5 M.2 ■ : '\'-^j^ p «|JM r r--3 /^ ,'" d 't '^-^ I MICROFLORA OF THE YELLOWSTC II. PERTURBATIONS THROUGH [ Z LIBRARY '3 Avenue Helena .a 59601 LOREN L. BAHLS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY C( HELENA. MONTANA Prepared for presentation at the Thirty- OF THE Montana Academy of Sciences, Apf r )NE RIVER BILLINGS date due nr.T 2 i 1998 A^ ■"■'"■■■■ ""'"■"■'■ *- -Sixth Annual Meeting UL V\, 1975 in Harve OfC2 «? MICROFLORA OF THE YELLOWSTONE RIVER. II. PERTURBATIONS uH BILLINGS Loren L. Bahls INTRODUCTION The last floristic survey of the Yellov/stone River through Billings was accomplished 20 years ago when the river was receiving a pollution burden much greater than it receives today. In 1955, no bottom organisms occurred in the first 11 miles below waste outfalls at Billings; sewage "fungus" was commonplace; and taste and odor problems were chronic (10). Today, due largely to the application of pollution control tech- nology, the situation is much improved and the river is getting cleaner (2). Nevertheless, the Yellowstone River from Laurel to Billings remains water quality limited because of discharges from the Laurel and Billings sewage treatment plants, and wastewater discharges from three oil refineries, a sugar beet factory and a coal-fired steam-electric plant. There are also a number of non-point source sediment and oil problems in this reach of the river (5). This paper describes the response of Yellowstone River algae to a variety of waste discharges originating in the Laurel -Billings municipal/ industrial complex. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the structure of benthic diatom associations and ambient concentrations of selected algal nutrients. This investigation was conducted as a contri- bution to the biological portion of a waste load allocation study being prepared for this section of the Yellowstone by the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. METHODS Sampling Stations and Schedule Nine stations were sampled from Laurel downstream to Huntley, including the Clarks Fork River and Yegen Drain: I. Yellowstone River at Laurel (above Laurel wastewater dis- charge and confluence with the Clarks Fork River). II. Clarks Fork River at mouth. III. Yellowstone River at Duck Creek Bridge. IV. Yellowstone River at South Bridge (Billings). V. Yellowstone River below Corette plant. VI. Yellowstone River at East Bridge (Billings). VII. Yegen Drain at mouth. VIII. Yellowstone River below Yegen Drain (above Billings waste- water discharge). IX. Yellowstone River near Huntley. Periphyton samples and water samples for algal nutrients were collected at these stations on the dates listed in Table I. Table I. Sampling Schedule (All samples taken in 1975 except the nutrient sample at Station V, which was collected in 1974) Station and Date I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX Nutrient Samples 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 7/22 9/9 10/23 10/7 9/9 Periphyton Samples 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/9 9/16 9/9 11/1 11/1 9/9 Field and Laboratory Procedures At each station, periphyton samples were obtained by scraping natural substrates in proportion to the surface area of each type that was exposed for colonization. (Rocks predominated at most stations.) Substrates from both sluggish and rapidly flowing water were sampled in order to minimize possible bias caused by current effects. This procedure allows for collection of a composite sample that is representative of the range of physical conditions prevailing at each site at the time of collection. From each sample, a subsample was taken and scanned microscopically to determine the presence and relative importance of non-diatom algae. Then, in a manner prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency (4), each sample was acidified and oxidized, a permanent mount was prepared, and a diatom species proportional count was performed. Nutrient analyses were performed at the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences' water laboratory in Helena following methods outlined by the American Health Association (1). Diversity Measures Two diversity indexes were applied to the diatom species relative abundance figures obtained from the proportional counts:. Margalef's index (9), A - S - 1 and Shannon's index (12), D = -k(Ni/N) log (N^/N) i A series of corollary measures derived from the Shannoi ' were also applied: DMAX = log (s) DMIN = log (N) - /n - s + A log (N - s + 1) on - D^AX - D *^^ ~ DMAX - DMIN EV = D/DMAX where s = number of taxa in the sample, N^ = number of individuals in taxon i, and N = total number of individuals counted. DMAX and DMIN are theoretical maximum and minimum diversities. RD or redundancy is an expression of dominance by one or more species and is inversely proportional to the wealth of species. (A value of zero is obtained if each individual belongs to a different species and a value of one is obtained if all individuals belong to the same species.) EV or evenness measures the equality of species abundances in a sample; the greater the disparities among species abundances, the smaller will be the evenness. Another derived measure is Lloyd and Ghelardi's "equitability" (6), 9 S e = s where s' is the number of taxa required to produce the observed Shannon index (D) if the taxa are distributed according to MacArthur's "broken stick" model (8). Equitability is more sensitive to pollution than is D; even slight levels of degradation have been found to reduce equitability below 0.5 and generally to a range of 0.0 to 0.3 (4). RESULTS Algal Nutrients The results of algal nutrient analyses are presented in Table II. The Yegen Drain (VII) was a major contributor of all species of nitro- gen and phosphorus. The Clarks Fork River (II) introduced appreciably higher levels of nitrate while phosphate was elevated below the Corette plant (V). Overall, comparing nutrient concentrations at Laurel (I) and Huntley (IX), nitrogen species were not appreciably concentrated by discharges through Billings, but phosphate and total phosphorous were. Non-Diatom Algae Diatoms dominated the flora at all stations except in and below Yegen Drain where Oscillatoria and Stigeoclonium were the dominant algae, respectively. Euglena and a filamentous bacterium resembling Sphaerotilus were also evident at these two sites. Cladophora glomerata was abundant at Laurel and below the Corette discharge. The remaining 11 genera of non-diatom algae--all greens and blue-greens--were relatively uncommon. Diatoms The structure of benthic diatom associations at the nine sites is given in Table III. The seven major taxa are those that contributed 10 percent or more relative abundance in one or more collections. Pollution tolerances for these taxa were obtained from Cholnoky (3) and Lowe (7). Generally, Achnanthes minutissima and Cymbella affinis are intolerant of organic 1 o r- UD , — "^ C\J CM X O o CM o o l—t • • • " • p o o V o o CM o CM o> 1 — 1 CM VD CM CO B 1— 1 1— 1 «* o • o c > o O 1 — o o 'r- (/) o •=!• =f o O > \n ^ in r— IT) o r— * 5 1— 1 o o I — o o > • • • • o o o o o V c c CO •p- o •r- o 1 1 CM o 1 __ ■(-> > • 1 1 ♦ 1 •1— rO o o CQ .E «=*• ^o O) Od r— *£) o ^— 3 > o o CVJ o o O h— ( • • • • • s- o o o o o 1- V en CO S- HH in n~ "* o r— (U 1 — 1 o o CM o o > 1 — t • • • • • •r- o o o o o C£ ^J ►— * • • " • • W) o o o o o 3 o \ 1— ^ CO LO r— 00 o r^ "oj o o 1 — o o >- 1— 1 • • • • • o o o o o a> ^ ■!-> z C "r- VI 4-> r^ E tn 0) ■)-> ^"^ •^" ^— ^ o O- S- ■z. 1— 4^ ,-— ^ ^'-^ l/l 3 U1 z rt Q. re ■z. (O ^— 1/1 ^ lO T—~ ^__ , — (O fO fO re (O 03 "O +-> 01 -l-> ,— ^— >=f o O (O (U o 1— 5 1— o h- g a. 1/1 • OJ 0) 3 »— i +J o c +-> S- 1— 1 c ■z. n3 x: sz .Q -M CO £ +j o o (O 3 o ^ •r- ^ ^ hs z: z < z: a. Q. 00 CM r— 00 CM LO CO O CO •=1- 1 — ^ «* 00 CO CO LO 1 — o en U3 CO CO LO to CO o • CVJ CO LO «d- o oo CM 1^ CM CO CO 00 CO CM o CO o • CO en r— CvJ • LO • o CM en CO CM 00 CO CO o LO CVJ CM • CM ■I— 6-S l/> c re c o re E t/1 ■r* (U c s- •^ re «t- cr 4- r— re 3 . > o ■(-> re >J -r- (U re "re -C a. 0) o o 4-> a. >i s- o re o > re re +-> E re re +-> re Q. CO to o lO M re Q. re CO -o 0) to > O) 4-> IM S- 4-> c 4-> X X r— o re re * o o o o CM CO oo en ID CO ■■o 00 l£) CO LO o o o o CO (^ C\J CVJ o 00 00 ^ LD -- o o o CO CO 00 • LO CT> C\J CO 1 — 00 LO CO LO o 'r- 4-> CO o 00 LO I — LO 1^ en en LO CO o ra CVJ en CO CO CO 1^ LO VO CO LO o o o o 00 VO to <* o • CM en CO CO CO uo LO LO en LO CM CO 1^ 00 CO 00 o LO en CM ^ t^ o o CO o CO LO en LO -o 3 C o O) E re i. re D- >5 10 s. > <4- > 4-> ^ >, •^ •p— ^-^^ 4-> (/I (/> Q >,— J- S- OL m (U (U •»— ' > S- > > UJ i > Q C3 O •r— c to Q E E re I/) 3 3 -o (U C E E c E o •1— 3 E c X c -o re s 2: cc LlJ oo O) •(J J3 re cr pollution; Diatoma vulqare and Nitzschia dissipata will tele weak organic pollution but thrive where oxidation is complete; and Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta and Nitzschia palea are tolerant of organic pollution. The characteristically aerophilous Navicula mutica is an anomaly in the Yellowstone River. The total abundance of Nitzschia species is generally regarded as a suitable indicator of nitrogenous pollution. With one exception, to be discussed later, these indicator taxa behaved as expected considering their pollution tolerances and the nature and amount of enrichment. Relative abundance values for all major taxa were reasonably close at the stations bracketing the study section (stations I and IX). The most striking feature about the diversity measures in Table III is the position held by the Yegen Drain collection (VII). Here, taxa observed, taxa counted, Margalef, Shannon, maximum and minimum diversities, evenness and equitability were all conspicuously and un- expectedly maximum. On the other hand, stations in the CI arks Fork River (II), below the Corette plant (V), and below Yegen Drain (VIII) all had depressed diversity levels indicating they were subject to some perturbation. As with relative abundances of the major species, values for diversity measures at the most upstream and downstream stations (I and IX) were fairly close (Table III). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS On the basis of diversity measures, the most severely impacted station on the Yellowstone through Billings was below the Corette plant (V). The great abundance (42.3%) of Cymbella affinis here helped depress diatom diversity to the lowest levels recorded in the present study. Although nutrient data at this site are incomplete and dated, phosphate does appear to be significantly more concentrated here than upstream (Table II). However, the abundance of the saprophobic diatoms £. affinis and Achnanthes minutissima and the relatively minor importance of Nitzschiae indicate chemical water quality below the Corette plant to be rather good. Because C. affinis is a summer diatom, i.e., it prefers warmer waters (7), the stress causing depressed diversity at this location appears to be brought on by elevated temperature from the thermal discharge rather than by some chemical constituent introduced from the ash pond. While burdened with a much heavier nutrient load (Table II), Yegen Drain (VII) had significantly higher diversity values than other study sites (Table III). Yet when this load was released into the Yellowstone River, diversity values were slightly depressed (Station VIII). One explanation might be that Yegen Drain offers a greater diversity of habitats and a physical environment, in terms of substrate, depth, tem- perature and flow regime, favorable to a larger variety of benthic diatoms. This situation deserves more attention and illustrates the fact that factors other than pollution load are responsible for biological diversity levels in streams, making them difficult to compare on this basis alone. 10 Nitzschia galea is on- vera! diatom species that thrives on organic nitrogen compounds (11). .i. .Dundance at itatic, VIII is apparently in response to the a load introduced by the Yegen Drain (Tables II and III). The c - N. palea to deaminate amino acids and liberate free ammonia to t ,. . ;.„. ..aj .^ in part re- sponsible for the rapid reduction in all nitrogen species below Yegen Drain and the eventual recovery to near baseline levels at Huntley (IX). With four times the nitrogen load, it is not clear why the Yegen Drain (VII) had only one-third the N. palea p lowstone station downstream (VIII). This may be due to : tense competition and/or physical factors less favorable to N, palea in the Yejc L..ain. Except for nitrate (Table II), wate at the mouth CI arks Fork River (Station II) appears to b relatively low diversity values (Table III). The Clarks For^ "--' discharges through Laurel have no discer ffect on Yellow- stone River periphyton at Duck Creek Bridge- ). The phytoplankton data from the 19b^ . ■^. ...... ■...,. ^ ..rvey (10) are not strictly comparable to the data rep Nevertheless, it is evident that water quality has inu considerably in the intervening 20 years. On the whole, comparing sa,.f... from Laurel and Huntley, Yellowstone River periphyton was not ed by perturbations through Billings in 1975. Self-puri i and recovery of the micro- flora from pollution may be consiu^.^.. _^. .^.-.^ -i Huntley. 11 ACKNO'." — --■■-■;j5 The following individuals - ' assisted the author with this project: Duane Klarich and t of Health and Environ- mental Sciences; Marian Higgins and v _ ..:,7ienta1 Quality Council; the Department of Fish and Game; and my wife, Peggy. 12 LIT 1. American Public Health Association. Starr: s for the Examination of Water and Wastewater , \ . , Washington, D. C, 1971. 2. Chaffee, 0. "Yellowstone River Gettin . r, State Officials Say." Billings Gazette, January 23, 19/3. 3. Cholnoky, B. J. Die Okologie der Diatomeen J. Cramer, Lehre, 1963. 4. Environmental Protection Agency. Biologic Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface »ijLf r _■ jnU Effluents. National Environmental Research Center, Cincinnati, July, 1973. 5. Karp, R. W. , D. A. Klarich and M. K. Botz. Water Quality Inventory and Management Plan, Upper Yellowstone Basin. Montana. Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Helena, September, 1975. 6. Lloyd, M. and R. J. Ghelardi. "A Table for Calculating the 'Equitability' Component of Species Diversity." J. Animal Ecology. 33:217-225, 1964. 7. Lowe, R. L. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Diatoms. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, November, 1974. 8. MacArthur, R. H. "On the Relative Abundance of Bird Species." Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci . . 43:293-295, 1957. 9 Margalef, R. "Diversidad de Especies en las dades Naturales." Proc. Inst. Biol.. Apl . , 9, 1951. 10. Montana State Board of Health. Pollution of as Related to Taste and Odor Problems in r r Su££iies Tn Montana and North Dakota . A Cooperative ^, ...,.-. Undertaken Jointly with the North Dakota Stat th and the U. S. Public Health Service, July. 1956. 11. Schoeman, F. R. A Systematical and Ecojocjic^ ' "*- fe »..Mnn;.i Flora of Lesotho withS£eciaiMei:i^ :^4|^- ''^tional ■n^stTtute for Water Research, Pretoria. Soutn h,, ,_,, i973. 12. Shannon, C. E. and W. Weaver. The Mathematical cation. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. l---'. Montana Environmental Quality Council. Helena 13 ^m