A s> / -^ MINUTEST —OF THE — THIRTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SESSION —OF THE— m Rmi ip -U@'l ASSOCIATION, -CO HELD WITH Q = BLOUNTSVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH, October n, 12 and 13, 1892. •^OFFICERS.^ ELD. A. DORMAN, Moderator, McLarty, Ala. ELD. ROBERT JONES,. . .Clerk and Treasurer, . .Bangor, Ala. The next Session will be held with Liberty Church near Oneonta, Beginning Thursday before the 3rd Sabbath in Oct. 1898, ^ MINUTES.^ The Warrior River Baptist Ass i :iatian convened in its thirty- fourth an i sion with Blo'.intsv :' tist Church Blountsville, A!i., Dn Oct. the nth i892, A. Dorman, \|. , and [', Jones, Clerk. Introductory by Kid. Wm. Whaley. followed by Eld. P. M. Musgrove. AFTERNOON SESSION. After, prayer by Prof. Robert Jones, the bodv was called to o -der by the Moderator of last year. Dr. Cole. Be'thern A. Dorman, Robert Jones, and J. A. Liner, were appointed to read letters from the various churches, and the following churches together with their messengers were then enrolled: Antioch-f. D. Hendricks, G. D. Shelton, and J. P. Smith; Austins Creek— D, M. Fowler, \V. B. Roberts, *E. K. Head, A. R. Head, and J. Sims, (Sr.) Bethel— Eld. Jesse Brown, W. B. Sanders, and R, M. Holmes; Big Warrior — Not. represented; Blountsville— Rev. H. W. Head, I. T. Stephens, and O. A. Steele; Brooksville-L. H. Pettit, D P. Coley, and C. M. [amerson; Dry Creek— W. B. Hazlerigs, H. W. Heaton, and H. H. Heston; Friendship— B. T. Finey; Guinn's Cove— J. F. Musgrove; Harmoney— W. L. Ellison, A. F. Whitley, W. L. Whitley, and Thos. Hancock; Holly Pond — F. T. Morris, Wm. Taylor, and Hence Warts; Liberty^-Steven Buckner, G. B. Carnes, (Sr.) Davis Hayse, L. D. Stephens, and Dan Bail Liberty Hill— yv\,H. Taylor, R. N. Bales, W. C. Campbell, J. H. Chasteen, and S. A. Chambers; Macedonia— Eld. A. Dorman, Samual Nixon, and A. J. Mc- Carley; Mt. Carmel— J. P. Ballew, I, T. Murphree, and J. A. Laten; Ml Pisgah— J. B. Alexander, J. Nix, and W A. Alexand r; ATt. Pleasant — \Y\ D. Redman, and C. Green: Mt. Tabor— J. Ratliff, and ]). M. Busier; Mulberry — I. \V. Starnes, and k. J. Davis- New Prospect — Jos. Johnston, and Henry Wilsoon; Oneonta-W. S. Wells, Thos. 1). Hyatt' and T. H. Dickerson; Pine Grove— J. M. Pass, J. \Y. Crumble/, and G. P. Kellcy; Sard is— Kid. I). P. Carr, and J. K. Mizell; Pine Bluff — W. \V. Conway, and J. L. Rutherford; An invitation to Visiting Ministers and Brethren was extended and the following Ministeres and Visiting Brethren accepted the invitation and were admited to seats in the body and granted the courtesies of the flore. Viz: Eld. P. M. Musgro've and Kid. VVm. Whaley, Cullman. The election of officers was then ordered and resulted in the choice of Kid. A. Dorman, as Moderator and Eld. Robert Jones, as Clerk and Treasurer. Called for petitionary churches and a letter of dismission from Sulpher Springs Association was presented by Oak Grove Baptist Church which was received and the Moderator on behalf of the body gave them the ri^ht hand of fellowsnip. Appointed committees as followes:- — On Devotion — Rev. H. W. Head, Robert Steele, and W. 1/ Ellison; and deacons of Blountsville church. On Deceased Ministers — Kid. Jesse Brown. C. J. McCarley, and Eld. W. J. Chambers; On Sabbath Schools — ( ). A. Steele, and I. D. Hendricks; < )n Nominations — -A. l\ Whitley, I . T. Stephens, and 1). P Coley On Missions- Robert |ones, D. P. Cirr, and J. C. Buckner; On Temperance — K. M. Bowerman, \\ in. Alexander, and J. P. Smith; On Education — H. W. Head, ] \Y. Crumbley, and T. A. Hancock ; On Ministerial Education — fosh.ua Ratliff, W. J. Chambers, and A. R. Head; On Finance — \V. L. Ellison, las. Rutherford, and Jno. Starnes; On Prayer Meetings — Eld. W. J. Chambers, Green Games, and S. M. Nixso'n; Letters and Documents— C. C. Hughes, J. M. Pass, and L H. Pet tit. YVi UN i sj ay ( >CT. i 2. After prayer by Ekl. 1'. M Musgrove, Association called to order. First called for Correspondence from sister Associations and enrolled as follows: !!. Karl, Cullman, Eld. Pettit, Etowah. Appointed Correspondente to sister Associations, as follows: Etowah-Brethren W. and ]. B. Alexander and Eld. A. Dorman, Cullman — Joshua Ratliff, and Eld, W. J. Chambers. Sulpher Springs— Robert Jones, Eld. C. C. Hughes, and El1. W. J. [,ee. Southern Baptist Convention — Dr. P. G. Alldredge, and Robert Jones, Alternate; State Convention — Bro. J. D. Hendricks, and A. Dorman, Alt. ("ailed for report on Deceased Ministers — Not ready. Letter from Holly Pond, read and received. Report on Sabbath Schools read and adopted, as follows: — ■ M e your committee on Sunday Schools beg leave to submit the following as our report. We find reported to the Association, eight Sunday Schools a considerable insrease from last year. Xu ml er baptized from eight Sunday Schools, 30. We recom- mend the Brethren of the Association to take a more active part n the study of the Bible and religious Literature and as aids in the study of the Bible, we recommend the use of the Literature issued or published by the "American Baptist Socialy" and that published under the direction of the Southern Baptist Convention, seeing the great work that has been done in the eight Sunday Schools in the Associations, and realizing what could be done were all our church- es wideawake and alive to this great work of the Lord, realizing as we do that the work of the church must soon fall on the young peo- ple and children, let us endevor bv the help of Cod to teach them their duty and responsibility, to the church and to their God and what way could we adopt that would 1 e more efficient in its results of good to the cause of Christ and to those religions is either for or against the church, ^nd praying God's blessings upon the schools in the Association and upon the churches when they have no schools that they may be all opened to 60 their duty, we are yours in Christian home. O. A. Steele, ) n , r, ,. - Committee. J. D. Hendricks, ) After noon Session — Prayer by Eld. Wm. Whaley. Called for :ased M nisters which was read and ad >pted as fol- ] o w s : — We your committee on Deceased Ministers 1 eg leave to make the following report we find that Go;l in his goodness lias spared the lives of all our Ministers, for which we humbly thank him. iren of the Ministry let us be more faithful in preaching the word and fear not to declare the whole counsel ofGod. Respectfn . mitted, Eld. Jesse Brown, Committee. Called for report on Missions which was read, receive:.! and adopted as follows: — REPORT ON MISSIONS. State — As Alabamians we are under special obligations to Evangelize Ala. This work ought to have the hearty support and sympathy of tisall. This feature of Mission work has been pros- it] our bounds, but we are sorry to report that it has heen !. But little over half of the $200 promised by :iation forthispurpo.se, has been raised. We need an Evangelist to spend all of his time in the field, and we further re- nend that this work be done through the State board. Oh! brethren, we implore you in Jesus precious name, give your atten-. tion to this work. Home. — The Home Mission board has accomplished a great work and the | Jiter. God is blessing this a., for the dissemination of the truth. We gather from the least report of the board, the folloing ng facts: W |.o6, baptisms 5, .510. addi- tions in Mission churches 9,987, houses built ij;, money expended in the erection of houses $60,473. Aeon ei le gam over last Surely the Lord is with us: What tron nitte is that our Association has done " the Horn • B >ard. During the year we have contril ted. The Lo Will wr obev? t that during the ye ' ... .to For ■ gn Mission. The 1 1 ntion is making an effort to raise funds sufric ei iTd too mo:e;Missionaries to various foreign* fi in of the gospel. Their tllino; for the bread of Eternal life. It is our duty to give it to them. May the Lord help, us to. perforin that duty for Christ's Sake Amen. Robt. Jones, Chairman. Thursday Morning. Prayer by Eld. \V. II . Absher. .Motion to limit ail speeches to five minutes— lost. .Motion to limit speeches to ten minutes carried. Motion to suspend the regular order of business to appoint a committee on qeries, as follows: — Eld. VV. M. Cole. H. W Head and Eld. Jesse Brown. Call for report on Ministerial Education which was read and adopted as f, »lli iws: — Dear Brethren, — In our report on Ministerial Education, we are at a loss to know what to suggest in order to arrive at a salution of this imp >rtant subject. As former recornmendations have proven to be almost entire failurer. Our last Association promised $63.25, and only §32. 50 have. been paid. We see from the reading of the letters from the various churches that there is no interest being tsken in this work. -brethren Wc think that tins Association ought to raise annually at least, $150 to be spent on some worthy Minister until he is educated. We have all over this country consecrated young men who are determined by the help of God to secure an educatin whether we help them are not. They need help. We recommend Howard College as it is our own institution and belongs alone to the baptist of Alabama, it is second to no institu- tion in the State. Respectfully submitted, Joshua Ratliff. Called for report on Temperance, read, received, amended and adopted as follows: — Npi'E. — The Report on Temoerance has been last, but the amendment is as follows: — Resol/ed first, that no church in the this Association shall fellowship a member who signs a petition to sell whiskey. Second that no dramdrinker shall be fellowshipped by the churches composing this Association. Report of committee on Nommatios called for, read and adopt- ed as follows: — We your committee on Nominations beg leave to make the following rep >rt to wit: we recommend Liberty church for the place of holding the next Association. VV e recommend Rev. H. VV. Head to preach the next Introduc- tory Sermon, Rev. A. Dor man alternate, for Missionary Sermon, f. A. May and W. M. Cole alternate. We recommend a change of the time of meeting from Tuesday to Thursday before the third Sabbath in Oct, 1893. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. F" Whitley, Chairnan. Called for report on Prayer Meetings, read, received and adopt- ed as follows: — We your committee on Prayer Meetings submit the following report we find from the letters only 3 churches hive a regular pray- er meeting such as have prayer-meeting enjoy a great in gathering we urge the brethren to give this branch of church work more atten- tion that the cause may be more prosperous. Ci. B. Carnes, Green Carnes and S. W. Nixon, Committee. Report of committee on Letters and Documents, read, amend- ed and adopted as follows: — We your committee on Documents beg leave to make the fol- lowing report we have taken the letters from the various churches under inspection and have carefully examined the same. We find all right except the pending trouble between Antioch and Walnut Grove churches and we hereby recommend that those churches settle their own troubles. C. C. Hughes, Chairman. .Report on Education, read, received and adopted as follows: — Your committee on education would make the following report that the cause of education is advancing, the people are becoming more interested and the schools and colleges of the country show a better attendance than ever before at this season of the year, the people are demanding better teachers and the moral and religious feature is becoming more prominent m all our educational work. Yet, with all this increase both in quality and quality oi work we have hardly tuched the great and pressing demand that is now upon us as a church and as a people in this country hundreds and thans- and of the bright-eyed boys and girls of the country are being thrown upon the great curant of humanity, to be driven upon the breakers and upon the rocks without chart and without compass- May the good Lord help us as a denomination to view the situ- ation as it is and try to meet the great responsibility that we are tinder on this line and preforme the duty that we owe to our chil- dren and to our God. 11. W. Head, Chairman. AFTERNOON SESSION. Prayer by Rev. Trios. Hancock, (hi motion, the clerk was al- lowed S10 lor his services and instructed to superintend the printing and distribution of the minutes. Also specially instructed to have the Constitution and Articles of faith in the next edition of minutes. Report of committee on Queries read and adopted as follows: — We your comm ttee on queries present the following question. Can the Missionary Baptist receive without re-baptism, what is known as the Tid well or A Ilgood Baptist. We as a committee be- lieve that we can, and recommend that this body now decide whether we will receive them or not. Wm. Cole, Chairmam. Passed Resolution A. as follows: — Resolve': That this Association after full and free discussion of the matter take this Method of extending to the Allgood Baptist a hearty invitation to come among -is either ind viduelly by letter or by whole churches without refererece to their baptism. Passed Resolution B. as follows: — Rerolved: That this Association extend our heartfelt thanks to the church and people of Blountsville for their kind hospitalities ex- tended to us-during our Session and also to the faculty of Blount College for courtesies extended to us. Elected Executive Comm ttee as follows: — A. F. Whitley Ch'm. I. T. Stephens, See'y., J. D. Hendricks, J. Ratliff and W. E. Ellison. Report of Ex. Com. read and adopted as follows: — Report of Ex. Com. We met at Liberty Hill and on motion W. J. Chambers was appointed to preach at Cuinn's Cove and Oak Grove churches two days in each month on a salary of $2. per day, provided said churches duplicate that amount. G. B. Carnes was appointed to preach to Big Warrior church On same terms. Robert Jones was appointed to goto Bangor and see what can be dojie there and be paid -si.oo per day. Second meeting. Pine drove church. Committee agreed to pay J . C. Buckner ,Sioo per day to preach two days in each month at Dry Creek church, on motion A. Dorman, was elected Mission- ary on a salary of $2.00 per day, work to be done in the Southern and Northwestern portions of the Association. Balance due Missionaries: A. Dorman, $. . . .G. B. Carnes, $. . W. J Chambers, $ J. C. Buckner, $ Total, $ A. E. Whitley, Chairman. Missionaries Report. Your -Missionary submits the following report: We began work about the 8th of July 1892 days of labor 59 mdes traveled 970, families visited 280, prayers 160, sermons preached 64, lectures 20. We find the field of labor extensive and a great evangelic work lies out befoer us as an Association may the Lord help us to fill it. A. Dorman. Report of Finance committee. We your committee on finance wish to report that we have re- ceived the sum of S">3.85 from the various churches for the follow- ing purposes and divided as below : State ' Foreign Missions. M issions $1.00 $1.00 CHURCHES. Minutes. Antioch §2.00 Austins Creek 1.25 Bethel 55 Blountsville 1.15 Brooksville 1 .20 Friendship ; 1.30 1.00 Cui nn's Cove ! larmony 1.4c to. 00 Holly Pond 1.35 4.25 50 Liberty . 1.70 8.15 Liberty 1 ! ill 1.10 2.85 Macedonia 1.00 ic.oo Mt. Carmel 1 50 3.00 Mt. Pleasant | 1 .op Mt. Pisgah I 85 Mt. 'labor 1 .50 4-.>° Mulberry 1 .00 2.50 New Prospect .... 60 ( >neonra 1.50 5.80 Pine ( Irove 1.25 Sardice O Big Warrior Pme Bluff 80 I )ry Creek ....... 1 00 Qak G rove i.co Making a Total of $28.05 $50.00 S5.20 Respectfully Submitted, \V. L. Ellison, Chairman. On motion the Executive Commitce was instructed to notify each church the amount behind for Associationai Missions and ask them to raise the money at once. Treasurers Report. — Robert [ones, in account with Warrior River Ass< iciation. To amount on hand last year §6t.io. To the follow'ng amounts from the following churches: — Austins Creek $9.05; Mt. Carmel ^4.40; Liberty II I S; 50; Mt. Pleasant $3.40; Liberty ^5.00; P:ne Grove $j ,-: Dry ( •ce.ciJ1.20; Mt. P.sgaii ,§4.15; Harmony $2.25 Blountsville $3.50; Sister |enkins 15c; Oneonta $4.00; Antioch $4. Finance comm ttee §80 oo Total $164 65. D.sbursemenrs. By amount paid, W. J.Chambers $31.35; L M. Bowerman $7.35; G. B. Carnes §16. 50: Robert Jones ^2.00, J. C. Buckner§i2. 50; A. Djrman $87.95; ,or Minutea $29.00; tor Circu- lars $2.25; Sta;-j Board $5. 50. Total $194.65. Respectfully submitted, ^..a,^ Robert Jones. ^f c r '-■ p i a 2 7! £ 2 : ►g. __• U-! -H *-■> - — , ,_, — ~ rt ■ r ^ V - — ; 3 '& —, ■j> ' s. g. g c p ■< '-< -: »| ?r ' 7^ toMX ■- ,-' P5 5 ** r- '"• ^ "'• X — 1 3 ■■-• 73 r. - p '- i, j-i ■o xs a S-fj — ~ ^_ - a O 25 Oi io tv 4- O X~J . Mins. - ! ,ic. M i - :,: hip ent ■i Sabbath On