5>o26f.A MEMOIRS OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY or MANCHESTER. P-^^^A./S- MEMOIRS LITERARY PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY MANCHESTER. ^(conti Set(e». VOLUME TENTH. LONDON: H. BAILLIERE, PUBLISHER, 219, REGENT STREET, AND 290, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. PARIS: .). B. BAILLIERE, LIBRAIRE, RUE HAUTEFEUILLE. 1852. Cavf. & SKvt:R, Printers, Pa'atine Buildings, Hunt's Bank, Manchester. NOTE. The Authors of the several Papers contained in this Volume, are themselves accountable for all the statements and reasonings which they have offered. In these parti- culars the Society must not be considered as in any way responsible. CONTENTS. Abticlk Page I. — On the Causes of the great Currents of the Ocean. B\- Mr. Alderman Hopkins 1 II. — Some Remarks on " The Deserted Village" of Goldsmith. By Mr. J. Y. Caw 17 III. — A New Discussion of the General Equation of Curv'es of the Second Degree. By Mr. Eobert Finlay 33 IV. — On the Origin and Nature of the Forces that produce Storms. By Mr. Hopkins 69 V. — Contributions to the Knowledge of the Manufacture of Gas. By Dr. E. Fbankland 71 VI. — Notes on the Drift Deposits found near Blackpool. By Mr. E. W. BiNNEY 121 VII. — Some Account of the Floods which occurred at the Manchester Waterworks in the month of February, 1852. By Mr. J. F. Bateman 1.37 VIII. — On the Identity of Light, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, and Gravitation. By J. Goodman, M.D I55 IX. — On the economical production of Mechanical EflFect from Che- mical Forces. By Mr. J. P. Joule I73 X. — On some Trails and Holes found in Rocks of the Carboniferous Strata, with remarks on the Microconchus Carbonarius. By E. W. BiNNEY 181 XI. — A Biographical Notice of Peter Clare, Esq., F.R.A.S. By the Rev. Henry Halfobd Jones 203 XII. — On the Air and Rain of Manchester. By R. Angus Sjoth 207 List of Donations 219 List of Members 223 MEMOIRS OT TBE %iUxav)^ anlr ^^ilo^o^f^itnl Botitt^ of I. — On the Causes of the Great Currents of the Ocean. By Mr. Alderman Hopkins. [Read Nwemher ith, 18S1 .] In addition to the disturbances produced in the water of the ocean by tidal action, there are extensive movements of it that are known by the name of Oceanic Currents. Different opinions have been entertained respecting the causes of these currents, but they have generally been ascribed to the rotation of the globe on its axis causing the surface of the earth to move eastward, faster than the water which is contained in the bed of the ocean. The influence of wind on the surface of the water has been occasionally recognised, but mostly as a modifying cause, affecting only the surface and the water immediately under it. For instance, in Lizars' Atlas, which is a popular compilation from what are considered the best authorities, it is said, — " Besides the tides there is a regular motion of the whole waters of the ocean, which carries them from east to west in the tropical regions, and as far as 30 degrees of north and south latitudes in the same direction as the trade winds. ON THE CAUSES OF THE but contrary to that of the rotation of the globe." According to Malte-Brun — "The globe, moving with velocity towards the east, leaves the waters of the tropical oceans always a little behind ; and hence they seem to move towards the west with a rapidity proportioned to the superior velocity with which the solid parts of the earth really move towards the east." And the writer of the Atlas remarks — " Whatever may be thought of this theory, which it must be confessed is somewhat fanciful, the fact is certain as to the existence of these currents or movements, by which the waters of the sea are carried without any impulse of the wind or tide into a particular direction." " Thus the Pacific Ocean flows from east to west with a motion powerful in proportion to the vast and uninterrupted extent of that sea. This main current in its motion westward is impeded by an immense archipelago of islands and sub-marine moun- fr tains. It forces its way into this labyrinth, and then forms a ^* variety of currents." — (p. 35.) In the same work, in speaking of the Atlantic currents it is said — " The great western current of the Indian Ocean, after passing the Cape of Good Hope, advances across the Atlantic to the American shore; and being opposed by this great barrier the waters divide, and are turned in different directions by the peculiar configurations of the coast. One part makes its way through the Straits of Magellan to the Pacific Ocean ; the other stream is better known, it being the great current of the Atlantic Ocean, which is turned northward about the 8th degree of south latitude, and extends towards the eastern coast of America. It is ex- tremely rapid; — it prevails from the 30,th degree of north latitude to the 10th degree of south latitude, beginning at from twenty to thirty leagues from the coast of Africa, and extending over all that sea in which the Antilles are scattered. There is a third great current of the Atlantic Ocean, by which its waters, in their progress westward, are GBEAT CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. 3 carried violently into the Gulf of Mexico, and there, being collected and concentrated, they rush with rapidity through the Bahama Channel." In the Penny Cyclopaedia, where the general opinion on the subject is also given, it is said that " Humboldt, ascribing the formation of these currents to the rotation of the earth, calls them ' currents of rotation.' But he does not dis- tinguish between the proper currents and the drift water, which latter produces a slight western current on the surface of the ocean between the tropics. This latter motion is indeed probably caused by the united effects of the rotation and the trade winds, on the wide-expanded surface of the ocean. The small degree of velocity in this current, how- ever, shews that the stronger currents near the equator cannot arise from the same cause. Rennel thinks that the equatorial currents are caused by the accumulation of great masses of drift-water near the equator, by the north-easterly and south-easterly trade winds. But this opinion will be found inadmissible, when it is considered that such accu- mulation could only produce a superficial current ; and these currents are not superficial, but go to a great depth." Again, in the article on this subject in the Encyclopaedia Britannica it is said, that " in the sea, currents are either natural and general, arising from the diurnal rotation of the earth about its axis; or accidental and particular, caused by the waters being driven against promontories, or into gulfs or straits." Thus, all these writers concur in representing the rotatory motion of the earth as the great cause of the oceanic currents that are found within the tropical regions. This rotatory motion causing the tropical parts of the land to move east- ward at a high velocity, as it undoubtedly does, it is assumed that the waters of the ocean must be left behind. But for this assumption there does not appear to be any sufiicient reason assigned, nor indeed is any plausible reason given, 4 ON THE CAUSES OF THE unless the alleged depths of the oceanic currents can be con- sidered one. But it will be admitted that the weight of the water will cause it to press on the solid bottom of the sea, however deep or shallow the water may be, with a force proportioned to the weight ; and it has not been shewn that that weight will be insufficient to enable the solid earth to carry the fluid water with it, and thus to cause both to move with a velocity which, with reference to our present subject, may be considered equal. The assumption, therefore, that the water will be left behind the land, being unsupported by specific evidence, may at present be treated as unproved and unfounded. Of the facts that are furnished there is no doubt, as these oceanic currents are well known to exist ; it is there- fore of the causes alone that we have to treat, and the great cause is stated by these writers to be the rotation of the surface of the globe making the solid land move faster than the liquid water that rests upon it, which is therefore said to be left behind in its rotation, making an apparent current. Now, if the rotation of the solid earth really left the water behind, we should have an apparent western current flowing across every part of the open tropical seas, and therefore across not only the Pacific and Atlantic, but also across the Indian Ocean, near the Equator, say from Sumatra to Ajan and Zanguebar on the eastern side of Africa. This ocean is as wide as the Atlantic near to the equator, and therefore would allow the land to pass eastward from the water, if it could so pass, quite as well as in the Atlantic. But there is no such current in this- part of the Indian Ocean; on the contrary, the currents that are found in this locality flow towards the east rather than to the west. • On the opposite side of the Continent of Africa, however, there is a very decided oceanic current, but it flows from the west to the east, just in the opposite direction to those " currents of rotation" of which we have been speaking. This current is generally spoken of as being very extraordinary. GREAT CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. O Lizars says of it, — " Along the western coast of Africa some singular currents prevail. Between the 30th degree of north and the 10th degree of south latitude (the same breadth as the westerly stream that runs into the Gulf of Mexico) an easterly current sets in towards the shore, which has been sometimes fatal to mariners. By this current, vessels, if they approach too near the coast, are drawn into the Gulf of Guinea, out of which they experience the greatest difficulty in making their way." Other writers speak of this current in the same manner. One of them says, — " This current, which is known by the name of Fernando Po, is said to be so strong as to impel vessels powerfully towards the bay, when they happen to come too near the coast. Its strength is such that a vessel may, in two days, go from Maura to Rio de Benin, distant 150 leagues; and the time required to return is about six weeks." In this locality, the land on which the sea water rests, so far from moving towards the east with greater velocity than the water of that sea, most undoubtedly must move with a less velocity, as it allows the water to proceed eastward so much faster than itself, as to constitute that water a strong current rurming eastward into the Gulf of Guinea. Thus on both sides of Africa within the tropics, the oceanic currents, where any exist, move in a direction the opposite to that which would be found if the theory of which we are speaking were true. There are many other currents that furnish practical evidence of the erroneous nature of that theory ; but it is desirable that we should in the first instance direct our attention to those great western currents that have been named, and to the causes which, it may be presumed, really produce them. In one of the extracts that have been given, some influence is assigned to the winds that blow over the tropical seas, but they are said to produce only a superficial effect on the body 6 ON THE CAUSES OF THE of the water, and it is positively asserted that they do not produce the great and deep currents of the ocean. It is neces- sary, therefore, that we should advert to the nature of the action of the wind, on water over which it is passing, in order that we may see the force of this assertion. The atmosphere presses with a weight of 15 lbs. on each square inch of the surface of the water, and when that atmosphere is in motion as a wind it continues to press with the same weight, and by its friction must tend to impel the water forward in the direction in which the wind is blowing. The immediate effect of this wind, as is well known, is to cause a slight ripple on the surface of the water : and afterwards in a short time and in proportion to the velocity of the wind, to produce small or large waves. The waves when formed present a rougher surface for the wind to act on, and they enable it more effectually to force the water forward in a horizontal direction. Now this force being continued for a long time, and acting over a large extent of surface, is, it is contended, capable of producing a great general result, in communicating motion to the waters of the great oceans. It is known, too, that the gases which constitute the atmos- phere, to a certain extent penetrate the body of any water on which they rest; the atmosphere may therefore be con- sidered not to press altogether on the surface of the water, but to some extent on that portion of the gases which the body of the water contains. Now, when the atmosphere over the sea is put in motion and becomes a wind, it must have a tendency to carry with it, not only all the air that is above the surface of the water, but also that portion which has penetrated the body of it, and that is below the surface. How far tfeis circumstance may cause the wind more effec- tually to carry with it the water over which it is passing may not be known, but the tendency of a wind to produce such an effect is sufficiently apparent. That wind such as has been described, acting on the GBEAT CURRElNTS OF THE OCEAN. 7 surface of water, will put it in motion and to some extent produce a current, is so evident, that it must be and indeed is admitted : but it is said that currents produced by this cause are superficial, whilst the tropical currents are of great depth. The depth of the current, however, may depend on the velocity with which the wind blows, the constancy of its action, and the extent of water on which it acts. When the wind first presses on the water, it appears to act on the surface alone ; but when that surface is put in motion, the upper water, while in motion, presses on that which is lower, and carries it also forward in a horizontal direction ; and this pressure of the water while in motion is propagated to greater depths, so long as the pressure of the wind on the surface is continued. For the wind, moving as it does with greater velocity than the water, exerts its force in every successive instant of time, like gravity in the descent of bodies, and that force is added to all the previous effect that had been pro- duced. And over a wide ocean, there is no reason to be assigned that the pressure of wind, acting constantly on the surface of water, should not give motion to that water even at great depths. The tropical trade wind of the Pacific Ocean, in which exists one of the great oceanic currents that have been named, is first found moving slowly near to the Galapagos islands, in say about 90 degrees of west longitude, where it produces but a slight eiFect on the water of the ocean : but it continues blowing westward, and generally with increasing velocity, over not less than say 120 degrees of longitude, or 7,200 geogra- phical miles; there is therefore, over this ocean, sufficient space to permit the action of the comparatively rapid wind on the surface of the water to press that water forward with increasing rapidity, and to greater and greater depths, and the current thus created, by the wind alone, may, it is con- tended, be found to extend to great depths. Another wind of the tropical regions, — the trade wind of 8 ON THE CAUSES OP THE the Southern Atlantic, appears to have its origin in so remote a part as near the western coast of Australia. From between say 20 and 30 degrees of south latitude, wind blows from the east across the Indian Ocean, and it apparently carries with it the waters of the ocean, as an oceanic current sets on Mada- gascar and the southern part of Africa. It then passes across the Southern Atlantic, as a south-east wind, extending to the coast of Brazil, followed throughout its course by the water of the ocean. A part of this water, being impelled by the wind through the Caribbean Sea and into the Gulf of Mexico, is there accumulated and raised to a higher level, until it finds an outlet in the channel between Florida and the island of Cuba, along which channel it passes as the well-known Gulf Stream. Now wind, acting constantly on the surface of water as these trade winds do, and over the extent of two great oceans, must, for the reasons that have been giten, be con- sidered fully able to set that water in motion, not merely on the surface or a little below it, but to a depth quite equal to that at which the currents are found in the Southern Atlantic, the Caribbean Sea, or the Gulf of Mexico. The eastern trade wind of the Northern Atlantic in like manner traverses the surface of the part of the ocean that lies between the Canary Islands and the West Indies, taking water with it, which water, in conjunction with that which comes from the Southern Atlantic, is forced into the Gulf of Mexico ; and the water of these two currents is, by its accumulation and acquired velocity, carried northward to the bank of Newfoundland, from which it is deflected across the Atlantic. It is evidently the same kind of force, namely, the force of the wind acting on the surface of water, that produces the oceanic current that has been already alluded to, in the Gulf of Guinea, which, to the surprise of the rotatory theorists, flows in an opposite direction to those just mentioned ! A strong wind from the west here traverses only a moderate \ \ GREAT CUBRENT8 OP THE OCEAN. 0 extent of sea, and blows into this gulf towards the shore ; yet this wind, short as is its course, evidently forces the water forward and creates the oceanic current, no other cause being found to produce it in this case. But if wind, by blowing over so comparatively small an extent of sea, can produce such a rapid oceanic current as that which exists in the Gulf of Guinea, there can be no reason given that the same agent should not, by passing over the Pacific, the Indian, and the Atlantic Oceans, produce strong currents in them. It has been long observed that wind blowing over water towards land, acts on water which is obstructed by the land, with a force sufficient to raise it to a considerably higher level than it would otherwise attain. This has been particularly noticed in the river Thames, where a strong wind acting in the same direction as the flowing tide, raises the water much above the proper tidal elevation, whilst the wind acting in the opposite direction to the tide produces a contrary result : the same effects are experienced in the Severn. In the canal between Runcorn and Manchester which has a level of con- siderable extent, the wind, when it blows strongly from Runcorn, raises the water above the true level at Manchester. The same kind of effect is produced in the Forth and Clyde Canal. When the wind has for some time blown strongly from Suez, at the head of the Red Sea, it is said that the water of that sea has been forced southward to so great an extent, as to leave the bed of the sea almost fordable, though, at other times it is deep. Mr. Taylor, the astronomer at Madras, informs us that " the north-east monsoon sets in at that place about the 19th of October, and along with the wind a current sets along the shore. It reaches its maximum velocity about the 1st of November, running then three miles an hour. During this interval the sea, on a squally day, rises two and a half feet above and sinks two and a half feet below its mean level, and, in the case of a gale of wind, it may possibly reach to double this amount." " On the 21st May 1833, a terrible 10 OK THE CAUSES OF THE Storm raged in the Bay of Bengal near the mouth of the Hoogly, when the tide, at the mouth of that river, rose more than twelve feet above the ordinary height of the springs !" These are a few of the numberless instances which might be adduced to shew that wind, acting on the surface of confined water, produces upon it great effect in raising its level ; but when there is ample space for the water to move forward, the wind readily produces a current, and it is evident from the nature of the force that is in action, that that current will, in deep water, extend to depths proportioned to the length of time that the wind has acted on the water which is in motion. There are parts, other than those which have been men- tioned, where winds evidently create oceanic currents. One blows from the south along the western coast of South America, and an oceanic current is found moving with it, increasing in velocity with the increase of the wind and carry- ing comparatively cold water even to the equator. This current of the ocean runs from south to north, and not from east to west, as the so-called rotatory currents do ; the surface of the land therefore moving easterly, faster than the water resting on it, cannot account for this current, which must be produced by the wind. There is another extensive current which is thus described : — " In the Indian Ocean we find the well known current that runs from south to north, from the west coast of New Holland, (Australia,) and from the Island of Sumatra, as far as the bottom of the Gulf of Bengal." It also " impels one of its branches through the Strait of India; thence it runs with great violence into the Chinese Seas, and was found by La Perouse to be of great strength in the Sea of Japan, and in the Channel of Tartary." (p. 35, Lizars.) This great current, it appears, has to cross the equator near Sumatra, from which part there is open sea ex- tending say three thousand miles to the coast of Africa, and if the water of the ocean were here left behind by the land, it would have an apparent current westward, that is in the diree- GEE AT CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. 11 tion of Africa ! But we see that it runs not west but north, into the Bay of Bengal, and then passes to the east through the Indian and Chinese Seas. This extensive oceanic current, therefore, which directly crosses the equator, and which, in the Indian and- Chinese Seas, runs eastward, and therefore rotates faster eastward than the land, cannot be water left behind by the land. But, it is in those parts of the world where the direction of the oceanic currents changes with the season, that we have the strongest proof of the errors of those writers who attri- bute the currents to the rotatory motion of the earth. That motion is always the same, quite independent of seasons, and any effect really produced by it would be undisturbed by changes in the seasons ; this would be more particularly the case within the tropical regions, where the rotatory motion of the surface of the earth is the most rapid. Now, over the northern Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal, and the China Sea, the south-west monsoon prevails during summer, and the north-east monsoon blows during the winter. And the oceanic currents of these parts of the world are found to obey, not the rotatory motion of the earth, as they should according to the rotatory theory, but for the time the influ- ence of the prevailing wind, — changing regularly with the change of the season. Thus we are told by one writer that *' between Cochin China and Malacca, when the western monsoon blows, that is, from April to August, the current sets eastward against the general motion. In like manner for some months after the middle of February the currents set from the Maldives towards India on the east, against the general motion of the sea. Varinius says that at Java in the Straits of Sunda, when the monsoon blows from the west, that is, in the month of May, the currents set to the eastward con- trary to the general motion. Between the islands of Celebes and Madura, when the western monsoon sets in, that is, in December, January, and February, or when the winds blow 12 ON THE CAUSES OF THE from the north-west or between the north and west, the currents set to the south-east or between the south and east." — Rees' Cyclopedia. Davidson, in an account of his voyage in this part of the world, says, — " From April to September the south-east monsoon blows in Torres Straits, and the westerly monsoon prevails during October and the five following months, and these last winds blow so strongly as to close the passage of those straits," (from the Pacific.) He also further states that " the barrier reef extends from the coast of New Holland (Australia) to that of Papua, (or New Guinea,) with numerous gaps and entrances in it, which appear to be kept open by the current that for six months in the year runs through them from the Pacific to the Indian Sea, and in the contrary direction during the other six." (p. 214.) It thus appears that during one half of the year the wind blows from the Pacific Ocean through these straits, and then the oceanic current runs through them from the Pacific; but during the other half the wind blows from the Indian Ocean, and then the current runs with it from that ocean. If the solid land in its rotation towards the east left the water behind, and gave it an apparent motion towards the west, it most undoubtedly would run westward here from the wide Pacific Ocean, in the winter as well as in the summer, — from October to March, as well as from March to October, — seeing that the rotatory motion would always produce precisely the same effect. But as it does not do so, we must conclude that it is the changing wind that produces the currents which so uniformly change with it. These accounts of the alterations of the oceanic currents with the change in the direction of the wind, are mostly given by writers who supposed that the rotation of the earth was the great general cause of the currents, and they speak of the altered direction of the water in the particular cases with surprise. There is, therefore, every reason to place confidence GEEAT CUaRENTS OF THE OCEAN. 13 in their accounts; and their statements shew not only that wind can produce rapid motion in the water of the ocean over which it passes, but that it produces the motion in a short time, and while passing over only a limited space. It is always soon after the wind changes that the ocean current changes, and many of the currents run with great force in a direction exactly contrary to that which is erroneously sup- posed to be their natural direction consequent on the rotation of the earth. But if within these comparatively limited spaces wind can soon put water in rapid motion, it is sufficiently evident that the same wind acting on the surface of broad oceans, and for a much longer time, is capable of producing proportionately greater effect, and it may tl:erefore be ad- mitted to be able to create the currents that are found in the widest and deepest seas. It has thus been found that all the great oceanic currents that have been pointed out are accompanied by winds ; that, although they sometimes move in accordance with the rota- tory theory, they at other times run in opposition to it, but they always run in the direction of the wind, and they change as the wind changes. The evidence against the rotation theory may therefore be said to be strong and complete, and that theory may be considered erroneous. As a consequence of the greater rotatory velocity of the surface of the globe within than without the tropics, it has long been believed that within the tropics the surface of the earth, in its rotation, left the atmosphere behind, and thus produced the eastern tropical trade winds. And certainly, from the greater velocity of the air than of the water of the sea when passing from a slower to a quicker rotating latitude, this was not an unreasonable conjecture ; the Hadleyan theory of winds was therefore plausible. But it has been proved that even the air soon acquires the rotatory velocity of the portion of the globe on which it presses, and is then just as ready to obey local influences as if both itself and the surface were 14 ON THE CAUSES OF THE without rotatory motion. But if air with its lightness and elasticity thus rapidly acquires the motion of the part of the earth on which it rests, how much more decidedly must heavy and comparatively inelastic water do so ? Yet it is very probable that the opinion so generally adopted, that the tropical trade winds were caused by the earth leav- ing the air behind it, countenanced, if it did not give birth to the belief, that the solid earth, in its rotation, left the waters of the ocean behind. I am not aware of any proof having been furnished of the superior rota- tory velocity of the bed of the ocean, as compared with that of the water resting on it. It appears to have been voluntarily assumed, in order to assign a cause for the great oceanic currents, as no other adequate cause could be found. But when it is seen that wind has sufficient power to produce, not only the great eastern oceanic currents, but also the other currents which run in different directions, and with great velocities, and that wind is always in action wherever the currents are found, such an assumption becomes unnecessary and may be discarded. The waters of the ocean are partially confined within basins having bottoms unequal in depth, with sub-marine mountains and vallies, bounded by land of irregular forms; and an ocean current created by wind within any basin may obviously have its direction altered by a sub-marine valley or mountain, just as the direction of wind itself may be changed or modified in passing through a valley above the level of the sea. And when a force like the action of wind, in some particular locality, raises water much above its natural level, as it does in the Gulf of Mexico, the gravity of the water imme- diately acts to restore the equilibrium of pressure, and may thus produce new currents. It is not, however, the object of this paper to pursue secondary oceanic currents through their various courses, — that object having been only to point out the real primary cause that puts in motion the waters whose GREAT CURRENTS OF THE OCEAN. 16 movements constitute the great currents of the tropical seas, which are the great currents of the ocean. And this cause it is contended is the Wind, — which, itself produced by condensing vapour heating the atmosphere in particular localities, blows towards those localities, taking the water of the ocean with it, uninfluenced to any appreciable and palpable extent, by the rotatory motion of the surface of the globe, — thus shewing that Wind is the real cause of the great oceanic currents. 17 II. — Some Remarks on " The Deserted Village " of Oliver Goldsmith. By Mr. J. Y. Caw, F.S.A., Scot. [Read November im, 1861.] "The Deserted Village" is a poem full of interest, from the circumstance of the accuracy of its descriptions, and their great fidelity, joined with its elegant and unostentatious language. The simple scenes which it professes to describe are so familiar, as to render the multitude qualified to judge of the poet's correctness ; while the manner in which he paints the characters of every-day life, draws admiration from those whose powers of criticism have been cultivated by the study of general literature, and whose judgment has been matured by experience. The characters which severally claim attention in this beautiful poem are immediately recog- nised, and the accuracy of the poetical description is clearly apparent. The scene of this poem is a village which has been deserted by its inhabitants, who have emigrated to other lands and left the home of their fathers, formerly full of happiness and plenty, — a place " Where desolation saddens all the green." The cause assigned for the change which is so pathetically described, is the advancing luxury of the age, which, not content with the happy population, ejects them for the purpose of extending its parks, and enlarging its drives. D 18 REMARKS ON " THE 0ESERTED VILLAGE The poet takes the part of those who are suffering from this measure of ambition, and throws into his subject much humane feeling, mingled with honest indignation. He warms with his subject, and hesitates not to denounce the luxury to which he attributes the evils which he depicts, as a vice of the blackest enormity and most dangerous quality. But while he attacks Luxury as the depopulator of his country, he at the same time accuses Commerce as the chief cause of the evil. He draws the picture of a barren waste, — solitary, without inhabitants, and without cultivation ; and having contrasted the beauty of rural life in a happy village, with the scene of his imagination, condemns Commerce as the cause of the change, and in his desire to defend the peace of rural happiness, hesitates not to accuse the enterprise of trade as an evil which must eventually ruin the country, and drive from it not only population but virtue. So long as he confines himself to the delineation of the rustic population, — to the painting their sports, habits, and occupations, — or pictures the village church and the school or parsonage, every one must admit the accuracy of his description and the force of his language. But when he begins to reason as to the causes which have operated to bring about the state of things which he describes, his arguments appear weak and his illustrations absurd. The beauty of the poem will com- pensate for this failing with ordinary readers, who can appreciate the scenes which he paints, though they will pass over without much consideration the deductions which he draws. In truth, the poet would have been deficient in feeling had he not, after lamenting the desolation, denounced the Deso- lators ; and after he had discovered what he conceived to be the cause of the evil, he was compelled to pour out all the indignation of poetical justice upon the offenders. Yet when we analyse his pathetic appeals, it will appear they are more imaginary than real. If they were correctly stated as having OP OLIVEB GOLDSMITH. 19 existence, then perhaps his lamentations would demand our sympathy ; but the fallacy lies in his imagination having invested vt'ith the power and the will of devastation and ruin, that Commerce which the practical facts of every-day life shew to have directly the opposite tendency. If since this poem was published, the whole course of events in this country goes to contradict the existence of such a scene of desolation, the present state of Great Britain but renders the refutation more complete. If one of the most frequently quoted passages of the poem be examined, it will be found to be a mixture of fallacy and truth ; nor would it be worth while to allude to it, were it not a favourite quotation with those who seem never to be so happy as when they are mourning over the anticipated ruin of their country, and predicting its speedy and irreparable downfal. " III fares the land — to hastening ills a prey — Where wealth accumulates, and men decay ; Princes and lords may flourish or may fade, — A breath can make them as a breath has made ; But a bold peasantry, their country's pride, When once destroyed, can never be supplied." These lines are familiar to every one ; and all must regret the condition of the country given over to such an evil as the accumulation of wealth, and the diminution of the population. But in truth, the one is incompatible with the other* The increase of wealth is attended with an enlarged population, which, in fact, is one great cause of the accession of riches. Instead of villages being deserted, they grow into towns, arid hamlets become villages under the influence of active commer- cial industry ; while capital accumulates from the additional activity which the energy of an increased population brings to bear upon its creation. Nor do men decay while this is going forward. The greater the extension of the field of manufacturing, commercial, or mercantile industry, the greater 20 REMARKS ON " THE DESERTED VILLAGE " the demand for all sorts of agricultural produce ; and conse- quently, the less chance of commerce being the cause of the decay of men, even among that part of the population which may be termed strictly agricultural. The people in rural districts soon increase to such a degree, as not all to be able to find subsistence, and then migration must take place either to some other spot in their own country, or to other lands. Such, however, is the elasticity of population, that many may emigrate before the country can sensibly feel their loss, so soon do others arise to take their place. The fact of emi- gration going forward is sometimes adduced as an evidence of the country approaching to a state of decadence, while, if rightly \ievved, it conveys the idea of a people increasing from prosperity, and compelled to seek new channels for the exertion of their industry. Commerce, instead of contri- buting to the downfal of a country, is a powerful assistance in mitigating the evils which naturally arise from a rapid increase of population, as it aifords to many occupation both at home and abroad, — binds colonies to the native country, and, preserving alive the patriotic feeling, assuages the pain which emigrants may feel upon leaving their homes and setting forth for the purpose of pitching their habitation in a far distant land. But this forsaking of the country for the town, or of one country for another, is not a depopulating process to be lamented and mourned over, as if ruin were to be the inevitable consequence. We have only to look around us to see the effects of a population gathered from other districts of the country, employed in actively accumulating wealth, without any decay of men ; being, besides, the consumers of agricultural produce to such an extent, as to render the rural districts more populous and pi'osperous than ever they were known to be before. The " bold peasantry," in spite of the predictions of orators, have not yet been destroyed. They live on in spite of the lamentations which are periodically OF lOLIVES GOLDSMITH. 21 made as to their extinction. Doubtless the lines which we have pointed out, as containing a mixture of truth and error, mixed up in strange confusion, are correct in so far tliat, when once the peasantry is destroyed, it cannot again be supplied ; but there is not much fear of that event taking place in our own happy country. Nor is our poet more fortunate as he proceeds : — *' A time there was, ere England's griefs began, When every rood of ground maintained its man." With poetic licence, we are informed that there was once a time when happiness prevailed, and when the evils of humanity were unknown ; — a golden age, when pain and misery were not the torments of the human race, which experience too bitterly assures us they now are. The ancient poets held the same notion : they all lived in degenerate days, and have, in consequence, looked back upon a period which history assures us never existed, which they have employed their art to describe with elegance, and which they have clothed with the attributes of tranquillity and abundance. The Greek and Latin Poets mixed up with this period of primeval bliss, the Mythology which they dignified with the beauty of their verse, and the glimpses of truth encompassed with error which had been traditionally handed down from generation to generation. The English Poet does not carry his imagination so far back, but refers to a time when Eng- land had not experienced those griefs which have in later days, according to poetic accounts, rendered her but a melancholy ruin of what she formerly was. If we seek for this time of happiness and bliss, we shall have some difficulty in finding it. We cannot expect to discover it among the inhabitants of Britain, when Caesar found them painted as much for warmth as ornament ; nor among their immediate successors, subdued by the Roman arms. Nor does it appear amidst the turbulent invasions of 22 EEMABKS ON " THE DESERTED VILLAGE Danes, Saxons, and Normans ; nor in the contest which was perpetually carried on between Saxons and Normans after the Norman Conquest. Nor do we find the high and palmy days of Feudalism and Chivalry more likely to answer the poet's imagination, when instead of each man being main- tained by himself, he formed part of the retinue of the baron, whose vassal he was, and whom he was bound to follow and to serve. Nor do the wars of the Roses, the contests of the Stuarts, or the disturbances of the Great Rebellion, promise more. In short, the period described cannot be found in the chronicles of reality. Yet, perhaps the nearest approach to this imaginary state is, after all, at the present day, when the multiplied improvements in all branches of the Arts and Manufactures have been diffused so abundantly, as to increase the comforts and happiness of the great mass of the popu- lation, and to bring within their reach enjoyments and advantages which, at a comparatively recent date, were not enjoyed by the nobility themselves. If, however, the time when every rood of land maintained its man, is not easily discovered, there are nevertheless, visionary speculators who would, with the same false reason- ing, endeavour to persuade the ignorant, that land being the favourite investment for capital, it is only necessary for the working man to purchase a small portion, and, uninstructed in rural arts, and unaccustomed to country life, he may expect not only to gain a subsistence, but to make himself of some consequence in the country. This vision has had a melancholy and complete refutation by experiment, and it is hoped the credulity of honest but mistaken men may not again be made the means of unprincipled adventurers robbing them of their limited capital. The poet describes the scene of desolation as carried to such an extent, as to drive the inhabitants of s)veet Auburn " to distant climes, — a dreary scene, Where half the convex world intrudes between." OS OLIVER GOLDSMITH. 23 But while emigrants must always experience sorrow at leaving their own native land, and their feelings must be excited at parting with associations which they love and respect, still, in a country where the population keeps increasing, it is an evidence of wisdom and prudence to remove to places where there is a greater field for exertion. Nor is it desirable that only the idle and dissipated should be expatriated, when they have perhaps thrown away golden opportunities, for these are little likely to do credit to their country, or to gain advantage for themselves in distant places. But the prudent and indus- trious may frequently, when their facilities at home are limited, advantageously go abroad, and carry with them Civilization and Arts to places where they may be enabled to develop abilities which here must have lain dormant. And to this very emigration does this country owe much of its greatness. For the sending forth of her sons and her daughters to her colonial possessions, has opened up new channels for commerce, and new markets for manufactures ; while a healthy and vigorous population has been reared, who are alive to the comforts, the conveniences, and the elegancies of civilized existence; and the condition of all parties has been improved by the operation. These remarks are to be understood generally : there are and always must be exceptions. The constitution of society is such as to furnish anomalies, — to present us with want in the midst of plenty, and with sorrow while all around is rejoicing. Yet, on the whole, the advantage is on the side of active exertion ; and many of the calamities of life are caused by supiueness, or brought on by indolence, and its consequence, dissipation. For these there seems to be no effectual or absolute cure. But one thing is certain, that the patient industry which feels a want of adequate remuneration in one country, is generally possessed of sufficient strength of mind to betake itself to another, where it may meet with the due reward of its exertions. 2all BEMAKKS ON " THE DESERTED VILLAGE " It may here be noticed, that all the woes and evils of life have always been embraced by the poets as subjects congenial to their art. The personal experience of the individual men may perhaps account for that acute sympathy which they always display for the wretched and unfortunate. The diffi- culties of the young aspirant for poetic fame, may frequently enlist his feelings on the side of the oppressed. The kindly disposition of the poetic race is a marked characteristic. Indeed, the generous and noble sentiments prevail among them, not only in the choice of subjects, but in their manner of treating them. Hence they are generally the friends of freedom, the advocates of liberty, the denouncers of des- potism, the approvers of constancy in love, and the admirers of bravery in the fight. From these circumstances, the volumes of the poets are always favourites with the more enlightened part of mankind, as well as with those who boast of little knowledge but that of the modest train of the duties of every-day life. Goldsmith, while he has elegance of language, possesses a pathos of description which renders his poetry agreeable to all classes. Few poems are so well known as " The Deserted Village," and few more deservedly appreciated. The taste of the most cultivated is pleased with the poem, while the very school-boy is taught extracts from it which he never forgets, and which he admires the longer he knows them. This is a great tribute to the author, who seems to have erected a monument of fame more durable than the marble, and more lasting than the time-defying brass. The nature of this poem precludes many of the higher branches of the poetic art, yet it is not the less pleasing to a general reader. Descriptive poetry attempts nothing that is grand, but clothes with elegance of language those objects which it embraces. In this poem, in particular, no redun- dancy of language appears, no repetition which pains the understanding ; and so closely is it written, that almost all the OF OLIVEB GOLDSMITH. 25 descriptions would appear inadequate by the omission of a single line. Take, for example, the lines which bring before us the evening scene in the village, endeared to the memory of the poet, before the change he deplores had passed upon it, and we shall perceive the beauty and adaptation of his language : — " Sweet was the sound when oft at evening's close, Up yonder hill the village murmur rose ; There as I passed with careless steps, and slow, The mingled notes came softened from below ; — The swain responsive as the milkmaid sung, The sober herd that lowed to meet their young ; The noisy geese that gabbled o'er the pool. The playful children just let loose from school ; The watch-dog's voice that bayed the whispering wind, , And the loud laugh that spoke the vacant mind ; — These all, in sweet confusion, sought the shade. And filled each pause the nightingale had made." These lines are pleasing, because they are natural. The every-day occurrences of rural life, incidents trivial in them- selves, yet placed together, delight on account of their being the description of what every one can realise; — evening passing away, — the sun going down, and universal nature preparing for repose, — the poet's irregular walk, full per- chance of pleasure in listening to the sounds he describes, — the mingling notes falling upon his ear without an effort, and the transition which follows on pointing out a variety of sounds softened by distance, and then the idea connected with each cause of sound, some one or other of the objects which formerly rendered Auburn the loveliest village in the plain. " The swain responsive as the milkmaid sung." Here is, in one line, pointed out one of the hardy villagers — strong, active, handsome, and laborious — relaxing from the 26 REMARKS ON " THE DESERTED TILLAGE " labours of the day in simple strains, and accompanied by one of the softer sex, who, delighted with the attentions of her rustic lover, sings with a light heart a cheerful song, awakening a response from him ; and thus, in true rural simplicity, artlessly entwining the affections of her lover. Around them, in the field, are the " sober herd," displaying the characteristic fondness of the dumb creation for their offspring; while the "noisy geese" are amusing themselves in the pool, their distracting cackle softened by the sweeter sounds around ; while the " playful children " keep before us the idea of a contented and happy population, with which the poem commenced, which is still strengthened by the " loud laugh " which comes from among a crowd of villagers, and the "watch-dog's bark," who has no more substantial object of pursuit than the murmuring breeze. All these, in sweet confusion, are said to " fill the pause the nightingale had made." This brings us back to the poet, who, listening to the sounds, has only done so during the intervals of the sweet song of nature, of which true poets are always ardent admirers. This scene was one which gave Auburn much of its interest in the poet's afiections, and accordingly he goes on to contrast the present state of " The Deserted Village" with its former condition. All these have now passed away, and the Muse sings in melancholy strains the unpropitious change. The " cheerful murmurs" of a happy and contented population no longer " fluctuate in the gale ;" — the footpath, overgrown with grass, is no longer trod by the busy steps which proved the existence of the "blooming flush of life," the absence of which is so pathetically deplored ; and but one solitary inha- bitant is represented as deriving a miserable subsistence by stripping the " brook with mantling cresses spread." The picture drawn of the modest mansion of the village preacher is but an introduction to describe the minister him- self. Chaucer has, among the characters in the Canterbury Tales, a " poure persone of a toun," whose life is described OP OLIVER GOLDSMITg. 27 with his usual quaintness and accuracy, and who is pointed out as a model. Goldsmith's village clergyman is much more fully pourtrayed, and in a different style. Indeed, though both have distinctly brought forward a character familiar to all, yet there is no such similitude existing as to lead to the idea of any plagiarism. That they have expressed the same notions in one or two instances was certainly to be expected, and hence we find Chaucer saying — " To drawen folk to heaven with fairenesse, By good example was his besinesse ;" while Goldsmith, amplifying his subject, conveys the same idea with a beautiful comparison — " And as a bird each fond endearment tries, To tempt its new-fiedged ofispring to the skies ; He tried each art, reproved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way." It is unnecessary to adduce any further coincidence between these two celebrated passages. Our poet has, with a minute- ness which never distresses, and an exactness and accuracy which please the more the poem is examined, completed his portrait of one of the principal characters of the village, with one of the most beautiful similes of which the English language can boast: — " As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale and midway leaves the storm ; Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread. Eternal sunshine settles on its head." Another poet of a subsequent age has taken the same subject in hand. Cowper, in his Task, has described a preacher, but his manner is so full of caustic satire, directed against those whom he should not imitate, and against practices that he 28 REMARKS ON " THE DESERTED VILLAGE should not follow, that he has failed to convey to the minds of his readers the very ideas which he labours to impress. The severity of his tone takes from the beauty of his verse, whilst the excellencies of the character are made more to consist in his oratory, than, as the case is with Goldsmith, in the quiet, unpretending excellency of his life. Cowper depicts a popular speaker ; G oldsmith a good man, endeared to those around him by the excellence of his conduct, the kindness of his manner, and the disinterestedness of his bene- volence, more than by the fervour of his eloquence or the purity of his precepts. Cowper shews us the man who can address himself with eifect to an educated congregation ; Goldsmith the unsophisticated being whom "E'en children followed with endearing wile, And plucked his gown ;" and yet, beloved as he was by all classes of the community, "All his serious thoughts had rest in Heaven." Dryden has attempted the same theme and at greater length ; he has, in fact, amplified Chaucer, and presented the ancient poet's description in more modern language. The next character brought before us is the village school- master, who, if not so important as the last, is not the less useful. Those points in his character which tend to excite a smile are the necessary consequence of the position of such a person, whose acquirements are always superior to those by whom he is surrounded, a circumstance which tends to encourage a degree of self-confidence which enables him, though vanquished in argument, still to argue. This and much more may willingly be conceded to him who has such an arduous daily labour as that of governing a school of unruly boys. The schoolmaster has frequently a difficult task to pursue between his duty to the pupils and the foolish fondness of ignorant parents ; and if such persons are in their OF OLIVEB GOLDSMITH. 29 fretfulness apt to exclaim against the acerbity of the teacher, the quiet patience which the great body of those engaged in tuition generally possess, cannot fail to be appreciated by those who reflect upon the difficulties of their position, in a little world where the evil passions are striving for dominion, and which it is their constant endeavour to curb and repress. There must be many an anxious thought when admonitions are disregarded, and instruction neglected ; but on the other hand, assiduity is rewarded by perceiving those who have been well trained adorning their station in society, whatever that may be, by fulfilling their duty in a manner creditable to them and to their instructors. The village master is said by the poet to be "skilled to rule," "severe," and "stern to view;" and justly so under the circumstances, "for every truant knew" his severity was against those who neglected their duty, and avoided his instructions, for he afterwards is desl^ibed as being kind, his love to learning being the apology for his exercising discipline upon offenders. The inhabitants treated him with due respect, and their astonishment appears naturally and accurately expressed, when, not being able to understand his words of learned length, they yielded to him such homage as was due, and wondered " That one small head could carry all he knew ! " The parting scene, where the inhabitants are supposed to be about to leave their native place for the Western World, deserves particular attention. The poet has here, in accord- ance with the tone which runs through the poem, painted the grief which was experienced on leaving a place which they all loved, while the uncertainty of their future fate heightens the mournful scene. There is here no eifort to create effect : the language is plain, and the beauty of the descrip- tion is its complete fidelity to nature. It may naturally be supposed that whatever motives might lead to the deter- 30 REMAEKS ON " THE DESERTED VILLAGE mination of a family to leave their native land, still, when the time arrived for their departure, the feelings embodied in the poem would most naturally arise. At that eventful moment the hopes and expectations of a distant voyage would vanish, before the reality of the last look upon a home of former happiness. Ambition would for a moment be subdued by patriotism, and even avarice would spare a tear on the mournful occasion. Few scenes can be supposed to be more affecting than such a departure. The young man may set forth in the vigour of youth to push his fortune in far distant countries, but there lurks in his tears at parting a bright hope of a future return, which gilds his prospects, as the rainbow, spread over the broad arch of heaven, adorns the darkness of a clouded sky, and is the earnest of a serene and peaceful evening. The daughter wedded to a faithful lover, embarking for distant lands, has a prop whereon to lean the weaknesses which in%ht otherwise overpower her, and the hope perchance of sending her offspring homewards, as pledges of her own expected return ; while parents thus separated from their children, indulge the fond hope of a future meeting, and are cheered by the possibility of their lives being prolonged, and circumstances permitting that pleasing reunion ; but when, in one band, the aged and infirm, the man in the prime of his vigour, and the little babe of yesterday, all leave the beloved home together, there is a pang of bitterness at the last moments of their existence spent in their native place, which few can attempt to describe, although with the poem before us few can avoid conceiving. " The good old sire the first prepared to go To new-found worlds, and wept for others' woe ; But for himself, in conscious virtue brave. He only wished for worlds beyond the grave. His lovely daughter, lovelier in her tears, The fond companion of his helpless years, OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Silent, went next, neglectful of her charms. And left a lover's for a father's arms. With tender plaints the mother spoke her woes, And blessed the cot where every pleasure rose ; And kissed her thoughtless babes with many a tear, And clasped them close, in sorrow doubly dear ; Whilst her fond husband strove to send relief In all the silent manliness of grief." 31 33 III. — A new Discussion of the General Equation of Curves of the Second Degree. By Mr. Robert Finlay, Professor of Mathematics, New College, Manchester. [Read December 2nd, 1851.] The method of representing the position of a point in a plane is the fundamental principle of the Cartesian Geometry. To understand this method, let Ox and Oy (Fig. 1) be two straight lines cutting each other in O, and P any point in the same plane. Draw PQ and PR parallel to Ox and Oy; then, if the lengths of PQ and PR be given, the position of P in reference to Ox and Oy may be considered as known. Hence PQ. and PR are called the co-ordinates of P, and they are denoted respectively by x and y. The lines Ox and Oy are called the axes of co-ordinates, and are always either given or assumed. The point O is called the origin of co-ordinates. If this method of determining the position of a point be viewed in connexion with the well known algebraical fact, that any equation containing two variables, such as 2 x"" + S xy = 5, can be satisfied in an infinite number of ways, by assigning particular values to x and corresponding ones to y, it will readily appear that any algebraical equation containing two F S4t ON THE GENERAL EQUATION OF CURVES variables can represent an infinite number of points ; and it is easy to show that all these points lie in a certain curve, which is called the locus of the equation. Conversely, it is evident that every regular curve must have an equation, and by means of this equation any question relative to the properties of the curve may readily be reduced to algebraic form. Thus, by means of the simple conception of Descartes, the science of geometry was brought within the range of algebraic analysis, and it acquired instantaneously a generality and power which had not been imparted to it by the united efforts of many of the greatest men of antiquity. From the statement which I have just made relative to the first principle of the Cartesian Geometry, it will be perceived, that, in that system, the investigation of the properties of any curve depends on the discussion of the equation to the curve. When the equation is of the second degree, its discussion can be effected without much difficulty, and in a tolerably com- plete form. The numerous papers on this subject, however, which have appeared from time to time, and some of which are of very recent date, prove sufficiently that the present mode of discussing the equation of the second degree is not altogether satisfactory ; and this constitutes the most obvious apology which I can offer for introducing to this Society a subject so well known to mathematicians of every degree of attainment. The common method of discussing the general equation of the second degree consists mainly in a process called the transformation of co-ordinates. The co-ordinates of a point may be changed in two distinct ways. 1st. By simply changing the origin, the axes remaining parallel to their original directions. 2nd. By turning the axes about the origin into any new positions. The known formulas for the former transformation are so simple and natural that nothing further on that point can be desired. Those for the latter, on the contrary, are exceedingly complicated ; and they have n^^mS I ^Fry /.J ^P 2t fFf^J-,, C ^ I . I I io A- A ^. Pr I--- h-^p, P? fi^ 6'/ ^h o ^:: p \A OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 36 the disadvantage of introducing such a multitude of trigono- metrical symbols as to give the whole discussion the appear- ance of a chapter on trigonometry. In the method vphich I propose to substitute for this latter transformation, the science is made to depend on its own resources and notations, with little or no reference either to the theorems or symbols of trigonometry. Another important advantage of the method which I propose is, that the investi- gations relative to oblique axes are very little, if at all, more difficult than those which relate to rectangular axes. For the sake of brevity, I have confined myself throughout the paper to the most general case in which the co-ordinates are oblique. The equation of curves of the second degree can always be reduced to the form A3/24-2 Bi/x + Cx^ + 2 Dy + 2 Ea; + F=o (1), where A is a positive integer, and B, C, D, E, F may be positive or negative integers. For, if the co-efficient of y^ be negative, it may be made positive by changing the signs of all the terms of the equation; and if the co-efficient of x, y, or xy, be odd, it can be made even by multiplying the whole equation by 2. Let R be the distance from a given point A {xi yi) to any point xy on the curve (1), then by the theory of the straight line R'=(y— yi)' + (a;— a;i)* + 2 (a;— a^i) (i/—yi) cos y, y being the angle made by the positive axes of x and y. Again, let m be the direction index of the straight line R ; then y—y\=in {x—x^ (2), and in virtue of this, the preceding equation becomes R2=:(x— ici)' (m' + 2 w cos y+1) (a). Now since Ay^=A {y—y\f + 2 Ayi {y—y{) + Ayi\ Cx' = C {x—xiY + 2 Cx^ (x—o^i) + Cari% 36 ON THE GENERAL EQUATION OF CURVES B^^ a;=B (y— yi) (x—xi) + Bj/i {x—xi) + Bxi (y—yi) + Bari yi, Dy =D (y— yi) + D^i, Ex=E (a;— J7i) + Ea?i, equation (1) may be written in the form A (r/—yiy + 2B {y~yi) {x—xi) + C {x—xiY + 2 {Kyi + Bo^i + D) {y—yi) + 2 (B^i + Can + E) {x—x^) + Ayi^ + 2Bxiyi + Cxi^ +2'Dyi + 2 Exi + F=o, and in virtue of equation (2) this becomes ( Aw2 + 2Bm + C) {x—xif + 2 (D'm + E') (x—xi) + F = o . . . (b) ; where, for the sake of brevity, we assume Ayi + Bxi + lL>='D',Byi + Cxi + E=E' (c), Ayi^ + 2 Ba?i yi + Caii^ + 2Dyi + 2Exi + Y=¥' (d). By eliminating x — x from equations (a) and (b), we obtain AmH2Bm + C 2(D'm+E') p .p„_^ ,. w2 + 2mcosy+l "^ "^/(wH^mcosy+l) "^ -O.-.^e), the roots of which are the segments APi and APg (Fig. 2) of the straight line (2) intercepted between the point a?iyi and the two points in which it cuts the curve (1). (a.) By a well-known property of quadratics, we obtain from equation (e) AP AP r-(^^+2mcosy+l) ,«. Al-i. Ai^,- Am2+2Bm+C ^^^' which evidently holds good, whether the points Pi and Pa be real or imaginary. (/3.) When the direction-index m of the straight line (2) satisfies the condition Am^-\-2 Bw-f-C=o (4), equation (e) gives R= 2{D'mi-\ AC the roots of the equation Am^ + 2 Bw + C=o are real. If m' and m" denote these roots it is evi- dent from equation (12) that the lines CS and CT (Fig. 4) whose equations are y—y^^m' {x—x^ and y~y^—rd' [x—x^ meet the curve (1) in four points at infinity. The infinite diameters SCS' and TCT* of a curve of the second degree are called the asymptotes of the curve. Hence we see that for any curve (1) of the second degree, the direction indices of the asymptotes are the roots of the quadratic equation Aw^ + g Bw + C=o (13). By a well known property of quadratics, AmH2 B»i + C=A (»»— w') (w — m"). Now when m is intermediate between ni and to", one of the factors TO — to' and to — to" is positive and the other negative, OF THE SECOND DEGBEE. 41 and consequently the denominator of the fraction under the radical sign in equation (12) has the same sign as — A; but for all other values of m the factors have like signs, and there- fore the denominator has the same sign as + A. Hence we see, that when F' has the same sign as A, the central radius vector CP is real for all values of m between m' and m" and imaginary for all others, or that the curve (1) is included within the angles S C T and S' C T ; and that when — F' has the same sign as A, CP is imaginary for all values of m, between m! and iri' and real for all others, or the curve is included in the angles S C T and S' C T. In both cases the curve is called a hyperbola, and therefore the equation (1) always represents a hyperbola when B'^>AC, provided that F" be finite. (y.) When the curve (1) belongs to the non-central class it is called a parabola; hence (ii) the conditions in order that the equation (1) may represent a parabola are B^= AC and BD not equal to AE. (8.) When C = A and B = A cos y equation (li^) becomes CP= ^—F'TX, and consequently when F" and A have unlike signs, the curve (1) is a circle, but when F" and A have like signs the locus is imaginary. Hence equation (1) will represent a circle when C=A and B = A cos y, provided that F" be negative. V. We have seen (No. 1) that the equation Aw^-1-2 Bm+C=o (a) expresses the condition that the straight line (2) may meet the curve (1) in only one point. Now (a) when B^ > AC the curve is a hyperbola, and the roots of this equation are the direction-indices of its asymptotes (iv) ; hence, if from any point two straight lines be drawn parallel to the asymptotes of a hyperbola, each of these lines will cut the curve in only one point. 42 ON THE EQUATION OF CUBVE8 (/3.) When B^=AC the roots of equation (a) are equal and the value of each is — B:A; hence, we see that the only straight line which can be drawn from a given point so as to cut a parabola only in one point is the diameter which passes through the given point. (y.) When B'^AC and F''=o, the locus breaks up into two straight lines. This remark completes the discussion of central curves given in No. iv. IX. Let ACA' and BCB' (Fig. 7 and 8) be any system of con- jugate diameters of the curve (1), PP' any line parallel to the latter and meeting the former in Q ; then, by the theorem in No. IV., we shall have PaQF : AaQA' : : BC.CB': AC.CA', or PQi* : AQ.QA' :: BC^ : AC^ (28) (a.) Let CA=a', CB=b', CQ=a?, QP=y/ then, if the curve be an ellipse, we obtain from (28) f : (a'+.T) {a'—x) ::b'^: a'^ but if it be a hyperbola we have y:(a:+a') (a?— «')::&'': »'S* OF THE SECOND DEGREE. hence, after slight reductions, we get, for the ellipse, -^ + ^ = 1 W, 49 for the hyperbola, — ^ = 1 {SO). o ■* 0 ^ These, therefore, are the equations to the ellipse and hyper- bola, referred to any system of conjugate diameters as axes of co-ordinates. O.) Taking now A as the origin of co-ordinates, let AQ=x, Q,F—y, be the co-ordinates of P; then, for the ellipse, equation (28) gives f : X {%a'—x) : : h"" : a"", or ,f= ^^{2a'x-x^) (31); a b«t, when the curve is a hyperbola, we have y^ : X {2a'+x) ::b'^: a'\ or y'=^,{a2'x+x^) (32). Equations (31) and (32) are the equations to an ellipse and hyperbola, referred to any diameter and a line drawn through its extremity parallel to its ordinates as axes of co-ordinates. The values of the constants a and b' which occur in the last four equations are given by equations (c) and (d) of No. viri. Returning to equation (e) of No. i., it is evident that when the co-ordinates Xi y^ of the point A satisfy; the conditions F=o, D'm+E'=o ....(a), each of the roots of equation (e) will be zero, and conse- quently the straight line (2) will be a tangent to the curve (1). The former condition, F'=:o, merely implies that the point A should be on the curve (1). From the latter we obtain «»= — E' : D', which substituted in equation (2) gives ^'{y-Vi )+E' ix-x, )=o (b) for the equation of the tangent applied to the curve (1) at the point xi yx , From equation (b) we readily deduce u 56 ON THE EQUATION OF CURVES or (A^i H-Bx, +D)2/+ (B^i +Ca:, +E)ar + Dy,+Eari + F=o (33), which is a simpler form of the equation to the tangent applied to the curve (1) at the point xi y^. (a.) Tlie equation DVi-J-E'=o may also be considered as the condition that the straight line (b) may pass through the point Xi y\; and therefore it determines the direction-index m of the ordinates to the diameter of the curve (1) which passes through a given point A. Hence we see that the tangent applied to any curve of the second degree at a point A is parallel to the ordinates of the diameter which passes through that point. (^.) Let two straight lines be drawn from a fixed point Xi yy touching the curve (1) at the points x'y' and x"y" respectively; then, since each of these tangents passes through the point ^1 2/ 1 } we shall have, by equation (33), {Ay' + Bx + D)2/i + W + Cx +E)«, + Dy' + Ear' + F=o, {Ay" + Bx" + D) 2/, + (By" + Cx" + E)Xi + Dy" + Ex" + F=o. But these are also the conditions that the points x' y' and x" y" may be on the straight line (Ayi + Bxi + D)2/ + (Bt/i+Cari + E)jr+D^, + Ej:,+F=o...(34); hence it is evident that the straight line (34) is the chord of contact of two tangents drawn to the curve (1) from the given point X\ y\. (y.) \i X yhe the point of intersection of any two tangents to the curve (1), and Xiyi any fixed point in the chord of contact, we shall have, by equation (34), {Ay + Bx + D)3/, + {By + Cx + E)xi + Dj/ + Ex + F=o, which can also be written in the form (A^,+Bxi4-D)y+(B3^, + Cx, + E)x+D5^,+Ex, + F=o...(35). Hence we see that, if any chord of the curve (1) be drawn through the fixed point Xi yx, and tangents he applied to the curve at its extremities, the locus of the intersection of the tangents is the straight line (35). OS" THE SECOND DEGREE. 51 XI. We have seen (vi. a) that if AO be a line parallel to an asymptote of a hyperbola, cutting the curve in P3, and the two parallel chords Pi Pj and Qi Q2 in A and O respectively, we shall have APi.APa: OQ,. OQ2 : : APgiOPs. Now, when A O coincides with an asymptote, A P3 and O P3 become infinite, and may evidently be considered as equal. Hence we see that, if any chord Pi Pj of a hyperbola be drawn parallel to a given straight line, and produced if necessary to meet an asymptote in A, the rectangle contained by the segments into which the chord is cut by the asymptote is invariable. (a.) When A coincides with the centre C of the hyperbola, the points Pi and P2 may be real or imaginary, but the rect- angle C Pj . C P2 is real, and equal to —E"(m^ + 2 w cosy + 1) : (Aw^ + 2Bm + C), (iv), where m is the direction-index of Pj Pj . Hence (viii. a) the rectangle A Pi . A P2 is equal to the square of the semi- diameter which is parallel to Pi P2 . (/3.) If Pi P2 be produced to meet the other asymptote in A', we shall have (a). AP, . AP2= A'Pi. A'Pa, since each of these rectangles is equal to the square of the semidiameter parallel to Pi P2. From this equation it is evident that APi = A' P2, and thus we see that if any straight line be drawn cutting a hyperbola and its asymptotes, the segments intercepted between the curve and its asymptotes shall be equal. {y.) When the chord Pi Pa becomes a tangent, the points Pi and Pa coalesce in a point of contact P, and APi . AP2 be- comes equal to AP ^ . Hence (a) if any tangent be applied to a hyperbola and produced to meet the asymptotes y the part of the tangent intercepted between the asymptotes is equal to 52 ON THE EQUATION OF CURVES the diameter of the hyperbola which is parallel to it, and that portion of the tangent is bisected at the point of contact. (5.) Since the diameter of a hyperbola which passes through the point of contact is conjugate to the diameter which is parallel to the tangent (X.a), it follows from the properties (y) that the area of the triangle contained by any tangent and the asymptotes, is equal to the area of the parallelogram contained by the system of conjugate semidiameters one of which is parallel to the tangent and the other passes through the point of contact. Hence the area of the triangle in question is the same for every tangent, and equal to F" sin y (B2 — AC)-4, (XI. y). (f.) If straight lines be drawn from the point of contact P parallel to the asymptotes, the area of the parallelogram CP formed by these lines and the asymptotes will evidently be half the area of the triangle formed by the tangent and the asymptotes. Hence, denoting the parallels by x and y, we have (§) xy sin ^ = I F^ sin y (B^ — AC),-* where ff denotes the angle contained by the asymptotes. If^ for the sake of brevity, we assume c* = i F'^ sin y (sin d)-^ (B^ — AC)-* (a), the last equation becomes xy = lc' ..(36), which is the equation of the hyperbola referred to its asymp- totes as axes of co-ordinates. (f.) Let m' and m'^ denote the direction-indices of the asymptotes, then by the theory of the straight line tan^= ' ^^^~^j^ • I +m m +{m +m ) cos y Now since m' and m" are the roots of the equation Am' + 2Bm+C=o, (iv. ^), we shall have A {m'+ m") -\- 2 B=o, Am' m" — C=Oy and A {m—m") = 2 / (B^ — AC) ; OP THE SECOND DEGKEE. 53 tan.^^;V/(B^-^Q (37). A + C — 2 B cos 7 ^ ' From this equation we readily deduce sin 6 2 / (B2 — AC) sin y l/ (A + C — 2 B cos yf + 4 (B^ — AC) sin V and by substituting this in equation (a) we get c^=jp^^/((A + C— 2Bcosy)2+4(B2— AC)sinV}(38). The constant c, determined by this equation, is sometimes called the power of the hyperbola. XII. Any point ari 3^1 being given in the plane of the curve (1), the straight line whose equation is ( A^, + Ba;, + D)3/ + (By , + Car, + E)ar + Dy 1 + EoJi 4- F = 0 . . . (39) is called the polar of the point ajj y\ in relation to the curve (1), and the point Xx y\ is called the pole of the straight line (39). From these definitions the following theorems are immediately obvious. (a.) When the pole is on the curve (1), the polar passes through the pole and touches the curve at that point, (x). (^.) When the pole is without the curve, the polar is the chord of contact of the two tangents drawn from the pole to the curve (x, /3). (y.) When the pole is within the curve, the polar is the locus of the intersection of two tangents applied to the curve at the extremities of any chord passing through the pole. This is also true when the pole is on the curve (1) or outside of it (x. y). (S.) When the pole is at the centre of the curve (1), Kyx + Ba;, + D = o, B^/, + Ca^i + E=o, (ii, y), and the equation of the polar becomes, (iv), o.y + o. x + F"=o; hence when the pole is at the centre of the curve the polar is at infinity. 64 ON THE EQUATION OF CURVES ((.) When the pole is at the origin of co-ordinates we have xi r= 0, yi = 0, and the equation of the polar becomes By + Ex + F^zo (40). (CO If the co-ordinates of the pole satisfy the equations, B^^i + Cori + E=o, D^^, + Exi + F=o (a), equation (39) becomes y=o, and the polar is the axis of ar. Hence equations (a) determine the pole of the axis of x. (>?.) If the co-ordinates of the pole satisfy the equations A^^i + Bx, + lD=o, Dyi + Ea:, + F=o (b), the polar is the axis of y, and therefore equations (b) deter- mine the pole of the axis of y. XIII. Let X\ yi denote the co-ordinates of the pole of the straight line y =z mx + h (a); then, since the polar of the point j;i yi is (A3/1 -f Ba;, +D)^ + (By 1 +Ca;i +E);r+D3^i + Ea;i+F=o,(b), the straight lines (a) and (b) are identical, and we have (A^i + Bxi -f- D)m + By, -j- Cx, + E=o (41), (Ay ,+ Ba;i + D) A + Dyi -|- Ea;i + F=o (42). (a.) When m and h are given constants, these equations enable us to find the pole Xi y\ of the straight line (a). (/3.) When in is constant and h variable, equation (a) denotes a series of lines parallel to the straight line y=7» x; and equa- tion (41) shows that the pole of any of these lines lies on the diameter (Ay+Ba;+D) m4-By+Ca;-hE=o. Hence if a system of straight lines be drawn in the plane of a curve of the second degree parallel to a given line, the locus of their poles is the diameter which bisects chords parallel to that line. (y.) Let equation (a) denote a system of straight lines pass- ing through a given point x' y\ then y' = m x' + h, OF THE SECOND DEGBEE. 55 and by substituting the values of m and h given by equations (41) and (42) this equation becomes (Ay, + B;ri + D)/ + (B^, + Caj. + E) «' + D?/, + Ea: 1 +F=o, which is the condition that the point x\ y\ may be on the straight line (A2/'+Ba:' + D) 2/+ (By' + Ca;'+E) ar4-Dt/'+Ea;'+F=o. Hence if a system of straight lines (a) pass through a given point (x' y' )y the locus of their poles is the polar of that point. (8.) Conversely, if any number of points lie on a straight line, their polars intersect in the pole of that line. Let the equation to the straight line be y=^mx+h (c), and let Xi y\ be any point on this line, so that yi = m Xi + h (d); then since the polar of Xi yi is, (xii), (Ayi +Bx'i +D)y + (Byi 4-Ca;i+E)x+Dyi +Exi +F=o, we obtain by eliminating yi, {(At/ + Ba? + D) w + By+Ca; + E}a;i, + (A2/ + Ba;+D) A+Dy+Ea;+F=o. Now when x\ y\ is any point on the straight line (c), x\ will be indeterminate, and the last equation shows that the polar of any point on the straight line (c) must pass through the intersection of the straight lines (Ay+Ba;+D)w+B2/ + Ca;+E=o^ ,. (Ay+B:c+D) h +Dy+Eaj+F=o; ^^'' which, by equations (41) and (42), is the pole of the straight line (c). XIV. The forms of the principal curves represented by the gene- ral equation (1) have been investigated in No. iv., and to complete the discussion there given we may now consider the case in which B^ = AC, and BD=AE. Tn this case we have BE =: CD, and the values of x-i and y% given by equations 56 ON THE EQUATION OF CURVES (9) assume the indeterminate form §. Multiplying equation (7) by B we obtain B2 3^+BCb+ BE = o, and in virtue of the preceding conditions this becomes Ay + Bx+ D = o (a); hence equations (7) and (8) are identical in this case, and any point in the straight line (a) may be considered as the centre of the locus. By multiplying equation (1) by A, we obtain, in this case, A^y^+2ABxy+'B''x^+2A'Dy-\-2B'Dx+A'E=o, or (Ay+Bar}2 + 2D {Ay+Bx)+AY=o, and .-. Ay+Bx=—D±\/(D^'-A¥) (b); hence when D^ > AF the locus is two straight lines (b) parallel to the line (a), when D^ = AF the locus is the straight line (a), and when D^ < AF the locus is imaginary. The loci which can be represented by the general equation (1) may now be enumerated as follows : — Central Class. (a.) If C= A, and B = A cos y, the locus is a circle (iv., 8). (/3.) If B^ < AC and F'' < o, the locus is an ellipse (iv., a). (y.) If B* < AC and F"=o, the locus is a point (viii., t?). (S.) If B'^ < AC and F" > o, the locus is imaginary (iv., a). (f.) If B^ > AC and F" not = o, the locus is a hyperbola (IV., )3). (C.) If B'^> AC and F''=o, the locus is two straight lines cutting one another (viii., rj). (r,.) If B2 = AC, BD= AE, and D^ > AF, the locus is two parallel straight lines (xiv). (6.) If B^ = AC, BD=AE, and D^ = AF, the locus is one straight line (xiv). (,.) If B* = AC, BD = AE, D^ < AF, the locus is imagi- nary (xiv). NONCENTRAL ClASS. If B'^ = AC and BD not = AE, the locus is a parabola (iv., y). OF THE SECOND DEGREE. 57 r^ XV. Hitherto our attention has been chiefly directed to the most general form (1) of the equation of the second degree, but in many cases the equation becomes simplified in form by the evanescence of one or more of its co-efficients A, B, C, &c. Some of the simplest of these forms have been given in Nos. VII., IX., XI,, and we now proceed to point out a few others. (a.) When the curve (1) passes through the origin of co- ordinates its equation must be satisfied by the simultaneous equations x=o and t/=o; hence we shall have F=o, and equation (1) takes the form Af + 2Bxy+ Cx^ + 2D2/ + 2Ex-o (a). (^.) When E=o the diameter (7) which bisects chords parallel to the axis of x passes through the origin ; hence when the origin is on the diameter which bisects chords parallel to the axis of a; equation (1) takes the form A^^ + 2Bxy+Cx^ 4- 2I>y + Y=o (b). Similarly, when the origin is on the diameter which bisects chords parallel to the axis of y, equation (1) becomes Af + 2Bxij+ Ca?2 + 2 Ecc + r=o (c). When the origin is at the centre we have D=o, E=o, and the equation becomes Af -{- 2 Bxy + Cx^ + F=o (d). (y.) When B=o equations (7) and (8) become Cx-\-'E=o and Ay-{-D=o, and therefore the diameters which bisect chords parallel to the axes of x and y are respectively parallel to the axes of y and X. Hence, when the axes are parallel to a system of conjugate diameters, equation (1) takes the form Ay^-{-Ca^ + 2I>y-t2 Ea?-i- ¥=o (e). When the curve (1) is a parabola the condition B=o gives A=o or C=o. (8.) When C=o equation (13) gives m=^o, and therefore the curve (1) has an asymptote parallel to the axis of x. I 68 ON THE EQUATION OF CURVES, ETC. Hence, when the axis of x is parallel to an asymptote, equation (1) becomes A/ + 2Bxy + ^T>y + 2EiP+ F=o (f). Similarly, when the axis of y is parallel to an asymptote, the equation takes the form ^Bxy+Cx" +2Dy + 2Ea; + F=o (g), and when both the axes are parallel to the asymptotes, the equation becomes 2 Ba;y + 2 Dy + 2 I> + F=o (h). 59 IV. — On the Origin and Nature of the Forces that produce Storms. By Mr. Alderman Hopkins. iRead December 16^ 1851.] Storms are strong winds, diiFering in degree and not in nature, from ordinary winds or moderate breezes. All the great movements of the atmosphere have their origin in vertical currents which are produced by certain known causes. These currents are fed from less or greater dis- tances by horizontal currents, which press and flow towards the area of ascent, and the horizontal currents, whether they appear as moderate winds or storms, are thus pro- duced by the ascending currents. These latter currents are created by the aqueous vapour which is intermixed with the gases of the atmosphere, heating these gases, through the process of condensation, thus causing them to expand into a larger space, and to press with less weight than they had previously done on the surface of the earth. The adjoining colder, and therefore heavier atmospheric gases then rush under and force the warmer and lighter to ascend in the form of vertical currents, and the heavier gases, being themselves successively heated by the condensation of their vapour, also rise, when more air presses towards the ascending mass, and thus, these processes being repeated and continued, a Wind or a Storm may be produced. But it has been said by persons who object to the hypo- thesis here advanced, that the heat liberated in the atmosphere by the condensation of aqueous vapour, is not sufficient to 60 ON THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF lighten the air in the locality, to an extent that shall create a rapidly ascending current. That much latent heat is however really given out and made sensible, raising the temperature in the part where vapour is converted into water, is well known and universally admitted. It is familiarly experienced when steam is condensed in our steam engines, and I have explained it more fully in papers formerly read to this Society. It is not however often that the whole of the vapour that is in the atmosphere is condensed into water, or even so much of it as there commonly is in the condensor of the steam engine, seeing that the heat liberated in the atmosphere warms the part and the air that is in it, and thus stops or checks the condensation that is taking place. And it is not until the gases are made lighter through being warmed, and that the remaining vapour which is mingled with them is carried successively to greater elevatians, tliat the whole or nearly the whole of the vapour existing in any locality i» condensed. When dry air, that is, air entirely without vapour, is taken to a height of, say one hundred yards, the expansion that is consequent on the diminished incumbent pressure at that height, cools it say 1° Fahrenheit ; but if the air be satu- rated with vapour, some portion of the vapour will be con- densed by the cold produced through expansion of the air, and the result will be that the mixed mass of air and vapour will be found to be cooled, not to the full degree of dry air belonging to the elevation, but only to about one half of it; the warming influence of condensation of a part of the vapour having counteracted the cooling effect of expansion of the gases, to the extent of the other half. The mixed mass being however half a degree warmer than the adjoining cold air, is forced up in the atmospheric space by the colder and heavier air. On reaching the height of two hundred yards, incum- bent atmospheric pressure is sufficiently reduced to cool pure fdv 2°, but condensation of vapour counteracts this cooling to THtS FORCES THAT PROBtJCE STOBMS. 61 the extent of one half, as just explained, and the result is that the actual cooling of the mixed mass is only 1° instead of 2°. This double process being continued to greater heights in the atmosphere, the absolute cooling of the ascending mass is only half a degree for every hundred yards of height. The facts here stated may be proved by pumping out air that has been deprived of vapour from the receiver of an air pump, until expansion of the air within takes place to an extent equal to that which occurs, on air being removed from the surface of the earth to the height of one hundred yards in the atmos- phere, when, as we have seen, the temperature sinks 1°. But if the air in the receiver be saturated with vapour, some of the vapour will be condensed by the cold of expansion, and then the temperature of the mixture will be found to be reduced only about half a degree. It follows from this expe- riment that, in an atmospheric column that is ascending to higher regions, and in which condensation of vapour is taking place, the heat liberated reduces the cooling to about one half of what it would otherwise be ; and two adjoining masses or atmospheric columns of the height of, say four thousand eight hundred yards, the one undisturbed by condensation, and the other having condensation going on within it, would have the temperatures as put down in the following table at the heights named, the dew-point and temperature at the surface of the earth being supposed to be both at 80^ : — Yards high. Clear air. Clouded air. Difference. 4,800 32° 56" 24° 4,000 40° 60° 20° 3,000 50° 65° 15° 2,000 60« 70° 10° 1,000 70° 75" 5° 0 80° 80° 0* Now it is evident that in the part of the atmosphere which is, say one thousand yards high, the clear air of the temperature 62 OK THE OBIGIN AND NATURE OP of 70° and of the density and weight which belong to that temperature, will have a tendency to press under and force up the adjoining column that has the higher temperature of 75°, and which is therefore proportionately lighter ; and the heavier column will press up the lighter with a force equal to the difference in the weights of the two, which is expressed in the numbers of the table by 5° of temperature. At the height of two thousand yards the difference of temperature in the two adjoining columns is 10°, and consequently the clear air at this height will have a tendency to press up the recently clouded air with a force expressed by the 10°. At three thousand yards high the superior weight of the clear air is 15°, and at four thousand eight hundred yards, when the freezing point in the clear air is reached, the difference in the two columns is no less than 24"^. Thus we see, that on con- densation taking place in any particular part of the atmos- phere where the temperature and dew-point at the surface were at 80^, it would make that part so light as to permit it to be forced up by the adjoining heavier air at an increasing velocity, expressed by the numbers in the table which indi- cate the differences of the temperatures at the various heights. The commencement of this process would be slow, like the first movement of a railway carriage by a steam engine, but the velocity of the ascending current would increase with the difference of the temperatures of the two columns, until the aqueous vapour, the material furnishing the moving power, was exhausted. And as the velocity of the ascending cur- rent increased, so would the quantity of air that ascended within it increase ; and the greater that increase the larger would be the quantity of the atmosphere that would press from adjoining parts, to fill the comparative vacuum that had been made by the condensation of the vapour. Here then we see, that under the circumstances described, a very ener- getic expanding power comes into action in the atmosphere, which reduces the weight of the air in the locality, whilst the tSE Forces that prodcce storms. 63 adjoining heavier air that then presses and rushes in succes- sively to fill the comparative vacuum, must produce a hori- zontal movement of air or a wind, the force and rapidity of which veil! be proportioned to the degree of vacuum created. In the table that has been given, we have exhibited the cooling of the atmosphere through reduction of incumbent pressures, as it may be presumed to take place in a tropical region, to the height of only four thousand eight hundred yards, because, in air that was undisturbed by condensation, the temperature of 32° or the freezing point was then attained. But there is no reason that an ascending current heated by condensation as it proceeded, and pressed upwards by fresh air rushing from below, should stop in its ascent when it had reached the height of four thousand eight hun- dred yards. On the contrary, the tendency of such a current when supplied with sufficient vapour, which becomes lighter through being warmed, is to permit its being raised to far greater heights, and the difference in the temperature of the two adjoining columns of clear and of clouded air, as long as condensation was proceeding, would still be the measure of power with which the heavier column would force up the lighter. In the following table this difference is shewn up to a height of ten thousand yards : — Yards high. Clear air. Clouded air. Difference. 10,000 —20° 30° 50° 9,000 —10° 35° 45° 8,000 0° 40° 40° 7,000 10° 45° 35° 6,000 20° 50° 30° 5,000 SO' 55° 25° 4,000 40° 60° 20° 3,000 50° 65° 15° 2,000 60° 70° 10° 1,000 70° 75° 5° 0 80° 80° 0° 64 ON THE ORIGIN AND NATURE OF Here we see that at the height of ten thousand yards from the surface of the earth, the difference of temperature between the clear and the clouded atmospheric columns produced by condensation of vapour, is no less than 50^ ; and with a force proportioned to that difference would the former column be disposed to press up the latter, whilst the pressure upwards at the various intermediate heights would be as the numbers expressing the difference of temperature. So far we have treated of the condensation of vapour carrying high temperature to great elevations ; but at a certain stage of the process a new power comes into action. The undisturbed atmosphere was presumed to be of a lower temperature than S2°, above the height of four thousand eight hundred yards ; any vapour, therefore, ascending above that height and entering the cold air that existed there, would be liable to be not only condensed into water, but to be frozen into snow! And were it not for the heat that is liberated by condensation, the vapour that penetrated this lofty region would be not only condensed, but frozen. And further, although condensation liberates much heat and keeps the temperature in the ascending column above the freezing point to a considerable height, yet at some greater elevation that point will be reached even within the comparatively warm ascending column. When this takes place and freezing commences within the column, we have a result differing from that which has been pointed out, as a new law then comes into operation. When, through reduction of incumbent pressure, the ascending mass cools down to a temperature below 32°, the particles of water that had been formed by condensation are frozen ; and in freezing, the liquid water gives out the latent heat that is always liberated when water is converted into ice. Now this liberated heat will have a tendency to keep up the temperature of the ascending column, and of the w^ter and ice that are in it, and to prevent that temperature from THE FORCES THAT PRODUCE STORMS. 65 falling below 32°. For it is well known that when a body of water is frozen by a moderate degree of cold, the process of freezing is slow, as the conversion of a part of the liquid into ice liberates heat enough to preserve the remainder in the form of water ; and it requires time for the liberated heat to pass away before a fresh portion of the water can be frozen by the existing degree of cold in the locality. In this way a mixed mass of water and ice may remain a considerable time at the temperature of 32°, in a part that is below that tem- perature, the heat given out to the water by freezing being nearly equal to that which is passing away ; and this compa- ratively slow operation continues until all the water is frozen. The same process must take place in the atmosphere, when the particles of water produced by condensation of vapour are frozen into snow or hail, that is into ice. As the ice is formed the heat of liquidity of the water is set free, and the temperature of the locality and of the substances that are in it, is prevented sinking below 32° until all the water in the part is frozen. It follows from this, that when an ascending atmospheric column takes newly formed water that is within it to a height sufficient to freeze the water, the column for some time retains the temperature of 32°, while it is ascending successively into colder regions. Tho respective temperatures of the undisturbed cold air in the vicinity, and of the warmed ascending column that is passing through it, may, under these circumstances, be as shewn in the following table, com- mencing from the temperature of zero at the surface ; whilst the differences between the temperatures of the two airs would be those which are inserted in the tabular column of the differences: — 66 ON THE OKIGIN AND NATUBE OF irds high. Clear air. Clouded air. Difference. 10,000 —100° 32° 132° 9,000 —90° 32° 122° 8,000 —80° 32° 112° 7,000 —70° 32° 102° 6,000 —60° 32° 92° 5,000 —50° 32° 82° 4,000 —40° 32° 72° 3,000 —30° 32° 62° 2,000 —20° 32° 52° 1,000 —10° 32° 42° 0 0° 32° 32° It will be observed that in this table we presume that in clear and undisturbed air the temperature at the surface is at zero, which is found only in very cold localities ; and as the temperature is presumed to be lower after the rate of 1° for every one hundred yards of ascent, at the height of ten thousand yards it will be 100*^ below zero. But as we presume that the heat liberated by condensation and freezing, as just explained, keeps the column in which these processes are taking place for some time at S2°, the difference between the two columns at the full height named must be for that time 132°. In so very cold a locality as that of which we are now treating, we know that any vapour which escaped from the surface of the earth and passed into the atmosphere, would be soon condensed ; but the heat that would then be liberated would keep the product of that condensation in a liquid state for some certain time, however short it might be, yet in such a part that heat would pass rapidly away, and the liquid would be frozen. The liberated heat of liquidity would, however, now preserve the cloud of liquid and frozen particles for some further time at 32° ; and then two pro- cesses, first, condensation of vapour, and secondly', congelation of water, being successively and rapidly repeated in a column ascending to a great height, would keep the whole mass at THE FORCES THAT PRODUCE STORMS. 6^ 32°, as long as vapour remained to be condensed and frozen. And thus we find that the difference in the temperature of the two adjoining parts indicated in the table, would be established for some time, however short it might be. It has been often observed that, when the temperature near the surface of the earth has been greatly below the freezing point, upon a fall of snow occurring, the temperature has suddenly risen to 32° ; and it commonly remains there as long as the snow continues falling. Now it is known that this snow often descends from a considerable height in the atmosphere, and it is to be presumed that it brings the air, which is found to have a temperature of 32°, down with it. The same fact is frequently observable in high latitudes, where the cold is intense. However low the surface temperature may have previously been, on a considerable quantity of snow falling it shews a tendency to rise to 32°. Such changes near the surface indicate, that in the part of the atmosphere in which the snow was formed from floating particles of water, whatever might be the height, the temperature in that part could not be below SS'^*. It is not necessary to suppose that in cold latitudes, under the circumstances described, vapour shall be actually carried up to so great a height as ten thousand yards, or to any other particular height approaching it ; but what has been observed in those latitudes gives reason to believe, that snow and spiculae of ice are there formed from vapour at greater eleva- tions than has been hitherto imagined. Our object at present however is, not to shew precisely what occurs in such lofty regions, but to explain the kind of laws that govern the atmospheric changes that take place in them, and to point out that to whatever extent these changes do occur, they must be under the control of the laws that have been exhibited. In high latitudes, where the cold is intense, but little vapour 68 ON THE OBIGIN AND NATURE OF is found in the atmosphere, and therefore great and extensive atmospheric disturbances seldom take place in those parts ; but in the tropical regions, where vapour is more abundant, the phenomena that have been under consideration are often exhibited in energetic action over a wide extent. It is probably at an elevation that gives a temperature below the freezing point, even in the warmed ascending currents, that the fierce storms of the tropics generally take place ; and where those storms are very violent in their character, the probability is that condensation of vapour and freezing of water are suc- cessively carried to a great height in the atmosphere, although the commencement of the former of these processes may have been in the middle, or even in the lower regions. With a temperature and dew-point of SC^ at the surface, in an undis- turbed atmosphere, we have seen that the freezing point is reached at a height of four thousand eight hundred yards ; but in a fierce tropical storm the vapour from the lower regions may be carried very far above that height. The comparative vacuum formed by a heated ascending current, vyhich had a dew-point of 80*^ at the surface, and which is successively supplied from below with equally saturated air, may produce an ascent of not merely four thousand eight hundred yards, but of ten thousand yards or more. And in portions of the column the current must be rapid as well as continuous, taking a large amount of vapour from the lower to the higher regions, where its congelation as well as its condensation may finally produce those great differences of temperature in adjoining parts of the atmosphere that have been pointed out. It is obvious that an ascending column extending over a considerable area, or in other words, having a large horizontal diameter, being lighter than contiguous undisturbed air, will press with proportionately less weight on the surface of the earth on which it rests ; and a barometer placed in such a part, would, by the falling of the mercury, measure the diminution THE FOBCES THAT PRODUCE STORMS. 69 of pressure. The degree, however, of that diminution in any particular part, will depend not solely on the amount of vapour condensed, and consequently of air heated, but also on the height in the atmosphere at which these changes take place* With a given amount of vapour condensed, the nearer to the earth that the condensation occurs, the greater will be the reduction of pressure on any particular point of its surface, and the farther from the earth, the less the reduction of pres- sure on any particular part. Hence it follows that in the polar regions, where the cold of the surfjice is intense, conden- sation of a small quantity of vapour produces a greater effect on the mercury of the barometer than it does in the warm tropical regions. In the latter regions the base of the column of warmed air may be at a considerable height, and the total reduced pressure of that base may be spread over a large area of the surface of the earth, and may consequently affect each particular part of that surface in but a small degree : whilst in the former regions the base of the warm column may be close to the earth, and the reduction of pressure may therefore be limited to a small area, within which however the pressure might be greatly reduced* Air is expanded by heat, say a 480th part of its bulk, for every increase of 1° of temperature, and consequently it will be expanded one-tenth part by an increase of 48° of tempe- rature. It follows therefore that where an ascending mixed mass of air and vapour reaches a mean temperature of 48°, above that of the undisturbed part at the same elevation, the ascending mass would be one-tenth lighter than the adjoining part, a difference equal to the weight of three inches of mer- cury, and sufficient to cause the heavier to press up the lighter air with great force. On the whole it is contended, that if an adequate portion of aqueous vapour be supplied to any ascend- ing mass of the atmosphere, the laws of cooling of the gases by expansion, and of heating them through condensation and 70 FORCES THAT PEODUCE ST0EM8 congelation of vapours, that are known to exist, when traced in their operations extending into the higher parts of the atmosphere, are capable of producing disturbances of a very energetic character, such as those attending hail and thunder storms. And it is submitted, that the causes which have been here traced are fully adequate to the production of all the * effects that are experienced in strong winds or fierce storms. 71 V. — Contributions to the Knowledge of the Manufacture of Gas. By B. Frankland, Ph.D., F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry at Owens College. The importance of the manufacture of gas for illuminating purposes must be admitted by all, and artificial light thus procured has become almost a necessary of life ; yet it is remarkable how little progress has been made in this branch of art, since the first few years of its existence. It is true that so far as the mechanical part of the process is concerned, considerable improvements have been effected, and by the application of new methods of purification, we are now enabled to free the gas from almost every objectionable ingredient, yet, although the generation of luminiferous gas depends essentially upon chemical principles, as it is the modification of the force of affinity by the agency of heat that determines the products of every destructive distillation, it is impossible carefully to peruse the results of the late Dr. Henry's beautiful and elaborate researches on this subject, without being forcibly struck by the comparatively slight advance which has been made in what I may be allowed to call the generating department of gas-making, since that distinguished philosopher applied himself to its investigation. Better descriptions of coal and some new materials have been tried and have come into use ; the disengagement of the gas has been facilitated by decreasing the pressure within the retorts ; and attempts have been made to increase the propor- tion of luminiferous ingredients, by regulating the heat so as 72 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE to make it most favourable for their development; but no new principle has been applied to the generating process, and although the attempts above alluded to have been attended with some success, yet it is evident from Dr. Henry's descrip- tion of the quantity and quality of gases obtained from coal and cannel, which was laid before this society in 1819, that little has been gained either as regards the quantity of gas obtainable from a given weight of coal or its illuminating power. Our knowledge of the constituents of coal gas has also been very little extended, although our means of gaseous investigation have been greatly increased by the labours of Bunsen, Kolbe, Regnault and others, in perfecting the me- thods employed in the analysis of gases. Under these circumstances, I venture to hope that the observations contained in the following pages, imperfect as they are in many respects, may not be altogether unaccept- able as contributions to our present knowledge of this very important branch of manufactures. These observations derive their origin from an extensive series of experiments just concluded, which I made at the request of two merchants of this town, upon a new process of gas manufacture known as White's Hydrocarbon process, of which I believe the members of this society are not entirely ignorant. In detail- ing these experiments and the conclusions arising from them, I shall endeavour as much as possible to eschew the commer- cial relations of the subject, and confine myself to points of a strictly scientific character. The usual process of gas-making consists, as is well known, in exposing coal or cannel to a red heat in close vessels of convenient size and shape, until all, or the greater part of the volatile matter is expelled. Coke is the material left in the retort, and the matters volatilized consist of condensible vapours, and permanent gases more or less saturated with these vapours. It does not appear that the quantity of coke obtained from a given weight of coal is liable to any import- OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 73 ant increase or diminution, from any variation of temperature between the limits that are usually employed in gas-making, but the relative amount and also the quality of the liquid and gaseous products, depend very considerably upon the tempe- rature to which the materials are exposed in the retorts. As a general rule, the lower the heat the more do the liquid products increase at the expense of the gaseous ones ; whilst the higher the heat the greater is the yield in gas, the quantity of the liquids being at the same time diminished ; but not only does the relative quantity of the gas produced thus vary, its quality also depends essentially upon the heat employed, that produced at low temperatures being usually superior to that evolved at higher ones. The gas thus generated contains several constituents which require to be removed, before it is fit for use as a light-giving material ; but it is not my intention at present to discuss the methods used in the purification of gas, or indeed to describe more minutely the usual processes of manufacture, since these have been so fully and clearly delineated in an excellent paper read before the society last year by Mr. Leigh ; I therefore confine myself to some general observations upon the relative value of the constituents of coal or other gas, to considerations respecting the quantity and quality of the purified gas obtainable froni the materials in general use, and the methods by which both the one and the other may be increased. The constituents of purified gas are hydrogen, light carbu- retted hydrogen, carbonic oxide, defiant and other gases, having the general formula Cn Hn, the vapours of hydro- carbons having the formula Cn Hn and Cn H(n— e), and other hydrocarbons whose formulae are unknown : in addition to these, coal gas usually contains small quantities of nitrogen, oxygen, and bisulphuret of carbon vapour; but, for our present purpose, these may be entirely disregarded. It has always been maintained that hydrogen and carbonic L 74 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE oxide possess no illuminating power, and that the light emit- ted by coal gas is due to the light carburetted hydrogen, defiant gas, and other hydrocarbons. I hope, however, to prove by the experiments detailed below, that, for all practical purposes, light carburetted hydrogen is also entirely devoid of illuminating power, and that therefore, the whole of the light-giving effect is due to the olefiant gas and hydrocarbons. This is an important point, as we shall find that it much simplifies the estimation of the illuminating power of any sample of gas, and teaches us that the nature of the combus- tible diluents of the olefiant gas and hydrocarbons, has no effect whatever upon the quantity of light emitted by the mixture. The constituents of coal and other gases may be divided into two classes, viz., illuminating and non-illuminating con- stituents ; to the first will belong olefiant gas and the other hydrocarbons above mentioned, and to the second, light car- buretted hydrogen, hydrogen and carbonic oxide. To the first class alone the illuminating power of the gas is due, but some member of the second class is also indispensable as a diluent, without which we should find great difficulty in con- suming the hydrocarbons, without the production of much smoke and consequent loss of light. The members of the first class are all decomposed instantaneously at a white heat, at a red heat more slowly, depositing the whole or the greater part of their carbon in the form of very fine particles, which become so many centres for the radiation of light in the gas flame, and the greater the number of particles existing in any flame at the same moment, the greater will be the light emitted by that flame. It is therefore evident that the value of these hydrocarbons for the production of light, depends directly upon the quantity of carbon contained in a given volume, and is altogether independent of the hydrogen with which this carbon is combined ; consequently, the densest or most easily condensible of these gases and vapours of the first OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 75 class, are those wliich possess the highest illuminating power. All the compounds belonging to this class are, as before stated, decomposed more or less rapidly at a red heat, and in the ordinary process of gas-making, the interior walls of the retorts soon become coated with a stratum of carbon derived from this source. Now the extent of this decomposition must depend, first, upon the length of time during which they are exposed to the heated materials, and secondly, upon the number of particles which are in contact with the red hot surface, consequently it will be diminished, first, by removing the gases rapidly from the retort, and secondly, by the mixture of the illuminating constituents with the non-illuminating ones ; for it is evident that the number of particles of olefiant gas in contact with a, given surface, would only be half so great if this gas were diluted with an equal volume of hydrogen, as it would be without such an admixture. Besides the use that has already been mentioned of the second class or non-illuminating gases, they are of value as forming a medium for the solution of the vapours of such hydrocarbons as exist in the liquid or even solid state at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, and they thus ena- ble us to convert an additional quantity of illuminating materials into the gaseous form, which they retain perma- nently unless the temperature fall below the point of satura- tion. The gain in illuminating power which is thus obtained will be perhaps better seen from the following example : — Suppose 100 cubic inches of olefiant gas, allowed to saturate itself with the vapour of a volatile hydrocarbon, containing three times as much carbon in a given volume of its vapour as that contained in an equal volume of olefiant gas, took up or dissolved three cubic inches of this vapour, then, if we express the value of 1 cubic inch of olefiant gas by unity, the illuminating power of the 103 cubic inches of the mixture of olefiant gas and hydrocarbon vapour will be 109. Now if we mix these 103 cubic inches with 100 cubic inches of hydrogen, 76 CONTBIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE the mixture will be able to take up an additional three cubic inches of hydrocarbon vapour, and the illuminating power of the 206 cubic inches will then become 118; thus the hydro- gen produces a gain in illuminating power equal to 9 cubic inches of olefiant gas, or nearly 4*5 per cent, upon the volume of mixed gases. When we consider that coal naptha con- tains hydrocarbons of great volatility, and that these are the surplus remaining after the saturation of the gas from which they have condensed, the importance of this function of the non-illuminating class of combustible gases will be sufficiently evident. I may here remark that incombustible gases could not be employed for this purpose, since their cooling influence upon the flame during the subsequent burning of the gas, would diminish the light to a far greater extent than the hydrocarbon vapour could increase it. It is evident that all the three non-illuminating gases form- ing the second class, would perform both the offices I have assigned to them perfectly well, and therefore we have as yet seen no reason for giving our preference in favour of any one of these diluents ; if, however, we study their behaviour during combustion, we shall find that where the gas is to be used for illuminating purposes, hydrogen has qualities which give it a very decided preference over tlie other two. When gas is used for lighting the interior of public buildings and private houses, it is very desirable that it should deteriorate the air as little as possible, or in other words, it should con- sume as small a quantity of oxygen, and generate as little carbonic acid as possible ; and the oppressive heat which is so frequently felt in apartments lighted with gas will also be admitted by all to show the advantage of that gas generating a minimum amount of heat. The following is a comparison of the properties of the three non-illuminating gases, in reference to the points just mentioned : — 1 cubic foot of light carburetted hydrogen, at 60^F. and OP THE MANUFACTURE Of GAS. 77 SOin. barometrical pressure, consumes 2 cubic feet of oxygen during its combustion, and generates 1 cubic foot of carbonic acid, yielding a quantity of heat capable of heating 51bs. 14oz. of water from 32^ to 212^, or causing a rise of temperature from 60'^ to SO'S*^ in a room containing 2,500 cubic feet of. air. 1 cubic foot of carbonic oxide at the same temperature and pressure, consumes during combustion i a cubic foot of oxygen, generates one cubic foot of carbonic acid, and affords heat capable of raising the temperature of lib. 14oz. of water from 32° to 212'', or that of 2,500 cubic feet of air from 60° to 66'6°. 1 cubic foot of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure consumes i a cubic foot of oxygen, generates no carbonic acid, and yields heat capable of raising the tempera- ture of lib. 13oz. of water from 32° to 212°, or that of 2,500 cubic feet of air from 60° to 66'4°. This comparison shows that light carburetted hydrogen is very objectionable as a diluent, not only on account of the carbonic acid which it generates, but also by reason of the very large quantity of oxygen which it consumes, and the very great amount of heat which, in relation to its volume, it evolves on combustion, the consumption of oxygen being four times and the absolute thermal effect more than three times as great as that of either of the other gases. The quantity of heat evolved by the combustion of equal volumes of carbonic oxide and hydrogen, is nearly, and the amount of oxygen consumed quite the same, but the carbonic acid evolved from the first gives a decided preference to hydrogen as the best diluent. The same comparison also shows that when the gas is to be used for heating purposes, and the products of combustion are carried away, light carburetted hydrogen is by far the best diluent. The experiments of Dulong on the absolute thermal effect 78 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE of hydrogen, light carburetted hydrogen, and carbonic oxide, are taken as the basis of the foregoing calculations. Dulong found that — 1 lb. H raised the temperature of 1 lb. HO through 62471°F. 1 lb. CO " " 1 lb. " 4504°F. 1 lb. CHj « «' 1 lb. " 24244°F. These considerations indicate the objects that should chiefly be regarded, in the generating department of the manufacture of gas for illuminating purposes. They are — 1st. The extraction of the largest possible amount of illu- minating compounds from a given weight of material. 2nd. The formation of a due proportion of illuminating and non-illuminating constituents, so that on the one hand the combustion of the gas shall be perfect, and without the production of smoke or unpleasant odour, and on the other the volume of gas required to procure a certain amount of light shall not be too large. 3rd. The presence of the largest possible proportion of hydrogen amongst the non-illuminating constituents, to the exclusion of light carburetted hydrogen and carbonic oxide, so as to produce the least amount of heat and atmospheric deterioration in the apartments in which the gas is consumed. I have not introduced these preliminary remarks to show the inductive reasoning by which the process of gas-making described below was arrived at, for I believe that, so far as the above considerations are concerned, that process was accidentally adopted ; but I bring them forward to illustrate and explain the results of the following experiments, and also to show that a close study of the chemistry of gas- manufacture would have led to the discovery of this more philosophical method of gas-generation long ago. Mr. White's process consists essentially in the generation of non-illuminating combustible gases by the action of steam upon charcoal, coke, or other deoxidizing substances, in a OP THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 79 separate retort, and the introduction of these gases, along with an excess of watery vapour, into the retort in which the illuminating gases are being generated, and in such a manner that these latter gases shall be swept out of the retort as rapidly as possible, and thus removed from the destructive influence of a high temperature. The excess of steam accompanying the water gas into the second retort performs there a remarkable office; it reacts upon the tar and other fuliginous matter in a manner that will be described below, and gives rise to the formation of a large additional quantity of gas, a very large proportion of which is pure hydrogen. That this reaction of steam should be confined entirely to the tar and other refuse matters, and should not affect the luminiferous gases generated in the same retort, is scarcely conceivable, since the constitution of tar and of gaseous hydrocarbons is so nearly alike ; but any destruction of illuminating principles that may be thus caused, is immensely overbalanced by the quantity of these principles which are saved from decomposition, by their rapid removal from the influence of a high temperature and by the vapours of volatile hydrocarbons with which the water gases remain more or less saturated. My first experiments were made upon the application of the process to resin ; but as these are of less scientific interest than those on its application to coals and cannels, on account of there having been no comparative experiments on resin gas produced by the old process, I will confine myself prin- cipally to a summary of the results, entering into detail only on such points as bear upon, and illustrate the principles which I have laid down. white's process applied to resin. These experiments were conducted at the gas works attached to the mill of Messrs. George Clarke and Co., Ancoats, Manchester. These works consisted, at that time, 80 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE of a bench containing two resin-gas retorts and two water- gas retorts of the largest size. The water retorts discharged themselves into the resin retorts, and these last worked into a hydraulic main, from which the gas passed successively through a refrigerator and wet lime purifier to the gas holder, a vessel of the ordinary construction, and capable of contain- ing about 18,000 cubic feet. The volume of gas produced was measured by a meter placed between the last purifier and the holder; a copper for melting the resin, and an oil cistern for collecting the residual oil condensed in the hydraulic main and refrigerator during the process, completed the apparatus. Before commencing each experiment, the quantity of gas in the holder was carefully determined, and a specimen with- drawn for analysis ; the charcoal retorts were then filled, the resin melted in the oil of a former working — about 7^ gallons being used for each 1 l^lbs. of resin, — and the water and oil tanks being first accurately gauged, the process of gas-making was commenced by admitting properly regulated streams of resin and water into their respective retorts. The temperature of the gas, as it passed through the meter, was found never to exceed 60°F., and was frequently much below this point, thus affording a sufficient guarantee for the correctness of the numbers read ofi". The specimens of gas were drawn from the holder on the morning following each experiment, in order to insure perfect mixture and a fair sample ; and the analyses of these gasea, as well as those examined in the experiments upon coals and cannels, were made over mercury, according to methods which I have fully detailed in the Journal of the Chemical Society, (vol. ii. p. 269, June, 1849,) with this difference, that a new form of apparatus was employed, which will be elsewhere described. This instrument much shortens the processes, without rendering them less accurate. The volume of the gases was always read oflF when they were saturated with OF THE MANUFACTURE OP GAS. 81 watery vapour; the proper correction was afterwards made for this, and the per centage numbers given in the following analysis invariably refer to the gases free from watery vapour. The carbonic acid was determined by caustic potash, the oxygen by Liebig's new method, viz., by absorption with a solution of pyrogallic acid in caustic potash, the illuminating hydrocarbons by strongly fuming sulphuric acid, and the rest of the gases by explosion with excess of oxygen, in which the amount of oxygen consumed and carbonic acid generated were estimated, and the respective volumes of light carburetted hydrogen, carbonic oxide, hydrogen and nitrogen, calculated from the numbers thus obtained. Various attempts have been made to estimate the illu- minating power of coal and other gases from the analytical results yielded by them, but hitherto no certain method of accomplishing this has been established. Dr. Henry regarded the consumption of oxygen by a given volume of the gas to be a rough estimate of its illuminating power; but it is evident that although generally those gases which have the highest illuminating power consume the largest amount of oxygen in relation to their volume, yet this is not always the case, for a gas containing 10 per cent, of olefiant gas, 20 per cent, of light carburetted hydrogen, and 70 per cent, of hydrogen, would consume much less oxygen during com- bustion than one containing only 5 per cent, of olefiant gas, and in which the proportions of light carburetted hydrogen and hydrogen were reversed, although the illuminating power of the former would be twice as great. It will be seen, from what has already been said respecting the illuminating power of hydrocarbons, that the more dense these bodies are the greater is the amount of light they yield. This important fact was first pointed out by Mr. Leigh, who was also the first to make a near approach towards accurately estimating the illuminating power of gas from its analysis. Mr. Leigh regards the illuminating power of coal gas as being 82 CONTRTBUTIOXS TO THE KNOWLEDGE due to hydrocarbons and light carburetted hydrogen, and the value of the former as being directly proportionate to the quantity of oxygen required for their combustion. If we leave the light carburetted hydrogen entirely out of the calculation, as I shall prove that this gas has practically no illuminating power, this method generally gives results not far from the truth ; but they are, nevertheless, liable to very considerable error from the fact that the amount of oxj-gen consumed does not depend alone upon the lumini- ferous ingredient — the carbon, but also upon the amount of hydrogen combined with that element, and which is neces- sarily a variable quantity, being in some of the hydrocarbons in the ratio C:H=n:n, in others C:H=n:n — 6, and in some C : H=n : n — 12. In order to avoid this source of error, and obtain a correct expression for the illuminating power, however much the composition of the hydrocarbon may vary, I have estimated the volume of carbon vapour contained in the luminiferous hydrocarbons, and made that the basis of the calculation. I have already pointed out a method for this estimation of the carbon vapour ;* and Mr. Leigh, in a memoir lately read before this society,f also describes a similar plan, which he employs for the determi- nation of the consumption of oxygen by these bodies. The following is the mode of procedure which I have employed in the annexed determinations of the value of various hydro- carbons. A known quantity of the gas, previous to the action of fuming sulphuric acid, is exploded with an excess of oxygen, and the volume of carbonic acid produced accurately noted. Another known volume of the same gas, after the withdrawal of the hydrocarbons by sulphuric acid, is then similarly exploded with oxygen, and the carbonic acid formed also estimated. Thus, there are determined — 1st, The per centage * Journal of the Chem. Soc, vol. ii. p. 272. 1849. t Mem. of the Lit. and Phil. Soc. of Manchester, vol. ix., p. 303. 1851. OF THK MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 83 amount of hydrocarbons; 2nd, The volume of carbonic acid generated by hydrocarbons, plus the volume of the same gas produced by the non-luminiferous gases; and 3rd, The volume of carbonic acid generated by the non-luminous gases alone. From these data it is easy to calculate the amount of carbonic acid generated by one volume of the hydrocarbons. Thus, if we represent the per centage of hydrocarbons absorbed by sulphuric acid by A., the volume of carbonic acid generated by 100 vols, of the original gas by B., the carbonic acid formed by the gas remaining after the absorption of hydrocarbons from 100 vols, of original gas by C, and the volume of carbonic acid generated by the com- bustion of the hydrocarbons alone by x, we have the follow- ing equation — x—c — b ; and therefore the amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 c b vol. of the hydrocarbons is represented by — ^ — , but as 1 vol. A. of carbon vapour generates 1 vol. of carbonic acid, this fraction also expresses the quantity of carbon vapour in 1 vol. of the luminiferous constituents. For the purpose of comparison, however, I prefer to represent the value of these hydrocarbons in their equivalent volume of olefiant gas, 1 vol. of which contains 2 vols, of carbon vapour ; to effect this the last expression need only be changed to ^r— ^ Thus if there exist in a specimen of gas 10 per cent, of hydro- carbons, one volume of which contains 3 vols, of carbon vapour, the quantity of olefiant gas to which this 10 per cent, is equivalent will be 15. The necessity for this valuation will be evident when I state that one volume of the hydrocarbons absorbable by chlorine, or fuming sulphuric acid, (for both these materials condense precisely the same ingredients if light be perfectly excluded during the action of the chlorine,) contains quanti- 84 CONTKIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE ties of carbon vapour, varying from 2*54 volumes to 4*36 volumes, from which it is evident that two gases undergoing the same amount of condensation from the chlorine and sul- phuric acid tests, might still differ in illuminating power to the extent of more than 71 per cent. In his very carefully performed experiments upon Boghead and Lesmahago cannels. Dr. Fyfe found that practically their illuminating power was nearly equal, although the quantity of hydrocarbons contained in the Boghead gas, as shewn by the chlorine test, was 27 per cent., whilst the Lesmahago gas contained only 17*6 per cent. ; and Dr. Fyfe suggested that this equality of light might be owing to our not being yet acquainted with the method of burning rich gases to ad- vantage ; but on determining the quantity of carbon con- tained in equal volumes of the Boghead and Lesmahago hydrocarbons, I find that 17*6 volumes of the Lesmahago hydrocarbon contain nearly as much carbon as 27 volumes of the Boghead hydrocarbon, which satisfactorily demonstrates this to be the cause of the equality in illuminating power. The following are the results of the experiments upon the process applied to resin : — I— PRACTICAL RESULTS. Materials Comumed. Products Obtained. Average evolu- tion of Gas per Resin. Coal. Charcoal Lime. Watr. Resin Oil. Gas. Gas per Cwt. of Resin. hour. Cub. feet Cwt. qr. lb Cwt. qr. lb lb lb Galls. Cb.ft. Ist Experiment 930 2 1 17i I 2 10 20 73 10.7 3340 1388 2nd 1000 2 1 18 1 2 12 20 77 7.8 3800 1576 3rd 2 0 17 1 2 12 28 85 4.5 4157 1932 4tli 2 0 7 1 2 10 28 624 8.75 3090 1520 Average production of Gas per ton of Resin 32,080 cubic feet. Average production of Resin Oil per ton of Resin 70.3 gallons. Illuminating power of average Gas before purification, as ascertained by shadow test, .75 cubic feet per hour = light of one short six candle. OF THE MANUIACTURE OF GAS. 86 ANALYTICAL RESULTS. COMPOSITION OP GAS BEFORE PURIFICATION. Actual Ammmt in CvMc Feet. Per Centage Amount. 1st Exp. 2nd Exp. 3rd Exp. 4th Exp. > 1st Exp. 2nd Exp, 3rd E.\p. 4th Exp. Average. Hydrocarbona Light carbd. hydrgn. Hydrogen 258.7 587.5 1815,3 967.9 210.6 269.0 805.7 1527.7 890.9 1274.8 1976 2 319.2. 753,3 409.6 194.9 7.75 1758 89.38 28-98 6.31 7.08 40.20 83.54 840 10.78 7.41 21.71 47.90 18.26 4.72 8.22 31.09 42.06 15.04 3.59 7.62 27.64 40.72 17.67 6.35 Carbonic oxide Carbonic acid 3340.0 3800.2 4126.0 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Amount of Carbon Vapour contained in 1 volume of Hydroca»bons=2.8 volumes. COMPOSITION OF GAS AFTER PURIFICATION. 1st Exp. 2nd Exp. 3rd Exp. 4th Exp. Average. Hydrocarbons 8.27 18.76 42.03 30.93 7.94 45.06 37..59 9.41 7.78 22.79 50.27 19.16 8.53 32.25 43.62 15.60 8 13 Light carburetted hydrogen. . Hydrogen 29.71 43 38 Carbonic oxide 18 78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Specific gravity of average Gas before purificationrr. 65886. " " after " =.59133. VALUE OP HYDROCARBONS EXPRESSED IN THEIR EQUIVALENT VOLUME OF OLEFIANT GAS. Value of Actual Amount. Value of Percent- age Amount in Purified Gas. l.st Experiment 2nd Experiment 3rd Experiment 4th Experiment 362-2 Cubic feet. 376-6 " " 4280 " " 11-58 Cubic feet. 1112 " " 10-89 " " 11-94 " « The foregoing analytical results furnish us with a satis- factory explanation of the processes which go on both in the water and resin gas retorts. In the water retorts two distinct decompositions take place, viz., first, the decomposition of steam by charcoal, with the production of equal volumes of 86 CONTKIBtJTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE hydrogen and carbonic oxide gases ; and second, the decom- position of steam by charcoal, with the formation of two volumes of hydrogen and one volume of carbonic acid. The mixture of hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and carbonic acid along with a large excess of steam, then passes into the resin retort, where, mixing with the decomposing resin vapour, it twice traverses the whole length of the red hot vessel. There is no doubt that the greater portion of water gas is produced by the decomposition of this excess of steam in the resin retort, since the weight of charcoal required for the formation of the volume of water gas generated in each of the above experiments, is more than twice as great as that which disappeared from the water retort. This circumstance elucidates the advantages arising from the passage of this gas, mixed with steam, through the resin retort; the fuligenous matter, which would otherwise accumulate and block up this retort and its pipe, as is well known to be the case when resin alone is used, is converted into permanent combustible gas; this, although possessing no illuminating power, yields valuable service in rapidly sweeping out of the red-hot retort the permanent illuminating gases produced by the decomposition of the resin, and in saturating itself with the various volatile hydrocarbons, upon which so much of the illuminating power of all gas depends, and which would otherwise, to a great extent, be left behind with the tar and water in the condensers. It is well known how rapidly olefiant gas and all rich hydrocarbons are decomposed into charcoal and gases, possessing little or no illuminating power when in contact with the walls of a red-hot retort, and therefore the value of the water gas in thus rapidly removing them from this destructive influence, and retaining them in a permanently gaseous form, can scarcely be over-rated ; indeed, this principle has not been entirely neglected in the manufacture of coal gas by the old process, several companies having attached exhausters to their retorts, which, however, OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 87 perform their work very imperfectly, compared with the water gas. The generation of water gas free from carbonic acid, although of no consequence in the process applied to coals and cannels, is a problem of great importance in its applica- tion to resin. The relative quantity of this gas produced varies so considerably, (from 10*78 to 4*72 per cent.,) owing no doubt to the degree of heat at which the decomposition takes place, and also probably to the rapidity with which the water is admitted into the retorts, that it is not impossible, by varying the condition, to get rid of it altogether. Its quantity appears to decrease as the temperature increases, but I have hitherto been unable entirely to prevent its for- mation. It is therefore requisite to have an efficient means for removing it from the gaseous mixture before it arrives at the holder, since this gas is not only entirely useless, being perfectly incombustible, but has a decidedly injurious influence on the combustion of the gas, by cooling the flame, and thus greatly diminishing the illuminating power. Lime, both in its wet and dry state, is quite inefficient for the removal of this carbonic acid, since the carbonate of lime first formed prevents further contact between the gas and the purifying agent. I therefore recommend caustic soda, produced by mixing lime with a solution of common soda, as a most efficient and inexpensive purifying agent when applied in the following manner : — Let 1 cwt. of soda be dissolved in not less than 120 gallons of water, (and proportionately for smaller quantities ;) add to this 70 or 80 lbs. of quick lime ; mix the whole well together and transfer it to the purifier, where it should be occasionally well agitated ; after about 8000 cubic feet of gas have passed through, the mixture should be run oif and allowed to settle in a suitable tank, from which the clear liquor floating above the sediment of carbonate of lim.e must be pumped up into the supply tank for the purifier, and. 88 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE being again mixed with the same quantity of lime, used as before. Thus little or no loss of soda occurs, this base being simply used as a carrier of the carbonic acid from the gas to the lime. The sediment of carbonate of lime may be thrown away between each operation. The cost of purification by this method would not exceed ^d. per 1000 cubic feet. The 4th experiment was made with the purifier charged in the manner described, except that only 75 lbs. of soda were employed. The result of this experiment shows^ that whilst the whole of the carbonic acid can be readily removed by this method, if the caustic soda be employed in sufficient quan- tity, and the gas brought in contact with a large surface of it, the quality of the gas is not in the least deteriorated in its passage through the liquid, as is proved by the increased per centage of olefiant gas. A distinction must be made between unpurified coal gas and unpurified resin gas. The former contains many delete- rious ingredients, which entirely prevent its use; the latter does not contain any noxious principle, but simply has its illuminating power diminished by the presence of carbonic acid. Its purity of composition and freedom from all sub- stances which can, during combustion, produce compounds injurious to furniture, drapery goods, &c., gives the resin gas great advantages over coal gas, which always contains more or less bisulphuret of carbon, — which has hitherto defied all attempts to remove it or diminish its quantity by any process of purification — and which, during combustion, generates sulphurous acid, the compound to which all the mischief produced by coal is probably owing. The odour of the hydro- carbon gas, while it is sufficiently strong to give warning of any escape, is far less nauseous than that of the coal gas, and might even by some persons be deemed pleasant ; whilst the process of manufacture is so simple, that any person of mode- rate intellect can at once conduct it. OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS, 89 WHITES PROCESS APPLIED TO COALS AND CANNELS. The following experiments were conducted at the same works, and with the same apparatus as those on the process applied to resin ; but in order to obtain a fair comparison of the results yielded by the various coals when distilled alone, as in the usual process of gas making, with those obtained from the same coals when treated with water gas, according to the new process, each coal was distilled first by itself, and then with the addition of water-gas, equal weights being used for each experiment ; but as smaller quantities of gas were produced in these experiments than in the previous ones on resin, it was necessary to avoid any error which might arise from intermixture of the gases filling the small refrigerator, purifiers, &c., between the retorts and the holder, previous to the commencement of each experiment, and therefore the capacity of these vessels was determined, and a quantity of gas considerably greater than requisite to fill them, and made under the same circumstances as that in the succeeding experiment, was passed through them before each trial commenced. This plan of clearing out the vessels and pipes was found to answer perfectly on testing it by passing alternately similar quantities of Wigan cannel gas and water-gas through them, and the observation of the num- ber of feet indicated by the meter before the flame of a test burner, coming from the ingress pipe near the holder, fully assumed the illuminating power of the gas which was being produced. This precaution being adopted, each experiment was com- menced by charging one of the retorts, thoroughly cleaned out, with 1 cwt. of coal or cannel, which was distributed nearly equally between the upper and lower divisions ; the lid being then replaced as quickly as possible, the distillation was continued, either with or without the addition of water gas, until all volatile matters were expelled from the coal N 90 COKTBIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE retort. The water gas was produced, as usual, by allowing a thin stream of water to fall upon charcoal heated to full redness in a separate retort ; this gas, along with the excess of steam, then passed into the lower division of the coal retort, sweeping in its course the gases forming in both the lower and upper divisions rapidly into the hydraulic main, and producing, in its passage, an additional quantity of water gas by the action of the steam upon the coal tar. The production of the water gas was so regulated as to be most rapid at the commencement of the experiment, and then gradually to decline to its close. For the purification of the gases nothing more was used than two small purifiers, the one containing wet and the other di'Y lime ; but on the large scale, arrangements ought to be made for removing ammonia as well as sulphuretted hydrogen. There is, however, no constituent contained in the gases made by the new process applied to coals, which requires means of purification different from those commonly used in all gas works. The samples of gases employed for testing the illuminating power and for analysis, were collected in the following man- ner : — The main conveying the gas from the purifiers to the holder was tapped at a point just before it entered the meter, and a tube attached leading to a graduated gas-holder capable of containing 80 cubic feet. The flow of gas into this holder was so regulated by a stop-cock as to allow the admission of a cer- tain per centage throughout the entire working; for instance, if a 10 per cent, sample was being taken, 10 feet entered this holder during the time 90 feet passed through the meter. The per centages varied from 3 to 10 in the diiferent experi- ments, but they were always made as large as the size of the holder rendered practicable. The volume of gas thus extracted was noted, and added to the quantity indicated by the meter. This method is much more convenient and accurate than when a large holder is employed and the total quantity of OF THE MANGFACTUKE OF GAS. 91 gas operated upon, since a large holder, even when depressed to the greatest extent, must always contain a considerable quantity of gas from the previous operation, and thus the experiment is vitiated ; whilst with a smaller vessel, this residue can always be got rid of by allowing a few cubic feet of the gas at the time generating, to blow through it simul- taneously with the collection of the first portion of the sample. A rather low heat was employed in all the experiments, as it was found to be the best as well for the coals alone as with water gas ; and the results obtained in the trials of the coals without water gas, will rarely be found below those of other experimenters. The temperature of the gases on reaching the meter was found to be no higher than that of the external atmosphere. The greatest care was taken to secure accuracy in the results and perfect fairness in the comparison between the coals distilled alone and with water gas. All the weighings were made before me, and every experiment from beginning to end was made under my own personal inspection. The illuminating power was tested by Bunsen's Photo- meter,— a large number of the experiments being made with an improved form of the instrument, invented by Messrs. Church and Mann, of the City Gas Works, London. In some instances, the shadow test was also tried. The size of burner and pressure of gas were in most cases noted, and in every instance the determination of the illuminating power was made when the gas was burning to the greatest advantage, that is, without a flickering flame or a tendency to smoke. These experiments are, however, even with the greatest care, subject to certain errors, caused principally by the irre- gular burning of the spermaceti candle, rendering them only approximative. The liability to these errors has, it is true, been much reduced by the ingenious plan of substituting a 92 CONTKIBDTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE jet of gas for the candle, as proposed by Mr. King and Mr. Wright ; but yet the impossibility of accurately ascertaining the consumption of the candle, at the moment when the gas- jet is made equal to it, renders the experiments still liable to small inaccuracies. The following results are all corrected to those which would have been obtained by using a sperm candle burning 120 grs. per hour; and one of these candles burning 10 hours, is taken as the standard with which to com- pare the total quantity of light yielded by a given volume of gas. Thus, when it is stated that the total quantity of gas produced from 1 cwt. of coal, when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour, is equal to 546 candles, it is intended that the light afforded by the gas is equal to that yielded by 546 sperm candles, each burning 10 hours, and at the rate of 120 grs. per hour. The following are the results of the experiments : — WIGAN CANNEL, (INCE HALL.) I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 1 cwt. Gas prodaced 545 cubic feet. Coke left 74 lbs. Time occupied 3h. 20m. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Test. 3 cubic feet per hour. 3 cubic feet per hour. 4 cubic feet per hour. 5 cubic feet per hour. ^ cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-tail No. 1. Press. .3 in. »= 8.77 candles. Fish-tail No. 1. Press. .4 in. »= 13.9 candles. Fish-tail No. 3. Press. .6 in. == 18.0 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. Press. .5 in. = 33.1 candles. Total gas produced when burnt at 5 feet per hour, yields light = 240*8 sperm candles. OF THE MANOFAOTOEE OF GA8. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OP DRY GAS. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas, equivalent to lfl*13 per cent, of defiant gas 1081 Light carburetted hydrogen 41'99 Hydrogen 35 94 Carbonic oxide 10*07 Carbonic acid 119 Nitrogen ) . [ traces Oxygen J 10000 98 ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 58'05=81-27 olefiant gasi Light carburetted hydrogen 225"48 Hydrogen 19300 Carbonic oxide S4'07 Carbonic acid C'39 Watery vapour* 801 S4500 Amount of carbonic gas generated by 1 volume of hydro- carbons, &c., condensed by fuming sulphuric acid, = 2*8 volumes. n.-WlTH WATER GAS. Cannel used 112 lbs. Gas produced 806 cubic feet. Coke left 68 lbs. Timeoccupied 3h. 20 m. * It was found quite impossible to determine the quantity of watery vapour contained in each gas as it passed through the meter, since both the tempera- ture of the gas and the degree of saturation were subject to variations during each experiment ; a mean amount of 147 per cent, has therefore been assumed as the watery vapour present in each case. Although this number is not absolutely accurate, it is more than sufficiently so for all practical purposes. 94 CONTRTBDTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. Shadow Test. .576 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .7 in. = 8.6 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .6 in. = 13.7 candles. 4 feet per hour. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .6 in. = 15,8 candles. 5 feet per hour. Fish-tail No. 4. Press. .5 in. = 20 candles. Total gas produced when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour, yields light = 322*4 sperm, candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas equivalent to 13 72 per | cent, defiant gaa J Light carburetted hydrogen 27*20 Hydrogen 47'39 Carbonic oxide ]4'86 Carbonic acid 0*00 Oxygen and Nitrogen, (traces) 10000 ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas 83-77=1 08*9 defiant gajs. Light carburetted hydrogen 215*97 Hydrogen 376*28 Carbonic oxide 117*99 Watery vapour 11*99 806*00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of con- densible hydrocarbons = 2*60 volumes. >■ Per cwt. 6 candles. Hence gain in illuminating power by the employment of water gas . And gain in defiant gas =27*63 cub. ft, Gain in quantity of gas =261 " " Per ton, 1632 candles. 352*6 cub. ft. 5*220 " " Per cent. 33*9 candles. 34 cub. ft. 47*9 " " OF THE MANDFACTURE OF GAS. 95 BOGHEAD CANNEL. I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 112 lbs. Gas produced 662 cubic feet. Coke left 36 lbs. Time occupied 2h,55m. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Test. 1 foot per hour. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. .325 cubic feet pei hour = 1 candle. Fish-tail burner.* Press, .9 in, --= 6.48 candles. Ksh-taiL Press. 1.2 in. = 14.4 candles. Fish-tail. Press. .6 in. = 25.7 candles. Winfield's Button Burner. = 52.6 candles. Total gas produced when burnt at the rate of 3 feet per hour, yields light = 567 sperm candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas equivalent to 3 1' 11 per cent, olefiant gas 24*50 Light carburetted hydrogen 5838 Hydrogen 10'54 Carbonic oxide 658 Carbonic acid 0*00 JOOOO ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 1 59*7 =202*8 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 380'8 Hydrogen 68*8 Carbonic oxide 429 Aqueous vapour 9.8 6620 * The fish-tail burners used in these experiments were very small, and made expressly for this exceedingly rich gas. 06 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of hydro- carbons, condensed by fuming sulphuric acid=2'54 volumes. II.— WITH WATER GAS. Cannel ased 112 lbs. Gas produced 1908 cnbic feet. Coke kit 37i lbs. Time occupied Shears. ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. Shadow Test. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. 8 feet per hour. 425 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-tail No. 1. Press. .3 in. = 11.2 candles. Fish-taU No. 2. Press. = 16.8 candles. Fish-tail No. 4, Press. .4 in. = 20,0 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. Press. .6 in. = 29.7 candles. Winfield's Burner. = 50.6 candles. Total gas produced when burnt at the rate of 3 feet per hour, yields light = 1068'4^. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas equivalent to 1984 per cent, olefiant gas I4'12 Light carburetted hydrogen 22'25 Hydrogen 4551 Carbonic oxide 14 34 Carbonic acid 3'78 10000 ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 265"5=373 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 418"2 Hydrogen 855'5 Carbonic oxide 269'6 Carbonic acid 710 Aqueous vapour 28 2 19080 OF THE MANDFACTURE OF GAS. »7 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of con- densible hydrocarbons =281 volumes. Per owt, Hence gain in iilominating power "^ by the employment of water gas And gain in oleiiant gas 170.2 cub. ft, Gain in quantity of gas 1246 " ** f 501.4 candles. J Per ton, 10.028 candles 3404 cub. ft. 24920 " " Per cent. 88.4 candles. 83.9 cub. ft. 188.2 " " NOTB.— The following Is the per centage composition of this extraordinary cannel according to the mean of two analyses made with great care by my assistant Mr. Russell : — Carbon 6S.34 Hydrogen 9.12 Oxygen 5.46 Nitrogen 71 Sulphur 16 Water 64 Ash 18.68 100.00 In this experiment it was found impossible to generate more than one half of the requisite quantity of water gas from the water retort connected with that in which the cannel was distilled, and consequently another water retort had to be employed ; but this, instead of pouring its gas into the coal retort, delivered it directly into the hydraulic main ; thus reducing the advantageous operation of the water gas in rapidly sweeping out the illuminating gases from the coal retort, and, in addition, preventing the removal of a consider- able amount of carbonic acid, which materially diminished the illuminating power, as indicated by the photometer. I have since had the opportunity of repeating the experi- ment with a new apparatus, consisting of one coal and two water retorts, both of the latter delivering their gas into the lower division of the former: the other conditions of the experiment were the same as before. 98 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE SECOND EXPERIMENT. Cannel Dsed 112 lbs. Gas produced 2586 cubic feet. Time occupied ^ 3h. 15m. ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. Ksh-tafl No. 1. 6 candles. Fish-tail No. 1. 10.1 candles. Rsh-tail No. 4. 15.1 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. 17.9 candles. Leslie's Burner 20.0 candles. Total gas produced when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour, yields light = 1034.4 sperm candles. Hence gain in illuminating power by application of water gas process Gain in quantity of gas Per cwt. 467.4 candles. 1924 cub. ft. Per ton. 934.8 candles. 38,480 cub. ft. Per cent. 82.4 290.6 cub. ft. No analyses were made in connection with this experi- ment, but it was carefully ascertained that the gas did not contain more than a mere trace of carbonic acid. The experiment thus demonstrates the fact that the whole of the carbonic acid is removed from the water gas during its passage through the coal retort, even when Boghead cannel is employed, and also that the enormous quantity of 51,720 cubic feet of gas, possessing a high illuminating power, is capable of being produced from 1 ton of the Boghead cannel ; but it does not show, as might have been expected, that the additional quantity of water gas passed through the coal retort has had the ejffect of preserving more of the illumi- nating hydrocarbons than in the previous experiment ; on the OF THE MANUFACTURE OF OAS. 99 contrary, a slight diminution of total illuminating power is seen on comparing the results of the two experiments. But this diminution is accounted for, when we consider that the first experiment was made in summer, whilst the last was performed during the last frost and with the holder covered with snow; the gas therefore passed through a species of ice-test, and suffered a small diminution of illuminating power, the extent of which we shall speak of presently. LESMAHAGO CANNEL. I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 1121b8. Gas produced 531 cubic feet. Coke left 54ilbs. Time occupied 3h, 20m. ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. Shadow Test. 2 feet per hoiir. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 4i feet per hour. ,85 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-taQ No. 1, Press. .6 m. = 12.1 candles. Fish-tail No. 1. Press. .6 in. - 33.3 candles. Fish-taU No, 3. Press, .5 in, = 38,7 candles. Fish-taQ No. 3. Press. .6 in. = 36 candles. Total quantity of gas when burnt at the rate of 4 feet per hour, yields light = 381 sperm candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OP i)RY GAS. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas eqilivalent to 28.30 pet cent, defiant gas .; 16.31 Light carburetted hydrogen 42.01 Hydrogen 26.84 Carbonic oxide 14.18 Carbonic acid gQ Oxygen and nitrogen (traces) . 100.00 100 CONTETBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 8S.3 = 148 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 219.8 Hydrogen 140.6 Carbonic oxide 74.2 Carbonic acid 3.4 Aqueoos vapour 7.8 531.0 Amount of carbonic acid produced by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 3.47 volumes. II.— WITH WATER GAS. Cannel used l]21bs. Gas produced 1459 cubic feet. Coke left 49 lbs. Time occupied 3h. 18m. ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. Shaaow Test. 2 feet per liour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. .5 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-tsdl No. 3. Press. .5 in. = 9-3 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .6 in. = 13.2 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. ,6 in. = 191 candles. Fish-taU No. 4. Press. .5 in. = 2S.7 candles. Total quantity of gas when burnt at the rate of 4 feet per hour, yields light = 696.7 sperm candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF DRY GAS. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas equivalent to 19.05 per cent, defiant gas 10.89 Light carburetted hydrogen 18.94 Hydrogen 55.09 Carbonic oxide 15.02 Carbonic acid .06 100.00 OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 101 ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and defiant gas 156.5 = 273.9 olcfiant gas- LJght carburetted hydrogen 272.3 Hydrogen 791.9 Carbonic oxide 215.9 Carbonic acid 9 Aqueous vapour 21.5 1459.0 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 3.50 volumes* Gain in illuminating power by appli- cation of water gas = Gain in quantity of olofiant gas ... Gain in total quantity of gas pro- duced Per cwt. 315.7 candles. 125,9 cub. ft. 928 « Per ton. 6314 candles. 2518 cub. ft 18,560 " Per cent. 82.8 85.1 174.8 METHYL CANNEL. I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 112Ib8. Gas produced 478 cubic feet. Coke loft 51 lbs. Time occnpied 3 hours. ILLUMINATING POWER OP GAS. 1 foot per hoar. 2 feet per hoar. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. FUh-tail No. 1 = 8.7 candles. Fish-taU No. 1. = 10.1 candles. Fish-tail No. 1, = 17.4 candles, Fish-tail No. 2. = 21,5 candles. Fish-tail No, 3. = 27,8 candles. Illuminating power of total gas burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 265.8 candles. 102 CONTBIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE PErf*CENTAGE COMPOSTION OF GAS. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas equivalent to 18.53 per cent olefiant gas 14.48 Light carburetted hydrogen 38.76 Hydrogen 33,32 Carbonic oxide 13.40 Carbonic acid .05 Nitrogen and Oxygen, (traces) — ^ 100.00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 2.56 volumes. ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 68.2=87.3 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 182.5 Hydrogen 156.9 Carbonic oxidei 63.1 Carbonic acid .3 Aqueous vapour 7.0 478.0 11.— WITH WATER GAS. Cannel used 1121bs. Gas produced 1320 cubic feet. Coke left 61 lbs. Time 3 hours. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. FUh-taU No 1. = 7i2 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. = 10.7 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. = 15.3 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. = 21 candles. Illuminating power of total quantity of gas burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 554.4 candles. OF THE MANUFACTURE OF OAS. 103 PER CENTAGE COMPOSITON OP GAS. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas equivalent to 14.05 per cent, olefiant gas 11.06 Light carburetted hydrogen .-. 22.89 Hydrogen 45.58 Carbonic oxide 20.44 Carbonic acid ,03 Nitrogen and Oxygen, (traces) 100.00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hjdrocarbons=S.54 volumes. ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 143.8=182.6 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 297.8 Hydrogen 592.7 Carbonic oxide 265.8 Carbonic acid .4 Aqueous vapour 19.5 1320.0 Gain in illuminating power by appli- cation of water gas = Gain in quantity of olefiant gas ... Gain in quantity of gas Per cwt. 288.6 candles. 95.3 cub. ft. 842 " " Per ton. 5772 candles. 1906 cub. ft. 16,840 « " Per cent. 108.6 109.2 176.2 NEWCASTLE CANNEL, (RAMSAY'S.) I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 1121bs, Gas produced 515 cubic feet. Coke left 7441bs. Time occupied 3h. 25m. 104 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Te8t. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 6 feet per hour. .575 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle, Ksh-taa No. 1. Press. .4 in. = 8.4 candles. Hsh-taU No. 1. Press. .5 in. = 11.9 candles. Fish-taU No. 1. Press. .8 in. = 30.0 candles. Rsh-tafl No. 2. Press. ,8 iu. = 24.5 candles. Illuminating power of total gas when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 252.3 sperm candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF GAS. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas equivalent to 16.94 per cent defiant gas 9-68 Light carburetted hydrogen 41.38 Hydrogen 33.30 Carbonic oxide 15.64 Carbonic acid 0.00 100.00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 3.50 volumes. ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 491=85-9 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 2100 Hydrogen 168-9 Carbonic oxide 79*4 Aqueous vapour 7.6 515.0 II.— WITH WATER GAS. Cannel used 1121bs. Gas produced 751 cubic feet. Coke left 74 lbs. Timeoccupied 3h. 25m. OF THE MANUFACTURK OF OAS. 106 ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Test. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. 6 feet per hour. -725 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-taU No. 2. Press. .4 in. = 5.8 candies. Fish-fe^U No. 2. Press, .6 in, = 10,3 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .6 in, = 14,1 candles. JFi8h-taaNo,4. Press. .8 in, = 18.8 candles. Fish-tail No, 4. Press. .7 in. 23.2 candles. Illuminating power of total gas when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 282.3 sperm candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF GAS. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas equivalent to 13.15 per cent, defiant gas 9.04 Light carburetted hydrogen 26.84 Hydrogen 44.26 Carbonic oxide 19.39 Carbonic acid .47 100,00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 2.91 volumes. ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. Cubic feet. Hydrocarbons and olefiant gas 66.9=97.3 olefiant gas. Light carburetted hydrogen 198.6 Hydrogen 327.5 Carbonic oxide 143.5 Carbonic acid 3.4 Aqueous vapour 11.1 761.0 Hence — Gain in illumuiating power by the employment of water gas = Gain in quantity of defiant gas ... Gain ia total quantity of gas Per owt. 30 candles. 11.4 cub. ft. 236 " •* Per ton. 600 candles. 228 cub. ft. 4720 " « Per cent. 11.2, 13.3 45.8 106 C0NTBTBDTI0N8 TO THE KNOWLEDGE The results yielded by this cannel are very different from those obtained with the same material at the Western Gas Worlcs, London. Mr. "Wright, the eminent engineer to the Western Gas Company, has lately made a series of experi- ments, conducted with great care and accuracy, upon the gas there produced, and states that a flame consuming 3 feet per hour produced light equal to from 16.6 to 20 candles ; and this statement is perfectly corroborated by my own analysis of a specimen of the Western Company's gas collected June 15th, 1851, and given below. As I have not had an oppor- tunity of repeating the practical examination, I can only reconcile these discordant results by supposing either that the specimen of Newcastle cannel sent me for investi- gation was of inferior quality, or that some unknown disturbing cause interfered with my experiments upon it. I should anticipate that at least 29,000 cubic feet of gas per ton, with an illuminating power equal to 20 candles for a consumption of 5 feet per hour, could be obtained from this cannel by the application of water gas, if of the same quality as that used at the Western Gas Company's works, Faddington. WIGAN CANNEL, (BALCARRES.) I.— WITHOUT WATER GAS. Cannel used 112 lbs. Qas produced 522 cubic feet. Coke left 68^ lbs. Time occupied 3h. 25m. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Test. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 6 feet per hour. .675 cubic feet per hour =» 1 candle. Ksh-taU No. 3. Press. A in. = 6.0 candles. Fish-tail No. 3. Press. .5 in. <= 10.9 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. ,6 in. = li.7 candles. Firii-taU No. 4. Press, .6 in. = 19.9 candles. OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 107 Illuminating power of total gas when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 207.8 candles. No analyses of this and the following specimen of gas were made. II.— WITH WATER GAS. Cannel used 112 lbs. Gasprodaoed 775 cubic feet. Coke 67|lbs. Time occupied 3h. IS m. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. Shadow Test. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. 7 cubic feet per hour = 1 candle. Fish-taU No. 1. Press. .4 in. = 5.6 candles. Fish-tail No. 3. Press. A in. " 9,6 candles. Fish-tail No. 3. Press. .6 in. = 14.1 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. Press, .6 in. = 19.1 candles. Illuminating power of total gas when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 296 candles. Hence — Gain in illominating power by the employment of water gas ... = Gain in total quantity of gas ... = Per owt. 88.2 candles. 253 cubic feet. Per ton. 1764 candles. 5060 cubic ft, Per cent. 42.4 48.5 NEWCASTLE COAL, (PELTON.) I have not ascertained the results which this coal yields with water gas, owing to an experiment which I made being rendered useless by the occurrence of a leakage in the appa* ratus, the sample of coal at my disposal being so nearly exhausted as not to leave a sufficient quantity for a repetition of the trial. The following examination of the gas produced from the coal distilled without water gas, may not, however, prove entirely uninteresting. 108 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE NEWCASTLE COAL, (PELTON.) WITHOUT WATEK GAS. Coal used 112 lbs. Gas produced 504 cubic feet. Coke left 70 lbs. ILLUMINATING POWER OF GAS. 2 feet per hour. 3 feet per hour. 4 feet per hour. 5 feet per hour. 6 feet per hour. Kgh-tail No. 1, Press. = .6 in. = 46 candles. Fish-tail No. 2. Press. .6 in. = 8.8 caadles. Fish-taU No. 3. Press. .4 in. = 12.15 candles. Fish-tail No. 4. Press. .4 in. == 14.9 candles Fish-tail No. 4. Press. .6 in. = 17.0 candles. Illuminating power of total gas when burnt at the rate of 5 feet per hour = 150.2 candles. PER CENTAGE COMPOSITION OF GAS. Hydro-carbons and olefiant gEis equivalent to 7.16 percent, olefiant gas 3.87 Light carburetted hydrogen 32.87 Hydrogen 60.05 Carbonic oxide 12.89 Carbonic acid .32 Nitrogen and oxygen (traces)... 100.00 Amount of carbonic acid generated by 1 volume of conden- sible hydrocarbons = 3.70 volumes. ACTUAL CONSTITUENTS. (Jubic feet. Hydro-carbons and olefiant gas 1 9.2= 35.5 olefiant gas. Light earburetted hydrogen 163.2 Hydrogen 248i5 Carbonic oxide 64.0 Carbonic acid 1,6 Aqueous vapour 7.5 504.0 OF THE MANUFACTUBE OF GAS. • 109 The foregoing experiments give us a much more complete insight into this process of gas making than did the previous ones on resin gas; and they also bring to light several circum- stances highly favourable to it, which could scarcely have been predicted previous to the actual trials being made. The first and most important of these is the disappearance of the carbonic acid contained in the water gas during its passage through the coal retort. This disappearance is so complete that the resulting gaseous mixture actually contains a much smaller percentage than does the gas obtained by the distilla- tion of the coal alone. It is true that the gases examined in the above experiments had streamed through small wet and dry lime purifiers ; but I have shown that in the production of gas from resin, lime \fras almost useless for removing car- bonic acid in these purifiers, and that, even when charged with caustic soda, they still left 3.59 per cent, in the gas. It is therefore certain, that the carbonic acid of the water gas is de- stroyed by some action taking place during its passage through the coal retort ; thus obviating all trouble and expense of removing this gas by any purifying process whatever. There is little doubt that this removal of the carbonic acid depends upon its conversion into carbonic oxide gas by the carbon- aceous matters in the coal retort ; and of these the coke is probably the most active, since the volatile matters do not differ materially from those produced during the distillation of resin; and these, we have seen, fail to remove the acid gas* Another favourable circumstance occurring in the process consists in the relatively small quantity of carbonic oxide that is produced ; a large proportion of this gas would be equally objectionable with a high per centage of light carburetted hydrogen, so far as the quantity of carbonic acid formed during its subsequent combustion is concerned; a reference to the composition of the foregoing gases shows us, however, that in all cases the amount of carbonic acid generated is less than that formed by the combustion of an equal volume of 110 CONTBIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE the gas obtained from the same coals by the ordinary process of manufacture, and in some cases it is even less than that produced by a pure coal gas flame giving an equal light. The following table shows this comparison: — Name of Gas. Cubic feet of carbonic acid produced by combustion of 100 cubic feet of gas. Cubic feet of carbonic acid produced per hour by a light equal to 20 candles. Ince Hall cannel 83.5 69.5 89.3 71.5 . 90.9 72.8 113.9 72.1 127.2 76.3 3.76 Ditto with water gas 3.47 Methyl cannel 3.32 Ditto with water gas 3.40 Ramsay's Newcastle cannel 3.64 Ditto with water gas 3.86 Lesmahago cannel 2.95 Ditto with water gas 3.02 Boghead cannel 2.96 Ditto with water gas 3.05 The favourable position which the gases made by the new process occupy in the above comparison, could not have been attained if the whole or even a very large portion of the water gas had been generated in the charcoal retort; for when water gas alone is so generated, it is found to consist of hydrogen and carbonic oxide, mixed with quantities of carbonic acid, varying from 0 to 15 per cent, according to the heat employed and other circumstances. When the per centage of the acid gas is 0, then the volumes of hydrogen and carbonic oxide are equal ; and as no important quantity of carbonic acid was ultimately present in the gases produced in the foregoing experiments, the whole of that gas entering the coal retort must be converted into carbonic oxide, and therefore we may consider the water gas entering the coal retort as being composed of equal volumes of hydrogen and carbonic oxide. Now, if the increase in the total quantity of gas produced by the application of the new process to any given coal or cannel, were due only to the water gas formed ill the charcoal retort, it is obvious that the gain in carbonic OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. Ill oxide ought to be equal to the gain in hydrogen ; but a glance at the analytical results shows that this is far from being the case; thus with — BOGHEAD CANNEL. The gain in hydrogen = 786.9 cubic feet. And " carbonic oxide = 226.7 " Hence, gain in hydrogen : gain in carbonic oxide = 3.5 : 1. With— LESMAHAGO CANNEL. The gain in hydrogen = 661.2 cubic feet. And " carbonic oxide = 141.6 " Hence, gain in hydrogen : gain in carbonic oxide = 4.6 : 1. With— INCE HALL CANNEL. The gain in hydrogen ...... = 183 cubio feet. And " carbonic oxide = 63.9 " Hence, gain in hydrogen : gain in carbonic oxide = 2.9 : 1 . With— RAMSAY'S NEWCASTLE CANNEL. The gain in hydrogen = 158.7 cubic feet. And " carbonic oxide = 64.2 " Hence, gain in hydrogen : gain in carbonic oxide = 2.5 : 1 . And with — METHYL CANNEL. The gain in hydrogen = 435.6 cubic feet. And " carbonic oxide — 202.6 " Hence, gain in hydrogen : is to gain in carbonic oxide = 2.2: 1. It is therefore evident, that a large quantity of water gas must be generated by the action of steam upon the carbon- aceous materials in the coal retort, and that this water gas 112 CONRTIBDTTONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE contains a very much greater per centage of hydrogen than that produced in the charcoal retort. Although we are not yet sufiiciently acquainted with the action of watery vapour upon organic substances at high temperature, to state posi- tively the cause of this excess of hydrogen, yet there can be little doubt that it is derived from the action of steam upon the hydrocarbons of the tar ; for as watery vapour in acting upon carbon transfers its oxygen to that element, forming carbonic oxide and an equal volume of hydrogen, so also when steam acts upon a compound of carbon and hydrogen, it produces carbonic oxide, but in doing so sets at liberty not only its own hydrogen but that of the carbohydrogen also ; and thus the volumes of hydrogen and carbonic oxide remain no longer equal, but the volume of the former becomes double, treble, or even fourfold that of the latter. Thus the non-luminous gases contain a very large proportion of hydro- gen, which, as we have already proved, is very much prefer- able to carbonic oxide and light carburetted hydrogen, on account of the relatively small extent to which a given volume vitiates the atmosphere and heats the apartments in which it is consumed. It has been supposed that the gases generated by the new process have, to some extent, the nature of naphthalized gases, and that, therefore, when allowed to stand for some time in the holder, and especially when exposed to a freezing temperature, their illuminating power would be much dete- riorated. It was of importance carefully to ascertain the value of this objection, and I therefore allowed a specimen of the Boghead hydrocarbon gas to stand over water in a holder for forty-eight hours, but at the expiration of that time, its illuminating power had not suflfered the least dete- rioration. I then exposed various specimens of gas to the temperature of melting ice for several hours ; the usual mode of doing this, by allowing the gas to stream through a ser- pentine pipe surrounded by ice, is nearly valueless, since the OF THE MANUFACTURE OF OAS. 118 temperature of the gas does not become reduced to 32° unless the tube be inconveniently long and the stream very slow; and if any hydrocarbons are condensed, they have not time entirely to deposit, but a portion is carried forward in the vesicular condition, until on emerging from the refrigerator it is again gasified by the increasing temperature. To avoid these errors an apparatus* was employed in the following experiments, by means of which the volume of the gas satu- rated with watery vapour, and at the temperature of about 60°F., could be accurately ascertained, and the gas then trans- ferred without loss into the refrigerator, where it was exposed to 32'^ for not less than one hour; it was then transferred into the measuring portion of the apparatus, the pressure upon the gas being constantly preserved equal to that of the external atmosphere; when the gas had again become perfectly saturated with watery vapour, its volume at 60°F. was again ascertained ; the difference gave the loss of hydrocarbons in the refrigerator. I have not submitted all the gases to this test ; but it has been applied to a sufficient number to show that those made by the new process, so far from losing more illuminating materials by exposure to cold, lose in all cases less than the corresponding gas made by the usual process from coal alone. The following are the results of these experiments : — NAME OF GAS. Cubic feet of hydrocarbons condensed from 100 cubic feet of gas on exposure to a cold of 32" p. Boghead " with water-gas Methyl " with water-gas Ince Hall 4.42 cubic feet, .24 " .33 « .07 " .37 " * This apparatus will be fiilly described along with the one used for the analysis of the gases. Q 114 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE There is little doubt that all descriptions of coal gas expe- rience some loss of illuminating principles on exposure to a cold of 32°, but the gases richest in hydrocarbons will lose generally the largest proportion ; and hence the advantage of diluting such gases so as to afford more space for the vapours of these hydrocarbons, and thus prevent their condensation. This advantage is seen most strikingly in the behaviour of Boghead gas, with and without water gas, when exposed to the ice test. The difference in the case of Lesmahago would probably be still more striking, as, from the much greater density of its hydrocarbons, it might be expected to lose a large proportion when submitted to the ice test in its pure state. For the purpose of comparison with the above experi- ments, I have analysed the gases supplied to consumers from the Manchester Corporation works, and by several of the London companies. The specimens were all collected by myself ; that of the Manchester gas in June, and those of the London gases on the 15th of July, 1851. In some instances they were taken from the burner of the consumer, in others at the works. At the offices of two of the London com- panies I was kindly permitted to take the illuminating power of the gas by means of a Bunsen's photometer ; the illumi- nating power of the other gases is deduced from the analytical results. I have assumed that the sperm candles used in the experi- ments just alluded to were burning 130 grs. of sperm per hour, and have corrected the observations to the standard of 120 grs. per hour. For obvious reasons, I omit the names of the companies by whom the various gases were supplied. The following are the numbers obtained : — OF THE MANUFACTUBE OF GAS. 116 5.3 i 5 o o t>. — ' l-H t>. IS" 'is •g-1 tS"! --< 00 — 4 O -H t» ^ ,^ rt JO 1-1 15 h O h U fci o d V d 7 «e » -* •a "3 "3 « o p goo o 5 .2 » 116 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE The per centage amount of olefiant gas contained in the Pelton gas and the gases marked B and C in the above table, all of them coal gases, would lead us to infer that their illu- minating power is much lower than is really the case, for according to the experiments upon cannel gases, it appears that when a consumption of 5 feet per hour produces a light equal to 20 candles, the gas contains 13.12 per cent, of olefiant gas, or its equivalent in richer hydrocarbons; and, hence, we should expect that a gas containing only half this amount would, when burnt at the same rate, produce a light equal only to 10 candles, instead of 13, as is found to be the case. This excess of illuminating power in the case of coal gases over that indicated by analysis, is probably owing to the presence of luminiferous constituents not condensible either by fuming sulphuric acid, or by chlorine. The nature of these constituents, and the cause why they cannot be detected by our present methods of gas analysis, I have already pointed out, (Journal of Chemical Society, vol. iii. p. 42.) The following table exhibits this difference between the value of olefiant gas in coal gas, compared with that in cannel gas, and shows also, that in the case of the latter the illuminating power is always directly proportional to the amount of olefiant gas to which the per centage of condensible hydrocarbons is equivalent. The establishment of this rule with regard to gases having such different per centages of light carburetted hydrogen as the Boghead gas, with and without water gas, I hold to be conclusive evidence that light carburetted hydrogen has no higher illuminating power than hydrogen or carbonic oxide* Value of 1 cubic foot of the olefiant gas, contained in the following gases, expressed in sperm candles, each burning 10 hours, at the rate of 120 grs. per hour. OF THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 117 CANNEL GASES. Inoe Hall oannel 2.95 candles^ Ditto with water gas 2.96 " Boghead cannel 2.80 " Ditto with water gas 2.83 " Lesmahago cannel 2.58 " Ditto with water gas 2.54 " Ramsay's Newcastle cannel , 2.88 " Ditto with water gas 2.86 " Methyl cannel 3.04 " Ditto with water gas 3.03 " COAL GASES. Pelton coal 4.23 candles. Gas B 3.73 " Gas C....... 3.91 « The conclusion resulting from the application of Mr* White's hydrocarbon process to coals and cannels may he thus summed up : — 1. It greatly increases the produce in gas from a given weight of coal or cannel, the increase being from 46 to 290 per cent, according to the nature of the material operated upon. 2. It greatly increases the total illuminating power afforded by a given weight of coal, the increase amounting to from 12 to 108 per cent.^ being greatest when coals affording highly illuminating gases are used. 3. It diminishes the quantity of tar formed, by converting a portion of it into gases possessing a considerable illumi- nating power. 4. It enables us profitably to reduce the illuminating power of the gases produced from such materials as Boghead and Lesmahago cannels, &c., so as to fit them for burning without smoke and loss of light. 5. It increases the per centage amount of hydrogen and 118 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE diminishes that of light carburetted hydrogen, thus decreasing the vitiating effect upon the atmosphere and the oppressive heat of the apartments in which the gas is consumed. 6. In addition to these positive advantages, the use of this process does not incur any additional expense in the working of the apparatus, or the wear and tear of retorts ; it involves no alterations in the construction of furnaces and apparatus at present employed in gas manufactories conducted on the old system. TABLE SHEWING THE QUANTITY OF COAL OR CANNEL RE- QUISITE FOR PRODUCING LIGHT EQUAL TO 1000 SPERM CANDLES, EACH BURNING 10 HOURS, AT THE RATE OF 120 GRS. PER HOUR. Name of CoaL Wigan cannel (Ince Hall) Wigan cannel (Balcarres) Boghead cannel Lesmahago cannel Newcastle cannel . . Newcastle coal (Pelton) Methyl cannel Weight of Coal. By old process. By White's process. 465.1 lbs. 347.4 lbs. 539.0 •' 378.4 " 197.5 " 104.8 " 293.9 " 160.7 " 443.9 " 396.7 « 745.7 " 421.4 " 202.0 " OP THE MANUFACTURE OF GAS. 119 H zn < O PR .9 s .S!3 0 O • 31 1^ 1-^ eo CI CO C-l (M Oj »C CI r-H U5 -* 00^ ^ CO^ -^ -«ir r-T rt »o ,-< ,-1 ^ CO CO d 00 r-<^ -«J<_ O^ r-^ oT «r «r «5 (M al measures 9 New red sandstones and other sujie- rior rocks 4 12 1 100 30 43 27 Six of the slate and silurian specimens were striated. In the brick-yard near to the Royal Edward, on examina- tion of 100 specimens, I found that the stones there thrown out of the clay were of the following descriptions, viz : — Granites, greenstones, porphyries, &c 42 Slates and Silurians 44 Mountain limestones 4 Coal measures 8 New red sandstones and other superior rocks 2 100 Their external characters were pretty much the same as in the table above described, of specimens from the brick-yard near to the railway station. Similar fragments of shells were likewise met with. Deposit No. 2 is shewn on the face of the cliff under the bed last described. The clay to the deptli of about 15 yards in some places is without much change of character, except that it is a little more stony. Isolated patches of stratified sand are met with in it. One or two of these may be seen in the face of the cliff below the Royal Edward, and by their soft nature cause the cliff to fall faster than in other places. Shells are more frequently met with in it than in the brick clay. Few marks of stratification can be traced in the deposit except where the beds of sand and fine gravel occur. These are regularly stratified, contain numerous shells, and FOUND NEAR BLACKPOOL. 127 on towards Bispham, where they dip slightly to the south, appear to occupy the place of the bed of clay last described. At this place they consist of beds of coarse shingle and fine gravel, parted by layers of sand, scarcely to be distinguished from the pebbles found on the present beach at high water mark. Nearly all the stones are well rounded, and exhibit no marks of strite. Most of them consist of granites, traps, and slates, with some few limestones, the softer stones, doubtless^ having been destroyed by the action of water. At the highest part of the cliff, these beds of gravel are full 60 feet in thickness. The greater portion of the shells hereinafter described were found by me in the deposits of sand and fine gravel near Bispham. Many of them are in a perfect condition, and shew every appearance of not having travelled or been conveyed from a distance. Most probably they lived near the place where they were found. Mr. Thomas Glover, of Manchester, who was so kind as to examine my specimens, recognised the following: — Univalves. Nassa reticulata. — Not at the present time common on the Lancashire coast. Purpura lapiilus. — Common on the rocky shores of North Wales, and ocea- eionally washed up at Blackpool. ; Buccinum undalum. — Common at Blackpool. Fusus Bamfiiis. — Not common on the Lancashire coast. Roitellaria pes pelecani. — Occasionally washed up at Blackpool. Triton erinacetis.— Coxavaow at Hilbre Island, and often washed up at Blackpool. LUtorina rwdw.— Common at Blackpool. Natica monilifera. — Found at Blackpool. Nerita liltoralis. — Common on the Lancashire coast on stones and sea weed. Turritella terelra. — Common at Blackpool. Dentalium entalis. — Often washed up at Blackpool. Bivalves. Venus gallina.—0&.ein occurs at Blackpool. Mactra subtruncata. — Common at Blackpool. Mactra solida. — Common on the Lancashire coast. Cardium edule. — Very common on the sand banks. 128 NOTES ON THE DRIFT DEPOSITS Cardium aculcatum. — Common at Blackpool. C'orbula ineguivalvit. — Pound occasionally at Blackpool. Psammobia solidula. — Very common at Blackpool. Ostrea edulis. — Often washed up at Blackpool. Professor Edward Forbes* appears to have examined the drift deposits in some parts of Lancashire, as he notices the solen siliqua, mactra lutraria, a dentalium, found near Pres- ton, and nassa reticulata, as occurring in them, elsewhere. However, he names no particular localities, except that of Preston. Doubtless, he did not visit Blackpool cliffs, or his well practised eye would soon have discovered the specimens above enumerated, and procured by me from that place.f No. 3 is a stratified deposit of fine silt of a brownish colour, containing few stones. It is about two feet in thickness. Very few shells have, as yet, been found in it by me. The most remarkable feature which it presents, is its contorted annearance. In the cliff below the Royal Edward it forms a complete arch, dipping northwards and southwards ; another flexure of a similar character, and dipping in like manner, is seen at North Fell, thus clearly shewing that it has been sub- ject to considerable movements since its original deposition. J It is placed upon the brown stony till next described. * On the connection between the distribution of the existing Fauna and Flora of the British Isles, and the geological changes which have affected their area, especially during the epoch of the Northern Drift, by Edward Forbes, F.R.S., L.S., G.S., Professor of Botany at King's College. London, vol, i. of the Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, p. 3C7, et seq. ■f* Long after both the writing and reading of this paper, indeed, just before it went into the printer's hands, I obtained a sight of the Rev. William Thornber's very interesting historical and discriptive account of Blackpool, published as far back as 1837. At p. 128 the author says, "After most diligent inquiries I have never ascertained that any fossil bones, teeth, &c., of animals, terrestrial or marine, have ever been discovered imbedded in the marl; shells, however, in every repect similar to those now existing on the shore, namely, hucdnum unda- tum, pui'pura lapillus, nassa reticulata and macula, murex erinaceus, Jusus anti- quus, turritella ierebra, liltorina vulgaris, cardium, cohinatum, and edule, tellina solidula and tenuis, mactra solida and sultruncata, &c., I have taken out of the cliffs and gravel strata." J The lilts beds at North Fell are three or four in number. The lowest part of FOUND NEAR BLACKPOOL. 129 No. 4. — This consists of a brown clay, rather darker in co- lour than deposits Nos. 1 and 2 before described, and mingled with many stones stuck into it in all directions, some standing on their edges, others on their sides, and some again on their flat surfaces. The rocks are very numerous, and in the lower part of the cliff, below the Royal Edward, constitute fully one-third of the whole mass. Their average size is greater than in any of the other deposits, one specimen, a greenstone, now lying on the beach, evidently derived from this deposit, weighing nearly three tons. More than one-half of the whole of the stones are angular, others are partly angular, and few are rounded. Scarcely a slate, or carboniferous rock of six inches in diameter, can be found without some marks of striaa upon it. These run nearly always parallel to the major axis of the stone. The hard greenstones and porphyries do not so frequently shew striae as the other specimens do. The kind of rocks found in this deposit is difficult to get at by counting in the cliff, but 100 specimens each of which was not less than the size of my fist, taken promiscuously from the shingle lying on the beach below, and which had, beyond doubt, been derived from the cliff, were as follows : — New red sandstone 1 Carboniferous series— 10 limestones and 4 gritstones 14 Silurians and slates 49 Granites, greenstones, porphyries, &c 36 In the till found in the neighbourhood of Manchester, spe- cimens of magnesian limestone and new red sandstone are met with. At Blackpool, in that deposit I have not yet met with a specimen of the former rock, but many of the latter, and one of the permian conglomerate, have been found. An inte- the bed of clay No. 2, just above the bed of silt at the south end of the arch below the Royal Edward, is, for the thickness of about 10 inches, quite paved with stones, when compared with the average quantity found in the deposit. The bed of silt appears to form the upper boundary of the stony till next described, and, like that deposit, is only exposed to a limited extent. S 130 NOTES ON THE DRIFT DEPOSITS resting fact is, the quantity of both granular and fibrous gypsum and waterstone from the upper red marls of the trias. These I have seldom found previously in the till of Lanca- shire. But the greatest novelties, in the shape of rocks, are two specimens of lias, containing the gryphaea incurva and pieces of chalk flint. These I have never yet found in Lan- cashire, except at Blackpool, nor have I ever heard of their having been noticed by other parties. The shells met with in this deposit are, on the whole, much more numerous than those found in Nos. 1 and 2, but they are nearly all more or less broken. I have found specimens of the genera turritella, nassa, buccinum, dentalium, nucula, cardium, tellina, and psammobia, most of which had been previously found by my friend, Mr. Robert Harkness, in the till, near Ormskirk. The sea appears to be encroaching on the cliff composed of till, where it is not protected, at the rate of about one yard every year on the average. At places where the sand and gravel beds occur, its attacks are more rapid. This destruc- tion of the land seems to have gone on for centuries, as the low water mark, at spring tides, shows numerous large blocks of stone, evidently derived from the till and gravel, when the boundary of the cliff was nearly at that point. Some of the pieces of cemented gravel, like the Pennystone, are of im- mense size. During the last year, the beds of sand and fine gravel (No. 2) in the cliff between the Royal Edward and Dickson's Hotel, have been exposed far more than they had been previously supposed to exist in that neighbourhood ; and if the sea is allowed to continue its attacks, without any attempt being made to resist it, the destruction of land will, most probably, be much greater than at the rate at which it has been destroyed during the last ten years. As previously stated, the deposit. No. 2, in Bispham, bears every resemblance to an old beach of shingle, like those at irotND NKAB BLACKPOOL. 131 present forming on the shore below, but the till No. 4 pre- sents a very different appearance, and bears no analogy to any- thing now in the course of formation along the line of the neighbouring coast. The angular and striated characters of the rocks mingled together promiscuously, large and small, without any arrangement, some upon their edges, others in- clined, and some again quite flat, must puzzle any observer to account for them by the action of waves or ordinary currents of water. Upon comparing them with the stones now found lying upon the beach below, it is quite evident that the rocks are of the same kind, and that all the latter have been derived from the cliflTs; but the action of waves, during years, has evi- dently worn away the sharp edges, and defaced the striae from most of the specimens. Few persons, however, are at all aware how short a space of time suffices to round the most sharp-edged piece of hard greenstone, washed out of the cliff and subjected to the action of the waves below. A mass of till full of angular stones being undermined by the sea, falls, the clay is soon washed away, and the stones are thus brought within the action of the water, and, in one short month, the waves have so effectually done their work of attri- tion that the roc*ks are as round as if they had been rolled about for years. An opinion expressed by me, in a paper on drift deposits previously referred to, as to the till of Lancashire having been deposited at the bottom of a sea in which floated numerous icebergs, I am more and more confirmed in. However the beds of sand and shingle found above the till may answer to the term "raised beach," the till itself bears no evidence of any such condition, but ought rather to be termed a raised bottom. It has thus been affected by considerable movements since its deposition, and much twisted and contorted, as numerous sec- tions of it and the silt sufficiently prove. Many parts of it appear to have been subjected to much erosion and denuda- tion prior to the deposition of the beds "now covering it. Most 132 NOTES ON THE DRIFT DEPOSITS of the hard rocks in the beds of gravel are of the same kinds as those found in the till, however much their external cha- racters may have been altered. In all probability, therefore, the former is merely the debris of the latter. On the upraising of the till from the bottom of the sea, its surface would soon become liable to the abrading action of the waves, and thus furnish rocks for the sands brought by currents from the neighbouring new red sandstone coast, just as the present clifis furnish the pebbles for the shingle beaches at Blackpool. The rocks in the till have, no doubt, come from a consider- able distance, especially the lias and chalk specimens, which are not now found in situ nearer than the north-east coast of Ireland. The rocks in the till at Manchester, taken on three diflfer- ent sides of that town, gave mean results as follows :* — Partly Total. Angular. Rounded. Rounded. Granites, greenstones, and other igneous rocks 21 5 10 6 Slates and Silurians 21 3.66 9 8.33 Mountain limestones 6 13 2 Coal measures 49.33 25.33 19 5 New red sandstones 2.66 2 • 0.66 0 Striated rocks 1.66 In the brick-yard near the railway station at Blackpool, the rocks were as follows : — Partly Total. Angular, Rounded. Rounded. Granites, greenstones, and other igneous rocks 49 17 20 12 Slates and Silurians 32 5 16 11 Mountain limestones ..<■ 6 3 2 1 Coal measures 9 4 3 1 New red sandstone and superior rocks 4 12 1 Striated rocks 6 slates and Silurians. ♦ Memoirs of the Lit. and Phil. Society of Manchester, vol. viii. (new series) p. 224. FOUND NEAB BLACKPOOL. 133 The above tables shew that the surface till of Manchester differs from that of Blackpool in having a much smaller pro- portion of granites, igneous rocks, slates, silurians, and striated stones, and a much greater proportion of coal measure rocks. This, as might have been expected, if we assume a force moving, from the north-west to the south-east, for one-half the distance between Blackpool and Manchester, as may be seen by looking at a geological map, is over the great Lancashire coal-field. The two rival theories put forth to account for the phenomena found in the till, namely, the iceberg and wave of translation, or a combination of them both, might each account for the difference; but the beds of stratified silt, both at Manchester and Blackpool, present appearances which no wave of translation can account for, as they must have been deposited in moderately still water. The striated and polished surfaces of the stones seem to indicate the action of glaciers, or rubbing of a mass of ground ice over a rocky bottom. The lower bed of till, composed nearly of one-third its bulk of stones, presents appearances such as are not seen in the upper beds either at Manchester or Blackpool, for the majo- rity of the rocks found in it bear marks of strias, or have polished surfaces. Some of them are stuck into the clay right on their edges, and others at every variety of angle. Although the rocks here are far more numerous than in the till at Manchester, or in any of the beds superior to the silt at Blackpool, still I have met with more large specimens, say those exceeding two tons, at the former place than at Black- pool. With the exception of the lias and chalk specimens, the coasts of Cumberland and Furness could supply nearly all the rocks now found in the deposit. But how have they been carried to the place where they are now met with, scored, polished, angular, partly rounded, and placed on end, as they now are ? Their present conditions seem to require the con- joint action of glaciers and icebergs to produce them. Now 134 NOTES ON THE DBIFT DEPOSITS let us suppose a glacier filling the deep valley of the Duddon, or any of the other valleys of Cumberland, and extending from the mountain sides down into the sea, until part of it broke off and floated away across Morecambe Bay as an ice- berg, (a circumstance of common occurrence with the glaciers of Spitzbergen and other northern countries,) and afterwards melted or toppled over, having deposited its cargo of rocks and debris on the bottom of a sea composed of soft mud. This would account for most of the phenomena we witness in the till. The Scotch and Irish rocks might have been brought by a stray iceberg conveying specimens of stones from those more remote districts. I mention this opinion, formed after a care- ful consideration of the appearances observed in examining the bed of stony till, but, of course, it will not account for the sand and shingle beds, which are evidently nothing more than old littoral deposits. The beds of clay, containing pebbles Nos. 1 and 2, do not afford such strong proofs of glacial and iceberg action as deposit No. 4, but still they exhibit more appearances of having been deposited at the bottom of a sea in which icebergs floated than under any other condition. The deposit No. 4 is by far the greatest in thickness, although very little of it is exposed at Blackpool or North Fell under the beds of silt, which I think might be termed its upper boundary. The two anticlinal axes of the bed of silt lead me to suppose that the deposits Nos. 1 and 2 lie in a synclinal axis of it, which extends from near the Gynn to North Fell. The dip of the beds of gravel may scarcely bear out this view, but that is by no means so great as appears in the section, as I previ- ously stated ; in fact, in some places it takes a northerly dip, and at others is so small as scarcely to be appreciated ; so I have little doubt of the beds of silt and stony till underlying the whole of the gravel between the two last named places. It appears to me the till was once an old sea bottom. Upon its being elevated, it would soon be exposed to the action of FOUND NEAR BLACKPOOL. 136 currents of water, and much eroded and washed away. In the hollows caused by such agencies, the littoral deposits of sand and gravel may have been deposited. The land then appears to have subsided and icebergs and glaciers again come into operation, although to a less extent than on the first occasion before alluded to, as the number of rocks, and especially such as are scored and striated, is far less than those met with in No. 4. Subsequently, the whole district has been elevated from the sea into its present position. The more that the phenomena of the drift deposits are studied, the more we must be convinced that so far from having been formed in a short period of time, as was once the generally received opinion, when they were erroneously attributed to the Noachian deluge, they have occupied ages in their formation ; during which, they have been more than once raised and depressed, and considerable por- tions of them washed away and replaced by other deposits. These changes of level, there appears to be no reason for believing were of a more speedy nature than the slow and gradual motions of the land we see going forward upon the face of the globe at the present time. The sands and gravels of the deposits are easily recognised as ancient strands and beaches; but the beds of till present us with no such appearances, presenting every indication of having been once the bottoms of ancient seas, in which floated various rocks freighted with numerous icebergs, which, on being dissolved or toppled over, deposited their loads on the soft mud below. 137 VII. — Some account of the Floods which occurred at the Manchester Waterworks in the month of February, 185^. By John Frederic Bateman, F.G.S., Mem. Inst. C.E. [Read March 23rd, 1852.] In the year 1848, in giving to the society a continuation of the periodical reports upon the fall of rain, the Valley of Longdendale, from which the town of Manchester is to be supplied with water, was shortly described, and such obser- vations as had at that time been made upon the rain in the district, and the quantity of water which flowed from the ground, also accompanied the paper. Since that period most of the observations upon the fall of rain have been continued, and the vast works for the storage and conveyance of water which were then only in contemplation have been in great measure executed, and are now rapidly advancing towards completion. In the main valley of the Longdendale district, down which flows the river Etherow, three large reservoirs are now con- structing, filling the valley for nearly five miles in length. These three reservoirs will contain, when finished, about 516,000,000 cubic feet of water, and will cover about 344 statute acres of ground. The Woodhead Reservoir, which is the highest of the series, is formed by an embankment of 90 feet; it is about a mile and two-thirds in length, and receives the water naturally draining from about 7,500 acres of high mountain land. The Torside Reservoir, the middle one and the largest of the three, with an embankment of 100 feet in height, and the Rhodes Wood Reservoir, immediately T 138 FLOODS AT THE MAKCHESTEE WATERWORKS below, with an 80 feet bank, have together an additional collecting ground of about 7,900 acres, making the total drainage to these three reservoirs 15,400 statute acres. The Torside Reservoir is nearly two miles in length, and the Rhodes Wood Reservoir about a mile. The following are some particulars of the reservoirs : — Embankment. Resekvoie. RXSKBTOn. QreatesI height. Contents. Area. Capacity. Woodhead Ti-it. 90 100 81) Cubic Yards. 152,707 399,129 263,248 A. R, 134 3 160 0 54 0 p, 18 6 34 Cubic Feet. 198 725 693 Torside 236,659,573 80 255,910 Rhodee Wood 815,084 349 0 18 515,641,176 In the execution of works of this magnitude, placed across a valley down which the ordinary water and impetuous floods of so large a tract of mountain land are hurried with rapidity, it is very important to provide ample means for the safe pas- sage of the water. Observations had accordingly been made with reference to this particular object for some jears pre- vious to the laying out of the works. From these observa- tions it appeared that it was not likely that many floods would exceed 10 feet per second for every 100 acres of collecting ground, and that provision for 15 feet per second would be ample. The ■ Woodhead Reservoir was the first which was laid out for construction, and in designing the side channels or watercourses for carrying away the floods during the early progress of the embankment across the river course, they were formed of such dimensions as would, with the assistance of a large discharge pipe under the embankment, pass off" safely about 1,000 cubic feet of water per second, being at the rate of about 15 feet per second for every 100 acres. IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1852. 189 The ground was first broken for the construction of this reservoir in September, 1848 ; and, in the following month, before much progress had been made, a very heavy flood occurred in the neighbourhood of Blackburn, which was the cause of a lamentable accident at Darv^^en, near that town, by the bursting of a private reservoir and the consequent loss of twelve or thirteen lives. The volume of this flood I was enabled to determine with tolerable approximation to accu- racy, by means of the reservoirs of the Blackburn waterworks, which were then just completed. It exceeded 25 feet per second for every 100 acres of collecting ground. Had a similar heavy fall of rain occurred in the upper part of the Longdendale district, it would have produced a flood of about 2,000 cubic feet per second at the Woodhead Reservoir, — nearly double the volume which had been provided for. Acting upon the experience and information thus acquired, an additional discharge pipe was immediately introduced, and the flood watercourse was enlarged as far as practicable, so that a flood of 1,500 feet per second could be passed with safety, with 16 feet of pressure upon the pipes. As the em- bankment gradually exceeded that height in the course of construction, the means of storage behind the banks would be increased ; and by the greater pressure upon the pipes more water also could be discharged, and in these ways provision would be made for the safe passage of a still larger quantity. On several occasions, in the course of the following eight or ten months, the floods amounted to 1,800 or 2,000 feet per second ; shewing the wisdom, and indeed the necessity of such a provision having been made. Early in October, 1849, just twelve months after the Blackburn flood, which bad aflcirded such valuable information, the flood watercourse having been completed, the discharge pipes laid, and every arrangement made for proceeding with the embankment of the reservoir, the inner tie of that bank was raised to a height of about 16 feot, so as to give that 14K) FLOODS AT THE MANCHESTER WATERWORKS amount of pressure on the discharge pipes in case of neces- sity. On the 7th a very heavy fall of rain, accompanied with a hurricane from the north-east, occasioned a flood which set at nought all previous calculations. When at its highest it amounted to upwards of 4,000 cubic feet per second, being at the rate of upwards of 50 feet per second for every 100 acres. After attaining this height, it flowed for the following three hours at an average of 1,800 feet per second. A weir on the watercourse across the Heyden Brook, which was not quite finished, but which had been considered sufficiently so to secure the safe passage of the water, was absolutely beaten down by the force of wind and water, and a breach being made through which the water passed, the watercourse was thus rendered useless. The water poured into the basin of the reservoir, and speedily overtopped the newly-formed piece of embankment. It had been raised to a height of 24 feet, and was raised 3 feet more during the progress of the flood, so that when the water reached the top it was 27 feet high. The bank was not long in being cut down, and a quantity of water amounting to about 14,000,000 cubic feet was set at once at liberty. For a short distance it carried all before it, and did more or less damage for four or five miles down the river. No serious mischief, however, was sustained, and happily no lives were lost. The quantity of water which was impounded at the time of the accident was about equal to that contained in the unfortunate Bilbury Reservoir, near Holmfirth, which burst on the 5th of February and did such fearful injury in the valley below. The difference in the circumstances of the two cases easily accounts for the difference in the two results. The depth of the water in the Bilbury Reservoir was about 80 feet ; at Woodhead it was 27 feet only. The embankment of the Bilbury Reservoir, owing to its peculiar construction, gave way in a great mass at once, and the valley into which this mighty wall of waters was instantaneously hurled is a steep and narrow ravine, down IN THE MONTH OF FEBKUARY, 1852. 141 which the water would continue to flow with impetuous velocity. The Woodhead valley, on the contrary, has a much more gentle slope, and is much wider throughout, occasion- ally expanding into level flats of considerable width. Con- sequently the velocity of the water would be speedily dimi- nished, and its volume absorbed by filling up the flat ground on each side. The damage was comparatively trifling, being all repaired or compensated for by the payment of little more than £:^,000. The embankment was restored, and no further flood of any consequence occurred until the work was far advanced. The remaining reservoirs in the valley had been some time pre- viously laid out and commenced, and abundant provision had been made at these new reservoirs for the passage of the floods. Of the various rain gauges which are placed in the district, one only is registered daily, viz., that at Crowden Hall, the others being placed on the heights in somewhat inaccessible situations, and only observed weekly or monthly. The quan- tity of water which was received into the Woodhead Reservoir, or passed by the flood watercourse on the occasion of the flood alluded to, must have exceeded 3 inches in the 24 hours, or rather, in the 17 or 18 hours during which the rain fell most heavily, and yet the depth registered at Crowden Hall was only l^i^^inch. Crowden Hall is about two-thirds of a mile below the Woodhead embankment, and the heaviest portion of the rain must therefore have been on the hills above the reservoir. At the Redmires Reservoir of the Sheffield Waterworks, on the same day, there were registered nearly 2^ inches. The distance from Woodhead, in a direct line south-east, is 13§ miles. The fall of rain in 1849 was about an average, there being at Crowden Hall 54-i4 inches : 1850 was considerably below the average, the rain being only 44-^^; and singularly enough, almost the only heavy flood which occurred in the U2 FLOODS AT THE MANCHESTER WATERWORKS course of the year was on the 7th and 8th October, the anniversary of the destructive flood of the previous year, and (within a few daj^s) of the Blackburn flood of 1848. The year 1851 was still more below the average, the rain at Crowden being only 40^ inches. In this year the only heavy flood occurred about the 8th and 9th June. The fall of rain, as registered at the various rain gauges in the district since the end of 1847, up to which time they are recorded in my last paper to the Society, is as fol- lows :• — 1848. Brushes, 480 ft. Windy ate Edge. 1,700 ft. Crowden Hall, 700 ft. Kakes Moss, 1,620 ft. Butterley Moss, 1,750 ft. Mean of all the obser- vations. Mean, omitting Bntshea. January February ... March Inches. 2.0 8.0 4.7 1.5 1.2 5.3 4.2 5.8 4.2 5.8 2.6 3.6 Inches. 1.7 9.2 4.4 2.1 1.8 6.1 4.2 7.5 5.4 8.3 3.2 3.8 Inches. 1.1 8.2 5.5 2.6 1.0 6.8 4.6 7.0 4.3 8.0 3.1 3.7 Inches. 2.1 7.0 4.4 7.8 5.1 6.0 4.0 2.8 Inches. 1.6 10.1 4.9 2.9 1.0 6.2 2.4 5.8 3.4 7.5 2.3 3.7 Inches. 1.6 8.9 4.9 2.3 1.4 6.3 4.0 6.8 4.5 7.1 3.0 3.5 Inches, 1.5 9.2 4.9 2.6 May 1.5 June 6.5 July 3.9 August September. . . October November.... December.... 7.0 4.5 7.5 3.1 3.5 Total 48.9 57.7 55.9 51.8 62.8 55.1 1849. Brushes, 480 ft. Wiiidyate Edge, 1,700 ft. Crowden Hall, 700 ft. Black Clongh, 1,700 ft Butterley Moss, 1,750 ft. Mean of all the obser- vations. Mean, omitting Brushes. January February ... March Inches. 53 1.5 ,6 1.4 3.0 1.8 7.5 4.2 4.8 4.1 4.7 3.8 Inches 6.3 2.4 1.0 2.5 3.4 2.1 8.8 4.5 6.4 6.3 5.8 4.7 Inches. 8.2 2.4 1.5 3.0 2.8 1.7 7.8 5.4 4.7 7.0 5.1 5.1 Inches. 6.0 2.0 2.0 30 2.5 3.0 6.1 4.0 6.3 8.7 4.0 4.6 Inches. Inches. 6.4 2.1 1.3 2.5 2.9 2.2 7.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 4.9 4.6 Inches. 6.8 2.3 1.5 2.8 2.9 June 2.3 July 7.5 August September... October November,... December.... 4.6 5.8 7.3 5.0 4.8 Total 42.7 54.2 54.7 52.2 50.9 53.6 IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1852. 143 1850. Bmshes, 480 ft. Windyate Edee. 1,700 ft. Crowden Hall. 700 ft. Black Clough, 1,700 ft. Bntterley Moss, 17.50 ft. Mean of all the obser- vations. Mean, omitting Brushes. January February ... March April laches. 2.9 3.4 0.6 2.4 1.5 1.5 3.7 4.0 1.5 3.6 4.3 2.4 Inches. 4.5 5.0 0.8 35 2.1 2.9 5.5 6.6 2.6 6.4 7.7 2.9 Inches 3.8 4.4 1.1 4.0 2.0 3.4 4.8 3.2 1.8 65 7.8 1.3 Inches. 4.2 4.6 3.5 4.0 1.5 3.5 7.9 5.9 0.7 5.5 7.5 4.0 Inches. 2.8 2.8 0.7 3.0 1.2 2.3 4.1 3.0 1.2 4.0 3.0 3.4 Inches. 3.6 4.0 1.3 3.4 1.7 2.7 6.2 4.5 1.6 6.2 6.1 2.8 Inches. 3.8 4.2 1.5 3.6 May 1.7 June 3.0 July 5.6 August September... October November... December.... 4.7 1.6 6.6 6.5 2.9 Total 31.8 60.5 44.1 52.7 31.5 42.1 44.7 1851. 1 'Wiudyate Brushes, | Kdge, 480 ft. i 1,700 ft. Crowden Hall. 700 ft. Black Clough, 1,700 ft. Butterley Moss. 1.750 ft. Mean of all the obser- vations. Mean, omitting Brushes. January February ... March April Inches. 2.9 2.1 3.6 0.4 1.5 6.8 3.7 4.1 1.8 3.6 1.6 1.5 Inches. 3.1 2.2 3.7 1.5 1.9 6.6 4.6 4.2 1.9 4.6 is 2.3 Inches. 2.5 3.0 4.1 1.8 3.0 6.3 3.8 4.2 3.0 4.9 2.7 0.8 Inches. 3.8 2.5 4.5 2.8 3.5 5.9 1.4 5.3 2.6 4.0 3.2 1.5 Inches. 4.3 2.6 2.9 1.9 3.2 6.0 4.7 3.4 2.5 5.3 1.6 1.4 Inches. 3.3 2.6 3.8 1.7 2.6 6.1 3.6 4.2 2.4 4.6 2.1 1.5 Inches. 3.4 2.8 3.8 2.0 May June 2.9 6.2 July 3.6 August September... October November... December ... 4.2 2.5 4.7 2.2 1.5 Total 32.6 38.2 40.1 41.0 39.8 38.3 39.8 Many of the mountain gauges have been stolen, removed, or tampered with, and I am afraid that the only ones upon which much dependence can be placed are those at Brushes, Windyate Edge, and Crowden Hall. When the works are completed the reservoirs themselves will be the best gauges. Before giving the particulars of the floods which occurred in the early part of last month, it will be well to describe the position of the reservoirs, and the means which they afforded of ascertaining with accuracy the quantity of water which was received. It has hitherto seldom or perhaps never hap- 144 FLOODS AT THE MANOHESTEB WATERWORKS pened that a single heavy flood or fall of rain has been so accurately observed. This fact is my apology for endeavour- ing to place the particulars on record. In the early progress of the formation of the embankments, provision was made at each reservoir for the passage of the floods by the construction of a capacious cut or canal called a flood-watercourse, above the level of the reservoirs, as already described. This provision was adopted and em- ployed for the purpose intended both at the Woodhead and Torside Reservoirs, until the embankments at each place were advanced to a height at which it was deemed safe to dispense with the aid of the watercourses, and to depend for safety upon the storage which the reservoirs afibrded, and the means of discharge provided by the two lines of 4 feet pipes which had been introduced in all the embankments. It was necessary also, as the work advanced, to cut across or destroy the watercourses for the purpose of completing what are technically called puddle trenches, which are deep trenches of retentive material, sunk for the reception of the clay or puddle employed to render the whole water-tight. The per- manent waste weirs of the reservoirs also had to be con- structed on the site of the flood water-channels, for which purpose likewise they had to be dispensed with. The Rhodes Wood Reservoir, the lowest of the three, would have been similarly provided with a bye-channel for the waste water, but delay had unavoidably arisen by the channel to be formed over an ancient land-slip. This land- slip was well known, and had been long moving slowly. At the turnpike road on the north side of the valley, it had moved about three feet in thirteen years ; but the speed of its motion was materially increased on being cut into for the purpose of forming the watercourse. Means had to be resorted to for arresting its further progress, and the work was consequently so much delayed that this watercourse is not yet completed. IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1852. l4l5 Ample provision, however, for the passage of the floods at the Rhodes Wood Reservoir was made by leaving a gap in the embankment, which remained open until the two higher reservoirs were so far advanced as to be able to hold all the water which could not be passed through the two pipes of the Rhodes Wood bank. The gap in this embank- ment was then closed, and the embankment raised as rapidly as possible. This step, however, was not taken, nor indeed any other which involved the necessity of subsequently depending upon the power of impounding in the reservoirs for security against damage by floods, without first considering what depth of rain could be safely stored in the reservoirs or passed through the pipes. Three inches of rain coming off the ground in 24 hours, with a considerable margin for its continuance or for a heavier fall, was adopted as the base of our calculations, being con- sidered as the maximum amount which need be provided for. This quantity the works were always in a condition to receive and pass with safety. It was thought, from previous obser- vation, that it was exceedingly unlikely that a larger fall of rain than this could occur over the whole district, and it was expected that should such a fall take place the rain would then cease, and the reservoirs might be emptied for the recep- tion of another flood. Such, then, being the provision which had been made, and the grounds for believing such provision to be sufiicient, the position of the reservoirs at the commencement of the late floods was as follows : — The Woodhead embankment was raised to its full height, but it was not deemed prudent to fill the reservoir above a certain level, in consequence of operations which were going on to render the hill side into which the embankment had to be tied perfectly water-tight. The Torside embankment was far advanced ; but here also 146 FLOODS AT THE MANCHESTER WATERWORKS operations were being carried on to render the reservoir water- tight, which rendered it undesirable to impound water to a greater depth than about 30 feet. At Rhodes Wood Reservoir, which it will be remembered is the lowest in the valley, the embankment was sufficiently advanced to allow water to be impounded 40 feet in depth. Through the pipes of this reservoir all the water had to be passed, and therefore by calculating the quantity which could be discharged through them according as the pressure varied during the progress of the flood, the whole quantity could be precisely ascertained. It is well known that the velocity with which water is dis- charged through pipes or through apertures, varies as the square root of the pressure or head of water above the opening. The proper co-efficient for finding the mean velocity of the water discharged varies according to the character of the opening. The theoretical velocity due to the height is the same as that of falling bodies, which is ascertained by multiplying the square root of the height by the co-efficient 8.0458. The co-efficient, however, for finding the actual velocity varies from 5 to 7 ; that generally used for ordinary openings being from 5.1 to 5.4. Should the water approach the opening with any velocity, that must be taken into account, and a higher co-efficient employed. To determine the quantity which will be discharged through pipes, diffi3rent formulae have to be employed, for the friction along the sides of the pipe forms a material element in retarding the velocity of the water. Amongst many valuable rules deduced from the experiments of various eminent mathematicians and scientific observers, probably the simplest for calculating this velocity, and perhaps that most generally adopted, is one by Dr. Young from Eytelwein's Hydraulics, and is as follows : — IN THE MONTH OF FEBKUARV 1852. 147 "Multiply 2,500 times the diameter of the pipe in feet by the height in feet, and divide the product by the length in feet, added to 50 times the diameter, — then the square root of the quotient will be the velocity of discharge in feet per second." This rule is a tolerably safe one in practice. I believe it to be under the truth for large pipes and high velocities; and it requires to be used with judgment in determining the dis- charge by small pipes, where the system is complex. The circumstances under which the water was discharged from the Rhodes Wood Reservoir were so far complicated as to render the determination of the proper co-efficient a ques- tion of some difficulty. Two pipes, each 4 feet in diameter, and 303 and 370 feet respectively in length, were diminished at the outer end to 3 feet, the vvater being finally passed through a pipe of that diameter for about 20 feet in length, and through a 3-feet valve, divided into two compartments. One pipe branched into two at the end, having a valve at each branch, and through both of which water was discharged. The pipe is too large and the circumstances too complex to admit of the application of the rule for calculating the discharge through pipes. The water would approach the opening with consi- derable velocit}', acquired in its passage through the 4-feet pipe, and therefore, rather a higher co-efficient than that usually employed for finding the velocity through openings, should be adopted. From a consideration of all these cir- cumstances, and from other observations upon the actual quantity of water discharged, the co-efficient adopted was 5.5 ; and this may be rather lower than it ought to be. With this co-efficient, however, the calculations came out, as will be shortly shewn. The month of January had been marked by a considerable fall of rain, and at the end of the month the ground was thoroughly saturated, the streams and springs yielding con- 148 FLOODS AT THE MANCUESTEK WATEKWOEKS siderably above their ordinary quantity of water. The lieavy rain which was the cause of so many serious and destructive floods commenced on the morning of Wednesday the 4th of February, and, (with slight cessation on Friday and Saturday,) continued with little intermission till the morning of Monday the 9th. On the morning of the 4th the Woodhead Reservoir con- tained about 24,000,000 cubic feet of water, being about 34 feet deep, and 47 feet below the top water level. The Tor- side and Rhodes Wood Reservoirs were both empty. Early in the day the rain had so swollen the streams that the discharge pipes could no longer pass the water, and it began to impound rapidly in all the reservoirs. By Thursday night the water had attained its greatest height, the depth in the Woodhead Reservoir being about 62 feet, and in the Torside and Rhodes Wood Reservoirs, about 30 feet. The quantity impounded was about 103,000,000 cubic feet in the Wood- head reservoir, 14,000,000 in Torside, and 15,000,000 cubic feet in Rhodes Wood Reservoir. From Thursday night the water gradually lowered till Saturday night, by which time the water had been drawi> down about 9 feet in the Woodhead Reservoir, and about 5 feet on the average, in each of the others. The quantity discharged through the pipes of the Rhodes Wood Reservoir during this period had averaged from 450 to 500 cubic feet per seconds For 24 hours together, from Wednesday morn- ing to Thursday morning, the flood had averaged 1,520 cubic feet per second, being, when at its highest, from 3,600 to 4,000 feet per second. This was from a tract of country, it will be remembered, of 15,400 statute acres, and amounts to about 25 cubic feet, per second from every 100 acres of ground. The ordinary flow of the stream varies from 15 to 30 feet per second. The water which was passed through the pipes or was impounded in the reservoirs during this period, wofi equail to a depth over the whole collecting ground of 2x0 inches. IN THE MONTH OF FECRUAKY, 1852. 14<9 On Saturday night it again commenced raining heavily, and continued until two o'clock on Sunday afternoon. At this time the rain ceased for a couple of hours ; but the streams were swollen to a volume of nearly 3,000 cubic feet per second, while the utmost that could be discharged through the pipes of the lUiodes Wood Reservoir was under 600 feet per second. At four o'clock it again commenced raining with the same intensity as before, with every appearance of its continuing through the night. At this moment the prospect was one of great anxiety. Thousands of persons, alarmed by the dreadful catastrophe at Holmfirth, had passed up the valley in the course of the day, in all the pouring rain, to visit the scene of that calamity ; or had assembled on the banks of the waterworks reservoirs, anxiously watching the progress of the flood, and waiting to see the final burst which the majority anticipated. Towards the evening vehicles of all kinds, and horsemen at full gallop, despatched by anxious parties below to make inquiries, were constantly arriving; and, indeed, to the Engineer confident in the stability of his work, and in the provision which had been made for the safe passage of the waters, it was matter of no light concern or slight responsibility. There remained only six or seven hours safe storage for such rain as was at that moment falling; after the expiration of which time, the valves of the Woodhead Reservoir must have been opened to prevent the further rise of water in that reservoir, and the water allowed to pass over the puddle of the Torside bank, through a mass of rock which had been heaped together in the formation of the bank, with a view to such a contingency, and over the top of the Rhodes Wood bank, through a large timber shoot, which had been hastily but substantially prepared during the progress of the flood, for the purpose of safely passing the water to the river below. In all probability, these preparations would have been sufficient to have sustained a flood of one or two days 150 FLOODS AT TUB MANCHESTER WATERW0EK3 longer continuance ; but they must have been put to the test in the middle of the night, in extreme darkness, when it would have been impossible to have seen what was going on, or how to meet or remedy any defect which might have occurred. The work of destruction, at the worst, would have been very slow and gradual, from the excellent manner in which the embankment had been formed, and the retentive and coherent character of the great bulk of the material. Happily, there was no occasion for the trial. The sun went down red and glowing with a murky grandeur, dimly seen beneath the clouds, which, though breaking and clearing to the west, were then pouring down their contents in torrents at the place at which we stood. The rain gradually abated, and nearly ceased before six o'clock, and I was satis- fied that the worst was over and that all imminent danger was passed. Heavy flying showers continued through the night ; but at day-break the following morning it appeared to be again setting in for continued rain. The wind up to this time, during the whole storm, had been blowing steadily from the south-west, but it now gradually veered round to the north, and I then felt perfect confidence that the weather was taking up, notwithstanding the lowering and gloomy appearance of the morning. The rain subsequently ceased before noon, and by the end of the week the weather was quite settled and fine, the barometer gradually rising, and then remaining steadily fixed at an unusual height. The water which was impounded in the reservoirs when the rain ceased on the morning of Monday the 9th, was about 160,000,000 cubic feet, of which nearly 140,000,000 were due to the rains of the previous week. By noon of the 13th the whole of this water had been discharged, and the reser- voirs brought down to the same condition in which they were on the morning of the ,Srd, when the rain commenced. The quantity discharged through the pipes of the Rhodes Wood IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY, 1852. 151 Reservoir, through which, as has been before observed, the whole had to be passed, was as follows : — Cubic feet. From nine o'clock on the morning of the 4th to 2 p.m. same day, 5 hours, at 300 feet per second 5,400,000 From 2 p.m. to 12 p.m., 400 feet per second for 10 hours 14,832,000 From 12 p.m. 4th, to 9 am. .^th, 450 feet per second for 9 hours 14,580,000 From 9 a.m. 5th, to 7 p.m. 7th, 68 hours, at 450 feet per second 93,960,000 From 7 p.m. 7th, to 7 p.m. 8th, mean discharge 500 feet per second, 24 hours 21,600,000 From 7 p.m. 8th, to noon 12th, 89 hoars, at 550 feet per second .. 176,220,000 From noon 12th to noon 13th, 24 hours, at 450 feet per second 38,880,000 Total 365,472,000 The quantity of water discharged was equal to a depth of 6}f inches over the whole surface of the collecting ground, averaging nearly H inch per day for the 5 J days during which the rain lasted. The rain at Crowden Hall from the evening of the 3rd to noon on the 9th, subsequently to which no materia! fall of rain occurred during the period that the reservoirs were being emptied, was 5^^ inches. To determine the precise quantity of water due to the fall of rain, something must be deducted for the yield of the streams, supposing no rain had fallen. Their average volume, swollen as they were by pre- vious rain, would have been about 60 cubic feet per second, which, for 9 days and 3 hours would have amounted to 59,304,000 cubic feet, — equal to about an inch in depth over the collecting ground, leaving the nett quantity of water due to the rain 5| inches, — being ^ of an inch more than the rain shewn by the Crowden Hall rain gauge. The results just given from calculations upon the discharge 152 FLOODS AT THK MANCHESTER WATERWOEKS through the pipes, I believe to be very near the truth — rather under than over ; but the Woodhead Reservoir afforded means for still more accurate observation. Here nearly all the water which reached the reservoir was impounded ; and, as the capacity of each reservoir had been previously ascertained by careful survey and measurement, for every foot in depth, there can be no doubt as to the quantity of water received. From eleven o'clock on the morning of the 4th till twelve o'clock at midnight on the 5th, a period of 37 hours, the quantity of water impounded in the reservoir was 75,720,000 cubic feet, and the quantity discharged 12,168,000, — making the total quantity received 87,888,000 cubic feet = 3| inches of rain over the drainage ground of the reservoir. From eleven o'clock on the morning of the 4th to the same hour on the morning of the 5th, the quantity impounded was 02,000,000 cubic feet, and the quantity discharged 3,528,000, making the total quantity received in 24 hours, from 7,500 acres of ground, 65,528,000 cubic feet, being equal to 2y^ inches of rain. The rain at Crowden during this period appears to have been S^V To allow for the water which still remained to flow off the ground before the streams would regain their usual volume, we must add -^g of an inch, (after allowing for the natural flow,) making the total quantity of rain which fell in 24 hours, as measured by the Woodhead Reservoir, 2-^-^ inches. The rain which was discharged at Rhodes Wood, or im- pounded in that reservoir and Torside in the same time, exclusive of what was received from Woodhead, amounted to about 66,000,000 cubic feet of water from 7,900 acres, being, as nearly as may be, the same quantity per acre as that received at Woodhead. The calculations may, therefore, be taken to show accurately the quantity of water which flowed down the river during this extraordinary rain ; show- ing also, that the average rain over the district, taking the IN THE MONTH OF FEBBUABY, 1852. 153 whole period, must have been 9 or 10 per cent, greater than the quantity received by the Crowden Hall rain gauge. The rain in the district from the commencement of the year to the 9th of February, as indicated by the several rain gauges, is as follows : — January. Febraary, to 9th. At Crowden Hall 5 inches. 6^ inches. *• Butteriey Moss 5tV " 6iV " = Hi inches. « Black Clough 10t*o " " Brushes 8^„ to 8th Feb. « Windyate Edge BA to 8th Feb. The following table will exhibit the daily quantities during the first nine days of February : — Inches. Sunday, 1st 0.6 Monday, 2nd 0.4 Tuesday, 3rd 0.5 Wednesday, 4th 1.1 Thursday, 5th 1.2 Friday, 6th 0.8 Saturday, 7th 0.2 Sunday, 8th* 1.3 Monday, 9th t 0.5 6.5 On the night of Thursday, the 5th, between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. of the 6th, there fell 0.7 of an inch of rain. The quantity of water which flowed from the whole col- lecting ground of the waterworks, about 18,900 acres in extent, between the 1st of January and the 9th of February, exceeded 800,000,000 cubic feet; being nearly 200,000,000 cubic feet more than sufficient to fill all the waterworks reservoirs had they been empty on new year's day, although * This was between 4 p.m. on Saturday and 4 p.m. on Sunday. f This WM from 4 p.m. on Sunday to 12 at noon on Monday. 154 FLOODS AT THE MANCHESTER WATEB WOnKS, ETC. their capacity is equal to 32,400 cubic feet for every acre of collecting ground. No damage of any consequence was sustained by any portion of the works from the effect of the floods. Their efficiency was well tested and satisfactorily proved ; but the heavy rain penetrating into some ancient land slips on the north side of the valley near the Rhodes Wood embankment, but above its level, set a mass of about 40 acres in extent in motion, which disturbed a quantity of masonry and otherwise deranged the scheme at the spot at which it occurred. The security of the reservoir is not affected; but it will be a work of time and skill to arrest or obviate the effects of this sliding mass. 165 VIII. — On the Identity of Light, Heat, Electricity, Mag- netism, and Gravitation. By J. Goodman, M.D., M.R.C.S. iRead March %ih, 1852.] In my experimental researches into the identity of these forces, I have long sought a great desideratum in Science, viz., an instrument which would give intimation of the pro- gress and transition of caloric along the molecules of matter, or the interior construction of bodies, and I believe that object has been attained in the following experiments. From the difference of temperature of bodies, — the facility with which we can increase the temperature of a cold body by the apposition of one already heated, and of cooling the latter also by the same contact, — and frona .a knowledge of the laws of transmission, diffusion, radiation, ignition, coction, fusion, and volatilization, by this force ; — I cannot, in spite of all modern theories upon the subject, and the teaching of the Schools, draw any other conclusion than that this force is a bond fide imponderable existence, possessing the ordinary qualities of matter — locality, extension, impenetrability, resistance, attraction, motion; and, as I believe is shewn in the following experiments, momentum also — a property hitherto applied alone to ponderable matter. That heat possesses the three former properties is not ob- jected to by philosophers, inasmuch as it is not contended that it enters into the substance of the atoms or elementary particles of matter, and occupies with matter the same space 156 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, at the same time, but simply is described as filling the inter- stices between these elementary particles. It is also as capa- ble of transmission from one substance to another, as water when poured from vessel to vessel. It is to a certain extent capable of accumulation and retention, without renewal, like other fluids in nature ; we find that the retention of these latter is of very short duration if left to evaporate, uncovered and unprotected, or in contact with leaky or porous sub- stances. There is therefore reasonable ground for concluding, that, as every known substance in nature is ntere or less porous to the calorific fluid, if caloric could be as effectually sur- rounded by substances incapable of its transmission as the liquids in daily use can be, we should be able to preserve it at any degree of intensity, and that without addition, for any protracted period. But it is manifest that whatever may be the teaching of the Schools with regard to the nature of caloric — they all practi- cally denominate it not as a mere mode of action or the result of motion among the particles of matter — but as a bond fide and genuine substance, and as endowed with all the powers and qualities usually attributed to real material existences. The facts that appear to me especially unanswerable, bearing against modern theory are, that if one were to admit for the sake of argument that caloric is generated by friction, why does not the effect cease when the cause is discontinued? — why does it not cease to exist when friction ceases f — or else, why is not caloric daily and hourly accumulating ? How is it that when by such heat generated we have kindled a fire, which might also be admitted to depend for its development on motion of a chemical nature occurring among its own particles, — how is it that by this same fire, once produced, we can communicate a certain degree of redness or white heat to a piece of iron or other substance, without producing any motion among its particles, and with this heated metal we can communicate ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND OBAVITATION. 157 warmth to the air, ignite a second fire, or boil water, which shall absorb just the exact amount of heat lost by the heated iron, and shall ultimately be able to retain this communi- cated caloric for a considerable period ? I think that heat is shewn, by these and other facts, to have an independent existence, so far as our present ideas of entity and non-entity extend. Agib, if caloric were admitted to be the mere creation of matter, how is it that the other imponderable forces, which are by many philosophers admitted as convertible into caloric, and vice versa, are not by them also assigned to the same origin and the same mode of existence ? It has already been shewn by the labours of Dr. Wollaston, Dr. Faraday, and the author of this paper, that the ordi- nary electric and voltaic forces are identical ; and many years ago the analogy of aerial electricity, or lightning, was suffi- ciently demonstrated by the experiments of Dr. Franklin. The reciprocal influence and mutual dependence of these forces along with magnetism, and the obedience of electricity to some of the laws of magnetism, and vice versa, as well as the analogy of the phenomena manifested by all these forces, evince their identity. In illustration of the identity of electricity with magnetism, T read a paper before the British Association in 1842, in which it was shewn that a plate of glass maintained in a constant polar condition by the simple current from the ordinary electrical machine, sustained the weight of 5 oz. and 20 grs.; shewing that frictional elec- tricity itself, when placed in a condition resembling mag- netism— or rather electro-magnetism — will produce with them an equivalent effect proportionate to its inferior quantity and powers. With regard to the identity of light and heat— forces which 1 hold to be so far identical as to be in their common acceptation simply the essential qualifies of the one subtile 158 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, force under investigation — 1 refer to the experimental labours of M. Melloni and Professor Draper. We have, therefore, deficient only one link in the chain of identity among all these imponderable forces, and that link is the identity of the force light or heat, with electricity. I have already shewn that there are many points of analogy between voltaic electricity and the calorific force. Each of these forces is found occupying the interior or so-called interstitial space of the elements of bodies, they are the admitted agents which operate upon the elementary particles or atoms of matter,* and are possessed of essential qualities common to both, which are exhibited in all their lumini- ferous and calorific phenomena. It is this link which I believe is discovered and supplied by the following experiments. The account of these is copied almost verbatim from my experimental note book, from November, 1850. My delicate galvanometer, which has been employed in all my previous experiments, is composed of a helix of forty-six turns of covered copper wire ^ of an inch in diameter, and a single needle suspended by about 16 or 18 inches of silk fibre — the indicator is a slender wooden fibre, and moves over a card dial, which shades the upper surface of the helix. I found on placing it in a window having a southern aspect, that it was impossible in the day time to obtain at all times certain indications. At other times I observed a constant vibratory motion to such an extent that I was unable to pro- ceed with my experiments. Desiring to discover the reason of such action, on the 14th of November last, the needle at that time vibrating to a considerable extent, I intercepted the progress of the suns rays, which were shining upon the southern extremity of the galvanometer, by a book or any thing near at hand, and the needle became stationary. On * This is not the case with any of the other forces. See Keport of British Association for 1842. ELECTBICITY, MAGNETISM, AND GRAVITATION. 159 removing the book, deflection again commenced, and the needle continued to perform vibrations of about 10° so long as the sun's rays continued upon it. At 12, (noon,) placed the book again so as to inter- cept the solar rays, the needle still vibrating; this gra- dually diminished until it became perfectly stationary, and remained so up to 12h. 7im, Removed the book, and in half a minute the galvanometer vibrated to 5°, and became stationary at 2,^°. Replaced the book, and the needle returned to 1^°. The sun had now so changed his position that the other or north extremity of the helix had also become illuminated. On placing a small book to shade the latter from the sun's rays, the galvanometer needle slowly travelled as far as 0^°, then receded to 5"^ below zero, and kept up a continuous vibration from this point towards zero, — the instrument having been previously adjusted. On inter- cepting the sun's rays the galvanometer declined to zero, and there remained perfectly stationary for five minutes. At 12h. 20m., the galvanometer being still stationary, I re- moved the book, and in one minute it had progressed to 2^°. All action now ceased, and the needle became stationary at this point. December 6th, 1850. — Observed the galvanometer at 2^° at 12, (noon.) Adjusted it; but observed that whenever the sun began to shine brightly, it became several degrees deflected. At Ih. 20m., on paying more particular attention to this circumstance, T found that by interposing a piece of paper or other screen between the instrument and the solar rays, the deviation was corrected. I found that by rectifying the instrument in the sun's rays and then interposing a screen, the needle deviated to the left hand 2i°, — and on removing the screen, it speedily returned to its original station. This experiment I repeated about every half minute for a dozen times, and the same results invariably ensued. The needle always answered 160 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, to the sun's rays when unobstructed, and at all times to the same distance. (See later experiments.) 3h. p.m. — The needle has now deflected 4^° to 5° in the sun's rays. On interposing the screen, it returns 2°, and on removing it, vibrates again to 5^ ; and this action is main- tained as long as I please, by the mere interposition or removal of the screen. Is THIS Thermo-Electric Action ? In order to see whether the effect was due to any thermo- electric influence, I retained the south end of the helix in the mercury cup, exposed to the solar rays, whilst the screen was interposed ; but this in nowise altered the results. I then removed the mercury cups altogether ; but the action of the needle was just as before. The sun is now beginning to illuminate the north end of the helix as much as the oppo- site; the action becomes weaker, and in a short time I*' is the whole effect produced. December 12th. — The galvanometer has now been sta- tionary two nights and one day. No sunshine yesterday, and no deflection. On the emerging of the sun from behind a cloud this morning at 11, the needle deflected gradually to 3'^ towards the right hand. On interposing a screen to obstruct the rays, it declined speedily to 2^. When the screen was removed, the sun shining brightly, the galvanometer indicated 4°. Interposed the screen, gal- vanometer, 0°. Removed the obstruction, and in one minute galvanometer indicated 2l°. The power of the solar rays is indicated with as great precision as with a thermo- meter ; a cloud intervening, 2° is indicated. December 13th. — A cloudy day. llh. 55m., the sun has just emerged, aAd the galvanometer moves 2i° to the right. The sun is again obstructed, and the indicator stands at zero. Ih. 55m., some cloudy films intervening, the galvanometer ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND GRAVITATION. 161 indicates 4°. More clouds intervene directly, and it returns to zero again. December 15th., at 10 a.m. The sun is now in a direct line with the helix. The indicator 5° to the right hand. Placed a screen between the sun and the instrument, and in a few seconds it has returned to zero. It may be noticed that in all these experiments the sun's rays had to penetrate the glass of the window as well as the glass shade of the instrument. I now used a large lens to condense the rays upon some of the wires at the south end of the helix, but found that this condensation deprived the rays of their influence upon the galvanometer. That the results were not due to thermo-electric action is manifest. In these experiments there was no electric circuit formed. There was no wire of communication between the two mercury cups forming the terminations of the helix, and therefore, upon all commonly admitted principles, there could be neither ordinary voltaic, or thermo-electric phenomena manifested, for the latter are never seen unless the electrical circuit is complete. I now completed the circuit by a connecting copper wire, one extremity of which was introduced into each mercury cup. When the sun became partially unclouded, the gal- vanometer indicated 3*^. I removed the connexion, and completed it again and again several times, but without any sensible change. It is now 4°. I break the circuit, but no effect ensues ; still 4°. The sun shining brightly, at lOh. 45m., 5°. The wire of connexion is removed, and after one minute the galvanometer still indicates 5'^. Clouds intervene, and the needle declines. The introduction of the con- necting wire produces no alteration during the decline of the needle. Shortly, although clouds of a fine texture intervene, the 162 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, galvanometer maiks 5°, with no wire of connexion between the mercury cups. By completing the circuit, no change ; in two minutes the indicator marks 4°. Removed the connecting wire, and the galvanometer remains as before, at 4°. I now interposed a screen. In ^ min. the needle receded to Oj° ; in 1^ m., quite to zero. Removed the screen at 11 .20 a.m., and in 1 m. galvanometer 2^°-, in Ik m., 4|° ; in If m., 5'^; in 2 m., the sun now unclouded, 6°. Circuit incomplete. Removed the mercury cup into which the south wire was inserted — the only one illuminated by the solar rays. The sun being quite unclouded, the needle indicated lO*^. I again interposed the screen, and the needle returned to 2^°. Fearing lest the galvanometer had been altered, as the indication was so high, I removed zero to where the needle became stationary at 2^°; and on taking away the screen, in 1 m. the needle indicated 7^^°, and afterwards 8°^. At llh. 35m., the needle deflected to 9°. The mercu- rialized end of the galvanometer wire was now enclosed in paper, to ensure that there should be no supposed thermo- electric action by heating copper in communication with mercury; but the galvanometer remained just as before. There was no alteration in the results obtained by plunging a wire, in connection with the north end or terminal of the galvanometer, into cold water. The sun's rays are beginning to fall upon and illuminate the north extremity of the helix, and the needle gradually declines. .January 3rd, 1851. — All the following deflections were to the right hand: — a.m., llh. 30m. Sun somewhat clouded, galvanometer 2°. " 11 . 45. " brighter, " 2i°, " 11. 50. " still brighter, " 6^ p.m., 4 . 55. " bright; the galvanometer now indi- cates 8°. ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND GRAVITATION. 163 Interposed a screen, and the galvanometer declined to zero. p.m., 2 , 0 Sun clouded, galvanometer 2i°. " " « more clouded, " 2°. " " " still more clouded, " 1°. 8^ 0 in the evening. Galvanometer had returned to 0°, as usual. January 6th, — One half the extremity of the helix shaded by a pillar, a.m., lOh.Om. Galvanometer deflected to S°. " 11 . 50. Sun clear, unshaded, galvanometer 7i°. " " Interposed a screen, and in i min. " 5°. " " Removed " " " Ti". Repeated, with like results, several times. ** 12 . 0. Sun unclouded, galvanometer 9^, p.m., 12 . 1. Galvanometer 10°; 1 min. more 11°. " 12 . 3. Window and apparatus very clean, 12°, ** 12 . 5, Galvanometer 15°. " 12 . 7i. Ditto 15°. The instrument had been cleaned and might not have been correctly adjusted — and probably the last stated degrees are overrated. The wires at the south extremity of the , helix, which were originally green, were now inked, so as to produce a greater facility for the absorption of the rays. The galvanometer ultimately settled in the evening at 5°, which would reduce the stated indication of the galvanometer from 15° to 10°, as before. January 18th,* a.m., llh. Om. Sun clouded, galva- nometer lk°, A little more obscured, 5° ; sun brighter, but not free from clouds 7^°, Now 8° ; sun more obscured, galvanometer de- clined to 4°. In i a min. 5°; 1 min., sun yet clouded 6°. 164! ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, SEAT, The motions of the galvanometer appear much more rapid since the blackening of the extremity of the helix, p.m., 12h. 45m. The sun is now out again, the gal- vanometer deflects to 4°, then 5°, The rays obstructed by a cloud, it declines to ... P. The sun becoming brighter, 6°; now 7°. Obscured still by thin clouds, and no prospect of being clearer 7°. N.B. Up to this period the deflections had been from the 12th December all to the right hand. The Vibratory Period. Effects of Shade — Deflection changed. January 22nd, 1851, a.m., 9h. 45m. — Half the helix shaded by a pillar, galvanometer 4° to the right hand. Two-thirds shaded, galvanometer 2i°. The shade still encroaching, the galvanometer gradually declines. Now 3 wires only un- shaded, galvanometer 2°, and at length zero. llh. 45m. The sun is now brightly shining upon the whole extremity of the helix and all along the lower bundle of wires, and the galvanometer remains at zero. A piece of sheet copper was now interposed as a screen to , shade the lower bundle of wires of the helix, and permit the rays to illuminate only its extremity — galvanometer deflected to 7i°. It will be observed that it was the 22nd of January, at mid-day, and the sun had ascended a consi'derable altitude above the horizon. The influence hitherto exerted on the galvanometer appeared destroyed. Sometimes it would diverge in one direction, and sometimes in the opposite. Vibratory movements began again to make their appearance as they had done on the 14th of November, 1850; at which period, and for some time afterwards, the deflections of the needle were towards the left hand. By and bye, the galvanometer BLECTBICITT, MAGNETISM, AND GRAVITATION. 165 settles ; hut its dejlection is reversed, and takes place to the left, sr. On interposing a screen, it returns to zero, — and on removing the obstruction, it is deflected again to the left hand, 2|°. By alternately intercepting the rays, and then removing the screen, a continuous vibration is maintained in the new direction of 21° to 3°. January 23rd, llh. 30m. — Sun out, galvanometer deflects to the right hand 7|°. llh. 40m. Very bright, galvanometer deflects to the right hand 10°. llh. 53m. Sun clouded, galvanometer declines 5° . p.m., 12h. 5m. Sun unclouded, galvanometer de- flects to the right 9°. Again — ** 2 0. Sun bright, galvanometer deflects to the left 2°. " 2 5. Ditto, ditto ditto 2i°. " 2 45. Sun obscured, ditto 0°. January 27th, 9 . 30. — Sun unclouded, galvanometer 5° to the right hand. 9h. 35m. Sun unclouded, galvanometer 6° to the right hand. 9h. 55m. The end of the helix is now covered entirely by the shade of an iron pillar. The left side and surface of the lower bundle are illuminated by the sun's rays, and the needle has declined to P. lOh. Om., a.m. The rays now illuminate one-third of the end of the helix, and the galvanometer marks 2^° to right. The left side and lower bundle of the helix was now shaded by a screen, and the needle speedily marked 6° to the right, the helix being only half illuminated at its extremity. lOh. 45m. The sun is now at a considerable altitude above the horizon, but the glass shade of the instrument is covered 1"6 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, with condensed vapour internally, and prevents the action of the rays ; galvanometer at zero. 2h. 15m. The needle is now deflected towards the left 1°. The whole of the helix (save the extremity) was now shaded from the rays, and the immediate result was 4' to the left. The shade was removed, and the needle declined to 21°. Replaced the shade, and the result was 3^° to the left. 2h. 35m. Needle P. Shaded the whole of the helix ex- cept the south illuminated end, and the result to the left hand was3^ January 31st. — The greater part of the helix being covered by the shade of the window frame, the needle began to vibrate, and continued its vibrations for some time. Shortly after- wards two-thirds of the extremity of the helix being illuminated, the needle deflected 4>° to left. llh. 35m. Sun clouded, galvanometer 3° to left. Helix shaded, declined to 0°. 2h. 20m. Shaded the helix, 0°. On removing shade, 3=^ to the left hand. February 14th, 1851. — Sun much clouded. 9h. 40m. No deflexion ; afterwards shaded the lower half of the extremity of the helix, result, 1° towards the right. A cloud intervened, and it declined to 0°. llh. 20m. GsilyanometeT marks 21° to left. Shaded upper half, no deflexion ; shaded whole helix, and no deflexion ; shaded lower half, and galvanometer indicated 5°. This was repeated several times, with similar results. Covered the whole length of the silk line supporting the needle with a paper shade, lest there might be any results from the action of the rays upon it. The shade was fre- quently removed and replaced during deflections of the needle, but no influence appeared to result from these changes. 12\\. 50m. Galvanometer marks 2i° to the left hand. The sun becomes bright, and the deflection that ensued was ELECTBICITY, MAQNETISMj AND GRAVITATION. 167 6° to left. Covering the lower half of the helix now appears to diminish the amount of deflection. February 26th, lOh. 55m.— The needle marks 3° to 4° to the left hand, and by interposing the screen the indicator returns to zero. March 3rd, 1 . 40 p.m. — Sun rather clouded ; the galvano- meter indicates 6° to the left hand. Clouds intervene, and in a few moments the needle declines to 2i°. Ih. 45m. The sun again emerged, and the galvanometer deflected to 6° to the left, and continued to move in one direction or the other just in proportion to the brightness or obscured condition of the solar rays. March 4th, lOh. 54m. — The sun being very bright, the galvanometer was observed to deviate 10° to the left hand. In order to see if any similar eflfect could be produced by ordinary heat, I employed a spirit lamp, held near the extremity of the helix, but no deflection ensued. Afterwards I held a pile of red hot burning embers at the north extremit}'^ of the helix, resting upon a piece of sheet copper, and a deviation of the needle to the left hand ensued, equal to about i°. The embers were then removed to the opposite extremity, when, as the north end became cooler, the needle passed zero and deflected about i° to the right. This was performed several times with similar results. Afterwards the mercury cups were removed, but the needle deflected under the influence of the embers just as before. The shade of the apparatus was heated very considerably by this proceeding, and much more than by the solar rays for the production of a deflection of 10°. June 27th, 1851. — I have since discovered that not only is the deflection of the needle produced by the solar rays falling upon the southern extremity of the helix, and ob- structed by the illumination at the same time of the northern extremity, but that their projection upon the upper surface 168 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, of the helix produces an action completely antagonistic to that of the sun's action upon its southern extremity. Thus on June 27th, 1850, the opening in the dial card having been enlarged, the needle deflected to 10° ; exposed the upper bundles of the helix to the sun's rays, the needle returned to 7J°, and vibrated continually at this point. Shaded the dial opening, and the needle deflected to 10°, and after- wards 11°. This experiment was performed several times and attended with similar results. By shading the extre- mity of the helix and exposing its upper surface only, needle reversed 3° to the right hand. The powers of reflected light were tried by reflecting the solar rays upon various portions of the helix, and this in a variety of directions, but without any change occurring in the position of the needle. I also verified the experiments of 1850-51, by similar experiments in 1851-52, at like periods of the year, but invariably with the same kind of deflection, and in the same direction corresponding with the altitude of the sun above the horizon. Thus September 10th, 1851, Ih. 30m., deflection to the left hand, 3°. At 3h. 45m. The northern extremity of the helix was alone illuminated, but no deflection of the needle could be obtained. The same results occurred also in October, and November — deflection 5° to the left. The Vibratory Period, 1852. 1852, January 23rd, 12^ p.m. — Deflection to the right hand, as in the previous year at this date, and the needle returned to zero on obstructing the rays. January 30tl), 12 noon. — Galvanometer deflects to the right hand, the sun becomes obscured, and the needle returns. February 12th, lOh. 40m.— Needle deflects 3° to the left ELECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND QUA VI TAT JON. 169 hand; shaded by a pillar, goes back to zero.. At 11 a.m., needle stationary, yet the sun very powerful. At lib. iOm., the needle deflects 2^ to the right hand; at 3h. iJ^m., it now vibrates again towards the left hand; shaded the helix, zero; removed the shade, deflection V to the right hand ; it now vibrates 2^ to the lefty and continues vibrating. II h. 20m. Begins by deflection to the right, and then in a few seconds to the left, then vibrates or remains stationar}'. 12h. 5ra. The needle is now 4i° to the right; shaded, it returns ; 12h. 10m., deflection 7^° to the right hand. It is thus seen that the instrument, which is ordinarily employed for the indication of a voltaic current, and has been shown also to manifest the transition of ordinary electricity and lightning, is likewise truly affected by tlie solar beams. That the effects upon the galvanometer are induced by solar agency, is clearly manifested in the greater part of the above experiments by the remarkable coincidence which is ob- servable between the degrees indicated by the galvanometer and the brilliancy of the solar beams, as well as by the changes observed by the interposition or removal of an artifi- cial screen. (See Experiments, Jan. 3rd, 6th, and 7th.) That the effects are not the results of thermo-electric action, is evident, inasmuch as, — 1. There has never been discovered any thermo-electric phenomenon emanating from the action of heat upon any simple combinations of copper ivire alone, 2. That there was no thermo-electric influence observable from the action of heat upon copper in contact tvith the mercury in the mercury cup, nor upon the mercurialised ex- tremity of the wire, was seen on the 6th December last ; for after the removal of the mercury cup and shading the wire from the sun's rays, the same results were still equally observable. (See Experiment, Dec. 6.) 3. The;-^ is no hitherto known electric, thermo-electric, or voltaic action of this kind noticed in science without the 170 ON THE IDENTITY OF LIGHT, HEAT, formalion of a complete circuit; and yet there was no circuit formed in most of these experiments, nor did the completion of the circuit at all augment, decrease, or influence any of the results. (See Experiments, Dec. 15.) That the effects are due to the influence of the solar rays upon the southern extremity of the helix, was manifested on several occasions by the same and frequently an increased action upon the needle ensuing by the shading of the other parts of the helix. (See Experiments, Jan. ^2nd and 27th.) The unexpected change which took place in the direction of the needle on the 22nd of January, at 12 noon, and which appears to have continued from that period to the present at all times after a given hour, — being to the right hand with the early and winter sun, and to the left hand when the latter has advanced far above the horizon, — evinces that the influence of the rays in inducing the direction of the current in the helix at these two pei'iods is ajitagonistic ; this is also displayed by the stationary or vibrating condition of the needle at the interval between these two periods. This vibratory motion is also observed at all times when two antagonistic currents are induced. (See Experiments, Jan. 12th, 23rd, and 27th.) The vertical action of the rays upon the helix in the production of current, and its electro-magnetic effects upon the needle, appear to depend upon the intensity and momentum of the solar rays, which probably enter into and traverse the wires in that direction which most nearly cor- responds to the direction of the rays ; the deflection of the needle in each instance corresponding, according to known laws, to the direction of the current thus induced. That the action is augmented in proportion to the number of coils of the helix acted upon, was evidenced in several experiments, and particularly in those of the 22nd of January. Thus it appears that each ray as it falls upon a coil of the helix traverses it with a given degree of momentum, and that when the current thus produced arrives at the continuous KLECTRICITY, MAGNETISM, AND GRAVITATION. 171 portion of the coil where it becomes subject to the action of a second ray, its momentum is increased, and probably the quantity of moving force doubled ; and this increase of momentum and force is after the same manner augmented in each succeeding coil by every fresh incidental ray. The result of these experiments evince to my mind more than ever the unity of force^ On every band experimental evidence appears to justify the conclusion that there is one universal force in Nature, which is modified by the accidental and varied conditions to which it is subject, but that Us essential nature and characteristics are at all times the same, and evince in every modification constantly the same un- changeable qualities, which are discoverable by man under the denomination of sensations, as well as luminous and calorific properties. I believe that these experiments indicate, and indeed prove the identity of caloric and voltaic force, and that now the last required link for the completion of the entire chain of identity of these imponderable forces is obtained. 173 IX. — On the economical production of Mechanical Effect from Chemical Forces. By J. P. Joule, F.R.S., &c. [Riad April QUi, 1852.] Perhaps the most important applications of dynamical theory are those which refer to the production of motive power from chemical and other actions. To point out the rules for constructing an engine which shall approach per- fection as nearly as possible, and to determine the quantity of work which ought to be evolved by a perfect engine of any given class, are objects of the greatest consequence in the present state of society, and which have in fact been to a great extent already accomplished by the labours of those who have taken a correct view of the nature of heat. I intend on the present occasion to submit to the Society some of the laws which have been recently arrived at by Professor Thomson and myself, and to offer some hints as to the means of carrying out into practice the deductions of theory. Engines which derive their power from the operation of chemical forces may be divided into three classes. The first class comprises those exquisite machines in which chemical forces operate by the mysterious intervention of life, whether in the animal or vegetable creation. The second class includes machines in which the chemical forces act through the inter- vention of electrical currents, as in the ordinary revolving electro-magnetic apparatus. The third comprises those engines in which the chemical forces act through the inter- vention of the heat they produce ; these, which may be 174 ON THE ECONOMICAL PRODUCTION OF termed thermo-dynamic engines, include steam engines, air engines, &c. The process whereby muscular effort is developed in the living machine is, as might be expected, involved in great obscurity. Professor Magnus has endeavoured to prove that the oxygen inspired by an animal does not immediately enter into combination with the blood, but is mechanically conveyed by it to the capillary vessels within the muscles^ where it combines with certain substances, converting them into carbonic acid and water. The carbonic acid, instead of oxygen, is then absorbed by the blood, and is discharged therefrom when it reaches the lungs. Taking this view, we may admit with Liebig, that at each effort of an animal a por- tion of muscular fibre unites with oxygen, and that the whole force of combination is converted by some mysterious process into muscular power, without any waste in the form of heat. This conclusion, which is confirmed by the experiments related in a joint memoir by Dr. Scoresby and myself, shows that the animal frame, though destined to fulfil so many other ends, is as an engine more perfect in the economy of vis viva than any human contrivance. The electro-magnetic engine presents some features of similarity to the living machine, and approaches it in the large proportion of the chemical action which it is able to evolve as mechanical force. If we denote the intensity of current electricity when the engine is at rest by a, and the intensity of current when the engine is at work by b, the proportion of chemical force converted into motive force will be - — , and the quantity wasted in the form of heat will be — . Now from my own experiments, I find that a each grain of zinc consumed in a Daniell's battery will raise the temperature of a lb. of water 0°-1886; and that the heat which can increase the temperature of a pound of water by MECHANICAL EFFECT FUOM CHEMICAL FORCES. 175 one degree, is equal to the mechanical force which is able to raise a weight of 772 lbs. to the height of one foot, or according to the expression generally used, to 772 foot- pounds. Therefore the work developed by a grain of zinc consumed in a Daniell's battery is given by the equation, a We now come to the third class of engines, or those in which the chemical forces act through the intervention of heat. In the most important of these the immediate agent is the elasticity of vapour or permanently elastic fluids. In a very valuable paper on the dynamical theory of heat, Professor Wm. Thomson has demonstrated that if the heat evolved by compressing an elastic fluid be equivalent to the force absorbed in the compression, the proportion of heat con- verted into mechanical effect by any perfect thermo-dynamic engine will be equal to the range of temperature divided by the highest temperature from the absolute zero of tem- perature. Therefore, if in a perfect steam engine a be the temperature of the boiler from the absolute zero, and b be the absolute temperature of the condenser, the fraction of the entire quantity of heat communicated to the boiler which will be converted into mechanical force, will be represented by ^ , which is analogous to the fraction representing the a proportion of chemical force converteu into mechanical effect in the electro-magnetic engine.* The entreme simplicity of this very important deduction which Professor Thomson has drawn from the dynamical theory of heat, is of itself a strong argument in favor of that theory, even if it were not already established by decisive experiments. • Referring to this analogy, Professor Thompson writes as follows : — " I am inclined to tbink that an electric current circulating in a closed conductor w heat, and becomes capable of producing tliermometric effects by being frittered down into smaller local circuits or 'molecular vortices.'"— Letter to the Author, dated March 31st, 1852. 176 ON THE ECONOMICAL PRODUCTION OF Now, estimating the heat generated by the combustion of a grain of coal at l°-634 per lb. of water, its absolute mechanical value will amount to 1261-45 foot-pounds; hence, according to Professor Thomson's formula, the work performed by any perfect thermo-dynamic engine will, for each grain of coal consumed, be represented by the equation, a which applies, as before intimated, not only to air engines, but also to those steam engines in which the principle of ex- pansion is carried to the utmost extent, providing always that no waste of power is allowed to take place in friction, and that the entire heat of combustion of the coal is conveyed to the boiler or air receiver. Professor Thomson was the first to point out the great advantages to be anticipated from the air-engine, in con- sequence of the extensive range of temperature which it may be made to possess ; and in a paper communicated to the Royal Society soon afterwards, I described a very simple engine which fulfils the criterion of perfection according to Professor Thomson's formula. This engine consists of three parts, viz., a condensing air pump, a receiver, and an ex- pansion cylinder; the pump forces atmospheric air into the receiver, in the receiver its elasticity is increased by the application of heat, and then the air enters the expansion cylinder, of which the volume is to that of the pump as the absolute temperature of the air in the receiver is to that of the air entering it. The cylinder is furnished with expansion gear to shut oflf the air, when the same quantity has been expelled from the receiver as was forced into it by one stroke of the pump. By this disposition the air is expelled from the expansion cylinder at the atmospheric pressure, and at the absolute temperature corresponding with b in Professor Thomson's formula. As an example of tho above kind of air-engine, I will take MECHANICAL EFFECT FBOM CHEMICAL FORCES. 177 one working in atmospheric air of 15 lbs. pressure on the square inch and 50" Fahr. I will suppose that the expansive action in the cylinder is to exist through three-fourths of its length. Then as the action of the compressing pump is the reverse of that of the cylinder, the piston of the former must traverse three-fourths of its length before the air is sufficiently compressed to enter the receiver by its own pressure. The temperature of the air entering the receiver, determined by Poisson's equation Jl = (^\ *"\ will be 439'''59 Fahr., and its pressure will be 105-92 lbs. on the square inch. Supposing now that the volume of the cylinder is to that of the pump as 4 to 3, the density of the air in the receiver to that forced into it by the pump must be as 3 to 4 in order to keep the quantity of air in the receiver constant. The temperature of the air in the receiver will also require to be kept at 739°* 12 Fahr. in order to maintain the pressure of 105-92 lbs. on the square inch. The air entering the cylinder at the above pressure and temperature will escape from it at the end of the stroke at the atmospheric pressure, and at the temperature 219|°. It will be remarked that there are two ranges of tempera- tures in the engine I have described, viz., that of the pump and that of the cylinder. Owing, however, to the exact pro- portion which subsists between the two, the same result is arrived at by the application of Professor Thomson's formula to either of them. Taking, therefore, the range of the cylin- der, and converting the temperatures of the air entering and discharged from the cylinder into the absolute temperatures from the real zero by adding to them 459°, we obtain for the work evolved by the consumption of a grain of coal, ^ ^ 1261-45 (1 19812-67866) _ g^.g^ fo„,.pou„dB. 1198-12 In order to compare the foregoing result with the duty of a steam-engine approaching perfection as nearly as possible, I 2a 178 ON THE ECONOMICAL PRODUCTION OF will admit that steam may be safely worked at a pressure of 14 atmospheres. The temperature of the boiler correspond- ing to that pressure will, according to the experiments of the French Academicians, be 387° Fahr. The temperature of the condenser might be kept at 80°. Reducing the above to temperatures reckoned from the absolute zero, we obtain for the work evolved by the combustion of each grain of coal, W= '^61-45 (84^-539) ^ ^^^..g fo„t.p„„„a. It would therefore appear, even in the extreme case which I have adduced, that the performance of the steam-engine is considerably inferior to that of the air engine. The supe- riority of the latter vpould have been still more evident had I also taken an extreme case as an illustration of its economy. It must, moreover, be remarked that the heated air escaping from the engine at a temperature so high as 2191° might be made available in a variety of ways to increase still more the quantity of work evolved. A part of this heated air might also be employed in the furnaces instead of cold atmos- pheric air. We may also hope eventually to realize the great advan- tage which would be secured to the air engine by causing the air, in its passage from the pump to the cylinder, to come into contact with the fuel by the combustion of which its elasticity is to be increased. It appears to me that the air might pass through a number of air-tight chambers, each containing ignited fuel, and that whenever any one of the chambers required replenishing, its connexion with the en- gine might be cut oif by means of proper valves, until by removing an air-tight lid or door the chamber could be filled again with fuel. By means of suitable valves, it would be easy to regulate the quantity of air passing through each chamber so as to keep its temperature uniform; and by a separate pipe, furnished also with valves, by which the air MECHANICAL EFFECT PROM CHEMICAL FORCES. 179 could be carried from the pump to the upper part of the chambers without traversing the fuel, the engine man would be enabled to keep the temperatures of the chambers, as well as the velocity of the engine, under proper control. 181 X. — On some Trails and Holes found in rocks of the Car- boniferous Strata, with remarks on the Microconchus carbonarius. By E. W. BiNNEY. iRead April 6tA, 1862.] Notwithstanding the great attention that has of late years been bestowed by geologists in investigating the state and condition of our globe at the time of the formation of the carboniferous strata, much yet remains to be done. Every fact connected with the subject, however trivial it may at first sight appear, deserves to be recorded. The collectors of fossil shells and plants were for a long time considered by the practical collier as mere curiosity hunters, whose labours would do little to guide him in determining the regular suc- cession of strata or the origin of the coal itself. But the time has arrived when fossil organic remains have their use in the mind of the intelligent miner as well as of the distinguished palaeontologist, by affording valuable assistance in identifying beds at different places when the deposits themselves are so changed in appearance as not to be recognized. Doubtless they require to be used in conjunction with other facts, such as the mechanical condition of rocks, and various circum- stances; but still, their value is now so generally allowed that it will not require any further argument from me for its support. In this communication it is my object to direct attention to the markings which appear upon the surfaces of certain rocks belonging to the carboniferous strata. The subject has not particularly engaged the minds of English geologists ; indeed, 182 ON SOME TRAILS AND HOLES FOUND IN ROCKS SO far as I am aware, little has yet been done in it with the exception of the investigation of the origin of ripple marks upon flagstones. This has excited considerable interest, and it is now pretty well determined that these appearances, although more frequently indicating the former existence of sea beaches and beds formed in shallow water, are by no means to be confined to those conditions, as they have been found in the present seas under several hundred feet of water. Your attention will chiefly be requested to the trails of the former inhabitants of shells and worms, as well as the bur« rowings of the latter, made on and in the rocks, when they were in the state of soft sand or mud ; but some observations will also be made upon those common annelids which have long passed for molluscs, and were known by the name of microconckus carbonarius. The above-named humble memorials of the fauna of the carboniferous epoch must at present suffice for our con- sideration. There is little doubt, however, but that rep- tilian remains will be found amongst the coal measures in England, like those of Germany and the United States of America. The tracks and trails as yet met with in these rocks give no indication of having been made by reptiles, like those found in the new red sandstone of Weston, Cheshire, and other places, as well as the old red sandstone of Scotland. In my cabinet is a vertebra from the roof of the Riley Coal at Captain Fold, near Heywood, which the most celebrated living comparative anatomists cannot distinguish from the caudal vertebra of an ichthyosaurus. As, however, no other bones were met with in that locality, doubts have been raised as to the authenticity of the specimen ; but as to its having really been found in the place where it was represented to have come from, there is quite as much evidence as of three-fourths of the fossil remains which are labelled in cabinets. Most of the trails and marks found upon the rocks of the OF THE CABDONiriiROUS STBATA. 183 carboniferous strata have evidently been made by at least two very different kinds of animals. Some of them have been excavated by annelids, whilst others have been made by inha- bitants of univalve and bivalve shells. These trails are often so much alike as to render it difficult to decide as to which of the above-named animals it is that we must attribute their origin. In the Silurian System,* Sir Roderick Murchison has referred certain markings found upon the Cambrian rocks of Lampeter to nereites, myrianites, and nemerites. These fossils Professor Hall, from an examination of many speci- mens of similar fossils found in the United States of America, is more inclined to refer to gasteropodous molluscs and crustaceans analogous to idotea.-\ Without undertaking to determine which of the above learned authors is correct, I shall describe in this communication markings, some of which are the trails of the former inhabitants of shells, and others as equally certain to have been made by worms. Mr. William Lee, of Sheffield, in a paper on Fossil Foot- prints of the Carboniferous System, J after describing several varieties of what he terms the tracks of reptiles, states, — " In May last, (1841,) I found upon the moors of FuUwood Head, five or six miles west of Sheffield, some beds of brown sand- stone, covered with foot prints, and also with what appear to be the tracks of worms; (No. 4.) the surfaces are otherwise exceedingly smooth and even. The beds vary from two inches thick to one-sixteenth of an inch, and both the upper and lower surfaces are covered so abundantly with scales of mica, that it may frequently be scraped off with the fingers. " The foot prints and worm tracks occur on both sides of the slabs, the indentations being always on the upper surface, and the reliefs on the lower. *■ Silurian System, p. 699. + Report of the American Association for the Advancement of Science held at Cambridge in 1849, p. 257. X Vol. I. of the Proceedings of the Qeological and Polytechnic Society of the West Riding of Yorkshire, p. 413. lS4i ON SOME TBAILS AND HOLES FOUND IN BOOKS " Upon one slab, I have without much difficulty deciphered nearly forty continuous impressions of the same track. The stride appears to be somewhat more than an inch, and behind the marks are frequently short furrows similar to those already described, where the feet have been di'awn along the surface. No marl or clat/ is found in connexion with the stratum, the preserving agent in this instance being the interposed mica- ceous scales." I have examined the quarry at Fullwood, above alluded to by Mr. Lee, and found specimens similar to those hereinafter described as occurring at Scout Mill in the lower flags. The Scout Mill and Fullwood Head quarries occupy the same geological position, and I have therefore little doubt but that the impressions on the surfaces of both flags have been made by the same kind of animal. Having made these introductory remarks, it may be as well to give a section shewing the geological position of the several strata wherein the fossils occur. This section will be confined to the limestone shale and the lower division of the Lancashire coal field. A part of it has appeared in a paper by me, printed in the first volume of the Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society.* SECTION OF THE LOWER DIVISION OP THE LANCASHIRE COAL FIELD. This coal is the last thick seam, and identical with the Lower Woodley Mine of Dukinfield, the Riley Mine of Oldham, the Ariey Mine at Wigan, the Daubhill Mine near Bolton, and the Yew- Tree Mine of St. Helens. In I, Harwood it is very thin. * In preparing this section, I have been much assisted by Mr. John Hall, of Nangreaves, and his brother, Mr. William Hall. The thicknesses of the different strata are only approximate, and were taken chiefly near Bury and in Rossendale. Many of the thin coal floors, all containing stigmaria, are omitted. yds. ft. in. Coalf Lees, or Dogshaw Mine (the black Shale Coal of Sheffield.) ... 1 2 0 OP THE CARBONIFEROUS STRATA. 185 yds. ft. Floor, full of small Ironstone Nodules 1 2 Black, heavy Stone, of a crystalline structure 1 0 Blue Shale 6 1 Light-ooloored Rock.. 21 0 White earthy Shale 60 0 Very black Shale 30 0 Curled Stone, resembling impure Gannister 0 2 Light Shale 10 0 Grey flaggy Rock (Old Lawrence), Elland Flag in Yorkshire 6 Black stony Shale 30 Black Iridescent Shale, containing Shells of the genera avicula (pectenj , goniaiites, •§4Jt* PLATE «.i 216 ON THE ATR AND RAIN OF MANCHESTER. mens ; sickly taste begins when the greasy and bitter tastes are gone. Alkaline also ; alkalinity lost by boiling. Nitrogenous fumes obtained on burning the residue. Residue as before, alkaline. Timperley, six miles distant. — Abundance of green matter at the bottom of the glass ; an immense amount of green mo- nads, mostly separate, but some in clusters. Gave off alkaline fumes when the residue from evaporation was burnt. Ash then strongly alkaline. This water was strongly alkaline, and was farthest from the town ; it had, however, a great deal of organic matter in it — as much as any — so that the acid seems so far to be a surer guide to the neighbourhood of the town. Park-street, outside of the town, south-west. — Matted confervas appeared in this specimen, on standing, with many green spots stationary and in motion. The water alkaline, but acid on boiling. The ashes neutral. We are here therefore still within the town influence, but it appears that in the outskirts of the town the acid is neu- tralized in a great part with ammonia, as the rain does not become acid until that is driven off. We may therefore find easily three kinds of air, — that with carbonate of ammonia in the fields at a distance, — that with sulphate of ammonia in the suburbs, — and that with sulphuric acid, or acid sulphate, in the town. I need not minutely describe each specimen which I collected ; there is much similarity when from the same district. ON THE AIR AND BAIN OF MANCHESTER. 217 AMOUNT OP INORGANIC MATTER IN A GALLON. Greenheys 875 2.100 Cavondish-street, 8th June 1 .050 9th " 5.6 Park-street 21 Timperley 3,937 Greenheys fields 2.1 Cavendish-street again 2.8 Moss-side 8 Greenheys fields 2.333 Greenheys again 1.33 Cnvendish-street, 5,000 grs. used 3.010 ORGANIC MATTER. Greenheys 56 Cavendish-street, June 1.960 Park-street 4.200 Greenheys fields 2.799 Moss-side 1.45 CHLORINE IN A GALLON. Greenheys 47712 Cavendish-street, June 8th, 1851 3976 " " 9th 5300 Moss-side 896 SULPHURIC ACID IN A GALLON. Greenheys 0.3840 Cavendish-street 1.0752 1.0752 " 5972 Greenheys fields 4480 Park-stroet-outskirts 5376 5376 6740 Timperley 2.2400 Moss-side fields 8960 Note. — There is an unaccountable quantity at Timperley. This requires explanation. The wind was from the west, and violent. Did it receive its im- pjirity from an upper current ? The quantity of acid was determined by comparing prepared solutions. I doubt if it is very accurate with baryta, and do not intend to use it again. 2f 219 LIST OF BOOKS PRESENTED TO THIS SOCIETY FROM DECEMBER IOth, 1851, TO NOVEMBER 2nd, 1852. Donors. LlTERAKY & PhTLOSOPHICAL Society of Liveepool. Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Titles of Books. Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, Vol. VI. Fourth and Fifth Annual Reports of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Report of the Smithsonian Institution on the history of the Discovery of Neptune, hy Benj. Abthorp Gould, jun. Smithsonian Reports — Notices of the Public Libraries in the United States, by Charles C. Jewett. Forster and Whitney's Report to Congress. Patent Office Repoi-t for America, 1848. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, Vol. II. «< » " Vol.111. '• " " Vol. IV. First Appendix to the Third Volume of Smith- aonian Contributions to Knowledge, "An Ephe- meris to the Planet Venus for 1852," by Sears C. Wai.ker. History of the Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, by H. R. ScHooLCROFT, LL.D. Illustrated by Captain Eastman, U.S.A. First Volume. Smithsonian Reports on the recent Improve- ments in the Chemical Arts, by Booth and MORFIT. Directions for Collecting Specimens of Natural History. Registry of Periodical Phenomena. List of Books published by the Smithsonian Institution. 220 LIST OF BOOKS PRESENTED TO THIS SOCIETY. Donors, Smithsonian Insiitution, Washington. Sent theough the Smith- sonian iNSTITtrriON. Superintendent of Weights and Measures. Surgeon-General of the United States. Commissioner of Patents. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, The American Association FOR THE Advancement of Science. J. N. Nicollet. L'Observatoire Central DE RussiE. Mb. James Higgin. Museum of Practical Geo- logy, London. Titles of Books. List of Foreign Institutions with which the Smithsonian Institution is in correspendence. Abstract of the Seventh Census of the United States. American Zoological, Botanical, and Geological BibUography, for the year 1851, by Charles GiRARD. Report on Sugars and Hydrometers, by Professor R. S. Mc. CuLLOCH. 1848. Report of the Commissioner of Patents for 1850. Part 1st — Mechanical Pan 2nd — Agricultural Tables used with the Custom-house Hydrometers. Army Meteorological Observations for Twelve years, l;831-42. Second and Third Reports on Meteorology to the Na\7 Department, by Professor J. P. Espy. 1851. United States. Patent Laws. Rules for obtaining Patents in the United States. History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States, by H. R. School- CROFT, LL.U. Illustrated by Captain Eastman. Vol. II. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science ; fourth meeting, 1850. Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi, from Astronomical Barometrical Surveys and Information, by J. N. Nicollet. Annales de L'Observatoire Physique Central de Russie, par A. T. Kupffeh. Nos. 1 , 2, and 3, 1848. Compte Rendu Annuel, par A. T. Kupffer. St, Petersbourg. 1850. Comptes Rendus, for 1850-51. Introductorj' Lectures — by Professors Percy, W, W. Smyth, Ramsay, Forbes, Playfaih, and Sir H. de la Beche. LIST OF BOOKS PBESENTED TO THia SOCIETT. 221 Donors. Scottish Society of Arts. Institute of CrviL Engin- EEBS. EoYAii SociETy OF Edin- burgh. Royal Society. M. Emanuel Liais (the Author.) Cambridge Literary and Philosophical Society. Matthus Dunk, Esq. (the Author) Jos. Dickenson, Esq. Edinburgh Astronomical Society. Society of Antiquaries. W. Hopkins, Esq., Cam- bridge. EcoLE DBS Mines. Physikalische Gesell- schafft, Betlin, Professor W. Thomson, Glasgow, (the Author.) Titles of Books. Transactions of the Royal Society of Arts, Vol. III., Part 6. Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, up to Ist Part of, 1850-51 ; with List of the Members. Proceedings of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh, 1851-52. Transactions, Vol. XX., Part 3. Philosophical Transactions, Part 1, 1851. Proceedings of the Boyal Society (continued) L'Eclipse au 28 Juillet, 1851. Addition k un Memoire intituli^ Theorie Mathe- matique des Oscillations du Barometre. \ Transactions of the Cambridge Literary and Phi- losophical Society, Vol. IX., Part 2, 1851. Report of Matthias Dtjnn, Esq., Inspector of Coal Mines, 1851. Report of Jos. Dickenson, Esq., Inspector of Coal Mines, 1851. Edinburgh Astronomical Obsen'ations, Vol. X., 1844, 1845, 1846-47. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries, 1849-52* Atchaeologia, VoL XXXIII. and Vol. XXXIV.— 2 Parts. Address to the Geological Society by Professol' Hopkins, President, Februarj', 1852. Annales des Mines, to the 2nd Livr. of 1852, Fortschritte der Physik, 4th year, by Karsten. Mechanical Theorj' of Electrolysis, by W. Thom* Theory of Magnetic Induction in Crystalline and Non-Crystalline Substances, by W. Thomson. Mechanical Theory of Magnetism. Dynamical Theory of Heat, with Numerical Re- sults deduced from Mr. Joule's Equivalent oi a Thermal Unit, by W. Thomson. 222 BEQUESTS TO THIS SOClETi BEQUESTS. A Silver Inkstand, which had been presented to Dr. Dalton by the Mechanics' Institution, bequeathed by the late Petee Claee, F.R.A.S., Vice- President of this Society. A Portrait of Peter Claiie, Esq., bequeathed by the late . Samuel Elsworth Cottam, F.E.A.S. THE COUNCIL OF THE ilitctarg antr ^^tlosopi^ical Soctetg of SESSION 1852-53. JOHN MOORE, F.L.S. WILLIAM FAIRBAIRN, F.R.S,, Instit. Nat. Paris. Corresp : M. Instit. C.E. JOSEPH CHEESEBORO.UGH DYER. EATON HODGKINSON, F:R.S.;TI;R.I.A., F.G.S., &c. JAMES PRESCOTT JOULE, F.R.S., &c. Sittvttavita. REV. HENRY HALFORD JONES, F.Rjl.S. ROBERT ANGUS SMITH, Ph. D., &c. GEORGE WAREING ORMEROD, M.A., F.G.S. HbXAXlAtt. E. W. MAKINSON, M.A. ®f tijr ©ountiL THOMAS HOPKINS. RICHARD ROBERTS, M. Inst. C.E. LAURENCE BUCHAN. EDWARD WILLIAM BINNEY. PROFESSOR W. WILLIAMSON, F.R.S. HENRY BOWMAN. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF MANCHESTER, OCTOBER 19th, 1852. Date of Election, James Ainsworth January 25th, 1805 Ealph F. Ainsworth, M.D April 30th, 1839 Thomas Ashton, M.D October 29th, 1821 Thomas Ashton, Hyde August 11th, 1837 John Atkinson January 27th, 1846 W. H. Ash April 17th, 1849 Richard Parr Bamber October 19th, 1821 Robert Barbour January 23rd, 1824 Joseph BaiTatt April 19th, 1842 John Frederic Bateman, M. Inst. C.E January 21st, 1840 Thomas Bazley January 26th, 1847 "W illiam Bell January 26th, 1847 James Bevan January 23rd, 1844 Edward William Binney January 25th, 1842 Alfred Binyon January 26th, 1838 Richard Birley April 18th, 1834 James Black, M.D., F.G.S April 30th, 1839 Henry Bernoulli Barlow January C7th, 1852 John Blackwall, F.L.S January 26th, 1821 Henry Bowman October 29th, 1839 Edward Brooke April 30th, 1824 W. C. Brooks, M.A January 23rd, 1844 2g 226 Dat^ of Election. Henry Browne, M.B January 27th, 1846 Laurence Buchan November 1st, 1810 John Burd January 27th, 1846 Bev. K. Bassnett, M.A April 17th, 1849 Frederick Grace Calvert, M.R.A.T January 26th, 1847 John Young Caw April 15th, 1841 David Chadwick April 20th, 1853 Henry Charlewood Januarj' 24th, 1832 Charles Clay, M.D April 15th, 1841 Charles Cleminshaw April 29th, 1851 Eev. John Colston October 29th, 1850 Thomas Cooke April 12th, 1838 Samuel Crompton April 29th, 1851 James Crossley January 22nd, 1839 Joseph S. Crowther January 25th, 1848 Charles Cumber November 1st, 1833 Matthew Curtis April 18th, 1843 John Benjamin Dancer April 19th, 1842 Samuel Dukinfield Darbishire January 25th, 1822 Rev. John Davies, M.A January 21st, 1851 James Joseph Dean November 15th, 1842 Thomas Dickson January 27th, 1852 Joseph Cheeseborough Dyer April 24th, 1818 Frederick Nathaniel Dyer April 30th, 1850 The Eight Hon. the Earl of Ellesmere, F.G.S April 15th, 1841 Thomas Fairbaim April 30th, 1850 William Fairbaim, F.R.S., M. Inst. C.E., Inst. Nat. Paris. Corresp October 29th, 1824 W. A. Fairbaim October 30th, 1849 Octavius Allen Ferris .January 26th, 1847 David Gibson Fleming January 25th, 1842 William Fleming, M.D April 18th, 1828 Richard Flint October 31st, 1818 Edward Frankland, Ph. D., F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry, Owen's CoUege April 29th, 1851 Robert Finlay, B.A., T.C.D., Professor of Mathematics, Manchester New College October 21st, 1851 Rev. William Gaskell, M.A January 21st, 1840 227 Date of Election. Samuel Giles April 20th, 1836 Thomas Glover January Slst, 1831 John Goodman, M.D January 25th John Gould April 20th John Graham August 11th Robert Hyde Greg, F.G.S January 24th William Eathbone Greg April 26th. Eobert Philips Greg October 30th John Edgar Gregan January 25th John Clowes Grundy January 25th Robert Greaves January 27th Rev. Robert Halley, D.D April 29th Richard Hampson January 23rd, John Hawkshaw, F.G.S., M. Inst. C.E January 22nd WiUiam Charles Henry, M.D., F.R.S October 31st Sir Benjamin Hej'wood, Bart., F.R.S. January 27th James Haywood, M.P., F.R.S. & G.S April 26th James Higgins April 29th, Peter Higson October 31st John Hobson January 22nd. Eaton Hodgkinson, F.R.S., M.R.I A., F.G.S., &c January 21st, James Piatt Holden January 27th Thomas Hopkins January 18th Henry Houldsworth January 23rd, James Higgin .April 29th Paul Moon James » January 27th John Jesse, F.R.S., R.A.S., & L.S January 24th Rev. Henry Halford Jones, F.R.A.S April 21st, Joseph Jordan October 19th James Prescott Joule, F.R.S., &c January 25th Benjamin Joule, jun April 18th William Joynson January 27th Richard Johnson April 30th Alexander Kay October 30th Samuel Kay January 24th John Kennedy April 29th John Lawson Kennedy January 27th. Richard Lane April 26th William Langton April 30th 1842 1847 1837 1817 1833 1849 1848 1848 1852 1845 1844 1839 1828 1815 1833 1845 1848 1839 1820 1846 1823 1824 1851 1837 1823 1846 1821 1842 1848 1848 1850 1818 1843 1803 1862 1822 1830 228 Date of Election. Joha Rowson Lingard January 26th, 1847 Thomas Littler January 27th, 1825 John Lockett January 25th, 1842 Joseph Lockett October 29th, 1839 Benjamin Love Apiil 19th, 1842 Joseph Leese, jun April 80th, 1850 Edward Lund April 30th, 1850 Isaac Waithman Long, F.R.A.S January 27th, 1852 James M'Connel October 30th, 1829 William M'Connel April 17th, 1838 Alexander Mc. Dougall April 30th, 1844 John Macfarlane January 24th, 1823 Edward William Makinson, M.A October 20th, 1846 The Eight Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester, D.D., F.E.S., F.G.S April 17th, 1849 Robert Manners Mann January 27th, 1846 James Meadows April 30th, 1830 Thomas MeUor January 25th, 1842 WiUiam MeUor January 27th, 1837 John Moore, F.L.S January 27th, 1815 L. A. J. Mordacque October 29th, 1830 David Morris January 23rd, 1849 George Murray January 27th, 1815 Alfred Neild January 25th, 1848 William Neild April 26th, 1822 John Ashton NichoUs, F.R.A.S January 21st, 1845 William Nicholson Januaiy 26th, 1827 Jaiues Emanuel Nelson ; January 27th, 1852 George Wareing Ormerod, M.A., F.G.S January 26th, 1841 Henry Mere Ormerod April 30th, 1844 John Owen April 30th, 1839 George Parr April 30th, 1844 John Parrj' April 26th, 1833 George Peel, M. Inst. C.E AprQ 15th, 1841 Archibald Prentice January 22nd, 1819 Joseph Atkinson Ransome, F.R.C.S April 29th, 1836 Thomas Ransome January 26th, 1847 Rev. John Gooch Robberds April 26th, 1811 Richard Roberts, M. Inst. C.E January 18th, 1823 229 Date of Election. Samuel Robinson January 25th Alan Eoyk January 25th Samuel Salt April 18th Michael Satterthwaite, M.D .January 26th Edward Schunck, Ph. D., F.R.S., &c January 25th Salis Schwabe » April 20th John Sharp October 28th John Shnttleworth October 30th Joseph Sidebotham April 20th, George S. Fereday Smith, M.A., F.G.S January 26th Robert Angus Smith, Ph. D., F.C.S April 29th, Edward Stephens, M.D January 24th, Ferdinand Sichel April 29th Peter Spence April 29th Archibald Sandeman, M.A., Professor of Mathematics, Owen's College April 29th Thomas Standring , January 27th James Stephens April 20th, Daniel Stone, jvm January 23rd, Robert Stuart » .January 21st. Rev. John James Tayler, B.A January 26th David Thorn April 20th John Thorn January 27th James Aspinal Turner April 29th Thomas Turner, F.E.C.S April 19th, Absalom Watkin i ; . .January 24th Joseph Whitworth January 22nd, Matthew A. Eason Wilkinson, M.D January 26th William James WiLson, F.R.C.S April 29th Gilbert Winter November 2nd George Bancroft Withington January 21st, William Rayner Wood - .January 22nd, George Woodhead April 21st, Edward Woods April 30th Robert Worthington, F.R.A.S ; April 28th James Woolley November 15th, William Crawford Williamson, F.R.S., &c., Professor of Natural History, Owen's College April 29th, Joseph St. John Yates ; January 26th James Young October 19th, 1822 1842 1848 1847 1842 1847 1824 1835 1852 1888 1845 1834 1851 1851 1851 1852 1847 1849 1814 1821 1852 1846 1836 1821 1823 1832 1841 1814 1810 1851 1839 1846 1839 1840 1842 1851 1841 184f 280 HONORARY MEMBERS. Hev. William Turner, Manchester. i)r. A. P. Erman, Berlin. Very Rev. William Buckland, F.R.S., Instit. Nat. Sc. Paris. Corresp., &c. Eev. Adam Sedgwick, M.A., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., &c., Cambridge. General Sir Thomas MakdougaU Brisbane, Bart., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., Instit. Nat. Sc. Paris. Corresp., &c., Makerstoun, Kelso. Eev. William Venables Vernon Harcourt, M.A., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.LA., F.G.S., York. Rev. William Whewell, B.D., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.I.A., F.R.A.S., &c., Cambridge. Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Dublin. Baron Von Liebig, Munchen. Eilert Mitscherlich, Berlin. Paul Frisiani, Milan. Sir John Frederick William Herschel, Bart., D.C.L., F.R,S.L.&E., &c. &c., Instit. Nat. Sc. Paris. Corresp. Michael Faraday, Esq., D.C.L., Hon. Mem. R.S. Ed., Instit. Nat. Paris. Socius. George Biddell Airy, Esq., MA., D.C.L., F.R.A.S., F.R.S., &c. &c., Eoyal Observatory. Sir David Brewster, F.R.S. L.&E., Instit. Sc. Paris. Socius, Hon. M.R.I.A., F.G.S., F.R.A.S., (fee, St. Andrew's. Very Rev. George Peacock, D.D., r.R.S., F.G.S., F.RA.S., Ely. Fraufois Jean Dominique Arago, Pa7-i8. Jean Baptiste Biot, Paris, Baron Alexander Von Humboldt, Berlin. Peter Barlow, Esq., F.R.S., r.R.A.S., Hon. M.P.C.S., Instit. Nat. Sc. Paris. Corresp., Woolwich. Eev. Henry Moseley, M.A., F.R.S., Wandsworth, Louis Agassiz, Cambridge, Massachussets. Lieut.-Colonel Edward Sabine, R.A., F.R.S.V.P., F.R.A.S.,