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i-j.D. <jr. ^V\xTKAvt,Jt;E_. Moderlor, iNewionviiie, Aui.

Kld .1 . E. Oox, < lerk, Fayette, Ala.

W. H. Mklton, Treasurer. Fayette. Aia,

A. \l/NueKolj.s,Oorrespond!ni> Secretary J Fnyette. Ala.

ihe next session to be lieia witli i^ayetie Uiiurcli, Fayetie,Aia. SatiU'dav befr>rf»tbe se'^nni] SunflaN' i»i OnfnKpr 1SQ<^






The New River Baptist Association convened veith Macedonia Church Fayette county, Ala., Oct(»ber 13. 1895. and, in the absence of both the appointee and alternate, Eld. J. R. Barnett—from the Sipsey Association— preached the opening sermon from 1st John 3:1 ''Behold what manner of love/' &c.

After eatins; a full meal of the good things served on the ground by the good women of the community, the delegates assembled in the houst^, and, on motion Eld. Frank Wilson was elected temporary ciiairman, who conductea the devotional exercises.

The Body was called to order, and delegates, at the request of the Moderator, placed the church epistles on the table. Brethren VV. B. Melton and J. E. Cox were requested by the Moderator to read the letters, and the Clerk enrolled the names of delegates as follows:

Salem ^V. C. Dawson.

Unity— Elds A. N. Reeves, J. S. Shirley, and bro. W. B. Shirley.

Shady Grove— Elder M. \V. Olive.

Shepherd— Elder G. W. Gravlee.

Sipsey Valley D. T. Sava-'e and J. T. Sudduth.

Mt. Pleasant— Eld. G. H White, W. F. Nichols and Thos. Welch.

Concord--W. T. Olive and J. T. Black.

Pleaj^aut Grove S. Steuheiis arul T. A. Palmer

Rocky Mount— R. B. Walters, A. M. Smith and J. F. Fret^man.

Elbethel -W. F. Gilpin, V. F. Jones andJ. F. Dickinson.

Fayette— Eld. J. I. MrCellum, A, M. Nuckols and J. M. Stewart,

Macedonia Eld. J. E. Cox Simpson Litid.sey and Jno. B, Krrup.

Philadelphia— p:id. J. S. Townsead, G. \V. McGinuis and I. B. Deavors.

Bankston -T. C. GrifMn.

Mt. Lebanon— Elder J. F. Willis and J. E. Kirkland.

Pleasant Hill Eld. J. . Honmer, S L. Rainey and N H Roberts,

Friendshi;: E. Jones and R. R. White.

Pilgrim Rest— Elder F. Wilson and J. H. Davis.

On permanent organizalion, bretliren J. F Ashcraft and Aiidrew Walker were requested to act as tellers, and the delegates proceeded to vote for perma.ient Moderator and Clerk. On the first ballot no one was elected Moderator, not having received a majority of all tie votes cast, but J. E Cox was elected^Clerk, and A. M. Nuckols, Corresponding Clerk. A second ballot was cast, without the consti'> tutional, election of a'Moderator; but, on motion, (Eld. G. \V. Gravlee having received more voles than either o! the brethren voted for) of Eld. A. N. Reeves, the regular order of business was suspended, Eld G. ir. Gravlee, having received the highest vote, was by acclama^


tion, declared the constitutionally elected Moderator, who, after a few appropriate remarks, appointed the following


Oil Devotion— 'A. M. Nuckols, J. H. Newton, with the Pastor and Deacons of Macedonia church.

On Arrangement— H\d. J. S. Shirley, James T. Sudduth and G-. W. McGinnis.

On Documents— Eld. J. S. Townsend, T. 0. Griffin, W. F, Gilpin.

On Sabbath Schools A. N. Reeves. F. Wilson and A. M. Smith.

On Nominations J. M. Stewart, VV. T. Olive and J. E. Kirkland.

On Finance~D. T. Savasje, E. Jones and J. F. Freeman.

071 Literature G. H. White, J. J. Patterson and S. L. Rainey.

On Temperance— M. ^'v. Olive, J. 1. McCollum, R. R. White and W. C. Dawson.

On Location of Baptist College— T)y. W. A. Graham, W. G. Baker, A. M. Nuckols, W. D. Doughty and J. P. Dickinson.

(Brother A. M. Nuckols was, by the Moderator, added to the Board on Ministerial Education and made chairman of said Board in place of C. W. Edmonds, who has removed from our bounds )

On Education J. I. McCollum, A.N. Reeves, A. M. Nuckols and S. Stephens.

Called for correspondents from «ister Associations.

Sipsey Association: Eld. J. M. Chi«m. J. F. Ashcraft, Elder J. R. Baruett and brother J. T. Garter, with letter and package were re^ ceivedand welcomed by the Moderator.

Tuscaloosa Association: Bro. J. tJ. Mize, cordially welcomed.

Returned correspondence as follows:

To Sipsey— Eld. Frank Wilson. J. H. Davis, M. VV. Olive and James T. Sudduth.

To the Tuscaloosa— Elds. G. H. White, M. VV. Olive and G. VV. McGinnis.

To Yellow Greek— J. M. Stewart, Eld. J. F. Willis, Elder J. I. McCollum and J. E. Kirkhmd.

To North River— Elds J. I. i/cCollum, J. E. Cox, J. S. Townsend.

To Harmony Grove— Elds J. S. Shirley, J. E. Cox, ^. N. Reeves and W. J. Akins.

On motion, adjourned until Monday, ^:30 o'clock a. m.

Sabbath Doings. The suggested Sunday School Mass Meeting at 10:30, bv Elder J. S Townsend. was greatly hinder-id for want of time; but the dear brother, with Prots. Sartain and Crump, and Eld. Stiff made short, but excellent speeches on the importance of Sabbath 6ciiools. At 11 o'clock Elder J. I McCollum was at his beat, 'and preached an able, instructive sermon from 1st Corinthians. 16:22; "If aiiv man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema


Maranatha." He held hundreds of eager listeners spellbound with his timely, sweet message to the Christians, and his solemn warnings to the wicked At the close of his sermon, a collection was taken for estate, Home and Foreign Missions, amounting to $12.19. Elder Stiff preached a fine sermon at 4 o'clock.

Monday, 8:30 p. m.— The delegates assembled and, in the absence of Elder G. W. Gravlee the Moderator Elder A. N. Reeves was called to the chair, who reud the 12th chapter of Romans and the congregation joined in prayer with Elder J. S. Shirley-

The Committee on Arangements made the following report, which was adopted, viz :

Your Committee on irranffement^ make the following report: 1. Call for report of District Meetings. 2, Gall for report of Mi sion Board. 3, Call for report of Committee on Education. 4, Call for report of Committee on Ministerial Education. 5, Call for report of Committee on Sunday ^Schools. 6, Call for report of Committee on Documents. 7, Call for rep rt of Committee on Literature. 8, Call for report of Committee on Nominations. 9, Call for report of Committee on Finafice. 10, Call for Report of Trea-urer. 11, Appoint a Treasurer. 12, Read Gorrespondiug Letter. 13, Mis- cellaneous Business. J. S. Shirley, Chm'n.

The Moderator G. W. Gravlee in the chair, called for reports from District Meetings, which were read and adopted as follows;

The next session of the First Distnct will commence with .Mace- donia church, 4 miles south ot Fnvette, Friday before the first Sab- bath in September, 1896. Programme; On Friday at 11 o'clock the opening sermon by Eid. J. nV. Hosmer; W. G. Baker, alternate Ist Subject on Fridav after organization: What did Jesus mean by the "Bruised Reed""and 'Smoking Flax"? Matt. 12:20, &c. G, H. White and J. A. South. 2iid. What are the duties of the Pastors to Churches and the Churches to theit^ Pastors? J. H. Newton and G. W. McGinnis. 3rd. What is the Bible design of Church di.soipline? J. E Cox and J. J, Patterson. Sermon at 11 o'clock on Sunday on Missions by J. E. Cox. W. G. Baker, Mod'r.

J. H. Newton, Clerk.

Second District The District met with Unity Baptist Church of Christ, Fayette county, Ala., on Friday the 4th Sabbath in August, 1895, and located the next session of the 2nd Dis^trict to be held with Rocky Mount Baptist Church, Friday before the first Sabbath in September, 1896, the introductory sermon to be preached by Elder A. N. Reeves. Subject for Saturday morning; How can we best indoctrinate the niembershlf) of our churches and develop the talent of our churches.^ Opened by Elder J. F. Willis. 2wd. Wh&i did theSavior mean when he said, ' Simonr, Satan hath desired


to have thee that he might sift thee as wheat"? Opened by brother A. M. Nuckols. Srd, Did Christ die for the sins of the woild, or for the elect, and when did election take place with man? Opened by Elder F. Wilson, (Jt. W. Gravlee, Mod'r.

VV, B. Shirley, Clerk.

Called for Report of Mission Board. Tlie members of said Board notbeiui^ present, a committee, on motion, composed of J. F. Willis, W. B. Shirley and F. Wilson, was appointed by tha i/oderator to arrange a report some time during the session of the Body.

The following reports of committees in regular order, were read, partially discussed (for push and haste were the watch-^word which was wrong in the Lord's business— Clerk.) and adopted;

Your Committee on Literature recommend the Bible, The Ala** bama Baptist; the periodicals published by the Southern Baptist Convention for our Sunday Sciiools and for our children.

G. H. White.

Report on' ii^DUCATioN. Education is a subject that should in- terest all our people, and we are glad to know there'is quite an advancement in this direction. While the'law protects us by requir- ing all teachers to have attained to certain qualifications, botii in morals and science, we should be very careful to know the habits of iiie, as well as other qualifications, of those to whom we entrust the instruction of the young. All the children of the country may receive a liberjil education, with the advantages ihe law affords, if parents and guardians will use the proper energy iu this direction. To those who wish to give their children a collegiate course, we would recommend the Howard College at East Lake, for young men, and the Alabama Central at Tuscaloosa, and the Judson at Alarion, lor young ladies. v\ e recommend that this Association cosi.sider the propriety ot confering with the sister Associations who are seelcing our co-operation iu regard to a Denominational School.

Respectfully submitted, J. I. iMcOolldm, Chm'n.

Pending tlie adoption of the above report, a motion prevailed authorizing the Moderator lo appoint a cummiitee of five, to confer with similar committees of the ^'orth River and Sipsey Associations, witli a view of ascertaining the necessity and propriety of establish- ing a Denominpiional School at a central point in the bounds of the three Bodies. The committee; Dr. W. A. Graham, chairman. Prof. A. M. Nuckols, Elders W. G. Baker and J. P. Dickinson, and brother W. D. Doughty.

Report on Missions read and adopted; Your Committee on Alissions report that, so far as they have learned, no missionary work has been done the pnst year, in the New River Association.

.1. F. ^viijjs, Chm'n.

Ministerial Education.— Your committee would report, that very little has beeu done on this line for want of means. Those who pledged money have.failed to pay what they promised, last session. Brother A. N. Reeves has received about $18.00, which he expended at school some two and a half months last winter.

A. M. NucKOLS.

W. B. Melton.

J. R. Gladden.

Pending the adoption of the above report, Elder G. W, Gravlee slated tl at, about $12.00 had been placed in his hands for the edu«« cation of brother W. M. Olive. The Body instructed brother Gravlee to turn said amouiu over to brother Olive, in the defraying of his expenses, in the event he attended any school as a pupil.

.Sabbath School Report. We, your Committee on Sabbath Schools, would report as f«)ll()ws; There was a committee appointed at the last, session of ihis B()dy, for each District of this Association, to work up an interest in Sabbath SchooU and to hold a Sabbath •School convention in each District, lo which we refer you for infor- mation as regards Sabbath Schools in our midst.

Respectfully submitted, A N. Reeves, Ch'n,

On motion, the Sabbath School Committee of last year, was con^ tinned the present, mid their names and programs, requested to be handed to the Clerk for publication in the present Minutes.

The regular order of business wassusoended, and Eld. R. A. Baker and Col. J. H. McGuire (correspotidents of the North River Associa- tion) were welcomed to seats.

On motion, the Body will adjourn at 11 a. m. to hear Elder J. F. Willis preach.

Report ON Documents. We, your Committee on Documents, having examined all the documents placed in our hands, beg leave to make the following report; VVe find reported received by letter, 56; by baptism,, 54 restored, 5; dismiissed by letter, 42; excluded, 7; died, 10; total present membership, 1,194. For Foreign Missions, $4.00; Home Missions, $10.15; for Minules, S20.35; for Associational purposes $8.25. We find only two or three Sunday Schools reported. We also find that Shepherd Church asks for the next session of this Body. Respectfully submitted, J. S. Townsend, Ch'n.

P. 8. We recommend~that, as there are two Churches calling for the next session ot this Body, viz: Shepherd and Fayette, that the Body decide between them. J. S. T., Ch'n.

Treasurer's Report Your Treasurer's report is as follows: On hand at last Association, #34 14

Rec'd from Committee on Fin nance, Minute F., 18 80 '• " \ssociation Fund, ' 9 05

8tate iH/issions, for W.IJ. A kins, 6 75

Defraying expenses of delej^ates to Southern

Baptist (invention, 1 15— $71 79

Paid to W. J. A kins, $39 89

Paid to Zach Savme. printing yi/inutes, 18 80

Paid Zach Savai^e, services as (Merk, 9 05

Paid to W B. Crumpton, 1 00 -|68 74

Balance now on hand, 13.1.'. I n- w ask to be dij>charged.

W. F. Baker. Treasurer.

REPoR'i ON Temperance Your Comniittee on Temperance beg leave to report, that while Temperance has not. and perhaps never will, accomplish all that we conld wish; and while prohibition laws have not prohibited, in many instances, as they should, yet where we contrast the present condition of our country with the past, we can but see ihat great good has been and is still being accomplishrd by cur prohibition and local option laws, W'e hear some say— and members of the Church, too that they favor a repeal of our prohibi- tion Ipws, because they are violated. With tl e same propriety they might say they oppose the law ai/ainst mnrder, because men continue to commit murder The question foi us is, not whether the proliibi- tion laws are violated, but whetlier or not our i^eacetul country would be better with a grog-shop in every town and village and at every cross-roads where tne whisky seller saw fit to liang out his alluring sign to tempt the poor, wreck who has fallen a victim to strong drink, and who is fighting with herculean strensjth to reiel the temptation. We need not dwell upon the ravages, wastes, crimes, devasted hon-es, bliglited lives, crowded prisons, etc., caused by intemperance. That is admitted by all good and thoughtful men. The question which confronts us is, how best to promote the cause of temperance. We think the b. st way to accomplish this is, hold to all the prohibition we have, and extend it where it is not; and do all in our power as parents, as teachers, as preachers, as Ohuiches. and as citizens, by moral suasion and education to teach the rising generation to si un strong drink as a deadly foe. Let us fight the monster in every conceivable way, and prove our sincerity by a total abstinence ourselves.

Respectfully submitted, M. W. Olive, Oh'n.

Brother W. B. Melton vvas appointed Treasurer.

Elder W, G. Baker was elected delegate to the Southern Baptist


Oonveiitioii; and Elder J. P. Dickiusoa and Ool. VI. B "VlcOoUutn were appointed messengers to the Stale Baptist Convention.


Macedonia Baptist Ohurch, Fayelte Co.,

October 14ih. 1895. To Sister Associations with whom we Correspond, the New River Association sendeth greeting:

Dear Brethren, We are now in our twenty -fifth annual .session, and we are having a haimonious and interesting meeting. \Ve heartily welcome /our messdigers who are seated with us, and hope to meet you by messeMgers, as shown in our minutes, at your next session May the great Heal of the Ohurcli preside over your deliberations, is the prayer of your sister in Christ.

A. M. NuCKoLS, Corresponding Secretary. The next session will be held with Fayette ville church.

The follovviui^ resolutions were adopted, viz:

Resolved, That ordained Miiiisiers in tiie New River .Issociation be recognized as dele^-^ates in our Body, with three otlier delegates from each of our Chnrches. J.M.STEWART.

Resolved, That the Clerk have as many Minutes printed as the fund will pay for, and liiat he have $U) for his; services; also money enou^h to mail Minutes lo the churches J. I. McOOLLUM.

Resolved, that ihis Body tender her most hearty thanks to .Mace^ dcnia (^'hnrch and vicinity for ho^^pitaliiy sh )vvn us during this session, J. S. SHIRLEY.

The Moderator was authorized to appoint Standinir Committees, whose names appear in tliese Minutes by request of the Body.

A motion to adjourn prevailed, the parting hand was given, prayer was tifFered by Elder J. P. Dickirison, tne benediction by Elder J. S. Shirley, and die brethren departed in peace. Harmony prevailea during the entire sessior). (1. W. GRAVLEE, Mod'r.

J. E. COX, Clerk.

Ordained Minlsters.— W. G. Baker, J. E. Cox, G. VV. Gravlee, J. I. McC.*llum, G. H. White, Frank Wilson, J.F.Willis, M. W. Olive, J. P. Dickinson, A. N. Reeves, J.S.Shirley, J S. iownsend, J. J. Patterson, J. W. Hosmer.

Licensed MrNlSTERS G. VV. McGinnis. W. P. Jenkins, J. L. Harbin, J. . Graham, f. J. Garrison, L C. Shirley, W. M. Olive, G. W. Freeman.


iVU 1

Article 1. This Association sIihII be composed of members chosen by the different churches in our union, who, on producing letters, shall take their seats.

ART. 2. This Association shall be known by the name of the New River Baptist Association, which shall have the privilege to enact and carry out missionary purposes in all their beariiigs; yet so that churches and individual members are left free, and that giving or withholding shall not be a bar to fellowship.

Art. 3. To give churches the best advice she can in a'l matters of difficulty, and if the union be broken between any of the sister chnrches. t inquire into the cause of the breach and use her best endeavors to remove the difficulty; but if the breach cannot be re- paired, to withdraw from any church or churches which she may look upon as being unsound in principle or immoral in practice UJitil the same can be reclaimed.

Art. 4. The churcnes in our union shall ttansmit to every annual session of tiie Association a written communication, specifying the names rf their delegates, their number in fellowship, baptized, re* ceived by Ittter, restored, dismissed, excommunicated and deceased since the la^t sessic.n of the Association, the state of their Sabbath Schools and prayer meetings, and the number of ordained ministers and licensed preachers, with their postoffices, which shall be read and minuted accordingly.

Art. 5. Every church in our uniotj shall be entitled to represent tPlion in the following manner; Ea«:'h church shall be entitled to send three delegates and no more. Any church failing to represent herself asaboye prescribed, shall state her reasons at the next session.

Art. 6. The Association thus formed, a maiority ol the members present shall choose by ballot a Moderator and Clerk, who shall serve one year.

Art. 7. Churches may be admitted into this union who petition by letter and delegates, and upon nomination, if found ortliodox and rirderly, shall be received by the Association, which shall be manifested by the Moderato? giving the right hand of fellowship.

Art. 8. Kvery query sent up to the Association by any church in the union, .shall be read and put to a vote by the Moderator whether it shall be debated, and if there be a majority for it, it shall be taken up and investigated, but if not it shall be withdrawn; provided, al- ways, that those be first considered which effect the union of the churches.

Art. 9. Voting shall be confined exclusively to the Body in all acts respecting their internal concerns.

Art. 10. The Association shall not adjourn any session until she

shall have finished all business on hand, except in extraordinary cases.

Art. 11. The uiinuies ol the Association shall be read and cor* rected, if necessary, and signed by the Moderator and Clerk before the session rise.

Art. 12. The Association shall, in all cases, be governed by a majority of the members present.

Art. 13. Amendments to this Constitution may be made at any session of the Association when a majority of its members present shall deem it necessary.


1 We believe there is one only living and true \jod, and threP( persons in the God head, the Father, the Son. and the Holy Ghost.

2. We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, and the only rules of faith and practice.

,3. vVe believe in the doctrine of human depravity; that it disables man from keeping; the law tor life, and that man's recovery and final ^^alvation depends entirely upon the provision which Christ has made, and offered upon the condition of faith.

4. We bc-lieve in the doctrine of election through sanctification of the Spirit and belief ol the iruth.

5. ^"> e believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God, only by the merits of Jesus Christ.

6. U'e believe the saints shall persevere in grace, and not one of them finally fail away.

7. We believe in the resurrection ot the dead and general judg- ment, ajid ^hat the joys of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked will be eternnl.


1. We believe that the visible church of Christ is a conjrregation of baptized believers who have gained Chiistian fellowship with each other, and have given themselves up to the Lord, and one another, and have agreed to keep up a godly discipline according to the rules of the gospel.

2. We believe that Jesus Christ is the great head of the church and only law giver, and that the government is with the Body, and is the privilege of each individual: and that the discipline of the church is intended for the reclaiming of the Christian who may be


disorderly either in principle or uractice, and must be faithfully kept up tor (rod's y,lory and unity of the churches.

3. We believe that baptism aad the Lord's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Ciirist, and thjit true helievers are the only proper subjects, and conscientiously do believe the true mode of baptism is immersion.

4. e believe ohat none have the right to administer the ordi- nance^ but ministers of the Gospel regularly ordained to that office.

5. We believe that none but those regularly baptized have a right to participate in the Lord's Supper.


1. The .issocitttion shall be opened aid closed by prayer

2. To expedite business, committees may be appointed at the discretion of the Association.

8 The M' deraior shall be deemed judge of order, and shall have the right to cail to order at any time, and any brother not satisfied with his decisi 'U on anv point of order, may appeal to the Associa- tion, on the same day, but at no other time

4. Every motion made and seconded shall come under the consid^ eratioii of the Association, except withdrawn by him who made it.

5. Every case taken up by the .Association shall be decided or with- drawn before another shall be offered.

6. Every [lerson who shall speak in debate shall nse from his seat and address the Moderator, and not be inteirupted while speaking, unless he dei)art from tfie subject, or use words of personal reflection.

7. The Moderator when addres.**ed for leave los|.eak, shall signity the right of the applicant by naming him or otherwise.

8. No person shall speak m.ore than twice on the same subject, without leave of the Association.

9. No member shall be tolerated in any practice which tends to in- terrupt public speaking.

10. Any person wishing to retire, shall obtain permission from ihe Moderator.

11. The Moderator shall give the casting vote, and shall be entitled to the same privilege of speaking as any other member, provided he appoint another to his seat during tlie time.

12. The appellation of Brother shall be used in our address one to another

13. The names of delegates shall be called as often as the Asso> elation msy direct.

14. Any member violating the above rules may be reproved as fhe Association thinks proper, only on the day the offense shall have occurred.

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