MESOSCALE COMPONENTS OF THE GEOSTROPHIC FLOW AND ITS TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT OFF MONTEREY BAY IN 1973-74 Richard Earl Greer a Be a ait NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California a1 S MESOSCALE COMPONENTS OF THE GEOSTROPHIC FLOW AND ITS TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT OFF MONTEREY BAY IN - 2973-74 by Richard Earl Greer September 1975 Thesis Advisor: J. B. Wickham | Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Deta Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 4. TITLE (and Subtitle) Mesoscale Components of the Geostrophic Flow and Its Temporal and Spatial Variability in’*the “California ‘Current O £ MODLCECTE Ba j 9 -~/4 7. AUTHOR(a#) Richard Earl Greer 5S. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Master's Thesis; September 1975 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 8. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(a) 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS 12. REPORT DATE September 1975 1S. SECURITY CLASS. (of thie report) Unclassified 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND AODRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 - CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND AODRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 - MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADODRESS(i/f different from Controlling Office) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Sa. OECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE - DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thie Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. - DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the ebetract entered in Block 20, if different from Report) - SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES - KEY WORDS (Continue on reveree aide if necessary and identify by biock number) Geostrophic current Davidson current California countercurrent Oceanographic surveys California current system Geostrophic salt transport Eastern boundary currents - ABSTRACT (Continue on reverae aide if neceseary and identity by block number) The mesoscale components of the geostrophic flow and its temporal and spatial variability are discussed for the oceanic region west of the continental shelf off Monterey Bay. The results were obtained from spatially dense observations on thirteen cruises during the period August 1973 through August 1974. Patterns of current flow indicated by drogues and geostrophy DD inns, 1473 EDITION OF 1 Nov 651s OBSOLETE i (Page 1) S/N 0102-014- 6601 | ntered) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Dota & ) O9y oe ees a 31832006 i f Ji Dil Oo nies a, Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Deta Entered: tend to confirm an analysis of the structure which has alternat ing elements of poleward and equatorward flow. Surface current flow patterns are Similar to those found. at depths to 375. m. The bottom topography influences the direction of flow inside the 1,000 fathom curve. Seasonal variations of the geostrophic flow and salt trans- port were congruent with Skogsberg's [1936] annual cycle composed of three distinct oceanographic seasons. The=flow and structure in the area are complex with flow elements less than 10 km in width. The data suggest that observations on a sampling grid length less than 10 km trans- verse to the current flow, and extensive independent current measurements are required to describe adequately the small- scale features of the flow, structure and its time variations. in fe Unclassified 014-6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(When Date Entered) F a ae ha 2 : nes pore it. a ie ae : : = m= 7 —— 7 = _ , 3 a. . '¢ Ge ; : ‘Prcuterts vat #otdw bays oUTee eho ae corner o-e lite .#0l? Brawrosegee fee . ‘eh 38 Bnet sean S <6 al ’ ;JoerT2h ey OF Sag 2 is | rs J ceomeTpeRe otvtéok oe Pi : ie j brett Gs i*¢ 2D + TimifS _—. aoe | mi) ke - ¥ ‘ Mesoscale Components of the Geostrophic Flow and its Temporal and Spatial Variability in the California Current off Monterey Bay OS = Ga by Richard Earl Greer Lieutenant, United States Navy Box. Prostburg State College, 1967 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1975 KNOX LIBRARY ADUATE SCHOOL NTEREY. CALIFORNIA £3940 a) C ABSTRACT The mesoscale components of the geostrophic flow and its temporal and spatial variability are discussed for the oceanic region west of the continental shelf off Monterey Bay. The re- sults were obtained from spatially dense observations on thirteen cruises during the period August 1973 through August 1974. Patterns of current flow indicated by drogues and geostrophy tend to confirm an analysis of the structure which has alternat- ing elements of poleward and equatorward flow. Surface current iow patterns) ane, saumilar to. those. found at depths to 375 m. The bottom topography influences the direction of flow inside the 1,000 fathom curve. Seasonal variations of the geostrophic flow and salt trans- port were congruent with Skogsberg's [1936] annual cycle composed of three distinct oceanographic seasons. The flow and structure in the area are. complex with flow elements Wessvthan; 10))kn in- width. The data suggest. that observations on a sampling grid length less than 10 km trans- verse to the current flow, and extensive independent current MeasUuUGeEMents are required to describe adequately the small- Seale features of the flow, structure and its time variations. a ._ 1 ‘ a1 = oe ; , vai ate se G2PSTLO3 Jkeg : 2 AMAOCIAS VSnaToOSs 0 efeveogen , cae biJzFoge ban fas | to Fae > a ta stow - r 7 anitubh esek ‘| pe 21193389 ely. Lit. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS PaO DUG HONE ei arm 12 TAS WANs esSedsGs Cee en See Oe Oe eee ene 1A A. AREA OF INVESTIGATION AND DATA COLLECTION--------- 14 Bee OGL MUR Gee sea ae a ee ee 18 Cee SRV MeN AIMION = ea a me ee 19 DAMPER ROCHGS UNG= == == aa = a ee ee 71 A. PROCEDURE----------------------------------------- 21 Eee DADA PREDARATTON == 22> s22--2>-- 2-0 522-5 425 -- =o 1 Cee G AW NONG === = = aaa ea oe 22 D. CALIBRATION AND STANDARDIZATION------------------- 24 E. AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMS---------------- 25 F. GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND DYNAMIC HEIGHT GAL GU IIONG 2 = === = = a a a a ee ee eee 26 G. GEOSTROPHIC SALT TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS----------- | DISCUSSION AND RESULTS-------------------------------- 29 A. THE GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND ITS LEVEL GEeN@ MOMMONG == ==> s— > 9] - 222 - ee be oa 29 B. PATTERNS OF CURRENT FLOW AND THEIR STRUCTURE WITH DEPTH------------------------------ 43 C. TEMPORAL VARIATION OF THE GEOSTROPHIC FLOW-------- 53 D. GEOSTROPHIC CURRENTS AND SALT TRANSPORT----------- 66 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS------------------------------>- 86 A. GENERAL-------------------------- rrr rrr crc rrr 86 B. PATTERNS OF CURRENT FLOW AND THEIR STRUCTURE WITH DEPTH----------------------------7-> 8 6 Ga tEMPORAE VARTATION OF THE GEOSTROPHIC FLOW-------- 87 aN 1 It re ‘a a i ayy * Se bel yes as Dea D. GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND SALT TRANSPORT------------ 88 APPENDIX A: COMPUTER PROGRAM DIGISTD----------------------- 89 APPENDIX B: COMPUTER PROGRAM DIGIXBT---------------------- 132 NEPENDIN G ICOMPULTER 2 ROGRAM MODIFTED HYDRO-=--==------------ 165 BIBLIOGRAPHY - --------------------------------------------- 176 MimemenistREBUTTON LIST: -.---------------.---- 2222 178 SAR : it ----S9T2TOTd MAIDORE Mae ry Oo MASe@ORg AaTH WAIT . Latitude August 1974) Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations Level of Stations LIST OF TABLES and Longitude of Stations (August 1973 - ------------------------------------------ Ly, No Motion Analysis (October 1973 - S00) a i i nmi in a in a a a wim 32 No Motion Analysis (October 1973 - Sh 3 0S) a ia i nn ean 33 No Motion Analysis (November 1973 - SA = SOW ig a iim a wn = 34 No Motion Analysis (November 1973 - SOT S05) iam a aw me mane 35 No Motion Analysis (December 1973 - 50) = SNS) ape i en a mw mew er ee Hn a 36 No Motion Analysis (January 1974 - 317-307) -------- = - <== = = 3 9 a enn === Si, No Motion Analysis (January 1974 - 307-303) -------- errr rr rrr rrr rrr 38 No Motion Analysis (August 1974 - 517 = 307 )in so = an a nn en ee enn nee ss- 59 No Motion Analysis (August 1974 - 307-303) ------- 2 nee rn rer rrr rrr rrr cnn 40 1G: 1D 12. PS). 14. iS" LIST OF FIGURES Major Geographical and Topographical Features Of the Investigation Area-----------------—------—----— 15 The Location of Station Positions within the Immes tiga clone AGed a = oo oa i i a a nan 16 Dynamic Height Contours at the Surface during ARDS GE) LOY BSS SS an 44 Dynamic Height Contours of the 50 db Surface during August 1973 ------=--=----=----.-------------=<=- 45 Dynamic Height Contours of the 100 db Surface during August 1973-=----<-----<---=-------------------- 46 Dynamic Height Contours of the 200 db Surface during August 1973----------------------2------------- 47 Pynamre Height Contours of the 300 db Surface during, August 1973---=- ee Noo gates] eases TRO REE ES 48 Bynamire Herght Contours of the 375 db Surface GHEVC TANS | SESAME TR a ahd alts 49 Dynamic Height Contours of the 425 db Surface SUE Ogre NRCS OMS aa i 50 General Pattern of Geostrophic Current Flow during August 1973----------------------------------->- 52 Temporal Variation of Dynamic Height Contours at the Surface for August 1973 through January 1974---54 Temporal Variation of Dynamic Height Contours of the 50 db Surface. for August 1973 through January 1974-------------------------5---------------- ais) Temporal Variation of Dynamic Height Contours Of tthe, 100 db isurtace for August 11973 through VEE A I a a 56 Temporal Variation of Dynamic Height Contours of the 200 db Surface for ‘August 1973 through January 1974---------------------- 2-2 - reece rrr SW) Temporal Variation of Dynamic Height Contours Of ethe-500 db Surface for August 19735 through January 1974------------------------------------------ 58 tage I. INTRODUCTION Eastern boundary currents, in particular, the California Current, have held the interest of investigators for many meats.) )bhis, 1s,due,largely to:;an avid interest:,in coastal upwelling, and its important implications on commercial fish- eries and related economic enterprises. However, there are other important aspects. Of interest is the poleward counter- current found close to the prevailing equatorward surface currents. The countercurrent is usually narrower, and found shoreward of the equatorward flow. During the winter months (November through February), and in the absence of prevailing north-northwesterly winds, the poleward countercurrent extends to the surface and is known as the Davidson Current north of Be. Conception. » With the onset of north-northwesterly winds in the spring, upwelling begins to occur along the California coast, and the poleward countercurrent disappears above 200 m. Where the flow is submerged, the countercurrent has been termed ae undercurrent... Offimportance,is;that the poleward counter- current continues throughout the year at speeds approximately so cm/sec or less. Consequently, the water off the California coast tends to have some of the high temperature and salinity characteristics of the low-latitude or "southern waters" (in the Northern Hemisphere). Accordingly, with the poleward transport of warm and salty southern waters, the resulting flow and structure along the California coast will necessarily 1730 hy | is “h vo 1 TOuGOR re ILoeTOSOR -870smy TAC (a Ewes be ; 7 Det oy 109 SENT be highly complex. In fact, spatially dense observations in consecutive years in a region within 50 km of the continental shelf show a complex structure of southern water undergoing dilution by mixing as it flows northward [Wickham, 1975]. Ke present, there, are many questions still outstanding about the countercurrent, and. the resulting highly complex current regime off the California coast. It is the intent eeathis author to provide answers to a few of them. -Specifi- cally, using a data base constructed from spatially dense STD observations off Monterey Bay in 1973-74, an attempt will be made to examine the following, (1) The patterns of current flow, and their structure with depth, (2) The temporal variation of the geostrophic flow, (3) Mesoscale components of the geostrophic current and Salt UeLans pont. Additionally, attention will be given to the influence of bottom topography on the direction of flow inside the 1,000 mithom curve, the dependence of geostrophic current on the Ghoice of reference level, and the use of geostrophy to depict small-scale features of the complex flow. ES | | he \ : ; fii enelLrnovt ae 9 taeb viteienge . 7 ay (19 wl 06 .7i@i~ ohne \retaw evedvuee Je--oawsearae Ni welt Poet zwofs fg ea°% ~ iff i (TEM: Sit ” 5S , org OP ae viob 6 garam rolt 225 200i 290R88ED hee. of hee ( “1 sg, oat ae \ oyna ae lesebas (&) ete? Yilee LT LenO he ebba & '. yoqost, sag zo0e ovilly on > 2 ob so sb bovis. tel stave theme — ? 3 : a = Pb. —THE DATA A. AREA OF INVESTIGATION AND DATA COLLECTION The area of investigation 1s shownm-in figure 1, in which the major features of the bottom topography are depicted. The major topographical features of the area include Monterey Bay and the Monterey Canyon. The area of investigation lies Within the rectangular parallelepiped located just west of the continental shelf off Monterey, California. It extends from the surface to a maximum depth of 725 meters and is bounded by the coordinates, 36° ZO" Ni; 56 50 Ne 122 002 W.5 and 123° 00'W. ihe dataiwere obtained from thirteen cruises aboard the Acania, the oceanographic vessel of the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, during the months August 1973 through August 1974. A cruise was conducted once each month during various days of the thirteen-month period. On each cruise observations were made along a horizontal grid much finer than traditionally used in oceanographic surveys to permit increased horizontal definition. Specifically, stations were located along four constant latitude lines normal to the coast at a maximum spacing of 5.6 km between stations; at least one line of Seatwons being occupied on a cruise. Station positions are Shown im figure 2; and listed in table I. 14 Ah HOT TARE Te) v Ne . 3 4 1 as : . (or tsyigesyy ire / 2 : all 3 to coma ae | 1 act dqeTgage | a : » & Lt _ : 39K S930.8 +s ,s 3 i “BOLB UOTIEDTIYSOAUL 9Y} FO soinjeosy Teostydersodoy pue ~Teotydersos9 zolew “TT “3TYy etcl otek ofc eels O00r hog hosopvow elt js 9° SWOHLYS XI SONIGNNOS 005-00: ° swo 3 ~ \ ( oles ottb ottb 243 off 15 .. io 7 ‘eprelne¥ Co | o "BOLY UOTIESTISOAUL OY} UTYZIM SUOTITSOg UOTIEIS JO UOTEIOT 9UL *7 ‘*8Ty 100-¢27 10C=22T 100=€2T s0%59€ 0Z59€ 0€59€ 0€59€ 0 Ot769€ O*7S9E 00S59€ 0559 s005zzT OC s2eT 00sEzT 16 TABLE I LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE OF STATIONS (August 1973 - August 1974) Station Numbers Latitude (North) Longitude (West) 101 56° 20.0" 122° 0020" 102 56° 2000' 122° 0376! 103 Soe o2060) = 122 200.38 104 36° 20.0! 1229 09K 105 56° 200" 1220" aes 106 56%020.0" 1220 a1842" 107 56> 2020" 122° 246! 108 36- 20.0" 1220-2540 109 36° 20.0! 122" 2951" 110 56° 20.0! 122° eS 2578 al 56> 205 0! 1220 56048 112 56° 200" 122° 40.0" Tih 36> 20. 0% 122°" Ase 114 56 e20508 1220 147.3" 215 36° 20.0! 122° 50.9! 116 565 20).0 122° SA05! Li7 36° 20.0! 122°" 5R 028 20 207 560 30.0" * 301 - 317 36° 40.0! * AOU 417 36° 50.0! * * Station with same last two digits as 100 series have the same longitude with the exception of station 211, which usadocatedsatesoo S060'N;iand 122° 35:8'W. 17 7 / & n gears VT TMA POS r Jz0g 7. B. PROCEDURE The thirteen cruises aboard the Acania during the period - August 1973 through August 1974 provided the data base for enrs study. Original cruise’ plans called’ for all’ thirteen cruises to uttlize the Bissett-Berman continuous profiling STD as the primary observational tool in conjunction with reversing thermometers and Nansen samples, which would provide independ- ent measurements for comparison of temperature and salinity and standardization of the STD. Additionally, expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and surface (bucket) temperatures would provide data for further comparisons. However, due to STD malfunction or in the interest of time-saving the original €ruise plans were modified. Specifically, seven cruises util- azed~the STD as their primary observational tool, while five Or the remaining Six cruises utilized the XBT. The remaining eruase conducted during April 1974 was terminated early due to equipment malfunction and poor weather conditions. On, SID cruises, a Bissett-Berman continuous profiling in- strument (STD) sensed the vertical distributions of temperature and salinity. To obtain vertical definition of approximately two meters, the STD was lowered at a rate of 30 meters per Minute. Profiles were recorded for both descent and ascent Seschne oll) vSOuthat, during the’ digitizing of analog traces, spurious spikes in the salinity record could be recognized and eliminated by manual trace smoothing techniques described in the section on data processing. The spikes are known to be caused by a mismatch of time constants between the temper- acure and conductivity sensors. 18 r sq id tts ; om - ii Let) vérg PPGp aaa iil Jes - a Jciuwn Pee i yee ia i ae ee | . = 3 pews a4 ee whos OF - ad On other cruises, expendable bathythermograph (XBT) sound- ings were utilized to delineate the vertical distributions of temperature. To supplement the XBT temperature data, three: Nansen casts were conducted per station line at the eastern, western and mid-sectors of the investigation area. Water samples were taken at the following nine depths: 0, 20, S50, Hoo, 200, 300, 400, S00 and 750 meters.. Obviously, the spacing between hydrocast stations and the interval between water sampling depths did not permit the vertical and horizontal definition of salinity achieved on cruises where the STD was primary. However, hydrocast stations added importantly to the information obtained in the study area. On all thirteen cruises, independent measurements of tem- perature and Salinity were made, respectively, with reversing thermometers and with laboratory conductivity analysis of sea water samples taken from Nansen bottles. Additionally, surface (bucket) and thermograph temperatures were recorded at each Station. These independent measurements and their use are auscussed later in the section on data processing. C. INSTRUMENTATION The STD instrument used was the Bissett-Berman STD Model 9006. Manufacturer's specifications claim an accuracy of +0.02°C and +0.02 ppt for temperature and salinity, respec- tively. Data were recorded on a continuous analog chart recorder during both descent and ascent of the STD. Data obtained during ascent of the STD were used only to smooth the salinity 19 nit +2 peared PRES S betswlaras record and eliminate false salinity spikes. Although data taken from the up and down casts were in good general agree- ment, only down trace data were digitized and used for analyses. See Data Processing section for further details. 20 wil 7 ipteoh dywodta 2 nekeses III. DATA PROCESSING A. PROCEDURE Analog strip chart data obtained from the thirteen cruises conducted during August 1973 through August 1974 were manually smoothed, digitized and recorded on a Calma Digitizer 7-track rape: recorder. The digitized salinity, temperature and depth data were then read, converted and processed by means of pro- pram “DIGISTD" developed for use with the IBM 360 computer. The temperature, salinity and depth data along with calculated values of sound velocity and sigma-t were then grouped accord- ing to chronological order and station and written onto 9-track eape. Additionally, salinity and temperature data for every geo meters of depth were output to punched cards for use with a modified version of the HYDRO program to make dynamic height and geostrophic current calculations. These geostrophic current velocities were then used in computations of geostrophic Sant. transport. B. DATA PREPARATION Prior to .diertization of the analog data,' false salinity spikes caused by the mismatch of time constants between the sensors for temperature and conductivity used to calculate salinity had to be recognized and eliminated. Recognition of spurious salinity spikes was accomplished by comparison of the trace records obtained from the descent and ascent of the STD. Specifically, salinity spikes which were of opposite Zu >» = "Ut? POI ~~ : -) = si ijave iis eas — Oe To, 2 o* |\- Sordi 3 sign between the up and down traces of a particular station were assumed to be spurious, and were eliminated. This elim- ination was accomplished by manually smoothing through’ the ‘» Spacer along: the general, trendgof the salinity record... This technique involves some qualitative judgment or artistic license; however, salinity trace smoothing was done consist- citcly and appears to mepresent quite well the true structure. thas as’ borne out by the fact that within the accuracy limi- eacions of ‘the other steps in the digitization process, the densities (sigma-t values) computed from the temperature and smoothed salinity data increased monotonically with increasing depth with few exceptions. The paucity of apparent instabil- MELES; 1.€., regions of dz anad«the uniformity of the trace-smoothing process tends to justify the data preparation process. ©» DIGITIZATION Digttuzation Of the cruise data was a portion’of the joint (Greer, Blumberg and Hughes) data work-up. Both the STD and mele strip chart data obtained from the thirteen cruises con- ducted during August 1973 through August 1974 were digitized on two Calma Digitizers owned by the Fleet Numerical Weather Center, Monterey, California. The Calma Company Model 480 Digitizer reduces analog graphical data to digital form for computer processing and analysis. 22 1 aoleege vutudé sie nae To digitize analog graphical data directly on computer compatible 7-track magnetic tape, the operator selects tracer mode and manually traces the graphical data with a moveable stylus/carriage assembly. The movements of the stylus in the X and Y directions are transmitted to magnetic encoders, which converc) the, styluspmovements: in 0.01 inches to ,digital signals. These signals are processed and formatted for output to 7-track computer magnetic tape. The digital data are recorded on tape mid bit density of 556 BPI. In addition to the digitization tracer mode, the Calma Digitizer has a manual keyboard entry mode for identification Srndata, on the tape, entering inter-record gaps, record errors, and raelete records. The keyboard mode was used in conjunction With each digitized trace segment to identify the particular data station number, month and year, temperature, salinity and eepen scales, last trace segment, and whether 1t was a temper- @eure Or Salinity trace. Consequently, the output tape was eonstructed so that every other record was a 13-character keyboard mode entry which identified the following data trace record. The Calma Digitizer variable interval programmer monitors the output recorder and generates signals every 0.01 inches ieestylus movement in the X and Y directions if the stylus is moved at a rate less than 125 inches per minute. At higher rates, the data signals are recorded at 0.02 inches of stylus travel, All cruise data were digitized at 0.01 inches of stylus movement. 2S de ¥ © © TOs ggass The STD data were digitized in segments since the temper- ature and salinity traces were not continuous due to scale changes in salinity, temperature and depth during collection er the data. Typically, an STD trace consisted of four tem- perature and two salinity segments. In contrast, the XBT traces consisted of one continuous segment. Consequently, digitizing an STD trace took approximately five times as long as an XBT trace. D. CALIBRATION AND STANDARDIZATION On all thirteen cruises, independent measurements of eenperacure and salinity were made, respectively, with revers- ing thermometers and with laboratory conductivity analysis of sea water samples taken from Nansen bottles. These independent Measurements were used for field calibration of the STD, and to provide standardization of the STD and XBT data permitting qualitative discussion and comparison of the seasonal variation over the thirteen-month period. In Beta tins both the STD and XBT data, the Nansen temperatures and salinities were considered to be the actual Or correct temperature and salinity values. Upon examination and comparison of the STD data with the Nansen data, the STD was found to read high in temperature by 0.08°C for all primary STD data collection months, and low in salinity by 0.04 ppt for data months November 1973 through January 1974, and August 1974. Consequently, the STD temperatures and salinities were decreased and increased respectively to align the STD data with the independent Nansen data. 24 >» @ , : a. WA ie ME ai rae - singe o? sub tu0uvnesdoo tons 2ftes, $3877 ave, an’ vite : Hedges erik nLE i Wwrrc8l fos gal tab Weqeh bey 85g WE VOuvn rs AGS Gh > 9 art thie ; res LraTaqeas (Re bs dy apile oF sisweuieee Standardization of the XBT data was accomplished in a Similar manner. However, independent Nansen data were not available, in allsicases, for corresponding. XBT data stations. Therefore, when corresponding Nansen data were not available, the XBT was corrected to the already standardized STD. Ad- justment of the XBT to the standardized STD data made quali- tative discussion and comparison of the seasonal variation over the thirteen-month period possible. The corrections were determined by a best-fit curve developed by a computer routine fitting the XBT data with Nansen data when available or with the standardized STD data. Generally, temperature corrections varied from +0.13°C to -0.37°C for data months August 1973 through August 1974. E. AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING PROGRAMS Two computer programs, DIGISTD and DIGIXBT, were utilized Eopread, convert, and process the digitized salinity, tempera- cure: and depth data: from the 7-track tapes produced on the Gama Digitazerss Both DIGISTD and DIGIXBT, are extensively modified versions of an original program MIZ2: by pRur Ge raquette: Indicative of their names, DIGISTD processes STD data and DIGIXBT processes expendable bathythermograph data. See appendices A and B for program documentation and listing. DLGISED: and DEGIXBT convert and «store STD and XBT data, respectively, every 0.01 inches of depth on the scale of the Gapitazer for output to printer, punched -card or 9-track tape. Additionally, DIGISTD computes both sound velocity and sigma-t Hor cach set of primary data. 25 ; ae Ca, = iio e749 4 ’ ‘vy e274 Uda J iSQ roth — 2 MD he oe During the data processing phase, all three output media, printer, punched card and 9-track tape, were utilized. Spe- Gcifically, STD data were output every 0.08 inches of depth (pproximately,.Z2.5 meters).to punched card for later, direct input into the HYDRO program to compute dynamic heights and geostrophic velocities. Although the number of output data cards produced by punching data points every 2.5 meters appeared to be unwieldy at the outset, this procedure proved manageable, and avoided needless programming problems in getting mpnescorrece datajoff the.tape, and in the right. order for input to program HYDRO. F. GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND DYNAMIC HEIGHT CALCULATIONS Geostrophic currents were computed by the dynamic method wtatizing a modified version of the computer program, HYDRO, @eveloped for use with: the IBM 360 computer by the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School Department of Oceanography. A modified wersi1onroL.the HYDRO program is.presented in appendix C. The ewo basic program modifications are: (1) an increased capability to process temperature and salinity data on a finer vertical scale (approximately 2.5 meters) than traditionally used in oceanographic surveys, and (2) an output card punching routine which produces composite data cards, each containing depth, temperature, salinity, geostrophic velocity, dynamic heights and mass transport values. The composite data cards are useful as input for plotting and contouring computer programs. Spe- cifically, contour and plotting routine, CONTUR, was utilized to display graphically contours of dynamic heights, geostrophic 26 Kd 2" velocities and geostrophic salt transport on the off-line Calcomp plotter. -Dynamic heights and geostrophic speeds were calculated every ten meters of depth for the first 300 meters of depth, and less frequently for the remaining 200 meters. The ten meter interval proved extremely effective in depicting the complex velocity structure. However, the resulting detailed Gescription of the structure and flow indicated that a larger G@aca interval (every 20 meters for the first 300 meters, and every 50 meters thereafter) would have been sufficient to mepresent the fine scale structure. Consequently, data in mene vertical need not be processed on an interval less than AOBMeteCES . «FOr the investigator processing STD data via cards, nis will significantly reduce the number of data cards required for input into HYDRO. G: GEOSTROPHIC SALT TRANSPORT CALCULATIONS Geestrophic transport of Salt or the Salt £lux per unit eime-area 1s readily calculated as the product of density, average salinity and geostrophic velocity. Algebraically, the geostrophic salt transport, Fe may be written as: ENO.) (1) where gs = geostrophic velocity (cm/sec) S = average salinity (ppt) Peat density (gm/cm?) F. = geostrophic transport of salt (gm/sec-cm? ) 27 oTth aug at , e af 7 “tT ROS a De a 4 J in iho? gongs * iwiles opeyen (* ma \ing) ry , io 2 oqent +. nit | 4 The total salt transport, To; or salt flux per unit. time invarea tength, AX, in a layer of thickness, AZ, would be given by, To Weiic ae dz dx (2) Values of geostrophic transport of salt were calculated fOr every Z0 meters of depth for the first 300 meters beginning at ten meters, and less frequently from 300 to 500 meters. To obtain an average salinity value corresponding to the geostrophic velocity computed between adjacent stations, an arithmetic mean was used. Specifically, to obtain an average salinity value at ten meters’ depth between stations A and B, an arithmetic mean was Computed using the surface, 10 and 20 meter salinity walues at both adjacent stations A and B. This procedure was msed to obtain a representative salinity value between adjacent Seatvons, and to avoid using anomalous values of salinity in maemsalt transport calculations... The other variable, density, was considered constant over the entire vertical column due to its insignificant effect on the computations. A constant value of 1.026 gm/cm? was used for density. 28 i j 7 i) fora hy ee 45 ~ 2 y iQ BUSI aw . — Lolutgnies ‘Sel he Agag ye ® Fk,“ i i Te! srdo ee | é tbe | 20 IV. DISCUSSION AND RESULTS Awe THE GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND ITS* LEVEL: OF NO MOTION The computation of geostrophic currents by the dynamic method has been discussed extensively in physical oceanography texts such as Neumann and Pierson [1966], and Stommel [1965]. The computation scheme is based on an equation derived by Sandstrom and Helland-Hansen [1903] from Bjerknes Circulation Theorem [1900]. In Oceanography, the equation is widely re- Ferred to as the Helland-Hansen equation, and has been exten- Sively used to compute the relative field of currents from the observed field of mass. The equation may be written in terms ot the horizontal pressure gradient of the geopotential between two levels P and Ee ; fine SJ} ies © p %A dP - p op dP (3) ae NS fax where f = 2wSINd, the coriolis parameter (1/sec) w = the angular velocity of the earth (radians/sec) @ = the geographic latitude (degrees) AX = the distance between stations A and B (kilometers) a = specific volume (cm?/gm); subscripts A and B refer to’ stations A and B P= pressure (decibars) V¥,-V, = the component of horizontal velocity normal to MXoat PB) relative to that at P, (cm/sec) 29 LAUD oF LTR hab . to seotiage Ae io. weed vel ee Hoos eer ei). at i" le bag on (0002) gear I “7s 2h oF oJ beeu yh 2 lo Siok} Lawe ynivod ‘es zfevel « q i i : ksi: (otadee od) 3 L191 28 Equation (3) may be evaluated to obtain the mean geostrophic flow normal to a horizontal line joining stations A and B. This method permits only the computation of relative velocities. imeondern tO arrive at the absolute currents, either the abso- lute pressure field or the absolute velocity must be known at least at one level between adjacent stations [Neumann and Pierson, 1966]. The absolute velocity may be found by deter- mining the level or depth at which the currents become zero. In Oceanography, this depth is referred to as the ‘level of no motion'. Some methods for estimating this reference level BEencivien aon tthe textbook, The Oceans, by. Sverdrup, Johnson ance tLeming, 1942, pp. 456-457. However, it is common practice toeassume a depth where the currents become zero or to infer Heeerom considerations of continuity. An obvious way would be to determine the ‘level of no motion' by direct measurements. However, this method has fimatations due to. the presence of other disturbances such aomcidal currents, and the diffaculty in sensing accurately Bebatavely weak currents. Consequently, several investigators havie, attempted to corroborate their geostrophic current values, and indirectly their choice of reference level, by independent measurements of the current field by use of parachute drogues. fom example, in a study of the California Current System off Baja, California, Reid, Swartzlose and Brown [1963] showed that geostrophic currents computed with respect to a 500 db reference level compared favorably with surface currents inde- pendently measured by drogues. On the other hand, other 30 ov > = yo't tang asin 4 sik mies pla , eroczaze ‘aa 47 1069. eine ae i ulde 10 wy ao investigators have found that they agree only roughly. Wickham P97 5] in “Observations of the California Countercurrent™ found ‘that the local geostrophic current speeds agreed only roughly with the parachute drogue speeds. There are good reasons to expect differences between the actual flow and the results of geostrophy. First, there are obvious non-geostrophic compon- ents shown in the drogue speed values; and second, in the investigation area especially near the Monterey Canyon there are large internal waves known to exist, and finally, defor- mations of the reference isobaric surface (500 db) also must contribute to the difference between actual flow and the results of geostrophy [Wickham, 1975]. For this study, a reference level of 500 db was chosen as mae ‘level of no motion’. This choice was precipitated by the wmentcical, extent (525 m).of the data in.most cases and the Success Of earlier studies which found the 500 db reference fOebe Suitable for the area. During the months, January and August 1974, and October through December 1973, STD data were obtained to approximately 755 meters of depth at several stations. These deep station observations permitted geostrophic current calculations using ehe, 700 db, 600 db' and the 500 ‘db levels as the reference level of no motion. Tables II through X are the resultant geostrophic currents from the surface to 475.meters relative to the three reference levels, and the velocity shears between the reference Hewels. To Clarify the results contained in Tables II through meecthe £ollowing variables are defined, 31 i) , 3 erie, Si dqe rt os. . af. x uRoy A 7 Th Sf ve Se = jod esoaeT > - haw ctl | Ny ,eTee iD of? ae TH S$%h Ror ; 0 8 4 fontesnd epee, , ) ‘st sis Fe iy of egadty “| C —- >i | viqorse a8) ad 2 * - ‘iqeh to 2tesm 7 ag ee : rho 29a al te oy Saw es TABLE AN ACL Y S iS NO MOF ff ON F fe) OCTOBER 1973 CE VEE STATIONS 317-307 Vite OC tt oie 3S =( Cie? 3S (e2C.) = (METERS) VELe7Z VEL 6,2 VEL sD 92 VEL 2.795 VEL.796 VEL.6%5 Z DD AAD HAHAH HAW HAHAH HAAHAADDARAHAADAADAADARADAAA OH MO AOOOA MOANA MOM MOAN MMAMAMAMAMAMMAMMHOAM AMM eeeteeeesseePePeeesvreteeertee#eeteeeoeeeerees @ @eeeeee elejelelelelelele} clejeleleleleloleleolelelelelelelelelolelelelolelele) UO DCU C8 GSO OU Us OS US UF UU OU 205 SC aus Ue UIT CU RSC st i SU | DHDDDOHOANAAARHDADODDODDDAAHNDDDANDDDDODARHHOANH WO ODOODDOIDOCOOONODO DODDDDOODDOGODDDNDD OOOO eeee34s5oonseesee*ee*e?e#eeteereeeeereeenpeenveeeeet#eee5reteeeeste (eloleleleleloleleleloelelelelelelelelelelelelejlele)leeloleieleleleleie) UUs Us CEUs Tae SU SUF ie SU aU Us Ls SUS SSO II SE ae aie ST TU at Tote a iat ie tis eae to i) TOD RPE OP ODOD OP DPE POODLE EE DOKREPE DOWD OY OD DODDOCON DO DOOD DOD DODD DODOCOOCSCADONCOOCOCCCCOSD eeeeees#se#eeertteeteteeetrteeeteoeeetseeoeeee# © oe & @ med ed pred md dd et ed ed red red ed rd et tt ed ed ed ed ed ed et th i et et et ed et eet Ce OPUS OS DOE OR UU SU ve Ue SUG SCS aC ate He TRPat te aC Hae He a Oe at TSM aC Be eet al Woe Be LALA CU CORINA DINO FD OD DOLDAM LN SLA D MOLAM MBIA COMINM Dt DOO SOO NBS SOD FDA A IN SOM LOD NOD O SOTHO eeeeeese&eeseeesesee#ee2neoeugeoee?#eeeeess#e#egeeteeee% eee @ NNO Samet AOA SPSS SEFMOMMGAMANNNNN SY RAHOOOO UES ON Oe TUF TU 0s TS SOR TOE Se TUS SUR We Ue tie Sea Ve ae ee ce wT Mem Wa Het de fl Ys eat Ja Wi De] OO OMAR AOFOTMN OMONOOM SF OPFOPONM SANA MAISO LAM tht NO OSM ODD AOM ON MH OO MAO OPUO CO NOW ee0eaeec6eeeesee@e#ee#ee%ee#ee8e#8#@8fe#e?e@#eeee8 ®8ee#e#8e% 8 @@ 6 @ NS OO SNH OFS PPPS SSS SSIHMMAIMNNANNN AR OO] CSUR Tee Ce See ee ee SU ee Peele ae ey MP ORD DFMO MS NSE MODNNOIMONODSEONOOaeMOOMU DON MAD MONS INDO DIDS ONODINMODNMADMOAOINWA @eeeeeeererersertrrteeteertret @eee#eeensee#e#eeeetseee*#?eeetkeee# eee @ tO AIAN FF LADY A AVIDLY ADV DUD UD SESE SPE OO YOON ON St eteeties OUR OT TR OS ms Ue Ue ge Us feat We Real fe esis ae tabs best ead era Veet Vette atta af! e@eeee? DODD OCDVD DDO DD DOOD DVDODDD ODDO OCODOVDOVDOOOONUWYY KSNASTO OM ODO FNM FINOMEDHOANMTOHOEODDOSEAN SAA et tet et St I INO ONIAIN ANA OOO 52 _SWOLTAT you, Biot Ride 3 ‘Bel e J3V o ‘ Soe - 2 : > Lt I FABLE ANA EY Shs Ge NO MeO ft ON BCTOBER 1973 LEV £0 STATIONS 307-303 Vet och tt & s DEPTH (METERS) =( Co Mes S E Cel VEL e792 VELe6eZ VELe59Z VELe795 VEL. 726 VEL 2.695 zZ BRRREERRRERRRER RRR EE RR ER ERR RARER OW DODDDDODODODDODDWD DODD DOD DNDDDDDD DODDDNDDN @eeeeeeeeerevrtkesrHeee#ee#eeee%eee#e%e#%e®e8eee8#eeeeseeees @ lolololelelelololslololelolelololelololololelolelolololololelolelero) P00 COUT Ce ee er Or MT ay ae een an alee meen ia acd: CVV COVVCO CO FAO SHS HQOOCOCO OOOO FOOHO000R800s NANNNAININ NAAN OI NAINA N AINOAIAINIAIOIAN INA OINIAIOIA eeeeeteeeeteertee#st#eee#eeteteeM 8 feet @eeeee eeeet ee 8 lelolelelelelolelejlelelelelelelelelelelelelelolejele)ejelelelelejejele) DO UA SURO Tes Ue eo Ue tot ei eer 0) ate aC St Tet Net ect Fee at Jacek oot fou Wt Tia ak Ws MM REEEEP OR ODORRRRR RARE ORMOREER OREO DDD DWDWDODADOWADADDODDADDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDODDD e@eeeeeeet @e# @# ®t eeteeee#?ee#s%# @e2eee 8 ee @ @ 6 @ elelolelelolelelele) Slelelelelelelelejlololelelelelelelolelolelejelele) HOS OSU OS se Ue Te Ce IU SUS SU US US CGE CSS A Vis SCs 20 at Joe at Te aC Vest Tis Pat Tees eat sat asa Zi Vit fi | SM OFOMN AOMNOFFMOAHDDOFGHOSFINDOAONNDO-FMENO OOO SOA FOMDDOHOCYNMNNRODDDHHODOWOCONA FON @eeeeeseeetkeesnreeeteesttee#tee#ee2enrekeetee#e@#%*eeeese@e HOV OC OR AS Set Set St et tei HI OOO 00 Heat et et HOO He HO Oe SCC OL QS aC Ce se TN SU SO ein ee SUT St eT aC He aT Vee We oe Yi Vn i a Ne Joe Ver Wea WNW DINK NOMO DMN AHO COO OID & BRAM INF OIA NOIDA SPO NDODMNNDOMYDSFFIVNS HD HODDONNWIWOM-EEEM™ODUDAOAO eeseeee#eeeeteneeeeekek#eeteetrt et ee#e#ee#eeee#ee8ee%® @ @ @ DOV ORAANININGICNNN AN Aa et SS att det et Ht NN eS (Frei Jo ses tel faa ecole ce aa CS VS SC IU WC OCS CTS Ue aCe aie aCe CV St St We Cis a Yas iat Deal Ma Vie a) WMO DOM NDAMOONAIN AHODOODNO~EANME OF OOAIDINININSE NCO MAINS FORIINO—RE ON MINH OODEAEEODDAAMDMOADCMNnAAN Oe ve ve 1d 20 <0 1640 40 sene se ke le (eevene 80 00.00 %@ 810) 9 eve e 0 676-0 DOO Dea QININI AICI OLAL ASLO AD AL OL ON et at et et et et ed tt tet eet OUI et | teto (Sister Je Ji Fee Sane ie fo ee UC et Me fein i a ca fa Yi eeeee37?eee8eseeekemreenHertrkeeee#8teefeeeee#etet eee © @ 8 @ ololelel el SleloelOlolelelelolel@lelelelelelelelelele) elelelelele)'al at's) SN OFIN OM DRHROANMYFINOH DNOANMFOODEODOS ENE ed ed rd tt et ad OO IOI NII AINI AIA OOOO PS £8) ; ” J = 6 7 — .o €¢ pe ‘evartet b= € { wae : Pi a = 2 t TT I 4 9 yawn - ad - : ; = t ; = = 7 * mT " Pam 4 > ro — : ee i « ~« & 7 My@cl3v0 dt. 5: SeVeJS0 Se EISV bed, 338 t4.6- § / ‘ »' p — ad wes 7 V I TAB WE AON ASE YS 1S NO: OM O oT oF ON OF NOVEMBER 1973 LEVEL STATIONS 317+307 VY EL OC tT 4768 Se DEPTH (METERS) “(oC Mev SS E €s)= VEL.79Z VEL.6,Z VEL.592 VEL e795 VEL.796 VEL «695 Z leleleleleleleleleley_[elelelelelelelelel_ | (el ele eielelelor_ eles... YN NN he dd med km ed rm ed ak ed ed tm ed a me dd Le rad el @eeeseeees#vs8eetseeteteeeesteeeeee#?te eeetrteeeeetet ee e@ ed eed et ced md eed md ed red red me et red ed med ed ed red reed ed ad ed ed ceed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed ed od sd UO Ua TO he Oi US SUS Pee FSi atst Yea ee 0i0ul eee Jeet Sess Jie eget eG Joes Joes Bast 5 Tait Ee sede Vane SMAHONY OA AHO AUN MO OMAN MAO ANAIN AIOIAI ANIC AI OOO NOI AIAN MAOAMOAMA MADMAN MO AMONMAMAMMO MAMA MAMAAMM OA MOM AMO ACS eeteeeeevreeseeeereeevreer eee eevee e eee 8 02 & © @ elolelelelelejlolelelelololelolejele)elolelelolelelelelele)@lelelelole) UO De 0 G0) Ces) Oe OHO UE OSU. Oe OP SUSU SUS UCSC Sa CS CSC a TERUG le Yat ie Jase) NOAM OAAVMMDMO MM NAM MOMN NOMA COMO A AAI AMM MNO FPP PP PE EE Er tt Et Pt eeeeesere#eeeerteereeeeerteernreensvkree#s#seetteteerteeteteetrk#eeeet @ ed et emt met med et ed med ed et eed ed ed et ee ed ed ed et eed ed ed ed i ed th ed St et et St St et Ue Ae UE SUS Ce OP SUS OSI E STR Pa LSSS A eet isT ea ecm eel ieee feeeC fie] VOT OT aa V0M Jeet tek WJ FRANODOP ADORE ER ANNSHROROODNONIAMNNOFaeONNOD PR AMANIMMOMO DN OANODOFMARMFVORMNNDOS NAMM eeeteeeeeteteeee7etktkeevrteesr_ieertk#eeretee#nr#esteerxeee#ees DO DANAADAAOD ODO EES OOO DONS tFFNNHO MOR nit toe tt eee eee Pe tt tok ort SFRINO DOR HOO DE ASNNSROROAONANOMMNOSTREOANO WV OC AIS OI PHO OS DADE IAFNODNMSHOOMORMNIMNSEWY @®eeteaeenteeeee?@eee#ke#?ee#e#eete#eeee#e%e#ee#e##@#e8%8eee8e8 @ @ DRHROODDVDVVOOAADHAHADDDOADOLEEEMHSOVDDONNN SOAS TEI ce EEE EE Rae id ' BOA NILATM OO OM FUOM OO SFNOOMNIM HD OPHDOMODONYSE®D eeoceteeveeveeeeoer eevee reeeveerteoereeere ee eer eee DODDVOCODOSCODAAHADAD DODO OME MH ODDOONAL MNS (eat ett eet ee eh ee et th tte be ’ eeeeeee#ese379#030ee#eoe#eeteteee7n+ees2seeters#erkeereeeeteee#eet @ (elolelPlolelelelelelelelelol ele] Olelelelel eel ele el elelolelese)}lallalia) =O FLVOM DW DORANAIM FANDOM DHNOSNOFINDMS ODDOFSM NE AS et HS St IOI NINN IN NII OO 09 OO OP 34 = o “AEF GCtDIL EE = ee V YA SB ELE N OS MOE 1 Onn: A NACE Y¥eSl Ss STATIONS 307-303 F 0 NOVEMBER 1973 LEV GL = *VcE tt OC of Tok ESS === =( € Us? S E Cal VEL.69Z DEPTH (METERS) VEL.7,5 VEL.726 VEL.6%5 VEbe 52.2 VEL. 722 Z NOAM MANA MUM MOH MO AUIA NOM UM MO AUMOAN MAM AMAIA M MAIN WDDDODD DDD DD DDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDODDOD @eees#xes8#xeeserere#%5eoskseenteertse_eqerteeernrteeteseeteeeeeek#e#ee#et @ @ Ce eee ee ee ee ee eer) MRERERRRERORRARRERRR ORR ER ARRARREAR RR ARRADN ARDAAADAHAAHAADAAAKBARDAAHDHAADADHAHADAADDADHA AAV eeeoee7e#eee#er#8srsesceee#e#e#ee#e##e#e2ee#@t*#eeeeeee%ee %®* @ © @ @ lelalelelelololelelololelelelelolejelelejlelelololelelolelelejolelejele) DODWDAD WD AVHDOODD HODHNOOHNOAHROOWDODAHOWADOY ODOEEORNODORENORRDOKONRDODDORE-OOEMO eoeee7ee#e@eer#sseeresectes##eree#e#eeteeeetkt eee eee#eee#ee e NNNAINAINAIN NAINA NAINA AION AIAIN AINIOCIAIAIAIQUN AIAN ON Sh EHO OEE NOD OFF ONAN OSH FF OMNSR OR DOM OMS PFIAM OF OER DODRAADO- RROD HAMNOEYISDOWDDOQMOADMO @eeeoeeeerseeertkeee#ee%e&eeseereegsnrt eeeetrk#ee#e#*%*e@eee*teeee CAC ODF FINI OIA LIVIA WIAA LALA LUN OO DOD DO DDDODOFMNO MOODTDOODNAAUDOO DIAS DED OND St HOHNODAME OPO MUNA OE PM OO BRO LAL UNO OD SDE LALO EIN SEOU OD ®eeeereeeereecenree ce eee eeee eee eee ee et oo LD DLA OM Ee EEE EES EEE ODODDDDDDODMODONON SA OM MAE DHODOMMNAANSRHOFOSMONAOM-ODE ODO OYUN COO ALN B= COR RP OLA OD DSO SF FINO ODEO HOM eeerereereecer ee ees ees eer eer eer eee ee ee eo wee 8 ODO DOM DD DOD DDDD DD ADD DO HAADDHADAADAAA™ Oo eeeeeeree#k8st8etfeeerteetrtee eeeetrkeeeeeeeees?t @®&#@e8e?ee @ elelelelel®lelelelelel eel el@lelelelol ele elelelelelelelelele@le}'al'ai'a) HINO PFINO MH DHNO ANOSFINO™ DHNORNUATNO-DDOSE WE md md ed et ad ed ed St HOI OI OI IOI AINSI CUA OOD) SO 35 aMorT YZ ~. eres e Pri aG3 3 Vee = \oeR ) | had ~~ a - = i 4; caw S& a baa £Ge=-T 0 7 > be 8eJ a * mh VoOckoe o 2 Ae en V TABStLE AN ALY S fs STATIONS 307-303 Vet © G&igTi«e NO MOT £ ON O F DECEMBER 1973 L oe.Vv Ee OL S =-=_ DEPTH (METERS) EC.)-- - -( iG Mo/ S VEL.592 VELe7T76 VEL.~6,75 VEL.795 VEL e692 VEL.72Z UVO DO DODNDOODDD0DO0 DODD DINDOD0DODOINODODOWMU 00 DDDDAXDHADADHAHADAA HDHDHADDHADRADAAAAPHAHAADA A eeeeeeseseeeeetrteeteteeeeeeeeeteteeeent?ee*# eee elelelelelclololelelejlejlele)elojelSelolelelelcoelelelelelelelelelele) (Ue) 0 S200) SU eC Qo C Sk et Vem Fiset NST Saint et Vea See JSG at | at Fate OR) eset aes ea ie fo Vea Jet Je SONS Hs tet oes se mses re trom tastes eleleloleleleloloelelelelelelelelel colo] elelelejlolelelololeleleleleiye) eee7enreooenvee@2e8?#e8eteeeevrteeetrk#eeeeetee#eeestee*%eee*#ee? @ NNUAIAININAIAN AN SAIN AION NON AIAN OI ON ON OI ONO OOO ION OSU OSL One| COO SDSL Ie OST He Sasi ee Ct rt at Nt Seattle sat Pact fas Yom Tie isa DHRHROODODODOO QDODODDODNODDBROWOAHRWAADHDOOD ADRS DRHODOONO DVO OOD OAD DON DOODOWODARHRIAVDHAOONAAS @oeteeteteesvete#eeteeteteee te @eerteeeeteetet ¢@eeete CIDNLALICA MEARS OO MAYO ACO FAC CIO AUP ED CIAO NI AIM AIAI ALORA ON OI AS Cee) CUS Cee Fm) HA FG TS ies fA Yet fe lel el Ve iat Tia a Se tO Je JT ot NAO St OI AULA DOO OAM OF DSN KHAIS SEY OM ODHADODODMDN NDWNOOR DM OF AD SND SHINE CO -OFNODOFMDONATNDDO4 eo#@eeeeretrteeeeeeeeetrt ee eeeeeee#etee © @ eee &® 6 @ © @ WPF FFM HOODOO BANNAN MMMAMNMOMMOMNANAN ANN aeRO preaebebree MOSER NAYES OF NOM NOMAD OO DO HSNO SFUIAMUOW Vet ADIN ROKR DM OF NONMNDA NN DODO FUOOROM~MOINEMODHD eeeeertske#e#eteeeeteeet eet eese#seeteeeteeee#eeetee?e#e#e @ ® @ @ ONAN TNASRHOO OO SRANNNNNNAN SASS Sst aeHHtOOO it iat at fe Wal face el Yk li | HAIN SOW SUID FON DO OFOAIAAICI FIN AINA AD RADDA AIR N OOM AM DWN ON COS HRSA DO DODFAUOORAM FFA DADO eeo<«e#eees#eekrkreerteeeetrteeereereere#eses eteeeteekeetreee# @ DMS OSMMONN HOOD ODO DOOQDODOOOCCOOCOCOC RAN ea Pas feast a Yeh Zeit inal Jose Isai ecUPSLaL eeet ea Usa eC sec. as ee DOVCWVDOVDOCOOD DODD O DO DDC DDDDONOCOOOOOMMWN SANOFI OM ODDOAAUASFINO™ DHNORNMH SN OM OROS HRA Nh et St I ONION AINI IAI NAT OOD SS 36 4 q he a yy Rn fw 7 _ — ‘a @ Taaa + 7ival om ‘AEC OC I ~~ —_— -— ue we _ 7 a) ees ESR oa” = ee - I I V TAS LE ANA EY S IS NG MO y £ O:N F 0 JANUARY 1974 GEV Et STATIONS 317-307 VG Lb O-e Ft ££ S DEPTH (METERS) = Mat Ss & Gs)= VELe5 eZ VEL 7,6 VEL 6645 VEL 27:5 VEL e7eZ VEL e692 Z aH = dt — ~ “4 = cn A oe Loe Lene BI oe Loe lelajelelelelolejloejlelolelelolelelolelololelelelelecjloelolelsjlelelelelele) eeeno34u55setcoesveen8t@#teeseeeeeeeertteeee#eeet e 8 @ eleleleleleloelelelolelelelelelelelelolelelelolelolelelelcejojlejlelelyele) | ' odd ! 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FORCTA at iest Jea ie Fes it iss Vieal Je Jere en fs sel Jee or Yo AMO MMAOAMA AY MAM MOM MMOOAM MMM NAMA MH AOAMMAMM HMM MOMH elololelelelelelelelolele)eloele)|elelelelelelolelelelelelololelelelele) e@eeteertee7reeeneeeteeoeeeeerteewestreeeteteeeeeeeeee @ lelelolololelol®ololejolelololelelolelelejelolele)e)\elololelolelolele) CS CSO SST Ves CAS HSH Tisict Teej Tic, le fount Jeet ee Yanai Yee ee it rit Ti Vest Smee Pa J fle ce Ven J MODONAMABAIAN™ DOM FAMARMONESOFSOaEMSNDMYMN OM SOPONUOIFNOE DAME OME NE NDOSPNODOS +O @®eew#eeeteteeeeteeteeeeertrt#e#eheee#eteeoeeeeen#eteee e CHFUIVO OAS MOAN HODADDM™OONASTIEMMOANAINNUN SS SOOOO CS ea eh ell et et UU Us SUP UP Ue IV Use (aU SUS SU is sis) (USE ee SU et MOOANOKE DOOM DODOFFOSFADFOE AF HONMNMOMNON De eee ee eo Se ON CORO OTe eeeoeee5u5oe#e#seveetrkeeeeer*eeenteteeeteeee#e+eeeeet#eee MAPA S DAIS MN GODDON GOMES TAMARA AOOOO eldest tied redeete—eeticot t ee at Ui Ur DU 50) Fee UU DW ANMAD DUN DINO ADO DOAN OINOMM FOP OMIA AIO OS OFNOFDANSFON ODOMMDEHOFONE ADOSANODDOFOPFHO eeeeeseeeeeee#eee&tefe?e?tkee#eeeee8f®?8teetet@eeoeeeeseee ® CY FIND DNDN FMNAOODOM DONT FOMANNNN SH HHOOCO AMAA edetetomt PP tts pp ere eee teeter rege eeeeeeere=eeeseeeekmeeeertteteeoerteeeee#e#eetkteeeeeee#eee e@ elel@lolo)]elelelelelelelelel ele elolelelelel ele) eel Ol ele el ele} 'ai'a)'9) SANA PNOMDDNOASNMOSNOM DHOANMSFAODE DNOSERNS med ed med et tt a mt CIC AICI OI I IAI CU AT C09) SP SL om i ” nee i ues Z- TT 7c J y c ‘ i : , _ > s " €43. fav =e “ ah ti »Q o.0 swe Y VIO SSS Sse ae ia ea TAB CE AN ALWS 15S 307-303 NO MCG TT ON JANUARY 1974 ~ STATIONS CLEVE lL 0 F C10 Cita ES — ( C Me/ SE C.J- DEPTH (METERS) VEU 1645 VIEL. 5 Z VEL.796 VEL «795 VEL .6%92 VELe77Z MREORRRRRRERR RR RRR R RR RRR ROR ER RRRR BORE NAINA NNN NN NAN NININ NIN AINA ONIN ON @eee@eeereeese#etserQteetee#e#ee#eegseeeee#8#e8e eteeete#e#eee*eee ® lolololelelololololelolelelelolclololelelolololelclelelelololololole) LYSE eC Tat ies Chaat OECTA Va Tet i Yan FA VR See JOE AT VER inet SAG VOU TA Ys Jim fet et Ve} NIAIN AO MAT CUIM AICI AI AIM ALATA CIO COA NI AL OCA FAN AI NG AIO CUO NAINA NAIAIN AIAN AION AIOAINAIN IAIN NNN ANION NIN OOO @eeteetkeeseet8teer3Q$“eeeeeekte#+=ee#ete*#eeeee*#ee#eekteenee#eeee ® re Laaen Ame Lene Kan Kann Leann Ren Lame fumeLie Kann Laem Keren iuamn Kane Lome Kame Lame Kore Lenn lon hae Lene Lame Kern heme bane hoon hee hee Kee ken hee ben PU ee eh ew eee eee ee AAARROORAOAAADPBOIANOGCOOCOANAATOODNARGARAD FSP PONS PASSES TOS FOAM ADS S STAHONSS HH toes eeeseeeseeeerteeeegegegr#r#kee?tee#rtterteeetgeeenvree#eeeee#e¢e8 @ @ treed med md ed at need med ed md ed ed ed mt ered ed et reed ed md ed ed ed red eed ad ed ed ed ed ed ad nd ret LOUwt ite Ae Tee toed eee od tt OP Ok Nh et, he a IONE OD SALAD LIAD P= ON OMA DOMM FINDA OM FLHMOANDH WR FEO SAMNNOT DOS ODHLNADS CHANSON OY NTN se @®@eeteeeeeeeteteeetpeerterteeerteeoeee ®t eee eeweee DO SSAA ANAM MP EONUAODDONSFMMNNAHOOOO0OD td dred ey re med ed eed ed ed ed ed et md et od ee DMMOASMANS ONDNORMNHOFTONMNDOMOSUMORMOGODMNSA SPAN DO OMEN Ht SOME NO DOMIMTOMOSAMNHNAOOM @®eeetekeees#rseeeeee#eee#8#8#?e8ee#e%ee?ee#eeee#e*ee#ese @eese*eee @ @ DO Set tet UN AIC OSS MNAODMONEMNANAHOOO OOOO med ed red red mt ed ed ced ret rd et ef et ed et et fatale OHI ANDODN ODVODADAVUP Da HOMDNHODHRHODNNDO Net © DANUANNOD DONO FORM PNA OF RANVOVANOOMDE 9 eoeeeereteeteeerteeseeweweeteeeespeaeeteeoeeeeeteee DADOVCODCOSANNANN SOOM DOF ON St DOO OM HH H4-4 kd dd re md ed ed ed a ef ed atch aia el eeee*%e CODD DDVD DD DDD DOO DOV ODD DDDDODODDOOOOONNW RAtNOFINDMHODOANMSFOAOMH DHAOANMTONDOMH ADO SHUM tt ad et et tt et IO NII NI AION NID) OO 38 >" - / 4 ra) ; t= - A a Weesitisar we rr¢yF re ¥: a * ie 3 i ts $3. (e. X 7 TA BoE E AN ALY S$ T'S NO. M OF Tf ON F AUGUST 1974 8) t EVEL STATIONS 317-307 =“ EE-o GC it ft 65S DEPTH (METERS) = 16 Nes) SE Gs)= _ _—-_— = VELe792 VeEbS 59 Z VEL.795 VEL.7s6 VEL.695 VEL.672 é elolelelelololelelelolelolelele) Slalelelelolelelejlelelelelelelelejele) eecececereteeeeeeee eee ee eer eee ee eee ee ee 8 ed ed ed et ed et td st ed et et et ad et ed St et st eet Set este et et Sted ed St St st ed ee ee ae eR ee ee ee DODDONIARADIDDDODDODDD DODDHODDHRODDHODODDAHOODOADDY DODD D DD ODO AIDNDD OD HDODDDDDDDODDDOHDDDODOD eeseeeveveeveres eee eoeevowreeveerseeveeeeeet eevee ee elolelelolelelolelsielelele] ele) jee elolelelelejelelelelelelelelele) i ica L Mieet 27h fees i= PaneTie Cienm June Yoru ame ie Yea Tis Venetia at Fst Jie ume i) il Fears een Jie Ve ieee Fi FFAS FOI SF FOF FOAL OI CILF OO FFM SOF PDRADHDAADADPDHAADRADARHAAHDAHADADABDAHA HWA GD @esee @eerteees8e#re ee eeeeteeet teeeeee PH mh mt med ed ed ed mt at reed md red red ed med ed ered red Heed ened re pe ed ra rd met et pe en rad ar re Cae ee ee ee ee re ee ee he a DOOPFONEONANIDON DONO OM FARDHDODOD DHMH SspN PDO NOY FOS Wet FIND USSF MO MOAMANOAIN A Net et tet et et strstr COLNCO CU ®ee#eere#eet Geetr®#eeeteteereereeeetet © tt 8 eet ee DCO DCOKHANANNAINNAANNGINANNANNNNANN ANNONA aS HOO Lal eel bet Sat nil Met ht al ual ec Heol Noel aie ear Wea (FSSC SPST Ji ie J Hi Vi inet Tea! Dat Pat Je a ON AD OY Be OULD OO Ales OF OLAS MOM OF POM FUIMDO SASH CF UVAWN DOUSF 0D OAS FPAIMNAMMOANANAINA AAI NS ALAD MY eecrereevrevteecrvreeeve eee eresceweeere ee eves SSSA MMMM MOO MAM AMM AACA OANA AMAMMOANIN a Loita nat Jac Paamd Sami Fost Vi fase leon! (Beat Janta ft Liebe Met 2st Jak sr Wnt] Lt Niet Lt at Tit fa i Se fe a Sa | NOODADASTDOGCOTCMNHNOMNNNOSNANUN SAO SOSP OR ON NOPE SRA FIALAMO MMO ANNA A Net eset eet tt tOOM FON eeeoeteeereeereerrteeereeetrtertemrest oe#rstegeeeeeoeeee#eree NAIA AICS 0 SF SE et et ot rt ter ter ree Cine etl Yad Heed nal ih tub hme Tet rl a8 tt iat) eset lear ioe Ost mls sC]pecl Soret ase Jat Jel Sat fiat eee seeeeertt®eertee*eenrtereereeeete 8eee eee e @eeees (mlolelolelelelelelelelelSlolelolelelelelelolololelelolelelelele)al'ai's| TOO DHDORAMON LODO DHAOSNUNSIDOE DROS ENE a et et at et HOI NI OUI ON QUO IOI CUM OO OOS 39 ah ‘ Me yh i eV} Cy MG) Uh QaAp ' ped f= 4 : OOo 'ODOoSsbe al~ ° "rr #8 #4 oy «2 De Se + + iid O-w P « Rte b= om te inte eral, Tee errerrrr ya ia _ Aze*g* : a ee j re == Las ° .?) = ( aq. ae .* 7 «© © -@ *® = . é - ~- | os an P ¢ i» (29a = # Dye > +5 NN ; Ce a ; + a = i “> ¢ Se ' ~ rw ) = e . * . we 4 y <= ; ' ' ‘@) 4; = = / _ Gm & aero <¢ Xx TAB EE ONT AcE VSS 307-303 NO MM OT FON F 8) AUGUST 1974 GE VEE STATIONS VSO.) il i 1 ECS DEPTH (METERS) = CoNer SE Cale Vee Dae VEL e756 VEL.6%5 VEC iyo VEL eleZ VEL .692Z Z DOADNOADD DDD ADDDD DOD DDDHTOADAANDDDDDODHNOO DWDODODODOOODOODODOOCOO ODD GOODODDOOODDO000000 eeeereeereecese eee envneeeeeeseeeeew ee ee & 8 @ MAN OAMMMAMAMMOAMAMM AMA MAMA MMOMOAMMAAMMMAM MAM Ue ite Us see UL CISUu ae OU US Ta tie Jiri at Se UHC aa Yoana Fat ct eet Vid sot fmt Yee a Joma faut et AN AOAIN BRANNAN BSN SRO ANNN NaN ASIN SS ANINANN SOA at Net PSP PPPs Peres ergo serge eyes eeoee4e#eevse#eeegpee3reeee##t#peewtkteeeeteteeetet @#e ee eeeese e CAN MAMA M OOO MN AM CAM ONO AOA MMAMOMAAMEODMH AMMAR MOcMd ee eye eUP see Cie TRC PST SSC Tae WSUS ST [slr eat ie Jie! Ie mm Vso Je We et Vet Seat (at Vice Je Mt Ye Fa DOD OO AKNWOOCWVOVOAHDODOOVDANWVDOOROODOOOORNOVOG. ORB HOO SSH HHO O SHA HOR AOR Stet tO RRS HO eoeeeeee#?#e#eeteee#rtft eee eee eeee#ktse#eetke#ee#e%e*?e? @ MRR EE EEE RRR EERE RRS RE RR EER RRR RR ERAS 0G 1 O O50 0 OOOO tC! C02 O00 0 ODE Ci aOR 020 a scect. ti DMIONUNOMHHDFOROEMENODNMNNOR-EUIAM AN MMM IA DROADOM MOM OME MAD OF HOO FAONNON URANO eenvneeret eet eeoevet eee ee eorvreeeet ener eee SSN NH AHOO ODO DODDADD DDO MMH DOO GUNNS ONO peel ot sl ome eto eetietetet Ee ete On bee tera eet bh et OANOOSFHDOVNDHONANOD DOMFODOOM mM Seas al LV OR CORR SQOINE NOM SNODNMHOMNMOBDLAAIDINADOD™ w+ eeeeeseereteestrtee @# @ @eeeeetrkrkse © @eeeeee#t ¢# © @ @ @ LAU AV LVL ED LI SES FOIA NN RS St ROOD ORDDOMOIN GE Ud ed eed ed ed ed a ed et td et ed tt ete ededemind | bod ot ob ttt he (Ue 20s Ue fe COUTTS iat Tate et ies Te Flee ERG TS Je ie fi MMOONANNAN SHO tFORDOM™AIO OH MG AIM BLA CO CLA AIR AIM RO AN Sat DO FDO SRHDOSFTNOMOANEH SNF OMAOMAIDHO eeeeeseeserersrkse#erteteeeteeeee?teteseesee#?e#e¢geteee8 @ CO DO DO CNA COR P= BEE OD QODAIN DS FFFOMANN SOO Nd rt ed ed md eed tt ed md rd ed rd et et a et ed Sd st et Hr tet diet | ' Ub CG) 200) 2h OO" AUP UPI PSU SCe ve ere Vee Nast VR Hae Jat YS i iit es Ye Ji i ea eeeeeeeee#eeres#8fteeeereeeesg”esvseevqe?#®@e@e2@#@#e#eee8¢#8@# ® Solel @lolelelelelele1Olelelele1@l2elelelelelelelelel@lel@elelel@)"allal's) ANOIFNOM ODHDOSNALFNOMH DHAOQANMFNDOME DROFH VUE md ed st et et Sh IOI OI OI NIACIN NI IAI OO OO PP 40 “(oC 8 args ity obs ~O¥S0@59658 * ,S pt @ _— = ~~ ye LOO tas e -— ( es * § * 6 ° + Ww ; a ee fe : 4 y om “a ~~ _ we SB oa ta ~~ Ww z 4 VLG - > | IT ae wg ‘ee P se. x 7 - kp he : 72=;ien 4d - 4 i@ < é Ge a os ~~ ] j . aaa = ZL = idepth ‘(m) VEL.Z = absolute velocity at Z (cm/sec).? VEL.7 = absolute velocity. at "Z==-700 'm-€cmfsec) VEL.5 = absolute velocity at Z = 500 m (cm/sec) VEL.7,Z = velocity at Z relative to 700 m (cm/sec) VEL.5,Z = velocity at Z relative to 500 m (cm/sec) VEU.” $5) Velocity @o500'm relative to velocity’ at AOONmLorm the velocity. shear between. Z\ = S00 m and 329 = 17 010% m VEU.6,5'= velocity at 500 m relative to velocity’ at e00em orn the velocity ‘shear between Z-— S00°m and Z = 600 m ine preceding variables are related to each other in that the aeooluce velocity at any depth, Z, is equal to the absolute feomocitmy at. 2 — (00m plus the velocity at Z relative to 700 m, or symbolically, VEMZe— VEG. 7 + VEL. 7 ,Z (4) Similarly, VELOZ9— VEL .6 + VEL.6,Z (5) VEMieZ = iVEL. 5: + VEL..5., Z (6) Subtracting equation (6) from (4), Oma eVEle a WEbao + IV. 752 -, VEL. S32 OL, WELo seVins = VEL 2 > VEL. S, Z (ee) : In fact, velocities are defined on isobaric surfaces Meme the pressure in db is roughly the same numerically as the given depth in meters. Negative velocities indicate flow Eeamehne morth in Tables II through X. 41 but the left-hand side of equation (7) is the velocity shear between Z = $00 m and Z = 700 m or, VE so Velo ie. = VEL «52 ine velocities at Z relative to 700 db, 600 db and 500 db are known from dynamic method computations. Thus the velocity shears which provide quantitative differences between the two Wevels are known. Now, assuming that the 500 db level is the reference level which provides velocities which nearly approx- imate the actual flow, then comparison of the velocity shears, Were? .5 and VEL.6,5, to the velocity at Z relative to 500 nm, Mpiwo,2, .Gespectively, provides a velocity error percentage. For, example, Table Ii shows that if one chose 700 db as a reference level instead of 500 db, the assumed correct level, ele calculated surface ‘currents would differ by 37. percent. We expected, the difference percentage tends to increase with greater depths. In summary, Tables II through X show quantitatively that mmere are Considerable differences in current speeds obtained Prom geostrophy using 500 db, 600 db, and 700 db as the refer- ence levels. Consequently, if the objective of a study is to @btain Current speeds which are correct in magnitude, the eerection of a ‘level of no motion' should not be a matter of choice but of direct measurement, and of data corroboration via independent measurements. The apparent influence of bottom topography on the flow (see subsection B in Discussion and Resuleés) also suggests that motion persists rather deeper than 500 db and that there may be no simple ‘level of no motion’. 42 Cs — ia F . \ iad © i : z ; ie i, ; nA éh 56) gs ¥ al i ” J pus aval ivf ssoyaos be ‘Lb ovlcapitnhap aay i UpSsemod: B. PATTERNS OF CURRENT FLOW AND THEIR STRUCTURE WITH DEPTH The patterns of current flow are inferred from geostrophy with respect to the 500 db surface. To obtain a pictorial wepresentation of the current flow and its ‘structure with depth, dynamic heights for data stations along three constant ° 30'N and 36° 40'N, were plotted Jatitude lines, 36° ZONE S10 and height contours drawn for the isobaric surface, 50 db, Hooedbi,, 200 db, 300 db, 375 db. and the 425 db surfaces during August 1973. These dynamic height contours of the. various surfaces above ae shown in irpunres Sj «through 9, The conégoux, mines are Labeled with their respective dynamic height values im dynamic centimeters. The contour intervals for each of figures 3 through 9 are different. Consequently, caution mould ibe. exercised when interpreting the figures for speed. For jexample, the closely spaced contours in figures 8 and 9 @o not jindicate an intense circulation. Unfortunately, this analysis could not be accomplished for data months other than August 1973 since data observations were made predominantly along one constant latitude line, 36° AOQ'*N, during months September 1973 through August 1974. However, the contours clearly reveal some interesting features Of the patterns of the current flow and their structure with Gepeh during August 1973. The prominent features depicted in figures 3 through 9 are, (1) The flow branches into a northwesterly and an east- southeasterly component just north of 36° 30'N at all Seven aepeuns,. from the surtace to 425 meters. (eihe general patterm of current flow is similar for all depths from the surface to 375 meters. 43 - ae ci leer . % ude redus noth Bri nies ( at hie A SEQ TD" )en agai * + uh ? : PA =a ib 2 r .7 iw wer 4 ; - ee a ce beige: 7 : = a =e. 5 2 = meat o26eT Se . » rvcet® @3e Toes” af is belévar 3% f { - 4 t) 901 Taso Se +a Aguieadd | a - bo“ lo tere { ofS ai? aig - th e7a9 iit , (ist eeeee dy tredgya edge = (5n) See a sh ecvHiom ack Tae, cOX (°qp 00S ©2 =SyL0 €0X SATISTAI $S19}9WTUSD DTweuUAp UT o1e SZYSTOY ITWeUAG) IT 3sn3ny 3utinp odesing 94} 3B Sinoj,UOD WYSTOY ITweurAG vOX SOX 90X LOX 80X 60X SUSGWAN NOLILVIS OLX "OZ 59E —— “Of59€ (HLYON) FONLILVI 44 ("GP 00S 02 SATIETSII 6S19}9WT}UDD. DTWeUAP UT 91e SYYSTOY DTwWeUAq) “CL6T ysns8ny Butinp sdezins qp 0S Sy FO SinozUOD 2YSTOYH ITweurGg O°EZ €°O v°69 €0x yOX SOX 90X LOX 80% 60X SUSEWAN NOLIVis “Y OLX “OT 59E O7s9F (HLYON) SGNLILVI 45 ("GP 00S 02 SATRIETSI fS19}.Z9WTJUSD STWeUAp UT 9Ie SLYSTOY DTweudd) “CL61T 2SNns8ny BSuTANp 9d9eFINS GP OOT 947 FO SinojUOD WYSTOYH ITWeUAG i (aa ta €0X Ox SOY 90x LOX 80x 60X SUSWNN NOJLVLIS 0 tX bLX (HLYON) 3QGNLILV1 46 ‘ (“GP 00S 02 SATIETSL ‘S19}ZOWTJUSD DJTweUAp UT O1e SzZYSTOY ITwWeuq) “CL6T Asnsny SuTInp sd.esins qp 00Z 94 FO SanojUO) YYSTOH DJtweukq ‘9 °3r zOX £0X vOX SOX 90X LOX 80X 40X OX bLX SYZUWAN NOLLVYILS (HLYON)IGNLILV1 47 (°qP 00S 02 OATJeTAEL “o26t vsnsny SULInp edezing qp 00S.98U2 FO SInojJUOD. IYUsTOY OTWeUAq “4 *31y ‘slo}JOWTJUND DIWeUAP UT O1e SzYSTSY ITWeUA) £0X vOX SOX 90X LOX 80X 60X S83SGWNN NOILVYILS 0 1X “OZ 59E (HLYON)3aGNLILV1 48 zOX (‘Gp 00S 07 OATJETOI Ss1oJoWT Ua. STweUAp UT o1e $1y3 "C/61T 2Sn8ny BuTAInNp 9deFaIns qp SLE 94} FO SaxANoJUOD 2Y €0X OX SOX 90X LOX 80x SUJIWAN NOILVIS Toy dtweuiq) STOW DTweudAg OLX il | OVs9E LLX (HLUGH) JGNLILVI 49 zOX Cap 00> Of ONtelod “SiojJoUTIUSS ITURUAD UL Sie SszUSToUS DTWeUAG) SC G[s) snonyesUEInp ODeTINS QP SZp SU JO SAaNnoO_ZUOD AUSTOY drweudrg £0X vOX SOX 90X Lox 80X 60X SUSUWNN NOLIVIS °6 0 1X °STy (HLUON) FGNLILVI 50 a s aaaieeennnTIiedneteemnin Ulaaanteimeeneadie le TE SS iaeahe > «ar \o2 <5 «eee 7 —_—< Sa a ee’ — + Hs — ‘ - _ ; 7 le ro 7 ,="= : <2 5 - _ a 7 a0 0 = - < LN (3) The flow is more intense south of latitude 36° 30'N as evidenced by the dynamic height contour spacing. (4) The narrow band of poleward flow in the vicinity of tongitude 122° 18"W, near stations 106 and 206, appears to be topographically controlled. Figure 10 depicts the general pattern of current flow Relatuive «to the local bathymetry. Figures 3 through 10 sug- pest scehat the coursevol the currents,.in this' area 1s controlled i part by the local bottom topography. This is evidenced in the following ways, (1) The flow follows the general north-south topographical Orpentation, souch Of 300=50'N. (2) The flow branches north of 36° 30'N, and follows the Bieneraliy Cast-west; bathymetrac contours. Furthermore, the currents in the northwest sector of the area appeam not to be topographically controlled. This can be explained by the fact that the current speed for the most part 1S small near 500 m, and it would be difficult to see how bottom topography at depths greater than 1,000 fathoms could influence the currents in this sector. However, in the north- eastern sector, where depth decreases toward the coastline, the currents appear to be topographically controlled and follow macmpTinciple jt conservation of potential vorticity. Now consider the validity of the current flow inferred from geostrophy. Independent current flow measurements were made using parachute drogues during August 1972 and August myoyby Wickham [1975]. Drogue trajectories, especially in 1972, confirm that the flow branches into two components, and there appears to be a narrow band of poleward flow in the Vicinity of longitude 1222 18'W; and the drogue paths in Sal 1. * } ty Th w re Bgae © i o/ 7s sos: Saal = ‘oes ta — ; 7 2 = is vOX SOX 90X LOX SUZGWON NOLLVIS 80X 60X 0 +X (HLYON) 3GNLI1LVI SiZ August 1973 tend to confirm a broader poleward flow towards ehewwest. There 1s also indication in the drogue paths in om .cAugust-1972 of a strong shear zone and-a«cyclonicseddy of similar scale to that shown by geostrophy in 1973. GC. = TEMPORAL VARIATION OF THE GEOSTROPHIC FLOW ihe variation of the geostrophic. flow with time is~inferred PLomeseOstrophic calculations with respect to the 500 db sur- face: Specifically, dynamic heights were calculated for stations along constant latitude line, 56 40°N, (during each month. These dynamic heights were used to generate a two- dimensional array with the abscissa and ordinate axes specified as station numbers and time, respectively. Dynamic height comeours were then constructed for several isobaric surfaces and the geostrophic flow normal to the station line inferred from) the contours. Originally, the dynamic hezght contours with time were to G@epice temporal variations over the-entire observation period, mueust 1973 through August 1974. However, the time period had to be divided into two segments due to programming constraints wiamcne program routine, CONTUR. Specifically, the program wid) contour only the dynamic height values of data months which have an equal number of data stations. Consequently, data months February, June and July 1974, which have dynamic height calculations based on only three Nansen data stations, errce 16 STD stations for the other months) prohibited depict- migevariataon of flow over the “entire time period. Therefore figures 11 through 16, which were constructed from dynamic 53 = a be avn weit Wome og. : Al sljee styeti Sar a oohhe 4 todo aeGipe Se 7 : : . . r ‘Or a: yhowilegea ve reorne Es (6.2 JITEva GAY Fo ee AD ak j ~ aa ob ites faa he 4 & bh ~ - - \eter0o gaote a on ocovh geek? a (evn Fenel has eretaunr Bea | S7TowW a 1£QOS2g a riuOv HOD Bf iienke Lz7oqasg CGE : > an re bp t #eTgZere - = 1 41Q Shoes cul [508 @h aa s | youre?) Bae aii he ed 2001/0 5eR ft. tea Enis Sid e100 we kk ih) Voie hw tn a7 3 (°qP 00S 03 OATIeTOIZ “s19 OUTJUSsD DTweudp UT 9Le SZYSTOY ITweucdq) ‘psGT AAeNUeL YsnorU. C/6T 0 ? SUISWAN NOILVIS “gL NYE -€£9534d -ELAON -€EL150 yivd SHLNOW 54 (‘GP 00S 0} SATIETOI £S19}9OWTIUSD DTweudp ut ote szZYystoy dtueudg) ‘pZ6T ALenuerc Yysnory. ¢CL6T Ysnsny IOF 9dPFINS GP OS 9Y FO SinoOz,UOD) YYSTOY Dtweudq FO UOTZeETIeA TeIOdUWd] ' ' | | ! coe ‘y0e Soe 90€ LOE egoe 60€ off LE zie cle te SIE SUSAWNN NOJLVIS ei Vivd SHLNOW 59 \ ‘ Dtweudp uT oie szYystToY DITweuUuAG) ne ces m\ NS 9 SUSGWRN (Gqpe00G Ot ent epex “Sxoqouraics "pL6T Adenuer ysnoryd ¢/6T YsNsny OF 9IeFINS IP OT 943 FO SinoqU0D iyStoH STueucg JO WOTITIVA Tetodus a NOILVILS i ~y ey Fae ro] Gr TREX Oe Oras Viva SHLNOW 56 (ee UIT 91e SZYSTOY DITwWeuA) a2eFins qp 00Z 24} FO SiInojUOD 4YSTOY GP 00S 02 OATIETOI ‘SI9}JOWTJUDD DTWeUAp “plot ALenUel™. UsNOLU?, C/E. BSNsny, LOZ DTweuAq FO UOTIeTARA TeILOdWd] 7 < €O£ vOE SOE 90E LOE Boe 60€ ole tle cle ele le sie SYFEWNN NOILVIS “£930 -ELAON Viva HINOW S oi (°qP 00S 02 SATIBTOI £S19}0WTAUAD dtweudp ut sie szZYystToYy Ddtweudq) ‘“pZ6T ALenuere Yysno1y ¢C/6T YSNBny I10F 2oeFINS gp ONS 94 FO Sinoj4UOD 4WYSTOY OTweudq Fo uotTAeTIeA Te10dway, IG Seg -yLNVE -€L93¢0 Viva SHLNOW . : gerasamacenasecmeens 1-€L ONY ZOF GGOf OE iSof OE “Of oc ..60€ olf ALE zie slg wig Gie We mabe ~Sua8WAN NOLLVIS 58 (‘Gp 00S 07 SATIETOL ‘SIO ZAUWT USD Dtueudp UT oie sqzYystoy otweudq) ‘*pZ6T ALenuec ysnor1y. E/6T ysnsny OF adVTINS Gp SLE SUI FO SAnoOqUOD 2YSTOy DTWeUAg FO UOTJETIeA TeLoduey “OT °3Ti O°LT 0°9T oy o°ot eOe ¥0€ SOc 90€ LOE 8s0E OE OL€ LLE TLE Ele yle Ste 9LE€ = LE “SUaaWAN NOLLVIS -VLNVE -€L930 -€L AON -€Li90 Viva SHLNOW Se ~ height values based on 16 STD stations per data cruise month, depict the temporal variation of geostrophic flow at several -depths:for only the period, August 1973 through January 1974. Figures 17 through 21, which were constructed from dynamic height values based on either STD or Nansen data at three data stations per data cruise month, depict the temporal variation of geostrophic flow at several depths over the period January £974 ‘through August 1974. The prominent features depicted in figures 11 through 16 are, (1) The general surface flow pattern over the time period, mususit, 1975 through January 1974, as very similar’ to ehose found at S50 m, 100im; 200.m and 300 m. (2) The geostrophic flow is more intense during the period November 1973 through January 1974 than during August chrough October 1973 in the uppey 200 meters iof depth. ©) ihe polleward flow appears, to shift to the west with time: (4) The equatorward flow, east of station number 309, during Hecember 1973 through January 1974 appears tojbe more inbensic im the upper 200 meters than)the: poleward flow. €5)) A reversal in the flow direction is depicted in the Micimity: OL Station 305 such that/the predominant flow east of station 305 is equatorward, and poleward west Of sthe station. (6) A narrow band of poleward flow located between stations 506 and 509 1s apparent throughout the perirod, and)\from che surface: to 575 m. Now consider figures 17 through 22. Obviously, the small meabe structure revealed in figures 11 through 16 cannot be Seenein figures 17 through 21 due to the data observation @Tid size. However, there are a few features that are apparent. (1) The flow is more intense during January, June and August 1974 than during February, March and July 1974. 60 hic _ ‘ A ® ¢2ivv> eteb too anoles ofa oxn Yo selsae y a ee — 1Gy Crate | nn os 03 poe monmA: y be 2 obiqortaa Zi ‘ ba 42 nsog 4 = 4 a a G =o * . % , : m \quondd Uf) 2a ame ~ en : - : — s - > ota etod? .gevowoH ivo® Oo cme -» f rdot (ITs «Yieomes 7 7 2 - ng * rE a * 4) ae - dITueUudp LOJ 99R Ls (“ap 00S 09 SATIRP TOL *‘Sz9079uITIUSDD UL dle SZYSTOY DJtIWeUdd) “*PpZG6T ySnsny Ysnory. pL6T ArLenuecr JAINS 94} 2e SinojJUOD) JYUSTOYH DTweudq FO UOTIeTAeA TeIOdWd] LOE SUSGWNN NOELVILS “yLINe -PLNOE “PLE -plL 833 SHLINOW Viva 61 ("GP 00S 0} SATIETOI *S19}90UT USD otweuckp ut ore sqzystoy otweudq) ‘pL6T 3snSny Yysnory? pL6T Arenuer LO} 9deFAINS Gp 0S EY} FO SinoquoD IYStToYH Itweudq Fo uoT}eTAeA Te10dusy 09 . | ee i Se : SUZEWNN NOILVIS : ! roe yLONY yL Ne “-yLNASL “PLEWW =9b aid SHLNOW vivd 62 oe yp ae § j : ce ty bee l a es wy (*qD 90¢ 02 SATIBTOL “SrOo_ZOWT USD Dtweudp UT ole SZYSTOY DJTweudAd) “LET 2SNBny YSnoayd pL6T AALenuec IOF 9dBFINS GP OOT 942 FO SinojUOD) WYSTOH Dtweukqd FO UoT}eTIeA Te1IOdUd] foe LOE SYZIWAN NOLLVIS "OL °STy SHLNOW WiVd 63 (2qDF D0Gs O28" ONES [om “siege -Tqu99 DTWeUAp UT 91e SYSTOY ItwWeUdAq) “*PL6T BSNn3ny Ysnor1y yL6T Arenuer LOF 9deFINS Ap 00Z 94 FO SAXNOJUOD WYSTOH DJIWeukd FO UOT eTAeA TeIOdWd] O°ZY O°1tt 0° Os O'lP foe LOE SUSEWAN MOLIVIS 10 °3Ty PLONy “pL TOE -yVLNOASL “-FLUVW eS YE SHINOW ViIVG 64 ( H Pe ee = Hn ERG Gw> "! ae | SS. ret yee ee is . i i o (2) (eo) o So °o i=) °o °o So o = nN ae) z w (SYSLIW)HLdIad 71 ERA NC WE - Ne i DIST. BIWN. ADJACENT STA. CONTOUR INTERVAL = Wl) = TaXXSPORT TO NORTH 5.5 KM | Zee t = STATION NUMBERS = TRANSPORT TO SOUTH | i ee 303 Sas, 504 1 'o ! 307. 3 310 309 398 ae ws ee 3 3a, 3 SS CW _ SS Wg SESSGQ °“ng SG SS 3aag \\\ SSS \ (SYALIW)HLd4ad (ae ka» | Vertical Cross Section of Geostrophic Salt Transport Contours for (Negative transport values Stations 317-302 during November 1973: he) (hatched area) in (gm/sec-cm*) indicate transport to Nort pee — - 2 ee | 169.1 WG WN DIST. BIWN. ADJACENT STA. = 5.5 KM CONTOUR INTERVAL WY (ob) 4 eS, <= Se oy OF e5 0 indica ember m2) SS STATION NUMBERS 1on Of Geostrophic Sait Tra ring Dec IC ( fr eta | TRANSPORT TO NORTH TRANSPORT TO SOUTH (S¥aLIW)HLdId LS Sa antiianiiee fps ¢ EOP! A. Tae, , LELELE i4 Mlle ~ > re ee ee is ee ee foo) ; ~ mee SSS cae: Aa SS, ANS! aaa: NNY nn SESS SRSA | 0.0 ft ee ~ 1 UN 1 ~ SEES ~. cer SS eee, ane ° Ww oO a=! Ss 5 eo ) im | te ‘< WSS SN ey ae es ASN 272 | == W228 re SSA \ WSs 2 = «| SNS Oo az < =i SV = eto I 8 1 SESE SSN SSS apes PES eS SSS oes y \ SNS < SSSIOOLAS A ee 1 Fa x a SSS SS 2 Pr see ee | WS g a oe Pe 3 Hoe (AS i oo | . ae Be Ys) Ss KA 3 {Se ro) ta WS SS XS[{ meted a AS: 18 : = Ss ESS aR = 5 SESSA QAN jaad 7 OH & Z4 te | > ae, “4 a bred tee es z 8 BS : S {5 26 - ASS ae < S&X\ Satu - SS \ 3 oo (Fp) ; * ch WN SS : 6-n = & On eS { WN [=) | Nona Ee Brae roKe) fared aw? | Om a ie as Tere | it © Ons ee | Nie if & | Je oe fe | OSE 23 ! AG ct dae eres [wn not on ee es as lon ——————— Nee Za 316 : 1 | °o © °o Oo oO oO v N ot) x “ (SYaLIw)Hid3ia 74 -\ (*Y2ION 07 JZIOdsueL} aYeITpUT (,WO-dSeS/ud) UL (ePoIe poYydzeYy) sonTeAa y10dsu LOT za ¥7 BPI} SATIESBON) SIno1U0) JIOdsueI] ALES DTYdoOI4S09E5H F — mz 2G VA bh pl6T ALeniqgsy Sutinp ¢OQ¢ pue al Sy OY anes) ly nase dg a Fy a nr ee ee eee TVAUBINI YNOLNOO | wt G*G = ‘VIS INSOVPdV "NMla@ “LSI ‘ O UOl IOC eS SOLD eo baerota (Gao Ey LLNS SRS, Soy ea Sale HLNOS OL LYOdSNVUL = HIHON OL LUOISNVEL = Y/Y | 00S (SUZLAW)HL AAG ive) (° Y2ION 02 JYLOdsurI. 9.edTpUT (,W9-d90s/ws) ut (rare poysiey) sontea . 320dsuet{ oatTIeB39N) *pPZGT ounce SUE DnipS Coie) pul Sp oc! * jae SUOTZLIS Yj | cht = ; WAS*S = IOF SinoJUoD Jsrodsurszy, yLeg otydo1.s0909 Fo UOTZI9S SSOID [TPdTII9A ° TS *B8ry ee = eae so tif, Yyy Yi 7 yyy 4 J 4 > y 7 \ r Z b Z At x ¥, 4 of , S Z O ; a R TVAUHINI YNOLNOO | SUSZINNAN NOLLVLS ‘VIS LNOVPAV "NMLG *LSIc 00S (SUBLAaW)HLdaa Se ae ee a a, eae a _ ~ Lill <_™ Fe eed a ~s A a x ~ AMIE LE ~ % = = bE GUM ON Og) aodsubi4 sae T pur. (lla 2eS/Us) UT: (Pete poyoiey)> Sen Tea DLOdSUCT I OMEIBION)= ep o laAlLt, SULIND, COC PUP) G7 0ca< TS SuonaqedsS TO STINOAUODa MIOGSUBAT. TT RC. LUG Od9 SOS) TOs UGTIDECe SSOLD | [ROTA LON, “Cor * ota SOT EL TIN c0€ LOE ee ee vor ee eos Ty | HINOS OL LUOISNVUL = tC AYHLNTI YNOLNOO SEWNAN NOLLVLS is Oe ! HINON OL LUOISNVEL = YY“, e = (SUJLIW)HIdaa 17 ws 24 « t = tS ae | ei —? ww - » — = a P= 48> et (2uas0ON Of -210dsuei1q o2eSTpUuT (,wo-59Ss/us) ut (eore payozey) SONTVA JIOdsueL, OATIEZON) “pL6T Asnsny BuTInp 7Z0¢-/T¢ suotieIS JOF SInoJUOD JIOdsueI, Y[eS DTYdo1}s0985 FO UOTIDES SsoOID TedTIA9A “SE *3T SS C a) p og? pee, 7A S = = = . : -O SOE | gs ee eet ee es 1 4%7°60T = TVANHINI YNOLNOO | N3aGWOAN NOILY HLNOS OL LUOdSNVUL = — a WIS*S = ‘VIS INGOVaY “NMI€ ‘sia, > ee | HIWON OL LUOdSNVEL = YYZ | Ma ee ee ee (SYSLIN)HL ddd 78 [Spine exaet Contour interval as specified in units, (gm/sec-cm*), at the upper right-hand corner of each fede eC. (4) The black dots adjacent to the individual transport values.identify the corresponding contour line. (5) Distance between consecutively numbered adjacent stations MomapproOximavely S45 kn. Note for fagures 30 through 32, the distances between stations 303 and 307, and 307 and wi) ane approximately 22 "al and SS km, respectively. Consider the vertical structure of geostrophic flow during bereuse 1975. Figures’ 22 through 24 depict the vertical struc- PmenOL SeOstrophic salt transport contours during August 1973 more stations 111-102, 24-202) and "S'S-S02, “respectively. Eeamine, first, stations I11-102 along the 36° 20! parallel @apracitude depicted in figure 22. Poleward transport (shown Pyaeniacched area) located west of longitude 22> V1'W is approx- facoly Z0 km in width and extends from the surface to 500 m. A maximum speed and salt transport of approximately 50 cm/sec and 1730 gm/sec-cm?, respectively, are indicated at the surface between stations 104 and 105. However, current speeds and salt transport values range generally from 30 cm/sec and 1114 gm/sec-cm* at the surface to 20 cm/sec and 736 gm/sec-cm? at suum. To the west of the poleward flow, geostrophy indicates an intense equatorward jet (maximum speed 70 cm/sec) at about longitude 122° 27'W. Farther west the flow is towards the equator with a maximum surface speed of 56 cm/sec decreasing wien depth to less than 10 cm/sec at 300 m. BepuTe 25 deprets the vertical structure in August 1973 along the 36° 30'N paratiel of tatitude.’* Along the’ entire tength of thé station line, poleward transport is indicated 79 == 7 red Sonayi 2 txo7ggn | eveib g vie “% by geostrophy with a maximum surface speed of 62 cm/sec mecreasing to 15 cm/sec at 300 m in the vicinity of longitude “: 222°°09'W; Farther to the west the poleward flow is character- ized by speed and salt transport surface values of 15 cm/sec Binds 555.0 gm/sec-cm*, respectively. ihe vertical’ structure along the 36° 40'N parallel of iatatude during August is depicted by figure 24. East of longitude 122° 22'W the flow is predominantly towards the equator while towards the west the flow is poleward. Maximum current speed and transport Surface values are 40 cm/sec and 1320 gm/sec-cm*, respectively, towards the equator. While ehe poleward flow to the west is approximately 35 cm/sec at Ge surface, it decreases to 10 cm/sec at 300 m. Ghere 1s some evidence that the equatorward and poleward Momomindicated in figures 22 and 23 are realistic; the author mesers tO a concurrent study, examining the water mass char- meeenistics by Blumberg [1975]. His findings indicate a sharp front-like water mass boundary along both jet axes. These water mass boundaries are indicated by large angles between isopycnal and isothermal surfaces from the near-surface to approximately 450 m. Additionally, there is theoretical basis for an equatorward jet in a dynamical model for eastern boundary flows [McNider and O'Brien, 1973], and drogue drifts [Wickham, 1975] in theesamesanea also show large shears. These factors Penanto Support the view that the flow details are real; it should be noted, however, that mass distributions consistent with the calculated dynamic heights could also be produced by internal waves of amplitude 50 m. 80 vee in Hoe + ‘s -ot 9 eae ad ties baa heogs i 109g : al 10% ower gh sou\ my 6 Tore r Dey * ons _— Now consider the relation between the flow and structure. The current patterns indicated by both drogues and geostrophy ‘tend to confirm an analysis of the structure which has elongated filaments of southern water flowing poleward in narrow bands, paGercularly near the coast [Wickham, 1975]. Specifically, G@rogue paths at 200 m in August 1973 tend to show this tendency. ime Vertical structure of geostrophic flow in September mreseets depicted in figure 25. Unfortunately, only the far Pameern Sector, Stations 302 to 305, of the investigation area mesnown. AS in the preceding month, the flow in the eastern Sector 1S predominantly to the south. There are maximum speed gd@esalt transports of approximately 20 cm/sec and 650 gm/sec-cm? aero m. Towards the coastline there is a poleward flow con- Pommed in the upper 150 meters with a maximum current speed of Somem/sec at the surface. Papure 26 depicts the vertical structure of geostrophic flow in October 1973. The flow structure consists of elements of several tens of kilometers in width extending from the sur- face to 500 m. Poleward flow dominates the first 20 km west Deestation 305, longitude 122° 15'W, with some indications that it is an undercurrent, since a maximum current speed and transport of approximately 20 cm/sec and 790 gm/sec-cm’, Mmeemectively, lie below the surface from 100 to 200 meters. woeene west of station 309 the flow appears to be alternating narrow bands of equatorward and poleward flow. The elements ementypically 10 km wide, and extend from the surface to 500 m. The vertical structure of geostrophic flow in November. Poets depicted in figure 27. The flow is generally poleward 81 orl att caoug rt piiee F 4 ire ei ms 4 ‘s - rs nie | ut Gbedespigk en ? : 7 o 2leylann- ae ae és sw sitsdiuoe 7a a . > old teen yi ie . ea, (8 te ecpae . KF : svTuIm . ; ae - a hi " vat, SQ ore \ ota i. west of station 307 with a maximum salt transport of approx- imately 1370 gm/sec-cm*, and current speed of approximately 40 cm/sec at the surface. Upon comparing October and November mons vertical cross sections, there are indications that the equatorward flow east of station 307 is becoming weaker with current speeds less than 10 cm/sec at the surface. This is evidence that the onset of the Davidson Current period has taken place. The equatorward jet (maximum speed 55 cm/sec) axis located between stations 310 and 311 (longitude 172° Sy We) ies in a De vomMereeeh [northern ChaGgaccertstics; 1.6., Lt as anomalously cold for its density [Blumberg, 1975]. EaeuresZ28 “depicts the vertical structure of geostrophic flow in December 1973. The flow is predominantly poleward Caste sOr Station 31] with the exception of a narrow-banded intense equator jet (maximum speed 77 cm/sec) located between Seations) 305 and 306 (longitude 22° 5). (ine this case, the intense equatorward jet axis does not clearly correspond Eemwacer of “northern' characteristics. West of station 311 the flow is generally more to the south but weaker than the narrow band of poleward flow. Maximum current speed and salt transport for the narrow band of poleward flow are 30 cm/sec and 1555 gm/sec-cm2. Whereas, with few exceptions, equatorward cEmmment! speeds of less than 20 cm/sec characterize the flow Wathin» the upper 300 m. ineyvertical structure of geostrophic flow in January 1974 mmacpieted in figure 29.' Typical of the Davidson Current period, the general flow is towards the north. Poleward current 82 : Td 7 A rd ay 7 Ae 7 i 7 i 1109 SAe ,” eeoee = se i ; yl «64 ee Sie ae 4 - oe sears Ean eas Wolt -btRwt 2 Pt 2) an c U2ogs | it tens @ speeds vary from approximately 10 to 30 cm/sec in the upper 300 m. Two narrow jets, poleward and equatorward, have axes which are not unambiguously related to the water mass structure. The poleward jet reaches a maximum speed of 75 cm/sec while the equatorward jet reaches a maximum of 58 cm/sec. West of Seation 306 the flow structure is complex with regions of weak narrow band equatorward flow interspersed among a predominantly poleward: flow. Figure 30 depicts the flow in February 1974. The geo- Eerophic salt transport contours shown in figure 30 as well asearieures’ 31 and 32 are based on data obtained from three Namsien data stations. Consequently, the small-scale detail Seen in previous figures is not recognizable. However, the general flow structure between January and February are similar. Peom Concurrent analysis of water mass characteristics during this month there are indications that upwelling has begun along ememcoast. Figure 30 also tends to corroborate the onset of upwelling in that the poleward California countercurrent has Gasappeared, for the most part, above 200 m due to the onset of north-northwesterly winds, and is now in evidence as an undercurrent with a maximum current speed (this being a mean over 20 km) of approximately 4 cm/sec at 300 m. The flow above 100 m is predominantly equatorward with a maximum speed and salt transport of approximately 16 cm/sec and 520 gm/sec-cm’, mespectively. ihiesvertéical structure of geostrophic flow in June 1974 momdiepicted anifigure 31... The. .California.undercurrent is well 83 a Lon ‘1 ] tt biseweloge -27an oo = hae. (levougt ‘mh hed defined and confined below 200 m in the eastern part of the amnvestigation area during June. Maximum current speed (14 cm/sec) and salt transport (490 gm/sec-cm*) occur at 400 m. Herther west the undercurrent tends to surface as evidenced by the maximum speed and transport values occurring between 100 and 200 meters. Pucure: '(S2Zideprets the vertical flow structure in July 1974. The undercurrent has pushed closer to the coast, and shows emens) Of 1ts’ ascent to the surface. The maximum poleward current speed (9 cm/sec) and salt transport (312 gm/sec-cm?) azep located at 300 m. Concurrent analyses of the water mass characteristics indicate that upwelling was not present along the station line at 36° 40'N but was possibly present along the 36° 30'N paxalthed*iines *"ihrs=is not surprising Since up- wembinge tends to be a localized phenomenon. The flow depicted iercresure 32 appears to agree with the seasonal period of the California Current System. micevertvcal Structure of geostrophic flow in August 1974 Meeeepicted in figure 33. The ascending undercurrent depicted in figure 32 has now surfaced with a maximum poleward current speed and salt transport of 53 cm/sec and 1810 gm/sec-cm’, respectively, at the surface. The major northward flow between Stations 303 and 306 coincides with southern water in a separate wists [{Blumberg, 1975]. Typical of the California Current during transition to the oceanic period, the flow is becoming more equatorward. However, west of Ee aion 309; the flow as apparently complex and characterized by narrow bands (less than 10 km wide) of weak poleward and equatorward flow. 84 2Y¥oioa 805% tc atu ah wi? | Mh ) "4 i fi mT’ wag TSee (i ! - UF i : ; vs — 0 MOLTAIRAY WAM ae ‘S$ to aplisirey D. GEOSTROPHIC CURRENT AND SALT TRANSPORT ine vertical structure of geostrophic flow, depicted by monthiy vertical cross sections of geostrophic-salt transport contours, showed three distinct oceanographic seasons, and were consistent with Skogsberg's [1936] annual cycle of the Gatitornia Current System. The flow and structure inferred meom peostrophy in the area appeared highly complex with imeerlacing narrow bands (many times less than 10 km in width) of poleward and equatorward flow. Additionally, equatorward anaes poleward jets (speeds up to 77 cm/sec) were found to have axes corresponding to sharp water mass boundaries indicated Mmaebarge angles between the isopycnal and isothermal surfaces. 88 THOTSMARE ‘Tithe fa dl 7 > F + Or4 2080 3 sal VG = qoeTtse | J atu? eS » iP Gidget? ) esedt20e nea 72 a ! ieth ear -—bswod [iy : ard nawous tr istiw tasjen es a - v2 Tuer a = ni. yiqorte A perP PSE ND? Tox DIGISTD TATEE ReGePAQUETTE. iota JeGeHUGHES EXTENSIVELY MODIFIED AN ? PRCGRAMMERS ReE-GREER DOCUMENTATION DATE 26 JUNE 1975 NO iw eOWNR Ow > 2 OrawvctézZzom CwWwqooZze OerRewLOoda PURPGSE w © [aa be Oo SS a ud ud uy be Qo. = => — ©) ae Y Ze nat =< z n=) > Cag ka dy <= dad Q Ww ‘Sl {a2 uw ) ace = Yn cee yy 23 US fe) ' tio wad ve ro) ©) 2 co J Fe Fa (2A (G} nN WwW & a Y >» D Zz IS), (e) = Ww Ce ta eu Y — UU afeoye, (ME) yee (as) uw @ 7p) == awa LE Qe fy ee) (CEU ia O a oe oe) < 22) Ie oto S|) ate) OS Sto COQ eH uw Wu ae a ee NTIZ NSO O WUjfe's (eS fes) 2 (a2 Woot We OU eS SE ee et LE ery Q QOnMW <_ ae) Yoal Wei ce —m tee OCN (o ee} KF Ie 2 (od QIeZz OFO weet w — i (es). 3%) Mq YVWotIO + >OO OO 7a (osm) SS ue) @ VON a 40 Gti, i et ~ It = Oo A AO Rete LU be J Ww >< cag le) ey zg ee ee ee es Y Ney A&A OW wBwOO anOetatogenO D eZ BE) >=3 GOD) 1s ut ale Fe eee UL (2) Oo Za eve = faz ONOk-= YN —s— Ie OMIM Ne eye O OWO DOF A ed Z OOO S-ONEOQ eC Cae CWOorZz w OO Ae Ww & ertworKdt AdUaAY — Zz eset LODO TOS. ay Zeno ty =) Kt RPO SO SYwrZzt en -eDTOWQ & He @2Uaw Wecee wueS>) StcoQDaeare) PE oe OOAxt SPerOVZMAIreCCNMNATW wW ye eg UE k=) Ke INIO ONWIT = QO Cat CTO mtst 1CIOODOe > uat ect Ss: ONO 2Zo6) «a 2eowesy Scene WH) A> ry NaIeZzO A a= B(a A(o OV peadla ANU a ear foto aa O WreO OdtsWMniWW tis OOOdITHD DOA wm NN SK SNS RENNIE Te OU CL HAL KSINR RESIN SN KK eeu Weeijuy KOAWT DODOAWAIVF NHOAM ANTE Z OPO T Se OW WwW LWWke bk Ze DONDMNOHBZNHNANOWWL YL O Keke OX ZORAHAYCOY TSA raw tOntwn wetWiy Pe ENSAYO aG HODZRM Ce ZOSYNY WMNYAWO CaTwzzs Fa ad ODSHOWN CORWMYAZ Ye SSO HeOVNDS TOW Od Sh O ~wOKN KOZ CW ae Seas Om eso aQHO-ns AAANOOTOWWYLOOT se UY a eal CD wee wees) eet er) es 0 wes SS KT ~~ 0) Zw Ww Seis FO uw Oo PA uJ =) Gg uu WY YQYVOVOOUYV VO VO OOD VO VOVOU UU NOU UYU QVOU UU OOD U UD UO UUO DUO 89 te ’ « - we ~ CVE EK! had OK - SE a TOtey?. by n> wt Cc -Bftth e b= e Cy -= — WwW) fan} SZ Y = ud ~ oO _ aw “Y bk (72) Remo WY > w Ww uy am w Co ez (ow ac New OO =k <= Sy wi) aa An O be Ke = e NAM & Zit (=) ey Otw a =~OO0O ea Fz wo wéavo Am ora Se soe m ~~ Ww . 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Cr Sr fC) Crs) — NN O- Sr UY OO 174 - faa) ~ + OO MOH eo % N + On = e+ WH MO ~ i et U0) I) ~ oO O Nt W + + + {uw ° Ww we MW -aOoO AOR ! eM ce 8 St | ~< ~~ W ODO WS ~— aa ODO Me NN ON + te DH NN Hay) N >" e + Kita fos) * No ) OF hme + * aN + ZY *¥NYI % cS >+ N wH# MIO = ao Nt RA CHM % -~ wa + DO Aw + = tew J OO OOK (o>) * Ox OF FO A -& oO us Num Ht OO O0M e | On ~~ ~ OO OO+ + a = | aN W e Crt b= N ~ QOus ~e os Wy +#Oct Sg NN # tite be AM CO OW FHMeinr —* st 4t (a) en] SS © H+ H+ eM OAb- HH ON | AI 3¢ ele) © CO Wiest + 4 kek > tho ene — $f OF OHO Hie oF | ona mn J LH att e tw OO CO k= =>) Om INNO FO DO—es WH OW} + +% Qct >+ Ox jWe Datte me ett ue ie MOOD TO ODONFE OW} + @ @D + Wm> Rm °O + © eMOD eh eh {4 © O We ODna™ Wr fl anNlat Okt + {| Oma ODF KD MO oft M BANK RE OQ mtn om™ € DAO OM © © OM NMG He He Oat WMOm 2 ee DOD ant e =m 8 ONE H SM) Omer Zin+4 CO & eHNwH~ Ot eNDHOKHOMTS+H TO tO WwW | CDN NN | OO] HH CHO] O COX SL wns OO te OY Oo bPLUNIMNO | 8 Ch AI NIO 1 De tO YO mw FO © et & OHS EILNENGAI OS Ow~N & LN HHVNN AOE HORMNN *ONDL ANONN wciwi fk Hr tH ONS NSO en ce ext 0] eC ij D oaonvun WUMAOFN Qwest th Uo ti atk O a) a 1) FeRKOW WH nn nnd bento mS ANNOY ANNADADOWOLD>S EXKPNIS eI OVOQO 17S 42 *t = ee | 2 a 2 | j an oo ——. yee e Wey ot/-S hd S “us Zot A o s- om 5 + as =< 1 weed, ee- ae - we © 0. ded, HZ BIBLIOGRAPHY Blumberg, KR. 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