JGj M383 ey IN Dev, SA OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. L\ee eee XD AG ane i i: Pa) i ie | 2 | oe VG ae ROR Un hs i ti thy Diss ‘ . 7 tad 1 me. } Mi Ea) ‘1 1h | ui any ‘| MEMOIRS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. VOL, XXIV. CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. “1899. - — om - rf Se of. ae 7 + —. ei oe ee 67) « i wh - , =e ae he, = { : University Press: : ; ; Joun Witson anp Son, Campripcr, U.S.A. . a ' ~ - + . ¢€ : 5 ‘ ' —s a - ‘ = CONTENTS. ee REPORTS ON AN EXPLORATION OFF THE WEST COASTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND OFF THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, in charge of ALEXANDER AGassiz, by the U. 8. Fish Commission Steamer “ Albatross ” during 1891, Lieut.-Commander Z. L. Tanner, U. S. N., Commanding. XXVI. Tue Fisues. By S. Garman. pp. 431. 97 Plates, and a chart of the route. December, 1899. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative soologn AT HARVARD COLLEGE VoL. XXIV. REPORTS ON AN EXPLORATION OFF THE WEST COASTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND OFF THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER ‘ ALBATROSS,” DURING 1891, LIEUT. COMMANDER Z. L. TANNER, U. S. N., COMMANDING. XXVI. THE FISHES. By S. GARMAN. ONE VOLUME TEXT, WITH NINETY-SEVEN PLATES, AND A CHART OF THE ROUTE, Dex. [Published by Permission of MarsHatt McDonaLp and Grorcr M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioners of Fish and Fisheries.] CAMBRIDGE, U.S. A.: Printed for the Museum, Decemper, 1899, a aa , malt CONTENTS. PAGE GENERAT DISCUSSION ss 6 2 4 6 eo SpeciaAL Discussions anpD Descriptions 20 Houocepnaua. Plate LXIV. fig. 2 20 PLAGIOSTOMIA . 21 Platosomia . a eT 21 Raiide. Plate VI. 22 Antacea. 26 Seviorhinide 26 Squalida. Plate I fig. 2 PBlates IV.-V.; Plate LXIX. oe ern) Scymnorhinide. . . 31 Isistiide. Plate I fig. i ‘Pines IT-Ill.; Plate LXIX. fig.2. 32 Chlamydoselachide. Plate LXX. 41 RMT HOS TWAMI Dies tuieet See rg ch ke ser 6 RAD Acanthoptenyetier.) «see | sap ise 40 ercoids;) =) < 45 Serranide. Plate BB XL x. Wien 3-6 45 SaOnEORY No S85 5 co oo 6 OW Scorpenide. Plates VIL-LX. ; ele OIG tied! 5 6 a! Berycoids . . 55 Berycidee. Plate “4: fa. a; Plate B; Plate D, figs. 1-2; Plates XXII; Plate LXX1., = LB late XR TS a ee . 56 SEOMIOGH 6 8 b 6 5 6 6 5 We iboats 5°96 6 5 8 5 6 ae Menthidioids ieee we weet ies) ceeeen (0 Teuthidide. Plate L’, fig.2 . . 70 Atievelninenlts Baa sm Be a aol Tmt. Bias | 6B orig ta. 8} Wiranoscopideemecsmes sy 4: Wop aidiaiawers etrwe yess Mer ot i nD MGophiicdecyaees e-em fens Be edith Ceratiide. Plates XIUI-XV. . 81 Antennariidx. Plate C; Plates XVI-XVIL ; Plate LX XIII. Jigs. 1,2 . a ee Aner Oncocephalide. Plates X VII[- D.OMAL Cottoids. Plate LXXI fae. 2, 8. Trigloids Triglidee Sag. poet Peristediide. Plate A, fig. 2 Discoboles . 5 eco nate ae Liparidide. Plate D, fig. 3; Plates XX VIT-XXIX. . Gobioids Gobiide . Blennioids . : Blenniidee Plate Li fo 1 Anacanthini . Lycodoids . Zoarcide. Plate E fig. fe “Plates XXX-XXXIIT. . Ophidioids Ophidiide. Plate EXNUIL fg 3 Brotuloids . Brotulide. Plate E, fige2 ae Plate F; Plates XXXIV—-XL. ; Plates LXXIV.-LXXXT fig. 1 Gadoids oa eo 1G) oe Gadide. Plates XLI-XLIIL ; Plates LXXXI. jig. 2- LXXXIII. fig. 1 Macruroids Macruride. Plates G-H, Figs re Plates XLIV.-LI.; Plate EXXXTT jig. 2; Plate LXXXIV. figs. 1, 2 Pleuronectoids Sas Pleuronectidee. Plate LIT. Pace Physostomi Sternoptychoids . jo Gnas Sternoptychide. Plate J, figs. 1-4; Plate LIU. . ee Myctophoids . eo sc Synodontide. Plate L’, fig. 3 Chlorophthalmide. Plate H. figs. 2-38; Plate K, fig. 1; Plates LIV-LV. fig. 1 . Si ene Myctophide. Plate J, fig. 5 Plate LV. figs. 2, 3; Plate LVI. figs. 1-3 6 Stomiatoids EEA ok Ac Chauliodide. Plate K, figs. Stomiatide. Plate LVI. figs. 4-6; Plate LVIL. fig. 1 Idiacanthide . Salmoids Alepocephaloids . eo a Alepocephalide. Plate M, fig. 1; Plate LVIL. figs. 2,3; Plates GE VIE, GUX. *. : : Halosauroids . ; Halosauride. Plate LX.) Plate LXX XIV. figs. 3- Notacanthoids . CONTENTS. PAGE 231 231 232 249 bo = =I La i=) bo bo b> bt ao oO bn © (9/2) eo 284 294 294 300 Notacanthide. Plate L’, figs. ow : ee Mureenoids Murenide. Plate YN; Plate LXL Jigs. 1, 1a; Plate LXIL. fig. 1 Nettastomide. Plate M, figs. 2, 2a; Plate LXI. fig. 2; Plate LXIL. fig. 2 echiggt toms aris Nemichthyide. Plate LXIIT. ; Plate LXIV. fig. 1; Plate LXV. fig. 1 ay ee: Atopichthyes. Plate LXV. figs. 2,2a: Plates LX VI, LX VII. Myxinia . ape ener c c Myxinide. Plate LX PL. Homeidz Larerat CanaL System. Pitas LXIX- - LXXXIV. DistRIBUTION OF GENERA List oF Species witH DEPTHS AND Lo- CALITIES a List or STATIONS AND OF SPECIES . Systematic List . BIBLIOGRAPHY . INDEX. Pach 301 302 304 316 DEC 25 1899 DEEP SEA FISHES. GENERAL DISCUSSION. Tue collection upon which this report is based was made during February, March, and April, 1891, by the steamer “Albatross” of the United States Fish Commission in that part of the Pacific Ocean lying east of the Galapagos Archipelago, and of a line from it to the peninsula of Lower California. The area traversed is bounded on the east by the coasts of Mexico and of Central America; it is long and narrow, but by extending obliquely across the meridians and the parallels it reaches through thirty-five degrees of longitude and twenty-nine degrees of lati- tude, from 77° to 112° west longitude and from 1° south latitude to 28° north. The section is small in comparison with the entire extent of the Pacific, yet the importance of the material collected is greatly enhanced by the position of the locality, by the fact that much the larger portion of the dredging and trawling was done close to the equator, in the Gulf of Panama and immediately to the westward. More than twelve hundred specimens of fishes were secured; many of these were shoal water forms, nearly all of which belonged to species described by Jenyns, Giinther, Steindachner, Jordan, Gilbert and others, and having only an indirect pres- ent interest. About nine hundred of the specimens belong to the greater depths; they represent thirty-three families, a hundred genera, or about a hundred and eighty species hardly more than fifteen per cent of which have been heretofore described. The depths at which the bathybial fishes were taken range from a hundred fathoms downward; the greatest depth, 2252 fathoms, occurred west of Costa Rica on a line from Culpepper Island to Acapulco, Mexico, and the nearest approaches to this were found off the Gulf of Panama about midway to the Galapagos in 1823 and 1877 fathoms. 6 DEEP SEA FISHES. Previous to the year 1891 almost no deep sea collecting had been attempted in the equatorial regions. On other cruises the “ Albatross” had searched the depths off the western coasts of North America from the Gulf of California to Bering Sea. The same vessel and other vessels of the Coast Survey and of the Fish Commission of the United States had obtained a fair knowledge of conditions in the northwestern Atlantic from the Caribbean Sea northward, to which the British steamer “ Chal- lenger” also contributed something; the “Challenger” the “ Travail- leur,” the “Talisman,” and other vessels of various European governments rendered a like service in the northeastern Atlantic from the Cape Verdes and the Mediterranean northward; the “Challenger” researches added much to ichthyological knowledge of the northwestern Pacific and the Aus- tralian regions, also a little concerning the southwestern Atlantic and the Antarctic ; and the British Indian steamer “ Investigator”? has done a great deal of work in the northern reaches of the Indian Ocean. The most of these researches were effected far to the north of the equator and a compar- atively small amount was accomplished in southern latitudes. The present collection of the “Albatross” supplies data from the waters under the equator and in a measure provides the means of connecting the results obtained in the north with those from the south, which latter, however, pertain almost entirely to the shoal water fauna of that region. Genera of animals known toward the Arctic regions having been found to occur in the Antarctic, to some extent the fact that they had not been carefully sought in the equatorial waters was overlooked, and a theory of a bipolar distribution with absence from the torrid zone was accorded a considerable amount of favor. Acceptance of this theory was not at all general, for as early as 1880 Giinther had published his belief that separate horizontal regions could not be distinguished in connection with the fishes of the abyssal fauna, yet it was not until 1891, in the present collection, that abundance of material proof that the belief was well founded was secured, — proof that the bipolar theory could not apply to the bathy- bial fishes. So many of the least expected families appear in the collection that there are doubts of the absence from the localities from which it was gathered of any of the fishes of the deep sea. The presence of Raix, Pediculates, Discoboles, Gadoids and Myxinidx, among others, leads one to anticipate the occurrence in the same areas of any of the known fishes of great depths. If the collection is compared with collections made GENERAL DISCUSSION. i in distant localities it is seen that a certain degree of sameness runs through all of them. There is similarity in all of the higher groups and, a few new ones aside, the genera are either the same or very closely allied; it is only on reaching the species that distinctness is found to be the rule. The bathybial fauna of one locality corresponds as closely with that of each other as it might if one list had been made for all, with allowance for occasional exceptions and for differences among the minor divisions, that is in the species and the varieties. In comparisons of allied species from different and distant localities, it is among the forms for which nature has made the weakest provision in the way of locomotive organs that the divergences are greatest; those species of a genus that are fixed to particular places by reason of inability to travel distances of considerable length are most distinct, while those more able to migrate are less divergent in their specific characters. Migrations, possibly aided by the currents of the depths, widening the areas of dis- tribution of particular abyssal species no doubt occur, but in most cases they are limited in extent or the migrations proceed slowly through long periods of time, since the individuals taken in localities perhaps only a few degrees apart show marked differences as compared with others of the same species and the occurrence of identical species’ in localities separated by wide stretches of the ocean is really exceptional. Many so-called identical species from widely separated localities, as from the Atlantic and the Pacific, have been recognized by conservative author- ities, but subsequent comparative studies have led to such different con- clusions and subdivided so many of the species that doubts are raised as to absolute identity in any species said to occur in localities very distant from one another. The idea that the same species might exist in an abyssal depth under the equator and near the Arctic or the Antarctic circle, the tellurian conditions being supposed to be the same in the different localities, is not to be accepted unless applied to particular migrants and limited in time. The existence of separated localities in which all the conditions are identical is only supposable, not probable, and even if they might exist, which is not to be admitted, the same con- ditions affecting different individuals (varieties or species) differently induce, directly through impress and indirectly through the effort occa- sioned by it, different divergent tendencies in variation which preclude the existence of the same variety or species for any considerable length 8 DEEP SEA FISHES. of time in localities far from one another without repeated migrations from one to the other. The possibilities of exact coincidence in the lines of variation of the same species in two localities or of convergent lines bringing different species to coincide are too remote to be con- sidered. In the case of an identical species discovered in widely sepa- rated localities it is safest to consider it to be in the line of its migrations, either upon its travels or a comparatively recent migrant at the time of its capture. An assertion of the existence of a non-migratory species in localities isolated by distance or physical barriers is not to be received without serious question. Given similarity in isolation, differences in degrees of plasticity not being taken into consideration, specific differentiation would probably be less active or less rapid in the low temperatures of the depths than among fishes near the surface, and in consequence it might be expected that con- ditions on the sea bottom would favor the existence of persistent types, that is of some of the fossil forms commonly designated as extinct types. That no such forms have yet been discovered among the deep sea fishes is in all probability due to the fact that the fossil forms were not them- selves deep sea fishes. Excessive amounts of lime in bones or armatures and great firmness and strength in skeletal structure characteristic of the fossils do not obtain in bathybial species of the present, and there are no reasons to suppose the earlier inhabitants of the abysses differed from them in these respects. Though the extinct forms may not have been of the depths it may be that, owing to retardation in the rates of differentiation by deep sea conditions, there is a likelihood that relatives exist in the abysses in possession of closer affinities than nearer the sur- face, such kindred being offshoots from the stem that produced the extinct forms rather than direct descendants of the latter. The decrease in the amount of heat, of light, and of oxygen, and the increase in the pressure encountered by the fishes on their way down to the great depths tend to reduce the activity and to prolong the lives of the individuals. From such conditions it is to be expected that as they descend beyond the influence of the sun and the seasons the deep sea fishes do not mature their eggs or develop their young so rapidly as their ancestors of the shoals or the surface were accustomed to do, that the periods inter- vening between the spawning times are lengthened and that the species gradually depart from the yearly recurrent extrusion period and become GENERAL DISCUSSION. 9 affected by longer and longer intervals, the length of these last being dependent on the duration of the exposure of the species to the lower temperature and minor factors. In this more or less lengthened increase of time required for development of eggs or growth of young appears an effective agent in isolation and in differentiation of the isolated species. What the effect of the retardation may be in regard to a tendency to ovo- viviparity is problematical. Some of the deep sea fishes evidently, as suggested by Agassiz, have been vertically derived from pelagic Berycoids, Scopelvids, etc. ; others, as is shown with tolerable conclusiveness in the collection before us, are descendants of forms living on the bottom in shoal waters, forms that have gradually traversed the slopes from the shores to the abysses. The larval fishes secured by the tow-net at intermediate depths are mostly young of pelagic species and young deep sea Scopeloids and others descended from a pelagic ancestry. Reasons for concluding that many of the less powerful swimmers among the bottom fishes have worked their way down, slid down as might be said, are seen on comparison of shoal and deep water forms in such cases as those of the Oncocephali (JJalthe, Cuv.) and the Halieutoids, of the Lophioids and the deep sea Pediculates like Ceratias and allies, of the Liparids of the shoals and the deep sea Discoboles, and of the shoal water Pleuronectoids and their abyssal relatives. Similar evidence is seen in the Ratidx, the Zoarcide, the Mureenide, the Myxinide, and others. It was expected that by means of the tow-net near the surface and at various distances below it, something might be learned concerning the young of species frequenting the great depths. Such expectations have not been realized. Numerous young fishes were obtained in the net, but they are identified with pelagic Berycoids, Scopeloids, and others of the intermediate upper waters, and in greater part with the shoal water fishes, Sebastoids, Percoids, Pomacentroids, Scomberesocoids, Squamipinnes, Plectognaths, Pleuronectoids, Murzenoids, ete., and together they give no light on the breeding habits of bathybial species. This experience is similar to that of the “Challenger,” which also by towing secured a fine lot of specimens of pelagic species, but among them few or none of those of the bottom. Among the deep sea specimens at hand there are small ones, more often apparently taken in depths somewhat less than those given for the large individuals of the same species. In these depths the temperatures were commonly some- 10 DEEP SEA FISHES. what higher, which is suggestive of a possible but comparatively short vertical migration in the breeding season, by which deep sea fishes secure a slightly greater degree of warmth for their young. These fishes no doubt, like their shoal water allies, make journeys in the spawning seasons, to give their progeny a warmer temperature or to place the fry in feeding grounds especially suited to it. With the immense vertical ranges of many of the species in mind, pressure is not to be considered a factor of moment in vertical distribution ; temperature is a great deal more effectual. The nearness of its locality to the isthmus of Panama is an important element in an estimate of the value of this collection, because of the bearing upon the question of a sometime passage between the Caribbean and the Pacific. In regard to this, however, the testimony of the material is not very definite, for there is much less evidence of a connection across the isthmus among deep sea fishes than among those of the shoals. In fact the abyssal forms that favor the existence of such a thoroughfare are those like Centroscyllium, Antimora and others, which swim freely and are not confined to the bottom, but are distributed around the continent to both southward and northward; while those which may be cited as against the idea, or, rather, as disproving the existence of a crossing in times at all recent, are everywhere present in such groups as the Raiw, the Discoboles, the Pedicu- lates, the Zoarcoids, the Brotuloids, the Myxinoids, etce., ete., of the less migratory. The weight of the evidence goes to substantiate the theory of a gradual upheaval of the isthmus, permitting a connection in the shoals to a much more recent date than in the depths, which would allow the fishes of the shoal waters readily to pass across while presenting a barrier to those of the deep sea. If the relative measurements of barriers and abysses remained the same as at present, and the isthmus underwent a subsidence sufficient to admit of the passage of the shoal water species without going low enough to affect the species of the depths, conditions similar to those indicated by the evidence of the collection would again prevail. Perhaps even a tidal wave of extraordinary dimensions might accomplish in a very short time a large proportion of that for which we have to account. As noted below there are in the material at hand surface species, such, for instance, as Oncocephalus porrectus, a close ally of O. vespertilio and others from the Caribbean, evi- dently of recent derivation from ancestors common to both the Pacific and the Atlantic species. The testimony of these and similar forms is to the effect that in comparatively recent times, yet so long ago as to permit of great GENERAL DISCUSSION. Ii differentiation from identical species on the two sides, there was a strait of moderate depth across the isthmus that favored the passage from the Carib- bean to the Pacific, with the current, of species living near the surface. This conclusion is reached from the collection, and independently of nearly a hundred species asserted with more or less confidence by various authors to be identical in Pacific and Atlantic. Subsequent examination of these so-called identical species shows that many of them are yet to be compared and accurately determined, and that those which probably are identical are pelagic and errant types, at home in all the oceans. The portion of the Pacific to which this report is confined lies within that designated by Agassiz as the Panamic region. Lying between the equator and the tropic of Cancer it receives the greatest amount of sunlight and heat. It is traversed by the Mexican coast current; it includes the eastern extremities of the north equatorial and the north equatorial counter currents, and also the northern extremity or efflux of the great Peruvian current. The meeting place of all these currents, over a diversified bottom, these waters swarm with living organisms and form an ideal locality for the ichthyologist. The variations in the kind of bottom are considerable. At seven stations deeper than 100 fathoms, down to 1152, the bed is marked “rocky;” ten others, down to 782 fathoms, are “sandy ;” “hard” bottom (Rhabdamina) occurred at several stations with depths ranging from 385 to 918 fathoms; at numerous points, with depths from 238 fathoms to 1879, “ Globigerina Ooze” was found ; for four locations, in depths of 1471 to 1823 fathoms, “Green Ooze” was recorded; and “Green Mud” formed the bottom at many places in depths of 85 to 2232 fathoms. Below a thousand fathoms of depth the ooze and mud prevail, and rocky and sandy bottoms are exceptional. The sunlight, striking the surface more directly, penetrates deeper in the “Panamic region” than in higher latitudes where it meets the water more obliquely. Judging from the fishes, the light must reach depths of nearly or quite 200 fathoms. Below these, at the bottom, in the greater depths, there is another light, the so-called phosphorescent, due in part to the organic life and probably in part to chemical action and reaction, which latter may aid the low temperature and the enormous pressure in retarding the decay and destruction of organic tissues, whether living or dead, and which possibly to some extent may do away with the necessity of so much oxygen, even 12 DEEP SEA FISHES. if it does not make an addition to the supply needed for the support of life. In fresh condition the fishes and other animals secured at great depths, are tinted with pale greenish to pale yellowish green, or, somewhat rarely, to pale bluish. On Plates A to N of the illustrations herewith, the colors were taken by Mr. Westergren and Professor Agassiz from the fresh speci- men, before it was placed in alcohol. The pale greenish tint is seen to affect even such as become intense black when placed in the preserving liquids, Plates B and D, and Plate F, figures 1 and 38. That the abyssal light is of a pale greenish color is evident from the colors of the animals living within it; this proof is not at all confined to the coloration of the fishes, it obtains throughout the bathybial fauna. The harmony of colors between the creatures of the depths and their surroundings is paralleled by that obtaining between the ashy gray inhabitants of the desert and the arid wastes in which they live, or between the white in pelage and plumage in the Arctic fauna and in its snowy environment. From the general coloration of the animals of a particular region the zoologist may determine the character of the light by which it has been modified. Deep sea investigation has established the fact that life is pretty generally distributed on the ocean bed. From this it would appear that similarly bathybial light obtains nearly everywhere in the abysses. Probably the light of different localities varies in intensity since undoubtedly there are sections of the bottom that are more thinly clad with sedimentary deposits of organic origin, and consequently lacking in amount and activity of chemical interchange, or for other and various reasons not as well adapted for the existence of animal life. The general greenish tint in the coloration is assimilative and occulta- tive, as it renders the bearer like his surroundings and as it hides or con- ceals him. It is protective to the prey when it conceals the latter and destructive to it when the enemy is rendered invisible. As all the deep sea animals are predaceous the tint is helpful to the individual as it hides the latter from the enemy or the prey, and harmful as it increases the difficulty in discovering and securing the food. The story concerning the light at the bottom of the ocean is the same from whatever class of animals it is drawn. On the green mud and ooze the light is greenish. The lower belt of light, like that at the surface, is inhabited by multitudes of species, represented by myriads of individuals. Between the two belts, the upper and the lower, there apparently is a belt of darkness, the Azoic belt of GENERAL DISCUSSION. 13 Agassiz, which, with perhaps the exception of a limited space at the lower edge of the upper and another at the upper edge of the lower belts of light serving as retreats and hiding-places, is comparatively uninhabited and deserted, except as crossed to and fro by bathybial species of vertical derivation, from a pelagic ancestry, Scopeloid or other, many of them provided with lanterns, flash lights, or other luminous organs to prevent mates or individuals of a school from losing one another, or with light organs to lure the prey. The size and development of the visual organs and the rarity of blind forms among deep sea fishes are further evidences in favor of the existence of a bathybial light. As the surface waters of the Panamic area are warmer than those of higher latitudes so the waters of the bottom in the tropics are higher in temperature than those to the north or to the southward. From the sur- face downward the temperature lowers with tolerable regularity as the depth increases. Approximately the warmth at 100 fathoms is 56° Fahren- heit, that at 300 fathoms is 46°, that at 500 fathoms is 41°, that at 1000 fathoms is 37°, and that at 1800 fathoms is 36°. The lowest temperature for the collection, 35.8°F., was noted at 1772 and at 2252 fathoms; 36° was found at depths of 1322 to 1879 fathoms; 36.2° to 36.8° were recorded for depths of 1020 to 1823 fathoms; and 37° was taken at various depths from 919 to 1588 fathoms. At the same depth in different stations the tempera- tures are higher or lower, conditions that would cause bathybial currents and which must be regarded as proof of their existence. No doubt there is an annual rise and fall of temperature at the bottom, however deep, but that it is sufficient to hold the fishes to the annual spawning periods of their ancestors in the long continued presence of the retarding effects of very low temperatures is somewhat doubtful. Farther from the tropics the annual variation of temperature at the bottom is much greater, but in those localities the greater retardation effected by still lower temperatures must also be considered. Fishes abound in the lowest temperatures taken in the Panamic region; no less than thirty genera were found in temperatures of 36° F. or lower. The lowest temperatures that can be endured by fishes is not yet definitely determined, but there is no doubt of their ability to exist in those of less than 32° F. The Norwegian steamer “ Viringen” secured specimens of MMyctophum Miilleri Gmel. in lat. 71° 59’ N., long. 11° 40’ W., at a depth of 1110 fathoms in a temperature of 29.7° F.; the English steamer “ Research ” reported the same species from 14 DEEP SEA FISHES. the Fardée Channel at depths of 300 to 465 fathoms, in temperatures of 31° to 33°, and at the surface, the temperature of which was 54° F. In the northwestern Atlantic this Scopeloid is said to have been taken by the “Blake,” the “Fish Hawk,” and the “ Albatross” on the surface where the temperature was 72°, and at a depth of 2369 fathoms where the heat was less than 36° F. From the foregoing data this fish has a thermal range of 42.3° F. and a bathymetrical range of 2569 fathoms. This would indicate that the thermal limits to distribution are hardly more confining than those set by pressure; yet there is abundant evidence that particular species affect rather narrow thermal limits and are rarely found much beyond them. Comparatively the number of the species that leave the lower belt of light and approach the surface, crossing the “ azoic zone,” is probably small. If the fishes are able to sustain themselves in a temperature of freezing or lower there evidently is no barrier but distance to the passage of a migratory species through the Arctic Ocean from the Atlantic or the Pacific. There appears to be a general modification attendant on the progress of the fishes from the shoals to the abysses in which the tissues become less firm, the bones more cartilaginous, the scales thinner, and the entire body in cases becomes almost gelatinous; but when in the depths the bodies are not supposed to be at all soft and flabby, compensation for the lack of firm- ness, from reduction in the amount of lime or other causes, being made by the weight of the water, the softness in specimens brought to the surface resulting from decrease in the amount of pressure. A noticeable change in fishes that attends their departure from the sun- light on the way to the great depths is that of coloration: the spots, bands and other special markings common near the surface disappear and the appearance becomes uniform, most often of a dark brown to black, with, on those not habitually dwelling in the mud or the dark belt, an added assimi- lative or occultative tint to bring the surfaces into harmony with the pale greenish to yellowish green light of the ocean bottom. The change to the darker coloration is illustrated by several species of the Halieutoids figured below. Malthopsis sparsa of Plate XVUL., from depths of 200 to 822 fathoms has a coloration that fixes the species as an inhabitant of zones within the reach of sunlight at recent dates, possibly a portion of each year; gen- erally it is grayish brown with yellowish to white reticulations surround- GENERAL DISCUSSION. 15 ing brown spots, the whole fading rapidly in alcohol; the allied species, J/. spinulosa, from 511 fathoms, Plate XXI., has retained the spots, marks of an- cestry and of recent differentiation, but has become blacker and has lost the yellow and the white vermiculations; and J. spinosa, Pl. XXII. from depths of 1020 to 1270 fathoms lacks all spots and is uniform blackish. The pale greenish to yellowish or to bluish assimilative tint, seen on most of the colored plates herewith, is decidedly fugitive and disappears soon after death of the specimen, or after application of the preserving liquids; in many if not most instances it appears to be little more than the luminosity affecting the great majority of abyssal creatures. For instances see the sharks Isistius, Centroscyllium, and Chlamydoselachus, or the fishes Caulolepis, Dicrolene, Macrurus, and others. The occultative luminosity is generally distributed over the body and is to be distinguished from the monstrative light seen in the lanterns, flashlights, reflectors, lures, ete., of particular genera. The latter is a light pertaining to specialized organs of various species, is of a variety of tints, and serves on some fishes as means of recognition by kindred and on others to decoy and bring the prey within reach. The Scopeloids furnish good examples of the recognition marks (signa), and in the Pediculates instances are to be seen of a great variety of the lures (illicia). As is necessary for its discovery in the light in which it is used, the monstrative light is much the stronger; it varies in colors ac- cording to the genus or the species on which it is developed; and when in function is more or less completely under the control of the individual in respect.to appearance, disappearance and brilliancy. The structure of the different monstrative organs on a number of the species has been well worked out by Lendenfeld in Giinther’s report on the deep sea fishes of the “Challenger Expedition.” Creatures living in the ooze in many cases are of an intense black in which no luminosity can positively be asserted to exist; on such of these as are possessed of lures the latter are most often directed upward as if to capture a prey swimming above them, for instance Dolopichthys of Plate XTH. Many of the Stomiatoids and the Murznoids also are of the same deep black; it would appear as if the former inhabited the lower edge of the dark or azoic zone, their lures are extended downward as if to secure prey approaching from below. The condition of the eyes of deep sea fishes is important evidence in sup- port of the theory of an abysmal light; it also tends to establish the idea that this light in comparison with that of the sun is very weak indeed. 16 : DEEP SEA FISHES. Most often the eyes of bathybial animals are larger than those of their kin- dred near the surface. Entire absence of light would have favored the de- terioration and loss of the eye, but the eyes have become rudimentary in hardly a dozen of the multitude of known deep sea species. The list of the so-called blind forms of great depths includes Benthobatis Moresbyi Ale., Typh- lonus nasus Giint., Aphyonus gelutinosus Giint., Aphyonus mollis G. B., Bara- thronus bicolor G. B., Alexeterion Parfaiti Vaill., Tawedophidium Heatii Alc., Sciadonus pedicellaris sp.n., Leucicorus lusewsus sp.n., Dysomma bucephalus Ale., Dysommopsis muciparus Ale., and Myzine circifrons sp. n. Other species of Myxine should be included in a complete list of marine blind fishes, but the loss of the eyes in this genus is to be attributed to parasitic habits rather than to bathybial conditions. Benthobatis, a recently discovered Torpedo, is the only blind Selachian known. Eight of the others on the list are Brotu- loids, and two, Dysomma and Dysommopsis are Murzenoids. In all these cases, Myxine being excepted, the eyes have become rudimentary and are more or less inefficient as visual organs. The case of Leucicorus is peculiar in that the blindness is comparatively recent, if indeed the loss of the eye is not an old age character and subsequent in the individual to an ordinary useful organ in the early stages. Nearly all of the species on the list, ex- cepting only perhaps Sciadonus and Myxine, dwell in the ooze, and on all of them compensation for the loss of sight appears in an inordinately devel- oped Lateral Canal System. On Sciadonus, Plate F, figure 4, in addition to the increased prominence in the development of the system there are con- siderable sensory developments on the fins. This genus is more likely to hav& the habit of swimming freely at a distance from the bottom. The greatest amount of differentiation of the visual organs known among bathiy- bial fishes occurs on Ipnops; here the ocular structures cover the whole top of the head and depart radically from the common definition of eyes, but, as Mosely has shown, they still retain the function of sight. Appar- ently they have the additional functions of flashlights and reflectors; they are to be seen on Plate H, figures 2 and 2a, as they appear on a fresh speci- men. ‘Two species of this extraordinary genus are now known, J. Muwrrayi and J. Agassizi’, the latter from the present collection. Commonly in the modification of the eye the outer structures are the first to deteriorate, while the ball remains and gradually becomes very minute, as in Aphyonus and others, before final disappearance. In Barathronus bicolor, however, the ball has disappeared and the large orbit has undergone a modification which, GENERAL DISCUSSION. 17 so far as we know, has no parallel among the fishes unless it may be to a re- mote extent in the case of Ipnops, a genus belonging to avery different family. The floor of each orbit against the skull, is lined by an extensive sheet of silvery tissue, primarily the iris, so broad as to nearly meet its fel- low from the opposite side on the top of the forehead. This concave lining directed forward and upward, and to some extent toward the side, probably in part serves asa reflector, but it contains a small spot of black pigment, a little backward of its middle, that may retain something of the retinal function. The cavity appears, from the alcoholic specimen, to have been filled with liquid kept in place by the thin transparent outer covering. Crude as the organs appear they no doubt served as eyes and also as reflectors and luminous organs (signa) for recognition. Possibly these organs of Barathronus indicate the course in development of the ocular tracts of Ipnops. Most often on deep sea fishes the eyes and the lateral system are both well developed, but greater development of the system is likely to be attended by reduction in the size of the eye. On sedentary forms which mainly depend on tactile developments the eyes are minute, as on species of Ceratiid, for instance Dolopichthys allector, Plate XIII.; on others of which the main reliance is on sight the eyes are the larger. Free swimming forms with excessive tactile developments, again, like Bathypterois, Benthosaurus, Dicrolene, and Mixonus have the eyes much smaller, the gize of the organ being inversely proportioned to the excess in the tactile organs. There are cases in which tactile papille: and the lateral system are both highly devel- oped, as on Evetmichthys ocella, for instance, but commonly when one of the two is greatly favored the other is more likely to be slighted. In response to the demands of bathybial conditions the sensory organs of the Lateral Canal System have in many forms become modified from simple nerve papille of tactile functions to luminous, flashlight, and, in some at least, to electric organs of great complexity. As the system is given special treatment below, the reader is referred to it for further discussion. In the gills there is evidence of a decrease in the amount of oxygen consumed in the depths as compared with that used in the breathing ap- paratus of fishes near the surface, and the decrease naturally is accom- panied by a lessened amount of activity. The bathybial fishes have sinaller oxygenating surfaces, the laminz are reduced in size and in many cases the gills are reduced in number. Many of the Halieutoids 2 18 DEEP SEA FISHES. have but two gills on each side, the first and the fourth arches bearing none, though in these instances it is not entirely safe to infer much con- cerning bathybial influences since what at first sight appears to have been induced by abyssal conditions was actually in the inception near the sur- face resultant from the acquisition of an illicium (bait and rod) with the consequent sedentary habit. While nearly all of the deep sea Halieutoids are two gilled, those dwelling near the surface are mostly two and one half gilled, the reduction having proceeded thus far at least without aid from deep sea conditions; yet there are some of the two gilled species that approach the surface, for instance Dibranchus atlanticus Pet., or Malthopsis sparsa sp. n., and these are more likely to represent the ancestors of the deep sea species than to have been derived from the latter. Apparently the intestines have shortened with adaptation to life at great depths, as if the species were farther removed from dependence on vegeta- tion as food, through decrease in its consumption by the prey. This is counterbalanced in many fishes by an increase in the size and distensibility of the stomach. Unfortunately removal of the viscera, some time in the early history of the collection, from the larger specimens has taken away a source of information concerning food and habits. It is too early yet to say in which direction deep sea influences tend to modify the habits of reproduction, whether toward the egg laying or toward the ovoviviparous; it can only be said that many species lay eggs and many others extrude living young. From conditions necessitating reduction in the amount of activity and adoption of more sluggish habits the muscles of some bathybial fishes have become excessively reduced, see Dolopichthys allector, Plate XIV., fig. 1. Besides the general modifications undergone in the skeletons, many have suffered great modifications in particular sections of the osseous structure from lack of the uses to which they were adapted by ancestors; a marked illustration of this occurs in the neural spines of Caulolepis which have so declined as to lie nearly parallel with the vertebral column, Plate XII, fig. 1. Whether as much activity is possible in the midst of the great pressures surrounding bathybial species as exists in the species near the surface, the conditions of skeletons, muscles, fins, and gills indicate very plainly its non- existence. It may be said that activity such as exists near the surface can- not exist at great depths because of the diminished supply of oxygen, but, GENERAL DISCUSSION. 19 in the presence of freezing temperatures and intense pressure acting as conservators of organic tissue and preventing its disintegration, a supply of oxygen such as that existing in the surface waters is not at all neces- sary. The reduction of activity, from difficulty of movement in the nearly solid media under enormous pressure, from the extreme low temperature, and from the limited supply of oxygen, alike affects all the animals of the bathybial fauna, so that the equilibrium is practically unchanged and none of the species is either more or less at a disadvantage on account of the greater inertness. The distribution of species is discussed in the general remarks on the different groups and is indicated in the lists that pertain to them; the dis- tribution of genera is made a subject of special treatment below. SPECIAL DISCUSSIONS AND DESCRIPTIONS. HOLOCEPHALA. Aolocephala Miiller, 1835, Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden, 10. Of the occurrence of species belonging to this group in the region traversed by the expedition there can be little doubt; they occur at a comparatively short distance to the north and to the south, yet the absence of representatives in the material under examination limits the ‘discussion in these pages to matters pertaining to the group in general as inhabitants of great depths. One species of the genus Chimaera Linné, 1758, C. monstrosa L., has been noted by Vaillant, 1888, from a depth of 687 fathoms, off the Azores, and another species, C. afinis Capello, more often taken at great depths on both sides of the north Atlantic, is given by Giinther, 1887, a range from 200 to 1200 fathoms, or by Vaillant to J285. An ege referred to C. monstrosa by Alcock, 1892, from a depth of 410 fathoms, off the Coroman- del Coast, probably belongs to a new species. Climaera Collie Lay and Bennett, 1859, is a shoal water fish that descends to depths of a hundred fathoms or more at particular seasons, off the coast of California. By some mistake the figure of this fish in the Zoology of Beechey’s Voyage, Fishes, Plate XXIII., fig. 1, has been copied in the ‘“ Oceanic Ichthyology,” Plate X., fig. 36 as “ Callorhynchus antarcticus.’ So far as now known, the species of Callorhynchus have habits similar to those of Chimaera Collie’; though the specimens secured have been taken at moderate depths, the species in all likelihood retreats at certain times to greater depths, as is the case with most Selachians and Fishes. It will be evident on compari- son with the egg figured below, Plate LXIV., fig. 2, as that of Cadlorhynchus antarcticus, that Giinther is probably correct in identifying the egg figured by J. Miiller, 1842, Ueb. den Glatten Hai, Taf. 6, fig. 3, and that figured by Duméril, 1865, Poiss., I., Pl. 8, fig. 8, as eggs of Callorhynchus, the PLATOSOMIA. 21 opinions of Vaillant, 1888, Trav. et Tal. Poiss., 80, and of Goode and Bean, 1896, Oc. Ich., 31, to the contrary notwithstanding. The egg figured by Alcock, 1891, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) VIII, fig. 1 on p. 22, as “ Callo- rhynchus? sp.” is intermediate between the egy of C. callorhynchus herewith figured and that figured by Giinther, 1889, Ann. Mag. N. H., (6) IV., 416, as the egg of Chimaera. Evidently Alcock’s figure does not represent the egg of Callorhynchus callorhynchus Linn., and, though it may ultimately have to be transferred to another genus, it might for the present be cited as Callorhynchus indicus. A recent addition to the group is the peculiar genus Harriotta of Goode and Bean, 1894, Pr. U.S. Mus., XVIL., 471. This genus contains a single species, 7. Raleighana, which possesses a known horizon- tal range included between the parallels of 36° and 40° of north latitude, and the meridians of 70° and 75° west longitude, with a vertical range so far as determined extending from a depth of 707 fathoms to one of 1081, off the eastern coasts of the United States. Present knowledge of the distribution of the Holocephala of great depths is approximately set forth in the list of the known species below. PLAGIOSTOMIA. Plagiostomes Dum., 1806, Zoologie Analytique. Plagiostomia Raf., 1815, Analyse de la Nature. PLATOSOMIA. Platosomia Raf., 1815, Analyse de la Nature. Though outside of the Raiz only one truly bathybial species of this group has been taken, there is abundant reason for believing the number will yet be greatly increased. The recent discovery of the blind Torpedo, Benthobatis, by Alcock, is a strong intimation that many if not all the different families of the flat-bodied Selachians, like the various shoal water Teleosts, also have their bathybial forms. The material at present under study contains a single representative of the genus Raia, described below, but that one is of much interest on account of its locality, and its depth with one exception is the greatest recorded for the genus. The distribution of the.deep sea species com- monly placed in Raia corresponds somewhat closely with the distribution of the species of that genus known to be inhabitants of the waters near 22 DEEP SEA FISHES. the surface. In many, possibly in most cases the latter are yet to be placed in both lists, their vertical ranges being more and more extended as investigations proceed. Beyond this the presumption appears to be warranted that further research only is needed to extend the deep sea range of this genus through all the great depths, it may be including the seas under the poles. The discovery of Raia mammillidens, from the Gulf of Manaar, at nearly six hundred fathoms, and of Benthobatis Moresbyi, off the Travancore Coast, at four hundred and thirty, by Alcock, are indica- tions of what may be expected in future from the western and the south- ern parts of the Indian Ocean, or from the same portions of the Pacific, these waters having yielded very few Platosomia as compared with the northern and the western portions of the Atlantic, or with the eastern portions of the Pacific. Raia mammillidens Alc. is suggestive of the tran- sition from Raia by way of genera like Discobatus (Platyrhina, Auct.) and Platyrhinoidis, to the Rhinobatidae, or vice versa. RAILD i. Raiide Bonap., 1831, Saggio di una distribuzione metodica degli Animali Vertebrati, 99, 122. Raja badia sp. n. Plate VI, figs. 1 and 2. The total length of the female described is ten and one eighth and the greatest width is six and three fourths inches, while the length of the disk to the ends of the pectorals is about five, or the length to the ends of the ventrals is six. Disk thin, nearly half of the total length, little wider than long, almost right angled in front, taking the general directions of the for- ward outlines, blunt at the snout, convex opposite the eyes and again near the outer angles, slightly concave at the sides of the snout and opposite the gills, sharper than right angled on the outer angles of the pectorals. Head one fifth of the total length, not very prominent on the top, as wide as long. Snout elongate, thin, broad, blunt; rostral cartilage weak, slender. Eye small, two fifths of the width of the interorbital space; orbit one fourth of the length of the snout. Width of mouth equal to four fifths of the dis- tance from the end of the rostrum. Teeth small, about forty-four series across the upper jaws, in shape resembling a pair of small parallel disks united by a short narrow column, the upper of the disks being smaller than the RAJA BADIA. 23 base, covered with dentine, and bearing at its hinder edge a sharp slender cusp directed obliquely back and upward. Spiracle smaller than the eye. Gill openings small, width of the widest less than the length of the eye. Dorsal fins equal, small, length less than half the width of the mouth, not separated by a spinous interspace, not united by membrane, close together, posterior nearly its length forward of the end of the tail. Ventrals divided by a deep notch into two lobes, of which the outer is narrow, slender, and equal in length to half the width of the mouth, while the inner is as wide as long and is broadly rounded on the hind margin from the notch to the blunted angle at the side of the tail. Tail slender, narrow, depressed, taper- ing gradually, acute, with a narrow dermal keel along the lower edge of each side. Upper surfaces of disk and tail with rather closely set sharp spinules, closer together and finer on the sides of the tail which are without large tubercles. A large tubercular spine stands in front of each orbit; another is located between the orbit and the spiracle, and a third behind the latter. A group of three large tubercles appears on each shoulder, the inner one being smaller than the outer pair. Between the occiput and the first dor- sal fin there is a series of twenty-nine tubercles ; and on the hinder portion of each pectoral, behind the shoulder, there is a scattered group of smaller ones. On the top of the outer end of the rostral cartilage there is a group of medium sized spines in a couple of series. Each of the larger tubercles is compressed and consists of a high swollen pedestal or base with sharp vertical ridges upon which is a sharp slender hooked spine, subtriangular in trans-section, excavated behind, resembling the claw of a bird. All of the tubercles are high; those on the tail are more compressed, becoming very narrow, blade-like, and more hooked. Entire lower surface smooth. Chocolate brown, blackish on the tail; ventral surface like the dorsal or a trifle darker, except in a white area about the mouth and a smaller trian- gular one behind the middle of the shoulder girdle. A couple of eggs which may or may not belong to this species were taken at stations 3357 and 3359. One of them is figured on Plate VI., figure 3. The egg case itself, without the tendrils, is two and one half by three and one half inches. The “horns” are mutilated; evidently they were of con- siderable length; their bases are stout and thick. Over the entire surface the case is covered with fine villi or pile, in longitudinal series, which though harsh to the touch gives the appearance of a soft rich black velvet. 24 DEEP SEA FISHES. Specimen 3357 from deeper water differs in a longer closer pile, in which the longitudinal arrangement is less evident, a possible indication of specific differences. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3392 7° 05! 30” N. 79° 40' W. 1270 fathoms 86.4° FE. Hard 3357 6° 35’ N. 81° 44’ W. Tis 00 Bishi 1 Green sand 3359 6° 22’ 20" N. 81° 52! W. AGh 20218 Rocky Raja borea nom. sp. n. This is the species described and figured by Giinther in the Fishes of the “ Challenger” Reports, page 8, Plate IV., as Raia hyperborea. There are too many points of difference, however, to admit of retention in that species. R. borea is somewhat closely allied to R. budia, but is more robust, broader on the forehead, less sharp in the angles of the disk, less slender in the tail, and less uniform in coloration ; it has a smaller number of tubercles all told, but has one directly above each orbit that is not found in the type described above. It agrees with &. dadia in the group of tubercles on each shoulder, but has a smaller number in the dorsal series. Compared with &. hyperborea, R. borea is less angular, shorter in the snout, longer in the tail, and has a large tubercle above each eye and another on each shoulder between the outer pair and the vertebral series, both of which tubercles are lacking on the type of L. hyperborea. The colors of R. borea are “ Grayish brown above with a trace of a darker spot on each side of the body; lower parts white, with large subsymmetrical brown patches; in very young specimens the lower parts are uniform white.” The &. hy- perborea of Collett’s figure is uniform dark grayish brown on the back, and white beneath with large subsymmetrical markings of brown toward the sides and around the edges. The leneths of the types secured by the “ Chal- lenger” varied from six and one half to twenty-four and one half inches. “ Farde Channel; depth 400 to 608 fathoms.” Raja hyperborea Collett, 1878, Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra., No. 14, p. 7,— 1880, Nordhavs—Exp., p. 9, Pl. I., figs. 1 and 2. The resemblance between this species and R. badia is not very close. R. hyperborea is distinguished by greater squareness in outlines as seen from above, including the ventrals in the disk, and by a shorter tail, by lack of the inner tubercle of the humeral group, by a smaller group of tubercles in the vertebral series, by greater uniformity in the spines of the back, and by the color of the ven- i RAJA BADIA. 25 tral surface, where there is more of white than of brown. Length of the type about 20.4 inches. “Taken in lat. about 80° N., at sea, west of the northern coast of Spitzbergen, the most northerly locality, too, in which this genus is yet known to occur.” Among the known species of the genus the closest affinities of Raia badia apparently are not found in the species of the more immediate vicinage of its habitat, but rather with those noted above from the seas around the Farées or northward and through them with the thornback of the eastern coasts of the United States, a variety of Raia radiata Don. With R. equato- rialis J. B., 1889, taken by the “ Albatross” between the Galapagos Islands and Ecuador, it does not appear to be very closely related, and the same statement may be made concerning species in northern waters off the coasts of North America to Alaska. Its affinities with the southern forms, of Chili and Patagonia, are only remote; Raia brachyura Giint. approaches as much as any of them, yet it is very different, and none of those from the eastern coasts of South America makes a nearer approach. Imme- diately across the isthmus also no very close kinship is to be noticed in either R. Ackleyi Garm., 1881, from the Yucatan Banks, or &. alia nom. sp. n., from the northern portion of the Gulf of Mexico. The specific desig- nation aia alia is here first applied to the type figured by Goode and Bean in 1896, Oceanic Ichthyology, Pl. VIL, fig. 23, under the title Raiw Ackley. R. alia differs from that species in lacking the wide space between the dorsals, in having closely set spinules on tail and back, in having a group of tubercles on the middle of the back, in having tubercles on the crown between the orbital series, in having series of tubercles on the lateral edges of the disk, and in the lack of spots on the upper surface, particularly in the lack of the large transversely oblong spot of brown on each pectoral opposite the forward part of the abdominal cavity. Still farther removed are R. ornata Garm., 1881, taken by the “ Blake” off Alligator key, Florida, or R. plutonia Garm., 1881, taken by the same vessel off the coasts of South Carolina. In this connection it may be pointed out that the skate figured by Goode and Bean, 1896, Oc. Ich., Pl. VII., No. 24, as 2. ornata is not of that species but is a very young specimen of R. plutonia or an allied form. 26 DEEP SEA FISHES. ANTACEA. Antacea Raf., 1815, Analyse de la Nature. SCYLIORHINID&. The commonly accepted orthography and etymology for the family name of the Dog-nosed sharks, “ Scylliorhinide,’ is somewhat liable to criticism. As compounded by Blainville the generic term from which it is taken was made up of the Greek name of the dogfishes, oxvAva, canicule (see Aristotle, History of Animals, book VI. chapter X.), with that of the nose, piv; whether correct in its original form, Seylorhinus, is another question. In the common form of the name derivation is traced to oxvdd@, to rend or to mangle. This family is unrepresented in the present collection. Species belong- ing to it occur on both sides of the area immediately concerning this paper: to the northward several types from considerable depths have been de- scribed by Gilbert and others, for imstances Scyliorhinus brunneus Gilb., from the Gulf of California, and S. ventriosus Garm., from Acapulco and northward, are likely to descend to depths of more than a hundred and fifty fathoms at particular times; to the southward again, there are several species, of which one at least, S. canescens Giint., from the southwest coasts of South America, is entitled to a place in the list of deep sea Selachians. Off the Atlantic coasts of the United States and the West Indies two species from great depths have been discovered in recent times, S. reifer Garm., and S. profundorum G. B. Two species were discovered by Alcock, in the collections made by the “Investigator” in the northern part of the Indian ocean, one of which he doubtfully identifies with Giinther’s South American species S. canescens, To the list of species from the eastern Atlantic Vaillant has added three new ones from the collections of the steamers “ Travailleur” and “Talisman,” but one of them, Pristiurus atlanticus, is identified by Collett, 1896, with the earlier described P. melastomus Raf. SQUALID. Squalide Bonaparte, 1831. The only member of this family obtained by the steamer “ Albatross ” in the vicinity of the Galapagos Islands is a species of the genus Centroscyllium, very closely allied to C. Fabrici’ from the western portion of the North ae SQUALID. 27 Atlantic, to C. granulosus from the Falkland Islands, and to C. ornatum from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Without access to the types it is difficult to determine the degrees of affinity. One of the more prominent differential features of the species described below, C. mgrum, is apparent in the five-cusped teeth, the teeth of each of the other species being described as tricuspid. A small badly damaged specimen, taken by the French steamer “Talisman,” at a depth of more than eight hundred fathoms, “devant le bane d’Arguin,” off the northwestern portion of Africa, has been identified by Vaillant, with some hesitation, as belonging to C. Fabricii. This depth is the greatest reported for the genus, though all of the species are recorded from depths of more than two hundred fathoms. Of genera not reported in the “ Albatross” collection a number of species occur at great depths. Lztmopterus spinax has been noted from more than three hundred fathoms by Vinciguerra, as also 1. pusillus by Vaillant, in the Mediterranean and the neighboring Atlantic. The occurrence of 1. pusillus off the western coasts of the North Atlantic, noted by Goode and Bean, is to be questioned. The specimen taken by the steamer “ Blake” off St. Kitts, is at hand, and apparently belongs to Z. spinax ; it has the spines on the scales, and the peculiar markings of deep black seen on that species on the lower portions and immediately behind the ventrals, especially on young and lighter colored individuals. Comparing it with the type specimen of E.. Hillianus Poey discloses the fact that the latter would better be placed under £. spinaz than under L. pusillus. All the Squalidze commonly taken in the deep water fisheries off the coast of Portugal will probably appear in the list of deep sea species. This will include the species of Centrophorus, Centroscymnus, Seymnodon, Oxynotus, and others to which definite depths have not yet been assigned. The species of Centrophorus described by Giinther, 1877, from Japan, have habits similar to those of the eastern Atlantic. The depths for the genus range from two hundred or more to a thousand fathoms, more or less, the greatest being that assigned C. calceus and C. squamosus by Vaillant. The same author gives a similar record, of six hundred and seventy-two to ten hundred and thirteen fathoms, to Cen- troscymnus coelolepis, and one of seven hundred and eighty-four fathoms to Centroscymnus obscurus, & new species, taken by the “ Talisman” off the coasts of Soudan. According to Wright, C. coelolepis is taken by the Por- tuguese fishermen at four hundred to five hundred fathoms, and Goode and Bean state that it is “abundant on the offshore banks of New England, 28 DEEP SEA FISHES. at the depth of two hundred fathoms or more.” The greatest depth noticed for any of the species of Squalus is that by Vinciguerra, of three hundred and twenty-eight fathoms for S. uwyatus Raf. in the Mediterranean. Centroscyllium nigrum psp. u. Plate 1, fig. 2; Plate IV. and V., Anatomy ; Plate LXIX., fig. 1, Lat. Syst. The proportions and shape of this species are similar to those of Centro- scyllium Fabricii Reinh., or of C. granulatum Giint. The type is moderately slender and elongate, and is compressed behind the shoulders; the body cavity occupies about three fifths of the entire length. Head large, broad, depressed, inclusive of the gill openings little more than one fourth of the total. Snout broad, in length nearly equal to the width of the forehead, broadly rounded across the front. Nostrils at the edge of the snout, nearer to the end than to the eye. Eye large, lateral, without a nictitating mem- brane; orbit with a more distinct angle on the back than on the front border. Mouth wide, inferior, curving forward moderately in the middle, where it extends but little forward of a line joining the hind borders of the orbits, with a short groove around each angle, from which another groove continues backward nearly half-way to the first gill opening. Teeth small, numerous; upper with three erect, slender, acuminate cusps, median cusp largest, and outer cusps each with a rudimentary cusp on the outer side; lower with five similar cusps, median largest, and outer two small, Plate IV., fig. 5, 6. Gill apertures five, hardly as wide as the eye, posterior two of each side closer together and near the base of the pectoral. Spiracles medium, superior, transversely crescent-shaped. Rostral ampullz numer- ous, Plate IV., fig. 3, those of the top of the head numbering a hundred, more or less, and those below the snout nearly twice as many. In the skull, Plate IV., fig. 1, 2, and Plate V., fig. 1, the affinities of this shark to Squalus acanthias Linn., to Etmopterus spinax Linn., and to Centro- phorus granulosus Bl. Schn. and their allies are very apparent. The entire skull is shorter and broader and the rostral cartilage is broader and shorter than in either of the mentioned forms. The width across the olfactory capsules is considerably greater, but the post-orbital processes are nearly of the proportions of those of C. granulosus. Above the symphysis of the upper jaws on the lower side of the skull there is a slender process, Plates IV. and V., fig. 1. At each side of the mouth there are three CENTROSCYLLIUM NIGRUM. 29 labial cartilages, Plate IV., fig. 1. The two on the upper jaw, the pre- maxillary and the maxillary, are quite slender, and the anterior is shorter than the other. The one on the lower jaw is much stronger every way and widens toward its anterior extremity. In the branchihyal frame- work, Plate V., fig. 2, reduction has proceeded about as far as in any of the species mentioned above. The foremost hypobranchials have appar- ently consolidated with the anterior ceratobranchials. Behind the basihyal there are two basibranchials, the anterior one of which is short and joins the middle of the anterior border of the other one, separating the hypo- branchials of the third pair, and itself meeting the hinder extremities of those of the second pair on its forward end. The hinder basibranchial is a large broad plate that narrows backward to a point; at each side it directly supports the lower ends of the fourth and the fifth ceratobranchials. If this condition is compared with what obtains in Sgualus acanthias, see Gegenbaur, 1872, Das Kopfskelet der Selachier, Pl. XVIIL., fig. 3, it is found to be the case that in that species the branchihyals are rather less reduced, since it possesses three distinct pairs of hypobranchials, instead of only two, has its basibranchials separated by the hypobranchials instead of in contact, and has only the posterior pair of ceratobranchials, instead of the posterior two pairs, abutted directly against the sides of the hinder basibranchial. Thus in respect to the branchial skeleton the present species is the more specialized. On each side there are five extra-branchial car- tilages. The small subquadrangular spiracular cartilage is nearly divided into three short bars. The skeletal elements of the pectorals vary to some extent in individ- uals, see Plate V., figs. 2 and 4. Generally the propterygium, the meso- pterygium, and the metapterygium are comparatively large and about equal in size, the first bearmg one or two radials, the second three or four, and the third about ten, of which three or four of the posterior are unseg- mented. There is an elongate basal cartilage in the skeleton of the ven- tral supporting about fifteen radials that are in most cases segmented near the distal end; anteriorly against the end of the pelvic element three or four additional radials have coalesced to form a single large plate of cartilage. The viscera were destroyed. A few remnants are figured on Plate V., figs. 3 and 6. Figure 6 shows the heart with three series of valves in the 30 DEEP SEA FISHES. bulbus. Figure 3 exhibits the internal arrangement of the intestine. The number of circuits in the spiral is small, only four or five, and a diagram- matic representation would somewhat resemble that of Chimaera monstrosa as given by T. J. Parker, 1879, in the Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, XI., Pl. IL, fig. 6. The peculiar structural arrangement of the papillose ridges of the absorbing surfaces of the membranes within the intestine of Centroscyllium mgrum is to be seen on Plate V., fig. 3 of the present work. The cecal appendage of the intestine is elongate and subcylindrical. On the skin the scales are more or less distant from one another; they are small harsh tubercular spines, each of which has an erect or hooked slender grooved cusp, and a comparatively broad stellate base, Plate IV., fig. 7. The lateral system is rather simple; the arrangement of the canals on the head does not differ greatly from that of Iswrus punctatus (Garman, 1888, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XVII., Lat. Syst., Plate I.) or from that. of Isistius brasiliensis, Plate LXIX,. fig. 2 of the present work, except perhaps in that the halves of the aural canal do not meet in the middle. This separation of the part of a canal on one side from the part on the other side of the head is noted in widely different genera, for instance on Hepta- branchias maculatus, Lat. Syst., Pl. XIV., fig. 2, or particular canals on one or on both sides of the head may be similarly interrupted, as on Somniosus carcharias, Lat. Syst., Pl. XX., fig. 1, where cranials, orbitals, and occipitals are disunited. What credit for such breaks in canals ordinarily continu- ous may be given to individual variation is only to be determined by examination of a number of specimens of whatever species may be under consideration. The fins are of medium size; the amount of fin area is much the same in dorsals, pectorals, and ventrals. The first dorsal originates very little backward of a vertical from the axil of the pectoral; the spine is triangular in cross section, concave or grooved on each side, and is shorter and more erect than that of the second dorsal. The origin of the second dorsal is little, if any, backward of the middle of the bases of the ventrals; the spine is about one and one-half times as long as the anterior spine, and is similar in structure but more hooked. On the tail the upper lobe of the caudal is separated from the lower by a distinct notch and is subtruncate on the hind margin ; the lower lobe is the deeper, and has its lower angle slightly a ee SCYMNORHINID&. 31 rounded off. Pectorals and ventrals are short, broad, and rounded on the margins, except in case of the hinder angle of the ventrals, which is sharp. Deep black, with a narrow edging of white on each of the fins excepting the caudal. This description is taken from a specimen of eleven and one-half inches in length. On a small individual, of four and three quarters inches, slight differ- ences in the outlines and in the positions of the fins are presented; the pectorals reach backward of the first dorsal spine, the spine of the second dorsal stands above the hind part of the bases of the ventrals, the eye is proportionally larger and the-snout is shorter, the white of the margins of dorsals, pectorals, and ventrals is much broader, and the color of the muscular portions of the body is brown. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3356 79! 307N 81° 8/ 30” W. 546 fathoms 40.1° F. Soft black mud. 3358 6° 30’ N. 81° 44’ W. jaya) UC 40.2° F. Green sand. SCYMNORHINID A. Scymnorhinini Bonaparte, 1846, in part. The typical species of this family, Sceymnorhinus licha, is a small shark of the Mediterranean sea and the neighboring parts of the Atlantic. It was first described by Broussonet, in 1780, under the name “ Liche,”’ after- ward named Sgualus licha by Bonnaterre, in 1788, and in the same or the following year described by Gmelin with the name Squalus americanus. In 1810, Risso described and renamed the species Squalus nicwensis. Blainville, 1820-30, fixed upon the name Squalus (Acanthorhinus) americanus. Cuvier first applied the name Scymnus to the genus. The compound Seymnus lichia was made by Bonaparte, who also named its subfamily Scymninz, subse- quently, on account of prior application of Scymnus among insects, replac- ing these names by Scymnorhinus and Scymnorhinini. The family has been named Dadatiide by authors able to satisfy themselves that the species de- scribed by Rafinesque, 1810, as Dalatias sparophagus is identical with Seymnorhinus licha. The grounds for this conclusion appear to be the occurrence of the latter in the locality assigned the former, and absence of the shark actually described and figured by Rafinesque. The facts in the case are far from supporting the position. Bonnaterre’s species, S. dicha, 32 DEEP SEA FISHES. has rather large spiracles, a smaller anterior dorsal situated behind the pectoral fins, a larger second dorsal the base of which is in part above the bases of the ventrals, a body chamber nearly two thirds of the total length, a deep and comparatively short caudal, and a black ventral surface; Rafinesque described and figured his type as having no spiracles, a large anterior dorsal above the pectoral fins, a small second dorsal “ quasi adiposa,” ventrals far in advance of the second dorsal, a body cavity less than half of the total length, an elongate narrow caudal, and white lower surfaces, Even if Rafinesque’s Dalatias should be re-discovered it would be excluded from the present family by the characters given: Nessuno Spiraglio, due ale dorsali, senza ala anale, cinque aperture branchiali da ogni lato, coda disuguale obbliqua— Oss. Questo genere di Sgualini differisce dal genere Carcharias per la mancanza dell’ ala anale e da quello del Squalus per quella degli Spiragli.’ The names Dalatiana and Dalatias lichia of Gray, 1851, owe their existence to guesswork identification with Rafinesque’s problematical species. The fact that Sceymnorhinus inhabits the greater depths accounts for the scarcity of representatives in the museum collections. While its distribution has not been determined be- yond the European seas it will probably be much extended by future research. Special interest is attached to the family, in this report, on account of the presence in the collection made by the “ Albatross” of one of the closest allies of Seymnorhinus, of a genus of much wider known distribu- tion and possessed of characters which in some respects are more than sufficient for generic distinction, as may be seen in the following diagnoses. The family may be subdivided thus: Dorsals unlike ; anterior smaller, in advance of the middle of the length ; lower teeth with serrate edges; scales with an acute cusp or trowel shaped — Scymnorhinide. Dorsals similar, nearly equal; anterior behind the middle; lower teeth with smooth edges; scales in pavement, without regular cusps — Lsistide. ISISTID. This group is based upon a small shark which is readily distinguished from the Scymnorhinide proper by the backward position of the first dorsal, the tile-shaped polygonal scales, the absence of serrations on the cutting edges of the lower teeth, and the presence of a dermal keel at each side of ISISTIUS. 33 the tail. Its body is rather long and rounded, its head is small and taper- ing; it has moderately large spiracles and narrow gill openings; and its teeth differ greatly in shape and mobility on the two jaws. Its fins, except- ing the caudal, are all small; the dorsals differ little in size or shape and both are behind the middle of the body. The eyes are large, the nostrils are small and the body is phosphorescent. The single known genus is probably nocturnal and descends to great depths, though not an inhabitant of the bottom. IsISTIUsS. Scymnus, Quoy and Gaimard, 1824, part. Leius Kner, 1865, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, XXIV., Extr. p. 9 (Nov. 10, 1864), characterized. Isistius Gill, 1865, Pr, Phil. Ac., 264 (Nov. 22, 1864), named. Body elongate, subcylindrical, tapering backward, abdominal cavity long. Head moderate in size, narrowing forward, depressed. Snout subconical, blunt. Nostrils anterior. Mouth inferior, transverse, with a deep groove in front of the upper jaw and a deep fold behind each angle. Lips well developed; lower labial fold at the angle of the mouth, short, rounded, valvular. Teeth in the upper jaw small, raptorial, erectile, lanceolate, those of several series in function at once. Teeth of the lower jaw large, sectorial, erect, fixed, blade-like, the single series in function forming a continuous serrate-edged plate. Eye large, lateral; orbit cireular in front, angled behind; no nictitating membrane. Spiracles medium, on the top of the neck. Five small gill openings, not in a groove. No anal fin. Dorsals small, without a spine, similar, anterior backward of the middle of the body. Caudal short and deep. A short dermal fold on the side of the tail. Lat- eral system tubular. Stomach very long; intestine short, with a spiral valve. Scales small, depressed, in pavement. So far as yet determined the range of the known species extends through- out tropical seas to fifty-five degrees from the equator. The generic name is given as accepted by others, though the records appear to favor the name Leius given by Kner. 34 DEEP SEA FISHES. Isistius brasiliensis. Scymnus brasiliensis Quoy and Gaimard, 1824, Freycinet’s Voyage, Zool., I., 198. Squalus (Scymnus) fulgens F. D. Bennett, 1840, Narrative of a Whaling Voyage, IT., 255; G. Bennett, 1860, Gatherings, 66. Scymnus (Scymnus) brasiliensis Miller and Henle, 1841, Plagiost., 92, with varieties S. torguatus and S. unicolor, both of which are credited to Valenciennes ; Dum., 1865, Elasm., 453. Dalatias brasiliensis Gray, 1851, Chondropt., 76. Leius ferox Kner, 1865, Denkschr. Ak. Wien, XXIV. (for 1864, Nov. 10), Extr., p. 10, Plate 4, fig. 2, described and figured. Tsistius brasiliensis Gill, 1865, Pr. Phil. Ac., 264 (for 1864, Nov. 22), name only; Giint., 1870, Cat., VIII, 429, described; Pet., 1876, Sb. Brl. Akad., 853, locality. Plate I. fig. 1, Plate If, III, Plate LXIX. fig. 2. Body elongate, subcylindrical, tapering behind the middle, slender in the caudal region, body cavity extending through the anterior two thirds of the total length. Head small, length to the hindmost gill opening less than one fifth of the total, subconical, depressed to a very low arch or nearly flat on the crown, wider than high. Snout short, blunt, rounded, hardly as long as the orbit, little broader than deep. Nostrils, small, anterior, rather close together. Mouth of medium size, inferior, slightly backward of a vertical from the hind border of the orbit, transverse, with a deep groove in front of the upper lip, and a deep fold behind each angle reaching more than half way to the first gill opening. Upper lip distinct, separate from the lower ; lower labial folds lateral, short, narrow, rounded, at the angle of the mouth, attached to the labial cartilages, not extending toward the symphysis on the lower jaws. Upper teeth small, raptorial, oblique, acuminate, movable, in thirty-three longitudinal rows, several of the transverse series in function at the same time, Plate II., fig. 8; lower teeth large, sectorial, erect, fixed, broad, thin, sharp angled on the middle of the cusp, smooth on the cutting edges, decreasing in size from the median to the outer tooth, which is shortest and broader, interlocking on the edges so as to form a continuous saw-like plate of thirty-one teeth, all of which are in function at once, Plate II., fig. 9. The number of teeth noted by Giinther (25) and that by Kner (26) were taken from young individuals. Eye large, nearly one sixth of the length to the hindmost gill aperture; pupil round; orbit longer than high, not angled in front, with an angle on the hind border where the upper edge overlaps the lower; no nictitating membrane. Spiracles moderately large, superior, nearly transverse, Plate II., fig. 1. Gill openings five, narrow, ISISTIUS BRASILIENSIS. By half as wide as the spiracle, above the level of the base of the pectoral, not in a groove. The Skull. As might be expected from external resemblances, there is much evidence of affinity in the skeletons of Jsistivs and Scymunorhinus, yet differentiation has carried Isistius the farther from all the other sharks, as may readily be seen in comparisons of the features in which it differs most from the species of Scymnorhinus. The skull, as seen from above, Plate IL., fie. 8, is narrow and elongate, the width across the nasal capsules is about equal to that across the postorbital processes, or to that across the occiput. A distinguishing feature of prominence is to be seen in the rostral cartilage, which is reduced to a slender rod, rounded at the forward end, slightly attached to the cartilages below it between the nasal capsules, and tapering backward to a slight, possibly ligamentous attachment above the prefrontal foramen, Plate IL, figs. 8 and 5. The openings for the passage of the eth- moidal canal and the ophthalmic branch are rather close together in a depression, and the supraorbital openings, so noticeable on other sharks, are minute or invisible. The aqueducts of the vestibule are shown in fig. 5; in fig. 3 they are hidden by projecting cartilage. The cranial chamber is deepest backward, behind the pituitary fossa; it loses depth rapidly forward and is sugyestive of a comparatively greater development of the hind brain. Between the orbits the lower portion of the skull is narrowly compressed. The section from which fig. 5 of Plate II. was drawn was cut a little to the right of the middle; this has left intact the blade-like portion between the orbits, bounded anteriorly in the figure by the cut surface behind the nasal capsule, and posteriorly by that below the pituitary cavity, the line from this last to the lower surface being an accidental result of drying. As in Seymnorhinus the mandibles are very massive, and together they are so much wider than the skull that the hyomandibular lies transversely, with the end to which the lower jaws and the ceratohyal are attached higher than that attached to the skull. In normal position, what in fig. 4, Plate IT., is the lower end of the hyomandibular rests against ceratohyal and mecke- lian, with its anterior angle against a solid, inward-directed process of the latter, that from the side, in fig. 4, presents the appearance of a separate cartilage. The upper jaws, quadrato-pterygoids, are compressed, blade-like, and twisted. At the symphysis the narrow lower edge of the skull rests in a deep notch between them. The teeth are situated on the hinder side of the lower edge. At the point of attachment to the lower jaw, immediately 36 DEEP SEA FISHES. above the hindmost tooth in the latter, or over the junction of the labials, the outer end of the upper jaw appears as a short horizontal bar. Above the end of the upper jaw and forward of the inward process of the lower, fiz. 4, there is a small subquadrangular spiracular cartilage. Behind each half of the lower jaw, in fig. 4, Plate II., behind the end of the broadened lower labial, there is an unnamed subcrescentic, very thin, apron-like cartilage, strongly invested in ligamentary tissue, underlying the ends of ceratohyal and basihyal. Rudiments of these cartilages are to be seen in the same positions on Scymnorhinus licha, where apparently they are in process of acquisition. The basihyal is wide and strong, and is deeply excavated on its lower surface for the ends of the ceratohyals, which it overlaps considerably. Be- hind this arch the branchihyal skeleton is decidedly feeble, Plate II., figs. 6, 7. In the specimen at hand the basibranchials appear to be obsolete, unless, perhaps, exception is to be made for a couple of short longitudinal bars of cartilage lying between the ends of the hindmost branchihyals but not in contact with them. The lower ends of the ceratobranchials taper to points that are neither in contact with one another nor with the basihyal; the an- terior ceratobranchial is short and does not extend down as far as either of the others. Below the ceratobranchials the extrabranchials form an irregu- lar sheet of cartilage as thin as paper, Plate IL. fig. 6. In figure 7 a dorsal view of the branchial skeleton of the right side is given, the forward por- tion being turned to the left. The segmentation of the second and third pharyngobranchials in this figure is no doubt accidental, as also is the divi- sion between the hindmost two of the arches, where the epibranchials should be so united with and by the pharyngobranchials as to be a continuous cartilage. A specimen of Scymnorhinus licha dissected for comparison with Isistius differs slightly from that figured by Gegenbaur, especially in regard to the branchial cartilages. It has three distinct basibranchials behind the basi- hyal, the second of which is like the first in shape and attachments and in being without the division near the middle as seen in the mentioned figure (Das Kopfskelet, Plate XIX., fig. 2). In this specimen the pair of basihyals immediately in front of the hindmost: basibranchial are in contact on the median line and separate that basibranchial from the one next in front of it. in Ge- m"oyy There is, in fact, no trace of the small median plate marked “ C’ genbaur’s figure. ISISTIUS BRASILIENSIS. on In the bulbus of the heart there are three rows of valves, Plate HI, figs. 4, 5. Together the stomach and the intestine form a straight tube hardly longer than the distance from the gullet to the vent; they overlap at the pylorus only about one ocular diameter. The stomach is a long straight sac occupying five eighths of the length of the abdominal cham- ber; the intestine contains a spiral valve of about nine circuits, and has an elongate subcylindrical execal appendage, Plate IIL, fig. 8. The pancreas is two-lobed and lies against the stomach on the forward extremity of the intestine. The shoulder girdle is very slender and flexible. Pro-, meso-, and meta- pterygia in the pectorals have coalesced so as to form a subquadrate plate articulated with the girdle. The small distal extremity of the propterygium and that of the metapterygium have the appearance of radials; the latter bears six radials, several of which are segmented into two series. On the mesopterygium there are five radials, each divided near the middle of its length, Plate III., fig. 6. In the skeleton of a ventral fin, Plate II, fig. 1, there is a strong basal cartilage, in three segments, bearing about a dozen radials, each also in three segments. The anterior radial, against the pelvic cartilage, was probably formed by coalescence of several radials. The dorsal fins are small and similar in size and shape; their distance apart is equal to the distance of the posterior from the caudal fin or to the width of the head; the origin of the anterior dorsal is three fifths of the dis- tance from the snout to the end of the caudal, its posterior angle is acute (mutilated in the specimen drawn), and the hinder part of the base is above the bases of the ventrals. The pectorals are small, nearly as wide as long, their angles are rounded off, and their bases are low on the side of the body. The ventrals are smaller than the pectorals, they are about twice the size of the dorsals, and they are shorter than the space between these fins and almost entirely below it. The caudal fin is short and deep, its lower lobe is two thirds as deep as long; the upper lobe is longer, subtruncate or convex on the hinder margin, and separated from the lower by a notch at the end of the vertebral column; the caudal pedicel is wider than deep, its depth is less than one fourth of that of the body, and it has a short low dermal keel on each side below the lateral line. There is probably no shagreen better adapted for scouring purposes than that of the shark here described; its fineness makes it less desirable for 38 DEEP SEA FISHES. covering the grip in the handles of swords. The scales are very small, they are subquadrangular in base and superstructure, and are arranged in regular series, in pavement, the individual scales being placed so as to present an angle forward and another backward. The outer surface has a low sharp keel surrounding a central area; in most cases this keel bears erect irregular projections, those at the corners rising highest. Scales that have been worn off on the top are shown on Plate IIL., fig. 7; the bases are shown in figures 8 and 9. At first sight this type of scale would be described as radi- cally different from that of Scymnorhinus, but to a considerable extent the differences disappear on closer examination. On the scales of S. dicha the superstructure is a sharp pointed and keeled retrorse spine rising obliquely from the hinder portion of the base and giving the entire scale a triangular appearance. The keel extends from the end of the spine forward across the base to the anterior angle. If the keel and the spine are cut away the scales are seen to be subquadrangular, somewhat as in Isistius, and their arrangement is similar in the two genera. The principal differences are those pointed out in the superstructures. The ancestor common to Isistius and Scymnorhinus probably had serrated teeth, spiny scales, a smaller middle and hind brain, and a branchihyal skeleton more like that of Seymnorhinus. Lateral System. The lateral system is tubular and is not so complex as on many of the other sharks. From the aural region the corporal tube bends outward slightly to a point above the base of the pectoral, whence it runs directly to the tail, on which, a trifle below the middle of the mus- cular portion, it extends about two thirds of the distance from the origin of the lower lobe to the notch separating this lobe from the upper. On the head, Plate II., fig. 1, the aural tube crosses immediately behind the aural apertures. The occipital tube is comparatively long, cranial and rostral pass forward with tolerable directness. From the end of the occipital the orbital goes down to the angular and suborbital, which latter meets the nasal and the subrostral with or without the intervention of a short orbitonasal, below the middle of the eye. Immediately behind the buccal fold, from the corner of the mouth, the angular joins the oral, which continues forward to the end of the lateral lip. Behind the junc- tion with the oral there is a short jugular. In front of the mouth the nasals meet in a very short median, from which the prenasals diverge forward to join the rostrals. The subrostral section of the tube goes — ISISTIUS BRASILIENSIS. 39 directly forward from the suborbital for some distance, then curves out and upward to connect with the rostral above the nostril. All the sections of the tube, or tubes, present on Jswrus punctatus, as on the figure shown in the “Lateral System,” Plates I. & X., in Mem. Mus. Comp. Zodél., XVII., are represented on Isistius, the short orbitonasal excepted, There is more resemblance between these greatly differentiated genera in the lateral systems than in most other respects. Outside of the Scym- norhinide the closest affinities, as indicated by the lateral systems, are to be seen in the spinacoids; this will be sufficiently demonstrated by comparison with Centroscyllium, Plate LXIX., fig. 1. The individual described represents the most common type of color- ation; it is chestnut brown, darker on the back, and on the hinder portions of the caudal lobes. The hind borders of the fins, excepting the border of the upper lobe of the caudal, are light. Commonly a dark band crosses the throat; it does not show on specimens of very dark color. In life a remarkable feature of this shark is its phosphorescence. The peculiarity is well described by F. D. Bennett, 1840, from living examples. “The entire inferior surface of the body and head emitted a vivid and greenish phosphorescent gleam, imparting to the creature, by its own light, a truly ghastly and terrific appearance. The luminous effect was constant, and not perceptibly increased by agitation or friction... . The only part of the under surface of the animal which was free from luminosity was the black collar around the throat; and while the inferior surface of the pectoral, anal, and caudal fins shone with splendour, their superior surface (including the upper lobe of the tail-fin) was in darkness, as also were the dorsal fins, back and summit of the head.” The luminous gleam was constant during the life of the captive, but declined and vanished when the shark died. G. Bennett, 1860, describes another specimen. “ On placing my fish in sea-water and observing it in a dark cabin, it swam about for some time, emitting a brilliant phosphoric light; and when this had become so faint as to be almost imperceptible, it was readily rekindled on the animal being disturbed or excited. My specimen was of a perfectly black colour, and died about four hours after it had been taken. The luminosity was retained for some hours after life was extinct.” These observations were confirmed by those of Professor A. Agassiz on the speci- men here described. 40) DEEP SEA FISHES. The species is mature at a length of eighteen inches. Station Latitude. Longitude. Depth, Temperature. Bottom. 3413 9-2. 34’ N. 92° 06’ W. 1360 fathoms _—36° F. Globigerina ooze dk. sp. The first unquestionable mention of this species is that of Quoy and Gaimard, 1824, in the Zovlogy of Freycinet’s Voyage, I., 198, at the end of their description of Seymnus bispinatus. “Un autre trés-petit individu femelle, pris par nous au Brésil, et nommé Scymnus brasiliensis par M, Cuvier, a & peu pres la forme du précédent; mais il se fait remar- quer par la grosseur démesurée de sa machoire inférieure, par sa gueule plus rapprochée de lextrémité de son museau, par la largeur plus grande de ses nageoires dorsales, et par labsence d’aiguillon aux ventrales. Les deux lobes de la caudale sont aussi plus profondément divisées. Enfin, sa couleur est d'un brun plus clair, et on remarque une large bande d'un brun foncé sous la gorge.’ In 1840, F. D. Bennett notes the occurrence of the genus in Lat. 2” 30’ South, Lon. 163° West, a ten-inch specimen captured in a tow-net af the surface, and again in “Lat. 65° North, Lon. 110 West,’ an eighteen inch specimen. Bennett’s longitude is incorrect; it probably was 140° W. Miiller and Henle, 1841, give Isle de France, St. Jago, and Rio de Janeiro as the localities of the specimens examined by them. G. Bennett, 1860, reports on a five and one half inch individual from Lat. 2° 15’ South, Lon. 163° West. Kner, 1864, gives the locality “ Australia” for a seven inch specimen studied by himself. Dumeril, 1865, records one from Mauritius of more than nineteen and one-half inches, the largest yet recorded. Giinther, 1870, had a ten inch specimen from the South Pacific and a six inch specimen from the Gulf of Guinea. Peters, 1876, had one from Lat. 14° 23’ 07” South, Lon. 118° 16’ 03” East, in the Indian Ocean. The “ Albatross” collection adds a locality near the Galapagos Islands, station 3413, Lat. 2° 84’ North, Lon. 92° 06° West. The depth given for this station is 1360 fathoms. In the same haul Bathytroctes and other undoubted deep sea forms were taken. The large eyes and the phosphorescence of Isistius certainly would not be out of place at very great depths; yet in view of the fact that all of the captures previously noted were from the surface or from depths much nearer to it than that reported by the “ Albatross,” and of the fact also that the trawl was open on its way up, there is still some uncertainty as to whether this shark descends so far. CHLAMYDOSELACHUS ANGUINEUS. 41 From the data at hand it is not possible to determine the variation in the specimens taken at these widely distant localities. It is true that Giinther found but twenty-five teeth on the lower jaw of his specimen, and that Kner’s specimen had but twenty-six, but it must be remembered that these specimens were ten inches or less in length while the individual taken by the “ Albatross,” having thirty-one teeth on the lower jaw, has a length of more than eighteen inches, which at once raises questions as to differences in this respect on account of age. CHLAMYDOSELACHID. Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman, 1884, Jan. 17, Bull. Essex Institute, Vol. XVI., with figures ; 1884, Feb. 1, Science, p. 116; 1884, March 21, Science, p. 345; 1884, Nov. 28, Science, p- 484; 1885, July, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. XII., No. 1, with 20 plates; 1885, July, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci., 537; 1887, March 18, Science, p. 267. Didymodus anguineus Cope, 1884, March 7, Science, p. 275; 1884, April, American Naturalist, p. 412; 1884, May 30, Science, p. 645; 1884, “ Printed July 1,” Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., p. 572. Plate LXX., Lateral Canal System This shark is one that may confidently be expected to appear in future collections from the region about the Galapagos. It occurs in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, like Isistius and Centroscyllium ; it is of present in- terest mainly in comparisons. At different times the Museum of Comparative Zoblogy has come into possession of several specimens and opportunity has been taken to verify items originally derived from the type. As long ago as 1886, on the arrival of a second individual from deep water near Tokyo, Japan, it was seen that the tail of the type was deformed, as previously suspected, and the following note was printed by the writer in “Science,” Vol. IX., No. 215, p. 267, March 18, 1887. “ The Tail of Chliamydoselachus. A recent opportunity of examining a second specimen of Chlamydoselachus furnished the means of adding an item or two to our knowledge of that peculiar genus. In several points the example differed from that originally described. This was notably the case with the tail. On the later capture this organ was a little more than one-fourth of the total length, and, with the vertebral column, tapered to a sharp extremity; whereas in the first one it stopped abruptly, with vertebrae of considerable size, as if truncate. On the new one, the lateral line, with a few short breaks posterioriy, continued 42 DEEP SEA FISHES. to within an inch of the end of the tail. All this indicates that the tail of that which served as the type was deformed and incomplete: the deformity, in all likelihood, being of embryonic origin. Proportioned as the new one, the tail of the type would have been seventeen inches long, instead of which it was but little more than ten. Completed, the type would have had a total length of sixty-six inches, to a circumference of eleven and a half. The more recent specimen had a length of forty-eight to a circumference of ten and a half inches, which made it rather less slender and snake-like than its predecessor. Another difference occurred in the dentition, which, in the last examined, showed variations in the number of denticles between each lateral cusp and the median: sometimes there were two, sometimes but one. The tropeic folds, abdominal keel, were present as on the specimen from which the original description was taken.” Giinther’s “Challenger” Report, likewise of 1887, confirmed this and made important additions to knowledge of the anatomy from specimens caught in deep water in Yeddo Bay, opposite Tokyo, that is, about the locality from which the type was secured. The range was not extended until 1890, when Collett, Bull. Soc. Zobl. de France, p. 219, published the fact of the occur- rence of this shark off Funchal, Madeira. In 1897 he still further extended the distribution by the identification of a specimen taken in Varanger Fjord, Norway, at a depth of about one hundred and fifty fathoms. The last is the longest specimen yet taken, being about six feet three inches in length. It is a female, and compared with the males and females previously taken indicates that this sex is the larger. The shortness of the snout, and the position of the nostrils, in the colored figure of the head in Collett’s paper (Seeraftryk af Universitetets Festskrift til Hans Majesteet Kung Oscar II. i Anledning af Regjeringsjubileet 1897, with 2 plates) would indicate specific differences, but comparison with his descriptions dispels any such ideas. If the Norwegian specimen is not identical in species with those from Tokyo it certainly is very closely allied. To be sure there are differ- ences, as in the numbers of branchial rays, and the numbers of rows of teeth, but apparently these are, as Collett remarks, quite within the range of individual variation, The discovery of a fossil Chlamydoselachus, C. Lawleyi, from the Pliocene of Tuscany, by Davis, Proc. Zoul. Soc. Lond., 1887, p. 542, has added some- thing to a knowledge of the early history of the genus; and beyond this some advance has been made toward the determination of relationships in CHLAMYDOSELACHUS ANGUINEUS. 43 the Carboniferous and earlier. The excellent work done by James -W. Davis, by L. Déderlein, by Fritsch, and by a number of others, in the elu- cidation of the Pleuracanthidae has finally disposed of as non-existent the asserted affinities of Chlamydoselachus with Cope’s Didymodus, 1884, that is, with Pleuracanthus of Agassiz, 1857. As now separated from the spine- bearing fish-like Pleuracanths, Xenacanths, with which it should never have been placed, the first suggestion, in 1884, regarding the allies of Chlamy- doselachus is seen to retain its pertinence ; the affinities are to be looked for away back among the Cladodonts, “ probably earlier than the Carbon- iferous.” The idea that the Cladodonts were distinct from the Diplodonts, of the Xenacanthini, the Pleuracanthide, is well supported by the fossil Cladodont restored by Dean, 1894, under the name “ Cladoselache”’ (see “Fishes, Living and Fossil,” 1895, p. 79, fig. 86), from the Cleveland Shales of the Ohio Waverley (Lower Carbon). This form evidently was a true shark with Cladodont dentition and no dorsal spines; it has no close resemblances to Chlamydoselachus, yet it is sufficiently near to lend support to the theory that the ancestors of the latter had separated from the Diplodonts, the Pleuracanths, and Teleosts at a much earlier date, and to justify search for a Cladodont without dorsal spines, with more than five gill openings, with longer dorsal and anal fins, and with a tail somewhat nearly diphycercal, from which to trace the descent of the Chlamydoselachidee. The name originally applied to the genus was Chlamydoselachus, from xXAapvs and oédayos; Giinther’s change to Chlamydoselache is not to be countenanced, oehayyn being the plural form. Similar criticism is to be applied to Selache of Cuvier, 1817 (= Cetorhinus Blainville, 1816), and to Cladoselache of Dean, 1895, generic names which are better written Selachus and Cladoselachus. To remark upon one more of the numerous entries in a complete bibli- ography of the genus it may be pointed out that the diagnoses and descrip- tions occupying pages 22, 23, and 24 of the “Oceanic Ichthyology” by George Brown Goode and Tarleton H. Bean, 1896, are transcribed word for word, without quotation marks, but with changed punctuation, from the article, “ An Extraordinary Shark,” in vol. XVI, 1884, of the Proceedings of the Essex Institute. It is indeed gratifying to know that the article was so highly appreciated as to demand an expenditure of so much energy as was necessary in making all the changes, yet it is greatly to be regretted fo) fo} ? 5 vi fo) 44 DEEP SEA FISHES. that the text was not improved by the transformation at the same time that it was made to appear as if original with these authors. Lateral System. In the work on the Lateral System published in the Bul- letin of the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy, vol. XVII., 1888, p. 57, the cephalic canals of Chlamydoselachus were traced from the openings on the surface of the skin. Whether the diagram thus obtained agreed accurately with the course of the tubes within could only be determined by dissection, which was accomplished later and the results are given on Plate LXX. It will be seen that in the two cases the diagrams are in close agreement. The most peculiar features of the system in the genus appear in the pres- ence of gular (y) and spiracular (sp) canals, in the transverse median (7), and in the tranverse prenasals (pm) parallel with the nasals (7) for some distance at each side of the median. On individuals there is a manifest tendency to irregularity in the lateral canal just above the forward end of the caudal ; on one specimen the line on the right side makes a sharp curve down at this point, then takes a straight course backward, but on the left side the line turns down, then up, and then down again, making a sinuous line for about an inch and a half before continuing straight back. Transverse median (m) tubes are not rare among the other selachia, as will be seen by reference to Prio- nodon, Alopias, Rhinobatus, Raia, Myliobatis, Rhinoptera, and Dicerobatis (Lat. Syst., Plates VI, XH, XXIV., XXV., XXIX., XLIX., LI, LI). If Isistius and Centroscyllium are compared with this genus, Plates LXTX. and LXX. of the present work, gular and spiracular tubes are seen to be absent in the first two, and the median is longitudinal, the nasals are trans- verse, while the prenasals are continuations of the rostrals on the top of the snout. The connections of orbital (07d) with suborbital or orbitonasal (oz) and angular (amg) are the same in each of the three cases. Whether the gular and the spiracular tubes of Chlamydoselachus are to be regarded as primitive features derived from a remote ancestry or whether they are more recent differentiations is yet undetermined, but perhaps the better conclu- sion is that they have accompanied the peculiar branchial structure from some of the earliest of the sharks. LIOPROPOMA LONGILEPIS 45 TELEOSTEA. ACANTHOPTERYGII. PERCOIDS. In present knowledge of the group there is little concerning species of the Percoids at very great depths. Possibly it is because of greater wariness and activity that they are so rare in our collections, yet it may be that their habits and activity prevent them being carried below the reach of the sun- light as readily as forms habitually resting on the bottom of the sea, like Pediculates or Ophidioids. While future collecting will greatly increase the numbers from the depths, it may do it without changing the proportions, as compared with other groups, to any very great extent. The greatest depth at which a species has been reported heretofore is that of Brephostoma Car- penteri, from the Bay of Bengal, at 1520 fathoms, discovered by Alcock and classed as one of the Serranidz. The nearest approaches to this have been in the cases of an Anthias, from the western part of the north Atlantic, at 524, and an Epigonus, from the European coasts, at 530 fathoms. None of the others of the twenty-five or more species in the list descends below 350 fathoms, Each of the following divisions contains representatives of three to four of the genera: the eastern and the western parts of the north Pacific, the western part of the south Pacific, the eastern and the western parts of the north Atlantic and the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Anthias is the only genus found to be included in so many as three of the divisions ; and from it, as from the others, there is little to be drawn relating to con- nections or affinities between types from the different regions. SERRANID AN. Liopropoma longilepis sp. n. Biers; NUE lol BV. 1, 5; Pe lo; He 78; Lim to 265 Vert. 24. In this species the form is moderately elongate and compressed ; it tapers from the dorsal and the ventrals to the end of the snout; the depth is about one sixth of the total length, and the greatest width three fourths of the depth. Head equal to one third of the length from the snout to the base of 46 DEEP SEA FISHES. the caudal, as broad as high, anteriorly wider than deep. Snout rather large, as long as the orbit, broad and somewhat truncate when viewed from above, acute as seen from the side, the extremity being the lower jaw extended forward of the upper. Mouth protractile, of medium width ; cleft rising forward ; maxillary nearly reaching a vertical from the hind border of the orbit, obliquely rounded on the end, three fourths as wide as the eye, bent downward behind the intermaxillary. Teeth small, in comparatively wide villiform bands on the jaws, in narrower ones on the palatines, and in a V-shaped group on the vomer. Tongue long, narrow, pointed, toothless. Kye large, prominent, hardly as long as the snout, less than one fourth of the length of the head. Nostrils small, widely separated ; anterior tubular, at the lip; posterior immediately forward of the orbit. Interorbital space convex, width equal to two thirds of the orbital length. Operculum with three somewhat hidden and drooping spines, median strongest. Preopercle curved and finely serrated along the middle of its hind edge. Subopercle elongate, thin, flexible, extending back of the opercle in the long opercular flap. Flap rather wide, reaching above the base of the pectoral. Gill openings wide; membranes not united, free from the isthmus. Gill rakers slender, three plus nine, with four rudiments at each end of the series. Pseudobranchie well developed. Suprabranchial gland subtriangular, grooved in the middle. Hinder extremities of the fins acute. Dorsal originating little backward of the axils of the pectorals, outline descending toward the end of the spinous portion, soft rays longer and increasing in length backward, longest ray filamentary, two thirds as long as the head, and reaching the base of the caudal. Anal origin below the fifth of the soft rays of the dorsal. Pectorals narrow, little longer than the ventrals. Ventrals small, close together, inserted below the bases of the pectorals. Caudal deep, lobes sharp, notch one third of the length of the fin, rounded. Scales small, ctenoid, longitudinally striate, covering body, head, bases of the fins, and, to a considerable extent, the fin rays; those of the flanks nearly twice as long as wide. Lateral line complete, rising to within four scales of the fifth dorsal spine, thence gradually descending till not quite reaching the middle of the caudal peduncle. Four pyloric ceca. Longest specimen seven and one fourth inches. Red in life; with a band of brown from each eye to the end of the snout, with a narrow white (or blue) band from the suborbital to the pectorals. CENTRISTHMUS. ef Some individuals are darker on the internarial region and on the crown, and have a faintly defined band of brownish along each side of the back. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3397 7° 33’ N. 78° 34’ 20” W. 85 fathoms 57.3° F. Stf. gn. m. brk. Serranus Bulleri. Serranus Bulleri Boul., 1895, Cat., I., 288, Plate 10. By Op Dy 2 An Li 7s V0: P18; Ll 49-54. Lire > -- 13. Gall rakers 7 + 16. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3367 5° 31’ 30’ N. 86° 52’ 30” W. 100 fathoms 57.1° FE. Rocky Anthias eos. Pronotogrammus eos Gilb., 1890, Pr. U. S. Mus., XIIT., 62. Anthias eos Boul., 1895, Cat., I., 324. B.7; D.X, 15; A. III,8; V.6; P. 17; Ll. scales 44-46, pores 40; Ltr. 3+ 14; Vert. 26. Crown and maxillary scaleless; tongue toothless. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3387 7° 40’ N. 79° 17’ 50” W. 127 fathoms 56.2° F. Fine gray sand 3391 7° 33/ 40” N, 79° 43! 20” W, 153 6 55.8° F. Green mud Anthias multifasciatus. Pronotogrammus multifasciatus Gill, 1863, Pr. Phil. Ac., 81. Anthias multifasciatus Boul., 1895, Cat., I., 323. B.7; 'D. X, 15; A. TI, 7; V.6; P. 19-20; Ll. scales 55, pores 50; Ltr. 4+ 18; Vert. 26. Entire head, including top and maxillary, covered by scales; tongue with a group of teeth. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3378 3° 58/ 20” N. 81° 36’ W. 112 fathoms 55.9° F. Brk. sh. 3397 + 7° 33/ N. 78° 34’ 20” W. 85) 57.3° BF. Stf. gn. m. brk. 3368 5° 32! 45” N. 86° 54’ 30” W. Go sf 58.4° F. Rocky CENTRISTHMUS gen. n. General appearance like that of species of Anthias. Body strongly com- pressed, acute anteriorly; tail deeply forked. Mouth large, anterior, pro- tractile ; lower jaws longer; maxillaries exposed. Jaws with villiform and an outer series of larger teeth intermixed with canines; vomerine and pala- 48 DEEP SEA FISHES. tine teeth; tongue smooth. Eyes large, lateral. Edge of preopercle ser- rate; a large spine at the angle. Opercle with three spines. Gills four; gill openings wide; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; rakers numerous, slender. : Vu, (5; aoe tal. UO scales 62 pores; Ltr. 7 + 28; Vert. 26. In its outlines this species bears some resemblance to Anthias multifas- ciatus, but the snout is larger, the lower jaw is more prominent, the head is less completely covered by scales, the preopercular spine is larger, and the scales are much smaller. Body much compressed, greatest depth nearly one fourth of the entire length, two thirds as deep and two fifths as wide as long, nearly straight from end of snout to nape or slightly concave above the eyes, little arched across the crown, vertical on the sides, hardly swollen on the narial region. Mouth medium, oblique; maxillary reaching a verti- cal from the middle of the eye, truncate at the end, which is half as wide as the eye. Teeth on the jaws in villiform bands, with a larger outer series, with one or two small hooked canines near the symphysis in front and one or two smaller ones close at each side of the symphysis a little backward of the first in the upper bands, and with one or two similar canines in front on each lower jaw and behind these near the middle of the cleft a smaller one or more; teeth on the vomer ina narrow V-shaped band, of which the tooth at the apex resembles the canines; palatine teeth in narrow bands, of one or two series. Tongue paliform, narrow, pointed, toothless. Nostrils superior, small, close together; anterior very small, with a short tubular valve; posterior near the upper half of the eye. Eye large, prominent, as long as CENTRISTHMUS SIGNIFER. 4g the snout, more than one fourth of the length of the head. Preopercle with numerous fine and regular serrations on the hinder edge, with larger and more irregular ones on the lower edge, and with a large sharp compressed spine on the angle. Opercle with three flat spines, median stronger and nearer the lower, which is very weak. Margin of gill cover thin, concave on the edge both above and below the median opercular spine. Urohyal very long, as long as the snout and the eye together, upper portion thin, ending in a sharp retrorse angle; lower portion less compressed, hinder ex- tremity a long sharp point, in front of which there is a groove on the lower edge, middle with a strong antrorse spine. By great length in the urohyal necessity of much forward extent in the shoulder girdle is obviated; in the present species the halves of the girdle are more nearly erect and straight. Gills four; rakers short, longest more than half as long as the eye, slender, nine plus twenty-four; membranes hardly united, free from the isthmus; suprabranchial gland of moderate size, bent forward in its upper half. Pseudobranchize well developed. Origin of the dorsal above the upper angle of the gill opening; third spine very long, with its pennant as long as the head, other spines hardly as long as the snout; longest soft rays twice as long as the spinous. Anal medium, third spine longest, first spine below the first soft ray of the dorsal. Caudal three fourths of the length of the head, lobes sharp, notch deep and rounded. Pectorals smaller than the ventrals, pointed. Ventrals one third longer than the pectorals, reaching the spinous rays of the anal. inserted below the bases of the pectorals, third and fourth rays forming a very long point. Scales small, ctenoid, covering body, cheeks and interorbital space, and to some extent the bases of the caudal fin and of the paired fins, absent from the bases of the dorsal and of the anal and from the maxillaries and the lower jaws, as also from a short transverse area behind the interorbital region. Lateral line complete, nearly straight to a point below the seventh dorsal ray, from which it is distant about seven scales, thence it continues nearly parallel with the vertebral outline to the base of the tail. Three large pyloric appendages. Air bladder of moderate size. Color probably red in life, darker on the back with faint freckles of brown, with short streaks or spots of brownish on the crown, with cheeks and lower portions of head and body silver. In cases the scaleless area back of the crown is darker, and a darker shade in the middle of each scale gives the sides a streaked appearance. 4 50 DEEP SEA FISHES. Largest individual eight and one half inches. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3397 TSB! INS 78° 34/ 20” W. 85 fathoms Dieooels Stf. gn. m. brk. 3387 7° 40’ N. 792 W750! We Wpyp Ge 56.2° F. Fine gray sand SCORPAENOIDS. On the list of deep sea fishes there is a larger proportion of the Scorpze- noids than of those provisionally grouped as Percoids. This is in accord with the differences in habits, the former being more habituated to the bottom and recovering higher levels with less facility when carried down- ward by impulse or accident. The greatest depth on the present record is that noted by Vaillant in case of Sebastes Kuhlii Bowd., taken by the “Talis- man” off the “Bane d’Arguin” in 1274 fathoms, and again off the coasts of Soudan in 622 fathoms. The “ Challenger” Expedition as reported by Giin- ther secured S. ocuwlatus C.V. in the Straits of Magellan in 545 fathoms, and S. macrochir Giint. off Inosima, Japan, at 365 fathoms. In the “ Alba- tross” collections from the northwestern Atlantic, Goode & Bean identified S. marinus Linn. taken at depths of 55 to 917 fathoms; and from the east- ern part of the North Atlantic Scorpena dactyloptera De la Roche, in Vail- lant’s work on the fishes of the “ Talisman,” is given depths of 503 to 532 fathoms in the Mediterranean and off the Canaries. Species of the Scorpe- noids that descend 100 to 250 fathoms are rather numerous; and it may’ be that all species, located where it is possible, range from the shoals to considerable depths. Between the Atlantic and the Pacific across the isthmus connections are more apparent and closer in this group than in the preceding ; compare Scorpeena, Pontinus and Sebastes. The detailed discussion of the Scorpzenidx has been transferred to the report on the shore fishes, excepting in case of two forms de- scribed below. One of the latter, Pontinus furcirhinus, properly belongs with the shore fishes, though descending to 200 fathoms or more. Speci- mens of small to medium sizes lacking the filaments and with jaws about equal in length have outlines resembling to some extent those of S. diploproa or S. aurora of Gilbert. The latter, however, have twenty-six vertebra, rarely twenty-five, while the present form has but twenty-four. The specific name furcirhinus is given it because of the forked appearance of the upper jaws, due to the great bunches of teeth. The other form described here is a degenerate type, in which the air bladder is obsolete or PONTINUS FURCIRHINUS. 51 rudimentary, the head is entirely covered with comparatively large scales, and the excavations in the skull for the lateral system are broad and shallow. In all respects it is evident this form is adapted to life at a great distance from the surface. SCORP ANID Al. Pontinus furcirhinus sp. n. Plate VII. Br rad; Di xa 9" (10);) A: To (6), V. I, os5Pe 17; Li 54 scales, 24 pores; Vert. 24. The figure given on Plate VII. will recall that of Sebastes jilifer Val., a species to which the present evidently is somewhat closely related. The main outlines bear some resemblance to those of Sebastes macrochiy Giint. Body moderately elongate, much compressed, tapering rapidly behind the pectorals, rising to the greatest height at the third or the fourth dorsal spine, whence the outline descends steeply to the snout; width two thirds of the depth, the latter less than two sevenths of the total length. Head large, one third of the entire length, width equal to the depth at the occiput, rough with keels and spines; crown flattish, without a transverse groove, but with a faint transverse ridge at the end of the interorbital space; with a moderately deep longitudinal groove between the eyes, and a low prominence on the internarial space. On the cheeks there are two strong divergent spines, behind the opercle, the lower of which ends a keel across the operculum; the preopercle bears a strong in most cases doubled spine, a continuation of the infraorbital series of four spines rising from a ridge, and below this spine, commonly, there is a wide space in which the majority of the specimens have a very small spine close to the upper edge, which also in the larger individuals ends a low ridge from the mouth; below the space mentioned there is a series of three short spines of which the foremost is more or less completely hidden ; below the infraorbital ridge, above the maxillary, there are two strong hooked spines. At each side of the internarial space there is a small spine directed upward ; between the eyes above each orbit there is a series of four sharp spines, and behind each of these series there is a couple of stronger spines at the back of the head. Snout blunt, nearly as long as the eye, most prominent in the rounded groups of teeth on the intermaxillary. Eye large, nearly one fourth as long as the head, very prominent. Interorbital space a groove of 52 DEEP SEA FISHES. moderate depth. Mouth wide, rising but little forward; maxillary broad and truncate posteriorly, extending to or little beyond a vertical from the hind border of the orbit. Tongue broad, pointed in front, free at the edges. Teeth in villiform bands which, anteriorly on the jaws, end in large rounded bunches; Plate VII., figs. 2 and 3, shows the arrangement of the teeth on the jaws and the palate. Nostrils small, nearer to the eye than to the end of the snout; anterior smaller, with a short tube and a long, fringed dermal filament. Suprabranchial gland vertically elongate and grooved, Four gills, a short slit behind the fourth; lamellze of medium length; gill rakers five plus eight, with several rudiments, longest one fourth as long as the eye, club-shaped. Pseudobranchiz large. Scales of medium size, ctenoid, on large specimens bearing dermal filaments, Plate VII., fig. 1. The spines of the crown and of the dorsal fin also have filaments in many cases. The pore-bearing scales of the lateral line are modified, the tube being raised above the scale so as to form a longitudinal ridge along the flank. Cheeks, snout, top of head, and upper portions of maxillaries covered with small scales, mandibles and chin naked. Dorsal origin above the upper angle of the gill opening, forward of the bases of the pectorals, spines toward the soft rays shorter; third spine on many of the specimens much longer than the second or the fourth, half as long as the head, on other individuals it is hardly longer than the spines at each side of it. This long spine is present on specimens of two and three-eighths inches in length, in one case both the second and third spines are long; and on others much longer, the third spine is short. Possibly the difference is sexual, but this cannot be deter- mined from the material at hand. While apparently there are no differ- ences that may be seized upon as varietal or specific in the specimens from different stations, they yet group themselves in some degree when compared; thus all taken at depths from 66 to 112 fathoms have the elongate third dorsal spine, but seventeen from depths of 127 to 210 fathoms have only the short form of the same spine. Inference from this is impeded by the fact that in a lot of five specimens from a depth of 182 fathoms there are three that have a long third dorsal spine, while on the other two that spine is short. On each of several individuals there are thirteen spines in front of the soft rays of the dorsal. Pectorals broad, pointed; rays simple, more or less prolonged beyond the mem- branes. Second spine of the anal much stronger and larger than the ECTREPOSEBASTES IMUS. 53 third, first spine below the first soft ray of the dorsal. Ventral reaching the vent. Caudal about two thirds as long as the head, truncate. Pyloric appendages three. Air bladder large. This species has but twenty-four vertebre; the nearest of the known species of Sebastes have twenty-six. On the largest specimens there are streamers on scales and spines; on the smaller ones the filaments are hardly noticeable, if present. Apparently rose color in life, brownish red in alcohol, flecked with brown below the eye, on the side of the head, along the lateral line, at the base of the dorsal, and on the dorsal and the caudal. A darker area on the parietal region sometimes has a light centre. Some have three larger blotches of brown below the spinous dorsal and two more below the soft dorsal above the lateral line. Very small individuals are similar to the larger ones in color, but the bunches of teeth are less prominent. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3355 7° 12’ 20” N. 80° 55’ W. 182 fathoms ba Osby Bk. g. sh. 3367 BY BOY INT 86° 52’ 30” W. 100~ “ 57 R Rocky 3368 52 32" 45/7 Ni. 86° 54’ 30” W. 66; *< 58.4° F. Rocky 3378 So 58! 20" N. 81° 36’ W. WIIDy 103 55.9° F. Broken shells 3387 7° 40’ N. TOL e OU! Wie Wy 56.2° F. Fine gray sand 3389 7° 16’ 45" N. 79° 56’ 30” W. DAD) > 48.8° F, Green mud 3391 72°33! 40” N. 79° 43/ 20” W. lp} & Ho.Sein: Green mud 3397 7° 33’ N. 78° 34’ 20” W. 8 57.3° BF. Stf. gn. m. brk. ECTREPOSEBASTES gen. n, Body much compressed, short, deep, caudal peduncle small. Head massive, entirely covered with scales; snout broad, blunt, lower jaw longer. Cephalic spines moderate, opercle with two. Mouth large, maxillary deep, with a longitudinal keel in the middle. Teeth small, in villiform bands on jaws, vomer, and palatines. Pseudobranchiw well developed, a pre- scapular gland; seven branchiostegal rays. Scales small, thin, cycloid, covering snout, jaws, and chin. Lateral line wide, shallow; scales much differentiated. Dorsals continuous, with eleven spines. Anal short, with three spines. Pectoral deep, pointed. Caudal not forked. Stomach siphonal; intestine small, short; pyloric caeca few. Twenty-four vertebra. Ectreposebastes imus sp. n. Plate VII. ; Plate IX.; Plate LXXT. fig. 1, Lat. Syst. Beyre 73D: Mi, 10, A. TE 6 (7); V..1,5; By 195, LL. seales 60: ca, pores 27 ca.; Vert. 24. Shorter and deeper in form than most of the 54 DEEP SEA FISHES. species of Sebastes; compared with Sebastes diploproa the depth is greater, and is maintained farther backward under the soft dorsal, thus giving the back a higher and longer arch and making the caudal portion appear shorter. Body much compressed, depth about one third of the total length, and greatest width about two fifths of the depth; caudal peduncle small, its greatest depth less than one fourth of that of the body; lower outline of the body much less arched than the upper. Head short, hardly one third of the entire length, two thirds as wide as deep; crown broad, convex transversely, descending rapidly in a nearly straight line from the nape to the intermaxillary prominence on the snout; sides nearly vertical. Excepting those of the preopercle the spines of the head are rather small and feeble; there is a short spine at each side of the nape above the occi- put, another above each preopercle, and two smaller ones above each suprascapular; the spines above the eye or on the internarial area are hardly perceptible; at the anterior extremity of the suborbital ridge there is a short antrorse spine, backward from this one there are two rather close together directed down and back, below the orbit there is another, and above the end of the maxillary there are two more; there are five short preopercular spines, the third or middle one of which is the largest; and there are two opercular spines, the upper of which is the longer and more slender, the lower the stronger, both of them at the ends of a couple of ridges across the operculum. The excavations in the skull for the ves- sels of the lateral system are broad and shallow. There is a concave, dish- like depression above the eyes on the middle of the crown behind which the parietal region is higher and quite flat. Snout large, twice as wide as the eye, nearly as long as broad, blunt, most prominent in the symphyseal angle of the lower jaws. Nostrils superior, nearly midway from eye to end of snout ; anterior smaller and provided with a short tube and flap. Mouth very large, cleft rising forward a little above the horizontal; maxillary more than half as long as the head, reaching backward of the orbit, with a longitudinal keel along its middle, subtruncate and as wide as the eye at the end. Teeth in villiform bands on jaws, vomer, and palatines, Plate IX., fig. 2. Eye small, hardly one sixth as long as the head, nearly two fifths as wide as the interorbital space. Gill covers with thin margins and weak spines. Gills four; lafnelle short; rakers three plus eleven (with several rudiments), slender, blade-like, acuminate, striate on the sides, denticulate on the inner edges, not as long as the eye. Pseudo- BERYCOIDS. 55 branchiz medium. Suprabranchial gland polygonal or subtriangular, with a depression in the centre. The stomach and other viscera are figured on Plate IX., figs. 3, 4. Scales thin, cycloid, irregular, those on the top of the snout and head comparatively large, those bearing the canals of the lateral system on the flanks much differentiated, being twice the diameter of those in adjacent series. Lateral line covered by a fold of the skin with scales; disks resting on larger scales, somewhat as on Lamprogrammus, Plate XXXIV., fig. 4, each as wide as two ordinary scales, twenty-seven from head to tail. The line makes a short upward curve from the head till above the axil of the pectoral, whence it is straight or but slightly curved until it reaches the middle of the caudal peduncle at the tail. Dorsal origin forward of the base of the pectoral; a shallow notch near the soft rays of the fin, rays varying in number from eleven plus ten to eleven plus twelve. Hinder margin of caudal subtruncate or rounded. Pectorals broad at the bases, pointed, median rays longest, reaching the middle of the base of the anal. Ventrals with a slender spine and five segmented rays. Deep black over entire surface, and on the linings of the body cavity. Largest specimen six and one-half inches in length, Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3403 0° 58’ 30’ S. 89° 17’ W. 384 fathoms 43.3° F. Fue. gy. s. bk. sp. BERYCOIDS. This is one of the most widely distributed groups of the fishes; it in- cludes a moderately large number of the living, and besides has an exten- sive representation among the fossil forms. Though at present known in greater part from the tropical waters, there is that in the fact of inhabiting levels at a temperature of thirty-six degrees Fahrenheit, or lower, which leads to expectation of members of the group at similar temperatures in all waters containing a proper food supply outside of the torrid zone. In the collec- tion there are individuals belonging to eight different species of the group, but two of which have been described heretofore; one of them is the species described by Gilbert under the name Melamphaés lugubris, from nearly the same locality, the other is with some hesitation identified with Giinther’s M. mizolepis, originally described from south of New Guinea, more recently reported by Alcock from the Bay of Bengal. In making the necessary 56 DEEP SEA FISHES. comparisons it was found that not so many of the species from the western Pacific were identical with others in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic as has been supposed, and this has led to doubts of a number of which only descriptions are available with which to compare. In general it may be said that the affinities of the species in the collection, from the region about the Galapagos, are closer to those of the western Atlantic than to those of the western Pacific. In case of Caulolepis the species from the eastern Pacific is so nearly allied to that from the western Atlantic that they can hardly be separated by the characters ordinarily used in specific diagnoses. Species of Melamphaés and of Stephanoberyx have been taken in the north Atlantic, Lat. 37° N., Lon. 73° W., at a depth of 2949 fathoms, the deepest as yet reported for the group. Species of Melamphaés have also been taken at 1998 fathoms off the Cape Verde Isles, at 2232 fathoms off the Galapagos, at 1575 fathoms in the southern part of the Indian Ocean, and at 1805 fathoms in the Bay of Bengal. Malacosarcus was secured at a depth of 2550 fathoms near the Low Archipelago in the Pacific. When properly completed a list of the species of this group belonging to a depth of 150 fathoms or more will no doubt include nearly or quite all of the family; at present a considerable number have no definite depths assigned to them. BERYCID A. Hoplostethus pacificus sp. n. Plate A. fig.1; Plate X.; Plate XI. fig.1; Plate LXXTI. fig. 4, Lat. Syst. Br. t.8; D. V, 18=14; A. Ti, 9; Vo1, 63 B: 19); ILM 58 cavscalesy28 disks; Vert. 27. This species differs little from either Hoplostethus mediterraneus C. V. or HT. japonicus Hilg. in general outlines; in many respects it agrees with them very closely, but it may readily be distinguished by less development in the anterior portion of the dorsal fin, by a greater development of the pectorals, and by a larger number of scales in the median series on the abdomen, Form much compressed, tapering rather abruptly backward of the body eavity, depth five elevenths of the length to the base of the caudal or five fourteenths of the entire length, little more than the length of the head. af HOPLOSTETHUS PACIFICUS. o7 Depth of head equal to its length, which is twice its width; forehead very convex, a prominent median ridge above the nostrils. Snout short, hardly as long as the eye, blunt, steep and strongly curved above the mouth, most prominent forward in the angle at the mandibular symphysis. Nostrils small, immediately in front of the eye; hinder larger, vertically oblong; anterior small, round, lower than the posterior. Eye large, prominent, one fourth as long as the head, less than the width of the interorbi- tal space, considerably below the level of the top of the head. Skull deeply excavated for the lateral system; the channels of the system, between the bridges protecting the disks, are covered by very thin and delicate membrane in which there are numerous minute pores. Mouth large, oblique; lower jaw longer; maxillary visible backward of the nostrils, broadening till nearly as wide as the eye at the end, curving downward in the middle of the upper edge, not entering the mouth border, with a supple- mental bone as long as the orbit. Teeth in villiform bands on jaws and palatines, absent from the vomer. ? government steamer “ Investigator” secured eight more, including a repre- sentative of a new genus. The French steamers “ Travailleur” and “ Talis- man” found six new ones, one of them representing a genus previously unknown. And the present collection by the “ Albatross” contains eight species as yet undescribed, one of them adding a new genus to what are already on the lists, another representing a very distinct species of the genus arcetes discover vestigator ” a coast. Narcetes discovered by the “ Investigator” off the Goa coast ALEPOCEPHALID &. LEPTOCHILICHTHYS gen. n. Body elongate, compressed, well rounded above and _ below, covered with scales ; body cavity long; head long, rather broad, deeper than wide, scaleless. Mouth wide; maxillary and intermaxillary both expanded, deep, thin, sharp on their lower edges, Teeth small, in single series, on mandi- bles, palatines and vomer. Gills four; lamellx short; gill rakers numerous. leathery ; gill membranes not united, free from the isthmus. Pseudobran- chi present. Branchiostegal rays numerous. Eyes large, lateral. Dorsal and anal behind the middle of the total length. No adipose fin. Pectorals small, situated low on the side. Ventrals small, forward of the dorsal, Caudal deep, forked. Scales cycloid, smaller on the lateral line. Lateral line very distinct. Pyloric cca few. This genus is readily separated from Bathytroctes, which it resembles in position of fins, grooved skull, and other features, by the expanded and toothless intermaxillary, and the number of branchiostegals. The expan- sion to be noticed in the hinder half of the maxillaries of Alepocephalus is in the present genus continued forward on both maxillary and intermaxil- LEPTOCHILICHTHYS AGASSIZII. 285 lary. It appears much as if the slight expansions, on the intermaxillary, figured on Plate LXVIII. fig. 2*, of Bathytroctes alifrons, obtaining also on B. rostratus and others, were in Leptochilichthys carried to a much greater development and turned downward to form the cutting edges. Superficially the upper jaws bear some resemblance to those of some Clupeoids, but the affinities of greatest importance connect the genus with the Alepocephalide. Differing so much from all the members of the family it might be well to set it apart in a separate division, characterized by the expanded and toothless intermaxillaries and maxillaries, the thirteen branchiostegal rays, etc. Leptochilichthys Agassizii sp. n. Plate LVII. fig. 3. Brearley le AS: - Vel). Bailie TBR oii saiitreG vl St Upper and lower outlines of the body, without the fins, somewhat similar and regular in their curves; depth more than one sixth of the total length. Head about one third of the entire length, twice as long and three fifths as wide as deep, widest at the occiput, cheeks somewhat concave, crown with a deep and wide longitudinal groove between strong ridges from occiput to nostrils. Snout longer than the eye, deep, blunt, thick, rounded, upper and lower outlines much alike in curvature. Eye large, lateral, one sixth of the lengtb of the head, two thirds as long as the snout, as wide as the inter- orbital space. Mouth very wide, more than half the head length ; maxillary long, extending backward one orbital diameter farther back than the orbit, compressed and bladelike nearly its entire length, rounded and bearing a small angular extremity backward, with a moderate supramaxillary bone upon the hinder portion, with a longitudinal keel along the outside ; inter- maxillary short, less than half as long as the maxillary, like the latter blade- like and sharp edged at the mouth. Both maxillary and intermaxillary are broadened like the posterior section of the maxillary of Alepocephalus. These broad blades extend downward outside of the mandibles and give the mouth a swollen appearance. Protuberance below the angular moder- ately developed. Teeth very small, in single series on dentaries and palatines, in a series of about five stronger ones on each side of the vomer, Upper jaws apparently toothless. Gill openings very wide; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; lamine short, narrow; gill rakers 8 + 19, broad, thin, leathery, rounded to a point, with a row of small tooth-like 286 DEEP SEA FISHES. papille along each side. Pseudobranchiz present. Opercles broad, thin, membranous at the margins. Skull bones rather thin and fragile. About eight pyloric cxca. Base of the dorsal nearly twice its length from the bases of the median rays of the caudal ; origin behind the middle of the body, little more than half the length of the head behind the operculum. Anal origin below the hinder extremity of the base of the dorsal. Caudal pedicel deep; caudal fin forked. Pectorals small, below the posterior margin of the operculum, Ventrals small, forward of the origin of the dorsal. Vent below the tenth ray of the dorsal fin. . Scales cycloid, broad, thin, with prominent concentric strize ; those of the lateral line much narrower than those at either side of it and forming but elongate covers for the tubes extended between. Lateral line carried well out toward the end of the caudal. Entire length about twelve inches. Black on body, head, fins, and linings. This is one of the most interesting types in the collection. It is be- cause of his particular interest in these fishes that the species is introduced in the Professor’s name. Station, Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3398 WET Iie 80° 21’ W. 1573 fathoms 36° F. Gn, Oz, Bathytroctes alvifrons sp. n. Plate LVUI. fig. 2, 2a. Br.r.7; D.13 (to14); A.12(to11); V.7; P. 113 L1. 44; Ltr..4+.1+ 5. Form moderately slender, pointed anteriorly, compressed, depth one half of the length of the head. Head rather sharp forward, broad on the occi- pital region, narrowing downward, length about one third of the distance from the snout to the base of the caudal; crown with a wide deep trough- like groove from nape to nostrils between ridges that are nearly parallel throughout. Snout as long as the eye, blunt, swollen around the mouth, narrow above the nostrils, concave from the nostrils to below the eye, slightly convex from snout to forehead. Eye large, three tenths of the length of the head, twice the width of the interorbital space. Mouth wide; maxillary extending below the anterior two thirds of the eye, tooth-bearing, broad pos- teriorly and rounded at the end, forming nearly two thirds of the upper margin of the mouth ; intermaxillary expanded forward in a scalloped edge. Teeth BATHYTROCTES ALVEATUS. 287 small, slender, in single series on intermaxillaries, maxillaries, dentaries, and palatines ; one to several at each side of the vomer; palatine series of four or five; intermaxillary, palatine and vomerine larger. A moderate postor- bital angle from which a ridge extends to that at the opercular hinge. Opercles thin and membranous in greater part. Gills four; lamelle short, narrow; rakers slender, sharp pointed, less than half as long as the eye; openings very wide ; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; pseudo- branchiz small though well developed. Dorsal origin two lengths of the head from the end of the snout, above the hinder portion of the base of the ventral; base hardly reaching to a ver- tical from the middle of the anal. Anal origin below the eighth or the ninth ray of the dorsal. Vent below the fourth dorsal ray. Depth of the caudal pedicel about half of the depth of the body; caudal fin deeply notched. Scales, large, thin, deciduous, somewhat narrower in the lateral line. Black outside and on the linings of the body cavities. Total length of the described specimen nearly nine inches, A larger eye, shorter snout, shorter maxillary, broader occiput, and a shallower trough are prominent distinguishing features when this species is compared with B. alveatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3382 62.917 IN. 80° 41’ W. 1793 fathoms 35.8° F. Gn. M. 3413 2° 34’ N. 92° 6’ W. 1360 * 36° F. Glob. Oz. dk. Sp. Bathytroctes alveatus sp. n. Plate LVI. fig. 1. Brame Dstoloe AS ths Ve105: BP. 11s El ROes ire jo Form bearing some resemblance to that of Warecetes erimelas Alc.; depth equal to half of the length of the head. Head long, pointed in front, one third of the length to the base of the caudal, with a deep longitudinal trough on the top between two strong ridges which converge in front of the eye, fading between the nostrils, and which slightly converge toward the nape. Snout elongate, one and one half times the eye in length, rounded at the end as seen from above, acute as seen from the side, concave on the sides from the eye to the nostrils. Eye of moderate size, two thirds of the length of the snout, one fifth as long as the head, as wide as the interorbital space. Mouth wide ; maxillary extending little if any farther backward than the 288 DEEP SEA FISHES. hind border of the orbit, more than half as long as the head, very broad toward the end, forming about three fifths of the upper border of the mouth, rounded on the hind margin; intermaxillary with edge directed out and forward. Teeth small but rather strong, subconical, hooked, uniserial, on premaxille, maxille, dentaries, and palatines; one to three fang-like teeth at each side of the vomer. Symphyseal angle and that below the angular not very prominent; angle at the opercular hinge more prominent than that behind the orbit; angles in front of the eyes, or those forward of the nostrils low. Gills four; lamella short, narrow; rakers five plus sixteen, slender, sharp pointed, longest three fourths as long as the eye; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; openings very wide; pseudobranchiz small. Opercles membranous and thin toward the margins. Dorsal origin distant from the end of the snout one and two thirds times the length of the head, above the middle of the base of the ventral. Anal origin below the hind end of the base of the dorsal. Vent little backward of a vertical from the middle of the dorsal’s base. Ventrals moderate, reaching the anal. Pectorals small, low on the side of the body, reaching halfway to the ventrals. Caudal pedicel rather slender; caudal fin deeply notched. Surface and interior linings black. The specimen described has a length cf seven and one half inches. This species is readily separated from B. alvifrons by a smaller eye, a longer snout, a wider and longer maxillary, and by the fins and the scales. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3376 3°97 N- 82° 8! W. 1132 fathoms 36.3° F. Gy. glob. Oz. 3400 0° 36'S. 86° 46’ W. 1322 « 36° F. Lt. gy. glob. Oz. Bathytroctes inspector sp. n. Plate M, fig. 1. Bre 3D. dos Ants Vere Pel. Tl, AG\(to 48) lite o lest o. Moderately compressed in body and head, depth nearly one fifth of the entire length, taper toward the caudal not rapid and not large in amount. Head about one third of the total length, four fifths as wide as deep at the occiput, moderately arched from the snout to the interorbital space, convex on the crown; skull narrow between the eyes and between the nostrils. Snout short, blunt, half as long as the eye, concave ‘in front of the eye on NARCETES PLURISERIALIS. 289 the side, slightly swollen around the mouth. Mouth of medium width, cleft to a vertical from the middle of the eye, rising forward ; maxillary tooth-bearing, widening backward, rounded on the hind margin, with a low ridge along the outside, forming about five sevenths of the mouth border; intermaxillary short, two fifths as long as the maxillary spreading out and forward. Teeth small, subconical, in single series on intermaxillaries, maxillaries, and dentaries ; a single larger tooth, like a small fang, at each side of the vomer. Eye very large, lateral, twice as long as the snout, five times as wide as the interorbital space on the skull, two fifths as long as the head. A sharp ridge from the angular up and forward to below the eye on the mandibles. Corner below the angular prominent. Four gills; lamelle short, narrow; rakers five plus fifteen, slender, longest two fifths as long as the eye; openings very wide; membranes not united, free from the isthmus. Opercles large, thin and membranous backward. Pseudo- branchiz well developed. The narrow groove on the skull between the eyes widens into a rounded concavity backward; forward at each side of it there is a shorter groove. Eight moderately long pyloric cxca. Dorsal origin twice the length of the head from the end of the snout. Anal origin below the twelfth or thirteenth ray of the dorsal. Ventral bases very little forward of a vertical from the first ray of the dorsal; fins reach- ing behind the vent. Vent below the middle of the dorsal base. Depth of the base of the caudal about half of that of the body; fin forked. Pectorals small, below the middle of the side. Scales large, broad, thin, flexible, deciduous; those of the lateral line half as broad as those in the series at either side of it. A female ten inches in length contains mature eggs one eighth of an inch in diameter. Intense black outside and on the linings of the entire body cavity. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3361 6° 10’ N. 83° 6’ W. 1471 fathoms 36.6° F. Gn. Oz. Narcetes pluriserialis sp. n. Plate LVI. fig. 3. Brit 8; D.19; A. 14; V. 8; P. 11; LI. 105; Ltr. 9-1 + 18. Resembling Narcetes erimelas Alc. to a considerable extent in form but more elongate, possessed of more branchiostegal rays, of pluriserial teeth gees 19 290 DEEP SEA FISHES. throughout the jaws, and of a dorsal extending back above the anal. Moderately compressed, very long, tapering comparatively little, depth about one seventh of the total, body cavity occupying two thirds or more of the total length. Head scaleless, long, about one fourth of the entire length, subpyramidal, four fifths as wide as deep, crown very slightly convex, with a median trough on the top that vanishes near the nostrils and is deepest near the nape. Snout large, less than one third as long as the head, nearly as broad as long, pointed, upper outline descending little from the level of the crown; chin rather steep. Nostrils close together, nearer the eye than the end of the snout; posterior more than twice as large as the anterior, oblique, narrow, elongate; anterior small, subcireular. Eyes lateral, large, more than half as long as the snout, nearly one sixth as long as the head, three fifths as wide as the interorbital space. Mouth very large, oblique, cleft more than half the length of the head, extending farther back than the eye; maxillaries forming two thirds of the edge in the upper jaws, posteriorly three fourths as broad as the eye, thin and rounded up and forward at the end; premaxillary short, half as long as the maxillary, extended out or forward at the edges; mandibles strong and deep backward, rising and tapering rapidly forward. Teeth small, subconical, hooked, incurved, unequal, in bands of several series on premaxille, maxilla, den- taries, and palatines; outer series smallest, inner much the largest and depressible ; a single large tooth at each side of the vomer. Hyoid with a prominent angle above the end and apparently without teeth. Opercular flap membranous, longer toward the base of the pectoral. Gills four; lamellz short, narrow; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; rakers slender, three plus thirteen on the forward edge of the first arch, longest less than half as long as the eye ; pseudobranchiz well developed. Dorsal origin ten seventeenths of the distance from the snout to the end of the caudal; length of base about equal to its distance from the caudal or to two fifths of the distance from the occiput, nearly half as long as the head. Anal origin below the eighth ray of the dorsal, five or six of the rays backward of the dorsal base. Ventrals small, inserted near the middle of the entire length. Vent distant from the origin of the ventrals half the length of the head. Pectorals small, low on the side. Caudal deeply notched. Scales of medium size, thin, deciduous; those of the lateral line large, convex or raised on the tube, which forms a rounded notch in the hinder margin of each scale. ALEPOCEPHALUS ASPERIFRONS. 291 The specimen from which the description is taken had a length of nearly or quite seventeen inches. Deep black over the entire surface and on the linings of the body cavity. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3365 5° 31’ N. 86° 31’ W. 1010 fathoms 37°F. Y1. glob. Oz. Alepocephalus asperifrons sp. n. Plate LIX. fig. 1. Br. r. 6; D; 16-17; A. 17-19; V..7; P. 11; Ll. 56-58; Ltr. 8 + 1 + 16 ca. Compressed, depth nearly one fifth of the entire length, caudal region of moderate slenderness. Head about one third of the total length, broad at the back, narrowing toward the throat, broadly curved from the occiput to the end of the snout, with a concave depression or trough from the nape to the internarial region; crown dish-like on the parietal region, with a short ridge putting forward from the occipital crest. The frontal ridges are continuous and converge to a point above the vomer on the snout, where they turn abruptly outward; posteriorly they appear to consist of single rows of rough more or less confluent tubercles, giving the edges of the ridges a very rough or serrated profile; these rough crests extend forward between the orbits. Snout moderate, somewhat concave on the sides for- ward of the eyes, wider about the mouth, narrow between the nostrils, as long as the eye, blunt. Mouth wide; maxillz broadening and rounded pos- teriorly, reaching little backward of the middle of the eye, toothless. Teeth small, slender, acicular, in single series, on intermaxillaries, palatines, and dentaries. Gill covers thin and membranous at the margins, extending back on the bases of the pectorals. Gill membranes not united, free from the isthmus. Pseudobranchiz well developed. Dorsal origin two lengths of the head from the end of the snout; dorsal base shorter than its distance from the median caudal rays. Anal origin be- low the third or the fourth ray of the dorsal; anal base extending backward of the base of the dorsal one or two rays. Vent little behind the first dorsal ray. Entire length about twelve inches. Surface and internal linings deep black. 292 DEEP SEA FISHES. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3357 GI SHON Gs 81° 44’ W, 782 fathoms Sista 1s Gn. S. 3393 fealbaNe 79° 36° W. 1020 =¢§ 36.8° F. Gn. M. The formule given below will serve to indicate the closeness of the rela- tionships of the seven species belonging to the genus Alepocephalus known from off the North American coasts. A. asperifrons B. 6, D. 17, A. 19, V. 7, P. 11, Seales 8-56 to 58-16. A. Bairdii Be 6D) 225 25) Vl O; eee 7-65-11. A. productus DT eA al ii és 9-67-12. A. Agassizii Dio ASIAN =O. Pate << 10 =90hte A. fundulus Be 7 De tG AS ie, Viab, be ble ee sho 90— 3. A. convexifrons B. 6, D.18, A.19, V.7,P.11, “ 12-90-17. A. tenebrosus Dirty Acai, P.10, “- -16—90-16. Alepocephalus convexifrons sp. n. Plate LIX. fig. 2. Br r. 6; D, 18. A. 19s Vers Brill 3 E190) cal hire? al aie A stouter and less elongate form than A. /widu/us, more slender in the caudal region, more curved on the top of the head, and with much less depression at the back of the crown. Head about two sevenths of the entire length, without a longitudinal groove on the top, profile convex from snout to nape. Snout medium, little longer than the eye, narrow between the nostrils, concave in front of the eye, broadened about the mouth, blunted at the end. Mouth wide; maxillary much broadened and rounded posteriorly reaching almost or quite to a vertical through the middle of the eye. Teeth small, in a single series on intermaxillaries, palatines, and dentaries. Vom- erine teeth undetermined. Gills four; lamelle short, narrow ; rakers seven plus fifteen, longest less than half as long as the eye. Pseudobranchie well developed. Opercles broad, thin, membranous toward the margins. Gill openings wide; membranes not united, free from the isthmus. Twelve pyloric czeca, Dorsal origin two and one fourth lengths of the head from the end of the snout, above the vent; length of base three fourths of its distance from the median rays of the caudal. Anal origin below the third or the fourth ray of the dorsal; base reaching six or seven rays backward of that of the dorsal. Caudal pedicel moderately slender. ALEPOCEPHALUS FUNDULUS. 293 Total length of the largest specimen twelve inches. Deep black over the surface and on the linings of the interior. Further differences between this form and A. fundudus are seen in the shorter head, shorter snout, obsolescent ridges along the top of the head, sinaller number of branchiostegal rays, and larger number of ventral rays. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3418 16° 33’ N. 99° 52’ 30” W. 660 fathoms 39° F. Br. 8. bk. Sp. Alepocephalus fundulus sp. n. Plate LVI. fig. 2. Bremer sD lG—=eAs line Vi Ors Pods Sele 90. Titres 10: => 1 4218: Elongate and compressed in body and head, greatest depth one half the length of the latter. Head length one third of the distance from the snout to the base of the caudal, width seven tenths of the depth; lower profile nearly horizontal, upper in a very low arch above the orbits; crown of moderate width, somewhat concave transversely. Snout one and one third times as long as the eye, narrow between the nostrils, concave from the eye forward, broadened at the mouth, blunt at the end, with a sharp projection below the mandibular symphysis. Eye large, one and one half times the interorbital space, shorter than the snout, nearly one fourth as long as the head. Mouth large, rising but little forward, cleft to the suborbital region ; maxillary broadened and rounded posteriorly, sharp edged and toothless below, edging nearly half of the mouth, extending below the anterior third of the eye; edges of premaxille turned downward. Teeth small, sub- conical, on premaxille, palatines, and dentaries; absent from maxilla, vomer and hyoid. Opercles broad, thin, membranous toward the edges, longer below the middle. Gills four; lamelle short, narrow ; membranes not united, free from the isthmus; openings very wide ; rakers seven plus tourteen, broad, thin, less than half as long as the eye. Pseudobranchixe well developed. Pyloric cxea fifteen. Lateral line very distinct. Scales small, strong, rather firm, slightly roof-shaped, edged with mem- brane ; those of the lateral line narrower. Head scaleless. Dorsal origin near five eighths of the distance from the snout to the end of the caudal, little backward of a vertical from the vent; base shorter than that of the anal. Vent midway from the bases of the pectorals to the bases of the median caudal rays. Origin of the anal slightly backward of that 294 DEEP SEA FISHES. of the dorsal. The distance from the anal to the origin of the ventrals is nearly equal to-the depth of the head, that is a little more than half the length of the head. Pectorals short and broad, not reaching to the bases of the ventrals. Description taken from a specimen sixteen and one half inches in length. Entire surface and linings of the body cavities deep black. Formule and size of scales would bring this species close to A. Agassizii G. B., but the latter is less elongate, and has a shorter snout and more curvature on the forehead. A. productus Gill has a smaller eye, larger scales, and less elongation than the present form, A. Blanfordi Alc. is probably a close ally of A. fundulus; the former is figured without a lateral line. Distinguished from A. tenebrosus Gilb. by the smaller number of scales above the lateral line, by the small scales of the lateral line, by the longer maxil- lary, by the greater length of the base of the anal as compared with that of the dorsal, and by the greater length of the body in front of the dorsal fin. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3360 Go aiZe NG 82° 5! W. 1672 fathoms 36.4° F. Fne. bk. dk. gn. S. 3392 ie OF O07 ING 79° 40’ W. 1270) 65 36.4° F. Hard. HALOSAUROIDS. HALOSAURID A. In the report on the deep sea fishes obtained by the “Challenger” Expe- dition, published in 1887, this family was treated as if composed of a single genus, Halosaurus; in the latest publication on the collections of the “ Investigator,’ 1896, the treatment is the same. The same arrangement is followed in the present report, excepting that the genus is divided into two subgenera, the first of which, with H. Owenii Johns. as the type, is characterized by scales on the crown and forehead and by little or no to moderate enlargement of the scales of the lateral line, and the second, having for types HZ. rostratus Giint., and H. macrochir Giint., is distinguished by absence of scales on the top of the head and by much enlarged scales on the iateral line. On alcoholic specimens of the two subgenera there is a difference in the luminous organs which probably appears to some extent on the living individuals; the membranes covering the lanterns are nearly or quite transparent on /Z. Oweni and its allies of the first group, while on HALOSAURIDE. 295 the species of the second group they are more opaque. It is likely this difference is due to the more advanced and perfect development of the lanterns accompanied by the greatly differentiated scales on the species of the second division. The type of Halosaurichthys Alc., 1889, was a species belonging to the subgenus Halosaurus ; the genus was based on insufficient or incorrectly interpreted characters, and has since, in 1896, been dropped by its founder. In their latest publications Goode and Bean and Collett retain Halosaurichthys and further divide the remainder of Halosaurus into two genera. Goode and Bean name their genera Halosaurus, Aldrovandia, and Halosaurichthys ; and Collett names his Halosaurus, Halosauropsis, and Halosaurichthys. Aldrovandia and Halosauropsis differ only in name. Goode and Bean characterize Aldrovandia thus: ‘* Lyopomi, with ventrals normal; no second dorsal fin; vertex scaleless; scales of the lateral line enlarged, provided with photophores. Head with pointed snout and promi- nent lateral ridges. Anal fin moderate, high; its height one third to one fourth that of dorsal. Type Halosaurus rostratus Giinther.” The others being possessed by all the family, the only features of those mentioned that serve for distinguishing characters among the species are the scales on the crown and the enlarged scales on the lateral line; but the existence of intermediate species. with very thin transparent scales on the crown and with scales on the lateral line moderately enlarged reduces the value of these characters in a diagnosis of either genus and makes it difficult to draw the line of generic separation. Collett says of his genus Halosauropsis that it is “ Semblable au genre Hualosaurus, mais les organes lumineux de la téte et de la ligne latérale sont recouverts d’une membrane en forme de sac souvrant en bas. Type: H. macrochir Gthr., 1878.” Probably the speci- mens of Halosaurus examined by this author, and with which he compared, had been injured, as the organs of the lateral system are similar in structure throughout the family; the lanterns of H. Owenw, and of others of the group in which these organs are less developed, are provided with the very thin, in cases hardly visible, membranous sac-like coverings opening down- ward. In their development the enlarged scales, which bear the fusiform luminous organs, have become superstructures by spreading over and cover- ing the regular scales in their own series at each side and in the adjoining series backward, thus compelling a decrease in the number of the glandular bodies as the seales increased in size. The species grouped under Aldro- vandia, or Halosauropsis, form the second of the subgenera mentioned above, 296 DEEP SEA FISHES. but which of these names should be applied to it is a question to be settled by priority in publication of the works in which they first appear. The “Oceanic Ichthyology” of Goode and Bean, the source of Aldrovandia, was published jointly by the Smithsonian Institution, the U. 8. National Museum, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology. The Smithsonian and the National Museum gave to their portion of the work the date of going to press, 1895, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology gave to its share the date of completion, and distribution, September, 1896. In Collett’s book on the fishes secured by the yacht “ /Hirondelle,” the origin of Halo- sauropsis, it is stated that “Ce Fascicule a été publié et le dépét fait au Gouvernement 4 Monaco le 1* Juillet 1896.” From this it is evident that Halosauropsis will have to be retained as the name of the subgenus while Aldrovandia becomes a synonym. Species of the Halosauride have been taken in the Atlantic including the Mediterranean from the tropics to a latitude of 42° north, and in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean southward to the parallel of 46° or there- about. In the western Pacific north of the equator, the “ Challenger,” and, in the northern extensions of the Indian Ocean, the “Investigator” se- cured a number of others. In the eastern Pacific two species obtained by the “ Albatross,” and described below, establish the distribution in the Gulf of Panama and westward to a short distance north of Culpepper Island. The known vertical distribution extends from a depth of one hundred and twenty-eight fathoms to one of two thousand seven hundred and fifty fathoms, Apparently the fishes of this group live at the bottom. The positions of their lanterns on the lower portions of the head and the body indicates a probable habit of illuminating the mud for a short distance around the individual in its search for prey. There are no special tactile organs, aside from the soft and flexible snout. The eyes are well developed. Halosaurus attenuatus sp. n. Plate LX. fig. 1, 1a. Brorl5) DEAE V8 eo: On the specimen described nine and one half inches, of its total length of sixteen, are behind the vent in the tail. The body is elongate, slender, moderately compressed and becomes very attenuate and filamentary in the HALOSAURUS ATTENUATUS. 297 caudal region. Greatest depth one sixteenth of the entire length. Head elongate, one eighth of the total length, retaining a considerable width for- ward but losing indepth. Snout more than half as wide as the head, preoral portion equal to half the length from the eye, broad, rounded and shovel- shaped at the end. Rostral cartilage with three longitudinal ridges below, bearing a series of prominences across the under side of the middle, blunt angled and rather wide at the end. Mouth medium, about twice as wide as long; maxillary extending little below the eye, with a sharp spine on its upper angle at the end. Teeth small, in villiform bands, similar to those of HH. radiatus but more slender, on jaws, palatines, and pterygoids. Eye medium, length more than twice the width of the interorbital space, more than five and one half times in the length of the head, two and one half times in the length of the snout. Nostrils small, close together, close to the orbit, anterior with a hood-like valve opening forward. Opercles thin, flexible, rather short, the muciparous canals extending farther back and end- ing in a couple of angles below the base of the pectoral. The opercle itself is dark colored and, apparently, the whitish membranes of the canals are applied to its surface. Gill arches rather short; eleven rakers on the first arch, shorter than the lamine, tubercular. Gill membranes hardly united, free from the narrow isthmus; gill lamin short, two fifths as long as the eye. Mucous canals greatly developed along the side of the head and below each lower jaw; that from the snout below the eye to the opercle is met by that from the chin below the pupil, both widening as they pass backward until at the end their width equals the length of the orbit. On the top of the head the development of the mucous system is hardly greater than on the flank. From the upper angle of the gill opening the lateral line system drops into and through the axil, below the base of the pectoral, until low on the flank where it passes backward, traced by an opaque whitish band ‘(the nerve) under a series of scales upon which there is a series of vertical organs, probably light producers, which externally are covered by a thin transparent membrane. The vertical organs resemble those of Lampro- grammus, Plate XXXIV. fig. 5. Dorsal origin little more than two lengths of the head from the snout ; base twice as long as the eye, the same distance backward of the insertions of the ventrals; fin shaped like that of HZ. macrochir, higher than long, rays decreasing rapidly in Jeneth from the second backward; first ray shorter than the second, slender. Origin of the anal about three lengths of the 298 DEEP SEA FISHES. dorsal base backward of the latter, longest ray twice the orbital length. Ventrals small, shorter than the snout, united by membrane. Pectorals small, narrow, acuminate, equal the rostrorbital length of the head, distant from the dorsal little more than twice the rostral length. In the tail the filamentary portion is not far from one seventh of the total length. Seales medium, thin, each concentrically striate in its backward half and in its anterior section marked with longitudinal grooves diverging forward ; twelve scales above the lateral line and five below it; those of the line wider but of the same length as the adjacent scales. Branchiostegal membranes, throat, intestines, and linings of body cavity black ; sides of head blackish, except mucous canals and luminous organs, which are light colored; muscular portions light reddish brown, probably more brilliant in life. Air bladder nacreous. Described from an adult female. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3413 2° 34’ N. 92° 06’ W.« 1360 fathoms 36° F. Glob. Oz. dk. Sp. Halosaurus radiatus sp. n. Plate LX. figs. 2, 2a; Plate LXXXIV. figs. 3-6. Breer 21-23 3De le Voe Pale: Body elongate, compressed, rather stout and broad backed near the head, tapering to slender in the caudal region, depth in front of the dorsal fin one eleventh of the total length. Head high at the nape, descending and acumi- nate forward. Snout moderately produced, preoral about half of the prena- rial length, preorbital length twice the length of the orbit, slightly broadened or shovel shaped at the end. Mouth small, inferior, half as long as wide, length near three fifths of that of the eye. Maxillary with a sharp spine, reaching little behind a vertical from the front of the orbit. Teeth very small, subconical, hooked, with a slight swelling in the bend near the point, strong toward the base, in villiform bands on jaws, palatines, and pterygoids. Eye large, hardly more than one sixth of the head, one half as long as the snout, equal to the width of the interorbital space. Nostrils close to the eye, close together; posterior larger, crescent shaped; anterior with a hood-like valve opening forward. Opercles flexible, thin. Branchiostegal rays numerous, varying from twenty-one to twenty-three, very slender. Four gills; laminze elongate, numerous; rakers short, longest one fourth as long HALOSAURUS RADIATUS. 299 as the eye, five on the front of the upper portion of the first arch and ten to twelve on the lower. Gill openings wide; membranes hardly united, free from the isthmus. No pseudobranchie. Dorsal origin two lengths of the head from the end of the snout; base equal to prenarial length of snout; fin highest in the anterior rays, height equal rostrorbital length in head, anterior ray little shorter. Anal origin three lengths of the base of the dorsal backward of the latter. Vent close to the anal. Ventrals small, as long as the snout, bases little in front of a vertical from the origin of the dorsal, close together, joined by membrane. Pectorals small, three fifths as long as the head, above the middle of the side, acuminate. Candal section tapering to a thread-like filament. Scales medium, with fine strize forming a horseshoe-shaped band parallel with the hinder and the lateral edges, and on the anterior portion with longitudinal strie, divergent forward from the middle of the scale; those of the lateral line no larger than the others. Lateral line descending from the upper angle of the gill opening through the axil to the lower part of the side whence it continues backward through a series of luminous organs. Each scale of the line is transparent and bears a vertically placed organ resem- bling those of Lamprogrammus, Plate XXXIV. figs. 1, 4, 5, which in turn is covered by a thin transparent membrane. The number of transverse series varies from two hundred and ten to two hundred and twenty-five, and the number of longitudinal from eleven to twelve above the line, and five below it. Mucous channels greatly developed on the side of the head from the snout to the lower edge of the opercle and from the chin back to the same point below each mandible. These lower canals meet the others below the hind border of the orbit, but a junction is made nearer the end of the tubes; the pores open along the lower edges of the tubes. Pyloric appendages ten to twelve, in a comb-like web along the intestine. A specimen of thirteen and one half inches contains well developed eggs. Brown to blackish, the black generally in puncticulations, lighter to sil- very on the sides and below; mucous channels whitish ; tip of snout with a black spot; dorsal and pectorals lighter; fin margins black ; intestine red- dish or yellowish ; linings of mouth and gill chamber, isthmus and shoulders around the gill opening black; lining of abdominal chamber silvery to blackish, with puncticulations of black. A common marking on the scales is silver on the middle to the anterior margin, and puncticulate brown to dark brown on the posterior half of each scale. 300 DEEP SEA FISHES. The branchiostegal rays serve to distinguish this species from any other at present known. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3394 Th AAS 79° 35’ W. 511 fathoms 41.8° F. Dk. gn. M. 3396 YO BEF INT 78° 36’ 30” W. bo 47.4° F. Hrd. gy. M.S. 3354 7° 09 45” N. 80° 50’ W. 322 ce 46° F. Gn. M. NOTACANTHOIDS. The eleven known species of the Notacanthoids represent three genera, Polyacanthonotus, Notacanthus and Lipogenys. So far as now determined members of the group occur in the Mediterranean and the neighboring parts of the Atlantic, in the northwestern Atlantic, at the south of Japan, at the south of Australia and New Zealand, off the southwestern coasts of South America, in Bering Sea, and, from the material at hand, in the eastern part of the tropical Pacific. None have yet been reported from the Indian Ocean, or from the southern Atlantic. The greatest depths were those for Polya- canthonotus Challengeri Vaill., taken by the ‘Challenger,’ south of Yedo, Japan, at 1875 and 1625 fathoms, and by the “ Albatross,” west of the Pribi- lof Islands in Bering Sea, at 1401 fathoms, the nearest approach to which is ’ a depth of 1209 fathoms measured by the “ Talisman” in the Mediterranean Sea. All of the other depths are less than a thousand fathoms. As has already been pointed out by Giinther in the case of Notacanthus sexspiis some of the species are doubtful additions to the list of deep sea fishes. Others have more of the appearance of such fishes as are commonly believed to live at considerable distances from the surface at the mtermediate depths. In the case of a few there is little reason to doubt that they dwell near to or at the bottom. This collection includes the types of a new species, described and figured below, the nearest allies of which are Notacanthus analis from the western Atlantic, N. Bonapartii from the Mediterranean and WV. Moseleyi from the southwestern coast of South America. NOTACANTHUS SPINOSUS. 301 NOTACANTHID. Notacanthus spinosus sp. n. Plate L’, fig. 4, 4a, 4b. Br. r. 12; D.9 +1; A. ca. 17 + 106-112; V. 3-446; P. 14; C.6. Form elongate, compressed, thin and slender posteriorly, depth near one tenth of the total length; tail band-like, tapering. Head about one sixth of the entire length, compressed, pointed. Snout medium, acute, one and one fourth times as long as the eye, preoral portion three fourths of the length of the orbit. Eye large, two elevenths of the length of the head, four fifths as long as the snout, equal the width of the interorbital space. Mouth of medium size, below the snout, directed forward and downward; maxillary bifid and bearing a suborbital spine. Teeth small in a single series on jaws and palatines, declinable, compressed and thin edged, acute, about fifty on the upper and fifty-two on the lower jaws. Nostrils close together, in front of the eye and nearer to it than to the end of the snout, similar to those of Halosaurus, posterior larger, anterior with a hood-like valve open forward. Operculum broad, thin, flexible, supported by twenty-one or twenty-two rays similar to the branchiostegal. On the suboperculum there are five or six additional rays. Twelve to thirteen branchiostegal rays. Gill openings wide; membranes united below, but free from the very narrow isthmus. Gill rakers short, 3 + 9 on the front of the first arch. Gills four, six rakers in the slit behind the fourth; laminz well developed. A broad glandular mass above the gills inside the upper angle of the opercle below the forward end of the lateral line; apparently adventitious since it rests upon the lin- ing membrane of the gill chamber from which it is not hard to scrape away. Dorsal origin nearly one length of the head backward from the opercu- lum; rays nine or eight erectile spines and a single soft ray behind the hindmost spine. Ventrals small, little more than one third as long as the head; bases ending below or forward of the first spine of the dorsal; fins united by membrane. Most often there are three simple spines and six soft rays to each ventral; in one case there are seven soft rays, and in two others there are four spines, the fourth being furnished with an additional cusp in front. Anal origin below the third dorsal spine; fin with about seventeen spines in most cases, one specimen has twelve, another nineteen. Pectorals small, fourteen-rayed, reaching a vertical from the origin of the 302 DEEP SEA FISHES. ventrals, more than half as long as the head. Caudal most often with six rays; occasionally there are but five, and in one case there are ten. In this last instance shortness of dorsal and anal indicate a mutilation similar to that so frequently met with in the Macruridz. The bifid maxillary with its spine makes an approach toward the Halosauridx that demands the addi- tion of this feature to those already mentioned by Alcock, 1889, Ann. Mag. N. H., IV, 455, as suggestive of affinities between Halosaurichthys and Nota- canthus, “the dorsally keeled tail with its indurations, the united ventrals, and the loose palatine bones.’ Scales minute, thin, adherent, cycloid, cover- ing head and body. Lateral line distinct, on the upper half of the flank, about twenty-four scales from the origin of the dorsal, or twice as many from that of the anal, absent on the tail for about one fourth of the total. Five pyloric appendages. On the largest specimen the color is rusty brownish red, tinted with bluish; blackish on the opercles and on the linings of the mouth and the body cavity. Smaller individuals are light brownish red. Total length ten inches. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3384 72°31 30 N. 79° 14’ W. 458 fathoms 42° F, Gn. 8. 3354 72.9! 45 Ns 80° 50! W. 322 = 46° F. Gn. M. MURAENOIDS. The families included by this group exhibit a large amount of diversity in form and structure and this is accompanied by a considerable variety in habits. Nearly all of the species live at the bottom. Burrowing in the mud and more or less nocturnal the Murznoids have descended and adapted themselves readily to the conditions of life at great depths and from the consequent plasticity, brought about by reduction of the amount of inor- ganic materials and of firmness in the structure, thus bringing the adult and the aged in a measure to resemble the young or the embryo of the surface forms in flexibility and presumably in susceptibility to modification, they have become, through conscious and through unconscious efforts to adapt themselves to or to protect themselves from the demands of their changed circumstances, possessed of diversifying tendencies that have produced some of the strangest forms among the fishes. That the fishes of great depths are rather more subject to variation than those near the surface is the con- clusion one reaches froin a study of bathybial species. The parasitic habit, MURZENOIDS. 03 (Se) in living fishes, of some species does not separate them so very widely from others if it is remembered that the habit of burrowing into the dead bodies of other animals is not rare among the eels. The members of this group inhabit the marine and the fresh waters of the torrid and the temperate regions. There is no doubt whatever that future research will extend the distribution into the polar regions; for being found at all depths, from the surface to 2500 fathoms, and in tem- peratures as low as 36° F. or even lower, there is no apparent reason for absence of eels wherever other marine fishes occur. Excepting the areas near the poles, the vertical distribution as now known compares well with that of any of the other groups. The greatest depths known to be inhabited by murznoids were noted by the “ Challen- ger” for Labichthys fans Giint. at 2500 fathoms, and Nemichthys scolopaceus Rich. at 2369, in the northwestern Atlantic. In the northeastern Atlantic the “Talisman” reported Synaphobranchus pinnatus Gron. from 1749, and Serrivomer Richardi Vaill. from 1657 fathoms. The present material col- fected by the “ Albatross” from the eastern tropical Pacific contains a new species of Labichthys, L. Bowersii, from 2232 fathoms; and the “Challenger” secured fistiobranchus bathybius Giint. at 2050 fathoms in the middle of the north Pacific, also at 1875, south of Yedo, and at 1375, midway between Cape Good Hope and Kerguelen Island. This vessel took Cyema atrum Giint. in the South Pacific and the Antarctic at 1500 and at 1800 fathoms. The deepest captures by the “ Investigator” in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean were of Gavialiceps nucrops Alc. at 1570 and of Promyllantor purpureus Alc. at 1000 fathoms. In the collection at hand there are sixteen species of the group, thirteen or fourteen of which are first described below. The list includes a species of Uroconger, two species of Congermurena, one of Congrosoma, three of Ophichthys, one of Xenomystax, one of Chlopsis, two of Venefica, one of Serrivomer, one of Labichthys, one of Nemichthys and two of Echidna. Species of the genera Uroconger, Venefica and Serrivomer have not hereto- fore been reported from the Pacific. Uroconger was found in Chinese and East Indian waters, and more recently off the coast of Europe and near Havana. The new species of the genus, J. varidens, is most closely allied to the species taken off the coast of Cuba, which species, it may be added, is different from that off the northern coasts of Africa to Europe and is entitled to a different name. The Cuban species is figured in the “Oceanic 304 DEEP SEA FISHES. Ichthyology,’ Plate XLII fig. 160, under the name Uroconger vicinus ; it differs greatly from U. vicinus Vaill., in the origin of the dorsal fin, in denti- tion, and in coloration, and in the present list it is given the name Uroconger vicinalis. Venefica and Serrivomer have heretofore been reported, by the U.S. Fish Commission steamers and by those of the French Government, from both sides of the Atlantic in species that are closely related to the new ones taken in the central eastern Pacific. Besides those mentioned above there are eight or ten of the larval forms known as Leptocephaloids which are grouped together and treated separately. MURANID &. Uroconger varidens sp. n. Plate LXI. fig. 1. Br. r. 14; D. 209; A>152; P. 19; C. 10; Pores 147 ca. Compressed and moderately elongate, one eleventh as deep as long, slender in the posterior fifth of the total length. Head medium, three fourteenths of the total, little less than half as long as the distance from the snout to the origin of the anal fin, about as wide as high. Snout moderate, rather thick and heavy, extending but a short distance farther forward than the lower jaws, much less prominent than that of Congermurena prori- ger, one fifth as long as the head, one and one fourth times as long as the eye, rounded at the end. Eye large, nearly one seventh as long as the head, as wide as the interorbital space, four fifths as long as the snout. Nostrils small; anterior with a short tube, on the forward aspect of the snout; posterior near the upper portion of the eye. Mucous chambers and openings well developed. Lips of medium thickness, Mouth wide, cleft to a vertical from the hind border of the orbit, two sevenths as long as the head. Teeth small, in bands on jaws and vomer, outer larger; one to sev- eral larger on the forward end of the shaft of the vomer and a larger one at each side of its head, the group on the head of the vomer separated from those on the shaft by a narrow interspace. The band on the shaft of the vomer is short, narrowly —if at all— separated from the bands on the jaws, and ends some distance forward of a vertical from the posterior nostril. Gill openings half as wide as the orbit, separated from one another by a space of one and one half times their width, extending half way up on the pectoral base. CONGERMURZNA CAUDALIS. 305 Dorsal origin above the base of the pectoral; anal origin two lengths of the head behind the end of the snout, below the fifty-first ray of the dorsal. Dorsal and anal moderately deep, continuous with the caudal, which is small, pointed, and about as long as the snout. The caudal pedicel is more tapering and slender than in Congermurana proriger and C. caudalis. Pectorals as long as the mouth, moderately broad, rounded on the outer edge. Lateral line distinct, arched in a low curve above the gill chamber, with a larger lower and a median series of minute pores, which number on the specimens examined from one hundred and forty-five to one hundred and forty-nine. Blackish ; fins lighter, dorsal and anal with a narrow border of black, pectoral rather darker in its upper half; linings of mouth to abdomen white or silvery covered with more or less of blackish. Total length twelve and one half inches. An individual of the length of six and one half inches is much lighter in color, the fins are more narrowly margined with black, the muscular regions are light reddish brown with puncticulations of darker near the bases of the fins; it is whitish on the lower half of the head and on the belly, the lighter color reaching up behind the cheek and on the gill flap to the middle of the side, and the lateral line forms a rather wide stripe of white which narrows backward. The snout is shorter, the eye larger, and the caudal region more slender than in large specimens. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3396 i732! N. 78° 36/ 30” W. 259 fathoms 47.4° F. Hrd. gy. M. 8. 3397 6° 35’ N. 81° 44’ W. WO2e mee 38.5° FE. Gn. 8. Congermurena caudalis sp. n. Br. r. 17; D. 201-207; A. 147-158; P. 15-16; C. 15; Pores 120. Comparatively elongate, slender, and compressed ; caudal region retain- ing a considerable amount of its thickness and depth toward the end of the column; tapering forward from the shoulders to a sharp point at the end of the snout; depth about one thirteenth of the total length, and length of the body cavity nearly two fifths. Head long, one fifth of the entire length, rather slender and sharp on the snout, tapering from the nape, somewhat flattened or depressed on the crown along the median keel of the skull. Snout long, protruding beyond the mouth more than half the length of the orbit, little wider than deep, slightly rounded across the end, one and one 20 306 DEEP SEA FISHES. half times as long as the eye. Nostrils medium; anterior forward of the mouth on the lower half of the snout, with a short tube; posterior at a short distance in front of the middle of the eye, with raised edges. Mouth large, cleft extending below little more than half of the eye; lower jaw shorter. Teeth small, in villiform bands of medium width; those on the head of the vomer are forward of the lower jaws and slightly separated from those of the shaft, which latter are stouter, arranged in about four irregular series, sepa- rated from those of the jaws, and disappear at a vertical from the posterior nostril. The pores around the mouth and on the snout are of medium size. Eye large, two thirds as long as the snout, one seventh of the length of the head, length greater than the width of the gill openings or less than their distance apart. Interorbital space two thirds of the orbital length. Bran- chial apertures extending up forward of the lower half of the base of the pectorals. Lateral line distinct, with a series of large pores along its lower edge, and with a series of minute pores near the middle, each pore of which is a trifle backward from one of the large ones. Vertical fins continuous around the tail, Dorsal better developed than the anal, its origin forward of the pectoral bases about one half of the orbital length. Anal rays short, first below the sixty-second ray of the dorsal. Caudal pedicel muscular and deep, fin rounded on the hind margin. One of the specimens studied has but fifteen caudal rays, which appears to be nor- mal; another has thirty-three rays in the fin, but in this case a space covered by membrane exists between them and the rays of the anal, which fin contains fewer rays than on others. Total length thirteen and one half, snout to anal origin five and one half, head two and seven eighths inches and depth at the shoulders one inch. Body rusty brown, darkening toward the bases of the fins; fins growing lighter toward their margins; snout and lips lighter; lower and hinder por- tions of the pectorals broadly margined with whitish ; linings of the branchial chamber and of the abdomen black. On other specimens the fins grow darker toward the caudal and the belly and opercular regions are very dark. Allied to C. mitens, but differing slightly in proportions, having a shorter broader pectoral, no black margin on the fins, no spots or dots, no silvery shade, and no lighter color on the belly. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 354 UO AIAN 80° 50’ W. 322 fathoms 46° F. Gn. M. CONGERMURZENA PRORIGERA. 307 Congermurena prorigera. Ophisoma prorigerum Gilb., 1891, P. U. S. Mus., XIV., 350. Brom Lp Ds 2277-ck iG, Pride Cy 10: Roressl36. Body moderately long, compressed, depth twelve times and length of body cavity two and three fifths times in the total length. Head elongate, four fifteenths of the entire length, five ninths of the distance from the snout to the anal origin, somewhat compressed, narrowed and sharpened in front, longitudinally wrinkled on the thorax. Skull with a low median keel. Snout prominent beyond the lower jaw, one fourth as long as the head. one and two thirds times the length of the eye, angled across the end as if for rooting. Anterior nostril below the angle of the snout near the tip, with a short tube; posterior immediately in front of the eye, with promi- nent margins. Mouth medium, longer than the snout, cleft almost to a vertical from the hind border of the eye. Teeth small, subconical, in bands on jaws and vomer. The transverse group on the head of the vomer is externally exposed and is separated from the band on the shaft by a narrow space. The band on the shaft of the vomer narrows backward and ends below the space between the eye and the posterior nostril; in front it is hardly separated from the bands on the jaws. Eye large, half as long as the snout, one ninth as long as the head, not as wide as the interorbital space. Gill apertures one and one half times the width of the eye, sepa- rated by a space of the same width, extending little upward in front of the pectorals. Lateral line distinct, with larger pores along the lower edge and minute ones along the middle, in a low arch above the gill chamber, wider forward, with one hundred and thirty-six pores. Dorsal and anal continuous with the caudal, moderately deep. Dorsal origin one diaméter of the eye farther forward than the gill opening. Anal origin below the fifty-sixth ray of the dorsal. Caudal short ; while the fins are really quite continuous about ten of the rays appear to spring from the end of the column to form the narrow fin. Pectorals well developed, of medium depth, equal in length to the distance from the snout to the poste- rior border of the orbit, broadly rounded on the distal end, reaching when applied to the side of the head less than one third of the distance to the end of the snout or less than half of that to the orbit. A thirteen inch female contains eggs that are about mature. 308 DEEP SEA FISHES. General color dark olivaceous; fins with black edges that widen back- ward ; lateral line lighter, pores whitish ; pectoral fins yellowish toward the outer extremity ; linings of the branchial chamber black, those of the mouth and of the abdomen blackish. This coloration differs from that of Gilbert's specimen in having no white margin to dorsal and anal ; it may be that the two forms do not belong in the same species. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3389 7° 16’ 45” N, 79° 56’ 30” W. 210 fathoms 48.8° F. Gn. M. CONGROSOMA gen. n. Body elongate, compressed, caudal portion much the longer. Head small, shorter than the trunk. Snout short, thick, blunt. Eyes large, lateral; pupil round. Mouth medium, cleft below more than half the eye. Teeth small, subconical, subequal, in broad bands of which those on the upper jaws and the vomerines are not separated in front. Lips well devel- oped. Vertical fins continuous; caudal small; dorsal origin at a distance behind the bases of the pectorals. Lateral system strongly developed on body and head; pores large. Vent far in advance of the mid length. This is Congermureena with the head from the eyes forward more shortened, with the upper bands of teeth more closely joined anteriorly, with the dorsal originating farther backward, and with the vent farther forward of the midlength. Congrosoma Evermanni sp. n. Plate LXIL fig. 1. Br. r. 18; D. 824; A. 265; P. 14; C. 10; Pores 130 ca. Body elongate, slender, compressed ; depth one seventeenth of the total length, retained comparatively well toward the caudal. Head subconical, convex on the crown, blunt anteriorly. From the snout to the gill opening is one sixth ot the entire length, and from the snout to the vent is three eighths. Snout short, projecting beyond the lower jaw, bluntly rounded, less than one fifth of the length of the head, one and one half times as long as the eye. Anterior nostrils on the lower aspect of the snout, with short tubes, posterior near the eye, subround, with prominent edges. Eye large, in length equal to the width of the interorbital space, two thirds as long as the snout, two thirteenths as long as the head. Lips of moderate thickness. OPHICHTHYS (CRYPTOPTERUS) FRONTALIS. 309 Mouth wide, cleft to a vertical from the hinder border of the pupil. Teeth small, subconical, subequal, in bands on jaws and yomer; vomerine band narrowing backward and ending at a vertical from the front edge of the eye; the group at the head of the vomer not separated from the band on the shaft or from the bands on the jaws. Gill openings hardly equal to the length of the eye, separated on the chest by a space greater than their width, extending upward over less than half of the pectoral base. Mucous cavities of the head greatly developed ; pores larger and elongate on the | forward portion of the snout. Dorsal and anal of medium development, continuous with the caudal. Dorsal origin the length of the mouth backward from the bases of the pectorals. Anal origin distant from the end of the snout two and one third times the length of the head, below the fifty-fourth ray of the dorsal. Caudal short, narrow, pointed, Pectorals short, as long as the mouth, com- paratively deep, broadly rounded, reaching when applied to the side of the head one third of the distance to the middle of the eye or one fourth of that to the end of the snout. Lateral line distinct, somewhat arched above the gills. Vent below the fifty-third ray of the dorsal. Total length ten and one half inches. Blackish above the lateral line ; dark chocolate brown below, excepting on the lower surface of the head, the lateral line, and the bases of the fins, which are white. Dorsal and anal are yellowish white in their proximal halves, black in the distal portions, and each pectoral has a large blotch of black on the upper and hinder portion of the fin. The linings of the gill chamber are black, of the mouth white, and of the abdomen silvery. Specific name from that of Prof. B. W. Evermann of the United States Fish Commission. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3355 TenlelQO ING 80° 55’ W. 182 fathoms 54.1° FF. Bk. G. Sh. Ophichthys (Cryptopterus) frontalis sp. n. Br. r. 22; D. 279; A.177; P.21; Vertebrae 63 + 94 (63 to end of body cavity, or 53 to vent). Moderately elongate, slightly compressed, tapering gradually, entire caudal region rather thick. Head somewhat large, one third as long as the body, or one seventh of the entire length ; crown broad, in a low arch from 310 DEEP SEA FISHES. nape to internarial region. Snout short, nearly one seventh of the head, equal to the width of the interorbital space, little longer than the eye, not varying greatly from one third of the mouth-cleft, subpyramidal, shovel- shaped at the tip. Nostrils near the edge of the lip ; anterior tubular, near the end of the snout; posterior nearer the eye, with a shorter and smaller tube. Teeth small, larger forward, acicular, in two series on each jaw and in a single series along the shaft of the vomer. The anterior upper teeth form an angular transverse series, in front of the lower jaws, that is sepa- rated from the other teeth by a notch below the forward nostril. A group of several begins the series on the vomerine shaft. Several of the foremost teeth resemble canines. Lower jaws shorter than the upper. Tongue small. Eye large, three fourths as long as the snout, two sevenths as long as the mouth, nearly one third of the length of the head, situated above the middle of the mouth cleft, pupil horizontally elongate. Gill openings wide, more than twice the width of the base of the pectoral, separated from one another below by a space of less than the width of the opening, nearly vertical but lower angles farther backward. Dorsal origin over the posterior fourth of the pectoral, distant from the gill openings less than one third of the length of the head; dorsal rays weak, like those of the anal received into a groove at their bases formed of folds of the skin, Anal origin below the eighty-first ray of the dorsal, deeper than the dorsal but like the latter hidden in a groove. Tip of the tail finless for about one length of the orbit. Pectorals medium, two sevenths as long as the head. In cases the fins are very low. Vent below the seventy-seventh and end of body chamber below the ninety-eighth dorsal ray. Brown, darker on the upper portions; tip of tail, fins, and throat little lighter. On young specimens the whole body is lighter in color, and the fins are less developed. A female measuring sixteen inches in length contains mature eggs. Largest specimen twenty-two inches long. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3386 SRY PHIRI TOS SZ Wie 242 fathoms 48° F. Fne. gy. 8. 3389 7° 16’ 45” N. 79° 56’ 30” W. PAO) 48.8 F. Gn. M. 3391 7° 33! 40" N. 79° 43’ 20" W. 153 55.8 F. Gn. M. In the subdivisions of the genus this species should be placed in Cryptop- tcrus Kaup, near C. puncticeps Kaup from the Caribbean Sea, its closest ally. PISODONTOPHIS PENINSULZ. 311 Ophichthys biserialis sp. n. Slender and elongate, depth one sixteenth of the entire length, tail one and three fifths times the distance from the snout to the origin of the anal fin, which latter is two and one half times the length of the head. Head subconical, crown slightly convex in all directions. Snout rather narrow, pointed, nearly one fifth as long as the head, projecting beyond the lower jaw about two thirds of the length of the eye, sharp-edged at the sides, flexible at the end. Eye large, two thirds as long as the snout, one eighth of the length of the head; pupil elongate, horizontal. Mouth wide, three sevenths as long as the head, extending one ocular diameter backward ot the orbit. Tongue well developed. Teeth small, subconical, in two series on the jaws and the vomer, longer forward, gradually decreasing in size backward, four or five large ones forward of the lower jaw between the anterior nostrils, vomerine series ending below the forward portion of the eye. Anterior nostrils tubular, pendant above the ends of the lower jaws ; posterior concealed by a fold on the lip, near the eye. Gill openings small, not as wide as the eye, separated from one another by a space equal to the length of the orbit. End of the tail extending beyond the dorsal and anal, by about one orbital length, finless. Dorsal and anal low; dorsal origin one length of the orbit backward from the gill opening, above the middle of the pectoral ; anal origin three and three fourths lengths of the head from the end of the snout. Pectorals small, as long as the mouth, pointed. Lateral line distinct. Light reddish brown, with a series of twenty-six elliptical or ovate spots of brown, larger than the eye, above the lateral line behind the head ; head with a dozen or more rounded smaller spots of brown, smaller toward the snout; lower half of the head white; lower half of body plain; fins whitish. Hab. Chatham Island, Galapagos. Probably not descending far from the surface. Pisodontophis peninsule. Callechelys peninsule Gilb., 1891, P. U. S. Mus., 548, Elongate, slender, slightly compressed forward, more so on the tail; depth one twenty-fifth, length of the head two twenty-fifths, and length of the body chamber two fifths of the total length. Head small, one fifth as 312 DEEP SEA FISHES. long as the distance from the snout to the origin of the anal fin, little higher than wide, convex on the crown, swollen around the gill chamber. Snout less than one fifth as long as the head, shorter than the mouth, extending forward of the lower jaw one diameter of the eye, curving downward in the outline from the crown. Eye small, nearly one twelfth as long as the head, two fifths of the length of the snout; pupil longer than high. Mouth wide, reaching one diameter of the eye backward of the orbit, longer than the snout. Teeth with rounded crowns, in two more or less regular series on jaws and vomer; anterior group on the upper jaws larger, exposed in front of the chin. Vomerine series longer than the mouth, passing backward of the eye; anteriorly they appear to be in two series, posteriorly there is evi- dence of an irregular third. About the middle of the Jength of the mandi- bulars there are three series. Nostrils small; anterior with a short tube, directed downward immediately in front of the lower jaw; posterior hidden in the lip below the forward part of the eye. Gill openings oblique, width equal to one and one half times that of the orbit, or little more than half of that of the space separating them on the chest. Dorsal and anal fins low, not united at the tail; no caudal fin. Dorsal origin on a vertical half way from the mouth to the pectoral; anal origin two fifths of the distance from the snout to the end of the tail. Pectorals very short, deeper than long, appearing as a fold along the hinder edge of the gill opening; rays distinctly visible. Lateral line distinct, pores small. Light rusty brownish ; with thirty-three large spots of brown in a series on each side of the back above the lateral line, with a series of smaller spots below the lateral line, alternating with the series above it, and with a more or less incomplete third series below the second at the sides of the base of the anal fin; hinder part of gill chamber yellowish white; belly lighter ; dorsal tipped with white and bearing a series of small blotches of brown; head with five or six somewhat irregular transverse series of small spots, smaller forward and below, forming complete circles between the snout and the middle of the gill chamber. While the lateral spots on the body commonly alternate, there are cases in which they coalesce and form bands. Hab. Panama and northward. Described by Gilbert from La Paz Bay, Gulf of California. This species would better be placed in the subgenus Pisodontophis Kaup. It is not a deep sea fish. ECHIDNA COCOSA. B13 Echidna cocosa sp. n. Form similar to that of Echidna nebulosa Ahl. Body moderately com- pressed ; vent near the middle of the entire length; tail retaining its depth until near the extremity, where it tapers rapidly to the bluntly rounded end. Head compressed, much arched above the snout, concave in the outline of the interorbital region, measuring about one eighth of the total length, depth one sixteenth of the entire length and width close upon two thirds as much. Snout higher than wide, strongly arched from the lip to the interorbital space, one and one half times as long as the eye. Eye medium, one ninth as long as the head, two thirds of the length of the snout. Mouth wide, less than one third of the head length, hardly extending backward of the orbit one diameter of the eye. Teeth of divers shapes and sizes. The anterior eighteen or twenty of the upper jaw are larger, swollen at the base and moderately sharp at the apex; about seventeen of them belong to the max- illary series and are arranged in two series at the sides of the jaw, but one in front, those of the outer series being+smaller and alternating with those of the inner ; the other two of this group are continuous with the vomerines, still larger and depressible, forming a row between the maxillary series. Backward of the large teeth there are smaller maxillary teeth in two series, of five or six teeth each, which continue farther back in a single series of half a dozen teeth. Anteriorly for the greater part of the length in the vomer- ine series the teeth are crowded together as if in one to three irregular series, not distinct as in 7. nebulosa, but farther back they form a single row which reaches farther backward than the cleft of the mouth. On the lower jaws in the group at the symphysis there are twelve large teeth or more, of which the median two pairs are larger and resemble canines, behind the large ones; at the sides the teeth are smaller and form single series. Anterior nostril with a short tube; posterior pore-like, above the front edge of the orbit. Gill opening smaller than the eye. Vertebra 57 + 66, Dorsal rays 186 + 170 ca.; dorsal origin nearly one fourth of the length of the head forward of the gill openings. In a measure the coloration resembles that of /. nebulosa; there are about twenty-eight more or less indefinite and irregular transverse bands of brown separated by narrow spaces of lighter, bands and spaces much broken, blotched, and varied by lighter or darker. 314 DEEP SEA FISHES. Hab. Cocos Islands. This species and ZL. nebulosa are closely allied. A specimen of the latter from the Society Islands has nearly the same number of vertebrae, 55 + 71; but has a larger number of dorsal rays, 139 + 209 ca., single rows of maxillary teeth, two series of vomerines — distinct anteriorly, and a some- what different style of markings. Echidna scabra sp. n. This species resembles Echidna nebulosa and EF. cocosa in shape but is stouter, less slender, has a shorter tail, and larger scale marks than the latter. It also resembles /. nocturna, but has a longer anal,a different dentition, and a different maculation. Body and tail compressed; depth one thirteenth of the total length, tolerably well retained till near the end of the tail, which is rounded on the hind margin to a blunted extremity; vent midway from the eye to the end of the caudal fin. Head compressed, length about one seventh of the total, or four fifteenths of head and body, very convex in out- line above the snout, concave above the orbits. Snout deep, strongly arched, longer than the eye. Mouth large, two sevenths as long as the head, ex- tending little farther backward than the eye. Teeth varying in shapes and sizes: at the head of the vomer at each side there are eight large stout swollen-based teeth, with cusps somewhat blunt, forming a closely set series around a short longitudinal row of three larger ones in the middle; back- ward of this anterior group there are two series of smaller and sharper teeth on each maxillary, and a series of similar ones on the shaft of the vomer ; opposed to the vomerine group, on the lower jaws there is another group of strong teeth like those meeting them from the upper jaws, of about eight on each side separated in the middle by two; behind the symphyseal group, on each dentary the teeth are of moderate size and blunted cusps and form a single row. The two maxillary series of teeth below the orbit on each side do not end in a single series as in L. cocosa; they and the vomerines extend backward nearly as far as the hind border of the eye. In the for- ward groups the teeth increase in size backward in the series. Gill opening smaller than the eye. Eye large, two thirds as long as the snout, one tenth of the length of the head. Anterior nostril tubular, posterior above the for- ward half of the eye. Vertebra 57 + 69. Dorsal origin one length of snout and eye forward of the gill openings ; anal fin little more than half as deep as the dorsal, deeper backward. XENOMYSTAX RICTUS. 315 Skin appearing as if roughened by imbedded scales, much larger than those of E. cocosa on which in fact they are hardly perceptible. Dark brown, with a series of small, white spots, about fifty in number, extending from the head to the end of the tail on each side near the base of the dorsal, and parallel with this series another just above the middle of the flank not continuing so far backward as the first. Hab. Cocos Islands. Xenomystax rictus sp. n. Plate N. Br. r. 11; D. 265-292; A. 192-214; P. 12, rarely 13. Elongate and moderately slender, compressed and tapering gradually to a slender extremity behind the body, which is subeylindrical, depth about one eighteenth of the total length. Head long, nearly one fifth of the total, narrow forward, tapering regularly from the occiput, somewhat flattened on the crown, half as long as the distance from snout to anal origin, three eighths as long as the caudal region. Snout rather long, nearly one third as long as the head, four times the length of the eye, extending beyond the lower jaw about three fourths of the ocular length, blunt and soft at the end, which bears a rounded patch of slender subconical teeth on its lower side. Eye one fourth as long as the snout, one eleventh of the length of the head, equal to the width of the interorbital space, little forward of the angle of the mouth, front edge at the posterior fourth of the length of the mouth cleft. Mouth wide, cleft but little backward of a vertical from the hind mar- cin of the orbit; maxillary ending at the mid-length of the head ; lower jaws shorter than the upper, a trifle swollen at the ends, where they fit upward into a toothless notch below the anterior nostrils. Teeth small, subconical, in bands which are divided lenethwise on the jaws by a groove, in a single series of four or more stronger hooked teeth on the vomer between the max- illaries, separated below the end of the snout by a wide notch from the anterior group. This vomerine series contains the strongest teeth; these extend only through the forward half of the cleft, and the series is continued by much smaller teeth nearly or quite to the vertical from the forward border of the orbit. At the inner side of the groove on the jaws, and in the vomerine series the teeth are rigid; all the others are depressible. Anterior nostril tubular, projecting above the ends of the lower jaws ; pos- terior subround, with raised border, half way from the eye to the anterior. 316 DEEP SEA FISHES. Pores of the forward part of the head elongate. Gill openings crescentie, upper angle at the lower edge of the base of the pectoral, twice the width of the space separating them on the chest, width equal two fifths of the length of the snout. Dorsal more developed than the anal, originating one diameter of the orbit forward of a vertical from the base of the pectoral. Anal narrow, originating about sixty-five rays backward from the dorsal origin. Caudal narrow, pointed, of about seven rays in the present specimen. Pectorals narrow, low on the side, acuminate, occasionally absent, commonly of twelve rays, sometimes of thirteen, in length equal to one half of the distance from the snout to the end of the maxillary, two thirds as long as the snout. Lateral line distinct, median, continuous; pores on the anterior portions subround, those toward the caudal becoming elongate or confluent into an open groove. Cephalic pores larger, from the postorbital region forward elongate. No scales. An air bladder. Vertebraee 59 + 154. Males smaller; females with caudal region shorter, less than three times head or trunk. Brown tinged with red ; pores, mouth, and edges of dorsal and anal, whit- ish to reddish; pectorals red with more or less of blackish at their bases. Young lighter in color. Distinguished from X. atrarius Gilb., by the equal length of head and trunk, by longer pectorals, and by the coloration. The proportions are similar to those of X. ¢rucidans Alc., but the coloration differs greatly. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3384 EBON AN 79° 14’ W. 458 fathoms 42° FB. Gn. S. 3394 iene Ns 79° 35’ W. Sp hile y 41.8° F. Dk. gn. M. 3354 7° 9! 45" N. 80° 50! W. 322° 6 46° F. Gn. M. 3404 BSH 89° 28’ W. 385 = 43.2° F. R. 3417 16° 32’ N. 99° 48’/W. 493 “ 40.6° F. Gn. M. NETTASTOMID &. Chlopsis Gilbertii sp. n. Plate LXII. fig. 2. Brit: 12); D..370ieas; As 283 ca. Elongate, slender, subcylindrical, tapering to the snout and to the end of the somewhat compressed whip-like and acuminate tail; body cavity one third, length of the head two fifteenths and depth one thirtieth of the total length. Head rather narrow, two fifths as long as the distance from CHLOPSIS GILBERTII. 317 snout to vent. Snout slender, blunt, covered with papilla, soft at the end, ascending from the mouth forward, length from the tip to the middle of the eye equal to one third of that of the head. Anterior nostril above the premaxillary group of teeth, with a short forward directed tube; posterior covered by a fold of the skin which extends back to the eye giving the nostril the appearance of a long slit below the eye and forward opening in the lip. The nasal sac lies directly in front of the eye. A pair of pores of moderate size on the upper surface about half way between the anterior nostrils and the posterior. Eye large, about two fifths as long as the snout, nearly one ninth of the length of the head. Mouth wide, cleft extending as far backward as the hind edge of the orbit. A narrow notch below the forward nostrils between the anterior and the maxillary teeth. Teeth small, sharp, hooked, in villiform bands on jaws and vomer; anterior group forward of the lower jaws, convex forward, concave on the hinder margin, narrowly separated from the maxillary bands or from the vomerine teeth behind them; the band on the shaft of the vomer narrow forward, widening backward, ending at a short distance forward from the eye below the posterior nostrils. Gill opening small, crescentic, convex forward, vertical diameter nearly that of the eye, below the middle of the side ; interspace about one third as wide as the opening. A prominent corner on the angular. Lateral line distinct, above the middle of the flank, approach- ing the upper surface siightly forward of the dorsal. Dorsal origin backward of the gill openings one half of the ocular diameter ; fin narrow. Anal narrower than the dorsal, first ray below the ninety-second ray of the latter, origin at the beginning of the posterior two thirds of the total length of the specimen. Caudal narrow, acuminate, continuous with dorsal and anal. Pectorals and ventrals absent. Brownish flesh color, probably reddish in life, with brown puncticulations more or less coarse, little darker on back and head, little lighter on belly, fins lighter. Distinguished from C. equatorialis Gilb. by the origin of the dorsal almost directly above the bases of the pectorals, by the tail twice the length of the body cavity, and by the absence of a blackish streak along the median line of the belly. Specific name from that of Prof. C. H. Gilbert, who first discovered the genus in American waters. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3394 (PAIN 79° 30’ W. 511 fathoms 41.8° F. Dk, gn. M. 318 DEEP SEA FISHES. Venefica ocella sp. n. Plate LXI. fig. 2. D. 417; A. 324; C. 14. The slenderest species of the genus so far as known. In the specimen here described, which may not be entire, the distance from the snout to the vent is nearly one third of the total length, while the depth is but one fifty-sixth. The head is close upon one ninth of the entire length, very slender, and rather wider than deep, especially on the snout. Snout acute, very long, three fifths as long as the head, or from the eye to the tip excluding the proboscis equal to one half of the cephalic length. Proboscis more than three fifths as long as the balance of the snout, slender, pointed, subround in transsection, slightly enlarged near the end, situated about one length of the orbit in advance of the swollen ends of the mandibles. Anterior nostrils tubular, on the superolateral surface of the widened extremity of the rostrum, directed forward and upward ; posterior small, longer than wide, in front of the upper part of the eye and one orbital diameter farther forward. Mouth wide, maxillary situated backward of the eye about one length of the orbit. Teeth in bands, on jaws and vomer, small, subtriangular and somewhat depressed in the cusp, which latter is sharp on edge and apex and hooks back toward the gullet. Below the cusp on many of the teeth there is when seen from front or back constric- tion enough to give the outline the shape of an arrowhead. Behind the anterior group, and separating it from the other vomerines, there is a space in the shape of a horseshoe from which a notch extends outward at each side separating the group from the maxillary bands. Eye small, one thirteenth of the length of the entire snout, or one twenty-first of that of the entire head. Gill openings small, their width and distance apart about equal to the length of the orbit. Dorsal origin above the gill opening, fin on the specimen described with four hundred and seventeen rays. Anal origin below the ninety-ninth ray of the dorsal, fin with three hundred and twenty-four rays. Caudal narrow, two fifths as long as the rostrum without the proboscis, of fourteen rays, acuminate. The hinder half of the caudal section is less filiform than in V. tentaculata or V. procera, which suggests a possibility of greater length in other specimens. VENEFICA TENTACULATA. 319 Lateral line distinct, with a single row of pores, of which fifty-two lie between the skull and the vent. Between the anterior nostrils and the back of the interorbital space there are eight pairs of moderate sized pores, and distributed over snout and head minute pores are numerous. The proboscis or tentacle has great freedom of movement and its function is undoubtedly tactile. Total length thirty-seven inches. Dark brown to black, edges of the fins and the mouth lighter, tentacle black. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3366 5° 30’ N. 86° 45’ W. 1067 fathoms 37° FB. Y1. glob. Oz. Venefica tentaculata sp. n. Plate M, fig. 2. Long and slender, tapering to snout and tail, anteriorly subround, pos- teriorly compressed, tail filiform; depth about one forty-eighth of the entire length. Head slender, one ninth of the total, tapering from nape to proboscis. Snout little more than half as long as the head, wider than deep, narrow forward, slightly widened below the proboscis, which latter rises from the top of the prenarial section, A very slight rounded symphyseal expansion on the lower jaws which fits into a shallow concavity below the anterior nostrils and lacks one length of the orbit of reaching to the end of the snout. The tentacular proboscis is nearly round and about one third as long as the remainder of the snout from the eye forward. Eye small, close upon one ninth of the snout, inclusive of the tentacle, or nearly one sixteenth of the entire head from the gill openings. Mouth wide, cleft extending backward of the orbit about one third of the latter’s diameter; jaws weak, lower slightly enlarged at the symphysis into a rounded extremity received behind the anterior group of teeth in a shallow excavation. Teeth very small, hooking back toward the gullet, very sharp on edges and apex, in villiform bands on jaws and vomer; forward band separated from the other vomerines by a space, narrowing or V-shaped forward, from which a notch extends outward in front of the maxillary bands. Anterior nostrils with a short tube, forward of the ends of the lower jaws, close to the base of the tentacle, directed forward ; posterior near the upper half of the eye, oblique, oblong, with a valvular fold on the front edge. Gill openings small, subround, hardly as large as the eye, 320 DEEP SEA FISHES. separated by a space about equal to the width. Vent at the end of the anterior third of the total length. Dorsal low anteriorly, first ray above the gill opening, containing three hundred and ninety-seven rays in the present specimen. Anal deeper than the dorsal, first ray below the one hundred and thirteenth ray of the latter (in a second specimen below the one hundred and fifteenth). Caudal narrow, of twelve rays, acuminate, continuous with dorsal and anal; caudal region slender and whip-like. Four specimens at hand vary in regard to the position of the first ray of the anal, which lies below the ninety-third to the ninety-fifth rays of the dor- sal. Otherwise there is no apparent specific distinction between the lots. Black, tinted with chocolate brown over the muscular portions, lighter below the head and on the edges of the fins, tentacle tipped with white. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3364 5° 30' N. 86° 8’ 30” W. 902 fathoms 38° F. Y1. glob. Oz. 3363 5° 43/ N. 86° 50’ W. S78 Stay 15 Wh. glob. Oz. 3371 5° 26’ 20” N. 86° 55/ W. “ao 0 39° F. Glob. Oz. 3418 16° 33’ N. 99° 52’ 30” W. 660 “ 39° F. Br. S. bk. Sp. NEMICHTHYID. Serrivomer sector sp. n. Plate LXIITI. Br. r. 7; D. 159-165; A. 161-160; P. 6-7 ; C. 6. Slender, elongate, moderately compressed, tapering from the body to the snout and to the end of the tail; body cavity in the anterior third of the entire length. Head long, slender, deeper than wide, gradually decreas- ing in size from the occiput to the end of the snout, nearly one fifth of the total length. Snout long, acute, two fifths as long as the head, six times as long as the eye. Mouth wide, less than half as long as the head, extending little behind the orbit; maxillaries not reaching to the end of the snout by about one fourth of the length of the latter, slender, not expanded at the end. Jaws posteriorly stronger, anteriorly slender; lower jaw one half the orbital length longer than the upper; lower corner of the angular resembling a short spine. Three forms of teeth on each jaw, Plate LXIII. fig. 3, the outer of several rows, ‘very small, compressed, subtriangular, sharp-edged; the median of a single series of longer, lancet-shaped depress- ible teeth; and the inner of less developed, less compressed teeth, not SERRIVOMER SECTOR. By so evident on the upper jaws. Vomerine teeth much larger, blade-like, in two series, the teeth of which alternate to form what at first sight appears to be a single, compressed serrate row, extending much forward of the max- illaries, decreasing in size to very small in the anterior half of their extent. In the posterior half of the vomerines ‘each tooth is thin, wide, more than twice as high as wide; the outline of the basal portion is subquadrate, of the apical portion an isosceles triangle about one and one half times as high as wide, or of the portions taken together something of an arrow- shape ; posteriorly the series end near or upon a vertical through the posterior nostril. The compressed teeth in the outer row on the jaws reseinble the apical portions of the vomerines, but the outline more nearly forms an equilateral triangle. Eye moderate, one sixth to one seventh as long as the snout, one seventeenth of the length of the head. Nostrils sinall, near the eye and on the level of-its upper edge, anterior with a short tube. Four gills; lamin short; rakers absent; openings wide, about three times as wide as the eye, low on the side, descending forward; membranes united, joined to a thin partition attaching them to the isthmus. The skeleton of Serrivomer presents a number of peculiarities more or less divergent from what obtains in allied genera, as may be seen on Plate LNIII. figs. 2-5. The acquisition of the acuminate snout has been attended by extensive cranial modifications, as compared with other fishes. Some of the bones of the skull have disappeared, and others have consolidated to such an extent that their identity is not readily established. The mavxilla- ries, sphenoids, vomer and frontals account for about all the elements pres- ent in the preorbital section of the skull; intermaxillaries, nasals, prefrontals, palatines and suborbitals have vanished. The upper teeth are vomerine and maxillary, the former of both sectorial and raptorial teeth, the latter of rap- torial teeth mainly. The preoperculum is somewhat elongate and in the posterior half is rather broadly expanded into a very thin sheet; the oper- culum also is thin and broadly expanded down and backward; the inter- operculum is slender elongate and pointed anteriorly and is broadened and thin backward, and the subopereulum has been reduced to membrane or is absent. In the throat the glossohyal is long and pointed; the urohyal is subtriangular, thickened and heavier at the base, and tapers to a point below, at the attachment of a strong tendon passing back under the basibranchials : stylohyal, epihyal, ceratohyal and ‘basihyal are consolidated ; and the bran- chiostegal rays are very long slender and hair-like and curve upward near 21 322 DEEP SEA FISHES. their extremities, Plate LXIII. fig. 4. The branchial skeleton is shown in fig. 5 of this plate; all of the bones are elongate and siender. Certain features of the vertebra over the branchial chamber distinguish this genus from genera like Labichthys and Nemichthys or from such as Venefica and Xenomystax. The neural spine of the first vertebra behind the head rises from the hinder portion of the centrum and reaches backward over the second vertebra; the neural spine of the latter rises above the middle of the centrum and passes upward almost vertically; the spine of the third verte- bra, as that of each of the five vertebrae immediately back of it, rises from the forward portion of the centrum and extends forward. The ends of the spines of the first and the third vertebre are close together at the apex of the spine of the second vertebra. The ninth vertebra, has two neural spines, one at each end of the centrum, of which the anterior is extended forward, as in case of the third to the eighth, while the posterior is directed backward, as is the case with the spines of the tenth and following vertebra, each of which bears a single spine, that on the hinder half of the centrum. In the scapulary arch there is but a single elongate element. Carpals, radius and ulna are represented by the peculiar little semicartilaginous plate attached to the scapulary and bearing the minute six-rayed pectoral, Plate LXIII.fig. 3. The stomach is a long sac, pointed at the posterior extremity, which reaches some distance behind the vent; the short intestine leaves it on the lower side near the hinder two fifths of its length and passes back nearly straight to the end. Pectorals small, as long as the orbit, at the upper angle of the gill aper- ture, of six to seven rays. Vertical fins low, better developed toward the caudal; dorsal lower, originating above the eleventh ray of the anal fin; anal origin about one third and dorsal about two thirds of the length of the head behind the latter; caudal acuminate. On some individuals the caudal base is truncate and bears six rays the median of which are longest ; on others the base is more rounded and the rays of dorsal and anal appear to meet behind it. Total length twenty-two and one half inches. Black with more or less of a silvery shine, or in young specimens silvery with more or less of blackish. In cases the appearance is dark silver grey, in others the skin is silvery with numerous dots of black, or black with sil- very spaces, or in some the black predominates anteriorly and the silver posteriorly ; caudal white, hinder edges of dorsal and anal light. LABICHTHYS BOWERSII. 323 Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3392 72 530 Ni. 79° 40 W. 1270 fathoms 36.4° F. Hard. 3393 2 GYAN 79° 36’ W. 1020 ee 36.8° F. Gn. M. 3388 72716) NE 79° 48' W. 1GSiee ass 36.2° F. Gn. glob. Oz. 3381 4° 56’ N. 80° 52’ 30” W. 1772 cs 35:80 Bs Gn. M. 3376 32 9 ON. 82° 8’ W. 1132 s 36.3° F. Gy. glob. Oz. 3371 5° 26/ 20” N. 86° 55’ W. 770 Ws) 39° F, Glob. Oz. 3370 52 36! 407 IN. 86° 56’ 50” W. 134 of 54.8° F. Rks. and S. 3361 6° 10’ N. 83° 6’ W. 1471 & 36.6° F. Gn. Oz. 3360 Geal7ioNe 82° 5’ W. 1672 ss 36.4° F. Fne. bk. dk. gn. 8. ‘© Off Guaymas, 50 miles south.” “ Surface to 700 fathoms.” Labichthys Bowersii sp. n. Plate LXIV. fig. 1. Brors9} Di 252)-7A. 234 P15); C26. Very long and narrow; head nearly one eighth of the total, moderately broad and flattened on the crown, rising rather gradually from the snout to the top, and not so abruptly as in Nemichthys fronto, in length equalling one and one fourth times the distance from the gill opening to the vent. Shout greatly elongate, slender, from the tip to the eye equal to two and one half times the length of the balance of the head from the front edge of the orbit to the gill opening, jaws curving from one another near the end, lower jaw shorter. Nostrils close together, near the eye; anterior near the jaw with a short tube; posterior nearer the upper part of the eye. Mouth wide, cleft little backward of the eye. Teeth very small, in pave- ments or broad bands on jaws and vomer, very sharp, hooking backward, vomerine band ending below the forward part of the eye. Apparently there are but nine branchiostegal rays, though the condition of the specimen is such as to raise question whether the series is entire. Eye small, one twelfth as long as the snout, one eighteenth as long as the head, prominent. Gill openings as wide as the eye, extending over the lower two thirds of the bases of the pectorals, separated on the breast by a space of less than half the width of an opening. Lateral canal with a single series of rather large pores opening directly outward. Dorsal fin about two diameters of the eye farther backward than the bases of the pectorals, much lower than the anal, represented on the specimens at hand by a series of short spines from which the extremities have been carried away. First ray of the anal below the twenty-fourth ray 394 DEEP SEA FISHES. of the dorsal, fin deeper than the latter. Caudal small, of six rays, con- tinuous with dorsal and anal, median rays longest. It is quite possible the tail is not quite of its normal length, in which case dorsal and anal will on others be found to contain more rays. Pectorals short, moderately broad, of fifteen rays, upper ray shorter, stouter, and compressed into a thin keel- like upper (forward) edge; bases very obliquely situated, so that the fin is carried almost on a horizontal plane with the upper edge forward. Uniform black, bands of teeth showing light to white, younger individ- uals closely puncticulate with dark. The specific name is given in honor of the Hon. George M. Bowers, the present head of the United States Fish Commission. Station, Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3414 10° 14’ N 96° 28’ W. 2232 fathoms 35.8° F. Gn. M. 3388 UO? (BANE 79° 48’ W. TGS ines 36.24 By Gn. glob. Oz. 3361 6° 10’ N. 832) 16) Wis 1471 4s 36.6° F. Gn. Oz. Nemichthys fronto sp. n. Plate LXV. fig. 1. Br. r. 14 (15); D. 365 ca.;, A. 369 ca.5 P. 11. Greatly elongated, very slender, compressed, filiform in the tail; snout to gill opening nearly one tenth of the total length. Head narrow, with the rostrum on a level with the lower part, outline rising over the nostrils and orbit, high at the nape, somewhat concave between the eyes, rounded toward the sides, narrower at the throat. Snout two thirds as long as the head, jaws slender and curving from one another near the end. Eye large, about one seventh of the length of the snout or one twelfth of that of the head; pupil round. Mouth very wide, cleft to a vertical from the hind border of the orbit. Teeth small, flattened or depressed and sharp edged on the crown, hooking back toward the gullet, in pavement or bands that are more or less exposed at the sides of the mouth, maxillary band reaching as far backward as the hinder edge of the eye; vomerine band ending in a sharp point below the middle of the eye. Nostrils close together, near the eye; anterior with a short tube, in front of the middle of the eye; posterior tubeless, in front of the upper portion of the orbit. Corner of the angular sharp, but not very prominent. Opercles thin, flexible, hind border rounded. Gills four, a slit behind the fourth. Gill openings little wider than the eye; membranes united, joined to the isthmus, attached to ATOPICTHYES. 325 the base of the pectoral below its middle. Vent hardly one fourth of the ocular length backward of the base of the pectoral. Dorsal low, originating one half of the orbital diameter behind the occiput, shorter rays backward and degenerating into a series of small, backward-curved, sharp pointed spines. These spines appear near the hundredth ray of the fin and continue for about a hundred rays farther back, where the character again approaches that of the ordinary fin rays. Anal much deeper than the dorsal, first ray below the seventeenth dorsal ray, posterior rays not modified like those in the dorsal fin. Pectorals narrow, little more than twice the orbital length. Lateral line with three series of small pores the upper and the lower of which open through short tubes while the median opens directly from the canal. In reality the pores are grouped in fours, as was figured by Brandt in 1850, the groups being separated by single pores of the median series. This grouping is a characteristic of the genus. Blackish with reddish tint over the muscular portions, probably black in life. On the specimen from the greater depth the dark color when under the lens is more diffused and does not appear as distinct puncticulations, as is the case on the specimen described above from a thousand fathoms and more nearer the surface. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3384 Torole30/INe 79° 14’ W. 458 fathoms 49° Bi. Gn. S. 3434 25° 29’ 30” N. 109° 48’ W. 1588 36.4° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. ATOPICHTHYES. Heretofore certain pelagic, much compressed, band-like, translucent to transparent, larval fishes have been placed in the genus Leptocephalus of Gronow, 1763. The type of the genus is Leptocephalus Morrisii Penn., 1776, a larval form which has lately been traced to its adult in Murcena conger Linn., 1758, which, again, was the typical species of Risso’s genus Conger, 1826. In consequence Leptocephalus has taken the place of Conger as the title of the genus and many of the Leptocephalids which do not belong to that genus and cannot yet be definitely located are left unnamed. That there is a considerable number gf these larval forms that cannot be placed in Lepto- cephalus, but that belong to various other genera not now determined with sufficient accuracy is evident enough from the figures and descriptions given «€ 26 DEEP SEA FISHES. (3%) below. Rather than to assign them at random it is here proposed to form a group for these and similar unplaced larvee, Atopichthys, in which they may remain until such time as by means of larger collections the adult forms and their respective generic affinities may be determined. To give a specific name to each type of Atopichthys will be likely to introduce synonyms in some cases, yet at the moment there appears to be no better way, in which to avoid the risk and at the same time to secure facility of reference. A most important and recent addition to the knowledge of the Atopich- thyes isa publication by Strémman, 1896, in which fourteen new species were described and figured. All of these species were placed in Lepto- cephalus; such of them as do not belong to the congers will be placed in Atopichthys until their development is traced. With tolerable nearness, the horizontal distribution of the Atopichthyes corresponds with that of the Mursenoids. These forms are pelagic, it is true, but it is likely the adults of most of those described below are found at great depths, and in view of their life histories to be written in the future they are introduced here in the report on the bathybial species. As yet no spe- cies of the genus Leptocephalus are known to occur in the eastern Pacific. The species of Atopichthys in the collection most resembling LZ. Morrisii are probably young of Uroconger or of Congermurena. Other species with tubular anterior nostrils, on Plate LXVII., may represent species of Ophichthys; another species with a nostril in front of the lower half of the eye may belong to a species of Chlopsis, a genus apparently replacing Nettastoma in this region; and another with a nostril midway from the eye to the end of the snout may prove a Xenomystax. One species of the lot, Plate LXV. fig. 2, is closely allied to Hsunculus Costai Kaup, of which Giinther, 1870, remarked “this fish is clearly the young of a form belong- ing to one of the more highly organized Physostomous families, perhaps of Alepocephalus.” Whether the species figured below belongs to Alepo- cephalus or to Bathytroctes, as is more likely, or to some other genus of the family is not to be decided from the material at hand. The great differences in the numbers of the fin rays, as compared with those of Fi. Costa’, make it doubtful whether the adults of the two forms belong to one genus. Possibly our species is a young Albula. n ATOPICHTHYS ESUNCULUS. 327 Atopichthys esunculus sp. n. Plate LXV. figs. 2, 2a. DG UpCAG Ss P13) Vio83 (C.20- The form of this species closely resembles that of HL. Costai as given by Kaup, 1856, Cat. Apodal Fish, Pl. XVI., fig. 3. The body is much compressed and attains its greatest depth, which is about one seventh of the total length, at about three fourths of the distance from the snout to the tail, whence it gradually tapers to the head. Body cavity very long, close upon seven eighths of the total. Head small, comparatively narrow, subconical, near one twelfth of the entire length, convex on the crown and on the top of the snout, moderately blunt and rounded in front. Somewhat pointed, arching upward above the mouth, shorter than the eye. Eye large, one third as long as the head, longer than the snout, lateral. Mouth large; maxillary extending below little more than half of the eye. Teeth on the lower jaw large, slender, acicular, compressed, inclined forward; on the upper jaw smaller, very slender, vertically directed. Nostrils small, in front of the eyes, midway to the end of the snout. Gill openings wide, passing from in front of the pectoral base down and forward to below the eyes. Pectoral fins small, of about thirteen rays, reaching the eye. Ventrals small, of eight rays, bases below the thirty-fifth transverse muscle segment, which is nearly in the middle of the length. Dorsal of sixteen or seventeen rays, shorter backward, the first above the fifty-fourth muscle-segment or about the beginning of the posterior fourth of the total. Anal short, of eight rays, close to the caudal, originat- ing below the sixty-seventh muscle-band. Caudal short, rather deep, deeply forked, of twenty-five rays. Vent below the sixty-sixth muscle- segment. Translucent or transparent; with black pigment in a streak of puncticu- lations along the upper edge of the intestine, in a dot on the caudal pedicel forward of the bases of the rays, and in a transverse band across the bases of eight or ten of the inner rays of the caudal. “Off Acapulco, Apr. 13, 1891.” 528 DEEP SEA FISHES. Atopichthys sicarius sp. n. Plate LXVT. figs. 1-1 6. Narrow, elongate, slender, greatest depth one eighteenth of the entire length. The greatest depth is attained in the anterior fourth of the length which also apparently contains the vent. From this portion the form tapers gradually to the filamentary caudal. Head small, narrow, twice as long as high, near one fourteenth of the total length, rather pointed at the snout, slightly concave in the longitudinal outline above the posterior nostrils. Snout long, less than half as long as the head, slender, blunted at the end. Eyes lateral, large, situated in the middle of the length of the head, one sixth as long as the latter. Nostrils small; posterior forward of the middle of the eye about one half of the latter’s diameter; anterior the same dis- tance from the end of the snout and midway from the lip to the top. Mouth very large, cleft reaching below the middle of the eye, jaws equal in length. Teeth comparatively large, sectorial, compressed, acute, inclined forward, an anterior pair on each series longer hooked and protruding as canines. On each of the lower canines the upper edge bears a short den- ticle near the end of the tooth. Gill openings as wide as the eye, forward of and extending lower than the bases of the pectorals. Gill membranes united with the isthmus. About fifty of the transverse muscular bands are in front of the veut and about two hundred behind it. Pectorals small, as long as the eye, pointed, moderately broad. Dorsal and anal indistinct, apparently united with the bases of the caudal rays. Caudal narrow, elongate, acute. Pigment appears in a blotch on the end of the snout at each side in front of the nostril, in another at the forward end of the chin, in a trans- verse streak in front of the nape, in a series of spots separated from one another by about twelve segments on the median line of the flank, dis- appearing backward, and in a series of rather widely separated spots from the throat along each side of the intestine and the anal fin. Some fainter blotches appear under the opercle. The spots along the intestine may be luminous ; possibly this also may be the function of the deep seated spots along the flank. Total length four and one half, greatest depth one fourth, and length of the head five sixteenths inches. Station, 3357; Lat., 6° 35’ N.; Lon., 81° 44’ W.; Surface townet, Time, Feb. 24, 64 17™ a.M., over a depth of 782 fathoms, with a Temp. 38.5° F.; and Bottom, Gn. S. ATOPICHTHYS CINCTUS. 329 Atopichthys cinctus sp. n. Plate LXVI. figs. 2, 2a. Deeply compressed in the body ; greatest depth behind the middle, about one eighth of the total length; upper and lower outlines curved, converg- ing more rapidly behind the vent; with one hundred and eleven transverse muscle bands forward of the vent and twenty-seven behind it. Head small, one sixteenth of the total, narrow, sharp pointed at the snout, tapering regularly from the body; crown concave in front of the eye, longitudinally sinuous in outline, transversely convex. Snout acute, nearly one third of the head, lower jaw hardly shorter. Eyes large, lateral, two sevenths as long as the head, nearly as long as the snout ; iris silvery, edged with black around the pupil, with a black bar along the top. Mouth large, reaching almost to a vertical from the middle of the eye ; prominence of the angular little forward of a vertical from the hind edge of the orbit. Teeth sectorial, compressed, acuminate, with a low ridge on the outer side, inclined forward; those on the upper jaws abruptly becoming smaller and closer together below the posterior nostril; an anterior larger protruding canine in each series. Nostrils small; posterior on the level of the middle of the eye and close to the front edge of the orbit; anterior near the end of the snout and at a short distance from the lip. Gill openings narrow, one third as wide as the eye, in front of and extending slightly lower than the bases of the pectorals. Vent near the one hundred and seventh muscular segment. Pectorals small, half or less than half as long as the eye, as broad as long ; rays short, radiating from a rounded base that is more than a semi- circle. Vertical fins continuous around the tail; dorsal little longer than the anal; caudal small, pointed. Caudal rays and those of anal distinct, the latter short; those of the dorsal are visible to a distance from the caudal equal to twice the length of the anal. Translucent to transparent. With black pigment in two groups of three small dots each at each side of the throat below the operculum, in a series of dots on each flank between the muscles and the intestine, in a much closer series of smaller dots along the bases of the anal and the caudal, and in a few dots along the bases of the hinder rays of the dorsal fin. Though in general this species bears some resemblance to the A. al/us of Richardson, 1848, Voy. Ereb. & Terr., Fish, 51, Pl. XXX. fig. 8-10, it is 30 DEEP SEA FISHES. Co readily distinguished from that species by the anal fin, which is nearly twice as long. Station, 3410; Lat., 0° 19’ N.; Lon., 90° 34’ W.; ‘‘ Surface Townet,” Time, 8" 48™ p.u., Apr. 3, 1891, over a depth of 331 fathoms, for which the Temp. was 44.2 F. and the Bottom black sand. Atopichthys dentatus sp. n. Plate LXVI. figs. 3, 3 a. Narrow and deep, the greatest depth, near the middle of the length, is equal to the post anal length or nearly one eighth of the total. Upper and lower outlines curved throughout, converging very slowly until near the ends; caudal region retaining a considerable depth, blunt at the end. Head one seventeenth of the entire length, acute, convex across the crown; upper longitudinal outline straight, lower curving upward on the chin; width little more than that of the body. Snout about two fifths of the length of the head, one and one half times as long as the eye, sharp. Eye large, lateral, nearly one fourth of the head-length. Mouth large, cleft reaching behind a vertical from the middle of the orbit; prominence of the angular behind a vertical from the hind border of the orbit; lower jaw little shorter. Teeth sectorial, compressed, with a low ridge along the middle of the outside; a pair of large hooked canines on the upper jaws includes the similar pair on the front of the lower jaws; spaces separating the canines from the other teeth little longer than those farther back; posterior teeth of the upper jaws below the forward edge of the eye abruptly becoming much smaller and closer together and thus continuing backward. All the teeth are inclined forward ; the canines protrude and each pair includes a couple of small teeth. There are nine or ten teeth forward of the smaller crowded teeth in the upper jaw. Nostrils medium; posterior immediately in front of the eye; anterior smaller, behind the mid-length of the snout. Gill opening moderately wide, twice the width of the pectoral base, extending down to the isthmus. Muscular segments ninety-seven plus twenty-four. Pectorals deep and short, two fifths as long as the head, hind border rounded. The rays of the anal and those of the dorsal behind the vent are somewhat distinct ; those of the caudal are still more so and much longer. Caudal fin blunted at the end. Translucent ; muscular portions of the head flesh colored and opaque ; pectorals and opercles with brownish spots or cloudings; isthmus with ATOPICHTHYS FALCIDENS. 331 several dots at each side; a more or less irregular series of spots, probably luminous, at each side of the intestine ; a series of larger luminous spots, somewhat irregularly placed and spaced, close to the median line of thie flank, each spot of which is situated on the hinder edge of the muscular segment at the groove between it and the next segment. Forward, a number of the segments here and there are without spots in the median series; behind the mid-length the series is more regular. On and near their bases the rays of anal and caudal bear very small streaks of black. Total length three and four tenths, head two tenths, depth four tenths, at the mid-length, and snout to vent three inches. Compared with A. falcidens the species here described has a smaller eye, a longer snout, a straighter crown, a wider caudal region and a smaller number of segments in body and in tail. Station, 3375 ; Lat., 2° 34’ N.; Lon., 82° 29’ W.; Surface townet, over a depth of 1201 fathoms with a bottom of Gy. glob. Oz., with a Temp. of 36.6° F.; Time, 64 26™ a. m., March 4, 1891. Atopichthys falcidens sp. n. Plate LXVT. figs. 4,44. Comparatively short and very narrow; greatest depth, in the anterior half, about one ninth of the total length, caudal region tapering regularly along the bases of the fins: Head nearly one eighteenth of the entire length, upper longitudinal outline arched over the orbit and slightly concave above the nostrils, lower outline convex in the mandibles, width greater than that of the body, convex across the crown, tapering from the nape, acute at the snout. Snout sharp, narrow, compressed or roof-shaped across the top, little longer than the eye. Eye large, nearly one third as long as the head ; iris silvery, deeper than long, narrowed below. Mouth large, cleft nearly underreaching the forward half of the eye; prominence of the angular close to a vertical from the hind border of the orbit; lower jaw little if any longer. Teeth large, sectorial, compressed, slender, acuminate, inclined for- ward, with a rather distinct ridge along the outer side. One or two small teeth in front on each jaw, separating a pair of large falciform canines, are subconical. The canines are separated from the backward teeth by a wider interspace. Behind the eighth or ninth tooth of the upper jaw, backward of the posterior nostril, the teeth abruptly become much smaller and closer together. The upper teeth pass outside of the lower. Nostrils medium ; 302 DEEP SEA FISHES. anterior below the level of the posterior, halfway from the eye to the end of the snout; posterior forward of the upper half of the eye, halfway from the anterior to the orbit. Gill openings small, not as wide as the eye, not reaching as high as the upper edge of the pectoral. Muscular segments one hundred and eighteen, plus about thirty-five behind the vent. Pectorals short, not reaching halfway to the eye, nearly as deep as loné. From the vent the caudal region is more acute or tapering than on A, den- tatus. The caudal rays are inserted on two basal pieces, each bearing five rays, the lower of the two being the shorter; fin pointed. Total length three and five sixteenths, length of head three sixteenths, length of caudal fin-one sixteenth, snout to vent three, and greatest depth —near the mid-length — three eighths inches. Translucent or transparent, muscular portions of the head more opaque. A group of four or five small spots of black lies below the preopercular and orbital regions; another group of about five lies below the operculum; a series of light-centred black spots extends along the median line of the flank from the head to the tail, each spot of which lies near the line at the groove separating the transverse bands of muscle; and another series, of a larger number of similar spots, extends along the upper edge of the intestine. The spots are like those of A. dentatus, Pl. LXVI., fig 3, and greatly resemble those of Scopeloids. These species are evidently closely allied, the adult forms no doubt being of a sifigle genus, but A. falcidens, has a larger eye, a shorter snout, more arch upon the crown, a narrower caudal region, and more segments in body and in tail, which suffice to dis- tinguish them. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3388 ioaGuaNte 79° 48/ W. 1168 fathoms 36.2° F. Gn. glob. Oz. Submarine townet, Time, March 9, 1891, 64 41™ a.m. Atopichthys acus sp. n. Plate LXVI. figs. 5, 5a. Much compressed, depth greatest behind the middle of the length, nearly one eleventh of the total, decreasing gradually forward and somewhat more rapidly backward. Head small, strongly compressed, little wider than the neck, narrower and sharp pointed at the snout; forehead narrow, slightly arched longitudinally, very convex transversely. Eye large; orbit as long ATOPICHTHYS OPHICHTHYS. 333 as the snout, one third as long as the head; iris black. Mouth large, ex- tending below the forward part of the eye; mandibular angle below the middle of the orbit. Teeth sectorial, comparatively large, acicular, long, very sharp, compressed and widening toward the bases, with a slight ridge down the outside of the larger, somewhat inclined toward the end of the snout. An anterior pair of large canines in each series, separated from the other teeth by a wider interspace. Upper teeth more erect. Nostrils very small, situated much above the lip, distant from the end of the snout, pos- terior near the eye anterior a short distance farther forward. Gill openings small, oblique, as wide as the eye, in front of the bases of the pectorals. Vent in a prominence at the caudal fin, There are one hundred and twenty-seven muscle-bands forward of the vent and only eight between it and the caudal. Pectorals small, about as broad as long, short, hardly half as long as the eye. Caudal ending in an angle of less than ninety degrees. Translucent or transparent; pigment arranged in very small dots ina closely set series from the throat backward about one fourth of the length, m one to two series on the median line of the back to the caudal fin, in short close series, of four to thirty each, in each groove between the muscle- bands from the median line of the flank downward on the side, and in a series on the base of the caudal around the bases of the rays. The spots along the intestine have the structure of those on A. dentatus, A. falcidens and others and are presumably luminous organs; they have the black spot with a black centre surrounded by a silvery ring. The spots on the flank do not show the silver color and may be non-luminous. Total length six and three fourths, depth five eighths, length of the head three sixteenths and snout to vent six and nine sixteenths inches. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. Time. 3381 4°56’ N. 80° 52’ 30” W. 1772 fathoms 35.8° F. Gn. M. Mar. 6, 85 38™ a. M. Atopichthys ophichthys sp. n. Plate LX VII. figs. 1, La. Body narrow and deep, deepest portion at a short distance behind the vent one eighth of the entire length, outlines above and below converging with some regularity toward the blunt extremity of the tail but remaining 334 DEEP SEA FISHES. more nearly parallel forward till within fifteen or twenty segments of the head where the convergence is much more rapid. Vent little behind the middle of the total length. Head small, subconical, little deeper than wide, tapering but slowly forward till near the snout, nearly one fourteenth of the total length, crown convex. Snout subconical, blunt, one fourth as long as the head, one and one third times as long as the eye. Eye lateral, large, one sixth of the length of the head, equal to the width of the interorbital space, three fourths as long as the snout. Mouth large, extending to or beyond a vertical from the hind edge of the orbit. Teeth minute, appar- ently conical, only visible under lenses of high power. Nostrils small; posterior smaller, in front of and near the middle of the eye; anterior near the end of the snout, in a tube at the lip. Gill opening small, narrower than the eye, immediately in front of the pectoral base. Vent below the seventy-ninth muscle-segment. Vertical fins continuous around the tail; anal less than half of the entire length ; caudal very short, forming a blunt angle at the end; pectorals small, twice as long as wide, as long as the snout. Translucent or transparent, without pigment. The peculiar structure seen in the tail is suggestive of an adult form resembling Ophichthys, that is, with the tip exserted beyond the dorsal and the anal and bearing no fin rays. In the present case the muscle bands extend as far backward as the bases of dorsal and anal, while beyond them between the rays of the fins a soft band in which there are no rays reaches back to form a blunted angle behind the ends of the mentioned fins. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3366 5° 30' N. 86° 45’ W. 1067 fathoms 37° BF. Y1. glob. Oz. Surface townet, Time, Feb. 27, 1891, 8® 4™ p.m. Atopichthys cingulus sp. n. Plate LX VII. figs. 2, 2a. Pointed at head and tail, the angle at the former being a little the sharper, greatly compressed, eight times as long as deep, the depth decreas- ing rather abruptly near each extremity. The distance from snout to vent is somewhat more than half the total length. Transverse muscle segments, one hundred and thirty-one to one hundred and thirty-three. Head wider than body, length less than half the depth of the latter, 9 55 (3%) ATOPICHTHYS LYCHNUS. higher than wide, forehead very convex transversely. Snout pointed, longer than the eye. Eye large, shorter than the snout, near one sixth as long as the head. Mouth wide, cleft hardly reaching a vertical through the middle of the eye; lower jaw shorter. Teeth short, subconical, visible under strong lenses. Nostrils small; posterior nostril as near to the lip as to the orbit, nearer to the latter than to the anterior; anterior nostril with a short tube, nearer to the end of the snout than to the posterior, and nearer to the lip. Gill opening small, about half as wide as the eye, in front of the base of the pectoral. ‘Pectorals small, one third as long as the head, twice as long as the eye, pointed, of fifteen rays. Vertical fins continuous around the tail. Dorsal origin not far from two ninths of the distance from snout to end of caudal. Anal origin close to the vent. Vent below the sixty-fifth muscle segment. Lateral line in the first half dozen segments descending to the median line of the flank. Anal fin and hinder portion of dorsal, for the greater part of the length, internally marked on the bases of the rays by small spots of black pigment. No other pigment on the specimen. Total length seven, greatest depth seven-eighths, length of head three- eighths, depth of head three-sixteenths, snout to dorsal fin one and nine- sixteenths, and snout to vent three and five eighths inches. Station, 3354; Lat., 7° 9' 45’ N.; Lon., 80° 50’ W.; Surface townet, Time, Feb. 25, 1891, 15 255 P. M.; over a depth of 322 fathoms; Temp., 46° F.; Bottom, Gn. M. Atopichthys lychnus sp. n. Plate LX VII. figs. 3, 3 a. Narrowly compressed in the body, greatest depth one nineteenth of the total length, moderately pointed in front, acute and slender at the tail, deepest behind the middle of the total, tapering gradually forward and more rapidly backward. Distance from snout to vent more than half of the entire length. Head little wider than the body, higher than wide, in length one eighteenth of the total; crown convex longitudinally and very convex transversely. Snout compressed, subconical, rounded, blunt, deeper than high, little more than one fourth as long as the head. Eye large, as long as the snout, one diameter distant from the end of the latter, iris 336 DEEP SEA FISHES. silvery and higher than long, blackish at the upper edge of the orbit. Mouth large, hardly reaching below the middle of the eye; lower jaw ending in a sharp angle on a vertical from the hind border of the orbit, little shorter than the upper. ‘Teeth sectorial, compressed, with a low keel on the outer side, each tooth starting from the socket erect, then, at a short distance from -the base, bending forward, larger and farther apart forward in both jaws, abruptly becoming smaller, more slender and closer together below the forward edge of the eye in the upper jaw, the pair of large protruding canines in each series separated by one or a pair of small subconical teeth. Nostrils small; posterior near the upper part of the eye; anterior near the end of the snout, at a distance from the lip, its margins slightly raised. Gill opening small, more than half as wide as the eye, in front of the base of the pectoral. Vertical fins continuous around the tail; rays longer toward the caudal. Dorsal origin in the anterior third of the length. Pectorals small, as long as the snout, of fifteen rays. Caudal slender, acuminate, more than half as long as the head. Vent below the seventy-eighth muscular segment. The total number of segments is about one hundred and sixty-five. Entire length four and one half, depth one half, head one fourth, snout to vent two and five eighths, and snout to dorsal one and one fourth inches. Whitish, translucent or transparent; several irregular blackish blotches showing through the opercle; four or five round spots of black along the lower edge of the preopercle ; several spots are scattered over the face, and a series of deep seated small spots of black extends along the median line of the flank from head to tail; a series of small spots of silver, each upon a larger spot of black, passes along each side of the lower edge of the abdomen ; base of anal fin with two series of smaller closely set spots on each side, the lower of the series having the smaller spots. The spots along the side are eyelike and have more or less of a silvery iris surrounding a black centrum as in the cases of A. falcidens, A. dentatus and A. acus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3354 72 9° 45 N 80° 50! W. 322 fathoms 46° F. Gn. M. Surface townet; Time, Feb. 23, 1 25™ p.m. ATOPICHTHYS OBTUSUS. 337 Atopichthys obtusus sp. n. Plate LX VIL. fig. 4, 4a. Body very narrow and deep, greatest depth near the middle, about one ninth of the total length, comparatively short, upper and lower out- lines curving with much regularity, body cavity entirely within the for- ward half of the total. Head small, short, nearly one twelfth of the entire length, wider than the neck, hardly as wide as deep, subconical, blunt at the end of the snout, arched above the orbits, crown convex trans- versely and slightly so longitudinally. Snout rounded, not sharp, one and one third times as long as the eye, one fourth as long as the head. Mouth large, extending backward of a vertical from the middle of the eye, jaws about equal. Eyes large, lateral, prominent, nearly one sixth as long as the head, iris silvery. Teeth subconical, very small. Nostrils small; posterior close in front of the middle of the eye; anterior tubular, near the end of the snout at the edge of the lip overhanging the mouth. Gill opening ver- tical, narrow, not as wide as the eye, forward of the base of the pectoral. Vent below the fiftieth muscular segment. Muscular segments fifty plus sixty-nine. Pectorals rather broad, twice as long as the orbit, about one third as long as the head, rounded on the hind margin. Vertical fins confluent, broaden- ing near the caudal, which latter is short and blunt. Translucent to transparent, with black pigment in a series of spots backward from the seventeenth or the eighteenth muscle-segment, close below the median line of the flank, to the tail— commonly one but some- times two spots on each segment, in a short series of four or five dots inside of each gill membrane on the throat, in a couple of irregular series below the intestine — more numerous backward, and in a line of faint dots to be seen along the bases of the anal rays. Total length four and three eighths, greatest depth one half, length of head three eighths, and snout to vent two and one eighth inches. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, Time. 3386 7° 33/12” N. 79° 17/15” W. 242 fathoms 48°F. Ene. gy. S. Mar. 8, 1891, 4" 54™ p.m. 338 DEEP SEA FISHES. Atopichthys longidens sp. n. Plate LXVII. fig. 5, da. Comparatively short, much compressed, greatest depth near one seventh of the total length, forward of the middle, depth decreasing but little until near the extremities. One hundred and forty transverse muscular segments, of which fifty-one are forward of the vent. A rather wide transparent mar- gin, dorsal and anal, outside of the muscle-segments. Head small, about one thirteenth of the total; pointed in front, little wider than the body. Snout acute, two fifths as long as the head, one and two thirds times as long as the eye; the shape in some degree suggestive of the snout of Thyr- sites. Eyes large, three fifths as long as the snout, nearly one fifth of the length of the head, with lateral outlook. Mouth large; maxillary reaching backward of the middle of the eye; jaws nearly equal in length. Teeth large, acicular, very slender, inclined obliquely. forward, gradually becoming smaller backward, an anterior pair of large canines protruding on each jaw. Nostrils small, posterior near the eye, anterior about midway from the eye to the end of the snout. Gill openings medium, forward of and below the level of the bases of the pectorals; membranes united, joined to the isthmus. Vent below the fifty-first muscular band. Pectorals broad, as long as the snout. Dorsal and anal apparently a thin transparent membrane without visible rays, continuous with the caudal but becoming very narrow toward the base of the latter. Caudal fan- shaped, the rays radiating from the base, rounded or blunt pointed on the hind margin. Transparent; with black pigment in a pair of dots above the angle of the jaws, in a series of three or four a little farther backward, in a group of six still farther back — below the throat, in a series of closely set ones along the upper edge of the intestine, and in one or two series along the median line of the flank. The dots along the flank make their appearance a short distance behind the head and are—2in the median line —placed in the groove between the bands of muscle with, near the middle of the entire length, occasional dots on the muscle of the bands between the dots in the grooves. Not far from the origin of the median series and close below the latter a second series begins, the dots of which are also placed in the grooves ; it continues almost to the end of the series above it. SYMPHYTOBRANCHII. 339 Total length two and one half, length of head three sixteenths, depth three eighths, and length of body cavity fifteen sixteenths inches. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Time. 2627 0° 36’ N. 82° 45’ W. Surface to 1740 fathoms 6 49™ a.m. March 25, 1891. MYXINIA. SYMPHYTOBRANCHII. The names Cyclostoma Lam., 1801, and Cyclostomus Montf., 1810, both having been used in the Mollusca, there is question of the propriety of retaining either Cyclostomes, 1806 (Family name, in French), Cyclostomia, 1815 (Family), Cyclostoma, 1825 (Order), Cyclostomi, 1831 (Order), or Cyclostomata, 1852 (Division), for a general term in connection with the Myxinoid fishes. Auloedibranchia, 1825 (Family), and Diporobranchia, 1825 (Family), are not particularly appropriate for more comprehensive designa- tions. Gymnobranchii, 1832 (Order) is inapplicable on account of prior use of Gymnobranches, 1816, in Crustacea, and of Gymnobranchiata, 1820, and Gymnobranchia, 1821, in the Molluscs. Symphytobranchii, 1832 (Tribe), is less objectionable, while Marsipobranchii, 1858 (Subclass), is suitable in other respects but lacking too much in regard to priority. Dermoptéres, 1806, and Dermopteria, 1815, were originally names for a family including only Salmonidx and Characinide. Discarding Cyclostomia, choice apparently is limited to Myxinia, Symphytobranchii, and Marsipobranchii in selecting a class name for the Myxinoids. To adopt Myxinia, from Rafinesque’s sub- family of 1815, his family name, Cyclostomia, also 1815, being an infringe- ment on Cyclostoma 1801 and Cyclostomus 1810 of the molluses, will give less occasion for recurrent unsettling discussions of priority than in case of either the tribe or the subclass name, however much one of them might be preferred in some respects. Previous to the year 1891 the known horizontal distribution of the marine Myxinia was about as follows: Geotria had been secured off the coasts of Chili and of South Australia, Mordacia off the coasts of Chili and of New Zealand, Petromyzon off the western coasts of Europe, off the northeastern and the northwestern coasts of North America, off the southeastern coasts of South America, and off the coasts of Japan, Homea off the coasts of Chili, of California, of New Zealand, and in the “South Seas,” and Myxine off the 340 DEEP SEA FISHES. coasts of Europe, of the northeastern United States, of southern South Amer- ica and of Japan. ‘To this the present material adds a new species of Myx- ine from the Gulf of Panama. No vertical distribution has been recorded with Geotria, Mordacia and Homea. Off the eastern United States Petromyzon (Bathymyzon) Bairdii Gill., was taken by the vessels of the United States Fish Commission at a depth of 547 fathoms; they also took P. marinus at a depth of 247 fathoms. Myzine glutinosa Linn. was taken by the French Government Steamer “ Travailleur ” off the coast of Portugal at 251 fathoms, JZ. cirrhata Schleg., was secured by J the British Steamer “Challenger” off the coast of Japan at 345 fathoms, and M. limosa Gir., was captured off the eastern coasts of the United States by the U. 8. Coast Survey Steamer “ Blake” at 524 fathoms. The greatest depth yet found for any member of this group is that at which the “ Alba- tross’” took the new species described and figured below, 730 fathoms in the Gulf of Panama. Wherever they have been taken there is reason to believe these fishes live at the bottom. The presence of Myxinoids being established at great depths and in very low temperatures it may confi- dently be expected that future collection will obtain them from all regions inhabited by other deep sea fishes on which they may prey. In the year 1835 Miiller subdivided the group thus: Nasal duct not penetrating the palate. Hyperoartia. Nasal duct penetrating the palate. Hyperotreta. Hyrrroartia Miiller, 1835. As no representatives of this section of the Myxinia are included in the collection the species belonging to the Hyperoartia are introduced in the list only in connection with the general distribution. Omitting the fresh water forms there are only eight species to be considered. Hyperotreta Miiller, 1835. One branchial aperture on each side of the body. _Myainidee. Six or more branchial apertures on each side. Honeide. MYXINID ZA. Myzxinide Bonap., 1845, Spece. Gen., 11. To the Myxinide previously known the “ Albatross” collection adds a single new species. For several reasons the addition is of particular MYXINIDZ. 341 interest. It establishes the occurrence of the family nearer the equator and at greater depths than before noted, and it differs from the other species of the genus in possessing a smaller number of gills. In its dentition it approaches Homea, having similar numbers of teeth and the same amounts of confluence in their bases as appear in that genus. Of the species of Myxine its nearest ally apparently is MM. tridentiger from the Straits of Magellan, or, possibly, a Japanese form, secured by the “Challenger” expedition, heretofore considered identical. Schlegel’s Heptatrema cirrhatum may or may not belong to Myxine; it is rather suggestive of kinship with species of Homea from New Zealand or the Cape of Good Hope. As regards the general distribution of the family, the presence of Myxine has been established in the North Sea and connected waters to the Mediter- ranean (J. glutinosa), in the North Atlantic on the western side (JZ. limosa), around the southern end of South America (J. australis, M. acutifrons, and M. tridentiger), near the equator between the Galapagos and the mainland in the eastern Pacific (JZ. circifrons), and in the Japanese seas (the species obtained by the “ Challenger”). Vertically the known range in the North Sea and about the Straits of Magellan hardly extends more than a hundred fathoms from the surface; by the “ Challenger” it was carried down to three hundred and forty-five fathoms, off Japan, and by the “‘ Blake ” down to five hundred and twenty-four, off the eastern coasts of the United States, and by the “ Albatross” still further down to a depth of seven hundred and thirty fathoms in the eastern tropical Pacific. In general the distribution of the marine Myxinia is sufficiently mdicated in the list of species given below. The conclusions reached from the study of the material at hand, mainly that of the “ Hassler” expedition, belonging to the Museum of Comparative Zoology, are of a tenor similar to those obtained from the Discoboli and other groups. The Myxinoids are distributed through all the great marine basins; they inhabit the deeper waters of the equatorial regions and both depths and shoals in the higher latitudes; and the species differ in the different localities, similarity of habits and of conditions notwithstanding. Though the species taken by the “ Albatross” proves the distribution of the genus under the equator, in the absence of representatives from the Caribbean it gives no very satisfactory evidence in regard to affinities across the isthmus or concerning a former connection between Atlantic and Pacific by way of the Caribbean. In fact its testimony weighs rather against the 492 DEEP SEA FISHES. (St) theory of such a passage in comparatively recent times, since its relationships with species from the Straits of Magellan and from Japan are closer than with those at present known to inhabit the Atlantic. As regards the theory of a bipolar distribution its evidence is entirely negative. MYXINE. Myxina Linné, 1754, Mus. Ad. Frid., I, 91. Myxine Linné, 1758, Systema, ed. 10, I, 650. For present purposes a complete synonymy of genus and species is unnecessary ; a few of the more important items in their history will suffice. The first unquestioned notice of a member of the genus is that of Kalm, 1753, Resa, I, 100, who writes of some peculiarities of a species, likely to have been M. glutinosa, under the name of Pihraol or Pilor, recognizing it as a fish related to Petromyzon. Myxina glutinosa was named by Linné, 1754, Mus. Ad. Frid., I, 91, Pl. 8, fig. 4, and was placed among the worms, where it was kept in the tenth and the subsequent editions of the Systema {the orthography of Myxina being changed to Myxine), also in the works of Gmelin and others of his followers. Bloch, 1795, in Part XII. of his great work, p. 67, Plate 413, definitely places the animal among the fishes, but gave it a name of his own, Gastrobranchus coecus. His description and figures give a very fair idea of the creature and of its structure. By far the most important works published on the subject are the classic essays of Johannes Miiller, 1835 to 1845, which make up his “ Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden, der Cyclostomen mit durchbohrtem Gaumen.” Some doubtful information, possibly in part to be referred to Myxine, con- cerning a fish of the Straits of Magellan was derived from Commerson and published by La Cépéde. The matter, however, must always remain conjectural since mucosity, roundness and diameter in an individual do not sufficiently establish either genus or species, and the more important particulars given, the entire absence of fins and an almost cylindrical tail, can be applied to none of the Myxinoids with which we are acquainted at the present time. The following are the particulars noted by La Cépéde, 1803, Poiss., V., 652: “Point de nageoires pectorales ; point d’apparence d'autres nageoires; le corps et la queue presque cylindriques; la surface de lanimal répandant, en trés-grande abondance, une humeur laiteuse et gluante.” “ Murcnoblenna olivacea. La couleur générale olivatre et sans taches; le ventre blanchitre.” “Tl parvient 4 la longueur d’un demi-métre. MYXINE. 348 Son diamétre est alors le dix-huitiéme ou a peu pres de sa longueur totale.” From Commerson he quotes directly “ Conger olivaceo-virens, immaculatus, lac et gluten plurimum fundens.” The name Mwrenoblenna was not approved by Rafinesque, 1815, who promptly changed it to Anopsus, with- out adding anything to a knowledge of the object to which the term was to be applied, and which he in the Analyse, page 93, placed in his sub- family Ap/leridia of his family Ophictia. On the next page, 94, he credits himself with Myzine, and with it and Gastrobranchus of Bloch forms his subfamily MWyainia of his family Cyclostomia. The specimens on which five of the species characterized below are based are those used by Putnam, 1874, for his Notes on the Myxinoids, where they were arranged as three varieties of a single species. The differ- ent types resemble one another so closely, and individual variation is so fre- quent that determination is a matter of some difficulty. In fact it is only in comparisons of many individuals that the distinctions become really appar- ent. Even when the averages are quite distinct the species may appear to overlap, through variations occurring in particular cases. In Myzine gluti- 8.8 . sa elght nosa the dentition formula most common may be indicated by ; teeth on each side both above and below, while variations to one more or one less occur in the lower series and less frequently in the upper. JZ. U- mosa is better shown by the formula ,,, nine in each upper series and ten in each lower, while the most frequent variations add one more to each upper or subtract one from each lower series. MM. acutifrons has 33 varied by one more in each upper series or by one less in each of the lower. Either a OF qa will represent JZ. australis, and the variations include all pos- sible additions and subtractions of a single one from each series between the two formulz. All of these have the anterior two teeth of each series con- fluent at their bases. M/. tridentiger has ten or eleven teeth in each series but differs from the preceding in having the anterior three teeth confluent in their bases. J. circifrons has the formula {; of which the anterior three of each upper and the anterior two of each lower series are confluent. Again, if the mucous sacs, or the pores, are compared it is found that I. giutinosa has not as many in either the pectoral (from head to gill opening) or abdominal series (from gill openings to vent) as JZ imosa ; while M. australis is rather close to M. dimosa but has fewer pectoral and more abdominal pores than M. acutifrons. The species may approximately be distinguished by the following: 344 DEEP SEA FISHES. Anterior 3 teeth confluent in each upper series ; teeth in upper series 13; gills 5 circifrons teeth in upper series 10-11; gills 6 tridentiger Anterior 2 teeth confluent in each upper series; gills 6 ; teeth in upper series 10 (10-11); pectoral pores 28-32 ; abdominal pores 63-68 australis teeth in upper series 9 (8-10); pectoral pores 27-30; abdominal pores 62-70 limosa teeth in upper series 9 (8-9); pectoral pores 52-34 ; abdominal pores 58—59 acutifrons teeth in upper series 8 (7-9); pectoral pores 25-28 ; abdominal pores 53-57 glutinosa Myxine circifrons sp. n. Plate LX VIII. figs. 1-4. Body moderately stout, depth about one eighteenth of the total length, form rather narrow and pointed at the snout, much compressed at the tail. From the head to the gill opening is five sixteenths, and the length of the tail is less than one eighth of the entire length. Labrum, between the ante- rior narial barbels, broad and rounded, as in Homea_polytrema Gir. Nasal barbels well developed, upper but little the shorter. Buccal barbels promi- nent, inner pair short, outer pair strong and longer than the rostral barbels. Teeth in each of the upper series thirteen, the anterior three of which are confluent in their bases; teeth in each of the inner series eleven, the ante- rior two of which are united by their bases. Gill openings small, at nearly one third of the distance from the snout to the end of the tail. Gills five. In respect to the number of gills this species differs from the others of the genus most prominently. As in those species, the anterior two of the gills lie against the side of the posterior extremity of the massive tongue-muscle. Pectoral pores twenty-one to twenty-three; abdominal pores fifty-nine ; caudal pores eleven. Dorsal and anal fins moderately deep, caudal broadly rounded on the posterior margin. Middle of dorsal fin in advance of the vent, the fin rising gradually from the origin and becoming as deep as the muscular portion of the tail in the posterior one third of the latter. Anal as deep as the dorsal. Fin rays, D. 89, A. 42. Muscular segments of the MYXINE AUSTRALIS. 345 body, pectoral twenty-four, abdominal fifty-nine, caudal eighteen. Abdom- inal keel prominent in front of the vent. Largest specimen eighteen and five eighths inches in length. Body uniform black ; head lighter anteriorly. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3395 1230, 360 IN 78° 39’ W. 730 fathoms 38.5° F. Rocky. Myxine tridentiger nom. sp. n. Myzxine australis Giint., 1870, Cat., VIII, 511, — 1887, “Challenger” Fishes, 267. “Ten or eleven slender teeth in each of the two series, the three fore- most are strongest and confluent at the base, the other teeth remaining separate ; in the second series the two innermost teeth are confluent at the base. Southern coasts of South America. Sandy Point. Tyssen Islands.” According to Giinther this species ‘ occurs also in the Japanese Sea, half a dozen specimens from nine to twenty inches long having been taken on the Hyalonema ground at a depth of 345 fathoms (Station 232). I also believe that Heptatrema cirrhatum of Schlegel, should be referred to the same species. The three foremost teeth of the inner series are invariably con- fluent at the base, but in adult specimens they are neither longer nor stouter than the next succeeding. The branchial apertures are subject to some variation, a specimen from Magellan Strait having two on the left side and one on the right.” In the earlier of the works cited Schlegel’s species was referred to Bdellostoma (= Homea). The results of comparisons of representatives of the genus from other parts of the world are such as to raise doubts concerning the specific identity of the Japanese species with either of the species of Myxine from other regions. Myxine australis. Myxine australis Jenyns, 1842, Voy. “ Beagle,” Fish, 159. Myxine affinis Giint., 1870, Cat., VIII, 511. Myzxine glutinosa var. australis Put., 1874, Pr. B. N. H. Soe., 135. Myxine olivacea Jord, & Everm., 1896, Bull. 47 U. S. Mus., 7. Plate LX VII. fig. 8. In the collections of the Museum of Comparative Zoology there are two lots of specimens, obtained by the Hassler Expedition, belonging to this species. One lot was taken at Port Famine, where this was the only species 346 DEEP SEA FISHES. caught; the other was secured at Sandy Point, with the much more abundant species DM. acutifrons. In the original description JZ. australis is said to appear rather more slender than I. gludinosa, hardly differing other- wise unless it be that the tail appears somewhat sharper. The colors are given as those of an earthworm but more leaden on the upper portions, yellowish on the ventral surface, and purplish on the head. The specimens at hand agree with this, before the removal of the slimy covering, but after it has been rubbed off the color is dark brown on the back and white from snout to caudal along the median line of the belly. The white streak some- times is continued around anal and dorsal fins. In the two forms from Sandy Point the coloration is not greatly different but they are readily distinguished by other features. J/. australis is the more slender; it has from ten to eleven teeth in each series, the anterior two of each being confluent at their bases ; it has eighty to one hundred rays in the dorsal fin, and forty-five to forty-nine rays in the anal; there are twenty-eight to thirty-two pectoral pores, sixty-two to sixty-eight abdominal, and eleven to twelve caudal, on each side ; and the labrum is short and blunt or rounded, Pl. LXVIII. fig. 8. Tail slender, nearly one ninth of the entire length. The teeth are more slender and longer than those of JZ. acutifrons. Port Famine; Sandy Point; Straits of Magellan. Myxine limosa. Myxine limosa Girard, 1858, Pr. Phil. Ac., 223. Myxine glutinosa vay. limosa Put., 1874, Pr. B. N. H. Soe., 135. Plate LXVUIL. fig. 7. This species is more slender and has a greater number of teeth and a larger number of pores than JZ. glutinosa. ‘The narial barbels are short and about equal in length; the labrum is short, blunt and rounded, resembling a small papilla or tubercle more than a barbel. The most common formula of the teeth has nine in each upper series, sometimes ten, rarely eight, and ten or nine in each lower, the anterior two of each series being confluent in their bases. On one specimen the dorsal has one hundred and _ twenty- four rays, on another one hundred and six. The number of rays in the anal fin ranges from forty-nine to fifty-four. There are from twenty-seven to thirty-one pectoral pores, from sixty-two to seventy abdominal, and MYXINE ACUTIFRONS. 347 from eleven to thirteen caudal pores, on each side. Abdominal keel prominent. The color is dark brown to blackish, leaden on the mucous covering, lighter on the ventral surface. The specimen described by Girard was from Grand Manan; many of the specimens at hand were obtained in the same locality. A specimen was taken by the “ Blake” in Lat. 41° 32’ 50” N., Lon. 65° 55’ W. at a depth of 524 fathoms, and another off the coast of North Carolina, in Lat. 34° N., at a depth of 178 fathoms. Those from Grand Manan were taken from the mud at 30 fathoms. Another locality is Eastport, Maine. Myxine acutifrons sp. n. Plate LX VIII. fig. 6. The shape in this species is similar to that of JZ. australis Jen. but is a little less slender ; the coloration is nearly the same. The abdominal pores are less numerous; there are not so many teeth in each series; and the labrum is acute and resembles one of the barbels to some extent. Com- monly there are eight teeth in the outer series, sometimes seven or nine, and nine, sometimes eight, in the inner; all are shorter and stouter than those of M/. australis. The bases of the anterior two of each series are confluent. Dorsal origin little forward of the vent; dorsal rays eighty- one to ninety-three. Anal, like the dorsal, deeper backward, with forty- five to forty-six rays. Tail compressed, posterior margin a broad curve. Pectoral pores thirty-two to thirty-four, abdominal fifty-eight to fifty-nine, and caudal eleven to thirteen, on each side. On the upper portions the color is dark brown, more or less leaden on the mucous covering; on the ventral surface it is lighter, especially so in young. From the collections it would appear that this species was much more abundant than JZ. australis at Sandy Point, Straits of Magellan; at Puerto Bueno again it was abundant and the only species taken; while at Port Famine this species was not obtained but JZ. australis was particularly abundant. The localities mentioned are not very widely separated. 348 DEEP SEA FISHES. Myxine glutinosa. Myzxina glutinosa Linné, 1754, Mus. Ad. Fridr., I, 91, Pl. 8, fig. 4. Myzxine glutinosa Linn., 1758, Systema, ed. 10, I, 650. Gastrobranchus coecus Bloch, 1795, Ausl. Fische, 1X, 67, Pl. 413. Plate LX VIII. fig. 5. A smaller number of teeth and a smaller number of pores distinguish this species from the others. The form is comparatively stout, and the lab- rum is short, blunt, and rounded. In the upper series there are most often eight teeth in each (sometimes seven or nine in one series or the other), and in the inner series there are either eight or nine (sometimes ten). The anterior two of each series are usually confluent in their bases. The pecto- ral pores vary from twenty-five to twenty-eight, the abdominal from fifty- three to fifty-seven, and the caudal from eleven to thirteen. A specimen at hand has eighty-eight dorsal and fifty-three anal rays. The color is dark brown to brownish, with more or less of leaden, when freshly placed in alcohol, and varies in regard to the amount of light color along the abdominal fold and the fins. The specimens examined have the localities Denmark, Norway, Great Britain, Liverpool, Europe, and three of them, purchased from C. L. Salmin, | are labelled “Triest.” These last tend to establish Bloch’s conclusion re- garding the presence of Myxine in the Mediterranean, based on Aristotle’s statement in respect to Pholis (Hist. Anim., Book IX. chap. 25), a conclu- sion afterward discredited by Johannes Miiller. “The mucous substance which the pholis emits forms around it, and resembles a chamber” is a statement that is sure to recall that of Kalm concerning the behavior of a living J. giutinosa when placed in a vessel of water. This species, accord- ing to Vaillant, was taken by the “ Travailleur” off the coast of Portugal at a depth of 251 fathoms. HOMEID &. Bdellostomide Gill, 1872, Arr. Fam. Fishes, 25. Bdellostomatide J. G., 1882, Bull. 16, U. S. Mus., 967. Heptatremide Gill, 1894, Mem. Amer. Acad., VI, 129. This family is so closely allied to the Myxinide as hardly to be entitled to a rank higher than that of a subfamily; the numbers of gills and of gill apertures, six or more of each, are the principal distinguishing features. HOMEA. o49 Homea the typical genus (Bdellostoma of Miiller, 1854) was based on a spe- cies, taken by Banks in the South Seas and noted by Home in 1815, to which the generic and specific names Homea Banksii were applied in 1822. Species of this genus, Gastrobranche Dombey LaC. and Petromyzon cirrhatus B. S. were placed by Cuvier, 1829, in “Les Heptatremes Dumér.” In 1831 Bonaparte made “ Heptatremus Dumér.” a synonym for Myxine, and in 1832 Voigt translated Cuvier’s terms into “ Heptatrema Duméril,” including the species originally assigned. Johannes Miiller, 1834, renamed the genus Bdellostoma and made it to contain the species placed in it by Cuvier with several others since reduced to the synonymy. Girard’s statement that the name Heptatrema was given by Duméril in 1806 is without warrant; and “ Gastrobranche,” ? the generic names then applied were “ Lamproie’ the Latin terms Petromyzon and Gastrobranchus were placed after these in parentheses in 1812, when Ammoceetus was added as another genus. Unless it can be shown that there was use of the name Heptatrema previous to 1822 it will have to give way to Homea. That Bdellostoma was a synonym was known to Miiller is evident from his references. The family name £dello- stomide 1872, was discarded by its author for Heptatremide, 1894 ; both, being based on synonyms, will have to be dropped for Homeide. Crediting the family name Myxinde to Rafinesque, 1810, is probably due to mistake pos- sibly based on that author’s “ LXXI. Ordine J. Missinidi,” which being with- out contents is only an empty name. Rafinesque’s subfamily Myzinia of his family Cyclostomia dates from 1815, the name Myzinide dates from 1845. The family was well established by Miiller 1835 (1834) under the name Myzxinoidea and included both Myzxinide and Homeide. HomeEa. Homea Fleming, 1822, Phil. Zool., II, 374. Heptatrema Voigt, 1832, Das Thierreich, II, 529. Bdellostoma Mill., 1834, Abh. Ak. Wiss. Berl., and 1835, Anat. Myx. The history of this genus begins with the article in the Philosophical Transactions for 1815, in which Home records a number of particulars con- cerning a specimen obtained by Banks, page 258, Tab. XI. fig. 1. The species is identified by Giinther and others with that described by Bloch and Schneider, 1801, from manuscript by Forster, under the name of Petro- myzon cirrhatus. The name Homea Banksii was applied to it by Fleming, 350 DEEP SEA FISHES. 1822. That there may be less doubt about the matter in the absence of the works cited, Fleming’s remarks and those he quotes from Home are given entire. “ Homea. Margin of the mouth bearded. “T have ventured to name this genus in honor of Sir Everard Home, who has so successfully investigated the aérating and reproductive organs of the tribe to which it belongs, and who has pointed out its distinguishing internal characters. The trivial name is due to the late illustrious Banks, by whom the species was brought to this country from the South Seas. H. Banksii.” “Tn an animal brought from the South Seas by Sir Josepn Banks, inter- mediate between the lamprey and myxine, but differing so much from both as to form a distinct genus, the respiratory organs resemble those of the lamprey in the number of the external openings, and the number of bags; but these organs, and many other parts differ in the following particulars, in which they agree with those of the myxine. There is no appearance, whatever, of thorax, nor is the pericardium cartilaginous; the bags are flattened spheres placed perpendicularly, their cavities are small, their coats elastic, and the internal orifices communicate directly with the esophagus, which is small. The zsophagus does not terminate in a valvular slit, but in a loose membranous fold; there are two rows of teeth on each side of the tongue, bent downwards, long and pointed. There is a posterior nostril, and an appearance resembling an uvula. There is a gall bladder, a row of large mucous glands on each side of the belly, and there is a mesentery to the intestine.” See Home, 1815, Phil. Trans., p. 258, Tab. XII. fig. 1. Homea cirrhata. Petromyzon cirrhatus Bl. Sch., 1801, Syst. Ichth., 532. Homea Banksii Flem., 1822, Phil. Zool., 11, 375. Bdellostoma hexatrema Miill., 1834, Abh. Ak. Wiss. Berl., 79. B. heterotrema Mill., 1834, 1. ¢., 79. B. heptatrema Mill., 1834, 1. ¢., 79. B. Forsteri Mill., 1834, 1. c., 80, and 1838, 171. B. cirrhatum Giint., 1870, Cat., VIII, 511. THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. 351 THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. Plate LXITX.-LXXXIV.; XXXIV. figs. 1-5; XXXV. fig. 4; XXXVIIL figs. 2, 3,and7; XXXIX. fig. 2; XLI. figs. 1a, 2a. In Volume XVII. No. 2, 1888, of the Bulletin of the Museum of Com- parative Zoology the writer traced and described the “Lateral Canal System” of many of the rays, sharks and chimeras, with numerous illus-. trations, pointed out the connections between the canals of the upper and those of the lower surfaces, and adopted a nomenclature which is still found to be better adapted for comparisons than other systems of names more recently advocated. The terms applied in that publication with slight modifications are those used herein. It is not the purpose to repeat the descriptions, but it may be stated in a few words that on most Selachians and Chimerans the Lateral Canal System consists of a tube or groove, more or less branching to) ") are distributed. The tubes contain mucus and communicate with the in which nerve endings apparently of tactile functions water outside by means of openings rather closely corresponding in number and position with the ends of the nerves within. The mucus found in the tubes is no very essential part of the system, since so many forms have the papille in which the nerves end exposed without inclosure in a tube or channel. Sometimes the tube or groove is found to have become obsolete ; in such cases the ends of the nerves may appear in small isolated papille commonly in slight depressions on the skin, or they may be inclosed in cysts, remnants of the tubes, as in the so-called “Vesicles of Savi” (see Lat. Canal Syst. pp. 60 and 94, Plates XXXIV. and XXXV. fig. 2), where they may possibly have suffered some change in function. That the system was primarily confined to the head is evident from the course of its development in the embryo; and that it was twofold, that is, distinct on each side of the head, is sufficiently evident from the innerva- tion, from the common lack of an aural connection across the top of the head on bony fishes, and from occasional reversions to the lack of an aural on various Selachians, for instances Centroscyllium nigrum Plate LXIX. fig. 1, below, or on Heptubranchias maculatus, Lat. Canal Syst., Plate XIV. fig. 2. 352 DEEP SEA FISHES. For confirmatory instances on bony fishes see Plates LX XI. to LXXXIV. of the present work, which represent forms on which the aurals are not con- necting and on which subcephalic connections between the system on the two sides of the head are generally absent. The facts that the neuration of the system on each side of the body proceeds from its own side of the brain developing from near the brain to the farther portions in the early stages, and that oral, jugular, and, in bony fishes, aural connections are somewhat rare, indicate rather conclusively that on ancestors of the fish- like vertebrates the lateral system was in two parts, one on each side of the middle of the head and the body. Exceptional instances of transverse connections in the system are to be seen in the Chimerans, Lat. Canal Syst. Plates III. and IV. figs. 2 and 3, where the canals are highly differen- tiated, also on the greatly specialized Halieutoids on which the oral is continuous from one side to the other, Plates XVIII. to XXV. below, and on Chaunax, Plate LXXIII. fig. 1, which apparently has a transverse sub- mental series of nerve papille. So far as the Plagiostomes are concerned the intention at this writing is merely to compare the system in the several species figured on Plates LXIX. and LXX. The distribution of the canals on Centroseylliwm nigrum, Plate LXIX, fig. 1, and on Jsistius brasiliensis, Plate LXIX. fig. 2, approaches that of the simplest arrangement obtaining among the sharks (Antacea). Excepting in regard to slight differences in directions and curvatures the canals of the mentioned species are similar to one another, with the further exception perhaps of the division of the aural (aw) on Centroscyllium, a division which may or may not be a peculiarity of the individual corre- sponding to that noticed above as occurring on Heptabranchias maculatus. In both Centroseyllium and Isistius the median (m) is short and longitu- dinal, but on Isistius oral (0) and angular (ang) are more elongate than on the other. Neither of them possesses a jugular (7), a gular (g), nor a spira- cular (sp), as seen on Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Plate LXX., which see for the lettering. On the last mentioned the system was originally traced as indicated by the outer openings of the tubules leading from the tubes (Lat. Canal Syst., Plate XV.); on specimens obtained subsequently the canals them- selves have been followed and sketched, Plate LXX., with a result corre- sponding nearly to the arrangement in the diagram first published. The median canal (m) proved to be transverse, in this particular agreeing with Prionodon Milberti M. H. and with Alopias vulpes Gmel. The functions of THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. 308 the system in Plagiostomes does not appear to have been changed to any extent by deep sea conditions. Among the bony fishes the history of the system is somewhat different. The arrangement of the canals differs from that on the typical Plagiostome to some extent, as is amply shown in the subjoined illustrations. The separation of the canals of the right side from those of the left is more general and the presence of a spiracular canal on the operculum behind the postorbital and usually connected with the oral is a common feature. This opercular canal corresponds with the spiracular (sp) of Chlamydoselachus, Plate LXX. In many if not most it is apparently separate from the main longitudinal canal at the side of the skull. Along the side of each mandible there is a canal which is identified with the oral (0) of the typical Galei (Antacea). An aural connection across the crown between the right side and the left may have existed in numero.s cases; if so it has to a greater or less degree become obsolete. A submental connection between the two orals, as on Chaunax, Plate LXXIII. fig. 1, appears to be exceptional. Accepting as typical the presence of both spiracular and postorbital, as seen on Lamprogrammus, Plate LXXXI. fig. 1, and on the majority of the figures on Plates LXXII. to LXXXIV., anomalous developments are to be noted on the more specialized forms, such as the changes brought about by a shortening of the head behind the eyes, as seen on the Scorpxnoid figured on Plate LXXI. fig. 1, on which the spiracular and the postorbital canals have fused (see Chaunax also, Pl. LXXIIL.), or on the Cottoid of the same Plate, fig. 2, on which the spiracular joins the orbital, forming a plan inter- mediate between that of the Scorpxnoid, fig. 1, and that of the Berycoid, fiz. 4, of the same plate. Whether the aural branches are primarily to be regarded as a loop, as on Lamprogrammus, Plate LXXXI. fig. 1, leaving the main canal opposite the parietal region and joining that canal again forward of the junction of the postorbital is an open question. Possibly the aural branches cross the head in some highly differentiated forms, like the Scorpenoid and the Cottoid cited above, while on others, as Lampro- grammus, Plate LXXXI. fig. 1, the loop represents simply another phase of differentiation. Owing to the amount of maceration the specimens have suffered it is difficult in many cases to trace the minute connecting thread running from disk to disk in the canals; for this reason in a number of the figures of specimens on which it was nearly or quite invisible no attempt has been made to place it; its course can safely be supplied from the posi- oo 20 354 DEEP SEA FISHES. tions of the fusiform glandular disks at the outer extremities of the nerves. An apparent departure from the common arrangement is that on Halo- saurus radiatus, Plate LXXXIV. figs. 3 and 5, but the difference is in the details rather than in the general plan, for though cranials, aurals, post- orbitals and spiraculars are perhaps without the glandular organs the canals are present and the minute nerve endings no doubt have their ordi- nary tactile functions. The most divergent feature in the system in this case lies in the backward extension of the oral in a short series of glands, similar to what obtains on Chaunax and corresponding to the canal on the Antacea known as the jugular, Plate LXX.7. On Halosaurus there is a further variation under the snout; and on Chaunax while the aural appears to be rudimentary there is an apparent connection between the rostral canals across the snout, the orbital is produced backward on the cheek to the spiracular, the latter is continued downward to the posterior extension of the oral which is continued still farther back toward the base of the pectoral, there are two connections between the orbital and the oral, the anterior being the angular (avg), and there is no postorbital. If it were not for the position of the vertical series on the cheek of Chaunax, so far backward from the orbit and behind the angular, it might be taken for the postorbital while the jugular extension would answer for the spiracular. In addition to the variations in the Lateral Canal System resulting from changes in the structure of parts of the fishes’ bodies adjacent to it there are others, consequents of changes in function; as on Phycis regius, Plate LX XXI. fig. 2, on which the system in the hinder portion of the cranial region has become rudimentary, probably on account of the acquisition by the species of an electric faculty. In this species the canals on the top of the head backward of the orbital are all affected by the change, and the origin of the shocks given by this fish may perhaps be traced to the aural portion of the head. Halosaurus also is a pertinent instance, since the system on the upper half of the head, where the nerve papilla (disks) are insignificant in size or invisible, apparently has the ordinary function of that on the head and body of a fish of the shoals, while in the canals of the lower half of the head the glandular organs are highly differentiated and evidently have taken on tbe office of luminous bodies and of flash lights. One of the most obvious modifications obtaining on bathybial fishes is that taking place in the organs at the ends of the nerves of the Lateral THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. 300 Canal System. From the simple “nerve papilla” there are all degrees of complexity leading up to the intricate structures possessed by Leucicorus or by Mixonus, Plates XXXVIII. fig. 7, and XXXIX. fig. 2. On deep sea species each papilla has enlarged and instead of being a minute rounded fleshy tubercle has become, as told from alcoholic specimens, an organ of considerable size in which there is a central yellowish opaque rounded body, corresponding to the papilla, surrounded by a whitish translucent fusiform portion situated transversely in the canals of the system and enveloped in a rounded or longitudinally elliptical mass or corona resembling thickened mu- cus; the structures together forming a prominent convex body, which for present convenience may be called a disk, partially obstructing the canals, which latter are filled with a thin mucus in contact with the sea water through pores or openings, commonly seen at the lower edge of the canal, one of them near each of the glandular disks. In many cases the minute pores of the shoal water species have given place to apertures of comparatively large dimensions (see figures on Plates XXVII., XXVIIL, and XXXI.). Plates LXXI to LXXXIV. indicate somewhat closely the various degrees of en- largement in the disks, since the different sketches maintain the proportions with regard to the size of the head as nearly as possible. On fresh speci- mens no doubt an enveloping mucus is present; from the material in hand it has entirely disappeared. The sketches most often show only the outlines of the fusiform and the included central body (centrum), to which is added in many cases the slender threadlike connection between the disks. Comparing these organs great variations in sizes appear in the different species and genera. In a general view the size of the disk is greater in species of the greater depth where more dependence is placed on the sys- tem; most often also, like the eye, the disk is of a greater comparative size in the young, which in all probability place more reliance upon it, than in the adult, in which strength swiftness or armature are more efficient. On young of some species the disks are very distinct while on the adult of the same species they can be detected only with considerable difficulty. Though it is true that the system attains its greater development in the greatest depths, it is not at all accurate to say that it increases in prominence and complexity in all the species. For those possessing extensive developments of other sensory organs, as species of Dicrolene, Pteroidonus, and Bathy- pterois with their greatly enlarged tactile fin rays, have rather small disks as compared with those of Bassozetus, Eretmichthys and Lamprogrammus, 06 DEEP SEA FISHES. (3X) which lack the extraordinary filamentary productions and on which the Lat- eral System is evidently of much greater functional importance and develop- ment. This will be made evident beyond the need of further remark by contrasting Plates F and LXXV. of Dicrolene, and fig. 1 of Plate K, and Plate LV. of Bathypterois, with Plate XXXIV. and fig. 1 of Plate LXXXI. of Lamprogrammus, Plates XX XV. and LXXIX. of Eretmichthys, and Plate LXXVII. of Bassozetus. Another instance that may be noted is that of Leucicorus, Plates XXXVIII. and LXXIV. fig. 1, a fish without fila- mentary organs, and with few prominently developed sensory papillx, and one on which the eyes, probably functional early in life, are lable to deteri- oration in older individuals; on this fish the organs of the Lateral System attain a maximum size and a paramount differentiation. There appears to be no connection between one disk and another, pos- sibly it is invisible, on many species but on the more differentiated a very evident thread-like connection exists, Plate XLI. figs. 1* and 2* and on some of them the more common nerve-like thread is accompanied in its course by a considerable number of minute nerves, Plates XX XVIII. fig. 7, and XXXIX. fig. 2. Plates XXXIV. figs. 4 and 5 and XLI. figs. 1* and 2* repre- sent the more common appearance of the disks on forms in which the devel- opment has not been carried to such an extraordinary degree. A transitory connection between the disks in certain embryos is mentioned by Allis. The main nerve to each disk extends to the back, that is to the inner side of the central body and there sends out a number of small branches, varying for different disks, individuals and species; these branches distribute themselves irregularly through the rounded or oblong centrum, and from it into the lateral portions of the fusiform mass upon which it is situated. An approximate idea of the manner of the distribution within the fusiform transverse body and the included centrum may be gained from fig. 4 on Plate XXXV. In this case, Eretmichthys, the number of nervules leaving the centrum is comparatively small; it represents an intermediate between those cases in which none are to be observed and those like figure 7, of Plate XX XVIII, in which there are many. From the anterior and the pos- terior edges of the fusiform mass, in some species at least, the nervules pass into other masses, one mass at each side of the fusiform. The latter give to the disk in its entirety a longitudinally oblong shape, Plate XX XVIII. figs. 7 and 3, and Plate XX XIX. fig. 2. Whatever they may have been in life these portions of the organ are more opaque and whitish than the THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. Soli fusiform, though still to some extent translucent. Immediately on passing from the fusiform into these masses the nervules dissect into a multitude of very fine branchlets, so fine and so numerous indeed that the masses, on Leucicorus and Mixonus, appear to be quite filled with them. Different genera exhibit few or none of the nervules outside of the fusiform or even, in many, outside of the centrum. Immediately on passing from the fusiform mass into the outer masses, in the genera just mentioned, the nervules divide into finer threads, but on nearing the opposite edges they again unite to form larger branches some of which pass inward to meet nerves going to the brain and others of which accompany the minute connecting thread to enter similar masses in the next organs. Toward the left hand end of fig. 2 of Plate XXXIX. below the pectoral fin of fig. 1 of the same plate, an attempt is made to depict both the inner nerve, supplying the branches for the centrum, and the outer, gathering up some of the nervules and complet- ing the circuit. Between the two disks drawn in this figure the branchlets have not joined into a single nerve, but they traverse the distance as dis- tinct nervules which branch again on reaching the next organ. As may be seen from this figure there is much difference in the conditions of the nerves between the organs of various directly connected pairs; sometimes the ner- vules are numerous, but in the nearest interspace again they may be very few. ' Generally the cephalic organs of the lateral system receive their nerves fom the trigeminal and the facial groups, and to a less extent from the glossopharyngeal, and those of the body depend upon the vagus. Within certain limits the main features of the innervation are similar in the differ- ent families noted below, but beyond these limits among the details there are considerable divergences. This is shown by comparison of the nerves of individuals of the same species, Lassozelus nasus, in figs. 1 and 3 of Plate LXXVIUI. On figs. 1 and 2 of this plate the nerve has been traced back from each disk to the brain. These figures give an approximate idea of the condition, in all of the main features, in all of the teleosts here dwelt with. By comparison with Ava calva it will be seen that there is a rather close correspondence in the principal features of the innervation. A feature of special interest in a contrast with these figures is the fact that Amia exhibits an arrangement of the system that in respect to aural and supraorbital branches of the cranial canal is intermediate between that of the Scorpenoid, or the Cottoid, of Plate LXXI. fig. 1, or figs. 2 and 3, on which the aural 308 DEEP SEA FISHES. branches unite on the occiput, and the majority of the other types figured below which possess disunited aurals and a frontal cranial branch that tends toward the formation of a loop, as on Lamprogrammus, Plate XXXIV. fig. 3, and Plate LXXXI. fig. 1. Amia has the occipital commissure of the aural branches; it also possesses the frontal branch backward from the cranial toward the aural. For the arrangement and innervation of the system on Amia see the work of Allis, 1889, fig. 49. On the body of the teleostean the system varies from the complete, extending along the body from head to tail, to partial or entire absence, to interrupted series, or to several duplicate rows, and from lines of simple nerve papille to those of exces- sively modified disks, and the drafts upon the vagus vary accordingly. Turning attention especially to the cephalic organs a large amount of variation in the numbers of disks will be at once apparent; on the species sketched the range is from fifty disks up to ninety. Further than this, many species have disks of different sizes or of different degrees of develop- ment on different parts of the head. This diversity is a consequent of par- ticular habits ; species on which the function of the disks is equally important in all directions have the organs about equally developed on the top of the head on the sides and beneath, as Mixonus, Porogadus, Bassogigas, and Cataetyx of Plates LXXIV., LXXVI., and LXXX.; but others on which the function upward accords better with the habits have large disks on the upper parts of the head and small ones on the lower, as Bassozetus nasus, Plate LXXVII. and species of Eretmichthys, Plate LXXIX.; and still others as the Halosauroids, Plate LX XXIV. fig. 1, find a function downward more sat- isfying to their necessities and possess disks-of extraordinary development on the lower portions of the head and the body while those of the upper parts have suffered from neglect. Some of the species have the disks hid- den by darkly pigmented mantles from all directions except below; this is particularly the case on species of the subgenus Halosauropsis. A wide range of perfection in the system is to be seen on the species of Halosaurus: on forms like ZZ. attenuatus, Plate LX. fig. 1, the disks and their envelopes are so thin as to be almost invisible and so delicately attached to the sur- faces of the scales as to be carried away by a very slight rub; on ZH. radia- tus Plate LX. fig. 2,a much greater degree of advancement obtains; and on H. macrochir and H. rostratus the mechanism appears to have reached the extreme of differentiation. On these last the disks and the particular scale on which each is seated are much enlarged and the dark mantle by which 59 (oi) THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. they are covered effectually directs the function downward through the opening at the lower edges. In some types the scale on which the disk is borne has become so enlarged as to lose its position and identity with others about it and to appear as if a superficial and accessory acquisition. There are such acquisitions outside of the disks, however, on Lamprogrammus. On the body of Phycis regius and on the top of the head of Halosauri the system appears to be more primitive in character than on other portions of the body. If in its inception the Lateral Canal System was tactile in function there is no evident reason why, in the complete darkness of the abysses, more than ever before demanding its exercise, this function should deteriorate or be lost; but instead all the circumstances would appear conducive to its en- hancement and perfection. Unless something better has been substituted for it, it is likely that the tactile function has been retained in the lateral sys- tems of all of the bathybial fishes. That the additional and very complex apparatus present on some species is to subserve the same purpose and nothing more is not so likely. Structure, pigmentation of adjacent tissue, apparatus for hiding effects or for controlling their directions, considered in connection with the absence or the presence of the eyes and their develop- ment, the character of the bathybial light and the probability of incursions into profound darkness all tend to make the conclusion unavoidable that the tactile organs of the lateral system have in the great depths become lumin- ous organs also, and that on many species they are so controlled by their possessors as to answer the purposes of flash organs. Again, the possession of apparatus in the disks beyond the needs of mere light organs, by blind as well as by eyed forms, indicates that there is yet more than the tactile and the luminous to be accounted for; and in these cases we are apparently driven to conclude that electric functions exist, functions by means of which the species or the sex of the individual is recognized, the members of the school are kept together, and by means of which the prey is captured and the enemy is avoided. A probable addition to the functions of the lateral system is the sense of taste; the sense of smell is otherwise provided for in well developed olfactories. In the Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 1888, Vol. XVII. p- 72, an attempt at the use of the lateral system in classification was made by the writer. In this essay special stress was laid upon the arrangement, connections, branching, ete., for the separation of species, genera and higher 360 DEEP SEA FISHES. groups. Collinge and others also have made attempts in similar directions placing the stress mainly upon the innervation. Though the distribution of the nerves can be used to advantage in connection with the higher divisions, in an approach to the species and varieties it becomes less practical than the more obvious features, the arrangement and special characters of the system itself. It is in the numbers of the disks, their distribution, and the compar- ative sizes and degrees of development that the most effective aids to classi- fication are available; it is by means of these that most light is shed upon the closer and more recent affinities among deep sea fishes. In the following notes attention is directed to a few of the more obvious special features of each of twenty-six species of Teleosts from which outlines of the cephalic portions of the system are presented. Ectreposebastes imus, Cottunculus Thomsonit, and Hoplostethus pacificus of Plate LX XI. illustrate three types of the canals on the cheek behind the eye: in the first the orbital and the spiracular are reduced to a single canal, in the third they are distinct though tolerably close together, and in the second they appear to be partially reduced. The aural branches of the first and the second are transverse though they may not unite across the occiput, but on the third they evidently unite with the frontal branches of the cranials and form a loop, as in Lamprogrammus, ‘The disks are small and nearly uniform in size in each case; they are more developed than those of the shoalwater allies; on the head Z. imus has 52, C. Thomsonii has 56, and LH. pacificus has 70. Caulolepis subulidens and Melamphaés ngrofulvus, Plate LXXII., though differing in details, show considerable evidence of relationship. The post- orbital and spiracular branches of the canals are distinct; the frontal branches and the aurals are similar, but the latter bear two disks on Melam- phaés and only one on Caulolepis. The probability is in favor of an aural commissure on the occiput on both forms, and it may be the frontal branches are connected with the aurals; these connections have not yet been made out. The disks of Caulolepis appear to be rather more complex than those of Melamphaés; C. subulidens has 72 disks on the head and M. nigrofulvus has 68. Chaunax coloratus and Lepophidium emmelas, Plate UXXIIL., possess very different developments of the lateral system. The first represents the pediculates ; it shows postorbital and spiracular as a single series, the spira- cular from its position, and there appears to be an angular and a jugular THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. 361 connection between the orbital and the oral; there is a short series like a rudimentary spiracular back toward the gill opening, a transverse series between the rostrals on the top of the snout, and another transverse series between the orals on the chin; the aural and the frontal branch appear to have formed a very short loop on each side of the occiput ; each disk rests upon a peculiar transverse boat-shaped scale of which each end forms a spine or tubercle to protect the organ; and there are 90 cephalic disks. The second species is of a more common type; the disks are moderate in size, of a nearly uniform development; there are 66 disks on the head, there is a short aural branch of two disks on each side; and the cranial gives no sign of a frontal branch. Leucicorus lusciosus and Mixonus caudalis, Plate LXXIV., are closely allied forms, on which the disks are greatly differentiated, postorbitals and spira- culars are distinct, a short aural passes up and forward as if to form an occipital commissure, and frontal branches are absent. The blinded species, L. lusciosus has 58 cephalic disks, the other, IZ. caudalis, has 62. Dicrolene nigra and Dicrolene filamentosa, Plate LXXY., illustrate the most available differences for the formation of the minor divisions of the genera, for instances slight variations in the groupings of the disks on post- orbitals and spiraculars, in the interspaces, in the curves of the series, and in the sizes of the disks. Aural and frontal branches are similar in the number of disks, but differ slightly in directions ; the number of disks on the head is 64 in each species. In Poregadus longiceps and Holeomycteronus digittatus, Plate LXXVI., a long-headed species of one genus is contrasted with a short-headed species of another genus. The disks differ in size on the two species, but are uniformly developed on each; neither has frontal branches. On the first the disks are small, farther apart, there are 68 on the head, the series are straighter, and the aural branches contain but two disks each. On the second species greater dependence is evidently placed on the system; the disks are much larger; the series are more curved; there are three disks in each aural branch; and there are 64, probably 66, disks on the head. Bassozetus nasus, Plates LXXVII. and LXXVIIL, is a good exemplifica- tion of the consequences to the system of function in special directions from the body, due to particular habits. The disks have an extraordinary development on the upper portions of the head, while on the lower portions they are comparatively small. The disks of greatest development are those 362 DEEP SEA FISHES. placed so as to bring their functional field most completely within the field of vision, a fact which strongly supports the theory of luminous disks on certain species. Those disks out of the visual field, or better those function- ing toward points not reached at the same instant by the eye are less devel- oped. Thus it happens that the disks on the forward portion of the snout and those back of the head at the angle of the gill opening are smaller than those nearer the eye, while, being in better position, they are larger than those below the lower jaws. Similar statements may be made concerning the species of Eretmichthys. On the head of B. nasus there are 58 disks. Evetmichthys pinnatus and EF. ocella, Plate LXXIX., resemble Lassozetus nasus in regard to differences in the developement of the disks on different parts of the head; neither of them has frontal branches and each has two disks in each aural branch. These forms are readily separated by details of the system, though the pectoral oars of EH. pinnatus and the pores on the head of #. ocella render it hardly necessary to go below the surface for aid. E. pinnatus has 54 cephalic disks and /. ocella has 56. Bassogigas stelliferoides and Catetyx simus, Plate LXXX., belong to very distinct genera. The most prominent differences in the systems, besides that in the number of disks, are perhaps those due to the elongation and the depression of the head in Catswtyx: the disks are far apart in the longitudinal canals and close together in the vertical, that is, in the post- orbital and the spiracular. In both species the disks are comparatively small and are of nearly uniform size on all parts of the head; both are without frontal branches, ZB. stedliferoides has 64 cephalic disks, two of them in each aural branch, and (. simus has 50 disks on the head, but one of which appears in each aural. Lamprogrammus illustris and Phycis regius, Plate LXXXI., present differ- ences of the most marked character. The disks of the first are large but very slender aud spindle-shaped; the series are complete; and, a feature not yet noted on others, the frontal branches have joined the aurals forming a complete loop, which, however, contains but three disks, the one ordi- narily found in each frontal branch and the two most often occurring in each aural. There are 56 cephalic disks; those of the body are similar to those of the head. On Phycis regius the disks about the eyes are the better developed ; those on the aural region are rudimentary and obsolescent, their places being occupied by a cavity of some size, filled with a gelatinous mass and mucus, into which canals are carried as hard-walled tubes, one THE LATERAL CANAL SYSTEM. 363 of which, indicated in the sketch, is continuous with the lateral line of the body and another apparently with the cranial canal of the head; and no disks appear to be developed on the body. Merluccius angustimanus and Phyciculus rastrelliger, Plate LXXXII., are diverse forms which probably are not well placed in the same family. Both are Gadoids but IZ. angustimanus exhibits a lateral system that differs con- siderably from that of its nearest allies in the Gadide. Compared with them the arrangement is similar, there are no frontal branches of the cranial, and there are two disks in each aural, but it is in peculiarities of the disk that the differences appear. Each disk is a broad band-like mass of tissue on which there is a thin yellowish cover apparently granulated on the sur- face and thicker in the middle, between the ends of the connecting threads, in the position of the centrum. The centrum is not well differentiated, though the glandular mass, in greater depth at this point, probably answers its purpose; the fusiform portion of the disk was not to be detected. The linings of the canals are pigmented, which with the lack of concentration of the glandular tissue in a centrum may indicate differences in function. There are 54 cephalic disks. The disks of P. rastrelliger are like those of other Gadide ; they are small, nearly uniform in size over the head, and each aural, with two disks, turns sharply forward. The specimen possessed 66 disks on the head. Microlepidium grandiceps and Maerurus anguliceps, Plate LX XXIII. repre- sent allied families which differ in regard to the amount of dependence placed on the lateral system. JZ. grandiceps of the Gadidee was taken at the greater depth, 1421 fathoms, but has less development in the disks, which are small, and nearly uniform in size. Postorbital and spiracular series are brought rather close together in this species; no frontal branches were dis- covered; there are two disks in each aural branch and 62 in the entire cephalic portion of the system. In Macrurus anguliceps it is evident that the function of the system is of more importance; it has attained a much higher degree of development, though the species was taken at a less depth, 1067 fathoms. The minute disks in the frontal region illustrate the manner in which as some of the disks increase in size their number is reduced, some of them growing larger, others gradually disappearing. Including the obso- lescent, there are 72 disks on the head of this species. On one of the spe- cies on this plate the eye appears to be developed far beyond the system ; on the other, eye and system are about equally important. 364 DEEP SEA FISHES. Macrurus canus and Halosaurus radiatus, Plate LXXXI1V., exemplify very diverse forms, dwelling at the bottom, secured from moderate depths. Compared with MW anguliceps, M. canus, from 210 fathoms, has a larger eye and a somewhat smaller degree of development in the disks of the oral series, and the frontal disks are quite as well developed as any of the others. This species is an intermediate between Macrurus and Trachyrhynchus ; there are 68 cephalic disks. On Halosaurus the relative positions of the disks (which are no doubt lanterns and flash lights) and the eyes are much like that of a dark lantern and an observer who keeps himself out of sight in the shadow while throwing the light upon objects around him. On some species the disks are covered by screens which prevent escape of the light in other directions than downward away from the body. On the upper sur- faces of the head the disks are comparatively few, are much less developed, and are not apparent in the cranials backward of the orbital branches. Backward of this point the cranials and the aural branches, which latter unite on the occiput, are hard-walled tubes and much more primitive in char- acter; but on the body the greatly differentiated disks reappear, closely underlaid by the especially large branch of the vagus by which they are innervated. In the figures this nerve would appear to be forward of the pectorals; in reality it passes above and down immediately behind them. ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. 365 ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. When dealing with species it was possible to divide the collection approximately into two groups, one of which contained the deep sea forms, the other those from the shoals or near the surface, but such a division of the genera is not practicable, owing to the great majority of the deep sea types themselves being congeneric with species only represented in the upper waters. While the closest affinities are necessarily to be determined by comparisons of particular species or of varieties of particular species, rather than of genera in their entirety, considerations of the last are not to be ignored as if without bearings of importance. Compared with a genus exclusively an inhabitant of the surface waters, another which dwells both near the surface and in the depths is likely to possess the wider distribution horizontally, as the surface genus may have its range limited by peculiarities of food and of temperature, agents which are less variable and less restric- tive in the depths. From this it follows that a genus, or species, of great vertical range may possess a comparatively narrow horizontal range at the surface and a much broader one in the abysses; this is shown by fishes like Careproctus, Paraliparis, Lycodes, or Merluccius, known in the higher lati- tudes from both surface and bathybial waters, but found only at great depths in the torrid regions. In the case of a genus well established at con- siderable depths there is always a likelihood that its deep sea distribution is greater than its range near the surface. The existence of the wider abyssal ranges and the expectation of their probable determination by future re- search farther toward the poles, closer to the surface as well as in the depths, tend to deprive the deep sea genera of some of their importance in the solu- tion of questions relating to origin and derivation, or to possible migrations through a channel once existing between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific, or to others through a strait once dividing the Isthmus of Suez. In present knowledge, at the best, it may be said that definite conclusions regarding the sources of the Panamic deep sea fauna are not to be drawn from bathybial fishes alone with any great degree of assurance. 366 DEEP SEA FISHES. From a consideration of evidence on the question of a recent thorough- fare through the isthmus between the Caribbean and the Pacific there are among the hundred or more genera in the collection sixteen or seventeen new ones that may be passed with no comment here, as they have no ascertained distribution outside of the Panamic region of the Pacific, and besides these there are a dozen others that may also be put away because they have not yet been discovered on the Atlantic side of the isthmus. Of the remainder the following thirty-eight are known to occur in both the Panamic and the Caribbean sections, the latter including the Gulf of Mexico: Raia, Centroscyllium, Pontinus, Hoplostethus, Trichiurus, Chiasmodus, Lophius, Chaunax, Oncocephalus, Dibranchus, Prionotus, Peristedium, Calli- onymus, Lepophidium, Dicrolene, Monomitopus, Bassozetus, Lamonema, Phyciculus, Bregmaceros, Macrurus, Monolene, Symphurus, Sternoptyx, Argyropelecus, Cyclothone, Chlorophthalmus, Ipnops, Bathypterois, Mycto- phum, Stomias, Bathytroctes, Alepocephalus, Halosaurus, Uroconger, Con- germurena, Ophichthys, and Cryptopterus ; and the list of those represented in the Panamic and in the Atlantic, but not yet found in the Caribbean and the Gulf is as follows: Isistius, Trachichthys, Caulolepis, Melamphaés, Care- proctus, Paraliparis, Gymnelis, Lycodes, Mixonus, Porogadus, Diplacantho- poma, Bassogigas, Merluccius, Antimora, Trachyrhynchus, Maurolicus, Chauliodus, Idiacanthus, Notacanthus, Chlopsis, Venefica, Serrivomer, Lab- ichthys, Nemichthys, and Myxine. Some of these have ranges so extensive as to indicate a ready passage from one ocean to the other by way of either the Arctic regions or the Antarctic; for instances Careproctus, Para- liparis, Gymnelis and Lycodes range so far to the north that they may pass through the Arctic, and others as Raia, Centroscyllium, Merluccius, Anti- mora, Macrurus, Cyclothone, Myctophum, Stomias, and Notacanthus have distributions indicative of possible migrations through a strait at some time crossing the Central American isthmus, and which also show freedom of way through both of the polar oceans. The genera taken by this expedition in the Panamic region, known also to occur in the Atlantic, and possessed of recorded distributions that would somewhat exclusively favor a passage through a Panamic strait comprise more than forty per cent of the whole number captured, as shown in the following list: Pontinus, Hoplostethus, Caulolepis, Trachichthys, Trichiurus, Chiasmodus, Lophius, Chaunax, Onco- cephalus, Dibranchus, Peristedium, Callionymus, Lepophidium, Mixonus, Dicrolene, Porogadus, Monomitopus, Bassozetus, Diplacanthopoma, Bassogi- ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. 367 gas, Lemonema, Phyciculus, Bregmaceros, Trachyrhynchus, Monolene, Symphurus, Argyropelecus, Bathypterois, Maurolicus, Chauliodus, Idiacan- thus, Alepocephalus, Halosaurus, Uroconger, Congermurena, Ophichthys, Cryptopterus, Venefica, Serrivomer, Labichthys, Nemichthys. This large proportion of all the genera secured might be regarded as much more con- clusively proving the existence of a Central American connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific if it were not that the determined ranges are only partial and that, presumptively, by future collecting they will in many cases if not in all be extended into the polar waters. In regard to a former strait through the isthmus of Suez the testimony of these genera is even more unsatisfactory than that concerning one through the isthmus of Panama, as Africa does not extend so far south as South America does by more than eighteen degrees and consequently is much less of a barrier to migration. The known ranges of the following may be cited as less or more remotely favoring the theory of a recent connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean: Raia, Hoplostethus, Trachichthys, Melamphaés, Trichiurus, Chiasmodus, Lophius, Chaunax, Dibranchus, Peristedium, Callionymus, Dicrolene, Monomitopus, Diplacanthopoma, Macrurus, Symphurus, Sternoptyx, Argyropelecus, Chlor- ophthalmus, Bathypterois, Chauliodus, Bathytroctes, Alepocephalus, and Uroconger. Lamprogrammus, Scopelengys, Narcetes, and Xenomystax have been discovered in the Panamic area and in the northern portions of the Indian Ocean only, and Acanthonus has been secured north of New Guinea, in the Philippines, and in the Panamic section of the Pacific. The immense gaps apparently existing in these distributions are more likely to be due to Jack of search than to actual absence from the immense spaces inter- vening between the points at which species of these genera have already been obtained. A better idea of the general distribution, and of the weight and present condition of the evidence relating to former straits near Panama and in the neighborhood of Suez will perhaps be obtained from the following summa- ries relating to such genera in the collection as have also been obtained in other localities. Raja :— Occurring in the Panamic region of the Pacific, in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, on both sides of the Atlantic and of the Pacific, from north latitude of 80° to 568 DEEP SEA FISHES. south latitude of 55° or more, in all oceans, in fact, this genus can be relied on to establish very little concerning an eastward strait from the Panamic or another from the Mediterranean. The species now known from the Caribbean and those from the Panamic region are not very closely allied. Centroscyllium : —Is taken in the Panamic region, in the north Atlantic to Greenland, near the Falkland Islands, in the Mediterranean Sea, the Arabian Gulf, and the Bay of Bengal, but has little bearing on early connections across Panama and Suez because of the close agreement of the species throughout the entire range. Isistius : — Ranging from the Panamic to Alaska, in 55° north, and to the middle Pacific, found in the Atlantic at Rio de Janeiro, in the Gulf of Guinea, and in the Indian Ocean from Madagascar to Australia, this shark is one of the most likely to pass from ocean to ocean at the southward of either America or Africa. Pontinus: —The present record from the Panamic, from the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Hatteras, from the Mediterranean and from off the north- west coasts of Africa, places this genus strongly in favor of recent migrations through a Panamic strait. Hoplostethus : — A distribution in the Panamic region, through the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to New York, from Madeira and the northwestern coasts of Africa to the Mediterranean, in the Bay of Bengal, and in the Sea of Japan, makes Hoplostethus at once favorable to a migra- tion westward from the Caribbean and to that advocated by Alcock between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. Trachichthys : —Known from the Panamic region, from Chili, from northwest Africa to the Mediterranean, from the Bay of Bengal to Japan, Australia and New Zealand, this genus must be regarded as a likely one to range southward of the great continents. Cuulolepis : — The position of the three localities from which this genus has been recorded, off New York, off Lower California, and off Panama, together with the very close relationship existing between the species of the Atlantic and that of the Pacific, renders Caulolepis one of the best for the present to cite in support of a recent thoroughfare across the isthmus of Panama. Melamphats : — From the Panamic to Puget Sound, the western Central Pacific, off the eastern coasts of the United States and of South America, off the northwestern coasts of Africa, from the Bay of Bengal and from the ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. 369 Antarctic, Melamphaés gives little light on the special points under con- sideration ; it apparently has closer affinities between its species across the Pacific than across Central America, Trichiurus : — Panamic to Lower California, the Caribbean and Gulf to New York and to Montevideo, off Portugal, the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, Japan, New Zealand, and Madagascar outline a distribution that may be used in support of both a Panamic and an east Mediterranean strait. The species on the two sides of Central America have very close affinities. Chiasmodus : — The known range of this genus includes the following: south of the Gulf of California, off Pernambuco in the mid-Atlantic, off northwestern Africa, and in the Bay of Bengal. These are points somewhat favorable to the theory of a Central American water way between the two oceans. . Lophius: — Retaining Lophiomus in this genus the distribution includes the Panamic and the Caribbean, Cape Hatteras to Newfoundland, Cape Verdes to Norway, the Mediterranean, Arabian Gulf, Bay of Bengal, Japan and the Philippines, and off New Guinea and South Africa. The genus does not readily support the idea of a Panamic strait because of the wide differences in the species at opposite sides of the isthmus. Chaunax : —Recorded from the Panamic, the Caribbean and the Gulf to off New York, off northwestern Africa, in the Arabian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal, and off the Fiji Islands. The species on opposite sides of Central America differ radically. Some authors find the same species in both the Atlantic and the western Pacific, an identification that is somewhat questionable. Oncocephalus : — Obtained from the Panamic and from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to Labrador and to Rio de Janeiro. Advocates of the theory of a recent upheaval of the Central American isthmus will hardly find a better instance in their favor, on account of the distribution and the very close relationship of the Panamic to the Caribbean species. Dibranchus : —Tnhabits the Panamic region to the Gulf of California, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to New York, the region off Soudan and the Cape Verdes, and the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. As a genus Dibranchus supports the idea of a more or less recent Caribbean strait; the affinities of the species, however, are but moderately close, Malthopsis : — Species occur in the Panamic section to the Gulf of California, off the Hawaiian Islands, and in the Bay of Bengal. Not yet 24 370 DEEP SEA FISHES. known in the Atlantic. In this case it would appear as if the distribution had extended across the entire Pacific into the Indian Ocean. Prionotus : — Distributed through the Panamic area to the Gulf of California, through the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to Nova Scotia and to Patagonia, and in the Bay of Bengal and the Sea of Japan. The occurrence of species of Prionotus at the southern extremity of South America reduces the value of its evidence concerning a Panamic strait. Peristedium : — Established in the Panamic waters, about the Hawaiian Islands, in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to New York, at Bahia, ‘around Great Britain, off Portugal, in the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal, the Sea of Japan, and off New Guinea. The range of this genus gives it considerable weight as evidence in favor of either the Caribbean or the Mediterranean thoroughfares. Careproctus :— The localities include the Gulf of Panama, California to Oregon, Bering Sea, off Kamtchatka, Greenland to the Farées to Spitz bergen and to the Kara Sea, and off the Azores. The distribution will probably be found to extend through the Arctic Ocean. The habits of the species are such as, with the fact of having been already discovered near the equator, to induce expectation of a general extension of the range of the genus through all the oceans at great depths. Paraliparis : — Secured off Panama, in the Gulf of California to Oregon, Bering Sea, off New York to Iceland, the Farées and Jan Mayen. Except- ing the occurrence of a species off Patagonia, the range closely corresponds with that of Careproctus, and similar extensions may be expected. Callionymus : — Abundant off Panama, in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, in the Gulf Stream to South Carolina, off the British Isles, the Azores, and the Canaries, in the Mediterranean and the Bay of Bengal, and off Japan, Tasmania, and Madagascar. From the range so far as determined it appears that Callionymus is of the better genera to bring forward in favor of either the Panamic or the Red Sea connections of the Atlantic. Maynea: — Between the Galapagos and Panama, and the Straits of Magellan are localities that indicate a probable range for this genus along the entire west coast of South America. The species from off Mexico, from Puget Sound and from Bering Sea heretofore placed in Maynea have been removed into closely allied genera, Bothrocaropsis and Bothrocara. Gymnelis : — Apparently ranging from the Panamic northward in the ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. Sine Pacific to Bering Sea, and from Nova Scotia to Davis Straits, to north of Iceland to Norway and to Finmark. Lycodopsis :— Has a range, in present determination, from the Panamic area northward to California, Puget Sound, the Aleutian Islands and to Japan. Lycodes : —Tnhabits the Pacific from the Panamic to California and Bering Straits, and the Atlantic from off Cape Cod, Newfoundland, and Greenland to north of Iceland, Norway, Finmark, and to the Kara Sea; also found off the Azores, and the Cape Verdes, and in the Straits of Magellan. On the charts the distribution of this genus in a measure suggests extension of range from the Atlantic through the Arctic and Bering Straits into the Pacific and down the western coasts of North America. Phucocetes : — Thus far identified only from two localities, off the Bay of Panama and in Magellan’s Straits. Lycodapus : — Now known from the Panamic, Bering Sea, and off California and Lower California. Lepophidium : — With a range including the Panamic to California, and the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to South Carolina and to Bahia, Lepo- phidium is one of the best supports of the theory of a transisthmian water-way. Mixonus : — The small number of the localities, Panamic, off the mouth of the Amazon, and off the Canaries, in connection with the great depths at which the species are found, raises doubt whether the genus if better known would support the idea of a Panamic connection with the Atlantic as well as the positions of the ascertained localities would indicate. Dicrolene: —In evidence from the Panamic to Mexico, from the Carib- bean and the Gulf of Mexico to off New York, off the Canaries, in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. In its known distribution this is one of the best of the genera to be used in confirmation of the theory of a passage westward from the Caribbean, as also of one eastward from the Mediterranean. Porogadus : — This genus occurs in the Panamic, in the Gulf of Cali- fornia, off New York, off North Australia and off Borneo. It has not yet been identified from the Caribbean. Monomitopus : — Another of the genera most available in discussions of probable mid-Atlantic connections with the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Reported from the Panamic, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the Canaries, the Azores, the Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal. 372 DEEP SEA FISHES. Bassozetus : — Off Panama to Mexico, the Caribbean and the Gulf to off New York, the middle of the equatorial Atlantic, off North Australia, and off the Philippines, form a series of localities of use in favor of an American strait, but of little avail in relation to that east of the Mediterranean Sea. Diplacanthopoma : — Dredged in the Panamic, off Pernambuco, off the Cape Verdes, in the Arabian Sea, and in the Bay of Bengal. But remotely favoring either of the straits under consideration. Bassogigas : — Heretofore taken only in the Panamic, the Gulf of Cali- fornia, and off New York. Neobythites : — Restricting the genus somewhat narrowly it retains the following localities: Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, off Pernambuco, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal to the Philippines and Japan, and Fiji Islands. If, however, its closest allies are united with it as subgenera it ranges into the Panamice. Caletyx :— The three localities from which Catetyx has been secured, Messier’s Straits, the Panamic region, and off California, are all in the eastern Pacific. Acanthonus : —Only known from the localities Panamic, north of New Guinea, and off the Philippines. Lamprogrammus :—Previous to its discovery in the Panamic this genus was known only from the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal; as now deter- mined it is found in two regions near the equator and about 160° apart. Merluccius : — Discovery of this genus in the Panamic region deprives it of a supposititious bipolar distribution; it had been taken off California to Puget Sound, off Chili to Patagonia and to Montevideo, off Florida to Labra- dor, Greenland, Iceland and the British Isles, off the Cape Verde Isles to the Mediterranean Sea, and off New Zealand. Antimora : — Though not yet identified from the Straits of Magellan this genus has been taken in the Antarctic. Its distribution bears some resem- blance to that of Merluccius, in that it has been reported from the Panamic, from California, Puget Sound, off South Carolina to the Banks of New- foundland, and off Montevideo. Lemonema:— A theory of a Caribbean strait is well supported by the distribution of this genus as now determined. Species have been taken in the Panamie, in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to off Delaware, off the Canaries and the Straits of Gibraltar and off Montevideo. ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. 373 Phyciculus : — The points at which species of this genus have been cap- tured support the idea of a strait from the Caribbean fairly well, and they favor that of one from the Mediterranean but little less. Panamic, off Lower California, in the Caribbean and Gulf to off New York, off the Cape Verdes and the Canaries, in the Bay of Bengal and off Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Bregmaceros : — Such a range as that indicated by the localities Panamic, off Acapulco, Caribbean and Gulf, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, China Sea, Philippines, and Amboyna, and middle of the Indian Ocean is entirely tropical and is favorable to an outlet westward from the Caribbean, but somewhat less so to one in the same direction from the Red Sea. Mucrurus : — There are few genera with broader ranges than appears in the following localities for Macrurus: Panamic to Bering Sea, Chili, Straits of Magellan, Hawaiian Islands and southward to New Zealand and Australia, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to Nova Scotia, Davis Straits, Iceland, Farées, Finmark, Norway, British Isles to the Mediterranean, Azores and Cape Verdes, Pernambuco to Patagonia, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal to Celebes, Japan and eastward to the mid-Pacific, Madagascar, and the Antarctic. Favors Arctic, Antarctic, or torrid routes from ocean to ocean about equally. Trachyrhynchus : —n its distribution there are as yet no locations near the Caribbean; the genus has been secured from the Panamic, south of Iceland, off the Farées, off Portugal, in the Mediterranean, and off New Zealand. Monolene : — Hardly any of the genera favor a Panamic strait, either by relationship of species or by localities, more than this one. The known range is from the Panamie to Mexico and from the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to New York. Symphurus :— Both the list of localities given for this genus and the close affinities of the species favor either of the two straits under considera- tion. Species have been obtained in the Panamic to California, in the Caribbean to off New England and to Montevideo, in the Mediterranean to off the Soudan, and in the Bay of Bengal to the Arabian Sea. Slernoptyx : — Antarctic localities render the distribution of Sternoptyx less important in a discussion of outlets from the Caribbean and the Mediterranean than that of many of the other genera. The list includes the Panamic, off California, the Hawaiian Islands, the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to the Newfoundland Banks, the mid-Atlantic to off Morocco 374 DEEP SEA FISHES. and Sierra Leone, the Arabian Gulf, Kermadec Islands, East Indies, and Japan. Argyropelecus : — Stands fairly well toward a Caribbean strait and but tolerably fair im respect to one from the east end of the Mediterranean. It is known from the Panamie, the Caribbean, from the Banks of Newfound- land to South Carolina, from off Norway to France, from Portugal, the Cape Verdes, the Canaries, and South Africa, and from the Mediterranean and the Bay of Bengal. Valenciennellus: — Not yet known from the Panamic, having been collected west of San Diego, California. Other localities are Denmark Straits and Madagascar. Maurolicus : — Various species have been secured in the Panamic to the Gulf of California and to California, off New York, off Norway, and in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyclothone : — Evidently an inhabitant of all the deeper marine waters ; found in the Panamic to Puget Sound and the mid Pacific, in the Caribbean and the Gulf to Newfoundland Banks, in Davis and Denmark Straits and off Iceland, in the Bay of Biscay to Madeira, in the mid Atlantic and off. Sierra Leone, in the Arabian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal to the East Indies, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, and in the Antarctic. To be cited in favor of Arctic, Antarctic, or Caribbean Strait migrations with about the same assurance. Chlorophthalmus : — Present in the Panamic, the Hawaiian Islands, Chili, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to off New York in the Gulf Stream, in the mid Atlantic off Madeira, the Cape Verdes, Bahia, and Montevideo, in the Mediterranean and the Bay of Bengal, east and south of Australia and in the Antarctic. If the species on the two sides of Central America were more closely allied this genus might be considered fair evidence in favor of a Panamic strait. Scopelengys : —'Two localities only are to be given for this genus, the Panamic and the Laccadive Sea. Bathypterois: —One of the genera which by known range and specific affinities most favors the Central American strait. Species have been taken in the Panamic to the Gulf of California, mid south Pacific, Fijis, in the Car- ibbean and the Gulf Stream to off New York, off Pernambuco and Monte- video, off Madeira and the northwest coast of Africa, and in the Arabian Gulf and Bay of Bengal. ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. 379 Ipnops : — Vf it were not for the great extent to the southward of its dis- tribution Ipnops would be much better evidence for Caribbean westward migrations; it has been taken in the Panamic, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, off Pernambuco, midway from Tierra del Fuego to Cape Good Hope, and north of New Guinea. Myctophum:—General in distribution. Panamic to Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands, Chili, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico to Davis and Den- mark Straits the Fardes and Spitzbergen, Montevideo, off northwest Africa, Mediterranean, off Madagascar and South Africa, Bay of Bengal, Philippines to Fijis, southeast of Australia, east of New Zealand, and in the Antarctic to 62° south, Chauliodus : — Too broadly distributed to have very much weight in the present discussion. Secured in the Panamic and along the Californian coast to the Aleutian Islands, off the Society Islands, off the Bermudas and Mo- rocco, in the mid equatorial Atlantic, in the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal, off Japan and New Guinea. The Panamic species is very distinct. Stomias: — The great range southward detracts from what otherwise would be of the best evidence in support of the tropical Atlantic outlets. The known localities are the Panamic to the Gulf of California, the Carib- bean, the Gulf Stream off New York, south of Greenland, off the Cape Verdes to the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, east of Tasmania, and south of Australia in the Antarctic. Idiccanthus : — Remotely bears in favor of the Central American strait. Found in the Panamie, off southern California, in the mid north Atlantic, northwest of Australia, and north of New Guinea. Bathytroctes : —It may be said of the range of Bathytroctes that it points with tolerable directness toward the existence at some time of a strait west of the Caribbean; less directly toward a possible migration of species through the Arctic, and similarly toward a strait at Suez. The localities are Pana- mic, off Vancouver’s Island, the Gulf of Mexico, Denmark Straits, off the northwest coast of Africa to the Azores, off Pernambuco, Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and north of Celebes. Narcetes : — Better perhaps placed with Bathytroctes, but adding nothing to its range. Discovered only in the Panamic and in the Arabian Gulf. Alepocephalus:—The Caribbean and the Mediterranean thoroughfares both find support in the distribution of Alepocephalus in its present limits. 376 DEEP SEA FISHES. The genus has been located in the Panamice, off Mexico, off California, in the Caribbean, in the Gulf Stream off the eastern United States and the Grand Banks, southeast of Greenland, European coasts to the Mediterranean and the northwestern coasts of Africa, off the Azores, in the Bay of Bengal, and north of Australia. Halosaurus : — Important in its bearing on the Central American connec- tion, remote as concerns that of the Mediterranean, and fair in relation to migrations from ocean to ocean by way of the Antarctic. The locations are the Panamic, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to off New Eng- land, the mid Atlantic, the Azores and Cape Verdes to Gibraltar, the Arabian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal, off the Philippines and Japan, and in the Antarctic. Notacanthus : — About equally remote in its bearings toward migrations from or to the Atlantic or the Pacific by way of either the Arctic Ocean, the Antarctic, or a Central American strait. The localities include the Panamie, off South Carolina to the Grand Banks, south of Greenland and Iceland, off the Canaries, west of Magellan’s Straits, off New Zealand, and off south- western Australia. Uroconger : —Good evidence concerning a Central American strait, and fair in relation to that from the Mediterranean eastward, credited to the Panamic, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, the Canaries, Arabian Gulf and Bay of Bengal to the China Sea, Borneo and New Guinea. Congermurana : — Though it extends far toward the south the distribution of this genus in the main favors both of the straits with which we are here concerned ; the following localities are on record: Panamic, Gulf of Califor- nia, Hawaiian Islands, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, mid south Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Bengal, Japan, East Indies, Australia, the Fijis ; New Guinea, New Zealand, and the Antarctic. Ophichthys : — Accepting the genus in its more inclusive sense it may be placed with those which are used to establish the former recent existence of straits eastward from the Panamic and from the Mediterranean. The locali- ties are numerous; the range includes the Panamic to southern California and to southern Chili, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico to Cape Hat- teras and to Montevideo, off the entire coast of Africa, the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, the Bay of Bengal, Japan, East Indies, Australia, the Fijis, and other localities of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. Cryptopterus : — Being shoal water species and very closely allied on the ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE GENERA. onl opposite sides of the isthmus, there are none more pertinent in the present inquiry than those of this genus. The two localities are the Panamic region and the Caribbean Sea. Xenonystax : — As was the case with a number of the other genera the species of this genus are reported only from widely separated localities. From the Panamic, and in the Arabian Gulf, off the Maldives and off Travancore. Chlopsis: —The known locations are the Panamic region and the Medi- terranean Sea. Venefica : — A westward Caribbean outlet would accord well with a range which comprises the Panamic to off southern California, off South Carolina, and off the Canaries. Serrivomer : — Similar to Venefica in its bearings on the questions before us; found in the Panamic, Gulf of California, east of Delaware, and off the Azores. Labichthys : — Like Serrivomer in connection with the theory of a Pana- mic strait, but of wider range. Has been taken in the Panamic, off Alaska, east of New York, off Pernambuco, off the Azores, and off Sierra Leone. Nemichthys :—The comparatively few localities from which species of Nemichthys have been taken are so distributed as to accord well with the theory of a strait at the west end of the Caribbean and also with that of one at the east end of the Mediterranean; the localities are the Panamic area, Gulf of California, Puget Sound, Alaska, off South Carolina to New England, off the Canaries and Madeira, and in the Bay of Bengal. Myzxine: — While the genus as a whole appears to agree in the main with the idea of an eastern connection of the Panamic with the Caribbean the great difference in the species on the opposite sides of the isthmus in great measure does away with the value of the testimony; the evidence is also rendered less important by the presence of Atlantic species in the Straits of Magellan. The list of localities at present includes the Panamic region, Straits of Magellan and vicinage, off North Carolina, off New Eng- land, off Nova Scotia, off the British Isles and northern Europe to Portugal and the Mediterranean, and off Japan. (\ LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES, SHOWING THEIR RANGE IN DEPTH AND. THEIR PRINCIPAL LOCALITIES. Explanation of Letters, ete. A. “Albatross” Expeditions of U. S. Fish Commission. | K. “ Knight Errant ’’ Expedition (English). B. “Blake” OG of U. S. Coast Survey. N. “Norwegian ” North Sea Expeditions. C. “Challenger ” a (English). T. “ Talisman” Expeditions (French). F. “Fish Hawk” ue of U. S, Fish Commission. | Tr. “ Travailleur ” & (French). H. “VHirondelle” ‘ of Monaco. Tt. “ Triton ” be (English). I. “Investigator” ‘° of India Marine Survey. |W. “Washington” “ (Italian). Ing. “ Ingolf” ee (Danish) * Indicates species of the present collection. In the Bathymetrical Range. -—250 A. means that the species ranges from the surface to 250 fathoms, and that the greatest depths were determined by the ‘‘ Albatross ” Expeditions. 400-500 C. gives the upper and lower limits, both as determined by the “ Challenger,” or 400-500 C. I. gives the upper limit as taken by the ‘‘ Challenger” and the lower as by the “ Investi- gator.” 200 T. shows that the species has been taken at that depth by the “ Talisman,” further bathymetrical range being unknown. 300 without authority means approximately of that depth. Bane onibente Principal Localities. Fathoms. HOLOCEPHALA Mill. Chimezeroidei. Caim#ra Linn. C. monstrosa Linn., 1758. -687 T. Fardes and northern Europe to Med. Sea, ; Azores, and Soudan; Cape Good Hope. “C. monstrosa Linn. ?” Alc., 1892. 410 I. Off the Coromandel coast. C. affinis Cap., 1868. 200-1285 Both sides of the north Atlantic. C. Colliei L. B., 1839. -150 Off California to Alaska. CALLORHYNCHUS Gron. C. callorhynchus Linn., 1758. -150 Southern Pacific ; off west coast Chili. C. indicus (=Callorhynchus Sp. Ale., 1891). 561 I. West coast of the Andamans. Harriotra G. B. H. Raleighana G. B., 1894. 707-1081 A. Off east coast United States. PLAGIOSTOMIA Dum. PLATOSOMIA Raf. Raioidei. Urotoputs M. H. U. kaianus Giint., 1880. 129 C. Off the Ki Islands. BentTuoratis Alc. B. Moresbyi Alc., 1898. 430 I. Off the Travancore coast. 380 DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth, Fathoms. Rata Linn. FR. mammilidens Alc., 1889. 597 I. 2. isotrachys Giint., 1887. 365 C. R. nidrosiensis Coll., 1881. 100-300 R. batis Linn., 1758. 200 R. vomer Fries, 1838. 100-150 2. fullonica Linn, 1758. 335 T. 2. circularis Couch, 1838. 516 Tt. 2. hyperborea Coll., 1878. 459 N. R. ingolfiana Liitk., 1898. 389 Ing. R. borea (=R. hyperborea Giint., 1887). R. radiata Don., 1820. R. Fylle Liitk., 1887. R. senta Garm., 1885. ?. levis Mitch., 1817. R. plutonia Garm., 1881. ?. ornata Garm., 1881. R. alia(=R. Ackleyi G. B., 1896). * R. badia Garm. R. abyssicola Gilb., 1896. R. trachura Gilb., 1891. ANTACEA Raf. Squaloidei. Scytroruinus Blainy. . caniculus Linn., 1758. . canescens Giint., 1878. . ventriosus Garmn., 1880. . retifer Garm., 1881. . spinacipellitus Vaill., 1888. . acutidens Vaill., 1888. . xaniurus Gilb., 1891. . brunneus Gilb., 1891. - cephalus Gilb., 1891. . hispidus Alc., 1891. . profundorum G. B., 1896. “ S.?2 canescens ’’ Alc., 1896. Pristiurvs Bon. P. melastomus Raf., 1810. Crentroscytiium M. H. C. Fabricii Rein., 1829. C. granulatum Giint., 1887. C. ornatum Alc., 1889. * C. nigrum Garm. Ermoprerus Raf. E. spinax Linn., 1758. E. granulosus Giint., 1880. E. pusillus Lowe, 1839. CrentropHorvus M. H. C. granulosus M. H., 1841. ANNRRNRHARRARRNR —~D 400-1309 K., Ing. —459 426-582 Ing. 150 -150 229-333 B. 138 B. 210 A. 1270 A. 1588 A. 625-822 A. -100 400 C. -150 89-200 B. booms Ellas 184-684 A. 100 A. 362-460 A. 188-220 I. 816 A. 620-690 I. 400-500 -817 T. 245 C. 285-690 I, 546-555 A. -328 125 C. 317 T. 300 Principal Localities, Gulf of Manaar. South of Japan. Coasts of northern Europe. Coasts of Europe. ‘Coasts of northern Europe. Off European coasts. Coasts of northern Europe. Off Spitzbergen, in Lat. 80° N. Lat. 66° 35’ N., Lon. 56° 38’ W. Off coasts of northern Europe; north of the Faroes and Iceland. Both sides of the north Atlantic ; off Spitz- bergen, Lat. 79° 59’ N. Off S. Greenland; Denmark Straits. Off the Grand Banks S. of Newfoundland. Off New England coasts. Gulf Stream off S. Carolina. Off Alligator Key, Fla. Near mouth of Miss. River in Gulf of Mexico. Off Cape Mala, Gulf of Panama. Off Q. Charlotte’s Island. Southern California to Alaska. Off coasts of Europe. Off southwestern coasts of South America. Acapulco and northward. Off E. coast U. S. to Barbados. Off the Canary Islands. “ “ “ Off coasts of California, Gulf of California. “ee “ Andaman Sea. Off New Jersey in Gulf Stream. Arabian Sea. Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic. Both sides of N. Atlantic; off Bank of Arguin. Falkland Islands. Bay of Bengal ; Arabian Sea. Off the Galapagos Islands. Northern Europe to the Mediterranean. Off southwestern coasts of South America. Off Madeira. Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 381 Range in Depth. Principal Localities. Fathonis. C. squamulosus Giint., 1877. 345 C. Off Inosima, Japan. C. lusitanicus B. C., 1864. 300 Off Portugal. C. crepidater B. C, 1864. 300 Off Portugal and Madeira. C. squamosus Gmel., 1785. 672-1013 T. Off coasts of Portugal. C. Dumérilii Johns., 1867. 300 Off Madeira. C. foliaceus Giint., 1877. 232, C. Off Inosima, Japan. C. calceus Lowe, 1839. 672-1013 T. Off the bank of Arguin. C. Rossi Alc., 1898. 430 I. Off the Travancore coast. CrentroscyMNus Boe. C. celolepis B. C., 1864. 400 Portugal to Madeira. C. obscurus Vaill., 1888. 784 T. Off Soudan. ScyMNopDON Boe. S. ringens B. C., 1864. 400 Off Portugal. Oxynorus Raf. O. centrina Linn., 1758. 300 Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic. Squatus Linn. S. uyatus Raf., 1810. 328 W. Mediterranean. ScymNnorutinus Bon. S. licha Bonn., 1788. 328 W. Gulf of Genoa. Iststius Gill. * I. brasiliensis Q. G., 1824. 1360 A. Off Culpepper Island. Somniosus Les. S. carcharias Miill., 1776. -300 Off Norway ; Northern Atlantic, both sides. CHLAMYDOSELACHUS Garm. C. anguineus Garm., 1884. 150 Sea of Sagami, Japan; Yeddo Bay ; off Fun- chal ; off Norway. TELEOSTEA. ACANTHOPTERYGII. Percoidei. Polyprion Cuv. P. americanus B. 8., 1801. 400 Off Madeira. Lrorroroma Gill. * L. longilepis Garm. 85-100 A. Off coast of Colombia. SERRANUS Cuy. S. equidens Gilb., 1890. 112 A. Off coasts of Lower California. * S. Bulleri Boul., 1895. 100 A, Off the Cocos Islands. CENTROPRISTIS Cuy. C. pleurospilus Giint., 1880. 140 C. Ki Islands. C. annularis Giint., 1880. CuHeLrporerca Boul. C. investigatoris Alc., 1890. Antutas Bl. 8. A. megalepis Giint., 1888. * A. cos Gilb., 1890. * A. multifasciatus Gill, 1883. A, aquilonaris G. B., 1896. CENTRISTHMUS Garm. * C. signifer Garm. BATHYANTHIAS Giint. B. roseus Giint., 1880. Synacrops Giint. S. philippinense Giint., 1880. S. japonicus Dod., 1883. “30 or 350” C. 102 T. 140 C. 112 A. 66-112 A. 524 B. 127 A. ‘© 30 or 350” C. 102 C. 300 Off Pernambuco. Off Madras coasts. Ki Islands. Coasts of California. Off Dominica, W. I. Off Panama. Off Pernambuco. Philippines. Off Tokyo, Japan. DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth, Principal Location. Fathoms. Prracantuus C. V. P. catalufa Poey, 1863. 243 B. Off Havana. PrRopoma Giint. P. roseum Giint., 1880. 140 C. Ki Islands. BrepHostoma Ale. B. Carpenteri Alc., 1890. 1520 I Bay of Bengal. Dentex Cuv. D. macrophthalmus Bl., 1791. 224 T Off Soudan and Morocco. VERILUS Poey. V. sordidus Poey, 1860. 200 Off Havana. Scomsrors T. 8. S. chilodipteroides Schi., 1850. 345 C: Off Inosima, Japan. Hypocniponia G. B. II. bella G. B., 1896. Apogon LaC. A. pandionis G. B., 1881. Epiconus Raf, E. telescopus Risso, 1810. E. occidentalis G. B., 1896. Matakicutuys Dod. M. griseus Dod, 1883. Scorpenoidei. Scorr#na Linn. . madurensis C. V., 1833. . cruenta Rich., 1842. . percoides Rich., 1842. . cristulata G. B., 1896. . ustulata Lowe, 1840. . remiger G. C., 1896. Pontinus Poey. P. filifer Val., 1842. P. longispinis G. B., 1896. P. macrolepis G. B., 1896. P. sierra Gilb., 1890. * P. furcirhinus Garm. SEBASTES Cuv. . marinus Linn., 1758. . viviparus Kroy., 1845. . hexanema Giint , 1880. - macrochir Gint., 1880. - oculatus C. V., 1833. - Kuhlii, Bowd., 1825. . alascanus Bean, 1890. . altivelis Gilb., 1896. . Jordani Gilb., 1896. . Goodei Hig., 1890. . alutus Gilb., 1890. . rupestris Gilb., 1890, . zacentrus Gilb., 1890. . saxicola Gilb., 1890. . introniger Gilb., 1890. . sinensis Gilb., 1890. RNRANHRANRANN RARNANRARNRARANRARNHANR . dactyloptera De la R., 1809. 90-280 A. 157-324 B. 340-532 T. 237 B. 300 -532 T. -312 F. 27120 C. 400 C. 440 B. 200 298 A. 250 T. 111-142 A. 130 A. 112 A. 210 A. -917 A. -300 140-220 C., I. 365 C. 345 C. 1274 T. 159 A. 625 A. 64-124 A. 155 150 A. 150 A. 150 A. 155 A. 266 A. 145 A. Gulf of Mexico ; off east coast United States. Off east coast of the United States. Off Canaries and Madeira. Off Barbados. Japan Sea, Mediterranean to the Canaries. Off east coasts United States ; Madeira. Twofold Bay, South Australia. Twofold Bay; off Cape Farewell. Off Georgia coasts, Madeira. Hawaiian Islands. Canaries. Gulf of Mexico. Off Yucatan. Off Californian coasts. East of the Galapagos. Both sides of the North Atlantic; Davis Straits. North Atlantic, both sides. Ki Islands; Andaman Sea. Off Inosima, Japan. Near Straits of Magellan. x Off Soudan and Bank of Arguin. Coasts of Alaska. South of Alaska. Coasts of California. oe oe “e oe 3 ce Coast of Mexico. Coast of S. California. Coast of California. “ “ce LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 383 S. semicinctus Gilb., 1896. S. diploproa Gilb., 1890. S. aurora Gilb., 1890. EcrreposeBastes Garm. * EF. imus Garm. BatHyseBastes 8. D. B. albescens S. D., 1884. Lioscoreius Gunt. L. longiceps Giint., 1880. SerarcHes Johns. S. Gintheri Johns., 1862. S. fidjiensis Giint., 1887. S. parmatus Goode, 1880. Berycoidei. Hoptostetuts C. V. H. mediterraneus C. V., 182 H. japonicus Hilg., 1879. H. atlanticus Coll., 1889. * H. pacificus Garm. TRACHICHTHYS Shaw. T. intermedius Hect. T. Darwinii Johus., 1866. * T. mento Garm. ANOPLOGASTER Giint. A. cornutus C. V., 1833. Cautoterts Giil. C. longidens Gill, 1883. * C. subulidens Garm. MetampaHaés Gunt. M. microps Gint., 1878. M. typhlops Lowe, 1843. M. megalops Liitk., 1877. M. crassiceps Gint., 1878. * M. mizolepis Giint., 1887. M. robustus Giint., 1887. M. suborbitalis Gill, 1884. M. Beanti Giint., 1887. M. cocles Vaill., 1888." * M. lugubris Gilb., 1890. M. cristiceps Gilb., 1890. * M. nigrofulvus Garm. * M. maxillaris Garm. * M. frontosus Garm. Melamphaés sp. Alc., 1891. * MaALacosarcus Gint. M. macrostoma Gint., 1878. STEPHANOBERYX Gill. S. mone Gill, 1883. S. Gillii G, B., 1896. Brryx Cuv. B. decadactylus C. V. 9. Range in Depth. Principal Localities. Fathoms. 155 A. Coast of California, ZACAS ne UC 267 A. 6 & 384 A. Off Bindloe Island. 200 Japan Sea. 140-220 C., I. 150-1686 A. 1641 A. 776-1832 A. 1375 C. 675-1500 C, 800-1573 C., A. 1850 C. 1149-1800 B., A. 2949 A. 1998 T. 822-2232 A. 859 A. 1793 A. 1573 A. 852-955 A. 1644-1803 I. 2350 C. 1253 A. 2949 A. 345-400 C. Iki Islands; Andaman Sea. Off the Cape Verde Islands. Fiji Islands. Off Barbados ; Gulf Stream off Cape Hatteras. Mediterranean Sea; off Soudan and Moroceo. Japan ; off Ceylon. Azores. Galapagos Archipelago. Off Cape Farewell; E. of New Zealand ; Ceylon. Madeira ; off Ceylon. Off the coast of Colombia. [30” N.; Lon. 68° 24’ W. European coasts; Gulf Stream in Lat. 39° 18’ Eastward of the Chesapeake Bay in Gulf Stream. Gulf of Panama; off Southern California. Cape Good Hope to Kerguelen Island. Madeira. South of the Azores. Off Pernambuco in Mid. Atl.; betw. Cape Good Hope and New Guinea; N. of New Guinea. S. of New Guinea, C.; Bay of Bengal, I.; off coasts of Colombia, A. Southwest of Sierra Leone. Lat. 38° N., Lon. 69° W. Lat. 37° N., Lon. 73° W. Off the Cape Verdes. Coasts of California to the Galapagos. Coasts of Oregon and Washington. Gulf of Panama. Off Colombia. Off Pacific coasts of Mexico. Bay of Bengal. Near the Low Archipelago. Lat. 41° N., Lon. 65° W. Gulf Stream, Lat. 37° N., Lon. 73° W. Off Inosima; Japan ; off northern Europe. 384 DEEP SEA FISHES. pg a Principal Localities. B. splendens Lowe, 1833. 150-427 Madeira; northwestern Atlantic. Potymrx1a Lowe. P. japonica Giint., 1877. 345 C. Off Inosima, Japan. Poromitra G. B. P. capito G. B., 1883. 1632 A. Lat. 34° N., Lon. 75° W. Myripristis Cuv. M., Kaianus Gint., 1880, 140 C. Ki Islands. Baruycuupea Ale. B. Hoskynii Alc., 1891. 145-250 I. Andaman Sea; off Madras coasts. B. argentea G. B., 1896. 365 B. Nevis Island, W. I. Scombroidei. Roverrus Cocco. R. pretiosus Cocco, 1829. 300-400 North Atlantic. Tuyrsites C. V. T. prometheus C. V., 1831. Madeira. T. prometheoides Bleek., 1856. Sea of Ainboyna. T. Solandri C. V., 1831. Coast of New Holland. T. lepidopoides Less , 1830. Coast of Brazil. T. violaceus Bean, 1881. 125 Off Newfoundland. T. bengalensis Ale., 1894. 145-250 I. Bay of Bengal. Eprynuta Poey. E. magistralis Poey, 1854. Caribbean Sea. Nesrarcuus Johns. N. nasutus Johns., 1865. 300 Off Portugal. Neavorus Johns. N. tripes Johns., 1865. 2675 C. Lat. 35° N., Lon. 68° 30’ W. Gempyuus C. Y. G. serpens Cuv., 1829. 150 North Atlantic. * G. thyrsitoides Less., 1830, North Pacific ; off Cocos Islands. EvoxyMpEroron Poey. E. teniatus Poey, 1863. Havana. EB. Poeyi Giiat., 1887. South Indian Ocean. APHANorus Lowe. A. carbo Lowe, 1839. 300 Portugal. A. minor Coll., 1886. 125 East of Greenland ; Norway. Leprpopus Gouan. L caudatus Euphr., 1791. Northeastern Atlantic. L elongatus Clarke, 1877. New Zealand. L. tenuis Gint., 1877. 34510. Off Inosima, Japan. L. atlanticus G. B., 1896. 208 B. Off St. Christopher’s, W. I. Tricnrurus Linn. T. lepturus Linn., 1758. 345 C. Off Japan. * T. nitens Garm. 210-322 A. Off Gulf of Panama. ANOMALOPS Kner. A. palpebratus Bodd., 1793. Fiji Islands; Amboyna; Manado; Paumotu Baruyserioua Ale. [Archipelazo. B. cyanea Alc., 1890. 98-276 I. Coromandel coast. Cyrrus Giint. C. abbreviatus Heet., 1875. 400 C. Off Cape Farewell. ANTIGONIA Lowe. A. capros Lowe, 1843. 296-320 I. North Atlantic; northwest Pacific; Ceylon. Dirermus Johns. D. argenteus Johns., 1863. ; 604 T. Madeira; off Morocco. D. aureus Camp., 1879. New Zealand, LIST OF THE Trachinoidei. CHAMPSODON Giint. C. voraz Gint., 1867. Bemproprs Steind. B. caudimacula Steind., 187 B. gobioides Goode, 1880. B. platyrhynchus Ale., 1893. CurasMopon Johns. C. niger Johus., 1863. C. vastator Alc., 1890. * C. subniger Garm. NororHenia Rich. N. mizops Girt., 1880. N. longipes Steind., 1876. Baruypraco Gunt. B. atlanticus Giint., 1880. Apuritis C. V. A. gobio Giint., 1878. ACANTHAPHRITIS Giint. A. grandisquamis Giint., 1880. Uranoscorts Linn. U. Kaianus Gint., 1880. KatHerostoma Giint. * K. averruncus J. B., 1889. Lophioidei. Lopativs Linn, L. piscatorius Linn., 1758. Loputomes Gill. * TL. caulinaris Garm. * L. spilurus Garm. L. Naresii Giint., 1880. L. lugubris Alc., 1894. L. mutilus Ale., 1893. A®GHONICHTHYS Clarke. A. Appelii Clarke, 1878. HimanrotopuHus Rein. te HI. grenlandicus Rein., 1837. H. Reinhardtii Liitk., 1880. Diceratias Giint. D. bispinosus Giint., 1887. Ceratias Kroy. C. Holbéllii Kroy., 1874. C. carunculatus Giint., 1887. CAULOPHRYNE G. B. C. Jordani G. B., 1896. Mancautas Gill. M. uranoscopus Murr., 1878. M. Shufeldtit Gill, 1883. CrypTopsaras Gill. C. Couesii Gill, 1883. ONEIRODES Liitk. O. Eschrichtii Liitk., 1871. KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 385 Range in Depth. Fathoms. 115-152 C. 107 I. 68-324 A. 128 I. 1500 C. 690-920 I. 919 A. 120 C. -345 C. 1260 C. 140 C. 56-210 A. -415 127-153 A. 210-259 A. 150 C. 142-400 I. 128 I. 360-636 C., I. 345 C. 1276 A. 2400 C. 372 F. 1686 A. Principal Localities. Western Pacific. Madras coasts. Off eastern coasts United States, Madras coasts. {mid Atlantic. Madeira ; West Indies; off east coast U. 8.; Madras coasts. Coasts of Mexicu. Kerguelen Islands. Messier Ch vinel. South of Heard Island. Southern coasts of South America. Ki and Admiralty Islands. Ki Islands. Gulf of Panama. Off New England; European coasts. Gulf of Panama. “ce “ Philippines to New Guinea. Off Colombo, Ceylon. Off Madras coasts. New Zealand. Mid North Atlantic. Mid North Atlantic. Banda Island; Laccadive Sea. Off Greenland and Nova Scotia. South of Yedo, Japan. Gulf Stream, east of New York. Off the Canaries and the Cape Verdes. Off Martha’s Vineyard. Gulf Stream, east of New York. Off Greenland. 386 DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth. Principal Localities. Fathoms, PARONEIRODES Ale. P. glomerosus Ale., 1890. 1260 I. Off Madras coasts. MeLanocetus Giint. M. Johnsoni Giint., 1864. 2618 T. Madeira; off Northern Africa. M. (Liocetus) Murrayi Gint., 1887. DotoricutHys Garm. * D. allector Garm. LInopHrRyNE Coll, L. lucifer Coll., 1886. CHauNnaAx Lowe. C. pictus Lowe, 1849. C. fimbriatus Hilg., 1879. C. Nuttingii Garm., 1896. * C. coloratus Garm. C. pictus Gunt., 1887. Haxrecrea G, B. I. lappa G. B., 1882. ONCOCEPHALUS Fisch. * O. porrectus Garm. * O. (Zalieutes) elater J. G., 1881. HALIEUTICHTHYS Poey. H. caribbacus Garm., 1896. Hatirutma C, V. II, stellata Wahl., 1797. HH. coccinea Alc., 1889. H. nigra Ale., 1891. HH. fumosa Ale., 1894. Hauinuropsis Garm. * IT. tumifrons Garm. Diprancuus Pet. D. atlanticus Pet., 1875. D. micropus Alc., 1891. D. nasutus Ale., 1891. * D. hystrix Garm. * D. scaber Garm. * D. asper Garm. DisraNncHopsis Garm. * D. spongiosa Gilb., 1890. DIBRANCHICHTHYS Garm. * D. nudivomer Garm. Macruopsis Ale. M. lutea Alc., 1891. M. mitriger G. C., 1896. * M. sparsa Garm. * M. erinacea Garm. * M. spinulosa Garm. * M. spinosa Garm. Haticmetvs Ale. H. ruber Alc., 1891. 1850-2450 C. 770 A. 130-428 A. 120 978 A. 315-272 C., I. 125 F. 66 A. 56-182 A. 70-150 B. 265 I. 188-220 J. 145-250 I. 1322-1360 73-523 B., A. 406-902 I. 188-406 I. 1175-1270 A. 902-995 A. 660 A. 460-680 A. 695-730 A, 185-405 I. 295-310 A. 242-322 A. 421-680 A. 511 A. 1020-1270 A. 188-406 I. Between the Cape Verde Islands and St. Paul’s Rocks. Off the Cocos Islands. Northwest of Madeira. Off east coast United States; off Madeira; off Soudan. Japan. Between Cuba and Florida. Off the Cocos Islands. Fiji Islands; Bay of Bengal. Gulf Stream, off New England. Off the Cocos Islands. Off Panama. West Indies and off the eastern United States in the Gulf Stream. China and Japan. Andaman Sea. Andaman Sea. Bay of Bengal. Off the Galapagos. Gulf Stream in northwest Atlantic; Cape Verdes. Off Travancore; off Cape Comorin. Andaman Sea; off Travancore. Off Colombia; Gulf of Panama. Off Cocos Islands and Mexico. Off coasts of Mexico. Off coasts of Colombia. Andaman Sea. Near Hawaiian Islands, Off coast of Colombia. Gulf of Panama; Galapagos; off coasts of Mexico. Off coast of Colombia. “ “ “ee “ Andaman Sea and coast of Travancore. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 387 Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities. Cottoidei. Corrunctutus Coll. C. L. (Of microps Coll., 1874. Thomsoni Giint., 1882. inermis Vaill., 1888. Cortes Art. C. bathybius Giint., 1887. Matacocortus Bean. M. zonurus Bean, 1890. ZESTICELUsS J. E. Zz. profundorum Gilb., 1896. ARTEDIELLUS Jord. Fale uncinatus Rein., 1833. Iceus Kroy. If, ue ue Te dle il bicornis Rein., 1833. scutiger Bean, 1890. euryops Bean, 1890. spiniger Gilb., 1896. vicinalis Gill)., 1896. canaliculatus Gilb., 1896. Icrninus Jord. I. filamentosus Gilb., 1890. Te tenuis Gilb., 1890. I. fimbriatus Gilb., 1890. is Ts oculatus Gilb., 1890. borealis Gilb., 1896. Trie@tors Rein. Te Te pingelii Rein., 1838. scepticus Gilb., 1896. Tria@La Art. Ts ais f hye dhe Ee leptacanthus Giint., 1880. hemisticta Schl., 1850. cuculus Linn., 1758. lyra Linn., 1758. cavillone LaC., 1802. Leprporrigna Giint. L. spilopterus Giint., 1880. PSYCHROLUTES Giint. iPS zebra Bean, 1890. Trigloidei. Prristepium La. las) ash vas) as) ae) as) ge) as) sh as) - Murrayi Giint., 1880. . molluccense Bleek., 1850. . liorhynchus Giint., 1880. . truncatum Gint., 1880. . Rivers- A ndersoni Alc., 1894. . investigatoris Alc., 1898. . serrulatum Alec., 1898. . longispatha G. B., 1896. . gracile G. B., 1886. . platycephalum G. B., 1886. 122-817 A., T. 105-912 A., Ing. 508-957 T., Ing. 565 C. 159 A. 399-664 A, 40-300 F., A. 50-250 159 A. 159 A. —12] A. 109-406 A. 399 A. 55-145 A. 45-150 A. 36-145 A. 124 A. 121 A. 263 43-138 A. 140 C. 98-102 I. 167 T. 224 T. 194 T. 140 C, 110 A. 188-220 I. 140 C. I52IC: © 30 or 350” C. 142-400 I. 188-405 I. 185 I. 209-324 B. 142 B. 123-288 B. Off New England and off European coasts. Off New England; off European coasts; off Soudan, ; Off Soudan ; between Iceland and Jan Mayen. South of Yedo, Japan. Off Alaska. Bering Sea. North Atlantic, eastern and western. Northeastern Atlantic. Off Alaska, “ “ “ “ Off Unalaska. Off California. 73 ce “ce “ Off Aleutian Islands. Eastern and western North Atlantic. Off Alaska. Ki Islands. Off Madras coasts. Gulf of Gascony. ‘ “ “ Off northwestern Africa. Ki Islands. Off Alaska. Sea of Banda; Andaman Sea. Ki Islands. Admiralty Islands. Off Pernambuco. Off Colombo, Ceylon. Andaman Sea. Andaman Sea. West Indies. Gulf of Mexico. West Indies. 388 DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth. Fathoms. P. miniatum Goode, 1881. 115-192 * P. barbiger Gari. 56-127 A. * P. crustosum Garm. 100-182 A. Aconus Bl. 58. A. decagonus B. S., 1801. BatHyagonus Gilb. B. nigripinnis Gilb., 1890. Xenocurrvs Gilb. X. pentacanthus Gilb., 1890. X. alascanus Gilb., 1896. X. latifrons Gilb., 1890. X. triacanthus Gilb., 1890. Opontopyxis Lock. O. frenatus Gilb., 1896. ASPIDOPHOROIDES LaC. A. Bartoni Gilb., 1896. Cyclopteroidei. Eumicrorremes Gill. E. spinosus Miill., 1777. Lrearis Art. L. liparis Linn., 1766. LI. minor Fabr., 1780. L. (Carelipuris) Agassizii Put., 1874. Careproctts Kroy. C. gelatinosus Pall., 1769. C. glutinosus Rein., 1843. . melanurus Gilb., 1891. . Edwardsi Vaill., 1888. . longifilis Garm., 1892. . semus Gilb., 1896. . ostentum Gilb., 1896. . eclenes Gilb., 1896. . micropus Giint., 1887. O. Colletti Gilb., 1896. Proanurus J. E. P. cypselurus J. E., 1898. BaruypHasMa Gilb. B. oviger Gilb., 1896. Gyrinicatuys Gilb. G. minytremus Gilb., 1896. PaRALipaRis Coll, P. bathybius Coll., 1878. P. liparinus Goode, 1881. P. membranaceus Giint., 1887. P. cephalus Gilb , 1891. P. rosaceus Gilb., 1890. P. mento Gilb., 1891. * P. fimbriatus Garm., 1892. * P. grandiceps Garm. * P. altenuatus Garm. * P. latifrons Garm. * P.(Merophorus) angustifrons Garm. By DDK Vy (Sy oye) 50-729 Ing. 350-477 A. 70-339 A. 56-138 A. 50-204 A. 47-204 A. 110 263-658 Ing. 178-339 A. 2s 1823 A. 350 A. 105-350 A. 350 A. 55-976 Ing. 625 664-877 1588 A. 350 A. 568-1010 N., Ing. 487 400 C. 284-685 A. 984 A. 685 A. 1772 A. 1588 A. 902 A. 1793 A. 511 Principal Localities. Gulf Stream in northwest Atlantic. Gulf of Panama. Off the Gulf of Panama. North Atlantic, to Davis Straits and Jan Mayen. Off coasts of Washington to Bering Sea. Off coasts of California to Bering Sea. Aleutian Islands. Off Coasts of California to Oregon, “ce “ce “ Off Alaska. Off Alaska. Eastern and western North Atlantic. North Atlantic. “ ce Bering Sea. Northern Pacifie. Northern Atlantic. Western coast United States. Coasts of Morocco. West of Malpelo Island. South of Alaska. North of Unalaska. Off Unalaska. Farées to Jan Mayen and Davis Straits. South of Alaska. ; Coast of Washington ;, Bogoslof Island. Off Queen Charlotte’s Island. North of Unalaska. {and Greenland, West of Bear Island; Fardes to Jan Mayen Off New England. Off Cape St. Vincent. Off California and Oregon to Bering Sea. Off west coast of Mexico. Off coast of Oregon. Off Gulf of Panama. Gulf of California. Off the Cocos Islands. Gulf of Panama. Off Cape Mala. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 389 P. Copii G. B., 1896 (?=P. lip- arinus Goode, 1881). P. wochir Gilb., 1896. P. dactylosus Gilb., 1896. P. holomelas Gilb., 1896. -Rarouiparis Gilb. R. barbulifer Gilb., 1896. Gobioidei. CauiionyMus Linn. C. kaianus Giint., 1880. C. calauropomus Rich., 1848. C. Phaéton Giint., 1861. C. lyra Linn., 1758. C. carebares Alc., 1890. C. Agassizi G. B., 1888 (C. hi- mantophorus G. B., 1896). * C. atrilabiatus Gar. Gopstus Art. G. Lesueurii Risso, 1826. Botimannia Jord. 3. macropoma Gilb., 1891. Blennioidei. ANARRHICHAS Art. A. minor Olat., 1772. A. latifrons 8. H., 1842. CHIROLOPHIS Swains. C. Ascanit Walb., 1792. FISTULARIIDA. AvLostoma LaC. “© A.? longipes”’ Vaill., 1888. MACRORHAMPHOSIDE. MacroruampnHosus LaC. M. scolopax Linn., 1766. POMACENTRIDA. He tases Cuv. Hi. roseus Gunt., 1880. ANACANTHINI. Zoarcoidei. Lycopves Rein. L. reticulatus Rein., 1838. J,. Esmarkii Coll., 1880. L. Liitkenii Coll., 1880. L. frigidus Coll., 1880. L. pallidus Coll., 1880. LT seminudus Rein., 1838. I. mureena Coll., 1878. L. Sarsii Coll., 1872. L. Verrillii G. B., 1877. L. paxillus G. B., 1879. Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities. 353-538 A. 406-1005 A. 296 A. 406-1625 A. 225-576 A. 140 C. 115: 306 T. 994 1. 98-102 I. 26-340 B. 112-127 A. 243 T. 112 A. 200 100-471 140-180 635 T. 65-128 T. 140 C. -140 224-459 371-459 260-1423. 46-957 260 350-658 100-311 36-603 B. 263-904 B., A. | Off eastern coasts United States. Gulf of California. Off Santa Cruz, California. Off Unalaska, Bering Sea. Off Unalaska. Ki Islands. Philippine Islands. Off the Azores. Gulf of Gascony. Off Madras coasts. West Indies and Gulf of Mexico. Between Malpelo Islandand Isthmus of Panama. Off coasts of Europe. Gulf of California. North Atlantic; off coasts of Norway. Eastern and western north Atlantic. Off Spitzbergen. Off coasts of Morocco. Off western coasts of Africa. Off the Ki Islands, Off N. E. coasts U. S. and N. W. coasts Europe. Off N. E. coasts U. S. and N. W. coasts Europe. Jan Mayen to Kara Sea. Off northeast coasts U. S. and off Spitzbergen. Northern Europe to Kara Sea. Northeastern Atlantic. Both sides of northern Atlantic. Off coasts of New England and in N. E. Atlantic. “ “ “ce “ “ce ce “ “ 390 DEEP SEA FISHES. . zoarchus G. B., 1896. . brevipes Bean, 1890. . porifer Gilb., 1890. . diapterus Gilb., 1891. . macrops Giint., 1880. . albus Vaill., 1888. . macrops Vaill., 1888. . mucosus Vaill., 1888. . concolor G. T., 1897. . serpens Garm. . anguis Garm. . incisus Garm. * L. cicatrifer Garm. Lyconema Gilb. L. barbatum Gilb., 1896. APRODON Gilb. A, Corteziana Gilb., 1890. Lycopopsis Coll. L. crotalinus Gilb., 1890. L. crassilabris Gilb., 1890. * TL. scaurus Garm. Lycoponus G. B. L. mirabilis G. B., 1883. Puucocogres Rich. * P. suspectus Garm. GyYMNELIS Rein. G. viridis Fabr., 1780. * G. conorhynchus Garm. BorHrocaropsis Garm. * B. alalonga Garm. * B. elongata Garm. * B. rictolata Garm. Borurocara Bean. B. mollis Bean, 1890. B. pusilla Bean, 1890. Maynea Cunn. * M. bulbiceps Garm. Metanostiema Giint. M. gelatinosum Giint., 1881. M. gelatinosum G. B., 1883. M. pamelas Gilb., 1896. Lycoparus Gilb. * L. fierasfer Gilb., 1890. L. dermatinus Gilb., 1896. L. parviceps Gilb., 1896. L. extensus Gilb., 1896. x oe O* SS SiS Sy SS SSS Sis Otophidioidei. Dereropicutuys Gilb. D. alepidotus Gilb., 1896. Lrpopruipium Gill. L. cervinum G. B., 1885. L. marmoratum G. B., 1885. Range in Depth. Fathoms, 130-190 A. 58-531 A. 857 A. 82-376 A. 40-140 C. 2173 T. 817 T. 672 T. 276 A. 905 A. 800-859 A. 695 A. 1672 A. 204 A. 191-339 A. 483-603 A. 414 A. 458 A. 721-1309 B. 660 A. 55-263 Ing. 1793 A. 905 A. 695-1020 A. 695 A. 316-876 A. 121-351 A. 1471 A. 319-641 F., A. 382-456 A. 109-1005 A. 552 A. 109 A. 109 A. 1588 A. 56-120 213 A. Principal Localities. Off Nova Scotia. Off Alaska. Off Lower California. Off coasts Oregon. Straits of Magellan. Off coasts of Southern Europe. Bank of Arguin. ce “ “ Bering Sea. Gulf of California; south of Guaymas. Gulf of California. Off Cape Mala. Off Mariato Point. Off coast of California. Off coast of California. Off coasts of California. Off southern California. Gulf of Panama. Off east coasts of United States. Off Acapulco, Mexico. Northeast Atlantie ; Davis Straits. Off Cape Mala. Gulf of California. Off the Gulf of Panama. Off Mariato Point. Off Q. Charlotte’s Island to South California. Off Aleutian Islands. Eastward of the Cocos Islands. Straits of Magellan. Off Massachusetts. Off Alaska. Alaska to the Gulf of Panama. Alaska. Alaska, off Unalaska, “cc “ “ Off Q. Charlotte’s Island. S. E. coasts United States to the Caribbean Sea. Caribbean Sea. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 391 Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities. * T. emmelas Gilb., 1890. L. stigmatistium Gilb., 1890. L. microlepis Gilb., 1890. Oropaipium Gill. O. murenolepis Giint., 1880. Brotuloidei. Neopyruites G. B. N. grandis Giiut., 1877. NN. macrops Giint., 1887. N. Gillii G. B., 1886. N. marginatus G. B., 1883. N. steatiticus Alc., 1893. NV. pterotus Ale., 1891. N. squamipinnis Alc., 1889. N. crassus Vaill., 1888. BaRATHRODEMUS G. B. B. manatinus G. B., 1883. GuypropHipium Ale. G. argenteum Alc., 1889. G. macropus Alc., 1894. Levcicorus Garm. * I. lusciosus Garm. Nematonus Gint. N. pectoralis G. B., 1886. Mixonvs Giint. — M. laticeps Gunt., 1878. * M. caudalis Garm. Prerorponus Giint. P. quinquarius Giint., 1887. Dicroene G. B. D. intronigra G. B., 1883. * D. filamentosa Gari. * D. nigra Gum. * D. pullata Garm. D. multifilis Ale., 1889. D. Vaillantii Ale., 1890. D. nigricaudis Alc., 1891. Atcockia G. B. A. rostrata Giint.,1887. Porogapus G. B. P. miles G. B., 1886. P. gracilis Giint., 1878. * P. longiceps Garm. * P. atripectus Garm. * P. breviceps Garm. P. Macdonaldi G. B., 1896. . nudus Vaill., 1888. . subarmatus Vaill., 1888. . promelas Gilb., 1891. ae} as) a8) 141-511 A, 112 A. 76-145 A. 140 C. 1875 C. 188-375 I., C. 111 B. 209 B. 107-250 I. 100-1748 I. 193-250 I. 2326 T. 647-1395 B., A. 271-406 I. 145-250 I. 1879 A. 330-1430 B. 2500-1749 C., T. 1322-1667. 565 C. 464-983 B., A. 511-1020 A. 421-1020 A. 730 A. 193-281 I. 406-740 I. 188-220 I. 2150 C. 1168 A. 1400 C. 134-1793. 772-1293 A. 859-905 A. 1631 A. 1270-1749 T. 1749 T. 1005 A. Off coasts of Central America and Mexico. Off Lower California. Off western coasts of Mexico. Ki Islands. Near Yokohama ; Japan. Andaman Sea ; off the Fijis and the Philippines. Gulf of Mexico, Off Barbados. Off Madras coast. Bay of Bengal ; Laccadive Sea. Bay of Bengal. Lat. 44° 20’ N., Lon. 17° 11’ W. Gulf Stream, off North Carolina. Andaman Sea ; off Travancore. Bay of Bengal. Southwest of Acapulco, Mexico. Off Dominica; Gulf of Mexico. Mid Atlantic ; off Cape Palmas. West of Malpelo; east of the Cocos Islands ; east of Chatham Island. Off Japan. Off South Carolina; off northwest Africa. Off Mariato Point ; off Cape Mala ; off Acapulco. Off Malpelo Island; Gulf of Panama; off Chatham Island. Lat. 7° 30’ 36” N., Lon. 78° 39’ W. Bay of Bengal. Off Ceylon; Laccadive Sea. Andaman Sea. North of Celebes. Off South Carolina. South of New Guinea. Panamic region of the Pacific. Off Acapulco; Gulf of Panama; off the Cocos Islands. Gulf of California. Gulf Stream, Lat. 38° 29’ 30” N., Lon. 70° 57’ W. Off northwestern Africa. Off the Cape Verde Islands. Gulf of California. (Si) ie) bo DEEP SEA FISHES. Rang: in Depth. Principal Localities, Fathoms. Dermatorts Ale. D. trichiurus Ale., 1890. 890-1000 I. Off Baluchistan ; Laccadive Sea. D. melanocephalus Alc., 1891. 1644-1748 I. Bay of Bengal. D. melampeplus Alc., 1896. 931 I. Laceadive Sea. Monomiropvs Alc. M. nigripinnis Alc., 1889. 490-891 I. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal; Laccadive Sea, M. conjugator Alc., 1896. M. Agassizii G. B., 1896. M. metriostomus Vaill., 1888. M. microphthalmus Vaill., 1888. * M. torvus Garm. MoNOMEROPUS. * M. malispinosus Garm. BentHocometes G. B. B. robustus G. B., 1886. DIPLACANTHOPOMA Gint. D. brachysoma Giint., 1887. D. Rivers-Andersoni Alc., 1895. D. brachysoma Alc., 1889. D. raniceps Alc., 1898. D. murenolepis Vaill., 1888. * D. Jordani Garm. Bassozetus Gill. B. tenia Giint., 1878. B. normalis Gill., 1883. B catena G. B., 1886. B. glutinosus Alc., 1890. B. compressus Giint., 1887. * B. nasus Garm. Bassoaiaas Gill. B. Gillii G. B., 1886. * B stelliferoides Gilb., 1891. HotcomycTERoNts Garm. * H. digittatus Garm. ERETMICHTHYS Garm. * EF. pinnatus Garm. * EF. ocella Garm. CaTAETYX Giunt. C. Messieri Giint., 1878. C. rubrirostris Gilb., 1890. * C. simus Garm. BaratHRoNes G. B. B. bicolor G. B., 1896. SaccoGastEr Alc. S. maculata Alc., 1889. PsEuDONus Garm. * P. acutus Garm. Heputuocara Alec. H. simus Alc., 1892. ALEXETERION Vaill, A. Parfaiti Vaill., 1888. Apuyonts Giint. A. gelatinosus Giint., 1878. 296-406 I. 26-291 B. 672-788 T. 1749 T. 458-555 A. 1020 A. 130-400 B. 350 C. 947 I. 490 I. 405 I. 2941. 385 A. 1050-1500 C. 1131-1920 B. 1467 B. 1310 I. 1050-1400 C. 1672-1879 A. 1106 A. 112-210 A. 1201-2322 A. 978-1322 A. 1270 A. 345 C. 205-859 A, 1270-1471 A. 769 B. 145-250 I. 885 A. 902 I. 2736 T. 1400 C. Off Ceylon ; off Travancore. Off Granada Island, W. I. Off northwestern Africa. Off the Cape Verde Islands. Off Mariato Point; Gulf of Panama. Gulf of Panama. Off Havanaand northward, in the Gulf Stream. Off Pernambuco. Off the Indus Delta. Andaman Sea. Andaman Sea. Off the coast of Soudan. Off Chatham Island, Galapagos. Mid Atlantic. West Indies. tulf of Mexico. Off Madras coasts. Southeast of New Guinea ; off the Philippines. S. W. of Mariato Point; N. E. of Malpelo Island; S. E. of Acapulco. Off Delaware. Off coasts of Lower California to 7° N. Jatitude, West of Malpelo; Gulf of California. Off Cocos Islands; east of Chatham Island. Gulf of Panama. Messier Channel. Off coasts of California. East of Cocos Islands ; E. of Galapagos Island ; [Gulf of Panama. Off Guadaloupe, W. I. Bay of Bengal. East of James Island, Galapagos Arch. Gulf of Manaar. Lat. 44° 21’ N., Lon. 13° 33’ W. Between Australia and New Guinea. EEE LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 393 Range in Depth. Principal Localities. Fathoms. A. mollis G. B., 1883. 955 B. Gulf of Mexico. TyPHLonus Giint. T. nasus Gunt., 1875. 2150-2440 North of Celebes; northeast of Australia. TAUREDOPHIDIUM Alec. T. Hextii Alc., 1890. 1310 I. Off Madras coasts. ACANTHONUS Giint. . A. armatus Giint., 1878. 1050-1070 C. North of New Guinea ; Philippines. * A. spinifer Garm. 1772 A. Northeast of Malpelo Island. LamprocrammMus Ale. L. niger Alc., 1891. 406-561 I. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal. L. fragilis Alc., 1892. 406-678 I. Off Travancore; Bay of Bengal. * L. illustris Garm. 511-555 A. Off Cape Mala; Gulf of Panama. Ruopicutuys Coll. R. regina Coll., 1878. 762-1280 N. Between Finmark and Jan Mayen. and Bear Scraponus Garm. [Islands; east of Iceland ; Faroes. * S. pedicellaris Garm. 1010 A. East of the Cocos Islands. Gadoidei. Metanonts Giint. £ M. gracilis Gint., 1878. 1957 C. Antarctic Ocean, Lat. 62° 26’ S., Lon. 95° 44’ E. Brosmicutts Vaill. B. imberbis Vaill., 1888. 251) WT. Off the Cape Verde Islands. B. incognitus Garm. 365 B. Off Nevis Island. (= Uraleptus maraldi G. B., MicroLepipium Garm. [1896, Oc. Ich. fig. 320) * M. grandiceps Garm. 1421 A. Gulf of California. M. verecundum Gilb., 1896. 364 A. Off Revilla Gigedos Islands. LeprorHycis Garm. * L. filifer Garm. 311-885 A. Galapagos Archipelago. Uratertus Costa. U. Maraldi Risso, 1810. 170 Mediterranean to Madeira. HanarGyrevs Gint. FH. Johnsoni Giint., 1862. Madeira. H, brevipes Vaill., 1888. 721 T. Off Morocco. Meruuccius Rat. M. merluccius Linn., 1758. 54-349 T. Coasts of Europe. M. bilinearis Mitch., 1814. 11-296 Off eastern coasts United States. * M. angustimanus Garm. 127-286 A. Off the Gulf of Panama. Gapus Art. ; G. morhua Linn., 1758. 40-250 Northern Atlantic. G. macrocephalus Viles., 1810. 17-128 A. Bering Sea. G. eglefinus Linn., 1758. —499. North Atlantic. G. argenteus Guich., 1850. 183-300 T. Off European coasts to those of the Soudan. G. poulassou Risso, 1826. 328 W. Gulf of Genoa. Mora Risso. M. moro Risso, 1810. 340-747 T. Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic. LepPrIpion Swains. LL. lzpidion Risso, 1810. 100-600 Mediterranean Sea. L. eques Gint., 1887. 295-530 Ing., K. | Southwest of Iceland ; Fare Channel. L. ensiferus Giint., 1887. 600 C. Mouth of La Plata river. L. inosime Giint., 1887. 345 C. Off Inosima, Japan. ANTIMORA Giint. A. rostrata Gint., 1878. 600-1375 C. Southwestern Atlantic and southwestern Indian Ocean. A. viola G. B., 1879. 306-1434 A. | Off E. coast U. S.; Fardes to Denmark Strait. 394 DEEP SEA FISHES. A. * A. microlepis Bean, 1890. rhina Garm. L&£MONEMA Giint. L. L. L. robustum Giint., 1862. barbatulum G. B., 1883. melanurum G. B., 1896. * L. gracillipes Garm. Lorgetia Kaup. L. L. marginata Gint., 1878. macxillaris Bean, 1890. PuycicuLus Kaup. IP 12 12 12 Dalwigkii Kaup, 1858. japonicus Hilg., 1879. roseus Alc., 1891. argyropastus Alc., 1893. P. fulvus Bean., 1884. * P. *P. P. longipes Garm. rastrelliger Gilb., 1890. nematopus Gilb., 1890. Puycis Art. ae! leh as) as) as}iiass las) . phycis Linn., 1766. . blennoides Brunn., 1768. . regius Walb., 1792. . chuss Walb., 1792. . Chesteri G. B., 1878. . tenuis Mitch., 1814. . cirratus G. B., 1896. Morya Nilss. M. molva Linn., 1758. M. byrkelange Walb., 1792. Brosmius Cuy. B. brosme Miill., 1776. GAIDROPSARUS Raf. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. vulgaris Yarr., 1836. septentrionalis Coll., 1874. ensis Rein., 1838. Reinhardtii Coll., 1878. Carpenteri Giint., 1887. biscayensis Coll., 1890. cimbrius Linn., 1766. macrophthalmus Gunt., 1867. Breamaceros Thomps. B. B. * B. Macclellandi Thomps., 1840. atlanticus G. B., 1886. longipes Garm. Macruroidei. Batuy@apbus Giint. B. B. B. B. colloides Giint., 1878. multifilis Giint., 1887. longifilis G. B., 1885. macrops G. B., 1885. Range in Depth, Fathoms. 316-1588 A. 695-1020 125-345 C. 396 A. 349-427 T. 345 C. 188-220 I. 128-217 I. 79-955 F., B. 127-695 A. 85-286 A. 77-221 A. 335) iL. 70-200 43-233 B. 300 32-538 A. 134-304 B. 210-324 A. 80-150 80-300 30-530 K. 61-349 20-150 858-1106 A. 262-1236 Ing. 180 P. 84-213 H. 724 F. 80-180 128 I. 90-305 B. 94 A. 410-700 I., C. 500 C. Principal Localities, Bering Sea; off Q. Charlotte’s Island; off California, Gulf of Panama. Off northwestern Africa. Off east coasts United States. Off east and south coasts United States. Gulf of Panama and Galapagos. Magellan’s Straits. Off Queen Charlotte’s Island. Off northwestern Africa. Off Inosima, Japan. Andaman Sea. Off Madras and Ceylon. Off eastern coasts of the U.S. to the West Indies: Gulf of Panaia. Off the coasts of Colombia. “ee “ “ “ Mediterranean and neighboring Atlantic. Off European to northwest African coasts, Off Eastern United States. “ “ “ “ Gulf of Mexico. Norwegian coasts. Off north European coasts. Northeastern Atlantic. Off European to northwest African coast. Norwegian coasts. Off east coasts North America to Greenland. Northeastern Atlantic. Faroes. Gulf of Gascony; Cape Finisterre. North Atlantic; off east coast United States. Off the Hebrides. Bengal. Off the West Indies. Off Acapulco. Off New Zealand; Kermadec Islands ; Bay of Bengal. South of the Philippines. Gulf of Mexico; coasts of Morocco. Gulf of Mexico. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 395 B. favosus G. B., 1886. B. arcuatus G. B., 1886. B. cavernosus G. B., 1885. B. dispar Vaill., 1888. B. melanobranchus Vaill., 1888. B. longifilis Alc., 1890. B. furvescens Alec., 1894. Hymenoceruatts Gigl. H. italicus Gigl., 1884. II, longibarbis Giint., 1887. H. heterolepis Alc., 1889. H. antreus G. C., 1896. H. Goodei Gint., 1887. H. Ingolfi Liitk., 1898. Crronurts Gunt. C. crassiceps Giint., 1878. C. globiceps Vaill., 1888. TRACHONURUS Gint. T. villosus Giint., 1877. T. sentipellis G. C., 1896. NeEMATONURUS Giint. N. armatus Hect., 1875. NV. affinis Giint., 1878. N. longifilis Giint., 1877. N. cyclolepis Gilb., 1896. Cuarrinura G. B. . leptolepis Giint., 1877. . Murrayi Gint., 1878. _ simula G. B., 1883. . liocephala Giint., 1887. . hispida Alc., 1889. . serrula Bean, 1890. . filifer Gilb., 1896. . clenomelas G. C., 1896. . brevibarbis G. B., 1896, Optonurts Giint. O. denticulatus Rich., 1848. O. atherodon G. C., 1896. MALACOCEPHALUS Giint. M. laevis Lowe, 1843. M. levis Alc., 1889. M. levis G. C., 1896. M. macrochir Giint., 1877. M. sublevis Vaill., 1888. M. sulcatus G. B., 1886. QIQISISISlS!S QQriais M. suborbitalis G. T., 1897. M. pectoralis Gilb., 1891. M. Clarkii J. G., 1898. M. occidentalis G. B., 1885. * M. bulbiceps Garm. Jfernandeziana Giint., 1887. . mediterranea G. B., 1896. Range in Depth. Fathoms, Principal Localities, 420-1501 A., B. 334-476 B. 227 B. 604 T. 456-869 T. 683-740 I. 719 I. 224-1139 T. 315 C. 188-271 I. 289-343 A. 154-1715 A., Ing 902-1300 Ing. 520-600 C. 623-1638 T. 400-2425 C. 1900 C, 565 C. 1588 A. 350 C. 1100 C. 332-1731 B. A. 1375 C. 1875-2050 C. 220-240 I. 1533-1588 W. 1569 A, 1588 A. 295-343 A. 956-1731 A. 250-850 C, 188-265 I. 295-351 A. 345 C. 76-1203 T. 420-472 B. 1771 A. 685-877 A. 664 A. 132-164 B. 978 A. Off east coast United States; off Martinique, West Indies. West Indies and Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Mexico. Coasts of Morocco. Off northwestern Africa. Off Maldive Atoll, ce “ec “ec Off the coasts of Morocco. Off the Fiji Islands. Gulf of Manaar; off the Andamans. Near the Hawaiian Islands. Off New England ; Davis and Denmark Straits; off Havana. South and west of Iceland. North of the Kermadec Islands. Off southern Europe to the Azores, Off Japan and the Philippines. Off the Hawaiian Islands. Antarctic Ocean to Mid Pacific. Off La Plata River. South of Yedo, Japan. Off Q. Charlotte’s Island. Off coast of Brazil. Off New Zealand. Off E. coasts United States; Denmark Strait. South of Juan Fernandez. Off Japan ; Mid Pacific. Off west coast of the Andamans. Off Sardinia. East of P. of Wales Island. Off Q. Charlotte’s sland. Off the Hawaiian Islands. Off eastern United States. Off New Zealand ; off the Kermadees. Off the Hawaiian Islands. Off European coasts, off Brazil. Andaman Sea. Hawaiian Islands. Off Inosima, Japan. Off northwestern Africa. West Indies. Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Island. Off Oregon coasts. Bering Sea, off Pribilof Island. Off Granada, W. I.; off east coasts U. 8. East of the Cocos Islands. 396 DEEP SEA FISHES. eens avi Wie Principal Localities. Fathoms, Lionurws Giint. L. filicauda Gint., 1878. 1375-2650 C. Southwestern Atlantic ; southeastern Pacific. L. microlepis Giint., 1878. 315 C. Off the Fiji Islands. * L. liolepis Gilb., 1890. 456-905 A. Gulf of California. * 1. barbiger Garm. 676 A. Off west coasts of Mexico. CorRYPHENOIDES Gunn. C. rupestris Gunn., 1765. 200-1245 P., Ing. | Farées; Denmark Strait; Davis Strait; south of Iceland. C. altipinnis Gint., 1877. 565-1875 C, Off Japan. C. carapinus G. B., 1883. 662-1451 A. Off east coasts United States in Gulf Stream. C. gigas Vaill., 1888. 2278-2327 T. Off the coasts of Portugal. C. asperrimus Vaill., 1888. 687-869 T. Morocco to the Azores. Macrurvs Bloch. M. berglaz LaC., 1802. 318-1870 Off European and east North American coasts. M. rudis Gint., 1878. 520-630 C. North of the Kermadeces. AM. nasutus Giint., 1877. 545-565 C. Japan. M. serrulatus Giint , 1878. 700 C. Northeast of New Zealand. M. sclerorhynchus Val., 1836. 251-1999 T. Off northwest coasts of Africa. M. equalis Giint., 1878. 251-721 T. Off Portugal; off northwest Africa. M. Bairdii G. B., 1877. 60-1255 A. Off eastern United States. M. holotrachys Giint., 1878. 600 C. Off La Plata River; off Newfoundland. M. asper Gint., 1877. 1875 C. South of Japan. M. carinatus Giint., 1878. 310 C. Off P. Edward's Island. M. acrolepis Bean, 1883. 345-786 A. Straits of Juan de Fuca ; Monterey Bay. M. lepturus G. T., 1897. 1401 A. Bering Sea, southwest of Pribilof Island. M. zaniophorus Vaill., 1888. 454-738 T. Off northwestern Atrica. M. japonicus Vaill., 1888. 251-1214 T. Off northwestern Africa to Cape Verdes and to Azores. M. Giintheri Vaill., 1888. 1090-1203 T. Off coasts of Morocco. M. investigatoris Alc., 1889. 188-490 I. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal. M.Petersoni Ale., 1891. 188-220 I. Andaman Sea. M. semiquincunciatus Alc., 1889. | 130-410 I. Bay of Bengal. M. brevirostris Alc., 1889. 490 I. Andaman Sea. M. macrolophus Alc., 1889. 240-410 I. Bay of Bengal; off Travancore. M. lophotes Alc., 1889. 285-405 I. Bay of Bengal. M. polylepis Alc., 1889. 193-272 I. Bay of Bengal. M. pumiliceps Ale., 1894. 719 I. Off north Maldive Atoll. M. Hoskynii Alc., 1890. 1310 I. Off Madras coasts. M. Hextii Alc., 1890. 865-1000 I. Laceadive Sea. M. Wood-Masoni Ale., 1890. 559-1000 I. Laceadive Sea; Gulf of Manaar; Konkan coast. M. stelgidolepis Gilb., 1896. . 267A. Off Point Conception. M. cinereus Gilb., 1896. 399-1033 A. Bering Sea. M. ectenes G. C., 1896. BlorAc Off Hawaiian Islands. M. propinquus G. C., 1896. 313-351 A. < ae ee M. holocentrus G. C., 1896. 351-375 A. te UG a M. gibber G. C., 1896. 851-375 A. os we Ws M. hirundo Coll., 1896. 692 H. Azores. * M. bucephalus Garm. 134-1573 A. Panamic region from Gulf of California to coasts of Colombia. * M. liraticeps Garm. 885 A. Off James Island, Galapagos Arch. * M. capito Garm. 458-493 A. Gulf of Panama ; off Acapulco. * M. leucophaus Garm. 322 A. Gulf of Panama. * M. boops Garm. 511-546 A. Off coasts of Colombia. * M. fragilis Garm. 1672-1823 A. Off Mariato Point ; 8. W. of Malpelo Island. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 397 * M. carminifer Garm. * M. gracillicauda Garm. * M_ orbitalis Garm. * M. loricatus Garm. * M. cuspidatus Garm. * M. convergens Garm. * M. latirostratus Garm * M. anguliceps Garin. * M. latinasutus Garm. * M. trichiurus Garm. Ca@Loruayncaus Giorna. C. parallelus Giint., 1877. C. japonicus Schl., 1850. C. australis Rich., 1839. C. celorhynchus Risso, 1810. C. carminatus Goode, 1881. C. fasciatus Giint., 1878. C. flabellispinis Alc., 1894. C. quadricristatus Alc., 1890. C. occa G. B., 1885. C. caribbeus G. B., 1885. C. scaphopsis Gilb., 1890. C. gladius G. C., 1896. C. acipenserinus G. C., 1896. * C. tenuicauda Garm. * C. canus Garm. TRACHYRHYNCHUS Giorna. T. trachyrhynchus Risso, 1810. T. longirostris Gint., 1878. T. Murrayi Gint., 1887. * T. helolepis Gilb., 1891. Pleuronectoidei. ATHERESTHES J. G. A. stomias J. G., 1880. ReINHARDTIUS Gill. R. hippoglossoides Walb., 1792. Hiproaiossus Cuv. H. hippoglossus Linn., 1758. HippoanossoreEs Gottsche. H. platessvides Fabr., 1780. H. exilis J. G., 1880. Pascrbopserra Giint. P. colorata Giint., 1880. P. maculosa Alc., 1894. P. prelonga Alc., 1894. ANTICITHARUS Giint. A. polyspilus Gunt., 1880. Range in Depth. Fathoms. 322-1020 A. 286-458 A. 286 A. 327-331 A. 905 A. 695-1020 A. 322-511 A. 695-1322 A. 995 A. 555 A. 345-700 C. 345 C. 275 C. 306 T. 85-616 F. 40-245 C. 719 I. 193-410 I. 335 B. 155-210 B. 145 A. 295 A. 298-375 A. 458 A. 153-210 A. 221-830 T. 700 C. 486-555 Ing., K. 392-421 A. 32-406 A. 127-447 A., N. 100-300 362 Ing. 50-280 A. 140 C. 145-250 I. 142-400 I. 140 C. Principal Localities. Gulf of Panama. Off coasts of Colombia. East of Cape Mala. Off the Galapagos Islands. Gulf of California. Off Pansma. ; Off western Colombia. Gulf of Panama; east of the Galapagos ; Gulf of California, Gulf of California. Off Mariato Point. Off New Zealand; Kermadec Islands; south of Japan ; Gulf of Manaar. Off Inosima, Japan. Off New Zealand and Australia. Off northern Europe; Mediterranean to Azores and Madeira. Off eastern U. S. to Bahamas, in Gulf Stream. Off eastern coast of southern South America. Off Maldive Atoll. Andaman Sea. Gulf of Mexico.” Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of California. Hawaiian Islands. “ee “ce Gulf of Panama. Off western coast of Colombia. Off northwest Africa ; Med. Sea. Northeast of New Zealand. Southwest of Iceland ; Farée Channel. Near Chatham Island. Off San Francisco ; Aleutian Islands; Bristol [ Bay. Off New England; off Bear Island, and Sean- dinavia. Off E. coast New England; Grand Banks ; off Scandinavia; S. of Spitzbergen. Off New England coasts; on Grand Banks ; off north Europe. Off coasts of California and northward. Ki Islands. Bay of Bengal. Off Colombo. Ki Islands. 398 DEEP SEA FISHES. SAMARIS Gray. S. maculatus Giint., 1880. CuHascanopserta Alc. C. lugubris Ale., 1894. Lepipopserta Giint. L. maculata Giint., 1880. LrriporHomeBts Gint. L. whiff-Jagonis Walb., 1792. PARALICHTHYS Gir. P. oblongus Mitch., 1815. P. Hectoris Giint., 1887. P. bodps Hect. P. ocellatus Giint., 1880. Eneyorurys J. B. * BE. Sancti-Laurenti J. B., 1889. PLATOPHRYS Swains. P. cornutus Giint., 1880. Sctanectes Alc. S. macrophthalmus Alc., 1889. PLEURONICHTHYS Gir. P. decurrens J. G., 1880. Mono.ene Goode. M. sessilicauda Goode, 1880. M. atrimana G. B., 1896. * M. maculipinna Garm. * M. dubiosa Garm. CrrHARIcHTHYs Bleek. C. aretifrons Goode, 1880. C. unicornis Goode, 1880. C. dinoceros G. B., 1886. C. sordidus Gir., 1854. * C. maculifer Garm. Limanpa Gottsche. L. Beanii Goode, 1880. GLYPTOCEPHALUS Gottsche. G. cynoglossus Linn., 1758. G. zachirus Lock., 1879. Nematops Giint. N. microstoma Giint., 1880. PELECANICHTHYS G. C. P. crumenalis G. C., 1896. Boopserta Ale. B. umbrarum Ale., 1896. EmpassicutuHys J. E. E. bathybius Gilb., 1890. Souma. S. solea Linn., 1758. S. variegata Don., 1807. S. profundicola Vaill., 1887. S. (Achirus) umbratilis Alc., 1894. S. kaiana Giint., 1880. S. pacifica Lock., 1879. Symeuurus Raf. S. nigrescens Raf., 1810. Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities. 140 C. 145-250 I, 310 C. 33-306 T. 400 A. 310 C. 150:C. 152 C. 56-127 A. 32-350 C. 98-102 I. 21-191 A. 68-721 A. 288-603 B. 112-201 A. 141 A. -373 A. 45-155 A. 110-955 B, -167 A. 66 A. 111-896 A. 69-858 A. 33-252 A. 152 C. 295-298 A. 180-217 I. 603 A. -129 T. -167 T. 136-684 T. 91-107 I. 140 C. 35-350 A. 32-229 T. Ki Islands, Bay of Bengal. Off P. Edward’s Island. Off Morocco and Azores. Off east coasts of New England. Off New Zealand. ae “« Admiralty Islands. Gulf of Panama. Off Brazil. Off Madras and off Arakan coasts. Off Californian coasts. Off east coasts United States. Off Barbados, Off Cape Mala; off Malpelo ; Gulf of Panama. Off Acapulco. Off east coasts United States. “ “ “ “ce “ West Indies. Coasts of California. Cocos Islands. Off east coasts United States. Off east coasts United States; off Scandinavia. Northeastern Pacific. Admiralty Islands. Off Hawaiian Islands. Off Colombo. Santa Barbara Channel. European to North African coasts. Off coasts of Spain to those of the Soudan. Coast of Portugal to Soudan, Off Coromandel coasts. Ki Islands. Northeastern Pacific. Coasts of Spain to those of Soudan. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth. Fathoms. . nebulosus G. B., 1883. piger G. B., 1886. . marginatus G. B, 1883. pusillus G. B., 1885. . Wood-Masoni Ale., 1889. . Gilesii Ale., 1889. . septemstriatus Alc., 1891. . (rifasciatus Alc., 1894. * S. varius Garm. * S. atramentatus J. B., 1889. * S. microlepis Garm. Cyyoatossus Buch, C. Carpenteri Alc., 1889. Rnannnnnn PHYSOSTOMI. Sternoptychoidei. Srernopryx Herm. S. diaphana Herm., 1781. S. diaphana Giint., 1887 (part) * S. obscura Garm. ARGYROPELECUS Cocco. A. hemigymnus Cocco. A. hemigymnus Alc., 1891. A. affinis Gari. A, Olfersii Cuy., 1829. * A. lychnus Garm. Ponyrenus Giint. P. spinosus Giint., 1887. P. laternatus Garm. VALENCIENNELLUS J. E. V. ephippiatus G. C., 1896. * V. stellatus Garm. Mavro.ictus Cocco. * M. oculatus Garm. * M. lucetius Garm. IcHtrHyococcts Bon. I. ovatus Cocco, 1838. GonostoMa Raf. G. denudatum Ratf., 1810. G. brevidens K. S., 1870. LyCHNOPOLES Garm. L. argenteolus Garm. YARRELLA G. B. : Y. Blackfordi G. B., 1896. PxHoticutuHys Hutt. P. argenteus Hutt., 1872. Bonapartia G. B. B. pedaliota G. B., 1896. CycLoTHONE G. B. C. microdon Gint., 1878. * 229 B. 26-250 B. 94-324 B. 80-170 B. 475—490 I. 193-210 I. 142-400 I. 145-250 I. 52-112 A. 112-210 A. 286 A. 68-107 I. 150-2500. 500-2150 C. 134-1832 A. 180-838 C., T. 1803 I. 683 A. 519-1125 A., C. 144-2069 A. 188-240 I. 221 B. 295 A. 300 A. -300 A. 100-1832 A. 519-1110 T. 251-645 T. 161-500. 210-286 A. 399 Principal Localities. Off eastern coasts United States. West Indies to Florida. West Indies ; Gulf of Mexico; E. coasts U.S. Off east coasts United States. Bay of Bengal ; Andaman Sea. Bay of Bengal ; off Madras coasts. Off Colombo ; Andaman Sea. Bay of Bengal. Cocos Islands; off Malpelo Island. Off Cape Mala ; off Malpelo; Gulf of Panama. Gulf of Panama. Off Coromandel coast. North Atlantic, both sides. N. W. Pacific; off Malabar; S. W. Pacific. Lat. 1° S. to 8° N., Lon. 78°-90° W. Off coasts of Europe to the Canaries. Bay of Bengal. Northwestern Atlantic. Off east coasts U. S.; off coasts of Portugal ; Cape Finisterre. Lat. 1° S. to 8° N., Lon. 78° to 97° W. [coasts. Off the Philippines and Borneo; off Andaman Off Barbados. Off Hawaiian Islands. Off coasts of California. Off coasts of California. East of the Galapagos; Cocos Islands; off Las Tres Marias. Portugal to coasts of Morocco. North Atlantic ; coasts of Morocco to Cape Verde Islands. West Indies. Gulf of Panama. Gulf of Mexico. Cook’s Straits. Off west coast of Cuba. North Atlantic ; southwestern Atlantic. 400 DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities, Q C. bathyphila Vaill., 1888. * C. acclinidens Garm. * C. signata Garm. C. gracilis Giint., 1878. C. elongata Giint., 1878. C. elongata G. B., 1896. DieLopHos Giint. D. corytheolum Ale., 1898. OpistHoPRoctus Vaill. O. soleatus Vaill., 1888. Myctophoidei. * * Eo * * Synopus Gron. S. kaianus Gint., 1880. S. acutus Garm. BatuHyaco G. B. B. nigricans G. B., 1896. Batuysaurvus Giint. B. ferox Giint., 1878. B. mollis Giint., 1878. B. Agassizii G. B., 1883. B. obtusirostris Vaill., 1888. Harpopon Les. H. squamosus Alc., 1891. ScopeLarcnts Ale. S. Giintheri Alc., 1896. CHLOROPHTHALMUS Bon. C. Agassizii Bon., 1841. C. productus Giint., 1887. . nigripinnis Giint., 1878. - gracilis Giint., 1878. . chalybeius Goode, 1881. - corniger Alc., 1894. SESIQTATOTG) . proridens G. C., 1896. C. mento Garni. ScoPpELENGys Ale. S. tristis Alc., 1890. S. lugubris Garm. BentHosaurus G. B. B. grallator G. B., 1886. BatTHYPTeRO!S Giint. . longifilis Giint., 1878. . longipes Giint., 1878. . longicauda Giint., 1878. . quadrifilis Giint., 1878. Giinthert Alc,, 1889. . insularum Alc., 1892. . atricolor Alc., 1896. . dubius Vaill., 1888. . ventralis Garm. . pectoralis Garm. bo btwb tee bth . microdon Giint., 1878 (part.) . truculentus G. B., 1896. 265-2900 C. 776-1249 T. 122-2413 A. 1793 A. 245-2425 C. 360-1200 C., I 435-2369 F., A. 185-405 I. 1110 140 C. 56-127 A. 2393 B. 1100 C. 1875-2385 C. 647-1202 B., T. 1998 T. 200-300 I. 947 I. 159-787 A., T. 315 C. 120 C. 1100-1425 C. 85-157 F., B. 145-250 I. 158 B. 298-351 A. 210-286 A. 1000 I. 695-1832 A. 1537-1850 B. 520-630 C. 520-2650 C, 2550 C. 500-770. 490-561 I. 1140 I. 459-891 I. 456-894 T. 660-880 A. 885-1132 A. Northwestern Pacific; north Indian Ocean ; southwestern Pacific. Azores and Gulf of Gascony ; off E. coasts U.S. Lat. 1° S. to 37° N., Lon. 78°-139° W. Gulf of Panama. South of Japan. {Banda Islands. South of New Guinea; Laccadive Sea; off Off E. coasts United States to West Indies, Andaman Sea. Coasts of Morocco. Ki Islands. Southeast of Cape Mala. Between Santa Cruz and St. Thomas, W. I. East coasts New Zealand. Off Yedo, Japan ; mid southern Pacific. Off E. coasts U. S.; off coasts of Morocco.- Off the Cape Verde Islands. Bay of Bengal; off E. coast India. Off the Indus delta. Off east coasts United States; off the Azores. Off the Fiji Islands. Off Twofold Bay. Off New Zealand; mid tosouthwestern Atlantic. Off east coasts United States, Bay of Bengal. Off Barbados. Hawaiian Islands. Gulf of Panama. Laceadive Sea. Off Mariato Point ; Gulf of Panama. West Indies. Near the Kermadec Islands. Off E. coast U. S.; off E. coast 8. America. Mid South Pacific. Off coast Brazil ; off E. coast U. S. to Dominica. Off coasts Andamans. Laceadive Sea. Off the Maldives; Cape Comorin; Laccadive Coasts of Morocco. [Sea. Off Acapulco ; Las Tres Marias. South of Malpelo ; Gulf of Panama. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth. Fathoms. 401 Principal Localities. Tenors Giint. I. Murray Giint., 1878. I. Murrayi Giint., 1878 (part). * I, Agassizii Garm. Mycropuum Raf. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. * M. * M. M. M. M. Miilleri Gmel., 1788. punctatum Raf., 1810. Humboldti Risso, 1810. Cocco Cocco, 1829. gemellarium Cocco, 1838. Dumerilii Bleek., 1856. macrolepidotum Johns., 1863. maderense Lowe, 1839. macrolepidotum Giint., 1887. arcticum Liitk., 1891. glaciale Rein., 1838. - elongatum Costa. . caudispinosum Johns., 1863. _ engraule Giint., 1887. M. nigrum Giint., 1887. . pyrsobolum Alc., 1890. . pterotum Alc., 1890. [. antarcticum Gint., 1878. - mannochir Gilb., 1890. . mexicanum Gilb., 1890. 1. regale Gilb., 1891. . Macdonaldi G. B., 1896. - protocule Gilb., 1890. - alatum G. B., 1896. - gemmifer G. B., 1896. . lacertum G. B., 1896. - quercinum G. B., 1896. . castaneum G. B., 1896. . speculiger G. B., 1896. . lucidum G. B., 1896. - effulgens G. B., 1896. . opalinum G. B., 1896. - oculeum Garm. . tenuiculum Garm. . luminosum Garm. . aurolaternatum Garm. . laternatum Garm. nitidulum Garm. atratum Garm. urolampus G. C., 1896. Jibulatum G. C., 1896. macrolepidotum G. C., 1896. Omosupis Giint. 0. 0. Lowiti Giint., 1887. Lowii G. B., 1896. 1507-1900 C. 2150 C. 1360 A. —2369 A. 224-571 F. —1641 A. -2620 A. 300-894 T. 315 C. 738-869 T. -1686 A. 188-630 I., C. 582-745 Ing. 485-1040 Ing. 845-1040 Ing. 1782 A. 188-250 I., C. 500 C. 690-920 I, 98-102 I. 1950-1975 C. 266-685 A. 3806-857 A. 822 A. 515-1209 A. 584 A. 5vd) AY 538 A. —200 A. -1686 A. -192 A. 551 A. 1639 A. 1639 A. -1536 A. -1772 A. -100 A. 421 A. 918-1793 A. -1168 A. -100 A, 1216 A. 295-310 A. 310 A. 343-375 500 C. 724 A. Off coast Brazil ; to mid South Atlantic ; West Indies. North of Celehes. Between Acapulco and Culpepper Islands. Off E. coasts U. S.; northeastern Atlantic. Off east coasts United States. Off E, coasts U. S.; Mediterranean Sea. Coasts of Morocco to those of Soudan. Fiji Islands. Coasts of Morocco. Madeira ; off east coasts United States. Kermadee Islands; Andaman Sea. Southwest of Iceland ; west of Greenland. Off east, south and western coasts of Iceland and Greenland. South and west of Iceland. Off east coasts United States. Philippines ; Andaman Sea. South of the Philippines. Off coasts of Madras. Off Madras coasts. Antarctic. Off northwest coasts United States. Off Lower California. Off coasts of California. Gulf Stream. Off coasts of Washington. Gulf Stream. Grand Banks, off east coasts United States. Gulf Stream, off east coasts United States. Off Leeward Islands. Off Leeward Islands; off E. coast U. S. Gulf Stream, off east coasts United States. Off Mariato Point. South of Mariato Point. Galapagos Islands. North of Malpelo Island; North of Culpepper Island. : West of Guatemala ; Gulf of Panama; Gulf of California. Lat. 27° 50’ N., Lon. 145° 45’ 30” W: Gulf of California. Hawaiian Islands. ce “ “ce “oe South of the Philippines. Lat. 28° 47’ 30” N., Lon. 87° 27’ W. 402 DEEP SEA FISHES Opontostomus Cocco. O. hyalinus Cocco, 1838. O. atratus Alc., 1893. PaRALEPis Risso. P. coregonoides Risso, 1826. P. borealis Rein. Piacyopus Stell. P. ferox Lowe, 1833. Stomiatoidei. CuHautiopus Bl. 8S. C. Sloani B. 8., 1801. C. Sloani Giint., 1887 (part) C. pammelas Alc., 1892. C. Maccouni Bean., 1892. * C. barbatus Garm. C. dentatus Garm. ASTRONESTHES Rich., 1845. A. niger Rich., 1845, A. gemmifer G. B., 1896. Stomras Cuv. S. boa Risso, 1810. S. ferox Rein., 1842. S. affinis Giint., 1887. S. polylepis (= S. boa Giint., 1887). S. nebulosus Alc., 1889. S. elongatus Alec., 1891. * S. colubrinus Garm. * S. hexagonatus Garm. * S. atriventer Garm. Ecuiostoma Lowe. E. barbatum Lowe, 1843. E. margarita G. B., 1896. OpostoMIAs Giint. O. micripnus Giint., 1878. PacuHystomias Gint. P. microdon Giint., 1878. PHOTONECTES Giint. P. albipinnis Déd., 1882. P. gracilis G. B., 1896. Evstomtias Vaill. E. obscurus Vaill., 1888. THAUMAsTOMIAS Alc. T. atrox Alc., 1890. PxHorostomras Coll. P. Guernei Coll., 1889. GRAMMATOSTOMIAS G. B. G. dentatus G. B., 1896. DactyLostoMIas Garm. * D. filifer Garm. Range in Depth. Principal Localities, Fathoms, Mediterranean. 573 I. Bay of Bengal. 525 A. Med. Sea ; Lat. 28° 47’ 30” N., Lon. 87° 27’ W. 407-488 A. Off New England. 195-275 A. Off coasts New England. 435-2575 A., C. 565-2000 C. 1370 I. 876 A. 465-1201 A. 2500 C. 300 221-984 T. 120-1813 A. 450 C. 1800 C. 597 I. 738 I. 1672 A. 286-2232 A. 1218 A. 500-959 A. 420 A. 2150 C. 2440 C. 1526 T. 1310 I. 572 H. 2069 A. 660-2232 A. Northern Atlantic, both sides; off coasts of Morocco. Japan ; south of New Guinea; Bay of Bengal; Laccadive Sea. Laceadive Sea. Off Queen Charlotte’s Island; off Southern California. Off Mariato Point ; off Malpelo Island. Society Islands, Near Sierra Leone, Africa, Off Newfoundland. Cape Verde Islands ; Gulf of Gascony. Off coasts New England ; south of Greenland. South of Sombrero Island. South of Australia. Gulf of Manaar. Laccadive Sea. Off Mariato Point. Off Guatemala and the Cocos Islands ; Gulf of Panama. Gulf of California. Madeira ; off New England. Gulf of Mexico, South of Australia, Northwest of Australia. Off Inosima, Japan. Off Martinique. Off the Azores. Off Madras coasts. Off the Azores. Off east coasts United States. [Acapuleo, Off Culpepper Island; off Guatemala; off LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 403 Range in Depth. Fathoms. Matacosteus Ayr. M. niger Ayr., 1849. M. indicus Gint., 1878. M. choristodactylus Vaill., 1888. BaTHoPHILus Gigl. B. nigerrimus Gigl., 1884. Ipracanruus Pet. I. fasciola Pet., 1876. I. ferox Giint., 1878. * T. antrostomus Gilb., 1890. Salmoidei. ARGENTINA Art. A. silus Asc., 1775. A. sphyraena Linn., 1758. A. striata G. B., 1896. Levroaiossts Gilb. L. stilbius Gilb., 1890. Batayiaaus Giint. . atlanticus Giint., 1878. . pacificus Gilb., 1890. . borealis Gilb., 1896. . Benedicti G. B., 1896. . euryops G. B., 1896. 3. Milleri J. H., 1898. Preroturissvus Hilg. P. gissu Hilg., 1877. Beebo by Alepocephaloidei. Leprocuinicutays Garm. * I. Agassizii Garm. BatHytrocres Giint. . microlepis Giint., 1878. . rostratus Giint., 1878. . macrolepis Giint., 1887. 3. homopterus Vaill., 1888. . melanocephalus Vaill., 1888. - microlepis Alc., 1889. . sguamosus Alec., 1890. . stomias Gilb., 1890. . antillarum G. B., 1896. . equatoris G. B., 1896. B. megalops Liitk., 1898. * B. inspector Garm. * B. alvifrons Garm. * B. alveatus Garm. Narcetes Alc. NN. erimelas Alc., 1890. * N. pluriserialis Garm. ALEPOCEPHALUS Risso. A. rostratus Risso, 1810, A. niger Giint., 1878. B B B B B B. attritus Vaill., 1888. B LB B B B . antarcticus Giint., 1878. 541-1064 A. 500-650 C., I. 765-1213 T. 2750 C. 603-1882 A. -200 -200 111 A. 40-221 A. 2040 C. 1950 C. 685-877 A. 322 A. 1022-1769 A. 600-1356 A. 776 A. 1345” C. 1573 A. 1090 C. 675 C. 2150 C. 608 T. 784-1421 788-1998 T. 500 I. 740 I. 877 A. 420 A. 741 A. 1040 Ing. 1471 A. 1360-1793 A. 1132-1322 A. 740 I. 1010 A, 453-1998 T. 1400 C. Principal Localities, Off east coast United States to Barbados. Off the Philippines ; Andaman Sea. Off Morocco and the Azores. Mediterranean Sea. South Indian Ocean. Mid North Atlantic. Off Southern California ; off Malpelo Island ; Gulf of Panama. Off northern Europe ; off E. coast New England North Atlantic to Mediterranean. Off eastern United States. Off coasts of California. Sonth Atlantic. Antarctic. Off northwest coast United States. North of the Aleutian Islands. Off eastern coasts United States. “ce “es “ “ “ Cortez Banks, off San Diego, California. Off Inosima, Japan. Off Galera Point. Southeast of Cape St. Vincent. Off Pernambuco. North of Celebes. Bank of Arguin. Off coasts of Morocco and the Sondan. Bank of Arguin; Cape Verdes; Azores. Andaman Sea. Off the Goa coast. Off coasts Oregon. Caribbean Sea. Lat. 1° N., Lon. 80° W. West of Iceland. East of the Cocos Islands. S. of Cape Mala; N. of Culpepper Island. S. of Malpelo Island ; E. of Chatham Island. Off the Goa coasts. Off the Cocos Islands. Mediterranean to Canaries and to Azores. North of Australia. 404 DEEP SEA FISHES. Range in Depth, Principal Localities. Fathoms, A. Agassizii G. B., 1883. 538-1106 B. Lat. 38° N., Lon. 78° W.; Dat. 62° 25’ N., Lon. 28° 30' W. A. Bairdii G. B., 1880. 200 Off Newfoundland. A. productus Gill, 1884. 1362 A. Lat. 39° N., Lon. 70° W. A. tenebrosus Gilb., 1891. 359-822 A. Santa Barbara Channel. A. bicolor Alc., 1891. 240-276 A. Off Madras coasts. A. Blanfordi Alc., 1892. 902 I. Gulf of Manaar. A. edentulus Ale., 1892. 475 I. Off Madras coasts. A. Giardi Koeh., 1896. 437-771 Bay of Biscay. * A. convexifrons Garm. 660 A. Off Acapulco. * A. asperifrons Garm. 782-1020 A. Gulf of Panama. 1270-1672 A. Between Cocos Islands and Mariato Point; ® A. fundulus Garm. AULASTOMATOMORPHA Ale, A. phosphorops Alc., 1890. Conocara G. B. C. Macdonaldi G. B., 1896. C. macroptera Vaill., 1888. PLATYTROCTES Giint. P. apus Giint., 1878. P. apus Alc., 1890. XENODERMICHTHYS Giint. X. nodulosus Giint., 1878. X. Giintheri Ale., 1892. X. socialis Vaill., 1888. X. squamilaterus Alc., 1898. X. Copei Gill, 1884. Leproprerma Vaill. L. macrops Vaill., 1888. L. macrops Alc., 1892. Ronvecetia G. B. RL. bicolor G. B., 1894. Crromimus G. B. C. Storerit G. B., 1894. C. Gillu G. B., 1894. ANOMALOPTERUS Vaill., 1888. A. pinguis Vaill., 1888. Halosauroidei. Haxosaurvs Johns. H. Owenii Johns., 1863. * H. radiatus Garm. H. Giintheri G. B., 1896. H. parvipennis Alc., 1892. FH. carinicauda Alc., 1889. HH. nigerrimus Ale., 1898. * HT. attenuatus Garm. H. anguilliformis Ale., 1889. H. Johnsonianus Vaill., 1888. H. gracilis G. B., 1896. H. affinis Giint., 1877. H. pallida G. B., 1896. H. Goodei Gill, 1883. H. Hoskynii Alc., 1890. H. mediorostris Giint., 1877. 1000 I, 724-955 A., B. 462-1156 T. 1500 C. 740 I. 34510: 6781. -» 392-738 T. 370-419 I. 2949 A. 961-1641 A. 1535 A. 1043 A. 765 T. 128-693 B., A. 259-511 A. 456-1156 A. 865-880 I. 490 I. 459 I. 1360 A. 675 I. 456-1156 T. 769-1430 B., A. 565-1000 C., I. 679-1430 A. 1098-1731 A. 1000 I. 700-719 C., I. [Gulf of Panama. Laccadive Sea. Gulf of Mexico. Canaries to coasts of Morocco ; off St. Kitts, LW. I. Mid Atlantic. Off the Goa coasts. South of Yedo, Japan, Off Madras coasts. Off coasts of Soudan and Morocco. Off the Andamans. Gulf Stream, Lat. 37° N., Lon. 69° W. Coasts of Morocco and Soudan; Bank of Arguin. Off Madras coasts. Off eastern coasts United States. Off eastern coasts United States. “cic “ee oe “ee “ee Off Morocco. [Eastern United States. Madeira ; coasts of Soudan and Morocco ; off Gulf of Panama. E Gulf Stream, Lat. 39° N., Lon. 72° W. Laccadive Sea. Andaman Sea. Off the Maldives. North of Culpepper Island. Andaman Sea. Coasts of Morocco and the Soudan to the Lat. 28° N., Lon. 87° W. [ Canaries. Sea of Japan; Laccadive Sea. Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Stream, off South Carolina. Laceadive Sea. W. of the Philippines; off N. Maldive Atoll. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 405 H. phalacrus Vaill., 1888. H. rostratus Giint., 1878. H. macrochir Giint., 1878. Notacanthoidei. PotyacanTHonotts Bleek. P. Rissoanus F. V., 1859. P. Challengeri Vaill., 1888. P. rostratus Coll., 1889. P. altus G. T., 1897. P. longus G. T., 1897. Noracantuts Bloch. N. Chemnitzii Bl., 1787. * N. spinosus Garm. N. phasganorus Goode, 1881. N. analis Gill, 1883. N. Bonapartii Risso, 1840. N. Moseleyi G. B., 1894. N. serspinis Rich., 1848. Lreocenys G. B. L. Gillii G. B., 1894. Murenoidei. Uroconeer Kaup. U. vicinus Vaill., 1888. U. vicinus Ale., 1892. * U. varidens Garm. U. vicinalis (= U. vicinus G. B., 1896, Oc. Ich., fig. 160.) CotoconeER Ale. C. raniceps Alc., 1889. CoNGERMURENA Kaup. C. guttulata Giint., 1887. C. macrocercus Alc., 1889. C. macrura Gilb., 1891. C. prorigera Gilb., 1891. C. squaliceps Alc., 1893. C. nasica Ale., 1893. C. musteliceps Alc., 1894. C. caudalis Garm. Conerosoma Garm. * O, Evermanni Garm. Dysomma Ale. D. bucephalus Alc., 1889. DysomMMopsis. D. muciparus Ale., 1891. PROMYLLANTOR Alec. P. purpureus Ale., 1890. SIMENCHELYs Gill. S. parasiticus G. B., 1879. Histroprancuts Gill. H. bathybius Giint., 1877. Range in Depth. Fathoms. Principal Localities. 603-1213 T. 2750 C. 647-1637 1625-1875 A., C. 362-963 Ing., A. 1401 A. 900 A. 322-458 A. 407-478 A. 400 C. 865 A. 346-816 T. 475-636 I. 259-555 A. 146 A. 200-400 I. 315 C. 200-300 I. 145 A. 295-401 A. 128-210 I. 128-210 I. 165-250 I. 182 A. 128-276 I. 240-270 I. 1000 I. 200-1093 A., H. 1375-2050 C. Coasts of Morocco and the Soudan to the Azores. Mid Atlantic. South Indian Ocean ; off Azores to Med. Sea; Lat. 33°-42° N., Lon. 69°-77° W. South of Yedo; Bering Sea. Newfoundland Banks; off east coasts U. 8. Bering Sea. “e ee South of Greenland and Iceland. Gulf of Panama. Banks of Newfoundland. Lat. 32° 39’ N., Lon. 70° 77° W. Mediterranean Sea. Southwestern coast of South America. South of Australia and New Zealand. [30” W. Gulf Stream, Lat. 37° 46’ 30’ N.; Lon. 73° 56’ [Arguin. Cape Verdes; coasts of Soudan; Bank of Off Madras coasts ; Laccadive Sea. Off Mariato Point; off Cape San Francisco. Lat. 23° 10’ 36’ N., Lon. 82° 20’ 28” W. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal. Off Matuka, Fiji Islands. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal. Gulf of California. Between the Galapagos and Cape San Francisco, Ecuador ; Gulf of Panama. Off Madras coasts. Off Madras coasts. “ec “ee “ee Off Cape Mala. Off Cape Mala. Bay of Bengal off the E. coast of the Peninsula. Off Madras coasts. Laccadive Sea. Off New England ; between Portugal and the [ Azores. Antarctic Ocean ; mid North Pacific; South of Japan; Bering Sea. 406 DEEP SEA FISHES. Hanae ae as Principal Localities. H. infernalis Gill, 1883. 1435-1731 Ing., A.| Lat. 36° 30’ 30” N., Lon. 69° 8! 25” W.; Davis Straits. SYNAPHOBRANCHUS Johns. S. pinnatus Gron., 1854. 129-1749 B., T. Off east coasts United States ; off Morocco and the Soudan to Cape Verdes and Azores. S. affinis Giint., 1877. 345 C. Off Tnosima, Japan. S. brevidorsalis Giint., 1887. 345-1070 C. North of New Guinea and off Inosima. Inyopuis Gilb. I. brunneus Gilb., 1891. 634 A. Off Chatham Island. DericutHys Gill. D, serpentinus Gill, 1887. 1022 A. Off east coasts United States. OpruicutTuys Ahl. O. cruentifer G. B., 1896. 120-245 Off KE. coasts United States, Lat. 39° 57’ N., Lon, 69° 28’ W. Cryprorrervs Kaup. * C. frontalis Garm. 153-242 A. Gulf of Panama. Myrvs Kaup. M. pachyrhynchus Vaill., 1888. 574-784 T. Off Morocco. SAUROMURAZNESOX Ale. S. voraz Alc., 1889. 193-250 I. Bay of Bengal. Hopiunnis Kaup. H. diomedianus G. B., 1896, 111 A. Lat. 28° 36’ N., Lon. 86° 50’ W. XeNomystax Gilb. S X. atrarius Gilb., 1891. 401 A. Off west coast of Eeuador. X. trucidans Alc., 1894. 719-406 I. Off north Maldive Atoll; off Travancore. * X. rictus Garm. 322-511 A. Gulf of Panama; Galapagos Islands; off NETrrEeNCHELYS Ale. [Acapulco. N. Taylori Ale., 1898. 430 I. Off Travancore coast. Nerrastoma Raf. NN. melanurum Raf., 1810. 49-415 T. Mediterranean ; Gulf of Genoa ; coasts of Sou- dan to Cape Verde Islands. NV. parviceps Giint., 1877. 345 C. South of Yedo, Japan. N. teniola Alc., 1889. 240-280 I. Andaman Sea; Bay of Bengal. Cutopsis Raf. C. equatorialis Gilb., 1891. 401 A. Lat. 0° 37’ S., Lon. 81° W. * C. Gilbertii Garm. 511 A. - | Lat. 7° 21’ N., Lon. 79° 35’ W. Venerica J. D. V. procera G. B., 1883. 178-647 A. Lat. 33° to 34° N., Lon. 76° W. V. proboscidea Vaill., 1888: 1202 T. Off Morocco. * V. tentaculata Garm. 660-978 A. Off Cocos Islands; off Acapulco. * V. ocella Garm. 1067 A. Lat. 5° 30’ N., Lon. 86° 45’ W. SPrInivomer G. R. S. Goodei G. R., 1883. 9361 A. Lat. 38° 19’ 26” N., Lon. 68° 20’ 20” W. GAVIALICEPs Ale. G. microps Alc., 1889. 902-1370 I. Gulf of Manaar; Bay of Bengal; Laccadive Sea, SERRIVOMER G. R. S. Beanii G. R., 1883. 855 A. Gulf Stream, Lat. 41° 40’ 30” N., Lon. 65° 28’ 30 We S. Richardi Vaill., 1888. 1637 T. Off the Azores. * S. sector Garm. 134-1672 A. Lat. 3° 9’ to 7° 5’ 30” N., Lon. 79°-87° W. Laprcutuys G. R. L. infans Gint., 1878. 500-2500 C. Off Pernambuco; Mona Channel; mid Atlantic. L. carinatus G. R., 1883. 906 A. Gulf Stream, Lat. 41° N., Lon. 65° W. L. elongatus G. R., 1888. 1628 A. Gulf Stream, Lat. 39° 22’ N., Lon. 68° 34’ W. LIST OF THE KNOWN SPECIES OF DEEP SEA FISHES. 407 - Range in Depth. Fathoms, Principal Localities. I. Gillii Bean, 1890. * [. Bowersii Garm. Nemicutays Rich. NV. scolopaceus Rich., 1848. NV. avocetta J. G. N. acanthonotus Alc., 1894. * N. fronto Garm. Cyrema Giint. C. atrum Giint., 1878. C. atrum Vaill., 1888. SaccoPHARYNX Mitch. S. ampullaceus Harw., 1827. EvurypHarynx Vaill. E. pelecanoides Vaill., 1888. Gastrostomus G. R. G. Bairdii G. R., 1883. MYXINIA. SYMPHYTOBRANCHII. Myxinoidei. Georria Gray, G. chilensis Gray, 1851. G. australis Gray, 1851. Morpacta Gray. M. mordax Rich., 1848. M. lapicida Gray, 1851. PETroMyzon Art. P. marinus Linn., 1758. P. macrostomus Burm., 1868. P. tridentatus Rich., 1836. P.(Bathymyzon) Bairdii Gill, 1883. Homea Flem. H. cirrhata Bl. S., 1801. H. polytrema Gir., 1854. H. Stouti Lock., 1878, Myxine Linn. M. glutinosa Linn., 1758. M. aculifrons Garm. M. limosa Gir., 1858. M. australis Jen., 1842. M. tridentiger Garm. M. cirrhata Schl. * M. circifrons Garm. 1569 A. 1471-2232 A. 216-2369 F., A. A. 475 I. 458-1588 A. 1500-1800 C. 1208 T. 898 B. 574-1257 T. 389-1632 A., B. -247 547 A. 251) Dr: 345 C. 730 A. East of P. of Wales Island. Midway from Cocos Islands to Mariato Point. South Atlantic; Madeira; Bank of Arguin ; off New England. Puget Sound. Bay of Bengal. Gulf of Panama; Gulf of California. South Pacific; Antarctic Ocean. Off Morocco. Lat. 35° 44’ 40” N., Lon. 74° 40’ 20” W. Off coasts of Morocco. Off eastern coasts U. 8.; Lat. 34°-42° N., Lon. [65°-76° W. Off coasts of Chili. Off southern coasts of Australia. Off the coasts of New Zealand. Off the coast of Chili. Off coasts Europe and of eastern United States. Off the southeastern coast of South America. Off northwestern coasts of North America. Lat. 40° 2/ N., Lon. 68° 50’ 30” W. Off Australia ; off New Zealand ; South Seas. Off coasts of Chili. Off coasts of California. Coasts of British Isles and northern Europe to Mediterranean Sea; coasts of Portugal. Straits of Magellan. Off New York to Greenland; Lat. 41° 32’ N., Lon, 65° 55’ W. Tierra del Fuego ; Straits of Magellan. Southern coasts of South America. Seas of Japan. Gulf of Panama. LIST OF STATIONS AND OF SPECIES COLLECTED AT EACH STATION. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3353 (Oud b! Nis 80° 34’ W. 695 fathoms 39° F. Gn. M. Dibranchichthys nudivomer, Bothrocaropsis rictolata, Bothrocaropsis elongata, Lycodes incisus, An- timora rhina, Phyciculus longipes, Macrurus carminifer, Macrurus convergens, Macrurus anguliceps, Argyropelecus lychnus, Scopelengys dispar, Stomias hexagonatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3354 7° 9' 45” N. 80° 50’ W. 322 fathoms 46° F. Gn. M. Trichiurus nitens, Malthopsis sparsa, Macrurus leucopheus, Macrurus carminifer, Macrurus latirostratus, Halosaurus radiatus, Notacanthus spinosus, Congermurena caudalis, Xenomystax rictus, Atopichthys cingulus, Atopichthys lychnus. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3355 Weomloe2OUeNt 80° 55’ W. 182 fathoms 54. 1° Bs Bk. G. Sh. Pontinus furcirhinus, Zalieutes elater, Peristedium crustosum, Laemonema eracillipes, Phyciculus ? ’ te} P , “ longipes, Phyciculus rastrelliger, Macrurus canus, Monolene maculipinna, Symphurus atramentatus, Congrosoma Evermanni. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3356 7° 9! 30” N. 81° 8’ 30” W. 546 fathoms 40.1° F. Sft. bl. M. Centroscyllium nigrum, Melamphaés mizolepis, Macrurus bodps, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3357 6° 35! N. 81° 44’ W. 782 fathoms 38.5° F. Gn. S. Raia badia, Macrurus convergens, Sternoptyx obscura, Alepocephalus asperifrons, Uroconger varidens, Atopichthys sicarius. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3358 6° 30’ N. 81° 44’ W. 555 fathoms 40.2° F. Gn. 8. Centroscyllium nigrum, Melamphaés mizolepis, Malthopsis erinacea, Dicrolene filamentosa, Dicrolene nigra, Monomitopus torvus, Lamprogrammus illustris, Macrurus trichiurus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Myctophum oculeum, Stomias hexagonatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3359 6° 22/ 20” N. 81° 52! W. 465 fathoms 42° FB. Rocky. Raia badia, Chauliodus barbatus. 410 DEEP SEA FISHES. Station Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3360 6° 17’ N. 82° 5’ W. 1672 fathoms 36.4 F. Fne. bk. dk. gn. S. Lycodes cicatrifer, Bassozetus nasus, Macrurus fragilis, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Scopelengys dispar, Stomias colubrinus, Alepocephalus fundulus, Serrivomer sector. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature Bottom. 3361 6° 10’ N. 83° 6’ W. 1471 fathoms 36° 6’ F. Gn. Oz. Maynea bulbiceps, Cataetyx simus, Stomias hexagonatus, Bathytroctes inspector, Serrivomer sector, Labichthys Bowersii. Station. Latitude Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3362 5° 56’ N. 85° 10! 30” W. 1175 fathoms 36.8° F. Gn. M. S. rky. Dibranchus hystrix, Mixonus caudalis, Macrurus anguliceps, Cyclothone acclinidens, Stomias hexagonatus, Station, Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3363 5° 43’ N. 85° 50’ W. 978 fathoms 37.5° F. Wh. glob. Oz. Chaunax coloratus, Eretmichthys pinnatus, Macrurus bulbiceps, Cyclothone acclinidens, Venefica tentaculata. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature Bottom. 3364 5° 30’ N. 86° 8’ 30” W. 902 fathoms 38° F. Y1. glob. Oz. Dibranchus scaber, Paraliparis attenuatus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Venefica tentaculata. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature Bottom. 3365 5° 31’ N. 86° 31’ W. 1010 fathoms 37° F. Y1. glob. Oz. Sciadonus pedicellaris, Narcetes pluriserialis. Station. Latitude Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3366 5° 30’ N. 86° 45’ W. 1067 fathoms ie id Y1. glob. Oz. Mixonus caudalis, Porogadus atripectus, Eretmichthys pinnatus, Macrurus anguliceps, Myctophum oculeum, Venefica ocella, Atopichthys ophichthys. e Station. Latitude Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3367 5° 31’ 30” N, 86° 52’ 30” W. 100 fathoms Dielaak. Rocky. Serranus Bulleri, Pontinus furcirhinus, Peristedium crustosum, Symphurus varius, Maurolicus lucetius. Station, Latitude. Longitude. * Depth Temperature. Bottom, 3368 5° 32’ 45” N. 86° 54’ 30” W. 66 fathoms 58.4° EF. Rocky. Anthias multifasciatus, Pontinus furcirhinus, Oncocephalus porrectus, Hippoglossina vagrans, Citharichthys maculifer, Platophrys leopardinus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3370 5° 36’ 40” N. 86° 56’ 50” W. 134 fathoms 54.8° F. Rocks and 8. Porogadus longiceps, Macrurus bucephalus, Sternoptyx obscura, Cyclothone acclinidens, Stomias hexagonatus, Serrivomer sector. LIST OF STATIONS AND SPECIES. 411 Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3371 5° 26" 20 Ni. 86° 55’ W. 770 fathoms 39° F. Glob. Oz. Dolopichthys allector, Macrurus anguliceps, Venefica tentaculata, Serrivomer sector. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. 3374 2° 35’ N. 83° 53’ W. Temperature, Bottom. 1823 fathoms 36.4 F, Gn. Oz. Careproctus longifilis, Holeomycteronus digittatus, Macrurus fragilis, Sternoptyx obscura. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3375 2° 34’ N. 82° 29’ W. 1201 fathoms 36.6° F. Gy. glob. Oz. Dibranchus hystrix, Holecomycteronus digittatus, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Chauliodus barbatus, Idiacanthus antrostomus, Atopichthys dentatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3376 3, 9! N. 82° 8’ W. 1132 fathoms 36.3° F. Gy. glob. Oz. Mixonus caudalis, Macrurus anguliceps, Bathypterois pectoralis, Chauliodus barbatus, Bathytroctes alveatus, Serrivomer sector. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3377 3° 56’ N. 81° 40’ 15” W. 764 fathoms 38° F, Mud. Sternoptyx obscura, Cyclothone acclinidens. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth, Temperature, Bottom, 3378 3° 58’ 20” N. 81° 36’ W. 112 fathoms 50.92) By. Brk. Sh. Anthias multifasciatus, Pontinus furcirhinus, Callionymus atrilabiatus, Monolene maculipinna, Symphurus varius, Symphurus atramentatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3379 3° 59’ 40” N. 81° 35’ W. 52 fathoms 00,0° F, Rocks. Symphurus varius. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3380 4°3/N. 81°31” W. 899 fathoms Bye 104 Rocks. Lycodapus fierasfer, Dicrolene nigra, Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3381 4° 56’ N. 80° 52’ 30” W. 1772 fathoms 35.8° F. Gn. M. Paraliparis fimbriatus, Porogadus longiceps, Bassozetus nasus, Acanthonus spinifer, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Myctophum oculeum, Serrivomer sector, Atopichthys acus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. 3382 6° 21" IN. 80° 41’ W. Temperature, Bottom, 1793 fathoms 35.8° F. Gn. M. Melamphaés nigrofulvus, Paraliparis latifrons, Gymnelis conorhynchus, Porogadus longiceps, Argyropeleeus lychnus, Cyclothone signata, Cyclothone acclinidens, Scopelengys dispar, Myctophum tenuiculum, Myetophum aurolaternatum, Bathytroctes alvifrons. 412 DEEP SEA FISHES. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3383 GEPOTe ING 79° 2! W. 1832 fathoms 36min. Gr. glob. Oz. Caulolepis subulidens, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Scope- lengys dispar, Stomias hexagonatus, Idiacanthus antrostomus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3384 7°.31' 30” N. 79° 14’ W. 458 fathoms 42° F. Gn. S. Trachichthys mento, Lycodopsis scaurus, Monomitopus torvus, Macrurus capito, Macrurus gracilli- cauda, Macrurus latirostratus, Macrurus tenuicauda, Argyropelecus lychnus, Notacanthus spinosus, Xenomystax rictus, Nemichthys fronto. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3385 ieio27 36 aINE M9216! Wi, 286 fathoms 45.9° F. Gn. M. Malthopsis sparsa, Lepophidium emmelas, Merluccius angustimanus, Lemonema gracillipes, Phyci- culus longipes, Phyciculus rastrelliger, Macrurus gracillicauda, Macrurus orbitalis, Symphurus microlepis, Argyropelecus lychnus, Lychnopoles argenteolus, Chlorophthalmus mento, Stomias hexagonatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3386 oIBS CLO ON, CAS IETAT SSL NY 242 fathoms 48° F. Fhe. gy. S. Malthopsis sparsa, Lepophidium emmelas, Phyciculus rastrelliger, Lychnopoles argenteolus, Chlorophthalmus mento, Cryptopterus frontalis, Atopichthys obtusus. Station. : Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3387 7° 40' N. TOS Oe Wee 127 fathoms 562° EF. Fne. gy. S. Anthias eos, Centristhmus signifer, Pontinus furcirhinus, Kathetostoma averruncus, Lophiomus caulinaris, Peristedium barbiger, Callionymus atrilabiatus, Merluccius angustimanus, Phyciculus longipes, Engyophrys Sancti-Laurenti, Monolene maculipinna, Symphurus atramentatus, Synodus acutus, Myctophum oculeum. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3388 HOG We 79° 48’ W. 1168 fathoms 36.2° F. Gn. glob. Oz. Melamphaés mizolepis, Melamphaés lugubris, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclo- thone acclinidens, Myctophum oculeum, Myctophum laternatum, Stomias hexagonatus, Serrivomer sector, Labichthys Bowersii, Atopichthys falcidens, Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3389 Mio 67457 ON: 79° 56’ 30” W. 210 fathoms 48,8° F. Gn. M. _ Pontinus fureirhinus, Trichiurus nitens, Kathetostoma averruncus, Lophiomus spilurus, Bassogigas stelliferoides, Macrurus canus, Monolene maculipinna, Symphurus atramentatus, Lychnopoles argen- teolus, Chlorophthalmus mento, Congermurena proriger, Cryptopterus frontalis. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3390 7° 26 10” N. 79° 53! 50” W. 56 fathoms 62.6° F. Fne. gy. 8. G. Kathetostoma averruncus, Zalieutes elater, Prionotus frontalis, Peristeditm barbiger, Engyophrys Sancti-Laurenti, Synodus acutus, LIST OF STATIONS AND SPECIES. 413 Temperature. Bottom. Depth, 55.8° F. Gnu. M. Longitude. 153 fathoms Station. Latitude. 79° 43’ 20” W. 3391 7° 33’ 40” N. Anthias eos, Pontinus furcirhinus, Kathetostoma averruncus, Lophiomus caulinaris, Peristedium crustosum, Bassogigas stelliferoides, Merluccius angustimanus, Phyciculus longipes, Macrurus canus, Monolene maculipinna, Symphurus atramentatus, Cryptopterus frontalis. Bottom. Hard; Rhabdamina. Depth. Temperature. 1270 fathoms 36.4° F. Longitude. Latitude. 79° 40’ W. 7° 5’ 30” N. Raia badia, Dibranchus hystrix, Malthopsis spinosa, Porogadus atripectus, Eretmichthys ocella, | Cataetyx simus, Macrurus anguliceps, Sternoptyx obscura, Argyropelecus lychnus, Alepocephalus fundulus Station, 3392 . Serrivomer sector. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 36.8° F. Gn. M. 1020 fathoms Longi‘ude. Latitude. 79° 36’ W. Station. 3393 igs WN Malthopsis spinosa, Bothrocaropsis elongata, Dicrolene filamentosa, Dicrolene nigra, Porogadus longiceps, Monomeropus malispinosus, Antimora rhina, Macrurus bucepbalus, Macrurus carminifer, Macrurus convergens, Bathypterois pectoralis;Alepocephalus asperifrons, Serrivomer sector. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3394 Wo 21 N. 79° 35' W. 511 fathoms 41.8° F. Dk. gn. M. Lepophidium emmelas, ' Trachichthys mento, Malthopsis spinulosa, Paraliparis angustifrons, Dicrolene filamentosa, Monomitopus torvas, Lamprogrammus illustris, Macrurus bodps, Macrurus latirostratus, Halosaurus radiatus, Xenomystax rictus, Chlopsis Gilbertii. Temperature. Bottom. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. 3395 7° 30° 36” N. 78° 39’ W. 730 fathoms 38 5° F. Rocky. Dibranchichthys nudivomer, Dicrolene pullata, Macrurus carminifer, Argyropelecus lychnus, Myxine circifrons. Temperature. Bottom. Depth, 47.4° F, Hrd. gy. M.S. 259 fathoms Longitude. Station. Latitude. 78° 36’ 30” W. 3396 7° 32’ N. Trachichthys mento, Lophiomus spilurus, Malthopsis sparsa, Merluccius angustimanus, Phyciculus rastrelliger, Halosaurus radiatus, Uroconger varidens. Temperature. Bottom. Depth. 57.3° F. Stf. gn. M. brk. Longitude. 85 fathoms Station. Latitude. 78° 34’ 20” W. 3397 UP eBy is Liopropoma longilepis, Anthias multifasciatus, Centristhmus signifer, Pontinus furcirhinus, Phyciculus rastrelliger. Bottom, Gn. Oz. Temperature. Depth. 36° F. Longitude. 1573 fathoms Station. Latitude. 3398 1°7' N. 80° 21’ W. Melamphaés mizolepis, Melamphaés maxillaris, Macrurus bucephalus, Sternoptyx obscura, Lepto- chilichthys Agassizii. Temperature, Bottom. Depth. 36° F. Gn. Oz. Latitude. Longitude. 1740 fathoms Station. NO 7/4 IN 81° 4’ W. 3399 Sternoptyx obscura, Cyclothone acclinidens, 414 DEEP SEA FISHES. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3400 0° 36'S. ~ 86° 46’ W. 1322 fathoms 36° F. Lt. gy. glob. Oz. Halieutopsis tumifrons, Mixonus caudalis, Eretmichthys pinnatus, Cataetyx simus, Macrurus anguliceps, Sternoptyx obscura, Bathytroctes alveatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3402 0° 57’ 30” S. 89° 3’ 30” W. 421 fathoms 42.3° F. R. glob. Oz. Malthopsis erinacea, Dicrolene nigra, Trachyrhynchus helolepis, Sternoptyx obscura, Myetophum oculeum, Myctophum luminosum. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3403 0° 58’ 30” S, 89° 17! W. 384 fathoms 43.3°F, Fhe. gy. S. bk. Sp. Ectreposebastes imus, Hoplostethus pacificus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3404 12378: 89° 28’ W. 385 fathoms 43.2° F. R. Diplacanthopoma Jordani, Leptophycis filifer, Xenomystax rictus, Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth, Temperature. Bottom. 3406 0° 16’ S. 90° 21’ 30” W. 551 fathoms 41.3° F. R. Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclothone acclinidens. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3407 0° 4S. 90° 24’ 30” W. 885 fathoms 37.2° E. Glob. Oz. Pseudonus acutus, Macrurus liraticeps, Bathypterois pectoralis. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3409 0° 18’ 40” N. 90° 34’ W. 327 fathoms 42.3° F. Bk. S. Macrurus loricatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3410 0° 19’ N. 90° 34’ W. 331 fathoms 44,2° F. Bk. S. Leptophycis filifer, Lamonema gracillipes, Macrurus loricatus, Argyropelecus lychnus, Atopichthys cinctus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3411 0° 54’ N. SISO Wie 1189 fathoms 36.2° F. Y1. glob. Oz. Cyclothone acclinidens. Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3412 123 Ns 91° 43' W. 918 fathoms 38° F. R. Myctophum aurolaternatum. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3413 2° 34’ N. 92° 6’ W. 1360 fathoms 36° F. Glob. Oz. dk. Sp. Tsistius brasiliensis, Halieutopsis tumifrons, Cyclothone acclinidens, Ipnops Agassizii, Dactylo- stomias filifer, Bathytroctes alvifrons, Halosaurus attenuatus. LIST OF STATIONS AND SPECIES. 415 Station. Latitude. Longitude, Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3414 10° 14’ N. 96° 28’ W. 2232 fathoms 30.8- Be Gn. M. Melamphaés lugubris, Holeomycteronus digittatus, Argyropelecus lychnus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Myctophum laternatum, Stomias hexagonatus, Dactylostomias filifer, Labichthys Bowersii. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3415 14° 46’ N. 90° 40’ W. 1879 fathoms 36° F. Br. M. glob. Oz. Leucicorus lusciosus, Bassozetus nasus, Holeomycteronus digittatus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom, 3417 16SS2h INE 99° 48’ W. 493 fathoms 40.6° F. Gn. M. Dibranchopsis spongiosa, Lepophidium emmelas, Macrurus capito, Xenomystax rictus. P pong1osa, ’ J Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3418 UG BEY INE 99° 52’ 30” W. 660 fathoms 39° F. Br. S. bk. Sp. Dibranchus asper, Dibranchopsis spongiosa, Malthopsis erinacea, Phucocoetes suspectus, Dicrolene filamentosa, Macrurus liolepis, Cyclothone acclinidens, Bathypterois ventralis, Dactylostomias filifer, Alepocephalus convexifrons, Venefica tentaculata. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3419 16° 34’ 30” N. 100° 3’ W. 772 fathoms 39° F. Gn. M. bk. Sp. Porogadus atripectus. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3421 16° 47’ 20” N. 100° 0' 10” W. 338 fathoms 42.9° F, Dk. gn. M. Lepophidium emmelas. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3422 16247230 Ne 99° 59! 30” W. 141 fathoms 53.5° F. Gn. M. Lepophidium emmelas, Monolene dubiosa. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3423 16° 47’ 30” N. 99° 59’ 20” W. 94 fathoms 56° F. Gn. M. Lepophidium emmelas, Bregmaceros longipes. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3424 Q1° 15! N. 106° 23/ W. 676 fathoms Bsa Oe Gy. S. bk. Sp. Glob. Macrurus barbiger, Macrurus liolepis. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3425 21° 19’ N. 106° 24’ W. 680 fathoms 39° F. Gn. M. & S. Dibranchopsis spongiosa, Malthopsis erinacea, Bathypterois ventralis. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3428 21° 36’ 30” N. 106° 25’ W. 238 fathoms 48.1° F. Dk. gy. S. Glob. Maurolicus lucetius. 416 DEEP SEA FISHES. Station, Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3429 22° 30’ 30” N. 107° 1’ W. 919 fathoms 37° F. Gn. M. glob. Oz. Chiasmodon subniger. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3430 23° 16’ N. LORS TOA Wie 852 fathoms 37.9° F. Bk. S. Melamphaés frontosus, Macrurus bucephalus. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3431 23° 59’ N. 108° 40’ W. 995 fathoms 37° F. Lt. bro. M. Glob. Melamphaés frontosus, Dibranchus scaber, Macrurus latinasutus, Bathypterois pectoralis. | Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3432 24° 22! 30" N. 109° 3/ 20” W. 1421 fathoms 37.8° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Microlepidium grandiceps. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3433 25° 26’ 15” N. 109° 48’ W. 1218 fathoms ~ 36.5° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Myctophum oculeum, Myctophum atratum, Stomias atriventer. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3434 25° 29' 30" N. 109° 48’ W. ~- 1588 fathoms 36.4° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Paraliparis grandiceps, Holeomycteronus digittatus, Nemichthys fronto. Station. Latitude, Longitude. Depth. Temperature. Bottom. 3435 26° 48’ N. 110° 45’ 20” W. 859 fathoms 37.3° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Lycodes anguis, Porogadus breviceps, Macrurus anguliceps, Cyclothone acclinidens, Myctophum oculeum. Station. Latitude. Longitude. Depth. Temperature, Bottom. 3436 27° 34’ N. 110° 53’ 40” W. 905 fathoms 37.22 F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Bothrocaropsis alalonga, Lycodes anguis, Lycodes serpens, Porogadus breviceps, Macrurus liolepis, Macrurus cuspidatus, Cyclothone acclinidens, Myctophum oculeum. Station, Locality. Depth. Temperature. Bottom, 3487 About 50 miles south of Guaymas 628 fathoms 40° F. Br. M. bk. Sp. Myctophum oculeum, Myctophum laternatum, Taken in the submarine townet dragged on the bottom. SYSTEMATIC LIST. The new Genera and the new Species are those not followed by the Name of an Authority. HoLocEPHALA. PLAGIOSTOMIA. Platosomia. Raiide. Raia badia. Raia borea. 2aia hyperborea Coll. Raia alia. Antacea. Scyliorhinide. Squalidee. Centroscyllium nigrum. Scymnorhinide. Tsistiidee. Isistius brasiliensis Q. G. Chlamydoselachidee. Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garm. TELEOSTEA. Acanthopterygii. Serranide. Liopropoma longilepis. Serranus Bulleri Boul. Anthias eos Gilb. Trachinide. Chiasmodon subniger. Uranoscopidee. Kathetostoma averruncus J. B. Lophidia. Lophiide. Lophiomus spilurus. Lophiomus caulinaris. Ceratiide. Dolopichthys. Dolopichthys allector. Antennariide. Chaunax (Chaunacops) coloratus. Oncocephalide. Oncecephalus porrectus. Zalieutes elater J. G. Halieutopsis. Halicutopsis tumifrons. Dibranchus hystrix. Dibranchus seaber. Dibranchus asper. Dibranchopsis. Dibranchopsis spongiosa Gilb. Dibranchichthys. Dibranchichthys nudivomer. Anthias mullifasciatus Gill. Malthopsis sparsa. Centristhmus. AMalthopsis erinacea. Centristhmus signifer. Malihopsis spinosa. Scorpenidee Malthopsis spinulosa. Pontinus furcirhinus. Triglide. Ectreposebastes. Prionotus frontalis. Ectreposebastes imus. Peristediide. Berycidie. Peristedium barbiger. Hoplostethus pacificus. Trachichthys mento. Caulolepis subulidens. Peristedium crustosum. Discoboli. Liparidide. Melamphaés mizolepis Giint. Careproctus longifilis Garm. Melamphaés lugubris Gilb. Melamphaés nigrofulvus. Melamphaés mawillaris. Melamphaés frontosus. Trichiuride. Gempylus thyrsitoides Less. Trichiurus nitens. Teuthidide. Teuthys elegans. Paraliparis fimbriatus Garm. Paraliparis grandiceps. Paraliparis attenuatus. Paraliparis angustifrons. Paraliparis latifrons. Gobiide. Callionymus atrilabiatus. Blenniide. Entomacrodus cruentatus. € ~) 4 b 418 DEEP SEA FISHES. Anacanthini. Lemonema gracillipes. Zoarcide. Phyciculus longipes. Bothrocaropsis. Phyciculus rastrelliger. Bothrocaropsis alalonga. Bregmaceros longipes. Bothrocaropsis rictolata. Macruride. Bothrocaropsis elongata. Macrurus bulbiceps. Gymnelis conorhynchus. Macrurus bucephalus. Lycodopsis scaurus. Macrurus livaticeps. Lycodes anguis. Macrurus barbiger. Lycodes serpens. Macrurus liolepis Gilb. Lycodes incisus. Macrurus capito. Lycodes cicatrifer. Macrurus leucophceus. Phucoceetes suspectus. Macrurus boips. Phucocetes latitans Jen. Macrurus fragilis. Lycodapus fierasfer Gilb. Macrurus carminifer. Maynea Cunn. Macrurus gracillicauda. Maynea bulbiceps. Macrurus orbitalis. Ophidiide. Macrurus loricatus. Lepophidium emmelas Gilb. Macrurus cuspidatus. Brotulide. Macrurus convergens, Leucicorus. Macrurus latirostratus. Leucicorus lusciosus. Macrurus anguliceps. ; Mixonus caudalis. Macrurus latinasutus. Dicrolene filamentosa. Macrurus trichiurus. Dicrolene nigra. Macrurus tenuicauda. Dicrolene pullata. Macrurus canus. Porogadus longiceps. Trachyrhynchus helolepis Gilb. Porogadus atripectus. Pleuronectide. Porogadus breviceps. Hippoglossina vagrans. Monomitopus Ale. Engyophrys Sancti-Laurenti J. B. Monomitopus torvus. Citharichthys maculifer. Monomeropus. Platophrys leopardinus Giint. Monomeropus malispinosus. Monolene maculipinna. Bassozetus nasus. Monolene dubiosa. Diplacanthopoma Jordani. Symphurus varius. Bassogigas, stelliferoides Gilb. Symphurus atramentatus, J. B. = Holcomycteronus. Symphurus microlepis. Holcomycteronus digittatus. Eretmichthys. Pryeostom: Eretmichthys pinnatus. Eretmichthys ocella. Sternoptychide. Cataetyx Giint. Sternoptyx obscura. Cataetyx simus. Argyropelecus lychnus. Pseudonus, Argyropelecus caninus. Pseudonus acutus. : Argyropelecus affinis. Acanthonus spinifer. Polyipnus Giint. Sciadonus. Polyipnus laternatus. Sciadonus pedicellaris. Valenciennellus stellatus. Lamprogrammus Alc. Maurolicus oculatus. Lamprogrammus illustris. Maurolicus lucetius. Gadide. Lychnopoles. Microlepidium. Lychnopoles argenteolus. ~ Microlepidium grandiceps. Cyclothone signata. Leptophycis. Cyclothone acclinidens. Leptophycis Silifer. Synodontide. Merluccius angustimanus. Synodus simulans. Antimora rhina. Synodus acutus. Chlorophthalmide. Chlorophthalmus mento. Scopelengys dispar. Bathypterois ventralis. Bathypterois pectoralis. Ipnops A gassizii. Myctophide. Myctophum oculeum. Myctophum tenuiculum. Myctophum luminosum. Myctophum aurolaternatum. Myctophum nitidulum. Myctophum laternatum. Myctophum atratum. Chauliodidee. Chauliodus barbatus. Chauliodus dentatus, Stomiatide. Stomias Cuy. Stomias colubrinus. Stomias hexagonatus. Stomias atriventer. Dactylostomias. Dactylostomias filifer. Idiacanthide. Idiacanthus antrostomus Gilb. Alepocephalide. Leptochilichthys. Leptochilichthys A gassizii. Bathytroctes alvifrons. Bathytroctes alveatus. Bathytroctes inspector. Narcetes pluriserialis. Alepocephalus asperifions. Alepocephalus convexifrons. Alepocephalus fundulus. Halosauride. Haosaurus atlenuatus. Halosaurus radiatus. Notacanthide. Notacanthus spinosus. Murenide. Uroconger varidens. Congermurena caudalis. SYSTEMATIC LIST. 419 Congermureena prorigera Gilb. Congrosoma. Congrosoma Evermanni. Cryptopterus frontalis. Ophichthys biserialis. Pisodontophis peninsule Gilb. Echidna cocosa. Echidna scabra. Xenomystax rictus. Nettastomide. Chlopsis Gilberti. Venefica ocella. Venefica tentaculata. Nemichthyide. Serrivomer sector. Labichthys Bowersit. Nemichthys fronto. Atopichthyes. Atopichthys esunculus. Atopichthys sicarius. Altopichthys cinctus. Atopichthys dentatus. Alopichthys falcidens. Atopichthys acus. Atopichthys ophichthys. Atopichthys cingulus. Atopichthys lychnis, Altopichthys obtusus. Atopichthys longidens. Myxinia. Symphytobranchii. Myxinide. Myzxine Linn. Myzxine circifrons. Myzxine tridentiger. Myzine australis Jen. Myzxine limosa Gir. Myzxine acutifrons. Myzine glutinosa Linn. Homeide. Tomea Flem. Homea cirrhata B. 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Acassiz, A., 1888, “Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ‘ Blake, in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880.” Fishes in Vol. IL., chapter XV., with numerous figures. ALcock, A., 1889, “ List of the Pleuronectids obtained in the Bay of Bengal [by the steamer ‘ Investigator’] in 1888 and 1889, with Descriptions of new and rare Species,” in Jour, As. Soc. Bengal, LVIII.; 1889, “ On the Bathybial Fishes of the Bay of Bengal and neighboring waters, obtained during the seasons of 1885-1889,” in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) IV., 376-450 ; 1890, “ On the Bathybial Fishes collected in the Bay of Bengal during the season of 1889-90,” in Aun. Mag. N. H., (6) VI., 197, 295; 1891, “ On the Results of Deep Sea Dredging during the Season of 1890-91,” in Ann. Mag. N. H., (6) VIIT., 16, 119, 268, 427 ; 1891, “ On a viviparous bathybial Fish from the Bay of Bengal,” in Proc. Zool. Soe. Lond., 226; 1892, “On the Bathybial Fishes collected during the Season of 1891-92,” in Ann. Mag. N. H., (6) X., 845; 1892-98, “ Illustrations of the Zoology of H. M. Indian Marine Surveying Steamer ‘ Investigator, under the command of Commanders Carpenter and Hoskyn ;” 1893, “ An account of the Deep Sea Collection made during the Season of 1892-93,” in Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, LXII. ; 1894, “ An Account of a Recent Collection of Bathybial Fishes from the Bay of Bengal and from the Laccadive Sea,” in Jour. As. Soc. Beng., LXIII. ; 1896, “ A supplementary List of the Marine Fishes of India, with descriptions of two new Genera and eight new Species,” in Jour. As. Soc. Bene., LX V.; 1898, “ A Note on the Deep-sea Fishes, with Descriptions of some new Genera and Species, including another probably viviparous Ophidioid,” in Ann. Mag. N. H., (7) I., 186. Bean, B. A., 1898, “ Notes on the Capture of rare Fishes,” in Pr. U. S. Mus., XXI., 639. Bran, T. H., 1884, “ Notes on some Fishes collected by James Swan in Washington Territory, including a new Species of Macrurus,” in Pr. U. S. Mus., VI., 862; 1886, “ Description of a new Species of Plectromus (P. crassiceps) taken by the United States Fish Commission,” in Pr. U. S. Mus., VIII., 73 ; 1890, “ New Fishes collected off the coast of Alaska and the adjacent region southward,” in Pr. U.S. Mus., XIII., 87. Bennett, F. D., 1840, “ Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe.”’ Fishes in Vol. IT., p. 255. BEnneEtTT?T, G., 1860, “ Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia.” BuAINVILLE, H. M. D., 1816, “ Prodrome d’une nouvelle distribution systématique du réene animal.” Buocu, M. E., 1782-1795, “ Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands,” and *‘Naturgeschichte der ausliindischen Fische.” 422 DEEP SEA FISHES. BLocu, SCHNEIDER, 1801, “ Systema ichthyologiae iconibus cx illustratum.” Bocace & CapeLio, 1864, “Diagnoses de algumas especies inéditas da Familia Squalidae ;” 1866, “ Peixes Plagiostomos.” Bonaparte, O. L., 1832-1841, “ Iconografia della Fauna Italica,’ Tomo III., Pesci. Bouencer, G. 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Plate LXVI., figs. 5, 5°. - cinctus. Plate LXVI., figs. 2,.2%. . cingulus. Plate LXVII., figs. 2, 2 . dentatus. Plate LXVI., figs. 3, 3° -esunculus. Plate LXV., figs. 2, 2° . falcidens. Plate LXVI., figs. 4, 4* -lychnus. Plate LXVILI., figs. 3, 3° . obtusus. Plate LXVII., figs. 4, 4* - ophichthys. Plate LXVIL., figs. 1, 15 . sicarius. Plate LXVIL., figs. 1-1» rPrPro> b> PP Pb b> > BassoGIGas . Ope eon Beto B. stelliferoides. Plate LXXX., fig. 1 Bassozetus B. nasus. Plates LXXVII., and LXXVIII. . Bathypterois. . . .. . B. pectoralis. Plate K, fig. 1 B. ventralis. Plate LV., fig. 1. Bathyinoctesirss Cael yey uss: B. alveatus. Plate LVIII., fig. 1 . B. alvifrons. Plate LVIII., figs. 2, 28 .longidens. Plate LXVILI, figs. 5, 5° . Pace B. inspector. Plate M, fig.1 ... . . 288 Berycide . cia tou eH ofirei ihe 2 - 56 Beryecoidsiayee, ys) 1) cs. lel el © =) TOs GS Biblicgraphyse. sce =) a ~) te = © wy 4 IM NTTGES As corso NOG arg 6 BS spe 18) Blenmoidsy ee he eo) wlOS 0589 Bothrocaropsis 3 Oe eG. Seen Dal emia B. alalonga. Plate XXXII, fig. 2 . . . 127 B. elongata. Plate XXXIII., fig.2 . . . 129 B. rictolata. Plate XXXIII., fig, 1 . . . 128 iBrepmacenosm iss af tines iy erat 2) dio B. longipes. Plate XLIII., figs. 6-9. . . 191 vonlboes eles Go oma tn co eee By By RW Go oo oo og deo Jue Peatent CALEIONYMUS) |. Sele «+ * oo een oO C. atrilabiatus 122 Callorhynchus 20 C. callorhynchus. Plate LXIV., fig.2 . . 20 (Chahaslenis” Ccta 9G Je nn oy coe, oem ee | OAL Canal System. Plates LXIX.-LXXXIV. . 351 Careproctus acerca Age 115, 370 C. longifilis. Plates XXVII., XXVIIL, fig. I, el VOID ee sy TS ge a te) alls Catetyx Be Osea Wor pn 167, 372 C.simus. Plates E, fig. 2, XX XIX., figs. 3- Ghandi NeOXe foe tee: | on ALOU oOe Caulolepis Stes oe 60, 368 C. subulidens. Plates B, XII., and LXXIL., Ties le) "Gey tou tcllo 6) Sogo fone GOBIND Gentriscidsam i -aecin iim on Notte en Centristhmus . . Suton See, eel C. signifer. Plate LXIX., fig.5 . . . . 48 Centroscyllium . . ..- - . 28, 368 C. nigrum. Plates I., fig. 2, IV., V., and TANSEX., fig sel. Baar co . 28, 352 G@eratide me cnse ous ap Ms Le or sO @hanliodideuce 4 oo) sensu .omce aeRO Chauliodus Oh pouresta ye 271, 375 C. barbatus. Plate K, figs. 2,2" . . . . 271 C. dentatus SaaS Se ao coM Com 67-1103 GliMaccouliion co) suet ash cc) \sncor 1 emmenmecdye @ipamme)lasi-mins mol Renae ss) om 274 C. Sloani. Plate K,fig.3 . . - - - - 278 = KGhaunacops) coche. 2 Gil) eis cs ole 76 428 INDEX. Pace Pace Chaunax i fie CAR en, ae . 83, 369 | EcuipNA cCocosaA 313 C. coloratus. Plates C, XVI., XVII, FE. scabra . 314 and LXXIII., figs 1, 2 83, 360 | Ectreposebastes . 53 Chiasmodon . : 73, 369| E. imus. Plate VIII., Ix,, isa LXX, C. subniger (| rites al 5 - 53, 360 Chimera . 20 | Engyophrys Sancti- Tenet 38d) 6. ig ERY C. affinis 20 | Entomacrodus cruentatus. Plate L’, fig. 1 . 128 C. Colliei . 20 | Eretmichthys é 164 C. monstrosa . : 20] E. ocella. Plates XXXVIL, fig. 1, and Chimeeroids 20, 379 LXXIX., fig. 1 : : 166, 362 Chlamydoselachidze . . . 41] E. pinnatus. Plates XXXV,, and LXXIX., Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Plate LXX. 41, 352 fig. 2 165, 362 Chlopsis Shigeo ob lek 3h hg 316, 377 C. Gilbertii. Plate LXII., fig. 2 . 316 | FisruLarupa 124, 389 Chlorophihalmids-) chee fie nen -eoOS Chlorophthalmus - . . 253,374) Gavin 180 C. mento. Plate LIV., foe. qs - . . . 253} Gadoids 177, 393 Citharichthys maculifer . 224] Gempylus serpens 68 Congermurena . 305, 376 | G. thyrsitoides 69 C. caudalis 305 | General Discussion . 5 C. prorigera . 307 | Generic Distribution 365 Congrosoma . niki) mole 308 | Gobiide = 22 C. Evermanni. Plate LXIL., fig. 1 308 | Gobioids 121, 389 Cottoids 4g 107, 387 | Gymnelis SS BS Bodie el at Cottunculus ioanGon Plate LXXI., figs. G. conorhynchus. Plate XXXI., fig. 2 131 PE BS 4 360 Cryptopterus . 309, 376 | HALiEuTopsIs Bente 89 C. frontalis . . 809] H. tumifrons. Plate XXV. 90 Cyclopteroids 114, 388 | Halosauride . 294 Cyclothone spi aa Man 6 246,374 | Halosauroids . 294, 404 C. acclinidens. Plate J, fig. 4 . 247 | Halosaurus. js 26 eehca, SOR COO ROTO: C. signata. Plate J, fig. 3 246 | H. attenuatus. Plate LX., figs. 1, 1* 296 H. radiatus. Plates LX., figs. 2, 25, and DactTyLosTomias ee os ee 2 EXT, figs-13—6 298, 364 D. filifer. Plate LVI., ae 6 - . . . . 279) Harriotta Raleighana . PAL Dibranchichthys Send atin 99 | Hippoglossina vagrans 2am D. nudivomer 99 | Holeomycteronus Tas 6. Dibranchopsis ad 96] H. digittatus. Plates XXXVI, fig. 1, and D. spongiosa. Plate XX. 97| LXXVLI., fig. 2 163, 361 Dibranchus 92, 369 | Holocephala . . 20, 379 D. asper 5 6 95 | Homea . 349 D. hystrix. Plate XXIII. 92 | H. cirrhata 350 D. seaber. Plate XXIV. . . 94) Homeide . 348 Dicrolene . > > 3 oo oo 149, 371 | Hoplostethus . . 56, 368 D. filamentosa. Plates F., fig. 1, and H. pacificus. Plates A, fig. 1, X,, XI., fig. 1, LXXYV., fig. 2 E 149, 361] and LXXL, fig. 4 : 56, 360 D. nigra. Plates XXXVIL, oe 2, and Hyperoartia 340 LXXV., fig. 1 a 150, 361 | Hyperotreta . 340 D. pullata . o HEY) Diplacanthopoma 160, 372 | IpIACANTHIDE . cae ae 280 D. Jordani TGONWdiacanthus 4 a ye ea eet ke ae ee mSO nao Discoboles 114 | I. antrostomus 280 Distribution of the Gare 365 | Ipnops . 259, 375 Dolopichthys . Sy Spee en eta 81/ I. Agassizii. Plate TH, Gene ere 259 D. allector. Plates XII1., XIV., and XY. 81 | Isistiide Sete oa 32 INDEX. 429 PAGE PAGE Isistius ‘ . 33, 368) M. bucephalus, Plate XLIV., figs. 2-2» 195 I. brasiliensis. Plates L fig. ah ins III., and M. bulbiceps. Plate XLIV., figs. 1-1» . 194 LXIX., fig. 2 34,352) M. canus. Plates XLIX., fig. 2, and XXXIV. > 1S} 2 KATHETOSTOMA AVERRUNCUS . 74 ae Beets ae ee Known species of Deep-sea Fishes . 379 | vy carminifer. Plate XLVI, fig. 2 904 ercH Tae ae Reet 323, 377 M. conyergens. Plate XLVIIL. ee 1 210 L. Bowersii. Plate LXIV., fig. 1 Boa] Cusp ams : ae Teomenavnd aces _ 187, 372 M. fragilis. Plate XLVI. fig. 1 sd 08} L. gracillipes. Plate XLIL., iss. ficta 197 | M. gracillicauda. Elateva gel.) 5, byes) 206 Lamprogrammus fe 2 iysna M. latinasutus Gh bhp toh ors > Coen teh sao Ree De allustwia’ Plates XXXIV, and LXXXI., M. latirostratus. Plate XLVIIL, fig. 2 . 211 fps . 174, 362 M. leucophzeus tied kept ere 201 Lateral Canal Siiads. Plates LXIX.- ue holepis pe A tite CE AG 199 LXXXIV. 351 | M- liraticeps. Plate XLV., figs. 1-1" - 196 Leptochilichthys : 284 M. loricatus. Plate XLVIL., fiTS oe ten ve COS) TA ie aE late LVIIL., fig. 3 : _ 985 M. orbitalis. Plate XLVIL., figs. 1-1» 207 Repophidiam : wnt 142. 371 M. tenuicauda. Plate XLIX., fig. 1 216 L. emmelas. Plate LXXIIL, fig.3 . 142, 360 a Bern E Spor ike: oe en Leptophycis ; 189 Malthopsis ec 101, 369 Delite. Plats sane, figs. 2 2. 182 M. erinacea. Plate XIX. - 108 Tesco ; Wate 1s “146, 361 M. sparsa. Plate XVIII. 101 L.lusciosus. Plates XXXVIII, and LXXIV,, M. spinosa. Plate XXII. 104 font , SP een S61 M. spinulosa. Plates XXI., and XXVIL 106 Liopropoma longilepis . 45 Maurolicus , 241, 374 ements 115 | ME Iucetius. Plate i: fig. Pa. 5 242 List of Deep-sea Fishes 379 M. oculatus. Plate LULL, fig. 3 Fata, ee List of Stations and Species . ee 209) Maynea eae aa ee 140, 370 Mophidia . 15, 385 M. bulbiceps. Plate E, fig. 1 se LAO ibaysinhabs ‘ 77 Melamphaés ueay eG - 62, 368 Lophiomus caulinaris . 79 i frontosus ; 67 ii, Galena 77 M. lugubris Se epee 63 Bouts 3¢9 | M- maxillaris. Plate D, fig. 1 . 66 Moehondes 124 M. mizolepis CH CMACCE MG pda wo ent Te) iyetnepoles) = A et Bee cee aa O44 M. nigrofulvus. Plates D, fig. 2, and L. argenteolus. Plate LIIL., figs. 4, 4 244 a Ran Boe) arp cate Me Date Oe SOL Lycodapus . a eee BOOM ect ccoes ee ote TA Rorasise easy M. angustimanus. Plates XLL, fig. 1, and Lycodes. Tot rate ae PSP STU ee 183, 363 L. anguis. Plate XXX., fig. 1 ~ peg | A testes 180 Tn cicatitcr Paik An 136 M. grandiceps. Plates XLII. ag 1- i ccd - cica : ate XXXI., fig. I. incisus. Plate XXX., fig. 2 1G | oe SSE 181, 868 Tieenpens: Seale _ 134 Mixonus Sen Oe eli Lycodoids . 195. 389 | M- caudalis. Plates XSXSKV I fig oh Lyecodopsis ere CRM 132, 371 Se rertbiy fig. 2, and LXXIV., fig. 2 148, 361 L. scaurus. Plate XXXIL, fig. 1 3} ciga)| Plouelene zee as a4 5 M. dubiosa See yl th aa 297 MacroruaAmMPHosip& 124, 389 | M. maculipinna. Plate LIL, figs. 1b?) 226 Macruride . . 194] Monomeropus 157 Macruroids 192, 394 | M. malispinosus. Plate XL., ig 2 - 158 Macrurus . 194, 373 | Monomitopus - 156, 371 M. anguliceps. “Plates G, ae 1 The -» and M. torvus. Plate XL., eat a albye LXXXIII., fig.2 . 212, 363 | Mureenidse . 3804 M. barbiger. Plate Sai figs. 2 197 | Murnoids 302, 405 M. boodps 202 | Myctophide . - 260 430 INDEX. Pace Pace Myctophoids. . ... .- .- . - 249,400/ P. crustosum. Plate A., fig. 2 oko aS) Myctophum : 260, 375 | Phucoccetes Rmuke hace. ihe 137, 371 WG RAT BG ol Oo 6 a 9 - . 268] P. latitans eo Sa gaia 6 138 M. aurolaternatum. Plate LV., fig. 3 264) P. suspectus. Plate XXX., figs. 3, 3° 137 M. laternatum. Plate LVL., fig. 1 267 | Phyciculus coe en ee ea eee eee OMS OF M.luminosum. Plate LY., fig 2. . . 263 P. longipes. Plate XLII., figs. 2,2. 188 M. nitidulum. Plate LVI., fig. 3. . . . 266) P. rastrelliger. Plate LXXXII, fig.2 189, 363 M. oculeum. Plate LVI., fig.2 . . . . 260] Phycisregius. Plate LXXXLI., fig. 2 362 M. tenuiculum. Plate J, fig. 5 . 262 | Physostomi Cuetebeet Ge ol «pe ail Sie) Myxine DiC ees 342, 377| Pisodontophis . .. . 311 M. acutifrons. Plate LXVIIL, fig. 6 347 | Plagiostomia . Z . 2 879 M. australis. Plate LXVIIL., fig. 8 . 345 | Platophrys leopardinus Big. PEE) M. circifrons. Plate LXVIII., figs. 1-4 344 | Platosomia - 215379 M. glutinosa. Plate LXVIII., fig. 5. 348 | Pleuronectidz 221 M. limosa. Plate LXVIIL., fig. 7 . . . 846] Pleuronectoids 220, 397 M. tridentiger Ah co 345 | Polyipnus . 237 Myxiniay <7) 339, 407 | P. laternatus . 238 Myxinide . 340 | Pomacentridee 124, 389 Myxinoids . 339, 407 | Pontinus tee Veen ts - 51, 368 P. furcirhinus. Plate VII. 51 NARCETES se se 6) | OD Oo!) Porozadus'. eo 6 Oo oo 4 5 0 WBS Sal N. pluriserialis. Plate LVII., fig. 3 . 289 | P. atripectus. Plate XXXVII., fig. 3 154 Nemichthyidee CA Meeks e - 9320] P. breviceps a pee Eta scle eats 155 Nemichthys i eee oo 324, 377 | P. longiceps. Flates F., fig. 2, LXXVI., N. fronto. Plate LXV., fig. 1. > . 024) fig. 1 oS oS 153, 361 INeobythites#=.0 8 ge) ee ere = ee en oneiperionotusme 108, 370 Netiastomide . . . +. . . . = « » 9816] P. frontalis 108 MLE 6 oO oF a 8 56 & 301 | Pseudonus Pie ey no Og ates 169 Notacanthoids . .... . . . 800, 405/P. acutus. Plate XXXIX., fig. 1 169 Notacanthus . Bn Che 301, 376 N. spinosus. Plate L’, figs. 4-4” G GIN Ae BG 5 22, 367 R. alia . eis: Aovab re 25 ONCOCEPHALIDE . .... .. . . §86|R.badia. Plate VI., fig. 1, 2 22 Oncocephalus =) 2005 S09))| Even DOLGay esc. tole Vol vei) etl ce 24 O. porrectus . . - . ... =... +. 86/|R. hyperborea 24 Ophichthys 311, 376 | Raiide .. . >) hee OMbiserialiss) esti 311| Raioids . . . 21, 379 OFTrontalisy fe jeu vsney ee) ee 309 Ophidiide - 142] Sarmoips. . 282, 403 Otophidioids . 141, 3890} Sciadonus . Sedum Ach ro 171 S. pedicellaris. Plate F, fig. 4 . ~ Lf PARALIPARIS se ee oo dIG) 28710! Secombroids 36m 68, 384 P. angustifrons. Plates XXVII., fig. 4, Scopelengys . Bice g, bo 6 254, 374 XXVIIL, fig. 4, and XXIX., fig. 8 119|S. dispar. Plate LIV., figs. 2-2* . 254 P. attenuatus. Plates XXVIL, fig. 8, Scorpenide . .. . ae 51 XXVIII, fig. 8, and XXTX., fig 2 - 118} Seorpenoids . - 50, 382 P. fimbriatus. Plates D, fig. 3, and XXIX., Seyliorhinide . 26 fig. 1 De a) hed omy, Seer, Be 116|Scymnorhinide . ... . 3l P. grandiceps. Plate XXIX., figs. 4—4¢ 117 | Serranide : 45 P. latifrons. Plates XXVII., fig. 2, and Serranus Bulleri . . . =o Ae XXVIII, figs. 2-2¢ . re 120| Serrivomer . Bae 320, 377 Percoids = 3 6 « « « « « 45, 381 S. sector. Plate I2XiII. . 5 of Et) Reristediidsay ral sma ace i emars uaa enene 110 | Special Discussions and Descriptions . 20 Peristedium 110, 370 | Squalide . 26 P. barbiger . . 110] Squaloids . 26, 380 Stations and Species . . .. .» Sternoptychide . . .. . Sternoptychoids Sternoptyx did OS) to an S. obscura. Plate LIIIL, fig. 1. Stomias S. atriventer. Plate LVI., fig. 4 . 8. colubrinus. Plate LVIL., fig. 1 S. hexagonatus. Plate LVI., fig. 5 Stomiatidee cb tO. 0 6 Stomiatoids Symphurus S. atramentatus . So ee 8. microlepis. Plate LII., fig. 3 S. varius Sy piece cates Symphytobranchii . Synodontidee . Synodus acutus . a. S. simulans. Plate L’, fig. 3 Systematic List . : TABLE OF CONTENTS . Teleostea . Teuthidide Teuthidioids . ce ael vot Teuthys elegans. Plate L’, fig. 2 . Trachichthys . suet 2S T. mento. Plate XI., figs. 2-7 INDEX. “I co “I a on ort c bo dD bw PO oo a to = is) 58, 368 Hr 758 sRTACHINId commen weueperen rap Trachinoids Trachypteride Trachyrhynchus T. helolepis. Trichiuridee Trichiurus T. nitens Triglide Trigloids URANOSCOPIDE . Uroconger U. varidens. U. vicinalis V ALENCIENNELLUS V. stellatus. Plate LIII., fig. WEHOWD So 69.a 6 0 V. ocella. Plate LXI., fig. 2 VY. tentaculata. XENOMYSTAX . X. rictus. Plate N ZALIEUTES ELATER ZOALcldey ty 3) tee ts. sel Zoarcoids Plate LXLI., fig. Plate M, fig. Plates G, fig. 2, and LI. nw, wo, 108, 304, mh) dee PM ee Ae) LAT i Ah vi Ni! Ay cael ee 5 AR i etre ey hae: ¥ fi iv , 7 : Pm i al i i Pr ae a i ety \ i filge wt iin i ea Asya dh ies i ; i *' ay a a 1! 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