BX 8957 .N4 A3 Presbyterian Church in the

U.S.A. Synod of New Jersey.' Minutes of the . . . annual 'Y


^ ,^

I -J


of the

S ^^ N 0 D OF N E '7 J E R R R 7

for the year ending

October, 1B49.

. I K U T of the

of the

3YK0D OP KE'.- .T'-'^'^VY for the ye)*r io49

r.:orrlsto\vn, Kev/ Jersey October IG, 1849 The oynod of iiew Jersey met jiCcordin£; to adjourn- ment at 7 o'clock p«r;!» tax^ was opened K^lth u. ; ercion from Jolixi 9th Chupter bjici 30th verse.- hy ti-o i^ev, Julius Foster, the focerutor.

iifter public v.orsiilt., tiiO ^ynod was constituted by pri»yer.

Fpoiv. tlie Ministers


, i ^Cle


, Ujrton







I r.

, Chester


, luuvelt

- r.

, O^den


, -untting


, imrray


, Kirtland


, J. Cory


, b. Cor J


, street




, iijiijlish


, iJenton


, Kichi.rd


, Irudbury


, iL'ibrie


, iieiniiart


i*omb lower


» lianlcin

Present Presbyt' ry of Elizabeth Tovm

Elders Church 03

Hidxaru ^ovnilcy 2nd Gh, Jiliza. lovm

Henry Kedi;e., Chester

Lt, Olive David li, i^marest 1st v.oodbrid£;e LUCU.S V. iioagland Pla infield 3, i c Jov/ell Lfcjiiineton

Elias B, cturces Chathj-ci Villa-e i»in. Clark, «^r, -estfield Vvni« Urovm 1st Ch, iiliz. lovm

E.J, Cooper 2nd Ch, !,'orriL;tovm

Duskiij. Jonathan J. '^liver I.ew ii

Saml. E, v.oodbridce Perth -'i.icboy

Connect, Farms Ellas Brovm. Liberty Comer

Jonf.thun Thompson i^ahway

ixLiaa w^i-rsh iJt«vid Burnett

ioattiiias 0 shorn Jolin K, Freeman

Lli^abetli Port lat Ch. Pater son .ip * ^leld

evidence 1st i.iorristov/n


ibytery of Ilex/ Brunswick




..r, CoLif'ort

ll'enry Vundyke

. -inc^ton

DTm Janevmy

Abncr -cuuder

iTenton 1st Church

Dr* Cr 11

UT» C' _ .,

Middle tov/n Point

Mr. Henry

1st Cr anbury

jVj*« R«K, iiod^crs


Lt» iiod£;e

Dr« O.V, KcLean

C* Vanderbeek


r.:r. L.:". Vun Doren

John i'erhune

New -runs\7ick

lir* Hale


ii». Hope

Vill. Ch. i?'reehold

UTm Toy lor

2nd Cranbury

tlr. Hall

Mr. orrel

James iiae


iip, vhite

v'a*ml. IliAmlll


l^. Busi-

er. Howell


Llr. ochenck

'- -eck

David N. Byran


Isa^o Baker

Princet' n

Sim, Torr'ey


Preabytery of Hev/ton

L Inlstera


Uhurche 3

i/r ohaf er !*• Gray Lt* Conklin i^Tm Lew era kTm WC'illiani 13r« Cwrrol Mr, iully i<ir, Oakley

l^Tm •iunkin Mr, Jos. orrel Ur» Knox UTm Talma^e VTm Vanderveor I'&r, Clark Mr* KcGee JSP. Townley


Joseph -tvosenberry I^anafield Chus* oitgr eaves 1st Eastern

2nd Easton


I.;i( die omitiifleld Robt, i^eniiedy Green.-ich Phine»s B. iiennedy iielvidere Isa^c !<• ^^rpenter ^lusconetong Valley

Peter ohafer

Allen Township Upper ^'t. -ethel .tiirvVi.ter 1st

StiHsV&ter 2nd


l>:, Gullck .. t, .-■eta el

Jolin Grate ck

Phillip Grater iox iiill Simon F, yckoff r----i iXiVld i.eit:- boui' i Valley

Presbytr-r:"^ of R^rltan Ministers ^

Jr i..irkpa trick TTv. ■x-^ ^.,, i'ov.r/

Dr. Peter 0, .-tuddifopd LIT. Porter '"■r* imnt La*. -liGi*wood

R,C, ..tevens


' ell United - j-i-^i, oil 2nd 1st Gh, iimwell Flemincton .-ixth Ch, '^mwell i'leasimt Grove


esbytory of jus uehanna



^ urc .OS

l!r« i'oster

1 'ruiiitovvn

IIr« Lunttlng


LIr* lipomas

Troy (ells and

Lr« Gump


llr» Dronson


Jolin i-', iiliuiiuij


Jus. i-j« Humphrey


John ii, -ells


Presbyt'.ry of est Jersey

I Inlc-tcrs



I.r. Janvier

Lie lies Richmond


'jp. hollock


Uvm Grah&in


Mr. Lawrence

Bla cliv/ooc J t ov»n

I^« rilllaizison

Cold ;.prlng

l«r* iielmo

Henry B, Lupton


I.lr. Ford


L.r« L:iller


Mr« Bro'.vn


lip. Gattcll

.jitjiiuel I^rtis Presbytery of Ijizerne

liOunt iiolly




I.j, 'i-'.i'. Ilimt

i.inij ten

tor i^rr ance


i.;r« obstcr

fiu oka wanna

otatistickl Reports received from the Presbyteries of Elizabeth town, Hew i^runswlcV, Hewton, Haritan, -Sus- quehanna, est Jersey and LAi/.omc.

: .utv.ian i'Oator, 1 .or of the church of Lyons Panas of t^le Presbytery of Elizabeth town, the Kev 1^, Jolm . kinner and ti^e ilcv, Js^mes -^Ittlo, I...D, of the Presbytery of i*e\vton, the Kev, Cornelius K. Lne and Rev. James P". Kennedy of the Presbytery of Luzerne being present took their seats as members of Synod

Rev« Synanes Henry wus urianaiiiously chosen i^odorator, Rodgera and ^c'illlam chosen Clerks, etc,

Cynod then adjourned to meet tomorrov/ mornlr^, 9 o'clock. Concluded with prayer.

V/ednesday i'Oviiin,; October 17 9 a.L:*

^^ynod met pursuant to adjournment and v/as opened with prsiyer- present as before v/ith ^r. Condlt and i*, Harris, Jacob Collyer, D; ' j,e, Presbyt f

Elizabeth town, . m, Jolin.,-.. .. .r, Jw/ln, ^.. ^tcry

of I'e. ton, lUG, Parke, Luxeme.

Ihe ' Inutes of tlic last session cr '-vno'. vif^yf. read,

. ati: ffjctory reasons were assltined Tor tho absence from this meeting of ^yno.:; of r, Liavidson, I'.I.', Alex- ander, ^^r, ililler and ^'r. lythe of the Presbytery of :;[ 3k, ^r, > t of the Treab^^tery of i^ewton

a..v. x, ..^x.,s of the -...„bytery of 'est Jersey and Lir# McCandlep of the Freabytory of iiev/ton.

The i-inute:; of t:;e I'^st meetinii of Synod v;ere re ad« The members now present who were absent from that meet- ing soicned satisfactory i- for .';uch abac nee In part- and it was on motion -ww^-..c'd, tiiy. t the Standing;; HulR requirintj abd.ent members to aasii^pa reasons for their absence ..ere suspended,

The Rev. Laf, .llliam i^, iic-^ov/ell of ti.e :^ynod of

jrhi' hla and the Kev, I. Prime of tiio ^: r liew

Yoi'l, ,....-G present '«ere invited to sit -.^ ct. ..end- ing members.

IL :. ... on motion -esolved, th-.t immediately after the re-xdint;, of the I/inutes of the last stated ir.eetinfi ar; opportunity be afforded to the Kev, l'r» rrir-.e, Corr-e:,pcndir^ Secretary of the /uncricun Bible -ociety, to pr sent the cL-ims of the -moiety iJid after LJr, .rl 11 h I'-^t un OT ' ' J be af-

foi'.,'^^ ..o Cr, .. o... .^i^, -c.i^esj-ondinc -^ .7 of t e

Boi.rd of I-issions, to present the cause and claims of home ^i^i£.ion£,

The following committees v;ere appointed (1),

The •stated CJl ve notice th^t tliore i.ad been

laid on the tuble c^ ,,-Ou by the ot,slon of trie i Irst Glmrch of L.aston u coiiipluint und uppeal against the <le- cislon of t::e P; of ^♦ev/ton for ik recent decision

of Presbyteries . ,, the records of suid session us

also i^ complaint by the Uev, .v«G, i-'razer nguin.it the Pretjbytery of ..llijabeth town. The s v;ere rcferr-ed

to the Judicli.1 Co!:i:it;tee ijad the c. tee had leuvc

to vvithdruv.,

JTs. Janoway innd ilagie and i^. Cooley were ap- pointed a conmiittee on the '^ahbath,

Iir» *»eiloy of the I'l'O-.bytGry of Nowton appo**reJ in ynou and c«3bigned satisfactory reasons for his late attendarxe,

Mr» Prime was hoard in an address on the claiiris and operations of the /uaerican '-^ible ociety; and ijr. Iviagie and I^Jr* Ilalsey were appointed a committee to draft resolutloAs In reference to this very im- portant object.

Dr. Lc-^/Owell was heard in an interesting address on the cause of **oi.ie iisslons in connection with the Board of Domestic ^'issions.

The couiKiitteo on iieli(_;iou3 i-^c ted

the follov/in£; report x/hich .vas accc ^^ .««.,, :ted


The ixev. ..r. .xo t of the Particuli^r -ynod of New York of the I ef orned Protestant JUtch ohurch, the Kov, -T« i^oyburn of the .iynod of Virginia ana the i\ov, I..r. Painey of tiie . ynod of hew iork und the ^^ev. Levi S. Beebee of the oynod of Georgia being present i.cre invited to sit as coi'respondint^ luenibers.

The liCv, "^r. Gob and Ladd of the Presbytery of oUsfiUehanna ana the i'iev. *"r. Osmund of the Pres- bytery of iiU-ox*ne appeared in oynoU und i;, signed satisfactory reasons for l-^te ; ttend.*nce«

The coiimiittee on a^se-isment presented tiie fol- lowing rorort v.'h.icji v.. accepted and adopted (parcrs No. o)«

iJr, Leybum the Corresrondlnij ecrotiii^ und General ' ; of the -o^rd of Publlc:;tlon, .m.<3 ho;jr in & stato- . t of fleets und princiylcd in connection with the op- eration of the iiourd of Iiiblic;. tlon and particularly on the claims of the Colportfi{;;e Iriiterprlae; unc the subject wus referred to a corru ittco coii::i-tlnr of l.e.r- r,vr , Hale and Janvier,

The narratives of tie tate of ueligion from the Presbyteries v.'ere culled for and presented, deferred to the committee on the nerrative,

1 Aoron olomon, an i-lder from the l^hurch of *^t« Olive of the i'resbytery of i-ll?.abeth tovm &rpe»r€d in Synod snd assigned s6tl:;factory reasons for not coming sooner,

wr, I iniiey, ecretury of the -^-ew York Colonization oociety, was heurd on the subject of Colonization und the subject v;as referred to c co: ndttee consistin^^ of 13r» Ilo^e '^v.d i..r, R, Taylor,

iiu uxun -ynod hbtd u i^ecess until 2 o'clock,

' fter recess the conanittee on the irresbytcrlul

xioc;oi'ds of the ^Tetbytery of i^ew : -■— -*-■- reported that ti ey find tiiC rocordi v/eil at tely kept and recommend their approvul. The report was accei ted and adopted,

'ihe cor:i.ndttce on the Treasurer's accounts precented the follo\'lni^ rorort v.'hich accepted as satisfactory (papers To, 4 ),

i.oports or: ^••ole^t oontributions vere received from the Pre:,by of est Jeri-^^y und i-aritun. The other Presbyteries huvin-^ reported on this subjrct in their "Statistical r^eports (papers Ko, 5),

The Judicial Gommlttec presented the following re- port. The Judicial v." ''tee report f "- '■' n corrplaint of tiie a'ev, i. ,G, Fra:< ^^iinat the ^ .y of I'lis-

abeth town i? 3.n order and they recoim rena the following or'f^r of proce< In : in the consideration of the sj*rr:e

1. Tltat the cor.plaint be re^id

2. "Ahe proceedincs of the Prec-bytery in the c«se

3, The cr-- ■» ^- ;nt be ^'- -d in suprort cf the corripl::^inti

4, Tlie . rj be ..In dcf < nee of the decision. The repoi*t was accepted and the subject placed on the docket ,

i.:'. rulm LuVsh, -^n Elder from the Church of li - , of the Pro:; on ana -r,

j^L. ,.^. .>.... . w.. r^:, an :j.lUer ^.«.... -. .w^.. ^. :.:o\ant i-'ree- doEi of tho Pre;;bytery cf r.ll;,abeth town tnd Lr, Mc- yurray of tho :.umo i'reshytery and ^r, mes from summit IIlll of iresbytery of jlaizci... .,j.. . red In . ^j.T.od and assit^ned satlafactory rea.ions for l^-te at- tendsince*

It was ii^esolved, th t when the Synod shall udjourn It adjourn to meot in -econd Church of -llzabeth town on the third 'iuesduy of October 1050 ut 3 o'clock p.m. and iJrs. luarie and ^'urray, Uiniaters and F^r. iovmley. Elder were aj^ointcd a comi.ilttee on the ^^eligious l-X- erclses of the Jynod,

The i^ev. Iv'r. lieldon of the ircabytery of Churles- town Union »and tho -t^ev. ^-r. i^mlth of the -association of Middlesex Lortia appeared in '->;vTiod and v/orc invited to sit us corresponding memberu.

Ut* iorranc© preaentod u resolution of overtures to the General ..ssenibly to transfer a certain portion of the territory of the ^ynod within the bounds of the Presbytery of i.ewton to the :-ynod of rhlladelphla. After- considerable discussion the resolution was laid on tho table.

'ihe ivev, . r. Van nensellaer of tho Presbytery of .C3t Jersey appeared in ^ynod und assigned s'^^' 'actory reasons for late ut tendance.

'ihe comr/iittee on the 'lecords of the Presbytery cf liarltan reporteci rcc or ir ending their approval and the re- port was accepted and a ucpted»

Th© Rev. Levi Christian of the Gynod of liuffalo appeared in "^od and was invited to sit as a corres- ponding member.

Tccv, T.P. Ifunt, »-halnnfen of the corrsiittoe on chris- tian -^duc 'tion, prcsente;! a report and proceeded with the reading of it, which was arrested by a motion for a recess. ::.ynod had u recess until the hour of public worship thi.; evening.

iifter : . ^ynou convened und the i.ev. Cht-rlos ir^. Imbrle preac-v.^. ...i© Annual :. i :; a ionj^ry ^ernon from Dan XXL 4.

.2', -4int resumed and completed th© reading of the repoi't on Education and the report v/as laid or\ the table.

T-.e coEmilttee on the subject of La?. Leybum^s ad- dress presented ^ refort w)ilch was ucceptod, araenfied and adopted l.j follows (i;o, 6).

The comnltteo on the -ecorJs of tlie Presbytery of est Jersey re ' their approval.

The repcit s sc^ ,- _ .

Synod udjournc'i till toraorx'ov. laorninij t ^ o'clock. Concluded with pruy^^r.

T}iiu'3di<y i.oriiln^:; uctober 18, 9 o'clock

Synod convened according; to &dJoumr.ent opened with prayer- present ;«s before tc ' iti'i i<ov. Is; c Todd

of tiie iVeabytery of -JUs^iUCi. : v a^slijied satis-

factory reasons ; or not coming sooner.

The Linutes of the If-st ^ slon of oynod v.ero re jd and approved,

Lr. i^i-lrkpatrlc): &nd I^-r. Torrey were appointed a comihlttee on the iinutoa of General i^isembly.

It was made the order of tiie day for 10 o'clock to take up the coniplalrit of the ;:ev, /-.G. Frazer.

The Rev. James Glark v.a8 appointed to preach the Annual ^-issionary oermon and the aev. -^Vm Ilod^je his alternate.

The Presbytery of Kewton had leave to retire from the Synod.

The Presbytery of ^JUiiCi^e had leave to take under their care -r. -.ic. .Sanl. luorrison a Licentiate from the Presbytery of Kewsy in •'-r eland,

1 .e stated Clerk \;as directed to for atisicul

Rei'ort of the Synod to the next General _ ly.

The coLii:ilttce on leave of absence reported (lio. V),

The unfinished business vvaa then taken, viz., overture to the General AsHembly in re, ax-d to Lafayette College nd it v;as movca to refer to a coimnittee to prepfc-re a

orltil to the General /ssembly to erect u ucv/ ynod on tile tex-ritory on the i stem bor jer of this . f ter

dii,cu.:-,slCT 1"'^ -subject viuti indefinitely po^ ..

The Judicial OomiTilttee had leave to v/ithdruw.

The order of the day w&s taken up, viz., the com- plaint of the -iov, A.G. Frsi? ••■ "" ;t the Presbytery of hlizabeth tOwti, The Llodci ___ .nounced to the ^^y- nod, th t they wore about to pass to the consideration of ♦'Udicisil bu " i and ' ed on the members to

recollect tmd _ ,^ i thei:. -— ^ . ch-iracter as judges of

a court of Jesus Uhriat and the solenm duty in which they were about to act.

The sentences compluined of sne'. the coriplaint nd the reasons of complaint v/cro read. The v/hole record of tdie proceedin l- f tho i^resbytery in the case wore

then re ■:;,

Thr oo'?>rlainant v/as hoard in support of his con- plaint, ,' court rose md the Synod resumed its bus- iness cXid ^r» ' y, ^! ' ' he coir^iittee on

Sabbath presents- _ rcpoi-. _- acc rted und laid

on the table for the present,

., , :iope, Chairman of committee to whom was re- ferred the subject of Colonization presented a rerort which was accepted and adopted and Is aa follows.

Synod had a recess until 2 o'clock,

After rocos. Synod convened, Tiie committee on the liccords of the r; esbytery of uiiiome, reported re- c line their aprroval- the report v/as accepted and

au^ ■■«

it v/as made tiio order of y after iissuln^j

the complaint of tho r-:ev, A.G, . . ,,;jr to talre up thc- report of the ccwnmittee on wij:»istian ■'.due:. t ion.

-ynod uf^ain sat in a Judicial capacity and re- sumed the con.jiderstion of t}je unfinished business.

The Presbytery of Elizabeth tov/n were heard throu{^ their comrniysion'^rs, lion, Ira C, 'hitehead. Elder and Jrs. ' and i^urray and i&r» Ogcien in de-

fence of their ...,-^ion,

".^r, I'"raser n- ! card in reply and then tho paz^ties withdrew from tl:c ::ou:;e. The roll v/as called to afford tho members of the Synod an opportunity of expressinj; their opinions, ihc calling of the roll v/aa arrested by a motion for a rccoa;;.

The Rev, Joim ii, uondit of the Synod of uf falo arpeared in Lynod In the pro^jrcs = of the judicial bus- Ifiess uiid was Invitf-d to sit as corresponding rieiriber.

'Ihe coiirt rose ynJ the Synod hud h recess until 7 o'clock t; is evening,

/.fter recess the :>ynod ed and attended the

iiellGious i%x0rcl3e o" ^ ' < ..^^ j.Cvl i-rayer ^oetlng,

wjynod ujjtiln s;it iix u judicia.1 capacity suuied ti.e unfiniahed business, Ahe C£»illn£:; <x v,..o roll \vu3 proceeded with in furt and the Eiombera of ynoci expressed their opinion on the cuse»

'^ynod then adjourned to meet tomoirov; morning iit 8:30 o'clock, Concluded with prayer,

Fi'iday October 19, 1S49 8;o0 o'clock a,n:.

.'jynod met pursuant to adjournment and -as opened v/ith prayer- present as before.

jiit i..inutGs of the lu.o .. ,jlon of omod Vvcr



ii.e ccsniTilttee on It^ ^v,: vx' .iK^.ence pr©;;ented the following report (No, 9),

The c" ' ttee on the narrative of the State of Religion i ted tiio followint:; v/Iiich fv?is accepted

and adopted (i:o, 10),

Benevolent Contribution (• o, 5),

TJ " -^ ted Clerk v;as cirec'ed to procure a suitable box in to prebcrve the x^ougii ^-inuteb and riles of

the Synou and to iiave thea deposited for so-fe V-cei-lxiij, at some place seper te from the place at which the records of the .ynod ure usually kept. The place of deposit to be chosen by the oti.ted Clerk,

Synod spt in a judicial capacity and resumed the judicial unflnisiiod, Ihe calling of the roll

v/as procet^A^i-. - iu.^ ;»nd completed and the ineinbcrs of the oyno^ expresses, their opinions.

The quejtlon v/rs then taken en the complaint of th-^ Rev. A.G, l-'razer .t a decision of the Pres- bytery of -i-llsubeth to .. .ad the result vms -.s follows. 'I'o sustain the complaint, 9, not to i;ustuln35. To sustuin in part 18, and the complaint was accordingly not sustained.

The order of the dixy v;as postponed <ind tlTc comi-ittee on Bills and Overtures rerorted an overture proposing the erection of a new i^rejbytcry on u portion of the territory of the ic'resbyterles of est Jersey and Nev/ Brunswick. The report v^a^ iicccntea anc\ the further ccnsideration of the overture indefinletely roKtpono ;,

A resolut ioii w. o offered in r which may be r.^de to i lace ■'-•■fuyetl. . the

care of thia tJynod and ^ftcr discussion tne resolution

,. , , |.^ receive t: '^ llov;iiajj oUbstitute which

v.;o. 11). 'ihc >tor v/txc directed to appoint u corik:J.ttoe of five laccioers on the subject according to the resolution.

The comnilttee on the Presbyterial ^'^ecords of I<ev?tcn and '-" "^ reportesl r-econiiending their


The ic od the followi . .♦^^. - 3_j^

regard to , jj, irs. -^,V. . ruy

and L.essra. l.P. Hunt, iinlsters and Ira C, hlteneud

and John !i. herrerd. Elder.

The order of the day, viz., the report of the som-

Tilttee en Christian rducet^-- - •-■•-- ej^^j^ it v/as on

motion ueaolved, that the :. _ In the hands

of Dp. \!un Rsnssolaer to be used at his discretion.

It was Resolved, to reconsider the resolution to postpone indefinitely the consideration of the overtu_re

to erect u new tresbytery. The Kotior withdrawn

and the re-.ucot of tiic overture v;.s ^^ i^ anu it was Resolved, (see overture I.o. 12).

.^"Tnod had a recess until 1:30 o'clock,

t zuc cxoo oi rr^cess -ynO'JL aet.

The conmiltte^ ..-^.'. .-.^ ^^ exaralne the iinutos cf the General Ac onted i* re] ort. The re-

port was liccopted i.a put on tiic docket.

The committee to whom vvaa referred the subject of tiie address of the ..ev. . I, irlme presented, which was accepted ^jaa adopted a 8 follov.s (pupor 13).

The Janitor's i^ill arnountinf™ to v5«00 and u bill for ;:tationary amoiuitinc to i30 cents ere ordered to be paid,

Tli-r i c. o.i-'6 <yi' i,..o cornr;:i\. tee on the " .L.. .vl.s

taken up and it was Resolved, that ;.. cc .oe be raisicd

by the :: ynou to prer^re u r.emcrlal to the Legislature of IJrv/ Jersey on the '-> - - tion of ttae Gabb.th by the Canal and r.oilrcaci c - the memorial to be sent

to the ocvral ii'inisters of this ynod and othexs v.ith the view of obtaining ~* ~ tures in their - -^ctive con^_;rcL>itions. :.l?s, J. - ,■ anci 'iuj^^le, C' '.?e,

TliQ committee on the iiecor - -"' the i^Tc;.b;rtcry of Elizabeth tovvn reported rccc in<;- their lipprovai.

The report was accepted and adopted.

It 'wa* ftesolvsd, that the thanks of this Synod bo tendered to the inixabitaiits of .''Orri-tovifn and vicinity for their kindnesr " ' r —itulity to the members of Synod dur-inj^ the .jion.

The ':ynod hc; x-a -r. Glen, a I.i, ■" --y hi t.e ^'r s- bytea^y of Luacnie,on the subject of >. . . extenaion and the missionary work in the Schuylkill valley and sol- licited ti'-'- --' *-.ance when 5^ .... . .^ fy,. t -V.

Glen be r to tho f&vc , iT.tion of

the churches.

Report of the committee on ..Inutes tr.lren up and the iterv3, etc, etc., were referred to the several ^resbytorle.; for their c on i.i deration and itction (I:o, 14),

Calling of the roll dispersed v/ith,

'ihe stated Clerk nnd ]3r* i^avidson, corirr:itt e to publish extracts In i<ew York Observer and i'resbyterian.

Adjourned, etc,, etc., ^ryyer and l^ncdiction, uon- cluded with pri-yer.





!lo. 1 Synod having heard an address from the Kev. Lr. Leybrun

on behnlf of the claims of the 3oard of Publication, and fcGllnf?

the vital importance of that establishment to uhe purity and

prosperity of the Presbyterian Church, present the follov.lng

resolutions to be submitted to all the churches under tiieir


1. "'e solved. That the Board of ublicatlon of our church deserves the v.arm syopathles of our v.holG body, and that its efriclency for j:ood greatly depends upon the iictive co-operation of the churches.

2. Pesolved, That it be recoioraended to all our congregations to encourage the circulation of the books of our board, by Colporteurs and otherwise.

3. '^e solved. That it is recommended to Pastors and churches to raise a collection annually to f. id In the sup. or t of Col- porteurs employed by the 3oard of for the sale of their ublica- tlons.

4. Resolved. That It be recommended to our pr.stors, sessions and c on^re r?'- 1 i o?i s , tc receive cordially the agents .vi o may In future visit them to present the claims of said Board.

NO. 2 The committee appointed to bring In a minute exprcrrlvc of the views of the Synod In regard to the subject of African Colon iza'x ion, as presentf.d to their notice by the Rev. J. B. Finney, would respectfully propose for the adoption of the Sy nod the folloving, viz:

The Synod has heard v-ith very rreat Interest the st te- ments made b.v ¥x. Plnney and feel a sincere anxiety to do every thing in their power to promote the objects to -ffhlch their at teat Ion has been called.

The r-asons v:hlch In their view are instant and urgent for thia purpose, are such as the following, viz;


1, The Colonization Society having now been relieved from the burden of saporting thn colonies In Liberia, (thcFe colonies having been orcanlzed Into an Indp-panQcnt and relf-sustnininfr republic,) the society Is thus- left free to devote Itr energies and Its resources mainly to >,h£ work of scndinc out and esta- bllfhlnj; in their nev? heme such persons of color as may bo v^re- pared to araierate to Liberia '2h6 society has thus sent out

a much larger number of emigrants during the present year than before, and they desire and hope to send forth a still larger number before the year shall cloFe.

2, A lar^ve number of raEnunitted slavec probably not less than 500 in all, are now prcselnf anxiously i'or a pasEa;ve to Liberia; and It is very desirable on account of the high character of the Great naes of theia, jind also because sorae cf then are liable to return into bcnda^ie for life, unless speedily removed , that the aefins should be provided for thpir rerioval v/lthout any delay. The Sj/nod arc deex>ly pained to Xnow that some tc v*ott> liberty was o:'fered on condition of their ri-!raovnl, have reverted Into hopslesr slavery merely foi- the vant cf .Tiet.ns on the part cf the society to fulfill the condition. And as fifty dollars a piece vlll cover the entire c.cpense of their re'ioval the Synod would express the hope that in no future cases v;lll the priceless boon cf fr^je- dcm be lost for the want of so comparatively triflinf-- a pittance.

3, The bearing of the Llbcrlon Colonies upon the suppres- sion of the slave trade, constitute" '.n irresistible ctpu- raent for the support of the scheme* It Is a fact now abun- dantly in evidence before the civlllaed worl4 find tidmltted

by the British Gcverunent lts'::;lf that the proceeds of voluntarj' christian benevolence In aid of these colonies has acccmpllBhed far niore for tFie extinction of the slave trade than the fifty ralllions already expended by the English Goverroent alone in the futile attenipt to stop this diabolical tr:-x'flc.

4. Another reason for the liberal support of this pohene is to be found in Its tendency to furnish an adequate christian afency to pustr.in tne Institutions of the ^'ospel among the colo- nists and to byinc the native frican tribes under the power of Christian truth, rhe delotrioue character of the climate so fatal to white nen ssf^rns to point out the schene of colonisa- tion as the onJ.y possible present .neans of repcuing that dark sind depraded continent from the most debatinf^ coclatjry.

5. The cause of colonization has a claim upon the sjrmpathiep of our people t because it offers a door of relief to those hiomojie nasters who are anxious to be relieved frorn the evile and responsibilities of slaver;/, and who are prevented by the sieve laws of some of the states from seelcinf; relief in any other forr',. There are fev-' persons who deserve our christian and humane pyripathies more th n those anxious masters who are def irous of the rrlief which can reach them from no other source.

The Synod deen] it unnecessary tc attempt to add anythlnfr to the weij^ht and cogency of the testimony already repeatedly given by this ^^/nod and by the General Arserably in favour of this great scheme of humanity. It Is destined as they belidve to take an high rank not only amonf: the enter prises of Chris- tian benevolence, but tvftoni" the ccntrcilinf:; iTational Develcpe- inents of that Providence which worketh all things after the counsel of his oym will. There are fer events even in this stir-^Jnf? a.^Tfl more frau^rht with conmiinding and absorbing human interest than the foundation of an independent nation of free- men amonr a race namberirp' not less than 150,000,000 human beings a race '/hose phy?ical x^eculi^-rities, tc say nothing? of their intellectual, mora? and social position make it impossi- ble t*;at they should tie absorbed into or blended v/lth any other~a race heretofore (rroaninf": undi-r a curs« so dark and so portentous, whose only hope of sAclal and political happiness like that of all other hunan bclnrs eprinpcs out of the pospel of Christ and in rvhose moral, social and political elevation some of the brierhtest trlunphs of the fospel are yet to be achieved.

On every account the ^:,-nod would erpress the earnest hope that all its churches and all who are within its ecclesiatica.! control v/ill be forwara at this intertrtinf: and hcj:)eful crisis to lend prorapc and efficient aid to chie f-^rent scheme of humanity and benevolence.

For the accompli rhinent of this objftct the Synod would hereby direct the statied clorlc to ^^ubllph this minute, and they would further reconmend to ail the pastors connected wit;, the T-iynod to lay the subject before their respective conrre^ations either by read in/* this 'ilnutc, by inviting,' the labors of an arent, cr by such other means as th-^y may deem best ind to rfford to such of them as have not already done so, an opportunity to con- tribute to the funds of the Colonization Society.

No. 3 Pssclved. That a co.-.mittee be appointed tc receivr and conrider ny profiosals which may be made b the -rustee? of La Fayette Collere for the plaoinf?; said College under the care of this Synod, and that said coraaittee report at the next stated neetinf of Synod.

It was then Tieaolved, that the oomittee consist of 5 members viz; three '3inister« and two elders, to be appointed by the moderator.

no. 4 An application having been made to the S;mod, (the Pres- byteries of Nev,' BrunswiC': and 'est Jersey ccncurrinf?, ! to de- tach from said Presbyteries respectively, the churches of Borden- tow»i, pluiostead and Plattsb-jrf^, with the P.ev. Alden Hco/ell, the ^.^v, Georf-e C. Bush and the ReV. Johji C. DePew, now belonf,- ine to the former pre?bytery, and the churches of 3urlinf:ton, Mount ''oily, ond Columbuf v/lth the '^ev. '"ortlandt 7an Henssalaer D. D. and the Kev. Samuel Miller Jr., now belon^ring to the pres- bytery of ""'est Jersey, and the same to consitltute a Pr'^sbytery to be called the Presbytery of Burlington.

Resolved. That this application be referred to the committee on Bills and Overtures.

The committee on Billa and Overtures reported the applicatl on in relation to a nev; presbytery and laid it before the Synod. 'Thereupon, It was Resolved, ?hat the request of :.e applicants be grjintcd.

■'esolved. That the meeting tc organize S5sid Prestytery be held on the third "hursday of Kovemher neat at the city of Burlington, at 7 o'clock in the Weninj-r in the Presbyterian Charch, and ihat the .'ev. Ccrtlsr.dt "'an Kenssalcar , D. or in hie sbse.nce, the oldest fsinister present, preach a cermon, and preside until a raoderator be chopen.

NO. 5 ?he J^ynod cl' New Jersey having her rd the f la'-ensnts made by the Ilev* Prine ^"ecret&ry of the .Iraerlcfm Bible society are painfully unprersed with the facts that fee .-nnny ars yet d'-stitute of the 'acred frcriptaren in our O'f.m country, but at the sane tline are rejoiced to hoar that the demand for the Bible in incrs.';Pin(: at horae and abroad in a manner wholly linprecedented and reuuirinj? the most active and constant exer- tion to n":et the calls that are made. And in viev/ of the vast increcvGC of our population by Lnrnigratlon, the eiitenslcn of our territory, o.nd the fcrrnatlon of new states, which snust be pujiplied with the vrord of f^od In view of the f^reat fact that Bod has recently removed all obstacles, sc that his word nay have free course and be t:lorifled a7iCn/r th Papal and the Papan nations of the "nst In vlevr of the f-ct thr.t the Araerlcan Biblo Society is in -lOPt urrent need of funds to enable it to furnish tho bread cfllfs to perlrhinf: millionp, its Dex-'Ository beinf: reduced and it? "'reasury exhausted, while from all partp of

the world, th« cry is corrtintj for the word of salvrtion And

b'"lieving that One prent duty of the church Is to (;lve the B iV- le to thos^ who have it not, and that the circulation of the printed Bible Is one of the mcst rapid econinical and effi- cient -nodes of inpartinf the '^nowled^^e of rod to the distant and destitute. Therefore,

Resolved, ?hat the Pynod do rc^mestly and arfectlcnately reco.'^.nend it to the churches, and to e ach member of the churches under its care to contribute to the Bible cause with a libera- lity conreenpurnte v.'ith the marniitude and im^ortrjioe of tnis work, and their own individual indebtedness to the word of Cod.


The Synod of Nev; Jereey havin,; received the usual re- ports fron the presLyt.rrlcs conriected v,i!;h it, would r,c- loaowledpe the r.cod hard of CrOd, L which it htis been brought to i.his tirae in its pres*-nt state cf peace, i^rosperity, aiid usefulness.

The Si/nod has much cause for thaxikfulnesF in the tenerc:! deooruin, size and attention of the audiences which in all its bounds, attend u^-^on the preaching of the ro^pel, and the Oralnaricos of God's house. It aisso rejoices to hscir that an increusiny attention is {-iven b;v' nora of itf? pastors to the subject of Christ irjp 'f^ducf tion, thst the;; Fhcrter Catechism appearr to be very {'■enerrllj, tuu^-ht, arid that the stbb.. th Schools of nearly all its churches are repc ted to be in a flourishing condition.

The Fiibj'jct of parochial schoolr. rippearf; to pngfif-e more and more of che tittentlon of its i'&stors and conj r6{;f-tions3, and it hr.lls it ae cnn of the haxi>i-*-st omens of the i^rrmrinens e and continued ^utity of tha churchen that there is so strong a desire evidently increasinf: fron year to yetr, that the children of Lhe ch.urch should be subjected to f thoi'QQ(;hly Christian and Presbyterian ''Iduoation. It i? a x-i^Gcious indication of the ra^jidly a_>pro&ching {cloi-y cf the church, that the hfearts of the f.'^thers and more tmc more luraed to the children, and the hefirtp of the children to the fathers.

Its hip-ber seminaries of le.'-rning appear to be in their usually flourishini; sta^e. The nurnbGr of studc-ats in the College of ITa'.' Jersey is a littl-/ lar^jer than at anji previous time. 7he tone cf piat^r ir the "heolof;ical Seminary at Princeton, is reported to be of a more elevated and spirltoal kind than ordinary..

The Synod has learned with crert. s-:tisf.'ictic3i th'it the various undertakings of the church for ths Extension and estsbllphneTit of true rslifilon, have received increasecl contributions from the churches of the :3ynod.-?he Synod is obliged to confess hov/ever that many of it" churches have not a? yot come v;p to the full ne* sure of duty in thi? respect, nnd it would axprnsn the€<irnest hope, that the dfty is not far distant when every one of its churches frca ths rtrongsst to the. woakest shall rise to a far hit'rher straidard of effort and libernllty than the present.

It is e;;i.'3cialiy ple^sinf; tc the Synod to learn fron the reports of its Presbyteries th!?t the 3oards of rorcif^ and Domestic .Vir-sions, of education, and of Publlcaticn, the conjitltuted agencies of our ovn beloved church, c^ve steadily Raining; the more affectionate c:,TOpathies and vrsitier co-opera- tion of its churches.

A deep aiid incrc slnf: interert has been av/akeneO amcng the p sx;ors and churches of the Synod, respecting the v.lde and lonp ne{-;lected ciiscitutlons within its bounds, esi-ecl^^lly those lylnf-7 in Itp. isorth-wastem part urion^. the rricurtains of Penns-'lvrinla, and those in its south-eastern parts in Test Jersey and upon the v'lejiboard, The Presbyteries report that increased efforts have in ths 1; rtt year been made in these destitutions, a considerable number of additional missionaries sent thereto, rivi^c several ne\? find prc-ilslnp churchep -'Isnted or cortraencsd therein; and the -J^/nod hopes and pi'ays thst the time may not be fr.r dist,'j-.t v;her every portion of its terri- toi'y may be nwierously dotted over with churches of itr own faith and order, and when the pure t^-orpel cf our Lord Jesus Christ may be so proclaimed that every human beinj,- within itr liraits may be enabled to hear it.

The Synod would also acknowledge vith hurablr- fcrntitude the poodnesE and marcy of God in having riven to its churches some tokens of his presence and his favour. The Presbytcrie- have p.iOBt of thera reported, thai one or more of their churcte s have, in gji unusual derree been vifited durinf: the past year by the reviving influences of the ^Toly Spir.Vt, v,'hlle the preat

body of the churches have received lOre oi- fev'er hopeful converts during; the oast Synouical year. IleverthelGSs the r^^yTiod v/ould acteO'.''ledf;e -^Ith rrief and humiliation a stats of spiritual coldness as prevalent in rr^ny of Its churches, perhaps it njay bs said throujjh its bounds t^Frierally,

It is not to be denied notwlthstanUinf; the tokens of God's ccntinut'.d fjoodness already refsrred to that the candle of the Lord don? not s?hine upon our heads, ar in dayc that are past. And "he 3;';noO would express its earner.t hci)e that the ministers, elders and coranuni cants every v/here throunhoat its borders will a'.Ta'iG to more importunate and fervent prayer, that the ^rect TTead of cbo church would K(xx.& oompasricn on cur low astate-v.'ould pour out upon us abunu.'int showers of rc-viving and convert in 7 influence and v.'culd {-l.idden our hearts by ;jiv- ing us to see more abundant fruits of our labours.


I* -'^^g pre p by t<!r.-.' of "linnbe ■;} tovr. report -o the r'-jTiod of !?e'.r .fj'rrfly th-'it the^/ cc?)?'l.'»t of r^3 ''inirtrrp, oi-id have ttn(-cr their care ?A concrepr t irnr, -' Tlcontlfite? and 2

Ti.!? .'"'rertbytftr.v alro r'^^-'ort to the n^mori thr.t on the i8th of October, l.irt« thfly diFr^lPsed the 'cv. *^enr;/ ", '.':;nkln to ,^oir) the •'repbytfiry of ITinf-po In China-thnt on the tfth Of ''arch IS'i?, they dlr-iIsReci :jr» ''iliiatn rrurth'-TDlte, a 11- centin've unrifir thf'ir cart-, to -ut hhipelf unrier the c-re cf the Prerbytery of ?eorla, Illlnols-that or the ISth of April, the.y received ihe '«.7. Luther fnig^sy d. j;, from the prcs- byter;, of ^hlo-that on the s/i'ne cTay th'-y rcc*=. Ired under their care tha 1st PresL^r'tnrlcin Church oi Lycn." /arms-ll- cer.sed 'T. Laclas J. '".oot to ^^re' ch the rorpel, nnd di«'<'0lved the iv-.pLoral relfitlcns of the Rev. /hrshfim "■Ullr.nsrn to the church and conf.refc&tlonp of "onnt i^llve-thfit on the S5th of i'ebruary, the T ev. Thomes Cochrjin dei>5irt>:d tMp lifc-that on the l-3th cf r.epteraber thai- d l-rTiisscd ?>■!•. Lucius J. noot a llcentl.'te under their cnre to ^-ut M-if^elf un>36r the cr.re of the prcFbytery of ".isconpln-th-it en the .';-rd of rctobar, they received .IT. Jc-hi-. Xirby isvis, £ licentiate frcr the Prepbytsry of Troy 'indsr tfcclr cars» on'5 on the 4th of tha s.-;;ie nonth, licensed "r. T.uther Mttel to »^re'ich the


■'11 -^tlch Is respectfjllj PSib'-^ltted. 3y order of :^r»;rbytery,

rtated Cler'^.

2. "'he rrerbytcr:^ of ITe^^- 3ru:^is^rlc>^ report to the "ynod of 'Jew Jersey that they ccnrlRt of 4;* "Inlstcrs, and h?ivc under their care "1 ^or4're{;.--tlon6, l^-i Llcentintef! and 5 rrjidldaler.

?ha;7 farther re^iort that on the r>th of October 184C, ihsy dismissed :!r, "llllaT T'. .Jalcer n llc^nclnta to ."uc hlr;self under the cars cf the prssb^tery of .'.rkansas-that on the 6th of Febraary, 1649, thsy received the T'.gy. Charles *', 'Gardiner from the .-re.shjtnry of Philadslphla-the Hev, '.^illla.'n ?. "'an Doran, from the Presbytery of 'i.euben, and dlnrcinsed "r. %. H. riiiffner a llcentl: te, to j-ut hlnisslf under the care of the ?resbj't6ry of Vest fancver, Kid "r ThoraGs I'arphy, a licentiate to put hl'osclf under the care of the 2nd presbytery cf Phila- delphia-th<'»t on she 7th of the saiaG nonth, they licensed "ersrs, Charles T.. Ualdron, David G. Sanderson. "llliaR '", ::ciralr, Thoraas T. L. Tardlow, .Tcfil ;c. L:/le, 'ir.d ';'ecrt:a Gocdhae to j^roftch the corpel-tiu-': on the 15th of i-'ebraary they d if^nissed '3r« A. p. [;llllr.an, g llcentlnte to x:>ut hlnself under the care of the ?refbytcry of ChlclCiiJin.^'J-th.'^.t en the C-th of April, they dip- ralBsed ;Tr« Alflxandar jjicKson a licentiate to put hl'-jpclf under the care of the ciasniF of """titervliet of the reformed ;:uitch Chu'-ch-that on the 2'ith of the sans month they reoelved Sfessrc. TVllllam C. iavls, Janes C. Fletcher, and i:llha Locsis on triair for the focpel "ilnistry-and dlj-missed Ur» John 3. r;hi»'e, a candidate to put hinself under the care of the Presbytery cf Sra206-thu r.cv, V.illiara ", Grsen to ,'oir. the ?reRbytei*y of ^hila- delphla-iiiG :.:r. V.llllan Ziric, a licentiate to put hu3?olf ucdtr the sare of the ?r-3?byterj/ of r.aritan-and thaL on the sane dr.y they disrolved the pascoral relaclon of the T'ev, Charles "ebster to the charch :ind conftrsftatlan of ''Idcletown ?oiat-that on she ::5th of April they received •,'r, J, T, Duffle Id ft can^-i'iatc from the i^ecbytery of Csriinle, ."r. '..iilia-n B. Stewart a Cimdidate from the Prerbytery cf Allephariy, rjjd Ls.-'STQnce G. Fay, a cimdidate fror, the Frenbytery of Trld-inapcllp, and licenced r.!eBsrs. Jane"? i'letohcr, '''enry J. Coc, J.a'.>rreac6 0. Hay, ',7illlsro Stewart and Ja-'seB C. lOiajsp to prerich the gOPpel-that <jn the 17th of "ay they ord; ined I'.erere, '.V. 'fcITair, and Bradley Phillips to the v.ork of the ro^pcl rilnir.try, as ■Evanfillsts, and ca the roine day i'.isaisseu then to Join the Preybytery of TTlsconsln-that on the 25th of /.pi^ll they received ^T, liathanlcl illenk 4n trial for the fOEpel nlnistry-that on the 17th of vay they received ?homas S. C, Snith on trials for the if orpel :-ilnlrtry-that on the 2'lth of the srane nrnth they licensed hi'n to i)recch the f0?p6l«that on the suae day they dlsnlnsed ^T. Henry L. Coa a licentiate to put himself

under the care of the presbytery of Indlanaj>olis-that on the 22nd of June, they discniBsad LT. Muj'h J. ('ardlner a licentiate to put hlnsfli' umier the care of the ."Tc-Buytery of I'kOcTc !. Iver- that on the Inth of .Utf-ust, tho; d israissed L*» Thcwias ],'. L. ""ardlow, a licsn'. l;H!-e to /.at, hlr.iE.jlf under the care cf the ?rcshyter.7 c.f Lusonie-that on tnfi 4th of GepttnLer, !'r. George CrcKT, ri licentiate was dirrilssed to put hlrasclf under the cai'? of the "^r«ebyt(3ry cf Baltimore- that on ths Cth of "vi^t-' enbfsr '*• charloB [,'■ 'Vjiiclron a lic';ntir-to wme clpa3l?Fed to put hip^clf undet- the c&ra of the d.-isgis of ^Tritorvllct of the ?,efor-n<:d ".".itch nhurch-Jtnd that on I'l-c, sasie day, *!r. ■".'"orf-e V/, Schenic, .-i llc^nti.'sce, lieunrted tl-is? lii's-that on the i!Jtb of Septehbar, Mr. isorge P. Bercjen a licentiate «e.5! dls-.issed to ->ut hir^Fflf ijnder uhe oJire of the Pref'byten/ of rinclnnnti- tb;.t on the .?nd of Oetcbar, tb<;y vect;lv«d tl.o P.cv. T'-i-o.-'cre Cayler irois the Presbytery of '".-•• st Jersey- th^- '.I'lrn ficovell from the i^'rcr^bytery of nclarnbla, find the ..cv, Jarne? ■.V. Als-iander D. D. from the pre^bytrry of y.ev: Vorlt-that en the same day, they recnived under their csire the Cnd Presbyter inn Church In the '"ity of 'Tentcn 7.'hich i.as ort-iinized in "ay ifSJt, and fl ipr.irsed >'r. Charier "., Shielut. a iicentiste '-.o jul J it- self under the esrs of the ?re?by'tery of Lonf: Isliind-tfcct en th<5 cme dry, they restored the license to "r. f^enry T, Bov.'cn from whOTC It vft-s v.lthdrqv/n, at his cv/n re-,,ue8t in ocn^tcjucr.ce of protracted 111 healtl>-and received under their cfxre the church cf '"oshon, ^-Jhich \7ct3 cr^aniced in June Ir.st, thf-t they also on ths rans dty disrolvc-c the pnrtcrsl rnli^ticn oi the Rev. John C. De ?cw to the ."ind church and ccneTee"fttlon of iTew BraTiP'-lcVr-and rc<celved !>!r. Josirh L'llllt:un on ti'iril for the ecspel ->^ir)iPLry-and uhat on the 10th day cf i^ctcbor, they in- 8tr-iled the Uev. ?heordor6 1. Cylsr pr.stor cf the "^nd pras- byterlsn church in the city cf 'renton.

All which If respoctfnlly sub.T.ltted.

By crdcr of prcrbyter;'.

^LI K. r'^^L'^v, '>.-ted Clorlc.

«5, ?he prsgbvtcry cf jTeti'ton report to t)je ^ynod of irew Jersey tlmt th'-y conpist cf 26 "InlDters, and br-ve under thtlr care 28 nonnrej-atlons, 5 Licentiates v.nd & Cfsnc- Idatee,

1'he ?re?bytery farther report that on the 19th or October lastt they (!l!»7il!?s6d T.Tr. Georjije Haclcnaii, a llcentip.te a-nder their cjxre to put hi-ipclf undor the cnre of thp Pr*-:E- bytpr^ of rteiib«3n-that on tha 7th cf March 1649, th'2y re- cftlvsd :the *:ev. John skinner 1), 0, fron tha Piresbyter;/ of Lexlncton -.md the Hgv. Ja^es Lilllc "?. D. frors the Presby- tery ot Oil rl isle- that en the sa-ne day they inGinilsd ir. Skinner pastor of the church of rarrnony for one half cf his tlme-thst on the ?th of yarch, the.v installed the Lev, Jusms Lillie '.!. D. prtftor of the church of r/aasfield-that on the letn cf .March, they installc-Q Dr. Sklrmer pastor cf tha Sa.. church of -'aFton, for cnc- liBlf of his tlu'^e, thtiu en tha 24th of April, they dissolved the r>.B-.ornl r«i£tlon fcetv-ccn the r.„v, "'.'illlaa ;^:^crlbr.er, ano ths chorch cf Ctroiidsbur, .

'^'hey furthor report thr.t on the jrd day of July the Txe?* Jfrifin C> I'ovce der:-rlcd this llfe-and that on the Cth of Aufur.t, Prrsbytt-ry Olp.T.irBad !'r. John cl£-^-£Xt a llcentl;:tc

to ;;ijt 'r'iT'lf r^^i'i^r (.>■<' , - -rf. of }-». Tj-f <?f.-.-t (tv Of ' iFCOnsln*

presbytery vould farther rei-ort thi^t in IG cf the churches under the care of the presbytery the j^lan of beEcvolRnt ccn- triboticKs enjointid by the fynotl liap been lictrd uficn durinfr tho j''.st year, and contributions rnade to the '.hrcp Bcurdc acoording to the crder of the r>;'r.od» 'iThlle ".■recbytery are able to report an Incretse in the ntunber of ccniributinK churches, sn inprovenr-r.t to b< tttributed to the opcratlcn of the .-^.-nod'?. plan, ptiil th*-::, c)-.nnot but think thnt In sorae instancer, the contrlbuticnss are snail In proportion to the Tvcflth and size of the churchco-rroa the iinicn church the Mansfield ciiurch, 3cottp .'fountain and :;tillwater 2nd Presbytery have- received no re^">ort, and the follov.-inf churchec ITepbytory vrould r^rcrt as delinquent, viz; the .'hid church of r.Aston &ad !Tarraony wliich v-rri^ vacant at the tine appointed by rjyaod for t?^ of the collfctions.-l'iddle Hnithfield of w)ich j,^. Johnscn is ji r;tor-:'u:^ccnetGcnc "rlley of rhlch :fr. Le-wers is pr^stor and otroudsbur h lately under the p; storal care of I^"* Scribncr.

All which Is respectfully submitted*

By order of Presbytery.

J.\:jnS L^ ^LLIA.V, Stated Clerk.

•^^ hg Preab.ytei:^ of Farltar; report; to the Synoc of :;«w J«r?«y thet they ccri)»i?t of l;:', ''inlfters, and hftve ancar their core IS Confrreg-'itions, i; j lctT.ti--ite' , and b Cants ici.^tcs,

They further rs'pcrt tf.tt on the 22nd cf Kov«.mbGr 164*-, th«y (5 iFHC^vd the T)fcpt,or-J relfiicn ci the ; ev, .illicrt iTlllJnTCF ic the ocnfTerAtion of Clintrn-thiit on ths l£th of April 1C49, thf^y licensed KeeBi-s. Andrew 3arr find .'^e-TiCS L, Tedlcot? to -prfifcY: 'he fOFjel as rrcbfj>t loners for th-. ChriRtian S'lrsirtery-thnt on the 6th cf !'B.y, the;j retelveo under their cars »T. •illlsBj ^\ Xirif n licentiate from ths Prestytciy of Rew BruMFivlck, Mid cr. the pr-'iie nay foilcv-ltii;, ord.-ined bin \c the work of the ro^pel .r.lnictry, ana InFtniied Mr^ ^evfcor of the church srirl conrreKt-tioD of foiebury-thttt on the icth cf I'&y thfi? orpfoixled a pref-l-jfterinn church at i'rcnchtow., oiic on thf? l:.st ?nt=r.df.t,-/ In July, (:;lpt of the '-onth,) Inccs-llcd the ''9f» "^amjp.l K. porter, sf postor over the BSize-tLnx. ou the 22id of October, th£y rf:o»lvcd the :;sv, .'aae? C, ".i.tson D. b;/ certif i-cfite from th« JTssbytery ci f^urllrie, us a 'nlnifiter In f?ood str-.r!d ln.;>-thcy further rti^ort tha>t tLc last Cerj«:rnl Asseafclv (i6t&eh<c tho ■^:,;V'. -.lliert ' iiliarns frora trie Presbytery to thfi rrcr-lytery cf Callfo:Tiia, and transferred the Conrrref: tlon cf Tinlcnrn frof^ ths care of the 2nd presby- tery of Philadelphia, to the cRre cf thi? ^'resbytFi^r.

All ^Mch Is rcrpeotfnlly uuteittetu By order of prppbytsry.

•''• ''he presbytery of HtiSjUehatma rfincrt to thfi Sjiiod cf Kew -Jersey that, they cnrlst of IS "inUterp, nrsd have under their care 19 ■''onjrreK'^tlcne, snd Z CrdjciidnteB,

The Pr«=sbytery further reoort thrtt on the 2Sth of Aof^upt 1G4?, they received undoT their cr.re th«? church of Ferric>:- wllle which hiid been orf^inlr-ed by a oomittee durinf tho recess of Prepbyter^.-thf t on the 2- th of :-eptember they re- ceived the r;ev, '"bcncser ^. ^"^rowden from the Prerbytt-ry of Luzerne, fu«l that on tho next day, they lns:;alled hir^ p.stor cf the church and confrrefri^tlcn of 'irren.

The presbytery also report that contributlonf; to :;he different Boards of our charoh have been recsivsd as follows towit;

Prom the chui'ch of warren, i or I/omestic fissions. From the church of ?roy, for Laiestie and i''orei{;;n 'Missions, Education, church extension rjid puolica;; ion. From the churclj of 7ow&nda, Joirestic and roreifm '^isflons, ■Educ.-tion, Church Tactsnsion and Publicaticn. From the church of Vi'yKOx, Domestic and i'oreic-n "issicn!', i'rorn the church of .'.'valusincV, and the church of nilfrer Lake for dcnepcic rjid foreign missticns, education, publication and c hurch •. ex t en s i on «

Prom the (hurch of Orwcll, for dotuastic and x'orci{?n liissions. From the iVelsh Church, for jonertLc and ^oreif;:n ralssicna, Edacfition ajid church extension.

From the church of Cnnton, for domestic rairsion?. i'rota the church of i-riondsville, for :'ublic£t ion.

All which ip respectfully subrailtei?. By order of prepbycery.

ij. 'he presbytercy of ''eci. JnT^.riy report to ".he fjynod of New Jer^TiV tha- they con? is t of 18 "inif;tcrf>, .ino have under thPir care 17 Oon^regationfi, ^ :,icentintes, and * CajJd id.-tes.

The Preshytory further report that on the Ist of November 1840, they ordained ?!r. T^obinson Dunn to the wortc of the Kospel ministry rmd insT;alled hira pas;;or of 'ohe church at Cerjdeti- that on the 14th of December 164L-, they received unccr their care ?^'. David n. Uc Coy, a licentiate from the Prerbyter.v of Philadelphia, and on the sane (tay, ordained him to the work of the rorpel ministry, as rai 'ivnnf.':^ list-that on che If^th of December, they dis.iissed the jev. -.ichard iJurran to connect himself v/ith the iTssbytery of Hun t in f^ ton- that on the 18th of April lb49, thf-:/ licensed r^essrs. Henry Heeves and nobert F. Reeves to preach the pospel at? probationers for the .^unistry- that on the 7tfc of June 16'i9, they lost by death their oldest menber the Kev. Buckley C^rll, in the BOth yec.r of his age- that on the iSth of September 1649, they dipmissed the Hev. Theordore L. Cuyler to connect himself with the Presbytery of New Brunswlc'iC-and that on Ihe 3rd of October, they licensed Nathnniel Burt to preach the gospel as a probationer fee the Ministry.

"•hey also rt^port that thslr churchan Inolude IGOC 'coia- munlcants, m\d have contributed r^s follows v/ithln the j?oar. To Domestic T'issicns 0'30''^~rorsii;n J)o. '^l.")56— Boerd of Education C420--Boarcl of "Publication ^85— and to I'.iscellansous objects "5:C0.

All "hich is resj'ectfully submitted. 3y order of Prer.bytery,

"nniCTi, stated Clerr..

7. The Presbi/t^r.v of Lr>zern« re.^crt to the ^ynod cf IIcy.' Jsrs".-/ that the;/ con?irt of 14 llinisters, iinc have under their care 18 Congretrations, 5 LlcGntir^te? and 3 Candid.. tec-.

And the prcrb^/ter^ further rrnort that on the ."^Oth day of November 1840, thay ordained ''r. Ccrneiiue R. Lane, a licen- tiate under their cnre, to the v;or1c of the ^joppel ninistry, as an ■^vani:Qlist-£t TunkhJvni:oc'- that on .he 12th day cf December, they ord:..lnGd 'Tr. J.i."ies F. Kennedy n licentifite under thei? care to che worl: of ihe £-osp;l ministry f-nd in- stalled M}Ti pastor of the church cf Bcrv.-ick-that on the 16th of April 1049, the-y received under their care !*r, Jcnathen Osmond, c licentiatP from ths prc.-bytery of IJe'-v Castle that on the sjjne day they cited tho r>Gv. TTenry J. David to appear and ansv/er to the char^rcs luid aruinsl him b;. coraTicn i'line-that on the 4t}i of "ay, they ordained l!r. Jcnathon Osmond to the vork of the fosptl nlnistry snd infit£.lied hl.-n paster cf the church cf Newton-tfe^t on the Icth cf "ay, they licensed !!r. Edward Xecnedy to preach the rorpel-that on the 17th of Ji>ly» they issued the case of the he"-'* TTcnry K. Ds^/id and unanimcurly declared him guilty of i'raud and Talcif ication, and on t} e 19th of Sept raber granted hira a nev.- trial, and un- ari;ncuslv affirmed the decision nnd rebulced him. roraln Presbyterio, s'lspended Lir:: from the Pi"lvcle£;es of the church until repcnt?;nce, and on his engarrlng to denit the miniFtry during: cur pleasure, the formal eentcnce of suspenrion was not passed, but his narae is dropped from the roll for the

present- that on the 19th of '"eptember they dlsr.irsed the Rev. "'bensser 'jncv.oen to join the PresLyter;; of ■'usque- hnnna, r:.nd on the snine day, received ander their «ore !!r. ?, De Lacey "ardiav.-, a liccntlatG from the Prcbytcry of Kev/ BransvlCiC, tmc on Lhe 20th of the pnne tionth, dirrairred the ■'lev. '/. ' ilson Bonnell to join the Presbytery of Phila- delphia.

/-jxd the presbytery further report that en the 16th cf October, they receivecl under their care 'T. V.m. "ranuc-1 yorrl- son, a licentiate of ITe-<?i'y presbytery In Connection with the General Assembly of the church cf Ireland, an(5 his credentials are herewith laid before the Synod.

All '.^hich i? respectfully submitted. By order of ?r€r>ytery. ^.T:^-nx> ■■'"Br.?':-, ''tatGd clerk.