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Third Annual Session



Mt. Hebron Church, Oct.io, 11,12,1890.


Rev. E. J. BARKSDALE, Moderator, . . Albertville, Ala. Rev. (t. M. MILNER, Clerk, M.\rs!iai,l, Ai a.

I The Next Session will he held ivith Uopewc ^liurch. beginning l^ncsdav before the Secoiid Sabbath in October. IS'JI.

Dijnnrrtu Print, GunterSN iUt- , Al.i


1. Read Leters from the Churches.

2. Elect Moderator and Clerk.

3. Invite "visiting Ministers of our faith to seats with us.

4. Call for Correspondence.

5. Call for Petitionary Letters.

6. Appoint standing Committees, viz: On Devotion, Mis-

sions, Sabbatlf Schools, Finance, Temperance, Education, Publications, Deceased Ministers, Nomi- nations, Documen^:s and Treasurer's Report.

7. Read Constitution and Rules of Decorum.

8. Call for Report of Executive Committee.

9. Call for Report of Treasurer.

10. Appoint Correspondents.

11. Elect Executive Committee and Treasurer.

12. Elect Delegates to Alabama Baptist Convention.

13. Appoint District Meetings.

14. Call for Reports of Standing Committees.

15. Provide for Printing and Distribution of Minutes.

16. Miscellaneous Business.


The Marshall Association met with Mt. Hebron church Oct. lo, 1890. Introductory sermon by Elder C. C. Collins; text, Jude 1:13; followed by Elder W.J. Collier.

After a recess of one hour, reassembled and opened with sing- ing, and prayer by Elder I. M. Thompson; G. M. Milner and N. P, Clark acting as Moderator and Clerk pro tern.

The letters from the churches were read by Brethren Kim- brough, Baiksdale and Owens.

Enrolled the names of delegates.

Albkrtville, Rev. E. J. Barksdale, J. C.Jones, J. G. Medlock:

Bethany. J. vS. Robertson, J. A. Bobo, A. N. Haley.

Beulah, G. M. Hays, G. M*. Milner.

B1.UESPRING, W. D. Kimbrough.

Bethsaida, B. F. Roberts, W. Z. Davis, J. M. Brown.

Clear Spring, S. F. Smith, J. W. Lang, Z. D. Bain.

Gilliam Spring, P. J. Corley, S M. Hipps.

Hopewell, J. E. Bagwell.

Mt. Olive, Henry King.

Mt. Vernon, C. D. Wright. Jos. Creel, J. J. Dodd, J. R. Medlock, J. L. Baird, W.J. Young. .

Mt. Zion. M. F. Owens, R. M. Garrett.

New Canaan (Cullman Countv), J. N. Brown, F. M. Harper, O. P. McDonald.

New Canaan (Morgan County), W. T. Childeis.

Mr. Hebron, C. C. Collins, L. M, Teal, W. A. Phillips.

New Friendship, W. H. Sprayberry, T. E. Cannon.

New Macedonia, J. T Applewhite, R. W. Roe.

Pleasant Grove, Z. M. Teal,Thos. Lang, Wm. McWilliams.

Pleasant Hill, J. A. Oden, H. C. Reed, Jno. M. Brown.

Pleasant Hill (Etowah County). S. T. Gregg.

Rehoboth, J. P. Whitman, A. S. Rogers, I. M. Thompson.

Rock Spring, |. P. Buchanan, W. j. Collier, N. C. Denham, W. H. Lyons.

Shiloh. S. vS. Love, J. H. Haley.

Shoal Creek. M. K. Taylor, N. P. Clark, J. W. H. Kennedy.

Elected E. J. Barksdale Moderator, and G. M. Milner. Clerk,

Inv'ited visiting brethren of our order to seats with us. Invita- tion accepted by Elder A. Dorman, of the Warrior River Associa- tion, and Rev. J. J. Clayton, of the Cherokee.

Called for conesponuents, and received Elder A. J. Noblet from the Cherokee Association.

Called for petitionary letters and received letter from Concord, newly constituted, and delegates Elder W. S. Hopkins, Sanford Hays, and I. L. Hopkins.


Appointed committees as follows:

On Devotion: W. II. Lyons, J. G. Medlock, and the Dea- cons of this church.

Finance: J. P. Whitman, J R. Medlock, and J. M. Brown.

Temperance: C. C. Collins, J. P. Buchanan, :ind J. H. Ha- ley.

Deceased Ministers: W. J. Collier, M. F. Owens, W. S. Hopkins.

Nominations: C. D. Wright, G. M. Hays, and J. W. Lang.

Education: H. C. Reed, I. M. Thompson.

Sabbath Schools N. P. Clark, R. W. Roe and Jos, Creek

Publication: W. D. Kimbrough, S. S. Love, R. W. Roe.

Treasurer's Report: P.J. Corlcy, O. P. McDonald. W. II. Lyon, Jos. Creel.

Documents: SanfordLIays, J. P. Buchanan, J. T. Applewhite.

Missions: J. A. Oden, J. C.Jones, J. L. Hopkins.

On motion required the committee on documents to make a list of the ministers of this Association.

On motion Rev. R. W. Roe was se;ited as a delegate from New Macedonia church.

Committee on devotion announced preaching to-night by Elder I, M. Thompson, followed by Elder J. E. Bagwell.

Adjourned 'till 8:30 o'clock to-morf"ow morning.


Met pursuant to adiournment. Singing, and prayer by Elder J. E. Bagwell. ' " " ,

Read the minutes of yesterday ;ind adopted same.

Enrolled the names of Eld. Jno. Y. Bain and S. M. Mayberry as visitors from Cullman Association, and A. M. Whitley and Hiram Seay from Warrior River.

The treasurer of this Association having died since the last meet- ing his books and papers as treasurer vvcre referred to the com- mittee on Treasurer's Report.

Appointed correspondents to sister Associations:

Warrior River. W. H. Lyons, Rev. O. P. McDonald, and Rev. N. C. Denham.

Cherokee. R. M. Garrett, Elder P. J. Corley. Elder M. F. Owen, Elder E.J. Barksdale, Elder I. M. Thompson and Joseph Creel.

Etowah. Elder H. C. Reed and S. S. Love.

Cullman. Elders II. C Reed. J. E. Bagwell, and O. P. Mc- Donald.

On motion enrolled the name of N. C. Durham as an ordained minister, he having been ordained since the adoption of the Asso- ciational letter by Rock Spring church.

Adopted the following standing resolution:

Resolved, That any member of this l)ody who shall be jnesent at any sis- ter Association with which we correspond mav, by presentins; a copy of these minutes, be recognized as our correspondent.


Elected the following Executive Committee: J. P. Whitman, S. S. Love, C. D. Wright.

Elected G. M. Milner, Treasurer.

Heard report of Executive Committee, which was attended with interesting verbal reports by Revs. E. J. Barksdale, R. W. Roe, and N. C. Denham, on the interest and prospects at the several stations supplied by the missionaries.

Delegates to the State Convention. W. C. Ward, P. J. Corley, and W. D. Kimbrougli. Convention meets in Mobile, Nov. 7, 1890.

Overlooked the appointment of a delegate to the Southern Bap- tist Convention which meets at Birmingham, May Sth, i8gi.

Agreed to suspend business at 1 1 o'clock to hear preaching.


We, the Executive Committee, have appropriated the associa- tional mission fund on hand for the year ending October ro, 1890, to the supply of destitutions. The following named brethren were employed to take charge of these destitutions respectively: Rev. R. W. Roe at Cross Roads; Rev. S. T. Collier at High Point, and Rev. E. J. Barksdale at Corliin's School-house, and Rice's Mill, all in Marshall county, Alabama. Amount to be paid each $10.68. From the reports of the above named brethren we feel satisfied that they have done much good, and the prospects are ffivorable for prosperous and influential churches at each of these places. Respectfully submitted,

W. D. KiMBROUGH, Chairman.

Report adopted.


Your committee on Sabbath Schools beg leave to make the fol- lowing report:

After examining the letters sent up to this body we find the Sabbath School cause at a very low ebb, as there are only six churches reporting schools, and only four of them giving the num- ber of scholars. Dear brethren, is this according to the doctrine and faith of our denomination? We think not We would earn- estly recommend our brethren to bestir themselves to a greater dil- igence in this very important matter.

When we look around and see the number of youths of our land that are being neglected by our denominatioii in this particular, and see the efforts 1 eing made by other sects for the training of of the young in their doctrine, we are made to see and believe that we, as Baptists, are neglecting one of the most important aux- iliaries to our chuixhes. Oh, that we may see and feel the great responsibility resting on us, as Missionary Baptists, for the prop- er training of the rising generation. We prav that the time may soon come when each church in our Association may go to work in the Sunday School cause, using our own denominational lit- erature, and impart to the young the true teachings of the Script-


ures. We reccommend that this Association appoint one brother in each church to work up the Sabbath School cause, and report the same to this Association next year.

N. P. Ci.ARK, Chairman. The report elicited interesting discussion from brethren N. P. Clark and A.J. Noblet. Pending the adoption of the report, the hour of preaching having arrived, adjourned till one o'clock. At II o'clock Bro. A.J. Noblet preached, followed by Brother J. J. Clayton.

I o'clock p. m.

Association met and opened with prayer by Elder H. C. Reed.

Received Elder J. D. Petit as correspondent from Etowah As- sociation, and H. W. Head as visitor from Warrior River.

Resumed consideration of the Sabbath School report, and adopt- ed same after discussion by brethren Reed, Clayton and others.


[See fin.ancial exliibit of Marshall Association.]

The committee on Missions made the following report, which, after being discussed by several brethren, was adopted:

We, your committee on Missions, beg leave to report that, judg- ing from the letters from the churches, but little, comparatively, is being done in this great and grand work by this Association. Brethren, it seems that our people are asleep to this important duty, while millions of souls are perishing for the bread of Spirit- ual life. We recommend that this body adopt some plan that we may be aroused and become alive to this duty as Missionary Bap- tists. We recomniend that each pastor preach at least one mis- sionary sermon to each of their churches, also that each church ex- ert themselves to the utmost of their ability during the next Asso- ciational year to raise more missionar}' funds.

Respectfully submitted,

J. A. Oden, Chairman.

Heard report on education, in the discussion of which Howard College and Walnut Grove College were highly recommended to our patronage.


We, your committee on Education, beg leave to leport as fol- lows:

We believe that the interest in education is somewhat on the increase, but we believe that there is great room for improvement. Dear brethren, we recommend that great care be exercised in the selection of teachers for our common schools. We believe that our teachers should possess religious principles. We believe that an education is essential to the better understanding and exposi- tion of the truths of the Bible, and, realizing the fact that we live in a progressive age, we especially recommend that our young brethren, not only those who are entering the ministry, but all who


contemplate attending college, that they avail themselves of the advantages of our denominational schools.

Respectfully submitted,

H. C. Reed, Chairman. Report adopted.

On motion adjourned till 7 o'clock p. m. Met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by G. M. Milner.


Received and adopted report on deceased ministers, as follows:

We. find that the providence of God has graciousl}' spared the lives of all of our ministers another year, and we recommend the regular order of business be suspended and all engage in prayer to God for his providence bestowed on us. We further report that the Lord has seen fit to remove, by death, our beloved brother, E. M. Lasseter, Treasurer of this Association, and, while we pray, let us ask God to enable us to bow in humble submission to Him who doeth all things well.

Respectfully submitted,

W. J. Collier, Chairman.

Business was suspended and prayer made, led by Bro. Noblet.

Heard and adopted report on documents.

committee on DOCUMENTS.

We, the Committee on Documents, find that Gilliam Spring and Hopewell churches each ask tor the next session of this As- sociation. We recommend that this body convene with Hope- well church, on Tuesday before the second Sabbath in October, 1891.

Respectfully submitted,

J. P. Buchanan, Chairman.

The above committee turnished list of ministers, and postofiice of each.

Wednesday of the next session was set apart as devotional day.

Heard and adopted report of committee on Publications, as fol- lows:


We, the committee on Publications, recommend that all litera- ture of all creeds be bari'ed from our Sunday Scliool and church libraries, and that none but Missionary Baptist literature be used. We recommend the "Kind Words" series of Sunday School help, published at Atlanta, Ga. We recommend to your confidence the American Baptist Publication Society at Philadelphia, w^here all classes of Baptist books and pamphlets are furnished at the lowest possible prices. All their publications are handled by the Book and Bible depository, at Opelika, Ala., J. B. Collier, agent. Ev- ery Baptist family should take the Alabama Baptist. We also rec-


ominend Ford's Christian Repository, edited by Dr. Ford, St. Louis, Mo., and The Christian Index, Atlanta, Ga.

W. D. KiMBROUGH, Chairman. Heaid report of committee on Temperance, which, being sHghtly amended, was adopted, after animated discussion by a number ber of brethren.


Your committee on Temperance would submit the following.

We believe the evils of intemperance are plain before the eyes of all intelligent people, and we believe that the time is near at hand that the evil will be removed from our land. Intemperance has been, and to some extent is yet, the greatest evil the churches have to battle against. But we believe that it is giving way be- fore the light of truth, and the time has come when every Baptist should take a firm stand on the side of temperance, and let the world know that Baptists are true to the faith of the gospel of Christ. We find, too, that almost all denominations are taking this great Bible truth to heart, not only introducing it in the churches, but inforcing its principles around the fireside, and we are persuaded that we, as Baptists, should rise as a unit against this evil that is burying hundreds of our race annually, filling our land with widows and orphans. Brethren, may the Lord help us to persuade men to live soberly.

Respectfully submitted,

C. C. Collins, Chairman.

On motion the following amendment was adojjted:

That when a member of the church is in the habit of getting drunk often, and often making confession, the unscriptural union should be dissolved by withdrawing fellowship.

The committee on nominations submitted the following, which was adopted:

To preach introductory sermon, Rev. E. J. Barksdale; alternate. Rev. G. M. Milner.

Sabbath School address, N. P.Clark; alternate. Rev. P.J. Corley.

Missionary sermon. Rev. R. W. Roe; alternate. Rev. C. C. Col- lins.

Ordered that the clerk have ten dollars for his services, and the ballance of minute fund be used in printing and distributing min- utes.

Authorized the clerk to furnish copies of minutes to correspond- ents and others.

Appointed General Meetings: ist district, Albertville, Friday before the 4th Sunday in July. Second district, Clear Spring, Friday before 5th Sunday in August, 1891.

On motion adopted the following resolutions:

Resolved^ That this Association heartily disapproves of our churches re- ceiving members who have been excluded from sister churches without first investigating the cause of their excommunication, and that if any of our churches have done this they be asked to reconsider.

Resolved, That we request the pastors and delegates of the churches to


make an eflfort to raise during the next year missionary contributions in keeping with our ability.

The committee on Treasurer's Report made the following: From the minutes of last year and the receipts found among the papers of our deceased treasurer, we find the following to be the condition of our treasury:

E. M. Lasset^r, Treasuier, in account with Marshall Association :

To cash, minute fund $22 55

To cash, for mission . . 52 00

To cash, from former treasurer 32 05

$106 60

By cash to Clerk (Report No. i) $22 55

By cash to State Mission Board 56 90

By cash on hand 32 05

$iji 50 The overplus of credits is supposed to be due to a mistake in

financial exhibit of last year. Mt. Olive church should have had

credit for mission fund. Adopted the following:

Resolved. That we tender our heartfelt thanks to the brethren and sisters of Mt. Hebron church and vicinity for the kind and hospitable manner in which they have received and taken care of us during our slay among them.

The Association then adjourned, having been entirely harmo- nious. May the Lord henceforth help us to maintain the unity of spirit in the bonds of peace.

There was a large congregation on Sunday. The appointee being ill, the Sabbath School addi'ess was made by Elder R. W. Roe, followed by Rev. J. J. Clayton. Mission sermon by Elder P. J. Corley, followed by Elder E. J. Barksdale. Collected for missions $16.

E. J. Barksdale, Moderator.

G. M. MiLXER, Clerk.


E.J. Barksdale, Albertville. Ala. j. D.Jordan, Marshall.

J. E. Bagwell, Sidney. G. M. Milner, Marshall.

W. L. Casey, Sidney. O. P. McDonald, Arab.

S. T. Collier, Albertville. M. F. Owens, Mt. Zion.

W.J. Collier, Hyatt. J. A. Oden, McLarty.

C. C. Collins, Friendship. R. W. Roe, Lot.

W. M. Claiburn, Friendship. H. C. Reed, Summit.

P.J. Corley, Grassy. M. K. Taylor, Grassy.

N. C. Denham, Hyatt. L. M. Teel, Friendship.

W. S. Hopkins, Reedbrake. L M. Thompson. Union Grove.

C. C. Hughes, Strawberry.



]. W. Amos, Hyatt.

J. L. Biard, Albertville.

J. M. Brown, Boaz.

A. K. Casey, Sidney.

J.J. Dodd, Boaz.

Jas. Floyd. Albertville.

W.J. Horton, McLarty.

J. E. McAnally, Strawberry.

Benj. Mays, Arab. J. W. T. Phillips, Snead. C. C. Shelton, Brooksville. W. D. Thomas, Marshall. Isaac Winsor, Boaz. C. D. Wright, Boaz. W. J. Wright, Aral). Eli Madduv:. Fowler P. O.

Financial Exhibit of Marshall Association, 1890.






Blue Sprinir. Clear Siirinji' Concord

Gilliam Spriny ".....


Mt. Hebron

Mt. Olive

Mt. ^'ernon

Mt. Zion

New Canaan, Cullman county. New Canaan, Alorgan county

New FriendsU.ij) ,>....

New Mucedoniai , . .

Pleasant Grove

Pleasant Hill, Blount countv . . Pleasant Hill, Etowah county.


Rock Spring





^ 71 1.5

3 o<j[ 2 301



'4 55

1 00

2 00

^ 25

3 00

4 00

' ^5 ' 30

.9 45<- S "O]

3 "s:

Shoal Creek i ! 5 15

Blue Spring Sabbath School...... ...I 200,

Collected on Sabbath ' 16 ix)

12 so 5 00

2 'S 2 00' ' 25

.^12 00 ifiS 101.131 20 $ 3 05 $ 5 00863 35;.1> t; i.;$^o 'xi

5 00

•S »SI 2 40 AOO'

2 25 I 10

1 70

2 00 I 00 I 10 I 20 I 50 I 30

1 40


2 40

» 25 70 50

I 00 60

I 2;;

' ^5 50

' 50

1 50 75

' 50


Cash for Foreign Mi:?sions .iii2 00

Cash for State Missions 28 10

Cash for Assoclaiional Missions 31 20

Cash for Rev. J. Y. Bain 5 15

Cash for Minutes , 30 60

Total cash 1 107 05





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