METABOLISM OF lODOACETIC ACID BY ORANGE LEAVES By TIMOTHY JOSEPH FACTEAU A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA December, 1967 Digitized by tine Internet Arclnive in 2010 witln funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from Lyrasis and the Sloan Foundation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation and gratitude to Dr. C. H. Hendershott, Division Chairman and Head, Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, and chairman of the student's supervisory committee, for his valuable assistance and guidance of the research and preparation of this manuscript. He also wishes to express his gratitude to Dr. R. H. Biggs, Associate Biochemist, Department of Fruit Crops, and co-chairman of the student's supervisory committee, for his assistance during the research and preparation of this manuscript. Appreciation is extended to Dr. A. H. Krezdorn, Chairman, Department of Fruit Crops; Dr. J. F. Gerber, Associate Professor, Department of Fruit Crops; and Dr. T. E. Humphreys, Associate Biochemist, Department of Botany for their constructive criticism and assistance in the presentation of this manuscript. The author also wishes to express his deepest gratitude to his wife, Alice, for her help and thoughtfulness during the course of this study and the preparation of this manuscript. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES vi INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 25 RESULTS 30 DISCUSSION 86 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 93 LITERATURE CITED 95 111 LIST OF TABLES 1. Effect of the time of exposure to lOAC on the rate of abscission of 'Pineapple' orange explants 31 2. Effect of various chemicals on the rate of abscission of 'Pineapple ' orange explants 33 3. Ethanol extractable radioactivity in 'Pineapple' orange leaf disks treated in 2 ml of 5 x lO'^M IOAC-1-l'^C for 3 hours 38 4. Ethanol extractable radioactivity in extracts of 'Valencia' orange leaf disks treated in 2 ml of 5 X 10-% IOAC-1-l^C for 3 hours 39 5. Radioactivity remaining after ethanol extraction in 'Pineapple' orange leaf disks after treatment in 2 ml of 5 X lO-'^M IOAC-1-l'^C for 3 hours 40 6. Radioactivity remaining after ethanol extraction in 'Valencia' orange leaf disks after treatment in 2 ml of 5 X 10-% IOAC-1-l^C for 3 hours 41 7. Distribution of radioactivity in fractions from water extracts of 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C 43 8. Distribution of radioactivity in fractions from water extracts of 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C 44 9. Distribution of radioactivity in fractions of a water extract of 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C 45 10. Rf values from paper chromatograms of ^'^C-metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l^C or IOAC-2-l^C 47 11. Distribution of radioactivity in fractions from water extracts of 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-2-l^C or acetate-1-l^C 49 12. Rf values from paper chromatograms of labeled metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C 61 LV 13. Distribution of radioactivity in ethanolic ammonium and water fractions collected from a Dowex 50-X8 column "^ 14. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in butanol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l'^C or IOAC-2-l'^C 70 15. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in methanol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l'^C or IOAC-2-l^C 71 16. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in phenol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l'^C or lOAC-Z-l'^C 72 17. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in butanol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l^C or acetate-1-l'^C 74 18. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in methanol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-^'^C or acetate-1-l'^C 75 19. Rf values from paper chromatograms (developed in phenol solvent) of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l'^C or acetate-1-l'^C 76 20. Rf values from paper chromatograms of metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either 131iOAC or Nal31i 84 21. Distribution of radioactivity in fractions from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with sodium 131iodide and eluted from a Dowex 50-X8 column 85 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Effect of the time of exposure to lOAC on the rate of abscission of 'Pineapple ' orange explants 32 2. Effect of various chemicals on the rate of abscission of 'Pineapple' orange explants 34 3. ■'•^€02 production from attached 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-2-14c 35 4. 1^C02 production from detached 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with I0AC-l-14c or IOAC-2-14c 36 5. Autoradiogram of thin-layer separated ether-acidic- partitioned-fraction of 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l^C 46 6. Autoradiograms of paper chromatographic separation of I'^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l^C 50 7. Autoradiogram of electrophoretic separation of ^^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l^C 51 8. Autoradiogram of ^^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-^^C 52 9. Electrophoretic separation of I'^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-1-l^C to 'Pineapple' orange leaves 53 10. Electrophoretic separation of l^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-1-l^C to 'Valencia' orange leaves 54 11. Electrophoretic separation of 14c-metabolites resulting from drop application of I0AC-2-14c to 'Pineapple' orange leaves 55 12. Electrophoretic pattern of 5 x 10"% IOAC-1-l^C 56 13. Electrophoretic separation of l^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of lOAC-l-^^C to 'Pineapple' orange leaves 57 VI 14. Autoradiogram of polyamide thin-layer sheet separation of l^C-metabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C 60 15, ^^C-metabolites from 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-2-l^C 65 16. l^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-2-l'^C 66 17. l^C-metabolltes from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l^C or acetate-1-l'^C 68 18. I'^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l^C 73 19. l^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either IOAC-1-l'^C or acetate-1-l^C 78 20. l^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with acetate-1-l^C 81 21. l^C-raetabolites of a combined sample of IOAC-1-l'^C and acetate-1-l'^C each applied by petiole uptake to 'Pineapple' orange leaves 82 Vll INTRODUCTION Increase in citrus production, complicated by a decrease in available manpower, has resulted in an attempt to develop a mechanical means of harvesting citrus fruits. The citrus fruit, however, is not readily adaptable to mechanical harvesting. A major difficulty is the bonding force between the stem and the fruit which is quite strong, especially during the early part of the harvesting season. Thus, investigations into the physiology of abscission were initiated in an attempt to determine ways to accelerate the abscission processes in Citrus sinensis cv. Pineapple and Valencia. It has been shown that field applications of iodoacetic acid (lOAC) to whole trees resulted in a loosening of the fruit (76, 77). The lOAC was effective only on early and mid-season varieties ('Hamlin', 'Parson Brown', and 'Pineapple') and not on the late season variety ('Valencia') (76,77). However, both 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' oranges could be induced to abscise by lOAC if the compound was absorbed directly through the stem (168). An investigation of absorption of lOAC by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves showed that there was no difference between these varieties in the amount or rate of uptake (152). Thus, it would seem that the failure of the 2 varieties to respond in a similar manner was associated with a difference in metabolism of the compound. The purpose of the work reported here was to follow the metabolism of lOAC by 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves in an effort to determine why the 2 varieties varied in their 2 susceptibilities Co lOAC . It was also hoped that the study would offer some clue as to how lOAC acts as a promoter of orange abscission. Another phase of the study involved the use of an explant test to screen various chemicals for Eheir effects on rates of abaetsslon. These chemicals were used because they might offer some ideas as to the mechanism of abscission. There are 3 possibilities as to how lOAC could act as an abscission agent. First, lOAC could act as an enzyme inhibitor since it has been reported as a sulfhydryl enzyme inhibitor in many systems (88). Second, some metabolite of lOAC , if it were metabolized, could be the active agent. Finally, the iodine molecule could be the effective part since it has been shown to be a promotor of abscission (78). This last possibility would depend on whether or not the I-C bond in lOAC was broken during metabolism. LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The process of abscission controls the active shedding of plant organs. In describing abscission, Esau (53) wrote that the periodic defoliation of perennial plants is a complex phenomenon which involves the development of features bringing about the separation. This occurs without injury to the living tissues and gives protection to the newly exposed surface from desiccation and invasion by microorganisms. The morphological and biochemical changes occurring during abscission are very complex and not completely understood. Also, many variations in the abscission processes occur among the various plant species. Some plants form abscission layers, others do not. However, most plants usually have a distinct zone of specialized cells where separation occurs (53, 54, 80). Morphology The abscission zone is generally located at the base of the subtended organ such as a fruit, leaf, or flower. The cells within this zone are usually quite different from the cells in the surrounding areas. They are usually smaller, denser, and more compact. Intercellular spaces are absent and there is a conspicuous lack of lignin (3, 53). The cells usually contain little or no suberin (3) and may or may not be high in starch (24, 27, 42, 80, 99, 109, 168). Two layers may be descernible in the abscission zone: a separation layer, in which structural changes facilitate separation, and a protective layer, usually believed to protect the plant from desiccation and 3 4 pathogenic invasion (53). Not all plants form a separation layer prior to abscission (27, 61). An abscission layer was not formed in certain plants (poinsettia, cotton, pepper) when abscission was accelerated by ethylene, even though these plants did form a layer prior to abscission if allowed to develop normally (61). Likewise, in normal abscission of bean leaves, cell division occurred and an abscission layer was formed; when abscission was accelerated by ethylene, no cell division took place and no separation layer was formed (27). The actual separation process usually requires 2 processes, 1 mechanical and the other biochemical. The actual separation may take any one of 3 forms: dissolution of the middle lamella, dissolution of the middle lamella and part of the primary wall, or dissolution of entire cells (4) . Environmental Factors Abscission of plant parts appears to be largely a matter of biochemical processes. The processes can be modified, and in some cases initiated, by environmental factors. Temperature Abscission processes appear to be temperature dependent since both high and low temperatures can induce abscission (3). Very high day or night temperatures have been reported to be detrimental to fruit set of tomatoes, even with applications of 2-napthoxyacetic acid to inhibit abscission. It was suggested that the lack of set and subsequent drop were due to a lack of photosynthates (127). High temperatures also hastened development of the abscission zones of 'Starking', 'Golden Delicious', and 'Jonared' apple varieties (146). Low temperatures have been shown to retard the rates of abscission of bean explants (136). The response to temperature is thought to be biochemical in nature 5 since it was shown with Che bean explant test that the maximum rate of abscission occurs at temperatures between 25° and 30° C (174). Water Water stress has been shown by many investigators to affect the abscission processes (44, 81, 113, 146, 165). Early season shedding of 'Washington' navel oranges was reported to be caused by daily water deficits in young developing fruits (44). However, too much water can also lead to abscission, since cotton boll shedding was reported excessive if the root zone became flooded (51). Light Light intensity, duration, and quality have been shown to effect abscission and some investigators (71) are of the opinion that abscission is not entirely an auxin-mediated response. With light-grown seedlings, chemical treatments had a more pronounced effect upon abscission than did dark-grown seedlings. Light quality was shown to have just as significant an affect upon abscission as it did with dark-grown seedlings. It was suggested that high light intensity reduced abscission probably because of rapid dehydration and enzyme inactivation (71). Other workers (15) showed that light had an inhibitory effect on the rate of abscission of young bean explants. However, the effect diminished as the plants aged. Internal Factors Effects >jI Auxins on Abscission The role of auxin in abscission of leaves had been recognized ever since Laibach (94) found that auxin-rich orchid pollinia would both accelerate and retard the abscission of debladed petioles. LaRue (97) and Portheim (130) were also instrumental in establishing that auxins applied to leaf petioles delayed abscission. Since then, there have 6 been raany reports on Che action of auxin in relation Co the abscission proce-j (1, 3, 4, 13, 15, 16, 102, 136, 155). One of Che early cheories on Che action of auxin was Che "auxin- gradient" Cheory (144). Work with beans established the facts tlmt levels of leaf auxin were higher than levels of sCalk auxin and this "gradient" decreased with age. From these facts, the idea arose that an auxin gradient controlled abscission. The theory received criticism from various workers (16, 60, 119, 150, 153) who found that auxin applications either distal or proximal to Che abscission zone were effective in delaying abscission. The concentration applied to plants has been shown Co influence abscission. High concentrations of auxin applied to coleus and bean explants have been shown to inhibit and low concentrations Co accelerate abscission. WheCher the applications were proximal or disCal to the abscission zone made no difference . (60) . These results were confirmed (13, 16) and the two-phase theory of Che acCion of auxin on abscission was proposed. Furcher work revealed the existence of a time factor (41, 102, 136, 138, 141). Auxin applied, in any concentration, within 6 hours after deblading delayed abscission. After this, all concentrations of auxin accelerated abscission proportionally to the concentration applied. The initial period (delayed by auxin) was called Stage I, and Che second (acceleraced by auxin) was called SCage II. Effects of Auxins on Pectin Substances Since abscission involves dissolution of pectin compounds and/or cell walls, investigations have been made of the effects of auxins on these materials. The pectic substances are primarily polymers of galacturonic acid and act as cellular cementing agents. They are Che 7 basic components of the middle lamella (53). The carboxyl groups present are bonded through calcium and magnesium ions to other chains, thus binding one cell to another. Methylation of the carboxyl groups probably reduces the bonding strength of the pectic substances (23, 56, 122, 154). The literature regarding pectin enzymes is confusing. There are a number of enzymes involved with pectic compounds; i.e., pectinase which hydrolyzes pectic acid, but not methylated pectic acid (175); poly- galacturonidase which hydrolyzes pectin chains (175); and pectin methyl- esterase (PME) that de-es terif ies carboxyl groups (102). It has been noted that soluble pectins increased as apple fruits ripened and this was attributed to the action of PME and/or polygalac- turonidase (102). Both enzymes have been found in the abscission zones of debladed bean petioles and it was suggested that PME was necessary for free carboxyl groups so that polygalacturonidase could split the long pectin chains (133). High PME activity has been reported (171- 173) in the abscission regions of tobacco pedicles. From tests with indoleacetic acid (lAA) and methionine (methyl donor), it was concluded that abscission was prevented by high PME activity and increased by low PME activity. In agreement with this, highest PME activities have been found to occur in the abscission zones of non-abscissing leaves (95). Thus, PME activity may be associated with leaf age since high PME activity has been reported to occur in young bean abscission zones and to decrease with age. When abscission was stimulated by ethylene, a decrease in PME activity occurred. Moreover, treatment with 2 ,4-dichloro- phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) inhibited abscission and the PME activity remained high. It was suggested that the de-esterif ication of methyl groups caused by the high PME activity in the presence of 2,4-D would 8 serve to make sites available for calcium binding, thereby strengthening the cell walls and inhibiting abscission (126). The addition of lAA has resulted in an accelerated rate of methyl es terif ication of pectic substances in cell walls of Avena coleopciles, but has not resulted in a net change in the final degree of pectic esterif ication (89). Also, lAA increased PME activity in tobacco pith cells and these results were used to explain the increase in growth. The suggestion was that removal of methyl groups by PME allowed a polygalacturonase to further break down pectin, thus producing elasticity and, thereby, an increase in cell enlargement (29). Further- more, lAA may promote the bonding of PME to the cell wall, thus tending to immobilize the enzyme and favor the methylation of pectates (or prevent de-esterif ication) , which would decrease the amount of calcium bridging, thereby, causing softening of cell walls (65). Auxin applications have been reported (124) to increase the incorporation of the methyl group from methionine into pectins of Avena coleoptile cell walls, thus softening them. Moreover, anti-auxins have been found to inhibit the lAA effect of loosening cell walls (43). Effects of Ethylene on Abscission The ability of ethylene to accelerate abscission has long been recognized (1, 3, 13, 27, 32, 61, 67, 68, 72, 108, 116, 137, 139, 147). However, other unsaturated hydrocarbons can produce the same effects as ethylene, but are generally required in higher concentrations (3). Whether ethylene, per se , is the cause of naturally occurring abscission processes is not known. It may be a by-product of catabolism and does not initiate the abscission process, but may simply speed it. If the biosynthesis of ethylene were known, the problem would be simpler. For instance, if pectin substances are sources of precursors to ethylene 9 produ^ cion as suggested (67), then ethylene would probably be a by- product of pectin breakdown. Effect of Chernical Treatments on Ethylene Production The discovery that leaves produced ethylene, that this production increased as abscission advanced, and that exogenous lAA could inhibit this increase, led to the auxin-ethylene balance hypothesis of foliar abscission as proposed by Hall (67, 68). It was shown that arabinose, ethanol, pectin, pectic acid, pyruvic acid, fructose, and galactose yielded ethylene (67). However, 2,4-D and lAA have also been reported to stimulate the release of ethylene by cotton plants (117, 118) and from bean explants (1, 137). Yet these compounds, under certain circumstances, retard abscission. Addicott (3) also concluded that ethylene probably functions in abscission through its effects on auxin. Many compounds are known to influence abscission, auxin being an endogenous regulator. Besides auxin, treatment of bean explants with endothol, potassium iodide, and some amino acids result in increased rates of abscission plus an increase in ethylene production (1, 137). In fact, all chemical agents that stimulated abscission only did so if applied during Stage II. Ethylene, the most potent chemical, had no effect except during Stage II (137). Conditions in which ethylene would not build up were used and decreased rates of abscission were found. These facts led to the conclusion that ethylene was involved in the abscission process (137). Possible Mechanisms of Ethylene Biosynthesis One of the more basic problems involved with ethylene is the mechanism of its synthesis in living plants. Ethylene can be found in most plant parts, especially ripening fruits (31, 33, 34, 104, 105, 110, 114). It 10 has been shown to be increased by additions of auxin (1, 3, 67, 70), abscission agents (1, 137) and to be formed from many substrates present in plants, including pectin compounds (67, 70). The search for the pathway of ethylene production has led to the separation of various sub-cellular systems. This search was instigated because it was observed that intact tissues respond to treatment with solutions of varying tonicity as though the ethylene-producing system was located in a particle having a semi-permeable membrane. Cytoplasmic particles that would evolve ethylene in the presence of thiomalic and thioglycolic acids have been isolated. The system had many character- istics of an enzyme system in that ethylene production was proportional to the concentration of particles, the reaction was stopped by heat, and increased by phosphorous. Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (EDTA) inhibited the reaction and this inhibition was partly reversed by adding copper (104). Attempts to repeat this work have led to the conclusion that the substances emanating from the cytoplasmic particles was not ethylene and, hence, ethylene production by a sub-cellular system had not yet been found. The gas that was found reacted similarly to that previously isolated, but it did not co-chromatograph with ethylene. Neither bromine nor mercuric perchlorate solutions removed the substance from air, whereas, these reagents were found consistently to eliminate comparable quantities of ethylene from synthetic air-ethylene mixtures. The gas chromatographed between ethane and ethylene and might have been a 2- carbon compound (31). Still other workers concluded that the gas in question was ethane (105). This ethane-producing particulate system required the presence of an unsaturated fatty acid. Saturated fatty acids gave little to no 11 production of ethylene, while linoleate and linolenate resulted in a marked production of ethylene. It was not clear whether these acids were acting as co-substrates or co-factors. Under normal conditions apples usually produce more ethylene than ethane, and if apple tissue was homogenized and incubated in buffer, the 2 were produced in equal amounts. Under these same conditions, ethane was produced from thiomalic acid. From these relations it was suggested that a possible relationship existed between ethylene and ethane biosynthesis and that present information suggests either one may be a precursor of the other, or they are derived from a common source (105). Mitochondria may be involved in the synthesis of ethylene since 2,4-D treated cotton plants responded by an increase in both CO2 and ethylene production, all of which occurred in the mitochondria (117). Buhler e_t al. (30) subjected various fruits to ethylene-l^C and found that avocados and pears incorporated l^C from ethylene, but oranges did not. The amount of l^C incorporated, in any case, was very small. The majority of the radioactivity was in the organic acid fraction, suggesting that ethylene was metabolized through the organic acid cycle. However, mitochondria preparations from both tomato and apple fruits did not produce ethylene, indicating that ethylene production and the Krebs cycle were not connected (114). Other workers (104) also concluded that ethylene synthesis was not involved with the Krebs cycle since preparations which evolved ethylene were not mitochondria fractions and would not oxidize Krebs cycle substrates. Apple slices have been shown to produce labeled ethylene when treated with tritium labeled water. The optimum temperature for the process was 32° c and above this temperature ethylene production decreased rapidly. The inactivation caused by heat slowly disappeared when the 12 tissues were exposed to lower temperatures. Also, ethylene synthesis ceased almost immediately under anaerobic conditions, but a precursor accumulated that could be rapidly oxidized in air to yield ethylene (33). Effects of Gibberellins on Abscission Gibberellic acid (GA) has been noted to affect abscission. Increased abscission rates after application of GA have been obtained by numerous investigators (1, 2, 13, 24, 39, 40, 79, 93, 119) and some (38) hypothesized that 3 hormones, auxin, GA, and an abscission-accelerating hormone, interact to control the process. The mechanism of a GA-auxin interaction, if present, is unknown. Treatment with GA has been shown to increase levels of endogenous auxin in plants, possibly by influencing the lAA degradation enzymes, peroxidase and lAA oxidase, either directly or through the action of an inhibitor (66). That GA directly or indirectly controls the endogenous level of auxin has also been concluded by others (128). However, based on the facts that GA promotes growth under optimal concentrations of auxin and that GA and auxin have opposite effects on cell walls, Leopold (102) suggested that GA and auxin act through distinct and separate systems. GA has been shown to stimulate abscission in Stages I and II of bean explants (40), but it was most active in Stage I. However, GA also exerts the same two-phase concentration action as does auxin as it prevents abscission at high concentrations, but stimulates abscission at low concentrations (38). GA also has been shown to stimulate ethylene production (1). Effects of Kinins on Abscission The opinion exists (162) that kinins are the predominant regulators in the early part of fruit development following fruit set. It has been suggested (101, 102) that kinins influence cell division and synthesis of protein, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), 13 Furthermore, kinins can influence the abscission process (40, 128). Some investigators (40) found that kinetins exerted the same two-phase action as did auxin and delayed abscission in Stage I. However, after Stage II was reached, it too stimulated abscission. Others (128) have shown that applications of kinetin to the abscission zone inhibit abscission, but either proximal or distal applications accelerate abscission. Applications of kinetin to the abscission zone caused cellular activity and movement of metabolites into that region, thus preventing senescence and abscission. Other investigators (143) have confirmed that mobilization of metabolites into the abscission zone could defer senescence. Increases in dry weight, chlorophyll content, protein, DNA, and free and total phosphates were found proximal to the abscission zone in bean explants and whole leaves when kinetin was applied proximal to the abscission zone (143). Effect of Endogenous Abscission Regulators on Abscission It has been noted (125) that as bean leaves became senescent and approached abscission, the diffusate into agar blocks from these leaves was progressively more effective in accelerating abscission. Subsequent work by various investigators (13, 14, 69, 87, 108, 163) revealed the presence of other abscission regulators in other plants. In 1961, Liu and Carns (107) crystallized an abscission accelerating material from the cotton burr which they named "abscisin". This regulator was readily translocated and inhibited the retardation of abscission induced by lAA. Others (5) have extracted 2 different regulators from cotton; 1 from young bolls (abscisin II) and 1 from older bolls (abscisin I). Further work with abscisin II revealed that this regulator accelerated petiole abscission of beans, citrus, and coleus , as well as cotton (6). It also accelerated senescence (yellowing) in detached radish leaves. 14 Furthermore, the regulator also counteracted the effects of lAA in the Avena curvature and straight-growth test, and GA in the dwarf maize, dwarf pea, and barley endosperm bioassays. Effects of Carbohydrates and the C-N Balance in Relation to Abscission It has long been thought that a low content of carbohydrates leads to leaf, flower bud, and fruit abscission (4). Various investigators have reported that the addition of sucrose (13, 15, 27, 96, 108) or high tissue levels of carbohydrates resulted in delays in abscission (41, 49, 74, 108). In contrast to these findings, Eaton and Ergle (52) concluded that the nutritional theory of boll shedding of cotton was not valid with regards to carbohydrate and nitrogen relations. Within varieties and environments, the number of bolls/100 g fresh steins and leaves remained constant even though nutritional factors caused marked differences in plant growth. Effects of Amino Acids on Abscission Methionine and certain other methyl group donors have been shown to be effective in accelerating abscission of tobacco flowers and petioles of cotton and coleus (112, 161, 172, 173). The use of l^C labeled methionine and phenylalanine indicated (161) that methionine and phenylalanine might promote abscission by serving as sources of methyl or other groups which could be incorporated into the cell wall and middle lamella in the separation zone. The D forms of alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and serine were found to be effective as promotors of abscission (161). Also, both the D and L forms of leucine, methioniiie and phenylalanine had some activity (161). However, other work has shown that the most efficient methyl donating compounds were, in general, far less effective in accelerating abscission than were some other compounds (140). 15 Alanine has been reported to increase abscission (41, 136, 137, 140) and alanine and some other amino acids can result in increased ethylene production in the bean explant test (137). It has also been suggested that as a leaf ages, the decline in auxin along with a concomitant rise in amino acid concentrations could promote abscission (41). Since kinetin increases the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and protein, and since it will inhibit abscission when placed on the abscission zone of bean explants (128), it would seem that amino acids could conceivably play a part in the abscission process. Amino acid extracts from various aged leaves do suggest a relationship with the abscission process as extracts iirom older leaves accelerated the rate of abscission (140). Biochemistry of Abscission Deficiencies of oxygen (39, 108), carbohydrates (13, 15), water (69), and growth regulators (3, 139) can promote the initiation of the processes leading to separation. The exact nature of the functioning of any one of the factors in unknown. Furthermore, the processes leading to senescence may in some way be connected to the processes of abscission. Generally, in the literature, the 2 terms are difficult to separate. Abscission of plant parts can occur from relatively young plants. How- ever, this does not mean that the part abscissed was, in turn, physiolog- ically young. The results of experiments utilizing kinins , suggest that senescence and abscission are interrelated. Kinetin causes a mobilization of organic compounds and an increase in protein, DNA, and RNA synthesis. Abscission is generally associated with a loss of carbohydrates and a mobilization away from the abscission region. Also, as leaves approach senescence, the inhibitory effects of auxin are lost. The physical changes occurring in senescent (or abscissing) leaves are very evident, i.e., chlorophyll and water loss, and anthocyanin 16 appearance. The chemical changes include exit of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, iron, and magnesium, changes in form or disappearance of carbohydrates, and a decrease in the auxin level (3). Just exactly why tiiese changes occur is unknown, but many theories have been advanced, among which are the accumulation of some inhibitor or deleterious substance, the accumulation and deposition of calcium, and permeability changes in membranes (164). Changes in Glucose Metabolism as Tissues Age There is evidence which indicates that as plants grow older, a shift in their various metabolic pathways may occur. Differences in sensitivities to metabolic inhibitors have been found between young and old plants, which would imply at least a difference in basic metabolism (111). Also, in young tissues and in undifferentiated tissues, the glycolytic pathway was of major importance. However, as the tissues aged the pentose shunt was favored (12). Changes of sufficient magnitudes in certain enzymes have been reported to provide a convincing explanation for the change in pathways as tissues age (64). Moreover, the presence of the pentose shunt in fruits of peppers (50), tomatoes, cucumbers, limes, and oranges has been demonstrated, but the authors did not study changes with age (7). Thus, workers have provided evidence that a shift in the method of glucose degradation occurs as plants age. In contrast, there are indications that shift from the pentose shunt to the glycolytic pathway occurs in ripening banana fruits (151). Possible Relationships of the Pentose Shunt and the Abscission Processes Glucose catabolism appears to shift from the glycolytic pathway to the pentose shunt as tissues age (12, 111). Since leaf senescence and abscission are closely related, with abscission possibly being the 17 terminal process, the pentose shunt may be associated with these processes. Auxins (82, 83, 141), as well as lOAC (8-10, 55, 90), influence the pathway of glucose catabolism; moreover, both are involved with abscission (3, 4, 37, 73, 76, 77, 98, 102, 136, 167-169). It has been suggested that lOAC-induced abscission of orange fruits might involve a shift to the pentose shunt (168). lOAC blocks glycolysis at the triosphosphate dehydrogenase (TPD) step (11, 23, 35, 55, 63, 90) and it would seem likely that an inhibition at this point could cause increased activity of the pentose shunt. This has been shown to be the case in chlorella (90) and in apple slices (55), but not the case for strawberry leaves (8-10). Auxins, especially 2,4-D have been found to influence the pathway of glucose catabolism. An increase in the pentose shunt with 2,4-D treatment has been reported', but lAA had no effect (82, 83). Others (142) found that lAA or kinetin reduced the activity of gluconate-6- phosphate dehydrogenase and transketolase to only 1/3 to 1/4 that of the controls. The activities of enolase, malate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase were not affected by the presence of lAA or kinetin. So, with increasing growth rate (tumor tissue), there was a decrease in the activities of the pentose shunt. However, it has also been reported that additions of auxin resulted in an increase in glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity (91). Effects of lOAC on Abscission lodoacetic acid has been shown to accelerate abscission in oranges (76, 77, 168, 169), olives (73), bean plants (167), and cotton explants (37). Weintraub e_t a_l. (167) surveyed over 500 compounds on bean plants to see if they would accelerate abscission. Triiodobenzoic acid was used as a standard. The activity of related compounds was influenced 18 by Che halogen, iVBr^Cl (in order of the most to the least effective inducing abscission) and by specific position occupied (3^2 or 5). lodoacetic acid was also found to cause abscission but to a lesser extent than triiodobenzoic acid. Effects of lOAC on Biochemical Systems lodoacetic acid is known as an inhibitor of certain enzymes, particularly sulfhydral (SH) enzymes (23, 88, 100, 103, 115, 156, 157). In some cases, the primary enzyme affected was TPD (88), but others (35) found that lOAC would inhibit CO2 fixation but did not inhibit TPD. In contrast, it was reported that lOAC inhibited both CO2 fixation and TPD activity in chlorella (90). Under conditions of darkness, increased levels of fructose 1 ,6-diphosphate (FDP) , dihydroacetone phosphate (DAP), and glyceraldehyde phosphate (GAP) resulted. However, when the chlorella were treated with lOAC in the light, the effects of lOAC disappeared. It was suggested that in darkness, lOAC inhibited TPD while FDP, DAP, and GAP accumulated. In the light, FDP was converted to ribulose 1,5- diphosphate (RUDP) with the help of cyclic phosphorylation and by carboxylation to the B keto acid in the pentose shunt. lOAC , therefore, induced a new pathway of hexose degradation via RUDP (90). lOAC also has been shown to promote an increase in anthocyanin in 'Mcintosh' apples. It was postulated that lOAC decreased glycolysis and increased glucose metabolism via the pentose shunt, thereby increasing the shikimic acid concentration and leading to the production of more anthocyanins . However, it was shown that lOAC stimulates glycolysis to a much greater extent than it stimulates the pentose shunt. Strawberry leaves, when treated with lOAC , responded by large increases in CO2 production which was not completely accounted for by losses of sugars and starches. This increase in CO2 production, however, was associated with a rise in the concentrations of pyruvate and oxaloacetate (9, 10). 19 Further studies of the C5/C1 ratio in strawberry leaves treated with lOAC indicated that increased glycolysis accounted for the major part of the stimulation of CO2 output. Glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), fruc tose-6-phosphate (F6P), and FDP increased greatly. The increases in G6P and F6P, caused by iodoacetate, were attributed to increased cell wall permeability such chat there was an increase tn the accessibility of enzymes to substrates. It was suggested (10) that some of the increased C02 production was partly caused by uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation since Contreiras (47) postulated that lOAC acted as an uncoupler of high-energy phosphate bonds. lodoacetamide , 2 ,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) , fluoride, arsenite, sodium bisulfite, and f luoroacetate all were shown to inhibit ethylene production and respiration in apple tissues (34). The inhibitions caused by DNP were j .irtially reversed by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The evidence suggested that at least 1 step in the synthesis of ethylene required energy which was supplied by respiration. Another step might involve a sulfhydryl enzyme since high-energy compounds failed to reverse the inhibitory effects of lodoacetamide. Whether lOAC , as do other abscissing agents including potassium iodide (137), causes an increase in ethylene production which initiates abscission; or whether lOAC inhibits ethylene production and, therefore, abscission accelerated by ethylene, remains to be investigated. Also, lOAC might act as a SH inhibitor. Michaeles and Schubert (115) postulated that the reaction R-SH-l-ICH2C00H-> R S-CH2COOH :-HI was the mechanism by which lOAC affects SH enzymes. However, Wilson (168) tried unsuccessfully to histologically determine the effects of lOAC on SH enzymes in the orange fruit abscission zone. 20 Sweet orange leaves are able to decarboxylate IOAC-l--'-'^C . It was not ascertained: a) whether the lOAC acted before the carboxyl group was split off; b) whether the iodine, per se, induced abscission; c) or whether the methyl carbon alone as the ICH3 moiety was the effective part (152). Effects of Potassium Iodide on Abscission Potassium iodide has been shown to be capable of accelerating abscission of bean leaves. Moreover, applications of lAA inhibited the effects of the iodide ion. It was also shown that iodine also would accelerate bean leaf abscission. Defoliation of immature cotton required 1000 times as much iodide ion as did beans, indicating that the concentration required to accelerate abscission varies with species (78). The effectiveness of other halogen ions with respect to accelerating abscission has been tested. It was shown that iodine was more effective in accelerating abscission of bean leaves (167) and orange fruit (76, 168) than was bromine, chlorine, or fluorine. Potassium iodide also is active on deciduous plants (98). Whether the iodine in potassium iodide functions, in abscission in a similar manner as does the iodine of lOAC is not known. Rubinstein and Abeles (137) showed that potassium iodide accelerated the abscission of bean explants, but an increase in ethylene production occurred before tissue separation. This led to the conclusion that potassium iodide and other abscission promoters acted through their effects on ethylene production. The effects of lOAC on ethylene production are not known, but iodoacetamide has been shown to inhibit ethylene production in apple slices (34) . Effects of Oxidation-Reduction Agents in Relation to Abscission Growth promotion of stem tissues of cucumbers, induced by auxin. 21 has been associated with an increase in ascorbic acid and a more reduced state; whereas growth inhibition of leaf tissue has been associated with a decrease in ascorbic acid and a more oxidized system (91). The auxin treatments resulted in an increase in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity and also an increase in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) production . It was suggested that the NADPH2 produced could lead to a more reduced state of the glutathione and ascorbic acid systems. Several workers (112, 145, 159) believe that these 2 systems are important factors in growth. In contrast, however, no significant connection was found (106) between the effects of auxin and the ascorbic acid-dehydroascorbic acid. These same investigators found no increase or decrease in ascorbic acid or dehydroascorbic acid with additions of auxin. Therefore, the dehydro- ascorbic acid was not the factor that resulted in the reduced growth. Ascorbic acid has been reported to induce abscission of oranges when applied in high (2-57o) concentrations to the leaves as a dip (48). The ascorbic acid only promoted abscission when applied to the leaf tissue, not when applied to the fruit itself, suggesting that some metabolite or change in the ascorbic acid was responsible for the action. A difference in uptake might also have been involved since leaf tissue would probably absorb more ascorbic acid than would the orange fruit. Reducing agents, such as bisulfite, cupric and ferric ions, have been shown to promote orange abscission. It was thought that possibly the process of abscission was involved with keeping tissues in a reduced state (168, 169). However, it has been proposed (145) that the onset of senescence is controlled by an unfavorable pile-up of oxidants (electron acceptors) upsetting an endogenous antioxidant-oxidant balance (acceptor/donor ratio). This suggests that abscission, a 22 manifestation of leaf senescence, might be retarded by conditions that tend to favor the preservation of a more juvenile and less oxidized (more reduced) state. This idea is contrary to the previous one concerning abscission (163, 169). As evidence, it was reported that lAA and other antioxidants (electron donors) inhibit lignin synthesis which is usually a process carried out in older tissues (145). Auxins are known to be effective in either inhibition or accelerating abscission of many plants. Whether or not auxin is effective in enhancing orange fruit abscission is uncertain, but 2,4-D definitely acts as an inhibitor (168). Whether the action of auxin on abscission is through the ox i-dation-reduc tion state of the tissues is not known. Acetate Metabolism Aromatic Synthesis Acetate has been shown to be involved in the biosynthesis of many aromatic compounds (120, 121, 135, 158, 160). There appear to be 3 general modes of incorporation: a) from acetic acid by head-to-tail placement in a straight chain with additions of Cl units from the C^ pool, b) from head-to-tail placement via condensation, and c) from the isoprene route similar to b) , but with an intermediate similar to or being mevalonic acid (18). However, the shikimic acid pathway also is a major pathway of aromatic biosynthesis (120). Protocatechur ic , gallic, cinnamic acid derivatives, coumarins , and others have been shown to be formed from a shikimic acid pathway (120JI Also, there are other aromatics that are formed by a combination of acetate and shikimate pathways, among which are flavonoids, isoflavones, and isocoumarins (12, 121). Birch e_t_ al. (17) were the first to show that fungal cultures could form an aromatic compound from acetate-l-^^C according to the head-to- tail condensation theory proposed by Birch and Donovan (18). Since then, 23 others (19-21, 57-59, 120, 134) have demonstrated that many aromatic compounds are derived from a head-to-tail condensation. The mechanism in all these cases seems to be related to fatty acid synthesis (120). However, it was reported (20) that methyl groups in 7-hydroxy-4, 6- dimethylphchalide were derived both from methionine and from the methyl carbon of acetate. Formic acid also contributes C]^ units to some phenolic compounds (20, 21). Another pathway by which acetate is incorporated into aromatic rings is via mevalonic acid (120, 121). Some benzene rings are formed thusly, but assimulated acetate also goes into side chains. Heinstein et al ■ (75) studied incorporation of labeled acetate into gossypol in excised cotton roots and concluded that the mevalonate pathway was probably the pathway of biosynthesis. It has been suggested (120) that shikimic acid could serve as a precursor to many types of aromatic compounds. Evidence to support this comes from many sources (120, 121). The synthesis of the B ring of quercetin, synthesized in buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum), was found to be derived from shikimic acid (160) while the A ring and carbons 2, 3, and 4 of C]^5 flavonoid compounds were derived from acetate (62, 166). Caffeic acid in buckwheat and tobacco was derived solely from phenylalanine (62). Likewise, phloridzin biosynthesis in Malus (84) and hydrangenol in Hydrangea (85, 86) are derived by similar pathways. However, there are groups of aromatics that are derived only from shikimate, since coumarins were reportedly formed by the shikimic acid pathway and acetate was poorly utilized (28). Also cinnamic acid derivatives have been noted to arise mainly from shikimate (120). 24 Fatty Acid Synthesis Acetate is metabolized to fatty acid compounds via malonyl-COA (92, 120, 149). The reactions are now fairly well established and have been demonstrated in cell-free systems (25). Isoprenoid Synthesis Isoprenoid structures are alr.o derived from acetate via a head- to-tail condensation (129, 170). The pathway has been elucidated, mainly in mammalian tissues, because cholesterol and many animal hormones are formed via this pathway. However, phenolics formed by this pathway have been found in plants (75). Glyoxylic Cycle The glyoxylate cycle is another means by which acetate can be metabolized. Acetate feeding experiments, mainly with fatty materials (i.e., castor beans) have shown that acetate is incorporated into citric and malic acids in the Krebs cycle (36). The 2 key enzymes, raalate synthetase and isocitritase , occur in many micro-organisms and plants, particularly in high oil seeds. Seeds depending on starches for energy rather than fats do not possess the glyoxylate cycle, so it may not be universally present (46). MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant: Material All experiments were conducted with either leaves or fruits from 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' sweet oranges. Two-year-old trees started from cuttings and grown in containers were used for tests in which the radioactive materials were applied in localized zones. Orchard trees were used in experiments in which a petiole absorption technique was employed . The orange explant test was used to screen chemicals for their abscission accelerating abilities as described by Wilson (168, 169). Briefly, the explant consisted of an orange fruit with a 3-4 inch stem. The stem was inserted into the test solution for the duration of the test. To determine if abscission was in the final stage, a force was applied to the abscission zone by applying a slight pressure to the side of the stem. Determination of C02 Production Continuous Flow System The production of ^^002 from intact 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with I0AC-2-l4c was determined by trapping 1^002 in Hydroxide of Hyamine 10-X p- (diisobutyl-cresoxyethoxyethyl)-dimethylbenzyl- ammonium hydroxide (132). The leaf, still attached to the plant, was sealed in a small plexiglass leaf chamber.- The method of collecting ■'■^002 evolved by treated leaves was via a scrubbing train. Air was forced through a train of a scrubbing tower of 10% sodium hydroxide, a distilled water washing tower, a plexiglass leaf chamber, and, finally, 25 26 through the trappiog solution. Closed System After treatment with either IOAC-1-l'^C or IOAC-2-l^C, 2 'Pineapple' orange leaves, still attached to approximately 3 inches of twig, were placed so that the proximal inch of the twig was in water. The container plus water and explants were suspended in a 250 ml Erlenmyer flask in which 20 ml of Hydroxide of Hyaraine was added to absorb C02- One ml of the trapping solution was removed (and 1 ml replaced) with a syringe and hypodermic needle through a vaccine cap attached to a teflon tube leading below the level of the trapping solution. Radioactive Materials and Methods of Determining Radioactivity All radioactive materials were obtained from the Nuclear Equipment Company at the following specific activities: IOAC-1-l^C, sodium salt, 1.4 mc/m mole I0AC-2-14c, sodium salt, 6.5 mc/m mole Acetate-1-l^C , sodium salt, 15 mc/m mole Nal31l, sodium salt, 555.5 mc/m mole Water was added to make concentrations of O.IM lOAC and 3 x 10"% acetic acid . ^^^IQAC was prepared essentially as described by Conant and Kirner (45). Nal31x was reacted with 100 mg of monochloroacetic acid in 10 ml of refluxed, redistilled acetone. The reaction took place at 40° C in a sealed bottle for 20 hours. Acetone was removed under a stream of nitrogen and the residue was washed with 15 ml of carbon disulfide. The remaining residue was dissolved in 0.5 ml of deionized water. Both liquid scintillation and Geiger-Mueller methods of determining radioactivity were used. A Packard-Tri-Carb liquid scintillation counter series 314 Ex at -5° C was employed with 2 counting solutions: a) a 27 solution for counting the Hydroxide of Hyamine; 2,4-diphenyloxazole (PPO) 3 g; 2,2' -paraphenylene bis 5-phenyloxazole (POPOP) 100 mg; toluene 1000 ml (132); and b) a solution for counting high percent water samples as described by Bray (26), namely, PPO (4 g) POPOP (0.2 g) naphthalene (60 g) methanol (absolute, 100 ml) ethylene glycol (20 ml) and p-dioxane (to make 1 liter). All planchet counting was conducted with a Nuclear Chicago GM planchet counting system. The instrument used was a model 183-B Count-0-Matic scaler equipped with a model C-lll-B time-interval printer, a model C-llO-B automatic sample changer and, a model D-47 gas flow detector. Paper chromatograms and paper electrophoretograms were scanned using an Analytical counter ratemeter model 1620-B, equipped with a Nuclear Chicago model C-IOO-A Actinograph II and a D-47 window gas flow detector. Recordings of the scan were made with a 1-MA Esterline- Angus chart recorder. Settings used were: slit width, 1/4 inch, time constant 10 seconds, full scale deflection 150 or 300 cpm, and chromato- gram scan speed of 3/4 inch/min. Radioactive samples eluted from polystyrene column were monitored by passing the effluent through a flow cell in a Nuclear Chicago liquid scintillation counter. Autoradiograms were made of paper and thin-layer chromatograms, and paper electrophoretograms using Kodak, Royal Blue, no screen, medical X-ray film. Time of film exposure was 28 days. Extraction and Fractionation Procedures Initially, 807o ethanol was used as an extracting medium. However, . early in this work it was found that water removed most of the radio- activity from the tissues. Thus, water was used throughout the study. Two extraction and fractionation procedures were primarily used: a) 28 dialysis-solvent fractionation, and b) column fractionation. Where there are deviations from these procedures, they will be stated with the results. Method of Dialysis and Solvent Fractionation V'Jater extracts were dialyzed using a cellulose acetate membrane against water at 4° C. The radioactive components would pass readily through the membrane. This initial clean-up procedure removed many interfering substances and allowed the resulting solutions to be manipulated through additional frac tionational procedures more quanti- tatively, e.g., decreased the formation of emulsions. The dialyzable portion was then partitioned between various organic solvents from an aqueous solution which was either basic or acidic. Column Frac tionational Procedures Water extracts were first freed of most proteins and much of the pigment material by precipitation with a small amount of 957o ethanol. After settling, the precipitate was removed by centrifugation at 3980 X ^. The supernatant was then percolated through a 1 x 9 cm Dowex 50-X8 (100-200 mesh) ion exchange column in the hydrogen form. The column was subsequently washed with water and 0.4N ammonium hydroxide in 807o ethanol. Some of the resulting samples were further fractionated on a Dowex 1-X8 column in the formate form. A set of samples that had been dialyzed was passed through a water- jacketed 135 X 0.64 cm column of polystyrene SO3H resin (type A). The resin vas converted to the ammonium form by 4M ammonium hydroxide. The column was operated at 66° C with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The UV absorbance at 290 m*/ of effluent from this column was monitored by a Beckman DB spectrophotometer equipped with a Sargent SRL recorder. 29 A sample was also passed through a 35 g , 2 cm silicic acid column, A step-wise elution sequence was used and 10 ml fractions were collected and concentrated. Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography All radioactive fractions separated were subjected to paper (22) and thin-layer chromatographic techniques (123, 131). Specific • parameters are given in the results section. Paper Electrophoresis A Spinco model R electrophoresis system was used at either pH 8.6 attained with B-2 Veronal buffer, 2.76 g diethyl barbituric acid, 15.40 g sodium diethyl barbituate (0.075 ionic strength) or pH 2.5 attained with 0 . 4N acetic acid. RESULTS Citrus Fruit Bioassay for Abscission Using the citrus fruit bioassay, it was determined that the maximum time required for uptake of lOAC for the most rapid rate of abscission was approximately 24 hours (Table 1, Fig. 1). From these results it- was assumed that whatever the fate of lOAC in the plant, a 24-hour period was an adequate time interval for the changes to occur. Therefore, in all experiments where radioactive lOAC was applied to a limited zone on the leaf surface, a 24-hour uptake period was used. The citrus fruit bioassay was also used to screen additional chemicals for their capacity to promote abscission (Table 2). Malonic acid, 2 ,4-dinitrophenol , potassium iodide, diiodomethane , L-alanine, cysteine, mannitol, sorbitol, glucono-delta-lactone , and ribose all accelerated the rate of abscission of the explants. Sugar compounds, other than the previous ones mentioned, either had no effect or delayed abscission. Ascorbic acid strongly inhibited abscission (Table 2, Fig. 2) under the conditions of these tests. Patterns of ^'^C02 Production from Tissues Treated with lOAC Both carboxyl and methyl labeled lOAC-^'^C, when applied to a limited zone on the surface of 'Pineapple' orange leaves, resulted in a production of ^^C02 • This was the case for either leaves attached to the plant (Fig. 3) or leaves detached from the plant and assayed in a closed system (Fig. 4). •'■^C02 Production from Attached Leaves The^'^C02 production was periodically sampled at 1-hour intervals 30 31 c CO I— i D- X QJ (U c u o CO c d o en en J3 CO O CO x: c o < o 0) 3 en O Cu X 0) U-l o u J3 CO H -i ew 4-j en CO O O O en en en o en o en CSl en o en o en en en en o o o o en en o o o en o en o en 00 en C» en 0^ o o o en en 00 en en en en o o o o o o o o en i — o o o o o 00 en o o o o o en 00 o o o o -a (U u u -l (>J s 3 1—1 1 03 o o a. '-' X X iw . in o 0) 4-> O 0) r^ H E 5 00 *r-* ^-^ W U c~ Cd X 3 O o M x: O i~i dj CU OC X U-l c w O fl- 4_t o o o ■-l 00 -o CO C tH > CO O Vj cO Ll-I 0 o o •rJ J-J -l U n! ID u o QJ < in i-H t— 1 o > a; 3. i-l g 00 U-l i-l C LO O CO tc >. OJ u c CO I-H O CN o •r-f o 3 e - d ■U o 0) T-l o.^ e o f— f M u-l -~-, <»■ CI. TD O 1 u o. o < X O H o o ^—^ p c M U-l •H CO w ■ cfl CT) O o ^ d U e S x: CVJ M o, 0 ■U -I-l cNx: •r-t J-i o o ^ CO •u o .— 1 u -H c cd <)• 3 x; ct! i-H o o -o cd CO -r-l (U , (J ^ u o- 4-1 e « 0 w •H 0) l-i cfl > en l-i ■a S •r-t • i-l ^ o 4-J o O W) ^^ CT3 tn (U CO > I— 1 U 3 CO LO •H o 01 (U C4-I o u-l t—* -x: •H^ AJ CL tn tn cfl tn X) C4-I CD ca CD TD o d S o •H U-( en i-J C^ u o O CO ^-N — < r— 1 X M O CJ o 4-1 oi TD M E :d (1) •r^ CT] '^ o o jn c:j H r; CO K O j: d 5 ^-' cci iJ H •r-l w 01 d T3 Zl s •u • '7-t O 1— 1 M U cu 4_( 0 H e CJ E O .-1 cy u 1 d .— I E C4-I CM -rJ t— 1 ^^ 1 CTJ o CJ o d O E CJ E CN o < ■r-l O O en o u 4-1 X OJ i_J «• u m 03 u O D •i-i O X) x: « M ro OJ M r-l O XI IM « U c; OO- CO r-H )-l 1 U rH X 1 OJ C3 < .— 1 O o M c cd ^. jz;- O 00 o o O o o t— I vD CN u ^ CO u 4-J QJ 4-J •r-l U X > OJ •r-l X 4J 4-J QJ C) •1-1 u to & OJ :s CJ • •r-l CO en 14-1 a: •H . tn U 2 •H OJ T5 & CN (0 in U-J . CO OJ CM OJ x; 11 J H Ptl to XJ 40 Table 5. Radioactivity remaining after ethanol extraction in 'Pineapple' orange leaf disks after treatment in 2 ml of 5 x lO'^M IOAC-1-^'^C for 3 hours.^ Radioactivity in residue (cpm/mg fresh weight)" Hours Exp. I II III IV y_ I 2.6 6 1.8 10 3.5 24 2.1 48 1.7 ^Leaf disks were extracted with 807„ ethanol after 1-, 6-, 10-, 24-, and 48- hour intervals following treatment. The specific activity of the IOAC-1-l'^C was 1.4 mc/m mole. °F= <, 1 N. S. with respect to time of extraction. 3.0 1.5 1.4 2.0 3.0 1.3 1.9 1.6 2.6 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.9 0.4 1.8 2.5 0.8 1.6 0.7 41 u 0] (U a> 00 c n) u o u c (U 1-4 n) > d o 'r-t CD 4-J m O U tTj 0 U o AJ x; X (1) r~) r— ( U 0 O d <+-( nj x; o J-Kf OJi— 1 M t— ( OJ 1 4-J u U-l < « o M OC d ?: •H-4- d 1 •H o tfl 1 — 1 E (U X )-i AJ e a « CM o •H d -o •rJ m oi i_J d (1) > g sO i_i nJ 01 cu rH u XI 4-1 m H x: M •r-l 01 x: tn O) !-i U-l E p. u > & tx] r^ o CM (^ ro 4-1 d -J- o- vl- CNl 1— t OJ E 4-t nJ (J 0) 3 O x: 00 o- •a d cfl vD (1) A"g • d i-i E o (U ^ •1-1 4J u 4-1 14-1 E u CO CO , •H 4-1 3 0) •!-! u > S-2 01 -r-l 1—1 3 4J o • en CO 00 ^ •H en o CO •rJ -H X) y-i rt •1-1 00 c u O (U d •r-l «t-l O o CO 0) M O CO o <0 u cfl. u-i u d o I ■u u 3 < ^ O •H M l-l j-i x: en 4-1 •r-l -H O S T3 • 0) 1^ O-J n) (U > > 3 1-1 5^ VO r-~ vD r~- -4- O CO 1-1 r^ G\ CJv X -J- CU I-l > Cvj 1) M O O O O O -d O cvj O in O CO 4-1 •J- o O o O CO dJ E s D- in r-- <}• r^ r-l »-l u r-^ o> M o o O 00 in • X 4-J o o o P- 1—1 d D. •H r~ 0^ o- OV o •r-l > B n *i »N •• *• OJ 0 •r-l a I^ VO o- ON i-H > 4-1 4-1 o ^£) 00 vO .—1 -d- O r^ I— 1 r- r^ d x> tfl •r-l dJ O CO U •rJ B CO T3 3 ca dj •1—) )-l X "O 00 vD o d) O u 4-1 ^4 dj CO d) (U M -o S d a M O o o in r-. •r-l CO in o o KD 00 CO S-l •a vO vO CTV ^ d> U o 0-) • CO 4-1 d ■r-l T-l o o 4-1 CO H ■—1 CO r-l fO 1— 1 vO 00 -i dJ T3 M T3 0) •r^ O o o t-~ O I-H to • O tN o 00 O r-l X 4.J a. 00 o> in .—1 •—1 CO 3 X #• •\ « •• •• d N O w g ro O-J ro 00 o >^ a CNJ <)• r-l rvj o o 1-1 d o O •— 1 1— 1 vD vO 1—1 CNJ d ■r-l XI 0) ons of dia es based o (U dJ X X •r^ •H 3 a d d d 1—1 4_t r— 1 (0 CO o 0 CL U CO M ^4 •r-l •r-l D- CO > J3 XI 4.1 4J CO u B B O o VW 4_t ^ d u •rJ •r-l V4 u ;-l U O CU d CO CO dJ 0) 01 < •r-l PM o r— t >, CU >> -d 4-1 > o 4J •H to OJ .-1 13 ■-I 4J CO o M •r-l 4.J •I-l T3 CO •rJ CO W :s CJ 4-1 U 4J •r-l T-l CO T-l (U (U c: U O o C lU I— I > M-l o o u -l ■U j: U) u •H •r^ Q s TD • 01 CO u CS m 0) »-H l-l ^ 4J n) H d u 1-1 O) D- d o o 00 o o vO o 1—1 O 00 CO LO CO 0^ in o o 00 O o CO CO P o (N O o- 0^ 00 O O CO CM 1—) 1—1 r\ n n i-H 1—1 1— ^ eg 00 o CM CM in 00 in CM 00 00 CJN o o CM r^ r^ 00 0-) r~. 00 o r^ in ON vD 00 r^ O CM O CM 00 O r-H ON o n r. n n *» »* o 0^ in 00 00 o O CO o o CM 1—1 1—1 c d d d n) « o 0 M M •H •H ^ XI •U ij e g u u ^ •1-1 •rJ l-i i-i M tn W 0) 0) -> (U >N x; •u > QJ 1-1 •o 1—1 j-i n) o TD cd •1-1 (fl u S u •r-< •!-! U) •1-1 (U W) -o J-) T3 u d 3 M o B-S u < o U-l o m 3 O I-I x: 1-1 o 14-1 E S • H H o d ffi •r-l D. 01 > O • 4-1 e d a, •1-1 -o u tfl cu e 4-1 0) W d 0) D td x; •1—1 u ■U T3 XI Id B M-l ^ r— 1 1—1 Cd Xi • td > u >^ •1-1 t« 4J ■V QJ 0) •H d > 0) cd d •r-1 TD M o •U •1-1 X3 o en 6 r-* cd 4-1 01 O 3 E ^ •H O (n ■a CO O- cd d • -4 O u o CO u >. ■v . QJ o 1—1 tn ■a 1—1 Id 01 •H •H 3 CO •N T3 i-H 4-1 (N td 3 U-l > O d o •1-1 4-) -a 10 d d X) d 0) cd OJ o o •rJ •H 1-1 01 1—1 U 0) XI CL, u c^ ■H ft td CO tfl u d IW . .-4 Ul 00 n) ■a c U-l 3 01 •r4 o d d c_3 tn o o d < ^J •1-1 •i-i o O D 4-1 4-1 •r4 M O •1-1 •r4 4J x; 4-1 4-1 •H 0) I-I U -a x; as 0.5 0.1 , 0.0 0 ETHER ACID FRACTION IOAC-1-l^C IOAC-2-l^C Fig. 5. Autoradiogram of thin-layer separated ether-acidic- par titioned-frac tion of 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C. The lOAC was applied in 2, 10 j» 1 drops, 1 on each side of the main vein. Developed in butanol: ethanol rwater , 65:10:10, v/v/v, on Eastman chromagram silica gel sheets (type K 301R2). 47 (0 •■-I o a •O c n) (U c! •1-1 P4 >. jQ •o (U V4 o M-l ca 4-( o o u w M Q) U-l > Pi D o; t-H o OJ »— ) 00 c (U « T-H u Xl 0 CO H en 01 J-J 'r-i r— 1 O XI n) j-j OJ e X e TJ cu CU JJ r~i cn (U >. X CO CO f— 1 XJ C U CU I— 1 t— 1 o C4-I CO O cn cu D .— ( cfl > M-l a: tM Cd O U pa o C3N 00 T3 a o C5 'i^ < <: cd o o CO I-I M ■■o CN -J- vO I— I o •r-t u Cfl Vj cx-l 1-1 CU 4-1 CO u -J- »— I I CM u < O a. CO CU c o CM o u CO U C4-I >-i (U i-> CO u < O CX CO CU c •r-< 13N ■J- in <1- 00 m CJ CO U u 0) X < o l-H i-H CO f— I o. CO CU c •I-I CO s cu X (U -a X o CO CU c o CO CO o M CJ T) CO B i-H -U .-I d o og ID cO -i S 3 O U X < O -J M rsl 1) CO X CO H S CO cu X cn o o cn > CO • ^ X > > - u • • O > > :j > > CO > > (U > CSI (N 4-J a, .. .. tfl a. - o in j-i 3 O r-l c^j 3 -~^ t— I •• .. 4_) •• O in CO > O cn c^i cn > -o ~^ •H > U CO o CO CO O c CO O a. c 0 CO M X a. 4J 1 CU z s I I < CO X > •• in - \o o in •• u o cu in 4-1 CO O >— I CO cO <)■ O g CO X CO 0) o i-l CJ 14-1 rd O) 00 d n) u o a, o 03 (J jj X CD Sj CD 4-J rt s E o u M-l CO C o •rJ tfl. 4-J U OO- « f— t Vj 1 U-l f— 1 c CD •H iJ cC >. J-J •u QJ •rA O > to •H ■U l-i u o to O u •r-l -l OJ ■U in .c • f-^ ■u O •H s . TD f—4 (U t— 1 U (0 QJ (1) I— 1 >-l J3 4.J cd H c CNJ o H 1 u u CO < >-i o >. a CO o •r-l -a CO u d OJ u >-j (U Q- XI a CO o e D. U e X o o 00 o o o r-l (30 o o c^ O O 00 CNI 00 CM \D CM <>J 00 O O CO in r-l O CM vO 00 ■£> O o- o o o -i •r-l •H -Q J3 i-l XJ e e U O CD 0) CO to e e 14-1 U-l u en tn >^ •r^ •r-l u u )-l en en ai 0) . OJ >, x; ■U > CO (U t— I •a r-l 4-J (0 o •rJ T) CO •r-l CO W S u JJ •r-l •r^ CO •r^ OJ •r-l CO T) JJ -o u C C D M M O 5-S It-I o g •rJ 01 > CO e OJ x: )-i u o 14-1 ■u s 14-1 o O m tu X) 3^ •H (X cn o , -C 4-) S o D- CO X3 O (U QJ 4-1 QJ r^ cn c O 3 •'— ) to 1-1 I— 1 T3 CO XI e *N QJ tn U e eu QJ • o 4-1 cn cn 1-1 CO •r^ QJ •o 13 tn 3 f— 1 1— 1 i-H CO ft. >^ to •r-l > 4J XI QJ o •r-l d r-l > Q) CO •r-l •a 1-1 *N • 4-1 •r-l .n CNI cn U cn B 1-1 CO 4-1 QJ d D O 3 E •r-l 0 •r-l O J2 XI cn -o CO d •r^ OJ . t— 1 0) -o I— 1 Cu CO -—1 QJ CO Ci. CO n cn •H to S CO CO •X OJ t-H >. QJ u CO f— 4 cn X QJ •H CO QJ •r-l s W •r-l 3 cn Q) X t — 1 4-J cn 4-1 CO 3 13 CO 14-1 > O d e o 0 4-) X 0 QJ cn d d Cu > d QJ CO g •H o o o 4_) •r-l Vj QJ O O 4-1 QJ X CO U CL, •r4 0) O CO cn > •r4 1-1 d •H -a 14-1 ■ •r-l 4-) CO 00 o 1-1 X d 14-1 to QJ •r-l o o IH d d • H o o 0 d XI •r-l •r^ O to QJ 4-1 U •r-l n rM ■r-l •r-l 4.J CO 4-J 4-1 ■r^ Q) 4.) U 1-1 -x -C CU to CO X) H 0 Pm Du < CO -JD u 50 1.0 - CO M < > 0.5 0.0 C 'PINEAPPLE' IGAC-l-l-^C 'VALENCIA' Fig. 6. Autoradiograms of paper chromatographic separation of l^C-metabolices from 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l^C. The lOAC was applied in 2, 10 yl drops, 1 on each side of the main vein. Time of uptake of lOAC was 24 hours. Chroma togramed on Whatman #3 paper and developed in N-propanol :water , 6:4, v/v. The letters and lines designate labeled metabolites that were positive to ninhydrin. Color code: P=purple. 51 Ul CO <4-l (U « o j-i 3 ■J- w •r-J (U Q r—l u e U r-l O 0 < •r-l o O g XI o H U-l C (0 1— 1 P < iJ VI OJ o a) 01 • cfl > 1 H d •r-l s XJ o 01 4-1 c c ctJ r-H OJ u c e /--S m-kj- •r-l a. Lo O'-H n) o • 1 e 1— 1 CNI C f— * OJ o 1 OJ > s •r-( o x: 0) o. J_l < 4-1 T3 ^w' cfl o U M <4-l u M n) O •r-l OJ D. j:: 4-1 U-l OJ ■U OJ 01 M-l en •r-l XI 1-1 3 2; S •r-l O XI M u Ul -C o ■r-) TD (XX) M 4-1 0) x: o •I-I Pi 0) 4-1 o 1-1 u O Vj tfl nj 4-1 cfl 0 (U QJ u s: I-I 01 u Pu 4J C 1— 1 •p-l o O w 4-1 u • n) OJ nl *\ en r-H 01 tn i-i 2: 4-l vO n3 cx " < • u p. CNI o o (» o tlj 1-1 o 4-1 (U c u-i P3 D c •H >4-l (X < XJ o iJ CO ^— ^ — OJ OJ n > •r-l ^ cn OJ W r^ e t— 1 n) )-■ M-l Q 0 D. 4J D M-l O • u tx D. O 3 2 bOM-i tfl D x: .n < •i-i Pi P4 PC Fb IX i 00 52 ANODE ORIGIN CATHODE 'VALENCIA' 'PINEAPPLE' 'PINEAPPLE' 'PINEAPPLE' Fig. 8. Autoradiogram of l^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' and 'Valencia' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C. The lOAC was applied in 2 , 10 ^1 drops, 1 on each side of the main vein. Time of uptake of lOAC was 24 hours. Separated by paper electrophoresis in 0.4N acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5 for 4 hours at 500 volts. 53 500 CATHODE Fig. 9 ORIGIN ANODE Electrophoretic separation of l^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-1-l^C to 'Pineapple' orange leaves. Developed for 4 hours at 500 volts in 0.4N acetic acid buffer pH 2.5. ' 54 300 CATHODE ORIGIN ANODE Fig. 10. Elec trophoretic separation of •'-^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-1-l^C to 'Valencia' orange leaves, Developed for A hours at 500 volts in 0.4N acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5. 55 300 o CATHODE ORIGIN ANNODE Fig. 11. Electrophoretic separation of ■'■^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-2-l^C to 'Pineapple' orange leaves. Developed for 4 hours at 500 volts in 0.4N acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5. 56 300 CATHODE ORIGIN ANODE Fig. 12. Electrophoretic pattern of 5 x lO^^M lOAC-l-^'^C. Developed for 4 hours at 500 volts in 0.4N acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5. 57 300 CATHODE ORIGIN MODE Fig. 13. Electrophoretic separation of l^C-metabolites resulting from drop application of IOAC-1-l'^C to 'Pineapple' orange leaves. Metabolites appearing during 24-48 hours' dialysis time. Developed for 4 hours at 500 volts in 0.4N acetic acid buffer, pH 2.5. 58 Initially, an attempt was made to determine whether or not the metabolites would be formed in macerated tissue. Also, tests were conducted to see whether the compounds could be formed either in the supernatant or the residue from macerated leaves. One test was conducted in a phosphate buffer (pH 6.2) system, several in water, and 1 in ethanol. In 1 test metabolites were formed from lOAC . However, in 5 subsequent tests, including the phosphate buffer experi- ment, no labeled metabolites were formed. This indicated that macerating the orange tissues destroyed the capacity to metabolize lOAC . In the 1 test where metabolites were found, some islands of intact living cells might have remained after the maceration. A sample extracted from 'Pineapple' leaves treated with lOAC-l-^'^C was subjected to column chromatography on silicic acid in a system designed to separate flavonoid and phenolic compounds. The result was that the labeled metabolites were not readily soluble in ethyl acetate or methanol. The major part of the radioactivity appeared in the first few 10 ml fractions of a methanol :water , (v/v) eluting solvent. Thus, the compounds that were labeled were polar in nature. Also, furcher separations by thin-layer chromatography of these radioactive fractions indicated that ^^C labeled sugars, flavonoid or phenolic compounds (Fig. 14) were not formed as a result of the metabolism of lOAC . Paper chromatography of 2 of the most radioactive fractions showed the presence of 3 labeled compounds, 2 of which reacted to ninhydrin. These 2 corresponded in Rf values to glutamic and aspartic acids (Table 12). This indicated that at least the carboxyl carbon of lOAC is metabolized to amino acids. Electrophoretic separation of the fractions with the highest amount of radioactivity after elution from the silicic acid column showed that only 2 of the 3 major metabolites had been recovered. Fig. 14. Autorad iogram of polyamide thin-layer sheet separation of l^c-nie tabolites formed by 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with IOAC-1-l'^C. A sample of the water extract was fractionated on a silicic acid column. These radioactive fractions, appearing at the start of a methanol :water , v/v elution sequence, were developed on a polyamide thin-layer sheet 3 times in methanol :nitromethane , 2:5, v/v. The circles depict the compounds visualized with ethanolic aluminum chloride. Tentative identification is given for some of the non-labeled metabolites. Code: P=prunin; N=naringin; R=rhoitolin. Fraction 1- 111- •114 2- 115 3- 116- ■119 4- 120 5- 121- ■124 6- 125 7- 126-129 13- 143-145 8- 130 14- 146-147 9- 131-134 15- 148-149 10- 135 16- 181-182 "ll- 140 17- Naringin 12- 141-142 60 . Z C to cr ,J O SZ D D- >^ o Pi 4_J 0 X w fe •r-l D, >^ O S P 5 XI 1-1 TJ o XI >. QJ QJ X \ 4-1 QJ 4-1 1 1 CO J= to 00 1 (U H u 1 1-1 to f^ / 4-1 . QJ O / tn QJ en / rt QJ / cfl 4_) u c f rg 01 a. QJ -^ V r^ .-H D 3: X 0) QJ TD > N 00 f—H c ^-- 1 c O tO > .«. ) « ■ H ^^^^^^^ 1-1 4_) 1-1 o QJ QJ O O) (X 4_t -"sj w - to •• 3 (13 >^ ■? o CNJ kJ •H J3 o iri < o >. r-l • > c U) XI QJ QJ *> s. 14-1 r-l > c o \ oi nj rt E ^ \ > QJ D X \ "" .— 1 1—1 •• O --1 V E 0) U O \ O X c \ Vi 4-) 00 QJ \ M-l X -C \ 2? o 1 Ah \ XJ O 1 4-t LO / •r-l -o r-l / 1—1 QJ X =fe f o •r-l QJ / J2 1— 1 > c 1 « D. O to / 4-J cx Q E 1 01 « 4-1 ( 1 en CO CO x: y u n) E S !. I o QJ D OO ^^ \ 1— ( • -C --1 o ^ \ Bi oo H QJ 4-1 O ^^ o ■r-l ro fc WdO 66 o CNJ x: o XJ ■ TD O »» H •rJ QJ C ^ ■^ Z H 3 ^ n) V w Z nJ > O -O -u Sj O hJ a: QJ D. 0) r-4 o fe 4-134-13: J (/I leaves trea by petiole umn with wa #1, Phenol: <(■ 1—1 r r-~ e' orange he leaves 50-X8 CO (Whatman en r-l 4J X >s w a. QJ x: :=! 0. 0 S Cl. c -a GO • •H CJ CD 0 --^ X 14-1 PL, .r-l 4J 01 A OS es from ' was appl uted from er chroma yquinolin 4-/ U ^ Q. X •rJ < a tr) 0 ,-10 c^ ^ 0 M QJ -a X2 >j >, >, nj QJ 0 XI jr: ij x; s 1 i QJ H — CO \ g m cj \ 1 -0 ^ 5-2 1 0 • C rt -3- J !. \ M < QJ V4 > ^s^ \ Oi • 0 x: Q) -~~- ^ o as}y-t b^ ■is > o ^V •r-l (Tl ti. WdO Fig. 17. l^C-metabolites from 'Pineapple' orange leaves created with either IOAC-1-l'^C or acetate-1-l'^C. The radio- active compounds were applied to the leaves by petiole uptake. Time of absorption was 1 hour, after which the leaves were transferred to water for an additional hour. The leaf extracts were eluted from a Dowex 1-X8 column (formate) and separated on Eastman chromagram silica gel thin-layer films. Developing solvent was butanol :water :acetic acid, 4:5:1, v/v/v (upper phase) . The circles depict compounds positive to bromcresol green. Fraction 1 IOAC-1-l'^C, water fraction, 2 acetate-1-l'^C , water fraction, 3 IOAC-1-l'^C, water fraction, 4 acetate-1-l'^C , water fraction, 5 IOAC-1-l'^C, water fraction, 6 acetate-1-l'^C , water fraction, 7 IOAC-1-l^C, water fraction, 8 acetate-1-l'^C , water fraction, 2, 3, 4, water washes. 2, 3, 4, water washes. 17o formic acid elution. 1% formic acid elution. 57o formic acid elution. 57o formic acid elution, 407o formic acid elution. 407o formic acid elution. 68 0.9 r 0,5 CO < > Oi 0.0 t 69 14, 15, and 16). A comparison of these Rf values with standard Rf values indicated that at least 2 of the components in every solvent system correspond to glutamic and aspartic acids. These unknown compounds were positive to ntnhydrln. Thus, they were tentatively identified as being glutamic and aspartic acids. The other metabolites were not identified. A scan of the ammonium eluted fraction from a polystyrene column shows the presence of 6 labeled metabolites in 'Pineapple' orange leaves (Fig. 18). This is in agreement with the results obtained by paper chromatography in a butanol solvent system in which there were also 6 metabolites. However, the fractions from the polystyrene column were monitored for radioactivity but not collected; therefore, no Rf values from other forms of chromatography were obtained. The 'Pineapple' water and ammonium fractions from the hydrogen column, separately, were also eluted from a formate column. These fractions from the formate column were further separated by paper chromatography using 3 solvent systems. Again, in the ammonium fraction sample. from the Dowex 50-X8 column (fractionated on the formate column), 2 of the spots reacted to ninhydrin and these had the same Rf values as glutamic and aspartic. In fact, the "fit" of the compounds eluted from the formate column was better than that from the Dowex 50-X8 column ammonium eluted compounds, probably because the extract contained fewer components (Rf values - Tables 17, 18, and 19). These same fractions from the Dowex 1-X8 column (formate) were also separated by thin-layer chromatography using Eastman chromagram thin-layer chromatographic films. Again, 2 radioactive, ninhydrin positive spots, corresponding to glutamic and aspartic acids, were separated from the VA formic acid elution (Fig. 19, number 3). These components also gave the correct ninhydrin colored 70 >> JS •a 0) a u o M-l XI 4-1 ca cfl Q) e r-l o u 01 x: 60 u c rt ij Vj 01 o D. cC — O, CO •r-l E u o c u OJ M-l f— 1 to U3 > rt Pi 0) • a. 1—1 QJ c 01 T-l '-' PL, .Q - nj H co Di 00 CM Cvl CM CM o CSl 00 XI o c-g O CM o en in Xi in o o in XI I XI XI en o-i o o- > P^ > PM M O <: - >-i CO QJ 4-1 B 14-1 O '• CO u XI 14-4 •r-l IJ u D x; CO O 0) x: 4j o CO •rH 1-1 d 4-1 o QJ en ir-l U to 4-1 CO S u -• CO u QJ l-i QJ rU U-l 4J CO 3 QJ 0) o X) 1-1 x; o X) •r-l 1—1 d 4J CO CO QJ d CU 0 1—1 •r^ =tt= >» 4-1 JD -H d XI CO en -a E QJ CO 4-1 > CO CO d x; Q) CO S 1—1 1-1 d 0) o o X <4.J 4-1 X3 u 01 O Q) 4J 4-1 4-1 4-J CO o XI S CU Q) tn •1-1 o t — 1 4-1 d CU QJ CU -o X CO QJ 4-1 U 01 u 0) U 0) S-i QJ 14-1 QJ S tn S • d y^ tn CO >^ QJ X ^4 01 tn d 4-1 X to 3 H x; o 01 CU a >-i E QJ • 1-1 o s d QJ u E CU tn CO 3 CU QJ OJ 01 rH 3 4-1 > > 0 ^-^ •r-l 'rA CO u 1 — ( 4-1 QJ > O U •-I 00 --- X CO X > CO O QJ 4-1 •r-l X o > QJ X) J-l un E CO •\ u X X -H 1-1 tj QJ .. o QJ •r4 S m ■•— > x; X O •• CO CO Q -d- ^ 71 > ^ XI 01 g o U-t 0) 0) i_) •r-l f— 4 tfl. O O ^ U ^ ■o o; 0) •o u N— • CO 0) W >-i e u ca ti en 00 0) o > ■u « (t) QJ e 1— 1 o Vj o; x: 00 o c rt u ^j CO 00 r-l O. • CL in CO 1-H q; c 0> T-l ,-1 p^ XI - CO H 00 o XI CO 4-) QJ e XI 01 r-l QJ X CO u-l o ll-l Pi CNI c o u to u u-l 01 J-l CO & u eg I u <: o O 00 O u CO u-i d O u o a. CO 0) d •r^ PM X3 -Q O d O o CO u E 3 •1-1 C o < o u c (U .-I CO > d o o CO u <+4 E D •r^ d O CJ o G. CO c •H pu (-1 CO QJ 4j e - U-l O XI CO >-l -r^ C4-I CJ Vj CO D T) o 01 u X; -U •r-l CO J-l i-H d 01 o o m •r^ CO CO -u •• Sum CO 01 QJ Sj u ■^ u-l CO CO S 4-1 QJ .. D. M 1— 1 3 QJ O S d U-l CO O CO X 0) 4-1 QJ 1-1 QJ E o. S •r4 B H CO d 05 •r^ • 0) -o QJ X QJ r^ H O- CO O 4-1 1—1 CX, • QJ 0 U > 3 QJ QJ O X) 1-1 si O X) •rJ rH d 4-1 CO CO QJ d D- O 1-1 •r^ =S= >^ 4-1 X •r^ d •O CO CO XI E QJ CO 4-1 > CO CO d x; QJ CO S r~< u d QJ O O x: u-l 4-1 X) M QJ O QJ 4-1 4-14-14-1 CO O -o S o. 0) CO •r^ 0 1—1 4-J d D. CJ li XI X CO QJ 4-1 U QJ M QJ S-l QJ (-1 QJ U-l QJ S CO S d CO cO >> XI M QJ d 4-1 X 3 H O OJ CU M e QJ • o S d • u E en CO 3 QJ 0) QJ 1-1 4J > > o • •r-l ■rJ CO u > 1—1 4-1 QJ ^--^ O U 1-1 c» > X CO X \ CO O QJ 1 > 4-1 •rj j: o QJ rO -^ U^ •• E CO 1-1 M X X •• u U QJ ^ o QJ •rJ 3 •• ■•—1 X X O C3^ CO H 3 Q -^ a CO .Q 72 >^ XI 13 .-l 1— 1 1 o f— ( CO 1 o r— 1 < O o c l-l 0) x; S-I a. 01 x: d 4-) •r-l •H 0) 01 x; CL ij o •H 1— 1 s Q) > TD 01 0) "O 4_) ^-^ cd a; cn u g 4-1 tfl ^ cn 00 QJ o > 4_> nj « OJ E i-< o S-i cu x: 00 u d cfl u i-i QJ o a< cfl — a. cS • f-( B o o d 1-1 01 C4-( i-H cfl cn > 01 — D T—i -a cfl d > CD Oi O) I— t D- • Oh O CO .—1 OJ C OJ -r-l XI - OJ H O XI CD 4-) CU B T3 0) r— I CU XI cfl 14-1 o cn cu D 1— { CO > Oi cfl Sj CO X> M * 4-1 B •r4 t^ p~. UH o • 1 1 CO UH > o o O o o u > r-» r^ 1^ r^ r-~ 3 •a • O x: I-H en cfl QJ 4-1 Cfl d o •rH 4-1 o CNJ o o . — 1 <^ c^ XI i-H 1 X) 00 I-H ro 0) I-H o •r-l 4J CU D- >, XI cn OJ > 3 O x; I-H Cfl C o •r-l 4-1 •rH T) XI cfl QJ T3 ■o d cfl I-H d cfl B 4-1 cfl r^ r-~ in in r~- cfl d -d i-i I-H i-H I-H i-H QJ cfl S d d r-l (U x: 4-1 O 4J u o UH IJ 01 4-1 CO d o ■V QJ AJ 4-1 O o d o d TD s a •iH o • iH o 0) cn d iJ •iH 4-1 •iH •r-l o o d CJ 4J O 4-1 I-H 4-1 d •r-l O CO U CO U D. 0) 4-1 •r-l U CO u CO Cu -a x; u 4-1 C4H Jh UH u cfl OJ 4-1 CO O UH UH Sh U CO B B 01 u QJ U-l (-1 3 B D B u QJ >H LH ■iH D •iH D OJ UH QJ S-1 d •iH d •iH 3 cn s 0) I-I o d o d d 4-) OJ o o cn CO >N 0) CO 4-1 P 2 •O Sh OJ d s CO CO CO CO CO 3 4-J x; •iH H I-I o U u O QJ o ^ cn QJ O 1 CJ 1 u 1 0) 01 I-H X 4J < o < u <: u > > O O ■rH o <; o < o < ■r-l CO O Sh r-H T) ■o M o M o M o 4-1 QJ TD O ■r4 •r-l M 1-1 I-H o rH CO >^ .n u CJ — - — cfl X x: Cfl CO CO 0) — 0) •• 0) — O OJ 1 1 4-1 1— t CO r-l cfl I-H cfl •r-l j:: O 00 OJ O u o p. ■H D. •iH a. •r-l T3 4-1 in £ H 1 CO >-l 0) (U 01 OJ 0) OJ o QJ PM > PM > H CO S Q O ^ 73 . u-i 4 u in , (U o to •u CJ E nj 3 d 01 0) •rJ 0 ij x: d -H 4-J H O i-i E (fl m E •— ' OJ ■ C^ »-H > 01 •r-l n) ^ S J-" 0) nj ^ C 1— 1 -u • -f-l a- o CJ 01 D m 60 X d (1) ■u -a cC I— 1 •r-l -r-l (J O S D O •rJ cr /-^ ■LJ d -r^ CO (U E -< Pi , O 00 ffi D. XI O Cfl •^ nj u 0) w E --^ W C OJ 3 x: s •-• > •-' u M CL. rt d H 0) o u 1-H E rt E E 0) o 0) C3 .-H Sj X o u^ u 01 3 d 2 m 0 0) OJ ■u P n) ■u >^ •rJ ■TD ■U >^ r— 1 OJ U) X O •r-l >^ XI r— 1 .— 1 Q) n) O. O T3 ■U a. O- [fl dJ tfl E E tC 1 en en u « E « <)- 5 0 S r— t Vj u M-l C <; IT) • o •o O 00 M 1 .— 1 »— 1 0 1 tn OJ 0-) .— 1 tfl O i_J c 01 rt o ■u CO D XI M O c •l-l o o 0) M T) >»— ^ H -i D- 4-J m eu tn o to u (U y-i ,— ) w (U QJ 00 D d t— 1 to W u > o 14-I ^ Pd 0) t-l Cu ■ CL r^ to r— ( 0) f— I to (/I 00 CVJ I o X CNJ CO 00 CM I CM X u-1 CM vO X 00 X 00 00 CO CTi o o o o o u u -* -* 1—1 r-t tn OJ u r-f c 1-1 1 X tn 1—1 d H XI r— 1 QJ O 1—1 tn • 0) OJ X 00 -M to d to 1—1 •r4 u o- Cu Q) o 3 X r-l H 0) QJ > 1—1 01 0 • Q •H IJ 4-1 3 01 O • D-X r— 1 >M-I X to d d CO en o g 01 •r-l 4J > 4-1 CO CO -^ X QJ -3 s 1-1 TD to d QJ 0 X d 4.1 to QJ o u 4.J 4-1 0 CO l+J 1-1 -d CO 0) l-i D. •r-t 01 01 1—1 4-1 en C CO D. S X • CO d ^^ d CO CJ 0) •rH en 1-1 y^S CO QJ XJ OJ r- S o 4_l D- o eg en CO E l-l -3 '-I 1-1 QJ d D. o C 3 14-1 D. O CJ ^-^ 3 C 1-1 N—' E 0) c o S £ > • u 3 ^^ en en 1—1 > QJ QJ QJ O ^^ 4-1 > > u > ■— * ■r-l to 1 — 1 4-J OJ CO " o O 1-1 X 1 1 X CO 1 ■ • CO 0 QJ r-l in ^ •r-l X • • o X! -l-i X o- E CO QJ u X S « i^ O o X! o QJ -rJ Q •r^ "—> X X U to H 3 to CO s 75 XI •o .-H I— 1 1 o I— 1 05 1 (U I— 1 j-i o n) c 4_) (fl (U sz o i-i rt OJ 6 )-l o c •r-t u o OJ M TD >-l 01 CO x: P 4-> m •H Sj 01 oo o x: i-i u nj *H e S o »-i -a s: (D u i-l rt >-i OJ o C3 I-I OJ aj r- 1 U) OJ OJ OD 3 c f-i n) cd 1-1 > o d 01 1—1 • a CO tfl ■—I Q) C 01 -H J3 - H o XI nj 4-1 O) e T) 0) r-l OJ XI o 03 01 D r-l > OS ex E CO CO CM Xi eg I tM VO I CM CM XI X cr» OJ Q OJ CO 4-1 .-H C CO O O X 0) •r^ a. "o >^ CO X c T3 CO OJ ■H I-l ,-H O O- U-l d. CO I-l OJ d o •a 01 4J CO I-l to a 01 03 d to o 0) 03 -a d -o CO > u > o a. u g O) O t4-l U 03 d OJ CO > 1-1 .—I r-l d E 3 O U 01 CO J-i 0 0) •-I S -o CO 03 I-l OJ > 01 CO X OJ H r-l CO O o CO X I y. 0) 3 o Q 03 OJ o X CO 4-1 OJ E ^4 O to 76 XI -a 0) e u o (U 4J o Si (d XJ S o n). d 1-1 O) 1 > 1-1 rH I O tU 0 0) c u QJ (0 s: a. u o c ■r4 o -d- TD — 1 o (U M •a V— ^ U 01 05 X 6 4_t nj ■r-l (J 0) 00 O X 4-J 4-1 cfl •H g S o ^J -o x: 0 cd ^j 0) U-l 1— ( (/) 0) O <+-! _ ed 0) r—t o. • a- o> cfl t— ( (U d 0) •H ■-< P-, XI n) H O X nJ 4-J 6 ID (U i—l 01 X (13 U-l o 01 D 1— ( > CD St X) vO eg I CM CM I 0-) I CM X ON KD ro 4-( n) -a •• O) >— I •u o 3 d I— I 01 0) X 0) M V] 0) n) en TD 0) o; o d X o 4J u H 0) Q 0) • ^ .-1 4-1 a. d e o o •r-l XI r) U 0) X H -a • O) 01 ij d n) T-i n) O a d 0) tn n3 D cr >% X o S-1 01 >, ^ X nJ 1 B 00 o - M-l J-£ ^-^ -J- o d • e o 1-1 d 0 -1-1 u > 00 ^ X > I 1-1 o X CM 01 .. S o o o Q I-" o X n3 4-1 0) 6 (J o ^ Fig. 19. l^C-metaboli tes from 'Pineapple' orange leaves treated with either lOAC-l-^^C or ace tate- 1-l^C . The radioactive com- pounds were applied to the leaves by petiole uptake. Time of uptake was 1 hour, after which the leaves were placed in water for an additional hour. The leaf extracts were eluted from a Dowex 1-X8 column (formate) and separated on Eastman chromagram silica gel sheets. Developing solution was butanol ;water : acetic acid, 4:5:1, v/v/v (upper phase). The circles designate metabolites that were positive to ninhydrin (0.25% in acetone). Color code: P=purple, B=blue. Fraction 1 IOAC-1-l'^C, 2 acetate-1-l'^C, 3 IOAC-1-l^C, 4 acetate-1-l'^C, 5 IOAC-1-l^C, 6 IOAC-1-l^C, 7 glutamic acid. 8 aspartic acid. 9 alanine. 1st water wash. 1st water wash, ammonium fraction, ammonium fraction, ammonium fraction, ammoaium fraction. 1% formic acid elution. 17o formic acid elution. 57o formic acid elution. 2, 3, 4 water washes. 78 0.9 r 79 chromaphore for the 2 amino acids (blue for aspartic , and purple for glutamic). There were 2 other metabolites in this elution fraction that did not react to ninhydrin, but 1 of them corresponded closely to ninhydrin posi tive (Fig . 19, number 2) compound obtained from the metabolism of acetate by 'Pineapple' leaves. Two metabolites also were present in the 57o formic acid wash (Fig. 19, number 5) and these same 2 were in the combined water wash (Fig. 19, number 6). These did not react to ninhydrin even though 1 had an R^ similar to aspartic acid. However, since it failed to react with ninhydrin and since it was eluted from the column later than aspartic acid, it would seem that it was a different compound. Metabolites Formed as a Result of Acetate-1-^^C Metabolism Within the 2-hour uptake time interval of the experiment all of the acetate in the 'Pineapple' leaves had been metabolized, since subsequent separation of the extraction solution failed to detect any free acetate. However, approximately 757o of I'^C-acetate either was exchanged or was volatile in the solvent systems used. Thus, if any acetate was unmetabolized , it would probably be lost in the chromatography systems. Approximately 807o of the extracted radioactivity came through in the water wash of the Dowex 50-X8 column, indicating that the majority of the radioactivity was in acidic (if not acetate) or neutral compounds (Table 13). This was almost an exact reverse of the IOAC-1'^C metabolites since most of these were in the ammonium fraction. No substantial radioactivity remained behind in the leaf residue material. At least 2 metabolites were present in the water fraction (Table 17). There were also at least 3 (Table 17) labeled metabolites in the ammonium fraction from the Dowex 50-X8 column which had been, in turn, fractionated on a formate column. Two of these metabolites (in the ammonium fraction) were ninhydrin 80 positive and corresponded to glutamic and aspartic acids, as did the lOAC-^'^C metabolites. Thin-layer chromatography of the ammonium fraction (from the DoweK 50-X8 column) further eluted from a formate column, showed that 2 ninhydrin-positive , radioactive metabolites were present in the VL formic acid eluttng fraction (Fig. 19, number 4) with similar Rf values to those of glutamic and aspartic acids. The first water wash from the formate column also removed a radioactive, ninhydrin-positive metabolite (Fig. 19, number 2). However, the Rf value was^^ 0.36 and the closest amino acid was alanine at 0.40. The crude extract had previously been checked for phenolic amine activity. Since no phenolic amines were labeled, this metabolite with an Rf of 0.36 could possibly be alanine. Thin-layer chromatography of the water fraction (from the Dowex 50-X8 column) further eluted from a formate column showed that at least 1 metabolite was present in the 57o formic acid elution and that this metabolite was probably acidic since it formed a yellow chromaphore with bromcresol green (Fig. 17, number 6). Another metabolite with almost the same Rf,but appearing in the 407o formic acid wash, was also acidic (Fig. 17, number 8). Separation of the metabolites on a polystyrene column showed that there were 4 metabolites in the ammonium fraction from this column (Fig. 20). Two components (peaks c and h) were common to both lOAC metabolism and acetate metabolism (compare Figs. 18 and 20 with Fig. 21 which was a scan of a composite sample). Therefore, since the metabolism of lOAC produced some compounds similar to those formed when acetate was metabolized, it would appear that some of the lOAC was metabolized as acetate. However, it was clear that there was a difference between the metabolism of lOAC and that of acetate in 'Pineapple' leaves. 81 d >-i E n) x: 3 QJ 4_) .— ( »— 1 't-l o u 3 01 >— 1 U 3 13 o E tu •H 3 n) 4-) •u •r-l rt (1) d >, (U Ch o J3 u P u >, g 01 d ca > OJ tn 01 nj (J oj 1—1 0) 1 — ( ■u 5 ^ nJ d JH 1—4 u n) XJ O Ui Vj D. O o QJ 4-1 m x: — H 01 •o E /— N r-H 0) o Crt CU •r-l S-J • (U D- ^ M-l m • :=> cfl D- • E o 0) ax) CN) QJ (-!-• d n) m 4-1 N-X ■H J-l X cn Ph Cfl 3 Cu >. w ca 1— 1 03 S QJ 4J 1— 1 e « d £-1 o 0) QJ o p ij U QJ •r-l 4-1 (fl QJ ■U 4J 4-J s tfl tfl tn OJ )J I— 1 m u U) 4-1 r— 1 4J nj XI ■r-l •r-l ■r-l d O 4J ■—1 OJ 3 d o x: O E •r-l XI H D. 3 u (0 E •r-l en ■u o d (U ■ o 0 X) E O p •r-l 1 — 1 XI . vO T— 1 3 iJ w 1 O tfl (D C^ U C ij e ^ 0 cd o -H -r-l i-t O O -IJ 0) « (J 01 6 --1 tfl X; 3 r-l H -H -H •a c -u in d o d tfl . g -H tn g o CJ ■-< trj S -a 1 (1) r-l -H .-< r-l .3 1 o cr CJ d 3 r-l o 13 -i-l T-l o r-) ffi 0) Ph d 3 ^^ d - OS fii -Q O g tfl § g -u tfl M o ji: H u o; 0) -u ^ d -r-i c8 n3 01 S i-J Sj u-i a. >^ 0) CM 0 3 -u -o w rt W 0) >. g QJ 1-1 ,-1 ■u o o w •w -r-i p. rt r-l U 15 O (U (t) -Q a d nj g n! ■u >, o u a> J3 s-i to f— 4 g U-l 1 XI OJ u 0) X) x: