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Philadelphia Chuech, )

Monroe County, Ala., Sept. 26, 1874. )

The Bethlehem Baptist Association met pursuant to ad- journment, with the Philadelphia Church. The annual ser- mon was preached by Elder Ingram Spence, from 28th chap- ter of Matthew, 19th and 20th verses: " Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations," &c.

After a recess of an hour the delegates assembled in the church and the Association was called to order by the Mod- erator, Elder A. Jay, and opened by singing, and prayer by Elder J. L. Eddins, and the Moderator announced the Asso- ciation ready for the transaction of business.

The Moderator appointed J. W. Leslie, A. J. Kobinson, and J. W. Locke, to read the letters. The letters were read, contents noted, (see tabular statement), and the names of the delegates enrolled, to-wit:


Little River. D. H. Boyles.

Claiborne. R. A. Lambert, James Thames, and N. C. Thames.

Salem. D. M. McNeill, B. Sawyear, and James Newberry.

Zion. John McWilliams, L. W. Duke, and Bichard Hixon. / Pleasant Hill.—K. McLeod.

Monroeville J. W. Leslie, T. J. Emmons, and John De- Loach.

Philadelphia. W. G. Curry, J. H. Daily, William Helton, and W. T. Nettles.

Pleasant Ridge. C. W. Smith, E. Andress, and Travis Biggs.

Mars HiU. James Boon.


Bethany. B. Sherley, 8. Brantley, Bellville.—E. Cline, C. D. Gulley, T. A. Bobbins,

ArkadelpMa. James Norecl, John Higdon.

Pilgrims Rest. J. B. Colley, J. S. Scott, and E. P. Lovless.

Breckenridge. F. M. Walker, A. S. Hudson.

Cedar Creek.— M. C. Kirkland, J. M. Steel.

Point Pleasant. B. J. Howell, John Howell.

Bamah. J. H. Bains, B. Bradberry, J. White.


Evergreen. J. W. Locke, Y. M. Rabb, and T. B. Long.

New Prospect. D. D. Bennett, J. H. Stamps.

Union. J. W. Page, L. Garner.

Brushy Creek.— J. M. Fortune, J. A. Cohron.

Brooklyn. A. J. Robinson, C. A. Thames, G. R. Boulware.

Georgiana. E. C. Milner.

Old Town. I. Spence.

Mt. Carmel. J, Chancellor, J. W. Darby, J. J. Howell.

Beulah. A. Jay, J. M. Travis, J. G. Baggitt, jr.

Proceeded to the election of officers for perfecting organi- zation, which resulted in the re-election of Elder A. Jay, Moderator; John DeLoach, Clerk, and A. J. Robinson, Treasurer.

The Moderator appointed Committee on Preaching, to-wit: Elder J. McWiUiams, J. M. Travis, J. B. Colley, Y. M. Rabb, W. G. Curry, Pastor and Deacons of Philadelphia Church.

On motion, Elder A. Jay was relieved from preaching to- night on the subject of Temperance, and hold a temperance mass meeting instead thereof.

Letters and messengers from corresponding bodies were called for.

Received from the Pine Barren Association her messengers, and invited them to seats with us, to-wit: Elder J. L. Eddins, P. Armstrong, H. E. Davison, W. R. Countryman, E. F. Griffin.

On motion of Brother J. W. Leslie, that there being pres- ent several members of the Bethlehem Association, colored, who desired to be present and witness the order of business of the Association, and get such information as would be of service to them as a body, to-wit: Jim Wilson, Harrison Stallworth, Lewis Barnett, Willis Stallworth, and Reese Montgomery.


On motion of Bro. E. P. Lovless, that we reinstate as an item of business " Temperance," and raise a committee to re- port on the same.

On motion of Bro. J. W. Locke, that a special committee be appointed to select a minister to preach the annual sermon, and the alternate, and report the same to the Association, and committee appointed to-wit : J. W. Locke, J. S. Scott, J. M. Travis, W. T. Nettles, T. A. Bobbins.

On motion of Elder W. G. Carry, that " periodicals and publications" be an item of business, and that a committee be raised to report on the same.

The Moderator announced the appointment of standing committees, as follows :

On State of Religion. Elder W. G. Curry, A. J. Kobinson, J. W. Darby, C. A. Thames, James Newberry.

On Sabbath ScJtods. J. W. Locke, Elder J. Spence, G. R. Boulware, J. B. Colley, James Nored.

On Domestic Missions. Elder L. W. Duke, Y. M. Rabb, D. M. McNeill, J. M. Fortune, D. D. Bennett.

On Temperance. J. "W. Leslie, E. P. Lovless, T. J. Em- mons, J. H. Stamps.

On Queries and Bequests. A. J. Robinson, Elder E. Cline, R. A. Lambert, B. Bradberry, J. J. Howell.

On Correspondence. E. C. Milner, J. W. Darby, Elder L. "W. Duke.

On Periodicals and Publications. Elder W. G. Curry, A. J. Robinson, J. W. Leslie, E. C. Milner, E. P. Lovless.

On Finance.— Y. M. Rabb, T. A. Robbins, T. B. Long.

Elder A. Jay, Chairman of the Committee of the Executive Board, made his report ; which, on motion, was received and adopted. (See appendix A.)

Bro. Y. M. Rabb moved to reconsider the vote adopting the report of the Chairman of the Committee of the Execu- tive Board. The Association, after considerable debate, re- fused to reconsider.

The Committee on Preaching reported as follows: On Sab- bath, in the church, at It o'clock a. m., Elder A. Jay; at the same hour, at the arbor, Elder J. L. Eddins ; in the church,

at 2 o'clock p. m., Elder P. Armstrong; at the same hour, at the arbor, Elder J. M. Fortune.

On motion, adjourned to Monday morning at 8 o'clock. Prayer by Elder J. McWilliams.

On the Sabbath, the ministers preached in the order of their appointment, to large and attentive audiences. After the morning services a collection was taken up for associar ional purposes, amounting to $

Monday Morning, September 28, 1874.

The Association convened pursuant to adjournment. Sing- ing and prayer by Elder W. G. Curry.

The minutes of Saturday were read, corrected and ap- proved.

J. W. Leslie, Chairman Committee on Temperance, made his report ; which was received, amended and adopted. (See appendix B.)

J. W. Locke, Chairman of the Committee on Sabbath Schools, made his report ; which was received and adopted. (See appendix C.)

Elder L. W. Duke, Chairman of the Committee on Domes- tic Missions, made a majority report, and Bro. Y. M. Rabb made a minority report, and after some discussion Bro. W. T. Nettles moved to refer both reports to a select and special committee ; which was carried and committee appointed, to- wit: A. J. Eobinson, W. T. Nettles, J. B. Colley, C. W. Smith, J. H. Dailey; and, on motion, J. W. Leslie was added to the committee.

E. C. Milner, Chairman of the Committee on Correspond- ence, made his report ; which was received and adopted. (See appendix D.)

A. J. Robinson, Chairman of the Committee on Queries and Bequests, made his report; which was received and adopted. (See appendix E.)

W. G. Curry, Chairman of the Committee on State of Re- ligion, made his report; which, on motion, was received and adopted. (See appendix F.)

Elder W. G. Curry, Chairman of the Committee on Peri-

odicals and Publications, made his report ; which was received and adopted. (See appendix C.)

Bro. Y. M. Eabb offered the following preamble and reso- lution ; which was, on motion, adopted :

Whereas, at the Association at Belleville in 1872, that ac- tion was taken recognizing Bro. B. F. Riley as a beneficiary of this Association, and that brother B. F. Riley has now gone to Crozier Theological Seminary, relying, as is under- stood, upon this body for the means contemplated in the adoption of him as a beneficiary ; and, whereas, it was not contemplated that any departure from this precedent, hereto- fore established by this body, would be in his case, be it, therefore,

Resolved, That while we do not feel that the resolutions bind us to contribute to his support at any other point, only that of our own institution, we would refer to the considera- tion of the churches composing this Association his claim upon us as a denomination.

On motion of A. J. Robinson, that committees on Sabbath schools, domestic missions and temperance be appointed at this Association, and to report at the next annual meeting of this Association.

On motion of brother J. W. Locke, that a committee be appointed to procure subscribers for the Alabama Baptist. The committee appointed are as follows, to-wit : L. W. Duke, E. C. Milner, E. P. Lovless, F. M. Walker, R. A. Lambert; also, that all ministers of this Association be requested to act as agents in getting subscribers for the Alabama Baptist.

Appointed correspondents, as follows :

To Pine Barren Association L. W. Duke, W. R. Maxwell, John W. Leslie, J. W. Locke, C. D. Gulley.

To Alabama Association E. C. Milner and J. H. Stamps.

To Elim Association E. P. Lovless, J. B. Colley, T. M. Rabb, G. J. Scott.

To Zion Association A. J. Robinson, J. W. Locke, W. G. Curry, J. W. Darby, J. M. Fortune, N. B. Lynn, J. M. Travis, E. C. Milner, G. R. Boulware.

To State Convention A. J. Robinson, J. W. Locke, W. G. Curry, A. Jay.

To Bethlehem Association (colored) E. C. Milner, J. M.


Fortune, J. H. Stamps, D. D. Bennett, J. W. Darby, N. B. Lynn.

Brother Y. M. Rabb, chairman of the finance committee, made his report, and on motion it was received and adopted. (See Appendix H.)

On the application of the delegates from the Belleville church, the nest annual session of this Association will be held with that church.

Brother J. W. Locke, chairman of a special committee, re- ported that they had selected Elder L. W. Duke to preach the next annual sermon of this Association, and as alternate Elder W. G. Curry.

Brother Y. M. Rabb offered the following resolution, which was adopted :

Resolved, That this Association regards with the utmost satisfaction the high position the Howard College has taken in the rank of colleges in the United States, and because it is our college we heartily recommend it to the favorable consid- eration of all who may desire a first class education, either theological or literary.

Brother A. J. Robinson, chairman pf special committee on domestic missions, made his report, which, on motion, was received and adopted. (See appendix I.)

Appointment of standing committees :

On Sabbath Schools. John W. Locke, J. B. Colley, E. P. Lovless, E. C. Milner, J. W. Darby, J. M. Fortune, J. M. Travis, E. Cline, Moore Wood.

On Domestic Missions. A. J. Robinson, Y. M. Rabb, I. Spence, Calvin Gulley, L. W. Duke.

On Temperance. W. T. Nettles, W. G. Curry, J. W. Leslie, C. W. Smith, T. J. Emmons.

On motion, proceeded to raise funds from the delegates to pay our obligations to the late deceased Elder P. H. Lundy.

Amount raised, $24 50 ; and, on motion of brother J. W. Leslie, that the money so raised be turned over to the treas- urer.

On motion of R. A. Lambert, that the treasurer turn over the minute fund to the clerk, and that he be allowed $20 for his services, and the balance of the minute fund be appropri- ated for printing and distributing the minutes.

On motion of brother J. W. Leslie, the money in the hands of the treasurer for associational purposes be paid to the chairman of the executive committee for brother Lundy's daughter.

On motion of brother Leslie, that the amount of funds in the hands of the treasurer for the beneficiary of this Associa- tion, brother B. F. Riley, be paid over to brother Y. M. Rabb to be forwarded to him ; and the amount in the hands of the treasurer for home missions be paid to the chairman of the executive committee.

On motion of brother J. W. Locke, that a financial com- mittee be appointed, of one from each church, to raise funds for missionary purposes, to be sent up to the next meeting of this association. (See appendix J.)

Brother A. J. Robinson, treasurer, made his report, which was received and adopted. (See appendix K.)

Brother Robert J. Lambert offered the following resolution, which was adopted :

* Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be tendered to the citizens and members of Philadelphia church and vicin- ity for their kindness and hospitality so kindly tendered by them to us, and to brother G. W. Davison for the use of his house for preaching purposes.

On motion, the Association, after a harmonious session, adjourned to meet with the Belleville church, Conecuh coun- ty, Ala., on Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in Septem- ber, 1875.

A. JAY, Moderator.

John DeLoach, Clerk.



It was the pleasure of the Association, at its last session to refer the entire missionary operations of the Association to her two boards, executive and financial the one to raise means, the other to disburse them, under instruc- tions then given. It was no doubt expected that all that was laid out to be done could be readily done by the entrusted agents, but up to this time the financial committee have placed no means in our hands, consequently the much cherished wishes of the Association failed the obligation not discharged, nor the mission to Pensacola supplied.

Your committee participated largely in the wish that these laudable Christian objects could have been accomplished, but without funds they were powerless. On information derived from brother B. F. Riley, the chosen theological ben- eficiary of the Association at its session at Belleville, that he intends to be ready to enter the Seminary at the commencement of the approaching session, and needed some help . We, through our chairniRn, made known the same through the Alabama Baptist, the best medium at our command, and requested the brethren to be ready to respond at this session of our body. Your com- mittee would further add, that never in the history of the Bethlehem Associa- tion have our people been so hard run for money, or found it so difficult to make a support for themselves and those dependant upon them, as in the past year ; and we would suggest, in view of the trying times upon us, -that further operations requiring much money, be passed for the present, and use all of our exertions to liquidate the obligations outstanding. Were it possible to do so, it would be a labor of love to supply Pensacola with another brother Lundy, but the outlook at present is not of that encouraging character to justify it. Respectfully submitted,


Your committee on temperance is not in possession of data from which to give statistical accounts of the evils of intemperance or the amount of opposi- tion arrayed against it. But although the evils arising from intemperance are indescribably great, we rejoice in the knowledge that, in many instances, they are yielding to a great opposing force . The bloody tyrant, Alcohol, has long swayed an almost unresisted sceptre, but now a formidable and well organized army is disputing his right to reign, and a hard fought battle is going on, each army is calling for recruits, and the time has come when every philanthropist should enlist in the peaceful army of temperance and valiantly fight with the weapons of love . This is the greatest of the world's enemies. We record with pleasure the enthusiastic temperance mass meeting held during the present session of your body, and which will form an epoch in the history of this As- sociation, B" which unanimity of sentiment was expressed in regard to the de- moralizing influence of intoxicating drinks among professors of religion. Your committee would urge upon churches an unremitting effort to eradicate from its pales the use of this unnatural and soul destroying beverage, and especially that such means be adopted as will effectually prevent the traffic in ardent


spirits by their members, and we hail with pleasure the co-operation of any total abstinence society as a means by which this most desirable end should be the more speedily attained.

Respectfully submitted,

J. W. LESLIE, Chairman.


Your committee beg leave to state, that from the letters and other sources of information, they are induced to believe that the Sunday school cause is on the increase, and we trust much good is being done in the name of our Lord and .Saviour. We would recommend that the ministers serving the different churches be reqiiested to make it a specialty to use their influence to have a Sunday school in each church- -to earnestly impress upon them the importance of the work and would also recommend that when any other text-book than the Bible be used, our denominational works should be adopted.

Your committee, appointed at your last meeting, beg leave to state that they have organized tour schools and have been influential in having others organ- ized . They have felt the importance of the work, and have not failed to advo- cate the cause on every occasion that presented itself. We feel that much good can be done by a similar committee, and would recommend that a committee of nine (three from each district) be continued, and that they, through their chainnau, make the Sunday school report at our next meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

J. W. LOCKE, Chairman.



To corresponding Associations the Bethlehem Baptist Association hails with delight her fifty-eighth annual session, and our hearts are made glad by the revivals reported from many parts of our Association, which is all evidence thirt the word of the Lord shall not return unto him void, but that it is still accomplishing that whereunto he has sent it. We still hope that this inter- communion may continue, and that the blessing of God may rest upon us. We regret that no corresponding messengers wen- present, except those of the Pine Barren Association.

Respectfully submitted,

E. C. MILNE J!. Chairman.



Your committee on queries and requests beg leave to report, that there has been no requests made or queries submitted.

Respectfully submitted,

A. J. ROBINSON. Chairman.



Your committee beg leave to report, that from information derived from ihe various churches of this Association, that the cause of Christ seems to be pros- pering in our bounds. Many churches have been visited with gracious revivals and large numbers have been added to their membership. This, amid the stringency of the times, should call forth our profoundest gratitude and en- courage us to believe that God is still pouring out his blessings upon us, and sending forth his reviving influences.

Respectfully submitted,

W. G. CURRY, Chairman.



Your committee respectfully recommeud the adoption of the following pre- amble and resolution :

Whereas an organ of communication for the Baptists of Alabama has been a felt necessity, and whereas the Alabama Baptist, published at Marion, fully meets the wants of the denomination, therefore,

Resolved, That we give it our hearty support, and that we use every effort m our power to extend its circulation.

W. G. CURRY. Chairmar.



Your committee beg leave to report the following amounts for the objects designated :


Claiborne $0 50 Union $1 50

Zion 3 50

Monroeville 5 00

Pleasant Hill 0 50

Salem 2 50

Belleville 5 00

Arkadelphia 1 65

Pilgrim's Rest 3 25

Cedar Creek 1 25

Philadelphia 3 00

Point Pleasant 2 00

Breckenridge 1 75

New Prospect I 35

Minute Fund $58 40

Sabbath Collection 18 25

Monroeville, for beneficiary •. 10 00

Monroeville, for Associational purposes 5 65

Georgiana, " " " 4 75

Mount Carmel, " " 150

Old Town, Home Missions 2 15

Brother Mc Williams " 1 50

Brother A. Jay " 2 00

Brooklyn 2 00

Georgiana 3 00

Old Town 2 00

Antioch 3 40

Beulah 2 00

Ramah 2 00

Mars Hill 1 50

Mount Carmel 3 00

Pleasant Ridge 2 00

Evergreen 2 50

Bethany 2 25

Total $103 60

Respectfully submitted,

Y. M. RABB, Chairman.


The special committee to whom was referred the majority and minority re- ports on domestic missions, and the letters i >f Mrs. Nuininy, submit the fol- lowing :

While your committee feel the great importance of reoccupying the field emporarily and from necessity abandoned last year, Ave find that there is yet no means on hand with which to prosecute the work, we therefore recommend that no action be taken by your body, except to urge upon the churches their duty to raise all the means possible and send to the next meeting of this Asso- ciation for domestic missions. We would, however, urge that the amount due brother Lundy's family for his services as missionary ai Pensacola, be raised and paid to his daughter, Mrs. Nunimy, at once.

Respectfully submitted,

A. J. ROBrNSON, Chairman.


(K.) TREASURER'S REPORT. A. J. Robinson, Treasurer, in account with the Bethlehem Association :


To amounts received from finance committee.

Minute fund $58 40

Sabbath collection 18 25

Beneficiary 10 00

Associational purposes 11 30

Home missions 5 65

Special collection from delegates 24 50

$128 10


By amount paid clerk $58 40

" " chairman executive committee 54 07

" " home missions 5 65

" paid Y. M. Rabb for Riley 10 00— $128 12

Respectfully submitted,

A. J. ROBINSON, Chairman.



Little River, D. H. Boyles. Evergreen, T. B. Long.

Claiborne, R.A.Lambert. New Hope, James Cook.

Salem, D. M. McNull. New Prospect, J. H. Stamps.

Zion, L. W. Duke. Union, L. Gamer.

Monroeville, J. W. Leslie. Brushy Creek, J. A. Cohron.

Philadelphia, Q. W. Davison. Brooklyn, C. A. Thames.

Pleasant Hill, M. McLeod. Georgiana, P. M. Bruner.

Mars Hill, James Boon. Sepulga, W. A. Smith.

Bethany, S. Brantley. Old Town. W. R. Watson.

Belleville, T. A. Bobbins. Mount Carmel, M. A. Cooper.

Arkadelphia, James Norrid. Antioch, J. W. Wamack.

Catawba Springs, J. J. Jackson. Damascus, L. W. Manning.

Pilgrim's Rest, E. P. Lovless. Beulah, J. G. Baggett.

Breckenridge, F. M. Walker. Ramah, B. Bradberry.

Cedar Creek, Isaac Kirkland. Pleasant Ridge, C. W. Smith.

Point Pleasant. Benjamin Howell. Bethel, Mrs. B. Avant.

Tabular Statement of the Churches.

No. Sabbath Meetings.


No. of Blacks.

No. of Whites.





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