MUS 4890 .2 MEMOIRS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. VOL. XXVIII. PLATES. II. CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. • 1903. MEMOIRS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. VOL. XXVIIl. PLATES. II. CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM. 1903. University Pukss : John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A. CONTENTS. REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE TROPICAL PACIFIC, in charge of Alkxander Agassiz, bj the U. S. Fish Com- mission Steamer "Albatross," from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., Commanding. IV. The Coral Reefs of the Tropical Pacific. B^' Alexander Agassiz. pp. xxxiii., 410. 238 Plates. Febru- ary, 1903. One Volume Text. Three Volumes Plates. ^Itmoirs of tlje gluscum of Compnnitibe ^oologu AT HARVARD COLLEGE. Vol. XXVIII. REPORTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE TROPICAL PACIFIC, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U. S. FISH COMMISSION STEAMER " ALBATROSS," FROM AUGUST, 1899, TO MARCH, 1900, COMMANDER JEFFERSON F. MOSER, U. S. N., COMMANDING. IV. THE CORAL REEFS OF THE TROPICAL PACIFIC. By ALEXANDER AGASSIZ. II. —PLATES 106 TO 199. NIUE TO LADRONES. [Pubiislied by permission of George M. Bowers, U. S. Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries.] CAMBRIDGE, U. R. A. : Prtnteti for t\)c IHus^um. February, 1903. Plate 106. Plate 106. 1 . Aitutaki seen from the northeast, looking over the barrier reef. 2. Terraces on the west shore of Nine, north of Avatele. 3. Bare, pitted and honeycombed terraces on the soutliwest point of Nine. 1, 2, W. McM. W. ; 3, A. G. M, Phot. Plate 107. Plate 107. NIUE. 1. Terraces on the southwest face of the island. 2. Buttresses of elevated coralliferous limestone, near Alofi landing. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. < o 'J Plate 108. Platk 108. NIUE. 1. Buttresses od the west face of the isUuul, north of Alofi lauding. 2. Buttresses on the west face of the island, looking south of Alofi landing. 1, 2, W. McM. W., Phot. 'Albatross" Tropical Pacific Expedition. Coral Reefs. Pirate \<>'<. HELIOTVPE CO., BOSTON. Plati: 109 Plate 109. Buttresses of elevated coralliferoiis limestone on the west face of Niue, near Alofi landing. A. G. M., I'hot. o O ■ c~ c Plate 110. Plate 110. « Undercut and elevated coralliferoiis limestone cliffs on the west face of Nine, riddled with caverns and partly covered by stalactites, near Alofi landing. VV. Mc.M. W., Phot. Plate 111. Plate 111. EUA. 1. Indistinct terraoes on the west side of the island, south of Ohonua. A. G. M., Phot. 2. East face of the island looking south from near the north point. 3. Cliffs of elevated coralliferous limestone on the north point of the island seen from the east. 2, 3, W. McM. W., Phot. a. o Plate 112. Plate 112. EUA. 1. Cliffs and terraces on the east face of the island, near the north point. 2. Cliffs and terraces with lines of caverns and stalactites, on the east face of the island, about three miles south of the north point. Five terraces can be distinguished. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot Plate 113. Plate 113. EUA. 1. Uudercut cliffs with lines of caverns and terraces, near the central and highest part of the east face of the island. 2. Elevated coralliferous limestone cliffs on the east face of the island. Fig. 2 follows Fig. 1, south. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. Plate 114. Plate 114. EUA. 1. Looking from the summit of the western ridge of the island towards the gap near the lauding place on the wast side, across the central valley to the northern part of the eastern ridge. 2. Looking eastward, from the third terrace on the western ridge, across the central valley towards the southern part of the eastern ridge ; peaks of the fifth or sixth terrace on the right. 3. From the same point as Fig. 2, looking east, across the central valley, towards the middle of the eastern ridge. 1-3, W. MciM. W., Phot. h < 0, o O (d 0. O XI Plate 115. Plate 115. TOXGATABU. 1. Eutering the harbor of Nukualofa, looking south into the gap between Nukuleka and Holevai. 2. Fanga Kakau, shallow lagoon south of Nukualofa. 3. Looking east from the landing at Nukualofa, towards Pangaimotu, Makahaa, Velitoa, and Fafa. Natives fishing on the flats. 1, 2, W. McM. \V., Phot. c < '4 y Plate 116. Plate 116. TONGATABU. 1. Lagoon shore to the east of Nukualofa. 2. Elev.ited limestone cliffs on the southwest face of the island. 1, 2, Martin, Phot. "Albatross'" Tropical Pacific I'vpodilion. C'ninl Reefs. I'i.aie tiCi. - -r — " - « "^r:^' ' ^ -^»5r " -i*' •^.<*<.^ '^'i^-ifi:.- ^■■.='5:;!E-ia<-l jii!^ H?Lii.jT . PF CO., eClT. 'N. Plate 117. Plate 117. tongatAbu. 1. Blow lioles on the outer edge of the reef Hat platform at Hoiinia Toloa. south poin. of the island (Cook's Point). 2. Undercut cliffs of elevated coralliferous limestone with lines of caverns and stalactites, on the Liku, or windward face of the island. 1, 2, Martin, Phot. Albatross" 'I'lojiiial l*;uil!r l'!\iK'(iili<)ii. Coral Koctx. l*i. \ i r. i 17. MELIOTYPE CO.. BOSTON. Plate 118. Plate 118. 1. Blow hole at Houma Toloa, Tongatabu. Martin, Phot. 0, o a a o Plate 119. Plate 119. NOMUKA. 1. Looldng southwest from the base of Mata Kalai across the lagoon of the island, Nomiika Iki in the distance. 2. From tiie same point, looking across the widest part of tlie lagoon of tlie island towards Motu Talisi and Motu Loto. 1,2, W. McM. W., Pilot. o ?• '""'ff Plate 120. Plate 120. VAVAU. 1. Looking northeast into the passage leading to the hai'bor of Neiafu, fi-oni off Fata Point. 2. Limestone bluffs to the south of Muitoulo Point on the west shore of Vavau, Honma- fakalele Point in the distance, seen from the west. W. McM. W., Phot. 3. Looking east across Neiafu Neck toward.s the islands on the east face of Vavau. 1, 3, A. (i. M . Phot. o I Plate 121. Plate 121. VAVAU. 1. The west face of Iluuga Island seen fmni the north, off the entrance to Vavau (Faihava). 2. Elevated coralliferous limestone cliffs and terraces to the east of Fata Point 3. Neiafu Harbor, Talau and Moungalafa terraces seen from Holobeka. 1, 2, W. McM. \V., Phot. < Plate 122. Plate 122. 1. Off the Talau, looking southeast towards Moungalafa (Vavau). 2. A corner of Vavau Harbor seen from the Talau. Martin, Phot. 3. Vegetation along the road on the summit of the third terrace, western ridge of Eua. 1, 3, W. McM. W., Phot. o U a. J5 5 Plate 123. Plate 123. VAVAU. 1. Ahauga Passage, looking east. 2. Opening of Ahauga Passage into Neiafn Harbor. 1, 2, W. iMcM. W., I'hot. Plate 124. Plate 124. VAVAU. 1. Elevated coralliferous limestone eliffs on tho north ^iide of \'av:ui. Martin, Phot. 2. Looking down upon the cliffs at Matakinina Point, tseen from the east. W. McM. \V., Phot. ''AIb:ar()>s" 'riopiral !*:uilii- I'^xpcilitioii. Coral Uc'fts. IM. \ ik i .'4. HEUIOTYPE CO., BOSTON. Plate 125. Plate 125. Limestone bluffs on llie north side of Vavau. Martin, Phot. < 0^ o (J a. W p Plate 126. Plate 126. KAMBARA. 1. Inner slope of tlie rim of the sink on the southwestern face of tlie island. The slojie in tlie foregioiind i.s composed of volcanic rocks; the rim in the backoroimd is made up of elevated limestone. 2. Looking east across the sink of the island, from the summit of the volcanic hill on the west side of the island. 1,2, W. McM. VV., Phot. Albatross'' Tropical Pacific Kxjietlilion. Coral R.els, I'i.atk !•(■. » f... :'i»if^i^.'Jfc Plate 127. Plate 127. KAMBARA. 1. Looking uortheast across the sink of the island, from the summit of the volcanic hill on the west face. Wano-ava in the distance. . Gap on the west face of the island, at the junction of the volcanic hill and of the elevated coralliferous limestone rim of the island. Wangava in the distance. 1,2, W. McM. W.,Phot. '.\lh.ilros.s" Tropii'al l':u-ific Expeililioii. Coral Kcots, l'i-.\i k i.'J. iLt.:^. HELIOTYPE CO., BOSTON. Plate 128. Plate 128. 1. A heiul in tlio Rewa, southern faoe of Viti T,ovii 2. liii Ri\er, northern face of Viti Lovu. 3. NOIfanie islet, :in outlier on tiie reef Hat platform of the northern face of Rotuniah 'Albatross" Tropical I'acilic Kvpcdilion, L'ihmI Kcit-. I'l \ 1 K UUPt LO., 60ST0N. Plate 129. Plate 129. 1. South end of Ntirakita (Ellice Islands), looking west. 2. Nukufetau seen approaching it from the south. .S. Looking across the east face of the northern part of Nukufetau atoll. 4. The Motungie Islands at the southern extremity of the atoll of Funafuti. 1, 3, A. G. M.; 2, 4, W. MciM. W., Phot. o Plate 130. Plate 130. FUNAFUTI. 1. Gap on the east face of the atoll between Telele and Funafara; tlie islands of Tiitanga and Falaoingo in the rear. 2. Gap on the east face of the atoll between Funafara and Lua llotu. In the distance is seen Tefala Island. 3. Gap on the east face of the atoll between the north end of Lua Motu and ^lateika. 4. Northern extreniitj' of Funamauu islet, on the east face of the atoll. 1, 2, W. McM. W.; 3, 4, A. G. M., Phot. \^ i n in! **■ Plate 131. Plate 131. FUNAFUTI. 1. South end of Funafuti Island, with submerged reef to the south of Matafuana. 2. Northeast face of the atoll, showing Amatuku and Mulitefala Islands. 3. Gap between Amatuku and Mulitefala south of the northern entrance to the atoll ; the island of Tebuka is seen in the distance through the gap, and to the right Fualifeke. 4. Te Afualiku, sand kej' north of the entrance, seen when approaching the southern horn of the north passage. 1, 2, A. G. M.; 3, 4, W. McM. W., Phot. j^^ ^WP Plate 132. Plate 132. FUNAFUTI. 1. Lagoon beach at Fongafale seen from the anchorage. 2. Sea face of the island north of tlic boiiuo- station nortii of Fongafale village. 1,2, A. (i. M., Phot. a h < o O o. p Plate 133. Plate 133. FUNAFUTI. 1. Elevated recent reef rock conglomerate on the lagoon side of the northern part of Amatuku. 2. Gap between Funafuti and Tengako covered with rubble and coarse shingle, Tebuka Island in the distance. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. 'fmu ,;'., ,v I '4i ^% Plate 134. Plate 134. FiXAFrrr. 1. Noitlieni extremity of Amatuku, looking towards ]Mulitefala. \\. JIcM. W.. Phot 2. Looking north from the northern extremity of Amatuku towards the northern end of Mulitefala. A. G. M., Phot. W:* \i L 0 '■J Plate 135. Plate 135. FUNAFUTI. 1. Sea face, northern end of Tengako, looking north, Araatuku in the distance. •2. Eroded sea face platform, eroded elevated beach rock, and reef rock outliers at the north end of Funafuti Island. 1, 2, W. McM. \V., Phot. Plate 136. Plate 136. FUNAFUTI. 1. Sea faoe on the northern part of Teugako, with elevated reef rock outliers. 2. Looking towards Amatuku on the sea face of the north point of Tengako. Reef Hat platform covered with beach rock and leef rock slabs and boulders. 1, 2, W. McM. W., Phot. I Plate 137. Plate 137. FUNAFUTI. 1. Southern part of Taiisale, the secondary lagoon to the east of Fongafale village. 2. Northern part of Taiisale. 3. Northern part of Taiisale near the Borehole. 1-3, W. McM. W., Phot. Albatross'' Tropical Pacific Expedition. Coral Rects, Plate 157. tin /'""'OBy'S-^'r 1 ■jA- ^- HELIOTYPE CO., BOSTON. Plate 138. Plate 138. ■TAPETEUEA. 1. Narrow island on the east face of the atoll, towards tlie northern part. 2. Islands, islets, and bars south of the central part on the east face of the atoll. 3. EahI face of the long island near the north end of the atoll. 4. Islands ou the east face of the northeastern part of Apamania. 1-4, W. McM. W., Phot. p 1,1 •I J3 Plate 139. Plate 139. APAMAMA. 1 . Gap between two islands on the east face of the atoll. 2. Bay in the large island on the east face of the atoll. 3. Sea face of island on the south side of the atoll. 4. Reef flat platform lagoon on the east face about two miles from the southern point of Maiaua. 1-4, W. McM. W., Phot. ■■ '■■ , i i ' ■ 1 ■ " -' \ 1 r ' :■?! J. -.. Plate 140. Plate 140. 1. Narrow part of land rim of Maiana near the point of the eastern horn of the atoll. TARAWA. 2. Islands and islets on the east face of the atoll. 3. Looking from the sea into gap between islands on the east face of the atoll. 4. Looking from the sea into gap and bay between islands on the south face of the atoll. 1-4, W. McM. W., Phot. i ^1 m 1 Plate 141, Plate 141. TARAWA. 1. Sea face of island on the south side of the atoll. 2. Islaucis, islets, and l)ais on the south face of the atoll. 3. Islands, islets, bars and secondary lagoon on the reef flat on the south side of the atoll. 4. A similar view with islands of the east face of the atoll in the distance. 1, 2, A. G. M.; 3, 4, W. iMcM. W., Phot. o U 'iv 1 ( -v 1 ■ 1 1 j '1 ,' 1 *i 4^ i ' Platk 142. Plate 142. TARAWA. 1. Lagoon shore and flat, looking south. 2 Lagoon side of islands and flat in rear of village. 1, 2, W. McM. W., Pilot. Plate 143. Plate 143. TARAWA. 1. Looking west along the lagoon shore, over the flat. 2. Sink in the lagoon, near tiie village. 1,2, W. McM. W., Phot. 0. O 't U i Plate 144. Plate 144. TARAWA. 1. Sink in the lagoon. looking towards the village. 2. Lagoon side of the atoll, looking north along the sink. 1, 2, W. McM. W., Phot. ^Uss^ Plate 145. Plate 145. 1. Looking into the higoon across the gap north of the small island, at the north point of Apaiang. 2. Southeast hoi'n of Apaiang seen from the south. 3. Sea face of island on the south face of Apaiang. 4. Sink ill the lagoon of Tarawa, near the village, looking north. 1-3, W. McM. W.; 4, A. G. M., Phot. Plate 146. Plate 146. MARAKI. 1. Entrance into the lagoon, west face of the atoll. 2. South point of the atoll, looking northeast. 3. High sand beach and wide reef flat, on the north point of the west face of the atoll. 1-3, A. G. M., Phot. '< |P«ii o O f o. o w Plate 147. Plate 147. MARAKI. 1. Steep sand and shingle beacli and wide steep reef flat, on tlie west face of tlie atoll near trader's house, north of entrance to the atoll. t. Steep shingle and boulder beach north of Fig. 1, reef Hat very narrow. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. u rpi^B^^^^^^^^^IPI ^^D^^^S^i^E: ' ' 1 " - 1 ^^Hi : 'it ' L ^H^ i rV m ' 9 1 1- ) 1 Plate 148. Plate 148. MARAKI. 1. Looking into the lagoon over the narrow land lim on the south face of the atoll, higji sand beach and narrow reef flat; land rim of the east face seen in the distance. 2. Another view of the same land rim, somewhat more to the westward ; land rim of the east face seen in the distance. 1, 2, W. McM. ^y., Phot. Plate 149. Plate 149. MARAKI. 1. Looking through a gap across the lagoon over the narrow land rim of the southern face of the atoll, the eastern land rim seen in the distance; the secondary laud rim in the middle ground. W. McM. W., Phot. 2. Secondary laud rim on the outer edge of the lagoon flat and secondary lagoon ; a second line of islands will form the third land rim ; the east face of the atoll seen in the distance. A. G. M., Pliot. ^ td Plate 150. Plate 150. MARAKI. 1. Looking over the low land rim on the southwest horn of the atoll, across the lagoon towards the land rim of the east face. W. WcM. W., Phot. 2. Bars and secondary land rim, with lagoon flat, looking north along the lagoon face of the western land rim. A. G. M., Phot. ; J w a. D. O ^ri- • , - ■ , 1 a) ■ 'if- ^ I Plate 151. Plate 151. TARITARI. 1. Flat to the west of Butaritari, looking towards Passage Point. •2. Flat to the east of Butaritaii, looking uortheast. 3. Saud flats off Butaritari, between the anchorage and the shore. 4. Eastern horn of Taritari, south of the gap between the villages of Keuea and Tanimaiaki. 1,2, W. McM. W.; n, 4, A. G. M., Phot. «l o ; 1 . ■[• -. i : - i 1 ^ 1 '- ■-"i i 1 '■ . -4 Plate 152. Plate 152. TARITARI. 1. Looking north through the gap (PI. 151, fig. 4), iu the centre of the southeast face of the atoll. 2. Islet iu the same gap (Keuea gap), showing lines of beach rock boulders and slabs, running at right angles to the sea face. 3. Bay on the sea face of the land rim to the west of Tanimaiaki village. 4. Looking through a narrow gap on the sea face of the land rim of Bntaritari Island about oue mile -west of Tanimaiaki village. 1, 2, 4, W. MeM. W.; 3, A. G. M., Phot. Plate 153. Plate 153. TARITARI. 1. Islands and islets on the flats of Keuea gap, covered with cocoanut trees, flanked by beach rock boulder beaches, seen from the sea face. 2. Other islands in the same gap, seen from the sea face, looking towards Butaritari. 3. Islets with beach rock and shingle bars, adjoining the point south of Keuea village. 13, A. G. M., Phot. I . Il ^ h, % \ 1^, ) #■ >> 1 1 ( I'- ■ : 1^ m ^^H MH f Jo" ■N ■K^ Plate 154. Plate 154. TARITARI. 1. Entrance islet on the south face of the southwestern passage. 2. Sea face of point of Butaritari Island, north of Ukianfiafi village. 3. Sea face of the western Pikhat Island, on the northwestern horn of the atoll, showing the passage between it and eastern Pikhat Island. 4. Steep boulder beach on the sea face of Butaritari Island, north of Ukiaiiiian village. 1, 3, W. McM. W.; 2, 4, A. G. M., Phot. 'Allmlrcis^" 'l"ro]iii-nl I'acirir ICxiieililidii. Coral Kofts. I'i.aik i;(. 1 mtL OTYPE CO.. Ci Plate 155. Plate 155. TARITARI. 1. Sea face of the laud rim between the villages of Kuma aud Keuea. 2. The village of Keuea seen from the lagoou flat, showing the vegetation of the western face of the land rim. 3. Wide Millepore lagoon flat off Keuea village, lookiug in a northwesterly direction. 1-3, A. G. M., Phot. : < Plate isq. Plate 156. TARITARI. 1. On the poiut south of Keuea village, near the sea face, looking across the gap towards Butaritari. 2. On the lagoon beach south of Keuea village, looking across the lagoon opening of Keuea gap towards Tanimaiaki village. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. w p F Plate 157. Plate 157. TARITARI. 1. Eastern edge of the lagoon flat on the north side of Keuea gap. 2. Shingle and sand islet on the sea face of a bay east of Keuea village. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. o O t m < Plate 158. Plate 158. TARITARI. 1. Secondary reef flat platform lagoon formed on the sea face of Keuea gap between the flats extending across the gap and tlie sea wall, coral boulder and beach rock slabs dam extending from the northern side of the gap to the eastern horn of the atoll, east of Tanimaiaki village. 2. Sea wall (see Fig. 1), separating the secondary reef flat platform lagoon and the sea face of the gap, seen looking south, the lagoon face on the right, the sea face on the left. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. Plate 159. Plate 159. TARITARI. 1. Lagoon beach and flat to the west of Butaritari. 2. Flats on the marshy land west of Butaritari, with bars covered by cocoauut trees and scrul) vegetation, on the way from Butaritari to Ukiaiinaii village, looking north. 1, 2, A. (i. M., Phot. < .J Oh x o U a Plate 160. Plate 160. TAKITAKI. 1. Bar covered with coeoanut trees, in partly submerged flat, on the western hind rim of Butaritari Island ou the way to Ukiaiiiiau. 2. Sinlv to the west of Butaritari, on the way to Ukiaiinaii. IX o o c o ^ «'#. Plate 160 a. Plate 160 a. 1. Priucipal canoe passage, Tapriva (Ocean Island), Baanapa ; elevated coralliferous limestone buttresses. 2. Lagoon, flanked by pitted and honeycombed pinnacles of elevated coralliferous lime- stone, at northeast end of (Pleasant Island) Nauru. 3. Buttresses of elevated coralliferous limestone, Tapriva (Ocean Island), Baanapa. 1-3 from Photographs by Mr. John Arundel. 'Albatross" Tropical Pacific Expedition. Coral Reefs, Plate i6o- MM Plate 175. Plate 175. LIKIEB. 1. Coral sand and shingle beach flanked with beach rock, on the sea face of the atoll looking north. 2. Beach rock shore on the lagoon face of the atoll, looking east. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. "Alliiitross" Tropical I'ai-itic Kxpftliliim. (.'cii-al R^.•et^, I'l. \ 1 !■: 17: '^ «*e( 'i. i ■A I i o < Plate 182. Plate 182. ARHNO. 1. West face of the northwest point seen from the west, the islands of the east face of the horn in the baciiground. 2. West face of the horn, looking across the west flats to the single row of islands nearer the east face of the atoll. 3. Ledge on the eastern side of the entrance to Port Lottin, Kusaie. 4. Islands on a part of tlie sonth face of the atoll of Andenia, seen from the southeast; Kahalape Island to the right, Paguaiganigue to the left. 1, -2, 4, \V. McM. W.; 3, A. G. M., Phot. o! o a. o ^ ^ a 1^' 4 / ;l '^1 ' 1 i m ' m , fl ' ' '.^H ■;> ' '9E f » i. '^ f :Lj Plate 183. Plate 183. 1. South point of Pachiai Island, Audema, seen fiom the south. PINGELAP. 2. Southern part of the west face of Piugelap Ishuid. 3. Looking into the lagoon of the atoll from the west across to the gap between Pingelap Island (to the right) and Tugulu Island (to the left) on the northeast face of the atoll. 4. Village on the west face of Pingelap Island. 1-4, A. G. M., Phot. .J 0. a: o U o u H Plate 184. Plate 184. KUSAIE. 1. Vegetation on tlie lagoon side of the barrier reef near Point Lesson to the west of Port Lottin. 2. Vegetation on the east shore of tlie barrier reef on the west side of Port Lottin at the northern extremity of the harbor. 3. Looking northeast from Cape Vauvilliers along the northwest face of Kusaie, Gabert Island in the distance. 1, 2, A. G. M.; 3, AV. McM. W., Phot. o .««a H Plate 185. KUSAIE. 1. Fringe of mangroves along the soiitli face of the island to the east of Port Lottin. 2. Fringe of mangroves along the south face of the island, looking north from our anchorage. 3. Looking west from the entrance to the lagoon channel running south along the base of the island, east of Port Lottin. 1-3, A. G. M., Phot. 'Albatross'' Tropical Pacific Expedition. (.■.ii;il I-'i . t- I'T \TE 1^>. ELIOTYPE CO., BOSTON. Plate 186. Plate 186. KUSAIE. Vegetation along the sides of the lagoon channel of the south face of the island, looking east. A. G. M., Phot. "A-5 «■*"',_-» Plate 187. Plate 187. KUSAIE. Boulder of recent reef rock on the reef flat east of Lottiu Harbor (about eighteen feet by twelve feetj. A. G. M., Phot. o a, X c o Plate 188. Plate 188. PONAPI. 1. LookiDg north across the month of Port Me'talanim, Nar Island on the rioiit. 2. Looking into Port Metalauim, across the reef connecting Nar and Narcap Islands. 3. Barrier reef to the south of Metalanim, Nahanur Island in the centre. 4. Barrier reef and flat around Nahanapenlord Island. 1, 2, W. MciAI. W.; 3, 4, A. G. M , Phot. a 4 A: W \TMi Plate 189. Plate 189. PONAPI. 1. Panian Islands, seen from tlie east. 2. Naliatik islets, on the barrier reef to the east of Kiti Harbor, seen from the south, looking over the wide reef flat separating them from the mangrove fringe which extends along the south face of Ponapi. 3. Mangrove islet at the east horn of the entrance to Kiti Harbor, looking east towards Point Nautiaiti, the Panian Islands in the distance. 4. Looking northeast, over the wide reef flat towards Point Nantiaiti, inside the barrier reef, showing the black belt of mangroves fringing tlie south face of the island; Lueoila Peak on the left. 1-4, A. G. M., Phot. X u If W :'f IP Plate 190. Plate 190. PONAPI. 1. Looking east from our anchorage in Kiti Harbor towards Point Nantiaiti, Peak Roie on the left, the Pauian Islands in the centre, the eastern horn of Kiti Harbor on the right. 2. Looking nortliwest from our anohorage in Kiti Harbor, along the west face of Ponapi throngh the gap between Tulatik Island and the southwest point of the island. 3. East face of Narlap Island from our anchorage in Kiti Harbor. 4. Looking over the extremity of the south island and the south horn of Royalist atoll across to Lauvergne Island. 1, 3, W. McM. W. ; -2,4, A. G. M., Phot. a, o < I t \m k\ 4 Plate 191. Plate 191. TRUK. 1. Looking north past Faleu Island, on the southern barrier reef into the lagoon of Truk; the island of Peridiak in the distance. 2. Islands on the barrier reef of the south face of the atoll, Mesegou to the right, Uijee in the centre, next Udidan, and on the left of Uligar Pass, Fanan Island. 3. Tlie eastern group of islands in the lagoon of Truk ; the island of Umol to the right, Ruk in the centre, and Tsts to the left. 4. Uola seen across the northwest point of Rnk, from the south. 1, 3, W. j\IcM. W.; 2, i, A. G. M., Phot. c < Plate 192. Plate 192. TRUK. 1. Mangrove islets along the southwest face of Uola, near our anchorage. '2. Part of the west face of Uola, seen from our anchorage. 1, 2, A. G. M., Phot. a < •J oi o Plate 193. Plate 193. TRUK. 1. Looking south from our anchorage, Ruk on the right, Umol in the centre, Toloas on the left. 2. Looking from our anchorage towards the western group of islands in the atoll, Udot to the left, with^^the peaks of Tol towards the right. 3. Looking across the north end of Uola, towards Gregoire Island (on the left). 4. North end of Pis Island, seen goiug out of the pass, looking across the horn of the barrier reef towards the island to the east of Pis. 1, 3, 4, VV. McM. W.; 2, A. G- W., Phut. Plate 194. Plate 194. GUAM. 1. Patay Poiut, east face of the island from the southeast. •2. Looking north from Puuta de los Amantes, towards Poiut Eitidian, west face of the island. 3. Junction of the volcanic outburst with tlie elevated coralliferous limestone belt, west face of the island, near Agaiia. 1, VV. McM. W.; 2, 3, A. G. M., Phot. X U m r4 ■ J Plate 195. Plate 195. GUAM. 1. Lookiug over Luminan barrier reef, on the north face of the harbor of San Luis d'Apra, Cabras Island on the right, Point Ritidian in the distance. 2. Lookiug south from our anciiorage in the harbor of San Luis d'Apra, over Orote Peninsula, towards the southern volcanic range of Guam. 3. Elevated coralliferous limestone bluffs at the western extremity of Orote Point, the volcanic bluffs of Point Facpi in the distance. 1, 2, W. McM. W.; 3, A. G. M., Phot. m Plate 196. Plate 196. GUAM. Eroded elevated coiallifeioiis limestone ou the southern face of Cabras Island, with a clump of Cycads. A. G. M., Phot. Plate 197. Plate 197. GUAM. 1. Looking over the eastern extension of Orote Peninsula towards the southern vol- canic hills of Guam. 2 Volcanic hills to the east of Agaiia. 1,2, A. (i. M., Phot. o U I P Plate 198. Plate 198 GUAM. 1. Volcanic bluff at Point Facpi; the islet to the right is an outlier of elevated coralliferous limestone, southwest face of Guam. 2. Looking south from Point Facpi, southwest coast of Guam; in the distance sharp volcanic hills, rounded ridge of elevated coralliferous liinestone, with blocks and out- liers of the same on the shore. 3. Looking over the mesa of Guam towards Mount Santa Rosa from the hill above Agana. 1-3, A. G. M., Phot. Albatross" Tropical Pacific Expedition. Coral Reefs. I'l.ATE i^"^. Mmmm. HELIOTYPE CO., BOSTON. Plate 199. Plate 199. ROTA. 1. The west face of the island and its terraces, seeu from off Point Taipingon. 2. Showing the terraces of the southwest face of the island, looking across Sosanlagh Bay. 1, 2, W. McM. W., Phot. 3 2044 066 30' 383 PUBLICATIONS of'tk MUSEU3I OF COMPJRATIYE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE. There have beei\ published of the Bulletin, Vols. I. to XXXVII. ; of the Memoirs, Vols. I. to XXIV., and Vol. XXVIII. Vols. XXXVIIL, XXXIX., XL., and XLI. of the Bulletin, . and Vols. XXV., XXVI., XXVII., and XXIX. of the Memoirs, are now in course of jmblication. A price-list of the publications of the Museum ivill be sent on application to the Librarian of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.