A^m BAPTIST aKToracAL mrm





Etowah Baptist Association,


Bristoe's Creek Church,

Aurora, Etowah County, Ala., OCTOBEIR 19, 20, Q1, 1898.

Rbv. W. L. CuLBEiiTsoN, Moderator, - - - Attalla, Ala.

R. W. Beock, Clerk, Hill, Ala.

W. T. MuKPHREE, Treasurer, . . . . Gadsden, Ala.

The next session of tins Association will be held with Mt, Carmel

Church, Etowah County, Friday before the Fourth

Sunday in October, 1809.



Order of Business.

9, 10 11

Reading letters from the churches.

Election of officers.

Invite visiting ministers and brothers to seats.

Call for petitionery letters.

Call for correspondents.

Appoint committees.

Report of standing committees.

(Committees may report at any time when time not occupied )

Miscellaneous business.

Call roll and read minutes.

Fix order of printing and distributing minulea.


Ordained Ministers.

W. L. Cnlbertson, Attalla.

B. F. Smith, Gadsden.

J. R. Trotter, East Gadsden.

J. W. Battle, Gadsden.

K. S. Steele, Hoke's Bluff.

W. Y. Adamp, ''

W. AY. Wester, '^

W. J. Nash,

J. T. Chadwick, Glencoe,

J. M, Flood, Gadsden.

J. B. Smith, Markton.

L. J. Bishop,

P. M. Archer, Attalla.

Jacob Gray, "

B. F. Kirkland, Gadsden.

G. E. Jones, Alabama City,

J. AV. Willis, Gadsden.

T. P. Galloway, Buford. J, W. Heaton,' Hoke's Bluff W. M. Slaton, '' T. 0. Heaton,


C. W. C. Tucker, Crudup.

AV. C. Smith,

J. R. Tilley, Brice.


Of the Fifteenth Annual Session of Etowah Baptist


The Etowah Association met according to appointment with Bristoe's Creek Church, Eev. W. L. Culbertson, Moderator; R. W. Brock, Clerk. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. J. W. Willis. Text, John, 3rd chapter, 5t]i verse.


The Association was called to order by the Moderator. Prayer by Eev. J. T. Ohadwick.

Moved that Tve adopt the order of business of last meeting.

Appointed Bros. R. R. Yeates and IST. N. Vann to read letters from churches. Read letters and enrolled delegates as follows:

Antioch— D. Steele, W. M. Shaw. Attalla— Rev. W. L. Culbertson, N. N. Vann, J. W. Wright, S. D. Monroe.

Bethany— J. W. Gilliland and R. W. Brock.

Bristoe's Creek— J. J. Frix, C. G. P. Ross, Willie Dobbs, J. S. Brasseal, H. H. Russell.

Cane Springs L. F, Rickels, T, P. Galloway.

Center— Rev. B F. Smith, T. C. Wright, W. I. Lee.

Dwight— Rev. G. E. Jones, B. C. Miller, A. M. Richie, M. J. More- head.

East Gadsden Not represented.

Fairview Rev J W Battles, L Divine, G H Bearden.

Friendship M Tullis, G W Jones.

Gadsden— Rev J W Willis, D P Goodhue, W T Murphree.

Greenwood N W Sauls, 0 B Hawkins.

Liberty Coosa Rev W W Wester, A H Barnes, L L Herron, W M Slaton, James Wisdom, G T Fox.

Mt. Araat— J T Chadwick, W L Marker.

Mt. Carmel J L Jones.

Macedonia J R Holmes.

New Harmony G W Norris.

Pilgrim's Rest Rev J E Smith, Joseph Bryant.

Pleasant Hill— W H Hill,

Pleasant Valley J W S wind all.


Union No. 1 J L Johnson, 0 Q Iforton, J P Bearden.

Union No. 2— J M Mayo, W A Culbertson, J C Lutes.

AValnut Grore— J T Campbell. Dr J A Hurst.

White Springs— R R Yeates, Rev B F Kirkland, P G Newton.

White's Chapel Not represented.

Appointed Bros 0 Q Norton and G H Bearden tellers.

Rev W L Culbertson wai re-elected Moderator, R W Brock, Clerk, and W T Murphree, Treasurer.

Called for petitionary letteri. Letters were read from Friendship and Pleasant Hill churches, petitioning for membership in the Associa- tion. The churches were received and the Moderator gave the delegates the right hand of fellowship in behalf of the Association.

Correspondents wers received as follows: Rev I M Thompson, from Marshall Association, and Rev J A May from Warrior River.

Appointed the pastor and deacons of this church and Bros T C Wright, L L Herron and L Divine as a committee on devotional exercises.

Supplied vacancies on committees as follows: State Missions, R R Yeates: Associational Missions, J T Chadwick; Education, Dr J A Hurst, Obit'-iariea, J R Holmes; Finance Committee, J W Wright, J P Bearden, D D Head.

Adjourned with prayer by Rev J E Smith.


The Association was called to order by the M«d«rator by reading the 93rd Psalm, and prayer by Rev B F Smith. Read and adopted the min- utes of the previous day. Appointed standing committees as follows: Foreign Missions, J T Chadwick, T P Galloway, James Wisdom; Home Missions, J W Battles, W M Slaton, B F Kirkland; State Missions, G E Jones, J W Willis, W M Shaw; Associational Missions, B F Smith, J E Smith, W W Wester; Temperance, D P Goodhue, A H Barnes, J T Cam'pbell; Sunday Schools, R R Yeates, 0 Q Norton, J W Gilliland; Education, W Y Adams, W T Murphree, D D Head; Obituaries, L L Herron, P G Newton, J S Brasseal; Orphans' Home, Dr J A Hurst, J C Lutes, T J Brown; Executive Committee, J W Willis. A H Barnes, 0 Q Norton, J T Campbell, R R Yeates, R T Moore, N N Vann, R W Brock, W T Murphree; Time, Place and Nominations, 0 Q Norten, J W Gilli- land, A H Barnes, J T Campbell, R R Yeates, J L Jones.

On motion a special committee be appointed on Orphans' Home, to report at this meeting. Committee, Rev J W Willis, S D Monroe.

Moved that all three committees on missions report and all discussed under the same head today at 2 o'clock.


We believe that they who have failed to receive the spirit of missions have just that far missed the essence of the gospel,* for the commission to preach the gospel to every creature includes us and everybody ©Ise. There- fore, we. your committee, feel it to be our duty to urge on this Associa- tion the spirit of missions rather than the plan, whatever the plan agreed upon be. We can but do our duty as baptists in spreading the gospel. We should nerer loose sight of the fact that if we as a denomination have


the gospel at our disposal we cannot afford to withhold it from any one when the commisiion embraces the whole world. Then let us as Baptigts not cease our efforts in supporting the gospel where it is and sending it where it is not, remembering that in helping others we also help ourselves.

W. W. Wester, ) ^ ., , R. R. Yeates, 1 ^o^°^^ttee

The committee appointed to rerise our Articles of Faith read the Articles of Faith of Cherokee Baptist Association, which was discussed by Rev. J E Smith, G E Jones, J C Lutes and VV W Wester, and the following motion was made: That the Association defer action on above report and it be carried to the different churches and they to accept or reject and send delegates instructed one year from now, and then this Association will act on same.


Your committee on Home Missions submit the following report: By

consulting the report of the Soiitliorn Baptist Convention of May, 1898,

we find that the Home Board has employed 467 missionaries this year,

against 372 last year; baptised this vear 4.739, against 4,709 last year;

total additions this year 9,509, againgt 9,455 last year; the amount raised

and expended on the field home missions this year is $54,251.04,

against $45,675.82 last year; there has been collected and expended on

houses of worship on the field this year $56,385,45, against $51,540 last

year, making a total of money raised and expended on the field of $110,-

636.60, against a total last year of $97,211.82, an increase of $13,424.68;

total costs raised by the Board from all sources has been $86,827.27,

against $83,184.31, an increase of $3,702.96, while the Board is and has

been doing efficient work, yet by the increasing of our population in the

home field our responsibilities become greater year by year. Our seaport

towns are being filled with foreigners. We must meet them with the


With the closing of hostilities between the United States and Spain

we must take up our work in Cuba. In Cuba we have the opportunity of

the nineteenth century. May the head of the church burden the hearts

of his people with this great responsibility.

Rev. J. E. Smith, ) <^ _... T 1117 n^^^^r .^r^ r Committee.


Your committee are glad to be able to report that the Walnut Grovt Baptist College opened its doors to the public on the morning of Tues- day, September 6, when an encouraging enrollment of pupils was made. The building and lot, which was donated by the citizens of Walnut Grove, is a most suitable one, the building being large and commodious and well furnished with furniture and other school requisites. The Bap- tists may well be proud of this institution, and will no doubt give it their patronage and hearty moral support. We recommend to this body the adoption of the following resolutions:

Resolved, First, That the Etowah Baptist Association, believing that the Walnut Grove Baptist College as an institution fostered by the Baptists of this section will decidedly promote the progresi and interests


of the Baptists of this country, urge the Baptists of this Association to patronize the Walnut Grove Baptist College and give it their moral sup- port at ali times. Second, That as a state institution the Baptists have at East Lake, near Birmingham, Howard College, the peer of any insti- tution of its kind in the state, which no Baptist of this Association should fail to patronize when sending their children away from home. Third, That the Judsoa Female Institute, at Marion, and the Alabama Central Female College, at Tuscaloosa, are Baptist institutions for the education of females and should be patronized by Baptists. That this Association adopts as an institution to be fostered by its support and patronage the Walnut Grove Baptist College and gratefully accepts the property so kindly given by the citizens of Walnut Grove, and endorse the action taken by the Board appointed by the Etowah, Marshall and Warrior As- sociations at their meeting at Walnut Grove in the acceptance of this property and establishment of this college upon its present basis.

D. P. Goodhue. ) .-, .,, ]~)R. J. A. Hurst, \ '-on^'^ittee.

The above report was adopted after being discussed by W T Mur- phree, Dr J A Hurst, J W Willis, W Y Adams, I M Thompson and D P Goodhue.

Ou motion we have a recess of five minutes for Temperance sermon.

After assembling together Eev W Y Adams preached an able sermon on Temperance. Text, 2nd Peter, 1st chapter, Cth verse.


The Association Avas called to order by the Moderator, with prayer by Rev I M Thompson.


Wo, your Committee on Associational Missions, beg to submit the following: Owing to the fact that the executive committee has had no meeting we have but little to rei3ort. We notice that Dwight Church has asked for aid to build a house of worship. We think this to be one of the greatest places of need in our Association, and we hope the Asso- ciation will consider this well and the churches will come to their finan- cial aid. We also desire to call attention to the work done by Brothers B F Smith and J T Chadwick, Tbey held a meeting at the Alliance Hall which resulted in the conversion of sixteen souls and the organization of Friendship Church with thirty-three members. AVe believe that there could be a great Avork done in our Associotion by employing a man to work in destitute places. We recommend that such steps be taken, pro- vided we will pay him. G. E. Jonhs,

J. T. Chadwick, ]■ Committee. W. M. Slaton,



During the year which ended with the meeting of the Southern Bap- tist Convention at Norfolk, Va , in May the following were the results in gifts and work: Missionaries, 76; native assistants, 117; churches, 1U2; out stations, 92; membership, 4,760; baptisms, 701; schools, 41; scholars, 1,111; Sunday school scholars, 1,624; receipts For- eign Board for year. $125,249 69, of which amount §6,556.76 was con- tributed by native churches. The best results in foreign mission work for the past few y«ars cannot be tabulated, such, for instance, as a de- creasing opposition to the gospel on the part of the political powers in heathendom, so that in many heathen lands we find the gospel now wel- comed by rulers who a few years ago persecuted missionaries to death. Heathen lands are adopting Christian civilization, and by this means opening" new and wider doors for the preaching of the Christian religion. The Emperor of China has recently been dethroned, if not murdered, because his decrees for the establishment of Christian ideas in govern- ment. His views are rapidly coming to the views of the Christian people. These are signs of the times made possible only hy Christian missionary work- The heathens are learning to discriminate between the true and false, between the true Christian religion which is of the heart and the outward formal profession of religion made by Roman Catholics. The Philipinos detest the Catholic priests who claim to be Christians, and wel- come the men who have religion in their hearts. The work of Christian- izing the world rests with the Anglo-Saxon race, represented by England and America. Germany, France and Russia have not a pure gospel to preach, and are practically opposed to mission work on political grounds. Of the total $124,249.69 contributed by Southern Baptists for foreign missions last year Alabama gave $6,563, an average of 4.9c per capita. But when we consider that only one-sixth of our church members con- tributed for this fund at all the average is increased to 26c per capita. We would reaffirm the practical suggestion made in the report on Foreign Missions at the Association last year as the best means for increasing mis- sionary knowledge and zeal in our churches. We especially rejoice at the marked increase of missionary spirit in our Association, as shown by the contributions from the churches.

Rev. J. W. Willis, ) r^ -4.+ W. M. Shaw, f Committee.

The hour having arrived for discussing missions the .above reports were discussed by Revs. J. VV. Willis, G. E. Jones, D. P. Goodhue, and adopted.

On motion, we take up a subscription to help build a house of worship at Dwight. The following is the amount each church agreed to pay: Antioch, $5; Attalla, $25; (^adsden, $25; Greenwood, $3; Liberty Coosa, $10; J T Chadwick, $1; J W Giililand, cash $1; Rev J E Smith, cashjl; Union No. 2, $5; Walnut Grove, $5; total amount, $81. s- ' ^

Committee on Time, Place and Nominations made the^ following j-e- port: Time, Friday before the fourth Sunday in October, 1899. Place, Mt. Carmel. Introductory Sermon, Rev J E Smith; alternate, Rev* J T Chadwick. Temperance Sermon, Rev J W.Willis; alternate, Rev W W Wester. Missionary Sermon, Rev J A May; alternate. Rev W Y.Adams.

0. Q. Norton, Chairman Com.



AVhereas, the manufacture, sale and nse of alcoholic intoxicants as beverages is one of the chief agencies of the devil, designed and made nse of by him for the degredation and destrnction of the human race, both morall}'^ and physically, and for the great detriment of the gospel of Christ; and whereas, said intoxicants antagonizes the Holy Spirit as is evidenced in the fact that when a human being is inflamed by the spirit of alcohol his words and actions demonstrate that he is possessed of a spirit wholly contrary to the Holy Spirit, so that the spirit engendered by alcohol and the Holy Spirit cannot abide in the same heart; therefore, be it resolved, first, that this body, the Etowah Baptist Association is persuaded that no Baptist church can consistently receive into its mem- bership or retain in its membership any person engaged in the manufacture, sale or use of any alcoholic intoxicant as a beverave. Second, 'J'hat all alcoholic intoxicants, being agencies of the devil for the above named purposes, and the spirit 'of alcohol being inimical to the Holy Spirit, it catinor symbolize the peace- giving, saving blood of Christ. Third, That this body is persuaded that the fruit of the vine (unfermented grape juice), the only term made use of in any mention of the Lord's supper in the New Testament, and not wine since the term wine as used in this country at the present time is applied to fermented products of the grape containing alcohol and not to unfermented products^ should be used in the sacrament to symbolize the blood of Christ. Fourth, That since it has become an 'unholy occu- pation of some of the members and even deacons of some of the churches of this Association to make and sell fermented wines because of the filthy lucre therein, this body advises such churches to be firm in its condemna- tion of such business and suppress it or exclude such offending members.

B. F. Smith, ) J. L. Jones, Y Committee.

S. D. JyiONROE, ) The above report w£js adopted without discussion.


We, your committee on Sunday Schools, beg leave to submit the fol- lowing report: We find that the churches are giving more attention to Sunday schools than ever before, and that the Lord has blessed them in their efforts wonderfully. We find that the churches that have good Sunday schools are in better working order and aro giving more for mis- sions and doing more for the cause of Christ thaa those that have no schools. A large per cent, of .the accessions to the church has come through the efforts of the Sunday schools. We believe that the older people are leaving this grand work for the young people. This, we think, is one of the greatest hinderances to the i^i'ogress of the Sunday schools and church work. Only one church in the Association reports more mem- bers in Sunday school than memberis in church, the general average being about one-half. We think it is the duty of every joarent to attend and take an active part in Sunday school work. Educate the children not


only ii^ the Bible but in giving to missions and we will have better churcli workers. We find that out of twenty-four churches we have only eigh- teen that have Sunday school. We believe that no church, whether great or small, is doing her full duty until she has organized a Sunday school that is attended by most of her members. We recommend that the church letters to the Association make a complete report of number last reported, present membership, number of conversions in Sunday school, jnst as they would a church letter. Let us get the members of the church to attend Sunday school, teach the children to trust in the Master while young, and our churches will grow and the Lord's cause will prosper. " N. N. Van^jST, )

A. H. Barxes, >■ Committee.

W. M. Shaav, )

The above report was adopted after being discussed bv N. N. A'ann, D. P. Goodhue, Kev. J. W. '.Villis, R U. Yeates atid J. T. Chad- wick. Adjourned with prayer by Rev. G. E. Jones.


The Association was called to order by the Moderator by reading 24th Division of Psalms, and prayer by Rev. B. F. Kirkland. Read and adopted the minutes of the previous day.

REPORT o:s" obituaries.

We, your committee on obituaries, beg leave to make the following report: We find that God in his providence has removed from our midst our beloved brother, M. J. Hall,\who departed this life August 23, 1898, aged 75 years. He was a consistent member and deacon of Macedonia Baptist chui'ch for a number of years. We also find we have lost another old prop in the person of Sister Mary Gardnei', who was born September 27, 1810, departed this life October 13, 1898, aged 88 years. She assisted in the organization of Bethany church in Little Wills Valley seventy years ago, and has been a faithful servant in the Master's cause ever since. Also Bro. T. M. Nelson, who was a faithful member and an ef- ficient deacon of Walnut Grove church, died in February, 1898, after a very short illness. Bro. Nelson was 55 years old. In his death the churcli has sustained a great loss and the community an exemplary and useful citizen. 0, Q. "'Norton", )

J. R. Holmes, [• Committee. J. T. Campbell, )

The above report was adopted.

On motion, the committee on Digest of Letters and State of Churches was abolisliod.


treasurer's report.

Eeceipts from Finance Committee

For Missions undesignated $16 12

For State Missions 4 48

For Home Missions 21 ]0

For Foreign Missions 11 45

For Ministerial Education 80

For Orphanage 2 3G

For Minutes : 15 (55

Gadsden Baptist Church (for Minutes) 2 00

Total ^73 87


To R W. Brock, for Minutes $17 65

State Board 53 80

Kev. J. W. Stewart, Superintendent Orphanage 2 36

Total $73 87

W. T. Murpiiree, Treasurer.

On motion, a committee of three be appointed to draft a church covenant, to report to the next meeting of the Association for recom- mendation to the churches of the Association for their adoption. Com- mittee, Eev. B. F. Smith, W. T. Murphree and R, R. Yeates.

The following resolution was offered:

Resolved, That we, the Etowah Baptist Association, will not tolerate the manufacture, sale or use of intoxicating wines or other liquors as a beverage. Therefore, be it further resolved, That we will not fellowship with any church which retains members who are guilty of the above named charges.

The above resolution was discussed by Rev. J. E. Smith, Rev. J. W. Willis, J. T. Chadwick, J. L. Jones, J. W. Wright, D. P. Goodhue, W. T Murphree, J. W. Battles, T. C. W right, and was unanimously adopted.


We, your committee on Finance, report cash and vouchers for mis- sions, minutes and ministerial education, $333.59.

J. W. Wright, Chairman. Adopted.


We, your committee, commend the Baptist Orphanage of Evergreen, Ala., to the benevolent consideration of our churches. Certainly no wo* thier object could api^eal to our sympathies and be more greatly needed. The Orphans' Home is open to orphat) children in all parts of the state, and its directors not only solicit contributions but urge that all children bereft of parents can be brought to their notice so that they may be gathered into the Home with its pure and elerating Christian influences. We have, one of the best equipped Homes in the state under the man- agement of Rev. J. W. Stewart and Mrs. I. J. Ansley, both consecrated Christians whose hearts and energies are fully committed to the welfare


of the orphan childreD. Adjoining the Orphanage is one of the best schools in the state, which offers free tuition to the children, thus afford- ing advantages of education superioi to anything possible at their present home. Can we afford to allow the orphan children of deceased Baptist bretiiren to be cast adrift upon the world, when we may by a small con- tribution give to them a home where religion and culture reigns supreme?

Rev. J. W. Willis, Chairman Com, The above report was adopted.

Moved that the pastors and members of the different churches o^" this Association take a collection for the Orphanage during the month of December.

The following resolution was offered and adopted:

Eesolved, That the fifth Sunday district meetings being very helpful to the cause of Christ in the several districts, this Association recom- mends to the several churches in these districts to see to it that no ser- vices are held in their churches which will interfere with an attendance upon such district meetings.

Moved that the Clerk retain $5 for his services, and expend the re- mainder for printing minutes, and he to let contract to some one who can get them out in two weeks.

Resolved, That we, as delegates to the Association desire to return our sincere thanks to this church and community for their hospitality during our session.

Appointed correspondents as follows: To Marshall Association, Rev. J. W. Willis, Rev. .J. \V. Battles. To Warrior River, J. T, Campbell, Dr. J. A. Hurst. Delegates to Southern Baptist Convention, Rev. J. W. Willis, Rev. W. L. Cnlbertson. State Baptist Convention, J. W. Willis, W. L. Culbertson, J. T. Chadwick, J. W. Battles, B, F. Smith, J. E. Smith, S. J. Carlton, S. D Monroe, A. E. Goodhue.

On motion we dispense with the missionary sermon and take up a collection for state missions. Collection amounted to S3. 94.

Took a collection to insure college building at Walnut Grove Amount, $3.00.

Adjourned with praver bv Rev. J. E. Smith.

REV. W. L. CULBERTSON, Moderator.

R. W, BROCK, Clerk.


The name of this Association shall be "The Etowah Baptist Associa- tion."

The officers of this Association shall be a Moderator, Clerk and Treasurer, who shall perform such duties and perform them in such a manner as is ordinarily required of such officers. They shall be elected at or near the opening of each annual session of the body.

The membership of the Association shall be such churches as shall see fit and be permitted to represent themselves in its session by delegates.

Each church shall be entitled to one delegate for every Iwenty-five members, or fractional part thereof, but each church shall be entitled to :tt lonst two flelofr;itos.


''J'he object of this Association shall be the advancement of the.Re» deemer's Kingdom not only within its own bounds, but throughout the world. It shall aid and encourage, by moans of its influence, those grand institutions and agencies which, in the providence of God, have been established by the wise and good among our brethren for the spread of the gospel throughout the world, for the distribution of the Bible among those destitute of it, for the education of young men for the work of the ministry, as well as for the cause of education generally, for the promo- tion of the Sunday school cause, the cause of temperance, etc.

The Associaticn shall employ such means and adopt such measures as shall seem best calculated to cultivate Christian unity and Fellowship among the brethren within its bounds, to incite the brethren to love and good work, to stir up the pure minds of the brethren by way of remem- brance, to secure individual advancement in the Divine life, in every way as individuals, to illustrate to the world the reality of tne relegion of Jesus Ciirist.


1. i'reparatory to the organization of the Association an intro- ductory sermon shall be preached by a member appointed at the previous meeting, and another shall be named at the same time to perform tiie duty in case of the failure of the first.

2. The service being performed, the Modei'ator, or if he be absent, the oldest minister pieseut shall open the Association with prayer.

3. He shall call for letters from the churches, when the delegates shall present them and take their seats in order.

4. When the Association is regularly organized, as prescribed by the Constitution, the correspondence from other Associations shall be called for, the letters read and the messengers received by the right of fellow- ship from the Moderator. The messengers shall be invited to seats in the Association and accorded the privil.ege of speaking on any subject before the body, but not of voting on any. Other brethren may be invited to seats with the same privilege and prohibition.

5. Subjects not named in the last mintues may, at the discretion of the Associadon, be taken up at any time when there is no business before the body.

G Any subjects not contained in minutes must be regularly brought be''ore the body by motion which shall be seconded before it can be taken up. After this, it shall be considered as property at the disposal of the Association, unless it be withdrawn by the mover.

7. No one shall speak oftener than three tim.es on the same subject, unless permitted by the Association. The speakershall always rise to his ieet and addr»:-8S the Moderator.

8. Silence and decorum shall be observed by evory member of the Association while ilie body is in session, and more especially in the time of debate. Ail person;jl refiectious and remarks tending to wound the feelings of tiie bi'ethren shall be strictly avoided,

9. IS'o member of the Association shall leave the house while the As- sociation is in session without permission from the Moderator.

10. In order to expedite business, committees shall be appointed at llie discretion of the Association, who shall be named ;bv the ^foderator.


11. The meeting of the Association shall, on each day of session, be opened and closed with prayer.

12. The minutes of each day shall be read at its beginning and close of business, after prayer, each succeeding, when names of the dele- gates shall be called. And the whole of the minutes of the session shall be read at its close and signed by the Moderator and Clerk.

13. Any alteration of these By-Laws may be made at any meeting of the Association by two-thirds of the members present.


The rules of order uf.ually observed by deliberative bodies of this kind shall be observed by this Association.

If any point of order be raised by any member of the body, it shall be decided by the Mo'ierator, but appeal may be taken from his decision to the body. "Wells' Parliamenrur}^ Practice" shall be used as authority in regard to questions of oi'der.


There is one *.nd but one God, who is a spirit, omnicent, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, unchangeable, infinite in goodness and wisdom, of inviolable truth, perfectly just, of immaculate holiness, the creator of all things, the preserver of all, and the supreme ruler over all. The God- head is a trinity Father, Son and Holy Ghost three persons in one divine essence.

The son became incarnate, thus uniting in himself the divine and human natures that he might become the mediator between God and man; man's final judge, and by his life, death and resurrection, the Re- deemer and Savior of his people.

The Holy Spirit is the banctioner and comforter of God's people. He is, through the divine word, the author of tlie new spiritual life pro- duced in man in his recgeneration.

The Holy Scriptures were given by divine inspiration as a revelation of God's v/ill to man concerning him, and constitute to him an infallible rule of faith and practice.

Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created holy, and for a time served the Creator acceptably, living innocently and happy in His favor, but A'lam, having been placed under a covenant of works, violated it and brought the penalty of the violatieu upon himself and his descend- ants.

A\] men partaking of the consequences of the fall, are both totally depraved and guilty of actual transgression of God's laws.

No man can free himself from his native depravity, or from con- demnation. No man can save himself. There is no way of salvation but by Jesus Christ.

The Christian Babbath is the first day of the week, and should be kept holy and consecrated to the service and worship of God in obedi- ence to the command, ''Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy," and in commemoration oi the resuri'ection on that day of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The ordinances of the go.'^pel are two l^aptism and the Lord's sup-


per. The great head of the church requires the perpetual observance of these ordinances by the church requires the perpetual observance of these ordinances by the church as such and under their authority.

Baptism is the immersion of the believer in water by one duly quali- fied and authorized to administer tlie rite. It is prerequisite to church membership,

A gospel church is a company of Baptist believers, organized under the laws of its Great Head for the advancement of God's kingdom in the world. The officers of the church are its pastors and deacons. Each church is an independent body, subject only to the commands of its Great Head. The woric required of the church is missionary in its character.' "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."

The Holy Spirit continues the work of sanctification upon those whom he has regenerated to the end of life, and thus saves all who are regenerated from apostucy.

All who will be tlnaily saved Were chosen r)f God the father, before the foundation of the world, and gave to Je?iis Christ in the coveaant of grace; yet all who will be lost will have rejected a preferred salvation.

The bodies of all who die will be raised from the dead and reunited to their spirits for the judgment of the great day.

In the last day Jesus will come to judge the world, and having as- sembled all men before him, will pass sentence upon them according to their works.

Heaven is a place to which tbe righteous will be received and made perfectly happy in the presence and enjoyn)ent of God forever.

Hell is a place into which the wicked shall be cast to suffer eternal punishment for their sins.


Article 1. VVe believe that thei-e are tlu^e that bear record in heaven: The Father, Word and Holy Ghost; and that these three are one, the only living aiiditrne God, the creator and preserver of all men of the universe. 1st John o, T; 1st Tim. 2, 5; Provei'bs 20, -1.

2. We believe the Word was made flesh in the person of the man Christ Jesus, who is God over all. and blessed ever more, John 1, 14; 1st Timothy 2, 5; Romans 9, 9.

3. That all scripture, as contained in the Holy Bible is ^iven by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for re- proof, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be per- fect, thoroughly furnished unto all good work.-. 2d Timothy 3, 16; 2d Peter 1, 20, 21.

' 4. That the law and testimony, as set forth in the scriptures, is the only rule of faith and practice to Christians in their scriptui-al concerns, and their conduct as individuals and as niember? of the churches. Isaiah 8, 20.

5. That Adam, the natural head and representative of all mankind, fell from his state of original purity, that by his disobedience all his pos- terity are made sinners.— Gen. 3; Romans 5, 12. 19.

^i. That by the obedience of Christ alone sinners are restored to the favor of God. and t!ircn2;h hi.-? uunieritod merrv receive rcijeneriition.


pardon, justification, sanctification and glorification. Romans 5 19- 8 29; John 3, IG. > > >

7. That those blessings are communicated by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, so that those who are saved by grace, through faith, and not of themselves, not of works, least anv man should boast not by works of righteousness which they have done,'but by the washinc^ of re- generation and renewing of the Holy Ghost.— 1 Peter 1, 12; Ephesians 2, 8, 9; Titus 3, 5.

8. That God works all things after the council of His own will, fore- known unto Him are all His works from the beginning; and that, of course, all that the Father hath given to Christ shall come to Him and He will raise them up at the last day, so that His sheep will hear His voice, and shall never perish; become dead to the world and sin, be made alive to God, and shall, when He who is their life shall appear with I[im in Glory— Ephesians 1, 2; Acts 15, 18; John 6, ,30; 10, 28, 29; Col. 3, 3, 4.

9. We believe that belit-vers should obey the commandments of Christ and maintain good works for recessary uses. John 14, 15; Titus

O, 14:.

10. That sinners of the vilest character may obtain salvation through Christ without money and without price.— Isaiah 1,18, 55; John 3, 16.

11. That there will be a resurrection of the dead, and a general judgment, according to the decision of which the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, and the righteous to life eternal.— Daniel 12, 2; John 5, 28, 29; Rev. 20, 12, 13; Matthew 25, 30, and to the end.

12. That God has instituted a church on earth, existing in distinct bodies, the only scriptural members of which are the faithful in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, who are immersed in water in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and who have given them- selves to the Lord and to one another in the church relation by the will of God and their voluntaiy compact.— Matt. 18, 18; Cor. 1, 2; Eph. 1, 2; Romans 6, 3,

_ 13. That each church of Jesus Christ is independent of all author- ity but that of her head, and she has unnder Him the exclusive power of managing all her concerns of judging of the qualification of lier own members for the offices they aro to fill, and of chosing her own officers in conformity with the direction of the Word of God.— Matt. 14, 18; 2 Thcs. 2, 11; 1 Cor. 14, 20, 21; Acts 14, 23; (see original) Phil. 1, 5.

14. That the officers of the churches are pastors and deacons only. 1st Timothy 3. ^

_ 15. That scriptural baptism is an ordinance of the Gospel and con- sists in immersing the body of a disciple of the Lord Jesus in water upon a profession of his faith in Christ.— Mat. 18, 19; Mark 10, 10; John 4, 1, 2; Acts 2, 41; Acts 8, 12, 37, 38; Acts 10, 47, 48; Rom. 0, 3; Col. 2, 12.

16. Ihat the Lord's Supper is a standing ordinance of the Church ot Christ, consisting in a believing participation of bread and wine, to be observed in commemoration of the death of Christ, and to show forth His death until He comes the second time— Matthew 10. 28; 27, 26; Acts 2, 42; 20, 7; 1 Cor. 11, 23, 27. W. VV. Wester, ) '

J. L Jones, P^^"^'






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A N Mince

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J E Smith

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SV Wilson, Gadsden

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