i^iiL/iEALlA « , ^.^







September 2Uh, 05th, l.'6t!i and OTlIi,




^:aM'[:!j at the •• standaiiij ' ofitci:



MliNT'TJ^, .&c.

ir-i. J iic ,,, .ui.uc-tory f>er:T!on uas delivered by hrolher B. K. Wil- son, froirj the Gtli verse, x)r llie first chapter, .of Phifippians :— '' Be- "iP.g, corsfidont of this very thing, that he uhich hath begun a good work in youj will- perform it untj! the day of Jesus Christ'."

2. Convened in the house. Prayer by b-other Callaway-

3 Received and read letters from, the different churches, comporgT

in* this A.ssociation ; which reported the- delegates nanie^, ^nd '^ - slafe.of the ch^■lrche^•.

4. Elected, Rev. F. Callaway, .Moderatorj and Britlon 5 . Clerk. ; ^

5. Invited visiting tninisters of our order, to seats in this be".

G, Opened a door, for the admission of churches, and received !)y ; 'tier and delegates, the following churches, to wit : Rocky Mount, vvhaiiihers county, Spring Hill, Chambers county, Pada«»ararn, JMa^* ron county^ Crockettsville, (formerly Uchee Fork,) Russell counrv, Pine [ievelj Macon county, Bethel, Tallapoosa county, and Bethany, Russell county.

7. Called for correspodence. R'.^ceived and extend'-".! the right hind of fellowship, to brother Murphy, from Western Ga. brethren. Ilarrelson, Brasier, and Blakey, from the Alabama; brethren J. S. Callaway, and R. M. Stell, from the Flint river Ga. ; brother Jere- miah Thornton from the Columbus Ga.; from Tallapoosa a letter ond minutes; and from the Sarepta Georgia, a packet of minutes.-

i TvilNUTES, Sec.

* ■<^*' " . , ■,

S. The following comraitlpes, were appointed: to arrnn^^e preach- ing, brethren, R. Thornton, L. Matthews, D. Thornton, N. Long, and G. VV. Gimn; to arrange business, to be brought before the body, brethren Jelferson Falkner, Obadiah Echols, John Brltton, Willis B. Jones, and Sanaiiel Morris; and brethren G. W. Gr.nn, and Charles Bussy on Finances.

9. Committee on preaching, reported the following order of ser- vice for sabbath day, viz: Prayer meeting at 9 o'clock A. M. a ser- mon at 11 by brother R. M. Steel, followed by exhortation, by broth- er B. H. Wilpon, a sermon in the afternoon, by brother J. S. Calla- wa}', followed by exhortation by brother F. Callaway. The Asso- ciation then adjourned until 9 o'clock A. M. Monday morning. Prayer by J. S. Callaway.

10 Prayer meeting at 9 o'clock, A. M. The stand was then occupied by the preachers and exhorting brethren, surrounded by a large congregation, and we indulge a hope, that much good raay re- sult, from the labours of the day, at the close of which saints rejoic- ed, and sinners were made to mourn.


11. Met according to adjournment. Prayer by brother Spurlin.

12. Whereas the Lord hasabundandy blessed us, in the bounds of this Association, the present year, by a wonderful outpouring of his holy spirit, in many places. On motion the association resolved to suspend all business for some time, and then engaged, about fifty minutes, in thanks giving and prayer, to Almighty God, for the gra- cious dealings towards us as a people the present year, and that he would bless us more abundantly, the ensuing year.

13. Appointed correspondents to sister Associations viz: To the Cof)sa, brethren Washington Thornton, Samuel Morris; Sind J. Falkner, brother Echols to write ; to the Western Ga., i}reth- ron William Lacy, and Jas. M. Spurlin, to beheld at Antioch, Merivventher county, on Saturday before the third Sabbath in Sep- tember 1S43; brother Wilson to write; to the Columbus, brethren


2. M. V/alt, D. D. Culberson, Wni. Ilaninglon, ana Oijnillah Ecl:(>!s, to be held at Belbleh.im, Harris county Ga., on Satiinlay be'or:- l!u? ?=econd Sabbath in October 184-2; brother Britton to write ; to i lie Flint river Ga., brethren S. iMorris, B. Wilson, B. Goss, J. M. Spur- lin, J. Falkner, J. Britton, 0. Echols, & Wiatt, to be held at Aniiorh, Fayette county Ga., on S:)turilay before the third Sabbath in July lSi3 ; brother Go:vS to u^rite ; to the Tal'a.sahachy, brethren F. C;?!- laivay, G. VV. Gunn, and C. Bnssy ; b.iother Bussy to write ; to the Alabama brethren, Lewis, and Long, to be held at U"nion Chnrcli, Autaga eounty, on Saturday before the second Sabbath in October lSi2 ; brother Gunn to write ; to the Tallapoosa, brethren C. J. Ad^ kins, and D. H. M'coy, to be held at Eden, Carroll county Ga., on Saturday before the fourth Sabbath in October 1S4'2; brother Lanier to write; to S'llem, brethren Culberson, Davis, Dobbs, Long, PraLe, Cadenhead, Lanier. W\ H. Goldsnaith, and West; brother Watt to write; and to tfee Sarepta, Ga.; a packet of nninutes.

14. Took up the ditFicuItj in relation to the Smyrna Church; Church as presented by Concord Church. On motion, it was Re- solved, That the case be referred back, to Concord Chiirch, with advice to act, in pursuance with the advice given in the Constitution of this dissociation.

15. Elected brethren, J. Falkner to preach the next Introductorv Sern:ion, brother Britton his alternate, and brother J. R. Sorter to write the next Circular letter.

16. The Circular letter read and received.

17. Resolved, That it be published mh the minutes, that the next Ministers and Deacons meeting, will be held in Lafayette, to com- mence on Thursday, before the fifth Sabbath, in July 1S43.

18. Appointed Union Meetings, viz-; The first District at the Central Stand, Chambers County, to commence on Fridav before the second Sabbath in Sept. ISiS ; brethren Britton, Harrington, Cranberry, VV. Thornton, Wilson, Hunter and Culberson, to att'cnd; second District, Sandy Creek, Tallapoosa Countv, to commence on Friday before the first Sabbath in Angust; bret'hrcn W. Thornton, Spurlin, Culberson and Echols, to attend; third District, Libcrtv


C!iaiv.l;er-5 Couply, to comnienc on Friday before the loui'lh Sy'bbath in June; hre>lhreii Wiatt,. "W^att cind Ectiois^ to attend ;fuiirlh Dii^trict nt ro|)lar Spi'ings, IMacon ('ounty , to commence on Saturda.y betore llie first S,ibn;Uli.in Julr ; breihreri Watson, Ilarririgtori and W-ilson., to attend. Pinyer by the M'oderater, then ndjonrneduntd Tiie^vdny t!:()rnin«;, 9 b\:!oek.


19. Met .piiTHimnt to adjournnienl, ["irayer by. Brother Spin bn. .

20. Galled' lh3- roll. and noted absentees." :,

. 21. Appointed the next meetingof this, body to, be "held with the Chnrcb nt Goodhope, Rusr^ej County, to cohiiTience"()n Satiirday before the fonrth Sabhatli in September, 3-843. ....

22. T<K^k up. the question in relntion to. becoming a con?ti{no ripinber o-f the Bap.tist State Goh verition ot" Alaba-ma. ^ It was fbere- Tore rssblv.ed, that, this body make application t-o tiii? next meeting of that body, to hee.omea component member-— but noGhurch,'or indi- vidual, in our- bound.-* shall at any .time 'be under, any obirgation, from such union,, lo cpnlrib'ute to the purposes .or objects of the sam.e.

23.. Electel brethren Callaway, Jones, R. Tliornton, Culherson, Wilson, ,Falkner and Britlon; (and in case of fiiJHre.). brLMJiren Eob- f)!.-;, Gunn, Stamps,' D. Taor.iloa, delegiies t.) .tno Conveiiiion, and appointed-brethren Callaway, .Stamps and Gunn, a Committee to prepare a letter. •. '

2k Received the report of the Executive Committee marked A.

•2"3. Appointed brethren C^LlawaVj Stamps, Russel,^ Aldriflae, D. Thornton, Christian-^ VV. H. Goldsmith, execut.ive. committee for the ensuing- year; And it is therefore resolved that the Committee be authorised to employ two itinerant preacjiers^ to travel, and preach \mder the direelion o-f th.e committee, the ensiHng.yeqr; andthe Association stands pledged to sustain ihe Conuriittee.

26. Received the report oC the Cominittee on finance marked B.

27. Corresponding letters ;read and received. .

28. Dismissed by letter tjie chur •]» at Lebanon 'IJeard County


'29. Where.. M' but twd 'weekly papers [iuMMiril !,y our

(,leiK)tniiiaii()n, ill ihc u i;ok. L'niied Slate?, or ihe "whcile i-uiiiinent ol Aiweiica, that dtiru U\ oppose, 'or' even. rc.iiiotely rjllude to the' inail p.rorecdirigs of' the Aho!iHoni>ts. It i>: ih^iV^^'Te Ret-olveJ, that tlic Chrisiian liiilex puhli>hed in Penfield, Gecrgin, be reconniicnded to ihc palroMageof'our difnumi nation.'

30. Resohfd; That we ;^pp,r(.\e d \le.\hU]\i\( i> d \ :> '-l < r J<=?. Baker, in pjitjiir^hiig^a [■?.] t r iji t t r ;):e t.;i!e ( T vi e i"; ]/ : I : ! f m- ter, and Soutlj We^tern,•l,l:Ielil^ie^« er. bi li- ic(( hiia i ^ !■<) enr6iii'ai;e brulhcr .ijnlvcr'in Li^liii.il-iL'e tltrils.

31. Your.CTMT.aiitt'c.e. in ro.ii;p!iaru-e vn iih ihe- rct^(jUlliGn c( ydv.r h(;dY at lier lost ;jfi?t;ion, proceeded in the. di^viiarge'ol "the duties ^i^- Mgned then) ; and.take pieaH'ne in e< uuruniealing'to you -.dixit they engageil the services (f^vvo vyorihy breihren,.lo labor in the desli- tuie hounds of the' A^toeiaiibn ; to i\it : Beniani-in Jri. \Vi!;en, and Jocl;Ni('boIi?,-.ea(.h <d" u h(4?i have been laboring. in the deytiiuie bounds asiji^gnjeU them, a:j (your conimiltee believe.) with nnich good effect. In Tact, your ({Hiiniitie.e are informed tbat the appro- ving hiessirg: of God, iia« attended ti'ieir labors gencraily. From the reportof l)rolher IV ilr-on, v^e learn, that lie canuneni cd his la- bours early in February, and continued io labor, in the bounds (*( ihis; boddy up to a short liuie since excefjta short {)eriod when preven- ted by body allliciion ; T3uf repori.s his labour*:, in thedesliiule bow:ds U' be sixty day?, for Vvhicli your conirniuee [!3\e allowed hiin sixty dollars, he also reports five hundred and ninety three miles traveJ :■ seventy five eennons ; ^jesides nu^iecous lectures jvihal' lie aided in the Constitutio.n of two 'chui.che*^,. the (irdihalion of one iiiinislcr, and two Deacons. ■•Brot-lier Nrebo's cotjinaenced his lal^ois, alifuit the safue t-iinc and continued up t<) tjie meeling- of- your b<uly; with iKe exreptiorrof five days la] f>ur at honie, he reports one- hundred and fort\/ohe days sl•|^ i. .- m .i- 'N - ■■>..i-r-cC^'.in the dcbtirule bounds,, lor which youj- c( .\ ed to him the suiir of- one

hundred am.d forty on-^i i.^poiis U)urteen hu.ndretJ and

-eighty" 'one rriiles, travc". ; isd tWelve sor;^.on«^, and re-

ceived three dbllaj:^ for j.- 1 nrposes.

22. ■Rcffolrcd, That the (;>r.. si;;)eii.f.fend tiie priistn [i. nnd oi.-iii- Ij«/tif>n 0I12OOO cojncs of these. iiiinuU^i and that, he rei-eive for'hi)} services' f ^5,0:'

MINUTES, &.('.■

33. Ripo/i of i/ic Fui&jicial Com mi I Ice.

i'liii'Ls iii ilie hands ol'tlie Clerk for Dotiicslic IMis::ioii^j

iVoiti ISM, Ci;!!ecKnl oil subsfripiiun iVom last year,,- Aiiiojitil ^ent up by sortie ofllie cIuh'cIk's, (Joileciidn on Sabbath Soili S>ej)t'jn;!ieiy CoIlerL^i by brother Nichols, Va\i\ I'.y brother 13. Mott,

'■' W. H. Goldsmith,

'• '' ' J. Falktier,

'•• '' L. Ki Hebrew,

Lalance duo oii siibscriinion iVom last vear.
















^337 :2i

Ariiociit ;)aid bi'otiier B. H. ^Vilso!l, "' "• J. Nicliols


Balance in hand and due fe-r Missions, ^jloQ 21

iialanf-e in ilie ivinds of trie Cleik fi-oni last year; Amount sent up by the Clunches,

Auiountpaid Clerk ^-^J 00

Pakl for prinliiig :.nd'Lnitching niinulcs. 03 00

$13 03 69 IS


y-i.?> 00

$sy 00'

Y 'r:.U A'X AY,, Ihdcralvr.-


>'^2'I, ^^ndri'i C'ihlia;i love in iks L::rJ Jcsui Chrhf,

Ih:.\ti BueTlintNt From \he eariie^M orironizniir.n of Hnr-ii-^t n>:- i«Oi-iat!onsyit !);!;: been cu-iloiiary to aiKliCss the i-i);irc;2js with a Cir- ^uhJ^ Leiier. Wc tlicrolore, nropfjse Id n(Mre<s \uu (u u 5ul)jert of grniTuI inierest, ihrtt you may be euihCii, .w-l ■^nvouvx^'^cd in ihe ^]!^:- chardc of your 'iiiiv, avu] tiiereby heriMne i:i:»'i uriicnta! in pmn-oiir!^

. i'univj.iiis; t.--3 oause of tlie 'iiessei! Ex^decnuT, In tiie worM. Tiie cYwirtth rn Clirist occnj>i;?ri an i;iin<n-!arr :-':;nii^:i it iri the liji'it t)f liie world, ctnil ihe :^:ik (;f liic c:!r!lt. it i^ u:vic*iorc ihc (J-: each incniher horie.sliy, to enquire, Li:-! \-r'i;it '.vi!? tijoii h:ive ::i .- :v <]o, thnl we may mnriifi'st our love to I'r.U Saviour that h:'.« loved ii>-, 'uid Lj'iw hiaiSi'li" lor u:;, th:il h? rni^'it redec/ti :.is t^-o;n all iniquity; •\nA \vjT]f\ unto hiiiiscl;^ a pei'uiinr p:'.>:!!oj 2::i\^ri:< <( h'.um] \v(>r';'^. Ih} J5cnpt!tire;? are a s:.:.Is.:ij;it dirOL-tory f)!- i'.ii!h n:;d [>nu:lli:e. U' > r\ oiild tli^refore recorumen .! prnyiTf^l ri'ndw^^r of iji-^ ^:l;^lc^ as tii;^ '• ^' ' - '^ (••iiao{-;iui-> \\illi ;hr Gc":"^!^!, :.) \-^-)\ii mir dw«r. and th.'


h'i:-^l»e.st (.idufeinenl lotiie perfonnnn'/'e;- (A ibesimo, is to he found •■a tlu? e^i-'ecwing iireat ami pivcioiis prornises in Gcd'rf word, if what is tliare r.'i'oum M>d:."d, he t^ti-icily- ;^lltMldt^] to, there \V(5i;hl he hul lit- L-i 'ki:,.i f)!' Cii'.-.uhir L-^ltei' in our Minutes, as encli .nieaiher ihal cai;, .'Tjay re.! i every drjy, portions of. the word lA God, f?U!ied to. tiietr particuhu' ^itoa!io!i; which has (!»e iniprcsss of tlint sjiirll. l)y u hi( 1) ?he vv'orJ ^^"^ G >;' vva:s iriven to us. The w. ' ; i/hus an aniti-o-.

''-re s--.^v.?':ies-; a;id heMcfiuihat no hi;: ^ -Iju-t.on < j.n haNc. ;.', to ])resenl to you inr v 5;ii r :. .:..-::. , .1 -: ^/:^!ierfd interest, v\hirh- ir; ,:

:.r. ll)e lOili ChnpUT oi' Lidie and !2nd. verr^c '-Th*^ jl. 'y

.'■; -^ivst; i.!)i liie lahorers, are lew, pray'ye \hcir'' - ''■■■ : \e

ivrves: iiiat li^ woohi send y)v\h iahoror;^ inio ; ■. e

.;.;f.--i(h':' •!u' tnorai romjiuoii i^flhe uairM v.i ihal i;n:o.;ji,,. (,:•/ (.;'/)- aer;: t ; ;;^ L^ord had cahed and sent .o\;t to-preao!;, arul iniior tcue-v ' ■■■ a dear Re! •■',"■ v . ..•

to tile J '-^


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's frreni, !,ut t!

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;5ent lo 1

theLia-"! ot' die iuw

::;doni of heavers is at. hand, aiul v.i'WkV uasiii\eri iherh to ;vo:a{ rii!ra(der^,*u hirli nl that tiiii ' ' ' inue(!,

wcj'e iiiteiuied to ConOriT) and v-.. postle's

declared it u.' ' ' ^ . ?, a:i,ji it is

eirrtain'y (dea d the' I»h(Tr>

<^r is worthy of iiis. hire, iheharvett was ii u.'\' .ifreai diO{r,-uh;U vyas e^^fily>-tvv() pi'ea(dier:s lo supply n !arg<^ nation of Jer.>';'Les'HlL'S the (yo-pel was.sooh to !ie giM-i) to the Gentile hajtioiu Ihe Lord cci:hl readily perceive, that there was a net es^sity- and fit r.e.>^s lo pray for Miore lal^orer.s, as it is the eeonoui}' of Goth^ gra..e to he-:ow Llessirigj 0 I the' Ciiurch nnd world in nnswer to prayer, hnt^ue live*\v;ien God has l)eeri plensetl, in ans^wer to {)rayer, to".raise up r\nd send out ;n ail t!\e LTuitt^d States, antLin the J-ilferent countries prerirhera, Lii*. ^y there not considerahJe deistitiili.on yet if) the hoimds ( f^au- A^scr]- atiun arid in (;ther places, end liie nio^l of cui' p\'ea(diers ari' on the


<I?ivline of life, anJ or<\6urse the energies in the Gospel must t]e<-.line. The JLioni has revived some of'the Cluirches, and tiiere has !)eer) Ir^rgd QccesVious ofyminj^niefi. Is w not thedtity of the Churches topiviy th.'Jt G'.)il \vou!<i revi-vci the Ghiirches, nnn ral.<e up.in tlieir hou.uls pre.'H-hers tind exhorier-', aHd.a race i^f Chris-tiarus ihat uifi t)j <lc,tive in tlie ciTschar^e of th nt f'.hristia"'j dijtj,'i!,\s>iK'h as j?:irn3l")a> was, fu'! of tlie hl\t\)' Ghost and faith, and much people were added to the Lord. , .

il is n circijiiistan'-ej that sliriHld he regarded uiiii no sfnni! degreo of imere.st lhat tl>ere are severed hrefified ministers ami exhoriers in our- .hounds, siiu-e our Inst As-ociatiori, Oh,'thnt ,e.fl*ecli!al ferven» prayer nViglu he o'lVred to the L'>',\\, for an im-reas.^; it. is certainly t'u? duty of Ccfch meaiher, to pinv uvr ?.\i increase of labours in the harvest-of the-L(»r.!, hsit ihis fjrayer irjseidvjm he-ird, there is certain^ Iv great nei^lect on this su'-ject, ihore \yi\s a (iiversity of g'l^is in. ihe Clvun-h in tlie' Ap )s*iies <!ny, as we' !e;irn by reference to |!ie 12'h f hapter of Rxhans, I'lu] ch:i]>. (ii'si Corinthian:-, and 4ih thr-'p, Epiiesians. ' It is ^.^a^■o^ahle to suj-.nr/se dial tlVe same f/f*- r-. re to be '•(inlinui'd in the C lui-ch to th.e.eiid of the world, except those wliich 'vere of a_ miraculous character.. Tlie Chm-cli'i« com r.:;:.. d .to a body, (vhi(dj contains, tnatiy memhers, hfi! there -is'- nt>t a useless, rneniijer in the l)ody of Cisrist, Ijut , .each iis lo perform aooie otlic'e, wivnli a place of usefulness i)5 tiie C'riui'ch. . ' .

It U"to he much iamenied-. tiial tSiere are so. feu- . meuihers that pray, iiv'puhlic, in prayer nieeiiug-^ arivi it is to l;e- fi^a.red j)rayer. in pnhliek entirely, they-do not pray vvitli t!ieir fandlies, »;«»r 'n t}:.c: Church, llierei.s tcjo ^nany Churclies (hat nearly all the puh'iick ser- vice i» i)e!formed l)y the JMini.ter. and a icw other meuibers; tii s oug'u not so to he, nor caTi uo believe, such Churtdies will have mur.h.ihcreaise. ,Ii may be enquired wh.y a.-e there so many that neglect to, .perfore>.. a'l' kind of public- service for the Lord,, is it l>ecause ihcy.are destiiutc of talent, or is it because they have buried their tnlenls? it is the duty of every mei^ber to iir.prove tlie taUents, wiNch God has bestoXved ontlitMiV, .if they would liave the ;ippr<'val,' '^that thoir hTJst.been faithful .over a fevy tTiings, I will mak-e tlfee ruler over many,'' Ave believe that. not a few C.ivrjstians, live i.n ihe negle< t of knownyop' acknowled^red duty; and why. .is it eo, because t'hey confer with flesli and blood, and seek to be excused, but wo find that those Churches lhat are fav^ired with mujcIj increase', are uniforihly coinposed of active laborious members, each laboring in .his.proper Fph-re, .noi: would we nefjteotlo'Ktir isp the pure liviodr oft/r.rtisiers,

ruiinrcM-? 'JVC rc.'ip trie h'ii'\'Ci-t,

']\) n-ed

the i

appe. '•'.u?r


re !i Ji- re t!


ihe A

ihe t^lunch, yet liiev n


nog. :i !!'■)■■ i

lit n t'c ''Then ■; not Ij

|f, hy nn cxhor!at!<in to Ihe unn-

Ihviifh^'t: ( <:!(:j)(;Mi J! >;,(:■ A>muJ-

' di-rhrn^e ol'lhcir (.ii;;\ . i;i ih(>

harvccrt is truly grrai aiul the

to send furlh tT.ore laborcia tu

(liMTss ;i fen' uorrs, it wiil not from the {urltl f/l' labor, to reJij-' :i h;iM mr.ke the anierjci.x:, for alj c l^'Ui! ^i;;i!l lie ready lo^depart, nd Hghl, havirg !s(>pt llie f:;ii.h. you will receive a -nes.<, nnd not only niijiitterfc in:t nil that love his 'i" !<- hriovcd lirelliien, be ye tlendfusl irnnuivnhk- iii the vv(iik of i.he Lord, for as ni;i!.'!i ns yc kiu-iv^- ! \ liir. in. the Loid.

FRAN^-l^ CALLAWAY, Mr.^n'dr^r^

Scnh of ihe

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Now I'rM-.i 'en -P.

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K.K'ky .Mount,



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I !■ ill i' Di T-i>. 1.

I'-EN-AJAH (^^5S, .AU:i .M. iiimU-r ,-»>■ Ij .,i,,> .VI. >!i<-kI., W.l Mill ri. W.uKc-

iwiliiun.SiaoU-. * f)ri-' i!. =•:. : v

'i.., ,. ■■ K. ,...-.'_ W. U - ., , ,

Y. r.

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V Ii. WiLSO.S, W. (J. VV;

.-'■' i .1 ijo.Ui-c.-!

ii,,,,l,.i,,,,TV K :r':)|-^ ■•■ Jiruii-or! D. H^ -' -- : l\Vi!li:iiH ii. <;oli!-.m;:i, Ch-nrr. (r

j TtJl.ii) [)h> Rl'-

|W;is'.v.'.iff'i>n Tiio'iitoii,* S)cizicr I'liunilor. : lucaB-N'THOKNTON, .'.. .MalllfW.s: ii'aoM.ts (ia.^NBKKY. .1 iin i> A;i.r(!i-..(>u 1

V\ lii-,y l»M>i.s. Willi. nil T. S.v)fl;

Sufti-HV IMon-is.'J^ llohftrl, V. (i^irdiicr; l.lA'.d^ \VAr30.v, Wil i,.u) H.iri-iny;io (,$■ i.lOtL NicKoL-, nrittoii. P>hickli()ur:<;

.F'>a!i.Tii Di.'^r.tici

OBvDfAii iVciCOLs,- Wilii.T..ii-B.Ousb-; j.\. \V. Loni-, M. W-, Duvi.«;* J. i'. W. Br..wn,<5gf. ■(;. J. A.lkin>^} I>'HS K SoRTi;R, John .Miles ; Uim^sTnrlKt.i i'eiT ii: G.xss :^ W"ii.Lis K. Jo.vi.9, AJici.jih IJ.o<i«'i 'ji.lin W.isl;

'Saiipvoii l-anie •> Willjniii 15. Lowis}

|l». n. DraUr, Joiin Skimicr.;

ijamo* M. W .t',^ .1. T. i;ionrt,-t

;J. D .l)l>s,T. I'^iw;

i'David n. Culberson, William Ivoi-^vd v

URiTTok M. VVarf.jJ. '^J^l^'^i'''^'''.'!: .__£__-3-.


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