eae Tre] iS | ee ee ee ee ee ie er ee ee oa eee ee ey a p ie 7 |) NV i 1 S Ni ava is fl U; (Zp) &5 cO} orcs 3 eS lof am hlealey Dall. 0 Uy, eG, ail ANG Wy Z, > A ue fi 7 | W AR y Be Ree r, Py rtp : rr iF RAB 3 esaenee Esa SS ae mt wi tena Hen oe Boar at ts etry eset a} ctewain J 5 oval, WEE, el (jabeher f noid WEE & ff. h ie Wt ty é 7 4 RC AWD Ry ai hs vas MEMOIRS OF THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Poe Ie MEN Ath etic ee oe ve e m Mer ite a eee . » Plate XV. , FE. Greville Del. MEMOIRS Becsiona Uibry oe WAR nino yee 9. OF THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. / Vou. II. FOR THE YEARS 1817~-18-19~20. WITH TWENTY-FIVE ENGRAVINGS» EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR. ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. EDINBURGH 5 AND HURST, ROBINSON & CO. LONDON. 1821. ' «ty ie ds I.—Observations on the Anatomy of the Orang Outang. By Dr Thomas Beare PATE vo ce enccescee ete eek. I1.—On the Connection between the Pri- mitive Forms of Crystals, and the Number of their Axes of Double Refraction. By Dr Brewster,.......... II.—Description of a Species of Delphi- nus, which appears to be new. By the late George Montagu, Esgq............ 1V.— Observations on the Mineralogy of the Neighbourhood of Cork. By Dr.Fleming;..<...... SA Aker pA AO ‘ V.—Mineralogical Notices and Observa- tions. By Dr Maeknight............... V1 CONTENTS. Page. VI.— Additional Observations on the Coal Field of Clackmannanshire, and a Description of the absolute Shape or Form of the Coal Fields. By Robert Bald, Esq... 02... eee 128 VII.—Account of some Sandstone Petrifac- trons found near Edinburgh. By the Rev. James Grierson,..........0000 156 VIII—Description of the Simia sagulata, or Jacketed dis By Dr EP TAILES, vc csis seco: 5 sen ten tee te 167 IX.— Description of a New Species of Fe- | he from Guyana. By Dr Traill,...170 X.—-On the Water Rail. By Dr Fle- PUA ges. nig an eee oad one egeee Beem 174 XI.—An Account of the Change of Plu- mage exhibited by many Species of Female Birds, at an advanced pe- riod of life ; intended as a Supple- ment to Mr John Hunter's Me- moir upon that Subject, in the Phi- losophical Transactions. By Dr J. Babb eheess oie) 04 YOULL VAS iL CSN i 183 XI.— Account of some Fossil Remains of the Beaver, (Castor Fiber L.) found in Perthshire and Berwick- CONTENTS. Vil f : ) Pages shire, proving that that animal was formerly a native of Scotland. By os a ETP ay Roan 207 XIIL.—On the Rocks of Sandside in Caith- ness. By Professor Jameson,......... 220 AXIV.—Geognosy of Hast Lothian. By Prolessor JAMESON, «.:.62+ dea cuqess>sedee 225 XV.—Account of the Effects of the Juice of the Papaw Tree (Carica Papaya), an Intenerating Butchers-meat. By the late Dr Holder,................. QA5 XVI.— Account of the Travelled Stone near Castle-Stewart, Inverness-shire. By Thomas Lauder Dick, Esq...... 251 AVIT.—Absitract of a Paper on the Scale of Being, and particularly on Orga-— nization and the Living Princi- ple. By John Campbell, Esq....... 260 XVIIL—On the Nutrition of Cuticle, Nails, Hair, Feathers, and Plants. By Dr Dewar ae a a, 272 XIX.—Observations on the Genus Picus of _ Linneus, with Descriptions of two New Species from the Interior of Brazil. By William Swainson, Esq. 288 Will CONTENTS. 5 @ e Page. XX.— Descriptions of several New or Rare _ Native Plants, found in Scotland, chiefly by the late Mr George Don of Forfar. By Mr David Don,.....294 XXI—On the Rocky Mountain Sheep of | the Americans. By Professor Ja- XXII.—On the Bed of the German Ocean, or North Sea. By Robert Ste-— VenseN): FQ. ites. oss Thecaahess- eos . 314 XXITL— Additional Observations on the Connection between the Primitive Forms of Minerals, and the Num- ber of their Axes of Double Re- fraction. By Dr Brewster,............ 337 SXXIV.—An Account of some of the Crypto- gamous Plants of Devonshire. By Robert Kaye Greville, Esq........ Barer te XXV.—Account of a Beluga, or White Whale, killed in the Frith of Forth. By Dr Barclay and Mr Neill,.......... 371 XXVI.—Description of a New Species of Fu- cus, found in Devonshire. By Mr Greville Of). 222s Rae 396 XXVII.—On the British Species of the Genus Beroe. By Dr Fleming........... veces 400 CONTENTS. ix XXVITI.—Descriptions of several new Plants , From the Kingdom of Nepaul, taken from Specimens preserv- ed in the Herbarium of Ayimer Bourke vee aie a ae By WE BG. csouc oid ry Ole ues 407 XXIX.—Description of a New Species of Potentilla, from the West Coast of Greenland ; with some Ac- count of the Arctic Flora. By Bir Glreyalla soso vicssaiies Sere 416 XXX.— Account of the Lutra vittata, and of the Viverra Peregoan ave. ee My UMA cen cpargitvne «nas neaev. 437 XX X1.—On the Leaves, Capsule, and Root of Buxbaumia aphylla. By Mr Greville, i dels Citi: teibial vas S dics ai ue se a XXXII suihetotnt of a Singular F Fossil Ske- leton, discovered at Whitby, in February 1819. By the Rev. George Fomigyrs Ae ee 455 XXXII— Physiological Ni otice concerning the Early State of the Common Frog. By James Wilson, Hsq............. 458 XXXIV.—Onthe Luminosity ofthe Sea. By John Murray, Hsq...................+6 466 i : * CONTENTS. Page. XXXV,.—Explanation of an Apparatus, suggested by Colonel Yure, for Discharging Ordnance upon Mr Forsyrn’s Plan; and an Account of some Experiments’ performed with it. By Mr John a XXXVI— Description of two New Philoso- phical Instruments. By Mr Alexander Adie,.........cc.ceeeeee1000- 483 SNC Deacrtction of an Instrument jor ascertaining . the Specific Gravity of Bodies, without the Use of ee or Calculation. Mr Adie,... tc eecbeavh oxi ack ee me y At. —Continuation of an Account of some Experiments performed with an Apparatus for Dis- charging Ordnance, without the Use of a Light or Match-lock ; an which several Inferences are drawn with regard to the Nature and Source of the Flame. By Mr Peucway. LS eae ima ADVERTISEMENT. Ix laying its Memoirs before the Public, this So- CIETY does not hold itself as responsible for the facts or opinions which may be advanced on the va- rious topics of Natural History that are discussed. These, accordingly, must be distinctly understood as resting entirely on the individual authority of the respective Writers who have favoured the Society with Communications. | Pan Ty List of Engravings in Vol. LIT. Pl. I.& II. Anatomy of Orang Outang ; referred to at pp. 29. 32. | III. Head of Delphinus truncatus ; referred to at p. 75. &c. IV.—VIII. Illustrative of Coal-fields, &c. explained at | p. 153. TX. Jacketed Monkey; p. 167. X. Spotless Cat’; p. 170. X1. Domestic Hen in Male Plumage; p. 196. XII. Illustrative of structure of Sandstone Rocks, p- 224. XIII. Travelled Stone near Castle Stuart, p. 251. XIV. Chart of the German Ocean, p. 317. &c. XV, XVI. Fuci, p. 369. & 370. XVII, XVIII. Beluga, &c. p. 395 :—Beroe, p. 402. XIX. Lutra vittata, p. 438 :—Fucus, p. 399. XX. Potentilla Jamesoniana, p. 41’7. XXI. Buxbaumia aphylla, p. 449. XXII. Fossil Skeleton, p. 451. XXIII. Grey-headed Weesel, &c. p. 440. ; also p. 495. XXIV. Apparatus for discharging Ordnance, p. 500, &c. XXY. Adie’s Sympiesometer, p. 484, &c. % MEMOIRS, &c. . yt Observations on the are of the Orang ' Outang. By Dr Tuomas Stewart Tralzt, Liverpool. (Read 7th February 1818.) AN opportunity of examining the internal struc- ture of the Orang Outang, so rarely occurs to the British anatomist, that I eagerly availed myself of the permission granted by Mr Bullock, proprietor of the Museum in Piccadilly, to dissect a specimen of this animal, which was his property, and had re- cently died at Liverpool. A slight examination of its external appearance convinced me of the inac- curacy of the engravings of the Orang Outang in our best works on Natural History. Under the name of Orang Outang, or its supposed synonymes, most naturalists appear to have confounded two distinct animals, the Indian or Brown Orang, and the African or black species. The figures published by Tyson and Buffon, are intended to represent the VOL, III. A 2 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE latter, which also forms the subject of this paper; but these representations differ in several important particulars from the specimen now under considera- tion. The rude, though (I believe) faithful, deli- neations of Camper, as well as the more finished en- gravings of Edwards, Vosmaer and Allamand, were taken from the Indian Orang, and decidedly point it out as a different species from the speci- men before us. The seeming inaccuracy of Dr Tyson’s figure led me to suspect that some of the minute details of its internal structure might have escaped that accomplished anatomist ; and the dis- crepancies of authors induced Mr Bullock to take casts and drawings of the animal after death. _ Anxious to render the examination of its inter- nal structure as complete as possible, I requested the assistance of my friend Dr Vose, a very able and zealous anatomist, who immediately lent his co-operation ; and we resolved to devote the inter- vals of our professional avocations to this interesting subject. The following observations are chiefly drawn up from notes which we took on that occa- sion; and a former dissection of the Simia Maimon, or rib-nosed baboon, enabled us to compare its struc- ture with that of the Orang Outang. The few remarks on the manners of this animal, are collect- ed from conversation with the late Captain Payne, an intelligent and respectable mariner of this port, who brought it from the coast of Africa to Kurope.. : iad ORANG OUTANG. . g ‘The subject of this paper is a female, and was procured in the Isle of Princes in the Gulf of Guinea, from a native trader, who had carried it thither from the banks of the Gaboon. It was re- presented as a young animal, far inferior in size to the specimens often seen in the recesses of its na- tive forests ; and Captain Payne observed, that it was at least eight or ten inches lower in stature than another which he had seen in the Isle of Princes. _ The natives of Gaboon informed him, that this spe- cies attains the height of five or six feet; that it is a formidable antagonist to the elephant, and that several of them will not scruple to attack the lion and other beasts of prey, with clubs and stones. It is dangerous for solitary individuals to travel through the woods haunted by the Orang Outang; and in- stances were related to Captain Payne of Negro girls being carried off by this animal, who have sometimes escaped to human society, after having been for years detained by their ravishers in a fright- ful captivity. ‘These reports confirm the narratives of the early voyagers, who have often been suspect- ed of exaggeration *; and similar facts have been recently stated very circumstantially by gentlemen who have lived in Western Africa. The general belief of the Negroes is, that this animal is rational, aac can speak, but cunningly avoids the exercise 7 AQ * See Purchas’ Pilgrims, Dampier, Battel, Schoutten, Fro- ger, Bosman, De la Brosse, &c. A ON THE ANATOMY OF THE of this er lest he should be compelled to la- hour. ty" nee “ When first our animal came on board, (says “ Captain Payne,) it shock hands with some of the’ “ sailors, but refused its hand, with marks of anger,: “to others, without any apparent cause. It speedi-. ““ ly, however, became familiar with the erew, ex- “cept one boy, to whom it never was reconciled. “ When the seamen’s mess was brought on deck, “it was 2 constant attendant ; would go round and “ embrace each person, while it uttered loud yells, “ and then seat itself among them, to share the re- “past.” When angry, it sometimes made a bark- ing noise like a dog; at other times it would ery like a pettish child, and scratch itself with great vehemence. It expressed satisfaction, especially on receiving sweetmeats, “ by a sound like hem, in a “ prave tone ;” but it seemed to have little variety in its voice. In warm latitudes, it was active and cheerful, but became languid as it receded from the torrid zone; and on approaching our shores, it shew- ed a desire to have a warm covering, and would roll itself carefully up in a blanket when it retired to. rest. It gencrally walked on all fours; and Captain Payne particularly remarked, that it never placed the palm of the hands of its fore extremities to the ground, but, closing its fists, rested on the knuckles; a circumstance also noticed by Tyson, which was con- firmed to me by a young navy officer, who had been for a considerable time employed in the rivers of ees , . ORANG OUTANG. | 5 Western Africa, and had opportunities of observing the habits of this species. This animal cid not seem fond of the erect posture, which it rarely af- fected, though it could run nimbly on two feet for a short distance. In this case, it appeared to aid the motion of it legs, by grasping the thighs with its hands. It had great strength in the four fingers of its superior extremity ; for it would often swing by them on a rope upwards of an hour, without in-_ mission. When first procured, it was so thickly Grex with hair, that the skin of the trunk and limbs was scarcely visible, until the long black hair was blown aside. At that period, the skin was free from any disease: but after it had been some time at sea, much of its hair fell off, its body was at- tacked by a scaly eruption, resembling psoriasis — gutiata, and attended by excessive itching. This might partly be owing to improper diet, as it was _ often fed on salted beef and biscuit. It ate readily every sort of vegetable food; but at first did not appear to” relish flesh, though it scemed to take pleasure in sucking the leg-bone of a fowl. At that time it did not relish wine, but afterwards seemed to like it, though it never could endure ar- dent spirits. It once stole a bottle of wine, which _it uncorked with its teeth, and began to drink. It shewed a predilection for coffee, and was immode- rately fond of sweet articles of food. *It learned to feed itelf with a spoon, to drink out of a glass, and. shewed a general disposition to imitate the actions Oo ON THE ANATOMY OF THE of men. It was attracted by bright metals; seem- ed to take pride in clothing, and often put a cocked hat on its head. It was dirty in its habits, and never was known to wash itself. It was afraid of fire-arms; and, on the whole, appeared a timid animal. It lived with Captain Payne seventeen weeks, two of which were spent in Cork and Liverpool. At the former place it was exhibited, for the be- nefit of the soup-kitchen, for a few days, but seems to have been there neglected. On coming to Li- verpool, it languished a few days, moaned heavily, was oppressed in its breathing, and died tlh con- vulsive motions of its limbs. I shall now proceed to describe its External Appearance. When erect, this animal is about thirty ches high. The skin appears of a yellowish-white co., lour, and is thinly covered with long black hair on the front ; but it is considerably more hairy behind. — The hair on the head is rather thin, and is thickest on the forehead, where it divides, about an inch above the orbitar process of the fron-_ tal bone, and running ‘a little backwards, falls down before the ears, forming whiskers on the cheeks. Here the hair measures nearly two inches long, but that on the occiput is mot above an inch in length. There are a few stiff ORANG OUTANG. : 7 black hairs on the eye-brows, and a scanty eye-lash: A few whitish hairs are scattered on the lips, es- “pecially on the under one. The rest of the face is naked, and has whitish and wrinkled skin. There is searcely any hair on the neck; but commencing at the nape it becomes somewhat bushy on the back. The abdomen is nearly naked. The hair on the back of the head, and the whole trunk, front of the lower extremities, back of the legs, and upper part of the superior extremities, is directed down- wards, while that on the back of the thigh and fore-arms is pointed upwards; appearances well re- presented in Tyson’s figure. The longest hair is just at the elbows. There is none on the fingers or palms of either extremity. Around the anus and genitals is a patch of whitish hair, which is’ longest just over the anus *. The ears are remarkably prominent, thin and na- ked, beating a considerable resemblance in shape to the human, though broader at the top. The pro- jection of the process above the eyes, is very con- | spicuous, but has not been sufficiently marked in any engraving or drawing which has fallen under my observation. The nose is quite flat, or rather appears only as a wrinkle of the skin, with a slight epress ssion nlong its centre. The nostrils are patu- GB ae + * These Be ions may appear too minute, but several naturalists have laid much weight on the manner in which the hair of the Orang Outang is directed. fl ON THE ANATOMY OF THE lous, and open upwards, which would be inconve- nient, did the animal usually assume the erect. posture. The projection of the jaws is exces- sive; and though much less so than in the ba- boon, yet the profile of the face is concave. It may be remarked, however, that the projection of the lower jaw is caricatured in the first and se- cond figures of Camper’s second plate. The mouth is wide, the lips rather thin, and destitute of that recurvation of the edges which add so much to the expression of the human countenance. ‘The whole contour of the head bears no inconsiderable re- semblance to some Egyptian figures of the pees Anubis. — 6 ‘The spread of the shoulders is diotiinetly aed but the width of the lower part of the chest is pro- portionally greater when compared to the upper, than in man. The mamme in our subject are perfectly flat, and the nipples very small, as is al- so the umbilicus. From the lower ribs, the diameter of the abdo- men decreases rapidly to the loins, where the ani- mal is peculiarly slender ;—a circumstance in which it approaches the other simiz. The pelvis appears long and narrow ; another approximation to the rest of the genus. ‘The genitals present striking peeu- liarities, which shall be afterwards particularly de- scribed. There are no callosities on the buttocks. With regard to the limbs, the chief difference hetween our specimen and Dr Tyson’s figure, con- )) ORANG OUTANG. ; Gg sists in the excessive length of the arms; which in this animal, descend below the knees, by the whole length of the phalanges of the fingers, which are above three inches in length. The same observa- tion applies to almost every figure of this animal which I have seen. The proportions in the work of Camper, approach nearest to the present instance in this particular. The hand differs from the hu- man, in having the thumb by far the smallest of the fingers. ‘The foot is more properly a hand ap- pended to a tarsus. The thumb of this extremity is very long, powerful, and capable of great extension. The legs are certainly furnished with calves; but they scarcely resemble the human in form, because they are continued of equal thickness nearly to the heel. When the animal is erect, the knees appear considerably bent, as is the case with the other simie, and it stands with the limbs more apart than Wa 9 TInternai Structure. ’ In the following observations, our intention is rather to describe the peculiarities of the Orang Outang, than to dwell on these circumstances in which it accords with the human subject; and ac- cordit ng to the plan most commonly adopted by ana- tomists, we shall commence with the bones, as the basis of the body. 10 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE C2, wi hyn aap The Bones. The general appearance of the skeleton is pretty accurately given by Dr Tyson. The chief differ- ence between his figure and the present specimen, is the greater length of the arms, the prominence of the orbitar processes of the frontal and of the max- illary bones, and the consequent greater concavity of the profile of the face in the latter. The Bones of the Head.—The general form of the head certainly approaches nearer to that of man, than in any other species of this genus; but the top of the head is more flat, and the union of the spine with the head is rather farther back. The differ- ent pieces of the cranium are united by indented sutures, that have the same position asin man. In the lambdoid suture, at its junction with the sagit- tal, we found an os triquetrum of small size. The squamous suture of the temporal bone is smaller, and rather less overlapping than in the human sub. - ject. The orbitar processes of the os frontis, ] 010 ject about half an inch beyond the general convexi- ty of that bone; and the orbits of the eyes are , pro- portionally larger, and rounder than in man. pa d; ; taking off the upper part of the cranium, the | j ossee for the lodgment of the brain, seem less strong] marked than in man, and have fewer inequalities of surface. The frontal fosse have smoother bases, ~~ @RANG OUTANG. ~ 11 which slope down toward the temporal fosse. The frontal spine is continued a little farther down, and the depression which receives the cribriform plate of the «ethmoid bone, is much deeper and smoother on the sides; while the apertures in that bone, for. the passage of the olfactory nerves, are considerably larger. The crista galli is smaller. The tempo- ral fosse differ from the corresponding parts in man, in being much less marked by inequalities, and they extend more toward the base of the skull. The pars petrosa is less prominent, and smoother. ‘The sella turcica is almost in the centre of the cranium ; the posterior clinoid process being two inches from the edge of the frontal, and but 2.3 from the occipi- tal spine ; whereas, in a human skull, the propor- tions were found to be as 2.5 to 3.8. ‘Though the cerebellum is large, the fossee which lodge it are- not very distinctly divided from the posterior fossz, destined to receive the cerebrum. Indeed, instead of the well defined boundaries traced in the human skull by the crucial ridge, we found them marked by a flat undulation of the occipital bone. The ca- vity of the cranium measures from the interior edge of the frontal spine, to the middle of the crucial ridge, 3.9 inches ; and from side to side 3.5 inches. The foramen magnum of the occipital bone, is si- tuated considerably farther back. There is no mas- toid, and scarcely a vestige of a styloid process. The situation of the former is marked by a rough- 12 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE ened surface, and the latter is represented by a mi- nute point on the temporal bone. The ossa nasi, are nearly similar in shape ships of man; but they are placed perfectly flat on the face, so as not to be visible in a profile of the skull. In the Baboon, there is only one proper nasal bone, which is applied flat to the upper part of the nose; and the cavity formed by the removal of the soft parts of the nose is oval; where- as in the Orang, it is circular ; and it is triangular in man. : The ossa maxille superioris, project considerably beyond even the remarkable orbitar processes of the frontal bone, and bring the form of the lower part of the face more nearly to that of quadrupeds. We found the ductus incisivus; which occasionally occurs in man, is very distinct in the rib-nosed baboon, and is constantly found in the larger quadrupeds. The teeth strongly resemble the human; but the alveolar processes of the upper jaw, project the cut- ting teeth more forward. The incisores are strong, and placed a little remote from the canine teeth. When the mouth is shut, the canine teeth lock in- to each other; those of the lower passing before those of the upper-jaw. The molares are four on © each side of the two jaws, but the two last are still lodged in the bone. ‘The lower jaw is stronger and narrower than im man. It is thicker toward the symphysis, and has a shorter coronoid process. ORANG OUTANG. | PS The Bones of the Trunk—The cervical verte- bre agree in number with the human skeleton ; but they form a more flat column; their spinous processes overlap less; the atlas has no spinous process, in which the Orang Outang agrees with the baboon, though it differs from the latter in wanting the fora- mina, which pass obliquely from each side of the transverse processes of the atlas, to the passage for the vertebral arteries. The cervical column = 2 inches. ‘The dorsal vertebre are thirteen in num- ber ; but the inferior oblique processes of the lower vertebree are only two, as in man, not four, as in the baboon. In the latter animal, the two last verte- bree may be said to be without transverse processes. The length of the dorsal column in the Orang = 5.7 inches. There are only four lumbar vertebre. The intervertebral cartilages below, differ in thickness from those of the upper vertebree, more than in the human body. The cartilage between the thirteenth dorsal and first lumbar vertebra, measures upwards of an inch in front, while those between the cervi- cal vertebree are about 0.2 inch in thickness; but the general dimensions of the cartilages of the back and loins, are from 0.2. to 0.3 inch. The ribs are thirteen on each side; of these eight are united to the sternum by their proper cartilages, and five are joined to the cartilages of the superior ribs. ‘The ribs are placed rather on the body of the vetrebra, than on the interstices between them, as is also the case in the Simia Maimon. The carti- 14 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE. lages of the eighth pair, unite below the last piece of the sternum, (which was here —_—- as iw this ile a a. The sternum consists of five pieces. The figure of the fourth piece is nearly globular, (as at b). The different pieces were united by cartilage; the xiphoid measured 1.3 inch, and the whole sternum 4.2 inches. The general curvature of the vertebral column and of the ribs, does not materially differ from the human subject. The chest appears to be rather more roomy below, in proportion to its upper diame- ter; and the lower lumbar vertebrae are more sud- _ denly inclined backward, to enlarge the brim of the pelvis. The following are the dimensions of the thorax. Circumference of the thorax at its widest part, 15¢he*- when the skin is removed, ‘ = 18.0 Diameter from the root of xiphoid cartilage, to the external side of the 8th rib, == fi O Lateral diameter of the thorax at the 2d false rib, & om pases 6.5 ¥ * eo Pe - ORANG OUTANG. 15 _» The pelvis approaches much nearer to that part in the baboon than in the human skeleton. The _ ossa ilia, instead of forming a cavity by the incur- _ vation of their upper portion, are flat anteriorly, and extend considerably above the sacrum, reaching to within a short distance of the lowest ribs. The upper part of the ilia in our specimen, was sur- rounded by a cartilaginous rim, 0.2 inch in dia- meter. The brim of the pelvis is much longer from the pubis to the top of the sacrum, than from side to side. ‘The ossa pubis, with the ischia, are of a -more square form than in man; the former is deep- er at the symphysis; and the foramen thyroideum has its smallest angle pointing upward. The low- er aperture of the pelvis is extremely different from the form in the human body. Itisavery large and patulous opening, as bounded by the crura of the pubis, and the tendons stretched between the coccyx and the tuberosities of the ischia. The sacrum and coccyx, are placed so high above the tuberosities of the ischia, that they can scarcely be said to form. any part of the boundary of the bottom of the pel vis. This peculiar form of the basin, militates a- gainst the erect posture being considered as the na- tural one of this animal; for it would thus be more liable to abortion in the gravid state. The sacrum is narrow, like that of the baboon ; and like it con- sists of five vertebrae, which probably are united in- to one in the adult animal. The coccyx consists of three pieces; but two were cartilaginous. In 16 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE the number of pieces in the coccyx, the Orang re- sembles man. ‘The coccyx of the sisoaniame consists of at least five pieces. | The ends of the ossa ilia are united to the pubis and ischium, by distinct cartilages, which are ful- ly 0.3 inch in width externally; but though this shews the youth of the animal now under consider- ation, the ischia and pubis have no line of separ tion. ‘The dimensions of the pelvis will be best un- derstood from the following measurement. Qs innominatum from the top of ilium to the Inches tuber “ischit. ii So a a Os ilium from its junction with the pubis to its POpyocve, cL Oa HERG] Diameter of the pelvis across the broadest part ‘of ‘the “iia,...20.. 1/40)... ALS Inside diameter of the brim of the pila wis from’ pubis to sacrum,.......02 VARs 2.5 Inside diameter of do. from side to side, at the union of ilia and pubis,........0..0h0.0 1.4 Ditto, a little higher between the crura of the | WML, wien ee he ee 1.6 — from the point of hie coccyx to the inser- tion of the sacro-sciatic ligament in tuber — WCHL OE, wold kbs SUR Pde oh Poe ae ee 2.0 — between the tuberosites of the iaekien vale QB — from the point of the coccyx to imside — of arch of DUDEK se ill, eS (OR (24 ORANG OUTANG. WN Ditto from do. to the inside of the upper part Inches. of'symphysis,.-.-.01 eee — 2.0 Length of the symphysis pubis, --.-..-s.s.-....5. 14 | ae \ - These dimensions differ considerably fromm those in the pelvis of the baboon, which is extremely nar- row between the crura of the pubis and tuberosi- ties of the ischia, so that the point of the finger cannot be introduced at the most depending part of the pelvis, even in the skeleton. ‘The union, too, of its sacrum and ilia, is more towards the centre of the latter than in the Orang Outang ; and the low- er parts of the ischia are reflected outward. The Bones of the Superior Eaxtremity.—The clavicles present nothing peculiar, except that they — project rather more forward than in man, at their junction with the sternum. ‘The scapula is much narrower, in which it resembles the Baboon; but I cannot agree with Dr Tyson, who thinks it proba- ble, that this deviation would be less considerable in an adult animal; for there is no appearance of cartilages, that, when converted into bone, could ma- terially affect the form of the scapula. The Glen- oid cavity is rather of an oval shape, and the form of the humerus is less round than in the human skeleton. ‘The fore-arm and wrist present nothing remarkable. ‘There are two rows of bones in the carpus, each consisting of four pieces, but some of these were cartilaginous in our specimen, by reason of its time of life. The hand is long and slender; VOL. IIL. B 1s ON THE ANATOMY OF THE and has an extremely small thumb, which searcely reaches down two-thirds of the length of the meta- earpal bone of the fore finger. When the arm is hanging by the side, the points of the fingers are full three inches below the knees. The following measurements give the proportions of different parts of the superior extremity. The whole extremity from top of the humerus !che- to the top of the middle finger,.......-. .= 18.5 Length of the scapula from the acromion to Sats base, SAA dank AUN, 4 coos SA ieee Pe en VE Greatest breadth of the scapula directly across, 1.5 ieee or the humerus,.524.-) see wie 6.6 wepislaan, cs vlna, si ee aces hella baat ama 0.4: a ete padi; :. i ete eeeenees shay bo epia Hae 6] —-—— CATPUS,-----reeeerseerececeee Gite, wieieill aie 0.7 | —.—-..—— hand including the carpus,...-:-5.7 Breadth of the hand across the lower extremi- ty of metacarpus,- éhue en meee. bes aawishs 1.7 Length of the thumb, Dabcdiicanys 0.9, first _ phalanx 0.7, second phal. 0.3,) ------.. eeesenees 1.9 2d finger, (metacarp. 2.2, first ph..1.3, second ph. 0.9, third ph. 0.3,) ...... 4.7 3d finger, (metacarp. 2.1, first - ph. 1.6, second ph. 1.2, third ph. 0.3.) ---.-. 5.2 . 4th finger, (metacarp. 1.9. first ph. 1.5, second ph. 1.1. third ph. 0.3,) -.. -. 4.8 — 5th finger, (metacarp. 1.7, first ' ph. 1-1, second ph.. 0.8, third ph. 0.3,)----.-3.9 ORANG OUTANG. 19 The Bones of the Inferior Extremity—The “struc ture of this part of the Orang Outang, chiefly iffers , from man in the foot, which is to be consi- dered as a hand united to a leg and ankle. The head of the femur is round, as in man, and the neck terminates below in two distinct trochanters. The patella is bony. The fibula differs little from the human, exeept that it is less angular; but the tibia is contorted at about one-third of its length from the ankle. The tarsus consists of seven pieces; which, with the exception of the heel-bone, resem- ble these parts in man. ‘The os calcis is narrower ; the projection forming the heel is less broad; the whole bone is proportionally longer; and the groove for receiving the flexor tendons is deeper. Its posi- tion is also different. It lies immediately at the extremity of the fibula ; and being in a line with it, is on the owtsede of the upper part of the ankle. The hand of this limb approaches more nearly to the human hand than that of the superior extremity; but the proportion of the thumb in size and strength, seems rather greater, and the first phalanges of the fingers, especially of the fore-finger, are much bent. The metatarsal bone of the fifth or little finger, projects as in the human foot, beyond the outer edge of the tarsus. 90 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE Proportions of the Lower Extremity. he, Length from the top of the great trochanter Inches. to the tip of the middle finger, ...-......... = 178 Length of leg and thigh from the same point, to the lower end of fibula, ............. seeees ee 12.0 of femur, following its curvature, ....-----6.8_ a in a straight line, «...-....2-.+« 6.4 Lah of the head and neck of the femur, --..-.1.4 of the CEU Lagim oon tlye oes cutee: ane rt cca 5.7 af the fibula, . 24s scare: ‘acti ae a 4.9 of the foot, from extremity of os calcis to tip of middle finger, .......-....+-.22sseseeeeees 6s ; Breadth of the foot across the lower end ofr | (lie TRE EALAESUS,..<..--- cain Yee aateee- artenvarreaag AA of the thumb, (metacarp. 1.3, first r DS, second pli,.0/4), ..-...23:.--7e metas 1 25 — of the 2d finger, leindirt’ 1.6, first vie ph. 1.0, second ph. 0.5, third ph. 0.2), ......--- ha of the 3d finger, (metacarp 1.5, first — ph. 1.2, second ph. 0.7, third ph. 0.2), .-...... : 3.6 ——— of the 4th finger, (metacarp 1.5, first ph. 1.1, second ph. 0.7, third ph. 0.2), ...... Sore es, ——— of the 5th finger, (metacarp 1.6, first ph. 0.8, secon# ph. 0.5, third ph. 0.9), ......... oy eat ae ° ORANG OUTANG. | 91 The Joints, Ligaments, &c. Neither the joints nor the ligaments present any very peculiar appearances. ‘The head is articulat- ed, as in man, and moves on the tooth-like process of the second vertebra of the neck. The motions of the humerus are free on the glenoid cavity; the joints of the elbows, wrists and fingers, are capable of. all the varieties of motion we find in the human body. As our subject was young, the connecting cartilages of the whole body were large, and those of the pelvis so shrivelled in drying, as to distort the form of the basin. The symphysis pubis is more firmly united than in the Simia Maimon ; where it was only closed by a broad cartilage of little thick- ness. The acetabulum is reund, but not quite so deep asin man. The round ligament is fixed to the under and inner side of that cavity, but approaches nearer to its lower edge than in the human subject. The hip-joimt has a very free motion upward and outward; and may be easily rolled, so as to bring the femur parallel with the parietiesof the abdomen; but the knees cannot be soeasily approximated as in man. This causes the animal to stand with its feet more asunder ; and instead of the sight inward curvature of the knees, which occurs in our bodies, they are bent outward in the Orang Outang, which must make it waddle when it walks erect. The motion of the knee-joint is free backwards; but the animal does 29, ON THE ANATOMY OF THE not seem capable of perfect extension of this jomt, from the contraction of the posterior muscles of the . limb. The tarsus possesses much more freedom of motion than in man. ‘The ankle may be bent, so- as to form a very acute angle with the tibia;—a circumstance favourable to the prone posture of the animal in walking; and it may be turned very freely inwards and outwards. The Muscles. In examining the muscles of this animal, are found several which seem to have escaped the re- searches of ‘Tyson, as well as the more recent obser- vation of Camper and of Cuvier. How far this may be owing to peculiarities in our specimen, I shall not presume to determine; but shall be con- tented to mark such discrepancies as may be be- tween what occurred during our dissection of the Orang Outang, and the descriptions of iis f ing anatomists ; commencing with | The Muscles seen on the Front of the Head, — Neck and Trunk.—We found no trace of an oc- cipito-frontalis muscle; a remark also made by Dr Tyson. ‘The orbiculares and recti palpebrarum, as” well as the muscles about the nose, the most of the muscles of the lips, with part of the buccinater and the platysma myoides, had been removed, by the person who fiayed the animal in order to preserve /- ORANG OUTANG. 4S the skin. The muscles which move the eye-ball. do not differ from the corresponding parts in man. _ There is a striking similarity between the Orang : Ou fang and man, in the number and position of the small muscles about the palate, tongue, pharynx, and larynx. ‘There is not one wanting in the ape ; ‘but as there is no styloid process in this animal, the stylo-hyoideus, the stylo-glossus and stylo-pharyn- geus, take their origin from the base of the pars pe- trosa of the temporal bone. The temporal and. masseter muscles are stronger than in man, but not so powerful as in the Simia Maimon. The princi- pal peculiarities that we observed about the muscles of the head, are in the digastricus and mylo-hyoi- deus. - "The digastricus has anteriorly a single flat belly, attached to the lower jaw, for about half an inch on each side of its symphysis, and passing toward the larynx ; near which it is bordered by a semicircular tendon. ‘The extremities of this tendon are carried to the os hyoides, and attached to it at the insertion ow the stylo-hyoideus; where, uniting with addition- l fibres, they form the long round tendons of the tw 08 maller bellies of the digastric muscle, which (as t he mastoid process is wanting in this:animal) are 7 TIE d farther back than in man, and inserted ong the inequalities at the base of the occipital 7 | ae nearly similar was observed in astricus of the Simia Maimon. It seems in- 0 give greater power in depressing the jaw 24 = ON THE ANATOMY OF THE in animals, where the antagonist muscles, the tem- poralis and masseter, are so powerful. Hderteyath. On removing the digastric muscle, the peculiar shape of the mylo-hyoideus is perceived. It is not composed of two sets of fibres uniting in the centre of the jaw, and filling up the space between the sides to the chin, as in man; but has a single set of very delicate fibres crossing the jaw, and leaving a space an inch in width, between the symphysis menti, and the anterior edge of the muscle. This edge is slightly concave, and bordered by most de- licate tendinous film. ; The small muscles about the thyroid, tated and cricoid cartilages, do not sensibly differ fpem those of man. ; The sterno-cleido-mastoideus, resembles the Sac man, except in being inserted into the pars petrosa. The sterno-hyoideus and thyroideus, the omo-hyoi- deus, the longus colli, and the three scaleni, are quite similar, as is the levator scapule ; but the latter is assisted in its action by a muscle not ob- served in man, which Tyson has judiciously named Elevator clavicule. It arises from the transverse processes of the second and third vertebrae, and is broadly inserted into the outer end of the clavicle. A. wuscle of the same kind was observed in the ba- boon, and seems to be kad found in quadru- peds. ugk: The pectoral ciaide are ach leas fled than in man; and the P. major does not descend so low “ORANG OUTANG. 25 upon the ribs. ‘The rectus abdominis is proportion- ally broader at its upper extremity than in man, measuring not less than 2.8 at the point of the xiphoid cartilage. Its three transverse tendons do not, as in man, penetrate and divide its internal fibres. In our subject, there existed no pyramida- lis. The external oblique in its origin from the cartilages of the eight inferior ribs, its descending fibres, and its union with its fellow at the linea alba, resembles that muscle in the human subject. The same may be said of the internal oblique. Both of them are extremely thin. The small size of the umbilicus has been already noticed. It is distant from the top of the sternum, 8.4 inches, and 3.3 inches from the superior edge of the symphysis pu- bis. We observed a small quantity of fat on the site of the mons veneris, | | The intercostal muscles in both layers, and the muscular heads of the inferior part of the diaphragm, _ resemble the corresponding parts in man; but : ‘the whole of this organ is larger than in man, on ac- count’ of the greater extent of the lower part of the thorax in this animal. ‘The psoas magnus, and ‘psoas parvus, present nothing peculiar. The Muscles secn on the posterior view of ped Neck and Trunk.—The trapezius and latis- _ simus dorsi, the rhomboidei, the trachelo. mas- . toideus, the longissimus dorsi, are situated as in ma wie'The: splenii capitis et colli resemble the n in form and insertion; but when the twe 96 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE and continue in union ‘ito achil they orig the occipital bone. The complexus ar and saero-h balis, with all the subdivisions enumer: ated by a tomists, are precisely as in man. Tyson says, thai the inter spinales colli were wanting in his s speci- men; but we found in ours distinct interspinales colli, dorsi et lumborum, with the inter Meneetie. sales of the neck, back and loins, and the levato- yes costarum. ‘Tyson also observes, that the qua- dratus lumborum is /onger in the Orang Outang than in man; but to us it appeared shorter, cor responding to the distance between the spine of the ilium and the ribs, hs a exceeds an inch. Ae The recti posteriores capitis differ, in having the muscles corresponding to the minores in man con- , siderably larger than those answering to the ma- jores ; - that is, they contain more muscular substance though they are shorter than the latter. The: ae lative proportions also of the obliqui ¢: ypitis in animal are reversed, when compared to man; for obliquus superior is at least double — size obliquus inferior. = i Muscles of the Superior Estée —~ toid muscle arises from a larger portion of 1) riorly ¢ to within an inch of its oe al supra and infra spinatus, , the teres mi ORANG OUTANG. iS vius, and subscapularis, present little peculiar. The teres major is very strong, and proportionally broad- er than in man. The levatores scapule et clavicule, have been already described. ‘The two last are united by cellular substance, so as to resemble one muscle. ‘The biceps flexor and triceps extensor cubiti, the coraco-brachialis, the brachialis internus and anconeus, exactly resemble the human. The same may be said of all the muscles of the fore- arm, except that there is no opponens pollicis in this animal, and that the flexor longus pollicis seems rather a part of the fiexor profundus than a separate muscle. The palmaris longus, which did not occur in Dr Tyson’s Orang, was very distinctly formed in one arm of our animal, but wanting in the other. The elbow-joint in this animal is ca- pable of perfect extension, which is not the case in the baboon. In the latter, it seems to be. chiefly owing to the manner in which the supinator radii longus is attached to the external condyle of the humerus and the neighbouring ridge. The pro- nation and supination of the hand, with the flexion and extension of the wrist and fingers, are perform- ed by a mechanism so similar to the beautiful con- trivances employed in man, that one might almost study human anatomy in those parts of the Orang Outang. Muscles of the Pelvis and Inferior Eatremity. —The muscles of the inferior extremity differ more from the human subject than any other part of this 28 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE animal. The iliacus internus, and insertion of the psoas magnus, have nothing peculiar, The gluteus externus, which is called main b. in man, is much smaller than the medius, ; eing very thin, while the latter is extremely thick and fleshy. From the elongated form of the ilia, they also differ much in form from the human glutei. The exter- nus does not come so far forward, nor does it arise from so large a portion of the ilium. Tyson did not perceive a gluteus minimus; but we found an extremely thin muscle, answering to it in office, which might easily be overlooked in a hasty exa- mination. Its origin is from the posterior edge of the ischium, instead of the dorsum of the ilium. Its fleshy fibres are most distinct along the sciatic notch; and as it descends toward the obturator in- ternus, it becomes a thin tendinous expansion. It is attached to the capsular ligament of the hip-joint, both at the edge of the acetabulum and where it joins the neck of the femur; the insertion is into the great trochanter, as in man. This muscle, there- fore, is to be considered partly as aiding the rota-_ tion of the thigh, pulling it outward, but seems principally intended to prevent the pinching of the ligament in the motions of the joint. See fig. G e. The most remarkable muscle about the top of the thigh, has not been noticed by T yson, Camper, Cuvier, or the older anatomists. It is a flat trian- gular muscle, arising from the whole anterior edge of the ilium to within half an inch of the aceta- ¥ *. 4 : ; . # y ys PLATE. £. Wernerian. Men’ Vol. I. p.29 W.&D.Lizars Sculp ii ORANG OUTANG. 4) Hehum, and is inserted just below ‘he tact of the great trochanter, between the head of | the crue ralis and vastus externus, a little below the origin of the former. It is thin” and fleshy through its whole extent, except» where it is inserted by a very short-flattened tendon. At its upper part, at ase united by cellular substance to the iliacus internus. The action of this muscle, which > appears to be pe- | culiar to this animal, is to draw the thigh up toward the body ; ‘and it seems especially to be intended to assist in climbing. On this account we propose to name it the scandens, or Musculus scansorius; and we are disposed to regard it as one of the principal peculiarities 1 in the Simia Satyrus. Whe- ther it exists in any of the other simiz, we are un-— ee a able to decide, but we did not observe it in the Si- ky mia Maimon; see fig. G, where a gives a posterior view of this muscle. The obturator internus is much _ more fleshy than in man, lining the whole internal | surface of the pubis and ischium. The portion which becomes external, is more pyramidal, ts tention aa broader, and it has a few fleshy fibres almost to its insertion at the root of the great trochanter. The pyriformis is a strong fleshy muscle as in man. The gemini, the quadratus femoris, the coceygeus and levator ani, are similar, to the human, and the ob- turator externus is larger considerably, as _ ‘might — be expected from the form of the pubis. The pec- tinalis is less distinctly marked ; “he rectus fe- hs eae ee , ae Leary Ai hon dithe ie ees inalicse i, ipa in the Simia Maimon. In the latter animal, they : descend lower on the anterior part 0 f the tibia than in the Orang, which, in this respect, is a medium between man and the baboon. ‘The gracilis has nothing remarkable. The vasti muscles are much weaker than in man, being thin and flat, especially toward the patella. The triceps adductor femoris, and biceps flexor cruris, resemble those parts in the human subject; but the muscles on the lower part of the leg are considerably different, especially those on its front, which overlap the upper part of the tibia, so as to give the appearance of a convex shin- bone. This is chiefly owing to the fulness of the tibialis anticus; the lower part of which is much larger and more fleshy than in man, though less so than in the Simia Maimon. The peroneus longus and brevis, are also rather more fleshy below in both the simia now under consideration, than in the man body. The gastrocnemius externus is fatter and thinner, and its belly descends almost to the heel in the Orang. The gastrocnemius internus descends fleshy to the os calcis, giving the animal but little appearance of a calf to the leg. We found no plantaris, nor did we perceive a popliteus. The extensor longus digitorum sends tendons to four of « : f . woe Se ed K _ These two last in "the oe aaee aa to. ile same muscles ORANG OUTANG. $1 the fingers, one of which passes to the little finger ; a circumstance not found in Dr ‘Tyson’s animal. _ The extensor brevis digitorum sends tendons to all the fingers ; thus supplying the deficiency of an ex- tensor brevis pollicis. In Tyson’s subject, the exten- sor brevis digitorum was wanting, and the extensor ae seo was peculiarly strong. In our ani- valid weld a dete extensor of its Bs carpid bone. These muscles arise in common with the extensor communis. In these respects, the thumb of this extremity in the Orang Outang differs from the great er ivi anne and resembles his pollex eet dhe toes or fingers of the lower ex- tremity 1 1 the Orang,-i is accomplished by a curious, and in some respects a more complicated mechanism than in man. This structure has not been noticed by Tyson, nor he any other anatomist, until the time of Cuvier, by whom it is well described *, as it occurs in the Mandrell, which appears to differ but little in this respect from the Orang. The flexor brevis arises from the heel-bone, by a strong muscular head, covered by a firm aponeurosis, and sends strong perforated tendons to the four smal- lest fingers. The tendon going to the fore-finger, is continued more directly from the belly of the * Anatomie Comparée, tom. i. p. 394. 9 ee mek SS wie ON THE ANATOMY OF THE 5 eee ash the others, which, howeley are most firmly united to the aponeurosis of the flexor -bre- vis; while their action is assisted by some muscu-— lar slips attached to the body of the muscle, and descending along these | tl hee. vee for about ‘dil an inch. j a The muscle coil Ponditie't to Re | nis in man, arises from the whole Micro! seit » the tibia to within an inch of its lower extremity, and sends off a ie ae sone a There is no flexor propri 1s] corresponding muscle arises from * rior a us the e Aap and ends i in a | subdivided sabe hee ee reas anatiana distri- ers sur first and pd is sent to the thumb, flexor sae the other two forr Bae perforating tendons of the middle and ring fingers. _ The ten- dons of the three flexors are all firmly unite i ‘palm, by condensed cellular substance, to each o- ther, and to the little fleshy appendages: of the flexor brevis. a pom we FS av PLATE If, Wemerian Mem‘ Vol. I. P. 32 POSTERIOR EXTREMITY OF THR ARM, iy \ \ " ij f a. Flexor brevis b Mbisadar Skips Cc. Flexor Communts. s @. Fleccor Pollicis TS.Trall del* 24%Octr 1817. W.weD.Lizars Sculp © ORANG OUTANG. 33 This complicated structure may be readily un- derstood from an inspection of the accompanying drawings, in which each set of tendons is distin- guished by different colours. ~ The flexor brevis pollicis - is strong, and, as in the human hand, has a double insertion, forming a sheath for the reception of the tendon of the flexor longus. It is intimately united to the ad- ductor pollicis. The adductor pollicis is a large muscle extending nearly along the whole length of the metacarpus of the fore-finger. ‘There is no transversalis pedis in this animal. Indeed, it was hardly to be expected in an organ so analogous to a hand. | The lumbricales, the abductor silat, the ab- ductor minimi digiti, its flexor parvus, and the in- terossei, are of a more lengthened form than in man; but we found neither an indicator muscle nor a pepe brevis in either extremity of this The aponeurotic expansions in its palms, and ches iaiblar ligaments of the wrist and ankle, are sufficiently marked. — animal. — The Brain and Principal Nerves. On removing the upper part of the cranium in the usual manner, the brain was observed to fill the cavi- ty completely. The skull is perhaps thinner than in man. ‘The dura mater has the same texture. The vO ML. C gee SA ON THE ANATOMY OF THE convolutions of the brain are externally less strongly marked ; the pia mater seems less vascular but pe- netrates deeper into the cerebrum‘than in the hu-— man subject; the protuberances lodged in the su- perior fossee of the occipital bone are remarkably pointed ; the cerebellum bears a larger proportion to the cerebrum; and the latter appears somewhat less deep. The veins supplying the great longitu- dinal sinus run from behind forward, as in man. In examining the internal parts of the brain, the usual horizontal sections were employed. Ci The cineritious matter near the top of the iibiin, bears rather a larger proportion to the medullary than in the human body; because the fissures. be- tween the convolutions are deeper in this animal : but the proportional quantity of medullary: sub- stance becomes greater on penetrating to the level of the corpus callosum, the centre of which is only 0.9 inch below the upper surface of the brain. The lateral ventricles do not essentially differ from what is found in man. ‘The corpora striata are less pro- minent and smaller, as is the choroid plexus. The fornix, with its pillars, the septum lucidum, and the corpora quadrigemina, are exactly like the cor- responding parts in man. ‘The pineal gland is re- markably large, but is similarly situated behind the posterior commissure of the cerebrum. It had no gritty substance in it; a circumstance often noticed in. the human brain. The glandula pituitaria and infundibulum are very well marked. / het int . + ae: : — its oe ee , ra ORANG OUTANG. $5 ‘The situation and communications of the third and fourth ventricles, the appearance of the crura cere ri and corpora albicantia, resemble the same organs in the human subject; but the pons Varolli re ther more flat. The cerebellum, as we have ‘said, bears rather a larger proportion to the cere- brum thanin man. It shews, when laid open, a very perfect arbor vite. The whole quantity of brain in this animal is considerable, weighing 11 ounces avoirdupois*. Unfortunately, the body was not weighed before dissection, so that I am unable to state the proportion between it and the brain; but conjecture that the latter is from f>th to sth part of the whole body. This proportion approaches preity: i to that of man, in whom it varies from 7; to;, +. The quantity of brain, however, gives no sndiibacion of the intellect of animals, else monkeys, the mole, the mouse, the dolphin, and several birds, should be greatly superior to the dog, the horse and the elephant, which last of all qua- Re tate C2 f ? ’ ? oe LW * The brain in Tyson’s animal weighed 11 oz. 7 drachms ; but the animals dissected by the Parisian anatomists must have been small monkeys ; for the brain, though “ large in eons to the body,” is stated only to weigh 24 oz. A M ee See. Sarit, Anatomie Comparée, tom. il. p. 149. 36 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE drupeds, seems to have the smallest brain in propor- i tion to his body. : Auaini ts Figs ik The position of the falx and tentorium in the | Orang, have much resemblance to those’ parts in man; bat the anterior portion of the former reacl farther down than in man, dividing the two brand of the olfactory nerve near the crista galli. The breadth of the falx from the back of the head to the anterior edge of the tentorium measures 1.4 4 inch ; and from that point to the spine of the -fron- 7 tal bone, in a straight line, = 2.6 inches: propor- tions somewhat different from those of the human head. The nerves arising from the brain come off asin man. ‘The first pair, or olfactory nerve, ‘are larger and broader than in the human subject. The second pair, or optic nerve, are considerably less divergent than in man. The third, fourth and fifth fpairs, the last of which consists of two fasciculi in each, and the sixth pair, are precisely like the corresponding nerves in man. The seventh or auditory nerve has a portio dura and mollis, with — the intervening fibrils. The eighth pair, consist- ing of the glosso-pharyngeus and the small fasci- culi of the par vagum, aided by the accessory nerves, present nothing different. The ninth iad consist each, as in man, of three bundles of fibres. | ec: In pursuing the course of the nerves, we found the distribution of the great sympathetic, and the position of its great ganglion in the: neck, very” similar: but this ganglion was of | a dee _ ahi CO- ie ae Ae ORANG OUTANG. 37 bs ing a small lymphatic gland. The par vagt ‘the descendens noni, the recurrent branch of the eighth pair, the cardiac and phrenic nerves, all run in the same manner as in man. The pes anserinus of the portio dura of the se- venth pair is extremely well defined. The great sphlanchnic nerve, with the semilunar ganglion, are entirely similar to what they appear. in the human body. The course of the nerves of the extremities in general, strongly resembles their distribution in » man. The only perceptible difference is, that those of the thigh, which, with the bloodvessels of that extremity, lie much more superficial, pass over the head of the femur in immediate contact with the capsular ligament. The Heart, Lungs, and Principal | Bloodvessels. The size and position of the heart and lungs pre- sent nothing peculiar. The apex of the heart is to- ward the left side, and the pericardium, as in man and the baboon, is attached to the diaphragm. The left lobe of the lungs had been inflamed, and sunk in water. . “Ihere are three lobes in the right lung, and two in the left, asin man. The course of the great arteries, of the vena cava and AZYZOS, are very like what we meet with in the human subject. The two carotids and the jugulars, with the subclavian 38 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE and axillary arteries, and the corresponding veins, are asin man. ‘The external iliac follows i same course over the femur as the nerves. — wan a, Organs of Sense. The great size of the olfactory nerve, and the extensive surface of the turbinated bones, lead to the inference that the animal was endowed “ an acute sense of smell. The ball of the eye is full as large, if not more so, than in man. The iris of a dark hazel colour, the pupil round. The ball did not project beyond the orbits of the eyes. We perceived in this ani- mal, as well as in the Stmia Maimon, a thin exter- . nal film of black paint, 0.2 inches in diameter, sur- rounding the junction of the cornea and sclerotic coat, and easily removeable witha knife. The lens, the choroides with its black pigment, the insertion of the optic nerve, are just as they are in. man. There is a small lachrymal gland, with the usual’ apparatus for disposing of the tears. The suspensor oculi, which occurs im quadrupeds, is wanting in the Orang. 3 The internal structure of the ear was not exa- mined. | The organs of taste differ little from the hu- man. ‘The tongue is large and fleshy, as in man, ~ fer ORANG OUTANG. | 39 and | nd its surface is covered with numerous papille. bs a base are eight papille, rather larger than the rest, ene arranged in this manner. be a wk % * K xX fea: optisists hi a mushroom-shaped body, sup- ported on a short pedicle in the centre of a circular cavity, which they nearly fill up. They are not so large in the Orang, as three which we found in the baboon, arranged thus, ike BY Cali Lay << * e j WP he salivary glands, which are intimately con- nected with the organs of taste, approach to those of ‘man. The parotid is a longish mass, of a deep- ‘Frcolour than in the human body, and consisting of large eranulations, imtermixed, as is usual, with common lymphatic glands. Its duct, and the sub- maxillary gland, are just as in man. Me oy Fs pnts yt ae Voice. re passage to the larynx is very similar to that pe man. The uvula consists of a small single 4 : but i in the baboon, it is composed of twe 40 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE © equal, but minute bodies, arranged from side to side. The amygdala and epiglottis are not peculiar. The os hyoides differs from that of man, in being anteriorly more prominent and dilated, and by con- taining in its body a cavity capable of holding a large pea; a structure still more remarkable in the baboon. On laying open the posterior part of the larynx, the two apertures at the base of the epi- glottis, and leading to the double sac or laryngeal pouches discovered by Camper, are visible. These apertures occupy the situation of the ventricles of the human larynx, between the superior and infe- rior ligaments of the glottis; are 0.4 inch in length, and are placed a little obliquely; their posterior angles being depressed below the level of the ante- rior, which approximate each other within less than 0.2 inch, and are distant from the free extremity of the epiglottis 0.8 inch. The above-mentioned li- gaments of the glottis form the boundaries of these apertures, and are provided with evident longitu- dinal muscular fibres, by which the apertures can be contracted at the will of the animal. The aper- tures lead to two ventricles, considerably larger than in man, extending upward and forward to the ca- vity of the os hyoides, and terminating in two short membranous tubes, which run between the latter bone and the top of the thyroid cartilage, form- ing communications from the larynx to the two pouches or double sac, so well described by Camper. In our subject the left sac appeared to be the lar- ORANG OUTANG. 4] gest, and communicated freely with the cavity of the os hyoides, which was separated by membrane from the right sac. ‘This mechanism, as is well re- marked by Camper, appears to be intended to aug- ment the power of the voice. A. structure somewhat analogous has been detected in most of the other simiz, and some other animals; but the peculiar structure of the larynx of the Orang escaped the - researches of 'T'yson. The epiglottis of our subject is rather broader and shorter than in man; and the thyroid cartila- ges are something more flat anteriorly. The muscles and ligaments about the larynx and os hy- oides, have much affinity to the corresponding parts in the human subject *. * In the Simia Maimon, the arytenoid cartilages are much more elevated ; and by their union, form what seems a second epiglottis, which is smaller than the true one, and has its in- side remarkably corrugated or fluted. The true epiglottis is attached to the upper and inner part of the os hyoides, as in man. Under the base of the epiglottis is a very large cavi- ty, projecting forward, and communicating with the wpper part of the larynx. It is about half an inch in length. Its extremity is rounded, and lies in the os hyoides, which is hollowed to form it. In the baboon, the os hyoides is'also pe- culiar, in having a perpendicular triangular projection, which overlaps the top of the thyroid cartilages. The top of the larynx seems composed of one piece. There is no thyroid gland; and the palate, like that of quadrupeds, is much corrugated. “Not being, at the time of this dissection, familiar with the dis- eries of | Camper, the pouch connected with the larnyx was not carefully examined. 4G ON THE ANATOMY OF THE ~The thyroid: gland is somewhat oe its form. It lies like a small leech along each side of the thyroid, cricoid, and four first rings of the tra- chea; and the two portions communicate anteriorly by a delicate film of glandular substance, which erosses the upper rings of the trachea, obliquely from left to right. The trachea is like the human windpipe. On reviewing the structure of the organs of respiration, of the tongue and larynx, there does not appear any reason why the Orang Outang should not speak. The organization, as far as we can judge, seems perfect; yet this animal, ac- cording to the best evidence, has never been known to make any attempt at articulate sounds. Indeed, in this respect it seems inferior to several other ani- mals, which have been taught to imitate and repeat words or sentences. If animal organization were alone necessary to speech, the Orang Outang, from its striking approach to man, ought to possess-this faculty in an eminent degree. We must, therefore, refer its deficiency in this respect, not to corporeal, but to mental peculiarities. It would be, perhaps, extremely difficult to point out the exact boundary between human intellect, and the faculties of the lower animals; but one grand distinction peculiar | to the human species, is the possession of the intel- lectual power, by metaphysicians dcnominat 4 straction. As the expression of ideas by _arbit rary sounds, implies the exercise of this faculty, which ORANG OUTANG. 5 wv does not seem granted to the brute creation, it may not be going too far to conclude, that the want of speech in the Orang and other animals, with a corporeal organization so similar to that of man, is wholly to be attributed to the absence of the facul- ty of abstraction. Chylopoeisc Viscera, &c. The upper part of the alimentary canal has nothing peculiar, except, that the pharynx seems rather more contracted and corrugated than in man. The stomach resembles the human in form; having its great curvature toward the left side. Its pylo- rus seems placed somewhat lower than in the hu- man body. The stomach measures (when distend- ed,) from the cardia to the pylorus, along its great curvature, 14 inches, and 5 inches along its superior edge. It might contain about a pint and a-half of fiuid. ‘The intestines were covered by a very thin omentum, which scarcely contained any fat. _ The position of the small intestines resembles what is perceived inman. ‘The biliary and pancre- atic ducts, penetrate the duodenum nearly at the same place asin the human subject. In our spe- cimen, there were a great number of very large worms, the Ascaris lumbricoides, in the upper part of the intestines. ‘They completely distended the duodenum ; and three of them had penetrated by the ductus communis choledochus, and hepatic duct, 4. ON THE ANATOMY OF THE to the liver. The head of one was traced through a ramification of the latter duct, at least half an inch within the liver; and two had penetrated a considerable way through the pancreatic duct, which they completely blocked up. Along with those observed in the biliary ducts, were several young ones about half an inch in length,. and of a pale flesh colour. Linneus and others, have men- tioned the occurrence of lumbrici in the pancreatic duct as not uncommon; but their penetration ‘through the biliary ducts is a rare occurrence. - With respect to these worms, it is difficult to de- cide, whether they found their way from the intes- tines after the death of the animal, or contributed to its dissolution by their unusual situation. © In structure, the great intestines generally re- semble those of man. The cecum is large and distinct ;,and the appendix vermiformis, which is wanting in the baboon, is remarkably long. It is not, however, hanging loose in the abdomen; but is gathered into spiral convolutions, by a separate mesenteric expansion peculiar to itself. The ap- pendix, measured along its convex edge=7.7 inches ; and the circumference of the great arch of the colon, , when inflated moderately = 5.7 inches, while that of the caput coli, at its greatest diameter = 8 in-’ ches. The attachment of the coecum to the right side is just as in man; but it is quite free in the baboon. | any | se ORANG OUTANG. _ AS » The coats of the intestines, the peritonzum, the glands of the mesentery, with the lacteals and tho- racic duct, are similar to those parts in man. The course and termination of the latter, are precisely c he length of the small intestines, from Feet, Inch, 1 ee a ee = 19:58 Wee tenet of the’ colony. :..60002)....cc cise BS The .. orsectuny. oy). Atl nt. cON , nse Mak ing the length of the whole intestines, — 24 a, or Uy pwards of nine times the length of the body of the animal —a proportion fully greater than what we find in man, even in persons of short stature *. The liver is a large viscus, situated as in man. It differs, in a few respects, from the description of Dr Tyson. The sulci, in our animal, are deeper than in the human liver ; and, in this respect, more nearly resemble those of the baboon. The sulcus, which divides the right arid left lobes, penetrates through two-thirds of the substance of this organ. _ The lobulus Spigelii is very distinctly marked ; and there i is a very small heart-shaped lobule loosely at- tached to the posterior part of the great fissure on the concave side of the liver. The left lobe is pro- Peel smaller than i in man; but the substance ah i It may not be improper to eo , that the measurements made by a string applied along the convex edge of the intestines, after the mesentery was divided. ~~ 46 ON THE ANATOMY OF THE and. colour of the whole viscus exactly resemble the human. If we omit the small heart-shaped appen- dix above mentioned, the liver of the Orang may — be said to consist of three lobes ; but, in the baboon, we found the liver divided into four distinet mer tions. — Se The hepatic duct comes from each great lobe, by a distinct branch. ‘These two unite close to the li- ver; and, joining the cystic duct, form the ductus communis, which penetrates the coats of the duode- num by a very oblique opening. The spleen is si- milarly situated to the human; but it is n uch thinner. i The pancreas is about two inches long, whitish, and uneven on its surface, and sends its duct to’ the duodenum, near the entrance of the hepatic duct. Urinary Organs. The kidneys nearly resemble those organs in man, having distinct cortical and uriniferous por- tions, papille, infundibula, and pelvis. Their form is rather rounder, and the fissure at the entrance of the vessel rather less deep. The glandule renales are large, and similar to the human. The bladder is proportional in size ; but is rather more oval than in man, and the ureters enter it rather nearer to its cervix. ORANG OUTANG. A - The Organs of Generation. The external organs in the Orang, at the first view, scarcely bear any resemblance to the female organs in the human species. It can scarcely be said that there is ajmons, veneris. The vulva is wholly concealed, when the animal is in a supine posture, by a pendu- lous: flap, of a pale fiesh colour, which, on examination, proves to be an elongated clitoris. It is composed of two cavernous bodies, firmly united and contain- ed in a sort of sheath, which is folded at the ex- tremity. Its general form is cylindrical; but the divergence of its crura makes it a little broader at its root, where alone it is attached to the pubis. Its body hangs quite free for 1.5 inch from the arch of the pubis, and its extremity is nearly half an inch in diameter *. On raising up the clitoris, the labia are visible; but they are thin, and do not include the base of the clitoris. The vulva appears circular, with slight diverging ruge passing from the entrance to the * The elongation of the clitoris is great in most of the si- mie, : and has been by some compared to the flap of Hottentot women: but the latter peculiarity i is now well known to be produced by an elongation of the nymphe, more frequent among that race than in any other part of the world.—See Barrows T’ravels : and Med. Chur. Trans. vol. vii. AS ON THE ANATOMY, &c. vagina, toward the circumference of the labia, which give these parts a considerable resemblance to the anus. The crura of the labia become ex- tremely thin as they descend toward the anus, which is provided with its proper sphincter, and is divided from the pudenda, by a perineum rather more than half an inch in breadth. | : There are no vestiges of nymphe, or labia inter- na, unless we suppose the labia already described to correspond to them ; in which case, the labia exter- na must be considered as wanting in this animal. At the entrance to the vagina, is a small dupli- cature or fold of the skin lining the parts, which perhaps may be considered as a hymen. The vagina presents nothing peculiar. It leads — to a very small uterus, which, in form, is just the human womb reversed. Its fundus is the apex of the pear, and its greatest diameter is just at the cervix. ‘The ovaria are large in proportion to the uterus, and have a greenish-grey colour. The Fal- lopian tubes are shorter and flatter than in the hu- man subject, and have their extremities much fim- briated. The ligaments of the uterus generally re- semble those that connect the human womb with the pelvis. Between the ovaries and the Fallopian tubes, we found. on each side a small yellowish body of a flat- tened irregular shape. It is placed in the broad ligament, and was very tender in its structure, “ORANG oUTANG. = 49 After the great length to which these observa- tions have extended, it is not my intention to offer any general remarks upon the structure of the Orang Outang. For the tedious prolixity of this paper, I must offer as an apology, a wish to com- municate every information in my power respecting so rare and interesting an animal. : Taverpoor, March 1817. va VOL, II. i 50 ON THE PRIMITIVE: FORMS OF CRYSTALS. TI. On the Connection between the Primitive: Forms of Crystals and the Number of thew Axes of Double Refraction. By Davip Brewster, LL. D. F. R. 8S. Lond. and Edin. (Read 20th March 1819.) eae ee Iw examining the structure of crystallised bodies, ~mineralogists do not appear to have observed the slightest connection between their primitive forms and any of their physical or chemical properties *. Without the guidance of a general principle, their determinations have often been at variance, and even the same observer has at different times as- * When speaking of doubly refracting crystals, La Piace makes the following observation :—“ L’Ellipsoide qui leur est “ relatif, doit étre determinée par l’experience ; et sa position “ par rapport aux faces naturelles du crystal, peut repandre un « srand jour sur la nature des molecules integrantes des substances “ crystallisées ; car ces molecules doivent, chacune, avoir les “‘ memes proprietés que le crystal entier.’—Mém. de U Institut. xil. p. 302. It will be seen from the following paper, that the sagacious conjecture of this illustrious mathematician has been fully verified, but in a very different way from that which he. anticipated. ‘The existence of more than one axis had not been ascertained when his paper was published. — PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 51 y different nucleus to the same body. In a ensive examination of the optical constitu- of minerals and artificial crystals, I was led to ascertain their ‘number of axes of double refrac- tion ; and I had proceeded only a short way in this _ inquiry, when it became obvious, that a very un- equivocal connection existed between the form of the primitive nucleus and their number of axes of double refraction. Every new experiment added to the truth and generality of this result; and when I had examined the greater number of those bodies whose primitive nucleus was known, I had the sa- tisfaction of observing that all the crystals with one axis arranged themselves under a certain series of primitive forms; and that those with two axes arranged themselves under another series ; while the remaining primitive forms were occupied by those crystals whose doubly refracting forces were in equi- librio by the combined action of three equal and rectangular axes. This singular coincidence, to which there is only one or two exceptions, will be readily seen in the following Table. Table 52 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYST AM. ‘ig flie Table Phecithe the Connection between the Pri mitive Forms of Crystals, as determined by Haity*, and the Number of their Ames g Double Si Biaciinws IsT CLASS OF PRIMITIVE FORMS. CRYSTALS WITH ONE AXIS. 1. Rhomboid with Obtuse Summit. Carbonate of lime. Carbonate of lime and magnesia. Carbonate of lime and ° sik Tourmaline. PS Hoss Rubellite. 24 Ruby Silver +. 2. Rhomboid with Acute Summit. Corundum. Bournon, Phil. Trans. Sapphire. Ruby. | Cinnabar, Annal. de Chimie, tom. viii. p. 60. an * Traité de Mineralogie, tom. i. p. 273. ; and the EpInsuRGH ENcYCLOPDIA, art. CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, vol. vil, p. 474. + In the crystals printed in Italics, the number of their axes has been deduced from an examination of the tints, and not from the direct exhibition of the system of coloured rings ; so that it is possible that they may have a different number of axes from what is here assigned to them. THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 53 3. Regular Hewaedral Prism. Emerald. Phosphate of lime. Nepheline. Arseniate of Copper. Bournon, Phil. Trans. wt Octohedron with a widens Base. Me. < Zarcon. Mellite. ~ Molybdate of lead. spay iiside of tin. Philips, Geolog. Prans. Octohedrite. Tungstate of lime. 5. Bipyramidal Dodecahedron. Quartz. Phosphate of lead. -TIb CLASS OF PRIMITIVE FORMS. CRYSTALS WITH TWO AXES. 1. Right Quadrangular Prism,—Base a Square. Sulphate of magnesia. Chromate of lead. Mesotype. - Nadelstein. Sulphate of zinc. Bournon, Cat. p. 185. Prussiate of potash. Bournon, Cat. p. 181. Muriate of barytes. ‘Bournon, Cat. p. 187. 54° ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS oF cRysr. ALS. 2. Right Quadrangular Prism,—Bas e a Rectangle. Cymophane. Bi et Peridot. ‘apt Prehnite. Stilbite. | sy Anhydrite. Bournon, Journ. des Mi ines, vol. xiii. p. 346. Tartrate of potash. Bournon, Cat. p. 191. Tesselite or Prismatic apophyllite *. Journ. des Manes, vol. xxiii. p. 385. : 3. Right Quadrangular Prism Based a Rhomb. Topaz. Staurotide. Datholite. Journ. des Miia vol. xix. p. 362. Mica. Tale. Spodumene. Sulphate of barytes. Sulphate of strontian. Sulphate of soda. Bournon, Cai. p. 183. Citric acid. Bournon, Cat. p. 194. Tartrate of potash and soda. Bournon, Cat. p-. 193. “ See the Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, 1819, Not. Pp: 5. , i E PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 55 Right Quadrangular Prism,—Base an Ob- lique Parallelogram. Sulphate of lime. Kpidote. Axinite. Fg * a re in) cs 5. Oblique Quadrangular Prism,—Base a Rec- tangle. | Borax. | 6. Oblique Quadrangular Prism,— Base aRhomb Diopside. Augite. Glauberite. Sulphate of iron *. Wollasion Annals of Phal. vol. xi. p. 284. _Super-sulphate of potash. } Acetate of copper. | Bournon, Cut. p- 181, Tartaric acid. a 190, 191 195. - Oxaliec acid. | Sugar. . Grammatite. | 7. Oblique Quadrangular Prism,— Base an : Oblique fete : -Felspar. Kyanite. eS Iphate te of copper. ulphate Be icin a4 bsinapaed by Haiiy and Beudant te 1e acute rhomboid for its primitive form ; but Dr Wol- aston ha shewn it to be a rhombic prism. Although M. Beu- dant persists in his first opinion, yet we consider the existence of two axes as a proof of the correctness of Dr Wollaston’s result. 56 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 8. Octohedron, with a Rectangular Base. Nitrate of potash. Topaz. Arragonite, Carbonate of lead. Sulphate of lead *. Muriate of copper.—Edin. Eneye. vol. vil. p. 478. 9. Octohedron with a Rhombic Base. Sulphur. Sphene. Carbonate of soda. IIIb CLASS OF PRIMITIVE FORMS. CRYSTALS WITH THREE AXES. 1. Cube. Muriate of soda. Boracite. Leucite. . Analcime. 9. Regular Octohedron. Diamond. Spinelle. Alum. Ruby copper. Fluor spar. -Muriate of Ammonia. bio apie ne , Me ce Te 7! » te aes acs sibilge ee eit . ¥ Bods : Di aE Ue BT ary * Bourno ‘in Philips make the primitive fro, OF this crystal a right prism with rhombic bases. Cs ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 57 #6 3. Rhomboidal Dodecahedron. Garnet. Blende. As the preceding table contains all the transpar- ent crystals whose primitive forms have been deter- mined, I have not been able to introduce into it a variety of other crystals, the number of whose axes I have carefully ascertained. Relying on the cor- rectness of the general principle which is establish- ed by the preceding comparison, the crystals which Ihave examined may be referred to certain classes of primitive forms, as shewn in the following table ; and hence, the individual primitive form may be easily deduced, from an examination of the secon- dary crystals. IsT CLASS OF PRIMITIVE FORMS. Mica with Amianthus, and some other kinds of Mica. See Biot, Mem. Inst. 1816, p. 275. Read 22d June 1818. Idocrase*, | Hydrate of magnesia. Hydrate of strontites. Arseniate of copper. 5 Arseniate of potash. - Muriate of lime. “a ‘Haiiy makes the primitive form of Jdocrase a right prism lene nare base ; but as this form is incompatible with one more aiecly to be ~ same as that of Zircon. 58 10 15 10 ‘Sulphate of potash, certain specimens, - ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. Muriate of strontian. + Nee i Nitrate of soda. sani Subphosphate of potash. I i ai Sulphate of nickel, certain jee probably name: Super-acetate of copper and lime. Tee. Apophyllite surcomposée. Apophyllite from Uto. Titanite*. IID CLASS OF PRIMITIVE FORMS. Dichroite. Mother of pearl. Indurated tale. Sulphate of copper and iron. —_-—_———. ammonia. — cobalt. ammonia and magnesia. soda and magnesia. — manganese. Carbonate of ammonia. — potash. - — barytes*. ‘me = — strontian tf. lana * Hauy makes ie primitive form of Titanite a x abit anit with a square base ; but this form is incompatible: with: its op- * tical structure. | ir @ ‘Bes + Hatiy makes the primitive form of the Carbonates of Bary and Strontian, a hexaedral prism, a form which i is direct! v € cluded by their having two axes. ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 59 Nitrate of silver. 15 — ammonia. a cos lina: —_—_— — strontian, certain specimens. , — copper. — zinc. © — mercury. — bismuth. Muriate of mercury. 20 —magnesia. Acetate of lead. RS, 25 - — Zific,. | Hyper-oxmuriate of potash. | Phosphate of soda. - Oxalate of ammonia. " Super-oxalate of potash. 30 Crystallised Cheltenham salts. Murio-sulphate of magnesia and iron. Benzoate of Ammonia. Chromic acid. 3 Benzoic acid. 35 Boracic acid. Suceinic acid. Hydrate of Barytes. ‘Super-tartrate of potash. ~-'Tartrate of potash and antimony. 40 Diallage. | Spermaceti, Hypo-sulphite of lime *. g * See Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, N® I. p. 15. 60 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. tal IlIp cLass oF PRIMITIVE FORMS. | yd: hin aaieak ty Nitrate of lead. Beye — ri octaheaels erystals, ——_—— — barytes — Nitrite of lead. 5 Muriate of potash. Uranite. Sodalite. Essonite*. Sulphate of alumina and ammonia. 10 Cinnamon-stone. The examination of the optical structure of mi- nerals, enables us to go still a step farther in ap- proximating, by exclusion, to their primitive forms. _ The crystals in the following table, I have ascer- tained only to possess double refraction, without ha- * Hatiy makes the primitive form of Essonite a right rhom- boidal prism, which is quite incompatible with its optical structure. I would propose to restrict the name of Essonite to those pure and perfectly transparent Hyacinths, which are distinguished from the Zirconian Hyacinths, by their being destitute of double refraction ; and to apply the name of Cin- namon-stone to a class of Hyacinths, in which I have discover- ed an imperfect transparency, like that which arises from the mixture of alcohol and water, or any other fluids of different refractive powers. The portions of the cinnamon-stone thus imperfectly combined have a slight depolarising structure ; and I consider the Essonite to have the same relation to Cin» namon-stone, as Quartz has to Chalcedony. ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 61 ving been able to discover whether they have one or two axes. By this property, therefore, they are excluded from the three primitive forms of the Cube, - the Regular Octohedron, and the Rhomboidal Do- decahedron ; and therefore they must belong either to the first or second class of primitive forms. Table containing Crystals that must belong either to the Ist or IId Class of Primitive Forms, Acetate of nickel. Euclase. Pycnite. Chlorite. 5 Cubizite. Native orpiment. Actynolite. Harmotome. Macle. 10 Wavellite. Calamine. Anthophyllite. Laumonite. Asbestos. 15 Serpentine. ‘Steatite. Tabular spar. Cryolite. Carbonate of copper. 62 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. | «ROX “Muriate of gold. — of silver. —~— of iron. eS sei Seaton iid a 25. 30. 35. 40. Nitrate of magnesia and ammonia. Acetate of soda. eek aalla ed - of potash. : Phosphate of iron. - of copper. —_——_—-- of lead. - of magnesia. Arseniate of lead. Calomel. Oxymuriate of mercury. Emerald copper. Topazulite. Haiiyne. Meionite. Wernerite. Hyposulphite of strontian. Specular iron. Petalite. Subsulphate of alumine. ee o The connection between the external forms of crystals and their optical properties, naturally leads us to enquire, if any reason can be assigned, why particular forms should be distinguished by a oil cular number of axes. ‘ It appears from the general aman of the reso- lution and composition of polarising forces which I ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 63 ~ have explained in another place*, that a single po- larising axis may be the resultant of any number of equal axes of an opposite character. When the separate axes lie in the same plane, the single axis may be produced by the joint action of any odd or even number of equal axes, situated symmetrically around it; and the polarising force Kr of the resultant axis, will be Fa2l, , nm being the number of axes, and f the force of each axis acting separately. ‘The planes which pass through each axis cut one another at the poles of the resul- tant axes, at angles equal to = ay but as the real angle of the forces, or the eta inclination of the axes, 1s double of this angle, or anh it follows, that va Aa, Bb, ie. Dd, are the axes, the action of Aa,and Bb, at the pole O of the resultant axes, will not be according to the directions AO, BO, but according to the directions AO, CO; for, AOB 360° 360° = On and ROC, = os a Hence it appears that the virtual dinbinie of the planes passing through each axis are transferred, as it were, to the real di- rections of the plane passing through the next axis ; so that the virtual directions of the axes A a, Bb, Cc, Dd, instead of being AO, BO, CO, DO, will be AO, CO, a O,cO, which being all equal and * See Phil. Trans. 1818, p. 245. + Id. p. 239, 240. 64 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. symmetrical round O, will be 7m equilibrio, or r de. stroy one another at that point. A similar result will be obtained when the dpa | rate axes are not in the same plane, but are all equally inclined to the resultant axis, provided they are equal, and symmetrically arranged round that axes ; or, to view the subject in a still more general aspect, the action of several separate axes, of the same character, whatever be their intensity, or their number, or their inclination, may be resolved into one axis, either of the same, or of an opposite character, provided the intensities, the inclinations, and the directions of the separate axes are all sym- metrically related to the line which is the og eral axis. In the Furst Class of Primitive Forms, the very nature of the geometrical solids which compose it, seems to limit them to a single axis, either real, or resulting from several separate actions, In theObtuse Rhomboid, the line joining the - obtuse summits is the only line which can be placed symmetrically in the solid, and is at the same time the axis of the crystal, and the axis 4 double re- fraction. i id The line joining the acute summits of the Acute Rhomboid,—the line joining the centres of the hexa- gonal bases of the Hexaedral Prism,—the line join- ing the summits of the two pyramids of the Octohe- dron with a square base,—and the line joining the apices of the two pyramids which compose the PRR PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 66 ON THE Bi-pyramidal dodecahedron, all enjoy the same property of being the only lines which can be placed symmetrically in these different solids, and which can be regarded as the axes of polarisation *. In all these forms, however, the axis of the crys- tal may be the resultant of several axes which pos- sess the conditions required by the general principle. In the Oprusr Ruomzon, for example, the sin- gle axis may be resolved into _1. Three axes in the direction of lines joining the six acute solid angles of the rhomb, which have their inclinations and their directions symmetrically related to the short diagonal, or into ®. Three ames, perpendicular to any of the sic three planes which contain ‘the obtuse angle; or into 3. Three axes, parallel to the common sections oi these three planes ; or into 4. Three axes, perpendicular to these common sections, and bisecting the angles form- ed by the planes ; or into 5. Three awes, parallel to these common sec- tions; or into 6. All these axes, taken together, or any number | -of them taken symmetrically. These axes will be of the same character as the single axis, if their inclination to the axis of the ”* There is an exception to the generality of this remark, which will be presently explained. VOL. IIT. Fi 66 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. rhomboid is less than 54° 44" 8"; but they will’be of an opposite character at pei inclinations. cae The very same results are ‘true of the AcuTE Ruomesoin, mutatis mutandis. In the HEXAEDRAL PRIsM, mie iim axis smay be resolved into eh 9 1. Three axes, perpendicular to its sides ; uP or into 2. Three axes, perpendicular to its edges ; or into 3. Siw axes, joing the opposite angles | of 3 its up- per and under hexagonal base ; or i nto 4. Siw axes, joining the opposite edges of its up- per and under hexagonal bases In the Bi-PyR4 MIDAL dodecahedron, the single axis may be resolved into : 1. Three axes, perpendicular to the Bi + the hexagonal base, and lying i in the plane of it; or into 9. Three axes, joining the opposite angles of the hexagonal base ; or into | 3. Sia axes, parallel to the faces of the pyramids; 7 | or into 4. Siv axes, parallel to these common sections. In the OcroHEDRON, with a square base, the single axis may be resolved into 1. Two aves, perpendicular to the sides of its "square base, and lying in its plane; ; or into i it 2, Two axes, coinciding with the diagonals of its sguare base ; or into ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 67 . eer axLES, perpendicular to the four faces of a the pyramids ; or into 4, Four awves,parallel to the four faces of the pyra- _-—~—s mids, and. perpendicular to the sides __ of the square base ; or into _ 5. Four aves, parallel to these common sections. These four axes will be of the same name with ‘the single axis, when their inclination to the result- ant axis is less than 54°44’ 8’; and of ‘an opposite name when the inclination is greater. The very same results are true of the AcuTE RuHomMBoI with a square base, mutatis mutandis. ~The obtuse and acute octohedron may also have three axes coinciding with the three rectangular axes of the solid, and having their intensities propor- tional to their lengths, as will afterwards be ex- plgeee. : vide these cases, all the lines supposed to possess the dignity of an axis, have a symmetrical position in the solid ; and it must be allowed to be a singular fact, that, without a single exception, all the primi- tive forms which compose the first class, cannot pos- sibly have more than one axis, whether we consider this axis as an independent line, or as the resultant of various other lines, occupying a symmetrical po- sition around it. yee If we now extend the same reasonings to the Sr- COND Crass or Forms, it will be found that if we give the hypothetical axes a symmetrical position in the solid, and consider their intensities as re- Eg 68 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. presented by their lengths, the resultant of these forces cannot possibly be one axis, but must necessa rily be the same as two rectangular sxe which they are known to possess. The only exception to the generality of ‘this a servation, is in the case of the Right Prism with a square base, which, in reference to the general hypothesis, ought to have had only one axis of polarisation. Wedo not pretend to explain this very singular exception, but it is worthy of remark, that Idocrase, Titanite and Uranite, to which Haiiy has assigned this as the primitive form, have not two axes, and therefore that it is within the limits of probability that all the crystals which are ranked under this form may have another primitive nal cleus. da pit In the Toirp Crass oF Primitive Forms, the general principle has a very remarkable appli- cation. All the crystals belonging to this class, have neither double refraction nor polarisation ; and I have demonstrated, that if any crystal possesses three equal and rectangular axes, either all posi- tive or all negative, the forces which emanate from them will be in perfect equilibrium in every part of the crystal, and consequently there can be nei- ther double refraction nor polarisation. ‘Now, it is very singular, that the cube, the 7 -egular octo- hedron, and the rhomboidal dodect hedron, which * compose this class, are the only solids in which nei-— ther more nor less than three such axes can be ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. 69 * In the cube, each of the three axes is sdbpen diculll to three opposite pair of square sur- faces by which the solid is contained. In the regular octohedron, each of them coincides with a line joining the two opposite solid angles of the figure ; and in the rhomboidal dodecahedron, each of the three axes coincides with the lines which 1 two of the opposite solid angles of the figure, are bounded by four acute angles of the rhom- es. lence the reason is ebvious, why s belonging to the third class of primitive have three axes, and consequently have nei- ther double tefraction nor polarisation. If we examine the results of the various combina- tions of three equal axes in the whole series of rhom- -boids, from the most obtuse to the most acute, we ‘shall find them connected together by a very beauti- ful law. Tn the first or most obtuse rhomboid with which the series commences, the angle of the rhomboidal planes is 120°, and the three axes perpendicular to these planes, are parallel to each other, and consequently form a resultant axis of the same character, whose intensity is equal to thrice the intensity of any of the separate axes. As their angle increases, and the rhomboid becomes less ‘obtuse, the three axes become inclined to the axis of the rhomboid, and compose a resultant axis * See pages 71, 72. 70 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CR: coinciding with the axis of the thor ibo ie and of the’ same character as the separate axes. 'The intensity” of the resultant axis gradually ait with the obtuseness of the rhomboid, and from its maximum intensity of 3 /, it descends to Q, ‘its i: otto’ ree maining always the same. ' When the angle of the eres planes be- comes 90°, the rhomboid is converted into the eu The three axes which were formerly inclined to one another at an acute angle, are now perpendi cu- lar to each other: Each of the three is inclined 54° 44! 8’ to the axis of the rhomboid, which is now one of the diagonals of the cube; and the imtensity of the resultant axis is 0, the forces being wee 0 in a state of perfect equilibrium: - The series of obtuse rhomboids having now ter- minated in the cube, the series of acute rhomboids commences ; and as the angle of the rhomboidal planes decreases below 90°, the three axes become inclmed to one another at an obtuse angle; the in- tensity of the resultant axis begins to increase from 0; but its character is now changed, and is oppo- site to that of the three axes by which it is produ- ed. : The acute ees terminate in the hexaedral prism, when the angle of the rhomboidal planes has become 0. ‘The axes are now all in the same plane, _ and the intensity of their resultant is equal to 14,7, its character being still of an opposite nature. a > tui 4 an. ai see (ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CkysraLs. 71 _.» The following Table will shew the intensity of the esul tant. axis in the Rhomboid for different incli- Nome of the se- Inclination of each separate §_ Intensity and cha- axis to the resultant axis. racter of the resul- tant axis. ee eRe i ah By OM gO? ',« 3 + axes Maree + axes...) .. 2.02. 28 8 Q + axes ‘Three + axes,...... Oi Nia eh 41° 48’ 1 + axis: Mere Faxes. 082....54 44 8” 0 eS MAS ae Yo oe axes: Three ++ axes;.,....... Bris... 90° 0 1) — axis. It is a singular circumstance, that all the crystals in our table, which have the obtuse rhomboid, the acute rhomboid, and the hexaedral prism for their ‘primitive form, have all a negative axis. Hence, it will follow, if this axis is the resultant of three axes, that in calcareous spar, bitter spar, carbonate of Time and iron, and tourmaline, the three axes are ne- - gative, v while in ruby, sapphire, corundum, cinnabar, arseniate of copper, apatite, beryl, emerald, and ne- pheline, the three axes are positive. A similar law takes place in the octohedral crys- tals with a square base; and the regular octohe- dron forms the passage between the acute and the _ obtuse octohedron, in the very sane manner as the sube does between the acute and the obtuse rhom- gid. In tracing this law, we may adopt either of | » hypotheses. If we consider the octohedral erystals as having three rectangular axes of the ein character, coinciding with the three axes of 72 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. the solid, and having their imtensity proportional to the length of these axes, then in the obtuse octo- hedron, where the principal axis of the solid is shorter than the rest, we shall have the resultant axis coinciding with it, and equal to either of the other axes, but of an opposite character at the com- mencement of the series of obtuse rhomboids. The character of the resultant axis will continue the same, and its intensity will diminish as the rhom- boid becomes less obtuse, and when it becomes the. regular octohedron, by all the three axes becoming equal, the three axes of polarisation will be 27 equilibrio, or destroy each other. The series: of acute octohedrons now commences: The principal axls of the solid is larger than the other two, and. therefore the resultant axis reappears, but with an opposite character, and gradually increases as the rhomboid becomes more acute. The other hypothesis consists in supposing the axes to be four in number, and to be of the same intensity, but placed at right angles to the four faces of the pyramid, At the commencement of the obtuse series, these axes will be parallel to one another, and will form a resultant whose intensity is 4 f} and of the same character as the separate axes, As the octohedron becomes less obtuse, the inclination of the separate ‘AXeS to the Te- sultant increases, the intensity of the latter di. : -minishing, and its character remaining the same, _ ‘When the inclination becomes 54° 4.4! 8”, which h takes “ee ¥ ; Ce thy Hey ier hy fly Re ee " ON THE PRIMITIVE FORMS OF CRYSTALS. “3 ; . when the obtuse changes into the regular oc- tohedron, all the four axes are im equilibrio, or destroy one another. Beyond this inclination the acute octohedrons commence. ‘The four axes com- pose a resultant of an opposite character ; and when the octohedron terminates in the quadrangular prism, the intensity of the resultant becomes 2 /- 7 The following Table will shew the intensity of the resultant axis in the Octohedron for different inclinations : Number of the se- Inclination of each separate Intensity and cha- parate axes, axis to the resultant axes. racter of the resul- tant axis. gos ys = snnpeeo- y 0 Oo 4+ axes Four + axes,...... poopie 24 5 42 3 + axes ) BAe @ axes, .2.... 2. 35 15 52 24+ axes Four + axes,............... 450° 0 1 + axis Bear ae es... ............. 54 44 8 0 Four + axes,.,.....,.. wee 65 54 20 1 — axis Powe a axes, dus. 245-403-556. 90 0 9 2 — axes The preceding results respecting the rhomboid and the octohedron, are true, mutatis mutandis, of all yramids, whatever be the number of their sides. ‘The general law may be expressed in the follow; ing manner : si any number N of axes of the same character, is placed symmetrically round a given line *, then, ae they form an angle of 0° with that line, or coin- le with it, t, they will | compose a resultant axis in the * Two axes can be ate symmetrically only when they are at right angles to one another, 74 ON THE PAE om direction of that line, equal in intensity to + N f (f being the force of each epada npr | of the same character with each of the separate axes. Aidadbiy the angle which the axes form velba’ line in ereases, the intensity of the resultant axis dimi- nishes. At an inclination of 54° 44° 8’ the angle which the faces of a cube, a regular octohedron, and a rhomboidal dodecahedron, form with the axis of these solids, all the separate axes will be in perfect equilibrium, or will destroy each other, and the force of the resultant will be 0. ‘At a greater inelina- tion, the resultant axis reappears with an opposite character, and gradually increases in intensity, till the angle is 90°, when all the axes are in one Plage ; and the force of the resultant 1 is | gee This law may be ape by. the ullowing formule : Q n .6666 uo, Sin. 27 Gis Gee = + 2nd eal n= N Q- 5a ed aie where N is the number of axes Salhieds n the number of axes to which the intensity of the re- sultant is equal, and @ the inclination of each axis to the resultant., The sign + is to] be cused when 1 is of an opposite character to i : ‘ fe ‘ ie ; Sie a vi de ‘ & foci, March 1819. peal’ le dbet ar atts Bay) ‘ alee ‘ * \ ‘ . \ * ‘ ‘ y . y , * ; s PLATE II. Wernerian ems Vol. IE p. 75 “ MQ AW i NY WX ae \ AS At \\ NAYS \ ‘ bi AY itt cA \ cia \ » aA elonging to difterent parts of the Jaws. Nat sve. 21.2.3. Teeth b HEAD OF DBLPHINUS TRUNCATUS. By —S AA 2 = = = =—- Se WRN ae TEN ai Sil TNL = - =—-— — NS SS ig =o 7 = Ue ‘ * A Haare by most authors, but there is some confusion ut the distance of the teeth. I have seen an instance of the ies where the teeth could not intersect each other. 80 DESCRIPTION OF A nuated snout and truncated teeth, are similar cha- racters to those related of the present species; but the teeth being distant and not numerous, can- not belong to the present subject. The teeth of the delphinus in question, have a perfectly smooth surface, not irregular, as in‘the molares of quadru- peds; they are, indeed, formed with annular marks. or faint concentric circles, which are only apparent. when closely cxamined, the central one excepted. ° Upon the whole, I do not find any species of delphinus described, to which this has sufficient af- finity to induce a reference ; and therefore trust it will be found to be a nondescript species. It must, however, be observed, that I have not been able to consult Cuvier’s dissertation on this tribe of animals. The Delphinus truncatus was captured on the 3d of July 1814, in Duncannon Pool, near Stoke Ga- briel, about five miles up the river Dart. It was killed with great difficulty, resisting the efforts of eight men with spears and guns, assisted by dogs, from nine in the morning till one in the afternoon, when, being partly exhausted by the loss of blood, it was secured in a net, and, after receiving another shot, its throat was cut. When wounded, it made a bellowing like a bull. I cannot conclude this subject without noticing, that there does not appear to be the least similitude between this species and the ca’ing whale of the Orkneys, originally described by Mr Neill in his Tour through the Orkney and Shetland islands ; NEW SPECIES OF DELPHINUS. 81 and since’ described and figured by Dr. Traill of Liverpool, in Nicholson’s Journal, vol. xxii. No. 97. under the title of Delphinus melas. The remark- able length of the pectoral fins or swimming paws of the Delphinus melas, being above one-third the length of the whole animal, is sufficient to separate it from all those hitherto described*. It is worthy of remark, that amongst a great many of Delphinus melas, that were stranded at the same time, the young as well as some of the largest were destitute ‘of teeth. From this and other observations made by different naturalists, there should appear to be no criterion of species by the number and situation of teeth. If we are well informed, the generic aracters of Physeter and Delphinus do not hold good ; and, in fact, these should form but one ge- nus. » Fabricius and. others have declared, that the former have small teeth in the upper-jaw,. obscured by the flesh. It has also been said, that some species of Delphinus have been observed * There is little doubt of this Delphinus being the same as is described and figured i in Cuvier’s dissertation on the French species of Delphinus, under the title of Globiceps. The rounded front, and slender pectoral fins, are pretty evident characters ; but the latter are not sufficiently long in the figure. To Dr Leach I am obliged for outlines of the several Delphini figured by Cuvier, by whom, I understand, no mention is made of their teeth ; but none of the figures correspond with om co eee of this paper. gl: camel F 82 DESCRIPTION, &¢. with teeth “in dite jaw a In fact, this class of mammalia appears to be im great obscurity. Few naturalists have the means of examining many spe- cies; and, therefore, their writings are ore mostly from old and imperfect ‘deseripti tions. Even the more common species of Delphinus, the tap Phocena* and Delphis, are by no means sufficient ly defined to admit of our deciding, that rot are not some very nearly allied species confounded with them,—a consideration worth the attention of ah naturalists as may frequently have the m examination and comparison of the species. i io ¥: e9 * How shall we account for the reversed Pig of the dorsal fin of the porpesse, originally figured by Jago, and aftert ards copied into Borlas's History of Cornwall? Surely this 1 mus be one of the innumerable érrors handed down to: ee verte infancy of science. Ty ee) == By the Rev. Joun neil D.D. F.R. 8. E. &e. PeK yt! fa 6s 2d May 1818.) Tue city of Cork is situated on an extensive al- luvial deposite, formed from the sediment of the river Lee. This river runs in a direction from west , ph bw meets the tide at the city of Cork, and orming a frith interspersed with numerous wg empties itself into St George’s Channel, 1 tic miles to the eastward of the city. he vale in which the Lee flows is parallel with _ the direction of the hills which occur in the neighbour- hood. To the north of the city, there is a high con- tinuous ridge of slaty rocks, which forms the nor- thern boundary of the river for several miles. To the south of the eity, there is another ridge, of lower elevation, consisting chiefly of limestone. “The strata are nearly vertical, scarcely ever ob- ser ed declining above ten degrees towards the ho- tizon. The dip is toward the south. The line of bearing is by the compass, from W. N. W. to E. 8. E., and this direction is observed by all the strata of the district with surprising Aaah F 2 84 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE In stating the few particulars which I have i my power to communicate, respecting the minerals of this district, I shall arrange my observations un- der three heads, corresponding to the three kinds” of rocks which chiefly prevail, and to which the others may be considered as subordinate. These * rocks are grey-wacke-slate, limestone, and clay-slate. I.—Grey-Wacke-Slate. The rocks which I here denominate Grey-wacke- slate, occur principally in the ridge to the north of the city, where, from having been quarried j in seve ral places, the arrangement of the strat: As very stinctly exhibited. The rock is termed by ry the in- habitants Brownstone, from the colour sh it usu- ally exhibits. The stratification of ins Be aie to me ‘to present some peculiarities which deserve to be men- tioned. I have already stated, that the “alae nearly vertical, and the direction of the stretch form; and the structure and fracture corresp md, usual, with these characters of position. Bu : sides this primary direction of the strata, : there _ may frequently be observed another, or seco \dary direction, at right angles to the former, by which the vertical strata are divided horizon ally. The vertical primary strata experience conside able va- NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. $5 riations in their composition, beds of a harder stone being included in strata of softer materials, or the reverse, But the secondary horizontal strata are uniform, the stratum above being similar to the one below. Sometimes, however, these horizontal strata differ a aie in colour for a few yards, but seldom These ehdalinats horizontal beds are short, the ines of separation ceasing, and new ones, parallel, it n epeeinmons, appearing, at short intervals of irs ewidsiond are carefully attended to by the quarrymen, whose operations they contribute to fa- cilitate. . The appearances which these subordinate strata exhibit when the section is at right angles to the’ line of bearing, are apt to lead an observer, at first sight, to conclude that the rock is disposed in true - horizontal strata; nor will he be convinced of the mistake, until a more minute examination of the fracture of the stone has pointed out the true structure of the beds. Two forces have been operating upon the matter of the rock when entering into its present state: One, disposing the strata to assume a vertical po- sition, and exercising absolute controul in arranging the slaty structure and fracture of the stone; while the second, less powerful in its influence, and irre- gular in its operations, has given rise to those wa- fs } 86 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE ved horizontal divisions which the v tr exhibit. ore ey ei coal The colour of this stone is intermediate | ” wee brownish purple-red and brownish-red clouded with irregular spots of greenish. The principal fracture, or rather structure i case, is irregular curved slaty. "The surface lamine is often spotted with dend and is glimmering, owing to scales of mica, w in general obvious to the eye. The cross frac is fine earthy and dull. It is easily scratched with the knife, and the streak is light-coloured and ¢ This Brownstone exhibits several varieties of cha- racter, according as the siliceous or aluminous earths prevail. In the formet case, the stone is coarse- ~ prained, thick, slaty and hard, in the latter, it is fine-grained, softer, and divides into thinner la- ming. In some portions of the last variety, oe are galls of a brownish-coloured powder. This rock is intersected by numerous contempo- raneous veins of quartz, from the size of a thread to upwards of a foot in breadth. In the lar- ger veins, the quartz is compact, but in many of ‘the smaller veins it is parallel fibrous, the direction of the fibres being perpendicular to the walls of the veins. This is precisely the manner in which the fibres of ice are arranged, when water has erystal- lized in a narrow crevice. In some places the quartz contains chlorite, and near Mallow site; T observed small quantities of iron-mica. | NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CoRK, 87 Where this rock is disposed to. eabsuih any va- ty colour, it is in re greasy to the feel, e masses 5 of tl cisay. It is Idom found as a regular bed of any extent; and, the line o junction, it coalesces with the preced- ‘ock. ne is readily distinguished, however, that rock, by its colour and fracture. It is ish-grey, wiper a tinge of green or black. In the ki Is, the laminated structure cannot be per- d the fracture is even, inclining to large conch [tis dull,—sometimes glimmering from mixed scales of mica,—fragments indetermi- ‘ angular, rather sharp-edged,—opaque,—-soft ima t degree,—streak dull, and light coloured, pa feebly * the tongue,—easily frangible,— and feels somewhat meagre. This variety is some- ‘times used as a whetstone for the coarser kinds of cutlery. a dn many sates this rock becomes fine earthy its fracture ; glimmering in its lustre; consider- arder; and the fragments more blunt-edged, rieties of this sort bear a close resemblance z rocks which are intermediate between d slate-clay. Su te likewise to the Ritihicatiie, ae cribed, is a rock which may be called Grey-wacke, although destitute of many of the important. cha- acters. of that rock. It exhibits two very distinct varieties. 88 ON THE MINERALOGY OFTHE - The first has a basis of coarse slate-clays With | ‘mica and iron-pyrites, and contains numerous irre gular rounded masses of compact limestone. The limestone is of a dark bluish-grey colour, w’ h fine splintery fracture, destitute of lustre, and ha- ving a light-coloured dull streak. These pieces are of no determinate shape, and pass, by imperceptible degrees, into the basis in which they are imbedded. Hence these masses, and the basis, are to be consi- dered as of contemporaneous formation. = Perhaps this test of contemporaneously formed masses, is not much to be depended upon. The petrifactions of shells which occur in the older rocks, are often so intimately united with the matter in which they are imbedded, that they appear to pass into it by insensible degrees, it being impossible to detect the line of separation. Yet, in these cases, ‘we do not consider thenr as of contemporaneous for- ‘mation ; but conclude, that some action has taken place in the matter of the bed, subsequent to its de- position, which has exerted its influence on the sub- stance of the imbedded shells. Examples of such changes may frequently be met with in fletz lime- stones; and they, perhaps, occur in other rocks con- taining fragments; although in these last, we have not the means of determining the original form of the imbedded masses; and, consequently, cs not trace the extent of ms changes whiel have experienced. — , The second consists slog a basis of granular ‘quartz, with irregularly shaped pieces of bluish-black clay. NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 89 ineamienpirecem ble the finest kind of slate-clay ; mentioned; only they are of a darker co- a and rather dusaical Its structure in the great is irregular slaty. It abounds in natural rents, and SeeeAyemporancous veins and nodules of quartz. is another variety which approaches to thick slaty in its fracture, and contains a few scales of mica. In this are imbedded numerous reed-like films of a dark colour, and so closely resembling some of the varieties of sandstone, belonging to the independent coal formation, as not to be distinguished from them im hand specimens. The surface of these reed-like films exhibits rather indistinctly the ap- pearance of vegetable impressions. ‘The resemblance. however, to some of the impressions on the sandstone of our coal-fields was so close, that I was disposed, without further evidence, to assign to them a vege- seliie cricin, A more minute examination enabled me to decide the question. The surface of these films was often shining, and the black matter, ignited with nitre, proved to be glance-coal. A more diligent search, led me to discover in the rubbish of a quarry, a large cylinder, upwards of eighteen inches in diameter, consisting of glance-coal, iron-pyrites and calcareous spar. Upon breaking the mass, 1t was easy to discover é its woody texture, by the fibres of the pyrites, and the concentric circles of which it consisted. When fresh broken, the pyrites exhibited its usual colour ; but after exposure for a few days, it changed to 90 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE bronze. The calcareous spar was disti ‘ibuted, s as to exhibit the concentric layers of g pies andthe | gilance-coal appeared. chiefly in nadia grains in the spar, and likewise in the pyrite. In examining vegetable petrifactions, with the . view of determining, whether they are’the remains of monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous plants, must be influenced by the structure of thet win. ae the arrangement of the nerves of the leaves. ‘The first of these characters only, was here exhibited; so that, judging from the concentric layers of growth, we are disposed to refer this vegetable petrifactior to the class of dicotyledonous plants. © © |. These specimens of vegetable sich Aaneigaiaans were collected, about a mile to the eastward of the city, on the Glenmire road. About five miles south from Cork, at Ballenhassig, a variety of the ‘same rock contains bivalve shells, but too much incorpor- ated with the rock to exhibit their peculiar charac- ters, “ an a The nomenclature which I have ssligualaniiiadn rocks, is perhaps faulty, as being in some measure influenced by theoretical views. The striking re- semblance between some of the rocks here describ- ed, and those of some of the sandstone districts of ‘Scotland, appeared obvious to me at first sight; and had I been guided by this analogy, I would have regarded all these rocks of grey-wacke-slate as Va. rieties of sandstone and slate-clay. But when we - NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 9] attend to their relations and their position, it might, perhaps, be more convenient to regard them all as “varieties of grey-wacke, verging to quartz on the one hand, and to slate-clay on the other. The occurrence of numerous contemporaneous veins of quartz, so characteristic of grey-wacke, gives encou- tagement to the adoption of such a nomenclature. AEG: in f ia : y fied > 9 Ye PULA IY 0s 9 FT Tamestone. The beds of limestone occur chiefly on the south side of the Lee. They observe the same line of bearing as the strata of grey-wacke on the north side of the river. The limestone is in general com- pact,—of a bluish grey colour,—of various degrees of intensity, — massive,—dull, or feebly glimmering, from an intermixture of calcareous spar,—fracture compact, even, with a slight tendency to splintery,— fragments indeterminately angular, rather sharp _ edged,—feebly translucent on the edges,—streak light coloured, inclining to ash grey. It is universally used for building, and is sometimes polished as a marble. In some cases, from an intermixture of the biownstone, the marble is variegated. . An some varieties, especially, those containing pe- trifactions, the fracture is granularly foliated, and the lustre glistening, ‘Some varieties are dark- er in the colour, and become fine-grained in the frac- ture, and pass into common compact lucullite, 92 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE . The beds of limestone are of considerak tent, appearing on the surface nearly @ mile in a direction across the strata. These beds are divided rather indistinctly into semen and. are with difficulty quarried. 7 | Aven ctout Subordinate to this gprirpadt limestone, ehionss oc- curs COMMON COMPACT DOLOMITE, or Magnesian Limestone ; having the colour intermediate between yellowish-white and ash-grey,—the lustre glimmer- ing inclining to glistening,—and the fracture fine granularly foliated, —it is harder than we bee a limestone. In some cases, the detontité appears in the com- mon limestone in the form of a thick bed, sel- dom continuing to any great extent. In. other pla- ces it appears as large Ce arena aed raneous masses. ‘It is frequently full of drusy cavities, the sides of which are covered with different kinds of crys- tals. In this state it is usually siocagge i gus and yt as more brittle. The most common sort of crystals found nail are of brown-spar, or pearl-spar, of the same colour as the surrounding rock, sometimes of a brownish orange. Super-imposed upon these may be observed crystals of dolomite-spar, in the form of oblique rhe These crystals are middle-sized,—occur from trans- parent to opaque, ~— In some cases are eS on ~ surface. , NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 93 In the same cavities are found crystals of quartz intermixed with the brown-spar and the dolomite. These are either short six-sided prisms, terminat- ed by six planes, or simply six-sided pyramids. They are ogi and adhere to the rock on one side. In some of the larger druses, crystals of ame- have been found of considerable size and beauty. ‘Some of these have exceeded two inches in diameter and four inches in length. In ‘one place, close by the marshy banks of the river, and near the town, the best crystals have been found ; but in consequence of a dispute between the King and the proprietor of the soil, with respect to the right of search, all access to the cavity is prevented. - Returning again to the compact limestone, we may observe, that besides the contemporaneous mass- es of dolomite, it is traversed by numerous contem- poraneous veins of calcareous-spar, and of massive brown-spar. Both these are pure white, while the rock in which they occur retains its usual grey colour. These veins sometimes have a brecciated aspect, containing portions of the rocks intermixed. In e place I observed snow-white fine granular limestone, in the form of a contemporaneous vein. The calcareous spar at a place called Ballanloch, occurs in globular distinct concretions, from a few inches to several yards in diameter. Each concre- tion consists of numerous angular pieces, diverging from the centre, and increasing in size to the cir- eumference. In general, each large concretion con- 94 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE sists of a number of smaller ones. The surface of the columns is a little rough, and the angles blunt. — At the same place, there are numerous crystals of quartz, consisting of six-sided prisms, terminated by six-sided pyramids, imbedded in the limestone. These crystals are nearly opaque; dull, and the angles are blunt, They consist of concentric layers of quartz and limestone. In one of these crystals, not more than 4 of an inch im thickness, I have counted nine different layers, It is obvious, that, in this case, the matter of the quartz, though in vety small quantity, has been able to act upon the calcareous matter, in such a manner, as to impart its own natural arrangement, instead of the struc. ture peculiar to calcareous minerals:.—This sub- ject will be resumed in a vrignie ayes oe of the paper. bs wegen vis Not far from the city; and to the south of the Lunatic Asylum, there is a bed of Hornstone. Tt varies in colour; being light brownish-red, where res lated to the brownstone; and bluish-grey, where in- fluenced by the limestone ; the fracture is fine ‘splin« tery, ngdatecee to. eee and it is trai cent. iglod Se Ho The bed is olay a few feet in thickness, ie et serves its direction to a considerable distance, and with great regularity. In its immediate neigh-- bourhood, the limestone is much mixed with silice- — ous matter; and, in some places, appears in a’ state — of decomposition, the calcareous portion having NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 05 been, in a great measure, abstracted, and the silice- ous matter left behind, in the form of a light po- rous mass. In this state, my acute friend Mr Davy, the Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution of we found the specific gravity of a very porous to be 2.07, and of a more compact specimen, ; fe has tried its effects as a material for olishing metals, and had reason to be satisfied with ain. The siliceous limestone thus decom- osed, approaches the mineral termed jloat-stone, sitions to which may frequently be observed erg weathered fragments of the floetz lime- stones. The surface of these Mepostend: rocks is, in many places, covered with the Lichen immersus of Withering, the shields of which, by means of some solvent, are sunk in the rock. In every crevice warty, the Helix rufescens and virgata, were > s possible, and was kindly assisted by Mr ’ the Cork Institution, who has formed re structive cabinet of these petrifactions. Many of these have been figured by Sowerby in his “ Mineral Conchology,” from apreiens sent ‘by Mr Wright. 96 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE Multilocular Univalves. ideas 1. Navriwus. mata species a of are restrict- ed genus was observed, of an oval form, the pa tions distant and slightly waved. oe 2. ELLIpsoLirHus,—A_ genus instituted | by ‘ Sowerby, contains two species from this quarter. E. funatus, Sowerby, tab. 32.. and “k, ovatus, Sowerby, tab. 37. This species is subject to. con- siderable variation in shape and markings. at In my specimens, the partitions are obvious, al- though they could not be detected in those which Mr Sowerby possesses. 3. ORTHOCERA.—T wo species occurred in this district. The first resembles the O. striata of Sow- erby; tab. 58. In the specimen he describes, the strie are longitudinal; in the one now before 1 me, they are transverse, and the pipe somewhat lateral. The characters of the other species are nearly obli- terated. A. AMPLEXUS. —This is a new ; genus instituted by Sowerby, for the reception of the 4. coralloi- des, tab. 72., a shell from this district, and one of a very peculiar character. At first sight, it may readily be mistaken for one of those corals which, in this country, are known by the name Fungites. But the chambers are distinct, although no per- foration can be observed. We may add, that the history of this fossil is far from complete, and we | NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 97 fear that its true structure has not as yet been suf- Unilocular..Univalves. 5. Evompnaus.—This genus was instituted by Sowerby. It appears to be nearly related to the ge- nus Planorbis, s so far as the character depends on the shell. The E. pentangulatus, tab. 45. fig. 1, 2. is : not uncommon. Two or three specimens of other unilocular uni- valves occurred, but in too imperfect a state to en- able any one to assign them their true genus. Bivalves. is ‘ih Carpium.—One singular species occurs he re, nearly resembling the recent C. cardissa. It is f pie by Sowerby under the name C. Hiber- 2. It belongs to the genus Hemicardia of Mesiveti 7. TEREBRATULA.—The rocks of this district furnish many species of this genus, one of which, T. lateralis, is figured by Sowerby, tab. 83. fig. 1. Many of the species have the valves so strangely distorted, in comparison of the recent species, as to lead one at first sight to conclude that they had been bruised in their present repository. | -8.Propuctvs. This genuswas likewise instituted by Sowerby, for the reception of several fossil-shells, formerly considered as anomie. Some of the species found here approach near to the character of those found in the limestone of the independent coal for- VOL. III. G "98 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE mation. Indeed, in three species which I have com- pared, I could not discover any ‘definite specific difference. 9. Piacrostoma of lice —Some of the spe- cies of this genus occur more frequently than any other. hate are readily Wer ma bc the tg Shine. - 10. Sprrrrer of Sowerby—The 8. ssapallni . tab. 120., occurs here. It is the Anomia eus spidata of Martin, Linn. Trans, vol. iv. P. 45. Merny Brrr: Et: jp fiagel a A “There j is one striking character which these pe- trifactions exhibit, namely, their oval shape, by which they may be distinguished from the recent testacea. Neither this oval form, nor the oblique position of the valves of the terebratule, ~ from any bruise, but is quite natural, as 1 ove by numerous observations. All feat! sheikh are much incorporated with the rock, and the matter of the shell is usually changed into caleareous-spar. — I observed only one zoophyte, which did not oc- cur in great abundance. It appeared to be conico- tubular,—the surface reticulated, the pores ‘round im one peeves and A agit in — as T could NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. 99 detail, separated, however, by another extensive deposit mp of grey-wacke-slate and. subordinate beds f limes tone. The character of the TOCKS. are well Sup “The Bee iinip feller of the clay-slate is bluish- plack, —lustre feebly glistening, —fracture thin straight slaty. This is quarried and dressed as roof-slate. About midway between Cork and Springhill, the clay-slate may be observed to include some very thick beds of talc-slate,—of an ochre- yellow colour, — glistening, somewhat pearly lustre, — straight slaty fracture,—greasy feel,—and very soft. When this slate is broken in a slightly oblique direction, the fractured surface appears splintery. In the col- lection of Mr Wright, I observed very perfect, rec-’ tangular parallelopepidal crystals of iron-pyrites, in a rock of this kind, from Glandore, in the west of the county of Cork. _ In some cases, this rock becomes thick slaty, dull, and the fracture inclining to earthy. Some va- riefihes are light in the colour, being bluish-grey, clining to smoke-grey. Others are darker in the our, approaching raven-black. ‘These varieties are in general harder than the common clay-slate. Their fracture, lustre, and colour, and appearance when decomposed, reminded me of black chalk. Upon inquiry, q found that black chalk occurred lad 160 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE to the south, near Kinsale, in rocks of a simi kind, and through the goodness of Mr | mens Bon that ‘ist atid cae It is in the thick slaty varieties of the slate-clay ‘that the W aveiite of Ireland is found, and in this district, at a place called Springhill, near Fraeton Abbey. ‘The appearances which the wavellite of this place exhibit, are so minutely detailed by my friend Dr Fitton, in his “Notes on the Minera- logy of Dublin,” p. 55., that few observations are here necessary. It occurs in three distinct states. 1. As a coating on the surface of the natural joints or rents of the stone. In this situation, it is diverging, radiated, translucent, nearly colourless, or with a slight tinge of green.—2 As a) ce- ment, uniting small angular pieces of the rock, and exhibiting its natural stellular, radiated ap- pearance. —3. In the form of contemporaneous veins in the rock. -In this last ‘situation, it has a ten- dency to form spherical concretions. These are sometimes separate, sometimes united im pairs, or grouped, so as to exhibit hobryotaa and. a. appearances. ah Nt These concretions are from the size fe ay | pe ’s sheadl to an inch and quarter in diameter. They consist of angular wedge-shaped spiculee, iuichy pro- ‘ceed from the centre to the circumference. The surface is sometimes smooth, but generally tonal with the projecting ends of the spicule. Wh: | NEIGHBOURHOOD OF CORK. bata Me The globular concretions of wavellite are some- times homogeneous, or consist of spicule of the same colour, extending from the centre to the sur- face; other balls are composed of numerous con- centric layers, distinguishable from one another, by bands of a different colour, and of different de- a of transparency. _ Sometimes a small portion only of the wavellite miei observed in the concretion, the remaining } consisting of the matter of the rock, on which (unable to bestow a radiated). the wavellite has im- pressed a fibrous fracture *. * It appears now to be ascertained, that a certain portion of one substance, having a tendency to crystallize, is able to exert an influence over other substances contiguous, and to im- press upon these its own defmite forms. This is very strik- ingly examplified in the case of arragonite; the crystals of calcareous sandstone from Fountainbleau, and the imperfect crystals of garnets and andalusite in the mica-slate of our own country. The specimens sent to ‘the Society, furnish other two very remarkable examples of the same power ; the quartz influencing the calcareous matter, in the construction of the crystals in the limestone ; and the matter of the wavellite giving to the clay- slate its own peculiar spherical form, and internal stellular structure. It is probable, from Pe dieclinittance, that the crystals, which are termed Swpposititious, instead of being formed in a space formerly oecupied by a true crystal, are in fact true erystals, in which the crystalline substance is concealed in the quantity of foreign matter which it has fashioned. 102 ON THE MINERALOGY OF THE ct The wavellite is likewise associated in { hes temporaneous veins, with common white quartz. In one mass, which I obtained from a cottager in the neighbourhood, and which weighs upwards of nine pounds, the quartz and the wavellite occur in near- ly equal proportions, indicating a simultaneous for- mation. | This mineral passes from nearly colourless, through greenish-white to apple-green. In one specimen, I observed it of a deep honey yellow. When exposed to the weather, it loses its lustre, and decomposes into a greyish-white powder. | In the clay-slate, petrified shells are found, be- longing to the genus orthocera. ‘These, however, are so much incorporated with the rock, that I could — not obtain characteristic specimens. They abound in a quarry a little to the south and west of the town-of Cove of Cork. Viewing the characters of the rocks now enume- rated in connection, I have little hesitation in re- ferring them to the transition class. They occupy a considerable portion of the south of Ireland. In travelling from Cork to Dublin, the same rocks present themselves throughout the greater part of the journey. Between Mitchelstown and Cashel, however, I observed numerous blocks of common red sandstone conglomerate, with which the sum- mits of the Galtee mountains appear to be caped. — But I must here stop, as I am aware the members IBOURHOOD OF CORK. | Rs er a TIF) ; r erian Society do not chad much we il “ oralo: -ovsel vations. ork the Society to accept of the few speci- mn. any the a, ets and Wo te IS cay. By "5 dia \) ing We ty Pink io) " Peet ia. Be yA ake 4 VT RR : noe | * ork Chet RE Le es (ae, 7 . F 7 “9 x : Mee OWT Wa: REALE sae Ts Bags tah At era { THE 3 , He es ft e Pere he tahty ™ ite Oa ya Naky Tey ae ; ee eT bm pi itil ‘ te ag ihe q 4 * Pi * - ' 7” | Bae eM ‘ eo api oO i \s 4 ro) as, rh ea aa a JONES a tienes i " he ft ia * ae , | Me ek i ‘. nd pal Hel a a AP A PAN 5 A iG | * he “ sh PEG | y ve D & } re Fa Ys * PN Ie Re Bais PN? a i ee ‘i 4 ‘ : - s ¥ f ‘id y* oy ia 4 Saree }, ape usar: yi pp boali is ry, ,, Bias , % a Bh hil Ary Ny ' A wet pean Aa We Oa! i Ae et eee J Reet | pial, 7 ‘ane tts ‘ge ei, Ltewttn i rN t 1 q best ta ££. Noe ae ee ?. ree es, we ays MAE 1 my ay *) ha pl. a f =o ‘- SEED Ba ie ey a ht i Sih ' oth 4 BST aah de aa? a bd 4 i ah ia ‘ %, oe aE & 4 i ; Wen bod “a ® ; t 5k RRO EP Ree bli ‘ PO GE ee 7 fa ‘ ‘ ) a vit oo Ok A Ngee ane ul iy has’ wea kg! i - ; a, . 10a MINERALOGICAL NOTICES ek ea OR Pe ll St : ERM, ‘ae cr oe aan V. Mineralogical Notices and Olervations Wi, fujollbinn By the Rev. Tuomas Macxnicut, D. D. F.R.S.E. ~ ie (Read 4th Jan. 1817. 2 Donine an excursion to the north part of Scot- land, in 1813, I made some observations on the. mineralogical structure of the alpine country along the course I took ; of which the following is a ahah account. From many opportunities of examination tieee have occurred to. me, I have been led to infer, that the Mica-slate, the prevailing rock of the Southern Highlands, is covered to a great extent, by an overly- ing formation, composed of Felspar, in various forms, both of massive and of crystallized aggregation, including syenite and porphyry.. Of this descrip- tion is the range of mountains from Glencoe’ to. Ben Nevis inclusive, and the country towards the- head of the Spey. ‘The same appearances may also. be traced eastward from Ben Nevis, to the distance: of the highest hills between Braemar and the Spi- tall of Glenshee, and probably extend still farther in the same direction. Beyond this line, on the north-east, Granite appears in the mountains of ’ AND OBSERVATIONS. 105 ar and Cairngouram. At the opposite point of the alpine range, towards the south-west, we find it again in the vast mountain of Cruachan, which, from. its peculiar position, presents a remarkable and interesting subject of examination to the mi- neralogist. ‘Cruachan, reckoned the loftiest mountain in Ar- gyleshire, and evidently an object of great geognostic euriosity, lies sixteen miles north of Inverary.: It is generally computed to be about 3500 feet in height; and is bounded by Loch Etive on the north-west ; by the river Awe on the south; and by Loch Awe on the south-east. ‘Towards the north and north-— east, its boundary is less precisely defined ; but its circumference at the base, may be estimated at not less than twenty miles. Facing the inn at Dal- - maly, the mountain presents, on the east-side, a sreat hollow, surmounted by a bent and waving ridge, of which the extremities lie in the direction of north and south; and the convexity is towards the* west. “The highest point of this ridge, seen from Dalmaly, is commonly considered as the top of the mountain. This, however, is not the fact ; as the real summit, which is several hundred feet higher, stands westward, at least a mile and a half behind the elevation now mentioned, and forms the termination of another ridge, ascending rapidly from the former, in a direction nearly at right an- gles. To the north-west of the highest point, at the distanee of more than a mile, there is another 106 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES summit, of a conical form, evidently the, on elevation ; and these two are the tops of the moun- tain which strike the eye, when Cruachan is viey at any considerable distance from its base. ald The country around Cruachan, for. at as well as the body of the mountain ite thas consists chiefly of primitive rocks ; although portions } newer formations occasionally present, themselves. . Of these rocks, or strata, it is for the most part atau lg difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain exactly the relative positions and directions. In general, however, they correspond, to the ausuak bearings, and geognostic relations of the H Highland strata :—with this character to be remarked, that they exhibit great varieties of dip and inclination, according to the diversities of base, on which they rest. : INVERARY. trata ei our eof in the direction northward from Inverary, we And, as the ground rock, mica-slate, with an unusual p: portion of imperfectly crystallized quartz ; owing to which, it is extremely hard, and difficultly fran- gible, like a similar species, found at Loch Katte- rin, and on Ben Vorlich. One of the substances in this district, is a clay-stone porphyry, coloure with hornblende. Clay-slate, sometimes inclining to andes also Wigh eld Ries various Bi. er AND OBSERVATIONS. | 107 ward through the alpine district, as Glencroe ; in which primitive greenstone seems to be abundant, throughout the mica-slate. ) DatMaA.ty.—At Dalmaly, limestone occurs near the inn: likewise greenstone, compact chlorite, and a substance consisting of hornblende and chlorite mixed. The limestone and greenstone form hills, containing veins and beds of quartz. But the pre- ~-vailing rock, in situ, is newer mica-slate, and clay- slate, or clay-slate passing into tale-slate ; including beds of chlorite, sometimes intermixed with felspar, and with iron pyrites. The same substances, along with greenstone and hornblende rock, are found in the mica-slate, of which Ben Loy, a lofty moun- tain to the eastward of Dalmaly, is chiefly com- ‘posed ; and which exhibits great variety of struc- ture, from its different proportions of quartz. Some wy specimens of it contain iron pyrites, and small — “portions of hornblende. The strata incline to the | north-west, at an angle of about 40°. _ Cruacnan.—Of Cruachan itself, the fundamen- tal rock, I presume, is granite; which appears also at the summit ; but, in the lower parts of the moun- tain, on the south and east, is covered by a variety of other substances or formations, among which are syenite, and hornblende rock. Along the base, at _ the head of the river Awe, we have beds or strata _ of clay-slate, alternating with chlorite, hornblende, and greenish-coloured felspar-porphyry, with crystals of felspar. The clay-slate is found westward, as far 108 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES as Inverawe, where it appears in - the neighbourhoo of granite, as at Balahulish, india rae ‘this district of Scotland. Higher up the’ side of the mountain, the clay-slate passes into a species of very quartzose and compact micarslate, containing beds of greenstone, and veins of felspar mixed with hornblende. Above this, common felspar, and por- phyry, with base of felspar, sometimes approaching to hornstone, and decomposed in masses of various shapes, chiefly tabular and rectangular parallelopi- peds, occupies a great extent of surface, and forms some of the highest pots. 'The specimens of gra- nite, collected towards the summit. of Cruachan, present considerable varieties of character. Some- times the ingredients. appear mixed in the usual proportion. In other places, the crystals of quartz and felspar are found imbedded in common felspar, with little mica ;—thus passing into porphyry. Fel- ‘spar, indeed, as already remarked, is, in general, at this elevation, the prevailing substance of the rocks. And the compact species, tinged with hornblende, appears in the same geognostic relations as. it at in the upper part of Ben Nevis. © 0) i) 4 ye Bunawe.—On the west side of Cruachan, the granite and quartzy mica-slate descend to the level of the sea, and are found accompanied with a varie- ty of different rocks, at the sides.of Loch Etive, ~ and around Bunawe. In this direction, I observed the following substances; syenite, quartz, ereenstone, | serpentine, quartzy felspar, felspar coloured with’ AND OBSERVATIONS. 109 hornblende, felspar-porphyry, containing chlorite, and light green coloured steatite; and a granular rock, sometimes slaty and sometimes compact, com- ree giafelspar and hornblende, or small masses of ornblende in a base of felspar ; with other subordi- pron primitive rocks allied to these. ‘The syenite formation opposite to Bunawe, alternates with por- phyry and greenstone. _ Brince or Awe.—At the bridge of Awe, and within a short distance from the mouth of the river, there is felspar, both compact and amygdaloidal. Here also, we observe the commencement of an un- expected. formation of newer rocks, belonging to the floetz class; which extend over a considerable range of country, stretching southward, or south-west. Of this formation, a great part consists of a species of . trap clay-stone, or iron-clay, as the base of the rock. Below the bridge, a mass of conglomerate rises up, evidently formed by the river itself, from the debris of the higher rocks, at a period probably not very remote. It contains rounded and angular masses of quartz, clay-slate, felspar, &c. in a base of trap clay-stone. Another rock, with the same kind of base, is amygdaloidal, including pistacite, calc- spar, and sometimes hornblende and steatite. Along with these, a formation occurs of old red sandstone, variously striped, spotted, and coloured: and the whole form round-backed elevations, and precipi- Saiatients, on the right bank of the eaten below a ample, at Oban and Beregonium ; and is, 110 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES - Tarnui.t.—Advancing in the direction of south- © ae we find, near the inn of Tainuilt, a coarse compact felspar, approaching to clay-stone, oe con- taining small portions of steatite. gig ~Connat Frerry.—As we approach the Conn Ferry, the rocks assume a different aspect. The felspar becomes more crystalline in its structure, and appears as a subordinate ingredient in quartz rock, of a darkish colour: the claystone or iron- clay, takes a deep violet hue, and is frequently amygdaloidal, containing innumerable specks or portions of steatite and calespar. It is also found passing into clinkstone and slaty compact felspar. At the Ferry itself, the rock is a hard and dark co- loured slaty compact felspar, which is brittle and easily frangible, when exposed to the action of the air and water. 'Fhis substance occurs sometimes amyedaloidal. +4 aly % ConcLoMERATE.—We come now to the line of coast, where, for many miles from south-west to north-east, the ground rock is clay-slate, with a mass of Conglomerate lying over it; and exhibiting similar geognostic relations, to those of the same kind of rock on the south-east side of the great Highland range, which have been noticed in some late mineralogical descriptions. It occurs, for ex- orob ably, } the formation to which the substance “ eady scribed at the Bridge of Awe may be referred. The base of this conglomerate, is theovinatt lil stone AND OBSERVATIONS. lil / which has been mentioned ; and its fragments cor- respond to the neighbouring primitive substances, namely, clay-slate, quartz, felspar, &c. It must, at the same time, be acknowledged, that from the oryctognostic characters of some specimens of this conglomerate, we might be entitled to conclude, that it is entirely a chemical deposit. | BerEeconium.—Beregonium, the reputed an- ‘dient capital of Scotland, if we may judge from any ‘remains that are now to be traced, seems to have been nothing else, than one of those vitrified forts, which are observed in different parts of the High- Jands. This is indicated by the nature of the ground on which it stands, and of certain substances taken out of the soil, in the line of what appear to have been the walls. These substances, it is more than probable, are pieces of the neighbouring amyg- daloid, both massive and slaty ; which have been al- tered by fire, though not partially vitrified like the other substances, idoni with which they had been piled up for that purpose, and which submit more easily to an imperfect vitrification, such as the dif- ferent kinds of greenstone. Or, perhaps, they may Kave been a species of clay-slate, containing a great sortion of lime, similar to that, of which, as we | Shall poset see, the island of Lismore is compos- he materials filling the vesicular cavities, be- ' the more fusible or easily driven off, than the rest 2 mass, seem to have yielded to the heat, leay- ‘ing the substance now observed. In some fragments, Lie MINERALOGICAL NOTICES the stratified structure may still be discerned; but — the specimens are porous, resembling pumice-stone; _ and so light, that some of them are isi to swim in water. | R Wry That they have salbiqond the action of recy can hardly be doubted, when it is known, that no such mineral is found in Scotland except on the site of — Beregonium, which has many appearances of haying been a vitrified fort. And to this may be ascribed — the tradition respecting its destruction by fire; — not to any voleanic appearance that can be observed 3 on the neighbouring hill. The mistake on this subject, seems to have been occasioned. by the wild and rugged aspect of the conglomerate rock, decom- posing and tumbling down in huge fragments, It is said, that the remains of wooden pipes have been discovered under ground, which had conveyed water to the fort from the hill now mentioned. If this be fact, we may date the existence of Beregoni- um as long subsequent to the Roman period of our history. It had, probably, been distinguished as a residence or stronghold of some of our kings, while hostilities subsisted between Ircland and Scotland, or at the commencement of the Norwegian and Da- nish invasions of the western isles; and hence, the origin of the traditionary title it has solongyen. ae ed. | Heke h sie ide agli’ Beneath the clase of Beregonium, a ssialoed of extremely compact mica-slate is discoverable, con- taining hornblende intimately mixed. I found here ~ AND OBSERVATIONS. 113 a fragment of syenite, with large and beautiful crystals of hornblende, and also very distinct ones of sphene. Near Lochnell, there is a rock of granular quartz with a slaty structure, resembling a fine grained sandstone. A similar rock occurs at Airds and, Portnacroich, where it is frequently quarried | for building. Lismore.—The island of Lismore is composed of foliated granular limestone, with small crystals of iron-pyrites, evidently subordinate to, and exhi- biting the characters of, the great clay-slate forma- tion, which extends as far as Easdale on the south- west, and through the district of Appin to Balahu- lish on the north-east, and even farther in that di- rection. The rock, in many instances, appears to be only clay-slate, with a greater than usual proportion of lime. Lismore seems to have been a favourite spot in former times, and was long the seat of the Bishop of the Isles, the remains. of whose esaaients? are still to be seen. _ BaLAnuLisH.—But by far the most interesting field of observation which occurs in this direction, is the district around Balahulish. Here granite and syenite appear together, followed by gneiss, mi- ea-slate and clay-slate, which occur in succession. The granite and syenite are found to the east and south-east of the proprietor’s house, and of the inn, bothsituated on the south side of Loch Levin. I dis covered the junction of the granite and adjoining gneiss or mica-slate on the height, about a mile east- VOL, III. H 114 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES ward of the mansion-house ; and traced ‘it running — in a direction north-east to a short distance from the water’s edge. The mica-slate is dark-coloured, very quartzose and small grained ; it includes mag- netic pyrites and small garnets; and assumes vari- ous aspects in the different strata occurring east- ward, till it passes into the clay-slate of the great — _ quarry, which presents an object of much interest and curiosity to the mineralogist. On thé south- west of the granite mass, and along the road from | Appin to Balahulish, I observed a similar succes- sion of rocks, including also tale-slate. The gneiss that occurs on either side, is but imperfectly cha- racterised, being very compact, and containing little felspar. A similar remark applies to the mica-slate. But the granite and syenite are extremely beautiful ; and the clay-slate in general, very fine. The sye- nite contains crystals of sphene. Some specimens obtained near the inn, may be compared to the ce- lebrated Egyptian syenite. In this formation, there are different beds of > limestone, quartz, greenstone, and other usual sub- ordinate rocks. ‘The great vein of greenstone in the _ slate of the quarry, cannot fail to attract notice. Fort-WiLL1am.—Of the rocks that occur from 7 Balahulish to Fort-William, I have formerly given , a general sketch *. I found, then, that the porphyry ; and elinkstone of eee are a — ion om * Wernerian Memoirs, vol. i. p. 319. AND OBSERVATIONS. | 11S be c pole with she bptie central mass, reich ps dhe wl as ish as s Highbridge. feet Hutte: ‘inlay, mica-slate is found passing into gneiss. But the rock in general, is a mixture of granular ‘ en compact felspar, associated with granite, and intersected by veins of that substance: the quartz has a dark greenish colour, and the presence of mica in some specimens, shews its transition in- to granite. This continues to be the principal rock, till we reach Loch-Oich ; where it assumes a singu- Jar character, that. may be described as a sort of ‘granitic conglomerate, with angular and rounded masses of felspar, in a base of greenish-coloured quartz. Here, too, specimens are afforded of a gra- nite, sesh es ene of reddish TNE, ot spar. . . BearAveneras. sulle Fort- Anptithe eneiss, with a great variety of characters, shewing its trans- ition into mica-slate, presents itself in abundance ; and granite occurs to the north-east. as CorRYARAIK.—Turning now towards the east, we find a tract of primitive country, reaching to the mountain of Corryaraik, and along the whole course of the Spey. On Corryaraik, besides granite and bast inclining to gneiss, we observe a fine variety. of syenite. H 2 TL6 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES GaRVIEMORE.—Near the inn of Garviemore, — there is in situ a beautiful granite, with large . crystals of all the ingredients, particularly mica, and resembling that of Portsoy. A bed of quartay — compact gneiss at a little distance, having a dark ~ M bluish colour, has been mistaken, and. dubia to be quarried for limestone. THE Srry.—Along the Spey, the same kind of . granite as that observed at Garviemore, frequently occurs, particularly at Cluny. Below Laggan, there is a rock of white coloured granular quartz, beau- — tifully interspersed or spangled with scales of mica. . As we advance towards Pitmain, the hills on the left side of the river, present vast and rugged fronts of compact gneiss, and mica-slate penetrated with hornblende, of which the strata, particularly of gneiss, are piled above each other to a great height ; and have covered the ground at the foot of the ac- clivities, with enormous masses‘of debris. The same substance, associated occasionally with mica-slate, forms the greatest part of the rocks on the left bank, ‘till we arrive at Aviemore. Here, the mountains of Cairngouram, situated on the south or opposite side of the Spey, arrest the attention of aay miner- — alogist.. CaIrnNGoURAM.—The great mass of Gpivulngnit cent and extensive range, whose summit appears little inferior to Ben-Nevis in height, is composed of granite, in general uncovered with soil, and un- accompanied with other rocks; but containing # AND OBSERVATIONS. | Waly tich store of the precious stones, so well known by ‘the name of the mountain, where they are found in veins and drusy eavities, associated chiefly with rock crystal, of which, indeed, for the most part, they are only varieties of different colours, as yel- lowish-white, Glove-brown, or brownish-black, &c. ‘Accordingly, in-traversing this range for a consider- able distance, I had an opportunity of verifying Professor Jameson’s conjecture, respecting the ori- : ginal repository of the Scotch topaz *. I was shewn 4 a number of places, where the crystals had been ex- tracted from the rock, by means of blowing and the pick-axe,-&e. ; and could observe many openings in the rocky fronts, where, if at all accessible, the ad- venturous searcher would, it is likely, find his la- bour and risk amply repaid, by valuable treasures of the same kind. We can, therefore, now easily understand, how the topaz of Aberdeenshire (for a particular descrip- tion of which, I must refer to Mr Jameson’s paper already quoted,) has so often been found, as well as amethyst, and precious beryl, in the alluvial soil. The fact, however, I believe, is, that by far the greater number ofthese gems, are gatheredamong the debris of the granite rocks, in the beds or ravines of the small streams which issue from the mountains i district. Those who employ themselves in sae iy yu * Wernerian Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 452. 118 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES searching for the stones, pay the p proprictors a small rent for the liberty of searching. The part of the range which lies to the east, and is called Ben-Aven, is at present reckoned the most productive; yield-— ing the proprietor, I was told, about L.150 or L. 200 a-year. What is properly called Caim- gouram, opposite to Aviemore, and skirted on the north by the extensive woods of Rothiemurchus, — has now been so completely stripped of its products — in the ordinary track of examination, that a mere traveller, limited in time, has little chance of meet- ing with specimens of much value; but the people - in the neighbourhood, have always a wisi to offer for sale. | The granite of Cairngouram, consists chiefly of quartz and felspar, both compact and crystallized ; the mica occurs but sparingly. In some places, the materials of the rock appear to be disposed in lay- ers or strata, almost horizontal. I remarked, that, perhaps, there are few instances, in which a mineral substance, spread over so great an extent of surface, exhibits so little variety of oryetognostic character, as the granite of this range. Specimens collected at the distance of several miles, can often scarcely be distinguished from each other, by the nature or appearance of their constituent parts. If the zeal- ous mineralogist could submit to spend days in tra- versing the dreary untrodden regions, and to pass his nights among the bare rocks of Cairngouram, there is little doubt, that his toil and patience AND OBSERVATIONS. 119 would be rewarded, by the discovery of many valu- : le gems and curious minerals. _ Tur Don.—The country which stretches from y eae to Grantown, and thence south-eastward aCKOss, the hills to the course of the Don, has little variety in the great scale of primitive rocks. But towards the ancient castle of Kaldrummy, a change takes place, from gneiss and mica-slate, on the west or Highland side, to transition rocks, on the east or lowland direction, where a rock occurs which is evi- dently grey-wacke. Kildrummy stands near the junction. On the north side of the ruin, and in the neighbourhood of the gneiss and mica-slate, there are beds or strata of a sandstone, which ap- _ pears to be an intimate granular mixture of quartz a and felspar, with small scales of mica. Of this me Kildrummy seems to have been built; and it “is still quarried for use. Does it belong to the old ay sandstone formation ? _ Corearrr.—Higher up the course of the Don, yin gneiss contains beds of quartz, and is sometimes found mixed with hornblende. Near to Corgarff, there are rocks of hornblende, spotted with crystals of light coloured felspar. Another is composed of chlorite and quartz; and a third of quartz and fel- mately mixed. ae Tar L JrE.—Crossing the country to the bed of aim e Dee, similar mineralogical appearances occur. the pass of Balater, one of the entrances in- “to the Highlands from the east, there is on the 120 MINERALOGICAL NOTICES right or north side, an unusually splendid front of granite; which indeed is found along the course of the river for many miles, sometimes finely porphy- ritic. gaits GAIRNBRIDGE. — Immediately adjoining the bridge of the Gairn, one of the tributary streams of the Dee, a very remarkable and striking junc- tion of granite and gneiss, on the face of the bank to the north-east, is laid bare for the inspec- tion of the curious. I have never, indeed, seen any thing better calculated to exercise the controversial talents and ingenuity of geological theorists. There is a substance, consisting of hornblende, felspar, and ynica, which, along with syenite, and a fine icine porphyry, overlies the primitive rock. — Cuuny waTER.—The mica-slate near iughionhbe contains much granular quartz. -On the mineralogy of Braemar, Professor Jameson has lately given us his observations. Leaving the granite of this dis- trict, felspar compact and porphyritic, and granular quartz, are found in beds, alternating to the south- ward of Castleton. Along the road, by the Water of Cluny to the Spitall of Glenshee, about seven miles from Braemar, 1 observed another junction of the same kind with that of Gairnbridge. Still far- ther southward, the bed of the stream, near a bridge, and not far from its source, presents an interesting alternation of beds of granular quartz, foliated gra- nular limestone, and felspar compact and porphyri- | tic. | : AND OBSERVATIONS. 121 ~ Here, it is observable, that the highest rocks ap- pear to be composed of a felspar similar to that of Ben Nevis. It passes, in some places, into a small grained or compact syenite; and, at others, into greenstone. All these overlie, or are subordinate to; mica-slate, as the general rock ; which, in many specimens, seems to contain much hornblende in a state of intimate penetration. The mica even, in some places, disappears entirely; leaving only horn- ‘blende and quartz disposed alternately in thin lay- OMB A if SPITALL OF GLENSHEE.—Half a mile south of the inn, I discovered a bed of graphite, as- sociated with gneiss, mica-slate, hornblende, chlo- rite, &c.; but I was unable to ascertain the sub- stances in immediate contact. ‘To the localities, therefore, of this mineral already noticed, may now be added the Spitall of Glenshee. The lower district, till we reach Blairgowrie, gives the usual indications of primitive, transition, floetz, and alluvial country. We find mica-slate, with small garnets, and hornblende with pyrites; another species with veins of quartz; also chlorite and tale, near Cally. At the Bridge of Cally, the rock is clay-slate, inclining to chlorite; with veins of a dark-coloured felspar, which is porphy- ritic, and approaches to hornstone. From the particular localities which have now been observed and specified, of granite in Scotland, 122, MINERALOGICAL NOTICES. it appears that this rock traverses the centre of the great Highland range, in a direction chiefly marked by the course of the Spey, from Portsoy and Buchan-Ness on the north-east, to the Island of Arran on the south-west. On either side of this line, innumerable portions of the great cen-_ tral mass,—which is nowhere so extensively laid bare, as in the mountains of Cairngouram,—may be traced beneath the superincumbent strata of gneiss, mica-slate, clay-slate, &e. In the direc- tion now mentioned, we find along the lower dis- tricts conglomerate, transition, and floetz-rocks, skirting the clay-slate, which is succeeded by mi- ~ ca-slate and eneiss, as the rocks in general Aegon contiguous to the granite. To the north-west of the granite lime: the same relations may be discovered ; so far, at least, as my — observation has extended. 4 . art ( 193) VI. Additional Observations on the Coal Field of’ Clackmannanshire, and a Description of the smabaolude Shape or Form of the Coal Fields ‘wy dem Great Britain. * By il ite. F.R.S.E, M.W.S, &.G. S. . “ (Read 1st May 1819.) ; ; , ry ; z vi A NUMBER of years have elapsed since I had the honour of submitting to this Society, through the medium of my friend Mr Neill, several Essays re- garding the Coal Formation of Clackmannanshire, Since that period, I have made many additional ob- servations on the strata of that district, in parti- cular, at that point where the coal formation joins the Ochill Mountains. | In order to bring the whole under review, I shall recapitulate very briefly the leading points of the before-mentioned essays, adding, as I go along, such particulars and observations as have occurred to me during the last - years. ‘The Coal Field of Clackmannanshire is situated upon the north-west boundary of the Great Coal 124 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. Field of Scotland, and, according to every obser- vation, no coals of workable thickness have been found on the north side of the River Forth, far- ther than about a mile to the westward of Alloa. This north line of the Great Coal Field of Scot- land, extends from near St Andrew’s in Fife, passes a few miles to the south of Kinross, skirts the face of the Ochill Mountainsin Clackmannanshire, passesto the westward of Craig Forth beyond Stirling Castle, and from thence by the Campsie Hills to the River Clyde near Dunbarton. Two sections were formerly produced ; the one a profile from the top of the Wood Hill of Al- va to the River Forth, being a distance of six miles, shewing the chief beds of coal and disloca- tions of the strata; the other a perpendicular sec- tion of all the coals and accompanying strata, to the depth of 703 feet, containing no less than 142 beds or alternations of strata. These sections were made from exact measurements taken by myself, and are now referred to, with additions and alterations. ; With regard to the alluvial cover, I stated that it was of two kinds, viz. the Recent Alluvial, formed by the Rivers Forth and Devon; the other what is termed the Old Alluvial, which forms the higher part of the country. The surface of the alluvial betwixt the Ochill Mountains and the sea, is bold arable, hill and dale, the ridges and valleys lie pa- rallel to the Ochill Mountains in an east and west 2 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 195 direction, and the brows of the alluvial hills have their steep acclivity always to the west, and a long easy slope in an easterly direction. The alluvial cover is of very various depth, viz. from a few inches to many fathoms. At one place to the westward of Alloa, I found the recent alluvial cover upon the side of the River Forth, to be 90 feet deep; and in one place, a little to the north of Alloa, the old alluvial cover is no less than 162 feet deep. In the recent alluvial cover of the River Forth, are found trunks and branches of large trees, beds of sand, with sea-shells, particularly of the oyster, cockle, mussel, donax, &c.. These beds of shells not only abound at and below Alloa, but are found several miles to the westward of Stirling in the same situation. The oys- ter-shells are very large, and many of them of uncom- mon thickness; no recent specimens are now found so large, nor are any recent oysters ever found above the Queensferry. Horns of the stag, and bones of large animals, have also been found, several of which were produced when the former essays were read. About three years ago, several very large bones were found upon the rock-head, under a cover of clay, in a bed of sand and oyster-shells at the foot of Clackmannan Hill, which I particularly examined. Some of these are now produced. Adjoining these were two teeth, about five inches in length, shaped like a,cock’s spur, about three-fourths of an inch diameter at the base, and rounded at the point. 126 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE, These bones are supposed to belong to the whale or grampus tribe. Irom the size of the bones, the animal must have been at least thirty feet in length. In the recent alluvial cover of the River Devon, oak-trees of immense size have been occasionally found; and at the line of junction betwixt the al- luvial soil of the River Forth and the old alluvial, a great quantity of drift-wood is found, consisting of the spray of different trees, and entire hazel-nuts. » The old alluvial cover, named Till by agricultur- ists, is a strong heterogeneous mass, composed of clay, sand, gravel, and large stones, smooth and rounded; but besides these stones, there are frag: ments of all the strata which are found in the coal- field ; and it is worthy of remark, that these frag- ments of sandstone, slate-clay and coal, have sharp angles, and have not, in any degree, suffered from attrition, though comparatively very soft. It is al- so remarkable, that in this old alluvial cover, no re- remains of shells, trees, or any of the vegetable tribes have been found, although the strata of the coal-field below, and upon which it rests, contain in- numerable organic remains of both the animal and vegetable kingdom ; and the recent alluvial, as be- fore mentioned, also abounds with these. This, I con- ceive, to be a most remarkable fact, worthy of the consideration and investigation of the geologist. - In the former essays, which are inserted in the first volume of the Transactions of this Society, I described particularly the dip and rise of the coals, 2 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 197 and each particular stratum which accompaniesthem. I then described and exhibited the various organic remains which are found in the strata, the most re- markable of which are, the oysters contained in the clay-ironstone, and the forms of exotic reeds in the on ‘edagil impressions of minute plants are in ating is one remark Areedltie the stratification Silerditig particular attention, which is, That the immediate stratum or pavement on which the beds of coal rest, is almost, without exception, a greyish- black rock or fire-clay, which, when made into bricks, strongly resists the effects of fire. This fire-clay is found from the thickness of the tenth of an inch to several fathoms. In no instance have I seen the coal in direct contact with any other of the strata, excepting where the coal was intersected with numerous slips and dislocations: and this particular observation I have found to hold, in all the coal-fields I have examined in Great Bri- tain. When this fire-clay is of any considerable thickness, it abounds with the remains of the vege- table kingdom, with a few kidney-shaped pieces of — clay-ironstone. The various strata represented in the section, lie in a very regular manner; and we very seldom find one of these strata passing gradually into the other adjoining. In general they are distinct and easily se- parated at the line of junction, named by miners the parting. This parting is sometimes composed 128 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE: of a very thin leaf of clay, or of loose sand. The strata betwixt the coals, do sometimes vary in thick- ness, being in one place an inch or two in thickness, and gradually thickening to many fathoms, forming a wedge-shaped. bed; but this is by nomeans gene- ral, : we | With regard to the profile and section herewith produced, Fig. 1. Plate [V., made in the crop and dip-line of the strata, it will be seen from it, that the main coal-field of Clackmannanshire, consists of three subordinate coal-fields, formed by two great slips or dislocations of the strata ; yet, independent- ly of those great dislocations, the strata continue perfectly regular, with very little alteration in the angle of inclination with the horizon. It will be seen from the section, that the south coal-field dips northerly, until interrupted by the great south-slip, which dislocates the coal and accompanying strata no less than 1230 feet, by which all the coals are not only thrown up or oud to day, as it is termed by the miners, but are not found again till we pass nearly a mile northward, upon the line of the dip where the same identical coals are found again re- gularly dipping. ‘These coals of the middle field | dip regularly northward, until interrupted by the great north slip which dislocates the strata, and throws them up 700 feet. Immediately adjoining which slip, the coals and coal-field commence again and dip regularly northward, to a much greater ex- tent than the other two fields, until they arrive at COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 199 the valley of the Devon, at the foot of the Ochill Mountains, where they form a Trough, as it is term- ed by the miners, and rise very quickly, nearly in a vertical direction. ‘There the coals, with the whole of theit accompanying strata, are found in a con- forming situation, and parallel with the strata which compose the Ochill Mountains; which strata lie at the elevated angle of 73 degrees with the horizon. The coal strata next the mountains, are denominat- ed in the miners language Kdge Metals ; that i is, strata nearly vertical. In this coal-field, which has been accurately as- certained by pitting and boring to the depth of 703° feet, there are no fewer than 142 beds or distinct stra- — ta, variously alternating, as represented Plate V. Fig. 1., and minutely described in the first volume of the Society’s ‘Transactions. Of these, there are 24 beds of coal ; which in thickness, amount to 59 feet 4 inches ; the thinnest bed of coal being only 2 inches, and the thickest 9 feet. The strata in this sec- tion contain numerous varieties of sandstone, slate- clay, bituminous shale, indurated clay or fire-clay, and clay ironstone. ‘There are neither greenstone, limestone, nor any of the trap-rocks to be found con- nected with the workable coals; but an immense hed of greenstone, named Abbey Craig, is found on the western boundary of the county next Stizling- shire, under which are regular strata of slate-clay, sandstone, thin beds of limestone, and large apee VOL. IIL. i 4 = # w ¥ *y Sty az se 130 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. — roidal masses of clay ironstone, with a mixture of lime. These contain beautiful impressions of bivalve shells. Underthese strata, a thick bed of red sand- stone exists; but to what part of the series of the the coal strata this red sandstone belongs, I have not yet been able to determine with accuracy. ..I have no doubt, that there are thin beds of coal alternat- ing with these strata, the same as observed in the strata under the high greenstone cliffs of Stirling Castle, which are also within the range of the Scotch ‘eoal-field, which coal is of the species Glance coal. In the section of the strata in the Westertown Glen of Tillicoultry, the junction of the coal forma- tion with the Ochill Mountains is beautifully dis- played; and there a bed of greenstone rock, about 100 feet thick, is either the lowest bed of the coal -formation, or is the first of the Ochill Mountain “rocks. This Westertown Glen, in particular, and all the glens in the vicinity, exhibit the most beau- tiful and distinct sections of the coal formation, and its junction with the mountain rocks, interesting in the highest degree to the geologist. . . With regard to the south coal-field next to the | river Forth, the strata there have a contrary dip to - the south in place of the north ; and form the strata — into the mantle chap or what i is nantes termed 4 .a Saddle. — “ 2 One particular feature in this coal-field, is the! abundance of red-coloured sandstone, many fathoms _ ‘in thickness, which has been frequently mistaken — a. 8 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 131 for the old red sandstone; and as it is generally ad- ‘mitted, that no beds of coal of any value have ever been found in or under the old red sandstone, many ‘mineralogists have considered the valuable beds of coal found under red sandstone in Clackmannan- shire as an anomaly in this particular. This. mis- take originates from not examining the structure of the red sandstone of this coal-field minutely. When viewed at a distance as in the mass or in a building, © it has a blush-colour, very different from the old red” sandstone, ‘and is now termed the Blush-colour- ed Sandstone. On examining it minutely, . the quartz particles are of a white-colour ; and the red colour is produced»by a soft red oxyd of iron, dis- » seminated through the texture of the stone, which easily rubs off, and soils the clothes and fingers. The character of this stone is so well known by those acquainted with the collieries of Scotland, that in many districts it is considered as the index to the coal-fields, as at Glasgow. The appearance of this stone led Dr Mackenzie, a member of this so- ciety, into a misconception, in his Essay on the Mi- neralogy of the Ochill Mountains, inserted in the Wernerian Transactions; for the Doctor having exa- “mined the old red sandstone in the eastern part of the Ochill Mountains, concluded, that the red sand- stone which is so distinctly seen at Harvieston, to eye of the Westertown Glen, lying above a ved. of coal, and sr towards the Ochills, selected wih Hen hinds HE % 132 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. passed under these mountains, as is the case with the Old Red Sandstone on the eastern part of the range; whereas, in place of passing under the. Ochills, it rises with the coal and other accompany-" ing strata at a short distance to the north of where the coal is seen, and lies in a conforming situation with the, face of the mountains, at a great angle with the horizon, exactly similar to the coal strata adjoining the Woodhill of Alva, as represented in the section. This blush-coloured sandstone fre- ‘quently contains masses of sandstone of a deep red colour, with mica: and sometimes these darker co- loured portions, found in the soft sandstone, are of adamantine hardness, and are perforated by the miner with the greatest difficulty. The hardness is so sreat, that [ have seen twenty-seven steel boring chisels blunted, in boring a shot-hole 20 inches in depth. ‘This is a fact worthy of remark. The same ease occurs in the white and yellow coloured sand- stone. ‘These hard portions found in beds of sand-— stone, are named by the miners, Tongues or Yolks, according to their shape, as represented Fig. IIT. Plate VI. Granite and greenstone p20 with these Yolks, are very soft. | With regard to the great slips vehi dikdicite, the strata, these lie in the direction of the line of bearing of the strata, and are nearly parallel with the Ochill Mountains. ‘The great north slip dislo- cates or throws down the strata 700 feet ; and the great south slip dislocates or throws down the strata 3 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 133 no less than 1230 feet, as before mentioned. This ast is the greatest dislocation I have met with, or ‘know of, in Great Britain. These slips are fissures, which extend from the surface of the strata or Rock- head, to an unknown depth; and vary in width from a small fraction of an inch, to 4 or 5 yards. The fissure is filled up with heterogeneous matter, composed of all the rocks composing the strata. In the fissure of the great north slip, several thin strata are to be seen lying nearly in a vertical di- rection. Besides these great slips, there are many other small slips parallel to these, and many lying in an oblique direction with the dip and rise line of the coal. Several of these oblique slips produce also great dislocations. With regard to slips in coal-fields, we find that there is a general law connected with them as to _ the position of the dislocated strata, which is this: When a slip is met with in the course of working the mines,—if, when looking at it, the vertical line " of the slip or fissure forms an acute angle with the line of the pavement upon which the observer stands, we are certain that the strata are dislocated, or thrown downwards upon the other side of the fissure. On the contrary, if the angle formed by the two lines above mentioned is obtuse, we are cer- tain that the strata are dislocated or thrown up- wards upon the other side of the fissure. When the angle is 90°, or a right angle, it is altogether uncer- tain whether the dislocation throws up or down on 134 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. the opposite side of the ‘slip. When dikes inter- " sect the strata, they generally only separate the strata the width of the dike, without any disloca- tion either up or down; so that if a coal is inter- cepted by a dike, it is found again, by running a mine directly forward, corresponding to the angle or inclination of*the coal with the horizon. = ~The three subordinate coal-fields, before mention- ed, have all the same general characters ; but the coals, and the strata-which separate them, vary — sometimes in thickness. ‘The distinct and lead- ing characters of these three fields, is the coal which is 9 feet thick, marked with a stronger line than the other coals in the section. This coal is alike thick in all the three fields ; is of the precise same texture and quality; has bituminous shale in the roof, with numerous compressed impressions of oyster shells, named, from. their colour, Zobacco Leaves by the miners, with regular bands and balls of fine clay iron-stone. All the coals in the north’ and middle coal-fields are ‘very similar in quality, — and vary only a little in thickness; whereas, in the south coal-field, all the coals, except the 9 feet coal, are thinner than in the other fields: and, in parti- | cular, the coal marked x, is about 6 feet thick in the north and middle fields, and is composed of cu- bical and splint coal; whereas, in the south field, the corresponding coal, marked x, is uniformly only © 3 feet thick, without any splint coal, but is propor- tionally richer, and of finer burning quality. All es ES COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 135 the coals of this extensive coal-field are cubical and. splint coal; no. caking coals’ or glance coals have been yet found amongst them. With regard to the Ochill Mountains, the high- est of these is Bencleuch, about 2400 feet above the level of the sea. It is immediately north, and ad-. joining the Wood-hill represented. in the section, which is about 1800 feet in height above the same level. They are composed of rocks, which, accord- ing to the celebrated Werner, belong to the Transi- tion class. ‘The first of these, upon which the coal strata rest, is Greenstone, as before mentioned, about 100 feet thick ; the upper part of which is composed of large globular concretions, which exfoliate very . much. The lower part» of it is strong compact - greenstone, with the fissures ‘as usual at right an- ®les to the bed on which it résts. From the vertical - position of this bed of greenstone, and the fissures being very distinct, one might. be led to conclude erroneously, that it was a bed of regularly stratified greenstone. ‘This greenstone contains many minute particles of pyrites, which are evidently the cause of its exfoliation. The next bed in succession, is Clink- stone, of a darkish green colour, about 140 feet in - thickness. Next to this, is a very thick bed of Sienite, in which are found narrow veins, containing ~ fine iron ore, or hematites, exactly similar to the : ~ Cumberland ore, having a beautiful radiated struc- ture. Below the sienite, are numerous thick alter- nating beds of Clinkstone-Porphyry, and Sienite. 1386 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. This range of the Ochill Mountains in Clackman- nanshire, besides veins of iron-ore, contain veins . filled with various metals. oe In the clinkstone porphyry of the Wood-hill, re- presented in the section, a rich vein of Silver was wrought many years ago, and silver extracted to the amount of L. 60,000. Along with the. silver-ore, peach-blossom coloured Cobalt-ore was found in abundance. Veins of copper have been wrought to the westward, at Blairlogie ; and particularly of late at Airthry, where the vein was found in.a rock of dark brown-coloured trap-tuff. Veins of lead have also been wrought to the eastward, in the Gloom Hill at Castle Campbell. I have here to remark, that I have examined mi- nutely the coals and accompanying strata imme- diately adjoining the Ochill Mountains, and found that the coal, even within a few fathoms of the mountain-face, is of good burning quality, similar to the coals found in the south part of the coal-field. Fine shistose micaceous sandstone is also found near the mountain-face, with common clay iron- stone, abounding with organic remains of reeds and bivalve shells. The only distinct difference to be observed in the coal strata at this place, from the strata in the south part of the field, is, that several _ of the thin beds of sandstone are exceedingly hard, and so close-grained, that they have the appearance of compact quartz; but this circumstance occurs in other coal-ficlds, particularly in -Glamorganshire, COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 137 South Wales, and at Brora in Sutherlandshire. In the rocks of the Transition ‘Mountains, imme- diately adjoining the coal-field, I never could dis- cover the least appearance of organic remains. _ The Clackmannanshire coal-field, as represented in the sections, gives a good example of the ge- neral form and situation of the coal-fields in Great Britain, with this exception, that beds of greenstone are not found overlying any of the thick coals. No limestone has yet been found ; but I have reason to conclude it will be found in the lower series of the strata, at a great depth under the strata which have been ascertained. The coal-fields which differ in a very remarkable manner from all the other coal-fields in Great Bri- tain, are, the coal-field at Johnstone, near Paisley, in Renfrewshire ; the coal-field at Brora in Suther- * landshire ; and the Staffordshire coal-field. Of these singular and most interesting coal-fields, I have made several sections. To describe these coal-fields pro- perly, would require distinct and minute descrip- tions. We can only remark here, that, in the Johnstone coal-field, the upper stratum of rock is compact greenstone, above 100 feet in thickness, not in conforming position with the coal strata, but over- lying; then a few fathoms of soft sandstone and slate-clay, alternating and uncommonly soft. Under this, in one place, there are no fewer than ten beds of coal lying one immediately above the other, with a few divisions of dark-colourcd indurated clay. 138 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. These beds of coal are in thickness; no less than 100 feet: this is a mass of combustible matter, in . the form of coal, unparalleled in the world, so far as I know. 'The greater part of this field contains only five beds of coal; but, at the place where the section is taken, these five coals have most evidently over- lapped each other, as represented Plate V. Fig. 3. The sections, Fig.1. and 2. Plate VII. shew distinct- - ly all the phenomena of this remarkable coal-field. The original general section was made by a Mr Watson from England, and does him great credit, as being the result of much labour and patient in- vestigation. Mr Houston of Johnston, the present proprietor of the colliery, most politely permitted me to take a copy of the sections. I have been fre- . quently at this colliery, and have examined all the mining operations, which are wonderful. Of late, coals also of great thickness have been discovered under the high greenstone cliff, represented in the section, Fig.)2.-Plate V. A section of the Cliff, and coals thus discovered, is represented Plate VII. Fig..2. From this recent discovery, we would be - led to conclude, that the high cliff, and the green- stone in the lower part of the country, had at one time been united, and that the coals now discover- ed, are the same as those pang have been _— wrought. | Brora. coal-field is rcidebbiablty not cla in Keita | far disjoined from the main coal-field of Scotland, but, in particular, for the few beds or strata above at : COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 139 - + the coal.. The coal is 5 feet thick, with a division of _ slate-clay.. In the depth of 80 yards, there are only 14 strata; allof them are ofa dark colour, com- posed of slate-clay and ferruginous. limestone, -in- durated clay mixed with lime and limestones, and these contain organic remains in vast. abundance, in particular, large cornua ammonis, belemnites, bi- valve shells, from the most minute to a large size, and great quantities of fossil wood... Kven the coal is remarkable in its texture and quality, and, when burning, has the smell of rotten wood, when placed ina fire. Above the strata exhibited in the section, and more in the line of dip, thin beds of blue-coloured limestone first occur, and above these a very thick + bed of soft yellow-coloured sandstone. In the sand- stone, a particular bed is found about 18 inches - ‘thick, approaching in its texture to compact quartz, having a conchoidal fracture; under this is a very soft: sandstone, containing casts of small bivalve - shells. A section of this coal-field is represented Plate V. Fig. 4. This coal lies closely adjoin- ing ‘mountains of red granite. In the section of the Clackmannanshire . coal- | field, the strata of the mountains are drawn ac- cording to the exact angle at which they are found at the surface; but there is an important fact in a geological point of view, which has yet to be as- certained, which is, whether the greenstone and other rocks of these transition mountains, form a curve line somewhat parallel to the curvature of 140 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. the coals and their accompanying strata, as repre- sented by the curved dotted line a a, Fig. 1. Plate 1V. Upon considering all cireumstances con- nected with this point, I am inclined:to think, that these mountain rocks. do form a curve at a consi- derable depth from the surface, and that the coal fields represented in the section lie ina pene situation with the transition rocks. Fe SE It is of importance here to remark, in peliedle, ‘that. this section of the Clackmannanshire coal- field and its position with the transition rocks, ex- actly corresponds with the geological views and statements of Werner, regarding coal-fields, and accords precisely with the distinct and clear state- ments given by Professor Jameson, the President | of this Society, in his Geognosy. In taking a general view of the section, and ye the three coal -fields formed by the two great slips or dislocations of the strata, we are very naturally led to conclude, from each coal-field being so nearly similar to each other as to. the coals and accompany- ing strata, that the three coal-fields once formed a connected whole; but. if this was the case, a very interesting inquiry arises: What has become of all _ the coals and accompanying strata which must have then existed betwixt the dip part of the coals ad- joining the slips in the one coal-field and the crops of the same coals now found at a great distance from them ? perhaps the fragments of coal and of their a companying strata, which are found so abun- * COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 141 dant in the old alluvial cover, as before mentioned, are part of the strata which are now awanting ; and we have further reason to conclude, that the coals and strata now awanting at the surface, once existed, as we see the lower coals of the middle field again formed, though at a much higher level, im- mediately adjoining and close to the north side of the great north slip, so that these coals and lower strata are in one continued stretch, only separated a foot or two by the width of the slip and vertical dislocation. With regard to the absolute shape of the Clack- mannanshire coal-fields, they are similar to the shape or form which I have found to exist in all the coal-fields I have examined in Great Britain, which is, that every bed of coal, with the accom- panying strata, is either bason-shaped, or portions of a bason formed by therdislocations of the strata, and by the mountain rocks on which the coal-fields rest. Where the strata assume the mantle-shape, which is rather an exception to the general form, the coal-field is then termed the Inverted Bason form. The most complete and simplest form of a coal- field, is the entire bason-shape, which we have in some instances, without a dislocation. A beautiful example of this is to be seen at Blairengone, in the county of Perth, immediately adjoining the western boundary of Clackmannanshire,as represented Fig.3., Plate IV. where the elliptical line marked A C BD, represents the crop or outburst of the lower coal, 142 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. and the inner elliptical line represents. the ‘efop or outburst of the upper coal. Fig. 4. is the longitu- dinal section of the line A B, and Fig. 5. the trans- verse section of the line C D. All the accompany- ing coal-strata partake of the same form and. paral- lelism. ‘These basons are generally elliptical, some- times nearly circular, but are often very eccentric, being much greater in length than in breadth, and frequently the one side of the bason upon the nar- row diameter having a much greater dip than the other; which circumstance throws the trough or lower part of the bason much nearer to the one side than to the other. From this view of an entire bason-shape, it is evident, that the dip is in every direction, and all the strata regularly crop out, - meet the alluvial cover in every point. “It is from this bason-shape that all the other coal- fields are formed, which are portions or segments of a bason produced by slips, dikes or dislocations of the strata. If the coals Fig. 3. Plate IV. were dislocated by two slips b c and de, the slip bc throwing the strata down to the east, and the slip de throwing them as much up in the same direc- tion, the crops of the coals would be found in se form represented in Fig. 6.; of which Fig 7. the section in the line A B, and Fig. 8. the itn inthe line C Div oe +4 -The chief difficulty idee arises in exploring: ay Othe in search of coal, or even where coal-fields ate known to exist, arises from the great thickness ao COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 143 of alluvial cover, which completely hides the crop or outburst of the strata, termed generally by mi- ners the Rock-head, from our view, and also com- pletely hides the fissures, dikes and dislocations ' of the strata, which produce such material altera- tions in the « coal-fields, and which are frequently the occasion of great loss to. the mining adventurer. The alluvial cover is to the strata which exist un- _ derneath, as the fiesh upon the bones in animals: if the flesh is removed, the whole structure of the bones, their situation and connection, are at once discovered ; in the same manner, were the alluvial covering removed, the whole strata would be dis- tinctly seen, and the effect of every dislocation im- mediately ascertained. ‘Though the total removal of the alluvial cover might, in one view, appear to be of great advantage, in affording facility in ascertaining the strata existing in any district, yet this advantage-weuld be greatly outweighed by the disadvantages, not only in the want of soil for cultivation, but by the strata being denuded, the coal-mines would be deluged with water every rainy season, whereas the alluvial cover affords pro- tection, by causing the water to flow along the sur- face till it join the rivers, which are the great na- tural drains for the water on the surface of the earth. pit . The absolute shape of the coal-fields in Great Beis, has been ascertained with a precision beyond that of any other mines in the globe, and 144 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. that for this very obvious reason, that no mineral whatever has been wrought to such an extent, and in every direction, as coal; for at whatever depth a coal-mine is drained of .its water, the mines are wrought from that depth to the rise of the water-level line,and each miner perseyeres in carrying forward his room or working place, until the coal meets the al-. luvial cover of the crop, or is cut off by a disloca- tion of the strata. It is from this circumstance we can state, in a decided manner, the absolute shape of coal-fields. It is the opinion of many, that the beds of coal contained in a coal-field are tabular — masses, which lie evenly between their bounding planes, like a slab of marble; and this no doubt appears to be the case, if a partial and limited view be taken of a bed of coal wrought upon a small scale; but to form an accurate conception of the form of a coal-field, it must be viewed in its whole extent, and in all its bearings, as pomted out and particularly enforced by Professor Jameson, in his Lectures. There are, I am informed, instances of coal being found in the form of insulated tabular masses; but this occurs in another series of rocks described by Werner, and not in the Independent Coal-formation, of which we are now treating. The Hamilton coal-field, according to what I conceive of Werner's views, does not belong to the Indepen- dent Coal-formation, but appears to be of a more re-_ cent formation. The section, Fig. 1. Plate VIT.. shews abrupt endings of the coal, without coming | oa y COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 145 in contact with the alluvial cover; but this coal is altogether an exception to any other coal-field I know of. } It is proper here to make a remark upon.a state- ment generally given in describing the favourable situation of coals found in any extensive district of country, That the coals are found very near the sur- face; whereas it is evident that every coal whatever, excepting when cut off by a slip or dike, is found at the rock-head immediately under the alluvial cover, perhaps at a few feet from the surface, correspond- ing exactly to the depth of the alluvial cover; at the same time, each coal thus found at the rock-head, is found also at a great depth, according to the angle at which the strata of the coal-field dips. Although I have only represented in the section the two great slips or dislocations of the strata which form the three subordinate coal-fields, there are ‘many other dislocations comparatively very small, not only running in a parallel direction with the great slips, but in every various oblique direction. These I have not inserted, as they would only have rendered the section exceedingly intricate, and not easily understood. The section, however, shews the great prominent features connected with the natu- ral phenomena of the coal-field. Fig. 2. Plate IV. represents a horizontal plan:of the Clackmannan- shire coal-field, as if the strata at the rock-head were denuded of the alluvial cover. For the sake of perspicuity I have only represented two of the beds VOL. III. K 146 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. of coal in each of the: iccal fel marked a a. At. ; the same time, all the coals, and all the: very nu- ‘ merous accompanying strata, lie exactly in» the, same situation. This plan represents the Ochill Mountains, with the north coal-field, of a long el- liptical bason-shape, the side next the mountaing. being very steep, and the south, the east and west edges of the bason shelving out at a great distance from the lower part of the bason, which is termed - byminers the Trough. It is therefore evidentythat the coals and accompanying strata in. the north coal- field, dip in every direction to the line of. the » trough. ‘The middle coal-field, which is formed by the great north slip, is only the segment of an el-. liptical bason, as represented in the plan, where the strata dip in every direction to the middle mark- ed x, being the deepest part of the segment. ‘The south coal-field formed by the great south slip, is also the segment of another elliptical bason, similar ” in all respects to the middle coal-field. Beyond the erop of the coals and strata of the south coal-field, the counter dip of the strata takes place, producing | Dunmore coal-field in Stirlingshire, to lie in a diree- — the mantle-shaped form, which causes the coals in the — tion directly contrary to the coals and accompany- — shire. pi: 5 (res olga ' ing strata of the south coal- field of Clackmannan- _ B In order, however, to represent. the effects of — dikes, great slips lying in the line of bearing of the © ? : strata, and of the slips or dislocations in an obliques COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 147 - direction, Fig. 1. Plate VIII. represents an exten- ‘sive district of country, containing a coal-field di- | vided into numerous subordinate coal-fields, by ‘these dislocations. The lines marked 6 are slips; the broad lines marked c represent dikes: the former dislocate the strata, the other, viz. the dikes, only separate the strata the thickness of the dike from each other. The two parallel lines marked a, repre- sent two seams of coal, variously thrown up and down by the slips ; whereas the dikes pass through the strata without altering their position. In this manner, coal-fields extend over a district of country _ to the extent of many miles in every direction. _ _ The only exception which I have observed from. this form of the coal-fields in Great Britain, i is the Inverted Bason-shape, and this comparatively very. seldom occurs: examples of it, however, are to be seen in Fife, and in several districts in England ; but even in extensive coal-fields, the inverted ba- son-form is only a partial occurrence, or a deviation from what we conceive to be the general and or- dinary form. FVig,1. Plate VI. is an example of this formation of the coal-field, as it exists in Staffordshire, at the Castlehill, close to the town of Dudley, upon. which Dudley Castle is built. Through this hill, canals have been cut for working _. the great beds of limestone, and in it immense ex- _ eavations have been made. These beds of lime- stone are found in the lower series of the strata of the coal-field, and of course are to be found at many | K 2 m * 148. COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE, - miles distance from the Castlehill, and beyond the crop and outbursts of all the workable coals in the , — true bason-shaped part of the field ; at the same time, . fi by this inverted bason-form, these beds of limestone are found elevated far above the level of the com- mon surface of the country, and consequently above the level of all the coals. 'The numerous beds of : coal, one of which is of the very great thickness. ~ of 30 feet, lie next the Castlehill, in a conforming situation with the beds of limestone, as represented. in one side of this section. This hill is of an el- liptical form, and the coals are found all around it. Besides the Castlehill thus described, there are two. ~ other hills which, with the-Castlehill, lie ina di- — rect line through the coal-field : These are named Wrensnest Hill and Hurst Hill. Fig. 2. Plate VI. represents Wrensnest Hill, with the same beds of limestone as found in the Castlehill, which have also been wrought to a great extent, by means of a canal cut through the hill, which gave me an © opportunity of examining the internal form of the strata of the hill, as represented in the figure, which are completely mantle-shaped. This hill is also of an elliptical form, and the beds of coal with — their accompanying strata, lie all around it, con- forming with the beds of limestone, cropping to- 3 wards the summit of the hill. From the truncated — : figure of the top of the hill, which is now arable land, it would appear, that at one time it had been ' ¥ i “4 1 a f ny “ a iy are a My aad s rs > COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 149 “much higher; but whether it was ever complete- ly of a conical shape, is now impossible to determine Hurst Hill, which lies to the westward of the two hills before described, is similar in its structure to those already described. Excepting where these hills occur, forming the strata into the inverted ba- son shape, the great Staffordshire coal-field is of the true bason form. The strata betwixt and under the beds of limestone, is named by the miners Bavin. It is a grey-coloured, indurated clay, with a mixture of lime in its composition, and contains numerous small bivalve shells. Plate V. No. 5. is a section of this astonishing coal-field, the upper coal of which is 30 feet thick; and this coal extends seven miles in length and four in breadth. Coals of five and six feet in thickness, are there denominated Thin Coals. — | The whole of the strata connected with the beds of limestone, forming the lower series of the strata of this most interesting coal-field, abound with nu- * merous organic remains of the animal and vegetable kingdoms; in particular, Mollusca, Madrepores, _ Corals, and casts of a singular animal, termed by the miners a Locust, but known to naturalists by the name of Pediculus marinus, or the Dudley Fossil. ‘It is, I believe, only found in that district, and we know of no recent species now existing. ‘There are ’ also numerous bivalve shells ; aud in the slate-clay, . more immediately connected with the coal, are . numerous impressions of Filices, Kquiseta, Reeds, 150 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. and impressions of trees; and in the beds ad- joining these, bivalve shells of ue Mya genus : are found*. We have to remark, that when coals and ih accompanying strata, are found in a situation alto- gether vertical, or nearly so, adjoining primitive or transition mountains, the coals, with their accom- _panying strata, sometimes for a considerable dis- tance, run in a line exactly parallel with the face of the mountains ; and the beds of coal appear to be _ of a true tabular shape, lying evenly or straight within their bounding planes, as is clearly exempli- fied in the Edge-coals, which stretch along the south side of the Pentland Hills, in the vicinity of Edinburgh. We have, however, strong reasons for - concluding, that this tabular form of these beds of coals, extends only in a limited longitudinal direc- ‘tion, conforming with the face of the mountains ; for, after many examinations of the strata of the Mid-Lothian coal-field, Iam led to conclude, that these edge-coals, at the depth of several hundred yards from the surface, deflect or bend southward _ * In making my investigations of this most interesting dis- trict, I was greatly aided by the very polite attention of Fran- cis Downine, Esq. who not only gave me every facility in viewing the mines of coal and of limestone, but communicated e ° ° e : Hf _to me in the most liberal manner, every information connected with my inquiries. It is to him I am indebted for the accurate sections of this mineral field. | ee ae 5 oe ee COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 151. fr a the perpendicular direction, assume the trough _ form in the Valley of the Esk, and there rise to the | ‘surface along the side of the rising ground which “stretches east and west from Dalkeith. These coals rise there at the rate of one in three,and in their qua- lity and thickness have a strong resemblance to the edge-coals pon the north side of the valley. The flat seams presently working in the middle of the valley, have a very moderate rise of from 1 in 7 to 1 in 10, and are of a superior quality compared with the edge-seams. They appear to be a distinct for- mation or upfilling of the deep trough formed as be- fore mentioned by the edge-coals; and I have no doubt; that this trough sweeps round at both extre- mities, and forms along elliptical bason. Fig. 6. Plate V., represents the ideas I have formed of this coal-field. The lines at A and at B, represent the coals ascertained to a certain depth. The dotted fines in continuation, are the supposed direction of the coals forming the bason shape; but. the edge- coals may be formed by a slip or dislocation, as is the case with the Quarrelton Coal, at the slip B, Fig. 2. Plate VIT. From what has been thus stated, and from the sections and plans exhibited in elucidation of the subject in hand, we may legitimately conclude, that all the coal-fields in Great Britain, of the indepen- dent coal formation, are of the bason shape, ‘or are segments of that form: That all beds of coals, and 152 COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. their accompanying strata, consequently rise in alldi- _ rections, till they meet the alluvial cover at the sur- face, or are cut off by slips or dislocations: and that no part of the beds of coal and-their accompanying strata, are of a straight tabular form, excepting in very limited portions, particularly when lying along the face of primitive or transition mountains, as be- fore stated. _ | | The bason form of the coal-fields involves theories which have been brought forward by geologists. This particular form appears to be connected with the form of the mountain-rocks upon which the coal strata rest ; and, perhaps, the great slips or dis- locations, such as are found in the Clackmannan- shire coal-field, one of which produces a dislocation of not less than 410 yards perpendicular, may be oc- casioned also by the form of the mountain-rocks, which, we conclude, lie underneath all the coal stra- ta; and we are warranted to draw this conclusion from what we so distinctly see to be the case, along the faces of mountains adjoining coal-fields. ) ; i Ses ‘ eas «if o- ~{ ia on sae PN wt ‘ aN arent ) + % ! ake et : ih Bay me oh s Co on Swe rn ; ' es \ ray oa i Pe ‘ > = ara ard , J at 8 . N Uc hapalell terete if : A ‘ i 4 4 a eae ; aA a eaet et sad F f ‘ ft r N ay | : A ee ‘ wR : 1 NS sy Woh ' ks vai Ln 4 a y \ te Roles y i 4 On + maya * ui rT ee it j * Wernerian Memows Vot-IIl. P.153. SECTION of CLACKMANNAN South Coal Field Middle Coal Field Vartous Alternation PLATE IV. Fig 1. =e_____ North North Coal Field SUHIURIE from the OCHILL MOUNTAINS to the RIVER FORTH. y ~ Coal Strata None of the Strata have been ascertained lower than / the Seams of cval above inserted. Horizontal .Section of the CLACKMANNAN SHIRE CoaL CouNTRY. Fig +2. Great : North sti Great South slip _ aie Mantle Shaped Strata formed by a Counterdip a Form or Shape of the BLAIRNGONE COAL FIELD. Fig .3. Valley of the Devon RT Le VOR — Sooo Fig 4. _ Section of the line AB. a A ipa Section of the line CD. a a Fig.7.- Sechion of the line AB. y el dees of Woodshill a 2 a Fig .8. Section of the line CD, . Bald M. W. S. Del? W&D. Lizars Sculpt INS to th RIVER FORTH. ——§North ¢ wu Field § inserted . nude of Woodshill, Fig.7- Section of the tne AB. a Fug .8 . Section of the line CD. a a | nes ek a EY ag W.&D. Lizars Sculp . : PLATE V. Warnertan Memoirs Vol. ILPT52£. VERTICAL Section COAL PTHLDS. 3, Quarrelton, Renfrew Shire. N? 4. Brora, Sutherland Shire. N? 5. Dudley Stafford Shire, 1 oon TON Ceo, N? 2. Clackmannan Shire. ; , 3. Fig.1. Fig .3. Fug.4. Pig. 5. Blush coloured sandstone Greenstone Greenstone Coal 30 Feet thick |Merpating Strata of” Coat igen stone & Slate clay Various Alternations of Slaty Clay Sandstone Coal Coal Coal Coal Slate Clay & Ironstone AMternating Strata of sandstone & Slate clay Coal Ferugineus Limes tone Bilummeus Shale Slate Clay with mumerous or= -ganie remuns the Beds av general many yards — Coal WOE Slate clay 27 In. thick im thickness Coal ~oal Y Coal UL Divisvon of the 5 coals Coal Coal late Clay 27 In. thick Coal Alternating Coal Strata Indurated or Fire Coal 15 teet thich Clay alternating with Slate Clay . = (pal aqDos Ny LOSE IL szerion Shewing the Ideas which have been formed of the Shape of the Great Lothtan Coal Field Fig 6. $3> \Pentland Hills \Edge Coals Valley of the Esk » of Lime stone are found in the lower series of Strata under the thick Coals. ai | R Bald MW, S. Delt . : ; . ; We&D. Lizars Seulp? . 1 2 4 2 4 | n ww \ \ | F . therland Shire. Ne. Dudley Stafford Shire. ie Various Alternations of Slaty Clay Sandstone ferugmeus Limes tone taommeus Shale Slate Clay wth numerous or-= -ganie remuns the Beds a general many yards a thickness Coal = ‘oal Indurated or Fire, Clay alternating wilh Slate Clay ° Wwe been wa Coal Freld bE> R. Bak W. &D. Lizars Sculp? PLATE VI. Wernerian Memoirs Vol. il. PR 15¢. SECTION of the Castle-hill of Dudley Statiordstare. Reg 1, SzCTION of Wrens-nest-hill Dudley Stattord-share. « Pig soe STRATUM of Sandstone with portions of tt ot uncommon hardness. Fig. 3. Wad Lies Soulp! Rivaldo Dele tet ®t i Nya’ ON ‘ tyes Tyme nee i iy pu fe gedo| ’ Ai : re wait » Pia road eas WY seg | ae oe Fie bah ow a \ SECTION of the QUARRELLTON COAL im the COUNTY of RENE REV. fa ‘ 7 so sf » 4 = 2 : re * ye * * * ae & “ ae sta Moots bi ceed : oy t PLATE VI. Wernerian Memorws Vol. I. P1155 HORIZONTAL SECTION of a COAL COUNTRY. Fig. 1. Ri. Bald M.W, S. Delt -» GOAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. 153 one It may be convenient to the reader to have the ; a Sections represented in Plates IV. V. VI. VII. and VIIL, here explained in one ta ae view. Prats IV. Fig. l.isa frais of Clackmannanshire from ihe summit of the Woodhill of Alva, one of the Ochill Mountains, southward to the River Forth, the line being nearly at right angles to the general bearing of the strata, comprehend- ing a space of six miles and sixty-three yards. It also contains a section of the beds of coal, and great slips or dislocations of the strata, in so far as they have been ascertained. This sec- tion comprehends the main coal-field of Clack- -mannanshire. _ Fig. 2. is a horizontal section of the Clackmannan- shire coal-fields, shewing their junction with the 4 ge be Ochill Mountains, the direction of the great slips or dislocations, and the form of the coal- fields. Fig 3. is the Blairngone | coal-field, of an entire - bason-shape. ‘Fig. 6. is a plan shewing the effect edited upon a coal-field of a bason-shape, by two slips or dislocations of the strata. Hh * # ‘ 154 COAL-FIELD oF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. PLATE V. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. are vertical sections of coal-fields. No. 1. corresponds with the ordinary arrange- ment of coals in the coal-fields of Great Britain. Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. are sections of coal-fields, which differ much from No. 1. | | Fig. 6. Section of the a coal-ficld of the Lo- thians. PuiateE VI. Fig. 1. Section of the Castlehill, Dudley, Stafford- shire. Fig. 2. Section of Wren’s-nest Hill, Dudley, Staf- fordshire. Fig. 3. Stratum of sandstone, with por art it of uncommon hardness. Puate VII. Fig. 1. Section of the Quarrelton coal, in the coun- ty of Renfrew, shewing the overlapped coal and the double coal, with the thick bed of green- stone overlying the coal-field. a, Alluvial cover. b, Bed of greenstone. c, Alternating ah strata. d, Coals. €, Position of greenstone not ascertained, * COAL-FIELD OF CLACKMANNANSHIRE. ~ 155 J; Strata in which no coals have been found. g, The overlapped coal. h, The double coal. Priate VIII. Fig. 1. is the horizontal section of a coal-country, _ shewing the effects produced by dikes, slips and dislocations of the strata, by which coal-fields are extended over a great district of country, which prevent the coal running out (as it is termed), or dipping to an unfathomable depth. Eprnzurcu, 1st May 1819. ( 156 °) VIL.—Account of some Sandstone Petrifactions found near pata ae By the Rev. James Grirrson, M. D. M. W. S. (Read 16th May 1818.) os My chief object at present is to mention to the Society, some recently discovered sandstone petri- ‘factions which have been found in this neighbour- hood. The occurrence of such substances in our common sandstone quarries is, we know, not un- usual ;—particularly petrifactions of a sort of flat- tened reed, of a gigantic size. These I have fre- quently seen, both in the sandstone of Ayrshire, -and of Mid-Lothian, viz. in the coal formation — sandstone of these districts. The originals of the petrifactions alluded to, are thought by many to have been of the palm tribe. But this, I be- lieve, no one has‘yet fully ascertained. With _ respect to the coal formation in general, it is ob- served by our President, in one of his many inte- resting and valuable publications, that it is well characterized by the great number and variety of its vegetable petrifactions. He informs us, that these are principally of such plants as flourish in SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. 157 marshes and woods, and that they occur abundant- ly in the sandstone of this formation. An instance is given by Habel, in his Natural History of Nassau, of a petrified vegetable stem, as having been seen by him rising 40 feet through coal formation rocks, and measuring a foot in dia- meter at one of its extremities. Now, though the petrifactions to which I allude, are not nearly of so great a length as this, they are of a diameter still greater ; one of them being 3 feet 10 inches in circumference at the thickest extremity. They were found on the 9th of February last, a little way from Harvieston, ten miles to the south of Hdin- burgh, by some workmen, while engaged in making a drain. They were in a horizontal position, imbedded » in amass of what I would call sandy-clay, about 3 feet below the surface. ‘The petrifactions are three in number, and have evidently been the trunks of trees) They were lying with their tops towards the east, and in a conformable position to the strata, which are here coal-sandstone, and dip gently to the west. One.of the trunks is 5 feet 9 inches long; and, as already said, 3 feet 10 inches in cir- cumference at the bottom; it tapers rather sud- denly, being 2 feet 2 inches in girth at the middle, and 1 foot 6 inches at the upper end. About 18 inches from the top, there has issued a large branch. This petrifaction is somewhat flattened or compres-_ sed, as all those generally are, which lie conformably to the strata. It has, when set on end, and viewed -- 158 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS.. ata few yards distance, completely the appearance | of the decayed stump of a tree. From the shape, I should pronounce it an oak; but the bark has ra- ther more of a dotted appearance than is usual in the oak. The large branch going off about 4 feet from the root, strongly characterizes it as the trunk — of a tree. The next largest petrifaction is 2 feet 7 inches long, and 3 feet 1 inch in circumference at the bottom, having much the same appearance on the surface as the first. But the third, which is in length 2 feet 6 inches, and in girth at the bottom, 3 feet 5 inches, has the very appearance of a peeled oak ; in so much, that any person whose eye is fa- miliar with such objects, would at once refer it to this tree. 1a ess hy | The sandstone into which these vegetables have been converted, is rather fine-grained, and so hard as to approach the kind commonly called Quartzy Sandstone. It may be thought rather singular, that the petrifactions themselves should be so much harder a ed Ow Ae Pe Tm ot at oe "ey i es > ———s {a 4 ae ai and more solid than the stratified matter in which | they were imbedded. This, as I said before, is a soft — loose mixture of sand and clay. I remember some years ago, meeting with a petrifaction of this sort, in the firm sand, on the sea-shore, to the west of St Andrew’s, in Fife. It was the stock of a tree seemingly zn situ, about 20 inches diameter, laid bare by the ‘waves, and the roots running nearly horizontally in all directions. It appeared to have been cut over by the surface of the ground. TI can- Ae co oad + SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. 159 not pretend to say, whether the great African De- sart is of the same formation with that in which the petrifactions I have been speaking of are found ; but it appears from travellers, particularly Mr Horne- man, that this immense sandy deposit is, in many places, full of innumerable fragments of petrified wood. ‘Trunks of trees 12 feet in girth are men- tioned : and Horneman says, that though these pe- trifactions are generally black, yet, in some cases, they are ash-grey, and resemble natural wood so en- tirely, that they are sometimes brought in by mis- take for fuel. By what process of Nature does the wood, on such, occasions, disappear, and particles of quartz, cemented by clay, or marl, or other quartz, take its place? This appears to me to be a matter by no means easily accounted for, on any principles at present recognized. And the difficulty is augment- ed in a very high degree, when we adopt the com- monly received doctrine of the mechanical forma- tion of sandstone. For how can we conceive, that small pieces of quartz, so large, however, as to be sufficiently discernible by the naked eye, should make their way into the densest parts of an oak tree, and in time so completcly displace all its woody fibres, as that nothing of these should ap- pear, but the whole become a uniform mass of these little pieces of quartz, connected together as before stated ? We cannot admit, certainly, that a parti- cle of sand, or piece of quartz, so large as to be vi- ~~. 160 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. sible by the naked eye, should at once make its way into the interior of the wood, and there take up its residence, accompanied or followed by other pieces of the same kind. No expansion of the vegetable pore that we can conceive, would be adequate to allow this. And, therefore, if the petrifaction of the wood takes place by means of the gradual accumulation and cementation of particles of sand already form- ed; or, in other words, small pieces of quartz al- ready formed, we must suppose the process to go on in some such manner as the following. The wood dissolves in the surrounding medium, whatever that medium may be; and there can be no doubt, that the outer parts of it, as being most exposed to the action of the medium, will dissolve first. The par- ticles of sand then take the places of the particles of the wood, and are deposited exactly in the same situation. Moreover, we must suppose, that they are at the same time fixed together by the cement, be this what it will, clay, or marl, or other quartz ; for, if that were not the case, how could the places — of the sandy particles be so exactly preserved? But if they are cemented together as soon as they are deposited, a close coating of sandstone will thus be formed all around the tree ; and how shall the inte- rior of it afterwards be petrified ? The particles of sand can no longer reach it. ‘They cannot make their way through the sandstone already formed. And though we might thus, in some sort, see how a thin coating of sandstone might be deposited * SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. 161 round a piece of wood, or other organized matter, we cannot possibly see how the inner part of it should be petrified. But when we inspect the pe- trifactions of which I am speaking, we find the in- ner parts of them equally solid, and equally con- verted into stone with the exterior :—nay, if any difference, more so. It also appears to me, to be difficult to apprehend how the particles of sand should penetrate the lower parts of the wood equal- ly with the upper, contrary to the law of gravity ; though, perhaps, the principle of pressure may help _ us out here. But if we reject the opinion of sandstone being a mechanical deposit, and conceive it to be a chemi- cal precipitate, in the same way as some other stony substances undoubtedly are, then, I think, the ex- planation of sandstone petrifactions, though by no means divested of difficulty, will be very much fa- cilitated. For, on the supposition that the quartzy or siliceous matter of which the particles of sand- _ stone are composed, were dissolved in a fluid, then _ we can more readily form an idea of the manner in which thissolution, having penetrated the wood, might _ there precipitate its contents, and so produce the _ appearances we observe. And though even here a o difficulty presents itself, (for what becomes of the car- e m and other indestructible parts of the vegetable ?) _ yet the difficulty is not, I think, so great as when we suppose the mechanical formation of the sandstone. Wa keow that all the different parts of wood ex-_ VOL. HI. Bb 162 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. cept the carbon, can be resolved into gaseous bodies, and even it, by combining with oxygen, becomes gaseous also. In this way, therefore, the vegetable matter may all escape, andthe quartzy or siliceous take its place. And if it be asked, whence the carbon should receive the oxygen, to render 2 ga- seous, or to form carbonic acid ? the answer is ob- vious—from the water; for water seems always to be present during the petrifying process. Few, I believe, will now be startled at the idea of sandstone being a chemical deposit. Our Pre- sident’s two ingenious papers, “ On the Mineralogy of the Pentland Hills,” and “ On Conglomerated Rocks,” published several years ago in the Memoirs of this Society, have rendered it familiar to us, and have, I think, proved that sandstone is, in some in- stances at least, a chemical ‘deposit. The Profes- sor has there shewn, that what have been taken for fragments of previously existing rocks cemented by a basis, are in fact contemporaneously formed con- eretions, as much as the masses of felspar, of quartz and of mica in granite, or of the quartz itself in granular quartz, and other crystalline rocks. I shall not attempt to go over the ingenious arguments by which this position is made out, and by which it is shewn to be very highly probable, that grey-wacke — also and trap-tuff, and in maw@y cases sandstone, as ' well as conglomerated rocks of the primitive class, _ such as granite, gneiss, mica-slate, porphyry,and lime- stone, have had a chemical origin, and’ are not, ‘ae 7 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. 163 has been commonly thought, made up of water- worn or fractured pieces agglutinated by a basis. ‘I shall only observe, that one of the strongest of _ these arguments appears to me to be the gradual _ passage of the apparent fragments into the basis by which they appear to be cemented; and_ this, I think, indeed, so ‘strong, that scarcely any thing more is wanted. But as abundance of evidence can .do no harm, I would take the liberty to suggest, that the occurrence of petrifactions in the situation of those I have before described, seems to me to form an additional proof of the correctness of Mr Jameson’s opinion. I have at- tempted to shew, that these appearances may be accounted for on the hypothesis of sandstone being -a chemical deposition, but that they are quite mex- plicable, on the supposition of its being a mechani- eal formation. ‘Now, the argument stands thus: Sandstone petrifactions do occur; but these cannot have been formed mechanically. They must, there- fore, have been formed chemically ; and hence sand- stone has, in them at least, had a chemical origin. But if it has had a chemical origin in one instance, it may have had the same in another. The importance of the study of petrifactions will not now be disputed. For as it was owing to the observation of these in the strata in which they oc- eur, that people were first led to speculate on the manner on which these strata must have been form- ed, (and hence our different Theories of the Karth,) L3 164 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. so it is only by the study of petrifactions that we are likely to be able to account for the formation of strata, or to ascertain the relative ages of the mineral masses of the crust of the earth. If there had | not existed any petrifactions or fossil remains of or- ganized bodies, it is not easy to see how a theory of the earth should ever have been thought of. Philo- sophers would naturally have rested satisfied (as the vulgar do,) with the notion that all things were ori- ginally formed in the state in which they now are. But when they observed the remains of organized bodies in situations in which, beforehand, they could — not have been expected to be; when they ob- served sea-shells many hundred miles distant from the sea, and some thousands of feet above its level ; when they found those and other fossil remains — many fathoms below the surface of the ground, and imbedded in vast masses of solid mountain rock; nay, when the remains of animals were discovered, of which no prototypes now appear, or whose species. we have every reason to conclude have been long ago extinguished ; what philosopher would not spe- culate on the causes of such surprising effects ? Hence arose, as I already noticed, our various theo- ries of the earth. But it was the celebrated WER- NER, the great Founder, we may say, of Experimen- tal Mineralogy, that first pointed out with precision, the importance of the study of the fossil remains of © organized bodies, towards enabling us to arrive at — any thing like a rational theory. It was he who > SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. 165 first observed,—and the observation is of the utmost importance,—that different petrifactions characterise different Formations. But on this subject I shall not at present enlarge, as I may, perhaps, at a future period, trouble the society with some observations on it in a different shape. Cuvier has done much in this department, and apparently without knowing what Werner had done before him. He has demonstrated, not only that, without the existence of petrifactions or extraneous fossils, we never could have known, or in all proba- bility never would have suspected, that there were successive formations or depositions of the strata and other enormous masses which compose the crust of the Globe ; but that by observing these, we pursue the track which is alone likely to conduct us to a knowledge of the causes of these depositions: Or rather (in more precise language, perhaps), which is likely to lead us to the knowledge of the real order of their succession. © It is his opinion, however, that other causes be- sides those which we at present observe to operate in nature, must have then existed. But this is evi- dently giving up the question ; it evidently amounts to the assertion, That the laws of the physical world were formerly different from what they now are. And if so, then I am afraid we never can under- stand how these laws operated. It is the same thing as to tell us, that petrifactions were formed, we 166 SANDSTONE PETRIFACTIONS. know not how. For a law of nature different from any that we at present know, is, I apprehend, to all intents and purposes, the same thing to us as no law at all. On this principle, therefore, we must for ever despair of being able to account for petrifica- tions; or to refer them to any lawof nature now known to exist. With all deference, however, to this very great man, I would not so readily abandon the hope that the presently existing laws of nature may be found sufficient, under certain modifications, to ac- count for all the phenomena we observe. I would not yet say with him, that “ in physical history the “ thread of operation is here broken, the march of “ Nature is changed, and none of the agents that « she now employs were sufficient for the produc- “tion of her ancient works.” I would rather join with him ina hope which he elsewhere expresses; «that a Newton may arise in Natural History as ~ “well as in Astronomy,” and think it probable that some principle, as little suspected of the pewer of doing so, as Gravity once was of the power of explaining the planetary motions, may one day enable us to explain all the phenomena of Geology. At any rate, let us not too hastily cut the Gordian knot, especially after M. Cuvier himself has done — so much towards enabling us to untie it. % hd PLATE TX. LL? 164, Wernertanr Mem’ Vol. “AWM MUN OVW Aa LAMY ep SY * S Ji mo Ne a wi =) NR cnwiresinn ll ( DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMIA SAGULATA. 167 earded ; tail not ‘ black hairs, clavi- back y ell clothed with bub, the respects ; ail, and the 0 dy. Though it be found i in oreat numbers e forests of Deme- rary, it appears to have hitherto escaped the notice of our writers on natural history. The skin of the face is black; and there are a few straggling hairs of the same colour on the -/168 DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMIA SAGUDATA. cheeks and lips. The hair on the scalp divides, as in _ man, at the crown, whence it passes down in every direction ;—a circumstance not common in the mon- key tribe. A small tuft of hair rises from the up- per part of the nose for about! half an inch, and meets the descending hair of the front. A bushy beard of glossy black hair descends from below the ears, and clothing the sides of the face, meets below the chin. The nose is slightly prominent; the nostrils are placed flatly on the face, at its base, and present circular apertures. The canine teeth are very large and strong. The ears are naked,, black, thin, lie flat on the head, and in oF resemble the corre- pean human-orgamg. 8 le | The fur is thickly set on the pode ' the si and its general colour may be reckoned black. ‘lhe head and tail are of & jetty blackness. The lower parts of the body of a nearly similar tint. The four extremities, with the exception of the backs of the hands, are blackish-brown ; but the shoulders and back present a strong contrast to the other parts, and give this animal the appearance of being covered with a jacket ; from which the proposed tri- vial name is derived. ‘The colour is brightest on the shoulders, where it is intermediate between wood-brown ‘and yellowish-brown ; and, on the back — and sides, passes into the latter. The back of each hand is of a ferruginous brown, as in the Preacher monkey. The fingers of all the extre. mities are very slender; and the thumbs the small- DESCRIPTION OF THE SIMIA SAGULATA. 169 est and least powerful of all the phalanges. The nails are much compressed, and sharp-pointed. The tail is long, but not prehensile. It is thick- ly covered all round with jet black hairs, and is club-shaped, or thickest toward the extremity. ‘The tip of the tail in the Simia Beelzebub, is reddish- brown, in which it differs from this species. This description is equally applicable to five dif- - ferent specimens brought to this country in 1817, by my friend Charles Edmonston, Esq. from the _ anterior of the colony of Demerary. ° ° e ° Dimensions of Simia sagulata. Feet. Inches, From the point of the nose to shoulder over Pie cromioreie head,...,4..... isi 6.0... 1 ae, From shoulder to root of tail,...............00008 ja pes | Length of the tail,......... Bing 0 lt ly Bi ea Q Ill Circumference of it ers, ree noe 4 Height of shoulders when the palms are at the ground, about................ ees Length of hair on shoulders and beard, about 0 — 1 Baia, tails SOW be cine nny oostihors ap ener iw 1 % \ 170 ACCOUNT OF A NEW SPECIES OF FELIS. IX.— Description of a New Species of Felis from Guyana. | : By Tuomas Stewart Trait, M.D. F.R.S.E. M’G.S. &e. ~ (Read 27th November 1819. ii Fex1s Unicotor.—SprotLess Car. (PI. ix.) Cuar. SPECIF. Felis cauda elongata ; toto corpore immacilato, ex fusco rubescente. ae Cat with a long tail; the whole body spotless, and of a clear reddish- brown colour. AX comparison of the character just given, and that of the Puma in our best systematic authors, might lead to a suspicion that there is but little dif-’ ference between the two animals. This, however, is’ a consequence of the imperfection of the systematic” character usually prefixed to descriptions of the Pu- ma. In the Gmelinian Edition of Linnzus, the lat- ter is defined, “ £elis cauda elongata, corpore im- maculato fulvo ;? to which Shaw has added, “ subtus “ albido ;” and Brisson characterizes it as, “ Felis “ew flavo rufescens, mento et infimo ventre albi- W Rernerian Memoirs VoL. Li? paie. PLATE xX SSS ‘\; hiNy i 1) (I UU Wat \ Zo a W & 31( > <= = ewrmont D. Lizars Secu ip t Tite SPOTLESS CAT. fc FELIS UNICOLOR 2 ih 7 1 \ i ‘ i He é ie ” ‘ sh n a 4 \ ry ACCOUNT OF A NEW SPECIES OF FELIS. 171 “ cantibus.” At the time when these general cha- racters were given, it might have been objected, that they did not sufficiently distinguish the Puma from the lioness ; but the discovery of the animal now under consideration, renders the definition as unap- propriate, as the trivial name concolor, imposed on the Puma by Linnezus. ‘This designation has been altered by Shaw; but to prevent the confusion which might arise from the application of any name, already appropriated by the illustrious author of the Systema Nature, to a new species, I-propose to give this the trivial name unicolor, as expressive of its ~ remarkable uniformity of colour. The general hue of this new species, is a beauti- ful glossy reddish-brown. ‘The colour of the whole " upper part of the body, including the head and tail, has a considerable resemblance to that of a very dark ~ bay horse ; ‘the tint becomes gradually paler on the sides and under part of the neck, and passes by im- __ perceptible shades into an ochry brown on the belly. When closely examined, the darker colour of the - back is partly owing to an intermixture of blackish brown hairs with the rest of the fur. The hair over the body is rather short, like that usually seen on a smooth Spanish pointer. The only species of felis with which this animal can be confounded, is the Puma; but a short comparison will shew, that they are totally different. ‘The specimen from which this description is drawn up, was brought from De- - : 172 ACCOUNT OF A NEW SPECIES OF FELIS. ©. merary, by my friend Charles Edmonston, Esq. who, during a residence of near forty years in that part of. America, has devoted a considerable portion of his time to the practical study of Zoology. He repre- sents this as a full grown animal. ‘The recent skin had been very well stuffed by the person who killed the animal*; and a comparison of its dimensions with that of a Puma prepared by the same ‘individ- ual, will serve to mark the difference between the two species. ke Heigl Spotless Cat. Puma. Ft. In. Ft. In. Length of the body from nose to tail,...2 85 4.9 Lecftath. of the, tatlyk isi sc5 Ther constmc oye gee 1.8 (ee Toenetlof thor ib . .. <5 parton 0,62 Oddi, Extreme: Len ett is ob pe neserig Saag crop of white-feathers grow out; and that those | which previously existed in a mottled colour, also become white. Therefore I infer, that the colour in this instance may both accompany the growth of some, and be changed after it has actually been exhibited upon the substance of other feathers.° — The. mottled-ashed colour of the spring-crop of feathers, probably accompanies their growth, which takes place whilst the winter or white plumage is casting off; and the autumnal crop seems to become white from both processes, viz. the one forming with the feather, the other after it has been matured. Mr Whitear’s observations, therefore, may not, on reflection, seem so novel as they appear. at first sight; for no remark is more common, than that the plumage of birds and coats of animals inhabiting Arctic Regions, become thicker and whiter on. the approach of winter, without either feathers or sii being shed at this period. Respecting the changes of fintpasied in Sa ay some good remarks will be found in the same volume - of the Linnean Transactions, by Captain Sabine, PLUMAGE IN HEN-BIRDS. 905 who accompanied the late expedition to Greenland. As the colour of the feathers of many birds, in win- ter and summer, is still involved in much confusion, sO we may suppose, when the same bird is some- times described as two distinct species (Tringa, Cinelus and Alpina, were described as distinct spe- cies, until Montagu shewed them to be the same bird, in its winter and summer plumage) ; and as the changes peculiar to the plumage of certain female birds, seem not to have met with a sufficient: share of attention, I have dwelt longer upon the subject than I had intended ; and now quit it with the hope, that some other person will more satisfactorily prose- cute the investigation, by making an addition of other facts and observations to those which I have been enabled to collect. | Age of Domestic Fouls. Some inferences may perhaps be drawn from the foregoing remarks as to the age of fowls. Natural his- toriansseem tohave greatly overlooked this point. Al- drovandus, however, supposed, that the domestic fowl seldom or never exceeded ten years of age. In the instances given of Mrs Adams’s hens, one lived to the age of thirteen, and the other to fifteen years, and both were killed. ~ Mr Corham’s hen died a natural death, in the fifteenth or sixteenth year of her age. 206 CHANGE OF PLUMAGE IN HEN-BIRDS. Professor Jameson, in his lectures, gives a well: attested instance from the writings of Tiedemann, of a domestic cock which lived twenty-five years. 9 The computed age of a fowl, correspondent to that of man, whose days are said to be three score years and ten, I. would average at 15 years, viz. as about 1 to 5, or 15 to 72. Most fowls would probably die under that age,. by accident or disease ; but some few may live to the extraordinary age of 25, as old Parr lived to 152, and Henry Jenkins (both of whom died in the county of York) to 169 years of age. yaeet' fies T opivaay t viel ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 207 XII.—Account of some Fossil Remains of the Beaver, (Castor Fiber LE.) found in Perthshire Pht Berwickshire, proving that that animal was formerly a native of Scotland. By the Secretary. (Read 1st May 1819.) Ty. has generally been believed, that the beaver was once indigenous to different. parts of Britain, particularly Wales and Scotland. I shall first no- tice the evidence of the existence, in former times, of the beaver in Wales; for, in this way, as will presently appear, some light may be thrown on the question of its having likewise been one of the na- tive quadrupeds of Scotland. — | _ The earliest written authority on this subject, is contained in a document of the 9th century, which has been published in the Leges' Wallice of Dr Wotton. In Book iii. § 11, 12. of the Laws of 908 ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. Hywel Dha, where the prices of furs are regulat- ed, The Marten’s skin is valued at................-. 24d. The Otter’s (Ddyfrgi or Lutra) at............. 12d. The Beaver’s (Llosdlydan or Castor) at no less than 120 d. or at five times the price of the marten’s fur, and ten times the price of the otter’s. It thus appears, that the beaver was then ‘hunted in Wales for the sake of its fur; that this skin was held in high estimation; and that the beaver had already, before the close of the 9th century, become a scarce animal in this country. The next authority is contained in the “ tine. rarium Cambrie” of Giraldus de Barri. This wri- ter, it may be remarked, made his journey into Wales, towards the end of the 12th century, as the attendant of Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, whose zeal led him personally to excite the Welch- men to join in the projected crusades. That Giral- dus was inclined to be an observer of nature, is prov- ed by the single fact, that when he arrives on the confines of the river Teivi in Cardiganshire, he im: mediately makes a long digression on the natural history of the beaver. Although he rehearses some of the exploded fables of the ancients, yet other parts of his account are very accurate, and may be consi- dered as bearing the marks of a description made from actual observation. In the simple and bold language of a man who knew the truth of what he was- writing, he says of the Teivi, ‘ Inter uni- ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 209. versos Cambrie seu etiam Llegriz fluvios, solus hic castores habet ;” and adds, “ In Albania quippe, ut fertur, fluvio similiter unico habentur, sed rari *.” We may perhaps infer from this cautious mode of expression, that the author intended to contrast the nature of his evidence, and to intimate, that the fact previously mentioned depended on surer grounds, or on his own observation. But the very cautiousness of the language in which the report relative to Al- bania is repeated, ought, perhaps, to increase our re- liance on-its authenticity. It would appear, there- fore, that in the 12th century, the beaver probably ‘ still existed in Scotland, but was then a scarce ani- mal. ‘The! first of the native incor and Midori _ans of Scotland whose works assumed a printed form, and have come down to us, is Hector Boece, who _wrote his Description and History towards the end of the 15th century. After describing the dimen- sions of Loch Ness, he says, “ Ad lacus latera, propter ingenta nemora ferarum ingens copia est, cervorum, equorum indomitorum, capreolorum : ad hee, marterelle, fovine ut vulgo vocantur, vulpes, mustele, fibre lutreeque, incomparabile numero, quo- Tum tergora extere gentes ad luxum immenso pretio ; ‘coémunt . ” Here the fibri are enumerated with _ such perfect confidence among the other quadrupeds whose furs were in request for exportation, that we (MOLI. O * Itin. Camb. lib. ii. cap. 3. + Boethius, Scot. Hist. 210 on THE sian OF BOORL/AND. damit that beavers were still to be found at Loch — , Ness, i in the time of the author. But the “ incom- parable number” of Boethius, may well stagger our belief; and forms a singular contrast with the “ single river” and “rarity” mentioned by Giraldus wiikey centuries before. Sh It may further be remarked, that Bellenden, i in ‘the translation of Boethius which he undertook (probably about the year 1536) at the request of King James V., while he omits the cervi, ‘capreoli, and even the lutra, mentions bevers without the pact hesitation. His words are: “ ne great price amang uncouth (foreign) etal Ne ui It must be confessed, however, that the ackine & of the translation, as evinced by the very. passage in question, detracts from the conclusiveness of Bellen- 4 den’s testimony; for it seems at least fully ¢ as proba- ‘ble that there’ were fallow-deer and roes in the fo- rests of Loch Ness, as that there were wild horses there ; ang it admits of no doubt whatever cc ot- for they ai are so to this day. od " After dihgent inquiry, I have not ih * Bellenden, Croniklis of Scotland. igh or Y THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 211 has i, P surca in the neighbourhood of Loch _ What is more remarkable, 1 in the extensive tions along the line of the Caledonian Canal, iverness to Corpach, and in the course of leepen: ng, ‘by means of a dredging-machine, the 5 d. of Loch Dochfour, no bones of the beaver have a enue The accuracy both of Boece and of Bellenden seems to be strongly impugned by this important fact, that no mention of beavers occurs in any of the public records of Scotland now extant.. In an act dated June 1424, c. 22. * Of the custome of fur ingis,” - mertricks, fowmartes (pole-cats), otters, and tods, are specified; but not a word is said of beavers, although these, had they existed, must * h ave been the most valuable of all, not only for ~ their furs, but for the substance called castor, which in those days still retained its repute asa medicine. As it is pretty plain from their writings, that nei- ther the historiographer nor his translator had the sli y htest claim to the character of being naturalists, and as both give abundant proofs of their nationali- ty, in boasting beyond measure of the products of r yee country, it may be considered as not improba- ble that the beaver had been exterminated in Scot- Pana before their time, although the tradition re- garding its existence in former days was so strong and general, as to lead them to enumerate it with- out hesitation among the wild animals of the coun- try. Oo 2 a ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. Sir Robert Sibbald does not, on this topic, s show any of that precision, and zeal for inquiry, which: characterize many other parts of his writings. ath contents himself with referring to Boece, in prool of the beaver having formerly been found i in Scotland, and adds, with seeming indifference, «“ An nune zt periatur nescio *.” Te! No modern writer on the natural history of Scot- land, seems to have examined the subject. The. late Dr Walker, Professor of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, in his “ Mammalia Scotica +,” merely says, that beavers formerly ex- isted in this country, but are not now to be found. » In his lectures, however, the Doctor used to men-— tion, that the Scots Highlanders still retai: a ye ; dition, a peculiar Gaelic name for the animal. - 3 In order to satisfy myself with regard to the va- — lue of this traditionary evidence, I applied to the venerable and learned Dr Stuart of Luss,—a gen- tleman distinguished both as a naturalist anda C el. 9 tic scholar,—and the friend and fellow traveller ¢ lof... Pennant and of Lightfoot in their principal exeur- sions through Scotland. From him I received a confirmation of Dr Walker’s statement, that 1 he { ancient Gaelic name of the beaver is still known t the Highlanders in the remote western districts of (eae * Scotia Ilustrata, Pars II. lib. iii p- 10. ) a or , + Posthumous Essays on Natural History &e. edited by Mr Charles Stewart. a aka > 94 = ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 213 and. “ The name (says the Doctor) is Los- a riv a] from los, the tail, point or end of a hi ing, and leathan, broad ; or Dobhran losleathan, the broad-tailed otter.” The similarity between this Gaelic name, handed down by tradition to the 19th century, and the Welsh name (Llosdlydan) recorded in the Leges Wallice of the 9th century, is very striking: the etymology of the names is evi- dently the same; and indeed they may be regarded - as identical. Dr Stuart adds, that he recollects & “to have heard of a tradition among the Highland- ers, which he thinks is probably still preserved in the country, that the “ beaver or broad-tailed otter onee abounded in Lochaber.” I have now to state, that the evidence, written and traditionary, which has just been detailed, tend- ing to show that beavers formerly inhabited .Scot- land, has received the most ample confirmation, from the occurrence of unaltered fossil remains of _ the animal on two occasions ; first to the north, and next to the south of the Forth. _. The first instance I have to mention, occurred a _ good many years ago. From an entry in the mi- nutes of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, dated 16th December 1788, it appears, that “ Dr Farquharson presented to the Society the fossil skeleton of the head and one of the haunch-bones of a beaver,” dug up in Perthshire. These bones are still preserved in the Museum of the Society ; and I was liberally allowed to examine them, and 214 ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLRND. | compare them with others. cranium is gone ; and the svonkasteliaaae it eft a orbit is shattered ; a part of one side of the lower jaw-bone is likewise broken ; of the incisores, only some remains of those of the lower jaw now exist. The “ haunch-bone,” or left os innominatum of the pelvis, is quite entire. All the bones are dyed of a deep chocolate-colour.. From the state of the su- tures of the cranium, and from the size of the bones of the nose, which are complete, this animal appears ~ % to have been of full growth, but not aged. ban The remains were found in the parish of Kin. loch, near the foot of the Grampian _ Mountains. The Loch of Marlee, on the property of Mr Far- quharson of Invereauld, is the last or lowest of a series. of small lakes, extending almost from Dun- keld to Blairgowrie, nearly in the direction of the high road between these places, This loch had been partly drained, for the sake of the marl which it contained. In one of the marl-pits on the mar- gin of this loch, under a covering of peat-mdss be- tween five and six feet thick, the beaver’s skeleton. # was discovered. The bones already mentioned, be- ing the firmest and most perfect, were found by the workmen ; and being accidentally seen by Dr Far- quharson, were carried by him to Edinburgh, and presented, as already mentioned, ‘to the Antiqua- rian Society. Tn a neighbouring marl-pit, a pair of deer’s horns, of large dimensions, and branched, were found near- ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 215 ly at the same time; and, along with these, two *leg-bones, so deeply grooved as to appear like dor ble bones.” These last, it has been suggested to me by Dr Barclay, were probably the metatarsal Be bones of a large species of deer, which appears to have been contemporary with the beaver, and per- | haps to have been exterminated much about the same | period with that animal. __ The second instance occurred so lately as October 1818, on the estate of Kimmerghame, in the parish of Edrom, near the head of that district of Ber- wickshire called the Merse. Since this estate was acquired by the present proprietor Mr Bonar, bank- er in Edinburgh, he has made important improve- ments. In the course of these, he drained a mo- rass called Middlestot’s Bog. Under the peat-moss here, a layer of shell-marl occurs, varying in thick- s from four to eight feet. Different marl-pits have been opened; and in one of these, the re- : main ins of the beaver were found. They were si- tuated at the depth of seven feet from the surface, under a layer of peat-moss of that thickness. It is remarked in a letter from Mr Thomas Dickson, _overseer at Kimmerghame, to Mr Bonar junior (who took a lively interest in this investigation), that a layer of a kind of loose whitish substance, erally occurs between the bed of compact peat- oss and the bed of marl. From a specimen sent inburgh, this substance appears to consist of ral musci which grow in marshy situations, 7 Des 216 | ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. much decayed, but among which Sphagnum latifo- lium, 8. capillifolium, and Hypnum cuspidatum can be readily distinguished. The bones of the beaver were imbedded partly in this loose and spongy mate ter, and partly in the marl below. Only the hard bones of the cranium and face, and the jaw-bones, . retained enough of their firm texture to fit them for being removed and preserved in a dry state. Around these, however, dispersed in rather a pro- miscuous manner, were many bones, which, from their size and appearance, evidently belonged to the same animal. Several of the long bones and ver- tebre, while they remained zn situ, seemed perfect ; ) but on being touched, they were found to be nearly in a state of dissolution; and though some were _ carefully taken out, they speedily mouldered down on being exposed to the air, and becoming dry. The apparent dislocation of the skeleton is not to be ascribed to violence, but to the gradual SCD tion of the parts by unequal subsidence. The ap- pearance of the marl, in which delicate sh Is, of the genera Lymnea and Succinea, could be traced, , indicates a long continued state of tranquillity. Mr Bonar junior having carried the skull we 4 lower jaw-bone to Edinburgh, presented them ii. Professor Jameson, for the College Museum ; and at his request I have drawn up this notice. Nia. Bonar subsequently transmitted specimens of the ed different layers of the peat-moss, and of the vege- table remains | which - occur in it, and also of the _ ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 217 Among the vegetable remains, common fil- its, or at least the shells of the nuts, were abundant. A large specimen of Boletus suberosus s0 greatly resembled the hoof of some animal, that i. it had been laid aside as such by the workmen; but the tubes and pores are sufficiently distinct to afford characters. ‘The overseer mentions in his letter, that the fossil-wood which is found, is “ prin- cipally birch and alder; with some oak, though not much of it; but no kind of fir-cones have been ob- served.” Mr Bonar has in his possession a pair of horns belonging to the large species of deer already men- tioned, of great size, and with fine antlers, found in the same marl-pit, and near the same spot, only N vo days before the occurrence of the beaver’s re- mains. “The head of the beaver from Berwickshire is in a much more perfect state than that from Perth- shire. The cranium and bones of the face are en- tire; so is the lower jaw-bone ; all the four incisores are perfect, retaining the peculiar kind of coloured enamel which clothes the outer half of the circum- _ ference of the tooth; the cutting edges remain fully as sharp as in recent specimens from Hudson’s Bay. “The molares are also complete: It is considered as Imost characteristic of the beaver that the grinders re Wi thout distinct fangs; but in this specimen, ‘o0t-like b: as 28 are seen projecting from some of the teeth, through ‘their sockets into the orbits. The 218 ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. — bones are dyed of a brownish hue, but not > nearly i x erlor ena- pe so dark as those from Perthshire: the ex mel above mentioned, which in recent specimens of a brownish-yellow or dull orange coleany) has bes come almost jet black. ste a haw? ” On comparing these fossil heads scishaniele ones from Hudson’s Bay and Canada, in the possession of Professor Jameson and of Dr Barclay, it appears that they all belong to the same species of Castor; but although there seem to be no sufficient specific distinctions, it may be mentioned, that the two fos- sil specimens have a greater resemblance to each other in general shape and proportions, than to any of four recent specimens with which they have been compared. In the fossil specimens, in particular, the nasal bones are proportionally larger than the: same parts in the recent specimens. . Both the fossil heads appear to have clasgell to full grown animals. This opinion rests on two grounds: 1, On a comparison, in regard to general dimensions, with recent specimens from Hudson’s Bay, brought home by Mr Auld of Leith, and known to have belonged to full grown beavers ; and, 2. On the state of the sutures and ridges of the cranium. In the Perthshire specimen, the squa- mous sutures of the parietal bones are partly ob- literated; and in the Berwickshire gy i 7 though these sutures are distinct, yet the crest Ho 2 ridge between the two temporal muscles, in the course of the sagittal suture, is considerably raised ;, ‘i ON THE BEAVERS OF SCOTLAND. 919 and in the Hudson’s Bay skulls, both these charac- ters are known equally to indicate the adult or per- fect state. Neither of the fossil skulls, however, had belonged to an old animal; for, in a Canadian specimen in Dr Barclay’s collection, not only are several of the sutures nearly obliterated, but the component pieces of the cuneiform bone, and the - cuneiform process of the occipital bone, are united ; _ while in both the fossil specimens, the divisions re- main evident; circumstances which satisfactorily show that this Canadian specimen had been older than any of the others, although it is certainly not of larger dimensions. The Scottish specimens, it may be remarked, seem very much to agree with a fossil beaver’s head described and figured by M. Cuvier, in his “ Re- cherches sur les Ossemens fossiles de Quadrupédes,” vol. iv. sect. De rongeurs fossiles, This specimen was found by M. Traullé, in a peat-moss in the moles of the Somme in Picardy. The same peat- arerded, as with us, large horns of deer. ip ‘igen 220 ON THE ROCKS OF SANDSIDE PPA i fe er XIIL.—On the Rocks of Sandside in Caithness. By Professor JAMESON. ¢ > (Read 24th December 1819.) , “e Tas crust of the earth is almost entirely compo- sed of five simple minerals, viz. Quartz, Felspar, Mica, Limestone, and Hornblende*. These, ei- ther variously aggregated, or in simple unmixed masses, form the various kinds of mountain-rocks. All the other simple minerals described in Systems of Mineralogy, occur in comparatively small quan- tities, distributed through these mountain-rocks, in the form of beds, veins, imbedded masses, disse- minated, or in drusy cavities. Of the five simple minerals already enumerated, the most generally and widely distributed are quartz and felspar; lime- stone is more abundant than mica and hornblende iae “ Under this title I also include, in a geognostic sense, IN CAITHNESS. 991 nd therefore these two latter are the least frequent. Quartz, which is probably the most abundant mi- neral in nature, is met with in all the rock-forma- tions, from granite to the newest alluvial deposites ; and in many regions, in the form of quartz-rock, ‘sandstone, gravel and sand, it occupies districts of immense extent. This quartz-rock passes into oneiss, mica-slate, porphyry and granite; and sand- stones which, in a general view, are to be considered as members of the quartz series, also occasionally pass into granite. This transition of quartz or sand- stone into highly crystallized rocks of the nature of granite, although very interesting, has not hi- therto been much noticed by geologists. I shall therefore now lay before the Society a short ac- count of an appearance of this description which oc- curs in Sandside Bay, on the north-west corner of Caithness. | _ The Bay of Sandside is situated in the parish of Reay, and near the confines of Sutherland. It is open to the north; but on the south there are se- veral low rugged hills, and on the east and west precipitous sea-cliffs. Three rivulets flow into the bay; one on the east is named Isald ; the second, in the middle, is Reay-burn ; and the western, the Burn of Sandside. We walked several miles up the burn of Sandside, and found the rocks in every “place where we had an opportunity of examining = to be syenite, granite, hornblende-rock and 299 ON THE ROCKS OF SANDSIDE gneiss. -Of these the syenite appeared to bet he most abundant. The granite occurred in veins and masses in the syenite; and the gneiss was only observable in large and small cotemporaneous masses imbedded in the syenite, The hornblende-rock; like the gnei s. did not appear forming regular beds or strata, only disposed in masses imbedded in the sy Many blocks of red-sandstone, and of granitic con- glomerate, were observed in the’ bed and on the sides of the burn, but we did not discover them 2 in situ. We crossed eastwards over some low hills: of syenite and gneiss, to Reay Burn, and traced it to” its termination in the bottom of the bay. - Every al where in its bottom, sides, and neighbourh ood where, rocks could be seen, these were iti, it with hornblende-rock and gneiss. by beds or masses of the syenite, liad a ieee wh conglomerated structure, from the numerous rouen¢ ish, blunt and pap angeles aan of hori e- and Bollea Ria the east ‘ide of the bay,, dee Isald Burn; but, owing to the deep: cover of | i blowing sand, we did not discover any consider; fixed rocks, until near the mouth of the bur, when strata of grey quartzy sandstone, slate-clay, often inclining to clay-slate, and coarse grey ecules Ie fl Be frequently variously convoluted, made their apj ance. ‘These strata continued to the extremit the bay, where they formed lofty precipices a cliffs, facing the Pentland Frith. * ae Phi * See IN GAITHNESS. 223 ~ On walking up the course of the burn, a bed of syenite was observed rising from under the lime- stone; and, in the limestone, were numerous por- tions of the syemte, varying from the size of a fist to several feet'in diameter. The syenite con- tains much hornblende, with flesh-red felspar, small scales of mica, and grains of grey quartz. The limestone resting on it, and intermixed with it, is tid, and’ contains small disseminated grains of Hiolksayritd Farther up the burn, the syenite, in several places, assumes the conglomerated charac- ter. There are two varieties of this conglomerate : in the one, the ovoidal and roundish masses are con- nected together by a basis of smaller granular syenite; in the other, they are immediately joined together, without any basis or ground. Another variety of syenite-conglomerate was observed a little distance from those just described, in which the apparent fragments were of syenite, and of a coarse sandstone, of the same variety as that which occurs in strata In- termixed with, and passing into these conglomerates, there i is a fourth variety, in which both the roundish and ovoidal masses, and the basis or eround in which they are imbedded, are of red granite. These four kinds of conglomerate, do not form separate and distinct beds. On the contrary, they appear to be mutually imbedded in each other, in masses of greater or less extent; and all of them are includ- ed in a general and greater mass or bed of compact syenite, which is either of a red or grey colour. 994 = ON THE ROCKS OF SANDSIDE In the vicinity of these conglomerated syenites, we observed a fine section of the rocks, displaying a transition from the syenite and granite into conglo- merate, and from this latter rock into sandstone. _ The lowest. rock in this section is: compact syenite, in.some places passing into the conglomerated varie-. ty; and above it, is a mass.of pure conglomerated e syenite. Over these is a thick bed, the lower part of which is very coarse granular red granite, which gradually passes into a superincumbent conglome- rated granite; and this graduates intoa fine granu- lar sandstone conglomerate, forming the upper part of the bed. The highest rock of the section, is the common sandstone of Caithness, which, in its lower part, has the same characters as the upper part of the subjacent bed. | The facts just stated shew, that. these syenites, gra- nites, conglomerates, sandstones and limestones, pass into each. other; and are, therefore, to be considered members of the same formation. The syenite is traversed by veins of ek r heavy-spar, which contain disseminated leadglance; $ . and. both the yep and the pga = a 1 | visckecipdie nevith setites of titanium: ae atin aie them. a ie “ PLATE XM. Structures of Sandstone Trap ut? with veins and balls of ui and of basatt. WEDLtzars Sculp* GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. 225 XIV.—Geognosy of East Lothian *, By Professor Jamzson. ME 0 a (Read 11th March 1815.) Au that part of Scotland which lies to the south — of the Frith of Forth, is denominated the Southern Division; and the tract betwixt the Frith of Forth _ and the chain of lakes which extends from Inver- ness to Fort William, the Middle Division. It is _ my intention to lay before the Society, in a series of papers, observations on several of the districts that occur in these divisions. Weshall begin with the Mineralogy of ihe South- ern Division.—This division of Scotland is more _ simple in its structure, and its mountains and val- ve leys are, on a general view, less elevated, and less tugged, than those that occur in the middle divi- sion. Its rivers also are smaller, and its lakes fewer Agnjmber, and inferior in magnitude, to those that ee -* See Memoirs of Wernerian Sociale os; ii. p. 618. VOL. 1. | ree pa 226 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. occur to the north of the Frith of Forth. The rock formations belong to the Transition, Secondary or fleetz, and Alluvial classes. The transition rocks are Granite, gneiss, syenite, porphyry, trap, lime- stone, clay-slate, sandstone, and grey-wacke: the secondary or floetz rocks, are Red Sandstone, with its accompanying porphyry, pitchstone, tuff, amyg-. daloid, basalt, greenstone, clinkstone, limestone, slate, coal, and conglomerate ; and the coal forma- tion, with its various subordinate beds and strata of coal, limestone, sandstone, slate, basalt, amygda-— i loid, tuff, greenstone, &c.; and the alluvial rocks, are rolled masses, gravel, ceils clay, loam, perk and calcareous tuffa. : or ue These classes of rocks present many very impor- tant mineralogical relations, some of which are con- fined to particular limited districts: others extend _ through more extensive tracts of country, and many > 4 of them occur in similar formations in a — of the globe: cea eh We shall begin with an account of the minera- Nosy of Kast Lothian. ) | a ae "% * ets East Lothian." ey well chad iid: ‘its a anseeadl pers i 1 pect, has been frequently described. We sh here, therefore, confine ourselves entirely to its mi- neralogical structure. ee . \OGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. 227 9 fixed primitive rocks have hitherto been dis- red. in this part of Scotland. The oldest of the s are those of the transition class, of which g species have been observed ; granite, 0 phy’ greenstone, tana orey= ah Weséidaectnaition rocks having ni lsd de- scribed by a member. of our Society, it will not be necessary to enter into any further details in regard to them. We shall, now, therefore, proceed to give an account of the Secondary rocks. ee Gen ae Hy age sie geri ae SANDSTONE. gh fivst of these is Red Sandstone. | This rock : Pensiaaile portion of the county; and, ere its junctions can. be observed, it is found ee reall on transition rocks, and to be covered with the coal formation. Its most frequent colours are red, inclining to brown; and sometimes it is yel- or greyish white. Its principal ingredient , which is in grains; and these are either together, without a basis or ground, or they re mbedded in a red-coloured clay. It alternates from very fine to very coarse granular, thus passing ~ into conglomerate. It is distinctly stratified, and the strata vary from a few inches to several yards in thickness. The strata are either horizontal or in- : . but the angle of inclination seldom exceeds . "The general direction is from N. E. to 8. W., ne the dip varies. It contains, as subordinate beds, P 2 © : a 4 es i 228 GEOGNOSY Or EAST LOTHIAN. mt PPL ak G ‘ iy A | ae mart Med-coloduedt lay -ironst , ine. é A ae, view of " telatio rocks of this formation to each other, v ed by attending to the following he strata, as they occur along the coast 0 from the neighbourhood of Dunbar t ; of North Berwick. Be % s. Ww. By dip to the S. i. This 1 r iron-shot porphyritic greenstone, is beav lumnar, and the structure is. well seen all around the ri aba: but nlpte on the north-we est si My more dee If we oil aig the s] from the harbour, towards the south we mect with is a red conglome : which i is immediately under Mr Ha ‘It extends N. E. and S. W.; and, the harbour, dips to the S.E. Iti bed of red coloured trap tuffa, I rection and dip. The next bed is a like sandstone. It is of a reddish : Mean DUNBAR. se 299 . aa ile at first sae appear to be but, on close examination, we find them gradually passing into the basis in which they are contained; and even the red-coloured sand- stone, in some places, presents the conglomerated Tieciegents which shew that these are not ‘sive, as see ed in Fig. 6. Pl. xii. This cu- rious sandstone is succeeded by a greenstone rock, which is partly porphyritic, partly tuffaceous. It is much intermixed with the red conglomerated sandstone, and is traversed by veins several inches wide, of white quartzy sandstone ;—facts which shew that here the sandstone and tuff are of co- temporaneous formation. This tuffaceous rock is succeeded by a red-coloured sandstone, which is sometimes very clayey and soft, and even appears to pass into a sandy red coloured slate-clay. All the varieties are marked with beautiful celandine or mountain-green coloured spots, from half an inch to two inches and upwards in diameter. They vary in shape, being either circular or oval, and sometimes we observe them of an irregular form ; and not un- often this red sandstone contains layers of a green- coloured clayey variety of the same rock. As we _ advance along the shore, the red sandstone be- J comes more compact; and, in several places, is % | oe 230 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. quaeanans asa hoes stone, = come more inclined; at length are nearly vertical, and are succeeded by a bed of porphyritic basaltic greenstone. ‘The red sandstone does not appear beyond this point, its place being hanlaepio by a greyish-white sandstone, which is disposed in nearly horizontal strata, and contains beds of lll ; stone. The lower strata of sandstone are e calcareous, _ contain vegetable and animal impressions, and in- | clude large cotemporancous’ masses: of bluish-gre compact splintery limestone. This — limestone de- cays yellow. In the sandstone there are numerous ~ supposed vegetable moulds, and some varieties of the sandstone are entirely composed of these. This latter fact would intimate, that these are crystalli- » zations of the sandstone, and not true casts of orga- nic bodies.—Such are-the rocks that occur imme- diately to the south and south-east of the harbour. Let us next describe those that extend from the north-west side of the harbour. Immediately under _ the ironshot porphyritic greenstone pillars, already " described, a bed of red-coloured sity. esis is to be ob- served, having the same direction as the bed of trap in which the harbour is situated, and, like it, dip- ping to the south-east. It rests on strata of sand- stone, which have the same dip and direction. i The sandstone in some places is of a red colour, but it is mori Brey: spotted with red. Wey DUNBAR. 231 en contains reddish-brown-coloured spots; and ese are sometimes so numerous, as to give the : a deep brownish-red tint of colour. Sometimes the deep red portions are in the bs ’ form of veins, which run in every direction, and / present a variety of curious. appearances ; and in _ other instances, the imbedded. red sandstone is not — in veins, but in masses, that vary in size and shape. ‘a Whenthe softer yellowish-grey sandstone decays and falls out, the remaining mass acquires a singular ca- vernous or cellular aspect. This sandstone forms low ledges of rock covered at high-water, which are succeeded. by rugged and lofty rocks of the trap se- ries, on which are situated the ruins of the old Cas- tle of Dunbar. These rocks are very steep, and in some places completely perforated by the action of i the waves, forming beautiful natural arches. They are not composed of one variety of the trap series, it of several, viz. red-coloured trap-tuff, amygdaloid d of a basalt, which contain red diallage and oli- ine, which, by the action of the weather, has ac- quired ared colour. They form one inclined bed of great thickness, which rises above the lower super- ncumbent and subjacent red sandstone. Advancing along the shore from these high trap- k , we find . the sandstone forming a number of low ledges, which are partly covered. at high-water, xtend onwards to striking clifis of red-coloured trap-tuff. ‘The strata have the same direction and dip as those already mentioned ; and the sandstone 239 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. ) has the usual characters. Nearly i in the middle of | i, the tract, there is a pyramidal mass of trap-rock, | which appears to rise through the sandstone strata. q It is partly tuff, ipatly basiius ee to sete 7 stone. e Tee oc it 4 The strata of sandstone inhaiteailsisly in — j with the mass of trap, are curved, and inclined to- wards it. This fact, of a mass of trap rising through 1 the strata of sandstone, will be viewed by some as i favourable to the volcanic theory of its formadion, , while others will be inclined to consider it as illus- _ trative of its Neptunian origin, tas ee . The rocks and cliffs of trap-tuff continue along the shore, until they are succeeded by cliffs, and 4 then by ledges of red and white sandstone. The tuff is in general fine granular, here and there ! formed into concretions, from the size of an apple =~ to that of a man’s head, and upwards. ‘These con= . cretions are, in general, round; and at first sight v appear like balls of basalt. It is sometimes tr: ve é ed by veins of very hard and compact tuff, sev: inches wide, and also by veins of compact foleparjnif the same magnitude. In some places the tuff is” quarried for oven-stones, and is known tothe mi arry- men by the name of Leckstone. It is worthy mark, that varieties of tuff are quart i same purpose, in other parts of Scotland; and in some districts on the Rhine, this stone is quarried to a — vast extent, and is gia to Holland, - oth r 4 : ey 2h ee Oe ere yr on AND SCOUGAL. 233 ; atten of this rock continue onwards to Belha- _ ven Bay, where they disappear under the loose sand, which extends onwards from thence to Whit- Ina low cliffof the sandstone, we observed an oval ~ eonerction of the same rock; and, in many places, the sandstone was observed to alternate with slate- day and thick beds of bright red clay-ironstone, like that in the red sandstone at the Cock of Arran. The ledges of sandstone at Wilkiehaugh, are tra- “by veins of greenstone and amygdaloid. trap rocks contain amethyst, either in veins, ed; and one variety is particularly beauti- “fil, ‘having a dark coloured ground, with beautiful - yiolet-blue coloured imbedded portions of ainethyst: From Belhaven Bay, to the commencement of the rocky coast which extends from Mr Brodie’s, at _ Scougal,’ to North Berwick, the coast is sandy, with the exception of Whitberry and Ravensheugh, which are of trap and sandstone. These points I had not an slain of spe but Mac- 234 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHI - Immediately below Mr Brodie’s hou coast terminates, and the rocks, in the and of ledges,running into the seamaketh ance. The first rocks are of red colo rec t which contains ae bei ah rH variety of tuff. The limestone dan creo are f 01 a few inches to 3 feet and upwards in length ; nd, at their junction, are frequently intermixed with the 4 tuff. oy red tuff is —— yn a re the sts sd and thes appear + traversed “ei veins ¢ sof hae salt and greenstone. (oi fla gee The cliffs of tuff, which extend for several hun- dred yards, are succeeded by ledges and low cliffsof _ sandstone. The sandstone is stratified, and. ‘some- A times saddle-shaped ; but the direction of the strata a is still S. W. and N. E. It is sometimes of a dark-. red, sometimes of a bright-red colour. The yc red variety is the most highly impregnated with ll and contains abundance of green. circula ots, which appear in some degree to chanel 4 | sandstone of this formation. It frequently ¢ contains globular and tuberose shaped coneretions of red 4 ree. districts, appear : as mountain masse hills. bee eh a hg mn ‘TANTALLAN CASTLE. | 235 succeeded by, and alternates with, a greyish and red ~ spotted sandstone, which contains imbedded por- tions, and also beds of clay and cotemporaneous por- tions of compact grey limestone. Another interest- _ ing fact in regard to the sandstone on this part of the coast, is the occurrence of large masses of hard _ sandstone in the softer. The imbedded masses are go hard as to resist the influence of the weather, whilst the softer are carried away. Such compact or hardened sandstones, when in contact with green- stone, have been improperly considered as proofs of the volcanic origin of trap rocks. About 50 yards beyond this, the red sandstone is to be seen alternating with red coloured trap-tuff, and the tuff and sandstone are intermixed at.their line of junc- tion. In the tuff, imbedded portions of foliated granular brown-coloured limestone occur ; and some varieties of it are so fine granular, that they might . be mistaken for red sandstone. A little to the north-west of Sea Cliff, immediately beside the rocks we have been describing, there is a.cliff about 40 or 50 feet in height. It is a bed of amygdaloid, containing much green-earth, and cotemperancous portions and veins of calcareous spar. Over it rest several strata of red sandstone, and rocks of the same kind probably run underneath it. . As we continue our journey along the shore towards Tantallan Castle, the cliffs become high, rugged and romantic. Long ledges of rock run from the cliffs into the sea, and isolated rocks or & 936 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. stacks rise above the water at some distance from the mH cliffs. The cliffs, ledges and stacks a are formed of red sandstone and red. trap-tuff, which are intermingled in various ways. The cliffs continue to be prin- cipally of red tuff, until nearly opposite Sheep Craig, when the colour changes to greenish-grey, ‘ : and vast cliffs of this variety extend along the — coast, and form the rock on which are situated the striking ruins of Tantallan Castle. Veins of tuff of a cotemporaneous nature traverse the tuff of which the cliffs are composed, and in the same rocks there are many veins of calcareous ironstone, vary- ing from a few inches to two feet in width, and red and white zeolite and amethyst *, and jaspers of va- rious descriptions. Tantallan Bay is bounded, on both sides, by lofty cliffs of trap-tuff; but, on the beach, a number of sandstone strata, in a nearly ho- rizontal position, are to be observed. These strata, where they appear on the north side of the bay, when examined at low-water, can be traced a con- siderable distance, until at length they disappear under the tuff. The tuff on the north side of the fe bay is sometimes very coarse ; and in it, in one place, a there is a mass of yellowish-grey sandstone, several fathoms in extent, and five or six feet thick ; and, in another, a cotemporaneous bed of columnar basalt, terminating on both extremities in the form of * Mr Sligo eae of Seacliff, informs me he has collected. fine specimens of red zeolite, and also of amethyst, in these cliffs. rae = == ae ae CANTY-BAY. 937 lve. The tuff continues onward around the coast to Canty Bay, forming cliffs of considerable magnitude. At Canty Bay, the tuff alternates with basaltic greenstone, and is traversed by veins green and red coloured tuff. The tuff is to be . erve gradually passing into a red sandstone, which alternates with white sandstone. This sand- stone exhibits much variety in structure; alternates with beds of red and green coloured clay; and is r traversed, i in some places, by veins of amygdaloid. “The sandstone at Canty Bay, and along the coast, for some distance, varies, not only in colour, but also in structure. In some places it is reddish brown; in others, yellowish or greyish white, or of a moun- tain-green colour. Quartz is the predominating constituent part ; and felspar and mica are occasion- ally intermixed with it. The basis, or cementing material, is clay, or calcareous marl, or the quartzy particles are immediately joined together, without any perceptible basis. Frequently, beautiful cireu- lar spots are to be observed in the sandstone. These are either of green coloured clay, or of particles of felspar and quartz joined together, without a basis, thus forming a variety of granitic rock *. They vary * Masses of this description, when they appear in the great scale, form mountain masses or hills of granite in sand- t In the primitive slaty rocks, as gneiss and mica- late, there is a series of the same description, formed by im- dedded ‘cotemporaneous masses of granite, varying from the size of a nut to several fathoms or miles in extent. 238 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. in size from a quarter of an inch to upwards of twe * inches in diameter. Sometimes the sandstone has — a conglomerated aspect, appearing, at first sight, as if se 2s aaa of a contained a + that ahis curious srealatisia of siti is not brecei siat ute on the contrary, the fragments are cotempora am a portions of sandstone, of a harder or softer nature 7 than the basis in which they are included. — size, being spherical, oval, ve i cular, and tuberose; and are from an inch to seve- ral vie in length = breadthe Iti ‘Is megs rly massive noted pork ineweik varicties. Figen sah ame r Pl. xii. represent lamine of slaty-sandstone t mii 4 nating on massive and hard sandstone. Viewing the j sandstone as a chemical formation, this appearance — shews how the slaty, and consequently the stratifi ed. structures, may be frequently unaffected by the rock they surround. Veins of sandstone occasionally oc- cur, traversing all the varieties of that rock terminate in the rock, and are intermixed with the line of junction; hence are of cotemporane formation with it. The strata vary in thickness from a foot to several yards, and have the general dip and direction of the rocks already de ribed. The individual strata often exhibit great variety in structure, being waved, disposed in zig-zag lines, NORTH BERWICK. 939 in concentric lamine, like basalt, and in apparent BF rocmte Fig. 5. Pl. xii. represents several of . varieties of structure. In the same stratum of sandstone, one part will be red, and very com- pact ; and another grey, and rather loose in its texture; and the two varieties, at their lines of junction, present differences in form. These re- semble the appearances that frequently occur at the _ junction of granite and gneiss, and are probably to be explained on the same principle, viz. that of eotemporaneous formation. Fig. 7. Pl. xii. repre- sents a bed of compact red sandstone contained in another of a grey colour; and, at same time, shews the waved line of junction of the two rocks. But we have not yet described all the different kinds of structure exhibited by the strata of sand- stone in this district. In some places, the sandstone, within a short space, exhibits so great a variety in dip and direction, that we are puzzled whether to ascribe the appearances to changes induced in the strata after their formation, or to refer them to original formation. ‘These perplexities, however, vanish, if we view these different dips and direc; ons, not as belonging to different strata, but as 1€ § structure of a stratum, or set of rocks, composed of distinct concretions. Fig. 3. 4. and 5. Pl. xii. represent several of these structures. Many slips are to be observed in these strata, and these vary from a few inches to some yards. It is worthy of remark, that these changes occur in the me GS 940 GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. structure of individual strata, and also in masses of strata; and hence incline us to consider many of G them as original varieties of structure, and there- fore not produced by the action of any after me- chanical cause. These various structures of the . sandstone, afford interesting views in regard to the formation of strata in general ; and are particularly valuable, as illustrating the connection of sandstone, in a chemical point of view, with quartz-rock and granite. phy 1% From Canty Bay, the cliffs along the shite: be- come lower, and are often covered with sand. The rocks of which they are composed, are principally trap-tuff, which contains cotemporaneous masses and veins of basalt, or basaltic greenstone. Rather more than half a mile from North Berwick, and a short distance from the shore, there is-a quarry of that kind of limestone named Stinkstone, which is wrought to a considerable extent, and burnt into lime. It appears to form a great bed in the red sand- stone. From the quarry, which is named Rhodes Quarry, to North Berwick, the prevailing rocks, both on the shore, and in the country, are red sandstone, and red tuff, containing beds and imbedded ma se: of a basaltic greenstone. The rock at. the harbour of North Berwick is amygdaloid. Immediately to the westward of the harbour, the amygdaloid is succeeded by a sandy beach, in which a few ledges of red sand- stone and red tuff are to be observed. ‘These ledges are succeeded by beds of compact greenstone, seve- NOR TH BERWICK-LAW. 941 ‘yalfathoms thick, in which the direction is N. E. and 8. W. The greenstone is sometimes amygda- loidal, and the amygdaloidal portions are of calca- reous spar. Strata of white sandstone and of clink- stone follow the greenstone ; and these are succeeded by a great bed of porphyritic greenstone. These ‘various greenstone-beds are observed running into the sea, and rising above its surface in different parts, forming the rocks named Craig Leith, and the Lamb. | North Berwick- Law. nicky above the town of North Barwick, Alte beautiful conical hill named North-Ber- wick-Law, whose summit is 500 feet above the level of the sea. The district around the hill is | Oem. and slightly undulated, so that it forms a i. triking and very beautiful object to the surround- ing country. The lowest rock visible, is a variety of trap-tuff. Higher up, is amygdaloid. The middle and upper parts of the hill are of a beautiful and very sonorous variety of clinkstone-porphyry ; and the summit rock is clinkstone-porphyry, intermixed with crystals of augite; thus forming a transition into greenstone *. The clinkstone is, in some i a ae ee: Vi ie Dr Ogilvy’s inter mestili Bhsemuntiene in his Paper on the Trap Formation of East a vol. i. p. 469. Wern. Mem. VOL. III. Q 949 = $G@EOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN. places, columnar, and forms cliffs of considerable “magnitude *. But we naturally inquire, What are the relations of the rocks of this hill to those of the surrounding and lower country ? In no place did we observe any junction of the trap rocks of the Law with the sur- rounding sandstone; nor was sandstene visible in any part of the body of the hill. This being the case, we must rest satisfied, at present, with what _ may appear as the most plausible conjecture in re- gard to its geognostic situation. The sandstone strata, if not altered in their direction, would cun under the hill, and appear again emerging from the opposite side, and thus the rocks of the Law would rest over them, in an overlying position. But we are not always to infer an overlying position from the circumstance of the strata appearing to shoot under, and emerging on the opposite side of the hill; because the mass of the hill may be a great mass contained in the strata. Is it probable that North Berwick Law is such a mass? Ata former meeting, I described a considerable cotemporaneous mass of trap, which occurs in the red sandstone “ This, and other similar porphyries, it is probable, may one day become of great importance, in an economical point of view, as it contains about 9 per cent. of mineral. alkali or na- tron. Should a cheap mode be discovered of separating the alkali from the other constituents of the rock, this hill alone would afford alkali sufficient to supply Great Britain for a long series of years. NORTH BERWICK-LAW. 243 Dunbar. It appears rising through the sand- _ stone, and, had its junction with the neighbouring — 3s been hid by debris, it would have been a mi- niature representation of North Berwick Law. _ The hard sandstone contained in the soft sand- _ stone, presents a similar appearance. There we ob- gerve the hard sandstone rising through the soft, and standing in the form of small eminences above the softer stone. Had the line of junction of the two sandstones been concealed, we would have been inclined to believe that the hard sandstone was a different formation from the soft, and rested upon Wixi But appearances of this kind are not confined to sandstone districts. ‘They are common in moun- tains composed of primitive and transition rocks. Of these, we shall now mention an example, by way of illustration of our idea in regard to the geognostic position of North Berwick Law. Near Portsoy in Banffshire, there are several hills of quartz, that rise rapidly from the surrounding flat country, which is composed of highly inclined strata of gneiss, hornblende rock, granite, &. When we trace these strata from the shore to the base of _ the quartz hills, we observe them apparently shoot- ing under them; thus leading to the notion of these hills being overlying masses over the highly inclin- ed strata. But the same quartz occurs in other places, in beds, and these beds varyin magnitude and extent, Q 2 oe Se 44, GEOGNOSY OF EAST LOTHIAN, and often appear as mountain masses in the stra-~ ta, and terminating in the rock at the extremi- ties ;—a fact which leads us to infer, that the quartz — hills are large cotemporaneous masses contained in the strata, not resting over them. ow We have now stated examples of trap rising through sandstone, and forming small eminences; — of hard sandstone rising through soft, giving rise to large projecting masses; and, lastly, we have shewn, that quartz is arranged in a similar man- ner in the older rocks. These facts lead me to suppose, that North Ber- wick Law does not overly the sandstone, but rather vises through it, and may be the upper yee ce a great imbedded. mass. . we ~ » ab aye Sg a it ic a MATEY bt 7 Y Dae auear st LN ae a a MERE ar mew af ‘tet iy a : + EFFECTS OF THE JUICE OF THE PAPAW. 245 XV.—Account of the Effects of the Juice of the _ Papaw Tree, (Carica Papaya), in I ntenerating _ Butcher’s-meat. _ By the late Dr Hoxper. ( Read 30th March 1816.) Pur effects of the juice of the Carica Papaya, or Papaw Tree, whether of the fruit, stem, or leaves, or even of the exhalation from the plant, in lessen- ~ ing the cohesion of the muscular fibre, and acting on the fibrin of the blood, are matters of common observation in the Island of Barbadoes; the inha- bitants availing themselves of this property, to ren- der more delicate, when thought necessary, the beef, mutton, pork, and poultry of their tables. If the milky juice, which is readily procurable by incision into the tree, or unripe fruit, be thoroughly rubbed on the flesh of a tough or old animal, and the ani- 946 ON THE EFFECTS OF THE mal be cooked by roasting, the fibres so completely — lose their cohesion, that the flesh will fall from the ’ bones, or be separated by the slightest force.” If a smaller quantity of the juice be used, the flesh will — be rendered tender; but so great is the effect, and so difficult is it to ascertain the degree to which it may be carried, if the milky juice be directly ap- plied to the flesh, that another and more certain — mode has been resorted to, for procuring the inte- neration of the flesh of different animals. By sim- ply suspending the animal to a bough of: the tree, for a space of time proportioned to the size of the animal, or of the joint of meat, the flesh is found to be sufficiently intenerated. A particular friend of mine, was in the constant habit of having his meat so prepared for his table, and was particular enough, — (or thought it necessary), to use his watch to regu- late the time of suspension. This quality of destroying the cohesion of the ° muscular fibre, probably resides chiefly in the milky juice, or in the vapour, which, I conjecture, is ex- haled from the tree, since the boiled fruit, when © given to animals, does not produce this effect to such a degree as to be sensible. The fruit is used by all ranks of people ; cooked in its unripe state, as a vegetable; or served up, when ripe, as part of the dessert, with perfect impunity. _ It is a common practice with some of the farmers of the Island. of Barbadoes, to give an infusion of the raw fruit ; or, to speak more exactly! a diffusion | JUICE OF THE PAPAW TREE. Qa of the milky juice in water, extracted from the a fit, to horses, with a view, as they express it, “of _ breaking down the blood;” and it is a fact, well 7 "established, that if given to a horse, whose blood exhibits the cupped buffy coat, .it will, after some time, produce a loose coagulum, and reduce the in- flammatory symptoms which gave rise to it. I un- _ derstood, from my friend, the late Dr Jones of Bar- _ badoes, well known in this University, by the pub- lication of an ingenious experimental Thesis, that he had ascertained this to be the effect of the papaw juice on a horse, which had cough, and whose blood was buffy ; and this account has very recently been confirmed to me, by a near connection of Dr Jones’s, a gentleman who formerly lived with him, and whe is at present a residenter in this city, as a student _ of medicine. That this remarkable effect is independent of pu- _ trefaction, or of a process verging to putrefaction, is rendered extremely probable, by the fact, that it is not confined to dead muscular fibre, but is produced _ on the circulating bloed; or, at least, on one of its i constituent parts. At the same time, the conse. ee quence of this effect will no doubt be, by its me- Pec chanical operation, to promote and hasten putrefac- : - tion, on account of its destroying the cohesion of the ‘e flesh, and separating the fibres. ‘This is a fact so well known to the housewives of the colony, that they will not purchase, for salting, pork which has been partly fattencd on the boiled fruit of the pa- 248 ON THE EFFECTS OF THE paw, (a practice commonly followed by the negroes: of the colony), on account of the flesh not being suf- ficiently firm for salting; or, at least, because they ? find, by experience, that, after having undergone the process of salting, it will not keep as long, or as well as flesh of hogs which have been fattened on any other aliment. What is remarkable, this effect is - observable, although the flesh of a recently killed animal, fed on a boiled papaw fruit, is not sensi-_ bly intenerated: For a society of gentlemen, who were in the habit of dining periodically with the late _ Governor of Barbadoes, Sir George Beckwith, fed , several animals in this way, with a view to ascer- — tain the effect on the flesh. We found, that when the animals so fattened, were served up, their flesh was not, to the taste, more tender than that of other animals at the table, fed in the common mode. The health of animals fed on ihe ae is not a by that diet. a ee I oe add, that the juice of the p NE ap v has bee very curious results : from them, he Fire wt | lowing conclusions. nite oi sis « | think,” says he, + that Gube cannot be any dowbt that the juice of the papaw is a highly ani- _ malized substance; at least it possesses all the cha- yacters, and yields all the products of one. I cons — * eh f i ats ie 4 JUICE OF THE PAPAW TREE. 249 Speer - ” sss that it has no perfect similitude Sith any known animal matter. Nevertheless, I believe that which it: resembles most, is animal albumen; since . dried, it dissolves, like it, in water. Its solution is coagulated by heat, by the acids, by the alkalies, the metallic solutions, and the infusion of nut-galls. And, in fine, because, by distillation, it yields the ; same products as any animal substances whatever. _ It is not the animal nature of this substance which ought to surprise us; for the juices of almost all plants contain some of it ; but its abundance and its purity in that of the papaw.” tc ("To the > preceding account, I may add, that since . ‘it was written I have had confirmed to me, a fact respecting the effect of the fruit of the Papaw in its unripe state, (when eaten uncooked), on the mus-. cular fibre of animals, which I did not mention, as I was in some doubt respecting it. I have been in- _. formed by a gentleman of the first respectability of the island of Barbadoes, who happened to be passing through ‘Edinburgh, that he knew two instances of animals which had taken the Papaw in its uncooked state into their stomachs; and the flesh of which was thereby so much intenerated, as to be unpleas- ant to himself and others, who partook of it. This » fact’ learly shews, that the effect of the Papaw | juice . ; is the same on the muscular fibre, whether taken in- , padi ut 4 ba yh" aw 4 . to ‘the animal when recently kil Osmes has been cubed we m M 4 \ ” ra) » mally y by the living animal, or ap this effect is so general, as to extend ly to every muscular part of the t fibrin of the blood of a living ani pens to take it internally in its and that the same effect is not sensibly cL the flesh of animals which may eat the Pape ) ve ‘ a PLATE XIIL. Nernerian Mem? Vol MLL ol ax) i | es q L j Wy Hane WA ’ i Gee My = ites lide \\" Mlndirn Ayu me (A \ h ) eo ee } MS Bard Lect ON oat) ss ON THE TRAVELLED STONE, &. 251 r * XVI.— Account of the Travelled Stone near Cas- tle Stuart, Inverness-shire. By Tuomas Lauper Dick, Esq. In a Letter to Professor JamEson, communicated through the late Dr Joun Gorpvon. (Read 17th May 1817.) My Dear Sir, I HAVE many apologies to offer, for not having earlier fulfilled a promise I made you when last in Edinburgh, of examining into the circumstances which attended the transportation of the Travelled Stone near Castle-Stuart, in Inverness-shire; and of satisfying that curiosity which I appeared to have awakened in your mind, by the imperfect account I was at that time enabled to give you of it from re- port; by transmitting to you a more accurate and particular detail of the phenomena accompanying that event, from my own personal research. It was ‘on this very day of last year, that I had an oppor- 952 _ ON THE TRAVELLED STONE tunity of visiting the spot; and now, without tres- passing on your patience by an enumeration of the various sources of procrastination which have produ- ced so considerable a delay between the period of. my investigation, and. my present communication, I shall proceed to offer you the result of my inqui- ries and remarks made on the spot. __ This stone is a large mass of conglomerate, being a concretion composed of distinct irregular fragments of granite, gneiss, quartz, and other rocks of the pri- mitive series, cemented together by a highly indura- ted and ferruginous claystone. It is, apparently the | very same conglomerate, as that forming the rocks through which the romantic burn of Cawdor cuts its deep and narrow’ bed, near Cawdor Castle in Nairnshire; nor am I aware, that any rock of the same nature with that of the Travelled Stone, ex- ists much nearer to it than seven or eight miles. Its present situation is on the sands, in the little bay near Castle-Stuart, on the Moray Firth; and as it is left entirely dry by every retreating tide, aa the sea retiring a great way beyond it, it ‘is easily approached over the sands at low-water. Its size is very considerable; being, as near as 1 could. guess, above five feet high at its most elevated poir ib, calculating from the surface of the sand, and being, to all appearance, about one foot imbedded in it. In its two horizontal diameters, it may probably mea- sure between five and six feet one way, by six or seven the other. Its shape, which is very particular, NEAR CASTLE-STUART. 953 ig peculiarly well adapted to admit of the mode of transportation it underwent, as it has a projecting ledge running all around it, (marked AA. in the accompanying pen-and-ink sketch) *, the lower edge of which is above a foot in perpendicular height from the surface of the sand; and from this edge downwards, the stone is suddenly bevelled off, in a form something resembling that part of the bottom of a boat which is under the belly, and approaching the keel. The upper surface of the stone is gradu- ally rounded into a ridge, rising into a peak towards the one extremity. ‘The annexed sketch, taken - from the south-side, will give a tolerable idea of this mass, which, on a rough calculation, (formed by weigh- | ing about a square inch of the stone), may weigh about eight tons. é This large mass is remarkable, for having been removed from a situation which it formerly oc- eupied, about 260 yards farther to the E. 8. E. by natural means, and in the course of one night, to the position where it now stands. It had formerly served as a boundary stone (or as it is — called in Scotland, a march-stone) between the pro- perties of Castle-Stuart and Culloden; the former belonging to the Earl of Moray, and the latter to Duncan Forbes, Esq. As it is too ponderous to , have been moved by human power, at least in that t of the country, it must have been originally de- ‘ posited in that, its first place of rest, by causes si- * Plate XIII., etched by Miss Baird, Ramsay Lodge, » B54 ON THE TRAVELLED STONE miliar to those which have covered whole countries with boulders, the nature of which bespeaks their having belonged to rocks nowhere existing én situ in their entire and native state, in the vicinity of their present place of repose. The stranger ea- sily recognises the spot from which it was last re- moved, (just within flood-mark), it being marked by a wooden-post, which the two contiguous proprietors were under the necessity of erecting, m order to sup- ply the place of the stone, and to serve as an object for defining the line of march. At the fishing vil- lage of Artirloss, situated on a point above a mile to — the westward of the stone, I learned several parti- culars regarding its extraordinary migration; but it was recommended to me to call on the miller of the Sea-mill of Petty for a fuller detail of the facts, who, living much nearer the:stone, and having had it¢on- stantly in his view for a long series of years, not only recollected every circumstance about it, but was the first person who, on the ensuing morning, noti- ced that it had been removed during the night. I lost no time, therefore, in visiting this old man, whose name is Alexander Macgillivray; and J was lucky enough to find him at home. His. informa- tion on the subject, and his replies +o my interro- gatories, were in every respect perfectly distinct and satisfactory. He informed me, that this remarkable — circumstance took place on the night between Fri- day the 19th and Saturday the 20th February, of the year 1799. ‘There had been a long continued NEAR CASTLE-STUART. 255 and severe frost ; and the greater part of the little bay had been for some time covered with ice, which was probably formed there the more readily, owing to the quantity of fresh water from the stream run- ning near to Castle-Stuart, emptying itself into - this inlet of the sea in the immediate neighbour- hood. ‘The stone was by this means fast secured, by the ledge I have already described, being bound round by a vast cake of ice, of many yards in ex- tent, which, being frozen hard under the projection (A A), must have produced an admirable mechani- cal means for its elevation, for which purpose it afforded an extensive raft. ‘The miller told us he had measured some of this ice, and found it no less than 18 inches thick. The stone was thus sur- rounded, when the sea left it at its ebb, and the whole of the circumjacent sand was left covered by this extensive, solid, and unbroken glacier. It is evident, that as the sea began again to flow, this would be naturally enough buoyed up in some de- gree by the returning water insinuating itself un- derneath it. On the night between the 19th and 20th of February, already noticed, the tide, which happened to be remarkably high, was full about 12. o'clock. About this hour, the wind began to blow a hurricane, which the miller described as ha- ving been perfectly unparalleled in the memory of the oldest men living, accompanied at the same time by a furiously drifting snow. The old man stated, that this tremendous storm blew directly 256 ‘ON. THE TRAVELLED STONE from Dolcross Castle, an ancient building conspicu- ously situated on the ridge of the country at some miles distance ; and accordingly I found, on exa- mination, that by placing myself at the stone, and looking at Dolcross, the post marking the former si- tuation of the mass, appeared quite in the line be- tween these two points, andon trying the bearing with a pocket-compass, I found that the direction of the wind must have been from the E. 8. K., and that the straight line or furrow described by the stone in the course of its voyage across the sands, lay in a direction from E. 8. E. to W.N. W. When the old miller got up on the morning of Sa- turday the 20th, the storm, and the drifted snow, were such, that he could hardly make his way to his barns, though they are but a few yards distant from his dwelling-house. He found all his doors blockad.. ed, and buried under the wreathes of snow, so much so indeed, that there was not the vestige of an en- trance left to any of them, and the drift still con- tinued to be so very violent, that he, and a boy who. was with him, had nearly lost themselves in return- ing again to the dwelling-house. When the weather had moderated in some degree, and the storm and snowhad cleared away, so that he could see across the little bay, he remarked to his wife with much asto- nishment, and no inconsiderable alarm, “ that the — > 99 mickle stane was awa’,” and the good woman could hardly believe her eyes when she looked out and | saw that it was in reality gone from the spot it had ee => NEAR CASTLE-STUART. 257 occupied the day preceding, and that it had been removed much nearer to the low-water mark, to the position where it now remains. General surprise and curiosity were now excited, which were no doubt mingled with various superstitious fancies, and the neighbours flocked out to see and examine the subject of so extraordinary a prodigy. 'To their astonishment, the hole in which it had been for so many ages embedded, still remained to mark dis- tinctly its yesterday’s site, whilst its track across the flat oozy sand was very perceptible, extending in a ee all the way from its seal to its new si- tuation Th HAbition to these particulars, eineued from the miller of Petty, I have since understood from my friend Mr Brodie of Brodie, that he visited the i stone either that day (the 20th) or the day after, __ when he found all these traces remaining quite ap- parent, and that an extensive cake of ice was still adhering to the stone being attached to its surround- ing ledge. Tt is evident, that this vast mass of stone must have been so far rendered specifically lighter than the water, by the great cake of ice within which it was bound, and by which it was supported, as to ye in some degree buoyed up; and that, whilst in this state, it was carried forward by the outgoing tide, assisted by the impelling force of a tremen- d ous hurricane from the E.S.E. So very uncom- mon was the violence of this storm, that the 20th VOL. III. R 258. ON THE TRAVELLED STONE February 1799, is still called in the language of the country, “ The Blowing Saturday.” _ By the circumstances just detailed, we are fur- nished with a comparatively recent and perfectly well attested example of one mode by which large masses of detached rock may be carried. to consi- derable distances. For, although the waters of the tide which fill the bay in question were, on account of their shallowness, incapable of buoying up the extensive float of ice supporting the stone, so per- fectly as to prevent the keel of it from ploughing ‘ the sand in the course of its progress over it; yet there is no reason to doubt, that if it had been once fairly carried into deeper water, it might have been ultimately transported to a much greater, dis- tance. And if we can suppose the float of ice to have been sufficiently tough and tenacious, we may even conceive it possible that the stone might have — been deposited upon some remote shore, where no rock of the same nature was to be found, and where it might have furnished future geologists with subject for most interesting speculations. These would have been naturally the more puzzling, that its peculiar mode of transportation would have to- tally precluded all chance of its acute angular pro-— jections being destroyed by attrition, and so would have prevented the possibility of its exhibiting those appearances of having been rounded and po- lished, so manifestly displayed by most of those stones denominated Boulders. How far the causes alae i i a Te, # "NEAR CASTLE-STUART. 259 0 tally with the relative situation of cine masses bebotties places which cannot be so easily traced to their parent rock, or to ascertain whether such means _ may not have had some share in transporting these _ to their new situations, may perhaps merit inves- tigation ; and with such a view, an accurate and well attested narration of the particulars of the conveyance of the Travelled Stone near Castle- Stuart, from its former to its present place of qui- escence, cannot be considered as altogether useless in the pursuit of geology. Yours, we. _ Relugas, _ 3d May 1817. R 3 Pe WORK tw hy Flaten ; Puan agit a! As bese atten: “a IL —Abstract Gi a Paper o on t nit Living Prin A i 5 ri 28 bit eae pth ye tbe: sativa: rat shi ry , abs. ‘By Jo oHN ‘Campsets, Esq. of | ca Fr. R. S.E ei | BME WS cea tied Z PY be%5 é (Read 6th March 1819.) i, hy ur peak Tene , TS, c eee that Aa of cone ’ an ave endless variety, binds ues dif ties which are exhibited, by anima responsible soul, which, with or» nee identifies Mat Mies Seale, and, noticing. ¥ very ag : eet AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. 261 a : points i in ‘the gradation, enter more at large into the characters which distinguish the Living Princi- » ple from Organization and Instinct, which have been generally blended together in one common ‘confusion. ‘The main object of this paper, indeed, is the extrication of these from their entanglement, and the fixing them respectively in their proper places in the Scale of Being. . Immediately connected with the individual par- s of matter which lie at the bottom of the scale, ds the principle of aggregation ;—a principle altogether dependent on gravity. Its operation is not without a tendency to determinate form; but as that tendency is not sufficiently strong to resist the surrounding counteracting attractions, the mere- _ ly ageregated masses are amorphous. Stratification succeeds. All stratified rocks are more er less crystallized; but the regularity with which, amidst all their anomalies, and occasional in- subordination, these great masses are deposited, and _ the mighty preparation required for dissolving and re-forming the whole exterior of the globe, and that without destroying the homogeneity of the strata, lead us to a higher agency than mere gravity and af- _ finity; and while we admit the operation of these principles, and the efficacy of that operation, in cir- cumstances adapted to the attainment of the end, we a an only, in the spirit of sound philosophy, refer full accomplishment of the work to their mey under the direct and controlling influence a 262 ~ ON ORGANIZATION :, a of that Almighty Word which comm: nded matter . itself into existence. vie & sig a Crystallization, the next point. pol Scale, is a principle more precise in its operation, depending chiefly on chemical affinity. Under its influence, matter always assumes determinate forms. Its adherence to this law, indeed, is so unbending, that the ingenuity of man has not yet been able, by any intermixture or management, to produce the i slightest change on the angle appropriate to any — one crystal. There is an analogy between the pe- culiar angles of crystals, and. the peculiar angle at which the buds and branches of plants are pro- truded: but in plants, the law is ammoaiified by. a number of circumstances. We now arrive on debatable ais for, on ascending the step to Organization, we come into collision with the opinions of my distinguished | friends Dr Barclay and Dr Thomson; and it is with no small degree of diffidence that I venture to oppugn their philosophy. Referring to Dr Bar- clay’s paper on Organization, the opinions expressed by that learned gentleman may be stated to be, That the principle of organization is a Being which discriminates, which forms the organs, keeps them in repair, and of design « deserts them altogether, when they become irreparable *. And nearly to the same _ effect with regard to the discriminating faculty of abe agent, Dr Thomson appears to have expre dt * Wernerian Traneseions: vol. il. p. 543. AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. 268 sed his opinion as to the principle which aassi- milates the food, and repairs the waste in the ani- mal frame*. That the phenomena of digestion and assimilation are wonderful; that they exhi- bit evidence of the operation of mind possessing infinite power, can scarcely escape the perception of % the most stupid insensibility ; though the reason H aeiy heey are so arranged, and not otherwise, must Named to the pleasure of Him who made them It must also be at once conceded, that the o nges which take place in the living body, re- quire, in order to account for them, something more shan the mere existence of chemical affinities. But 4 it ‘is another, and a very different question, Whe- ther that Being who has confessedly formed matter, has introduced a thinking principle into the animal frame, with the charge of superintending the che- mical changes to which its different parts are conti- _nually subjected? That the living principle is not = soul, seems decisively proved by the fact, that "-wegetables, which (except with poets) have no souls, _ have unquestionably the living principle; the pro- _ cess of digestion going on in the laboratories of the leaves. The whole difficulty seems to arise from -ascription of a discrimenating power to that ngement by which the food is assimilated, and breaches and injuries of the frame counteracted id repaired. But there seems to be no necessity -_ * Thomson’s Chemistry, 5th edit. vol. iv. p. 638, et seg. 264 ON ORGANIZATION for the introduction of any such power. It is ad- — mitted, that all the changes produced, are chemical changes, and that they are proximately produced by — chemical affinities: but it is asked, in the tone of a 4 negative assertion, How do the digestive powers — adapt themselves to varied circumstances ? How are the elements of the different substances forwarded through their successive stages, cand preserved, un- ° altered, through all the windings of their devious q course, till brought within the sphere of chemical action, exactly at the places where their decomposi tion and new combinations are useful ? _ Yet bie should we hesitate about these things? Th not more inexplicable than many other phecinsinsriay | | | which, though calculated to excite the admiration of every intelligent observer, do not suggest to him the necessity of introducing the faculties of mind to ac- count for their appearance. ‘The naturalization of exotic plants is quite analogous to that alteration in the digestive process, produced by a change nb food on carnivorous or granivorous animals, and which appears to Dr Thomson to be so inconsistent . with material functions. But it is “~ is in Bic Hae ome as the inpsclibel tna vase the ingredients. themselves. — It is prac, that animal the vegetable. But azote not poisonous ; and, t the granivorous tribe, will be merely superfluous AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. 265 lphur, and other extraneous substances 5 whilst the want of this ingredient in ve- s, will be made up by a supply from the at- - mo; phere, and other sources, to such carnivorous ani- seveth as require it. It agrees with all the analogy of a we, however, that it should require frequent repe- dtaeheneeo effectuate this change. And a satisfactory 4 reason why it should do so, is suggested by the very ‘ nature of the thing. All the organs and secretions by _ which the food is digested, are compounded of ma- terials proportioned to the nature of the accustomed _ food. A change in the proportions of the food, must, therefore, gradually change the proportions of the organs and juices. There can be no doubt but it does so. By the selection of the food, the gt can, to a very considerable degree, lay on at or flesh on his stock as he pleases. Now, the ‘00d he gives them, differs only in the proportions : the ingredients ; but these differences are suffi- | _ ciently influential to determine the particular sub- stance which is to be formed. It is to be remem- a bered, that it is the feeder of the cattle who makes _ the choice; and therefore we must conclude, that _ the digestive operation is a necessary one, like me. chanical attraction, or chemical affinity ; and that, opi it may be produced by neither of these, no occasion to look for its immediate cause he agency of a law of matter. is it more unaccountable, that the bile ix only with one part of the food which 266 ON ORGANIZATION leaves the stomach; and that, when mixed with bile, that particular portion should not comb with chyle, though in mechanical connection with it. It is only necessary to sippeweaaieaniin not ‘ only possible, but very probable, that at whatever — point in its progress, a change takes ieuitiintae food, there is placed at that spot, by the original — constitution of the frame, some new chemical agent, by whose peculiar affinity with the chyle, the new : combination is formed. But this agent has no © power of direction. It is a mere principle, like all the organs and principles of the material world, ac- complishing the determinate object for which it is constructed or impressed. wa 8 | The reasoning applicable to the phew of as- F similation, goes far to explain the manner in which | the waste of the body may be supplied; the frac- tures repaired ; and, in some instances, its disorgani- __ zation counteracted or corrected. When the vessels a are emptied by the daily waste, it is apparent, that _ they will be fitted to take up more of those particles with which the juices lodged in them have a tendency to combine, than when these juices are already’sa- turated, and the vessels full; hence, a constant sup- ply will be secured, as long as food is presented, and the vessels are in condition to secrete the juices, and perform their functions for disposing of the supply The very same explanation may suffice, for the cure of wounds and fractures, where an extra in AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. 267 ‘may be supposed to augment the secretions, and, consequently, the depositations. These are simple views, and draw but little on the imagination for their support. There is, however, a greater difficulty remaining ; not as to the existence of a thinking or discriminating power, but as to a living principle, distinct from sentient existence, and from mere mechanical and chemical agency. We ean comprehend how the chyle and the blocd may, in their progress from stage to stage, supply all the varied demand of membrane, muscle and bone; but it remains unexplained, by any of the principles with which we are familiar, in what way are gene- rated or continued, those motions which carry the nourishment to these different stages, and expel what is either superfluous or unfit for use. The pe- ristaltic motion, the pulsation of the heart, and the involuntary movements of the muscles, exhibit phe- nomena inconsistent with the idea of inert matter, and equally distant from the effects of attraction or repulsion. ‘These motions may all, indeed, be refer- red to muscular motion; and it seems also to be true, that all muscular motion depends on nervous energy or iuritability ; but this only leads us to a more wonderful contemplation. ‘The whole animal frame is ramified with nerves; and their universal efficiency is proved, by the immediate destruction of those parts, the nervous fabric of which is destroyed. How the nerves communicate information we do not know; but in whatever way effected, the change 268 ON ORGANIZATION of state of the smallest nerve being communicated at that point, from whence all the nerves originate, and where they are all concentrated and united, an action may naturally, and must be produced on the whole system, corresponding to each peculiar excite- ment. That thisis the very mode in which the ani- mal machinery works, we by no means assert. While the operations are in progress, they are be- yond our observation ; and whilst we are in doubt, whether the nerves contract or vibrate, or contain a fluid, or are altogether solid, it is not to be expect- ed, that we can offer proof of the manner in which their active agency is exerted. Yet we may hazard an opinion, that whatever be their peculiar compo- sition, or their means of communicating over the whole, an impulse applied to one particular point, it must be by some such connection as we have at- tempted to describe, that the principle does operate ; and that, though a law or principle sui generis, it is still only a taw or quality impressed on matter ™*. In pursuing this investigation, one can scarcely avoid perceiving the distinctive characters, which prove that there is a structure peculiar to the or- gans ; and that it is inaceurate to a ii ating ‘he * From Dr Ure’s description of the phenomena an ited, on the application of the galvanic stimulus to the ney ves of Clydesdale the murderer, after his death, we have reason to suppose, that, under such influence, muscular motion and se- cretion, and consequently assimilation, might be produced and continued. a” AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. 269 living principle which determines that structure. “What we have contemplated is the fact, that by the structure of these organs, actuated by a living principle, certain functions are performed, which, without such structure, or such living energy, nei- ther the one nor the other alone, could have accomplished. The structure is the organiza- tion; the living principle is something else. They are intimately connected together, no doubt ; but so is the mind with the body. The one is the substance moved; the other the moving power. Holding, then, organization to refer to the structure of the organs, we may perceive, that, though more complex and delicate in its arrange- ments than crystallization, it maybe equally resolved. into a principle or law, impressed on matter, for the application of mechanical power, and the evolution of chemical affinities. There is one point of view, however, in which erystals and organized bodies materially differ. The original specific character of each animal and vegetable, in the thousand and ten thou- sand varieties that overspread the earth, is no ef- fect of chemical affinity. The peculiar character of each of these, could only be impressed by that Great Being, who, when he commanded the world into existence, willed, that the tribes of the animal and ieee kingdoms, should each be brought forth after their kind. The parent, therefore, in ach: of these, in reproducing the species, has not to 270 ON ORGANIZATION create, but to continue the specific character already: created ; and as that specific character can alone de- pend on the difference in combination, in propor- tion, in quantity, and in position of the few ingre- dients of which all are composed, there can be no difficulty, we apprehend, in forming an idea of such a structure of the organs, as may fit them for being mechanically and chemically employed in the assi- milation and deposition of food, for the continuance of life, and reproduction of the species. Dr Barclay does not seem to me to have suffi- ciently attended to this important circumstance. He appears to hold the opinion, that the origin of the animal foetus, is an unorganized fluid, with a little ac- tive being inclosed in it, which forms the organs. But that the animal rudiment is a fluid, is by no means clear; the presumptions, to my mind, lie quite the other way. The thing itself, of which this is the origin, is not fluid, but solid ; and all our ideas con- nected with its nature, relate to solid body. That it is immersed in fluid, is true; this isa wise provision for preserving it in safety. In plants, where in many cases it must be scattered by the winds to become productive, the pollen is a dry solid body, which flies like dust; but in that case, nature has provided a fluid in the pistil, to facilitate its passage into the interior of the seed-vessel. If any thing on this subject admits of being concluded upon as certain, it seems to me to be the proposition, that in the animal, as well as in the vegetable tribes, the parent ait a &, #3, ‘aj Sees = AND THE LIVING PRINCIPLE. O71 produces the organized foetus or seed. It may be, that some of the organs are perceptibly developed sooner than others. It is natural to suppose, that those immediately employed in secreting the nou- rishment, should be first displayed, especially in those animals which are hatched without deriving subsis- tence from the mother. But in all cases, the direct conclusion from analogy is, that the parent prepares the organized rudiment of its offspring, which re- quires only the common operation of its organs to complete the animal. From organization, then, which is a lower point in the seale, we ascend to the Living Principle or vis vitce ;—terms which may be safely adopted, pro- vided we keep in view, that it is not by this princi- ple the soul lives; and that when our bodies shall be mouldering in the dust, and our souls existing in a disembodied state, this living principle shall have ceased to live. A concomitant only on animal and vegetable life, it must vanish with it, like the corresponding portion of gravity, which would cease to exist on the annihilation of the particles of mat- ter on which it was impressed. QTR ON THE NUTRITION OF XVIII.—On the Nutrition of Cuticle, Nails, . Hair, Feathers and Plants. By H. Dewar, M.D. F.R.S.E. & M. W.S. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of EdiAbursh, Honorary Member of the Historical Society of New- York, and Lecturer on Medicine and Chemistry . (Read 26th February 1820.) Ni Tur object of the present Essay is, to bring to- gether a few physical considerations which may as- sist us in forming rational conceptions of the mode of nutrition of some descriptions of animal organs which physiologists have in this respect either, ne-_ glected or misunderstood. ‘ The group of phenomena implied in este ‘ tion presents two aspects, which vie with one an- other in their claims on our admiration. ‘The one aspect consists in the great variety and extent of ‘i 4 CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 273 the subject. It comprehends the whole range of animal and vegetable life, exhibiting varieties com- mensurate not only with the enumerated species of plants and animals, but with the product of this number multiplied by that of the organs, and the sorts of texture which occur, together with those casual deviations which arise from rarer combina- tions of circumstances, and go tmder the name of morbid or preternatural. The other aspect which the facts. of assimila- tion present consists in the recondite nature of the process by which it is accomplished. The change induced is chemical. Certain affinities are brought into action, which nothing short of life can develope. For this reason, we ascribe them to a peculiar set of agents. But the effects are more or less persistent after life is extinguished. Though the changes do not continue, the altered state remains, or is followed by changes of a nature totally different from all that occurs in matter which has never been subjected. to the influence of life. The properties thus developed belong to mat- ter as such, but they are not capable of being eli- cited by matter alone. Whatever opinions may be held relative to the connection between a substance vand its properties, or between matter and the agen- cies which are constantly found attached to it, and which have sometimes occasioned perplexity to the ambition of philosophic subtlety, a clear distinc- VOL. III. S 274 ‘ON THE NUTRITION OF tion presents itself between those properties which’ matter always exhibits, and those which’ only ap- pear on particular occasions, and which the mere eontact or influence of cone matter is’ not ou quate to produce. 7 ‘ if » In attending to the chemical siicoledalat of lifes and, we may add, all the other phenomena, more tri- vial or more stupendous, which are conjoined with life from its lowest to its highest forms, one’ fact ought never to be lost sight of,—and the considera- tion of it will never fail to insinuate a degree of salutary influence into the views of the most rigid and the most sceptical reasoners,—that the’ pro- perties of life do not necessarily reside in any por- tion of matter’ whatever. ‘There are no elements in a living body which we do not find in dead mat- ter. The perpetuity of particular specimens of liv- ing form and function depends on laws which are not attached to matter, and which might cease to operate though all the materials of the organs re- mained. The extinction of a whole species is an event which we easily conceive, as the effect of the cessa- tion of coincidences which we may eall fortuitous ; and, on the occurrence of such an event, which even human co-operation seems competent to accomplish, none of the existing powers connected with all the matter known to us, (even that which has been ani- mated by the numerous individuals of the extin- guished pattern), and no combination of these CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 275° powers, is adequate to reproduce a similar set of in- dividuals. — Every species of living beings owes its: origin to a series of events connected together as cause and effect, operating intimately on matter, and yet liable to be easily removed from the whole material world: ‘There is no visible law of necessary operation, affording security for the permanence of any organized species. ‘The mode of its introduc- tion in the former history of things, or of its sup- posable re-introduction at a future epoch, eludes inquiry, excepting in so far as the history of organic remains shews that organization, in its forms and laws, has undergone revolutions which force us to— recognize the operation of causes to us unseen, be- ing removed from the range of all that we can dis- cover by the most acute reflections on si sna as fall within our view. pang ees) Leva The naturalist, herdeti: in exturidliaks ike scicynti ties, dwells at greatest leisure on. objects which his senses can discover. Eivery thing else is general. These alone are particular. In these inquiries, he can only make more or less near approaches to a knowledge of the nature of organic assimilation. He cannot reach this knowledge itself. He can- not any farther estimate the functions of the parts, than by observing them in a stage as near as possi- ble to the accomplishment of their object, and by instituting a due examination of the nature of the change that is effected. mp 3] S 2 246 ON THE NUTRITION OF This humble occupation derives a dignity and an excellence, from placing the inquirer in the porch of the great temple of Creation and Provi- — dence, the penetralia of which he is forbidden to enter, and procuring for him a knowledge of many facts of which the more distant and careless specta= tor remains ignorant. It is thus that the physiologist and the naturalist study the function of nutrition. The physiologist traces those general facts which are found to accom- pany the process, calling to his aid the minutiz of anatomy, and sometimes chemical research. He surveys the results, that he may see the extent of the changes effected, aud draw from them such lead- ing inferences as they are fitted to furnish: while the naturalist records and arranges the facts ‘then selves, for the purpose of enjoying the magnificent spectacle which they exhibit. The easiest, and ap- parently the most satisfactory subjects for this part of physiological investigation, occur in the soft or- gans of the human species, and of those animals which differ least from man in the texture of the organs. Here we perceive the progress of the nu- triment in the alimentary canal, in the chyliferous vessels, and in the sanguiferous system. In this last, we follow the course of it, now fully prepar- ed, to its ultimate destination in the extremities of the arteries; in which vessels, or in their im- mediate vicinity, nutrition is, in every such or- psa A=: ’ ae ee CP Ay : b A CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 277 an, ac complished. — But whether does the nutri- tious matter, in this final stage, add to the animal texture by attaching itself to the interior surfaces of the vessels which convey it, and of which the different textures ultimately consist ? Or is it passed. through small orifices to the outsides of the vessels, there to be expended on its proper object? Or is there a looseness of fabric at this stage of structure, by virtue of which the minutely divided blood passes and re-passes, to supply the place of what- ever is decayed, leaving full room for the decayed particles to proceed to the veins, to the contents of which they move, either in consequence of mechani- cal or of chemical arrangements, in order to be ex- pelled from the body? These are points which we cannot determine. If the texture is thus loose, the degree of its looseness is exquisitely adjusted to the purposes of nutrition, as well as to the other ends to which the organs are respectively adapted. — It is of such a determinate nature, that no room is left for the transit of other matter across their sub- stance. This adjustment is not purely mechanical, nor purely chemical, nor a mixture of the two. It is chiefly vital, and immediately dependent on the activity of the functions ; for the same organs which thus accurately perform their part, are quickly changed at death ;—an event which deprives the vessels of the power of retaining their fluids, and allows transudation to take place in all directions. api. 278 - ON THE NUTRITION OF | The circumstance to which I wish chiefly to call the attention of the Society, is, That physiologists seem to have had their views in some degree fetter- ed, by entertaining too'strict ideas of’ the” connec- tion between the circulation of fluids and nutrition. It is in cases in which the circulating apparatus is clearly traced, that the conveyance‘of aliment to the organs is most satisfactorily observed ; and they seem to have been unable to conceive any other mode by which this purpose could be effected. * But, when we attend to some organs, particularly hair and feathers, we find them too dry to’ admit the supposition that fluids are circulated through ‘every part of their substance. Physiologists must’ always have supposed that, in these organs, the ‘propor- tion of the fluid to the solid matter is much smaller than in the muscular and nervous substance; but they have not supposed. that there was any limit to the tenuity of vessels by which fluids are conveyed. This view is sometimes applied to the physiology of the smallest'insects. ‘They are described as possessed of vessels equally numerous as in larger animals, and carrying to every organ the nutritious fluid in streams which obey the same vital and hydraulic laws. : 5 | | Hin We shall, find, however, that, in the laws of ca- pillary attraction, limits are set to the tenuity of © sanguiferous vessels. In consequence of these laws, ‘— a small portion of the area of the contajned fiui Bs CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 279 adheres to the parietes. This attraction is not, in- _ deed, incompatible with a relative motion among ’ the particles. A drop of fluid adhering by capil- lary attraction to the end of a glass rod often ex- hibits intestine motions from the admixture of mi- -nute particles of dust, or from containing animalcu- la. But it retards and restrains such motions ; and «there undoubtedly is a minute distance from the surface of the solid, at which motion becomes im- possible. The motions of fluids encounter greatest impediments from this cause in the smallest vessels of any animal, ‘This circumstance counteracts the -effect of the more ample space provided for the blood in that set of vessels, the sum of the areas of which always much exceeds that of the trunks and larger branches. Capillary adhesion contracts that part of the calibre in which the motion is free, and must always bear the greatest proportion where the calibre itself is smallest. Hence the motions of the _ blood form only a minute stream in the axes of these vessels. There is unquestionably a point of minute- ness at which the practicability of circulation ceases ; and nothing except the want of attention to this _ eonsideration, or the absence of any other hypothesis, could have led physiologists to believe in the exis- _ tence of a circulation in situations in which neither vessels nor fluids can be discovered. ~® It has been supposed, that a circulation is con- ducted in the minutest animals, exactly similar to z _ Py 280 ON THE NUTRITION OF that of large ones, and that the minuteness of this _ system bears some proportion to the diminutive — size of the whole body. It is taken for granted, — that the circulation may be equally brisk and free as in larger ones. This seems to have been simply inferred from the indefinite divisibility of matter; and it is true that we are not authorized to set any limits to our conceptions of the minuteness of orga- nic texture. But when we turn our attention to aqueous fluids, we find them governed by this law — of capillary attraction, which: is susceptible of ad- measurement, and which must impose a limit on — the minuteness of the vessels through which streams of such fluids can be transmitted. When hard “pressed, indeed, a reasoner who is unwilling to: give up such opinions might allege that the circu- lating fluids, in such cases, are not aqueous, but consist of a more tenuious matter, more allied to — spirit, governed by a capillary attraction which’ x operates at much smaller distances, or altogether » exempt from that influence. Aqueous and oleagi- nous humours, however, are the only ones on which. we are entitled to pronounce as existing in animal © bodies. Where they differ from pure water, it is not in possessing greater tenuity ; but, on the con-. trary, in deriving a greater viscidity from the ani-+ mal matters with which they are impregnated. If any other supposition, therefore, can be main- tained, it may be fairly concluded from these consi-» CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 981 derations, that we are not entitled to believe in the “necessity of a circulation of fluids, for the ae i of nutrition. Before stating the hypothesis which I propose to substitute on this subject, I shall briefly recall a few prominent facts, relative to the growth of Hair, Nails, and Feathers. It is well known that no vessels can be traced in many of their parts. If there is something like bloodvessels in the soft ends of feathers, near to the body of the animal to which they belong, there are certainly no traces of such an apparatus towards the extremities. Many of the organs now mentioned are too dry to allow us to believe in a circulation, even while their growth is most vigorous. At-the same time, it must be remarked, that there are facts which forbid us to suppose, that these organs are mere secretions formed at their roots, or the parts by which they are attached to the _ animal body. Mere secretion and successive propul- sion, never could have been maintained to constitute the growth of feathers; because it is well known that a developement takes place over all the extent of their expanded substance, each pinion and each serrature receiving a proportional enlargement dur- ing growth. But while physiologists confine their attention to the hair and the nails, they are somc- . waren disposed to conclude that these organs are @ secretions or depositions; and that their 282 ON THE NUTRITION OF § 9) growth consists entirely in a successive propulsion of the existing parts, by the new parts succeedi at the root or point of secretion. Thigeidon: re- ceives some countenance from the circumstance, that a scratch on the nail of one of the fingers, gradually changes its situation, by proceeding in a direction from the root to the extremity of that = substance. In the hair, however, no such ap- © pearances have been observed; and ‘there is this fact adverse to such a supposition, that, when the hair changes from dark to grey, we do not find the — change beginning at the root, and proceeding to- — ward the extremity of the hair, but taking pee sl- multaneously over its whole length, =»... Another fact is,-that the hairs havea maximum ~ length at which the growth is arrested: and this — differs in different individuals, and still more in dif- ferent parts of the same body. ‘That of the head ap- pears somewhat vague, because the ¢out ensemble presents no marked outline, the whole falling down in one flaccid congeries ; but that of the eye-brows, and that of the eye-lids, have a determinate length, which contributes at once to utility and to the high- est elegance. When. cut short, it quickly reaches ‘its full length, and there invariably stops. These circumstances shew, that each hair has.a particular constitution, by which all its parts, from the root to the extremity, exercise a regulated pap one wee ence. -We cannot suppose that the case is different CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 283 with the nails of the fingers and toes. Weare never _ told that those personages in the East who preserve the nails of the fingers without paring receive a constant accession to the length of these organs du- _ ring the whole of their lives. Indeed, we find that, when the paring of the nails of the toes is utterly neglected, although their length becomes inconve- nient, it reaches a ne plus ultra. In these particu- lars, therefore, the nutrition of hair, nails and fea- thers, must be concluded to obey similar laws. The only question which remains is, How can we suppose the nutriment to be conveyed to all the parts of these organs?—The answer which I return to this question, is, that this matter is sent to the parts by vaporization, and appropriated by hy- grometric attraction. ‘The halitus is maintained, and prevented from escaping by various circumstan- ces. RR geais : : | In some of these organs, itis kept up by the close apposition of all their parts to organs which are per- _vaded by flowing liquids. 'Thisis the case with the cuticle and the — which lie flat upon the cutis ~oera. ial In those organs shill are connected with the body by a minute area, such as hairs and feathers, _ the halitus is retained partly by hygrometric attrac- ' tion, and partly by the close envelope afforded by their own most superficial stratum. These two pro- perties bear an inverse proportion to one another; 284 _ ON THE NUTRITION OF where the one is in a small degree, the other makes up for the deficiency, by being in itself more consi- derable. The sum-total of retentive powers of mois- ture thus possessed, may not be strictly equal in all, but proportioned to the degree of adaptation of the different substances to circumstances of external condition. - We are, therefore, to conceive, on the whole, that there is in the interior of all such organs, a constant dampness without any flowing liquidity; and that this dampness contributes to the transmission of all nutritious impregnations ; in the same manner in which we find, that the presence of moisture pro- motes the evolution of those exhalations which an- nounce to the sense of smell certain differences of character in the properties of different animal -sub- stances. The quantities of matter thus conveyed must be more minute than those which pass in the state of blood. But the transmission is constant ; the assimilating functions of the nourished parts are always active; and we are not authorised to pro- nounce on the maximum of the proportion which is taken from the transmitted substance for the Due pose of assimilation. The structure, though thus open, eae not ae conceived to be indeterminate. ‘There are passages of various qualities, through some of which the hali- tus is conveyed more readily, and through others less. These passages differ not only in width, but in the ag CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 285 constitution of their parietes, both with respect to hygrometric properties, and to the degree and kind of their assimilating power. In short, we are war- ranted to conceive a.nutrition to go on in this man- ner with as exquisite niceness and as rich variety, as by means of circulating liquids. Here, however, we must stop. The particular laws by which the ultimate minutie of the process are accomplish- ed, elude our inquiry. But they are not more mys- _ terious in the epidermis, in nails, in hair, and in feathers, on the doctrine which I have ventured to advance, than in the organs in which the circulating apparatus is traced in the most satisfactory man- ner. , This doctrine, it is obvious, may be also called in to the aid of the physiology of insects and of that of plants. To many of the latter, it will be found in- dispensably requisite ; as, for example, those of the class Cryptogamia, and more especially the tribe of lichens. | If it should occur to any person as an objection, that we know the process of nutrition to be conduct- ed in substances, which show that they possess no hygrometric power, since they rapidly dry, as soon as a communication with the animal body or the vege- table root is cut off; I have only to observe, that this hygrometric power is to be considered as regu- lated by the living activity, and for the most part de- pending entirely upon it. This supposition is equal- 286 ON THE NUTRITION OF iter) ly admissible with any other facts of secretion and. assimilation, in which we have chemical qualities and effects which owe their existence to living — agency. : SEO SEE, Ay ; TERN: A doctrine somewhat analogous may be extend- ed to many substances, both animal and vegetable, which are wholly immersed*in fluids, of which we have a good exemplification in the submarine tribe of fuci. It is not incumbent on us to presume that, in all such species, a mechanical propulsion of the nu- tritious fluid must take place, similar to that which obtains in the sanguiferous system of large animals, or even to that which some scanty experiments are considered as having substantiated in certain vege- tables. The transmission may be conducted by so- lution and precipitation alone. ‘The motions may be exactly similar to those in which a saline matter, taken up from the concrete state at the bottom of a liquid solvent, gradually ascends during solution, while the liquid remains steady, its particles either suffermg no change of place, or such a change as we may call chemical because it is strictly corpuscu- lar, arising from chemical attraction and communi- cation. It would be unphilosophical to say that — nutrition is nothing else than solution and precipi- tation ; yet the local transmission of the nutriment is sufficiently accounted for by this set of causes; and the mechanical propulsion of a body of fluid is CUTICLE, NAILS, HAIR AND FEATHERS. 287. not wanted for the completion of our physiological | explanations. That such a propulsion in any case occurs, is to be proved by particular experiments, and not inferred from the general nature of the sub- ject. Ph “it ie) + OBS Gs ACCOUNT OF TWO XITX.—Observations on the Genus Pieus of Lanneus, with Descriptions of two New Spe- cies from the Interior of Brazil. By Wittiam Swainson, F. L. 8. (Read 25th March 1820.) Tne birds composing the Linnean Genus Picus or Woodpecker, form, like a few others, a Natural Group, distinguishable to the most casual obser- ver, and possessing such marked and decided cha- racters, that the best modern ornithologists have refrained from separating them. The Picus tri- dactylus of Linneus, it is true, possesses only three toes, and on that account has been made a distinct genus by Mr Stevens, in the 9th volume of “ Ge- neral Zoology ;? but I am assured by Professor Temminik, whose works must place him among 2 the first ornithologists of the age,—that, from an — NEW SPECIES OF PICUS. 889 attentive inspection of a large number of this fa- mily in his superb collection, he has found the inner hind-toe to vary so much in size, that in many species it is almost obsolete,—thus tracing the affinity, he considers this character by no means’ constant; and it is remarkable, that Mr Stevens’ Tridactyla undata should be described by Brisson with three toes, and figured by Buffon with four *. Future observations, however, will confirm or elear up this point. In the mean time, the descriptions of the two following species of genuine Pici, will add to our knowledge of this interesting family. PICUS curysosterNvus.—Golden-breasted Woodpecker. Specific Character. P. griseus, albido-fasciatus, capitis lateribus, collo, et pectore aureis, vertice et jugulo nigris. Grey Woodpecker, banded with whitish, sides of the head, neck and breast, golden-yellow, crown and throat black. VOL. III. T * The Alcedo tribrachys of Shaw, (Azure Kingfisher of Latham) has likewise only three toes, but in all other respects might serve as a type of the genus Alcedo, though, by the same principle of artificial classification, this bird should stand in a genus by itself. 290. ACCOUNT OF TWO — Description. Total length 124 inches; bill near 14 inches, wedged, smooth, black,' straight ; crown deep glos-’ sy-black, which extends to the hind-head, and — there ends in a point. At the nostrils begins a whitish stripe, which includes the eye, and then becomes a rich orange-yellow, uniting behind the head, and spreading over the sides and lower part of the neck and breast. A black patch occupies the chin, and throat freckled near the bill with white. Upper part of the body, including the wing-covers, greyish-brown, transversely striated with greyish-white; quills the same, but darker and immaculate; near their tips, the Ist, 2d and 3d shorter than the 4th; the shafts of all golden- yellow; inner wings pale-yellow; rump white; under part of the plumage grey, with brown ar- row-shaped lines pointing downwards, two on each feather ; upper and under tail-covers equally band-. ed with black and whitish; tail 43 inches long, — and black ; the two middle feathers partially band- ed with dirty yellow; the two outermost pair the same on the exterior web only; the shafts of the last golden in the middle; legs and ee” obscure olive. ‘This was a female. tie i I only observed this rare bird in the ay and arid tracts of table-land in the Sertem or inland — hr NEW SPECIES OF PICUS. 201 country of the Province of Bahia. Unlike the rest __ of its tribe, it has a short plaintive ery while flying, and: frequently perches on the tops of the strag- a - gling stunted trees, which afford such a contrast to _ the luxuriant vegetation of the coast. In size, and in the beautiful golden colour of the quill- “ Pacts it resembles Picus melanochloros and cay- | anensis, near which it should be placed. I have seen it in no other collection than my own. | PICUS Brazi.iENsts.—Brazilian Woodpecker. Specific Character. P. olivaceus, subtus flavescens, nigro-fasciatus, ca- pite subcristato supra rubra, utrinque lineis oli-. vaceis, fulvis, et rubris. | Olive Woodpecker, beneath tawny, with trans- _ verse black striae, head sub-crested above red, , the sides with olive, yellow, and red streaks. Description. _ Total length 9 inches; bill, near one inch, black, very straight, the sides angulated; irides yellow ; head above, as far as the nape, crimson ; or- bits and cheeks olive-brown ; beneath this, and com- T 2 : 292 ACCOUNT OF TWO a mencing from the nostrils, is a narrow line of gol- den-yellow, terminating with the neck; below this _ is another stripe, crimson at the base of the lower mandible, and olive beyond, ending with the fo er, leaving the chin and throat yellow; all the : ‘ ‘ , a ee + f Z Bue ? ’ | = 3 : ¥ A 4 “ ‘ ¢ 2 = t ss . | | | : F = = : = : ‘ ; \ . Ke GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. 317 collection of debris which we meet with, extending over a great proportion of its bottom, under the ‘common appellation of Sand-Banks. We must also be allowed to consider the undulating line, or the irregularities of the bottom, to arise chiefly from the accumulation of deposited matters; and, in most of the situations connected with these banks, we are supported and borhe out in this con- clusion, by their local positions relatively to the openings of friths, and the line of their direction in regard to the set or current of the ebb-tide. The accompanying Map (P]. XIV.) of the eastern coast of Great Britain, with the opposite Continent, though upon a small scale, exhibits numerous soundings of the depth of the German Ocean ; and the sections delineated on it, will perhaps be found to give a pretty distinct view of the subject. This chart extends from the coast of France, in latitude 50° 57’ to 61° N. On the east, this great basin is bounded by Denmark and Norway, on the west by the British Isles, on the south by Germany, Hol- land and France, and on the north by the Shetland Islands, and the Great Northern or Arctic Ocean. The term German Ocean, though in very com- mon use, is certainly not so comprehensive in its application to this great basin, as that of North - Sea, now more generally used by the navigator. The extent of this sea from south to north, between the parallels of latitude quoted above, is 233 leagues, 318 - ON THE BED OF THE and its greatest breadth from west to east, reckon- ing from St Abb’s-Head, on the coast of Scotland, to Ring Kiobing Froid, on the opposite shore of Denmark, is 135 leagues. The greatest depth of the water in this basin, seems to be upon the Nor- wegian side, where the soundings give 190 fathoms; but the mean depth of the whole may be stated at only about 31 fathoms. To be more particular with regard to the depth of the German Ocean, or North Sea, it will be ob- served by the sections and soundings marked upon the chart, that the water gradually deepens as we sail from south to north. The first of these sec- tions which we shall notice, is on the parallel of 3 degrees of east longitude, running from Ostend to the latitude of the northmost of the Shetland Is- lands, being an extent of 227 leagues. ‘The depth, as will be seen from this section, (which, to’ avoid’ confusion in the body of the chart, is traced along the western side of it,) varies rather after an irre- gular progression, from ]20 fathoms towards the northern extremity of this sectional line, to 58, 38, 24 and 18 fathoms, as we proceed southwards, to within five miles of the shore, nearer which we do not approach in our remarks regarding the sound- | ings. Notwithstanding the irregularity of the depth, from the occurrence of numerous sand-banks, it is curious to observe the increase upon the whole, as we proceed from south to north, by which this GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. 319 ‘sea exhibits all the characteristic features of a great bay, encumbered with numerous sand-banks. In the same manner, though not strictly con- nected with our present purpose, we may observe, that the English Channel deepens progressively from Dover to its entrance, formed by the Land’s- ‘End of England and the Isle of Ushant, on the coast of France; so that the Strait between Dover and Calais may be said to form a point of partition between two great inclined planes, forming the bottom of these seas. Besides the longitudinal, or north and oaths sec- tional line described above, we have. also six other sections delineated in an easterly and westerly di- rection, across the accompanying chart, which are as follow. One between the Shetland Islands and the coast of Norway ; a second between Tarbetness in Ross-shire and the Naze of Norway; a third ex- tends from the Frith of Forth to the coast of Den- mark; a fourth from the mouth of the river Tyne to Sylt Island, also in Denmark; a fifth from Flamborough-Head, in Yorkshire, to the mouth of the river Elbe; and the sixth is from Yarmouth to Egmond-op-Zee, on the coast of Holland. On examining the accompanying cross sections, of the depths of water on the same parallel, they will be found to vary considerably. It may, how- ever, be stated as a general conclusion, that there is a greater depth of water on the eastern and western sides of the German Ocean, than its cen 320 ON THE BED OF THE tral parts, and that, upon the whole, it is deeper on the British, than on the continental “ea the coast of Norway excepted. Laat We have already observed, that this oy is much — encumbered with sand-banks, or great accumulations of debris, especially in the middle or central parts, and also along the shores towards what may be termed the apex of the bay, extending from the river Thames, along the shores of Holland, &e. to the Baltic. One of these great central banks, deli- neated on the chart, and known to mariners as the Long Forties, trends north-east in the direction of the ebb-tide from the entrance of the Frith of Forth, no less than 110 miles, while the Denmark and Jutland banks may also be traced on the chart from the entrance of the Baltic, upwards of 105 miles in a north-western direction. Besides these, we have also another great central range of banks, which is crossed by no fewer than four of our sec- tional lines: These are known under the common appellation of the Dogger Bank, which is subdivid- ed by the navigator into the Long-Bank, the White- Bank, and the Well-Bank, including an cxtent of upwards of 354 miles from north to south. . There are also a vast number of shoals and sand-banks, lying wholly to the southward of our section, be- tween Flamborough Head and Heligoland. A gether, therefore, the superficies of these. extensive banks is found to occupy no inconsiderable portion of the whole area of the German Ocean ; the sur- : ; me x GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. i face of which, in making these investigations, has been estimated to contain about 153,709 square miles, while the aggregate superficial contents of the sand-banks alone, amount to no less than 27,443 square miles, or include an area of about 52 of the whole surface of the North Sea. But to render these dimensions a little more fa- miliar by comparison, we may notice, that the Island of Great Britain contains about 77,244 square miles, being not quite one-half of the area of the North Sea; so that the area of the Sand-banks bears a proportion equal to about one-third of the whole terra firma of England and Scotland; and they are, therefore, perhaps, far more considerable in their extent than has been generally imagined. In speaking of the dimensions of sand-banks si- tuate in the middle of the ocean, we are aware that great allowance must be made in forming a proper estimate of their extent, especially in speaking of their cubical contents. From a vast number of ob- servations and comparisons relative to this sub- ject, I have, however, been enabled to determine, that the average height of these banks measures about 78 feet, from a mean taken of the whole. In ascertaining their height above the surrounding bottom, the measurement has been taken from the general depth around each respectively. Now, up- on taking the aggregate cubical contents of the whole of these immense collections of debris, sup- | VOL. III. “af 322 ON THE BED OF THE | posing the mass to be uniformly the same through- out, it is found to amount to no less a quantity than 2,241,248,563,110 of cubic yards, being equal to about 14 feet of the depth of the whole German Ocean, or to a portion of the firm ground of Great Britain, on a level with the sea, taken 28 feet in perpendicular height or depth, supposing the surface to be a level plane. These calculations at least all to eel dae an immense body of water must be displaced, in conse- quence of these banks occupying so very consider- able a proportion of the bed of the North Sea, the unavoidable effect of which must give a direct ten- _ dency to the tidal waters, and the flux produced by storms in the Atlantic, to overflow the bed of the German Ocean, in the same manner as if stones or other matter were thrown into a vessel already near- ly brimful of water. This may further be illustrat- ed by considering the actual state of any of the great inland lakes, as those of Geneva, Lochness, Loch- lomond, &c. which for ages past have been receiving the debris of the surrounding mountains. We must doubtless allow that they contain a smaller portion of water, or are actually of a less depth than they were at an earlier period of the history of the globe. Accordingly, from inquiries, which, in the prosecu- tion of this subject, I have been led to make re- garding the two last mentioned lakes, it has satis- factorily appeared that their waters are subject to — overflow or rise upon their banks. On Lochlomond, GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. 323 in particular, the site of a house at the village of Luss was pointed out to me, which is now perma- nently under the swmmer-water-mark, while the gable of another house in its neighbourhood is in danger of being washed down by the increase of the waters of the loch. Whether this striking appear- ance (an account of which I laid before the Society in the session of 1818,) is to be attributed wholly to natural causes, or partly to artificial operations upon the bed of the River Leven, flowing from the loch, I have had no opportunity of inquiring. But the great bench or flat space around the margin of the loch, which is left partly dry during summer, fosms altogether such a receptacle for debris, as to be sufficient to affect the surface of the loch, and in- deed permanently to raise its waters. We also in- | fer, though by a different process, that the constant deposition going forward in the bed of the German Ocean, must likewise displace its waters, and give them a tendency to enlarge their bed and to over- flow their banks or boundary. In this view of the subject, it will appear that we have not only to account for the supply of an im- mense quantity of debris, but we must also dispose of the water displaced by the process of deposition which is continually going forward at the bottom of the ocean. _ With regard, then, to the supply of the debris of which these banks are composed.—We find that a very great portion of it consists of siliceous matters xX 2 394 ON THE BED OF THE in the form of sand, varying in size from the: finest grains to coarse bulky particles, mixed with coral and pounded shells, the quantity of these caleare- ous matters being altogether astonishingly great; — op and being specifically lighter than the particles of sand, the shells generally cover the surface of these — sunken banks. With regard to the vast collection of siliceous particles connected with the banks, our - surprise ceases when we consider the receptacle which the North Sea forms, to an almost unlimited extent of drainage from the surrounding countries, as before noticed, on which the change of the sea sons, and the succession of rain and of drought up-— on the surface of the earth, are unceasingly produ cing their destructive effects. All have remarked the quantity of mud and debris with which every rill and river is charged, even after the gentlest shower, especially wherever the hand of the agri- culturist is to be found. His labours in keeping up the fertilizing quality of the ground, consist in a great measure in preparing a fresh matrix for the chemical process or the germination of the seeds ot the earth, in liew of that portion of the finely pul- verised soil which the rains are perpetually cary ing to the sea, as the grand receptacle and store house of nature for these exuvize of the globe. From the effect of rills and rivulets, we should, perhaps, be apt to expect a greater deposition in the bed os sheltered bays and arms of the sea, tha: we observe. So that we can readily believe that the 2 > really } nee GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA, 325 quantity of debris, even for a single year, along such an extent of coast, may bear some oc in ‘respect to the bed of the German Ocean; what, then, must these effects amount ce in the lapse of ages ? Whatever. be the cause, the fact is certain, that on almost every part of the shores of Great Britain and Ireland, and their connecting islands, from the | : northmost of the Shetland to the southernmost of i the Scilly Islands, and also upon the shores of Hol- land, and part of France, particularly in the neigh- bourhood of Cherbourg, this wasting effect is going forward. These shores I have myself examined. But my inquiries have not been confined to the coasts which I have personally visited, having also, through the kind attention of some nautical friends, been enabled to extend my investigations even to the remotest parts of the globe. The general re- sult has been, that, equally in the most sheltered seas, such as the Baltic and Mediterranean, and on the most exposed points and promontories of the coasts of North and South America, and the West India islands, abundant proofs occur, all tending to shew the general waste of the land by the encroach- ments of the sea. Such wasting effects are quite familiar to those locally acquainted with particular _ portions of the shores; and I have often received _ their testimony to these facts, as the sad se See | ** the removal of buildings, and the inundation of ies. 326 ON THE BED OF THE extensive tracts of land by the encroachment of the sea. Indeed, by a closer inquiry into _ ilegiitbnent of the subject, we shall, perhaps, find ourselves ra-_ ther at a loss to account for the smallness of the quantity of this deposition, considering the waste which is constantly going forward in the process of nature, and even be led to seek for its wider distri- ; bution over the whole expanse of the bed of the — ocean, as has been supposed in that theory of the — globe, so beautifully and so ably defended by our late illustrious countryman Professor Playfair. One of the most striking and general examples of this kind may perhaps be found in the abrupt and precipitous headlands and shores which we every where observe along the coast, and which we suppose to have once been of the same sloping form and declining aspect with the contiguous land: In the production of these effects alone, an immense quantity of debris must have been thrown into the bed of the ocean. ° The channels which are cut by the sea in the separation of parts of the mainland, and the formation of islands, no doubt make way for a considerable portion of the displaced fluid ; but still these channels, when filled with water, come far short, in point of bulk, when compared with the portions of the elevated land which are © thus removed. Now, it has been alleged by some, that while the land is wasting at certain points, it is also gaining in others; and this is a state of a GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. 327 _ things which is freely admitted to take place in va- ¥ious quarters; yet these apparent acquisitions are —— | , e ‘fo more to be compared with the waste alluded to, ___than the drop is to the water of the bucket. But accurate observations regarding the formation of ex- tensive sand-banks, and the accumulation of the de- bris, of which they are formed, are not to be made in a few years, perhaps not in a century, nor indeed in several centuries; for although the short period — of the life of man is sufficient to afford the most incontrovertible proofs of the waste of the land where we become observers, yet when we extend our views to the depths of the ocean, and speak of the events and changes which are there going forward, we must not be supposed to set limits to time. We have many convincing proofs in the natural history of the globe, that the sea has at one time occupied a much higher elevation than at present. On the banks of the Frith of Forth, near Borrow- stounness, for example, I have seen a bed of marine shells, which is several feet in thickness, and has been found to extend about three miles in length, and which is now situate many feet above the pre- sent level of the waters of the Forth. A recent illustration of this subject occurred also in the re- markable discovery of the skeleton of a large whale, found on the lands of Airthrey, near Stirling. The present surface of the ground where the remains of this huge animal were deposited, having been as- certained (by my assistants, when lately in that 328 ON THE BED OF THE neighbourhood) to be no less that 24 feet 9 inches above the present level of the Frith of Forth at — high water of spring-tides. | Now, whether we are to consider these as proofs of the higher elevation of the waters of the ocean in the most general accepta- tion of the word, at a former period, I will not here attempt to enquire. But aside from these ano- malous appearances, there is reason for thinking, that the-watcrs of the higher parts of the Frith of Forth, like those of the Murray Frith, may at one time have formed a succession of lakes, with distinct barriers, as we find in the case of Lochness, and the other lakes forming the track of the Caledonian Canal. My object on the present occasion, however, is simply to notice the wasting effects of the North Sea upon the surrounding land, its deposition in the bottom of the sea, and the consequent production of surplus waters at the surface, and to endeavour to account for these-appearances consistently with the laws of nature. The opinion accordingly which I have formed, and the theory which I have humbly to suggest, (for I am not aware that this subject has been before particularly noticed), is, that the silting up of the great basin of the North Sea, has a di- rect tendency to cause its waters to overflow fea banks. Referring to the cent) we find that the North Sea is surrounded with land, excepting at two in- lets or apertures, the one extending about 100 leagues between the Orkney Islands and the Ner- GERMAN OCEAN, OR NORTH SEA. 329 -wegian coast, and the other between Dover and _ Calais, which is of the width of 7 leagues. The aggregate water-way of these two passages forms the track for the tidal waters, and also for the sur- plus waters produced during storms which affect the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. It is also obvious that this water-way must remain nearly the same, and admit a constant quantity ; or, to speak more correctly, by allowing these inlets to follow the ge- neral law, they must be enlarged by the waste or wearing of their sides, in a ratio perhaps greater than the silting up of the bottom in those particu- lar parts, while the anterior and central portions of the German Ocean are continually acquiring ad- ditional quantities of debris, along with the drain- ) Havy’s Primitive Forms. Mous’ Funpamen-| Oprticat Sys- TaL Forms. TEM. 1. Rhomboid, alan j ae 1.—Rhomboidal | 2. Regular Hexaedral Prism, einen ‘ 3. Bipyramidal Dodecahedron, y if Hepes with onE axis of Dou- 4. Octohedron, With a square \ II.—Pyramidal j | ble Refraction. 5, Right Prism, base, System, } Base a Rectangle, 6. Right Base a Rhomb, Prism, Base an oblique parallelogram, Base a Rectangle, 1 | I1I.—Prismatic eocypbainee lo ‘ XES 0 - 4. Oblique } Base a Rhomb, System, ay. es apna ed Prism, Base an oblique par- . fi allelogram, ny a Base a Rectangle. } 8. Octohedron, ue? , Base a Rhomb, J {II.--Crystals with ' THREE Rectangu-| 9. ee lar axes in a state 10. Regular Octohedron, 1V.—Tessular 11. Rhomboidal Dodecahedron System ofequilibripan, & ae ) y " therefore produ- - cing no double refraction. It appears from this Table, that the First Class of the Optical System includes Mohs’s jfirst and second systems of fundamental forms. Although the system of crystallizations deduced from these two forms appears at present to be different, yet we» think that some mode of connecting them together may still be discovered. Therhomboidal — and the pyramidal systems resemble one another, in ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. 343 so far as they have both only one axis symmetrically situated in the solid; and even if this resemblance had not been strengthened by their having both only one axis of double refraction, it might entitle us to unite them into one class, and thus identify _ the crystallographic with the optical system. The agreement between Mohs’ System of Fun- damental Forms, and that which is derived from optical structure, will appear still more striking, if we compare the individual determinations of primi- tive forms which each of them have furnished ; and as the forms which Haiiy has ascribed to several minerals are incompatible with their optical struc- ture, we shall thus be able to estimate the relative values of the French and the German systems of crystallography. The following ‘Table will point out the deviations of Haiiy’s primitive forms from those which I have given in this and a former paper. 844 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS, LIST OF MINERALS Which ought to have a Primitive Form different from that assigned to them by Havy. True Fundamental Form, as predicted from to Havy. their Optical Structure. Names of Minerals. Form according LT ES Sulphate of Magnesia, ) |Right Prism Chromate of Lead, with a Square | > Prismatic System. Mesotype, base, Tolite, Prism, Cryolite, qe: ) Obtuse Rho jHarmotome, Prismatic Syutein, 5 boid, Chabasie, Acute Rhom- boid, Sulphate of ron i Prismatic System. Carbonate of Barytes, of Strontites, } |Hexaedral Prismatic System. ! Essonite, Tessular Sy stem. Right Rhom- boidal Prism pO SE —— The following Table contains the fundamental forms, as ascertained by Mohs, of those transparent and translucent crystals, in almost all of which I have determined the number of axes of double re- fraction. ‘ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. 345 TaB.E of the Fundamental Forms of Minerals as deter- mined by Professor Mous of Freyberg *. RHOMBOIDAL SYSTEM. Carbonate of Lime. Oligist Iron-ore. o—— —— of Limeand Mag- Spinellane. nesia. Ruby Silver. of Lime and Iron. Cinnabar. — of Manganese. Tourmaline. of Zinc. Rubellite. Phosphate of Lime. Dioptase. of Lead. Chabasie. Rhomboidal mica. Tolite. Nepheline. Quartz. Beryl, - Specular Iron-ore. Emerald. Corundum, ) » Ruby, Sapphire., * The results in this Table are taken from a work newly published, and entitled Die Charactere der Klassen, Ordnun- gen, Geschlechier und Arten oder die characteristik des Naturhis- torischen Mineral-Systemes, von FriepERIcH Mons. Dresden, 1820. ‘This interesting work has been translated into Eng- lish, and is now publishing in Edinburgh. 346 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. | PyraMIDAL SYSTEM. Tungstate of Lime. Molybdate of Lead. Oxide of Tin. Apophyllite. Meionite. Wernerite. Idocrase. Zircon. Mellite. Uranite. 'Titanite. Octohedrite. Sulphate of Zinc. PRISMATIC SYSTEM. Carbonate of Soda. Sulphate of Soda. Nitrate of Potash. Sulphate of Lime. of Iron. , of Copper. — of Barytes. of Strontian. oe of Lead. of Magnesia, Borate of Soda. Glauberite. Cryolite. Anhydrite. Arragonite.. Carbonate of Strontian. rae —— of Barytes. of Lead. of Copper. Chromate of Lead. Phosphate of Iron. Tale. 7 Diallage. Electric Calamine, Amblygonite. Aphrite. Diaspore. Hauyne. Kyanite. Spodumene. Prehnite. Datholite. Harmotome. Laumonite. @ _ Mesotype. Stilbite. Petalite. Felspar. Augite. Epidote. ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. Tabular Spar. Cymophane, _ Axinite. Peridote. Essonite. Staurotide. Sphene. Euclase. Red oxide of Zinc. Tantalite. Oxide of Manganese. Sulphur. Muriate of Copper. Wavellite. TESSULAR SYSTEM. Muriate of Soda. Muriate of Ammonia. Diamond. Boracite. Garnet. Arseniate of Iron. Helvin. Aplome. Spinelle. Ceylanite. Alum. Fluor-Spar. Blende. Sodalite. Ruby Copper. 347 When we examine the determinations contained in the preceding Table, we cannot but be struck, with the coincidence which almost universally ob- tains between Mohs’s results and those which I have deduced from the optical structure of minerals. No fewer than nine out of the eleven minerals which constitute the exceptions to Haiiy’s Table, (see page 344.), have been found by Mohs to have the same primitive forms which I assigned to them ; and the other two minerals, namely, Jolite and 348. ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. Essonite, he will no doubt find, upon re-examina- tion, to belong to the Prismatic System *. An agreement so striking between the results of a system purely Crystallographic, and a system purely Optical, cannot fail to be regarded as a de- monstration of the principles upon which both of them are founded. I shall now conclude this supplementary paper, with a Table of the Primitive Forms of Minerals and Crystals, which I have determined from their. optical structure. | Lance of the Primitive Forms of Minerals and Crystals hitherto undetermined. I. & I.—Ruomszorpar on Pyramipa System. Hydrate of Magnesia. Nitrate of Soda. Arseniate of Copper. Subphosphate of Potash. _ Mica from Kariak, &c. Sulphate of Nickel, ) Certain Apophyllite from Uton. AEE Potash» }> speci- : — surcomposée. —— Zinc. J mens. Muriate of Lime. . Superacetate of Copper and — of Strontian. lime. | . Arseniate of Potash. Ice. * I have reason to believe that Mohs did not examine these two minerals himself, but adopted the primitive forms assign; ‘ ed to them by Haiy. | ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. 349 Il].—Prismatic System. Tolite. Diallage. Carbonate of Barytes. Strontian. ——_———— Ammonia. Potash. ——— Copper. Petalite. Harmotome. Chromate of Lead. Apophylhite from Faroe. Mesotype from. Auvergne. —— Iceland. Glenarbuck. Nadelstein from Faroe. Chabasie. Indurated Talc. Sulpho-carbonate of Lead Sulphate of Copper and Tron. —_—— Ammonia. ‘Cobalt. ———— Ammonia and nae) ee Magnesia. Soda and Mag- nesia. Manganese. Zinc, (certain specimens.) ae ST ae Nitrate of Silver. Ammonia. Lime. ———— Strontian, (certain specimens. ) Copper. ——_—— Zinc. ——— Mercury. Bismuth. Nitrite of Lead, (certain spe- - cimens. ) Muriate of Mercury. — Magnesia. Barytes. Acetate of Lead. Zinc. Hyper-oxymuriate of Potash. Phosphate of Soda. Tron. - Oxalate of Ammonia. Super-oxalate of Potash. Super-chromate of Potash. Crystallized Cheltenham Salts. Murio-sulphate of Magnesia and Iron. _ Benzoate of Ammonia. Chromic Acid. Benzoic Acid. 3 350 ON THE PRIMITIVE FORM OF CRYSTALS. Boracic Acid. Camphor. Succinic Acid. Comptonite. Hydrate of Barytes. Electric Calamine. Super-tartrate of Potash. Lepidolite. Tartrate of Potash and Anti- Realgar. mony. Yellow Orpiment. Spermaceti. TESSULAR SYSTEM. Essonite. Nitrate of Barytes. Haiiyne. Nitrite of Lead, (certain spe- Sodalite. ccimens.) Cinnamon Stone. Muriate of Potash. Nitrate of Lead. Sulphate of Alumina and ---——— of Strontian,(octahe- § Ammonia. dral crystals.) XXIV. PeStibin | XXIV.—An Account of some of the Cryptoga- mous Plants of Devonshire. By Rogvert Kaye Grevitie, Esq. M. W.S. (Read 5th August 1820.) Tur county of Devon has been always regarded, even from the days of our earliest botanical writers, as particularly favourable to the growth of many extremely rare plants; and the face of the country is, indeed, admirably adapted to such as are found in peculiar habitats. The high and extensive tract of Dartmoor, yielding a great variety of mountain scenery, affords a considerable number of alpine species; and the warm and shaded valleys in the lower parts of the country, are equally prolific in characteristic productions; whilst the sea-coast, abounding with the most beautiful bays, and the: 352 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE boldest cliffs, is more favourable to marine botany, than any other coast in the kingdom. ‘The great variety of soil, also, resulting from numerous modi- fications of granite, slate, limestone, sandstone, &c. all favourable to particular vegetable produc- tions, bestows upon this county a pre-eminence in a botanical point of view, which is farther confirm- ed by its humid atmosphere and southern latitude. All these advantages taken into consideration, along with its great extent and acknowledged bo- tanical riches, render it a singular circumstance that no Flora of it has been published. ‘There are many private individuals, who have done much to- wards an undertaking of this kind; but they, un- fortunately, want either leisure or inclination, to give their labours to the public. The indefatiga- ble industry, and the acuteness of Mrs Griffiths, have, however, been made known to the world, through the medium of the Historia Fucorum, and of the singular plant which so mina” bears her name. 3 The following Phceenogamous Plants, which may be considered as almost peculiar to Devon- shire, will contribute to shew the value ? that county to the botanist : Scirpus holoscheenus. Cynoglossum omphalodes. Oxalis corniculata. CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 35% Polycarpum tetraphyllum. Bupleurum odontites. Lobelia urens, &e. Erica vagans, has been also found near Ax~ minster. A few years only have elapsed, since Cryptoga- mous Botany began to engage general attention. It is still in its infancy ; but at the present moment, | is, perhaps, advancing with more rapid strides, than most other branches of botany. Besides many emi- nent Continental Cryptogamists, we have one* re- cently appointed Professor of Botany in the College of Glasgow, who is devoting his time to, and exercis- ing his unrivalled acuteness, upon the recondite trea- sures of this department ; and has already present- ed to the world above 170 new musc?, many of them collected in the recesses of Nepal,—many in the wilds of South America,—the former by the Honourable D. Gardner, the latter by the in- defatigable Humboldt and Bonpland. Minute and worthless as this part of the vegetable creation may appear to be in the eyes of the multitude, those who have particularly studied them, have been amply repaid for their trouble. Cuz bono hec om- mia? We might, indeed, be contented to answer * Dr Witiiam Jackson Hooker, author of Recollections of a Tour in Iceland, a Monograph on the British Jungermannw, Musei exotici, &c. &c., and who is now engaged not only im continuing the Flora Londinensis, but in a Flora Seotica. VOL. III. Z 345 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE with our valuable countryman DiLLENtus, “ Ut cognoscamus sapientiam Creatoris, que in mini- mis non minus elucet, quam in magnis plantis ;” for we find in these diminutive objects, the most beautiful and the most unexpected structures, ad- mirably fitted for their respective functions. ‘We find external habit as strongly marked in the slen- der Hypnum,—in the almost invisible Phascum, as in the Lord of the Forest, the old Oak grown hoary ‘in many centuries. We find them various in their fruit and in their foliage, each fitted to its peculiar residence, and changing their character like the higher vegetables, as they approach the southern or northern hemisphere. Yet we will not be content-— ed with mere beauty and fitness: Uses have been discovered in these obscure tribes of plants that were unlooked for; and we may reasonably con- clude, that other uses will still be found, perhaps im- portant ones, from the influx of new species. TI now proceed to lay before the Society, an enu- meration of such Cryptogamous Plants as fell under my notice, during a three months residence in De- vonshire. In the form of notes, I shall insert oc- casional observations, with a few new facts relative to some of the Fuci of that county,—a tribe of plants, of which I hope to be able to publish a Sy- nopsis at no very distant period. In order to render a part of my enumeration more complete, I shall introduce a few plants CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. ic that I neither saw nor gathered myself, but in every instance shall annex my authority. MUSCI. Andreea Rothii. Sphagnum latifolium. acutifolium. cuspidatum. Phascum alternifolium. axillare. muticum var. £. { cuspidatum. G fpr smtsbaty viridissimum. truncatulum. ves ) fasciculare. pyriforme. Anictangium ciliatum. Schistostega pennata, (2.) | Splachnum ampullaceum. | Polytrichum undulatum. piliferum. commune. urnigerum. aloides. nanum. (3.) iesiedls rigida. muralis. ruralis. Abundant on Cawsand, the highest part of Dartmoor. Common. — Ditto. On Cawsand. Near Torquay, rare. About Exeter. Near Torquay, — Hooker, Muse. Britt. Torquay, Ilfracombe, &e. About Exeter. _ Common. - Foot of Cawsand. About Exeter. — Dartmoor. Between Zele and South Taw- ton,—Mr Newberry. Between Sidmouth and Exe- _ ter,— T'urner. Common. Haldon and Dartmoor. Common. On Haldon and Dartmoor. Ditto do. Ditto do. Babbacombe. Common. Ditto, Z% 356 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE Tortula subulata. North Bovey, near Exeter. eed. its Torpoint, &c. — Hooker. tortuosa. Babbacombe. i unguiculata. About Exeter. mr Grimmia apocarpa. Common. maritima. —_—- +I\}fracombe. pulvinata. ~Common. Pterogonium Smithii. (4.) | Maidencombe, Torabbey &e. gracile. . Lustleigh Cleve. Weissia starkeana. Near Torquay. lanceolata. Near Exeter. cirrhata. -.» Torabbey. controversa. Common. Dicranum bryoides. — Ditto. adiantoides. — Dartmoor,-Lidford Waterfall taxifolium. » Near Exeter,—North eget glaucum. On Dartmoor. flexuosum. Dartmoor. flavescens. Lidford Waterfall. pellucidum Near Lidford. - scoparium. Common. — -varium. Near Exeter. heteromallum. Near Dartmoor. Trichostomum lanugmosum. Haldon,—Dartmoor. heterostichum. Ditto do. microcarpon. Ditto do. aciculare. Ditto do. fasciculare. Haldon. - (Abundant in Ugbrook Park, covering most of the trees, but I could find. no scale, Leucodon sciuroides. ) sules. CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 357 Didymodon purpureum. Common. . ! rigidulum. Ilfracombe. heteromallum. On Cawsand. Funaria hygrometrica. Common. Orthotricum anomalum. Babbacombe,—South Tawton. crispum. Haldon,—Lidford Fall. affine. | Common. diaphanum. ~ South Tawton, near Exeter. striatum. About Exeter. Near North Bovey; near Oke- Lyelli. (5.) | hampton, and near Lid- ford Waterfall. Neckera. crispa. Not unfrequent. pumila. Ditto. Anomodon curtipendulum. Dartmoor. On the wall of Ugbrook Park, viticulosum, abundant. Daltonia heteromalla. — Not unirequent. Fontinalis squamosa. (6.) Lustleigh Cleve-—No. Bovey. Bartramia pomiformis. Common. fontana. Dartmoor. : , On Cawsand, and near Lid- i OE ieee ford Fall abundantly. Hookeria lucens. -Lidford Waterfall. Hypnum trichomanoides. _ Ditto. complanatum. = Common. undulatum. — Dartmoor. denticulatum. About Exeter. medium. Near Exeter. ( On the wall of Ugbrook Park, near the gateway, and ona tenellum. wall by the foot-path lead- ing from Torquay to Tor- abbey Sands. ee ie be. 358 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE Hypnum serpens. Common. schreberi. Haldon and ll ke, murale. . Frequent. purum. Ditto. fluitans. Dartmoor. sericeum. Common. lutescens. Ditto. aepsetirutd. South Tawton, — Lustleigh Cleve. dendroides. Dartmoor. curvatum. Common. myosuroides. Near Torquay. splendens. Common. proliferum. _ Near Torquay, &c. prelongum. Common. rutabulum. Ditto. velutinum. Ditto. ruscifolium. Dartmoor. striatum. Common. : cuspidatum. Dartmoor. loreum. Ditto. - triquetrum. Common. squarrosum. Dartmoor. filicinum. South Tawton lime quarries, aduncum, et var. | Dar alas revolvens. . commutatum. Ditto. — cupressiforme, Common. molluscum. Lidford Waterfall. Bryum palustre. Dartmoor. argenteum. Common. roseum. North Bovey, &e. no fruit. capillare. Common. Bryum cespititium. nutans. punctatum. ligulatum. hornum. cuspidatum. CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 359 Common. On Cawsand. Lidford Fall. Ahout Dartmoor. Lustleigh Cleve. In a little wood at South Tawton quarries. MUSCI HEPATICZ. J ungermannia julacea. furcata. epiphylla. asplenoides. complanata. albicans. bidentata. dilatata. tamariscl. tomentella. platyphylla Dartmoor,— Newberry. Common. ) - Dartmoor. Near Exeter. Common. About Dartmoor. Common. Lustleigh Cleve. Common. | Lidford Waterfall, Lustleigh Cleve. - - FILICES. Osmunda regalis. Polypodium phegopteris. Aspidium aculeatum. spinulosum. dilatatum. Gramitis ceterach. Asplenium marinum. Hymenophyllum Tunbrid- giense. Pilularia globulifera. Foot of Cawsand. Lidford Fall. \ Near Torquay. Lidford Fall. Babbacombe. Coast, — Hudson. \ Dartmoor. Blackdown,—Polwhele, $60 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE FUCI. Fucus sinuosus. Exmouth, Torquay, &c. ruscifolius. Ditto, rejectamenta. hypoglossum. (8.) Ditto, Torquay. palmetta. Torquay, rejectamenta. membranifolius. Ditto. sales Grows at Torquay, and II- fracombe. tenuissimus. Torbay,—Mrs Griffiths, dasyphyllus, Ditto, do. obtusus. Ditto, do. siliquosus. Ditto,—Exmouth. abrotanifolius. Near Torquay. tamariscifolius. Ditto. _. do. Arne! Ditto, near Tei and Il- fracombe. ligulatus. Torbay,—Mrs Griffiths. serratus. Torbay, &c. vesiculosus. Common. ceranoides, River Dart,—Mrs Griffiths. membranaceus. (9.) Sidmouth, do. alatus. Torquay, &c. era. Torquay and Exmouth, re- jectamenta. laciniatus. (10.) -—-—- Ditto, do. reniformis. Torquay, rejectamenta. ulvoides ? — Mrs Griffiths. i ¢ Exmouth, Torquay, ang Il- ciliatus. fracombe. palmatus. Common. edulis. Torquay. saccharinus. Ditto, &c. &e. digitatus. | Common. bulbosus. Torquay. Fucus rubens. norvegicus. crispus. mammillosus. canaliculatus. loreus. nodosus. pygmeus. aculeatus. " pinnatifidus. corneus. coronopifolius. coccineus. plumosus. tomentosus. bursa. tuberculatus. rotundus. lumbricalis. plicatus. confervoides. flagelliformis 8. filum. pinastroides. purpurascens. _ pedunculatus. capillaris. kaliformis. articulatus. opuntia. amphibius. _ fruticulosus. viridis. crinalis. rhizodes. ——— CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 361 Torquay,—Exmouth. Ditto. Common. Ditto. Ditto. Torquay. Not unfrequent. Common. Ilfracombe,—Torquay. Torquay, &c. Torquay, Ifracombe, &c. Ditto, rejectamenta. Ditto, Exmouth, &c. Ditto, do. Ditto, do. Ditto,—Mrs Griffiths. Ilfracombe,— Hudson. Torquay and Ilfracombe. Common. Ilfracombe, &c. Torquay and Ilfracombe, &c. Sidmouth,—Mrs Griffiths. Exmouth, rejectamenta. ‘Torquay. Ditto. Mrs Griffiths. Hudson. Torquay. Common. Near ‘Torquay. River Dart,—Mrs Griffiths. Mrs Griffiths. 362 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE Fucus Griffithsiz. glandulosus. Ulva pavonia. atomaria. dichotoma. plumosa. plantaginea. coccinea. filiformis. rubens. umbilicalis.. Torquay. Ditto. ULVE. Torquay,—Mrs Griffiths. : Ditto. : Ditto. Ditto. Dawlish, \ Turner’s Bo- Plymouth, 3 Ilfracombe, tanist’s Guide. Torbay,—Mrs Griffiths. Teignmouth. NOTES anp OBSERVATIONS. (1.) Gymnostomum truncatulwm. In the course of last. summer, I gathered a tuft of Gymnostomum truncatulum, deviating so much from its usual appearance, that I was at first indu- ced to consider it as a new species, until a more ac- curate investigation discovered my mistake. Instead of the very simple stem belonging to Gymnostonum truncatulum in its proper type, the plants I found, were much branched, each branch producing a capsule; so that, on some plants, there were five or six capsules. In December following, — I found a considerable number of specimens near Exeter, some bearing as many as eight capsules, CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 363 a) The branches had not the character of innovations, Vid. Hedw. St. Cr. vol. 1. Tab. 5. Fig. 7. for they all produced fruit at the same time. For ‘ distinction’s sake, this variety may be called Aamo- sum. It is a strong instance of the absolute neces- _ sity of attending most closely to the generative or- gans. (2.) Schistostega pennata. Very little about this curicus moss appears to be hitherto: known. Hedwig mentions, that it was found in Germany not long after its discovery by Mr Newberry in Devonshire, and subsequent publication by Dickson. Vid. Hedw. St. Cr. vol. 1. Tab. 29. At Fig. 11., he gives so magnified a re- presentation of the laciniated structure of the oper- culum, that few would imagine it did not actually exist. Yet I am informed by Dr Hooker, that this structure is now denied by German botanists; and if they are correct, the plant must be carried back to the genus Gymnostomum, from which Mohr re- moved it. , (3.) Polytrichum nanum, The excellent authors of the Muscologia Britan- nica, (p. 28.) have already signified their readiness to consider P. aloides and P. nanum, as the same species; an opinion in which I heartily concur, 364 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE though Mr Hobson of Manchester, who possesses an extensive acquaintance with our British mosses, still continues to think them distinct. I have ex- amined no trifling number of each, and can detect no permanent distinguishing characters. As a va- riety, P. nanum will always be remarkable for its — sub-globose capsule, larger — and smaller calyptra, (4.) Pteregonium Smithit. ‘This beautiful moss is*of rare occurrence even in the southern counties. It is most abundant’ in Devonshire, but is confined apparently to a few dis- tricts. At Maidencombe, a small village on the coast, about three miles south of Teignmouth, it be- gins to be plentiful, and, continuing along the coast, may be gathered a few miles south of Torabbey ; but although I travelled, chiefly on foot, between 300 and 400 miles in various parts of the country, I never met with it in any other place. if (5.) Orthotricum Lyellia. For an account of this fine Orthotricum, vide Musc. Britt. p.76. I thought myself peculiarly fortunate in discovering this rarity in Devonshire, where it does not appear to be of very unfre- quent occurrence,—producing fruit however spa- ringly. : CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 365 (6.) Fontinalis squamosa. Much doubt, for a long time, existed, whether this plant was truly entitled to its place as a good species. Its general character is so different from that of Fontinalis antpyretica, that it is noticed by early writers. Bawhan calls it EF’. minor lucens, from its beautifully glistening appearance, and Dillenius, who gives a figure, Tab. 33. fig. 3. FE’, squamosa, tenuis sericea atro-virens. All doubt promises at length to be dispelled, and Fon- tinalis squwamosa will probably be soon ‘regarded as an established species, and not of that, extreme ta- rity that was formerly imagined. Among the hills above Buxton in Derbyshire, I found it in a state — well adapted for investigation. There had been no rain of any consequence for many weeks, so that the young plants I gathered had not been exposed to any strong current, but so far from it, not unfre- quently grew in small pools formed by the floods of the preceding winter. These young plants were from 2 to 4 inches long, and had leaves as large as those figured in Hing. Bot. t. 1801; be- ing very luxuriant, they were more open to ob- servation and accurate examination. After a pa- tient search, I could find not the least trace of a keel in any of the leaves. From the period of germination, these plants had not been subject to any attrition, but every part had been gradually 366 ACCOUNT OF SOME OF THE and perfectly evolved. Along with the young, were old plants having the usual appearance of F. squa- mosa, but rather more luxuriant, very long, and in fine fructification. I may here mention a circum- stance that I have hitherto uniformly observed “in this moss, viz. that when dry it has a strong smell, not very unlike that of some woollen cloths before the oil is washed out. ‘This smell I never could find in F. antipyretica. In Devonshire, I gathered the same plant in the stream in which Dr Hooker had before found it ; it was most abundan, but produced no fruit. ¥ f ; ; (7.) Bartramia arcuata. This splendid Bartramia, peculiar to this coun- try, produces iruit in the greatest abundance, on a bank on the left-hand side of the road, as you go from the village of Lidford to the Water-fall. The bank is a few yards on the opposite side of the stream which crosses the road, and supplies the fall. ‘This moss produces capsules also on Caw- sand, but not freely. ) (8. ) Fucus hypoglossum. Mr Turner, in his Synopsis of the British Hui, as well as in his admirable Historia Mucorum, seems to have fallen into an error in supposing that this plant appears only at a certain time CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 367 of the pid, trons June to Septoditber He adds, that this circumstance is another distinctive mark between F'. hypoglossum and F’. ruscifolius; Sy- nop. vol.t. p. 9., and Hist. Puc. vol. 2. p. 28. T have no doubt that F. hypoglossum may be ga- thered in the months above named; but I have to observe, that among the rejectamenta of the sea at Exmouth, I could have collected many hundred | specimens in the months-of December and Ja- nuary, and many of them in fruit. In February, I found it growing at Torquay. I. ruscifolius I met with at the same time, retaining all Mr Tur- ner’s characters of discrimination attached to it. (9.) Fucus membranaceus. I have here an opportunity, from the valuable information I derived through the kindness of Mrs Griffiths, of correcting an error relative to this un- common plant, in the Hist. Puc. vol. i. p. 42., undoubtedly arising from the well-known difficulty of describing marine plants from specimens not perfectly recent. _ Mr Turner describes the root as a callous disk; but Mrs Griffiths assures me, that it is an exten- sion of a soft spongy substance, somewhat resem- bling the root of TF. tomentosus, and me the rocks in the same manner. From this account, it would appear, that F. mem- branaceus, in regard to its root, bears some relation to F. tomentosus and F. bursa, of which a new 368 ACCOUNT OF SQME OF THE Genus has been constituted by Olivi, under the name of Lamarkia, with the following character : L. stirps radicata sub-coriacea mollis, composita utriculis in axw perpendicularibus. The na- ture of the frond in F. membranaceus, would not lead any one to expect a root of so dissimilar a structure ; yet if we consider the many anomalies in the vegetable kingdom, such an occurrence ap- pears far from impossible. (10.) Fucus laciniatus. A curious circumstance has been observed by Mrs Griffiths respecting this Fucus, which places it among those species which bear two kinds of fructification. In the common mode of fructifica- tion in Fucus laciniatus, the seeds are contained in tubercles situated in the marginal processes; but many instances occur where these processes are en- tirely wanting, and it is in such cases that Mrs. Griffiths has remarked a narrow line of a darker. _ colour than the rest of the frond, to be continued - along the whole margin. This line, under the mi- croscope, is evidently formed by very minute seeds," apparently single, and immersed in the substance , of the frond. This mode of fructification Mrs Griffiths has found to take place in many hundred - plants that she has examined. I have since obser- ved the same arrangement, and I have many in my _ possession presented to me by her, as well as many . CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. 369 of my own collecting, which -illustrate the disco- very. | i st Vide Pl. XV. | ) Fig. 1. Plant of Fucus laciniatus, with the . common fructification. 2. A portion of the frond with the fruc- tification, magnified. — 3. A tubercle highly magnified. 4. Plant of. F. laciniatus with the second mode of fructification. 5. Portion of the frond with seeds mag- — nified. . Do. highly magnified. 7. Seeds. op) (11.) Fucus rubens. Of this plant Mrs Griffiths gave me specimens to examine, bearing’ very curious bodies on pe- duncles, resembling some of the microscopic fungi, and not unlike the urceolate pods of Fucus den- tatus in their young state, (for at first they are not urceolate). After the most minute scrutiny, I am utterly unable to decide whether they are seed- vessels or zoophytic productions. They vary in their shape, some being obovate, some peziziform, and some globular, sessile at first, afterwards sup- ported upon peduncles, tapering downwards; the substance is cartilaginous, and a section shows no- thing but an obscure radiated structure; when VOL. III. Aa 370 CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS OF DEVONSHIRE. forcibly removed, the frond does not appear to be lacetated, which would support the opinion that they are zoophytic. But in dried specimens we must be careful in our decisions. Some learned botanists on the Continent are of opinion, that the urceolate pods observed on Fucus dentatus are of a zoophytic nature; but here I certainly differ from them, having traced them from an early pe- riod of growth to maturity, and examined them mi- nutely in the most recent state. Vide Pl. XVI. Fig. 1. Fucus rubens with the small bodies on peduncles, 2. Portion of the frond magnified with ditto. 3. One of the bodies more highly mag- nified. 4, Section of do. do. Plate KVI. C 97% :) XXV.—Account of a Beluga or White Whale, killed in the Frith of Forth. By Dr Barctay and Mr Nett. (Read {th and 21st December 1816.) I.—Notice regarding the Capture of the Animal, and De- scription of some of its External Characters.—By Mr NEILL. Ox the 7th of June 1815, I received a letter from Mr Robert Bald of Alloa, saying, that “ for about three months past, an animal of singular appear- ance has very frequently passed and repassed this harbour, apparently of the grampus kind, but very white. It was often observed at Kincardine also, and many attempts were made to kill it, but with- out effect. I heard, however, at an early hour this morning (6th June,) that it was killed near Stir- ling. I set off immediately, and found this to be the case. It is, indeed, a very singular animal, al- together white,” &c. Aag® Sie ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA Mr Bald proceeds to mention that he had pur- chased the specimen, and that it was on the way for Professor Jameson. It accordingly arrived at Leith by the Alloa Packet on the afternoon of the 7th. The absence of a dorsal fin, at once proved the animal | to be (what Mr Bald’s description led us to suspect) — the Beluga of naturalists. Great praise is due to Mr Bald, for tis ready at- tention to the interests of natural history on this occasion. Ina letter of the 9th, he says, “ I am highly gratified to find, that the beluga I sent is so rare. It was most fortunate I went direct to Stir- . ling; for had I put off but two hours longer, it would either have been off to Glasgow, or cut to “mince-meat for a soap-work adjoining ved it la th still a subsequent letter Mr Bald infor wie, that the animal generally passed upwards when the tide was flowing, and returned down the frith with the ebb: this sometimes happened every day, and sometimes once in the two or three days: it came | frequently to the surface, and was well known for about three months by the name of the White Whale. It was supposed to run up the river in pursuit of salmon, and it was at last killed by the salmon-fishers near the Abbey of Cambusken- 4 neth. | The animal had been sttached? both with fire- — arms and spears. A musket ball had entered the — KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 373 lungs, and was found lodged in them by Dr Bar- clay in the course of dissecting ; and several gashes, made with some pointed weapon, appeared in dif- ferent parts of the body. ' It was a male, and seemed to be ncarh? at full | growth. ‘I shall now give an account of the dimensions and general exterior appearance of the animal. The measurements were taken with a measurer’s line, while the animal was lying on one side, and while all the soft parts were quickly passing into a state of putrefactive fermentation. Of course the mea- surements are given only as nearly correct; butthey are sufficiently so for the purposes of the naturalist. The shape of the animal was highly symmetrical, and at once suggested the idea of perfect adaptation to rapid progressive motion in the water. It re- sembled generally a double cone, one end of which was considerably shorter than the other. The head was small and lengthened; but over the forehead, as in the narwhal and porpesse, was a thick round cushion of flesh and fat:—the body continued to swell as far as the pectoral fins ; and from this point gradually diminished to the setting on of the tail or organ of motion, On the middle of the back, as in other whales, there was a longitudinal ridge, part- ly bony, partly soft. , The extreme length of the animal, in a straight line, as it lay on the floor, (the line being measured on the floor,) was 13 feet 4 inches. 374 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA _ ‘When measured along the side, from the tip of the snout to the cleft of the tail, the length was found to be 13 feet 6 inches. Aint O10 From the tip of the upper jaw, along the back to the beginning of the dorsal nde menvenay 6 feet 33 inches. From the same point, along the curvature of the back to the root of the tail, the mea- FF. In. SUTCMENt PAVE,.........c0ssvasouscocsses tun VMOMEOMIL ES PINS To the cleft of the tail. wanton a ae i 1 13. 9f To the end of the lobe of the tail, addi- Ga bas aioe isin neice UE aii tea phillies te 0 7% Giving as the total length of the super- The hard part of the dorsal ridge measured in length 1 foot 4 inches; and the soft part extended nearly 3 inches farther at both extremities. The hard part of the ridge where highest, _ projected about an inch. The tail was, as in other cete, horizontal, and. divided into two lobes: the breadth from tip to tip of the tail, was 3 feet and 3 inch nearly. The curvature of the lower part of the body was somewhat greater than that of the back, although KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 375 it did not appear so to the eye; for, from the tip of the lower jaw, along the middle of the belly to the cleft of the tail, measured 13 feet 91 inches, while the measurement along the back gave only 13 feet 6 inches. | From the upper edge of the pectoral fin or swim- ming-paw, to a point opposite'to the anus, measur- ed 7 feet 84 inches; and from the anus to the pe- nis 8 inches. ) _ The fin or paw, from the root to the apex, along its exterior margin, measured 2 feet. Its greatest breadth was 1 foot 1 inch; where narrowest, at its root, it was 63 inches. Jt was, therefore, of an oval shape. Five interior bones, analogous to fingers, could be felt; and after the animal had lain for two or three days, they could easily be traced by the eye, the putrefactive process having gone on with remarkable rapidity. There was likewise a small projection at the point of each bone. From the angle of the mouth to the root of the fins measured 2 feet nearly. From the angle of the mouth to the eye, 22 inches. From the angle of the mouth to the tip of the upper jaw, following the curvature, 10 inches; and to the tip of the lower jaw, the same. : _ In the common whale, the head forms about a third of the whole bulk of the animal; in the be- luga, as alrcady noticed, it is small. From the blow-hole to the tip. of the upper jaw, measured 1 foot 10 inches ; and from the blow-hole to the eye, 376 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA measuring in somewhat an oblique i the distance was 112 piblrekt : ‘In circumference, the specimen tinneticl near | the eyes and blow-holes, 4 feet 4 inches ;—a very little in front of the fins, 7 feet 2 inches ;—almost immediately behind the fins, at what appeared to be the thickest part of the body, 8 feet 11 inches ; —at the termination of the ridge on the back, 8 feet 10 inches:—at the anus, 4 feet 4 inches; and at the root of the tail, 1 foot 7 inches. The colour of the whole animal was a cream q white ; this colour depending on a white rete mu- cosum, in many places about half an inch thick, _ and which is covered with a thin transparent cuti- ‘ele. | : | Stra p Next to the muscles was a layer of blubber,. in general about three inches thick; so that, between the rete and fat, the animal is pretty well prepared ; against the rigour of the Arctic Seas. There was no visible external ear; nor were we ‘successful in tracing any kind of meatus auditorius. The: eyes and the mouth were small in proportion ‘to the size of the animal. ‘In the under jaw were six teeth on te side, broad and blunt. In the upper jaw there were — nine on each side, but none immediately in front ; the three backmost sharp, and without any to match them in the lower jaw. | | _. The penis was not oe bat wholly composed of soft substance, KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 377 + Very few other remarks remain to be made by ‘me. - -Linneus ranked the beluga under his general and ill-defined genus Balena, by the title of B. albicans. Otho Fabricius, in the Fauna Groénlan- dica, very properly transferred it to the genus Delphinus, retaining the specific name albicans. Gmelin, in his edition of the Linnean System, placed it also under the genus Delphinus, but dis- tinguished it by the specific name leucas. He ob- serves, that it seldom ascends rivers, is gregarious, of a white colour; but, when young, “ parumper nigricans.” De la Cepede considered the want of a dorsal fin in the beluga as a sufficient generic mark of distinction, and therefore constituted a mew genus, entitled Delphinapterus, which is an expressive name, signifying Dolphin without a fin, ‘or back-fin. He describes two species; D. beluga, with the opening of the mouth small, the teeth ob- 4use at their points; and D. senedetta, with a large mouth, and the teeth pointed. Our speci- men belongs to the former. | M. De La Cepede has collected from books almost every previous notice concerning the history ‘of the beluga. To his ample details only a few gleanings can be added. It may very generally be observed, that it is a native of high northern latitudes ; it abounds in the seas near Disco Island in Greenland, and is not uncommon off Spitzbergen, in latitude 77°. Mr 378 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA Scoresby never observed it lower than Jan Mayen’s Land. That gentleman informs me, that it is very ‘seldom seen among the ice; but frequents places where the water is clearest and smoothest. Thirty or forty belugas are often observed in a herd toge- ther. They are very seldom pursued by the whale- fishers, because they find it difficult to strike them, on account of the great rapidity of their motions, and because, to our adventurers, they are compara- tively of little value when killed, Sir Charles Giesecké, in the article Greenland, lately published in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, gives some particulars concerning the beluga. It comes in herds to the coast of West Greenland every year about the end of November, its arrival being hastened by the prevalence of storms from the south-west. It is, next to the seal, the most useful animal ta the Greenlanders. The flesh is said to be somewhat similar to that of beef, though oily ; and the “ skin,” we are told, is “ eaten either raw, dried, or boiled :’ By skin, however, is proba- bly meant the thick white substance analogous to a rete mucosum above mentioned*. The belugas are described as “ not shy,” but often tumbling themselves. round near the Greenlanders’ boats.” Py: Sat ~ * Crantz evidently uses the term in this sense, when he says, “ The white wrinkled skin is the thickness of a finger.” Crantz, Svo. edit: vol. i. p. 114. KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 379 They are, however, very rapid in their motions, “ darting along with the velocity of an arrow.” These animals may occasionally stray to the ‘southward in pursuit of fish, or be impelled far in that direction by long-continued north easterly winds. When they happen to get entangled ‘among the drift-ice, if the wind prevail in ‘one di rection for several days, a straggler may be led so very far from his haunts as to be unable to rejoin his party. Several healed wounds, the scars of which were quite distinguishable, indicated that this individual had probably been struggling among drift-ice. In some places, the cuticle and rete mu- cosum remained in a divided state, while the true skin had healed. It may be remarked, that Mr Pennant intimates a suspicion that the beluga occasionally visits our seas; and he was right. Colonel Imrie of this So- ciety informs me, that in August 1793, he saw two young belugas which had been cast upon the beach of the Pentland Firth, some miles to the east of Thurso. The length of the one, from the front of the forehead to the tip of the tail, was seven feet ; and of the other, seven feet and a half. They were both males. “ The principal colour of their skin,” (I quote the words of the Colonel’s description ta- ken on the spot at the time,) “ was white, but that was mottled with a brownish-grey colour.” It will be observed, that Fabricius, Crantz, Giesecké, and others, who have seen the young animals, describe 380 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA them as blackish, mottled, dusky, or pearl-grey, be- coming white as they advance to maturity. I have only to add, that, at the request of Pro- fessor Jameson, Mr Syme, our painter, took a sketch of the animal, when entire, and in a fresh state, and afterwards made the beautiful finished drawing now on the table. Dr Barclay examined the interior of the animal, aud the structure of its various organs; and Mr Lizars, took a sketch of the abdominal viscera nm situ. _TL—Account of the Dissection of the i —By Dr BaRrcLay. I have to regret that the following account of the dissection of the beluga is so very incomplete, ow- ing to the putrid state of the body, and the short- ness of the time which I had to examine it. Integuments. The epidermis, about the thickness of common writing paper, of a whitish colour, and somewhat transparent, was in many, places separated by pu- trefaction. When put in spirits, it became opaque, _ and when dried, rigid like horn, transparent, brit- tle and elastic. ie: | - Beneath it, was a soft substance of about the consistency of new cheese when taken from the press. It was formed of two layers of equal thick- ness, not easily separable, but distinguished by their KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 381 colour: When taken together, they measured in’ thickness rather more than one-third of an inch. Of the two, the one next to the epidermis was white as milk, and exhibited nothing of either a fi- brous or a membranous structure; the one beneath, of a darker shade, displayed both. Its fibres were observed at right angles to the stratum above and the cutis beneath; and united laterally, formed lamine or membranes, which were seen running at small distances in undulated lines, uniting and separating, and leaving cellular interstices between — them, extending through the whole depth of the stratum. The two substances here described oc- cupied a place corresponding to that which is as- signed to the rete mucosum, and which, in the negro, is also divisible into two layers. Beneath the cutis, which was thick and strong, was found every where a stratum of blubber; and, in several places, some inches deep. ‘This was the adipose substance of the animal, of a greenish co- lour, arising from a fiuid and limpid oil, that, in- _ stead of adeps, was here diffused in large quanti- ties, through that part of the cellular texture inter- posed between the cutis and muscles. In other parts of the cellular texture, whether from natural or accidental causes, it seemed to be wanting: nor did this circumstance occasion surprise, as different species have their adipose substance differently dis- posed, of different colours, consistencies and quali- 382 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA ties. The most similar I have seen to the blubber — of this animal is the adipose edi, or the schol fat, of turtle. - Tongue, Alimentary Canal, &c. In its general appearance, the tongue was simi- Jar, in many respects, to that of a great number of fishes; short and thick; situated far back in the mouth ; fixed down to a given position; and with — little or no freedom of motion. | The cesophagus, when very moderately inflated, was twenty-one inches in circumference ; and its far- ther extremity, where it was approaching towards the stomach, was lined with a coat as white as milk, of a brittle texture, and somewhat like that which lines the cardiac extremity of the stomach of a horse. The stomachs were four ; and the white coat lin- ing the last part of the csophagus was continued through the whole of the first stomach, exhibiting every where numbers of ruge. Before I saw it, it had been separated by putrefaction, from which cir- cumstance it was removed almost entire, and pre- served in spirits, where it still continues to retain’ its ruge. The central coat of the second stomach, was of a brownish colour, not separable from the one peripherad, but raised into a number of tumours or eminences by extricated air, though the cellular KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 383 substance between it and the ambient coat was no where destroyed. ‘The tumours, in general, were about the size of a walnut ; and, from the laxness of © the cellular substance that appeared within them, it was supposed that, in their natural state, they might have formed ruge. The central coat of the third stomach was similar in colour, but presented neither eminences nor ruge; and it seemed to be continued without any change through the whole of the last stomach, which was the least of the four, and somewhat of a cylindrical form. Where it ter- minated in the intestine, it was, with a moderate inflation, about nine inches in circumference. The intestines were twenty-eight yards and a half in length, and without a colon or cecum ; and, with moderate dilatation, between four and five in- ches in circumference. Neither they nor the sto- machs contained any thing, but here and there a very small quantity of thin brownish matter. A spleen was attached to the first stomach, on the left side, but not larger than the sai size of a human spleen. The omentum was large, and chiefly interposed between the stomachs and the intestines, a small portion only being found between the intestines and abdominal parietes. The pancreas was found stretching across from left to right, but extremely putrid, and every where blown up into cells by extricated air. 884 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA The diver was situated on the right side as in © man and quadrupeds. It had become a mere mass of putrefaction. We sought for the gall bladder, but were disappointed. In a large liquid mass of putr id bath as the kidneys did not obviously obtrude themselves, amidst our pressure for time, our search after them was unfortunately omitted, and has since been re- gretted. | The testicles we found within the precinct wm an oblong shape, and lying close by the sides of the intestine, near its extremity. They were four in- ches in length, and the same in circumference. . The penis was conical; at the apex an inch and a half in circumference, but four in circumference towards the base, near to which it exhibited a sig- moid flexure, owing to two very powerful muscles that seemed to have performed the office of retrac- tors. ‘Through its whole extent it was soft and flexible, without either a bone or a cartilage. Heart and Bloodvessels. The heart presented nothing remarkable in its shape; the columne carnee within the ventricles were proportioned to its size; and the pectinated muscles within the auricles proportionally large. The valvular apparatus, at the commencement 3 KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 385 of the two ventricles, was but slightly noticed, not presenting any thing that was obviously strik- ing or peculiar. A considerable portion, how- ever, of the two great arteries, with their semi- lunar valves, was separated from the ventricles, and afterwards preserved as dried preparations. The coats of these arteries were divisible into a- number of strata, though the least minute and easiest division was into four, which is still illus- trated by -a preparation preserved in spirits. In its dried state, the circumference of the aorta opposite to the valves, was nine inches and a half; beyond the valves, where the diameter was suddenly diminish- ed, the cireumference was seven and a half. From that point, the diameter increased to the middle of the arch, where the greatest circumference was thir- teen inches. From the middle of the arch, de- creasing gradually to the place where it rested on the dorsal vertebra, its circumference was diminish- ed to six inches and a half. | The circumference of the pulmonic artery over the valves, was eleven inches and a half. Immedi- ately beyond the valves, nine inches and a third; at its greatest diameter, eleven inches and a half. Our limited time did not permit us to examine the veins. >». VV Obpait. | Bb hay 386 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA Os Hyoides, Larynx, Trachea and Lungs. : The first three of these organs are preserved in a dried state. ‘The body of the os hyoides is of a tri- angular shape, somewhat like the first bone of the hu- man sternum. ‘The base points towards the larynx. To each of the angles at the base, which are obtrun- cated, is joined by suture an osseous cornu, extend- ing sacrad and laterad four inches. From the at- lantal angle spring other two cornua, which, di- verging laterad and atlantad, continue cartilaginous for four inches, and then become osseous, flattened. . and curved; in strength equal to the human clavi- ele, and in length five and a half inches each. There were likewise cartilages continued from these bones, but inadvertently removed. The cartilages of the larynx are tiie’ the cri- coid, thyroid, the two arytenoid, and the epiglottis. What is called their depth in the following mea- surements, is their extent from above downwards, or from their atlantal to their sacral aspect. The depth of the larynx on the sternal aspect, is four inches and a quarter. On this aspect the car- tilaginous structure of the cricoid is interrupted at the mesial plane, and the deficiency sup- plied by membrane. On the dorsal aspect, it is similar in appearance to that of man, and two and a third inches in depth. The depth of the thyroid cartilage sternad, is likewise two KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 887 inches and a third, but suddenly diminishes in depth as it extends dorsad. The arytenoid cartilages, as in man, appeared at first view to rest on the atlan-* tal margin of the cricoid ; but, on opening the larynx, were observed to enter more than an inch within the cricoid, and: to form the fissure which corresponds to our Kima Gloitidis. From the at- lantal margin of the cricoid, they gradually con- verged till they came into contact and inclined dorsad ; their length was seven inches. The epi- glottis was six inches in length, inclining dorsad to the arytenoids: the three meeting with a mem- brane interposed, formed a tube that crossed the pharynx, and pointed to the orifice of the spiracula in the roof of the mouth, through which this spe- cies of animal breathes. At this extremity, the orifice of the tube was somewhat like a fissure from right to left, and thickened at its margin by what appeared to be a glandular substance. The trachea was four inches in circumference, and - composed of thin cartilages, overlapping one another at several places, and few or none of them preser- ving any uniformity in their breadth. A number of these cartilages near to the cricoid, were imper- fect rings, the deficiency of cartilage being supplied by membrane. Before the trachea advanced half way to its general division into two branches, it sent off a branch from its right side on the dorsal aspect, in some respects analogous to the azygous bronchial : BbQ 388 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA branch in the cow and the deer, two species which, — like this animal, have also four stomachs. The ra- mifications of this branch, and the other two of the general division, were not traced far into the lungs, but traced at the same time until they di- minished to less than the eighth of an inch in dia- meter ; but we should certainly have traced them farther had we been only aware of a circumstance which we learned afterwards, that the rings of which they are formed are complete, and entirely osseous. The lungs in which they terminated were in two lobes, a right and a left, without any subdi-. visions. Spies ie ee Ry ae a Ag bis The Head, Vertebral Column, and Ribs of the Skeleton, which have been preserved. — Aner The head, measuring along the base from the foramen magnum, which is situated between the inial and basilar aspect of the cranium, is, to the farther extremity of the jaws, twenty-one inches: the breadth of the upper jaw from right to left, at the spiractla, eleven inches; at its farther extremity, two and a half. Its depth from the facial plane to the palate, three inches at the spiracula; at its farther extremity, scarcely one inch. The low- er jaw is without a ramus or coronoid process, — very thin from right to left, across the alveolar pro- KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 389 cesses, and always the thinner the nearer to the articulation. Its depth from the line of the alveo- lar processes to the base, is, near the articulation, about four inches and three quarters; at its farther extremity, two inches and a half. There are no al- veoli in the front part of the upper jaw, and I sus- pect there were no teeth, which, if it was the case, would, besides the azygous branch of the trachea, be another analogy between this animal and the rumi- nating animals that have four stomachs. [I once ob- served the front teeth in the lower jaw, but before we procieded to the dissection, some person had secretly extracted them; the alveoli, however, in which they were lodged, are large and distinct, and are what causes the depth of this jaw to exceed so much that of its fellow at its narrowest extremity. The other teeth do not extend iniad or backwards above two-thirds of the length of either jaw; are flat on the corona; have each but one fang, and stand at small distances, nearly a quarter of an inch from one another; from which circumstance they remind those who have seen both, of the scattered teeth in the morse or walrus. The bones composing the vertebral column are obviously distinguished into Cervical, Dorsal, Lum- bar and Caudal. The cervical are seven in number ; the dorsal, eleven; the lumbar, thirteen: but the caudal vertebre have not been enumerated, as part of them was carried away with the cutis. The cervical vertebra, excepting the atlas, have 390 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA no well marked transverse processes, and, except- ing the atlas, are all uncommonly thin at the sides, in the space between their bodies and articular pro- cesses. The bodies, too, from above downwards, have so little depth, that, with the assistance of intervertebral substance, the whole neck, measuring longitudinally, does not exceed, even at the ‘ut- most, seven inches. In an animal of much larger size of the same order, if not of the same genus, whose vertebral column I procured last season from the Island of Inchcolm, the length of the neck, consisting of seven distinct vertebra, the first three of which are, however, anchylosed, does not amount even to six inches; and, what is more, excepting the atlas, the sides extending between their bodies and articular processes, are not thicker than the edge of a half-crown piece. ‘This fact should teach us to be cautious how we proceed to general con- clusions, in transferring our reasonings from a single individual to a whole species, or from a species to’ a whole genus. The dorsal vertebre are principally winapi ed by articular surfaces at the extremities of their transverse processes, where they join with the ribs. Many of the ribs are likewise articulated with the bodies of the vertebra, as in quadrupeds and birds; but in this animal the three last ribs on each side are articulated only with the extremities of trans- verse processes. | KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 391 The lumbar vertebra are distinguished by the want of articular surfaces at the extremity of their transyerse processes, and could be otherwise easily distinguished in the beluga, by these transverse processes increasing in breadth at their extremity ; but this probably is merely a character belonging to the species, as it is wanting in the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebra of the ether ani- mal to which I have alluded. | The caudal vertebre are distinguished by pro- cesses projecting sternad, and bifurcated at the base, leaving a pasage in their bifurcations for the transmission of the large bloodvessels. ‘The first of these vertebra is likewise distinguished from all the rest, by the largeness of its size, and by deep grooves upon the lateral and dorsal aspects, for lodging the tendons that pass towards the tail. All the spinous processes of the cervical and dor- sal vertebrae, have a distinct inclination sacrad, and several from the last of the dorsal vertebra, as well as the whole arising from the lumbar and cau- dal vertebra, are placed at such distances from one another, that not one-half of the spinal canal is covered at the sides, ner at the back in the caudal region, by these processes. In the caudal region, no oblique or articular processes are to be observed; and even in the lumbar, and the sacral half of the dorsal region, we discover only two for each verte- bre, and these originating from the atlantal mar- gin of the spinous processes, and in some cases, .as 392 ACCOUNT OF A BELUGA | in the loins, near to their extremity, receiving’ be- tween them the sacral margin of the spinous pro- cess, immediately before. In this structure, as in that of a great number of fishes, where the gene- ral appearance is somewhat similar, the spinal mar- zow may be examined, without disturbing the ver- tebre or their processes, In this animal, a consider- able portion was taken out from the lumbar verte- bra, and was found to be covered with a semicylin- drical mass on each side, formed of a tough, spongy, elastic substance, with large bloodvessels running through it, and anastomosing frequently and freely at very small distances. From the elasticity of this substance, the mouths of the bloodvessels re- mained quite open on a transverse section; and from that circumstance were very easily discovered and injected, although they might have been easily tra- ced without such assistance. These two semi- cylinders occupied by far the greater part of the spinal canal; the medullary cord, where we exami- ned it, not being larger than that of a man at the middle of the neck. | The intervertebral ligaments, though deeper, are in structure similar te that of man and of various quadrupeds, composed of a number of concentric layers, and these layers of a fibrotis structure, the fibres of the contiguous layers decussating like the layers of the intercostal muscles. In the centre of these ligaments was a soft substance resembling a mixture of jelly and cartilage. In the back and ei B a KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. ~— 893 in the loins, the surfaces which the bodies of the vertebra: opposed to one another, was somewhat concave towards the centre, but in the cau- dal vertebre convex, as we see in the last coccy- geal vertebre of many quadrupeds. The true ribs continued to the sternum, are six on each side; and the false five. The sternum is broad and flat, but becomes narrower as it advances towards the false ribs. Instead of sternal cartilages, we have’ here, _as in birds, sternal ribs, which are articulated with the vertebral ribs by synchondrosis. In the ster- num of the other animal of the same order, to which I have alluded, there was a large oval foramen in the middle, its greatest diameter between right and left, and not far from its atlantal aspect. The scapu- la, the only part we have yet procured of the atlantal extremity, is without any spinous process, but the base and superior costa meet at an angle that resem- bles a process ; besides, a considerable process arises from the superior costa opposite to the cervix, and another in the same line close to the margin of the glenoid cavity, and which, without any strained analogy, might be named the Coracoid Process. Organs of Sense. The brain was putrid ;—the eyes not so large as the human; and if the tongue was the organ of taste, the food must have entered far into the mouth — B94 b dae reached ‘it. v os tia that mi Taf us, oer : n font pak aut tout “f" nerfs ol- rs ifs.” He ought to have said, les » Deuplleal ! ns, 4 - ramified “upon thei -spiracula, are 0 course nor in their pene n aoalie ral gentlemen, far an xiao tige of one could be found. | PLATE XVI. mi yy)” is Ht) y ‘2 Hs a Y 4 PACA + AY) \\ a ‘Z LLL, g, Z LY, \ é KILLED IN THE FRITH OF FORTH. 395 Explanation of Plates XVIT. & XVIII. f PiLate XVII. Fig. 1. Sketch of the Beluga. A The Penis Fig. 2. Dissection of the Beluga. A Trachea. B Oesophagus. Cc Lungs. D First Stomach. FE Second Stomach. F Third Stomach. G Fourth Stomach. H H H H Intestines. Prater XVIII. Fig. 1. & 2. A CE&sophagus. B First Stomach. C Second Stomcch. D Third Stomach. E Fourth Stomach. F Intestines. Pe XXVI.—Description ofa New Species of Fucus, Sound in Devonshire. By Rozert Kaye GrevILLE, Esq. M. W.S. (Read 5th August 1820. ) | #ucus fronde cartilaginea, enervi, dichotoma; ra- mis linearibus, integerrimis, apice rotundatis ; tuberculis sphericis, ad apices, immersis. Fucus Devoniensis. Frond cartilaginous, nerveless, dichotomous ; branches linear, entire, rounded at the apices; tubercles spherical, situated at the apices and immersed. Hab. In Torbay, Devonshire. Mrs Griffiths. Desc. Root, A small expanded callous disk. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF FuUCUS. 397 _ Fronds numerous from the same base, nerveless, from two or four inches long, linear, about two lines wide. At first they are cylindrical, and about the thickness of a sparrow’s quill, but at two or three lines distance from the base, the stem be- comes flat and expands into the frond, which is dichotomous, the distance between the dichotomies being very irregular, sometimes more than half an inch, often so small that three branches appear to spring from the same centre. The branches are patent, with their apices rounded ; those pro- ducing fructification are rather narrower than the barren ones; the extreme dichotomies producing tubercles, are sometimes so crowded as to give the summits a palmated appearance. ‘The fruetifica- tion consists of spherical tubercles, immersed in the substance of the frond, and scarcely so large as small poppy seeds. ‘They contain a mass of very minute red seeds, surrounded by a semitransparent mucus, The substance is cartilaginous, tough, but less coriaceous than that of #. Norvegicus. Colour deep blood-red, turning in decay to a yellow- ish or greenish white. In drying, it assumes a re- markable tinge of purple, and does not adhere to paper. ) Duration. Perennial. This is one of the many additions to the British Flora, for which we are indebted to the acuteness $98 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF FUCUS.. and indefatigable industry of Mrs Griffiths, from whom I received specimens in April 1820. In its. mode of growth, F. Devoniensis most nearly re- sembles F’. Norvegicus, and might be easily mis- taken for it; but upon a closer investigation, an es- sential difference is immediately discernible in its crowded and smaller tubercles, which appear to be confined to the apices, and are equally prominent on both sides the frond; a sufficient character to distinguish it from F. Norvegicus, the only plant with which it is liable to be confounded, unless, perhaps, we except some of the varieties of F’. cris- pus, from which Mrs Griffiths observes, its sub- stance and mode of ramification sufficiently distin- guish it, independent of its totally different fruc- tification. F. Devoniensis appears to have a strong proliferous tendency ; and, after suffering an injury, will throw out three or four new fronds from the same extremity. From one specimen in my possession, I am inclined to believe, that an old frond may pro- duce new stems from its summit, without any pre- vious injury ; for I have detected capsules in the centre of the plant, that were once evidently at the extremity. . Mrs Griffiths, to whom I am indebted for many of the above observations, discovered this plant on Waldon rocks, fe hi on the 14th of February 1820. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF FUCUS. 399 Explanation of Prare XTX. Fig. 1. Plant natural size. 2. Portion of frond, 3. A tubercle, . ciecdaueh ve 4. A tubercle divided, | Buccievucn Pract, Edinburgh, 7th June 1820. ne eh. * 4 ¥ mA XXVII.—On the. British Species of the Genus Beroe. By Dr Fremine of Flisk. (Read Nov. 18. 1820. ) As none of the species of the genus Beroe have hitherto found a place in the systematical works on British zoology, any information concerning their occurrence in our seas, cannot fail to be acceptable to those who are investigating the physical and geo- graphical distribution of animals, or who are desir- ous of extending the limits of our native Fauna *. The Beroe which forms the subject of the present communication, was found a few days ago in the Frith of Tay, in a pool left by the tide. It was in * In reference to the British Fauna, I may here men- tion, that I have lately found, in this neighbourhood, the Hirudo tessulata and H. lineata of Miller, Hist. Verm. 173. and 169. BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. 401 an exhausted state,—a circumstance which I much regret, as it prevented me from obtaining satisfac- tory information regarding the structure and uses of the internal organs. The body was of an orbicular form, slightly de- pressed at the summit, and a little protuberant at the base. There were eight vertical bands or ribs, extending from the summit to the’ base. ‘These were natrow, denticulated on the margin, con- fined to the surface, and of a denser substance than the gelatinous interior. From the central surface of the ribs, a number of filaments proceeded, which were lost in the substance of the body. The mouth, or the opening at the base, had some appearance of having its margin divided into four lobes. The tube which conducts from the mouth to the centre of the body, and is prolonged in its axis to the summit, had on each side a com- pressed organ adhering to its walls. These termi- nated in the centre, each in an ovate head, appa- rently containing air. Immediately below each head, there were numerous twisted vessels, some of which contained a reddish fiuid. The tube which descended from the summit, as it approached the centre, suddenly expanded, and sent off a branch to a vesicle on each side; after which it appeared to unite with the one from the mouth. Each of the lateral vesicles terminated below in a blind cavity, which contained a glandular body, to the upper surface of which, several white threads were attach- VOL. III. eKe 402 BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. ed. ‘The upper extremity of each vesicle was open,. and terminated on the surface, on each side, in the space between two ribs. From each side of the ve- sicle, near its connection with the central vessel,. there arose a tube, which, after dividing, sent’ a branch to each contiguous rib. The cavity of these tubes, at their union with the ribs, appeared to be filled with a whitish-coloured pulp. Each rib is furnished with a tube, uniting with it near the mid-— dex sx In consequence of this peculiar structure, I could easily observe the water enter the tube at the sum- mit, pass into the lateral vesicles, and go out at their external openings; and, in some cases, the motion of the current was reversed. There did not appear to be any external opening at the extremity of the tubes joining with the ribs, although water obvi- ously moved backwards and forwards in them. While the animal was active, there were numerous small spaces in the different tubes where the con- tained fluid circulated in eddies. This was parti- cularly observable towards the centre, and in the tube which descends from the summit. I was un- able to detect, with the naked eye, any structure in the tubes which could produce these partial motions ; and the orbicular form of the animal prevented the application of high magnifiers. The outline of the body, given in Plate XVIII. fig. 3. and of the in- ternal vessels, fig. 4. will convey to the reader an idea of the parts described. BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. 403 The species here described, approaches, in many respects, to the Beroe ovata of Baster ; Opuscula Subseciva, vol. i. p. 123. tab. xiv. f. v. It differs, however, in having only eight ribs, apparently smooth on the surface, with denticulated margins; whereas the species which Baster notices, has nine ribs, thickly set with moveable hairs *.- The season in which ours was found, would likewise intimate that it is distinct from Baster’s specics, provided we attach much importance to his remarks. “ In nos- tris hee Beroe invenitur littoribus, et in ipsis hujus urbis portubus, Aprili potissimum mense; singula- ris enim) variarum medusz specierum proprietas est, quodaliz aliis frequentissime inveniuntur mensibus.” Ellis appears to have been acquainted with this species, when he says, “ The Beroe is a marine ani- mal found on our coasts ; of a gelatinous transparent nature ; and of an oval or spherical form ; about half an inch to an inch diameter ; divided, like a melon, into longitudinal ribs, each of which is furnished with rows of minute fins, by means of which this — animal, like the animalia infusoria, can swim in all directions, with great swiftness.” —- Phil. Trans, vol. lix. p. 144. * It is not improbable that the ribs may have been fur- nished with’ ciliz, and that the exhausted state of the ani- mal prevented it from displaying their presence by their motion. ccg 404 BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. The Beroe fulgens, described and figured by Mr Macartney, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1810, p. 264. tab. xv. f. '7.-8., probably belongs to — the same genus as the one whose characters we have attempted to deliniate. “This most elegant creature is of a colour chan- - ging between purple, violet, and pale blue ; the body is truncated before, and pointed behind; but the form is difficult to assign, as it is varied by partial contractions, at the animal’s pleasure. I have re- presented the two extremes of form that I have seen this creature assume. The first is somewhat that of a cucumber, which, as being the one it takes when at rest, should perhaps be considered as its proper shape. The other resembles a pear, and is the figure it has in the most contracted state. The body is hollow, or forms internally an infundibular cavity, which has a wide opening before; and ap- pears also to have a small aperture, posteriorly, through which it discharges its excrement. ‘The posterior two-thirds of the body are ornamented with eight longitudinal ciliated ribs, the processes of which are kept in such a rapid rotatory motion, while the animal is swimming, that they appear like the continual passage of a fiuid along the ribs. The ciliated ribs have been described by Professor Mitchell, as arteries in a luminous beroe, which I suspect was no other than the species I am now giving an account of. BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. 4.05, “ When the Beroe fulgens swam gently near the surface of the water, its whole body became occa- sionally illuminated in a slight degree; during its contraction, a stronger light issued from the ribs ; and when a sudden shock was communicated to the water, in which several of these animals were placed, a vivid flash was thrown out. If the body were broken, the fragments continued luminous for some seconds; and, being rubbed on the hand, left a light like that of phosphorus. ‘This, however, as well as every other mode of emitting light, ceased after the death of the animal.” Mr Macartney observed this species in Hearne Bay, on the northern coast of Kent, in October 1804. None were to be found in the same place in the month of September, in the following year, al- though some medusze occurred which had been the companions of the beroe in the preceding season. There is a third animal, nearly related to the ge- nus beroe, which is figured by the late Reverend Charles Cordiner of Banff, in his “ Remarkable Ruins,” No. xi. Patella, fig. @ G. The magnified representation which he has given, appears to inti- mate a subcylindrical animal, open at both ends, with a raised disk near one end, surrounded with diverging spines, and exhibiting two spots, whence probably issue tentacula. The author has failed in this, as in many other instances, to give descrip- tions, in illustration of the designs of his pencil. 406 BRITISH SPECIES OF BEROE. ‘ The last species which has a claim to a place in the British Fauna is the Beroe pileus of natura- lists. ‘The late George Montagu, Esq. in a letter to me, dated 22d November 1812, says, “ I have lately added Beroe pileus to the British Fauna.” My friend, Dr Leach, who subsequently met with the same animal, sent me, last year, an outline draw- ing of its form. It differs very remarkably from the others already described, in possessing two long, flexible, ciliated tentacula. This species is figured and described by Baster, in the work quoted above, vol. i. p. 124. tab. xiv. fig. 6.; and by Scoresby, in his “ Arctic Regions,” vol. i. p. 549. tab. xvi. fig. 4, It is true, that these figures do not bear a very close resemblance; but when we consider the mutability of its forms, we can scarcely expect an agreement in the representa- tions given of it by different authors. The necessity of separating the species with long ciliated tentacula, from such as are destitute of these organs, and forming them:into a separate genus, ap- pears to be generally acknowledged ; and if no other term has been proposed to designate the new cate- gory, Pleuro-brachia may be adopted. Manse oF Fuisx, ). — August 1820. PA MOT H9 XXVITT—Descripiions of several new Plants _ from the Kingdom of Nepaul, taken from Spe- cimens preserved in the Herbarium of Ayvimen Bovrxe Lameenr, Esq. | Communicated by Mr Davip Don. ( Read 18th November 1820.) Tur KXingdom of Nepaul, which has only of late begun to excite the attention of Europe, promises to be highly interesting, not only to the Geogra- pher, but likewise to the Geologist and Botanist. The extent of its surface, the size of its valleys, and the elevation of its mountains, (some of which exceed the height of Chimborazo,) give it a more varied and mixed Flora than perhaps any other country on earth. Its plains, which extend into those of Hindostan, present the rich Flora of India. In its extensive valleys, are to be found the peculiar forms of the North American, Japanese, and Chi- nese Floras; and on the flanks of its lofty moun- tains, plants possessing the types cf those of the North of Tartary, Siberia and Europe, make their appearance. But notwithstanding the striking si- militude of its plants with those of the above-men- tioned countries, they are found, on examination, to 468 NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. form very distinct species. ‘The extensive Herba- rium of the celebrated Professor Pallas, collected in various parts of the Russian Empire, now in the possession of Mr Lambert, has afforded me an op- portunity of comparing the different plants of these countries with those of Nepaul. Without such aid it would be almost impossible to ascertain satisfac- torily the limits of the various species. The bo- tanical world is wholly indebted for a knowledge of its vegetable productions, to Dr Francis Hamilton (formerly Buchanan), and more recently to the ex- ertions of Dr Nathaniel Wallich, the excellent superintendant of the Calcutta Botanic Garden, who has sent several able collectors, at the expence of the Kast India Company, to explore its vege- table treasure. ~ Without further notice, I shall now venture to give specific characters and detailed descriptions of several new Nepaul plants. 1, RHODODENDRON setosum, ramulis undique setosis ; foliis ovalibus obtusissimis subtus marginibusque setosis; pedicellis glandu- loso-setosis lacintis calycinis brevissimis nudis. Habitat in Alpe i immensa nivosa, Gossaignsthan Nepalensium dicta. D. Wallich. bh. Frutex A parvus ramosissimus, rami flexuosi subfastigiati (cortice tuberculato-rugoso deciduo) ra- - muli setis patentibus densé suppediti ; folia ovalia obtusissima brevissimé petiolata, punctis nitidis re- sinosis utrinque instructa, subtus marginibusque a se NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. 469 ‘densé setosa; flores capitati; pedicelli brevissimi, setis et glandulis intermixtis dense suppediti: laci- niz calycine brevissime nude: corolla purpurea tubo brevissimo, fauce nudo, laciniis ovatis obtusis crenulatis ; genitalia exserta, filamenta basi bar- bata; pistillum filiforme longissimum, stigmate capitato. Folia turionesque contrita aromam gra- tissimam spirant, qua de causa domine in India Ori- entali iis in suffimentis utuntur. Rhododendron /irsutum ab eo differt, ramulis junioribus pilosiusculis ; foliis ovatis mucronulatis ciliatis supra glabris; pedunculis plus elongatis ; laciniis calycinis linearibus aristatis ciliatis; corol- lz laciniis ovatis acutiusculis; stylo villoso, stig- mate excavato. | 2. RHODODENDRON anthopogon, ramulis den- sé pubigeris; foliis ovalibus subtus dense tomentosis: floribus capitatis; corolla sub- hypocrateriformi fauci barbato, genitalibus inclusis. Habitat in Alpe immensa nivosa, Gossaignsthan Nepaliensium dicta. D. Wallich. bh. Frutex A pedalis fasciculatim ramosissimus, ra- mis fastigiatis; cortex rugosus, rimosus, deciduus, ramulis pube brevissimo ferrugineo densé instruc- tis; folia ovalia petiolata subretusa coriacea supra nuda anastomosanti venosa, subtus densé ferru- gineo-tomentosa: Flores capitati; pedunculi bre- vissimi resinosi ; laciniz calycine breves rotundate margine villose; corolla subhypecrateriformis ro- 410 NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. seo-purpurea, tubo cylindrico, laciniis rotunda- tis crispato-crenulatis, fauce villo tortuoso candido barbato ; genitalibus tubo inclusis ; filamenta plana glabra; stylus superne crassior staminibus du- plo brevior; stigma depressum. Rhododendron Dawricum, ab supera primo dis- eriminatur foliis tenuioribus deciduis nudis utrin- que punctis resinosis crebré instructis; floribus paucis lateralibus, corollis subrotatis tubo vix ullo fauce nudo; genitalibus longé exsertis; stigmaté eapitato. | 3. RHODODENDRON campanulatum, ramulis glabris: foliis ellipticis mucronulatis supra glabris subtus tomentosis, petiolis peduncu- lisque glabris; corolla campanulata, laci- niis planis integerrimis ; germinibus glabris. Habitat Alpes Gossaingsthan. D. Wallich. »*. Fyutex A, magnitudine R. Cataubiensis; cortex rugosa decidua; ramuli juniores glabri, folia late elliptica mucronulata coriacea supra nuda nitida -subtus tomento brevissimo fusco instructa, basi ro- tundata, petiolis glabris; flores corymbosi ter- minales ; pedunculi alterni glabri; lacinie caly- cine brevissime rotundate glabre; corolle cam- panulate magnitudine illorum R. Pontice rosee impunctatz late, laciniis late rotundatis planis mar- gine integerrimis; filamenta plana basi villosa pis- tillo longiora ; stylus angulatus, stigmate excava- to; germinibus glabris. NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. . ALL _ Ab precedente differt R. Cataubiense ramulis petiolisque densissimé tomentosis; foliis subtus ni- -veis; laciniis corolle crenulatis. | R. arboreum ‘etiam differt foliis lanceolatis a- cutis subtus niveis basi subacutis; floribus glo- meratis ; pedunculis calycibusque densé tomentosis; —corollis majoribus intus maculatis: laciniis emar- ginatis crispato-crenulatis; pistillo staminibus lon- giore, stigmate depresso subcapitato; germinibus dense tomentosis. | 4, ANDROMEDA cupressiformis, precumbens ; foliis quadrifario-imbricatis ovatis trigonis margine scarioso-membranaceo, apice dia- phano-aristatis ; pedunculis villosis, segmen- tis calycinis oblongis aristatis. A. cupressiformis W allich in literis. Habitat in Alpibus Nepalensibus. D. Wallich. »- Frutex A procumbens ramosissimus; ramis as- cendentibus, ap:cibus acutis: folia quadrifario-im- bricata ovata trigona glabra nitida ; margine scarioso- membranacca, apicibus mucrone tenui diaphano in- structis: pedunculi solitares axillarcs uniffori villo longo tortuoso tecti; segmenta calycina oblonga diaphano-aristata extus nervosa corollas campanu- latas equantia. A. tetragona ab eo discrepat, ramis brevioribus obtusis ; foliis obtusis marginibus apicibusque nu- dis; pedunculis longioribus glabris; laciniis caly- einis brevibus ovatis acutis muticis corolla duplo brevioribus. A12 NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. A. ericoides etiam discrepat, ramis confertis gracilioribus attenuatis; foliis lineari-oblongis tri- ' gonis marginibus apicibusque ciliis setosis instruc- tis; pedunculis glabris, laciniis calycinis muticis. 5 Litium Nepalense, caule simplicissimo 1-flo- ro scabriusculo ; foliis lanceolatis sparsis acu- minatis floralibus verticillatis; fiore campa- nulato cernuo, petalis subunguiculatis. Topho ab indigenis dicta. Habitat in Nepalia. D. Wallich. Caulis erectus simplicissimus teres uniflorus sca- briusculus ; folia sparsa lanceolata acuminata nervo- sa utrinque glabra, floralia verticillata; flos campa- uulatus cernuus pedunculatus pedunculo nudo; -petala lanceolata acuta subunguiculata rosea? ner- vosa, apicibus patentibus. | Lilium Japonicum ad quem proxime affine, ab co differt, caule glabro; foliis omnibus sparsis lineari- bus acutis longioribus ; floribus erectis, petalis sessi- libus. < 6. Dre.ruinium scabriflorum, petiolis longissi- mis basi non dilatatis; foliis basi cordatis 5-lobo palmatis segmentis cuneatis inciso-lo- batis hirsutis ; bracteolis pedicellis calycibusque scabri pilosis; calcaribus curvatis obtusis, pedi- cellis longioribus ; capsulis glabris. Habitat in Alpibus Nepalie. D. Wallich. 2. NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. 413 Radix perennis; caules subgraciles 4-pedales sub- simplices teretes erecti basi leves, superné pilosi ; folia radicalia longissimé petiolata, (petiolis subte- retibus pilosis,) 5-lobo palmata, segmentis cuneatis inciso-lobatis utrinque preecipué nervis pilosis, lobu- _ lis mucronatis ; caulina pauca remota 5-partita, seg- mentis lanceolatis inciso-lobatis mucronatis utrin- que pilosis ; racemi stricti pauciflori ; bracteoli linea- res obtusiusculi pedicellique et calyces valdé scabré pilosi; calearibus curvulatis obtusis pedicellis longio- ribus; foliola perianthii ovata obtusa multinervosa, margine crispato-undulata, extus virescentia, intus marginesque obscure coerulez ; petala exteriora cal- earata, apice glabra bifida lobulis obtusis, interiora lamina patente barbata profundi bifida, lobulis ob- tusis crenulatis; filamenta basi membranaceo-di- Jatata; ovarii tres glabri, styli recti; flores obscuré virescente-ceerulei; faciem Aconiti ochroleuci re- fert. 4. LEONTODON erlopodum, foliis linearibus run- cinaté glabris intra folia densé lanigeris; scapo foliis breviore undique lanigero ; pappo tenuis- simo serrulato, brevissime stipitato. Habitat in Nepalie Alpibus. D. Wallich. x. Radix crassa fusiformis. Planta cespitosa in- tra folia lana tortuosa fulva densé instructa; folia pluria patentia linearia runcinata utrinque glabra, —lobulis obtusis; scapi plures foliis breviores 1-flori AL4 NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. teretes inanes lana candida undique tecti; antho- dium magnitudine ejus Apargize autumnalis, squa- mz exteriores patentes ovato-oblonge, interiores erect lineari-lanceolate obtusiuscule basi membra- naceo-dilatate ; semina ovata levia ; pappo tenuissi- mo serrulato equali albo stipite brevi. 8. Tragoprocon gracile, caule erecto flexuoso, 1-floro; foliis superne angusté linearibus cari- natis, basi dilatatis ; anthodiis 6-phyllis ; pap- po inzequali breve stipitato. Habitat in Nepalie Alpibus. D. Wallich. 4¥- Radix fusiformis, caules plures graciles fle- xuosi 1-flori foliosi leves vix foliis longiores; folia radicalia erecta angusté lincaria obtusiuscula nervo- sa subtus carinata glabra intus preecipué ad basin lanigera, caulina superne anguste linearia basi dila- tata amplexicaulia intus lanigera ; anthodium mag- nitudine ecorum Lactuce perennis, 6-phyllum, squa- mis lanceolatis cuspidatis glabris; flosculi pauci li- neares lutei; semina levia; pappus inzqualis breve stipitatus, 9. SaussurnEa* gosstpiphora, caule simplici lani- gero foliis lineari-lanceolatis acutis, dentatis lana occultis; floribus aggregato-capitatis ses-— silibus involucratis lana longissima velatis. _ Cnicus gossipinus Wallich in literis. * Pro charactere hujus generis, confer Annales du Museum, tom. 16. NEW PLANTS FROM NEPAUL. 415 Habitat in Alpe excelsa Gossaingsthan Nepa- lensium dicta. D. Wallich. +. Planta ob formam singularem mirifica est, mo- lem parvam lane referens ; radix fibris longis sim- plicibus crassis composita; caules palmares soli- tarii simplices lana longissima gossipina densissimé obtecti; folia lineari-lanceolata acuta coriacea reti- culatim nervosa dentata in lana longissima occulta ; flores in caput densum convexum obsiti, involucrati bracteis exterior linearibus, interior ovatis acumina- tis quadruplo-brevioribus lana velatis ; anthodiis ova- tis sessilibus imbricatis, squamis inermibus omnibus acutis, receptaculum setosum, sete breves scariose ; semina parva angulata PEPPOses pappo ingente plumoso sessili. Lonnov,| September 1820. t [ 416 ] XXIX.—Description of a New Species of Poten- ‘ ‘ & tilla, from the West Coast of Greenland; with some Account of the Arctic Flora. ig i By Rosert KayEe Grevitye, Esq. M. W. S. (Read 18th November 1820.) Ix submitting the following paper to the notice of the Society, I have not merely been actuated by the =~ pleasure common to all lovers of Natural History, — : that of delineating and describing a new object; nor have I confined myself to the additional and pleasing task, of rendering that public homage to a brother-labourer in the same field, that every libe- ral mind delights to acknowledge. The state of botanical knowledge, as confined to the Arctic Re- gions, is yet very limited; and, above all, the gene- ral as well as particular geographical distribution of plants, is a subject that has only been noticed by. a few individuals. ‘Whatever contributions, then, / oi POTENTILILA JAMESONLANA if : f : , i ie . es ; ve y é * * y . - : + LEK Greville.aad nat: dein. a ‘ 4 - \, ’ 5 ae ; ; i if * i ; . ye - 4 Yr. ’ oe ee ‘DESCRIPTION OF A NEW POTENTILLA. 414 that can be added to our stock of information on _ these subjects, it is presumed will not be unworthy of public attention : and it is under this impression _ that Ihave drawn up the following short paper, which, Iam well aware, derives a value it would not otherwise possess, from the figure and descrip- tion of the interesting little plant; so recently dis- covered by Mr Jameson: PotENTILLA foliis ternatis, apice incisis, utrinque sericeis; caule simplici, erectiusculo, sub-bifloro ; calycis segmentis inequalibus. PoTENTILLA Jamesoniana. Leavesternate, gashed at the apices, silky on each side. Stem simple, nearly erect, scarcely two-flowered ; segments of the calyx unequal. oS Class and Order, Icosandria Polygynia. Nat. ord. Rosacea, Juss. Decand:. See Plate xX: Description: Root. I have not seen; Stem about four inches, siniple, rough at the hottotii, with the remains of old stipules, which form a series of hard reddish scales, that increase in number with the age of the plant; and, together “OVOL. IL : pd : 418 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW POTENTILLA. _ with the radical leaves, form a thick turf. They probably assist in protecting it from the rigour of winter. The upper or herbaceous part, is hairy and tomentose, a silky beneath | - calyx. Leaves ternate, silky, particularly the upper sur- face, less so underneath, and of a paler colour ; leaflets ob-ovate, the two outer trifid, the cen- tre one irregularly quinquefid. The radical leaves are on short footstalks, scarcely longer than the leaves themselves. The footstalks are covered with fine silky hairs. Stem-leaf, (for there is seldom more than one) sessile, three- lobed, middle lobe trifid. Stipules broad, embracing the stem. Calyx hairy and tomentose ; the segments unequal. Flowers terminal, solitary, large, rarely two on the same stem. Petals emarginate, inversely kidney-shaped, of a deep yellow colour, slightly tinged with buff. Anthers on very short filaments, and few in num- ber. Seeds. I have not seen. Duration perennial. Hab. West Coast of Green- land. Altitude 300 feet. Time of flowering, June and July. Se t This elegant little plant was discovered on Hare Island, (or as it is sometimes called, Waygat Island), in lat. 70°30’, on the -22d of June 1818, by William. Jameson, Esq. surgeon, who kindly com-- oe | THE ARCTIC FLORA. 419. municated it to me, with a request that I would give a figure and description of it to the world. In so doing, I have, at the same time, conferred upon this delicate arctic stranger, the name of its finder ;—a name, that I trust will be continued by future botanists, as a reward for that love of science and:general observation, which enabled Mr Jame- son to add to the already extensive genus Poten- tilla, another and so beautiful a species. It would be well; if other individuals, possessing similar op- portunities, were actuated by an equally praiseworthy curiosity, to explore the half-untrodden shores of Greenland and Spitzbergen. Wahlenberg, by his Flora Lapponica, has con- tributed more than any other individual, to illus- trate the Arctic Flora; and his work deservedly ranks among the first of its class. But there is a great mass of information still to be obtained, from the more inaccessible parts of the erctic circle, which becomes interesting, in proportion to the difficulty of procuring it. Were this subject better understood, the Physiology of Botany would receive a consider- able addition of interest. We should, then, be en- abled to show, in amore general manner, the change of habit in such plants as are common to many de- grees of latitude,—to illustrate the geographical dis- tribution of vegetation, and to trace in a more beau- tiful point of view, the gradual descent of many plants from the mountains to the plains, as they ap- proach the pole; and the effects of climate upon | pd2 420 THE ARCTIC FLORA. such as are common to the plains both here and in higher latitudes. | Salix herbacea is with us an Alpine plant ; ape in Lapland, (lat. 671°-70°), placing the limits of per- petual snow at 3300 feet, in which Humboldt and Wahlenberg agree, Salix herbacea is found to grow at from 2100 to 2400 feet of elevation. On the west coast of Greenland, (lat. 70° 40’=71°), Mr Ja- meson gathered the same plant at an elevation of on- ly 300 feet. Tn latitude 74°, he again met with it ; but it had then entirely lost its character, as an al- pine plant, and was growing upon a small low island. It was also brought to Mr Jameson by a sailor, from the level coast of Labrador, (lat. 76°) adhering to a specimen of Papaver nudicaule. 'This little salix, with one or two others, the largest of which do not exceed three or four inches, are the only trees to be seen in these dreary regions. Aceording to Humboldt*, the most common plants “ im montibus nivosis zone frigide,” are CARYOPHYLLEE (Stellaria, Cerastium,) Enri- cIN& (Andromeda,) and RanuNcULACEm. — In Spitzbergen, however, (lat. 79° 10/,) Captain Scores- by found SaxiIFRAGz not uncommon ; and Mr Ja- meson obtained several CRucIFERz and Rosacea, with a few GramInE#, from Greenland. * Vid. Humzouprt, de Distributione Geographiae | Plan- Ean, THE ARCTIC FLORA. 4AQ1 - The following account of the plants Mr Jameson gathered in Greenland, with the altitudes at which they occur, I cannot do better than give in his own words. * On the sea-shore we found aeihienis officinalts, Statice armeria; and in one or two places, where the soil is sandy, Arundo arenaria. Immediately above this, Lychnis dioica, Alopecurus alpinus, Po- tentilla sericea, Empetrum nigrum; and among the large stones detached from the higher ground, Stellaria humafusa. 'The banks of those periodical streams which run down the sides of the mountains, produce Eriophorum angustifolum, Saxifraga stella- ris, S. cernua, Stellaria graminea, Rumex digynus, Arabis alpina, Draba alpina, var. flore albo, and Ranunculus nzvalis. 'These occur at a very mode- rate elevation. . “ Higher up, or about the altitude of 300 feet, and growing among debris, Papaver nudicaule, Ceras- tium latifolium, Silene acaulis, Potentilla sp. nov., Saxifraga Greenlandica, 8. tricuspidata, S. opposi- tifolia, Pedicularis hirsuta, P. flammea, P. recutt- ta? Draba alpina, D. stellata, Stellaria biflora, Azalea Lapponica, and Salix herbacea. 'Three plants remain to be mentioned, which, taken together, constitute the greater proportion of the vegetation of the country. These are Vac- cinium uwlginosum, Andromeda tetragona, and Dryas integrifolia. The two former, in par- ticular, cover extensive tracts of land, and oc- 422 THE ARCTIC FLORA. cupy the same situations there, as. the common heath does in Scotland. They occur from a little above the sea-mark, to an elevation of about 800 feet, when they become very much stunted, and rarely produce flowers. Above this point we found a profusion of Lichens, chiefly Cetraria ni- valis, and various species of Gyrophora incrusting the rocks. The only phanogamous plant: observed: here, was Saxifraga tricuspidata, its succulent ha- bit adapting it to situations where age ang other plant will grow. . * On one of the Duck sland’ ay white’ is identity. ly flat, and situated in lat. 74°, I only noticed the | following plants: Potentilla frigida ? Andromeda tetragona, Cerastium latifolium, Silene acaulis, Stellaria humifusa, Papaver nudicaule, Salix? S. herbacea, a Festuca, probably vivipara, and a — Carex, probably rigida.” on Grvihiged catalogue of the slate peony brought by Captain Scoresby from Spitzbergen, and by ‘Mr Jameson from Greenland, will not, it is hoped, be uninteresting to those who are curious — respecting the economy of Nature in so dreary and inhospitable a country, where the whole process of vegetation is often completed within the short. pee of a month or six weeks. 96 They are three in number. THE ARCTIC FLORA. : 423 A catalogue of the plants found in. Spitzbergen, _ Iat.'79° 10’ by Captain Scoresby, and named by Robert. Brown, Esq. to which I have added as . many habitats as I haye been able to obtain, in order to give a general idea of their geographi- cal distribution. HEXANDRIA.. aye. Tove Luzula campestris. Juncus campestris, L. Hab. in pascuis siccioribus totius fere Europe. Lapponia (Wahl.) Islandia (Hook.) DECANDRIA. Andromeda tetragona. Linné. Hab. in Lap- ponia,(Wahl.) Siberia,(Pers.) Groenlandia, (Jam. ‘Saxifraga oppositifolia, EL. Hab. in Helvetia, Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith.) Montibus Carpa- ticis, (Wahl). Islandia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Greenlandia, (Jam.) _ 8. cernua, L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich). Britannia, (Smith). Islandia, (Hook.) Lappo- nia, (Wahl.) Groenlandia, (Jam.) a S. var. nivalis, EL. Hab. in Britannize summis alpibus, (Smith). Lapponia, (Wahl.) — Islandia,. ~ (Hook). 2} | 'S. cespitosa 3 Grenlandica. Wahlen. lapp. 119. In Greenlandia, (Jam.) Cerastium alpinum, « hirsutum. Wahlen. lapp. 136. Hab. in alpibus totius fere Europe. 424, THE ARCTIC FLORA, IcosANDRIA. | Dryas octopetala, L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith.) Montibus Carpa- ticis, (Wahl.) Islandia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) 4 THT. ‘PoLyaNnpRIA. ; Papaver radicatum. Rottb. vix diversum e P. nudicaule, L. Meet Ranunculus sulphureus. Soland. in Phapp's voyage. Hab. in montibus excelsis Kurope, Asie- que borealis et frigidissime. Finmarkia, io! Siberia, (Laxan. patrin.) DipyNamia. Pedicularis hirsuta, L. Hab. in Lidoeti (Wahl.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Groenlandia, (Jam.) TETRADYNAMIA. | Cochlearia Grenlandica? vel C. Anglica, Wahl. lapp. Cardamine bellidifolia, L. Hab. in sieibed Sco- ticis, (Smith.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Siberia, (Pal- las.) Islandia, (Hook.) Draba adpina, L, Hab. in alpibus Europe bo- realis, (Pers) Lapponia, (Wahl,) Groenlandia, (Jam.) THE ARCTIC FLORA. 495 DIcc!Ia. ~ Salix polaris, Wahlenb. lapp. 261. tab. 13. fig. 1. Hab. in Finmarkia et ad lacum Tornensem inter Sphagnum Cel, Liljeblad. - CRYPTOGAMIA. Trichostomum lanuginosum. Hypnum dendroides. rufescens ? Bryum ventricosum. Smith brit. — ligulatum ? Dicrani species ? Andrea alpina, Ulva ? _. Fucus forsan nov. sp. prope alatum sed _.» absque fructificatione. : — plumosus, sinuatus *. Conferva ? nigra ? Conomyce furcata, Achar. syn. 276. pocillum. Jd. 253. Solorina cracea. Id. 8. Alectoria jubata, B chalybeiformis. Id. 291. Lecanora murorum, var. Id. 181. * I presume sinwosus is here intended. 426 — THE ARCTIC FLORA. Lecidea atravirens. Id. 24. CAREPOR hirsuta. Id. 69. . erosa. Id. 65... proboscidea. dd. 64. Endocarpum sinopicum. ‘Id. 98. Spherophoron coralloides. Id. 287. Parmelia stygia. Id. recurva. Id. 206? sp. nov. ? sed absquie fructific. Peltidea canina ? Cetraria nivalis. Id. 228. Cornicularia aculeata, B spadicea. Id. 300.” Usnea? prope U. melaxantham. Id. 303. Stereocaulon paschale. Id. 284%, — A. Catalogue of the Plants collected by William Jameson, Esq. surgeon, on the West Coast of Greenland, betwixt latitudes se and 71°, in 1818 and 1820. TRIANDRIA. | . Eriophorum polystachion. Wahl. Fl. lapp. 18. EK, angustifolium, (Smith.) Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith.) Montibus Carpa-_ ticis, (Wahl.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Islandia, (Hook.) | ' iis * Vide Stlatcey’ s Account of the Arctic ae vol. 1 1: Append. No. 5. p. 75. THE ARCTIC FLORA. ! 4Q74 Alopecurus alpinus. Smith. Hab. in alpibus Scoticis. Arundo arenaria, L. Hab. in America, (Mi- chaux.) Britannia, (Smith.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Islandia, (Hook.) Festuca vivipara ? Hab. in alpibus Britannicis, (Smith.) PENTANDRIA. Statice Armeria, L. Hab. in Britannia, (Smith) Siberia, (Pallas.) Swedia, (Linn.) Lapponia, var. @(Wahl.) Islandia, (Hook.) Rhododendron lapponicum, Wahl. — F'\. lapp. 104. Azalea lapponica, L. Hab. in Swedia, (Linn.) Russia, eee Lapponia, vette Eek owt — Rheum d@igynwn. Wahl. F'. lapp. 101. tab. 9. fig. 2. Rumex digynus, LZ. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith) Montibus Carpa- ticis, (Wahl.) Swedia, (Linn.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Islandia, (Hook.) | , ) _ Tofieldia palustris. Huds. 'Tofieldia borealis, Wahl. Fl. lapp. Hab. in Helvetia, (Hall. An- thericum filamentis glabris ?) In America, (Mich. Narthecium alpinum.) Swedia, (Linn.) Britannia, (Smith). Islandia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Non est 7‘ pusilla Nutt. et Pursh ? Vid. Hooker in FI. Lond. : AIS THE ARCTIC FLORA. OcTANDRIA, Vaccinium ulictnosum, L. Hab. in Telvetic, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith.) Montibus Carpa- ticis ad 6600 pedum elevationem, (Wahl.) Ame- rica, (Mich,) Swedia, (Linn.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Kamtschatka, (Arct. Zool.) Islandia, (Hook,) Lapponia, ( Wahl, ) DEcANDRIA,! Andromeda tetragona, LE. . Hab. in Spitabergia, (Scoresby.) _ Vid. supra. Pyrola secunda, L. Hab.in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Montibus Carpaticis in sylvis fere omnibus usque ad terminum abietis ubique, (Wahl.) Britannia, (Smith.) America, (Mich,) Islandia, (Hook.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Saxifraga stellaris, I.. Hab. in alpibus Europe ad latera rivulorum. Siberia, (Gmel.) Swedia, — (Linn.) Islandia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) S. tricuspidata. Retz. scand. Hab. in Green- landia, (Pers. ) S. cernua, L. Hab. in Spitzbergia, (Scoresby.) Vid. supra. S. Grenlandica, L. Hab. in Spitzbergia, (Scores- by.) Vid. supra. 5. oppositifolia, L. Hab. in Spitzbergia, (Scores- by.) Vid. supra. THE ARCTIC FLORA. 429 Stellaria humifusa *. Swartz. Hab. in alpibus Suecie et Norvegie, ( Pers.) S. graminea, L: Hab. in dumosis totius fere Europe. Lapponia, (Wahl.) Siberia, (Gmel.) Alsine biflora, (Wahl.) Fl. lapp. 128. Stella- ria biflora, Z. Hab. in Swedia, (Linn.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Islandia, (Hook.) Silene acaulis, L. Hab.in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith). Montibus Carpaticis, (Wahl.) Swedia, (Linn.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Islandia, (Hook.) Lychnis dioica, L. Hab. in Britannia, (Smith.) Montibus Carpaticis, (Wahl.) Swedia, (Linn.) Lapponia, ( Wahl.) | Cerastium latifolium, L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Var. @ in Montibus Carpaticis ad latera abscondita alpium altissimarum, (Wahl.) Britan- nia, (Smith) Islandia, (Hook.) | IcosaNDRIA. Dryas integrifoliat. Pers. Syn. pars secund. p. 57. Hab. in Norvegia, (herb. Juss.) * There appears to be much confusion respecting this plant. . Vide Wahlenberg’s FL. lap. p. 124.-5., at Stellaria crassifolia ; and p. 129.-130., at Arenaria humifusa. Mr. Jameson’s plant agrees, in every respect, with the charac- ter given in Pers. Syn. p. 501. I have not seen the N. Act. Holm. in which Swartz published it. + At Dryas octopetala, in FI. lapp. Wahlenberg has the following observation: ‘‘ Dr. integrifoliam a cl. Per- 430 THE ARCTIC FLORA. Potentilla frigida*? Vill. som 3. ei — Pers. Syn. p. 56. P. Jamesoniana, ig nov. i in Groene. dia (Jat) « | al P. sericea + ? Willd. Hab. in Siri, (Pers) Polen -, Papaver nudicaule. Hab. in Siberia, (Pers.) Islandia, (Hook.) Spitzbergia ? (Scoresby). Ranunculus nivalis, L. Hab. in Lapponia, (Wahl.) Swedia, (Linn.) Norvegia, (Gunn.) Spitz- bergia, (Mart.) Islandia, (Hook). | DIDYNAMIA. Pedicularis fammea, L. Hab. in Alpibus Hel- vetize, (Hall.) Islandia, (Hook.) Lapponia (Wahl). soon, in Synops. p. 57. pro Norwegica planta perperam exhibitam, nonnisi e Groenlandia habuit, cel: Vahl. secun- dum. Act. Hist. Nat. Hafn.” * P. foliis omnibus ternatis, inciso-serratis hirsutis. This, surely, cannot be Schleicher’s P. frigida, which Wahlen- berg says belongs to his P. verna? Persoon’s P. frigida, in Synops. p. 56., answers to our Greenland plant, even to the radix crassa. Vid. Wahlenb. m Flora Carpato- rum Principal. p. 156. Brown’s P. Groenlandica, in Ross’s Voyage, vol. ii. p. 193. marked nov. sp.? nimis affinis P. frigide: et Brownian, is probably our plant. — + This, if not sericea, will be Brown’s P. pulchella, nov. sp. Vide Brown, in Ross’s Voyage to Baflin’s is vol. ii. p, 193. THE ARCTIC FLORA. 431% P. hirsuta, L. Hab. in Swedia, (Linn.) Spitz- bergia, (Scoresby) vid. supra. P. recutita ? L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) in summis Alpibus. TETRADYNAMIA. _ Draba alpina, L. Hab. in Spitzbergia, (Scores- by), vid. supra. D. hirta‘var. B alpicola, Wahl. lapp. 175, tab.11. fig. 1. D. stellata, Jacg. Hab. in Britannia, (Smith), Lapponia, (Wahl). D. muricella, Wahl. Fl. lapp. 174. tab. 11. fig. 2. D. nivalis, Lilebl. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Lapponia, (Wahl). Arabis alpina, L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) in Alpibus Europe ; et in Barbaria, (Pers.) Islan- dia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.). ‘Cochlearia officinalis, L. Hab. in Helvetia, (Schleich.) Britannia, (Smith), Montibus Carpati- cis, (Wahl.) Swedia, (Linn.) Siberia,(Gmel.) Is- landia, (Hook.) Lapponia, (Wahl.). SYNGENESIA. Gnaphalium alpinum, L. Hab. in Alpibus Eu- rope. Swedia,(Linn.) Siberia, (Pallas.) Islandia,. (Hook.) | Lapponia, (Wahl... A32 THE ARCTIC FLORA. Diacta. Salix * 2 Hab. Duck Islands, lat. 74°. S. herbacea; L. Hab. in summis Alpibus Eu- rope. In Russia et Siberia, (Pallas). Swedia, (Lin.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Duck Island, lat. 74°. (Jam.). Empetrum nigrum, L. Hab. in locis montosis totius Europe. America, (Mich.) Siberia, (Pallas). Kamtschatka, (Arct. Zool.) Islandia, (Hook.) Lap- ponia, (Wahl.). CRYPTOGAMI4. | Splachnum mnioides, var. « minus, Hook. Muse. Brit. Hypnum cupressiforme, H ook. Muse. Brit. Dicrani species. Cetraria Islandica. Achar. Syn. 229. Physca Islandica. Decand, C. nivalis, Achar. Syn. 228. Lecanora tartarea y frigida. Achar. Syn. 172: Lichen tartareus @ frigidus. Wahl. Fl. lapp. p.403. Patellaria tartarea, De Cand. L. murorum var. ? * It is probable that this may turn out to be the “¢ Salix arctica, nov. sp.” of Brown. Vide Voyage to Baf- - fin’s Bay, by Ross, vol. u. p. 194. There are living specimens brought from Duck Islands by Mr Jameson, in the Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, and. also in the collection of Mr Neill‘at Canonmills, near. that city; so that, in another year, we may be able to ascer- tain the characters of the species. THE ARCTIC FLORA. 433 Cenomyce rangiferina, var. Achar. Syn. Cenomyce ? _ Gyrophora erosa, Achar. Syn. 65. Cornicularia ? prope.C. aculeata. Usnea ? nov. sp. ? ‘Stereocaulon paschale, Ach. Syn. 284. Sphzrophoron coralloides. Id. 287. Besides the above catalogues, there is another that remains to be noticed, containing several very interesting discoveries. This consists of those plants which were collected by various gentlemen who accompanied Captain Ross in his Voyage of Discovery to Baffin’s Bay; from latitude 70°30 to 76°12’, on the east side, and in lat. 73° on the west side. This collection, like that of Captain Scoresby, was arranged by Robert Brown, Eisq.— a circumstance, of itself, sufficient to stamp a va- lue upon it. From this list, I sliall only extract such plants as have not enriched the two former; “not omit- ting, however, to make similar additions to illus. trate their geographical distribution. TRIANDRIA. | Agrostis algida, Phipps’s Ve oyage, p. 200. Wahl. Lapp. p. 25.t.1. Gramen sui generis, Brown. Hab. in stillicidio aque nivalis ad latus septentrio- nale alpis Raste-kaisse Finmarchie orientalis ; ubi VOL. III. Ee 434 THE ARCTIC FLORA. adeo ab aqua inundata fuit ut spica tantum emi- — nuit. Lecta florens, d. 27 Julii 1802, Wahl. A. paradoxa, Brown, nov. sp. vix hujus, forsan proprii generis, Brown. Poa laxa, Willd. sp. pl. 1. p. 386. Hab. in Helvetia (Schleich.), Montibus Carpaticis (Wahl). —P. laxa, Wahl. Fl. Lapp., est P. flexuosa, Smith, Fl. Brit. et Fl. principal. Carpat. Wahl. DECANDRIA. Pyrola rotundifolia, L.? absque Big haud determinanda. : Saxifraga propingua, Brown, nov. sp. S. hir- culo, cui proxima, minor, et diversa presertim ca- lycibus nudis et petalis inappendiculatis. Brown. S. flagellaris, Sternberg, saxifr. p. 25. t. 6. 8. se- tigera, Pursh. Amer. 1. p. 312. — S. petiolaris, Brown, nov. sp. proxima §,Yivu- — lari. j Lychnis apetala, L. Hab. in Swedia, (Linn.) Lapponia, (Wahl.) Siberia, (Gmel. Pers.), _ } ie triflora, Brown, nov. sp. JIcosaNDRIA. Potentilla pulchella, Brown, nov. ES dl ea se- ricee affinis. P. Groenlandica, Brown, nov. sp.? nimis affi- nis. P. frigide et Brownane. : it eMart. Draba oblongata, Brown, nov. sp. THE ARCTIC FLORA. 435 D. corymbosa, Brown, nov. sp.? precedenti valde affinis, et amb D. rupestri, (Hort. Kew. 4, p- 91.) proxime, Brown. Cochlearia fenestrata, Brown, nov. Sp. A C. Anglica et Danica, quibus valde propinqua, dif- fert valyulis subaveniis et dissepimento elliptico- _ Ianceolati axi dehiscente. Brown. SYNGENESIA. Leontodon faraxacum, L.? varietatis nana? vix species distincta. Brown, Monaicia. Carex compacta, Brown, nov. sp. ©. pullee af. finis. Diccia. | Salix arctica, Brown, nov. sp. S. _.? specimen mancum dubie speciei precedenti proxime. Brown. POLYGAMIA. Hierochloe alpina Br. Holcus alpinus, Wahl. Lapp. p. 31 *. * A curious plant, first discovered by Liljeblad, (sv. flor. ed. 2. p. 41.) ad Tornea-trisk in alpe Karpile, and made by him an Aira. Vide an excellent description of it by Wahlenberg, Fl. Lapp. p. 32. Ee 436 THE ARCTIC FLORA, CRYPTOGAMIA. ' Lycopodium selago, L. Polytrichum juniperinum. Muse. Brit p28. — Orthotricum cupulatum. Id. 72.) hieeetie >. ~ Dicranum scoparium. Id. 57. ~Mnium turgidum. Wahl. Lapp.p.. B51 ihe Bryum — , absque capsulis. Hypnum clean, DL. Jungermannia fructificatione nulla. Cenomyce fimbriata. sti Syn. p. tant : Dufurea ? rugosa, Brown, nov. sp. : Cornicularia bicolor. Achar. Syn. p. 301. Usnea ?__——, nov. sp. ? absque scutellis, Ulva crispa. Lightf. Seot. 972 ? Algarum genus ? ? Confervis simplicissimis et Tremelle cruente (Zing. Bot. 1800.) quodammo- do affine? ? Minute globules, the colouring ‘mat- ter of the red snow, of which extensive patches were seen in lat. se 25" N. and long. 65° W. Brown *. ie «aN * Vid. Ross's Voyage to ‘Baffin’ Bay, vol. ih p. 191. et seq. Epinpurcn, 25. Buccleuch-Place, )_ October 23. 1820. BA , bi ¢ 4 ( 437 ) XKX.— the name La Grande Marte de Guiane, i is. mention- ed as a doubful species by Shaw. A well stuffed ‘specimen of this animal having been brought by Mr Edmondston to England, TI have described and foie it. PL ae AS. 1. VIVERA POLIOCEPHALUS. » Grey-headed Weesel. ? is cc oo "Chovibier i. corpore nigro ; capite colloque . griseis jugulo macula flavescenti angulari nl- gro, margine circumscripta notato. ee Weed with a black body; head and neck: dark _ grey; the throat marked with a yellowita an gular = “— with black. ‘The habit of hak inal is slender ; its limbs. longer 1 than in most of the genus ; its claws and teeth. are uncommonly large. ‘he canine teeth projec much from the upper jaw, and give the animal a. fierce appearance. ‘he ears are prominent; the " eyes large. The hair of the whole trunk, the limb: and the tail, is of a glossy black. That on the tail is very full and long; but the hair which co- vers the head and neck, is dull, and of a dark iron- grey colour, The disposition of the hair on the neck is rather peculiar. From behind the ears: Genus . ae hu ae ate ii es ol avd 3 shine. ~ SRW ae “eee ‘ — % £. Vol ML Page #0 Hernertan Memows WH Mazars. Scalp PLATE XXII i | SS ) NY Mt Is aby TS aL. CLALCLY aL AC AL) | == (Ne l= | VIVERRA POLIOCEPHALUS. 441 to the nape of the neck, the hairs point upwards, forming a slight ridge. At the nape, the hair is partly deflected downward, as in the figures. ‘The jugular spot is of considerable size, of an ochry- yellow colour, and an irregular hexangular form, sur- ‘rounded by a border of jet-black. The hair is short on the whole fore-part of the body, and gradually lengthens on the hind-parts. The dimensions are as follows : FT. IN. Extreme length of the animal............. 3 8 Length of the body (along the back),...2 3 Bapaieth of ath scsvitess.. chasis sa se... 1. 2 The specimen here described, was brought to | England from Demerara, by Charles Edmonston, Esq. [ 442 ] iid ee 4 FOXY 3 ep es a FS vibe ie : XX XI.—On the Leaves, Capsule wa Root of , Buaxbaumia aphylla. sige | 4 By Rosert KayrE Grevit_e, Esq. M. W.S. &c. ; (Read 2d December 1820.) a a opaee so much has been written respecting this highly curious moss, and many excellent figures of it published, there are several peculiarities in its 4 structure that have escaped the observation of mus- cologists, not even excepting the accurate Hooker ; —a circumstance that can be owing to nothing but its rarity. This singular plant is named after its ‘inset eee, | the “ modest Buxbaum,” as Haller calls him. It was found by him about the year 1712, on the banks of the Wolga, near Astracan, and publish- ed in his Centuric, 2. p. 8. t.4.f.2. Since which time, the “Regina Muscorum” has been figu- red and described, either as a moss or a a ON THE BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA, 443 by a great number of authors, but particularly by Schmiedel, who “ Buxbaumiam in Dissertatione Academica pulchre et egregie explicavit.” In the fourth number of the Flora Londinensis (new series), the reader will find the best and most recent account of Buaxbaumia aphylla. It is there minutely described, and its history admirably detailed by Dr Hooker, who had first the good for- tune to detect it in Great Britain, at Sprowston, near Norwich. In 1818, Mr Stewart, lecturer on Botany in E- dinburgh, was so fortunate as to find a habitat for this very rare plant,.on the hills in the neigh- bourhood of Peebles; from whence he procured a considerable number of specimens, on some of which he detected leaves, and described them as being very minute, reticulate, laciniate, or deeply cleft into four or five segments, and situated on the sides and summit of the bulb. Mr Stewart also stated, in a paper read before the W ernerian Society *, that he had observed more than one fruit-stalk to arise occasionally from the same bulb; and in one instance so many as three: of which one was de- cayed, another still retaining the calyptra, and a third intermediate. This circumstance naturally induced Mr Stewart to consider the plant as peren- nial. I have not yet been so fortunate as to find a completely satisfactory instance of this; for though I have received specimens with the fruit-stalks in * 11th December 1819). Aad ON ‘Titk BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA. apparent contact, I have not been able to trace the connection on dissecting the bulb; but from the nature of the root, it is extremely probable that the plant is perennial; and what greatly contri- butes to confirm me in this opinion is, that the greater part of the tomentose or hairy appearance of the bulb, seems to be produced by the remains of old leaves; not indeed such as Mr Stewart no- ticed, but similar to some that I have recently dis- covered, and shewn to that gentleman *. The leaves that I observed appeared to me to be of two kinds. j The first (Pl. XCXI. fig. 3.) is formed, as far as I could ascertain, entirely of conferva-like filaments, closely united from the base; to somewhat less than half the length of the leaf; they then separate from each other; are continued sometimes singly, and sometimes collected into small bundles converging * Since this paper was written, the scientific world has suffered a serious loss in the death ($d November 1820) of this very intelligent and indefatigable bota- nist, who, from the natural energy of his mind, promised to hold a conspicuous place in the pursuit not only of na- tural history but of general literature. A few days pre- vious to his death, he completed the laborious office he had undertaken, of editing the Lectures of the late Dr Brown, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. He had also just finished the article Musci in Dr Brewster’s Encyclopedia, but did not live to’ ‘complete the correction of the last sheet. 3 ON THE BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA. 445 at the summit. Before the filaments separate, they appear to be frequently jointed; more rarely so afterwards. | _. The second kind of leaf (fig. 4.) is more common than the first, as far as I have hitherto experienced; but the structure is no less singular. The lower part is strongly reticulated,—the reticulations very irregular, and the bars or cellular divisions remark- able,—being uniform in their diameter, which is considerable, smooth, semitransparent, and of a pe- culiar inflated appearance, difficult to describe or represent. Before the leaf begins to contract, the reticulations cease, and a number of conferva-like filaments are produced, which seem to be seldom, if ever, jointed, but are long, and generally much entangled ; so that it is difficult to obtain a leaf for examination, free from a mass of filaments, belong- ing either to old or adjoining leaves. In conse- quence of this entanglement, added to their mi- nuteness, I have not yet been able to discover the true form of the leaves of Buxbaumia; all that I have examined having been more or less damaged, The colour of all the leaves is a light green, tin- ged with a brown that increases in age; but the filaments are even then generally diaphanous, and exactly resemble the dark-coloured filaments that are to be met with on every specimen, towards the upper part of the bulb. I regret exceedingly, that I was not able to show the first kind of leaf to Mr Stewart, having lost the one I made the drawing 446 ON THE BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA. from, and never succeeded in finding another: of the kind last described he saw several. These little objects are so minute, that they may be easily overlooked, even when under the microscope, from the well-known difficulty of managing that instru- ment when high powers are used. In Hedwig’s * highly magnified section of the capsule of Buxbaumia, the little pillar or duct be- tween the small globe and seminal bag, is repre- sented as curved. ‘This was also the case in the capsule of which I have given a section, (fig. 6.). In the young capsule, (fig. 7.) this duct is straight, as is also the seminal bag; but as the latter en- larges, and in some degree follows the oblique di- rection of the capsule, the duct necessarily becomes curved in the direction of the gibbous portion of the capsule, In making the dissection given at fig. 6., I was so fortunate as to divide the little globe, the cervix or little column which supports it, and a part of the duct; these are evidently hol- low, and communicate with each other. The cervix above mentioned is connected with the sides of the apophysis, by numerous fibrille, which, to- wards the little globe, graduate into a spongy or cellulose texture, forming a sort of delicate septum, between the capsule and apophysis. ‘This is much | too strongly marked in the figure borrowed from * Fundament, Hist. Nat. Musc. Frond. Pars 11. t. 3. £10. ON THE BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA. 4A Schmiedel, in the Ameenitates Academice of Lin- neus,. (fig. f.). _ In examining avery young plant, only just emer- ged. from the bulb, with the pistil on its summit, I found the bulb evidently hollow to a certain degree, as well as the pistil itself. This hollow perichz- tium terminated in a fleshy root, and might belong to an old plant. I could not, however, detect any thing like an internal bulb in any of the specimens which I dissected; and what Schmiedel has figured as the Bulbus ex villo exemptus, which is copied into the Ameen. Acad. (fig. /.), I cannot but conceive to exist more in imagination than in reality. The cavity is gradually filled up; and this seems to take place by the mere thickening of the seta, as the plant advances to maturity. The character of the root of Buabaumia, I have found to be uniform in every individual I have exa- mined. Its length is from a line, to a line and quarter. Its thickness considerable, to where it branches off, into three or four divisions. Its sub- stance is fleshy and brittle. The bulb of this moss exists, therefore, in appearance, rather than in fact, and chiefly receives its external character from what J take to be the remains of old leaves, which pro- duce the same effect as the accumulation of old sti- pules in many phnogamous plants. The root it- self, being very brittle, is easily lost ; and being, be- sides, often tortuous, and generally passing off ob- liquely from the bulb, it is more liable to injury. Ay alta in Oh Daicsks Fabhatae we pa roo J) 7) ‘ He considerably thicker than the seta. toma iG ' upper part, the root is generally solid, the extremity, hollow, (fig. 8.) dn order to avoid pe disadvantages Pa ills to a aa that of Buxbaunalelialiha to some, it may appear absurd to call a plant aphyl- lous, when leaves have been actually detected up n i At the same time, these leaves ; are so lesen i ‘ity almost eaihees: “Should waaihet trinidllandaneal however, be considered essential, Buaxbaumia acau- lis, would be as appropriate as was B. aphylla ori, ginally. a Evinsurcn, 25. Bucctgucu Prace, } she tk 30. 1s | at hiro ; ; in sib Ul eae er 5 cA TY AGRO >the ae “ oy os bie ait ie ¢ ‘ ; AiG 8 - A Sada me Nay Ae i 5, Ae hd Tahu ie 5 Miviene By Sis US salt hie ca ole ° i Pe eo” \ ; Xt is a " uy Oe NOt os mn He) ) a Wer laude Ce ae Yael Ly a the hollows ie eee between the cervix, the globe, and the duct supporting the © _ seminal bag. : ve Section of a young capsule just beginning to as- sume the gibbous character. When under the microscope, the duct appeared to be continued in the form of something like a columella, to ite ” ‘ _ nearly the summit of the seminal bag, which — seemed to be enclosing it. It was also more _ transparent than the rest. Section of the root, shewing the seta passing down i and. losing itself in the substance of the root; also the hollowness of the root towards its extre- i) Dee mity, and its division into a few large branches. ee ." 9, View of a pistil growing by the side of an old seta, Pas ( “natural size. it | ' lants of Buxbeumig, in diferent stages of gon natural size. Rr Be, % The s same mage XXXII. — Account of a Sinipubal™ Fo: il ne Tene have fen sine to belone to an : FOSSIL SKELET rs ton, ese ahi at Whitby, i in February 1 tele th By ade Rev. Gienee pias A. M. Whitby, York 7 Or the éxtraneous fossils occurring in n the 5 : of aluminous schistus on pe by ae the crocodile family. A ne. Sf this kin d, t iyS8. on Philosophical ‘Heahendticns = the eats S Rccreg the copes of the ii Pi i eS +4 PLATE Xx ae Wermerion Meme. Vor Mi Page 452 J, Bird. del? j NEAR WHITBY. ee, of the same bina; was found i in n Febreapptace? d is now in the possession. of Mr George Watson sige The bh ect of this Wa ei is to — se Plate XXII. 335 ae a i diss f A tie cs fh AMES. a i : ia Gath by 1 by the sides and covered at chia ; water, abot al a mile east from the entrance of " tic upper ait of the great shee pot which i here eens below ec. mark, % ts position 2 y iicarance. This rust is. ic legs 2 years, as it is considerably og ation of loose stones, over — having both concealed the — uted by their rolling to’ wear wis %, ee Bis - - 2.0 This is the best. 11. Super-oxymuriate of potassa, aetits Gunpowder in fine powder, - 1.0 This is the second best. After numerous trials with these, their compara- tive regularity in producing the desired effect was calculated to be nearly as has been noted in the above list; but I found that even No. 10. was not so uniform as was necessary for Colonel Yule’s ob- ject. I had now, however, almost doubted of success, when it occurred to me to try the composition which has since been found to succeed for more than an hundred successive times, without leaving any residuum to stop the firmg. Of the composition of this powder, and some cautions necessary to be at- tended to in its preparation, an account will be given in a future paper. It was with this powder that I performed the ex- periments which presented those striking results, of which I have now to give a brief account. I was led to these, with the hope of elucidating, still farther than I had previously done, a particu- lar view of caloric, of which I have, for six years past, given an account in my chemical classes. I availed myself of the use of Colonel Yule’s appa- ratus, to commence the investigation; and I am still occupied with it. At present, therefore, it is 480 APPARATUS FOR only i in my power to notice a few of the Sees: in a detached form. | The first experiments were performed le firing the new composition (using about one. grain, or ra- ther less, at each trial,) through a piece of cartridge flannel tied over the hole at the bottom (B) of the apparatus, when it inflamed a quantity of gun- powder fixed in a tin-case below the flannel. ‘This was repeated successively, for many times, without cleaning the apparatus, and the flame never failed to pierce the flannel and fire the gunpowder. . Should this succeed as regularly when applied to the gun itself, there could remain no doubt but that it would possess all the proposed advantages. There was therefore fixed to a six-pounder an ap- paratus similar to the one described, excepting that it wanted the long tube (A B), for which the pri- ming hole of the gun became a substitute. It was charged with cartridge, and, in several of the trials, with ball and cartridge; and upon the same ex- periments being repeated with it, it gave the same uniform results. The next experiments were with the view of ascertaining how the results stood related to Sir Humphry Davy’s theory regarding the impervious nature of wire-gauze to flame. Wire-gauze, of different degrees of fineness, was, m_ successive trials, put in the interior of the joinings of the tube, (a, bor c) so as to cover the hole completely. When the coarser wire-gauze was employed, the DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 48k flame was found to pass through and set off the gunpowder ; but the same result never took place with wire-gauze as fine as that used in Sir Hum- phry Davy’s safety-lamp, unless when the flame seemed to have burst a passage through the gauze. But when these experiments were performed with- out the powder and flannel at the bottom (B), it was found that the flame went through even three pieces of the wire-gauze at once. The next experiments, and probably the most surprising of the whole, were with gunpowder placed in one of the divisions of the apparatus (a, b, orc). In some of the trials, I found that the flame had passed through the gunpowder, (at a, b, or c), without inflaming it ; although, in other trials, I found it did not do so. 7 This, at first, appeared to be an objection to the proposed application of the apparatus. But after repeated trials, 1 found that the above curious re- sult only took place when the stroke with the hammer was slight; for, when a smart blow was given, inflammation always took place. In a few of the experiments, I put gunpowder at two divisions of the apparatus (a and b), and found, that the flame sometimes went through both without firing either portion ; at other times, one portion was inflamed, and one left unaltered. In performing these experiments, I first put a small piece of flannel upon the hole of the joining of the tube, and upon this I poured the gunpowder, VOL, III. nh 482 APPARATUS FOR DISCHARGING ORDNANCE. using; 2, 3, 4, and sometimes even 5 grains at onte, After all of the trials, I found a brownish scorched mark in the centre of the flannel, about the size. of the hole of the tube. ~ A variety of experiments were also performed, | with flannel, paper, and other substances, placed be- tween the joinings; in all which cases it was found, that the flame had been forced through, generally leaving a hole in the substance used, anda pale- coloured flame was observed to dart to a consider- able distance below the bottom (B) of the tube. In a future paper, I hope to have the honour of laying before the Society a fuller account of these curious experiments. In that paper, I propose to enter upon the cause of the results which present themselves; and to notice more fully the nature of the flame whilst in rapid motion, the alteration of effect upon substances, by retarding its movement, and the canse of its apparent inaction uPgp the gunpowder. a gid et a Ta , ies a XXXVI. setbescdilion of 160 — Philosophi ‘i = “3 yy ies ort wes A Instruments. a ie a if of a i n ¢ th k PRR ae 2 By ALEXANDER pa F.R.S. E. & M. W. S. (Read 8d April 1819. ) Is the fallowilt paper I propose ‘to describe, jist, A new instrument under the name of Sympiesome- ter, for ascertaining the changes in the pressure of the atmosphere; and, 2dly, A Hygrometer, in which the smallest variation of moisture and ay ness are indicated. t I.—Sympiesometer. My attention was first directed to the improve- ment of the Barometer, with the view of rendering it, susceptible of indicating any of those minute on in the —— of the tage which be 4.84. ACCOUNT OF might be supposed to arise from the action of the Sun and Moon. A very sensible instrument was obviously necessary for such a purpose; and I was therefore led to the idea of measuring the pressure of the atmosphere by its effects in compressing a column of common air, Upon constructing an in- strument of this kind *, however, I found that the — * air was absorbed by the fluid with which it wasin- closed, and that a good and permanent barometer could not be made upon such a principle till this radical defect was removed. 1 therefore directed - my attention particularly to this object, and suc- ceeded beyond my most sanguine expectation, in freeing the Air Barometer from this great source of inaccuracy. : The name of Sympiesometer which 1 have given to this improved instrument, is derived from the Greek words. cv~mieZw to compress, and pergov a measure, denoting the property it possesses of mea- suring the weight of the atmosphere by the com- pression of a gaseous column. The principle of the Sympiesometer, which is re- presented in one of its forms, in Plate II. Fig. 2., ; ; i] y ‘ f : * When I constructed this instrument, I was not aware that Dr Hooke had employed the compression of a column of air to measure the weight of the Atmosphere. The Sympiesometer, however, will be found to have no resem- blance to his instrument but im this particular. Wernerian Memoos VoIP, 483 5 : XN & = —— —_— —_ = = ™ -= _ = = = = = = a. A — = : S = i a g a = = = = A - A CSI ; LS = g = R 5 3 5 3, 5 Ca 8 A sSas== = 7 = 2 3 RS | 5 SiS 7 > ah = ~ = 5 KO) SSS Nes 5 = = = x = is S = —— S 5 S e &, 8 + 5. Cas —— a= ew ae == = : SS 4 wy p = : — (3) Ry z fe “ THE en 485 a, onsists in employing 2 ‘ clastic fluid or gas, diffe- ~ rent from air, and : any liquid, excepting quicksilver; _ which neither acts upon the gas which it confines, ‘nor is perceptibly aeted upon by the air, to the con- — tact of which it is in some measure exposed. Hy- drogen gas, azotic gas, or any of the gases not lia- ble to be absorbed by. the inclosing fluid, may be used; but I prefer hydrogen gas as superior to any — other that I have tried. The liquid which answers best isan unctuous oil, or a mixture.of unctuous and volatile oils.. I consider almond oil, coloured By 5X mith anchusa root, as the most eligible. . ~The Sympiesometer consists of a tube of glass A B C, of about 18 inches long, and 0.7 of an inch diameter inside, terminated above by a bulb A, _ about two inches long inside, and half an inch dia- meter, (but this will vary, as the instrument is re- ‘quired to have a: greater or lesser range); and ha- | hee the lower extremity B bent upward, and ex- peng into an oval cistern C, open at top. | q The bulb A at the upper end of the tube-is 9 | Pik to a slender thread, and is at first left open. 7 — In order to introduce the. gas and oil, I fill the bulb and tube with quicksilver : Then holding the tube horizontal, a communication is formed between a gasometer, containing the gas to be used, and the a oe mnie? at A oot fthe bulb A, he means of it) 4 i fa acy fe _ $ hi ; A Tasteiy 486 ACCOUNT OF and the gas enters to supply its place. ‘The'slen-» der pipe is then to be sealed hermetically close to the bulb A, by a touch of the flame of a blowpipe. The tube A BC is now to be inverted, and the mercury poured out of the cistern C, allowing the column which occupies the tube to run’ towards the bulb, to prevent the escape of the gas. _'The tube being again turned into a vertical position, the por- tion of quicksilver which remains is removed,» by pouring some of the oil over it, and heating the gas until, by its expansion, it forces the columu of quick- silver which is left at the lower end of the tube, in- to the cistern ; then, holding the tube nearly hori- zontal, the oil will enter as the gas cools, and the remaining quickerives may Hf gee out — _ cis- ten C. The inclosed gas which has thus been teitidhded, changes its bulk, or occupies more or less space, ac- cording to the pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the oil in the cistern C. The scale m2 for measuring the change in the bulk of the gas oc- casioned by achange of pressure, is formed experi- mentally, by placing the instrument in an air-tight glass-case, along witht 2 an accurate heirtneiete? boon thermometer, The glass-case 1 is furnished with a ciel exhausting syringe, by which any density may be given to the inclosed gas, so as to support a column of quicksilver in the barometer of 28, 29, 30, or any other required number of inches. The height of THE SYMPIESOMETER. 487 the oil in the tube of the Sympiesometer correspond- ‘ing to these points being marked on its scale, and the spaces between being divided into an hundred “parts, these parts correspond with hundredths of an inch, on the scale of the mercurial ‘barometer. As the bulk of the gas is altered by any change that takes place in the temperature of the atmos- ‘phere, it is necessary to apply a correction on this account. For this purpose the principal or barome- ‘tric scale mn, is made to slide upon another scale op, placed either below it or on one side of it, which is divided into degrees and parts, so as to re- present the change of bulk in the gas produced by achange of temperature under the same pressure, -and corresponding to the degrees of a common Ther- -mometer attached to the instrument. | This scale is constructed in the same manner as the scale of a common thermometer, by changing the temperature of the bulb. while the pressure is the same, and noting: range of the oil occasion- ed by it. In using the instrument, observe the temperature by the thermometer, and set the index which is.up- on the sliding Sympiesometer scale, opposite to the degree of temperature upon the fixed scale; and then the height of the oil, as indicated-on the slid- ing scale, will be the pressure of the air required. When the height of one place above another is to be measured by the diminution of the pressure of the atmosphere, another correction is necessary to 488 ACCOUNT OF. Ansure perfect accuracy in all instruments indicating this change, because the pressure of a column of air of a given.altitude varies according to its humidity .or moisture. .I have therefore added to the Sym- piesometer a new Hygrometer, which is - afterwards described in p. 492. rar In some of the Sympiesometers whieh’ I hate made, the scale is divided into parts corresponding to the increase in bulk which takes place in. the gas, by the diminished pressure of the atmosphere on as- cending a given height, the temperature being 32° of Fahrenheit. This scale is also formed by expe- _ riment, as follows: The instrument being placed in the glass-case as before described, increase the den- sity of the inclosed air, until it support:a column of quicksilver of 31 inches, the temperature being 32°. Mark this point zero; then, from the logarithm of 31 substract .0100, and find the corresponding num- ber, which is 30.294; regulate the density of the air to. support a column of quicksilver of this length ; number this point on the scale 100, and divide-the space into 100 parts; each part will equal the in- crease of bulk or fall of the oil in the tube by as- cending one fathom. In the above manner proceed, by subtracting .0100 from the logarithm last found, and marking the points corresponding to these den- sities, until the scale is complete. i" By the above scale, the approximate height will be given without the aid of a table of logarithms, by subtracting the number of fathoms indicated by THE SYMPIESOMETER. 489 the Sympiesdmeter, at the under station from that indicated at the upper station, the difference being the number of fathoms which the one station is _ above the other. | _ Previous to laying this instrument before the pu- blic, I wished to have it submitted to a fair trial, by comparing it with observations made in the same ship with the Marine Barometer. For this pur- pose Quintin Leitch, Esq. of Greenock, the proprie- tor of the ship Buckinghamshire, obligingly sent one of the first which I had made with this ship on her voyage from the Clyde to the Kast Indies, in the year 1816; and the following is the report given of the instrument by the late Captain Christian, the commander, on his return. _ “Iam glad to say that I consider your Barome- ter a valuable instrument at sea, having given it a fair trial on the outward passage to India, by keep- ing a correct register of it, as well as of the common Marine Barometer, taken every third hour, night and day, during the passage; and I not only found | that it was fully as sensible of the changes of the atmosphere as the other barometer, but that it had a great advantage over all barometers I have ever seen used at sea, namely, that of not being in the smallest degree affected by the motion of the. ship, which will often make the quicksilver in the com- mon tube plunge, or rise and fall, in such a degree as to make it very difficult to come within at least one or two tenths of an inch of the truth, even in 490 ACCOUNT OF the largest ships. On the passage home I also found it very correct in the indication of ihe winds and weather.” An opportunity of trying the S yicppanibet in a very different climate ocurred last year, when the - Expedition under Captain Ross sailed to the Are- tic Regions. Lieutenant Robertson of the Isabel- la kindly undertook the charge of this instrument, and regular observations were made every four hours with the Sympiesometer and Marine Baro- meter, the results of which were highly satisfactory. The observation scommenced on the 24th of April, in North latitude 51° 39’ and longitude 1° 7’ E. ; and were continued to the latitude of 76° 50’ N., and du- ring the return of the Expedition to Deptford till the 13th of November. These observations, in the form of a graphical representation of the progress of the Sympiesometer and Marine Barometer, have been published in Captain Ross’s Account of the expedition, and will enable navigators to form a cor- rect estimate of the relative value of the: tr. in- Phioni Kea The following is Captain Ross’s official report up- on the Sympiesometer: — “ This instrument acts as a marine. barometer, and is certainly not inferior in its powers. “It has also the advantages of not being affected by the ship’s motion, and of taking up very ‘little ‘room i in the cabin. Iam of opinion, that: the instrument — : ‘ : : | i THE SYMPIESOMETER. 491 will supersede the Marine es aes when it is better known.” .Lieutenant Robertson, in a letter to the Hon- nourable Captain Napier of Merchistoun, has spoken of it in the following manner: © The Sympiesometer is a most excellent instru- ment, and. shews the weather far better than the Marine Barometer. In short, the barometer is of no use compared to it. If it has any fault, it is that of being too sensible of small changes, which might frighten a reef in when there was no occasion for it; but, take it altogether, in my opinion it sur- passes the mercurial barometer as much as the ba-— rometer is superior to having none at all.” I have also had it in my power to make trial of the Sympiesometer on coasting voyages, through the favour of my friend Mr Stevenson, engineer to the Scots Lighthouse board, who placed one of them in the cabin of the Lighthouse Yacht beside a good marine barometer. Along with a register of both instruments, extracted from the ship’s log-book, he has’ favoured me with a communication, which states, that, “after an experience of two years, the Sympiesometer affords the most delicate and correct indications of the weather ;” and that “ it is a great favourite on board, being commodious even for the smallest cabin, and | at sa same time easily read off.” , | : ‘« The master, mate, and isan of the Light- house Yacht, (Mr Stevenson adds,) give such ac- 492 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW HYGROMETER. counts of the utility and conveniency of the Sym- plesometer, as are well calculated to recommend it to the attention of those sailing in vessels of the smal- lest burden. 1t is now in use in the service of the Commissioners of the Northern Lights, on board the Light-house Yacht, of 80 tons register, and the Pharos, or Bell Rock Tender, of 45 tons.” Il.—New Hygrometer. In the winter of 1816, I made many trials of dif- ferent substances, for the purpose of ascertaining their hygrometric powers, in order, if possible, to find one which should possess sufficient sensibility, and, at the same time, not to be liable to change the ex- tent of its contraction between the extremes of dry- ness and humidity. Among the various substances which I tried, those that changed their bulk in a considerable degree by a change of humidity, were Rottenstone, Chalk, unbaked Clay made very thin, and Mountain Cork. Though, from the friable na- ture of the three first, it was found difficult to use them, yet I am of opinion, that they may be advan- tageously employed in the construction. of hygrome- DESCRIPTION OF A NEW HYGROMETER. 495 ters, and there is reason to think that they will not be subject to any alteration in their scales. Charcoal, from its known durability, likewise pre- sented itself as a proper substance for the above purpose ; and it was found, upon trial, to be sensi- bly hygrometric, although its range was very limit- eth ont , Most of the above substances were formed into hollow cylinders, and cemented to the end of ther- mometer tubes; and their expansibility was tried by filling the cylinder and tube with mercury, in the usual manner. But the substance which was found to possess by far the most delicate sensibility, and extensive range, was the internal membrane of the Arundo Phrag- mites. A small bag, made of this membrane, is at- tached to the lower end of a thermometer tube, so as to form, as it were, its bulb. It is then nearly filled with quicksilver, which rises and falls, in con- sequence of the contraction and dilatation of the membrane, by any change of moisture; and these changes are indicated upon a scale attached to the tube, the zero of this scale marking absolute humi- dity, and the other extremity of the scale absolute dryness. ‘I'he lower end of the glass tube, instead of being merely inserted into the top of the bag, may pass through it, the quicksilver in the bag communicating with that in the tube by one or more openings made through the sides of the tube. By this means, the bag is supported by the glass, 494 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW HYGROMETER. and prevented from being injured by any slight ac- cident; and the instrument is also less affected by any change of temperature. A convenient portable hygrometer may: w Hie nl by employing aslip of this membrane, and attaching its extremities to the end of a lever, somewhat like the small pocket metallic thermometers. The ex- ternal appearance of one of these instruments is shewn at the bottom of the Patent Sympiesometer, represented in Plate X XV. Fig. 1. Although this membrane is not entirely free froth the change to which all animal and vegetable sub- stances are liable, yet hygrometers made of it pos- sess a considerable degree of uniformity amongst themselves; and, in point of sensibility, this’ mem- brane exceeds every other substance that I have met with, hake i Weegee) XXX VIL—Description of an I. nstrument jor ascertaining the Specific Gravity of Bodies, _ without the Use of Weights or Calculation. - By Avexanper Ante, F.R.S.E.& M. W.S. (Read 16th December 1820.) "Tuts instrument isa simple lever of a square form, balanced on a centre. One arm of the lever is made considerably longer than the other, to allow a greater range of division. On the long arm, a sli- der and hook, A, (as represented in Plate XXIII. Figure 1.,) moves freely; the upper part of the. slider is opened, to show the divisions on the upper surface of the lever; and there is-an index- line in the centre of the opening. The divisions are numbered from 1.1 up to 22; and each prime division as far as 4, which is the useful part of the scale, is subdivided into 10, and numbered 1.1, 1.2, &. The fixed cylindrical weight at the extremity of the short arm is merely to counter- 496 NEW INSTRUMENT FOR terpoise the long arm. Each division of the scale de- notes the'portion of the arm which lies between it and the extremity marked by the line S. G. (specific gra- vity) ; and their place is found by dividing the whole length of the arm from the centre to the line S. G. by their numbers, so that the divison marked 4 will be one-fourth from the extremity, 3 will be one- third, &e. When the specific gravity of a body is to be ascertained, it is to be suspended by a horse- hair from the short arm, and moved along until it is balanced ; the index on the slider having been previously set to the line 8.G.; the body is now to be immersed in water, and the equilibrium resto- red by moving the slider towards the centre; the number of the division on the scale opposite to the index on the slider, will be the specific gravity of the body required. Supposing the index to be be- twixt the third and fourth small division from 2)5, the specific gravity of the body will be 2.57, each small division being equal to two hundredths. Thus far the above instrument corresponds with that already described by Dr B. H. Coates, in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. But the scale of this instrument be- comes very minute,when the specific gravity exceeds4, and almost uselessin higher numbers. In addition, therefore, to the scale already described, there is another scale on the side of the beam, numbered from 0 to 1000, and divided into 500 equal parts ; ASCERTAINING SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. 497 these parts are again subdivided into 10, by a Ver- neer scale on the slider, which divides the whole length of the arm into 5000 parts. Near to the extremity of the short arm, there is an additional cen- tre and steel-hook, which convert the lever into the common steelyard. To the hook a small weight is suspended, to balance the beam when the index of the verneer is at 0, the beginning of the scale; and the slider is so regulated, that when it is moved to the outer end of the scale marked 1000 grains, it exactly balances 1000 grains weight, hung at the hook of the short arm. From this arrangement, it is evident, that the value of every division of the verneer, will be equal to two-tenths of a grain ; and each division of the scale itself, will be equal to two grains. The substance of which the specific gravity is to be found, must not exceed 1000 grains in weight. It is to be suspended by a hair from the hook at the short arm, and balanced by moving the slider along the beam. Note the number on the scale, as shown by the verneer ; suppose it to be 4.75, which is its weight in grains; the body is now to be immersed in water in the usual way ; move the slider towards the center, until it again equiponde- rate: suppose the weight now indicated by the ver- neer to be 290.8 grains, the first weight divided by the difference of the two weights already found, gives the S. G. being in this case 2.578. This differs in nothing from the common method of VOL. III. 11 498 NEW INSTRUMENT FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. finding specific gravities, except in its not requiring the use of weights; and the advantage it possesses over the former scale is, that it will give the spe- cific gravity of platinum with as much accuracy as that of the lightest mineral. ws iad he Bae Ny Be by CANAAN ame Suis 0 lg Ath Dec. 1820. ait N ature Bod rec of the Flame. de i By Joun Deucuar, M. W.S., P. A. R.P.S.; Lecturer on Chemistry in Edinburgh. a ( Read 10th February 1821.) % i ey Nie ; Pipi an at, Ba, : i ay a ea. ie jena on eb v3 yea ape Pa: I wave now to lay before the Society, a continua- tion of the account of my experiments with Colo- nel Yule’s apparatus for discharging ordnance. Since last hazarding a few observations on this curious subject, I have not been able to allot to it that time which the investigation deserves; yet still the facts at which I have arrived, may proba- ' bly justify the consumption of the Society’s time for a little longer. From these facts 1 have endeavour- ed to draw several conclusions with regard to the 112 500 APPARATUS FOR source of the flame, and the nature of caloric in general. I. I first directed my attention to such experiments as I thought most satisfactory im proving the ap- plication of the apparatus to the firing of ordnance of every description ; and for this purpose the fi irs seven experiments have beer selected. Experiment 1.—A piece of flannel was put over the bottom of a tube 15 inches long (see Pl. XXTV. fig. 1. B.), and immediately below, and close to it, was tied two folds of paper, with a quantity of gun- powder. Upon exploding a grain of the new ful- minating powder at the top (A), the flame was for- ced down the whole tube, and the gunpowder was fired. When the gunpowder is wrapped in a single piece of thin paper, it generally happens that the flame forces through without firmg it. When this takes place, the whole or a part of the gunpowder i is scattered about, and the paper is rent asunder, with- out any appearance of combustion. Experiment 2.—A_ piece of flannel, as in the first experiment, was put at the bottom of a tube 15 inches long, and below this was tied another piece of flannel, containing gunpowder. Upon ex- ploding the fulminating powder at the top, the flame pierced the flannel, and inflamed the gun- powder. Both these experiments prove, that the flame of the new fulminating powder can descend through P L A T E wae ee pie¥a 60 aE, SP, age 47 4. | MA y ‘I ii | SSeSsSSSSSeSeSeSaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaee—ea———————————————————————e—eee Se ‘aide of Fae i B tg ig 1 fi Eny B: ‘if WHE: Rica: rs we may conclude that the gun Ay a a 4 *: alt “ent a i Nai, ia | DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE, 500 oy) ae Lear a ry - 7 | ‘g . a tube 15 inches deep, pierce a piece of flannel, and ; fire gunpowder. And supposing the tube to re- present the touch -hole of a gun, and the flannel and gunpowder to be a substitute for the cartridge, then mn would be discharged, 10ugh the cartridge were 15 inches distant from | thes fulminating powder, which will never occur, oa in the largest pieces of ordnance. An objec: a tion, however, arises to the above conclusion; that it may be owing to the tying being very close, and the flame having no room to spread, that the. gun- powder was inflamed in experiments first and -se- cond, and that when applied to the gun the flame may be lost over the surface of the cartridge. It becomes necessary to answer this objection, and this is done by the two following experiments. Experiment 3.—A quantity of gunpowder was ‘scattered, over the jottom of a circular tin canister. 8 inches deep, and nearly 3 in dia Over the powder was laid a piece of cartridge flannel. The tube (A B) was made to descend into the canister, to within 2 inches of the flannel; and then a grain of the fulminating pow- der was exploded at the top. The result was quite satisfactory, the flame pierced the loose ee and fired the gunpowder. Eaperiment 4.—A_ ‘tube 14 inches ‘long, 1 was bent at the 10th inch Pon the top, so as to present 4 inches out of the straight line in which. the flame ferment proceeded, and through which it must now Ws Ser te aise ae Be te 502 APPARATUS FOR pass before it could issue from the under end. Up- on exploding the powder as before, the flame issued from the bent end of the tube. When this expe- ~ riment was tried with flannel, gunpowder, paper, &e. at the bottom, several peculiar circumstances presented themselves, which may induce me after- wards to atest more capi the _ nomena. Experiment 5.—In order to ascertain whether the apparatus were apt to clog up, or miss firing from repeated use, it was discharged for 130 suc- — cessive times, and never failed to produce the pro- per effect ; and still the apparatus ce not Pe: to be cleaned for future use. : | Experiment 6.—As it appeared of importance to know the temperature at which the new fulmi- nating powder would spontaneously explode, a num- ber of experiments were made with it for that pur- pose. In one of these there were placed ‘upon a circular tin plate, at three situations, with 2 inches intervening, forming, as it were, the points: of an equilatural triangle, sulphur, gunpowder, | and the fulminating mixture, one grain of each ; below the centre of this triangle, there was a taper, the flame of which was so near as to spread a little upon the tin-plate. In one minute the sulphur began to melt, and in 25 seconds more it was all melted; at the end of 10 minutes, neither of the powders appeared, to be altered, but nearly one-half of the a DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 508 sulphur was converted into vapour; at this time the plate was too hot to be touched by the hand. Experimeut 7.—A grain of the fulminating powder, and the same quantity of gunpowder, were put upon a tin-plate, at 2 inches distance; and at ‘the centre below was put a spirit-lamp. The fol- lowing is the result of the time of explosion in se- veral trials. Fulminating Powder. A ‘Gunpowder. in 32 seconds. ‘in 46 seconds. 28 AA 95 —— Go ——— 29 —— 62 —— 40, — mo— 45 85 —— FT 0a 2 2 40 —— 60) (jee Bd fe deers GO. pxient 60. - 92... In obtaining these results, the distance at which the spirit-lamp was put below the tin-plate some- times varied considerably, but it was always so near as to spread a little upon its surface. This, however, so far accounts for the great difference between the periods of explosion in the same pow- der. Eaperiment 8.—A. piece of cartridge flannel was tied over the under part (B) of the tube, and 504 APPARATUS FOR about one grain of the new powder was exploded at the top (A). The flame was seen to dart through the flannel. ‘The flannel, when examined after the discharge, had not the slightest appear- ance of having been scorched; it was, however, blackened a little at the spot. icone which the flame had passed. sage Hixpermment 9.—The sth pee was re- peated with several pieces of flannel at once. Af- ter each discharge with the flannel doubled, the in- terior piece was a very little scorched, but the ex- terior one appeared as formerly.. When three pieces of the flannel were put at the bottom of the tube, the flame seemed with difficulty to pierce them ; the interior flannel was more scorched than took place with the two pieces only, and part was entirely gone; the middle flannel was also slightly scorched. When four pieces of flannel were used, the interior two were much burnt, and the third a little ; but the flame did not pierce through the fourth piece. When this last was several times re- peated in a very dark situation, there could not be | discovered the slightest appearance of the flame at the bottom of the tube. _ | EHaperiment 10.— When two pieces of shin coarse paper were put at the bottom of the tube _ (B), and the powder was exploded as before, the flame passed through, making a rent in the paper, without burning it in the least. When the paper was examined, it presented, on each side of the DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 505 hole, the separated threads, as if it had been torn with the hand. When four pieces of paper were used, the flame did not pass through them. When paper and flannel were used at the same time, it was found that the interior one was always a little scorched. From several of these results it would appear, that when the flame proceeds with great velocity, its power of acting upon inflammables or other substan- ces is so prevented ; but wherever we, by any means, retard that motion, we facilitate its action. In the eighth experiment noticed, when one piece only of flannel was used, the flame passed through without scorching it; but we find, in the ninth experiment, that as we add to the resistance by additional pieces of flannel, we have the more of the scorched effect. The same was illustrated in the tenth experiment, when a piece of paper was put below one piece of flannel, and when the flannel was put below the pa- per. This was also proved by the phenomena of the four first experiments. Eaperiment 11.—Independent of the proposed application of the apparatus, it appeared of consi- derable importance to ascertain the distance to which fiame could thus be propelled. On this ac- count I affixed to the apparatus a tube 26 inches long ; after numerous trials with this, and with tubes of decreasing lengths, I found that no flame appeared at the bottom, till the tube was shortened 506 APPARATUS FOR to 23% inches, and then it appeared very feeble, and of a pale blue colour. Experiment 12.—The next circumstance which seemed. to claim inquiry, was the distance at which the flame could explode the gunpowder. When the gunpowder was put immediately in contact with the lower aperture of a tube 232 inches long, it was fired; but when a piece of flannel interven- ed it was not acted upon. Thus it appeared, that although the flame, at 23 inches distance from the source of its production, could inflame a quantity of powder, yet it had not force enough to pierce even one piece of flannel. The tube was now gra- dually shortened, and trials made at each change, till it was reduced to between 19 and: 20 inches, when it fired the gunpowder through the flan- nel. pis : I have repeated more extensively the experi- ments with wire-gauze, which I noticed at a former meeting ; and although it often happens that a part of the finest kind is forced away or rent asun- der by the flame, I find I was mistaken in my last paper, when I imagined that the flame could not pass through without injuring the texture of the gauze. _ The first trials iia wire-gauze were wiudle very hurridly; but the chief mistake arose from using _ the gauze upon the assurance of the manufacturer, that it was the same as used in thesafety lamp, with- - DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 507 out myself counting the number of meshes which it contained. The five following experiments are meant to re- move any misconception on this part of the investi- gation. I have confined my notices to two kinds of gauze ; the one considerably coarser than the other. A square inch of the coarser gauze contained 1296 meshes, being 36 wires in the length ; and the same quantity of the finer gauze contained 4900 meshes in the square, being 70 wires in the length. Now, upon examining two of Sir Humphry Davy’s lamps, one for magnetic purposes with copper gauze, and another for common work with iron gauze, I find, that an inch of the gauze of the former contains only 26 meshes in the length, and 676 in the square ; and that the gauze of the latter contains 28 meshes in the length, and 784 in the square ; shewing, that even the coarsest wire-cloth which I have used, is finer than what is employed in the safety lamp; and that my results acquire additional strength in proving, that the wire-gauze is not im- pervious to the flame extricated by the explosion of the fulminating powder. Experiment 13.—A tube, which could be sepa- rated into six pieces of nearly the same length, was screwed to the apparatus, making the distance from the top (A) to the bottom, fully 23 inches. A piece of the coarser wire-gauze already described, was put upon the hole at the joining a, when the fulminating powder was exploded at A, the flame 508 APPARATUS FOR THE | passed through the gauze, and appeared at the bot- tom of the tube. The same kind of wire-gauze was next placed at a and b, and then at a, b and c, at the same time; and the flame passed through all the pieces. This effect was also obtained, when si- milar pieces of wire-gauze were put. at all the five _joinings of the tube at once. In this last result, the first piece of wire-gauze was 44 inches from the top (A); the second 84; the third 12; the fourth 16; and the fifth 20; and the flame appeared at the bottom, after a passage of 23% inches through five pieces of the wire-cloth. Experiment 14.—As J could not get the flame to pass through the whole of the tube, when I en- creased the joinings beyond 233 inches, it was im- possible to try an additional number of pieces of wire-gauze, by adding them in the same way. I therefore increased the number, by putting more than one at the same joining. I found, upon re- peated trials in this way, using the tube 15 inches long, as shewn on Plate XXIV. Fig. 1. that the flame could pass through 3, 6, 9 and 12 pieces at once ; these being placed 1, 2, 3 and 4 pee at each of the joinings a, b, and c. Eaperiment 15.—Although, by the two last ex- periments, it was proved that the flame could pass through the coarser wire-gauze when increased even to 12 pieces, yet it did not follow that it was not thereby altered somewhat in its nature. A probable change was, that it might become innert with re- DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 509 gard to inflammables, as takes place in the several safety lamps, and particularly that of Sir Humphry Davy. Several experiments were tried, to ascer- tain if this suggestion were correct; first, the wire- gauze was putat a; then at aand 0; and lastly, at a,b and c; placing at the same time, during each trial, a quantity of gunpowder in a piece of flannel at the bottom of the tube; and in all of these I found the gunpowder to be inflamed, and the wire- gauze not to be in the least injured. Eaperwment 16.—I next tried the result of firing the fulminating powder, with the finest wire-gauze placed first at a, then at a and 6, and then at a, 5b and c, and found that the flame still appeared at the bottom (B) ; shewing that the gauze, although much finer than that used in Sir Humphry Davy’s safe- ty lamp, was not impervious to this flame. In some of the experiments I found a hole had been made in the centre of the wire-gauze, and sometimes the parallel wires were forced wider. This was very often the case, when a piece of wire-gauze was put at all the joinings, a, b and c, and then it was the gauze at a which was torn, or otherwise injured. Experiment 17.--In order to ascertain if the flame still remained unaltered, notwithstanding its having passed through the finest gauze, a quantity of gunpowder in flannel was affixed to the bottom of the apparatus, and it was inflamed through one, two, and even three pieces of the gauze. Here the same oceasional appearance, noticed in the last experi- 510 APPARATUS FOR THE ment, deshieidy with regard to the oe piece of wire-gauze. | II. When we look for the cause of these phenome- na there are two explanations which at once suggest themselves. The one, ascribing the whole to elec- tricity ; and the other, to condensed caloric. The circumstances which lead to the electrical explanation of the phenomena, are, | 1st, The rapidity of the result. This takes place before the least vibration is conveyed to the under end, as is proved by the following experiment. Experiment 18.--A tin cup, loosely fitted to the bottom of the tube, was filled with gunpowder, and a quantity of the fulminating powder was ex- ploded in the usual way at the top; in this case, the motion of the flame was so instantaneous with the percussion, that the gunpowder was fired be- fore the vibration from the blow could act upon the tin-cup. This was tried in various other way with the same result. 2dly, The colour of the flame much woe electric light. It is slightly bluish. | _ 8dly, There being some similarity in the darting of the light from the bottom of the tube, and the passing of an electric spark from a discharge. _ _Athly, The odour resembling some of those which arise from actions which have often been called electrical. And, ee AO nn DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 511 5thly, The fulminating powder employed, con-. taining an electric, which we were entitled to sus- pect had been brought into rapid excitation by the percussion. Such, then, being the corresponding appearances of the electric fluid and the flame in question, a number of experiments were tried, with the view of either establishing or overturning this apparent identity. As the results were all unfavourable to the electric theory, I shall content myself with stat- ing only three of them. Experiment 19.—A_ brass chain was fixed, so as to unite the tube with the ground; under this arrangement, were the flame electric, it must have been conveyed silently by means of the chain to the ground ; but this did not take place: the flame still continued to dart forward as formerly at each discharge. Experiment 20.—W hen, again, a tube, 30 inches in length, was attached to the apparatus, I found, that the discharges of the fulminating powder did not force the flame to the bottom of that tube. Now, had this been the electric fluid, it should have pas- sed along any length of tube with equal facility. Experiment 21.—A. chain was attached to the tube of the apparatus when its length was varied ; and this chain was made to communicate with a Leyden phial. After several trials, during each of which repeated discharges of the fulminating powder were made to pass into the tube, it was found, that 512 APPARATUS FOR THE there was not the slightest indication of the presence of electric fluid in the Leyden phial. _ ; PG! OE Having found that the first hypothesis does not hold true, we are led to adopt the second, which as- cribes the phenomena to condensed caloric... Under this view of the subject, we have a more complicated agent to trace. In the electric theory, — we had only one source of the fluid, in an ingredi- ent of the fulminating powder, and we had ready tests for its nature and presence: but we have vari- ous sources from which the caloric may arise; and our means for ascertaining its nature and presence are sometimes rather inconclusive. In the present case the caloric may arise from one or more of five different sources. 1. It may be disengaged from the fulminating powder, by a change of capacity induced by the blow of the hammer; or probably from a_ partial decom- position of the union of the substances with their natural caloric. | 2. It may arise from the combustion of the ingre- dients of the powder, in contact iaain the compress- ed air. 3. The air of the tube may give out caloric, being condensed by the gasseous bodies liberated at the top. 1 4. The air in the cap at the top of the tube, may give out caloric, when compressed between the cap DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 513 in the one direction, and the gaseous ingredients of the powder in the other direction. And, 5. The caloric may arise from the rapid move- ment of the gaseous substances along the brass ‘Such are the probable sources from which the ca- loric may be derived ; and we may admit that they all so far unite to disengage it. But, again, vdien we sitesidies the nature of the caloric, the simplicity of the electric fluid is also lost. The condensed caloric may be attached to some disengaged gaseous fluid; it may proceed by vi- brations; or it may exist by itself, quite distinct for the momentary period of its being visible, as it were in an insulated form, somewhat analogous to From the various results I have obtained in my experiments, and particularly in those undertaken for the express purpose, I am rather inclined to adopt the last of these conjectures regarding the state in which the caloric exists during its rapid movement. It would be encroaching too much on the time of the Society, to detail the whole of the experiments which seem to prove this. I shall therefore content myself with one which, of anh seems conclusive. Experiment 22.—W hen we put a piece of tinder into a condensing syringe, and force down the pis- ton, the tinder is inflamed; from this fact I con- cluded, that in the case of Colonel Yule’s appara- VOL, III. Kk 514 APPARATUS FOR tus, were the flame accompanied by moving air, or were it the result. or quality of compressed ait, it would inflame a piece of tinder put in any of the joinings of the tube: I therefore repeatec ly tried the experiment, using the finest German tinder, _ but no inflammation took place. To render the experiment more complete, I tried if the flar would act upon the tinder when in contact with ‘the air at the bottom of the tube, and found. that it did so. From this conclusion, if allowed to be correct, we have an additional argument, did the state’ of the question require it, for the moa» of ca- lone 3 + hig dia | | ne £ Hleicelinacins 23.—I tried to collect some of the air at the bottom of the tube, both in a water and a mercurial trough, but found that not above two or three bubbles of it could be obtained at each dis- charge,—too small a quantity to arise from the ful- minating powder. I have not yet collected enough to ascertain its nature; it is very likely that it may be a little of the air of the tube forced out by the rapid movement of the flame, and the pressure of the expansion which occurs at the top. Edinburgh, 9th February 1821. Conchision of the Bixperiments upon the Nature of Flame ; to which are added several sugges: ‘is tions for future Inquiry: MRE Gee Bi Uae af (fat WV HEN first I offered a few remarks upon the experiments performed with the new fulminating powder, I promised to examine the cause of the various phenomena which I then stated had occur- red, with the view of laying the whole before the Society. I have already done so with regard to all the experiments, except those which exhibited the very unexpected result of the flame occasionally passing through some gunpowder without firing it. I have now; therefore, to notice more fully this cir- eumstance: | Haperinient 24.—I1 have repeated the experi- ments mentioned in my former paper, which pre- sented this curious result of the flame passing through a quantity of gunpowder placed at a, b, orc, without inflaming it. ‘The result, however, is by no means regular in its occurrence ; sometimes I found it to succeed in three successive trials; at other times I have failed four or five times before F Kk2 516 APPARATUS FOR have produced the effect. In all these cases I careful to make the powder cover the whole tdiaee of the piece of flannel upon which it was poured. This variety of effect seems to take place from some accidental circumstances, which have as yet. escaped my notice. At some times I have apparently suc- ceeded best when I used gunpowder, the grains a : which were large, and at other times again the small-grained gunpowder was most uniform. _ The principal cause we may adduce for the pow- der remaining uninflamed, under the above circum- stances, is the rapid motion of the flame. We are entitled to draw this conclusion from lie pheno- mena which occurred in the Ist, 8th, and 10th expe- riments ; in these we found that the flame did n r act upon the substances through which it passed, when the resistance was feeble. But in the 9th and 10th experiments, when the resistance to which it was opposed was increased, then its effect upon the substances was more apparent. ‘The same change of effect seems also to take place with regard to the gunpowder; when the resistance is increased, the powder is always inflamed, and the apparent inertness only takes place when the motion of the flame is left almost wholly free. ‘The failure of effect alluded to in several of the trials in the 24th experiment, may have occurred from the flannel ha- ving been too thick and compact, or from too large a body of flame having passed down. the tube at one discharge. DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 517 ’ Another cause may be assigned for the gunpow- der at the joinings a, b or c, remaining uninflamed, There is scarcely any air contained in the space. a, b orc; the flannel and gunpowder nearly fill the whole, so far as the tube is unscrewed, and the tube itself contains little air. Now, a certain quantity of air may be necessary to enable the caloric, in the insulated and condensed form in which we may > assume it to jexist during this rapid motion, to display fully its usual effects upon substances. When this supply of air is not present, then the caloric passes through the gunpowder and other substances, without inflaming, or otherwise affecting them ; but when we put resistance at the bottom B, we facilitate the concentration of the air con- tained in the tube, and therefore promote the ac- tion ; or when we leave a quantity of air at a, b, or ¢, we in like manner assist the inflammation. fe ae he above explanation will appear in a still clearer point of view, when we consider the nature of those affinities which often take place between bodies, when in a nascent state, although every attempt has failed to unite them, after they have assumed their separate forms. The same may occur with regard to flame. When propelled in an insulated form, it may not act upon inflammables placed at a distance from the point of its disengagement ; but, when it meets with resistance, in contact with such substances, or when it is presented to them in its nascent state, then its full energy may be displayed, ‘ 818 APPARATUS FOR ial Ais. played, were it to carry long with it, ve quand of through the tube and a air in a sepatate fort ae But, upon the whole, we must allow it to hi a, subject of considerable obscurity, and, further trials may be necessary properly to elucidate the cause, Te concluding this stilt re may iad; a Seiiex:, ‘ periments, the result of which I have not yet. been able to examine with sufficient care. I state them, therefore, as suggestions for. iyiure cpamination, It has been found in exjiedights Il and 14, that the flame does not pass through a tube above 23% in- ches long. Now, this may be explained, either upon the supposition that the ealoric is merely a property of a quantity of air or gas, which i is forced. along the tube by the explosion; or upon the hypothesis I have suggested, that the flame exists so fa 3 dent of the air, and is rather, for the short its motion, im an insulated form. Tf hold the first of these to be correct, then we will be inclined to maintain, that the flame ceased to appear at the. bottom of a longer tube, because the velocity of the air was exhausted before it could reach that poin nt, and that, therefore, its excess of caloric was given out to the interior of the tube. Tf, again, we adopt the second Ol ieoaiin premuily a ma tigity of DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 519 caloric, then we will maintain that the flame, though capable of insulation to a certain extent, yet has a strong attraction for all kinds of matter, and has a tendency to extend itself from particle to particle of such bodies as come in contact with it. Its particles, too, have a strong repulsion for each other, and facilitate the diffusion. Hence as we lengthen the tube, we increase the surface of attrac- tion, till we entirely diffuse the flame. It is so far favourable to this supposition, that air does not be- come luminous, when united with a great quantify of caloric; and it has even been observed, that air has remained invisible, although heated to such a — degree as to inflame substances upon which it was allowed to act. The following experiments seem calculated to elucidate one or other of these theo- ries with regard to caloric. EKaperiment 25.—Let a tube be affixed to the apparatus, of such a length only as just admits of the flame passing out at the bottom. Let the interior be made quite resplendent, by wiping away the smoke, moisture, &c. from its surface. Let a given weight of the fulminating powder, say exactly one grain, be used at each trial, and regulate the blow as well as possible, that it may be nearly of the same force each time. Examine, in several dis- charges, cleaning the interior of the tube each time, if the flame passes through the whole length, and appears at the bottom. Then try the following: 520 _ APPARATUS FOR _ Haperiment 26.—Take the same tube used in the last experiment, and let the inner surface of it be blackened by means of smoke, or any other sub- stance. Let the same quantity, one grain, of the fulminating powder, be discharged by a similar stroke to that given in the previous trials; and observe if the flame still issues from the bottom of the whole of the tube. If it does not appear, gradually shorten the tube, till the flame is seen to dart from the bot- tom. This will shew if the difference be great. The tube must be cleaned, and again baae for hires trial. Laxperiment 27.—Take a tube, she interior re- splendent, of the greatest length that will allow the flame to force its way through a piece of paper, tied tight upon the bottom. Try the effect repeatedly with one grain of the fulminating powder, observing if the flame dart through the paper. Haperiment 28.—Let the tube used in the 27th experiment be blackened in the interior, and then discharge one grain of the powder, as before, with a piece of paper at the bottom. In this case we are to observe if the same result still takes place, or if © the paper now remains whole. Now, should the result of these experiments shew that the flame uniformly passes through a longer re- splendent tube, than it does through a blackened one, and that the paper at the bottom is not torn when the interior of the long tube is blackened, then we have a strong argument in favour of the DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE. 521 materiality of the flame, independent of the air. The ear surface reflects the flame, and, therefore, does not retard its motion; the blackened surface absorbs the flame, and therefore retards its motion : but the air is affected nearly in the same degree by both surfaces; therefore, it should produce the same mechanical effects upon the paper at the bottom, whether the interior be resplendent or blackened. If the flame passes through the same length of the tube, without any regard to the colour of the sur- face, then we may maintain that it is the power of the combination that prevents the flame leaving the air, to display its natural character of absorption by a black surface ; at the same time also, the velocity of the flame itself may have a tendency to retain it in an insulated form. But if we find, that, by blackening the inner surface, we stop the progress of the flame, we are entitled to assume, even although the air still pass from the bottom of the tube and tear the paper, that there has here been a quantity of free caloric passing along, quite independent of the quan- tity retaining in the constitution of the air. But, again, if we find, upon trying Experiments 27, and 28, that the paper at the bottom is torn, at a great- er distance from the top, when the interior is re- splendent than takes place when it is blackened, then we have it clearly shewn that the flame has been producing these effects in an insulated form ; for had the tearing of the paper been the effect of the motion of a quantity of air, then we should have 529 APPARATUS FOR expected no change oferasal: ae salle place, whether the surface were black or resplendent. ‘ a; Experiment 29.—Let a tube be taken of the ~ greatest length that will admit the flame to pass en tirely through it. Add to this as much more tube as will prevent the flame appearing at the bottom : try if, by discharging a grain of the powder, a piece of paper tied over the under part will be torn ; if it be not torn, then heat as much of the tube as can be conveniently done, and discharge as before the same quantity of powder; and observe if the flame be now forced through a longer tube than it was be- fore, when the tube was cold. Should this last experiment prove to us, “ that the flame will pass through a longer hot tube than it will through a cold one,” then we have the possi- bility of the caloric existing in a free independent state, still more strikingly shewn. We have here taken a tube so long that the air cannot pass to the bottom of it; the air stops merely because the power of its motion is exhausted, by the opposition of the air in the tube; there is no attraction of ab- sorption or any other nature exerted, which could be weakened by applying heat. But, on the, other hand, all matter has a tendency to receive caloric, and the lower the temperature is the more is this tendency encreased ; therefore, when a tube which, at a low temperature, does not admit the flame to. DISCHARGING OF ORDNANCE, 323 pass through, is heated, the surrounding powers of attraction are weakened, and the flame is enabled to proceed ta a greater distance. Although I have thus for the present brought this curious investigation to a close, yet should any other important circumstances connected with the apparatus, occur at a future period, I shail not. hesi- tate ta fulfil my duty to the Society, by laying the whole before them, - : R4th February 1823 , A 4 ‘ bs eee a Wes oO aay y & ( 525 ) APPENDIX. HISTORY | be i SOCIETY. vt al from Vol. II. p. 662.) —__——— Tus Secretary read a communication from Mr Alexander Hood, surgeon in Kilmarnock, giving a more particular description of the Fossil Tusks, &c. found in tirring a sandstone quarry in the parish of Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, mentioned at the meeting of 7th June last, accompanied with a part of one of the tusks, which he presented to the Society, Professor Jameson read a paper on the Geognos- tical Characters of Simple Minerals, and on the Vegetable Origin of the Diamond, in particular cases. ‘The Secretary read a communication from Mr Butter, surgeon, shewing that the Change of _ Plumage in the Females of some Geallinaceous Birds, to that which resembles the Males, depends on age only. 1517." Dec. 20, Mr Hood’s | Account of the Fossil Elephant of Ayrshire. 1818. Jan. 10. Professor Jameson on the Geognos- tic Charac- ters of Gems, &c. Mr Butter on Female Galline as- suming Male Plumage. isis. Jan. 24, Mr James Wilson on the Early State of the Tadpole. Mr Adie’s newly con= trived Inz strument hamed Sym- piesometer, described 18is. Feb. 7. Dr Traill’s Account of the Orang Outang of Afr 1818. Feb. 21. Conclusion of Dr Traill’s Account of the Orang Outang. 526 | APPENDIX: The Seeretary read a communication from Jaines Wilson, Esq. on the Karly State of the Tadpole, shewing its connection with the globular egg, by means of a filament, analogous to an umbilical cord: Mr Adie afterwards exhibited and explained his new instrument called thes Sympiesometer, or Mea- suret of Compression ; in. which the moveable co: lumn consists of oil, enclosing, in a glass tube, a portion of azote, which changes its bulk according to the density of the atmosphere. A sliding scale is attached, to ascertain the temperature. The Secretary read 4 ¢otmmunicationi from Dr Traill of Liverpool, giving an account of the Disa section of a specimeii of the Orang Outang of Africa; which died lately at Liverpool, illustrated with drawings, and containing also some notices concern: ing 3 its manners and habits during the voyage. The L Media read the remaindet of Dr Traill’s account of the Orang Outang. Mr Bullock of London being present, exhibited a specimen of the Anser ruficollis; shot neat Berwick ; being the first - known instance of the occurrence of that bird in Britain, during the last thirty years. At the same meeting, a valuable collection of the Ferns of Tris- tan d’Acunha was presented by Captain Car- michael, who had himself gi them on that - remote island. - HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 527 The Secretary read a notice concerning a new animal, allied to the Goat and Sheep, which in- habits the Stony Mountains to the south-west of. Hudson’s Bay, two skins of which were some time pol rg to Professor Jameson by Mr Auld of irchhill Fort, , Hudson’ Bay; together with a m Mr Laurie, on the quality of the wool which coves eos prt of the animal. Professor Jameson then communicated to the Society a series of new views concerning the formation of Mountains and Valleys on the surface of the earth, on the ge- neral principles of Crystallization. The Secretary read a report from Mr Thomas Laurie, relative to the fleece of the Rocky Moun- tain Sheep, sent from Hudson’s Bay by Mr Auld. Also a communication from Captain Carmichael, of notices connected with the Natural History of Birds and Fishes, observed in warm latitudes, and a Re- gister of the Temperature of the Sea and Atmo- sphere, kept in a voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to Bengal, and back again. Professor Jame- son then communicated to the Society, some re- marks on the probable state of the Polar Ice, founded on the observations of Captain Scoresby, and on the paramount pretensions of that scientific navigator to the consideration of the Government of the country in the projected voyage of discovery to the North Pole. Mr Bullock exhibited to the Society, a specimen of the Rose-coloured Thrush, 1818, - March 7. Secretary’s — Report on- the Stony Mountain Sheep ; and Professor Jameson on the Forma- tion of Mountains and Valleys by Crystalli- zation,’ 1818. March 21. Mr Laurie’s Report on Rocky Mountain Sheep. Captain Car- michael, Natural His- tory No- _ tices, and Journal of Tempera- ture of Sea and Air, Professor Jameson on the Polar Ice. Specimen of the Rese- coloured Thrush, caught at Hoy in Ork- ney. 1818. April 4, Captain Scoresby’s Account of a New Magne- tical Instru- ment 3; and Dr Fleming on the Tran- spiration of Dew-like “Drops on leaves of Corn. . 1818. April 18. Mr Steven- . son on Fill- ing up of Fresh-water Lakes. A Commit- tee appoint- ed to meet with the Di- rectors of the Highland Society, in regard to the introduction of the Rocky Mountain Sheep into- Scotland. | 528 APPENDIX. Turdus roseus, (the female,) taken by Mr Hamilton of Hoy, 3 in Orkney, 3 in his hoe 5 a ee of starlings. _ The Secretary read an abstract. f ¢ Captain Scoresby to Professor Jam account of an instrument for shewing . tude, founded on a hitherto unknown principle in Magnetism. Also a notice from Dr Fleming of Fisk, relative to the Drops of Moisture observe on the tops of the leaves of young shoe ae of Corn, which have generally been considered as Dew, but which Dr Fleming shewed to be a pt transpired by the plant. The Secretary read a communication from Mr Stevenson, civil engineer, on the Encroachment. of the Water of Loch Lomond, and other fresh water © Lakes, on their banks, and the tendency to fill up in the middle. Likewise an extract of a letter from Mr Bald, now at Newcastle, describing some of the Collieries there, and illustrating the import- ance and efficacy of the Wire-gauze Safety-Lamp. A report by Mr Laurie on the Rocky Mountain Sheep having been presented, the following gentle- men were appointed a committee to communicate with the Directors of the Highland Society of Scotland, and to request their attention to the importance of endeavouring to introduce a breed of the animal into this country, and their assistance HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 529° in effecting this object, viz. Robert Stevenson, Esq. ; Dr Barclay; C. 8. Monteith, Esq. of Closeburn ; and David Falconar, Esq. of Carlowrie. Professor Jameson read a communication from Dr Fleming, describing the Rocks in the vicinity of Spe | Professor Jameson read a communication from Dr Grierson of Cockpen, on the Casts or Petrifac- tions of Trees found in the Sandstone of the Coal Formation in Mid- Lothian, illustrated with speci- mens and sketches. Professor Jameson communicated to the Society an account of the Series of Rocks which cccur on the south-east coast of Fife, between Macduff’s Cave and the Ely; with notices of particular appearances in their disposition and arrangement. Professor Jameson communicated to the Society an account, illustrated by specimens, of the Geog- nostic Structure of the chain of hills stretching be- tween Table Bay and False Bay, at the Cape of Good Hope, by Dr Adams. Captain Scoresby read a paper on the size of the Mysticetus or Greenland Whale, shewing that this animal is found in the present day of equal dimen- sions as in former times. Mr Sivright communi- VOL. III. 14k 1818. May 2. Dr Fleming on the Rocks of Cork. 1818. May 16. Dr Grierson - on Petrifac- tion in Sand- stone of Coal Formation. 1818. May 30. Professor Jameson on the Rocks of the Ely in Fifeshire. 1818. Nov. 21. Dr Adams on the Geos — logy of the Cape of Good Hope r 1818. Dec. 19. Captain Scoresby on the Size of the Green- land Whale; and Mr Siv- right on Glos. bules of Air and Water in Topaz, &e. 1819, Jan. 9. Professor Jameson on the Geogno- sy of the Grampians. Jan. 23. Dr Hibbert on the Rocks of Shetland. Feb. 6. Continua- tion of Pro- fessor Jame- son’s Geog- nosy of the Grampians.. Feb. 20. Continua- tion of Dr Hibbert’s Geognosy of Shetland. March 6. Mr Camp- bell on the Living Prin- ciple ; and contin, of Dr Hibbert on the Geog. of Shetand. March 20. Dr Brewster on the Optic. Prop, of Mi- nerals $ and Dr Hibbert’s contin. of the Geognosy of Shetland. 530° APPENDIX. cated to the Society a notice respecting the frequent occurrence of Globules of Air and Water in Scotch Topaz, Heavy-spar, wc. peey Professor Jameson read the first part of an ac- count of the Geognostic Structure of the Gram- pians. Dr Hibbert read to the Society his Observations on the Stratification of the Shetland Islands. Professor Jameson continued his Mineralogical Account of the range of the Grampian Mountains, illustrating his descriptions by numerous sections of the country. Dr Hibbert read the second part of his account of the Geognosy of the Shetland Islands, consisting chiefiy of observations on the Relations of the Quartz and Sandstone of the Western part of the country. Mr Campbell of Carbrook read a paper on the Gradations in the Seale of Being, and particularly on the Living Principle. Dr Hibbert read a pa- per on the Serpentine District of Shetland, — Professor Jameson read a communication by Dr Brewster, on the Optical Properties of Minerals. Dr Hibbert read the continuation of his Account. of the Geognosy of Shetland. HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 531 The Secretary read a communication from Cap- tain Scoresby, on the Means of overcoming some of the Difficulties to Discoveries in the Arctic Seas: and Dr Hibbert gave a description of the Sienite District of Shetland, in continuation of his general aecount:of the Geognosy of these Islands. Dr Hibbert gave an account of the Granite and Sandstone Districts of Shetland; and completed his view of the Geognosy of these Islands, by some re- marks on Papa Stour. The Secretary read a communication from Mr Stewart, containing remarks on the Germination of some kinds of Cryptogamous Plants, and a list of some of the rarer Cryptogamous Plants which have been.lately found in the neighbourhood of Edin- burgh, Likewise a description, illustrated by draw- ings, of the Fossil Remains of a Cetaceous Ani- mal found in slate-clay near Wibuthy, by the Reve- rend George Young. The Secretary read a memoir regarding the Evi- dence of the Existence of the Beaver as a native Quadruped of Scotland in former ages: and Mr Bald read a paper on the Form of the Coal Forma- tion in Great Britain, illustrated by numerous sec- tions and specimens. The Secretary read a communication from Mr Stewart, Lecturer on Botany, giving an account of L12 1819. April 3. Captain Scoresby on Overcoming Difficulties to Discove- ries in the Arctic Seas 3 and Dr Hib- bert’scontin. of his Acount of Shetland. April 10. Conclusion of Dr Hib- bert’s Geog- nosy of Shet- land. April 24. Mr Stewart on the Ger- mination‘of Cryptoga- mous Plantss and Rev. Mr Young ona Fossil Ani- mal found at Whitby. _ May 1. Mr Neill on | the former existence of. the Beaver in Scotland $ and Mr Bald on the Coal Fortnation. Dec. 1 kh Mr Stewart. on Buxbau.. Tia aphyl- la ; and M Stevensonon the Forma- tion of Hol- sand. Dec. 29. Professor Jameson on the Rocks of Sandside ; and Mr J. Murray on the Lumino- sity of the Sea. 1820. Jan. 15, Mr Trevel- yan on the Rocks of Bamborough’ Mr Butter on the Change of Plumage of Female Birds. Prof. Jameson on Change of Plumage on the approach of Winter. Jan, 29. Professor Jameson on Whin-dikes3; and on the Spines on the Wings of Birds.. 532 APPENDIX. his having found and examined many specimens of the rare moss Buxbaumia aphylla, and giving rea- sons for believing it to be a plant of longer duration than botanists have hitherto thought. Likewise a paper by Mr Stevenson, on the Original Formation of the Land now constituting the territory of the United Dutch Provinces. Professor Jameson read an account of the Rocks of Sandside in Sutherland, and illustrated the de- scription by sections and specimens: and a paper on the Luminosity of the Sea, by Mr John Murray, | Lecturer on Chemistry, was read. Professor Jameson laid before the Society, a no- tice of some of the Mineralogical appearances at Bamborough Castle, communicated by Mr Trevelyan of Wallington. Mr Butter read a communication on the Change of Plumage which is sometimes ob- served in aged Female Birds, to that of the Male, being a supplement to the paper formerly read by him on the same subject. Professor Jameson read a short paper on the Mode in which the Change of Colour in some Birds is accomplished on the ap- proach of winter. Professor Jameson communicated to the Society,, his observations on the Similarity frequently exist- ing between what are called Whin-dikes, and Veins and Beds of Quartz and Sandstone, illustrating them HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 533 by sketches. He likewise communicated a short notice regarding the Spines to be observed on the fifth bone of the wings of the Water-rail, Coot, Water-hen, and some other water birds; the notice being accompanied by an exhibition of specimens. Dr Yule laid before the Society, a notice regard- ing a collection of rare Plants, in a living state, re- ceived from Dr Wallich of Calcutta; and on the means of Transporting Plants and Seeds safely from distant tropical countries. Professor Jameson read a paper on Rocks formed by mud-volcanoes, hot springs, &c. Dr Dewar read a paper on the Mode of Nutri- tion of the Hair, Feathers, and Nails of Animals. Professor Jameson read:a letter from Dr Boué, con- taining an account of the Resemblance of the Rocks of Auvergne and the Vivarais, to some of those in this country. Mr Stewart read ‘a paper describing a collection of Cryptogamous Plants chiefly received from North America. Professor Jameson communicated his reason for differing from the Volcanists in their views in regard to the formation of 'Trap-rocks. The Secretary read the first part of a paper by Mr Stevenson, :on the bottom of the German Ocean er North Sea, illustrated by beautiful plans and sec- 1820. Feb. 12. Dr Yule on | a Collection of Plants from India 5 and Profes- sor Jameson on Mud Vol- canoes, &c. Feb. 26. Dr Dewar on the Mode of Nutrition of Hair, Fea- thers, and Nails: and Dr Boué on the Rocks of Auvergne, March 11, Professor Jameson on Formation of Trap-rocks. March 25. Mr Steven- son on the Bottom of the North | Sea; Mr Swainson on a New Spe- cies of Picus3 and Mr Stewart on the Germi- nation of Ferns. April 8. Conclusion of Mr Ste- venson on the Bottom of the Ger- man Ocean ; and Mr Da- vid Don on New Scoteh Plants. August 3. Mr Sivright on Silica in Teak-wood ; and Mr Gre- ville on rare Devonshire Fuci. ‘Nov. 18. Dr Barne’s Biography of an Old Gen- tleman who has comple- ted his 115 year ; Pre- fessor Jame- son on the Arctic Expe- dition; Mr _ Greville on the Aretic Flora ; and ‘Mr Don on the Plants of Nepaul. 7 534 APPENDIX. tions. Likewise a communication from, Mr Swain- son of Liverpool, describing Two New Species of Picus. Mr Stewart then read a paper on the Ger- mination of some of the Fern tribe. ibe WY The Secretary read the remainder of Mr Steven- son’s paper on the Bed of the German Ocean, or North Sea. He then read a communication from Mr David Don, London, describing several xare Plants found in Scotland, and which are new to the Scottish klora. : Professor Jameson communicated to the Society, a notice by Mr Sivright, regarding the existence of a very considerable quantity of Pure Silica in the Teak-wood of the East Indies. And the Secretary read a communication from Mr Greville on some rare Fuci found on the shores of Devonshire. The Reverend Mr Russel read a communication from Dr Barnes, to Professor Jameson, giving an account of an old gentleman, now alive, who had completed his 115th year. The Proféssor then gave a general account of the progress of the Discovery Ships through Barrow’s Straits; their wintering in a bay in Melville Island; the animals met with, &e. derived from conversations with the Officers of the Hecla, lately in Leith Roads. Hg likewise read extracts from two botanical communica- tions; one by Mr Greville, on the Plants of the HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 535 Arctic Regions, and describing a New Species of Potentilla, brought home by Mr Jameson, surgeon ; and the other by Mr David Don, describing seve- ral new Plants from the Nepaul Mountains. Professor Jameson read an account of the Over- 382°. land Arctic Expedition : and he, at the same time, Professor laid before the Society, a Map of the Country, on ag the west and north sides of Hudson’s Bay, drawn Overland by a Native Esquimaux. He then read the first pes ae es part of a Voyage to Baffin’s Bay, by Mr William 2™%0"'s Voyage to Jameson. > ‘Baffin’s Bay. _ The Seeretary read the concluding part of Mr W. _,, De 16. Jameson’s narrative of his Voyage into Baffin’s Bay. of Metis Mr Adie then laid before the Society, his Improved to Batis, Instrument, or Beam, for facilitating the determin- pe : ‘ing of Specific Gravities of Minerals, &c. the prin- fi 4" ument cipal advantages of which are, that no weights or os ie : mining the calculations-are necessary ; that the whole operations Specific Gra- : vity of Mi- may be performed in a few minutes; and that the nerals; and ie ‘ : ° account of instrument 1s easily portable, and 1s not expensive. Colotiel Mr Deuchar, Lecturer on Chemistry, communicated ae 1h : to the Society, an account of Colonel Yule’s im- for Pischa ‘ P ging Ord- proved Apparatus for Discharging of Ordnance; and __ nance. mentioned ‘some results that have occurred as to the . nature and properties of Flame. ‘The Secretary read two notices from Dr Colla- _,1**}. don; one relative to Cinchonin and Quinin, or the Dr Colla- ‘ don’s Notice. of Mr Adie’s . 1821. of Cinchonin and Quinin ; and of Spix’s Expedition : and Profes- sor Jameson on the use of Todine in the Cure of Goi- — tre, and of its existence in Peat. 536 APPENDIX. Alkaline Substances existing in Cinchona; the other relative to the Travels in Brazil, of Messrs Spix and Martins, sent thither by the king of Bavaria. Professor Jameson also read a notice in regard to the use of Iodine in the cure of Goitre, and of the existence of Iodine in the Peat of this country, and in eryptogamous land plants. The Professor then exhibited, 1. A preserved head of a New Zealand Chief, having the skin and tattooing of the face in a very perfect condition. 2. A section of a log of Elm, containing the nest of a titmouse, completely encircled by the solid wood of the tree, the speci- men having occurred in one of the Royal Dock- yards, and been sent by Lord Melville to Professor Jameson, for the Regius Museum of the Univer- sity. HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 537 OFFICE-BEARERS, 1821. Office-Bearers elected at the Meeting on the 2d December 1820. President. ~ Rosert Jamzson, Esq. Prof. Nat. Hist. Edin. &c. Vice-Presidents. Sir Patrick WALKER, Rozert STEVENSON, Esq. ‘Tuo. Mackenzie, Esq. M. P.| Davin Fatconar, Esq. Secretary, Pat. NEILL, Esq. Treasurer, WitL1aM E tis, Esq. Lnbrarian, JaMEs Witson, Esq. Painter, P. Symx, Esq. Council. ‘FHOMAS SivRicutT, Esq. Col. Davin WILLIAMSoNn. Dr James Grecory jun., | WiiL1am Newsiceine, Esq, Capt. Tuomas Brown. Dr Samvuet Hizserv. Patrick SMALL Kerr, Esq| Roperr Bap, Esq. 538 APPENDIX. List of Members of the Wernerian Naturat History Society of Edinburgh,—continued From Volume Second. HONORARY. 1819. Nov. 27. His Royal Highness I Parxce LEOPOLD of SaxrE Cosouge. 1820. Aug. 5. The Count Irrersure of Sweden. ~ RESIDENT. 1817. Dec. 20. Captain Tuomas Brown, (formerly Non-Resi~ dent, January 8. 1814.) | SAMUEL ae M.D. 1818. April 15. Grorcre Berry, Esq. Edinburgh, Joun Innes Crawrorp, Esq. Edinburgh. Rosert Liston, Esq. Surgeon, Edinburgh. Patrick SMALL Kerr, Esq. of Kinmonth. The Rev. Tuomas Netson, Edinburgh. . Dec. 5. Colonel Davin Srewarr of Garth. Joun AiTKEN, M. D. Edinburgh. 1818. 1819. HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 539 iy The Rev. Micuar. Russert, D. D. Leith. Dr Wi.Li1am Macponatp of Ballishare. April 15. AnprEew Suiten; Bea, § Staff Surgeon. 1819. Dec. 29. 1820. Joun Giiiizs, M. D. Edinburgh. Capt. Joun Witson CarmicnakE. Edinburgh. Henry Dewanz, M. D. Edinburgh. James Rozinson Scott, Esq. Lecturer on Bo- tany. Sir James Sruart, Bart. of Allanbank. Anprew WavpEL1, Esq. Leith. Professor Grorce Dunzar, Edinburgh. Dr Watter Oupney, Surgeon. R. N. The Rev. Epwarp Cratic, Edinburgh. JouHN Stewart, Esq. Lecturer on Botany. Rozert Kaye Grevitte, Esq. Edinburgh. Anprew Cxrason, Esq. Edinburgh. Jonn Crawrorp, Esq. Edinburgh. Dr James Fisner, Edinburgh. Wiriram Granam, M. D. Edinburgh. Joun Devcnar, Esq. Lecturer on Chemistry, Edinburgh. Dec. 2. Wittr1am Jarpine, Esq. younger of Applegirth. 1821. Mar. 10. Martuew Miturr, Esq. Gleniee. Gitsert Innes, Esq. of Stow. James Hay, Esq. Leith. | Wii1amM Dryspae, Esq. Edinbnrgh. | Witiram Marsuatt, Esq. Edinburgh. James Maitianp Hoe, Esq. Newliston. 540 APPENDIX. NON-RESIDENT. 1818. | | April 15. Witi1am Cieiianp, Esq. Glasgow. JamzEs Murriesury, M. D. Bath, Dec. 5. Dr Samvet Srrovutt, Bombay. Epwarp Srymour, Esq. A. B. 1819. April15. Sir James Macexecor, Bart. ° PripEavux Joun SEvBy, Esq. of Twizell-House. SAMUEL Parkes, Esq. London. | Rosert Fraser, Esq. Civil Engineer. Captain Wess, Nepaul. Dr Wit11am Gorpon, Jamaica. ALEXANDER Larpiaw, Esq. Nepaul. Hewry Hevranp, Esq. London. | Captain CarmicHaEL, formerly of Tristan d’Acunha. Dec. 29. Witt1am Swarnson, Esq. Liverpool. Watter CaLvertey TREVELYAN, Esq. B. A. M.G.S. Wallington. JosEPH Harrison Fryer, Esq. of Lyzick-Hall. Joun Murray, Esq. Lecturer on Chemistry, Aberdeen, Aug. 5. Dr Rozert WIi11I1s. Dec. 2. Anprew G. C. Tucker, Esq. Ashburton. Mar. 10. Dr Grorce Macratu, Plymouth. FOREIGN. 1818. | | April15. Dr James MEass, Philadelphia. : a _ Professor LALLEMENT, Paris. 1819. April 15. Dec. 29. 1820. HISTORY OF THE SOCIETY. 541 Dr Tuomas HorsFiExp, Java, Professor Griscom, New-York. Dr G. F. W. Meyer of Gottingen. Mr A. Risso of Nice. Dr Amir Bovr, Hamburgh. Dr Avcust VERDEIL, Lausanne. Count Breunner, Hereditary High Chamber- lain of Lower Austria, &c. Professor De Wotre, Niirnberg. Dr Meyer, Counsellor of State, Offenbach. Mr Konrap Jaxos TEmmMInick, Haarlem. Mr Joun MEncE of Hanau. M. Louis Durresne, Jardin du Roi, Paris. M. LECuHEvVALIER GEOFF ROY ST HILalRE, Paris. Aug. 5. Baron Porurr of Switzerland. Dec. 2. 1821. Mar. 10. Dr Lovis Turopore FrepErick CoLtiapon of Geneva. M. Justizcommissar KEFERSTEIN, Halle. M. Avcuste Pyramus DEcanDOLLE, Geneva. M. Herserskxt1, Professor of Medicine, Wilna. Dr L. H. Bosanus of Wilna. Dr Biasivs MErreo, Professor of Natural His- tory, Marburg. Professor H. F. Liyx, Director of ie Botanic Garden, Berlin. Dr Dantet Drake, Cincinnati, Ohio. M. K. Am. Kiiun, Professor of Geognosy and Mining, Freyberg. M. Harpincer of Vienna, now at Freyberg, Saxony. wy chee 4 "ts ae, : ath wevty alt AS MET ft Cees 6 ts wee ond ts “a BDU, Mid t + a vbw ; ai " Ricaah Rete a afl Ae yi \ ( 543) — INDBX 1: "4 ¥ eS a VOLUME THIRD. VBVIVAVVVOVBWUVS A Page. Aggregation, principle of, - - 261 Amethyst, crystals of, found in drusy cavities in Dolomite, near Cork, = - 93 at Wilkiehaugh, in trap-rocks, imbedded and in veins, = - 233 Analysis, chemical, of the Juice of the Papaw Tree, 248 Anatomy of the Orang Outang, observations on the, by Dr Thomas Stewart Traill, 1.—The Indian and African Ourang mistaken by Naturalists for the same species.—-The present subject is the latter, (a female), 2.—Account of its habits, 3. —External appearance, 6.—Internal structure, 9.—Bones.—Of the head, 10.—Trunk, 13.— Upper extremity, 17.—Lower extremity, 19. —Joints and ligaments, 21.—Muscles, 22.— Brain and nerves, 33.—Heart, lungs, and bloodvessels, 37.—Organs of sense, 38.—Or- gans of voice, 39.—Chylopoétic viscera, 43.— Urinary organs, 46.—Organs of generation, AT. 544 INDEx. Page, Anatomy of the Beluga, - = 380 Axes of Double Refraction, their Number, connected with the Primitive Forms of Crystals, 50,-337 Single, may be resolved into several, 63 B Bald, Robert, Esq. on the Coalfield of Clackmannanshire and the Form of Coalfields in Great B Britain, 128 Barclay, Dr, his Account of the Dissection of a Beluga, 371 Basalt, columnar, bed of, in tuff, - ae) 236 Beaver, Account of some Fossil Remains of the, found in Scotland, by Patrick Neill, Esq. 207.—Its exis- tence in Wales proved by the evidence of early writers, ibid.—Probable existence in Scotland in the twelfth century, 209.—On the authority of Bellenden, about the year 1536, 210,—Beavers not mentioned in the public records of Scot- land, 211.—Gaelic name still retained, 212.—Fos- sil remains discovered in 1I788, 213.—Also in 1818, 215.—Peat-moss composed of musci, re- taining their distinct characters, 216.—Organic remains in ditto, 217. Being, Abstract of a Paper on the Scale of, and on ee zation and the Living Principle, by John Camp- hell, Esq. 260.—Principle of Aggregation.— Stratification, 261.—Crystallization.—Organiza- tion, 262.—Living principle different from the organization, 269. Beluga, or White Whale, Account of a, killed in the Frith of Forth, by Dr Barclay, and Patrick Neill, Esq. 371.—Capture, 372.—Description and dimen- sions, 373.—The flesh eaten in Greenland, 378. —Dissection, 380.—Tongue.—Alimentary canal, 382. — Spleen. — Omentum.— Pancreas, 383.— . ‘INDEX. 545 Page. Liver. — Testicles. —Penis.— Heart and blood- vessels, 348. — Os hyoides.— Larynx.— Trachea and lungs, 386.—Breathing of these animals elucidated, 387.—Bones of the head, 388.—Ver- tebral column, 389.—Ribs.—Organs of sense, 393. | : Beroe, on the British species of the Genus, by Dr Fleming of Flisk, 400.—Description of the one under consideration, 401.—Different from the Beroe ovata of Baster, 403.—Beroe fulgens, 404.—Be- roe pileus, 406. Birds, Change of Plumage in many species of Female, in advanced age, - - 1838 Breathing, mode of, explained in the Beluga, - 371 Brewster, Dr, on the connection between the Primitive Forms of Crystals, and the Number of their Axes of Double Refraction, ~ - 50 Additional Observations on the Primitive Forms of Crystals, - - ~ 337 Butter, John, Esq. on the Change of Plumage in many old Female Birds, V8 - 183 Buxbaumia aphylla, on the Leaves, Capsule, and Root of, by Robert Kaye Greville, Esq. 442.—First found in Great Britain, by Dr Hooker.—Leaves disco- vered by the late Mr Stewart, 443.—Other leaves ascertained, 444.—Capsule, 446.—Root, 447. C Caloric, Experiments on the Nature of, 510.—Its power diminished by Velocity, 505. Campbell. John, Esq. on Organization and the Living Prin- ciple, — - - - - 260 Canty Bay, rocks of, described, ii - 237 Carica Papaya, effects of the juice of, - ~ 245 VOL. IFt., Mm 540 INDEX: Page. Castor Fiber, L. Fossil Remains of the, found in Scotland, 207 Cat, new species of, | 170 Clackmannanshire, observations on the Coal-field of, 123 Clinkstone, columnar, - - | 241 Goal-field of Clackmannanshire, sitive sicdieiaiis on, by Robert Bald, Esq. 123.—Recapitulation, «bid. —Bones suppesed te belong to the Whale or » Grampus tribe, 1%5.—Oak trees found in the re- cent alluvial cover of the river Devon.—No or- ganic remains in the old alluvial cover, though plentiful in the coal beneath, 126.—Beds of coal rest always on a stratum of fire-clay, 127.—Dip and dislocation of the Coal-field, 128.——-Number of strata, 129.—Contrary dip of the south Coal- field, 130.—Extreme hardness of some masses of Sandstone, 132.—Ochill Mountains, 135.—John- stone Coal-field.—Brora Coal-field,—and Staf- fordshire Coal-field, exceptions to the general - form, 135.—Absolute form of Coal-fields, 14.1.— Organic remains, 149.—Tabular beds of coal, 150.. Cork, Observations on the Mineralogy of its neighbour- ied hood, - 25 83 Crystals, on the Connection between the Primitive Forms of, and the Number of their Axes of: Double Re- fraction, by David Brewster, LL. Dy, 50.—Crys- tals arrange themselves according to the num- ber of their axes, under a certain series of primi- ~~ tive forms, 51.—Table shewing this connection,. 52.—Table containing other crystals, the num- ber of whose axes are ascertained, and which may be referred to certain classes of primitive forms. —lst Class, 57.—2d Class, 58.—3d Class, BA Table of those crystals possessing double refrac- tion, whose number of axes is not determined, INDEX. : 547 Page. 61.—A single polarising axis may be the resultant of any number of equal axes of an opposite cha- racter, 63.—Resolution of the single axis into dif- ferent numbers of axes, 65.—The same principle applied to the 2d and 3d classes of primitive forms, 67.—Intensity of the resultant axis in the Rhemboid, for different inclinations, 71.—Ditto in the Octohedrcn, 7 3.—General law represent- ed by formule, 74. Crystals, Additional Observations on the Primitive Forms of, by David Brewster, LL. D., 337.—The right prism, with a square base, included in the Ist class of primitive forms, 328.—1st Class of pri- mitive forms, 339.—Crystals with one axis divid- ed into positive and negative, 340.—System of Professor Mohs, 341. Comparative view of .*, Haiiy’s primitive forms, with Mohs’s fundamental forms, and the optical system, 342.—Minerals which ought to have a different primitive form from that assigned them by Haty, 344.—Fun- damental forms of minerals determined by Mohs, 345.—Primitive forms of minerals and crystals not determined, 348. With one axis divided into positive and negative, 340 Crystallization, principle of = - 262 Cuticle, Nails, Hair, Feathers, and Plants, on the nutrition , of, by Henry Dewar, M. D., 272.—All the ele- ments of a living body, to be found in dead mat- ter, 274.—No evident law for securing the per- manence of organized species of Being, 275.— Inquiry concerning the progress of nutriment, 270.—Vessels may be of too minute calibre to admit of circulation, 278.—No trace of vessels at the extremity of feathers, 281.—Nourished by a halitus, 283. Mm 2 BAS. INDEX... Page. D Deoris, effects of, on the bettom of the Ocean, 320.—In in- land lakes, 322. Deer, horns of, in peat-moss, = »» *Q14; 217, 219 Delphinus, description of a new species of, by the late George Montagu, Esq., 75.—Teeth numerous,. close, flat, and even with the gums, 76.—Capture in. the river Dart, 80. Deuchar, Mr John, on a plan for discharging Ordnance, 472 his Experiments on the same continued, 499. Devonshire, Account of some of the Cryptogamous Plants of, by Robert Kaye Greville, Esq., 351.—Musci, 355.—Musci hepatice.—Filices, 359.—F uci, 360. —Ulvz, 363.—Gymnostomum truncatulum, var. ramosum.—Polytrichum aloides and nanum, the: same species, 363.—Pterogonium Smithii abun- dant in one district only, 364.—Fontinalis, squa- mosa, a good species, 365.—Fucus hypoglos- sum found in January, 346.—Fucus laciniatus with two modes of fructification,. 368.—Zoophy- tic productions on Fucus rubens, 369. Dewar, Dr, on the Nutrition. of Cuticle, Nails, Hair, Feathers, and Plants, - = O72 Diallage, Red, in Trap-tuff, Amygdaloid, and Basalt; 2381 Dick, Thomas Lauder, Ena his Account of the Travelled — Stone, - - 251 Dislocation of Coal-fields, - - 128 Don, Mr David, his Account of New or Rare Scotch Biri 204 his Description of several New Plants from Ne- paul, - 407 Dunbar, Rocks in the N Ligaehood of, described, 228 E Earth, Crust of the, composed ‘of five simple minerals, 220: Fast Lothian.—See Lothian. | INDEX. 545 Feathers, nutrition of, - = 272 Felis, description of a New Species of, by Thomas Stewart Traill, M. D., 170.—Its dimensions, 172. Flame, the power of, diminished by velocity, - 505 — Experiments on the nature of, 510 Fleming, Rev. Dr John, on the Mineralogy of the Neigh- bourhood of Cork, - 82 aaa on the Water-Kail, ~ 174 his description of the British Spe- _ cies of Beroe, t - 400 Flora, Arctic, some account of, “s i 416 -Fontinalis squamosa, remarkable smell of, - 366 Forms, primitive of Crystals, connected with the number of their axes of double refraction, - 52 Form, absolute, of Coal-fields in Great Britain, with excep- tions, - i c 141 Fossil Skeleton, account of a, i 450 Fowls, domestic, age of, d " 905 change of plumage in the female, in age, 184 Frog, common, physiological notice concerning the early ‘state of, by James Wilson, Esq., 458.—The young tadpoles supposed to be nourished by the gela- tinous mass in which they were inclosed, even after their exclusion, 458.—Umbilical cord pro- ceeding from each globule, and attached to the belly of the tadpole, 459.—Duration of the tad- pole state, 462.—Fore legs protruded, in a per- fect state, from the sac in which they are formed. —Progress of the tadpole to maturity, 463. Fucus, description of a New Species of, by Robert Kaye Greville, Esq. : se 396 laciniatus, found to possess two modes of fructifi- cation, - Le Sips 368 —— hypoglossum, found in winter as well as summer, 367 550 INDEX. Page. G Geognosy of East Lothian, ALE ET eip Graphite, discovered at the Spittal of ‘Ghetiatied™ by the Rev. Dr Thomas Macknight, = 121 Greenstone, columnar, ss 228 Greville, ‘Robert Kaye, Esq. on the Chyneoadediie plants of Devonshire, te 351 —— his description of a New Fucus, 396 his description of a New Species — ef Potentilla, and account of the - 9 Arctic Fiora, - 416 . on the Leaves, Capsule, and Root of Buxbaumia aphylla, 442 Grierson, Rev. Dr James, his Account of some Sandstone Petrifactions, - 156 Gymnostomum truncatulum, var. of, - 363 H Hair, nutrition of, « - ate Halitus, the supposed mode of nourishment for cuticle, nails, and feathers, _ 283 Haiy’s primitive forms, compared with Mohs’ fundamental forms, and the optical system, - 342 Hen, domestic, change of plumage in the, 184.—Age of ditto, 205. History of the Society, - - 525 Holder, Dr. on the intenerating effects of the Juice of the Papaw Tree, - Si 245 Horns of Deer.—See Deer. | Hygrometer, New, ~ - - 4.02 INDEX. | 551 Page. i Instruments, Description of two new philosophical, by Mr Adie, - = - 483 Instrument, Description of one for ascertaining Specific Gravities, without the use of weights or caleu- lation, by Mr Adie, - ee © 405 J Jameson, Professor, on the Rocks of Sandside in Caithness, 220 —_— ———_——— on the Geognosy of East Lothian, 225 on the Rocky Mountain Sheep of the Americans, - - 306 Jameson, William, Esq. Plants found by, in Greenland, 426 L Laurie, Mr Thomas, his Report on the subject of introdu- cing the Rocky Mountain Sheep of America into ~ Scotland, : 4 307 Law, North Berwick, Rocks of described, 241.—Supposed to be a mass contained in the surrounding strata; 242. | Living Principle, Observations on, - 260 Lothian East, Geognosy of, by Professor Jameson, 225.— Scotland divided into three parts, 225.—No fix- ed primitive rocks in East Lothian.—Secondary Rocks.—Red Sandstone, 227.—Subordinate beds to ditto—Rocks at Dunbar.—Columnar Green- stone, 228.—Curious Conglomerated-like Sand- stone, 229.—Rocks on the north-west side of the Harbour described, 230.—Red Diallage and Oli- ‘vine in Trap-tuff, Amygdaloid, and Basalt, 231. —TJrap-rock rising through Sandstone strata.— 552 . INDEX. Page. Compact-tuff quarried for Oven-stones, 232.— Stratified Red-tuff with veins of Basalt and Green- stone, 234.—Red Sandstone containing imbedded portions of Clay and Compact Limestone.—Masses of hard Sandstone contained in the softer, 235.— Tantallan Bay.—Red and White Zeolite and Ame- thyst in tuff—Bed of columnar Basalt in ditto, 236.—Canty Bay, 238.—Termination of the la- minz of the slaty varieties of Sandstone on Mas- sive Sandstone, 238.—Slips in Sandstone strata, 239.—North Berwick-Law.—Columnar Clink- stone, 241.—Rocks of the Law probably rising through the Sandstone, 242. ; Luminosity of the Sea, - - 466 Lutra vittata, and Viverra poliocephalus, account of, by Thomas Stewart Traill, M. D., 437.—Lutra vit- tata, 438.—Viverra poliocephalus, 440. M -Macknight, the Rev. Dr Thomas, his Mineralogical Notices - and Observations, - = - 104 Macrodactyle, Synopsis of the British species of the family of, = - ~ 181 Mineralogy of the Neighbourhood of Cork, Observations on, by the Rev. Dr Fleming, 83.—I. Grey-wacke Slate, 84.—Subordinate Rocks, 8'7.—Remains of Dicotyledonous Vegetables, 89.—II. Limestone, 91. — Floatstone, 95.— Remains of Testaceous Mollusca.— Nautilus. — Ellipsolithus.—Orthoce- ra.—Amplexus.—Euomphalus.—Cardium.—Te- rebratula. — Productus. — Plagiostoma.—Spini- fer, 96.—ITI. Clay-slate, 98.—Talc-slate, 99.— Wavellite, 100. : INDEX. 553 Page. Mineralogical Notices and Observations, by the Rev. Dr Macknight, 104.—Mica-slate covered by an over- lying formation of Felspar, 104.—Observations at Inverary, 106.—Dalmaly.—Cruachan, 107.— Bunawe, 108.—Bridge of Awe, 109.—Tainuilt, —Connal Ferry.—Conglomerate lying over Clay- slate, 110.—Beregonium, 111.—Mica-slate, con- taining Hornblende beneath Clay-slate, 112.— Lismore.—Balahulish, 113.—Fort-William, 114. — Fort-Augustus.—Corrygaraik, 115.— Garvie- more. — The Spey.—Cairngorum, 116. — Scotch Topaz, 117.—The Don.—Corgarff.—The Dee, 119.—Gairnbridge.—Cluny Water, 120.—Spittal of Glenshee.—Graphite, 121. | Minerals, Additional Observations on the Connection be- tween the Primitive Forms of, and the Number of their Axes of Double Refraction, by Dr Brewster, - - - 357 Mohs, Fundamental Forms of Minerals determined by, 345 Mollusca, Testaceous, remains of, in limestone near Cork, 95 Monkey, Jacketed, description of, - - 1607 Montagu, the late George, his description of a New Spe- cies of Delphinus, - - 75 Mosses, Various Species, ascertained in Peat, at a great depth, - - 216 N Nails, Nutrition of, - - 272 Neill, Mr Patrick, on some Fossil Remains of the Beaver, found in Scotland, tas 207 —_—____—_—_——— on the Beluga or White Whale, 371 Nepaul, Several New Plants from, described, ~ 407 Nutriment, the Progress of, in the Animal Body, 276 ook INDEX. Page. O Ocean, ‘German, on the Bed of the, by Robert Stevenson, Esq. 314.—Sea encroaching on the Land, a ge- neral principle, 314.—The Ocean, the great re- ceptacle for the waste of the Globe, 315.— Soundings and Extent of the German Ocean, 317.—Dimensions of the Sandbanks, 320.—In- land Lakes subject to the same alteration, from Debris, 322.—Wasting effect of the Ocean very general, 325.—Disproportion between the Land gained and lost, 326.—Sea formerly much high- er than at present, 327.—Water of the Ocean dis- placed by various causes, 330.—Agitated to a great depth, 332.—Surplus Water supposed to find its level at the Polar Basins, 335. ‘Ochill Mountains, Mineralogical View of, as connected with the Coalfield in Clackmannanshire, 135 Olivine, in Trap-tuff, Amygdaloid, and Basalt, - 231 Orang Outang, Anatomy of, - ‘. 1 Ordnance, Plan for Discharging, on Forsyth’s Principle, with several Experiments, by Mr John Deuchar, 472.—Advantages of this mode, 474.—Fulmina- ting Powders, 477 .—F lame made to pass through flannel and explode Gunpowder, 480.—Experi- ment with the Safety Lamp.—Flame made to pass through Gunpowder without inflaming it, 481. | Plan for Discharging continued, by Mr John Deuchar, 499. —Power of Flame diminished by Velocity, 505 _—Causes of the Phenomena obser- ved in the experiments, 510.—Sources by which the Caloric might be disengaged, 512.—Conclu- sion of the experiments on the Nature of Flame, 515.—Experiments elucidating the Nature of Caloric, 519. - INDEX. | 556 Page. Organiza‘ ‘Jon, Observations on, - ry 260 Principle of, - - 262 Pp Papaw-Tree, Account of the Effects of the Juice of the, in _ intenerating Butcher’s meat, by Dr Holder, 245. Well known in Barbadoes, 245.—The fruit, when cooked, not deleterious, 246.—Appears to reduce inflammatory symptoms, 247.—Conclusions from the Chemical Analysis, 248.—The uncooked fruit has the same effect, when eaten by animals, as the juice, when applied to butcher’s meat, 249 Petrifaptions, Account of some Sandstone, found near Edin- burgh, by the Rev. George Grierson, 156.—Great Length and Diameter of some petrified vegeta- ble Stems, 157.—Similar phenomena observed in Africa.—Inquiry into the process of Petrifaction, 159.—Sandstone, in some instances, a chemical deposite, 162.—Importance of the study of Pe- trifactions, 163. Pheasant-Hen, assumes the Male Plumage very early in confinement, = . 191 Picus, Observations on the Genus, with descriptions of two New Species, by William Swainson, Esq. 288.— Picus chrysosternus, 289.—Picus Braziliensis, 291. Plants, Remains of, in Slate-clay, - = descriptions of New or Rare Native, found in Scot- land, by Mr David Don, 294.—Veronica seti- gera, 297.—Poa stricta, 298.—Poa leptastachya, 299.—Cherophyllum aromaticum, 300.—Orobus tenuifolius, 301.—Lychnis alpina, 302.—Poten- tilla opaca, 304. 89 556 INDEX. Page. Plants, New, descriptions of several from Nepaul, ‘4y Mr : David Don, 407.—Rhododendron setosum, 408. —R. anthopagon, 409.—R. campanulatum, 410. —Andromeda cupressiformis, 411.—Lilium Ne- palense.—Delphinium scabriflorum, 412.—Leon- todon eriopodum, 413.—Tragopogon gracile} — Saussurea gossipiphora, 414. . Cryptogamous, some account of the Devonshire, 351 Nutrition of - ~ = 272 Plumage, Account of the Change of, in many species of Fe- male Birds in advanced age, by John Butter, Esq. 183.—Hen Pheasant and Pea~-Hen.—Do- mestic Hen, 184.—The Change completed in a single season, 185.—Instances in Domestic Hens, 186,-187.—Not noticed by Buffon, 190.—Fe- male Pheasants assume the Male Plumage very early in a state of confinement, 191.—Female Partridge changes its Plumage early, 192.— Increase of hair on the Faces of Women, in ad- vanced age, perhaps analogous.—Conclusions, 193.—List of those Birds which have assumed the Male Plumage, 197.—Various instances from authors, 200.—Age of Domestic Fowls, 205. Polytrichum, aloides and nanum, the same species, 363 Potentilla, New Species of, described, with some ‘ace count of the Arctic Flora, by Robert Kaye Gre- ville, Esq. 416.— Plants found by Captain Scoresby in Spitzbergen, 423.— By William Jameson, Esq. in Greenland, 426.—By Captain © Ross on the shores of Baffin’s Bay, 433, Powders, Fulminating, - - ATT Philosophical Instruments, description of Two New, by - Mr Adie, ' - TON 483 INDEX. 557 <\ Page Q Quartz, transition of, into crystallized granitic rocks, 22k R Refraction, Number of the Axes of Double, connected with Primitive Forms of Crystals, - - 50 Rocks of Sandside, observations on the, - - 220 Ross, Captain, Plants found by, on the shores of Baffin’s Bay, ame, - - 433 Ss Sandstone, extraordinary hardness of some masses of, in Coal-fields, - - 132 —— hard masses of, contained in the softer, 235 Petrifactions, account of some, - 156 in some cases, a chemical deposite, - 162 Red, containing imbedded portions of clay and compact limestone, | - - 235 Curious conglomerated-like, ~ 289 Sandbanks, dimensions of, in the German Ocean, 320 Sandside, in Caithness, on the Rocks of, by Professor Jameson, 220.—Crust of the Earth, composed ~ of five simple minerals, ibid.— Transition of Quartz into Crystallized Granite Rocks, 221.— Syenites, Granites, Conglomerates, Sandstone, and Limestone, members of the same formation, 224, Scoresby, Captain, Plants found by, in Spitzbergen, 423 Sea, on the Luminosity of the, by John Murray, Esq. 466.—Causes assigned for it, 467.—Luminous Beroe, 468.—Medusa, 470. Sea, North, on the Bed of, - - 314 558 INDEX. he® Page. Sheep, on the Rocky Mountain of the Americans, by ’ro- i fessor Jameson, 306.—Not a Species cf the Ge- nus Ovis, nor to be ranked with the Capre, 306.—Report of Mr Thomas Laurie on the pro- priety of introducing it into Scotland, 7 ide Wool remarkably fine, 310. Simia sagulata, or Jacketed Monkey, description of, by Thomas Stewart Traill, M. D. - 167 Skeleton, Fossil, account of a singular, found at Whitby, _ by the Reverend George Young, 450.—Imbed- ded in the Alum Rock.—Description of its re- mains, 451.—Genus to which it belongs, uncer- tain, 454: : Society, History of the, Sa “ 525 Stevenson, Mr Robert, on the Bed of the German Ocean, 314 Stone, travelled, account of the, near Castle-Stewart, by’ Thomas Lauder Dick, Esq. . 251- Stratification, Principle of, - - “ih 261 Swainson, Mr William, on Two New Species of Picus, 288° Sympiesometer, description of the, . 483° ‘iT Tadpole, description of the state of. 9 alia of the Tad- pole state, - =) » 462 -—__———— Young, nourished by an Umbilical Cord, 459 Tantallan Bay, Rocks of described, - =i Yo 236 Traill, Dr Thomas Stewart, on the Anatomy of the Orang ~ Outang, ee: 1 - his description of the Simia sagulata, - PT his description of a New Spe- cies of Felis from Guyana, 170 his account of the Lutra vit- tata, and. Viverra aii phalus, 2 90 437 * INDEX. | 559 V Vauquelin, his Analysis of the Juice of the Papaw Tree, 248 Vegetables, remains of Dicotyledonous, in Slate-clay, near Cork, - - 89. : in Peat-moss, - 217 Viverra poliocephalus, account of the, - 437 WwW Water-rail, on the, by the Reverend Dr Fleming, 174.— Specific marks, 176.—Spines detected on the wings.—General description, 177.—Eggs, 179.— Food.—Hahits, 180.—Probably not migratory. —Synopsis of the British Species of the family Macrodactyle, 181. Water of the Ocean, displaced by many causes, 330.—Agi- tated to a great depth, 332. Wavellite, - - - 100 Whale, skeleton of, found near Stirling, - 327 Whale, White, account of a, - - 371 Wilson, Mr James, on the EarlyState of the Common Frog, 458 ~ Women, increase of Hair on the Faces of, in advanced age, to what analogous, » - a 193 Y Young, the Reverend George, his account of a Fossil Ske- leton, found at Whitby, - 450° Z Zeolite, Red, and White, in tuff, at Tantallan Bay, 236 END OF VOLUME THIRD. ee Kaa teugt ves ( a we Siac aT ates | a. +4) 1Seanur< 40. PUrer caves UK gaa selere. Bavens weimuRe teal jeezy oauae z 4 SEI Guar, wa Se eay : SHIBRS aac Ph a a BER RE, St aweee f Ber na reper