: % BY Perey BW. oe ~ UNIVERS ty OF WISCONSIN Pi D. THESIS _14 2.1 _ 2 | Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin RECRIVED —APRB- 1922, MOCUMENTS Div. s!Oh LIBRARY OF a 66.13. Tr: a ee ey Reprinted from Som Scriuncw Vol, XII, No. 3, September, 1921 METHODS OF STUDYING THE CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF THE SOIL SOLUTION? F. W. PARKER Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wisconsin Received for publication March 7, 1921 A more exact knowledge of the soil solution is desirable for the study of many of the problems of soil fertility and related subjects. The purpose of the present investigation was to study some of the methods which have been used in determining the concentration and composition of the soil solution and to compare the results obtained by the different methods. The methods which have been used may be classified into groups as follows: (a) Methods involving extraction with comparatively large amounts of water. (b) Methods which aim to obtain the true soil solution. (c) Methods which aim to measure the concentration of the soil solution directly in the soil. The water-extraction method has been widely used and possesses many advantages. The greatest criticism of the method is that the addition of a large quantity of water alters the equilibrium in the soil. It undoubtedly has a solvent effect and may also cause a precipitation of some of the material in solution due to an alteration in the nature of the solvent. The quantity of salts obtained depends upon a number of factors. Mitscherlich (17) has shown the effect of the CO: content of the water, the time of extraction, and the ratio of soil to water on the quantity of material extracted. The procedure is arbitrary, but results obtained by several investigators indicate that the usual 1:5 extraction gives an approximate measure of the salt content of the soil solution. Because of the lack of knowledge as to whether or not the water extraction gives a good quantitative measurement of the salts in the soil, there have been several methods proposed for obtaining the true soil solution. Ramann, Marz and Bauer (21) have obtained the soil solution by the use of a hydraulic press. They applied a pressure of about 4,000 pounds to the square inch. Lipman (16) also used the pressure method, applying a maxi- 1 Part 1 of a thesis submitted at the University of Wisconsin in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Published with the permission of the Director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. The writer wishes to express his appreciation for the helpful suggestions and criticisms tendered by Prof. E. Truog. 209 210 F. W. PARKER mum pressure of 53,000 pounds to the square inch. The method is of limited value for it is only applicable to finer-textured soils at a rather high moisture content and requires a complicated apparatus. The criticism has been made by Northrup (19) that the application of high pressures such as were used by Lipman would alter the physico-chemical equilibrium in the soil and as a result the true soil solution would not be secured. The centrifuge method of Briggs and McLane (23) and the artificial root method of Briggs and McCall (8), in which suction is used, may give the true soil solution. However, these methods are only applicable to soils at high moisture contents and only small amounts of the solution are obtained. The displacement method was first used by Schloesing (22). He used water colored with carmine to displace the soil solution and obtained considerable amounts which were used for analytical purposes. Gola (9) used water as the displacing liquid in his studies on the concentration of the soil solution. Ischerekov (15) used ethyl alcohol as the displacing liquid and obtained results which indicate that the displaced solution is the true soil solution in an unaltered condition. Moist soil was packed in a glass tube which had a piece of linen tied over the bottom. After placing alcohol on top of the soil column the soil solution soon began to drop from the bottom of the tube. He reports results which indicate that the successive portions of the displaced solution are of the same composition, and that the concentration of the soil solution is inversely proportional to the moisture content of the soil. Van Suchtelen (25) modified Ischerekov’s method by using paraffin oil as the displacing liquid and applying suction to hasten displacement. Morgan (18) used a combination of the pressure and displacement methods in which a heavy oil was used as the displacing liquid and applied pressures of about 500 pounds to the square inch to force the oil into the packed soil. Large quantities of the soil solution were thus obtained. The method is open to the objection that it requires a complicated apparatus and the use of a heavy oil makes it uncleanly. The writer has been unable to find any reference in the literature in which a comparison was made of the results obtained by the displacement and water-extraction methods. Several methods have been suggested for determining the concentration of the soil solution directly in the soil. Among the first of these was the meas- urement of the salt content by electrical conductance (10). The method is of some use in determinations of alkali in soils but the results are affected by the texture, organic matter, carbonates, and the moisture content of the soil. It has not proved of any great value in investigational work. Bouyoucos and McCool (5, 6) have advanced the freezing-point method as a means of determining the concentration of the soil solution directly in the soil, and as a means of measuring the absolute salt content of the soil (7). The results obtained by this method will be discussed in the latter portion of this paper. CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL SOLUTION 211 In the present investigation a study was made of the displacement and freezing-point methods. The results obtained by displacement are compared with those obtained by the freezing-point and water-extraction methods. THE DISPLACEMENT METHOD Description of the method and procedure The method consists of packing the moist soil in a cylinder provided with an outlet at the bottom. The displacing liquid is then poured on top of the soil column and as it penetrates the soil it displaces some of the soil solution which forms a zone of saturation below the displacing liquid. This zone increases in depth as it is continually forced downward by the pressure of the liquid above. When the saturated zone reaches the bottom of the soil column the clear soil solution, free of alcohol, drops from the soil as gravitational water. The only apparatus required is a cylinder in which to pack the soil. The diameter of the soil column very largely determines the rate at which the soil solution will be obtained. The height of the soil column likewise deter- mines the time required for displacement. These two factors must be con- sidered in the selection of the cylinder to be used. Three different-sized cylinders were used in the present investigation. Brass soil tubes 2 inches in diameter and 9 or 12 inches in depth were used in the preliminary work and when only small amounts of the soil solution were desired. Large brass soil tubes 3 inches in diameter were used for securing larger quantities of the solution and in studying the composition of successive portions of the displaced solution. These tubes were made in 6-inch sections and three or four sections were generally used. The bottom section was provided with a false screen bottom and a small outlet. Glass percolators, 23 inches in diameter at the top and 15 inches deep, were used in most of the work. The bottom of the percolator was fitted with a small one-hole stopper. A small quantity of coarse quartz sand was placed in the percolator before adding the soil. The soil was packed in the tubes by means of a short wooden rod. No difficulty was experienced in obtaining uniform packing. The degree of pack- ing is determined by the kind of soil and its moisture content. Sandy soils were packed as firmly as possible at all moisture contents. Peats also may be packed firmly, for there is no danger of puddling the soil and rendering it impervious to the displacing liquid. With the heavier classes of soil care must be taken to prevent puddling during the packing, in which case the rate of displacement is exceedingly slow or entirely prevented. For this reason it is best to use the heavier soils at a moisture content somewhat below the optimum for plant growth. Under proper moisture conditions the soil should not stick together too readily when squeezed in the hand but should be rather granular and easily worked. Miami silt loam was best used at a moisture 212 F. W. PARKER content of about 20 per cent and when properly packed had an apparent specific gravity of 1.50 to 1.60. After a little experience one can readily determine the proper degree of packing for any soil at a given moisture content. After packing, the cylinders were placed in ring stands and the displacing liquid added and maintained at a depth of 2 to 3 inches. The time required for displacement varied widely, depending on the mois- ture content of the soil, the degree of packing, the soil type and the height of the soil column. In most cases it is possible to complete the displacement in i2 hours if the height of the soil column is not over 12 or 14 inches. The displacement may be stopped at any time by removing the layer of the dis- placing liquid on top of the soil column. In some cases the displacement was started in the evening and completed the next day. When silt loam soils were very firmly packed it sometimes required several days to complete the displacement. In the water-extraction method the extracts were made by adding the desired amount of distilled water to the soil in a large mortar and stirring for 3 minutes. After settling 12 minutes the suspension was filtered through Pasteur-Chamberland filters. In the displacement method filtration is unnecessary and total salts were determined by evaporating 25 cc. of the soil solution in a platinum crucible. In the water-extraction method larger quantities were evaporated in plat- inum dishes. After evaporation the crucibles and dishes were placed in an electric oven at 105°C. for 12 hours. The weight of the residue represented total salts before ignition. The crucible and contents were then ignited to constant weight to determine the total salts after ignition. Nitrates were determined colorimetrically by the phenoldisulfonic acid method. Calcium was determined volumetrically by titration of the oxalate with potassium permanganate. Freezing-point determinations were made in the usual manner with a Beckman thermometer. The effect of different displacing liquids on the time and percentage displacement Water, ethyl alcohol, and paraffin oil were the liquids employed by previous investigators who used the displacement method. It seemed desirable to try other liquids to determine which would give the most complete and rapid displacement. In the preliminary work it was found that liquids which were non-miscible with water such as benzene, kerosene, ligroin, and ethyl acetate would not satisfactorily displace the soil solution. These liquids passed through the soil in practically an unaltered condition and displaced practically none of the soil solution. To use these liquids it would be necessary to pack the soil more and use pressure, as was done by Morgan (18). The four liquids studied were ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, acetone and water. Miami silt loam at a moisture content of 21 per cent was packed in CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL SOLUTION 213 four 3-inch brass cylinders, care being taken to obtain uniform packing. The degree of packing in these cylinders was not great enough to obtain the most complete displacement. The time which elapsed between the addition of the displacing liquid and the appearance of the first drop of the soil solution was recorded. The volume of the water in the soil being known, the percentage displaced was readily calculated from the volume of the solution obtained. In order to detect the first appearance of the displacing liquid in the soil solution a freezing-point determination was used. The freezing point of successive portions of the solution was determined. As soon as the displacing liquid appeared in the solution the freezing point was appreciably changed. The appearance of ethyl alcohol and acetone was further confirmed by quali- tative tests. Table 1 shows the effect of different liquids on the time and percentage dis- placement. The viscosity of the liquids also is given in the table, since vis- cosity is one of the main factors influencing the time and percentage displace- ment. The less viscous displacing liquids pass through the pore spaces of TABLE 1 The time and percentage displacement of the soil solution from Miami silt loam by different liquids ARES ee VRE EAI, PERE Cem tel a RS EUROS a VISCCSITY IN C. G. S.| TIME TO THE FIRST DISPLACING LIQUID UNITS AT 20°C. DROP DISPLACEMENT hrs. per cent INGetOTie ve sitalata aa cicvee ee ciel ars sia eles olteie's 0.00334 2 12.0 Methyl alcohol.............2s2eseee> 0.00591 34 24.0 REET ae Peete ay cle ictonsy eveteigintatere surrey elars alelie 0.01006 4 20.0 Ethyl alcohol..........0s-eeeeeeeees 0.01190 44 36.0 the soil more readily than do the more viscous liquids. This causes them to mix with a greater portion of the soil solution. These and similar results obtained with other soils indicate that ethyl alco- hol is the most satisfactory displacing liquid. It gives a more complete displacement than the other liquids used and it is very easy to test for its appearance in the displaced solution by means of the iodoform reaction. Water is a fairly satisfactory displacing liquid but it mixes more with the soil solution and does not give as complete a displacement as does ethyl alco- hol. If water is used some NaCl should be added making it possible to determine when the displacing solution appears by testing with silver nitrate. Acetone is not at all satisfactory for it has too low a viscosity and therefore passes through the soil too readily, giving a very low percentage displacement. Methyl alcohol possesses no marked advantage over water and is not as good as ethyl alcohol. Before ethyl alcohol was selected for subsequent work, additional experi- ments were made to determine the percentage displacement that would ordi- narily be obtained by its use. The percentage displacement depends upon 214 F. W. PARKER several factors. The higher the soil column and the more compact the soil, the greater will be the percentage of the soil solution displaced. A high mois- ture content also tends to produce a high percentage displacement. How- ever, these same factors determine very largely the time required for dis- placement, and the time element should not be made too great. The experiments indicated that it was practicable with most soils to obtain from 35 to 45 per cent of the soil solution by displacement with ethyl] alcohol. This amount may be secured without the time element becoming very objec- tionable. It is possible to displace a much greater percentage than this. Using a silt loam soil at a moisture content of 23.3 per cent, a 75.6 per cent displacement was secured. Ischerekov (15) reports that with a soil at satura- tion it is possible to displace 95 per cent of the soil solution. The concentration of the soil solution obtained by the use of different displacing liquids A consideration of the mechanics of displacement leads to the conclusion that the soil solution obtained is in all cases really displaced by the soil solu- TABLE 2 The concentration of the soil solution obtained with different displacing liquids TOTAL SALTS IN SOLUTION FREEZING-POINT DISPLACING LIQUID ed ens De SA Ra PRA ES ees DEPRESSION Before ignition After ignition DEEDES Dp. p.m. p. p.m. (Er, PAT CELONIE Merteicve tatters tetas tocecaleieisle.creteionste.c 655 248 0.020 IMPpcIVLASPOHON See cipro, dene s+ p.0\ce 05" 649 246 0.619 Wid Lerentn oon ere eterae eit Gch aes Sree 670 232 0.020 Bit taleoholvaenies creitre(s 2160's sere ejacdia,e 660 248 0.019 tion itself. A zone, in which the soil is saturated with the soil solution, soon forms immediately below the displacing liquid after it is added. After the formation of this zone the only function of the displacing liquid is to give pressure and cause a downward movement of the saturated zone. Therefore, the displacing liquid should not affect the concentration of the solution obtained. The question of the influence of the displacing liquid on the con- centration of the solution was studied experimentally, using the solutions secured from Miami silt loam by the different liquids shown in table 1. The results are recorded in table 2 and confirm the conclusions reached by a theo- retical consideration of the question. Composition of successive portions of the displaced solution In displacement the soil solution moves through the soil. The first por- tions move only a short distance before they drop from the soil, while the last portion may pass through a soil column of considerable height. The question CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL SOLUTION 245 at once arises as to whether or not the movement of the soil solution through the soil alters its composition. If it does, successive portions of the dis- placed solution would not be of the same composition. If they are not of the same composition the method probably would be of little value. In a well mixed soil the solution in all portions is probably of the same - composition. The readily soluble salts are in solution and this solution is in equilibrium with the surrounding solid material. As the solution is displaced and passes downward it comes in contact with more solution of the same com- position and concentration and with solid material of the same nature as that from which it was displaced. Therefore, the point of equilibrium should not change and the composition of the solution should not be altered by its pas- TABLE 3 The freezing-point depression and total salts in successive portions of the soil solution from Miami silt loam TOTAL SALTS SOLUT: FREEZING-POINT oe “oa PORTION DEPRESSION Belord seniton After ignition ms Ba ee hae p. p.m. } ee Ent a oe oy ee ae * : oo vi ie f ite — oA ¥ oor us . i oe ME i i: eer ra an * High results due to colloidal material. } High results due to alcohol in the solution. sage through a column of soil which has been well mixed before it is packed in the cylinder. Hoagland, Martin and Stewart (14) have shown that a water extract of a soil when concentrated and allowed to percolate through another portion of the same soil does not alter much in its composition. It is therefore probable that the composition of the true soil solution would not be changed in passing through a soil column. If the soil solution has a solvent effect on the soil particles during its passage through the soil, the last portions would be more concentrated than the first. To determine whether or not successive portions are of the same composition, as indicated by a determination of the freezing point and total salts, a 3-inch brass cylinder was filled with Miami silt loam containing 22 per cent moisture. 216 F. W. PARKER The height of the soil column was 22 inches and 35.3 per cent of the soil solu- tion was obtained. During displacement, successive portions were secured and the freezing point determined. Then portions 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, etc., were combined and the total salts determined in these larger portions. Table 3 presents the results. The first portion contained a small amount of colloidal material which caused a high result for total salts in that portion. Small amounts of alcohol began to come through in the ninth portion, as is indicated by the freezing- point depression. However, the amount was so small that the total salts were not affected until the thirteenth portion. Then the solution became tur- bid due to colloidal material. The results show that successive portions are of the same composition. Results have also been obtained showing that successive portions contain the same amount of nitrate nitrogen. It is probable that a complete analysis of the successive portions would prove that they were of the same composition in all respects. These results agree with those obtained by Ischerekov (15) and Schloesing (22). Ischerekov determined total salts and Schloesing deter- mined nitrates. The concentration of the soil solution at different moisture contents In most soils the soil solution is very dilute. All readily soluble material is in solution even at low moisture contents. The solution is only saturated in respect to those minerals which are comparatively insoluble and have a low rate of solubility. Therefore, the addition of a small amount of water should not bring a very appreciable amount of material in solution. That soils are very insoluble and have a low rate of solubility has been shown by the work of Bouyoucos (2), in using the freezing-point method. That being the case, the concentration of the soil solution should be approximately inversely proportional to the moisture content of the soil. The displacement method is well adapted to such a study, for it can be used at a wide range of moisture contents. If the concentration of the soil solution obtained from a soil at different moisture contents is inversely proportional to the moisture content, it affords further proof that the method gives the true soil solution. The relation of the moisture content and the concentration of the soil solu- tion was studied in three soils. The soils had been in the greenhouse in a moist condition several weeks. Portions of the moist soil were weighed out; to some portions water was added to give the desired moisture content while others were allowed to dry to lower the moisture contents. Before packing in the percolators all portions except those at the higher moisture contents were passed through a coarse screen to insure thorough mixing. Displace- ment was started as soon after the addition of water as possible, usually within 4 to 6 hours. Tables 4, 5 and 6 give the results obtained with Plainfield sand, Miami silt loam and Carrington silt loam. If the concentration is inversely propor- CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL SOLUTION 217 tional to the moisture content, the freezing-point depression of the solution multiplied by the moisture content of the soil will give a constant (D:M = K). Also the parts per million of total salts in the dry soil will be a constant. TABLE 4 The freezing-point depression of the soil solution and the total salts in Plainfield sand at varying moisture contents FPREEZING-POINT : TOTAL SALTS IN SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT DEPRESSION K (D.M=K) viele paca Before ignition After ignition per cent SG. Dp. p.m. p. p. Mm. 4.25 0.045 0.191 62 131 6.31 0.030 0.189 45 133% 8.30 0.022 0.182 57 12.9 10.70 0.018 0.192 50 14.7 12.40 0.014 0.173 49 14.1 15.00 0.013 0.195 54 reyaa! TABLE 5 The freezing-point depression of the soil solution and the total salis in Miami silt loam at varying moisture contents ; FREEZING-POINT TOTAL SALTS IN SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT DEPRESSION K (D.M=K) cide hemieis i Before ignition After ignition per cent SC: dD. p.m. Dp. p. m. 10.30 0.039 0.401 116.8 44.4 13255 0.030 0.406 116.1 47.1 WiaZ25 0.022 0.379— 104.3 43.4 20.62 0.018: O.aad 108.9 44.8 29.41 0.013 0.382 34.05 0.012 0.408 TABLE 6 The freezing-point depression of the soil solution and the total salts in Carrington silt loam al varying moisture contents FREEZING-POINT TOTAL SALTS IN SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT DEPRESSION K (M.D=K) CF Before ignition After ignition per cent 7G? p. p.m. p. p.m. 8.77 0.100 0.877 275 94.0 11.80 0.071 0.837 253 92.3 13.95 0.067 0.934 253 94.2 16.00 0.045 0.720 252 95.3 18.55 0.043 0.797 253 96.0 The results show that within experimental error K and the parts per mil- lion of total salts are constants. Assuming that the concentration of the soil solution is inversely proportional to the moisture content, as is undoubt- 218 F. W. PARKER edly very nearly the case, these results indicate that the true soil solution is obtained. Ischerekov (15) preformed a similar experiment and obtained results of the same order. A comparision of results obtained by displacement and water extraction In a study of any method it is desirable to compare results obtained by its use with those obtained by other methods. The water extraction method is the one most generally used in studying the soluble salt content of soils. It was therefore used as a means of further studying the results obtained by the displacement method. The two methods can not be expected to give the same results in all cases but the result should be of the same general order. All nitrates are readily soluble and undoubtedly a very nearly correct quantitative determination of the nitrate nitrogen in the soil solution is TABLE 7 Nitrate nitrogen in the dry soil as determined by the water-extraction and displacement methods NITRATE NITROGEN IN THE DRY SCIL SOIL NUMBER Displacement method Water extraction p. p.m. p. p. mM. 1 4.5 4.0 2 54.6 250 3 31.0 34.0 4 103.3 100.0 5 Sone 50.0 6 63.3 60.0 7 ifeeiy 20.0 8 38.0 36.0 9 Dees 2.8 10 6.9 6.4 secured by the usual 1.5 water extraction. Since all of the nitrates are prob- ably in the soil solution before the addition of water, it should be possible to obtain the same results for nitrates in the soil by using the two methods. The results obtained with the two methods on a number of soils from differ- ent field plots and the greenhouse are given in table 7. The two methods, within experimental error, give the same result for nitrate nitrogen in the soils. We may therefore conclude that the displaced solution is of the same nitrate concentration as the solution in the soil. It is also evident that the solution is of the same concentration as the soil solution remaining in the soil. If this were not the case the results for nitrates would not agree. Probably the only difference between the displaced solution and the same solution as it existed in the soil, is that when in the soil it was under the influence of a physical force, adhesion, which held it to the soil particles. A further comparison of the two methods was made by using Miamiand Carrington silt loam and determining the total salts and calcium. The water- CONCENTRATION AND COMPOSITION OF SOIL SOLUTION 219 extraction method cannot be expected to give exactly the same results for total salts and calcium as the displacement method, since the addition of a very large amount of water undoubtedly affects to some extent the amount of material in solution. As several investigators (17, 24) have shown, the results obtained by water extraction depend largely upon the ratio of soil to water. Therefore, it seemed desirable to use varying ratios of soil to water in the present case. The results are given in tables 8 and 9. In both soils the displacement method gave higher results for total salts than either the 1:1 or 1:2 water extraction. Evidently the addition of these TABLE 8 Total salts and calcium in Miami silt loam obtained by water extraction and displacement AMOUNT IN THE DRY SOIL METHOD USED Total sal Total salt = heise enition af eer ienttion Calcium bd. p.m. dp. p.m. pd. p. mM. Maplacement.s iii wile ssc ake Maes 261 100 35.6 Pea EREACCTON, oasis. Wc SAM e atie oats 211 83 ort Be RUEAC ENTE falc win a.nieaislets w aisherai ele 234 94 30.4 NE MEXtEACTIOM Gt 15. ce aor ie SS eeoie oe 311 109 38.6 ie Olextractionis. Jer ccitie ieee es SYM 145 60.8 TABLE 9 Total salts and calcium in Carrington silt loam as determined by water extraction and dis placement AMOUNT IN THE DRY SOIL METHOD USED ee p. p. m. bd. p. m. p. p.m. LUST C2162: TE) sh: Pee a a 551 209 53.9 PERT TA CUOIMS wait lead Moser o aisle eis eo 450 173 63.4 ES ALXCLACEODI aware atures ciate ociciatelers 470 199 64.2 MS OP EKETAGEIOMM sy rstpemials sayeke enciereie orsicts 582 238 S351 ea rex bractionec avec wen cereals wie, tere 646 277 78.5 amounts of water to the soils caused a greater removal of soluble material from solution than was brought into solution by the solvent action of the water. This removal of material from solution is probably caused largely by precipitation due to the change in the nature of the solvent. When larger quantities of water were used the solvent action was greater than the precipi- tating effect. The point of balance of these factors will probably vary in different soils. It is probable that on some soils a 1:1 water extraction would give higher results than the displacement method. In the two soils studied the 1:5 water extraction gave approximately the same result for total salts as the displacement method. 220 F. W. PARKER More calcium was obtained from Miami silt loam by displacement than by a 1:1 or 1:2 water extraction, but this relation does not hold in the case of the Carrington silt loam. This difference is probably due to the calcium being present in different forms in the two soils. The Miami silt loam used was only very slightly acid, while the Carrington silt loam was strongly acid. Some results obtained with phosphorus on these two soils indicate that the phosphorus content of the soil solution is much lower than would be indi- cated by the usual water extraction. The results indicate that the displacement method gives the true soil solu- tion. Further studies of this character should give considerable information regarding the value of the water-extraction method for determining the TABLE 10 Total salis and nitrate nitrogen in different soils obtained by the water-exlraction and displacement methods NO; NITROGEN TOTAL SALTS IN THE DRY SOIL KIND OF SOIL : Before ignition After ignition yale Extraction isplace- . Displace- . See Extraction aaa Extraction p. p.m. p. pb. m. Dp. p.m. dp. p.m. Pp. p.m. d. p.m. DEMGPE ie eae sie oie ethene aie «| AOL. O |e B4O00 I) FiABeUl 1a e748 2,530 | 3,965 INEMIEEAN GAL: oes 8 oss apse cucte's sie 745.0 | 690.0 | 8,940 7,497 3,233 | 2,618 GClayaloanrenn beens: «enim eke 75.2 ES 747 796 252 281 TION CAV eee es. hen scene |. oaem 29.4 301 370 87 121 Plainfieldtsandsescenen: ofc 5.66. 22.4 18.7 275 205 75 60 Iancockysand sss seers cee cen Ole2 57.0 1,512 1,400 348 325 Graycsitloames(sesaser ate t a: c 9.7} . 10.8 161 223 57 124 Miainitestltitoammeeeieiue