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PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA 1948 \ ates ao MEMO] » | OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY a NUMBER 13 ELACHISTIDAE OF NORTH AMERICA (MICROLEPIDOPTERA) BY ANNETTE F. BRAUN im, My VY Ui Q This publication is sent to establisn date of issue Please stamp date of receipt and piace in your Library. PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY AT THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA 1948 (Issued July 30, 1948.) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WICKERSHAM PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA & ara eko MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY NUMBER 13 ELACHISTIDAE of NORTH AMERICA (MICROLEPIDOPTERA) By ANNETTE F. BRAUN Cincinnati, Ohio INTRODUCTION The family Elachistidae as at present restricted, contains 25 to 30 genera, distributed in all parts of the world. However the majority of the known species are found in North Temperate regions. The relationships of the family are somewhat obscure. The pres- ence of an additional branch of radius of the hind wing in some of the genera suggests primitive affinities; however the retention of such a character in some members of a group is not inconsistent with a high degree of specialization of the group as a whole.’ Neither pupal charac- ters nor genitalia bear out the assumption of a primitive position for the family. Pupal characters indicate Gelechioid affinities with relationship closer to the Oecophoridae, a view supported by certain features of the genitalia. Meyrick (1927, Revised Handbook of British Lepidoptera, p. 600) derives the family from Hyponomeutoid stock; this view is supported by imaginal structure. I would derive the family from primi- tive Hyponomeutoid stock, in which there is a tendency for preserva- tion of additional branches of the radial sector of the hind wing (Braun 1 Compare the family Gracilariidae, in which the primitive members show a branched radial sector of the hind wing, the more advanced members extreme special- ization in vein reduction and in larval structure. 2 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) 1933, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., L1x, p. 245), with development proceed- ing along Gelechioid lines, but along the Oecophorid rather than the Gelechiid branch, with considerable affinity to the Scythridae. The group of genera herein treated comprises the North American representatives of the family. Seven genera are recognized, of which two are described as new. A total of fifty-seven species are included in the family, of which 48 belong in Elachista. Eighteen new species are described, sixteen of which are placed in Elachista. Of the species listed in McDunnough’s Check List of the Lepi- doptera of Canada and the United States of America, Part II, Micro- lepidoptera (1939) under the Elachistidae, the following are excluded from the family in the present treatment: bicristatella Chambers (No. goo8 ), concolorella Chambers (No. gort), imornatella Chambers (No. go12), metallifera Walsingham (No. 9018), and orichalcella Clemens (No. gorg), all of which are Cosmopterygids; texanella Chambers, which is a Scythrid. Aphigalia (Phigalia) ochremaculella Chambers is omitted as an unrecognized species, probably not Elachistid. In addition to my own collection (approximately 500 specimens) which includes much reared material and is the source of all the data here given on early stages and larval habits, I have received for study specimens from several other collections. Material from the Canadian National Collection, submitted by Dr. J. McDunnough, contains repre- sentatives of several little-known species, and a number of new species, eight of which are based only on material from this collection. To Mr. Carl Heinrich I am indebted for many courtesies and for the loan of material from the United States National Museum, which has yielded a number of new species, valuable distributional data, and has enabled recognition of hitherto doubtful or unknown species. From the authori- ties of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, from Dr. Frank M. Jones of Wilmington, Delaware, from Dr. E. P. Darlington of New Lisbon, New Jersey, and Dr. J. R. Eyer, State College, New Mexico, I have received material for study, and to them my thanks are also due. All figures were drawn by the writer, except the seta map of the larva of Elachista albicapitella (furnished by Alvah Peterson) and the figures of the venation and the female genitalia of Elachista patriodoxa from the type in the British Museum (by J. F. Gates Clarke). In the case of the genitalia, the figures of the new species were made from ANNETTE F. BRAUN 3 slides of the holotype and allotype, or from paratypes of the same series. All of the male genitalia are drawn to the same scale, except Elachista radiantella, solitaria and praelineata, and Dicranoctetes brachyelytri- foliella, in which the magnification is one and one-half that of the others. The magnification of the figures of the female genitalia is one-half that of the male. All figures of venation (except the small figure of Stephensia brunnichiella) are drawn to the same scale (approximately x 15). Inthe case of the other figures the magnification is indicated in the explanation of plates, when necessary. - Abbreviations used in the text in referring to location of material dre as follows: A. F. B. Coll. (A. F. Braun Collection), A. N. S: P. (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia), B. M. (British Mu- seum), C. N. Coll. (Canadian National Collection), M. C. Z. (Museum of Comparative Zoology), U. S. N. M. (United States National Museum). In listing the material from collections other than that of the author, the data in most instances are quoted as they appear on the locality labels, without attempt at interpretation. CHARACTERS OF THE FAMILY The characterization of the family as here given will include exotic as well as American genera.” Head usually smooth, rarely rough-scaled, side tufts sometimes roughened. Tongue present, scaled at base; absent in a few exotic genera. Labial palpi very short to moderately long, slender, curved, porrected or drooping, smooth or with the second segment slightly thickened or loosely scaled toward apex, third segment variable in length, shorter than the second, or rarely as long or longer, pointed. Maxillary palpi minute, rudimentary or absent. Antennae shorter than the fore wings, basal segment usually with pecten, stalk with two whorls of scales to a segment, sometimes somewhat thickened in the male or rarely ciliated. Ocelli present or absent. Posterior tibiae normally with long hairs above or with long hairs above and below, or rarely with rough hair-scales above and below, or entirely smooth. First pair of spurs of the posterior tibiae usually before the middle, rarely beyond, but the position may be somewhat variable within a genus. Fore wings elongate, acute, rarely with scale tufts. Subcostal retinaculum present in males (the usual frenulum hook); subdorsal retinaculum present 2Tt does not however cover such aberrant forms as Eretmograptis Meyrick, described from the Belgian Congo (Parc National Albert). MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc.,' 13. 4 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) sometimes in both sexes, but its function taken over by a subcostal retinaculum in males and in the more specialized females. All branches of R, M, and Cu present in the primitive forms; vein reduc- tion brought about by the coalescence of one or more branches of media with adjacent veins, and the coalescence of R, and R,. R, and R, stalked or coinci- dent (or rarely separate), R, to costa; R, sometimes connate or short-stalked with R,,,. M, separate (in primitive forms), or out of the stalk of R, 4, or out of R, beyond R,, or rarely lost; M, coalescing with Cu,,; finally M, lost, of rarely R,, R,, M,, M, and M, + Cu,, all stalked together. Cu,,, Cu,, both strong; Cu,? well preserved distally. Anal Y-vein present, or with the upper fork obsolete. Hind wings from one-half to three-fourths the width of the fore wings, lanceolate, rarely acuminate, costa usually without well-defined shoulder. Frenulum single-spined in male, two-spined in female. Length of cilia from two to four times the breadth of the wings. All veins present in primitive forms, with cell closed; cell imperfectly closed or open in reduced forms. Sc + R, reaching to or beyond middle of costa in primitive forms, short in reduced forms; R, distant from Se + R,, extending in a more or less straight line through or near the center of the wing, and often forked near margin; M, stalked with R, (rarely separate) ; medial stem faintly preserved lying close along side of radius; M, usually absent, when present often associated with the radial stem, or arising together with M, from the obso- lescent medial stem; M,, usually associated with the cubital stem or absent; Cu,, and Cu,, present, or Cu, reduced to an unbranched vein; Cu, weak; 1A + 2A forming the anal Y-vein; 3A sometimes distinguishable. Abdomen sometimes “‘spined,” 7.e. the tergites bear patches of specialized flattened, strongly sclerotized setae arising from specialized sockets (fig. 2). Male genitalia symmetrical; uncus present or absent; socii reduced or ves- tigial; gnathos usually one or sometimes two spined knobs, the knobs sometimes absent, and then gnathos reduced to a band, the fused-at-tip arms; harpe vari- ously formed, broadly attached to vinculum, often with free arm from median area weakly articulating with anellus; cucullus well defined, setose; sacculus well developed, in one group of genera with basal process, in the remaining genera, the process absent or possibly fused with sacculus as indicated by a doubtfully homologous lobe at apex of sacculus; anellus well developed, ventral plate bilobed, membranous dorsally; transtilla rarely present; vinculum band- like or more or less produced anteriorly; aedeagus with more or less swollen base, entrance of penis dorsal, near the proximal end; cornuti present or absent. 3 Cubitus is regarded as three-branched, with the primary cubital fork close to the base of the wine; Cu: dividing into Cura and Cun (Cu: and Cup respectively in the Comstock-Needham system) ; Cuz is the 1A of the Comstock-Needham system. “H. Stainton entdeckte die Raupe im April und Mai in den Blattern der Dactylis glomerata.” This statement is, applicable only to an Elachista, as the species of the genus with complete venation are not grass or sedge feeders. Janmoulle (1948, Lambillionea, xtvi1, pp. 64-72) rejects Cycnodia as null and void, having been based on no real object, but a mixture of two species. For the species with complete yenation, Mendesia is the oldest available generic name. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 5 Female genitalia: genital plate more or less well differentiated and sclero- tized, ostium opening in the mid-line of the genital plate; ductus bursae long or short, straight or coiled, often sclerotized near ostium, sometimes armed with teeth; ductus seminalis arising from ductus bursae, or more rarely from pos- terior end of bursa copulatrix; bursa copulatrix variously shaped; signum present or absent. The larvae are miners in leaves rarely in stems; the species of one group of genera are restricted to members of the Gramineae, Cyperaceae and Juncaceae; the species of the remaining genera feed on various dicotyledonous plants. The egg, placed on the surface of the leaf, is usually the primitive, elongate flattened type, rarely semi-erect. The larvae are tissue feeders, hence without extreme modification. The pupa is of the Gelechioid type. In spite of differences in markings and the great structural differ- ences between the most primitive and the most specialized genera of the family, the moths have a common aspect which assists in placing them in the family. The structure of the head and its appendages, the shape of the hind wing, with Rs extending through or near the center of the wing, and (in our species) the stalking of M, with it are the best recog- nition characters. The species are small, with wing expanse rarely exceeding a half inch, often much less. But few generalizations on relationships within the family can be made. Primitive genera are almost entirely absent from the American Coelopoeta—are all veins present in both wings, but it appears unrelated to other American genera. In the remaining genera, the evolutionary trend in venation has followed one fauna. In one genus only direction, and venation can not be used as a criterion of relationship as nearly identical venation may occur in genera, which on the basis of genitalic characters belong in different groups. Again, the variation in venation within a genus (e.g. Elachista) may be greater than the difference between it and another genus. On genitalic characters, these genera fall into three groups. One of these, Onceroptila, belongs in the group with the genera Mendesia,* Perittia, Scirtopoda, etc., the more 4 Mendesia de Joannis is here accepted instead of Cycnodia H.-S. Herrich- Schaeffer (1853, Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Eur., v, pp. 46, 47, p. 211, pl. xim, figs. 13, 14) proposed Cycnodia, giving in the text a composite description based on two species before him, one with reduced venation (an Elachista), the other with com- plete venation. He cites as the type cygnipennella Hbn., with figures of fore and hind wing venation; these figures repeat the confusion of the text; the fore wing represents a species with a vein absent, the hind wing represents a species with all veins present. He further adds to the confusion by the statement (p. 211) MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. z 6 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) primitive members of which have all veins present, and may be con- sidered the primitive group of the family. These feed upon dicoty- ledonous plants. A second group includes the known grass- or sedge- feeding genera, Elachista, Cosmiotes, and Dicranoctetes, together with Hemiprosopa, characterized in the male genitalia by the presence of the basal process of sacculus. This group includes some of the most specialized members of the family. Stephensia stands apart from the other two groups, but appears to be more closely related to the grass- and sedge-feeding genera. Key to Genera Based on General External Structure 1. All veins present in both wings ............... 1. Coelopoeta Walsingham At least one dorsal vein absent in each wing ............-.----+2+-seees 2; 2. Veins R,, R,, M,, M, and M, + Cu,, of the fore wing all stalked together 7. Dicranoctetes Braun Veins M, + Cu,, and M, (if present) not out of the stalk of R, , ,andM,.. 3 3) Wabialépalpieminutes 4500 ae eee er eenoe 3. Stephensia Stainton Labial palpi not minute; recurved, porrected or drooping ..............- 4 4. Anal Y-vein present in the fore wing (1b furcate) with both arms distinct; head with loose pendant scales ........... 4. Hemiprosopa new genus Upper arm of anal Y-vein absent (1b simple), head smooth-scaled, at most side-tufts roughened aa. ee eo Cn Oe eee 5 oO: MivoutioteRSibeyondlhm eran seer ener 6. Cosmiotes Clemens |) ) My tromijnear basetor middle of stall oie Ramm mse eae te eee 6 6. Third segment of the labial palpi as long as the second; head short 2. Onceroptila new genus Third segment of the labial palpi much shorter than the second; head not MORMOCAIDLY SMIOME goccccvcccdocccbacconcboonee 5. Elachista Treitschke Key to Genera Based on Male Genitalia Ie Wathiprocessatromybase! or sacculusioihanpelnenenneen teen een eens 2 W ithout- such! processiacisaanocc shaken ere Oe nee Ee oer eee 5 2. \Gnathos one on two spined| knobsianere re eerie renee eee 3 Gnathos merely a narrow band ............... 4. Hemiprosopa new genus 3. Uncus with widely separated claw-like lobes with acute apices 6. Cosmiotes Clemens Uncus lobes not claw-like 4. Basal process of sacculus elongate and so closely appressed as to appear fused with it; anellus lobes with tufted hairs .. 7. Dicranoctetes Braun Basal process of sacculus never so closely appressed as to appear fused; setae of anellus lobes inserted singly ......... 5. Elachista Treitschke ANNETTE F. BRAUN 7 eM eLAOSAMUItMNS DIMeCUKMOD: erclc.sicr sleelevertia.cieeiaie alFalels-n stele, sic eye Ga el ancyer Re eo lS 6 Gnathos without spined knob ................. 1. Coelopoeta Walsingham 6. Uncus absent; aedeagus with conspicuous manica..2. Onceroptila new genus Uncus divided into two widely separated conical lobes; no manica 3. Stephensia Stainton Key to Genera Based on Female Genitalia (Hemiprosopa omitted) 1. Posterior margin of seventh abdominal segment forming anterior and lateral margins of ostium; signum with two large opposite spines 6. Cosmiotes Clemens Ostium not fused with seventh segment; signa, if present, otherwise ..... 2 2. Ostium margined latero-posteriorly with two low papillae clothed with long hairs; abdominal tergites “‘spined” (fig. 2) .. 1. Coelopoeta Walsingham No such papillae; abdominal tergites not spined ......................- 3 3. Bursa copulatrix divided by a narrow constriction into a small smooth anterior lobe and a larger posterior spiculate lobe; anterior apophyses TIPGRNE JocteG nih REO Coie Oe ane oe eae 3. Stephensia Stainton Bursa copulatrix not conspicuously bilobed; anterior apophyses not furcate . 4 4. Entire membranous portion of ductus bursae closely spirally coiled (6 or 7 coils) ; ostium wide ...................... 2. Onceroptila new genus Ductus bursae usually not coiled, never coiled except in part of its length; CUS HMMM DLO USSF otac FS (38) Elachista cana Braun (Fig. 87.) 1920. Elachista cana Braun, Ohio Journ. Sci., xx, 172. Type ¢, Tolland, Colorado [A. F. B. Coll. ]. Head white; palpi white, shaded with fuscous beneath; antennae white, shading to dark fuscous at tip. Thorax and fore wings dull white. Base of costa fuscous; wing slightly dusted with pale ocherous fuscous-tipped scales, which, when not too sparse, are seen to be arranged in three lines, one below costa from basal third and running into the cilia at apical third, a second along middle of fold and passing upward and outward nearly to apex, a third below the fold and running into it near the margin. Apex of the wing sometimes faintly ocherous tinged and with a few minute dark specks in the extreme apex. Cilia white with a slightly darker bar opposite the dusted apex. Hind wings pale gray, cilia darker. Legs white, tarsi fuscous. Abdomen fuscous above, white beneath. Alar expanse: 8.5 to 9.5 mm. Male genitalia (fig. 87): uncus lobes rather small, widely separated, the space between them quadrate, and wider than long; gnathos ovoid; sacculus processes broad; anellus narrow, its lobes tapering, transversely wrinkled ; vinculum produced in a blunt lobe; aedeagus tapering, cornutus a short spine. Specimens examined: 5 ¢. Cororavo: Tolland, 9000 feet, ¢ type, 2 6 paratypes, August 10, 1919; Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Alpine Lodge, 8800 feet, 2 6, July 6 and July 11, 1934 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Food plant and early stages unknown. The white ground color and the lines of darker scales separate this species from all others of this section of the genus, except the following species, in which however, the scales of the ground color are minutely gray-tipped. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 76 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) (39) Elachista amideta new species (Fig. 88.) Head pale gray (the scales white, minutely tipped with gray) ; palpi white, the second segment dark gray beneath and outwardly, third segment gray out- wardly except at base; antennae pale gray, fuscous toward tips. Scales of the thorax and fore wings white with pale gray tips, producing the effect of a pale gray ground color; the costal area, especially near base, from costal margin to the upper margin of the cell is somewhat darker than the remainder of the wing; darker and more broadly gray-tipped scales form indistinct longitudinal lines on the wing; one of these lies just above the fold, and is directed toward apex, nearly joining a short line of dark scales which extends to the extreme tip of the wing and is continued as a dark pencil in the apical cilia; a third dark line runs below the fold, meeting it at the wing margin. Cilia grayish white except opposite the apex. Legs pale gray, tips of segments white. Abdomen gray mid-dorsally, elsewhere white. Alar expanse: 9.2 mm. Male genitalia (fig. 88) similar to cana, but with the space between the uncus lobes parabolic in shape; harpe more slender; anellus broader with more transverse wrinkles; aedeagus much more slender in the outer half, cornutus a short bent spine, stouter than in cana. Type.— é , Ottawa, Ontario, May 15, 1933 (C. H. Young), [Can. Nat. Coll., Type No. 5743). Paratype.— 6 , same data as the type [C. N. Coll., No. 5743]. Food plant and early stages unknown. In the type the longitudinal lines of darker scales on the fore wing are more apparent than in the paratype. EE. amuideta is nearest to E. cana from which it is distinguished by the general gray color in con- trast to the white color of that species; in the male by differences in genitalia, as noted. (40) Elachista inaudita Braun : (Figs. 43, 129.) 1927. Elachista inaudita Braun, Canad. Ent., tx, 56. Type 2, Sparrow Lake, Ontario [A. F. B. Coll.]. Head and appendages dark brassy brown; palpi paler above. Fore wings at base brassy brown, shading outwardly into dark blackish brown in the apical half, with a faint purple luster replacing the brassy luster of the base of the wing; an elongate creamy white spot in the fold near base; a large white spot on dorsum at the beginning of the cilia reaching to middle of wing; between these two spots the fold is darkened (plical stigma) ; a triangular oblique curved white spot on costa beyond the dorsal spot. Cilia purplish black. Hind wings and cilia dark brown. Legs dark brassy fuscous, spurs and tips of tarsi whitish. Abdomen brassy brown, posterior margins of segments beneath whitish. ANNETTE F. BRAUN NI NI Alar expanse: 10 mm. Female genitalia (fig. 129): lobes of the ovipositor small, rounded; dilated part of ductus bursae before ostium deeply cup-shaped, spinulate, ostium scarcely wider ; ductus bursae gradually less sclerotized from ostium anteriorly into the sixth segment; the ductus seminalis enters near the anterior margin of seg- ment 7; bursa copulatrix pear-shaped, minutely and sparsely spiculate, signum a narrow dentate ridge on a weakly sclerotized elongate oval plate. Known only from the female type, Sparrow Lake, Ontario, reared from a miner of leaves of Scirpus sp.; larva July 16, imago August 6, 1926, under rearing record B.1283. The nearly full grown larva makes a rather broad gradually widen- ing brownish mine extending toward the tip of the leaf; probably earlier and narrower mines are made by the younger larva. The pupa (fig. 43) is attached by anal end and held by a median girdle, with a few strands of silk placed irregularly across it. It is slender and very elon- gate, with cuticle dull and brownish, between the dorsal ridge and each lateral ridge, a dark brown stripe; the median dorsal ridge is elevated and extends forward onto the head, lateral ridges less prominent ; meso- thoracic tubercles low and rounded. Very distinct from any other described American species. Rela- tionship to tanyopis is suggested by the very similar female genitalia, and to salinaris by the similar slender pupa, in spite of the very different coloration. (41) Elachista tanyopis Meyrick (= t-ce) ee ye) 1932. Elachista tanyopis Meyrick, Exot. Microlep., 1v, 218. Type 6, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada [British Museum]. Head white tinged with ocherous in the darker specimens; palpi white, second segment brownish gray outwardly; antennae ocherous-gray, basal seg- ment white. Thorax whitish or ocherous tinged, slightly darker than the head. Fore wings whitish ocherous, with the costal margin near base dark brown; more or less dusted with brownish ocherous scales, which are densest in the costal area and toward the pair of pale spots at two-thirds and acutely produced between them, thus defining their inner margins; an elongate black plical spot (stigma), the area before and beyond it sparsely or not at all dusted with darker scales. The pale spots at two-thirds are more or less obscured by dusting out- wardly, the dorsal spot may have a group of darker scales at its outer margin. Cilia whitish ocherous, the marginal scales forming a dark line through them, which is broken on costa at apex by a white bar (more or less distinct) which may extend as a gradually narrowing white streak along the termen toward MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 78 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) tornus. Hind wings gray, contrasting by their dark color with the fore wings; cilia brownish, pale at bases. Underside of both pair of wings dark brown. Fore and middle legs mostly dark brown, hind legs whitish ocherous, with some dark shading faintly defining the usual pale bars and tips of segments. Abdo- men brownish gray, with the terminal segments and underside whitish ocherous. Alar expanse: 9 to 10 mm. Male genitalia (fig. 91) : uncus lobes with rather short curved setae ; gnathos, two elliptical spined knobs; cucullus of harpe terminating apically in a strong spine, costal apical area semicircular, free process of harpe short, sacculus basally with a large circular depression fringed distally with inwardly directed hairs, sacculus processes broad at base and little widening outwardly, somewhat truncate viewed laterally; anellus lobes diverging, apex rounded with a few short setae; vinculum triangular; aedeagus tapering, cornutus a short spine arising from a greatly elongated sclerotized base. Female genitalia (fig. 131): ovipositor lobes small and rounded; dilated part of ductus bursae before ostium deeply cup-shaped, sides straight, spinulate; ductus bursae sclerotized to the middle of the long segment 7; bursa copulatrix bulging to the right, smooth, signum a dentate knife-like ridge on a sclerotized diamond-shaped base. Specimens examined: 10 6,12. Onrario: Bobcaygeon, 5 6, 22-VI-'31 (3 specimens), 15-VI—31, 17-VI—31 (J. McDunnough), [C. N. Coll.]. Marne: Alton, 2 6, 1 2, June 28, 1938; 1 6, Southwest Harbor, July 5, 1937; Bangor, 1 6, June 24, 1938 (E. A. Brower), [A. N.S. P.]. New Jersry: Whitesbog, 1 ¢, at light, June 22, 1940 (E. P. Darlington), [Ao IN Ss Pelle Food plant and early stages unknown, but the larva is probably a miner of some species of sedge or rush. E. tanyopis is allied to the western salinaris Braun and to the European rhynchosporella Stainton, with which it agrees closely in characters of the genitalia. It is the only eastern North American species of Elachista in which the cucullus of harpe terminates in a spine, a character observable in the dry specimen. The contrastingly dark hind wings and different venation separate the palest specimens from any of the white species with dark plical spot. (42) Elachista salinaris Braun (Figs. 45, 92.) 1925. Elachista salinaris Braun, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., tt, 210. Type ¢, Bear River Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah [A. F. B. Coll.]. Head white; palpi white, second segment fuscous outwardly; antennal scape white, stalk pale fuscous. Thorax and ground color of fore wings white; ex- treme costal edge near base black; a narrow brownish shade along costa from ANNETTE F. BRAUN 79 base to two-thirds where it broadens to form a triangular costal patch which is continued as an oblique jagged brown line across the wing to the termen; a large, elongate deep velvety brown spot (plical stigma) on the middle of the fold; a few brownish scales below the fold and a cluster of brownish scales on dorsum before tornus opposite the costal triangular patch; in the apical part of the wing, a few brownish yellow scales beyond the jagged brown line. Cilia white, faintly yellow-tinged, a row of brownish-tipped scales extending into them from a point opposite the apex to the tornus. Hind wings and cilia dark fuscous. Underside of both pairs of wings dark fuscous. Legs pale fuscous, hind pair white inwardly. Abdomen mid-dorsally fuscous, paler at tip and sides, whitish beneath. Alar expanse: 11 mm. Male genitalia almost identical with those of tanyopis; the only appreciable difference is in the shape of the lobes of the anellus (fig. 92); the upper mar- gins are thickened, evenly and broadly rounded and without setae, the lateral margins more deeply concave. Specimens examined: 6 type, 6 paratype. UrtaH: Bear River Bay, Great Salt Lake, ¢ type, 6 paratype, under rearing record B. 1141, imagoes June 29, 1924 [A. F. B. Coll.]. The larva is a miner of leaves of Scirpus paludosus A. Nelson. The mine is long, irregular, varying in width from one to three millimeters ; in some places nearly transparent, elsewhere packed with frass; its early portion is scarcely visible, later, the parenchyma is consumed and the mine more apparent. The mines from which the types were reared were collected June 14, when the larvae were nearly full grown. The pupa (fig. 45) is very slender, elongate, cuticle dull; median dorsal ridge low, but extending onto the thorax, lateral ridges promi- nent; thorax sculptured along mid-dorsal line, the usual tubercles low, rounded and inconspicuous. The pupa is remarkable in that the spira- cles of the first abdominal segment are visible. No cocoon; the pupa is attached to a leaf by anal end and a median girdle. Nearest to tanyopis, but easily separated from it by the pure white ground color of the fore wings, with absence of dark dusting. (43) Elachista praelineata Braun (Figs. 30, 44, 99, 99a, 134, 134a, 134b.) 1915. Elachista praclineata Braun, Canad. Ent., xtvi, 106. Type 2, Cincin- nati, Ohio [A. F. B. Coll.]. 1916. Elachista praelineata Mosher, Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., x11, Art. 11, p. 106, Pl. xxv1, fig. 100. 1923. Aphelosetia praelineata Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., Dp. ZZ, MEM. AMER. ENT. soc., 13. 80 ° NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Face pale gray, darker speckled, head gradually darkening to grayish black posteriorly; paipi dark fuscous beneath, paler above with tip of second segment, a broad band and extreme tip of third segment blackish, these markings more sharply defined in the female. Antennae black with paler annulations, last one or two segments pale. . Thorax black, with tips of tegulae and mesothorax white. Fore wing, venation typical; black; from base of costa to dorsum narrowly white with a slight yellowish tinge; before middle, a curved white fascia, nar- row in male; at tornus, a triangular white spot, and nearly opposite on costa, a similar costal spot. Apical row of scales black and sharply contrasting with the cilia which are white around apex, dark gray elsewhere. Hind wing, M, absent; dark gray. Legs black, inwardly silvery; tarsal segments white-tipped, hind tibiae with the median silvery band broad. Abdomen dark fuscous above, silvery beneath, the dense abdominal tuft of the female pale yellowish gray, with a greater or less admixture of dark gray in the median line. Alar expanse: 6.5 to 7.5 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 99, 99a) : uncus lobes widely separated, incurved, sinus quadrate; gnathos ellipsoidal; harpe extremely narrow and long, with cucullus greatly reduced, sacculus process a slender rod; lobes of anellus slender, curving to the pointed tips; aedeagus bifid at tip, cornuti a mass of microscopic spines. Female genitalia (figs. 134, 134a, 134b): genital segments largely mem- branous; lobes of ovipositor pointed; bursa copulatrix small, smooth, without signum; ductus bursae membranous throughout, abruptly dilating to the wide ostium, which is minutely spiculate dorsally and sclerotized on its ventral margin only. Seventh tergite with sclerotized plate bearing a dense mass of knobbed hairs, with four clusters of still more densely packed hairs (figs. 134a, 134b). Specimens examined: 5 6,8 @. Ouio: Cincinnati, 2 type, under rearing record B.836, imago August 8, 1914; 3 6, 4 @ paratypes, B.836, with dates of emergence August 2 and 4, 1914 [A. F. B. Coll. and U. S. N. M.]; 2 6, 2 @, rearing record B.836, with dates of emer- gence July 31 to August 6, 1919 [A. F. B. Coll.]; 1 2, rearing record B.1016, imago September 2, 1919 [A. N.S. P.]. The larva is a miner of leaves of Hystrivx patula Moench. (and rarely of Elymus) in July. By a twist of the petiole, the true upper side of the leaf of Hystrix faces downward; the following description of the mine, and the figure (fig. 30) give the aspect as seen in the field, viewing what is in fact the lower side of the leaf. The early mine is a narrow line scarcely visible above; it gradually enlarges into an elon- gate blotch, with the greatest width about 4 mm.; except in the widest portion of the mine, the parenchyma is only consumed adjacent to the true upper epidermis and the mine as seen from above is green; even in the blotch, patches of green tissue remain. Below, the mine is whitish ANNETTE F. BRAUN 81 and distinctly visible throughout; the tissue adjacent to the true upper epidermis has been completely consumed. The specimens under B.836 were reared on Hystrix, the single specimen under B.1016 on Elymus, all from the same locality in a dry hillside woods. Pupa (fig. 44) shining, attached at anal end and by a median girdle and covered by a few criss-cross silken threads. Vertex and pro- thorax strongly tuberculate, the usual mesothoracic tubercles prominent, with additional associated small tubercles; wings with lines of small tubercles. In general appearance, F. praelineata resembles E. leucofrons, but is easily distinguished from it by the smaller size, reduced venation of the hind wing, early stages and genitalic characters; the last definitely place it in the radiantella group. (44) Elachista solitaria Braun (Figs. 26, 29, 46, 46a, 97, 97a.) 1922. Elachista solitaria Braun, Canad. Ent., trv, 93. Type ¢, Powell County, Kentucky [A. F. B. Coll.]. Face silvery gray, shading to dark brown on the head posteriorly; palpi drooping, longer than in radiantella, silvery gray, third segment blackish out- wardly; antennae dark brown, slightly thickened in the male, with outer half serrate, without pecten (or if present concealed by the scales overlapping the base of the scape). Thorax silvery gray with bronzy reflections, except anterior border, which is dark brown. Fore wing, venation typical; dark brown, with a scarcely distinguishable reddish luster; a small silvery gray spot at base of costa not reaching below fold; a slightly curved brilliant silvery fascia just before middle; a narrow perpendicular silvery spot at tornus, and beyond it near apex, a larger curved silvery costal mark dilated in the middle of the wing and extending almost to the tip. Apical scales in the male of equal length and forming an even line in the cilia which are white opposite the apex, dark brown elsewhere. Hind wing, M, absent; dark brownish gray. Legs dark brown, femora, tips of segments and a broad band around hind tibiae silvery. Abdomen dark brown above with bronzy luster, silvery beneath in the male (female unknown). Alar expanse: 5 to 5.5 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 97, 97a) : uncus lobes widely separated, incurved, but sinus between them shallow; gnathos knob-shaped; harpe elongate, narrow, cucullus greatly reduced, free process thus seeming to arise near apex and setose for half its length; sacculus processes very minute, spoon-shaped; anellus lobes obliquely truncate; aedeagus produced at apex into a hook, cornuti a mass of microscopic spines. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 82 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Specimens examined: 5 6. Kentucky: Powell County, ¢ type, under rearing record B.1068, with emer- gence of the imago July 10, 1921; 1 6, rearing record B.1084, imago, June 11, 1922; 2 6, rearing record B.1085, June 15, 1922 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Oxuto: Mineral Springs, Adams County, 1 6, under rearing record B.1415, imago, July 10, 1931 [A. F. B. Coll.]. The larvae mine leaves of several species of Panicum. Mining larvae may be found from the end of May to the end of June, depend- ing on the season; the mine of the type was collected June 26, the mines, B.1084, B.1085, May 28, and the mine, B.1415, June 27. The ege (fig. 26) is flattened ovoid, with branching and anastomosing ridges, and is placed on the upper side of the leaf. The mine (fig. 29) at first very narrow with a conspicuous line of frass, later enlarges into a whitish translucent blotch. The pupa (figs. 46, 46a) is covered by a very slight cocoon, and is attached to the pupating surface by the anal end and a silken median girdle; cuticle shining. It resembles that of radiantella, but differs from it in the more prominent ridges of the abdomen, larger meso- thoracic tubercles, in sculpturing of thorax and head, and, principally, by the presence of lines of tubercles on the wings. There are probably two generations a year as in radiantella. A rare species, probably of more restricted range than FE. radian- tella, its nearest ally, from which it is distinguished by venation—M, of fore wing present and cubitus of the hind wing forked; by basal wing markings and by differences in male genitalia. The female is unknown, but when discovered will doubtless possess the dense abdominal tuft present in the other two species of the group. (45) Elachista radiantella Braun (Figs. 8, 20, 23, 42, 98, 98a, 133, 133a, 133b.) 1922. Elachista radiantella Braun, Canad. Ent., tiv, 92. Type 2, Washington, ID), Co (We Ss No ee Face silvery or leaden gray, slight!y opalescent; head dark brown above, with faint reddish luster; palpi very short (fig. 8), drooping, silvery gray, dark brown outwardly; antennae dark brown, paler toward tip in female, somewhat thickened in male, pecten reduced to a few short hairs near base of scape. Thorax dark brown, tips of tegulae and mesothorax silvery. Fore wing, M, absent, R, , , united (fig. 20); dark brown with a faint golden luster, markings silvery with golden and opalescent luster (especially marked in the female) ; an oblique fascia almost at base; a nearly perpendicular fascia just before ANNETTE F. BRAUN 83 middle; a silvery transverse spot at tornus, and beyond it on costa near apex a larger curved silvery spot extends nearly to termen below apex and in the female often expands below apex. In the female the apical scales are short and of equal length, and form a sharply defined broadly curved line around apex, contrasting with the paler cilia; in the male, these scales are of uneven length, some nearly as long as the cilia, and there is no defined line in the cilia. Hind wing, M, absent, and Cu, unbranched (fig. 20); brownish gray, darker in the male. Legs dark brown, femora, tips of segments and a broad band around hind tibiae silvery. Abdomen dark brown above, silvery beneath; seventh segment in the female with a large dense dorsal tuft of long knobbed dark brown hairs concealing the tip of the abdomen. Alar expanse: 5.5 to 6.4 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 98, 98a): uncus lobes widely separated, incurved; gnathos knob-shaped; harpe narrow, free process setose to its tip, sacculus process spoon-shaped and closely appressed; anellus lobes broad, oblique!y trun- cate, aedeagus produced into a curved spine at apex, cornuti a row of minute spines. Female genitalia (figs. 133, 133a, 133b): genital segments largely membra- nous; lobes of ovipositor rounded; ductus bursae membranous and of equal diameter throughout; ostium no broader than the ductus, minutely spiculate, its ventral margin only sclerotized; bursa copulatrix smooth, no signum. Seventh tergite with sclerotized plate bearing closely packed knobbed hairs (figs. 133a, 133b), concealing the genital segments. Specimens examined: 19 6, 202. District oF CoLuMBIA: Washington, 2 type, on Panicum, record number 8844, iss. July 18, 99 (A. Busck), [U. S. N. M.]; 1 6 paratype, record number 8844, iss. July 20, 99 [U. S. N. M.]; 1 2 paratype, same data as the type [A. F. BaGollil: Vircinia: Falls Church, 1 6, May 8-15 (Wm. Middleton), [U. S. N. M.]. Outo0: Clermont County, 13 6, 13 2, under rearing record B.1411, with dates of emergence from June 28 to July 3, 1931; 1 6, 1 2, under B.1412, imagoes June 28, June 29, 1931; Brown County, 1 ¢, 1 2, under rearing record B.1429, imagoes March 29, 1933 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Kentucky: Powell County, 1 2, rearing record B.1086, imago June 10, 1922; Fleming County, 1 6, 1 2, rearing record B.1902, imagoes July 25, 1941 LAL 1, 1B, Coble]. Maine: Monmouth, 1 6, 1 2, VI-20-06, “reared,” (C. A.’Frost), [U.S. N. M.]. The larvae mine leaves of various species of Panicum, most com- monly Panicum dichotomum L. and P. clandestinum L. The egg is broadly ovoid, flattened, similar to that of E. solitaria (fig. 26), and 1s placed on the upper side of the leaf. The mine is at first a narrow MEM. AMER. ENT. SOC., 13. 84 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) thread, then rather abruptly enlarges into a blotch, in which the leaf tissue is consumed, with frass irregularly scattered; the blotch may obliterate the early linear mine. The mines of E. radiantella and E. solitaria (fig. 29) are indistinguishable and may occur in the same area. The larva differs from other species examined in the longer head cap- sule, heavier prothoracic shield, and the very long setae (fig. 23). The pupa (fig. 42) is of the shining cuticle type; it is attached to a surface by the anal end and a silken girdle and lies beneath a few irregu- larly placed silken strands. The lateral abdominal ridges are promi- nent, dorsal ridge not extending onto the thorax; in addition to the sculpturing and tubercles of thorax and head shown in the figure, there are prominent tubercles on the front of the head; the wings are without tubercles (compare solitaria). More than one generation a year is indicated by the dates of collec- tion of mining larvae. Larvae mining basal overwintering leaves, col- lected February 22, produced imagoes March 29, suggesting that the eggs had been deposited the previous summer or autumn. Mines under B.1411 and B.1412, collected June 17; B.1086, May 28, and B.1902, July 12, were apparently made by larvae hatching from eggs deposited in the spring, as all were on stem leaves of the grasses. In venation, EF. radiantella is the most reduced of any known species of the genus. Its extreme specialization is further indicated by the difference in aspect between male and female, especially in brilliance of markings, and scale structure and arrangement at the apex of the fore wing, and by the specialized scales of the abdominal tuft of the female. Section III (46) Elachista madarella (Clemens) (Figs. 3, 18, 32, 48, 95, 95a, 135.) 1860. Cosmiotes madarella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 9. Type 9, Pennsylvania (? Easton) [A. N. S. P., Type No. 7397]. 1872. Elachista (Cosmiotes) madarella Stainton, Tin. No. Am., p. 98. 1878. Elachista madarella Chambers, Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Sury. of Terr., 1v, 139. 1903. Cosmiotes madarella Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v, 197. 1921. Elachista madarella Braun, Ohio Journ. Sci., xx1, 208. 1923. Aphelosetia madarella Forbes, Mem, 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 221. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 85 Head dark silvery gray, lower part of face paler, and posterior margin of head dark shining brown; palpi nearly straight (fig. 3), dark gray, paler above and concolorous with the face; antennae dark brown, apical fifth yellowish white. Thorax dark brown in anterior half, dark bluish metallic in posterior half. Fore wing dark brown, with faint golden reflections; base of wing silvery gray, with bluish reflections on costa and golden reflections toward dorsum; before middle a slightly oblique brilliant silvery or pale golden!® metallic band, which is often extended along the wing below fold, or sometimes this extension represented by a small detached silvery or golden dot; at two-thirds the wing length, a silvery or pale golden costal spot, and opposite it a similar dorsal spot; beyond these in the middle of the wing near the apex, a silvery spot. Cilia grayish brown, paler around apex; the apical row of scales black-tipped and forming a sharply contrasting line. Hind wings grayish brown, cilia somewhat darker especially in the female; wing broader in the male. Legs dark silvery gray, hind tibiae mostly silvery in male, brown except at apex in the female. Abdomen dark brown with some metallic luster above, yellowish white beneath. Alar expanse: 8 to 9 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 95, 95a): uncus lobes with sparse short stiff setae; gnathos broader than long; free outgrowth of harpe reduced to a short projec- tion at base, sacculus processes erect, stout, cylindrical, setose, arising near ventral angle; anellus lobes very broad, each lobe produced posteriorly into a broad setose lateral arm (concealed behind the sacculus process) ; the narrow ring-like sclerotization of the vinculum produced posteriorly in the mid-ventral line; aedeagus stout, three-lobed at base, a dorsal prong, apex pointed, manica apparently present; no cornutus. Female genitalia (fig. 135): genital plate specialized, its anterior margin a heavily sclerotized concave band indenting the seventh segment; from its median posterior part an acute projection toward ostium, which opens in a large depressed membranous area; ventral margin of ostium sclerotized, laterally two weakly sclerotized recurved lines form a pair of semi-ellipses; the dorsal pos- terior margin of the eighth segment bears a row of strong setae (shown in the figure as broken lines beneath the lobes of the ovipositor); bursa copulatrix weakly bilobed, spiculate, signum a broad dentate band with slight median con- striction; ductus bursae very wide, abruptly narrowing to the small ostium, with inception of ductus seminalis close to ostium. Specimens examined: 23 6, 14 2, 7 sex undetermined. PENNSYLVANIA: ? Easton, 2 type [A. N. S. P.]; Hazelton, one specimen, 6-9-04 (W. G. Dietz), [M. C. Z.]. New Jersey: Essex Co. Pk., 1 6, July 1, 2 2, June 24 (W. D. Kearfott), WAS. No ME: New York: “Cent. N. Y.,” 7 specimens, mostly without abdomen, 6—-9-99, 6-30-99, 7-1-99 [M. C. Z.]. 18 With age the silvery metallic marks tend to acquire a golden tinge. MEM. AMER. ENT. SOC., 13. 86 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Onto: Cincinnati, 8 6, 7 2, on leaves of Carex spp., under rearing records B.1028, B.1029, B.1035, B.1040, with dates of emergence from May 20 to June 28, 1920 [A. F. B. Coll. and A. N. S. P.]; 6 6, 2 9, on leaves of Scirpus atro- virens, under rearing record B.1039, with dates of emergence from June 1 to June 15, 1920 [A. F. B. Coll.]; 6 6,1 2, captured on the wing from June 6 to July 19 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Ontario: Sparrow Lake, 1 2, July 17, 1926 [A. F. B. Coll.]. The larvae may be found early in the spring on Carex spp. and Scirpus spp., feeding on the overwintering leaves, indicating that min- ing was initiated during the preceding autumn. The larva mines down the old leaf, finally entering the leaf sheath of one of the new inner basal leaves, then working upward toward the tip of the leaf, feeding only at night and retiring down into the leaf sheath near the root-stalk during the day (fig. 32). Several leaves may be thus mined. The larva is whitish or pale green, prothoracic shield with a pair of conspicuous L-shaped dark marks. Pupation takes place commonly on the upper side of a leaf over the midrib; the cocoon is a flat sheet of silk formed of two series of obliquely placed parallel threads crossing one another at an acute angle (as in enitescens, fig. 31). The dorsal abdominal surface of the pupa (fig. 48) is flattened, median and lateral ridges absent, spiracles produced; mesothorax delicately sculptured, and vertex transversely beaded. FE. madarella is easily separated from all other species except enites- cens and argentosa by wing venation (fig. 18); from both of these it differs in the white tips of the antennae. (47) Elachista enitescens Braun (Figs. 31, 47, 96, 96a, 136.) 1921. Elachista enitescens Braun, Ohio Journ. Sci., xx1, 207. Type 6, near Cincinnati, Ohio [A. F. B. Coll.]. 1923. Aphelosetia enttescens Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 221. Palpi and entire head dark leaden metallic, almost black; antennae grayish black throughout. Thorax and base of fore wing leaden metallic, with a reddish and purplish luster which is most decided at base of dorsum, where the leaden color is sometimes replaced by metallic golden or silvery scales like those of the fascia and spots. Fore wing dark brown, faintly shining; an oblique silvery or golden metallic fascia with reddish and purplish luster before the middle of the wing, broader in its dorsal half and sometimes produced outwardly below the fold; at two-thirds a silvery or golden metallic costal and an opposite dorsal spot; beyond them in the middle of the wing near the tip a silvery or golden ANNETTE F. BRAUN 87 spot. These markings in some directions of light show a distinctly bluish luster. Cilia gray, with the apical scales forming a dark line through them. Hind wings dark brown, broader in male. Legs dark gray, hind tarsi paler tipped. Abdomen dark gray, underside yellowish. Alar expanse: 7 to 8 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 96, 96a): uncus lobes with short stiff setae near the outer margins; gnathos knob-shaped; free outgrowth of harpe reduced, sacculus processes erect, more slender than in madarella, and much exceeding the lateral arms of the anellus; anellus broad, lateral arms of lobes short with a few setae apically ; vinculum with mid-ventral sclerotization (as in madarella) ; aedeagus three-lobed at base, middle lobe truncate; a blunt projection near apex, apex acutely acuminate; no cornutus. Female genitalia (fig. 136): genital plate specialized, narrowly strongly sclerotized along anterior border, without median projection into the depressed membranous area in which the small ostium opens; lateral lines broadly curving from ostium; dorsal posterior margin of eighth segment fringed with long setae; bursa copulatrix very small, spicules scattered; signum a small dentate patch; ductus bursae tapering to ostium, inception of ductus seminalis near ostium. Specimens examined: 36,42. Onto: near Cincinnati, 6 type, rearing record B.1036, imago June 8, 1920; 2 $, 2 2 paratypes, under B.1036, imagoes May 13 to June 7; 1 2, “on Scirpus,” June 8, 1921; Clermont County, 1 2, under B.1036, imago June 14, 1922 [A. F. B. Coll.]. In March and early April, the partially grown larvae are mining the old overwintering leaves of the bulrush, Scirpus atrovirens Muhl.; later the larva enters a new leaf at its base; the mine extends from the base of the leaf upward and may be four or five inches in length. The larvae feed only at night, retiring during the day to the base of the leaf, some- times beneath the surface of the water. The larva is yellow with a pair of ill-defined irregular dark patches on the prothoracic shield pos- teriorly. Pupation takes place over the midrib, beneath a flat cocoon (fig. 31) consisting of two series of obliquely placed parallel silk threads, crossing one another at an acute angle. The pupa (fig. 47) is very similar to that of madarella, but lacks the delicate sculpturing of the mesothorax and tubercles of the vertex. E. enitescens differs from madarella in the wholly dark antennae, and in genitalic characters in both sexes. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13 88 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) (48) Elachista argentosa Braun (Figs. 27, 49, 94, 94a, 137.) 1920. Elachista argentosa Braun, Ohio Journ. Sci., xx, 168. Type ¢, Clermont County, Ohio [A. F. B. Coll. ]. 1923. Aphelosetia argentosa Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., page Face and head silvery gray, with a bluish metallic luster; palpi silvery gray inwardly, fuscous beneath and outwardly; antennae deep blackish brown throughout, slightly thickened in male. Thorax deep golden brown, shading to metallic gray and silver behind. Fore wings almost black with faint golden brown reflections in some lights; markings metallic silvery, with golden and bluish reflections; base of wing silvery; a fascia just before middle produced a little toward tornus on dorsum; opposite costal and dorsal streaks at two- thirds, the costal curving outwardly in the middle of the wing and sometimes slightly dilated at its tip before apex, and rarely met by the dorsal streak. Cilia dark brown, apical scales forming a contrasting line. Hind wings broader in male, grayish brown, becoming bluish along costa near base. Legs silvery gray, middle tibiae and all the tarsi dark brown, and brown shading on the hind tibiae; tips of segments silvery. Abdomen shining fuscous above, silvery beneath. Alar expanse: 7 to 8 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 94, 94a): uncus lobes small, not separated at base, a few short setae near their outer margins; gnathos ellipsoidal; free outgrowth of harpe reduced, basal process of sacculus short, club-shaped, with long setae; posterior margin of anellus strongly sclerotized, each lobe prolonged into a finger-like process; vinculum broad, with a short anterior projection; aedeagus (fig. 94a) with an elongate dorsal, and a shorter ventral basal enlargement, apex dorsally produced into a long curved acutely pointed process; manica present; no cornutus. Female genitalia (fig. 137): genital plate specialized, its median anterior margin strongly sclerotized and indenting the seventh segment; ostium opening in a broadly oval membranous area in the genital plate; the lateral lines from ostium nearly straight, but little divergent; dorsal posterior margin of eighth segment bearing about ten strong setae; bursa copulatrix large, bilobed, spicu- late, signum an elongate dentate band; ductus bursae gradually narrowing to the small ostium, and sclerotized just before ostium; inception of ductus semi- nalis just anterior to this sclerotized ring. Specimens examined: 12 6,8 2. Onto: Clermont County, ¢ type, under rearing record B.1008, imago June 1, 1919; 2 6 paratypes under B.1008, imagoes June 2 and June 3, 1919; 3 2, under B.1083, imagoes June 1, June 7, 1922; Cincinnati, 8 ¢, 4 2, under rearing records B.1008, B.1034, B.1041, with dates of emergence from May 24 to June 13, 1920 and 1922; 1 6, 1 9, captured on the wing, June 7, 1906, and June 23, 1904 [A. F. B. Coll.]. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 89 The larvae mine leaves of species of Carev, most commonly the narrow-leaved species, during April and early May. The mine (fig. 27) extends from the tip of the leaf downward and lies nearer the upper side ; the parenchyma is partially consumed and the mine appears green- ish except near the point of exit over the midrib where the parenchyma is consumed and the epidermis wrinkled, forming a tunnel opening by a transverse slit to the outside; the larva may mine beyond this point, returning to the tunnel. When a new mine is made, as sometimes occurs, a little silk is spun over the entrance and the same tunnel- shaped exit constructed before feeding is resumed. The larva is pale yellowish white, with head and thoracic shield pale brown; a darker spot on each of the fourth and fifth abdominal segments. The pupa (fig. 49) is enclosed in a very open irregular meshwork. The dorsal abdominal surface is less flattened than in the two preceding species, the spiracles but little produced; the head and thorax are more elaborately tuberculate than in the other species of the section; the dorsum of the mesothorax bears four rows of bead-like tubercles ; there are lines of fine tubercles on the wings. In venation the fore wing of E. argentosa differs from that of madarella in that Cu, arises opposite the origin of R., but R. and R; are farther apart than are R, and R,, as in madarella. The dilated tip of the costal streak corresponds in position to the pale golden or silvery spot in the middle of the wing before apex in E. madarella and E. emitescens. 6. COSMIOTES Clemens Cosmiotes Clemens, 1860. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 8. GENOTYPE.—C osmuotes illectella Clemens, 1860. Head smooth-scaled; labial palpi long, diverging and somewhat recurved, third segment much shorter than the second, acute; antennal pecten consisting of a few fine hairs near base of scape. Fore wing (figs. 16, 16a, 16b) lanceolate, acute; R,, R; and M, stalked together, R, out of the stalk before the forking of R, + M,, sometimes the three veins separating close together; M, absent, M, and Cu,, united; 1A + 2A with- out basal forking (1b simple). Hind wing (fig. 16) one-half the width of the fore wing; acute; M, stalked with R,, M, and M, absent; cell open between Cu,, and R, + M,. Hind tibiae with long hairs above, shorter hairs below; middle spurs before the middle of the segment. MEM. AMER. ENT. SOC., 13. go NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Male genitalia (figs. 56, 56a, 57, 57a) ; lobes of the uncus widely separated, c'aw-like, apices directed inwardly, setose on the inner surfaces; socii, two small drooping papillae; gnathos, a small spined knob; harpe very long, produced into an acute spine at apex; without free arm; sacculus process long, slender, apex somewhat enlarged, concave and setose inwardly; ventral plate of anellus with two broadly diverging arms at base, deeply cleft at apex into two blunt conical setose lobes; anellus anteriorly produced into a large membranous pouch; vincu- lum abruptly narrowing into a long point; aedeagus long, slender, evenly taper- ing, curving near apex, a keel-shaped projection at base; no cornutus. Female genitalia (figs. 103, 103a, 104, 105); seventh abdominal sternite strongly sclerotized and modified, its posterior margin with a deep median sinus, on each side of which it is produced as a thickened lobe; the margins of the sinus form the ventral anterior and lateral borders of the ostium; ductus bursae short, sclerotized through the seventh segment; inception of the ductus semi- nalis at the posterior end of the finely spiculate bursa copulatrix; signum a circular sclerotized patch, from which projects a pair of opposite heavy spines, with one or more smaller accessory spines. The species of Cosmiotes are miners in leaves of many species of grass, and are not specific as to food plant. The eggs, larvae and mines are very similar to those of the typical species of Elachista of Section II. The pupa agrees with that of Elachista in general structure, in the tubercles of head and mesothorax, and with the more specialized species in the produced spiracles, but may be distinguished from all pupae of that genus by the pair of backwardly directed spines on the vertex (fig. 50). In describing Cosmiotes, Clemens wrote: “the subcostal nervure sends from the angle of the disk a trifid branch, which is either forked on the costa by an exceedingly short branch before the tip, and gives rise at about its middle to a branch to the inner margin, or is trifid at its extreme tip. The median is two- or three-branched near its end.” Of the hind wing he wrote: “The median is well indicated, with two or three short approximated branches about the middle of the inner margin.” As the type of idlectella, the first of the three species described at that time, is not in existence, it is necessary to deduce its structure from Clemens’ statements. In the fore wing, the alternative, median two- branched, is applicable to ilectella alone, as in both of the other species described at the same time (of which the types are in existence), Ms, M, + Cu,, and Cu,, of the fore wing are all present (7.e., median vein three-branched). Jllectella is thus characterized: “Median vein of hind- ANNETTE F. BRAUN Ol wings two-branched. Apical vein trifid at tip,” that is, M, of hind wing absent, and Ry, R; and M, of the fore wing separating close together from the common stalk (cf. fig. 16b, ? ). The unique and characteristic genitalia, together with the different venation, warrant the removal of Cosmiotes from synonymy with Ela- chista, and its restriction to the species posessing those characters. In addition to the three American species, the European stabilella Frey and nigrella Haworth belong here. They form a closely related group of species of similar aspect, distinguished from one another by slight differences, best by characters of the female genitalia. Key to the Species of Cosmiotes Males 1. Face creamy white, vertex or even entire head sometimes creamy white; lobes of anellus with a few strong setae ..........-. (3) scopulicola Face not creamy white, fuscous, or if pale, silvery or grayish, vertex and DECPUE MUSCOMS Oe Merona Ay Secaces cnoosesodecoeaunoenaddgs 2 2. Setae of anellus lobes numerous, fine; wing expanse 8.5 mm. ; ° (2) herbigrada Setae of anellus lobes few, but fine; wing expanse under 8 mm., usually §. i@, FD, GID, - os A ee TE ne ney ere (1) illectella Females 1. Face creamy white, vertex or even entire head sometimes creamy white; ductus bursae evenly tapering from ostium; ostium not spinulate; one pair of accessory spines of signum half the length of the major pair (3) scopulicola Face fuscous, or if pale, silvery or grayish white, vertex and occiput fuscous or irrorated gray; ductus bursae not evenly tapering, swollen in segment 7; ostium spinulate; accessory spines of signum small or absent ..... Z 2. Ostium and sclerotized portion of ductus bursae densely spinulate; sinus of the seventh segment less deep than in herbigrada; wing expanse 6.5 to PTMERATELY OMS | <0). ce eee swe Se en een Ee (1) illectella Ostium and ductus bursae less densely spinulate; sinus of seventh segment BecHMMIceXPAnsSe OO) MMs 06 4.1020. ene ee ee nee (2) herbigrada (1) Cosmiotes illectella Clemens (Figs. 16, 16a, 16b, 50, 103, 103a.) 1860. Cosmiotes illectella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 9. Type locality, Pennsylvania (? Easton). 1872. Elachista (Cosmiotes) illectella Stainton, Tineina of No. Amer., p. 98. 1903. Elachista illicitella Dyar, Bull. 52, U. S. N. M., p. 536 (misspelling). MEM. AMER. ENT. SOC., 13. g2 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) 1923. Aphelosetia illectella Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 223. 1860. Elachista praematurella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 172. Type ¢, Pennsylvania [A. N. S. P., Type No. 7398]. (New synonymy.) 1872. Elachista praematurella Stainton, Tineina of No. Amer., p. 133. 1874. Elachista praematurella Chambers, Canad. Ent., v1, pp. 76-77. 1903. Elachista praematurella Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v, 203. 1914. Elachista praematurella Braun, Ent. News. xxv, 114. 1922. Elachista praematurella Braun, Canad. Ent., viv, 94. 1923. Aphelosetia praematurella Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta., p. 223. 1876. Elachista cristatella Chambers, Canad. Ent., vir, 172. Type 6, Ken- tucky [M. C. Z.]. (New synonymy.) 1880. Elachista albapalpella Chambers, Journ. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 111, p. 294. Type ¢, Amherst, Massachusetts [U. S. N. M., Type No. 1035]. (New synonymy. ) Head fuscous, irrorated with dark gray, face sometimes paler, more or less silvery, but scales usually tipped with dark gray; palpi fuscous, paler and some- times whitish above, a black spot at base of third.segment above; antennae dark fuscous with narrow paler annulations. Fore wing, male: fuscous, densely dusted, the paler bases of the scales grayish white; just before middle a slightly oblique irregular narrow fascia (in the form described as cristatella, much re- duced and indicated only by a broken line) ; posterior to the fascia below the fold an elongate patch of black slightly raised scales, not contrasting in the darkest specimens; at two-thirds, a white costal and an opposite dorsal spot, occasionally obsolete, a few black scales sometimes separating their apices; usually a few white scales at extreme apex; cilia fuscous, whitish around apex, the marginal scales projecting into them conspicuously black-tipped. Fore wing, female: darker than in the male, more evenly dark brown or black, but when irrorated, paler before the fascia, especially in the late fall and early spring generations; fascia broad, silvery white, dorsal and costal spots silvery white, never reduced in size; cilia fuscous, white around apex, the black-tipped marginal scales white at base around apex, and forming a more or less con- spicuous white transverse mark in the cilia. Hind wings and cilia fuscous, darker in the female. Legs gray, hind tibiae with a white band before middle and at apex. Abdomen fuscous, genital segments of male clothed with long yellowish white hairs. Alar expanse: 6 to 7.5 mm., rarely 8 mm. Male genitalia: as in scopulicola (figs. 56, 56a), except that the setae of the anellus lobes are somewhat shorter and finer. Female genitalia (figs. 103, 103a) : ostium and sclerotized portion of ductus bursae densely spinulate, ductus bursae as wide as the ostium through most of ANNETTE F. BRAUN 93 segment 7, then abruptly narrowing at the anterior margin of segment 7; sig- num a pair of opposite large spines, accessory spines absent or minute. More than a hundred specimens of both sexes have been examined. C. illectella is represented in collections from Ontario, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio and Michigan (in both the Lower and Upper Peninsula) and probably occurs throughout the eastern United States and Canada. The mines are found on leaves of many species of grass, among them Poa pratensis (Kentucky Blue Grass), Poa spp., Agrostis spp., Hystrix sp., Elymus sp., Orysopsis sp., Bromus sp., and Phleum (timothy). . Mining larvae may be found almost throughout the year, even in the winter, and produce imagoes within a few weeks. The mine starts as a fine line, gradually increases in breadth and on the narrow-leaved grasses, occupies the width of the blade. It is usually whitish, with parenchyma all consumed, and is about equally visible from either leaf surface. The larva varies in color to some extent with the food plant, but is usually greenish yellow, with the prothoracic shield marked posteriorly with a transverse brownish bar on either side of the mid-line, and fainter longitudinal markings down each side of the mid-line. Pupa- tion takes place beneath a dense white meshwork of irregularly placed silk strands. The pupa (fig. 50) is characteristic of the genus, with the two backwardly pointing spines of the vertex; specifically it is dis- tinguished from that of scopulicola by the two small tubercles of the prothorax. The marked sexual dimorphism is responsible in part for the syno- nyms. The description of illectella applies to the female; in the type, apparently, veins Ry, R; and M, separated from their stalk close to- gether, a condition occurring rarely in the female (fig. 16b) ; the more usual condition is that shown in figure 16. In the male (fig. 16a), the point of separation of R, is usually farther basad than in the female. The type of praematurella is a male with the fascia and costal and dorsal spots distinct, and a few white scales projecting from the extreme apex of the wing. Albapalpella by genitalia of the female type is a synonym; cristatella is a pale irrorated male, with obsolescent white marks and conspicuous patch of black raised scales near dorsal margin beyond the fascia. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 94 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) (2) Cosmiotes herbigrada (Braun) (Figs. 57, 57a, 104.) 1925. Elachista herbigrada Braun, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., 11, p. 211. Type 2, Providence Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Utah, altitude 8600 feet [A. F. B. Coll. ]. Face pale, yellowish tinged, with some of the scales gray-tipped; head above pale grayish, the scales more or less broadly tipped with dark gray; palpi fuscous, whitish above, the third segment black at extreme base, irregularly fuscous-dotted beneath; antennae gray, with narrow paler annulations. Thorax and fore wings fuscous, irrorated, the bases of the scales whitish; more evenly dark in the female. Fore wings narrow elongate; a whitish spot at base of dorsum in female; a white fascia before middle a little oblique, broadest in the female; at two-thirds, a pair of opposite costal and dorsal spots, joining in the female to form a broad fascia, constricted in the middle; in the male, one line of darker scales extends through the cell, crossing the fascia, and a second line below the fold forms a black dash beyond the fascia. Cilia whitish at apex, elsewhere fuscous; a few marginal scales only at extreme apex white with black tips. Hind wings and cilia pale gray. Hind tibiae gray, with the apex white and a broad white median band including the spurs. Abdomen fuscous, the hairs clothing the genital segments pale. Alar expanse: 8.5 mm. (4), 9.5 mm. (2 ). Male genitalia (figs. 57, 57a): setae of anellus lobes numerous and very fine; vinculum more abruptly narrowing and the produced point more rounded than in the other two species. Female genitalia (fig. 104): ostium spinulate, but spinules fewer and more minute than in illectella; ductus bursae swollen in segment 7, and abruptly narrowing at anterior margin of segment 7; sinus of the seventh segment deep; signum with several minute accessory spines. Specimens examined: 1 6,1 8. Uranu: Providence Lake, Wasatch Mountains, Cache County, altitude 8600 feet, 2 type, June 24, 1924 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Cotorapo: Rocky Mountain National Park, Hidden Valley, 1 6, August 12, 1929 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Food plant and early stages unknown. This species is very close to C. ilectella; the larger size, the nar- rower wings, and the tendency toward the arrangement of dark-tipped scales in longitudinal lines in the male, and the shght differences noted in the genitalia will aid in separating the two species. A specimen from Colorado, foot of Gray’s Peak, altitude about 11,200 feet, doubtfully referred by Chambers to Elachista praematurella (Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. of Terr., m1, 143, 1877) probably belongs to this species. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 95 (3) Cosmiotes scopulicola new species (Figs. 56, 56a, 105.) Face creamy white, the white usually extending onto the vertex and often over the entire head, except for a few dark-tipped scales; palpi conspicuously white above, with a minute black spot at base of third segment, second segment fuscous beneath, third segment dotted with fuscous beneath; antennae gray with narrow pale annulations. Thorax and fore wings dark gray, irrorated, the bases of the scales white; the male usually paler and more conspicuously irro- rated than the female, the ground color in the female often a little paler before the fascia. Tegulae and a small spot at base of dorsum often white. Before middle, a narrow white fascia (seldom narrower in the male), and at two-thirds a pair of opposite costal and dorsal spots; black dash beyond fascia not con- spicuous except in the palest specimens. Cilia white except toward dorsum, the black-tipped marginal scales white at base at tip of wing, elsewhere gray, their black tips forming a conspicuous line through the cilia. Hind wings gray, irrorated. Hind tibiae blackish, with apex and a broad band near base white. Abdomen mixed fuscous and white in the male, with pale yellow hairs clothing the genital segments, blackish in the female. Alar expanse: 6 to 8 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 56, 56a) : setae of anellus lobes few and heavy. Female genitalia (fig. 105): ostium not spinulate, sclerotized portion of ductus bursae gradually tapering from ostium to anterior margin of segment 7, not swollen in segment 7; one pair of accessory spines of signum half or more than half as long as the major pair. Type.—¢, Huron Mountains, Michigan, along bluffs of Lake Su- perior, imago August 24, 1943, under rearing record B.2051 [A. F. B. Coll. ]. Allotype.— @ , same data as the type, except imago August 17, 1943 fae. Bs Coll.). Paratypes—16 6,4 @, under rearing record B.2051, with dates of emergence from August 9 to August 25;7 46,6 2, same locality, under rearing record B.2056, with dates of emergence from August 10 to August 28; 2 6, same locality, under rearing record B.2057, imagoes August 15, August 17 [A. F. B. Coll. ]. The series under B.2051 was reared from Poa sp., that under B.2056 from Agrostis sp.; the two under B.2057 from an unidentified grass. The mine gradually widens from the early thread-like mine, with parenchyma entirely consumed. The mines on Poa sp. were white, those on Agrostis sp. somewhat brownish. Larva with head black, prothoracic shield with only the center pale, and the body yellowish or green, depending on the food plant. Pupation takes place under a dense MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. g6 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) silk meshwork. The pupa is scarcely distinguishable from that of ilec- tella, except that the pair of tubercles of the prothorax of that species are lacking in scopulicola. C. scopulicola was reared only from grasses growing along the bluffs of Lake Superior, a more extreme habitat with accompanying more northern vegetation than the forest away from the lake border. All specimens reared on grasses in the forest are C. illectella. The creamy white of face and vertex and the clearer black and white wings of scopulicola, with white bases of scales may be used to differ- entiate this species from ilectella, but the only certain means of identifi- cation is the smooth ostium and the narrow, evenly tapering ductus ~ bursae in the seventh segment in the female. 7. DICRANOCTETES Braun Dicranoctetes Braun, 1918. Ent. News, xxix, p. 250. GENOTYPE.—Dicranoctetes angularis Braun, 1918 [== Elachista brachyelytrifoliella Clemens, 1864]. Donacivola Busck, 1934. Ent. Amer., x1tt, p. 169. GENOTYPE.—Donacivola saccharella Busck, 1934. Dicranoctetes Braun, 1935. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., Lx1, p. 47. Head smooth, face flattened, strongly retreating; eyes small, concealed from above and partially covered by the appressed scales of the face; maxillary palpi absent; labial palpi very long, slightly curved, divergent, smooth-scaled, second segment twice the length of the acute third segment; tongue well developed, scaled only at extreme base; antennae two-thirds (¢) to three-fourths (2 ) the length of the fore wing, with short fine ciliations in the male, scape not enlarged, no pecten. Fore wing (fig. 12) ovate-lanceolate, apex produced, acuminate and up- turned; cell narrow, R, from near middle of cell, cell open between R, and R,, R, from apex of cell at base of stalk of R,, R,, M,, M,, and M, + Cu,,, R, and R, out of M,, M, and M, + Cu,, out of M, before R,, M, + Cu,, from near base of stalk; Cu,, strong, distant; Cu, weak; 1A +2A not forked at base (1b simple). Hind wing (fig. 12) half as broad as the fore wing, lanceolate, pointed; Se +R, reaching costa before middle, R, and M, long stalked, M, and M, absent, cell open between Cu,, and R, + M,; Cu, and the anal veins obsolescent. Posterior tibiae with fine stiff hairs above and below; middle spurs before the middle. Male genitalia (figs. 59, 59a) : uncus lobes widely separated, densely setose; socii vestigial; gnathos a spined knob; cucullus of harpe with long decumbent ANNETTE F. BRAUN 97 setae, sacculus process elongate, very closely appressed, concave at tip, setose on the concave inner surface; anellus produced into two elongate papillae bear- ing tufted hairs; vinculum with a short blunt anterior projection; aedeagus a short straight cylinder, no cornutus. Female genitalia (fig. 106) : genital plate reduced to a narrow marginal band with diverging arms; ductus bursae short, broadly funnel-shaped and sclerotized near the wide ostium; a short membranous contracted section separates this dilated part from a short sclerotized section just anterior to which the ductus seminalis arises; bursa copulatrix elongate oval, obscurely bilobed, spiculate ; signum an elongate, slightly bent, dentate band. Dicranoctetes is the most specialized of the grass or sedge feeding genera. The two known species of the genus are miners in leaves of Gramineae; the Cuban species (saccharella) a miner of sugar cane. The American species shows a preference for species of Muhlenbergia. The egg of Dicranoctetes is similar to that of Elachista, elongate ellipsoidal, flattened, with many longitudinal parallel ridges. In the more specialized larva, the head capsule is very elongate, flattened, with the ventral pair of ocelli as well as the three dorsal ocelli crowded to- gether and in contact; the first two thoracic segments very broad, twice the breadth of the head, the third thoracic narrower and from thence the body tapering; the incisures so deep that the segments appear almost moniliform; setae long. Prothoracic shield circular, weakly sclerotized and contrastingly darkened only posteriorly; prothoracic legs absent, meso- and metathoracic legs well developed; abdominal prolegs on seg- ments 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10, crochets on all except the anal prolegs arranged in a posterior uniordinal transverse row, on the anal prolegs in an anterior half circle; suranal plate not differentiated. The pupa (fig. 51, 2) is an extreme specialization along the line indicated in Elachista and Cosmiotes. The body is flattened, abdomen slightly concave dorsally and the lateral ridges are produced into long curved acute spines; the posterior forks of the abdominal spines bear the spiracles at their summits; a pair of long acute spines projects for- ward from the vertex; similar spines arm the sides of the head and the mesothorax. The appendages are fused to one another and to the body, the wings extending to the caudal margin of segment 7. The spining of the ninth and tenth segments varies with the sex; in the male the anterior pair of spines is reduced to blunt projections. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 98 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) (1) Dicranoctetes brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens) (Figs. 12, 51, 59, 59a, 106.) 1864. Elachista brachyelytrifoliella Clemens, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., p. 425. Type, Clemens No. 218, Easton, Pennsylvania [A. N. S. P., Type No. 7399]. 1872. Elachista brachyelytrifoliella Stainton, Tin. No. Amer., p. 248. 1903. Elachista brachyelytrifoliella Busck, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., v, 217. 1923. Aphelosetia brachyelytrifoliella Forbes, Mem. 68, Cornell Univ. Agric. Exper. Sta., p. 221. 1918. Dicranoctetes angularis Braun, Ent. News, xxrx, 251. Type 6, Moun- tain Lake Park, Maryland [A. F. B. Coll.]. (New synonymy.) 1935. Dicranoctetes angularis Braun, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., xt, 47. Face silvery, with faint golden luster; head above dull gray; palpi white, some fuscous shading on the second segment beneath, third segment with base, a spot beyond middle and tip black; antennae gray. Thorax and basal third of fore wing gray, shading abruptly outwardly to dark blackish brown. From near base of costa a white line follows the costal margin, widening at one-fourth and diverging from the costa as a short very oblique streak ending just within the dark brown portion of the wing; just beyond the middle, a pair of more or less triangular oblique silvery white spots, their apices sometimes nearly meeting in the middle of the wing; a large black apical spot partially.projecting into the cilia. Costal and apical cilia white, margined basally by black scales, and divided by two perpendicular black lines in the costal cilia, and a longer black streak at apex extending outwardly from the apical spot. Cilia below the apex gray and marked with two parallel black lines, formed by the tips of projecting scales, and a third fine silvery line, formed by the tips of the outermost row of scales. Hind wings and cilia dark brownish gray. Legs silvery white, hairs on upper side of posterior tibiae dark gray. Abdomen dark fuscous, silvery beneath, except segments 7 and 8 of the female wholly black. Alar expanse: 5.5 to 7.5 mm. Male genitalia (figs. 59, 59a); female genitalia (fig. 106): described under the generic characterization. Specimens examined: 10 6, 13 2; type (without abdomen). PENNSYLVANIA: Easton, type [A. N. S. P.]. Maryitanp: Mountain Lake Park, 6, July 26, 1906 [type of angularis Braun, A. F. B. Coll.]. ; VirGiniA: White Oak Canyon, Shenandoah National Park, 1 6,1 2, under rearing record B. 1661, with dates of emergence August 12 and 13, 1938 [A. F. 1, Colles RAS Cammmenm, WG. Amel 27, NOUS, C. ish Cobh, IU. S. INS LI. Kentucky: Carter Caves, Carter County, 2 ?, under rearing record B.1427, imagoes April 11 and May 11, 1937 [A. F. B. Coll. and U. S. N. M.]; Mam- moth Cave National Park, 4 6, 6 @, under rearing records B.1844 and B:1845, with dates of emergence September 28, 1940 (1 6) and April 16 to May 28, ANNETTE F. BRAUN Q9 1941 [A. F. B. Coll.]; 2 6, 2 9, under rearing record B.1842, imagoes April 16 to April 20, 1941 [A. F. B. Coll.]. ARKANSAS: Carroll County, 1 6 under rearing record B.1634, imago July 22, 1938 [A. F. B. Coll.]. Micuican: Cecil Bay, Emmet County, 2 2, under rearing record B.1987, with dates of emergence March 30 and April 2, 1943 [A. F. B. Coll.]. A comparison of reared material of D. angularis Braun with Clemens’ type of brachyelytrifoliella establishes the synonymy. Clemens’ type was reared on Brachyelytrum aristatum (= erectum (Schreb.) Beauv.). The species however shows a decided preference for Muhlenbergia spp., and all of my reared specimens except the two under rearing record B.1842 were miners of leaves of various species of Muhlenbergia. The mines may be found from early July to October. A fine linear mine an inch or two in length, often following the margin of the leaf, precedes the elongate blotch, which may be two inches or more long. At first the parenchyma is eaten in patches, later it is com- pletely consumed and the mine is conspicuously white above, but greener below. Occasionally a second mine is made, distinguished from the original by the absence of a linear part. Pupation takes place in a crevice beneath two layers of silk, the inner consisting of a sheet of criss-cross threads close to the pupa, the outer layer more open, with the threads all placed transversely. The extraordinary pupa (fig. 51) has been described under the generic heading. The females under B.1842 were reared from mines on Untola lati- folia Michx. The mines on this grass were greener than those on Muhlenbergia, with the parenchyma left along the side of each vein. D. brachyelytrifoliella is a widely distributed and apparently not a rare species, as the mines often occur in considerable numbers and are conspicuous because of their whiteness. From the only other species of the genus, saccharella Busck from Cuba, it is distinguished by the sharply defined white costal streak from near base, which in that spe- cies is merely indicated by a paler shade adjacent to the darker and irrorated outer two-thirds of the wing. In genitalia the two species are scarcely distinguishable ; in the male genitalia slide of D. saccharella in the United States National Museum the sacculus process is so closely appressed to the harpe as to appear fused with it nearly to its tip. MEM. AMER. ENT. soc., 13. 100 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) List oF GENERA AND SPECIES (Synonyms in italics) 1. Coelopoeta Walsingham 1. glutinosi Walsingham baldella Barnes and Busck Onceroptila new genus 1. cygnodiella (Busck) 2. eremonoma new species 3. Stephensia Stainton 1. cunilae Braun 4. Hemiprosopa new genus Eurynome Chambers of 1877, not of 1875 1. albella (Chambers ) 5. Elachista Treitschke Aphelosetia Stephens Poeciloptilia H. S. (not Hbn.) Phigalia Chambers Hecista Wallengren Aphigalia Dyar 1. epimicta new species orestella Braun (not Busck) 2. symmorpha new species 3. orestella Busck 4. synopla new species orestella Braun (not Busck) 5. spatiosa new species 6. aurocristata Braun 7. controversa Braun 8 9 w albella (Chambers) (as Phigalia albella) adempta nom. nov. albella (Chambers) (as Laverna albella) 10. griseicornis Meyrick 11. acenteta new species 12. hololeuca new species 13. purissima new species 14. lamina new species 15. sincera Braun 16. parvipulvella Chambers 17. coniophora new species 18. hiberna new species 19. patriodoxa Meyrick ANNEDTE F. BRAUN irrorata Braun philopatris Meyrick fuliginea new species oxytypa new species pusilla Frey and Boll unifasciella Chambers maculoscella (Clemens ) excelsicola new species stramineo!a Braun leucofrons Braun albicapitella Engel sylvestris Braun nitidiuscula new species cucullata Braun agilis Braun leucosticta new species texanica Frey and Boll maritimella McDunnough staintonella Chambers cana Braun amideta new species inaudita Braun tanyopis Meyrick salinaris Braun praelineata Braun solitaria Braun radiantella Braun madarella (Clemens ) enitescens Braun argentosa Braun 6. Cosmiotes Clemens te 12. %. illectella Clemens illicitella Dyar praematurella Clemens cristatella Chambers albapalpella Chambers herbigrada (Braun) scopulicola new species 7. Dicranoctetes Braun Donacivola Busck Il. brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens) angularis Braun MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. s IOL 102 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) EXPLANATION OF PLATES Plate I 1.—Coelopoeta glutinosi Walsingham, venation. San Bernardino County, Calif. 2.—Coelopoeta glutinosi Walsingham, abdominal spines (modified setae). San Bernardino County, Calif. 3.—Elachista madarella (Clemens), lateral view of head, male. Cincin- nati, Ohio. 4.—Hemiprosopa albella (Chambers), lateral view of head, male. Saska- toon, Saskatchewan. 5.—Hemiuprosopa albella (Chambers), venation. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. 6.—Elachista epimicta new species, lateral view of head, male. Cincin- nati, Ohio (paratype). 7.—Elachista albicapitella Engel, lateral view of head, male. Cincinnati, Ohio. 8.—Elachista radiantella Braun, lateral view of head, male. Clermont County, Ohio. Plate II Venation 9.—Onceroptila cygnodiella (Busck), female. Victoria, B. C. . 10.—Stephensia brunnichiella (Linn.), male. ig. 11.—Stephensia cunilae Braun, female. Adams County, Ohio (paratype). ig. 12.—Dicranoctetes brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens), female. Mammoth Cave, Ky. . 13.—Elachista patriodoxa Meyrick, type, female. Muskoka, Ontario. . 14.—Elachista hiberna new species, female. Pike County, Ohio (paratype). . 15.—Elachista epimicta new species, male. Cincinnati, Ohio (paratype). ig. 16.—Cosmiotes illectella Clemens, female; 16a, tip of fore wing, male; 16b, tip of fore wing, female, showing “apical vein trifid at tip.” All from Cincinnati, Ohio. Plate II] -. 17.—Elachista leucofrons Braun, venation. Cincinnati, Ohio. ig. 18.—Elachista madarella (Clemens), venation. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 19.—Elachista irrorata Braun, venation. Cincinnati, Ohio, ANNETTE F,. BRAUN 103 “ . 20.—Elachista radiantella Braun, venation. Clermont County, Ohio. . 21.—Elachista albicapitella Engel, seta map of larva. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 22.—Elachista hiberna new species, dorsal view of larva; 22a, lateral view of larva (X 10). Pike County, Ohio. Fig. 23.—Elachista radiantella Braun, dorsal view of head and thoracic segments of larva (xX 15). Clermont County, Ohio. . 24.—Stephensia cunilae Braun, egg, greatly magnified. Adams County, Ohio. . 25.—Elachista hiberna new species, egg, greatly magnified. Pike County, oo Ohio. . 26.—Elachista solitaria Braun, egg, greatly magnified. Adams County, Ohio. Plate IV 27.—Elachista argentosa Braun, mine on Carex (X 2). Cincinnati, Ohio. ¢. 28.—Elachista sylvestris Braun, mine on Poa sylvestris (natural size). Cin- cinnati, Ohio. . 29 —Elachista solitaria Braun, mine on Panicum clandestinum (natural size). Adams County, Ohio. . 30.—Elachista praelineata Braun, mine on Hystriv (natural size). The figure shows the mine as it appears when viewed on the plant, i.e. lower epidermis up. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 31.—Elachista enitescens Braun, cocoon on Scirpus (xX 5). Cincinnati, Ohio. . 32.—Elachista madarella (Clemens), mine on Carex (34 natural size). Cincinnati, Ohio. Plate V Pupae All figures X 15 unless otherwise stated . 33.—Stephensia cunilae Braun (X 20). Adams County, Ohio. ig. 34.—Elachista hiberna new species. Pike County, Ohio. . 35.—Elachista sylvestris Braun. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 36.—Elachista leucofrons Braun. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 37.—Elachista irrorata Braun; 37a, cross section through middle of third abdominal segment. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 38.—Elachista albicapitella Engel. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 39.—Elachista epimicta new species. Cincinnati, Ohio. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 104 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE ( LEPIDOPTERA ) Plate VI Pupae All figures X 15 unless otherwise stated . 40.—Elachista cucullata Braun, dorsal view; 40a, cross section through middle of fourth abdominal segment. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 41.—Elachista cucullata Braun, lateral view. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 42.—Elachista radiantella Braun (X 20). Clermont County, Ohio. . 43.—Elachista inaudita Braun, pupal skin of type. Sparrow Lake, Ontario. ig. 44.—Elachista praelineata Braun (x 20). Cincinnati, Ohio. ig. 45.—Elachista salinaris Braun, pupal skin of type. Bear River Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah. Plate VII Pupae . 46.—Elachista solitaria Braun, dorsal view of pupal skin of type (xX 20); 46a, ventral view of the same. Powell County, Ky. . 47.—Elachista enitescens Braun (X 15). Cincinnati, Ohio. ig. 48.—Elachista madarella (Clemens) (X 15). Cincinnati, Ohio. ig. 49.—Elachista argentosa Braun (xX 20). Cincinnati, Ohio. eg. 50.—Cosmiotes illectella Clemens (X 20). Cincinnati, Ohio. g. 51.—Dicranoctetes brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens), female (x 20). Cecil Bay, Mich. Plate VIII Male Genitalia ge. 52.—Stephensia cunilae Braun, paratype, ventral view; 52a, aedeagus. Adams County, Ohio. . 53.—Onceroptila eremonoma new species, type, ventral view; 53a, aedeagus. Eureka, Utah. . 54.—Onceroptila cygnodiella (Busck), ventral view; 54a, aedeagus. Vic- toria, B. C. . 55. —Coelopoeta glutinosi Walsingham, lateral view, with left harpe removed; 55a, ventral view of anellus, vinculum and bases of harpes; 55b, aedeagus. San Bernardino County, Calif. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 105 Plate IX Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 56.—Cosmiotes scopulicola new species, type, ventral view; 56a, aedeagus, dorsal view. Huron Mts., Mich. . /.—Cosmiotes herbigrada (Braun), ventral view; 57a, aedeagus, lateral view. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colo. . 58.—Hemiprosopa albella (Chambers), ventral view; 58a, aedeagus. Asso- ciation Camp, Colo. . 99.—Dicranoctetes brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens), ventral view; 59a, aedeagus. Mammoth Cave, Ky. Plate X Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 60.—Elachista symmorpha new species, type, ventral view with left saccu- lus process removed; 60a, aedeagus. Monache Meadows, Tulare County, Calif. 61.—Elachista epimicta new species, paratype, ventral view; 6la, aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. 62.—Elachista orestella Busck, ventral view with left sacculus process removed; 62a, aedeagus. Cohasset, Mass. Plate XI Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 63.—Elachista synopla new species, type, ventral view. Logan Canyon, Cache County, Utah. . 64.—Elachista coniophora new species, paratype, ventral view; 64a, aedea- gus. San Diego, Calif. . 65.—Elachista controversa Braun, paratype, ventral view. Monache Meadows, Tulare County, Calif. . 66.—Elachista aurocristata Braun, paratype, ventral view. Glacier National Park, Montana. Plate Dor Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) 67.—Elachista acenteta new species, type, ventral view with left sacculus process removed; 67a, aedeagus. Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. 68.—Elachista purissima new species, type, ventral view; 68a, aedeagus. Summerland, B. C. 69.—Elachista griseicornis Meyrick, ventral view. Blackburn, Ontario. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 106 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Plate XIII Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 70.—Elachista albella (Chambers), ventral view. Lethbridge, Alberta. . 7/1.—Elachista adempta nom. nov., ventral view ; 71a, aedeagus. Stockton, Utah. 72.—Elachista hololeuca new species, type, ventral view; 72a, aedeagus. Penticton, B. C. Plate XIV Male and Female Genitalia . 73.—Elachista hiberna new species, paratype, ventral view of female geni- talia. Pike County, Ohio. . 74.—Elachista hiberna new species, paratype, ventral view of male geni- talia. Cascapedia, Quebec. . 75.—Elachista patriodoxa Meyrick, ventral view of male genitalia; 75a, aedeagus. Trenton, Ontario. . 76.—Elachista patriodoxa Meyrick, type, ventral view of female genitalia; 76a, one signum greatly enlarged. Muskoka, Ontario. Plate XV Male Genitalia . 77.—Elachista irrorata Braun, ventral view, left harpe omitted; 77a, detail of apex of aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. g. 78.—Elachista nitidiuscula new species, type, ventral view, left harpe omitted. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 79.—Elachista fuliginea new species, type, ventral view, left harpe omitted; 79a, aedeagus. Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. . 80.—Elachista oxytypa new species, paratype, right harpe; 80a, aedeagus. Bradore Bay, Quebec. . 81—Elachista sylvestris Braun, paratype, ventral view, left harpe omitted. Cincinnati, Ohio. Plate XVI Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 82.—Elachista excelsicola new species, type, ventral view; 82a, aedeagus. Pp J Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. . 83.—Elachista stramineola Braun, ventral view. Victoria, B. C. . 84—Elachista leucofrons Braun, ventral view. Cincinnati, Ohio. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 107 Plate XVII Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) Fig. 85.—Elachista maritimella McDunnough, paratype, ventral view; 85a, aedeagus. Bathurst, New Brunswick. Fig. 86.—Elachista albicapitella Engel, ventral view ; 86a, tip of vinculum viewed laterally. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 87.—Elachista cana Braun, paratype, ventral view. Toiland, Colo. Fig. 88.—Elachista amideta new species, paratype, ventral view. Ottawa, On- tario. Plate XVIII Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 89.—Elachista leucosticta new species, type, ventral view; 89a, aedeagus. Constance Bay, Ontario. . 90.—Elachista cucullata Braun, paratype, ventral view with left sacculus process removed to show the strongly sclerotized and thickened lateral margins of the ventral plate of the anellus; 90a, aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 91.—Elachista tanyopis Meyrick, ventral view. Bobcaygeon, Ontario. g. 92.—Elachista salinaris Braun, paratype, ventral plate of anellus. Bear River Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah. . 93.—Elachista agilis Braun, paratype, ventral view. Glacier National Park, Montana. Plate XIX Male Genitalia (most of left harpe omitted) . 94.—Elachista argentosa Braun, ventral view; 94a, aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 95.—Elachista madarella (Clemens), ventral view; 95a, aedeagus. Cincin- nati, Ohio. . 96.—Elachista enitescens Braun, paratype, ventral view; 96a, aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 97.—Elachista solitaria Braun, ventral view ; 97a, aedeagus. Powell County, Ky. . 98.—Elachista radiantella Braun, ventral view; 98a, aedeagus. Clermont County, Ohio. . 99.—Elachista praelineata Braun, paratype, ventral view; 99a, aedeagus. Cincinnati, Ohio. MEM. AMER. ENT. Soc., 13. 108 NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Plate XX Female Genitalia Fig. 100.—Onceroptila cygnodiella (Busck), ventral view. Wawawai, Wash. Fig. 101.—Coelopoeta glutinosi Walsingham, ventral view. San Bernardino County, Calif. Fig. 102.—Stephensia cunilae Braun, paratype, ventral view; a, signum. Adams County, Ohio. Fig. 103.—Cosmiotes illectella Clemens, ventral view, with ovipositor and bursa copulatrix omitted; 103a, signum. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 104.—Cosmuotes herbigrada (Braun), type, ventral view. Cache County, Utah. Fig. 105.—Cosmuiotes scopulicola new species, allotype, ventral view, with ovi- positor omitted. Huron Mts., Mich. Fig. 106.—Dicranoctetes brachyelytrifoliella (Clemens), ventral view. Mam- moth Cave, Ky. late Ox Female Genitalia Fig. 107.—Elachista epimicta new species, allotype, ventral view with ovipositor omitted. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fig. 108.—Elachista aurocristata Braun, paratype, lateral view. Glacier National Park, Montana. Fig. 109.—Elachista spatiosa new species, type, ventral view. Loma Linda, Calif. Fig. 110.—Elachista lamina new species, paratype, latero-ventral view, bursa copulatrix omitted. Peachland, B. C. Fig. 111.—Elachista orestella Busck, ventral view; 11la, greatly enlarged sec- tion of the ductus bursae to show the dentate outer surface. Westmount, Quebec. Plate XXII Female Genitalia tor omitted. Summerland, B. C. Fig. 113.—Elachista hololeuca new species, allotype, ventral view with oviposi- tor omitted. Penticton, B. C. Fig. 114.—Elachista acenteta new species, allotype, ventral view. Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Fig. 115.—Elachista griseicornis Meyrick, ventral view with ovipositor omitted. S. March, Ontario. Fig. 116.—Elachista sincera Braun, type, ventral view. Cache County, Utah. Fig. 112.—Elachista purissima new species, allotype, ventral view with oviposi- a Fig. ANNETTE F. BRAUN 109 Plate XXIII Female Genitalia . 117.—Elachista irrorata Braun, ventral view; 117a, ostium and sclerotized portion of ductus bursae further enlarged. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 118.—Elachista oxytypa new species, allotype, ventral view with ovipositor and bursa copulatrix omitted. Bradore Bay, Quebec. . 119.—Elachista coniophora new species, allotype, ventral view with oviposi- tor omitted. Colfax, Placer Co., Calif. g. 120.—Elachista adempta nom. nov., ventral view with ovipositor omitted. Stockton, Utah. . 121.—Elachista albella (Chambers), ventral view with ovipositor omitted. Colorado. . 122.—Elachista fuliginea new species, allotype, ostium and sclerotized por- tion of ductus bursae (to same scale as Figure 117a). Ottawa, Ontario. Plate XXIV Female Genitalia 123.—Elachista excelsicola new species, allotype, ventral view; a, group of teeth at inception of ductus seminalis, greatly enlarged. Mt. Washington, New Hampshire. . 124.—Elachista albicapitella Engel, ventral view with ovipositor omitted; a, teeth at inception of ductus seminalis, greatly enlarged. Cin- cinnati, Ohio. g. 125.—Elachista mtidiuscula new species, allotype, ventral view with ovi- positor omitted; a, teeth at inception of ductus seminalis, greatly enlarged. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 126.—Elachista leucofrons Braun, ventral view with ovipositor and bursa copulatrix omitted; 126a, signum. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 127.—Elachista stramineola Braun, type, ventral view. Glacier National Park, Montana. . 128.—Elachista sylvestris Braun, paratype, ventral view; 128a, greatly enlarged section of ductus bursae showing opposing teeth at inception of ductus seminalis. Cincinnati, Ohio. MEM. AMER. ENT. SOC., 13. 1 fe) Fig. Fig. NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA ) Plate XXV Female Genitalia 129.—Elachista inaudita Braun, type, ventral view. Sparrow Lake, Ontario. g. 130.—Elachista cucullata Braun, paratype, ventral view. Cincinnati, Ohio. r. 131.—Elachista tanyopis Meyrick, ventral view. Alton, Maine. ig. 132.—Elachista maritimella McDunnough, ventral view. Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Plate XXVI Female Genitalia ig, 133.—Elachista radiantella Braun, ventral view; 133a, seventh tergite, showing area of insertion of knobbed hairs; 133b, knobbed hairs from tuft of seventh tergite, greatly magnified. Clermont County, Ohio. . 134.—Elachista praelineata Braun, ventral view; 134a, seventh tergite, showing area of insertion of knobbed hairs, with four denser tufts indicated; 134b, knobbed hairs from tuft of seventh tergite, showing close insertion, greatly magnified. Cincinnati, Ohio. 135.—Elachista madarella (Clemens), ventral view; the setae fringing the dorsal posterior margin of the eighth segment represented by broken lines. Cincinnati, Ohio. 136.—Elachista enitescens Braun, ventral view; setae fringing the dorsal posterior margin of the eighth segment indicated by fine broken lines. Cincinnati, Ohio. . 137.—Elachista argentosa Braun, ventral view; ovipositor removed to show the strong setae fringing the dorsal posterior margin of the eighth segment. Clermont County, Ohio. Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. Pil, BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE athe? hog Se Mata’ Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. I5 Cuz Gj, Cele 16 b BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAI Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE IV. Pi Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. 18 BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDA IPL, Will lite, Sroes, IN@, Sk Mem. Amer. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE HAL, WIN. Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN BLACHISTIDAE IX, BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. lb, OS 62 BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Ee Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. IN, SIL BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. ‘Ent. Soc., No. 13. Pike SSL BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. PAL SAH. SS BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. Pl. XV. Nv F BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE WAL SNe Non 13: Ent. Soc., Amer. Mem. | VAS) i BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE XVI. lle No. 13. Ent. Soc., Amer. Mem. ( i Vb CH, BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE IPL, SOYA. No. 13. Amer. Ent. Soc., Mem. fit Ziyi nT — BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Saath) ees CN fh Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. lal, SOWIE 89a BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE eo. Mem. Amer. FEnt. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. 106 BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE XXII. Pl. Se Ent. Soc., No. Amer. Mem. TUES uoel23IS Pa//Oy 107 AMERICAN BEACHISTIDALE BRAUN—NORTH Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc.. No. 13. Wy SIT BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE a Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. PL, BOI BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13. Pl, XXV. 131 132 BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., No. 13 Pl, NOSQWAL 133 132 I35S 136 137 BRAUN—NORTH AMERICAN ELACHISTIDAE INDEX New genera, species and names are indicated by bold face numerals. Names cited in synonymy are in ttalics. acenteta, Elachista, 46 adempta, Elachista, 48 agilis, Elachista, 71 albapalpella, Elachista, 92 albella, Aphigalia, 41 Busckia, 18 Eurynome, 17 Laverna, 43 Mompha, 43 Neaera, 43 Phigalia, 41 Philonome, 18 albella, Elachista, 41 Hemiprosopa, 17 albicapitella, Aphelosetia, 66 albicapitella, Elachista, 66 amideta, Elachista, 76 angularis, Dicranoctetes, 98 Aphelosetia, 11, 18, 34, 55, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 70, 79, 84, 86, 88, 92, 98 Aphigalia, 18, 41 argentosa, Aphelosetia, 88 argentosa, Elachista, 88 aurocristata, Elachista, 40 baldella, Coelopoeta, 8 brachyelytrifoliella, Aphclosctia, 98 Elachista, 98 brachyelytrifoliella, Dicranoctetes, 98 cana, Elachista, 75 Coelopoeta, 7 coniophora, Elachista, 51 controversa, Elachista, 41 Cosmiotes, 89 Cosnuotes, 61, 84 cristatella, Elachista, 92 MEM. AM. ENT. Soc., 13. cucullata, Aphelosetia, 70 cucullata, Elachista, 70 cuniiae, Stephensia, 15 cygnodiella, Aphelosetia, 11 cygnodiella, Onceroptila, 11 Dicranoctetes, 96 Donacivola, 96 Elachista, 18 Elachista, 91, 92, 94, 98 enitescens, Aphelosetia, 86 enitescens, Elachista, 86 epimicta, Elachista, 34 eremonoma, Onceroptila, 12 Eurynome, 16 excelsicola, Elachista, 62 fuliginea, Elachista, 57 glutinosi, Coelopoeta, 8 griseicornis, Elachista, 45 Hecista, 18 Hemiprosopa, 16 herbigrada, Cosmiotes, 94 herbigrada, Elachista, 94 hiberna, Elachista, 52 hololeuca, Elachista, 47 ilectella, Aphelosctia, 92 Elachista, 91 illectella, Cosmiotes, 91 inaudita, Elachista, 76 irrorata, Aphelosetia, 55 irrorata, Elachista, 55 lamina, Elachista, 48 il Laverna, 43 leucofrons, Apkelosctia, 604 leucofrons, Elachista, 64 leucosticta, Elachista, 72 maculoscella, Aphelosetia, 61 Cosmuiotes, 61 maculoscella, Elachista, 61 madarella, Aphelosetia, 84 Cosmiotes, 84 madarella, Elachista, 84 maritimella, Elachista, 73 Mompha, 43 Neaera, 43 nitidiuscula, Elachista, 69 Onceroptila, 10 orestella, Aphelosetia, 34, 37 Elachista, 34, 38 oresteila, Elachista, 37 oxytypa, Elachista, 58 parvipulvelle, Elachista, 50 patriodoxa, Elachista, 54 Phigalia, 18, 41 philopatris, Elachista, 55 Poeciloptilia, 18 praelineata, Aphelosetia, 79 praelineata, Elachista, 79 pracmaturella, Aplelosetia, 92 Elachista, 92 purissima, Elachista, 48 pusilla, Elachista, 59 radiantella, Elachista, 82 salinaris, Elachista, 78 scopulicola, Cosmiotes, 95 sincera, Elachista, 49 solitaria, Elachista, 81 spatiosa, Elachista, 39 staintonella, Elachista, 74 Stephensia, 13 stramineola, Elachista, 62 sylvestris, Aphelosetia, 67 sylvestris, Elachista, 67 symmorpha, Elachista, 36 synopla, Elachista, 38 tanyopis, Elachista, 77 texanica, Elachista, 73 untfasciella, Aphelosetia, 60 unifasciella, Elachista, 60 By Ezra T. Cresson. I pp, apace $3.00. No. 2, The Blattidae of North America, he Mexican Boundary. By Morgan Hebard. 1917. 284 rice $5.50. No, 3. A Venational Study of the Suborder ( donata ), with Keys for the Identification of Genera. By iz. 1919. 78 pp., 20 pls. Price $2.00. No. 4. The 1a. By Morgan Hebard. 1920. 148 pp., 60 pls. “e The Pile oF agit eat ae in the cine of rid: of N ake and Central toned iGdoactay’ By - 1929. 68 pp., 4 pls. Price $2.00. No. 7, A Re : TOUS ae aye oee ome in the United | 28250. N 0. ic The Generic N ‘ames MG the Spheenid Napa ‘Vv. oo L. i poe 105 Pp. ridae. ie Hees: K. Patines he 1944. 925. pp. Jo. 12. The Biology and Identification of Trypetid Tarris Phillips. 1946. 161 pp., 16 pls. Price. chistidae of North America (Microlepidoptera).. n. EL ePae 26 pls. Niele be re relat eto pabicatons, address: . Tu ; , ‘ ‘ i ma ; 44 Tae ik J ’ 2 = . me an 7 or ‘ 2 ©