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AUGUST 24 and 25, 188 S.


G. B. WADE, - - - Moderator, - - Walnut Grove, - - Ala. W. Y, ADAMS, - - - Clerk, - - - - Blountsville, - - Ala. J. D. HENDRICKS, Treasurer, - - Wooten, - - - - Ala.





The Warrior River Baptist Association assembled in its Twen- ty-fifth Annual Session with the Rock Spring Baptist Church, Marshall County, Friday, the 24th day of August, 1883.

The Introductory Sermon was preached by Elder C. C. Collins, from John 14:14.

The body was called to order by Elder G. B. Wade, Moder- ator; W. Y. Adams, Clerk.

Letters from the churches were then read, and names of mes- sengers enrolled.

Petitionary letters from New Macedonia and Corinth churches were received, and the right hand of fellowship was extended by the Moderator to the messengers on behalf of the body.

S. T. Callier, visiting minister, was invited to a seat with the


Welcomed correspondents, as follows: Ira R. Foster, P. J. Cooley, J. Q. A. Alford, J. T. Evans, and W. M. Foster, from Mt. Carmel; T. M. Bailey, Corresponding Secretary of the State Mis- sion Board and Representative of the Foreign Mission Board; W. C. Cleveland, Editor of The Alabama Baptist and Vice-presi- dent for Alabama of the Home Board.

An election was then had, T. M. Bailey and W. C. Cleveland acting as tellers, when G. B. Wade was re-elected Moderator, and W. Y. Adams, re-elected Clerk.

The Moderator thanked the Association for the compliment of re-election.

Appointed committees as follows:

On Devotion A. F, Whitley, J. H. Campbelle, and the deacons of Rock Spring Church.

Missions G. B. Wade, A. Dorman, J ft. Fields. P. M. Musgrove and E. J. Barksdale.

Education S. J. Cox, S. J. Foust and H. W. Head.

Temperance W. C. Casey, C. Wright and W. M. Lyons.

State of Religion H. C. Reed, S. j. Cox and P. J. Ellis.

Finance W. L. Ellison and T. K. McDonald.

Executive Commmittee J. H. Campbelle, J. D. Hendricks, W. Y. Adams. W. H. Jones and S. J. Cox.

Documents W. Teague, G. Brindley and H. W. Head.

The subject of Missions was made the special order for to-morrow at 10 o'clock.

Correspondents appointed:

To Sulphur Springs P. M. Musgrovc.

Mt. Carrhel W. S. Casey, W. H. Lyons, C. J. Brown, James Lang, G. B. Wade, E. J. Barksdale and J. Y. Bain.'

Canaan J. H. Campbelle, A. Dorman, G. B. Wade and W. Y. Adams.

Muscle Shoals C. J. Brown.

Baptist State Convention A. L Phillips, P. M. Musgrove, E. L Barks- dale, W. Y.Adams, W. M. Cole, W. H. Jones, J. D. Hendricks, G. B. Wade, Robert Steele, C. Tecklenburg and G. S. Brindley. [Meets Friday before the third Sabbath in July, 1SS4, at Tuskalobsa.]

Union of First District will meet with Roswell Creek Church, Friday before the third Sabbath in July, 1S84; Em. Bowerman, preacher of Introductory Sermon.

Union of Second District will meet with the church at Friendship, Friday before the fourth Sabbath in July, 1884; C. C. Collins, preacher of Introductory Sermon.

Adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Prayer bv A. Dorman.

Saturday Morning, 8 o'clock.

After devotional exercises conducted by J. T. Evans, the reg- ular order of business was resumed.

On motion, notice is hereby given, that at our next annual meeting of this Association a motion will be made to amend the Constitution, so as to authorize the Moderator to appoint, in addi- tion to the regular committees, one on Credentials, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the letters from the churches, and report the names of messengers entitled to seats, and all other matters contained therein necessary for the Association to know, and thus dispense with the public reading of the letters.

The report on the State of Religion was read and discussed. REPORT ON STATE £F RELIGION. Your Committee beg to submit the following:

From the reading of the letters from the various churches, the Lord has wonderfully blessed the people the past associational year, with few exceptions.

We regret to state that a few churches report themselves in a cold or lukewarm condition. Brethren, why is this? We have the same Lord, who is common to all his people ready and willing to bless all who will come to him in faith. Brethren, we recommend that each church keep up a regular prayer-meet- ing, and report effects of this to the next meeting of this body. We would fur- ther recommend to the ministry Paul's charge to Timothy, "Preach the Word." Respectfully submitted, H. C. Reed, Chm'n Com.

Read and adopted the report on Temperance. The discus- sion showed decided advancement in the cause of Temperance. REPORT ON TEMPERANCE.

Your Committee on Temperance would report, that, in view of the disas- trous harvest of Intemperance to society, to families, and to individuals, we, as a people, should most heartily encourage every means tending to promote the cause of Temperance. The world sees the great evils of Intemperance, and it is looking to civil legislation for protection. The Church, heing the light of the world, the representative of good on earth, should regard the foregoing fact a stern rebuke. We should set our faces against this evil in such a manner as to prove to the world that, as a body, we enter our hearty protest against the use of ardent spirits as a beverage. Therefore, we recommend that, from this time henceforth, the ministry and the membership of this Association do unitedly put forth their efforts in the grand cause of Temperance, the tendency of which is to glorify God, advance the kingdom of Christ, and save the mothers' hearts from bleeding and the children from penury and want.

Respectfully submitted, W. L. Casey, Chm'n Com.

The report on Missions having been made the special order of business for this hour, to o'clock, was now called for, when the Chairman, A. .Dorman, read the following


When our Master was on earth, he sent out his disciples on earth to preach the Gospel. These men thus sent out were missionaries, and, through God's blessings on their labors, many souls were converted to Christ, and many churches were organized. When Christ was leaving the earth, he gave, as a last command to his people, "Go ye into all the world and pieach the Gospel to every creature."

It is obligatory on all God's children to aid in carrying out this final com- mand. As Baptists profess to take the Bible, and it only, for their creed, this last command of the Savior rests on them with a peculiar force. We believe in strict obedience to what < Mirist has commanded about repentance, faith, baptism and communion, and we do well; and yet obedience to his teachings on these doctrines is not more binding upon us than his command, to give the Gospel to "every creature." It is not fidelity to Christ to yield obedience to some of his commands and to neglect others. Jesus Christ's people must be a missionary people. In proportion as they arc a missionary people, they will prosper. We have, as a denomination, three departments of missionary labor:

i. Our


the prosecution of which is entrusted to the State Board appointed by the Con- vention, and which is located at Selma. The object of this Board is to plant a Baptist chuich in every destitute neighborhood in our State. Forty-eight men have been in its employ timing the year. These missionaries organized during the year 21 churches and 62 Sunday Schools. They baptized 262 persons and aided pastors in meetings in which 340 persons were baptized. The Board is aiding in the support of a missionary among the Germans in Cullman, which is in our assbciational territory. Bro. Wade missionary in the Association, has

labored faithfully during the year. He has organized 2 churches, baptized 32 persons, and sold about $40 00 worth of books. He reports great destitution within our bounds, and that a great many people are coining into our bounds who must be supplied with the preached word. The destitution throughout the State is very great, and, if it is to be met in your own bounds and elsewhere, the contributions to the Board must be enlarged. To this end the Board is en- deavoring to raise $12,000, and we wish the churches of this Association to con- tribute their full share of this amount.


is prospering. It had in its employ last year 95 men, who were laboring in the destitute places in Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. It isdoingagood work among the Indians; among the Chinese in California, and among the Roman Catholics in the city of New Orleans. Alabama Baptists are asked to give to this Board during the conventional year $5,000, and we hope to receive some part of the amount from the churches of this Association.


is being greatly blest. There are 38 brethren and sisters laboring in the foreign field, besides quite a number of native assistants. These brethren are laboring in China, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, and Africa. The cry now is for more men to carry the Gospel to the 850,000,000 of heathens that are still in darkness.

The whole world is open to the Gospel as never before. The I'oreign Board asks Alabama Baptists to give this year for Foreign Missions $5,000, and surely the churches of this Association will give their full share of this amount. Brethren, let us show our love for Jesus Christ by sending the glad tidings of salvation to the lost. Respectfully submitted,

A. Dorman, Chm'n.

The discussion of the above report was participated in by Brethren 'Bailey, Wade, Fields, Evans, Musgrove, and others.

Bro. Bailey asked that we pledge ourselves to do all we can to raise 30 cents per member for State Missions during the ensuing associational year. Several pastors and nearly the entire delegation entered into the pledge, and in token of the sincerity of their inten- tions, gave Bro. Bailey their hand.

Recess for dinner one hour.

After dinner resumed business.

The following preamble and resolution were adopted:

Whereas, It is in contemplation to organize an Association of churches partly from Warrior River Association and from Sulphur Springs Association; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the following named churches, Flint Creek, Cullman, Duck River, First German, Pine Grove, Roswell Creek, Warrior Creek and Corinth, are hereby dismissed from us, in order to help form the new Association; pro- vided, such Association is formed; otherwise, to remain in this Association.

The Committee on Documents made their report through their chairman, W. Teague:.

* REPORT OX DOCUMENTS. Your Committee on Documents have examined all matters referred to them, and find nothing claiming your attention, except that two churches ask for the meeting of the Association, viz: Walnat Grove and Duck River; also, that several churches ask that the time of meeting be changed back to October. All of which is respectfully submitted, W. TEAGUE, Chm'n.

The report on Education was read, discuss d, and sdopted. REPORT ON EDUCATION.

We, your Committee on Education, beg leave to make the following report:

The cause of education has greatly advanced during the past year in our hounds, and the prospects arc flattering for still higher* attainments in the cause. We must have some education in order to understand the teachings of God's Word, and. the more perfectly we are educated, the more thoroughly can we comprehend the boundless wisdom and power of the great Jehovah, as displayed in his works.

As institutions of learning outside the Association, we would recommend the Howard College for our boys ami the Judson for cur girls, both located at Marion, Ala. We would further suggest, that the Association take into consid- eration ministerial education, and that we aid those young men seeking an education, who feel that they have a call to the ministry.

Respectfully submitted, S. J. Cox, Chm'n.

The church at "Walnut Grove was voted the next session of the Association, and Wednesday before the fourth Sabbath in August, fixed as the time for meeting.

Bro. Cleveland generously proposed to furnish the churches with blanks for letters to the Association, which favor was thank- fully received by the body.

The Committee on Finance made the following report, which was adopted:


Blue Spring i co

Harmony 2 oo

Bristoe's Ci ek i 30

Friendship 1 50

Lil ty 250

Mt. Pleasant '50

Mt. Vernon 2 00

Pine Bluff i -0

PI a mh 1 .rove 75

Walnut ( Irove 1 50

Mt. Carmel 1 00

Bethel do

x vi M acedonia 1 50

,i!i 1 00

Mt. Tabor

White Plain.

S 1 50

. . . . I 50

V -

I 25

I sO

. . . . I 50

Pine Grove

.... 50

I )u 4. Rivet

Liberty Hill

Fir! I German Baptist

.... 12.

6s, . . . . 50

Mt. High :-

•$34 30

The Treasur r tndini August 241b. 1883,

was submitted by the 'I reasurcr, John D. Hendricks.


J I). HENDRICKS, Treasurer, '

In account with Warrior River Baptist Association:


'1 (.1 balance on hand of lasl year $41

' ' amount received this year '33 75

for Aline: ce Committee 34 30

Total . . S209 55



By cash paid to G. B. Wade, Missionary $173 52

' ' W. Y. Adams, Clerk 34 30

Total $207 S2

Balance on hand <jj x 73

[This report does not show the amount of pledges made last year yet unpaid. Clerk.]

The Clerk was directed to have 500 copies of the Minutes printed and retain the balance of the money for his services.

Resolved, That we return our thanks to the members of Rock Spring Church and to the people of the vicinity for their hospitality to us during the present session.

Adjourned to meet with Walnut Grove Baptist church Wednes- day before the fourth Sabbath in August, 1884.

G. B. Wade, Moderator. W. Y. Adams, Clerk.



Fields Blountsville Blount Alabama

M. Stewart Summit "

, C. Reed Summit "

R. Tennyson. . . .Summit " ."

, M. Teague Summit "

J.Ellis Little Warrior "

Dorman Balm "

. T. Goss Wynnville ........ "

. Y. Adams Gum Springs "

B. Chambers. . . .Blountsville "

C. Collins

\Y. Trotter Wynnville. . ... Blount. ...

. M. Cole Gum Springs "

. G. Casey Guntersvflle Marshall

Y. Bain Guntersville "

Oden Sidney "

J. Barksdale. . . . E. Bagwell Sidney "



J. Cox Blount Springs Blount Alabama . . .

M.Bowerman Blountsville "

J. C. Buckner Ogee "

H. H. Boyd Walnut Grove Etowah

Z. M. Teal Friendship Marshall

H. G. B. Bynum . . . Balm Blount

G. B. Cams Balm "

G. Bayne Balm "

G. Cox Balm "

J. W. Casey Sidney Marshall

J. A. Oden. ..... .Brooksville Blount

C. C. Hughs Summit "

O. P. McDonald. . .Summit "

M. Ray Wynnville "

T. B. Goings Walnut Grove Etowah

E. P. Patterson. . . .Little Warrior Blount

J.P.Smith Wooten "

S. J. Cox Gum Springs "

J. VV. Barnett Summit "


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