ae Ee ae ae 1,939 2,721 19, 796 161,345 153 RAE OMEN a cocaine & = 2am nian wae Cote oma RCO E eR er eee eben on. See 159 278 18, 526 130, 133 5 LATER LOM Soetn a Soe al oa ac's cen a See oi estedic Soe ete oe Sat eee 16 >. SA 1, 055 3,771 120 (Gloliea nA TOS ahh oS a en eerie an Pe Sea Jn en) ee ee Oe See eee ae 15 19 2, 792 5,793 187 Machine aid instrument for Vessels. 3. foascus sree peers Meee o a-'ne woee ence eee 144 192 64, 373 30, 737 44 ith. a iPr ene se). 50S ie he tee SS eee Pee gay eek 328 1, 074 48, 462 124, 027 115 ROLMCCO tesa a's sOae anemia =o dae sO oo SO ee ee ne ae 42 72 1,193 5, 809 143 RECOM etree tn alee cide de' a aces cea cicia eet een tee Se eee Ne od) Se a 5 Sa ht AA eee 4 4 18 1,026 259 Lain 17 (Oe ete AN OPI OE Li > SNR brig ct OEE Bo EEE BORE eae Eee 29 40 798 1,425 1 CARMA ai ow sm es Ge Pirin aS SRD ere rie Mesa hs oR ac ee ee an SN Sa Se eae 52 63 650 5, 962 41 PCMAG ENG a15 one wasaw tan ccceses tesa sxcnaenbas ens ve cosh tener ee ss oe eter eae 13 13 391 1, 453 99 RADE Fc wiv ie'a a:a'oo eae onl vos scaee des b's cise ae ais awa cer apn ace aon ep Osos en ren one sae ee il 13 85 804 19 PIE coe ate So aicininscinrd mein cba weebih sia 07am oeiee sc ote alyc tae ce ee ae ae ae 10 16 400 1,144 138 SONS ete sc Seem e io «vane a Sw ao pa ewe Mk noe ei tee od OSS ere Ee ee 9 il 156 1,238 28 AD OUR 2 Win sew alc’ coe nals a6 ne oad pals pauilnoe duets dee BSUS see ee ae ee 47 125 5, 693 6, 403 47 CHULGEY ene a Pet ain. c'no aoa olaipia o's ew be ci ose oop eos eee Sew ee ee 5 38 407 53 MistGhiaeoks |... ..acsecese cated utp an eee oe een eae se eee eee ee eee eee 14 81 128 1,519 2B PLOUADSPORIUICS! 23, os bcnacn towns ad cinema cach an aod cee kb os Ue semen Tae eee ee eee ne eee 6 14 1,030 2, 762 a RIEXOD TYCHO S icihencekieoc cont cee seco ape wo emus woe Bae e ee ee tee ee nee Sarre ne ee ae 13 13 394 3, 606' |. ...coc552-e eee MIISTORG 25> Face Studdes ve vide ea ea goes ad acme eae eee oeate ee 11 15 553 B, 400 4o shee CUFGKSE iene chedeu vole hues save pve dence Seale coe tae cette mwalcete Tie ae aoe eee 29 88 252 3, 482 SERA JDTALG, 55 ono ania ed picin asc ve wes ncicicedcenScammwcaweehe ce ahes same mee recs ae me Dees eel eee ae en ais 36 IANO Bie Soca ae par cw eciwad vain boon ob ie Sees beak bes fe ee ee ee ee tee ane ome | PSERE eee pnd © See ays 24 | Pee S 106 DONOR femee = Sn aint cae a cow wos wai caso eee eee eee en Oe ae | 22 44 | 2, 660 4,015 WOU nic cec tice civcts.gac coco s ptneswied babi coo e waa e we cca hie Oe eee eee eee eee ee ee 14 15 429 1, 691 { WVILO 5 Edis oace clve cows sab cvew nc coedodavehbasbeca bodes scone Deere ees eee an nae 5 5 36 188 |) os. ccnsnseep eee FLEET Cl cracls si oicin okie vw cbc «dia aba emis de autos Bees panel ee wre ee ee a a eee 4 26 1,732 iy | aS Nera. Slee MAGA alee wane ccnp ss naccicc enna sane tans meise decom canoe ac accw ue oe Mbp cman me nen nis penis Spe mae atest are teers ieee eee ae ee see 36 1,392 OANIG i ciaiwn's ale p cisle cree valve tie nccecce eles sceccun done see tes Cone na aes eee. see eee eee 1 z 75 30 3 166 COTO MATING. <.ca:c\eeciecu vosdine ce aee viene dicmenutans aw odetac's c tees eae teat ee eee 5 5 460 805 42 736 Springs Secjece dianaiwised asians s aadnedececnnnnces eedthcus cpabceera pers cenenet DoeeEes eee aaeee mene tae aoe a Oe || eee ee 4 216 INS OONCR Wa ofa.s unio asp ie s'e:0:Sieiddia'w anew t ew apres vaeeremes ba ee pee ees Ree See eae oe 2 2 60 1D Bee Ape bane eee 2 RRL ON psn cto mca wo a Panis eo aiclw wala mead wimp a alm e's ole min mi eal eie re ee oe 4 4 76 5, O08 4 scnasem cam WWOOGEN tHDES < fen. cans wcoddv accion nice omgubaceeJactckeeun neste oe ee eee & 7 71 465 4c ee BS SOR INGE cin upalels vKciere wine wives awe oou.c osle'd d acids ote debnaala ata ee 7 21 202 257, |. .«5s ms acca LnE a ee ee LE eta deecae ono bee nnincisles aha S ec anep ee eee RE ee eae eae eae 8 16 238 Le Ee DLN cis cemiccncuvcccaces ec ouncececic vicdelawine oll ciucdea ene cnte aeeeete tetas ar see eee anes 2: iO. 10 366 G68). Sec CAMEO soos ctw rnc cew cece wa dntecwcuclbee sch wines stuido eae Memeie Sle sete ae eee ae eee een ee ena ee eee | eee aoe OW GCL anc ebiricnacnccn pous'nw onan ahnine swinp = sare qunive pen Decigneld panGe dates opie ate eee 5 5 73 191 | ....~as0=s08 ee NECA SULED ow exono cr nace m= soe ’ 470 United States 94,149 China ... 330 8530 1s Coll Ys DR Re ee ee 22,649 Forkey:. 2. cc. 251 © 325 INGtHBTIAIGSie cc cae a onhaesie ae 2, 649 Areentine <6. 34652525 246 608 BOlSTUNTE cons ances Seems 1, 498 Denwiarle 506 233 9418 PUTISSG = cee s wciwac.ciowameiet eae 1,335 SMG oe Soe eee eee 202 9197 Austria-Hungary .......... a 1, 440 RCCTESS - 2 ee OP eens 1,134 Rlisietleern cot ecnn cut es oar ecnee 2 682 | 21898, b1897. ©1896. Pe 0 | 2254 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. The above figures show that the total trade of Japan was only 5.5 per cent compared with the United Kingdom, and only cent compared with the average amount, 3,754 million yen, of the six strong countries—the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Belgium, and Austria. . : ; f The following is the share of trade conducted by foreign and Japanese merchants, respectively, in yens: IMPORTS. Japanese. Percent.| Foreigners. | Percent. 1, 383, 000 2, 704, 900 95.2 ~ 11, 635, 000 17.8 53, 820, 000 82.2 , 694, 000 19 70, 903, 193 81 90, 472, 259 104, 127, 000 67.4 EXPORTS. TF ON aE Ee ees ed aE ro - 5, 149, 000 14.4 20, 557, 000 85.6 LESS) oi cree pee soe ei ben avs a'n/o 0 ea di a's sea 7,081, 500 11.1 56, 599, 000 88.9 Ee eal ee epee oe pes aia ea 13, 655, 000 15.5 74, 436, 000 $4.5 SOS ors se ater tet woe sat eran a Fee pap rere eo 55, 060, 500 33.7 107, 736, 000 66.3 TOTAL PER CENT. YEARS. Japanese. ‘Foreigners, 9.6 90.4 14.4 85.5 17.2 82.8 33.2 66.8 This shows that Japanese merchants are invading the domain formerly monopolized by foreigners, for in 1898 the direct exports by Japanese merchants represented only 11.1 per cent out of the total exports, whereas in 1898 they rose to 33.7 per cent. In importsa decade ago only 17.8 per cent was conducted by Japanese merchants, whereas in 1898 they rose to 32.6 per cent. Japanese merchants have labored to get rid of the foreign middlemen, and they have somewhat succeeded. CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES WITH THE TRADE, IN YEN. 1899 | COUNTRIES. | an Exports. Imports. Total. i Total. H : NORE SUR EGM a), 2 stican'u eh cig ga icteal = ns SIRS oe mee oid te pe oa 63,919,270 | 38,215,894 | 102,235, 164 | 558 |. 58,406,115 BENZ AN. .... 2.0 enceerccecenscnvcsencnnccncccerccnscmecaceccwsvecsecnsususesncsen 11, 270, 771 44, 836, 994 56. 107, 765 |! S74 48, 140, 072 “ NI Bes oo ck tend whan wd o's doth we aic oy wate Se Bh ape ee ne 40,257,034 | 28,687,731 | 68, 914, 765 || 507 26, 325, 494 BRC TEIE ER LIAULIGY 5 5s o'slo’a'o.aiclae nnn curlers neva Ueig eee clu u'c sonia ee binate Seite aocteee aera ae ne ee 6, 062, 049 43, 883, 886 49, 945, 935 448 14, 248, 607 © EQN soba cle won oe cnes ssuebin ov aaa slam cabs se opmcnoe caren eae aaee eee 34, 291, 308 7, 338, 455 41, 629, 763 | 718 15, 199, 199 - NE PEMENG i beac be Cec uv. necne ss ¥aehin cas uncic ic cu mampum oes anceln mee stae me tetee 3, 796, 927 17, 613, 191 21,410,115 S42 9,427,001 LCE Dawid a vowel Un vote wa ws onsis necu ck bec Sass Capwe vues waluhe one me awe eee eames 29, 247, 837 5, 768, 180 35,016, 017 O48 233,846,824 Ree MLO aie sia mn fein clea warawdin gn Gerbera ae Sh cide ce ee ees Eee wo in eee oes 161, 048 4, 489, 326 4,650, 374 147 62, 286, 670 PROMO iret uw oa eck s wena shape ne denen s Bimaeh Wakes en eek OREM Te aCe eee eee 6, 995, 931 4, 976, 167 11, 672, 098 313 4,548,425 — PRTG oes ace SSoci c= va wave cx ab'vonc rin coaclaccen aRaReL tee eee 331,415 5, 415, 810 5, 747,225 19, 480 1, 201, 121 1,220, 601 RMU UIE CRORE. < sis vicina cisco audad sucsse cnescks se aekele rr nciete tree teeee ene eee 2, 556, 003 4, 524, 120 7,090, 123 992, 755 1, 165, 306 2, 158,061 SS RU Ire teres pic'is wv my wiece,c'w ap mere aun avin aa vlecdé man a scim win oom eee cere cram Celerant ee 26,614 757, 030 783, 644 2, 953 618, 859 621, 812 PETROL oy. ud naidsevies vs cwksev avauckuwwcietadte’s oulumspitwtbe teu as seen 111, 518 1, 676, 669 1, 788, 187 103, 021 629, 208 1,332,209 URE GC UG ded ow baduaubcccvuldeteenwevelve qlewan sh ocennc adele aan cstece sae seen 8, 581, 709 236, 988 3, 818, 697 2, 900, 390 170, 340 3, 070, 730 PORODINEN, fn. cpeensavdvncaedccccnusuvt.tpbuscancss,absd pedi nae iene 286, 772 2, 383, 874 2) 670, 646 220, 587 1, 698, 819 1, 919, 406 PATIMURCIOOULL pox comnn etnias sew de ax wheeddeNden knead + cee tan Sener cee ners eae ene 2, 169, 921 1, 708, 670 3, 878, 591 1, 098, 066 534, 763 oa ’ NERNEY oa es Win i.n0 0 ein’ c waeie Saetle 'esia.cre'e, mpien a lelarsipve, cic we me arate Sere etn aa eee ee 2, 358, 099 182, 018 2, 540, 107 2, 211, 687 45, 395 2,257,082 INCLU aa natn waste cand nad nnwvisSeoebaudn> nin nglsice anny aiewiee trae anaes eaten ane 674, 527 1, 250, 218 1, 924, 745 465, 186 19, 820 485, 006 PRUE ow civa vce wie voles diets pau sw'n's.0'c, le viv wee mille « <> nucleic mo ott ales state nteie ete a aaa 1, 351, 950 5, 623 1,357,573 313, 908 6,148 320, 056 MPOUATIG on ova va dden sdceccdnccesecewcudschud Sunk MGe ee. enna ee en anna 322) 155 914, 406 1, 236, 561 136, S71 30,174 167,045 OUI SD kee pahiawwamwawinuvle up's civew sala aw otie th web wClartee mae mene cee pte eee nen 616, 802 49, 123 665, 925 27,594 8, 468 36, 062° RPMI Se caw susie daidewo aunec au weltacn wists ctu cage gee eee re aCe ae a a 57, 732 101, 718 159, 450 52, 307 43, 463 95,770 BP OOEI ALG NOL WAY. «ccna nas vuisisicceasuesabuscnqpeastedns siamese = ttasee face 12, 043 120, 664 132, 707 576 18, 623 19, 199 SU RARGtarn Rig Wiel 6.0.00 as-die'a. wera, u'Son.h nei. y 6.0.0 coc arn-a 8 6:e/q Obras wie ane ate te ier ot 92, 651 26, 053 118, 704 16,744 3,446 20,290 IPORELCODIUNIOG Svecetcaaasn ep cwiaeec cues az ono cece aise Alite ae aei Sle een en Wie a meee 943, 189 5,196, 013 6, 139, 202 . 4,223 898, S47 152, 070 DOMMES MO DSA DOL cc wens ocackdeevvunaenewessvoeh cuetuan OfcmR EES as epee eens 3, 434, 560 oe pts eseera 1,948, 396 |...... occescas|vausreuannaenes The trade with the United States is at the head of the list, having the greatest number of cargoes and price, as over one- 7 total trade of the country was with that country, and also the United States is the field of the most promising trade in the future. and Hongkong trade are next important for the export trade. All oriental countries and Australasia are favorable to our export He 1899 Export Import. } Yen. Yen. BG. oc iincidenndsddahanhvatunwetscceusdhve san dale taaeeeneeey 90, 349, 987 4, 666, 715 BOULONO apiles nv cunwsmntass ceCadsassobrn tule cesssVGEURCe EERE 50, 187, 945 78, 046, 222 INGTEDMATINOTION ew Adunwckdaceneunesn exe vlenules haste eeemieen 66, 286, 923 38, 397, 40 A INERAGAINIRLDL % Gwlvie » nitew eau Anite nota Wee eee emee Gahan marae aeen aan 2, 169, 921 1, 708, 670 Gunercontinents and islands.; occ. sc. ccccacacavcdeenchnaue 2, 550, 559 7, 582, 379 Sold to ships in ports..... MRANend dWanntgechteenada Kit weweuew ) 3, 494, 500 Jue scsttcdeeceume AUR etek GA WEK Ones cen nn saws we ua pees Vusv uN ee ceeeeeen | 214,929,895 | 220,401, 926 1901.) | furnishing supplies to Japan. UNITED STATES, 1899. Exports to: PPE eee ate pabeesesucesdcesetsssacscecscce TOE See Sees ere MOA ae LS Te Imports from: i eer Lee a ae Siapetuoleum 2155 eee es oe See Sees sot sk Com mCOULOIE = 2 OE ea ees: eS ee es ee Locomotives Up@in Tay eS SSeS A ee ee ee ee Tobacco wee we ee ee ee ee ee we ee ee te ee ee ee ee ete eee eee ENGLAND. Exports to: i Ee SS See eee [5.3 INE ape OAS Coe nO See ae eS ANE TNE TAG NEES OWS ip A ee UE ee ae eee ee rade and sheet copper ...-.. 2. < acces -- eens. Imports from: ee ee eT a ps BS Se ee a “CUO, RENT SE ae So ee Satin Cotton-spinning machines..........---------L-+- Locomotives CHINA. Exports to: , BE SUE oe orca nino Sec nas ciciacaslonce acum aac iG Se a ee Ee a eee eee Ses Gees Soret ae nek Sete ole oat siniela'a sia cinie Matches Imports from: ; Pease and other beans rainot PrOGuch Gl.Oll. 2... one news e oe on nee ee Eas Rais ela os osm Sin a cine nine wcescmased Raw cotton Hemp LS or ee Wool ee ee ee wee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee wee er ee ee eet ee ee eae ke ons c scence ewecnseeadiees Raw cotton ee 39, 931, 057 743, 641 685, 811 1, 333, 676 5, 436, 622 16, 476, 899 883, 597 1, 497, 560 4, 839, 923 407, 922 2, 226, 042 1,507, 918 1, 323, 048 515, 999 680, 276 909, 191 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Our largest trade is with Asia, and Japan has recovered her balance of trade there which she lost long ago. 1 The United States is very favorable to our country, and the excess of our exports to that country is great. The chief trade relations with important countries in important articles are: 5, 406, 894 | 22,911, 535 779, 900 2, 020, 056 ~ 479, 418 6, 665, 098 6; 047, 238. | 823, 088 4, 350, 148 611, 024 2, 880, 267 810, 617 1, 077, 523 807, 642 1, 686, 539 796, 762 39, 165, 995 2255 Europe is always HONGKONG. Exports to: Yen. DTG. SSE eee See so ie ee ess Sa 2, 387, 027 USE Gh VE ee en ee apie iy ae eae oe 3, 469, 524 i a aa ee en ee 2, 872, 220 1 20th he ee es, ee eee es 1, 168, 660 RAD ehe sete os See et ee Belo oe Se ece er ee es ener seen es cocoa sceces soos sacesss “ oe PRMD tee = ta 52 Sas. ee eee eee oes 939, 2 Qrude:and sheet capper. 22-2222. ceacohoncann-o- 7, 944, 607 Imports from: Sugar eI eS ae Uk OS oR ee 6, 203, 444 OR ee ame SS a ee 852, 224 GERMANY Exports to: IRS oe a Se SE ee ae ee ee Ae 803, 360 oe MIME BHOCROOPPCE 22-9255. 52--1<.5ecnt=s <5 1, 190, 017 ret CGP dL gS SY Ce SE A SS ee ae ee 314, 273 Imports from: Sa tae oe wer ts eo eee ee ee eee 1, 863, 453 NING roll tRe = ke eee ee 616,592 ASTIN LON CS ee oc ae hon eet Be ons aoe e ae 783, 411 TOTALS Ste Set oe Cat 657, 318 RVWiO0 aie ere ee es Se ee ee 1, 665, 850 BA CMOT Aen wen. oe See soe sos cae we 1, 768, 857 FRANCE. Exports to: SDE SRE nee RO Saas tes ee ee ee 19, 183, 785 Lean) WR tee eae ae ois es ae ee a 5, 925, 106 SOU skim Octane ree repens ty Sie eS ee 829, 372 WOTSLeC MSIL eee ene Le TSE FA Se en aca 1, 202, 341 Imports from: Wousselinie’de; nie: Jes a Serer FE eee 2, 832, 664 IW OGINENREAGD= ) tras iat eee eee ee 172, 064 KOREA Exports to: OOTEON MANNS eas asta as 2 ee eas weet an Sele 2, 137, 913 Wihitercottomiclothnws2ca: oc SPS oes ck ce ones 984, 959 OC ee ee ee cook eco debe aes 453, 967 Imports from: PLC Gane ek. OS ets Rane ORG ct ree dota n ls eee 1, 689, 909 iRease’andtGthner, Deane ss— 26 aoe ses. 2oesee Sosa 2, 110, 847 Gory a rs tee es Se ee eo ee eats 408, 200 FRENCH INDIA. Imports from: DC GE See tere Ss ee coe a her ela oes 3, 354, 096 BELGIUM. Imports from: IPIatedtOn= 2. 255 2a whee Sain wot eeatan cones 515, 017 Rartironetecccc ss ae ee See ae a 1, 564, 710 Glass hee She Pes eles Ser cans he ete ee 1, 165, 480 ITALY Exports to: Silke Seen Sok Sk cee re eee Ss See re 2, 851, 108 AUSTRALASIA. Exports to: Ritcet Soe ae Ot eee ee ete es atacweeee ous 867, 88S EPS pilteiieeers cae aee Ce eee OE Sin ee cr aa ate 316, 312 Imports from: WiGO) sae ho octee ae weenie sur etre. oie c Soa 941, 117 CANADA. Exports to: fC ee Se Se ea Ce ee eee 1, 293, 963 ASIATIC RUSSIA. Imports from: GUS (22 fo TR EE ea = ee ee See 2, 429, 456 “ 2a5e . COMMERCIAL JAPAN. The United States and England have a variety of important articles to trade. GENERAL ARTICLES, IMpoRT AND Export, 1898. 1898 1896 IMPORT. Yen. Yen. Arms, clocks, watches, instruments, apparatus, tools, and eee 20, 526, 973 12, 674, 506 . Beverages and COMESIDIES ... 2-22-00 en ne eee ne ee ecco eee nn ewe nc cenccnecee 4, 820, 339 2,473,740 Clothing and @CCESEOTICS.....-.--assssessacescecsse Aes pee de ee 1,054,177 947, 126 Drugs, chemicals, and medicines........- Sane seen aeav awnree ames 7,919, 373 4, 273,145 DCS, COLON AYU WHIMS fo coe s eons nosso swmppwisccecs be arden osm ememnneenee 5, 160, 594 3,710, 893 Ginss.and clagnmanntactires. -2 92500) 6o Sic. scene db aecwomeeonene app See 917, 237 774,710 Grains and RECUR asics a ects tet enisst ae pe caced afeabsosamearesssoaas 56, 205, 492 9, 669, 437 Horns, ivory, skins, hair, shells, etc .........--..- pS ae elas oe, 3, 077, 509 2, 902, 854 Metals and metal manufactures—iron and steel..........2..--.--------- 20, 281, 049 14, 815, 622 Metals and metal manufactures—others .............-------------- ence 3, 365, 110 2, 737,921 OU aad “Wasser dee woe padres enw atae recast ace nes «meee oe 8, 553, 570 7,105, 694 Paver Ad RIAMOnEEN ras]. csn.eeoets Je o0 el coerce pases cee ean one ea rime 4,009, 476 1, 937, 330 RURAL, - - << nme wanna ne mera seotomenarecass _ The abundance of water in rivers running down in such narrow channels, and the enormous fields of coal, with railroad facilities, - = a : 2264 | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. | [Decemper, 1901.] will enable us to produce electrie power to run our manufactories. The country is making considerable progress in finance, transportation, and trade. However, progress in these three merely does not make internal prosperity, but a nation’s financial condition depends on the material prosperity of its people, the bulk of which in Japan is in the manufacturing industries. These have the advantages of near-by customers, motive power of electricity, and great opportunities for procuring raw materials and cheap wages, thus being the best- fitted country for manufacturing. Anda proper combination of labor and capital in the superior organization of industry will yield a much greater return and will contribute largely to the total wealth of the country. i The people participate in every effort which promises them a cheaper market, or one in which they can purchase superior goods at equal prices. It is gratifying to be able to state that the commerce of the country shows a marked increase in the practical intelligence of the manufacturers and exporters in promoting trade, and presents a mass of evidence as to the steady growth in popularity in foreign markets of our goods, as well as of our raw materials and minerals. The danger is in a falling off in the standard either through carelessness or the mistaken desire to obtain large present profits by lowering the quality. The foreign trade represents the foreign policy of the nation, its relation with other countries, the extension of its influence abroad; its position in the world and its prosperity at home. To make a joint effort toward securing regular and economical means of transportation the Government and people have to inaugurate a policy of vigorous internal development, and to concentrate their efforts on enlarging the export trade. The free-trade policy of Japan is of great importance, for retaliation is a dangerous weapon, costly at the best, and in case of failure hurtful to sound — hei relations with other countries; and a protective policy is suitable only to new, large, and influential countries, like the United tates. Our country is young in commerce, and has a great opportunity to adopt the best methods and improvements, which other older civilized countries got after many years of discussion and experience. If, as I stated in a previous chapter, to give laborers better education, to improve manufacturing industries, with better facilities of transportation, and to give a larger field for foreign trade will not disturb the trade balance, why, then commerce will develop and bring wealth to the country. Thus by prudently and gradually developing the resources of the country the large expenditure of the Government, which now hinders the industry and burdens the people, will be most willingly contributed by the people, although the maintenance of constant watchfulness to prevent waste and a further reduction of fiscal burthens are to be hoped for soon. In the recent trouble in China in the international alliance Japan held a inost important place. This shows that she has made most rapid improvement since a few years ago, and it displays the power of a nation acknowledged to stand parallel with European and American civilization. Now is the time for Japan to show her ability and her progress; and the twentieth century will show the greatest measure of her commerce, with the United States and England as ‘‘the three sisters of the century.”’ : ——————— THE ADOPTION OF THE GOLD STANDARD IN JAPAN. The statements which follow regarding the adoption of the gold standard in Japan are from an official report upon this subject issued by the Japanese Government in 1899, entitled Report on the Adoption of the Gold Standard in Japan, by Count Matsukata Masayoshi, His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s minister of state for finance. The report occupies more than 400 printed pages, and its complete reproduction is therefore impracticable. The statements which follow are, however, as far as practicable, verbatim extracts, with only such necessary condensations of the less important features as are required to render the statement a continuous and fairly complete history of the transaction. The detailed statement is prefaced by an official letter from Count Matsukata Masayoshi, minister of finance, addressed to the minister president of state, which gives in outline the history of the conditions leading up to the change in the standard of curreney in Japan and the methods by which the change was accomplished. In subsequent pages of the volume a brief statement is given of the effect of the newly adopted system so far as tested at the date of the report (May 1899), and these statements are in this presentation placed in immediate conjunction with the outline history of the event itself, thus presenting in continuous form a condensed statement of the cause, the action, and the effect, for the convenience of those who do not desire to study in detail the more elaborate statements of facts which are presented in subsequent pages. The complete volume from which these extracts and condensations are taken is on file in the library of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department, and may be consulted by those desiring additional details. OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF THE JAPANESE MINISTER OF FINANCE ACCOMPANYING THE REPORT UPON THE ADOPTION OF THE GOLD STANDARD. DEPARTMENT OF Frnancet, May 13, 82d Year of Meiji (1899). ’To His Excellency Marquis Yamacata AriTomo, His Imperial Japanese Majesty’s Minister President of State. Your Excetiency: I have the honor to present to your excellency herewith a report on the particulars relating to the accomplishment of the monetary reform recently undertaken by the Government. ‘To establish gold monometallism in place of a de facto silver standard is indeed a thoroughgoing change, and the influence of that change on the future economy and finance of the country will doubtless be great and far-reaching. The coinage law (Law No. XVI of the 30th year of Meiji) which brought about this great change went into operation on the 1st day of October, 1897, while at the same time the Government began the process of exchanging and withdrawing from circulation 1-yen silver coins, which process was closed on July 31, of 1898. The disposal of the silver yen thus withdrawn from circulation was also completed in December of the latter year. The coinage system in vogue at the time of the restoration (1868) was based on the system that was first established in the 6th year of Keicho (1600 A. D.), and since that time, for more than two hundred and sixty years, no change had ever been introduced into the system. Yet, owing to the growing financial distress, the Shogunate Government frequently resorted to recoinage as its inyariable relief measure, which in every case, excepting the solitary case of Kioho time (1715 A. D.-1734 A. D.), brought out coins of lighter weight and poorer quality. The coinage system was thus, though nominally kept intact, practically destroyed in the end through successive debasement. Besides, some of the Daimios (feudal princes) often took the liberty of secretly coining money, while the practice of issuing paper money for circulation within their separate jurisdictions had become well-nigh universal. In a word, the currency system of the country at the end of the Shogunate period was in a most disordered condition. : Soon after the restoration the Imperial Government saw the necessity of reorganizing the existing system of coinage on a sound basis, and in May, 1871 (fourth year of Meiji), thenew coinage law was promulgated, which opened the way for the final establishment of the gold-standard system. This isa fact that must be particularly noted in order to clearly understand the monetary system of modern Japan. However, the gold standard could not yet thus be at once established. In those days the universal medium of exchange in the trade of the Far East was the Mexican dollar, and the Government thought the interest of foreign trade would best be served by issuing, aside from the standard gold coins, the silver 1 yen (or trade dollar), equal in size and quality to the Mexican dollar, and by making it legal tender only within the limits of the treaty ports. So the provision was made in the new coinage law of 1871 for the coinage of the silver yen to be called Boyeki ichi yen gin (or trade silver dollar). At the same time the disordered condition of finance, especially the issuing of inconvertible paper money, drove gold coins out of the country with enormous rapidity. Under these circumstances, situated as the country was in the midst of the silver countries of the East, it was found impossible to maintain the gold standard. These reasons, as well as the inconvenience of maintaining the two kinds of money—one for foreign and the other for home trade—led the Government to issue Imperial ordinances Nos. XII and XIII in May, 1878 (eleventh year of Meiji), which made the trade dollar legal tender throughout the country, side by side with the gold coins. From this time on the country no longer maintained in reality a gold standard, but a gold and silver bimetallic system. This change must be regarded as one deviating step in the development of our monetary system. The Government of that time should not, however, be too severely judged. The expenses of the revolutionary wars were very heavy, and the financial need was most pressing. Almost the only resort of the Government was the issuing of papermoney. Moreover, when feudalism was abolished, in 1871 (fourth year of Meiji), the Imperial Government was obliged to take over all the paper money which had been issued by different Daimios, and for the adjustment of this class of paper money the Imperial Goverhment was again obliged to issue further a large amount of paper currency. All these causes combined to raise the amount oi the inconvertible paper money to an enormous figure. The credit of these notes was at first exceedingly bad. This was doubtless due largely to the lack of credit of the Imperial Government itself, but also to the fact that the people could not free their minds of the sad experiences of the losses they had incurred on account of the various inconvertible notes of feudal times. The new paper money was shunned by the people, even at a large discount, so much so that the Government felt compelled to take steps to reduce its amount by exchanging it for the Government bonds, bearing 6 per cent interest, which were issued under the Kinsatsu (literally gold note) exchange bond regulations. Through these measures, as well as owing to the increase of the Government’s credit, the hatred for paper money gradually wore off, the people finally eyen coming to prefer it because of the convenience of handling. 2265 2266 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Matters were progressing favorably when, in 1877 (tenth year of Meiji), a rebellion broke out in the southwestern provinces. The Government was again obliged to resort to the issuing of a large amount of inconvertible notes, which brought on an inflation and consequent depreciation in the value of these notes. There was also another cause for this result, namely, the increase after 1876 of the amount of national-bank notes, due to increase in the number of national banks (owing to certain amendments in the national-bank regulation, which took place through Imperial ordinance No. CVI). The effect of this depreciation was felt in various directions; for instance, prices rose rapidly, gold and silver left the country, the imports soon came to exceed the exports, the farmers contracted habits of luxury, the industrial classes became over-excited with vain hopes of speculation. Thus was brought about the great financial distress of 1880-81. That disastrous results would inevitably follow if inconvertible paper money were made the standard of value might have easily been foreseen by mere common sense, but the measures adopted by the Government at this crisis seemed to show that the authorities did not grasp this simple truth. They regarded the difference in price between silver and paper as an indication, not of the depreciation of paper, but of the appreciation of silver. They attempted, therefore, to stop the rise of the price of silver by increasing the amount of its circulation. The Government sold silver coins, opened places for the exchange of Mexican dollars, and” established the Yokohama Specie Bank in order to call forth the coins hoarded by the people. But the more these methods were resorted to, so much more rose the price of silver. The Yokohama Specie Bank finally became almost bankrupt, and no one knew how far the paper currency would go down in the scale of depreciation. At last, however, the true method of relieving the financial distress began to dawn on the minds of the men in authority. From September, 1880, the Government began to take steps to redeem a part of the paper money in circulation. The depreciation, however; still continued without a sign of abatement. It was at this crisis, in October, 1881, that I received the portfolio of finance. It occurred to me, as I studied the case, that in order to effect the object in view the Government should, side by side with the redemption of a portion of the paper money in circulation, take steps to increase the specie reserve of the Government preparatory to the resumption of specie payment. Moreover, in order to put the country’s finance on a sound basis and relieve the pressing distress of the time, I felt the need of a central bank having the sole privilege of issuing convertible notes. I submitted a scheme for the establishment of such a central bank to the consideration of my colleagues. In the cabinet council which followed my suggestions were approved, and in June, 1882, by Imperial ordinance No. X XXII, the Nippon Ginko (Bank of Japan) was established. Two years later, in May, 1884, by Imperial ordinance No. XVII, the Bank of Japan was empowered to issue convertible notes. After the necessary foundations were in this way laid, the Government used every means in its power to raise on these foundations a sound financial superstructure. The method of receiving and disbursing the Government revenue was changed, and the strictest economy was practiced in the expenditures of the different departments. One half of the surplus obtained in this way was devoted to the redemption of paper money, while the other half was added to the specie reserve of the Government. Besides, after the latter part of 1881 this reserve fund was employed for discounting foreign bills of exchange with a view to encourage the export trade of the country, which in its turn would lead to the importation of specie. Thus the Government took every possible measure, and left no stone unturned for the establishment of a convertible-notes system. Thus took place on the one hand the gradual redemption of paper money, and on the other hand the increase of the specie reserve of the Government, so that not long after, about the close of 1885, the credit of the Government rose so much that the difference between the value of silver and that of paper almost disappeared. The opportune moment seemed now to have arrived to effect the substitution of the convertible notes for the inconvertible. The Government therefore gave notice by Imperial ordinance No. XIV, of June, 1885, that specie payment would be resumed after the Ist day of January, 1886. Thus at last was overthrown the system of inconyertible paper money, together with all the evils resulting from that system. Previous to this the Government saw that the notes of the national banks were also in need of adjustment, and through Imperial ordinance No. XIV, of May, 1883, certain amendments were introduced in the national-bank regulations, the main point in those amendments being a method of conjoined redemption of the notes of allthe banks. Thus the redemption of the bank notes began to take place, 2s also that of the Government paper money. ‘The circulation of them both will cease altogether on the 31st of December, 1899. While the evils of inconvertible paper currency were thus swept away, on the other hand, however, one effect of all these reforms was to make Japan a de facto silver-standard country. This was, perhaps, an inevitable step the country had to take in arriving at last upon a sound financial footing. The authorities knew, of course, that in order to give a healthy financial development Ja would have to enter sooner or later the international economic community, and that in order to do this she would have to adopt a gold standard. That the Government pursued a policy which led to the inevitable result of making Japan a de facto silver country was owing mainly to the great difficulty of at once accumulating a large gold reserve necessary for the establishment of gold monometallism. It was thought advisable, therefore, to leave the latter, as the second end to be aimed at, to some more favorable time. ; The first cause of the recent rapid depreciation of silver we must attribute to Germany’s adoption of a gold standard in 1873, in consequence of which she began to sell silver. Among other main causes may be mentioned the limitation and final cessation of the coining of silver in the countries of the Latin Union and the discovery of the rich silyer mines of North America. When, howeyer, in 1893, India, the greatest silver country in Asia, took steps to reorganize her currency system, the sudden fall in the price of silver was exceptionally noticeable. At that time Japan, being a de facto silver country, the effect upon her of this sudden fall was very great. - Fluctuations in foreign exchange now became exceedingly frequent and unreliable. Business men lost a constant standard of value and became compelled to pay constant attention to the changes in the money market, so that foreign trade tended to become largely a matter of monetary speculation. It became more and more hopeless to expect to see the healthy growth of trade, both home and foreign. Thus was impressed most clearly upon the minds of the financiers of the country the necessity of adopting gold as the standard coinage in Japan, that metal being least subjected to changes in its price and most fitted for use as the medium of exchange. The reform so necessary was, however, very difficult to undertake. Unexpectedly the reception of the Chinese indemnity seemed to offer the desired opportunity. Now, according to the terms of the treaty of peace, Japan was to receive her indemnity in Kuping taels. It occurred to me then that, on account of the inconstancy in the price of ¢ilyer, as well as in view of the possible adoption of a gold standard by our country, it would be greatly to our advantage to receive the payment of the indemnity in British instead of Chinese money. The minister president of state, Marquis Ito, acting on my suggestion, negotiated with the Chinese authorities, which led to our receiving the indemnity money in pounds sterling. _Not long after, on my appointment to fill the post of the minister president of state, my efforts were immediately directed toward making preparations for adopting the gold standard. In February, 1897, the bill for effecting the reform was drawn — There was, however, no little opposition. Some said the fall in the price of silver would rather encourage trade with the gold-standard countri while the adoption of a gold standard by Japan would tend to decrease the amount of our exports to those countries. Others sai Japan, situated as she was in the midst of the silver countries of the East, would be placed in a position of much disadvantage in her trade with these countries if she adopted gold monometallism. Some others said Japan did not produce a suflicient amount of gold to be able to maintain permanently a gold-standard system; yet again, others said the silver yen exported to foreign lands exceeded one hundred millions, and if all these coins came back forexchange, as might possibly be the case, the national treasury would have to suffer an immense loss. In the midst of all these oppositions the Government stood firm in its purpose, and the bill was introduced into the Imperial Diet in March, 1897, which, after being passed by both houses of the diet, was sanctioned by the Emperor and promulgated as law No, XVI on the 29th day of the same month. It must be looked upon as a most fortunate event, considering the future of the country’s finance and the development of our national economy, that the gold standard was thus finally established. lor successfully carrying out the radical change that was thus accomplished I believe that the Government has been careful to take every necessary precaution. For instance, a part of the earlier installments of the indemnity was converted into gold bullion and conveyed to this country, to be minted as fast as possible into coins in the Government mint. In buying bullion much care was taken to secure it in the time and place most advantageous, so that so large an amount of bullion was bought altogether the process was accomplished without too great a disturbance of the market and without loss to the Government. The gold thus turned into coins between July, 1897, and April, 1898, amounted to 74,455,735 yen, which was kept in reserve for the exchange of silver yen. The process — of exchanging was begun on the Ist of October, 1897, and closed on the 3ist of July, 1898. 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2267 The total number of 1-yen silver pieces that had been coined since the opening of the Government mint at Osaka amonnted to 165,133,710. Of this amount it is estimated that 99,508,740 yen were exported into foreign countries and never returned; 11,028,633 yen were taken abroad at the time of the war with China (1894-1895); 5,732,027 yen were sent to Formosa after the cession of that island by China and never brought in for exchange. * On the other hand, the total amount exchanged for gold coins between October 1, 1897, and July 31, 1898, was 45,588,369 yen.” Besides these, 460,904 yen had been recoined by the Government mint into subsidiary coins. These different sums amounted to 162,318,673 yen, which still leaves 2,815,037 yen whose whereabouts can not be traced. Most probably they have heen lost or worn out or been taken away by foreign visitors when leaving the country. To make an estimate of the amount of the silver yen which would probably come back from abroad for exchange was no easy thing to do. Accordingly I had the most careful researches made as to the amounts of those coins circulating in Shanghai, Hongkong, the Straits Settlements, etc. It was made clear as the result of these researches that no inconsiderable part of them had either marks of private stamp, which unfitted them for circulation at home, or had been recoined into Chinese taels. Then, besides, a large quantity was being used as a medium of exchange in the Straits Settlements and neighboring islands, so that there was little prospect of their coming back. In view of these facts I estimated that no more than 10,000,000 yen would come back for exchange. It was gratifying that the result proved the almost literal correctness of that estimate. Besides these silver coins there existed the promissory notes of the mint for the payment of silver yen, which had been given in exchange for silver bullion deposited at the mint by private parties. When silver coins were minted, these were to be handed over in exchange for those notes. Now the latter, which amounted altogether to 29,505,453 yen, were also all exchanged for gold coins. The total amount of silver thus retired by the Government reached the sum of 75,093,822 yen. Of these, 45,588,369 yen came in partly through exchange for gold coins, and partly as taxes or in other forms of public payment; the rest consisted of the promissory notes of the Government mint. It should be noted that the period of ten months allotted to the work of exchanging the silver yen was a comparatively short one, in view of the magnitude of the work to be accomplished. The authorities were not, indeed, without sense of the risk they were running; for should there be a slight hitch in the management the whole thing might have proved a failure. Yet on the other hand, if the time limit was much longer extended, it was feared that the return of the exported silver yen might become, in view of possible changes in the price of silver, unexpectedly great and thus embarrassing to the Government. It was also feared that chances for counterfeiting might perhaps be opened. For these reasons the time limit was made comparatively short, and exceptional care was taken to facilitate the process of exchange. ThecentralGovernmenttreasury, as well asthe 447 Government treasuries and subtreasuries scattered all over the country, besides the Yokohama Specie Bank, which served as agency for the Bank of Japan, and its Kobe branch office, were all directed to take charge of the work of exchange. Moreover, special permission was given to the people during the time allotted for exchange to pay taxes and make other public payments in silver yen. That no report has reached the authorities of any which failed to get exchanged seems to prove that the whole work has been well accomplished. The Government had to find some proper method of disposal of these silver coins now suddenly brought in. They amounted, as mentioned above, to the sum of 75,093,822 yen. This large sum was disposed of as follows: 27,567,012 yen were recoined into subsidiary coins between the thirtieth and thirty-second fiscal years of Meiji (1897-1900); 40,786,662 yen were sold in Shanghai, Hongkong, and elsewhere; 6,740,148 yen were taken over to Formosa, Korea, and elsewhere, and expended in those countries. The whole amount was thus disposed of in just one year and three months after the new coinage law was promulgated. In thus disposing of the silver yen the Government took every precaution to sell them as speedily and as dearly as possible. At first it was feared that, owing to the fall in the price of silver, the Government would incur a loss of more than 10 per cent, but it was fortunate that the actual loss only amounted to 7 per cent, and that the sale was completed within a little over one year. The rate realized was even slightly higher than the average price of silver bullion in London at the time. In disposing of these silver yen the Government incurred the loss of 5,397,581 yen, while the necessary expenses connected with the process was 155,731 yen, the two sums together making 5,553,312 yen, which had to be defrayed by the Government. This was, however, more than made good by the manufacture profit of the mint, amounting to 5,651,961 yen, which was obtained from the mint- ing of subsidiary coins between the thirtieth and thirty-first fiscal years of Meiji (1897-1899). As thus narrated, the new coinage law has been successfully put into effective operation and the disposal of the silver yen com- pleted, so that Japan is now really a gold-standard country. I regret much, however, that I can not as yet present before your excel- lency in the present report the practical proofs of the advantage which that change has conferred upon the country. In the first place a sufficient time has not elapsed to test the real working of the new system, and in addition to the sudden industrial expansion due to the fact of the victorious war with China, the partial failure of the rice crops, as well as the going into effect of the new tariff laws, all combine to make the present financial condition of the country exceedingly complicated. Yet, judging from the condition of things after October, 1897, I can not but think that at least a part of the object aimed at has been attained. One good effect of the coinage reform is seen in the steadiness of the exchange value of money. While the prices of things have risen and fallen, according to the economic laws of supply and demand, no part of these changes was due to the result of a change in the value of money. For these reasons the industrial classes need be now no longer under constant apprehension of some unexpected changes in the value of money. Trade with gold-standard countries has been greatly facilitated through the unvariable rate of foreign exchange, as may be seen from the fact that since October, 1897, the rate of exchange on London has fluctuated only between 2s. 0.1611d. and 2s. 0.8071d. The trade with silver countries has also shown much activity. The exports to these countries have increased from some 54,200,000 yen in 1897 to some 69,800,000 yen in 1898. The imports also have increased in the same period from 65,450,000 yen to 77,170,000 yen. The hope of inviting capital at a low rate of interest from gold-standard countries, in order to help on the industrial growth of the country, will doubtless be realized before very long. These are, of course, but minor observations. That in the long run the advantages of the gold standard will be deep and abiding, conducive to the healthy industrial growth of the country, scarcely seems to admit of any doubt. On one point, however, particular care needs to be exercised. It is possible that the state of coinage in Formosa may act as a disturbing factor in the successful working of gold monometallism in Japan. Much as it was desired to establish a pure and simple gold standard in the island of Formosa, it was found impossible to do so in view of the great difficulty of changing the usages and customs of the Chinese population in that island, and also because of the exceptionally close commercial relationship that is maintained between Formosa and the mainland. For these reasons while gold is made the standard of value, yet for a limited period of time the silver yen is to be allowed to circulate as legal tender at a value fixed by the Government from time to time. There is no doubt that in order to lay the foundations of a national currency system firmly and lastingly it is highly desirable to supply enough hard money for ordinary transactions. It was for this reason that as soon as the Government took steps for the substitution of the convertible notes for the inconvertible paper money an increased appropriation was made for coining 10 and 20 sen silver pieces, so that as fast as produced they were issued in exchange for the paper money of smaller denominations consisting of 50, 20, and 10 sen pieces, the last-named 10-sen pieces being finally withdrawn from circulation on the 30th of June, 1887. The 50 and 20 sen pieces yet in circulation have -been reduced now to an insignificant proportion. Besides, at the time the coinage law was promulgated there were in circulation more than 66,000,000 yen of the 1-yen convertible notes of the Bank of Japan, which were being used by the people in their smaller daily transactions. The plan adopted by the Government was to make the further issue of 40,000,000 yen of various subsidiary coins, consisting of 50 sen and other smaller denominations, and in exchange for these to retire the 1-yen silver notes of the Bank of Japan. When the plan is realized the total amount of subsidiary coins in circulation, consisting of silver, nickel, and copper piéces, will reach the sum of 81,820,000 yen, making about 2 yen per capita of the population. It seems to me that, in view of the present economic condition of the country, this is just about what the people would need. Up to the end of March, 1899, ‘about 27,000,000 of these silver coins had been minted and made to circulate in place of l-yen convertible notes, which are now being gradually withdrawn from circulation. It will not be long before the object aimed at by this measure will be fully attained. ® Most probabiy these were taken over to the mainland by the Chinese. Ee y b Of this amount 10,846,465 yen were sent back from abroad to be exchanged and the rest were in circulation at home. 2268 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. To recapitulate, it will be noted that there are four periods in the coinage history of modern Japan. The first period extends from 1868 (first year of Meiji) to 1871, in which the beginning was made of the establishment of the new currency system by the promulgation of the new coinage regulations of 1871. The main effort of the finance ministers of those days was directed to the adjustment of the disordered condition of finance and coinage, created by the revolutionary state of affairs at the close of the Shogunate régime. The second period extends from 1872 to 1879. ‘This period is marked for the founding of the Government mint and the issue of new coinage, but more marked for the enormous issues of inconvertible paper money, which brought about all the evils of inflation. — The third period extends from 1880 to 1885, in which the efforts of the Government were directed to replacing the inconyertible paper money with the convertible notes, which prepared the way for the final inauguration of the gold-standard system, though for a time it resulted in the establishment of a de facto silver standard. ; : The fourth period extends from 1886 to 1898, in which the silver standard was changed into a gold monometallic system. ‘ It will be noted that the first, second, and third periods are marked by efforts directed to the adjustment of the coinage system, in view of the condition of things at home, while the fourth period is marked by the attempt to adapt.the national coinage system to the conditions of things abroad, these conditions of things being chiefly characterized by sudden and great fluctuations in the price of silver, endangering the cafe economic growth of our country. In conclusion, I can not refrain from expressing my humblest and deepest gratitude to His Majesty the Emperor, that, owing to his overruling gracious wisdom, the councils of his ministers on financial matters have, during these troublesome times, been invariably marked with wisdom and judgment, and the officials of all grades concerned have performed their duties well, so that there has taken place thus far an orderly and progressive development in the financial affairs of the Empire. It is plain, however, that in order to strengthen the foundations of the gold-standard system now established it will be necessary in the future not only to keep up but to increase the gold reserves of the Bank of Japan. It will also be necessary that efforts be F increasingly directed toward the development of the agricultural and industrial enterprises of the country, and the consequent growth oa of foreign trade. In these efforts allow me to humbly assure your excellency that I shall not be found remiss, so that His Majesty’s ; gracious intentions may be as far as possible realized. j I have, etc. Count MatsuKkaTa MAsAYOSHI, , His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Minister of State for Finance. ; EFFECT OF THE CHANGE IN STANDARD UPON ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN JAPAN. Since the adoption of the gold standard our currency has been freed from constant fluctuations in its exchange rate, to which it was subject before. Owing to this latter fact, moreover, the relations between the claims of the creditor and the liabilities of the debtor became less subject to sudden and unexpected changes; business transactions were made safe; an improvement in credit took place in the community at large; prices became more constant—in a word, the way was now opened for the steady and orderly growth of our commerce and industry. : Leaving out of account in this section the questions concerning the effect of the coinage reform on the foreign trade of the country, it can be very clearly seen that since October, 1897, the prices of commodities have kept comparatively even; that while there have been some changes, yet, when compared with the sudden and great changes which used to occur formerly, we must say that the fluctuations were remarkably small. Besides, these small changes in the price of commodities can be amply explained by referring to the partial failure of rice crops, to the sudden expansion of industry, and then to its as sudden depression, to a stringency in the money market, as well as to some other causes. These changes in the price of commodities were due, therefore, to the natural working of the economic law of supply and demand in the commodities themselves. If we notice the fact, moreover, that the amount of checks and bills cleared at the clearing houses in’Tokyo and Osaka has remarkably increased during these recent months, notwithstanding the fact that during this very time there prevailed much business stagnation everywhere, we can not but conclude that business transactions on credit have come to prevail more widely and freely than before. The beneficial result of the coinage reform is seen in another direction. Since now that the capitalists of the gold-standard countries have become assured that they will no longer be in constant danger of suffering unexpected losses from investments made in this country, on account of fluctuations in the price of silver, they seem to show a growing tendency to make such investments at low rates of interest. This tendency, if encouraged, will doubtless bring about a closer connection between this country and the central money markets of the world—a state of things which I believe we shall be able to see realized more and more fully as years go on. So far as our trade with gold-standard countries is concerned, our adoption of the gold standard, which made us use the same standard of value as those countries, has proved to be a source of great benefit. This may be inferred from the fact that changes which have since taken place in the rate of foreign exchange have been but very slight, and these all traceable to changes in the condition of the foreign trade of the country, and not all traceable, as formerly, to sudden changes in the price of silver. For this reason there was eliminated from our foreign trade much of that speculative element which was caused by constant changes in the value of our currency, so that the way was at last opened for the steady and natural development of the foreign trade of the country. Again, concerning our commerce with silver-standard countries, contrary to the gloomy prospects indulged in by some critics, our trade with those countries has not ceased to make a steady growth, and this in the face of certain events occurring in the interior of China, our greatest customer eaten the silver countries—events such as natural calamities and disturbances, which have greatly hindered the commercial activity ~ of that country. Since our coinage reform enabled us to avoid all the evil effects of fluctuations in the price of silver we stand now no longer, as formerly was the case, under the necessity of making plans for financial matters with the currency constantly changing in value and sometimes suffering unexpected losses and evils in times when those fluctuations are unusually violent. All those fears of miscalculation and losses have now become things of the past. Most particularly in the last few years, when national expenditures for things bought abroad, such as war ships, ete., have greatly increased in amount, we have doubtless been able to avoid, on account of our coinage reform, great losses on the part of the national treasury. Besides, since our adoption of the gold standard, our Government bonds have been sold in no small amount in the European market, so that their names appear regularly in the price list of the London Stock Exchange. This fact at once converted our bonds into an international commodity and will, no doubt, lead to a closer relationship between our home and the foreign money markets. The discussion also quotes a report of the higher commission on agriculture, commerce, and industry, which, after an elaborate discussion of the effect of the monetary system, closes by saying: ‘‘ We believe that the beneficial effect of our coinage reform on our foreign trade has already been great, and we do not notice any material evil in connection with it. Besides, ouradoption of the gold standard has made it easier for our country to enter into the economic community of the world at large, so that henceforth it will become practicable for us to invite capital from other countries, where it is plentiful, invested in our country. This will doubtless be another of the benefits conferred upon the country by our coinage reform. We conclude, therefore, that the effect of the coinage reform upon our foreign trade has been beneficial, without a trace of evil.’ THE REPORT OF THE HIGHER COMMISSION ON AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, AND INDUSTRY ON THE ADOPTION OF THE GOLD STANDARD. A report of the higher commission on agriculture, commerce, and industry, drawn in October, 1898, in response to an inquiry made by the minister of agriculture and commerce concerning the effect of coinage reform on the foreign trade of the country, is quoted by the minister of finance in his report, as follows: «wt In replying to the question put before the present commission we believe it is well to say a few words in regard to the circumstances — under which the recent coinage reform was effected. There is no doubt that in the case of any country the most important question to 1901.) COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2269 be considered in connection with a coinage reform to be effected would be as to the effect of that reform on the price of commodities at home and on the responsibility and liability in eases of monetary contracts, and that the questions connected with the effect on the foreign trade of the country must be looked upon as of lesser importance. Now, considered in relation to the effect of coinage reform on the prices of commodities and on the responsibility and liability connected with monetary contracts, we believe that the reform was undertaken at a most favorable moment. There were other causes, too, which made the reform easier. First among these causes may be mentioned the fact that though our country had adopted a gold standard once before, soon after the restoration, it became changed into a bimetallic system, so that while there were always gold coins in existence in the country, they were not used in the daily transactions of the people. And later, when a de facto silver standard came to prevail, even then silver coin was scarcely used in daily transactions, but the convertible note representing that coin, the latter being merely kept in the Bank of Japan as the conversion reserve. The second fact to be noted is the smallness of the native output of gold and silver. The Ser acse of these metals produced in the country is so small that Japan can scarcely be called a gold orsilver producing country. ‘he third cause is the fact that both gold and silver coins, as well as bullion of these metals found in the country, were nearly all absorbed by the Bank of Japan, and but very little was found among the people in general. Then, fourthly and lastly, there was but very little foreign capital directly invested in industrial and commercial enterprises in the country. All these causes combined to make the conditions prevailing in Japan very different from those in American or India, and made it very much easier to carry into effect the plan of coinage reform. Another fortunate thing was the fact that the price of silver, which had shown a growing tendency to depreciate, remained almost stationary at the time the reform was being effected; and since the price of silver which prevailed at tue time made our old l-yen gold coin about equal to 2-yen silver, the Government was able, in establishing the new system, to fix upon the weight of our new coin at one-half the weight of the old coin. For this reason, although the standard of our coinage was changed from silver into gold, yet the value of our standard coinage remained almost unchanged. These favorable circumstances together enabled our country to accomplish the reform without disturbing the prices of commodities or the responsibility or liability in cases of monetary contracts, and thus to avoid evils most dreaded in foreign countries. We must therefore affirm that our coinage reform was successful in accomplishing the most important object it had in view. What, then, has been its effect on the foreign trade of the country? There is no doubt, of course, that this is a very important question. In trying to answer it we must remember that all of the countries of the world to-day, except a very few, have now adopted the gold standard, and the volume of our trade with the gold-standard countries amounts to two-thirds of the entire volume of our foreign trade, while the amount of our trade with the silver-standard countries comprises but about one-third. And since it is clear that we have benefited greatly through reform in our trade with the gold-standard countries, we must conclude that the effect of our recent reform on the foreign trade of the country has been, on the whole, wholesomeand beneficial. We are not indeed entirely free from the danger that, in competing with the silver-standard countries in the market of the gold-standard countries, we may be sometimes placed at a temporary disadvantage owing to the changes in the ratio between gold and silver; yet it is a fortunate thing that, in regard to silk, which is our most important product, there is scarcely any such danger, since the silk that our own has to compete with is not the Chinese silk, but the Italian silk, the former meeting different customers from ours. Some would indeed attribute the dull state of commerce with China since last year to the effect of our coinage reform, but such critics perhaps do not understand the real state of affairs in regard to our commerce with China. We need hardly to say that the growth or decrease of our exports to any foreign country depends very largely upon the economic conditions of that country. Owing to financial derangements consequent upon her war with our country, as well as to the failure of crops and of silk culture, China was in no condition to buy from us, so not alone in her import trade with this country in cotton yarns, ete., but also in her trade with other countries as well, she has not shown much activity. For this reason, the specie which was received in payment for the exports was absorbed into the interior of that country and never came out. This produced a great scarcity of currency in Shanghai, Hongkong, etc., raising the rate of interest to 20 or 30 per cent per annum. For this reason, and from the fact that the exports of some articles, like matches and coal, which are in great demand throughout the Far East have not decreased at all, we may safely infer that as soon as the business condition of China improyes our export of cotton yarn into that country will increase, as also indeed the exports of other articles. Again, some critics would regard the reduction in the market price of our cotton yarn from 100 yen or there- abouts of last year to 75 yen or thereabouts of this year as due to the influence of our coinage reform. This opinion, again, seems to rest upon ignorance of the facts, for it must be remembered that last year’s cotton crop of America was very abundant, so that the price of raw cotton fell from 22 or 23 yen to 15 or 16 yen, i. e., by about 20 to 30 per cent. When a raw material becomes reduced in price, the article manufactured from it will, as a matter of course, also be reduced in price. There was perhaps another cause for the reduction in the price of our cotton yarn, namely, its overproduction and oversupply in the market, owing to the greatly increased number of spindles which were set up. In fact, India seems to be similarly suffering on account of the difficulty of selling its cotton yarn and the consequent fall in the price. And when we remember that the currency of India is not a silver standard, but one which may most fitly be called an artificially constructed gold standard, there does not seem to be any cause for alarm on account of our change of currency from the Indian competition in the production of cotton yarn. , Such, then, being the case, we believe that the beneficial effect of our coinage reform on our foreign trade has already been great, and we do not notice any material evil in connection with it. Besides, our adoption of the gold standard has made it easier for our country to enter into the economic community of the world at large, so that henceforth it will become practicable for us to invite capital from other countries where it is plentiful to be invested in our country. This will undoubtedly be another of the benefits conferred upon the country by our coinage reform. We conclude, therefore, that the effect of the coinage reform upon our foreign trade has been beneficial, without a trace of evil, so that there does not seem to be any need for adopting measures for the warding off of possible evils. DETAILS OF THE COINAGE HISTORY OF JAPAN. The above extracts present, in official form, a condensed statement upon the subject in question. For the convenience of those desiring to make a more elaborate study of the subject, the following additional details from the report are presented: The report proper, which follows the letter of presentation from the minister of finance, already quoted, states that the monetary system in vogue when the restoration took place in 1867 consisted largely of debased coins issued by the various governments, counterfeit coins, and depreciated paper money, and adds: After the country was opened to trade with Western nations the Shogunate government was the first to realize the greatness of the loss from which the country was suffering on account of the disordered state of coimage. Before any steps were taken, however, toward reform the Shogunate régime was overthrown and the restoration régime ushered in. The Imperial Government at once felt the pressing need of a monetary reform, and in April, 1868, while the revolutionary wars were yet going on, a plan of recoinage was drawn up and adopted. Steps were immediately taken to found a Government mint, and in November, 1869, it was determined to base the new coinage on the metric system, making silver the standard unit of value and gold subsidiary. In November, 1870, the Government mint began to coin silver. While such steps were being taken at home there arrived, early in 1871, a memorandum from Mr. Ito Hirobumi, vice minister for finance, then traveling in the United States. In that memoran- dum Mr. Ito (now marquis) sets forth the advantage of adopting a gold standard. The memorandum runs as follows: REASONS FOR BASING THE JAPANESE NEW COINAGE ON THE METRIC SYSTEM. According to the coinage system recently adopted in Japan the silver yen is the standard unit of value, so that may be used as legal tender in transactions to any amount; the smaller coins, various fractions of 1 yen, are to be the subsidiary medium of exchange, each kind being permitted as legal tender in transactions amounting to one hundred times its value. There is, besides, the gold yen, but it is subsidiary, and may be used in the payment of sums of not more than ten times its value, or 100 yen. No. 6 8.” / 2270 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. . The silver yen consists of 90 per cent of pure silver, its weight being 416 troy grains. It is equal in quality to the American dollar, but slightly exceeds the latter in weight, for the American dollar weighs 4123 grains. The different fractional silver coins weighin __ proportion to the fraction of the unit yen. This system, now adopted by the Government, is based on the system adopted some years ago by the English Government for coinage in Hongkong, only the subsidiary gold coin is a new idea. hon The new coinage system of Japan is in many respects like the system in vogue in America and England, the chief difference being that while in Japan the silver yen is made the standard unit of value, in England and America gold is the standard of value, gold coin being legal tender to any amount. Silver coins are treated in these countries as subsidiary, the legal-tender circulation being limited to small sums only—the sum of $5 in the United States, that of 40 shilling in England, being regarded asthe maximum amounts. In Japan, gold being treated as subsidiary, its limit as legal tender is fixed at 100 yen—an exceptionally large amount. I presume the Government is in hopes that on account of such exceptional treatment the gold coin will always remain abundant, while the silver yen will gradually wear out through constant handling, so that in course of time gold will of itself become the standard unit of value. Should such hopes be indeed realized, the Japanese gold coin being almost equal in value to the American gold coin, the prices of gold and silver in Japan and California will tend gradually to be on a par. 3ut the Japanese 10-yen gold coin is lighter in weight than the American 10-dollar gold piece, for while the former weighs 248 grains the latter weighs 258 grains. Not only is it lighter in weight than the American gold piece, it is even lighter than the English gold coins; for 2 English sovereigns (1 sovereign is ] pound sterling) weight 251.1 grains. Still again, the Japanese coin is lighter than the French, for the 50-frane pieces weigh 248.9 grains. Just now there is under discussion in the House of Representatives of the United States a bill for establishing an international system of coinage. The 10-dollar gold piece according to that system is to weigh 257.2 grains, or 167 grams. Now, if the Japanese gold piece were slightly increased in weight so as to equal this international standard coin, it would seem that the coinage system of Japan would be established on a sound basis and be forever free from all fluctuations of exchange value. In case the Japanese coinage system is to be ‘ thus remodeled the weight ofeach coin will have to be altered as laid down in the following table: ; My Fineness. Weight of 1 yen. | Troy grains. i ; ae a Ee ee a : f BULVERVeM acti baetee oat Standard unit >... xv | Fine silver=5 pentagrammes.............-..-.--- | Fine silver=385.80872. bh GOLD WeU os. 008 aaa ne oem ns Subsidiary» ...... > | 5 tiers-grammes with j, part of copper...... Suae | gly pe sere ys part of which being copper. Fine gold= . 1485232. Silver coins which are | Subsidiary........ yo | 5 pentagrammes with ¥, part of copper.........-. | 385.80872, 3, part of which being copper. Fine silver= fractions of 1 yen. | 347.227848. e ae ® Legal tender to any large amount. > Legal tender only up to ten times its value. 1 ~ I give below a table for reference, showing the weights of different coins according to the proposed international system now under discussion in the House of Representatives of the United States: : Fineness. Weight of $1. " ‘Troy grains. Bilver doors: ..s.csene- Trade dollar®.... ¥o | Fine silver=5 pentagrammes..................-.- Fine silver=385.80872 OIG {GOUATS. «ein. cece en en Standard unit >... yo | 5 tiers-grammes with ¥, part of alloy..........-.. pee eer or yo part of which being copper. Fine gold= 14 2. Silver coins which are | Subsidiary>...... z¥> | 5 pentagrammes with y, part of alloy............ 385.80872, 4, part of which being copper. Fine silver= fractions of $1. 347.227848. ® Legal tender to any large amount. > Legal tender up to $5. The trade dollar in the above table is intended to be used for trade with China and other Eastern countries. The ratio of gold and silver in the new coinage system of Japan is 1 of gold to 16.77 of silver. If this ratio should now be changed to 1 of gold to 16§ of silver, basing it on the metric system, a 10-yen gold piece would contain 231.48 grains of fine gold. In that case at the fineness of nine-tenths the weight of the coin would be 257.2 grains or 16% metric grams. The l-yen silver piece coined according to this ratio would contain 385.80872 grains of fine silver, which at the fineness of nine-tenths would make the coin weigh 424.38959 grains. It will be remembered that according to the system already adopted the silver yen weighs 416 grains and the gold 10-yen piece 248 rrains. P The metric system, according to which I suggest our coinage system be reestablished, is a system of weights and measures which originated a France and has now passed into universal use throughout the world. The proposed international coinage system will be based on this system. Let me quote what Mr. Kelley, chairman of the American coinage committee, says in one of his writings: “The United States of America has adopted the French metric system of weights and measures for the purposes of coinage and postage. Now that we have adopted this system the nations of the world will be compelled to adopt it also. Our adoption of this system was, therefore, not merely for our own advantage, but also for the ultimate benefit of the world at large. The metrie system of coinage was for the first time adopted in the United States, it being three years afterwards that France followed our example. too, followed our example, and is now using dollars and cents. There is no question that other nations will gradually adopt this system, for the people of every country will come to see how easy and simple the monetary calculation becomes, either in subtraction or multi- plication, if that system is adopted.”’ In regard to the question which metal should be made the standard of value the opinion of the economists all tend to coincide in regarding gold as the fittest metal for standard. That Austria, Holland, and some other countries still maintain a silver standard is probably due to the great difficulty of changing the old system. If a system of coinage were to be newly established by any of these countries there is no question but that the gold standard would be invariably adopted. It will be a wise policy for Japan, therefore, to consider the trend of opinion in Western lands and establish her new system in accordance with the best teachings of modern times. It may be that for the time being, on account of the possible great loss to the country from the too sudden adoption of i en standard a silver standard may have to be maintained. Otherwise, there is no question that gold is the best metal for the standard of value. ii the gold standard is introduced silver may be fitly coined for a subsidiary medium of exchange, putting a limit to its legal-tender amount. It may be as wéll to establish our system as laid down in the table given aboye—provisionally making silver the standard— strictly keeping in view, however, the time when gold will be made to supersede silver as the standard of our system of coin P, 8.—The foregoing memorandum was written necessarily in haste, and I must confess there are no few repetitions and some confusion in statement. The main points I wanted to emphasize were: Ist. The necessity of slightly reducing the weight of the unit of value of the silver coinage; and 2d. To determine the weight of the gold coin according to the metric system. Written in America on the 29th day of December, 1870. i (Signed. ) Hrronemt, The above memorandum was chiefly instrumental in effecting a change in the coinage policy of the country. The Government — eocced to adopt at once the gold standard, and issued the new coinage regulations on the 10th of May, 1871. These run as ollows: nity Ue | : : : 4 1901] . COMMERCIAL JAPAN. yy THE NEW COINAGE REGULATIONS. The standard of unit of the new coinage shall be called yen, and all reckonings and calculations of money shall be made, whether large or small, by the addition of numerals to the unit yen. Amounts less than 1 yen shall be estimated in terms of sen, or one- hundredth part of 1 yen, and rin, or one-tenth part of lsen. * * * LIMITATIONS IN THE CIRCULATION OF THE NEW COINAGE, The standard coins are to be of gold consisting of 20-yen, 10-yen, 5-yen, 2-yen, and 1-yen pieces, of which 1 yen shall be the standard unit of value. These gold coins are all legal tender and may be used in monetary transactions to any amount. By the standard coin is meant the coin whose value is the standard on which the values of other coins are based. Hence there is no need of limiting the amount in which they may be legally used in transaction. One yen gold is the standard unit of value, because it is the standard on which the values of other coins are based. The silver coins, which consist of 50-sen, 20-sen, 10-sen, and 5-sen pieces, are issued as subsidiary money. They are legal tender either in one kind or in different kind up to the amount of 10 yen only. The copper coins, which consist of 1 sen, one-half sen, and 1 rin, are also subsidiary money, and may be used as legal tender up to the amount of 1 yen only. By the subsidiary money is meant the smaller coins issued to assist in the circulation of currency. Their legal value is fixed by Government regulations. Hence the need of limiting the amount beyond which they may not be used in transactions. The 1-yen silver piece is to be coined during a limited period of time, particularly in response to the desires of individuals both Japanese and foreign, in order to facilitate trade at the treaty ports. This silver yen shall be legal tender at the treaty ports, so that they may be used in the payment of all customs duties and of taxes by the foreign residents, as well as in all monetary transactions between the Japanese and foreigners. This coin shall not be legal tender outside of the treaty ports limits, though, of course, it may be freely used in transactions where parties concerned mutually consent to its use. The relative legal value of the silver yen and the gold yen at the treaty ports shall be 100 silver yen to 101 gold yen. Thus, while there was introduced at this early date a gold-standard system in Japan, at the same time a silver yen was also to be coined as legal-tender money in the treaty ports. This was due to the fact that the Mexican silver dollar was at that time universally used in the commerce of the Far East, so that the coining of the silver yen was considered a necessity. In February, 1875, by imperial 7 ee No. XXXYV, the Government changed the name of the silver yen to boyeki gin, or trade dollar, and its weight from 416 grains to 420 grains. : The chief motive in making this change was to drive off the Mexican dollar and replace it with the trade dollar, but it was found out very soon that the attempt was a failure. The Government soon ceased to coin the trade dollar and returned again to coining the silver yen. : . All these different measures were, however, not sufficient to maintain gold monometallism in healthy growth. The issuing of a large amount of inconyertible paper money drove specie, especially the gold coins, out of the country. This and the smallness of the natural output of gold in Japan both constituted reasons which, in 1878, led Mr. Okuma Shigenobu (now Count), at that time minister of finance, to advise the Government to adopt gold and silver bimetallism as a policy more conducive to the country’s prosperity. The Government, acting on his advice, by imperial ordinance No. XII, of May, 1878, sanctioned the free use of the silver yen and the trade dollar as legal tender throughout the country. The silver-yen piece thus acquired the same legal value as one yen gold and the system of coinage was changed from the gold standard to the gold and silver bimetallic system. The above statements, which are referred to at various places in the report as the history of the attempted adoption of the gold standard and the transition to the gold and silver bimetallic system, are followed by a detailed statement of the issue, and, finally, the overissue by the Government of inconvertible paper intended originally purely as an emergency measure, the amount, however, being increased from time to time antil the quantity in circulation became very large, and to this was added a series of national-bank notes which, while originally converted into specie, were afterwards permitted to be convertible into Government paper money, which, however, was itself inconvertible, thus making the bank notes another kind of inconyertible paper money. The report continues: In this way rose, step by step, the amount of paper money issued by the Government, until by the end of January, 1878, it reached to some 120,835,000 yen. Besides these the Government got into the habit of making temporary issues from the paper-money reserve to fill up temporarily the deficits in the revenue, this paper-money reserve being a large stock of unissued paper money kept for the exchange of worn-out notes. And since after 1878 the amount thus issued averaged, as a rule, about 20,000,000 yen a year, this much must also be regarded as added to the amount of paper money in circulation. _ Moreover, after the introduction of the amendments in the national-bank regulations as mentioned above, the number of national banks rapidly increased, which brought about an increase in the amount of bank notes, so that in April, 1880, it rose to 34,420,000 yen. The issuing of so large an amount of inconvertible paper money naturally brought about results disastrous to the healthy financial devel- opment of the country; prices rose enormously; the imports came to always exceed the exports; the specie daily left the country for abroad; people contracted luxurious habits of life; business men ran wild in speculation. All these evils reached their climax in the years 1880 and 1881. The amount of inconvertible paper money in circulation reached its highest point in January, 1880, as may be seen from the figures given below, according to the returns on the last day of that month: Yen. (GOR SH MNTT BEANE TOROS TONS NSS PhS Ne eS Be ae 113,831, 709 eee een Den MCL CR POTANT ISGUOC. = oo Se os lk a ens wa win wc ee cee ewe ence ew eeenes 22,188, 116 QRDE Gi hi Men Well ORIMA = sk ke ee ae Re Me Se pe eee ee re ee eee 34, 137, 652 ae Sols ee Soa She cock onet Be ote eRe HSS RSC ee a ee ae ae 170, 157, 477 At the beginning of the Meiji era there was a great difficulty in getting the Government paper money circulated, and at that time its price very much depreciated. But with the return of peace and the increase of the credit of the new Government the credit of paper money also increased. The amount issued, moreover, did not exceed the actual need of the country, For these reasons it came soon to circulate at par with specie. Early in 1878, however, the Government issued quite suddenly another very large amount of paper money, and from that time on its depreciation again commenced. At first the ratio between silver and paper was 1 yen of silver tol yen and 7 or§8 sen of paper, butat the close of that year it became more than 1 yen and ?1 sen of paper to 1 yen of silver. There seemed to be no end to depreciation. Unfortunately, there prevailed at that time among the authorities an erroneous opinion that these differences in the value of paper and of silver were due not to the depreciaton of paper, but to the appreciation of silver. The Government, therefore, made various attempts to keep the price of silver down. The authorites, indeed, drew up at this time aplan for the redemption of Government bonds and of paper money; but their more serious efforts were directed toward preventing the rise of the price of silver. For instance, the Government prevailed upon the First and Second National banks, and the Mitsui Bank, as well as some other banks, to sell out silver coin; opened places for transacting the exchange of Mexican dollars; in February established the Yokohama Specie Bank, with the object of inviting the people to invest hoarded coins, so that these coins might be supplied to the financial market. The Specie Bank was, moreover, to engage in foreign _ exchange in order to facilitate monetary circulation between Japan and foreign countries. The Government believed that, as in these ___ ways the supply of silver would be increased, its market price would necessarily come down. But, as a matter of-fact, the Yokohama 2272 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. bank suffered so much loss as to become almost ponies and other measures did not produce the desired result. The difference in value between silver and paper kept on increasing, so that in April, 1880, the average ratio between the two was 1 yen 04 sen 9 rin of paper to one yen of silver. When all these attempts had failed the Government at last opened its eyes to see the necessity of making Taaaepon. With this ebject in view the ratio of tax on saké was doubled by imperial ordinance No. XL, of September 27, 1880, so that the increased revenue on that score might be set apart as a redemption fund. Again, by imperial ordinance No. XLVIII, the spheres of local taxation were increased, correspondingly lightening the financial burden of the central government, and at the same time the Government expenditures were much curtailed, the surplus obtained in all these ways being also added totheredemptionfund. Besides all these, the Government decided gradually to transfer by sale to private hands the Government factories which had been established for the encouragement of industry, stopped making loans to companies and individuals out of the reserve fund in the treasury, and every yen thus gained went to further increase the amount of the redemption fund. ‘ Yet the depreciation of paper did not stop. In April, 1881, 1 yen silver fetched on an average 1 yen 79 sen 5 rin of paper (the lowest point reached in depreciation during that month being 1 yen 81 sen 5 rin). : This was, indeed, the lowest point ever reached. At this time a plan to raise a foreign loan of 50,000,000 yen for the purpose of redeeming paper money was advocated by some in the Government, but the plan was never adopted. With the appointment of Mr. Matsukata Masayoshi (now count) to the portfolio of finance, on the 20th of October, 1881, the Government determined at last to adopt the policy on the one hand of redeeming the paper money, and on the other of increasing the specie reserve of the Government as pre- paratory to the introduction of a convertible note system. The amount of Government paper and of bank notes at this time in circula- tion stood as follows: Yen. Government paper MONCY . -.-- 2002 -- +2 oe soso ow ees coon se ces eeee sane b ase eee one 105, 905, 212 Government paper money temporarily issued out of the paper-money reserve .........-------------- 14, 500, 000 : Notes issued by national banks... 2.022 ...2-08 oc s = sido eawsce esp eee nee eee 34, 398, 030 7 | ee nner cron ST A le ee 154, 803, 242 | The finance minister of the time (Count Matsukata) thought it an irregular practice to issue a part of the paper-money reserve for . temporarily meeting the deficit of revenue, as had been the practice of the Government for some years past. In order to pay back once ‘ for all the amount thus utilized from the paper-money reserve, he introduced certain changes in the method of making receipts and dis- bursements of the public revenue. He had, besides, the method of disbursing the expenditures of the Government departments changed, so that henceforth these disbursements were all made at the exchequer, instead of having the amounts of the estimated expenditures turned oyer in lump sums to the departmental authorities in the early part of the fiscal year. These changes were effectual, as may be F presumed, in leading to economy in the State expenditure. Yet further steps were taken toward economy and the increase of the Goy- 4 ernment reserve by ceasing to make any further loans out of the Government reserve in aid of industrial enterprises, and at the same f time by requiring that all the past loans should be paid back to the Government according to the terms of agreements. Now, with the money which came into the treasury in these ways, as well as by temporarily utilizing the money which came in response to the Naka- sendo railway bonds, issued about this time, the Government was able to pay back to the paper-money reserve in January, 1883, the entire amount of the paper money which had been subtracted for temporary circulation out of the said reserve. A plan was now adop on the other hand, of issuing the treasury bills to meet the demand of the exchequer for any temporary deficit in the revenue. * * * While in this way was effected the adjustment of the troubles connected with the temporary issue from the paper-money reserve, not quite so easy was the adjustment of the larger troubles which existed in connection with the paper currency proper. The minister of finance of the time (Count Matsukata) felt that in order to effect the much needed adjustment of the Government paper money it would be necessary to establish a great central bank, which should have the sole privilege of issuing convertible bank notes; which should serve as a supreme organ for the regulation of the currency of the country; which should, moreover, discount the foreign bills of exchange in order to regulate the influx and efflux of specie and bullion; which should still further be intrusted with certain services in the treasury, so as to simplify the business of the exchequer. The above recommendations of the minister of finance, Count Matsukata Masayoshi, for a great central bank were approved by the Government, and in June, 1882, regulations issued authorizing its establishment. At the same time with the establishment of the Bank of Japan the Government took measures to increase its revenue. In 1882 the Government first levied stamp duties on patent medicines and license tax on the brokers of the rice exchange and the stock exchange, and reyised saké and tobacco taxes, and in 1885 taxes on soy and confectionery were levied for the first time. One-half of the surplus of revenue which was secured through these means was devoted to the redemption of inconvertible paper money, while the other half was added to the reserve fund with the object of employing it for securing the importation of specie from abroad. The Government now established consulates in London, New York, and Lyons, the three greatest foreign markets for Japanese goods, and by employing the reserve fund of the Government in discounting foreign bills of exchange tried to absorb specie from abroad, as well as to encourage the export trade. To import foreign specie in some way was at the time an absolute necessity, since the output of gold and silver from Japanese mines only amounted to 400,000 or 500,000 yen annually. As results of this policy the amount of paper money was reduced at the end of 1885 to about 88,345,096 yen, while at the same time the Government was yet able to kee about 42,260,000 yen of specie in the reserve fund. In view of these facts, the price of paper money ually kept rising unti 5 atonal on a par with silver. The minister of finance, Mr. Matsukata (now count), now presented to his colleagues a pin of permitting the Bank of Japan to issue a certain amount of convertible bank notes asa sort of experiment preparatory to the resumption of specie payment, The Government, on approving this plan, had regulations drawn up concerning covertible bank notes. Imperial ordinance No. reat fs and the accompanying regulations in regard to convertible bank notes, which were issued on the 26th of May, 1884, run as OLLOWS: IMPERIAL ORDINANCE NO. XVIII OF THE 267TH DAY OF MAY, 1884. The convertible bank-note regulations are hereby issued. They will go into operation on the Ist day of July, 1884. Imperial ordinance No. C, promulgated in September of 1874, will cease to be effective one year after the day these regulations are issued. THE CONVERTIBLE BANK-NOTE REGULATIONS, Articie I, The convertible bank notes shall be issued by the Bank of Japan, in accordance with the provisions of Article XIV of the regulations concerning the Bank of Japan. These bank notes shall be convertible with silver. Arr. Il, The Bank of Japan shall keep a sufficient amount of silver coins as reserve fund for the conversion of its notes. : Arr. ILI. The denominations of the convertible bank notes shall be 1 yen, 5 yen, 10 yen, 20 yen, 50 yen, 100 yen, 200 yen—seyen kinds in all. ‘The minister of finance shall determine the amount to be issued of each kind. ! Art. LY. The convertible bank notes shall be legal tender in the payment of taxes and customs duties, as well as in all monetary ransactions. A Art. V. The convertible bank notes shall be manufactured by the Bank of Japan according to the shape, lettering, and | fixed by the minister of finance, the amount manufactured being reported to the said minister from time to time. The minister of finance shall previously notify the public as to the specimen of the note to be issued. Ant. VI. Persons desirous of getting the notes exchanged for coins may get them so exchanged at the central or branch office of bank at any time when the bank is open for business. / j 7 e : 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. . 2273 Art. VII. Persons bringing gold and silver coins to be exchanged for the notes may get them so exchanged at the central or a branch _ Office of the bank without fee. Art. VIII. The bank shall prepare tables showing the receipts and disbursements of the notes for each day, as well as for the month, and report the same to the minister of finance. Art. IX. The minister of finance shall instruct the comptrollers to oversee all matters relating to the issuing of the notes; when necessary, the comptrollers may examine the safes where the notes are kept, as well as the books recording the notes issued. Art. X. The notes which get defaced or mutilated so as to be unfit for circulation may be exchanged, without fee, at the central or a branch office of the bank. Art. XI. All processes regarding the manufacture of the notes, their redemption, the exchange of damaged notes, etc., shall be determined by the minister of finance. Art. XII. All crimes respecting the counterfeiting and fraudulent alteration of the notes shall be punished in accordance with the articles relating to the counterfeiting of paper money in the criminal code. In accordance with these regulations the Bank of Japan began to issue convertible bank notes onthe 9th of May, 1885; and the minister of finance (Count Matsukata), in view of the fact that every preparation was now fully made for the Government to resume specie payment, presented the following memorandum to the Government: Very soon after the restoration the Imperial Government was sorely pressed with the need of money to defray manifold expenses to which the Government was subjected, and as the only measure of relief they decided to issue paper money. The paper money was thus issued on the 19th day of the second (fourth) month of the first year of Meiji (1868), and the period of circulation was limited to thirteen years. On the 28th day of the fifth month, second year of Meiji (1869), the system was changed, and it was publicly notified that the notes would be exchanged with new coins which were then to be issued. But the demand for the Government expenditures continued to be so great—owing to the facts that every piece of administration had to be newly begun, as well as to the fact that the Government had on hand the task of adjusting the disordered state of affairs resulting from the war just closed—that the promised conversion of paper money had to be practically abandoned. In the twelfth month of the fourth year of Meiji (1871) it was announced by imperial ordinance that the various kinds of paper money would all be exchanged with the new paper money.* In the following year the Government put forth a plan of redemption by inviting the people to have paper money exchanged with the Government bonds to be issued for that purpose. The kinsatsu (literally, gold notes) exchange bond regulations were thus issued in the third month of the fourth year of Meiji 1872). Yet the amount thus exchanged was small, never accomplishing the purpose of reducing the amount of notes in circulation. fter those days a series of political disturbances occurred, culminating in the rebellion in the southwestern provinces in 1877; and from these causes the financial distress of the Government grew greater step by step, so that the Government was led to issue another large batch of paper money. Thus, while the amount of paper circulating before the war of the rebellion stood at 93,323,156.3385 yen, it was increased by the addition of 27,000,000, issued during the war, and also by the issue of a large amount of national-bank notes. In 1878 the amount arose to such enormons proportions, and their prices fell so rapidly, that in the years 1880 and 1881 the depreciation amounted to as much as 50 per cent of the face value. This was due, doubtless, to their overissue, but also no less to the fact that the notes being inconvertible could not command enough credit. At the time the undersigned (Count Matsukata) accepted the present post the Government was most seriously engaged in an attempt to find some fit measure of relief. The measures I had the honor to suggest having been approved by the Government, and having received the august sanction, progress was made step by step in the line of financial reform. As such steps may be mentioned the reduction of the expenditures of the Government with the view to the contraction of paper currency; the increase of the specie reserve as preparatory to note redemption; the retirement of the paper money temporarily issued from the paper-money reserve; the founding of the Bank of Japan, by which the financial organization of the country was perfected; the revision of the national-bank regu- lations, by which a way was opened for the redemption of the national-bank notes; and lastly, the issuing of the convertible bank-notes regulations. During the first part of the period the amount of paper in circulation was 154,803, 242.282 yen, of which 34,398,030 yen were national-bank notes and 14,500,000 yen were the temporary issues from the paper-money reserve. But this amount has been reduced during the past three years—including the present year, 1884—by the redemption of 34,133,754.25 yen, of which 14,500,000 yen were issues from the paper-money reserve and 3,637,772 yen were the notes of national banks. Of the Government paper money that remains, and is now in circulation, there are 89,909,230.032 yen. On the other hand, the increase of the Government’s specie reserve has been not inconsiderable. In 1881 the specie reserve of the Government for the purpose of redemption amounted to but 7,385,997.16 yen. (This is the balance remaining of the amount of specie in the Government reserve on the 21st of October, 1881, after from that amount has been deducted 1,288,176.722 yen, being the amount employed in discounting foreign exchange bills.) Now, after but little over three years, in October of this year, the specie reserve will probably amount to 39,612,810.722 yen. Comparing this with the volume of, paper money in circulation to-day, it comes up to almost half the amount of the latter. That somuch has been accumulated in times when there have been so many calls for expenditures must be attributed largely—though, no doubt, partly due to certain natural causes—to the earnestness of the Government in making the attempt to relieve the financial distress. In view of past circumstances and of the probable direction of future affairs, I can not but think the present to be the most oppor- tune moment for redeeming the inconyertible paper money. I pray most earnestly thatthe Government will approve these suggestions and not let go the present opportunity. I have no doubt that if these reforms are now effected that all fear of certain unexpected dis- turbances in commercial affairs will be quieted, and the much-needed. facilities finally offered for the circulation of currency. But cur- rency reforms need to be effected with extreme caution on account of their many-sided influence. It will be well, therefore, to effect the change now contemplated gradually—not too suddenly. The Ist day of January, 1886, may be fixed as the date on which the proc- ess of redemption shall begin to take place. The present specie reserve may first be devoted to redemption, while the coins minted out of the redemption fund, year by year, may be set apart, as fast as produced, as reserves for further exchange. Let the business of exchange be intrusfed entirely to the Bank of Japan and that bank instructed to exchange all the Government paper money that may come to that bank by way of ordinary circulation. Thus may the too sudden change be avoided and the reform effected smoothly and quietly. If these suggestions shail happily receive the august sanction, not only will the Government be able to accomplish its original purpose in regard to the paper money, but the credit of the Government, both at home and abroad, will be thereby assured, the national finance placed on a firm basis, and the future happiness of the people greatly enhanced. As the result of this memorandum the public was notified, through imperial ordinance No. XIV, of June, 1885, that the Govern- ment would commence to pay specie in exchange for Government paper money on January 1, 1886. The ordinance runs as follows: IMPERIAL ORDINANCE NO. XIV, OF THE 6TH DAY OF JUNE, 1885. The paper money issued by the Government shall be gradually exchanged with silver coins from January, 1886, on, and the paper money thus exchanged shall be canceled. Therules concerning the process of making the said exchange shall be fixed by the minister of finance, and the business intrusted to the Bank of Japan. As to the conversion of national-bank notes, the minister of finance, Mr. Matsukata (now count), saw the need of first amending the national-bank regulations, with reference to which he presented a memorandum to the Government. * * * The policy laid down in the memorandum was adopted by the Government, and by imperial ordinance of the 5th of May, 1883, the Government introduced certain amendments to the national-bank regulations. According to these amendments the term of business of national banks was to be twenty years, counting from the day they received their charters, and if they desired to continue their business after the expiration of their term they were to do so as private institutions; moreover, each bank was required to keep asa reserve fund for the redemption of notes money equal in amount of one-fourth the amount of notes issued by that bank, and effect . redemption within its term of business according to the methods laid down in the following regulations. It was also stated in these amendments that persons desirous of having the bank notes exchanged for currency might do so by taking them to the Bunk of Japan. ® Manufactured in Germany; these new ones also inconyertible as the old ones, 2274 | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. _ DeceMBen, The various plans for the redemption of inconvertible paper money having been faithfully carried out, on the last dayof June, 1888, the amount in circulation was found to be much reduced, of the Government paper money there being in circulation some 49,337,247 © yen and of the national-bank notes some 28,059,486 yen. The minister of finance, Mr. Matsukata (now count), seized this opportunity for introducing amendments into the convertible bank-notes regulations in order to establish the currency system of the country on a sound basis. The following memorandum was presented by him to the cabinet council in July of the same year: __ ; ‘While the Government issued paper money—notes issued by the Daijokwan—at the beginning of the restoration as an emergency measure for the relief of the financial distress of the time, the disadvantages of issuing inconvertible notes was plainly seen at the time, and hence the period of circulation of these notes was limited to thirteen years. It was hoped that after the expiration of this term of years the Government would be able to introduce a convertible system of paper currency. But the ever-increasing Government expenditures—which were owing to the fact that every department of the Government as well as public enterprises of all kinds had to be all at once either reformed or newly begun—compelled the Government to forego the first plan, and instead of redeeming the paper money in circulation, they kept adding to that amount. In 1878 the depreciation of notes was so striking that the Government, getting alarmed, made every e%fort to bring about the introduction of a convertible system. These efforts were now directed on the one hanc toward the contraction by making partial redemption of the amount in circulation, and on the other toward increasing the specie reserve which was intended to serve as a fund for redemption. ‘‘Owing to these measures the price of paper returned to its face value, and, in June, 1885, the Government publicly notified its determination, as has been previously stated, to begin the gradual redemption of the Government paper money. After this decisive measure had been adopted, still further steps were taken in succession toward effecting the entire redemption of the Government paper money by substituting for it the system of convertible bank notes. Yet, on the other hand, the amount of the paper money already issued was so great that, notwithstanding every possible effort on the part of the Government, it has not yet been all redeemed. This is indeed to be deeply regretted. Now, after careful examination of the methods and processes of the banking operations of Europe and America, which may possibly be taken as examples for our present case, I have come to the conclusion that to enlarge the privileges of the Bank of Japan in regard to its power of issuing notes, and then to borrow a portion of its notes, at a low rate of interest or without interest, and employ them for redeeming the Government paper money, would be, under the circumstances, the best possible method that can be found. These reasons lead me to submit to the cabinet council for its careful consideration a draft of the amendments to be introduced in the convertible bank-notes regulations, with a statement of reasons for these amendments, and some tables.”’ (Norz.—The above-mentioned statement of reasons and tables is now omitted. ) The policy embodied in this memorandum being approved by the Government, the public was notified, through imperial ordinance No. LIX, of August, 1888, of the introduction of amendments in the convertible bank-notes regulations. These amendments run as follows: z ; IMPERIAL ORDINANCE NO. LIX, OF THE IsT DAY OF AUGUST, 1888. Arrticir II. The Bank of Japan shall keep gold or silver coins, or bullion of those metals, as a conversion reserve, equal in amount to the amount of the convertible bank notes issued. The Bank of Japan may, outside the provisions of the preceding paragraph, further issue convertible bank notes, on the security of Government bonds or treasury bills, or other bonds and commercial bills of a reliable nature, within the limits of 70,000,000 ven. Of this amount, however, 27,000,000 shall be set apart to be issued after the lst day of January, 1889, in installment, from time to time, in proportion to the amount of the national-bank notes redeemed. Ls The Bank of Japan may, outside of the provisions of the two préceding paragraphs, make still further an issue of convertible bank notes, in order to meet some special emergency of the market, and with the special permission of the minister of finance, on the security of Government bonds or treasury bills, or other bonds and commercial bills of a reliable nature. The notes shall be subject to a special tax of not less than 5 per cent per annum, the rate of interest to be fixed in each case by the minister of finance. The Bank of Japan shall supply by way of loan not more than 22,000,000 yen to the Government, at the interest of 2 per cent per annum, for the purpose of redeeming the Government paper money. The loan shall be without interest after 1898. The period of time within which this loan shall be repaid by the Government and the rate of annual installment shall be fixed by the minister of finance. * * * In March, 1890, the Government adopted the plan of setting apart as a redemption reserve a sum of 10,000,000 out of the reserve fund in order to accomplish the entire withdrawal of the Government paper money. * * * In these ways both the Government paper money and the national-bank notes were all exchanged with the convertible silver notes of the Bank of Japan. Asa result of thus replacing the inconvertible paper money with the conyertible silver notes, Japan now became a de facto silver-standard country. * * * - The report then details the methods adopted by the Government through additional taxation and otherwise for the creation of a sinking fund and reserve fund, and adds: : THE STATE OF AFFAIRS WHICH NECESSITATED THE COINAGE REFORM OF 1897. The adjustment of the paper currency, accomplished in 1886, prepared the country to reap all the benefits of a scientific system of coinage. The rate of interest now gradually became low, the commercial and industrial enterprises began to rapidly expand, the volume of foreign trade of the country increased greatly; in a word, there took place a marked improvement in the economic conditions of the country. Yet, on the other hand, Japan became a de facto silver-standard country, and all the fluctuations of the price of silver in the world’s market came to exercise an immediate influence on her economic and financial condition. THE DEPRECIATION OF SILVER AND THE COINAGE REFORMS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Before 1873 the price of silver did not show great fluctuations, the ratio between gold and silver standing, as a rule, at 1 of gold to 15.5 of silver. About 1871, however, there began to appear causes which finally led to its sudden fall in recent years. The chief among these causes were two—the greatly increased annual output of silver since 1871, and the establishment of the German Empire. The Government of the united Germany immediately took up the scheme of unifying the coinage systems in vogue in the different portions of the Empire by replacing with gold coins the silver currency then in use. It issued, therefore, a new coinage law, sto coining standard silver pieces, and in 1873 put into effect the gold-standard system. It soon began to sell large quantities of silver, which had the immediate effect of causing depreciation. The bimetallic countries of Europe now saw the danger of being turned into silver countries, so that they became constrained to adopt the lines of policy which had the tendency of making them gold-standard countries. Now, these lines of policy all aimed at the expulsion of silver and the absorption of gold. In 1878 the United States of America adopted a gold standard, stopped coining silver dollars (except silver trade dollars), and limited the legal-tender amount of the silver dollar to $5. France puta limit to the amount of silver deposits received at its mints; and Sweden and Norway, too, adopted a gold standard, discarding its standard siver coins, in 1874. The countries of the Latin Union also put a limit to the coinage of etandard ‘alter coins, Holland stopping the free coinage of silver in 1875, and Switzerland deciding to cease entirely the minting of silver coins. In 1876 France, Belgium, Spain, and Russia followed these examples, and the United States of America took away the legal-tender qualifications of the silver trade dollar, These measures all assisted to bring about the sudden fall in the price of silver, so that in 1876 the average rate for the year stood at 1 of gold to 17.88 of silver. _. At this stage the countries which had in posssession large stocks of silver, or which annually produced it in lange quantities, took measures intended to stop the fall of the price of silver. In 1878 the Government of the United States promulgated what is called the _ 7 ‘7 ae fe ESE ee eh ee eee 190i.] ji COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2275 Bland Act, according to which the American Government was to buy silver in order to coin it into money, hoping in this way to stop its depreciation. In 1890, again, this Bland Act was replaced by the Sherman Act, which authorized the Government to greatly increase the amount of its annual purchase of silver, These measures, however, did not have the least effect in checking the fall. The rate of gold and silver, which was, on an average, 1 of gold to 18 of silver in 1879, became 1 of gold to over 19 of silver in 1885. After that year the fall became still more marked, so that while the average rate in 1891 was 1 of gold to 20.92 of silver, it became in 1892 1 of gold to 23.72 of silver, at last the fall reaching in 1893 the rate of 1 of gold to 26.49 of silver. Thus the prospects of silver became daily more gloomy. This led Austria-Hungary in 1892 to adopt a gold standard and the United States to repeal the Sherman Act in 1893. Russia, too, though it had allowed the free coinage of silver for a time, stopped it again in 1893. In 1894 Persia took the same course, while India placed a tariff of 5 per cent on all the imports of silver. In 1895 Chile and in 1596 Costa Rica both adopted a gold standard; Russia at the same time showing signs of taking the same course, and in 1894 the fall in the price of silver reached as low a rate as 1 of gold to 32.56 of silver (being the average rate for the year). In 1895, however, silver showed signs of appreciation, the average rate for that year being 1 of gold to 31.60 of silver, and the rate becoming, in 1896, 1 of gold to 30.66 of silver. Yet this appreciation was merely temporary, owing to certain obvious causes, one of which was an erroneous supposition that the Chinese indemnity would be paid in silver, while the other was a widespread conjecture that the silver party would win in the Presidential election of the United States. When, therefore, these suppositions were both proved to be unfounded, in 1897 silver again began to fall, reaching at the lowest point to 1 of gold to 39.70 (or more) of silver, making the average for the year 1 of gold to 34.34 of silver. * * * CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH CALLED FOR THE COINAGE REFORM OF JAPAN, AND THE RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE COINAGE INVESTIGATION COMMISSION. As was narrated in the previous section, the depreciation of the price of silver grew daily greater, and there seemed to be no end to sudden fluctuations. In consequence, foreign countries were led one by one to adopt a gold standard. Under these circumstances Japan, as ade facto silver-standard country (since the establishment of the convertible paper-money system in 1885), could not but suffer from this depreciation. The constant fluctuations in the rate of exchange took away from foreign trade an unchanging standard of value and prevented it irom making normal and healthy growth. Asa result the price of commodities rose rapidly, the spirit of speculation became rampant, and, finally, the State expenditures began to increase on account of this depreciation; in a word, there took place a general derangement of the national economy. It was now feared that the further maintenance of a silver standard would be against the far- reaching interest of the country. The finance minister of the time, Mr. Watanabe Kunitake (now viscount), presented a memorandum on the llth of September, 1893, advocating the necessity of conducting investigations in regard to the monetary policy of the country, advising for that purpose the appointment of a commission. The following is the text of the memorandum: “‘The recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver have exerted an extraordinary influence on the economic affairs of the world, and the governments of all countries have been led to pay the greatest attention to the method of averting further calamities from the same source. In July of last year the Austrian Government adopted a gold-standard in place of the silver-standard system, while the International Monetary Congress, which was to meet in Brussels, with the avowed object of discussing measures of the price of silver, has not been convened. These things have tended to assist the rapid depreciation of silver. In addition to these, the Indian government suddenly stopped the free coinage of silver, and the American Government seems to be strongly inclined to repeal the Sherman Act; in fact, the bill for that object is now under consideration in the United States Congress. It is thus inevitable that the depreciation of silver will yet continue to increase. For these reasons the ratio between gold and silver is in a constant fluctuation, in some cases bringing international trade almost to astandstill. It is but natural, therefore, that silver-using countries of the world should, with a view to the protection of their national interest, take steps to conduct investigations concerning the question of coinage. Some countries have already put into effect the results of such investigations. “The coinage system of our country was a gold standard, according to the new coinage regulations of 1871. However, when, in 1878, the 1-yen silver coin, which had been coined for circulation within the limits of the treaty ports only, was made legal tender throughout the country by Imperial ordinance No. XII of 1878, there came into vogue the double-standard system of gold and silver. But this has been further changed, and we are living under a de facto silver-standard system. For this reason these fluctuations in the price of silver exert an immense influence on the economy and finance of the country. Moreover, since the Indian government has recently under- ‘taken to reform its coinage, the people of all classes of our country have become excited witb the liveliest anxiety as to the probable future of silver coinage. Discussions on the subject are rife all over the country, and business men are in fear and trembling, not knowing what course to take. For these reasons it seems to me to be a most proper course to take for the Government to appoint a commission, composed of men experienced and learned in economic matters; to instruct that commission to conduct investigations as to the causes and efiects of recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver, especially their effects on the past, present, and future of our national economy; to make inquiries on the question whether there be need of reforming the coinage system of the country; if so, what system to choose and what means to adopt toward effecting that reform. I look forward to the time-when the researches of such a commission will be completed, with hopes that the Government will then be able to pacify the present anxieties of the nation at large, as well as to fix upon a line of monetary policy to pursue at this important juncture. I adjoin herewith the draft of the Imperial ordinance respecting the appointment of the commission and of the estimate of the expenses connected with that commission. These are now respectfully submitted for the consideration of the cabinet.”’ The scheme embodied in the preceding memorandum was adopted by the Government, and the regulations concerning the coinage investigation commission were promulgated by Imperial ordinance No. CNIII, on the 14th of October, 1893. According to these regulations the commission was appointed, and the first thing they did was to choose a subcommittee to make preliminary researches, the result of which being reported to the commission, the latter held several meetings in which long and exhaustive discussions took place. Finally, in July, 1896, the commission presented the report of its resolution to the minister of finance. The main points in that report are as follows: (1) The resolution respecting item No. 1 of Article I of Imperial ordinance No. CXITI, 1893. On this subject the commission accepted the result of the researches conducted by the subcommittee, and after further investigations concerning the recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver, as well as concerning the relative value of gold and silver as against commodities, gave the following nine points as the causes of recent fluctuations: a. Increase in the output of silver. b. Reduction in the expense of producing silver. c. The fact that there has been less demand for silver for coinage in proportion to its increased output. d. Decrease of the demand for silver for works of art. _e. The fact that the amount of silver in existence, which is directly influenced by the laws of supply and demand, is comparatively small, while the yearly supply of silver is comparatively large. a* j. The fact that the rate of increase in the output of gold is less than the rate of increase in the output of silver. g. Increased demand for gold for coinage. h. Increased demand for gold for works of art. i. Increase of the tendency to hoard gold. : : In regard to the general effect of the recent fluctuations the following resolutions were taken: First, as to their effect in silver countries; second, in the gold countries, and, third, on the economic relations. between gold and silver countries. First, as to their effects in silver countries: a. Increase of exports. b. Rise of the price of commodities. c. Reduction in the liabilities of debtors and of the taxpayers paying fixed rates. 2276 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [Deer d. The prosperity in agriculture. Digs » tne eka eee e. The OoWib in trade. a f. Increase of the public revenue from tax and other sources. . The increased demand for laborers. . Increase of the State expenditures. i. Sufferings of the people who live on salaries or wages. j. Loss to the creditors. i. The growth of speculative enterprises. 1. Rise in the price of commodities imported from gold countries and the consequent decrease of imports. Second, as to the effects in gold countries: . Profit to the creditors. . Fall in the price of commodities imported from silver countries. Reduction in the State expenditures. . Fall in the price of commodities. . The loss to debtors and to the taxpayers paying fixed rates. . The stagnation of commerce and industry. . Reduction in the rate of interest. . Sufferings of the agricultural classes. . Reduction of the public revenue from taxes and other sources, . Sufferings of the employers who pay out salaries and wages. . The reduced demand for laborers. . Increase of the imports from silver countries. Third, in regard to the effects on the economic relations between the gold and silver countries: a. The stagnation of business transactions between the silver and gold countries. b. Reduction in the investment of capital made from gold countries in silver countries. (2) Resolutions in regard to item No. 2 of Article I of the Imperial ordinance. . The increase of export. . Rise in the price of commodities. . Reduction in the liabilities of debtors and taxpayers paying fixed rates. . The prosperity in agriculture. . The growth of trade and industry. . Increase of the revenue from taxes and other sources. . Increase of the demand for laborers. . Increase of the State expenditures. . Sufferings of the people who live on salaries and wages. . Loss to the creditors. . The growth of speculative enterprises. Rise in the price of commodities imported from gold countries. . Growth of habits of luxury. . The free coinage at the mint acts as inducement to the importation of silver. . Stagnation of the business transactions between Japan and gold countries. : Petiction in the investment of capital made in this country from gold countries. In the discussion of the question whether the recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver were for the advantage or disadvantage of the country, the commission was at first divided, one part holding the opinion that the economic effect of these fluctua- tions was on the whole to the advantage of the country, while the other part held to the view that the effect was not for the permanent and general adyantage of this country. On taking votes, however, the former opinion prevailed, which was accordingly reported as the resolution of the commission. (3) The resolutions of the commission in regard to item No. 3 of Article I of the imperial ordinance: ; In regard to this item, the subcommittee took vote on the question whether there was an immediate need of making changes in the present coinage system of the country, leaving out the question whether there may not be such a need at some future time, if not now. When the commission came to take vote, however, the question was enlarged so as to include the latter question also, and the final decision was, in consequence of this enlargement of the question, contrary to the conclusion of the subcommittee and in favor of i changes. Yet, with reference to the reasons for making these changes, the kind of standard to be adopted, and the time and method effecting these changes, the commission was by no means unanimous. It was, therefore, thought advisable to state se tely these various opinions in the report, as also the opinion of the minority, who held that there was no need of making changes, the latter being presented as a minority report. wr Sso FQ Ba oee R083 saweseuce &0 oR MAIN OUTLINE OF THE OPINIONS. I. That there is need of making changes in the present coinage system. 1. Its reasons: ; A. The advantages that may accrue to the country from the recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver being limited in time and sphere, we must not be misled by the thought of these advantages, but look beyond to the permanent and gen: good of the nation at large, and adopt a coinage system which shall be in harmony with the coinage systems of the countries in closest relation to our own. B. That there are certain benefits which accrue to the country from the fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver we willingly grant; but, on the other hand, we need to adopt a system of coinage which, while according to the traditions of our country. shall also be able to meet the need of these times in view of the changed condition of things abroad, i. e., to keep this country in accord with the economical progress made abroad and with the changes effected in the coinage systems of foreign lands. C. We grant the greatness of the benefits which the country is enjoying from the recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver. Yet there is a tendency abroad to bring about a reaction in the contrary direction. It will be needful, therefore, for Japan to adopt a coinage system which shall be able to meet the effects of such a reaction. PD. While we grant that the benefits to the country from the recent fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver are comparatively large, yet, on the other hand, these fluctuations haye had the effect of greatly raising the price of commodities and bees about the present economic derangement. Yor this reason it will be necessary to adopt a coinage system which shall be free from fluctuations. 2. In regard to the kind of new standard to be adopted: A. The gold standard. : a. The unlimited circulation of silver coinage is not to be permitted. ». The 1-yen silver coin now in circulation to be permitted to circulate without limit at a certain fixed rate of exchange, but its free coinage to be stopped. i B. The bimetallic standard. a. The alliance of the leading nations of the world needed for the purpose. se b. The alliance of the leading nations not needed. ¢ a C. As to the mode of effecting these changes. ‘ : a. To begin making preparations at once, with a view of realizing the scheme —_ . q 7 ie i. oa } : Lois} C COMMERCIAL JAPAN. rye | b. To stop for the present with making preparations only. c. To wait for some future opportune moment. II. That there is no necessity of making changes in the present coinage system of the country. (Report of the minority.) The various opinions advanced in support of this proposition are: A. The advantages to the country of the effect of fluctuations in the ratio between gold and silver are great. It will be to the country’s benefit to maintain the present system in future. B. Since the advantages accruing to the country from these fluctuations are great, it will be the best policy for the country to wait without making changes till the formation of an international bimetallic union and then to join the union. C. We grant the advantages the country is deriving from these fluctuations, but as to the future line of policy which the country ought to pursue in regard to its coinage system we hesitate to express any opinion. In making the above resolutions eight members voted for the resolution advocating the need of making changes, while seven voted for maintaining the present system unchanged. Among those who advocated the necessity of making changes, six advocated the adoption of a gold standard, while two advocated a bimetallic system. Thus the majority of the commission were of the opinion that there was a necessity of making changes in the present coinage system of the country, and the majority again of those who advocated the need of making changes were in favor of adopting a gold standard. It was thus clearly shown that the coinage reform and the adoption of a gold standard was the pressing necessity of the time. Yet the difficulty of creating at once the large gold reserve necessary in order to effect this reform kept the Government from taking steps forward in that direction, until the Chinese indemnity enabled the Government to plan for creating this necessary gold reserve. The report then states the methods by which the Chinese indemnity, which, under the original agreement, was to have been paid in Kupong (silver) taels, was finally, under a new agreement, paid in British coin (gold), and the stock of gold thus utilized for use in the adoption of the gold standard, and adds: Since now the way was opened for the creation of a gold reserve, as was narrated in the last section of the previous chapter, the finance minister, Count Matsukata, seeing that the time was fully ripe for putting into effect the plan of coinage reform, on the 25th February, 1897 (thirtieth year of Meiji), submitted the drafts of the coinage law, with its subsidiary laws, to the cabinet council. The policy sketched in the memorandum being adopted by the cabinet, the Government introduced into the Diet on the Ist day of ery 1897, the drafts of the coinage law and other subsidiary laws. The first of these laws took place on the 3d day of arch. ~ The bills recommended introduced to the House of Representatives were intrusted to a committee of 27 members, who approved them asa whole. The committee reported on the bill to the House on the 10th day of March. During the discussion which followed there were a few opinions advanced in opposition, and some attempts were made at amendment, but in the end these bilis were passed in the House as a whole, without amendment, and were forwarded duly to the House of Peers. In the House of Peers these bills went into first reading on the 15th day of March, and were intrusted to a committee of 15 members, who reported on them to the House on the 23d, and the biils were passed by the House of Peers also without a single amendment. In this way where the coinage law and the subsidiary law passed by the Diet, and, after receiving the august sanction, were promulgated on the 26th day of March, 1897. * * * The important sections of the new coinage law are given below, the sections omitted relating merely to the limit of deviation in fineness, abrasion, etc. THE COINAGE LAW. Articte I. The power of minting and issuing coin belongs to the Government. Art. II. The weight of 2 fiin of pure gold shall be the unit of the coinage and shall be called yen. Arr. III. The coins shall be of nine denominations, as follows: Gold coin, consisting of 20-yen, 10-yen, and 5-yen pieces; silver coin, consisting of 50-sen, 20-sen, and 10-sen pieces; nickel coin, consisting of 5-sen pieces; bronze coin, consisting of 1-sen and 5-rin pieces. Arr. IV. The decimal method shall be followed in the calculation of coinage, one-hundredth part of 1 yen being called sen, and one-tenth part of 1 sen being called rin. Art. V. The quality of the coins shall be as follows: 1. Gold coin, 900 parts of pure gold and 100 parts of copper. 2. Silver coin, 800 parts of pure silver and 200 parts of copper. 3. Nickel coin, 250 parts of nickel and 750 parts of copper. 4. Bronze coin, 950 parts of copper, 40 parts of tin, and 10 parts of zine. Art. VI. The weights of the coins shall be as follows: . The 20-yen gold piece shall weigh 4 momme, 4 fiin, 4 rin, 4.4 mo (or, grams, 16.6665). The 10-yen gold piece shall weigh 2 momme, 2 fiin, 2 rin, 2.2 mo (or, grams, 8.8333). The 5-yen gold piece shall weigh 1 momme, 1 fiin, 1 rin, and 1.1 mo (or, grams, 4.1666). The 50-sen silver piece shall weigh 3 momme, 5 fin, 9 rin, and 4.2 mo (or, grams, 13.4783). The 20-sen silver piece shall weigh 1 momme, 4 ftin, 3 rin, and 7.7 mo (or, grams, 5.3914). The 10-sen silver piece shall weigh 7 fiin, 1 rin, and 8.8 mo (or, grams, 2.6955). . The nickel piece shall weigh 1 momme, 2 fiin, 4 rin, and 4.1 mo (or, grams, 4.6654). . The 1-sen bronze piece shall weigh 1 momme, 9 fiin, and 0.8 mo (or, grams, 7.1280). . The 5-rin bronze piece shail weigh 9 fiin, 5 rin, and 0.4 mo (or, grams, 3.5640). Art. VII. The gold coins shall be legal tender up to any amount. The silver coins shali be legal tender up to any amount of 10 yen. The nickel and bronze coins shall be legal tender up to the amount of l yen. * * * : Art. XIV. Should any person deposit gold bullion and apply to have it minted into gold coin, the Government shall grant the application. £0 G0 NID Uy Oo OP APPENDIX. i Arr. XV. The gold coins already issued shall circulate at double the value of the gold coins to be issued under the provisions of this law. Art. XVI. The 1-yen silver coin hitherto issued shall be gradually exchanged for gold coin, according to the convenience of the Government, at the rate of 1 gold yen for 1 silver yen. Pending the completion of that exchange, l-yen silver coin shall be legal tender to any amount, at the rate of 1 silver yen for 1 gold yen, and the prohibition of their circulation shall be announced six months in advance by imperial ordinance. If these coins are not presented for exchange within the period of five full years, reckoning from the day on which their circulation is prohibited, they shall be regarded thenceforth as bullion. Art. XVII. The 5-yen silver coin and the copper coins hitherto issued shall continue in circulation as before. Art. XVIII. From the day of the promulgation of this law, the minting of the silver 1 yen shall cease; but this prohibition shall not apply to silver bullion deposited at the Government mint prior to that date. Art. XIX. All laws or ordinances hitherto issued that conflict with the provisions of this law are hereby rescinded. Art. XX. With the exception of Article X VIII this law shall go into operation from the Ist day of October, 1897. LAW NO. XVII, OF THE 26TH DAY OF MARCH, 1897—REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SPECIAL COMPTABILITE OF THE COINAGE ADJUSTMENT FUNDS. Artictr I. The Government shall set apart a fund for the exchange and retirement of l-yen silver coin and of coins inconvenient for circulation. The fund shall be called the coinage adjustment fund, and its income and expenditures kept as special comptabilite, _ separate from the general account of the Government. No. 6 19 2278 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. : _ Arr. II. All profits arising from seigniorage and other items at the mint, resulting under a special comptabilite after 1897, turned into the coinage adjustment fund. : : : a Art. III. When 1-yen silver coin withdrawn from circulation through exchange, or other coins withdrawn from circulation on account of their inconvenience, are to be sold as bullion, such sales may be transacted by the Government by any contract it may choose to enter into. rs Now, such being the coinage law and the subsidiary laws, the main points in the practical scheme of executing the reform set on foot by the finance minister may be stated as follows: : - I. To mint the new gold coins with gold bullion bought with the Chinese indemnity money. _ ; ‘ Il. To exchange with gold coin the 1-yen silver coins and the silver promissory notes of the mint previously issued. y =, Now that gold was made the standard of coinage, according to the coinage law, it is very clear that the silver 1 yen, which had hitherto occupied the position of the unit of coinage, ought to be exchanged for gold coins. Shou!d, however, the actual amount of these silver yen brought in for exchange exceed their estimated amount, it would not only be impossible to accomplish the work of exchange, but also the latter fact would at once destroy the very basis of the new coinage system. _For this reason careful S$ were made as to the amount of the silver yen which would be brought in for exchange with gold coins. The estimated amounts stood as follows: ; Yen. 1-yen silver coin circulating at home....-.-..----.--------------2---- eee cee e eee cone ee eee ene e ee eee 39, 320, 000 1-yen silver coin which would be brought back from abroad for exchange.--...---------------------- 10, 060, 000 Silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint...........-..--------------- agai iate 30, 000, 000 Gta. olde bass vets oon ovat oon sees neste eee oft 2 = Se eee eee ae aan ee ee 79, 320, 000 III. As to the method of disposal of the silver yen withdrawn from circulation: The total amount of the silver yen to be exchanged, some 79,000,000 in all, according to the estimate in the preceding paragraph, shall be disposed of partly by minting them into subsidiary coins, according to the ec explained under Paragraph V, and partly by transporting them abroad for sale, after disfiguring them so as to make them legally unfit for circulation at home. 2 IV. As to the disposal of the silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint: = Although with the promulgation of the coinage law of 1897 the further coining of silver yen was to cease, there must be provided — a means for the disposal of the silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint. It was intended now to dispose of it in the same way as the silver yen, by partly devoting it to minting subsidiary coins and partly selling it abroad. V. To be fe an increased issue of subsidiary silver coins, the gold piece which would correspond with 1 yen, if coined, would beso small in weight as to be inconvenient for daily transactions. For this reason no provision was made in the coinage law for the minting _ of 1-yen gold pieces. Yet in order to keep firm the foundations of our coinage system the people must be ee erie with hard money for the purposes of small daily transactions. There was therefore the more need of making an increased issue of subsidiary coins, since not only were the Government paper money and national-bank notes to be retired, but the convertible 1-yen notes, which were being — largely used in the smaller transactions among the people, were to be reduced in amount. For these reasons it was now planned to make the increased issue of subsidiary coins, consisting of 50-sen and other smaller coins. ; sf Such, in general, were the lines of policy according to which the coinage law was carried into operation. * * * REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF 1-YEN SILVER COINS. 2 In accordance with the Article XVI of the coinage law (law No. XVI of 1897), where it is provided that 1-yen silver coins shall be exchanged gradually, at the rate of 1 yen gold for 1 yen silver, the Government now issued regulations concerning the exchange of — l-yen silver coins by finance department notification No. LXI of September 21, 1897. The regulations run as follows: ne FINANCE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION NO. LXI OF THE 21sT DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1897. From the 1st day of October, this year, 1-yen silver coins hitherto issued shall be gradually exchanged with gold coins. Persons desirous of having them thus exchanged may apply at the central Governmenttreasury. The application may be made at the Yokohama — Specie Bank and its branch office at Kobe, both of which act as agencies for the aes ea Ginko, and the Government treasuriesin see redatgh parts of the country, where the officials in charge will accommodate the applicants by getting the coins exchanged at the central treasury. _ In regard to the circulation of the l-yen silver coins, there was issued on the 18th of September, 1897, imperial ordinance No. CCCX XXVIII, as follows: IMPERIAL ORDINANCE NO. CCCXXXVIII OF THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1897. 5 Matsukata, finance minister at that time, presented to the cabinet a draft of the law for the shortening of the period allowed for the exchange of l-yen silver coins. Yet, owing to the dissolution of the Imperial Diet, that draft was never laid before the houses. When Count Inouye succeeded Count Matsukata as finance minister, he also saw the need of cutting short the five-year period, and the draft of the law to that effect laid before the extraordinary meeting of the Diet was passed by both houses. The draft becameaaal No. V of the 10th of June, 1898, and runs as follows: LAW NO. V OF THE 10TH DAY OF JUNE, 1898. No exchange of 1-yen silver coins shall take place after the 31st day of July, 1898. While it had been the rule hitherto to exchange 1-yen silver pieces with gold coins and transact the business connected with that exchange only at the central treasury (the treasuries in different parts of the country simply acconimodating themselves in a ag applicants to get the exchange made at the central Government treasury), the Government regarded it necessary to make certain change in connection with the process of exchange in order to make sure that there should be no 1-yen silver coins left over unexchan on account of the shortening of the five-year period. These changes were embodied in the finance department notification No. of June 15, 1898, and are as follows: . FINANCE DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION NO, XLIX OF THE 15TH DAY OF JuNE, 1898. I. Any person desirous of getting the l-yen silver coin exchanged for any kind of currency may apply during the period allowed for its exchange at any of the Government treasuries and subtreasuries. ‘ II. The l-yen silver coin may be used in the payment of taxes or in otherwise making payment. to the Government during the period allowed for its exchange. * * * ~~ - The mint now immediately increased its working capacity, began minting these coins, and worked both day and night sea without cessation, so that by the prescribed day—i. e., September 30—it succeeded in turning out 49,587,160 yen of the new coin The original estimate of the new coins to be minted was now increased, and it was decided to coin by the 31st day of 1898, addition to the amount mentioned above, 500,000 yen of 5-yen gold pieces and 24,500,000 yen of 10-yen gold pieces; total, 25,000,000 y: he wes ee | 1901.] | COMMERCIAL JAPAN, 2279 making the revised total of the new gold coins to be issued 73,000,000 yen altogether. Accordingly the amount of new gold coins turned out by the mint from October, 1897, to April, 1898, was altogether 24,868,575 yen. The total sum of gold coins minted by the Government between April, 1897, and April, 1898, in preparation for effecting the coinage reform was thus altogether 74,455,735 yen, and this amount was now devoted to making the exchange of silver yen. THE MINTING OF SUBSIDIARY SILVER COINS. In order to place the currency system of a country on a sound basis, it is essential that a sufficient supply of coins be provided for the use of the community at large. Itis particularly important that coins be used by the people in their smaller daily transactions. Now, the amount of 1-yen convertible notes issued by the Bank of Japan had reached the vast sum of over 66,000,000 (estimate at the end of March, 1897). And since a greater portion of these notes was being used in daily transactions by the people, it was thought proper to order the Bank of Japan to commence withdrawing gradually its 1-yen convertible notes, along with the adoption of the gold standard, in order that the Government might issue hard money in their place; but in regard to the nature of the hard money to be thus issued in exchange for these notes it was feared that 1-yen gold pieces, if coined, would be too small, and hence inconvenient for handling. For this reason in the coinage law no provision was made for the minting of gold l-yen. Accordingly the Government adopted the plan of issuing an additional amount of subsidiary silver coins, consisting of 50, 20, and 10 sen pieces, and of making them take the place of 1-yen convertible notes, so far as these were being used in daily transactions by the people. THE WITHDRAWAL FROM CIRCULATION OF THE 1-YEN SILVER COIN—THE PREPARATIONS FOR EXCHANGING 1-YEN SILVER COINS. By Article XVI of the coinage law of 1897 (law No. XVI), it was provided that all the 1-yen silver coins then in circulation should be, at the convenience of the Government, exchanged at the rate of 1-yen gold for l-yen silver. As this law was to be put in force on the Ist day of October of the same year, the Government at once took up the work of providing the fund needed for the exchange of l-yen silver coins. But early in July of the same year some of the foreign banks at our treaty ports, being doubtful as to the actual working of the coinage law, sent out circulars to their customers notifying them to the effect that, after the lst of October, those banks should exercise the liberty of choosing either gold or silver coins in making specie payments. Under these circumstances, the outlook was not free from the danger that if things were allowed to proceed as they were they would eventually lead to a change in the market ratio between gold and silver; and, perceiving that in order to prevent such a contingency it would be a matter of the most urgent necessity to effect the change of 1-yen silver coins with all possible dispatch and promptness, the finance minister (Count Matsukata) decided on adopting the following course: 1. On the 1st day of October to get all the 1-yen silver coins in the possession of the Bank of Japan and of the Yokohama Specie Bank exchanged for the gold coins in the possession of the Government. 2. To allow foreign banks in the treaty ports to get the 1-yen silver coins in their possession exchanged for gold coins after the Ist day of October, the transactions connected with this business to be intrusted to the Bank of Japan. 3. In view of the above-mentioned course taken by the Government, to instruct the Yokohama Specie Bank and its branches to use gold in all their payments. 4. That the president of the Bank of Japan should endeavor to induce the foreign banks to also make their payments in gold. Then, on the 15th of July, the following instruction was issued to the Bank of Japan: Since the coinage law goes into operation on the Ist day of October of the current year, the Bank of Japan is hereby ordered to undertake the exchange of 1-yen silver coins now in circulation according to the following method: 1. One-yen silver coins which may be in the possession of the Bank of Japan on the 1st day of October, as well as those that may come into its possession after that date, the bank shall get exchanged for gold coins at the Government treasury. 2. As regards 1-yen silver coins in the possession of the Yokohama Specie Bank and of the foreign banks in the treaty ports after the 1st day of October of this year, the bank shall endeavor to persuade their possessors to exchange them for gold coins. 3. As regards all payments made at the head office of the Yokohama Specie Bank, whether these payments are made by it as an agency of the Bank of Japan or not, the Bank of Japan shall see that after the 1st day of October those payments are made entirely in gold coins. g The exchange of 1-yen silver coins for gold coins is a matter requiring great care on the part of the Government, since it is virtually connected with the successful working of the coinage law; for it would be a very grave thing, indeed, if, on account of the lack of promptness in exchanging 1-yen silver for gold coins, there should be produced a change in the ratio between gold and silver. Particular care and caution need to be exercised therefore, both preceding and following the going into operation of the coinage law; and by entering into a very thorough cousultation on this matter with the Yokohama Specie Bank, and also by ascertaining the state of feeling among foreign bankers, the Bank of Japan shall regulate things in such a way as to bring about the successful completion of this work of exchange. In accordance with the foregoing instruction, the Bank of Japan commenced making the necessary preparations for the coming event, while the Yokohoma Specie Bank, after consulting with the Bank of Japan, sent out the following circular to its customers: ‘‘We beg herewith to state that on and after the Ist day of October of this year we shall meet all our obligations, which are already due to our customers or which will become due, with gold coins, regardless of our promise to pay them in silver. Further, while this bank will accept silver coin in payments made to it, silver coin will not be used in making our payments. “We remain, ete.” P. S.—We beg to further notify our customers that we have received orders to exchange for gold coin on demand alter the date mentioned above the convertible notes of the Bank of Japan up to any amount. This course of action had the effect of dispelling the doubt at first entertained by foreigners concerning the actual working of the coinage law, and the foreign exchange also came to resume its normal] rate. Then, besides, as stated in Section IV, Chapter V, the regulations for the exchange of 1-yen silver coins were issued by the finance department notification No. LXI of the 21st of September, same year. In the meanwhile, the work of minting new gold coins to be used for exchanging the silver yen having made good progress while that of coining subsidiary currency to fill the place of retired l-yen silver pieces was also completed, the finance minister (Count Matsukata) on the 2d day of September submitted to the cabinet council a measure for forbidding the circulation of the 1-yen silver coins after the 1st day of April, 1898. * * * Accordingly the Government decided to prohibit the circulation of 1-yen silver coins after the 1st day of April, 1898, and to announce the fact of that prohibition by imperial ordinance No. CCCX XXVIII of the 18th day of September. The imperial ordinance runs as follows: IMPERIAL ORDINANCE NO. CCCXXXVUII OF THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 189). The circulation of 1-yen silver coins, hitherto issued, will be prohibited after the Ist day of April, 1898. AMOUNT OF 1-YEN SILVER COINS AND OF THE PROMISSORY NOTES OF THE MINT WITHDRAWN FROM CIRCULATION, The exchange of 1-yen silver coins, commenced on October 1, 1897, as stated in the preceding section, was concluded, according to law No. V, of June, 1898, on the 31st of July of the latter year, as was related in Section IV, Chapter V. During the interval the number of 1-yen silver coins exchanged for gold coins amounted to 45,588,369 yen. Of this sum 38,648,297 yen was received in direct exchange for gold coins, and 3,977,099 yen was first received into the Government treasury in the form of revenues and other public payments, and then exchanged for gold, while the amount received into the Government treasury at Formosa and there exchanged was 2,962,973 yen. x. Seem these, there was the sum of 29,505,453 yen 4 sen 2 rin, which had been received into the mint bureau in bullion form previous to the promulgation of the coinage law, and which had not yet been minted into l-yen silver coins, but against which the _ promissory notes of the mint to pay silver yen had been issued. This amount of promissory notes, therefore, the Government was 2280 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. (Decemper, — under obligation to exchange for gold coins. Now, a portion of these notes was redeemed previous to the passage of the ee law in exchange for the convertible notes and turned into bullion, to be coined into subsidiary currency, while the rest was exchanged for gold coins simultaneously with the enforcement of the coinage law. ; : : + , : In other words, the total of 1-yen silver coins and the promissory notes of the mint withdrawn from circulation in connection with , the adoption of the gold standard was altogether 75,093,822 yen 4sen2rin. * * CHAPTER X.—FINAL Disposal OF THE RetirED SILVER YEN. The aggregate total of 1-yen silver coins retired in consequence of the enforcement of the coinage law (law No. XVI of the thirtieth year of Meiji) and of the silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint to pay coins (also retired) was 75,095,822 yen 4sen2rin. Out of this total the sum of 27,567,011 yen 58 sen 4 rin was set apart for minting subsidiary silver coins, and the sum of 40,786,662 yen 45 sen 8 rin was sold at Hongkong, Shanghai, and elsewhere, while the sum of 6,740,148 yen was sent over to Formosa, Korea, eic., to be placed in circulation in these countries. In this way in December, 1898, was completed the final disposal of tlie retired 1-yen silver coins and of the silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint (also retired). Section LY. The aggregate total of 1-yen silver coins withdrawn from circulation and the silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint (also retired) was 75,093,822 yen 4 sen 2 rin, and; as stated in the preceding section, the disposal! of this whole amount was completed in December, 1898, while the total price obtained from the sale of this whole amount was 69,696,240 yen 85 sen 3 rin. (This price was on an average at the rate of 92 yen 81 sen 2 rin per 100 yen silver, which, reduced to the rate per ounce of English standard silver, equals 27.0570d. per ounce; compared with actual average quotation on silver bars on both advance and immediate sales pe in London, during the period in which the above-mentioned sale was effected, was higher by 0.2660d., the average quotation in London being 26.7910d.) The transaction thus produced a discrepancy of 5,397,581 yen 18 sen 9 rin; added to this there were the expenses incidental to the retirement and the sale, amounting to 155,730 yen 63 sen 1 rin in March 31, 1899, so that the total loss came upto the sum of 5,553,311 yen 82 sen. In order to make good this loss the sum of 5,651,960 yen 91 sen, being the net profit realized by the mint bureau for the thirtieth and thirty-first fiscal years of Meiji, was transfered to the currency adjustment fund special comptabilite, in accordance with law No. XVII of March, 1897. (The profits to the mint bureau were mainly the profits arising from the minting of subsidiary silver coins, whose amount for the thirtieth fiscal year was 2,035,860 yen 82 sen 1 rin, and that for the thirty-first year 3,616,100 yen 8 gen 9 rin.) In looking back over the circumstances attending the retirement and disposal of the silver yen, we must note the fact that the scarcity of money prevailed throughout the thirtieth fiscal year (1897) as a result of the sudden expansion of business and industrial enterprises following the victorious war with China (1894-95); and it being impossible in consequence to float in the home market the Government bonds issued as a post-bellum measure, the Government itself had to buy them by appropriating 14,670,000 yen out of the indemnity money. Coming to the thirty-first fiscal year (1898), the stringency of the money market yet more increased, so that in order to ameliorate this condition of affairs the Government made a further disbursement of over 36,990,000 yen out of the indemnity money for buying Government bonds, and of over 3,040,000 yen for buying the bonds, to be newly issued, of the Industrial Bank of Japan. Even yet the condition of the market did not allow the floating of a public loan. Under these circumstances the Government had to make further temporary appropriations out of the indemnity money to the extent of over 70,650,000 yen to cover the expenditures which were to be met by floating Government bonds and of over 15,000,000 yen to meet the deficit in the general account, owing to the delay in the passage of the law for increased taxation. For these reasons it was apparent that if the retired silver yen were kept idle in the Government treasury for any length of time it would become difficult to meet the annual expenditures. Although it was decided to recoin a part of the amount of the retired silver yen into subsidiary coins, still there was also an immediate necessity for making proper disposal of the remainder. This was, moreover, at a time when silver quotation in London was depreciated to the level of 23d. (A 1897). There was thus a peril that the rate might be yet further forced down, if a large amount of silyer were sold off just then, and the transaction might have resulted in a loss of tenor, even 20 per cent. The situation, therefore, created much anxiety in the minds of men in authority. But toward the winter of 1897 the price of silver rose at one time above 27d., owing to the tight money market which was produced by the scarcity of currency in Shanghai, Hongkong, and their vicinities. While in this country it happened that the harvest of 1897 proving unusually bad, large quantities of foreign rice were imported via Hongkong. The situation offered a good opportunity for selling abroad 1-yen silver coins, and with the latter object in view an order was issued to the Yokohama Specie Bank to forward to and sell off the retired yen silver in the above-named regions, to employ a part of the money obtained in the payment of bills drawn against the imported rice, and to send home the rest in other forms of draft. At the sae time here at home, the Hongkong and Shanghai and the chartered banks having requested the Government for the sale of silver yen in order to meet the demand of silver in Shanghai and Hongkong, a considerable amount was sold to them. By March of 1898 (thirty-first year of Meiji) silver again showed signs of depreciating, but owing to the outbreak of the war between Spain and America and to the policy of the Spanish Government to buy up silver, its price again commenced to rise. Under these circumstances our efforts to sell silver in Shanghai and Hongkong were kept up with increased vigor, and the price obtained in payment was sent home either in the form of immediate drafts on Japan or in drafts on London. In Formosa, as will be stated in Chapter XI, the stamped i-yen silver coin now came to be put in circulation, while after the expiration of the period allowed for the exchange of silver yen, the same in its original form was put in circulation, so that a portion of the retired l-yen silver coin was forwarded thither and disbursed at current valuation. Other ways of disposal consisted of shipping certain quantities to Korea and there exchanging them for the convertible notes of the Bank of Japan, and of making an attempt to circulate them in Weihaiwei, in both cases at the current rate of valuation. In these latter places the prices obtained were higher than at others; but the demand for these coins never rose to very high figures. In this manner, within a short period of about one year, by December of 1898 (thirty-first year of Meiji) the disposal of the retired silver yen was entirely completed. The most satisfactory part of the whole transaction was that the disposal of this vast amount of silver In so short a space of time not only did not cause any fluctuation in the price of silver abroad, but the rate realized was actually higher than that quoted in the London market, while the loss resulting from the diserepancy between the amount retired and the price realized from its sale was no more than about 7 per cent, and that loss was amply made good by the net profit from the minting of subsidiary silver coins, and thus giving no additional burden whatever to the state. Table XX XIX is herewith adjoined for reference concerning the present sections: Taste XX XIX.—1. GenerAL Account oF THE RETIRED Sitver YEN Disposep oF By SALE. Yen. Total amount of 1-yen silver coins and of silver bullion corresponding to the promissory notes of the mint retired.... 75, 093, 822. 042 Items under the above: Amount of the silver yen retired by being exchanged for gold coin between October, 1897, and July, 1898............ 38, 648, 297. 000 Amount of the silver yen retired by being received in payment of taxes and other public dues and then exchanged and TOUTE... nen ccencccccccccnenanenat cusaccanenceceahhoneen oun nes om ne ums cp a eee 3, 977, 099. 000 Amount of the silver yen received in Formosa and then exchanged and retired ........................ccnceces evcces 2; 962, 973.000 Amount of the promissory notes of the mint exchanged for gold coins... ............. cc ce scuus suns seen cee 25, 678, 148. 840 Amount of the promissory notes of the mint retired before October, 1897, for the purpose of coining subsidiary silver SIO wae cone ep mane.ces ees cincenwSunine ceqane a aceuanaaspin 6 ews.n wile Wpcie eis eileen ee ee Oliva cuvic «dee en wswcece cauuacersectccccaudunces cans eanns ts asn ke mdac eee ene euccceses 70, 008, 822. 042 Arnoune OL retired silver yen deposed of by sale... sks. ce ceva ceccnc cunncecuaubusesuenanne eee a. 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2281 THE EMPLOYMENT OF FUNDS IN THE GOVERNMENT TREASURY IN CONNECTION WITH THE COINAGE REFORM. As may be seen from the preceding chapters, the coinage reform was effected by applying the gold coins belonging to the Chinese indemnity fund as a gold reserve for the exchange of l-yen “silver coins. But this does not mean that a farthing out of the inde munity money was consumed for the purpose. To explain, before being applied to various purposes for which the indemnity fund was appro- priated according to the budget estimate, the gold coins belonging to the said indemnity were utilized for the exchange of 1-yen silver coins, while the amount thus utilized was paid back and the expenditures for which that amount had been appropriated met with by the money realized from the sale of the retired silver yen. In effecting all these transactions, funds in the Government treasury were made use of under different comptabilite—i. e., the indemnity money special comptabilite, the currency adjustment fund special comptabilite, and the mint bureau manufacture special comptabilite, in the following manner: I. The indemnity money special comptabilite shall buy gold bullion with its fund deposited in London, ship the said bullion home and deliver it to the mint bureau in order to be coined into money. The mint bureau shall receive gold bullion from the indemnity money special comptabilite, coin it into gold currency, and then return the latter to the said comptabilite. Ill. The indemnity money special comptabilite shall exchange l-yen silver coins for the gold currency received from the mint bureau, thus effecting their retirement. IV. The indemnity money special comptabilite shall transfer l-yen silver coins which haye been exchanged for gold currency to the coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite at their face value. VY. The coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite shall sell at a market price the retired 1-yen silver coins received at face value from the indemnity money special comptabilite. VI. The coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite shall pay for the retired l-yen silver.coins received from the indemnity money special comptabilite (Paragraph IV) with the money realized from the sale of those retired silver yen. VII. The mint bureau shall coin subsidiary silver pieces with l-yen silver coins bought from the coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite, and shall transfer to the same comptabilite the profits resulting from these subsidiary coins and from other items of manufacture. VIII. The coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite shall make good the loss resulting from balancing the price obtained for the sale of the retired silver yen and the price at which the same were received, with the profits transferred from the mint bureau. The indemnity money special comptabilite shall in the above manner receive from the coinage adjustment fund the payment for the retired silver yen, and apply the money thus received in payment toward expenditures determined by the budget. Thus, the indemnity money special comptabilite, while it exchanged 1-yen silver coins at its face value, did not suffer the least loss since the said comptabilite transferred it to the coinage adjustment fund special comptabilite at its face value, while the loss which the coinage adjustment fund suffered by receiving the retired silver yen at the face value and selling the same at current valuation was made good by the profits realized at the mint bureau from the coining of the subsidiary pieces. In this manner were accomplished the retirement and disposal of l-yen silver coin by employing funds in the Government treasury, while the loss arising from the transactions was made good by the profits of the mint bureau. COMMERCIAL CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS. Commercial conditions in Japan, the demands of trade, and the methods which should be followed by those desiring closer business relations with the people of that country, the prospects as to the effect of the new treaties, and commerce in general are discussed in the following extracts from reports of consuls of various nations, excerpts from newspapers published in Japan, and other discussions by those having exceptional facilities for information upon this subject. These extracts and expressions are followed by statistical tables from Japanese official sources, which are very complete, since the Japanese Government not only publishes elaborate commercial statistics, but takes an annual census of population, schools, railways, manufacturing and other internal industries, thus presenting recent and complete statistical views of the condition of the Empire and its people. AMERICAN FLOUR GAINING IN POPULARITY IN JAPAN. From reports to the State Department, published in the Consular Reports for 1898, it appears that American flour is gaining in popularity in Japan. Consul-General MclIvor reports to the Department as follows: The Japanese have not been consumers of bread, but have used flour in the manufacture of confections, of which great quantities are sold and used, not only as accessories (as with us), but as staple articles of diet. For years rice flour has been used in the preparation of these confections, but they are beginning to use wheat flour, both for this purpose and, to a limited extent, in making biscuits. Almost all of the wheat flour imported into Japan comes from the United States and the import is now increasing, as is shown by the following table, taken from the official customs returns of the Empire for 1894, 1895, and 1896, compared with the table accompanying my report for the years 1890-1893, dated April 30, 1894: QUANTITY AND VALUE oF Imports oF WHEAT FLOUR INTO JAPAN DURING THE YEARS 1890-1893, | FROM THE UNITED STATES. Lewet OTHER COUNTRIES. | TOTAL. YEARS. pe a | Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. Pounds. Dollars. SOO tate esta asic na\ecres' 8, 888, 032 179, 148 66, 940 2, 225 8, 944, 972 181, 373 SOG te ee canoe andteee 11, 952, 270 270, 655 118, 602 3, 348 12, 065, 872 274, 003 RO e Meats aalcniee wisicinitan'ae 10, 025, 250 191, 902 8, 918 6, 000 10, 034, 168 197, 902 JER adel ee ll, 862, 682 199, 067 158, 875 4,197 12, 021, 557 208, 264 YEARS, Quantity. Value. Pounds. Dollars. 19, 758, 041 802, 049. 16 138, 866, 971 205, 422. 29 31, 408, 314 519, 508. 09 ee Ake a 7 . * transportation facilities and lower freights from the Pacific coast. ‘Tacoma, Wash. . 2282 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. cma The first annual returns (1896) for the ports of Formosa (now a part of the Japanese Empire) show that the import of Ww from the United States was 6,900,330 pounds, valued at 218,898.76 yen ($116.016.34). A portion of the increase in the import for the year 1896 may be accounted for by the fact that it has been discovered that rice diet encourages the tendency to a disease known as ‘‘kakke,”’ or beriberi. If wheat is used occasionally, this tendency is g g reduced or removed, and the authorities have required the occasional use of wheat flour in the army and navy. Almost all of the flour imported is the soft-wheat flour of Washington and Oregon. The importing merchants inform me that t have made more than one effort to introduce the hard-wheat flour, but without success. The Japanese, accustomed as they are to the white flour made from rice, object to the dark color of the hard-wheat flour. I understand that objection has also been made that this flour is more gritty than that made from soft wheat. In the past, the import of flour has been made almost entirely by the large foreign firms at the open ports of the Empire, but tk Japanese are now evincing a desire to engage in direct trade, and three or four of their larger houses in Tokyo and Yokohama are now I believe, importing flour. Vice-Consul Sharp, of Osaka and Hiogo, also reports to the State Department as follows: There is a steady market here for American flour, and, in my opinion, the demand is on the increase. In 1895, the statistics of the - imperial customs here show the imports to have been 581,789 catties (775,718 pounds), valued at 29,894.31 silver yen ($14,947.16); in 1896, 2,437,541 catties (3,250,055 pounds), valued at 129,447.50 silver yen ($68,736.62), showing the increase for 1896 to have been 1,855,752 catties (2,474,337 pounds), valued at 99,553.19 silver yen ($53,789.46). This increase I believe to be due to the inereased - The equivalents of the Japanese yen in United States gold have been computed at 50 cents for 1895 and at 53.1 cents for 1896. > The American flour imported here comes principally from San Francisco, Cal., Pendleton and Portland, Oreg., and Spokane and The demand for flour here is chiefly confined to the loi not only because the use of flour is making the greatest strides” among the poorer classes of the country, with whom cheapness is the greatest desideratum, but because a large quantity is used for making paste in the enormous paper industries, such as the manufacture of screens, fans, kites, and numerous other articles for which a good and cheap quality of paste is necessary. The higher grades of American flour are chiefly sold to the naval vessels and foreign bakers, who supply the local market with | bread and cakes. The uses of flour have become more general among the Japanese during the past few years. The difference between the average price of American flour and Japanese flour is about one cent on the pound. This information 7 I have procured through the local government from the several provinces within this consular district. There are two classes of Japanese flour, one manufactured from wheat and the other from rice, the latter being much smaller in quantity than the former. Japanese flour is principally used for making vermicelli, macaroni, and cakes. , The method employed by the Japanese for the manufacture of flour is primitive, compared with that in the United States. The rice or wheat, being cleaned, is then ground to a powder, or proper consistency, by means of a stone mortar, run usually by water power, which is one of nature’s greatest gifts to this country. There are no flour mills of foreign construction within the limits of this consular district. In view of the small quantity of freight offered for the outward passages of vessels from San Francisco to Hiogo (Kobé), special low rates have been made on flour, owing to its use as ballast or stiffening, instead of rock ballast. a The principal importers of American flour here are Messrs. Frazar & Co. and Dodwell, Carlill & Co., both being agents of steame and receive commission on their cargo, which enables them to lay flour down here at a lower figure than one engaged in other pursuits. — The question of difference between hard-wheat flours and soft-wheat flours is unknown here, and therefore cuts no figure in th flour trade. As to whether there is a favorable opening in this consular district for hard-wheat flours, it is simply a question of price and ane The long rail from Minnesota, or as far west as Great Falls, Mont., to the Pacific coast shipping points, is the problem to be solved, as, according to the United States interstate commerce bill, a snbyetoy can not charge less for a long than a short haul, and wheat can be produced in Washington at as low a cost as in the Middle West, Washington flour dominates this market. -- WHEATEN-FLOUR BUSINESS IN JAPAN, [From the Japan Times, September 6, 1898.] The flour business in this country is yet in its infant stages, and consequently there are no large mills, such as are to be found in other countries. In Tokyo there is only one establishment of the kind, two or three in Osaka, one in Nagasaki, one in Hiroshima, while a similar one was lately established in Sapporo, Hokkaido. At the one in Tokyo, where the latest improved machinery has hb employed since 1896, the output of flour per month is said to amount to 16,000 bags on an average, about 4,000 koku (19,852 bushel) 0 Wheat being consumed every month. But the output of all the mills in the country together can not be expected to entirely meet th demand of the ever-increasing number of consumers, thus necessitating the import of flour in considerable quantity. In 1892 the flour imported, chiefly from America, amounted to 752 kin (1,002 pounds); and in 1896 the imports amounted to 24,000,000 kin (32,000, 00 ) pounds), with a marked increasing tendency, With regard to the quality of the home and American flour there is some difference, # latter being perfectly white; and it is on this account that the American flour is widely consumed now in Japan. In order to rem nn this state of things, some seeds of the American wheat plant have recently been introduced into Japan, and are now cultivated a successfully raised in Joshu, Ibaraki, and other neighboring localities of the capital. It is therefore os that after the lapse o of some years the import of American flour will be greatly reduced. TRADE CONDITIONS IN JAPAN—OPENING FOR AMERICAN GOODS. The following extracts are from the annual report of United States Consul Lyon, of Hiogo, in Commercial Relations, 1807-98: Nothing serves better to illustrate the progressive spirit of the Japanese than their great anxiety for the introduction of fore capital for business purposes. The efforts in this direction by the business classes are strongly supplemented by the vernacular 7 and by the Japanese chambers of commerce in Kobe and elsewhere. oe) 7 oe d gn a 4 7. ores oe COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2283 The foreign and Japanese chambers of commerce lately held an informal joint meeting in relation to this subject, at which time it was plainly pointed out by the foreign chamber that the capital sought, being necessarily timid, required to be properly safeguarded by a more liberal display upon the part of the Government, such as, for instance, the equalization of foreigners with Japanese in regard to the holding of shares in stock companies and in reference to the ownership of land. Japanese business people are slow, methodical, and cautious in their dealings, and it is characteristic of them to protect themselves at every point. Business must be done carefully with them, as well as with others; their responsibility must be thoroughly investigated, and also their general business reputation. There are mercantile agencies in this country which furnish financial ratings and some of the representative Japanese houses have branches in one or more of the leading American cities. It may be noted that there has of late been considerable complaint that goods have not been promptly taken upon arrival, and this is said to be part of a scheme by some +to finally obtain them at a lower rate. The only way to do business successfully with this class would be to require the deposit of a sum sufficient to reimburse the shipper in such cases. It has largely become the practice for even reputable Japanese merchants to not only put up margins upon orders, but to fully secure the payment of large invoices upon delivery of bill of lading. There is a peculiarity about the Japanese that does not attach to any other people, and it is this: The average Japanese are very suspicious of small wares that are not backed up with fancy trade-marks. They buy goods much more readily that carry a device or an emblem or that bear a seal, and many a good article would be in danger of rejection because not put up fancifully. They also attach importance to small, neat packages, not too many ofa kind together. This is more in keeping with Japanese tastes. In America small articles are put up and sold by the dozen; the Japanese want them separate, and this is not only true because things here are generally on a smaller scale, but there are financial reasons why it is so. Their means are limited, and they use everything sparingly. It is probably true that the German exporter understands the native taste better than any other. The markets here are full of small wares from Germany, put up in attractive style and in small quantities to find ready sale. Another point in favor of German exporters is the fact that they do not confine themselves to the quick and ready methods of others, but stay upon the ground until they get the trade. It would be well for the Americans to note a little more closely the fact that the markets of the East can not be obtained entirely by wide-awake methods, but that much patient and persistent effort is required. SUPERIORITY OF AMERICAN GOODS. The Japanese have no prejudice against American goods or manufactures; on the contrary, their superiority is freely admitted in many lines. As an illustration, there was recently made at Tokyo, by the authorities of the locomotive department, a critical test of ‘4 English and American locomotives, and it resulted in favor of those made in America. The American locomotives were pronounced superior in all respects, and it was especially noted that they worked more economically. Tests have also been made of American machinery and many other manufactures from our country, and in regard to their quality the results have proved most satisfactory. The chief difficulty in the way of the greater introduction here of American goods lies in the fact that our merchants and manufacturers are not putting forth the same degree of effort for the Japanese markets as exporters from other foreign countries. SENDING CIRCULARS AND PRICE LISTS. Too much of this is done to the exclusion of personal effort. The hotel reading rooms and private offices are stocked with mail matter from all parts. In the United States, circulars and price lists alone may produce some result; but they will avail but little 9,000 or 10,000 miles away from home, unless followed up by salesmen. One firm might deluge the market with trade literature for years, and another could send an energetic man along and pick up all the business. It might be well to pave the way by advertising; but in order to insufe sales the man nfust be upon the ground. He must be intelligent and persistent, and his firm should bear in mind that this market is not worked any more easily than are the overworked markets at home. CARE IN PACKING GOODS. For the better protection of shippers’ interests, it may be said that much more care should be taken by them in packing their goods for this market. Several well-founded complaints have recently been made in this respect concerning American goods, and while it is true that the same fault attaches to other foreign shippers, that fact is not of much value to American exporters. As one instance of many that have lately been brought to the attention of this consulate, it may be mentioned that one of our leading American houses here recently received from New York an invoice of seven metal fireplaces for immediate delivery. They were fine specimens and just ; what would have suited, but when received they were all found to be in a badly broken condition, caused simply by being improperly ee packed. , : Such cases as these not only entail considerable loss upon shippers, but they destroy the prospect of future orders. In connection with this subject, attention should be called to several recent shipments of American cotton claimed by the consignees to be not up to standard. Four cases of this kind have occurred at this port within the last four months. Upon application at the consulate, surveyors were appointed to inspect the cotton and to extract samples from each baie, in order that they might be forwarded, under the consular ‘seal, to cotton experts in America for examination as to value. This not only entails loss to the shipper, but, in the estimation of some here, it tends to lower the high standard of American eotton, which export is by far the most valuable one from the United States to this port. RAILWAY LOCOMOTIVES. England started the railway system of Japan and was thus given a natural precedence in the railway development of the country, _ but’she has not maintained her lead~ The United States has proved its ability during the last three years to compete with and outdistance its great rival. In 1895 England exported locomotives to Japan valued at $380,935, against $142,165 worth from the United States. This -— year exportations of locomotives to this country stand thus: Great Britain, $899,130; United States, $1,191,906. ‘This is a field of industry which has been properly worked and in which the superior merits of American locomotives have been -__ recognized, or no such results could have been obtained. (2284. COMMERCIAL JAPAN. RAILROAD IRON. The contest for supplying Japan lies between England and the United States, and it is likely that it will continue. In 1895 Great Britain furnished nearly all the railroad iron imported into this country, a very small quantity having been exported from Belgium and Germany; the United States supplied none. In 1896.the United States exported only a little more than one-sixth as much of railroad iron to this country as England did; but in 1897 a very notable increase took place from the United States in such shipments, and exportations from the two countries stood thus: Great Brttain, $810,110; United States, $615,018. At this rate another year will show the United States to have left its competitor in this export far behind. IRON NAILS, BOLTS, AND SCREWS. In 1895 the United States exported to Japan but $33 worth of iron bolts and screws and $2,521 worth of iron nails, against which we exported last year iron bolts and screws valued at $5,262 and iron nails valued at $469,689. Germany was the largest shipper of nails to Japan in 1896, sending an amount equal to $469,485, against $116,160 worth from the United States; but last year these two countries changed places, the United States having shipped a large amount, while Germany dropped to less than one-half her former eau COTTON-SPINNING MACHINERY. The United States does not materially help to supply the vast quantity of spinning machinery required in Japan. This field is one in which England seems to have always had a monopoly. Her exports here of such machinery during the last year amounted to $2,632,509, against $4,557 worth from the United States and but little from any other country. This state of affairs should be looked into carefully by enterprising American manufacturers of machinery, as cotton spinning in Japan is rapidly on the increase, involving a brisk demand for equipment. 7 Japanese agencies for the purchase of spinning machinery are established in New York. Osaka is the chief cotton spinning and weaving district, and manufactures immense quantities of cotton cloth, not only for home use, but for export to China, Korea, and F Hongkong. . PAPER-MAKING MACHINERY. E - The United States slightly leads in this export. Nearly all of it comes from there and England. In 1896 our country shipped ; paper-making machinery into Japan valued at $65,466, against shipments of the same from England of $24,796. During the year under , review exports stood: United States, $197,000; England, $175,032. These latter figures show a largely increased demand for this machinery, and it should be noted that the exports from the two countries named are now nearly balanced. Large paper mills are established in this consular district. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINERY. The United States is well ahead in this export and should strive to maintain its lead, as there is no doubt that with the opening up of Japan consequent upon the operation of the new treaties in 1899 the demand for this machinery will be greatly stimulated, as will also be the case with many other foreign inventions and productions. The following table gives the principal countries exporting this machinery and the value exported from each during the last three years: COUNTRY. 1895 1896 1897 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. United States. .au% oss. oe dee coaeen eee ee 34, 913 148, 143 341, 154 Great Britain’... 0-5. -n<: ser aaeatasbnenan tes 969,360 | 2,698, 039 af . “11° . 5 . . . Sige These five articles account for 32 millions of the increase. Among them rice is the most remarkable. The import of rice under “normal circumstances ranges from 4 to 6 millions of yen; but the exceptionally bad harvests of 1896 and 1897 created an extraordinary de mand, which will “3 course disappear in the face of the fine yield for 1898. Should the rice crop: in the current yaaeee, of average 2202 °° --- COMMERCIAL JAPAN. | _— [Dsceunen, THE TEXTILE INDUSTRIES OF JAPAN. The details of the textile industries of Japan, which differ in many particulars from those of the United States, are described by Consul Lyons in a recent report to the State Department, and published in the Consular Reports of May, 1899, as follows: Z The manufacture of textile goods in Japan is not confined to certain localities, as in the United States, but extends, by meansof — hand looms, all over the country. The spinning wheel was formerly in general use, but during the last twenty years it has been almost wholly displaced by spinning mills using machinery. More than 1,000,000 spindles are now thus operated, 47 mills in Japan producing last year an estimated yield of 650,000 bales of cotton yarn of 400 pounds each. Present returns show that more than 200,000 bales will be shipped to China during the current year, and the home demand for counts averaging 18s. will be nearly supplied by the remaining 450,000 bales. Only one of the spinning mills in Japan has imported the machinery necessary for spinning the higher counts above 30s. The Nippon mill, of Osaka, has done this, but so far has probably not made a success of it. Higher counts are steadily imported from England, and in greatly increasing quantities, to meet the home demand. When mill hands with greater skill are to be procured in Japan, the spinning of the higher counts will increase more rapidly, in order to supply the domestic market and the demands from China and Korea. Increasing demand for the higher counts of cotton yarn explains the rapidly growing market for American cotton, from which it is produced. It would be well for American cotton producers to note this fact with a view to educating a sufficient number of Japanese workmen to become expert and teach others, in order to extend the sale of American cotton, from which the higher counts are made. Many of the large class of persons formerly employed in spinning by hand are now engaged in weaving textiles on hand looms. It has recently been computed that more than 600,000 hand looms are in use in Japan, and it is stated that they employ 890,000 women and 50,000 men. As these hand looms are generally operated in private houses, giving a home character to the work, it can readily be seen why such slow progress is being made in the introduction of power weaving machinery. The hand looms now in use are called ‘‘hattan,’? and are an improvement on those formerly used. They cost but about 5 yen ($2.50 gold) each, and take up little room in a house, while a power machine would require a separate building, and with the necessary power would cost, say, nearly 500 yen ($250 gold). The hand loom will produce about half as much as a power loom, but one person could attend to perhaps four or five of the latter at a time, and thus be able to turn out, say, eight or ten times the product with a power loom as with a hand loom. The convenience, however, of having the hand loom in the house and the difference in its cost will perhaps be sufficient to delay the introduction of power looms to any great extent for some time to come. The comparative cost of labor is about one to eight or ten in favor of the power looms, and this should tend to crowd out the hand looms very fast; but it is not dcing so yet, though the progressive spirit of the Japanese will no doubt ultimately cause them to substitute power looms for the hand looms now in use. In regard to spinning machinery, the labor cost is about one to one hundred and fifty in favor of the machine, and this very great difference is of course the cause of the rapid introduction of spinning machinery. The hand looms are handmade, and are principally used in supplying some 1,000,000 pieces of goods, say 14 inches in width and from 12 to 25 yards in length, to the home market and for export to China and Korea. SILKS. The Japanese manufacturers are very conservative in their business methods, and manufacture large quantities of goods only on orders. The largest silk factory in Japan using power looms is the Kyoto Orimono Kaisha, of Kyoto. It imported these machines from France. It was the intention of the company to manufacture silk fabrics for export, but after some years of unsuccessful attempt the project was abandoned, and the company commenced making satins and “‘ obi’’ materials for home use. In these lines, it is said, it has been very successful. This mill also manufactures curtain and upholstery materials, and it has found a good market for them in England and Australia. The power looms first obtained have been copied here, and the company is using large numbers of them; but they are not equal to the imported ones. Silk in its various forms, from the raw material to the finished product, is mainly pein o from Yokohama. The industry dates back to an early period, and is to-day in an advanced condition. Exports of manufactured silks from Japan during 1897 were 4s follows: ARTICLES. Silk piece goods: Yen. Dollars. Chirimen. (Silk crapes).....cccctcchusckepeesncneets pieces.. 1,005 11, 608 5, 781 Habutal: (pongeé) wc.cvs cccecccecavtuvaunknuneceuaene Owes. 642, S01 9, 530, 676 4, 746, 276 Others... ccdscvncetacpubensbeteessSipunatececaeeeen do.. 47, 433 297, 047 147, 929 Silk and cotton’ istures soocaesinccuses cuamaneendeeeeee do. 7,123 13, 57 6, 761 Silk handkerchiofa->... -.cceustucssusnvcuapsaluun nee dozen.. 1, 157, 913 8, 390, 145 1, 688, 292 Other silk manufactures «..0cccowesssccnnunuanossuulnecsen sent anna aannnnn 450. WOOLENS. There is no doubt a great misapprehension existing in our country as to the necessity for the use of woolen goods in Japan. The climate is thought by many to be such as not to require warm clothing in winter, but this is not the case. During the last winter, which was said to be not as cold as usual at this port, foreigners were clothed as warmly as persons need to be during the cold season in Wash- ington, D. C., and the masses of the Japanese people needed, but did not have, the same protection; and it must be remembered that this locality is a warm one in comparison with some other parts of the Empire. ° The manufacture of woolen goods is a new industry here and a small one, as only about 13 per cent of the woolen textiles used in Japan are made in this country. The raw material is all imported from China, Australia, and London. The four woolen factories of the country are located in Osaka and Tokyo. One is owned and operated by the Imperial Government, and manufactures supplies for the army and navy. Some of the better grades of cotton and woolen yarns are made there, but they are mostly imported. A lange proportion of the woolen cloths used are made on hand looms similar to those already referred to. * : : “ 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2293 Importations of wool and woolen fabrics into Japan during 1897 were as follows: ARTICLES. Quantity. | Value. ] Yen Dollars. WO Ole sete odin eitwenscdutesawrceudaades catties (1} pounds)..} 2,702, 486 1, 337, 424 666, 037 NVOOLGMOLOUN Greets nets oe dn addece sete ben ceees cea yards.. 1, 613, 232 1, 943, 53 $67, 878 NEO OLOIE IER UTINON eta cis'eraucdnibae nav uvodadvecastneuse cent Cs ae 461, 764 290, 543 144, 690 Toran VALUE oF TExTILE AND Fiper Imports INTO JAPAN DURING 1897. ARTICLES. | Value. : | Yen. | Dollars. All-wool fabrics, woolen mixtures, wool,and woolen yarns................-- 12,677,370 | 6,313,330 Raw GOuoMenarcoulonite DLIGRS 02-26 -,./5 biee ae ea oe aaa ~ oe cokes wade aan cece 63, 113, 602 31, 430, 574 1ithy palllef ree Hei egre sb. 4 bby = oy ae ee a a a ad a ee | 1,315, 661 655, 199 Raw flax; hemp, canvas, and linen Mixturesd)...5....scecceccccerccoccsersces | 1,060,680 | 528, 219 Other manufactured fabrics and goods, as cotton handkerchiefs, towels, | velvets, felts, webbings, and other raw materials .......................0-- 1, 242, 936 618, 982 | eS | 39,546, 304 | A much more general use of woolen products is requisite for the comfort of the people, and all classes are constantly becoming more able to purchase them; hence, there is no doubt that the demand for them will increase. RUGS. Japanese rugs have deteriorated in quality to such an extent as to greatly check the American demand. The materials used are hemp, jute, cotton, wool, and silk, the two latter separately and in combination. They are made on upright hand looms, which vary from 3 to 24 feet in width. The pattern is worked from the front. This is largely a ‘‘home industry.’? There are no large factories. Only one or two employ more than 100 hands each. Kobé is the center of the rug-making district. Mr. Brennan states in his report that in the neighborhood of Osaka and Hiogo there are some 2,000 establishments, employing in 1896 about 13,000 females and 5,000 males, producing some 3,000,000 square yards of rugs, at prices ranging from 6} to 20 sen (3} to 10 cents) per square foot. Countries from which Japan imports hemp and flax for making rugs, and the value of such imports, are as follows: COUNTRY. Value. Yen. | Dollars. EEULIP DUO SAMOS rata ctactesiesice saree calcined aden tem seine aie Uuisis ceisleie Seb dotiesece ae 202, 758 100, 973 PBS MN iis wacom aie cieeempe siov we oes Aenean walas's Secwcwas act acenmnsdeuscecnas 90, 202 44,921 CDE mama nee ane asec te eaestea teins cine ccc cece nar catiace cust cures cs awec create 390, 748 194, 592 Great Britanicescocss vt. aaeeetas wa ions aoc comeccleceerecseaeaeteles ee en edtamite 2,867 | 1, 428 | Hemp and flax yarns were also imported to the value of 197,105 yen ($98,058). KNITTING MACHINERY. The first knitting machinery used in Japan was brought from England; some has since come from other countries, and the Japanese have copied all, thus deteriorating it. The machines are of hand power, and operated in private houses, from one to five being found in a house. The knitting business is not scattered through the country like weaving, but is concentrated in manufacturing centers, a great deal being done in Osaka. Large quantities of cheap underwear are made here, all from cotton yarn spun in Japan. Cotton and woolen yarns used in making the better grades are imported. Not much woolen underwear is used, the demand being confined to the better classes of the Japanese people, who also wear light-weight all wool with open meshes in summer. This light weight referred to has been made here for some time for the Indian market. The Japanese children have lately begun wearing mixed knitted singlets in the central part of Japan, and, on account of the comfort derived, they should be extensively used in the northern part of this country. They might be if furnished at low prices; coarse quality would not hinder their sale. SPINNING MACHINERY. As stated in my annual report for 1898, nearly all the spinning machinery still comes from England. American manufacturers of machinery have obtained large orders for other kinds, but they seem to have utterly ignored the constant demand for spinning machinery and for all the other spinning-mill requirements, including engines and boilers. This may also be said in regard to almost all the weaving machinery in the country. The first spinning machines used in Japan were sent from England, where a single firm has supplied more than half the spindles. Another English firm supplies a complete mill equipment, including boilers and engines. Weaving machinery is largely furnished by a third. French and German makers have supplied a considerable quantity of the silk and woolen weaving machinery, and I learn that some woolen machinery for an Osaka mill came from the United States; but our country is icall nding almost none of the large quantity of spinning and similar machinery constantly in demand. _practically se g ge q } i s y ; There are 52 spinning and 16 weaving establishments here using imported machinery. The weaving establishments with machinery are located as follows: Five at Tokyo, four each at Osaka and Kyoto, and one at Nishinomiya, Sidzuoka, and Wakayama. There are four flax (jute) mills making canvas and twine, located in Shimotsuke, Sapporo, Otsu, and Osaka. No. 6 21 2294 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. ; _ [Dece: JAPANESE INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS. The growth of industrial, and, especially manufacturing, enterprise in Japan is discussed in an address by Mr. Ariga Nawitawaee of * the agricultural and commercial department of the Government, which is summarized as follows by the Hiogo (Japan) News, and forwarded to the State Department by Consul-General Gowey: ““The actual state of Japanese industry is best explained by statistics. Taking the sum total of the exports to be 100, the ratio of increase of industrial exports was 66 per cent in 1888, 64 per cent’in 1889, 67 per cent in 1890, 55 per cent in 1891, 67 per cent in 1892, 71 percent in 1893, 75 per cent in 1894, 77 per cent in 1895, 74 per cent in 1896, and 78 per cent in 1897. In short, the exports have increased from 66 per cent in 1888 to 78 per cent in 1897. The decrease in the import of industrial products for the same period is shown by the following figures: Ninety-two per cent in 1887, 87 per cent in 1888, 87 per cent in 1889, 73 per cent in 1890, 73 per cent in 1891, 72 per cent in 1892, 76 per cent in 1893, 67 per cent in 1894, 71 percent in 1895, 71 percent in 1896, and 60 per cent in 1897. .That is, imports of industrial products declined from 92 per cent in 1887 to 60 per cent in 1897. There is thus a tendency to decrease in manuiactured imports and to increase in exports. ‘ ‘“‘Of the capital used in Japanese industry no perfect statisties are obtainable with regard to moneys absorbed in industrial works conducted by partnerships and individuals. But in regard to industrial companies, the increase of capital is from 56,000,000 yen ($28,000,000) in 1894 to 62,000,000 yen ($31,000,000) in 1895, 74,000,000 yen ($37,000,000) in 1896, and 151,000,000 yen ($75,500,000) in 1897. That is to say, the capital employed by industrial companies in 1897 is about three times that used in 1894. But all this capital was not actually paid up. The actually subscribed sums were 36,000,000 yen ($18,000,000) in 1894, 41,000,000 yen ($20,500,000) in 1895, 48,000,000 yen ($24,000,000) in 1896, and 74,000,060 yen ($37,000,000) in 1897. Thus, the actual capital of industrial companies is 74,000,000 yen, to which debentures—4,000,000 yen ($2,000,000) in 1894, 4,900,000 yen ($2,450,000) in 1895, 5,500,000 yen ($2,750,000) in 1896 (that of 1897 is not yet ascertained )—have to be added. Of these debentures 610,000 yen ($305,000) in 1894, 420,000 yen ($210,000) in 1895, and 440,000 yen ($220,000) in 1896, were actually paid up. Briefly stated, the industrial capital in 1897 was three times that in 1894. ‘““The capital employed by companies carrying on Western industries is 140,000,000 yen ($70,000,000)—of which 74,000,000 yen is paid up—with debentures, etc., as above stated. It consists generally of fixed capital, floating capital for the payment of wages, purchase of raw materials, etc. The interest charged is very high. In the case of one company, 36,943 yen ($18,977) and in that of another company 26,400 yen ($13,200) were paid in interest in the first half of 1898. It is thus inevitable that, with high interest and inefficient workmanship, the companies sometimes suffer great losses.’’ CHEAP LABOR IN JAPAN. [From United States Consular Reports, 1899.] From a recent issue of the Japan Times, a daily newspaper edited and published in Tokyo by Japanese, I take the following information relative to cheap labor in Japan: ‘“\ member of the Osaka Watch Company says that the wages paid to the workers in that factory are certainly much lower than those paid in European or American factories; yet, despite this fact, the business of watch making is not a paying one in Japan. Lack of skill among the mechanics is one of the reasons given for this state of affairs. The employment of men at 40 to 50 sen (20 to 25 cents in American money) per diem would appear a much mere profitable method than paying workman $3 per diem, and such are the wages said to be received by Western watchmakers; but against this it may be said that 10 of the latter can easily do work which would require from 70 to 80 Japanese.”’ The Times goes on to say: “We are apt to think that wages in Japan being very low at present, foreigners will take advantage of the cheap labor and make very profitable investments of their capital when the revised treaties are put into practice. It is true that wages are low, counted by yens and sens, but when we consider the nature of the labor, the wages will be found to be far from low.” THE BANK OF JAPAN. [The following article on the Bank of Japan is reproduced from the Bankers’ Magazine of April, 1899, by permission of Bradford Rhodes & Co., of New York, by whom it will be reissued as part of a volume entitled History of the Great Banks of the World:] Tue BANK oF JAPAN, GROWTH OF THE JAPANESE BANKING SYSTEM. In order to understand the organization of the Bank of Japan let us briefly study the growth of the Japanese banking business in general. Before the restoration there were a number of rich merchants who kept what were known as “exchange honses’’ and who acted as the financiers of the Shogunate Government and local feudal Daimios, They also received deposits and made advances to the public, being the centers of the credit system of the time. There still exist some firms in Tokyo and Osaka which now carry on an extensive banking business, which may be rightly regarded as the direct heirs of these exchange houses. In 1869 ten discount companies were established under the special patronage of the new Government. Among many other privileges they received a large sum of the Government paper money as the public deposit and acquired the right of issuing certificates — with the security of gold, silver, or foreign coins. But these establishments shortly passed away without any success. In 1870 Mr. Ito (now Marquis), then vice-minister of finance, advised the estsblishment of banks after the model of the national. banking system of the United States. This suggestion was favorably received, and as its result the national-bank act was enacted in 1901.] | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2295 November, 1872. Under this acta bank was allowed to issue notes, convertible in gold, having as their securities Government bonds to 60 per cent of the capital, which was to be not less than 50,000 yen.* As a natural consequence of the political crisis, the new Imperial Government issued a large amount of inflated currency. The Government, in establishing these national banks, had in view the reduction of the amount of paper circulation by issuing the so-called gold redemption bonds, and with these bonds as the basis of banking, to let the banks supply the vacancy thus created in circulation with their notes convertible in gold. But in this respect the Government was disappointed. . Within six years there were but four banks organized under this act and they could issue only about 1,420,000 yen of bank notes out of 15,000,000 yen, which were beforehand printed in New York. Even these were rapidly retired, as they lost specie reserve on account of the constant efflux of bullion. So in 1876 the Government felt it necessary to introduce many important amendments to the national-bank act. Among many other .changes the bank notes were made legal tender for all payments, except for the payment of custom duty and interest on Government bonds, and became convertible into Government paper money instead ofstandard gold. Besides, the arnount of the bonds to be deposited in the treasury by the banks was increased from 60 to 80 per cent of the capital and the kind of bonds was made optional so long as they bore 4 per cent interest. The most important change, however, consisted in a gold reserve of 40 per cent of the capital being transformed _into a paper reserve of 20 per cent. These radical changes of the statute, combined with the issue of the Government loan to the amount of more than 174,000,000 yen to pay off feudel pensioners in exchange for their hereditary rights, greatly facilitated the establishment of national banks. They sprung up in rapid succession. Between 1876 and 1879 one hundred and fifty-three banks were organized in various districts of the Empire, their total capital amounting to 48,816,100 yen. At last the organization of the banks became so prevalent that the bank act was again amended, empowering the minister of finance to restrict, on the basis of population and taxation, the total amount of the issue of the bank notes, which was fixed at 40,000,000 yen, as well as the number and ‘capital of the national banks. Their legal term of existence was also limited to twenty years. Although there were some failures among these national banks, most of them enjoyed good, prosperous business. Side by side with these national banks there also sprung up ordinary banks, which are at present regulated by the bank act of 1890. They are either individual, partnership, or joint-stock concerns. When the legal term of national banks expires, they usually continue their business as ordinary banks. These now number 1,485, their paid-up capital amounting to 191,028,716 yen. ORGANIZATION OF THE BANK OF JAPAN. The rise of national banks in rapid succession increased the evil effects of an inflated currency, The price of all commodities and rate of interest rose by leaps and bounds, while the Government bonds lost their value. The proper regulation of the currency became the prime necessity of finance. To relieve this situation the Bank of Japan (Nippon Ginko) was organized in 1882. This was a part of the broad scheme of Mr. Matsukata (now Count), then minister of finance. He sets forth in his memorandum the object of this institution as follows: (1) To promote the cooperation and assimilation of banks under a central bank; (2) to increase capital available to trade and industry; (3) to reduce as well as to equalize the rate of interest; (4) to transfer to the bank various services in the treasury when its business is firmly organized; (5) to discount foreign bills so as to regulate the influx and efflux of specie. At the same time national banks were ordered to give up their right of issue. In 1884 the convertible bank-note act was enacted, whereby it was aimed to replace both the Government and national-bank notes with those of the Bank of Japan, so as to unify the currency system under this central institution. These objects were steadily pursued. On October 10, 1882, the Bank of Japan commenced its business. In December of the same year it opened its branch office at Osaka. Since then its business has grown to an enormous extent, and at present it has branch offices in Osaka, Moji, Nagoya, and Hakodate, and subbranches in Otaru, Sapporo, Kyoto, and Taihoku (Formosa), besides many agencies for the management of Government money. CAPITAL AND RESERVE OF THE BANK. At first the capital of the Bank of Japan was 10,000,000 yen. This was divided into 50,000 shares of 200 yen each. One-half of this capital was subscribed by the Government with its surplus fund. This was afterwards transferred to the Crown property. The expansion of business necessitated the increase of capital, and in 1887 it was increased to 20,000,000 yen, and again in 1895 to 30,000,000 yen. Its capital, which is all paid up, is divided into 150,000 shares. The shares are all registered, and their ownership is allowed only to Japanese who have permission of the minister of finance to acquire it. The number of the shareholders now stands at 877. For some years a distinction was made between the shares owned by the Government and those owned by people in the rates of dividend, but since 1887 all shares are equally treated. The profit is semiannually divided in the following way: Out of the net profit 6 per cent is declared as the first dividend, and then at least one-tenth of the rest is added to the reserve and another one-tenth is distributed as the bonus of the bank officers. The second dividend is to be declared out of the remainder, some part of which may be carried to the reserve account. Since 1887 the sum of these two dividends varies between 10 per cent and 15 per cent per annum. The reserve fund can be paid out only to make up for the losses of the capital or to equalize the annual dividends. This fund is to be invested only in the purchase of gold, silver, or Government bonds, and the profit from the same is carried to the gross income of the bank. The latest account of this fund stands at 12,570,000 yen. The successive directors of the bank always endeavored to increase the fund so as to strengthen its credit. . THE BUILDING OF THE BANK. The bank now occupies a three-storied granite building, 110 feet by 115 feet. Its whole ground is about 3} acres. The plan of this building was settled upon after a careful study of the European central banks. Strong rooms are built in its basement. Electric light, water supply, and other conveniences are all up to the latest improvements. In spite of comparatively low wages and cheap materials in Japan, it cost some 1,150,000 yen. It was due to the energy of the late Governor Kawada that such a magnificent building was ‘projected. And it is ails noticeable that the plan as well as the execution of this building is the work of a Japanese architect, Dr. Tatsuno. 7 «The present value of the Japanese gold yen in American eurrency is about 50 cents ($0.498.} 2296 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [Decemper, ISSUE OF NOTES BY THE BANK. At the time when the Bank of Japan was organized the market was flooded with inconvertible paper currency. The Government paper money amounted to 115,381,292 yen, with denominations as small as 10sen. The notes of national banks were over 34,396,818 yen, which did not all pass with the same credit. The currency was inflated to such a degree that the premium on specie was once 79 sen per yen. Under such circumstances it was the policy of the Government to place the power of regulating the currency in the single hand of the Bank of Japan, and to replace this inflated currency with the notes of the bank, which are elastic and redeemable in silver, For this purpose the Government again issued gold-note redemption bonds to contract the circulation of depreciated paper and pur- chased silyer and foreign bills to prepare the Way for the return to specie payment. Within three years the Government paper money was withdrawn to such an extent that the Bank of Japan felt safe to issue its first notes in May, 1885, and the specie payment of all paper currency was announced to be commenced on January 1, 1886. The law which regulates the notes of the Bank of Japan is based upon the German system, yet there are some interesting differences. The bank notes are of three kinds: (1) The notes issued on metallic reserve. This reserve has been silver, but since the adoption of the gold standard on October 1, 1897, this is gold, save that one-fifth of the total metallic reserve may be kept in silver. But, like the Bank of England, this exception is seldom availed of. (2) Those issued on business assets within legal limit. This issne is limited at present to the amount of 85,000,000 yen. The limit was at first 70,000,000 yen, but has been increased to the present amount since May, 1889. But the outstanding circulation of the Goy- ernment and also the national-bank notes are to be counted into this amount, and it is meant to replace them gradually with the notes of the bank. Again, for this privilege the bank advanced to the Government a sum of 22,000,000 yen without interest. This has been used as the fund to withdraw the Government paper money. Recently there has been much discussion of increasing this authorized amount of issue; and while the writer is preparing this essay the lower house of the imperial diet has just passed a Government bill pro- posing to increase the amount to 120,000,000 yen. ’ (3) The emergency notes, or those issued upon business assets in excess of the above legal limit. These notes are subject toa special tax. The rate of the tax is to be 5 per cent or more. In the German system, as we all know, this rate is fixed at 5 percent; but in the Japanese system only the minimum rate is fixed, and the power of discretion is given to the minister of finance, who may charge any rate above 5 per cent, according to the state of the money market. This is quite an effectual measure to prevent stringency of the market, and at the same time to secure the immediate withdrawal of superfluous notes when the necessity is over. That this system of note issue is admirably adapted to meet the varying demands of trade has been very well tested in the German system. But this is especially so in the case of Japan, where, for the reason of her geographical situation, specie can not be called in from abroad to respond to the immediate demand of trade. Since 1890 the emergency issue has been availed of seven times. That it is effective in relieving the market is shown by the fact that Japan has so far been free from any serious commercial panic. The notes of the Government and of national banks have been gradually retired, and the bank notes are taking their place. The day is near at hand when the whole paper-circulating medium will be unified into the notes of the Bank of Japan. The following table will show this fact: TABLE SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF CIRCULATION OF VARIOUS NOTEs. Jan.1,1886. | Jan.1,1889. | Jan.1, 1899. en. Yen. The bank note ®......... 65, 547,249 | 193, 799,901 The Government paper . , 566, 086 5, 411, 726 The national-bank note: (ccc. sususeacubeneeaavuseenet-aseeee 30, 108, 129 27, 562, 931 1, 864, 620 * The notes of the Bank of Japan are of seven denominations: One yen, 5 yen, 10 yen, 20 yen, 50 yen, 100 yen, 200 yen; but 20, 50, and 200 yen notes have never been issued, and l-yen notes are being speedily retired. KINDS OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY THE BANK. The kinds of business transacted by the Bank of Japan are mentioned in its statute, as follows: (1) The purchase or discount of exchequer bills, bills of exchange, and other commercial paper. (2) Dealing in gold and silver. (8) To make loans upon gold and silver coin and bullion. (4) To make collection of bills for banks, corporations, and individuals who are the regular customers of the bank. (5) To receive deposits and accept the custody of objects of value and documents. (6) To make advances in current account or in loans upon the securities of Government bonds, exchequer bills, or other bonds and shares guaranteed by the State. Besides these the bank performs a number of important services for the treasury without compensation. Not only does it receive and pay out public revenues and expenditures for the State, but it also manages all operations concerning public debts, public deposits, and the retirement of the Government and national-bank nptes. In fact certain parts of the bank are closely united with the various departments of the treasury. Bills and checks in modern forms are new things in Japan. For the last twenty years the Government as well as the bank has not spared every encouragement to their use in commercial transactions. As the result of these efforts, the discount business has grown to a considerable amount. The return of the clearing houses in Tokyo and Osaka during the last year amounts to 782,744,613 yen and 226,369, 144 yen, respectively. Bills offered for discount to the bank must be indorsed by at least two substantial names and be payable within one hundred days. Those which bear a single name must be accompanied with collaterals, either in the form of warehouse receipts of merchandise or of the shares and bonds classed as securities of good credit. These shares and bonds are mostly of domestic railways, and are valued at 60 per cent of their market price. The loans upon securities are much smaller in amounts than the discounts. These securities are the bonds of the Imperial Government and of Tokyo and Osaka municipalities, and also those shares and bonds guaranteed by the State. Loans can be made for a period of three months or less and renewal is allowed only once when necessary. * 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2297 The bank receives deposits and makes advances in current accounts. The Bank of Japan does not pay interest on current deposits. Customers place their surplus money in the vault of the bank to secure the convenience of drawing checks upon it. The banks of the clearing-house association also settle their daily balances with their current accounts in the bank. Indeed, either in Tokyo or Osaka the whole business of the clearing house is transacted in a room of the building of the Bank of Japan. The bank also issues deposit receipts, draft and transfer checks. The distribution of various kinds of coins and bank notes to the different districts of the Empire constitutes no inconsiderable portion of the business of the bank. Hitherto the bank allowed loan and discount exclusively to bankers, being literally the bank of banks; but since June, 1897, the way has been opened to deal directly with individuals and corporations which have good business standing. This measure has been taken to extend the benefit of the low rate of interest to the general market, and to check the excessive profit often secured by other bankers as a mere intermediary between the bank and the public. So at present the rates of interest announced by the bank are of two sorts, namely, banker’s rates and private rates. At present they are as follows: | ! | Discount! Current | Loan. /j0¢al bill.| account. | EVV ECCT LC Bee, hoe crete ae cee e ne re nu aitine blanc Mie oO cathae oleae oemucle wake 2.5 1 op a pee eee iS EI CR ERE Cee. See oid eh Acs oc daw doumuttie one aoe denemaneduadvuauoswee 25 2 2.5 *Interest is counted so much a day per 100 yen. For instance, 2.5 means 2 sen and 5 rin for 100 yen per day. The change of the rates of interest on loans and discounts is subject to the sanction of the minister of finance. Their movements from week to week are carefully watched in commercial circles as indicating the state of the money-market. They are determined not to check the outflow of gold so much as it is in England, but they fluctuate chiefly with reference to the economic conditions at home. The Bank of Japan has no direct dealings in foreign markets, but it uses its sister institution, the Yokohama Specie Bank, as its foreign agent. Indeed, to encourage foreign commerce, the Bank of Japan assists this institution in many ways. Among other favors, the former advances to the latter up the amount of 10,000,000 yen in rediscounting foreign bills at the rate of 2 per cent per annum. Recently it has been proposed to increase the amount of this advance. The indemnity money lately received from China was also trans- ferred from London to Japan through this institution, either by the purchase of bullion or by exchange operations. The whole sum of money thus dealt with amounts to 363,446,464 yen, and this was carried within the space of only two years and a half. The total business transactions of the bank for 1898 were 9,019,330,231 yen. The discount of commercial paper amounts to 287,746,025 yen, representing 105,515 pieces of various kinds of bills. The advances upon securities amount to 128,060,910 yen, in 3,751 separate transactions. In current account 530,579,883 yen were paid and 532,530,150 yen were received. The range of these discounts and loans at one date fluctuate between a minimum of 55,134,193 yen and a maximum of 98,642,637 yen. Generally speaking, about three-fourths of this business is done in Tokyo and Osaka, while the rest is distributed among the other three branches and one subbranch. ‘The following figures will show the growth of business of the bank since its foundation: Amount Total business ar Total loans transactions. siete mcg and discounts. Yen. Yen. Yen. 157, 639, 152 14, 988, 494 5, 943, 950 2, 657, 655, 064 27, 245, 446 81, 007, 987 1, 888, 088, 536 216, 112, 764 159, 773, 825 9, 019, 330, 231 582, 530, 150 415, 806, 935 PERIODICAL REPORTS OF THE BANK. The bank is required to advertise every week in the Official Gazette the average amount of its note issue. In the Bank of Japan, as in the Bank of England, the issue department is quite separated from the business department. Since January, 1897, the bank has felt it advisable to make public the statement of the condition of its business department at the close of every week. These two reports are published every Wednesday in the Gazette. They are given herewith to show the latest condition of the bank. THE GOVERNMENT AND THE BANK. The Bank of Japan, being the only bank of issue, is not only placed under the control of the Government, but it is heavily burdened in return for the privileges granted. It has, as said before, to perform the following among other functions: (1) The receipt and disbursement of Government money. (2) The call and payment of the principal as well as the interest on the national debt. (3) The custody of money and the goods intrusted to the Governmert. (4) The redemption of the Government paper money. (5) The redemption of the national-bank notes. (6) The rediscounting of foreign bills of exchange for the Yokohama Specie Bank, at specially low rates. All these involve considerable sacrifice for the bank, but are done simply for the public convenience, as directed by the Government. For the management of the Government money there are established 44 treasuries in the principal towns of the Empire, and each treasury has a certain number of subtreasuries. These are all placed under the control of the central treasury, which is in the bank. Most of the treasuries are intrusted to other banks as agencies of the bank, which are paid for their management. In addition to all these, the bank is under an important obligation to support the public credit in times of financial emergency. During the late war of 1894-95 it performed most valuable services for the country. Indeed, the war would not have been possible without the effective cooperation of the bank. At the commencement of the war the negotiation of a foreign loan was quite generally favored in influential quarters. But the bank opposed this idea, and was fully confident that it could depend upon the internal 2298 ; ae ] resources. While it supplied the Government with the necessary funds and did its best in collecting subscriptions to the war loan, t bank was always active in providing capital to trade and industries. To the high credit of the bank, its notes circulated during the wa even in the heart of the Leao Tung peninsula of China. The total cost of the war was 200,475,508 yen, but this was paid with out causing any serious calamities in industrial circles. ADMINISTRATIVE MACHINERY OF THE BANK. COMMERCIAL JAPAN, 2! ‘The government of the Bank of Japan is composed of a governor, vice-governor (now vacant), four directors, and from three to five auditors. The governor and vice-governor are appointed by the Government for five years. The directors are also chosen by the ~ Government out of the double number of candidates nominated at the general meeting of shareholders, and their term of office is four years. The governor and the directors meet daily together and constitute the governing board, which decides all important questions — of the bank. The auditors are elected by the shareholders for the term of three years. They constitute the board of auditors, which — meets at least once a month, All important actions of the board of directors, such as the changes of the rate of interest and the rate of dividend to be declared, are subject to their approval. They also inspect books and documents of the bank. The governor, the vice- governor, the directors, and auditors constitute the general meeting of the bank, which deliberates upon questions proposed by the governor. These officers must live in Tokyo, and during their terms of office they can not accept any other office either in the Goyern- ment or other banks and corporations. The regular meeting of shareholders takes place semiannually, on the third Saturday of February and August. Those who own ten shares or more have a voice at this meeting. Besides these bodies, the Government appoints a certain number of comptrollers out of the high officers of the treasury department. They have the power to stop any act either contrary to the laws and by-laws or deemed to be against the best interest of the Government. They weekly visit the bank and receive various reports regarding the condition of the bank and its transactions. They can attend any meeting of the bank officers and express their views in regard to the business of the bank. The internal organization of the bank has passed through many changes since its foundation. At present it is divided into eight departments and the office of the private secretary; namely, inspection department, business department, teller’s department, issue department, state treasury department, secretary’s department, the department of securities, and accountant’s department. The control of each department and of each branch or subbranch is intrusted to either managers or submanagers, who number at present twenty- three. The total number of employees now stands at 1,102. The bank has had already four governors, and the present incumbent is the fifth, in the person of Mr. Tatsuo Yamamoto. He has already rendered very distinguished services to the bank, both as a director and as the chief of the business department. At the resignation of Baron Iwasaki, in October last, he was promoted to the present office. He is still a young man of 43 and much is expected in his future career. & COLLECTION OF DEBTS IN JAPAN. In reply to the State Department’s instruction of March 17, 1899, Consul-General Gowdy states that the method of collecting debts in Japan is in general similar to that prevailing in the United States, namely, by action at law simply or by action with attachment of the debtor’s property. The courts provided for this purpose are— (1) Ku saibansho, or local courts, having jurisdiction over claims under 100 yen ($50) in amount. . (2) Chiho saibansho, or district courts, having jarisdiction in cases involving larger amounts. From the chiho saibansho appeals lie to the (3) Koso in, or appeal courts, and to the < (4) Daishin in, or supreme court of the Empire. Foreign plaintiffs not residing in Japan should furnish their agents or attorneys with ample powers of attorney, with authority of substitution. Such documents should be attested by a diplomatic or consular officer of Japan. Foreign plaintiffs are required to give security for costs. The period of limitation of actions arising out of contracts for the sale of goods is two years. NEW LAWS IN JAPAN. Mr. Herod, secretary of the legation at Tokyo, sends the State Department, under date of April 10, 1899, translations of recent laws relating to the duties of consular officers and to the arrest and detention of mariners of foreign vessels, as follows: LAW RELATING TO CONSULAR DUTIES. ArticLr I, Restrictions with regard to matters in the treaties especially relating to the rights of consular officers aball, withing limits prescribed by law, be fixed by ordinance. Arr. Il. When provisions of law are wanting in regard to matters relating to the duties of consular officers under the treaties, in cases where such provisions of law are required they shall be determined by ordinance. Anv. 111. Consular oflicers and others who, in accordance with this law, are performing consular functions, shall perform their duties in harmony with the provisions of the laws and treaties Such oflicers, however, may conform to the usages founded on international law or to the special usages of the place of residence. When a preceding clause can not be observed, special regulations may be fixed by ordinance. An, When the date of the operation of a law in foreign countries is not fixed, the date of the operation of said law shall b fixed hy i aah Arr. V. The limits of jurisdiction relating to the duties of consular officers shall be fixed by notification. Art. VI. Consular officers who, by treaty in usage, have authority to exercise consular judicial powers, shall perform their 4 relating to civil and criminal cases and to registration in harmony with Articles VII and XIII, ~ +1901.) : COMMERCIAL JAPAN. | 2299 Arr. VII. With respect to the duties mentioned in the preceding article, consular officers may, within limits not opposed to the law, treaty, or usage, perform the functions of a district or local court of justice. Art. VIII. Consular officers can not Conta? a trial for a major criminal offense. In minor criminal cases a preliminary examination is not necessary. Art. IX. The trial of cases of major criminal offenses, the preliminary examination of which has been conducted by a consular officer, shall belong to the jurisdiction of the Nagasaki district court. Art. X. When diplomatic correspondence is necessary relating to a case belonging to the jurisdiction of a consular officer, the minister for foreign affairs may order the consular officer not to take jurisdiction, and may cause the accused to be placed in a prison of the country. In the case mentioned in the preceding clause the minister of justice shall, when the case falls within the province of a district court, cause the public prosecutor of the Nagasaki court of appeals to apply to that court to appoint the place of trial; and when the case belongs to the province or a local eourt, he shall cause the public prosecutor of the Nagasaki district court to apply to that court to determine jurisdiction. Art. XI. With respect to the petition and trial mentioned in the preceding article, the provisions of Article XX XIII of the law of civil procedure shall be applied. Art. XII. Appeal from a decision in a case tried by a whdaaiee officer belonging to the scope of a district court shall be made to the Nagasaki court of appeals. Appeal from the decision in a case tried by a consul which falls within the scope of a local court shall belong to the jurisdiction of the Nagasaki court. Arr. XIII. A consular officer may cause a member of his consulate or a police officer to act in the capacity of public procurator or clerk of court. When there is no suitable person to serve in the capacity of clerk of court as provided in the preceding clause, the consular officer may select some Japanese subject residing within the district of his jurisdiction to perfogym the duties of clerk temporarily. Art. XIV. A consular officer may cause a member of his consulate or a police officer to perform the duties of public undertaker. The person who executes the function mentioned in the preceding clause may, on his own responsibility, specially intrust the performance of the duties to another suitable person. _ Art. XV. Any person who desires to actin the capacity of counsel or attorney, except in accordance with the provisions of law, must receive the permission of the consular officer. Art. XVI. The provisions relating to contempt of court usually applied to courts of law shall not be applied to consular officers or others performing their duties in accordance with this law. Art. XVII. In case there is no person to perform the duties mentioned in Articles XIII and XIV, the minister of foreign affairs may dispatch an official from another consulate in the same country to perform the said duties. Arr. XVIII. A person who is not a consular officer can be appointed by ordinance to perform the duties of such officer, as set forth in the provisions of this or other laws, only in a place where there is no consulate established. ° Arr. XIX. The terms ‘consul or consular officer,’’ as used in this law and other laws, designate consuls or their deputies who are not honorary consuls. { Art. XX. Provisions necessary for the enactment of this law shall be fixed by ordinance. Art. XXI. The regulations of consular courts in China and Korea shall be abolished from the date of enforcement of this law. LAW RELATING TO ARREST AND DETENTION OF MARINERS OF FOREIGN VESSELS. Arricte I. Assistance in the arrest or detention of mariners of foreign vessels, as provided for in the treaties of navigation and» ecommerce and consular conventions with the various treaty powers, shall be given by the public prosecutor on the application of the proper consular officer. Art. Ii. In the following cases the public prosecutor can not comply with the request for assistance in arrest or detention: (1) When the person to be arrested or detained is a Japanese subject. (2) When a person is under trial for a major or minor criminal offense in Japan or undergoing punishment therefor. (3) When a mariner has already been released according to Article VIII and application is again made on the ground of the same offense. a (4) When the consular officer does not include with the application a correct copy of the ship’s register and the list of names of mariners or a certified document sufficient to identify the mariner. (5) When the consular officer will not guarantee the costs connected with the assistance. Arr. III. The public prosecutor, upon receipt of an application from a consular officer for the arrest or detention, if the request appears to be a proper one, shall comply with the same immediately. Arr. IY. When the public prosecutor orders the arrest of a mariner, he shall issue a warrant of arrest. Art. V. The person to whom the order for the execution of a warrant of arrest is given shall, when the arrest is made, deliver (the person) to the public prosecutor who issued the warrant of arrest. Arr. VI. Im the case mentioned in the preceding article, the public prosecutor shall immediately inspect the person, and, when it appears that he is without doubt the person designated, shall deliver him to the consular officer. a Arr. VII. On application from the consular officer, the mariner who has been arrested shall be put in prison by the order of the _ public prosecutor. ., Arr. VIII. A mariner who has been detained shall, on the application of the consular officer, be released; or he may be released _ if within six months from the day of arrest no application has been received for his delivery. _ Arr. IX. In regard to the issuance and execution of a warrant of arresi, the provision in the law of criminal procedure respecting warrants of arrest shall be applied. on Art. X. Application shall be made by the public prosecutor to the proper consular officer for the amount of actual expense ~ eonnected with the assistance. |. Arr. XL The public prosecutor shall, on receipt of an application for assistance in arrest or detention, immediately report the e to the minister of justice; likewise when the request appears to be one that can not be complied with, it shall be reported to the minister of justice on the completion of the proceedings. 2300 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. : LENGTH OF RAILWAYS IN JAPAN. [From United States Consular Report, 18y9.] Consul-General Gowey sends from Yokohama, under date of August,24, 1898, the following printed statement, showing authorized _ and completed mileage of railways of Japan on July 31, 1898: = Author- TLencth _ Author- NAME OF COMPANY. ized (total) aaea ted NAME OF COMPANY. ized (total) length, | ©°™P | length. Miles. Miles. | F Miles. WADAD 6 os7ot as win bao sees senna pw 853.14 821.15 NAREAN cee code ens secre eeean ee 42.31 PANIKAL: Soo oe eseas seen eae eaeaeen 6. 22 6. 22 NENDOG > opera aceenae ean meee 12.38 AVON oeles cot sees wcovarsuetaaenetes 12.79 12.79 Hankaku- 327255 opeceee cane ee eee 68.58 BANG sat cosn ce se ec esrese nearer S 821.47 280. 05 AWS s2e ces sane ore eee ence ree 82. 34 MAUUDES:2>ocecnenenueceus se eeeae ee 27.19 27.19 MOVE oj see esuceee: ae ae 23.7 Kanshi tices. ss. aw wedvecneboeeonces 150. 63 140,57 || Chugokt\e oo 2 onan speeeecee meas 98.13 Opaika oa. soo scale aoe eee eae 45, 25 45, 25 NANSO? Sp occcchoecscsncenseceseeee 31.6 IODG & xo de neta es oan eee wens 26.77 26.77 SOW’ cck- cence -Seeee een ene 64. 75 KVUSHIN soa caceconas& ter arene soeeee 323.73 282. 51 pF +: eee ae ae ee al 25.4 SObU oo essere cccecee ecco aera 72 72 ZUSO . veo cc cuccndecoweereneweenenre 10.41 : SADGU, 5 Sen tise ecdsel a se ee ees toe 26.15 26.15 bith: Cee ge EN a es eae 8.27 OSH So coe ote ee ness aeubeeasteee 59. 51 48. 34 Omi 25 esis oc tdeccareseeseeeee 27.45 ARV AR OY C-\k2 dea ntle dese cceuee Seema: 18.4 18.4 NWAMOGO once caus c= ores pecan eee 12.4 WIG ew sears hedssaecaee es 13 13 WKID 2 Son oc ce ete deena eee ene 13 BAUOt ot iwac cowaroe sccce eee ceaneeuas 9. 54 9.54 Bisel -2. 2 22.22% -somcecreecedesrnemes 15 WRENN Gace ent eama oe occ euence Coe 38.17 37.1 TSNPATU: sco asontactanwssboaeae eee 20 PIAA os ose e eee ode ree eee 71.14 30. 62 Kinng” -2scee accscconeee cee enenaeoe 260.74 NAHE Wor cscs cuacue sea pewar esse tees | 16.6 16.6 Uwaj ite, 4. tn oe eee eee 15.4 WONG we toes ae cae y Stee ae ae sek eee 53. 03 26.74 Ganyetst. 2 osc ict cesenc ee eae eee 108. 52 (0) a eye oe ee ee eae Ras Rell Cr a 12712 9.74 Tole .stae essen deere anne eerenee 140 MR Y O ewicee os casneanecccenesbeeeeae 6.65 6.65 TOMMNSHIMG canon eee eae ae eee 21. 56 WOLO se ia ween sneer cwece cet an eee ee 3.06 3.06 J OBR one ha tee Sete ee eee ere 52.12 Tov GLOW bviccsaawe ccc ec emesee teens 104. 06 6.27 SHRUNK Ol ico. wen beet eters ceueroesee 46.43 GHIVELAU pee oeance cee aeee Sees 22.6 18.4 VOR ae sa sce oo eee enee aeeaee <3 48.51 NCIS cots ae cot aia'ar a naan eee 31.79 24. 57 Ishinomalkd.. 5.. sswaeeevest peseeesie 39.52 HOKUy Clas: casas cet ees dete tusk omen 99. 06 66.47 MODUs225 -sascensucsrocsneamertee coms 32.37 ROZUKe eet ete eee eRe Tp 21 21 Ifo eye eis UNS ae ie ae le oe ae 31.26 TOVOKRWWssieeereewt cn noe easeeeeeee 18.55 13. 36 TANGO 2c 3cnc cccce eee eee 34. 45 KERVO cece os se cseeeecs capeetwaeen meee 11. 23 6. 06 TSULRG > .cccoccrsceuscoteeceaan Serene 13. 52 Karatau KOgYO:< en. Number of dwellings, 7,884,263; valued at 200 yen each....-2.. 2122 enon ee ownn ceeccccccnccceene- 1, 577, 000, 000 Number of shrines, 190,803; valued at 1,000 yen each. .. ccc cence ccc cccnene cee escccccececcencce 191, 000, 000 Number of temples, 71,831; valued at 1,000 yen each............ een ie ali a aah Md aidtsa ane 72, 000, 000 Pian eusGin, 20,608, walned at 500 yen cach. .... oo ncenpecacersncceccmececnccrccuvececceccocs 18, 000, 000 ne Voli mee OO) gen cael <8 ee eames oon nm moveradaaceseonsooe 16, 000, 600 a Departments of state, 10; 300,000 yen cach. op ecceennncawcesceceteccnccccescccceccecce 30, 000, 000 7 City and prefectural offices, 50; valued at 30,000 yen each.......-...----.0------02-ceceeeeeennee 2, 000, 000 a City and prefectural assembly buildings, 50; valued at 20,000 ven each ...........---.------------ 1, 000, 000 Local (district) offices and police stations, 1,700; valued at 1 000 |, eae Pee ee 2, 000, 000 iLL 60h, QL AD ON ASI, Sen cas, grits nimi eeeeni ne wood decode cocen chowavecsecsesecs 3, 000, 000 Military divisional buildings, 7; valued at 500,000 Rl eed criteria bo an «noun an aoe seme 4, 000, 000 Military brigade buildings, 28; valued at 100,000 yen each...........-------------2-- een nneneeeee 3, 000, 000 avelmare os Valued. 26 1000-000 yen C808 .<— oan pene vsnewcemnbentapwecccces ceccccectccsceucns 3, 000, 000 x een ere ee re ree eee eh 2, Od ae Dee So co ww coe c nn cearsccsneunbe 1, 919, 000, 600 ‘ It will be observed that whereas barracks are included in the above list, fortifications are excluded, and so are arsenals, private dockyards, harbors, and factories. As to harbors, dockyards, and factories, Mr. Kusaka doubtless includes their value in the paid-up capital of companies. Arsenals, however, might fairly be added to the list, though fortifications are properly omitted. FURNITURE AND WORKS OF ART. The figure under this heading is obtained by allowing an average of 100 yen per house. RAILWAYS, TELEGRAPHS, AND AQUEDUCTS. The average net profit obtained from the State railways in the last four years was 4,000,000 yen, and if this be capitalized at twenty e years’ purchasc, we have a value of son! 000,000 yen. Thus the figures stand: . Yen. “a EES SR 2 CO a a 8 eet nS ee 80, 000, 000 ~ telegraphs, 12,212 ri (30,530 miles); valued at 450 yen per fi--... 22. -- 2.52.6. 2 esc ese n ee ccecc ees 6, 000, 000 Submarine cables: oo? Nautical mes; valued at 3,000 yen per mile...:....-..-.-....2.-------seweses 1, 000, 000 3 eee NER a a Rr oti ec re wate Sie on ae ee en vet oe pane snes oene aes ecewanscawee 3, 000, 000 i TE ween. Ss tg ee SCRE eee nee aes eee nee, 1 si ge 90, 090, 000 We can not regard this estimate as quite satisfactory. Considering that the mileage of the State railways has been steadily aug- mented year by year for several years past, the net profit during the last year of working would bea more correct figure for the purposes ag of such an account than the average profit for four years. But the difference would be only 20,000,000 or 30,000,000 at any rate. Mr. ; Kusaka omits the private railways, doubtless because the cost of constructing them appears in the paid-up capital of companies. The > propriety of the omission may be questioned. At the lowest estimate the market value of the private lines now in operation is 140,000,000 P. yen, and if we substract that sum from the paid-up capital (242,000,000) of the companies and banks, we obtain 102,000,000 yen as the value of all the factories, dockyards, and other movable and immovable property of industrial and commercial associations in the Empire. That is surely too low an estimate. SHIPPING. Yen. Foreign model ships, 254,692 tons, valued at 100 yen per ton..........22 2... eee penne eee eee ene eee 25, 000, 000 Japanese model ships, 2, 960, 887 koku, valued at 5 yen per koku....... 2.2... 2220-22-52 - occ e cee e eee 15, 000, 000 Fishing, pleasure, and rowing boats and lighters, 200,000 koku, valued at 5 yen per koku......-...---- 1, 000, 000 icnaomer 12 yao tons, varued at 500 yen per ton. ~~ ~~ ooo. nee ened mene cone necnesce 56, 000, 000 Torpean @iait, Lous tens, valued at.s00 yen per ton +... cee lo ee Sb ck nec ease ce seceececene 1, 000, 000 i et ey mete et oe ae rk ee ES ek ae we SRR AN a wes td ea bubewaeee ec aeeec 98, 000, 000 This is certainly a very conservative estimate so far as the navy is concerned. The figures for men-of-war must be at least 100,000,000 yen too small. MINES. The yearly yield of the mines is 40,506,833 yen, one-half of which may be regarded as the cost of working. Hence capitalizing at twenty years’ purchase as before, the resulting value is 405,000,000 yen. MARINE PRODUCTS. The yearly yield is about 27,227,047 yen, half of which being regarded as net profit and capitalized at twenty years’ purchase, ihe — yalue is 272,000,000. 4 CAPITAL (PAID UP) OF COMPANIES AND BANKS. “ The total paid-up capital is 259,000,000 yen, from which has been deducted 17,000,000, being the value (already included under the head of shipping) of the vessels (165,000 tons) belonging to the Nippon Yusen Kaisha and the Osaka Shosen Kaisha. COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2303 = F 2304 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [Dece MISCELLANEOUS. There are no trustworthy data for estimating the value of miscellaneous properties. Mr. Kusaka has therefore followed Mulhall, _who adopts a figure representing 6.8 per cent of the country’s wealth. That method of calculation gives 1,028,000,000 yen in Japan’s case. It is difficult, however, to indorse such a manner of estimate. In Great Britain, objects such as jewelry, plate, and books are included in the category of miscellaneous; and since they represent the accumulations of hundreds of years in a country where conflagrations are comparatively rare, their value must reach an enormous figure. Plate and jewelry have practically no existence in Japan, and the value of the public and private libraries does not, we think, amount to anything like as large a fraction of the national - wealth as it does in Great Britain. Mr. Kusaka, it will be observed, estimates the miscellaneous objecis at a figure equal to one-tenth of the value of the land. It is a pity that he has not explained precisely what he includes under the heading. Wedo not pretend to assert that his figure is too large, however. What we desire to point out is the difference between England and Japan. If it be correct to assert that ‘‘miscellaneous”’ objects in Great Britain represent only 6.8 per cent of the country’s total wealth, then it can not be correct to say the same of Japan, where such objects are obviously of far less value comparatively than in England. On the other hand, the estimates for England may be too low. A tolerably easy way of approaching the matter is to consider, as the main basis of the estimate, the average value of the clothes, jewelry, books, household utensils, and other personal belongings of each unit of the nation. Mr. Kusaka’s figure, 1,28,000,000 yen, gives 24 yen approximately per head of population, and that certainly does not appear excessive. Mr. Kusaka’s principal object in making the above calculations is to obtain some means of determining what Japan’s yearly national expenditure ought to be. He adopts as fundamental the rule that the State’s ordinary annual outlays should not exceed yj, of its total wealth, and thus arrives at the figure of 150,000,000 yen for Japan, to which he adds 50,000,000 for extraordinary expenditures. So far as we are acquainted with the Government’s estimates, there will soon be no difficulty in keeping the outlays within that total. Tokyo newspapers publish some other statements which they attribute to Mr. Kusaka, with regard to the comparative wealth and the burdens of taxation in occidental countries and in Japan. But we imagine that there is some mistake on the part of the reporter, for the wealth of each unit of the British population is put at only 383 yen on the average, whereas it is really about 2,300 yen. COTTON MANUFACTURING. Cotton manufacturing in Japan continues to increase. A report to the British foreign office (annual series, 2277) shows that the number of spindles in operation at the end of 1898 was 1,108,404, or more than 200 per cent more than six years ago. The following table shows the number of spindles, number of employees, wages, and profits per spindle for the latter half of the year 1898 in eighteen of the leading spinhing companies in Japan: NUMBER OF EM- | DAILY WAGES. Number PLOYEES. : SPINNING FACTORIES. (9) \| — Np 1,000 pieces... 1.115 38a| Flour, wheat.............-. Ba isso nko gis sc eanasieoe ae aa Ses ance esna= anna nw ea ana sanqswa seas aca ea === 100 kins...) 0. 465 38b| Flour and meal of all kinds of grains and starches, excepting wheat flour .........--..---+------++ 20 eee eee ene eee ad val.. 10% > 39'| Bruits, fresh or dried, and nuts not otherwise provided for... .. 2... ces c eee e eee ee eee cnn e een n cess ees eeees do....! 15% 7 Sree reT ETT LYFE CO PR i nen ana wepesitaunenssen@eaceunetinwce COREE SRE: TRA RS ne OREO emcee kin.. 0. 065 oe aun ee ea. Cancun «Serene Kb eeek wany cane ee esas Reese 100 kins... 1,349 oily Se SAGO EAT SS. Sid Ree eae A eee ad val... Py oe ee 1-pound tins and proportionately for tins of other weight. ..........------.------ s 28 a: ap: 8 OTS creas yo 2 in ti ee ea RE aa a Rn _raenieeeea advaic:| 4154 64 | G. Ee Pe RSCG C POO OR SING gg oe mic bo icine ca cwins.opsininpie gees ane ome maces cuquacacatsccunsaccanccsuseucessencecss pete 4 Salt sea and rock: 3 PROC ere mp «2 carn Fotis Hh ee re et recat scl ste a in th meral tariff under No, 4 b. ¢ Included in the general tariff under No. 4a or5 et = aan 4Included in the general tariff under No. 50. 2308 Tue Cusroms Imporr TArirr OF JAPAN IN ForCcE ON AND AFTER THE First DAy or THE First MontH oF THE THIRTY-SECOND Year , bi, MA | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. oF Mew (January 1, 1899)—Continued. CLASS I.—ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY—Continued. a ~ Tariff No. ARTICLES. Group IIl.—Beverages and comestibles—Continued. 46a) Salt meat, excluding salted beef and pork... -.--- oo 202 -2cce swe necccnnncnccerncmseccnceos FoR en ere ad val.. yd Salted beef and POLK.1nl Cask Sees. see Peed ecae cae denna usta s woene aw san updo ca dm ale'sin site see aoe ae eee 100 kins... Sekikasai (sGlidinim cOrmeiMm)-< ooo fem be re coe sab ok ends cisrap dace est snrasedasss esa eee eee ae Eee ches rn MORE corsets og Cee tian Oana a ns Dee Ue oe eae Sema ae on Scns bcc aan oe enhance eee ak tea eee Pacucteeccatees kin.. Ag eV ePeCta les PTCEN OLY, BH bed, OF Ut DENG h se oto .c soe cc cect 2a ciens bcc aewee sce see nae See eee ee eee 7-=2- Re FA, DD PAR Other COMeSUDIES: .o2,ccwcrcs eran see ase ac cman cpa dacb wecclneccens seimem's weds cin laees sbmn noe cen dene tana eee eee MGEss Group IIl.—Clothing and accessories. Di boots Aud shoes Of Bl kinds... << os ccscecwaeweces dss sccsobedduasesscanic => cdo ctes seas seen a mee ee eee eee ad val.. 62 | Braces or suspenders: a; OLsilk, WHOMYi0Y In paths. ssesadcenvsce sor acs sn - 2-56. ee cans ate sap cera ee ae ee tee ae Db. AMV Other. 2. one ens ciacoswercc coves sims ot co wees cee tennessee: ae oe eee eee ci (a ee 53 | Buttons, buckles 4, hooks 4, and eyes, excepting studs and sleeve or cuff buttons ..............-------0-----eeeee- ad yal... BUUONE Of GUM B sonia tec www cnc cin wie o sien sw niin aS owidee ane b ie te vin. s ssc oan ay om as a aie a oe ee eee do.- =} 54 | Comforters, neckerchiefs, or mufflers: a, Of silk, MDOUV ON ID PALE. |. o 3 oes cee ee sweep he ee esr eewcsdecceer suse eee Ree eS ee eat BS Seasee i eS D; AU OWE Soya ree eon ead sce lub enwae ced oncnecepsewerswcbdeeensBalaee a ee re @Q-2-. 6bel}Gloves of all kinds’. o.oo c-fos aba sewewcrveesses= ab wee npemnce ae ea anaes ae eee eee BA ano een a ae do-:s. 56 | Hats, caps, and bonnets: a. Bet with gold, silver, or GeMS, \CbC a3 asc cwoe a sen cencawne sew areeecenteel eS eare areas pee ae aera” eA ame D:, OL SU os oan a nt Be cas cred tivce ccc wed wiaisals ccc cease =n se ete lida te cette tele ae a a go.2=2 ce. Allvotherkinds:: 2. cos ncn altos ce wie dete cases cca score wa deuce recat epee etn Ee ee ett | yee Hate, Mmaudin gals0 NOLS Of fell << en -c ene macnn ns ice cesnan peace sone anne ape one e Re eee Sea peaaaee ee Nips. 57 | Scarfs and neckties: @. OC eilk; wholly Or int partece oes ccmcwcccavenscceen cose since snneautee Te ete eee Ds All OGRE in. 2 soon since cncineccwswapswecevedencscosesacces dues Geet eee EE eee 68 | Shawls: a, Of wool, embroidered, or of silk wholly or in part...---. Aeeeee sooo ee ee ee eeee oe eee ee nee eee ee waetGOscnn D, All Other .c-cc0cccsveeettnsedaceneenucn ceva ba- eran lac bee ecole omeeea aes ene aa a werent aG@z..< BO) | Bhirte occ cece ccs ces cece caSncccas wnaceaccsacnncicssisen aaa om sn wees asp eee ee Cee ee ee (eee 60 | Socks, hose, or stockings, knit: a; Of cotton; wool; or of \ycol and cotton): 2. <2. oc. eee neaseeses eee eae eee e ee ee wotanehedt donee aoe: b. Of silk, w ‘holly OF 10. PATE. ooo sain eine 2.05 0 \snmen cep es ane one win tee Cee tne ee eel Se ee eee a do2=... 0. °AIl OtheE i. aoc cesee cceGucacccasay pews ccccbd capes Cols ae aes atone penanes Oana nnn vaceseeccuhe beesenoe OG. 61 | Studs, sleeve and cuff buttons or links: Of gold. or platinum, set with, gems, or otherwise:. -5-5..22-ssens- ae eeee seep eeeeneeeeaneeeee ae es ee GO. AL] OCHOL 8 5 oon oie oie aren wn oie m rein ginieicinle dos eget HST ets!S Sie She eer S Tone a d05~- 62 ieentaes of all kinds, such as braids, cords, ribbons, laces, fringes, gimps, tassels, knots, stars, metallic threads and braids, ete., not otherwise provided for: a. Of gold or silver, wholly or in part’... .<<0c0csace snes omc ce sen See Seen a nen ee ee see ee cintin caceaee ad val.. b. Of silk, wholly orin DATE. ons ccmeis cu accs nae am acne ue npsjee Cece em ae > oie Sie aaa teen C. All OCNEL: ..- 5. 200 5 a ocie oe aca e alms oom own miele ere a pa meee erate eee eee ee 63 | Undershirts and drawers, knit G. “Of COUON |... 52. c cect ecencecenccecuccercenscns commas sien eu meween sccm een ines =e een err ro ee AOL Rollei. eescee 1. Of wool and cotton ..............- b. Of silk, wholly or in part C. All other... 00. .ceccpeosewnsccventcoednusnncieeae tees Gece Heese ee aaa Diaaicnvavee eRe amas om CEs: | eee 64 | Waterproof coats: a. Of silk, wholly or in Part..o0 conc cc cece ncct eects ce cw cen mene ee emer ete nee teen ee Rae Et (= Ae as Ds AL) OTOL: oi. ones alee canon ems cc decenvendalber cue ddetese sees Seana WGabeoweetenes ae hace = coun elOsune 65 | All other clothing and accessories: a. Of silk, wholly or in part... oc... cccccnccccececwecctauasonenu ence Cee ate eee ee eee ee Geach O, All OGMEr: oo. 2. acd. conve vecvcemeaep cvcorsnencce cn coc be Coe eee ee Eee aaa Sees onan aaa aan eeneiaee Goes GrouP 1V.—Drugs, chemicals, and medicines. 66a) Acid, carbolic, In crystal. 200.00. scccciecuonencuceunpecacnwccasiscpam oe tease cee cee eE eee aniaeeaen kin... 660) Acid, carbolic, Tiquid:.......csncces ccccte ane smecwuciace mune cee cules mane anna eae a ad val.. 67 AGIA, SOUCYIIC.. oon. a. nace ccncencccccnadeweewecncccuaneneme ace seen ae eee ne seni neta ia aaah ce kin... 68.) Acid, tartaric. ....2..cccnecccccceeccececccwwcecudup cue ccel Sec Senet tae ae ae lets elaine eee di. Ad valorem, S3z2 BN EN ENEEE gue RR RRR REX BY BERR RRR RSLS | oe zs Krosrsss se so SRRESSSERSAEE RAE SA SEES IEEE ISRES eres ~~ : iff. States. Yen. 10¢ A. 10¢ , G., G. B. b10e G. 0.206 «G. 0.029 | G. “ 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2309 Tne Customs Import TARIFF OF JAPAN IN FoRCE ON AND AFTER THE First Day or tHe First Monty or tHe Tuirty-seconp YEAR oF Mew: (January 1, 1899)—Continued. CLASS I.—ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY—Continued. aTncluded in the general tariff under No. 136. b Included in the general tariff under No. 1670. 23 No. 6 ‘TW | General ARTICLES. tariff. Group IV.—Drugs, chemicals, and medicines—Continued. Toil er Seat AGAR ee ee tele a oat Re eo le i =m ninic oe odin eS a cee Se aabe oe bahnaces queWyc acer ind bestocesceeacsvacassescer kin.. 0.51 eee ete hos eee ed ve aac matane nw sisiccestesiadsurantcawnedeldned soMeMaddaiwvsdractdeccsccvecssnaczvs 100 kins..| 26.620 Sees eet een me tere lvoe arate cline Seimrain ooo ain eae mies oe com eek ncconndvperveacechescanvousiwarcdd C0525. 4.581 noon tara ily Ose LOC) enema aiaat tas /Jen vie siectsu ane aRanciak ek coea wee han senewee russ anunwedsrnewacncrewosvescouccs fF 1,282 on sy coe es et ama ee eto iain cumin oticiio toe eine ne ceteereadeenk cananeeletceuae ae cchelbdcuwecdrecescssevedees do.... 0. 933 eRe ea Com BET es ERMC ILLUS latter tants tarot aiatane aatectal ae e Seisioree a Kale e wale ihn oA Dae daw aan eh cacines swivecececescécecccacncs [> 7 Saas 0.353 sa teen EL CHA SILCLOLOL si nerice eee qa tia a od unin/e wot wabag oaauee eh cose nea ecu wae te tase eles dcklabececcccnceceoveusen ad val.. 104 Rimnpicmiay GUO MIOU te OL SUbNNALO OL maoies.. act ec cnr pnessucce nue caticc ces Uscteceweccatereccuececpecccesecseevvoue kin.. 4.043 MITEL 5 oe ona go goo oping § Bo Gee SCD SDN Crea OCOP CTE CIE Ee ier, an tnpn Hann = > ann is age le Oye eel oe a ad val.. 1% Brean emerges Penn se eI ee RON Se ree cc coe ae cone doc so tokcdn iewdvencdeceecacvanccceuas- do....| lig tRCRONUS DC OIAAICL soba c'< laisse: ciaislew's cise sistbbacpiccuatenans ac e - Lise “ -100 kins. ‘| 1.520 Phosphorus, amorphous (abolished) ... as et a aca i oa wine 5 ae oe kin..| 0.165 RAUL eye cine pene UC) LUN OST CON Onder rice etic omic minctn cia\e aanate onan icrdiatea/ois arom aghswae waenreeaeeimeint peeaenenadanamnasneae ad val..| 104 i aot UMMA CL ONO Uarte sfaiel stats iaieiel oie et amie teins Miaieeiatn mis ome Scie woo ape aianie Canin cen nana nmannaeceeteradnmsnneanceraease sss kin.. 0.083 Pe AMEN Tee Cee cen te eerie aaa nein etal estates el stalasiecrci sid ata pit ain wlapints Gave aisis (nels tesa manwindele scotia ’necipavouinacea ad val.. 210% anit TS RCoed eo Te eNCE ER MUOUER ECU etiam csc sais stsiese wate wie ele aoe a ae areinianie-c'a crace co cuedwecetacnewUsidcwarcesseuaveoccacs 100 kins... 2, 32 GOR SM MOCICS: Ole ciee aac ania ceiparcniswin oat sew as lscclae Sen see accent rela ese ee ee eee online ck oteica 2 -...84 Val... 10% STO ced Sie ete Rees eater echo PE etat a tel ncie wicto miaictos » FSaine «eh acicc'ancenabecne accent oambateccandcndensecwona 109 kins... 1,410 CHORE CRC MA DOM MLCrOlc vaca acee cc cndamedhcoc’ cccccewacewnadcduccateewsecsmcecdemesvocceacccuwenacce ad val.. 104 SS SUN eae eae ee cel tn el nein isn clsinie myn eo cals tiajcicainilucvwteccameanseesapeemanceaceatsecetetcaevboncecacese 100 kins.. 0. 298 ITO Ao Omen CO MOU On MISC rn Rtn nic win’s neon ciciicivies sialcinlnsiaisle qeectasslectnaguamansccscecwdeasecencaccumuccendtona gat 1.3387 NERA STC I eet ta tate teen tte leo ge cients miata pe aine cin cisisivinie ainicis's s\aisiaigintdiaacnGidca sce ce walses Jace cacceeccccdcenvevescveuscdeuceawssewe kin.. 1.177 SP eaten (EUR ET ener OMB E LEISLN)) te taete tensed eke ea aide sis Se ciwis 3/7 ws dee eeloewa waste ae newe cas nnn lccconccesceccenceccncss 100 kins... 0.989 SSO eMC eee en es oe afer mena = Aecara Seige welelsiate ania Masa ad ene caeuc cede neces seeneceeescnweccne Oe Pee ee kin.. 0.380 BSED SEL PSHM LL A eerste dete atte eise see at eins win dle'snie ais ninis'sa osaccinpiclesjcnee wen cciaeelacicerecpuasenccecccesnccecdeccccer 100 kins..| 1.681 RSeROR SCs 0p eters atest Patt ei ela aie aren pias cle tets ciste minicioic sc ee, nace Sok navn a(ciatsem wav cisnae's sec clung vadeiwetense nse coer weeenacs GO: .- 1.522 Petite lh be deter fe atedetettete sisteya state sapatei iainieia =cetstate eisiaisie sjsie sinis's sicisia cine cccic eictein ene WSs seneiain vic cle pe siebe capascecnccevasavecsececctacs kin.. 0. 055 NKR AS Nae ays eieetetctetoinyniaine ects clsjsisliciewelsiejtis sda tee du,scigscccnacastcrececcsecmesceess “pperie Ae tp is Se Ae Sn Re ee eee 100 Eins... 0.351 Pea DICHEN OMA TOOL eee emer mace ake: cis ola ee sen dhe ea coerce toons cont avcme bow ebene Hedescpeceawbnschacuademsaceta Gs222 0. 457 CCE Hee CORNERS LT Crete eee Nee San Pena pk a lame kwindcms ances oa laces tpacwmmetridcdshisthaccanapuevesevccekdtawcneseeeecn do: .-- 0. 454 SCI ee CRU ALL eT CRANES PEMA OLL Oem atcicraic inte petainin(ninisleicion= wciee sisiiabe dec to dian eaeisienantlaeuie teiceinmaatneecisteg oneeceeiesagwess asap BO ce 0. 227 OMA SAMO WSC Olan mees oa ticijemesiastearioas Poms siotiowesina = ta pcemtice twicacericivsiccies ots walawatee cesisaaeudasnavae cscs ean att ees kin.. 0. 142 RE Clin (OA UCtats LUN UND UUS CUTe CL) fale anf eta) alel etal aba)ndptnl=of=lctn|ola)=lnia nian e/nlalelafele's)e)sisie]m(o\nicls(etwieinlee Gwin vies aves =~-n snes cenesaece 100 kins... 0. 462 el ete Ses Let ee eee Oe ee err Soe Se Ie a tcci e ais mimicltcce ca eci@rmt o steiescieipeie views vw Caweeiciedcwmdsgacsidceemnuneesnasce do.... 1.870 SETS an ES ae tg eg Teh onl micennstat nice o' ne rey Se ye A are tera ea er rater ae ue uld ois e a8 cain mage ve SEs Sink analy a= aeenecceaawpiaihmecaee don... 1, 230 PA PEGI CR CRS COLO TRS GMO AILIMUS oeia'sre c9.s(os am mateo iceecemene« sine wcln cue deccuaqanas ounce qncdinceusqecuecdcauhewsn=s ad val.. 10% Group VI.—Glass and glass manufactures. Glass, window, ordinary: a. Uncoloured and unstained...... EEwiniw ote eieie eden nfo cia esialain sin nial Mim eld nielecsie(eina'a annie sin Included in the conventional tariffs with Great Britain and Germany under No. 225. 7 1901.) 7 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2311 j Tue Customs Imporr Tarirr oF JAPAN IN FORCE ON AND AFTER THE First DAy or THE First Monto or THE Tarery-seconp YEAR or Mewr (January 1, 1899)—Continued. CLASS I.—ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY—Continued. Tariff 4 General | ©°2¥€D-) Contractin hari ARTICLES. tariff, | tional States, = tariff. Group IX.—WMetals and metal manufactures—Continued, Steel, other than mild steel—Continued: Yen. Yen. Se ee aaa tk acta nc clenciwo a's siwia clasp oitiaien's amram demure wevcde Spt bced uwieceedscccacccenprocsenee ad val.. 20% fa | G. eee Auer ear ns OO UU MMMNN OMG COTTUBCIED « » so occ en how veicenncwecasucs Sle s soccncecacccnccccccscccewaceccasace do.... 20% 10% | G. Orn ge ne ann ad foe sen San 5 Sone aa cek a ee eeeman end aa wows a oTu anwa sn onnscecescecavecesantee ees 20% 10% | G. 243, Wire, and small rod not exceeding one-fourth inch in diameter. ....-.......-..-2-cceenccccncccccecccccccece 100 kins... 1.819 1.819 | G., G. B. 244 ree er ee OTe UOT ee el anialn in oc ine no Se new iw eae seme a eas ln ween vjccnnines=snvsveacnguaces do.... 2.145 245 Se SO) eR A en ee re eee Oe nas aie on win owiawin'c www ode eevewmannneundee do.... 1.647 Pat ieeeee CLO ante Den OILY fii Lois UOMiMEIERC OTIS . oho. - 1 cane ce ou acnwoce setae cumncecdvanevcscecccecceccecanccccncenbabe aa. 0.117 246b 2 Old tiles end-all other old'steel, only fit for remamutacturing. .. 2c. oe cies cece ccc wees ances scccccccccccecuce ad yal.. if in: 247 SEC ered ORR a eet eer toe oe doe osiashanoed Gaia nates eee smc] ninied otdaiintniceintme eile meuaensaenecinte 100 kins... 1.992 1.992 | G.B. 248 Wo PPR Ss bocce WSR eRe one, a RE so a eee ee eee ad val.. 10% 104 | G.B. Sree TIEN SERS Se eve Oe ee ee, oo as ba eee mete ieee cteuncacecceccencceat do.... ie Yellow metal and muntz metal: 250 SPINE TE CIR ORER ne etal eka wie cinincin cap emiaua as ceadeet aan cbete eas emmmeSacecdeduocsdacccessanceces 100 kins. . 2. 871 251 ISNN Tae na te = eae ae ye ee Seo to odin deawe usweanaracegac cueuneccaeccccccnecsececee- do.... 2. 586 252 NO Lee ee ete aac Scie aac non oa Tica ou acces sc maies desincnaeneenccatnwaascneocecececcauseee ad val 10¢ 253 LOUD GEG) WP 2S herion BOCs Sot AR EE RNS a eS SIS a en eee Pewee ann ee do 10% e 254 = Yellow metal, and muntz metal, old, only fit for remanufacturing..............- 222 ccccececoceccccccccccee- ad val.. i ine: 255. irae aan MRCS Ml oh ett eete ohana ele aie wicinfoaicteiaine cet an aire moc etwmd sca csanes sec ccedewgeachaceccsacraccede 100 kins. . 0. 451 0.400 | G.,G. B. 256a PSHEXS He PORE Ve EN a a I Se eee ea -cee neee ad val.. 104 i!1 Ys a ey oe ea 0.830 | G.,G. B. 2560 PERE CCUG) oo oops 2 a RR LR a oe ee i aes 0. 297 ' 257 AIL other@ge Zinc. Only Ht tor Temanuiactoring ..... <2. . ccc cccencssecccucases en Uih fas. ae ease ee eee = ad val.. ie 258 | Nails, serews, bolts, and nuts of metals not otherwise provided for.......... nel SS NEE Sa ee ee oer ROOMS eee do.... 104 See rern Gres et Clu olitn Ge DLO RC Ty OMEN CEN mew ceca c oo acebemcbencmecrucetecesscaceutuccedeterctevevdenceneacas do.... 10% BL) dOMSE Gade Shige fe te SSG Se ee ene eee ee ne a ee de.... 1% oa ROTTEN IC IR Peden RTP ey eam ra hate niajaidnicia ig wicyjoinic-slel uyauaa «jnlainia’atwra' aici Un chtalne ofeld'wiecidiciesia'edidlvwcowdueweudows G0ia) COLONIA MSM eo Sot ae aie ra aol Ppiciieaptciom(s pine mwas cu oR pa nx au'e Sacemnien aaa pr omen nimi Sete ee eee do: =: Comonm drills, dtuer thanicray Or DICACHE Soo. ces cece coc ain Volrce el nnd wo'w cin a a pac ein'ee eae h ees ohataie cles aetna aee eee dol? COUCMIGEIE, RTAVIOY DICRCHEE sop cccc caer ieee ears pander dew nee aa ae oasis p teem tee oe ee a eae ea square yard.. SOD UOTE UG hire cee a wl eons ee ee se eee ampind te ane weld m wine a alee pintslsieidieln o's abi mimeo lee ciate ee ole tat ti ee do... CObtOM PYINIS oo 5 2s. soem a te rene non eee neem semen er -ee new nnee esac cn ss cwen snes e=— Fs eae Pee eee ozeas Cotton sateens, plain, figured, or printed, cotton brocades, cotton Italians, and figured shirtings ........... square yard... COLLOH VElLVEE OL VELVELECIIA 2 ao poss accu cpmewiectoe ew tiem ein ala = clcinie w wiwie np ata ama a at ag2=22 GIN SDAA ho 25. ere te ax as em hee obec nmlemprleb eatin saa ewan dain's's Sip 2 sislowlew'ccige ob wie cane eee ass ttl eee ee ad yal.. BHITUN OS) STAY i505 2c 5 ce ope cob ht eo msenus pdevebeus ce cbue ssw ectwcacsacosc gees sare pan ee eee eee ae eee square yard.. Shirtings, white and pleached ste ss ele bo vcece neces ccacsan seve desdeccsc cs een scv ees caeeae p peer case an ae ere e reas Sairtings, Twilled ys Msc Pc0ci2 esses oeaw ac awa dmewn eae conc oo weir swe tna pols occwl> 0 be Ue me Seer eee eae hire tenes ere do.... Shirtings, dyes se scc. sees cx ncscduwdbwevedccachcscrsdacessccsccebec tne ass snes s ces sate bh Seber ee en aaa eee ee de; ..- PATA CHEIARS oo: wewicnemce uw ees caewbw oc ccels o's u'e nts sine Suociepine alcecie's nism os'eip sla’ 5 ce cin> AA eee eee ad val.. EGIOUD go crevtcnncis aware gle sic ova'diu ovina en'e naa oojn mata n'a'nia ein serercio alas sin a's nace Sie cla a arse ne ee pe ee square yard.. TUPKEV=TCC CAIMDTICS': c.ohc1cb oo cer cd evicccccedc club pnicn-sccwpbacmnec cseeasserer es’ Comment ee tee aaa ae ee dous.< Wictoria lawiiss oo foe eee tet 2. ose cee ce anew s sop cess acieBe ceases tun peEs sea a eee meena alee Seen eee ee MOss as All other sorts of pure cotton tissues and all tissues of cotton mixed with flax, hemp, or other fiber, including wool, the cotton, however, predominating in weight, not specially provided for .....-.....----+--2---222eeeeeeenecenenee- ad val_. PART Le Woolen:and worsted or combed yarns, plain or dyed 2. ccs ecesewdc ccc concvecdecpeenscescnen cen =sencuspemes 100 kins... 8. HOP WEAUUTIG PUN OSES Sonne wo nner own rec ced Jovan osbeence coves y see see re ee Jc epes Saas eee nas a eee oe dos: D.DLOn OLRt DUMP OBES anion ow aaminier ve teerecctddecoracsnenbeserssesese usp neces py odewce seats Meee eee a= tee eee ase aos... AIDGCES To <\- 0.021 | F.,G.,G.B. 104 | F.,G.,G.B. 0.056 | F.,G.,G.B. 10s | F.,G.,G. B. ©10¢ | F.,G.,G.B. 0.093 | F.,G.,G.B. 0.039 | F.,G.,G.B. 10s | F.,G.,G.B. 10% | F.,G.,G.B. 10% | F. 10% | F.,G.,G.B. 6.527 | G.,G.B. 0.047 | G.,G.B. ©10% | G.,G.B. e10% | G.,G.B: 10% G.,G.B 7.458 | F.,G.,G.B. 7.458 | F.,G.,G.B. 1901.} COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Zate Tue Customs Import TARIFF OF JAPAN IN Force ON AND AFTER THE First Day or THE First Mont or THe Tuirry-seconp YEAR oF Mew (January 1, 1899) —Continued. CLASS I.—ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY—Continued. I $$ ——$—$———————————————————— ee — Tariff pea ae General | ©O9¥€D- | contractin ARTICLES. ese tional - & oe ~—— | tariff. | tariff. Dlates. Group XIIL.—Tissues, yarns, threads, and raw materials used therefor—Continued. peel Clute Part V—Continued. urtains: Yen. Yen. men Tasik SoU) ROTEL TD AUN Ciera eras tal clara reles eyes aioe Totes eas arcs Sew bes oe ES cre tladlewapionvenveetacdewanneimme ad val..| 2 | fo, EMI R UTS 0 3 scrnc nee bas SISOS IE oo EOI pee ee PR Ia BI i NL a eR do....| 204, | 866 | elastic boot webbing: ; Gh (ON RHINE, SI) [OFM 2 a PE ROR ECE Sc OSE ean e ECE ECE EOC ae een ©: tein a a a arr do 2 | I SEAR CA Le eee capes re nS ee et Ie era 21g Seley cho Sol anicne als Sameer Pune nln etic deswele'ssiewecamsecceucaed do 15% | Rotem e etleses hea UA aCe COL CS 9520 clea cles eet ete rere wie RR ot Eee NR I nS ne es oo comececwde do 1% | | 3868 | Handkerchiefs: ; PPRCDRC CHI SEIBIECA LOM ena Oooo tole tana dela sedis AEE ao oe ono te atta fsaivoes'nb o\o Secs senccine ao... 15 | oC CO OUR IBN CAD ICCC Hemme erate saa Nader sett Pinsent ocane caer ad omiteca sso dooce vaacsccsseclaenae=-SQUATe Yard..| 0.017 | 0.011 F.,G.,G.B. Of cotton mized with other materials, the cotton, however, predominating in weight in the WIEME? oon )wetao some ad val..! 8154 10a =6CF., G., G. B. CuGrincuouOminen and Coton single OL IM PLCS. 2. sosesrdcu-- ee cer cevecsvcecceccnsccancacececececccaccene ae 1s | ‘ ’ 2 869 20% 370 0. 043 3871 0. 071 372 | Table cloth or covers: a. Of silk, wholly or in part Le GAPAUMOGn ere seca saecesmnes ce Pues eck fae 20% 378 | Lowels of all kinds, single or in piece...............0.cceececees 14 374 | Traveling rugs, single or in piece: Goreme GC) sD ee I EL en PE EE yi taictat tale inc tty der eisicaraiae ele mista w clnnic Picci omilels nclSaceiduac adel Sect cbeeeees 2 Oe -Allotheria. = = 2.2 eerie teielet telat ate tare malate (eatin ala telalers comnts oom se aaictaine ae miemaaeica acne ce ouaeacenens oats cbabes 1M DIUM wintestOL cotton, fax, hemp, jute; manila hemp; or china grass. . 02... <5 cece ccccecccccccccccacncccccocceseccnce do... 104 HoMevarisandthrerds of all kinds nob otherwise provided 08-2... --2cc< ccc cceecwee vende cenccsncccenccce-coececcccocvcce da:::. 1i¢ OIE eR UL COM ACTIN ALO DLE OMIT GID UNDO SCS otis a!-'s:< cishciela -s5005ue do.... S08 408 | Blasting gelatine and other similar explosive compounds, including detonators and fuses................-.-e eee do.... 15% } _ Included in the general and conyentional tariffs under No, 322, ‘id bIncluded in the general tariff under No. 376. ; ; f 3 ¢Subject to the provision regarding alcoholic strength, port wine and sherry are dutiable as still wines under No. 297. : ___4Jn virtue of the conventional tariff with France, subject to the provision regarding alcoholic strength, yermouth is dutiable in the conyentional schedule as still va under No. 397. e itres, 2314 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Tue Customs Import Tanirr or JAPAN IN Force oN AND AFTER THE First Day or THE First Monru or THE Tarety-s or Mer (January 1, 1899)—Continued. . CLASS I.—ARTICLES SUBJECT TO DUTY—Continued. Tariff ARTICLES. Group XVI.—WMizcellaneous—Continued. 409 | Bricks and tiles for building purposes ......2 22222002222 cee cnn ncn cec cer ener nce nce ce ce cnnncccccceccnccasvnnsenneua Min whrosice ATG DECOIS OF GL KINGS. 00. } occ. coe ewscicn reactor tap cancebertsecn- scopes fst pasaine, Sncapeeiae oa ee em rit ee. Ada CADER, GIHEKS, ALO WHIPS... 2cce ence noc csnsceeccweweewrsene caste clot cas sccmranescwennssnsensseseasmane age cteeeetee “its REA 412 | Caoutchouc and gutta-percha: a. Crude b. Sheet : ; ¢c. Manufactures of, not otherwise provided for. ........ 222-222-022 - 2a n wen ee cence ee ee nnn mewn cnnn nnn enanecen=s Manufactures of CQOUCHKOUC.. oneccenesccecenc-ocereee- Se aie Sie ane ie lino oe erat la oe ie 413 | Carriages, bicycles, tricycles, and parts thereof .........-.--------------- +2220 eee eee cece ne neneeee 414 | Cars or carriages, railway passengers’, and parts thereof...........-----.----2-2- eee nee e ence en en anne 415 | Cars and wagons, railway freight, and parts thereof. ....-..- 2... .22---0dse 20-20 - nee n enn ce nen ennnn= 4 416 | Cars and earriages, tramway, and parts thereof...... 2.222. -00- ee ence cen n ee ence nen e ene c ene nnnneneenecatennnncenens 417 | Cars and drays for conveyance of commodities . ... 22... i. cence ceca cacncererccancceseensmecsasamenssaseassne= Sete do 418 | Celluloid: : G@; In ANCOR GY ROU Sac- oe ese 5-0 = ve mmo we reels owen re oe oa. s = > ae ere ee ke ee ee ae ee kin.. B. Worked ..22.. 2. ccc ccencenccccccecwccnecccecncccw nen nc cen ne nnsnanacerncn ccna aenenannnnscenarenrossensncrees= ad yal-.. Al9'|\ Cement, Portland. oo oc oo sew cremnmemer anes os ida ae conics si Deeccn eases r= nem se nbine nara ee ener aes aera an .-100 kins... 420) Chalk and whittte. .<.20.% cme no- ccc cccw cor ccsecens anes naecnsens swewsceecemsset Js aesemr=nxis = evens snwssce=— = 401 | Charcoal, wood'and animal <.. 2.02 cose c ne pec cc eter nene ccrwentacnc ieee cp eceseustees dens ome eee = a= See e ee = nae =e 422") Olay Of All KANG oo ono oon ewe vow wclelecn wc avian ecun sive penmonacennier decane mp eley veh = eaten ss = ee ae eee a eee i eae do 493.a) Coal briquettes, or patent fuel coal ....... 220 wn one tne n hacen = onnee sneer eens meen seesaw dae oneeaeeenae as aea nes aeee=e GIBB) COB oad kak ects Se boo acres b308 2° Garnished with mother-of-pearl, ivory, tortoise shell; gold and silver plated if the value of the garnitures or plating does not surpass the value of the principal composition, «<< -o30% Notre.—Jewelry most commonly used are rings, colliers, bracelets, ear pendants, medals, medallions, brooches, combs, orna- mental hairpins and hat gee tie pins, breloques, buckles, hooks, snuffboxes, buttons (common buttons ex ), coulants, pase, handles and ferrules of sticks, umbrellas, and parasols, coins (sequins), pencil cases, and yall other small objects of adornment not mentioned herein. 451 | Labels for bottles, tins, €t¢ ........0.0ccecccsccccceencccnsevaswas on anne sa cUen eee a em ae ieee ne oe -ad yal... 1s 452 | Lamps.and lanterns, and parts thereof... ...5-..2.: s0cssssnsacescenwrcessehee eens cece ene eee eee enn do 206 Lamps and accessories and parts thereof in metal or Glaes .... 02. scis52cccntsnccees sb ucueenh= se OnGeae Eee eaeeaeenene 20% 458.) Lard, tallow, QMG@ QTOASG 6 2 os. ware can ccene wtbsenesesaccmebesks fe nete aes seen ne ie ae ne See ee 108 454 | Leather, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for... -.. -- .-.cmesesn= ssn anne Hane eee enne er 465 | MBG coin con nse coceeccecuneuéswcieu cess su calhinis Sn5/q/e'a'elw alls Wisie’y at inet eine tan woe wet cane meted en 0. 456 | Matches of all kinds... .. 2... 20. essscccccsccccnsccccectsscaunsiesceenmnu sun =c.s ee mua Wim eee eee eaten ee ee 457 | Matting, China, in rolls of 40 yards... .n..0.cdeanunveniens se ees bivismla\s ales Sy swiss suse ements Ge eee per roll.. 0.61 458 | Mattimg, COCOR. ...... 20.0: sccncsnnss see dh senataucucnmuanidiciew cic eateauis essa amin iit es -------8quare = 0.058 450 |- Mate aud matting, al) other... .nc0s000sanbeunua nine l Wn dien i alum clepeeeeeneennn poen niche paiete near tea aeaeieeaaaane val... 20% 460 | Mica. fn sheet. nc. c.ceccc cans cece scncneenns umn mem ns leo Wn mmm ease ues aie eee inetete ate neta se ae fin wpincomigls dapepcetttl 461 | OalM,.... cn cssnaeccccccccccdewence 0cesecceue Hue 6 eleid,eu'n.uwiels ust e 6 cies uni segs nein nat==t= eee 100 kins ono 462 | Packing, for steam engine ..........0..cccncescccceccacces seceeaeucns cuss ue ap pu amen/s/ enn nnnI= n= 10% 463 | Paintings, in oil or water colour, lithographs, chromolithographs, photographs, ealligraphical albums, and all other paintings, pictures, and calligraphy, not otherwise provided for ................... in he datic wa ale gm ors iia yal... 464a) Piteh ost 4646) WO0d tar . oa nan nncnnnccccscawscnccavenceccauncvecssscpeans snes osu s ss S65 cele anennt === 0. 322 464.0) COOL NOR. 025 -sncnsecccceseape cans yceceunus decpenyvoun’ seach awewanscemee en i=nntnnnnnIn———n fd 465 | Plaster of paris .......... Ee ey gn ctadeansien 0.174 466 | Playing cards of all kindGs......cusvccoscccccccsvecesceceesencuesscucsucuenuimunep suai nie in iaaniannnt= nnn 467'| Plumbago or tiaek lead... «0 c0.sensannwscnatsanemmnn wyihs sin wen siaisliceesecneis mise eevee: ithichasnaeedeae 0.70 468 | Pottery, including yankee em and earthernware, not otherwise provided for .................... pe nadia pad 206 469 | Precious stones and pearls .i......00. 0. pov csnsnendcaveaseas suwwkynupasn uw akon sone SS 35s 470a| Precions stones and pearis, imitation Of ..... .ccscsienncssncscccacchbenuuuesundebanaeeananeeen ann qdenaithameps 303, 470b|) Precious stones.and pearls made Of glass ......cecesssvcesccececvceedeuun cn mnwninu eeu oneeeiennnnnnnetennEnn nnn 471 | Pulp, for making paper ......csccccccsaccccccdccssccceccvccteucucaccusscustuss cu salu upameenenn nnn 0. BID PUB ccc cccccccccedsnnscccccecvceveneudymeceeneudune saeu.s.c.u a dw iGuide ulernune ieee lien 0.234 478;)) Retina) eplit:er OChGrwite &< . ab saw eeederaendsberoestiasaen ido smddsvendnccnddeecseescencceess 100 kins.. 0.089 Seer OH TGESP eel Cy LTE MUS ELEM IU ER So ooo tees oem ae lice seeds op nas edema mae b ene ee rene cabrial ag wonwiSdcewectcececccscnceccs ad val.. 104 q ee sae eR eee eS ee Sen aes eee Son ae MM ai eiionac ave pac une cee iienca sentence denaucaccdaesecmecseceesune do.... Bes 482 | Stones and slates not otherwise provided for: = q@. Rough or unworked, for building purposes, etc........2..-c-ececetuecsscccue in eaditn des canrcbadé cena res G05. 25 it PV oLcecmomordamenta lh wOnkS Ox MUIMMLtORCS COs cc cceccs ccc ce sede crave sakccccqeersusscccaceveeseccseresvesecs Cis 204 c. Statutes and other, sculptured or engraveds............- eS ee EAE Bee OEE oa ee oo pee 2¥t 483 | Submarine telegraphic cables and under-ground telegraphic lines or cables ..........-..20cececee cee cececceeecceeee- do.... 10% 3 eee Ee tears tir l ra (SMH ie oe sate ocae ese cee ae eae im ce nie eatin w outs doe soak onc edctn buna tecoeenncdndenceecccace 100 kins... 0.175 av) | DRAG GZS 0 us Seat Bee. he ae oe 52 ea a ae a ee ee ee 100 cubic feet... 7. 628 486 | Timber, lumber, boards, and planks of all kinds, not otherwise provided for ................-----2ceceeeceeeeeeee ad val.. ie eee EC Ne OtaC Nense CARCAE eats te cen nea a5 in ae a ancien s ies a oe oe wei anion anna cee ccawers cemeapsceesseweaesccncncesn- dgccs. 2 | 488 Payor or perfumed water, hair oil, dentifrices, and all other cosmetics and perfumery...............--.----------- AGses5 b 30s | erfumery: a. Toilet soap (see No. 478). b. Liquid perfumery: Essences or extracts of scents, oils, vinegars, waters, and alcoholes of toilet or scent and other liquids Po RACER REITER ster ain ae as Sec a2 eee Seren ba esas cnccdasoaebavenedsdeanceess ad val.. b30¢; 20.92 PF. c. Dry perfumery: Salts, powder, cosmetics, pomades, pastes, and other nonliquid perfumeries jor toilet(¢) ... aA b 306 | 104 | F. UME TORE Stel mEn teins Ole sme ace aoe | aaien oes So eremcicetomes ccdcnece nS ooscccncaSncctenewecssvccce 2 | : : 8 ar ye es oa da vase adasaddcuabacngunveosodndessccectacosecactonssces 25%, | Aimar ks. HOrIAnbentEx nan TtVvelLue OF COURER DAES. cocs-cn--edcwecioucecaccccwecanccceclscaveccucccecccecsscccncecce 202 | ; 492 | Umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades: Rem Orag SEMC AENVIELOOLL OSU ttn List Ura nfo erode aetare inc Riartam em ot nch scales sleaptnlanisaiseieeecec conn dosGeec cs aepuocenctSvedennceses 254 POGOe CLEP Meee eee eee aoe a ee ne see a win Sa wee an aeh aecuase noses pls (seb as voccddecocskboudebecestevuceecsecm 20% 493'| Umbrella sticks and handles (4), except those made of gold or Silver. ... 2.20... 0.2.2 ee cece n cen cccccccccccccnccccccce 20% PEPamCSe | s SUCHRENG ERAN eA Ok DOM Ts ce amt poses Seman ase senses aeene ac shee so deuapueonsbe cloaca necucecBesescenns® 56 Dees ClisHn teem Omen On TMOG = > cee on cee ae ce skank sane cacd db de centunc acdc gtteedcesScceeccccuacevedee ds 254 ea Rope articles, raw Or Unmanutactured, not herein enumerated +. :. 2. J... 22 ct sence nese nenecenaceccccceccasccccccccus 104 497 | All articles, manufactured wholly or in part, not herein enumerated .............0c00ccccecceccncecncccccccnccccccce 20% 2 Kin. » Included in the general tariff under No. 488. noo sod artificial musk, civet, and gray amber are excluded from perfumery schedule of the conventional tariff with France, ee No. 450. » . CLASS II.—ARTICLES EXEMPTED FROM DUTIES. 498. Advertisements and signboards. 499, Animal bone ashes. 3 : a 500. Atlases, maps and charts, and other scientific diagrams. 501. Bank notes, coupons, scrip, and all other negotiable papers. 502. Books, printed, including copy books, drawing books, pamphlets, periodicals, journals, and newspapers, 503. Bullion, gold and silver. = 504. Cocoons of all kinds. ov: 505. Coins, gold and silver. 506. Cotton,old. _ 607. Cotton, raw, ginned. ‘608. Cotton, raw, in the seed. > : 509. Cotton, waste. ; A 610. Cotton, yarn, waste. | ‘ _——s«#11. _ Flax, hemp, jute, Manila hemp, and China grass, hackled or otherwise. 612. Guano. 513. Gunny bags, new and old. -—«##14, Gunny cloth. J ——s«€141. Manure, artificial, and manures of all kinds not provided for in the tariff. 515. Mats, packing. ; 5151, Minerals, phosphatic. hes ; : 516. Models and architectural and engineering plans. P 517. Oil cake, in lump or powdered. 4 — 518. Opium for medicinal purposes, imported by the Imperial Government, = 518l. Paraffin. 5182. Potash, chlorate of. 518%. Phosphorus, amorphous. 5184, Phosphorus, yellow. 519. Plants, trees, shrubs, and roots, shoots and bulbs thereof. 620. Rice and paddy. ; _ * 521, Sardines (Iwashi), dried. - 522. Tea-firing baskets and sieves. 623. Tea-firing pans. 524. Tea lead. . 625. Wool, goat’s hair and camel’s hair, new and old, | 251. Zine sheet No. 2. " Bert ‘627. All articles for use in smoking opium. regulations of the Empire. 7 7" ms! CLASS III.—PROHIBITED ARTICLES. 629. Articles in violation of patent, design, trade-mark, or copyright laws of the Empire. : 580. False coins of any kind, and imitations of coins which might be considered to be false coins. 1. Opium (opium imported by the Imperial Government for medicinal purposes is excluded from this prohibition). . Prints, printed kooks, paintings, engravings, carvings, or any other articles, which in view of public security or mora = 526. Adulterated drugs, chemicals, medicines, food, and beverages, considered to be injurious by laws, ordinances, and regulations of the Empire, 628, All articles which are considered dangerous to the public health for sanitary reasons or to the safety of animals or plants, under the laws, ordinances and ls might offer any danger. \ STATISTICAL STATEMENTS OF THE’ = ~ ave ie Ye a=, = 2317 COMMERCIAL STATISTICS. ToraL ForvicN CoMMERCE oF JAPAN, AND SHARE or THE Unirep Srares anp Unitep KINGDOM THEREIN, DURING THE CALENDAR , YeEArs 1881 ro 1900. {Compiled from official reports of the Japanese Government.] IMPORTS INTO JAPAN. EXPORTS FROM JAPAN. YEARS. From United States. com United Kingdom. To United States. | To United Kingdom. Total. SS a ee ee Total. _———— Value. | Per cent. Value. Per cent. Value. | Per cent. Value. . Per cent. br D Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. 31,128,125 | 1,781,108 5.72 16, 364, 740 52.57 80, 282,563 | 11, 056, 464 36.51 3, 514, 476 11.61 \y 29, 441, 453 , 106, 758 10. 55 18, 956, 048 47.40 37, 240,914 | 14, 253,291 38. 27 4, 981, 46 13.37 28,431,939 | 3,187,114 LY. 21 12, 744, 943 44. 83 39, 706, 356 | 13,247, 840 37.10 4, 832, 007 13. 51 29,626,781 | 2, 489, 969 8.40 12, 758, 806 43.07 33, 061, 902 | 13, 130, 923 39. 72 3, 830, 634 1.6 . 29, 356,967 | 2, '751,320 9. 37 12, 456, 610 42,43 35, 792, 752 | 15, 639, 005 43.69 2, 453, 167 6.55 my 32, 168, 432 | 3,358, 986 10, 44 12, 703, 248 39.49 47,316, 893 | 19, 992, 429 42.23 4, 195, 355 8.56 44,204,251 | 3,309, 269 7.47 18, 970, 544 42.82 50, 551, 523 | 22,243, 441 44. 00 3, 478, 729 6.38 65, 455, 234 | 5,673, 843 8.36 28, 693, 567 43.81 62, 680, 613 | 23, 475, 806 37.43 8,710, 012 13.59 63,995,009 | 6,173,141 9.65 | - 26,067,934 40.73 68, 423,131 | 26, 109, 835 38.16 7, 664, 599 1.2 - 80, 554,874 | 6,900,190 8.56 26, 619, 102 33. 04 54, 891,597 | 20, 844, 252 37.97 5, 638, 980 10.27 61, 969,183 | 6,840, 047 11. 04 19, 996, 050 32: 27 77,915, 626 | 29,795, 754 38. 24 5, 633, 136 7.3 a 70,076,410 | 5, 988, 053 8.54 20, 789, 332 29. 67 $9, 339, 134 | 38, 674, 971 43.29 3, 921, 752 4.39 87,597,095 | 6,090, 408 6.95 27, 929, 628 31.88 88, 140,793 | 27,739,458 31.47 4, 995, S74 5. 67 116, 284, 050 | 10, 982, 558 9. 44 42,189, 873 36.29 | 111, 297, 689 | 43, 363,557 38. 96 5, 950, 197 6.5 127, 260, 844 | 9,276,360 7.29 45,172,110 35. 49 133, 516, 985 | 54,028, 950 40.46 7, 833, 091 5.90 ) OTE ne Sa Be SS Se ee 169, 882, 595 | 16, 373,419 9. 64 59, 251,780 34.884] 114,615,783 | 31,532,341 27.55 9, 012, 398 7.36 ‘a OC epeesne Steps es ee ea 218, 440, 623 | 27, 030, 537 12. 38 65, 406, 266 29.94 | 159, 388, 425 | 52, 436, 404 32.90 8, 481, 195 5.32 i 7 Ree Aa ok Riel cnc ee 274, 599, 260 | 40, 001, 097 14.57 62, 707, 572 22. 84 162, 796,651 | 47,311, 154 29. 06 7, 783, 6 4.78 > look. 2a: 6g See ey ee ee ena 219, 228, 647 | 38, 215, 894 17.43 44, 836, 994 20. 45 211, 495, 335 | 63,919,270 30. 22 11, 270, 770 5.33 Ne ee he eS Ee ee renee 286, 170, 933 | 62, 761,196 21.96 71, 638, 220 25. 03 198, 063,547 | 52,566, 395 26.53 11, 262, 997 5.6 Note.—Prior to 1891 Canada was included in Japanese exports to and imports from United States. Imports and exports by Japanese Government are not -_ included in this table. h ¢ Value of yen on January 1, 1885, in United States money, 85.8 cents; 1890, 75.2 cents; 1891, 83.1 cents; 1892, 74.5 cents; 1893, 66.1 cents; 18%, 55.6 cents; 1895, 49.1 cents; 1896, 52.9 cents; 1897, 51.1 cents; 1898 and 1899, 49.8 cents. ToraL Forrian ComMERCE or JAPAN AND THE SHARE ConDUCTED BY FOREIGN AND JAPANESE MERCHANTS, RESPECTIVELY, DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS FROM 1883 to 1900. [Compiled from official reports of the Japanese Government.] ‘ : IMPORTS INTO JAPAN. | EXPORTS FROM JAPAN. —S ss sss | YEARS. i a ee a ae | By Japa- P t By foreign- Pow eck Total ! By Japa- Per venit By foreign- Percent Total = nese. esos ers. iS ‘| imports. | nese : ers. | exports. | OS Poke DOR emai ieee ORIG cay VT eS | Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. ren. | pie eieicis ciaaio riage emicictetn aie wie cmiciciv ceteemsie 1, 383, 101 4.8 27, 048, 838 95. 2 28, 431, 939 5, 149, 078 14. t 30, 557, 78 8.6 35, 706, 356 . IC 9 ee ee eee ee , 282, 913 Mend 27; 348, 868 92.3 29, 626, 781 | 5, 125, 459 15.5 27, 936, 443 $4.5 061, 02 ee eee Ne ete eS sce ain alu Rejeielc.e 3, 602, 720 12.3 25, 754, 247 87.7 29, 356, 967 3, 394, 423 9.5 32, 398, 329 90. 5 35, 722, 752 ee teiaer aieie sine am Sina iotninew coe clan fee ees 3, 834, 632 12.0 28, 3833, 799 88.0 $2, 168, 432 5, 713, 200 12. 7 41 x 633, 692 87. 3 47, 346, S33 ee eee ncn ee 6,938,548 | 15.6 | 37,365,703 | 84.4 | 44,904,251 || 6,550,436 | 12.9 | 43,996,085 | 87.1 | 50, 551,5 . ee ete orate icles tnto< cme bciieinaeecie< 11, 634, 987 17.8 53, 820, 246 82.2 69, 495, 234 a: 081 A S24 By ei | 56, 599, 289 88. 9 68, 680, 613 MS tee. 2-2 avec n an. 9,645,761 | 15.2 | 54,349,247 | 84.8 | 63,995,000 | G7SLa87 | 9 | Lu. SIs | 91 | EAB ISL g i ere 19,521,764 | 24.2 | 61,033,109] 75.8 | 80,554,874 |] 6,123,961] 11.1 | 48,767,635] 88. 5, SOL, 597 ee eee 14,276,380 | 23.0 | 47,692,808} 77.0 | 61,969,183 || 8,770,764] 13 | ola ssl | 88.7 | 77,915,628 1892. cs... ete eee eerie cei dces nadwes 13, 812, 662 19.7 56, 2638, 748 80.3 70, 076, 410 ll, 395, 210 13.0 77, 33, 923 $7.0 89, 339, 134 te Se pore | 20 | eee Rt | Gece wece| nt | oeeee|l ee een PRC Ye ea fea Snluiias win ware doy ' 29. o f ) 2o4, 20, 400, 97% “ 90, S46, 7 m 297, Rte a 38, 829,338 | 80.5 | 88,431,505 | 69.5 | 127,260,844 || 26,928,816 | 19.9 | 107,188,162] 80.1 | 183,516, 985 ee eian aa nie statins oe amicistetiecteaae cc See 51, 211, 805 30.0 118, 670, 789 70.0 169, 882, 595 29, 565, 47 8 25. 8 85, 050, 296 74.2 114, 615, rs) nas irncitaieneicte alc acu cnaceaees 79, 560, 939 36.4 188, 879, 684 63.6 218, 440, 623 44, S74, 130 27. 8 115, O14, 294 72.2 159, S88, 5 Se ee 90,472,259 | 82.6 | 184,127,001} 67.4 | 274,599,260 || 55,060,559 | 38.7 | 107,736,092] 68.3] 162, 796, aL ee ee eS ce se tcclanidiaceicia eoveee 89, 351, 617 40.76 | 129,877, 030 59. 24 219, 228, 647 79, 248, %1 35. 58 136, 246, 383 64. 42 211, 495, 335 ee oe oan cneccen 112, 737, 050 89.39 173, 438, 883 60. 61 286, 170, 9383 78, 381, 634 37.05 | 124,681,912 62.95 198, 063, 517 crts and ex orts by Japanese Government are not included in this table. z i : -. : Value of yen ee) ands @ 1 1885, in United States money, 85.8 cents; 1890, 75.2 cents; 1891, 83.1 cents; 1892, 74.5 cents; 1893, 66.1 cents; 1894, 59.6 cents; 1899, 49.1 ¥ cents; 1896, 52.9 cents; 1897, 51.1 cents; 1898 and 1899, 49.8 cents, . ss ; 2319 ae : eo im as. ‘ da are ; sm : . + ; : > : =~ ete 2320 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. ~ : Deca ARTICLES. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1901 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Raw cotton ... ui 132, 729 68, 423 360, 492 806,058 | 1,481,056 | 2,345,016 4, 086, 317 CEE DIE GILT) 35, ear a ae ae ma bariee smn oo.-| HR ea 820 7,340 12, 948 55, 124 228, 240 UCI V ON oe OS Sains Aicnia owa'e oles en ao 1, 798,792 | 1,710,480 | 2,209,070 | 1,591,751 | 3,060,797 | 4,029, 459 4, 784, 350 Iron and steel manufactures, not separately BUC IGE. sab ae et cco eees cana wo scneee 83, 916 40, 552 35, 426 95, 731 357,217 | 1,509,173 2, 600, 141 UCTS. oS SS ee a ae ae 179, 246 193, 945 211,579 245, 122 286, 111 819, 620 1, 035, 893 Machinery, not separately specified ......... 57, 100 104, 594 32, 758 109, 332 286, 816 951, 653 1, 481, 916 IbOCOMOUVE CNPINES 5-8. onc cccecnseeaus AZ ORs ooo cceo8 115, 578 157, 434 173, 160 920, 130. 372, 162 IRANI a eeL SIDE ER tenes bio aewe Corr essensn 114, 148 179, 118 137, 895 75, 206 202,774 249, 503 9, 009 istlogepinlt Bas) 00882. ooesccceeeesseees! 55, 662 4, 639 4, 230 2, 469 7,22) 27,146 33,470 Paper, and manufactures of .............-.-- 1,371 4,745 2,569 5, 006 10,126 6, 952 206, 586 Instruments for scientific purposes .........- 6, 398 82, 587 34, 600 24, 861 98, 243 148, 271 376, 068 BID eHUNOt aes orien ase booed sccecs ede re eae 139, 384 147,071 115, 028 871, 479 474, 692 213, 853 224,371 CAOCES QUIG WAUCMCRs orice vives nace a viciceveors 134, 317 114, 694 44, 452 35, 654 99, 742 177, 607 237,381 - PAT SIAUNV Re a reece eb waxes we dia\ce'Atislnco Ds 976 77, 824 73, 315 63, 858 127,001 171, 476 167, 118 PU DMACAMUB OG. checeh ce -cesebesv'eercadaonc> 13, 622 14, 492 Viedae 64, 691 88, 730 192, 918 197, 342 Chemicals, drugs, and dyes............--.--- 29, 812 20, 514 24, 687 81, 672 29, 037 46, 946 119, 875 ASME ALLL 0555 non nv’ a wi Myles come ctoe 48, 723 8, 866 40, 347 34, 446 45, 395 58, 766 118, 311 Tobacco, not elsewhere specified ............ 46, 373 53, 544 33, 009 22, 469 _ 57,724 58, 074 1, 641 India-rubber manufactures. ...............-- 22,774 27, 984 12, 699 19, 441 37, 833 42, 006 97,580 peer, salted or pickled. . 2. .condecse os ocapne 986 1,934 4, 961 34, 002 2,616 9, 457 50, 242 72,325 PRIA GECG sce. . otdadeverracdde sconces 26, 388 12, 706 28, 057 302, 649 38, 375 60, 013 33, 452 140, 648 WN BANANIN SS e dice aes aire cee rica ees abnor a's aes 41,048 80, 145 8, 707 6,012 21,475 32, 372 33, 433 42,512 Books, maps, engravings, etc.............+.- 15, 126 16,790 30, 367 14,177 18,516 23, 689 27, 608 43,933 | Leather, not elsewhere specified............. 5, 4389 4,422 10, 614 2,792 19, 857 7,026 32,129 47,576 CO OTOMIGLOLUB cts cessc- Ses couiotipencacnesae 10, 330 9, 084 42,764 92, 590 92, 830 141, 264 47, 284 37,891 Wood manufactures, not separately specified. 1, 978 697 440 3,719 4, 627 5, 326 5, 530 51,892 - PIIGSTS HATO WANOL. 2 wcrc cciden nomen ste omne wee 20, 763 10, 832 13, 401 22, 491 49, 847 44,914 76, 500 121, 697 Ike DYINLErE AUG OLY... ..4csecesns + haceee 31, 916 12, 229 8, 543 15, 020 39, 166 16, 493 25,040 33,975 NOM e st Doce tai p taeda sew code Saree wow oeeee 17, 395 15,478 14, 828 9,277 26, 012 17, 636 17, 252 28, 906 27,425 Breadstuffs, other than flour ...............- 10, 912 9,970 19, 486 25, 348 14, 829 80, 993 58, 204 189,101 73, 342 IOUNA CHICO 75, anon nosh cs ecceeeustnens 14, 810 11, 813 10,519 15, 853 11, 702 10, 345 14, 485 25,595 30, 311 Ut bObie sta 7 Meera iakos eeru soos a stese = = 10, 208 11, 402 11, 534 14, 007 18, 103 15, 654 23, 097 21,055 19, 359 . Cotton manufactures, other than cloths. .... 22,915 43, 418 7, 707 18, 552 12, 639 35, 344 16, 003 28, 989 31,060 RANMA fase aoe ae tire eas kn an we swede mesos 4, 608 5, 201 13, 999 5, 872 7,934 19, 200 16, 764 11, 780 17,187 HOMSEROIG AUTON 4. -2u Sean es nantcdsscerese 14,773 80, 351 28, 799 16, 927 20,094 27, 845 27, 424 18,799 21,107 PPPRCOMIMLEI Cs ANNI ts odhaus site ovens ae eee teen ae 4,206 18, 393 2, 931 4,112 4, 485 4,199 10, 588 18, 591 20,358 Lumber, other than boards and planks...... 16, 700 419 803 439 4,613 12, 955 5, 525 8,991 5, 354 MAE MICUOUS ean duis cis ocs dosevnaswrcectten crear 1,812 5, 104 5,919 4,217 13, 080 16, 730 6, 507 22, 283 32, 357 Bones, hoofs, horns, etC.........ssecese----> 16, 702 18, 055 19, 987 31,377 34, 202 24, 646 12, 307 8, 352 19, 044 Agricultural implements ....-......0s0s=-s-s 2,445 1,145 1,529 429 1, 323 7,276 8, 401 20, 790 42,399 WER GIADICS ances e ne ances eaten eae eee 1, 205 1,320 1,345 6, 892 2,913 1, 893 11, 473 7,181 24,132 Paints ANG COLON: - 2:22.30 cea cpancceeueweeeee 1, 156 1,731 2, 661 6, 542 4,033 14, 092 14, 583 13, 333 19, 774 Copper, manufactures Of. ........--20---0s00 2,376 2, 368 2, 900 8, 598 10, 676 83, 356 8, 469 27, 421 35, 368 Leather manufactures, not elsewhere speci- : r MOG ccec eee’: tenniscscuzccpace omoneccus canned 5, 126 2,073 4,517 4, 060 8, 481 19,170 18, 072 9, 625 18, 754 13, 604 Meat products, not separately stated ........ 18, 811 10, 518 7,871 2,270 1, 584 2, 226 8, 564 8, 645 20, 506 20,189 MURPCMUMC, PITS Of. ince ene oes accueil es 1, 687 200 1, 355 2, 883 4,410 8, 651 4, 088 8, 476 16, 263 13,181 Soap, other than toilet... . 2.02500 eccenseens 4, 432 ~1,949 3, 263 2,192 4, 228 3, 288 6, 430 6, 890 11, 971 9, 545 Gunpowder and other explosives............ 9,977 8, 272 8, 004 19 7,457 14, 558 12, 886 6, 592 24, 016 21, 863 Boards; déals,and planks:.....2.<0505scaceee 9, 461 4,569 1, 297 4, 569 29, 386 172, 588 62, 287 6,312 52, 403 54, 552 UEESE we te ccce eee cwocksranobcsene senceneeen 1, 760 1, 355 1, 884 1, 553 38, 603 4, 433 38, 867 5, 965 6, 052 8,494 VOWEIIY OC. oct Sceccrdapsceeestecsenawacacea 517 2, 890 1, 454 2,621 9,729 5, 678 8, 982 5, 672 19, 640 2,146 PEWITA AMACHIMOH oos's'ccantrmneun@o delet semnne 1, 052 2, 499 1, 265 3, 465 9, 685 7, 275 5, 883 5, 270 11, 706 30, 979 . . - i¢ 7 Ne ; COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2321 Principal Imports INTO JAPAN DURING THE CALENDAR YEARS FROM 1892 To 1900, in OrpER oF MAGNITUDE oF VALUE IN 1898, BY ARTICLES AND VALUES. (Compiled from official reports of the Japanese Government.] ARTICLES. 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 | 1897 | 1598 | 1899 1900 ’ . ’ : ! ; Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. i Yen. / Yen. Yen. LONGI Bae en Be a 2,052, 900 8, 254, 842 8, 413, 148 4,257, 096 5, 632, 336 21,528,428 | 48,219,810!) 5,960,166 9, 021, 536 Cotton, Taw »ginned Ce AOC APE OoeGe: Beene 11, 026, 637 15, 294, 897 19, 103, 922 24, 304, 814 32; 106, 275 43, 122) 262 45, 410, 457 61, 365,755 | 58,500,002 Rotten ees a tehetiades oS etinivicclcasccdcttes 9, 519, 612 11) 452; 025 13, 241, 596 11, 720, 106 13, 711, 738 19, 799,091 | 28,389,037 17,516, 039 26, 06, FB WOULONMV APUG ama nt ce cccclecitviedcneecccutbsn 7,131, 947 7, 284, 242 7,977, 365 7, C82, 975 11, 372, 001 9, 625, 258 | 8,517,588 | 4,963,326 7, 043, 046 PDMRGRS NPRM Ae cee sc uneltrsciacaccideccits 431,875 865, 428 8, 202, 549 4, 700, 554 | 1, 724, 496 8, 232, 648 | 7,488,194 | 3,620,982 |.....-. So a RRNONEMOG Ollecs svat cececcncccwccccenecnsbic 8, 328, 398 4, 401, 040 5, 135, 332 4 303, 928 6, 3319056 7, 667,350 7, 452, 880 7, 918,149 14,1 Beans, pease, and -pulse...2...5.22220.e00- 2,712, 044 3, 446, 636 2,977, 794 2) 554, 763 8, 475, 015 5, 889, 616 7,101,103 | 8,822,111| 4,817,767 PG DACCOnICA ANG CUG 2 occ cee derccccenenc 80, 200 150, 267 68, 567 99, 756 148, 628 425,112 4,700, 455 | &5, 086, 354 & 454, 292 Oflvexke-foriertilizing’..<. 2 ....20..- aie 824, 651 599, 893 $22,195 946, 000 8, 220, 600 3, 315, 587 4,614,967 | 6,791,813 5, 696, 453 SRIPEMIES PTRY- 0... 5... eect acne ro 1,727, 185 2,315, 024 2, 935, 033 8, 071, 495 4, 057, 763 3, 783, 208 4, 382, 509 | 3,575,191 5, 558, 004 Mousseline de laine, plain and white : 2,448, 899 2,305, 505 3, 150, 822 8, 633, 467 6, 498, 162 4, 408, 753 4,373,988 | 4,350, SA 7, BA, WL Locomotive engines....... eee Le 200, 418 356, 533 1, 580, 272 1, 663, 694 1, 620, 767 4, 235, 616 4, 265, 854 | 1, 968, ¢ 1, 089, 209 PMY ANCE GUAT ON. % oics<.5 aie w'arate'e Sin.c's'Te'e © 871, 701 975, 786 1, 339, 033 2, 085, 684 2, 359, 704 | 3, 046, 131 4,061,805 | 2, 603, 676 5, 243, Watches, and-parts thereof ...............- 485, 593 523, 126 404, 646 971, 938 1, 977, 571 | 1, 901, 813 3, 066, 331 | 399, 509 Woolen:cloths;-aH wool....2...........---- 640, 417 801, 407 |. 641, 270 2,951, 041 3, 407, 150 1, 943, 531 2,803,607 | 2,004,198 Cotton- -spinning ery Femte ens ee See ue (4) (4) (4) 1, 896, 195 2, 992, 360 5, 401, 701 3, 088, 762 | 773, D5 PRUCOMOLES on cee einai aces ddccecdveccecceees 392, 540 379, 476 174, 185 440, 904 481, 464 969, 360 2,699,982 | 2,060,800 MOR MBI WAYS H2. o..-04deoeese-ceccees 67, 437 667, 108 1, 209, 205 925, 531 2,595, 458 3, 325, 004 2,631,721 | 435, 054 Material for railways, other than rails .... 51, 865 147, 641 881, 805 a ke 253, 343 ig 302) 374 2,011, 465 BT Be of od ee ee EMUCUC DUD CL ese cacaeannetessssscocce 217, 209 217, 694 257, 857 307, 699 723,437 856, 957 2, 283, 215 748,414 PGRN. 2 Sno coe ddised dees Jeweeees 386, 193 444, 208 329, 861 581, 369 1, 067, 357 1, 538, 021 2,270,815 | 2,903,529 ORME Oe cree ticle als cieicididntwSeccicdele ces 278,736 322, 641 641, 929 406, 854 994, 201 1, 156, 569 2, 022,413 1, 370, 857 DI PEMOTICR anes wack mee teicennaedaccaesmentes 170, 628 254, 639 232, 343 303, 871 574, 234 997, 237 1, 720, 827 | 760, 594 RSE Ol COLON on civic vec cracinas eniccisaetsomene 523, 459 842, 452 1, 254, 804 784, 302 2, 558, 450 1, 790, 082 1, 645, 229 | 949, 750 SUMMON eer ree of orale inslea e'eeiestee Leaf tobacco only. ¢ Amorphous only. Value of yen on January 1, 1885, in United States money, 85.8 cents; 1890, 75.2 cents; 1891, 83.1 cents; 1892, 74.5 cents; 1893, 66.1 cents; 1894, 55.6 cents; 1895, 49.1 cents; 1896, 52.9 cents; 1897, 511 cents; since 1898, 49.8 cents, 2822. COMMERCIAL JAPAN. ; Imports AND Exports or tox Unirep Sravres iy 17s TRADE neti ti BY ARTICLES, DURING THE YEARS ENDING JUNE TO : ot ae IMPORTS OF MERCHANDISE FROM JAPAN. QUANTITIES. ARTICLES. 1893 1894 | 1895 1896 1897 FREE OF DUTY. | Renner) Pe ee ee een. owecwe enews se dameu ea gedtumen aaah <<) va vobinvaccn=|ara=ean~ nceh| == ¥- parka sie > a= aemeee ee =e Articles, the growth, ete., of the United * 15a tenecge v5 |areorne | psainre metal ghee | im ato ea ae Books, maps, Cngravings, Cte -..----0--c-e-- [ec een ec ne enn |nene renee cer |e cece en cnn--|ene ence newee|ecescnncenaa|acecncereen CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND DYES: Gums, camphor, crude..........--- Ibs.-| 1,577,329 | 1,258,116 804,490 | 1,222,866 827, 051 Sulphur or brimstone, crude ....- tons. . 12, 227 8, 307 4,777 14, 241 8, 997 DAMM ON ers coke a. we gina nce anreceesp soplesecden nae olves «ane BS aol eben oes ok eee a Copper, pigs, bars, etc...-....---------- yo Sl ee eas Se 2 eee Bs | eames. oP ea eae pe Se | 1 1,608,235 | 1,510,318] 1,436,636 567,475 7, 489 4, 328 aria 1 te | Corton: Unmaniigemred .....,-s0seceresn- lbs... TADS ODD AE... come foes 31, 620 35 Waste and flocks... . fic e pa Fruits, Pate PNG op Vales vw Sew sl SpA eae cpoe e oR ee habe n= note Iyer ern = | ae ae eee PONG ANG) LLY APS MN OTOMED) oo

bontbancesen=ssplswentop s->5s| eee ee Hats; bonnets,and hoeds, materials for, cte-|..-.-----0--]- sce eee-sm0|-seonseensee|qeeonganme-= = Hides and skins other than fur skins. -Ibs.. Monsehoid and personal! elects ete -. 5-4. sade ecco n|pacmiegessv orl pao geee =e colaae eta (Pacey, MENON oo cc ene s cg ners cawesa oe ae Reae tiene Jee aspen” 10 |, Rees Wattine: {Or HOOTs: OC sk. oo cake ox 2 nincws noel se acs Dey ealpelna veces celeron ate Oils, fixed or expressed.......-.--.---- lbs. . 363 8, 640 £612) Sena Pected stock: Rags other than woolen..Jbs..| 7,008,883 | 10,588,550 | 14,998,700 | 14,309, 703 Teh ap Ee: RES ieee ees EES oe c= Pome seem sety Mito ae Re U8 See j-ate poeers a Rot Crt. op Maa MONeE Oyo.5 aa oe epee tee ands eee ee pce cenaee bel pee bees cee ILK: Unmarufactured, cocoons........- lbs. . 73,173 130, 653 129, 682 158,175 Raw, or as reeled from the cocoon.]bs..| 4,062,362 | 3,697,675 he 3, * a 15 |----5 — 4,765,091 | 4,658,111 61, 733 “3408 Lh epee eis 2, 548 coreuad cde oalewanias am 105,540 7,675 156, 468 lii 38, 552,467 | 45,465,161 | 22,698,308 |.......--..-/-.0 eT en Cee eee wwe eee tee eee eee eee eee ee Diy RODE Sn SE eRe APy ta, ee re Ibs. . 7, 757 11, 810 2 SPICES, UNGROUND: Pepper, black or white...........- ie eee | eager oe 9, A PUR OMe stents 2 ae naeeroedenense ot a ee eae 1,112 27, RR eae yn vio ons gp >eesig eae =m ibs. .| 38, 622,956 | 39,602,519 | 37, 980, Motel Sree: a8 ALY «ose nrne owe «ona heh ches -a2shdeads aeceeesen abees cece ne ek eee: |e Pod Ge Sat! DECI é es MP —— Brb-WoOrks ..-20062 a ainteoink Siew toe epg ee “ Bone and horn, manwiactupesiol ..-. <1. 5 snlnee- <2 ens elpaneet ose aaloeee eee eee Cr hi ota ee STI Re oe PRR Peto me ae 8 2" dl cian 0.0 ee Ree e FE | ARES Fer Sey ie en ae Bae ne eee 5 Mes ee ae COTTON, MANUFACTURES OF: UE eno caai>s Sip Aja eae sq. yds.. ee ee ee ee eee Ce eee EERE EET Ee ee Parthen, stone, and china ware .......-..e--leees-eeceree : PEO EC CDS BRAM NOL, sence 561 38, 605 2,671 5, 537 4,515 2 766 48 4,312 2,042 Vegets vble, fixed or expressed. 11, 133 19, 404 9, 356 10,180 21,173 26, 239 87,715 14, 917 14, 844 18, 194 Volatile or essential. 1245, 713 B10, 986 209, 289 110, 612 192, 414 213, 289 199, 556 221,795 254, 887 284,243 | Paper, and manufactures of, ri 302 379 1, 504 367 | 719 1, 544 967 2,078 608 2,177 | Pipes and smokers’ articles. a ee = 101 176 270 936 d 59 67 8 815 2,105 | Provisions: Meat products. ng 540, 084 324, 412 334, 356 522, 449 377, 678 629, 296 406,889 | 1,061, 724 491, fi 474,431 | Rice and rice meal. SILK, AND MANUFACTURES OF: 229, 078 221, 538 51, 992 134, 258 254, 410 202, 339 67, 147 71, 200 74,014 79, 593 Clothing, ready-made. —< 387, 327 930, 264 970,381 | 1,861,493 878,487 | 1,107,907 | 1,503,409 | 2,042,797] 2, 736, 788 2, 135, 727 Dress and piece goods. i 21,819 31,944 47,189 66,030 61, 912 44, 690 84, 880 124,719 177, 924 126, 968 Laces and embroideries, 1,444,713 | 2,164,088 | 1,318,213 | 2,713,557 | 1,610,097 | 1,401,028 413, 232 435, 991 432, 418 500, 550 ATl other. j 14, 919 14, 875 18, 332 4,327 12,319 5, 909 8, 781 7,402 62, 910 29,498 | Straw, manafactures of. ee eee ee ale are aia stars asiamn cin oe'pialha anc s's!<:enie oblinaa.ce'e aisine =e 330,400 | 4, O16; 187 | 4,871,605} 4,966,303 | Tea. ee TOBACCO: 84 550 414 28 CLC S ie Fog: || Sea See 56 37 Leaf. 22 595 1 437 3 292 105 589 385 Manufactures of. 36, 003 14, 474 16, 877 34, 429 23,478 23, 558 25, 552 $2, 672 35,620 | Toys. 1, 261 1, 689 396 474 555 UY Lo 508 3,426 | Umbrellas. 1,913 2, 245 1, 299 2, 545 3, 853 4,611 7, 104 26, 454 165,171 | Vegetables. | WoopD, MANUFACTURES OF: 4, 693 3, 101 2,966 7,743 4, 804 2,134 1,318 1, 569 791 | Cabinetware and house furniture. 136, 281 182, 549 93,192 166, 318 | 139, 090 101, 871 87, 830 160, 677 208, 109 All other. WOOL, MANUFACTURES OF: 329 6, 336 6, 642 4, 420 5, 653 18, 887 9,810 2, 884 3 Carpets and carpeting. 108 670 1 965 5, 489 21, 965 4,552 198 5, 495 1,399 All other. : 53, 644 10, 209 74, 959 40, 616 43, 296 65, 764 106, 652 167, 103 476, 965 ) All other dutiable articles. 8,695, 484 | 6,158,110} 4,045,720] 6,744,902 | 5,074,582 | 5,201,147 | 5,259,895 | 11,162,828 | 12, 182, 704 13, 133, 45 Total dutiable. 23, 790, 202 27, 454,220 | 19, 426,522 | 23, 695,957 | 25,537,038 | 24,009, 756 | 25, 228, 610 | 26,716,770 | 32, 748, 902 ) 29, 229, 43 Total imports. «See dutiable, > Not enumerated. 2394 ; COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [Decemper, — Imports AND Exports oF THE UNITED SrTaTes IN ITs TRADE wae J. ae By ARTICLES, DURING THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 1892 _ to 1901—Continued. . : EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE TO JAPAN. QUANTITIES. ARTICLES. ‘ 1892 1893 1894 1897 1898 1899 MME THUR UT IOIN GHIA Pitas. on So 7d eee wed oc eee nce Noratebstncnu|veesrconcwsrleasasvccemea Aeyign ls Udi outs ie eG MCh is oe eee ed De Se S| | es i eee ACM teat denne se deen sv acetenns aes |oemerennnass | peear ese = ol ipa see anna at) wie ow mein shee aie merece nm alee ota ae er ete ea ee BUMPS MOOI OUR ICLE coma cn's soe t~ewen occ em [ue omer e waite la ences oxic [mo eenin ome ww nln ee realm mew fel a et lel re BOOKS AUAPS/PURTAVAULE, CLO sc cccocccnccecc|berctrceccae |p occ rccwccra|nccresecsnns|Snrerenn= = en|>cecceenmmas|enmnneen eas |e cee meee eel aerate | tee eee IBTAGH, BUC MATUMACHIICS OLeccscconccusccmsslosnone cece alosesccensaac|aanncaccewcslontesecnear|osnsine=saseln sseae so wem aly sede ae eee Sew ae ee BREADSTUFFS: WERE HODD eas d ces ta dsvcserccens bbls. . 88, 052 51, 836 68, 428 93, 889 103, 582 237,126 161, 654 226, 029 538, 406 354, 887 PALIT OURER ‘sacar acer oe dec lade cedures Ube adel = wee dkecdcen| vonmovce eas a|Scuwaeny cree | aan dele sce cee ee laa eee Cycles, nid parts Of f22 ke soe s2 sce Sy eae Sar oop baton ea | Use eveene ccc) dsc maces ss lames ies ona ee le ay eee eae eee ee = eed 1 oe CUCIDICAIS CYVGS AIC OTURB cc. cone neee saree | Se esccccee ee zccuwdocesce fap socccecnele ES nn eee Br se aeeee! SE (See ys meer | ooo Clocks and watches, and HTB thos ereee ante ne peem ee eaale aa cape oacee lace ccde dee es |-aeenem tet eee gase|acwmmeepaniasloenonssnenai|eeossenecade|popeebuaeeee 1S oe Copper WWANUIACHTes Ol etre! teres ae oe ean lectae. ae ae pete de ete wle es sos ca acs seamen oe eee ; COTTON: nmanutacthired)s2: soc.seese sess Tbs..| 1,574,315 793,242 | 4,801,595 | 11,064,859 | 20,194,174 Manufactures— , CLOUDS os nin cmnseeoasanebent yds.. 84, 286 89, 052 752,266 | 1,186,970 ; 1,438, 553 RIT OUMED o- cncacecancses septs Ubicdeicns|s=eatessre yn) sm w'sn'cowie'ss | Re Reema een oar Instruments; etc., for scienthiic PuUNpOsEB: <2 o)oe cers cwcnenlsccsessenese|scccee. a2 see |p eReene nena os IRON AND STEEL, AND MANUFACTURES OF: Pir wheels) .c0 sc on--cansness earns No.. 104 850 1,520. 3, 098 1,127 ITCATING 3 2:25.02. vecissedetenadestocoumec|oceeape each alup cube rec tele | sae easa tse wel aaa e eee Seemann Locks; hinges, sais, AMG-tools. ..... .csescliswetwecs caclle scsecem een se csnee at cee eaten een eee ae eee Sewing miachines 2. cv sceck bes sloencclsoetcuccsessloeccccescdeepsecemecuneee ase =r aeeeee lean aeee ee Steam engines—locomotives ......No.. 23 Other machinery: 2 << 2505-552. 05. sont |sanmewssacctpascnsecce abe |hs ne akan ne wel name eee AIP Other? vc. sev cence See se at and manufactures of gold and See silver. Lamps, COANGCEIS) CLC. oc i500.0 dm eins nis aicios |aaaye Um teens [aes bawideec ea aie es wsteeietee earn ae ae SESE LEATHER: , oy coer: DS: < 667, 682 637,051 | 1,754, 052 | 2,251,353 | 1,054,058 | 1,563,105 757,961 | 1,804,575 All other clecowecnccnnslrecevasecdetlucsescs enna |avi cove ncn welennndeseumeeticaswe «seem olen ai wesw ain ie mt meron e enn a Mantifactures Of. oc sco. voc coe coca ans eseewans cc> 5] oten eae tan oo heen een | eee nn Lovo oe cae ees (a ee eee Be a Malt liquors, in bottles ........ doz. quarts. . 4, 867 6, 393 5, 665 13, 308 14, 367 6, 784 15, 090 17, 982 33, Marble'and stone, and manufactures Of .....|- 22. 2cceccce|cescwcdencee| awwcuuecuuan|sitea caine Wee olaam amet Gea a cteteateie eae aerate bears ee eee NAVAL STORES: ; ROR fe er ai Pacn an caeecccexceaeess bbls... 2,098 2,542 7,040 2, 454 8,470 8, 780 7,422 10,177 5, 928 Lf Turpentine and pitch..... Pires oe bbls... 520 230 150 723 525 794 645 828 550 Turpentine, spirits of ............ galls.. 4,160 500 4, 000 8, 500 138, 400 27,750 12, 500 20, 200 31, 160 28, OILS, MINERAL, REFINED: MUMS ACCL TN woe cute pews mae once galls..| 23,761,930 | 26,869,510 | 37,272,450 | 24,298,170 | 33,701,038 | 46,252,501 | 51,621,050 | 32,705,180 | 51,297,805 299, DFTAOHLIER fais sccensecdeee cacce galls.. 45, 410 53, 293 60, 299 238, 370 432,367 | 1,158,625 | 1,777,115 897,096 | 2,044, 167 244, PAIN ANG Painters’: COLOTS . .. 02. ens ccces|eccccnsccecc|eccens voccaulsswoesacucac| selec ssl cena tap meeie es ool mime ieee ete ie ee eee Peper RUC MUUIUPACtULES OL << 5505 o wn ccewduclecnec cues sacl asetasnvcecalenasccc nun colle moe ae ements eee menemeen ene een A ees ee Paraffin and paraffin wax............. lbs... 15,841 | 1,530,081 | 1,842,548 | 1,620,399 | 8,062,790 | 4,313,395 | 4,380, 3,328,059 | 4,825,819 | 2,806, PROVISIONS, COMPRISING MEAT AND DAIR PRODUCTS: . OGISCONTIGU ccc vance erate ese anes Ibs... 183, 020 85, 230 189,780 | 2,218, 022 261, 470 706, 490 227, 672, 345, 778 134, 350 972, Beef, salted or pickled............. lbs... 20, 400 88, 000 94, 300 601, 800 51, 000 174,247 | 1,112,300 644, 250 126, 550 290, BACOM ANG NAMING. cs cccasecantussns Ibs... 31,413 212, 896 20, 327 31, 366 32,771 $2, 371 83, 268 126, 576 107, 410 150, POLE UCRIOU ve catedecweccteuscss Ibs... 6, 400 10, 500 22, 300 31, 420 42,750 20, 000 2, 700 6, 000 17, 600 18, ERIULERG Cie vcuvenvnyduauewdacwesakah lbs... 23, 670 18, 680 13, 282 21, 880 33, 640 19, 847 24, 114 15, 150 438, 778 50, OlGOMATTATING . 22... Sa cs cecmevucsce LDG tlwanawannnwielsteuaneekoke 6, 690 16, 520 20, 909 82, 653 381, 836 19, 185 41,509 62, ELL OCG OGRE DTOGUGHE, cacancosrcn cans|sbune at ciune|s esedpdeccevlucecwntionemclssucenee seen seeme =a nnn Swe cccancfasteanecnascloenh hada ameivanaainn dé sence Dairy products— PUUCEL dn bivcuwedwecossnevudesss lbs... 44, 333 56, 664 58, 189 77, 001 101, 761 87, 180 115, 203 92, 495 101, 287 96, agg We Cuaasanrnkvire cud kewen e lbs... 12, 675 10, 480 14, 153 18, 051 31, 960 40, 965 35, 594 52, 580 58, 294 7, Hmet LOPeE TET OPT ELLED Rusunwadcurinars LDS... ) apoda lame wes renls ol moininiewcinaasin ERE ee nesta to ) | ee Sees meen) Mee Gres INS Xs s\c'o » Sorrento ete eoce piace 8, 274, 998 11, 767, 040 8, 591, 682 / 9,287,706 | 7,243,829 7,957,682 | 6,925,990 Norfolk and ee ee Soe n eee sae eee he oar A, © |oeweeree sees Jocececec sess |= ge === ==> 8 joreeseeeeees pies teeta pats PAPAIN OUOCAY , MOW.'s > saa tom Sanaa so emontc | igoe ecco ite enone lel Ste are ee. 2] oe ae nei SAS eevee foes apes calee le soeeee ee Priadelphia, Pa obo. sess by seas destoeen cee 12,711 | 33, 448 18,725 | 107,327 115, 563 103, 083 76, 834 Portland and Falmouth, Me..........-..---|-.--++++---- loResetstae 79, 493 45, 983 DD TAB ite Soe = oe han cece oret ls donne seeee EMMI eHCe it, bas 4.) | aban eNeda ame cwetets S64 6,859 3, 823 7,691 550 21,250 29, 699 PEOUIORIM DAIL ceed au rsavmaneavea ce cee ce wee oats ae es ease 1s daustelina del adie Rare 182 80 20 42 IOGMPNAIIG OADM sce awacvenadcecosacas cred SB least one. 2,169 | 206 204 fice aie 934 7 as 43 748 1,057 SOEIDA, INOUE ai uwaeeseaalae wan we pe eetnend 47, 656 93, 888 124, 274 68, 803 76, 251 68, 409 6,122 67, 648 77, 764 88, 384 PUUSDUTE, PA ..... 2. seeeeeeeeenececscceesces 51 560 1,082 3,607 | =: 10, 057 11, 043 2,309 1,944 26,412 30, 697 St. Jose NIMS ad eck wera vas ku ean eheren sl shnuhaaweces 17,251 24,577 20, 876 19,519 |} - 17,587 69, 717 15, 987 41, 262 18, 600 Bt. Lou is, Ritu wh axacuweeebbdaNiwdecuweuse 7,689 21,375 47, 256 40, 803 141, 253 69, 101 2,144 $4, 577 111, 426 115, 680 PU AMCLEY ALONG snk vice vaccines auuwnedakee| saxnasenweee 4,414 11, 386 12,481 24, 871 21,369 80 23,178 23, 065 23, 102 OCMC. MOMS dea cen wu anenseman canta news enka ae 8&9 786 362 359 it a ees lt 119 PE CNIINT Ss bs ous wtia hare WA Win ake coals eee eels ) say cus SEE) aS eS acl a's ees Seen Sere eee aes Baer Pere ae ee 10, 418 40, 048 26, 639 GM aNEs ab as eC eeuvaas wenk Went cereus | 28, 790, 202 | 27, 454, 220 | 19, 426, 522 | 23,695,957 | 25,587,038 | 24, 009, 756 | 25, 223,610 | 26,716,770 ) 32, 748, 902 190}.} 64) 154 37,679 | "133, 203 ~""543, 585 | 783,488. 33,608 | 11,781 1892. 1893 1894 1895 1896 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. ee ee ee ee ee eee 555, 380 590, 984 "1,661, 269 | 2,170,541 27, 580 116, 311 | a Re Os eae: ee any, eae TW SC 17,461 30, 925 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 1892, To 1901. EXPORTS OF DOMESTIC MERCHANDISE TO JAPAN. 1897 1898 1899 Dollars. Dollars. ea eee 10, 000 440, 971 73, 860 14/989 444, 696 a 23, 574. 2,216,991 | 4,234,383 | 2, 897, 259 a ee es oe ey 1, 142, 233 2,570,249 | 4,117,449 | 4.138296 235, 928 717,277 434, 016 56, 584 J al ed Dollars. 1, 298, 707 28, 463 Dollars. ’ | ees ia |’ 39,000 4 145, 602 50,810 60, 486 54, 600 2329 Imports 4ND Exports oF THE Unirep Srares IN Its TRADE witH JAPAN, BY Customs Districrs, DURING THE YEARS ENDING JuNE 30, CUSTOMS DISTRICTS. Baltimore, Md. Bangor, Me. Bath, Me. Beaufort, S.C. | Boston and Charlestown, Mass. Charleston, S. C. | Delaware. Fairfield, Conn. Georgetown, D.C, Hartiord, Conn Newark, N.J. New Haven, Conn. New London, Conn. Newport News, Va. New York, N.Y. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Passamaquoddy, Me. Philadelphia, Pa. Portland and Falmouth, Me. Providence, R. I. Richmond, Va. Savannah, Ga. 256 BOR OE FA ath ey Be oe > ne eed be ee Wilmington, N.C. Galveston, Tex. Key West, Fla. Mobile, Ala. -| New Orleans, La. Paso del Norte, Tex. Pensacola, Fla. Saluria, Tex. Tampa, Fla. Alaska. Hawaii. Los Angeles, Cal. Oregon, Oreg. Puget Sound, Wash. San Diego, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Willamette, Oreg. Buffalo Creek, N.Y. Chicago, I}. Cuyahoga, Ohio. Detroit, Mich. Duluth, Minn. Erie, Pa. Genesee, N. Y. Huron, Mich. Miami, Ohio. Milwaukee, Wis. Minnesota, Minn. North and South Dakota. Oswegatchie, N. Y, Roe Oe Sandusky, Ohio. Superior, Mich, Vermont, Vt. Albany, N.Y. Atlanta, Ga. Cincinnati, Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, Denver, Colo. Des Moines, Iowa. Dubuque, lowe. Evansville, Ind. Grand Rapids, Mich, Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Knoxville, Tenn. Lincoln, Nebr. Louisville, Kv. Memphis, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Omaha, Nebr. Pittsburg, Pa. St. Joseph, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. Weaneeceh aalnceuwataacue Sioux City, Towa, SER oe ed AE eR Springfield, Mass, Be ee Rare are Syracuse, N.Y. 18,656,899 | ** Total. 3,290,011 | 3,195,494 | 3,986,815 | 4,684,717 | 7,689, 685-| 13,255, 478 | 20,385, 541 | 17, 264, 688 | 29, 042, £36 2330 COMMERCIAL JAPAN, Parrxcipat Imports into Japan From Various Forercn Countries ry Eacn Year From 1898 to 1900. [Fractions of yen are omitted] 1898 . ARTICLES AND ARTICLES AND i COUNTRIES COUNTRIES WHENCE IM- PORTED. Clocks, standingand hanging (num- ber): Germany -......-- Great Britain ..-... United States ..... Other countries... Electric-light appa- | ratus: Germany.....-.---- Bieta Great Britain ..... ase ee United States ..:.-|..--— =. Fire engines and pumps: pit US ea See Baba i pece es United States ..... Other countries ...}....-.---- Implements and tools of farmers and mechanics: Belgium .......-.. Branco! =. ee / Germany, ......--- ai ee Great Britain 5-7 ssp United States .....].=....—_-] Other countries ---}......---- : paratus, photo- Gerneary i. -]> <1. <. oe ! Great Britain ....- ies : United States ..-.-10-2 02.2. / : Other countries .../.......... kinds) ee A ee ee EE EE eee umber): 0 Se Eee | S60 218)....._.:..] GR...) See Lee Germany.... Great Britain Switzerland... United States 144,891 729,746, J Serer eas yo te Me ae yet Germany.... Great Britain United States . Machinery, paper- making: So Se a ee Great Britain ..... SIEGE BORGES po -22 2,214, 989 58, 446 943,953) 18,930) 433, 5, 983 Ching. 22 oe ccet 3, 985, 537 71, 066) 7,708,370 146,466) 1,260, 19, 311 France 69, 300) 1,536] 252,691, 8,906 455] 6, 818 Germany ..... 13,410, 663| $29,531|| 1,920,578! 43,760 5,628,942 73,329 Great Britain ..... 17,877,025| 502,065!/31,655,977| 684, 958 75, 522, 841/1, 048, 726 United States ..... 13, 071 220)| 2,925, 733 62,520 22) 651,949) 226,915 Other countries... 4,891 43, poe noteaye) | Sas aes. | , 288 357 Total> t.> ee by RR 575, 476) 962, 910 45, 407, 202) 965, 543, 105,669811 1,381, 442 Iron, bar and rod | (kin): / "AUIBUIIG) cote ne see 852,010. 3 Op iy, | rs eee eee, | ee Soe Belgium’ = 2275... 552 47, 847,634 2, 498, 803, 37, 289, 603)1, 564, 710 5 51, 890, 354) 1, 654, 509 NTA COtecc oe eae 2 31) 248) 642,421 23, 138) 1, 049, 034 40, 736 Germany 2:.-i2..2 13, 335,132) 758, 018) 4, 593, 320 196, 057 1 3,957,327) 458,617 Great Britain ..... 29,542,760 1, 854, 483 16, 041, 462 781, 309 51, 266, 040) !, 825, 697 FLOM ANG oy tse a eae eee soe RRR NG hee aie || 196,944 7,701 Sweden and Nor- | Wa oe eo cnoee 368, 530) 25,304) 276,557; 16,065) 432,S1F| 20,613 United States ..... 1, 018, 381, 54,784)| 588,615) 22,336) 1,836,34¢) 53,685 Other countries... 8, 376| 601) 1,878 377,87 242 ’ cc a a 92, 975, O54 elle lier 1, 061, 805 Rails (kin): Bolen. ohn cc 2,782,823) 123,972 613, 153 75, 487 WYANCE ches cose owas er les rote eee 116, 624 9, 678 Germany. 5.2252 22 11,067,507) 562, 234 78, 302 134, 988 Great Britain ..... 20,537,073) 905, 763, 4, 464, 697 801, 802 United States ..... 73, 032; 447) 3, 161, 399 7, 381, 866 1, 609, 731 Other countwies .7-|hu.tecseteleoces ost ee SS Aes | Pen a= 32 Ota s 25 css 2,631,721 Fittings of rail (kin): Belgium Tron, corrugated and Tron aSy and tubes wee ewe teen Great Britain ..... United States I Sweden and Nor- WAY snccccesc.-.'% 4... 74, 751 11,801 Great Britain..... 1, 668,952} 200,016 United States..... 76, 737 14, 628) Other countries... 1, 024 221) Atfe) c e Se 1, 826,016) 227,795, Tinned plate or sheet (kin): ICIP UUIY, <2 clnjawia cin 201, 477 21, 140, PONMIAIY. se — oe cies 39, 380 4, 055) Great Britain..... ie 420, 554) 806, 889) United States..... 120 63) Monten COUNTIES. 2) 25 2=250505)2-~ ce so- 2 ROTO. ose ine aieltn 7,661,531) 832, 149 Iron, wire, and small rod (kin): PATISERIA == 2 - cece 948, 530 65, 938 BSTOUITIM ae oc ate ccsn 1, 711, 741 99, 253 DELO Ca sectnic oa ere tan 1, 493 446 Germany. ..--....- 3, 339, 481} 258, 395 Great Britain ..... 9, 853, 398} 627,323 United States. ..... 599, 806 57,109 Other countries... 5, 080 340 OTA. fai elaic <= 16, 459, 529} 1, 108, 809 Telegraph wire(kin): PANESUEIG, = mina no 52 om 127, 006 8, 920 13k) beaitboe ie eee eee 1, 109, 285 96, 402 MICE Mol oe- = oe: 5, 058 8, 046) Germany ....--<+» 17, 506 10, 879 Great Britain ..... 238, 262 152; 609 Wie ly cece aac nerereice' 10, 917 6, 657 United States ..... 55, 734 34, 654 Ober Commer Eee. onsen |--<50- 20, $78) 13,181 7M) ee ee eee PMCRGMIGIA 255010: 2. cooclkova cease 14, 407) | oe eae Ca Great Britain ..... 5, 080 3, 998 31,933} 17,086 6, 683 2, 413 Princ tSiANas |a- 52 Se oe eo eden e cae fs a eee 10, 012 3, HH Other countrics...|.......... Ue eM 1, 569 Fy | Ee PER SS Tes TOLER. 32 : 665, 127 473,103} 610,265) 361, 286 99,936, 227,257 ebsites for = = Zine, block, ingot, i] and slab (kin): Hsing: iC ee 10 TEM. ota anal stacace cote 72, 199) 5, 1 IBGIPUGIE = eae feces 451, 301 59, 104 10,208; 12, O28). 25. cee eee eee British imeitac cs. 156, 7! 16, 239 283,333; 29,750 5, aa 17, 224 Giimas ee ee 88, 106 360i: 1-22... en: SET 8 oe French India..... 25, 910 2, 782 65,479) ._.5- F66N. see caalw ae eee Germanys. --4.-—- 3,997,512] 550,416! 1,117, 022 474,830| 48,417 Great Britain ..... 318, 059 47,145|| 175, 696 5 120, 781 9, 094 Other countries... 9, 348 ik ‘ 018)| 2. 203) 224 13, $20) 653 Total tess! 5,047,946] 686, 080|| 1,718,936] 259,606| $87,054) 80, 991 es Se —— 4 | ———— Zinc, sheet (in- it : cludes No. 2) kin): ) Beletam j.-cceewas 1,296,047} 221, 255); 1, 429,362) 268,172 266,324) 32,401 RTaAnGe se. w aoe 12, 080 oc | ee aa PRES, ee eae Ae | ee Germany........-. 2,535,235] 441, 117|| 2,293,775) 444,327) 2,917,357] 398, 210 Great Britain ..... 1,267,505} 217,996) 1,030,901] 195,071/ 923,324) 125, $30 Other countries - 35 12 2, 692 | eee eee Potuls ee vo 5,110,902} 882, 731|| 4,756,730] 907,925) 4,107,005) 556,442 | / | Oil, kerosene (galls.):) Duteh Indigo: .<- 6; 465,829) - 975. SIS ese. oo cee ho =. eee Russian Asia...... 8, 861, 761; 1, 378, 343/10, 625, 642)1, 276, 286 12,581,319) 682,349 United States ..... 5,519 * 1,340) a, ee 993 5, OS6Il< « «00s asteuncumeos TOY Seon eee 14, 333, 109| 2, 355, 205) 110, 671, 63511, inion tn 12,581,319) 682,39 he | Oil, kerosene,in : cans (galls.): PMD nde = acc. ecacedosates 7 -ameeee 313,630} 52,070) 3,735,720) 508,295 Russian Asia...... | 5,042, 505] 1, 033, 673)| 6,319, 62011, 153,170) 3,622,600) 451, 457 United States ..... /48, 466,710 10, 773, 775) 35, 116, 952'5 5, 431, 526 47, 965, 8165, 910, 774 Totals. 2a bs, 909, 215 11, S07, 48) 41, 700, 202 6, 636, 767 55,324, 136.6, 870, 529 Oil, linseed (kin): | | ) Great Britain ..... 890,118; 192,695, 577, ae 97,085 474,360, 63,382 United States ..... 89, 192) 18, 003 | Ee nee Ones sakes 8, 077 958 Other countries --.| 6,533, 1,451| “1,700 78U..... nde ee Tatil 2.22. | 985,843] 212,150| 579,250| 97,364| 482,437) 64, S4l || Oil, lubricating | : (kin): ; : Girlie wt ce ls ance Meno ece Sor” 3 Onan ies eee Germany ......... \"""90/017]-"""2;670) 11,263] 2) 654) 15,045) 2, 507 Great Britain’..... 42, 483 5, 552 7, 273) 1, 603 167, 266 16, 72 Russian eee et 29, 292 1,014} 18,939} 1, 298 7,013 S49 United States ..... 11, 385, 533) 615, 522)| 5,621,581} 282,597) 9,429,074) 380,122 Other countries -. -| 95) 68) 1,326) 171 6, 719 1,101 TBOAL. -nE obec 11, 477,520] 624, $28 5,668,888, 289,394 9,625,117) 401, 343 Paraffin wax (kin) Germany.......... 23, 013) A OURN Eo - cn Lee 2, 290 242 Great Britain ..... | 410, 124! 66, G05 100, 926) 9, 136 572, 440 41,301 United States ...2. | 3,074,394) 440, S58 ) 3,133,408} 277,670 3,178,455) 228, 767 Other countries... 260 a Mn sine 75 4 Totelias...-Jve | 3,507, 79] 511, 559 | 3, 234,334, 286,806, 3,753,260 270,Més i } = - Paper, cigarette: | ACHRUMGe aoe we nt wn | ae Res Oot 4 eee py ppt eee 8, @25 I AT Se el AAR ree OFS Uslek foakudkeses SU) ROPE ea Cee WYUNCEs 5 ca = eal eneiie oer 0 ; [oP ae SS ie RO | 1,601), 29,819] 2,323 | Gemnany ..........< 2,039, 576} 178, 487 130, 578!) 1,896,331, 140,897 | Geen Wnitatns.. 22 iiscsesaecapeoccee hace ec ee cae oe | "100,3761 6,3: Hovland. ......-.. 16, 900 1, 243 88, 748 5, 657 206,940 11, 978 Sweden and Nor- E | : WHY. tice nee oSe 399, 810 82, 395, 209,639) 20,739) 68, 16 5, 548 Other Goumtries 22) <2 e ecaalnmenices ata 9, 775 /(: 74 Soon \Saeenomn er GINS pea caus 2,773,482) 240, 159)) 1, 966, 909| 172, 629|| 2,428,845) 175,192 | et rt aaa in): : ACERS es ictencsone 1,270,842! 123,499!) 528,975) 47,196' 93, 633 7,309 Pep IM soot aos 26, 024 3, 297) 79,057) 11,368 16,322 1,910 Germany: ......... 3, 022,562} $29, 859]) 2,071, 850 197, 7a7|| 2,190,003} 189,205 Great Britain ..... 60, 990 7, 706) 51, 706 5, 794|| 229,765} 19,167 Holland: ... i... 60, 891. 4, 100, 39, 48 2,168 31, 531 1, 668 URES eseeesove canopies 5, 508 1, 036 6, 075 1 DIBNS ooo See becaes Swerlen and Nor- WAL Cordes oa 538, 490 57,927|| 146,204) 14, 687 39,729 8,181 Biyitzenlant i: cal 2cc2sccscle see 19, 668 2, 922 9, 580! 1, 255 United States ..... 45, 645] 6, 151) 19, 520 8, 122 83, 185 7,016 Other countries... 13,7 00) BS a 3, 605 828) 3 136 MOP o5\< cic cise 5, 044, 652) 530, ,119) 2,966, 143| 287, =e “2, 694, 142 142| 280,799 ag printing / in): 717.) lt: re 4,662,744) 3899, 338]) 113,973 | 1,975, 898} 139,209 Belgium: .........- 3,139,989} 351, 761 194, 795 British AMerica:..|...ctcececlassecncse|] 2ipOod wn eOROl pecans on ealeeaeee ess al ape ERe, RARE EEE OE EP. eee Aes Sagal : 2, 284 Germany .. ..-| 2,982,447] 289, 928} 91,024) 8, 254, 889 605, 726 Great Britain .| 5,794, 897| 789, 108 272, 336,| 4,178,654) 451, 398 Holland .... 28, 702 1,514 2,582/, 11, 602 690 Sweden and way United States .... Other countries 125, 547 : 11, 900 | 2,481, 015 193, 296 Total. .........|19, 160, 341) 2,036, 844) asd ga Pencils (gross): Germany ......... 93,563) 169,920 28, 726 Great Britain ..... 13, 395) 29, 676) 9, 561 United States ..... 36, 767, 42, 046) 87, 150 Other countries... 312 631) 228) Total.......... 144,037] 242,274! 75, 665) Sugar (piecul): Aoostrauig: ..4s...-. 4, 212 21, 773} 18, 01 ARIBITID: | ce. aes 8,657) 54, 723) Seep en |2 = eagle British India...... 2,118 10, 770 1, 041 CHIR se cecns cone 655, 996 2, 758, O52 Dutch India ...... 446, 574) 2, 427, 562 87, 198) GOrneny cv. cccsaia 74, — 479, 615 6, 690 GE OMI «o's cet omn. 0 0 © osertnal uireln « u’stmrenn|lietsiac « « © mane eae ARLE a ecacsrin soos] boasnre so hlbtiad KiBts m ow: nrmegh 18, 234 Hongkong ........ 120,623] 792,277 133, 317 Philippine Islands Other countries .. 358, 675) 1, 749, 586, 420, 126 2) 718, 271, AC Nc aniles mona Sugar, refined (all tins kinds) (picul): Auistralig .....c0cs 307) 1, 671) BOs sccsc b's 430, 505) 3,049, 181) BOSOM) ..5 ooo. ose 13,969} 101, 024) Britis@America...|..ccccssss Nie che aka [te ine ae rarer eect British India...... 1,055 6, sual OOM Gii ves ectacnuce oa Dutch India....... 1,417 871) BVMUUO evs tsicvccuse 171 Fy "907| GOMMAN Ys... ccces 404, 313) 2, 988; 987] Great Britain ..... 1, 692} 12; 630) PE iar ahi canal ative = 2 ninetals ev 3a. einocet Hongkong ........ 1, 097, 824) 9, 448, 859) Philippine Islands 156) 94 TCLs. hace oune 2, 333 18, 013) United States ..... a 9, 655)) ° Other countries... 7) LOU Lwe¥ennacas 670, 458)2 880, 266) 375, 215)1, 908, 021) 292) 013)1, 939, 305) 2,091, 7861, 007, 633) 1 , 602, 1848, 359, , 735) 1, 953, 999) 15, » 598, 8 893}) At 129, 633,9, 156, 803} 53,187)| 60,725] 104, 453 15, 215) 5,116] 11,993 30,545] 17,357] 14,869 395) 658 740 99, 344)| 83,754} 132, 056 eres 93, 529 5, 375) 527, 865 2, 034, 258 "519" 502|| 1217620) ” 68, 996 42, 989 455) 2,115 | 420} 2,260 118, BOOK dong ote 852) 223)| 181,806) 981, 285 659, 642'2, 825, 564 107, = 718, 317 1,619, 8907, 333, 699 | 68 517 118 752 107,145) 765, 254) 8,470} 24,050 1s 137) 5,498} 38,579 | 3,278] 27,145 49) | ee eS 8} 68 84,374] 672,798 2,082} 14, 846 40,035) 324,934 224 2, 377] 238) 1,978 251, 068'1, 863, 452 791, 4385, 266, 624 37,574) 300, 146 22, 003 A | RRR |S SE 730, 927 6, 208; 444) 1, 786, 726)14,586,871 53) 396 18,701; 141,472 9 14) 63 8,300 289) 8,587 11,526) 90,084 2, 749, 166) 21,105,594 | ARTICLES AND Cotton, raw, ginned Cotton, raw, in the Cotton yarns (kin): Cotton prints (sq. te COUNTRIES WEB [oma (picul): Australia .--....--[--——... . -—-[------ - »=-[]---=--- Chim. seed (pieul): British India. ....- 167, 795 Chim - 232-252 -5 492, 665. ORM Seca s ne 244 905 Sle British India... ... ; F. é 198, | 279, 849 sz, | 236, 583 bt 75) 805 5, 185 ae: é Los Wa Pe 602, 781 yards): ig 3 (c See Germany <...... Great Britain ... weet ween wate eee Germany. ....-.--- Great Britain ..... 69,814,288) 5, 555, a2 Holland ....... eS TOaT. s 839, 980) 5, 558, 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Principat Imports. INTO JAPAN FROM Various Foreign Counrrizs 1s rac YEAR from 1898 to 1900—Continued. ARTICLES AND pmo 1408 WHENCE IME ENCE - - PORTED. Quantl- | Values. Soe nc ern (sq. yards); Yen. Germany..-....:-. 10, 988) 1, 233 46, 97 3, 780 Great Britain ..... 4,657, 405| 489; 463|| 7,829, 202| 702) 781 Holland........... 225, 236 19,10 1 8, 000: 703 United States ..... 61,188| 7,789 9,107; 1,026 Other countries ... 883 zi 225) 55 305] 1 eae 4,955, 700| 517, 808)| 7,898,508] 708,348 Shirtings, twilled (sq. yards): | PTAA. a ainin ne 7,911 1,115 63, 593 7,793 ee Britain ..... 326, 336} 36,003} 865, 650) 101, 113 Hand Spe eee ee aa ee | ie Oe CES» Ae fy Cave S| | See a el ae ieee | See ees) en ae 7,333) 1,210 PEE CIR STUUGN wees oe i ecieeME aes socal ane wees 24, 731 4, 458 ERECT GRMN DULOS eaten «ie eee cc oat eee a gcse onaallamiec sen ma L, 981| 329 ON) 384, 247; 37,118 963,288) 114, 905 Ae aid 5 arn ‘sq. yards i To) 03 eth ES Se nee Aaa geen er es 32,000, 3,512 Great Britain ..... 3,452, 834) 408, 830)! 3,844,197) 395, 095 Switzerland....... 77,845} 8,135|| 335,720) 35,286 MOH... 0 casas 71|} 3,530,679) 416, 966)| 4,211, 917) 433, 894 Victoria lawns (sq. yards): . Great Britain ..... 4,151,833] 281,718] 2,699,280) 159,079 104, 096 Other countries ...j.....-.2.. poe cee 13, 808 cot | Ee ey see ee POE ses Sock 4,151,833) 281,'718)} 2,718,088) 159, 913)| 1,819,737) 104,096 Wool (kin): ASTANA, — 0.000000 1,117, 416) 760,.219)) 1,325,948) 941, 117)} 1,120,232) 722,881 Belem - 2. - 5-2-5. 568, 640) 824, 661 423,813] 520, 584 53,470) 55, 941 British India...... 62, 671 36, 738 365,056) 151,732 217, 147 77,441 moe = RS Se « $99,513) 282, 961)) 3,475,133} 810,616 a ne am a Brame se eee ere |) ee oe ol ae , 728 , Bl Rein Ge. 8s ic leas 101,683) 156, 055! 275,147) 315, 903 69,902} 66,099 Gemnany......... 1,070, 506} 1,258; ? 650) 1, 122, 868)1, 065, 850 341,195} 250,474 Great Britain ..... "593, 849} 600, ” 403| . 698,357) 494,993!| 337,879) 260, 35d [linn lo IEC Cy Ce ea ee 60,192) 23,629 4, 620 2, 887 Other countries’. _. 20) 1 ee all se | ee | eas ee Motaleesc asses 4,514,298} 3,919, 693/| 7,746, 50914, 324, 426|| 2, $38, 801/1, 642, $19 Woolen and worsted |~——_ |" _] yarns (kin): Belewim ....-...-- 5, 613 Eo Ce ee ee One| San eee ame ee PRAIMCO oie sa aicicie aos 8, 838 19, 231 1,238 12,306) 15,058 CemMianiy 3... =< 1, 067, 544) 1, 601, 154) 420, 035: 627,448) 693, 140 Great Britain ..... 159, 662} ' 172) 764 172,063)} 82,336] 76,276 Other countries ... 10 1 323 eee Ree 749 717 Total.......-.. Ges 1,241, 667) 1, 798, 585 598, 337/| 722,839] 785,192 a aioe le commits 4, 455 ae 078 PASTAS SrSSs | |SeCoe haa Soames c 66 | ONS esac Do oe sete 5) , 07 Belgium .......... Ce: lee A eee 3,820] 2,087 WrANCe.2 SL... 22, 896 18, 200 524 9, 586 3, 974 Germany ..-......- 1, 456,631) 846, 076 347, 744)| 2 2; 680, 316)1, 195, 013 Great Britain ..... 89, 818 54, 881 26, 679|| 312 , 380 156, 933 Other countries... 595 516 i ee aera kee eee MGS se seks order 1,575,181} 917, 931 374, 959; 3, 010, 557/1, 360, 037 Meannels; in part of |__| hl cece wool (sq. yards) : Belts 52 ec. =~ 9, 101 ee ian Plamiacta came 924 IBRAMNCO= 3. leo neo 3, 679 1, 759) C7) | eS ee ee Germany ......... 139,981] - 85, 655 10, 822 5, 106 Great Britain ..... 749, 604] 350, 487 106, 055 59, 582 Holland .......... “LS | ae aaa |e as eae Obhercoumibries scl. ocmasee asl cce eae a Feats Roepe ple potas soos 907,914) 444, 835] 120, 826 65, 613 Haban cloths; sat. |-—_|__, ins (sq. yards): Auisirie’ <.5.<....<. 18, 598 FIN ee eee ee | A See See Belgium EE ses 7 9, 802 16, 411 4, 093 2,402 Germany ........ 71, 156 58, 036 25, 288 386,979} 141,455 Great Britain ..... 2, 478, 872) 1, 032 on 3, 049, 004/1, 102) 627 24, 412 Other countries... cA 358) (25) | Reel > === ee Rotal 2.2455. 7\| 3,124, 809)1, 132, 575) 3, 148, 495)1, 068, 270 Mousseline de laine = ane 1 ol (sq. yards): EXO 3 SERS ages ane os See ae ae lee scab aaa Bas” 1.779 Belgium ......... Z , 862 Beal) SOM ORES: )_ Seen LNG ite a 16, 341, 269] 4,746, 741 11, 872, 54 2; 832, "664! 17, 947, 074.3, 763,330 Germany....... axe! 3, 434° — b 020, = 1, 649, 724 402, 201) 1, 308, 269} 278,783 > Great Britain...... 46, 001 9, 050, 57,212} 10, 593 Italy Ciersc: Hanee soe 35, 61 10, 730 8, 922! Deen <2 sce c- |e omen ce Switzerland.......| 5, 331, S77 1 547, 4 4, 477, S911, 067 874)) 1,773,446] 354, 563 Other countries... 37 |. | ee] La eee eee we eee eee Total..........|25, 269, 594) 7, 364, 991|/18, 220, 344 4, 350, 934 21, 088, 920)4, 408, 752 | ARTICLES AND COUNTRIES WHENCE IM- PORTED. Gemmany....:..... Holland Italy Woolen and worsted cloths (sq.yards): Austria............ Woolen and worsted cloths, in part of 2, 556, 792) 2, 969, 762 | 1,976,622 2,004, 198 1900 1599 1898 Quanti- | ~ Quanti , Quanti- | ...)... ties, Values, | ” ties. Values ties: Values Yen. | ¥en. Yen | ee ee See OPEC SL 52, S81 A, 231 73 | aS Se SSS 292; 029|. 196,511 23,041} 15,556 11, 688 $648 | 1,034,338} 867,847 91,181) 61,875 56,487, 32,333 49,196, 36,020 2, «1, 0M)... 7, 903 Pty: | SSeS ee BME Sap 16) 11! 988 (SED Bs 1, 465, 893; 1,162,418; 117,479! 79,340 68, 175 ——— as — a — =] —<—<—<— i} 32, 171 41, 578 | 2,642, 2,534 1,712 2, 204. 117,579} 149,055 51,125} 52,608 19,798 22.012 30,6241 37,505 44,974, 52,607 79,187 61,065 936,967; 965, 944 22, 393; 616,592’ 1, 786, 4571, 379, 144 1, 394, 070) 1,733, 863; 1, 236, 463.1, 256, 508 1, 415, 200 1,334, 209 45,275} 41,527), 18,122) 12,499 4,123 3,23 19) 36 6 4 1, 051 1,127 87, 201 897) 842 630; 419 3, 308, 158 2, 803, G07 wool (sq. yards): Co) ae 2, 952) 2, 659! 3, 068) 2, $32)) 4,124 1,323 Peli. 51, 435) 47, 273 i een Se et WRRCOL oo... oe 41, 255 30, 556i) 968 SH 1,674 947 Germany 343,032; 304, 209 144,458, 93,560 156,178 78,750 Great Britain...... 3, 961, 593). 2, 028, 769 918, 656} 413,196 $53,900 362,522 Holland. ow. 24, 232 Yet ne | OP a Oee eee Cae aR Eo ae Ue ee a a (= ae! ee || 3,627 ee eee See Other eouptries..\-- 251) 206 | 500) 400 Total. . oso. 4,424,499) 2,433, 757|, 1,087,824, 531,553) 1,016,376 444,144 Cocoons (kin) i CH a ee 589,813! 609,594)) 804,219' 639,951 458,445 211,901 OE Sonia ogee ato 1, 427) 1,189 3, 43} 2,271 1398 206 Mramee- - cers cece 5, 159 aa | See fee es ee Switzerland....... 2, 600) yA” | EP REE Oe | bene sae! | aN aE 2S ther eountnies< 2b.25-< .. 2-25 eae ae 5 15 Potals.. 22.25. . 598,999; 618,611 807,762) 642,229 ; 458,617, 212,133 Raw silk (kin): / } Ging, Soe sso 5 3, 173) 25, 209) 167,948, 95 5 7,583 28,135 LSC yO ee een 22) $73 2,595 3 10 Other countries ... 93) i | 18} 151 Sy 5s Potal...-..<..- 3,288; 25,800 168,839, 960, 359 7,608, 28,207 Korea Chhimaere ss: .. eS Satins (sq. yards): (352112 6 aie ia eae ree Plush or velvets, silk and cotton mixture (square Germany Great Britain Flax, hemp, jute, and China grass (kin): Australia Belgium British India...... wean Great nian Ttaly Philippine Islands | 2, ws, 955 Other countries... 148, 237} 351, = 151,850) 375, 189: 15,760, 37,S71 19, 697 32, 604 2, 652} 2, 265 9,887 6,794 21, 100 12) 83-4)| 15) 5S 212) 4,58 rl 667 SS a fares Il, 162 a 299 2 ‘ 57, 439 94, 240)) 45, 409 73, 602 173,93) 224,412 1, 340 2) 933)| 793; (1,773) os) 484 921 1. 805) 51 181) 6,357, 4, S01 24 39) hij 279 8s 170 59,724) 98,320!) 46,370) 75,836} 180,946) 229, Sés pe. | 1, 559 2,974) $4,124) 47,541 683} 1,205 9,371, 13,458 34,982) 41, 496 $2,342) 34, S91 690,583} 968,506) 426,864) 586,192) 394,649) 563,398 701,513} 984,934) 495,970} 675,230| 428, 174) 599,495 i | 469,160) 61,949) 279,331) $6, 675}}..........]........ a 30, 360 9 RR. ME BoP | SRE | SR 7 3,450,014) 220,875) 2,191,794) 101, 149 04) 5,935,748) 611, 023 | 8, 786, 037) 3M, 47 220) 44, 900; 5, 9841) See faa) FAGET IC it. eens ee | ee Te pee 2) 483) Dc | eee Permene ¢ tes 477, 297|| 2,899,279} $70, 276/| 1,252,904] 95,198 ~_ 3, 347) 1, 524) 213) 2 ii! 121 i 514, M7, 1,700, a 796.1, 245, 048, Ex 590, 517 2336 ARTICLES AND COUNTRIES WHENCE IM- PORTED. Flax or_ linen yarns (kin): Austria .---------- British India...-..|----------|-------° CHINA. «oo cases 02s Great Britain ....- Other countries..-|----------|---------*)[oro 492, 139 _ 361, 1,@2i) #70 France...--------- Germany ..------- Great Britain ...-- RGSSIG aseo'- o--a= | Other countries. - Blankets (kin): Austria ..-.----++- Belgium ...-.----- France....----- ea Germany.--------- Great Britain -...- Holland:<-----.--- Switzerland. -...-- United States ..... Other countries -.- Cotton handker- | chiefs (all kinds}: France ...--------- Germany...--.---+| Great Britain ..---! Switzerland....-.-- Other countries . Traveling rugs (kin): Germany....------ Great Britain .-... Other countries ... Cigarettes, rolled in paper (mille): British America. . CPIM oa i Soe asin Eyypt ...----++--+- Germany.------- oe Great Britain ..... Nt Sees os won ee Philippine Islands RUSSID ..-2---cee-s United States ..... Other countries ... Tobacco, leaf (kin): | CHINA oan aw vveccns COLTER ccna cccecs|scencccces|-ssse0eces } Dutch India ......|.-..--+--- er pee 93 / Philippine Islands | permnenns™ \scamnwnorsts | Turkey....-++++-+)- ‘United States ..... } 1,623, opt 39| Other countries. OULs cn wewcas' ) Wine,in casks (liter) :) France .......eee} Germany......-+++ Great Britain ..... TRL Gate e na nuwe weve Portugal ......-...| Spain ecccesnsscecs United States ..... Other countries . tGascncsnns Celluloid (kin): Belgium FranC@.....ceseee: Germany Great Britain ..... Jnited States ..... Other contries . ‘| Total.......-- 2, BRAN Lit. Sesedealeeemee es 14,904} 22, 890 44, rl 14, 428, ri 838, 922 143 44, 292| 16, 238, 7i 57| 5, 086, 354 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. ; Prrcipat Imports Into JAPAN FROM Various ForEIGN CouUNTRIES IN EACH YEAR From 1898 To 1900—Continued. 1898 Quanti- ties. Values. Yen "403, 175) "70, 362 6, 322 4, 6: 360, 723 285, 199 470, 727) 250, 985 9,186] 17,682 169, ee 147, oon 178, 396} 165,571 1,400} 4,069 6,259} 14,087 #88| 7,267 ’ 15,527| 40,399 160,235) 423, 346 1,207} 9,118 15,850| 12,476 2,089| 5,247 | 618, 101 1, 203, 283 2N\ 1,530 1, 8471, 720, 827 9 24, 132, 1092, 904, 671 34,869} 3, 956 4,101) 1,427 16,248 1,904 14, 433} _ 16, 260 6, 607, 798 1, 598, 258 3.738) 1,175 (30, $13, 296 4, 527, 659 | 2,592,215} 296, 930 64, 894) 7, 221 |i 272) 895| 37, 649 |) 3, 302, 459) 382, 057 61, 896 B, si 170, 363 |) 215,286) 406, 678 |) l | | ARTICLES AND _— = ‘. Quanti- Quanti- PORTED. ties. Values. ties. Cement, Portland (kin): Yen. Belgium ....--.--- 8,595 154 7,582 FranCe..--.2--c-0-|- 2-2-2 -222|- "00 r-- 2 or 11, 196 Germany. .---- 2,747,938) . 58,310 at, §39 | United States--..- | i | Coke (tons): Great Britain . ager oe e 142, 504 2 25 eS en aa 106, 292) United States | 16,557 238 8,328 Other countries . - 35, 507 810 16, 440 totals dost | 6,148,050, 120, 945)| 4, 984, 864 _ Coal (tons): | @hinghs.2:ss- 15 104 See eter Great Britain...-. 83, 062) 1,829, 490)| 51,118) 936, 653: 15, er 270, 1 140 28 355 318|| 8 98, sal 2,100,053 51,154) 997,094) 42 42,297) 399,189 ——— Other countries -.. Australia -.------- 1,102 25,02 pe ie > ol ey Belgium ...-.----- 259 8, 71l!|...-------|------- British America... 300 10, 62 Germany.....----- 913 28, 636 Great Britain -..--- 7,357] 241, 612) Other countries ..- 57 Total...-.----- 9,933) 314, 690) / tains J decwesesw en 17, 845 56, 730 6, 033 pe ae 576, 155!) 3, 899, 700| 487,125); United States --... "25, 1218 303,223) 25, 460 otal! a: 2. <-2e 619, 219) 4,264,683) 468, Bone, animal, for manure (kin): | Dried sardine, for manure (kin): ge | 1,289,411 41, 409), 5,300, 61 128, 282 ecaninn Asie coe beacehe ee laces 1211, ite 47, 884!|..-5-n-afe= sae Oil cake (picul): . i} ‘ Cbinge. c-—en 2,006, 336) 4, oe 824), 2, 616, 507 6, 047, 237 | a 098, 260 4, 610, 625 Korea 2.3 --<-ss==-5 4,883 §, 390), 3,893} 7, 0271) 3,068; 4,099 Russian Asia ...--- 269) pe 1, 146, 115|! 175, ol 737, 156 |..-------- lose ewes +: Other countries -.- 370) 1,121) 390) 2 242 Total....-----< | 2,280, 687) 5,696, a aoe asl 705, 504 6,701, S12) 2,101, 410 4, 614, 967 Phosphatic manure : | a | (kin): | i | Australia ...-.+.-- 4, 247, 147 73, 115 17, 781. 722) ..---. +--+: jotace = | Belgium ......----|]-.-----+-+|-----2"22° 169, 9, 342) 7,406, 1, 495, 887, 483 Briush India....-- 5/300, 421) 41,6 wae... Lets eae Pa Germany «.-----<- su, 045 17, 470); 3, 998, 707, 97,959) 2, 234, 453: 51,6 Great Britain ..... 188722, _11,614)| 1,240,792, 40,997) 1, 487,37 United States. ...- 21, 913, 082 348, 474 18,981,710, 252, 960, 12,279, 4 | Other countriés ..- 15, 802, ban 296, 759, 29, 330,800) 293,579) 12, 87, Total. ona <0 145,305,058, 789,106, 53,739,182 _ 693, 625, 30,34, i} AUSUTias is concen 659, 227 555i POOR Be hexeded Belgium ......+--- 41,866] 3, 669). .....-..-|.-----s02/-o- senna sieveccncnee British America... 486) Denmark .....--.- 16, 934 | Germany ...------ 4, 815, 791 273 || Great Britain ....- 231, 969 / Italy «..Jodaveonem= 16, 666 ert eS SS | Sw eden and Nor- | WAY ..2----0sneg «| 629, 648 || United States ..... 294, 536 12, | ——_ Total... ..cous 6,707, 118 | Timber, teak (eubie | feet): ; || British India......)...+---s02)ee-++-0s05 Duteh India. ...... 2, 629 4, 564 French India .....|.....----- |. snGekemecnian Siam ...s.scccceess 96, 981 Other countries ...|......-.0|eeee seers ed : (Sonia Tothl... «acces 99, 610) 81,542 142,502, 52,350, 91, 984 Timber, santalum, and other Jum- ber and planks: Australia British America .. British India China Korea Germany Great Britain Hongkong Siam Spain Belting and hose, for machinery: Australia 7 Gatenek: Caoutchouc, manu- factures of: Germany ......... Austria Germany .. Great Britain Bees 2, 147, 608 3, 345, 431 Bieyeles and _ tri- cycles: Australia British Americ Germany Great Britain JS ot hak0! Cae oe eee eee United States ees ee es ARTICLES AND i WHEN PORTED. Quanti- |) values. 363, 929}|.......... 232, 154| Pi, | Dee 4,025 640, "756ll00-.--.+-. 394, 136 PrINcIPAL IMPORTS INTO JAPAN FROM VARIOUS 1899 Quanti- ties, Values. | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 1598 Quanti- “ tics. Values. 29,181 5279 230; 898 347, 094 46 202 1,719 8, 510, 104 521, 070 2,426,891] 208, 663) wee eww ee 18, 452 1, 425 352 60 1,167,987} 66, 209 15,844] 2,061 1, 229, 256} 138, 905 1, 388, 701 ee ery 7,913 217, 452 17,878 102, 840 | | | 10, 189 |; 2337 ForreiGN CounTrRIES IN EACH YEAR FROM 1898 ro 1900—Continued. : ARTICLES AND en } ont 1008 Seuete a a [Aad ace ——<— HENCE IM- Tt SORTED Quanti- | y Quanti- | Quanti- | v1. PORTED. ties. | Values leat | Values. seer Values. | Railway passengers: | Yen. || Yen ) Yen. CG ea on ot Ps sa aalde selene ean clea taeea dos EiiasoeeccHeasededse | 15,272 Cpu ih, - ae oa | 86, OBGii os - senses Sia aes iateaetawe | 35,015 Great@iritain cl. .c6<.s0c. | (428 ORs a ye.” ) ae Se 1, 038, 090 Shy a el ae aie ee... Seas PEP aS Rea! hat” United States -..../.---.2.... i C7 fei | Ee valle 30 eS 12, 445 Motalests ans oefoe. eee pS | Mee Ree Ee 1, 100, 823 Railway freight i E : RIPE ss ab eels csc owe theca se Ue ties eee aes caxek 38, 731 IRN COs ea anoveabe ies vow oe ce C7 | ee ee pL | ee ee 5, 099 Germanys. 2 =. sites. o2s5- apc: | Pome t ee A) | Se ee 46,127 Great Britain... 2c.se2<-----: Gil Rene S08, SG on caasneoe | 221,504 United States <7. --|--........ Ve * SL SIDES aces -. 6.665 1, 583 624) 260 4,870 . 620 Rpetrbes as leak 28, 264 10, 985 39,091} 19,596 59,426 21,198 Other countries 4, 361 1, 238) = 126) 1,503 2, 689 996 Tote beens 2 530,064 302,534|) 224,973] 161,149] 263,485, 150,762 Dynamite (kin): i | Belem). se s2ch.3 37, 800 fT i7 || aes bel ae Soe 31, 875 13, 757 Germany... 22...- 292,872} 112,223); 331, 509} 131,007); 881,812) 395,071 Great Britain ..... 120, 959 59, 080 | 239, 87: 5| 113, 295 171,675, 98,762 Mota seo. 451,631} 187, 169)| 571, 384| 244,303) 1,085,362 507,591 Electric-light wire: I Germany. Soe Si eeeeas ss 6,114 py: | ee Se 2, 008 Great Britain 42, 484) 35, rot. 168, 320 United States 128, 144) 108, 675) 151,170 ; — ——_ ci ee eee Ut eee 176, 744)|. ....-.--- | 145, ve" See 321, 499 Mat. a (num- ‘ | | er): j j : CHUTES fweuast ase 4, 427,141 220, 490 3, 680,567) 169, 189), 3,483,592, 165,624 Hongkong ........ 21, 680 & 281) 227, 400; 10, 121)) orcs Aiea eta arm ae Other countries - - . 1, 700 34 300! 7 7 2, 600 $1 Total .s2.-0-< 4, 450, 521| 221, 807)) 3, 908, 267; 179, 267/ 3,486,192 165,705 _——e | Submarine tele- graphic cables and under- ground tele- graphic lines or Germany Great Britain United States 185, 270 198, 900]: = | | hd et bm OR 0} eee @ J oe, \ ie me 4 ales 9 he fat a; a yer ae At * Pe > i fie }é EXPORTS. IMPORTS. YEARS. ; : isis at te ee . Total. | Foreign produce. sane Total. Yen. Yen. Yen. | Yen. Yen. Yen. : ¥en. _ Wl ES ee 69, 306, 893. 81 758, 812. 01 70, 060, 705: 82 | 66, 041, 584. 27 62, 182. 33 66, 103, 766. 60 _ 136, 164, 472. 42 Lee orciains 55, 791, 846. 67 811, 659. 36 56, 603, 505: 63 | 81, 679, 354.36 58, 226.14 81, 728, 580. 50 138, 332,086.53 || 25,125,074. 47 |........ 78, 738, 053, 76 789,218.58 |. 79,527/272:34 || 62,880,670.60 | 46,597.78 | 62,927,968.38||- 142, 454°540, 72 ||_............--- 90, 404, 735. 05 698, 018.58 91, 102, 753: 63 71, 276, 942. 28 49,137.22 71, 326, 679. 50 162, 428, 833. 13 88, 956; 014.19 762, 850. 40 89, 712, 854. 59 88, 187, 628. 97 69, 542.74 83, 257,171.71 177, 970, 036; 30 112, 171,175. 47 1, 074, 910. 68 113, 246, 026.15 117, 371, 361.43 110, 594.03 117, 481, 955. 46° 230, 728, 041. 61 134,.991,029.82 | 1,121,148.10 | 136, 112,177.92 || 129, 083,297.32 | ° 177,280:96 | 129,260,578.28 || 265,372, 756.20 |.......-.------- 116,575, 578. 85 1, 267, 181. 77 117, 842, 760. 62 171, 459, 555, 85 ; 214, 918.40 171, 674, 474. 25 289, 517, 234. 87 53, 831, 713. 63° * 161,459, 310. 78 it 675, 765. 54 163, 135, 077.32 | 219, 158, 356.14 145, 415.50 219; 300, 771. 64 | 2, 435, 848. 96 56, 165, 694. 32° 162) 903,212.36 | 2)850,540.52 | 165, 753,752.88 1899 212, 952,136.47 | 1,977,757.84| 214, 929, 894. 31 TM hse or cc-c 200, 178,993.38 | . 4,251,000.60 | 204, 429) 998: 98 277, 270,728.90 | 231,497.61 | 277,502,156.51 || 443,255, 909.39 || 111,748, 403. 63 220, 050,983.74 | 350,942.25 | 220,401,925.99 | 435,331, 820.30 286, 588,420.70 | 673,424.88 | 287, 261,845.58 || 491, 691, 839.56 ? 5, of) 82, $31, SDI. 60. |.---------wenne 4 Value of yen on January 1, 1885, in United States mney; 85.8 cents; 1890, 75.2 cents; 1891, 83.1. cents; 1892, 74.5 cents; 1893, 66.1 cents: 1894, 5.6 cents; 1895, 1 cents; 1896, 52.9 cents; 1897, 51.1 cents: 1898 to 1900, 49:8 cents. sd Toran Vatur or Commopities Exrortep From AND ImporTED INTO JAPAN BY JAPANESE AND ForeIGNERS, RESPECTIVELY, IN EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1889 To 1900. [From official reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] EXPORTS BY— YEARS. | Japanese. Foreigners. Total. Japanese. Foreigners. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. 6, 781., 587. 98 61, 641, 543.12 68, 423,131.10 9, 645, 761. 69 54, 349, 247. 96 63, 995, 009; 65 16, 427, 349. 67 115, 990, 791. 08 6, 123, 961.5 48, 767, 685. 82 54, 891, 597. 38 19,521, 764. 71 61, 033, 109. 96 80, 554, 874. 67 25, 645, 726. 27 109, 800, 745. 78 ; 8, 770, 764. 83 69, 144, 861. 87 77,.914,.626. 70. 14, 276, 380.05. 47, 692, 803.45 61, 969, 183. 50 23, 047, 144. 88 116, 837, 665. 32 t 11, 395, 210. 47 77, 943, 923.79 89,.239,.134..26. 18; 812, 662.45 56,.263,.748.15 70, 076, 410. 60 25, 207, 872. $2 134, 207, 677. 94 13, 654, 984, 51 74, 485, 809. 36- 88,.140,.793..87. 16,693, 902. 29 70, 993, 193..03 87, 597,095. 32 30, 348, 886. 80 145, 389, 002.39 | ¢ wal” 20s 450, 979. 38 90, 846, 710: 15. | 111, 297, 689, 53 33, 7, 596.12 82,336, 454, 38-| 116,284, 050.50 54,398, 575.50 | 173,183, 164.53 LOGS os oe 26, 328, 816. 42 107,.188, 169.46 || 133,.516,.985.88. || 38,829: 338. 48 88,431, 505.96 | 127,260, 844. 44 65, 158, 154. 99 195, 619, 675. 42 8 29, 565, 487. 03: 85, 050; 296.42: | 114, 615,788.45 51, 211, 805.76 | 118,670; 789.46-| 169, 882, 595. 22: 80,777, 222.79.|. 203,721,085. 88 5D See ee 44, 374, 130. 89 115, 014, 294.14 | 159, 388, 425. 03 79,560, 939.03.| 138, 579,684.60 | 218, 440, 623. 63 123, 935, 069. 92 253, 893, 978. 74. |. TADBE oaoad ec 55, 060, 559. 41 107, 736,092.45 | 162, 796, 651. 86 90, 472,259.06 | 184,127,001.44 | 274, 599,260.50 145, 532, 818. 47 291, 863, 093. 89 1909)... oes 15, 248, 951. 29: 136, 246, 383.34 21T, 495, 334, 63. 89, 351, 617.34 | 129,877,029.79 | 219, 228, 647.13 164, 600, 568. 63 266,123,413. T3 | nit: Ss See 73, 38%, Go 27 | 124, 681, 912.40 | 198, 063,546. 67 112; 737,050.27 | 173, 433,883..08 | 286,170, 933. 35 186, 118, 684. 54 371, 497, 429. 48 | ~ Toran Vatvur or Exports rrom AnD Imports into JAPAN, DistiINGuisHinG DuTIABLE AND FREB OF > Dury, IN BACH Canmxpar Yaar From 1889 to 1900. [Fron official reports of the Japanese Government.] EXPORTS. DUTIABLE. FREE OF DUTY. YEARS. oS - Japanese produce. || Japanese produce.| Foreign produce. | Total. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. : Oe ois lea, ace 0 855 ane mds 66 pS ial v6 a. wee ee See ee ee 45, 121, 784. 02 24, 185, 109: 79° 753, 812: 01 24; 988; 921. SO |} 70; 060; LOU sin vetds nas S0.ce dae cernnnd owe kun dewwcwies ea dk Maer eee 35, 962, 240. 97 19, 829, 605. 70 811, 659. 36 20, 641, 265. 06" = a ONL Seinen owe daw &5'sinininaw wie» dninp one t.9'8.«, un ce, h mining = Wee eee 51, 073, 752.18 27, 664,301. 58 789, 218. 58 28, 453, 520. 16 ‘79, 527, DOs a Sats weiter s 6 dale o 0'6'se: 0.8% sinh nal SAN me Ginter eee a 59, 184, 901. 14 81, 219, 833. 91 698, O18, 58 $1, 917, 852. 49 91, 102, SOR igure eee Scho edue's's sus aewatececcuavkkaech cc slteeee ean 51, 531, 241. 68 37, 418, 772. 51 762, 850. 40 38, 181, 622. 91 $9,7 ABOU reed damian a Ws anwrisae as «i050 x's sire a wn'nk-okre nny cone 62, 860, 041. 23 49, 311, 134. 24 1,074, 910. 68 50, 386, 044. 92 113, OGD POOR sey Ce pin ee snvare ticknvwaekuwsccadlane ath 72, 003, 836. 42 62, 987, 193. 40 1, 121, 148. 10 64, 108, $41. 50 112, LOU saw tea nye 06¢ ne,c0 a Wp ah n:05.0'96in «a awn n.s.6:0 o70:p'se'n a tuw oi ee ee 50, 595, 375. 47 65, 980, 203. 38 1, 267, 181. 77 67, 247, 385.15 Ho BOT ore crete ee cn cey es sceicn Sec ccet navies cain coe 80, 738, 471. 57 80, 720, 840. 21 1, 675, 765. D4 82, 396, 605. 75 LUC ne aseicnhnashccnenees ps o.cvecsnanacagunbnn 4s dave 5eee Cte ae 68, 067, 035, 52 94, 836, 176. 84 2, 850, 540. 52 97, G86, 717. 36 165, 753, LOGO tcc es Mederaubawakek eau aie ckmcnwen tick cee ca Cotten Eee $2, 490, 317.95 180, 461, 818. 52 1, 977, 757. 84 182, 439, 576. 36 214, 929, Mad ax we lary neva avCaols ms Mi une Nn ite'e oe corks bes ch ne eae eee cae 250. 00 200, 178, 743. 88 4, 251, 000, 60 204, 429, 743. 98 204, 429, Ly COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2339 “Toran Vanor or Exports From AND Imports rxto JAPAN, DistincuisHinG Duttasve AND Free or Duty, rm gacn Catenpar Year FROM 1889 ro 1900—Continued. IMPORTS. DUTIABLE. FREE OF DUTY. YEARS. ; | Total. i nes s | q Foreign produce. poy oa Total ae produce —_ | Total ny ’ } 2] | | Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. 68, 403, 344. Be Bn Np 63, 403, 344. 60 |) 2, 638, 239. 67 62, 182. 33 2, 700, 422.00 | 64,108, 766. @ 65. < 65, 795, 097. 97 || 15, 875, 256. 39 58, 226. 14 15, 953,482.53 | $1, 728, 330.30 64, 822, 790.71 || §, 057, 879.89 46,597.78 8, 104, 477. 67 62, 927, 268. 38 64, 299, 861.87 6, 977, 080. 41 49, 137. 22 7, 026,217.63 71, 226, 079. . 79, 462, 140. 41 $, 725, 488. 56 69, 542.74 8, 795,031.30 88, 257,171.71 4 103, 195, 819. 67 || 14, 175, 541. 76 110, 524. 03 14, 286, 135.79 |} 117, 481, 955. 46 118, 680, 124. 61 10, 463,172.71 177, 280. 96 10, 580, 453.67 | 129, 260, 578. 2B 130, 431.093. 81 |) 41, 028, 462. 04 214, 918. 40 41, 243, 380. 44 171, 674, 474. 2 139, 975, 246. 22 | 79. 130, 100. 92 145, 415. 5 79, 325, 525. 42 219, 300, 771. 64 159, 387. 45 165, 522,486.46 || 111,777,679. 89 202, 040.16 111, 979, 720.05 277 , 302, 156. 51 hi 136, 477, 159. 07 12, 465. 85 136, 489, 624. 92 83, 573, 824. 67 338, 476 . 40 83, 912, 301. 07 220, 401, 925. 99 % 200; 439, 717.44 18, 289. 07 200, 458, 006. 51 | 86, 148, 703. 26 655, 135. 81 86, 808, 839. 07 287, 261, 345.58 * ® Dates before the year 1898 are unprocurable. Toran VALUE oF ComMopiTiEs ImporTEeD: Into JAPAN FROM VARIOUS FoREIGN COUNTRIES IN EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1892 To 1900. [From official reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] COUNTRIES | WHENCE IM- 1892 1894 1895 1896 1897 i398 | 1899 1900 -- . PORTED. | | cl. ; Silver yen. Silver yen. ¥en. Yen. Yen. ; Yen. Yen. ) Yen. ) Yen. fs -Australia......:..... 272, 787.15 319, O34, 26 534,763.35 | 1,081, 725.05 835, 046. 40 897, 050.20 | 1,408, 436.08 | 1, 708,670.41 | 2,455, 985. 95 a ae 10, 265. 48 21 208. 88 19, 819. 70 25,121.18 40, 400.13 85, 943, 06 591,325.94 | 15250,217.44| 4,502,476. 87 Belgium..........-..| 951,537.45 985,000.83 | 1,201,190. 78 | 2,066,244.73 | 3,106,094.38 | 3,173,218.44| 4,316, 703.24 | 5,415,809.87 | 7, 949, 253. 50 British America .._1! 30, 754. 46 16, 629. 04 45, 394. 83 13, 717.7 51,524. 83 129, 129. 12 156, 989. 45 182, 018. 34 | 316, 669.29 ‘British India ....212 7, 662,003.81 | 8, 679,029.05 | 10,560, 448.31 | 12,001,810.52 | 22,517) 424.54 | 29, 775,930.09 | 40,7647 244.96 | 43, 883° 885.62 | 23, 516.350. 66 ae 12) 509; 410.42 | 17,095,974.88 | 17,511,506. 67 | 22/985, 144.47 | 21,344, 521.92 | 29, 265, 845.35 | 30,523,860.78 | 28,687,730.80 | 29, 960, 740.02 Denmark............ 6, 157. 68 2) 143.07 3) 881.76 81319. 95 14,240, 92 | 7, 880. 28 14,182. 21 | 3,103.02 10,296.41 saan 3, 620,500.44 | 3,305,277.29.| 4,848,047.61 | 5,180, 134.76. | 7,682,346.70 | 5,147,591.51} _6,979,982.55 | 5, 768,180.31 | 8, 095, $19.49 IS RAE ia penal epee anont rane nanan 3, 382, 672.66 | _1,673,387.70 | _9,525,559.20 | 26,668,444.34| 47489,996.38 | 3 632 642.55 ee Genmtemy..........-. 6/375, 048,93 | "7/318, 133) 61 |" °7/909,343/31"| 19!9337 158.88 | 17/193/953.40 | 18;143)279.61 | 25/610,961.70 | 17,613.191.07 | 29, 199,695.93 Great Britain. 2.12.7) 90, 789, 332.07 | 27,929) 628.47 | 42' 189,873.62 | 45,172,110.85 | 59,251, 780.28 | 65,406,266.47 | 62,707,572.95 | 44°836,993.86 | 71,638, 219.71 ieeqeit)-...-......2. 647. 54 3; 689. 87 6, 147.78 2' 163.44 9; 926, 80 | 1, 414. 08 23° 950.86 | 5, 622. 74 | 5, 265. 36 Pur reMand._..:....- 5 17, 600. 13 32,618.97 30,173.78 61,535.28 62,799. 21 | 57, 992. 40 242" 868. 98 914, 405.47 | $09) 620. O4 _-‘Hongkong........... 6,985,722. 57 |* 8/268,071.13 | 8,999,718.10 | 8,078,189.52 | 9,133,777.66 | 12,027,197.39 | 15,904, 466.62 | 7,338,454.82 | 10,659,855.18 eS Tesi 2... eee 67,679. 96 86,578. 31 170, 339. 83 148, 465, 18 182, $23.85 213, 266.52 385, S18. 86 236, 988. 12 | 450, 105. 06 a “Korea 2020.20 20.2 3, 046,339.96 | 1,999,438.76 | 2,183,313.19 | 2,925/399.73 | 5, 118,925.05 | 8, 864,359.55 | 4,796,03229| 4,976,167.35 | 8,805,618. 20 = 6, 032. 28 9) 065, 22 433. 32 3,377.94 i 319. 06 | 288. 74 2) 984. 12 2) 438.18 10,681. 48 475, 122.58 567,138.47 | 1,698,818.67 | 1,220,744.55 | 1,804,914.41 | 2,675,300.34 | 3,204,182 83 | 2,383°873.59 | 2, 284. 298. 57 Se 6, 049. 94 6,126.57 4) 329.04 hee 15, 309.32 | 24, 025.48 Us 2 83,105. 41 qi 588-10 * A: "045. 97,955, 92 "932. 9: 7 290. 6 49, 123.36 297.15 835,395.12 | 1,871,113.47 | 1,173,774. 27 { 1,371,612.45 | 1,318,893.01 | 1,859,653.76 | 1,694,169.84| 4,534,119.77| 5, 716, 705. 24 we 4, 381. 88 54, 390. 52 618, 859. 15 143’ 095. 42 203,275.11 | 1,190,968.90 | . 4,173, 609.62 757,029. 54 585, 480. 40 toa 33,155.84 48, 164. 95 43, 463. 35 47,148.03 | + 86,495.57 93, 080. 85 130, 990. 67 101,718.49 74,837.82 Bes 49, 816, 24 7, 679. 34 18, 623,32 2087 335.23 117, 460. 60 85,279. 91 138, 46.39 1207 663.49 330,749. 85 lee pala 713, 650. 16 669, 301.19 629,207.60 | 1,040/211.52 | 2,534/217.39} 2,555,904.80 | 3,498,309.98 | 1,676,669.28 | 3, 012) 504.52 Sot se 813, 72 8, 992. 04 3, 446.24 5, 584. 39 328. 38 8, 226. 06 17, 288. 05 26, 052.89 25. 00 _.- United States of > 5 / . | America..........-| -5,998,058.56 | 6,090,408.40 | 10,982,558.44 | 9,276,360.95 | 16,373,419.85 | 27, 030,537.56 | 40,001,097.52 | 38,215,894.42 | 62,761,196. 48 Other countries ..... 867,820.83 | 2,916,340.12 | 6, 5947350. 54 574, 973, 22 907, 819.56 | 1,007, 655.04 | 3,825, 135.16 | 5,190,471.95 | 10, 157, 007.35 - | ; 2340 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Va.vue or Commopiries Exporrep rrom Japan To Various Foreign CounTRiEs IN EACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1892 To 1900. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] a ~~ COUNTRIES TO WHICH EX- 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 PORTED. ’ | * Silver yen. Silver yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. AMAUMANIB) oc . a pr ae! on oo 676, 533. 95 1, 727, 497.83 1, 603, 809.39 , 842, 222. , 932, 133.00 | , 709. 217, 480. 61 2, 790, 626, 98 1,009, 682.88 8, 337, 335. 78 2) 931, 764. 96 | 782, 858. 55 12/100. 90 2’ 876, 083. 45 807, 762.67 S558, 71L20 | Beal80 747.62 | 608,479: 64 55,400.88 || 8,800,748. 6 G40, 088 OF 558, 711. ' 418, 747. 472. , 420. , 800, 743. 64 088. 67 4, 244, 197. 89 6, 370, 689, 25 748, 388. 46 160, 361. 88 6, 885, 308. 95 ort Os 18 , 4, 948, 028. 81 10, 024, 383. 16 898, 706. 98 830, 716. 08 8, 840, 773. 63 1,755, 192. 72 5, 542,012.74 138, G01, 233. 64 1, 264, 266. 61 423, 723. 70 11, 877, 296. 18 3, 272, 386.57 6, 587, 275. 77 19, 698, 645. 59 1, 248, 719. 31 $20, 020. 13 14, 320, 595. 72 4, 279, 616. 88 6, 207, 771. 46 11, 147, 510. 08 / 2, 116, 050. 96 1, 726, 462. 14 16, 762, 159. 69 4, 380, 332. 68 6, 939, 120. 46 15, 427, 337. 60 | 2,127, 614.01 8, 009, 284. 25 19, 904, 839. 93 11, 824, 188.54 \ - > 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. [From official reports of Japanese Goyernment.] 2341 - ToraL VALUE or Specie AND BuLiion Exporrep rrom AND ImporreD INTO JAPAN IN EACTE CALENDAR YEAR Prom 1889 ro 1900. EXPORTS. IMPORTS. EXCESS or— ; YEARS. ara 4 : 7 i} old coin an Silver coin an Gold coin and | Silver coin and ; —- bullion. bullion. Total. bullion. bullion. Total. | Imports. Exports. : Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. OT! 25 7S ee 268, 009.79 4, 920, 519. 68 5, 188, 529. 47 749, 923.51 13, 423, 322. 04 14, 173, 245. 5f CT ea eee ae 1, 637, 605. 62 12, 090, 925. 77 18, 778, 531. 39 260, 242. 37 840, 365. 00 1, 200, 607. : 11: 2 aia ED 230, 446. 28 1, 222, 517. 64 1, 452, 963. 92 283, 144. 37 18, 605, 381. 88 3, 888, 526. 2! ct eB neigh ile,2 5 8, 544, 523, 07 1, 185, 230. 00 9, 729, 753. 07 395, 493. 44 22, 488, 263. 50 22, 883, 756.4 MAS eee 5 ae 2, 302, 678. 14 9, 986, 510. OL 12, 289, 188. 15 496, 729. 94 10, 689, 756. 77 86, 486. () ES ee ee eae 3, 547, 188. 16 80, 831, 973. 08 34, 379, 114. 24 55d, 966.14 | 26, 227, 686. 61 5, 783, 652. 75 24, 509, 746, 89 27, 301, 698. 64 1, 029, 912.27 4, 844, 252. 16 5, 874, 164. 4: 9, 602, 307. 86 11, 598, 883. 79 10, 217, 458. 21 28, 924, 750. 11 39, 142, 208. 3: 10, 355, 365. 51 19, 219, 163. 01 64, 313, 492.77 17, 153, 219, 75 $1, 466, 712,52 40, 706, 137. 62 86, 987, 480. 63 37, 027, 752.39 5, 536, 028, 13 42, 563, 781. 2, 409, 881, 99 11, 178, 247.14 20, 080, 695, 82 $2, 804. 92 20, 163, 500. 74 || : 4, 945, 443. 37 56, 707, 063. 05 8, 967, 198. 12 2, 550, 636. 99 SDE? GoOeEE Ws oo anos ees : 45, 139, 2277 aT DECLARED VALUE OF ARTICLES EXPORTED FROM JAPAN IN VESSELS OF EACH NATIONALITY AND CLASS OF VESSEL DURING BACH CALENDAR YEAR FROM 1893 To 1900.* [From official reports of Japanese Government.] EXPORTS. NATIONALITY AND CLASS OF 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1399 | 1900 VESSEL. Japanese: Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. : Yen. isan Vy CRSCIS -« ghia coc ccs se apaers 6, 594, 278 5, 746, 869 3, 453, 299 12, 543, 114 23, 098, 787 39, 574, 417 65,410,628 | 62,573, 707.05 Sailing vessels .....-.....-0.-00- 2 260, 744 307, 870 477,121 537, 048 964, 563 788, 868 1, 037, 121 | 1, 125, 407.94 otal...» CaaS ana eee 6, 855, 022 | 6, 054,739 3, 930, 420 13,080,162 | 24,063, 350 40,363,285 | 66,447,749 | 63, 699,114.99 American: st > ae Steam vessels ...........-. Bertie 7, 094, 235 10, 011, 732 12, 609, 343 7,330, 401 9, 405, 871 6, 518, 450 11, 658,606 | 7,625, 212.97 AINE VORSCIG cn aecenscx=-2--coer 1, 648, 610 2,073, 608 1, 340, 382 707,131 968, 620 864,733 703, 052 77, 680. 83 PUGH oem iansieaans de eras 8, 742, 845 12, 085, 340 18, 949, 725 8, 037, 532 10, 374, 491 7, 383, 183 12,361,658 | 7,802, 893.85 British: ee. Ok Fee See PSE HE Se. Rigem vessels. ---..--.--.-p.0%s 0s 44, 682, 061 62, 936, 982 78, 269, 645 58, 899, 283 81, 551, 881 72, 206, 0S2 85,174,651 | 68,521, 486. 40 BAslIng-vessels =~ sa--c<:--0000 1, 068, 737 1, 667, 108 1, 699,178 16), 344 341, 232 160,519 310, $14 580, 441.50 eae oe ale A 780, 708 64, 604, 090 79,968,823 | 59, 059, 627 81, 893, 213 | 72,366,601 | $5,485,465 | 69, 101, 927. 90 French: re Per ee a Se ees ape ae SGA. FESSCIE cea aces ---c5~5 a de 14, 279, 421 13, 045, 372 14, 014, 475 ss 738, 174 19, 042, 457 14, 767, 413 20, 652, 030 | 19, 546, 656. 16 Sailing vessels ....... Sei Se CURTIS ae gear pte el i Mea k= aie a A ON an ED lh Seely ns) a nie $2, 165.83 Total..... Bin USS coaaade sabes 14, 322, 437 18, 045, 372 14, 014, 475 13, 733, 174 19, 042, 457 14,767,413 | 20,652,080 | 19, 638,822. 04 German: Steam vessels ....... Keaoh eae 9, 962, 150 12, 119, 428 16, 142, 602 15, 111, 469 17, 198, 081 19, 735, 210 20,632,724 | 30,616,142. 23 MELeMPVESSOIS 202. soc lesen ee 519, 467 279, 103 88, 930 UPR | EEC eee rae UR 0) eee 13, 759. 91 Tota). See ee oe 10, 481, 617 12, 398, 531 | 16, 231, 532 15, 158, 564 17,198, 081 081 | 19, 816, $23 | 20,632,724 | 30,629, 902.14 Russian: ' ae Gtenm vessels’ ...-<.:.---2n0cess Tet ce een. LS ee [7 |. pee ale an incann ieee SLCHI: VERNEls 22: 55.5505. Sheers 54,031, 811 65, 028, 949 80, 641, 923 109, 501, 621 132, 342, 697 97, 932,701 Sanline Vessels. 22. ssc soonoteeeaes 979, 585 1, 579, 404 1, 549, 504 2, 600, 468 , 153, 774 2, 705, 665 ce) Oe ed eee ee Ae Be 55,011,346 | 66,608,353 | 82, 191, 427 112,102,089 | 135,496,471 | 109, 639,366 | 133, 138, 620. 72 French: wa Bieany veesels.. =... sc» eens 7, 202, 642 9, 197, 054 10, 465, 784 10, 113, 477 12, 611, 250 7,467,132 | 8,987,370. 50 Sailing vessels) 25.5422 ~ 1. aseceee 45,408: |< -2 «= Wiad vckiusivanakcocrisnncesuadtt cto eereacete 0 0 1 2 0 a TED dens sng w Fa Newey vs nav’ Sencar swash 829 12, 140 85, 465 | 76, 633 22, 406 MAUD CUR San We chsh Sena nkl pues ob steracecewicteeetun ule b 770 11, 648 57, 792 63,114 (17,687 ‘d 1897 PRCSCPceCeScUtrvuwiNEGerKnhS bsSvaR eww eretanabunws ens 718 , 573 46, 029 43, 707 15, 078 DOU ee eR ENaC Cava acc in nakawnc ances eee 627 290 42, 063 40, 348 13, 9M 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2343 NoumsBer or Forreianers Resipine 1x JAPAN Decemper 31, 1899. [From official reports of the Japanese Government. ] Diplomatic Foreigners | PorpuLATION AND NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN CITIES OF JAPAN HAVING More THAN 20,000 INHABITANTS ON DECEMBER 31, 1898. ; [From returns of the Japanese census. ] ! Foreignersin | . aa - Merchants NATIONALITIES. Paacans | thepublic | opored by | “and other Total. ty service. Pp a | professions. oe Ct (ook 24 STU Te CORR AST nen a ee ate eee sees weenie nS adeinn cen Saiecescetenceewessonncasnccan 13 5, 011 1, 348 | 6,259 6,372 KOOTCADS 222 - onne on enw ence nen e cece nen ce none ensaccenecacnncscecssasncccccascnes 1 177 10 187 188 Ree seme an take Ginanalcsaninn anna SeReMane nes eieeea venus awe nese an acs aswisoneee 19 1, 243 751 1,994 2,013 CME es nakowadccuswscse ccc pate ee eere Set tall tc pt lal pram la i il 835 117 45/2 563 Germans) #: ...---.---s.ce--200e eo ceeeeccce wwe ecm a wen e nen c cease ncenennencccncccnccees 14 382 136 518 £32 URUSSIODIS © oan ce anne neem ao nnn -nnonnnananemadnsenscanaanaancanncccesennannaaanceccccssss- 11 80 43 123 | 1A PHI INEE eins Sn non checs re cvcianouscobesmncs>cncusens Lert ygt Ska Se: 2 a 4 38 9 47 | 51 PRS ences aacece tastawecasa ceapeceeesas- sre. eee eee eee eee 15 5 2 26 eee eee sce mane eer sanae cn Seaaetiam ap oaoa sat mie sects «0 daw as. acuadtee'suceiecvavcce 1 61 32 93 91 Me seas ec sete meer canan orotic sca cn ben ate wenn ce ce naPaee cece ue A 4 52 29 | $1 85 OUUUSIOEO 2 coe feiss eee ene ose 3 99 56 150 18 eM es ene naan daccecussarcescneccaws ea ne waentetcenesssea ec mensct cereus it 6 35 9 44 | 50 ‘ eM ST CUED ULET SRE TELTN oyna ain wore a aicG amr bind dd cece ioe mate clocks nw auinininy ameainwraic owicjeiuere 2 54 27 81 &3 ; UM Bel ied a a a orm xininiw sini aisininiaini cw) a cle site awa cn eiwia'eislsn se eewoseie mn Sucuewesecteescevecducdesese 4 40 15 55 59 PEO SLUMS ONOMWORIADIA oc ots -ncchtoetdincccca sen. vavicudUcwans saccceccecncntcucaesdécvcs - 29 12 41 42 ; ER thet eee a aeeice wanes aed eceecudwes any ae vncdecaepmeb e's w0Gkaiweresct sess 0 1 0 1 1 2 Op Se gee 552 BSE e ee sea aes ee a Serieee ning Fad oecne Chet ee scbaer io ceacir cage eae 14 750 532 1, 282 1,296 ae OLS mois ee mianincaian aes apices ee clbniabiniens on sAlcwinwisdewcclne wombs ete cet ececeoce 3 0 0 0 3 RAEI ee rte A ott aig ite Siaetntns Wee echo se ee cicaiie a tas unpicie csc wat cad Se ncceciencsse 1 0 0 0 1 | (Woo. 2008) 2 aStenga0 6 55 SSor CoC HOC Sng ES ene St OSC oor S CODES Sea COS S- COC eee COnC EEE EEE are 2 1 0 1 3 Se a te ee nein aaa eae eameaee an vex ate cls Oba m maavc/duien re == ania 3 16 11 | 27 | 30 | Bota] B09 «.0c. -oennn--ans AI AEE Se oa IE ee 123 | 8, 419 | 3,142 11,561 | 11, 684 PopuLATION OF THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN ON DECEMBER 31 oF THE FoLLOWING YEARS. 4 [From official reports of the Japanese Government. ] | INCREASE OF POPULATION. : 2 Average ersons increase ' YEARS. Males. Females. Total. | Excess of | heretofore yer 100 in- | births over; unknown Total. abitants. deaths. who had registered. . EMM hi eC oi See MEMS aE Toe rT a. iL er gps et oe | 22,072,758 | 21,688,057 | 43,760,815 475, 119 56, 833 531, 952 1.23 = 21,823,651 | 21, 405, 212 43, 228, 863 458, 288 62, 311 520, 599 | 1.2 ; 21, 561, 023 21, 147, 241 42, 708, 264 | 369, 356 68, 288 437, 644 1.04 21, 345, 750 20, 924, 870 42, 270, 620 394, 005 63, 400 457, 405 1.09 21, 122, 899 20, 690, 316 41, 813, 215 368, 215 56, 687 424, 902 1.6 20, 906, 465 20, 481, 848 41, 388, 313 | 240, 784 57, 589 298, 373 ote 20, 752, 366 20, 337, 574 41, 089, 940 320, 046 51, 217 371, 263 91 = 20, 563, 416 20, 155, 261 40, 718, 677 233, 636 31, 580 265, 216 . 66 | 20, 431, 097 20, 022, 364 40, 453, 461 321, 656 59, 785 351, 441 9 7 20, 246, 336 19, 825, 684 40, 072, 020 401, 230 63, 556 464, 786 1.17 20, 008, 445 19, 598, 789 39, 607, 234 419, 895 117, 648 537,543 1.38 19, 731,732 | 19,337, 959 39, 069, 691 304,681 | 257,833 562, 514 1.46 a : ay , Number Popula- Number Popula- . CITIES. df caries! tian CITIES. of families.| tion. . ESO OOO) fer tet min minre = laiolaela Same weenie = ala wnclview see me SLB, De ie leASO LAE SAPS (GEOR oan onan nnn a= mamnewnals sieinietind -ateeooneexemes 4, 893 ChSS on, (OSD 7 ee a oe oem aise 185, 847 ale AoOs Un SNGIE re, CLOGHIPT) soa kce vaamdn=sench a odessa aman sns 6, 455 AITO UBLOUENUCD ierars ace sane selenieie cos cia wine eacteleccesenada sacar 66, 999 Sod oon Le RAO Mase OVEING) = o2c coeds a Rite osc cceceaanandmcacgsceccs 6, 507 ING BOV eR CAICDL)) ooo. = one nee we mw emne nce cecesnnecccenacee 56, 680 Po | (PG ICTR ONC 0000) ees I, SR ae ees 6, 326 SME PELO MO Neen cenin some cei oa moieinls acinciecawewmcnw nanan 59, 032 215; 780) || Nagono (Nopona) ~.. ~~~ <<... =. 5. nee wen Sane 9, 708 DCEMU PEFIE (MOANA PO WE) cise cima cemece coc ccicesccscicenc cesses 31, 765 DEB ACG 2 ME We sho) OES = ee eee eee 6, 361 PPecreseertey (EITOSMIING)) .o name coweceawaieesiacneaccieccencee 28, 811 TOE OG. ie hee esel eae CORT sce. Soc ee ith orcas ceoeon secs cennwed 5, 107 Tran ONCE Satara cas naivcameee-ismcasocicaeniwatnammcc'c 16, 559 107, 422 || Yonezawa( Yamagata) ........... REA Re ete nee 5, 453 Kanazawa (Ishikawa) 28, 507 SonGeen |e Nery (NOLS )\= Seca ke clo es See Gos ecacanbn nk causa manson 5,613 Sendai (Mayagi).-...... 14, 390 Soro e DAAC lta PARIIO We on. a dws a anngah Wena e heen Soak arene 6, 793 z 17, 886 78,040 || Wakamatsu (I'ukushima) 4, 795 9, 748 66,190 || Kurume (Fukuoka) ........ 4,819 11, 767 G3) COG le DORLOEL (VOLGOLT) © ~ a lw wae canis . 5, M7 12, 476 GLSHo le AwWwOROLl (A WOMOEL) 002. cdees Puen ecunaiindeensscccases 6,177 13, 784 BIS G SFG eATIAG Oy CNL TYO hose ons coe ee cane beeseeeaems oawene 5, 954 13, 883 Bou pose ecole (Ha OO Ka yo... face atGe Sonae cn da ecg dcaecs 3,: SESS 7a ee DosUeba WC mInae (CREDA) = ee ooo... coe cnadetecawaaqnucesaetnnwnce 3, 568 7,723 GRE LAM ote eh ool 0 GT) |e ee ES Oe ee 4, 9, 459 DesAnlahe VOimmOICHT (MIGG) Cocke kc.sccwcs gen bwke Slade cceeeeeaweckos 4,435 10, 214 53,366 || Marugame aedalidee Se tele iat Oe Ratt ainsi isi mate cm 6,8 9,311 DO: Aon Pe NC AGGH ) Ae oes Ue tc euaceuapbuteccdnnamacences 5, 1 10, 119 BS esos |e STE CS IRENE ia narn open canes cmnamnaee es od meween 3, 7,565 ASG tee OCR LIL WORE Vic clean tan nas anes cscawe aus ene'aesuvduwe 5, 367 8, 691 GN ie || MUVCOs, PNGLBIO)) ac ccannepweancasncccenacuassemerucceccees ' 4, 249 7, 304 SU Oeee PRR RUN (CRETE EE rr. cence cawaecccenwanct scabs cccting 3, 4 6, 569 37,482 || Hachioji (Tokyo) 4,353 8,347 36,549 || Tochigi (Fochigi) 3, 8, 484 - 36,511 || Onomichi (Hiroshima) 4, 736 7, 548 35, 453 || Sakata (Yamagata) 3, 5, 253 35,3800 || Toyohashi (Aichi) 4, 996 9, 153 35, 282 || Washo (Hiroshima) 4,3 6, 441 S2areh [he busimg (KIO) =. vcccseccacenan 3, 57% 7,936 34,651 || Ashikaga (Tochigi) 3, 908 6, 448 fete Sen en ER CELIOR GD) esc wcicce~ ow a son Sana cn Renna a wenmandubeen 4,8 7, 844 34,416 ||} Fukushima (Fukushima) 3,585 : 5, 832 34, 225 || Tsuruoka (Yamagata) 2, % Ibaraki) 5, 4383 33,778 || Toda (Kanagawa) 4, 070 toa LE) cet 3.22 Sie aOR 5, 821 Seo te a cate (De). ace oe Seda sole ceee ta Cuiw chen aes 3,715 SNE Le ere oiaettinesicliawe = bee oc oc cas cecicc case sssnac 5, 433 BOeSSSril, CV AVELIA. (MLVO) . edwin ceetnaetou ah GaehNean quae sacnas seinen 3,475 2344 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. = Estmmatrep ANNUAL ArgEA DeyoTEep To THE CULTIVATION oF Rick, BARLEY, ETC., ALSO ToraL Propvuction. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] [Koeku=4.96 bushels. Cho C=2.45 acres.] CULTIVATED AREA. YEARS. Cho C. Cho C. Cho Cae AME IRS oe Pegs Soccs isc savepeene Ore so See ee eer ee ee a aie ae 2, 839, 550.2 654, 852.3 1, 794, 612.4 TC AAU RE IE a a eee ee re alate eee | Ap ee BELT EES, 2, 817, 624.0 659, 695. 5 1, 806, 667.4 Sati aap eee eat seh RIOR. | ee ee ee INN | cs, ee ee ae 2,788, $45.2 639, 884.0 1,749,571.7 1 stn Pps cig eR ce ieee SIMI ERS eras 9-2 Sine AREY Oe a tas rns 2,786, 989.4 | _ 650,503.6 1, 764, 690.6 aches ae eo corde want ioc 2 ceo Te oe eh ee en ee ON 2,779, 227.1 653, 204.5 1, 771, 023.6 — ate ere ye ee IT, SS ete Rae ee a eee 5. eee Fae 2,721, 044.8 647, 982.7 1,751, 012.8 TS SE a a 5: eS Ree ARE d= eS A ae as My Bathe ae a an BS 2, 769, 478.9 653, 443.4 i: 7s, 010.3 [A A ened EERE cory 8 Me Ne 6 ge ce he | 2,755, 101.9 653, 266.6 1,727, 373.0 Koku. Koku. Koku. Koku. Roku, 5 MBdd Mecucseose teen APE agin Ee POOR dalle St 39,590,822 | 8,407,263] 6,606,277] 4,057,670 | 19.07: 210 0.97 clo ee Gee Riera i gan ye ae ca .-.--| 47,387,666 | 8,913,560 | 7,366,€05 | 4,181,888 | 20,4%.03 1.08 1EVieiceteonswws' stu edtes sonata tunes eteroe s+eee-| 33,039,293 | 8,028,698 | 6,165,792 | 3,811,000] 18,0u5 au .% it a a eee aaah aers Nae EaS hia 36,199,771 | 7,849,285 | 5,923,247] 3,552,789 | 17,325. sz1 .88 ISOS Re RCO be. 7.8 Sacre Se eee meee Gee ee 39, $29,882 | 8,535,770 | 7,015,709 | 3,973, 19, 526, 122 1.04 TBGHS Mae Jo Me octee cr cean wate ee eee See eee 41,865, 893 | 8,528,408 | 7,314,304 | 3,967,253 | 19,809,966 '! Sti 1953 cee pitéhwcasicny ee eee pnbenae wsvecsenesecsesenes| 87, 199,663 | 7,196,569 | 6,146,126 | 3,291,146 | 16,633,541 | 94 abst) ped een Sy ee ee een yee aE a eres .--| 41,378,956 | 6,809,275 | 6,057,134] 3,074,867 | 15,941,276 } -93 Sirk CULTURE IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the J apanese Government.] {1 Kwan=8.28 pounds.] Cards of YEARS. silkworms’ eggs. Number. Koku. Kwan. Kwan. Kwan. 3,795, 030 2, 512, 562 1, 754, 242 1, 523, 174 = 8, 936, 909 2,027, 342 1,479, 747 x 655, 118 3, 988, 569 2, 124, 238 537, 561 629, 375 3, 746, 139 1, 836, 672 1,442,720 610, 083 58, 3, 938, 388 2, 258, 173 1, 603, 311 696, 377 61, 8, 334, 294 1, 800, 596 1, 296, 783 590, 801 o— 8,091, 222 1, 686, 894 1, 288, 554 541, 267 56, : 2, 831, 159 1, 480, 705 1, 096, 088 522,544 57,121 Domestic TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] Number of YEARS. manufacturing, Number of looms. households, BROS es cas Jub cee NAG < oo ckeuseeneetancusk basesas wet ueseneteeetuwe é Gocenec teens qusbe@eece 654, 196 1 IAP os Cee Sur tiwaveriecesdtueen scunictoscnenéceucestucehs seecetie Seeucuxe 665, 356 (ae oe bebe ces lWeeensetecechepeneeenes veesecpeny heibtSECke DSkNES eRe TE NERS 687, 523 DBO vic coc ph ae WRer views con useStebtataspevenncteceteun Hu veretnccensnesessseesebneeen aevsss 660, 409 DOOM sincaccbsavntver ans avesadtebveus cucvessscvechansebastesecnne a eeneea—nn Susbactuece ae 600, 444 QUANTITIES AND VALvEs or Textures ManvuracrvureD 1x Japan, 1890 To 1898. [From oficial reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] FABRICS FOR CLOTHING. —S—S— — — — ————————— ———— SILK AND OOTTON | SILK, COTTON. arxe. TION | HEMP. YEARS. Pieces. Value. Pieces, Value, | Pieces. | Value. t J Yen. Yen. | , Yea. .+| 11,936,849 | 63,143,314 || 64, 644, 915 | 48,186,610 || 6,478,283 | 11,056,250 |, 2,762,919 | 8, Soa, 449 .| 11,248,510 | 54,987,876 |} 60,831,000 | 40, 894, 804 ) 5,448,064 | 8,501,166 | 4,748,884) 4,524,581 9,897, 756 | 45, 819, 364 |] 70,195,698 | 38,089,089 || 4,383,047 | 6,174,587 |) 1,706,427 | 2,668, 077 83 | 41,063,194 |] 63, 422, 144 55 658, 748 | 3,975, 602 | 5,982,376 || 2,055,728 | 2,350,805 sagan | Rosse | sasha Somes | Rane) BeCae| Seas 16, 825, 728 || 40,219 136 | 18,402) 874 || 3,618,735 3, 919, 200 | 1,543,338 | 2, 671, 978 4,882,296 | 12, 543, 666 |] 86,175,902 | 16,344,908 || 3,340,809 5, 167, 785 | 3,860,967 6,331,353 4,154,466 | 10,501,870 |} 30,044,876 | 13,098,442 || 2, 764, 967 2,978, 901 | 1,011,954 1,533,489 + Norr.—A picce of texture for clothing is, at an average, 11} yards long and 38 yards and 5.6 inches wide. 1901,] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2345 QUANTITIES AND VALUES oF TexTURES MANUFACTURED IN JAPAN, 1890 To 1898—Continued. FABRICS FOR SASHES, GIRDLES, ETC. | SILK, COTTON. | SILK AND COTTON MIXED. | YEARS. Total value. Pieces, Value. Pieces, Value. | Pieces. Value. Yen. Yen. "en. 1, 582,785 10, 792, 714 957,322 591, 794 2,771, 534 6, 154, 067 282,710 8, 710, 898 1,761, 665 1, 359, 043 | 2, 130, 232 3, 163, 864 1, 238, 617 8, 276, 581 1, 300, 270 991, 012 2, 246, 068 2, 958, 951 805, 480 5, 408, 207 2,109, 679 1, 402, 979 2, 716, 262 4, 298, 896 750, 058 3, 783, 700 1,533, 980 726, 815 | 1, 958, 671 2, 826, 585 524, 245 2,904, 771 1,212,329 618, 117 1, 540, 383 8, 825, 317 468, 708 8, 022, 057 1, 526, 220 710, 535 1, 562, 102 3, 888, 164 851, 270 2,581, 345 1, 724, 263 581, 762 1, 410, 263 2,790, 191 639, 485 2,131, 360 2,189, 742 465, 161 1, 628, 940 2, 232, 020 Notr.—A piece of fabric for sashes or girdles is, at an average, 413 yards long. The width varies according to the sex and age of the respective persons for whom the goods are destined. Corton SPINNING IN JAPAN BY MEANS oF EuROPEAN MACHINERY. - [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] [1 kwan=8.28 pounds; 1 sen=¥, yen.] YEARS Number of Number of Quantities of | Quantities of Spinning : companies. spindles. cotton spun. | cotton used. waste. Kwan. Kwan. ASS) oe DO ScSc oom dee seeoccsSso—6 ose seccs Seacnwccewstcchrnucesccscpes samme’ 95 2, 074, 475 43,113, 790 51, 024, 761 6, 163, 707 SR Se ae teraia ma rale]oiatyc'siwiaim's eieim icinre|s ewe SOGTCE HEE ARSSnO eon 55 26 Seeie peer esas =a =so6 72 1, 027, 817 $2,163,239 | | 42,544,656 4, 980, 687 TO seco io ee a ee eee ee 74 768, 328 26, 134, 120 32, 068, 243 3, 706, 510 1896. ....--+---+--- 222 ee wee eee eee eee ccm en cee e nee e ene nee ccenm nn cnennnseeeeeeees 63 692, 384 20, 585, 485 24, 875, 0ST 2. 993799 Bioee 2, Ware eo ae see i ee age hc aioe cin ows See ae eee oouneetiees. 47 518, 736 18, 437, 011 21, 771, 346 2, 423, 261 ike a BEE a eee ee a SS ae ee eee eae 45 476,123 4, 620, 008 17,179, 274 i, 816, 333 Lo ees SS eo ee oe ee ee a ee eee -e. 40 381, 781 10, 666, 744 11, 531, 307 b B 178,068 1892.....-.-- rate Sate abt hon/m mre Se ee ee ee ee See eee eee eee ee 39 385, 314 9, 977, 208 12, 240, 793 906,116 | | | DAILY AVERAGE WAGES HORSE POWER OF MOTORS. | PER WORKER. YEARS. Waste of || Coal con- eotton. nh PRTG = Steam. Water. | Male. Female. / Kwan. | Tons. || Sen. Sen. 756, 306 33, 626 1,819 AD TIB Bo on nc ck te ee OS AUPE lesan eres Secale tame ins caren | Se | eee ok CES 1, 177,.099 26, 301 1, 352 241,791 || 22.9 13.6 328, 666 19, 244 216, 142 || 19.7 12.0 251, 879 14,781 187 156, 616 18.0 9.9 192, 017 12, 439 317 132, 120 fF | &.9 298, 466 8,110 470 84, 660 17.4 9.4 304, 851 8, 604 435 90, 389 | 17.4 3.9 MANUFACTURE OF PAPER IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] JAPANESE PAPER JAPANESE PAPER || Ess eer ar ee Manuiac- |. CALLED “‘mitno”” CALLED “ HANSEI.” | Value of EUROPEAN FAPER. wad RS. turin | all other | Y : ree oeanne tie | kinds. || value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. | Quantity. | Value. / i ; Shime. Yen. || Shime. Yen. Yen. || Kwan. | Yen. Yen. «DAS ES RR apie se ene it, iene ene 66,702 | 152,968 | 1,246,942 || 2,852,771 | 5,203,993 || 5,941,182 || 5,526,266 | 2,551,446 | 14,948,453 ae aa i RE EG” OL SAR 66,363 | 155,803 | 1,412,584 || 2}743.669 | 5,162,095 || 6,005,509 || 5,072,476 | 2654.7 | 1238910 0 OE ENING RSA ei ioe 4 oe Se ee 65, 226 164,546 | 1,063,973 |! 2,956,705 | 4,179,569 || 5,073,378 || 5,311,565 | 2,595,342 | 12'919° 969 cS. a eerie eas, aN 65,213 | 154,799 | "835,559 || 2,530,625 | 3,779,288 || 4,511,898 || 5,121,925 | 2395,914 | 1.5m sg ene 2-5. aces beesadoe Ecc ccncecuss cua 62, 694 159, 299 570,073 || 3,548,666 | 3,132)265 || 4,358)779 || 4,747,705 | 2°1S8-171| 10/249" a8 Re hc aSaeRy Mat haw neyo cae |Isaduatacas)scesdaauawe| MDA AT Poetics 2s 2,143, 892 |} 2,279,488 |) 2 695,495 | "969,549 | 5,881,596 Pua er oP aR ee oxic Sons sin G[aacte Ses ens|vvres eee ses SL eee eee 2, 140, 920 |} 1,920,464 || 1,425,426} 410,057/ 5,010,080 Nore.—One shime of paper contains 10 soku, and each soku 10 jio. One jio of ‘‘mino” paper contains 48 sheets; 1 jiu of hanshi paper 20 sheets, 2346 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. MANUFACTURE OF MatTrinG AND MATS IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] ae meses | MATS. MATS CALLED “GOZA.” rae apaea ee YEARS. turin households. E : Pieces. | Value. | Pieces. Value. Rolls. ee ee eee ee j Yen. | SU ESE Meets Uti dcan obese tccnecep sok soseaeeres 101, 993 ee es pes 1,953,298 || 3,635, 461 RR Rat Soho iis Soc nan tiocs acd oe = ube enaeees 109, 100 { 3449) 457 \ 1,941,300 || 3,555, 916 SRO Nein a Sena Sw vi neue super ele 6ncaess'a Ser bor: 101, 792 10, 669, 436 2,160, 667 3, 279, 163 Oe cape aa siea aide Selaies naan esathpoens'dwade weet See ats 103, 044 5, 339,179 1, 506, 518 3, 622, 722 a Se ecw nwin wo nw viclos Uulnis' nine Sm male wminiom ewe a= 88, 084 5, 326, 659 1, 157, 698 8, 537, 891 Th SP SRO be a pe ae Rl ry RARE 5 cp aya tn al a eg So gg te | eee ee he ie sets: Mare SDE oh See hs eens ae ee | Seon oe Recon eee « 668, || ees * Number of packages. b Number of pieces. Propucrion oF TEA IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] {1 kwan=8.28 pounds. ] Number of “‘Bancha”’ Number of YEARS. households Tea. tea Total YEARS households | engaged. ; engaged. | Kwan. Kwan Kwan Bau Maaae eee scedes Coeicubscve ers ame 621,590 | 4,880,734 | 2,663,263 | 7,543,997 Pepesesseemedies smn ee sdaeeb isi vena 774,060 | 5,990,300 | 2,453,426 | 8,443,726 PEDO idtate icine’ side's s)a'a'eiera/atae =e elnip Jiaiela'= 777,944 | 6,074,164 | 2,396,018 | 8,470,182 BOD epee te states scorn wire oss a'sareere 762,634 | 6,044,549 | 2,456,196 | 8,500,745 VALUE OF THE PRODUCTS OF THE SEA AND River FISHERIES OF JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] , Vegetable glue and can- YEARS. Fresh fish. | Dried fish. | Salted fish. | Seaweed. /dles tyre mag Manure. Fish oil. tured o oil. en. Yen Yen Yen. Yen. Yen. UE rents. ued «cWncW ssn an b'es.aice ceeir ah ulawcienadnew pw penne em sees hee 34, 818, 038 9, 155, 194 1, 875, 775 1, 237, 073 675, 711 7, 561, 334 Ge els Soe ee eaten a nicine's a ae'u'w ae mum owiehe o em amtewinws etsy oie 31, 103, 631 6, 997, 336 2, 257, 887 1, 748, 449 705 10, 515, 196 Thi 9 oe, 3 SNE CRS BES SIRS PE mi. CEE «Ga ao 27, 295, 545 7,165, 605 1,791, 678 1, 289, 385 581, 061 7, 861, 932 RT ee bio ette nek mida mn anne cheese Wh na a ew lin ie e atta oa eee 14, 489, 146 6, 164, 778 1, 450, 860 1, 340, 279 A 7,408, 519 NMP S fy wy. Suc Gurce son sc =v avemee antes waeeees oan danesh nae 11, 951, 822 5, 987, 459 1, 056, 243 703, 679 317, 265 7, 214, 107 ty ete ye cS SRGI w Wi oc dmecun cin ule winnie cecices aNule ACW di seeetaanaeta Staneene a 8, 102, 703 2, 699, 951 1, 922, 418 514, 110 6, 712, 072 WA eer Rene ula cat owkaoussemescenece sos tase eaEe ena eee i 6, 785, 527 2, 541, 067 1,723, 113 y 4, 529, 766 1 yep OR See ne eee ee piiacahdaavakcdecece eee oe a 6, 465, 902 1, 800, 241 1, 202, 594 222 750 5,171, 518 1 VR RETEST RE SER RSP. SANS TORR NL (a 7, 069, 740 1, 920, 054 1, 075, 755 ; 5, 086, 941 ® No data. — 1901.] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2347 Waaes Pam In THE Principat Occupations IN JAPAN DURING THE YEARS FROM 1892 To 1898. [From official reports of the Japauese Government.] | | 1898 i} AVERAGE WAGES. Niphon. | | | | ; OCCUPATIONS. i} Central. Base ee Lge a = : 3 Shikoku. | Kivghiu.| kaido or || 1892 | 1894 | 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1598 Northern} Western Yezo. || : Other part. part. I Tokyo. | jocalties. \ | | ’ Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. || Yen. | Yen. | Yen. Yen. ) Yen. Yen. ETT OCS i Ba eg lier ee a a 0. 74 0. 52 0.53 0.59 0.52 0.51 0.70 0.32; 0.35 | 0.36 0.43 0.49 0.54 LL a ee ee Rit ~51 04 57 «61 48 - 50 192 3D | 37 -43 50 | 33 RMRMELULCTN o0 Sais eo coe ewe me ce one sen oe eee +88 .55 . 60 . 66 56 . 50 . 80 36 | -40 2 -47 5 58 SY Ai eS ae oe ee eee 65 53 48 . 60 . 58 47 -70 || «Sl 30 | 37 42 | 4 Roofers (thatch, shingles, etc.) ........_... -70 55 48 56 .48 45 50 |} .30] 33 3 41 48 52 RRR ie ae giaheiet SP ee .78 -58 50 62 .57 46 50 |} 34] 38 / 38| .47| .54 56 MIC ME VOLS oo cinic eaadaigein ce as Sasha nena kace -70 58 -61 -49 - 80 +52 A Peer |} 44] 47 46) .56 -57 LOH AU1 UAE ns ie one . 67 47 .48 .49 44 .44 -50 |I -30 | Bs 35 3 4 47 Screen and door makers, etc..........-.--. 74 50 51 .52 50 47 -70 | -30| .33 36 40} .46 51 Pier ienper’.... 2-2 -.accucs.... 75 150 49 .53 46 143 50 || 182 33| :33] l40| 145 50 “0S a A a . 64 . 48. .48 .52 49 .49 70), . = 80 33| .35 5 45 50 MAU EMY Pe atte cen e says ised ch alee te wckwcins +62 42 39 41 42 42 715 | pees 29 30 .39 38 43 Wlosmakers:.......cs-cese 54 .37 39 44 45 -42 Diiiiteass ste 29 30 .33 38 41 Shoe and boot makers 69 53 48 51 54 .49 ( 1T| eee 39 39 | 41 46 51 Saddlers and harness makers 367. 46 .40 . 64 34 .49 S| Eee .30 36 | 40 46 -49 Wiheelwrenhts )...-:-2.....c. 51 .48 47 50 44 48 S(t | Peer +82] 881 36 -41 |} -48 Tailors (Japan dress) 165 "43 36 40 135 39 “50/28 31} :31| [36] 37] 41 Tailors (European dress) ...........------- aif - 66 51 74 .49 -55 70 49 5 51 -57 58 -61 Roeketbook makers: ..-.-5...2..losconecene .59 .38 .35 45 46 41 rch | Reet 29 33 34 41 | 41 IOUS Ae ee ee eee 243 .39 . 30 .38 41 -30 .o0 .25 -28 -29 -3l a 5) 37 AEOMEE UD OHPGIS 52% 5 o5so P : “al ‘ = © : COMMERCIAL JAPAN, Current Prices or PrincrpaL ARTICLES IN THE City oF Tokyo DuRInGc THE YxEARs 1890-1899. ‘ [From official reports of the Japanese Goyernment.] Unit of = ARTICLES. quantity. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1834 1885 1896 1897 Yen. Yen. Yen. ‘Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Yen. Pree ne oe Sie. Bose vis aeednnicn cen eee Reka. ser- 8. 84 7.35 7.47 7-49 8.93 8.63 10.19 12.22 eee eee eA Sonn Sain’ Gane sinain oA Se owe dGf2-)>.b.-- 8. 94 3.46 3. 28 3. 07 3.72 3.51 2.99 4.63 1) eas 0. SEES eee eee se eee "ee oes Sal Rae SRS AER RS So Meare sts Pie 5.34 4,51 5.20 6.80 WME IRR beac tos b a ainene Sewona washes | me cee “es (amen 4.98 5.27 5.21 5.15 5.53 4.60 5.99 8.26 inh 2 GS Seber Pe ae ee eet ae, rl Pees GO oes 5.32 4.91 4.81 5. 69 5.99 5.81 6. 29 6.94 Peer ee eee Ss bana ol ceeds usta toe elas tee Goveees oe. 1.85 L2% 119] 1.14 - 81 1.69 2.47 3.43 BavdVanencer BANCG) oS 252s os acc eee tee ace eats GOs. see: / 9.23 10. 72 10.08 10. 36 10.73 10.72 11.09 15.35 Sake, common (rice wine)-.-.........- Ae a aen | ES ve FooRepsa 5.2 eae 12. 83 11.538 12. 36 13. 60 16.55 19. $2 13. 93 24. 55 8 Paar eyie eee item acsio Pala eo c's a(a's\elaalewiraein AO SAE oe eee 28. 54 21. 68 23.77 27. 72 27.45 28.138 yf oe eg 39. 03 BS. Tobacco: UC ER M.S eee, = em: | eae BOE H. cnoace 18. 33 11.15 13.92 15. 61 2.63 23.75 12.35 23. $6 37.67 igino Reese spots oo winter i 1) ieee eee ae 30. 29 19.13 25. 33 23. 63 2.75 { 31.75 12.35 36.13 46.00 PAOUNEOS Senin > ection cineca ca coop wid aeeiace Kwan 2-2-2 -208- 1.39 1,52 1. $4 1.44 1.76 2.66 2.28 3.39 3.38 RGR a5 Pees oottaen kb cecmuact Veue eae oon LOO dein 228 es Se: Boise Ded ss sesh Se ee eee ees 11.63] 13.75 15.75 19. 83 15. 92 Sugar: White. J A DANES 7 soest eee ree es wn meccee leans UO 5 oho Sapte 7.18 7.23 7.10 9.19 8.04 7.44 8.32 12.17 1.6 White: fOTGIPR ~ 022. 3cepes ss sete eers orerneleteee ro eS ee 1.47 6.45 7.12 8.22 9.05 9.08 §.92 8.04 8.99 STC, Wy) AD BMMCEE = seseien=apaeeoen ee beeleaeee eee ee 6.87 5. 78 6. 74 7.70 7.73 6.93 8.09 8.21 8.40 @ DOW, LOTCIOM =.=. ocak oss -nuswectadeeen sl samen GD oe seen 16.97 4.42 4.30 5.31 4.72 3.82 4.46 5.18 5.85 otion: ROW MapRRPSG.. oo pun Serwemes. +2 - sober eS Co a 21.13 18.05 18.15 19. 23 20.40 21.78 22.73 24.51 20.19 TLE WAL CIS Doce cn asitepnn oceania ckebics ann) maeee GO 3 eee 18.18 17.38 17. 31 17.85 18.3 20.25 22.04 22.79 19.38 SOU PRR .-cemmen tapers ho eae sealenore 1 egMaiinor a Biooe} Uta A oR 24.27} , 24.23 |. 30 28.97 28.82 30.83 28.73 24.50 Bpumhorelerms. 9. 2 ei. ei eee St eecenleceba WO <-. sSaeeee 31. 93 30. 65 29.31 32. 86 39.15 38.92 38. 63 36.81 34.85 Blengped te 65 bas ees ep eee eee oa. Piege. . oS ssal> ot eee ees =25 -24 -25 .30 -28 -27 2 DSRS on ons Aaaoee eis vas Mee one ceca See vile aba peer a «25 . 28 26 .30 -38 -38 .32 3.26 IT OOGS WYMMELO. oS \stwncies clenth. aie see cine ncnmecalancre M0... capeee pee, .20 -28 .30 -39 -39 34 3.43 Silk, raw: Superior quality. . cpices0conses as -aseccw 16D Baie Ss doped. oc oceade oe oh ee Oe ee ee 747.50 705.83 795. 00 878.75 MUGS QUAND) 2. locke ve~ combetirwackintt- sees MAO) a eel ee cee de oe are 727.50 649.31 752.50 $13.75 Abo. ge. 1, a eee ee armas mei . | c ppeeemn ol i ompm a SS SE Ee hd 707.50 599.31 689. 25 808.75 Texture, silk, called ‘‘hanairo”’.:........-... PaeGe ss. sceee 3.12 1.93. 2. 42 | 2. 68 3.03 4,22 4.42 3.49 PAM eUas he KAI) o.oo soc cmebaoks emeicecnle send INGE code cee 2.70 2.10 2.53 2. 67 3.25 3.94 6.56 3.96 PRONG © Se clei oa oct Salaie <0's\ccmmiss cee pempmiae Cotte w ioe IDO KAN 2 seen 20.00 19.19 22.26 26. 37 26.00 33.24 29.55 28. 63 Enaigo, GEG: ser SS. cco cbecd: Sena e cee ebee Kove’ -223.c-se5 “85 1.69 2.67 1.57 .1.38 1.95 2. 03 1.89 ron: A IARIOUROR Con sia ante maiepprnie=. s stnceee = am ameneel eee ~43 54 . 60 .61 -51 -89 1.10 1.17 Paper, Japanese: (ef To CGR aa 6: eR eR, oe) pe Bo 480 leaves....... 81 91 83 . 86 -89 96 86 1.34 ie CAltod hamenl oo cusss-c steno »»nseeeee 200 leaves....... 13 15 -15 -15 17} aged. 19 25 fanure: SH RAN OUIOS 5 aap ors wg ce Sberemm as neee ate 10 kwan ...-L2s< p leiy gk 1.59 1.95 1.73 2.02 1.64 2.35 2.39 Resuse Of MEMENES. cose sawed ea os poesne ee TO) a3 c 4, 503, 209 PETE CEL scab xaamtudesie Wea cucedcerees éceaka many 1, 296 |. ccccvcaccces|oceccnnetsdeeu seh: Wess lessees ence cee SII g in 6 Oya cw dcewi®as rahe pe Necedansw cite ncuceee 2, 273 885 1,434 1,955 DAT INAL s Coe ain ud a Wun oratachnin er Dax ae onal 0 Ris ow 2 +24 Al ee 204, 046 240, 767 222, 343 SLUM LG OF GCODDEL sca c sw oreneduawGine mayen wuapeess 6, 048 UR Se eee er a Sannce ccselasctaccceneseclecseccns EMME Y She traivhad ae al wa enuNdue ape ael ti tneeteeaes / b45 b 3,955 »570 | 412 128 PAPUIUOLS sal sunt. doe Ct Cys patente mde eee EEO eon Gross quantities, 190] COMMERCIAL JAPAN. 2349 Domestic PostaL Orpvers Issurp AND Parip In THE JAPANESE PosraL Service, 1891 ro 1900. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.]} | i] GE AMOUNT OF Number 7 POSTAL ORDERS soLD, || Charges POSTAL ORDERS PAID. | AVERAGE AMOUNT © 20te ORDER. ’ post-offices | cep ancl || Charges : YEARS. re eens 6 cote I — posta of pay- | 7 on orders. Postal | Postal orders. Number. | Amount. ment. | Number. Amount. | orders sold. orders paid : i s en. s | Yen. Yen. 1899-1900 4,539 || 6,786,583 | 68,874,271 539, 510 | 6,779,799 | 68, 748, 520 2,198 |} 10.15 | 10.14 188-99 .. 3,406 || 6,338, 469 56, 201, 432 471,374 | 6,317,516 | 56, 227, 075 |} 1, 220 |} 8.87 | &.90 eS a 3,231 || 5,793,401 | 54,541, 423 439, 766 | 5,778,005 | 54,492,570 | 1,020 | 9.41 9.43 1896-47 eC DREEE Key epee Pe RD ne, oa 3,124 || 4,931,694 | 45,687,907 361,006 | 4,903,224 | 45,502,947 | 939 9.26 | 9.23 oon 2 ESS ae ae eee 2,500 || 4,486,346 | 42, 410, 621 330,866 || 4,476,934 | 42,316,361 |! 0 9.45} 9.45 os SS a a ee ee ee 2,495 || 4,022,903 | 34,013, 447 279,179 | 4,000,715 | 33,903, 499 || 615 | 8.45 | 8.47 eM in EE ala ke aia oa Gane oo ceineiwacacems eo 2,488 || 3,372,036 | 28,560, 744 228, 059 | 8,365,904 | 28,463,815 || 526 8.47 | &. 46 La iheshs SS a es a ee oe enema ae 2,276 || 2,944,622 | 23,872,453 190, 301 2,935,297 | 23,825,165 | 209 | 8.11 | $12 SEM SE oan aa natal wea. ca sueane dee 2,124 || 2,605,116 | 20,715,040 164, 2,599, 889 | 20, 691,015 |! 118 | 7.% 7.% iH NumBer oF Post AND TELEGRAPH OFFICES AND PERSONS EMPLOYED IN JAPAN. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] | ' a Combined pest B / Letter boxes ranch post- Telegraph | Branch tele hlic ’ YEARS. sai iad Post-offices. aera | aro aly | graph offices. een = 1,200 2,613 651 36 one | 41,183 1, 086 2, 668 571 38 132 39,191 1, 086 2, 659 540 40 129 $8,131 965 2,770 535 37 112 36, 1S4 648 3,076 523 41 96 35,023 638 3, 080 535 42 so 31,244 590 3,128 563 46 80 33, 200 535 3, 169 554 32 64 | 31,9 340 3,356 544 41 55 27,710 219 COC Oe eee TR Ce One Seem enna oie Sey 28° OS toes NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES. | NUMBER OF PERSONS EMPLOYED IN COMBINED FOST AND TELE- POST-GFFICES. TELEGRAPH OFFICES. GRAPH OFFICES. YEARS. ! | Employees. Messengers. Employees. Messengers. Employees. Messengers. UIUE 0) 6 ne nee eee ee ee 14,772 11,810 |, 6, 353 7, $30 | 194 5 Sa a eR eee arent achive ome aroalanign aes nia 13, 439 10,285 || |. 6,292 7,532 | 179 } 300 FR aaa alate eee = ii ew ia relearn oa Come cewe nasim namie win's ainiasie'sin'geiwesin 12, 166 9,615 6,129 7,591 169 | 103 Se lass painter alin oye woo aie ss eae eee amine = owes ain = Se wine «== 10, 684 8, 373 6,241 7, $24 125 so BB9G-$6 . . 2 ne ee ee enn erwin cee cece ene cn we ne ere rrewrowenceenes 8, 389 6, 591 6, 914 8,573 | 147 110 aN a oct eerste nln [clown Wew'ai sesame eel aelesenieide'e/s cums simaivwcwes 7, 872 6,510 6, 861 8,502 153 $3 ee ee eee 7,393 6, 116 6, 908 8, 225 | 1 118 oe nn aoe omni nereisiomnen aie niwaninn © seme aimensanancnca=s 5, 052 2,926 |} 8,291 13 136 | 116 lew es oo ene mnmecwemmne cmncenerecmacsecesaese sess: 38, 804 2,377 3, 410 14 |] 134 104 Notr.—The number of telegraph offices and branches for the years 1891 and 1892 is that for the end of the fiscal year, i. e., March 31; for the other years, that for December 31. No. G——_26 = 2350 | COMMERCIAL JAPAN. INTERNATIONAL PostTaL SERVICE IN JAPAN, 1892 To 1897. NUMBER OF LETTERS, POSTAL CARDS, PAPERS, PACKAGES, ETC., RECEIVED FROM AND SENT TO PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES. [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] FORWARDED. RECEIVED. § paneBevoh® Ber BE PZRSSERIESRSESSAS || F| SSESERIESES Peper woo nk oS som. sam- 3 plesand| Frank-| Reg- : - plesand WARDED. Letters. Postal re com- |ed mat-| istered ae Total. || Letters. Fos Exinted com- mercial} ter. | matter. ‘ *\mereial| ter. articles. . articles. ASIA: REOTER eae ne dsinc<'s'aia ha 891,153 | 216,462 | 499,068 | 6,498 | 11,995 | 11,993 |....... 1, 137, 169 335,419 188,404 | 56,022 5 (Ghent ct: Tae eae eer 162, 862 | 10,900 | 165, 462 212 | 6,869 | 15,179 |....... 361, 544 153, 123 24 057 | 54,586 PAAR. ote ences woos 1,7 799 260 3, 692 TAT | oo edeciees PS eee, 6, 092 1. 87 949 1 946.2425. iit Lee es eee 28, 418 2,704 | 24,528 208 FE 2) O90 |ne owns 68, 834 14,131 | 1,924 A Gh Rea eee Io tokn {sie gi bite SC eee 1!, 833 637 | 12,753 ee Peer oe eh (| ee 32, 028 22,958 | 1, 10,842 | 1,846 English colonies ..... 100,100 | 2,262] 54,535] 1,196 Bag tb, 808: [be aoe 164,434 || 94,198 | 5,850] 57,720] 1,261 Spanish colonies ..... 5, 005 494 4,745 130 26 LE fay eee 11,137 4,485 | 1,495 2; 616)|- eee French colonies...... 2,873 104 1, 261 Le oe ee Po. ee 4, 640 3, 42: 494 3,443 lee eee Dutch colonies ......- 1,807 143 37) Eee Bene ee 444 | oP... 2,914 || 3, 939 117 1,105 | 1,157 Portuguese colonies .. 1,131 73 884 | 89 | cea ceeds ty al area 2,729 1, 742 52 1,014 All other countries... 624 13 PN ee Jecereeee / oy ae 910 130 |.s0-s22 52 SS ees MOIAL Hered Fen es 710,561 | 234,057 | 777,682 | 9,344 | 19,501 | 41,286 |....... /1, 792, 431 || 685, 429 |224, 980 | 195,277, EUROPE: | | | Great Britain......... 200, 564 7,124 | 119,418 | 5,317 299 | 13,506 | 4,186 | 350,414 156,611 | 13,806 | 214, 942 ee GCTWAHINY: -<...26 cairn ei 105, 547 59, 475 | 35,932 | 4,251 897 | 13,518 358 | 219,978 69,810 | 16,913 | 112,112 | 18,538 hich s (1 pe Oe 75, 520 1,976 | 26,962; 1,339 520 | 5,701 602 | 112,530 39,715 | 4,186 | 72,748 | 1,521 tale soon 5 eects ee eme 4, 394 468 3, 809 533 a TONY th, G4" bees ose. 10, 927 5, 681 689 5, 304 871 Switzerland .........- 7, 085° 1,157 3, 848 Bol fs Ja Ni 30: Oe Pape 13, 768 5, 161 715 2, 028 286 Austria-Hungary ..... 10,478 | 5,148} 3,653 299 OT | is 8B8 ieesoa 21,505 6,682 | 2,041] 5,382 481 POUDIE TUG «2 cee e > vo me 832 26 PO wep cee ' 13 iy Be ee 1,901 117 13 C's) Renee net reap MONKEY << )2.08 sae dows Sim 585 130 247 | BAe ese: i 0 el (ae a 1,174 442 65 fis 229 Beers! Pee Tee REMISUI Go). ceases cece 24, 505 1, 950 4, 095 169 19), ‘4 OB. (co See: 25, 369 14, 014 780 | 24,622 65 DGAUNE cepa ets sores coe 1, 703 377 767 24 13 pan Beaeetee 3,703 | 2,496 156 2,379 260 Netherlands.......... 4, 342 884 1,690 130 39 DL 1S See 7, 626 3, 432 221 7 eee 1o{o)|-ph ies a ee 4,706 1, 056 2,392 ZiS | ona veda Chains 9, 072 4,290! 1,092 3, 562 312 Bwedenic ens cos cee 884 273 338 52 . is See ASSN: ee 1, 682 $45 52 BOO) Caso ts NOU AV iocicccocleacne ct 2, 600 156 4 ENE owas choc a ee 3,126 2,483 130 SA 7d ee es Denmark............- 1,612 234 390 | bo Lee Ci eee 2,585 ) 2,028 65 OR Na ene All other countries... 1, 001 286 | 455 78 | 26 152 ite see 1, 998 2, 054 637 1, 859 104 Dota fe. saeuren ace 446,368 | 80,730 | 204,334 13,130 | 2,002 | 44,848 | 5,046 | 796, 458 | 315, $61 | 41, 561 AMERICA: | United States......... 288,093 | 18,642 | 166, 622 | 11, ae? | 1, 378 | 18, oe epee 500, 689 388, 063 | 37,674 | 385,255 | 14,196 MIGRTGO) cao ce ceuce eae 845 247 1,586 pec | een thy Nae Se 3, 361 1,131 104 1p! 1 Pe er CANGOAS st acues ceases 42,185 1,365" | 6s vieal, iL, Ete 91} 1, 508 304 63, 061 26,013 | 3,562 | 14,235 | 2,054 Bite = Sac ecc ass ts 767 78 i Ppp tet | ER) eet 5 FA ee 2, 288 572 es: * 1) a French colonies ...... NOZ=| sina cette 156 O84 Ese eeon ey ae 1,110 Sli) Bese re eed eo ee SE ae All other countries... 1,586 234 936 65 26 ep ara ee 8, 281 1,521 13 ry ees oan Mice re nc cans 334,178 | 20,566 | 187,279 | 13,143 | 1,495 | 15,825 | 304 | 573,790 | 417, 664 | 41,444 | 401,843 | 16,250 | AFRICA: | 5 Lol AAR es eee ree 1, 404 169 377 65 13 Pi il 2,325 2, 704 611 a. 7) | Bee British colonies ...... 676 78 Daly teit eam sete |o's msi mnie p64 | ne 1, 096 702 195 325 egmregieel All other countries... Nez ooscas VC | ee oo eee 264). 2 ose 598 442 26 Pe eee ROWS access sown s { 2,500 247; 7at] G5 | 1B ade] coos | 4,019 | 3,848 | 832] 1,573 | Sere OCEANIA: | | | EVENU EDL ciein iain ciakt tie men's: 163, 800 G,243 | 25,909 | 1,560 66:1) 2,778 | » 192. 780, 712 334} 113,216,760 |} *4,595 |} %397, 564,532 } 2126 1, 522, 409 944 58, 728,656 || 91,151 | *23, 835,358 337 89, 960, 835 |) 2,458 174, 047, 258 2118 1, 188, 203 778 | 44,589, 762 2998 | #20, 014, 874 210 82,560,279 |} 2,104 148, 353, 118 : I 2 Exclusive of banks, for which see table relative to banks. b Including number of banks and their paid-in eapital. mensurate with the corresponding ones of the preceding years. Thus the memes for 1896 for commercial companies, as well as the totals for that year, are not com- NumBer AND Paip-up CapiTtAL OF CorPORATIONS IN JAPAN ON DeceMBeER 31, 1894 To 1898. } : [From official reports of the Japanese Government. | a - 1 | = 1894 1895 | 1896 | 1897 | 1898 | SS SS ee eee | eee eee eee eee ; ees OF CORPORA TIONG. | Number F Number F | Number : Number : ) wohes! ; Paid-ap : Paid-up Paid-up Paid-u | ee de Paid up | . of cor | capital of cor | capita! ofcor- | capital. |] OfCO™ | capital. || CfCOr | capital porations pita". |iporations ee porations el | Sait Li poston —- Agricultural: Yen. Yen. | Yen. Yen. ) Yen. Raising of silkworms.....-...... ACESe 31 190, 038 | 29 104, 991 31 177, 435 421, 867 | 53 118.399 | eesirirint pene es. 35 Se ees 21 108,103 | 26 227,725 20 179, 875 | 112,551 | 20 101. 930 TEESE Spa a am ota Sa 23 245, 136 | 15 177, 765 19 600, 678 614,225 | 38 673.557 MST sct hice ae na ea 43 G14, 926 | 56 1, 011, 928 708, 172 | 1, 080, 984 42s ——————— 4 PICA eet on SSC teinin-sis ctduicmemmesiasi 118 1, 188, 203 126 1, 622, 409 1, 666, 160 | 2, 229, 627 Manufacturing: ; _ Ee) ae anses Jam cosets wees e 158 2, 064, 174 185 2,300, 917 3, 869, 877 : 3, 292, S77 | See oh ae ee ae a 538 14, 337, 596 64 19, 612, 622 28, 770, S47 5 , 106, O83 | - Weaving ........- 48 | 3,915, 752 60 3,595, 876 4,204, 949 | 7 : Oa See oe ae ee oe eee 30 7, 234, 080 30 11, 543,121 8, 585, 560 | . Alcoholic beverages .........s..0.00. 38 | 1,253,630 36 | — 1,322" 300 2. 058, 895 (Se PEie ee eee eae a ae ee ene il 705, 305 7 666, 621 1, 474, 106 5 Batigumeen esse caveat cuncilanioe « iA 244, 268 15 333, 455 257, 030 PORN oss cee ae siocim sane was oe cs ames mane oi 15 1, 210, 662 20: 1, 544, 100 2, 249, 734 : Paper. eterna aay acts cia ahapae a persicae tiers 19 2, 786, 480 24 2, 590, 320 2, $72, 793 | IiGuiniale 05 Babes Ss Se ae Ds eae ees 34 576, 215 46 649, 320 690, 067 | : AGRE OLO MIN, cee fans choc Gama eaeae ans 70 a , 476 67 926, 382 1, 754, 369 2s Ciena So oso cccmionenee aces 9 , 664 10 1, 012, 974 9, 500, 000 © SSCS RS ES Se a 11 1,267, 570 | 11 1, 302, 355 1, 330, 000 |) 3 mlectrical lamps... ccs. scsmwac ese ncs 22 2, 379, 193 | 26 3, 152, 165 4, 624,097 }) : POURED. W254. 5 na nc na camwanceeemesiats 252 5, 027, 697 340 8, 206, 128 17, 660, 576 y y BR a Eales o'aiaic's!a\c:nicniclateteteiate amie ones 778 44, 589, 762 944 58, 728, 656 || 89, 900, 960 i 1,881 , 106 |} Commercial: | a PDN SOOOS ee memetine ca < onc ccccleimers cecce 27 815, 683 30 1, 202, 830 51 1, 476, 355 |) 89 271, 887 ; . aI COULOM EERE eos aca cniacdonewocese 5 486, 00: 5 324, 500 28 1,420,191 |} 33 7 $ Warehouses ........ 38 949, 861 52 1, 287, 750 2 1, 630, 270 |} 110 8 Foreign commerce. 12 915, 000 13 1, 465, 848 De 2,157, 250 |} 24 4 ‘ Banks and credit inst 232 3, 895, 850 222 3, 54, 240 1,277 | 146, 008, 482 1,583 | 203 , S06 iGets\borha(el awa Coe oe ee 56 8, 753, 581 102 4, 473, 235 120 7, 405, 741 || 103 9. PAU OCHOD soccer eee eee eee aaa 628 9,193, 899 727 11, 527, 455 1, 243 32, 682, 423 1,688 34, 195, 039 1,992 36, Sf 38 otaliec: 2: ae acres eae es 998 | 20,014,874 || 1,151} 23,835,358 j| 2, 778 192, 780,712 |} 3,630 | 260,227,479 |} 4,178 | 900,099, 664 Transportation: | ) Sea and river transportation.......... ~ 81 18, 887, 310 97 13, 695, 009 101 20, 232, 475 148 31, G4, 388 196 38, 398, 588 PIES on acc eaineas cocdccencneseatincuc 32 65, 9738, 398 30 73, 252, 797 57 90, 103, S74 64 180, 653, 015 Ot 155, 881, 965 PARING IES siacisa sda en ctevacaleheuencs 97 2, 699, 571 110 3, 018, 029 176 2, 880, 311 242 2, 366, 762 | 276 2) 952) 863 HUG HME Os ow cos Sona aceacteces 210 | §2, 560, 279 237 | 89, 960, 835 334 113, 216, 760 454 | 164, 684,165 | 586 | 197,233,421 00 ee a cet aslo at eet 3 100 736 600, 000 7,809 PSTADL fooeg. ce wccee we cekiscccawocegedcnucunwsccccn acs Snes wut eoee ee a Sae ener 2 62 $23 281, 180 6,355 I SS MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. AROS Gre mac ve cuktvecuddochectseateuisl ccccest Jevvececweeeecale cege sa Reae Sete aaa etc 3 8338 2,198 2, 500, 000 290, 000 MOOR Gob kmnace up de ccdve voewoeswuclbsnccWaes'ae wns cw mula meinae ip ate staan emi en tnnna na an 4 938 4,475 3, 250, 000 407, 900 MOOT a orci p.c1u bate mwa wane cu Wd Seeis dia meeleie'n cela aa ma w abaceretlena Sita ia ly ae. YEARS. Receipts. tures, contracts. | insurance. | premiums. =e ,! ; FIRE INSURANCE COMPANTES, Yen Yen | , | en. en. Yen. 2,999, 430 1, 980, 486 111, 991 236, 201, 182 2,163, 057 914, 875 88,871 | 142,486,077 | 1. 755, 567 740, 529 74,488 | 108, 09%, 954 | 1,314, 901 556, 381 56, 365 73, 391, 164 796, 651 325, 118 33, 269 42,132, 869 559, 764 280, 916 23,776 | 23,796,697 446, 192 252, 074 19, 653 21,1, 662 206, 351 145, 442 11, 437 12, 631,316 95, 885 48, 739 4,808} 4,914,947 | i 3, 469, 589 3, 027, 461 495,904 | 453,145,489 SANG he cetocadacee 5, 979, 275 5, 661, 685 693, 807 | 794, 058, 206 rh ee ae ea 4, 684, 438 4,119, 265 559,238 | 743,347, 152 CN | eee 8, 111, 652 2, 925, 188 374,219 | 442, 164,566 2, 298, 746 1,12 2,425, 077 2, 237, 746 215, 983 233, 04, 316 1, $57,517 1,313 2, 027, 988 1, 844, 284 98,822 | 201, 480, 066 1, 545, 738 | 2,039 1, 731, 631 1, 251, 973 60, 313 129, 992, 573 1, 417, 109 2,221 892, 108 145, 873 33, 944 81, 920, 020 803, 785 2,387 488, 344 69, 945 21,482 | 47,550,791 409, 708 2,214 7 » Special accumulated funds. SraTIstics OF PRIVATE AND State Epucationay Insrirutions 1n JAPAN, DecemBer 31, 1897. ‘ [From official reports of the Japanese Government.] TEACHING STAFF, | STUDENTS OR PUPILS. | GRADUATES. Per cent j Nene. ee = —— DESCRIPTION. of insti- | | —s tutions. |! Males. |Females.| Total. Boys. Girls. Total. | Boys. | Girls. | Total. | number : of pupils. } . emimany SCNOOISS 2. ace cals esjeece nec ee nie scene 26, 860 70, 618 8, 681 79,299 || 2,570,878 | 1,423,948 | 3,994,826 || 393,904 | 155,799 | 549,703 | 13.76 : Ordinary grdmmar schools.................-- 159 2, 285 23 2, 308 53, 332 359 53, 691 | 2,494 | 7] 2,501 4.66 q Superior schools or colleges .............----- 6 Die ee eee ss See 343 A ABS Ne 25 2a kee tt 4,436 i Seat 971 21.89 MEMOTIDL WNTVCISItICS= 6-05 eer oc esc awecenwe 2 Te eo Ce Se eee 198 yee) Ty eee eee 2,255 |} od CAPER 385 17.12 Superior military and naval schools ........-. 2 tS ee 44 232: Ml Ses eee 129 i > AS See 30 23.2% z= WOrcinarynormal sChools:....2......s.e..ce t 47 677 43 720 8, 020 810 8, 830 | 1,497 ) 1,740 | 19.71 Superior Normal schools .....-........sececes 2 85 18 103 436 208 644 | 26 70 | 10. 87 : Special and technical schools.............--- 272 2, 532 57 2,589 33, 904 2,710 36, 614 | 10, 294 10, 632 29.04 Superior schools for girls..........ccccceseses 26 94 216 ST) Se ee eae 6, 799 oe a | See : ; 631 | 9.28 AITO DMEMBCHOOIS. ooccissciscicccencevcacccenccuss 1,182 2,295 725 3,180 53, 316 18, 671 71, 987 || 8,114 | 2, 266 10, 580 142 : 28, 508 79,171 | 9,763 | 89,094 | 2,726,706 | 1,453,505 | 4,180,211 |! 417,716 | 159,328 | 577,044 13.50 28,427 || 76,158 8,816 | 84,974 || 2,669,752 | 1,369,075 | 4,038,827 | 393,099! 138,719 | 531,S18_ 13.17 28, 185 73, 347 7,707 | 81,054 || 2,545,494 | 1,180,303 | 3,623,725 | 356,866 | 112,374 | 469,240 12.9% ; 25, 640 64, 784 5, 574 70, 358 2, 443, 422 1, 090, 987 3, 459, 445 3 3} 100,245 443, OSS 12.81 25, 611 64, 306 4,819 69,125 2, 368, 459 987,764 | 3,290,313 || 90, 023 = 12.56 25, 404 638, 410 4,278 67, 688 2, 302, 549 965,122 | 3, 285,394 |} 78, 105 11.36 - 27,289 72,925 5, 044 77, 969 2, 320, 272 935,589 | 3,224,014 | 63, 938 10.0 27, 898 71, 186 4, 540 7d, 726 2, 288, 425 908,826 | 3,155,560 | 53, 350 8.79 28, 052 69, 668 4, 142 78,810 || 2,246,734 885,813 | 3,055,380 || 39, 582 | 7.14 27, 946 66, 063 3, 754 69, 817 2,169, 567 $17,962 | 2,833,350 156,683 |_ 37,437 6.55 27, 500 60, 342 2,892 63, 234 |; 2,015, 388 | 826,503 | 2,995,890 203,623 | 82, 27% 8.81 30, 388 81, 575 38, 874 85,449 |) 2,079, 387 954,066 | 8,200,170 |} 116,579 | 40,367 4.90 26, 824 | 73, 665 | 9, 901 | 83, 556 | 2,582,577 | 1,480,141 | 4,062,418 | (4) ie Ge () —— =—_ . —- = _ ®*No data . a 2356 5 COMMERCIAL JAPAN. Epvucarionan Instrrvtions Marsrarxep By THE Stave iN JAPAN, 1892 to 1899. (From official reports of the Japanese Government.] NAMES OF INSTITUTIONS AND MINISTRY IN CHARGE, Se nr Superior normal school..........-------00ccc----2----2eenn 22 wen ene mn en ance onnwmen manne wowewewnnnsera seen Ordinary grammar school, attached to the superior normal sChOOl].... 2... 2. = - ceacccccoscecocccccccesecsss<=- Superior normal school for girls...---..--- Se eR ee oe eo pn ceenecasde ns tpiowss sent at ae = cartehe aap Superior school for girls, attached to the superior normal school for girls.....--------- eS a reer Agricultural school of Sapporo .-...-+++-2+02+2--seeeeeeenee eee e re eee sense cette Superior commercial SChOO] .......-.0+--eeeee seen ee eeee een e ence cece en eeesseeee Commercial normal schol] ........--.---0ceee sence nee reece eee ene ener nner receeee Superior schools Or COMCgCS ....---- eee ene e one ene n en nn nen ene rene ener nner rset eeeee see eeeres School of arts and trades at TOKYO ......----.+-2-+002-00cnceene ee nnn nec en nner ecetcete rc esceresesenesesscseses Apprenticeship school, attached to the school of arts and trades at Tokyo Jormal school of arts and trades ......--..----- 2-2 ene e nnn e enn enn n erence eer en tener teen resent aterececccenes Preparatory school of arts and trades, attached to the normal school of arts and trades .........----------- School of foreign Janguages at Tokyo ........-------------- 2222 ee ee ee ren cree scent etre er errr rr sree ene eos School of fine arts at TOKYO .........----cecncceecnceece scene nnn cecacwesennenanmnsnns cocscsacsesreccesescces: School of music at TOKYO 2... .-.ccceccccccccecccsncnncecccercecccecccwcnsscancnccersnccccccsacccscensccccores School of arts and trades at Osaka .....-..sccecce cen cen cece cece ence cen een cena sens acer cere ccassencessawescrrn= Institution for deaf-mutes at TOKYO ........2.-2--e2 cece cence ccc en cence nn censneecescnnceeeccscccaceesecascas { aad —_———_——_ | —— st | 1, 033 57 | 681 236 195 Ministry of imperial household: ] Gakushia-in (special school for nobles) ...---.------------+-+---+-+++020+5° peppereerrrer trees 59 3 prrtetesee / School for noble girls ....----------seseeceeeceeeeecneceecccceseeneressaransnnarsceccanccccnracncoassneasseres { D9) earresiaate: aah nnn er Military:school ..22--22-- eae Seq eee t=: === eae eae School of Mechaniecs......-------------+-++-+-- en Semin wiley Ore oh eleass le ire is sel Medical Schoo! of the Navy -.---.------.s20ceedeneee ances = . | cco se sn aen dat wdamaraesdernweaweee 913, 214 1, 036, 608 1, 068, 057 1, 548, 193 1, 535, 679 . 1,099,000 | 2,024,281 |) Funds devoted to the reduction of the debt incurred } . i KOM PUIG WORKS Gr Narnia... 5 secs «csten yauwaneny nalls deenanianae Rese, dee eee ot Le A ee | Ee ae 23, 333 |} EePOLIICS Ot (PAloram near n als arene ede a Sele ee ee oe ea aor mewcev ac|scescecmerso™ i RS eee | PO REPRE SEs) pee PS Manes Ceyoued! (oO WONG IMSiNCTION ss. cnmecewee seep Semana cca nt|sadedie nm conen|maccnenwem~s Joeceeeeeeseee ote ee EEO CLE PERE eee mer oe 2 TROT oS oe ey eee isa aie ie ade e nwaneernignanas 85,883,080 | 89,748,454 | 95,444, 652 | 104, 901, 522 124, 222,964 || 132,849,617 | 176,749,819 || 193,720,180 Extraordinar¢ receipts: a oa ao (a a) So. lle pe ES Proceeds of gifts made by private individuals.......... 19, 115 150 28, 900 19, 676 Soars Men | 0 seen teem 20,000 |} 215, 000 Proceeds of the sale of public domain .........-....--.- 678, 968 655, 683 645, 356 1,111, 031 922,500 | 820, 147 827, 800 $16, 916 Sina gies ons Eee oem ee em aE RS Tea 346, 031 156, 718 294,157 | 1,398,703 | 3, 862, 263 || 622, 13 391, 464 |} 825,579 Amount assigned to defray the expense of printing | Ht and issuing Government bonds..............----.---- 48; O60) | - wane acim maas 488 1, 685 TOT Ney ws se ectaael anon awa dade | PERE 2 Supplementary credit for the construction of men-of- i} i} UNDE “ceeds api lal cee eer ae ee ae ah eee oeeeeaer ae 1, 646, 492 1, 715, 348 1, 822, 714 1, 781, 771 836, 907 | A WO7 bcc nie ruta ce fais eden Aad Indémnity received from the Chinese Government for : ; (LETS GEE VOTED 8 ENTEN VST 5 oe EO Ree! | ee a ee UP Niet eae eee 741, 430 822, 524 | SGT | Sa ete S Amount turned over to the central treasury by the : 1} FORT aaR Sat MO CALs PUL RTLLG WW OMG hole a ora mee a wees ewe mata anucon|aeenaweaeacachowonean desman 324, 400 398, 200 | 664, 859 637,282 ‘| 1,246,976 LE LoL. Le a ee Sa a ae (SRN cee Menara 2,976,600 | 36,389,874 || 35,352,806 | 35,172,362 || 32,183,600 Chinese indemnity_-.....-.... ee ee eae eee wach acae nade eeatocasawncae o=-| eas Sate eS 11, 789, 389 | - 40,360,796 |} -46,187,071 | 32,638,630 || 23,752,739 Funds of the central institution to help the famine- H ) SUIT IEG ZONING ye 2 waa Se a eae nel apna nee Si 390, 464 145, 252 155, 069 1, 439, 790 410,106 || 28, 551 SE 908. Beccasdw eared Amount destined for the special account of the indem- }} } | AAPOR SES Se Si: i NO SE, ST SAE Leet neh) 8 «Sees 2 Seiaaieie ees Semen BS ee 3,000,000 |]...........-. Funds devoted to administrative expenses of State for- | oo SRS Sig Oe STE EE ee Er eee ERR Sell Sen eee Seas | ene 347,337 || 1,778,778 REN CSUMECC LOI OI MEL ONSe a aiteer a seeeic Sat esol acc ccclesiaensialsiesccemeccecc)aceecucccecae SPLAT, SION |e cocacee sere | 5 Se Rei Bes Bee oS NOE ORE one See) eee eer Jonsseeeens nee 4, 662, 262 9, 230,429 || 5, 895, 947 Fievene ch es necfin cn eae PRC RR rs So siniow cid cicia sa claod/ewia Sauicnsarasin's'a 20, 036,273 | 17,707,297 18, 169, 172 68, 140, 622 / 115, 983,717 || 100,685,425 | 116,348,210 |, 102,141,234 TT Ge eee aa wera wala din'e vinmincamalccmausinhes.s 84, 581,872 | 78,128, 643 | 85, 317,179 | 168, 856, 509 223, 678, S44 I 219, 757, 569 253, 662, S41 | 234, H9, S18 DESCRIPTION OF DEBT. Loan called ‘‘Kiukosai,” or ‘old debt.” Without interest (debt of the old “‘Han” Yen. Yen. en. Yen. (oy Eb, Th eth Cos-2) eRe Sea ie Ree a eee 6,803,090 | 6,583,635 | 6,364,181 | 6,144,726 a Loan called ‘‘Shinkosai,’’ or ‘‘new debt” ; ld ay, PEEL BOM LAs ote c. cas waco se ncleexe 10,541,275 | 10,535,925 | 10,525,925 | 8,530,375 ] Loan for retiring the ‘“‘ Kinsatsu,” 6 per cent.) 11,890,000 | 11,850,600 | 1, 950; 800 | 22 -cteetseaclocnocacespecieeeeen toners eames . Loan called “ Kinroku”’ (for redeeming the ps - feuda) pensions), 5 per cent ........-..--. 30, 760, 020 | 30,750,020 | 30,740,020 | 30,730, 020 : Loan called ‘‘ Kinroku”’ (for redeeming the ; feudal pensions), 6 per cent....... pee DAS 107 7405s \|924, O82, 70D || 18,928; O80) |2 -vccuee-+ sa) ose ecneerte s|-ternmaeiee i Loan called “ Kinroku” (for redeeming the — feudal pensions), 7 per cent .............- TB SO0U DAB O22 3 coe ra we sls ods Sele ews |e BOR a cca eee ee oo eee = ~ Loan for public undertakings, 6 per cent...) 10,700, 200 | 10,680,200 |. .....-----.|.------seene|onenne ween ne lan nnn cnn wnnn| anne anne ane nlennennnnnnnnlnonne : Loan for the construction of the Nakasendo TAUWAYS,-7 Per Cents se. nee ose e eee ee 13,923, 900) << permite ema es ee Sete we lean a sn ee one = eee ee ama ae ee eee Loan for naval armaments, 5 per cent...... 000,000 | 16,990, 000 Converted debt, 5 per cent... -..-0.5.----... 88, 182, 300 |109, 858, 100 |154, 483, 000 Loan for covering additional expediture in the construction of railways, 5 per cent ..| 2,000,000 Loan for the construction of railways, 5 per 2, 000, 000 (0:00) ee RE ae Ses eae ee eee ces MMP aie pe) errr eres oft pcre g to Loan for the Hokkaido Railway,5 percent.|........ Sone ane | eee ets ee ee ee ees ee ee ee WS ke Sa Loan for the war, piper Cent. 2 -.2. -.-5-s el oame meen, Boe} eee a oe | | = Loan ioricommuanication works, fb: Per Cent . |i oo. ee son | eee wm eel pete ne lee eine ae Renate Sh cigs ee a a $ New foreign loan, 7 per cent...........-.+-. 5,180,120 | 4,488,624 | 3,748,816 957, 280 p22 AN EO ed Wee GOERS Pe ees ek a Bere tele aie ae 243, 230, 655 |241, 743,709 |235, 126,272 |235, 814, 851 Loan for the suppression of the revolt, 7} 7 POM CONte cee pen see cecierein cote hacen nines 10, 000, 000 Loan for the redemption of the paper money (without interest) 22,000,000 | 22,000,000 | 22,000,000 | 22, onan for army purposes; 5 per cent~..<-.caliejneor=cose| ease acer seul cere cee nol eee e = 27,000, Paper money in circulation .............--- 15, 704, 773 9, 045, 082 ee www wwe QL Harvard University. 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