




Sept. 15 and 16, 1 900.


B. F, Hughes, Moderator Three Rivers, Ala.

James M. Creel, Clerk and Treas Three Rivers, Ala.

The next session of this Association will be held with Mineral Springs

Baptist Church, near Brookside, Ala., commencing on Friday,

before the Third Sabbath in September, A. D. 1901.

Leslie Print, Birmingham, Ala.




The eighth annual session of the Mineral Springs Baptist Asso- ciation met September 15, 1900, with Watts Union Church.

After prayer service, the Association was called to order at 10:30 a, m,, by former Moderator G. A. Sloan.

On motion took up order of business. Called for letters and received six. Appointed J. H. Pool and J. L. Jolly Reading Clerks, and read and enrolled as follows :

Watts Union Thomas Carr, R. L. Roc and B. H. Crane, del- egates, and E. G. Bibb, alternate.

Enon L. M. Little, L. Little and S. T. Harris; D. A. Stone, alternate.

Mt. Pisgah James Carr, B. F. Mathis and Jackson.

Mineral Springs R. A. Hodges, J. T. Hodges, G. A. Sloan and Rev. John H. Pool; Willis Eastis, alternate.

Liberty John S. Hannah, John O. Haygood, Lewis J, Smith and W. F. Rogers; W. R. Guthrie, alternate.

Sardis J. H. Glover, W. E. Spradling and J. W. Little; W.

D. Key, alternate.

Proceeded to election of officers. Appointed as tellers Rev. J.

E. Creel to take the vote for Moderator and Wm. Rouse to take the vote for Clerk. Elected Rev. B. F. Hughes, Moderator and James M. Creel, Clerk and Treasurer.

Moderator took the chair and called for petitionary letters. Received none.

On call for correspondents from other Associations, received from Orphans Home, Rev. J. W. Steward, and Bro. Howard, representing the Alabama Baptist.

On motion the order of business was suspended to hear from Bro. Stewart in behalf of the Orphans Home. Bro. Stewart de- livered an able and interesting speech in the interest of the Home. Took collection for the Home which amounted to ;^7.oo.

Bro. Howard made an able speech in behalf of the Alabama Baptist.

Rev^ J. H. Pool delivered an able speech in behalf of the Minis- ters Institute.

Resumed order of business. Called for letters and received one from Antioch; read, received and enrolled the following delegates: W. W. Statum, William Huff, John H. Wood and Calvin Carey.

Appointed the following committees:

On Devotion D. J. Reid and the Deacons of the Church.

On Sunday School J. H. Pool and J. E. Good.

On Documents B.L. Rowe, J. S. Hannah and W. E. Spradling.

On State of Religion John T. Hughes and J. L. Jolly.

On Temperance Jas. A. Moncrief, J. B. McCormick and W. M. Bibb.

On Aged and Infirm Ministers G. A. Sloan, L. M. Little and E. G. Bibb.

On Deceased Ministers and Deacons Thcmas Carr, W. A. Eubanks and J. O. Hagood.

On Education W. D. Shaw and B. H. Crane.

On Finance J. L. Jolly, L. J. Smith and W. W. Statum.

Minutes were read and adopted.

Moved that the Moderator appoint the different committees to report one year from appointment (except Devotion, Document and Finance.) Motion prevailed, and appointed the same com- mittees that is appointed for this session.

Adjourned one hour for dinner. Dismissed by J. H. Pool.


At 1:45 P- ^- opened by singing and prayer by John T, Hughes.

Moderator again called for letters; received, read and enrolled two, as follows:

Mt. Olive— J. E. Good, J. B. McCormack and W. C. Fulmer.

Chalcedona— D. J. Reid, E. E. Nail, J. G. Reid and A. M. Whitehead.

Called for petitionary letters and received none.

Called for correspondents from other Associations and received from Sulphur Springs Revs. I. C. McCrary, J. E. Creel and Wm. Rouse; from Birmingham Association John W. Ragland.

Devotional Committee reported that there would be preaching to-night at 7 o'clock by Jas. A. Moncrief, followed by John T. Hughes. E. G. Bibb, Chairman.

On Sunday Schools, read, received and adopted :

We, your Committee on Sunday Schools, report as follows : In the bounds of our Association we see that the work has been much neglected. Only four Churches have reported Sunday Schools. But the State Sunday School work is progressing, and is being felt as a power for good everywhere.

John H. Pool, Chairman.

Discussed by John H. Pool and John T. Hughes, and a special prayer for the up-building of Sunday Schools was offered by Rev. J. H. Pool.

On Documents, read, received and adopted:

We, your Committee on Documents, find nothing to claim our attention. R. L. Rowe, Chairman.

On State of Religion, read, received and adopted :

We, your Committee on State of Religion, beg leave to make the: following report : We find by your letters that the State of Religion is in a luke-warm condition. Judging from the state- ment of the letters seeing some have reported none baptised, while some have a good number. Brothers let us begin to work more for the Master. Carefully submitted,

Jno. T. Hughes, Chairman.

The report on temperance read and received.

We, your Committee on Temperance, beg leave to report that the cause of Temperance is slowly, but surely, gaining ground. The Lord being oq the side of temperance encourages us to re- newed effort. The word tenperance means self control, hence we have a wide field in which to operate and to fight the demon _ of strong drink ; and may we as Christians set an example worthy to be followed by the young of our land, and may the time speed- ily come when our daughters will cease to be led to the altar by those who would drag them down instead of lifting them up. We therefore urge that those who profess the name of Jesus Christ touch not, taste not, nor handle the accursed stuff.

Now, may the God of heaven so rule in our hearts and lives that soon, very soon, the saloons must go and be a thing of the past. Jas. A. Moncrief, Chairman.

On motion all reports to this were adopted.

On Aged and Infirm Ministers read, received and adopted.

We, your Committee on Aged and Infirm Ministers, beg leave to report that there are none to our knowledge in the bounds of our Association. G. A. Sloan, Chairman.

(On motion and Second the preceding report was changed from Superannuated Ministers to Aged and Infirm Ministers).

Moved and seconded that Moderator appoint Committee on For- eign and Home Missions and make the present Committee State Missions. Adopted.

On Missions read, received and adopted.

We, your Committee on Missions, are enabled to make the follow- ing reporf : There has been some Mission work done by Brother Shaw in the bounds of the Association. Brethren, we believe there is great room for more work to be done. We believe there are many places where we ought to have Mission Sermons preach- ed and our doctrine explained more fully to our people.

J. S. Jernigan, Chairman.

On Deceased Ministers and Deacons read, received and adopted. We, your Committee on Deceased Ministers and Deacons, beg leave to report that we find none in our Association.

Respectfully submitted, Thomas Carr, Chairman.

On Education read, received and adopted.

We, your Committee on Education, beg leave to report the fol- lowing: We believe and teach that Education is the hope of our country, especially the young of both sexes ; that good and moral teachers should be employed in every community in our literary schools ; that we should place efficient teachers that is the men that have taken up their cross and are following Jesus Christ.

We further believe that in our Sabbath Schools each school should have for a superintendent a man that has a first-class edu- cation, and all teachers should be Christians with good educations. The time is fast approaching when we will have to compete with foreign countries in education. Brothers, we pray God that all of us may give our children a first class education in literary and Bible studies. W. D. Shaw and B. II. Crane, Com.

Recess 1 5 minutes.

Reassembled in order.

On Finance read, received and adopted.


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Chalybeate Spr'gs,



Mineral Springs. .

Mt. Olive

Mt. Pisgah


Watts Union


New Hope

$10 iG 5 05

2 08

8 18 'S 41

$ 1 00

27 84 15 55

30 00 30 50 41 45 11 00

Total $33 88 $ 4 PI $12 65 $176 36 $129 00 $16 00 $411 11 $2,875

CO £3


CS S 8

$ 24 00

100 00 5 00

Tl ,r^^ O

3 rO ^

(i( a "5 .002

i 3 00 11 0 2 00

; 40 07 21 50 28 13 31 15

43 68

1»6 82

27 91



3 40

200 200 325 300 600 600 250


*Not reported.

Collections at Association For Associational, $3.16; Orphans' Home, $7.00. For JPoreign Missions Mineral Springs, $8.37. For Orphans Home— Watts Union, $1.90.

J. L. Jolly, Chairman.

Called for petitionary letters, received none.

Called for letters, received none.

Collection Associational Expenses, $i.y^.

Moved and seconded that the Executive Board report to-night after preaching. Motion prevailed.

On motion, granted next session of this Association to Mineral- Springs church.

On motion, we invite Bro. W. B. Crumption, or his representa- tive, to preach the Missionary Sermon at next session of this As- sociation, on Sunday, at 1 1 a. m.

On motion, elected Bro. Jas. A. Moncrief to preach the intro- ductory Sermon, with Rev. B. F. Hughes alternate.

Received from Birmingham Association R. C. Greathouse, S. J. Creel, L. H. Shuttlesworth and E. C. Caddell.

On motion, appointed J. H. Pool and G. A. Sloan to report the time and place of District Meetings.

Read names of the citizens that will take care of the delegates. Song No. yd), in Crowning Day, No. 3. Prayer by Rev. J. H. Pool. Adjourned to 7 p. n\.


7 o'clock, p. m., preaching by John T. Hughes, from Rcv.iv:3. Concluded by Jas. A. Moncrief.

The Moderator announced the Association ready for business.

Called for letters, received one from Chalybeate Springs,

Read and enrolled the Delegates as follows: J. A. Moncrief, T. A. Elliott, Garvey Smith, Jacob Ezekial and S. F. Jackson alternate.

Called for report of Executive Board, the Chairman announced not ready to report. On motion deferred report until Sunday, at 10:45 ^- ^'

On District Meetings, Committee's report read, received and adopted.

We. your Committee on District Meetings, report as follows : The First District to meet with Chalybeate Springs Church, com- mencing on Friday night before the first Sunday in July, 190 1. I'riday night, 8 p. m., sermon by Rev. S. L. Waldrop. Im- mediately after sermon organize b}^ electing officers.

Saturday, at 9 a. m., Devotional Exercises, conducted by Rev. A. J. Creel.

9:20, discussion of the subject "Is any body a missionary who will not contribute to missions," opened by Rev. Jno. T. Hughes followed by others.

At 10:20 a m, discussion of subject, "Is Missions a Success without Mission Boards," by W. D. Shaw, followed by others.

At 11:20 am, discussion of the subject, "Do We or Do We Not Owe the Gospel to the World," opened by J. L. Jolly, followed by others.

At 12:20 p m, adjourn for dinner.

2:00 p m, devotional exercises, conducted by J. S, Jernigan.

2:20 p m, discussion; subject, "Is It Right for our Organized Church to Use a Preacher and Take His Time and Talent without

Remuneration," opened by John B. McCommack, followed by others.

3:20 p m, subject, "What is the Best Plan for Raising Money for Pastors," opened by Snow Rogers, followed by others.

7:45 p m, preaching by Rev. L. H. Shuttleworth, subject, "Communion or the Lord's Supper."

Sunday, 9:00 a m, Sunday School Mass Meeting, conducted by Rev. VV. J. Carlisle.

1 1:00 a m, sermon by Rev. Lock, of Brookside, subject,


The meeting of the Second District to meet at Mineral Springs Church on Friday night before the third Sunday in August, 1901.

7:45 p m, sermon by Rev. A. J. Creel ; after the serm.on, election of officers.

Saturday, 9:00 a m, devotional exercises, conducted by T. A. Elliott.

9:20 am, discussion, subject, "Can a Baptist Church do its

duty without a Sunday School," opened by Dr. Martin, of


10:00 a m, discussion, subject, "Is money well spent that goes for Sunday School literature, if so, why?" opened by L. A. Con- nell. Stand and sing.

10:30 a m, subject, "What literature and periodicals should be bought by the Sunday School beside the lesson papers," opened by G. A. Sloan.

1 1 :00am, sermon by W. D. Shaw, subject, "Church Discipline."

12:00 m, adjourn for dinner.

2:00 p m, devotional exercises, conducted by Jno. McCommack.

2:20 pm, subject, "What territory does the Foreign Mission Board operate in, and what are the results," opened by B. F. Hughes and followed by others.

3:00 p m, subject, "Where is the territory occupied by the Home Mission Board, and some of the results," opened by J. A. Moncrief, followed by others.


7:45 P "^> sermon by Rev. L. H. Shuttlesworth, subject, "The Work and some of the results of the State Board of Missions."

Sunday, 9:00 a m, Sunday School Mass Meeting, conducted by some one to be appointed at that time.

1 1:00 am, sermom by J. G. Lowery, subject, "Missions."

Jno. H. Pool, Cliairman.

Resolution of thanks read, received and adopted.

Appointed Rev. Jno. H. Pool delegate to State Convention.

On motion elected Rev. Jno. H. Pool to preach the missionary sermon to-morrow at 1 1:00 a m.

Adjourned ; dismissed by J. S. Jernigan.

Sunday, 9:30 a m, Sunday School Mass Meeting, conducted by Rev. J. E. Creel.

Adjourn 15 minutes for recreation.

Reassembled by singing at 10:45 ^ ^^

Moderator announced ready for business and called for report of Executive Board ; report not ready.

Received report of W. D. Shaw, Missionary, as follows :

Money Received as Missions ^19.71

Paid as Expenses II-43

Balance $ 8.28

Miles Travelled 288

Sermons Preached 36

Sunday Schools Organized . . . ; i

W. D. Shaw.

Moved and seconded that the Executive Board make report to Clerk and was put on the Minutes. Prevailed.

Resolution No. i read, received and adopted.

1st. Be it resolved that this Association raise ^50.00 from the churches, the amount to be apportioned among the churches.

2nd. That we ask cooperation with the State Board of Missions.

3rd. That the Executive Committee contract with some mission worker who will do colportage work in connection with mission work and recommend him to the Secretary of the State Board.

4th. That the Missionary put in all his time for the time em- ployed and visit the homes of the people as colporter.

That his preaching be done in communities where there is no

pastors, and that whatever he has to do with pastors or church let it be done with a spirit to more firmly unite them.

6th. That all amounts apportioned to the churches be raised by the Missionary. The Executive Committee may appoint some preacher to visit any church at any time (if the church is willing) to preach and take collections for missions.

7th. That the Missionary make a report of every day's work, miles travelled and every home visited, Avith a regular colportage report. Offered by

John H. Pool.

Resolution No. 2 read, received and adopted.

Resolved that this body ask of the different churches for Mis- sions for the ensuing year as follows:

Antioch 5 8.00

Asberry 5.00

Chalybeate Springs 10.00

Enon 10.00

Liberty .10.00

' Mt. Olive 5.00

Mt. Pisgah 5.00

Mineral Springs 10.00

New Hope 3- 00

Sardis 5.00

Watts' Union 10.00

This will sum up more than the amount asked for, but some of the churches may fail to send in their report. The churches are requested to commence at once to raise the money and send to Secretary of State Board as they collect it.

Jno. H. Pool.

The following were appointed Executive Board : Jno. H. Pool, G. A. Sloan, J. E. Good, T. A. Elliott and Jno. B. McCommack.

Appointed as committees : Rev. Jno. H. Pool, on Foreign Missions, and Rev. Jas A. Moncrief, on Home Missions.

Moved and seconded that we pay our Clerk eight dollars for his service. Prevailed.

Collection for Association Expenses $i.gi.


Moved and seconded that the Executive Board of this Associa- tion settle with VV. D. Shaw, the Missionary. Prevailed.

Recess 15 minutes.

Reassembled and the Missionary Sermon was preached by Jno. H. Pool, from Second Division of the Psalms and ist, 2nd 3rd verses.

After taking the parting hand, dismissed by Rev. J. E. Creel.

Be it resolved, that this body tender thanks to this church and community for their kindness to us during our stay with them , and that we pray God's blessing upon them.

List of Ordained Ministers.

B. F. Hughes, two churches . . Three Rivers, Ala.

John T. Hughes Three Rivers, Ala.

John H. Pool Brookside, Ala.

James A. Moncrief, three churches, New Castle, Ala.

J. S. Jernigan Greens, Ala.

S. L. Waldrap Ono, Ala.

Thomas Carr Warrior, Ala.

B. F. Hughes, Moderator.

James M. Creel, Clerk and Treas.

Nov. 14th No report from the Executive Committee to date.

Jas. M. Creel, Clerk.

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1 . Moderator call the delegates to order and hear the introductory.

2. Call for letters from the Churches.

3. Appoint Reading Clerks and have letters read.

4. Election of Officers.

5. Call for Petitionary Letters.

6. Invite visiting members to seats

7. Call for correspondence from other Associations.

8. Appoint the different committees, to-wit :

On Devotion. <

On Documents.


On Finance.

On Sunday School.

On State of Religion. -\

On Temperance. I

On Aged and Infirm Ministers. '

On Deceased Ministers and Deacons. j

On Missions (State). |

On Education.

9. Call for Report of Executive Board. 1

10. Appoint place of next meeting. ]

11. Appoint Ministers to preach annual sermons.

12. Offer thanks and miscellany.