Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. \ 2oM)CLION PLAN P) EACH YEA las We (EN MTLION. GARDEN o) 2) A 9 a d a Oo | | 1915 ORDER SHEET OF PLANTS, BULBS, ETC. , 1915 Miss ELLA V. BAINES, THE WOMAN FLORIST. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. INCHO aa os P.O A TRIAL ORDER IS ALL I ASK Ff AER fee ar ce | On ee Anything Ordered on This Sheet Guar- anteed to Reach the Purchaser in Good CountyAke it). : eee Memon 4: Growing Condition. Please fill in the above blanks with your full name, address, etc., plainly written, and always state in what way Plants are to be sent. State Carry out the catalogue price of each item, and carefully add up the Meee eee eS SE OEIC full amount. Use this sheet for ordering only, and please do not write letters on it. A careful observance of these directions will oblige me and enable me to fill orders with greater accuracy and Street and No dispatch. Always sign your name the same. ee ME A RE es SEES Send Money as I request; if Lost in transit | Bear the Loss EX DV ESSh GON somes = Bele sie Amount enclosed for Plants, Bulbs, Etc. t= DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE. “= REMEMBER SHOULD | BE SOLD OUT OF ARTICLES ORDERED, ! WILL SEND OTHERS EQUALLY GOOD DO NOT SEND Personal Checks on your Local Bank, unless you add exchange, as it costs me 10 cents to collect each one. If exchange is not added | will deduct the amount from your order, NuMBER | ARTICLES DOLLARS | CENTS NUMBER ARTICLES DOLLARS CENTS Please Write the Addresses of a Few of Your Friends Who Buy Plants, That I May Send Them My Catalogue. The Wonderful New Hardy Ever-Biooming ROSE, EDWARD MAWLEY ° Raiser’s description: ‘‘By its marvelous outstanding qualities, is now See First. generally regarded by rosarians as the greatest advance and most wonderful Cover Page | Rose yet raised. We have no hesitation in stating that it is the finest of all ver & | dark-crimson Roses, a true perpetual flowering Hybrid Tea, and the most for beautiful variety the Rose world has yet seen. Gold Medal, National Rose 0 Society.” This grand novelty of Messrs. McGredy & Sons, they have very this aptly named Edward Mawley, in honor of one of the best-beloved of British rosarians. It is an enormous, big-petaled Rose, much larger than Melanie ROSE Soupert; a Rose it resembles in form, but of the beautifu: rich color of a Louis Van Houtte, only with a more velvety shading upon the inside of its petals. This Rose could not fail to receive the coveted gold medal of the National Rose Society. in COLORS PRICE, 25 CENTS; TWO-YEAR, 50 CENTS. Fila V. Baines’ Garden Set of Choicest Gladiolus SEE FIRST PAGE OF COVER FOR THESE GLADIOLUS IN COLOR N 1 MRS. FRANCIS KING—This has become the most well reflexed, forming an almost circular flower. The color is 0. popular and effective variety for cut flowers. The brilliant scarlet with three large white spots on the lower petals. long, strong flower stalks with foliage, its effective flower spike Very showy. 5 cents each. with a good line of reserve buds continually opening, with No 4 AUGUSTA—Opens delicate pink changing to pure e flowers four and one-half inches across, five or six flowers well white; anthers are blue. Extra. 6 cents each. spread out on the spike at the same time, its brilliant flame- — Brig sreamy-yellow, wi pink color, places this at the head of all Gladiolus for garden No. 5 CARA RY anos cera FS ote wae culture or when cut for house decoration. 5 cents each. showy. 6 cents each, No 2 BARON JOSEPH HULOT—The only blue Gladiolus, N : 6 AMERICA—This beautiful variety with its soft 0 deep violet-blue, with well opened flowers. 6¢ each. O. lavender-pink color is considered to be the most No 3 PRINCEPS—This Gladiolus is wonderfully popular beautiful and valuable variety in existence. The blooms are ° both in Europe and America. The flowers are five large and all face one way. More of this is sold than any to six inches broad, the petals are very wide and rounded, other variety. 5 cents each. : THE ENTIRE SET OF SIX ELLA. BAINES’ GARDEN SET OF CHOICEST GLADIOLUS, Special Offer No. 14 costine 33 cents, For ONLY 29 CENTS. FANCY COLLECTION OF CHOICE LILY-CANNAS SEE FOURTH PAGE OF COVER FOR THESE LILY-CANNAS IN COLOR No MRS. ALFRED F. CONRAD—A most remarkable va- amazing; a deep rich rose, almost a coral-carmine; soft and e riety, with exquisite salmon-pink flowers of largest lovely; one of the most beautiful Cannas grown. Four size in erect and abundantly furnished heads. So freely pro- feet. 20 cents. duced as to keep up a superb showing of its fine bloom for CALIFORNIA—A pure rich orange or old gold. No months above the rich green foliage. This Canna ranks at the No. 4 other Canna ioe ies it. ROUREICcE Miercents: : head of all the Cannas. Extra fine. Four feet. 20 cents. No 5 UNCLE SAM—The most stately of all Cannas: bears No METEOR—Immense trusses of large rounded flow- e three or four enormous bunches of brilliant orange- e ers, Well displayed above the massive foliage; bril- scarlet flowers on each stalk. Received an award of merit liant crimson. Flowers keep well and are self-cleaning; ex- from the Royal Horticultural Society of England. Six feet. cellent. Four feet. 15 cents. {5 cents. No 3 ROSEA GIGANTEA—FExira large flowers, borne in No 6 WEST VIRGINIA —Intense crimson-scarlet with e such great abundance that the mass of color is truly O broad yellow edge. Three and one-half feet. 10 cts. ‘ THE “FANCY” COLLECTION OF SI." CHOICE LILY-CANNAS, COSTING 95 CENTS, FOR Special Offer No. 20 onty 75 cents. Ella V. Baines’ Superior Collection of Tuberous Begonias FOR THESE BEGONIAS IN COLOR SEE SECOND PAGE OF COVER Tuberous Begonias are grand for either in or outdoor culture. The soil should be one part leaf mould, or the turfy soil scraped from the bottom of old sod. Add one part good garden loam and one part sand. Mix well together. Where planted singly, give each tuber a five-inch pot, three tubers in a seven-inch pot is better. Out of doors give them a partially shaded position. They do well on the north side of a house. Water very cautiously until active growth starts, then gradually in- crease the amount. No plant will give more bloom. No. 1 Brilliant bright red. 5 cents. No. A Charming rose color. Double flowering. 6 cents. No. 5 Rich clear yellow. 5 cents. No. 6 Purest snow white. 5 cents. No. 3 eee rich golden-yellow. Double flowering. 6 No. 7 Red center, pink edge. Cristata type. 6 cents. No. 2 Grandest of all pinks. 5 cents. 2 OF COVER, COSTING 38 CENTS, FOR ONLY 30 CENTS. See page 35 for our general collection of all sorts of Tuberous Begonias, ineluding single and double flowered, Crispa and Cristata flowered. Special Offer No 1 THE ENTIRE SET OF SEVEN CHOICE TUBEROUS BEGONIAS AS PAINTED ON PAGE ° O Everything named on this page, the Six Choicest Gladiolus, the Seven Superior Tuberous Special Offer No. 2 Begonias, the Rose Edward Mawley, the Six Fancy Lily-Cannas, costing, if ordered singly, $1.91, costing if ordered in sets, $1.55. EVERYTHING SENT FOR ONLY $1.35. 0 2 = MISS ELLA V. BAINES, THE WOMAN FLORIST, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. starting the plants, etc., on their journey. GREETING Since I have been in the flower business so many warm frvends have been made that at times I am completely over- . whelmed by the many nice things that are said about the way I AS conduct my business. Last Spring I kept up closer with the 7 shipping and forwarding of the orders entrusted to me than ever before, thus giving less cause for complaint in the delay of Friends remember that if thousands upon thousands of plant buyers wish their orders shipped the same week, that it is a physical impossibility to comply with all. of doing business. FTowever, let others speak of my way Again thanking you for past favors and trusting you will speak a good word for my Plants, Roses, etc., to your friends and neighbors, your flower loving friend, MISS ELLA V. BAINES, The Woman Florist, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Federal Point, I'la., Oct. 1st, 1914. Dear Madam:—The 500 Rose plants I ordered from you came to hand in perfect order—not a leaf wilted, and we are more than pleased with them. The packing was most excellent. My wife, who by the way is somewhat of a florist, helped to plant out the Roses, was delighted with them. How you can furnish such fine plants so cheaply is a wonder to me, and I shall make it a point to recom- mend you to any of my friends who need anything ia the flower Tine, Respectfully yours, GEO. VW. MY GUARANTEE or Express Money Order. except for fractions of a dollar. the year. Oklahoma City, Okla., March 5th, 1914. IT am delighted with my club order this spring, and the beauty of it is that I did not have to solicit. People would come and ask me if I was going to send in an or- der. When they saw my Roses bloom they would say T want you to order some for me next spring. : Truly, MURS. LK. i Columbus, Ohio, April 23, 197}. Received the Roses today in fine condition, and I iish to thank you for the fine specimens you sent me. They are the finest one-year plants I have ever received from anywhere. Assuring you of future orders, I am Respectfully yours, W.. G._ McC. That all Plants I ship shall reach their destination in growing condition at any season of Send your remittance by Postoffice Order, R : y ¢ When you send stamps, let them be one-cent stamps if possible; but please do not send stamps egistered Letter, New York Draft Get Up Club Orders Among Your Friends and Secure Your Own Plants Free. CLUBBING RATES—Do not include Collections or Special Of- fers in making up your Discounts, as it only applies to price per single plant or bulb. Any person sending us $1.00 may select Plants, Bulbs and Seeds from catalogue to value of 10 cents extra. Any person sending us $2.90 may select Plants, Bulbs and Seeds from catalogue to value of 30 cents extra. Any person sending us $3.00 may select Plants, Bulbs and Seeds from catalogue to value of 50 cents extra. Any person sending us $4.00 may select Plants, Bulbs and Seeds from catalogue to value of 75 cents extra. Any person sending us $5.00 may select Plants, Bulbs and Seeds from catalogue to value of $1.00 extra. And for every dollar sent*above $5.00, select 25 cents extra. — Price Set 1—Six ever-blooming Roses, six distinct colors........ 50c Set 2—Four Hardy Hybrid Perpetual Roses, four colors. .50c Set 3—Six new and rare Roses, all distinct............+- 50c Set 4—Two two-year-old Roses, all distinct......... - «1006 Set 5—Three ever-blooming, one Polyantha, one Climbing, and one Hybrid Perpetual Rose, all fine plants .50e Set 6—Six beautiful Roses, for winter blooming in the house.50c¢ Set 7—Five elegant Roses, suitable for cemetery planting.50¢ Set 8—Six prize-winning Chrysanthemums, all different.. .50¢ Set 9—Tour Dahlias, all different Colors. ........++eeeees 50c Set !0—Three Peonies, Red, White and Pink..........++-- 50c Set !1—Six lovely Fuchsias, each one a beauty.........-- 50c Set {2—Six elegant flowering Geraniums, all colors.......- 50c Set 13—Four Ferns, all different. .........eceeeeeeeeeeees 50c Set 14—Six choice flowering hardy Phlox cea OS, Set 15—Twelve magnificent Coleus of brightest colors...... 50c Set 16—Six lovely flowering Begonias; grand collection... .50¢ 17—Fifteen pips of the exquisite Lily of the Valley... .50¢ 18—Hight Vines and Plants, suitable for vases and Daskets rsresiac-acerereverersrarerers over eretere ovovererererererevetarevere 50c READ THIS OFFER Patrons often complain of the heavy express charges. We propose to pay all the expressage when the order amounts to $3.00 or more, to any point in the United States where there is an express office. Of course it will cost us lots of money, but it will be to the advantage of our patrons. You will have your plants laid down FREE at your doors the same as if the greenhouse was in your town or village. You will also observe our prices are low. No _ better stock offered in the country. Please call the attention of your neighbors and friends to our liberal offers, and get them to send their orders to us. Our Plants, Roses, etc., will be sure to please you. : My List of 50c Bargain Sets No Two Alike in These Sets. Do Not Include These Sets in Your Order When You Select Clubbing Rates. They areNet. Price. Set 19—Four new dwarf ever-blooming French Cannas; a reat, DALLA aioctacleesepetsisieleoicveieveivicemee inte ..50¢ Set 20—Seven fragrant monthly Carnation Pinks, all colors.50¢ Set 2!—Five choice Hibiscus, with their immense gorgeous Coloredw@flowers 5e Verbena. New Mammoth-Flowering—All colors............ 10c Violet, Mixed—All colors.........0....5.05...2002-0e0-=-* {0c Vinca Alba Madagascar—(Periwinkle.) White........... 5c¢ Vinca Rosea Madagascar—(Periwinkle.) Rose............ Se Wall Flower—Double mixed; all colors...........-.--..05 5e Wild Flower Garden—Everything for a wild garden....... 5e Zinnia, Crested and Curled—aAll colors..................- 5e Zinnia Elegans—Choicest double; all colors............... 5e Zinnia Plenissima—Double; extra large.................. {0c Zinnia, Tom Thumb—Dwarf, all colors................... 5c SURPRISE COLLECTION ONLY ONE DOLLAR By Express at Purchaser’s Expense We usually have at the end of the selling season a number of choice plants that we have grown a surplus of. will send us a dollar, we will after June 1, 1915, send a fine lot of plants that will be a surprise to you. express, we can send many more plants than if it goes by mail. prise Collection of plants. and everyone was pleased with them. Garden Implements Rubber Sprinkler. RUBBER PLANT SPRINKLER —Indispensable for floral work and window gardening. Used to apply Thompson’s Rose Nicotine. kovaluatte when once tried. Used for dampening clothes or sprinkling in any way. The selection to be strictly our own Some Very Useful Articles for the Ladies Who Work Solid Steel Trowel. To those who If your order goes by So send us a dollar, and after June 1, we will send you the Sur- We sold over five hundred of the Surprise Collection last June, In the Flower Garden ae Excelsior Weeder. By mail, $!.10; by express, $1.00 ROWEL, SOLID STEEL—Absolutely the best trowel in the world. One solid piece of steel, and will outwear several of the or- dinary sort. 75 cents, prepaid; by express, 60 cents. EXCELSIOR WEEDER—A very useful little tool for weeding seed beds, stirring the ground, etc. 25 cents. postpaid. THE SPRINGFIELD (OHIO) PUB. CO. AND PRICE SEE FIRST PAGE. FOR DESCRIPTION FANCY COLLECTION OF CHOICE CANNAS a A ONI Lec he TUBEROUS BE SUPERIOR COL 4