“fiabama Baptist Historical Society

: . : wy Pienaar genet hi Cn a Bhs ame eee Ae at UROL Ae PETE A Sealers ENE TiN Bee RANK Valance talk? me - Leapravern waren ry prusieplooa : * % x Ny stay “, ' we ae a : wR f + vy

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Reet Len BAPTIST CHURCH, e eth, Ra ,

_ Mobile, Go. Ala, May 26 6 pd 2 27, 1876,

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7 » ovrreRas oF THE ASSOCIATION: ray /onen We. SPENCE, Mengnatoan, Mobile, Ala fo _Brpun A. B. COUCH, Chie, Mobile, Ala

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oles James Wooley and Elder T. E. Rowell ¢

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WHITEY, ALA, MAY 26Ub, 1} STé.

The Twenty. first Annuai Session of the Providence Baptist Assoviation convened with the Whistlar Church, Whistler, Mo- a egunty, Alabams, May 26th, 1976.


1. At 12. Celock M. the Association was called tw order by

the Moderator of last session. The Clerk of last session being absent, Elder A. B. Oouch, was clected temporary Clerk. The AeSkiON Was opened by reading the 66 Psalm, singing the hymn, | % Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,”

and prayer by Elder Wim. Spenco, Moderator.

2. The Introductory Sermon was postponed to § o'clock P.M. 3. The letters from the churclos wers valled for and read by Elder W. R.L. Smith andi Deacon Georgy A. Pearse, whe were ‘appointed by the Moterater, and messengers enrolicd as fullows: Broap Street Cuvren.—D, W. MeGanghey, Dudley Rayford, 8. R On phant, T.C, Carter, H, F. Acker, J, M. Cloud and Eider J. 8. Paulin. Pacwetro Sraxet Cucnow—-Klder W. KL, Smith, Brethren E. W, spe RH. Jones, Johw 4. Cooper and Geo. A. Pearco. * Francms Srneer Cavracn.—Eldors J. 0. Lowry, Win. Spence, Ar 33.

‘inci and Brethren T. J Miller, W. A. Alexandor, es Tabbs, Israci Pautnaua ead J. HH. Locke,

«Sax i Banks Cavrcis.—- Lider Hf. P, Hanson and Brethren Elisha Nibwn jv.,and John Morrison, jr.

Rroox Croaox Cavncu.—Elder J. Nelson and Bro, R. Leavens. f

Wraierter Cwuncn.—Eider 5. BR, Jackson and Brothrea L. Crabiree, J. A, Easterling, W. J. Stringer, 5. D. Philgaw and J, Crabtree.

Ztow Crotcn.—Brethrea WY. A. Pollard, W. HE. Rowell, J. ites id N.


= The Moderator announced that the next thing in onder was the obction of permaadéns officers, which was condacted by bal- lot, and which resulted in the election of Eider Willlam Spence Moderator, and Elder A. B. Couch Olerk.

. §& Invited visiting brathrea to seats with ua.

Ԥ 2


6. Called for potitionary letvers. None presented. q. The Moderator appoiped a Committees on Preaching,

hich was composed of the Pastor and Deacons Church nnd W. A. Pollard and Elisha Nelson, jr.

of Whistler |

8 The Moderator announced the folowing committees: On Sunday Schoota~Brothren Goo. A. Pearce, J. F. Cronk and J. Fletcher. On Wisziona—Elders W. R. L. Smith, Joseph Nefson and Brethren A, P.

Busb and E. W. Couch:

(nm Queries and Requests—Brethren W. A. Alexender, W Elisha Nelson, jr

On Periodicala—Eiders H. P. Hanson, B. R. Jackson and Brethren J. Wool-

ey and John Piere.

. A. Pollard and

On State of Retigion—Elders A. B. Couch, B. R. Jackson and Brethren L.

Crabtree and Tilman Malory.

On Fixanes.—Brethren A. P. Bush, J. H. eck aitd W. A. Alexander. On Temperonce.—Brethren D. W. McGasyhey, Geo. A. Pearce and Elder B.

R Jackson.

On motion of Elder B. R. Jackson adjourned to 3 o’clock.

Prayer by Elder W. R. L. Smith,


At 3 o'clock the Association was called to order erator. Sung the hymn, “Awake our souls; away our fears.” Prayer by Elder J. Nelson.

9.- Bro. Geo. A. Pearce, Treasarer, reported, which ‘oferg on

motion, referred to the Finance Committees:

by the Mod-



sy fund, St. Freocis Street Church. . $20 09 Broad = 0 0 Palmetto .. 5&8 State Line Charch......4. 5 00 ¥: Unien Sev eawesi 4 0 % 4 W bistler Se are eine . 400 ; Zion Ory awe wes me 3 00° 4 s 4 Shell Banks = tee tegee 2 35° Followahip 6 * ci crves 3 50 tgp = Be eeeeve. 2 00 air Hope ~ . 10— 50 55 a) 10th.—To cash collections at Broad St. Cuurch at night... 11 00

# 8 1876. May 5.—To collections to dato from members Union 0 surch, & 00 W histier 16 0 Shell Banks - ~ 96 00° Miate Line *. t : 25 75 Zion a 27:95 Palmetto Bt. “* i 47 Broad St " 60 GO. Bt Francis St" 150 My §599 73 1875. . ©Reprra. Oct. 17th. —RBy am’t to Mra. Wurtly for Elder Joseph Mitchell, through Bro. Hudson, voucher No. 1.......... $10 00 ' By am’t to Eider BR Jeckson, on acel, voucher ING: Sii seed te or edie nanes Rae ee Orne eeeee 10 Oct, With.--By am’t to E. B. Lout on acet. Elder Joa. Mitch- G-vouther NO. Siig ceeycceswnn Mis aman afi 00 Oct. 37th.—By am't to Elder A.B. Couch, on acct, voacher ; Nok Bik che Sivewae ea kh Pepe ST SRO REE ERED OSS EE 49 00 By am’t to Elder B. R. Jackson, on acct., soucher 0. 5 SEWERS ae ELE ide vlelWAl igie Uiatelalem eee ete ) 00 Oct. 29th —By aca! t to Ehields & Co., on acct, printing Min- utes, Wouter No.6) 555 s,s cok cameneeais HU Ow Doc, 20th—-By ant’ eto Elder A. 3. Couch, an acct, "youcher O. Te ceereesenverseseteteeeeneseeeegtaceees 20 00 By am’t to Elder B. R. Jackson, on acct, voucher No. 8....... 0.22005 esawvhescahustens as eras % 00 1876. Jan. 10th.—By am’t to Shields & Co., on acct., voucher No. 9, 25 00 Feb, 5th.—By am't to Elder B. R. Jackson, draft to Elder A. B. Outieh; voucher No: 10... ice vancipeaeees © 0 May 224.~—By am’. to A. GB. Couch, order to M. G. Hudson, voucher No. 11. voce a0 OO am’t to Elder A. 3. ‘Couch, ‘on acct, ‘voucher o. 12. ee ++ eee evr eeewn eee ££ tense veawntanenee 20 00 May 24th.—By ca 't to Shields & Co., balance due on Minutes, wouchal Noo 1di2.o.isn cients sean tawexesieeas 8 00 May 2ith.—By am’t to O. H. Dreishach, on Rider B. R. Jack- son’s order for $100 60, voucher No. 14...... .. 238 0 By am't to Elder A. 1, Couch, an acct., voucher No. 15... eee eee er enee eeeereseee eee eee 19 G>—G500 50 Balance oa hand..............- eK Te rece $$ @ EOE "G0. A. ‘PEARCE, Treas. Nore—Amounte still due, To Elder toiagh Mitchell. o..cis't yg vewe vies Fates ai uusoueies teks bas $ 40 88 To Elder’ A. B. Couch, baviug deducted fifty dollars uncouditiona!ly fro his salary there is Ot Die bitiaecas vs ccndyenduecunsavewwke’s 81 00

keh ord B. R. Jackson, having deducted one hundred dollars condi- dally (provided the whole amount was paid in 80 days) and said psa having been complied with, there is yet(lue him..... 233 7

Total amount due...... wicavitas

ee cnt cxan kaw S54. 58

. Unpaid subscriptions made at last Asrocistion amount to. Biker 168 50



i % 10. The Committee on Preaching reported as follows: Elder A. B. Couch to preach the Introductory Sermon to-night at & o'clock; Elder W. R. L. Smith to preach 5 aturday night at 8 oclock. Sunday, Elder Yejluam Spence to preach the Mission- . ary Sermon in this.Charch at 11 o’clock A. ML, and Elder Jos. Nelson to preach at the Methodist Caurch at 11 o'clock A. M. ; Elder H. P. Hanson to preach in this Church at 3 o’clock P. M., aad at night Elder Lyon, of Marion, Ala, to proach in this

Church, and Eider A. B. Couch to preach in the Methodist Church at 8 o'clock P. M.

On motion of Bro. Geo. A. Pearce the following was ‘added to the foregoing report:

Recoloed, That the Pastors of the Churches in the city of Mobile be requeat- ed to preach a Missionary Scrmon, and take up a coliection to aid the Asso- ciation in peying her indebtedness, on Sunday night at 8 o'clock.

ll. The Committee on Missions reported through Elder Smith, Chairman, which was.adopted, and is as follows:

_ Your Committee on Missions would submit the following : Reports from the foreign field are highly encouraging. The Lord has blessed

the labors of our missionaries; and is increasingly enlisting the hearts of our - peaple in the work.

Our home field, with the exception of an occasional sermon, ie wholly unoc- cupied. The territory of the ion 0 ion embraces Mobile and Baldwin coun-

ties, Three-fourths of Mobile county is missionary ground, and aJ of Baldwin. This shows seven-eighths of our territory destitute of Baptist preaching. The eople want the Gospel Nomanin the ficld, Preaching bas been much blessed ‘in this field heretofore. Shall the destitate have the Mospel? Your committee recommend the appointment of a missionary at once, provided the financial status of the body will warrunt such action. ms W. ROL. SMITH, Chairman.

12. The Committes on Sabbath Schools reported throu gh Bro. Geo. A. Pearce, which was adopted, and is as follows:

Upon examination we find that only three of our churches give any Sunday School statistics at all, and we do not know whether the other churches are at work in this direction. We carinot to highly estimate the value of this branch of christian effort, and earnestly arge upon all our churches the duty of at once entering vigorously on this work. We recommend, tn the event of a miasion-~ ary being employed, that he be instructed to pay particular attention to this work, endeavoring to have a Sunday School in eet chureb.

Reapectfaity submitted, , ee GEO. A. PEABCE, Chairman. 2


13 'On. motion a committee was. app Inted to nominate brethren for the Exeentive Board for the o ming year," Adjourned to 11 o'clock A. M. tosnorrow Sung the byw,

‘There is a fountain filled with bled 2." Prayor by Elder Joseph Neilson.


The Introductary Sermon was preached a 8 o'clock P. M., by Elder A. B. Couch. Text: Romans 8:28: ‘And we know that all things worked together for good, to ther: that love God; to them helt are the called, according t his pu Dose.”



SATURDAY, May 27th, 1876. ‘FORKNOON SESSION. |” , Met pursuant to adjournment. Read the 22d Psalia, Sung,

the hy nD,

“How beauteons are their feet, Who stand on Zion's bill.” And prayer by Elder H. P. Hanson. The minutes of Friday was read and approved. 14. Delegates from the following Oharches, who arrived here this morning, presented Jotterd which wete read and delegates enrolled, as follows:

| Umon Caurca.—Brethren i, A. Gaston, J. Fields 2”. BS. Dickens and D, A. Fort.

Oax Grove Cauncn;—Breturen J. M, Chadick and J. W. Pendarvis.

Besver Maapow Cacukca.—Brothren A.‘L. Blivard, H. Lot, W, Lewis A. Carrington and L. Leary.

Fain Hore Cavacs. ~—Kiders GC. Long and R. P. Irwin, and Bro. Jobe Boearge.

- Pectowsnrr Cuoncu.—iBrethren A. J. Rowell, Berry Byrd, Nobert Byrd ‘and T. J. Brazon:

a ee


.15.- The Committes appointed to nominate an Executive Board reported the following names: ©. KE, Thames, W. H. Rowell, Thou, P. Miller, 'T. G. Carter, SR. Olliphant, A. P. Bush aud Geo. A. Pearce, which was adopted. ~

16, The Committee on Periodicals reporiaL’ Report adapted 3

and is as follows:

Your Conmniitee of Periodicals recommend the adoption of the Giowing resolution :

Reslood, That this Association, recognizing the claims of the “Alubama Baptist" upon us as Baptists, and ite high mission in unifving our people and

Alinsesninating our principlea, recommend it to tho support ot oe generally. We also recommend “Kind Worda”’

Respectiully subautted, _ IL P, HANSON, Chairman. 17. On motion, by Elder Lowry, a committee of four was appointed to report on Education, composed of Elders J. O'B, Lowry, W. BR. L. Smith, and Brethren J. M. te and A. J, RoweiL - 18 The Committee on Queries and ieonenen reported. Re- ferred back to the Committee and Bro. T, P. Miller added to it.

29. Committee on Temperance reported. Adopted, and is as follows :


As the views of this Association on the subject of Temperance have bona ;

iterated and reiterated, and are so well known, and as the New Testament en- joins upon all christians the practice of Temperance, we recommend that this

Special Committee on Temperance be hereafter omitted from the list of com-

mittee appointments.

D. W, McGAUGHEY, Chairman. Adjourned to 3 o'clock. Prayer by Elder Kechiee


- At3 o'clock ths Association was called to order by the Moder- “« ator. Sung the hymn,

“Come ye that love the Lord,” and prayer by Elder Smith.

20. The Committee on the State of Religion reported. Adop- tal, and is as follows:

pcigagpilng acoder temper orem ton report a6 follows:



jase 3 Sa eretnstnn entice


‘From the letters sant up to the Asseciation, and trom other soureca of fafor mation, we are constrained to aay that the state of . Wigton is not very choer- ing. No miss’onarios have been sont oul to preach ty the weak churches and destitute portions within our bounds during the last assviations! year, and vasy 7 little the year before. We earnestly urge ion the churches in the Astociation_} who are blest with the musnsia take tho subject ander prayerful consideration; Dol.

re Bee ter 2

3 " Reape etilly submitted, ;

A. B. CQUCH, Chairman.

21. The Committee on Queries and Requests reported as fol- lows, which, after remarks by several brethren, was rejected.

> Ayes 8, nays 16:

Your Committee on Queries and Requests, appointed to consier the state- went and queries proposed by the Fair Hope Church, bey leave to report:

Ist. That a church grunting letters in full fellowship to a number of its members who argliss:tisflot with its course in certain matters of discipline sre boand to respect sach lettess as Walid, aad of consequence to recognize a Church regularly constituted on the basis of those letters.

2d. While in the abstract they have the right, it would be a breach of fellow- ship tor churches ‘in the same neighborhood to receive members without letters, knowing that it would be a serious grievance between the churches.

: : ‘W. A. ALEXANDER, Chairman. Invitation by Bro. T. P. Miller, in behalf of St. Francis Street Charch, for the next session of the Association was ten- dered and accepted.

23. The Committee on Education reperted. ‘Adopted, and is _as. follows:

Realizing the importance of a liberal christian education, your committee beg leave to report that the claims of Howard College and the Southern Sap- . tist Theological Seminary deserve special consideration in this centennial year.

These institutions are co-laborers in our odacationsl work, and should be en- riched by the memorial gifta of grateful Baptists thronghout the State,

We recommend that Brethren ¥. G@. Hudson, A. C. Carrington, L. Crabtree, G.SA. Pearce, R F. Manly, H. P. Hanson, John Fickis and W. H. Rowell be appointed to press the claims of Howard College. in their respective conghuia- tions, to report at the next meeting of tris Associntion.

O J. O'B. LOWRY, Chainnan.

. 24. The Committee on Finance reported. Adopted, ahd is

as follows:

Your Committee on Finance bey leave to report, that they have exantined the Treasurer's report and find it correct’ Associntional find seut up by the churches $44 00. | deessiertory.

ee) "| A. P, BUSH, Chairman.



25. On motion, appointed a commitice to recommend broth. ren to proach tho annual sertuous at the next session of tle As- sociation, coasisting of Brethren T. P. Miller, W. A. Aloxander and James. Wooley, who retired and within a fow minutes fe- turned acd made the following report: We nominate Elder W. R. L. Smith to preach the Introdactary Sermov, Elder B. R, Jacksoa, alternaia; Eider A. B. Couch to preach the Missionary Cy Sermon, Elder ii. P. Hangon, allorsate. Which was adopted.

26. On motion of Elder H. P. Hanson, the thanks of the As- sociation were tendered to the brethren and friends of Whistler for the king manner io which they have entertained the Asso- ciation.

27. On motion of Elder A. }3. Couch, adjourngl to meet with St. Francis Street. Church, cit7 of Mobile, on Saturday before the 4th Sabbath in May, 1577.

Ao by the Moderator. Saug the hymn,

Chikiren of thy heavenly king,” iad extended the parting hand. ae date session was very harmon ‘ous and pleasant. - “oie ' WL. LIAM SPENOER, Moderator. A. B Covou, Clerk.

ed Pe


SABBATH, May 28th, 1876. dacsoediug w appointment der William Spence preached the Missionary Sermon atl o'slock A.M. Text: Acts 10, 42, “And he commanded us to proach unto the people, and to testi- fy that it is He which was ordi ined of God to be the judge of 3 quick and dead.” . _ At3 P. M. Elder H. P. Hanson siéncuals At night Elder Lyons, of Mirion, Ala, preached at the Bap- tist Church, and Elder A. B. Ccuch at the Methodist Church. __ The cougregation at both chi rches was large and attentive, ©

= Ap Le OFS, ATISTICS. oe:

prea na ee EE One

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a a mc i oy j é } i i= , i [tet !Ad'tns) Diminutions Sead . | ee emia seat 4 c « H ' ; <>s 4 1 t if { ,) CHURCHES, | & } LOCATION. | PASTORS. | CLERKs. | CLERK’S P. C. mB 18 | 3 { ; ' é a - ; ; Biel . ? ie | oe! 18S elgg gi zig leg iE | } {8 lie Aik A ae Bay Minette.. ‘1270 Baldwin Co. ; Ma. Not rep resented. i eer reerr orcere i woat weheeneteceel sees Leaver M'dow 1874 Mobile Co., Ala... T. E. Rowell..'A. E. Carrington... Beaver Md’ow, r, hia No Sia ti ati ‘ca sent, wit h le tter Broad Street... 1856 City of Mobile.. J. 8. Paulin../J. PF. Cronk...... .:Mobile, Ala......- Every. ; 1 $. 2 Bi Bees, 1” Brwok C dron. 1345 Baldwin Co., Aa. HL. P, Hanson.’ J. W. Stewart....., paabils; Ala..ncccetss BA ani! ales . vejevealeeeeleneny 46 at ; -.++i.--+ Mobile Co., Ala.. Not rep resented. nie Se ME NEE Kaien asa hes a po saatlsedee F pee Oey nod tao asgoras 11 LESH Mobile Co, Ala.. "wm. tft aod Rerry Bird.. Ghanchula, PE 4th... 1. 5 le Wa eS | a = igs Mobile Co., Als...'Chas. Long....'W. T. 87: ccs: Bt. Elmo, Ala...-.jereeeeeeiiesy Si Pe Sy | US Fe Rot eee I MOWIG AD MANE. ce lios ac exunes <enniow ‘'B. N. Slater... - Bt. sake RR ante freeessonl 5 Liat cach Streenjeoee} 2D Palestine on cobb se os Jackson Co., Migs. : Not alata PEL En ends cession ass cual m A easter sisnge sorelon ss Pahoetto St... 1872 Citys of Mobile.... W. RL. Sniit H. EB. Anderson.. “Mobile, ur Couisit . Every. It, i 2 nvanleree] Be) St. Franck. Bt. AG City of Moubile..../J. O°B. Lowry. R. G. xf 8 Shepherd Mobile, Als....... Every .-! ‘is 3 oi 1)..-+| Li-ee! 363 Salem oo orcces 1622 Wevrnesboro’, Mise Not repiresentéd. sf. oe ee ee ee eee ESE: Cale Bota mins olen see PSE tone Shell Banka... 18 Betdiwin Co., Ala. H. P. Hangon. Samuel Nelson....! Mobile, ‘Alsen ecco seeresealle = ge op es ed aed bie a | { vane “f

Syprieg Hill.... 1870 Baléwie Co., Ale.

j } ) Lede dehciein! ba ln ahi l.

Tide Water... 1847 Jackson Co., Misa.’ Not rep resented. aaeeene as eae tat: Hee ate vitgleslionss Pees PRIS Pe po Rs iii cass os ee 1319 Mobile Co., Ala... B. R. Jackson. Noe! Turner.......| Mobile, pF weeny Preeeeeny (tr 1 ..i 1; cevelenne| 50 Washington... .... Green Co. ‘Mias...! Not mP resented. Sees eee eC eeRe seal Agee: scesiovestorcs Whistier...... 1870 Mobile Co., Ala...'-.- 2-00. 0+++ PL. Crabtree......./ Whistler, Ais.....2d&4th'-.j--f-.1| 2 2 7)

Zion... --...... ¥#k8 Mobile Co., Ala.... Wr. Spence... W. H. Howell umenie, BiG veakens 12a &ath'y.«) +1 2 Zz) 2! seal 112

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ee : l > “SABBATH SCHOOL AND-~FINANCIAL. ; “SABBATH SCHOOL. | “FINANCIAL. eee eee Pe | | ca aifigid aAla iia ¢ 1 j ' be t CHURCHES. popes. PO? OF orricrs| 4x, | E gi 3 | - ig | 2 4 | é 3% : | etal Heese | Bie oe ere . : Pigiclgdifiad Gl g3 a7 | eidese ie dd Alela as Diy Be faterteg srareryaiaanes Se eaen tenons ae ee [esas [oe[esse| ooo ee aneiee ees ee Rate RE:

4 Ber Aow.,..5. M. Jackson, . : Beaver Meadow. od Wl iiscles transact aeviese iy REN ESAS basis: sesee venores "100 Ecreet.....-(M. G, Hadson.,.(Mobile, Ala....:, 105, 74}..}....{ 420! 1,200,209 00 55 50'100'00). toes 1408 58 %. TOM. soe Newey fry ee 1 pep edecnsessser pelsees|oceeloens Pere eteerrene + seeanr H fg BIOs AZ | Bears laraeni ene eeee Fi aes aie paearres G ee el seaftsenefeaeleeee 2 OO eae eae -nerideet ta Oak Pisani arses cieotennsont eee ore ee hae ee ees Pass pes net | 1 Q0l os san|oxes ‘i 1 09

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fr street. |. A. Shaffer....|Mobile, Ala..... = 81, 225| 145/10 °... 30d) 2,400 10 00/117 00.

2 te: oe Sarees ae ea Rie A ee sofoeeimi aay: coe ee re saadecpeoohn aes ibis wessonehh 2 08 Vic Weter.. oe eboelennd reposeneer cere | se eere>2.% Sdcrbwcsalar act yerspe wns) <afane? Feee cere aceceee senile Scat

Union saan giescanepecssccssesszec tte | steneet Et i clecafoneaelsneot a Neds fae Eo eelcasée oe ae ck a tse ean ea neuoddgarueiaaddoner|onae|ea|ar Or} szondpeomeen|ngepa| stent thr hea ele ee Whistler ie ae A Crabtres.....) ‘Whistler, a eg ALISA: | i a 38 00) eee | aweaie's bas aibneren Uke aoe = Renae

TAOW oc uocacctastnce se segreurseeoere “9 seco re reese eeeeee sfossefses aaee ie eat atte Hemesiele ia sean twlae Rata ke! eee whew ey ae ewe eere

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be 3 BS Nute i) . 4 e HI 4 K ORDAINED MINISTERS AND THEIR POSTOFFICES. : Batoheler, W. Leos.ciersalenhowaiens secocssseces-Mobilo, Alabama. Couch, A. B..5.205% eRmuaweutea wtetseeeeerreseseeeees MObie, Alabama, Curry, James H............ sat antieaceeen ee eeeeess Greenville, South Ca Coleman, T.cNwaia ie sescsk conn ee tetees | cepeeenees Mobiic, Alabarma. Hanson, H. P..... re re Seer te Alabama, Irvin; Re Ps. casexswu eee supe SEU Rae AS ON aGx Renee Mobile, Alabama. Jackeon, Bo Ruicckss ee mee | \ Newent Mobile, Ajabama. Jaeger, Abraham...... AGrshyeEeUMUsS eed aceasta s Greenville, South Ca, Lowry, J. Bees. ease nencee anny SpUemae Vitek bnew as Mobile. Alabama. Long; COarles... vesac ven ccdiedeverkeens Ret create Mohbile, Alabama. Morrow, W..'\Giivisvecestones i gildaecnworteawiewe ..Mobile, Alabama. Newell, J. L:.... we UUdbASer deanna MEMecine see center mee Mabile, Alabama. 4 Nelson, Joseph 367050 i davocdiaeees ee eee. Mobile, Alabama. Roberts, Bo Tgoxs sibs soceseececn nese eee ...+.Mobile, Alnbama. Rowell, -T. Bosasck cu¥acnenenre Sime bioetanetew seoreta fivewe Mobile, Acabaraa. Sulth, Wi ReLisseteanescocatese vce +e4e-eee Greenville, South Ca, Bpence, Wai. isos sien cceeorsaveniny suchas seuetaeaee Mobile, Alabama. Rit ae _—.——— LICENSED PREACHERS. 4 —— Epeltott, Thea: Boio.5occcs skp eee Greenville, South Ca. Gray; Bo0D 7-2. on een Duet es cavaneb setvecucen tee ... Waynesboro, Misa. Hutchinson; °K: Goce einer ot eae ee Mri ..-. Whistler, Ala. Thames, T. B...... aN Gad d0G Ene TO Saree sale BEES. >.Greenville, South Cu MISSIONARY BOARD. Taos, P. Mitvex, President, Mobile, Ala. 4 3 Gro. A. Pearce, Secretary and Treasury, Mobile, Ala. ») e

Cc. E. Thames, W. A. Alexander, D. P. Bestor, W. H. Rowell, T. C. Carter. |

Se en eee Os &

t- Churches are particulurly requeated to report the names and postoffices |

of ordained ministers and licensed preachers included in their ae f rolls, with all changes affecting them. e

The special attention of the churchas is beter to all errors or deficiencies apparent in their respective statistics. F

taf” The Association will meet with the Whistler Church on Friday before the fourth span in May, 1874

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