I i4iiR 'L^iSfe^.S* Jo J^ /^^- '^'^ ^ /t. re^'^'^h Mct^ KKyK — ■ ^ MICROSCOPICAL MORPHOLOGY. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Columbia University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/microscopicalmorOOheit Ml( 1{()S( ()1>1( AL MOniMIOLOCwV ANIMAL 1U)T)Y IX HExVLTII AM) DISEASE. C. HEITZMANX, M.D. Late Lecturer on Morbid Anatomy at tiii: ITmvkksitv in Vienna, Austria. WITH 380 ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS. I NEW-YORK: J. H. VAIL & COMPANY, 21 ASTOR PLACE. 1883. Copyright, 1882, by C. Heitzmann, M. D. Pri^Bs of Francis Haht & Co. New-York. IMJEFACE. "I^N presenting: tliis book, the result of ten years' intense labor, to the -^ pnblie, I am aware that not all the facts and conclusions here laid doAvn will meet the immediate approval of professional microseopists. The cell-theory, which for more than thirty years held sway over the minds of scientists, was contradicted by me in 1873, when I demonstrated the continiuty of all elements engaged in the construction of tissues. In 1872, I discovered the coiniections between cartilage-corpuscles, which, thanks to a simplitied method, are now easily seen. Shortly afterward, the intimate structure of "protoplasm" was discovered, and it was found that the same structure is pi'esent throughout all the interstitial sub- stances which had hitherto been considered lifeless. As many of the assertions made in 1872 and 1873 have already been found correct by good observers, I confidently expect that the others too will, in time, be accepted, although directly contrary to the cell- theory. In the autumn of 187'4 I left Vienna, and, on the first of November of the same year, opened a laboratory for microscopical investigation in New-York. This has proved successful beyond all expectation. Over seven hundi-ed attendants, among them some of the most intellectual and independent members of the medical profession, have here satisfied themselves of the correctness of my assertions. A number of these have made valuable investigations in my laboratory, the results of which will be fovmd embodied in various articles in this book. In view of these facts, I can await patiently the approval of scientists abroad. A doctrine which is accepted by good observers in America cannot be lost, but Avill develop independently of Em'opean microseop- ists, who, to a great extent, are prejudiced by the teachings of the older mastei's. Again have facts made it evident that the United States of America are ahead whenever new ideas of practical importance are to be acknowl- edged. I have received, in New- York, much encom-agement from my students and co-workers. I have also been magnanimously supported by a fi'iend, who is not a medical man, but a prince in character and wealth, and who siu'passes most Em-opean princes in that he will not allow me to inscribe his name upon the dedicatory page. The illustrations of this book are, without exception, my own draw- ings, and have been transferred on metal to my complete satisfaction by the Moss Engraving Company, of this city. C. Heitzmaxx. 39 West 45tii Ptukkt. Nkw-York, August, 1882. CONTEXTS. 1'a<;k. I. Methods 1 Infusion '2 Cutting 6 Moist chinnber 3 Mounting 7 Hcdialilc stage 3 Staining 9 Elvvlriritii i Injections 10 rrejMiration of fre^h tissues. . . i How to vorlc u-itli the microsrope 10 Preservation of tissues 5 II. Gexekal Properties of Living Matter 13 Cheni istnj 13 Generation 15 Manifestation of life 14 Historical sketch of the study of tiring Projjerties of living matter 14 matter 18 III. The Arra^'gemext op the Living Matter in "Protoplasm".. 21 Ama'bas 21 Colorless blood-corpuscles of man 26 lilood-corpHscles of the craw- Colostrum corpnscles 28 •"■'•''' "-3 Conclusions 28 Blood of the neict 25 Analysis of the assertions made in 1873 30 Only a part of " protoplasm" is Analysis of contraction and extension, 34 living matter 33 Analysis of tetanus 35 Chemical re-agents 33 Analysis of investing layers 35 Analysis of rest 34 Analysis of vacuoles 36 Comparison of amoeba and man 36 The Structure of the Blood-corpuscles of the Oyster. By A. M. Hurlbutt 37 The Structure and Growth of Some Forms of Mildew. By William Hassloch 40 IV. The Phases of Development of Living Matter 46 Amecba- 46 Corpusclesof the medulla of bone 50 Cartilage-corpuscles 47 Conclusions. . .51 Bone-corpuscles 50 The cell-theory in the light of these researches 53 Structure of plants 57 Xomenclaturc 57 The general constitution of the body, as recognized by single plastids 58 V. The Structure and Origin of Colored Blood-corpuscles... 64 The Structure of Colored Blood-corpuscles. By Louis Elsberg 64 Observations 64 Conclusions 94 History 73 \-iii CONTENTS. I'AOE. The origin of colored blood-corpuscles 98 Formation of blood from carti- Formation of bloftd in inflamed hone.. 100 luge 98 Formation of Blood in Cartilage and Bone of Birds. By L. Sehoney. 103 Experimental and Mieroscoi)ieal Studies on the Origin of the Blood- globules. By A. W. Johnstone 105 VI. Tissues ix General Ill Origin Ill Definition 114 Division 114 1. Connective tissue 114 3. Xerve-tisstie 115 2. ilnscle-t issue 115 i. Epithelial tissue 115 The relation of living matter to the interstitial substance 115 Life of cartilage-corpuscles 116 Blood-ressels 127 Medullary tissue 117 JHuscle-l issue 127 Tissue of the umbilical cord — 120 .Struct u)-e-elemenfs of the nervous system 128 Tissue of tendon 122 Epithelial tissue 130 Tissue of periosteum 1-24 Conclusions 131 Tissue of bone 126 Is blood a tissue ? 134 Researches and deductions since 1S73 . 135 VII. CoxxECTivE Tissue 143 Definition and division 143 1. Myxomatous or mucoid tissue 146 fa) Medullary tissue 147 fc) Myxomatous tissue of the umbilical (b) Reticular tissue 147 cord 150 Fat-tissue 155 2. Striated or fibrous connective tissue 158 fa) Delicate connective tissue dies running in a longittidinal composed of fibrillm or of direction 164 comparatively thi7i bundles (d) Dense connective tissue composed of flbrilla; 159 of interlacing ribbons 168 (b) Dense connective tissue (e) Coalesced layers of elastic basis- composed of coarse, interlae- substance, arranged in a sheath- ing bundles 162 like manner 168 (c) Dense connective tissue (f) Lamellated layers of fibrous inter- composed of coarse bun- lacing connective tissue 169 Researches on the Microscopical Struetiue of the Cornea. By William Hassloeh 171 Development of fibrous connective tissue 179 Secretion theory 181 Territories 182 Transformation theory 181 Bioplasson theory 182 Elastic substance 182 3. Cartilage-tissue 185 History. By Louis Elsberg 185 Varieties of eartUage tissue 190 fa) Reticular or elastic cartilage 191 fc) Hyaline cartilage 195 fb) Striated or fibrous cartilage 193 The structure of hyaline cartilage 198 The Structure of the Th\Toid Cartilage. By Louis Elsberg 206 Development of cartilage 212 COXTh'XTS. ix I ■ \ ' . i; . 4. Bone-tissue j 1 ^ Ilislori/ "jiK iiiiiif-i-'irjiiisitis jji Mrtliixls 22" Varieties of l>one-tissue 'J'Jli (a) ('aiiri'lloiis, rpi/i/ii/sedl, or rcriostrimi ". 228 s/joiij/!/ boiH'-lissiie 223 IU<»ul-Femtrln 230 (b) Corliriil or roiiijnirt bone- Mcdiillii of bone 230 tissue 225 The relation of the systems of lamelhv to the l)loo Tuhereulosis and scrofulosis of the lymph-^uiiKlia 451 Tuberculosis of the kidneys. Concomitant nephritis -io'.i Theory of tuberculosis .... 45() Anutomicnl iiif/i)s of the hihrrcle 456 Oompariaon with suppuration 402 Titberrnloiis and nrrofiiloun (tiaHiesin. . 404 Uccvnl thcoricH 40(1 Origin of tubercle 458 Further chani/es of tubercle 401 XIII. TCMORS Detinition Origin Composition aiul localization Benignity and malignity (a) Clinical and pathological features 472 (b) Histological features . Secondary changes ... Classification 477 4 OS 408 40!) 470 471 474 47t> 1. Myxoma. Mucoid tumor (a) Myxonia of reticular slriicl- ■ure 479 (b) 2fgxonia of the structure of the umbilical cord 481 47!> (c) Myxoma of the stnicturc of the thy- roid body — so-called lymph-ade- noma 4H-J . Fibroma. Fibrous tumor 48;i (a) Fibroma of loose, fibrous (c) Fibroma of dense, interlacing bun- connective tissue 484 dies of fibers 480 (b) Myxo-flbroma, or soft fibro- (d) Scar-shaped fibroma. Keloid 480 ma 484 Combinations 480 3. Chondroma. Cai'tilagiuous tumor 4. Osteoma. Osseous tumor (a) Cancellous or epijjJtyseal or spongy osteoma 489 r>. Myeloma or sarcoma (A) Globo-myeloma (a) Globo-myeloma composed of laryeplustids 493 4.S() 48!) (b) Compact or eburncal osteoma 490 Psammoma 491 492 493 (b) Globo-myeloma composed of small plaslids — lymphosarcoma 493 (c) Glioma or glio-sarcoma 493 (B) Spindle-myeloma 494 (a) Spindle-myeloma composed of large plaslids 495 (b) Spindle-myeloma composed of small plaslids 495 (c) Spindle-net myeloma 495 Giant-eell sarcoma of Virchoic 490 Melanotic myeloma 497 49S (d) Osteo-myeloma 50<) Alveolar myeloma 502 Combinations of myeloma (a) Fibro-mycloma 498 (b) Myxo-myeloma 499 (c) Chondro-myeloma 500 Clinical features 503 The Changes of Epithelia produced by Growth of Myeloma. By Kud. Tauszky 504 Inflammatory changes 506 Transformation of epithelium intomye- loma-elcments 509 0. Lipoma. Fatty tumor oil 7. Angioma. Vascular or erectile tumor 512 xii CONTENTS. I'AGK. (a) Simple angioma 513 Li/m/ihaii(jlotna 515 (b) Lobular aufjloma 513 Emlolhelioma 517 (c) Cavernous angioma 513 Myoma. Muscle-tumor 517 9. Neuroma. Nerve-tumor ,519 10. Papilloma. Warty tumor 521 (a) Homy papilloma 522 (b) Myxomatous jidpiUoma 523 Microscopical Study of Papilloma of the Larynx. By Louis Elsberg 524 11. Adenoma. Glandular tumor 528 Adenoma of the skin 529 Adenoma of the female breast 530 Adenoma of mucous membranes 530 Adenoma of the thyroid body 531 Cysts 531 1 2. Carcinoma. Cancer 533 (a) Scirrhus orhardcancer 534 Cc) Medullary eancer 536 (b) Epithelioma 535 Pathological features of cancer 536 The Origin of the Carcinoma Elements. By E. W. Hoeber 539 Local origin and transmission 544 The Development of Carcinoma in Lymph-ganglia. By A. W. Johnstone 545 Secondary changes of cancer .547 (a) Fatty metamorphosis 548 (d) Cystic metamorphosis 548 (b) Waxy metamorphosis 548 (e) Pigmentary metamorphosis 548 -slones composed of a mixture i. Pulpitis 643 of regular bone and dentinal 4. Calcification and tcaxy dc- tissue 648 generation. 645 (dj Pulp-stones composed of dentine, 5. Dentini/ication, eburnijica- with the features of primary den- tiou, and ossification 646 tine 648 laj Pulp-stones of the character History 649 of secondary dentine 647 The Pericementum. By C. F. W. Bodecker 6.52 f^A ) Forms and development . . . . 652 Alveolar abscess 660 ' B) Pericementitis 655 Literature 661 Hyperplasia 658 Results 662 Pyorrhoea alceolaris 659 Caries. By Frank Abbott 003 ilethods 663 Caries of cement 669 Caries of enamel 663 Results 670 Caries of dentine 665 History. 671 Destruction of the temporary teeth 073 Development of the teeth 073 XVII. The Liver 675 Portal vein 675 Capillaries of the lobules 676 Hepatic vein 677 Liver epithelia 678 Bile-capillaries 679 Bile-ducts 681 Oall-bladder 683 The Termination of the Nerves in the Liver. By M. L. Holbrook. 684 Pathology 687 Catarrhal or Interstitial Hepatitis. By H. Chr. Miiller 688 Miliary tuberculosis of the liver 694 Syphilitic gumma 694 xiv CONTENTS. TAGK. Microscopical Studies ou Abscess of the Liver. By J. C. Davis. . . . 695 Pymmic abscess of the liver 699 IHfjmentary deyenerution 702 Fatly dttjencration 701 Waxy deyeneration 7^'3 Yellow Atrophy of the Liver. By J. A. Rockwell 70;j XVin. The Eespiratory Tract 700 1. The nasal cavities 709 2. The larynx 711 3. The trachea 712 4. The lungs 713 Pathology 71() (Edema of the lungs 716 (b) Catarrhal 2>neumonia 722 Pigmentation 717 Tuberculosis 723 Emphysema 718 (c) Plastic interstitial jmeumonia' 725 Inflammation. Pneumonia 718 fd) Supjnirative jmeumonia 726 (aj Cronjions imeumonia 719 Syphilitic Hepatitis and Syphilitic Pneumonia. By J. H. Ripley. . 727 Examination of the sputa : 730 Tuberculous ulceration 731 Myeloma of the lungs 731 Echinococcus of tlie lungs 731 XIX. The Urinary Tract 733 1. The kidneys 734 Renal artery 734 Uriniferous tubules 739 Tufts ' . . . 735 Lymjihatics 743 Veins 738 Nerves 743 Researches in the Minute Anatomy of the Epithelia of the Kidney. By Henry B. Millard 744 The endothelia of the urinary tubules 747 Nephritis 7i5 1 Acute Inflammation of the Kidneys. By Alfred Meyer 7o3 1. Catarrhal (desquamative, in- 2. Croupous (parenchymatous) ne- tcrstitial) nephritis 755 phritis 7C0 3. Suppurative nephritis 765 Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys. By Jeannette B. Greene .. . 707 1. Chronic catarrhal nephritis. 3. Chronic suppurutiee nephritis 774 Cirrhosis 768 Formation of cysts 775 2. Chronic croupous nephritis. . 771 Fatty degeneration 776 Atrophy 772 Waxy degeneration 777 Hypertrophy 773 Results 779 2. The calices, the pelvis, and the ureter 771> 3. The imnary bladder 781 4. The urethra 781 XX. The Urine 783 Normal urine 783 Pathological lu-ine 785 Amount of urine 786 Albumen 786 Pathological constituents 786 Determination of the specific gi'avity •. . . . 787 CONTENTS. XV TAIiK. ('liriiiic:il tests 7.SS Ttsts /or siii/ar . THl) 'J'roiiuiicr'n IrsI 7H9 MiiDir's IrsI .. 7H9 Jioberls's /ernienlation ten! 7H'J JUilli/er's test. 7H'.> FehUno's rnliimrtrir )iiftliinl I'M) Microscopic exaiiiinatioii 7U(> ExtronvDua tiiiiltrrs T'.hi Mdi/nrsiimi /iJio.iitlKilr 7'.ii'. Cri/slalliiic sciliiiiciils . 7'J'J Mucus 7'.»r. 1. I'ric aeid 792 >Spenn 71"; 2. Oxalate of liiuc 793 Colloid corpuscles of the prostate (/land ''Jl 3. Urate of soda . 794 Pus-corjiiisrles 7'.iT 4. Hippiiric acid . 7 '1 Diaunosis of the nenvral constitution . . 797 Cj/stinc 795 Ciliiilvd /)iis-cori)USclcs 7L'7 Tj/rosine . 79.") I'ifjincnicd pus-corpuscles 798 Leucine 795 lied Idood-corjniscles 798 5. Urate of Ammonia 795 Ha'maloidin 798 C. Triple phosphates 795 Shreds of connceticc tissue 798 7. Simple phosphates . 705 Fal-i/ranules and fat-r/lobulcs 799 8. Calcium carbonate 7D0 Epithelia S0<) 2[alc urine 801 Common to both scves 80;j Female urine 803 Tul)iilar casts 804 Ui/aline and epithelial casts . . . 805 (Iran ular and fatty casts 805 Blood-easts 805 Waxi/ easts 800 Entozoa • 808 Hooldets of echinococci 808 Trichomonas vaginalis . 8i)8 Distoma hwmatobiiim 808 Ascaris Inmbricoides 808 Diagnosis from examination of urine 808 Urethritis 808 Villous tumors 810 Prostatitis 809 Pijelitis 810 Vaginitis 809 Ha'inorrhage from the kidneys 810 Cervicitis 809 Catarrhal nephritis 810 Endometritis 809 Croupous nephritis 811 Cystitis 809 Su2»2»i>'(ttii'e nephritis 811 XXI. The Male Genital Tract 81i2 Spermatozoids 812 1. Testis 813 Formation of spermatozoids 814 Terminations of Nerves in the Testicle. By H. G. Beyer 81() 2. Epididymis 818 3. Vas deferens 819 4. Ampulla and seminal vesicles 819 5. Remnants of embryonal formations 820 The paradidymis 820 Hydatid of Morgagni 820 Vas aberrans Halleri 820 Pedunculated hydatid 820 6. Prostate gland 820 7. Cowper's glands 821 8. Penis 822 XXII. The Female Genital Tract 824 xvi CONTEXTS. I'AfiE. The o%iira ^--4 Detenn ination of *< j- 824 1. Ovary 825 Follicles 826 Bemains of embryonal fonualions. .829 Corpus luteum 827 Epooplioron 829 Paroophoron 829 12. Oviducts 829 :;. Uterus 829 Pathology of the uterus 831 Catamenial decidua. By Jeannette B. Greene 832 4. The vagina and external genitals 838 The placenta and the umbilical cord 839 A Contribution to the History of the Development of the Human Decidua. By J. W. Frankl 839 Waxy Degeneration of the Placenta. By Jeannette B. Greene 842 Waxy degeneration of the am- Waxy degeneration of the nmhilical nion 847 cord 847 Conclusions. . . 849 LIST OF (OX 1 niiu Tons. Frank Abbott, M. I)., New- York. TLe Minute Auatouiy i)f Deiitim- and Enaiucl. The Dental Cosmos, Philartelpliia, 1880. Abstrat-t: "Dentine and Enamel of Dfcicluous Teeth." Pa^e «29. Carien of Iliuuau Teeth. The Dentul Cosmos, Pliiladelphia, 1878 and 1879. Aljstract : "Ca- ries." Page G63. H. G. Beyer, M. D., M. R. C. S., Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. Microseopieal Studies on Ab.scCKS of the Braiu. Jourmtl of Xcrvous and Menial Dis- ease, ChicafTo, July, 1880. Abstract. Page 407. A Contribution to the IliKtory of the Development of Colloid Cancer. T/ie Medical Gazette, Xew-York, April, 1880. Abstract. Page 549. The Terminations of the Nerves iu the Testicle. Printed in abstract from the author's mamiscript. Page 816. C. F. W. BoDECKER, D. D. S., M. D. S., New- York. Necrcsis. The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, 1878. Abstract. Page 390. The Distri- bution of Liviug Matter iu Human Dentiue, Cement, and Enamel. The Dental C'osMios, Philadelphia, 1878 and 1879. Abstract: "Dentine, Cement and Enamel." Page 013. Secondary Dentine. The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphiii, 1879. Abstract. Page 630. On Pcricementuiu aud Pericementitis. The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, 1879-8'. Abstract: " The Pericementum." Page Ooi. The Minute Anatomy of the Dental Pulp in its Physiological and I'athological Conditious. The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, ;882. Abstract : " The Pulj) of the Tooth." Page 640. J. C. Davis, M. D., New-York. Microscopical Studies ou Abscess of the Liver. AT-chires of Medicine, August, 1879. Al)stract. Page 695. Louis Elsberg, M. D., New- York. Notice of the Bioplasson Doctrine. Transactions of the American Medical Associa- tion, 1875. Pages 57, 135. The Structure of Colored Blood-corpuscles. Annals of the Xew-Tork Academy of Sciences. Vol. I. 1879. Page 64. Microscopical Study of Papilloma of the Laryux. Archives of Laryngology, New-York. Vol. I. 1880. Abstract. Page 524. Coutributions to the Normal and Pathological Histol- ogy of the Cartilages of the Larynx. Archives of Laryngology, New- York. Vol. XL, 1881. Vol. III., 1882. Pages .57, 185, 206, 305. J. Baxter Emerson, M. D., New- York. Perieucephalitis. Journal of Xervous and Mental Disease, Chicago, April, 1880. Abstract : " Waxy Degeneration of the Cerebellum." Page 430. J. W. Fraxkl, M. D., New- York. A Contribution to the Historj- of the Development of the Hiunau Dccidua. Ameri- can Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. Vol. XI. October, 1878. Abstract. Page 839. xviii LIST OF COXTBIBUTOJRS. Jeanxette B. Greene, M. D., New-York. C'bionic Inflauiiuatiou of the Kidneys. Printed from the author's munusrript. Page 767. Waxy Degreneratiou of the Placenta. American Journal of Obstetrics- and Diseases of Women and Children. Vol. XIII. 1880. Abstract. Page 842. Microscopical f^tiulies on the Catamenial Decidua. The A merican Jourmd of Obstet- rics and Diseasesof Women and Children. Vol. XV. April, 1882. Abstract. Page 832. WiLLLOi Hassloch, 31. D., Xew-York. The Structure and Growth of Some Forms of Mildew. Xcw Tori: Medical Journal. November, IHIS. Page 40. Researches on the Microscopical Structure of the Cornea. Ardiices of Opthahnology and Otoloijtj. Vol. VII. 1878. Page 171. C. Heitzmaxn, M. D., New- York. Zur Keuutniss der Diinndarmzotten. Sitzungsber. dcr Akademic der Wissen- schaften in Wien, IvUi. Bd. 1868. Abstract. Pages 401, 600. Stndien am Kuocheu imd KuoriK'l. Wiener Med izinische Jahrbiicher. 1872. Pages 98, 11.5,198,221,250, 356. Ueber die Riicb- und Xeubilduug von Blutgefasseu im Knocheu und Knoriiel. Wiener Medizini.fche Jahrbiieher. 1873. Pages 118, 231, 244, 342, 3.5G, 373. Ueber Kiinstliche Erzeugimg Ton Rachitis und Osteomalacie an Thieren. Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. 19 Juui, 1873. Vorlrag in der Gescllschafi der Aerztc in Wien. October, 1873. Uutersuchungeu iiber das Protoplasnia. I. Bau des Protoplasmas. Sitzunysber. der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. April, 1873. Page 21. II. Das Verhiiltuiss zwischeu Protoplasma und Grundsubstauz im Thierkoi-per. Hitzutujsber. der Eais. Akademic der Wissen- schaften in Wien. Mai, 1873. Page 115. III. Die Lebeusphasen des Protoplasmas. Sitzungsber. der Eais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Juni, 1873. Page 46. IV. Die Eutwickelung der Beiuhaut, des Kuocheus und des Knorpels. Sitzungs- ber. der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. July, 1873. Pages 179, 212, 247. V. Die Entziindung der Beinhaut, des Knocheu s und des Knorpels. Sitzungsber. der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wioi. July, 1873. Page 356. Ueber Tubcrkelbildung. Wiener Medizinische .Jahrbiieher. 1874. Page 439. The Cell Doctrine in the Light of Recent Inve.stigatious. A paper read before the County Medical Society of New York, 1876. Xeic York Medical Journal. 1877. Pages 13, 30. On the Nature of Suppurative Processes of the Skin. A paper read before the County Medical Society of New York, 1877. Uuprinted. Page 59. The Aid which Medical Dia.gnosis Receives fi-om Recent Discoveries in Mi- croscopy. A paper read before the County Medical Society of New York, 1878. Archives of Medicine, New York, February, 1879. Pages 58, 140, 474. Epithelium and its Performances. A paper read before the American Dermatological -Associa- tion, at their meeting in Saratoga, August 27, 1878. Pu1>lished in abstract. Xetc York Medical Journal. 1878. Page 311. Microscopical Studies on Inflammation of the Skin. Read before the American Dermatological Association, New York, August 27, 1879. Published in abstract iu The Chicago Medical Journal and Exanti)icr, Octo- ber, 1879. Page 580. Tumors of the Skin. Read before the American Dermato- logical Association, Newport, R. I., August, 1880. Printed in abstract in Archives of Dermatology, Philadelphia, October, 1880. Page 583. A Contribution to the Minute Anatomy of the Skin. Read before the American Dei-matological Asso- ciation, Newiiort, R. I., September 1, 1881. The Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner, December, 1881. Page .563. E. W. HOEBER, M. D., New- York. Ueber die erste Eutwicklung der Krebselemente. Sitzungsber ichte der Eais. Aka- demie der Wissenschaften in Wien, 1875. Abstract: "The Origin of the Carcinoma- Elements." Page 539. M. L. HoLBROOK, M. D., New- York. The Structiire of the Muscle of the Lobster. Printed from the author's manuscript. Page 274. The Termination of the Nerves in the Liver. Printed in abstract from the author's manuscript. Page 684. LIST OF CONriUnUTOIiS. xix A. M. HuRLBUTT, New- York. The Stnictiiro of tlu- Elooil-forpusilt'M of tin- Oyster. .Srii-lOrL- Malicnl Joiiniiil, January, 1879. Abstraet. Pn'reventiii^ mierosco])ie specimens from evaporation, witliout cutting oft" the sup])ly of air. 3Iany devices have been invented for this jturpose. One of the simpk^st is L. Ranvier's — a shde on wliieh a circular furrow, for holding air, surrounds the central plane surface ; on the latter a droplet of the liquid is placed, and the covering-glass, which must be large enough to cover the whole of the furrow at its edges, is hermetically sealed to the slide by a frame of melted paraffine. S. Strieker uses a slightly elevated frame of glazier's cement, on the top of which he sticks the covering-glass holding the speci- men, while a droplet of water on the bottom of the chamber supplies moisture. The same investigator uses a moist chamber, which, for examinations not exceeding one or two hoiu-s' dura- tion, proves to be the best and simplest of all. He oils the edge of one side of the covering-glass, and after having transferred a droplet of the fresh liquid to the slide, he covers it so that the oil-frame of the covering-glass adheres to the sm'face of the slide around the specimen. Heatuhh Stage. Max Schultze introduced the so-called heatable stage with the view of keeping up in a specimen the temperature of the l>ody, or raising it at will. As a matter of coiu-se, liquids of cold-blooded animals, especially their blood, need no such apparatus. A droplet of blood of the newt (triton, salamandra), which we obtain by cutting otf the end of the tail of the animal with a pair of scissors, may be transferred upon the slide by simply touching the wound. The specimen must immediately be covered with a very thin covering-glass, the edges of which have been oiled beforehand. With a little skill, a specimen is obtained fit for examinatic^n even Avith the highest powers of the microscope. The warmer the temperature of the room the sooner the colorless blood-corpuscles will begin to change then- shape and location. They will prove to be identical with the amoebte found in an infusion of grass. The examination of the colorless blood-corpuscles, or other isolated bioplasson bodies of warm-blooded animals, by means of the heatable stage, has proved their identity also with amdebte. Such bodies within the 4 METHODS. tissues may, as long as they i-eniain alive, exhibit under the heatal)le stage changes of shajje, hut, on aeeount of their })eing inihedded in basis or cement substance, no loc^omotiou. The heatable stage of S. Strieker is a shallow metal case, the central cavity of which is connected with small pipes for the conduction of gases to l)e Tn-ought in contact with the living specimen. The latter rests on the lower surface of the covering- glass. In front of the case a metal peg can be connected with a spiral copper wire, the distal extremity of which is heated over an alcohol or gas lamp. The temperature is shown by a small thermometer outside the case. If a drop of blood be inclosed between two thin covering-glasses, with greased edges, the phenomena of amoeboid motion and locomotion are much better observed than in a drop hanging on the lower surface of one cover only. For high powers of the microscope, a condenser of light must be put into the diaphragm of the stage, as a good deal of light is lost on account of the unavoidable depth of the stage. Uln-fricifi/. Li\dng specimens are sometimes exposed to the influence of the electric cui'rent, preferably the induced, inter- rupted, as that alone admits of proper action upon the specimen. Both the constant and an induced cm-rent extending over several minutes are objectionable, as electrolysis with formation of gas- bubbles occurs, and the thermic action may destroy the effects of electricity upon the specimen. The simplest apparatus for applying electricity under the microscope is that of E. Briicke. A glass shde is covered with strips of tin-foil, between which, in the center of the slide, rests the specimen. The lower surface of the glass slide, also covered with tin-foil, is moved on two parallel copper supports attached to a larger glass plate, and in connection with the electrodes. Preparation of Fresh Tissues. Tissues from the freshly killed animal are, as a rule, unfit for microscopic research beyond a limited time. There is no liquid which keeps the specimen un- changed, and, without the addition of some liquid, the specimen soon dries. As preser\ang fluids have been iised the liquid of the anterior chamber of the eye, sermn of blood, the amniotic li(piid of calf or sheep embryos, with the addition of a little metallic iodine, normal urine, one-half per cent, solution of chloride of so- dium, very dilute solution of bichromate of potassa, etc. The two latter answer all purposes. Water is objectionable, as the bio- plasson matter swells and becomes destroyed l)y it ; the same destructive action is noticeal>le on the addition of glycerine. MirriioDs. 5 Frt'sli sju'cinHMis, if in the sh;i|M' of delicate nieniliraiies, are spread over the glass slide, while, if in the shape of masses not transparent, they are ent with the nizor in a frozen condition. The free/inu- mixture may l)e snow oi- hroken ice with salt in one compartment of a metal 1k)X, while the other compartment holds the specinieu, fixi'd, if necessary, by mucilage of gum arable. Numerous freezing microtomes have been invented; in some, rliigolene or ether-spi-ay is i)roduced, by means of which a fresh specimen may in a few minutes be frozen to such a consistence that it can be cut with a razor. Specimens so obtained are useful for temporary examinations or for staining, especially witli chloride of gold. Freshly cut specimens may be preserved by tlie addition of a very ddute solution of l)icliromate of po- tassa, which is aUowed to flow under the covering-glass, and is drained off by strips of faltering ])aper held against the edge of the cover. Preservation of Tissues. The best method of preservation and hardening of normal and morbid specimens is to divide a large mass of the tissue by incisions into small pieces, of one or two inches diameter, and to place these pieces in a wine-yellow solu- tion (one-half per cent.) of chromic acid. The chromic acid is kept ready in strong solution, of which a small quantity is added to the water holding the specimen in a glass jar. It is important that the specimens be placed in a large quantity of liquid, its hulk exceeding that of the specimen at least five or six times. These precautions are necessary, as the hardening action of chromic acid does not penetrate very deeply. In t)ne oi- two days, the liquid having become cloudy, the chromic acid solution must be renewed, and such renewal is to be repeated every few days until the solution remains clear. Specimens of bone or teeth are treated in the same manner, and the extraction of the lime-salts may be hastened by a very cautious addition of dilute muriatic acid every foui'th or fifth, day. If the chromic acid be apphed in this way, it hardens the tissues in a few days or weeks, with no other change than a slight shrinkage, and renders them fit for cutting with the razor. After the specimens have been hardened, we still may keep them in very dilute solutions of chromic acid, to which we add small quantities of alcohol in order to prevent the growi:h of mildew, the most unpleasant enemy of a laboratory for microscopic research. A dark wine-yellow solution of bichromate of potassa is also suitable for the preservation of specimens, though in such a 6 METHODS. solution hardening goes on very slowly, or not at all. The hardening may he aecomplislicd by the solution of ehroniic acid as described above, or by alcohol. The latter method is the best for preservation of l)rain specimens, which, by the slightest excess of chromic acid, Ix^come too l)rittle to be cut. Eyes are placed fresh into Miiller's liquid (two parts of bi(;hromate of potassa, one part of sulphate of soda, and 100 parts of water). After a few weeks the eye may be cut open and transferred into a one-half per cent, solution of chromic acid, or into strong alcohol, in order to accomplish the hardening process. The advantage of these re-agents is that they do not interfere with the structure of the tissue, and render all constituent parts very distinct. Chromate of ammonia or picric acid solutions are by no means superior to the above-described liquids. Alcohol, for preser- vation of specimens, is objectionable, as it makes the tissues shrink, and leaves them too pale and indistinct for good observa- tion. Specunens kept in alcohol for a while should be placed in a one-half per cent, solution of chromic acid, in which they harden very quickly, and become well adapted for microscopic purposes. Bone and teeth, after a long-continued action of chromic acid, on account of the reduction of the latter, assume a dark green color, without change of their structure. Cuffing. After the specimens have become sufficiently hard, they are i-eady to be sliced into thin and transparent sections. For this purpose a good razor, flattened on the side which slides on the specimen, is the simplest and most convenient tool. The specimen is rid from chromic acid by being placed in water ; it is held in the left hand, flattened out by one stroke of the razor, and the flat surface is kept in a horizontal position over a china soup-plate filled with water. We take up a little water on the hol- low surface of the razor, and, while the water runs over the level of the specimen, the razor is drawn slowly and unifoi-ndy through the tissue without producing ridges. The thinner the specimen the better. With the assistance of a flat copper spoon and a needle, the thin sections are transferred to a china saucer hold- ing water, in which, if desired, staining re-agents are applied. Common water answers all purposes, and neither alcohol nor distilled water are required. Small or hollow specimens, which cannot be held in the left hand, such as halved eyes, teeth, etc., must he imbedded in the following way: The hardened specimen is placed in strong alcohol for twelve to twenty-four hours, in order to l)e rid of its water. A square paper box, according to Mirr NODS'. 7 the size and sluipc of the s|)c<'iiii('ii, is iiukIc ; we fill the l)(»ttom ■with !i iiu'ltcd niixtiu't' of pai'amiMc and wax, six or fi^ht parts of the former t(» owe of the latter, with the addition, perhaps, of a. little nintton-tallow. As soon as the layer of the niixtnre in the box heeomes cloudy, tlie s])eeiinen, from which the surplus of alcohol meanwjiile was allowed to evaptn-ate, is ti'ansferred into the hox, and the j)araffine mixture, not too hot, is poured over it. The hox, when full, is j)laee(l in cold water, where the surronntlino- paper is destroyed, and the fat becomes hard in a short time. The sections are made simultaneously throug'h the paraffiue aud the specimen, in the same way as described before. No clearin<>' re-at»'euts, such as turpentine or oil of cloves, should be used ])efore imbedding- the specimen, as such re-agents render the details of the structure indistinct. 'Small specimens may be fitted into two pieiies of the best so-(!alled velvet-cork, properly hollowed out, and cut together with the cork. Everybody can learn to cut sections by more or less practice, though a certain amount of cleverness and steadiness of the hands is i-equired to reach perfection. The rule is, that the section should be very thin, transparent, while its size is of much less importance. Valuable specimens, of which very little ought to be lost, may be cut with a section-cutter. The simplest style is a metal tube mounted at right angles with a circidar black- glass or India-rubber plate. The centi'al perforation of the plate opens into a cylindiical metal box of varying diameter, which, by means of a screw, slides within the metal tube. The paraifine mixture is poured into the metal box, and the imbedded speci- men is gradually lifted to the level of the plate, over w^hich the flat surface of the razor-blade is passed. Complicated cutting- machines, in which the blade of the knife works on the principle of a plane, are invented in large number, and prove to be satisfactory in the hands of their inventors, or whenever a large number of specimens is required for distribution or for trade. The greater the complication, the less is the value of such machines. Mounthu). The sections, after being stained, are transferred on a metal spoon with the assistance of a needle. The best spoon for the purpose is one made of hammered copper wii'e, the flattened and rounded extremity of which is at a right angle to the wire, the latter constituting the handle. Perforations of the spoon are superfluous. The sm*plus water is soaked away from the lower surface of the spoon l)y means of good white 8 METHODS. filtering-paper ; a dro]) of dilute glycerine is added — best with the glass stem of the hottlc liolding glycerine — to the specimen, which is then worked down to the center of a glass slide. Here the specimen is spread out, if necessary, with two needles, its position corrected, and the covering-glass gently placed over the drop, so as to avoid including aii--l)ul)])les. With a little pra(;tice and skill we learn to add the exact quantity of glycerine. Should the drop prove to he too small, — \t.z., if a (corner or edge of the covering-glass wants glycerine, — a small droplet is approached to that edge, and will flow under by capillary attraction. If too much glycerine be taken, it must be drained off l)y moist flltering-paper, and the slide cleansed carefully with a j)iece of such paper folded up and moistened. The sealing together of both glasses should be accomplished by painting varnish in the shape of a narrow but heavy rim along the edge of the covering-glass ; but great care must be taken to have both slide and cover first absolutely clean and dry. The only liquid which can be fully recommended for mount- ing hardened specimens is glycerine in the purest chemical condition, to which distilled water (aljout one part of water to three parts of glycerine) is added. Mounting in Canada balsam or in damar varnish is objectionable, as the specimens in these liquids in time clear up to such an extent as to become unfit for ampHflcations of the microscope exceeding 300 or 500 diameters. Long-continued trials, as regards the value of both methods, have led me to this conviction. Specimens of any description, mounted in Canada balsam or in damar varnish, are not suitable as test objects. To-day, the power of definition of a lens shoidd be tested exclusively on living objects, such as infusion organ- isms, fresh blood corpuscles, saliva corpuscles, etc. The process of mounting in glycerine is simpler and easier than any other method, and, if all precautions mentioned are carried out with care, no change of the specimen will take place. True, glycerine specimens need more careful handling than balsam specimens, but their value is decidedly greater than that of the latter. In order to make glycerine mounting safe, it is preferable to delay applying the varnish for twenty-four hours, as the surplus water by that time will have evaporated. Should too little glycerine be used, the inclosing varnish will run under the cover and deprive the specimen of its neat appearance ; shoidd too much glycerine be left between the two glasses, it often happens that after months or years the glycerine finds its way through Miri/foDs. 9 the rim of varnish, and the siH'cinicn l)e('<)nies si)()iled. As an inchtsinir varnish, asplialt dissolved in tnrpentine is f^enerally used, thonjj^h any ntlicr vai-nish answers the pnrpose if ])ut on in suffieient (piawtity. The ni()untinlaii(' inirroi- iiiid tin- larj^t' diapliraf^n are in (»i"(lcr, while liiiilirr powt rs r('(|iiii-<' the ns«* of the concave mirror and small diaplii-aiiiiis. .Ml powers of the microscope exceeding: SOU diameters are reached to-day ))y immersion lenses. If an immersion lens be emph)yed, tlie microscope should be ])laced at a certain distance from the window, or else kerosene- liirht be resorted to. For rest^arches with immersion lenses in dayli<;ht, the time between eleven and two o'clock is the l)est, thoujfh light-eoudensiug lenses placed below the level of the specimen may i)rove useful at other times of the day. As soon as investigation commences, the note-l)ook and the pencil must be on hand, in order to fix every observation on paper, thouprh even in no better shape than that of a rough sketch. Nol)ody can ])e a good observer with the microscope unless he is a draughtsman. If the eyes be not educated in seeing, and the hand in reproducing on paper what the eyes perceive, all efforts to gain correct ideas of what the microscope teaches are in vain. To see with the microsc<)i)e is a difficult art, re(|uiring many years of thorough education. The assistance of a rehable teacher cannot be dispensed mth, for in the art of microscopy no autodidact can reach perfection any more than in any other art. Learn to draw, if you desire to see with the microscope. A number of devices have been invented for facilitating the di-awing of microscopic specimens by means of prismatic glasses. All these are supertluous. If we want to represent a microscopic image on paper, exact in size and shape, we place the paper at the height of the stage of the microscope, very near the right side of the specimen. Looking into the eye-piece with the left eye, keeping the right open, the image is seen i)rojected on the paper, and the point of the pencil can exactly follow the outlines on the image itself. A great deal of time is wasted by apjdying manifold staining methods to microscopic specimens, and they are deceived persons who imagine that the value of a specimen is the greater the nearer it approaches a rainbow appearance. In wasting time by projecting images on screens by means of complicated mechan- isms, many forget that microscopy can reaUy be learned only by handling the microscope, and both eyes and judgment can be educated only by looking into the microscope itself. Too great stress is laid, also, on photographing nucroscopic specimens. Those who are delighted with nice staining of microscopic specimens, splendid projections on screens, and large micro- 12 METHODS. photographs, generally lose sight of the aim of the microscope. We have better things to df) than to play with methods of stain- ing and projections. We study the relations of jdiysiologieal and morbid ax)jjearanees to their anatomical bases — a more serious and diffieidt task. Photographing microscoi:)ical specimens has reached its highest jjerfection in America, where technical talent is so remarka1)ly developed. Although such photograjjhs are useful in certain respects, their value should not be over- estimated, because they are indistinct wherever the specimen is not even, or shows several strata. Under such circumstances, photogi-aphs can hardly replace drawings made by an experi- enced and conscientious observer. II, GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING MATTER.* LIVING, or organized, matter is the substauee which builds up plants as well as aninuils — the simplest infusorium as well as the most highly developed inammal. Clieniisfri/. The question what living matter really is^ cannot yet be answered from a chemical stand-point, and there is reason to doubt whether it ever will ])e settled, inasmuch as it is impos- silile to obtain pure li\'ing matter in a quantity sufficient for chemical analysis. As every substance, also, the living matter must necessaiily be composed of minute particles, whicli can never be seen, even with the highest magnifpng powers, /. p., the simplest units, the so-called molecules, whicli admit of no further division. After Elsl)erg''s at present almost generally adoi)ted designation, we shaU term the molecules of the living matter '' plastidules." Molecides. again, are composed of simple ele- mentary atoms, the (piantity and nature of which give the essential character to every substance. ' While the molecules of inorganic bodies are formed by relatively few atoms, we know that the plastidides are much more complicated in their atomi.stic construction. Every })lastidule is constituted >)y at least five elements, namely: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulphur. The nature of the union of these elements is a very complicated one in every i)lastidide. but not as yet elucidated. We generally call the organic substances simply proteinates, or * "The Cell Docti-ine in the Light of Recent Investigations, " .\>»r York- Medical Joiinidt, IS 77. 14 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF LIVING MATTER. albuminates, conipreliencling by these terms both the living- matter and its derivations or products. According- to Hoppe- Seyler, the proteinates are composed of: carbon, 51.5 to 54.5 per cent.; oxygen, 20.9 to 23.5 percent.; nitrogen, 15.2 to 17.0 per cent.; hydi-ogen, 6.9 to 7.3 per cent. ; and sulphm-, 0.3 to 2.0 per cent. Manifestation of Life. Wliile ehenncal examination has re- vealed ver}^ little of the intimate natui'e of living matter, we know certain properties to be essential to living matter as long as it is really alive, and we know, also, some of its morphological features, to as great an extent as direct observation is possil)le with our l)est modern magnifying apparatus. The physiological proper- ties are \dsible in every nio\dng and growing organism, and they must be attributed to the minutest living particles as well as to the whole organism. We consider living matter alive only so long as it exhibits to us certain physiological properties ; when motion and reproduction cease, it is dead. Life is evidently a peculiar kind of motion of the molecules (plastidules) of living matter, of a relatively short duration. A change of the motion is disease ; cessation is death. The chemical changes of living matter are different during life and death ; the former are mani- fested by motion and reproduction, the latter by decomposition, which means simplificatiou of the atomic construction. The shape of living matter is changed by decomposition, but hy preservation we succeed in retaining the shape of the substance, which we know was once the seat of life, and microscopic morphology is largely leased upon oliservation of deiid but pre- served living matter. Pt-operties of Living Matter. The physiological properties are mainly two: motion and reproduction — viz., the capability of producing its own kind. In speaking of the motion of li\dng matter, we do not mean the motions to which everv substance is subject, and of which light, heat, electricity, etc., are peculiar manifestations. There are certain forms of motion dependent on the contractility or irrital:)ility of living matter which do not occur in inorganic bodies, nor in organic matter after it has ceased to be alive. This kind of motion enables Hving matter to work, at least to a certain limited degree, against the law of gravity. It is controlled by complicated laws, which we term the "will '' and the " spontaneity " of living matter. According to M. Foster, the term " automatic motion" is preferable to " spon- taneous," inasmuch as it does not necessarily carry with it the ciKXEUM. ri,'(U'i:irrn-:s or i.ivisa matti:!!. iT) idea of inv^ularity, and l)rars n(» i-ctVrciirc to a "will." This motion is of two varieties: one leadinjij to ehanj^es of siiap*- — the (tm(i'hi>i(l motiou ; the other to ehanjtj:e!< of place — loroitiofinii. Botli kinds are due to a peeuliar structui-e of tlie liv-inj^- matter in a certain sta«ie of its development, and will oecui)y us after- ward. Ilci-e I will only mention that, in former times, locomo- tion was considered as a characteristic quality of animals. To-day we are aware that a trrcat many of the low forms of vegetable life in different stages of development are endowed ■with h)comotion, apparently depending on a certain degi'ee of indix'idual ^\'iU. The proj)erty of producing its own kind is exclusively possessed by living matter, and is also of two varieties, \dz. : production for the benefit of the individual itself, with the result of increase of size — f/roniJi ; and production of new individuals — (jt lit ration. We kn<^w that every li\TJig body is originally small ; the ovum of the largest animal is just perceptible to the naked eye, but it increases In' taking up nourishing material from without — it grows. After having reached a certain size it does not grow larger, but only reproduces, renews the used-up material, until at last it ceases to renew an\i;hing, and then becomes what we term dead. To-day, scientists have arrived at the conviction that the building-material of plants cannot be essentially different from that of animals. With advancing knowledge of natural philosophy, the boundaries between the animal and vegetable kingdoms have more and more fafled away. It is impossible, in many cases, to say exactly at which point of development an organism is a plant or an animal. It has been claimed that the only distinguishing character between plants and animals is that the former feed on simple or elementary inorganic material, while the latter take in organized food ; but this opinion can hardly be maintained, inasmuch as it is impossible to say how the lowest forms of animals are nourished at all. We know, moreover, through Charles Darwin's researches, that there are carnivorous plants. Generation. The property of generation may be looked upon, in accordance with E, Haeckel's definition, as a growth of the indi- vidual beyond its indiWdual limits ; at least, every organism must reach a certain degi'ee of development before it is fit for propa- gation. It is known that among the lowest forms of organisms propagation takes place Avithout sexual intercourse, whereas there is a division of labor among the higher organisms. l)oth vegetable 16 GEXEBAL FliOVEBTIES OF LIVING MATTER. and animal; in the former ease, one individual gives rise to a new one ; in the latter, two individuals (male and fenuile) are required to produce a third. It is known, furthermore, that the simplest form of propagation is division, when one individual, after having increased in size, splits into two organisms of smaller size. A variety of this process is the " gemmation '" : c r/., a small bud, growing fi'om the surface of the mother-])ody, becomes gradually pedunculated, and at length separates by breaking of the pedicle, and foi-ms anew indi\T:dual. Another variety is the " endogenous formation," in which a lump originates and grows ^^'ithin the mother-body, and is freed afterward through bursting or active perforation of the mother. Essentially all these processes are the Fig. 1. — Diagram of Gexeratiox. The aeries A represents simple division. Tho body at first sliows a slight impression on the periphery of the nucleus, a ; the impression becomes deeper on the nucleus and visible on the body. (' ; the nucleus has separated into two nuclei, and tlie two halves of the body are connected by a thin pedicle, c ; two new individuals have been formed by breaking of the pedicle, d. The serits B represents the yeneration by ijemmation or exogenous formation. The body projects a solid, homogeneous bud of living matter, a ; the bud is attached to the mother- body by a broad pedicle, h ; the bud, by taking into its interior some liquid from witboat became vacuoled, and is attaclied to the mother-body by a very thin pedicle, c ; the pedicle has broken, and two new individuals are formed, the original bud having assumed the struct- ure of the mother-bod.v, d. The series C represents the generation by endo(jenovs fonnation. Tlie body exhibits by the side of the nucleus a larger lump of living matter, growing from a small srranule. a ,- the lump has grown larger and become attached to the wall of the mother-l)ody by a pedicle, at the same time around the lump a space has formed, closed by a flat layer of living nuitter, b ; the lump has become enlarged and supidied with vacuoles, c ; the lump, now of the structui-e of the mother-body, has escaped through a perforation of the wall of the mother, rf. dKXF.HM. I'uoi'i'.in ii:s or i.ivi.\ make their appearance which are characterized by large size, slowness of locomotion, and the property of pushing out radiating offshoots. Such amoeba^ are especially sensitive to the action of distilled water. By placing a dro]) of distilled Avater at one edge of the covering- glass, and draining off the infusion water from the opposite edge, the folhnving observation was made: Instead of long, radiating offshoots, broad and short flaps weri^ protruded, the long offshoots already present were gradually retracted, and loco- motion ceased. Slowly the amoeba assumed a blunt, polygonal shape. In its body vacuoles appeared, at first small, gradually largei" ; the nucleus became indistin(?t, and afterward completely faded away. Some of the granules, with jerking movement, united into lai-ger groups, while others were seen to float in larger meshes. The more the number of such free granules increased, the more the amoeba approached the globular shape. At the same time, many small vacuoles coalesced into a single large one, and a globular protrusion at the periphery of the l)ody resulted. Both the protrusion and the body of the amoel)a were seen to be inclosed by a continuous shining layer. Within the vacuole, small granules moved about. In the meantime the jerking motion of the groiiped granules had ceased, and the number of the floating ones became considerably augmented. This description of the appearances after addition of water is taken from one amoeba ; but all amoebge of the radiating variety, under similar circumstances, exhibited the same features. Blood-corpuscles of the ('rfor-fish (Astacns). In a drop of blood, transferred from a broken limb of a living fresh craw-fish upon a slide, and covered with a covering-glass oiled on its edges, we recognize the l)lood-corpuseles with moderate powers of the microscope. E. Haeckel * found these corpuscles to be amo-boid. Two kinds of such corpuscles are noticeable, \\z. : pale and finely granular ones with nuclei, which are either large and pale or small and coarsely granular; and, second, others having only coarse, yellowish, very shining granules. The granules of the latter kind, as a rule, encircle light spaces containing scanty granules. * Ueber die Gewebe des Flusskrebses. Miiller's Archiv. 1857. 24 THE ABRANGEMENT OF THE If at the ordinary temperature of the room we watch a pale corpuscle, we recognize lig^ht offshoots slowly changing their shapes, which protrude from the })eriphery of the coi'puscle, while the groups of the granules in the jjrotoplasm are also changing their shape and location. The latter changes consist in an alter- nating accumulation and separation of the granides, or their transformation into a delicate reticulum. Almost every coarsely granular body shows under a high amplification the following, in the course of from half tu one hour : Each single granule at first represents a globular, yellow- ish, very shining body, which is separated from its neighboring granules by a light, narrow rim, and this rim is traversed by rather indistinct delicate spokes, connecting each granule with all its neighbors. Each granule continually changes its location, the more noticeably the gi*eater the distances between the single granules. At the same time, hyaline flaps begin to protrude fi-om the periphery of the granular blood-corpuscle. Soon each gran- ide becomes flattened, cup-shaped, and all of them are now seen distinctly connected by gi'ay spokes. Meanwhile the circumfer- ence of the whole body has enlarged. Next, in every single granule there appear one central or two excentric vacuoles, which by enlarging and coalescing hollow out the granide so as to make it look like a single or double shell, or ring. Two or more hollow granules suddenly coalesce and are transformed into a delicate reticulum, to such an extent that in place of the former coarse granules a pale, finely gi-anular protoplasm has made its appear- ance. Inside of it a hollow body becomes visible, inclosed by a relatively thick and scolloped shell, and containing several coarse granules. Such a body, in accordance with our usual terminolog}^ must be called a nucleus. The pale protoplasmic bodies come from coarsely granular ones, continue for a time to change their shape ; the nucleus and its gTanules (the nucleoli), on the contrary, from the moment they have appeared, dodies exhi})it in their interior a con- tinuous change of the grouping of the grannies. Especially after addition of a one-half ])er cent, solution of chloride of sodium, during the locomotions of the body, vacuoles arise, and the inner surface of the wall of many vacuoles looks jagged, as if beset with torn points. For moments the whole body is vacuoled, the smallest, just percei)tible, vacuoles l)eing transitions to still smaller meshes, the filaments of w'liich show pale gray granules as points of intersection ; this appearance is only tem- porary, as the next moment most, or even all, of the vacuoles may have disappeared. In fresh blood, some coarsely granular colorless blood-cor- puscles distinctly show filaments emanating from the gi*anules. With the assistance of an immersion-lens, Xo. 13 of Hartuack, I became con\dnced that, during the locomotion of the corpuscle, the single granules continually keep changing their size and shape, as well as their location. In the blood of newts which had been kept aU winter, the nuclei of many colored blood-corpuscles were ^isil)le, ])oth imme- diately after the mounting of the specimen and after it had remained a time on the glass slide. Each nucleus exhibits a number of coarse, very shining granules, some of which show filaments that are united with the neigh])oring granules. The nucleus is bordered by a continuous layer of a sul>stance of the .same refraction and color as the granules. There is often seen around the nucleus a very narrow light rim, which at times * According to N. Lieberkiibn (Uebor Bewegungserseheiiiimgen der Zelleu, 1870), in blood-corpuscles of many caterpillars thei'e exists a space between the contractile layer and the nucleus which is traversed by fila- ments extending from the inner surface of the contractile layer to the outer surface of the nucleus. 26 THE ARBANGEMEM OF THE looks traversed by delicate radiating spokes, lost to sight in the colored portion of the blood-corpuscle. The specimen shows numerous free bodies of the aspect of nuclei of red blood-corpuscles, and the surface of many of such bodies is beset with pointed, as if irregularly torn, filaments. Besides, there are globular bodies in smaller number, which decidedly surpass the size of these, though they are coarsely granular, and inclosed 1)y a shell, like the nuclei. Neither of these formations exhibited locomotion at the ordinary tem- perature of the room. Colorless Blood-Corpuscles of 2[an. I have transferred to the heating stage my own Ijlood, which I took from a small prick of the palmar surface of the thumb. No structure was recognizable in the shining colorless corpuscles at the temperature of the room. As soon, however, as the temperature of the specimen reached about 30 deg. C. (86 deg. F.), the colorless T)lood-cor- puscles — I mean the finely granular ones, resting in plasma encircled by red blood-corpuscles — always exhibited the follow- ing features : In the center of the corpuscle one or tw^o gray, opaque, homo- geneous lumps made their appearance. From every lump emanate radiating conical spokes, which unite the two lumps, when such exist, or wliich are directed toward the periphery of the body and inosculate 's^•itll a net-work traversing the whole corpuscle — a net- work the points of intersection of which appear slightly thickened, in the shape of nodules, or granules. On the periphery of the corpuscle the reticulum is inclosed by an apparently continuous, somewhat shining, layer. The central lump, the spokes, and theii- nodides are identical in their optical features, v\ while the mesh-spaces gi^'e the im- r i»ression of light, structm'eless fields. (See Fig. 2.) "J;' As the temperature of the speci- men rises gradiuilly toward 35 deg. =^^ C. (98 deg. F.), continuous changes Fig. 2.-DIAGKAM of a Living ^>f ^^ape occur, both in the central Colorless Blood-Corpuscle. lump and in the net-work of the corpuscle. Simultaneously with changes of the shape of the latter, a smaller or greater portion of the central body at times is transformed into a reticulum, i.nisc M.\iri:i; is •• I'h'ojoi'LAs.y." 27 while, ill tilt' rest (if the corjjiisclc, coarser «^r(tii]is (tf jiraiiiiles arise, with either no iMesli-si»aees or else very narrow ones. Tlie groups at times are dissolved, and re-ai)i)ear in different plaees, and such altornatious <;ontinue even when the temperature is gi'adually lowered. In one eohn-less blood-eorpuscle (temperature 2-i.') dr place; but this vacuole became ^^5=^^^ dumb-beU shaped and enlarged \ V / by the rupture of the wall of a neighboring vacuole. StiQ later, „ o Tx 17- the whole blood-corpuscle was Fig. 3.— Diagramof aVacuoled ^^^ . i n i Blood-Corpuscle. transmuted mto a vacuoled lump, which continued to change its shape, though very slowly. (See Fig. 3.) In some blood-corpuscles, small, vesicular nuclei, with dark contours, and constantly one or two nucleoH, often arose at an ascending temperature below^ 30 deg. C {S6 deg. F.). Such nuclei, on raising the tem- perature, originated in different places of the coi"puscle, as I could dii-ectly observe, from pale gray, compact lumps, devoid of a dark contour. In addition to the larger, distinctly boi-- dered nuclei, up to the nuniljcr of four, I also met with a varving number of ^ , t^ „ . TA,,.r. _-, - f ,. ... Fig. 4.— Diagram of a Dead smaller nuclei. The nucleoh within a Blood-Corpuscle. dark-contoiu*ed nucleus possess deli- cate radiating spokes, which go to the boundary layer of the nu- cleus. The boundary layer, invariably suiTOunded by a light rim, sends off numerous spokes, and these inosculate with a net- work traversing the whole corpuscle. (See Fig. 4.) 28 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE Blood-corpuscles in whicli nuclei of the above description had originated, did not materially change their shape, even if the temperature was raised up to 35 deg. C. (91 deg. F.) ; the only noticeable change consisted in a temporary bulging from the periphery of the corpuscle, of a hyaUne flap which slowdy increased in size. In such a flap, no structure was perceptible, but some- times very smaU vacuoles, which were invariably inclosed by a somewhat denser, slightly shining substance. Colostrum Corpuscles. The colostrum, as is well known, holds a variable number of protoplasmic lumps, which sometimes contain fat-granules, and, as first demonstrated Ijy 8. Strieker,* upon raising the temperatui-e up to 40 deg. C. (104 deg. F.), change their shape and location — therefore are alive. If we look, T\'ith an amplification of an immersion-lens, No. 15 of Hartnack, at a pale lump ever so small, which, with lower powers appears to be structureless, we find in every one of them, even though a nucleus be wanting, a reticulum identical with that of a colorless blood-corpuscle. The points of intersection of the reticulum are granules, either very small and pale gray, or somewhat larger and glistening. Some granules exhibit the pecuhar luster of fat, but are in connection mth the rest of the corpuscle by means of delicate filaments. Larger di'oplets of fat apparently lie isolated in the mesh-spaces. The author named has proved that gTanules of fat may be discharged from the protoplasma during its contractions. In the foregoing, I have collected a number of facts, observ- able by every one who has a well- versed eye and a good lens. I now proceed to draw conclusions from my observations. First, it is obvious that a reticulum in protoplasm, as con- ceived but not seen by E. Briicket and S. Strieker, | is visible. The protoplasm, therefore, is not structureless, but has a reticular structure, and the granules are not foreign, but belong to living protoplasm, being the points of intersection of the reticulum. The N'ueleolus, the N'ucleus, and the Granules, with their Con- * Ueber contractile Korper in der Milch der Wochnerin. Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch. 18G6. t Ueber die sog. Molecularbewegiing in thierischen Zellen, iusonderheit in den Speichelkorperchen. Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch. 1863. t Untersuchungen uber das Leben der farblosen Blutkorperchen des Menschen. Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d Wissensch. 1SG7. I.IVlSa MAIl'Kli IS '' I'UOIOI'I.ASM: '1\) tu'cthuj FihiiiH'iifs, ((re t/ic Lirint/, or CoiilrtK/i/r M(tfftr Projxr. This solid iiiiitter is susj»»Mid('(l in a ii(>n-li\iiig-, not contractile lit|ui(l. In other words, flw confntrfi/r mutter in nicsh-sjKifcs ron- fdinx fo}>](ist)i is Liriiif/ Mdffir. Tlu' main stress is to 1)0 laid on my assertion tliat not tlic whole mass hitherto termed protoi)lasm is endowed with properties of life, l)ut only a part of it — the livinij^ matter j)roper. As I shall later on demonstrate, the livinjif matter ap})ears first in the shape of a solid, hoinoi«-eneous, ap})arently strnetureless <;ranule. wlii<']i by ji^rowinji:, by taking in liquid, and ))y splitting into a retieulum, becomes what has been termed protoplasm. Protoplasm^ there- fore, is oiiJi/ one sfii(/(' i)i the (JcrcJopiiirHf of Jiriiif/ matter, and by nt) means its exelusive api)earan<'e under the mi('ros('oi)e. The two main properties of living matter, motion and growth, are possessed by every, even the smallest, lump of living matter. The motion is relatively little marked in a solid lump, and becomes the more evident the more the living lump has split up into a reticulum, the more it has assumed the ai)pearance of *' protoplasm." Growth, on the contrary, is a marked property of every granule of li\'ing matter; on the increase of its size depends generation, formation of complicated organs and organ- isms, and new formation, so striking in inflammation and in tumors. All varieties of generation (see page 10) are due to a motion and growth of the living matter, while the protoplasmic liquid, probably nitrogenous too, a substance of secondary for- mation, is a carrier of nutritive and used-up material of the li\dng matter. The formation of basis and cement substance, and the process of secretion, furnish direct proofs of the significance of the protoplasmic liquid. Chemical Re-agents. Verj'- little is known as to chemical tests of living matter. Carmine solutions, as a rule, stain it, and this explains why the nucleus, which holds a good deal more living matter than the rest of protoplasm, is more deeply stained ; the action of h^matoxylon (in alcohol specimens) is similar ; chloride of gold renders living matter violet ; but neither are absolutely rehable. Acids destroy living matter ; consequently also acetic acid. The former method of bringing to view the nucleus by treatment with acetic acid simply destroyed the rest, due to the fact that the bidky formations of the nucleus resist the action of acetic acid more than the scattered formations in the protoplasm. This re-agent has scarcely any value. The dif- ferent stainings of tissues l)y re-agents, especially combinations of indigo, picric acid, and aniline colors, are caused by a differ- ence of the chemical products of living matter, rather than by a difference of the living matter itself. 3 34 ' THE AERAXGEMEXT OF THE Analysis of Rest. Lh-ing matter, as long: as it is alive, can never be at absolute rest, and in the protoplasm a uniform distribution of the reticulum is not observable as long as motion is present. The condition of comparative rest (Fig. 2) may be exhibited by a portion of the protoplasm ; while another portion is in the con- dition of contraction, another again is in that of extension. Rest is death, and seen in motionless blood or pus corpuscles, which on dying often assume the globular shape — viz., an accomplished equilibrium of the reticulum. By evaporation of the liquid, even such globular bodies may present a jagged, irregular shape, which is not amoeboid, as erroneously has been asserted, but the result of shrinkage. Death, however, may ensue at any moment during coutracti(jn or extension, if the li\'ing matter be killed instantaneously by a re-agent. Motionless pus-corpuscles — f. i., in urine — may be found in greatly varying amoeboid shapes, and the peculiarities of the reticulum in the contracted and extended condition remain fixed in such corpuscles if kept in ])reserving fluids — f. i., solution of chromic acid. Anah/sis of Contraction and Extension. Contraction of the reticulum causes the amoeboid motion and the locomotion of a protoplasmic mass. The liquid held in the meshes, being di-iven out of the contracted portion, will rush into a portion at the time at rest, and will extend this portion in the shape of what has been termed pseudopodia. If contraction takes place in one half of the protoplasmic mass, the other half will be in extension ; if two peripheral segments be contracted, the intermediate portion will be extended. The latter was suggested by Hermann, long before the structm-e of protoplasm was known. In the former instance a flap "SiTll protrude, nearly of the diameter of the body itself ; in the latter a narrow offshoot, a ^' pseudopodium,'' will make its appearance, var\dng in length, and exhibiting either an indistinct structure or being apparently devoid of structure, on account of the great sti-etching of the reticulum. To allow loco- motion to be accomplished, the protruded flap must adhere to a solid base, so as to have a point of fixation, toward which the balance of the T)ody is dragged. An amoeba, a colorless l)lood- corpuscle, can commence creeping only after one of the protruded flaps has reached the upper surface of the slide or the lower surface of the covering-glass, for the same reason that a man can make a step only on a solid ground, and climl> only by attaching himself with arms or legs to a support. The motion of protoplasmic lumps is liveliest if the slide and cover be close i.ivisd M.ir'i'hi; i.\ " Pii-o'ioi'LASM." 35 to t'iich other, ;ni(l \\u- inlcrvcniii^^ layt-r of liiiuid, tlicrcfon', very small. AtKilt/sis of Tt'faiins. Totiinic oontraction was first observed l)y S. Strieker, in colorless hlood-eorpiiseles in lively motion, the slide and eoverin^-<;lass being- elosely attached to each other, at the moment when the cover was lifted a little by the addition of an indifferent liqnid to the edfjc of the specimen. As soon as the liipiid evaporated, motion and locomotion set in once more. I have prodnced the same condition l)v the addition of glycerine. Tetaniis is also ol)served in most of the colorless blood-corpuscles and amoebae, immediately after their transportation to the slide, evidently due to mechanical shock. Similar results were \delded by the electric current. To call such a condition "rest," is cer- tainly erroneous. Anali/sis of Investing L(uiers. The production of a continuous layer of living matter around the protoplasmic mass and a h(jllow nucleus can be explained by a hypothesis only (Fig. 9). Such a layer is far from being an investing membrane, in the sense of the old cell theory ; it is identical in every respect with the reticulum present within the protoplasm. Its capacity of admitting exten- sion is surprisingly great. The thicker this wall is, either around the nucleus or around the protoplasm, the less is the capacity of producing amoeboid motion or locomotion. Solid nuclei and nuclei with a broad investing shell do not themselves move, but are carried along in a mechanical, passive way by the moving reticulum around. Coarsely granular protoplasmic bodies with a very marked investing layer do not move. The finer the reticulum, respecting its points of intersection, and the thinner the covering layer of li^dug matter, the more pro- nounced is the capacity of amoeboid motion and locomotion. The continuous layer of living matter may at any time and almost instan- taneously be transformed into a reticulum. A foreign body may be taken into the interior of a protoplasmic body by offshoots embracing the foreign mass, the distal ends of the offshoots then coalescing, and lastly at the proxi- mal ends, the investing layer being converted into a reticulum. The thinner a flat layer, or the more it is stretched, the more prone is it to fuse together with neighboring formations of the same kind. Long offshoots of amoebae, f. i., easily coalesce to form a coarse reticulum. Not all foreign bodies that are taken into the interior of the amoeba can serve as a pabulum, as, f. i., carmine or aniline granules, silicious shells of diatomes, etc. The bursting of the outer investing layer is necessary for the extrusion of foreign bodies, or fat-granules, or a liquid. Such a wound at the periphery of the protoplasmic body may heal imme- 36 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE diately Ijy coalescence of the flat layer. Obviously, the bursting must be due to a sudden and intense (-ontraction of the reticulum close beliind, and as the foreifz^ii particles are often driven out with a certain force, like a sliot, we may conclude that, together with the foreign body, also a certain amount of liquid has escaped from the interior. A momentary reestablishment of comparative rest in the contracted portion would seem to 1)6 required for the coalescence of the separated portions of the outer flat layer. A part of the reticulum itself may penetrate the investing layer, or a single granule Avith adhering filament. The result will be a small protT'usion, or a single granule attached to the outer surface by a slender pedicle. Analysis of Vacuoles. A vacuole is a lake in the middle of the protoplasmic body, inclosed by a continuous layer of living matter. Without sucli an investing wall the lake could not ))e formed. The vacuole may increase in size, either by stretching of the encircling layer, or by confluence with a neighboring vacuole, if the wall between the two should break. The vacuole may sud- denly appear, and also suddenly disai)pear. Granules of living matter are sometimes floating in the lake ; sometimes offshoots of a granule reach the inner surface of the wall of the vacuole, and the reticular structure is immediately reestablished. Vacu- oles may be formed, and may disappear suddenly, in ways and for reasons which we do not understand as yet. Formerly, the vacuoles were thought to be stomachs of the protoplasm, an assumption for which we have no ground whatever. Embryo- logical research, on the contrary, proves that vacuoles are ele- mentary vascular organs, containing plasma; as E. Klein first demonstrated, the heart and the blood-vessels are originally nothing else but vacuoles. Comparison of Amceha and Man. The analysis of a single protoplasmic lump is of the greatest importance, inasmuch as such a lump is the simplest animal organism, on the plan of which are Tniilt up all, even the most complicated organisms. It will be demonstrated farther on that the human })ody is con- structed on the plan of an amoeba, and the comparison wiU be carried out in all details. Man is a cojnplex amoeba with per- manent protrusions, the extremities, with a wonderfully compli- cated division of labor of the groups of the living matter. Man, in toto, is an individual, as is the amoeba, and in both, isolated lumps of living matter float about — in the one case in vacuoles, in the other in the blood and lymph vessels. I.I visa M.[lli:i{ IS " I'L'OTOJ'LASM." ;{7 TllK StUICTI UK OK THK lil.(»()I)-(,'l»llinS('LKK OF TlIK (JYSTKK. By a. M. Hi'iii.HiTT.* Il" \vc lircjik tlic slicll of nil I'lilircly fresh oyster on its thinnest edge, a siiiail (luaiitity of sea-water will ooze out. If we open the oyster by jdiUiiif; apart the two valves, around the injured oyster a largo quantity of lluid uoeuniulates. This fluid contains the blood-eorpuscles. P^irst we oil the etlgi's of an extremely tliin cover on one side, place a small drop of the juice of tlie oyster upoTi a slide, and cover it with the covering-glass, the gi-eased edges looking toward the slide. We then have a speciTneu ready for examination with the highest i)owers of the microscope. A power of aV)out five hundred diameters will reveal numerous granules floating in tlie fluid, in what has been termed molecular motion. These are gi-anules of fat, of pigment, and of broken protoplasm. In the fluid there are swimming very often parasites, whicli I do not wish to consider at this time. Furthermore, debris of the tissues of the oyster and epithelia are to be seen, and lastly, numerous gi*anular bodies, varying considerably in size and form, and continually changing their shape or locality for at least two hours. These are the blood-corpuscles of the oyster. Let us now put on a lens with a magnifjang power of twelve hiindred. I used an immersion- lens of Tolles, of Boston, and one of C. V^rick, of Paris, both maguif\ang about twelve hundred diameters with a short eye-piece, and both giving the same results as to the structure of the protoplasmic bodies. We find globular bodies of the size of human red blood-corpuscles to be considered as free nuclei, suspended in the fluid, and of which nuclei it is impossible to say whether they exist as such in the live oyster, or are freed by the injuring manipulation. Besides, spindle-shaped bodies are present, not surpassing the nuclei in size. Lastly, protoplasmic bodies are visible, varying in size fi-om one and a half to seven or eight diameters of a human red blood-corpuscle, partly roundish, partly elongated in one or several direc- tions, or stellate, — that is, provided with a number of delicate radiating off- shoots. These protoplasmic bodies are in amoeboid motion, changing their shape continuously by projecting flaps or elongated offshoots — the so-called pseudopodia — on different parts of their perii>heries, and withdi*awing them again. The changes of shape are not very lively — about as slow in character as we observe them on the amoeba difluens, or in colorless blood-cor- puscles of the newt. At the same time locomotion of the protoplasmic bodies takes place, so that a corpuscle might migi-ate through the field of vision of the microscope within one hour. On the fi'ee nuclei I tlid not observe changes of shape or locomotion. The blood-corpuscles are either devoid of a nucleus, or during the observa- tion there may appear roundish bodies within the protoplasm, looking like nuclei and disappearing again from om- view. Other corpuscles fi-om the very beginning show fi'om pne to five or six nuclei. When nuclei are thus visible at the beginning of the observation, they remain unchanged until the cor- puscles in which they exist become motionless. In corpuscles in which no constant nucleus can be made out, sometimes a nucleus becomes \"isible when the corpuscle approaches the time of its death — that is, when it becomes motionless. Let us now watch a corpuscle in which a nucleus is plainly marked, and * Xcw York Medical Joiiniaf, January, 1879. 38 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE we shall see as follows : The nucleus is surrounded by a yellowish shining shell, which either is uniform in its width or looks Vjeaded, as if built up by a number of granules, which are connected with each other by a thinner layer of the same substance of which they themselves are composed. Within the nucleiis we again find gi'anules, either uniform in size or some appearing to be considerably larger than others ; these latter bear the name of nucleoli. The granules vary greatly in number, and are either scattered irregularly throughout the nucleus or are an-anged in the shape of wreaths, concentrical with the outer shell of the nucleus. Sometimes two or even three of such wreaths are to be observed within the nucleus, a fact to which Th. Eimer first drew attention. In small nuclei we observe sometimes only one central granule (nucleolus), and from this gi'anule there jiroject fine threads, from three to six in number, conical in shape, the bases of the cones arising from the granules, their thin ends tending toward the wall of the nucleus, with which all the cone-like threads are invariably in direct union. Thus a wheel- like figure is constructed, the hub of which is represented by the central gi'anule (nucleolus), the spokes by the conical tlu-eads, and the felloes by the shell or outer layer of the nucleus, the latter representing only the optical section of the surrounding layer of the spheroidal body. All the described formations are suspended in a pale, colorless, and structiu'eless substance, between which and the fluid part of the blood outside the corpuscles no distinction can be drawn. When there are several gramiles present in the nucleus, all are joined together by means of fine, grayish threads, the granules thus representing the points of intersection of a net- work which traverses the whole interior of the nucleus. The granules next to the wall of the nucleus — it is immaterial whether regulai'ly or irregulai"ly placed — send delicate grayish threads toward the wall of the nucleus, with wliich they inosculate. The meshes of the net-work within the nucleus, filled with the homogeneous colorless substance, vary in size. I, however, was not able to decide whether, during the motions of the whole corpuscle, there were also changes in the shape of the net-work of the nucleus, which S. Strieker asserts he has noticed in the net-work of the nuclei of the colorless blood-corpuscles of the frog and newt. The structure of the nuclei, as jiist described, is visible on all nuclei, no matter how many may be seen within a protoplasmic body, and also on bodies floating in the fluid specimen which were described before as fi-ee nuclei. In none of the latter could I ever discover changes of shape or active locomotion. Not very rarely, however, we meet with small nuclei in the blood-corpuscles, which look almost homogeneous and of a pale, grayish-yellow color, appar- ently devoid of structure. Such nuclei, which we might consider as some- what larger granules, are also suspended in the outside fluid part of the blood, as well as in the protoplasmic bodies. Whenever a nucleus is to be seen in a protoplasmic body, outside its shell a light seam can be observed, always traversed by conical, radiating thi-eads, which spring by their broad bases from the shell of the nucleus, and unite by their thin ends with the granules next to the light seam. Such conical off- shoots arise also from compact nuclei, thus giving them the appearance of angular bodies. Throughout the whole protoplasm gi-anules of different sizes ai'e scattered, all of which show the same color and the same power of refract- ing the Light as those within the nuclei. These granules are united with each other by slender threads in the same manner as those in the nuclei. Very LIVING MATTE U IX '' I'Jx'OTOPLASM.''^ 39 often the api)earanci' is presented of a single granule surrounded by wreaths of other gi-anules, all the latter being united, by means of radiating conical threads, both to the central gi-anule and to each other. Such small, wheel- like bodies may arise in different i)laces in the protoplasmic body during its changes of shai)e. Besides the gi-ayish-yellow granules, there are numerous others of a more yellow color and of a gi-eater refi-acting power, identical with that of fat-gi-anules. Experience shows that such fat-gi-anules are more numerous in the latter part of the breeding season of the oyster — viz., in Jidy and August. Many of these fat-gi-anules are connected by means of delicate threads with the neighltoring ])rotoplasmic gi-anules. During the changes of shape of the blood-corpuscle, round spaces often aj>pear in the protoplasmic bodies, the so-called vacuoles. These vacuoles vary gi-eatly in size ; they are filled with the light, structureless fluid sub- stance which we see within and without the meshes of the net-work. In the fluid of the vacuoles sometimes there are gi-anules floating about. Each vacuole is suiTOunded by an extremely thin grayish-yellow layer, which is always in union, l)y means of delicate threads, with the neighboring gi-anules of the protoplasm. Sometimes several vacuoles arise within the corpuscle, and are separated fi-om each other by a continuous layer, like the shells of a nucleus, and these shells give the appearance of a frame-work. The same appearance of vacuoles, though on a considerably smaller scale, I have repeatedly observed also on nuclei originally homogeneous and structureless- looking. A continuous, though extremely thin, layer can be seen on the periphery of and closing in the protoplasmic body. The outer surface of this layer looks smooth, while its inner surface is in connection with the neighboring graniiles by means of delicate threads. While we watch a blood-corpuscle of the oyster at the common tempera- ture of the room, continuous changes of its shape are visible, as mentioned above. At the same time, changes of the net-work within take place. Tem- porarily, the gi-anules seem gi-ouped together and the meshes considerably nar- rowed ; opposite to such a gi'oup of closely packed granules flaps bulge out from the periphery of the protoplasmic body. Within a flap there is faintly visible a net-work only at the beginning of its protrusion ; very soon this net-work is completely lost to sight, and the flap looks homogeneous, and apparently structui-eless. At other times, delicate naiTow hyaline offshoots are projected from the periphery of the blood-corpuscle, varying in number, and sometimes considerably surpassing in length the diameter of the ijrotoplasmic body. These so-called false legs (pseudopodia), as a rule, look homogeneous, and run either in a straight direction or are curved and repeatedly bent. They are being projected and withdi-awn fi-equently diiring the changes of shape of the corpuscle ; sometimes they are thrown out so regularly, and in so gi'eat a number, that the corpuscle assumes a beautiful star-shape, the central body at this time being considerably decreased in size and its granules closely packed together. The offshoots may also be irregular, and the blood- corpuscle may take on a considerably elongated, iiTegularly angular, and branching shape. On the thicker parts of the offshoots the net-like structure of the protoplasm is to be seen, while their ends always look hyaline and structureless. Dui'ing the changes of shape, sometimes a number of granules melt together, thus producing the appearance of a temporary nucleus; such a 40 THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE nucleus, after a few minutes, may disappear again, and a net-work be reestablished, where shortly before there was a compact lump. Sometimes round bodies looking like nuclei jump forth fi"om the interior of the blood- corpuscle, and float freely in the surrounding fluid. Sometimes protruded flaps become pediculated, and shortly afterward, tkrough breakage of the pedicle, a pale body is separated from the original blood-corpuscle. Some- times the protoplasmic body itself is becoming constricted on different parts of its bxilk, and such constrictions may terminate in a separation of smaller lumps fi'om the original body. On some of these limips, even the net-like sti'ucture of the protoplasm is still xdsible. Thus a larger blood-corpuscle may be di^-ided into smaller lumps of dififerent shapes. After from one to two hours' observation, the majority of the blood- corpuscles, in part considerably decreased in size through repeated divisions, swell up and are pro\'ided with large vacuoles and large, structureless flaps. In this condition the net-work in the protoplasm is evidently broken apart, inasmuch as the granules are no longer connected with each other, but float in the interior of the protoplasm m a sort of motion, for which the term "molecular motion" has been adopted. Lastly, such a swelled protoplasmic body biu'sts, and the granules are spread in the siurounding fluid, and with this complete death of the blood-corpuscle has ensued. Blood-coi-puscles of perfectly fresh oysters die after having been kept for about two hours under the microscope, whereas those fi'om oysters which have been kept out of the sea for a couple of days die much sooner and more rapidly. The Structure axd Growth of Some Forms of Mildew. By William Hassloch, M. D., of New York.* During researches in which I stained the corneas of dogs and cats with chloride of gold, many of my preparations became mouldy, and, as repeated application of the chloride produced well-marked characteristic violet colora- tion of the mildew, I succeeded in studj-ing its intimate structure. The application of one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, for from one to six hours, sufficed to stain the parasitic growth fi-om a light-red violet to a dark blue. The preparations were mounted in the common way, in a mixture of distilled water with glycerine, and remained unchanged for months. "With a magnifj-ing power of ."JOO, thallus-threads (myeelia), hyphas, and conidia coidd be seen, as well as numerous branching chains of conidia, all united with myeelia. These formations appear finely granular. Many of the granules are not round, b\it look jagged and pointed ; moreover, both the hyphas and mycelia-threads show, on their periphery, accumulations of minute, generally dark %'iolet, partly pediculated granules, to such an extent as to conceal, in some places, the contom-s of the plant. For greater ampli- fication I used an immersion-lens of ToUes, with a power of 1200 diameters, and immersion-lenses of V^rick. With these the myeelia, mostly uncham- * Xeic York Medical JounuiJ, November, IS 78. LIVING MATTKU IN '' riiOTOPrASM." 41 berod, show thin, (hirk-viok't cdf^os, and coiitaiii a hirj^o Tiurnbcr of {^•aiiuh's of difftMHMit sizes, which, aiiiiost without oxc'<<])ti()ii, am united by fine, viohft tlireads. This urnin^i'intMit produces an exccediiif,dy delicate, violet net-work in the interior of the niyceliuin-tliread, the meshes of which are either uncolored or only slij^htly violet. The smallest {j^anules are homogeneous, while the larger ones sometimes contain central spaces, vacuoles, which appear in the optical section as small rings. Occasioiuilly larger vacuoles are seen within the mycelium, each surrounded by a wreath of violet granules. Not only are the majority of the granules connected with each other, but threads pass also from the wall of the mycelium to neighbor- ing granules. Wliere hyphro grow from the mycelium, the wall of the latter looks as if perforated, but its outer contour is continuous with that of the hypha^ The hyplue, always of less diameter than the mycelia, are more finely gi-anulated ; but there is no doubt that their gi-anules are also connected by exceedingly delicate threads, both among each other and the wall. The majority of the hypha^ are covered with fine graimles, occasionally accumu- lating in gi"oups, either attaclied with a broad base or by means of a minute stem. Sometimes such a little body, or such gi'oups, may be seen coimected by fine threads with gi'anules in the interior of the hyphaj. Just as in the mycelium, we find also in the hyphaj a number of round or oval vacuoles, which, uncolored themselves, are surrounded by a violet outline, or by a wreath of gi'anules. Many hyphie terminate in spherical or oblong conidia. Often a second conidium is directly attached to the terminal one, or by means of an inter- vening hypha. From this may proceed again a hypha, ending in a conidium, and so on, frequently repeated. The conidia are of two kinds — viz., thin-walled, the walls of which do not sm-pass those of the hypha? ; or thick-walled, with a relatively broad shell, interrupted only at the union with the hyphae or an attached conidium. When two or more conidia are near together, that next to the hypha has usually thin walls, while the succeeding ones have markedly thicker walls. Both kinds contain granules, which, without exception, are connected among each other and the conidium-wall, here and there being provided with vacu- oles. The smaller of the vacuoles are ungranulated, while the lai'ger contain either single granules or groups of granules, with filamentous connections in all directions. ^V^leIl two conidia are directly attached to each other, the place of union is broad enough to allow of a dii-ect connection of the granules of both conidia. The thin-walled conidia possess lateral or polar shoots, in the form of sessile or pediculated gi'ainiles, or of projections of varying lengths, covered with fine gi'anules. The structure of these projections is either homogeneous or reticular. In thick-walled conidia I have never met with such shoots ; here the homogeneous, shining shell is always smooth on the outside. Many hypha; terminate in simple or compound conidia-chains. These arise with the formation of successive notches, with increasing diameter of the hypha. Such chains are mainly formed by thin-walled conidia, with numerous, either granular or prolonged, buds. These buds not seldom appear dark violet on their ends, while the stem near the conidia is uncolored. There is either an iuteiTuption in the wall of the conidium, or a direct connection of the stem of the bud with granules in the interior. (See Fig. 10.) 42 THE ARRAXGEMEXT OF THE To obviate the suspicion that these appearances were produced, at least in part, artifieiaUy, fresh mould was examined in an indiflferent medium, such as bichromate of potash, aiid a complete con-espondence with what chloride of gold showed was found, althou»h in a less marked degree ; so that I would ^^^^^. Fig. 10. — Mildew Staixed with one-half per cent. Solution OF Chlop.ide of Gold. a a. threads of mycelium ; b h, hyphip ; c c, conitUa : d il, chains of conidia. Granolar buds are visihlc on all hyphae and chains of conidia, while buds are missing altogetlier on thick- ■waUed conidia, cc. At ee conical buds or projections are present, the thicker ends of ■which are compact and staines, hut litth' exceedingly in size that of the nucleus. Both kinds of <;raiiules are connected, l)y UK'ans of delicate filaments, with the reticulum of the living matter of the lump. The pale ^•ay uuclei of sucli older amoeba? always exhibit vacuoles. If we add a drop of f>-lycerine, diluted with one-half water, to a specinuMi containinji; am(e})a' of early formation, each amfje])a will, the moment it is reached by the glycerine, suddenly contract into a homo^-eneous, yellowish, very shining lump, the size of which is only a small fraction of its former circumference, or the amoeba shrivels to a scolloped lump, which by the bursting of peripheral vacuoles becomes in a few seconds nearly homo- geneous. Such lumps remain, as a rule, unchanged. Ama^l)a^ of a later period do not react uniformly to glycerine. If both a finely and coarsely granular amoeba should be present in the field of vision, the latter, on addition of glycerine, will rapidly be transformed into a homogeneous lump, while the former will slowly shrivel, sometimes only become corrugated on its surface, and retain its finely granular character, becom- ing, however, motionless and globular. Most of the lumps, sprung from coarsely granular amoebcP, enter the globular con- dition slowly. Some even remain unchanged. Whether this difference is due to difference of concentration of the glycerine which reaches different amoebse, even in one field of vision, I am unable to decide. By draining off the glycerine and replacing it with water, all lumps are gi-aduaLly transformed into globules, but none of them recover mobility. The series of changes which the coarse granules of the blood- corpuscles of craw-fish undergo, without the addition of any re- agent, are described in Chapter II., page 23. An originally solid, homogeneous lump of living matter, in a short time, under our very eyes, becomes at first vacuoled, and at length transformed into a delicate reticulum. Cartilage-corpuscles. In comparing the corpuscles of cartilage of mammals (I have examined the cartilage of the knee-joints of dogs, cats, and rabbits) of different age, marked differences are observed, dependent on the age of the animal. The cartilage cavities of a pup, five days old, hold proto- plasmic bodies, the nuclei of which are homogeneous, yellowish, and very shining, and sometimes contain vacuoles. Besides, there are mmierous smaller cavities entirely filled with a mass, 48 THE PHASES OF in every particular like the nuclei of the cartilage-corpuscles mentioned before. (See Fig. 14.) When the solid substance forms the nucleus of a proto- plasmic body, conical spokes arise from its peripher\^, which blend with the reticulum of the "^~ " protoplasm. "VMien the solid substance alone fills the ca\'ity, A —-^-^- the syjokes traverse the light '""-'^ "^S" — ^~ "^ rim between its peripherj^ and '-"■'^■^^r^' the border of the basis-sub- ..^ 'I stance of the cartilage. 5^-1^ , ^ In the cartilage of a pup, ^ — ~~ ' -:;:-r->-:0 six weeks old, ca\aties are found whif^-h contain granular pr<7toplasm, and lumps of a homogeneous, yellowish, shin- ing substance, variously dis- tributed. (See Fig. 15.) There are some cartilage-corpuscles with a central soUd mass of the shining substance ; other cor- puscles with several solid lumps of different size : lastly, corpuscles in which the shining substance ajjpears as an incomplete shell, in the optical diameter as a semi-lunar ledge. Cavdties fiUed with the Fig. l-i.— Cu'.tila'jE-cokpv.-cles from A Frontal Section of the Coxdyle OF the Femur of a Pup, Five Days Old. A, solid vacnoled corpuscle ; B, corpuscle with one solifl naclens; C, corpuscle with two solirl nuclei. Ma^ified 800 diameters. \. 2> Fig. 1.5.— Cartilage-corpuscles from a .SA<:.iTT.^ Section of the Condyle of the Femur of a Pup, Slx Week.s Old. A . corpuscle liolding, besides the nucleus, several larper /granules ; B, corpuscle with a soUd oblong nucleus at the periphery ; C, con>u8cle with two solid nuclW ; J>, soUd, vacuoled coTpnscle. Magnified 800 diameters. shining substance are less frequent than in the cartilage of a newly born animal, and the substance often exhibits larger vacuoles. I)h'\'j:iJ)J'Mh'X'J' OF LIVIXa MATTEU. 49 In tlu' tliiii layer of cartilapfe of a (lo^^ ci^lit to ten years old, the eonipaet shinin^anized individual. In the infusion, f. i., we see g^rowingf g7'aniiles, just percepti])le to the highest inao;nifying powers of the mieroseope, in a fluid in which none were seen a short time before.- The smallest individuals which we are ca])able of seeing with the best mici-oscopes of to-day, are granules ; but we must admit that germs or particles of living matter may be present in the air or in fluids in infinite numbers, which cannot be seen at all, and l)econu' visil)le only after having attained a certain size. How comj)licated the structure of a minute particle of living matter may be, we can hardly imagine ; what we do know is, that the so-called '' cell " is composed of innumerable })artieles of living matter, every one of which is endowed with properties formerly attributed to the cell-organism. The observati(m of the phases of development of the living matter demonstrates that the term ''cell" was attached to only a limited number of forms, diu'ing the changes that take jilace in a growing granule of a substance known to be the seat of life. As the term " protoplasm " was adapted to the original idea of the cell, it also meant only one or a few phases in the development of a lump of living matter. (See Fig. 19.) Fig. 19. — Diagram of the Phases of Development of the Living Matter. L, series of developiiient of a small granule, a, into a vacuoled lum]), h and c, and into a frame-work, d. P, series of development into jjrotoplasm of a reticular structure ; tlie so-called •' cell," e, -n-ith a solid, /, ody, the new growth of which in morbid processes is very lively ; while a strumous or scrofu- lous or phthisical constitution nnist be caused by a relatively smaU amount of living matter, the new growth of which is * " The Aid which Medical Diagnosis Receives from Recent Discoveries in Microscopy." Ai'chives of Medicine, February, IS 79. DKVKLOl'MKXT OF LlVlMi MAITEU. oO scanty in morhid processes. In other words, a plastid will ('xhi))it coarse hysicians to my laboratory for exam- ination, for telling: whether the pus belongs to a good or a bad constitution, of course without any knowledge of the patients themselves. I was right in every instance ; not one mistake has occmTed. About one year ago I announced t that the colorless blood- coi-puscles also demonstrate striking differences as to theii' minute structure, according to the general constitution. I said that the colorless l^lood-corpuscles are coarsely granular and slow in their amoeboid motions under the microscope, if taken fi'om healthy, vigorous, strong persons ; on the contrary, they are pale gray, finely granular — viz., poorly provided Avith living matter — in broken-down or phthisical individuals. I expressed my hopes that at some future tiiue i^ractical use might be made of these differences. To-day my hopes have turned, after three years' earnest study, into accomplished facts. The method of examination of the blood for our purpose is extremely simple. We oil the edges of a thin covering-glass on one side with a cui-led piece of paper, serving as a brush. Prick with a pointed pin the palmar surface of the thumb, neai' the wrist-joint, thus giving a good convex surface, and being least incommoded by the injury. Squeeze out a small drop of blood, the size of which has to be learned by some practice. Place the glass slide on the tb'op for transportation, and immediately cover up the specimen with the covering-glass, the oiled edges looking toward the slide. Such a specimen holds the blood in a living * See page 32. + "On the Nature of Suppiirative Proeesses of the Skin." A paper read before the County Medical Society of New York, 1877. Unprinted. 60 THE PHASES OF condition at least one hour. It is not necessary to use the heated stage, because the cok)rless blood-corpuscles exhibit their struct- ui'e in an ordinary comfortable temperature of the room — nay, sometimes show slight amoeboid motions. The magnifying power should be at least 800 diameters, the lens to be used being best a one-tenth of an inch immersion. As a matter of course, the lens we use must be first-class. Considerable skill is required for such studies, which embrace first the knowledge of the structure of the bioplasson in general. A few months' — nay, a few weeks' — thorough study under the direction of a reliable teacher will suf&ce to enable every one to see what really can be seen in the plastids, and to entitle him to judge also of the differences. I never had difficulties in demonstrating the net- work structure of the plastids to any one who was in earnest with his microscopical studies, and took them for more than play. After having ob- tained a certain practice, one is enabled to tell differences in the anatomy of the colorless blood-corpuscles with a power of 500 diameters only. Several years ago, I was first struck by the fact that the ele- ments establishing the condition of catarrhal pneumonia and of tuberculosis, both acute and chronic, are decidedly pale and finely granular. Next I learned that pus and colorless blood-corpuscles of strong men are partly homogeneous, or at least coarsely granular. Then I followed these studies by examining the blood of different physicians who came to work in my lal)oratory, and who could give reliable histories of both theu* families and their own bodies. Thus I have arrived at a point of perfection which allows me to tell the constitution of a person without knowing anything of his former life. Besides the differences in the structure of the colorless blood- corpuscles, as described above, valuable hints may be obtained from other circumstances. The number of colorless l)lood-cor- puscles in a given drop of blood is surprisingly different in differ- ent persons ; the better the constitution, the fewer are these bodies. A sleepless night, however, is sufficient to increase theu' number, which fact often enal)led me to tell physicians, by exam- ination of theii' blood, whether business was going slowly or hvely, the latter inducing sleepless nights, or repeated awakening by patients, or so-called nervousness. Catarrhal processes, so-called colds, of any of the mucous membranes, lead to increase of the number of the colorless blood- corpuscles ; a chronic condition of these processes is indicative DEVEIJU'MKM' (JJ' LI VIS a MMTKIt. Gl of a poor constitution per se. The colored blood-corpuscles gfreatly vary in their yellow tinge in different persons; the paler this tintje is, the more readily we can tell i)ale looks of the face or chlort)sis. The colored Ijlood-corpiiscles stick together in coin- like rows only when the plasma holds a larger amount of fibrin ; in the blood of persons Avith a poor constitution, such rows do not occiu"; in individtials of moderate vigor, the rows temporarily may be missing, at other times present. In the blood of persons of good constitution, who had passed through severe ailments, I several times found l)oth coarsely aud finely granular colorless blood-corpuscles, just as in originally healthy persons who, by chronic diseases, become broken down. In fact, the microscope reveals so much of the general health of a person that more can be told by it, in many instances, than by the naked eye, or by physical examination. Life insuranee should be based upon microscopical examination, as well as on percussion and auscultation. Mamages should be allowed, in doubtful eases, only upon the pei-mit of a reliable microscopist. Last season a young physician asked me whether I believed in the maiTiage among kindred. He fell in love with his cousin, and so did the cousin with him. I examined his blood, and told him that he was a '" nervous" man, passing sleepless nights, and had a moderately good constitution. The condition being suspected in the kindred lady, marriage was not advisable for fear that the offspring might degenerate. So gi-eat was his faith in my assertions that he gave up the idea of maiTying his cousiu — offering her the last chance, viz., the examination of her blood. This beautiful girl came to my laboratory, and, very much to my surprise, I found upon examination of her blood a first -class constitution. The next day I told the gentleman, " You had better marry her." As a matter of course, every particle of the organism, either in a normal or in a morbid condition, will exhibit characteristics as attri})uted to the colorless blood-corpuscles. The bioplasson is one uninterrupted mass throughout the body, and is connected from the top of the head to the heels, in what we call tissues. Several months ago, Dr. Paul F. Munde brought me a specimen of the size of a pea, which, he said, he found in a large amoimt of fluid blood vomited out half an hoiir before by a patient. After immediate examination of a section fi'om the specimen, I told the doctor that his patient was a pale, emaciated, narrow-chested person, who had catarrhal pneumonia, which led by localized gangrene to sloughing of the piece of the lung, on which a broken blood-vessel was Aisible. I foretold, besides, that the patient woidd die within one year. I explained to the doctor and to Dr. L. Elsberg, who also was present in the laboratoiy, what led me to such a diagnosis and prognosis. There were Aisible alveoli of the lung, and both the walls of the alveoli and their calibers were crowded with inflammatory corpuscles, coagulated fibrin being absent. These are symptoms of catarrhal pneiimonia. In some parts 62 THE J'l/ASKS OF clusters of micrococci could be seen — characteristic of putrefaction, there- fore gangrene of the tissue. The inflammatory corpuscles looked very pale and finely granular, the evidence of a bad, phthisical constitution, and all these signs together allowed the diagnosis of a limited viability, hence the disastrous prognosis. The doctor told us that no physical symptoms could be found in the lungs justifying rny diagnosis. Still he admitted right away that the patient was a j»ale-looking, thin, and narrow-chested young man, whose Vjrother had been sent to Florida some time ago for chronic tuV^ercu- losis of the lungs. One week afterward, the doctor came to tell me that the physical symptoms at present were so marked in the lungs, that the diagnosis of catarrhal pneumonia was evident. Seven weeks afterward the j>atient was dead. The facts here laid before the m vince even the most skex^ti'-al pliv '^ Fig. 20. — Diagram of Pus-corpuscles OP Persons of a Different Consti- tution. K, \iUv,Mir\ix\w\ft of an excellent wjnstltntion ; Die bloi»Ia«»ori nearly wtnipact, containing a few Hruall vacuolftH, alive In a, alive ami contracted In h, deail and wjntracted in c. G, iMiH-coi7)U»cle« of a ffotxl conHtitullon ; the bioplaHMOn eoaim^ly Kranular, alive in a, alive anrl contracted in h, dead and contract<;d in c. M, imH-corjinMclr- of a niiddlinK gfKMl conHtitiition ; the bioplaHHon Ichh coarne, with a compact niicleuH ; alive in a, anxeboid in b, dead in c. i\ piiH-cori>ii»cle of a i»oor (lonHtitiition ; the bioi)la«w>n comparatively Hcaice, finely (ri-annlar, vesicular nuclei veiy diHtinct ; alive in a, amo!boid in h, dead and burftted in c. cdieal j^rofession may con- sician that microscopy is destined to play an impor- tant part in the science of medicine. Let us proceed in skillful, honest work, and we shall succeed in raising the standard of microscopy still hig'her, and make it not only a valuable, Vjut rather an indispensable, assistance to clinical work. Mue-h more could and should be done in this country by the jjrofes- sion at large than is done at i^resent, for the perfection of that most interesting and useful science, the science of ourselves — Biology. Only little is to >)e added to these assertions. Several years' more study has con- vinced me of their correc^t- ness, and the difference in the appearance of biojjlas- son, according to the differ- ence in the general consti- tution, is so striking as to admit of a diagrammati<; representation, for which we may choose pus-corpus- cles. (See Fig. 20.) ni':vj:i.<>i'MJ':xT of uvisa mmtkh. 63 Wln'iu'vt'r we inoi't witli |)us-cor|nisclrs in a spofimoii of iiriiic or sjnita, or, for iiistiiiicc, with colorless Itlood-corpiisclcs in a dro]) of blood, wliieh exhibit the features liere illustriitcd in a uniform ninniicr, tlu" conclusion as to the general constitution of the individual can be made with certainty. Tlu^ exclusive presence of ])us-corpusclcs of the series P is a sui"e siii'u of a so-called '' tuberculous or phthisical" constitution. Should jms or l)lo()d corpuscles of the series E be mixed with those of the series (i and .1/, this means that an ori<,nnally excel- lent constitution has become lowered l)y disease — the more so the greater the numlx'r of the corpuscles like those of the series P. Persons of a modei-ately ^ood constitution, broken down by chronic ailments, or by circumstances not favorable to their nutrition, ^^ the - Jgo of an inch (.00084 — .00338 mm.). All except the very largest may usually be seen in constant oscillatoiy (molecular) movement, and, unless entangled between larger stationary corpuscles, easily moving across the field (the latter probably caused by minute vari- ation from absolute equilibrium level of the microscope stage). In some dentated or so-caUed "miilberry" forms, knobs or small eminences protrude from the face of the disk, which may Fio. 22. -KXOB-FORMATIOX, PHIXCIPALLV BY Protrusion. 68 STRUCTUBE OF COLOliEl) BLOOD-CORFUSCLES. give to the inexperienced observer the impression of internal gi*auules; )3ut proper focusing corrects this impression, and shows the knobbed surface. (Fig. 22, h). Fig. 23. — Coalescence of Two or More Corpuscles, Givixg Rise to Chains and Irregularly Shaped Compound Bodies, with the Net- work Structure Visible. In addition to the protean changes in shape initiated by in- dentation and protrusion, there are still others occasionally met with, due to combination or coalescence of two or more cor- puscles. In the coui-se of twenty-four hours or more — though this occurs in by far the smaller number of prep- arations of blood examined — two or more adjacent colored blood-cor- puscles may, with a larger or smaller portion of tlieii' periphery, unite and form compound bodies, some- times chains or other strange shapes. (Fig. 23.) Almost immediately on being ready for examination, a very few colored blood-corpuscles show a light central vacuole. In the course of the examina- tion, a number of vacuoles, either of different sizes or all of the same size, may appear in a corpuscle. Usually, a vacuole is round or roimdish, but it Fig. 24. — Vacuoled Cor- puscles. In the upper liue are seen three corpuscles, each ■witli a different sized central vacuole ; in the middle line, the first ligure shows three vacu- oles in one corpuscle; these vacuoles are represented in the second figure tobeclosetogether, and in the third ^n^Y aSSUUlC VariOUS UTCgular fomiS figure, the separating walls of ap- -^ » i • i ^ i, l, parently five vacuoles luive broken SOmC ot WhlCh may JjernapS UaVC down, and one irregulai-lv shaped j-gg^^g^J fp^j^ a uuiou of SeVSral, and larger vacuole is seen. The lower " _ » i -• line shows the appearance of vacu- the breaking down of the Separating oled corpuscles seen on edge. ^^^^^ ^^^_^ j,.^.^ 24. The three loWCr figures show appearance of vacuoled corpuscles seen on edge.) Vacuoles sometimes persist, and sometimes, after a longer or sThTcrriiH or coi.oiiFjt lu.ooD-coin'rscLKs. m shorter coiitinuaiKH', suddenly dis;i])i»('ar. Tlit^y are either empty or else eoutaiii one oi- iiioi*e ^rautdes. Soon after the eoi'pnscles are studied, sometimes from the first, a difference is noticeable as to the intensity of their colora- tion ; some are paler tlian others. Gradually a larger number of corpuscles become pale, and the degree of paleness, too, increases. There is a great difference in respect to the rapidity of "paling" of colored corpuscles, in blood taken from different persons, even in blood of the same person taken at different times, and with different strengths of the admixed solution of bichromate of potash. Usually, in l)lo()d of healthy persons, examined as I have described, in about an hour from the time the drop of blood is placed on the slide, a few of the corpuscles that are least deeply colored appear to have become somewhat granular in their inte- rior. Focusing shows that this is notthe optical illusion alluded to in the case of knobbiness of the siu'face. Soon the granules or dots seem more distinct ; short, conical thorns, or more delicate spines, appear to issue from one or two of the largest of them ; and, on close inspection and focusing, some appear to be connected by ii-regularly concentric filaments. In the course of five minutes more, a complete net-work is dis- tinctly seen in the interior of one or more corpuscles, and what at first appeared to he granules turn out to be thickened points of intersection of the threads forming this reticulum. These points or dots are irregularly shaped, and vary in size. (See Fig. 2").) Fig. 2."). — The Structure of Five Colored Blood-corpuscles. In the liist, tliere is seen an ciiciiclinir hand of unifovm tliickncss, in wliicli are inserted nnnierons tliroails of a network; a nninlxT of knots are in tlie interior, wliicli are seen to 1)0 the points of intersection of tlireails eonstitntinfr a net-work: in tlie lower portion of the ilisk there is a larjrer knot, which may be called a unelens. In the fifth coriiiiscle the com- plete net-work strneture is best seen ; in this cori'nscle there is seen at the periphery, instead of an encircling hand, a number of knots united by threads, having the appearance described a.s beads, each a little separated from its neighlxn-s on the string. Tlie second corjiuscle shows the net-work and encircling band, as the nia.lorit.v of corpuscles show them. In the third, a lighter baud is seen, and an irregular tlaj), produced by either indentation or protru- sion, or both. The fourth exhibits a large flap or knob at its lower portion, with a stretched or extended net-work. Radiary threads of the net- work terminate at the periphery of the corpuscle, either with thickened ends connected by threads 70 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. — giving an appearance of unevenness to the outer boundary, as though it were constituted by a wreath of beads, each bead sepa- rated from its neigh})()rs on the string — or, far more frequently, with terminal points lost in an encircling band of a uniform thickness, often greater than either the interior threads or most points of intersection. From this appearance, as well as that of the so-called '' ghosts," to be pr(!sently described, it is not to be wondered at that careful observers have ascribed to colored blood- corpuscles the possession of an investing membrane. As the "paling" progresses, an increasing Jiumber of cor- puscles show the interior net-work, essentially as I have just described, and identical in construction with the net-work discovered by C. Heitzmann in amoebae, colorless blood-corpuscles, and other living matter of the body, a discovery which I communicated to the American Medical Association more than three years ago. Gradually an interior net-work structure ])ecomes visible in nearly all the corpuscles in the field, except the smaUest, which appear more or less compact ; and occasionally a corj)uscle is met with having a central, or slightly eccentric, dot of such relatively large size that it might be interpreted as a nucleus. Some movement takes place in the net- work; for sometimes the threads change in length, and perhaps in thickness, and the dots change their position and their size. In the course of another half -hour or hour, the net-work becomes less distinct in the palest corpuscles; and in these gradually fades away. Then, for some time, the net- work remains visible in nearly all corpuscles except those that are too pale or too small; vacuoles, one or more, appear in many of the latter ; while the former occasionally show indications of irregularly massed matter in their interior, though usually nothing is seen of them but double-contoured rings which have been called their ''ghosts" (see Fig. 26). During this time, also, a quantity, sometimes rather large, of detritus accumulates. Fig. 26.— The Final Phases op Colored Blood - corpuscles Treated with an Appropriate So- lution OF Bichro- mate OP Potash. In the ui)per left-hand ligure there is a doubl(^ coutouicd ling, with ir- regularly massed matter, showing traces of a net- work; in the lower right- hand ligure this is less distinct; and in the two lower lef t-liand figures are represented two so-called "ghosts'"; above these there is detritus —i. e.,two or three detached por- tions; and to tlie riglit- hand upper ligure there is attached a muss which has appaiently been extruded. STitucTvni': of colokkd iilooh-coui'Usci.ks. 71 It a|)))('!ii-s as though the net-work is in<»st plain in corjmscles that liavi' sutft-rcd either not at all or bnt little from detaeh- meut of a portion of their substance. The active changes of indentation and pi'otrusion have usuallv disa])peared in a large nnniber of corpnscles, l)v the time " paling- " has snfificieutly progressed to render the interior structure visible. As before stated, some corpuscles permanently retain scalloped and knobbed forms, while the majority are finally more or less rounded olf; bnt the i)lay of changing shape of many corpuscles is going on at the same time that this net- work is seen. After a while, further '' paling " stops, and the net- work structure of all corpuscles which show it, remains visible indefinitely long. Blood-coi-puscles, from hemorrhage in the bladder, in the urine of the late Di-. H****y, preserved with some bi(;hromate of potash, still show the net-work after three years. Specimens of blood taken from different individuals exhibited all the phenomena described, but with some slight differences among each other as to the order and time of appearance. A 40 per cent, saturated solution of bichromate of potash, admixed with the blood, was found entirely satisfactory for the demonstration of all the phenomena; and some variation of strength — /. ^., between the limits of a 35 per cent, and a 50 per cent, saturated solution — made no appreciable difference. Of other solutions of bichromate of potash, it is sufficient to state the following : With a 30 per cent, satui-ated solution, the phenomena are also to be seen, but appear more slowly, and quite a number of corpuscles usually remain more or less unpaled. With a 20 per cent, satnrated solution, the changes proceed still more slowly; comparatively few indentations occui*; the net- work of the majority of corpuscles is visible after the lapse of twenty-foiu- hours, l^ut many remain entirely unaffected. With a 10 per cent, saturated solution, vacuolation appears, also a little changing indentation and protrusion, but not suf- ficient paling to render the net-work visible even after several days. With a GO per cent, saturated solution, the majority of the corpuscles had already become pale by the time the specimen was in place for examination. Some showed interior net-work, some only double-contoured rings. Protrusions were seen, 72 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. especially iu the corpuscles not iniicli paled ; in one instance, a pale ring "was also seen with a large pedunculated protrusion (Fig. 26). During two hours, changes of scalloping and of knobs took place faster than is usual with blood mixed with a 40 per cent, or 50 per cent, saturated solution, but they could not be fol- lowed so distinctly. Extreme paling rapidly proceeded, and much detritus filled the field, with only very few compact globules. "With a 90 per cent, saturated solution, the process of scallop- ing was completed in twenty minutes ; and in thirty minutes a net-work was visible in a few roundish corpuscles, sun'ounded by masses of granular detritus. In addition, a large number of " ghosts " could be seen. Here and there a " ghost " would show a faint net- work. "With a saturated solution added undiluted, the net- work was after one hour visible iu some corpuscles, but most of them were destroyed ; of a few left intact, some looked homogeneous, and some vacuoled. The field was full of faint, double-contoured rings and a large quantity of granular detritus. The net- work structure of colored blood-corpuscles is \'isible also in anatomical preparations which have been kept for a length of time in Miiller's fluid. In some of my examinations, especially the earlier, I used the heated stage ; but as the phenomena described were seen at the ordinary temperature of a well-warmed room, I deem it best not to say an}i;hing here of variations of temperatui*e. In this communication I omit the mention, also, of the remarkably varying amount of fibrine threads seen in different preparations of blood ; nor do I enter at length into the question of '' detritus formation,'' or whatever else one may interpret as the appearance in the field of an increasing number of free gran- ules, and granular masses or plaques.* In addition to himiau colored blood-corpuscles, I have exam- ined those of lower animals. Essentially the same intimate structm-e as that which I have described exists in all. As exam- ples, I will quote from my note-book a few words referring to the examination of the colored blood-corpuscles of the ox and the newt — the one an example of the unnucleated, the other of the nucleated corpuscles. * Max Seliiiltze, who saw some of these gi-anules and gi-anular plaques in healthy blood, prefers the designation ''granule foi-mation," as being non- committal.— Archiv fiir MiJcroslcoinsclie Anatomic, vol. 1, p. 38. STllUCTUUE OF (U)lAUiKD BLOOD-CORVLSCLES. 73 A drop of fresh ox-])loo(l, iiiixod witli a ;")() per cent. Haturated solution of hicliroiiuite of i)()t!isli, and liijjldy niaj^nified (Tolles's \\, immersion) exhibited, within twenty nnnutes, vacuohition l)e;jinninfx in several red corpuscles. Within forty minutes, knobs were protruded, thouf^h not <'Oi)iously. In the course of an hour, " paling " proceeded regularly, so that the net-work Ijecarae \isible in some, and within two hours in a large number, of the coi-puscles. After three hours the net-work, the note-book says, was very distinct in many corpuscles, with some detritus and a few "ghosts." Twelve hours later, about one-half of the whole luimber of corpuscles showed the reticulum, while the other half were either vaciuiled or unchanged. No further change was observable for two days. After the third day, some few corpuscles, per- haps, that had not sho^ni the net-work structure before, now did; but the paled ones had become too pale to do so, except a very few which showed it finally. The rest had become " ghosts," with much detritus. A week later, nearly all the corpuscles that had exhibited the net-work had become "ghosts," only in a very feAV of which faint traces of the reticulum could be made out. The rest were still unchanged, as on the first day, and remained so as long as the specimen was kept. The red blood-corpuscles of the newt, exaniiued iu a 50 per cent, saturated solution of bichromate of potash, into which, a drop of the blood from the freshly cut tail had been allowed to fall, presented peculiar changes of shaj^e, consisting- mainly in contractions of the body around the nucleus. The nuclei always exhibited the net-work structure, either perfect, and more distinct than in specimens unmixed with the solution, or, when the nucleus was swelled to double or treble its original size, with the net-work torn. Just as in the case of the coh:)rless corpuscles, there were seen two kinds of red corpuscles, finely granulated and coarse granular, the granules always l)eing the points of intersection of the threads of the net-work. In both kinds, the body as well as the nucleus exhibited the reticu- lum structure. The net- work of the body and that of the nucleus were connected by fine threads passing thi'ough the nuclear envelope. In many instances the body was reduced, either to two polar flaps, bulging from each side of the nucleus, or to one flap, more or less colored, at the side of the nucleus ; in other instances, it was uniformly contracted around the enlarged nucleus. Many colored corpuscles contained vacuoles, in varying niun- ber, which were either empty or traversed by an exceedingly delicate, apparently stretched, reticulum, or else contained u'reg- ular accumulations of matter with remnants of the net- work. II. My observations as to amoeboid movements of colored blood- corpuscles, as well as to varieties of size and shape, — observations 74 STEUCTUME OF COLORED BLOOD-COBPUSCLES. which were really only incidental while investigating the struct- irre, the main object of my researches — have been anticipated by previous investigators. One saw, and reported as an extraor- dinary finding, one or more forms or active form-changes like those I have described ; another others ; some a far greater num- ber than I. " Fehlt Jeider nur das (jeisiuje Band.'' The band which connects and explains the phenomena observed is the discovery of the structural arrangement. In the following historical sketch of points bearing on my observations, I shall refer to a few only of the legion who have made colored Ijlood-corpuscles the subject of their investi- gation. More than a hundred yeai's ago, William Hewson, after asserting that the red eorpiiscles are of different sizes in different animals, added : "I have like- wise observed that they are not all of the same size in the same animal, some being a little larger than others,"* etc. Hewson's editor, Gulliver, who has made a very large number of measurements of red blood-eorpuseles of different animals, and is " our highest authority upon the subject," said of his own elaborate tables : "We are only speaking now of the average size, for they vary like other organisms ; so that in a single drop of the same blood you may find corpuscles either a third larger or a thii-d smaller than the raean size, and even still gi'eater extremes " ; t and more recently,]: ' ' But as I have long since shown, the corpuscles in one species of the vertebrate class, as seen in a single individual thereof, vary so much in size that their average dimensions cannot be determined with absolute precision ; and were this fact kept in view much needless discussion might be spared." Beale, also, long ago called attention to the fact that "corpuscles may be found which are not more than the fifth or sixth of the size of an ordinary blood-corpuscle. "§ Again : "The red corpuscles vary in size, and more than is usually supposed " ; || and again : "It is generally stated that the red blood- corpuscles of an animal exhibit a certain definite size ; but it will be foimd that they vary extremely, so that corpuscles exist of various dimensions." If Welcker ** found in the blood of Dr. Schweigger-Seidel colored blood-cor- puscles as small as. 0051, and as large as .0085 mm. Altogether, the mini- ■ •' Pliilosoijhical Transactions," vol. Ixiii., Part n., \i. 320 (read June 24, 1773). The works of William Hewson, F. 11. S., Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by George Gulliver, F. K. S., London. Pul>Iisheil by the Sydenham Society, 184C ; j). 23-1. t " Lectures on the Blood of Vertebiata." Medical Times and Gazette, vol. ii. of 1862, p. 157. t "Comparative Photographs of Blood-disks." Motitltly Microscopical Journal, Novem- ber, 1876, p. 240. § "Archives of Medicine," vol. ii. (No. 8), p. 236, and Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, April-May, 1861 ; p. 249. II " Observations upon the Nature of the Red Blood-corpuscles." Transactions of the Microscopical Society of Loudon (read Dec. 9, 1863), vol. xii., N. S., p. 37. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 3a.ii., 1864. » " The Microscope in its Ai)plication to the Practice of Medicine," third edition. Re- published in Philadelphia, 1867 ; p. 170. ** •' Grosse, Volnm und OberHache und Farbe der Blutkorperchen bei Menschen und bei Thieren." Zeitsclirift fiir rationelle Medicin, S. ill., vol. xx. (1863), p. 237. STliVCTriiK OF COLoni:!) HLOOD-COIU'ISCLP^S. 17) mum measurcmiMit recorded in his table \h .004;") mm., and the maxitiium, thoufrh not in tlie same specimen, .()0<,»7 mm. He remarks : " I have always, both in animals and in man, fonnd tlie transverse diameter of the blood- corpuscles of one and the same individual vary from one-fourth to one-half of the mean nu>asurement ; and it api)ears that all the sizes lyinjj ])etween the two extremes are i)resent in toleral)ly ecjual numbers, with the exception of the smallest corpuscles, which occur ft)r the most ])art sinj^ly and at intervals."* Max Schultze distin-fuished in liis own and other persons' healthy blood two forms of colored corpuscles, viz. : globidar aiul disk-like ; the globular, few in number, vary from .005 to .00() mm. in size ; and from these there are ^&A- ual transitions to the ordinary disks, which measure from .OOSto .(»!(» mm. t The snuiUest colored corpuscles wliich Klebs reported t having toimd in his own blood varied from .OOTiS to .OOOti mm. ; but in blood fi'ora the corpse of a leucivmic child he observed a few as small as .00-411) mm. Woodward said : " The trutli is that not only do the individual corpuscles in every drop of blood vary considerably in size, but as might be anticipated from this very fact, the average size obtained by measuring a limited number of corpuscles (;")() to 17.5, still more in the case of but 10 to 50, as usually practiced), varies considerably, not only betsveen different individuals, but also between different parts of the very same drop of blood." Both the maxi- mum and the minimum which he found — \'iz. : the 39 G millionths and the 210 millionths of an inch, or .01005 and .00548 mm. — were present in the same field of one droj).!}! Berchon and Perrier|| state that the colored blood-corpuscles of the foetus and the newly born are on an average smaller than those of adults. The extremes given are: minimum, .0031 to .0002 mm., and maximum, .0091 to .0093 mm. ; but they do not mention that the extremes occun'ed in one and the same case. More recently, PeiTier If measured blood-corpuscles of thu-ty-five intUviduals of different ages, and found that those of .010 mm. were very frequent in the first days after birth, w-hile later they occiirred much more rarely. After the first year, blood-corpuscles meas- uring .0093 mm. were rarely present in gi-eater proportion than ten in a hun- di-ed ; and in adults often absent. Such of .0043 mm. occurred most often in the aged and in childi-en. The diameter of the gi-eat mass at every age varies from .0050 to .0087 mm. ; within these limits those of .0075 mm. are most frequent and never absent. The form of the smaller is more or less globular ; the larger are flattened. * Cited bj' Woodward, " On tlie Similarity between the Red Blood-conniscles of Man and thoae of certain other Animals, especially the Dog : considered in connection with the diajnio- sis of Blood-stains in criminal cases." American Journal of Medical 6'Cit'nces, Jan., 1875. Monthly Microscopical Journal, Feb. 1, 1875, p. G9. t " Eiu heitzbarer Objecttisch iind seine Verwendung bei Untersuchungen des Blutes." Archiv fiir Mikroskopisclie Anatomic, vol. i. (1805), p. 35. i " L'eber die Kerne iind Scheinkerue der rotlien Blutkorperchen der Saugethiere.'" Virchctw's Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomic und Physiologie und fiir Klinische Medicin : vol. xxxviii. (18()7), p. 105. i " The Application of Photographj' to Micrometry, with special reference to the micro- metry of blood in criminal cases." Transactions of the American MeiUcal' Association, vol. xxvii. (1876), p. 303-315. II " Note sur les globules du sang chez le foetus." Bordeaux Medical., p. 123 and 237 ; Canstadt's Jahresbericht for 1875, I., p. 46. ^ " Sur les variations liu diam^tre des globules rouges du sang dansl'espece humaine, au point de vue de resperti.-*e legale." Conipt. Rendus, tom. 84 (1877), No. '24, p. 1404. 70 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Accordiiif^ to Hayejn,* the red l)lood-corpuscles in the newly born are much less uniform ill size than in adults; corpuscles larger than the largest and smaller than the smallest adult corpuscles occur comparatively often. The size varies between .00325 and .010135 mm. Hayem also calls atten- tion t to the still smaller ones — measuring only .002 mm. — which he considers young and growing blood-corpuscles, so-called h^matoblasts. He asserted having observed all transition sizes between these apd the largest. He found hsematoblasts increased whenever, under physiological or pathological condi- tions, a reparation of blood occurs — e. g., he found them more abundant in children than in adults, and more abundant during menstruation, and after losses of blood, also during reconvalescence after acute diseases. t Netsvetzki reported § having found minute corpuscles moving in all direc- tions, as constant constituents of normal human blood. [Although my obser- vations as to the diversity of size of colored blood-corpuscles refer to healthy blood, I will not omit to mention here that Vanlair and Masius having, in the blood of a patient who had symptoms of interstitial hepatitis, found a number of small globular corpuscles, gave them the name of microcytes, and called the patient's disease ''microcythsemia," which they considered to be a peculiar alteration of the blood. || Cases of so-called microcythemia have since been reported by Litten, in a tuberculous individual ; IT by Osier in pernicious anaemia ** ; and by Lepine and Germont in cases of cancer of the stomach. tt Soernsen distinguished in disease between oligocythemia, in which the num- ber of red blood-corpuscles is diminished, achroiocythemia, in which their richness in coloring matter is diminished, and microcythemia, in which their size is diminished. In a case of chlorosis observed by him, the average size of the colored corpuscles was found to be only .0045, instead of the normal .006 to .0075 mm.tt Hicks § § found in the fluid from an ovarian cyst small, transparent, color- less, globular bodies, which had been detached from red blood-corpuscles, and which were of a diameter of about the tttJutt of an inch. Laptsehinsky reported |||| finding very small corpuscles, only one-third as ■ " IH-H caractfeit'S anatomiqiies «Ui sani? chex lo nouveau-iie poiidaiit les in-emicrs jours de la vie." Conipt. Rendiis, toiii. 84 (1877), )). IIGO. t " Snr la nature et la .siyiiitication des petils Klobules rouges ilii saug." Ihid,, No. 22, p. 1239. : " Note SUV I'ln'olutiou (U-s gloljulcs rouges dans le saug dcs vcrtdires ovipares." Conipt. Reiidus, toni. 8.5, No. 20, p. 907-909. " Siir revolution des globules rouges dans le sang des aniiuaiix superieurs" (verteb. ovipares). Ihid., No. 27, p. 128r>. (> " Zur Histologie des Mensclienblules. Kleine sieh iiarh alien Itielitungen Iiiii bewc- gende Korperclieii als eonstanto Bestandtlieile des normaleii MenM(lieiil)lutes." Ceiitral/.eit- uiig t'iir die Medicinisclien Wissenscliafteii, 1873, No. 10. II " ])e la Mieroeytliemie, Bruxelles, 1871 ; 101 pji. i; •' Aus del- Kliiiik lies Jlerni Geli. Itath. Prof. Frerichs, " Ueber eiiiige Veriinderuugeu rotlier Blutkorpercben." 15erliner Klinisclie Wocliensclirit't ; 1877, No. 1. *-■ " I'elier die Kntwickelung von 151utkdrperelieii in Kiioclienniark bei pernicio.ser Aiiifi- niie." Centralblatt t'iir die medicinisclien Wissenseliaftcn ; 1877, No. 28 ; 1878, No. 26. it Note sur la pri^seiiee teinixuaire dans le sang liiiniain d"un grand nonibie de globules rouges tres petits (microcytes)." (iazclte Medicale de Paris : 1877, No. IS, pp. 218 and 219 ; and " Note relative a riiitliieuee des saignees sur I'apparition dans le sang liumain des iietits globules rouges (microcytes)." Id., No. 24, iJ. 206. tt " Undersogelser oni Antallet af rode og lioide Blodlegenier under forskjellige pliysio- logiske og patliologisko Tilstande." Inaugural Dissertatiim, Koi)eiiliageu ; 1876,236 pp. 'A " Obs', " 1-3500 " " an African " " ,50, " 1-3182, " 1-3559 " " a white male " 8, " 1-3231, " 1-3500 Moreover, the smallest red disks of man, as usually met with in mechani- cally unaltered blood, whether dry or moist, are, according to him, larger than the largest corpuscles of an ox, and a fortiori of a sheep. More recently,** he measured corpuscles of individuals of foiu-teen different nations, one himdi'ed of each. Of the 1400 corpuscles measm-ed, the average was 3^4 (.007878 mm.), the maximum ttTt, and the minimum 40^)^ of an inch ; 1158, or 83 per cent., measured between -^}f-f and ^0'^^ of an inch in diameter, and consequently under a power of two hundred would appear about the same magnitude ; the total number of corpuscles of minimum measure was only sLx, or less than one-half of one per cent. ; and the total number which measured the maximum w:as ten, or less than one per cent. • " Des Caracttres Auaty GuUiver, cit., p. 234. t Jbia., p. 313, etc. t " A Mami.il of Ilistolofry." By Prof. S. Strieker. American translation edited by Albert H. Buck. New York: Win. Wood A- Co.. 1872. J " Beobaclitungeii iiber Resorption der Kxtrava.sate uud Pigmentbilduujj: in denselben." Virehow's Arcliiv, vol. xlix. (1870), pp. 6G-116. II " TJeber BewegunK.sersclieinungen der Zellen." Schriften der Gesellscliaft zur Beforde- nuig der gesanimten Naturwissenseliaften zu Marburg, vol. ix. (1870), p. 335. TI " Histologisclie ]Mittlieiluiigeu ; Ueber die Kiuwirkung der PsTogallussiiure anf die rothen Blutkorperchen." Sitzungsbericlite der Wiener Akadeniie der Wi.«i.senschaften, vol. Ixlv. (1871), 1 Div.. p. 40.5. **" Observations and Experiments on tlie Bed Blood-corpuscle, chiefly with regard to the Action of Gases and Vapours." Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, October, 1871, p. 3fil-387. tt Observations cit. Qttartcrly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. xii. (1872), p. 114. i(trlc " Ueber Diapedesi.s." Virchow's Archiv, vol. Iviii. (1873), pp. 203-2.'>4. tt " Ueber die Veriinderungen der rothen Blutkorperchen nebst Beinerknngen iiber Microcyten." Centralblatt f. d. Med. Wiss., 1874, Nos. 21, 25. XX " Do la deformation de^s Globules rouges du .Sang." Bruxelles, 1874. 47 pp. ?? " Aufiii-sung iler rothen Blutzellen." Centralblatt f. d. Med. Wiss., 1874, No. 27, p. 419. nil " Ueber Formveriinderungen der rothen Blutkorperchen." Greif.swald, 1875. inf " Ueber einige Veriinderungen weh^he die lothen Blutkorperchen in Extravasaten erleiden." Virchow's Archiv, vol. 69 (1876), p. 295-307. Also in other articles which I quote in this review. *** "Beitragzur Kenntniss des Froschblutes und der Froschlymphe.' VircUow's Archiv, vol. 71 (1877), pp. 78-107. ttt " The Structure of the Colored Blood-corpuscles of Amphiuma tridactylum, the Frog, and Man." Journal of the Microscopic Society of London, May and July, 1878, i)p. 66, 68, 110, etc. STRVCTVHI-: OF ('OlJUiEIi llUXtD-COIirUSCLKS. SI seiitod by two straiKlit and parallel lines, eonnec-ted at their extremities by two seinioireular ones, and not showing merely tlioir central concavity, as usually represented. The ([uestion whether or not colored Itlood-eorpuscles possess an investing niembrane has l)een nnich discussed. Hewson, who, as I have already stated, showed that these corpuscles are not perforated, contended that the dark spot in the middle, believed by Torre to be a perforation, "is a solid particle con- tained in a Hat vesicle, whoso middle oidy it fills, and wliose edges are hollow, and either empty or filled with a subtile fluid." * He detailed the following experiments : " Take a drop of the blood of an animal that has large particles, as a frog, a fish, or, what is still better, of a toad ; put this blood on a thin piece of glass, as used in the former experiment, and add to it some water — fii'st one drop, then a second, and a third, and so on, gradually increasing the quantity; and in proportion as water is added, the figure of the particle will be changed from a flat to a spherical shape; ... it will roll dowm the glass stage smoothly, without those phases which it had when turning over when it was flat ; and, as it now rolls in its spherical shape, the solid middle particle can be distinctly seen to fall from side to side in the hollow vesicle, like a pea in a bladder." He added: "From the gi-eater thickness of the vesicles in tlie human subject, and from theii* beuig less transparent when made spherical by the addition of water, and likewise from their being so much smaller than those of fish or frogs, it is more difficult to get a sight of the middle particles rolling from side to side in the vesicle, which has become round ; but with a strong light (these experiments were all made with daylight, in clear weather) and a deep magnifier, I have tlistinctly seen it in the human subject, as well as in the frog, toad, or skate." Another experiment he describes thus: "If a saturated solution of any of the common neutral salts be mixed with fresh blood, and the globules (as they have been called, but which for the future I shall call flat vesicles) be then examined in a microscope, the salt will theu be foimd to have contracted or shriveled the vesicles, so that they appear quite solid, the vesicular substance being closely applied all around the central piece." Fui'thermore, "the fixed vegetable alkali and the volatile alkali were tried in a pretty strong solution, and found to corrugate the vesicles." The vesicular natm-e of colored blood-corpuscles, thus announced more than sixty years before the publications of Schleiden and Schwann, so per- fectly fits into their cell-schema that many suppose that they have originated this \aew of the constitution of the corpuscles. But in point of fact they have in this respect followed Hewson. According to Schwann,t the red blood- corpuscle is a cell, and consists, like every other cell of the body, of a membraneous envelope, a nucleus, and liquid contents; the credit of the observation of the "rolling around" of the nucleus is given by Schwann to C. * " On the Figure and Composition ol tlio l{eil Tarticles of the Blood, commonly called tlio Ked Globules." Pliilosoi)liical Transactions, vol. 63, Part 11., p. 310 et seq. (read Juue 17 aud 20, 1773). "A Description of the Red Particles of the Blood in the Humau Subject and in other Animals, beinj; the remaining part of the Observations aud Experi- ments of the late Wm. Hewson." By Magnus Falconer. London, 1777. p. 221 et seq. t " Jlikroskopische rnteisuchungeu iiber die Uebereinstimmung in 8ti'uctur uud Waclis- thum der thierischen und ptlanzliehen Organismen." Berlin, 1S39. pp. 74. 75. 6 82 STBUCTURE OF COLOBED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. H. Sehultz, who, however, has only repeated and confirmed * the experiment* of Hewson. Although not accepted without some opposition, it was not until the year 1861 that the existence of a cell-wall was positively denied. Beale declared :t " I have never succeeded in seeing the cell-wall said to exist, neither have I been able to confirm the oft-repeated assertions with regard to the passage of liquid into the interior of the corpuscle by endosmose, its bursting, and the escape of its contents through the ruptured cell-wall. When placed in some liquids, many of the corpuscles swell up and disappear ; but I have never seen tie ruptured cell-walls." He also published observations which he considered " fatal to the hjT)othesis that each corpuscle is composed of a closed membrane with fluid contents." i Briicke expressed the opinion that the rolling around of the nucleus is illusory, that other phenomena do not conclusively prove the presence of a membrane, and that " the unanimity with which the vesicular nature of blood-corpuscles had for a long time been taught was owing more to the silence of the opponents than to the force of the arguments of the believers." $ Vintschgau || and Rollett 1" also argued against the existence of an investing membrane ; and the opinion seemed doomed. But before the end of the year in which Beale and Briicke contested the existence of an investing membrane, Hensen defended it. ** He reports having obsei'ved in the blood of frogs, both in fresh preparations — /. e., in red corpuscles examined without the addition of any re-agent — and in corpuscles placed in varioiis mixtures, especially a solution of sugar, that sometimes the membrane, as a distinct outer contom*. is lifted up from the interior contents at one or more points of the circumference, these interior contents being retracted more or less densely upon the nudeiLS. A few years later, tt Hensen reiterated his conviction as to the presence of a membrane ; it is certain, therefore, that Lankesterit has misapprehended hLs meaning. Kolliker, who had previously asserted that the red blood-corpuscle possesses "a very delicate but nevertheless tolerably firm and at the same time elastic colorless cell-membrane, composed of a protein substance closely allied to fibrin," $$ continued to uphold their vesicular constitution. |||| Preyer reported that the * " Das S3-st<>in der Circulation." Stuttgart and Tubingen, 1836, p. 19, et seq. t " Let-tares on the Structure and Growth of the Tissues of the Human Borly. Delivered at the Royal College of Physicians. Lecture III., April 22, 1861.' Archive.? of Medicine, vol. ii., No. 8 (May, 1861), p. 236. Kepublished in Quarterly Journal of ilicroncopical Science, vol. i., N. S. (Apnl-May, 1861), p. 240. t " Observations iipim the Nature of the Red Blootl-corj'uscle." Transactions of the Micro- scopical Society, vol. xii., >'. S., p. 37. QuarUrly Journal of Microscopical Science, Jan., 1864. ^ "Die Elenientarorganismen." Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademle, vol. xliv., Div.ll., p. 389 (read Oct. 17, 1861). II " Sopra i Corpusculi Sangnigni della Rana." Atti del Instituto Veneto, vol. viii., Ser. in. f " Versuehe und Eeobachtungen am Blnte." Sitziujgsberichte der Wiener Akademie, vol. xlvi. (1862), p. 65. ** 'Tntersuchnngen zur Physiologic der Elutkorperchen sowie fiber die Zellennattir derselben.'" Zeit-schrift fur wis.senschaftliche Zoologie, vol. xi.. Heft 3 (Ansgegeben Dec. 23, 1861), pp. 25»-278. ttin a foot-note of an article entitled " Ueber das Ange elniger Cephalopoden." Jbid., vol. XV.. Heft 2 (April 1, 1865), p. 170. ttLankester, in liis article on the red bloofl-corpnscle, in the Qvarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. October. 1871, already cited, says, p. 366, that Hensen " distinguishes a layer of fluid ]irotoplasm surroumling the coloring matter, by cadaveiic alteration of which he believes the supposed membrane of the <:ori>nscle to be formed." ^"Manual of Human Histology." Trau.slatevo and eon, and concludes that "the adherents of a membrane have for theu- opinions at least as many reasons as the opponents." ft He himself believes in "the existence of a membrane in the fresh condition, * " Ueber aiu(tl)<)iile Hlutkiirperclit^u." Vircliow'a Arcliiv, vol. xxx. (1864), p. 437. t " Beobaclitiiniien iiUer die Bliitkrystalle." Zeitsclmft fiir wissenschaftliclie Zoologie, vol. xii., Heft 3 (Noveinber 17, 18G2), p. 317. fZnr Histologie der UliitkiirpiTclicii." Bulk-tiu de TAcadeuiie des Sciences de St. Peteisbotirjr, t. viii. (1865), pp. 5(j4, 508-.570. ? " On the Cellular Structure of the Ked Blood-corpuscle." Transactions of the Americau Medical Association for 1870, pp. 259-271. II Transactions of tlie International Medical Congress of Philadeli>hia, held in 1876. Philad.li.hia, 1877. p. 488. H " RechiTclies snr la nature du Globule Sanguin." Compt. Kendus, t. Ixxiv. (1872), No. 19, pp. 1256-1259. >'* " Banderrotlien Blutkorpercheii." Zeitschrift fiir wis.senscliaftUclie Zoologie, vol. xxiii.. Heft 3 (November 18, 1873), p. 467. tt Ibid., p. 482. 84 STRUVTVBE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Avhich can be made visible by the action of re-agents by depriving the cor- puscle of coloring matter, and which, when it does not become visible, has been destroyed by the re-agent. " * According to Bottcher, the outer layer of the same blood-corpuscle is not the same at all times and imder all circum- stances. He seems to regard the appearance of a distinct membrane as an artificial production; but considers "the cortical layer as the result of a process of development which deprives the blood-cells more and more of their protoplasm, and finally converts them into homogeneous bodies." He, therefore, classes it "with the capsule of cartilage cells, and with the cellu- lose membrane of vegetable cells." t Fuchs observed a membrane of a certain power of i-esistanee in fi'ogs' red blood-corpuscles after keeping them a few days on the slide without addition of any re-agent, which membrane was particularly obvious when the nucleus made its exit out of the corpuscular mass, t According to A. Bechamp, § and J. Bechamp and Baltus, |1 the red blood-corpuscles of mammals, birds, and amphibia possess a distinct mem- brane, which can be thickened by adding a solution of starch to the blood, and then becomes more resistant to the action of water. It has even been siipposed that blood-corpuscles had more than a single membrane; thus Roberts saidH his observations had led him "to the belief that the envelope of the vertebrate blood-disk is a duj)licate membrane; in other words, that within the oiiter covering there exists an interior vesicle which incloses the colored contents, and in the ovipara, the nucleus." Bottcher has refuted this notion, ** and it is characterized by Wedl, too, as incorrect ; according to Wedl, when the cortical layer becomes swelled and condensed, the double contour which is seen indicates its thickness — but he is " quite certain that whether it be called membrane or not, it is not simply an artificial product." ft Lankester, in his conclusions regarding the verte- brate red blood-corpuscle, says: "Its surface is differentiated somewhat fi'om the underlying material, and forms a pellicle or membrane of gi'eat tenuity, not distinguishable with the highest powers (whilst the corpuscle is normal and liA-ing), and having no pronounced inner limitation." tt Ranvier thinks that the double eontom" — the effect of dilute alcohol — "proves the existence, if not of a membrane, at least of a differentiated cortical layer. " 9$ Schmidt |||| calls attention to the double contour as being "the only proof * lbUl.,v- 480. t Conipare " Xfuc Untersuchungen iiber die rotlien Blutkorperclien." Memoires ieal. Science. October, 1877, p. 392. i " Beitras zur Kenntniss de.s Froschblutes," etc., I. c, p. 91. I " Recherche.'* snr la Constitution Physique du Globule Sangniu."' C'oinpt. Reudus, t. Ixxxv. (1878), No. 16, pp. 712 715. II " Sur la structure dii Globule Sangniu, et la r^si.stauce de son envelloppe k raction de I'eau." Ibid., No. 17, p. 761. Hi. c. ** Op. cit. Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxxvi. (1866), pp. 392-395. ft L. c, p. 408. tt L. c, p. 386. ??"De I'Eniploi d'Alcool Dilu6 en Histologic" Archiv de Physique, 1874, pp. 790-793. And again, " Recherches sur les Elements du Sang." Id., 2 Serie, vol. ii. (1875), pp. 1-15. nil "The Structure of the Colored Blood-corpuscles of Amphiunia tridactylum, the Frog, and Man." .Journal of tlie Royal Microscopical Societ.v; containing its Transactions and STliUCTlliK OF I'DLOKKl) llLOOD-COUri: SCLES. 85 of tlie presoneo of a inembnino, whetlier prei'xisterit or artificially produced." In t'rt'sh blootl of ainphiinna he has observed colored blood-coi'puscles with a j;reoiiish border, indicating "the existence of a thin layer at the surface, dif- ferinj;, if not in ch(>niical coniposition at least in density, from the substance of the disks." He lias freqiU'utly met with "specimens of Idood-corpuscles, on which, by a contraction of the protoplasm I'ejjresentiiig the gi'eater ])oi"tion of the whole body, the jiellicle in (piestion appears separated fi'ora the latter." Once he saw a fragment of a corpuscle on which "the membraneous layer was seen projecting on the torn surface "; and at another time he found "a fresh blood-corpusch» of the anipliiuma on which the membraneous layer had appai'- ently l)urst and retracted, leaving a portion of the underlying malerial, the protoplasm, exposed." He says: " The changes taking place in these blood- corpuscles, wlien treated with the solution of the hydrate of chloral, are very interesting and important ; as they manifestly show the existence of the mem- braneous hiyer of these bodies, such as I have described it. Thus, after the solution has been applied, the protoi)lasm of the blood-corpuscle, without much or any alteration of form, gracbially contracts upon the nucleus. As the result of this contraction, it becomes entirely separated from the membraneous layer, which manifests itself in the form of a delicate double contour. The inter- space left between the contracted protoplasm and the double contour repre- senting the membraneous layer is very considerable, as will be seen from the di-awings, and, it seems to me, should be sufficient evidence to prove the existence of such a layer to an unbiased mind." In the colored blood- corpuscles of the frog, he has also seen a distinct stratum, or membraneous layer. " The colored blood-corpuscles of man show a double contour under vari- ous circumstances and conditions, indicating the existence, if not of an enveloping membrane, at least of a membraneous layer on its surface." As one proof, Schmidt recommends the experiment of pressing down, by means of the point of a forceps, a small round covei'ing-glass upon a very small drop of fresh himian blood placed upon the slide, " with the object of compressing or crushing the Itlood-corpuscles as far as possible." " Carefully examined with a first-class objective of sufficient amplification, it will be foiuid that they have not run into each other ; but that, on the contrary, the outlines of almost every individual may be discerned, however distorted they may be." Almost all investigators nowadays agree that the colored blood-corpuscles of birds, reptiles, amphibia and fishes liave a nucleus ; while in those of man and other mammalia, except in developmental forms, a nucleus does not occur. On this difference, Gulliver has founded his division of all vertebrate animals into pyi-ensemata and ai^jTensemata.* Biit the existence of a nucleus in living corpuscles of oviparous vertebrata has been denied on the one hand ; while, on the other, the opinion has been advanced that the mammalian red coi-puscles, as well as those of other vertebrata, are in reality nucleated, Proceertiugs, -with otlier Microscopical liitcllijicucc. Lomlon, vol. i., No. 2 (Ma}-, 1878), pp. 57-78; No. 3 (July, 1878), pp. 67-120. * "Lectures on the Klood ot Vertebrata," f. c. ; in Journal of Anatomi/ and Physiology, vol. ii. ; Proceeiiiiigs of the Zoological Society of February 25, 18(52 ; and Hniiteri;ui oratiou. 1863, referred to in "Observations on the sizes and shapes of the red corpuscles of the blood of vertebrates, with drawings of tlieni to a uniform scale, and extended and revised tables of measurement." Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, for the j'ear 1875, Part UI., 1.. 47'.l. 86 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOJJ-CORPUSCLES. Not to cite older authors, I will mention that Funke* asserts that the nucleus of nucleated blood-corpuscles does not exist during life, but is a prod- uct of decomposition after death. Likewise Savory, in a paper t read before the London Eoyal Society, urged that "when living, no distinction of parts can be recognized ; and the existence of a nucleus in the red corpuscles of ovipara is due to changes after death, or removal fi'om the vessels"; and furthermore, "the shadowy substance seen in many of the smaller oviparous cells, after they have been mounted for some time, is very like that seen under similar circumstances in some of the corpuscles of mammalia." But Bottcher has reported t seeing nucleated blood-corpuscles in the capillaries of living fi'ogs, and more recently Hammond saw a nucleus in the red blood-eoi-puscles of young trout, varying as to age from a day to three weeks, swimming in a cell full of water ; $ and afterward also in those of the tail of frog-embryos and in other animals. || Bottcher has by numerous methods and for a long time sought to demon- strate the existence of a nucleus in mammalian red blood-coi-puscles. In his fii'st publication^ he gave a historical sketch of the literature of the subject, and described the effects of chloroform, magenta, tannin, and other re-agents. He also treated corpuscles with serum of other blood; next** he placed them in aqueous humor ("methods which alter the red blood-corpuscles as little and as slowly as possible ") ; afterward tt he treated them with alcohol and acetic acid, and still more recently t+ by means of a concentrated alcoholic solution of corrosive sublimate (methods of "hardening the blood-corpuscles and then extracting the haematin fi'om them ''). Freer, using reflected instead of transmitted light ( by means of Wales' Illuminator), affirmed ^ ^S independently of Bottcher the existence of a nucleus in human blood; and Piper |||| seems very desirous to confirm Freer. Brandt, having, Hlf in the red blood-corpuscles of living sipunculus, occasionally found a nucleus, though usually there is none, thought that perhaps the nuclei are unstable formations which by slight influences are produced or made visible, and by others are destroyed or made invisible ; on examining a drop of blood from his finger, on which he had before pricking placed a little fresh chicken albumen, he usually found in * " Lehrbuch iter Pliysiologie." Leipzig, 1863, vol. i., p. 17. t " On the Structure of till' Red Blooil-corpvisole of Oviparous Vertebrata." Pioceediiig.s of the Koyal Society, vol. xvu., 1868, 1869 (read March 18, 1869). Monthly Microsco2)ical Journal, April, 1869, p. 235. t " Untersuchuugeu iiher die rothen Blutkorperchen der Wirbelthiere." Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxxvi. (1866), (i)p. 342-423), p. 351. § " Ob.servations on the Structure of the Red Blood-corijuscles of a Young Trout." Monthly Microscoiiical Journal, June, 1876, pp. 282, 283. I) "Observations on the Stiuctiire of the Red Blood-corpuscles of Living PyrcnuMuatous Vertebrates." Id., September, 1876, p. 147. H The "Untersuchungen" just cited, pp. 359, 363, 367, etc., and 376. ** " Nachtragliche Mittlieilung iiber die Eutfarbung rother Blutkorperchen und iiber den Nachweis von Kernen in denselben." Virchow's Archiv, vol. xxxix. (1868), pp. 427-435. tt " Neue Untersuchungen iiber die rothen Blutkorperchen." Meuioires de I'Acad. Imp. des Sci. de St. Petersbourg, vii. .Ser., t. xxii., J\'o. 11. tt " Ueber die feineren Structurverhiiltnisse der rothen Blutkorperchen." Archiv fiir Mikrosk. Anatomie, vol. xiv. (1877), pp. 73-93. ii " Discoverj- of a new Anatomical Feature in Human Blood-corpuscles." CJiicago Medi- cal Journal, May 15, 1868, and April 15, 1869. nil " Contraction of Blood-corpuscles through the Action of Cold." Jfew York Medical Journal, March, 1877, p. 244. nil " On the Nucleus of Red Blood-corpuscles." Arbeiten der St. Petersb. Gesellach. d. Naturf., vol. vii. (1876), p. 129. (In the Russian language.) STBUCTURE OF COLOh'h'J) liLOOD-COUrUSCLEH. 87 muny roil c'orimsfk'.s wliat lie was iiicliiu-il to iiitt'rprot as a central nucleus, in oonfirniatiou of tiie observations of Bottcher.* More recently, Stowell has written a communication to corroborate Bottcher. t And Strieker has ex- pressed the opinion that tiie nuclei of embryonal colored blood-corpuscles of mammals persist as circular thin disks; he argues that these "disks are so large that the body proper of the corpuscle appears on a surface view as only a narrow zone; and that, therefore, except with high powers, the exist- ence of a nucleus is easily overlooked ; and he asserts that, l)y means of objective No. ir>, he has in the blood-corpuscles of man, dog, rabbit, and cat seen the nucleus in both surface and profile views. X On the other hand, Schmidt and Schweigger-Seidel, who repeated Butt- Cher's early methods, using especially chloroform as he had done, failed in finding tmclei, and suspected ojitical illusion. ^ Klebs contradicted Bottcher's statements as to the presence of nuclei in normal mammalian red blood-cor- puscles ; but described the occurrence of nucleated red corpuscles in blood taken from the corpse of a child who had suffered from leucfemia, agreeing in so far with a like observation of Bottcher. || Brunn said If that he had con- vinced himself that the appearances produced by both of Bottcher's later methods are artificial and optical effects, due to action of the re-agents on the substance of the corpuscles. And, similarly, Eberhardt has come to the conclusion that the remains after the action of different decolorizing re-agents are not nuclei, but stromata deprived of coloring matter ; and that a forma- tion iinmistakably a nucleus has not yet been demonstrated in adult human and mammalian red blood-corpuscles.** " Among other questions as to the red blood-corpuscle stated by Beale,tt he asks: "Is it a living corpuscle that distributes vitality to all parts of the organism, or is it simply a chemical compound which readily absorbs oxygen and carbonic acid gases and certain fluids ? Is it composed of formative living matter, or does it consist of matter that is inanimate ? Does it absorb nutrient matter, grow, divide, and thus give rise to other bodies like itself, or does it consist of passive material destitute of these wonderful powers, and about to be dissolved into substances of simple composition and more nearly related to inorganic matter ? " He answers the fii'st parts of these iuten'ogatories in the negative, and holds that it is "not living, but results from changes occurring in colorless living matter, just as cuticle, or tendon, or cartilage, or the formed material of the liver-cell, results from changes occurring in the germinal matter of each of these cells." He says: "The colorless corpuscles, and those small corpuscles which are gradually undergoing conversion into red corpuscles, * " Bemeikungen iiber die Kerue der rotUen Blutkorperchen." Arcliiv fiir Mikrosk. Anatoniie, xiii. 2 (1870), i). :^92. t " Structure of Blood-cm-puscles." American Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science, Xew York, June, 1878, p. 140. t " Vorlesungen iiber allgemeine und experimentelle Pathologic." II. Abtheiluiig. Wien, 1878, p. 438. i " Eiiiige Bemorkiingen iiber die rothen Blutkorperchen." Bericht der Kouigl. SacU- sisclien Ge.sellscliaft der Wlssen.schaften, 1867, p. 190. II '■ Ueber die Kerne uiid scheinkerne der rotUen Blutkorperchen der Saugethiere." Virchow's Arcliiv, vol. xxxviii. (1807), p. 200. IF " Ueber die den rothen Blutkorperchen der Saugethiere zugeschriebenen Kerne." Archiv fiir Mikro.skopi.sche Anatomic, vol. xiv., Heft 3 (1877), pp. 333-342. ** "Ueber die Kerne der rothen Blutkorperchen der Saugethiere und des Men.scheu." Inaugural- Dissertation der niedizinischen Fakultat zu Konigsberg. April, 1877, p. 30. tf "Observations upon the Nature of the Red Blood-corpuscle" ; I. c, p. 32. 88 STRUCTURE OF COLOR ED BLOOD-CORTUSCLES. are living, but the old red corpuscles consist of inanimate matter. They are no more li\iiig than the cuticle or the hard, liorny substance of nail or hair is living."* He therefore denied the contractility and amceboid movement of colored blood-corpuscles. Klebs was the first who accorded them life and contractility, t He did this because, on preventing evaporation and raising the temperature of blood, he noticed, aside from motion of the corpuscles, the protrusion and retraction of knobs, and the formation and disappearance of scallops. But though the correctness of his observation was not doubted, his inferences were strenu- ously contradicted by Rollett and others, t Lankester observed " amoeboid figiires" when colored blood-corpuscles had been subjected to the action of dilute ammonia and acetic acid, of which he says ; $ "The behavior of these corpuscles under alternate weak ammoniacal and acid vapors furnished a very curious parallel to the movements of amoeboid proto- plasm, and a careful consideration of the phenomena may throw some light on the nature of protoplasmic contractility." Bottcher admits the possibility of vital contractility, but thinks it cannot be compared to that of colorless blood-corpuscles. || Brucke,!! also, admits cautiously this possibility. Preyer** uses many qualifying expressions, such as "only in part," " under certain circumstances," " in some degree," "temporarily," "at certain times." He observed active form-changes of red corpuscles in extravasated amphilnan blood, examined in the moist chamber, which led him to the conclusion that " the substance of these corpuscles consists of dis- solved coloring matter and a colorless material (protoplasma) which, both when still in connection with the coloring matter and when fi-ee from this, shows imder certain circumstances phenomena of contractility similar to those observed in many lower organisms." He adds : " As a rule it evinces no con- tractility, and constitutes, as a modified protoplasm, the stroma of !\niphibian blood-corpuscles." tt Max Schultze, who denied the contractility of red blood- corpuscles of man and mammals (although when subjected to a very high temperature — fifty to fifty-two degrees C, nearly enough to kill them — he saw protrusions and detachments of portions), admitted that the red blood- corpuscles of very young chicken-embryos are contractile, it Friedreich §$ observed in an enfeebled anaemic patient polymorphous red blood-corpuscles, with active though very slow form-changes, which he could not but interpret as the result of contractility. In the post mortem blood of a woman who had been leuciemic he saw similar polymorphous corpuscles ; and in a case of albmninoiis urine he repeatedly observed colored blood-corpuscles from which minute portions became constricted and separated, as well as those which Ibidem, p. 43. t Ceiitialblatt fiir iiipdiziiiische Wissenscli., 1863, No. 514, p. 851. X For the views of Rollett, Max Schultze, Kiilme, etc., see "Strieker's Haudbucli," cit., Leipzig (1869) editiou, p. 287 ; American reprint (1872), p. 286. i Op. c, p. 378. II Archiv fvir Mikr. Anat., vol. xiv. cit. p. 91 ; translated in Quarterly Journal of Micro- gcopical Science, Oct., 1877, p. 391. H L.c. ** Op. c, p. 417 ct seq. tt Ibid., p. 440. tt Vevlian T3„-„i,r^ of ovipara, divisi- j ^.oglobin. ^ S ^^f^^'^^^^=^^oi^- I According to I Body=zooia minus nucleus. > Strieker I, Nucleus == zooid minus body. j ble into * " Blut." E. Wagiier'8 " Handworterbucli der Pliysiologie." Braunschweig, 1842, vol. i., p. 89. t " Versnche und Beobaclitungen am Blute." iloleschott's I'ntersucliuugen, ix. ; also Sltzungsbericlite der Wiener Akademie, vol. xlvi., Div. 2 (1862), pi). 65-98; aud Strieker's " Haiidbucli," cit. Leipzig edition, 18C9, p. 295 ; American, p. 28-1. t Op. cit., Arcliiv fiir Mikroskopische Anatomic, p. 90, translated in Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, October, 1877, p. 390. S"Ueber den Ban der rothen Blutkorper"; Sitzung.sberichte der Wiener Akailemie, vol. 1\-1., Div. 2 (1867). p. 79. II " Ueljer Zersetzuugsbilder der rothen Blutkorperchen " : Vutersuchinigen aus dem Institute der Pliysiologie und Histologie in Graz. Leipzig, 1870, p. 1. 'y " Mikroehemische Untersiicliungen der rothen Blutkorperchen"; Archiv fiir die ge- sammte Physiologic des Mensclieu und derThiere (Plliiger's), vol. i. (1868), p. 592. ** Op. cit. in a foot-note to p. 374. 92 STRUCTUIiE OF COLORElJ BLOOlJ-COIiFUSCLES. If it had not been for the deserved eminence in other respects of the three investigators, Rollett, Briieke, and Strieker, these notions of the structure of colored blood-corpuscles would proba>>ly never have attracted any attention. Laptschinsky * considered colored corpuscles to consist of two kinds of substance, — viz., one which appears smooth, soft, extensible, assumes mostly a roundish foi-m, and altogether possesses some if not all of the proper- ties of the so-called stroma ; the second, visible under the microscope only when through the action of different re-agents it is precipitated, or swelled, or both. It is this second substance which, on staining, takes up the coloring matters, and, by sex^arating in the interior of the corpuscle from the first substance, or protruding from it, gives rise to the various shapes observed. At present it cannot be determined in what relation these two substances stand to each other previous to the precipitation of the stainable portion. The separating the blood-corpuscles into the two substances men- tioned is brought about by various external influences. In amphibian, i. e., frogs' and salamanders', red blood-corpuscles, Hensen, Bottcher. Kollmann, and Fuchs have seen a net-work; and although they have failed to interpret it correctly — as is evident from the context of their descriptions — I beg to call special attention to their observations. Hensen ascribed to the corpuscle the possession of protoplasm accumulated at the nucleus and at the inner surface of the membrane ; the two being connected by delicate radiating filaments, in the spaces between which the colored cell-liquid lies.t Bottcher, from his observations, "inferred that around the nucleus of the amphibian blood-corpiiseles a mass of protoplasm is collected, which radiates in the form of filaments into the homogeneous red substance. . . . The pro- toplasm aj)pears sometimes collected uniformly round the nucleus, at other times it is accumulated more to one side of it. It is either provided with only a few processes, or is arranged round the nucleus in the shape of an elegant star, whose points extend to the margin of the corjmscle, or else it forms round the nucleus a peculiar lobed figure. Very often it appears beset on one or all sides with fine, hair-like processes. Then, again, it may represent a sort of net-work, which either appears separated from the less darkly colored cor- tical layer and more contracted, or else it throws out into the cortex innu- merable very fine rafliating filaments, so that its processes approach the extreme periphery of the blood-corpuscles. In this case, therefore, the whole blood-corpuscle is permeated by a net-work of fine filaments." t According to Kollmann, the membrane incloses a net-work of delicate slightly granular albumen threads. These in their totality constitute the stroma, and in the small spaces between the threads of the stroma lies the haemoglobin. The soft, elastic albumen threads are stretched between mem- brane and nucleus. Only by a certain degree of their tension is the charac- teristic form of the blood-corpuscle possible. The haemoglobin in the meshes coimteracts excessive shortening of the threads. $ Fuchs expresses himself similarly as to the net-work of fibers emanating from the nucleus, and going to the peripherj' of the frog's red blood-corpuscle. * " TJeberdas Verlialten derrothen Blntkiirperchen," loc. cit.. pp. 178, 174. t "Untersuchuntcen," I. c, p. 261. t " On tJie Minute Structural Relations of the Red Blowl-con>u.scle.>i." Quarterly Journal of ificrogcopical Science, Oct., 1877, pp. .SH8-390. 'i "Bau (ler rotlien Blutkiiri'eiclien," '. c, p. 482. ^sThTcrr/fh' or coi.o/n.n iiLooD-coinTscLKs. 9:; He adds tliat the not-work f^ivcs tlie c'()i}iusclc its sliupo, and fixates tlie nneh'us in the center. Deatli of tlie eorpusele ]>roduc'»'S first eoa^uhilioii, afterward li(|uefaetion of tlie fibers of the net-work. Whenever tlie fibers are eoajjuhited tiiey are shortened, and ]irodnee indentations at tlie surface by tlrawinj; npon the points wliere they are attached ; when the shortening I)ro- ceeds too far, the fibers are torn off from the membrane, and in fjoth cases of shorteninfj there are places at the snrface which look protruded. Li(iuefac- tion of the fibers is assnnied when the corpuscle has a vesicular appearance, when it seems to contain a semi-fluid jiiass in which the nucleus may take any position, and from which it sometimes exudes, proving in exuding the exist- ence of a membrane as already described.* Sclimidt seems to have seen something like an an-angement of filaments, but, if so, has misinterpreted it entirelj'. He has reported obsei-ving in V)lood of amphiuma treated fii'st with^water under the microscope, and then with a very weak solution of chromic acid (strength not ascertained), "a series of fine lines, radiating from tlie periphery of the nucleus through the protoplasm to the inner surface of the membraneous layer of the blood-corpuscle." He remarks : '' Now this pietiu-e w'ould almost seem to corroborate the theory of Hensen, as well as that of Kollmaun ; the fine double lines representing the filaments, which they suppose to radiate from the nucleus to the enveloping membrane. But this is not tlie case ; for a closer examination reveals that these lines represent nothing but fissures in the protoplasm, which appears to have assumed some form of crystallization. This becomes more evident by observing some of these fissures deviating fi'om their course, and giving rise to subordinate branches." t He has also reported a somewhat analogous appearance in the colored blood-corpuscles of the f^'og, both fresh and treated with the same re-agents. This he explained by contraction of the interior mass. He says : " The protoplasm in such a case retracts upon the nucleus, which it completely suiTounds, while the membraneous layer appears isolated, manifesting itself by a double contour. And again, if the same process should take place without entirely separating the protoplasm from the membraneous layer, but leaving at certain small points a union between the two parts, the result must be the production of a number of filamentary processes, arising from the main bidk of the protoplasm, and passing to those points of the membraneous layer." t Kneuttinger considered the two surfaces of the biconcave disk of blood- corpuscles to be connected at the place of the depression by protoplasma threads ; if these tear, the biscuit form changes to a sphere. § According to Ki-ause, the red blood-corpuscle con.sistsof: 1. A colorless stroma foi-med by a solid albuminous matter aiTanged into radial fibers, and 2. Ha?moglobin, which is a colored fliud albuminous matter lying in the interspaces of these fibers. || Lieberkiihn has found that the free nuclei of red blood-corpuscles of salamanib'a and tritons (the blood having been kept for some time in colored glass tulies) consists of two substances, of which one foiTus the ' O)). cit., i>. 95. t Op. cit., p. 72. tllji(l.,v. 10(i. i •' Zur Hi.stolofrif iles Bliites." Wurzburj;, 18G5, p. 22. II " Allgemeiiie iiml Mlkru8koi)i.scbe Auatoiuie," \i. 325-334. 94 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. envelope and septa or threads passing? more or less regularly through the inte- rior, the other being contained between these septa.* In the nuclei of colored blood-corpuscles, Biitschli, W. Flemming, and Klein have repoi'ted the existence of a net-work, viz. : In the nuclei of red blood-corpuscles of frog and newt, Biitschli observed fibrils, with gi-anular thickenings, traversing the nucleus and passing to and connecting with its envelope. t Flemming saw a very delicate and dense net-work of fibers pervading the interior of the nucleus, and attached to the nuclear membrane in many so- called cellular elements of the bladder of eurarized salamandra maculata. He inferred that the net-work is present also in the nuclei of the red blood- corpuscles, though he did not see it there, t Speaking of some capillary blood-vessels of a newt, Klein said: "Some such capillaries contained blood-corpuscles, and the nuclei of these showed a very distinct net-work." $ Also : " The examination of the nuclei of fresh epithelium of frog, toad, or newt, the nuclei of fi-esh colored corpuscles of these animals, especially of toad, with a Zeiss's F lens, or a Hartnack's immersion. No. 10, reveals fibrils in the nucleus, and also shows that the ' gi'anules' are due to the twisted or bent condition of them." III. The method employed in my investigatiou, viz. : treatment of fresh blood with solution of bichi'omate of potash, and examina- tion with high magnifying power, has revealed certain appear- ances as the structural arrangements of colored blood-corpuscles. Do these arrangements exist in the living corpuscle, or are they artificial productions of the re-agent ? Dilute solutions of bichromate of potash and Miiller's fluid are known as the best preserving media for the most delicate animal structures : nervous tissue, the eye, embryos, etc., are kept in them unchanged for any length of time. In the fecundated chicken-egg of only twenty hours, placed in such a solution, the heart, but just formed, has been known to continue for a time to beat. Rollett has investigated the influence of bichromate of potash on protoplasm, and found that no alterations were pro- duced. In my series of observations, the weakest solutions (ten per cent, saturated solution or less) produced no paling of the colored corpuscles; while, on increasing the strength up to a * Loc. cit. t " Stiirtien iiber ilie ersten Entwickelungsvorfriinge tier Kizelle, die Zelltliciluiig uud (lie Conjugation der Int'nsorien." Abhandluugen tier Seuckenbeigischen Natuiforschendeu GeseUschaft, vol. x., Heft H, i (1876), p. 260. i " Beobachtnngen iiber die Beschaffouheit des Zellletween the two kinds of cor- puscles is the presence of haemoglobin, using this term to desig- nate the substance or substances — no doubt chemically very complicated — constituting the coloring matter under all the varjdng physiological circumstances. In size, human colored blood-corpuscles vary so much, that claims to be able to distinguish them by their size from certain other mammalian colored blood-corpuscles are inadmissible. The colored blood-corpuscle has no separate investing mem- brane ; nevertheless, the outer portion, essentially like the inner substance forming the net- work, may be considered to be differ- entiated from the latter, especially at the periphery of the disk, where it constitutes an encircling band of uniform thickness, or occasionally of a wreath-of -beads appearance. In the colored blood-corpuscles of the lower classes of vertebrate animals there is usually a nucleus to be seen, which is not the case, as a rule, in those of man, and other mammalians ; but there is in the interior of these an accumulation of matter occasionally met with, which may be interpreted as a nucleus. In the communication to the Vienna Academy, in 1873, Heitzmann demonstrated the existence of a net-work in amcebae, blood-corpuscles of astacus and of tritou, human colorless blood- corpuscles and colostrum cor2)uscles ; and, from direct observa- tion of the changes in the reticulum during the contraction of the living body, announced that the substance constituting the net-work is itself the living matter or bioplasson — /. <'., ''the 96 STRUCTURE OF COLORED BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. nucleolus, the nucleus, the granules with their threads, are the living- contractile matter proper.'' Aside from some conditions which do not here concern us, he descri])ed and illustrated three states of the net-work — viz., that of rest, that of contraction, and that of extension. A fourth state of the hving matter is assumed (hypotheticaUy) by the same investigator, to account for the formation of a flat layer of living matter, such as forms the walls of a vacuole, the membrane of a nucleus, or the outer layer of the whole bioplas- son mass. Heitzniann beheves that each of these states may at any time change into the other — /. e., that the net-work may from the condition of rest be transformed into that of contraction, or of extension, or of flattening, and from each of these into either of the others. At all events, there may arise in the bioplasson body a vacuole having a continuous thin wall, and containing lifeless fluid and detached particles of the living matter. Or, a bioplasson mass may take into its interior foreign bodies l)y forming around them a cul-de-sac, which then opens toward the center and closes at the periphery, and the net- work, rent during the process, reestablishes itself. Again, a bioplasson body, which by flap or knob protrusion and separation has lost a portion of its substance, as well as the portion detached, may become rounded off — the rui)ture at the place of detachment healing in each case without loss of Hfe. And further, two bio- plasson bodies may coalesce, and a portion of the periphery of each be transformed into the uniting net-work. By adopting these views, and applying them to the living matter of colored blood-corpuscles, we may explain the changes which they have been observed to be subject to. What are the changes that occur on the addition of a 40 per cent, saturated solution of bichromate of potash ? I have described indentations and protrusions which either persist or are leveled again ; pro- trusion of knobs, either pedunculated or sessile, which sometimes are so numerous that they surround the body of the corpuscle like a wreath ; decrease of the size of the main body by detach- ment of knobs ; appearance of net- work structure, most marked in the corpuscles which have not lost much of their substance ; vacuolation of corpuscles, and transformation of many of the portions detached into vacuoled globules which increase in size ; finally, change into faint, almost structureless disks, the so-called '' ghosts.*' srnrcrrRi-: of cojjjjikj) lii.ooD-coiwrscLKs. \)i The rc^niliir rosette, stellated, and th<)i-ii-ai»i>le sliai)es are euused ])V a unifonii ('(Hieeiitric eontraetioii <»t" the livin<; matter ; — the fiiiid in the interior, bein^ pressed toward the outer layer between the points of attaehnient of the threads, will prodnee a biilfiriii^r oiit at the })erii)herv. Irre^idar conti-actions of the livinj; matter will j!L()()H-(()i,'i'i'scjj':s. 107 witli almost (>x<'lusiv<>ly in t lie t-arlicst stiifj^cs of dcvoloimu'iit of tlic ciiiliryonal I'oiiiu'ctivc tissiu', and in transient fo'tal orpins, such as tlm innl)ilicai t-ord and phuHMita. This tissue a])])ears in two varieties : first, in tlie shajje of a I)roto{)hisniie reticulum of f^reiitly varying size, with nuclei at its points of intersection, the meslies of which hold tlie j(dly-like mucoid Itiisis-substance (umbilical cord). In the centers of the meshes, globular and ajiparently isolated bodies are seen. The otlier form consists of a delicate fibrous reticulum, haviufj oblong nuclei at the jmints of intersection, the meshes lieing filled with single protoplasmic bodies (so-call(Ml " decidua cells" of the placenta), or with a mucoid basis-substance with scanty bodies (derma and mucosa of the embryo in the earliest stages). Recent researdies have i)roved that this mucoid basis-su>>stance is not a structureless mass, but tliat it is pierced by a living reticulum, wliich is continuous with a smaller net-work pervading all protoplasmic formations. As the fibrous reticulum of myxomatous tissue is a protoplasmic formation, its fibers, too, contain a fine reticulum of living matter, which is also con- tinuous with the fine reticulum of its neighbors. So the basis-substance, in either its mucoid or fibrous variety, differs from protoplasm only by a chemi- cally altered substance witliin the meshes. This substance in the protoplasm is a liquid, in the basis-substance a semi-solid, though not strictly glue- yielding mass. As has been known for a long time, comparatively low powers, when brought to bear on the adenoid tissue, demonstrate the presence of a delicate fibrous reticulum, which at the points of intersection is generally slightly thickened and flattened so as to present a plate-like ap|)earance. These intersections are sometimes pro\dded with nuclei, and tlie meshes of the net-work are alw-ays filled with lymph-corpuscles. Although these cor- puscles are so closely packed that they often flatten each other, still each one is generally separated from its neighbors by a narrow, light substance which is probably liquid. Unless the lymph-corpuscles be torn apart by mechanical injuries, such as ciitting, washing, etc., etc., they are all connected with each other by ex- tremely delicate, gi-ayish spokes, which traverse the intermediate substance in all directions. A like connection always exists between the lymph- corpuscles and the fibrous reticulum nearest to them. Most authors claim that this fibrous reticulum of the adenoid tissue is structiu-eless, and exhibits nuclei only at its points of intersection. This assertion must be based on Canada balsam specimens, for it makes all minute details fade away. My own specimens, cut from fresh lymph-ganglia, or sucli as had been preserved in a dilute solution of chromic acid, show a well- marked net-work in the fibrous reticulum, both in the imstained and in the carmine specimens. While we are on this subject of the preparation of specimens, let me say, once for all, that if we hope to see the minute structure of this tissue, our sec- tions must be cut from fresh or from chromic acid preparations, for alcohol or water destroys the details. If stained at all, it should be done with carmine, or, what is better, the one-half per cent, of chloride of gold. Tliis last-named agent has a peculiar faculty for taking hold of the living matter of the most minute organisms and making it stand out in a very satisfactory manner. Lastly, I would state that glycerine seems to be the only mounting substance now known that will j)reserve tissues absolutely unchanged. 108 OBIGIN OF COLOEEl) BLOOD- CORPUSCLES. Reasouing by analogy, it seems that we are forced to conclude that adenoid tissue is myxomatous, and therefore a remnant of foetal tissue. We know that the myxomatous tissue is abundant in the embryo, and relatively scarce in the fully developed foetus. In the adult, the vitreous body was considered the only remnant of embryonal myxomatous tissue. To this, however, we should add the adenoid, and thus answer our first question. To get a better idea of this tissue, let us turn to its most minute anatomy, and for the present we will confine our attention to its frame-work. As I Fig. 'SI. — Lymph-ganglion of Cat. R, myxomatous reticulum, exliibiting in its interior a delicate retionhun of living matter ; a, granules of living matter arising from the growth of the inteiseclions of the contained reticulum ; I', granules grown into vacuoled coiiiusckjs and intermediate stages of develop- ment; i, full grown nucleated lymph-corpuscles: M. mesh of the myxcmiatous net-work, tilled with lymph-coriniscles of all stages of develoi)ment. ilagnitied 1200 diameters. have already said, in the frame-work, which looks perfectly homogeneous under a 500, with a 1200 (immersion) we can readily recognize a delicate reticulum piercing nearly all its fibers and plates. In some places, even without the use of a staining re-agent, this net-work is just as plain as in the oiiiais OF ((jij)iiKi) r.i.ooD-coui'rscLKs. lo'j corpusdos themselves, the only difference being that its meshes are a little wider than those in the glolmle. But the point to which I wish to draw particular attention is that the fji-anules, at the points of intersection, varj- very much in size. Sometimes, wiiere they are seen along the edges of broad fibers, or in the centers of very tine ones, they give it a beaded ajtpearance. At others they are so small that they are just barely ajipreciable. This inequality in size is most proljably due to a gi'owth that is c«jnstantly going on in these granules, and oiu* finding different ones at different stages of it. (See Fig. :n.) This process y a hyaline layer (zona pellucida of Yon Baer), is composed of li\'ing matter in reticular arrangement (the germ of Remak), which contains a nucleus-like body, the vesicula germ- inativa, with a varying numl)er of coarser gTanules, the nucleoli, the macula? germinativae. In mammals and some amphibia, the germ, in foto, is transformed into the animal, whereas in the eggs of birds, scaly amphibia, and osseous fishes, a portion of the germ is changed to yolk, which serves as a pabulum. After the spermatozoids have entered the germ — viz. : after fructification has taken place — its living matter increases rapidly, the vesicula germinativa disappears, and the germ, by a process of di^-ision, splits at first into tAvo portions, separated fi"om each other by a light narrow rim, but connected by extremely delicate filaments, which traverse the light rim. Each half of the germ spUts into a number of lumps, which, in the same manner as the fii-st half, remain connected ; thus the segmentation of the ovimi results in the formation of numerous corpuscles, which by col- lecting in a flat layer represent the germinal disk of Pander, in 112 TISSUES IN GENERAL. the germ of the impregnated egg of the chieken. The segmenta- tion was first observed by Prevost and Dumas (1824) in the ovum of frog ; by Coste (1848) in the ovum of fowls ; and by Bischoff (1842) in the ovum of manmials. According to this last-named observer, the subdivision into smaller elements in the rabbit's germ does not go on uniformly throughout its whole extent, inasmuch as in the germ a cavity is formed, around which the elements of segmentation accumulate, in order to build up the germ-membrane proper, with a slightly thickened spot, the germ-hill of Von Baer. The first differentiation of the germ-disk, or the germ- membrane, consists iu the formation of layers, of which at first two, shortly afterward three, are recognizable. The formation of such layers became known first thi'ough the researches of Caspar Friedrich Wolff' (1768), who claimed that the whole S3^stem of the intestines is developed from simple laminae. Pander, in 1817, perfected the theories of Wolff; he knew that after hatching had continued for twenty-four hours, three easily separable layers coidd be found in the germ-membrane. Von Baer, in 1822, des(;ribed four layers, of which the two upper he termed the animal, the two lower ones the vegetative. Remak, in 1855, maintained that the germ-membrane of the impregnated but luihatched Qg^ consists of two layers, and iipon hatching the lower is again split into two layers, the lower of which lines the one above it like an epithelial cover. Having ascer- tained the individuality of each of these three layers, he endeavored to find out their relation to the developing organs ; he called the upper layer the horny or sensorial ; the middle layer the motorial and germinative ; the under layer intestinal and glandular. According to S. Strieker's researches (1860- 1870), the original under layer of Remak consists — at least above the germ-cavity, and before the middle layer has made its appeai'- ance — of only a single stratum of flattened cells, and the formation of the middle layer is due to the immigration between the two layers of new cells. He termed the Tipper layer of Remak the combined horny and nervous layer, as he found that in batrachia the horny layer is quite distinct fi'om the nervous layer, the former being iiniformly thin ; the latter, on the con- trary, thickened even in the earliest stages in that part where later the brain is formed. He is unable to confii*m, despite of Remak's positive assertions, that nervous elements are also developed from the middle layer. TISSUES /\ (iF.XF.HM.. \V.\ Strii'kor (" Mamiiil of Ilistolojiy," Anu'ricaii edition, 1 S7'_'), in Hiioakiiif? of the tk'Vt'lopnu'nt of tiic fowl's giTin, says: " Tlu- fells of the vinder layer change their form and arningenient during the tirst hours of incultation. They beeoine flattened, and, when seen in transverse section, appear spindle- shaped. Henee, after ineul»ation has gone on for a few hours, we can ascer- tain, beyond even the shadow of a doubt, that there are two and only two layers. . . . The under layer, immediately after its separation from the subdivided germ, consisted in some places of a single thickness of cells, while in other places, in a transverse section, small heaps of cells could be recognized projecting from the layer. . . . Peremeschko, however, has made the communication that the largo granular cells lying on the bottom of the germ-cavity increase very consilastiil ; M, apparently stnict- nrelesH l)asis-8iib.stance : ^', capillary blood-vessel. JIa;rnitieodies and their coarser otlslioots correspond, both in size and shape, with the lar<;e lif^ht tields lu-ou^ht to view l)y nitrate of silver. In specinu'us deeply stale, dini imclcus: ,S'2, offshoot of a li^lit lield in the iniilillc of basis-siibstauce ; .S'^, bifurcatioii iiichjsiug a narrow pes of hasis..siil).staiic«- ; B, dark brown basis-sub.stauce pierced by a mostly rectangular lijrlit reticulum. Magnified 800 diameters. Slight gold tinction reveals the identity of the pale violet bodies with the protoplasmic corpuscles seen in chromic acid specimens ; they are identical, as regards their shape, also, with the negative fields ol)tained l)y silver tincti(m.t After intense gold-stain, the striated basis-substance looks pale violet. There * V. Reekliughausen (I. e.) also has obsei-ved anastomosing light fields in the silver-stained tendon. t In this respect I concur with Giulio Bizzozero (Rendiconti del R. Isti- tuto lomb. delle seienze, 18G9) and Paul Giiterbock (Centralblatt fiir die Med. Wissensch., 1870). 124 TISSUES IN GENERAL. are dark Wolet, in part branchinii' bodies iu it, which send dark xdolet filaments into the basis-substau(;e, mainly at ri^ht angles. Where the tendinous tissue is torn into bundles or single fibers, we easily recognize the dark violet reticulum, and in each single fiber the pale \'iolet basis-substance contains, at in-egular intervals, dark violet granules. On the border of some fibrous bundles small scallops protrude. The cross-section of a small bundle shows two kinds of formations : one granular, partly branching, dark violet ; the other, homogeneous, colorless, or pale \dolet. (See Fig. 38.) Tissue of the Periosteum. In chromic acid specimens of the periosteum of shaft-T)ones of gi-own dogs and cats, the light Fig. 38. — Loxgitcdinal Section of the Texdo Achillis of a Grown Dog, Deeply Stained with Chloride of Gold. [Published in 1873.] P, the brandling tcii»\on-cori>H8i'les, with liglit nuclei: B, buniUe with (lir«tinrt rectanK"lar (lark violet filaments; F, single dotted tibiilUe ; TS, transverse section of a bnnille. Magnified 800 diameters. basis-substance, partly striated, is composed either of rhomboidal plates or of broad ri})l)ons, which may exhibit a mosaic of rhombs. These formations are intermixed and interlaced in a vertical or oblique direction. The variety of basis-sul)stance consisting of broad ribbons is met with, as a rule, on the surface of the bone.* while the other * The protoplasmic layer between periosteum and bone, which Th. BiUroth (Ai-chiv fiir Klinische Chirurgie, Bd. y\.) has termed "cambium," exists in juvenile animals only. 'jissiKs i\ a km: UAL. 125 varietios ])rovail at the periphery of the periosteum, bU'iidiuf; with iiei<>lil)()riiii»" tissues. Tlie ribbons are separated from ea<*h other in a hniiiitudiiial direction by straitj^ht so-eaUed ehistii; fibers, wiiieh renck'r eaeh ribbon rhomb-shaped. At the corners of the rhoml), the elastic fibers anastomose with eaeh other in acute anjjh's. A In-oad ri1)l)ou is not infrequently subdivided by elastic fibers into smaller rhombs. MT ML Fig. 30. — Longitudinal Section op the Periosteum of the Femur of A Grown Dog, Stained with Nitrate op Silver. [Published in 1873.] C, liglit si)afe.s corrcspoiKliuft to tin- plastids, all of wliicli are interconnectetl ; MT. smooth nmscU' fibers of an artt'ry in trausviTse section; ML, tlie same iu loiigitiulinal section; K, emlothelium. Masniitied 800 diameters. The protoplasmic bodies are spindle-shaped in the striated, rhomboidal in the rhomb-shaped, and oblong in the ribboned basis-substance. In the interstices between the lavers similar 120 TISSUES IN GENERAL. corpuscles are imbedded. Properties common to all of these corpuscles are : tliey lie in cavities of the basis-suhstance, their l)eri]>liery is scalloped, and they are possessed mostly of one nucleus. The nucleus and nucleoli look exactly like those of colorless blood-corpuscles. In the basis-substance, stained lu-own })y nitrate of silver, lig-ht fields of varjdng- shape appear, which behave Uke those of the umbilical cord and the tendon. Here, too, the basis-substance is traversed by branching lines, which interconnect the large Kght fields. (See Fig. 39.) Slight gold tinction of the periosteum brings to view deli- cate radiating scallops at the periphery of the corpuscles, and delicate vertical filaments in the \ - ,., interstices between the rhombs. The shining elastic ledges are transversely striated, being pierced by violet filaments. Deep gold-stain shows a dark ^dolet 3^ reticulum throughout the basis- H^ ' - . ^ sul)stance, iust as in other va- ^ rieties of connective tissue. ^*^ The perkJiondrimx in all es- 'V sentials is identical in its struct- "I ure with the periosteum. Where t fihroHS rarfilagc blends with peri- %^ -, chondrium, as on the lateral sur- 1!^-=*^ > H* faces of the condyles of femurs '"" ''' ^'''^" of younger animals, the gold Fig. 40.— Bone-corpuscle from a tinction evidences a dense re- PuRPosELY Wounded Scapula of ^i^^^^,^ of offshoots of the cor- Cat — TmRD Day of Inplamma- , „ „, ^., TioN. Chromic Acid Specimen. P^scles of fibrous cartilage. [Published IN 1872.] Tissue of hone. The basis-sub- f, the Loaiiy iiomogeneous piastid, with stauccof juveuilc boucis striated, numerous lanniyiug offshoots. Masnifie.! 800 that of older l)one lamcllated. uiameteis. The lamell* are plates separated from each other by a non-calcified basis-substance, and each lamella is composed of flat, ol)long lenticular masses, which are curved according to the lamella and contain one central bone- corpuscle. In the earliest stages of inflammation of bone, the protoplasma swells so that, without any re-agent, numerous ofl'shoots of the bone-corpuscles become visible, which freely anastomose and pro- yv.s'.sr/'.'.v IX CKXKUAL. 127 duce a drlicatt' rfticulmii tlii-(»iiL''li<»ul the liasis-substance. (See Fi-.40.) lihxul-vcssch. Fi<;. ;]1) represents an artery from the silver- stained periosteum ot a g^rown do^, in wliich we reeojrnize that the hrown basis-suhstanee of the adventitial eouneetive tissue, the cenient-sul)stance between the spindle-shaped muscle fibers, and the eement-sul^stanee between the endothelia, are all traversed by lifjht lines, which intereonneet the light fields cor- responding to these formations. Gold-stains bring to view, in the interstices between the single elements, conical filaments which connect all. The walls of capil- laries of the compact snl)stance of shaft-bones are, by means of filaments, in dii-ect connection with the neighboring corpuscles, both of medulla and bone. These filaments penetrate the space around the hollow ])rot()])lasm of the vessel, the '' perivascular lymph-space" of autliors. Miisch-fisuHP. In continuous layers of smooth muscle, both in the fi'esh condition and after the gold stain, we see that from each spindle arise numerous spokes, which, after having pierced the surrounding cement-substance, inosculate with the neighbor- ing spindles. In such spindles, especiall}' from the muscular wall of the blood-vessels of the umbilical cord, there is an accu- midation of li\4ng matter which renders the corpuscle nearly homogeneous and highly refractive. In very shining spindles there are no nuclei. Wherever nuclei are seen, they are by means of conical spokes connected with the reticulum of li\'ing matter of the corpuscle. The examination of Jiring striated muscle fi'om the thigh of the water-beetle (Hydi-ophilus) or craw-fish (Astacus) shows that the distri])ution of the contractile or '* main " substance varies greatly. In opposition to the conceptions of W. Krause,* V. Hensen.t Th. W. EngeLmann,t and others, I adopt the view of E. Briicke,§ \iz., ''that the sarcous elements do not exist as solid and unchangeable masses in the li^dng muscle, ])ut are groups of molecides an-anged in colimms of a varying configuration at the * "Ueber den Bau der quergestreiften Muskelfaser." Zeitschrift f. rat. Medizin, 1868. t " Ueber ein neues Structurverhaltniss der quergestreiften Muskelfaser." Arbeiten des Kieler physiolog. Institutes, 1868. t * ' Mikroskopische Untersuehungen tiber die quergestreifte Muskelsub- stanz." Pfliiger's Archiv, 1873. 6 ' • Untersuehungen iiber den Bau der Muskelf asern mit Hiilf e des polar. Lichtes." Denkschrifteu d. Wiener Akademie d. Wissensch. , Bd. x^^ 128 TISSUES IN GENERAL. m .\'- -t^U" iiiomont of death." I am unable to see in the li\'ing, striated muscle anything else than in the li\ang protoplasma in general — namely, granules and heaps of granules of li%-ing matter, the sareous elements, and between these a non-contractile interstitial substance. Whatever form the distribution of the contractile substance may give rise to, we can prove that every granule and every sareous element is in all directions connected with its neighbors by means of delicate gray filaments piercing the interstitial sub- stance in vertical and transverse directions. From each so-caUed " muscle-nucleus," and in case the nucleus is surrounded by protoplasm, from the lat- ter, emanate delicate conical threads, which, after ha^^ng penetrated the narrow light rim, blend with the neigh- boring sareous elements. (See Fig. 41.) In gold-stained specimens these features are far more striking than in fresh muscle, as the chloride of gold, acting for a sufficient length of time, Q. — viz., twenty to forty min- utes,— stains the contractile substance of muscle \aolet. Sfrucfure-eJeinenfs of the Xervous System. Thin sec- tions from the cortex or the main ganglia of a gi'own, re- cently killed rabbit are the best specimens for examination with high powers of the microscope. The section may be transferred to the slide without or with the addition of a preser\'ing fluid ; in the latter case, a very dilute solution of l)ichromate of potash is preferable, because, as proved by A. Rollett. this does not alter the structure of protoplasm. Layers of protoplasm, with numer- ous formations like nuclei, ganglion-corpuscles of varying shape, and non-medullated* nerve-fibers of different size are seen. The li^-ing matter in the formations termed nucleoli, being compactly accumulated, is homogeneous, and has a yellowish luster ; while * The original reads by mistake "mediillated," Fig. 41. — Portion of the Fresh Thigh- muscle OF Hydrophilus Piceus. [Published ix IS 73.] X, nucleus : G, grannies in the longitudinal ilirec- tion of the nucleus. Magnified 800 diameters. 1 1 ss I ■ j-:s 1 x a k.\ i:ii. i l Vl\) iu the |)r()t()])lasm!i of all structure-elements of the iiei-vous system it is disti-ihuted in thin layers as "granules and lumps, and is of an opaciue f^ray color. All jiranules and lumps of the livinjr nuittor are interconnected 1)V delicate radiating spokes. (See Fi^rs. 42 and 43.) In the irauirlion-corpuscles. especially in their nuclei, the spokes have been observed )>y a hirii;e number of investigators,* who interpreted these spokes as belonging exclusively to gan- glion-corj)uscles, or as ])rod- iiets of coagulation. I am unable to see iu these forma- tions a structure different from that of cartilage-corpus- cles or that of living proto- .V # Fig. 42. — Section from the Cor- tex OF THE BrAIX of A RECENTLY Killed Grown Rabbit ; Kept in A One-half per cent. Solution of Chloride of Sodium. [Pub- lished IN 1873.] /', the graj-ish rftictilum of liv-ing matter, vritli mimerous nuclei, X. Maguified 800 diameter.s. Fig. 43. — Specimen from the Cor- pora Quadrigemina of a Recently Killed Grown Rabbit ; Kept in A Dilute Solution of Bichro- mate OF Potash. [Published in 1873.] lu tlie gTa3-lsli reticulum of living matter there are nuclei, X; gangliou-conniscles, (? ; witli axis-C3limUr offshoots, A. Some axis- cjiinders with varicosities, V. Magnified 800 diameters. plasm in general ; true, iu the ganglion-corpuscles the struct- ui-e is very promineut. Such spokes are in some cases also dis tiuctly seen to project from the periphery of the ganglionic cor * The literature is found in Jul. Ai-nold, " Ein Beitrag zu der feinereu Striiettir der Ganglienzellen." Virchow's Arcliiv, 41 Bd. 1867. 9 130 TISSUES IN GENERAL. iMi FF- MF— puscles, as well as to proceed from the inediillated and non- mediillated nerve-fibers, and to traverse the light rim around all these formations. Th(^ same strnctiire is visible in the ganglionic corpuscles of the sympathicus nerve of the rabbit. Here the spokes directly con- nect corpuscles lying near each other, and penetrate also the inter- •"EL stiee between the cor- puscles and the cap- sule, being lost to sight in the latter. The pale protoplas- ma of the nervous sys- tem, as is well known, is easily stained violet with solutions of clilo- ride of gold, and such solutions, cautiously ap- plied, furnish a valua- ble means more plainly to bring to view the features of the struct- iu*e of nerve-elements described. Ep ifhelia I Tissue. The forms of the so- called '' prickle and ridge cells" are known in many epithelia; they hav^e been first described by Max Schultze * as normal occurrences in the pave- ment ejnthelia of the skin, the lips, the mucosa of the oral cavity, the tongue, and the conjunctiva of the ej-elids. The thorns are nothing but offshoots of an epithelial corpuscle, which traverse the light rim of cement-substance to join all the neigh- boring corpuscles. The thorns are conical. They are either so arranged that from one element alternately the liroad base of a cone projects, and the next thorn is inserted with its point into the element ; or, as Bizzozero has demonstrated, the points of the thorns projecting from two neighboring corpuscles meet in the rim of the cement-sul)stance. Owing to these offshoots, the cement-substance, if cautiously stained brown by nitrate of silver, is pierced by transverse light * Centralblatt fiir die Mediz. Wissenschaften, 1864. Fig. 44. — Surface-epithelium of a Villus of THE Small Intestine of a Grown Dog. Slight Gold Stain. [Published in 1873.] EL, coUiuiiiar epithelia iu side view ; JEF, columnar epi- thelia in top view ; ML, epith(>liiini traiiMformed to mucus, in side view ; MF, same in top view ; .S', tlie striated seam of tlie epitlielia. Magnified 800 diameters. TISSUES IN GENERAL. i:n liiifs: wlu'ivas ^old tinction colors tlio projections intorconiicct- iiii>- the \iolct epithelial Ixxlies also violet, leaving the cenient- sul)staiice nnstained. I liave not seen elements in e])ithelia other than so-called •• priekle-eells " interconnected with one another. (See Figs. 44 and 4"),) ; From my descriptions it follows that all elements of the tissnes of the animal body are '' prickle-cells," all nuclei are " priekle-nnclei," and all nucleoli " prickle-nucleoli.'' Examining the epithelial corpuscles of glands, we are satis- tied that the projections of one '' enchyma-celP' not only reach all neighboring " enehyma-cells,'' but that at the periphery of the lobule or tubule of a gland they estalilish a direct union between the enchyma and the connective-tissue corpuscles. The first conclusion to ^*%\!r\ 4 />\i - be drawn from my re- searches is that in no tissue whatever do there exist " cells " as isolated individuals. Each tissue represents, speaking in the usual way, a colony of cells, in which one cell is uninterrupt- edly united by filaments of living matter with all, and all with one. Each ^ " cell-colony " again is con- nected with the neigh- boring colonies without interruption, so that the whole animal body may be considered as a sin- gle cell-colony. In other words : The animal hodi/, as a ivJiole, is one protoplasmic mass, in ivhich are imhedded a relatively small numher of isolated protoplasmic corpuscles (migrating, color- less, and colored blood-corpuscles), and various other non-livine/ substances (glue-yielding and mucous substances, fat, pigment- granules, etc.). -^ Fig. 45. — Section of the Submaxillary Gland op a Middle-sized Rabbit. Slight Gold Stain. [Published in 1873.] AA, acini lined by epitlielia (temieil also "encliyina- cells"); C, conuoftive-tissuc frame. Magnilifd 300 iliaineteis. 132 TISSUES IN GENERAL. Just as the amoelja is a protoplasmic lump, iu which the living matter is arranged in the form of a reticulum, whose points of intersection are also living matter, so the body of even a highly organized mammal is a lump, traversed by a living reticulum, whose points of intersection are living matter in the shape of 'protoplasmic corpuscles, hitherto termed cells. Fig. -iLi. — Schema of the Stri'ct the Varieties of Con- nective Tissue. [Pcblished in 1873.] Every tissue, as the history of development teaches, is built up by a number of protoplasmic lumps, Avhich we may consider as the eleiiip)its of the tissue. In a completely formed tissue, the cell and its territory (Virchow) represent the i(nif of the tissue. TrSSFES TX (iEXKUAL. 133 which is l>v no iiu'uns an individnal, as eacli unit is in direct, livinu; connection with all ncighl)oring nuits. Let us bejrin with the analysis of the units in the formations termed " c(»nne<'tive tissue." In the center of the element is the nucleolus, annind this the nucleus, and next a protoplasmic body, hitherto termed " cell" ; this is surrounded by a protoplasmic mass, infiltrated with a ixlue-yielding- basis-substance, and within this unit of the tissiu' the living nuitter is uninterruj)tedly c(jnnected. It is accumulated in the center in the shape of a compact uurlcolus -, next it constitutes a sometimes narrow, sometimes wide, reticu- lum, and incloses this reticulum as a continuous layer in the shajte of the nucleus ; then it forms a somewhat Avider reticulum, holding protoplasmic liquid, and, as a rule again, a continuous sheU, inclosing this reticulum in the shape of the cell; and, lastly, is spread out in the shai)e of a relatively wide reticulum, whose meshes are infiltrated with 1)asis-substauce, as the ccU-ttrritonj. (See Fig. 46.) This schema may exhil)it modifications if either the nucleus in foto or the whole element in fofo is a compact, homogeneous mass of living matter. Such conditions are due, as I have explained before (see page 46), to differences of age of the protoplasm. Each of the constituents of a unit described is separated from the neighboring constituents by a space, as a rule, containing a liquid, traversed not by a reticulum, but simple filaments of the living matter. Such spaces, therefore, exist around the nucleolus, around the nucleus, around the protoplasm, or cell, and around the infiltrated portion of the unit, although until the preseW time only the pericellular spaces were known. In aU these spaces a circulation of liquids can take place, and each may be filled by parenchymatous injection with colored substances. Such injec- tions have been made around the nucleus (by Mac-Gillavry) ; around the cell (by Kowalewsky and others) ; around the bor- ders of the units of the tissue, and, lastly, around the perivascu- lar spaces. By such foi'cible injections the connecting filaments are torn and the protoplasmic bodies become displaced and com- pressed. We can readily understand how^ lymph-clefts, desti- tute of walls, could be manufactured by such parenchymatous injection. The schema of the units of epithelium is different. In the center of the element is the nucleus with the nucleolus. Both are imbedded in a protoplasmic body surrounded by the shell of cement-substance common to all neighboring elements, 134 TISSUES IX GENERAL. wliich contains the spokes or pi-ickles connecting the elements. Features similar to those of epithelia may also be exhibited by some connective-tissue corpuscles, especially those of the medul- lary tissue (osteoblasts) and the endothelium ; the same are found in the tissue of smooth muscle. I intend to demonstrate here- after that the development of a unit of connective tissue is invariably preceded by a stage which corresponds to the schema of epithelial formation ; we are therefore not justified in making an essential difference between the elements of connective tissue and those of epithelium, exclusively based on tlifferences in theii* shape. Just as each independent protoplasmic lump, and within it each vacuole, is bordered by a continuous layer of living matter, so the body of a mammal, and in its interior every cavity, is covered by a continuous layer of protoplasm. Based upon the facts hereinbefore described, we may obtain, as I shall later show, a clear ^dew of the development of the tissues and of the inflammatory process. During inflammation, especially that of certain tissues, conclusive proofs are fiu'nished that there is in the basis-substance a large amount of li\dng matter which is liable to become diseased. Is Blood a Tissue ? As one of the consequences of the modern \dews regarding individuals, it is held that blood, pus, secretions, etc., are fluid tissues. I have demonstrated that every animal tissue is a continuous mass of protoplasm, with zones of ditferent structure. An " intercellular substance " exists here as little as "cells," in the modern sense, are present. We are justified in speaking only of basis-suhsfance. That single lumps, as migrafiiir/ cells, discovered by Von Recklinghausen, are, for a time, disconnected fi'om other ele- ments and execute locomotion of theii* own, does not alter the general rule. Migrating corpuscles are not essential constituents of a tissue. In the blood, isolated protoplasmic lumps, the red and colored blood-corpuscles, float in a liquid plasma. Protoplasmic lumps are likewise suspended in liquids such as pus, colostrum, bile, sperm, etc. Such li(piids we have no right to call tissues. The analogy between a living amaba and the body of a higher animal as to its lixing blood-corpuscles is apparent enough. In the amoeba there arise transient vacuoles, in some of which, as I have demonsti-ated liefore (see page 22), granules TfSSrES TX aKXKJiAT.. KJ') of the ('ontractiU' matter may be susiK'iided ; and Ijlood-vcssels arise from the formation of vacmdes (see pa^je 'M\), eontaining from tlieir very oriiriu a liquid in which isolated Inmps of living matter are snspendtd. Keseakcues anj> Deductioxs SIXCE 1873. I have ])ur]»()sely given an accurate translation of my assertions in 1878, in order to show that the eell-theory and its consequences, in the light of my investigations, had to Tdc al)andoued. At present, after nine years' further research, I have nothing to alter in my previous statements, and but little to add. Various publications, based on studies made in my laboratory during the last seven years by unprejudiced observers, fully corroborate the new ^dews. Not only physiological and histo- logical research, but pathological investigation as well, ajnoU become more fruitful. Inflammation, tul)erculosis, formation of tumors — in short, all morbid processes — will be better under- stood than is possible with cellular-pathological views. L. Elsberg, in 187.1,* makes the following statements : " Not only in the wide domain of organic physiology, but especially also in human pathology, the cell doctrine has been accepted so universally that it seems to me eminently proper to bring the new \-iews to the notice of the American Medical Asso- ciation, even at this early stage of their crystallization into a complete doctrine. AU that I shall present to you as histological fact has been repeatedly observed and demonstrated by C. Heitz- mann, both at Vienna and New York ; and a number of others, as well as I, have been enabled to confirm his observations. " The ideas of humoral and solidistic pathologists long con- tinued to influence medical teachings after Schwann's dis- coveries of the elementary sti-uctm-e of tissues were generally acknowledged as correct, and more or less consistently applied. It was really not until Virchow promulgated his celebrated lectures on cellular pathology, less than twenty years ago, — lectiu'es which reached and deeply impressed the medical pro- fession in every portion of the globe, — that the ceU-doctrine has had undisputed sway." * Notice of the Bioplasson Doctrine. Transactions of the American Medical Association, 1875. ]3G TISSUES IX GEXEIiAL. In Lecture I., delivered February 16, 1858, Virchow said: "K we con- sider the extraordinary influence which Biehat, in his time, exercised upon the state of medical opinion, it is indeed astonishing that such a relatively long period should have elapsed since Schwann made his great discoveries without the real importance of the new facts having been duly aijpreciated. This has certainly been essentially due to the great incompleteness of our knowledge with regard to the intimate structure of our tissues, which has continued to exist until quite recently, and, as we are sorry to be obliged to confess, still even now prevails with regard to many points of histologj, to such a degree that we scarcely know in favor of what view to decide. Especial diflficulty has been found in answering the question from what parts of the body action really proceeds, what parts are active, what passive ; and yet it is already quite possible to come to a definite conclusion upon this point, even in the case of jjarts the structure of which is still disputed. The chief point in this application of histology to pathologj- is to obtain a recognition of the fact that the cell is really the ultimate moi-jihological element in which there is any manifestation of life, and that we must not transfer the seat of real action to any point beyond the cell." And further on he said: "According to my ideas, this is the only possible starting-jjoint of all biological doctrines. If a definite corresj)ondenee in elementary- form jjervades the whole series of all li\-ing things, and if in this series something else which might be placed in the stead of the cell be in vain sought for, then must every more highly developed organism, whether vegetable or animal, necessarily, above all, be regarded as a progressive total, made up of a larger or smaller number of similar and dissimilar cells. Just as a tree constitutes a mass arranged in a definite manner, in which, in every single part, in the leaves as in the root, in the trunk as in the blossom, cells are discovered to be the ultimate elements, so it is also with the forms of animal life. Every animal presents itself as a sum of vital unities, every one of which manifests all the character- istics of life. The characteristics and unity of life cannot be limited to any one jjarticular sx>ot in a highly developed organism (for example, to the brain of man), but are to be found only in the definite, constantly reiurring, struct- ure which every indi\'idual element displays. Hence it follows that the structural composition of a body of considerable size, a so-called indi\'idual, always represents a kind of social arrangement of parts, an arrangement of a social kind, in which a number of individual existences are mutually depend- ent, but in such a way that every element has its own special action, and even though it derive its stimulus to activity from other parts, yet alone effects the actual performance of its duties. I have therefore considered it necessary, and 1 believe you will derive benefit from the conception, to portion out the body into cell-territories (Zellen-territorien). I say territories, because we find in the organization of animals a peculiarity which in vegetables is scarcely at all to be witnessed, namely, the development of large masses of so-called intercellular substance. Whilst vegetable cells are usually in imme- diate contact with one another by their external secreted layers, although in such a manner that the old boundaries can still always be distinguished, we find in animal tissues that this species of arrangement is the more rare one. In the often very abundant mass of matter which lies between the cells (intermediate, intercellular substance) we are seldom able to perceive at a glance how far a given part of it belongs to one or another cell ; it presents the aspect of a homogeneous intermediate substance. According to Schwann, 'nssij-:s i.\ <;j:xKT{\r.. vm the intorcpUular sulistniu'i' was tlu- cvtoldastcma le. and I admit, had my assertivnts, they wouhl justly have been considered as neai-ly woi-thless. Besides, a certain amount of skill in nsinii' those re-ajicnts, and a well-trained eye, are re([uiivd to see what really can be seen. This is evitlently the reason why in Europe, of the many investigators who tried to brin<'' to \'iew the connections of cartilai>'e-corpuscles after 1872, when I first found these connections, only very few have suc- ceeded. Still it was a])solutely necessary to demonstrate the presence of such connections, because on cartilage-tissue have mainly rested, for the last forty years, our biological views. A. S])ina * deserves great credit for the discovery of a new method, by which the connections of cartilage-corpuscles become readily demonstrable even to a relatively untrained eye. This^ method is as follows: the cartilage, best from the articular ends of l)one, for three or four days is placed in alcohol, cut and examined in alcohol. '' We are satisfied," Spina says, " that from the cells of the hyaline cartilage project solid offshoots ; these, as is easily seen, arise from the l)odies of the shriveled cells, pervade the basis-sidistance, and blend with the offshoots of other cells. The thickness and number of the offshoots greatly vary ; the most numerous and most delicate were found in specimens from the superficial portion of articular cartilages of middle- sized frogs," etc., etc. From what I have seen, I can heartily recommend this method for the demonstration of the connections, though it is, on account of the shrinkage due to the preservation in alcohol, imperfect. This method brings to view, also, the delicate, mostly rectangu- lar reticulum in the basis-substance of fibrous connective-tissue formations, adjacent to cartilage. kS. Strieker t recently makes the follo^\'ing statements: '^ The so-called migrating cells in the substantia propria of the cornea, so far as can be ascertained by direct, continuous observation, are neither migrating nor isolated cells. "VVe can easily see, under suitalile conditions, that portions of their bodies gradually assimie the looks of basis-substance, while new * " Ueber die Saftbahnen des hyalinen Knorpels." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. der Wissensch., 1870. t " Mittheiluug liber Zellen uiid Grundsubstaiicen." Wieuer Mediz. Jahr- biieher, IS SO. 142 TISSUES IX GENEBAL. additions to the cell-body are formed from the neighboring basis- substanee. " The basis-substance, under favorable conditions, exhibits in its interior form-changes like those of amoeboid cells. A net- like arrangement, fi1)rill*, and other forms, come and go. The basis-substance and the migrating cells in it represent a continuous mass, which, according to circumstances, may assume the featiu'es of basis-substance or of wandering cells. A lump of this mass becomes a real migrating cell only if separated from its surroundings, which, however, does not occur in the con- tinuity of the substantia propria. " The epithelia of the cornea, with their so-called cement- ledges, likewise form a continuous living mass. Under favorable conditions, we can easily realize that neither the cement-ledges nor the cells are stal^le formations. The cement-ledges are transformed into constituent parts of the neighboring cells, while within the cells new cement-ledges arise, so that after a while the configuration of the epithelium has changed, or else the whole form of the cells of the anterior epithelium is lost to sight, and it appears as a uniform mass, such as is the rule in the normal living cornea. " Changes of the branching cells in the substantia propria are easily seen during the first few minutes after excision of the cornea, by suitable methods of preparation. '' The interior of the cell-bodies undergoes manifold visible variations. One of the most remarkable instances is furnished by the saliva-corpuscles. The assumption that a so-called molec- ular motion takes place in the saliva-corpuscles, is eiToneous. The gi-anules seen with insufficient amplifications are transverse sections of trabeculae. The saliva-corpuscle is traversed by a sharply marked trabecular structure (Balkenwerk), which, so long as the corpuscle is fresh, executes lively wavy motions. The waving gradually ceases on the addition of solutions of salts in certain concentration, and the reticular structure disappears. The wa\-ing is now replaced by very slow form -changes in the interior mass." VII. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Definition and Division. THE term counccilve tissue is applied to that tissue which con- stitutes the frame of the body (skeleton), covers the articular surfaces of bones (articular cartilag-e), incloses the whole body (derma of skin), supports and surrounds muscles and nerves (tendon, perimysium, perineimum), produces tlat layers for all epithelial formations (basement layers), contains as a physiologi- cal product fat-globules (fat-tissue), and forms the blood and lymph vessels. It is composed of living- matter which, having a reticular structure, contains in its meshes a lifeless, more or less solid, interstitial basis-substance. At certain regular intervals the reticulum is nodulated, and these nodules are the formerly so- caUed connective-tissue cells, preferably termed connective-tissue coi*puscles. The distinguishing feature of connective tissue is the inter- stitial hasis-substance, which is generally termed " glue-yielding," because some of its varieties on being boiled fiTrnish gelatine, although other varieties, by the same treatment, yield a substance which is not strictly glue, but kindred to it. For twenty years (1840-1860) a lively controversy was carried on regarding the relation between the basis or intercellular substance and the plastids, the connective-tissue cells. Henle was the main repre- sentative of the \'iew that the intercellular substance contains only 144 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. cavities, while VltcIiow asserted that the intercellular substance contains " cells," the seats of life. Between 1860 and 1870, his- tologists began to be aware that the intercellular suV^stance contains cavities, in which the cells are imbedded. Virchow^ in 1851, was also the first to recognize that all varieties of connect- ive tissue belong to one group, for the designation of which he proposed the rather unsatisfying term '' connective substances." As A. Rollett * says: "The connective tissues are developed from the middle germinal layer, in which blood and muscle also originate. The tj^neal connective substances are recognized histologically by the circumstance that they contain extensive and continuous layers of material (intercellular substance), which, when compared with the cellular structures distributed through its substance (protoplasma), or the morphological elements in other tissues, always appears as a more passive suVjstance and one which participates but slightly in the processes characteristic of life. These masses consist, for the most part, of gelatine-forming substances, such as collagen, chondrogen, and ossein. The connective tissues fi-equently pass by substitution or genetic succession into one another; they appear, therefore, to be morphologically equivalent, so that in many instances certain organs, or parts of organs, belonging to animals nearly allied to one another, are formed sometimes of one, sometimes of another, of these tissues." The basis-substance, the hitherto called intercellular substance^ is a product of the lifeless bioplasson liquid which, probably nitrogenous from the very beginning, is transformed by chemical changes into the nitrogenous, more or less solid, mass termed basis-substance. In the same variety of connective tissue, espe- cially in the fibrous, the basis-substance may exhibit different degrees of solidification. Bundles of fibrous connective tissue are, f. i., built up of striated, glue-peldiug hasis-sxhsfanre ; the bundles are separated from each other by the less solid cement-siib- stance ; and they are bounded, both at their peripheries and around the plastids, by a more solid, dense, and chemically indifferent elastic suhstdnce. The so-caUed elastic fibers are but a variety of the glue-yielding basis-substance, in a high degree of solidi- fication. According to the nature of the interstitial substance, the morphological properties of which are far better known than the chemical, we may distinguish four varieties : Myxomatous or mucoid basis-suhstance, a jelly-like, translucent substance, not yielding gelatine ; ■' "A Manual of Histolop3'," by S. Strieker. American translation edited by Albert H. Buck, 1872. Chapter : " The Connective Tissues." CONNECriVK TISSUE. 145 Fibrous basis-suhsfaiirc, a somi-solid, opiKpic sul>staii(M', diar- actorizt'd 1)V a striatrd, fibrous, or laiiicllated appcaraiiec', yielding, on bt'ing boiled, ^\ne or a substance kindred to glue ; CorfiltK/iiioiis or rho)i(h'o(/('iious h(isissuhsf(inri\ii dense, opaque sul)stanee of a uniform hyaline or striated appearance, which on being boiled also yields a liquid kindi'ed to glue, as indicated by its odor ; and Osseous or bony hasis-siibstance, a dense, opaque, glue-yielding substance, of a striated or laniellated appearance, infiltrated "with lime-salts. The character of any variety of connective tissue is exclu- sively defined by the character of its basis-substance, whereas the connective-tissue corpuscles, though greatly varying in size and shape, are all essentially the same, viz. : living matter hitherto called *' protoplasm." These protoplasmic bodies, plastids, as a rule nucleated, lie in cavities of the basis-substance, representing what has been termed the '^ fixed cells " of connective tissue. Be- sides, in some varieties of connective tissue, plastids are met with which, under favorable conditions, exhibit rapid changes of shape and locomotion. Von Recklinghausen* first drew attention to the presence of these " migrating cells." Such corpuscles can change their location only in the interstitial liquid portions of the basis-substance. Their presence is by no means the rule. Of the connective-tissue corpuscles, of coui'se the '' fixed cells " alone are united with each other. In myxomatous tissue the cor- puscles are connected by thick and wide offshoots, constituting the " stellate cells" of Virehow. In hyaline cartilage the union is by delicate offshoots ; while in the fibrous tissue, in fibrous car- tilage and bone, the corpuscles are joined by both thick and slender offshoots. The basis-su])stance, w^hich was formerly supposed to be structureless, is to-day known to be traversed by a delicate reticulum of li\4ng matter, the meshes of which are somewhat larger than that of the plastids ; by means of this reticulum the connection between the plastids is established. The reason why the reticular structure of the basis-substance is not, or so little, marked in the fresh condition of the tissue, is that there is not sufficient difference between the refracting power of basis-substance and of living matter. It can be brought to \'iew either by staining re-agents, such as nitrate of silver and chloride of gold, or by alteration of the refraction of the basis-substance, such as its liquefaction in the inflammatory process or deposition of lime-salts. The latter occurrence, both in normal and morbid * Yirchow's Ai-chiv. Bd. xx\Tii. 10 146 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. conditions, is an excellent means to render the reticulum in the basis- substance of cartilage visible, without any re-agent. In gi'ound specimens of dry bone the canities (lacunte) and their offshoots (the canaliculi) are very marked, especially if filled with air or other extraneous matter, because the difference in the refraction of the calcified basis-substance and the cavities, deprived of their bioplasson, is very great. The more the lime-salts are extracted from the basis-substance — f. i., by a solution of chromic acid, which at the same time preserves the bioplasson — the less visible are the cavities and theii* offshoots. A small amoxmt of lime-salts, left behind even after chromic-acid treatment, renders both cavities and canaliculi, both the bone-corpuscles and their offshoots, plainly visible. The development of basis-substance invariably takes place from the bioplasson liquid. Either single plastids are infiltrated with basis-substance and rendered pale, apparently structureless, or the process takes place in a number of coalesced plastids, from which the formation of a territory results. "Within this territory unchanged plastids are left, the connective-tissue corpuscles proper. The first manner of formation of basis-substance occurs in the simplest and earliest varieties of m^^omatous connective tissue, the latter manner in all higher developed forms of fibrous, cartilaginous, and bony connective tissue. (1) Myxomatous or Mucoid Tissue. Mj^omatous tissue is the earliest connective-tissue formation in the embryo, and all later varieties of connective tissue arise fi'om this. As soon as the mesoblast is produced, we recognize it by the presence of numer- ous plastids, uniform in size and shape, some homogeneous, others granulai- and nucleated. All are connected by means of delicate filaments, traversing the light rim around each plastid. This tissue is called the emhryonal or indifferent tissue, the latter term meaning that no difference can be discovered in the char- acter of the plastids. During the first few weeks of embryonal life we meet vrith myxomatous connective tissue only, and also during the entire period of intra-uterine development this kind of tissue largely pre- vails ; it also forms the tissues destined for the attachment of the embryo to the woml) and for its nutrition, viz. : the placenta and the umbilical cord. With advancing development of the body the myxomatous tissue is replaced by more advanced formations, and in the full-gTown individual only the vitreous body of the eye exhibits features similar to those of the umbilical (?ord ( Yirchow). We also meet ^vith it in all remnants of embryonal development, such as medulla of bone, adenoid or lymph-tissue (l^anph-ganglia, spleen, submucous adenoid layers), and tooth-pulp. rOXXh'f -77 \ 'K TISSVE. 147 Fig. ^mm: i^^... •47. — Medullary Tissue of Chest Human Embryo, Four Weeks Old. C, meil Hilary tissue, probably tending toward the forma- tion of cartilaf;e of ribs ; P, medullary tissue, probably tend- injr toward the formation of fibrous perichondrium. Mafmi- lied GOO dianietei.s. Ill tlic aiiiiiml oi-j^aiiisin, niyxomatous tissue appears in tlic l()ll()wiu«if varieties : (a) MednUarji Tissue, fouiid in nicdiilla of Ixme at an early sta*;*' of (IcNM'lopiiient. Tlic limnaii ('in)>rvo exhibits tliis tissue in tlie Hrst few weeks. Plastids, either solid, or gfrauular and nu- cleated, i^lobular or spindle-shaped, and of varying size, are scattered in a scanty jelly-like basis-sul)- stance. This siili- stance, examined without any re-agent, looks granular with lower powers of the microscope, but with high powers exhil)its a delicate reticulum, which blends with the delicate, tlu*ead-like offshoots from the plastids. Each field of the liasis-substance corresponds in size and shape to one plastid or to a small group of plastids ; the earliest formations of basis- substance arise from single plastids, by a chemical alteration of the bioplasson liquid, without the formation of territories. (See Fig. 47.) The medulla of bone exhibits this variety of myxomatous tissue at the fourth and fifth month of embryonal life of man, and in the case of pup or kitten at the corresponding stage, viz. : time of birth. Fig. 33 represents this tissue in a chromic-acid specimen ; Fig. 34, stained with chloride of gold, in order to demonstrate the structure of the basis-substance. The plastids in medullary tissue often assume the spindle shape, and here, too, we are satisfied that every field of basis- substance arose from an original plastid, without formation of territories. The embryonal and the medullary tissue in both va- rieties are prototypes of tumors, termed " round-cell and spindle- cell sarcoma" (globo and spindle myeloma). (See Fig. 48.) (h) Reticular Tissue. This is the next stage in the development of mvxomatous connective tissue. It consists of a reticulum of 148 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. either plastids or fibers, with nuclei at their points of intersec- tion, inclosing a jelly-like basis-substance. The center of a field of basis-substance often contains a nucleus, which indicates that the field has originated from a plastid, the peripheral portion of which, by a chemical change of its liquid, was transformed into basis-substance, while the nucleus remained unchanged. The placenta is, to a great extent, composed of this tissue, the reticulum being of a fibrous character, while distinctly nucle- ated plastids, the so-called " decidua-cells," fill the mesh-spaces of the reticulum. The villi of the placenta consist of a reticulum of plastids with thickenings at the points of intersection, in close connection Fig. 48. — Medullary Tissue of Bone from the Scapula of a New-born Kitten. £, bone-tissue ; 8, myxomatous tissue composed of spindle-sliapeil plastids, traversed by a capillary blood-vessel. Magnified 800 diameters. with the endothelial wall of the capillaries. Most of the mesh- spaces exhibit central nuclei. (See Fig. 49.) The tissues of the body, which after more advanced develop- ment show the structure of fibrous connective tissue, are origi- nally reticular. In many instances we encounter in very young embryos spaces, inclosed by a fibrous or plastid reticulum, which contain a jelly-like basis-substance, too large for admitting them to have originated from a single plastid. In some other instances CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 149 of n'ticuhir tissue no doubt a single plastid has become l)asis- substance, but here two or more plastids must have coalesced in order to jiroduce a nucleated field of basis-substance — the first evidence of a tei'i'itoiy. Formations of both these varie- ties, however, may oecui- in one and the same specimen. (See Fig. 50.) Fig. 49. — Reticular Myxomatous Tissue of a Villus of the Placenta of a Humax Embryo, Four Months Old. EE, epithelial cover of the villus ; S. solid bud of a growing villus ; CC, capillarj- blood- vessels, overlapped bj- the myxomatous reticulum. Magnified 500 diameters. The lymph-ganglia, including the thymus of embryos and the spleen during the whole of life, exhibit the reticular mj^omatous structiu-e in a mai'ked manner. (See Fig. 31.) The reticidum is either fibrous or composed of nucleated branching plastids,* while the meshes, varying gi-eatly in size, contain plastids, either single or in gi'oups, in aU stages of development : the lymph-coii)uscles. Of this variety of lymph-tissue the substance of the th\Toid body may perhaps consist, although the spaces holding the lymph- * C. Toldt has demonstrated that in the thj-mus of low vertebrates (frog, newt) the reticulum retains its protoplasmic chax-acter for life. Lehrbuch der Gewebelehre, 1877. 150 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. corpuscles in that substance are closed alveoli, and the walls of the alveoli are distinctly fibrous in character. The reticular myxomatous tissue of the lympli- ganglia is the prototype of tumors termed Myxo-Sarconia (Myxo-Myeloma). The more advanced tissue of the character of the thyroid body is found in all formations called lymph-adenoma. Some histolo- g-ists claim that the connective tissue which surrounds the epi- thelial formations in the kidneys, in the salivary glands, and the connective tissue in the central nervous system, are reticular in structure. M. Schultze found this structure in the retina. Fig. 50. — Reticular Myxomatous Tissue of the Muscle-fascia OF A Human Embryo, Two Moxths Old. E, reticulum of plasties, or fibers with oblong nuclei at tlie points of intersection ; M, striped muscle at an early stage of formation; C, capillary blootl-vessel ; T', vein. Magiii- tied 500 diameters. (c) Myxomafons Tissue of the UmhUkal Cord. Virchow discov- ered in 1851 that the umbilical cord, formerly considered as a gela- tinous formation (Wharton's jelly), is a regular mucoid tissue, traversed by a delicate reticulum of branching cells, in the meshes CONNKCTIVI': TISSUE. 151 of which is (h'])(>sit('(l tin' jclly-likr " iiitfrcclluhii' " siiltstaii<-c. In this substance globiilai- and isolated cells occiii-. X'irchow found that, Ix'sidt's the thrcr main blood-vessels (two artcrii's caiTyiiij; venous bhxxl, and oiu' vein cari'vinj^" arterial l)h)od), there ai-e no othi'r vessels thron^hout the entire length of the umbilical cord. Cai)illaries exist only at a short distance (a})ont one-lialf inch) close al)ove the insertion of the cord into the abdominal wall. Mrcliow draws attentiitlielial cover. Magiiifiea8is-sul)8tanc(^ Magnified 500 diameters. With lower powers of the microscope we recognize in sec- tions of the umbilical cord of a fully developed himian foetus, both fresh and preserved and hardened in a chromic acid solution, a relatively coarse reticulum of plastids, Virchow's branching cells. The best sections are obtained from the portion about midway between the vessels and the surface, because nearer the vessels and the surface the reticulum, being very dense, does not admit of dis- tinct demonstration. We see ramifying so-called protoplasmic strings of a delicate granular structure, containing oblong nuclei CONNECTIVE TISSUE. irj3 usually at the points of intersection.* In the meshes the l)asis-sul>- stauee is in part homogeneous, in part traversed by delicate fibrillar. Not infreciucntly a. nucleated strinrs. substance. The light spaces correspond in size and shape to the strings seen in specimens preserved in chromic acid. They anas- tomose, and some of them send into the basis-substance smaller branches, which often divide and subdivide so much as to show a delicate, pencil-like appearance. The contours of the light spaces and their branches are in many places serrated. The brown * In the umbilical oord of the pig-foetus the nuclei of the cord are much more numerous than in the human. 154 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. basis-substance appears indistinctly striated and granular. (See Fig. 53.) If we expose a piece of the fresh umbilical cord for some hours to the action of a large quantity of a one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, the specimen assumes in the daylight a dark violet color. Sections exhibit branching and connecting strings of dark violet color, whose nuclei at the points of inter- section are either black or pale violet, while the basis-substance is but faintly stained either pale violet or pink. The strings in their general features and size correspond both to those seen in specimens preserved in chromic acid and to the light spaces found in specimens stained with silver. The pale basis-substance — p Fig. 54. -Umbilical Cord, of a Human Fcetus, Nine Months Old. Stained with Chloride of Gold. P, dark violet bioplasaon cords, corresponding to tliose in Fij?. 52, and to the light spaces in Fig. 5'i; B, i)ale pink basis-svibstance, indistinctlj" striated. Magnified 500 diameters. exhibits an indistinct striation, and some smaller offshoots from the violet strings pass into and are lost in striated bundles. (See Fig. 54.) By comparing the chromic-acid, the silver-stained, and the gold-stained specimens, it is apparent that the light spaces are identical with the violet tracts, and these again identical with the bioplasson strings of the unstained specimen. In other CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 155 words, tlu' nitrate of silver has stained the myxomatous basis- substanee, and left the strings unstained, whereas the gold has stained the strings very mueh, the basis-substanee, on the eon- trary, very litth'. These faets eonvinee us that Von Keeklinghauscn's tlieory, that lymph-spaees traverse the basis-substance and contain cells, is erroneous. The spaces produced by silver stain are not lympli-spaces, but l)iop]ass()n spaces, viz. : they are the biophisson itself, unstained, or the cavities containing the unstained bioplasson. Unquestionably, such light spaces in silver specimens of various other tissues anastomose with the light spaces of the lymphatics, as bioplasson formations (plas- tids) are directly attai^hed to the walls of the latter, and neither are stained by nitrate of silver. For further details of the minute structure of the umbilical cord I refer the reader to page 120, and to Fig. 35 and Fig. 36. The (larhpiiicut of the myxomatous tissue of the umbilical cord has not as yet been sivfficiently studied for any positive statement. Of the minute structure of the vitreous body very little is known. From what I have seen in gold-stained specimens, and in the changes that occur on the borders of tumors of the choroid growing into the vitreous, I am convinced that the plastids of the vitreous body, most numerous at its peripheral portions, send delicate offshoots of living matter into the myxomatous basis-substance, which is alive throughout and liable to active morbid changes. The myxomatous tissue of the pulp of the tooth will be dwelt upon in the chapter treating of teeth. Fat-tissue. Our knowledge of fat-tissue is very limited. The main facts are as follows : Fat-granules may arise from any bioplasson granule in isolated plastids and in plastids producing tissues of any descrip- tion. The granules of living matter assume a higher degree of luster and increase slightly in size whenever they are about to change into fat-granules. As I have observed in colostrum cor- puscles, the fat-granule at first remains connected by delicate fil- aments with the rest of the reticulum, and S. Strieker has observed that on the heating-stage fat-granules are expelled from a colostrum corpuscle. (See page 28.) The chemical change by which the nitrogenous substances are converted into fat is not understood. It is even possible, according to a suggestion of L. Elsberg, that the plastidides are not directly transformed into molecules of fat, but are only mixed with them, so that in early stages of development of fat. 156 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. the plastidules may, by a retrograde metamorphosis, be reestab- lished in their original structure. * The fat-tissue met with in other varieties of connective tis- sue, chiefly the fibrous, consists of a number of fat-globules, aggregated into groups, which are termed fat-lobules. Such formations are seen, in greatly varying amount, in the subcuta- neous tissue, the female breast, the omentum, and around the heart and the kidneys. The lobules being freely supplied with capillary blood-vessels, besides these contain only a small amount of a delicate fibrous connective tissue between the fat-globules. Fat-globules, which vary greatly in size, are inclosed by a delicate continuous layer, termed the capsule of the globule. In this capsule there is almost invariably found an oblong, nucleus- like body, which in edge view appears to be fusiform, and blends with the capsule. The fat substance proper contained in the capside is semi-fluid, and can be pressed out on artificially ruptur- ing the capsule. Alcohol renders the fat coarsely granular, and causes it to shrink. Chromic acid solution, after a certain length of time, produces vacuoles in the fat-globule. Turpentine and oil of cloves dissolve the fat, and the nucleated capsule becomes plainly visible after the application of these re- agents. In fat-globules preserved for a period of several months in a one-half per cent, solution of chromic acid, J. A. Rockwell, in my laboratory, discovered bioplasson masses in the middle of the fat. These masses, as a rule, appear coarsely granular with lower powers of the microscope, often branch, and sometimes contain a central nucleus-like body. High amplifications show that the granules and the nucleus are interconnected by means of delicate filaments. It also occurs that the bioplasson forma- tion is flattened out near the capsule, or its granules are scattered at greater distances through a portion of the fat. Small globules contain one such granular formation, while large globules may hold two or more in addition to a varying number of scattered * According to L. Eanvier ("Des Lesions du Tissu Cellulaire Kiehe dans l'(Edeme,"Comptes Eendus, 1871), in oedema produced by ligation of tlie vena cava and discision of one sciatic nerve of dogs, the connective tissue infil- trated -wdtli serum, twenty-four hours after the beginning of the oedema, shows cells, the peripheral protoplasma of which contains gi-anules of a fatty appearance. Their refracting power is lower than that of fat, but if treated with a weak solution of chromic acid or bichromate of potassa, they become more highly refracting and smaller. These peripheral gi-anules seem to be composed, he says, of fat and an albuminous substance, just as in the devel- oping fat-cells. CONNECT] VP: tissue. 157 granules. Tho «;r!uuil('s lu-c, in most iiistaiicos, of a dim, j^i'ay color, and readily distinguished from tlu! surroundinji; yellow fat. These formations are evidently those long known in speeinu'ns obtained from emaciated persons, and preserved in alcohol, as the nucleated, stellate })rotoplasmic bodies within the cai)sulc. The intra-capsular [u-otoplasm, according to 0. Toldt,* retains its vital contractility even in the highest degrees of emaciation, and from it starts, under favorable conditions, the fornuition of new fat. Fat-globules often contain a coloring matter, either diffused or in the form of pigment-granules ; and even in the fresh con- dition they may contain needle-like formations, usually termed margaric acid crystals. More recent chemi(!al researches show that these crystals are much more complicated formations of fat- acids than was thought formerly. Such crystals are frequently seen in rancid fat, where they produce large, dark clusters of radiating needles, standing out like the bristles of a porcupine. Fat-globules originate from indifferent or embryonal plastids, which are considered by C. Toldt to be specific fat-formers. At first small granules of fat appear, which by coalescence produce globules. It has l)een maintained that each plastid will furnish a complete fat-globule, often of large size ; whereas the researches of Flemming, Czajewicz, and others make it highly probable that a number of plastids are fused together in order to produce a large fat-globule. Flemming drew attention to the fact that, in highly emaciated fat-tissue, cells are often found which exhil)it a proliferation of their nuclei, and even contain a large number of "young cells." He terms this condition the "pro- liferating atrophy," in contradistinction to the simple " serous atrophy." Czajewicz asserts that the fat in rabbit disappears after a few days' abstinence from food, but rapidly re-appears in the original globules upon the resumption of abundant feed- ing. The substance which under these conditions replaces the fat is said to be serum or mucus. In inflammation, the same observer noticed a splitting of the fat-globules into numerous plastids. From all these facts we ma}^ conclude that fat-tissue is closely allied to myxomatous connective tissue, although the metamor- phosis in each is materially different. A certain number of plastids changed to fat may coalesce into what we know to be a territory, in which unchanged portions of bioplasson are left. * Lehrbuch der Gewebelehre. 1877. 158 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Around the territory a connective-tissue capsule originates, in a way similar to the formation of the myxomatous reticulum of fibers, and the nucleus in the capsule of the fat- globule is analo- gous to the nuclei found at the points of intersection of the myxomatous reticulum. (2) Striated or Fibrous Connective Tissue. The term " connect- ive tissue" was employed by Johannes Miiller, in 1835, for desig- nating the tela ceUulosa of older anatomists. B. Reichert, in 1845, first maintained the continuity of this tissue, and, considering it to be structureless, attributed the fibrous appearance to the presence of folds or striations. Virchow, in 1851, demonstrated the presence of corpuscles, the supposed hollow and so-called " connective-tissue cells," imbedded in the fibrous intercellular substance ; and W. Kiihne, in 1864, proved by the means of electricity that these corpuscles possess vital properties — viz., contractility. At present we know that the tissue corpuscles, being bioplas- son formations, are imbedded in cavities of the basis-substance. The latter is CTninently glue-yielding, and composed of numerous delicate spindles, arranged in lines. It is only after teasing of the specimen that an isolated fiber is discovered, while in the continuity of the tissue isolated fibers are not observed. We know, furthermore, that the fibrous basis-substance (syn- onymous with the matrix and intercellular substance of former histologists) is traversed by a delicate reticulum of living matter, whose meshes present an almost uniformly rectangular arrange- ment. This reticulum is visible within delicate bundles in speci- mens preserved in chromic acid, without the addition of any re-agents ', or in other specimens by the use of re-agents, as described before (page 122). The alcohol treatment (page 141) also serves for bringing the reticulum to view. The basis-substance varies greatly in its degrees of density. It is very dense in the tendon, the sclerotic, the cornea, and less dense in the formations termed " loose connective tissue." The delicate spindles, which constitute the fibrillae by coalescing in a longitudinal du"ection, are separated from each other by a less dense so-called cement-substance, while bundles of fibers are separated from each other by a more liquid substance, which, as a rule, contains, besides the blood-vessels and lymphatics, numer- ous plastids, all being connected with each other as well as with the walls of the vessels and the reticulum in the basis-substance proper. In some varieties of this tissue the basis-substance. CONNFJ 'TI\ 'J'J TISS 1 7<;. ] 59 insti'iul of bi'iii^ fibrous, is coiniKKsod of ril)l)oii-lik<' foriii.itioiis, as in till' {x'l-iosti'um ; and in otluTS it is disposed of in flat layers, as in the corncii. In many instances we meet with an extremely dense basis-snl)sfanee, termed the elastic substance, which either occurs in the shape of fibers at the boundary of territories, or almost entirely replaces the ^'lue-yieldinf^- l)asis- substance. This formation ajjpears in the shape of either a dense reticulum or a uniform flat layer. Examples of fibrous elastic basis-substance are found in the ccmnective tissue of the derma of the skin, in the periosteum, etc. ; examples of an elastic retic- ulum arc furnished by the Lig. nuchsB, the adventitial coat of arteries, etc. ; examples of flat elastic layers are found in all the so-called '' hyaline or structureless membranes," beneath epithe- lial and eiulothclial formations, in the sarcolemma, etc. The different varieties of fibrous connective tissue may be classified according to the following characteristics : Delicate bundles of fibrous tissue, running mainly in one direction, and being separated by a basis-substance of slight density, form the so-called loose connective tissue — f. i., in the omentum and the arachnoid; Bumlles of fibrous connective tissue, interlacing in all direc- tions, produce a felt- work structure — f. i., in the derma, the interarticular ligaments, the sclerotic ; Coarse bundles arranged in onl}' a longitudinal direction are found in the tendons and in the articular ligaments ; Flat bundles transformed into ribbons, freely interlacing, appear in the periosteum, the dura mater, the pericardium, and the aponeuroses ; A coalesced layer of elastic basis-substance produces a flat, sheet-like formation — f. i., in the hyaline or basement layers, and in sarcolemma ; Lamellated layers of considerable breadth, freely interlacing, build up the cornea. (a) Delicate Connective Tissue Composed of Fibrilhe, or of Compdrativehj Thin Bundles of Fibrilhe. This variety, usually termed " loose connective tissue," is arranged in bundles, in which the fibers are connected by a small amount of a cement-sub- stance, soluble in lime and baryta water. Between the bundles are spaces which contain either a semi-fluid, \'iscid, myxomatous basis-substance or a l^'mph-like liquid. These spaces may become expanded by accumulation of a serous liquid, as in oedema, or of air or liquids introduced from without. 160 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The plastids in the bundles are flat corpuscles, either irreg- ularly scattered or presenting a chain-like arrangement ; these bodies are frequently small, not surpassing the size of nuclei. In the mj^omatous portion, however, they are larger, and have coarse offshoots, sometimes directly joining in a stellate form. The myxomatous portion may also contain, in a varying number, the " mi- grating cells" of Von Recklinghausen and the coarsely granular " plas- ma-cells" of ' Waldeyer, es- pecially in the neighbor- hood of capillary blood- vessels. Their significance is not yet understood, nor is their presence constant. The delicate bundles, if treated with dilute acetic acid, swell and are con- stricted in such a manner as to give the bundle an ■^^^^ hour-glass or rosary-like ^\£'\ \ \ appearance. These con- ^^ ^^ strictions are due, accord- FiG. 55.— Arachnoid op the Spinal Cord ing to Henle, to the pres- OF AN Adult. enceof elastic fibers twined around the bundle, which are not acted upon by the acetic acid. Their origin is explicable, as I shall show hereafter, by the formation of territories, a number of which compose the bundle, while at the boundaries of the ter- ritories the basis-substance is solidified into elastic substance. A. Rollett maintains that the elastic fibers are offshoots of cells similar to the reticular variety of connective tissue ; according to Franz Boll, these ceUs, originally twined around the bundle in shape of a reticulum, fuse in advancing development into an elastic membrane, wliich envelops the bundle and exhibits linear thickenings, branching after the manner of veinlets in leaves. The best examples of loose connective tissue are the arach- noid and the trabeculae traversing the sub-arachnoideal space. (See Fig. 55.) Delicate buutUes of fibrous connective tissue, B, run in different directions and contain very small idastids in the sliai)e of oblong nuclei. Tlie inter- stitial basis-substance slightly fibrous. E, a portion of the covering endothelium. Magnified 500 tUams. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 161 In serous iiu'iiil)i-aiK's, especially in tlic (Hiiciitimi, the delicate hundles of fibrous connective tissue are arranged in the shape of a roticuluin, the meshes of which are very hwfro, constitutinj^ what has l)een termed ''areolar connective tissui^" (Hassal). The fibrilliV, com])')sino- delicate bundles, freely interhu^e in the i)apillai'y layer of the derma of the skin, and in the mucous membranes; while in the subcutaneous tissue the bundles are coarser and their interstices contain the fat-lobules. Similar features are observed in the loose connective tissue around the eyeball and in the female breast. The delicate bundles of the pia mater are also interlaced, and generally enter the gray cortex of the brain and the white cortex Fig. 5G. — Delicate Fibrous Connective Tissue from the Border OF the Thyroid Cartilage of a Young Man. C, cartil.nge ; B, V. blood-vessels in transverse ami oblique section ; G, dense tibious con- nective tissue. Masuified 800 diameters. of the spinal cord in radiating directions. They are freely sup- plied with blood-vessels in their interstices, and upon entering the nervous tissue gradually divide, and their fibers form a delicate reticulum which supports the nerve-formations, the '* neuroglia " of Virchow. In muscle, a delicate loose connective tissue is found around the muscle-fibers and their bundles (perimysium internum and 11 162 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. extermim) ; this tissue, especially in its juvenile condition, is freely supplied with large and branching plastids. Delicate fibrous connective tissue is often largely intermixed with other varieties of connective tissue in the form of either scattered fibrillaB or interlacing bundles of fibrillae. It blends with the true myxomatous tissue, as well as with the dense fibrous varieties. Bundles of the latter, in the tendon and the interarticular ligaments, are suiTounded and inclosed by loose ill a J. Iv- \ I.;l„j;... Fig. 57. — Ixterarticular Ligament from the Knee-joint of a Grown Dog. L, bundles cut in a lonjatndinal direction: C, bundles cut in a transverse direction; P, the nucleated, finely granular x)lastids forming- a continuous laj'er around tlie bundles. Mag- nified 500 diameters. connective tissue, which is the exclusive carrier of blood-vessels. (See Fig. 56.) fbj Dense Connecfice Tissue composed of Coarse Inferlacing Bundles. The essential feature of this variety is the presence of comparatively coarse bundles, which, interlacing either at right angles or in an oblique direction, produce a very CONNECT I \ E TISS UK. lG:i bundles exhibit often reduced t<» scattered the size firm and dense felt-woi-k. Tlu obloni; or spindle-shaped plastid; of nuclei. The interstices be- tween the bundles, the inter- fascicular si)aces, l)eing- filled with a more or less lit^uid substance, contain a continiu)us layer of plastids and a few blood-vessels. The bioplasson is freely supplied with nuclei, and by its arrange- ment between and around the bundles presents a reticiduni simi- lar to that in the myxomatous tis- sue of the umbilical cord, the dif- ference being- that in the latter the meshes contain a jelly-like, myxomatous basis-substance, in the former a solid, fibrous one. The peripheral portions of the intervertebral disks and the inter- articular ligaments are examples of this tissue. We may cut through such a tissue in any di- rection, and invariably meet with longitudinal, oblique, and trans- verse sections of bundles. While the longitudinal sections exhibit a dense striation or fil^rillation, the transverse sections look ho- mogeneous or slightly dotted, cor- responding with the transverse sections of the fibriQae. (See Fig. 57.) In the derma of the skin, the bundles or groups of bundles are coarser the nearer they are situated to the subcutaneous tissue; to- ward the surface they gradually become finer, and in the UT)permOSt 1">'^'-- contaimu- m.mer<.u8 i.igmeut grau- ' ^ ^ ules. Maguifleil 500 iliaiueters. portion, the papillary layer, the bundles are extremely delicate. In the derma, too, the bundles are separated from each other by a continuous layer of nucleated Fig. 58. — Sclerotic of the Bull's Eye. Vertical Section. L, buudles cut in a longitudinal direc- tion ; T, bundles cut iu a transverse direc- tion; O, bundles <'ut in an obli(|ue direction : P, the continuous interstitial bioplasson 164 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. plastids, and in this layer scanty capillary blood- and lymph- ves- sels are found. Both blood- and lymph-vessels ramify the more the nearer they approach the surface, so that the papillary layer has the greatest nujnber of vessels. In every du-ection we meet with longitudinal, oblique, and transverse sections of bundles, the latter being characterized by a doll luster and a homogeneous or finely dotted appearance. At the periphery of the bundles we see elastic fibers branching at acute angles, in correspondence with the territories composing a bundle. The elastic basis-substance is Fig. 59.— Tendon of Achilles in a Longitudinal Section. Stained WITH Chloride of Gold. 1-8 are tlic bundles, between wliich the interfascicular .spaces are .seen ; T, torn bundles exhibiting isdlated flbrilla;. Magnified 100 diameters. marked by yellow color and high degree of luster ; it increases in amount with the age of the individual. The sclerotic shows bundles and groups of bimdles, interlac- ing usually at right angles. In transversely cut groups we see that the single bundles are separated from their neighbors by a cement-substance, which, on account of its lower degree of den- sity, refracts the light less than the basis-substance of the bundles themselves. The groups of bundles are separated by a continuous layer of bioplasson, which therefore exhibits a reticular arrange- ment. In specimens from the sclerotic of dark-colored cattle this bioplasson layer is very prominent, owing to the presence of black pigment granules. (See Fig. 58.) fcj Dense Connective Tissue composed of Coarse Bundles run- ning in a Longitudinal Direction. The principal representative of this varietv is the tendon. CONNECT I Vl<: TISSUE. Kif) In thin sections from a fresh ten(h)n, or a tendon prescirved in (•hroniic acid solution, either stained with chhmde of ^old or not, we rcco«;nize with h)wer ]>owersof the niicroscopc tliat tlie ti-ndon is made up of buncUes of a finely sti-iated tissue. All bundles are spindle-shaped, and vary greatly in size ; they are separated from each other by lii'lit interstices, in whi<^h, {)articularly in the injected specimens, the blood-vessels ai'e seen to course aloug and around the l)undles. The appearance of a bundle is striated as lon^as the eontinuitj^ of the tissue is unbroken. But where the Fig. 60. — Tendon of Achilles of a Young Person. Longitudinal Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. B, bimdles of striated coiinuctive tissue, liere aud tliere finely dotted; TC, tendon coi'puscles within the bundles or between the smallest bundles ; IT, interstitial medul- lary tissiie can-ying capillary blood-vessels, C. Magnified 500 diameters. razor has torn the bundle, isolated fibrillas appear, which, owing to their elasticity, retract and (airl. (See Fig. 59.) Higher amplifications reveal that the larger bundles divide into a number of smaller ones, all of which exhibit a spindle shape, and in correspondence with the boundary lines of the sec- ondary bundles we see spindle-shaped plastids, either single or in rows or chains, and either nucleated, and, as a rule, pale granular, or reduced to the size of homogeneous or granular nuclei. All of these are included under the term " tendon corpuscles." In advanced age the apparently isolated nuclei prevail, especially in the middle of the tendon, while in younger 166 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. individuals, and at the periphery of the bundles at any age, the rows and chains are more nunierous. The interstices between the larger bundles contain, besides a few capillary blood-vessels, a large number of nucleated plastids, either isolated or united in a continuous layer. The sum total of these plastids, together with a slight amount of basis-substance, constitutes what we have called (see page 147) medullary tissue. In advanced age the medullary corpuscles are much less numerous, and a loose fibrous connective tissue carries the blood-vessels. Elastic fibers are, as a rule, not present at the borders of the bundles. A comparison between the plastids within and those between the bundles shows them to be alike in size and general appearance, with the only difference that those within the bundles are rela- tively few in number, while those in the interstices are very numerous. The view can, therefore, be maintained that between the larger bundles there are numerous, and between the small fasciculi, composing one bundle, there are few, plastids — a view which, as I shall later on demonstrate, proves useful for under- standing the structure of the tendon as well as its development. (See Fig. 60.) In the transverse section of a tendon we notice fields of basis- substance very finely dotted, the dots being the transverse sec- tions of the fibriUae. In the bundles we recognize the gi'anular, usually nucleated, plastids or tendon corpuscles, with numerous stellate offshoots, the '' wings " of authors. Offshoots connect the plastids with each other and with the medullary tissue, or the loose fibrous connective tissue, present in the interfascicular spaces. The smaller bundles do not usually show distinctly marked outlines, as neighboring bundles frequently coalesce, and are not separated by offshoots of the tendon corpuscles. When we recall the spindle shape of each bundle, we can readily under- stand why their sizes vary in transverse section. We may call a bundle a field which is completely surrounded by interfascicular tissue, and contains in its center a branching plastid, or, we may say, a larger bundle is composed of a number of smaller ones, though not distinctly separated, between which lie the branching plastids. The blood-vessels are met with only in the interfas- cicular spaces, running both in transverse and longitudinal direc- tions ; they penetrate the tendon through the tenaculum, which connects it with its sheath, and the elongations of which con- stitute the interstitial formations between the tendon bundles. (See Fig. 61.) coxyj'ji Ti \ K nss ue. 107 In oUl aiiiinals, the loose interfascicular connective tisHue is sometimes fomul freely supplietl with elastic fibers. As Treitz and Koliiker have shown, the tendons attached to smooth muscle bundles are composed mainly of elas- tic fibers. L. Kanvier discovered at the periphery of the Itundles of tendon flat "c(>ll-plates," aiTauf^ed in rows, »>xhil)itinfj elastic ridj^es, either single or in numbers up to five. His method of examination of tendon is teasing and l)ulling, and he pulled from ])reference rats' tails, in order to obtain the broken, fringy ends of the delicate tendons along the vertebral column. After he had pulled and severed tlie tendons, he transferred the fringe to the glass slide, and, in order to prevent it from shrinking, sealed it at both ends to the slide. Although this method is not very inviting, pulling rat-tails became quite fash- ionable in the laboratories in Europe a numl)er of years ago. Kamier denies the existence of cell-formations in the tendon other than the endothelial plates. Perhaps these are flat, endothelial investments of the larger bundles Fig. 61.- MisitatCtN.T. -Tendon of Achilles of a Young Person. Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. Transverse B, bundles fiuely dottetl ; C, tendoncorimsclt' with offshoots, connecting with the inter- fascicular tissue, IT; the latter contains the capillary blood-vessels, BV. Magnifleil 500 diameters. similar to the investing sheath of Boll, unquestionably present around the periphery of the tendon. Liiwe has maintained that such an investment is also found around the bimdles of the tendon, but he has been contradicted by other observers. The elastic ridges are probably the place of attachment of neighboring bundles. One of the greatest difficulties encountered by former observ- ers was to explain satisfactorily the wing-like offshoots of the 168 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. tendon corpuscles seen in transverse sections, as no trace of such formations is visible in longitudinal sections. This difficulty was overcome by the discovery of offshoots of the tendon corpuscles, brought into view in longitudinal sections by the silver and gold staining. The minutest features in the structure of the tendon are described on page 122, and illustrated in Fig. 37 and Fig. 38. The articular ligaments are formations closely allied to ten- don ; between their bundles, however, a greater amount of loose connective tissue is found than in the tendon. fdj Dense Connective Tissue composed of Interlacing Ribbons. This variety is essentially constructed in the same manner as tendons, but instead of spindle-shaped bundles, we find flat, rhom- boidal ribbons. Periosteum is representative of this tissue, a description of which is given on page 125. The elastic fibers bor- der each ribbon or subdivide it into smaller rhomboidal fields, a feature which is explicable by the history of development of the territories of the ribbons. In the dura mater and the pericardium, the bundles are dis- tinctly striated and not quite so flat as those in the periosteum. In aponeuroses, the bundles, in ac^cordance with the general sheet-like form of this tissue, are flattened and interlaced, chiefly in a rectangular direction. The interstices between the bundles are quite narrow, but plastids are observed here as well as in the tendon. C. Ludwig, who forced colored liquids into these inter- fascicular spaces, mistook the beautiful rectangular reticulum thus obtained for lymph-spaces. Formations kindred to apon- euroses are the fasciae and the tendinous capsides of different glandular organs — f. i., the capsule of the kidney, the albuginea of the testis, the sheath of the cavernous bodies of the penis, etc. In some ligamentous formations, such as the Lig. sub-flava of the vertebrae, the Lig. nuchee, the membr. thyro-cricoidea, the Lig. stylo-hyoideum, etc., the fibrous basis-substance is almost completely transformed and condensed into the yeUow, elastic substance which appears in the form of branching reticidar fibrillae, between which are scantily found bundles of striated connective tissue. fej Coalesced Layers of Elastic Basis-substance, arranged in a sheet-like manner, are often found at the borders of connective- tissue formations, close beneath epithelial and endothelial layers. They bear the names of hyaline, structureless, or basement mem- branes, in contradistinction to "cuticular formations" of a similar CONNECTIVE TISSUE. l(i<) appoaraiU'O fouTul between epithelial layers — f. i., between tin- root-sheaths of the hair. Elastic membranes certainly are not strnetureless, bnt exhibit a reticulum of living; matter of extreme delicacy, concealed in the fresh condition by the liifi^hly refracting elastic basis-substance. I am positive that such a retienlum is present in Bowman's and Descemet's layers of the cornea. By means of this reticulum, the connective tissue is held in living union with the epithelium. Such membraneous formations may vary greatly in width, even in the same tissue, — f. i., the cornea, — and sometimes they may be entiri'ly al)sent. They, when present, resist the action of acids and alkalies, and, to some extent, the inflammatory process. Elastic membranes of the connective-tissue series are the fol- lowing : Bowman's layer at the outer and Descemet's layer at the inner surface of the cornea; the capsule of the crystalline lens and the hyaloid membrane of the vitreous body ; the layer between the outer root-sheath and the follicle of the hair ; the elastic layer beneath the endothelial coat of larger arteries ; and the investing, sometimes fenestrated, layers beneath epithelia of glands — f. i., the Siilivary, the mammary glands. In the Iddneys, the connective tissue of the capsule of the tuft, also that which lies between the tubular formations, contains a large amount of elastic substance, which produces a very firm support for the epithelia. The striated muscle-fibers, with the exception of those of the heart, are invested by an elastic membrane, termed sarcolemma ; so are the medvdlated nerves around the axis-cylinder and around the myeline — /. e., axis-cylinder sheath and myeline sheath. ffj LameJlated Layers of Fibrous Interlacing Connective Tissue. The only representative of this variety is the cornea of the eyeball, the basis-substance of which, although morphologically closely allied to that of elastic sulistanee, is chemically different from both " elastine" and '' chondrine." A. Rollett (1859) proved that the "amorphous" basis-substance of former histologists consists of bundles of connective tissue, which are connected by a kind of cement-substance soluble in lime-water and in l)aryta-Avater. The main feature of the cornea is that the bundles join to form ■very thin flat layers, the lameUaB ; while these lamellae them- selves are connected by somewhat looser bundles, traversing the less condensed interstices between them. In the fresh cornea no trace of plastids (cornea corpuscles) is visible ; but if the cornea be kept in an indifferent liquid, after a 170 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. while faint traces of these corpuscles become perceptible, exhibit- ing a few scanty offshoots. The shape of these corpuscles varies greatly in different portions of the cornea, as well as in the cor- nea of different animals. A clear idea of the nature of the cornea corpuscles can be obtained only by resorting to re-agents. Von Recklinghausen (1862) first l)rought to view the lieautiful light and l)ranching spaces in a dark basis-sul)stance by applying nitrate of silver. He considered them as lymph-spaces or juice-canals, supposing them to be the beginnings of the lymphatics proper. In these spaces, he thought, the "cornea-cells" were suspended. (See Fig. 62 ~ Fig. 62. — Lamella of the Cornea of a Grown Cat, Stained WITH Nitrate op Silver. S, light 1)iaucliing 8i)aces with serrated edges, traversing the dark brown granular basis-siihstauce. B, F, fibers connecting the lamellie and torn by the process of splitting the laniellie. Magnified 500 diameters. Later researches have shown that the "lymph-spaces" of the cornea are closely related to the cornea-cells, which were mean- while demonstrated by W. Kuehne (1864) and others to be- composed of contractile protoplasm, and endowed with properties of life. The method of gold-staining has proved to be the most valuable for revealing the structure of the cornea corpuscles and their relation to the basis-substance. (See Fig. 63.) coNNEVTi I ■;•; Tissi'j':. 171 Researches on ttik Microscopical Structure oe the Cornea. By WiLMAM Hassloch, op New York.* It is generally acknowledged that the substantia jn'opria of the cornea is made up of fibrils united into fascicles ; that the majority of those Vjundles, by being more or less parallel to the surface of the cornea, form the lami- nated structure of the latter, at the same time crossing one another, and so giving rise to a kind of lattice-work; while other fibers and bundles traverse the cornea in various directions. The fibrils, as well as the fascicles and lamella?, are connected with one anotlier by an intermediate cement-sub- stance, which somewhat differs from the fibrils in its chemical reaction. A- UassCNECeiN.Y. Fig. 63.— Lamella op the Cornea of a Grown Cat, Stained with Chloride op Gold, after Previous Treatment with Dilute Lac- tic Acid. C, dark rtolet nucleated cornea corpuscles, traversiuf; the pale violet granular basis- substance, B. JV, nerve-tibrilUE, counectinf; with cornea corpuscles. Magnilled r)00 diameters. But, concerning the relation of the protoplasm to the basis-substance, observers are of very different opinions. Some of them do not admit the existence of the protoplasmic bodies at all, asserting that within the basis- substance of the cornea only a tubular system is present, lined with " cell- plates." Other histologists hold the view that there is a certain quantity of protoplasm (cells of the cornea) inclosed in the "serous spaces," in which it ramifies, but which it does not completely fill. One of the most prominent advocates of the latter opinion is W. Waldeyer,t deriving his views chiefly *• " Archives of Oplitlialmology and Otology," vol. vii., 1878. t Article "Cornea," in Graefe-Saeniisch's Hand-book, 1874. 172 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. from the results of injeetions made by him and other recent observers into the tissue of the cornea. Fhiids, pressed into the corneal parenchyma, produce, indeed, ramified figures resembling the " corneal corpuscles." W. Kuehne, S. Strieker, and A. EoUett state that there are complete corneal cells with protoplasmic bodies, with nuclei and nucleoli, within the ramifying spaces, and that they fill these spaces completely. W. Engelmann denies the existence of preformed spaces inclosing corneal cells, etc. He states that there are spaces containing nothing but protoplasm, and this is, in my ojjinion, the only correct view, as I shall endeavor to prove. In order to study the relation of the protoplasm to the basis-substance, I chose the cornea of the dog and of the cat, giving preference, after repeated trials, to that of the cat, as has previously been done by S. Strieker, on accoimt of its easy splitting. With some practice one may succeed in obtain- ing lamellfe which present two or even only one layer of corneal corpus- cles, and which, therefore, are suflBciently transparent to admit of being examined even with the highest powers of the mierosenpc. Fig. 64. — Lamella of Cornea of a Cat, Aged One Year and a Half, Stained with a Two per cent. Solution of Nitrate op Silver. Two Layers. [Published in 1878.] S, light fields with p.ile granular contents, faintly marked nuclei, and coarse and fine livocesses. Every light field has perforated borders, and thus abundantly communicates with a delicate light net-work which traverses the dark brown basis-substance, H, in all directions. Magnified 1000 diameters. To stain the cornea, I at first tried nitrate of silver. The cornea of a eat was taken out immediately after death, and was put into a two per cent, solution of nitrate of silver for one-half to one hom-; then it was washed with distilled water, and, finally, for several days left under the influence of a very mild dilution of acetic acid. Instead of the acetic acid, in later experiments, I substituted lactic acid, which proved even more satisfactory than the former. After being prepared in this way, the cornea of tlie eat was ready CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 173 to be split into liiiiit'Uu'. The siicciiiiciis were iiioiiiitcd witli ('(iiiiil piii'ts of glyccriiic iind water. Witli ciilur^jeiiu'iits of ;{()()-;■")()() sucii linncllii' show in ii dark j^round — basis-sul)staiif(> — li^dit fields witli numerous connect inj; hraneiies, K*'i'<'rally known as Von Kccklinghausen's serous caiuiliculi ; and even an enlarf^enient of 500 is sufficient to prove tliat the outlines of these light spaces do not appear smooth at all, but granular — viz., abundantly perforated, and that the brown or gray-brown looking basis-substance is finely granular. With higher powers (immersion lenses, with enlargements of 8(»0-1200) the following facts are observed : Within the light spaces oblong nuclei, with very faint contours and a gi-eat number of extremely pale gi-anules, are visible. The light s{)aces are connected with their neighbors by light processes of various sizes, traversing the basis-substance. The borders of these light fields and their branches are abundantly perforated, like a sieve, throughout, so that true outlines do not exist. Fine, light tracts run from every light space and its braiu-hes through the basis-substance, profusely ramifying and anastomosing, sometimes radiating, and thus forming an extremely delicate light net-work, the threads of which traverse the basis-substance in all directions, and connect with the light fields and their processes at the whole circumference. What with lower power was recognized as granular struct- ure is by higher enlargements elucidated as a very fine light net-work, the meshes of which are filled by the dark brown basis-substance. (See Fig. 64.) Fig. 65.— Cornka of a Cat, Two Years Old, Stained with Nitrate OF Silver. TRAxs^^;RSE Section. [Published in IS 78.] .S', liglit fields cout.ainiu!? fine pale granules, with coarse and fine lijjbt oft'slioots. iV, nerve- fibers in conn('<>tion with the light reticulum, which traverses the dark brown basis-sub- stance, Ji, throughout. Magnified 1000 diameters. On thin transverse sections the silver-stained cornea of the eat shows the same ramifying light fields as in split preparations, with the only difference that their vertical diameters are notably smaller, while their horizontal diam- etersare the same as those of the light fields of the lamella?. The light spaces branch out in all directions, so that not only the light fields of the same stratum are connected with each other, but even those of different layers anastomose by ascending and descending — more or less oblique — processes. Besides these ramifications, especially in the outer strata of the cornea, some fine straight light lines are met with, which, for reasons given below, are proved to be nerve-fibers. On transverse sections, also, the bro\\Ti basis- substance is traversed by light ramifying tracts, to such an extent that the 174 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. cement-substance cannot be distinguished from the other components of the cornea. (See Fig. 65.) Furtlier, I tried to stain the cornea of the dog affd of the cat with chloride of gold. Many experiments failed, though I had exposed the cornea to the influence of the chloride of gold for hours. The after-treatment with acetic and tartaric acid gave only negative results. I could never see distinct cornea corpuscles with their ramifications until, at last, by the aid of lactic acid, I succeeded in obtaining specimens of such beauty and clearness, that all doubt with regard to the finest structure of the cornea disappeared. My method is the following : The cornea of a cat is taken out immediately after death, soaked in a ten per cent, solution of lactic acid for a period of about twelve hours ; then diu'ing one or two hours it is kept in a one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, slightly acidulated by the addition of a few di'ops of lactic acid, and finally exposed to the influence of daylight. The superficial strata of the cornea and a peripheral border of one mm. tiu'u yellow, [W v^/x.^^ Fig. 66. — Lamella of the Cornea of a Cat, Two Yeaks Old, Soaked IN Diluted Lactic Acid and then Stained with a One-half per cent. Solution op Chloride op Gold. [Published in 1878.] P, (lark violet fields, the cornea cori)U8cles, the nuclei of whicli are mostly hidden, with offshoots of different sizes. The cornea corpuscles and their oftslioots are connected with a dark violet net-woi-k traversing tlio pale violet basis-substance Ji ,- the latternet-woi-k shows broader meshes than that of the corpuscles and tlieir branches. Magiiilied lOOO diameters. and are of no use for examination, but the other part, the characteristic purplish tint of which shines through the yellow envelope, is invaluable for research. After having made the above described experiments, I learned that F. S. W. Arnold, of New York, had previously used lactic acid for the reduction of chloride of gold ; but he informed me that his method differs from mine, inasmuch as he uses the chloride of gold in the first stage of the preparation, followed by the lactic acid — just the reverse of my plan of treatment. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 17.') The conu'ii of tlu> cat, jn'cpiircd iil'tcr my inctlidd, si>lits rciidily, ami its laintllti', aft IT turnini; dark ciioii^di by tlio iiiilueiice of dayli^lit, Jii)in'ar under tlu> inic'roscoi)o throughout their wliolo extent strewn over witli numerous, ri(dily ramifying, dark violet corpuscles. In many of the latter the nuclei are •listinctly visible; the corpuscles themselves crowded with dark granules ; the basis-substance light, pale violet, and also having a granular appearance. I have searched through a great many lamella?, but I have never found any corpuscles that did not shoot off into branches ; everywhere and always I met with only ramifying, dark violet corpuscles, with numerous connections and in different strata of varying sizes. The dark violet fields fully coincide with the light spaces of the silver-stained cornea as to size, figure, and connections, as has been stated by W. Kuehne. Tlie only difference is that in the silver Fig. 67. — Lamella of the Cornea of a Cat, Two Years Old, Stained WITH A One-half per cent. Solution of Chloride of Gold, after HAVING been Soaked with Diluted Lactic Acid. [Published in 1878.] P, dark violet fields, the nornea corpuscles, witli onlj-a few broad offshoots, but numerous dark violet, tliread-like connections, non-mcdullated nerve-fibers, N, the latter partly travers- ing the cornea cori)U8cles and partly joinin.ff the net-work of the same ; between the cornea coriniscles and the net- work of tlie basis-substance, B, extremelj' fine retiform connections are present ; the latter net-work also connects with delicate nerve fibrilla", H. Magnified 1000 diameters. specimen light fields are visible in a dark ground, while in the gold specimen the dark corpuscles appear in a light ground — pictru-es which correspond with each other as the negative with the positive photograph. Gold specimens examined with high powers (800-1200) show that the dark violet ramifying corpuscles, without exception, have a retiform structure, and that the nucleoli, the contoui-s of the nuclei, and all the granules are con- nected with one another bv innumerable line threads. The whole net-work 176 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. is tinted equally dark violet, while its extremely naiTow meshes appear pale violet. (See Fig. OG.) The borders of the corjiuscles and their branches are nowhere distinct; contours in the real sense of the word are wanting in the gold specimen as well as in the silver specimen, inasmuch as from the whole circiimference of these ramifying, dark violet fields immense numbers of fine threads protrude, to join their neighboring dark violet granules within the basis-substance. The examination of any portion of such a specimen will not fail to convince the observer that also in the basis-substance nearly all dark granules are inter- connected by fine threads. The cause of the difference between the shade of the cornea corpuscles and that of the basis-substance is, that in the former the granules are larger and lie close together, and consequently the meshes are very small, while within the basis-substance the granules are mostly fine and more dispersed, and for this reason are separated fi'om one another by larger meshes. In some lamellae, and, as it seemed to me, principally in the outer layers of the cornea, many corpuscles are connected with one another, not by broad branches, but by dark violet, more or less straight lines, which, for their characteristic rosary-like structure must be considered non-medullated nerve- fibers. (See Fig. 67.) In profile, the gold-stained cornea of the cat offers another proof of the coincidence of the positive gold image with the negative silver specimen. Fig. 68. — Cornea of a Cat, Two Years Old, Stained with a One- half PER CENT. Solution op Chloride of Gold, after being Treated with Diluted Lactic Acid. Transverse Section. [Pub- lished IN 1878.] P, dark violet fields with broad brandies and with fine off'slioots, tlie latter beinj^ nerves, N ; the net- work of the dark fields every wliere Is in connection with tliat of tlie basis-sub- stance, B. Magnified 1000 diameters. Flat, elongated, dark violet bodies are visible, which, in the horizontal direc- tion, anastomose with one another by means of fine long processes ; while broad, rather oblique, dark violet branches ascend and descend to connect the corpuscles of different layers. The net-work of the dark fields and that of the basis-substance are shown with the same clearness as in split speci- mens. The laminate structure of the cornea is just as imperceptible in these transverse sections as it is in those of the silver-stained cornea. (See Fig. 68. ) In transverse sections of the gold-stained cornea of a dog I observed, espe- cially in the central parts of the cornea, formations which sufficiently explain CONNECTIVK TISSl'K. 177 the views ol" W. WuliloyiT, wlio iiiiiiiitjiiiis tliat the cornoii corpuscli'S do not c'oiiipletoly fill the " serous spiicos." There I saw groups of cornea corpuscles which leaiuMl mainly against one of the walls of the space, while a more or less considerable portion of the latter appeared empty. A closer exam- ination, however, proved that these apparent voids are artificial products, naTuely, vacuoles. It can be observed that the eccentric cavity is situated within the cornea corpuscle, and on its whole circumference is inclosed by the jirotoplasni of the cornea cor|>uscle. No matter how thin the strip of pro- toplasm which is interposed between the vacuole and the periphery of the " serous space " nniy be, it is always present. It is known that such vacuoles can arise from contraction of the living matter within the protoplasm. The cpiestion why these contractions, perliaps as a result of the action of the chloride of gold, were observed only in certain groups of cornea corpuscles, remains unsolved. In the cornea of the cat I have never met w'ith any forma- tions of this kind. From these observations it clearly follows that a tiihidnr system, ()tli, u very bri^lit strij) ilcniarcatiii^ the rihljon Itoni ii(lja(;(;nt {)r()t(»})ljisnuc bodies. In tlie periosteal tissue of a new-l»oi-ii iiiip, tlierefore, we are enabled to traee the transitions of different forms of medul- lary elements into sometimes narrow, sometimes broad and flat, spindle-shaped ])r(>t<)i)lasiiii(' bodies. We beeonie eonvineed that by a gradual change of the latter arise both the '* connective tis- sue" and the "elastic fibers." The development of the connective tissue in general is a much tlisputed, and to this day unsolved, cpiestion. In looking over the vast literaturo on this subject, we may sura up all the views of prominent observers into two theories. One of these may be termed the nccrctioii theory ; it implies that the intercellular- or basis-substance is i)ro- duced by a sort of secretion of the cells from an originally homogeneous mass between the cells. The other, which may be styled the transformation thcorif, maintains that the cells themselves are transformed into basis-sub- stance, either by a process of splitting in their entirety, or by a process of transformation of the cell-protoplasm at its peripheral portions. Secretion Theory. Henle * was the first to assert that an originally homogene- ous substance splits into tibrilla? and bundles of fibrilla?. According to Reichert, the homogeneous substance proceeds from a fusion of the cell-membranes with an intercellular substance, and the fibrilhe are only the optical expression of the foldings of this substance. The fusiform cells present in embryonal connect- ive tissue, according to Virchow, Donders, Gerlach, and Kcilliker, do not share in the formation of fibers, but persist, as Virchow expressed it, as cells, or are convei-ted into a plasmatic canal-system. The last-named observer is the originator of the idea that the intercellular-substance is a product of secretion of the cells, and this \T.ew prevailed for quite a time. Among the recent observers, A. RoUett, L. Ranvier, and I. Kollmann advocate the modi- fied theory that fibrous basis-substance may, to a certain extent at least, orig- inate independently of cells. Transformation Theory. Th. Schwann t first maintained that the cells, after being elongated, split into bundles. After Max Schultze's discoveries concern- ing the protoplasma, \ the theory of Schwann was modified. Max Schultze held that the fibrous basis-substance of connective tissue arises from a coalescence of embryonal cells composed of protoplasm, and destitute of an investing mem- brane, and that a thin layer of unchanged protoplasm remains around the nucleus of the primary cell representing the connective-tissue cell. Lionel Beale, in England, ^ independently of the German observers, expressed sim- ilar views ; he claimed that the connective tissue is originally made up of elementary parts, consisting of germinal matter, and that subsequently a part of the germinal matter is converted into formed material. According to these views, the originally living protoplasm is, by chemical and morpho- logical changes, transformed into the lifeless basis-substance, though the cen- * "Allgeraeine Anatomie." Canstatt's Jahresbericlit, 1845. t " Mikroskopischf Uutersucliuiiffeu," etc. Ui-rliii, 1839. X Reiclieit auil Du Bois Keyruoud's Arcliiv. 1861. {"The Structure of the Simple Tissues of the Human Body." 1860. 182 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. tral portion of the cell may remaiu unchanged protoplasm. This theory was adopted, with more or less modification, by E. Briicke, Yv&wz Boll, Waldeyer, and otheii?. Briicke's pupils corroborated the onginal view of Schwann — viz. : that the fibers of connective tissue originate directly from offshoots of the cells. Elastic Substance. The elastic fibers, first discovered by Donders,* were thought to be by this observer the product of embryonal fu.siform cells which have passed through transitional forms into a plexus of elastic fibers. This view was confirmed, with certain changes adapted to the protoplasma theory, by F. Boll and A. Spina. Territories. An important discovery concerning the structm-e of the basis- substance was made by Fiirstenbergt — xaz. : that certain chemical re-agents may break up the basis-substance of cartUage into globular or polyg- onal fields, inclosing the central cell. He took these fields, the " territo- ries," for products of secretion of the cells. VirchowJ con-oborated this discovery, and based very important biological views upon theii- presence (see page 136). He considered the central cell the queen of the territory, and all changes of the latter as depending upon the changes of the cell. R. Hei- denhain (\ also made noteworthy researches as to the territories of the hyaline cartilage. I have stated on a previous occasion (see page 132) that the territories, which are traceable in all higher developed varieties of connective tissue, are the true units of this tissue ; so that anybody who understands the development of a single territory' understands that of connective tissue /;/ toto. From what I have described as to the basis-substance of the earliest formation, — viz. : the myxomatous basis-substance of medullary tissue (see page 118, Fig. 33 and Fig. 34, and page 147, Fig. 47), — it is obvious that I essentially agree ^vith those observ- ers who have maintained a direct transformation of the proto- plasm into basis-substance. I assert, in entire accord with Max Schultze and Lionel Beale, that every territory originates from coalescence of protic;c de Cartilairiiiibus in specie Hyaliiiii-is." luaug. Dissert., Dorpat, 1850. t " Zur Auatomie uuil Histologic der Chiriia.'ia Moustrosa." Mueller's Aicliiv, 1851, \>. 242. § " Eiu Fall allgenieiuer Oclironose ilcr Knorpel uiid knorpeliihuliclii-u Theile." Vir- uhow's Archiv, xxxvii., 18G6, p. 212. 11 " Uebei riginentiufiltratiou ties Knorpi'l.s. " Ibid., Ixxii., 1878. X " Mauuel il'Histologie Patliologifiue," Paris, 1869, p. 427. ' " Lehrbuch iler Pathologischeu Gewebelehre." i.eipzig, 1878, p. 553. " Sitzungsber. der K. Akadeuiie d. Wiss. in Wien, Bd. 75, 1877. s " Ueber das Verhalten de-s iudigschwefelsauren Natrons im Knorpelgewebe lebender Thiere." Erlangen, 1876. 4 •' Ueber das Wachsthum und die Kegcneration der Hiihrciiknocliiii." Aicbiv fiir Iclini.sclie Chirurgie, xx., 1877. 8 " Die Abseliei17. 9 " Die Saftbalineu im hyalineu Knorijcl." Archiv Itir Mikroskop. Anatoniie, xiv., 1877; xvi., 1879. 10 " .Sulla Istologia Normale o Patologica deUe Cartilagini laliui." Arcliivio per le Scienze Mediche, ii., 1877. " Loc. cit. 12 •' Ueber die Kntwickelung und den Bau des elastischen Uewebt-s im Netzknorpel." Archiv fur Mikroskop. Anatomie, ix., 1873, p. 80. " Loc. cit. " •' Ueber eiue eigenthiiniliche Zeichnung im llyalinknorpel." Wiener Med. Jahrbiieher, 1874. 16 "On the Structure of Hyaline Cartilage." Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol. xvi., 1876. 188 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Ewetzky,' Petrone, t Budge, t Nykamp,$ Furbringer,|| and a number of others consider the existence of canals in the basis-substance of cartilage proved by their experiments and treatment of their preparations with silver nitrate, gold chloride, hyperosmic acid, chromic acid, ammonia bichromate, etc., etc.; in- vestigations by exactly the same means have convinced Sokolow,1I Retzius,* Colomiatti,2 Briickner,' Toldt,'' Genzmer,' Gerlach,*^ Tillmanns,' Tizzoni,* and others, of just the contrary ; and there is a third party which believes, with Arnold,' that the basis-substance is made up of fiV>rillfe, that there are deli- cate fissures between the fibrils, that these fissures penetrate the capsule, and that " the nutrient material passes through these interfibrillar and intra- capsular fissures into the pericellular space." Fleseh, the latest writer on the subject, adds '" that these fissures need not necessarily be, and in fact are not, empty, but that they are occupied by the interfibrillar cement-substance, which, being of a "viscous soft" (zahweich) material, permits the imbibition and conveyance of the nutrient liquid. It is claimed that hyaline basis-substance consists of fine fibrils, so closely held together by a cement-substance that the mass appears to be homo- geneous. This idea, though not entirely novel, as the older anatomists seem to have had it," has been brought forward by Tillmanns, and is doubtless original with him.'* It is said that the interfibrillar cement-substance can be dissolved out by certain re-agents, and then the fibrillation seen under the microscope. According to the varying arrangement and interrelation of the fibrillae, Tillmanns speaks of three types of cartilage tissue — viz., parallel- fibery, net-form, and lamellous. No doubt he saw under the microscope appearances which underlie the distinction which he thus made, but, unfort- unately, he misinterpreted these appearances. Nevertheless, he has had followers. Thus, Baber reported '^ that, having undertaken to test the accuracy of Tillmanns' assertions, and not succeeding in finding the fibrillation, * " Entziindungsversnclie am Knoriiel-'' Vorlaulige Mittlieilunjr, Centralblatt f. compact than others, and that this may also account for the facility of cleavage in determinate directions. Leidy insisted ^ that tiie l)asis-substance of hyaline cartilage has a pecul- iar filamentous structure, but his interpretation, that the granular filaments run simply [tarallel to each other, does not cover the truth, and has not attracted any attention. With the exception of Leidy, however, no one, until nine years ago, seems to have questioned the homogeneousness of the mass of basis-substance in which the separate corpuscles were supposed to be imbedded. In 1872, Heitzmann || first proved the presence of a net-work structure in the basis-substance. Somewhat similar appearances had pre- viously been more or less vaguely described, but not properly interpreted or appreciated, by Reraak, U by Heidenhain/ by Broder,'' by Frommann,' and possilily by others. After Heitzmann, Hertwig * observed processes of living matter pene- trate the basis-substance of reticular cartilage ; and Colomiatti stated ^ that he had failed to find cell offshoots in hyaline cartilage, either after treatment with gold or silver or in viro, although he had seen cartilage-cell offshoots in other than hyaline cartilage. I have had the opportixnity to repeat Heitzmann's investigations under his own eye and with his assistance, but the results as to their correctness at which I arrived were, to the best of my belief, uninfluenced by him. I reported in 1 875 * that I had seen the net- work structure in the corpuscles of hyaline cartilage, in the nucleus and in the basis-substance, exactly as Heitzmann had described it two years pre^^ously.' In January, 1870, Tliin's memoir was published,' in which he reported that, in particular preparations, he had seen "fine glistening fibers enter the cartilage substance, into which, however, he has not been able to follow them." Again : " The ordinary granular protoplasmic cells of hyaline car- tilage are analogous, according to the views of the author, to the stellate *"Oii the structure of the Matrix of Human Articular CartUase." BritisTi Medical Journal, Nov. 11, 1876, p. 616. t Beilcht (ler 50. Naturforscli. Versamiulun^ zu Mttncheii, 1877. t hoc. cit., i>. 74. i " Proccednifrs of the Acadcni.v of Natural Scieoces of Philadelphia," vol. iv., No. 6, 1848 ; ami Ainerican Journal of Medical Scienceg, April, 1849, p. 282. II '• Wiener Metiiziii. Jahrbucher,- Heft iv., 1872. T[ " Ueber die £ut8tehuug des BindegeweUes und de8 Knorpels." Archiv fiir Anatomie, 1852, p. 63. et seq. > Loc. cit. » "Kill Hcitragzur Histologie dea KnorpeLs." Dis.sert., Zflricli, 1865. s " UiiterHucluuifren iiber die uoi-male und pathologisclie Anatomie des Riickenmarkes." II. Theil. Jtna, 1867, pp. 29, :iO. * Loc. cit. » Loc. cit. « "Transactions of the Anicnean Medical A.saociation," vol. xxvi., 1875, pp. 163, 164. ^ " Untersuchungen uber das Protoplasma. II. Das Verhaltuiss zwischen Protoplasma und Oriindsub.stauz ini Thierkorper." Sitzuugsber. d. K. Akad. d. Wissenacb. in W:en, Ixvii., May, 1873. 8 It is dated August, 1875, loc. cit. 190 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. cells of the cornea and connective tissue generally," Thin obtained, by silver- staining, appearances similar to Heitzmann's, but unfortunately misinter- preted them. In 1879, Spina reviewed the subject.* He accorded to Heitzmann the merit of the discovery, but as in the intervening seven years I alone had publicly coiToborated it, and he was not aware of that corroboration, he thought that "the existence of cells with solid offshoots in genuine hyaline cartilage is not definitely proved," and undertook to settle the question. After many fruitless attempts, he found out a method of examination "by which ramifying cells in hyaline cartilage can be demonstrated, not only with ease, but also with certainty." The method and the results, as he has described them, are as follows: "The cartilage, best the ai-ticular ends of bones, is placed into alcohol for three or four days ; then the sections are made and the examination is conducted in alcohol. From such specimens positive proof is obtained that the cells of hyaline cartilage have solid off- shoots. These offshoots emanate mostly from the body of the shriveled cells, penetrate the basis-substance, and inosculate with offshoots of other cells. Their number and thickness are subject to numerous variations. . . . The cell offshoots do not, as a rule, ramify. . . . Examination with powerful immersion lenses (Hartnack, No. 1.5) teaches positively that the cell offshoots not only pierce the capsule, but that the capsule extends also to the offshoots themselves, so that at their origin they are surrounded, like the cell body, by a wall. . . . Upon adding a drop of glycerine to the alcohol specimen, or on staining it after one of the usual methods, the cell offshoots disappear more or less rapidly ; hence, it is clear that the hyaline, structureless aspect of the cartilage basis-substance is really due to the methods of preparation hith- erto in use, while, when examined in alcohol, as above described, the cell offshoots invariably become Wsible." He added that he had succeeded a fe.w times in seeing — faintly only, it is true — the same structure in liAang hyaline cartilages. On incorporating, for a sufficient length of time, carmine into the body of frogs, Spina found cartilage corpiiscles of which the nuclei, the body, and the offshoots had taken in some of the coloring matter. As the offshoots disappeared and the carmine granules seemed to lie in the hyaline basis-substance when a drop of glycerine was added, it is easy to see how preNdous investigators came to be misled into siipposing the coloring matter to have passed into the hyaline substance and into interfibrillar fissures. With excessive caution, Spina adds : " Whether they (the coloring particles) can also move along outside of the cell offshoots has not yet been proved." In the same year Prudden,t and, in 1880, Flesch, t also described cilia-like processes of cartilage corpuscles ; and the latter admitted that in exceptional cases he had succeeded in tracing them more or less distinctly into the basis- substance. Variefiefi of Cartilage Tissue. Cartilage is a very dense, opaque, and highly elastic tissue, the basis-substance of which is not strictly gelatinous, as on being boiled it jdelds a cloudy, * " Ueber die Saftbahncn des hyalinen Knorpels." Sitzuiigsber. dcr K. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien, Ixxx., Abth. iii., November, 1879. t "Beobachtuugeu am lebendeu Knorpel." Virchow's Archiv, Ixxv., 1879, p. 185. t Loc. cit, pp. 59-63. CONN IK T 1 1 '/•; TISSl'J':. 11)1 (•oa«;ulatint; li(iui(l, wliicli has an odor similar to tliat of f^luc, l)iit is not viscid. The rcticiduin of liviiii^ iiiattcr is infiltrated witli tliis so-callt'd " cliondro'jfcnons'' l)asis-snl)stanc(', tlic cavities of wliicli hold })lastids varying: greatly in size, nunil)er, and conflj^- iiration. In the juvenile condition of the individual, the plastids are ji'enerally solid and hoinoji-eneous; in the iniddle-aj^cd they are distinctly nucleated, exliildting- a very fine reticulum of living- matter. That these plastids in the livinj]^ tissue are alive, I was the first to dem- onstrate (paf^e 116). Carti- lage, as well as other vari- eties of connective tissue, should be preserved in a solution of chromic acid; to examine fresh cartilage kept in pure water is very objectionable, as in this liquid the plastids soon become vacuoled and de- stroyed. "We distinguish three varieties of cartilage, wiiich may be arranged according to the order in which they approach the structure of fibrous connective tissue: reticular or elastic carti- lage ; fibrous or striated car- tilage ; hyaline cartilage. faj Ketkidar or Elastic Cartilage resembles the re- ticular variety of myxoma- tous connective tissue. The difference is that its basis- substance, instead of being mucous, is dense and chondrogenous, and is traversed in an apparently irregular manner by very dense, bright, elastic fibers. Owing to the presence of this elastic re- ticulum, the tissue has a yellowish color and a high degree of pliability. (See Fig. 72.) The elastic fibers, as a rule, are very delicate, and sometimes are packed closely together in slender bundles, their width varj-- FiG. 72. — Reticular Cartilage from THE Epiglottis op a Child. Chromic Acid Specimen. C, lij^aline cartilage traversed by fibers, R, in a reticular arranseinent ; the reticulum surrounds the territories of the cartilajre corpuscles ; P, perichon- drium. Maffuificd 500 diameters. 192 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. ing greatly in different animals. Sometimes they run parallel with each other, sometimes they interlace in different directions. They are coarser in the middle portions of the tissue, and gradu- ally gi'ow thinner as they approach the periphery ; here they often blend with the adjacent fibrous connective tissue of the perichondrium. Not infrequently we see at the points of inter- section of the (4astic reticulum slender oblong nuclei, which is a positive proof that the elastic fibers have originated from branch- ing plastids found between the territories of the cartilage corpuscles. The meshes of the elastic reticulum contain a chondrogenous basis-substance, and usually in the middle of each mesh one or two cartilage corpuscles can be distinguished. In young individ- uals these corpuscles are either homogeneous and shining, or composed of coarse, bright granules and destitute of nuclei. They are more bulky in the middle of the plate of the reticular cartilage, and become flattened toward the perichondrium, where they undergo a gradual but rapid change into the spindle-shaped corpuscles of the perichondi'ium. Some of the cartilage corpus- cles are pear-shaped, and unite by means of slender, stem-like off- shoots with the elastic reticulum. Their periphery is everywhere thorny, which indicates that then* structure, as well as that of the chondrogenous and elastic basis-substance, is identical with that of all other connective-tissue formations.* Little is known regarding the senile changes of this tissue. It is asserted that in persons of middle and advanced age the elastic cartilage of the am*icle of the ear becomes fibrous, and H. Miiller has observed calcification and ossification in auricles of dogs. According to O. Hertwig, the first development of the elastic fibers takes place in the shape of extremely delicate fibrillae, as the result of the "formative acti\ity of the cartilage ceUs" in their most peripheral portions. The further growth, he says, is the result of " intussusception," independently of the cartilage corpuscles. I consider the development of reticular cartilage to be the same as that of the reticular myxomatous tissue. Territo- ries are formed by coalescence of embryonal plastids, in which * As a matter of curiosity, it is worth mentioning what method A. Eollett ("Manual of Histology," by S. Strieker, American edition, 1S72) recommends for obtaining the best specimens of reticular cartilage. "Boil the auricle of the ear of man for a short time, dry it, and finally make sec- tions of these boiled mummies." CONNECT I VI-: TISSUE. vx\ one or two plastids iviuaiu as iiiR'lian^i'!! cartilai:;!' CM)r})Uscles. At the periphery of the territories, l)raiichiiirous investment of the cartilage — i. e. the perichondrium, from which the blood- vessels enter the canals. The vascular medullary spaces decrease with the age of the individual, although a few such spaces have been traced up to the thirtieth year of life (Bubnoff). They are in intimate relation with both the progressive and regressive development of cartilage. (See Fig. 74.) The cartilage corpuscles are never scattered uniformly throughout the basis-substance, but always massed together, and the amount of basis-substance between the different mem- bers of a group of corpuscles is less than that which surrounds the groups. The groups vary in theii- general form in different portions even of the same cartilage. In epiphyseal cartilage of young animals, the corpuscles are arranged in flat groups around the articular surface ; they produce more or less globidar or elongated clusters in the middle portion, and on approaching the diaphysis they are arranged in elongated rows. In a sagittal (antero-posterior) section through such an epiphyseal cartilage, the corpuscles appear oblong or spindle-shaped along the articu- lar surface, which indicates that their broadest diameter runs parallel with the outer surface. In the middle portion they are more or less globular. Near the diaphysis they again become discoid, appear flattened, oblong, or spindle-shaped if cut in a sagittal direction, and circular in a direction vertical to the shaft of the bone. With higher powers (300-500) of the microscope we recognize that, especially in the middle portions of cartilaginous formations, some corpuscles not infrequently lie very close to each other, so as to mutually flatten their proximal surfaces. Between so- called twin formations there is either a very narrow light rim or a somewhat broader layer of basis-substance, and if an entire group of corpuscles exhibit such twin formations (seen most dis- tinctly in the cartilage of the trachea), the narrow frame between the corpuscles in its regular arrangement presents a very pretty appearance. These double formations have been considered, for the last twenty years or more, proofs of the division of cartilage cells. This is a very mistaken idea, for it is impossible to under- CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 197 stand how corpusclrs iiiilxMldcd in a dense and tonjj^h hasis-snb- stance could enlaruc an, ^ '" "'^, Fig. 76.— Hyaline Cartilage from the Condyle op the Femur op an Old Dog, Stained with Chloride of Gold. [Published in 1872.] C, rt.irk violet cartilage corpuscles, with inilistinct nuclei and numerous delicate dark violet offshoots. B, pale violet basis-substance, ti-aversed by a partly dark violet, partly light, reticulum. Mairnified 800 diameters. again serxdng as a handle — into a one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, and traced its action on the cartilage for from ten minutes to twelve hours, always after rejecting the most superficial sections. The gold stain of the cartilage corpuscles appeared in fifteen minutes ; in the violet cell-bod}' the nucleus became easily seen and sharply marked ; the contour of the cell-body was also rendered more distinct. In many place's the conical spokes 202 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. arising from the cell -bodies became violet, but coiild not be traced into the basis-substance any farther than in uncolored specimens ; in specimens from the lateral surfaces, numerous coarse and thorny offshoots of a violet color were seen, similar to that of the cell-bodies themselves, while the basis-substance remained uncolored or was pale bluish-red. After one hour's action of the gold solution, the coarse off- shoots and the cells appeared dark violet, the offshoots of the second order became distinctly visible; some of the offshoots of the third order could be traced far into the basis-substance, or directly into cells near each other. After twelve hours' action of the gold-solution, formations were brought into view which, being granular and crumbly, did not deserve attention. The cartilage cells were dark violet, the nucleus recognizable, if at all, as a lighter field. From all around the cell-body projected delicate offshoots, most of which looked finely granular, and in many places joined a granular reticu- lum. The reticulum is most abundant in the immediate vicinity of the cell and on the borders of the ceU territories ; it connects directly with neighboring cells, and in some places is so compli- cated that a precise definition is impossible, even with an immer- sion lens No. 10. In places where the image is incomplete, we can satisfy ourselves that we have to deal with a reticulum which is richly supplied with granular and varicose nodulations, and the connection of which with the cell-bodies is beyond doubt. Fig. 76 illustrates such a pictui-e. At the points of transition of cartilage into bone, there exists, as is well known, a layer of cartilage cells, the basis-substance of which is calcified. A calcareous deposition in the cartilage can be produced also by inflammation, following certain injuries of the cartilage. In horizontal sections of fresh, calcified specimens, as weU. as in specimens deprived of their lime-salts by chromic acid, we recognize that the basis-substance is traversed by chan- nels, which hold offshoots emanating from the cell cavities, and producing a net work. The image of these offshoots is the same whether much or little lime-salt be present, either in the wall of the cavity bordering the cell- body or at the boundaries of the cell territories. We are satisfied that in all cases a deposition of lime-salts has taken place in the fields of the basis-substance, while the cell and its offshoots have remained unchanged. In old animals, where the calcified cartilage directly borders the bone- tissue, positive proof can be obtained that the " osteoid" CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 203 cells are, by means of offshoots, directly connected with tlie bone-cells. The results of my researches lead to the following con- clusions : The bodies of the cartilage cells have radiatiuf/ offshoots. These offshoots form a delicate varicose reticulum in the hasis-suhstance. At the points of transition of hyaline cartilage into striated., fibrous curtilage and into periosteum, the offshoots are verg large and broad ; they connect neighboring cells, either directly or indi- rectly, by means of delicate offshoots. In 1872 I was not yet acquainted with the structure of bioplasson — /. e., the cell-body, nor had I then recognized the Fig. 77. — Hyaline Cartilage in Transition to .Striated Cartilage, PROM THE Border of the Condyle of Femur of a Grown Dog. Stained with Chloride op Gold. C, (lark violet cartilage corpuscles witli distinct nuclei, projecting offsliools, 0, which ilirectlj- or indirectly connect the corpuscles ; B, pale violet basis-substance, exhibiting a partly dark violet, partly light, reticulum. Magnified 800 diameters. significance of the interconnection of cartilage corpuscles for elucidating biological views in every respect contradictory of the cell theory. Still, I felt confident that, on account of the sim- 204 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. plieity of the methods used, other iuvestigators would encounter no difficulty in producing what I had produced and seeing what I had seen. But what happened was just the contrary. A large bulk of literature was produced on this subject ; nevertheless, almost all observers failed in bringing to \dew the connections existing between the cartilage corpuscles. Some claimed that it was the synovial liquid Avhich assumed, on treatment with nitrate of silver, the figures I described; others that the connections between the cartilage cavities could be found only in the super- ficial portions of the condyles ; still others believed the forma- tions seen by me to be artificial products, due to a precipitation of the metal-salt I had employed. All, however, agreed that the light reticula which eventually became visible in the silver- stained specimen were only juice-canals, according to views taken by Von Recklinghausen. Meanwhile I had convinced many hundi-ed students, in my laboratory in New York, that the cartilage corpuscles are really connected with each other, and an unprejudiced observer, L. Elsberg (see page 138), publicly announced his conviction of the correctness of my assertions. In the fii-st place, there coidd be no doubt that the negative image produced by the silver in every respect answers to the positive image brought out by the gold. The negative silver image obtained from the border of the condyles, where the hya- line cartilage begins to change into fibrous cartilage (see Fig. 75), fully corresponds with the positive gold image produced in the same place. Fig. 77 is an illustration of specimens which for j'-ears I have used for demonstrations in my laboratory. Secondly, I was desirous of satisfying myself if the method of treatment with silver was really so unreliable as claimed by some writers. I gave Dr. W. Hassloeh, a physician of unusual cleverness, attending my laboratory in 1878, my printed pam- phlet containing directions for procedure, and the fresh condyles of a human foetus, six months old. A f(^w days later, without any further advice on my part, the gentleman showed me a large number of specimens, exhibiting images precisely similar to those illustrated in Fig. 78. The identity of the light spaces Avith cartilage corpuscles was beautifully demonstrated in the thin sections, where dark brown layers were directly followed by slightly stained or unstained layers. I admit, however, that my assertions would not have deserved much attention had the staining methods with nitrate of silver CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 205 and c'liloride of yolcl bei'ii the (july t'ouiidution on which they were based. But I said, in 1872, that cahufied portions of the hyidine ('artihiiiv, the cah'ification l)einlates of the thyroid cartilage of a man of about twenty-five years, hardened in chromic acid and stained with an ammoniacal carmine solution, exhibit with low powers of the microscope V* ^^^■'^\ ■r'«-r,fv 0> ln|\^i f ^^/,j. # ■^ T'n- PL, ^ s (150 to 200 diameters) the following: The cartilage corpuscles, either single, in pairs, or in groups of from three to six, or even more, are imbedded in a basis-substance which, for the most part, is homogeneous-looking or indis- * " Contributious to the Normal anroupon tlioy assumed a dark purple color, and showed all the features descrilx'd. somewhat more distinctly than simple carmine pre])arations. I deem their detailed description unnecessary. When I became acquainted with Spina's researches (see page 141), I deemed it of importance to repeat tlie examination according to his method. I therefore jdaced a larvnix, immediately after removal from the body of a girl, aged twenty-four years, into strong alcohol, and after four days made thin sections from the tli,\Toi(l cartilage in a horizontal direction, transferred them in alcoliol to the slide, and examined them with both low and high pow- ers, adding, from time to time, a drop of strong alcohol to prevent the speci- men from drying. The appearance presented by such a specimen is truly surprising. As a matter of course, the cartilage corpuscles are shriveled up, so that more or less space is left between their jagged periphery and the bor- FiG. 81. — Thyroid Cartilage of Adult, kept in Strong Alcohol. Horizontal Section. C, sbriveled cartilage corpuscle; O, longitudinal offslioots; -B, reticulum in basis-sub- stance; G, granules of living matter. Magnified 1200 diameters. der of the basis-substance. With an amplification of 500 diameters, the basis-substance is seen pierced by light filaments, which, in many instances, can be traced through the intervening space into the body of the cartilage corpuscle. Most of these filaments radiate around the corpuscle, and, imme- diately after penetrating the basis-substance, diverge and form a reticulum throiighout its extent. Cartilage corpuscles located near each other are directly connected by non-ramifying, and occasionally by ramifying, ofifshoots, or by bundles of such offshoots of a more or less parallel course. The reticu- lum in the basis-substance is either radiating or irregularly arranged around 14 210 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. the corpuscle. Contrary to the assertion of Spina, the filaments or offshoots do, as a rule, ramify, except those that directly connect the neighboring cor- puscles. Sometimes thick bundles of offshoots emanate from opposite poles of the corpuscles, while intervening portions of the periphery are almost devoid of offshoots. Toward the peripherj- of the thjToid cartilage,— where, as is well known, the cartilage corpuscles elongate, becoming smaller and spindle-shaped and more or less parallel to each other,— the offshoots are given off rectangularly to the axis of the corpuscles. High magnif\-ing powers, immersion lenses No. 10 and No. 12, con- clusively prove the connection of the offshoots with the cartilage corpuscles. Portions of the basis-substance which, with lower powers, looked only granu- lar, now show a delicate reticulum, which, even when coarser offshoots are ^*:6}H '^^^m!'"^&l'-.MMiuM Fig. S 2.— Thyroid Cartilage of Adult. Horizontal Section. C, C, cartilage corpuscles; F, fibrous portion of cartila-e; G, grauiUes of living matter. Magnified 600 diameters. wanting, is connected with the cartilage corpuscle through deUcate and more or less conical offshoots from the surface of the corpuscle. The light interstices between the fibers of striated basis-substance are also traversed bv delicate grayish thorns. Such thorns are ^•isible even in the perichondrium. ' Through the fibrous bundles of the perichondrium run, in a nearly rectangular direction, delicate light streaks, while the interstices between the bundles, and the spaces left between the corpuscular elements and the bundles, exhibit delicate conical grayish threads, the direction of which corresponds to these light streaks. (See Fig. 81.) The highest powers of the microscope disclosed in one of the specimens examined another feature in the hyaline basis-substance, viz. : the presence of a number of granules or minute lumps of varj-ing shape, some interwoven CONNKCTl VK TlSSl'K. 211 with the (Hroc't offshoots of the corpuscleH, and some with the throads foiiniiiK the liner net-work of the Imsis-substance. They appeared to be thickeneusclc ; J5, hyaline basis-substance ; fi?, granules of living matter. Mag- nified 1200 iliameters. found in one of the specimens examined, with the highest powers of the microscope, by the alcohol method of Spina. As to the cartilage corpuscles in these specimens, many of them were larger and more coarsely granular than are commonly observed ; otherwise, their characters and the arrangements of the basis-substance, both so-called hyaline and fibrous, were like those described before. The intranuclear, intracorpusciilar, and intercorpuscular net-works were with high powers well shown. The very remarkable feature was that, with qiute low power, the basis- substance was seen to be speckled and studded with granules or lumps, varying from that of a point at the limit of the \isible to that approaching the dimen- 212 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. sions of a regular cartilage corpuscle. Of course, no one must for a moment think of anything like the pathological conditions that have been described, either as granular degenerations of the cartilage basis-substance, or as in- crustations of the corpuscles. Not only were the appearances entirely differ- ent and the cartilage healthy, — as otherwise ascertainable, as well as from the known condition of the man and of the cause of his death, — but the true nature of the lumps was made perfectly clear by examination with higher powers. (See Fig. 82.) When magnified to the extent of 000 diameters, the same relative appear- ance was preserved. The lumps in the basis-substance still varied in size, from the limit of the visible to the magnitude of ordinary cartilage corpuscles ; but, in all the larger lumps, differentiations were visible which approached them in structure, as well as in size, to cartilage corpuscles. In some, one or more vacuoles, in others, a small or large nucleus, or even two nuclei, could he made out; and a few (i. e., occasionally one in some fields) showed iiTcgular twin, or even triplet, formation. The highest power threw a wonderful light upon these lumps. They were seen to be masses of living matter. The larger showed a net-work in their interior, some without and some with a nucleus, and the latter, when present, was sometimes homogeneous and sometimes reticulated. All the lumps, except the smaller, were sun-ounded by a distinct light seam, through which radiating conical offshoots passed to the net-work in the basis-substance; and all of them, even the smallest, sent delicate offshoots connecting them with that net-work, or were themselves part and parcel (i. c, thickened points of intersection of the threads) of that net-work. (See Fig. 83.) After ha\'ing studied such a specimen, it was easy to interpret con-ectly the intrareticular granules seen in the alcohol specimen represented in Fig. 81. Development of Cartilage* Hyaline cartilage is developed, in the same way as fibrous tissue and bone, from the indifferent medvdlary elements which, in human embrj'os, between the fourth and fifth month, and in newly born dogs, cats, and rabbits, are stored up in a still considerable amount in the vascularized medullary spaces of the cartilage. Upon the authority of Schwann, the erroneous view has been generally held that blood-vessels are found in hyaline cartilage only a short time before commencing ossification. In early periods of development of cartilage, medullary spaces are pres- ent containing blood-vessels, — viz. : arteries, veins, and capil- laries,— which, as Bubnoff t has demonstrated, are preserved to quite an advanced age. In .such spaces we find, besides a varying number of blood- * " Untersuchungen fiber das Protoplasma. IV. Die Eiitwiekelung der Beinhaut, des Knochens und des Knorpels." Sitzimgsber. der Akad. d. Wissensch. in Wien, 1873. t Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akademie d. Wissensch., 1868. CO^yECTlVK TISSCE. 213 vessels, medullary tissue, ('(>nsistin«i:()t' globular or spindlo-shapcd corpuscles, with a sliijlit auiouut of a uiyxouiatous and fibrous reticular l)asis-sul)stauc(\ Lower powers of the niicrosco])e reveal that the boundary line between ineduUary and cartihiji^e tissue; in soiue places is sharply defined, while in other places it is indistinct or invisilde. Tn the most pei-ipheral ])ortions of the m<' VA^^'^^^ of which are beginning U^yj'^^^ ^ --V~^^^.\o to be infiltrated with ^^, fy[^d>[ ^^ an apparently homoge- f/^^\i^fr^^^'ik!^H>^' neous basis-substance, '^ll while the central por- tion retains the charac- Fig. S4.- Hyaline Cartilage op the Condyle r, ,, ... OF Tibia of a Human Embryo, Four Months ter of the cartilage cor- ^^^ Sagittal Section. Chromic Acid puscle. Under these specimen. [Published in 1873.] conditions, honiOgene- ,^ ^^^^,^,^^^,.^. ^^^^^^, t,,„,,,,,ely cut, contaimn,^ blond. OUS (in the optical di- vessels aiius('lt>. In the full-grown animal, on the contraiy, the terri- tory contains hut one ov a few eartilatie eoi-pnseles, the double and tri})le formations, })etween which the basis-sul)stanee is very scanty or even absent, while in the peripheral portion of the terri- tory a lar<;e amount of ])asis-substanee is found, which must have ori«i:inated from a eorrespondinj^ large numlier of embryonal (medullary) corpuscles. Although the cartilage cor{)uscles of verj' young aninuils are decidedly smaller than those of the full-grown, there is not the slightest evidence of a so-called " interstitial gi-owth,'' /. e., an increase of the bulk of the corpuscle as well as of the basis-substance already formed. It is far more probable that the embrj'onal cartilage is not the same formation from which the cartilage of the adult arises ; it certainly is not in the same loca- tion as far as the size of the whole body is concerned. Besides, a fully formed cartilage, or any other tissue, grows, during the time that the cartilage is returning to the medullary condition, only in limited places, when a new grouping of medullary cor- puscles takes place, and a new basis-substan(;e is developed. Those who maintain that an "interstitial" growth takes place, forget that a cartilage corpuscle, once imbedded in the dense, chondrogenous basis-su})stance, cannot increase in size unless a liquefaction of the basis-substance has occurred, at least at the borders of the cavity containing the corpuscle. The same objec- tion can be raised against the h\"pothesis of the division of carti- lage corpuscles in the fully developed tissue. The probability is far greater that cartilage grows with the growth of the whole body, from medullary corpuscles at the periphery, while the central portions are reduced into medullary tissue for the ])enefit of the growing bone-tissue. The "apposition theory" considered in this light is the only legitimate one, as there is no diflticulty in understanding that from the perichondrium, or other peripheral formations of connective tissue, always, of course, through the intervening stage of medvdlary tissue, new cartilage is produced during the whole period of development of the body. The process of development of cartilage with striated basis- substance is materially the same as that of hyaline cartilage, as I could trace on the lateral surfaces of the condyle of femm* of growing rabbits. Here we find intermediate striated cartilage between the hyaline cartilage and the tendon or ligamentous tissue ; and the intermediate striated portions may be found to contain fields of hyaline cartDage. With such evidences it is not 21 G CONNECTIVE TISSUE. difficult to convince oneself that the character of the cartilaginous basis-substance, whether hyaline, striated, or fibrous, depends upon the shape and the grouping of the original, indifferent medullary corpuscles alone. The cartilaginous callus, obtained after subcutaneous fract- ures of the leg-bones of dogs and cats, I found very suitable for the study of the development of cartilage. Here the new forma- tion of cartilage arises from nests, identical with medullary spaces, which in their center contain blood-vessels, at their periphery spindle-shaped elements, as the result of the inflamma- tory new formation. The medullary elements close around the blood-vessel are globular, and are succeeded by layers of spindle- shaped bodies, the nuclei of which are partly faded, indicating that these formations are in the stage of transition from a uni- form granulation into the stage of infiltration with glue-yielding basis-substance. In such inflammatory nests, also, we observe the transformation of capiUary blood-vessels into solid strings, and afterward into small medullary elements. The process is the same as in the involution of bone-tissue, due to normal senile changes. In the same cartilaginous caUus we also encounter numerous nests in which red blood-corpuscles and blood-vessels arise from cartilage corpuscles (see page 98), and these forma- tions precede the liquefaction of the calcified cartilaginous basis- substance, which occurs previously to the production of new medullary tissue and of bone. The embryonal or medullary elements are, under aU circum- stances, the formers of tissue. Those from which bone arises have been termed *' osteoblasts " by Gegenbaur, who considered them to be, specifically and exclusively, bone-formers. We are far from understanding the specific nature and limits of embry- onal corpuscles, and the designation ^'osteoblasts" is therefore superfluous. We might with equal propriety speak of *' periosto- blasts," '' chondroblasts," etc., while, in fact, aU these tissues originate from one and the same source — namely, the medullanj tissue. What character the territory will assume, what will be the nature of the basis-substance in the territory, depends upon the grouping of these many-named "l)lasts"in the stage of indif- ference preceding the new formation of a tissue. In 1873, I admitted the possibility that, under certain physio- logical conditions and changes, one variety of basis-substance might be.directly transformed into another ; periosteum, f . i., into bone or into cartilage, hyaline into striated cartilage, etc. This COXNECTIVH TISSrK. 217 possibility seems to me, to-day, to be very slif;lit, so iiiucli so that even a direet transformation of hyaline into fibrous carti- hijji' is doubtfnl. / asis-substance. This explains why, in the articular cartilage of the very aged, the corpuscles are so extremely scanty and small. * Miiller's Archiv, 1852. t " Die Elementarorganismen." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akaclemie d. Wissensch., 18G1. X Studien des Physiol. Instit. zu Breslau, 1863. $ " Uutersuchungen iiber die Bildung der Knorpelgrundsubstanz." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akademie d. Wissensch., 1880. 218 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. I can fully (corroborate Spina's assertions from my own observations. (4) Bone Tissue. Hintorij. The growth of the bones was the subject of careful studies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, long before anything positive was known as to their structure. Adrianus Spigelius * was the first to maintain that the bones gi'ow either fi-om cartilage or by apposition. Clopton Havers t found that bone arises from cartilage. Robei't Nesbitt t says that "there is not one single phenomenon to sup- port the notion of bones being nothing but indiu'ated cartilage, or that they are produced only by a transmutation of a cartilaginous substance, and all bony productions are caused entirely by the apposition of cretaceous matter." In the middle of the eighteenth century, Duhamel, ^ after experiments by systematically feeding various animals with madder, asserted that the bones grow from the periostemn, and was contradicted by A. Von Haller, who denied any participation of the periosteum in the process. Exactly the same fight is carried on even in our day. John Hunter II found in the gi'owth of bones "two processes going on at the same time, and assisting each other : the artei'ies bring the supplies to the bone for its increase ; the absorbents at the same time are employed in removing portions of the old bones, so as to give to the new the proper form. By tliese means the bone becomes larger, without having any material change produced in its external shape." J. Howship U speaks of lining-membranes of the canals of the bone carry- ing the blood-vessels ; he did not see the lining in full-grown bone, "possibly because the circulation of the red blood is more limited in full-grown than in young bone." He gives illustrations of lacunar widenings of the canals, evidently caused by a morbid process. After the bone-corpuscles (lacunae) and their canalieuli were made known by Purkinje and Deutsch (1834), Johannes Midler' pointed out their con- nection, and suggested that all these spaces are filled with lime, and should, thei'efore, be termed canalieuli ehalicophori. Lessing - first drew attention to the fact that the dark appearance of the lacuna} and canalieuli, seen in specimens from (b-y bone, is due to their con- taining air, and was inclined to regard them as a lacunar system, filled, in living bones, with fluid. Klebs, much later, made the wonderful discovery that the contents of these spaces in older, even fi-esh bones, are of a gaseous nature. *"De Formatioue Fcetu," 1631. Tlie early literatuie is found in Alb. Kiilliker: "Die Nonnale Resorption des Knocliensewebes." Leipzig, 1873. Tlie later literature, from 1836 to 1878, is given by M. Kassowitz : " Die Norraale Gasification," etc. Wiener Meil. Jahrbiiclier, 1879. t " Osteologia Nova ; or, Some New Observations in the Bonos." Loudon, 1691. % Human O.steogeny, exi>lained in two lectures. London, 1731. i " M6moircs de 1' Acad^niie do Paris." 1742. II "Experiments and Observations on the Growth of Bone," fronj the p.apers of the late Mr. Hunter, bj' Everard Home. London, 1798. II " Microscojnc Observations on the Structure of Bone." Medico-Chirurgical Transac- tions. London, 1816. ' Miiller's Arclilv, 1836. 2 " Ueber ein plasmatisches Oefass-System in alien Geweben, insbesonders in Knochen und Zahueu." Hamburg, 1846. COXXKCTIVK r ISSUE. 219 R. Virchow " claiined tliat tlio liM-iuiar aiul canalicular spacos aro really plasmatic, and can be iwolatcd, as true "bone-cells," by the treatment of dry bt)ne with acids. He was contradicted by E. Neumann,! who con- clusively proved that Virchow's branching cells are nothing but the densific^d walls of the lacuniu and the larger camiliculi resisting the action of strong acids and alkalies (elastic substance). Such a substance was found to line also the Haversian eaiuils, A. Kollikert declared that on the external surfaces of gi-owing bones an absorption takes place. Virchow, in l.S5;i,^ agi-eed that such an absorption occurs on the cereV)ral surfaces of the skull-bones. Virchow had, in 1H5'2, asserted that the bay-like excavations (so-called Howship's lacuuro) ou the surface of pathological bones are due to a melting of the substance of the bone, in correspondence with the cell territories ; afterward, he maintained that the boue-ci'lls set free by the solution of the intercellular substance, are transformed into medullary cells. Tomes and I)e Morgan || observed erosions in carious and provisional teeth, and argued in the following manner : " When we connect this condition with the fact that the nucleated cells, which form the embryo, have the power of appropriating tiie material which lies about them to the purjjose of their own growth, ... it is difficult to resist the belief that the cells which lie in con- tact with wasting bone and dentine take up those tissues. . . . An oV)jection may be raised to the supposition that the bone is absorbed by cells, on the ground of the density of the former ; but it must be borne in mind that, as the density is gradually imparted to the bone through the agency of the adjoining soft parts, tliere seems no good reason for disbelieving that they may also be instrumental in its removal." If Heiurich Miiller, in 1858,' published his epoch-making researches on development of bone, which are the foundation of our modern views on this subject. His observations will be dwelt upon in the article on development of bone. Reference will there also be made to the researches of Gegenbaur (ISGo) and Waldeyer (18G5). Ed. Lang ^ was the first to ascertain that, in bone-specimens of recently killed animals, the lacunas contain protoplasm, which is, to a certain degree, endowed with the property of amoeboid motion, and from which starts the inflammatory new formation. In the last decennium, a lively controversy was carried on regarding the question whether or not a gi-owth of the bone by expansion, a so-called inter- stitial gi'owth, occurs. Ruge,^ as the result of his counting and measuring the tlistances between bone-corpuscles, became a defender of the theory of interstitial growth. Jul. Wolff * energetically maintained an interstitial growth, and denied any appo- * " Wiirzburger Verhandlungen," 1850. t"Beitiage ziir Kenutniss ties uorra. ZiihuUcin- and Knocliengcwcbes." Koiiigsbeig, 18(i3. t "Mikroskopisclie Anatoniie," 1850. i!Vilcliow'8 Arcliiv, Bd. iv. 1852; Bd. v. 1853. ||"Obstivi>tic>iis on the Stiiicture and Development of Bone," 1852. I'hilosophical Transactions, 1853. i: All quotations from authors in this historical sketch are from KoUiker (I. c). 1 "Zeitsi'hrift fiir Wissensch.-Zoologle." Bd. ix. 2 " Unteisucliungen iibor die ersten Stadieu der Knoclienentziiudung." Wiener Mediz. Jahrb., 1871. s Virchow's Arcliiv. Bd. 49. 4 Virchow's Archiv. Bd. 50. 220 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. sitioii from cartilage and periosteum. Lioberkiihn," on the contrary, fully eori'oborated the old and well-estaldislied views of an apposition. Recently, again, Strolzofft favored the view of an interstitial growth, and was con- tradicted by Steudener, t w'ho demonstrated that the bone-corpuscles with advancing age decrease somewhat in size, and consequently aj^pear to become farther apart as the bulk of the basis-substance increases. V. Ebner ^ has arrived at the conclusion, based on macerations of bone in a ten to fifteen percent, solution of chloride of sodium, to which he added one to three per cent, muriatic acid, that the lamellae of bone-tissue are composed of fibrilla?. These fibers, according to him, can be isolated only for short distances, as they are interwoven and held together by a cement-substance containing the lime-salts, while the fibrillae themselves are glue-yielding, but destitute of lime-salts. Fibers running fi-om a lamella to the surface of the bone consti- tute the perforating fibers of Sharpey. C. Langer || added valuable contributions to the knowledge of the distribu- tion of blood-vessels in shaft and flat bones. M. Kassowitz H published an extensive article on the formation of bone, with special reference to the periosteal cartilage. Methods. It is one of the strangest facts in histology that, although for a number of years dry specimens of tissue have "been acknowledged to be worthless for microscopical research, bone even in our day is studied in the dry ceri])heri<'s. Fhit hones exliil)it the enneellous structure in the iniihlle portion, the (iipjoi' of skull-bones, wliile the layers on the outer and inner surfa(;e an* formed entii-ely of eoin])a('t bone, the outer layer beinji^ f^enerally broader Mild i-iciiei- in blood-Ncssels than tlie inner. Thin, small, flat bones, such as the ethinoideal, tur])inate, etc., may l)e ecm- sidered as tlattened trabeeuhe of the caneellous variety. The shaft-bones have a broad investment of compact structure in theii- middle, /. c, diaphyseal portion, while this tissue gradually decreases toward the ends, the epiphyses. These parts, as well as the larji'e central marrow space, exhibit the caneellous struct- ure ill greatly varying amounts. H. Meyer first drew atten- tion to the fact that the trabeculse of the cancellous structure, especially in the epiphyseal extremities of shaft-bones, were built up according to a cert.iin law, and J. Wolif, with the assistance of Ciilmann, has explained, according to mathematical principles, the regular arrangement of the trabeculae in the dii-ections of lines of pressure and traction. fbj CorUral or Compact Bone-tissue is composed of parallel lamellae, closely packed together in intimate relation with the blood-vessels. The cortex of both flat and shaft bones ('onsists of a concentric system of lamellae surrounding the central mari'ow space, and this concentric system in its middle portion is trav- ersed, usually at right angles, by a number of systems of lamellae, each surrounding a central lilood-vessel. Thus, two peripheral systems of lamelhie originate, of which the outer is always the broader, and well marked, the inner often but little developed. The middle portion, lying between the two peripheral sys- tems, is traversed more or less rectangularly by the Haversian systems. In transverse sections of the cortex of shaft-bones, the lamellae of the two peripheral systems run longitudinally, while the Haversian systems are cut transversely or obliquely. Be- tween the latter there are the longitudinal lamella? of the so-called " interstitial or intermediate '' bone-tissue. (See Fig. 87.) The Haversian system is composed of lamellae which are dis- posed in concentric layers around capillary blood-vessels. Such systems of lamella? are regidarly arranged in the cortex of the long bones, and irregularly in the cortex of flat bones. The outer contour of a system is never smooth and even, but composed of a number of shallow protrusions, viz., the fii"st-formed territories, and the aggregation of these formations gives the outer contour 15 226 CONNECTI ^ E TISS VE. of a Haversian system a fluted appearance. The systems are sometimes found close to each other, with very little inter- mediate Tjone-tissue between them; or they may be more or less apart, with a distinctly lamellated intermediate bone-tissue 4 6 * '/ ' if- ^ ^i ?;.i \ It* ' t- ^^i .?^ ^x^%>-"'- .. 1 ' • . ". 2 S. \. .N""^ between them, the lamella of which run in a direction more or less parallel with the peripheral lamella?. This probably depends upon the original distribution of the blood-vessels, which, if rami- COSNF.CTIVl': TissrK 227 fvinj^ at very Jiciitc aiifilt's, will nmkc their systems of laniellM' lio dose to»:;ether ; but if raiMifyin<;" at less aeute aiif^les, will leaver in- terstices filled with (listiiu'tly lamellated intennediate bone-tissue. In order to render the formation of cortical bone easily understood, the followiuii' illustration is often used: take a number of nnitches, around each of which is twined a cord, and wind the cord around the bundle, tlio nuitch representinji: the Haversian canal, the twines around t'acli nuitch the systems of lamelhv, and the twines around the bundle the peripheral lanielhe. This coiu})arison holds ^-ood, of (rourse, only for the case in which the intermediate l)one-tissue is absent. The law, however, according to which the peripheral ^^A7yMMWi:^--:J^r^^X,. '' , ■^r;;j^ I ^. y-y/. ■~-j: ! '^^rS&^i^m0ynf^^ Fig. S.S. — Tibia of a Grown Dog. Cortical Portion, Transverse Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. .V, Havei'siau system of lamellap, coiitainiug the bone-corpuscles, r, witli their radiating offshoots ; J/, central medullary, so-called Haversian canal, containing a capillar}- blood- vessel ; /, interstitial bone-tissue indistinctly lamellated. ilagnitied 500 diameters. and the Haversian systems of lamellae are formed, has not yet been explained. With higher amplifications of the microscope each Haversian system proves to be composed of a number of concentric lamella^, which are not perfect throughout the S3^stem. Both ^^itllin and between the lamellae, bone-corpuscles are visible with radiating offshoots, a number of which traverse the lamellge, without being in dii-ect connection with a bone-corpuscle. (See Fig. 88.) 228 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The center of the Haversian system is pierced by the medul- lary or vas(nilar canal, which is of a varying caliber, according to the age of the individual, and contains, besides a certain number of medullary corpuscles, one or two central capillary blood- vessels. Whenever the extremity of the animal from which the shaft-bone was taken had been in a pendent position after death, the vessels are found tilled with l)lood-corpuscles. Longitudinal Sections are easily understood after the study of transverse sections. Here, too, the Haversian system is bordered by a fluting contour, due to the presence of globular tenitories of an early formation, and l)etween the systems we find the inter- mediate bone-tissue, which in this situation, as a matter of course, will not exhibit lamination. In the intermediate portion we find the bone-corpuscles cut transversely, \vith most of their offshoots cut either obliquely or transversely, the latter being represented by a number of delicate dots. In the Haversian system the lameUiie take a longitudinal coiu-se ; within and between them are found the spindle-shaped bone-corpuscles, exhibiting, for reasons explained before, the greater bulk the nearer the periphery of the system. The off- shoots of the bone-corpuscles emanating fi-om their periphery, as weU as from theii- polar projections, pierce the lamellt^ at right angles. The central canal contains a varjdng number of medul- lary corpuscles, and in its middle one or two straight capillaries. Even with moderate powers of the microscope delicate filaments are recognizable, l)y which the (jff shoots of the bone-ccn-puscles connect with the medullary corpuscles, and the latter with the endothelial wall of the blood-vessel. (See Fig. 89.) Periosteum. The investing fibrous connective-tissue layer of all bones, the periosteum as weU as the cartilage, takes consid- erable part in the development of the osseous system. In human embryos of four to six months, the outermost layer of the peri- osteum consists of l)undles of fibrous connective tissue, and between this layer and the cancellous bone there is a broad layer of medullary corpuscles, in continuity with the medullary forma- tion in the spaces of the bone-tissue. "Prom the outer fibrous portion of the periosteum oblique Imndles of considerable density are seen to pass into the medullary spaces of the bone, and these bundles remain unchanged even after the compact portions of the bone have attained fuU development. Such bundles, faintly visible in chromic acid specimens, are termed " perforating or Sharpey's fibers" (described by Sharpey in 185G, l)ut previously COSSHCI IVF. 11 SSI- 1-:. 229 ))y Trojii, ill 1S14). They tmviM'se the outer jxTiphcral system «)f lanu'lliv, soinctiines in the form of siiij^lc cords, sometimes as a broad reticulum, hut often they are entirely absent. Fig. Si).— Tibia of a Grown Dog. Cortical Portion, LoNiJiTUDiNAL Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. S, HiiviTsiau system of lamellii', coiitaiuiufi: the bone-corpuscles, C. with their transverBC offshoots ; M, ceutral meilallarj-, so-called Haversiau canal, containing a capillary blood, vessel; /, interstitial bone-tissue. Magnitied 500 diameters. In fnlly developed bone the periosteum consists of two layers, the outer fibrous portion lieing supplied with numerous blood- vessels, which inosculate directly with the blood-vessels of the 230 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. bone-tissue, while the innermost portion, closely attached to the surface of the hone, is a dense ribboned layer, with a scanty supply of blood-vessels, but rich in elastic substance. This layer is often the seat of calcareous deposition, and owing to this fact its plastids assume iiTegular, jagged contoiu-s similar to those of bone-corpuscles. The calcified periosteum, however, is not true lamellated bone. It is often described under the name of the " osteoid layer.'"' The periosteum is very thick at the points of the attachment of tendons and ligaments. The inner surface of the flat skull-bones, after the fifth or sixth year of life, is destitute of a periosteal investment proper. This can be clearly understood by the study of the development of these bones. Blood-vessels. The bone-tissue, its investment, — the perios- teum,— and its contents, — the medulla, — are plentifully supplied with blood-vessels. They enter the periosteum mainly at the points of attachment of the large ligamentous formations men- tioned above. Arteries and veins are most abundant in the outermost portion of the periosteum, where extensive ramifica- tion of these vessels takes place. The arterioles enter the larger canals at the siu'face of the bones and branch into capillaries, which unite to form the efferent veins accompanying the arteri- oles. At the inner surface of the compact bone, also, there is a free anastomosis with the capillaries of the medulla. The medulla is supplied "svith numerous capillaries, arising from the so-called nutrient arteries of the bone, which pierce the corti(!al substance obliquely and split at acute angles, both within the canal and after entering the medulla. The veins collect the blood from tassel-like bundles of capillaries and accompany the afferent arteries. The epiphyseal portions of shaft-bones, besides the general medullary vessels, receive blood from the vessels which supply the articulations. The capillaries terminate, in the shape of loops, close below the articular cartilage. The veins in the bone-tissue are \rithout valves, but as soon as they reach the surface of the bone, we find valves are present (C. Langer). Lymphatics are not yet known to exist in the bone-tissue. Xerves, both of the meduUated and non-medullated variety, accompany the larger blood-vessels, but they are not abundant in the bone-tissue. In different places in the periosteum, Pacin- ian coii^uscles are found. The medulla of the bone is, in juvenile condition, a myx- omatous tissue, at first of the medullary, later of the reticular variety (see pages 147 and 148). and, being freely vascularized, is coxsF.crivE rissri':. 231 tcriiicd " /77/ ))i((liillii." With adviiiiciii^ )»<;•(' tlic iiicdulla is uliuost I'litiirly tninsfonncd into fut-tissuc, wliilc tln' 1»1i-: to THE Blood-vessels.* Tlie eortieal substance of the shaft-bones of a newly born pup is composed of trabeculae, which form a reticulum, elon- pited ill tlie loiiiiitudinal axis of the bone, the meshes beings the medullai-y spaces. Tlie width of a trabecula is about the same as the diameter of a neighboring- medullary space. The tral)e(;u- IsB are bone-tissue of a striated appearance, and contain flat bone-corpuscles in a concentric arrangement. In the medullary spaces we find the glol)ular elements of the medulla closely packed together with ramifying blood-vessels, principally in the center. (See Fig. 90, and also Fig. 86.) Fig. do.— Tibia of a New-eorx Dog. Transverse Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. P, fibrous portion of tlio periostt'iim: .V-V, subperiosteal medullary layer; T. trabecula of bone ; M, medullary spaces. Magiiitied 25 diameters. In the compact substance of the bone of a dog about six months old, the bulk of bone-tissue several times exceeds that of the medullary tissue. We stiU meet with medullary spaces con- taining blood-vessels and globular elements. Far more numer- * Translated from " Ueber die Rik-k- uiid Neubildung von Blutgefassen im Knochen und Kiiorpel." Wiener Mediz. Jahrb., 1873. 232 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. ous than niedulhiry spaces, however, are the so-called ''vascular canals " — /. e., cylindrical or oval tubes, with one or two much elongated blood-vessels, and oblong or spindle-shaped medidlarj'- corpuscles. The larger the diameter of a medullary space or a vascular canal, the narrower, as a rule, is the surrounding bony layer; the broadest layers of lamellae correspond to the narrow- est vascular canals. The blood-vessels of the medullary spaces anastomose with those of the vascular canals by means of trans- verse and oblique branches; the vessels of the canals anastomose with each other, and with every vessel we find a varying thick- ness of lamellae. (See Fig. 91.) In the diaphysis of the tibia of a dog a little over a year old, the area of the bone-tissue surpasses that of the vascular canals, in J, :^ '''■^r^ ¥ hij^^r^^mm^^^^mMAMW^' Fig. 91.— Tibia of a Dog, Six Months Old. Transverse Sectiox. Chromic Acid Specimen. M, medullary space, with a relative!}- small amount of surroundinff lamclla3 ; -S'l, narrow system of lamella; around a medullary space : .S'J, broader system around a vascular canal. Between the systems is the lamellated intermediate bone-tissue. Magnified 200 diameters. a linear, direction, six to eight times. In the compact bone, larger medullary spaces are found only in the vicinity of the central marrow-canal. The vascular canals are surrounded by broad systems of lamellae, containing the bone-corpuscles in a concen- tric arrangement. Sometimes we meet, in transverse sections, with two smaller systems, each with a central canal, the two encircled by a common layer of an hour-glass shape. The inter- stices between the systems are filled by a non-lamellated bone- tissue, whose corpuscles are somewhat larger than those of the lamellae, and irregularly distributed. The territories of such cor- ( (Lwxh'cn 1 'y<; tissuk. 233 pusclcs arc soinctimcs sliiir])ly iiiiirkcd. Into tlu* iiit(*riii('(liat(! boiu'-tissue wo can also trace vasciilai- canals — the lateral branches of the longitudinal vessels of the compact bone. In the ti])ia of a (l()i>- several years old, the area of the bone- tissue surpasses that of the vascular canals by twelve or fifteen linear diameters. Larjje medullary spaces are found only near the central marrow-tube, while the rest of the cortex exhibits vascular canals of varying- calibers, the larger of which contain some reticular connective tissue aud fat-globules around the vessel. The parallel systems of lamella? belong either to a single vascular canal or to tw^o or three narrower systems which are surrounded by a large comnu)n system. The intermediate tissue is usually lanu'llated ; in porti(ms where lamella? are wanting, semicircular or circular contours of territories are found surround- FiG. 92.— Tibia of a Dog, Ten Years Old. Transverse Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. S, system of himelliu with a central vascular canal; O, system of lamella' with a central bone-coriniscle ; /, intermediate lamellateil bone-tissue. Magnified ;200 diameters. ing small, bay-like spaces. Not infrequently we meet with sys- tems of lamella^, the centers of w^hich are not occupied by a vas- cular canal, but' by a bone-corpuscle. Similar conditions are found in the tibia of a dog eight to ten years old, although the solid systems of lamellae are stiU more numerous. The central marrow^-tube is inclosed by a common lamellated bone-layer, while the layer between the periosteum and the bone is lamellated only in part. (See Fig. 92.) The femur of the same animal is encircled bv a broad, lamel- 234 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. lated layer boneath the periosteum, as well as at the T)()rder of the eentral iHarrow-tul)e. Where these layers are pierced by vertical vascular canals, such canals, as a rule, are surrounded by more or less perfect sheaths of lamellae. From these observations it follows tliat, independently of the general growth of the bone, the li\dng matter stored up in the medullary spaces is the forming- material of bone. The ele- ments termed '' medullary cells," as well as "• osteoblasts," are transformed into bone-tissue, and in this way the lamellated layers of the bone become broader, and the medullary spaces, on the contrary, narrower. The systems produced by the contents of a medullary space surround smaller systems, the formation of which depends upon the single blood-vessels of the f(n*mer medullary space, which now occupy the centers of the vascular canals. All systems of lamella?, therefore, are vascular territories, — as it were, stratified pillars, — the main longitudinal direction of which agrees with the course of the blood-vessels in their centers. From the main longitudinal course of this structure, branch sys- tems, frequently in the ol)lique, rarely in the transverse, direction. The formati(m of non-lamellated intermediate bone-tissue also depends upon the blood-vessels. Watching the contents of the vascular canals with high ampli- fications, I observed the following features : In the bone of a dog about six months old, each vascular canal contains one or two blood-vessels, of varying caliber and of a straight course. I have several times seen nerves running along with the vessels, though my method of preparation was not favorable to the clearing uj) of nerve-tissue. The wall of the blood-vessel, as a rule, exhibits the simple structure of a capillaiy, with occasional spindle-shaped thickenings. The vessel is sur- rounded by a light rim, traversed l)y delicate gTajish spokes, connecting the wall of the vessel with the neighboring spindle- shaped elements. The latter ensheath the perivascular space, either in a single flat layer or in several strata, and are also inter- connected by short projections. Between the spindles and the bone-wall there is again a light rim, traversed l)y delicate off- shoots, which directly connect the spindles with the offshoots of the bone-corpuscles. In the tibia of a dog over a year old, I found similar vascular canals ; besides numerous canals which, sometimes in places and sometimes in their whole length, contained only a capiUary L'osxKcriM': rissih'. 235 vessel. I met witli this arnui^ci animals. Between the wall of -P Fig. 9;^. — Horizontal Section OP THE Scapula of a Grown Dog. Specimen Decalcified with fi'rolignic acid. [pub- lished in 1873.] C, capiUary blooil-vessel, containing a single row of red blood-corpuscles, the vessel pointed and solidified ; P, elongated medullary corpuscle, jxnd B, bone-corpus- cle, both sprung from the solidified blood- vessel. Magnitieil SOO diameters. iieiit most fre(in<'iitly in the older the vessel and that of the bone there is always a light, narrow rim, ci'ossed l)y ])roje('tioiis of the nei<;hl)oriii«;l)(nie-('or{)ns('les, unit- ing: with the wall of the blood- vessel. The rim is absent only when the blood-vessel is overfilled with an injection mass. In the eomj)aet portion of shaft-bones and scapula^ of dogs, eats, and ral)bits of middle or old age, I often encountered vascular canals, which were either con- stricted in an hour-glass shape or terminated in points. This condition was positively recog- nizable by the fact that, above and below the vascular canal, layers of bone-tissue (respectively bone-corpnscles) could be brought into focus. Closer examination of such vascular canals in longitud- inal sections, as a rule, revealed the presence of but one blood- vessel. (See Fig. 93.) Toward the pointed end the wall of the vessel became thick- ened, as if composed of spindle- shaped corpuscles, between which the caliber either narrowed sud- denly or gradually, terminating close to a spindle-shaped body. In the caliber of the vessel red blood-corpuscles were occasion- ally present, and I repeatedly saw the injected mass penetrating the pointed end. The corpuscle which occluded the fine point of the ves- sel proved to be a bone-(n>i'j)uscle. and in the direction of the vessel, at intervals, similar formations 236 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. were visible, separated from each othei- \>y finely granular or honiog-eneous shining- masses. The same condition was also observed in transverse sections. I found in the center of a system of lamella solid, finely granular corpuscles, which, in both an upward and downward direction, blended with the transvei-se cavities of bone or with the calibers of vessels. (See Fig. 94.) The conclusions I arrived at are as follows: The material contained in the vascular canals is, with advancing growth, transformed into bone, leaving only the blood-vessel behind. Fig. 94. — Transverse Section of the Injected Tibia of a Grown Dog. Chromic Acid Specimen. A Common System op Lamella Incloses Two Smaller Systems. [Published in 1873.] BY, the central vascular canal, with a capillary blood-vessel; -BC, a central solid coriniscle sprmic: from a former blood-vessel. Magnified 800 diameters. After a time, a transformation of the blood-vessels themselves to bone-tissue takes j)lace by a solidification of the hollow proto- plasma of the wall of the vessels, and thereupon a differentia- tion into bone-corpuscles and bony basis-substance. Development of Bone. It is a fact, well known for centuries, that the skeleton in the embryo is first formed of cartilage. The main question at all coNNKcnvh: tjssij<:. 2:{7 times luis been : How dovs Ixmc arise from I'jirtila^'c ? A satis- factorv aiiswci' to this (lucstion was impossil)l(' so loiij; as tlic minute structure of cartilage was unknown, and, indeed, a fnll understaiidiiii;' of the process of ossification is of a wry recent (Lite. Throuiih the researeiu's of Ratlike, Keiehert, Kolliker, and others, we know that there are l)ones which do not develop from cartilage, but from fibrous connective tissue, formerly thought to be a "blastenni.'' All bones of the skeleton arise from pre- existing cartilage, except the tiat skull-bones — viz.: the squam- ous portion of the occipital and temporal bones, the parietal, frontal, and ])ortions of the sphenoid bone, and the nasal, lachrymal, vomer, malar, palatine, and upper maxillary bones. The clavicle was in former times thought to be destitute of a (cartilaginous basis, but recently it was found to be cartilaginous, at least at its extremities (M. Kassowdtz). There is, however, a great similarity between the fornuxtion of the so-called " carti- laginous" bones and that of bones termed " covering." In all cartilaginous bones the formation of bone proceeds simidtane- ously both from the cartilage and from the perichondrium, the fibrous investing niembi'ane. The ossification of cartilage was first studied. In former times it was believed that, by the deposition of lime-salts, the cartilage was directly transformed into bone — the "cartilage cells '' dii'ectly converted into " bone-cells." Observers were much puzzled over the formation of the " canaliculi," and Kol- liker, in 18.12, inuigined that he had settled the matter by assum- ing that the cartilage-cells were transformed into bone-cells by a thickening of their walls, with a simultaneous formation of canalicidi, similar to the pore-canals of "wood-cells" of plants. A new era was inaugurated in 1858 by H. Miiller, * who, after very careful researches, came to tlie conclusion that the cartilage first breaks down into medullary tissue, and from this tissue bone is developed. H. Miiller, howevei-, admitted that a direct ossifi- cation of cartilage (metaplasia of authors) may also occur. Although he was ignorant of the fact that the whole medullary tissue giving rise to bone is an offspring of cartilage, the great merits of this accurate observer must always be recognized. To-dmj ivc hnoir that a direct transfovmation of cartilage or fibrous * " Ueber die Entwicklung der Knocheiisubstanz, iiebst Bemerkiuigeii iiber den Ban rachitiseher Kuoclien." Zeitschr. f. Wissenscb. Zoologie. Bd. ix. 238 ( OXXECTI 1 7-; TTSSUE. tissue into hone uerer occurs ; fhat between, these two hinds of com- pleted tissues the intermediate medullary, or emhryonal tissue, stage is inrariahhj present. For the study of this highly interesting question the best subjects are the bones of human embrj'os, between the fourth and seventh months of intra- utemie life, or the eoiTespondingly developed bones of newly born pups or kit- tens. These animals, at the time of birth, are, as I have already stated, advanced in development as far as human beings in the middle of intra- uterine life. Dogs and cats one year of age correspond in development of this tissue to human beings in the twentieth year of life, and dogs and eats ten to twelve years old are as far advanced in tliis regard as men of sixty years. The phases of development of bone can, of course, be studied with gi'eater ease in dogs than in human beings, and a number of facts obtained from the bones of animals have not as yet been established by investiga- tion of human bones. All specimens must be preserved in, and partly or wholly decalcified by, a one-half per cent, solution of chi-omic acid; many of the blunders of former histologists, regarding development of bone, re- STilted fi'oni the examination of dry specimens. Development of Bone from Cartilage. Ill sagittal (autero-posterior) sections of shaft-bones of a hnman eniljryo, about five months old, we see that both ends of the future bone are composed of hyaline cartilage, containing many medullary spaces. With low powers of the microscope we recognize that the cartilage corpuscles are closely packed together in the outermost portions of the roimded extremities ; next, the corimscles are less crowded, but arranged, at regular intervals, in giol)ular heaps, and gradually become arranged in rows, as the cartilaginous head slopes toward the middle portion, the future shaft. It is a mistake to suppose that these changes of shape and situation of the cartilage corpuscles are due to their own activity — that, as Virchow has expressed it, the corpuscles '' direct themselves into rows." Before the third month of em- bryonal life we can easily ascertain the fact that, from the earli- est stages of formation of cartilage, the rows are present in the middle portion. It is impossible to understand how cartilage corpuscles, being imbedded in a dense and tough l)asis-substance, could perform active locomotions without the basis-substance having been previously liquefied. (aj Calcification. At a certain point, nearer the middle, in the younger embryo, the basis-substance is found to be the seat coxMnrivi-: nssri:. 239 (liiVrn-iit liiiiiinii !■ *^csS9 • .f-::: ,^. 4fla^5 — — t' of a calcareous deposition. This occurs first in the middle of the sh.-ift, and gradually proecM-ds toward both exti-einities, varv- inj^ coiisideralily, l)oth in time and cxtciil, in eniltrvos and inditt'erent ani- mal embryos. In specimens decalcified by chromic acid, the basis-snbstance, which was the seat of a deposition of lime-salts, readily takes up the carmine stain. (See Fi- 9.-,.) The calcareous deposition occurs only in the broad masses of basis-substance be- tween the territories of the cartilage corpuscles, in con- seiiuence of which an elon- gated reticular frame is visi- ble, which at fii-st surrounds the territories of the cartilage corpuscles, and deeper l)elow, in a nearly level line, it sur- rounds the spaces filled with medullary corpuscles. The calcificaticm is shai-ply de- fined by pointed ends toward the unchanged cartilaginous portion. In the deeper por- tions of the calcified frame the first traces of newly formed bone-tissue are no- ticeable in the shape of bright crcifcentic fields, at- tached by their convex sur- faces to the calcified frame. This investment of bone soon produces a continuous layer around the frame at its bor- ders toward the medullary spaces. In the cartilaginous heads of shaft-bones of human embryos, at a somewhat later ])eriod, a Fju. 95. — HuMERrs of a Human Em- bryo, Five Months Old. Sagittal Section. Chromic Acin Specimen. (\ rows of cartilage corpuscles iu elongated groups, due to their territories ; /', frame of calci- ned basis-substance, around wliicli, in the lower portions, the first traces of boue-tissue arc no- ticeable; Jl/, medullary space, containing medul- lary corpuscles. Magnified 300 diameters. 240 CONNECTI VK TIHSUE. deposition of lime-salts starts from the center of each head, inde- pendently of the calcified shaft. The frame of calcified basis- substance in this sitnation is of a roundish form, agreeing with the general shape of the cartilaginous head. In some cartilagi- ?.A\T'*^/- Vfl ''(coi > 32 S 2 ^5 > ^ fe 3 a- S s S .2 - = « ft, « nous heads of long Ijones, the calcification ocinirs at a very early period, f. i., in the vertebral ends of ribs ; while in short bones the calcification, always starting from the center of the pre- CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 241 formed cartilaj^o, is of a lator date ; f. i., in the vertebra?. (See Fiii-. 9(1.) In ue\v-l>oni pups, kittens, and riil)l)its these features are very similar, thoufjjh sometimes the caleification precedinlood-e()r])uscles arisin- the medullary spaces of the bone. Such spaces also per\'ade the hyaline cartilajje at the border of the plate of the scapula. Fig. 99. — From the Calcified Nucleus of the Condyle of Femur of A Dog, Six Weeks Old. Fresh Specimen. [Published in 1873.] C, coarsely granular cartilage corpuscles with offshoots ; JT, haematoblasts, iu a club-like space, which is inclosed by delicate spindles anil terminates in a solid point, P ; L, calcified baiiis-substauce. Magnified 800 diameters. In the epiphyseal cartilage of the knee-joint of a newly born rabbit's femur, I found a radiating frame-work of calcified basis- substance, which, bordering a larger central medullar}' .space, inclosed in its trabecidae a number of cartilage corpuscles and 246 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. their iion-ealcifiod hasis-substanee. In the corresponding epi- pliyseal cartilage of a pup of five days there was no dcpcjsition of lime-salts present ; while the same cartilage of a pup six weeks old contained a central semi-lunar calcareous nucleus, with its concavity dii'ected toward the diaphysis, the trabeeulae of which inclosed a number of medullary spaces'. The significance of this calcareous deposition was dr." J] already known to Heinr. Miiller. Within the calcified portions of the cartilage metamorphoses occur in the medullary spaces, which, with a simulta- neous solution of the calcareous frame, lead to the transformation of the cartilage corpuscles into blood-corpuscles and blood-vessels, as well as into medullary elements. (See Fig. 99.) The process is the same in advancing development of bone-tissue at the bor- ders of the diaphyseal or intermediate cartilage, at the border between the epiph3'sis and the articular cartilage, and at the bor- der between the cartilagi- nous and the bony plate of the scapida. The central yellow and shining portion of the cartilage corpuscle is transformed into a vesi- cle, usually clul)-sliaped, containing red blood-cor- puscles. The swelled blunt extremity of the club is dii-ected toward the periphery, while the more solid pointed end lies toward the larger central medul- FiG. 100. — From the Cartilaginous Bor- der OF THE Scapula of a Kitten. Fresh Specimen. [Published in 1873.] C, yellow, bright, vaciioled cartilage corpuscles ; IS, closed cartilage cavity, pontaiiiing red blood-cor- imscles ; M, cltib-sUaped spaces, holding red blood- corpuscles and haematoblasts. Magnified 800 dianis. vnxxFJTivi': tjssi'k. 247 larv s])ao('S. I also occasionally met with club-sliapcd foi'inations, holding a li«i:ht, finely ^raiiulai-, or an apparently strncturclcss mass. (See Fi^'. 100.) If several of these club-like formations, whether empty or holdinj; red blood-corpuscles, were crowded toi^ether, they assumed the appearance of a cauliflower-like rosette, the same as after perfoi-ation of the calcareous wall between two neigh- boriiifi- cartilaj^-e cavities, when the spindle- or club-shaped forma- tions come next to each other. The solid i)oints or the walls of older fornniti(ms of this kind l)ecame, after a time, hollowed out, and thus a varicose reticulum of blood-vessels arose which, from the very earliest jieriod of their formation, contained red l^lood- corpuscles. Still later, the newly formed vessels may connect with older blood-vessels, and their contents be taken into the circulation. (d) Fornitifioii of Hone from MedxUa* In newly born pups, the formation of bone-tissue takes place within the medullary tissue from the medullary elements. The bone-tissue appears in the form of trabecule^, which occupy the middle, between two Idood-vessels or groups of vessels (see Fig. 86). The basis-sub- stance of the trabecul* is finely striated, and here and there is also indistinctly lameUated. The transition of medullary into bone-tissue is demonstrated by the following forms : In larger medullary spaces, between two blood-vessels, in the longitudinal section of the bone, we often meet with groups and tracts of spindle-shaped medullary elements. These are either homogeneous, bright, of a yellowish color, or granidar, and sup- plied with vesicidar nuclei, or they may be mtliout nuclei. They are all separated from their neighbors by narrow rims. In transverse sections these tracts appear as roundish or oblong fields, composed partly of shining and partly of pale granular lumps, which are the cross sections of the spindles. We also encounter similar groups at the borders of already developed bony trabecular, and their general shape always corresponds to an elongated spindle or a rhomb. From these groups the trabeculre arise, by means of a deposi- tion of lime-salts at regular intervals in one portion of the * Translated fiom " Untersuchungen iiber das Protoplasma. IV. Die Entwickcluug der Beinhaut, des Knochens," etc. Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch., 1S73. 248 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. medullary cori)uscles, while another portion remains unchanged and represents the bone-cor-puscles. In accordance with the spindle shape of all medullary elements constitutin.')1 TiiF. Process of Ossification in Biuds. Hv \,. SciiilNKY.' My ol)S«.'rviitions wi-rc iiiailo on ;i number of chickens uml pigeons of ♦liiVerent iiges, tlie cartilages of the knee-joint, preserved and ih-calciiieil in chromic acid, being my subjects of study. Sagittal sections through the knee- joint of birds demonstrate that tlie bulk of the hyaline cartilage decreases with age, and that a transformation of cartilage directly into medullary ele- ments and indirectly into bone takes place only in young animals. In older ones completi'il bone-tissue bounds the cartilage, and in old pigeons the medullary spaces of the bone produce elongations wliich at a certain height penetrate the cartilage. In sagittal sections of young animals, we see with low powers of the microscope the following: At tiie articular surface, and near the perichon- di'iiim, elongated, spindle-shaped cartilage corpuscles are found, which gradu- ally change into globular, nucleated corpuscles. The latter are met with in the middle portion of the cartilage, wliich is pervaded by medullary spaces, containing blood-vessels. The layer of the globular, nucleated corpuscles is followed by a narrow layer, in which there are small, fiat cartilage corpuscles of a yellow-red color, bounding the district of calcification. The calcified basis-substance produces a pretty frame-work, which blends with the first- formed trabeculte of bone-tissue, surrounding the medullary spaces of the epiphysis. With higher powers, we ascertain that the calcareous fi'ame penetrates the basis-substance of the unchanged cartilage by means of pointed ends. Within the frame the cartilage cori)uscles are distinctly recognizable. In many places the trabeculie of bone are directly attached to the calcareous frame, the feature distingiushing these formations being the bone-corpuscles of the tra- becula?. The medullary spaces are filled with globular, oblong, or spindle- shaped medullary elements ; besides these we often encounter protoplasmic masses of varying size, either multinuelear or destitute of nuclei, but uni- formly gTanulated. Spindle-shaped elements are most prevalent in the center of the medullary space, where the spindles are in connection with blood- vessels. (See Fig. 103.) The formation of medullary spaces is best studied in. horizontal sections. First we recognize that at certain intervals a dissolution of the calcified basis- substance of cartilage takes place. It is true that the dii'ect transformation of the cartilage into free protoplasma, with the formation of bright lumps, filling the medullary spaces, cannot be directly observed, but we may readily deduce such a transformation, as all medullary spaces in the neighboi-hood are inclosed by a calcified cartilage tissue, and the calcareous frame pi'ojects into the medullary space, as if broken. The transition of cartilage into medullary elements is initiated by the deprivation of a cartilage tissue unit or teiTitory of its lime-salts. Adjoining the zone of decalcified cartilage there is found a layer of protoplasma con- sisting of numerous glistening lumps. These lumps are surrounded by a light narrow rim, which is seen occasionally to be traversed by filaments. The hunps bear a close resemblance to like formations in mammals, which have been described under the name of "haematoblasts." The char- * Extracted from the essay of Dr. L. Sclii)ue3-, in New York. " Ueber rten Ossifications- process bei Viigeln." Arcliiv f. Mikroskop. Anatomic," Bit. xii., 1875. For the second part of tliis i)ub)ication, see pajje 103. 252 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. aeter of many places, one of whieh I have illustrated, forces us to the conclu- sion that not only the cartilage eorinisclos, but the whole mass of living matter stored up in the basis-substance of the cartilage, participates in the formation of medulla. No other interpretation is adniissil)le, for a sudden transition of an apparently struetin-eless basis-substance into a pi'otoplasmio Fig. 103. -Articular Cartilage of a Young Chicken. Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. Sagittal C, liyalino cartilage; CB, calcified l)asis-siibstance of hy.iline cartilage; M, iueilullar3' si>ace ; U, tralieculae of Dewl5' formed boue. Magnified 450 diameters. mass takes place without a trace of an intei'veuing di%-isiou of the cartilage corpuscles. (See Fig. 104.) At the border where the cartilaginous basis-substance is dissolved, we not infrequently meet with cartilage coi-puscles, partly imbedded in the basis- substance, partly freely projecting into the previously formed medullary space, but I never saw marks of division of such corpuscles. Instead of COXXECTTVE TISSTE 253 assiiminff, as is {jcnoriiUy doiit', tliat a division of cartilagp oorpusclos takes placo, it would ho lu'ttcr to liold that, in the |>rotoj)lasina set freo by licijH'fac- tion of tlu> hasis-substancc, there is at certain intervals a new formation of liviii';; matter, which results in the formation of the compact, ^listeninf^ lumps. The multimudear jn-otoplasmic bodies, the " myelopaxes," accordinj^ to this view, are simply freed territories of the eartilaije tissue, and we can easily iinderstaiul tiiat occasionally a number of such teiTitories coalesce into a common layer, before a further differentiation occurs. Unquestionably, the cartilage tissue is directly transformed into medullary tissue. The question how bone-tissue arises from medullary tissue is answered by the careful study of ]»laees where newly formed bone is closely attached to calcified cartilage. Here we notice a regular layer of finely granular osteoblasts Fig. 104. — Kxee-joint Cartilage of a Young Chicken, Close to the Border of Ossification. Horizontal Section. Chromic Acid Speci- men. C, calcififU frame of basis-substance of hyaline cartilage ; 11, zone from which the lime-salts liave been dissolved ; M, uewly formed medullary space. Magnified 700 diameters. between the decalcified basis-substance of cartilage and the newly formed bone. We can also trace every transition of free, uninfiltrated osteoblasts from the fii-st steps till they finally fade in the basis-substance. The delicate gi-anulation of the new osteogeneous basis-substance indicates that in the formation of bone the structure of the osteoblasts has not been completely lost. The bone of birds is essentially constructed like that of Tuammals. We find sy.stems of lamella? around vasctilar canals ; we also find in the cavities of the basis-substance the bone-corpuscles, with their characteristic stellate offshoots. How far the presence of living matter within the basis-substance of the bones of birds corresponds with that of the mammal, further researches must reveal. 254 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Development of Bone from Fibrous Connective Tissue. A great part of the skeleton grows from fibrous connective tissue, independently of preformed cartilage. The strict distinc- tion which in former times was made between " cartilaginous " and "covering" bones (see page 237) can be upheld only to a certain extent. It is true that in the production of covering bones no preformed cartilage participates, yet all the other bones of the skeleton, including the flat, the short, and the shaft bones, obtain only a part — viz., their cancellous portion, from preformed cartilage. Their cortical or compact portion is formed entirely from periosteum. Many observers have noticed, in dif- ferent places beneath the periosteum, cartilaginous layers ; but no importance need be attached to the presence of such a layer, as the formation of bone-tissue is materially similar, whether it is developed from cartilage or from fibrous connective tissue. In the shaft-bones of human embryos ten to twelve weeks old, when no trace of calcification is yet noticeable, the cartilage is found to be surrounded by a delicate fibrous investment, — the periehondi'ium, — between which and the surface of the cartilage there is a broad layer of medullary tissue. From the latter tissue arises the future cortex, simultaneously with the calcifica- tion and ossification of the cartilage in the center. At the foiir- teenth week there is ah-eady a distinct cortex around the diaphysis, at the same time when the transformation of the cartilage into medulla and cancellous bone has also commenced in the central portion of the diaphysis. The cortex and the calcified cartilage occupy about the same height, the middle por- tion always being the starting-point for their formation. Both portions, however, at first exhibit the cancellous structure, while the formation of regular lamelln? liegins to appear much later. The first-formed cancellous bone of the cortex has a striated structure agreeing with the spindle-shaped territories of the mother-tissue — the periosteum. The first-formed cancellous bone of the center, on the contrary, is composed of globular ter- ritories corresponding to the globidar territories of the mother- tissue — the cartilage. It is only on this ground that we are able to understand the difference in the structure of the earliest- formed bones, the formation of '^ perforating fibers,'' and the vascular system of the cortex. The law, however, according to which the peripheral lamellae and the Haversian lameUas are formed is not known. Probably there are three main layers in CONNECTIVE TISSUE. the oriijiiial periosteum, tlie filxM-s and ])1()()(1-V('ssels of stand at ri«>:lit anjifles to eacli other. Tlie formation of hone frinn fihnms eouneetive tissue studied in tlie skull of the human emhryo, at about the month of develoj^ment. (See Fig-. lUo.) L'.).) whirli is best fourth , Y) .ill 'FA vr f V. 111 Fig. lO.j. — Skull of a Human Embryo, Four Months Old. Horizontal Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. -V, uuiscIc-laj'tT of tlie scalp; .5.V, .sulmiuscular loose, freely vascularized connective tis- sue: /', ilense connective, tissue of external pericranium; 5, tirst-forined trabecula; of bone; O, layer of osteoblasts, attached to the trabecuUe ; Tiil, dense connective tissue of internal pericranium — the future dura mater. Magnified 100 diameters. 256 COXXECTIVE TISSUE. We observe in the middle of a layer of fibrous connective tissue medullary corpuscles in longitudinal tracts (if cut trans- versely) ; we see that a number of such corpuscles coalesce in order to be transformed into basis-substance, which almost instantaneously becomes infiltrated with lime-salts. In this way ■^'U . I' .V' *,; l-X' ■ W ■■''. H Fig. 106.— Skull of Human Embryo, Four Months Old. Horizontal Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. I", fibrous connective tissue of the pericranium ; -V, medullary space, witli ccnti-al blood-vessel ; S. first-fonncd trabecula of bone : O, row of osteoblasts ; C, medullary cor- jtuscles of the inner peiicianiuni, infiltrated with liuie-salts. Magnified 500 diameters. trabecula? of l)one, with large and irregular bone-corpuscles, are formed between two layers of fibrous connective tissue, the outer of which is the future external, the inner the future inter- coxsi'jTivi-: Tissrh'. 257 nal. pcricraniuin. Five or six years after ])irtli, the latter sej)arates from the skull-lxtiie and furnishes the dense investment of the brain, the dma mater. The lii-st trace of a bony formation is invariably found in the mi(hih' fiehl between two IJood- vessels, in those hx-abties, therefore, where there is tlie least nutrition, in the same numner in whi(^h the })ony fornuition arises from carti- lage. The further g;rowth of the trabeciiltv always pro(;eeds from the medullary tissue, partieularly fi-om the medullary eorj)Us<'les, usually of only one side, lyini;- close to the border of the tra- l)eeida. This process is identical with that of the gi'owth of trabecida' which have arisen from original cartilage. For studying the details of the formation of bone from fibnms connective tissue, with higli amplifications of the microscojje, the best subject also is the skull of a human embryo. (See Fig. 106.) We observe at fii'st that, from single medullary corpuscles, often grouped together, basis-substance originates, which is at once infiltrated with lime-salts. The embryonal condition is next reestablished in these corpuscles by liquefaction of the basis- substance, and they are again plastids, which may afterward coalesce to form a larger mass, the fii'st indication of a territory, exhibiting a central bone-corpuscle. Still later, a number of such masses, always through the intervening condition of uncal- cified medullary tissue, coalesce, and a trabecula arises, with a number of large and irregular bone-corpuscles, with their stellate offshoots. It makes no difference whether a blood-vessel is pres- ent from the beginning of the process, or whether it is formed afterward; it "svill always occupy the center of a medullary space. Upon close observation of the distances between the single bone-corpuscles, we are satisfied that at first from only a single 'corpuscle, and later from a limited number of medullary corpuscles, calcified basis- substance arises in the same manner, therefore, in which the myxomatous basis-substance is formed (see page 148). At first, no distinct territories are present; these are only recognized later, when the lamellated structure begins to appear. Obviously, the originally formed bone-tissue is not perma- nent. The bony trabecida* in tiu-n are repeatedly reduced by liquefaction of their basis-substance to the eml)ryonal or medul- lary condition, and new bone-tissue continues to form up to the time of full development of the body. A continuous absorption and reformation of lione is probably going on throughout life. 17 258 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. This, to some extent, is influenced l)y certain coiiditioiis — for example, on the skull-bones by the growth of the l^raiu, Ijoth in a progressive and regressive way (Virchow). The regression is shown by the absorption in advancing age, producing the thin- ning of the bones so characteristic of the senile skeleton. The Growth and Retrogression of Bone. In the light of my researches, continued for ten years, the theory of an interstitial growth of the bone is no more tenable than is the interstitial growth of any other tissue. Basis-sub- stance, once formed, cannot increase in bulk by simple expansion. The observation that the bone-corpuscles in the old are farther separated than in the young is no proof of an interstitial growth, since Steudener has demonstrated (see page 220) that the periph- eral portion of each bone-corpuscle in advancing age is trans- formed into basis-substance. New tissue forms exclusively from embryonal or medullary tissue, and one, (Mthei- after decalei- fication and liquefaction of the basis-substance, or before the formation of a territory of ])one. (See Fig. 107.) Ij .1) Fig. 107. — Surface op the Scapula op a Kitten. Chromic Acid Specimen. C, lanielLitt'il bone, with bone-corimscles ; G, a siugle territory of boue-tissue liquefleil, reBulting in the formation of a niultiuuclear plastid; M, coalesced masses of multlnuclear Itlastids. Magnified GOO diameters. We see these bodies, not oidy in medullary spaces of all juvenile bones, but also in the planes of absorption at ihe surface of growing bones, l)eneath the periosteum, and in inflamed l)one. They certainly are not extraneous, but the medullary corpuscles themselves, coalesced into larger layers for the production of 260 CONNECTIVE TISSUE. territories in forming bone. An already formed bone, being deprived of its basis-substance either by advancing- gi-owth or by the inflammatory process, at once falls back into the bioplasson stage, and exliibits fli'st bioplasson territories, which later again divide into mednllarv^ corpuscles. All territories and all medul- -. J < < lary plastids remain interconnected by means of delicate filaments, which traverse the sm-rounding light rims, and such a connection is also established with the adjacent reticulum of bioplasson of unchanged bony basis-substance. In these masses we usually obsem^e all stages of development of bioplasson, from the solid COXXECTTVE TTS'sri':. 201 homoiivnoons luni]) into ii nucli'atcd })lasti(l, and from this into plastids with nucU'oli only, and linally into ^ranuhir phistids, destitute of nuclei and mieleoli. (See paji^e oo.) The interpretation here ay-like excava- tions at their surfaces, tilled withmultinuclearl)ioplasson masses. 01)viously, these masses could not have originated from the dead ivory and the necrotic bone. Their bay-like excavations are ex- plicable, as Yii-chow has already shown at length, by assuming in them a decalcitication and liciuefaction of the basis-substance. coiTespondiug with the territories ; and, since Ziegler has demon- strated that even between two thin glass plates, placed into the subcutaneous tissue of animals, migrating plastids accumulate and coalesce into nudtinuclear masses, a similar process may be admitted for the filling of these bay-like excavations. That the multinuclear bodies really arise fi-om the Hquefled living bone-tissue itself I have ascertained in provisional teeth, the erosions of which were studied, in the last few years, in my laboratory, by Dr. Frank Abbott; and there can be no doubt that they are a growth of meduUary corpuscles from without, whenever the bone is deprived of its life. Cartilage with advancing age gradually decreases in amount ; in the aged we find only a thin layer of articular cartilage. In old dogs, the thin layer of the articular cartilage, toward the marrow spaces, is bordered by a well-marked lamellated zone of bone. (See Fig. 108.) That the bone-tissue itself does decrease in bulk with advanc- ing age is best illustrated by the toothless jaws of the aged. The cause of this absorption and atrophy of the bone-tissue, invading both the cancellous and compact structure, has not yet been elucidated. VIII. MUSCLE-TISSUE. MUSCLE, the motor apparatus proper, is a formation of living matter in a reticular arrangement. The points of intersection in smooth muscle are irregularly scattered ; in striated mus(.-le, they are aiTanged w-ith great regularity in the so-called sarcous elements. The connecting filaments are ex- tremely delicate, allowing slow but, considering the bulky forma^ tions of muscle, powerful contractions of the living matter. Muscle is constructed on the plan of an amoeba, or that of any other plastid. The difference is that the points of inter-' section of the living matter in the amoelm are small and irregu- larly distributed, while in muscle the nodules of the reticulum are large and more or less regular in their arrangement. The fluid contained in the meshes of the reticulum in the amoeba corresponds to the muscle fluid between the rows of sarcous ele- ments. Contractility is inherent in the amoeba and every plas- tid; therefore, also in muscle, independently of nervous influence. The independent contractility of miiscle was proved by J. Miiller. in 1834, after division of the nerves, and by Claude Bernard, in 1857, after abolishing the action of the motor nerves by curara. The enlargement of the nodules of living matter, the shortening of the connecting filaments, and the narrowing of the mesh- spaces produces the contraction in the amoeba, as well as in the muscle (see page 29). The difference is that, while in the amoeba one portion of the body is in contraction, the other, on the con- trary, in extension : in all highly developed animals one muscle, or a group of muscles, is in the state of contraction, while MUSCLE-TISSrK. 263 anotlior iinisclc, or a ^roup of imiscles, is in that of extension. Muscles which simultaneously work in such an ojtposite manner are termed " antagonists." Muscle formations are of two varieties. In the tissue of the inisfriped, snuxitli, or iuvohintary muscle the bioplasson is stored up, without much regularity, in comparatively small spin- dles. In the tissue of the striped or rolimfdri/ niuscle the hioplas- sou is distributed regularly in the shape of sarcous elements, in relatively large spindles. 1. Smooth or Unstriped Muscle. Smooth muscle is constructed of spindle-shaped plastids, which are usually nucleated, and are held together in bundles by means of a delicate cement-substance, surrounding each spindle. Ensheathing the bundles there is a delicate layer of fibrous connective tissue, the perimysium. The muscle nature of these spindles was discovered by A. Kolliker in 1847. The spindles vary greatly in size. Very small spindles are found in the skin and large arteries, medium-sized spindles in the muscle-layers of the mucous membranes, and very large spindles in the pregnant uterus. In all instances the separating cement-substance can be stained brown by nitrate of silver, and the brown line thus produced is pierced at right angles by deli- cate light lines which correspond to the minute transverse spokes interconnecting all spindles. The spokes are visible with high powers of the microscope, wdthout the addition of a re-agent. The granules of the spindle are, as a rule, coarse, so as often to conceal the central oblong or rod-like nucleus, which, however, is easily seen in transverse sections. The granules not infre- quently exhiljit a partially regular aiTangement, especially toward their tapering ends, which produces an appearance resembling the sarcous elements of striated muscles. The out- lines of the spindle are smooth and regular when in a state of rest ; but they become slightly scalloped by contraction, when the body of the spindle is shortened and broadened. The bundles of smooth muscles of the skin are most abundant in the region of the nipple and in the scrotum. They run in oblique directions, interlacing sometimes at acute angles. The oblique section of a bundle is characterized by short spindles ; 264 MUSCLE-TISSUE. the transverse section hy disks, exhihiting, when the razor has passed thi'oiigh the middle of the spindle, tlie bright central nucleus. (See Fig. 109.) Bundles of smooth muscle are often found connecting into a reticidum — f. i.. in the scrotum, the labia majora, the prostate gland, the urinary bladder. The bundles are spread in flat layers throughout all larger tubular formations of the ali- mentary and the genito-urinars' tract. We find in these tubes at least two layers, of which the one nearest the epithelial sur- // '\ r-M.\'^^^ 0Mf>i\ ;/ i ^i\v¥. L- Fi6. 109. — BtrxDLES of Smooth Muscle in the Derma of the Skix OF the Nipple. Chromic Acid Specimen. L, longitudinal, O, oblique, T, transverse section of a bundle ; D, derma of the skin ; -V, probably termination of a nerve. Magnilied 500 diameters. face is cii-cular, and the other longitudinal. In the intestinal tract the mucous membrane has two delicate layers (transverse and longitudinal), while the tube possesses in addition two layers, of which the circular is far more developed than the longitudinal. In the stomach, the bladder, and the uterus, numerous oblique bundles run between the circular and longitudinal. In the lower third of the oesophagus smooth MUSCLE-TISSUE. 205 miiscU's appear, r('j)lacinj? the striped iiiusclrs, wlticli arc present in the two n])])er thirds; tlie bonndary line between the two is not shai-jjly marked, as the lilx'rs of botli varieties Ijh'nd with each other (Treitz). The j)re^nant uterus is constructed <»f numerous and hir^e muscle-fibers, also arranged in longitudinal, transverse, and obli(iui' buudles. Tlie biojdasson in this situation is very abun- dant, ^iviny tlie spindles a coarsely granular, nearly homogene- ous, appearance, without a distinct nucleus. Every large spindle is eonij)<)sed of a number of smaller ones. The boundary line between the latter is often marked at the periphery of the large spindle only, or else a faint ol)lique trace of demarcation may be observed within a large spindle. (See Fig. 110.) Blood- and Ljirnph-cp^sels are numerous in the smooth muscle- tissue, producing an elongated, more or less rectangular, reti<'- ulum. Larger blood- and lymph- vessels are found in the denser formations of connective tissue between groups of bundles, whOe the delicate perimysium surrounding the bundles contains only capillaries. The nerves of smooth muscle bundles, after repeated plexi- form ramifications, branch in the form of delicate axis fibrillae in the cement-substance l^etween the spindles (M. Lowit). Some observers claim that the axis fibrilltp enter the spindles and ter- minate in the nucleolus (Frankenhauser), or pierce the nucleus and the nucleolus, in order to again reach the plexus on the ()p]K)site side of the spindle. Here, as well as in striated muscle, a terminal nerve-hill may exist, as indicated in Fig. 109, though its relations are not yet sufficiently studied. 2. Striped Muscle. Striped muscle is composed of comparatively large f usiforni and sometimes blunt spindle-shaped fibers, whi(ih are separated from each other by means of a delicate connective-tissue forma- tion, and are held together in bundles by means of broader lay- ers of the same tissue. Each bundle is composed of a varying numljer of fibers. The fiber is built up by more or less regularly arranged layers of sarcous elements, — formations of Inoplasson, — which are interconnected in all directions by delicate filaments of bioplasson, while the meshes between the sarcous elements contain a non-contractile, non-living fluid, which can be artifi- cially pressed out of every muscle. 266 M USCLE- TISS UE. The distri))uti<)n of the muscle-fibers in the })elly of a muscle is best observed in transverse sections, with lower powers of the microscope. (See Fig. 111.) Each fiber is surrounded, and a certain number of them are inclosed, by fibrous connective tissue, the former being termed Fig. 110.— Bundles op Smooth Muscle of the Human Uterus, Shortly after Delivery. Chromic Acid Specimen. L, loiifritinliniil, 0, oblique,, T. Iraiisvorsc section of buiidles : P, periraj'sium, coiitaiuinp blood-vessels, ('; A', i)histi(ls in tlie connective tissue, ]ii()l)alily tbe first traced muscle-fibers. Magnifietl 500 diaineters. internal perimysmm^ the latter, external perimysmm. The con- nective tissue is the exclusive carrier of blood- and lymph-ves- sels, also of the nerves, and often contains fat-globules. The ^fr'S('LK-TrssrE. 267 oxtornal jx'rimysiuin unites into tendinous septa, and these unite to form the faseia' and aponeuroses. Each niusele-fiber, besides, is again inch)sed by an extremely delieate liyaline, ehistie membran(\ — the sftrrohnniid, — tirst de- scribed l)y Th. Schwann, in bs;{9. This sheath has not yet been found in the muscle of the heart. The sarcoleinnia is distinctly Fig. 113. — Rectus Muscle of the Eyeball of Max. Trans- verse Sectiox. Chromic Acid Specimen. PJC, external perimysium, containing, besides fat-globules and capillary blood-vessels, also an artery, A. and bundles of medullated nerves, iV; PI, internal perimysium, enslieatli- ing the single muscle-libers. F. Magnified 200 diameters. seen only in transverse sections of muscle-fibers, but it becomes visible also in loujj:itudinal fibers, when broken through, or after treatment with dilute acids, which destroy the muscle- tissue without attacking the sarcolemma. The sarcolemma appears as an apparently structureless, extremely thin, cor- rugated membrane, destitute of nuclei. (See Fig. 112.) The attachment of the muscle-fiber to tendinous or periosteal tissue is by means of the internal perimysiiun, while the sarco- lemma terminates around the blunt or sharp point of the muscle- fiber (C. Toldt). The tendons often exhibit rounded excavations, in which rest the blunt ends of the muscle-fibers; thickened elongations of the tendon penetrate to various depths between the blunt extremities of the muscle-fibers. The perimysium, 268 MrsCLE-TISSUE. after hleiiding; with the tendon or periosteum, is, as a rule, sup- plied with a large number of plastids. (iroups of plastids are sometimes seen filling the triangular space above the point of Fig. 112. — Muscle of Tongue op Max. Chkomic Acid Specimen. i, longitudinal muscle-liber, broken off and exliibitinir its .structureless sheath — the sar- i-olemma, .S'; 2\\ medullated nerve-fiber, terniinatinfr in the motor liill, H ; T, transverse sec- tion of a mnscle-flber ; P, the perimysium, hohluig capillar}- bl()o;itudinal direction. The beaded ai)pearanc,e of these tibrilla^ can be ex])lained only by the })resence of filaments, con- neetiug the sareous elements in a lenofthwise direction. Muscles ke})t in alcohol ex- hibit this characteristic very r- distinctly. If, on the con- trary, sar(H)us elements art aggregated more closely in transverse dii-ection, either after mechanical injuries, by teasing, or after the applica- tion of certain re-agents, such as dilute muriatic, nitric, lactic acid, or the ^ stomachic juice, Bowman's disks will be the result. The smaller the sareous elements in a muscle-fiber are, the more rapid and con- tinuous the action of the mus- cle, and vice versa. The heart, being the most active of all muscles, has the smallest sar- eous elements. The slower , -^'- i'"'"*''') *'"'' "\ '""«cie-fiber; s, the sarco- leiuniu, closely attached to tlie perimysium, Fy an animal in its motions, the which bleiuls wltli the llhrous connective tissue of larger are its sareous ele- i'"''"^^''""'- Ma,..ifiea 500 diameters. ments. In accordance with what I said on the structure of bio- plasson in general, it will be readily understood that contracti- bUity is increased with the smallness of the points of intersection of the reticulum. Normal, fresh muscle-fibers sometimes exhibit very small and irregularly distributed sareous elements and active contractions under the microscope. Muscles of the craw- fish, the lobster, and the water-beetle are, on account of the large size of their sareous elements, excellent objects for study. As M- Fig. llo. — Attachment of Muscle- fibers TO Periosteum. From the .Scapula of a Cat. Chromic Acid Specimen. 270 MUSCLE-TISSUE. SI Briieke has stated, the arraiig:ement of the sarcous elements in the live iniiscle-filier g-reatly varies ; the reasons for this are not yet clearly understood. Nevertheless, the schema of the struct- ure of muscle-fiber was established by Hen sen under conditions when the rows of sarcous elements were divided by a single transverse light line, and Merkel divided this line into two. A. Schafer adopted the schema of two narrow rows between two broad ones. All these conditions are sometimes met with, but they are not by any means the only, or the most common, ones. The theories of Krause's muscle-caskets, and Schafer's connect- ing lines, between the two narrow distal rows, have arisen from the erroneous idea that the filaments run hetween the sarcous elements, while in reality they directly connect them, often at their edges. Not infrequently _^l the sarcous elements, under the microscope, appear in oblique position, owing to the general spindle shape of the muscle- fiber, and a dark line is seen on one end of the sarcous element, which is a shortened view of its lu-eadth. This dark line, also, had led observers to wrong con- clusions. Chloride of gOld is a good re-agent for bringing to view with great distinctness all the above-described features. That the narrow rows themselves are composed of small, sarcous ele- ments is shown in Fig. 114. This condition is exceptional, and still more so is the appear- ance of double narrow rows, compared with the appearance illustrated in Fig. 41, page 128. That in one muscle-fiber different arrangements of the sarcous elements may occur, can be seen in the muscle of craw-fish. Often in the fresh muscle the regular rows disappear, and a uniform granulation is for a moment \dsible, while in the next moment the rows are reestablished. In all these conditions the muscle-fiber executes contractions. (See Fig. 115.) Fig. 114. — Striped Muscle of the Water-beetle (Hydrophilus Pi- CEUs). Stained with Chloride of Gold. , row of large sarcou.s elements, splitting into rows of smaller ones, -S'2 ; lietween tlie rows of liirsre sareous elements rows of small ones ; all rows inter- connected ; y, nuclei on the sui-face of the fiber. Magnified 1200 diameters. 272 MUSCLE-TISSUE. §ik .:v'\':':V of Max Scliultze. They are evideutly reinuaut.s of the embryoual development, *' undifferentiated protoplasm," as M. Schultze himself said. They often fall ont, especially from very thin sections, and leave one more central or two more peripheral openings, bounded by a jagged or stellate outline. The formations termed nuclei really reveal the history of development of the muscle-fiber. Each fiber is constructed on the plan of a bundle of connective tissue — for example^ the tendon. It is likewise composed of one large or a number of smaller territories, and each territory has resulted from the coalescence of a number of plastids^ some or portions of which remain unchanged solid or granular bioplasson, while in all surrounding plastids the points of intersection of the bioplasson re- ticulum assume the regular ar- rangement of sarcous elements. At the borders of the territories sometimes a layer of elastic sub- ^-^ stance is formed, and a whole system of territories is, as a rule, ensheathed by a solidified, so- called elastic substance, the sar- V eolemma, an offspring of the bio- plasson liquid. Th. Margo was the first observer who proved })ositively that each muscle-fiber arises from a number of plas- tids. the so-called '' sarcoplasts," against the \TLew inaugurated by Schwann, that a single muscle- fiber is an enormously grown " ceU;' In some places the muscle- fibers have been found bifurcat- ing, f. i., in the tongue, the muscles of the eyeball, and the heart. In the heart the muscle- fibers are very small, freely branching, and united into bundles in the manner of a felt- work. It was said before that here the sarcous elements are extremely small, while the nuclei are very numerous. This is the only muscle which for eighty or more years is in continuous activity — the first to begin and the last to stop. (See Fig. 116.) The medullated motor nerves, upon entering the muscle, split into nimierous branches, which course in a transverse or oblique cp- \ 'J ^•1 Fi 116. — Muscle of the Heart OP A Newly borx Child. Lox- GiTUDiNAL Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. ^'-V,uuclei on the surface of the niuscle- tlber ; CP, delicate perimj-sium, with oblong nuclei and capillary blood-vessels. Magni- fied 500 diameters. Mrs(i.i-:-rissrj':. 2T) diivction alonu: tlic filuTs ; tlic branches, repeatedly l)ifui-eatiii}r and eonneetin*!;, prodnee a plexns in the periniysiuni. From tlds ])le.\ns ai-ise the terminal nerve-fihers, each of the nmseh'-fibers Ix'inu" supplied with at least one fiber. In some amphi))ia, the medidlatecl nerve-fiber penetrates the sareolemma and divides into a number of h)n«!:itudinal axis fibrilLe on the surface of the muscle. In most aninuils there has l)een observed a terminal disk, the " niotositiveness that tiie striations in the musclo-fiber are due to a diffenMice in the refractinfx power of the intermediate sul)stanco, and that the lorif^ituilinal and transverse splittinjij are not essential properties of the muscle, hut ai-e due tomeehanieal or chemical injuries. The next investigator wlio has thrown light on this subject was E. Briicke.* This observer maintains that the sarcous elements are by no means invariable and unchangeable formations in the living muscle, but that they are rows of corpuscles, differently arranged at the moment of death. On examining the fiber with polarized light, he came to the conclusion that tlie sarcous elements are constructed of very small, invisible particles, which he named (lis(Ualdftst><. Upon the grouping of these minute bodies, he believed, depended the varying formation of the sarcous elements. Briicke argues that the rows of sarcous elements are double refracting, while the spaces between them are only simple refi'acting. As to the nature and consistence of these intermediate layers he olTers no opinion. C. Heitzmann t i)ointed out an interconnection of the sarcous elements, both longitudinally and transversely, by means of delicate filaments of living matter, in the same iiuuiner as the gi'anules of bioplasson in the ammba are connected. My own observations point strongly to the correctness of this assertion. The observations of the investigators now mentioned are the principal sources of our knowledge of striped muscle. The later researches on this subject made by Hen sen, W. Krause, W. Engelmann, Heppner, and Alb. Schafer have added little to our knowledge, as these authors have ex- plained the structure of striped muscle in a complicated manner, and far differently from what we really see. Perhaps Colmheim's discovery of the peculiar fields in transverse sections of frozen muscle deserve a remark, as they appear to have been formed by the process of freezing, as we shall see later on. If we take from the lobster a minute piece of perfectly fresh muscular tissue and transfer it, together with a drop of the blood of the animal, to a glass slide, and cover it quickly with a thin cover-glass, we may see, with moderate powers of the microscope, the fibers composing it, of a nearly uniform breadth. These fibers are separated fi-om each other by exceedingly narrow light spaces or rims, which in some places contain a granular mass. A number of fibers are kept together by a delicate fibrous tissue, in which are held the vessels and nerves. These latter features are seen best in a trans- verse section of the muscle. Within the fiber may be noticed two kinds of substance; one is opaque, of a dim luster: the other is light, uncolored, not shining. In many places the two substances alternate with each other in such a way as to form rows, running in the transverse direction of the fiber, or we may sometimes observe that the opaque substance is distributed without •< " Untersucliinigen iiber di-n B.iu d. Muskelfasem mil Hulfe cles polar. Lichtes." Denk- schr. d. Wiener Akati. Btl. xv., 1857. t " x;uter.suclniiif,'eii iiljer das Protoplasiua." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch., 1873. 276 Ml'SCLE-TlSSi'E. regularity in the form of granules in the light substance. The rows composed of the bright substance vary greatly in their width. Sometimes a line of it is as broad as the light substance ; or the shining substance may very much siirpass the light one in breadth ; or a broad line may be sj^lit in the center by an exceetliiigly naiTOW light line. In other words, the bright substance varies greatly in its amoimt in relation to the light sul)stance. When we come to use higher powers of the microscope, we iind that each shining line is composed of a large number of square, cylindrical, or prism- shaped pieces, which are the sarcou.s elc- D mcniH of Bowman. (See Fig. 118.) We also see that the light layer between the rows of sarcous elements is traversed by extremely delicate grayish filaments, connecting all the rows within a muscle- fiber. When the sarcous elements are separated, so as to render the light inter- stices between them visible, we again see the gi'ayish filaments connecting the sar- cous elements in a transverse direction. Lastly, we see that all the interstices be- tween the muscle-fibers are traversed by delicate gi'ayish threads or spokes, con- necting the adjoining muscle-fibers, and also connecting the sarcous elements with the granules present between the fibers. From this it is evident that the mi- nute structure of the fresh muscle of the lobster is reticular. The nodulations of the reticulum correspond to the sarcous elements, and vary gi'eatly in size, while the rectangular connecting fibrillte always are very delicate. All observers agree that the sarcous elements are the active agents in mus- cular contraction, because they are the formations that change their shape and Fig. 118. — Muscleof Lobster. A, luuscle-fiber with single row.s of sarcous elements; B, mnscle-liber with (Uvidcd rows of sarcous elements ; C, sin- gle torn fil)rilla, comi)08etl of divideil rows of sarcous elements ; X», single flbrUla without distinct structure. CD, features place during the contraction of the muscle, from specimens preserved in chromic ^^iWe the intermediate light spaces are acid solution. Magnified 1200 diameteis. ^., t -i filled With a non-contractile liquid. In order to bring out more perfectly the structure of muscle than could l)e done in its natm-al state, I used, with success, a one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, which is known to stain li-sdng matter \'ioiet. I also tried the fi-eezing of the muscle by means of rhigoline-spray, in order to cut the sections more easily and perfectly. But this changed the texture, at times even completely destroying it, and I was compelled to resort to other means. Here I may state that I suspect the peculiar condition of the muscle discovered by Cohnheim, and pre\'iously mentioned, may have been caused by fi-eezing. I did not succeed in obtaining those peculiar fields, described by him, in transverse sections of the muscle of the ox, made while the tissue was slightly frozen. The next re-agent which I used was a one-half per cent, solution of M r 'SCI. /•;- TISSUE. 277 chromic aci(i, whidi is known to preserve and harden living matter, lint not to destroy its eliaracter or otherwise injnre it. Tlie results with tlie chronii*- acid specimens were fouiul to i)e the same as those oliserved in the fresli muscle. Here, too, the alternating layers of sarcous elements and the inter- stitial layers were i)lainly recoj^nized. The rows of sarcous elements varied greatly in breadth and form. If we tease a chromic acid specimen, we obtain delicate longitudinal fibrilhe, because we break the transverse connec- tions— the filaments of living matter which unite them together. Such an artificially isolated fil)rilla may appear beaded, as was asserted by Th. Schwann, or it may exhibit a nearly uniform w^idth throughout its entire length, or the entire fibrilla may appear bright and homogeneous, and show no trace of any difference in its optical properties in any part. This can be explained by the fact that the sarcous elements within the muscle-fiber may coalesce, or approach each other so closely that the intermediate light sub- stance becomes invisible. We may explain the beaded condition of the fibrilla either by saj-ing that the living matter produces a solid square piece, — the sarcous element, — which above and below is hollowed out and incloses the interstitial liquid, or by saj-ing that from both edges of the sarcous ele- ment connecting filaments run to the neighboring sarcous element. In a longitudinal section of a muscle-fiber, we not infi-equently meet with oblong solid masses of a highly refracting nature, which are termed by the authors, the nuclei. That such formations are present, not only on the sur- face of the muscle-fiber, but also in its interior, is best demonstrated in trans- verse sections, where, in the center of the fiber, we almost invariably observe a more solid mass, with stellate offshoots which subdivide the muscle-fiber into smaller fields. The presence of these large bioplassoit masses within the muscle-fiber has a close connection with the history of the development of the muscle. Similar formations do, however, occur in the muscles of mammals. I have especially observed globular or oblong bioplasson masses in the center of the muscle-fiber of the ox. In making transverse sections, these masses are very liable to fall out, or, perhaps, be drawn out by the razor, leaving an empty space behind. This gives the incorrect impression that the muscle- fiber is hollow in its center. Every muscle-fiber in mammals is known to be ensheathed in an extremely delicate, firm, so-called elastic or hyaline membrane — the sarcoIem»if(. This layer is present around the muscle-fibers of the lobster also. The statement of E. Briieke, which has gained general assent, that the sarcous elements are possessed of a double refracting power, is, I am con- vinced, incoiTect ; at least, my own observations on the muscle of the lobster with polarized light are not in accord with this view. I made a large number of observations on specimens prepared in different ways, and also with perfectly fresh specimens, moistened with a drop of the blood of the animal, and could only obtain the phenomena of polarization in specimens of some thickness. In every case when the specimen was very thin, and allowed the light to pass tlirough it freely, there was no evidence of polarization. W. Kiihne (1 864) failed to obtain polarization with the amoeba, and my observation with the muscle-fiber of the lobster coincides with his. It is Doyere's and Kiihne's discovery that the motor nerves, which control the action of the muscles, never enter the muscle fibers, but terminate on their surface, generally in the form of hiUs, the so-called motor hills. I have observed similar formations in the muscle of the lobster, and, further, I have 278 MUSCLE-TISSUE. observed a direct connection of the bioplasson of the motor hill with the adjacent sarcons elements by many delicate grayish filaments of bioplasson Tims, it becomes intelligible that the influence of the motor nerve may be transmitted to a number of sarcous elements, from which it may spread toward the points of the fiber and produce contraction. As a result of these iHrestigations, I am led to the eonelusion tJiat the striated museJe of the lobster is constructed on the same plan us the striated muscles of the highly dcreloped mammals. It is a formation of livimj matter of a reticular structure, the jyoints of intersection heing the sarcous elements, the means of connection being delicate filaments extending in a longitudinal and transverse direction. IX. NERVE-TISSUE.* NERVE-TISSUE is composed of living matter, seen either as an extremely delicate reticulum, or as apparently homo- geneous filaments — the axis-cylinders. The reticulum is of a uniform ^ddth, without well-marked points of intersection (see page 128, Figs. 42 and 43), as seen in the gi'ay substance of the brain and the spinal cord. In the reticular bioplasson, formations are imbedded, which bear resemblance to nuclei, with distinct walls and larger branching bodies, usually nucleated and reticu- lar in structure — \t.z.: the ganglionic elements. From the retic- ulum of the gray substance, and also from that of ganglionic elements, somewhat thicker filaments emanate, — the axis-cylin- ders,— which are the essential part of the structure of nerves. The axis-cylinders, as a continuous formation, pervade aU tissues of the body except the horny epidermal tissue, and serve for the transmission of either sensory impressions from the peri- phery to the center, or motor impulses from the center to the periphery. Nerve-tissue, as such, is destitute of blood- and lymph-vessels. * This chapter will be found more deficient in histological facts than, per- haps, any other of the book. The reason is that I have not as yet given verj- much time to the study of nerve-tissue, this being the most unsatisfactory and discouraging portion of histology. I prefer, therefore, to be incomplete in this matter until I am able to make positive assertions, based on personal observation, instead of relying too much on what others have said. The par- ticulars that I shall give concerning the architecture of the brain I have taken from the ingenious publications of Th. Meynert. 280 NERVE-TISSUE. It is only the accompaii\ing and ensheathing connective tissue which carries vessels. In order to facilitate the study of the nervous system, it is convenient to subdivide it into three main portions, aU of which torm one continuous mass of tissue — /. e., the central portion, the conducting portion, and the terminal portion. 1. Nerve-centers. In the brain and the spinal cord, it is only the gray sub- stance which can be called nerve-center, as the white substance is composed of conducting nerves. The ganglia of the sjTupathetic nerves may also be considered as central organs. (A) Brain. According to Th. Meynert,* the gray substance of the brain may be ciivided into four groups : (a) The uppermost mass of gi*ay matter, fi-om which the entire white sub- stance of the brain takes its rise, is the superfiviaJ i/ray .s«&.s/r/»rs, loaviiif^ i\w {^aiiKlia ami ontciiii^; the eentnil tiilmlar \ivi\y investment of tlie brain, are eonsulered as tlie i>r<>- jcction si/strni of the siroml order. This system is composed of two j)ortions. One for the impulse of voluntary muscle action, arises from the corpus striatum and the ntu'Ieus lenticularis, ])enetratiiif^ the i>t(liiiiciiliis cruris cerebri; the other ]>orti()n is tlu' rout(^ of reflex motion, and takes its oriffin from tlie tiialanius opticus, thi^ cor2)ora quadrif^emina. and the corp. f^eniciila- tum internum, runninheral nerves represent tlie projfctioii system of the third order. The accumulations of nerve elements in the tubular gray matter are termed its nuclei, and this gi'ay matter itself lies bare on the base of the brain in the lamina perforata posterior and the iufundibulum. The cerebellum is independent, to a certain degree, of the projection systems of the brain, though connected by the crura cerebelli with the cortex cerebri, and jn-obably by the crura cerebelli ad pontem. It connects with the spinal cord through the fasciculi gi-acilis and cuneiformis and the rcstiforra bodies. The iiieduUa oJ>lonrain of the h)wer vertebrates. Here, instead of jraiio;lionie elements, nuelei are present, which, especially arouiul the ventricles, collect in regidar rows, representing in its sini})lcst relations the bioplasson of the nervous center. (See Fig. 118.) The presence of connective tissue in the gray substance is un(iuestional)le, as it is the carrier of the numerous l)lood- vessels of the gi'ay substance. The finest ramifications of connective tissue, however, have not T)een discovered, but are still the sub- ject of animated controversy amcuig histologists. It seems that the finest offshoots of the ganglionic elements, producing an extremely delicate reticulum, fii'st discovered by T. GfrlficJi, deserve to be classified among ner\'ous structures, inasmuch as in this reticulum there is no indication of a basis-substance — an essential part ot all viuieties of connective tissue. It may be that connective and nervous tissue blend with each other so intimately that an accurate determination of either of them is impossible. The Ijlood-vessels of the gray sulxstance are characterized by the presence of a hTuph-sheath. His was the first to draw atten- tion to this fact. According to him, each blood-vessel is en- sheathed by an adventitial coat of endothelial structure, and the space between the tube of the blood-vessel and the investing tube of the lymph-vessel varies greatly in -wddth. Boll's ^^ew con- cerning the lymph-sheath is somewhat different. The cortt'X of the cereheJhon is composed of three layers. The outermost is called the yrti!/ layer, and exhibits, with low powers of the microscope, a delicate gi-anular appearance, which, with high powers, proves to be a reticulum, considered l)y histolo- gists to be a connective-tissue formation. Within the reticulum there are scanty, small, branching ganglionic elements ; on the innermost portion we notice fibrous tracts, in a direction par- allel to the surface. The middle so-called cell-hujer contains large, branching, and nucleated ganglionic elements, mostly pear- shaped, standing in a vertical or oblique dii-ection to the surface. These bodies, in honor of their discoverer, ai'e termed Purkinje's cells. From the outer pole of each corpuscle originates an offshoot, 284 NERVE-TISSUE. which freely bifurcates and sends its branches into the outer gray layer. From the inner pole arises an offshoot, which, without ramifications, traverses the granular layer and runs into the j?- ''' ' " '"''' ^1 ^'■■\-m:- 1 'JiS^- Fig. 118.— A^cterior Lobe op the Brain op a Tree-frog. Sagittal Section. /. investing slicath of connective tissue; J?, rows of nnclei; T', ventricle, with e.ndotliel- ial investment ; -V, bundle of meduUated nerve-fibers. Ma^ified 50 diameters. white siibstance. The inner so-called granular layer is composed of heaps of small globular bodies, mostly of a high degi-ee of XETiVE- TTSSr'K. L'S.') ivfraction and siinilar to thr Ixxlics f(»iiii«l in tlie granular layers of till' ri'tina. Thoir nature is unkn(»wn. Tlu' h ijixtpliysis crrrbri exliihits two lobules, which are soparatod from eacli other by a number of venous blood-vessels. The posterior small portion is an eloiifjation of the infundibulum, and ])robably bclonf^s to the nervous struct- ures. The anterior larf^e lobide is a glandular formation, and, as Von Mihal- kovits has demonstrated, was originally a club-like prolongation of the oral cavity of the embryo. The ))iiir(il t/Uind is attached to the brain by means of connective tissue. and has no nerve elements in its interior. It is composed of alveoli, contain- ing corpuscles in a reticular aiTangement. In the middle portions, the alve- oli are filled with the renbrdi .sand, consisting of globular or mulberry-like concretions, as a rule exhibiting a concentric striation. The organic material in these bodies is infiltrated with carbonate of lime and phosphate of magnesia. The (/)■<(!/ sKhsianre of the spinal cord is in the ceuter through- out the whole length of the cord, reaching the greatest size in the cervical and the lunil)ar portion, where the largest nerves for the extremities arise. The general form of the gi"ay suljstance in trauverse section resembles a butterfly, the two anterior larger mugs being distinguished from the posterior smaller ones by a shallow depression. Each half of the gray substance represents a column, and the two are connected by commissures travers- ing the so-called medullary cone or commissure leaf (Markblatt, Commissurenblatt). (See Fig. 119.) Each gi'ay column exliibits a large anterior, or motor, horn, and a smaller posterior, or sensitive, horn. In the outer portion of the antei-ior horn we find very large motor ganglionic elements, varving greatly in size and shape in different portions of the spinal cord. In some portions of the postei-ior horn ganglionic elements are absent, and in their place accumulations of nuclei- like bodies are observed. The posterior horn, from its soft con- sistence, bears the unnecessary name, " gelatinous substance,'' which name by some histologists is given to the commissural portions in the neighborhood of the central canal. • The latter portion is also called the central ependjona thread, or the central gray nucleus. The central canal, a prolongati(jn of the cerebral ventricles, is lined by a columnar endothelium, which in youth shows distinct ciHa, while in older individuals the cilia are not so plainly mai'ked. fCJ Ganglionic Elements. The ganglionic nerve elements ('' gan- glion cells ") are scattered throughout the gray substance of the 286 NERVE-TISSUE. brain and spinal cord ; they vary greatly in size and shape. The smallest of these bodies are kindred to those formations of the gray substance considered as nuclei. Many of them are doubt- ful in their nature — f. i., the " cells of Deiters," which by some observers are considered as nervous, l)y others as connective- tissue, corpuscles. The larger ganglionic bodies exhibit a dis- tinct angular or fusiform shape, and give rise to nerve-fibers, therefore are real nerve-centers. The largest ganglionic elements are found in the lateral portion of the anterior or motor horn of the spinal cord. In the spinal cord, the groups of ganglionic elements are dis- ^^^M cc- /SC PQ Fig. 119. — Spinal Cord of Trog. Transverse Section. AF, anterior longitudinal fissure ; PF, posterior longitudinal fissure ; TF, white substance : A C, anterior comuiissure of the ^I'ay substance : MO, anterior or nuttor honi of tlie gray col- umn, rich with ganglionic elements; SC, posterior or sensitive horn ; CC. central canal; PC, commissure layer, with fibers of the posterior commissure ; MR, anterior or motor roots; PB, posterior or sensitive roots of nerves; MN, intervertebral ganglion, the connection with PR broken ; V, pia mater, hokling a bloodvessel. Magnified 50 diameters. tributed in the following way : In the anterior horn we notice three groups of ganglionic elements, not distinctly marked throughout the whole ; the largest group lies in the lateral por- tion ; a smaller group in the anterior portion, near the greatest protrusion of the anterior horn, and a third group, the smallest, NKinj-j-Tissi-t:. 287 lU'sir tlic iiicdiiiu line. A fourth ^I'Oii]) of «iaiijilioiiic clciiicuts, roustitiitiii^' the rolidtnis of Clarke^ is found only in the tlioi-acic portion of the spinal cord, in the foremost part of the posterior liorn, near tlie ])()sterior eoininissure. In the posterior horn th(^ ji:an^lionic elcnu'uts are always snndl, scattered, and with com- paratively few offshoots. The illustration is taken from the third fjfroup of the anterior horn. (See Fig. 120.) The ji-anglionic elements are bioplasson formations, which, aecordino- to tlic number of offshoots, are termed unipolar, Fig. 120.- -GrANGLIOXIC ElEMEXTS FROM THE ANTERIOR OR MoTOR Horn of the Spinal Cord op a Child. U, uniiiolar; B, bipolar; T, tiipol.ir; Q, quailiipolar ganglionic element; H, gray sub- stance, containing small, sliining nuclei, and a number of axis-cylinders; CL, capillarj- blood-vessel, longitu?«.s»iniil cord. The iici-vc! of the aiitcrioi" oi' motor roots oritrinatc from the motoi" pin^lia Fitf 121 — Ajntlrior Portion of ihe Spin vi Cord OF A Child. Transverse Section. !•". anterior lon]crituilinal fissure ; P, pia mater ; TP, white substance, traversed bj' oftslioots of tlic pia mater ; O, passage of the anterior or motor nerves through the white substance ; G, gray substance, containing X, ganglionic elements; C, central canal, containing granular coagulated cerebro-spinal liquid. Magnified 150 diameters. a small number of nerve-fibers reach the motor roots from the white substance. From the reticulum of Gerlach nerve-fibers 19 290 / NERVE-TISSUE. arise which reach the opposite horns, par-tly throuj2:h the anterior commissure, partly by runninjif u])ward to the medulla oblongata, where they decussate. The posterior roots also arise from two bundles, one of which traverses the posterior commissure. Ac- cording to Gerlach, it is also probable that from the reticalum of the posterior horn nerve-fibers originate, which in this horn and in the white substance take a centripetal course. The structure of the posterior horn is considered to be mainly connective tissue, especially in its gelatinous portion. (I) J The wliite suhsfaiice of the spinal cord, as well as that of the cerebrum and cerebellum, is composed of meduUated nerve- fibers, which in the spinal cord run in a longitudinal direction and furnish the outer investment with its nerve supply. This substance borders on the anterior and posterior longitudinal fissure, and is pierced by niimerous offshoots of the pia mater, which divide and subdivide the nerve-bundles into larger and smaller groups. (See Fig. 121.) The anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves also pro- duce smaller fissures in the lateral portions of the white sub- stance, the sulcus lateralis anterior and posterior, by which the white substance is divided on either side into an anterior, a lat- eral, and a posterior cord. In the thoracic and cervical portions of the spinal cord the posterior part is again divided into halves, the middle division of which is termed the dehcate cord, and the larger lateral portions the wedge-shaped cords. The medullated nerve-fibers of the white substance vary greatly in size. The coarser offshoots of the pia mater send lat- eral prolongations between the nerve-fibers, every one of which has a delicate investment of connective tissue — the perineurium internum or neuroglia. According to Gerlach, this connective tissue is rich in elastic substance, and furnished with small glob- ular or angular nuclei, but has a relatively scanty supply of blood-vessels. In transverse sections of the white substance, we especially recognize the medullated nerve-fibers by their graceful ensheath- ing reticulum of connective tissue and their central, bright axis- cylinder, which readily takes up the carmine stain. (See Fig. 122.) Each nerve-fiber is provided with a delicate outer investing membrane — the myeline sheath, or Schwann's sheath — which holds flat, oblong (in the transverse section spindle-shaped) nuclei. Former ol)servers denied the existence of this sheath : Nh'in'h'-rrssuE. 21)1 but (it'i-liicli (•((iH'ludcd that it must be present, and I positively maintain its oxistenee. The next hiyer is the mijcline invcHtmcnt^ which, in thin sections, is invai-iably destroyed. In its phiee, a dt'licatc, knotty rcticultim is visibh', to tlic existence of whicli Kiihne and Evvahl * tii-st (bvw attention. These observers ehiim that the retieuhim in tlie myeline layer is horny or keratoid, because it resists (bticstion witli ])epsine and tripsinc. They also traced in the gray sul)stance a similarly resistant reticulum. In the meshes of this reticulum the myeline is contained. The mye- line investment in some nerves is very narrow, and in others conii)letely wanting-. The next layer is a delicate sheath — the Fig. 122.— White Substance op the Spinal Cord OF A Child. Transverse Section. PE, connective-tissue offshoot of the pia mater — the external perineurium; P/, lateral ' conuective-tissue offslioots aroiinil the nerve-fibers — the internal peiineurium ; M, oozed-out nij-eliue investment, with inclosinj^ myeline sheath; A, axis-cylinder, with inclosing axis, cylinder sheath. Magnified 600 diameters. axis-cylinder sheath., discovered by L. Mauthner — similar to the myeline sheath. The center is occupied by the bright, homo- geneous-looking, usually roundish axis-cylinder, from which delicate radiating spokes emanate and go to the axis-cylinder sheath. In longitudinal sections the axis-cylinder is plainly visible only where the investing sheaths are stripped off, but where the Verliandluni^eii der Heidelberger Gesellsehaft, 1 S7(>. 292 NEHVE-TISSUE. sheaths are preserved and the myeline is absent, afaint trace only of the axis-cylinder is discerned. We recognize the myeline sheath with its oblong nuclei ; at pretty regular intervals it sends out transverse septa through the myeline investment, the signifi- cance of which will be spoken of later. The reticulum of the myeline sheath is very distinct where the myeline has oozed out. The axis-cylinder sheath can be recognized here and there, though it is often verv diffi- ^^ ' cult to distinguish it from the stretched myeline sheath, which may lie close to the axis-cylinder. (See Fig. 123.) fEj The Connective-tissue Investments of the Brain and the Spinat Cord. The brain and spinal cord have three membraneous investments — the dura mater, the arach- noidea. and the pia mater. The spaces between these are filled with a varying amount of cerebro-spinal liquid. The space between the dura mater and the arachnoid is called the subdural space ; that be- tween the arachnoid and the pia mater bears the name suh- arachnoidal space, and is tra- versed by trabecidffi of con- nective tissue, uniting the membranes. In the spinal canal this space is subdi\'ided into halves by the Lig. den- ticulatum, and contains the of the brain. A thii'd space dS Fig. 123. — White Substance of the Spinal Cord of the Horse. Lon- gitudinal Section. A, axis-e.vlinder; AS, axis-cylinder sheatli; X, nucleus of the myeline slieath : MS, mye- line sheath, with oblong nuclei. Magnified 600 diameters. large blood-vessels at the base between the pia mater and the surface of the brain may be pro- duced artificially by the injection of li(iuids from without ; it is called the epicerehrtd space. The dura mater of the skuU represents the periosteum of the cranial bones, while in the spinal canal there is a perio.steal investment of the vertebrte, in addition to the dura mater. It is composed of very firm, dense interlacing fibers of connective tissue. Its outer layer is well pro\'ided with lilood-vessels enter- NKRVK-Tissri:. 293 iiiji' tlic skiill-l)ones ; while tlie inner layer, that whieh alone forms the dura mater of the spinal cord, has a comparatively scanty su])ply of hlood- vessels. The inner surface of this mem- V)rane is lined with a delicate layer of endothelia. The anuJnioidcd is composed of much more delicate l)undles of connective tissue than the dura mater (see Fig. 55, page 160), and ])rol)al)ly contains neither hlood- vessels nor nerves. Both its surfaces are covered with endothelia. It sends numerous trabecuLi' in an obli(iue direction into: The j)iii iiKifcr, which is also constructed of delicate inter- lacing l)undles of connective tissue and sui)plied with nmnerous blood- and lymph-vessels and nerves. The prolongations of the pia mater into the brain and spinal cord convey mainly capil- hu-y l»lood- vessels, as the division of the arteries into capillaries takes ])lace Ix'fore their entrance into the nerve-centers. The telae choroidea3 are freely vascularized formations of the pia mater ; their blood-vessels are coiled in bundles, and produce the lobules which are covered with lai-ge, j)artially ciliated, endothelia, often containing pigment and fat-granules. fFJ The GangJia. Nerves of the cerebro-spinal system are provided in certain localities with spindle-shaped, or globular or crescent-like, enlargements, the ganglia, which consist of an accumulation of ganglionic elements, greatly varying in size, and arranged either in rows or in clusters, which are more numerous at the periphery of the ganglion than at its center. The manner in which nerve-fibers are connected with the gan- glionic elements has not yet been elucidated. Each ganglion is eusheathed by a connective-tissue capsule, and divided by septa of connective tissue into smaller portions ; sometimes every single large ganglicmic element is inclosed l)y a connective- tissue sheath, the connective tissue being always freely sup- plied with blood-vessels. The ganglia of the sympathetic nerve system contain smaller ganglionic elements and numerous globular bodies, exhil)iting the features of lymph-corpuscles or nuclei rather than those of ganglionic elements. The ganglionic bodies are, as a rule, mul- tipolar. In those of the frog the central axis-cylinder was found to be suiTOunded by a delicate spiral fiber (Beale), which is also considered to be an offshoot of the ganglionic element. J. Arnold claims that the straight central fiber comes from the nucleolus of the ganglionic body, while the spiral fiber originates from its periphery. All these assertions have been contradicted, and need further proof before they can be received. 294 NEBVE-TISSUE. 2. Nerves. Nerves are thread-like formations of bioplasson connecting: the nerve-centers with the periphery of the body. They are of two kinds: first, those endowed with a myeline investment, Fig. 124:. — Branch of the Motor Oculi Nerve of Man. L, longitudinal, T, trausveise section of the bundle; PE, external i)erinoui'iuui ; PI, internal perinenriuui ; 3/X, luj-eline investment; J, axis-cylinder; il/, transverse sections ol muscle-fibers. Magnitied 600 diameters. the medullated or white nerves; and secondly, those which are without a myeline investment, the non-medullated or gray nerves. XKL'Vh'-nSSUE. 29.') fdj M(>li7 tissortioii is contrary to our iiU'iis of iiorve action iuid so is tho assertion of otlior liistoloj^ists, that the axis-cyliiKlor is a fluid. Ill jx'riplu'ral foniuitions of eonnective tissue — f. i., in the t'emalt' l)rciist, tlic lU'niia of the skin, etc. — we often en- ures just deseribed. Their d()ul)le contour is due to the presence of the myeline sheath, and not to the refraction of the niyeline, for the doulth' contour is visibk^ even when the niyeline is abseut. The tinted appearance of medullated nerve-fibers is partly duo to Fic. 12G. — Medullated Nerve-fibers of the Female Breast. jy, liervo-tibers ; C, capillary bldod-vtssels ; F. fat-^dolmle with vacuoles. Magnlticd 00(1 diameters. the presence of the oblong- nuclei in the niyeline sheath, and partly to consti-ictions along the course of the nerve-fil)er, to the presence of which Reniak, and recently Schmidt, drew^ atteutiou^ the nature of which is not yet understood. All these features are marked characteristics of medullated nerve-fibers, in contra- distinction to those of capillary l)lood-vessels. (See Fig. 126.) In nerve-bundles no ramification of the fibers takes place, but as they approach the periphery, either motor or sensitive, they l)ranch very freely, and one fiber often splits into a number of slightlv thinned branches. 298 NEBVE-TISSUE. fbj Kon-mednlJated Nerves. These nerves have the appearance of being bare axis-cylinders, destitute of a myelin e investment. There are comparatively broad so-called Remak's fibers (1838). in large numbers, in the sympathetic and in the cranial portions of the olfactory and auditory nerves. These flljers exhibit on their surface a number of oblong nuclei, and they have often a delicate sheath, kindred to the axis-cylinder sheath of medullated nerve-fibers, to which, probal)ly, the nuclei lielong. These nerves are described as indistinctly fibrillar in structure, and at certain intervals showing clusters of small, bead-like forma- tions, giving rise to the so-called necklace appearance. All nerves in the earliest stages of embryonal development are non- medullated. Besides these broad non-medullated nerve-fibers, there are others which are narrower, scattered throughout the gray sub- stance of the brain and of the spinal cord. They run in bundles with the medullated nerve-fibers, and also with nerves of the sympathetic system. Such fibers, which are bare axis-cylinders, represent the origin of all nerve-fibers, even of the medullated, in the gray substance. In many instances, the medullated fibers become again non-medullated upon approaching the periphery of the body. With high amplifications of the microscope, some of the larger non-medullated nerve-fibers show distinctly a delicate reticular structure. Others exhibit a number of minute vacuoles in their interior; still others, and these are the finest nerve-fibers, have a homogeneous appearance and give no evidence of structiu'e. n. Sucli plcxifoi'iii tniiiiiiatinns ai'c seen in (lifffiM-iit local itit's ])eiu'atli the i-pitht-lia, in the suldimcoiis tissue, and in the connective tissue between the circular and longitudinal muscle- layers of the intestines. (See Fi«;. 12S.) The jth'xiis of Meissmr is located in the siil)iune<)us layer of the intestine, and exhibits distinct ganjjlionic enlargements (see chapter on alimentary canal). The plexus of Auerhnch is found at the junction of the two muscle-layers of the intestine ; it crt the assumption that nervous tissue ori<^i- nates tVoni *' cells." rnciuestionaldy, there are lar^e nuisses of re- ticular bioplasson in wliieh l»y a growth of living matter, chiefiy in one direction, axis-tibrilhe originate, while the medullary investment is a mueh latei- foi-ination. At first there is no trace of ffany-lionic elements. We know that these elements make their apjiearance only after the third month of intrauterine life. The motor elements of the spinal cord particularly are first observed during the third and fourth months, corresponding to the time when the embryo begins to manifest signs of life. Further, the ganglionic elements cannot arise from cells, as they are no cells, but from portions of living matter arranged in clusters, in which all the plastids remain interconnected. This mode of development is indicated by the inflammatory changes of the ganglionic ele- ments, when they return to their embryonal condition. In the human embryo two months old, the intervertebral ganglion is composed of medullary tissue, with relatively large fields of myxomatous basis- substance. The nerves are non- medullated, which proves that the myeline investment must be formed at a later period than the axis-cylinder. (See Fig. 180.) For a successful investigation of the development of nerv- ous tissue the recognition of two points is, in my opinion, of fundamental importance — viz. : first, that the nervous sys- tem is a formation originating in the middle embryonal layer ; and second, that no isolated " cells" take part in the pro- duction of nervous tissue. With the knowledge of these facts, we can understand that in an elongated group of intercon- nected plastids the central portion may remain unchanged living matter, the axis-cylinder; while a more peripheral por- tion may become reticular (horny!) and infiltrated with mye- line as a kind of basis-substance, and that the most peripheral portion, by a solidification of the bioplasson liquid, may be trans- formed into the myeline sheath with a nucleus, in about the same manner as a fat-globule arises from myxomatous connective tissue. Methods for the Preparation of Nerat:-tissue. Successful examination of the nerve-tissue depends on a suit- able mode of preservation. Teasing, tearing, pulling, and making specimens '' half dry " are methods unworthy of being named. Small pieces of the brain or the spinal cord should be placed 304 XERVE-riSSUE. in a dark wiue-yellow solution of bioliromate of y>otash, or in Miiller's fluid. Either of these liquids should be ^eatly in excess compared with the bulk of the specimens. They will preserve the nerve-tissue, if changed every fourth or fifth day. or untn the liquid remains clear. The hardening can be accom- plished afterward by alcohol or a very weak (one-fifth to one- tenth per cent.) solution of chromic acid. A slight excess of chromic acid will soon render the nerve-tissue brittle and not suitable for sections. M- ^ Fig. 130. — Intervertebral Ganglion of a Human Embryo, Eight Weeks Old. w in w iiianiui' t':ir sui-i)assiii<>' specimens moniit<'il ill balsam. Osniio acid (si'c \n\^J,<' i)) may 1)6 used siieeessfully. The most important of our ])r<'S('iit n'a<'viits is the oiic-lialf per cent, solu- tion of iiold, bv nu'aus of which J. Cohnhcim* first succeeded in clearing np the termination of nerves in the epithelia of the cornea. From twenty to forty minutes' exposure to this solution reiulcrs all ))ioplasson fornuitions distinct, altliou^'h the speci- mens after five or six years become worthless, as they grow too (hirk for study. Treatment with acetic, lactic, tartaric, and formic acids assists the action of the gold-salt ; but the proper use of these acids can be learned only by experience. Analysis of Bioplasson in its Relations to Nerve-action. Thoughtful minds for a number of years have anticipated the modern views concerning the function of the nervous system. I quote from L. Elsberg (I. c, see page IST)) the following historical data: ''According to Drysdale,t Dr. John Fletcher, of Edinburgh, was the fii'stj who clearly abandoned the idea that the material elements of an organism require the addition ' of an immaterial or spiritual essence, svibstance, or ])0\ver, general or local, whose presence is the efficient cause of life,' and who arrived at the conclusion that ' it is only in virtue of a specially li\'1ng matter, universally diffused and intimately interwoven with its textm"e, that any tissue or part possesses vitality.' He denied vitality to any gaseous or purely liqmd fluid, and any hard or rigid solid ; and thought the only truly li^^ng matter consisted ' of the gray matter of the ganglionic nerves, which he held to be universally diffused, and the gray matter of the brain and spinal mar- row.' He described it as a 'nitrogenous, pulpy, translucent, homogeneous matter, yielding, after death, fibrin.' ' Chemical analysis, accordingly, must be considered as useful in showing us, not what such matter was composed of while it possessed vitality, but what it is composed of afterward.^ ' Not only is every vital action traced to molecular change, and to consumption and regeneration of this structureless, semi-fluid matter, combined in a way entirely sui (jrHcris, but the initiation of these changes is brought by Fletcher into absolute dependence on stimuli, and all spontaneity or autonomy is denied to matter in the liv-ing just as in the dead state.' "A.S Fletcher's work was published in 1835, several years before even the establishment of the cell-doctrine, we cannot but agi-ee so far with Drys- dale as to say that Fletcher has framed a ' hypothesis of the anatomical nature of the living matter which anticipates in a remarkable manner ' its discovery! In ISJjO, Cohn $ recognized the protoplasm 'as the contractile * Vircliow's Arcliiv, Bd. 38. t "The Protoplasmic Tlieory of Life," London, 1874. t " Rudiments of Plij'siology," Edinburgli, 1835. i "Nachtrajre zur Naturgeschichte des Protococcus pluvialis." Nova acta Acad. Leop.- Carol., vol. xxii.. part i., p. 005. 20 306 XEBVE-TISSUE. element, and as what gives to the zoospore the faculty of altering its tigure without any eoiTesponding change in volume.' He concludes that protoplasm ' must be regarded as the prime seat of almost all ^atal aeti\aty, but especially of all the motile phenomena in the interior of the cell.' In 1853, Huxley* said: 'Vitality — the facility, that is, of exhibiting definite cycles of change in form and composition — is a property inherent in certain kinds of matter.' In 1855, Ungert thought that ' the proximate cause of the movements of the sap in the cells is to be sought neither in diosmosis, nor in the action of the nuclear vesicle, nor in any mechanical contrivance, such as cilia, but it lies rather in the constitution of the self-moving protoplasm, which, as an especially nitrogenous body of the nature of that simple contractile animal substance called sarcode, produces the rhj'thmically advancing contraction and expansion.' "In 1856, Lord S. G. Osborne discovered carmine staining, and distin- guished, by means of coloring it, the li^ang formative matter from the formed material — a means which has borne important fruits in the discovery of Cohn- heim's staining of li^'ing matter by gold chloride, and in that of Eeckling- hausen's staining all except li'V'ing matter by silver nitrate. "In 1858, and in a number of later articles, t Max Schultze, by showing that, as had been hypothetically supposed by Unger, the movements of the pseudopodia and the gi-anules are really produced by active contractile move- ments of the protoplasm, and by other observations, contributed much to the establishment of the theory of living matter. Hseckel has also for many years, and in various publications, 6 labored to maintain and extend the same theory, of which he thus expresses himself : || ' The protoplasm or sarcode theory, that is . . . that this albuminous material is the original active sub- stratum of all vital phenomena, may, perhaps, be considered one of the greatest achievements of modem biology', and one of the richest in results.' And says Drysdale : H ' K the grand theorj' of the one true living matter was, as we have seen, hj^othetically advanced by Fletcher, yet the merit of the discovery of the actual anatomical representation of it belongs to Beale, in accordance with the usual and right award of the title of discoverer to him alone who demonstrates truths by proof and fact. . . . The cardinal point in the theory of Dr. Beale is not the destruction of the completeness of the cell of Schwann as the elementary unit, for that was already accomplished by others. . . . But that, from the earliest -v-isible speck of germ up to the last moment of life, in every li\'ing thing, plant, animal, and protist, the attribute of life is restricted to one anatomical element alone, and this homogeneous and struct- * "Review of the Cell-tUeorj-." British and Foreign Medico-Chirury. Review, October, 1853. t " Anatoraie uuil Physiologie der Pflanzen," 18.55, pp. 280, 282. f'Ueber innere Bewegungs-Eisclielnun^en bei Diatonieen," Muller's Archiv, 1858, p. 330; "Ueber Comuspira," Archiv f. Naturgesch., 1860, p. 287: "Ueber Jln.skelkor- perchen unU das was man eine Zelle zu uenneu habe," Reichert \iiu\ Dii Bois-Res'inond's Archiv, 1861, p. 1; "Das Protoplasma der Bhizopoden uud der Ptianzenzellen," Leipzig, 1863. ? " Monographie der Radiolarien," 1862, pp. 89, 116; "Ueber den Sarcodekorper der Rhizopoden," Zeitscli. f. Wissensch. Zoologie, 1865, p. 342 ; " Generelle Morphologie," vol. i. pp. 269, 289. \\ " ilonographie der Moneren," Jenaische Zeitschft. f. Meini»osiiig the epithelial layer. E ; V, derma of skin, composed of vascularized connective tissue, C. Mairuitied GOO diameters. Termination of Xcrrcs. Since Cohuheim's researches, we know that the finest axis-fibrillfe of the ners-es terminate in the epithelial layers. The ter- mination was described by some obsersers as a plexus between the epithelia. while others (Pfliiger. Flemming:) claim that the axis-fibrilte penetrate the body of the epithelium, and may terminate in its nucleolus. My own obser- vations enable me to state that the axis-fibrillae — which, in specimens stained 324 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. with chloride of gold, can be recognized hy their beaded appearance and their dark violet color — run in the cement-sulistance betAveen the epithelia, and in this sitnation are in direct union with the filaments ("thorns") interconnect- ing the bioplasson reticulum of neighboring epithelia. (See Fig. 140,) In Fig. 140. — Diagram of Termination of Nerves in Epithelial Layers. AO, axis-cylinder, dividing into axis-flbrilla', AF, wliicli penetrate tlie liyaline or Ijase- ment membrane, M, and course in the cement-substance between the columnar epithelia, CO, and the cuboidal epithelia, CU. The axis-tibrilhe are directly connected with tlie trans- verse filaments in the cement-substance, and indirectly with the bioplasson reticulum of llie epithelia. this way, the active portion of the epithelia — the living matter — is controlled by the nerves. Here and there a beaded thi-ead can be traced into the body of an epithelium, and this occurrence is easily understood if we bear in mind that the nerve-fibrillfe and the reticulum of living matter are, in essential points, identical formations. The only reliable means for tracing the nerve terminations is by chloride of gold staining. It is absolutely necessary, how- ever, first to find the connection of the axis-fibrillte with larger meduUated or non-medullated nerves before we can positively determine their nervous natiu'e. Recently, a number of formations in the organs of sense have been termed Neuro-epithelta (Schwalbe). This refers to formations which are either epi- thelia or take a genetic origin from epithelia, and represent the terminations of the sensual nerves. In this group are included the rods and cones in the retina of the eye, which are composed of a number of transverse disks ; the outer portions of the rods during life show a bright red color, which, by its discoverer, Boll, was termed the "Aasual purple." The rod- and cone-fibers, with their nucleated nodules, constitute the external granular layer of the retina. In the labyrinth, or the internal ear, especially in the maculae and J'.fl I'llF.I.IM. AM) I'.XItoril 1:1.1 M. J/SSCh'. :}2r) cristii' iicoiistii'ii', iirc I'oiiml tlic ciliati-tl iiiiditory, ami Wet ween tliosc tlio iioii- I'iliatt'il, so-callfd iinlilTcn'iit rpitlii'liii. In ('(irti's orf^aii within th(! ('ocliloa tluTc exist tlie so-called hair-epithelia, wliieli are diviil(Ml into tlie iiiiiiM' and outer, the latter bein<^ arranj^ed in four eontinuons rows alonf^ tlie exterrnil pillars. In the f^ustatory buds (Sehwalbe, 1jOv6u) there are filiform bodies surrounded by eoveriiiK epithelia; they are found on the epithelial invest- ment of the circumvallate papilhe, on the epitlielia of the hard and soft pal- ate, and of tlie posterior surface of the epiglottis. In the olfactory region of the mucosa of the nasal cavity, Max Sclmltze discovered, in addition to large, eolumiKir, non-ciliated epithelia, interposed delicate nucleated filaments, which, ill amphibia and Itirds, but not in man, have delicate cilia at their external ends. In none of the formations of neuro-o])ithf'lium is the ter- mination of the nerve-fil>rilla3 clearly elucidated. I'h/iiioitcd Ej>itli(lift and E/idotlirlia in man are of infrequent occurrence, while in the lower animals they are exceedingly abundant. The i)igmented epithelial layer of the human retina is composed of very regular, hexagonal, flat bodies, the central nucleus, as well as the cement-substance, always being without pigment. The amount of the pigment, and also its shade, varies gi'eatly according to the general complexion of the individual. The more blonde this is, the less pigment will be foimd in the epithelia, and in albmotic persons it is entii-ely absent. From the inner surface of the epithelial bodies numerous filaments arise, passing between the rods. These filaments are slightly pigmented in man, but in birds, fishes, and amphibia they abound in coloring matter. Glands. All the organs of the body properly termed glands are formatiou.s of the epithelium. Some authors have given these epithelia the unnecessary name of '' parenchyma or enchyma cells." The large majority of glands are composed of a single layer of epithelia. In the body of the gland the cuboidal variety is usually found, and in the duct the columnar ; the cuboidal, however, are sometimes so much elongated as to represent the short columnar variety. Several layers of cuboidal epithelia are seen in the sebaceous glands and the prostate of the adult. We distinguish two varieties of glands — viz., the acinous and the tubular. (See Fig. 141.) A roundish, pouch-like prolongation of the epithelial layer into the connective tissue forms a simple acinous gland. Exam- ples of this variety are the mucous glands of the oral cavity, the larynx, the trachea, and some of the sebaceous glands. Repeated foldings of the pouch constitute the formations called compound acinous or racemose glands, such as the sebaceous, the lachrymal, the salivary, the lacteal, the prostatic, and other mucous glands — f. i., those in the mucosa of the tongue, of the duodenum, of the trachea, and the glands of Cowper and Bartholin!. A third 326 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. variety is the currant-shaped racemose gland, in which the acini encircle the h)n^. 142.) faj The lentcrij secretion cannot be directly studied under the microscope. We may infer, by watching amoebae laden with car- mine particles, that, at the time when, through the visible con- traction of the living matter within the body, carmine particles are thrown out from the interior of the ama'ba, a certain amount of its fluid is discharged with them. We come to this c(mclusion from the fact that the carmine granules are extruded with a certain force, in a stream of liquid. We must also conclude that the opening in the wall of the amoeba kindly and immediately closes, for the amoeba displays the same amount of activity after Fig. 142. — Diagram of the Process of Secretion. The series TT illustrates the watery secretion: a, a i)!asti(I, with foreign .ijvaiiules iu the meshesof the reticulum ; b, escape of some grauules, with some hioplassoii liquid. The series 31 illustrates the mucous secretion : a, mucous globule formed at the top of the epithelium ; h, a mucous globule discharged ; c, a mucous corpuscle discharged ; iu both latter cases a goblet left. The series -F illustrates the/atti/ seccetion; a, first-formed fat-granules; ft, coalescence of fat-granules into a fat-globule. as before this process. A liquid present in the blood, which is to be excreted, must necessarily pass through the walls of the blood-vessels and first enter the epithelia before it can be expelled from them. The discharge of a certain amount of liquid i:riTiii:i.iM. .i.\7> kxdoi iiki.ial t/ssi'k. 32!) is evidently due to the eoiit raet ion of the li\inal>ly closes innnediatoly upon cessation of the conti-aclion and i-ei'slaiilisii- meiit of i-elativc i-est in the reticulum. Wateiy seei"eti(»n is accomplished l)y the hichrymal aiul the sweat ji'hiiids. The latter proiUu-e a fluid, varying greatly in the amount of its solid constit- uents and its consistency at diiferent times, which indicates that tlie livini; nuitter of the epithelium itself has an influence on the chemical miture of the secretion. At the apjn'oacli of death, the pi'rspiration is inspissated and almost mucous in character. The main function of the uriniferous tubules is the inspissation of the fluid pressed out from the l)lood- vessels of the tufts of the kidneys. fhj The itiucoufi secretion can be directly observed under the microscope l)est on a minute particle, cut from the inner surface of the small intestine of a fi"og-, with the addition of a very dilute solution of chromic acid or l)ichromate of potash ; pure water acts with too much rapidity. We first observe a swelling of the body near the outer or free surface of the columnar epithelium. Tliis can be accounted for by assuming that the e})itheliuni imbibes the liquid which causes the swelling of the meshes of the bioplassou reticulum, and at the same time produces a considerable stretching of the reticulum. A contraction of the posterior portion of the bioplasson reticulum results, and this also assists in the enlargement of the anterior por- tion. The covering cement-substance of the free surface pro- trudes, and its delicate rods fall off. The cement-sulxstance, after having reached its utmost capacity of expansion, bursts, and a pale, globular body is thrown out — i. e.^ the swelled portion of the epithelium, in which no trace of the former structure can be seen. We must admit, however, the presence of a stretched reticidum in the mucous globule, too, and also an extremely thin, expanded, investing layer of the bioplasson. A number of the above descril>ed pale mucous globules coalesce and form the jelly- like mass called mucus. When the process of swelling goes on more slowly, the whole bioplasson enlarges within its envelope of cement-substance, and after being freed, the nucleated plastid, now termed '' mucous corpuscle,'' still exhibits the net-like structure ; or we may see isolated, torn granules in an active, so-called " molecular " mo- tion, the broken particles of the former bioplasson reticulum. 330 EPITHELIAL A XI) KXUOTHELLl L TISSUE. Salivary and nuioons coi-puscles arise by this same slow action from the contents of the epithelia. The investment of the cement-snl»8tance, being partly or totally emptied and perforated at one end, gives the appearance of a ''goblet-cell." Formations termed goblet-cells are met with, in nnmbers greatly var^-iug on all mucous surfaces : they are very numerous in the small intestine of rabbits suffering fi*om diarrhoea, and also in the mucosa of the artificially inflamed stomach of animals (Strieker and Kocslakoflf). A similar process of the formation of mucus is often observ'ed in the mucous ghmds of the fi-og s skin ; liere the production of St:-"" ^^' Fig. \\?>. — Mucous Glaxds from the Skin of a Frog. C, connective-tissue frame, caiTj-ing nieilullated nerve-fibers, ^^ coursing between tlie glands, .V, and sending deUcate raniules to tlie cement substance of the epitheUa ; K, elon- gated cuboidal epitlielia, paitly transformed into M, the mucous frlobules ; L, the central caliber. Magnified 400 dlanieters. mucus from the epithelia of the gland is diagram matically plain. (See Fig. 148.) A variety of mucous secretion is that of the stomachic juicf, of the bile, and the semen. The acidity of the stomachic juice is unquestionably due to a peculiar chemical action of the living matter of the epithelia, for the l)lood is always alkaline. The bile is a product of the liver-epithelia, each of which is a labor- KI'ITIIhl.IAl. AM) F.SDoril 1:1.1 M. TISSUK. '.\'M sitofv. iiiaiiut'act iiriiiii' clit'iiiical jtruducts troiii the pliisiiia of tlu^ l)l(»t»(l, and i»r()l)al)ly also tVom the ircl l)loo(l-corj)iisclt'S, Tlic col- oring matter of the bile is known to be closely allied to lui'nio- globiue. In the fluid of the semen formations of living matter aresiis])ended — the spermatozoids, which are direct offsprin<;s of the e})ithelia of the testicles. Saliva represents an intermediate condition between the watery and mucous secretions. R. Heidenhain first drew attention to the differences in tlu^ aspect of the epithelia of the salivary glands, under the different conditions of fullness and contraction. He found the ej)ithelia in starved dogs light colored, ver}' much swelled, pai-tly destitute of granules, and unaffected by the carmine stain, although the nucleus would be deeply colored. In epithelia of dogs, whicli before death were al)undantly fed, or whose salivary glands, by means of electricity, were stimulated to an intense and long- continued secretion, the epithelia were, on the contrary, small, regular in outline, and their nuclei less stained with carmine. In the first case, the central calil^er was imperceptible ; in the latter, it was very distinct. The same observer discovered in the epithelia of the pancreas, also, pecidiarities depending upon the state of the secretion. He called the upper portion of the epi- thelium granular, the lower light portion structureless ; and in the process of secretion the upper layer predominated largely. Heidenhain and RoUett discovered varieties of epithelia in the pepsine glands, which were unlike in appearance, some being very large and swelled, with a distinct niicleus; others small, about the size of the ordinary cuboidal epithelia, and not dis- tinctly nucleated. These facts, inexplicable to their discoverers and more recent investigators, are fiilly understood by recog- nizing the presence of the bioplasson reticulum of the epithelial bodies within the investing layer of cement-substance. When the epithelia of the salivary, the pancreatic, and the stomachic glands are laden with secretion, the meshes of the reticulum are enlarged, and the reticulum itself stretched ; but when the ejnthelia are emptied of their secretion, the reticidum is in a con- dition of equilibrium. Bioplasson is accumulated in larger quantity at the portion of the epithelia, nearest to the connective tissue, exhibiting at all times a nearly homogeneous, shining appearance. Unquestionably, in the process of mucous secretion a portion, or it may be the whole, of the bioplasson of individual epi- thelia is destroved. With this fact before us we can readilv 332 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. understand the weakening of the whole organism by diarrhoea, the relief afforded by drastics in certain diseases, etc, ((•) TJie fdttij secretioti can be best studied under the micro- scope in colostrum corpuscles, which are suspended in the serous discharge of the mammary glands for a few days after delivery. Here we see the first-formed fat-granules still in connection with the net-work of the li\dng matter within the plastid, and we arrive at the conclusion that fat is a directly transformed living matter (see page 28). During the active locomotion of a colos- trum corpuscle, very often fat-gi'anules are thrown up from its interioi- (S. Strieker). After a few days, however, no more colostrum corpuscles are secreted, because the living matter of the epithelia is nearly completely transformed into fat-gi'anules, leading to a continuous destruction of the epithelia, the gi-anules of which commingle with a serous fluid and form the emulsion called min-. This process of fatty change in the living matter of the epithelia of the mammary glands is a remarkably rapid one. In microscopic specimens of a breast from the corpse of a nursing woman, we find in the secretary epithelia little unchanged bio- plasson, the greater part of it being transformed into fat- granules. If these be extracted from the specimen with oU of cloves, only the shells of the cement-substance of many of the epithelia are left behind. Through what agencies the enormously augmented bioplasson becomes transformed into fat is at pres- ent not understood. There is no doubt, however, that this material is an offspring of the epithelia. Those who claim that the new material tor the formation of milk are '' leukocytes," or emigrated colorless blood-corpuscles, are in the dark regard- ing the nature and the function of epithelia and glands. The serous liquid in which the small fat-granules of the milk are suspended evidently comes from the blood-vessels ; for it is well known that abimdant di-inking increases the quantity of milk. The amount of milk furnished by one udder, in the act of milk- ing, greatly exceeds the volume of the udder, which indicates that a continuous flow of the plasma of blood takes place dui*ing the milking process. Toward the end of milking, the plasma being exhausted, very rich, inspissated mUk is obtained. The highest degree of fatty change of the bioplasson is reached in the sebaceous and the ceruminal glands. The won- derful apparatus for the extrusion of the fat from the sebaceous glands will be spoken of in the chapter on the skin. I'-.i'iTii 1:1.1 M. .\.\n i:.\n(rnfi:fj.\f. 'nssrE. ?,'.v.\ Tin; Vascular Systkm. The vascular system is foniicd tVoin the middle oci-mimd layer, — the im'S(>l)last. — and es])t'eially of the coiiiu'ctive tissue, •which alone cari'ics lilood- vessels. The different portions of this system are the heart, the arteries, the capillaries, and the veins. In the heart the muscular apparatus is highly developed, as this is the principal motor for the hlood current. Arteries always have a muscle coat, which is comparatively more developed the sjnaller the caliber of the vessel, evidently to admit of an independent activity in the motion and distribution of the blood. The veins have a thinner coat of muscular tissue than the arteries, while the capillaries have no muscnlar investment whatever. The layer constantly present in the heart, as well as in all blood- vessels, is the most internal — viz.: the endothelial. This, as previously mentioned, is the representative of the investment of living matter of the vacuoles, which are visible at times in single plastids. The endothelial layer, in the earliest stages of forma- tion of blood-vessels, is a continuous investment around the vacuoles, and in a later stage of development divides to form single plastids, which, lalthough separated from each other by a narrow rim of cement-substance, still remain interconnected throughout life by means of delicate filaments (''thorns"). The cement-substance, under certain conditions, becomes permeable to both colored and colorless blood-corpuscles. The nourishing material — the plasma of the blood — must necessarily penetrate the endothelial layer before it can reach the neighboring tissue, and the number of blood-vessels is always proportionate to the acti^^lty of the tissue in which they lie. Muscles — f. i., glands, the gray suljstance of the nerve-centers — are abundantly sup- plied with blood-vessels ; while the comparatively inert cartilage, on the contrary, has a very limited supply. Blood-vessels are found in the greatest numbers in the organs in which the oxyda- tion of the blood is accomplished — /. ^., the lungs. Wliat influ- ence the bioplasson of the endothelia has upon the exchange of liquids and gases we are unable to say; this much is certain, however, that all endothelia are bioplasson formations, manifest- ing vitality in a high degree, and not " elastic plates," as some histologists claim. The striking changes that occur in endo- thelia during inflammation are a direct proof of their life and activity. (1) The Heart. The muscle of the heart is composed of branch- 334 EPITHELIAL AND EXDOTHELIAL TISSUE. m^ and anastomosing striped fibers, "vs^th verj' small sarcous elements (see page 272, Fig. 116). The fibers are an-anged in bundles and surrounded by a connective-tissue envelope, — the external perimysium, — which sends prolongaticms between each single muscle-fiber and its neighbors ; this last formation consti- tutes the internal perimysium. The points of attachment for the muscular fibers of the heart are the fibrous rings at the auricido- veutricular (>pening^ and the tendons of the papillary muscles. The perimysium is abundantly supplied with blood-vessels and hnnphatics. H^Ttl discovered that the heart of many low verte- brates— f. i., the frog — is destitute of blood-vessels, and that sin- uous prolongations from the ca\'ities of the heart take their place. The endocardium and the pericardium have a capillary system with wide meshes. In reptiles and most of the fishes, accord- ing to the same observer, the muscle of the heart is composed of two distinctly separated layers — abroad inner, which is without blood-vessels, and a narrow outer, layer, which has a well-devel- oped capillaiy system. The endocardium is composed of a layer of fibrous connective tissue, var^-ing in Tsidth in different portions and largely inter- mixed with elastic substance. The inner surface of this structure is covered by a delicate layer of large and flat endothelia, which is attached to a homogeneous, so-called hyaline membrane. The dense, fibrous connective-tissue partitions termed the valves, originating from the rings of the ostia, are also covered with endothelia. According to Gussenbauer, there are found in the peripheral portions (^f the valves, on the surfaces looking toward the auricles, numerous circular and radiating muscle-bundles, which come from the muscles of the septum of the aiuicles. The muscle layer of the auricles, however, is much less developed than that of the ventricles, wliile the elastic layer beneath the eudotheUa is veiy marked. In many places, the structure of the wall of the auricles is similar to that of the large arteries. Pur- kinje's filaments in the endocardium of cattle and other animals are considered as peculiar forms ot development of striated mus- cle-fibers. The pericardium is a connective-tissue formation, composed of coarse interlacing bundles in the parietal, and of delicate inter- lacing bundles in the visceral, portion. The free sm-face of both portions is covered with flat endothelia. The plexuses of blood- vessels and the lymphatics are broader in the pericEirdium and endocardium than in the muscle of the heart. According to F.l'l IIIF.I.IM. AM) i:SI)()Tlli:i.lM. TISSfF.. •.v.\:> ,1/— -z.^ \Veithelial or glandular formations, therefore the word "gland" is a misnomer in this connection. C. Langer tliscovered in the mucosa of the palate and throat of frogs semi-globular prolongations of the capillaries, often with anastomosing the caliber of the capillary by means of a narrow pedicle. He considers these formations equivalent to capillary loops. l}f'veh)pmpnt of CapilJuries. S. Strieker (LSOf)) first proved that the capillaries are originally solid strings, either connected with the wall of an already formed capillary, or representing solid, clnb-like ontgrowths from this wall. These solid strings become afterward excavated, va(?noled, and the originally solid wall of the capillary is differentiated finally into endothelia. My owai researches corroborate this discovery of Strieker. I have seen solid, clnb-shaped formations in the middle of a medullary space, which were new formations produced by the retrogression of cartilage tissue to its embryonal condition. (See page 246.) I also have observed that the originally solid club or cord-like formations become vacuoled even before a connection is established with older blood-vessels, and that in the vacuole unchanged masses of bioplasson remain, which I have called htematoblasts, because they are the future blood-corpuscles. I made similar observations in the study of the process of inflam- mation in different varieties of connective tissue, aU of which go to prove that a capillary is originally a solid mass of bioplasson, which by vacaolation becomes hollowed, while some particles of bioplasson are furnished with haemoglobin, and converted into colored blood-corpuscles. In 1873, I said that wherever a trans- formation of one tissue into another takes place, either as a normal process, or as the result of inflammation, a new forma- tion of blood-vessels and blood-corpuscles invariably occiurs as a part of the process. The wall of the newly formed capillary is 342 EPITHELIAL AXD ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. at first solid — in other words, the bioplasson is in the juvenile condition. Later, the solid bioplasson divides into a reticulum, with, in the center, solid masses, termed nuclei. At the periphery the cement-substance is formed, though this, owing to the pres- ence of the connecting filaments (''thorns''), never completely separates the single endothelia into individual cells. Thus, the wall of the capillary, even after the formation of endothelia, remains a continuous layer of bioplasson, endowed with con- tractility and with the capacity of growing, especially in the inflammatory process. In retrogression of the capillaries the hollow bioplasson is first solidified, then breaks up into medul- lary elements and gives rise to connective tissue, from which, under all circumstances, the capillaries have originated. Th. Schwann * found in the germ-membrane of the o^-um of the chicken, thirty-six hours after hatching, cells which, by elongation in different direc- tions, became stellate. He called these cells the cells of capillary vessels, and considered the blood-corpuscles as young cells formed in the cavity of the capillary vessel cells. C. Rokitanskyt knew that in certain morbid processes, especially in the growth of cancer, blood originates in cells which had become tubular or club- shaped. The j)rolongation of the cells he considered as a beginning new for- mation of blood-vessels. He also maintained that a so-called insular new formation of blood took place in the process of inflammation. S. Strieker t asserted that the capillary tube is a hollowed out protoplasma endowed with many of the characteristics of life ; that a solid thread, first simply an offshoot of a capillary vessel, afterward becomes hollow ; that in the tail of the tadpole there are vessels filled with colored blood-corpuscles, terminating at either end in the shape of extremely delicate solid processes. E. Klein $ demonstrated that in the germinal disk of the chicken embryo, in the first half of the second day of hatching, some elements of the middle germinal layer exhibit vacuoles. These vacuoles, he asserted, were the first formations of blood-vessels, and that from its protoplasmic walls masses are separated, partly colored and partly colorless — the blood-corpuscles. In other cells of the same genninal layer, occasionally multinuclear, he observed in the center an endogenous formation of blood-corpuscles, while the peri- phery of the cell was transformed into the endothelial wall of the vessel. My own researches 1| have resulted in the conclusion that living proto- plasma, in the condition termed "haematoblastic," — viz.: in a juvenile con- dition of development, — is the material from which originate both the colored blood-corpuscles and the wall of the blood-vessels. * " Mikroskopiache Untersuchungen," etc., 1839. fHanrtbiicli rler Alljr. PatliolDg. Anatoinie," 1846. t ".Sturtien iiber den Ban unrt das Leben der capillart-n BlutgefiissP." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissenscli., 1865. ? " Das mittlere Keimblatt in seinen Beziehunffen zur Entwicklunfr der ersten BlutgefSsse u. Blutkiirperchen im Huhnerembryo." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch., 1871. II " Ueber die Ruck-u. Neubildung von Bliitgefassen im Knocheu u. Knorpel." Wiener Modi/. .lalirbiicher, 1873. KVITITFLTAL AXJ) KXDOT/H:!.! A L TISSTK. 34:3 The Lymphatic System. Duriiiii- the liist liftccii years iiiiiiiy ci-i-oiicous views coii- oernin^r the lyinj)hiiti(' system liave arisen, due to the method of stiulyiii and the abovc-iiamctl ohsorvcrs fonsidcreil them clefts between the tendinous Jmndles. On the ph'ural surface is observed a reticulum of lymphatics, which is blued by injection, the small vessels f^-adually passiuf? into lar^^er lymi)h- vessels. The colored liqnid has penetrated the lymphatics through openings in the central portion of the peritoneum covering the diaphragm. The stonuita present in this situation, and which are surrounded by small globular elements, were termed l\Tuph-wells by Kanvier. Dybkowski found similar openings also in the endothelial investment of the parietal pleura ; these o])enings are confined exclusively to the intercostal spaces, while in the pleura covering the ribs the stomata are absent. By the injection of colored substances into the pleural sac, results are obtained simOar to those in the peritoneal cavity. The subjacent lymph-vessels in all these localities are distinctly marked by an endothelium, therefore are not simply interstitial tissue-clefts. The assertion of Von Recklinghausen that the connective tissue is pervaded by spaces and canals, destitute of walls of their own, and thought to be the roots of the lymphatic system, is erroneous, as proved in the chapter on connective tissue. Every space rendered \nsible by the staining wath nitrate of silver contains a bioplasson })ody demonstrable by staining -with chloride of gold. The apparent connections between the ^' juice-canals '• of the connective tissue and the lymph-vessels proper, in specimens stained with nitrate of silver, althoiigh rarely seen, are explicable hy the fact that neither the bioplasson bodies nor the IjTnph- vessels take up the sUver stain. Observers agree, however, that at the periphery of the connective-tissue cor- tion, the so-called nirditlln of the ^anj^lioii, and liere the follicular cords freely unite to form a coarse reticulum, which is more or less distinctly nuirked from the surrounding interfollicular strinjifs. The portion of the lymph-ganglion giving exit to the lymi)h-vessels is characterized by a relatively compact forma- tion of fibrous connective tissue, inclosing elongated, empty spaces. This is the so-called hilus-stroma of His. The connect- ive-tissue trabeculse are known to be the carriers of the l\nnph- vessels, which are in o])en commnnieation with the lymph-spaces or sinuses around the follicles, and in the follicular cords. All these spaces are lined by a single endothelial layer, and they are ^^&^ifefe-Si&^~:¥?i2a^is;-£«®^^^ iii^ Fig. 146. — Lymph-ganglion. Transverse Section. C, connective-tissue capsule, outside with fat-lobules, FA ; FO, lymph-follicle : FS. follicular cord ; IF, interfollicular string, with numerous blood-vessels. Magnified 100 iUanieters. also in direct connection with the meshes of the m^Tsomatons reticidum. An endothelial investment has been found only on the larger trabecule of the myxomatous reticulum. The meshes of the reticulum of the interfollicular strings contain compara- tively few l\Tnph-corpuscles, while the meshes of the extremely delicate reticulum of the follicles and the follicular cords are crowded with them. Two or more afferent lymph-vessels enter the ganglion on one pole and di^dde into a number of branches, the endothelium 348 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. of which furnishes the investment for the lymph-sinuses. The sinuses unite to form what Toldt calls the " terminal sinuses." From these sinuses two or more efferent vessels arise, which by anastomoses gradually decrease in number. The arteries penetrate the hn^nph-ganglion both at the periph- ery and at the hilus. Their ramules occupy the middle of the interfollicular strings ; these also contain a few capillary blood- vessels, all supplied with a distinct adventitial coat. The arteri- oles form a wide capillar\^ net- work, traversing the follicles and follicular cords, and giving rise to the veins, which accompany the arteries. The capillary system of the follicles and follicular cords is, to a certain extent, independent of the capillaries of the interfollicular strings. The capillaries of the lymph-gangha are easily permealjle to colored liquids iujected iuto the artery. The reasons for this have not been fuUy explained. The thymus body is a lymph-ganglion belonging especially to fcetal life. It reaches its highest state of development during the first two years, remaining stationary up to the tenth year, and at the time of puberty it has almost entii*ely lost its follicular sti'ucture. The delicate fibrous investment of the thymus body sends numerous prolongations into the interior, giWng to it a more or less lobular appearance. The follicular formations are less distinct in the thj-mus than in other hanph-ganglia, and are more closely aggregated at the periphery of a lobule than in its center. Numerous small arteries enter the th^nnus body at its periphery- ; a few larger ones at its posterior portion. The course which the hnnphatics take in the interior of the th\Tnus is unknown. In the period of its involution peculiar concentrically striated corpuscles (Hassal) make their appearance, kindred to ihe amylaceous corpuscles of the brain. Apparently, these are developed from the walls of the capillaries, most probably from their endothelia. The thyroid body, in the earliest periods of embryonal develop- ment, exhibits a glandular structure — /. e., is composed of acini, .lined by cuboidal epithelia ; the acini are closed on all sides and no excretors^ duct can be discovered. This body, in all probabil- ity, is an elongati<»n of the outer germ-layer — the epiblast. At the time of bii'th, the epithelial structure is often still preserved. Sooner or later, however, the epithelia are transformed into indif- ferent or embryonal corpuscles, exhiliiting the characteristics of hnuph-corpuscles. We meet with small, homogeneous globules, and also with larger ones of the size and the structure of nuclei, Kl'lTUI'JJAL AM) i:M)()Tm':LIAI. TISSUE. 349 and still larger ones, n-jji-csciitiii^ globular, miclcatrd plastids. Simultaneously with this ivcui-i-cnci' of the embryonal condition, even in children, many of the lymph-corpuseles perish and are transformed into a homofjeneous, viscid, so-called (!olloid sub- stance, which, in thyroid bodies of adults, is almost invaria])ly 'found in the closed spaces, now termed alveoli. The lymph-cor- puseles are often arranged in the shape of a wreath along the wall of the alveolus, and irregular clusters of these corpuscles are found scattertnl throughout the colloid mass. The stages of transfornuition of the plastids into the colloid substance can easily be traced. (See Fig. 147.) M. Fig. 147. — Thyroid Body of Adult. F, connective-tissue frame, carrviug numerous blood-vessels; L, l.vmpli-corpuscles ; Q, colloid mass. Magnified 500 ilianieteis. The connective-tissue capsule of the thyroid body sends numerous prolongations into its depths, which constitute the walls of the alveoli. A striking feature of this formation is the great number of blood-vessels and lymphatics which penetrate its interior. The significance of this ])ody is, however, not under- stood. The suprarenal capsule, is composed of two layers — a cortical and a medullary layer. In the former we see radiating rows of polyhedral bodies, ha\ang the appearance of epitheha, which often contain fat-granules. The connective tissue throughout this body is an offspring of the outer capsule, and is seen between the rows of the polyhedral bodies ; near the boundary line of the cortical laver it forms a delicate reticulum, characterized liv a 350 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. varying amount of a brown, granular pigment. The myxoma- tous reticulum in the medullary portion contains in its meshes lymph-corpuscles varying greatly in size. Both in the medulla and the connective-tissue capsule there are numerous ganglionic nerve elements (Von Brunn) which are in connection with the sympathetic nerve, branches of which, in large number, penetrate * the suprarenal capsule. This organ has likewise a large supply of blood-vessels. Its development and functions are still physi- ological puzzles. The sjyleen, in its structure, is closely allied to the lyniph-gan- gHa, though its relation to the lymphatic system is by no means clear. Like the lymph -ganglia, the spleen has also a connective- tissue capsule sending numerous offshoots into the depths of the organ, where it produces a delicate myxomatous reticulum. The meshes of this reticulum contain a comparatively small amount of lymph-corpuscles, while these form larger globular heaps, sim- ilar to the follicles of the lymph-ganglia, — the so-called Malpigh- ian corpuscles, — and elongated tracts, similar to the follicular cords — the so-called pulp-cords. The connective-tissue capsule has for its outer investment the endothelia of the peritoneum ; in many mammals it contains a large number of bundles of smooth muscles, which also pervade the mass of the spleen. In man, the number of fibers of smooth muscle in this organ varies greatly, although small bundles are unquestionably found in many cases. The connective-tissue septa of the spleen are in union with the outer capsule, and produce branching and anastomos- ing trabeculae throughout the pulp. These trabeculae carry the arteries and veins, both of which enter or leave the spleen at dif- ferent points, usually far apart. The arterioles in most mammals show a distinct adventitial coat, which is crowded in its whole extent with lymph-cor- puscles, so much so that each pulp-cord is pierced in its center by an arteriole. In man, the lymph-corpuscles around the arter- iole are accumulated in lymph-follicles, varying in size, and either uniformly surrounding the vessel or attached more or less eccen- trically to one side of the vessel. A favorite seat of these so- called Malpighian corpuscles is the point of ramification of the arteriole. In mammals' spleens which abound in muscles, — f. i., in the badger's spleen, — we observe bundles of smooth muscle- fibers accompanying the artery and surrounding the follicle, which is in connection with the layer of lymph-corpuscles in the adventitia of the artery. (See Fig. 148.) EriTllKLIAL AM) J'JXJJOTUKJJAL TISSUE. 351 Tlu' myxomatous rt'ticulum of the pulp-cords of tlie sj)l('('n contaius iu its moshes lymph-('()r])us('les in ditfcnMit staj^es of development and multinuclear ])ioi)lasson masses; also a varying^ numl)er of pi«;;ment granules, either scattered in the lymph-cor- pusch's or grouped in the shape of dark })r()wn pigment clusters. In accordance with the view that red l)lood-corj)uscles ()i-ij2,"inate in lymph-corpuscles, ahnost all observers describe lymph-cor- puscles as containing colored blood-corpuscles ; others maintain the origin of these corpuscles from the endothelia. Su(^h views, however, are erroneous, and Johnstone has demonstrated the Fig. 14S. -Follicle of the Spleen of a Badger, in Connection WITH an Artery. L, lyini>li-f()Ili(lf ; A, artery, penetratiug tlie follicle ; ^4 rf, adventitial coat of the artery, crowded with l.vuipli-corpusclea ; 3/, muscle-stiinss of the spleen, acconipauying the artery; V, blood- and Ij-niph- vessels in transverse section; P, clnsters of pigment In the tissue of the spleen. Magnitled 500 diameters. source from which the colored blood-corpuscles arise, both in the l\Tiiph-ganglia and in the spleen — here, especially, in large num- bers. (See page 105.), The significance of the multinuclear bodies is unknown, and there is no reason to term them the graves of the colored blood-corpuscles. The arteries send numerous branches into the adventitial lymph-tissue and the lymph-foUicles ; they finally divide into 352 EPITHELIAL AND ENDOTHELIAL TISSUE. terminal branches, which produce delicate capillaries for the supply of the connective-tissue septa and for the pulp-cords. The veins arise from these capillaries, and represent vessels with thin endothelial walls, susceptible of a high degree of dilatation (Billroth). These vessels traverse the interstices between the pulp-cords and the connective-tissue trabeculae, and produce tassel-like formations, which finally collect into larger veins. A number of observers maintain that the arterial capillaries are directly connected with the capillary veins ; that therefore the vascular system of the spleen is closed eveiywhere. Wedl even admits a direct communication between arteries and veins. Others believe in the presence of lacunae, destitute of walls of their own, interposed between the terminating capillaries of the arteries and the roots of the veins. The latter view is not sufficiently sup- ported, for the walls of the capillaries of the spleen, as well as those of lymph-ganglia, are easily permeable to stained liquids injected from without. The important question as to the termi- nation and origin of the capillaries is unsettled. The origin of the lymph- vessels is also a much-discussed ques- tion. Tomsa considers the lacun* as the roots of the lymphatics, l^ecause he succeeded in injecting them through the lymphatics. Probably the relations are the same as in the lymph-ganglia. Besides the lymphatics of the pulp, there are others in the cap- sule, and Wedl found in the spleen of the horse and the sheep two layers, the superficial being composed of narrow capillaries and wide meshes, the deeper of large, sinus-like capillaries, fi-eely anastomosing yAih. each other. The manner in which nerves terminate in the lymph-ganglia and in the spleen is unknown. I have thus briefly presented the views of other observers, because, on account of the lack of personal researches, I have no positive knowledge concerning the structiu-eof the lymph- ganglia and the spleen. XI. INFLAMMATION. HISTORICAL SKETCH. The clinical features of inflammation have been" well studied ever since Hippocrates's time, but the interpretations of its appearances under the microscope have passed through varying phases during the last forty years. The views regarding the nature of the iniiaTn- matory process have undergone changes corresponding with the advanced knowledge of biological facts. Two main conceptions of this process have controlled the observations made by means of the microscope — \nz., the theories of humoral and cellular pathology. C. Rokitansky,* the founder of the humoral pathology, originally consid- ered inflammation to be a disturbance in the vascular system, a disease of the blood, whose mixture, the "krasis," gave a tj^jical character to the nature of the inflammatory process. The greatest stress was laid on the exudation, a liquid coming from the blood-vessels, therefore a modified plasma of the blood. The favorite experiment at that time was tlie production of an arti- ficial inflammation in the web-membrane of the frog. This apparently showed all the phenomena of inflammation. The membrane of a living frog, care- fully extended over a cork ring and held in position by pins, exhibited dis- tinctly and beautifully the blood-vessels and the cun-ent of the blood, marked by the rushing blood-corpuscles. Upon applying an irritating agent to the web, iisually a drop of concentrated liquor ammonia?, striking changes occun-ed in the curi-ent of tlie blood : first, an irregularity in the cmrent, an undulation ; next, a slowing, and, finally, a stoppage of the current in the in-itated vascular districts. This "stasis " was considered the essential phe- nomenon of the inflammatory process. Simultaneously an inundation and swelling of the surrounding tissue was observed, owing to the exudation. All the newly appearing corpuscles, including both the inflammatory and the pus coi"puscles, were termed exudation corpuscles, and, in accordance with the cell-theory established by Schwann, were thought to have originated from the exuded plasma of the blood, in a manner termed primordial genera- •>■ " Handbiich iler Allgemeiueii Patliologisclien Anatomic, " Wit'u, lSi6. 23 354 INFLAMMATION. tion (Urzcuguiifj), which means a new formation of cells from a liquid con- taiuing no cells. The reason for the dilatation of the capillaries, observed in the stage of stasis of tlie blood-current, was at that time a question much discussed, but never satisfactorily answered. Briicke's view — that the capillaries, after a few intense contractions, became paralyzed — was accepted as the most probable. The newly formed cells of the effusion, according to the theory of humoral pathology, gave rise to new tissues as well as to the formation of pus. The exudate itself was thought to become organized, and to prodiu-e pseudo-mem- branes or hypertrophy of the inflamed tissues. C. Rokitansky * afterward changed his views concerning the origin of the inflammatory new formation. This great observer announced, in contradiction to the views of Virehow, that, in inflammation, proliferation comes not only from " comieetive-tissue cells," but also from "intercellular substances " ; that the latter also increase and give rise ±o new formations. It will be shown later that this view, at that time not understood, is entirely correct, and that since 1873 we have obtained facts which establish it on a firm foundation. The theory of humoral pathology was shaken by R. Virehow. t This investigator asserted that the blood-vessels take but little part in the inflammatory process. He based his conclusions upon observations made by His in the inflamed cornea, and the obsei-vations of Redfern in inflamed cartilage, both tissues having no blood-vessels, yet becoming greatly changed by inflamma- tion. The only active parts of the connective tissue, according to Virehow, are the cells, which, after attracting the exudation from the blood-vessels, being over-nourished, enlarge, divide, and subdivide, and finally give lise to the inflammatory new formation, from which originates new formation of connective tissue, hyperplasia, as well as pus. The theory that cells arise from a plasma was no longer maintained. Virehow held that an exudation could never organize a tissue, and that all new cells must necessarily be the offspring of former cells. The new formation of cells, according to Virehow,^ starts fi'om the nucleus, which is first di\aded, and the "cell-body" is after- ward split up into new cells. The cellular pathology was based on these fundamental assertions of Virehow, and it is certain that the gi'eat progress made in biological knowl- edge in our day originated from these views, which gradually became the leading ones, and are so even at the present time. That the cellular patho- logical views are, however, not fully con-ect, I shall endeavor to demonstrate later. J. Cohnheim, ^ in IS (ill, announced a new theory regarding the inflam- matory process, foimded upon the fact that in the exposed mesentery of the frog an emigration of colorless blood-corpuscles takes place from the capillary blood-vessels and the smallest veins. The history of the theory of the emi- gration of blood-corpuscles from blood-vessels is briefly as follows : Waller,|| in 184(), was the first who maintained having actually observed * "Ueber das AiiswacUseu iler Binclegewelj.ssiibstanzen u. die Bezielimi^ desselbcn zur Eutziindiiiig." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissenscli., 1854. t " Ueber Parenchyiiiatose Entziiadung," Virchow's Archiv, Bd. iv., 18r)2. t "Ueber die Theilung der Zellenkerne," Virchow's Areliiv, Bd. xi. Celliilarpatbologie, 1871. i " Ueber das Verhalteu der flxen Bindegewebskoiperclieii, bei der Entziiiiduiig." Virchow's Archiv, Bd. xlv. II Philosophical Mayazin. Two successive publications : 1840, J., p. 271 and 397 ; TI., p. 398 et sc(i. ISFl.AMMATION. 855 tlie emiffi'iitioii of colorloss Mood-corpuscles. Accordiiif; to his view, the wall of tlu> blood-vessel in the exposed and expanded mesentery and the tonf^ie .of toads boeonies perforated in the circumference of the corpuscle lying next to it, and the aperture in the wall left by tlie cori)U8cle is closed })y the restorative power of the blood. That a real emigi'ation takes place was a mere conclusion of his, imd so was the assertion that the emigrated colorless blood-corpuscles were the iiukiis- and pus-corituscles, which first appear along the walls of the blood-vessels. S. Strieker,* in ISli;", ohservlcs, iiniiiohilizcd by cunira, colored blood-corpuscles, whicli were incarcerated in the wall of a ca})illary l>lood-vessel, so that a portion of the corpuscle was inside, another portion outside the cai)inary, and both portions were connected by a slender neck within the wall of the vessel. He concluded that the red blood-corpuscles conld pass the wall of the vessel witliout a rupture, in a manner termed "diapedesis" by foi-mer pathologists. J. Cohnheim,t in 18157, asserted that an emigration of colorless blood-cor- puscles actually occm-s, he haviiig observed these bodies to pass through tlie wall of the vessel. He saw that the inner ])ortion of the corpuscle decreased and the outer gi-adually increased in size, then that tlie corpuscle was attached to the wall by means of a thin pedicle, and finally detached entirely from the outer wall. Unfortunately, this observer came to the conclusion that the emigration of colorless blood-corpuscles is the principal factor in the process of inflam- mation, and that the eutii-e mass of inflammatory corpuscles is nothing more than an aggi-egation of such emigi-ated corpuscles, while the tissue itself simply perishes, and its elements take no part whatever in the inflammatory process. A few authors have accepted this view of Cohnheim. They have spoken again of an organizing exudate, meaning the corpuscular elements of the blood, and had they but known whence came this enormous quantity of inflammatory corpuscles, the whole process of inflammation would have been very clear and simple to them. S. Strieker t has, since IS 70, strenuously opposed the views of Cohnheim. He demonstrated that each of the former theories contained some truth, and that from a combination the whole truth can be deduced. He proved tlie necessity of the presence of blood-vessels and nerves for the origin of inflam- mation, agreeing with the theory of the humoral pathologists, and showed that the connective-tissue cells themselves participate actively in the inflammatory process by swelling, dividing, and subdividing, in accordance with the \dews of the cellular jiathologists. He was the first to prove the correctness of the hypothesis of John Hunter that the cells, and consecpiently the tissues, in inflammation return to a juvenile condition, in which the cells are enlarged, become amoeboid and proliferate, while the " intercelhilar substance " is liquefied and destroyed. That an emigi-ation of colorless blood-corpuscles really takes place in inflammation is a granted fact. Strieker was not aware that the basis-substance ("intercellular sub- stance'') itself contains a large amount of living matter, and consequently held that the inflammatory corpuscles are an offspring of the "coimeetive- tissue cell" and its coarser offshoots only. Neither did he know that at fii'st * " Stiulieii liber den Ban \\m\ das Lclicii der caitill. Itlutiiofassi'." Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. d. Wissensch, 1805. t " Ueber Entziinduiig und Kitermif;." Vircliow'.s Aicldv, Hd. xl. % "Studien aus deni Institute f. lOxneiiinciitelle Patliolosie in Wieu," 1870. And a number of article.s of Strieker and lii.s jmpils in " Wiener Mediz. JalirbiicUer," 1871-1881. 356 IXFLAMMATION. most of the iiiflainmatovy corpuscles remain united by delicate spoke-like ofT- shoots, giving rise eventually to a new formation of tissue, consequently he considered the intiiimmaiory corpuscles and the pus-corpuscles to be one and the same thing, and inflammation and suppuration as identical processes. In 1872,* when I took up the study of inflammation, in Strieker's labora- tory in Vienna, I adhered to the cell theory, and my explanations of the phe- nomena of inflammation were in accordance witli this theory. One year later, however, I amiounced new discoveries concerning the structm*e of "proto- plasm" and the basis-substance, and also concerning the intimate nature of the inflammatory process. t The articles in this chapter on inflammation of the connective tissue are translations of my papers which were published in 1872 and 1873 — the former being modified in accordance with the bioplas- son views, the observed facts, however, and their description remaining unal- tered. Instead of "protoplasm" I shall use the term "bioplasson." The inflammation of the myxomatous variety of connective tissue is not dwelt upon in the following articles. I refer to tlie article " Pulpitis," by Boedecker. 1. Inflajnimation of Connective Tissue. fAJ InfldiiuiHifioii of the Periosteum. On artificially producing inflammation in the bone of a mammal, — my experiments were made on dogs, cats, and rabbits, — inflammation in the perios- teum, in the neighborhood of the injured part, was also induced, as a rule. The appearances are identical, whether the inflamma- tion occurs in the calcified or in the non-calcified, the fibrous or the ribboned periosteum. A specimen furnished by the perios- teum of the scapula of a grown cat, on the third day of inflam- mation, after having been preserved in a solution of chromic acid, represented the features seen in Fig. 149. We notice that, instead of the fibrous and ribboned structure of the periosteum, a number of partly globular, partly fusiform, elements are present, which are mostly nucleated, and grouped in rhomboidal fields. An analysis of the elements gives the following result : some of them contain a, central lump of a bright yellowish color, either homogeneous or pierced by vacuoles, and around it a pale, finely granular zone. Other elements are found besides the homogeneous lump ; these have but one pale nucleus, of varying size and glol)- ular shape. In a vesicular nucleus of this kind we notice some- times one larger and sometimes several smaller nucleoli. Lastly, StmUen am Tvnoclu-ii u Kiinipel. "Wieiior Meiliz. Jalub., 1 ST'-'. I'eber.die Kiick-u Neiibil- (liiiii? vou Blutgetiisseii iiii Knoclien u. Knorpel. Wiener Medi/.. .laliib., 187:^. t "Untersuchuuf?en uber das I'lotoplasma. v. Die lOiitzundiiiifi: der Beiiiliavit, des Knocheus iind des Kuoipel.s." Sitzinisisber. d. VVieiur Akad. d. Wissciiseli., .luli. 1S78. /.V /••/.. 1. 1/1/. I 770.V .'{57 we iiu'i't witli clciiu'iits in wliicli vvc <)l)S('rv(', instead of miclci, toniiations, standiiiu' apai't, wliicli Iwivc cliaractciMstic^s of nucle- oli. Between the i-lionil)oi(laI groups of the above-desoribed elements we see narrow, fusiform ('ori)useles, ])erlia])s flat spin- dles, seen on edgv. The interstices between the single <'lements of all varieties produce narrow, light rims, all of which ai-e trav- ersed by transverse, extremely delicate, grayish lines. The })eriosteum hei-e is e\i(lently broken into elements, iden- FiG. 149. — Periostitis of the Scapttla of a Grown Cat, Third Day of Inflammation. Chromic Acid Specimen. [Published in 1,s73.] -V, iiiick'iitcil plastid; i", solid liimi) of tlie aspect of aimclooliis; //-', iilastid with partly iiomoircui'ous, partly reticular, formations, of the aspect of uucleoli; L\ vacuoled bioplasson lump, surrouurteil by a bright rim of homogeneous bioplasson. Magnified 800 diameters. tical with those which lay the foundation for the development of the periosteal tissue. All these features were still more prominent in specimens which I obtained on the fifth day of inflammation from the periosteum of a young, grown cat, after subcutaneous fracture of the leg bones. In the inflamed periosteum, the elastic strips which di\dde the tissue into rhomboidal ril)bons could be recognized. Some of 358 IN FLA MM A TION. these ribbons are composed of rows of globular elements ; others are broken up into a number of fusiform corpuscles, and again others are in part made up of these corpuscles, while another part retains tlie character of a periosteal 7'il)b<)n. The transition of granular corpuscles into periosteal rhombs, which are infil- trated with basis-substance, and look apparently homogeneous, is nowhere al)rupt. The images of either variety may. to such Fig. 150. — Periostitis of the Fractured Tibia of a Grown Cat. Fifth Day of Inflammation. Chromic Acid Specimen. [Published IN 1873.] E, elastic strips ; PP, s^lobular ami nucleated plastids, sprung from ribbons of the ijeriosteum ; R, transition of the basis-substance into free bioi)lass()n. Magnified 800 diameters. an extent, merge into one another, that even a single rhomb may appear in part pale and granular, and in part homogeneous, like basis-substance. In this specimen the single protoplasmic cor- puscles, without exception, also exhibit the features described above. (See Fig. 150.) At the point of the most intense inflaijimation, in the peri- osteum under consideration, extensive fields are transfoi-med into /.v/7. I.1/.1/.I 1 1 OS. .T)!) iniiiu'rous ^lolmliir cli'iuciils, which Jii'c cspfciiilly crowded in the vicinity of the l)h)od- vessels. In the parts situated between the hlood-vcsscls |)cai"anc(', and hears a (dose resemhhincc to nofiuai meduUarv tissue, (ii'oups of iidhininia- tory curpuscdes «;ive rise to a. cai'tiha^inous tissue. This fa(d can he aseertained by observation of tlie foi-nniiii' calhis in tiie hder days of the int1annnation. In the eartihi.uinous calhis, wln(di is the offsprinj;' of tlie intlanied jx'riosteum, we sonudiines see in a l)asis-su])stance, wlii(di is usually striated, large, pale, nucleated bioplasson bodies. Fre- quently we find smaller, yellowish, shining lumps, perforated with vacuoles, and sonietiin(»s lumps composed of such yellow granules. Finally, small cavities are observed in the l)asis-sub- stance, whi(di contain but one snudl ])riglit-yeUowisli lump. (For illustrations, see arti(de on " Healing Process of Fractured Hones.") The structure of this callus-tissue is in every particular iden- tical with that of normal cartilage. The only difference is that in the callus all corpus(des and their nuclei contain, at the points of intersection of the reticulum of living matter, very shining, yellowish granules, either single or in groups. These bodies evidently represent the juvenile condition of the bioplasson. The newly formed cartilage tissue is traversed by straight, glistening fil)ers, which divide the tissue into rhomljoidal fields of varying size. These elastic fibers belonged originally to the periosteal tissue, and remained unaltered l)y the inflammatory process. They are recognized as such even in calcified portions of the cartilage ; they, without any apparent regularity, traverse both the calcified basis-substance and the newly formed medullary spaces. That the process of inflammation in periosteum can ])roduce not only medullary corpuscles and cartilage tissue, but red blood-corpuscles also, I propose to demonstrate in the next articles. Since having inadt> th(> above observations, I have seen exactly the same changes in the inflammation of tibrons connective tissue in the derma of the skin, the pericementum of the tooth, and in many other localities (see corresponding articles). The process was materially the same. First a dis- .solution of the basis-substance took place, which led to a freeing and re- appearance of the bioplasson, prevdously concealed in the basis-substance. Next by an outgi'owth of single gi'anules of bioplasson new elements arose, 360 IX FLA MM A TION. in an amount greatly exceeding the original number of plastids. At last, after the inflammation had subsided, a new infiltration with basis-substanee ensued, and consequently a new formation of connective tissue took place — imless the inflamed tissue, from the condition of free bioplasson, immediately fell back into the basis-substance-forming stage. Similar features are observed in inflammation of the tendinous and peritendinous tissue of the horse, termed by veterinary sm-geons " softening of tendons." (See Fig. 151.) The original dense fibrous connective tissue, containing only a small number of plastids, is gi-adually transformed into a more homogeneous basis-sub- stance, in wiiieh niimerous plastids of var^dng sizes have made their appear- ance. That these newly appearing plastids have not originated from former plastids of the connective tissue, but arose independently after liquefaction of the basis-substance at certain points, which at first were nearly regidarly Pig. l.il. — Peritendinitis ix a Horse. B. tibious basis-substauce with a few plastids ; ^^, the basis-subst.aiice more boniogeueous, with uimuTous, uewly appeared, nucleated pla.stids; /, the basis-siibstaiu-e traiisfoiiued into vows of nucleated plastids, or multiniiclear bioplassou mas.ses; A, artery, cut transversely, containing a few blood-corpuscles. Magnified 800 diameters. distributed throughout the basis-substauce, is plainly demonstrated by all specimens of this kind. The whole basis-substance retm-ns to its bioplasson condition — /. e., is transformed into rows of plastids or into multinuclear bioplasson masses, before any new formation proper has taken place. It may be easily understood how this slowly advancing inflammation, not going beyond the stage of liquefaction of. the basis-substance and the retiu-n to the bioplasson condition, might lead to a gradual "softening" of the tendon tissue. ixri.AMMATiox. :m flij IufhiiiniKifioii of i'urfiliKji. After in-itatioii of (•artilau the intensity and dei»th of the injury, as well as ni»oii the hicality ttained on the fifth day of inflammation of the articular cartilage, I found, close to the border of the injiu'ed place, large cavities, in part opeii toward the surface. sur})assing in size the normal cartilage ca\dties sometimes by five diameters. Between these enlarged cavities the basis-substance was reduced to narrow septa. The ca\ities contained a pale granular sub- stance, divided into fields and nucleated corpuscles. I was unal>le to determine whether these had originated from a single enlarged corpuscle, or by simple reduction of the basis-substance between the original cartilage corpuscles. The latter view was supported by the fact that sometimes several corj^uscles were seen occuppng the larger cavities, surrounded T)y a narrowed basis- .substauce. Close to the changed zone, around the injury, unaltered cavities were observed, which held unchanged corpuscles. The appearances were the same, after the inflammation had lasted for eight days, in specimens taken from the knee-joint of an old rabbit, in which, in consequence of the injury, suppura- tion had occurred. The spindle-shape of some of the cartilage corpuscles which lay close to the border of the wound could be accounted for by the mechanical pressure of the iron rod used in producing the inflammation. The result was such that in the middle of the articular cartilage, even by the most intense irrita- tion, only slight changes could be produced in the cartilage tissue. These changes consisted in an enlargement of both the cartilage corpuscles and their cavities, while a formation of pus-coqjuscles could not be obtained. One year afterward, the late Prof. Eokitanskj' kindly placed in my hands the second right rib of a man about twenty-five years old, who, in a di-unken brawl, had had the cartilage completely cut through six weeks before death. 362 TXFLAMMATTOX. :^'^, The woTind looked fresh, just as if produced but the day before ; even the nist-spots from the knife were still ^-isible. The perichondrium was thick- ened and held the two severed ends of the rib cartilage. Microscopic exami- nation showed enlargement of some of the corpuscles close to the edge of the woiuid, but no other pathological changes. Simultaneous Injuries of the Articular Cartilage and the Suh- jaccnt Epiphifseal Bone. Upon boring a hole into the cartilafre. and penetrating the hone with the red-hot iron, a very striking phe- nomenon occurred — namely, a deposition of lime-salts in the car- tilage, around the seat of injury. This feature, which was known to Redfern,* could be demonstrated after twenty-six hom-s, and recognized by the naked eye on the third day. The deposition of lime-salts was broadest at the border of the bone, and gi'adually became narrower toward the surface. Close examination revealed the lime-salts deposited in the basi.s-substance of the cartilage, and in this situation most of the coi-puseles had assumed an irregidar. jagged appearance, due to oif shoots arranged after the manner of a deli- cate net-work. At the boundary of the calcification, I met with cartilage ca\dties, surrounded either by un- changed basis-substance or by a cal- cified ring, which, as a rule, broadened toward the fields of general calcifica- tion, and was separated from these fields by coarsely granular depositions of lime-salts. (See Fig. 152.) After decalcification of such speci- mens, it was apparent that the corpus- cles next to the border of calcification had become, either in part or wholly, transformed into homogeneous or vaciioled, yelloAnsh. shining lumps — \'iz. : had returned to a juvenile stage. Beginning from the third day of inflammation in the calcified portion, spaces were found, which were larger and more numerous nearer the bone than in other localities. These medullary spaces invari- ably started from the portion adjacent to the bone-tissue. The basis-substance being liquefied, the newly appearing corpuscles H.^/. Fig l.">2. — Calcified Carti- lage OF A Middle-sized Rabbit, after a Simul- taneous Injury of the Articular Carth^age and the Bone. [Published in 1873.] P, blight, yellowish cartilage cor- jjiiscles, traverseil by vacuoles ; B, non-calcified basi.s-substance, with ladiating offshoots of the cartilage coipuscles ; (', calcified basis-sub- stance at the boundaries of the teiTi- tories. Magnified 800 diameters. Anormal Nutrition in the Ai-ticular Cartilages," London, ISoO. /.v /-v.. 1.1/1/. 1 7/o.v. :U):{ had cither assiuiu'd a sj)iii(U(' shajx- ov were fust'd into niH'lt'atfd hiophissoii inassi's, with a simultaiuMms prodiu'tioii n\' hlood- ('»»r|ms('h's and bhtod-vcssds in the iiiiddh' of tlic iiicdidhiiv space. C'h)sc to the l)order of these spaces the cor]:)Usclcs exhibited no other changes than those above described. The epiphyseal bone, by dissobition of its basis-snbstance and im-rease of the eorpns- (des, also api)eai"iMl to be i)rovided with medullary spaces, and the perforation made l)y the iron was, after several days' inflam- mation, filled with nucleated masses and fusiform elements. These experiments prove that a simultaneous injury of the cartilajie and the bone is followed l)y a calcification of the car- tilajife along the border of the wound, and afterward by a dis- solution of the calcified basis-substance, commencing in the vicinity of the l)one and advancing toward the articular surface. The freed bioplasson behaves in a manner similai- to that of inflamed bone. Injurifn at th<' LaferaJ Forfions of the Aiiinihir Cdrt'ddijc. The nearer the lateral edge of the articular cartilage the hot iron was applied, the more intense were the changes in the endo- thelium, in the syno\'ial membrane, in the fibrous cartilage, and in the neighboring periosteum and tendons. At the edge of the condyle of a young cat, on the second day after the injury, the tissues covering the cartilage were thick- ened and rendered cloudy by a considerable infiltration with inflammatory corpuscles. The tissue of the syno\'ial membrane and the periosteum exhil)ited groups of corpuscles, which in some places were so crowded that only slight remnants of the fibre ms bundles were visible. In specimens of a young rabbit, from the sixth day of inflam- mation, the surface of the cartilage was covered with a contin- uous, freely nucleated layer of bioplasson, which was not sharply marked from the subjacent cartilage tissue. The ca\'ity of the wound of the cartilage was found to contain along its borders numerous tracts of corpuscles, closely packed together, and uniting with analogous tracts proceeding from the subjacent bone. (See Fig. 15H.) Upon examining hyaline cartilage at points where it passed into the fibrous variety, and into periosteum, I recognized large ca\dties filled with corj)uscles. containing large nuclei, often so closely arranged that the l)ouudaries between the corpuscles could not be distinguished. Similar formations were foimd also at the border of the scapula of a young dog, on the fifth day 364 IXFLAMMATIOX. after the injui-v. Itut only in that jxntioii of the cartilage lying nearest the osseous Vjorder. With an augmentation of the eorpuseles. a retrogression of the bioplasson to the juvenile condition takes place. As red lilood-coi'puscles are formed out of this bioplasson sulistance, I have termed it '' ha^matoblastie." This rejuvenescence and transformation into red l>lood-coi'j)uscles occurs in the inflam- matory process, not only in cartilage corjjuseles, but also in the corpuscles of synovial membrane, periosteum, and tendon. (See Fig. 154.) 6 i *■■ |,'«fasis-su})stan(H' of the eartilage ealcified around the wound, and the ealeified zone broacU'iied from the surfaee toward the bone. The ealeified basis-substanee appeared to be divided into vf^H'^E^M^f^r-,. I'hK Hr TT /',-; I ;^1 '/ Fig. ir)4. — Lateral Surface of the Condyle of the Femur op a Grown Cat, on the Seventh Day of Inflajimation. Fresh Speci- men. [Published in 1872.] JI, li3-alinc' cartilage m transition to F, libious cartilage: '', greatly widcjied cavity, tillcU with iuHamniatory conniscles; JB, newly formed red blood-corpuscles, siirnng from L, tlie bioplassou in a juvenile condition. Magnified 800 di.imeters. glistening, polyhedral fields of a ])rown color. Avhieh was more intense and wide-spread on the surfaee of the cartilage. Many of the cartilage corpuscles within the brown basis-sul (stance 366 IN FLA MM A TIOX. contained granules and lumps of a blackish-brown color, which were most numerous at a certain distance away from the border of the wcniud. Extremely minute l>lack jjfrauules also were found in the basis-substance. That these granides were animal char- coal could easily be determined bj^ comparing them \vith the charred pastids attached to the surface of the wound, and with the eschar of the cartilage of other animals. But how did the charred granules penetrate the cartilage corpuscles f There must have been either a carbonification of certain parts of the cor- puscle and the basis-snbstance, or else the coal particles had been transported from the surface of the wound toward the periphery. The supposition of a partial carbonification was not sustained by experiments on other animals, — cats and rabbits, — and I never succeeded in producing brown granules in the corpuscles situated in the neighborhood of the burnt place of live or dead cartilage. The conclusion, therefore, became admissible that the coal particles realhj were transmitted within th<' hasis-sHhsfaiice hi/ an acti re process of the cartilage corpuscles and their offshoots. Other expei'iments with powdered vegetable carbon and cin- nabar, forced into fresh wounds of the cartilage, did not yield satisfactory results. I succeeded but once in demonstrating the presence of cinnabar granules in a cartilage corpuscle inclosed l'»y an uninjured basis-substance. Cinnabar granules, on the contrary, which I had injected into the jugular vein, I invariably succeeded in finding in the cartilage corpuscles, within the dis- trict of inflammation, bt)th in inflammatory corpuscles, filling the enlarged cartilage cavities, and also in cartilage corpuscles, apparently unchanged. I can, therefore, corroborate the asser- tions made bv Reitz and Hutob. In inflamed cartilage I have often seen red blood-eorpuscles arising from both the corpuscles of cartilage and medulla. The insular and intravascular fonnation of red blood-eorpuscles in some cases proved to be extremely active. After injuries inflicted on the lateral surface of the condyles, I observed enlarged fusiform cavities, which evidently had sprung from carti- lage, partly or totally filled with initial forms of red blood-eorpuscles — the " hiemotoblasts " — as well as with fully developed corpiiscles. Solid bioplas- son tracts sometimes dii-ectly connected the closed caAnties of the above description, which were found in a large number, especially toward the ten- don-tissue ; they were sometimes hollow, and contained a single chain of red blood-corpuscles. The process of new formation of l)lood-vessels and blood proved to be identical with that noticed in inflamed bone-tissue, and for fur- ther particulars I refer to the article on inflammation of bone. IMLAMMATKLW 'Mu fCJ IiiJhinntKit'hnt of liom: Xiiiiici'ous cxpcriuiciits iiiJidc (liirinio})lasson to the juvenile condition. In the earliest stages of the inflammation, twenty-six hours after the injury, also in the succeeding days, at the periphery of the inflamed district, a dissohifion of the I'niic-sdlts of fJie htisis- siihsttiiirc tdhi's pUirc in Ixifi-liki' fields ; this destructive process, however, does uot invariably invade the whole of the territory, l)ut often only part. Tlir decah-ified hasis-sKhstance itself is next dissolved out, and in its place Jinf or r/Johnlar hioplasson masses hecome visible, either single or coalesced into groups, exhil)iting a number of nuclei, each of which corresponds to an original nucleus of a bone-cor- puscle. Within these coalesced groups, new nuclei originate, and the multinuclear body presents the appearance formerly known under the name of a "myeloplax." (See Fig. 155.) Such multinuclear bioplasson masses arise from one or sev- eral coalesced bone territories, and represent the bioplasson of the territory itself.* A midtinviclear body, at the periphery of the inflammatory district, may at once lay the foundation for the new formation of a bone territory ; or it may, in the more central portions of the inflanmiatory district, di\'ide into a number of corpuscles, each one of which is provided with a nucleus. The corpuscles, as well as the larger bioplasson layers, are separated from the neighbor- ing kindred formations by light, narrow rims, which are trav- ersed by transverse filaments. These filamentous formations are thi-eads of living matter, by which all newly developed ele- ments are connected with each other and also with neighboring bone-corpuscles not yet set free. This series of changes may be observed in the middle of the bone-tissue, as well as at the borders of vascular canals. The dissolution of the decalcified basis-substance, as a rvde, begins at * The multiuuolear bodies are by no means formations confined exclusively to the medullary tissue of bone. They may appear wherever ten'itories (units) existed before the infiltration with basis-substance took place, or where the basis-substance, either in normal or in morbid processes, is slowly being dissolved out, and thus the units of the tissue made free. 368 INFLAMMA TION. the border of the lacuna, therefore in the circmnference of the uniufiltrated bioplasson body, — the bone-corpuscle, — and ad- vances outward toward the periphery of the territory. We can satisfy ourselves that it is not the ccntrdl hoHc-coypiisch' itself (ilouc irhicli ciiJatyes, tiitt that, after a ivastiiaj or disso/iitiou of tJie Ijasis- siiljsfaiire has talen place, leadinf/ to thefreeiinj of the l)ioplassoti. SF^'M ' ;i III. 7 " K''^!,! ■sYflm ji |iiiifn?Tf#-* r I Fio. 155. — Bay-like Excavatioxs, Produced by Dissolution of the Basis-substance, from the Tibia of a Do(i Injured with Red-hot Iron; Eighth Day of Inflammation. Chromic Acid Specimen. [Published in 1872.] Ji, xiiicliansfd boiio-tissiii', with C, tlie boiie-coipusclca ; 7', large nucleated bioplassoii inassos, tilling the hays in tonnection with the luichangt-d hone, by ineaiia of delicate flla- incuts. Magnified SOO diaiiieter.-s. the latter, which hefore the inflamniatioH iras seen only in the hone- corpuscle, hecomes visible throughout the whole territory. The next step in these phenomena is that the bi<)])lassoii contained in IM'LAMMATIOX. ;{()'s. The linal resnlt of the melting or dissolution of the basis-sub- stance is the appearance of medullary spaces. They may arise from bone-eorpuscles and their surroundinji' basis-substance, in- dependently of the vascidar canals in tlie middle of the bone-tis- sue. This fact was known previously by Rokitansky. Medullary spaces may also have their origin in the borders of vascular canals, and the nearer the wound of the l)one, the larger and the more irregularly excavated are the medullary spaces come from the vascular canals. They are always packed vnt\i globular or spindle-shaped ciation of Compact Boxe into Medullary Tissue. Tibia of a Dog, Eighth Day of Inflammation. Chromic Acid Specimen. 7f, wideneil Ilavcrsiau caual; C, luojectjous of the compact bone, with considerably eularged and apiuiieiitly auirmented bone-corimscles; /, islands of bone: J/, medullary tissue containing newly formed blood-vessels. Majmitied 300 diameters. development into the jnrenile roiidition. This occurs before any other change, and is quite constantly observed in the homogene- ous nucleus of plastids in the younger, and the nucleolus of those in older animals. The nucleus is transformed into a bright, yellowish body, which divides into several lumps. In the in- flamed district, beginning fi'om the second and third day of inflammation, we meet with bone-corpuscles, containing divided uTiclei, even in unchanged osseous lamellae. I Sh LAMM A I lOS. M\ ^fe Hcjuvciieseenoe may iuv(>lv(' t'ithcr the laif^cr portion of })(nie-(M)rjms('k's or the whole <'orj)iisck', and these ))odies are jjartially or t(»tally ti-ansfoi-ined into yellowisli, sliijiin^ lnin])S, which 1 formerly considered luematoblastie (see page 101). The dissoluticm of the basis-substance around the homogeneous luni]) takes j»la('e in the same manner, as described al)ove. TJu' nturti to fJir jiiriiiilt' r(Hi(lifi<>ii^ liotrrrcr, ntdi/ 'if (t roiit- pdnitii'ch/ forh/ ihitt' iiiniflr iiof otdif the mifrti/ hoiit'-ror/jKsrIi\ Inif also fue, described isri.AMMA ri().\. :{7:-5 above, lead to foniiatioiis, constaiitly iiii't witli in tlie iinnicdiatt' viciiiitv of tlie iiiHanimatorv district. A ihhiiImt of newly formed medullary spaces are filled with yellowish, shining ele- ments, which, in their form and the nature of the l)Msis-su>)stance surrounding' them, are analogous to normal juvenile nu'dullary corpuscles. In such spaces a more or less a})undant new forma- tion of red blooil-corpuseles, and also, though not eonstantly, of Itlood- vessels, is going on ; the spaces, as a rule, contain in their centers l)lood-cor])nscles and blood-vessels, and at their p('rij)hery t)ioplasson l)odies of varying size. Sonu'tinu'S i-ed l)lood-cor- puscles originate in multinuclear bioplasson masses, as I de- scribed in 1872. Finally, I emphasize that f/ir liriiu/ roiiHerfioii of the hiop/assoji bodies, except the hfcmafoblasts, is not interrupted in the non-puru- lent inflamniation of hone. An isolation am he asserted to exist only in colored hlood-corpuscles and in pus-corpuscles. The blood-cor- ])uscles tioat in a lic^uid whose origin is connected with a partial paling and waste of bioplasson. The formation of this liquid, always occurs within the first vacuoles — i. e., the first vascular tubes, and T)otli the li([uid and the newly formed red blood-eor- puscles take part in the circidation as soon as the newly formed vessels join the older ones. It has been proved by Rustizky * that from the freed bioplasson in the process of inflammation of lione, pus-corpuscles also originate. N'ew Formation of Blood-vessels in Infianied Bone-tissue.f In bone in which inflammation is artificially induced, a very active new formation of blood-vessels takes place.f These are mostly capillaries arising from the elements of the decalcified, l)ut not dissolved, bone-tissue, and in medullary spaces originating from the derivations of the bone-tissue — viz., the medullary corpuscles. * " Untersuchungen iiber KiioclitMieitening." Wiener Meiliz. Jalirbiicher, 1871. t " Ueber die Riick- ii. Neubildung von Blutgelassen ini Knoehen u. Knorpel." Wiener Mediz. Jahrbueher, 1873. t R. Volkmann (Langenbeck's Archiv f. Klinisclie Chiriu-gie, IV, Bd. 18 03) describes a new formation of vascular canals in the compact substance of bone, occurring in so-called " vascular ostitis." WTiat this author describes is not identical with what I have seen, for he maintains that in the formation of vascular canals the bone-corpuscles take only an accidental part, or do not participate in the least. How tlie vessels themselves are formed he does not say. H. Lossen (Virchow's Ai-chiv, Bd. Iv., 1872) attempts to demonstrate, in specimens obtained from dry bone, that the canalization of bone-tissue really starts fi'om bone-corpuscles. 374 IXFLAMMATIOX. At the surface of the injured scapula of a dog, on the fourth day of inflammatiou, I met ^^'ith well-marked features indicative of a new formation of blood-corpuscles and blood-vessels. (See Fig. 159.) I saw enlarged ca\'ities in the basis-substance, deprived of lime-salts, containing a number of bright, yellowish, homogene- ous lumps and disks, which might be properly termed " haemato- blasts" (see page 100). Some of these lumps were vacuoled, Fig. 159.— Scapcla Plate of a Dog, ox the Fourth Day of Inflam- mation. Chromic Acid Specimen. [Published in 1873.] L, lamps of bioplasson in a cavity partly inclosed by an investmi-nt of bioplassou : V, elon- gated and vacuoled bioplasson tube, traversed by septa and containing isolated lumps — the hamatoblasts : B^ and B^. offsboots of the bioplasson tube, terminating blindly. Mag- nified SOO diameters. others vacuoled and elongated, and, again, others considerably enlarged by vacuolation. In all cavities produced by vacuolation, isolated haematoblasts in varying numbers could be seen beside a pale gi*anular mass. By coalescence of vacuoled bioplasson bodies tubular formations originated, which were di^dded into a IMLAMMA ilOS. 375 numhrr of cliamlKTs 1)V triiiisvcrs.- or ()hli(|U(' s('])ta, tlu- ivninaiits of thf h..llow<'ariii^^ by Uquefactiou and wasting' of the bioplassou, a eoninioi. cahber is established, iiTe/ov^///7' injl(ittini((fi()ii" (>\i the otlici-; iil- tliouii;!! it may be ^ruutctl tliat these processes depend only on ditferent de'!:rees of irritation. Let us consider the infhiiiiniatory (•han<:;es of tlie Jirliu/ timffcr of the tissue-units. In iuHMiiiiuation, this niattei" is prol)ably at tirst jn'ovided witii a siir))lus of li((uid nourishiuii' material. The (luestion whether this material is eonveyed in si)aces between the livinii' matter and the ])asis-substanee. or wln'thei' the li(piid im- mediately enters the living? matter, — /. p., is imbibed by it — cannot be answered by direct ol^servation. This fact, nevertheless, is certain, that the surplus nourishinjif liquid shows its effects gen- erally in the youngvst portion of the tissue-unit — viz.: in the nucU'ohts and the nucleus of the non-infiltrated corpuscle. This portion is usually the first to return to the juvenile condition; it is divided into a number of particles, as has been stated by Virchow. The livinj>' matter inclosed in the l)asis substance, upon recei\'iny the increased noui-ishing- material, resj)onds, as a nde, by a dissolution of its basis-sul)stance. Next follows the reestab- lishment of the juvenile condition in a certain number of centers, each of which represents a nucleus or a nucleolus ; and thus the embryonal or juvenile stage of the tissue, as described above, is re-assumed. Nearer the intlamnuitory focus the recurrence of youth is established in a larger amount of living matter, which is transformed into compact masses. Each mass may divide, and each fraction may give rise to a new corpuscle. If the connec- tion between these corpuscles remains intact, medullary tissue is the result ; if, on the contrary, the connection is broken, the com- pact i)articles of living matter are iHeuuifoJihists^ and, eventually, red blood-corpuscles. The formation of new elements from larger masses of living matter, as can be directly proved, is accomplished in such a way that within these masses, at certain intervals, new boundaries arise, the so-called ** nuirks of division," which depend upon the location of the compact centers. These boundaries are newly formed cement- or basis-substance, in which there are no reticular formations, but merely delicate spokes of living matter. Every newly formed inflammatory coi-puscle corresponds to a central body, whose living matter retains its embryonal condition — viz. : to a nucleus or to several nucleoli. Lastly, if in many places the connection of living matter be broken, — /. ^., the spokes uniting the single lumps be torn, — the 380 INFLAMMATIOX. lumps become unfit for producing new elements, and are sus- pended in a liquid, viz. : serum, derived from the blood which con- stitutes suppuration proper. Pus, as is known, is destined to perish. The facts above enumerated lead to the conclusion that a celhiJar Yfnthology, according to the theory of Virehow, cannot be maintained, for in the tissues of the animal body there are no ''individuals," no ''cells," and conseciuently can be no isolated '' cellular foci of disease." Tissues are composed of living matter and its derivations. In the center of the tissue-unit the living matter remains unchanged, while at the periphery the living matter is infiltrated Avith basis- substance. The continuity of li\ang matter is nowhere inter- rupted ; the detrimental influence, therefore, which acts upon the central body will also directly or indirectly reach the whole tissue- unit, and vice versa.* The changes which occur in the iufiamuiatonj process consist, first, in a dissolution or liquefaction of the hasis-substance, and, secondly^ in an increased prodaction of the livinr/ matter of its own kind. As I have previously demonstrated (see page 46), each lump of living matter, no matter how minute, is capable of producing its kind, ccmsequently to grow and form a new element. This is true of isolated particles as well as of masses of living matter combined into tissues and organs. It yet remains to be proved whether or not certain '"free" exudations of the animal body contain a number of extremely minute, isolated lumps, which have been torn from connection with the diseased tissues, and whether or not such lumps, under certain conditions, are still vdable and endowed in any degree with the capacity for reproduction. Together vnth. the emigra- tion of colorless blood-corpuscles, such lumi)s may, perhaps, be a source of the enormous new formation of pus-corpuscles. It is always only the living matter ^vithin a tissue which is subject to disturljances of nutrition, whether it is surrounded by an interstitial li(iuid or by an interstitial solid basis-substance. The non-living basis substance may undergo differeut changes, ' Later researches have proved that the chauges may take place under certain conditions, first in the tissue-unit, before any change in the i)lastidhas yet oecmTed. Even a portion of the plastid may exhibit inflammatory changes, while the remaining portion continues in a nearly unchanged condi- tion. (See article " Caries of Teeth, especially of Cementum.") IMLAMMAJIOX. 381 l)ut it is liviiiii" niiitttT rxclnsivcly whicli is ('ii;il)l«'(l to I'cprodiicc its kind, luul tlu-rcforc caicildt- of id-oduciiiu' the extensive new t'orinations wliieh give rise to new tissues, such as pseudo-nietn- branes, eallosities, ve«retations, ete. It is not the eell and not the liviiiu- ])oiti()ii of the cell wliich ah)ne j^tows and j)roliferates ; in the tissue, eveiythinu' that is endowed with life can do so, consequently that portion of living matter wlii(?h is inclosed by basis-substance also grows and pro- liferates. To tliis extent, made clear by observations and infer- ences, as far as connective tissue is concerned, we return to the stand-point of Rokitansky, inasmuch as we admit that the so- called " intercellular substances" are endowed with the capacity of gTOAVth. There /.s no re((soti, hoircrcr. to speali hereafter of a humoral or soVidar patholof/i/, aiu/ tnore than of a eelhilar patholo(ij). There exists but our patho/of/j/, and that is the patholoeffi of lirintj matter. That onlji irhirh is aVwc rtoi Jx'comi' fhr siit)jecf of disease. The Healing Process of Fractured Bones. In several of my i)ublications, issued in 1873, and quoted in the foregoing articles, iucideutal references are made to the phenomena of the healing process in fractured bones, which I propose here to include in one article. Later writers on this sul)ject* have advanced no new views, as they have not con- sidered the inflammatory process in the light of the bioplasson theory. My researches were made in the leg-bones of dogs, cats, and raVil)its, which I fractured designedly while the animals were kept under anaesthesia. In all instances I produced a displace- ment of the broken ends, in order to induce a somewhat higher degree of inflammation — the covering skin always remaining intact. How the healing process of fractured bones progresses by primary intention — /. e., when the broken ends are in close C(mtact, — is not known. All the numerous observati(ms and con- clusions concerning healing by primary intention in the soft tissues require revision, as a thorough understanding of this process is possible only through a knowledge of the minute .structure of the tissues involved. None of the authors have had * J. Hofmokl, "Ueber Callusbildung." Wiener Mediz. Jalirbiicher, 1874. Here an exhaustive aecoimt of the literature on this subject is found. 382 IN FLA MM A TIOX. this knowletljjc, stvaiige as it may appear. Throu^'h the kind- ness of Dr. J. Lewis Smith, of New York City, I obtained two fractured arm-bones of children, one of fourteen days', the other of about four weeks', standing. I learned from these sj)ecimens that the process of healing is in human bones identical with that observed in animals. Upon fracturing the bones of an animal, hemorrhage is pro- duced, on account of the rupture of blood-vessels in surrounding tissues, as well as those of the bone ; the initial swelling of the tissues around the place of injury is known to surgeons to be due to the extravasation of blood. The subsequent fate of the extravated blood-corpuscles we do not know ; what we call " absorption " of the blood is merely an expression of ignorance. In the first few days following the injury inflammation sets in, varying in intensity with the degree of displacement of the ends of the fractured bone, and the general constitution of the animal operated upon. The inflammatory process is most active in the tissues which have the most abundant vascular supply — i. e., the outer layer of the periosteum and the ru])tured muscles, while it is less marked in the central medullary tissue of the bone, and still less in its compact portions. The result of the inflammation, as described in former arti- cles, is that the involved tissues, and mainly the periosteum, break down into medullary corpuscles, the same formation which originally contributed to produce the periosteal tissue. By an outgrowth of living matter, new medullary or inflammatory elements are afterward produced, all of which remaining in uninterrupted (ionnection represent the infffnnnxifor;/ n etc forma- tion. The compact bone-tissue, in the immediate vicinity of the fracture, is also melted out, and on the eighth day we see medul- lary spaces, which are more or less numerous, and filled with medullary or inflammatory corpuscles. These corpuscles are con- nected with the inflammatory tissue arising from the periosteum and the central man-ow. In the second week the inflammatory elements, being identi- (;al with medullary or embryonal corpuscles, form a new tissue, in a manner already dwelt upon in the chapter on formation of connective tissue. The result of tissue formation in this case is again identical with that observed in the earliest stages of embryonal life — /. e.. the meduUari/ tissue is trdnsfovmed into cdftilage. Cartilage tissue appears after fractures, both of the human and animal Ixmes, and constitutes the provisiotial cnllus of IS FLA MM A I IDS. \\K\ l>i(j)inj(r( II. Whcllu'i- siit-li ;i jii'ox isioiial t»f cai't ila^iiioiis callus is ever formed, when the In-okeii Ixhk -ciids are closely fitting and tlie ix'riosteuin Imt sliglitly iMJured, has not been determined. This much is certain, however, tluit wlien a deviation of the bone-ends Inis oecuiTcd, the foi'uiatioii of pi-ovisional callus is invariably ])resent. The manner in wliich the inflannnatory corpuscles are trans- formed into cai'tilage (see paj^v 212) is l)ri(^f1y as follows : Fig. 1(51. — Carth^aginous Callus ok the Bkoken Tibia op an Oli> Cat, Fourteenth Day after Fracture. Chromic Acid Specimen. [Published in 1873.] B, slightly striatiMl basls-siibatance ; /, iJlastiil.s in tlie stagt; of iuiliffereuce, sliortl3' before the t'onnation of basis-substauce; T', capillary blood-vessel in the luliMle of a medul- lary si)ace. Magnitiod 800 diaiiu'tcrs. At the places most distant from the Ijlood- vessels, the greater part of which are newly formed, the originally globular cor- puscles become elongated, and the nuclei of many of them dis- appear. This is caused l)v the splitting of the solid bioplasson of the nuclei into a reticulum, and the passing into the uniformly 384 INFLAM3IA TIOX. ^' graniilnv " stage of indifference. Usually such a change occurs without a preceding coalescence of cor])uscles into territories. Many of the indifferent corpuscles become infiltrated with basis- substance ; l)ut we do not know whether this is of a gelatinous or chondi-ogenous chai-acter. Some, however, remain free from infiltration, at least in their central portions, and in this condition constitute the cartilage corpuscles which are found lying at nearly regular intervals throughout the newly formed basis- substance. In the second week after the injury, we invariably encounter nests of inflammatory corpuscles lying around a cen- tral blood-vessel. The corpuscles nearest the vessel are more globular, while the more distant ones are elongated and fusiform ; we are able to trace all the stages of transition, from a uniformly reticular bioplasson into an apparently structureless basis-sub- stance. (See Fig. 161.) In the above-mentioned groups or nests of inflammatory ele- ments we observe the transformation of capillary blood-vessels into solid cords, and subsequently the division of these into smaller medullary corpuscles, which in turn also share in the production of cartilage. This process is similar to the transmu- tation in advancing age of capillaries into tissue. The newly formed basis-substance of the provisional callus is in part hyaline and in part striated. The striations are produced either by the preservation of the boundary lines of the former fusiform, indifferent elements, or by a splitting of these elements into small spindles, within the territory, before the infiltration with basis-substance had taken place. We notice bioplasson bodies at regular intervals, which in this stage deserve the name of cartilage corpuscles ; they vary greatly both in size and ap- pearance. In some cavities of the basis-sul)stance we encounter large, pale, nucleated plastids ; in others, smaller, shining lumps, usually with vacuoles ; and in other cavities plastids are found which are composed of a varying number of lumps of different size. Lastly, ver}'- smaU cavities are seen in the basis-substance, containing only a single yellowish, bright lump. All jDlastids, whatever may be their size and shape, exhibit a distinct reticular bioplasson structure, whenever they are nucleated ; all granules and lumps contained in a plastid are likewise interconnected, and from all plastids, without exception, delicate radiating spokes arise, which penetrate the surrounding narrow rim, and are lost in the basis-substance. (See Fig. 162.) The newly formed cartilage of the provisional callus corre- INFLAMMATION. H85 s])()n(ls in its structure with normal liyaliiic or striated cartilage. A striking' (litl'erenee, however, is tlisjdaycd in the tissue of the provisional callus by the large amount of Ijioplasson it contains. The (M)arse p;ranulation of even the nucleated ])lastids ; the nuisses of bio^dassou lum})s lyinlaHtid8, tendinfr toward tlie formation of ba8i.s-.substauce, or resulting from a dissolution of basis-sub- stance ; JS', B", club like spaces, lined by a continuous bioplasson layer, containing hsemato- blasts and red blood-corpuscles. Magnified 800 diameters. inflamed periosteum, bone-tissue arises, in exactly the same man- ner as in the normal development of bone (see page 247). This hone-tissue establishes the formation termed definitive callus (Du- puijtrenj. The trabeculae of bone in children and animals begin to appear in the fourth week after the fracture ; these at first are 388 INFLAMMA TION. very irregular formations, exhibiting an indistinctly striated, cal- cified hasis-sn])stance and very large and irregular bone-corpus- cles. The medullary spaces are filled with medullary corpuscles, and contain, in their centers, newly formed blood-vessels, which are smaller the nearer they approach the compact structure of Fig. 1G4. — Exostosis after Periostitis of the Tibia of a Dog in the Fifth Week of Inflammation; Identical in Structure with the Definitive Callus. Chromic Acid Specimen. C, superficial compact layi^r, witli HH, the Haversian systems, and -S'.V, newly formed medullary siiaces; H, A-ascular canals, widened into medullary spaces, S; r, trabeculae ol newly formed bone, with larf?e and irregular bone-corpuscles, inclosing large medullary spaces, Mfi. Magnified 200 diameters. the injured bone. Unquestionably, also, the injured muscle-tis- sue shares in the formation of both the provisional and the defin- itive callus, always through the intermediate stages of medullary INFLAMMATION. 389 tissue. The newly foriiied tt-abeeulii' of bone jire in every respe(;t identical to those o])serve(l iit'ter plastic periostitis, and in this sit- uation termed ''exostoses" and " osteo])hytes." (See Fig. 164.) The connection between the old and the new bone is estab- lished at the fractured snrfaces by direct inosculation. At the surface of the compact bone, however, bay-like excavations are often wanting, and the newly formed bone may be attached to the old bone without the latter exliibitinjj^ any marked inflamma- tory chanecimen to semi- transparency. Observations made in this way resulted in the theory of caualiculi bearing a solution of lime-salts. In 18.50 and J S.lli, Rodolph Virchow and F. C. Donders applied the cell doctrine of Schwaim to the explanation of bone-tissue. They sometimes used dry and sometimes fresh bone in their investigations, macerating it in dilute hydrochloric acid, where- by they liberated the elements of the structure more or less distinctly. The bodies so isolated presented, sometimes, nucleated structures connected together by branches ; at other times, completely isolated bodies consisting of a central mass with projecting processes, and to these they gave the name bone-cells. Donders drew attention to the fact that bone-tissue had spaces filled by cell-like structm-es similar to those of other kinds of connective tissue. E. Neumann, in 1863, asserted that the so-called bone-cells were not the cells designated by Schwann, but spaces with offshoots having a more densely calcified wall than the other basis-substance, and thus better able to withstand the re-action of solvents. These bone-cells are no other than the lacunas, and their offshoots, the canaliculi. Inasmuch as the dry method of examination of bone-tissue prevailed up to the introduction of the wet method, by Heinrich Miiller, in 18.50, it is not surprising that it is fre- quently persisted in to this day. The nearer to the living state the examina- tions can be made, the more instructive and definite will tlie observation be. Hence the dry method is fast falling into disuse among tliose making histo- logical researches. In 1S71, E. Lang introduced the examination of living bone under the microscope upon the heated stage, by which he noticed amoeboid motion in bone-corpuscles. By this management the lacunae were proved to contain protoplasm, Vjut the nature of the contents of canaliculi he said nothing about. The method of examining bone-structure introduced by H. Miiller — viz., to decalcify bone by the use of a solution of chromic acid — is to be preferred. In this way bones are decalcified in a short time, and without considerable change. For thin bones, two or three weeks are sufficient to soften them enough to produce sections of any degree of thinness by the use of the razor. Such sections may be stained by placing them in a solution of chloride of gold, of one-half per cent, in strength. An examination of such preparations will show that, within the lacunae of the bone, nucleated bodies are to be seen, with finely gi-anular offshoots extending into the larger canal- iculi, where they are lost to sight. From the surface of the bioplasson body in the direction of the basis-substance many conical processes protrude toward the small canaliculi, with which they blend. In 1872, C. Heitzmann described and illustrated a bone-corpuscle fi-om bone in the early stage of inflammation [see page 112(), Fig. 40, of this book]. This figm-e shows very * Abstract from " NecrosLs," by C. F. W. Biideckcr, D. 1). S., M. D. S., New York. "Dental Cosmos," Philadelphia, 1878. lu order to establish uuiformity throiiifliont tlie book, the term " protoplasm " is chaiiffed into that of " bioplasson." IM LA MM ATI ox. :{!»1 plainly the shining, nt-arly homogeneous-looking bone-corpuscle, with off- slioots in every direction, filling the whole enliher of the caiialiculi. It solves the (piestion of the contents of the canaliculi in bone by direct observation. The living matter in bone beiiaves precisely as in other tissues under the inrtut'iice of the inflammatory ])rocess — that is to say, the central mass becomes a shining and nearly homogeneous lump, the offshoots from which occupy the whole caliber of the canaliculi, and by this the analogy of V)one to all otlier varieties of connective tissue is established. That is to say, here, as elsewlu're, the living part of the bioplasson forms a continuous net-work througliout the whole animal body, in the meshes of which a more or less fluid basis-substance is found, differing in its chemical properties in different situations, which in bone is glue-giving, and infiltrated with lime-salts. I have followed the methods, in my examination of bone tissue, as above described. This enabled me, by the use of the razor, to obtain sections fit to be examined by an immersion lens magnifying SOO to 10(M1 diameters. I noticed that the canaliculi could be plainly seen in sections, the basis-substance of which had retained a small quan- tity of lime-salts ; in completely de- calcified specimens they are very faintly discernible. According to my experience, it is better to stain the sections with a solution of chlo- ride of gold of the half of one per cent., whereby a better view of both bioplasson and basis-substance is obtained sections with carmine and hfematoxylon. The results of my observations with high magnifying powers are that bone- tissue presents faint parallel lines, dividing it into the so-called lamellae, within which we find the bone-corpuscles, the shapes of which vary according to the direction of the cut and of the lamellae. As bone-corpuscles are flattened lenticular bodies, we will recognize them in this shape in the fi-ont view only. Longitudinal sections through these bodies give a spindle-shaped outline, small when cut near the boundary, broad when cut thi-ough the middle line of the lentil. A cross-section through a bone-corpuscle shows a somewhat irregular body. A cross-section fi-om the compact bone of a lower jaw presents invariably bone-corpuscles in all three varieties. (See Fig. 1 Go.) We see large spaces, showing a nimiber of ray-shaped offshoots. Besides these coarse offshoots, innumerable extremely fine light ones are present. The larger as well as the smaller all communicate with each other, forming a deli- cate net-work through the whole of the basis-substance. Within the lacuTia* are present " protoplasmic " bodies. We observe, in the centers, shining oblong nuclei and nucleoli. Around the nuclei we see a narrow seam, trav- FiG. 165. — Normal Bone-tissue op THE Lower Jaw of a Man, Aged Thirty Years. Chromic Acid Specimen, Stained with Chloride of Gold. Three boiie-corimscU's, 7'', with an oblonj? mirleus ; P2, witli a globular nucleus, both ex- liibiting indistinct nucleoli : /"a, with a small, i-onipact nucleus. Majrnified 1000 rtianieters. Another good way is to stain the 392 INFLAMMATION. ersed by numerous very fine threads, which are cone-shaped. Tlieir bases are directed toward the nucleus, from the periphery of which tliey arise, wliile their points are in connection with the nearest granules of the protoplasm. Within the corpuscle there are finer and coarser granules, all being connected with each other by very fine threads. The seam around the nucleus, as well as the spaces between the meshes of the threads, are observable, being much lighter than the latter. From the periphery of the bioplasson body numerous thick offshoots enter the larger canaliculi, which sometimes can be followed up until they commu- nicate with the bioplasson of other large neighboring canaliculi. Besides these, many very fine offshoots run from the periphery of the bioplasson, con- tained in the larger canaliculi towards the basis-sul)stauce. Some of them can be seen to enter the fine canaliculi, but their course cannot be distinctly fol- lowed. My preparations show a much finer net-work within the basis-substance than Heitzmann's figure, before alluded to. Though I am not able to distinctly demonstrate the presence of living matter in the finest canaliculi, yet, as we find it in all other kinds of connective tissue, I am justified in assuming it. In normal bone, the laeunse and canaliculi are not entirely filled by the living mat- ter. On the periphery of each corpuscle we see a distinct light seam, traversed by the offshoots, which, in a cross section, only show the bioplasson in the center of the canaliculis, hence lea\ang sufficient space for the nutrient circulation. It is impossible to study the differences between necrotic and normal bone if the specimens be prepared from dry osseous tissue. I have made microscopical examinations of necrotic bone from the lower jaw, and from another piece from an upper jaw removed by Dr. Frank Abbott. The methods employed were exactly the same as before described from nor- mal bone. In both cases the necrotic sequestra, as soon as they had been taken from the mouth, were placed into the solution of chromic acid, and cut in due time. As these pieces were small, I imbedded them in a mixtui-e of paraffine and wax (after the extraction of the water by treatment with alcohol for twenty-fom* hours), whereby I was enabled to obtain extremely thin sec- tions, some of which I stained with chloride of gold, some with heematoxylon, and some I mounted unstained. The results of these examinations were as follows : The outer sm*face of the necrotic bone, which, to the naked eye, looked rough and eaten out, when brought under the microscope showed bay-like excavations, known formerly as " Howship's laeimae," in which there was visible a granular mass mixed with pus-corpuscles. In the middle of the bone I found all the Haversian canals more or less enlarged, some showing the bay- like excavations. The contents of the Haversian canals were every^vhere the same — a conglomerate mass of darkly shaded gi'anules, which I was imable to stain with carmine. These masses are the same that we see in decomposi- tion of organic matter — "micrococci." Here and there some medullary cor- puscles and multinuclear bodies were recognizable. I did not see blood-vessels in any of the Haversian canals. In the necrotic bone I found the traces of former osteitis. The enlargement of the Haversian canals and lacunje are direct proofs of this ; the dissolving out of the basis-substance on the per- iphery may, on the contrary, have been due to chemical changes, produced by infiltrations from the neighboring inflamed tissues. The Haversian systems and concentric lamellae were unchanged. The lacunas and canaliculi were yet preserved. In the necrotic preparation from the lower jaw I observed many INFLAMMATION. :}93 lacunn? in which the biopluMSOii body, witli its not-work, was yet diKtiiiKi'inh- al)U', esjuHMally wliere the sequestrum had been attached to the periosteum. I found, also, in the preparation from tlie upper jaw, some comparatively unchau'^ed bone-corpuscles.'' But the majority of the bone-corpuscles, and especially in the ueigliborhood of the Haversian canals, were either empty or their bioplasson boilies were sliriveled up (probal)ly the remains of the liviiif^ matter), only showing a few coarsti granules. (See Fig. 100.) No signs of fatty degeneration could be seen, for the gi-anules were stained violet by cliloride of gold. Many lacuna' showed no structure at all, the con- tents looking rather like a mass of coagulated albununi. In none of these hicuua^ was the cliai^acteristic struct- ure of bioplasson recognizable. To sum up my observations, I found : First. The lacidia' contain a bioplas- son body, tcith a distinctly risible net- -^^ like arranffcmoit, to be regarded as the liring matter proper. Second. The basis -substance is pierced by numerous coarse and fine canaliculi, coniniunicating with each other, as well as with the lacuna'. Third. The bioplasson bodies, which do not quite fill the lacunce, send off- shoots of the living substance into the Fig. 166. — Necrotic Bone-tissue of THE Lower Jaw of a Woman, Aged Thirty-eight Years. Chromic Acid Specimen, Stained vp-ith Chloride of Gold. Three lacuiisc : Xi, with two clusters of a canaliculi, but can only be seen in the granular mass; m with scanty granules ; £3, with a nearly homogeneous mass. Magnified coarser ones. io„o diameters. Fourth. In necrotic bone, traces of former osteitis are visible, but no blood-vessels present in the Haversian canals, which are filled with micrococci. Fifth. In necrotic bone, ntost of the lacuna; contain no bioplasson, but either a coarsely granular or a structureless mass — remnants of the living matter and coagulated albumen. Rachitis and Osteomalacia. During the years of 1872 and 1873, I made a number of experiments, for the purpose of ehieidating the causes of rachitis and osteomalacia. The results of these tedious and expensive experiments I published in 1873, in the form of a provisional communicatiou.t * An important feature is not mentioned in this article — viz. : tliat even in apparently unchanged bone-corpuscles the nuclei were Jagged, as if shriveled, this suflBciently indicating death of bioidassou.— Kd. t Anzeiger der Akadeniie d. Wissensch. in Wien, 19 Juni, 1873 ; und Vortrag in der Ge- sellschaft d. Aerzte in Wien, October, 1873. 394 INFLAMMA TIOX. Marchand, Ragsky, Lehman, Simon, and others, found free lactic acid in the urine of persons affected with either rachitis or osteomalacia. C. Schmidt discovered lactic acid in the liquid of malacic shaft-liones wliich had been transformed into globular cysts. Based upon these researches I commenced, in April, 1872, a series of experiments on the influence of internal administra- tion and subcutaneous injection of Jacfic acifJ oh the hones of Jiriiu/ ((iii)tials. These experiments were continued till the end of October, 1873, and were made on five dogs, seven cats, two rabbits, and one squirrel. The result was that in dogs and cats, in the second week of the administration of lactic acid, no matter whether introduced with the food or by subcutaneous injection, the quantity of lime-salts given with food being simultaneously reduced, swell- ings appeared in the epiphyses of the shaft-bones of the extremi- ties, and at the insertions of the rib-bones into their cartilages. The enlargement of the epiphyses and tlie riljs increased con- tinually up to the fourth and fifth week, and at the same time curvatures of the bones of the extremities were noticed. Catarrhal inflammation of the conjunctiva, the bronchi, the stomach, and the intestines, emaciation and twitching of the extremities, were the concomitant symptoms. The microscopical examination of the epiphyses demonstrated the identity of this pathological process A\ith that seen in the epiphyses- of rachitic children. On continuing the administration of lactic acid, the enlarge- ment of the epiphyses of the long-bones decreased, and the shafts themselves became, to a certain degree, less curved, while catarrhal inflammations of the mucous membranes occurred repeatedly. After four or five months, softening of the shaft- bones set in to such a degree as to render the bones as pliabh' as willow-boughs. The microscopical examination of the bones, after administration of lactic acid, continued for four to eleven months, showed a condition of things identical to that seen in human beings, dead of osteomalacia. In the three herbivorous animals no swelling of the epiphyses was observable. One rabbit died in the third month, the other in the fifth month, of the administration of lactic acid, both having svmptoms of inanition. In the bones of these animals there were no marked signs of rachitis or malacia. The squirrel, on the con- trary, which died after thirteen months' treatment with lactic acid, exhibited, in a high degree, the characteristics of osteomalacia. IM'LAMMATIOX. ;il),j From these experiments it follows that we are able to prodiiei 4irfitiri((lli/ in enrnirorons aiiinidls, Jxj eoutinned uiJtiiitiistrniioti of lactic acid, firsts rachitis^ aiid afterward osteomalacia ; icliile iti herhivora the same (Ujent prodaees osteomalacia without a j>relinii- nary rachitic statje. Thus, tlu' identity of these foi-ms of disease is demonsti'uted. and tlie differences in their course (U'pend niaiidy upon the differ- ence in the age of the animals in which the sohition of the lime- salts is ])roduced. In October, 1873, I exhibited to the Society of Physicians, in Vienna, a female foetus of seven months, which had died immedi- ately after birth. The mother of this foetus had been employed by me for months to feed the animals with lactic acid. In this foetus the symptoms of congenital rachitis were in the highest degree marked, to such an extent that the skull- bones were entirely absent, the cartilages of the ribs and the extremities showed only scanty depositions of lime-salts, but numerous breaches in the continuity; and throughout the body of the other- wise well-developed foetus there could be found no trace of bone- tissue. Feeding with lactic acid was repeated by E. Heiss,* on a dog one year and six months old, with only negative result. The age of dogs and cats in which rachitis can be induced is between the fii-st and six months of life — at the period, therefore, when the skeleton is developing from the cartilage and the periosteum. After this stage of development is passed, the symptoms of osteo- malacia will be produced, and with greater certainty, toward the end of the first year of the animal's life. The experiments of Heiss rest on mistaken grounds. Age is an essential factor in the production of either of these diseases in human beings. Rickets occurs only in children l>etween the first and the fifth years of life, this corresponding with the age of the above-named animals. Osteomalacia is exclusively a disease of adults. Rachitis (Rickets J. This disease of early childhood in its clin- ical features has been well known for over two centuries. Whistler t was the first to describe it, and from the title of his book the name of "English disease "was adopted by the German physicians. Next followed G. Glisson,t who made nse of the name " rhachitis." Simon,§ according to Marchand and Lehman, found lactic acid in the urine ■ '• Zeitschr. f. Biolofrii-," Bd. xii. t '■ Df Morlio Puerorutn Aiifrl<>riiiu," 164,5. Rare book. t 'Tractatus de Rhacliitiile," 1659. ? LelnbiKh d. Med. Clieinic. 1842. Bil. ii.. i>. 203. 396 INFLAMMATION. of rachitic children. He says that such ehihh-en void urine which sometimes is very rich in lactic, also in oxalic, acid, and that it contains four times as much phosphate of lime as the normal urine of children. Kiekets may be caused by the formation of lactic acid in the digestive tracts ; certainly this acid is not dis- posed of in the blood, in which only a small portion of the nitrogenous mate- rial is transformed into urea. In osteomalacia of adults, the lactic acid in the urine is considerably augmented, as well as the uric acid. In rickets, the lactic acid dissolves the phosphate of lime of the bones, and these become pli- able ; while, in osteomalacia, even the organic portion of the bone is in part absorbed. Gr. O. Rees* gives a thorough chemical analysis of the earthy phosphates in "Mollities ossiuni." He found the resorption of the phosphates to be different in different bones, and in the softened bones, on an average, he found only 78 per cent, of the normal 86 per cent, of phosphate of lime. The absorption, he says, affects the carbonate less than it does the phosphate of lime. Chossat t observed the absorption of lime-salts in pigeons which had been fed exclusively on wheat. The " rarefaction" of bone corresponds more closely with osteomalacia than it does with rickets. Dian-hoea was a concomitant symptom of this disease. Sam. Solly t distinguishes two varieties of softening of bone. Osteomalacia, he says, has also been observed in animals by Spooner, especially in dogs, with post-mortem results identical with those found in man. Sometimes the disease is confined to single bones. C. Schmidt ^ found the lactic acid by combining it with zinc, in the acid liquid of cysts into which the malacic bones were transformed, and he thought that the lactic acid was of local origin. Ernst V. Bibra || observed, in accordance with the experiments of Chossat, that by withdrawing the lime- salts from fowls the lime-depositions in the egg-shell disappeared, and finally the fowls ceased laying eggs altogether. The bones of chickens showed a decrease of about 10 per cent, of the inorganic substances and a decrease of 6 to 10 per cent, of tlie phosphate of lime; while the carbonate of lime and phosphate of magnesia were only a little lessened, and the alkalies and the fat not at all. V. Bibra found no lactic acid in fresh bones ; no consideration is given to this acid in his chemical analyses. J. Schlossberger H obtained the following results : In the normal occipital bone the percentage of inorganic material never falls below 60 per cent. In eraniotabes the percentage sinks to 51-53 per cent., and in the spongy and thickened portions to 4.3-48 per cent. Carbonate of lime is either decreased or normal. Guerin' says that if young animals are given other food than milk, dis- turbances of nutrition, especially of the bones, will follow. He took pups of the same litter, and fed some with exclusively animal and others with mixed vegetable food (bread and milk). The latter remained healthy ; the former * Guy's Hosp. Reports, viii., p. 191. Schmidt's Jalirb., 1841. t Comptes rendus. Tom. xiv., \i. 451^54. % Med.-Cliir. Transactions, xxvii. 2fl Ser., ix., 1844. § Annales de Chem. et I'harm., Ixi., 3, 1847. II " Cliem. Untersucli. iilji^r di« Knoclien u. Ziilino des Menschen u. der Wirbelthiere." Schweint'urt, 1844. Tf " Chemisclie Untersuchuiigen iiber d. erweicliteu Kiiideiscbiidel." R. u. W. Arch. viii. Schmidt's Jahrb., 1849, Bd. Ixil., p. 277. 1 Gazette des Hdpltaux, xxxvii., 1848. IN FLA MM . I nox. 397 at. first grew rapidly, but soon diarrha'a set in, they emaciated and beoame raeliitic. The bones l)ecanie so soft tliat the animals walked on their femurs and humeri, wliieh were very much curved. The main cause of rachitis, accordiuff to this autlior, is animal food, pfiven too early. G. Wef»ener ' made experiments on fowls and calves, producing rachitic changes by the administratioji of small doses of phospliorus, continued for months. He found the epiphyseal cartilage considerably dissolved out, and also in a high degree of hyperaunia. The histology of rachitic bones has been studied by many excellent observers, such as H. Meyer, K. Virchow, H. Miiller, A. Kolliker, C. Wedl, Steudener, and others. H. Meyer t especially comes to the conclusion that : (1) osteomalacia is osteoporosis ; (2) rachitis originates from universal peri- ostitis ; (3) osteomalacia and rachitis are the consequences of one and the same disease. We know that, in the normal process of ossification, both car- tilage and periosteum are reduced to a juvenile condition, -verse Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. C, cartilage cori>uiscles, an-anged in territories : -V.S, mertullary space, sprung from carti- lage tissue ; M, nieilullary tissue with very large blood-vessels, £V. anil a scanty new forma- tion of Vwne-tissue, B. Magnified 200 diameters. naked eye. The bone generally remains in the stage of cancel- lous structure, with large, irregular medidlary spaces. The flat skull-bones, being developed from fibrous connective tissue, exhibit similar features — the so-called crnniotnhes. In some plagical eondition is that of aplastic inflammation, in accordam-e with the views expressed by Virehow, and there is good reason to consider the process of rachitis as an intiammation. By feeding pups and kittens wdth lactic acid, rickets was induced, exhibiting in the osseous system features identical to those observed in racliiti(! children. Ostfonidhirid. This rare form of disease, which is always accompanied ))y intense pains, usually attacks the vertebral col- umn and the pelvic bones, though there are cases on record in which the whole skeleton was rendered as pliable as wax. Under the microscope we see a decalcification of fully formed bone-structure, usually of the compact portions, advancing in a way similar to the inflammatory process. The bone-tissue is transformed into medullary tissue, which in some places is distin- guished by a large quantity of blood-vessels. My researches enable me to state that the ultimate productions from medullary tissue are of two kinds : either colloid glol)ules or simply fibrous connective tissue. In a femur of a woman who, during pregnancy, was attacked with osteomalacia, and died of the disease, the compact portion of the bone was reduced to the thinness of a pasteboard, and was very pliable. The central marrow space was filled with a smeary, grayish yellow mass, which, under the microscope, proved to be colloid — viz.: consisted of globular or irregularly shaped corpuscles of a luster similar to fat, but not yielding to the re-agents which dissolve fat. They resisted even the action of strong alkalies and acids which destroyed the bone-tissue proper, and assumed a dark purplish violet color upon being stained with chloride of gold. (Fat is unaffected by chloride of gold.) Within the globules radiating bodies were often seen, somewhat similar to the needle-shaped crystals of the so-called margaric acid. Between the globules scanty fibrous connective tissue with a few blood-vessels was noticeable. The origin of the colloid corpuscles could be traced in the thin compact shell of the femiir, in which the lamellae were much 400 INFLAMMA TION. more marked than normal, evidently due to a dissolution of the lime-salts during life. Numerous medullary spaces, containing a varying number of colloid corpuscles, traversed the bone. Some of these bodies exhibited faint traces of the medullary cor- puscles which composed them ; others, in the initial stage of the colloid metamorphosis, were distinctly seen, consisting of medul- lary corpuscles, so that each colloid body might be considered as having originated from a group of coalesced medullary cor- puscles. In some places long rows of colloid corpuscles were noticeable, each of which re- sembled a territory with a condensed, peripheral colloid frame, and a central body, somewhat like a bone-corpus- cle. (See Fig. 168.) In the rib-bone of another woman, dead of osteomalacia, I found very large medullary spaces, which were tilled partly with medullary and partly with fibrous tissue, and contained also a number of yellow-brown pigment clusters. These spaces were very vascular. In this case no colloid corpuscles could be detected. In dogs and cats, whose bones were artificiaUy brought into the condition of osteomal- acia, all featiu-es described above as occurring in the mal- acic femur of the woman were present, and especially the col- loid globules. These closely resemble fat-globules, l)ut, never- theless, were an entirely different substance, as they did not jdeld to strong alkalies and acids, not even after being boiled with them. Chloride of gold stained them a dark purpUsh-violet color. The bones of the squirrel, which had been fed for thirteen months with lactic acid, had compact portions as thin as paper. They were, to a great extent, transformed into meduUary and fibrous tissue; they contained a large number of blood-vessels Fig. 168.— Osteomalacia. Femur of A Woman ; Longitudinal Section. Chromic Acid Specimen. B, boiie-corpuscle ; L, distinctly luaikeil la- mella ; C, colloid corijuscles, arranged in a row. Magnified 500 diameters. IM'LA.yMATlOX. 401 anroeeed to the forming of Fig. 170. — Inflammatory Changes op Muscle-tissue After Recent Invasion of Trichina. From the Leg of a Man. f^V, iuttami'd pei-iniysiuni : i', initial inflainniatory cliango of imiscle; /, liifrli "ilejrree of iiitlaiiiniatory rliaiiKt"; I-. lioiiiojri'iicous caky, and F, gloltnlar, masses of solid bioplassou ; C, capillary blood-vessel, with enlarged endotlielia. Magnified GOO diameters. striated muscle-tissue, as was first maintained by C. O. Weber. If, on the contrary, the filaments connecting the inflammatory corpuscles break, pus-corpuscles will be produced, and by their 406 IXFLAMMA TIOX. presence establi^)servation. Id old cases of trichinosis we find in the mid- dle of the capsule one, sometimes two, worms, coiled up with the well-known two and a half turns, shi-iveled and e\-idently saturat- ed with lime-salts. (See Fig. 171.) The space between the tri- china and its capsule is filled with a granular deposit of lime- salts. Such depositions are fre- quently met with at the poles of the capside, and sometimes they have a peculiar stratified appear- ance. In the \icinity of an en- cysted trichina we always find cicatricial fibrous connective tissue replacing the muscle fibers which were destroyed by the former inflammatory process, and the cicatrix, as a rule, con- tains a varying number of fat-globules. Fig. 171. — Encysted Trichixa ix THE Pectoral Muscle of a Max. T, shriveled trichina, surrounded by a gran- ular calcareous mass and inclosed by a hya- line capsule, C; K. knob-like deposition of lime-salts at one pole of tlie capsule; F, vacu- oled fat -globules. Magnified 200 diameters. IXFLAMMM IDS. 407 3. Inflammation of Nekvh-i'issli:. liill;iiuiii;iti<»n of iicrvc-tissiu' is cliaractt'ri/cd by occiu-n'iices very similar to those observed in inflammation of connective tissue. ^Vll varieties of nerve-tissue — the jfray substance, tlie ganglionic ek'ments, the meduHated and non-meduUated nerve- fibers — first bi'eak down into mednnarv corpuscles, identical with those which in embryonal development took ])art in the produc- tion of nerve-tissue. The first step of the inflammatory changes in nerves, as in muscle-tissue, always starts in the supporting and accompanying connective tissue, which, being the carrier of l)lo()d- vessels, reacts most promptly to the irritation. Next follows the proliferation of inflammatory corpuscles arising from the nervous tissue, and the sum of tlie inflammatory new formation, so long as the continuity of the c()ri)uscles remains unbroken, results in the production of a dense, indistinctly fibrous connective tissue, establishing the condition of sclerosis in the tissues of the nerve- centers. Later, shrinkage of the newly formed connective tissue causes retractions on the surface of the brain, which process H. Kundrat terms poyeueephalitis. Should the inflammatory corpuscles break apart in the early stages of inflannnation, the result will be a complete destruction of the tissue involved — /. p., the formation of an abscess. The wall of the abscess, again, may be built up ])y newly formed connective tissue. Such a combination of a formative and destructive inflammatory process is well illustrated by the fol- lowing article : Microscopical Studies on Abscess of the Brain. By H. G. Beyer, M. D., P. A. Surgeon U. S. Navy.* The subject of my studies is a brain, the history of whieli is published in the Transactions of the New York Patliological Society, vol. i., edited by John C. Peters, M. D. At a meeting of this society, held on January 13, 187.5, Dr. J. Lewis Smith presented a specimen with the history, which is briefly as follows : ''Maggie, aged two years and six months, seemed in good health, was plump and well developed. On the evening of December 5th, she ate her supper as iisual, and was placed in her crib, apparently in perfect health. At 3 A. M. she was found in severe general ecclampsia. The general spasmodic * "Journal of Nervous ami Mental Disease," July, 1880. The essay is here repnntert in abstract. The term " protoplasm " is changed into that of " bioplasson." 408 INFLAMMA TIOX. movements continued with more or less \'iolence till 1.30 P. M., and in the muscles of the neck somewhat longer. "At about 6 p. M., I found her lying quiet, rather stupid, but easily aroused. Her vision was evidently good, and she was conscious : the pupils responded to light, and the direction of the eyes was noi-mal; pulse 104 ; no cough ; respiration and temperatui-e normal. There was no apparent loss of motion of the muscles of the face, but the right arm and legs were paralyzed, though the palsy was not complete. The great toe flexed on tickling the sole of the foot, but the foot itself showed little or no motion ; but on attempt- ing to flex the leg, which was extended, some rigidity of the muscles was observed. At times, the patient produced slight movement of the thigh upon the tinink. I think, during the two or three days succeeding the eon\-nlsions, sensation in the right limbs was not entirely lost, though greatly enfeebled. Subsequently paralysis in the right limbs, both of the nerves of sensation and motion, became nearly or quite complete, and continued so until death. Nevertheless, tickling of the sole of the foot caused some movements of the great toe. On the left side, sensation and motion were perfect. "December 9th. Has vomited to-day for fii-st time ; apparently sees well, and the appearance of the eyes is nonual ; has no retraction of the head or rigidity of the muscles of the neck, nor along the spine : pulse 96 ; tempera- tui-e normal ; lies quiet with eyes shut ; is stupid and not particularly fretful when aroused ; her bowels moved regularly. "December 11th. Continued to vomit at intervals; pulse G8. "December 16th. Pulse 80, temperature 100; vomited once yesterday, not to-day ; lies in a constant doze. " December 18th. Moans at times, as if in pain; pulse 180, temperature 100^ F. "December 19th. Pulse 180, temperature 103°; there is convergent strabismus, and her eyes have a wild, almost insane, look ; but she can see, and grasped, huiTiedly, a percussion hammer presented towards her. Para- lysis of nerves of motion and sensation in the right extremities nearly com- plete ; slight movement could still be induced in the gi-eat toe by titillation ; the vomiting has ceased ; tongue covered with a thick fur ; movements of the bowels pretty regular; has a slight cough, such as is common in cerebral disease. " December 2 2d. Lies quietly on her side in perpetual slumber, with eyes constantly shut ; pulse 118, temperature lOH"; the bowels still moved nearly normally. The pupils, when exposed to the light, were seen to oscillate, but are constantly more dilated than in health ; tlie urine passes freely. Has, at intervals, circumscribed flushing of the features. '■ December 24th. Pulse intermittent ; pupils dilated. "December 25th. Died in profound stupor to-day, having lived nineteen days from the commencement of the malady. "Autopsy. On removing the calvarium and diu-a mater, which presented no unusual appearance, the vessels of the pia mater were found rather more injected than common. The cerebro-spinal fluid was scanty, and the surface of the brain rather dry. The vertex of the left hemisphere was unusually prominent, rising perhaps half an inch higher than that of the opposite side. At the highest point, which was about one inch and a half from the median line, was a circular yellowish spot upon the sui-face of the brain, about one and a half inches in diameter. Pressure upon the spot, made lightly, com- IXI'LAMMA 71 OX. 4()<) inuiiicjitcd the scnsatidii of a larf^o oavity uiiiU'riieatli, filU-d witli licjuid, anil ai>proacliiiiR to witliin two or three lines of tlie snrface. There waH no adhesion or exudation at that jvoirit; and tlie surface of the brain appeareil entirely noniuil, exeept sli-jht cloudiness of the piu mater at the base of the brain, a little posterior to the optic commissure. The incised surface of tlie brain, at a r Absces.s of the Bkaix. Transverse Section. F, la}-ei- of fibrous connective tissne with .scanty blood-vessels, bounding the abscess ; M, layer of myxomatous connective tissue, with numfi-ous capillary blood-vessels; TT, white substance of tlie brain, witli numerous large blood-vessels. Magnified 200 diameters. more minute anatomical featm-es. Oiu" lack of knowledge of the minute pathological anatomy of the central nervous organization is mainly due to the method of mounting in Canada balsam. The subject of these investigations will be treated under the four follow- ing heads, namely : Inflammatory changes of — (1) Wall of abscess; (2) white substance; (3) non-medullated nerve- fibers; (4) gray substance. (1) Wall of Abscess. Transverse sections through the wall of the abscess, which in different places varied in width from one to two millimeters, exhib- iXFi.AMMA y/av. 411 - V ited the followiiif^ chiinicteristic IVutmi'H. (See Fi^. 1 "'_'.) A layer of filjious eoiineetive tissue forms the l)onnri)uscl(>s. The bundU^s of eonneetive tissue in tliis situation were partly infiltrated with, partly transformed into, })Us-eori)Uscles, and were arranpeil in the shajje of rows, between whieh a scanty liasis-substance was tracealile. In tlieir fjjeneral direction, tliese rows coi-responded to that of the Vjundles in tlie subjacent tissue stratum, whicli was built up ])y dense l)undles of filn'ous connective tissue in a more or less parallel course, and with itut few decus- sations inclosing narrow, oV)long spaces. These connective-tissue ^^^ -,,o fibers held a large number of small : =" l-"-- '^- spindle-shaped and a somewhat -^»— / larger number of globular bioplas- sou bodies, the former representing what has been termed connective- tissue corpuscles, the latter in- flammatory elements. The meshes between the bundles contained granular layers of bi()])lasson, with a number of intianimatory elements, and also a moderate amoimt of capillary blood-vessels. In this layer, all stages of ncAvly developing connective tissue could be observed ; clusters of medullary or inflammatory elements ; clus- ters in whieh these elements had already assumed an oblong or spindle shape ; delicate spindles, closely packed together and trans- formed into basis-substance, wuth a relatively small number of bio- plasson bodies left. Beneath the above described layer of fibrous connective tissue, the so-called membrana pyogena of the older writers, there followed a broad layer of connective tissue, exhibiting all the characteristics of the variety termed myxomatous. The connective-tissue bundles, while dense in the innermost layer, had become loose in the myxomatous portion, changing to a more or less vertical course, and inclosing large meshes of a homogeneous basis-substance. The coarser bundles formed strings, whieh by inosculating with each other produced a reticulum, built up almost exclusively by spindle- .shaped elements, partly transformed into basis-substance. Within the meshes of this reticulum is contained a very delicate fibrous connective tissue, with numerous, mainly spindle-shaped, bioplasson bodies; large fields of the meshes hold an almost homogeneous or very slightly gi-an- ular basis-substance. (See Fig. 17:3.) A number of capillary blood-vessels of a considerable size, and partly filled with red blood-corpuscles, were also met with. The endothelia of these capillaries were very large, and found Fig. 173. — Wall of an Abscess, of the Brain. Transverse Section. /•', layer of librous conuective tissue ; T', iiests of nHMlullarj' eleiuoiits, apparently produced by the proliferation of the eiidotlieliaof former blooiel.s : M, luyxoinatovis poi-tioii, in the meslies y a dense and homogeneous layer, continuous with the axis-cylinder. All the forma- tions of the above description were uninterruptedly connected with each other by extremely delicate threads. lu some places small abscesses had formed outside the wall of the main abscess; these abscesses were detected only with the microscope. lu such localities the medullary elements had assumed a more uniform size, a some- what coarser fn'anulation, and, ha\ing also lost their mutual connections, they were transformed into pus-corpuscles. As a matter of course, that portion of the white substance which had undergone such a change into pus-corpuscles was devoid of blood-vessels. The manner in which blood-vessels are lost, shortly before the tissues bi'eak down and are transformed into pus, was easily traceable in the neighborhood of such small abscesses. The endothelia of both the blood-vessel and the perivascular sheath became considerably enlarged, coarsely granular, or w-ere supplied with at least several large shining gi'anules, which might justifiably be considered as newly formed nuclei. By a process of splitting of the enlarged endothelia into medullary elements, the caliber of the blood-vessel, as well as of the perivascular sheath, became obstructed, and thus, what formerly had been a capillary, now was seen to have become transformed into a row of medullary elements. These at first remained in connection with each other by means of delicate processes, traversing the newly formed cement-substance, afterward broke apart and became pus-corpuscles, in shape and size fully identical with those sprung from other portions of the inflamed tissue. The above-mentioned varicosities of the nerve-fibers, by ilifferent authors are considered as post-mortem changes, and due to an irregixlar coagulation of the myeline. The varicosities which I have described here have nothing to do with myeline, but are formations of the axis-cylinders themselves, and due to struetm-al changes in the substance of these axis-cylinders proper — viz., enlargement of the thread, exhibiting the ordinary structure of bio- plasson, and in close connection with the inflammatory changes of the nerve- fibers in general. These changes in the axis-cylinders can be understood only if we look upon the latter as formations of living matter. In the inflammatory process, the gi-anules of li^-ing matter in bioplasson bodies increase in size, some- times to such an extent that the body is transformed into a shining, homo- geneous lump, which readily divides into smaller particles, each of which in turn may become a medullary element. The axis-cylinders, being formations of living matter, also become coarsely granular, beaded, or rosary-like, and each one of these granular enlargements may give rise to a new medullary element, eventually a pus-corpuscle. In this manner we understand the formation of rows of medullary elements and of pus in the middle of the white substance of the brain. Ever since J. Cohnheim asserted that the main, if not the only, soiu-ce of inflammatory elements and pus-corpuscles are the emigi-ated colorless blood- corpuscles, some authors had entu-ely overlooked the changes taking place 414 INFLAMMATION. in th(> constituent elements of an inflamed tissiie. Nobody, nowadays, is intendinfjj to deny the emigi'ation of eolorless blood-corpuscles from capillary blood-vessels and small veins during the inflammatory process. Specimens obtained from the brain under consideration, by the immediate transportation of softened parts of the white and gray substance under the microscope, plainly demonstrated the existence of such a process. Along the wall of an enormously enlarged and engorged blood-vessel were seen colorless blood- corpuscles of a club shape, with one blunt extremity still in the caliber of the blood-vessel, with a thin pedicle still embedded in its wall, with the other blunt extremity protruding outside the periphery of the blood-vessel. Not infrequently a colorless blood-corpuscle was seen to be attached to the wall of the vessel by means of a slender pedicle, the main mass of the corpuscle being outside the wall of the blood-vessel or within the lumen of the perivascular space. There cannot be any doubt that the emigrated colorless blood-cor- puscles share in the formation of pus-corpuscles, yet I lay stress upon the fact that the main source of inflammatory elements and pus-corpuscles must be looked for in the living substance of the inflamed tissue itself. More espe- cially in the white substance of the brain under consideration, all the stages were traceable, fi-om the granular enlargement of the living matter of an axis- cylinder up to the complete development and formation of inflammatory ele- ments and pus-corpuscles therefrom. (3) JVoii-mediiUafed Nerre-Jihcrs. A cei'tain portion of my specimens, which was taken from the vicinity of the abscess, exhibited a large number of non- medullated nerve-fibers in bundles cut longitudinally and transversely. In the longitudinal bundles, the gray nerve-fibers were so closely packed together that but a very faint striation could be traced out. In the midst of such bundles there were numerous nests of medullary elements, of a prevailing oblong shape, and independent of any blood-vessels. Ai-ound these nests the following changes in the non-medullated nerve-fibers could be made out: First, the nerve-fibers had assumed a beaded or rosary-like appearance ; next, they had become spindle-shaped and coarsely granular ; after this, evidently fi-om an increase in the size of the granules, the nerve-fibers had been transformed into an oblong cluster of bioplasson, within which, through the formation of a separating cement-substance, medullary elements made their appearance, in clusters, still retaining their spindle shapes. Lastly, a number of such spindle-shaped nests had coalesced, and rows and clusters of medullary ele- ments could be seen, separated from each other only by a small niimber of unchanged non-medullated nerve-fibers. Wherever such a transformation of nerve-fibers into clusters of medullary elements had taken place in a larger district, the result was the formation of an inflammatory nest, in which the elements were connected with each other by delicate threads. I have not seen an abscess in the middle of non-medul- lated nerve-filiers, but it is obvious from what I said before, that through the breaking apart of these medullary elements, as yet connected by delicate threads, pus-corpuscles may arise. I claim, basing myself upon direct observation, that inflammatory foci, with ci'owded inflammatory elements, can arise from direct changes of the bare axis-cylinders constituting non-medullated nerve-fibers, independently of either blood-vessels or emigration of colorless blood-corpuscles. (4) (irai/ SubHtancc. In the vicinity of the abscess of the brain, I have met with a number of changes in the gray substance. First, the points of inter- JM'J.AMMA'JJOX. 415 soi'tidii of tlu' living:; matter were I'liliirf^inl, wluTflVuiii resulteil a coarse gi'amilation of the gray substance. In many places, with the liighest powers of the microscope, the points of intersection of the reticulum were clustered together to such an extent that lightly grmiular, nearly homogeneous, groups appeared, each of which was surrounded by a light rim. Owing to an aug- mented afflux of nourishing nniterial, the formations of living matter had evidently very nnicii increased in size, and by ajiproaching each other pro- duced densely granular or homogeneous lumps of living matter, with the appearance of indilferent or medullary elements. In certain places, the whole mass of the gray substance had been transformed into such medullary cor- puscles, between which bundles of non-meduUated nervc-tibers and blood- vessels, mainly capillary in nature, were still recognizable. The nerve-fibers traversing the gray substance were mostly increased in size, and transformed into beaded fibers or chains of small homogeneous lumps. The blood-vessels, besides being completely obstructed with red blood-eorpuscles, exliibited changes in their endothelial walls identical with those described above in connection with the white substance. The nuclei of the gray substance were mostly very coarsely granular; the nucleoli especially had increased in size, and looked as if split up into a num- ber of coarse granules. More ^specially in the carmine-stained specimens I often observed larger spaces, identical with the periganglionie space, either empty or holding extremely delicate granules. These si)aees, so-called vacuoles, very probably had formed by an aecumidation of a serous exudation around the nuclei, by which either a certain amount of the surrounding gray substance was pushed in a peripheral dii'ection, or a certain amount of li^ang matter destroyed. The tine granides within the above spaces, consequently, were either coagulated albumen or remnants of the former reticulum of living matter. New formation of nuclei in the inflamed gi'ay substance is of very common occurrence. Within the spaces just described I sometimes saw one large and two or three small nuclei, which, being in contact with their flattened sur- faces, looking toward each other, allow of the conclusion that they had origi- nated by a process of division of the original single nucleus. New formation of nuclei, doubtless, takes place independently of former nuclei in the gray substance. I have seen repeatedly clusters of bioplassou near the wall of the abscess, with irregular outlines and holding a large num- ber of oblong nuclei. Such multi-nuclear masses are evidently produced by the confluence of bioplassou bodies (emigrated colorless corpuscles — Ziegler), or by the formation of territories previous to their division into inflammatory elements. The ganglionic elements within the inflamed brain-tissue exhibit a series of changes of great interest. Nearest to the abscess a number of ganglionic elements had swelled and been transformed into almost homogeneous, indis- tinctly gi'anular bodies, still characterized by the presence of offshoots and a ileep carmine stain. No doubt, the swelling of these elements is due to an inundation with exudation, which leads to a stretching and breaking apart of the reticuhmi of li\ing matter therein. The capillaries of regions where such swelled ganglionic elements are nimierous are considerably dilated, their endothelial coat is partly thinned, partly thickened, by endogenous new growth, and their perivascular sheath enormously widened. In this space I have seen faint granules and pale gran- 416 INFLAMMA TION. iilar bioplasson bodies of the size of colorless blood-corpuscles, indicating that immigration of such corpuscles had taken place. In other portions of the gray substance a marked proliferation of the gang- lionic bodies can be observed. There are bodies with enlarged and beaded nucleoli, bodies with two or three isolated nucleoli, bodies with two or three coarsely granular nuclei, sprung from a division of the original nucleus, as is proved by the presence of facets, where the nuclei lay against one another. (See Fig. 175.) Many ganglionic elements are transformed into coarsely granular, nearly homogeneous, lumps, and split into smaller lumps, varying in number from two to seven or eight. J -i-l^. >G3 Gl- ■h: The clusters of bioplasson bodies are grouped together in such a way as to retain the general shape of the ganglionic body, considerably enlarged. The offshoots of these elements are in many instances still recognizable as being either enlarged and coarsely gi'anular or broken apart into rows of bioplas- son bodies. As to the origin of medullary elements within the ganglionic bodies, I can state positively that d.-i .-ft JW'Jh^i * i iijpy iiave originated by a process Fig. 175.— Inflammatory Changes of of endogenous gi-owth fi-om the THE Ganglionic Elements of the bioplasson of the ganglionic bodies Gray Substance of the Brain. themselves. First, the living mat- , , ,•»,,, ter was increased, hence we explain (?i, coarse granules ana new mulei in tlie bodj' ' '■ of the ganglionic element ; ai, .si>iittiug of tiie the coarsely granular and homo- ganglionic element on its periplunal portion ; G^, geneous looks of such an element ; the whole body transformed into meitullary ele- ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^j division had formed by the division of living matter into angular himps, closely packed to- gether so as to flatten each other, and separated by a thin layer of fluid, which everywhere was traversed by delicate conical offshoots, uninterruptedly con- necting all newly formed lumps with each other. Some of these lumps, apparently, had further advanced in development than others ; while some looked still shining and homogeneous, others were already coarsely granular, and presented a marked formation of a nucleus and a nucleolus. Again, all these formations, gi-antUes, nucleolus, and inclosing shells are united by delicate threads. Lastly, the whole ganglionic element and its offshoots had broken apart into medullary or indifferent corpuscles, which, so long as they remain united to one another by delicate threads of living matter, represent an indifferent, medullary, or inflammatory tissue, identical with that arisen from the gi"ay and white substance of the brain. If, on the contrary, the tmiting offshoots be torn, the isolated medullary elements will produce pus-corpuscles, and an accumulation of such corpuscles gives rise to what is called an abscess. In the pus taken from the abscess of the brain under consideration, besides pus- corpuscles, a large number of bioplasson bodies were found suspended in the fluid, in size considerably exceeding that of ordinary pus-corpuscles. /iA|4%;.^'^'>- ments : A, axis-cylinder exliiliitiii change. Magnified 600 diameters. IN FLA MM A TION. 417 These large bodies exhibited all stages of endogenous formations and prolif- erations of living matter, sufficiently indicating their origin from the gang- lionic elements of the gi'ay substance of the brain. The lUrraiure on the subject of my studies is extremely sterile. No exact observations, at least to my knowledge, have as yet been made on acute encephalitis and suppuration of the brain substance. Only one point has so far been called attention to, and this is the proliferation of the ganglionic bodies of the gray substance. Th. Meynert * first noticed a proliferation of the nucleoli and nuclei of ganglion elements. E. Fleischl t found a division of ganglioTiic bodies, though not in a strictly inflammatory process, but in a brain involved in the formation of a tumor. A. R. Robinson t produced inflamma- tion in the ganglia of the sjinpatlietic nerve around the aorta of the frog, and observed a division of the ganglionic elements fi-om the formation of a furrow on the surface to the complete division into small particles. The di\asion may involve only a part of a ganglionic body, the rest remaining normal, or it may invade the whole. Analogous transformations were also observed in the elongations of the ganglion cells. Andrea Cecchirelli $ produced traumatic lesions in the large hemispheres of the brain of a chicken and of rabbits. He saw enlarged and granular "gang- lion cells " within the inflammatory focus, and came to the conclusion that the nuclei had increased in number and that the whole " ganglion cell," by divi- sion, had been transformed into smaller elements. The results of my own observations can be summed up in the foUo-wdng points : (1) The gi'ay substance of the brain, by the inflammatory process, is trans- formed into inflammatory or medullary elements, in the production of which the nuclei and ganglionic bodies also share. Non-medullated nerve-fibers, through an increase of living matter in the axis-cylinders, are likewise transformed into medullary elements. The same results are produced in inflammation of the white substance of the brain, after the dissolution of the myeline. (2) The medullary elements, sprung from the gray or the white substance of the brain, are transformed into connective tissue, either myxomatous or fibrous, and thus the wall of an abscess in the brain is the result of the reduc- tion of the brain tissue first into medullary corpuscles, next into myxoma- tous, and lastly into fibrous connective tissue. (3) Medullary elements, irrespective of which particular nerve-element they had originated, when broken apart, constitute pus-corpuscles, and, therefore, the contents of an abscess of the brain. In the fluid of the abscess clusters of bioplasson bodies are seen, proving a transformation of ganglionic elements into pus-corpuscles by a process of endogenous new formation and subsequent division of living matter. All the stages of this process are observable witliin the ganglionic bodies of the inflamed gray substance itself. (4) The endothelia of the blood-vessels become enlarged, coarsely granu- lar, and proliferating in the process of inflammation of the brain-tissue. New blood-vessels are formed in the wall of the abscess. A consolidation of the * " Vierteljalirsclirift fur Psychiatrie," 1867. 1 "Meil. Jahrbiicher," 1872. t " Ueber die eutziindliclien Veraiiderungen der Ganglionzellen des Sympathicus," Med. Jahrbiicher, 1873. i " Ein Beitrag zur Kenntuiss der eutziimllicheu VerauderiinKeQ des Gehirnes," Med. Jahrbucher, 1874. 27 418 INFLAMMATION. blood-vessels, on the contrary, and a breaking up of their endothelia into medullary elements, afterward pus-corpuscles, takes place whenever the tissue is destroyed by suppuration. Pus is mainly a product of the inflamed tissue itself, and not of emigi'ation of colorless blood-corpuscles. 4. Inflajvimation of Epithelia and Endothelia. Epithelia and endothelia, being formations of living matter, respond in a very active manner to irritation. The changes of this tissue are not primary, as the inflammation invariably starts from the subjacent vascularized connective tissue. Even in mild cases of inflammation in connective tissue, the presence of an exudate can be demonstrated, which constitutes the condition known as " oedema." The surplus nourishing material is carried into the epithelia and endothelia from the blood-vessels, even though the irritating agent should be brought in direct contact with the epithelial or endothelial investment. The inflammatory changes in this tissue, as in every other, consist in an increase of the living matter ; the elements become what is termed " coarsely granular," or assume the " condition of cloudy swelling." If the inclosing shell of cement-substance is not immediately liquefied, a marked endogenous new formation of corpuscles takes place, resulting in the appearance of the so-called "mother cells" — /. e., bioplasson bodies, containing a varying number of inflammatory elements, in all stages of development. We can trace the new formation of these elements from the coarse granides to the large homogeneous lumps, and, finally, to the nucleated plastids (see page 46). If, on the contrary, the cement- substance is liquefied in the early stages of inflammation, the living matter herein present — /. e., the connecting filaments ("thorns") — is enlarged, and shares in the new formation in •the same manner, as observed within the epithelial or endothelial elements. First, a number of these elements coalesce, and form large clusters of bioplasson, containing a varying number of nuclei and a large quantity of coarse granules, which, passing through the phases of bioplasson development, result in the production of inflammatory corpuscles. The final Result of the inflammation is different, according to the i)lastic or formative^ or the suppurative nature of the inflammatory process. In plastic inflammation, the newly formed medullary or in- flammatory corpuscles remain interconnected, and, becoming fusiform, give rise to new formation of connective tissue. The " ciiT- INFLAMMATION. 419 hotic" ooiiditi/ .3/ 'J ■^,>^^.-- -\ Fig. 178. — Waxy Degexeratiox of an Artery of the Spleen of a Man Affected with Syphilis. E, endotheli.ll coat of artery : .V. mnscle-coat of artery, in waxy degeneration ; B, bandies of smooth muscle-fibers accompanying the artery ; X», lyniph.corpuscle3 in the myxomatous reticulum. Magnified 600 diameters. the muscle of the heart, predominantly the wall of the left ven- tricle, by which this structure is enlarged, rendered friable, and of a peculiar lardaceous luster. Waxy degeneration is often found in nerve-tissue, both in the gray substance and the ganglionic elements, in connection with similar changes in the walls of the blood-vessels, and also without INFLAMMATION. 429 any such changes. For particulars I refer to the two foUowiuf^ articles. Epitlielia and endotlielia are likewise subject to this defeneration — f. i., in the liv'cr, the kidneys. The ejiithelia of the luuf^s sometimes give rise to homogeneous or concentrically stri- ated colloid corpuscles, and such are sometimes observed in the epitlielia of the prostate gland. The concentric colhjid corpus- cles of the latter organ may become the seat of calcareous depo- sitions, and are sometimes voided with the urine. They are not of uncommon occurrence. (See chapter on urine.) Peculiar, but certaiidy kindred, fonnations are the colloid corpuscles of the nervous system. Usually they exhibit a concentric striation ; sometimes two or more such concentrically striated corpuscles may be surrounded by a common homogeneous or striated layer. (See Fig. 179.) Virchow, by mistake, termed ^i^kM >;aii Fig. 179. — Colloid or Amylaceous Corpuscles op the Arachnoid OF THE Spinal Cord of an Adult. A, couceutrically striated amyloid corpuscle ; G, group of medullary corpuscles in colloid degeneration ; L, medullary corpuscles lu tlie beginning of colloid degeneration. Magnified 600 diameters. them ''amylaceous" corpuscles. In the arachnoid of a man whose brain, crowded with these corpuscles, was in the condition of the so-called *' gray atrophy," I could trace the origin of these formations from meduUary elements, which had arisen in the fibrous tissue of the arachnoid in consequence, evidently, of a 430 INFLAMMATION. slight inflammatory process. The medullary corpuscles, being infiltrated with the eoUoid material, either remained in irregular groups, or, becoming elongated, gave rise to the concentricaUy striated corpuscles, in a way similar to that in which the territo- ries of connective tissue are formed. In the center, sometimes an unchanged plastid is seen, or a larger homogeneous mass, or a shallow depression, termed an umbilicus. Waxy Degeneration of the Cerebellum. By J. Baxter Emerson.* Mr. B. was the youngest of a family of seven childi-eu. His mother died of acute eTicephalitis, terminating in abscess ; a maternal uncle and aunt both showed symptoms of dementia late in Ufe. One of his sisters has suffered for several years with hystei'ia ; a second sister has at the present time posterior spinal sclerosis. When about fifteen years old, he was throAvn from a car- riage, and received a severe scalp wound on the posterior part of his head, from which he seemed to recover. His habits were regular. He was much troubled with naso-pharyngeal catarrh. At the age of twenty-eight he lost all his property, which worried him excessively; soon he foimd that he was losing flesh and strength, that his appetite was poor and his digestion bad ; he also had the tendency to fall when walking or on turning suddenly. His brother noticed that he became slower in his work. In January, 1874, the above sj-mptoms returned; he began to stammer, and would often forget localities and names. These symptoms were intermittent in character ; at times he was apparently well. In September, 1874, he was married, and, while on his wedding trip, his wife noticed that if he endeavored to walk down a flight of steps, he would become pale and complain of vertigo. Shortly afterward he was attacked with most intense pain in the head, accompanied with gi-eat irritability, photophobia, and inability to stand alone. These acute symptoms lasted several days, and for several weeks he had to be led to prevent his falling. About a month later he had a second similar attack, this time losing the power of speech and being "delirious." Later, he complained of "pain in the forehead," numbness of the extremities, occasional twitching of the muscles, and he was unable to walk without assistance. On two occa- sions he asserted that he was blind, which assertion he persisted in for two days. He was exceetlingly childish in his actions. Toward the latter part of the summer of 1S7G, he became violent, his hallucinations and delusions being of an exalted character. On October 5, 1S7G, I found his left pupil dilated, the tongue tremulous, the power of eoortlinating the muscles much impaired, those of the left side more so than the right ; the left biceps permanently contracted, so as to keep the fore-arm at an angle of about one hundred and thirty-five degi'ees with the axis of the arm; contractile power of the muscles on the right side more marked than on the left ; an almost incessant movement of either the fore-arm and hand, or gi-inding of the teeth; pai'tial anesthesia of the left side; aphasia of both varieties, but principally amnesic ; hallucinations and delu- sions of a very exalted character, seeming to dwell principally on financial "Abstract of the paper '• Peri-euceplialitis," by J. Baxter Emerson, M. D., New-Y^ork. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Chicago, April, 1880. IX FLA MM ATI OX. 431 subjects ; emotions not under control ; sense of decency lost ; using the most obscene liuifiuiif^e ; resj)ondiiii; to calls of nature rej^ardless of surrounding circumstances; dementia very marked, at times so violent as to necessitate restraint ; insomnia. On November 14, ISTC), lie Inul an attack, with the following symptoms: Complete left hemiplegia antl hemiana'sthesia; complete aphasia ; congestion of head and neck ; extremities cold, esjjecially the left ; head drawn to the right, and lixed ; both eyeballs drawn to the right ; left pupil widely dilated ; conscious, with sense of sight and hearing intact ; facial muscles slightly par- alyzed on the right side; those of deglutition interfered with; respiration irregular and sighing in character; pulse S4, irregular and intermittent; tenijierature IOC. Soon after, the muscles of the paralyzed side began to twitch, first in the extremities, gradually extending to the trunk, luitil, finally, all the muscles of the left side were in a constant state of spasmodic contraction. The next morning the symptoms were all gone, except slight paralysis and aphasia, and the patient apparently better than before the attack. These attacks, of varying intensity, occurred about once a month during the remainder of the patient's life. Dementia became more marked. He persisted in keeping up the movements of his right fore-arm and the gi-inding of his teeth to the last ; consequently, their muscles retained the normal size, while all others uiuierwent atrophy from disuse; but to the day of his death he was able to walk with assistance. His urine was normal to the last, but he had retention for five days previous to his death, which occiu'red May 13, 1879, from exhaustion. A post-mortem examination gave the following results : Body much ema- ciated ; ulcer, the size of a dime, on sacrum. Dui-a mater much thickened throughout its whole extent, adherent to the pia mater in spots, and firmly adherent along sup. long, sinus and in the temporal regions, much more so on the left side than on the right. The pia mater was much thickened and con- gested, and had numerous ha?morrhages, from the size of a pin's head to that of a split pea, imbedded in its structure. These were principally on the left side, all confined to the upper surface. The pia mater was adherent to the base of the skull and the brain, in spots. The brain was much congested, weight -iO oz. The convolutions on the right side seemed deeper, and the gray matter thicker than on the left. The white substance was slightly darker than normal, and much congested. The consistency of the whole normal, and all other parts negative. A large portion of both hemispheres was removed and placed in Midler's fluid, then in a weak solution of chromic acid, until it was sufficiently hard for section, after which it was kept in dilute alcohol. The pia mater was composed principally of bundles of decussating fibers of connective tissue, coarser than normal, traversed by dilated and enlarged blood-vessels, distended with blood, and around many of them were bundles of spindles and inflammatory elements. This condition of connective tissue is characteristic of an inflammatory process of chronic nature, which process led to the formation of new connective tissue, while an acute reciirrence of the same process has given rise to a new formation of inflammatory ele- ments. The dura mater was found structiu"ally in the same condition as the pia mater, but had no haemorrhages in it. A vertical section thi-ough either hemisphere of the cerebellum with a low power of the microscope gave the following appearance : The blood-vessels 432 INFLAMMATION. could be traced from the pia mater, especially in the sulci V^etween the con- volutions, through the external gray and granular layers into the white sub- stance, profusely branching and ramifying, and almost invariably engorged with blood. In numerous places there were ramifications closely resembling those of the capillaries, with sharp, well-defined, fluting outlines, colorless, and of a high refractive power. Such groups were found principally in the granular layer, but extended somewhat into the contiguous layers. There were also numerous isolated, highly refracting bodies, scattered throughout the whole cerebellum, but mainly in the granular layer. With a higher power of the microscope, peculiar changes of the capillaries were shown, first described by C. Wedl — namely, the capillaries were transformed into either single or double rows of brilliant, colorless globules, or completely trans- formed into a glistening rod-like mass, with fluting outlines, and numerous, partly pedunculated, buds. The large isolated bodies had all the character- istics of the corpora amylacea — namely, they were concentrically striated and umbilieated. In some instances, the umbilicus was found in direct union with capillaries, which had undergone the above described changes. Excep- tionally, I found the •' cells of Purkinje," ^^•ith their offshoots, presenting the same glistening, highly refractive, appearance as the capillaries and corpora amylacea. Some of the latter looked as if they were composed of a number of shining globules, closely packed together, the outlines of the globules being just traceable within the clusters. I used the following re-agents : Carmine (Vjoth ammonia and alum solu- tions), which stained the tissues, but left the globules colorless. Iodine (both tincture and aqueous solution, both with and mthout sulphuric acid) ; the result was unsatisfactory, for only once, after the use of the aqueous solution, did I perceive any change in the globular bodies, and then the pale blue tint was very indistinct, and only a few of the bodies affected. HwmatoxyJon pro- duced a distinct violet upon the tissues and the blood-vessels, while the glob- ules were little affected, if any, by it. Chloride of f/ohl (one-haLf per cent, solution) made the outlines more distinct, but did not change the color of the globules. Vioki methylaniline stained the granular layer a deep blue, the external gray layers and the white substance a dirty gra\-ish-blue ; the blood-vessels both in the normal and pathological condition were unaffected. Fuchsine produced a pink stain in the gray layers ; the globular bodies and blood-vessels were untouched. Osmic acid (one per cent, solution) pro- duced a marked brown discoloration on the globules, but by no means as deep as that we are accustomed to see on fat-globules. Picro-indi/jo gave the blood-vessels and globules a bright green color, while the surrounding tissues were of a much paler tint of green. In unstained specimens, the refractive power of the globules and corpora amylacea was so characteristic as to allow of no diagnosis, except calcareous degeneration of capillaries, of corpora amylacea, and exceptionally of "cells of Purkinje." In the whole list of my re-agents there was nothing found con- tradictory to this, though, I must admit, very little to confirm it. The capil- lary blood-vessels in several instances showed rows of calcareous globules on both walls, while in the center a row of blood-corpuscles was still recognizable in that portion of the capillary nearest the pia mater, while the central end of the capillarj' was completely filled with the shining globules. The change, therefore, which led to the formation of these globules must have taken place in the walls of the capillaries, and in turn has led to the consolidation of the entire blood-vessel. INFLAMMATION. 433 Tho liifrhost powers of the mierosfopo ( IL'OO diameterH) showed in many capillaries of the cerel)ellinn an enlargement of the endothelia, with a coarser fji'aniilization therein, and a splittinj^ of the original endothelia into coarsely granular clusters. The i)erivascular sheaths in some instances were consider- ably dilated and sometimes tilled with globular elements, slightly increased in refractive power. From the above facts it would seem that tho shining globular bodies are products of the endothelia, which first become inflamed, then proliferate, and the inflammatory elements thus formed become infil- trated with lime-salts. Concerning the formation of the corpora amylaeea, we at present know nothing. The gray layers of the cerebellum with a high power of the microscope showed a reticular structure. The white substance of the cei-ebellum was composed almost exclusively of nerve-fibers with numerous varicosities, and a reticular struetiu'e was seen in the nerve-fiber as well as in the varicosities. On broken ends of nerves, I could trace several sheath-like layers, composed of a row of spindles, bounding the swollen pear- shaped ends of the nerve-fiber, while the center of the so formed body showed a delicate reticidar structure. Such formations, we know, never are seen so long as myeline is present. It therefore follows that either the myeline has oozed out after death, or has been absorbed during life, jierhaps in the same manner that adipose tissue disappears in wasting diseases. The boundary layer of the nerve-fiber in all instances was shining and homogeneous, thus representing a complete sheath. There is no reason, therefore, to my mind, for denying the existence of a sheath in the nerves of the white substance of the cerebellum, and I may also add cerebrum, for they were both similar in this case. The gray substance of the cerebrum was similar iu structure to that of the cerebellum. The calcareous corpora amylaeea were less frequently, and the calcareous globules exceptionally, found. The blood-vessels were, as a rule, distended with blood. The perivascular sheaths were, in some instances, dilated. Several specimens showed a fatty degeneration of the blood-vessels and of the ganglionic bodies, both demonstrated by their refraction and by the action on them of osmic acid, which produced a black stain. The fat- granules were arranged in the ganglionic bodies in a crescent shape, the con- vexity being on one side of the ganglion, and the concavity toward the nucleus. In the cerebrum I frequently found empty spaces, as they were found also in the cerebellum — so-called vacuoles.* Most of the vacuoles had in their interior a pale nucleiis, and their origin must be attributed to an accumulation of fluid around the nucleus after death, or to a hydropic destruc- tion of the ganglionic elements, due to serous exudation. The latter view is corroborated by similar formations around the blood-vessels, where not only lymph-sheaths were found dilated, containing bioplasson elements, but there was also a large space around the IjTuph-sheath. Several ganglionic bodies with partly fatty degeneration also showed closed empty spaces on the periphery. The diagnosis, as obtained from the microscope, in this case is chronic pacluj-menini, meningitis, and encephalitis, terminatinfi in atrophy. * I^ater oljservations in the gray substance of tlic brain and the spinal cord, which were invaded l)y atrophy, due to clironic enceplialitis and nij-elitis, demonstrated that the bioplasson reticulum was more or less rarified — viz. : its meshes enlarjjetl. There is a jsradual transition of enlarged mesh-spaces to still larger spaces, termed vacuoles. I am unable to say what becomes of the bioplasson in sucli a wasting process.— Kl>. 28 434 INFLAMMATION. Waxy Degeneration of the Brain. By John A. Eockwell, M. D.* The pathology of the central nervous system has as yet been very little elucidated, for the simple reason that its minute anatomy has not as yet been fully understood. The reticulum In the gi'ay substance, first described by J. Gerlaeh, and by L. Mauthner, twenty years ago, has been considered to be nervous in nature, as both observers saw this reticulum in direct commimication with axis-cylin- ders. Quite recently, however, tliis assertion has been contradicted by S. Strieker and L. Unger, who claim that the reticulum is an elongation of the pia mater, and therefore of connective-tissue nature. So far as my experience goes, I must coincide with the views held by Gerlaeh and Mauthner. I invari- ably succeeded in staining the reticulum of the gray substance violet with a solution of chloride of gold, the same as the nuclei which are scattered throughout the gray matter, and the ganglionic elements, whose nervous natiu'e cannot be questioned. Moreover, I saw the reticulum in connection with axis-cylinders, which we also know to be positively nervous elements. It seems to me that the question. What is connective tissue, and what is nervous structure in the gray substance I will never be definitely answered, as the connective-tissue offshoots of the pia mater, upon reaching the finest ramifications, lose their basis-substance and become bioplasson in nature, the same as the nervous structure itself. C. Wedl was the first to maintain that a waxy degeneration may invade the capillary blood-vessels, resulting in the formation of shining, homogeneous cords, ramifying like blood-vessels and freely supplied with pedunculated, bud-like, stratified projections. The amylaceous corpuscles have, for a long time, been known to occur in the gray substance of the central nervous system, where they represent bright, stratified, apparently structureless masses, containing sometimes in their cen- tral portion an unaltered plastid. Such corpuscles are so common, both in the gi'ay substance of the brain and the spinal cord, and in the arachnoid of each, that some histologists have asserted that they were normal formations. They occur either singly or in double or multiple formations, clustered and partly coalesced. Their designation, " amylaeeoiis," originated with Virchow, who, upon applying iodine and dilute sulphuric acid, could in some instances pro- duce a bluish tinge of these corpuscles. Upon the authority of Virchow the name "amylaceous corpuscles" has been accepted, although the bluish color after treatment with iodine — which feature reminded Virchow of starch cor- puscles of plants — by later observers could not, or only in a very slight degree, be produced. Evidently, the bluish color, wherever it occurs, is noth- ing but the complementary color of these highly refracting bodies to the yel- low-brown neighborhood after the apijlication of iodine. I consider this re-agent of no value. What the intimate nature of the amylaceous corpuscles, or the waxy degeneration in general, is, we do not know. This much is certain, that the formation of these corpuscles, as well as the waxy degeneration itself, is closely connected with chemical alteration of the plasma of the blood, inas- much as in almost all instances the waxy change is known to first invade the blood-vessels. In the spleen and the kidneys the muscle-coat of the small * Abstract of tlie i)aper, by Joliu A. Rockwell, "A Contribution to the Pathology of the Brain." The New England Medical Gazette, Marcli, 1882. INFLAMMATION. 435 artoriolos is, as a rule, tlie first to oxliibit the waxy chaiif^e. In the In-aiii, the capillaries are unquestionably tlie first invadeil formations, as recently proved attain by J. Baxter Emerson. The case frora which ray specimen has come was one for two years under the observation of Dr. E. H. Linnell, of Norwich, Conn.* "Mr. T , aged sixty-three, of nervous temperament and thin habit, first consulted me," says Dr. Linuell, "for failing vision, in November, 1879. His vocation had been that of a photographer, until ill health obliged him to relinquish it. Inquiry elicited the following facts : For the past eight or nine years he had been subject to frequent attacks of neuralgia, affecting his head and limbs ; he had been habitually constipated ; his urine had been somewhat increased in quantity, light-colored, and passed frequently; and for four years he had had paralysis agitans, affecting his right arm and leg, but more nuirkedly the arm. This tremor developed gradually, and was attended with partial ana3stjiesia, denoted by numbness and tingling sensations in the affected limbs, and by general debility. In other respects he enjoyed good health until the fall of 1S79. During the night of September 27th, of that year, he had a sudden severe attack of pain in the head, extending from vertex to chin, accompanied by total blindness, and followed by vertigo, nausea, and slow pulse. After twenty-four hours the intensity of symptoms was moderated, and his sight began very gradually to be restored, but was never fully recovered. He continued to suffer with nem-algic headache and vertigo, and his gait became halting and uncertain. His mental faculties, however, remained unimpaired, and the paralysis agitans, or the difficulty of locomotion, did not increase. When I first saw him, VOU = IB, refraction Em. He had, however, left-sided binocular hemianopsia. ... In the latter part of April, 1880, he had another sudden attack of complete blindness. This attack was unattended by pain, and was of shorter dm-ation than the first. During the following year his sight seemed to fail gradually, until he could with difficulty distinguish large objects. He complained much of diz- ziness, but suffered less pain ; walking became more fatiguing, the right leg seeming heavy, and as if too long. He retained the use of all his faculties, and could converse intelligently, although his mind seemed to lose some of its natural vigor. In the latter part of June, 1881, he was suddenly seized with a general tremor of the whole body, afterwards becoming more pronounced upon the right side. This was not attended with pain, and he apparently recovered from the effects of it ; but had a similar seiziu-e July 2, accompan- ied with constriction of the post-cervical muscles. The rigidity increased, he soon became unconscious, and was apparently entirely blind. After a few hours he partly regained consciousness, and had perception of light. From July 4 to 8, he seemed to improve somewhat. From this time he gi-adually failed, both in intellect and strength, until he became comatose, in which con- dition he remained for several days, and died July 19. "Autopsy gave the following result : The dura mater was so firmly adher- ent that the calvarium could not be removed without cutting; and in so doing, several ounces of dark fluid blood escaped from the sinuses. Both the dura mater and the arachnoid appeared healthy. The pia mater was much injected, the veins being distended with dark blood. The entii-e weight of the brain was two pounds, fifteen and one-half ounces. The cortical substance of the cerebrum was of normal consistence ; but upon section of the right hemi- * Published in the "Archives of Ophtlialmology," vol. x., No. 4, December, 1881. 436 INFLAMMATION. sphere, a large and fiiin coagulum was found in the medullary substance. It was nearly circular, and measured, approximately, foiu" centimeters in diam- eter and two and one-half centimeters in thickness. It was situated a little anterior to the center of the hemisphere, and did not anywhere encroach upon the cortical substance. The contiguous brain substance was softened for a thickness of about two lines, but the clot was removed almost entire, and there was no serum, pus, or other indication of inflammation or of extensive degeneration. No pathological changes could be discovered in the left hemi- sphere. The fluid in the ventricles was not appreciably increased in amount, although there was more serum upon the left than upon the right side. The velum interpositum and choroid plexuses of the ventricles were highly vascu- lar, the veins being turgid and swollen, and this was more marked upon the left side. The tubercula quadragemina were manifestly degenerated, and presented the appearance described as white softening. This condition was much more evident upon the left side, but it was not limited to these bodies. It also extended laterally and anteriorly, involving the corpora geniculata, the posterior and inferior portions of the optic thalamus on the left side, and also, to some extent, the floor of the fourth ventricle. A portion of the left optic tract and the adjacent under surface of the thalamus was removed for micro- scopical examination. This was so soft as to require very careful handling to prevent crushing." Dr. Linnell kindly sent me a portion of the under surface of the left optic thalamus, which came to me preserved in alcohol. The specimen exhibited a grajnsh-yellow discoloration, as if fatty. It was placed in a one-fifth per cent, solution of chromic acid, and after a few days was sufficiently hard to be sliced -with a razor. The sections were mounted in glycerine, and even those which went thi'ough the treatment with alcohol and oil of cloves were again introduced into water and mounted in dilute glycerine. Incidentally, I wish to say that, for three years, I have been pursuing microscopical studies in the laboratory of Dr. C. Heitzmanu, and by repeated trials have become convinced that the moiuiting of specimens in glycerine is far superior to mounting in Canada balsam or Damar varnish. Comparative mountings in these liquids, especially for specimens of the nervous centers, have resulted in the con%aetion that the balsam or varnish mounting ought to be wholly abandoned. Unquestionably one, if not the main, reason why our knowledge as to the pathology of the brain and the spinal cord has progressed so slowly for the past twenty years is the mounting in balsam. By this method, the specimens in a short time clear up to such an extent that the minutest details fade, and the specimens become unfit for research with high amplifications of the microscope (800 to 1200 diameters), which are the only jiossible means of revealing the minutest normal, as well as pathological, features. All the specimens obtained exhibited a peculiar change of the gray sub- stance. This consisted in the presence of homogeneous, grayish fields of greatly varying size and configuration, mostly with fluted outlines, scattered throughout the gray substance. With lower powers of the microscope, I was satisfied that these shining fields either accompanied capillary blood-vessels, or were distributed without any regularity in the gray substance, or, lastly, represented more or less straight tracts in closely lying parallel or in diverg- ing fan-shaped courses, in the direction of the axis-cylinders. The latter feat- ure was especially pronounced in the neighborhood of the optic tract. (See Fig. 180.) INFLAMMATION. 437 Tlu' shiiiint^ iieltis are doubtloHs in close relation to the capillary blood- vesHels, inasmuch as thoy appeared, by the side of the capillaries, as if in the perivascuhir space, without at first invading the endothelial coat itself. With advancing degeneration in the neigliV)()rho()d of the blood-vessels, they also became destroyed to such an extent that tlie direction of the glistening tracts was the only indication of the course of the former cajjillaries ; though, also, in such tracts, occasionally, a small portion of the original capillary was found iml>edded. The numerous straight tracts following the course of the axis-cylinders were e\ndently due to a degeneration upon a large scale. Owing to the tolerably high degi-ee of refraction of these fields, my first impression was that a fatty degeneration of the gray substance had taken place. The treatment of the specimens, however, with strong alcohol and oil of cloves at once revealed the fact that these formations could not be fat, for they were not perceptibly altered by those re-agents. A second full proof of their not being fat was the treatment with a one per cent, solution of osmic acid, which we know to be the most trustworthy re-agent for fat, and which should stain the fat black. No such thing occurred in my specimens. The next question was, could the waxy nature of these fields be proved by the application of different re- y agents ? To answer this question I applied the fol- lowing re-agents : Carmine, iodine, haematoxylon, fuch- sine, violet methyl-aniline, picro-indigo, and chloride of gold. Among those, picro- indigo was the only one which, in Emerson's case, yielded a positive result, where the waxy blood-vessels and globules were rendered by it a bright gi-een. In my case no one of these re-agents, not even the picro-indigo, yielded positive results, as all the hyaline fields remained unchanged in their color. Nevertheless, I am satis- fied that this change is ma- terially a form of waxy de- generation, somewhat different from the degeneration in Emerson's case, but kindred to the waxy degeneration which J. B. Greene * described in the pla- centa aa the most common cause of abortion and premature birth. * " Aniericau Journal of Obstetrics aud Diseases of Women aud Cliildren," vol. xiii., No. 2, April, 1880. Fig. 180. — Waxy Degeneration of the Gray Substance op the Thalamus Opticus. V, capillarj' blood-vessel, coutaining a ^raiiularmass, comiiressed at its upper portion, surrounded by a layer of the waxy mass ; O, gray substance, the meshes of the bioplasson enlarged by the waxy material, which col- lects into brandling, irregularly contoured, shining fields, in, Wi; N, nucleus of the graj' substance; a part of the peiiphery, suiTouuded bj' a waxy mass. Magnified 800 diameters. 438 INFLA MM A TION. This certainty as to the nature of this degeneration could be obtained by a study with high amplifications of the microscope, such as 1000 to 1200 diameters. The best specimens for the study with such high powers I obtained by the treatment with a one-half per cent, solution of chloride of gold, in which solution the specimens were placed for one hour and twenty minutes, after having been thoroughly soaked in distilled water. By this, the blood- vessels were rendered dark blue violet, and the gray substance, with its nuclei, purple, while the shining fields remained unaffected. Here I could see the fii-st change into the shining, homogeneous mass before mentioned, at the periphery of the capillary blood-vessels, and in the mesh spaces of the bioplassou reticulum. By the transformation of the licpiid contents of a mesh spice into a semi-solid shining mass, the space became enlarged, and the neighboring reticulum was pushed apart. By coalescence of neighboring shining formations, larger clusters with fluting outlines originated, in the middle of which often a faint trace of bioplassou was recognizable in the shape of a few delicate gi-anules and their connecting filaments. Whether or not the reticulimi of the bioplassou vsdthin the homogeneous masses was destroyed, I am unable to say. Not quite infrequently I met with small clusters of the homogeneous mass aroimd nuclei of the gray substance, as if ensheathing them. In the further progi-ess of the degeneration, a gi-eat many capillaries became destroyed ; probably first by pressui-e, and later by trans- formation. These blood-vessels, fi-ee of the change just described, looked, especially in their transverse sections, as if compressed and engorged with blood-coi'puscles. My researches prove that there are waxy degenerations going on in the brain-tissue kindred to the waxy degeneration in other organs, such as the spleen, the liver, the kidneys, and the placenta. The intimate reason of this degeneration is not known, nor do we understand its intimate chemical con- struction. One thing is certainly of interest in the case examined — namely, that the blood-vessels being destroyed to great extent by waxy degeneration, the cii'culation of the blood in the brain is interfered with, and an encephal- itic process may in consequence ensue ; or the walls of the blood-vessels, being rendered brittle by the waxy degeneration, may give way the same as in fatty degeneration, and give rise to cerebral haemorrhage. XII. TUBERCULOSIS.* MY \'iews on the subject of tulierculosis are based on exami- nations of two hundred corpses in which tuberculosis existed. In a number of these cases death had resulted from other diseases, and tuberculosis was a secondary condition.t A recapitulation of the literature of this subject is found in the excellent book of L. Waldenl)urg'4 Nobody who, to-day, undertakes to discuss the question of the formation of tubercle would be allowed to dweU only upon the ilieonj of tubercle. On the contrary, he would be bound to con- sider the former views, and to present the anatomical facts, in order to demonstrate the admissibility of separating the tuber- cidous granulation from tubercidous infiltration. This cannot be accomplished simply by a description. Rokitansky has settled the descriptive part in such a manner that scarcely anything is left to be said. The views brought forward here are based entirely upon my own observation ; they, to some extent, must be eclectic and polemical. An answer to the question what the * Translated from "Ueber Tuberkelbildimg." Wiener Med. Jahrbiieher, 1874. 1 1 was able to perform the post-mortem examinations in the dead-house of the Wiedeu-hospital in Vienna, thanks to the kindness of the ciu-ator. Dr. Quiquerez. After the publication of my essay, I made one hundi-ed more examinations of tuberculous bodies, the sum total being, therefore, three hundi-ed. t"Die Tuberculose, die Lungenschwindsucht, und Scrofulose." Berlin, 1S69. 440 TUBERCULOSIS. nature of tubercle really is can be given only after an accurate examination of facts. Tnhercnlosis of the Lungs. In order to properly group the dif- ferent phenomena of tuberculosis of the lungs, it wiU be of advantage to first illustrate its four principal varieties. " Chronic tuberculosis " comj)rises a tolerably well-defined group, which may be called' 'localized tuberculosis," as "chronic" is an expression mostly clinical. This form appears most fre- quently in the apices of the lungs, simultaneously in both, although this is not without exceptions. As it is never fatal, jjer se., we are rarely able to study it as a disease by itself. We meet with it, as an intercurrent condition, in the bodies of individuals dead of other diseases. We find, imbedded in the lung-tissue, nodules of about the size of a miUet- or hemp-seed, which have a gray or grayish-yel- low color, are homogeneous, and of soft, or moderately firm, con- sistency, or we see nodes, the size of a lentil or an almond, distinctly marked from the surrounding tissue. These are cir- cumscribed infiltrations, which, in transverse section, appear al- most dry, homogeneous, and of a yellowish-red or yellowish-gray color, which are in firm connection with the adjacent structures, and not yielding juice or tissue-particles on being scraped with the knife. Or, lastly, we find nodules or infiltrations of the size before described, whose centers are usually soft and friable, which can be mashed with the fingers, and from which the scraping- knife can reduce crumbs and brittle particles. In the apices, in some cases, nodules are the only formations present, and these may be found either isolated or conglomerated into groups ; in other cases we encounter only nodes, and therefore infiltrations. Not infrequently we see in the same apex a varying number of both nodules and nodes. All subsequent changes of these formations relate chiefly to the healing process; for, provided that no recurrences take place, localized tuberculosis of the lungs, as a rule, terminates in a cure. The healing process may be accomplished in two ways. Either it may start in the nodule or the infiltration while they are still in connection with the lung structure, and they themselves rep- resent a tissue, though a morbid one. Or the healing process may start after the nodule or the infiltration have been trans- formed into a brittle, friable mass, and therefore have ceased to be a tissue. TUBERCULOSIS. 441 In the first case, the tubercle is transformed into a semi-trans- parent or white, consistent. ('artila<;e-lik(' mass (the fibrous tu])er- cle of Virchow), which must be n-i^ardcd as dense caUous con- nective tissue; ortlie nodule chanji^es into a firm, dark, ])i<;mented, homog^encous, sometimes stratified, mass — that is, it becomes horny or oljsolete. These hard nodules, attaining sometimes the size of a siif;ar-i)ca, arc often found scattered in the lunfj^s. If, on the contrary, the disintej^ration of the tissue has once commenced, the crumbling mass becomes a foreign body, both as regards the surrounding tissue and the whole organism. Here, as aroimd every foreign body, inflammation sets in, and the tissue around it is transformed into a firm connective-tissue cap- sule, of varying diameter. The encysted product of tubercle becomes a viscid, fatty, sometimes pigmented, paste ; or lime- salts are deposited in it, which results in its being transformed into a dry, cement-like mass. Finally, it becomes calcified, and is termed a calcareous concretion. The tissue in the neighborhood of the diseased focus behaves differently, according to whether originally only discrete or con- glomerated, and closely lying foci were present. The surround- ings of a horny nodule are found to be lung-tissue, which is radiatingly contracted, but otherwise normal, and from which the hard mass can be easily dug out. The structures in the neighborhood of a callous capsule, on the contrary, are fii-mly concreted with it, so that the capsule cannot be separated from the inclosing tissue. If from the very beginning, in a circumscribed district of lung-tissue, numerous nodules and infiltrations are present, and the lung-tissue itself is in the condition of a chronic inflamma- tion, the transformation into a hard, consistent callosity takes place, more or less extensively, usually in the apices of the lungs. The tissue is indurated, and, as it is almost constantly provided with an abundant supply of dtu'k pigment, the callosity appears of a slate-color, or even black. This is the pujmentari) induration of Virchow, the cirrhosis of Corrigan and Buhl. In the indurated lung-tissue are found all the before-men- tioned methods by which tubercle is healed — viz. : the white, almost cartilaginous, nodide, the size of a hemp-seed ; the gray or black node of a concentric striation ; the cement-like or cal- cified mass, directly imbedded in the callosity. Observation, therefore, teaches that a genetic separation of the tuberculous nodide from the tuberculous infiltration is not admis- 442 TUBERCULOSIS. sible ; that the later metamorphoses depend materiallif upon the circumstance whether or not the nodule or node remained a tissue ; and, further, that the possi¥dit}j of a focus becoming callous depends greatly upon its size ; and, lastly, that the solidification of the lung- tissue may take place either by the formation of a capsule, or as a diffuse induration, and any of these are secondary occurrences. A second group, found most frequently in bodies of persons who died of tuberculosis, is called subacute tuberculosis. As the term " subacute '' is mostly a clinical expression, we might term this from the disseminated or dispersed tuberculosis. Its charac- teristic feature is, that new tuberculous nodules and infiltrations are produced in comparatively short space of time, in consequence of repeated reciu'rences. If the ulcerative destruction has not reached a high degree, we find almost constantly the first form of tuberculosis, as a general thing, in the apices of the lungs. Upon examining an apex, not too much destroyed, we notice that, while the horny and calcareous nodules remain unchanged, the capsule originally inclosing a friable product has undergone marked alterations. In the transverse section of the callosity constituting the cap- sule we find gray, grayish-yellow, or yellow nodules, the size of a poppy- or hemp-seed ; the inner surface of the capsule is lined with a fii'mly attached, grajdsh-yellow, layer, resembling croup- ous formations. After the removal of this, the intensely red- dened capsular wall is seen dotted with the before described nodules. Many of these are in a process of softening, or disin- tegration into a cheesy, friable mass. When numerous nodules were originally formed in the cal- losity, the inflammation accompanying the disintegration evi- dently leads to suppuration, local mortification, and idceration of the capsule. The bordering formation of new callous tissue in the inflamed lung-tissue is scanty. Here and there a new rudimentary capsule may appear ; or it altogether may be absent where the disease is of rapid course, and then we find lung- tissue, which is eroded, uneven, sinuous, and studded with granu- lations. Consequently, we meet with transitions from an acute inflammation of the capsule of a tubercidous focus to its sup- puration, and to a partial new formation of a thin, so-called pyogenous membrane, and, finally, to an ulcerative destruction of the lung-tissue. Simultaneously an exudation takes place into the canity, and the crumbly contents are saturated with the liquid. Should sup- TUBERCULOSIS. 443 puration ensue on the inner surface of the capsule, which is frt'cly vasouhirized, the ])us niiuffles with the former contents, and a thin, serous }>us results, which contains a nunil)er of frial)hi particU's. This is the so-caHed fiihcrcKJoKs pus. At length the entii'e mass becomes softened, and the formation of a cavity fol- lows, which is inclosed by a capsule and is therefore a closed abscess. Tlie caA'ity may be completely surrounded ])y lung-tis- sue, thus producing the so-called parenchymatous cavity. If a cavity arises from a bronchus by a formation of tubercles in its mucous lining, or if perforation takes place into one or more bronchi, a bronchial cavity is formed, which result must follow after a certain size of the cavity is reached. By this means, the expectoration of the contents becomes possible, and, also, the access of atmospheric air to the contents of the cavity. The walls between two or more cavities may be perforated by ulcerations, due to a continuous or repeated formation of tuber- cles. Lastly, a cavity may arise from the confluence of a number of canities, of sizes varying from that of a walnut to that of the fist of a child or the fist of a man, the walls being formed by lung-tissue, which is partly callous, partly sinuous and corroded. I would mention, incidentally, that not infrequently the cav- ity is traversed by fii-m cords of different sizes, and the walls thickly set with such formations. These are the remains of the former blood-vessels of the lung, which, by thickening of their adventitial coat, have become callous, and resisted the process of ulceration. Sometimes, as is well known, a tuberculous nod- ule, imbedded in the adventitia, may disintegrate before oblit- eration of the vessel, and, in consequence of the ulcerative destruction of the wall, a profuse or fatal haemorrhage may ensue. Finally, it may happen, perhaps, under the influence of the penetrating air, that a rapid ulcerative destruction invades large portions of the wall of the cavity, which becomes necrosed and, together with the neighboring tissue, passes into gangrene. Then we find the ca\'ity bordered by lung-tissue, of a grajash or brownish-green color, eroded and containing irregular sinuses, while its contents are an offensive, putrescent ichor, mixed with blood, pus-flakes, and cheesy crumbs. These characteristics cor- respond to the tuberculous phthisis of Laennec. This term may be employed if we understand by it the ulcerative destruction of the lung-tissue, and if, by the addition of " tuberculous," we designate the nature of the destruction. 444 - TUBERCULOSIS. In addition to the above-described changes taking place in the neighborhood of the encysted or disintegrated foci, morbid processes occur in the rest of the lung-tissue, most intense, as a rule, in the upper lobes, while the lower lobes are comparatively little affected. In more or less extensive districts, isolated nod- ules, the size of a poppy- or millet- or hemp-seed, are observed ; fii'st as gray, gelatinous dots in the lung-tissue, this being satur- ated with a viscid, albuminous exudation. Starting from their centers, the nodules then assume a grayish-yeUow color, after- ward become yellow, and are finally transformed into a cheesy, crumbly mass, before a capsule or callosity has formed in the vicinity. While the old nodules take part in this metamorphosis, fresh gray ones arise, so that we often find in the same lung all transitions, from the gray to the yellow, and disintegrated tuberculous nodule. Sometimes the nodules are grouped around a bronchus in a wreath-like arrangement (Peribronchitis nodosa. Buhl), or they may appear first at the periphery of a lobule which is in the condition of a flabby, red, or grayish-red hepatization. They may also fill the whole lobule, retaining their nodular form as long as no disintegration has taken place. Sometimes only scattered nodules are met with in the diseased lung ; sometimes nodules are combined with infiltrations ; and sometimes only infiltrations present themselves, which consist of grayish-yellow, firm, half-dry foci, ranging in size from that of a lentil to that of a hazel-nut, such as I have described as occurring in chronic tuberculosis. The infiltrations become disintegrated into a friable, crumbly mass. This disintegration always starts from the centers of the diseased parts. The view held by older pathologists, and also by Virchow, is that the softening is a chemical process, occur- ring, perhaps, independently of any imbibition of water from without. This idea of a melting process taking place, as it were, in the own liquid, follows from the belief that the infiltration from its very outset appears of a certain size, and retains this size until " melted " or transformed to " softened cheese." A different explanation may be obtained if we remember the fact that the node at its periphery continues enlarging, and that the oldest focus of disease is to be looked for at the place where the soften- ing starts. The tuberculous mass, therefore, may have become soft by liquid derived from the inflamed neighboring parts before peripheral new production has occurred, which still exists in the ^' cheesy " stage. TUBERCULOSIS. 445 Softoned infiltrations are usually bounded by thin, yellow, sinuous layers of tissue. In the vicinity the lunp: usually ap- pears in the state of rtal)l)y, red hepatization, saturated with a viscid exudate, and at other times it is moderately indurated. The softening: of the infiltrations also terminates in the forma- tion of cavities, and the ulcerative destruction of the lungs. This variety of tuberculous phthisis differs from that (1escri})ed before only in form and acuity, but not in any essential point, nor in its terminations. Sometinu's, scattered or clustered nodules and infiltrations fill a district or the larger portion of a lobe so entirely that this becomes rigid, fragile, and, in part, atelectatic. In such cases, we may speak of a pneumonlform. suhacute iuherculosiSy whose features are sufficiently marked to distinguish it from catarrhal or " desquamative" pneumonia. If a group of nodules, or an infiltration lying close to the pleura, is disintegrated, and the pleura destroyed by ulceration, perforation into the pectoral cavity may follow. This is the most common cause of pneumo- and pyo -pneumothorax, which not infrequently accompany tuber- culosis of the lungs. In Jookiuf/ over the second form of fKherrnlosis of the lungs,, we again are satisfied that there is no essential difference between a nodule and an infiltration ; that either may be transformed into a crumhlji mass and become softened. The next step — i. e., ulcera- tion of the lung-tissue — is diff'erent only in its acuteness ; that is, according to whether a number of scattered nodules are breaking down at different times, or whether an infiltration is continnally softened and simultaneously increases in size at its periphery. The surrounding lung-tissue, in all forms of softening and local necrosis, is evidently involved only in a secondary manner, therefore is in a '' re-active," acute, or chronic infiammation. The third form of tuberculosis of the lungs is comparatively rare; it is called tuberculous pneumonia, pneumonia tuberculisans. In the description of subacute tuberculosis, I have already men- tioned that lobules, in flabby hepatization, are sometimes the points where tuberculous nodules or infiltrations are formed. Shoidd this grayish-red or gray hepatization involve a number of lobides, or nearly the whole of a lobe, the features of lobular pneumonia arise. It becomes tuberculous by the appearance of gray and grayish-yellow nodules, or of gray and grajdsh-yeUow infiltration, either in the neighborhood of bronchi or at the periphery of the lobules, or scattered throughout them. In the 446 TUBEHCULOSIS. initial stages of the disease the infiltrations are not sharply marked from the surrounding hepatized lung-tissue. Sometimes they have the appearance of being composed of numerous con- glomerated particles the size of a pin's point. At other times we find a lobe, or the larger portion of a wing, in the condition of lohar pneumoma, consequently en- larged, heav;y', dense, rigid, and without air — /. e., in a grayish- red or gray hepatization ; and if the inflammation has invaded a pigmented lung, it has the aspect of granite. In genuine croupous pneimionia the section looks finely gran- ular, owing to the filling of the alveoli ; if the inflammation has attacked a coarsely spaced, atrophic lung, it is filled with coarser, yellow exudation plugs. In tuberculous pneumonia, on the con- trary, we find, usually, in the vicinity of the finer bronchi, groups of moderately firm, grayish-yeUow nodules, in varying numbers, imbedded in the hepatized tissue. I have observed this form several times, generally in the lower lobes, after capital opera- tions— f. i., amputations in individuals who, by previous sup- purative processes, had become broken down. In a third instance we find the whole wing in brown-red hepatization, its tissue without air, firmly indurated with a slight serous infiltration, and pervaded b}^ numerous nodules the size of hemp-seed, or nodes from the sizes of a lentil to that of a hazel- nut ; these are mostly softened. Such a hing exhibits an aspect similar to that of porphyry. If the indurated tissue of the wing is profusely pigmented, the pigmentary induration, therefore, has invaded the whole wing, we find in it scattered nodules, usually of a size not exceeding that of a millet- or hemp-seed, which may be both obsolete and calcareous, or gray, grayish-yellow, and soft. Here, too, the characteristics of pneumonia are marked and have led to a condensation, hypertrophy, callosity, and pigmentary induration. Still the nature of the process is sufficiently apparent by the presence of the nodides and infiltrations. Finally, we find in the indurated tissue of red-brown hepatiza- tion of which only little is left, firm, grayish-yellow, half-dry infiltrations, partly softened, about the size of a pea, hazel-nut, or perhaps as large as a walnut, which are closely packed together or confluent. An entire lobe, or wing, with the exception of scanty remains of red-brown, hepatized lung-tissue, may be per- vaded by this " cheesy" infiltration, which on being scraped yields only a small amount of a cloudy liquid. Such an infiltra- tion renders the diseased tissue friable and brittle. Only the TUBERCULOSIS. 447 piirnicnt indicates the otherwise unrecognizable lung-tissue (Kokitunsky). One of the cases wliidi I observed deserves mentioning, because it will be of value iu supporting the theory of tuberculosis, to be dwelt upon later. A strong boy, a't. ir>, was taken to the hospital with the symptoms of tj-phoid fever. Soon pneumonia of the right lung was diagnosticated. Two months afterward the patient died, ^\ith sjnnptoms of a clinically diagnosticated tuber- cidous pneumonia. In autopsy I found the right wing pervaded by " cheesy" infiltrations to such a degree that the tissue was atelectatic and firm ; the left lung at its apex contained an infiltration the size of a child's fist. The infiltra- tions in both apices were softened, and in the right apex showed a number of cavities of different sizes, but not very large. No traces of any previous chronic tuberculosis could be discovered. The spleen, the small intestines, and the mesenteric lymph-ganglia had the same appearance as seen iu t j^jihoid fever after the healing process had been going on for a few weeks. Here, therefore, under the influence of marasmus after typhoid fever, an original, clinically well-marked genuine pneumonia was changed into a tuberculous pneumonia. The nodules and infiltrations^ through their peculiarities, may he at once recognised as tuberculous^ hpcause theg are marJiedh/ different from analogous nodular infiltrations of the lungs, as observed in carcinomatosis and pyeemia. The distinguishing features are: the white color, the scanty vascularization, the wi-eath-like arrange- ment around the pulmonary vessels in carcinomatosis ; the yellow color, the softness, the partial disintegration to pus or ichor, the purple color, and sometimes the dark red hepatization of the neighboring parts in pya^mic infarctions. A foiu'th form of tuberculosis of the lungs is known by the name of the acute or miliary tuberculosis (Bayle). Here we find both lungs diseased nearly simultaneously, and to nearly the same extent. They are enlarged, heavy, profusely supplied with blood, and sattu'ated with a viscid, cloudy exudate. In the apices we encounter chronic and sometimes even healed tuberculosis ; in other cases, no trace of this condition. The whole hj^eraemic lung-tissue is pervaded in nearly uniform distribution by more or less densely arranged gray, or grayish-yellow, soft, translucent, opaque nodules, the size of poppy-, millet-, or hemp-seed. In several cases, the largest and most numerous of these nodiUes were found in the upper lobes ; comparatively few nodules of the millet-seed size in the right middle lobe, and but ver}- fcAV gray nodules the size of a poppy-seed (submiliary) in the lower lobes. All cases of this variety exhibited in the meninges, the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, and the peritoneum the same morbid condi- tions in different combinations. 448 TUBEMCULOSIS. Beyond this stage no changes are observed, for this form of the disease, as' a rule, terminates fatally, with symptoms similar to those of typhoid fever. This form is the rarest. It diifers from nodular tuberculosis, termed subacute, only in the simultaneous appearance of tubercle nodules in different organs and the acute- ness of its course. I can corroborate, from my own careful researches, the statement of Buhl that in ten per cent, of the eases dead of this variety of tuberculosis no trace of cheesy focus can be found. Tuherrtdosis of the Serous and Mkcous Memhrnnps. Under this head I shall only take into consideration tuberculosis of the pleura and the peritoneum, as these have supplied me with the most abimdaut material for observation. In the pleui-a, we find tuberculosis is always combined with the chronic or subacute form of the disease in the Imigs, and in the peritoneum also, though here not so constantly, it is found secondary to tuberculosis of other organs. This form of disease has features corresponding with those of chronic tuberculosis of the lungs, and may be considered as chronic tuberculosis of the pleura and the peritoneum. The pleura of one pectoral ca\dty, and the parietal peritoneum in its whole extent, may be considerably thickened, and trans- formed into a white, firm, and dense callosity. I have seen the peritoneum in the pubic region as thick as the width of the little finger. These callosities were either formed by the costal, dia- phragmatic, and the pulmonary pleura, or, as is sometimes the case, mostly by the costal pleura alone. In the abdominal cavity the thickened parietal layer was concreted with the visceral layer by means of thin, pseudo-merabraueous cords and plates. In the callosity I found abundant foci, from the size of a hemp-seed to that of a hazel-nut, containing a crumbly mass. In the pleura I met even with cavities, ranging from the size of a hazel-nut to that of a pigeon's-egg, which were filled with a mixture of pus and cheesy particles. I could trace all transitions in consistence and liquefaction, from cheese to pus. I have several times en- countered such foci between the basis of the lung and the dia- phragma, and also at the anterior border of the lung, with perforations outward, between the third and the fourth rib. I have also observed this condition at the posterior border of the lung, in the niche formed by the union of the vertebrae and ribs, with caries of single ribs. In the peritoneum I have observed such cavities perforating into the abdominal space, with subse- TUBERCULOSIS. 449 (jurnt ulceration of the ])S(>U(lo-inem))raneons adhesions, between tlie ])arietal and visceral layer, and a final jx'rforation of the intestine from without inwai'd. Tlnit tnl)ereulous nodules of the ix'ritoueuni, however, may heal up in the same way as those of the luufj^s is proved by cases in which the small intestines are found massed together and thickened, and at the per-iiihtny sun-ounded by a thick, pseudo- memln-aneous capsule. Upon detacliinj^' the finnly ai)ui-att'. This process starts from certain centers, and resnlts in the fornnition of a " scrofulous " abscess. In an abscess of this kind, the thin pus mixed with cheesy crumbs is so charac- teristic that the exi)erienced surgeon Sehuh at once made the diagnosis of " scrof ulosis " in an apparently well-nourished indi- viihial, when upon incision the abscess yielded pus of the above description. On the other hand, the softened infiltration may become fatty and encysted, or calcified, and in the latter case the whole lymph-ganglion in time is transformed to a calcareous mass the size of a hazel-nut, such as we sometimes find in the mesentery. Tuberculosis of the Kidneys — Concomitant Xephrifis. Before entering upon the description of my researches concerning tuber- culosis of the kidneys, I would remark that the kidneys here con- sidered were not primarily affected by tuberculosis, but the same pathological condition existed in other organs, notably in the lungs. Not infrequently we meet, lioth in the pyramids and in the cortical portion, with single, white, almost cartilaginous infiltra- tions, of sizes varying from that of a millet- up to that of a hemp- seed, w^hich are surrounded by unchanged kidney-tissue, and, in accordance with analogous occurrences before described, might be considered as healed tnhercles. Whether or not the fii'm, yel- lowish-white, callous nodes, the size of a lentil or a pea, are tuber- culous formations is doul)tful, for we also see such nodes in the kidneys of non-tuberculous individuals. They might be, with ecpial reason, considered healed infarctions, more particidarly if any evidences of healed endocarditis are found. Chronic and Suhacute Tnherculosis of the Kidneys I have encountered much less fre(iuently than other forms of the disease. I have occasionally seen small, yellow, friable infiltra- tions in the swelled, cloudy, partly ecchymosed cortex, in the neighborhood of which wreath-like or discrete infiltrations, the size of a millet- or hemp-seed, were found. I concluded, fi-om similar occurrences in the lungs, that the larger infiltrations were the oldest, the smaller ones of a later date, without maintaining, however, that the former originated from the latter. In chronic tuberculosis of the kidneys, tuberculous phthisis may arise from confluence of a number of foci, which, though a simultaneous cal- 454 TUBERCULOSIS. lous condensation of the bordering connective tissue takes place, may become softened and produce cavities (Rokitansky). Lastly, acute miUurij tuherculosis of the kidneijs is observed as infiltrations, not exceeding the size of a millet-seed, which, as a rule, are most abundant in the cortical substance, and present, in a comparatively small amount, in the pyi-amids. Such formations are either scattered or, in part, clustered together, with simulta- neous miliary tuberculosis of the lungs, the peritoneum, and the liver. This form of tuberculosis of the kidneys I have seen but twice. Here I wish to draw attention to the nephritis which accom- panies both the tuberculosis of the kidneys and that of other organs. Usually, many different forms of nephritis are classed under the head of '' Bright's disease," and Rokitansky especially distinguishes an acute and a chronic form. I wish briefly to state that, in these two varieties of Rokitansky, I recognize two kinds of inflammation of the kidneys, readily distinguishable as diseases sui generis. What Rokitansky describes as acute "Bright's disease" should be designated croupous nephritis, a characteristic of which, in addition to the inflammatory swelling and redness or hypera?mia, is a diffused exudation. Rokitansky's chronic form of '' Bright's disease," on the contrary, must be con- sidered an interstitial, catarrhal, or desquamative nephritis. In croupous nephritis tubular casts appear in the urine, and large quantities of albumen, and the casts are recognizable even after waxy degeneration of the kidneys has ensued. In catarrhal nephritis, on the contrary, there is albumen in the urine in a comparatively small quantity, the tubular casts are missing, and only desquamated epithelia of the urinif erous tubules are found. It is obvious that these forms of inflammation are different only in degree and not in acuteness. Catarrhal nephritis may also appear in an acute form and be followed by acute recurrences, in which, as a rule, the urine becomes more albuminous. The characteristic pathological sign of catarrhal or interstitial nephritis is the striation of the sometimes slightly, sometimes considerably, swelled cortical substance. The striation is most marked on the boundary line between the cortical and pyramidal substances. The seat of the disease is e\ddently the connective tissue between the uriniferous tubules, while the exudation into the tubules leads only to a desquamation of the epithelia, but not to formations similar to those of croup of mucous membranes. In acute catarrhal nephritis and in its acute recurrences there TUBERCULOSIS. 455 are ^tiy striations, alternating with the dark brownisli-red hypcru'inic kidney-tissue and the engorged blood-vessels. In the eliroiiic form of this disease, on the contrary, the striation is of a grayish-yeUow color, and there is no hypera3raia whatever of the kidney-tissue. One of the reasons which led to the statement that these two varieties are different morl)id conditions, was the difference observed in the appearance of the consecutive atrophj'. After croupous nephritis this appears on the surface of the kidneys as a coarse hdnilation, with the formation of irregular elevations and dei)ressions of the cortical substance ; while after catarrhal nephritis there is only a more or less uniform granulation and shallow furrowing of the surface. The most striking proof is furnished by kidneys which were in both poles in part attacked by catarrhal and in part by croupous nephritis. The parts in catarrhal inflammation exhibit fine granulation on the surface and corresponding grayish-yellow striation of the nearly uni- formly reduced cortical layer. lu the portion attacked by croupous inflammation the surface is coarsely lobidar, and a grayish-yellow infiltration prevails in both the irregularly atrophied cortical and the reduced pyi-amidal layers. In the highest degrees of atrophy after catarrhal nephritis the kidney is uniformly reduced to a half, a third, or even less, its original size, yet still there is an indication of the striation of the narrowed cortex, which blends, almost -without a boundary line, with the striated pyramids. The granulation of the surface is very marked. After croupous nephritis in the highest degrees of atrophy there are large nodes, separated from each other by deep furrows, with an almost complete destruction of the cortical sub- tance, and also a marked reduction of the pjo-amids, which are pushed apart. In addition, there is a considerable amount of fat at the periphery, and also at the hilus of the kidney, and a more or less marked secondary waxy degeneration of the kidney- tissue, which in some places may be reduced to a diameter of not more than four to five lines. In both forms of nephritis, however, fatty and ivaxy degenera- tion occur. Fatty degeneration in either produces a diffuse yel- low discoloration of the kidney, and for the recognition of the original morbid process the increased volume of the organ and the aspect of its surface are decisive. I have observed high degree of waxy degeneration after both kinds of nephritis, but so far as my subjects of observation admit of a conclusion, I 456 TUBERCULOSIS. should say this condition was less frequent after catarrhal than after croupous nephritis. In the first instance, the waxy degeneration invades a pale or dark-brownish-red kidney, or it may be confined to the pyramidal substance only ; while in the last instance the lardaceous appearance is uniformly distributed throughout the organ. Out of two hundred eases of tuberculosis of different organs I found croupous nephritis only seven times. In l)odies, on the contrary, in which tuberculosis was the cause of death, I have never failed in finding catarrhal nephritis. I am far from connecting nephritis in causal relation with the tuberculosis of other organs. Catarrhal nephritis almost invariably accompanies all severe acute and chronic diseases — f. i., croupous pneumonia, typhoid fever,. small- pox, pyaemia, chronic suppurative processes, etc. Besides, both forms of nephritis may appear primarily with tlie well-known symptoms, and in their severest forms lead to a fatal termination. Theory of Tuberculosis. Anatomical Signs of the Tubercle. We must examine the char- acteristics of the morbid process which are concerned in the formation of tubercle : the features which are observed by the naked eye, those brought to light by the microscope, and those inferred from the views taken by different pathologists. In this way we may obtain a definition of the tubercle. What are the characteristic features of tubercle ? Is it the nodular shape ? Certainly not. We know of a num- ber of diseases of the skin which are characterized by nodules, such as lichen, milium, acne, etc., and aU follicular furuncles are at first nodular. We know that in catarrhal inflamnuxtion of the mucous membranes nodular follicular swellings occur, which dis- appear as soon as the inflammation subsides. Occasionally we find, in corpses where there is no sign of tuberculosis, nodules the size of a pin's point or a poppy-seed, in the peritoneal cover- ing of the hver and sj)leen, and sometimes, also, in^ the pleura. These are very firm, transparent, without an injected area, and are located on slightly cloudy or unchanged bases. Their origin is apparent to any one who has seen acute pleuritis, especially in the neighborhood of peripheral pyemic infarctions of the lung, and acute peritonitis in its earliest stages — f. i., in puer- peral process. Further, we often encounter, chiefly at the free TUBERCULOSIS. 457 border of the bicuspid valve, nodules the size of a millet- or heiiii>-seed ; these are sometiines ])ediiiieulated, and are papillary vegH'tations from former endocarditis. Lastly, a numl)er of tumors, fibroma, pa])illonia, sareoma, and cancer appear, first as a nodule. Who would think of designating such nodules tuber- cles, although they are in reality " tubereula''^ f Is it the form of an infiltration ? We have no better grounds for that. The swelled patches and solitary follicles of the mu- cosa of the intestines, the enlarged bronchial and mesenteric lymph-ganglia in typhoid fever, pyemic infarctions of the lungs, etc., fm-nish examples of circumscribed infiltrations ; in croupous pneumonia and in croupous nephritis we have specimens of dif- fuse infiltrations, and such infiltrations, it is obvious, have noth- ing in common with tuberculosis. We, therefore, look in vain for the shape to distinctly charac- terize the disease termed tuberculosis. Not only tuberculosis, but any product of infidmmation, may appear at one time as a nodule, at other times as an infiltration. Let us search further for a pathological feature peculiar to this disease. Is it the cheesy metamorphosis ? We know, on the one hand, that tuljerculous nodules do not always pass on to this meta- morphosis, as is demonstrated by the isolated ''fibrous "tubercles of serous membranes, whose cure is made manifest by the pig- mentary area and by the obsolete nodes of the lungs, which, as mentioned before, sometimes attain the size of a sugar-pea. We know, on the other hand, that the tissues of cancer, of ty]3hoid lymph-ganglia, nay, pus itself, may undergo a cheesy metamor- phosis. Virchow announced that a tissue might, under some con- ditions, become caseous, as it might under other conditions enter calcareous, fatty degeneration or become putrescent. According to his view, there is a hyperplasia which terminates into a cas- eous condition (scrofule of a lymph-ganglion) and a hetero- plasia which also terminates in the same caseous change (tubercle, cancer). This '^ cheesy" change, therefore, cannot be an essential feature of tubercle. Is it the heteroplasia ? In Virchow's classification the miliary tubercles belong to the lymphatic tumors ; they are adenoid — '/. e., gland-like new formations and heteroplastic productions — which means that they originate " in places in which they do not belong." I cannot think that Virchow intended this for a serious definition. We know perfectly well that any inflammatory new formation, without exception, any '* accumulation of cells," may 458 TUBEBCULOSIS. be of a "lymphoid" character, — f. i., the granulations of a wound, and very likely every disease does originate in a place where it does not belong. Besides, Schiippel (I. c.) has demonstrated that the view of a "heteroplastic" origin of the tubercles of the lymph-ganglia is not tenable. More i-ecently, efforts have been made to locate the essential sio-n of the tubercle in its multinuclear elements — Rokitansky's mother-cells. In this view, the presence of a central " multinu- clear cell " would be sufficient to stigmatize all the surrounding ^'lymphoid" new formation as tuberculous. We know that the so-called " giant-cells " occur, not only in normal medullary tissue of bone and in inflamed tissues, such as cornea, cartilage, bone, but also in a number of tumors (sarcomata), so that it is impossi- ble to consider them as definite characteristics of the formation of tubercle. They are no more specific for this disease than are the " tubercle-cells " of Lebert. Neither are we justified in claiming that the minute size of the elements, their transient nature, their "low vitality," are characteristic. The so-called " small-cellular" sarcomata and can- cers in disintegration exhibit elements which are certainly still less stable than those of the tubercle. Besides, we find in the tubercle the large, so-called epitheloid, and also the very large multinuclear elements. This much is certain, that all previous definitions of tubercle lack clearness. I again return to the question, what are the essential characteristics of tubercle ? Beyond doubt (and on this point all observers are agreed) the tubercle is a new formation — i. e.j a new product "in a place where it does not belong." It, however, has a peculiarity known to aU accurate observers. It contains no blood-vessels. Tubercle, therefore, is an avascular new formation. Origin of Tubercle. As early as 1816 Broussais maintained that the tubercle, or rather the "tuberculous matter,'' was a product of inflammation. Much discussion followed this assertion, \)\\t aU was to no purpose, since nobody then knew what inflam- mation reaUy was. Most later observers have considered the pneiimonic form of tuberculosis of the lungs as inflammatory in nature, and even Virchow cannot be suspected, ha\ing considered every tuberculosis due to inflammation. While Broussais took "irritation" and "inflammation" for one and the same process, Virchow, in a logical manner, sepa- rated them. He says : " Primary tuberculosis of the lymph-glands TUBERCULOSIS. 459 is primary only Jis tuberculosis, hut not as a process of irrita- tion, wliose irritatin<; aj^eney is generally carried in from an dtriiiDt" This inj2:cnious renuirk shows tluit the irritating a}^en(!y is to l)e considered as the cause — the irritative process, on the contrary, as the result. The ditference between the " ii'ritation " of Broussais and the *' irritative process " of Virchow is obvious. The liistory of the theory of inflammation elucidates tlic meaninji: of the process under consideration. Humoral patholofj^y placed it almost exclusively in the blood-vessels and in the diseased blood. Cellular ]>atliolo^'v, on the contrary, set aside the ])lood- vessels and everything- arising from the l>lood, and sought for the essentials in a disease of the tissue, in the inflammatory new formation. To the irritating agency at first the blood-vessels only responded ; later, only the cells of the tissue. S. Strieker, in 1S70, in opposition to these views, urged the importance of the blood and the blood-vessels as factors in giving rise to the inflammatory process; and he demonstrated that the blood-vessels take an essential part in the production of tissue changes. Since then, somewhat more has been added. It is proved through my own researches that, besides the exudation and the new formation of living matter, the new formation of blood and blood-vessels is an essential feature of traumatic inflammation. I have shown that the process of inflammation first causes a liberation of the living matter, which before was infiltrated with basis-substance ; that the inflamed tissue first retiu*ns to its juvenile or embryonal condition, and that it splits np in the primordial elements from which it originated. The '^ inflam- matory cell-infiltration," therefore, must be regarded only as the representative of an early normal condition. A real '' inflamma- tory new formation " does not take place till later, when the living matter is newly formed and the elements divide in boundaries, depending upon the more compact centers, the nucleoli and the nuclei. Rokitansky, in 1854, ascertained that the " tissue-cells" are not by any means the only starting-points of inflammatory new formation, but in the outgrowth of connective tissue the '' inter- cellular substance" also participates actively. I demonstrated in 1873 that the basis-substance of all varieties of connective tissue is abundantly supplied with living matter, and that after a dis- solution or liquefaction of the glue-yielding basis-substance the living matter is productive as well as the cells. I have therefore 460 TUBERCULOSIS. supported the views held by Rokitansky, in opposition to the plasma theory of Schwann and the cell-proliferation of Virchow. The substratum of the inflammatory new formation, the out- g-rowth of connective tissue, is the whole of the living matter of a living tissue. This process, as before mentioned, is constantly accompanied by a new formation of red blood-corpuscles and also of blood- vessels, due to a new formation of li\'ing matter. This occurs in all tissues formed from the middle germinal layer, which from their very origin are supplied with blood and blood-vessels. The result of these processes is the formation of a new tissue, which simHltaneoHsJij becomes vascularizHj, such as granulations, vegetations, pseudo-membranes, etc. Vu-chow is satisfied in the belief that a '' tissue " is a mere accumulation of " cells" ; whUe I have proved that we are justified in applj-ing the term " tissue" only when the elements are in a continuous lining connection. Isolation of the elements produces pus; pus is not a tissue, and not endowed with the capacity for forming a tissue. The fact has been known a long time that inflammation may exhibit marked differences, both in its course and in its termina- tions. "Acute " and " chronic," " sthenic " and '* asthenic," "plas- tic " and " suppurative " inflammation are expressions common to all clinicians. One of the most striking differences in the course of inflammation was based upon the circumstance that, in some instances, the distui-bance is mainly confined to the vascular sys- tem, in others it mainly appears in the inflamed tissue itself. One of the main supports of the theory of the cellular pathology was that the phenomena of vascular disturbance, nay, the blood-ves- sels themselves, might be absent, — f. i., in the cornea or the car- tilage,— and, notwithstanding, the tissue could become inflamed. A new formation of '' cells," even suppuration, might occur in siich tissues, these results being sufficient for the diagnosis of an inflamed tissue. The essential featm-e of inflammation was the new formation of " cells." To-day, things are different. With us, a new formation of '' cells" means a new formation of living matter, and we are satisfled that blood and blood-vessels are requisite to set up an inflammation. We know, besides, that in inflammation a number of blood-vessels perish, their hollow bio- plasson becomes solid and is immediately appropriated for the new formation of tissue; while a simultaneous formation of blood-vessels is going on by the hollowing and vacuolation of originally solid cords of living matter. rrr.h'h'crLosTs. 4r,i One fact only rcniciiiis to Ix; considered — namely, that on the one hand the phenomena in the vascular system, under certain circumstances, may be sli«jhtly marked, and on the other hand the new formation of liviny matter nuiy ha comparatively so scanty that in the infianied district a new formatiou of Wood- vessels is completely absent. With this knowledge we may undertake to analyze tubercle — it is immaterial whether in the form of a nodule or an infiltration. I'lihcrdc arises in vascKlarized tissues only. The inflammatory phenonu'na in the vascular system in the initial stage of forming nodules are not marked to the naked eye, but are rather more distinct in the formation of an infiltration. Tuberck'jfor the cellular pathologist, is a tissue composed of pro- liferated and divided ''^ cells" ^ with us, it is hioplasson freed from J)asls-snhstance, with a srauti/ new formation of living matter. This explains the gray color and the softness of a fresh tubercle nodule. TuJjercle, furthermore, is a tissue which is connected with the mother-tissue, and in which all elements are in a living union, established by the connecting filaments. Tuhercle is composed mostly of small elements, as there are only small centers of living matter — viz.: small nuclei and nucleoli. Finally, tuhercle is avascular ; in other words, in the produc- tion of the tissue of the tubercle the new formation of blood-ves- sels is wanting. Tuhercle may therefore he defined as an injiammatory new formation:^ a tissue arising from an inflammation, with a scanty new formation of living matter and without any new formation of hlood-vessels. Further Changes of Tuhercle. In our conception, all later meta- morphoses of the tubercle become easily understood. So long as tubercle is a tissue, in spite of the lack of blood-vessels, it may give rise to new basis-substance ; and if it has not exceeded a certain size, it then becomes fibrous or cartilaginous. This proc- ess leads to a healing of tuhercle and to its obsolescence, while, as the residuum remains an indurated nodule, a granulation (in the sense of Bayle), a papillary vegetation. My views regarding the curability of miliary tubercle fully coincide with those of Empis and Waldenburg. Far more frequently a shrinkage of the hioplasson, an absorp- tion of the liquid, a so-called cheesy degeneration occurs, which is 462 TUBERCULOSIS. due to the lack of blood-vessels, therefore to an insufficient sup- ply of nourishing- material. In this condition the infiltration may persist as a tissue for quite a time. It is only after the shriveled, and in part fatty, elements are disconnected from the mother-tissue, and from each other, that the crumbly and friable mass becomes a foreign body, like pus. It then is subject either to being encysted or to softening, to liquefaction from without, and to necrosis. The first process is the result of an inflamma- tion of the surrounding vascularized tissue, leading principally to a new formation of callosities ; the second process is due to an inflammation of the surrounding tissue, leading mainly to an exudation and suppuration. In consequence of the suppuration at the inner surface of the inflamed capsule serous pus arises, mingled with crumbs, and a cavity filled with pus — an abscess — is formed. The softened mass may become innocuous by a process of fatty and calcareous metamorphosis, and, as such, will not excite a new inflammation. The '"'' caseous metamorphosis '' of Virchoiv, therefore., is due to a shrinJcage, a desiccation of the new formation., tvhich is inflam- matory in the tuhercle, in consequence of the absence of nourishing hJood-vessels. The softening of the "■ cheese," on the contrary, as has been already maintained by Lombard and Andral, is invari- ably due to a hypergemia or ^inflammation of the vascularized neighboring tissue, and to a stagnation in its blood-vessels, which is frequentl}^ accompanied by haemorrhages and followed by the formation of pigment. In this manner, the tubercle is removed from the group of the lymphomatons new formations and the tuher- cular 2)rodnct deprived of all specificitji. Comparison with Suppuration. It only remains to draw the parallels between tuberculization and suppuration, as these proc- esses are evidently kindred to each other, Eeinhardt, who con- sidered the tubercle as an inflammatory product, arising from an exudate (1847), declared the yeUow tuberculous matter to be meta- morphosed pus. This conception has nothing in common with our ideas. That pus may become *' cheesy," in consequence of an absorption of its liquid portions, and that pus-corpuscles under these circumstances may be transformed into tubercle corpuscles, — a process which Andi^al has termed tuberculization of pus, — is unreservedly admitted. But this does not by any means prove that suppuration and tuberculization are identical processes. In suppuration there is also a stage in which the diseased tissue, TUBKlU'l'LOSTS. 4G3 thouii-h iiifiltriitcd with i)us, is still u tissue. Tlic comparison with pyii'inic iut'urctious of the luujj;-, as alluded to before, proves this statement to be correct. The differences, however, are sharply defined. Tlie firm, brittle, half-dry tubercidous infiltration ^rows gradually, — /. e., in })eripheral recui-rences, therefore in a chronic manner, — and may remain for months in the tissue stage before it becomes softened and disintegrated. In suppuration, on the con- trary, the whole process runs an acute course, being limited to a few days. Eiglit days after an injury which was immediately followed by purulent phlebitis, numerous suppurating pytemic infarctions or abscesses may be found in the lungs, and the more recent infarctions appear as soft, moist, yellow infiltrations. In the production of pus within the inflammatory district, the new formation of blood and blood-vessels is likewise absent, and the living matter of older blood-vessels breaks down into the inflam- matory new formation. Nevertheless, the result is strikingly different from tuberculosis. I recall the purple inflammatory area at the boundary and the dark red hepatization in the vicinity of an infarction of the lung, before alluded to. Such an inflammatory area is constantly present around every acute abscess. The tissue in purulent infil- tration is e\ddently richly supplied with liquid — i. e., an exuda- tion from ^\ithout." When the separation of the elements follows, they are suspended in a comparatively large amoiint of liquid, the serum of pus. Then the result is the same as in the soft- ening and suppuration in the formation of tubercle, namely, an abscess, thougli in the latter instance this result only is reached by slow process. The abscess in the former instance is '' acute,^^ contalnimi thick, genuine pus — the ^' good, laudable, and healthg pus'" of the surgeons ; in the latter instance it is "chronic,'^ " scrof- ulous,'' inclosing serous pus mingled with tuberculous matter. In the former case the process is accomplished within a few days ; in the latter it is extended over months and years. • By inspissation of genuine pus and the shrinkage of the pus- corpuscles the same condition will result as after incapsulation of a softened tuberculous focus — viz.: a fatty, \dscid paste, a cement-like mass, a calcareous concretion. Such a termination of suppm-ation is well known, especially in peripsoitic abscesses. If, on the contrary, an inundation of the inspissated pus takes place by exudation from without, in consequence of new inflam- mation, we find pus with " cheesy " crumbs, which is not materi- 464 TUBEBCULOSIS. ally different from tuberculous jjus. The course and the termination may be identical with that of an acute abscess after the softened tubercle has become encysted. Tuberculous and Scrofulous Diathesis. In conclusion, I wish to make a few remarks on the scrofulous diathesis of the tissues. This, according to Virchow, consists in a '' feeble resistance on the part of tissues against disturbances, and a lowered capacity for equalizing distm-bances ; in an increased vulnerability of the parts, with a greater persistence of the disturbances." The latter conditions are tlie consequence of a certain '' pathological consti- tution," which consists in a " weakness of single parts or regions and an especial weakness in their lymphatic organs," and we must understand by this "a certain incompleteness in the arrange- ment of the glands." Here we have the results of exact cellidar- pathological research, and these results show what an important advance the cellular theory of tissue diathesis involves, in com- parison with the old humoral theory of the blood krases. The swelling of the gland is originally of an ii-ritative, inflam- matory, and hyperplastic nature ; but under the influence of a certain " incompleteness in the arrangement of the glands," of a certain "diathesis," it undergoes fiu'ther regressive metamor- phoses, and among these the " cheesy " is the most common. According to Virchow, the same holds good for the heteroplastic new formation of tubercle proper. In opposition to these assertions, it seems to be of advantage not to abandon the gi'ound furnished T)y the above enumerated facts. Let us say : in the inflammatory new formation, which is the substratum, not only of scrofulosis of the lymph-ganglia, but also of tubercle, the old blood-vessels perish in the production of a new tissue, and no new formation of blood-vessels takes place. The succeeding step will be the shrinkage of the living matter, under certain ciiCumstances the softening of the same, etc. Let us say, further : certain organisms have not the capacity for producing in a morbid condition, especially in the inflammatory process, abundant living matter, and we have before us the ** scrofulous and tul)erculous diathesis." But we do not need such a thing as a '' diathesis," for we only maintain what direct observation proves. The scanty production of living matter first causes a deficiency in the new formation of blood and blood-ves- sels ; this influences the shrinkage of the inflammatoiy product ; this in turn causes the disintegration, and finally the softening TUBEIiCULOSIS. 465 by inflaniination of tlu' surrouiuliiif; tissiu', etc. Then tlu' cirdt* is voiiiuled, and serufulosis and tnl)ercnl<)sis are identical, according: to the ideas of Laennec and Rokitansky. "Why, in certain or«i-anisnis, are the tissnes so easily inflamed? Virchowsays: "It is reinarkal>le that the disi)osition for tuber- culosis is always associated with a disposition for inflammation." Here a«::ain a factor, the "dis])()sition" is introduced, which ouf^ht to explain so much, and in reality does explain nothiny;. Let us say: we do not know why inflammatory processes occur, with much frequency, in certain organisms. Let us fur- ther acknowledge that we do not know why inflammation ever arises spontaneously ; in saying this, we speak the sim])le truth. Then we are at liberty to analyze critically all experiments which have been committed, since Villemin's time, for the pur- pose of artificially x^roducing tul)ercul()sis in animals by inocula- tion and infection ; but what would we gain ? It would be folly to fight against observers — not to use a harsher expression — who, even in our day, insist upon the infectiousness of cheese, and assert that not every kind of cheese is eipially infectious. Wal- denburg, one of the soundest experimenters, came to the conclu- sion that tuberculosis, by which he, in agreement with Virchow, obviously refers only to miliary tuberculosis, is due to the taking into the circulation finely distributed corpuscular elements. These, according to his view, would be deposited in numerous scattered foci in various organs, with the formation of nodules. Inspis- sated, cheesy pus, and caseous tissue of the lymph-ganglia, he says, are most generally the subjects of absorption. With him, too, miliar}^ tuberculosis is a disease of absorption, for he agrees with the idea of Buhl, that miliary tuberculosis depends upon preexisting cheesy foci — in the face of the fact that Buhl himself admitted that in ten per cent, of the cases of miliary tuberculosis, he was unable to discover any cheesy foci whatever. What is the real gain from all this? Many experimenters have succeeded in inducing an inflammation, every one in his own way, perhaps through embolism, perhaps by a ditferent process. All of them have produced '' miliary tubercles," — that is, circum- scribed inflammatory products in circumscribed inflammatory foci, — and it may be admitted that all this was brought about by embolism. The inflammatory products, however, did not proceed to vascularization, but shriveled up and became " cheesy," there- fore tuberculous. This was not due to the skill of the experi- menters, for the reason that the cause of such a result lay in the ' 30 466 TUBERCULOSIS. organisms which were used for the experiment. That such a metamorphosis is easily produced in rabbits and guinea-pigs is a fact which has been well known for a long time. I abstain from drawing conclusions concerning the therapy of tubercle. For in the question of tubercle it is doubtless Vir- chow's greatest merit that he has accurately defined the aims of therapy, namely : " the removal of the disposition and the avoid- ance of all obnoxious irritation." To my assertions made in 1874 I have but little to add. Since that time I have examined with the microscope a large number of different organs affected with tuberculosis, and have no alter- ation to make in my previous statements. More than this, I have become acquainted with the anatomical features characteristic of tuberculosis, recognizable not only in single pus-corpuscles, but, from the peculiar aspect of the colorless blood-corpuscles, in every fresh drop of blood. (See page 58.) There is a want of living matter, and to this deficiency can be traced all the features observed in scrofulous and tuberculous individuals. This involves the peculiarity that such persons are easily attacked by inflammation in general, and especially by '* catarrhal " inflammation of the mucous membranes. This in- cludes also an incapacity for reproducing blood-vessels destroyed in the inflammatory new formation of medullary elements. Blood- vessels being at first solid, bulky cords of bioplasson, which in a latter stage are hollowed out, cannot be reproduced in certain inflamed districts, and by this fact a clear understanding of the puzzle termed tuberculosis is made evident to our minds. Dyscra- sia, diathesis, disposition, and kindi'ed expressions, filling medical literature and representing medical wisdom, deserve to be aban- doned. For we have something positive, something that every one can comprehend ; we have facts replacing all former vague ideas expressed by a fanciful nomenclature. Scrofulosis and tuherculosis are constitutional diseases. "Want of living matter causes these and many kindred diseases, as, f. i., caries of the bones, lupus, etc. Unfortunately, I have not yet learned how to improve a person's constitution, how to increase his living matter. Could we but do that, we might also extinguish forever the misery produced by these constitutional diseases which sweep away thousands of victims, (xenerations are sacri- ficed to an irrational mode of living, to an irrational waste of living matter, in excesses of all kinds. TUBERCULOSIS. 467 As to more recent researches, I merely allude to the modern \'iows, which decidedly favor the parasitic origin of tuberculosis. This, it is said, is a coutajj^ious, an infectious disease, depending on the presence of a certain inoc.idahle parasite. One claims that a certain disposition is required for the reception of the parasite ; another says that every one of us is tuberculous, only in some there is no manifestation of the disease, etc. TuT)er- culosis seems a regular witches' caldron for the brewing of absurd theories. A simple wound is sufficient to render a rabbit, a guinea- pig, a dog, etc., tul)erculous, if these animals are kept in cellars, in cages, and poorly fed. Even a lion will die of tuberculosis under these circumstances. On the contrary, none of these animals will ever become tuberculous if left in freedom, and simply allowed to enjoy fresh air, proper food, and to live in a climate suitable for their organizations. XIII. TIBIORS.* DEFIXITIOX. Tumors are morbid outgrowths of li^'ing tis- sues. An exact definition is impossible; and Vircliowt himself has said: "If we were to torture a person to the last degree of endurance, he would still be unable to tell what tumors really are." The same author extends the limits of these forma- tions to such a degree that he speaks of "tumors of extravasation and of retention'' — that is, tumors which have ai'isen from a col- lection of extravasated blood, or an exudate, or physiological secretions. He furthermore dwells upon " granulation tumors," which, in the present view, are considered products of inflamma- tion. We shall confine the idea of tumors to those formations only which, by pathologists, are termed " neoplasma " or " pseudo- plasma," which originate without marked inflammatory symp- toms, and terminate without a typical end; while the inflammatory process is completed by the production of a cicatiix. The best definition is undoubtedly that of A. Liicke, who says : " A tumor is a growth produced hy new formation of tissue, without a physio- logical termination.^^ * This chapter aims to present the outlines of oncology only. Since the establishment of my laboratory in New-York, over seven years ago, I have been generously supplied with specimens of tumors by a large number of physicians. I desire to return my thanks to them, and must specially mention by name Dr. H. B. Sands, for his kindness in this and other respects in sup- port of my laboratory. t " Die krankhaften Geschwiilste." Berlin, 1863-67. The most exhaust- ive treaty on tumors, but unfortunately not completed. TUMORS. 409 Orifjin. All tumors ori<^inat(' from iiuliffcrent or moduUjirv elements, in nearly the same manner as tiiat by wliieh physioloj^- ical tissues are produced. No tissue can increase or pass into another, except throuifh the intervening' stafje of medullary tis- sue, and no tumor arises from a normal tissue without the latter first passing through the same intervening stage. Virchow maintained that the ucav formation of a tissue — the hyperplasia — is either homologous (homaM)-plastic, Lohstein)or heterologous (heteroplastic, Lobstein) ; the former meaning a new formation of a tissue, identical or similar to the parent-tissue ; the latter a tissue differing in type from the parent-tissue. This idea cannot be carried out, as every new formation is at first heterologous — i. e., medullaiy tissue. The reason why a tissue sometimes produces a tumor is not understood. This, at least in some instances, appears to be due to a long continued irritation, or to an injury. But in many instances no such cause can be traced ; neither are we able to explain why the reaction following irritation is, in some individ- uals, an acute or chronic inflammation only, and in others the production of a tumor in addition. Tumors are tissues which, so long as they are in connection with the living organism, are li\ing themselves — i. e., pervaded by a delicate reticulum of Hviug matter in the same manner as physiological tissues. The type of a tumor is usually that of a physiological tissue ; in other words, there is no tissue constitut- ing a tumor which differs materially from the normal tissues. A difference, however, in many instances, is estal)lished, for the reason that the tissue of a tumor remains in an embryonal or medullary condition, without passing on to a more fully devel- oped type, — f. i., in myeloma, — or else the combination of the tis- sues is different from that which we know to be a physiological type — f. i., in cancer. It is an easy matter to explain the cause of the formation of a tumor by the terms ^^ (/encral (Uafhesi/^," or " (jeneral or local (lispo.sition." Is there any- thing satisfactory in such an assumption ? Is it not more correct to honestly admit that we do not know the real etiology of a tumor ? An apparent progi-ess was made by Thiersch (180;")) and by Waldeyer (1868), who claimed that the epithelia of cancer arise invariably fi-om genu- ine preexisting epithelia, and that, therefore, cancer can originate only in tis- sues which are offspring of the upper and under germinal layer, and in a physiological condition are constructed of epithelia. These assertions in turn have been disproved by both clinical and microscopical observation. A tumor once formed may gradually involve its neighborhood and grow at the 470 TUMORS. expense of the siuTounding tissue ; it then bears the name of a malignant tumor. We do not know where this capacity for infecting is located. Malig- nant tumors have the property of producing their own kind in internal organs, mostly in the lungs and the liver, although often their origin was far from these organs. The inference is that particles of the tumor are cai-ried as emboli by the vascular system of these organs, and being fixed there, owing to the narrow capillaries, increase and involve the tissue in which they are lodged. Cohnheim and Maas * have attempted experimentally to prove the presence of embolisms by transferring pieces, freshly cut from the periosteum of a dog, into the jugular vein of the same animal. Between the tenth and sixteenth day after the experiment they found the periosteal pieces embolized in the lungs, and exhibiting all the features characteristic of a new formation of bone-tissue. In animals which were killed after the twentieth day they found the pieces of periosteum shriveled, and no trace of ossification or of a neighboring inflammation. The above-named observers claim that their experiments prove the possibility of proliferation of cancer emboli, and, as they were not successful with scraps of periosteum, they concluded that indi- viduals with generalized tumors lack the capacity of removing useless mate- rial from the organism. S. Strieker t analyzes these results, and gives the following siunmary : (a) Question: Are emboli of tumors capable of growing into tumors ? (h) Experi- ment : Emboli of periosteum have perished, (c) Conclusion : Emboli of tumors, therefore, do not perish. Repeated experiments have been made to infect dogs, by transferring particles of freshly extii-pated malignant tumoi's of man, by inoculation, or by injection into the vascular system. C. O. Weber and B. v. Langenbeck have reported positive results. But as these results are so few in comparison with the failures of many other experimenters, and, in addition to this, dogs are known to be frequently subject to malignant growths, the conclusions derived from such experiments must be received with caution. Composition and Localization. In the composition of tumors connective tissue always enters, this structure being the carrier of blood-vessels. The character of the tumor depends greatly upon the amount of connective tissue present, its stage of develop- ment, and its combination with other varieties of tissue, such as muscles, nerves, and epithelia. There is a class of tumors which are composed entirely of connective tissue and its derivations, and exhibit a simple type of construction ; by Virchow these are termed simple histoid tumors. Another class shows combinations of several tissues, imitating, to some extent, the structure of cer- tain organs of the body, and Virchow proposes for their designa- tion the name organoid tmnors. In a third variety of tumors the structures of different organs are incompletely represented, and such growths are called by Virchow teratoid tumors. Lastly, * Virohow's Archiv. Bil. Ixx. t " Vorlesungen uber allg. u. exper. Patliologie." Wien, 1878. TUMORS. 471 several types of tumors may be combined into what Virchow desififiiates tioiiors of ronihiiidfioii. Tumors may hr. localized, that is, coiiliued to the production of a siujilc reast) may increase with great rapidity. The integumoit in benign tumors remains movable and pliable even after the tumor has reached considerable size. It is only after inflammation has been induced by pressure that a fixation of the skin occurs. Malignant tumors, though growing beneath the skin, very soon invade that structure and render it immovable before any considerable distension has taken place. There is an exception to this rule when an aponeurotic or serous layer intervenes between the tumor and the skin. TUMORS. 473 Tlio ininibcr. Benign tumors are often Hiiifjle; sometinieH, however, tliey miiy ni)pear in larfje numbers, — f. i., fibroma, cliondroma, lipoma, papilloma, — always jn'owinj^ from the same parent-tissue. Malignant tumors usually soon multiply, either in their immediate neighborhood, or as a secondary process in difTcn-nt localities, or in different systems and organs of the body. Excep- tionally, very large and rai)idly gi'owing cancer and, as a rule, Hat cancer (epithelionnv, rodent ulcer) of the face remain single. I 'lv( ration. Benign tumors ulcerate only in consequence of local in-ita- tion, by friction of clothing, pressure, their own weight, etc. Vascular tumors (angionui) occasionally break open and idcerate spontaneously. Malignant tumors (myeloma) often, cancer always, ulcerate, after having attained a certain and usually limited size, if situated on the surface of the body or in a cavity in direct connection with the surface. In organs of the large cavities of the body a partial disintegration or softening of malignant tumors may occur, as a process kindred to ulceration. The idcerdfiuji siirfdce in benign tumors is smooth or covered with granula- tions, and discharges ''healthy " pus ; the same feature is exhibited by the ulcers of myeloma whenever such an ulceration occurs. Cancers, upon break- ing open, present an iiTegularly deepened, often crateriforra ulcer, with a rough, corroded base, lacking uniform granulation, and with jagged, abrupt borders, discharging a scanty, ichorous pus. The tissues in the neighborhood of a cancerous ulcer are invariably hard, almost cartilaginous, to the touch, this being one of the most important diagnostic features. After the formation of an ulcer benign tumors may swell slightly, without, however, exhibiting any sign of more rapid growth, unless changing into a malignant type. Malignant tumors, after ulceration, invariably gi-ow more rapidly. The same is the case after poulticing, imtation with local remedies, or injuries done through mistaken diagnosis with the trocar or lancet. The exu- berant gi'owth of ulcerating malignant tumors takes the form of in-egular vegetations, advancing toward the place of the least resistance, outward, therefore in tumors of the surface of the body. Only flat cancer (rodent ulcer) penetrates from the surface into the depth of the part affected without produc- ing vegetations. The hjnipltatic f/anf/lia in the ranf/e of beni(jn tumors swell only when they are the seat of inflammation, in what is termed a consensual manner ; similar swelling of the lymphatic ganglia may also occur in the earliest stages of development of myeloma and cancer. After the removal of the tumor the lymph-ganglia retm-n to their normal condition. A real infiltration of the lymph-ganglion with its transformation into the tissue of the tumor, is excep- tional in myeloma, but is the rule in cancer. Pain and fixation of the swelled lymph-ganglion are the clinical signs of its invasion by the morbid growth. This happens the more surely after ulceration has started in the original tumor. Recurrence after extirpation is exceptional with benign tumors, though in some fibromata of the skin this occurs even after all diseased portions of the neighboring tissue have been carefully removed. Local reappearance is the rule with malignant tumors, with myeloma as well as cancer, and the recxu"- rence usually takes i)lace within the first two years after extirpation. The second tumor may appear either locally — i. e., in the cicatrix after the operation — or in its neighborhood, indicating either that the "roots" of the disease had been left behind, or thai? at the time of the operation the infection 474 TUMORS. was present at some tlistant points not perceptible to clinical observation. Every recurrent tumor, as a rule, takes on a more malignant type than the preceding. EeciuTcnce in internal organs after extirpation is considered to be due to the fact that the tissues were already affected vAXh. the disease at the time of the operation. A mi(Iti]>lication of benign tumors never occurs in internal organs, and what was fonnerly considered a multiplication of chondroma, admits of a different interpretation. A multiplicity of malignant tumors, both myeloma and cancer, is often observed. Very probably this is due to a transportation of tissue particles from the tumor, either directly into the vascular system (in myeloma) or through the lymphatics and from them to the vascular system (in cancer). These particles produce emboli in places where most numerous and narrowest capillaries are found — /. e., in the lungs and the liver. A sat- isfactory proof of the presence of such emboli has not as yet been obtained, neither do we understand why the embolized particles should infect the neigh- boring parts and transform the normal tissues into a fonnation like them- selves. Such secondary tumors are sometimes present in enormous quantities, exhibiting the structure of the primary tiimor. Not infrequently, however, secondary tumors, after cancer, do not show a trace of the characteristic epi- thelial structure of cancer, but that of myeloma. fhj Histological Features. The examination of a tumor with the microscope is of the utmost importance, as, in many instances, it is only hy an examination of this kind that a correct diagnosis of the nature of the tumor can be obtained. In 1879 * I made the following statements : '^ I fully concur with Prof. Llicke, of Strassburjr, in the opin- ion that every practitioner should be acquainted with the minute structure of tumors. Such knowledge would enable him to give a more correct diagnosis and prognosis than is the case at present. Very often we can decide the future of the patient through microscopical examination of tumors, either after extir- pation or before it, when small parts of the tumor are removed for diagnostic purposes. "We know that there exists a series of tumors — the benign — which do not materially interfere with the health of the patient. Such tumors are either formations of connective tissue, with fully developed basis-substance in its four principal varie- ties— viz.: myxomatous, fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous; myx- oma, fibroma, chondroma, and osteoma. Or they may be composed of imitations of the fully developed tissues, sprung from the middle germinal layer of the embryo, such as angioma, lipoma, neuroma, myoma. Or, lastly, they may be combinations * " The Aid which Medical Diagnosis receives from Recent Discoveries in Microscopy." Archives of Medicine, vol. i., February, 1879. TUMORS. 475 of epithelial and connective tissue, such as painlioiiia and ade- noma. ''Another series of tumors, on the contrary, — called malig- nant,— have a deleterious influence upon the constitution of the patient. They grow rapidly, are ])ainfid, liable to ulceration, recur very often after extirpation, and produce secondary tumors in internal organs. For the differentiation of these growths we are greatly indebted to R. Virchow. He first cleared up the fact that some of these tumors are formations of connective tissue in its undeveloi)ed embryonal or medullary condition, for which he used the rather unsuitable denomination 'sarcoma'; while others are combinations of epithelium and connective tissue — the so-called cancer forms. A third variety of tumors exhibits intermediate stages between these two kinds, and they represent what is termed, in a popular expression, suspicious tumors, such as myxo-, fibro-. chondro-, osteo-sarcoma, etc. These, upon theii- first appearance, do not impair the constitution of the patient ; but gradually, or after repeated extirpations, or rather trials of exth'pation, become decidedly malignant. " The study of the minute anatomy of tumors, in its present condition, is as yet far from being satisfactory. Still, if the ques- tion should be raised, whether microscopy has advanced so far as to give a thorough decision of the benign, suspicious, or malignant nature of a tumor, the answer, doubtless, will be a hearty yes, it has. " There are but very few points worthy of consideration as to the natm-e of a tumor. The more of a hasis-suhsfance of the above description is present., the smaller, therefore, the amount of free hio- plasson bodies, the surer it is that the new grouih is of a benign nature. On the contrary, the smaller the amount of basis-substance, the larger the relative numher ofbioplasson bodies, the more cer- tainlji does the tumor belong to a malignant type. The very worst tumors — glio-sarcoma, round-cell- sarcoma, and medullary cancer — exhibit a trifling amount of fibrous connective tissue. The difference mentioned, namely, is true, not only for sarcoma, but also for cancer. The more the connective tissue prevails, in comparison with the epithelial formations, the less malignant is its course, the more we are entitled to term it a ' scirrhus ' ; while in the fast-gi'owing and rapidly killing medullary cancers, the frame of connective tissue bearing the blood-vessels is very small, and the epitheHa are ill-developed — viz. : remain in their medullarv or embrvonal condition. 476 TUMOJRS. *' Corabiuations of fully developed basis-substance, "with partial retention of the embryonal character, are by no means rare ; they involve what is termed the suspicious nature of the tumor. These tumors allow of a prognosis of recurrence after extirpation, or of a gradual change for the worse, when the surgeon, judging from the appearances to the naked eye, has not the slightest idea of the threatening danger. The inflammatory process in even benign tumors may mislead the microscopist in exceptional instances, and it is only by a thorough examination of different parts of a tumor that a correct decision as to its nature can be obtained. The presence of inflammatory elements within the connective-tissue frame of cancer is well kno^vu to be decisive of its malignant nature, and the circumstance that such elements are often found on the surface of an extiipated cancer-tumor indicates, on the one hand, that recurrence will rapidly ensue, on the other hand, that such elements play an important part in the new growth of epithelia, characteristic of cancer.'' Secondary Changes. The tissues of tumors are subject to the same pathological changes which we observe in physiological tissues. These changes sometimes deprive a malignant tumor of its malignity, either in part or altogether, and they may occasion- ally result in a spontaneous cure of either benign or malignant tumors. Inflammation ensues spontaneously, and after irritation or mechanical injimes from T\-ithout. The inflammatory process is different here in its results, though not in its aspect, from the rapid new formation of tissue in malignant tumors. It some- times leads to a formation of an abscess in the depth of the tumor, and may terminate, as in physiological tissues, in the pro- duction of a cicatrix. It sometimes causes ulceration — /. f,, a slow necrosis of the superficial layers — or gangi'ene, \\'ith a partial or complete destruction of the tumor. Gangrene may ensue from the weight of a pedunculated tumor, from pressure, traction, etc. Humor rhaf/e o(.'Curs most fi'equently in tumors which are abundantly supplied with blood-vessels, or where the blood-ves- sels are dilated. It may lead to the formation of encysted extra- vasations in the middle of the tumor, — the so-called blood-cysts, — from the waUs of which again a new growth of the tissue of the tumor may arise. Ha-moiThage often causes pigmentation of the tumors, Grangrene is sometimes produced after haemorrhage by complete destruction of the tissue, and in this way a cure may follow. TUMORS. 477 Fxttji (Ji(/r)irni(i(>ii is often mot with, especially in malignant tumors, and, if a larji:('r j)ortion be invaded, results in the forma- tion of tile " reticulum " of older i)atholo<;ists. Fatty de<;enera- tion rarely appears throufj^hout the entire tumor, but if this happens, subsecjuent riilcijicdtlon and ossification ensue, reiulerinj^ the i^rowth harmless. Chcisij htctamorphosis is sometimes ol)- served with the production of a yellow, friable, half-dry, shriveled mass, as seen in tubercle ; this process is, as a rule, limited, and has no influence upon the f urthei- growth of the tumor. Mhcohs and colloid degeneration is a rather coinmon occiir- rence, especially in adenoma and cancer, and results in the for- mation of cijsts. Upon this metamorphosis rests the formation of colloid and cystic cancer, and that of cysts in general. These will l)e dwelt upon later. Waxy detjcneration is not infrequently found. All these metamorphoses lessen in a great degree the malignity of a tumor. llijaJine or lujaJoid degeneration results in the transformation of the tissue elements into a transparent mass, extremely indif- ferent to the action of acids and alkalies, and is of rare occur- rence; it invades the tumor partially only and has no influence upon its general growth. The enlarged and concentrically stri- ated elements of the tumor sometimes exhibit peculiar sprouts and pedunculated formations — the ''gems" of Rokitansky and the "physalids'' of Vil•cllow^ The intimate nature of these proc- esses is far from l)eing understood. Calcareous deposition is observed in fatty masses, transforming them into a dry, brittle, cement-like substance ; or it produces an incrustation of waxy or hyaloid corpuscles — for instance, in the psanunoma ; or it invades all epithelia of cancer simiiltaneously, rendering the tumor innocuous. Large masses of connective tissue may become calcified, especially in fibrous tumors grown from the periosteum. Ossification, with the production of more or less irregular systems of lamellae, containing central medullary spaces and well-defined bone-corpuscles, occurs in a limited num- ber of tumors — fibroma, chondroma, myeloma, and so-called osseous cancer. In most instances this process represents an only incomplete mode of healing. Classification. For over seven years I have taught in my laboratory a systematic division of tumors — given in outlines in my essay, published in 1879, above quoted. If we bear in mind that an exact definition and classification is impossible — that there are innumerable transitions of one kind of tumor into 478 TUMORS. another, my mode of division will be found the simplest and most satisfactory, so far as my experience, which is based upon the ex- amination of many hundred tumors, permits a definite conclusion. The system is strictly histological. According to the four main varieties of basis-substance of connective tissue — the myxomatous, fibrous, chondrogenous, and osseous — I arrange the benign connective-tissue tumors proper as follows : 1. Myxoma. 2. Fibroma. 3. Chondroma. 4. Osteoma. The embryonal or medullary condition of the connective tissue furnishes the well-known malignant type of : 5. Myeloma (sarcoma J. The combination of connective tissue with fat, with a large amount of blood-vessels, with muscles and nerves, provides four other benign varieties : 6. Lipoma. 7. Angioma. 8. Myoma. 9. Weuroma. Any one of the eight benign types may be combined with the type of myeloma, and then they are termed : myxo-, fibro-, chon- dro-, osteo-, lipo-, angio-, myo-, neuro-myeloma. This combination shows that the tumor tends toward malignity. The combination of connective with epithelial tissue results in the production of two varieties of benign tumors, in which the epithelium furnishes either the outer investment or produces glandular formations : 10. Papilloma. 11. Adenoma. The great majority of cysts are secondary formations of adenoma, and may, therefore, be considered under the head of adenoma. Adenoma may be constructed of myxomatous or fibrous connective tissue : Myxo- and fibro-adenoma ; or it may be built up by connective tissue in a medullary condition : Adeno- myeloma. The combination of connective tissue with epithelia not form- ing glands, but either having the appearance of pegs, nests, or plexuses, or filling alveoli, surrounded by connective tissue, gives the malignant type of: TUMORS. 470 12. Carcinoma. This simple division and nonienclutuiv, as a matter of eonrse, admits of many subdivisions and e./r/w*f»Ye(/ innvus ; such tumors maybe congenital or they arise in middle life. Sometimes the myxo- matous tissue in this situation is combined with fat, foiining myxo-llpoma. In mucous membranes myxoma is also common, usually as pediculated, translucent tumors in the mucosa of the nasal, the pharjTigeal cavity, the gums, the larynx, the rectum, and the uterus. Often they are combined with glandular new formation, representing the variety termed nujxo-adenoma. In the external auditory canal and the tympanum they sometimes have the Fig. 181. — Myxoma. Pharyngeal Polypus. R, delicate fibrous reticulum with nuclei at the points of intersection, inclosing spaces which cont.iin a jellj'-like basis-substance and plastids : P, eitlier nucleated or of the aspect of nuclei ; V, blood-vessel. Magnified 600 diameters. appearance of simple granulations, as observed in wounds heal- ing by suppm-ation ; and as both granulations and myxomata are identical in their minute structure, a positive statement as to their etiology is impossible. Myxoma also appears along nerves, and many of the tumors termed '' neuromata" are myxomatous growths arising from the TUMORS. 481 connective-tissue sheath of the nerve. Myxomatous tumors are sometimes found in the parotid jjfland, in tlie female hreast, in the ovaries and tlie testes. In tlie last-named positions they may be combined with glandular and secondary cystic fcu-mations. Vir- cliow observed myxoma in the medullary space of shaft-bones. I have seen an iufm-ocidar nn/xoma completely filling the slightly enlarged eyeball. fhj Myxoma of the iStructurc of the Uml)ilical Cord. This is composed of comparatively thick bioplasson strings which, hold- ing a varying numbei- of nuclei, are united in a reticulum. The meshes contain the jelly-like basis-substance, and in this are im- bedded apparently isolated plastids, such as are found in the tissue of the um])ilical cord. The homogeneous basis-substance is sometimes mixed with fibrous connective tissue, either in .single Fig. 182. — Myxoma of the Parotid Gland. C, bioiilasson-cords, with numerous nuclei, branching and unitinj,' ; B, jellj-like hasis- snbatance, which liolils single mostly central plastids, I. Magnified 600 diameters. fibrillaB or in delicate bundles. Gold staining brings to \dew the reticular bioplasson structure within both varieties of basis-sub- stance, as it does in the tissue of the umbilical cord. (See Fig. 182.) The myxoma of umbilical cord-structure is rarer than the 31 482 TUMORS. reticular variety ; it is often combined with the latter or with fibroma and chondroma. It has no blood-vessels ; but these are found in the adjacent fibrous or reticular structure, never very- abundantly. (c) Myxoma of the Structure of the Thyroid Body, so called Lymph-adenoma. We may class these growths among the myx- omata, on account of the presence of lymph-corpuscles, filling closed spaces or alveoli, which are surrounded by well-developed fibrous connective tissue, carrying, as a rule, numerous blood- vessels. These tumors are imitations of the structure of the thyroid body, and are benign; while tumors which are con- FiG. 183. — Myxoma or Lymph-adenoma, from the Upper Jaw of a Woman. C, frame of fibrous connective tissue, carrying blooil-vessels, J?,- i, lynipli-corpnscles fill- ing tlie alveoli, some of wliicli are enn)tied by the cutting procedure. Magnifiecl 500 diameters. structed on the plan of lymph-ganglia are decidedly malignant. The latter I class among the myxo-myeloma. Tumors of the lymphomatous kind have been termed lymph- adenoma ; but as the word *' adenoma" means a glandular, there- fore epithelial, structure, of which there is no trace either in lymph-ganglia or in the more fully developed alveolar structure TUMORS. 483 under consideration, the term lymphoma seems to l)e more ap- jn'opriute, although this has heen previously disposed of for the designation of the very malignant so-called " small cellular sarcoma." Tumors of the structure of the thyroid body are rare, and, so far as I have been able to ascertain their clinical history, of a thoroughly benign nature. Several of the cases which have come under my observation occurred in the lateral region of the neck, independently of the thyroid body. In one case, a tumor of this kind, the size of a man's fist, occupied the region of })oth upper jaws, having evidently started from the lining membrane of one Antrum Highmori. (See Fig. 183.) 2. FiBROJiA. Fibrous Tumor. Fibroma is a firm, dense, and opaque growth, either sessile or pedunculated, composed entirely of bundles of a dense interlac- ing fibrous connective tis- ^ ^ sue, which contains only a fewblood-vessels. We may cut the tumor at any point, and wiU always meet with bundles running in differ- ent directions, which are easily recognized with low powers of the microscope. (See Fig. 184.) With high powers we ascertain that the bun- dles, hke those of physio- logical dense fibrous con- nective tissue, are com- posed of delicate spindles, closely packed together. Between the spindles we find finely granular bio- plasson and plastids, mostly reduced to the size of nuclei. The light interstices between the spindles are always traversed by extremely dehcate transverse filaments, which interconnect the bioplasson formations contained in the glue-yielding basis-sub- stance. Similar filaments connect the bioplasson formations Fig. 184. — Fibroma of the Vagina. LL, buudlea of fibrous connective tissue, cut longi- tudinally, interlacing with similar bundles at riffht angles, D ; O, bundles cut obliquely, and F, bundles cut transversely. Magnified 100 iliameters. 484 TUMOBS. with the spindles. An oblique section of a bundle is obviously marked by short spindles ; while the transverse section of the bundle exhibits circular formations, which are surrounded by a reticidum of bioplasson or of cement-substance. "Where capil- lary blood-vessels traverse the tissue, the spindles are seen di- rectly connected with the endothelial wall by means of delicate filaments. (See Fig. 185.) The varieties of fibroma are : faj Loose fibrous connective tissue, composed of delicate bun- dles of fibrillae (see page 159), builds up fibrous tumors of a Fig. 1S5. — Fibroma of Vagina. X, connective-tissne fibers composed of spindles, cut lon^tudinally ; O, oblique sections of spindles ; T, transverse sections of spindles ; C, capillary blood-vessel. Magnified 1000 diameters. moderate degree of consistency, while the vascular supply is not abundant. They occur usually as sessile tumors of the skin, with a smooth or lobulated surface, and, if pigmented, bear the name of moles (naevus or melanoma). They are frequently found on the mucous membranes, especially of the posterior nares, the phar^-nx and larynx, and the uterus. Pol^^ous, pediculated tumors of the uterus are often constructed of delicate fibrous connective tissue, which in this situation is sometimes abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. This variety blends -vs-ith the next. fbj Mxjxo-fihroma or soft fibroma, which may be considered as an intermediate stage between mj'xoma and fibroma. The m\^- TUMORS. 485 omatoiis character is caused by the reticular arrangement of the usually delicate bundles of connective-tissue fibers, which at the same time inclose in their meshes a gelatinous, apparently homo- geneous, myxomatous basis-substance, with single plastids, hav- ing the appearance of nuclei. The fibrous character is produced first by the circumstance that the reticulum is composed of a number of fibrilhv, in the midst of which delicate rod-like or spindle-shaped plastids are found, and secondly, by an inter- lacing of dense bundles with bundles which are loose and deli- cate. (See Fig. 1S6.) Tumors of this kind often exhibit a transition from the myxomatous to the fibrous structure; in addition to this they Fig. 186. — M^-xo-fibkoma, Grown Beneath the Scapula OF a WOILAN. Bundles of fibrous connective tissue in a reticular arrangement. The spaces contain either bundles, O, in an oblique or a transverse section, or a mucoid basis-substance, hoUUng mostl3- central plastids, P. Magnilied 600 diameters. sometimes abound in fat-globules, thus assuming the character of lipoma. Myxo-fibroma is a common tumor in the skin and the mucous membranes. Bulky, folded masses of the skin, occurring in the face, on the chest, and the posterior aspect of the body, the so-called leontiasis, belong to this class. It is of somewhat rarer occurrence in the female breast, in internal organs, and as a periosteal gi'owth. 486 TUMOBS. fcj Dense, interlacing hnidles of filers (see page 162) are found in firm, almost cartilagiuous tumors of the skin ; if pediculated, they are termed fibroma moUuscum. They develop in middle and advanced age, sometimes in large numbers all over the skin, and some of them may reach a considerable size — viz., that of a man's fist, or even that of a man's head. Tumors of this variety may be painful, like neuroma. In some individuals, especially of the colored races, there exists a peculiar liability to the formation of fibrous tiunors. Around the auricles of the ear, in. females, they are usually caused by the piercing for ear- rings. Such tumors are also remarkable for their disposition to recur after extirpation, though, as a rule, the recurrent tumors grow slowly, and retain their benign character. (dj Scar-shaped fibroma, Jceloid is a flat, radiating, freely vas- cularized fibroma of the skin, usually painful. It gi-ows slowly, and attracts the neighboring skin in folds. It may gi-ow from a scar, produced by previous operations with the knife, or by caustics, or independently of any previous cicatrix. It is also characterized by an extreme proneness to recuiTcnce. Accord- ing to J. C. WaiTen, the cheloid is composed of more regular bundles of fibrous connective tissue than the original scar. Combinations. Fibrous connective tissue, combined with smooth muscle-tissue, is of common occurrence in the uterus and its appendages. Sometimes smooth muscles are so abundantly pre- vailing in the composition of the timior that it deserves the name of fihro-myoma, or myo-fihroma. These tumors will be con- sidered in connection with myoma. Fibrous tumors, gi-owing from the mucosa of the neck or the body of the uterus, may sometimes also exhibit an enormous new formation of tubular glands; a tumor of this construction must be considered as adenoma. Fibrous tumors of both the uterus and the ovaries not infrequently are supplied with a large number of blood- vessels, and then may be styled fibro-angioma. Sometimes fibrous tumors are the seat of partial depositions of lime-salts, — calcified fibroma, — and, especially those grown from the periosteum, may be partly transformed into bone — osteofibroma. 3. Chondroiha. Caetilaginous Tumor. Chondroma is a dense, firm tumor, composed of cai-tilage, either hyaline, fibrous, or reticular, or these varieties mixed. The fibrous portions sometimes produce trabeculae, which carry TUMORS. 487 the blood-vessels and inclose portions of the hyaline cartilage structure. Cartilaginous tumors are comparatively rare. They grow both from the soft tissues and from bone, and are more common in the latter situation than in the former. There are many transitions from myxomatous and fibrous into cartilaginous con- nective tissue, and the diagnosis often rests only on the large size and the regular arrangement of the plastids, termed cartilage coi-puscles. Chondroma is a benign tumor which may appear multiple in the same kind of tissue, but, as a rule, it does not infect the neighboring parts. In very- exceptional cases, however, true chondroma attains the capacity not only to infect its neighborhood, but also to produce secondary tumors in the Ivmgs, never surpassing, however, the size of a walnut. Virchow enumerates six cases of this kind. Pathologists have described under the head of •' chondroma " soft tumors, rich in "cells," which were imbedded in a scanty, gelatinous basis-substance. Tumors of this kind were termed rillous chondroma and viucous chondroma; tliey may gi-ow into the blood-vessels and prodiiee embolic metastases. Obviously, tumors of this description, though resembling chondroma under the microscope, are not cartilaginous tumors, but either myxo-myeloma or chondi'o-myeloma, both beiug of a malignant type. If firm, genuine cartilag- inous tumors are found in different localities of the body and in the Ivmgs, also, there is no necessity for concluding that the latter are secondary formations. For the lungs hold in the walls of the bronchi enough hyaline cartilage to give rise under certain conditions (the chondromatous dyscrasia or diathesis of some writers) to primary cartilaginous tumors. Chondroma of the ''hyaline" variety is constructed like physiological " hyaline " cartilage, the difference, at least in many cases, being that in chondroma the plastids are of large size, vary greatly in shapes, and are irregularly distributed. Besides, the elements of chondroma are more coarsely granular — i. e., contain more hving matter than is found in normal cartilage. The gold stain reveals the reticulum in the basis-substance, just as in normal cartilage. (See Fig. 187.) Cartilaginous new formation is found either throughout the whole tumor, or in combinations with myxomatous, fibrous, or bone-tissue; and sometimes, also, with myeloma, myoma, and cancer. The latter combinations represent Virchow's group of teratoid tumors — i. e., undeveloped remnants of all varieties of tissues in one timior. This condition is probably due to an un- developed organism, being inclosed in a fully developed one — fcEtus in foetu. Formations of this kind are met with mostly in the so-called dermoid cysts of the ovaries and the testes, although 488 TUMORS. they have been found in other organs. I am indebted to Dr. Clinton Wagner for a specimen of an almost perfectly developed auricle of an ear, attached to the soft palate. Cartilaginous tumors grown in glandular organs not infrequently exhibit partial mucoid degeneration and secondary formation of cysts — cysto-chondroma. Sometimes there is a calcareous deposition in the tissue of chondroma and ^"■."#^^-1 S^^N a combination of cartilagin- ous with bony tissue — osfeo- chondroma ; or, as mention- ed before, a combination of chondroma vdth. myeloma — cliondro - niijeloma. This was the condition of a tum- or the size of a child's skull, grown in the testis, and from which Fig. 187 is taken. Among the soft tissues, chondroma is known to occiu" primarily in the par- otid and the submaxillary gland, in the female breast, in the periosteum of the phalanges, in the testes, and in the lungs. It causes only local disturbances ; occa- sionally, however, by sup- puration and ulcerative destruction it may become rather seiious. In hones, ehondi'oma originates either from the surface (perios- teum) or from the cancellous portion, the diploe of skull-bones and the central medullary space of shaft-bones. The most com- mon places for chondroma to appear are the phalanges and meta- cai-pal bones of the fingers, more rarely those of the toes ; next, the epiphyses of the shaft-bones, the carpal and tarsal bones, the ribs, the sternum, and very rarely the pelvis and skuU-bones, the upper maxiUary bone, and the socket of the eye. The simulta- neous growth of a number of cartilaginous tumors in several of the above enumerated localities has also been observed. What pathologists describe as central chondroma, arising from the medulla of the shaft-bones, in many instances probably was, judging from the clinical phenomena and the multiplication in the lungs, myxo- and chondi-o-myeloma, but not pui-e chondroma. Fig. 187. — Chondroma of Testicle. P, plastids, mostly nucleated and coarsely gran lUar ; B, finely granular, so-called " hyaline" basis substance. Magnified 600 diameters. TUMORS. 489 4. Osteoma. Osseous Tumor. Osteoma is a solid tumor, composed of bone-tissue, and grow- ings without symptoms of inflammation, in contradistinction to the exostosis or the osteophytes, which are products of osteitis and periostitis. Corresponding to the two principal varieties of bone-tissue (see page 223), we have two kinds of osteoma : (a) Cancellous or Epiphyseal or Spongy Osteoma. This occurs on the epiphyseal ends of shaft-bones, closely connected with the cancellous portion; it is found only in youth, and is never a primary formation after the thirtieth year of life. Such tumors lie beneath the covering periosteum, and at their free surfaces Fig. 188. — Cancellous or Epiphyseal Osteoma, from the Second Phalanx of the Thumb. T, trabeculae ol bone-tissue, indistinctly lamellateil ; 3/, large and irregular medullary spaces, containing blood-vessels and medullary tissue. (The latter shriveled, owing to the circunistiince that tlie specimen was brought for examination in a half-dry condition.) Mag- nified 100 diameters. are usually lobular. They are either inclosed by a thin layer of compact bone-tissue or by a layer of hyaline cartilage. They are composed of indistinctly lameUated trabeculae of bone, contain, ing regularly developed bone-coi-puscles, and inclosing medullary spaces, which vary gi*eatly in size and are filled with meduUary tissue and blood-vessels. (See Fig. 188.) Formations closely allied to cancellous osteoma are the pro- cessus supracondyloidei, which Hyrtl first described as congenital 490 TUMORS. formations; they occur at the articular ends, mostly, of the humerus and the femur, analogous to the processus trochleares of some animals. To these may be added the bony formations at the points of insertion of the tendons, muscles, and aponeur- oses, which Virchow termed exostoses apophyficfe. They are either directly connected with the bone, or take rise independ- ently of it (so-called tendon bones). These bony structures orig- inate, unconnected with inflammation, perhaps on account of an excess of lime-salts in the organism. Maslowsky has succeeded in producing calcareous deposition and ossification in the mus- cles of animals, in the vascular system of which, for a certain length of time, he had injected lactate of lime. Bony formations in the dura mater, the muscles, and the lungs are products of inflammation. fbj Compact or ehurneal osteoma is a rare tumor; it occurs on the bones of the face, the skull, the scapula, the pelvis, and the phalanges; its favorite locality is the frontal bone. It has a smooth or slightly nodulated surface, and very rarely attains any considerable size. It is composed of a more or less regularly lameUated bone-tissue, imitating in its structure the outer per- ipheral layer of compact bone, and is scantily supplied -with medullary spaces. These, on the surface of the tumor, are, as a rule, large, and contain several blood-vessels; while the main mass shows only irregular Haversian canals, which contain one capiUary blood-vessel. Toward the point of attachment the com- pact bone formation usually blends with the cancellous structure. (See Fig. 189.) The cement-layer of the roots of teeth not infrequently develops into compact osteoma, which sometimes reaches a considerable bulk. Tumors of the dentine are entirely dif- ferent formations ; for their designation Virchow has pro- posed the term odontoma. These are composed of dentine, with irregularly arranged dentinal canaliculi, similar to formations of secondary dentine and the so-caUed pulp-stones. (See chapter on teeth.) Bone-tissue is often found combined with other varieties of tumors, such as fibroma, chondroma, myeloma, and it is asserted that it also unites with cancer and forms the " malignant oste- oid" of Joh. MiiUer. The terms employed to designate tumors of these varieties are osteo-fibroma, osteo-chondroma, and osteo- myeloma. In aU these instances the bone-tissue is unquestiona- bly a secondary formation. TUMOBS. 491 Psaninionia is tlie term applied by Virchow to a class of tumors character- ized by the presence of ])eculiar corpuscles, which usually exhibit a distinct concentric striation, or appear as nodular or rod-like masses. Virchow main- tains that these tumors may be either homologous (benign) or heterologous (malignant) — /. c, represent transitions into sarcoma. Virchow proposes to call the corpuscles a rfunid — that is, sand-like; they are a normal feature in the anterior portion of the glandula pinealis, where they form the acervulus cerebri. Besides, they are met with in the cerebral and spinal dura mater, especially in the Pacchionian bodies, and in the arachnoid. They are amy- laceous corpuscles, infiltrated with lime-salts, although Virchow insists upon their being different from the corpora amylacea on account of the blue stain of the latter, shown when treated with iodine. Such corpuscles were found also in enlarged hyperplastic lymph-ganglia. The tumors containing them occur both in the brain-tissue and in its investing membranes, especially the dura mater, in the optic nerve and its investments, and in the retina. (See Fig. 190.) Fig. 189. — Compact or Eburneal Osteoma, prom the Frontal Bone op a Man. i, lamellated bone-tissne, pierced by niertiillarj- spaces, M, which toward the periphery of the tumor are large and contain several blood-vessels ; while in the more central portions of the tumor the medullary spaces are reduced to irregular Haversian canals. Magnified 100 diameters. The term "psammoma," applied to a tumor, is obviously superfluous, for the arenoid corpuscles do not determine the nature of the tumor, which may be a myxoma, a fibroma, an angioma, or a myeloma, consequently widely dif- fering in pathological features. The arenoid corpuscles are secondary and incidental formations in these tumors. The same holds good for pig- mented tumors, which occur in rare cases in the pia mater, and are termed 492 TUMORS. melanoma. The presence of pigment alone is not sufficient to characterize the nature of the tumor. There is, however, no objection to calling a tumor which contains sand-like bodies an " arenoid fibroma, angioma," etc., and a tumor which contains pigment granules a " melanotic fibroma, myeloma," etc. 5. Myeloma or Sarcoma. The special character of this group of tumors was first determined by Virchow. He considers the structure to be con- nective tissue in an embryonal or medullary condition, without any epithelial elements, and thus sharply marked from cancer. All later researches have corroborated Virchow's views. We Fig. 190. — Arenoid Myxoma (Psammoma, Virchow) of the Dura Mater. r, trabeculiB of fibrous connective tissue, holding partly sessile, partly pediculated, arenoid corpuscles, A, or elongated calcareous formations, C. Magnified 50 diameters. define sarcomata as Virchow defined them — that is, connective- tissue tumors, in which very little or no basis-substance is developed. "We object, however, to the word " sarcoma," as this means fiesJiy tumor., and would substitute for it the old term "myeloma," — viz., medullary tumor, — as this accords better with the histological features. Virchow divided sarcomata into the following varieties: (a) net-ceil sarcoma; fhj spindle-cell sarcoma; (c) round-cell TUMORS. 493 sarcoma ; (d) (jiant-ccU sarcoma, and fcj melanotic sarcoma. Billroth added another variety, the alveolar sarcoma. In ana- lyzing the different varieties of myeloma, we are satisfied that there are but two principal forms, which I propose to term (a) (/loho-mi/eloma, corresponding to Virchow's round-cell sar- coma ; and fhj sphulle-mi/eloma, corresi)onding to Virchow's spindle-cell sarcoma. Both varieties arc sometimes found in one tumor. fAj aioho-mi/cloma is composed of medullary tissue, with globular elements. (See page 147.) These contain single or double nuclei, or they are divided into smaller plastids, evidently in the mode of growth and multipli- cation of the elements. Tum- ors of this kind, as a rule, are of a grajish-red or grayish- yeUow color, containing a com- paratively small number of blood-vessels. Its sub-varieties ^^^^'^5^3t5^^^^.^^*^.,X'Lft^^\'s. C- are: faj Gloho-mi/eloma, composed of large jjlastlds (large round- cell sarcoma). These are sepa- rated fi'om each other, either by a nai'row rim of cement-sub- stance or by a delicate fibrous reticulum ; all elements, how- ever, are connected by means of delicate filaments. The nuclei are large, and contain several coarse granules — nucleoli. (See Fig. 191.) fbj Gloho-myeloma, composed of small plastids (small round- cell sarcoma), the structure closely resembling the so-called adenoid or lymph-tissue. A deli- cate fibrous reticulum holds varying numbers of plastids, which are mostly solid, having the appearance of lymph-corpuscles, some being surrounded by a finely granular bioplasson. This form represents the "lymphoma" or '* lympho-sarcoma" of authors. (See Fig. 192.) fcj Glioma or glio-sarcoma. Virchow applies the term " gli- oma" to tumors arising from the connective-tissue formations Fig. 191. — Globo-myeloma, Com- posed OP Large Plastids. From THE Intermuscular Tissue of THE Forearm of a Woman. Till- globular, slightly flattened corimscles are separated from each other bj' a scantj- basis- or cemeut-substaiice. C, solid cord, indicating a new formation or a retiogresaion of a bloodvessel; C2, fully developed capil- lary blood-vessel. Magnified UOO diameters. 494 TUMOBS. of the central nervous system and the retina, without reference to their intimate histological structure. Recently, efforts have been made to remove glioma from the group of myeloma. Clin- ical observation shows the extreme malignity of many of these tumors ; microscopic examination shows their close relationship to myeloma, and that a varying amount of fibrous connective tissue may enter into their construction. Glioma is composed of elements closely resembling those found in the cortex cerebri and cerebelli, and those of the granular layers of the retina. These elements exhibit comparatively large nuclei, around which is a scanty rim of granular bioplasson. In rapidly growing tumors the elements exhibit distinct proliferation, and in many instances flatten each other. Between ■TS Fig. 192. — Globo-myeloma, Composed of Small Plastids. From the Testicle op an Adult. T, transverse section of a semiuiferous tubule, toward tlie eiiirtidymis ; i)areutly isolated globular or oblong jjlastids. Magnified 600 diameters. formerly attributed to extravasated blood. I have ascertained that in such tumors a very profuse new formation of living matter takes place, which causes the production of numerous haematoblasts, — i. e., solid lumps of living matter, — which in their earlier stages of formation, for reasons unknown, are supplied with the coloring matter of the blood. (See page 98.) From 32 498 TUMORS. these hsematoblasts, before their development into red blood- corpuscles, arise the pigment clusters. The process can be best studied at the border of melanotic myeloma of the choroid in the region of the vitreous body. Here the haematoblasts originate in the middle of the \dtreous body, being characterized by a globular shape, luster, distinct yellow color, and theii' small size, as com- pared with fully developed red blood-corpuscles, for which they often are taken. How far the :^'^^\\ / / m^ y k htematoblasts participate in the new formation of the my- ^ eloma elements I was unable to ascertain ; but unquestion- ably they are the source of pigment in melanotic myelo- ma. (See Fig. 198.) Combinations of Mtjeloma. Myeloma may combine with any variety of connective tis- sue- and epithelial tumors, which means that a portion of the tumor possesses fully developed basis - substance, while another portion has but little or lacks it entirely. A tumor with originally well- developed basis -substance may gradually change its character, and in the por- tions of later growth be with- out basis-substance. With this failure in the production of basis-substance a more rapid gi'owth of the tumor ensues, and it assumes a more malignant type. As before mentioned, such tumors are clinically considered " dubious " in their nature, although some of them are either of a marked malignant char- acter, or become so in a relatively short time. According to our nomenclature, the various combinations of these tumors are termed as follows : (a) Fibro-mijeloma, the "fibroplastic" tmnor, or '^ recuiTent fibroma" of older pathologists. It consists of bundles of fibrous connective tissue, between which are large numbers of usually globular elements ; or the tumor originates from fibrous tissue, — Fig. 197. — Fibro-myeloma, withMul- TIXUCLEAR PlASTIDS. FrOM THE Lower Jaw op a Young Mant. M, group of medullary corpuscles approach- ing the stage of indlffereuce ; G, multinuclear plastid, so-called giant-cell. Magnified GOO diameters. TUMORS. 499 f. i., the derma of the skin, — and by de^'cos entirely replaces it. The fibrous strueture of such tumors is sometimes very faintly marked; but their eomparatively slight degree of malignity is reeognized by the i)resenee of a finely granular basis-sub- stanee between the homogeneous plastids, whieh, of the size of nuclei, are scattered at regular intervals. Sometimes these tumors are lobate or nodular, and covered with a i-ichly pig- mented rete mucosuni (mole, miivus). With advancing age or Fig. 108. — Melanotic Globo- and Spindle-myelojia of the Choroid, L, group of globular pignientod plastids: F, delicate fibrous conuective tissue at the periphery of the tumor ; jFf, lueiuatoblasts ; P, pigmeut cluster ; T', vitreous body. Maguified 600 diameters. improper treatment they readily assume the character of malig- nant myeloma. (See Fig. 199.) (J) J Myxo-myeJoma is constructed on the plan of myxomatous tissue — /. e., a delicate fibrous reticulum contains in its meshes plastids in different stages of development ; but they are [far 500 TUMORS. more numerous than in simple myxomatous tissue. Myxoma- tous tumors, especially the so-called polj^oid tumors, often exhibit some of the features of this type, indicating a rapid growth of the tumor and its liability to recur after extirpation. If the reticulum is very delicate, and the inclosed plastids very small, not exceeding in size the lymph-corpus- cles, the tj^pe of a lympho-myeloma (small globo-myeloma) is established, which gro\\i:h is of intense malignity. Myxo-myeloma, therefore, blends "wdth the spindle-net myeloma, as well as with the hTnpho-myeloma. (See Fig. 200.) (c) Chondro-myeloma differs from chondroma in the softness of its basis- substance, while the plastids may a- Fig. 199. — Globo-myeloma, ■mxH A Marked Formation OF Basis-substance. From THE Abdominal Wall of an Adult. C, capillary blood-vessel iu trans- verse section ; A, artery iu transverse section. Magnified 600 diameters. exhibit the size and shape of cartilage corjiuscles. Many of the so-called '' ma- lignant chondromata " prob- ably are chondro-myeloma, and I know this mistake to have been made by good pathologists. The term " chondro - myeloma " may also be applied to tumors which, in a tissue showing aU the features of globo-myeloma, contain islands of weU-developed cartilaginous tissue. (d) Osteo-myeloma is a term used for the designation of myelomatous tumors growing in the middle of the bone, or of Fig. 200. — Myxo-myeloma. Recurrent Pharyngeal Polypus. B, portion of myxomatous structure ; P, portion of myelomatous structure ; T', large capillar}- blood- vessel. Magnified 600 diameters. TUMOnS. 501 tumors in M'hioh within niyelonia-tissne now formation of l)ono has taken phice. Tlie error resulting from such a nomenclature is not gi'eat, as in many instances it is impossible to decide whether the bone-tissue in the tumor is a remnant of the former physiological bone, or whether it is newly formed, A gi-eat irregularity in the size and the arrangement of the bone-cor- puscles will favor the view of the bone being newly formed, fit t , 1^ Fig. 201. — Osteo-myxo-Myeloma, from the Hip-bone OF A Girl. T, trabeculse of newly formed bone, with larjre and irregular bone-corpuscles ; M, myx- omatous tissue, changing to myeloma ; C, plastids, iuliltrale Fig. 203. — FiBRO-MYELOMA FROM THE AbDOMIXAL WaLL OP AN Adult. P, papilla-, cut transversely ; i>, derma of sklu, with commencing transformation into myeloma ; B, Ijlood- vessel ; S, rete mucosum. Magnified 200 diameters. seventy-two years, as large as a chicken's egg; (5) myeloma nodules from the liver of a man, aged fifty-nine, which occurred as a secondary gi-owth after extirpation of a tumor of the eyeball, simultaneously with nodules in the omenttim, the mesentery, and the walls of the small intestines. Among 506 TUMORS. these were represented the varieties called * ' round-cell sarcoma " ; " spindle-" combined with "round-cell sarcoma" and ''alveolar sarcoma." The changes in the epithelium, which are induced by the growth of mye- lomatous tumors, may be dixided into two groups. The first embraces the purely inflammatory process ; the second includes changes that lead to the production of myeloma elements from epithelium. No distinct boundary can be di-a^vn between these two gi'oups ; for the changes observed in inflamma- tion are like those accompanying the growth of tumors, inasmuch as in both instances new formation of LiATug matter and production of new elements results. InHammatory changes. Specimens of the tumor (1) taken, from the integu- ment near the ulceration show, with low power, that the epidermal layer was thinned in several places. (See Fig. 203.) We could see that the pigmented laver which constitutes the border nearest the connective tissue is in a con- J !>■ -^ti Fig. 204. — FiBRO-JIYELOMA FROM THE ABDOMINAL WaLL OF AN Adult. J), bundles of connective tissue of derma in transformation to bioplasson ; T', blood- vessel ; Pi, transformation of pigmented epitlielia into non-pigmented plastids; P*, epitheUa ■breaking down into pigmented lumps. Magnified 800 diameters. dition of moderate " cell-infiltration " — that is, inflammation. The pigmented epithelium is arranged irregularly, and is deficient in many places. Higher amplification proves that the epithelium along the connective tissue is broken up into elements, which do not differ fi-om those which originate in connect- ive tissue ; only the pigment is a reminder of their origin, but the pigment in this situation also gradually decreases as the inflammatory changes proceed toward the epithelium. We meet with dispersed pigment granules, or groups of such granules, apparently remnants of former epithelium, though the larger TUMORS. 507 mass of pigment lias disappearod, perhaps by interference with the nutrition of the granules themselves, whieh have not yet been entirely deprived of vitality. Thus the ej)ithelium containing ]>igment is changed directly into indifferent bioplasson bodies, from which, in turn, new elements arise. A real new formation has as yet not taken place, but out of specific elements indifferent ones have been produced by the formation of new separating lines of cement- substance. (See Fig. L'04.) Of particular interest is the condition of the hair-follicles and sweat-glands which are imbedded in the tumor. Many hair-follicles, still holding hairs, presented no material change ; in others, the hair was wanting and the con- nective tissue of the follicle was transformed, in part at least, into the tissue of the tumor. The elements of the outer root-sheath were divided into Fig. 205. ■Surface op a Myeloma in the Right Groin OF AN Adult. M, partial wasting of cement-substance ; P, thickcnecl spokes (prickles) ; Si, spindle- sliapeil plastids replacing the cement-substance ; S^, transition of the spindles into the frame of the myeloma tissue. JIagnifled 600 diameters. glistening, brownish-yellow lumps, whose groupings indicated their origin from epithelia. .All these bodies were interconnected by fine filaments. The ducts of the sweat-glands remained unaffected in most instances; but the glands presented a conglomeration of bright-yellowish bodies, which by their clustered arrangement indicated theii' origin from glandular epithelia. In many tubules seen in transverse sections the central caliber was absent, and in some places the bounding (structureless) layer of connective tissue was also gone, and the tissue of the tumor came in direct contact with the changed epithelia. 508 TUMORS. The skin covering the tumor (2) gave no ev-idence of ulceration, but was merely stretched, attenuated, and reddened. In vertical sections peculiar changes were noticed in the epidermal layer, which was reduced to a few layers of epithelia of the rete mucosum. Near the surface several epithelia were found coalesced, owing to the entire disappearance of the separating cement- substance. The "prickles" traversing the lines of cement-substance were well marked, even enlarged into oblong or square granules. In other places, instead of these granules, spindle-shaped or oblong bodies were seen, repre- FiG. 206. — GLOBO-m-ELOMA, Composed of Small Plastids. TERSE Section of a Seminiferous Tubule, Trans- E, luicliaugeil columnar epithelia ; ES, comniencinj? trausforniatiou of epithelia into myeloma elements ; -S', completed transformation of epithelia into myeloma elements ; i, caliher of the seminiferous tubule. (For low amplification of the same tumor see Fig. 192.) Magnified 800 diameters. senting what Biesiadecki termed "migrating cells." Careful observation, however, revealed that all of these bodies were connected -with the neighbor- ing epithelial elements by means of delicate filaments. Such formations were particularly numerous along the border separating the epithelia from the TUMOliS. ' 509 inycloma-tissup, and raany of the spindle-shaped bodies merged into the fiVjers separating the j^ronps of myeloma elements. Here, therefore, a new forma- tion had arisen mainly from the '' i)riokles," wliile a direct transformation of epithelia into myeloma elementsconld not be demonstrated. (See Fig. 'JOn.) Tratisformatiou of cpillirliiiin into myeloma elements. The tumor of the testis (;5) clearly exhibited the changes of the epithelia of the seminiferous tubules caused l)y, the growth of the myeloma. Even low powers of the microscope demonstrated that the myeloma tissue had in numerous places pushed apart the seminiferous tubules, which in other places were entirely lost. In a number of specimens, not only the boundary layer of the tubules — to- ward the epididymis — was found to have disappeared, but the glandular epithe- lium itself presented, in part at least, features identical to those of the tumor. (See Fig. 193.) Higher amplifications exjjlained satisfactorily this peculiar condition. The epithelium, in a transverse section of the tubule, appeared in part to be well preserved, while in another portion of the same tubule some of the epithelia exhibited coarse granules and solid lumps the size of nuclei. A striking feature was that in one epithelium an unchanged portion was found, and another portion was in the condition above described. Finally, there were portions in which the epithelium was replaced by myeloma tissue, in which its gradual stages could be traced. The increase of the living matter tirst gave rise to the formation of coarse granules and new nuclei ; next, new boundary lines originated within the epithelia, dividing them into elements which bore no resemblance to the epithelia. Finally, the newly formed elements were partly infiltrated with basis-substance, the perinuclear form of which is characteristic of embryonal and lymph-tissue, as well as of certain so-called " small-cellular" varieties of myeloma. (See Fig. 206.) The result of these chaiujes is a real and complete transformation of the epithe- lia into myeloma tissue. Here and there 1 met in this tissue gi'oups composed of 6-12 epithelia, which in all evidence were remnants of former glands or ducts, but not a glandular new formation. In all specimens of this tumor the spindle-shaped bodies which sprung from the cement-substance were in dis- tinct connection with the reticulum of the myeloma tissue ; and all forma- tions of living matter (granules, nucleoli, nuclei, spindles, and trabeculae) were interconnected by delicate filaments. Even in the perinuclear, mucoid basis-substance, in some places the bioplasson reticulum could be seen without the aid of re-agents. In the case (5)1 obtained a distinct view of the changes of the liver-epithelia i)i growth of myeloma. Low powers of the microscope proved that the newly formed myeloma nodules were separated from the surroiinding liver-tissue by a tolerably thick capsule of connective tissue. Inside the capsule was a mye- loma of alveolar structure ; outside of it tracts of liver-epithelia were com- pressed, spindle-shaped, and running in a direction parallel to the surface of the capsule. In some places the boundary line between myeloma and liver- tissue was not sharply marked, but merely indicated by delicate bundles of connective tissue. Probably, these were the myeloma nodules of later periods. (See Fig. 207.) Here, in some places, the tracts of the liver- epithelia were well preserved, while in other parts the epithelium was broken up into globular or irregularly shaped bodies, which could only have origi- nated from the living matter in the epitheUujn. These bodies presented all the stages of transformation into myeloma tissue ; for, upon approaching the myeloma nodule, they were seen in gi-oups, which, by virtue of their shape, 510 TUMORS. must be pronounced myelomatous alveolar formations, separated from each other by scanty connective tissue. Here, also, the endogenous production of living matter in liver-epithelia had led to the formation of myeloma tissue. The brownish color of the liver epithelium gradually faded into the grayish- yellow of the myeloma nodules. In like manner, the gradual transformation was indicated by the degree of carmine-staining, which had no effect upon imchanged liver epitheliimi, but became more intense with the deviation of the newly formed tissue from normal type of epithelium. I can add that the myeloma of the submaxillary gland (4) presented, in some portions, analogous appearances. In this tumor, too, the transforma- tion of the epithelium of the acini of the salivary gland could be traced, step by step. My researches, in brief, gave the following results : The myeloma growth, in its 2}>'ogress toward the epidermis, produces a change in the living portion of the ejnthelium similar to that which is observed in the superficial inflammatory processes of the skin. The cemen t-suhstance is dissolved ; multinuclear l)iop>lasson bodies arise, and in them new lines of division originate, producing indifferent elements, resembling those which spring from connective tissue. New elements are also produced by a new formation of living matter, both within the ejnthelia and in their cement-substance investment ; in the latter situation, of course, from the filaments or '^jjricMes" of living matter. Such a new formation Fig. 207. — Secondary Myeloma of the Liver. C, connective tissue wliicli separates the myeloma nodule from tlie liver-tissue ; E, little changed liver-epithelia within the myeloma nodule ; ,S, new formation of myeloma elements from liver-epitheUa ; P, remnants of portal vessels. Magnified 6(10 diameters. occurs in the epithelia of the external root-sheath and of the sweat-glands. The attenuation of the epidermis is evidently caused by a gradual transformation of the epithelia of the rete mucosum into myeloma tissue. In myelomata of glandular organs, — salivary glands, testes, liver, — the new formation of bioplasson starts in the epithelia with the appearance of new marks of division, and newly formed mye- loma elements. The living matter of epithelium is directly converted into myeloma tissue, ivith a partial or complete destruction of the epithelia. TUMORS. 511 f). LiPo:\iA. Fatty Ti'mok. Lipoma is composed of fat-tissue, exlii])itiii^ a lobular struet- ure and traversed l)y septa of connective tissue, which carries the blood-vessels. In the so-called w//, fdttjf tuinors the con- nective tissue is scanty and the fat of a more oily nature, while in tumors termed fibrous lipoma (formerly called steatoma) the frame attains considerable development and the fat is more solid. The fat-g'lobules resenil)le those of normal fat-tissue, and like these sometimes contain needle-shaped crystals of ''margaric acid." (See Fig. 208.) Lipoma appears as a tumor sui f/eneris in the subcutaneous, submucous, and subserous tissues, rarely in glandular organs. Fig. 208. — Lipoma, from the Shoulder op a Man. V, capillary blood-vessel in tlie frame of connective tissue ; F. fat-globules, pierced by vacuoles, the latter being caused by preservation in chromic acid. Magnified 400 diameters. In the subcutaneous tissue it occurs usually on the posterior aspect of the body, and produces single globular, highly elastic tumors, the surface of which appears to be lobulated to the touch, and which, in different localities, have different degrees of con- sistency. The tumor is usually quite movable, and sometimes is very loosely attached to the body, pendent like a bag. The covering integument is either unchanged or it is thickened and pigmented, but may, as a rule, be raised in folds; it becomes 512 TUMOBS. attached to the tumor only after injuries from without — f. i., friction of the clothing or long-continued pressure. Under these circumstances ulceration even may be produced, which is char- acterized by the offensive odor of discharge. In the subcutaneous tissue both solitary and multiple fatty tumors occur ; they may be circumscribed or diffused. Pedun- culated and diffused fatty tumors are exceptional ; the latter are of a softer consistency, and are attached to the skin by means of dense, fibrous connective tissue. Lipoma is painful only when nerve branches are involved in the growth, and disturbance of functions is caused only by its size and weight. The growth is slow but almost indefinite, as there have been observed fatty tumors of twenty to thirty pounds. The larger the tumor the more marked is its lobular structure. Not infrequently calcareous deposition is found in the connective-tissue frame, and occasionally, though rarely, ossification. Lipoma occurs combined with : Hypertrophy of a finger, a toe, or the entire hand or foot ; M^^oma, fibroma, and m^Tco-fibroma, producing tumors of the skin, termed '' naevus lipomatodes " ; Cavernous angioma (Billroth), when especially the veins are ectatic in a high degree ; Myeloma, usually myxo-myeloma of the subcutaneous tissue. Peculiar branching growths of serous membranes, especially of the knee-joint, which consist of delicate papillary vegetations of connective tissue, whose meshes contain fat-tissue, are con- sidered as formations of lipoma (1. arborescens). Localized, diffuse new formation of fat occurs in the female breast, which, on one or on both sides, may reach an enormous size and weight. 7. Angioma. Vascular or Erectile Tumor. The characteristic feature of angioma is an abundant supply of blood-vessels — arterial, venous, or capillary. This causes its erectility — i. e., its swelling on a spontaneous engorgement of the vessels. Such tumors ^neld readily to pressure, but as soon as the pressure is removed they refill. In former times many of these tumors were termed " teleangiectasis," as they were thought to be due to a mere dilatation of the vessels ; now we are ac- TUMORS. 513 (juaititt'd witli tlio fact that tlu' Ijlood-vcsscls are really new t'oriiiatious. We ean (Hstiiif^uish three varieties of angioma, according to the nature and distribution of the blood-vessels — simple, lobular, and cavernous angioma. ((j) ^Sinij)lr licated prolongations. Adeno-jnyeloma of the breast some- times breaks open and ulcerates, and the vascularized vegetations may bulge out from the ulcer, with a simultaneous rapid growth of the tumor. Nevertheless, this variety of tumor is known to be comparatively benign, and to admit of a permanent cure l)y extirpation. In the fJn/roid body adenoma often occm*s, producing the disease termed goitre. Either the alveoli, containing lymph-cor- puscles and colloid material, are uniformly dilated — the so-called parenchymatous goitre — or some of the alveoli, still lined by the original embryonal epitheha, may become cystic and, in addi- tion, be provided with numerous vascularized vegetations on the inner surface of the cyst — cystic goitre. From the alveoli can- cer may also develop as a primary or secondary tumor. The major'dfi of ri/sts are secondary formations of adenoma. "We sometimes observe cystic spaces in poh-jjoid tumors, and can trace the gradual transformation of the glandular epithelia into a mucous, colloid, or serous mass. As an intervening stage, a sort of myxomatous tissue is observed arising fi-om medullary corpuscles, into which the epithelia change before their liquefac- tion. The closed cavity of the original alveolus is gradually dis- tended and becomes a cyst, the inside wall of which is lined by flat epithelia. (See Fig. 220.) The sebaceous cysts and miliioji in the skin are invariably pre- ceded by a stage of adenoma. In the subcutaneous tissue other cysts may arise independently of epithelial growth — f. i., the meJkeris, a cyst with honey-like contents; the htjryoiial development — the formation of an imperfect foetns in one perfectly developed, or intrauterine isolation by constriction of parts of the embryonal body. These cysts contain, besides epidermal tissue, hair-pouches, hairs, and also sebaceous and sudoriparous glands, cartilage, bone, and teeth. Such tumors were observed in the subcutaneous tissue, concreted with the periosteum, in the orbit and its vicinity, in the testes and the ovaries, rarely in other organs. Dermoid cysts have also been observed in the lateral regions of the neck, and, as has been Fig. 220. — Formation of Cysts in Myxo-adenoma. Nasal Polypus. M, uij'xoiuatoiis L-omiective tissue ; G, mucoid degeneration of the epitlielia ol an acinous dand — a future cyst. Magnified 400 diameters. suggested by Roser, are due probably to an imperfect retro- gression of the gill canals of the embryo. Some of the cysts, occurring at the base of the oral cavity beneath the tongue, and termed ranula'^ are considered dermoid cysts, especially wlifii tlicii" contents ;iiT di-y cpidi'iiiiiil oi- fatty, S('l)a<'(M)US iiiasst'S. ('//■s/.s' of the interndl fcnm/c f/ftiifal orf/(iHs are of frequent oocnirence, usually found in the ovaries, and presentiufj either sinii)le cysts inclosed 1)V a comparatively thick capsule, <»r the so-ealled parenehyiuatous cysts, which are (;oni})ined with ade- noma or cancer (cysto-adenoma, cysto-earcinoma). Thc^ latter varieties are rare in comparison with simple cysts. They are composed of one sae only, or of a numl)er of partly closed, partly confluent, cavities — the so-called multilocular cysts. Theii- con- tents are either a serous or a viscid colloid liquid, with a varying amount of l>lood. By a o-radnal chanji^e in the coloring matter of the bh»od the contents show varying" shades of brown. An admixture of pus renders the liquid cloudy, and by decomposi- tion it becomes offensive and ichorous. Whenever pus-corpuscles are present, as a general thing, we find large, coarsely granular bodies, — the so-call(?d gorged corpuscles, — which, perhaps, are epithelia in fatty degeneration ; while red blood-corpuscles, swelled, and robbed of their coloring matter, appear as pale bod- ies, containing only few granules ; these are the so-called Drys- dale's corpuscles, which are not characteristic, by any means, of the contents of an ovarian cyst. Cysts of the broad ligament also can be traced back to their epithelial origin from the paro- varies ; these single cysts almost always have very thin walls and serous contents, without any combination with solid tumors. In ovarian cysts the origin of the closed sacs from previous glandular formations, in most instances, can be easily traced. Usually, cysts originate in organs containing epithelia, — f. i.,the liver, the kidneys, — though here the cysts are, in the majority of the cases, ])roduced by an inflammatory process. The medullary coi*puscles springing from the former epithelia are specially endowed with, the capacity of mucoid or colloid degeneration and the foiTnation of secondary cysts. 12. Carcinoma. Cancer. Carcinoma is composed of connective tissue and epithelium, the latter being arranged without regularity in the form of alveoli, cords, pegs, or nests ; they are without glandular struct- ure, and they show no regular central caliber. Cancer as a primary tumor exhibits the following varieties : 534 TUMORS. fa) In the variety termed scirrhxs, or hdrd cancer^ the con- nective tissue is comparatively abundant and well developed, either of loose, fibrous structure or compact, almost homogene- ous. The epithelia are small, and arranged in narrow alveoli or in tracts, irregularly distributed throuirhout the connective tissue. (See Fig. 221.) The connective tissue is fully developed, but scantily sup- plied with blood-vessels. The small, polyhedral epithelia are separated from each other by light. naiTOw rims of cement- substance, but interconnected by conical filaments, in the same way as normal epitlielia. The epithelia are clustered together in small, irregular masses, and between the clusters and the adja- cent connective tissue, in preserved sj)ecimens, a narrow space is ■z.'y -CF Fig. 221.— Scirrhcs, or Hard Caxcer op the Female Breast. X, alveolus, filled with epithelia : CF, connective-tissue frame, witli (CCJ clusters of plastids, the connective-tissue corpiisclt-s ; IT, rows of epithelia, probably sprung from con- nective tissue. Maguitieil 600 diameters. often observed, containing granular matter or mucous globules, which are considered to be the oifspring of eudothelia, lining the inner surface of the connective-tissue cavity. This variety is the least malignant and the slowest in its growth. It appears most frequently as a primaiy tmnor in the female breast, at the side of the nipple, often retracting the nipple and producing folds in the skin. The comparative ri'Mons. 5:55 density of its stnictmv, an occasional (lartin<<:, lancinating pain, especially at ni«;lit, are its characteristic features. This tnnioi- may exist for eight or ten years without any rapid increase in size, and withont jjroducing much discomfort to tin- patient. But after a certain time, almost invariably, the gi-owth becomes more rapid, the pain more intense, and these changes nuirk the transfornuition of the tumor into medidlary cancer, with a rapid unfnvoral)le course and termination. (h) In the variety called epithdiamd, the epithelia are found lying in the connective-tissue frame as solid pegs or tracts or nests, in the centers of which a concentric arrangement is ob- served. The most central i)ortions of the epithelia often undergo fatty degeneration, and prodnce shining, irregular masses of fat, the so-called cancer-pearls. The connective tissue is either of the myxomatous or fibrous variety, supplied with a moderate amount of blood-vessels, and either exhil)iting fully developed basis-sub- stance or a varying number of medullary or inflammatory cor- puscles, replacing the basis-substance. (See Fig. 222.) This tumor is of common occurrence in the skin and the muc(nis membranes. Some of its varieties are eomi)aratively slightly malignant ; for instance, the so-called /«/ cancer (rodent ulcer) of the skin of the face, whose cancerous nature was recog- nized thirty-five years ago by F. Schuh. The flat cancer produces shallow ulcers, without marked vegetations ; the ulcer gradually penetrates into the depth of the tissues, and destroys them, including cartilage and bone. Though, owing to the presence of the small epithelial nests, the cancerous nature of this tumor cannot be doubted, it never produces secondary tumors in inter- nal organs, but after a number of years kills by exhaustion. The nodnJar form of epithelioma is most frequently observed on the lips, the tongue, the anus, the external genitals, and the vaginal portion of the uterus. It is rarer in the skin of the extremities, the mucosa of the larynx, and the oesophagus. Sometimes the papiUarij (canliffoicerj character of the epi- thelioma is marked, especially in the skin of the face, at the vaginal portion of the uterus, and in the mucosa of the bladder. As before mentioned, it is highly probable that such so-called papillary cancers have started as papilloma, and have gradually changed into cancer. None of the sub-varieties of epithe- lioma, though easily infecting the neighboring lymph-ganglia, are particularly prone to produce secondary tumors in internal organs. 536 Tr^fnns. fcj The variety called m<(hil]((ni cY/y^r-p;- is the most malignant. It shows the following features : The epithelia are very large and irregular in shape ; sometimes they are of a polyhedral form and partly nucleated, sometimes homogeneous and shining. They exhibit endogenous multipli- cation in the shape of so-called mother cells, and also multiplica- tion effected through wedges which spring from the living matter ■f^5 'Mm mM^' Epitheliom.^ of the Prepuce. E, eiiitlielial pegs : N, epitlielial nests, witli a coucciitik' airaiigeiiieut of tlie epitlu'lia in Uie centers of the iiegs and nests ; P, so-called cancer-pearl in the center of the nests and pegs ; C, connective tissue, crowded with medullary or intlamiuatory corpuscles. Maguitied 200 diameters. in the cement-substance. The connective tissue is scanty ; it is filirous in character, and incloses large and small groups of epi- thelia in closed alveoli. (See Fig. 223.) The characteristic feature of what we call meduUarv cancer JIMOli'S. 537 is, therefore, tlie larue iiuiiihef of ejiitlielial foi-iiiiitioiis in coiii- j>arisoii with the eomieetive tissue, the eoacse ^[•iiiiuhitioii of tlie epithelia ^ivinj; them the appearaiKie of brif^ht, homogeneous hunps — /. f\, solid masses of livinj^" matter, iudieatiuf^ an active niorl)i:rowt]i of e[)ithelia. Tlie eompaet lumps of hioplasson often apj)ear as medullary corpuscles ; the more rapid the j^rowth of the tumor, the gi'eater is the increase of the corpuscles and the nu)re nudijifnant the type of the growth. In the worst tumors of this kind, Ave can harely trace under the mi(;rosco])e fully developed, nucleated, polyhedral epithelia, arranged in nests ; the nuiiii uuiss of the tissue is constructed of elements closely Fig. 2l';;. — Medullary Cancer of the Parotid Glaxd. Ji, rt'giilaily developed, polyhedral, nucleated epithelia, which ;it H,hy increase of tlieir living matter, have become sliiuiuff and homogeneous ; M, medullary cor])uscles in a space inclosed b.v livinj? matter (so-called motlier-cell) ; L, v^cuolation of epithelia; F, scanty con- nective-tissue frame. Maftnified (jOO diameters. crowded together, exhibiting all the features of medidlary cor- puscles, and rendering the tumor a myeloma rather than a cancer. Transition of cancer into myeloma under these circum- stances is often observed. An originally well-developed scirrhus may gradually assume the character of a medullary cancer, and this the features of myeloma. In the clinical variety of carcinoma 538 TUMORS. termed lenticular cancer (cancer en cnirasse, Velpeau), which starts from a cancer nodule of the breast, and in a comparatively short time invades all the soft tissues of the pectoral wall, the shoulders, the upper extremities, we look in vain for the epithe- lial eaucer-nests, the main bulk of the tumor being constructed like a very malignant giobo-myeloma. Secondary tumors in internal organs, chiefly the lungs and the liver, often exhibit no distinct epithelial nests, but only the structure of globo- myeloma. Medullary cancer may appear primarily in any organ or tissue of the body, although unquestionably, in the majority of cases, it starts from organs which contain epithelial formations as anatomical constituents, and are, therefore, glandular. The localities where primary cancer most frequently develops are : the female breast, the cervical portion of the uterus, and the stomach. According to Vii-chow the order in which the organs are invaded by malignant (jrowth. in general is the following: Stomach in 34.9 per cent. ; uterus, vagina, etc., in 18.5 per cent. ; large intestine and rectum in 8.1 per cent. ; liver in 7.5 per cent. ; face, lips in 4.9 per cent. ; female breast in 4.3 per cent, of the cases ; the sum total being 78.2 per cent, of fatal cases caused by malignant tumors. The classification of cancers is, as here shown, a simple matter, but some pathologists are anxious to construct a large numl)er of species and sub- varieties of cancer, with corresponding Greek and Latin denominations. The term "plexiform" is suitable for the designation of epithelial tracts branching and connect- ing within the connective tissue. It may be stated as a general ride that the larger the amount of connective tissue in a certain bulk of the tumor, and the smaller the number of epithelial nests, the harder will be its consistency and the less its malig- nancy. On the contrary, the smaller the amount of connective tissue, the larger the number of epithelial nests, the greater will be its malignancy. Myxomatous connective tissue between the epithelial nests necessarily lessens the consistency of the tumor without increasing its malignancy. An important point for the determination of the degree of the malignancy of cancer is the presence of small, shining, globu- lar elements in the connective tissue. Larger numbers of these formations invariably indicate a rapid growth of the tumor, and if occurring in a very large number they render the tumor a myeloma. This condition is only found in the worst types of Tl'MORS. .139 incdullaiy ciuu'cr. The piitlioloiii**;!! sitiiiificaiicc of tli<'se ele- nu'iits (lilTcrs according to tlic views ot different authKi.\ <>f the Parotid Kegion. CE, large, nucleated cancer epithella, partlj- separated from each otlier bj' elastic fibers, J?; C, unchanged fibrous connective tissue of tlie dtniia of tbe skin. Magnified 600 diameters. epithelial new formation, the epithelial bodies, however, varj-ing greatly in size. The largest I saw were iii the cancer of the parotid region. (See Fig. 224.) The cancer epithelia represented polygonal bodies, separated from each other by narrow rims of cement-substance having a ledge-like appearance and traversed by delicate spokes. Sometimes I saw the peg-like or alveolar for- iniitioMs. tillfd witli ;i ciditimiotis l;iy<'i' of liioplassoii, willi iiiicli-i iiii>n'il(l»'lass()n minute; while in eancers of raj>id {growth the epithe- lia eontained eoarse granules and large nucleoli. In the cancer of the liver, wliich liad increased rather rajtidly, the epithelia exhibited a very coarse gi-anulation, and both within and between them were seen numerous lumps of a homogeneous aj)pearance, without a reticular structure. Many of these lumps in the alveoli liad no similarity whatever with true epithelial bodies. The second constituent part of the cancer tumors — /. c, the connective tissue — especially in those of comparatively rapid gi-owth, e.\hibited the so- called "small cellular infiltration." (See Fig. 22.").) '(Jl.ll \l / -ii /ii ^^Z Ml Fig. 22.T. — Cancer of the Skin of the Parotid Region. A. alveolus filled with epithelia; X, .so-called "small cellular" iiitiltration of the con- nective tissue: A', foiniatious within the connective ti88\ie reseniblinj? ei))thelia ; V, blood- vessel in transverse section. Magnified liOO diameters. Examination with the highest powers of the microscope proved that this in- filtration consisted of an accumulation of bright, globular homogeneous lumps, on an average not reaching the size of red blood-corpuscles. Each lump was almost constantly surrounded by a layer of bioplasson, whose granules were connected with the lumps by means of radiating filaments. The lumps assumed a %'iolet stain after treatment with chloride of gold. They exhibited all phases of development, from compact masses to those which were pierced with vacuoles, and finally to those showing nuclei, which were inclosed by a thin shell and contained one or two nucleoli. Evidently these were bioplasson 542 TUMORS. formations in a stage of indiflferenee, furnishing tlio material for specific formations. Now, what is the som-ce of these bodies '? We observe tliatthey appear first in rhomboidal fields, corresponding with the territories of connective tissue. At first one or two lumps only are visible in a territory ; later the whole ten-i- tory is transformed into a coarsely gi"anular bioplasson mass, which contains a varying number of globular formations. In a still more advanced stage the territory is composed of polygonal plastids. Sometimes we see the connective tissue between two alveoli filled with flat elements, some of which contain large nucleoli. In such places it is apparent that a morphological difference l"V' ■i^: 4, i;,i / ||'#l\Y^Mi Fig. 226. — Cancer of the Skin of the Parotid Region. C, conuective tissue ; BE, epithelia, eitliev aiTanjreU in dosed alveoli or lyiiiir in the interalveolar connective tissue. Masrnified 600 endent of former f/hnidKhir forinatioiifi. The proofs for this- ((ssfrfio)i are the closed xpindle-shaped sjxices of the contiectire tissue, which co)it(t ill ri)itheli(i, and the epit]ieU(d formations which are traversed hij branchinff elastic fliers. The closed spaces of the connective tissue were supposed to be lymph- spaces, the endothelium of which had been transformed into cancer elements, or lymph-spaces into which cancer elements had immigrated. The first mentioned concept of authors 1 need not contradict, for the endothelium is admitted to be a formation of connective tissue. The second assertion lacks foundation, for epithelia themselves do not migi'ate, and the assumption of a transformation of indifferent migrating corpuscles into cancer epithelia does not assist us in the explanation of the origin of cancer. My second proof is, I think, a still stronger one. It is that elastic fibers have never been observed in epithelial tissue, and, where they are present, they prove rather the origin of the epithelia from former connective tissue, whose territories are often bounded by elastic substance. I, therefore, consider the epithelial formations in the midst of connective tissue as the result of a rejuvenescence of the latter, such as we observe in the inflammatory process. Under anomalous conditions the connective tissiie returns to its medullary stage, which in sarcomatous gi'owths remains sta- tionary. If, on the contrary, the development from the medullary stage proceeds to the production of cement-substance, the medullaiy corpiiscles assume the character of epithelia. The blood-vessels and their districts of nutrition may also have an influence on this process of development of epi- thelia, though the influence cannot be determined by observation, any more than an explanation is possible where the infection of cancer is located, which is transportable to neighboring lymphatics and to dift'erent and remote organs. Virchow's assertion that in certain conditions epithelimn arises from con- nective tissue I consider to be correct, and I would widen this assertion by adding that it is not the connective-tissue corpuscles alone which furnish new elements, but it is the totality of living matter contained in the basis-sub- stance which participates in the production of new epitlielial elements. Local OrUjiu and Transmission. Malignant tninors frequently arise from long-continued irritation or from traumatic inflam- mation. Cancerous tumors, especially, can be traced to such a source. After a number of years warts on the face, owing, perhaps, to some slight injuries inflicted in washing, may ulcerate and assume the character of cancer. In smokers, cancer of the lips is often produced by tlie long-continued friction of jagged, bitten pipe-stems. Cancer of the tongue often arises from ulcers pro- TUMORS. 545 duced by the friction of decayed and broken teeth; also from giimmy tnniors (Langenbeck). Persons addicted to alcoholic drinkino- are more prone to carcinoma of the (eso])hapfus and stomach tlian those of temperate habits. Men in advanced age with a pliimotic prepuce are sul)ject to cancer of the penis ; and those suffering- from piles may acquire cancer of the rectum. Cancer of the breast and the litems, in many instances, can be traced back to mechanical injuries. Ulcers of the skin, more especially the so-called varicose ulcers, — nay, simple callosities on the feet, — may take on a cancerous character. The primary cause for the growth of cancer we do not know. Middle and advanced age are most favorable for the growth of cancer — so much so, that it is rarely observed under the thirtieth year ; it very sel- dom occm-s in children. The older a person, the more liable is he to cancer. This disease is observed only in civilized races ; travelers report it is never found amongst savages. A com- paratively good constitution is requisite for its growth; indi- viduals of the so-called phthisical constitution, or those broken down by chronic diseases, including syphilis, are not prone to cancer, though a gummy tumor may exceptionally give rise to a cancerous growth. Cancer and tuberculosis do not exclude each other, as was thought to be the case by older pathologists. In many instances we can trace the cancer as the primary disease, whi(;h, by breaking down the constitution, causes tuberculosis of different organs. I have observed eight cases of this kind. Besides the local spreading of cancer, it almost invariably invades the lymphatics within its range, which are also trans- formed into cancer-tissue, and from which evidently starts the general infection. Secondary cancer formations have been observed not only in the lungs, the liver, or any organ, but sometimes almost all the internal viscera are found crowded with small nodules, identical in every respect to miliary tuber- cles, the so-called " miliary carcinosis." The Development of Carcinoma in Lymph-ganglia. By a. W. Johnstone, Danville, Ky.'^ Dui-ing the winter of 1880-1, whilst working in Dr. Heitzmann's laboratory in New-York, I examined four lymph-ganglia, three of which showed the initial stages of the formation of cancer. The first came from a man, forty-eight years old, who had noticed a few small nodules on his prepuce. One of these was cut out and sent to the laboratory for diagnosis. Upon its being pronounced cancer the penis was * Priuteil in abstract from the author's mauuscript. 35 546 TUMOBS. amputated. Six months later, two enlarged lymph-ganglia were found in the right groin ; one as large as a hazel-nut, the other the size of a pea. Both were extirpated, and, although two years had since elapsed, the patient was perfectly well. The second ganglion came from a male inmate of Charity Hospital, New- York City, aged forty-two. He had a cancer of the throat that bled so freely that it necessitated the ligation of the right carotid. This was followed by excision of the tumor and the removal of an enlarged lymph-gan- glion from the posterior maxillary region. The man died shortly after the operation, and at the post-mortem several abscesses were found in the lungs, and yellowish nodules in the liver and kidneys, which the microscope showed to be secondary cancer in its earliest stage of development. A male of over fifty years furnished the third specimen. About a year before, he was operated on for cancer of the skin on the leg. Shortly after, a number of new tumors arose, and the lymphatics of the gi'oin began to swell. These new growths, as well as the lymphatics, were removed and broiight to the laboratory. The fourth case was a woman of unknown age, who was operated on, in 1875, at the German Hospital of New-York City. A few indurated lymph-ganglia were removed from the axilla. The last specimen I removed from the foot of a lady. No enlarged glands were found, and she is now perfectly well. The first three of these specimens contained all the stages of invasion, for they not only showed the fully formed cancer-tissue, but also the perfectly healthy adenoid structure. The fourth was composed of completed cancer- tissue. The transmission of cancer from a primary focus to the adjacent lymph- ganglia is probably done by a transmission of its epithelia through the lymph-vessels. This, we know, is sometimes done; for in case (1) I saw a few epithelia scattered among the lymph-corpuscles of the cortical substance. Their size and shape distinguished them from all siuTounding formations. Of course, this fact will not support us in denying that the fluid portion of the lymph coming from the cancer — the so-called cancer juice — may also trans- mit the infection. We are sure only that cancer epithelia are lodged in the lymphatic ganglia ; but we are equally certain that we cannot explain why they or the juice can transform normal structures into cancer. In the first thi-ee specimens I could trace, step by step, the whole of the cancerous metamorphosis. The first stage I found in that part of the ganglion where fibrous trabeculge separated the healthy from the diseased tissue. This consisted of a melting down or running together of the elements and the for- mation of large multinuclear masses — the so-called myeloplaxes. I have not seen these formations in healthy adenoid tissue, but found a few small ones in a hypertrophied tonsil. There is no doubt that they spring from the conflu- ence of the lymph-corpuscles in all their different stages of development, as well as from the myxomatous reticulum. In the lymph follicle the corpuscles are connected with each other by deli- cate offshoots of living matter, which pierce the separating layer of liquid. We may infer that all that is necessary to the formation of a "myelo- plax " is the fusion of the jelly-like intertrabecular substance. The process of confluence of formerly separated corpuscles is shown in the earliest stages of a growing cancer, and in the invasion of a lymph-ganglion its central por- tion is generally fii'st involved. Frequently I found an interfoUicular string completely transformed into a continuous bioplasson mass, but still retaining its original shape. These masses are supplied at regular intervals with large TUMORS. 547 {^lobular or oblong nuclei, which evidently are newly formed and have noth- ing to do with the original nuclei of the lymph-corpuscles. I have shown (see page 1(»S, Fig. 31) that the myxomatous reticulum holds a delicate net-work of living matter, which, by the liquefa(rtion of the basis-substance held in its meshes, becomes freed. This, most probably, is the process through which the myxomatous frame-work is converted into the same mass as the corpus- cles. These masses are coarsely gi'aimlar, wliich means that they are freely supplied with living matter. The next stage is the appearance of cement-substance in the shape of straight, light lines, arising first in the middle of the bioplasson between the nuclei. At first, the cement-lines are scarce and in many places traversed by broad bridges of bioplasson. Later, the cement-substance assumes a regular polyhecb-al shape, though it is always pierced by delicate spokes of living matter, which are the inosculations of the reticula of living matter contained by the neighboring epithelia. The last feature is the formation of a frame of connective tissue which divides the large bioplasson layer into smaller alveoli — the cancer nests. The first trace of this formation is the appearance of delicate nucleated spindles, which, by being split into smaller ones, build up the fibrous Isasis-substance. At the same time the blood-vessels of these trabeculae are formed. , Not infrequently the cancer nests in the middle of lymph-ganglia exhibit concentric onion-like layers of epithelia, which in all probability arise from the pressure caiised by the contraction of the surrounding connective tissue. In the center of a nest we often see epithelia undergoing fatty degeneration. Sometimes this has advanced to such an extent as to form a fat plug, which is always surrounded by flattened horny epithelia. I found this concentric arrangement in the first three cases. The fourth exhibited a fibrous fi-ame inclosing irregular alveoli, filled with large and coarsely granular epithelia without any regularity. The essential point in the invasion of lymph-ganglia by cancer is, first, the melting together of their components into large bioplasson masses. These in turn, by the formation of a cement-substance, are split up into polygons, which in groups become ensheathed by vascularized connective tissue, and thus give rise to the cancer nests. The study of the last ease, that of a rapidly growing primary cancer of the foot, forced me to the conclusion that the same changes take place in the formation of cancers in general. For along the edge of the fully formed car- cinomatous tissue I found all the changes that I have just described. In this specimen, the infiltration of the normal tissues with globular corpuscles was unusually well marked. No doubt, the infiltration is itself a part of the can- cerous metamorphosis, and it is only one of the steps of the adult tissue toward a complete transformation into cancer tissue. So far as the micro- scope can prove, this infiltration in its histological appearance is identical vrith adenoid tissue, and the globular corpuscles are identical with the lymph- corpuscles. In their retrograde change there is but one step toward the for- mation of multinuclear masses. Secondary Changes of Cancer. Both the constituent tissues of cancer often undergo changes, which may either invade the 548 TUMORS. tumor in part only or throughout its entire mass. Among these changes I have observed the following : faj Fatty MetamorpJiosis of the Cancer EpitheJia. This was known to the older pathologists as a yellow reticulum, usually seen in the central portions of the tumor. In the center of the nests in the variety termed epithelioma the epithelia are often transformed into fatty masses — the so-called cancer pearls. In scirrhus the fatty metamorphosis may invade a large number of epithelia, and in this way the tumor is robbed of its malignancy, at least to a certain extent. As a change subsequent to fatty metamorphosis, calcareous deposition occurs. This I found in a cancerous growth, the size of a pigeon's-egg, which I extirpated from the subcutaneous tissue of the lateral region of the neck ; it exhibited calcareous depositions throughout all the epithelia to such a degree that it could be cut only after treatment with a chromic acid solution. Obviously, such a metamorphosis renders the tumor innocuous. fbj Waxy Metaniorplwsis. This I have repeatedly observed in cancerous tumors. It transforms both the connective tissue and the epithelia into a shining, homogeneous mass, and, if combined with colloid degeneration, destroys the original structure, so that the latter is recognizable only in some portions which are less changed. Such a condition I have seen in a cancer of the parotid gland. Sometimes shining and concentrically striated — so-caUed amylaceous corpuscles — are present in the connective tissue frame, and these may also become the seat of calcareous deposi- tion (the so-called arenoid corpuscles of Virchow). (c) Colloid Metamorphosis. It occurs chiefly in cancerous tumors of the alimentary canal and the salivary glands, very rarely in external organs. This change very much lessens the malignancy of the tumor, although a recurrence has in some cases been observed after extii'pation. fdj Cystic Metamorphosis, which is closely allied to the col- loid change. Both processes are considered in the following article. fej Pigmentary Metamorphosis. This is much rarer in carci- noma than in myeloma, and gives the tumor a bro\\Tiish or bluish- black color to the naked eye. I have seen but one case of a tumor of this kind ; it grew on the right shoulder of a man, and soon re-appeared after extirpation, which indicates that the presence of pigment increases the malignity of cancer, as it does that of myeloma. The recurrent tumor, in its uppermost portions. TUMORS. r)49 exliibited the structure of cancer, with very lar^e polyhedi'al epi- thelia and a comparatively scanty connective-tissue frame ; both epitlielia and connective tissue contained a hir^e number of pifj^- ment chisters. The lower portion of the tumor showed the feat- ures of a pigmented myeloma, composed of large globular and spindle-shaped elements. The Development of Colloid Cancer. By H. G. Beyer, M. D.* Epithelial formations exhibiting a central caliber, either acinous or tubular in shape, must be considered as adenomata ; but such tumors, originally benign, are very prone to change into cancer and thus become malignant. When such a change occurs, the central caliber disappears, the connective tissue becomes infiltrated with shining globular elements, and epithelia are gradually developed therefrom. It frequently happens that the original character of a carcinoma is, by secondary changes, partly or entirely lost. In fatty, waxy, or calcareous degenerations, the general eonfigvu-ation of the texture may be preserved. Other secondary changes, on the contrary, entirely destroy the original archi- tecture of the tumor, lea\4ng but few traces of its former primary character behind. Colloid, adenoid, and cystic cancer may be classified with this group. Colloid cancer is known to grow principallj' from the alimentary canal, the walls of the stomach, intestine, and rectum being its most frequent localities. Adenoid cancer is almost exclusively foiind in acinous glands, such as the lachrymal and salivary glands. Cystic cancer is only an exceptional occur- rence in different parts of the body, but is met with most frequently in the ovaries. The specimen of this variety studied by me had formed in the liver, secondarily to medullary cancer of the stomach, and was, therefore, a great cui'iosity. Of the colloid variety I had the opportunity of studying two cases : one from the stomach, the other from the large intestine. They are tumors of moderate consistence, infiltrating to a greater or less extent the walls of the stomach, respectively of the large intestine and the neighboring organs. The cut surfaces are of a pale graj^sh-yellow color, scantily supplied with blood-vessels, and upon being scraped with the knife yield a jelly-like, semi- translucent juice. In slight degrees of colloid change a precise discrimination between this and medullary cancer of moderate softness is not possible to the naked eye, while the liigh degrees of colloid degeneration, which lead to the formation of very soft, jelly-like, often granular, tumors resembling frog's spawn and quivering under the touch, are readily recognized. The two cases of adenoid cancer which I have studied came from the sub- maxillary gland. To the naked eye the appearances were not very character- istic. Under the microscope they presented a coarse framework, composed of bundles of connective tissue bounding a number of closed alveoli, and hold- ing a moderate quantity of blood-vessels. The smallest of the alveoli con- tained small but distinctly marked epithelia, while the larger ones held * Extracted from the essay, " A Contributiou to the History of the Development of Col- loid Cancer." By H. G. Beyer, M. D., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. 'S.—TJie Medical Gazette, New-York, April, 1880. 550 TUMORS. peculiar star-shaped formations with a central nucleus-like body, from which a number of spokes were seen to emanate. These spokes, after traversing the alveolus, blended with its wall. The largest of the alveoli showed only traces of delicate branching fibrillas, tlie main substance consisting, as in colloid cancer, of the so-called colloid mass. Cystic cancer can easily be recognized by the naked eye. The tumor shows a number of sacs, the size of a pin's head to that of a walnut, hold- ing a sero-albuminous fluid. Under the microscope, epithelial nests were found only at the periphery of the tumor. The cysts consisted of a wall of connective tissue, and in the serous liqmd contained in their cavities only a few plastids were found. Vertical sections obtained from the thickened wall of the stomach affected with cancer showed that the process of development had started from the submucous and muscle layers. A number of epithelial nests, bounded by smooth muscle-fibers, were found toward the periphery of the invading growth. In the neighborhood of epithelial formations the connective tissue had lost its fibrous structure and was transformed into finely granular bioplasson, within which large, shining, yellowish lumps were irregularly scattered. The bioplasson stage having thus been reestablished, the change in the next consisted of an increase in size of the intersecting points of the living reticulum ; these were transformed into medullary corpuscles, and, after having reached a certain size, became polyhedral by flattening each other, and in this manner were transformed into epithelia. The same char- acteristic changes took place in the smooth muscle-fibers. They were first transformed into rows of small, shining lumps of li\ing matter, and passed by different stages of transition into epithelia. Groups of such epithelia were smTounded by newly formed connective tissue, the framework of the cancer. In sections from the central portion of the tiimor all the stages leading to a complete transformation into colloid cancer could be traced. "Within the alveoli, bounded by newly formed connective tissue, a varying number of small medullar^' elements and a limited number of epithelia were observed; the remaining space was filled with a hyaline, apparently structureless, substance. Many of the alveoli were entirely devoid both of medullary elements and epi- thelia, holding only a homogeneous substance with remnants of li-viug matter. Irregular clusters of epithelia could be seen here and there still attached to the cancer frame. Some of the connective-tissue bundles were in part coarsely granular and in part transformed into medullaiy corpuscles, giving rise to a myxomatous basis-substance. (See Fig. 228.) In the most advanced stages of colloid change the field was traversed by a coarse, irregular reticulum of connective tissue, within which, besides a homo- geneous substance, a more delicate fibrous net-work with remnants of epi- thelia were observed. Epithelia from these portions of the timior, more especially when but one was present in an alveolus, had lost their polyhedral outlines, increased in size, as if by swelling, and had a globular or oblong shape. Some of them had increased three times their natiu'al size, and presented the appearances of pale, dropsical, partly nucleated bodies. In specimens obtained from the colloid cancer of the large intestine it was shown that the change had very uniformly invaded the entire tumor. Here large alveoli, separated by coarse bundles of connective tissue, could be seen, holding a very deiieate fibrous reticulum, %vith isolated clusters of epithelia. TUMORS. 5ol Tlit> rotu'ulum witliiu the ulvcoli w;is oitlior irrc^^uhir or, in certain ])l!icfs, arraiif^od in a stai'-liko manner. In tlie center was a cluster of plastids, send- ing out filamentous processes which blended with the wall of the alveolus. The spaces between the radiating threads were filled with a finely {fi-an- ular or homogeneous substance. In some alveoli, the reticulum presented an appearance identical with that of mj-xomatous tissue. In addition to these clusters of pale brownish-yellow opithelia, single, swelled, and dropsical-look- ing ones were also present, with pale granular contents. The latter evidently passed directly into the stage of myxomatous basis-substance. (See Fig. 220.) Colloid cancer, consequently, is by no means a distinct species of cancer, but merely the result of secondary changes taking place in an originally medullary cancer. In the manner as cancer elements arise from medullary elements may fully formed epithelia, imder certain imknown conditions, retrogi'ess to mediUlary elements. Whenever this occurs, medullary corpus- cles are transformed into a reticulum containing a jelly-like, homogeneous basis-substance, with interspersed remnants of epithelia. In the same man- ner, fully developed connective tissue may break down into medullary tissue. rr-M Fig. 228. — Colloid Cancer of the Stomach. K coiiiiective-tissue frame; E, epitlielia of cancer in the meshes of the connective tissue ; M, medullary corpuscles sprung from epitlielia ; C, medullary corpuscles chansins to colloid substance ; a, alveolus tilled with a homogeneous coUoid substance, a few epithelia left unchanged. Magnified 500 diameters. from which epithelia are developed, and epithelia may rettuni to the medullary stage from which connective tissue is developed. With these observations in the mind, the formation of the so-called ade- noid cancer, too, can be readily understood. Here the alveoli originally con- tained cancer epithelia. These were changed into medullary corpuscles, from which were developed both the star-shaped myxomatous reticulum and the basis-substance filling its meshes. The center is occupied by either an unchanged epithelium or a cluster of medullary corpuscles, which have arisen therefrom. Furthermore, we can understand the development of cystic cancer, the smaller cavities of which are also very often traversed by a myxomatous reticuhim. The degenerative change of epithelia into myxomatous basis-sub- stance reaches here its highest degree, and leads to the complete destruction of the mj-xomatous reticulum and to the liquefaction of its basis-substance. 552 TUMORS. Cysts are the results of a coalescence of alveoli, which is due to an augmenta- tion of serous fluid accumulating in the alveoli, finally rupturing them. As regards their origin and development, there is no doubt about the identity of medullarj", colloid, adenoid, and cystic cancer. My investigations admit of the following conclusions : 1. Whereas cancer eplthelia are developed from medullary corpuscles, and also connective tissue and smooth muscle-fihers, under certain morbid conditions, break down itito these corpuscles, cancer may develop indirectly from connective tissue and smooth muscle-fibers. 2. Cancer epithelia may return to the medullary stage and reproduce myxoma- tous connective tissue. 3. The reticulum of livintj matter, present in myxomatous connective tissue, is destroyed after the transformation of its basis-substance into colloid material. Fig. 229.— Colloid Caxcer of the Large Ixtestixe. F, connective-tissue frame, crowded witli medullary corpuscles ; E, epithelia of cancer, partly or entirely fiUinfr the alveoli ; M, medullary elements, sprung from epithelia: .S, clus- ter of medullary corpuscles, the center of radiating nucleated fibers, traversing the colloid substance. Magnified 500 diameters. 4. Colloid and adenoid cancer originate from secondary changes of medulUiry cancer; the changes consisting, first, in the transformation of the contents of an alveolus into myxomatous basis-substance, next, in the further change of the latter into colloid substance. 5. Cystic cancer is but the result of a more advanced stage of liquefaction of the basis-substance of colloid cancer, accompanied by the formation of a connect- ive-tissue sac — tlte wall of the cyst. XIY. THE SKIN. THE apparently complicated structure of the integniment becomes easily understood, if we keep in mind that there are but two tissues entering the structure of the skin — viz., connective tissue and epithelium. The connective tissue pro- duces the flat layer, called derma ; the epithelium covers the derma on its outer surface. The boundary line between the two formations is not even, but fluted, supplied with numerous small protrusions of the derma, the so-called papiihe, the sum total of which bears the name '■'papillary layer P The bundles of the connective tissue everywhere run an oblique course ; they are arranged in the shape of a coarse reticulum in the lowest portion of the derma, whose rhomboidal meshes contain a Ydirry- ing amount of fat-globules, the so-called suhcntaneous tissue. In the derma proper, the bundles run in two main directions, inter- lacing at acute angles, and thus producing a very dense felt, which by l)eing tanned gives the leather. On the lowest portions of the derma the bundles are relatively coarse ; they become finer nearer the papillary layer, and in the latter very delicate connective-tissue fibers are noticeable only, without a distinct aiTangement into bundles. The epithelial formations on the top of the derma, again, exhibit two layers : the lower one, that nearest to the papillary layer, is living, and supplied with nerves, the so-called rete mucosnm ; while the outermost layer is com- posed of dry, horny epithelia, giving the formation called epi- dermis. The connective tissue is supplied with blood-vessels and lymphatics ; the epithelium lacks such formations. 554 THE SKIN. (1) Suhcutaneons Tissue. The loose connective-tissue bundles, traversing the subcutaneous tissue, are prolongations of the sub- jacent membraneous formations, the fasciae of the muscles, the aponeuroses, and the periosteum. The skin is firmly attached by means of short and coarse bundles, at the extensor surfaces of the articulations, in the groins, in the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet. Here a vary- ing number of single or niulti- locular spaces, containing a sero-mucous fluid, are usually found, — the so - called h urscB mucos(e, — which are inclosed by flat layers of fibrous con- nective tissue and lined with endothelia. In other localities, such as the eyelids, the upper portions of the auricle of the ear, the penis, and the scrotum, the attachment of the skin to the subjacent fasciae is by loose, delicate connective tissue, con- taining no fat-globules. All other fibrous tracts of the sub- cutaneous tissue are more ob- lique in their course, and so extensible as to admit of a vary- ing degree of pliability of the skin ; they inclose rhomboidal spaces, which contain more or less numerous fat - globules. The latter are grouped in lob- ules, bounded by a delicate fibrous connective tissue, with a com- paratively abundant vascular supply. This structure bears the nsime pannici(li(s adiposus. (See Fig. 230.) (2) The derma or cutis is composed of dense interlacing bun- dles of fibrous connective tissue. Between the bundles we see a continuous branching bioplasson layer, with a varjdng number of nuclei, and sometimes with plastids, most of which are con- nected with the rest of the free bioplasson. The bundles appear very coarse in the lower, so-called reticular, portion, and are bounded by distinct elastic layers or elastic fibrillee. These are less marked as the bundles become finer toward the papilla?, tiU in Fig. 230. — Subcutaneous Fat-tis- sue, THE Fat havixg been Ex- tracted BY Turpentine. -B, bundle of flbroua connective tissne, car- rying injected blood-vessels ; C, capsule of fat-globules, with oblong nuclei. Magnified 500 diameters. THE SKIN. r)r)5 the pajjillary layer tlicy disappear altogether. The bundles of the di'niia have a certain regularity of ari'angement, as is demon- strated l)v the researches of C Lan^ei-. This iiivestifxator j)iuietuiTd the skin with a shoe-maker's awl, and after the with- drawal of the instrument observed, in every instance, instead of round holes, lonf>itudinal clefts, re^uLarly distril)uted over the entire surface of the body. There are a few places where the awl produces irregular jagged openings in the tissue of the derma ; these are most marked in localities where the derma is closely attached to the subjacent tissues. The same investigator found tliat the striae of the skin of the abdomen and upper part of the thighs, produced by over-extension, usually in pregnancy, are caused by stretching in a horizontal direction of the bundles of the connective tissue of the derma. The blood-vessels also assume a horizontal coiu'se, following the stretched bundles. The epithelial cover remains unchanged. In the derma, the connective tissue is mixed with a varying amount of muscles. The striped rarieti/ is seen in the skin of the face and the lateral aspect of the neck, where the lowest bundles connect with striped muscle-fibers, often in a reticular arrangement. In many animals the derma has an almost con- tinuous layer of striped muscles, the so-called panniculns carnosKS, which enables these animals to produce voluntary movements of the skin. Bundles of smooth musde-fihers are scattered tliroughf>ut the derma, either in a reticular or fan-like arrange- ment, or in the shape of single oblique bundles. The reticular arrangement of smooth muscle-bundles presents itself in the skin covering the nipple and its areole, the penis and the scrotum. In the skin of the penis the direction of the muscle- bundles is mostly circular, in the scrotimi antero-posterior. The fan-like arrangement, and that in single bundles, occurs all over the skin, the muscles, so-called arrectores pilorum, being every- where in close relation to the hair-follicles. According to W. Tomsa the connection between the smooth muscle-fibers and the tissue of the derma is established by elastic fibers, which are twined around the muscle-bundles. This relation is specially marked in the arrectores pilorum. The connective tissue en- sheathing the larger coils of sweat-glands exhibits smooth muscle-fibers, which produce an almost continous layer around the sweat-glands of the axillte. The pjapiUary layer — /. e.j the outermost portion of the derma — is composed of delicate fibers of connective tissue, not distinctly 556 THE SKIN. interlacing, and freely supplied with small nuclei along the fibers. The boundary line toward the ex)ithelium is slightly fringed, as seen where the papillary layer is withdrawn from the rete mucosum ; sometimes a hyaline, so-called structureless, layer may be observed. (See Fig. 231.) The papillae are prolongations of the derma, varj-ing greatly in size and shape in different localities of the integument. The largest and most numerous papillae, composed of a number of filiform elevations which coalesce into a more bulky basis, are found on the palmar surface of the hands and the plantar surface of the feet. In other places they form small conical or blunt protrusions. The papiQae are every- ilY^.^'^. \ J^ ^^ -^i^' ^^.^( ■ Fig. 231. — Papillary Later of the Skin of a Child. Vertical Section. The papilliE are artificially separated from the covering epithelium. £, epidermis ; JR, rete mucosum; C, row of columnar epithelia nearest to the connective tissue; J", papillie, composed of delicate fibrous connective tissue; L, longitudinal; T, transverse section of bundles. Tlie blood-vessels injected. Magnified 500 diameters. where arranged in rows, between which crossing furrows are present, \'isible to the naked eye, produced by a peculiar arrange- ment of the connective-tissue fibers, which is also marked on the outer epidermal surface. The rows formed by the groupings of the papillae are especially well marked in the palms of the THE SKIN. 537 hands and tlu' soles of tlu' tVct, jLifiviiii^ rise to the ^aceful spiral and concentric lines observed on the skin coverinj^ the last phalanfjes. In horizontal sections of tlie skin the papilUe appear as light, circular, or oblong fields, marked by the presence of transverse or obHcpie sections of tlie capillary blood-vessels in then- central parts. The depressions between the papillae are ftUed with epi- tlu'lia, which, being arranged in the form of an interpapillary reticulum, have given rise to the inappropriate name " rete mucosnm." (See Fig. 232.) According to J. Collins Warren,* the papilliv are imperfectly formed on the posterior aspect of tlie body. The follicles of the lanugo hairs penetrate the superficial layers of the derma, the sweep of whose fibers w^ould be unbroken were it not for the Fig. 232. — Scalp op a Colored Man. Horizontal Section. R, rete mucosuni ; Pi, row of columnar eplthelia, cut obliquely, supplied with dark- brown pigment granules ; Pa, papiUa, cut transversely ; D, derma. MaRnified 500 diameters. existence of a structure which connects the bases of the hair follicles with the panniculus adiposus. This consists of a col- munar cleft extending from the subcutaneous tissue in a some- what oblique direction through the cutis to the base of the hair follicle. This cleft is filled with adipose tissue, hence the term "fat-column" is appropriate for its designation. Its long axis is placed at a slight angle to that of the folUcle, and is nearly parallel to that of the arrector pili muscle. The number of fat- columns corresponds to the number of hairs. They are seen * <'A Manual of Histology." By Thorn. E. Satterthwaite, New-York, 1881. 558 THE SKIN. most distinctly in the thickest portions of the skin, but may- be also found on the shoulders and arms, the breast, abdomen, and the lower extremities, although sometimes only slightly indicated. (3) Blood-vessels. The arteries, which supply the skin, pene- trate the subjacent fasciae and anastomose with each other above the fasciae ; they are more numerous in the flexor surfaces of the extremities than in the extensor, and than in the trunc. The largest number is found in the palmar and plantar surfaces. In accordance with the accurate researches of W. Tomsa, the skin everywhere has three separate vascular districts, each of which is supplied with its own arterioles and roots of veins. The deepest is that of the subcutaneous fat-tissue ; the next in order is that of the sweat-glands, and the most superficial belongs to the derma, with its hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The arterioles which supply the fat-tissue are numerous, correspond- ing to the large number of capillaries ; those of the sweat-glands surround the coils in a basket-like arrangement and empty into two or three veinlets, one of which invariably runs upward along the duct of the sweat-gland and anastomoses with veins of the papillary layer. The artery, after supplying the above-named formations, ascends to the papillary layer of the derma, and in its course branches into capillaries which go to the hair follicles, the sebaceous glands, and the papillae. Before reaching the papillae, the arteriole splits into precapillary ramules, from which arise the capillaries proper. These form loops which, as a rule, are single, but in the largest papillae double, and unite into an extended flat reticulum of a venous character. In portions of the skin with large papillae there is a double layer of veins, the superficial arranged in narrow and elongated meshes, the deeper, on the contrary, in wide and more circular ones. These vessels give rise to venous branches, uniting at acute angles into larger veins, which produce arches and receive the veins of the sweat- glands and the fat-lobules. The hair follicles have between the two layers of the follicle wide, transversely arranged capHlaries, which penetrate its inner layer also. In the upper portion of the follicle numerous anastomoses exist with the capillaries of the papillary layer, and in this situation arise the capillary loops for the supply of the sebaceous glands. All these capillaries unite into an irregular venous net- work, which is lodged in the exter- nal layer of the hair follicle, and anastomoses freely with the venous vessels of the papUlary layer. The papilla of the hair has THE SKIN. 559 its (iwu {ivtcriolc, Avliidi braiiclR's into looped capillaries, empty- m\f into tlie eoinnion Ncnons rcticnlnni of the hair follicle. The vascular district of the i)apillai-y layer also fiii'uishcs the supply for the muscles, the ducts of the sweat-giands, and the largci- nerves. The muscle-layer of the scrotum only has an independent vascular supply. (4) Li/niph-resscls. Successful injections of the lymphatics of tlie skin with colored liquids have proved that these vessels con- stitute a closed reticular system, in two layers, interconnected by oblique branches. The superficial layer of capiUary lymph- atics is situated in the papillary portion of the skin, beneath the superficial layer of blood-vessels. It is composed of ramules, closer and narrower than those of the deep layer ; from it the larger papilla^ receive blind offshoots or shallow loops. I. Neu- mann describes lymphatic reticula around the hair follicles, the sebaceous and the sweat glands. The wide lymphatic branches which spring from the deep layer are destitute of valves, and accompany the arteries producing capillaries twined around the arteries. After having received the lymphatics of the subcuta- neous tissue they are tm-nished with valves, and take their coui"se in this tissue in large numbers, especially in the flexor aspects of the extremities. (5) JSferves. The skin is abundantly provided with both medul- lated and non-medullated nerve-fibers, more especially in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, particularly in the skin cov- ering the last phalanges of the fingers and toes. The nerves usually penetrate the derma together with the blood-vessels. Some of the medullated nerve-fibers terminate in the subcutane- ous tissue as Pacinian corpuscles ; others reach the upper por- tions of the derma in bundles, where they produce a plexus. From this plexus ai'ise branches for the nervous supply of the papillae and the epithelial layer, some of which are medullated and some non-medullated. The medullated nerve-fibers run to the larger papillae, which, as a rule, are destitute of blood-vessels, and terminate as a tactile corpuscle either in the papilla or at its base, or even below its level. (See Fig. 233.) The corpuscles of Pacini or Vater are ovoid bodies, discernible to the naked eye, some of them attaining a longitudinal diameter of two mm. or more. According to Genersich, they increase in size with advancing age. They are attached to medullated nerve-fibers, and are composed of a number of concentric, nucleated layers, more closely arranged at the periphery of the corpuscle than toward its center, and freely supplied with capillary vessels. 560 THE SKIN. of their own. Hoyer discovered, by means of silver-staining, a system of dark brown lines, analogous to that in the endothelia. The medullated nerve-fiber enters the corpuscle at one pole, and gradually loses its myeline investment, while the myeline sheath is lost in the structure of the concentric lamellae. The axis-cylinder terminates at the distal pole of the corpuscle as a simple knob, or it bifiu-cates into two branches, each of which may also exhibit a terminal knob. Around the axis-cylinder is found a gi'anular layer with nuclei. Pacinian corpuscles are most numerous along the nerves of the fingers and toes, less numerous in the palmar and plantar surfaces and in the \'ieinity of larger articulations in the subcutaneous tissue of the nipple, penis, and clitoris, also along the branches of sympathetic nerves, more especially behind the pancreas, in the dura mater, the periosteum, etc. The tactile corjmscles (Meissner's or Wagner's corpuscles) are ovoid bodies, rarely exceeding 200 M in length, and composed of Fig. 233. — Tactile Corpuscles in the Papill.e of the Skin op the Finger-Tip. iV, medullated nerve-fiber; r, tactile corpuscle; C, connective-tissue sheath ; P, pigment- layer of the rete mucosnm. Magnified 500 diameters. spiral fibers with small nuclei. Around them a somewhat denser connective-tissue capsule is seen. One or two medullated nerves enter the corpuscle at one pole, theu* myeline sheath being lost in the fibrous mass of the corpuscle. The axis-cylinder divides into a number of dehcate fibrillag, running with the spiral fibers ; ■JIII-: SKIS. 561 tlicii' ult iiiiMtc tci-iiiiiiiit ioii is not known. Soinctinics the tactile eorpusch* exhibits deep fun-ows, indieatiiifj^ that it is composed of several tactile l)uds (IMei-kcl). of two or more isolated ta(rtile cor- puscles ai-e attached to one oi- two nerves (Oehl, Thin, and othn-s). A. R. Kol)inson * maintains that the nerve does not ter- minate in the tactile corpuscle, but passes on into the rete miicosnni ; the axis-cylinder generally changes the direction of its course after leaving the c()r])uscle, and tei-niinates between the ei)ithelia. X(>ii-iiii' EpithcTial Cover of the Iiife(/ni)ie)if. The outer layers of the stratified cutaneous (epithelium are squamous, the middle, which are the most abundant, cubodial, and the boundary, toward the papilla\ consists of a single row of columnar epithelia. The columnar and cul)oidal epithelia are endowed with vital proper- ties, of which the flat epithelia ai-e deprived by their transforma- tion into a horny material. The living portion of the epithelium bears the name of rete mucosum, or rete Malpighii ; the horny portion is the epidermis proper. Between these two layers appears a narrow zone of nearly compact glistening epithelia, running parallel with the surface ; Oehl has designated this layer the stratum lucidum. It is sometimes well marked, especially in vertical sections of the skin covering the palms of the hands and soles of the feet ; sometimes it is not discernible. At other times alternating layers are found, consisting of gi'anular, niicleated, and of nearly homogeneous epithelia, destitute of nuclei ; biit as these formations are not constantly present, we are not justified in dividing, as some authors have done, the epithelial cover of the integument into four or five distinct layers. The epithelia nearest the papillary layer are often indis- tinctly columnar, and of a diffuse brownish color, holding more * "A Manual of Histology," by Tliomas E. Satterthwaite. New- York, 1881. 36 562 THE SKIN. or less pigment-p:rjiiniles. In the Caucasian race these are best observed in the region of the nipple of the breast, the external female genitals, the scrotum, and the anus. In the colored races (see Fig. 232) the columnar epithelia contain numerous blackish- brown pigment-granules, always scattered around the central nucleus, which itself remains uncolored. Tlie pigment-granules, by means of delicate filaments, are connected with the bioplasson reticulum within the epithelia. Between the columnar, as well as the neighboring cuboidal epithelia, the cement-substance is invariably traversed by delicate transverse filaments, and con- tains a varying number of homogeneous or granular bioplasson bodies. These are growing epithelia, wedged between the older formations, and interconnected with them by delicate offshoots. Some authors have mistaken these lumps for connective tissue or wandering cells. The epithelia of the rete mucosum are irregularly polyhedral, also supplied with a diffuse coloring matter, and distinctly nucle- ated. The cement-sulistance shows the (ionnecting transverse filaments, especially after treatment with chloride of gold. The filaments (so-called thorns) are easily discernible in places which were subject to a slight, continuous irritation (see page 323, Fig. 139). The cement-substance in this situation likewise holds small, solid lumps of bioplasson, which are best marked and most numerous in the localities exhibiting the thorns most plainly. In the cement-substance of specimens successfully stained with chloride of gold we find the beaded axis-fibriUae. Toward the periphery the cuboidal epithelia are slightly flat- tened and finely granular, which indicates that the epithelia are gradually dying, though the vitality is usually retained by the nucleus. There may be layers above the rete mucosum, com- posed of flat epithelia, either homogeneous or distinctly nucle- ated, and readily stained by carmine, which shows that they are endowed with a higher degree of vitality. The most external portion is composed of flat, imbricated epithelia, which in the vertical section appear spindle-shaped. Their horny nature is demonstrated by an irregidar contour, by the want of granulations, and by the absence of a nucleus. The nucleus may be found, however, in the lowest portions of the horny layer, though it is often only faintly indicated. The properties of life in these epithelia are gradually lost, and are entirely absent in the outermost, flattened epidermal scales. We know that the epidermal scales desquamate during life, but the Till-: SKIS. 503 question how a lunv growth of cpithcliii goes on, rcphiciuf^ the lost cpidcnnal seah's, is as yet not (luite sctth'il. In persons of (lark coniph'xion the horny epithclia also cxliihit a diffuse yel- h)W-l)rown (■oh)r. (7) ItnpJttufdfioii of fill' Ildirs* If we imagine that the (;onneet- ive tissue, together with the covering ej)itlielinni, were a ])liahle sheet of chamois, for instance, and we prodnce a dei)ression of this sheet with one of our fingers, the result will be a pouch, whose innermost layers are epithelial, whose outermost layer is connect- ive tissue. The e})i(h'rniis will cover the inner surface of the ])ouch, and now bear the name inner root-sheath ; next to this will be a layer formed, by the epithelia of the rete mucosura, which will be the outer root-sheath; the outside of the pouch must be connective tissue, and will represent the foil trie. At the bottom of the pouch will ])e a protrusion of the follicle, similar to those on the surface of the skin, therefore connective tissue — the pa pill a of the hair. On our diagram slight alterations must be made. The epi- dermis, which is composed of a large number of flat epithelia, varying greatly according to the wddth of this layer, upon enter- ing the pouch and becoming the inner root-sheath, will gradually be reduced to a limited number of horny epithelia — in the middle of the pouch to not more than two strata. Near the bottom of the pouch the number of the epithelia again increases, the inner root-sheath gains in width, and is composed of three or four strata of epithelia which have lost their horny character, and assume again the nature of bioplasson. The rete mucosum enters the pouch in its full width, but gradually becomes thinner, — namely, composed of a smaller number of epithelia, which retain their original bioplasson character, — and at last, near the bottom of the pouch, after being reduced to a single layer, com- pletely disappears. Imagine, now, that against the l)ottom of the epithelial pouch, which runs in an oblique direction, corresponding with the dis- position of the connective-tissue bundles, a pin is pressed and the pouch turned upward again. This procedure, of coui'se, will involve the inner root-sheath exclusively, and an elongation must result of an epidermal character, agreeing with the main features of the inner root-sheath. This elongation represents the hair. * "A Contribution to the Minute Anatomy of the Skin." Read before the American Dermatological Association, Newport, R. I., September 1, 1881. The Chicago Medical Joiinial and Examiner, December, 1881. 564 THE SKIX. The hair, therefore^ is n solid elongation of the holloir inner root- sheath, and produced hy the inner root-sheath alone. The outer root-sheath has nothing to do with the formation of the hair. At the bottom of the pouch there is a knob composed of living epithelia, resembling those of the inner root-sheath in the same situation. This knob is called the bxlb of the root of fhf hair, and directly surmounts the papilla of the haii*. Higher up the epi- thelia again become horny, and enter into the construction of the root and the shaft of the hair. Imagine, lastly, that, on the side of the acute angle of the obliquely implanted pouch, the outer root-sheath, which is, as Fig. 234. — Diagram of the Implaxtation of the Hair. E, epidermis ; RJtT, rete mucosum ; PL, papillary layer ; If>, inner root-slieath ; 0.5, outer root-sheatli ; F, follicle ; Z>, derma ; M, arrector iiili muscle ; P, papilla of the hair ; B, bulb ; C, cuticle ; H, root ; S, shaft of the hair ; SG, sebaceous gland. said before, an offshoot of the rete mucosum. be pushed laterally and downward by a pin, the result will be a third elongation, produced by the outer root-sheath, a small pouch itself, bearing the name sebaceous f/land. According to this diagram, the seba- ceous gland is an exclusive formation of the outer roof-sheath, while the inner root-sheath takes no part in the formation of the gland. (See Fig. 234.) TiiK SKIS. :,(;:, The oxpliiiiation of tlii' iliiif^-ain is us follows: The fpidt-rinis, Imlging downward, n>sults in the formation of the inner root-sheath, while the rete muc'osuni, jjrolonged downward, forms the outer root-sheath. The bundles of the connective tissue of the derma, wliich give an outer investment to the pouch, composed of both root-sheaths, produce the follicle. Its innermost portion exhibits cross-sections of smooth muscle-fibers. The papilla of the hair is a product of the follicle. Around the papilla is a knob — the bulb of the root of the hair — which continues into the root of the hair — that part inclosed in the pouch; and the sliaft of tlif luilr — that part standing forth on the surface of the skin. The diagi-am shows that the inner root-.sheath, u])on approaching the bottom of the pouch, becomes widened, and at the l)ottom of the pouch turns over, thus first producing the bulb, afterward the root, and the shaft of the hair itself. The innermost layer of the inner root-sheath, by tiu-ning over, results in the fornuition of the cuticle, the single investing layer of both the root and the shaft of the hair. The figure demoTistrates, furthermore, that the outer root-sheath, upon approaching the bottom of the pouch, becomes thinner, and perishes at last, while on one side the outer root-sheath produces the pouch of the sebaceous gland. Between the outer root-sheath and the follicle there is a homogeneous layer — the so-called structureless membrane. The an-ector j)ili muscle is in connection with the muscle-layer of the follicle and surrounds the bottom of the sebaceous gland. Our diagram serves as a key, which enables us to comprehend easily all formations of the skin engaged in the construction of the hair. (See Fig. 235.) The pouch, as a rule, has a funnel- shaped widening on the surface of the skin, which is covered by stratified epidermal scales. These scales are traceable in direct union ^\'ith the inner root-.sheath, which begins on the so-called neck of the pouch, being composed of two epidermal layers only, and, in honor of the discoverer, termed Henle's sheath. Next to the inner root-sheath lies the extremely delicate cuticle of the hair, which ensheathes both the root and the shaft of the hair. With higher powers we see on each hair fijiely serrated edges — the slightly bulging edges of the cuticle. The hair is com- posed of closely packed, horny epidermal spindles, which hold a varying amount of pigment granules. The rete mucosum elon- gates directly into the outer root-sheath, and this into the seba- ceous gland. It is only the duct of this gland which is covered by flat, horny epithelia, while the gland, as such, is composed of cuboidal epithelia, like any acinous gland. The duct of the seba- ceous gland, as a rule, empties into the funnel-shaped widening of the pouch, in the space between the inner root-sheath and the hair, or, more particularly, its covering cuticle. The outer root- sheath is composed of several strata of epithelia, like the rete 566 THE SKIN. mucosum itself. The strata are cul>oidal ei)ithelia, and it is only the layer nearest the derma, or, more properly, the structureless membrane, which is foi-med by columnar epithelium. The inner surface of the structureless membrane, again, is covered by Fig. 235. — The Upper Portion of the Hair-pouch FROM THE Human Skin. E, epidermis ; RM, rete mucosum ; PL, papUlary layer ; D, derma; F, follicle ; M, arrector pili muscle; /S'G, sebaceous gland; OS, outer root-sheath; 7-S', inner root-sheath; C, cuticle ; R, root of hair. Magnified 150 diameters. extremely delicate flat endothelia, as was first demonstrated, by the aid of silver-staining, by V. Czerny. These endothelia are '/•///•; .VA7.V. r)()7 directly coiiiiccted vvilli the iuljaccMt colimiMai" cpitliclia l)y very nmrked ])riekles and thorns. To tlie pi'esence of these thorns D. Haijifht first di-e\v attention. Tiie ])oneli of tlie sehaceous <;lan(l is nndcr the control of tlie (irncfor pi/i iiiiisclr, which represents a flat, fan-like sheet, wliose broad ends terminate in the papilhirv layer, whih' the nar- row I'nd is inserted in tlie follicle of the root of the hair. No doubt, the evacuation of the sebaceous gland is done by contra(;- tion of this muscle-sheet. The fatty mass will be squeezed first into the funnel of the hair-pouch, as a nde, and only from large sebaceous glands directly to the surface'. The lower extremity of the hair-pouch, in specimens taken from the human skin, is readily understood if we have made a study of the hair of aninuils, especially of those strong hairs on the upper lip of kittens. It is, perhaps, for this reason that, after many years' busy writing, not one author has given a plain description of the relations. As a matter f)f course, the essentials are identical in the hair of kittens and that of man, though the former are, as a rule, plainer than the latter. (See Fig. 236.) The inner root-sheath in its upper portion shows the light, horny Henle's layer. In an oblique line there appear polyhedral epithelia; in the upper portions pale and finely granular, with indistinct nuclei ; deeper dowu, coarsely granular and slightly elongated. This latter part of the inner root-sheath represents what has l)een termed Huxley's layer. It is seen that at the bf)!- tom of the pouch this layer turns over, surrounds the papilla, and constitutes the bulb of the root of the hair. The epithelia on the lower pei'iphery of the papilla are columnar, gradually changing into the cu])oidal form, and farther up become elon- gated, spindle-shaped. Lastly, they emerge into the horny spindles which produce the main l)ulk of the hair. The bound- ary line between the inner root-sheath and the root of the hair is produced by a thin, apparently structureless, layer, outside of which is the inner root-sheath, inside the cuticle of the hair. The cuticle on the upper portion of the root is composed, as well as on the shaft, of thin, imbricated scales, whose edges are slightly elevated above the surface of the hau', and give the latter the peculiar serrated appearance. Gradually, the epithelia of the cuticle of the root assume a columnar shape and become nucleated. At the height of the bulb these columnar epithelia are very large, pale granular, and supplied with large and distinct nuclei. Their characteristic row runs in the middle, between Huxley's 568 THE SKIN layer and the bulb, and at last blends ^^'M\l the euboidal epi- thelia of both formations. Outside of the eutienlar row there is another thin layer of pale, flattened epithelia, which evidently corresponds to the innermost structureless layer of the inner root- sheath. The middle portion of the bulb is often filled with afS. Fig. 236. — The Lower Portion of the Hair-pouch, from THE Lip of a Kitten. F, follicle : T, transverse sections of connective-tissue bundles of derma i 3/, aiTector pili muscle ; IS, inner root-slieath ; 0-5, outer root-sheatli : P. iiapilla ; C, cuticle ; R, root of Uair: II, hyaline, or so-called structureless, membrane, Majruitied SOO diameters. globular, indifferent, or medullaiy corpuscles, which hold a xsry- ing amount of pigment, and fill also the central portion of the root, the so-called medullary space, which even in strong hairs Till': sKix. :m may l)e ahsi-ut. Tlu' iippi-r portion of the ouUt root-sheutli is c<)nii)()sed of stratifit'd cpitlu'lia, tlie most external layer >)ein«:f distinctly coluiiinar. This ('<»liimTiai* row is the last one left, as the outer root-sheath approaches the region of the bulb, and, gradually becoming thinner, is at length entirely lost at the height of the ])ull), whose formation it does not enter at all. The boundary line Ix'tvveen the outer and the inner root-sheath is marked by the presence of a so-called structureless or cutieulai- membrane. External to the outer root-sheath we find the follicle, a connective-tissue fornuition, with interspersed circular muscle- s])indles, connected with those of the arrector pili muscle. Be- tween the follicle and the outer root-sheath there is usually a broad homogeneous layer, which can be traced around the bulb of the root and the papilla of the hair. The papilla of the hair is composed of a delicate fibrous or myxomatous connective tissue, freely supplied with plastids having the appearance of spindle-shaped nuclei, and traversed by a number of capillary blood-vessels. The apex of the papilla in our specimen is not distinctly sex)arated from the epithelia of the hair. The line of demarcation, however, as a rule, is distin- guished by the presence of a row of columnar epithelia or by the medullary corpuscles. Outside of the follicle we find the fibrous connective tissue of the derma, built up by longitudinal and transverse bundles. At the Ijottom of the hair follicle, in the human skin, a longitu- dinal tract of fibrous connective tissue is often found, which runs in the direction of the hair, and carries the blood-vessels (G. Wertheim). In comparing what I have said about the theory of the forma- tion of the hair with specimens of the skin, a satisfactory con- gruence will be found. This theory, as I have taught for nearly seven years in my laboratory, Avill explain the fact that upon pulling a hair the inner root-sheath is drawn out simultaneously with the root. It furthermore explains the process of shedding and the new formation of the hair. (8) The Hair. As before mentioned, the part of the hair im- planted in the skin is called the root, while the portion projecting above the surface of the skin bears the name of shaft. Its main mass is composed of delicate, flat, nucleated, fusiform epidermal scales, which are fii*mly attached to each other, but may be isolated by soaking in dilute acetic acid. The darker the com- plexion of the indi^'idual, the greater is the amount of granular 570 THE SKIN. pig'inent found both within and between the scales, which, in addition, hold a diflfnse coloring matter, especially in red hair. Gray and blonde haii* are without pigment granules. Alter being pulled out the hair shows minute air-bubl)les in its substance ; but there is no foundation whatever for the belief that the gray color of the hair is due to the presence of such air-bubbles. The original hue of the hair is caused by the pigment stored up in its medullary and horny portion, and corresponds to the amount of coloring matter present in the rete mucosnm of the skin, as seen in leukopathia, vitiligo, and in variegated or pied animals. Unquestionably, the amount of pigment is closely connected with Fig. 237. — Pouch of the Hair from the Scalp of Man. Traxsverse Section. R. root of the hair ; C, cuticle ; IS, inner root-slieath ; .S'2, cuticular layer between the two root-sheaths ; OS, outer root-sheath ; S^, hj'aline basement-layer between outer root- sheath and follicle ; i^, follicle. Maguifietl 500 diameters. the general nutrition of the skin and under the control of the so-called trophic nerves, as proved by the rapid turning gray of the hair in exhaustive diseases and after mental emotions. The shape of the hair is best studied in transverse sections. Flat hair exhibits, as a rule, a circular or oblong section, while in curled hair this is elliptical or uniform. (See Fig. 237.) Shedding of the Hair. We know through A. Kolliker and 77//'; SKfX. I C. Lander that tho youiij^- hair is foi'iuid aroiiiid th(^ old j)a|»illa. We know, besides, that at a (rertaiii hei^lit above the i)a|)ilhi tliei'f is a knob-like tliickeniiif^- (Ifeidc), which eorres})onds to the hnlb of the falling hair. The faet adiled by uie is that tlie new growth of a hair takes place exclusively within the inner root-slie.itli. The inner root-sheath, below tlie bull* of the old hair, wjiich is fringed by the torn epidermal seah's, be(*onies gradually widened. At the bottom of the pouch it turns upon itself and produces the bulb, which is composed of medullary, or indifferent or embryonal, corpuscles. The }>oundary between the two i)ortions of the inner root-sheath is established by the cuticle, which, below the bulb of the old hair, is composed of OH -YR Fig. 238. •Diagram of the Process of Sheddixg of THE Hair. F, follicle ; M, arrector pili muscle ; P, papilla of hair ; B, bulb of hair ; IS, inner root- sheath; O.S, outer ri)ot-8heatli ; C, cuticle; if, root; O/f, old liair still in connection with O'/O the young hair rowing from the bulb. columnar epithelia. The pigment, where there is any, lies exclusively in the central portion of the inner root-sheath, from which arises the future haii\ The outer root-sheath takes no part in the new formation of the hair. The smooth muscles of the follicle are evidently concerned in the process, inas- 572 THE SKIN. much as through their contraction a narrow neck is estab- lished around the young hair, as first suggested by Biesiadecki. (See Fig. 238.) The Df-velopmcnt of the Hair can be first traced at the end of the thii'd month of intrauterine life. The epithelial investment of the skin produces a knob-like prolongation downward, while later an extension of the connective tissue is formed, which lifts the bottom of the epithelial knob, and produces the papilla. The epithelia are originally all medullary in character, and from the medidlaiy corpuscles, by elongation and mutual flattening, £, root of hair; 7.5, iimer root-sheath : O.S', outer root-slieath : G, sebaceous gland ; Z), duct of the sebaceous gland : A, acarus foUiculoruni within the duct of the sebaceous gland. Magnified 200 diameters. arise the elements composing the hair in the center of the knob, and also the root-sheaths at its peripheral portion. (9) The Sebaceous Glands. The acinous sebaceous glands are formed from the outer root-sheath of the hah-, and are usually in close relation to the haii-. Sebaceous glands without hair are found in the areole around the nipple of the female breast, in the glans and the prepuce of the penis, in the nymph® and THE SKIN. 573 tilt' pi't'jmcr of tilt' clitoris. In the palms of tli»' hands and the soles of the feet tliere are no sebaceous glands. The ndation of the j^lands to the hair varies gi-eatly accord- ing to the size of the latter. The largest sehaceons glands are found in the naso-la))ial folds ; here the fine lanugo hairs are subordinate formations, piercing the duct at an acute; angle. At the extensor surfaces of the extremities and the posterior aspect of the trnnc the sel)aceous glands are elongated ; in the axilhv they are Hattened. On the scalp they are sometimes small, pear-shaped structures, and usually two of them empty into one hair-pouch, both being under the control of the same fan-like arrectorpili muscle (Hesse). (See Fig. 289.) Sometimes, however, thev attain a considerable size. In horizontal sections of the Fig. 240. — Scalp of Man. Horizontal Section. H, root of hair, surrounded bj- its sheaths ; .S', sebaceous gland ; F, follicle common to the hair-roots and the sebaceous glands. Magnified 200 diameters. scalp we find groups composed of roots of hair and sebaceous glands, inclosed by the fibrous connective tissue of the derma, which sends delicate prolongations between the epithelial fonna- tions. The numerous acini \'isible in this situation do not correspond to single sebaceous glands, but to their branching lower ends. (See Fig. 240.) In specimens of sebaceous glands, preserved in a chromic acid solution, the acini appear filled mth fat, and the lining 574 THE SKIN. epithelia are not easily discernible. Treatment with alcohol and tnrpentine brings the nucleated cuboidal e])ithelia distinctly to view, and in such specimens we also recognize that the acinus contains several layers of epithelia. In many sebaceous glands a parasitic mite is found, the acarus or demodex folliculorum, which is harmless, however. (10) The sudoriparous glands are composed of a single coiled tubide, lying in the deep parts of the skin, usually near or in the subcutaneous tissue ; the same tubule produces not only the coil, but the duct also, the difference being that the coiled portion of the tubide is lined with cuboidal epithelia, and the duct, up to the point where it reaches the rete mucosum, with the col- umnar variety. If we assume a prolongation of the outer epithelial layers into the depths of the derma, the formation of the sweat-gland is easily understood. The sudoriparous glands are present all over the skin, varying in size in different individuals and in different localities; they are most numerous in the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet ; the largest are found in the axillge and in the neighbor- hood of the anus ; they are not found in the glans penis and the inner surface of the prepuce. They are all inserted in an oblique direction in the derma, corresponding to the general arrangement of the connective-tissue bundles. Their orifices on the surface of the skin, in the furrows between the papillary ledges, are perceptible to the naked eye. The sweat-glands at the borders of the eyelids — the so-called glands of Moll — have, it is maintained, spiral terminations, instead of coils, and empty into the hair-pouch of the cilia. The ceruminal glands of the external auditory canal are constructed like sudoriparous glands, but secrete an unctions substance, which is commonly called ear-wax. By cutting through the coU, transverse, oblique, and longi- tudinal sections of the tubule are produced. The lining epithe- lium is, in this situation, a cuboidal or short columnar epithelium in one layer, attached to a delicate hyaline membrane. In the empty condition of the gland the caliber is very narrow, and the cement-ledge of the epithelia is plainly marked at the surface bounding the caliber. (See Fig. 241.) The connective tissue carries a large number of capillaries, and produces a capsule surrounding the coil, and prolongations passing around the tubide through its whole extent. In the con- nective tissue there are seen smooth muscle-fibers, which are very 77/ a; SKIX. miiiRTous aroiiiitl the su(|i)ri|t, duct in the rate mucosuni ; ^i', epidermal layer; PX, coarsely Kiaiiulated epitlielia, deeply stained with carmine; P, duct with corkscrew windings in the epidermal layer. Magnified 200 diameters. The papillary layer of the skin subjacent to the nail is highly developed, the papiUae being arranged in parallel rows corresponding to the long axes of the fingers and the toes. The papilla? are shallow in the region of the matrix, but increase in size toward the free portion of the nail, especially toward its lateral borders. At the inner surface of the lateral ledges, and in the depth of the lateral furrow, they are replaced by the pa- pillae of the skin. The derma forming the papilla^ is composed of coarse, dense bundles, inclosing a comparatively small number 77/ A" ,S7v'/.V. 7)17 of fat-i,4()l>iik's, and ])l('iidin<;- with the iK'riosteiiiii of tlic hist pliahiiix. In this situation the vascular supply is strikingly- large. (See Fig. 243.) Fig. 243. — Nail op Finger, Vertical Section, Rectangular TO the Long Axis of the Finger. P, papilla' with blood-vessels ; B. rete mucosum ; A^ horny epidermal scales. Ma;?iiified 100 diameters. The derma is covered by an epithelial layer, identical with that of the rete mucosum, and filling the valleys between the papillae in such a manner that the upper boundary of the rete mucosum exhibits only a fluted contour. According to C. Toldt, the so-called lunula of the nail, most distinctly marked on the nail of the thumb, is caused by a lessened transparency of the nail, due to the rete mucosum producing, in this situation, a broad layer of a uniform distribution. The rows of the papillae are much less developed in the region of the lunula than in the rest of the matrix. By scraping with the knife the low^er surface of the detached nail, the lunula disappears, and the nail becomes uniformly transparent. The nail substance consists of horny epithelia, of which the lower ones exhibit indistinct nuclei, while the outermost resem- ble epidermal scales. In the region of the root a gradual tran- 578 THE SKIN. sition from the epitlielia of the rete mucosinn into the horny epithelia takes place. In the hiteral portions of the nail, where papilla? are ab- sent, the rete mucosnin of the skin, forming- the ledge and the fnrrow, passes into that of the nail throngh irregular, branch- ing prolongations, which exhibit marked layers of epithelia, more or less endowed with life. In this situation the papillas of the nail are lost, but are replaced by very small and elongated papillae, which belong to the skin and stand in an oblique direc- tion to the rows of the papillae of the nail. A true transverse section through the nail will exhibit within the furrow oblique and transverse sections of the slender papilla? of the skin. (See Fig. 244. rr'J^r Fig. 244. — Implantation of the Nail at its Border. P, papUlffi, decreasing in size toward the middle line ; li, rete mucosnni, which broadens toward the border of tlie nail, and forms irregular prolongations, -R' ,- E, epidermal laj'er of middling consistence ; N, plate of the nail. Magnified 50 diameters. The epidermis of the skin produces a pointed prolongation, which overlaps the borders of the nail ; this prolongation is most clearly marked along the posterior border. (12) Tlw lactcdl glands are accessory formations of the skin. According to C. Langer, who has made careful researches on the development, the structure, and involution of the lacteal glands, they begin to form in the third month of embryonal life, and in the fifth month present radiating tubules, with club-like termina- tions. The tubules open into a shallow depression of the skin, the 77//'; .s'A7A'. r)79 or — CE nipple Itt'iiii^- alisciit. In tin- nrw-ltoi'ii infant the tnluilcs hi'ancii several times, and all of tluMn show clavate termination. The ramifications increase in nnni]»cr, in both sexes, n]) to the twelfth year, without the production of acini, the nniin mass consisting' of connective tissue, destitute of fat-^'h)l)ul('s. At the time of pul)erty in j^-irls the mammary }i,ian(l deveh>ps into a discoid body, composed of dense, fibrous connective tissue, witliout fat; tlie i-adiat- iugranmlesexliibit in this period acinous termina- tions at tlie peri})heiy of the organ, and only here is the lobular structure marked. In pregnancy a con- siderable development of the acinous glands takes place, especially toward the end, Avhen al)out twenty ducts are found, emptying" at the point of the nipple, and a corre- sponding number of lob- ules is produced by the free ramification of the ducts and the formation of numerous acini within one lobule. The duct.s, before emptying, are widened into pear- shaped sinuses ; their lining throughout the ramification consists of a single layer of columnar epithelium. The acini are lined with cuboidal epithelia, and at the beginning of lactation exhibit numerous fat-granules, both within the epithelia and the caliber. (See Fig. 245.) In full lactation the lobules and the acini therein assume the largest size ; the epithelia are scarcely perceptible, for most of them are transformed into fat, and upon being treated with tur- pentine usually show the frame of cement-substance, the nuclei, and numerous vacuoles (see page 332). After the period of lactation has passed, the acinous structure of the gland re- mains, the small acini surround the ducts in regular gi'oups, and the connective tissue now contains a large number of fat-glob- ules. In the matron a few ducts only are found, lined with Fig. 245. — Acini of the Female Breast AT THE Beginning op Lactation. CE, cuboidal epithelia; F, fat-globules, both witliiu the epithelia aud the caliber, stained black by osiuic acid ; CV, couuective-tissue frame, with blood-vessels. MaKuified GOO diameters. 580 THE SKIN. columnar epithelia, partly filled with minute fat-granules ; acini are wanting. In male adults the mammary gland exhibits a structure simi- lar to that of the new-born infant ; real acini do not exist, even though the gland may attain a considerable size. The lowest layers of the rete mucosum of the nipple and its areole contain pigment granules ; the papilhe are very large and branching, and have either capillary loops or tactile corpuscles. The derma is freely supplied with bundles of smooth muscle- fibers in a reticular arrangement; they are twined around the lacteal ducts in a vertical direction. Within the areole the connective tissue of the derma and the subcutaneous layer is free from fat. During the latter months of pregnancy small granular elevations are found in the areole, which are sebaceous glands, emptying at the height of the granule. They have been erroneously described as accessory- cutaneous lacteal glands. Occasionally they give rise to an active glandular new formation, with the production of a sebaceous adenoma. Inflammation of the Skin.* I have studied the process of inflammation of the skin in specimens from a syphilitic papule ; from small-pox ; fi'om an ulcerating sac of umbilical rupture in a cat. I have investigated the termina- tions of inflammation in specimens of elephantiasis of the scrotum and of the labia majora. Inflammation as an accompanying process I have studied in the skin of the female breast in mastitis and cancer, and also in the skin covering different benign and malignant tumors, or directly involved in the formation of such tumors. The results in all these cases being almost identical in regai'd to the essential changes in the tissues of the skin, I can confine myself to tlie description of the inflammatory process in small-pox, of which I obtained six different specimens from the Blackwell's Island Hos- pital ; among these were two of htemorrhagic small-pox. The coarser microscopical featiu'es in the formation of small-pox have been accurately studied by Auspitz and Baseh. The essential structural changes observable with high magnifying powers of the microscope, — 800-1200 diameters, — and which can be understood only upon the knowledge of the normal anatomy of the affected tissues, are as follows : First, the epithelial layer, termed rete mucosum, appears slightly thick- ened in eii'cumscribed spots ; the swelling is due to a coarse gi-anulation of the epithelia themselves. This granulation is produced by an increase of living matter within the epithelia, evidently through an augmented afflux of nourishing material dm'ingthe stage of hyperaemia. The points of intersection of the net-work of living matter, the so-called gi-anules, become enlarged, many of the nuclei are solid and shining, and at the same time the threads >•" Microscopical studies on lufiaiumation of tlu^ Skin." A paper read before the Ameri- can Dermatological Association at their meeting in New- York, August 27, 1879. Publisheil in abstract in The Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner, October, 1879. THE SKJX. 581 traversing the eenieiit-substanee, the formerly so-culled "thorns," become thickened. The nnderlying iJiipilliw are slifjhtly enlarf^ed in all diameters, partly owiiifj to a dilatation and eiif^orpement of their capillary blood-vessels, partly thronj^h a peculiar change of the V)undles of the connective tissue and the bioplasson bodies between them. The latter look slightly enlarged, and in many instances coarsely granular; the former are partly transformed into bioplasson. In other words, where before bundles built up by a glue-yielding basis-substance were i)resent, the reticulum of the living matter, before hidden in the relatively solid basis-substance, becomes visible again tlirough a lique- faction or dissolution of this substance. No other proof of the presence of an exudation in this stage can be obtained, except the liquefaction of the basis-substance. 77//.s' stai/c of injlaximation is termed " jxipular." Next, in the middle of the papule, on one or on several spots, the exuda- tion makes its appearance ; the outer or epidermal layer at no time partici- pates in the morbid process. In some epithelia we notice an enlargement of the meshes of the living reticulum; the latter is first stretched, afterward torn apart, the granules being suspended in the liquid exudation. Where epithelia were present before, a small, irregular cavity is visible. K several such cavities have formed in a papule through a continuously increased accumula- tion of the exudation and destruction of the epithelia, the separating layers of the epithelia become compressed and produce septa, traversing the cavaties. Such septa vary greatly both in number and width. The neighboring epithelia have a coarsely granular appearance. Many of them have lost the inclosing cement-substance, and are thus transformed into clusters, in which, through a considerable increase of the living matter, new shining lumps of different size appear, which are still in continuity -with the neighboring reticulum by means of delicate threads — the so-called endogenous formation of new elements. The result of this process is the formation of an irregidar cavity in the middle of the greatly widened rete mucosum, traversed by septa of compressed epithelia, and filled with an exudation, in which there are sus- pended numerous delicate gi-anules, generally termed coagulated albumen, and a varying amount of irregular threads in the form of a felt-work, the coagulated fibrine. A few scanty plastids are also suspended in the exu- dation, perhaps remnants of the destroyed epithelia, perhaps immigrated iniiammatory or colorless blood-corpuscles. In this condition of the rete mucosum, the underlying connective tissue exhibits considerable changes. The papillae have disappeared, CAadently through the pressure from above. The transformation of the connective tissue into bioplasson has advanced, in some instances, to such a degree that the uppermost layers of the derma are replaced by numerous indifferent, or medullary, or inflammatory corpuscles, as a rule, clustered together. All these elements, however, are in an uninterrupted connection with each other through delicate filaments of liA-ing matter, fully analogous to those of the epithelia, and thus the inflamed tissue, though reduced into its mediUlary con- dition, still represents a tissue. The stage of the disease in which the changes just described had taken place is known as the vesicular steuje of smnll-pox. Lastly, pus-corpuscles appear in the ca\'ity within the rete mucosum. The main mass of these doubtless arise from the epithelia traversing and bouniiing the cavity. Through the increase of living matter in the large num- ber of epithelia, shining lumps appear, first homogeneous-looking, afterward tlirough the intermediate stage of vacuolation transformed into nucleated plas- 582 THE SKIN. tids, with a fully developed reticulum of living matter — the pus-eorpuseles. The principal sources of pus-corpuscles, therefore, are the epithelia themselves, the endogenous formation. (See page 419, tig. 176.) How many of the pus-coi-puscles appear through an immigration from below, from the inflamed connective tissue or from the blood-vessels, nol)ody can tell. The immigra- tion is a sensible hypothesis only, without direct proof or foundation, while the endogenous formation can be directly traced in all its stages. The jjus- corpuscles are coarsely gi-anular, viz. : are supplied with a large amount of living matter at the points of intersection of the living reticulum in persons of a good, strong constitution; on the contrary, they are finely gi-anular — that is, scantily provided with living matter — in persons of a weak, so-called scrofu- lous or tuberculous, constitution, or in persons debilitated by any acute or chronic disease. In the former instance the pus is thick and yellow, in the latter instance watery, serous, and pale. The subjacent connective tissue, as a rule, does not advance beyond its reduction into a medullary tissue. In some eases, however, the newly appeared and newly formed medullary cor- puscles, which produce the infiltration of the derma to a varying depth, are also torn asunder, and thus represent pus-corpuscles, which, commingling with the pus which has sprung from the epithelia, take part in the formation of the abscess. This stage of infiammation is known by the term jinstular stage of small-pox, and represents the typical termination of the whole i)rocess. The pustule either bursts or its contents dry and produce the crust. So long as the inflamed derma remains in the condition of medullary tissue, so long as the medullary or inflammatory elements remain connected with each other, the new formation of a glue-yielding basis-substance in the shape of bundles of fibrous connective tissue will be accomplished, withoiit the formation of a scar. If, on the contrary, a part .of the connective tissue has been trans- formed into pus, and thus completely destroyed, the result will be a cicatrix. Mere epithelial suppuration heals without the formation of a scar, while sup- puration of the connective tissue always produces a mark. The pigmentation of the skin, so common after small-pox, is due to the imbibition of the color- ing matter of the red blood-corpuscles ; or by changes of the directly extrava- sated red blood-corpuscles, both in the rete mucosum and the derma. Such extravasations occur in all severe cases of small-pox — in the highest degree, of course, in hsemorrhagic small-pox. My observations on inflamed jjortions of skin have led me to the following conclusions : (1) In epithelium, the first step of the inflammatory process consists in an increase of the living matter, both in the plastids and between them; the former produces the coarse granulation of the epithelia, the latter the thick- ening of the so-called "thorns" in the cement-substance. Any particle of living matter, both in the epithelia and between them, through a continuous growth, may lead to a new formation of the epithelial elements, with termina- tion in hyperplasia of epithelium (psoriasis, squamous eczema, horny forma- tions, etc.). (2) In connective tissue, the first manifestation of the inflammatory process is the dissolution of the basis-substance and re-appearance of the bioplasson condition ; by this process and the new formation of medullary elements, which may start from any particle of living matter, the inflamma- tory infiltration is established. The sum total of the inflammatory corpuscles. THE SKIX. 583 which roiuaiii united with each other by means of delicate offshoots, represents an embryonal or jnedullary tissue. If the new formation of medullary cor- jmscles be scanty, resolution is accomplished by new formation of the basis- sul)stance (erj-thema, erysipelas, etc.)- If. on the contrary, the new formation of medullary elements l)e profuse, a new formation of ci>iinective tissue will result ^hyperplasia, sderodenna, ele])hantiasis. etc.). (;}) Plastic (formative) intiainmation may be accompanied by the accu- mulation of a larger amount of a serous or albuminous exudation in the epithelial layer (miliaria, sudamina, herpes), or in the connective tissue of the derma (urticaria). In both instances complete resolution will ensue. (4) Suppuration in the epithelial layer of the rete mucosum is produced by an accumiilation of an albuminous or fibrinous exudation, by which a numlier of epithelia ai'e destroyed, and by new fonnation of pns-corpuseles from the livinj; matter of the epithelia themselves. Epithelial suppuration heals without the formation of a cicatrix (eczema madidans et pustulosum, impetigo, pemphigus, variola). (5) Suppuration in the connective tissue of the derma results from the breaking apart of the newly formed meduUarj' corpuscles, which, being sus- pended in an albuminous or fibrinous exiidation, now represent pus-corpus- cles. Pus is a product of the inflamed connective tissue itself, and is always a result of a destruction of this tissue. Suppuiation of the derma invariably heals through cicatrization (abscess, furuncle, acne, ecthvTna, variola). Tumors of the Ski)).* (1) Myxo)))atous or m))ico)(J tumors are composed of a delicate fibrous reticulum, the meshes of which contain a jelly-like basis- substance and plastids var^^ng greatly in size. They are frequently found on the skin as soft, jelly-like, sessile, or pediculated protrusions. They are often supplied w^th a large quantity of blood-vessels, and are then soft tumors, of a dark red color, the •' mj'xo-angioma." Myxomatous tumors, having the structure of the thjToid body and called " hnuph-adenoma " or "lymphoma,'' are very rare. They may occur iu the subcutaneous tissue of the neck, but have no connection with the th>Toid body itself. (2) F)b)-ous t)()))0):s in all their varieties (see page 483), and also the com- bination of fibrous with mj-xomatous connective tissue, so called "myxo- fibroma,"' being, as a rule, scantily supplied with blood-vessels, are common tumors of the skin, appearing as hard, sessile nodules and nodes (hfi)-d fibroma), or as pedunculated tumors, sometimes scattered over the entire tegumentary svu"face (fih)-o)na ))iolluscu)))) ; as tumors of varj'ing size, and softer consistence (soft or )nyxo-fib)-o)iia) ; as pigmented flat elevations of the skin ()ta'vi) ; or as scar-like, iiTegularly branching, sometimes freely vas- cularized new formation (keloid). The peculiarity of these entirely benign tumors is that after extii'pation they sometimes recur, and even the scar, after the removal of a fibroma, may assume the features of a keloid. (3) Choudroma and (4) Ost('0)»a, do not occur on the skin. (5) M)jelo)))n (sarcoma), in its two principal varieties — viz. : globo-mye- loma and spindle-myeloma — is of somewhat infrequent occurrence; in the derma it usually appears as fib)o-))))/ek»))a ; rarely as a pigmented )ue1a)iotic jnyeloiua. Such tumors originate as nodules of the skin, sometimes accom- panied with inflammatory symptoms, and their malignancy is proved by their * A paper read before the American Derniatological Association, at tlieir meeting in New- port, R. I., Aupiist 31, 1880. Printed in abstract in " Archives of DermatoloK.v," Philadel- phia, October. 1880. 584 THE SKIN. rapid growth, by a new formation of nodules in the vicinity of the primary tumor, and by their recurrence after extirpation. An original myxo-fibronia, after repeated extirpation, may gradually assume the features of fibro-mye- loma. The vascular supi)ly of myeloma is sometimes scanty, at other times abundant. Some of these tumors multii)ly rapidly all over the skin, especially in the subcutaneous tissue, and some may, after reaching a certain size, dis- appear, while new nodules may form in other localities. The melanotic vari- ety usually starts in the skin of the hands and the feet, and in a comparatively short time invades large portions of the surface of the body, and never admits of a cure. After extirpation, many of these tumors recur with great obstinacy, in the scar or in its vicinity, and prove more malignant with each re-appearance, until at last an operation becomes impossible. The patient dies, with symptoms of inanition, from the exhausting waste of living matter within the rapidly growing tumor, or from secondary formations in internal organs. (()) Lipoma is a common type of tumor, occurring in the subcutaneous tis- sue, evincing some predilection for the posterior aspect of the body, and sometimes appearing as a diii'use accumulation of fat-tissue in the female breast. Lipoma combines with myxoma or myxo-fibroma, constituting the variety called "cutis pendula," or " leontiasis," which sometimes attains enormous size. (7) Angioma, in its three varieties, is found in the skin. Simple and lob- ular angioma is usually seated in the derma, while the cavernous angioma, which is rarer, generally starts in the subcutaneous tissue. These tumors are all easily compressed, the blood disappearing, but returning when the pres- sure is removed. The dark red or bluish-red color is, as a nile, a marked feature, though wanting in the deeply situated cavernous tumors. New for- mations of lymph-vessels — the so-called li/Diph-aiif/ioiita — oceiu- in the tissue of tlie derma ; the cavernous li/iiiph-a>i(jioiua is a rare formation in the subcuta- neous tissue. (8) Myoma has been observed by Virchow and others, usually occurring as small, flat, erectile tumors, in the skin around the nipple and in the scrotum. No ease has as yet come under my observation. (9) Ni-uromata appear in the skin as nodules, not attaining a large size, but characterized by their excessive painfulness. Tlie great majority of tliese tumors are fibrous in structure, starting from the perineurium, and seiiarating the medullated nerves. (10) PapUlonia is often found on the hands as simple irarts ; on the geni- tals as condylomata, and in other localities, though rarely, as hairy and warty moles (nsevus verrucosus). The latter variety is congenital, while all other warty tumors are acquired, being due to some local irritation. I have seen the so-called venereal warts, on the skin of the back, evidently produced by transmission of the blennorrhagic secretion ; on the chin — conveyed proba- bly by the barber — and on the forehead and eyelids of a child — infected by the nurse. A peculiar feature of these tumors is that they are difficult to eradicate. Sometimes, in advanced age, they change their nature and become cancerous, especially in the face. (11) Adenoma appears almost exclusively in the skin as adenoma of the sebaceous glands. Adenoma of the sudoriparous glands has been described by Verneuil only, and its existence is very doubtful. A variety of acinous adenoma, starting from the lacteal glands, is very common in the appendage THE SKIN. r)85 of tlio skill, tlio fi'iniilc l>r(>iist. In tiiinors svliidi iiri' eitlier sessile or pedieu- latetl — moll use II in srbmTum — the rtit'einose sebaceous f^laiids are sometimes enormously auf^ineiited, while the interposed fibrous conm'etive tissue is con- siderably diminished. The epithelium sometimes undergoes a colloid or waxy degeneration, producing large, shining, homogeneous, even stratified bodies, which were thought to be characteristic of itioUiisviuii ciintai/iosinti. Ci/stic timioYs are secondary formations of adenoma ; they are filled with a serous liquid (serous ci/st), with a viscid, colloid, honey-like liquid (meliccris), with a soft, fatty, offensive paste (sebaceous cyst), or with a half-dry, viscid, slightly rancid mass (derniohl cyst). It is very doubtful whether simple obstruction of a duct of a gland will ever give rise to the formation of a cyst, unless previous new formation of epithelium be present, the secondary changes of which give the characteristic properties to the contents of a cyst. Sebaceous cysts, so-called wens, are of frequent occurrence, most commonly in the skin of the scalp and of the face ; they are sometimes present in a very large number. The sebaceous matter is inspissated and infiltrated vnth lime- salts in cysts termed luilium. (12) Carcinoma, in all its varieties, — Hat, nodular, ])apillary, and plexiform epithelioma, scirrhus, and medullary cancer, — is observed in the skin. It is obvious that terms like "alveolar cancer," " epithelial cancer," "plexiform cancer," "epithelioma," etc., are misnomers, as every cancer is necessarily alveolar, and is an epithelioma. We have no reason to confine the name " epithelioma" to cancers of the skin, as in this tissue all varieties occur. Flat cancer (so-called "rodent ulcer") is usually seen in the skin of the face, never producing exuberant growths ; but by continuous ulceration it penetrates into the deeper parts and gradually destroys all the tissues. It is the least malignant form of carcinoma, and never produces secondary tumors. Nodular cancer (so-called "epithelioma") is of frequent occurrence in the skin, usually starting in localities which have been the seat of a long-con- tinued though slight irritation. Papillary cancer (so-called cauliflower cancer) is rare, and appears whenever an exuberant growth of circumscribed portions of the tumor takes place toward the sui'face. Scirrhus and inedidlary carcinoma may grow on any part of the siu-face of the body, more particu- larly in the female breast. Melanotic carcinoma is rare. In very rapitUy gi'owing carcinoma epithelia do not develop, and the tumor remaining in the stage of the so-called medullary or inflammatory infiltration exhil)its the feat- ures of globo-myeloma. This is especially marked in the rapidly growing so-called lenticular cancer (cancer a cuirasse) of the skin. XV. THE DIGESTIVE TEACT. THE digestive tract is a coutiuuous canal extending from the mouth to the anus, widening into the cavities of the mouth, the pharynx, and the stomach. Its walls are composed of connective tissue, and either striated or smooth muscle-fibers, and lined with epithelium, which is partly stratified and partly arranged in a single layer. The beginning and termination of the digestive tract are under the control of voluntary striped muscles. The flat muscle-layers keep the canal closed, unless solid, liquid, or gaseous material separates its walls and tem- porarily makes the caliber patent. All portions of the canal are in a high degi'ee extensible. The characteristic feature of the mucous membrane covering the whole length of the tract are stratified epithelium in the walls of the mouth, the phar^Tix, the oesophagus, and the lowest portion of the rectum ; flat epithelium in the wall of the stomach, and a single columnar epithelium throughout the intestines. Delicate fibrous, and partly mj^omatous, connective tissue, freely supplied with blood- and l\^nph-vessels, is found in the walls of the oral cavity, forming papillte, which reach their highest development in the mucosa of the tongue ; and are also present in that of the pharynx and oesophagus. Connective tissue also produces the filiform elevations in the small intestine and the projections and folds in the large intestine ; besides all folds occluding the caliber of the canal when in an empty con- dition. The connective tissue surrounds the epithelial prolonga- 77/ 7-; DKIKSTIVK TRACT. 587 tions — /. c, acinous mucous pflands in tlic crtvitv of the mouth, the throat, the (esophaj^us, in the lowest portion of the rectum, and in the walls of the duodenum. It also holds the tubular pepsine-j?lands of the stomach and the tu))idar intestinal j^lauds in the small and largfe intestine. The connective tissue forms, especially in youth, a layer of ]ym{)h-corpusclcs, the so-called '' adenoitl layer" of myxomatous structure, which is permanent in the villosities of the small intestine, and accumulates here in the solitary follicles and the follicular ])atches. The mucosa, in many portions, has a circular and longitudinal layer of smooth muscles of its own ; wliilc the canal is everywhere surrounded Fig. 246. — Lip of a Child. Vertical Section. ^, epidermis ;£, rete niucosuiu : i*/", impIlliB ; 7>, tlerma, with injected blood-vessels .V. striped muscle-fibers. Magnified 200 diameters. by a circular and longitudinal layer of striated or smooth muscle- fibers, with additional oblique layers in the oesophagus and stomach. The loose fibrous connective tissue, which unites the mucosa to the muscle, is termed the suhmucous hii/fr. and con- tains, besides a varving amount of lymph-coi'puscles, larger blood- and lymph-vessels and numerous nerves in plexiform arrangement, holding scattered or grouped ganglionic elements. 588 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. In the abdominal cavity, the outermost hiyer of the digestive tract is formed of connective tissue and lined with endothelia — the peritoneum. The salivary glands, pancreas, and liver — glandular forma- tions which aid in the digestive process — are situated along the tract, and empty their secretions into its cavities. (1) The Oral Cavity. The lips are composed of a dense, inter- lacing fibrous connective tissue, of which the lower portions are connected with numerous striped muscles, and the upper por- tions produce the papillee, sometimes showing bifurcating apices, CF Fig. 247. — Papilla from the Lip of a Child. CE, columnar einthelium, nearest to the connective tissue ; CF, connective tissue, crowded ■with plastids ; ^, arteriole; (.'!', capillary loops ; I', vein. Maffniiied 600 diameters. and arranged in alternating large and small ones. (See Fig. 246.) The capillary reticulum of the large papillae is very dense, and can be traced in direct connection with arterioles and veins. The vermilion color of the lips is due to the large number of capillaries. Within the papillaB the connective tissiie is com- posed of delicate fibers, with comparatively numerous plastids, which usually have the size and appearance of nuclei. (See Fig. 247.) ////•; 1)1(1 EST ivE riiAcr. 589 Tilt' cpitlirliuin is (•(tntiiiiKnis with that of the skin, and is stratitti'd; the surface of the lii)s, liowever, appears smooth, because tlu' epithelial cover does not follow t\\v. curves of the papillary elevations. The sanu' peculiarity is found all over the oral mucosa. The epithelium sends prohmgations into the con- nective tissue forminji: the racemt)se mucous glands, which, on the inner surfaces of the lips, are very large, and visil)le to the naked eye. Similar formations are found in the whole mucosa of the oral cavity. The mucosa of the orl(ii:sTIVK TRACT. 591 row. The funow may divnde the central papilla into two parts, or be very shallow. The secondary papilla* are present on the upper surface of the central jiaiiilla" only. The smooth epithelial investment in the lateral })ortions of the i)ai)illa, and also of its suiToundinjjf wall, contains ])eculiar bud-like f<»rmations(Schwalbe, Loven) — the gusfdtori/ buds. (See Fi^. 'JoO.) The.se are com- posed, at their periphery, of large, iml>ricated, so-called covering epithelia, while in the center of the bud delicate spindle-shaped, so-called gustatory, epithelia are inclosed. Their connection with non-medullated nerve-fibers has not as yet been conclusively proved. The apex of the gustatory bud is marked by a shallow depression. The ledges along the lateral borders of the tongue are called papilUe foUatoe, and are composed of a number of coal- FlG. 250.— ClKCUMTALLATE PaPILLA OF THE TOKGUE OF ^MaX. £, epithelial layer ; G, gustatory bud ; C, connective tissue with injected blood-vessels ; M, macoos glaiid with dact. Hagniiied 150 diameters. esced papillary formations of the mucosa, with interspersed fungiform papillae. In these ledges, which in man are not con- stant formations, gustatory buds have also been found. The ghnidular prolongations of the epithelium, covering the tongue, are simple acinous and racemose mucous glands, similar to those of the mucosa of the oral cavity in general. They are large in the neighborhood of the circum vallate papilla?, and ramify between the superficial muscle-bundles ; some of them empty in 592 THE LIGE STIVE TRACT. the furrow of the cireumvallate papillae. On the anterior portion of the ton^ie mucous glands are found only along the lateral border, which coalesce into a larger group at the apex of the tongue. At the posterior portion of the mucosa of the tongue, where papillae are not present, a varsing number of nodular elevations occur, which are lymph-ganglia, and have been erroneously termed " follicular glands." They are accumulations of hTuph- tissue with numerous follicular formations, and in their centers usually show a longitudinal cleft, in open cf)mmunication with the outer surface of the tongue. Stratified epithelium directly covers the hTnph-ganglion, the papillae being imperfectly developed on the outer periphery' of the ganglion and altogether wanting within the cleft. Sometimes the fibrous connective tissue produces a distinct capsule around the ganglion. Dif- fused layers of lymph-tissue immediately above the muscle of the tongue are also obser%-ed, especially in children. The muscle-fibers of the tongue are of the striped variety; they interlace in different directions and produce a dense felt- work, are attached to the fibrous septum in the longitudinal median line of the tongue, and freely ramify upon approaching the mucous layer, Avith which they blend. The perimysium con- tains a varying number of fat-globides, chiefly in the posterior portions of the tongue. The blood- and lymph-vessels are numerous. The latter, according to Teichmann, produce two plexiform extensions, the upper and finer of which lies close beneath the papillae, receiving the usually single lymph-ramules from the filiform papillae and the plexuses from the fungiform and cireumvallate papillge. Rich plexuses of hTnphatics surround the hanph-ganglia. (3) In the pharynx and cesojyhagns the structure of the mucosa resembles that of the oral cavity — i. e., it has small papilla, not distinctly marked on the epithelial surface. The latter is strati- fied and produces small acinous mucous glands, which are more numerous in the throat than in the oesophagus. In the lower half of the oesophagus they are absent, except in the portion immedi- ately above the cardiac orifice of the stomach (Kolliker). The stratified epithelial investment in the neighborhood of the choanae blends ^vith the ciliated columnar epithelia of the nasal cavities. The lymph-tissue is a widely spread formation in the mucosa of the phar^'nx ; besides, a large amount is stored up in the two lymph-ganglia, the tonsils, which are situated in the niches rill': niGESTivK thact. :m bt'twci'U till' ^i()ss()-j);il;it(.'al ami pharyn^o-palatcul folds. The tonsils vary {greatly in size ; sometimes the lymi)h-follicles which l)uil(l tht'iu up are scanty, at other times iinmerous. Fi-om tin; covering mucosa a numl)er of depi-cssious are formed, simihir to those of the lymph-follicles on tlic l»ase of the tongue. These de])ressions in the tonsil may have several lateral cloii^-ations unitin«>- with a central cleft, the so-called crypts of the tonsil. In the cavities a viscid, cheesy mass is often formed, which is not infrequently the seat of a calcareous deposition. The mass proves njxrn examination to be composed of leptothrix (E. Griin- inji'), a f uufj^ns which is a normal occurrence in all fuiTows of the oral cavity, especially those between the gums and the teeth. In the mucosa covering the tonsils, acinous mucous glands are present. H^i3er})lastic tonsils do not histologically differ from normal lymph-ganglia, with numerous follicles. In various situations in the wall of the pharynx lymph- tissue is found, and on the roof the aggregation of this tissue bears the superfluous name of the pharyngeal tonsil. The a'sophagus in rest appears completely closed by large folds of the mucosa, which is composed of a loose fibrous connective tissue, and admits of a high degree of extension. Along the epithelial cover it shows numerous small papilla?, but which are not marked on the surface of the stratified epithelium. The vas- cular supply is very abundant in the layers, directly below the epithelium, but scanty in the portion near the muscle. The muscle in the upper half or two-thirds of the oesophagus is of the striated variety, composed of at least two layers, an outer longi- tudinal and an inner circular, and in some places near the mucosa a second longitudinal or oblicpie layer is often found. In the oesophagus of the rabbit this is a constant formation. (See Fig. 251.) In the lower portions of the oesophagus a gradual transition of the striated into smooth muscle-fibers takes place. In the pos- terior wall, according to Treitz, the striped muscles extend down more deeply than in the anterior, and bundles of these muscles terminate in tendinous formations, which blend with the external fibrous investment. The mucosa of the oesophagus has also independent bundles of smooth muscle-fibers, which are scanty in its upper portions, but form a continuous layer in the thoracic portion (Toldt). (4) The Htonuich. The mucous layer of the stomach is marked by an abundant glandular apparatus, the so-called gastric tiihules or pepsine glands. This mucosa, owing to its attachment to the 38 594 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. muscle-layers, is capalile of producing- very large folds, which are arranged longitudinally from the cardia to the pylorus, and are least marked in the latter situation. When the stomach is empty, the folds of the mucosa completely occlude the cavity. The covering surface epithelium of the stomach is indis- tinctly stratified; the innermost flat, horny layer and the col- umnar layer are well marked, while the middle layers of cuboidal epithelia are often wanting. The difficulty of obtaining for examination the unchanged gastric mucosa of man is, perhaps, the reason why the presence of flat, horny epithelia has been over- looked. The columnar epithelium gradually loses its character, Fig. 251. — Oesophagus op a Rabbit. Transverse Section. E, horny layer; R, rete mucosum ; C, layer of colunmar epithelia; M, loose connective tissue, with iujecteil blooil-vessels ; T, circular layer of striped muscles, wltli the adjacent oblique and longitudinal layers, L, L i. Magnified 150 diameters. and is transformed into the cuboidal epithelium of the gastric glands. The majority of the gastric glands are of the simple tubular variety, though it often happens that two or more tubules empty into a common tube of larger caliber, opening at the inner surface of the mucosa. In the stomach of man, in the middle portions of the mucosa, branching tubular glands are said to occur (Kolliker). TUK DIUESTIVE TRACT. :m Siicli an a])i)oar}iiu'(' is somotimos produced by tul)ulo8 which run t>l)li(iucly or in a windiufi^ course, whicli in vci'tical sections seem to inoseuhite witli the periK'udieular tubules. The j^astric! glands are linetl with euboidal epitlielium, with interspersed formations of hiritice, ])ale, finely granular ei)ithelia, to the presence of which 1\. Heidenhain and A. Kollet drew attention. The Greek denom- inations >.;iveu to them l)y the last-named ol»server are super- fluous in the face of the fact that the ditference in the appearance of the epithelia is due simply to the process of secretion. The coarsely graiiular, indistinctly nu- cleated, epithelia are for the time being not engaged in the produc- tion of the mucous secretion termed pepsine ; wdiile the large, pale, distinctly nucleated epithe- lia are laden with it. Pepsine consists, in part, at least, of trans- formed living matter of the epi- thelia. By an accumulation of liquid the bioplasson reticulum is at tirst stretched, afterward torn, and large portions of the bioplas- son perish in the formation of pepsine. By the rupture of the cement investment, the secretion is discharged into the caliber of the tubule. As the glandular epi- thelium forms only one layer, the I'lo- -■">- swelled epithelia bound the caliber in the same manner as the ordi- nary euboidal ones, and it is only in a surface section of the tubule that the swelled epithelia appear near the basement layer of the connective tissue, as if covered by coarsely granular euboidal epithelia. These relations are most definitely marked in places where the same tubule is, owing to its winding course, seen in longitudinal and transverse directions. (See Fig. 252.) The secretion of the tubular glands — the gastric juice — owes its acidity to the presence of a small quantity of hydrochloric acid. This reaction is obviously induced through the agency of ^-^ Gastric Glands from THE Stomach of Man. Verti- cal Section. L, tiibuli' iu a lougitiKlinal ; T, tubule in a transverse sectiim, lined by t'uboidal eiiithelia; /', epitlielia laden with pepsine. Maguitied 800 diameters. 596 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. the epithelia themselves, which obtain their material from the alkaline blood. It should be borne in mind that gastric juice is a product of living matter, and as such is beyond the reach of chemical analysis. Chemists have tried in vain, so far, to explain the production of gastric juice by complicated formulae and ingenious calculations. The large number of Greek names given to the artificial products in the chemist's retorts sufficiently proves their want of knowledge in this matter. The solution of the puzzle, why the acid gastric 'F juice does not digest the wall of the stomach itself, has also oc- cu])ied speculative minds to a considerable extent, but no sat- isfactory answer has as yet been obtained. The delicate fibrous connec- tive tissue between the tubular glands forms a basement layer, which furnishes support for the epithelia, and carries the blood- vessels, which are very numer- ous in the mucosa of the stom- ach. The vascular plexus woven around the tuljules is extremely dense, and near the surface of the mucosa composed of wide -'^capillaries. (See Fig. 253.) In transverse sections of the pepsine glands, in which the central cali])ers of the tubules are best marked, the vascular plexus is seen surrounding the tubules, and, if injected with colored gelatine, many of the capillaries appear to be almost in contact with the base of the epithelial wreath. In such sections the relation between the empt}^ and the laden epithelia is also marked ; in the portion nearest the central caliber the latter are partly overlapped by the former. (See Fig. 254.) The tubular formations toward the pylorus have been de- scribed as being mucous glands, without any decided anatomical Fig. 253. — Mucosa OF THE Stomach OP A Eabbit. Vertical Section. F, laj-er of hornj' epitlielia; E, cuboidal epitlielia ; P, epithelia laden with i)ei)8ine. The delicate counective tissue between tlie tubnlar glands containing injected blood- vessels; A, artery: T'T', veins ; M, smooth muscle-layer of the mucosa. Magnified 300 diameters. TUK DKiKSTlVK TIIACT. )U7 proof; here acinous iniicous ])('nr, l)I('ii(liii<^ with those of the tluodemini. The eoniieetive tissue of the luueosa of the stomach, esjjecially in children, is composed hu-f^-ely of the m3^xomatous variety and abundantly su})plied with lymph-corpuscles. Both in the fundus and the pyloric portion of tlie stomach of man lynii)h-tissue appears as follicli's and t>rou])S of follicles, which Ijy mistake have been tenued " k'nticul.ir i;l:in(ls." Their number, however, varies ii;reatly, and in the h^ealities where they exist pepsine glands are not found. The mucosa of the stomach has a nearly continuous layer of smooth muscle-fibers, composed of circular and longitudinal bundles ; the circular fibers send pro- longations between the tul)ular glands. The muscle-layers of the stomach proper are of considerable width, and p principally arranged in two layers — an inner circular and an outer Ion- ^ gitudinal ; the bundles of both being freely interlaced with ololique bundles. The cii'cular layer produces the sphinc- ter-muscle of the pylorus. (5) The Small Intestine. In trans- verse sections of the small intestine the layers constituting its wall appear as follows : fa J the mucosa, producing reduplications above the level of the inner surface, the vilti, and reduplica- tions below the level of the inner siu'- siau^is; p, epitheiia ladeu with pep - ,-,,-.-, •,,•77 7 X7 1 sine; (', couuective tissue between ta,ce, the twomar intestinal gkinas ; (bj the tuimies, containing injected the submucous lai/er, holding circular J^J"^;^^-''^****®^^- Magniiiea 30o diam- and longitudinal layers of smooth muscle-fibers, and a varying amount of lymph-tissue (the so- called adenoid tissue) ; fcj the muscle of the intestine proper, composed of a broad circular and a narrow longitudinal layer of smooth muscle-fibers ; and (d) the covering peritoneum. (See Fig. 2.55.) The villi are reduplications of the mucosa, of a conical or cyl- indrical shape, very long and narrow in portions where the mus- cle of the intestine is contracted; broad and short, on the contrary, where the muscle of the intestine is extended. In the highest degi-ees of distension (by gaseous material) the inner Fig. 254. — Mucosa of the Stomach op a Eabbit. Horizontal Section. E, cuboidal epithelia of tlie tubular 598 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. surface of the mucosa is smooth, and no villi are perceptible. Each villus comprises the following layers: (a) a covering col- umnar epithelium ; (hjmyxoma- fous connect ire tissue, forming the central portion of the \'iUus; in this are imbedded fcj delicate -r Iongitudin((l (Briicke)and^/r/»s- rerse (Moleschott) l)undles of smooth muscle-fibers ; fdj a rich plexus of capillary blood- vessels^ and (e) a central lymph or chyliferous vessel. The epithelium is of the columnar variety, with numer- ous wedges or intercalated for- mations between the conical or cylindrical bodies. These are separated from each other by an envelope of cement-sub- stance, which is traversed by connecting filaments (see page 130, Fig. 44). The cement- substance is well developed on the free surface of the epithe- lia, producing the so-called " basal seam " of authors. This seam consists of a thin and ho- mogeneous layer of cement- substance, studded with a number of short, delicate rods, which are plainly visible only when, by imbi])ition of a liquid, the epithelium is slightly swell- ed. To the presence of these rods Brettauer and Steinach first drew attention, while Koll- iker and Funke considered the vertical striation of the basal seam to be minute pore-canals. According to the difference of conception as to the structure of the seam, some physiologists claim that the finest fat-granules. Fig. 255. — Small Intestine of aDog. Transverse Section. Blood-ves- sels Injected. V, villi; G, tubular intestinal glands; M, longitmlinal muscle-layer of the mucosa; A, lymphatic (adenoid) or submucous laj-er; Ji, circular muscle ot the intestine, cut longitudi- nally; i, longitudinal muscle of the intestine, cut transversely ; P, peritoneum. Magnified 25 diameters. 77/ /•; Did h'sri I a; 77,'. 1 ct. 599 duriii;;: tlu' proci'ss of absorption, arc taken into tlic cpitliclia heticeen the rods, whOe others maintain that the rods themselves take lip tlie t'at-^'ranules. Above the eolunmar epitlielia flat endothelial formations have ])een deseri})ed, constituting the outermost investment of the connective tissue (Watney, Krause, Debove). The manner in wliicii Ii([uids arc taken u[> into the blood- and lympli-vessels of the villus is by the active participation of the columnar e])ithclia (Spina). During absorption, especially shortly after fatty food has been eaten, the interior of the villi and also of Fig. 256. — Villus from the Small Intestine of a Cat, Vertical Section. [Published in 1868.] ^.myxomatous (so-callwl ailcnoid) tissue; in its center the lymph-vessel, bounded by smooth niusclefjbers and filled with fat-granules; F, cleft between the columnar epithelia, in connection with the central lymph- vrssi-l. Majinified 800 diameters. the covering epitheliiun is found to contain a large quantity of fat- granules of different sizes, and the conclusion arrived at by Gruby and Delafond was that the fat-granules were first taken up by the epithelia, which convey them into the interior of the villus. Since that time, most of the physiologists have attempted to explain the absorption of fat from the basal surface of the epi- thelia ; but the whole process is as yet an unsolved puzzle. We 600 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. could understand the penetration of fat-grannies between or into the rods, but how the horny and apparently solid layer of cement- substanee, serving as a base for the imj^lantation of the rods, could be penetrated by fat-granules is not intelligil)le. In 18G8 I published the results of my researches during a whole year (1. c, see page 401). I drew attention to the fact that in specimens of uninjured villi, independently of furrows pro- duced by contraction, the apices look as if split, often giving exit to a mucous mass, or a portion of myxomatous tissue of the vil- lus, and that in true vertical sections of the villi there are gaps seen between the epithelia which are in direct connection "with Fig. 257. — Villus from the Small Intestine of a Guinea-pig. Fresh Specimen. [Published in 1868.] V, vacuole in the columnar epiUiellum ; CV, granular (chloropIij-U?) corpuscle in a vacu- ole; C, granular (cliloroplij'll ?) corpuscles in the myxomatous tissue; B, capillary blood-ves- sel. Magnified 800 diameters. the central lymph-vessel, as proved, especially when both are filled with fat-granules. (See Fig. 256.) Whenever colored liq- uids are injected into the lymphatics of the small intestine (before injecting the blood-vessels), it has long been known that the colored mass escapes through the apices of the villi into the intestinal canal. I have examined the small intestines of sixty- eight guinea-pigs, and found, in a large majority of the villi of TllK DKiKSTlVK TRACT. (JUl those animals, pecnliar prannlar bodies, usually aecuninlatcd al(»ii«i' tlii^ ai)ices, Imt occurring- also in the vacuoles of the epi- thelia, or in fj^oblet-like formations produced by the epithelia. A few ^uinea-pi^s whic^h I examined in New- York exhibited the same fV)nnations — formations that do not occur in the intes- tines of other lierl)ivorous animnls I had examined. These are clusters composed of a pale granular nuiss, containing a num- ber of green or greenish-yellow granules, with a high degree of refraction ; I also found isolated granules of various sizes. (See Fig. 2:,7.) The differences in the number, the color, and appearance of these bodies were found to vary according to the following conditions : Embryos of guinea-pigs, examined a few days before birth, had no coi"puscles in their villi. Newly born guinea-pigs, one to two hours after birth, showed no cor- puscles ; but sixteen to twenty-four houi*s after birth, the animals being fed with oats, the villi showed a number of yellowish-green bodies, with fine gi-anules. All the animals of a more advanced age exhibited the green cor- puscles in the villi. The color was evidently dependent on the vegetable food. After feeding with fresh blades of gi'ass a light chlorophyll-green was seen, and a light, pure yellow color appeared after feeding with the flowers of leontodoH taraxacum ; a dim yellowish-green was observed after a continued administration of vegetables. When the stomach remained filled with food the contents, from the cardia toward the pylorus, showed all shades of gi'een to yellow-green ; this green shade remained for a month or a month and a half after the fresh vegetable diet had been stopped and amylaceous food had been exclusively administered. A light yellow-green color was mainly observed in autumn and after feeding with straw. If blue aniline was mixed with the food the gi-anules assumed a dark bluish-gi-een. After administra- tion of starchj^ food for one and a half to two months, the granules were col- orless and the animals died, e\-idently fi-om starvation ; it was only under these conditions that the stomach was found empty. The granules were largest after feeding with the young leaves of plants, and smallest after administration of dry vegetable food or oats. The age of the animals had no influence upon the color and shape of the granules. In two instances I found such granules in mesenteric ganglia also. Unquestionably the granules are chlorophyll granules, and their coloring matter is chlorophyll ; for it can be extracted with alcohol, and assumes a yellowish -brown color when preserved in chromic acid. Very probably these bodies are vegetable bio- plasson, having left the shell of cellulose. But in what way did they penetrate into the stroma or central lymph-vessel of the villus? In guinea-pigs several houi's old I found villi containing three or four corpuscles in their axes, the uppermost of which was located in a craterif orm depression in the middle of the apex. Not 602 THE DIGESTIVE TRACT. infrequently the central canal contained only a row of these corpuscles, as proved by vertical sections through villi, in speci- mens hardened in a solution of chromic acid. Sometimes in fresh specimens the green bodies wer-e seen, as if incarcerated at the apex in an intra-epithelial canal. By gentle pressure on the covering-glass some of the bodies could be forced out from the apex (see Fig. 258). From these phenomena in the small Fig. 258. — Villus from the S .iall Intestine of a Guinea-pig. Fresh Specimen. [Published in 1868.] C, granular (clUoiopliyll 0 coipiiscle, forced out from tht> interior of the villus; O, such corpuscles filliug the cleft between the columnar epitheliu ; B, caiiillary blood-vessel. Mag uified 800 diametei's. intestine of guinea-pigs, from anatomical facts, and a number of successful experiments in bringing extraneous matters (carmine and aniline granules) into the lymph-vessel of the villus from without, it would follow that the apex of the villus has in its epithelial investment one or two perforations in direct connec- tion with the central lymph- vessel, which serves to take up solid material, mainly fat-granules. J. Nath. Lieberkiihn, in 1745, TllK DUiKSTlVK TJiACT. G03 described ^' ampuUsv '' in the villi, wliicli, by some physiolojifists, were considered to be wideniii«::s of the chylifcrous vessel at the base of the villus. / luii'c ttuith' the presence of such oj)eitini/s cer- iainhf probable^ even though positive proof's of their existence are still wantimj. Alonj; the epithelial investment of the villi «,'()blet-like forma- tions are t)fteu seen, more nnmcrous in animals having an in- creased mucous discharge from the intestine — /. v., diarrhoea. In ISGS I maintained that these formations wei-e the shells of cement- sul)stanee, after the contents — the mucus — had l)een emjjtied out. This theory was contrary to the ideas of some observers, who claimed that the goblets had been artificially produced, or were specific secretory organs. Donders and Kcilliker had, previously to the publication of my views, descril)ed these formations as con- nected "vvitli the secretion of mucus, and this idea proved to be correct. The epithelial investment of the mucosa of the intestine forms tubular glands, the intestinal glands or so-called er/jpts of Lieber- l-iihn, which are located beneath the level of the mucosa, and, being more numercms than the villi, empty by minute openings around the l)ase of the villus. Their lining epithelium is col- unmar, exhibiting the same basal seams as those covering the villi. The intestinal glands are absent in localities where lymph- follicles are imbedded in the mucosa. The mucosa of the duodenum, chiefly in its upper third, holds racemose glands, which are situated below the level of the lower extremities of the intestinal glands ; these are called Brunner's glands, and their secretion is considered to be mucus. In the descending portion of the duodenum they gradually become scantier, and especially so below the openings of the bile-duct. The mucosa of the small intestine is supplied with a doable layer of smooth muscle-fibers, independent of the muscle-layers of the intestine itself. The innermost is circular, running between the tubules and penetrating through vertical prolongations the myxomatous structure of the viUi, where several delicate bundles are formed by it ; the outer muscle-layer is longitudinal, being in most localities decidedly broader than the circidar layer. Transverse sections of portions of the small intestines, hardened by ha^'ing been jjlaced in a solution of chrondc acid immediately after the animal's death, plainly show that where the muscle of the intestine is broad, consequently contracted, and the caliber of the intestine narrow, the \alli are elongated and thread-like or 6(k THE DIGESTIVE TBACT. cylindi'ical in shape ; while, where the muscle is extended, the villi are seen as conical or blunt elevations. The vWli corresponding to the place of attachment of the mesentery are always the smallest, those on the opposite surface the largest. The lobate form of the short conical y\\M is due to the contraction of the bundles of smooth muscle-fibers contained in the myxomatous stroma of the ^'illus. as first intimated by Briicke. In 1868 I con- cluded, therefore, that the shape of the \illi of the intestine is not fixed, but varies between that of a cylinder and that of a cone, depending on the contraction or extension of the intestinal tube, the peristaltic motion thus producing a continuous change. I also concluded that the muscle-layers of the intestine proper are antagonistic in their action to the muscle-layers of the mucosa ; in other words, when the muscle of the intestine is in the highest degi'ee of contraction, the muscles of the villi, being prolongations of the muscle of the mucosa, are extended, and vice versa. An extended \t11us has a smooth surface ; the lobation begins as the villus changes its shape from the cylindrical to the conical. In the extended condition of the ^'iIli, — i. e., when the muscle of the intestine is contracted, — the presumed openings at the apices of the villi are gaping and ready to absorb the fat which is present as an emulsion in the considerably narrowed caliber of the intestine, and reduced to extremely small granules, perhaps, by the me- chanical action of the rods of the basal seam of the epithelia. As soon as the contraction of the muscle of the intestine ceases, the contraction of the muscle of the mucosa sets in, the villi become retracted, and the openings at theii* apices closed. By this proc- ess the absorbed fat will be carried backward into the lymphatic or chyliferous system. Probably there is also an antagonism between the circular and longitudinal layers, both of the mucosa and the intestine. The mucosa of the intestine immediately above the muscle is abundantly supplied with lymph (so-called adenoid) tissue, which produces a continuous layer and is accumulated in the solitaiy follicles and in groups of the aggi-egated follicles — the so-caUed Peyer's patches. E. Briicke first drew attention to the IjTnphatic nature of these formations. The solitary follicles appear to the naked eye as flattened protrusions above the level of the mucosa, or as bare spots, or even as shallow depressions. The columnar epithelium covering the surface of the follicle is shorter than the epithelium covering the villi. Villi are wanting in those parts of the mucosa which are furnished with solitary THE 1)1 (11-: STIVE JltACT. GU.J follicles and ]i!it('hos; the tubular intestinal glands within the tei-ritory of a t'ollicle may be either absent or j)resent oidy in small numbers. In the eontraeted portii wr A Dog. Vertical Section IN THE Longitudinal Axis. JF", colnmnar epithelinm ; A , acinous mucons glands : MM, longitudinal mnscle-layer of the mncosa ; C, submucous fibrous couuective tissue ; MI, circular muscle of the intestine, in transverse section. Magnified 300 diameters. The mucosa of the rectum exhibits reduplications like that of the large intestine, and is, in its lower portions, supplied ^vith a varying number of racemose glands, especially well developed in the rectimi of the dog. (See Fig. 260.) The internal sphincter is constituted by an aggi-egation of the smooth circular muscle- fibers, while the external sphincter is composed of striated mus- Till': DIGESTIVE TRACT. 007 cle-fibers in a ciivuliir and plcxit'orni arrani(i i-:sri i •/•; tk. i ( t. G09 huiu iiiul Jjuvclowsky, tlit'iv arc ^luiuliilar t'onnatiuus of the race- mose variety, such as those foiiiul in the nasal mucosa, wliich are called scrons (/lands, and wliicli produce n watery secre- tion. The parotid gland and the pancreas may alsolic grouped with this variety. Others — the sublingual gland — discharge a mucous, viscid li(juid, while the secretion of the su])maxillary is partly serous and partly mucous. The difference's in the appearance of the glandular epithelia may })e understood when we recall the process of mucous secretion in general. (See page :J29.) Epithelia not participating in the process of secretion are Fig. 261. — Nerve-Plexus of the Small Intestine op a Cat. MP, Mt'issner'.s plexus ; S, submucous fibrous connective tissue ; T, circuliir muscle of the intestine, in transverse section; AP, AueibiK'li's plexus; i, lougituilinal muscle of the iutestine, in longitudinal section. Magnified 8l)() diameters. found, according to R. Heidenhain, immediately beneath the structureless layer, and are termed by him the bordering cells, being the reserve from which epithelia are supplied to take the place of those which were destroyed by the secretion of mucus. Such reserved epithelia are not found in serous glands — for in- stance, in the parotid. Different portions of the submaxillary gland exhibit both varieties of the epithelia, which blend with 39 610 THE 1JIGE:STIVE TRACT. eaeli other. The pancreas has the smallest acmi, and here the epithelia are found coarsely granular, even homogeneous toward the structureless layer. Some observers have erroneously claimed that this gland belongs to the tubular variety. The ducts of all salivary glands are lined by columnar epithelia. The pancreatic duct is provided with acinous mucous glands. The columnar epithelia, in the smaller ducts chiefly, show a delicate longitudinal striation, which is most distinctly marked in the portion of the epithelium nearest the structureless layer. The significance of this striation will be dwelt upon in the article by H. B. Millard, treating of the epithelia of the kidney. In the tubules of the ducts inosculating with the acini, the epithelial hning shows slight differences in different salivary glands. Saliva, transfeired to the slide in a perfectly fresh condition, and covered with a thin covering-glass, is an excellent specimen for the study of bioplasson bodies. Besides flat epithelia from the oral cavity and a varj"ing number of leptothrix, we find the salivary corpuscles — i. e., the former tenants of gland- ular epithelia. These are nucleated plastids exhibiting the reticular struct- ure and amceboid movements, at usually the ordinary temperature of the room. To study the form changes, it is ad^•isable to sketch on paper, from the beginning of the investigation. Large, swelled corpuscles, with pale, vesic- ular nuclei, may also be found, containing granules which, being the remnants of the torn reticulum, are in an active so-called •' molecular " motion. The nimiber of such hydropic corpuscles increases with the duration of the obser- vation under the microscope. At last both the active and hydropic corpuscles burst, and masses of detritus or clusters of granules result. The nuclei of the flat oral epithelia also exhibit the reticular bioplasson structure, and are obviously endowed with vitality, which endures for some time after the horny change of the rest of the epithelium has taken place (Strieker). In thrush (see page 44), the whitish patches consist of an aggregation of leptothrix, oidia, and scanty-chambered mycelia ; in short, the constituent elements of mildew. In catarrhal stomatitis, the number of salivary corpuscles is considerably augmented, and the amount of the bioplasson they contain increased, as shown by their coarser gi-anulation. Such corpuscles attain all the appear- ances of pus-corpuscles, and may be so termed. Stringy threads of mucus are also found in even slight degrees of inflammation of the mucosa, caused by mucous transformation of bioplasson before its ejection from the epithelia, and coalescence of a number of mucous globules. A small amount of blood is usually found intermixed. Jn croupous inflammatio)i, the grajnsh white, so-called "pseudo-membran- ous " formations covering the swelled and considerably hyperaemie mucosa, consist of a fibrinous exudation, which under the microscope appears as a felt-work of sometimes narrow, sometimes broad, granular fibrils. (Repre- sented on page 516, Fig. 212.) In the meshes of this irregular felt-work scanty bioplasson bodies are found, which may be considered either as nuclei of former epithelia, destroyed in the production of the croupous exudate, or as Tin-: DIGESTIVE TRACT. {\\l euii'^ratiHl colorless blood-corpusdos (so-called " leucocytes "). The deter- mimitiou as to the particular source of these corpuscles, in the present condi- tion of our knowledge, is iinj)()ssilile. The (Uphtheritic ('xiidation is of exactly the same character as the croupous ; its nature is detorininod by its deep site in the tissue of the mucosa, and is often recognizable under the microscope by the presence of isolated globular clusters of lymphatic (adenoid) tissue, from which putrefaction starts. The globular nests filled with micrococci originate from such clusters of lymphatic tissue. XVI. THE TEETH. EVERY tooth in the socket of the jaw is in close connection with the surrounding structures and is composed of living tissues. Morbid processes, especially caries, produce more or less painful sensations in the tooth, even before the pulp-ca\dty has been invaded. The cutting with dental instruments of healthy portions of the tooth is an unpleasant and even painful process to the patient, and especially so at the boundary between the enamel and the dentine, and in the neck of the tooth. For- eign bodies, such as fillings of any description, if brought in contact with dental tissues, set up an inflammatory condition, resulting in the so-called ''consolidation" of dentine — a process which, a century ago, was observed by Gothe in the dentine of the elephant's tusk after a bullet had been accidentally driven into this tissue. The sensation called " putting the teeth on edge," caused by eating sour fruits, is another proof of the pres- ence of life in the tooth. All former observers, however, — though some of them have maintained the presence of nerves in the dentine, — failed in demonstrating the liA-ing matter in its most intricate distribution, partly omng to the faulty method applied for microscopic research, and partly to the lack of knowledge in the arrangement of living matter in other and kindred tissues of the body. Dry specimens, formerly resorted to, are only mum- mies in which a frame of lime-salts is left, but the soft parts — the seats of life — have disappeared. Oiu* present knowledge of the minute anatomy of the teeth, as displayed in the following arti- cles, is largely due to the improved methods applied for research. TIIK TEETH. 013 Dentine, Cement, and Enamel. By C. F. W. B»)deckek, D. I). S., M. I). S.* Methodt. The best method for preparation of bone-tissue for microscopical purposes is doubtless the treatment witli chromic iicid sf)hiti()n of tlie streii^i^th of II half to one per cent. The same treatment has repeatedly been resorted to by different investigators of tooth-substance. I have used this solution extensively for this purpose, with precautions suggested by the experience on bone. These are : to immerse only a few teeth in a large vessel with a con- siderable amoimt of chromic acid solution ; to renew the same every third or fom-th day, and add, to enforce the action of the fluid, very small quantities of dilute hydrochloric acid. By this treatment the teeth, after a few months, become dark gi'een from the reduction of the chromic acid to the sesquioxide of chromium. This method is doubtless the best for softening teeth, although the chi'omic acid softens the cement and dentine only to a certain depth, so that a tooth kept in the chromic acid solution never is fit to be cut through in its whole substance at one time. The sections so obtained are ready for staining ^vith carmine or ha?raatoxylon, and after they have been immersed in and washed with distilled water, also for staining with chloride of gold. The gi-eatest objection to the chromic acid treatment is that enamel never can be obtained in connection with the dentine. If hydrochloric acid has lieen used, in addition to the chromic acid solution, the enamel is almost completely dissolved. If chromic acid alone has been used, the enamel becomes so brittle that it crumbles into small particles imder the knife. Lactic acid acts upon teeth, if diluted sufficiently, by dissolving the lime- salts much faster than chromic acid. Specimens prepared in this way, how- ever, in my experience, are not distinct enough for study with high powers. The only method which enabled me to obtain specimens of teeth provided with all hard tissues is the following : A fresh tooth, or one kept a short time in chromic acid solution, is sliced under water by a watch-spring saw, and groimd as thin as possible upon a corundum-wheel of a lathe, always being kept under water. The lamella thus obtained should be placed in a large quantity of chromic acid solution, of the strength of half of one per cent., for one or two days, with the Anew of hardening the soft parts of the tooth and dissolving the lime-salts. After this the specimen may be stained with car- mine, haematoxylon, chloride of gold, etc., as above described, and mounted in dilute glycerine. The saturated solution of picric acid in water may also be used for the decalcification of a gi-ound slice of a tooth. Dentine. We know that the basis-substance or matrix of the dentine is analogous to that of bone, \'iz. : glue-yiekling, and at the same time infiltrated with lime-salts. We learned from the researches of E. Neumann that the basis-substance is denser on the walls of the tubuli, and more resistant to the action of strong acids, which cause the appearance of a sheath around each tubule after the solution of the intermediate substance of the mati'ix between the tubuli. With low powers we cannot see in the dentine anything but the tubul;, which I propose to term hereafter dentinal canaliculi. These, as is well known, run in curved sigmoidal lines from the boundary of the pulp-ca\'ity to the periphery of the dentine ; they are directed obliquely upward in the crown, and assume a more horizontal direction in the region of the neck, while in the -* Extracted from tlie author's essay, "The Distriltutiou of Living Matter in Hiiiuan Den- tine, Cement, and Enamel." The Dental Cosmos. Pliiladelphia, 1878 and 1879. 614 THE TEETH. root they remain horizontal or sometimes turn downward to a varying extent. Besides the main sigmoidal ciu-vature, each individual canaliculus exhibits a more or less wavy course in its way through the dentine, and the individual curvatures are, as a rule, very marked on the outer periphery of the dentine. The dentinal canaliculi reach the outer surface of the dentine only on the circumference, which is covered by enamel, while on the periphery coated by cementum, including also the neck, the canaliculi terminate before reaching the eementum, and are replaced by a fine, granular basis-substance greatly varying in its width. The distribvition of the dentinal canaliculi is in the great majority of teeth uniform throughout the dentine, although exception- ally I have met with specimens of dentine in which there were smaller or larger territories devoid of dentinal canaliculi, which latter look as if arranged in bundles or groups within the basis-substance. Each canaliculus contains a dentinal fiber. Longitudinal sections of den- tine, stained with carmine or chloride of gold, if examined with high powers — from 1000 to 1500 diameters (immersion lenses) — exhibit the following : The canaliculi of the dentine run in a more or less wavy course through the basis-substance, and are, as a rule, bifurcated only on the periphery of the dentine, both toward enamel and eementum. Each canaliculus contains a central, slightly beaded fiber, which on its whole periphery sends delicate, thorn-like elongations through the light space between the central fiber and the wall of the canaliculus. The thorns are distinctly conical, their bases being attached to the dentinal fibers, and their points directed toward the basis-substance. The smallest thorns spring in an almost vertical direction from the dentinal fiber, while somewhat larger offshoots may run obliquely through the basis-substance, and directly unite neighboi"iug fibers with each other in the vicinity of the enamel and eementum. The basis-substance shows a distinct net-like structure. The light spaces surrounding the dentinal fibers send delicate elongations into the basis-sub- stance, in which, through repeated branching, a light net-work is established, the meshes of which contain the decalcified, glue-yielding basis-substance. The finest offshoots of the dentinal fibers can be traced only into the mouths of the elongations of the canaliculi ; on the periphery of the latter, owing to their great delicacy, the offshoots are lost to sight. Coarser offshoots of the dentinal fibers, at the localities mentioned before, traverse the basis-substance within its light net-work, at the same time uniting dentinal fibers directly, and sending slender conical offshoots into the light net-work of the basis- substance. (See Fig. 262.) The dentinal fibers are either in direct connection with coarser offshoots of the bioplasson bodies of the eementum, or the light net-work of the basis- substance of the dentine is in communication with that of the basis-substance of the eementum. The latter condition prevails on the periphery of the neck of the tooth, where the basis-substance of the dentine is not pierced by larger offshoots of the dentinal fibers, but only by a delicate net-work, through which the connection between dentine and eementum is indii-ectly established. In cross-sections of dentine the dentinal canaliculi are visible in the shape of round or oblong holes ; the center of each is occupied by the dentinal fiber, which has the shape of a small, roundish dot. Again we see that the per- iphery of the dentinal eanaliciilus is sharply marked, and repeatedly inter- THE TEKTll. 615 rujitod, by \\^\\t lines k'iuliiiasis-substance between the ciuiiiliculi. Tlio ceiitnil fibers look very distinct and dark violet in speciniens staine.\ i,v Dextixe ixto Cement, with ax Ixter- MEDiATE Layer op Cemekt-structure. Z>, dentine; F, bilureating tlentine-fibers, in union with elongated cement-corpuscles, C; these are imbedded in a basis-substance blendinir witli that of dentine. The regular cementnm is characteiized bj- branching corimscles, C*. Maguitied 1200 diameters. that part of the eementum which surrounds the neck. Near the periphery of the dentine biftircations of the eanaliculi — and consequently also of their tenants, the dentinal fibers — take place, some of the finest terminations of which run to the boundary between the dentine and eementum. As a rule, the finest terminations of these fibers are lost to sight in a net-work somewhat coarser than that of the basis-substance of ordinary dentine. Sometimes the 620 THE TEETH. dentinal canaliculi, when approaching the periphery, become slightly dilated, so as to produce slender, pear-shaped cavities, in accordance with which the terminating dentinal fibers exhibit slight enlargements. The boundary between dentine and cementum presents a wavy line, traversed by delicate threads, or occupied by spindle-shaped bioplasson for- mations, all of which are in union with direct or indirect elongations of the dentinal fibers. The cementum around the neck forms a narrow layer, which is cut off obliquely at the place of junction with the enamel. Both the cementum and enamel in this situation — being of the same width — are separated by a boundary which runs from the outer periphery obliquely downward to the dentine. This relation I found in the majority of teeth, and it is only exceptionally that I have met with cementum overlapping the enamel. The cementum on the neck is built up by delicate prisms, or spindles, arranged I>F DP Fig. 2G6.— Anomalous Formation of Cementum ox the Neck op a Human Tooth. D, dentine ; N, cementum on neck of tootli, with spindle-sliapea or prismatic fields of basis-substance ; DP, depression in tlie cementum of the neck, filled with elements of peri- cementum, P, surrounded upward by a zone of rejrularlj' developeil cementum, Cc. Magnified 1200 diameters. vertically to the surface of the dentine. The prisms represent the fields of the basis-substance, and are separated from each other by light rims, holding beaded fibers, or traversed by delicate vertical threads. In transverse sec- tions, when the prisms are cut obliquely, they exhibit irregular, opaque fields, separated from each other by light rims. The cementum on the neck of the tooth is devoid of lamellse and lacunae, which appear deeper below, together with all the characteristic features of the fully developed structure of the cementum. The lamella} become the 77/ A' TKKTII. 621 ER E F Fig 267.— Longitudinal Sec- tion OF Enamel. ER, enanicl-rods, traverstMl by pre- vailiug vertical spaces; EF, euamel- fibers, braiicliiiiK and partly unitiuK by delicate otlshoots. MaKiiilii'd 1200 diameteis. more distiiu't, and the lacuna', with their contents (the cement-corpuscles), the more numerous, the broader the diameter of the layer of the cementum. The outer surface of the cementum is covered on its upper part with a narrow layer of connective tissue and with epithelial elements, in close resemblance with those of Nasmyth's layer of the enamel. This layer turns over into the epithelial coat of the fjum. I have met once with strikinj^ formations on the neck of a tooth. The ordimirv cement of the neck is interrupted by ^n'ooves or yiits containing the elements of pericementimi. The inner per- iphery of the pit is coN'ered with a well- developed, evidently isolated, formation of cementum. The island of the cemen- tum is broadest above the bottom of the pit, and slopes down along the walls of the pit until it is lost within the layer of the cementum of the neck. (See Fig. 266.) Euamel. Up to this time the impression of most examiners has been that the enamel is built up by bundles of rods or prisms, crossing each other, and traversed by faint vertical lines, which give each of them the appearance of a column sub- divided into small squares. The enamel- rods doubtless exist, and are wa\'y close to the dentine, and straight on the periphery and the main mass of the enamel. They may be considered as columns of a calcified substance, between which minute spaces are left, analogous to the cement-substance of epithelial for- mations. In longitudinal sections we see delicate beaded fibers, which occupy the central portion of the interstices between the enamel-rods. These fibers I propose to term the ''enamel-fibers." From such a fiber arise very minute conical fibrilla?, which traverse the rims between the fiber and the neighbor- ing outlines of the rods, and fade away from the moment they enter the latter. The columns of the basis-substauee themselves are pierced by deli- cate canaliculi, running in an almost vertical direction through the enamel- rods, regularly enough to give the appearance of squares, although these are much smaller than usually represented. In the middle of a minute square light canals are seen, not infrequently running parallel with the outlines of the enamel-rod. The square fields thus produced by the rectangular crossing of light channels look, imder the power of 1200 diameters, finely granular. In specimens not fully decalcified it is impossible to decide whether there is a light net-work within the enamel prisms analogous to that in the basis- substance of the dentine and cementum, or whether the granidar appearance is merely due to the depositions of lime-salts. CSee Fig. 267.) Cross-sections of the enamel, which we obtain also in longitudinal sections of the tooth, on account of the different directions of the bundles of the enamel-rods, plainly exhibit the irregular polyhedral fields of the enamel- rods. The light interstices between the polyhedral fields contain in many instances delicate beaded fibers surrounding the polyhedral fields of the enamel-rods. The fibers, if cut transversely, have the appearance of dots, and connect with each other directly or by means of intervening delicate 622 THE TEETH. threads. Extremely fine tliovns traverse in a vertical direction the light space between two neighborijig enamel-rods, even where a fiber is not visible. (See Fig. 2GS.) The rods of the enamel, on an average, are lialf the diameter of the col- umns of the basis-substance in dentine ; therefore four columns of the former will correspond to two of the latter. Sometimes in the cross-section of an enamel-rod I met with roundish formations occupying the center of the rod, one or two in number, which, owing to a denser gi-anulation and a surround- ing shell, have the appearance of nuclei. The enamel-fibers run a very straight course toward the siu'face, and are here usually a trifle thicker than near the boundary of the dentine. The outermost surface of the enamel is covered by flat epithelia (Nas- myth's laembrane), which, in the transverse section, have the appearance of flat spindles ; not infrequently there also . i,„ occurs a stratified epithelium on the surface of the tooth. The enamel-fibers are in con- nection with these epithelial bodies, which, if detached, show delicate offshoots adhering at regular intervals — the broken enamel- fibers. Sometimes the surface of the enamel -c/ -c 3*^ ,<-« fn x.m'ssjk^vy jg coated by a thin, uniform layer, with regu- larly scattered nuclei. At the place of junction of the enamel Fig. 268.— Cross-Section of with the dentine a direct connection is often Enamel. seen between the enamel and dentine fibers. £i?,r.,ds of enamel, partly exl.ibit- ^he latter, through repeated bifurcations, ing formations like nuclei; the light being closely brought together, continue interstices between tlie roils traversed their course into the enamel-fibers without by delicate beaded libers, EF, or bv ■ ■ j. j.- rm ,t .„,+;„ „* ii,„ ^i „ ^. , ., -. .„' '„„ ,. any interruption. The direction ot the fibers vertical thorns. Magnified 2000 di- * ^ ameters. of the two tissues, however, is almost never identical, inasmuch as the enamel-rods, and consequently the enamel-fibers, as a rule, owing to their wavy course in this situation, are obliquely intercepted upon the dentine. We can very often trace dentinal fibers up into the enamel in a varying distance, without a distinct union between the enamel and dentine-fibers, as the former do not reach the surface of the dentine, but terminate above its level at different heights, while the zone close above this is occupied by a delicate, iiTegular net-work analogous to that of the dentine. (See Fig 269.) In many places the dentinal canaliculi upon entering the enamel suddenly become enlarged, and form more or less distinctly spindle-shaped cavities of greatly varying diameters, analogous to the spindle-shaped enlargements at the boundary of the cementum. These enlargements run either in the main direction of the dentinal canaliculi or deviate obliquely. They invariably con- tain bioplasson bodies, wliich plainly show the reticular structure, and some- times contain one or more compact clusters to be considered as nuclei. The spindle-shaped bodies, on their proximate ends, are in direct connection with the terminations of the dentinal fibers which have arisen from their repeated bifurcations, while on the distal end they may show delicate fibers — viz. : enamel-fibers — or delicate conical thorns traversing the light space between the sm'face of the bioplasson body and the wall of the cavity. These thorns are lost to sight on passing into the net-work at the bottom of the enamel. THE TKKTU. 623 III some places, especially on tlie cusps, the spiinllr-sliai)e(l eiilarf^ements of the (leutine-fibers are quite numerous, and of an almost uniform size and direction, formiufj regular rows of sjjindles within the enamel. In the teeth of younger individuals tlie spindle-shaped enlar}70.) In specimens stained with chloride of /; E E F- FiCi. 201). — UXIUX UF DeXTIXE with ENAilEL. /), dentine; ^.enamel; OF, dentinal fibers, beln;? in union with large bioplasson bodies, P, or directlj- running into enamel-fibers, KF ; the latter often are lost in the delicate, irrega- lar net-work ou tlie bottom of the enamel. Magnifieil 1200 diameters. gold the dentine is always much deeper in color than the enamel, hence the relations described are very plainly marked on such specimens. Results. The details described make it evident that we shall have to mod- ify considerably the views heretofore maintained on the structure of the teeth. Since we have known the structure of "protoplasm," and that of basis-substance of connective tissue, by the researches of C. Heitzmann, we are accustomed to look for the distribution of the living matter not only in the plastids (the formerly so-called cells), but also in the basis-substance, which formerly was thought to be devoid of life. The structure of the tooth closely resembles that of bone. We know that the basis-substance of bone is traversed everywhere by a net-work of living 624 THE TEETH. matter, in the shape of beaded fibers, where they form larger offshoots of the plastids. Similar features are also present in the tissues of the tooth. (1) The dentinal canaUcuU are excavatious in the baf>is-substance of the den- tine, each containinf/ in its center a fiber of living matter. Besides the dentinal canaliculi, there exists an extremely delicate net-work within the basia-snbutance of the dentine, into which innumerable offshootn of the dentinal fibers pass. Although tee cannot trace the living matter throughout the whole net-work in the basis-substance, we are justified in assuming that not only the dentinal canal- iculi, but the whole basis-substance of the dentine, is also pierced by a delicate net-work of living matter. The living matter of the dentine is in direct union with that of the bio- plasson bodies of the pulp, of the cementum, and of the enamel. (2) The cementum, as well as ^J" ordinary bone, is provided with la- cunas and canaliculi. The lacunce contain nucleated plastids, and the canaliculi hold offshoots of the liv- ing matter of the plastids. The whole basis-substance of the cemen- tum is traversed by a delicate net- work, which in all probability con- tains living matter, though this is traceable only in its thorn-like pro- jections from the periphery of the plastids and their larger offshoots. The living matter of the cementum is uninterruptedly connected with that of the pericementum, and con- tinuous with the living matter of the dentine, either through inter- vening hioplasson bodies in the in- terzonal layer, or directly with the dentinal fibers. (3) The cementum covering the neck of the tooth is devoid of lamclke and plastids. It is built up by directly ossified osteoblasts of the pericementum, presenting their prismatic shapes, and everywhere traversed by a net-work of living matter. This is in connection with the pericementum, and with the dentine mainly through the intervening net-work in the basis-substance of the latter. (4) The enamel is traversed by fibers of living matter located in the inter- stices between the enamel-rods. The fibers are connected icith each other by delicate fibrillee, jtiercing the enamel-rods in a vertical direction. The enamel-fibers send conical thorns toward the enamel-rods, and such thorns are visible in all interstices between the enamel-rods. The enamel fibers are continuous on the outer surface with the covering layer of fiat epitltelia, and on the inner surface with the dentinal fibers. The latter connection is either direct or indirect through a net-work of living matter, or through intervening hioplasson bodies in the interzonal layer. History. It is not my intention to traverse the entire history of micro- scopical studies regarding the struetui-e of teeth. I propose to quote only DT Fig. 270. — Union of Enamel. Dentine with />, dentine; -E, enamel; P, bioplasson formations at the bounilaiy between both tissues, in union ■with enamel-tibers, HF, and witli dentine-fibers, DF. Magnified 1'2()0 diameters. Tin-: 1 1-: Kill. 625 from ri'jiresi'iitative wntrrs on odoiitoloj^y, in onler to show liow the present theories on this siil>jeet Inive V)een ffradually developed. I qnote from John Hunter*: "Enamel has no marks of being vascular, arid of having a cireulation of fluids ; it takes no tinge from feeding with madder, even in the youngest animals. This looks as if the enamel were the earth more fully depurated, or strained off from the common juices in such a manner as not to allow the gross particles of madder to pass. The other substance of which a tooth is composed is bony, but much harder than the most compact part of bones in general." Joseph Fox t says : " The enamel, wlien broken, appears to be composed of a great numV)er of small fibers, all of which are so arranged as to pass in a direction from the center to the circumference of the tooth, or to form a sort of radii round the body of the tooth. This is the crystallized form it acquires some time after its deposit. The structure of the teeth is similar to that of any other bone, and differs only in having a covering, which is called enamel, for the exposed surface, and in the bony part being more dense." Thomas BellJ maintains: " There are two distinct substances which enter into the composition of the teeth, essentially differing from each other in structure as well as in chemical composition ; the one being organized, the other crystalline. The first, of which the mass of the tooth consists, is true bone ; the second, from its appearance, is called enamel." Alexander Nasmyth $ on cementum says : " The cortical substance is always found on the peripheral part of the tooth, forming a layer of investment around it, and lying in close apposition with the enamel or ivory. The cortical sub- stance has no organic connection with the enamel or ivory against which it lies, and, being softer than both, is easily detached by means of a knife. In its intimate structure it presents the characteristic corpuscles and canals of bone, the latter being filled with ossific matter, but otherwise resembling Haversian canals. In structiu'e, cnatinl is composed of cells which are arranged in regular rows, forming composite fibers placed at nearly right angles to the surface of the ivory, the original nuclei of the cells not being persistent. Dentine. It has long been known that the teeth are composed of two essential chemical constituents, namely, earthy salts and animal matter. From Dr. Thomson's analysis it appears that the quantity of animal matter is very considerable, and it is evident that it is contained chiefly in the fibers, or, as they have been termed, the tubes of the ivory. It was quite evident to me, from the examination of preparations, that the so-called tube was in reality a solid fiber, composed of a series of little masses succeeding each other in a lineao* direction, like so many beads collected on a string." Richard Owen, || in describing the structure of dentine, says : " The compartments of the basal substance, which I have called ' ealeigerous,' or ' dentinal cells,' and which contain the hardening salts in their densest state, are sub-circular or sub-hexagonal. The ealeigerous and nutrient tubes, varying fi-om l-10,000th to 1-20, 000th of an inch in diameter, are placed with intervals equal to from two to six of their own diameters. They are nearly parallel to one another, both in their general course and curvatures, ' "The Natural History of the Hiiman Teeth," etc., 1778. t "The Natural History ami Diseases of the Hiiiiian Teetli," 1814. t " Anatomy, Physiolojry, ami Diseases of the Teeth," 1831. i " Researches on the Development, .Structure, and Diseases of the Teeth," 1849. II " Oilontography," 1840-45 (vol. i., pp. 302, 303, and 304). 40 626 THE TEETH. but as the outer surface of the tooth exceeds the inner one in extent, the tubes slightly diverge in their course and divide, decreasing in diameter to their peripheral extremities, and rapidly so near their terniinatioiis, where they become irregularly flexuous and often interlaced. The dichotomizing ealeigerous tubes send off from their sides much more minute branches, which quickly divide and subdivide in the interspaces of the trunks and penetrate the dentinal cells. The cciiioit, which, with the dentine, is present in all teeth of mammalian animals, is cliaracterized, except where it forms an extremely thin layer, by the radiated ealeigerous cells, usually arraiiged in lines or layers parallel with the surface of the cemental coat, and with each other. The enantcl consists of more or less curved or wavy prismatic fibers, averaging about l-4000th of an inch in diameter, and transversely striated." John Tomes * says of enamel : " The organic matter said not to belong to the class of gelatinous tissues, but to be closely similar to epithelium in its chemical relations, is stated not to exist between, but in the substance of the prisms (Hoppe-Seyler). The enamel- is made up of parallel fibers, which lie in close contact with one another, no intervening substance being demonstrable." On dentine : " In the crown of the tooth the dentinal tubes terminate by forming loops, or become too minute to be traced, or pass into the enamel and become lost. In teeth the dentine of which is imperfectly developed, the terminal branches are lost among, or end in, the minute cavi- ties which abound iu the layer at or near the peripheral surface of the dentine. Near the neck they stoj) short of the cementum, liut toward the end of the root they not uncommonly pass into the cementum and connect themselves with the lacimse. By the extension of the dentinal tubes into the enamel and into the cementum, a connection is formed more intimate than mere superposi- tion and adhesion of the one to the other would have established. In prepara- tions in which we are fortunate enough to retain a portion of the pulp with the dentine, it may readily be seen that the soft fibrils are processes of the cells known as 'odontoblasts,' which constitute the peculiar layer called the membrana eboris. It is absolutely certain that no structures other than nerves have the power of conducting sentient imjiressions, and hence it is not quite necessary to assume that the dentinal fibers are actual nerves before allowing them the power of communicating sensation. The greater degree of sensitiveness observable in the dentine immediately below the enamel — that is, at the point of ultimate distribution of the dentinal tubes, and conse- quently of their contents — may be fully accounted for on the supposition that the latter are organs of sensation, the highest sensibility of which is confined to their branches." On cementum : "The canaliculi of neighboring lacunas anastomose freely with each other, and establish a net-work of com- munication throughout the whole body of the cementum, and occasionally Vjecome connected with the terminal branches of the dentinal tubuli. It is to the description of primary bone that the cementum of the teeth is most closely allied, and from that it is difficult to point out any distinguishing structural character." Charles S. Tomes t maintains of enamel: "In perfectly healthy human enamel the fibrillar arrangement is not so verj^ strongly marked; the fibers are solid, are in absolute contact with one another, and have no demonstrable intervening or uniting substance, or else inter-spaces would be left, which is * "System of Dental Surjiery," 1873. t " Manual of Dfutal Anatomy," 187G. THE ri'.i'/ni. 627 not found to be the case. In man, dcntinul tubes may occasionally be seen to enter the enamel, passing across the boundary between the two tissues, and pursnin}; tiieir course witiiout ])ein{^ lost in irre<;ular cavities." On dnttbie : '■ lOacdi dentiiuil tube runs outward in a direction f^enerally perpeiulicular to the surface toward the peripliery of the dentine, wiiich, liowever, it does not reach, as it becomes suniller, and breaks u]> into l)ranches at a little distance beneath the surface of th(> dentine. The tubes have definite walls, and are not simple channels in the matrix. These walls are composed of something singularly indestructible. Indeed, the walls of the dentinal tulies are so indestructible that they may be demonstrated in fossil teeth, in teeth boiled in caustic alkalies, or in teeth wliieh have been allowed to putrefy. Similarly indestructible tissues are, however, to be met with suiTOunding the Haversian canals and the lacunae of boue. Each canal is occupied by a soft fibril, which is continuous with the odontoblast cells upon the surface of the pulp ; the existence of these soft fibers was first demonstrated by my father. In the dentine, then, we have (1) a matrix permeated by tubes; (2) special walls of these tubes, or dentinal sheaths ; and (3) soft fibrils contained in these tubes, or dentinal fibers. . . . Owing to their breaking up into minute branches, some of the tubes become lost as they approach the surface of the dentine, and apparently end in fine-pointed extremities. Some terminate by anasto- mosing mth terminal branches of others, forming loops near to the surface of the dentine ; others terminate far beneath the surface in a similar way. Some tubes pass into the small, interglobular spaces which constitute the ' granular layer ' described by my father, while others again pass out alto- gether beyond the boundary of the dentine and anastomose with the canali- culi of the lacuna; of the cementum. The enamel also may be penetrated liy the dentinal tubes, though this, when occurring in the human subject, must be regarded as exceptional and almost pathological in its nature. Of the real nature of the dentinal fibrils some doubts are entertained, . . . Nerves, in the ordinary sense of the word, they are not, and have never been supposed to be. . . . The cemcntmn, in my opinion, is present in a rudimentary condi- tion upon the teeth of man, etc., as Nasmyth's membrane. It consists of a calcified matrix or basal substance, to a slight extent laminated, and lacuna?. Many of the lacuna? in cementum are connected, by means of their canaliculi, with the terminations in the dentinal tubes ; they, by the same means, fi'eely intercommunicate with one another. In the fresh condition it appears prob- able that the lacuna? are filled up by soft matrix." Carl Wedl * says : "Isolation of the enamel-fibers may easily be effected by means of dilute hydrochloric acid. The fibers, becoming swollen and varicose, present on the depressed portions an apparent transverse striation, and between the opi)osing contiguous portions narrow, fissure-like intervals re- main, which have given rise to the view entertained by some investigators that canals are found in the enamel. The junction of the enamel with the dentine is effected by a transparent, irregular, wavy boundary layer, which in some parts is encroached upon by separate dentinal canals, and in othei-s by elongated, cleft-like cavities, of irregular shapes and different dimensions. Into these cavities, which are mostly filled with opaque, amorphous, calcare- ous masses, one or another of the dentinal canals frequently enters. The cement has an organic connection with the periosteum of the root or root- membrane. Sometimes the canaliculi radiate from the bone-corpuscles in * " Piitliolofry of the Teetli," 1872. 628 THE TEETH. parallel rows, and extend a considerable distance without forming a net-work. The dentine and cement are connected together by means of a layer composed of an agglomeration of transparent globules, of varying degrees of thick- ness. The spaces intervening between the latter (interglobular spaces) are irregularly notched, and frequently in very close proximity to one another ; they are filled with an opaque, granular, calcareous substance, and very often are in direct connection on one side with dentinal canals, and on the other side with the bone-corpuscles of the cement. Sometimes this inter- mediate layer is verj' finely granular, and the spaces between the grains are exceedingly small. The cement proper commences outsiile of this layer, and its canaliculi rarely come into direct connection with the dentinal canals." From W. Waldeyer ' I quote : " The chief components of dentins are a very firm matrix, analogous to compact bony tissue, and extremely fine, frequently branched, fibers, — the dentinal fibers of Tomes and Kolliker, — which occupy fine canals, the dentinal canals traversing the matrix. The dentinal fibers are enormously elongated ftrocesses of the so-called dentinal cells, or cells of the dentinal pulp (odontoblasts). The dentinal fibers constitute the soft parts of the dentine. They do not lie in direct contact with the hard matrix, but are invested by a sheath, — the dentinal sheath of E. Neumann, — which is intimately connected with the matrix. As a general rule, each tube extends from the pulp-ca\ity to the enamel or cement, gi\dng off, in its course, numerous delicate, transverse branches. By means of these transverse branches both the tubes and their contents — the dentinal fibers — anasto- mose with each other. In regard to the mode of peripheric termination of the dentinal tubuli, no positive conclusion can be drawn. It is not easy to decide whether the fibers are present in the finest peripheric ramifications of the tubules. A direct passage of the dentinal tubuli into the enamel does not occur." On enamel : " It consists of rather elongated prisms, about three to five mm. long, which are called enamel-fibers, or enamel-prisms. The dark, transverse striae and slight varicosities, which, especially after the addition of verj' dilute hydrochloric acid, occur at regular distances from one another in the isolated prisms of enamel, are very remarkable. If the treatment with hydrochloric acid be continued for some time longer, the fibers split, in the direction of the clear transverse lines, into small cubic fragments of nearly equal size, three to four mm. The enamel fibers lie in close contact with each, other, without any demonstrable intervening substance. The cuticula (per- sistent capsule of Xasmyth) forms an extremely resistent investment, not more than one-half mm. \i\ thickness, covering the external portion of the teeth, and disappearing wholly when they are mature." On cementiim : "The cement is a true bony structure essentially belonging to the periosteum of the alveolus, and in man and many vertebrates forms a thin investment of the fangs of the teeth. The lacunae are for the most part large. When the cement is extremely thin, however, they may be entirely absent, and it then presents on section a perfectly homogeneous and vitreous appearance. A similarly very hard lamella, destitute of lacunae, occurs also in the outermost portion of the thick layers of cement." E. Magitot t says : " The dentine is bounded throughout its whole external surface by a continuous layer of dark granulations, very numerous and of various form. This granular layer, subjacent to the enamel and cement, was taken by Retzius and J. Miiller for a mass of bony corpuscles, in which ter- ' Strieker's "Manual of Histology," 1872. t " Treatise on Dental Caries," 1878. THK TEETH. G29 minatod the canaliculcs. But an attentive examination shows that, altlioiifjh tilt" f^ranulafions are continuous witli the terminal extremities of the (?aiial- ieult's, we eauuot compare them to osseous coi-puscles, V)ut that they siiould rather he ret^anied as minute pits sunk in the tliickness of the ivory, at its exterior limit, to aid the communications between the tubules which permeate this tissue. . . . During lit'c^ the dentinal eanalicules inclose a transi)arent, colorless fluid, containinj;, according to Hannover, calcareous matter in solu- tion. . . . For a long time there has been attributed to the ivory a sensi- bility of its own — an opinion still held by many, even in the admitted absence of nerve-V)ranches, and supported by the fact that the teeth vividly perceive the impressions of temperature, of acids, etc., and distinguish the physical qualities of bodies submitted to their contact, such as gi-ains of sand and hairs. This tactile sensibility, in fact, does not belong to the ivory, and must be attributed to the extreme facility with which this substance receives the least vibrations, the slightest disturbances which are given to it by external influences, and transmits them to the pulp, whose tissue, extremely rich in nerves, fills exactly its solid shell, and thus perceives the smallest impressions communicated to it." Of the enamel 'he asserts: "The layer of enamel suiTounding the crown is composed of an infinite number of rods, prismatic by reciprocal pressure, whose length is just equal to the thickness of the tissue at the corresponding point, and intimately united without the interposition of any other substance." Dentine and Enamel of Deciduous Teeth. By Frank Abbott, M. D.* While engaged in the study of the process of dissolution of temporary teeth, I availed myself of the method of examination of enamel as first described by Biidecker. Specimens of deciduous teeth, if prepared in this manner, exhibit, as the most striking feature, a considerably smaller amount of basis-substance than adidt teeth. As a consequence, the dentinal canal- ieuli are much wider, and the dentinal fibers larger ; thus, the possibility of seeing the minutest relations between dentinal fibers and basis-substance is greatly facilitated. I can add nothing to what Bodecker has described in minutest details in reference to the structure of dentine. I could easily see the dentinal fibers (which, upon being stained with carmine, assume a dark red color) running through the canaliculi up to their bifui'cations, close to the enamel. I could trace the lateral conical offshoots of the dentinal fibers to the point where they enter the basis-substance of the dentine. That the basis-substance holds a delicate reticulum of living matter I am perfectly satisfied, and I base my opinion upon my researches on caries of the teeth. As to enamel, I have never seen the minute relations marked so plainly in permanent as I find them in the temporary teeth. Here the enamel-rods are narrower, and the interstices between them wider, than in permanent or adult teeth. A power of 500 diameters of the microscope is sufficient to show plainly relations visible in permanent teeth with very much higher powers only. As a striking feature in deciduous teeth, I often found a direct connec- tion of the fibers of the dentine with those of the enamel. Thus, the width of an enamel-rod is in full correspondence with the width of the fields of basis- * Abstract from the aathor's paper, " The Minute Anatomj' of Dentine and Enamel." The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, 1880. 030 THE TEETH. siibstaiico of the dentino, after the bifuvcation of the dentinal tillers, near the boundaiy between dentine and enamel. In preparing specimens, on several portions of the crown it happened that a larger portion of the enamel was ground away than was intended — so much so that only shreds of enamel in connection with the dentine were left. On one of these places delicate beaded fibers were seen isolated on their upper ends, while their lower ends could be traced into interstices between the enamel-rods, and in connection -with the ends of the dentinal fibers. No doubt here the mechanical injury done to the enamel has luckily led to a tearing out of a few enamel-fibers, which accident plaiidy illustrates their presence. That enamel is not a crystal, but a tissue, — alive so long as the pulp of the tooth is alive, — no one, I think, will doubt who has studied caries and seen the pigmentation of enamel and its reaction during that process. Secondary Dentine. By C. F. W. Bodecker, D. D. S., M. D. S.* It is generally acknowledged that the main portion of a tooth is composed of dentine, which, on the crown, is covered by enamel. The latter is thickest aroiind the cusps, and becomes thinner the nearer to the neck. On the root the dentine is covered by cementum, which is thinnest about the neck, and thickest on the apex of the root. Exceptionally the relations between the three hard tissues of a tooth may be found to deviate considerably from the general rule, whereby an anoma- lous, though not strictly pathological, formation is produced. I extracted the canine teeth from the upper jaw of a lady forty years of age, one of which I split to obtain the pulp ; the other was gi-ound thin immediately after its extraction, for the purpose of studying enamel. The results were as follows : The crown was built up by dentine terminating in the ordinary pointed way, and suiTounded by a well-developed cap of enamel. A marked brown discoloration in the usual fan-like arrangement was noticeable in the enamel, mainly in the immediate neighborhood of the dentine, but without any decay. The dentine, beginning at the neck and extending down into the root, was divided into a broad inner portion, occup^-lng four-fifths of the root, and a narrow outer portion all around, corresponding in its thickness to that of the cementum of normal teeth. The boundary between these two layers was everywhere well defined by a scalloped line, the concavities of which look outward. In some places several such scalloped marks ran perfectly parallel, close to each other. The boundary line, however, was traversed by the den- tinal canaliculi and their tenants without change of direction. The outermost portion of the dentine of the root was surrounded by cementum, not thicker than is seen on the necks of teeth of normal development. The cementum was slightly thicker on one side of the apex of the root, exhibiting there a scanty number of cement-corpuscles, which on all other portions were want- ing. The boundary between dentine and cementum was sharply defined. The former bore the characteristics of dentine in the vicinity of the neck, as the canaliculi stopped short of its surface and were replaced by a coarsely granular basis-substance. (See Fig. 271.) Nearest to the pulp-chamber there is a zone, with scanty and irregular dentinal canaliculi — formations which we are accustomed to call " secondary dentine." Next to this is a broader layer of dentine, in which the dentinal can- Abstract of tlie author's essaj'. The Dental Cosmos, Philadelphia, 1879. 77//'.' ri:i, piimaiy dentine; LD, socontlaiy dentine, com- posed of two zones ; P, pulp ; C, cementum ; PC, lierieenieutum. Magnified 300 diameters. 632 THE TEETH. lower ends of the pear-shaped spaces wavy canaliculi originate, which freely anastomose with each other, and traverse the whole mass of the central por- tion of the crown in a prevailing radiate arrangement. Their number is more scanty than in the regular dentine, so much so that relatively large territories of the basis-substance are altogether devoid of canaliculi. The latter hold delicate beaded fibers of living matter, as well as the canaliculi of normal dentine, with the exception that on the average the fibers of normal dentme are finer than those of the secondary formation. Some of these fibers are pro- vided with lateral conical offshoots, directed toward the basis-substance, which itself shows a delicate reticular structure, of essentially the same character as I have seen in regular dentine. (See Fig. 273.) The middle portion of the pulp-cavity is bounded by a narrow zone of dentine, which is possessed of canaliculi in a smaller number than the main mass of dentine. This zone, besides, is characterized by a deep carmine stain, while the regular dentine remained almost unstained. The stained portion is inserted upon the regular dentine by means of numerous shallow excava- tions, and its sm-faee is irregularly jagged toward the pulp-cavity. In the apex of the root the irregu- lar formation of dentine again is much thicker than in the middle portion, and provided with numerous roundish spaces, all of which contain plastids, and communicate with the irregular, wavy canaliculi of the boundary layer of the pulp-cavity. In the tooth just described we have a forma- tion which is known by the term ' ' secondary dentine." The literature of this subject is con- cisely presented by Carl Wedl,* fi'om whom I quote the following note : "J. Hunter t says: 'In teeth which are worn away by attrition, that portion of the pulp-cavity adjacent to the abraded surface becomes filled with a new substance, which occupies the center of the abraded surface, and generally is softer than the rest of the tissue of the tooth.' Prochaska} treated of the same subject in his * Observat. Anatom. de Decremento Dentium Corp. Humani.' Oudet ^ gives a good description of these new formations, which he divides into two classes — the adherent and unattached. He paid no attention to their histological structure. . . . E. Owen || illustrates numerous new formations of osteo-dentine, but does not go very deeply into the subject. Salter H treats of osteo-deutinal formations in addition to simple calcifiea- FiG. 272.— Root op an Anomalous Canine Tooth. D, dentine ; C, ccinentiim ; P, pericementum. Magnified 1000 diameters. * "The Patliologyof tlie Teetli," Philadelphia, 1872. t " Natural Histoiy of the Teeth," 1778. t Adnotat. Academ. Frag. 1780. ? " Dictionnaire de Medecine," article "Deut," 1835. II " Odontography," 1840-45. IT Guy's " Hospital Reports," ix. THE TKKTH. 633 tiona of the pulp, calcareous ^-ainilar deposits. He regards them as the result of a patliological process. We are indebted to J. Tomes " for their first minute anatomical dcscri])tion, and to F. Ulrich, t who distinj^uishes in them two kinds of tissues — adentinoid, an osteoid, and a coml)iiiation of the two. Wedlt and Heider and Wedl \\ fjive further anatomical details, and the latter endeavor to determine the mode of development (jf these new forma- tions. R. Hold II furnishes a critical treatise, based upon independent inves- tigations, and applies to these formations the terms odontoma, osteoma, and osteo-odontoma." John Tomes and Charles S. Tomes H say as follows : " With the advance of age, the area of the pulp-ca^-ity becomes gradually diminished by the slow t Fig. 273. — Cusp of an Anomalous Canine Tooth. D, dentiue ; SI), secondary dentine ; P', pear-shaped bioplasson bodies on the bountlarj- between primary and secondary dentine, sending large offshoots, O, downward; P», bioplas- son body without ottslioots. Magnified 500 diameters. addition of dentine to that which was formed when the tooth was in a state of active growth ; and this condition is still more strongly marked in those teeth which have been worn by mastication ; indeed, in some eases the cavity ■■' "A Course of Lectures on Dental Physiolojry and Surgery," 1848. t Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien, 1851. t Grund/.iige der Pathol. Histologie, 185-1. S Deutsche Vierteljahrssclnift fiirZalinheilkunde, 1864. II " Monographie iiber Xeubildungen der Zahnpulpe," 1868. II " A System of Dental Surgery," Philadelphia, 1873, p. 307. 634 THE TEETH. is almost, in others perfectly, obliterated. In either case the effect is, as respects the contraction of the cavity, general, but the local development of dentine continuous with the preexisting tissue is very often coincident with caries. When the crown of the tooth is attacked, the pulp very commonly resumes its formative functions at a point corresponding to that toward which the disease is advancing, and adds, as it were, a patch or plate of new dentine (or secondary dentine, as it is commonly called). S. James A. Salter* says: "Considering secondary dentine as applicable to all the after-formations of dentine by which the pulp-cavity is diminislied or obliterated, I would subdivide it into dentine of repair, dentine excrescence, and osteo-dentiue. I first suggested the arrangement in the 'Guy's Hospital Keports'for 1853. Osteo-dentine and dentine excrescence are not infre- quently seen in teeth that are worn and exhibit dentine of repair. Dentine of repair, however, always forms upon that portion of the pulp-cavity next to the lesion, and is adherent and in direct structural continuity with the pri- mary dentine, whereas osteo-dentine and dentine excrescence occur almost always fii-st toward the extremity of the root, and the former is frequently quite detached from the remainder of the dentine. Mr. Salter asserts against Tomes (page QS), that 'the circumstance of age, per se, is really not efficient for the production of secondary dentine ; and the fact that the teeth which exhibit secondary dentine are usually from aged subjects is merely accidental, and dependent upon the fact that it is in them that the teeth are most worn. Dentine excrescences are little nodules of secondary dentine, occasionally found attached to the interior of the pulp-eaWties of teeth which may be otherwise healthy, unassociated with injury or other disease. Osteo-dentine is a form of secondary dentine in which the tissue combines the characters both of bone and ivory. It is usually vascular ; it is fi'equently arranged in systems arovmd vessels, like the Haversian systems in bone, and it sometimes contains true lacimse." C. Wedl (1. c.) accm-ately describes the new formations of the hard tissues of the teeth. When speaking of the new formations in the piilp-cavity, he says : " In these cases there occurs a continuous development of dentine within certain limits, determined by an in-itation, and the new layers are deposited in immediate contiguity with the old, and in parts are intimately and organically united with the latter. Dentine of this description, which serves as a protective covering of the pulp, is called 'dentine of repair,' — 'secondary dentine,' as is that dentine, also, which is formed in cases of chronic caries upon that portion of the wall of the pulp-cavity corresponding to the carious locality, and projects into the carious ca^^ty in the form of a spherical segment. In the latter eases, also, we find that the new dentinal canals are continuous with the old ; there is usually an abundant basis-sub- stance, and the canals are separated by quite wide intervals. A different structure is presented by the concentrically laminated forms, two varieties of which are distinguished — the simple and complex. ... I have met with a few cases only of true new formations of osseous substance within the par- enchjTna of the pulp. The greater portion of the very common osteo-dentine formations is composed of dentine ; the bony substance occurs in a very small quantity, and may consist merely of a group of a few bone-corpuscles. The osseous substance not infrequently attains only a rudimentary development, and resembles that which occurs upon the cement toward the neck of the tooth." ' " Dental Patlioloi^y and Surpery," New- York, 1875. Till': TKi'/iii. (;:}r> Cliiirlcs S. Tonios * says: " SccoiulHry ilcntin*^ occiirH in tho tcotli tilj>-t'iivity is much coiitnictcd in size, and also is very frtMiucMitiy t'onncd as a protection li> the iJiilji. ulnn thn'ati'ncd V)y the ai)proacli of dental caries, or by (he thiiinin;; of the walls of tlie pulp- eavity tlirouf^li excessive wear." Tomes illustrates secondary dentine lilliufx up one of tlie cornua of the pulp-cavity from a human molar affeetetl by caries, which figure closely reseinbles the formation I have ileseribed above. Tomes remarks: "It would be impossible to attempt to give any description of the almost endless minor modifications of the dentine structure." From the facts recorded in dental literature, it is cvidc.nf fliat there are several causes universally agreed upon as to formations of secondary dentine. These causes are mainly : Fiynt, advanced age ; second, caries of the primary dentine; and, third, injuries on the external surface of the tooth. C. Heitzniuiin t (irst drew attention to the fact that in old dogs and cats a number of Haversian canals in the compact bone become obliterated. This investigator observed that the capillary blood-vessel, which represents the last remnant of the medullary tissue within the Haversian canals, is finally trans- formed into a solid mass, whicli immediately assumes the character of the bony basis-substance. The bone-corpuscles, which under these circumstances are visible in the center of a Haversian system, are as a rule larger than those scattered within the lamelliK of an earlier formation. If we consider the pulp-cavity as a medullary space containing l)loo(l- vessels, nerves, and medullary elements, around which are arranged the layers of dentine, enamel, and eementum, we find a coincidence of the formation of bone on the one hand, and of secondary dentine on the other, in advancing age. In both instances the medullary elements are transformed into basis- substance ; the nerves, probably, after having been reduced to medullary elements, also assisting in the formation of secondary dentine ; and, lastly, the blood-vessels are solidified. On an average the pulp-cavity is the smaller the older the person, until at last hardly any trace of the pulp-tissue is left, and the tooth represents an almost completely solid mass. Opposed to carious destruction of the crown I have repeatedly met with formations of secondary dentine, as described by Salter and Wedl. This occurred, however, only in those forms of caries which have been described by Frank Abbott as chronic. As to the irritation from without, first stated by Salter to be the cause of the formation of secondary dentine, I would add chronic pericementitis, which, when limited to one root or to a portion of the root, leads to the formation of secondary dentine in the pulp-canal of the affected root. This fact strongly supports my assertion that the tooth in its normal condition is living, and irritation of the external surface may result in a new i)roduction on the corre- sponding inner surface of the dentine. There are instances, however, in which neither age nor an external injury accounts for the formation of secondary dentine ; and such an instance is that of the tooth above described. The coarser anatomical relations of secondary dentine in general are accurately described by C. Wedl, with whom I fully agi-ee. In analyzing the manifold formations of this kind, I would divide them as follows : " "Manual of Dental Anatomy," Pliiladelplila, 1876. t " Ueber Riick- iiud XeubiUlung von Blutgefassen in Knorpcl und Kiioclien." Wiener Medicinisclic Jalirbiiclier, 1872. 636 THE TEETH. First. Secondary dentine resemhlinfj; ])riinary dentine. SccotifL Secondary dentine with a laminated structnre. Third. Secondary dentine in form analogous to Haversian systems. This latter variety has been termed " osteo-dentine." Secondary dentine, with the essential structure of primary dentine, is evidently the most frequent occun-ence. It never has the regular arrange- ment of the dentinal canaliculi as seen in primary dentine, but is marked by a lighter color, owing to the larger amount of basis-substance and the relatively small number of canaliculi, which at the same time deviate more or less from the direction of the primary canaliculi. In cross-sections of such secondary dentine — especially in specimens stained with chloride of gold — we recognize in each canaliculus a central fiber, from which delicate conical offshoots emanate toward the periphery of the canaliculus. The canaliculi, which as a rule are the wider the nearer to the pulp- cavity, are pierced on their periphery by light inter- ^pjj ruptions, leading into a delicate, light reticulum throughout the whole basis-substance. (See Fig. 274.) This secondary dentine sometimes remains in an embryonal condition, exhibiting roundish fields of 7 . basis-substance, such as are visible in the dentuie of iv J a nine-months foetus. The medullary elements, being f "" -"*" transformed into basis-substance, represent irregular I globular bodies, between which the living matter pro- - ^ duces the formations known as dentinal fibers. The origin of these fibers will be fully understood only after thorough investigation of the development of dentine. This much is certain, that the regular fibers Fig. 274.— Dentine ^f secondary dentine are also beaded, and send lateral OP AN Aged Per- offshoots toward the basis-substance, thus indicating SON. Cross -Sec- ^^g presence of living matter in the latter. (See Fig. TION. 275.) JPD, primary .lentine ; Formations known as "interglobular spaces" are ZD, .secomlaiy (\tntiiir. j^^t infrequently met with in normal dentine. They Magnifled 1000 diam. ^re also (luite common in secondary dentine, especially on the boundary between primary and secondary den- tine. The tooth first described furnishes beautiful samples of such forma- tions. Most of these are filled with bioplasson, some exhibiting nuclei. The offshoots are evidently fibers of living matter. Some of these, toward the primary dentine, are in direct communication with its fibers ; others run in different directions toward neighboring kindred formations, with which they inosculate ; others, again, after repeated bifurcation, lose themselves in the basis-substance. Exceptionally there occur also bioplasson bodies without any coarser offshoots. (See Fig. 27.3.) With higher amplification we see bioplasson bodies imbedded in lacunas of the basis-substance, essentially identical with the so-called "interglobular spaces," the tenants of which never could have been made out in sections obtained from dry teeth. The plastids send larger beaded fibers in different directions into the basis-substance, which are partly in communication with fibers arising from neighboring bodies. (See Fig. 276.) The second variety of secondary dentine consists of the formation of a lamellated basis-substance, which is traversed by irregular dentinal canaliculi. THE TEETH. (VM Fig. 275. — Secondary Dentine, with Globular Formations OF THE Basis-substance. PD, primary (U'litiiie; SI), secondary dentine, with irregularly scattered canalicnli ; IB, fflobular bodies of secondary dentine, between wliicli the dentinal canalicnli run, all in connec- tion with those of the primary dentine. Miifrnified 500 diameters. I have observed fi-oni my specimens that the lamellated structure begins close to the termination of the primary dentine in an almost contiimous course. The lamellae themselves never are very regular, and produce broader and nar- rower layers which, as a rule, are not strictly parallel to each other. In the interstices between the lamellae, here and there, I have met with flat layers of bioplasson. The eanaliculi piercing the lamellated dentine are generally very Fig. 270. — Secondary Dentine from Canine. P, bioplasson bodies with the reticular .structure and offshoots; B, basis-substiince with the light, net-like structure. Magnified 1000 diameters. 638 THE TEETH. narrow, and run either in a rectangular or in an oblique direction to the lamellae, with manifold ramifications. They invariably contain delicate beaded fibers of living matter, whicli send lateral conical offshoots toward the basis-substance, in a much more irregular distribution than we see in primary dentine. Fig. 277, whicli illustrates the lamellated variety of secondary dentine, exhibits a peculiar feature of dentinal canaliculi in the primary dentine, near its connection with the lamellated formation, — viz. : bifurcations of the ca7i- aliculi of the primary dentine, — which otherwise do not occur except on their terminations near the enamel and the cementum. In this group I would enumerate also those peculiar formations which have long been known by the term of "pulp-stones." The process leading to their production is 1)y no ineans a mere deposition of lime-salts, but a trans- fornuitionof the pulp-tissue, partly, at least, identical with lamellated dentine. The third, and evidently rarest, form of secondary dentine is that known by the term "osteo-dentiue." Formations of this kind are either jjeduncu- •pn Fig. 277. — Lamellated Variety of Secondary Dentine. P/), primarj' (leutiue ; SX), secondaiy deutiue ; P, margin toward the pulp-cavity, with bay -like excavations, diu' to imlpitis. Tlie lamella' of the secondary dentine are irregular and pierced by dentinal fibers, which are piirtly in direct connection with those of the primary dentine. Magnified 500 diameters. lated — viz.: in connection with the primary dentine by a stem — or they partly fill the pulp-cavity in the shape of a uniform layer. Thei*e is a striking resemblance between osteo-dentiue and Haversian systems of bone-tissue. The systems greatly vary in size and shape, and are separated from each other by a tissue kindred to primary dentine, but devoid of dentinal canali- culi. Each system has in its center a tneduUary canal, containing a certain amount of plastids known as medullary elements — nay, iti some of the sys- tems I have met with a central capillary blood-vessel, which has evidently been in direct union with capillaries of the pulp-tissue. Around the medul- lary canal a system of lamellse is arranged, sometimes pretty regularly, and the lamellae are traversed by delicate radiating canaliculi, closely resembling TiiK TKirni. 089 those of l>o!io-tissut». Only oxiH-ptionally liave I seen witliin the laiiiellie \no- plasson formations anaK>fjous to bone-etirjiuseles. (See Fij^. 'J7>».) In the sj)eeiinen from which I have selected a spot for illustration, the lamellated systems were develojied in a most marked manner; and the blood- vessels in the center of these systems were so regular that they suggested the