UNITED STATES EXPLOKING EXPEDITION. i It t » i r t ( It ':*^> # ^ 160 165 \ ito 1?5 ISO 175 no "^nr Swwns E iUiOf '^,- . , rJiVi ««7^«'<'r2: SrAuo^Ajtiji^I. ^Ascensiaiil. Jlelut crUimvre l.^j VjjAtf- V ,-■■ .3*,* ^ ->-j?» * Arrrws Tnirhs jr^^^\ f g Pnpi^rrrrZ^ 1 ^. ; N. r^il? Xganiik TO'tV* J, i Valan J. ffiTV . Islarui Banhiim L\'% 175?' 2*.** I I r.!$ip'iinr-^ \ Boston L. \ ;» tCovft'I* ■/ r 3<'r * ^ Jto^xtevtrde If i:V THE WESTEKS^ TART jfl .*/ A 6^ y f © f If M S • r n2Tl(S Di^:sj y X *^sft X y / X X Jzliintiifut 0 I^iAMiniDAMoSUJiYiY^D 11 T TUt Xaiana er BalLxL.'^\ ^ ^ NJi * 1 \ y y / / VTiimiijiti {^FhH>e I, S'^ef*? W.^rth ^Island / ii,^, 2x. Z7i. ^^asnntj. Ocmii L^r Xamtiti Bishi^lf or Sydfnham J^ \ 27!^ / -/ ■ — 0 \ ^Jervis I. r \ / / Dritmmeud SrOTK. »Firu orJYuncisI. \ ^X.^t'P \ ?^* >2«* f«arodc , ., Ilelirf 1^ Porpoise , !._ ^JTtimcttM y '-■>..* ' L 1 1 y Hjt ^2fefksJ. 22:'^ y St^Jii.n'£. 3i? Miilmr Z / 23 T\i ■*4A ^2?« I ocas J. (9 xyj? 4r Moriiock ■:,: WiUry Cn-up \ ->«* rc/^i? ^_* ■ / w* 23; Howes Givup ^ I ■Boiigannlle v^ taif^iUluria Bank (±^tfi£uJ<-/■/' ^A-tieuda I. »JSa-e I. 'ftUuka Swtitns I. o/X'M^i*^ -.ml* ?^* 1. / 7-"* y-t'r ^■22*f' Sfpl^Hm ■ 4 Ouirioue Bant imis E.ctf ^'^■ -■•T^. 1- '^.Mdespaisible Rtef hJih^pm ^Pandera S^t^f Bajtvui^isn Sank O SoTitnia J. ^ \ N \ ,\' S A it o I L S/I.//1 J.O A Ji'rfA JI^i.A-j / ofic dt l.eivile X L3 p TuaarU'oJ' .4^* JA3S , y. S a vail I. X ,' .-^Hurne 1 . ISO l.fle Esprit 165 >'^ ItttiiUti I. y \i(r ■^ lZ*r/ 13 Ih m 180 ._: ii T- liO r i \ f « ^ - .' ' rx^ / • r * * ' ^* NARRATIVE ■ coic OF THi: EXPLORING EXPEDITION. DUK-ING THE YEARS 1838^ 1839^ 1840, 1841, 184^ BY CHARLES WILKES, U. S. N. ^ COM.MAXDEE. OF THE EXPEDITION, MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, ETC. IN FIVE VOLUMES, WITH THIRTEEN MAPS. / VOL. V. ^ PHILADELPHIA: m 1849. ri 9/0. c^ ^ ACCORDING TO THE ACT OF CONGRESS, IN THE YKAR 1844, BY C^Alflp^ WIL^ESy U. S. N- T A Dfffrffrct ftQca::^ FOR THE district of Columbia IN THE clerk's OFFigiE f- ■3^. J } 't^^ ■'-■m- <^ ' •W' \ : V v^-'*.- 1 ( i ■^^0^;. _^ r Jn the account of my visit (o this island the year previous, I have mentioned the intention of Mr. WiUiams to extend the missionary field to the groups west of the Feejees, and had occasion to refer to his melancholy end in carrying out this intention, and the recovery of his bones by H. B. M. sloop of war Favourite. That occurrence, instead of damping the ardour of the survivors, has been the means of giving it a fresh impetus. Mr. Heath, who has become the successor to Mr. Williams, has made a cruise with a number of native missionaries, and succeeded in placing them in the very island which was the scene of the massacre, with every prospect of success. The Camden was fitting out for another cruise, under the Rev. Mr- Murray, of Tutuila. Captain Hudson pressed upon them the expe- diency of a visit to the island that he had just discovered, Fakaafo or Bowditch ; and it is to be hoped that ere long their enterprise may B O W D I T C H I S L A N D. 23 lead them among this as yet uncontaminaled people, who will then receive, coeval \vith their discovery, and prior to any contaminating influence, the trutlis of the gospel. The plan adopted, of using native pioneers, seems to be one well calculated to succeed ; and I ani satisfied, from tlie view I have had of missionary operations, that it is the only one likely to give a founda- tion on which to raise any permanent superstructure. The white missionaries have a vast many difficulties to contend with, and are very likely to be deceived in some respects, in conse- quence of their general w^ant of knowledge of the world. These diffi- culties are principally the hypocrisy and deceit of the natives, who are adepts in the art, giving a false impression relative to their feelings and designs, particularly w^hen they think their personal interest may be promoted by their dissimulation. This trait of character is not con- fined to individuals, but frequently extends to w^hole districts. Influential natives, brought up as teachers, are well calculated for the duties of missionaries, and take pride in the performance of them, and being fully aware of the native character, understand well where to place their confidence. I have had occasion to speak of the enthu- siastic manner in which they enter upon their duties. I would not be understood as throwing any doubt over the expe- diency of the missionary operations in these islands, but my intention is to express my preference of the mode they arc now adopting to spread the gospel into the other islands, a mode which I am wxU satisfied will be of infinite advantage in facilitating the desired effect, and at a much less cost, both of time and money. No political change had taken place in tlie government. Malietoa and the Manono party still have the powder in their hands, but reports were rife that the chief had been a backslider from his professions of Christianity, by attending some of the feasts of the devil's party. The consequence, as at his time of life may be readily imagined, w^as a fit of sickness, which has been considered as a judgment upon him, and caused his return wdth much contrition to his religious duties and observances. It is said, that during his illness there w-as much excite- ment among the high chiefs, in relation to the succession to his title, that of " Tupu," or sovereign ; and some fears were entertained that an outbreak might occur, that w^ould place the power in the hands of some of the restless spirits that are known to be averse to the mis- sionaries. If, however, they have established themselves as firmly as appearances w^arrant one in believing, there cannot be much danger that their exertions will be retarded, much less put a stop to. Among the visiters to the ships, was Mole, the second son of Malietoa, 24 BOW DITCH ISLAND. r of whom we had formed a good opinion during our former visit, and who, it was then generally supposed, would succeed his father in authority^ He is warmly attached to the missionary cause, and affords important aid in carrying oat their plans, having much influence wuth his father, and restraining his evil propensities. He has the reputation of being very popular w^ith the common people in the town of Sagana, where he resides and is a teacher. From him our gentlemen obtained the news of our friends among the nobility. Emma, his sister, whom w^e had all admired so much, and whose portrait is given in the second volume of this Narrative, was married to Samuel, the tall and hand- some chief of Faleatii. The haughty Vavasa was in Manono, w^hich w^as the case also with Malietoa. Tooa was absent, and many other chiefs who have attended the fono, were at their districts. Opotuno was still in Savaii, on the alert to prevent surprise, and it was reported that he had made some advances to join the missionaries with his peo- ple; but little credit was given to this story. They also learned that at the time Captain Hudson was in search of him he w^as concealed, with a few of his followers, at a short distance. For the first eight days after the Peacock^s arrival, they had almost continual rain, with the wind varying from the north to west, and with a disagreeable swell settinoj into the harbour. ^ ^*W W.. Q Tents were erected on shore to afford an opportunity for the neces- sary repairs to be made to the boats, and others for the use of the magnetic instruments. On the 10th, they experienced a strong gale from the northwest- w^ard, with a heavy sea and torrents of rain. One of their anchors started, but they soon brought up with their sheet-anchor, although a ship would usually ride with very little strain upon her cables, owing to the strength of the tide, w^hich causes her to lie nearly in the trough of the sea, and to roll very heavily. The stream of fresh water which empties into the harbour, has some tendency, when it is much swollen, to maintain a ship in this disagreeable position, by the force of its current. The harbour, through its discharges, is at times strewed with quantities of drift-wood. The rain continued w^ithout intermission for nearly the whole time of their stay, so that no opportunity could be had of airing or drying the sails. So long a duratioo of wet, together with the heat, caused somo fears relative to the health of the crew, and particularly those w^ho were awav in the boats, from their being more exposed to the weather. Every precaution was taken to prevent sickness. Hudson who B O W D I T C H I S L A N D. 23 that the chiefs of Sanapu had enticed away and secreted two of the men, intending them for pilots of that harbour after the Peacock should depart, and had promised to protect them. A messenger was at once despatched across the island by Pea, the chief of Apia, demanding the two deserters from the Sanapu chiefs; at the same time assuring then^ that if the men were not immediately delivered up, the Peacock would be removed to their harbour, and their town destroyed. This had the desired effect, and the deserters were brought back to the ship by the chiefs of Sanapu* Captain Hudson, after rebuking the chiefs for the part they had taken in the transaction, and giving them some advice in regard to their future intercourse with the whites, paid them the reward Lieutenant Perry had offered for the apprehension of the deserters. On the 21st, Captain Hudson hearing that the noted Sangapolutale, principal chief of the towns of Saluafata, Fusi, and Salelese, wlio had protected and refused to give up the murderer of Gideon Smith, Tagi, before mentioned, was at one of the tow^ns near by on a visit, deter- .mined, if possible, to surprise and take him prisoner, to be held until such time as the murderer were given up. For this purpose he visited the town before daylight of the 22d, with a few officers and men, but without success. Previous to this time, Captain Hudson had had intercourse with this chief through our consul, Mr. Williams; and had demanded of him the punishment or delivery of the murderer, Tagi. In the course of the communications, Sangapolutale acknowledged that the murderer ought to be punished or given up; said he once wanted to kill him himself; but being a petty chief, he was backed and protected by the chiefs and the people of the three towns before named, who were promised, in case of necessity, assistance from some of the neighbouring chiefs, as well as others on the opposite side of the island. He further said, that he was desirous of giving him up, a few months before, to the com- mander of the Porpoise. It was distinctly stated to Sangapolutale, that the murderer must be either punished or given up, in conformity to the regulations adopted in their fono, composed of all the principal chiefs in the island, and that if neither of these stipulations were complied with, Captain Hudson would be compelled to employ the force under him in burning the towns that concealed and protected the murderer, and set their own law^s and us at defiance. ■m Three days were given him from the time of the interview, to comply with the demand. He promised to do what he could, but he was fearful of the result, as his people wanted to fight, and had been promised aid from many quarters. VOL. V. c 4 26 BOWDITCHISLAND. ■ On the third day, his messengers arrived at Apia, and brought word that the chiefs and people were determined that the murderer should not be given up or punished ; that they defied the Papalangis and their power; and that, if Captain Hudson chose to come and take him, they would give him a fight. The messenger further slated, that they well knew he w^ould be demanded according to their own regulations, but they would take care he should not be punished or given up, for they were prepared to resist any attempt that would be made. Many other insulting messages were received ; among them, one from the murderer and his friends, that w^hen "he could kill a few more white men, he would be given up." Such were their threats and boasting: their conduct w^as conforma- ble to them, as represented by our consul, the missionaries, and Mr. Cunningham, H. B. M. vice-consul. Captain Hudson now saw the necessity of taking some steps that w^ould check this criminal and audacious spirit, and prove to the natives that we had the pow'er to punish these aggressions on our citizens. 4 The attempt to take the chief was designed to bring them to terms, without any further difficulty; but not being successful, it was neces- sary to take some effectual measures for their punishment, particularly as the three tow^ns had now^ united with their chiefs in settinor our force at defiance. The missionaries also saw the necessity of doing some- thing to insure the safety of those who may hereafter have communi- cation with the natives, by renewing in their minds the fear of our power. Notwithstanding the weather was so very unpropitious, the natural- ists made excursions to the different parts of the island. They all describe the luxuriance of the vegetation as exceeding any thing they had before witnessed : the rich soil, combined with the heat and copious rains, rendered every spot fertile, and seemed to give new life to the vast variety of parasitic plants with which all the trees were covered, and which, in the groves, were so thick as to form masses impene- trable to the rays of the sun. A remarkable ficus w^as passed on this trip, of which Mr. Aj]jate made a characteristic drawing, and which will give a good idea of their size and manner of growth : the road or path passes through its trunk. A number of other trees were remark- able : among them the " ife," a gigantic chestnut, with its projecting buttresses around the trunk. The woods were enlivened by many birds, and the air filled with their songs and chirpings. At Siusinga, a devil's town, Messrs. Rich, Peale, and Agate, saw Seeovedi, better known as Joe Gimblet, the great priest of his creed. He lav on a mat bv himself, no one speaking or going near him, and 'y-^rt'n' <^ ^ '^r-z ■^ ^ ..^ '^' ilXlT, 'IT^Jgiy^IMc o L n .J9P B O W D I T C H ISLAND. 27 F m t was pretending to read his sacred book, which our gentlemca disco- vered was a volume of the Rambler! This was obtained from him, by Mr. Agate, in exchange for a ti^eatise on rail-roads,\v\\\ tender ev^ery preparation was made to receive the savages, as it was anticipated that the attack would be made at early daylight. They were not mistaken in this, for at that time the natives were seen in great numbers, but just then fortunately the tender floated. The natives continued, however, to approach boldly until within musket-shot, when they were motioned to keep off, which they disregarded. The head- most canoe having struck its sail for the purpose of closing alongside. Lieutenant Emmons fired his rifle, aiming so that the ball should pass close by the head of the steersman: this alarmed him so much that he immediately jumped overboard, and was followed by all the rest. The remaining canoes now kept oflf; but continued to follow the tender until she left the lagoon, w^hich she did by the passage through which she had entered. When the natives found that the prize had escaped them, they became outrageous, making use of many violent gesticula- tions of the disappointment they had experienced. The next island that claimed their attention was Maraki, or Mat- thew's Island. It is much smaller than the two last, and situated in latitude 2° 00' N., and longitude 173^ 25' 30" E. It is a lagoon island, ■without entrances, and of coral formation. It is but five miles long, north-by-east and south-by-west, and two and a half wide at its base, being of triangular shape. It appears to be densely peopled, for many villages were seen, and after dark a large number of fires were burning. A canoe ventured alongside, in which was one of the natives, of an herculean frame, and calling himself a chief. When asked how many people they had on the island, he replied, as many as were on board the ship. As all hands were on deck, it is supposed that his simile was equivalent to a multitude. The persons in this canoe were exceedingly desirous of getting old iron hoops: they did not remain a long time on board, and seemed to be uneasy. After they had obtained these small presents, they quietly abandoned the ship, and on getting into their canoes, soon plied the paddles in such a manner as showed that they were quite anxious to get out of reach, seemingly congratulating themselves upon their mira- culous escape. Their dialect and customs were the same as those of ^ the rest of the group. On the 27th, the Peacock left Matthew's Island to look for Pitt's Island, which they made on the 28th, at 9 a. m. On the 29th, the weather permitted the survey to be made. There are two islands known under this name: the largest is called by the natives Taritari, and the smallest, Makin, The latitude of the southern point of Taritari is 3° 08' N., longitude 172° 48' E. This 72 EL LICE'S AND KINGSMILL GROUP. • island is of the figure of a triangle, with its apex to the south, and its sides are about fourteen miles in length. The southeast side is a con- tinuous grove of cocoa-nut and pandanus, with some undergrowth ; on the other two sides is a reef, which is awash, excepting the northwest point, in which there is a small inlet. Makin is of much smaller dimensions, being but six miles long: it varies in width from half a mile to a mile. Its northern point lies in latitude 3^ 20' 43" N., and longitude 172° 57' E. This small island is the seat of government, and the natives now unite both names under the one of Makin. • It was soon evident that the island was thickly inhabited ; for when the ship reached the lee side, in the afternoon, about twenty canoes came off, containing from five to ten natives in each, and in one of them was a white man, who was clothed in mats. The ship was im- mediately hove-to to take him on board, and he gave his name as Robert Wood (alias Grey), a Scotchman by birth, who was left by his own wish on the island, seven years before, by the English whaling brig Janie, of London, sailing from Sydney. He was under so great excitement as to render his utterance quite unintelligible at times, and some amusing scenes took place in consequence. On his reaching the deck, he first inquired if he would be permitted to go on shore again; and then, who was king of England; if there was peace with America; for he had thought there must be a war. He had seen no white men since he landed, and said that be had become old and grayheaded. To prove the latter assertion he pulled off his apology for a hat, and displayed a most luxuriant growth of jet-black hair. He had not been on board long before he asked for a passage to some civilized land ; and when he was informed that his wishes would be gratified, he seemed for a time beside himself from excess of joy. His feelings were evinced in his endeavours to interpret the questions to the natives; he almost invariably repeated to them what was said to him in English, in the same language; and gave back their answers or expressions in the island dialect. This had a droll effect, and he had frequently to be reminded that he was an interpreter. Wood says, that the natives had always treated him kindly; and for the first few months after his arrival among them, they carried him about on their shoulders (he was the first white man that many of them had ever seen), and almost deified him. They have no wars, and very few arms, and seldom quarrel, except about their women- The punishment of death is inflicted on those who infringe the seraglio of the chiefs. In the short intercourse the Peacock had with the natives of this ELLICE'S AND KIN GSM ILL GROUP. 73 f island, a great difference was perceptible between them and those of the other islands, as well in respect to their appearance, as in charac- ter. Their features were regular, and by some thought handsome ; they had fine teeth, with glossy black hair, flowing in ringlets about their heads ; they were also of a lighter colour than the rest of the natives with whom they are grouped; their figures are, for the most part, rotund, and they seem to have an abundance of food to become fat upon. In walking, they appeared like a moving mass of jelly ; every laugh set not only their sides in motion, but their whole frame and flesh. On being asked how these people became so fat. Wood replied, they had plenty of food and " toddy" to fatten upon : this last is a syrup, called by the natives " karaca," made from the sap of the young cocoa-nut trees: of this they drink immoderately. They wear mustaches and whiskers, which are highly prized and carefully nursed among them. They had a good-humoured cast of countenance, and seemed peaceable and full of kindness. No scars were seen on their bodies, neither had they any warUke instruments with them. All the little casualties which so often affected the harmony of the natives before, here produced no sort of disturbance; and each was inclined to render the other assistance in repairing the accidents. NiTIVE OF MAKIN ISLAND. The men are very handsomely tattooed, of which the above cut correct idea. On their reaching the ship, they appeared will give a vot. v. G 10 74 ELLICE'S AND KINGS MILL GROUP. to put the fullest confidence and reliance in the treatment they were to receive, although, according to Wood, they had seen but one vessel during his residence on the island, and consequently it could not be from the habit of intercourse, but must have been a natural feeling. There was no begging, no attempt to steal, as among all the other natives of the group; but Wood gives them credit for the latter pro- pensity among themselves on shore. Their canoes are larger and better built than those of the southern islands, and made of different wood ; and they are better supplied with masts and paddles, but still of nearly the same shape : the side of the canoe opposite to the out-rigger, was much less curved than the other, resembling more the ** flying proa" of the Ladrone Islands. Polygamy is common among them ; and Wood stated that some of the principal chiefs and landholders have from twenty to fifty wives: the king even exceeded this number; while the poorer class and slaves are doomed to perpetual celibacy. The consequences of this state of society may readily be imagined to produce illicit intercourse among the lower classes. The women are well treated; never offered for traffic, but on the contrary, are held sacred; and in order to restrain any unlawful in- dulgence on the part of his wives, his majesty has at times had some of them sewed up in mats ! Wood represented the women as out- numbering the men, and said they were very handsome. There are five towns on the island, which, according to the authority of Wood, contain about five thousand inhabitants. The king, whose name was Tekere, came off to the ship. He was a fine-looking man; but his corpulency was great, and appeared to trouble him not a little: it was utterly impossible for him to get up the side of the ship, and he therefore contented himself with being paddled round it. His father, the former king, Jakintebuat, came » 1^ IP on board, with several of his sons, all of whom had a strong family likeness. He appeared about sixty years old; and although a little bald, he had no other appearance of age, either in his looks or the firmness of his step. When the vessels had made sail, in order to leave the island, and it was supposed that all the natives had left the ship, one was found hanging to the man-ropes near the water. Wood, on questioning the native, found that he was a petty chief, who wished to accompany the ship, and had taken this means of doing it, hoping not to be perceived until he was out of sight of his island. He said he was too poor a chief to have any wives, and therefore wished to leave his island, and be landed on some other, where he could obtain some. Captain Hud- t ^ ELLICE'S AND KINGSMILL GROUP. 75 son had a boat lowered at once, by which he was put on board a canoe, that look him to the shore. Two or three of the officers landed for a short time, but saw nothing except a few fishing huts. Under the eaves of the huts, large shells of the Tridachna gigas were placed to catch water. The entrance into the lagoon has four and a half fathoms of water, and is about one-third of a mile in width. Mr. Peale found no quadrupeds except rats, which were in great plenty, and running in all directions; of birds there were but few; while terns and noddies were seen in the groves, and a few moths were caught. Mr. Rich found some tall Pisonias, Tournefortias, two species of LTrticse, a Boerhaavia, and some cocoa-nuts. On the larger island they seem to have a much greater variety of trees, but it was not visited. They have bread-fruit, taro, and yams of two kinds, which are culti* vated in the manner already described. ■% ARJ^IS, .UlMOL'n, ETC., OF THE KI.VGSMIIX GRUUP. } » I ^ CHAPTER III. CONTENTS. SOURCES OF INFORMATION IN RELATION TO THE KINGSMILL GROUP-ISLANDS OF WHICH IT IS COMPOSED— THEIR GENERAL CHARACTER-THEIR SOIL— TARO-PONDS- TRADITION OP THE ORIGIN OF THE PEOPLE — ANCIENT INTERCOURSE BETWEEN THE ISLANDS NATIVES-THEIR SOCI STATE— GOVERNMENT-DESCENT OF PROPERTY — RELIGIOUS BELIEF— PRIESTS— ORA- CLES-OMENS—PRETENDED CO.HMTJNICATION WITH SPIRITS — BELIEF IN A FUTURE STATE— THEIR ELYSIUM— THEIR MODE Of LIFE— THEIR CHARACTER— THEIR TREAT- MENT OF CHILDREN, OF THE AGED, AND OF WOMEN— THEIR VVARS-CAWmBALISM NOT PRACTISED — THEIR WEAPONS — THEIR HOUSES AND CANOES — THEIR MANU- FACTURES — DRESS — ORNAMENTS — THEIR FOOD— THEIR MODE OF COOKING-THEIR AMUSEMENTS-THEIR MARRIAGES -MODE OF GIVING NAMES - PR ACTICE OF ABOR- TION—TATTOOING— FUNERAL CEREMONIES -DISEASES— CLIMATE OF THE GROUP- EARTHaUAKES — POPULATION— THEIR INTERCOURSE WITH STRANGERS — THEIR PRONENESS TO SUICIDE- THEIR IDEA OF AN ACCOMPLISHED PERSON — CON^TRAST BETWEEN PITTS AND THE OTHER ISLANDERS— DEPARTURE OF THE PEACOCK AND FLYING-FISH FROM THE KINGSMILL GROUP— THEIR CREWS PUT ON SHORT ALLOW- ANCE—PESCADORES— KORSAKOFF— OBJECTS REiMAINING UNACCOMPLISHED - RATION OF THE VESSELS — LARGE QUANTITIES OF MOLLUSCS— SHIP MAGN SEPA- OAHU— ARRIVAL AT AND DEPARTURE FROM HONOLULU— REACH COLUMBIA RIVER. G2 G7) ^ f Vli*^r^..^j -"^ f^mJ» s^ JJll ^^^im ^j: ^ D P- ir " ' -. SI. I w I CHAPTEK III MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 184 1. In order to obtain all the information possible from Kirby and Wood, Captain Hudson placed them under the immediate control of Mr. Hale, the philologist. This gentleman had thus an opportunity to examine and cross-question them, during the whole time they remained on board the Peacock. To his report to Captain Hudson, I am principally indebted for the following information respecting the entire group. Captain Hudson states to me, that the opportunity Mr. Hale enjoyed was the very best for eliciting information, as they were upwards of a month on board the ship, and were under examination day after day. Their accounts are deemed entitled by Captain Hudson and his officers to much credit, from the fact that many things had passed under their own eyes that perfectly agreed with the accounts that Kirby, in particular, gave ; and he was found to have obtained much fluency in speaking iheir language. It is likewise some confirmation of Kirby's account, that Wood's in many particulars corresponded with it, and in all as much so as could be expected between islanders that- although allied in race, are now living under totally different circum stances. Wood, it must be observed, had not, though a much longer resident than Kirby, acquired so thorough a knowledge of the language, or of their manners and customs, principally, it was thought, from a want of aptitude for such observation- The Kingsmill Group consists of fifteen islands, of which the geographical positions have been already given in speaking of them separately* (79) 80 MANNERSANDCUSTOMSOF They are as follow, viz. ; NATIVE NAMES. Maraki, • • Makin and Taritari. Apia, « • • Tarawa, • • Maiana, • • Apatnama . • Kuria, • • Nanouki, • • Nanouti, • * • Taputeouea, NAME ON CHARTS. Matthew's Island. Pitt's Charlotte's " Knox's » HaU's " Hopper's *• Woodle's " Henderville's " Sydenham " Drummond's " The above are all those that were visited by the Peacock: the natives, however, gave the names of others, which are said to be in the neighbonrhood, to the number of six. Peru, Nukunau, Arurai, Tarn an a, Onoutu. Francis Island, Byron's ** Kurd's " Phoebe *• Rotcher's » I- The first of these five are known on the maps, but the two last are not. There is one which the natives of Apia designated by Tarawa- ni-Makin, but I am inclined to believe it was intended for Pitf s Island. The dimensions of these islands have been given, as well as the facilities they afford ships, and the inducements to visit them. The highest land of the group is not more than twenty feet above the sea, and they are all of coral formation, having a general resemblance to the coral islands spoken of in the early history of this voyage. It was found that, unlike those, many of the islands of this group afforded anchorage on sand-banks under their lee, or western side, and in some of them the leeward reef appears to be in part wanting : this would form a distinctive character, and Kirby bears testimony to the fact that these islands are fast wearing away by the action of the sea on them during the westerly gales. The compact coral shelf is found at the depth of twelve feet beneath the surface. There is another distinctive mark, which tends to prove that these islands, instead of increasing, are actually wasting away, which is, that in all cases where the island is at all exposed, it has become a string of detached islets, a form it would be most likely first to assume in undergoing such a change. Those containing passages through the reef have been already pointed out; and in the Hydro- graphical Memoir, full directions for entering the lagoons will be found THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. gi I 4 Their soil, which is but a few inches in depth, is of coral sand and vegetable mould, below which coral sand continues to be found, and to this depth the wells and taro-patches extend. The rain-water percolates thus far, and nneets the coral rock. Besides this rock, small pieces of pumice are found, w^hich are supposed to have drifted to the island. Of these great use is made, in cultivation, as a manure. Their cultivation consists for the most part in that of cocoa-nut and pandanus, which are their chief articles of food. They also culti- vate with great care a species of the taro (Arum cordifolium), which is called by the natives " poipoi," and is said to grow to a very large size ; but all that was seen by the officers was small, and apparently withered. Bread-fruit trees are to be found on the northern islands, but the tree was not seen on the southern- They pay more attention to the rearing of trees than in any other islands of Polynesia, for the cocoa- nut trees are fenced round, and pounded pumice is mixed with the soil near their roots. This stone is collected by the women, who are frequently to be seen in numbers on the beaches, after westerly w^inds, picking it up in small baskets. There is likewise a purslane, which is abundant, and according to Kirby, is eaten in cases of scarcity or famine. The excavations for the planting of taro are of various sizes, generally one hundred feet in length, by fifty in breadth. On Makin or Pitt's Island, it is said, there is a trench about ten feet wide, and not less than seven miles long, dug around the lagoon, from which it is separated by an embankment. The water in this trench is but slightly brackish, and sufficiently fresh to nurture the taro. The natives are remarkably careful to keep this plant free from w^eeds, or any thing that may affect its growth; and they are in the habit of loosening the root, with this view. There is no particular season when it comes to maturity, neither do they observe any particular time for planting it. On Makin, they have a kind of fruit resembling the gooseberry, called by the natives "teiparu;'* this they pound, after it is dried, and make with molasses into cakes, which are sweet and pleasant to the taste. Of all the native accounts of the peopling of the groups of the islands in the vast Pacific, that of the Kingsmill Group bears the strongest impress of truth and historical probability. Whether this be owing to the comparatively recent period at which they have been peopled, or to their traditions having been less confused by mythological tales, it is difficult to determine; but the facts appear so remarkable and pro- bable, that few will read the account of them without giving it the full weight of authentic history. This account states, that the first inhabi- VOL. V. 11 82 MANNERSANDCUSTOMSOF tants arrived in two canoes from Barness or Baneba, an island which they say lies to the soulhwestward, and whence they had escaped during a civil war, as the only means l^t them of preserving their lives. After they had arrived upon this island and had begun a settle- ment, two other canoes happened to arrive from an island to the southeastward, which they called Amoi. The natives in the last canoes were lighter in colour, and better-looking than their predeces- sors, and spoke a different language. For one or two generations the two races lived together in harmony; but the Baneba people covetuig the wives of the men from Amoi, difficulties arose, which ended in the Amoi men being put to death by those of Baneba, and the latter taking possession of the women. . From these sources all the Kingsmill natives are descended. The bread-fruit is said to have been brought by the Amoi people, and the taro by those of Baneba. The cocoa-nut and pandanus were found growling on the island. It is difficult to settle the position of Amoi, from its name; but the direction in which it lies would designate the Samoan Group as the islands referred to. Those of Baneba, it is suggested, might be de- rived from the Caroline Group, although the direction does not exactly correspond. The Ascension Island of that group has Boneba for its native name. What adds to the probability of this simple story, is the fact that it is almost the only tradition these islanders have. That the islands have been peopled within a period not very remote, is believed by the natives themselves, and they state that only a few generations back the people were much fewer than at present, wars less frequent, and the communication between the islands safe and free. The grand- father of Tekere, the present king of Kuria, is said to have voyaged to every island in the group on a pleasure trip to see the world, about a hundred years since. But, so estranged have the inhabitants of the several islands become from each other, that if a canoe from one of them should visit, or seek, through distress, another island, the persons in it would in all probability be put to death, under the supposition of their being spies, or In order to procure their bones and teeth for the manufacture of ornaments. The islanders of this group differ in their personal traits frotn those of Polynesians, and more nearly resemble the Malays. Their colour is a dark copper, a shade or two deeper than the Tahitian ; they are of the middle size, well made, and slender. Their hair is fine, black, and glossy ; the nose slightly aquiline, but a little broad at the base ; the mouth is large, with full lips and small teeth ; the cheek bones pro- THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 83 « ject forward, so as to give the eyes the appearance of being sunken; their beards and mustaches are black and fine like their hair. Their average height is about five feet eight inches, and the great niajority would be called small men. The women are much smaller in propor- tion than the men, with delicate features, slight figures, and, as before remarked, they were generally thought pretty. Tn this description, it will be necessary to remark, that the inhabi- tants of Makin are not included; for they diflfer so much in point of appearance from the others, that were it not for their manners, customs, and language, they could not be classed among the same race. A drawing of one is represented in the annexed engraving. INHABITANT OF MAKIN. / Wood, who had lived among the latter people a long time, ac- counted for their difference in appearance by their being at all times abundantly supplied with food, and living an inactive life, with nothing to disturb their peace, which has continued unbroken for upwards of a century. They have from this cause become naturally indolent; and iheir fullest enjoyment is in taking their ease. Their colour is a shade lighter than that of the natives of the other islands of this group ; their stafure taller, and their whole frame much larger; their limbs are full and well rounded; their bodies as smooth as a child's; their features oval, and more regular and delicate than those of the natives of the southern islands of the same group. As respects their social state, the people are divided into three classes: the nea or omata (chiefs), katoka (landholders), and kawa (slaves). The first apd last divisions constitute about three-fourths of the population, and are about equal in numbers. The katokas are 84 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF persons who possess land, but are not of noble birth; many of these were originally slaves, who have obtained land by acts of bravery, or through the favour of their chiefs. The kawas are those who possess no land, or no one from whom they can claim support. The omatas consist of all the free and well born, who possess the greater propor- tion of the land, as well as the political authority of the group. The oldest male of a family is the chief of the community, and presides over all their matters: he is called nea. They are, however, inde- pendent of each other, although great deference is always paid to the oldest among them. In Makin, the class of katokas is not known; and the only dis- tinctions they have, are the high and the low. This class, therefore, appears to have been only introduced on Kuria and the adjacent islands- Wars between the different towns are of frequent occurrence; and in some of the islands ambitious chiefs have obtained the rule through conquests, and made themselves sovereign over the whole- There does not appear to be any general authority existing through- out the group, even in those islands that are in the neighbourhood of each other, excepting in the islands of Apamama, Nanouki, and Kuria, where there is a king, who governs the three: he resides on the former, and is named " Tetalau." His grandfather was the first to make war, and by conquest acquired supreme power in Apamama. The present king has extended his authority over the two smaller islands, against which he waged a successful war, in consequence of the murder of one of his relations. To this little kingdom, most of the facts in re- ference to the Kingsmill Group more particularly apply, as Kuria was the residence of Kirby; but from the observations of the naturalists and officers, I have little doubt that the manners and customs of the other islands, with the exception of Makin, are very similar. On Tarawa there is also a king, as well as on Makin; but it appears that this has only been the case on the latter since the time of the grandfather of the present king, called Teouki. The acquisi- tion of royal power by him was said to have been effected only through a series of bloody wars, which established his authority so firmly, that peace and quietness have reigned for a century; nor has any attempt been made on the part of the conquered chiefs to regain their independence. The government is carried on after the simplest patriarchal form, the king contenting himself with receiving the tribute due him, without intermeddling with the administration of the affairs of the separate towns over which he rules. ^ THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 85 According to Kirby., a king governs also on Taputeouea or Drum- mond's Island ; but it has been seen by the experience of the Peacock that his power was far from being paramount, it having been contested by a large portion of the island. There are places where the royal authority does not supersede all other, and where the government is carried on by the whole body of chiefs, who take rank according to their age. In these places, for the purpose of accommodating all, there is in every town a large council- house, called the mariapa, one of which has been before described. In it every family of rank has its particular seat, along the side of the house; the middle being occupied by the katokas and kawas, or landholders and slaves, neither of whom have any voice in the affairs of government. When a meeting is deemed necessary, the oldest or presiding chief sends out his messengers, whose business it is to summon the people, which is done by blowing conchs in all directions. The council then assembles, when the head chief lays before them the business, and any one is at liberty to speak, and if he be so disposed, delivers his opinion. The discussions are said to be at times very animated, and violent quarrels sometimes take place between different speakers, who are w^ilh difficulty prevented . from coming to blows by those who are present. No regular vote is taken ; but the opinion of the majority is very soon ascertained, and this decides the business. The chiefs have absolute rule over their own families and slaves, and can punish them at pleasure. Minor crimes are punished by the offended party or his relatives, but in cases of importance, the decision is made and the punishment ordered in council. The great and marked distinction between these natives and those of Polynesia is the absence of the taboo system, or any laws or prohi- bitions under the control of the priest, or chiefs, that are believed to emanate from their gods. Mr. Hale remarks, that the word taboo occurs in several compounds in their language having the meaning of sacred, but is not used by itself. The succession to rank and property is hereditary. If a chief has several children by different wives, the son of the mother of the highest rank is the successor. If all the children should be equal in rank, the eldest would receive twice as much land as the others; or if the father does not choose to divide his property, the eldest son would receive the whole, and is obliged to support his brothers and sisters, who are ex- pected in return to w^ork for him, and cannot marry without his consent. Females can inherit property, and their are heiresses in the Kingsmill Group whose wealth allures many suitors. Slaves are held under strict '* 86 MANNERSANDCUSTOMSOF subjection, are considered as personal property, and cannot marry with- out the consent of their masters. The religious belief is of the simplest kind- The name of their principal divinity is Wanigain, or Tabu-eriki. He is their most popu- lar god, and considered by some the greatest. About two-thirds of the people worship him as their tutelar divinity. The rest do not acknowledge him, but have other deities; and some worship the souls of their departed ancestors, or certain birds, fish, and animals. A fe- male deity is the object of adoration to very many. She is called Itivini, is reputed to be of a cruel disposition, and all the little children who die are supposed to be killed and eaten by her. The natives always refuse to eat the animals, fish. &c., worshipped by them, but will readily catch them, that others may partake of the food. Tabu-eriki's image has been before described, and a wood-cut repre- senting it will be found at the end of the chapter. The coral stone which represents him is always tied round with cocoanut-leavcs, and these are changed once a month, to keep them constantly green. The worship paid to this god consists in repeating prayers before this stone, and depositing beside it a portion of the food prepared for their own use. This is done not only at the time of festivals, but at their daily meals, and also whenever they desire to propitiate his favour; the first fruits o( the season are also offered to this god. Every family of any distinction has one of these stones, which is considered by many of them rather in the light of an altar than of an idol. The female deity, Itivini, is worshipped in a small circle, formed by a number of coral stones, three feet in diameter, which is covered with white gravel; in the centre a cocoa-nut is set up. At the time prayers are offered to her, this nut is bound with a wreath of leaves, and anointed with cocoanut-oil. There is another female deity, called Itituapea, who is worshipped at a flat coral stone situated on the reef between the islets of Kuria and Oneoka; the two are known on the chart by the name of Kuria. Any one passing it, either on foot or in canoes, never fails to invoke her favour, and if they have any food, leave a part of it on the stone, which is never taken away. The skulls of ancestors are carefully preserved by their family, and held in great reverence. When they desire to invoke their spirits, these skulls are taken down, wreathed with leaves, laid on a new mat, anointed with oil, and presented with food. Fish and animals that are held sacred are only addressed with prayers by their worshippers. According to Wood, the names of Tabu-eriki, Itivini, and Itituapea are unknow^n at Makin, and the only spirits the natives of that island THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 97 worship are those of their deceased ancestors. The custom on the death of a great chief is to set up a similar stone and deck it with cocoanutdeaves, after which such offerings as have been mentioned are made to it. Kirby thought, from what he had seen, that the natives of Kuria believed that their gods also had once been chiefs, who from the lapse of time had been forgotten. For the performance of these duties there are priests, but they do not enjoy any particular respect or power on that account. The priests are called iboya or boya, and are not a distinct class: any young man of high rank and possessed of shrewdness may become a priest. Every family of consequence has a priest to attend to its tutelar deity, who performs the rites and cere- monies. The perquisites of priests consists only in the food ofiered to the god, wdiich the former takes away after it has remained a short time, and eats it at his own house. In the absence of the priest, the father of the family officiates by ofTering up family prayers, and the food is removed and eaten by some elderly person belonging to the house- hold. Prayers are offered up either in a sitting or standing posture, and are accompanied by no particular ceremony or gesticulations. The prayers are usually petitions for health, long life, success in war, fishing, the arrival of ships, and other blessings they may desire at the moment, and which it is believed to be in the power of the gods to give them. The priest makes known the oracles of the gods, which he receives in the following manner. On the sandy beach on the weather or eastern side of the island, there are many houses, called ba-ni-mota, or bota-ni-anti. These are of the usual size of the dwelling-houses, but the walls are of coral stone, and they have no loft. The doorway is always in the west end, because the Kainakaki, the country of souls, lies in that direction. In the centre of this house, a stout pillar of coral stone is built up to the height of three and a half feet, having in its middle a hollow of about a foot in diameter; to this the priest puts his ear, and pretends to receive the instructions of his god. On Kuria there are six of these houses, and besides there are many ft hollow pillars standing uncovered along the beach, as it is not deemed necessary that the oracle should always have a covering. On Makin there is no regular order of priests, and the father of the family, as in the case of the absence of the priest on the other islands, officiates. On this island ihey have a class of men, which are un- known to the others, conjurors, and persons who pretend to have inter- course with spirits- The natives of the group put great faith in omens and charms. The r most common mode of divination they call kaina, which is performed 88 MAl^NERSANDCUSTOMSOF with the sprout or top of a young cocoa-nut tree. The leaves of this are doubled in after a particular fashion, and according as the folds coincide or not it is deemed a good or a bad omen. When these folds do not coincide, they believe that one of their gods is probably offended, and proceed to find out whether he be so or not, by taking a cocoa-nut that is kept for the purpose, which they spin like a top before the sacred stone or altar: if it falls with the upper end towards the stone, it is a favourable omen; if otherwise, the god is angry, and must be appeased by offerings and prayers. At^ times they pretend to receive an intimation that their ancestors are displeased, in which case their skulls are taken down and propi- tiated by offerings. They believe also in a species of cursing, called wainak, which con- sists in invoking or praying to Death, in order to procure illness or the displeasure of the gods on any one. Shooting stars are deemed ominous of death to some member of the family, which may occupy the part of the council-house nearest the point of the heavens from whicli it took its flight. If accom- panied by a train, it foretells the death of a female; if otherwise, that of a male. Some of the chiefs are believed to hold communication with spirits, and to be able at times to foretell future events: they usually exer- cise this pretended power at night ; and when a number of people are sleeping in the mariapa, they are awakened by unnatural sounds, proceeding from the chief, which are considered as the words of the god, who speaks by him to announce the arrival of ships, the approach of war, and other great events. When these predictions do not come to pass, they always impute the failure to the intervention of some other spirit. They believe in an existence after death, and that on the death of a person, his spirit ascends into the air, where it is carried about by the winds, wherever they may chance to blow, until it finally reaches the Kainakaki elysium. Only those who are tattooed can expect to reach it, and these are generally persons of rank ; all others are intercepted on their way, and doomed by a large giantess, called Baine. If those who die are old and feeble, their spirits are conducted to the Kainakaki by the shades of those who have died before them. The spirits of children are carried to the realms of bliss by their female relatives, and are nursed and taken care of until they are able to provide for themselves. The Kainakaki is supposed to be situated in the island of Tavaira, or Gilbert's Island. Oi this island there are several curious mounds. THE KIN GSM ILL ISLANDERS. 8U * of diflerent sizes, the largest of which is about a mile long by half a mile wide ; some of them exceed twenty-four feet in height above the surrounding soil : with this altitude, these are very conspicuous on a low coral island. Each of these mounds is supposed to be the plar^o for a Kainakaki, the great beauty of which is invisible to mortal eyes. Here the spirits pass their time in feasting and dancing; and whatcvci' they delighted in on earth, is now enjoyed to the fullest extent. The ground of the Kainakaki is considered sacred, and though overgrown with trees, no native will venture to cut them down: when a tree falls, it is taken away, and another planted in its place. The daily occupation of these natives will serve to give an estimate of their character, and would seem to be necessary before speaking of their customs. They rise at daylight, wash their face, hands, and teeth, with fresh water, and afterwards anoint themselves w4th scented cocoanut-oil. They then proceed to their w^ork, and continue at it until the heat becomes oppressive, which it does by nine or ten o'clock, when they return to their houses, wash themselves again, and take their first meal: all the middle of the day is passed in their houses, or in the mariapa, in sleeping, or chatting with their neighbours. About four o'clock in the afternoon they again resume their work, and continue engaged at it until sunset, w^hen they return, and wash themselves for the third time. They then take their second meal, and shortly after dark retire to sleep. They have no torches, (except for great occa- sions,) or any other means of lighting their houses, and are thus compelled to retire early, so that their amusements, as well as their occupations, cease wllh the day. The character of these islanders has many things in it to condemn : although they are deceitful and dishonest in their dealings, yet they are, in their intercourse with each other, hospitable and generous; they never buy or sell, but if any person desires an article which another has, he asks for it, and if not too valuable and esteemed, is seldom refused : it is the general under- standing that such favours are to be returned, and that the request should only be made by persons who can afford to do so* They always place food before a stranger, and any one who has not a suffi- cient supply at home is at liberty to join the meals of a more fortunate, neighbour. According to Kirby, there are many who are desirous of avoiding this tax upon them, and take their meals after dark, when they are not so liable to be intruded upon by their hungry fellow- townsmen. They are addicted to thieving, although they are severely punished for it when detected. They are easily excited to anger, but are soon VOL. V. H5 12 90 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF appeased, nor is the occasion of offence remembered with any feelings of rancour. The women seem to possess stronger passions than the men, and more enduring wrath; jealousy is the principal exciting cause with them, and they will sometimes carry a small weapon, made of a shark's tooth, concealed for months, watching an opportunity of making an attack ; desperate fights are the consequence of this, and so much injury is done before these ferocious combatants can be parted, that they often suffer from terrible wounds. Yet Kirby says, he found in other respects than this the women always more humane and gentle than the men. Like all savages, they are treacherous and cruel to the last degree ; although they seem less prone to fighting than other natives whom we had met during our cruise. Kirby mentioned, that they had had no war on the three islands where he was resident, for upwards of five years. This may be partly owing to the difficulty of fitting out expeditions to attack the other islands, and the hazard of communi- cating with those islands of which they have a knowledge. Another custom is remarkable: when a fisherman arrives with a well-loaded canoe, his neighbours assemble around him, selecting and taking away such as they please, leaving the owner nothing in return but the satisfaction of knowing, that on a similar occasion he has a like privilege to help himself Custom has so far sanctioned this habit of appropriating things belonging to another, that, according to Kirby, they have no term to designate a poor man, except that of slave. Any one who owns land can always call upon others to provide him with a house, canoe, and the necessaries of life ; but one who has none is con- sidered* as a slave, and can hold no property whatever. The courtesies of life with them are them belon another as their own. Their salutations on meeting are confined to simple inquiries, " Where are you going V or, ** Whence do you come?' The rubbing of noses is only practised on special occasions. On meeting a chief, the other natives leave the path and stand aside until he passes, but make no gestures or expression of obeisance. This ;pect sex. They are said to be kind and affectionate to their children, and to indulge them in every thing ; they never punish them even for the most insolent and passionate behaviour, only using kind and affectionate words : this may account for the rude treatment that was observed to be in practice among the natives of Drummond's Island towards our gentlemen as well as their conduct towards each other. There is, how- I I r THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 91 ever, no want of attention lo the aged who are not able to provide for themselves; and those who neglect their old relations are held in liltle respect. The aged enjoy much consideration, and, as 1 have Before stated, great respect is paid to them in council. More consideration is awarded to the female sex than has been ob- served in any of the other groups. All the hard labour is performed by the men, whose employment consists in building the houses and canoes, catching fish, collecting and bringing home the produce of ihei plantations, and attending to the cultivation of the taro, in which the women assist only by weeding the ground. The employment of the females is almost exclusively confined to in-door occupations, and those which we ourselves hold as belonging naturally to the sex, such as cooking and preparing food, braiding mats, &c., and they seem lo have exclusive control over the house. The work of both sexes is, how- ever, very light, and the greater proportion of their time is spent in pastimes, of which idleness forms the most considerable part. Although the women are relieved from the toils of life, yet they are not held to be above chastisement, and a man will not hesitate to strike a -woman ; but the fair ones consider themselves equally free, and seldom fail to return the blow, and the aggrieved party generally receives the aid of her companions, when the man is glad to escape from the bruises, blows, and scratches they inflict. Among this people chastity is not regarded as a virtue, nor consi- dered as any recommendation in the selection of a wife; but after marriage, a woman must be extremely guarded in her conduct, as the punishment for a want of duty in this respect is severe, even amounting to death in some cases; but it is usually limited to expulsion from her husband's house. Notwithstanding these penalties, iliere are frequent infractions of these ties, and it is not surprising that they should occur, under their system of polygamy, and the interdiction which prevents the younger brothers of chiefs, and persons who do not hold land, from marrying. Intrigues and elopements are not unfrequent, and produce the same results as elsewiiere. War, on all the islands with the exception of Makin, is a part of their business, and apparently engages most of their attention. Their con- flicts may be considered as civil wars, for little communication is held between any of the islands, except those of Apamama, Nanouki, and Kuria, which are under the king of Apamama. The communication that takes place between the others is in consequence of the escape of individuals from punishment, or who become desperate, and embark in a canoe, to seek an asylum in some of the neighbouring islands. This is also the practice with the remaining portion of a defeated party, in \ 92 MANNERSANDCUSTOMSOF order to escape from the pursuit of the victors. An instance of this kind was related by Kirby, that occurred about ten years before his arrival. While the king of Apamama was on a visit to Kuria, one of the principal chiefs in Apamama rebelled against him, gained over many of his subjects, and obtained full possession of the island; numbers, however, remained faithful, and fled to Kuria to join the king, who immediately began to collect his warriors from the two smaller islands, and prepared himself for making a descent upon Apamama. It was winter before he was fully ready, and owing to the irregularity and uncertainty of the winds and weather at that season, he was obliged to postpone his expedition for several months. He finally embarked, with his whole army, and landed upon the north end of Apamama, where a great number flocked to his standard. The rebels, 'iinding themselves too weak to maintain a contest, fled towards the south end of the island. Here they prepared their canoes, and when the king, with his army, drew near, they took their wives and children, and put to sea. They proceeded first to Kuria, where they were mis- taken, as they approached, for the warriors of the island returning; and the old men, women, and children, crowded to the shore to meet them, and welcome their relatives back; but they were suddenly surrounded by their enemies, maddened by defeat, who destroyed them all without mercy, and laid waste the whole island. In a few days afterwards the Kuria ns were seen returning, when the rebels again took refuge in flight, leaving the island to be again possessed by its owners, but with every thing destroyed. Some of the fugitives reached other islands in safely, others w^ere picked up by whale-ships, but the greater part were never heard of again. The chief reached Taputeouea, or Drummond's Island, where he is said to be still living- Wood also relates, that about eight years prior to his being taken on board, a fleet of canoes, containing fifteen hundred persons, arrived at Makin, from Apia, whence they had been driven by the warriors I of Tarawa. At Makin they were hospitably received and entertained, until it was discovered that a plot was concocting among them for conquering the island, upon which the inhabitants fell upon them, and massacred nearly the whole. They sometimes, though but seldom, engage in other warlike under- takings, when the warriors of one island will set out with a large fleet to attack another. In these expeditions they rarely go to any island to windward of them, on account of the uncertainty of the voyage when the southeast wind blows, and also in consequence of the sea-sickness produced by the motion of their canoes, which renders them unfit to fight. When this happens, their adversaries, if they get information of THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 93 the nieJItated attack, before, or just as the hostile fleet touches their shore, assail their invaders to great advantage, while the men, stiff from being cramped in their canoes, and still under the effects of their sick- ness, are easily overcome. , It is only ihe young and vigorous who go on these expeditions, with a few of the older warriors to direct their operation?. In their civil wars the old men and the women join in the combat, and the victors make no distinction of age or sex in the massacre which' generally ensues. The bodies of the slain are not generally eaten, but, according to their own account, it occasionally happens that when some noted warrior has been killed, the young men eat portions of his flesh from hatred, and through a desire to appear fierce and terrible, Kirby stated two cases in which he knew human flesh to have been eaten. One was that of an old man of Kuria, who had ofiended a chief on Apamama, and the other, of four slaves of the king, who had attempted to escape from the island in a canoe. All these were killed, and par- ticular parts of their bodies eaten. The act, it was thought, was prompted by vindictiveness, and a desire to taste an unusual kind of food. We may therefore conclude that ihey are not to be considered as cannibals, though, according to Kirby, they seem to have no appa- rent disgust at eating human flesh. In Makin, where they have had no wars for a hundred years, they are much less bloodthirsty, and during the seven years Wood was on the island, only one man was put to death. He does not believe that the people are cannibals, but he has frequently heard the old men relate, that during times of scarcity their ancestors sometimes ate human flesh. The weapons used among them are spears, clubs, and swords, which are made of cocoanut-wood, and after the simplest fashion. Few of their clubs are carved, and they seem to bestow very little labour upon them ; this, however, is appropriated to a different kind of weapon, which they consider much more effective: these are the shark's-teeth spears and swords, W'Ood-cuts of which have been hereto- fore given. The natives of most of the islands show the effects of these weapons on their bodies and limbs. The armour they use as a protection also claims much of their attention. According to Kirby, this armour has been onlv a short time introduced or in use on the islands, and is not yet common in all of them. As defences, they seldom resort to strongholds, — indeed they have none in the northern islands ; but at Taputeouea they have palisades or pickets, about eight or ten feet high, which surround the towns. Utiroa had a protection 94 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF of this kind, and many pickets across the town in various directions, which would make a good defence, if the warriors were resolute. It is not improbable, that the more warlike natives of the southern islands, particularly those of Drummond's Island, will, ere long, push their conquests to the northern islands, and extend their rule over them. Two years before the arrival of the Peacock, the natives of i^pamama, Na- nouki, and Kuria, apprehended an attack from this quarter; when the ' king collected his forces to the number of between five and six thou- sand, who continued under arms through the whole summer; but aftei all it proved a false alarm. Their houses and canoes are better built than any we found else where in the Pacific, and all their structures are large, strong, and durable, though constructed of the most unsuitable materials: they are so well combined as to display much elegance as well as strength. Their dwelling-houses and mariapas have been noticed, but there is another description of house, without a loft, in which the chiefs pass most of their time, receiving visits, and conversing with their friends and dependants. On the island of Makin the houses are of larger dimensions, in con- sequence of the abundance of timber. From Wood's description of their mariapa, it is an enormous structure. The canoes have already claimed a notice: those built in the northern islands are much the lar- gest, some of them being sixty feet in length. From the importance of their structures or buildings, the trade of a carpenter is held in great repute: those who exercise it are either de- pendent on the chiefs, working by their orders, or free born : the latter are paid for their services. The time required for building a house is about two months, and the price of such a job, two or three rolls of their bread, called "kabuL" A canoe capable of carrying ten persons takes five or six months to build. The payment is proportioned to the length of time occupied in the work. The whole town is engaged in the labour of constructing one of their mariapas. A very great pro- portion of their time is taken up in the manufacture of their dresses ; and while the men are en^jajred in buildinoj houses and canoes, the women fabricate the articles of dress, sails, mats for flooring, and those worn by the men. The mats are made of the leaves of the pandanus, slit into strips about a quarter of an inch wide, and woven by hand : these are of two colours, light yellow and dark brown ; the former are made from the young leaves, and the latter from the old, which are prepared by beating them with a mallet to render them pliable. On the yellow mats they bestow a great deal more of their attention: the young leaves are laid aside for two or three days after they are ) t It THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 95 plucked, till they are withered ; they are then roasted, by holding them in the hand over the fire, and afterwards laid in the sun for three or four days, to insure them being sufficiently dried. During the latter part of the process, they are brought every evening into the house, to protect them from the dew or rain. When the leaves are sufficiently dry, they are left all night to bleach in the dew; they are then rolled up in balls, and pounded with a mallet to render them soft and pliable, and when this is accomplished, they are slit with a shell and are ready for use- The brown and white slips are braided together, so as to form regular figures, square or diamond-shape, which have a pretty effect. The colours being in the material itself, are retained as long as the fabric lasts. The mode of weaving this matting has been described. The conical cap of the men is at times quite becoming. They cover their shoulders with a small oblong mat, having a slit in the middle through which the head is passed. This part o( their dress resembles a "poncho" of small size. The women's dress, which they call ** iriri," is quite becoming and graceful ; it is a kind of fringe, made of cocoanut-leaves, cut into slips about a foot long, and tied by one end to a string, which goes round the middle: the young leaflets are se- lected for this purpose, and the rib of the leaf is removed by slitting it down on each side. The leaves are next rolled up and beaten with a mallet, after which they are chewed until they become quite flexible; these narrow ribands are then knotted to a double cord. The dress is fitted on the person, and is then clipped off at equal lengths all around : it bias a light and elegant appearance, and yields to any motion of the tody, yet never becomes entangled or out of order. At Apamama, they dip the iriris in cocoanut-oil ; at Taputeouea, they steep them in an infusion of the juice which is obtained from a small tree, with large green leaves, called meo: of these leaves a num- ber are pounded in a shell, and a little water poured on them, which is then filtered through the pellicle of the cocoa-nut tree and mixed with molasses. After being steeped in this liquid for some time, the iriri is rolled up in a mat with some leaves of the meo and pandanus-nuts, and roasted in a native oven. By this process it acquires a soft and flexible appearance, and a peculiar odour, which our gentlemen thought was like that of a mixture of tobacco and molasses^ Both of these qualities it retains until it is worn out. The natives are very fond of ornamenting themselves: in the lobes of their ears they wear strings of small leaves of the mangrove, and the pith of a large species of Scsevola, which is common in the low islands. This pith is cut into strips and put up into a long roll; a wreath of which surrounds the neck, and to which a white ovula-shell, 96 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF or a large whale's tooth, hangs suspended on their breast. This pith is thought by Mr. Rich, to be the same as that called Chinese paper and obtained from the same plant. Long strings of beads or braided hair are worn round the body, at times a hundred fathoms in length, which serve to fasten the mat. The hair for this purpose is taken from the female slaves, and is braided into a string about the size of a packthread. The beads are manufactured by the old men who are beyond doing any other labour, and are of the size of a small button-mould ; they are made of cocoa-nut and shell, and strung alternately black and white, being ground down to a uniform size and fitted together for the purpose. The food of the natives consists principally of fish, from the whale to the sea-slug; shell-fish of every kind are also eaten. Whales are represented to have been much more abundant formerly, when they at times got aground on some of the numerous shoals, and were killed by the natives with their spears. Even now a carcass occasionally drifts on shore, which affords an acceptable prize. Sharks are caught by enticing them alongside the canoe, with a bait, and enclosing them in a noose. The smaller fish arc taken in traps, like eel-pots, made of withes: these the natives set on the bottom, and place pieces of coral on them to keep them there. Great numbers of fish are also taken in weirs, or enclosures of stone, which are made in the extensive coral flats, that are left bare by every tide: into these the fish are driven at high water, by a number of natives, who surround the shoal; the weir is then closed, and left until the tide falls, when the fish are easily taken in scoop-nets. Large seines are often used in places where the bottom renders it practicable to draw them. Flying-fish are taken in the daytime, by trailing a hook, attached to a short line, from the stern of a canoe. At night they are caught in scoop-nets, as they fly towards a lighted torch, held in a part of the canoe. Crabs are also decoyed out of their holes at night, by torchhght, and captured. Turtles are taken in the season on the beaches ; and shell-fish, with the sea-slug or biche de mar, are obtained on the reefs by diving. Their vegetable food consists of cocoa-nuts and pandanus, and a Tariety of the taro, with a small quantity of the bread-fruit. The preparation of these engages a great deal of their attention, and that of the pandanus-nut in particular. When prepared, it is called kabul and karapapa. The inner or edible portions of these nuts are sliced ofl^, and baked in an oven for several hours, till they are quite hard ; they are then taken out, laid on a clean mat, and pounded with a large pestle to the consistency of dough ; this is spread out upon mats THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 97 I I into the form of sheets, about three feet long by eighteen inches wide, and a quarter of an inch thick; these sheets are again laid on mats in the sun to dry, and at night are rolled up, and put away in an oven to bake. This process is repeated for two days, by which time the plates become as hard and unyielding as a board, and are of a reddish brown colour. Those plates called kabul are put away in the luft of their houses, but are every few days brought out into the sun to insure their being kept dry. At the close of the season, they are reduced to a powder, not unlike fine sawdust. This is put up in rolls, from eight to ten feet long, and six to twelve inches in diameter, bound with leaves of the pandanus, and made so smooth and round that they look like pillars of brown stone: in this state the preparation is called karapapa, and will keep for years. This is the principal dependence of the natives in seasons of scarcity, and these rolls of karapapa are used as a circulating medium, in which wages and tributes to the chiefs are paid. They make a kind of broth with karapapa and kamoimoi (molasses), which the natives drink in great quantities. Tuea is another kind of kabul, but made of a better variety of pan- danus: this is beaten out into thin sheets, resembling dark brown paper, or like our cloth, which is also rolled up and put away; before being eaten, it is soaked for several hours in the milk of the cocoa-nut, and is esteemed a dainty. The kabul is generally chewed, and softens in the mouth, the pulp being dissolved, while the large mass of woody fibre remains : it has a sweetish taste. The bread-fruit is generally roasted on hot stones, but not covered with earth, as at the other islands. After it is cooked, it is crushed between the folds of a mat. It is the same variety that is found at the Samoan Islands, which strengthens the opinion that part of these natives came from that quarter. The taro is baked hard, then grated with a shell, and mixed in a trough with kamoimoi, until it is of the consistency of thick paste, which is eaten with a spoon made of a human rib- They sometimes grate this taro to a powder, and dry it in the sun until it becomes like bread-dust. This powder is made up in short thick rolls, and covered w^ith pandanus-Ieaves, in which state it will keep for months. They call it kabuibui. Before being eaten, it is soaked in water, and then baked in a small basket Manam is another preparation, of baked taro and cocoa-nut These materials are grated fine, mixed together, and then made into balls as large as thirty-two pound shot It is eaten with kamoimoi; and when vot-. V. I 13 ,j 1 J i 98 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF the whole is not consumed on the day it is made, it is baked, to pre- serve it from spoiling. The karaca, or toddy, is procured from the spathe of the cocoa- nut tree, which is usually about four feet long, and two inches in r diameter. From this spathe the fruit is produced ; but in order to procure their favourite toddy, it is necessary to prevent nature from taking her course in bringing forth the fruit: they bind the spathe up tightly with sennit; the end is then sliced off, and a cocoanut- shell hung to the projecting part of the spathe, to catch the sap as it exudes. One tree will yield from two to six pints of karaca. When first obtained from the tree, it is like the young cocoanut- milk, and quite limpid; but after it stands for a few hours, it ferments and becomes acid. When the spathe ceases to drop, another piece is cut off, and every time it ceases to flow, it is treated in the same way, until the spathe is entirely gone. Another spathe is formed soon after above this, which is suffered to grow, and when large enough is treated in the same manner. The karaca is either drunk fresh from the tree, or made into kamoi- moi, (the kind of molasses before spoken of,) by boiling it down in cocoanut-shells, set upon hot stones. It strongly resembles our molas- ses, both in look and taste. When this is mixed with water it is called karave, and is the usual drink at their feasts, when it is set out in large wooden bowls, from which it is dipped by cups, made of cocoanut- shells or of human skulls. These islanders have no kind of intoxicating drink. The food of Makin is similar, although the names are somewhat different : they use kaka for karapapa ; tagara for manam. Their mode of cook- ing differs from that of other islanders. A small round shallow hole is made, about two feet in diameter, and six inches deep, with a sufficient number of hard stones to line it. In this a fire is made, and the stones placed on it: when the stones are heated, they brush away the fire and ashes, and arrange them ; the food is placed on them, over which mats are laid, and covered with earth; before closing the pit, they run a stick obliquely into the heap, and when the whole is completed, this stick is drawn out, and water is poured into the hole to create steam. Their messes require from one to four hours to cook. At times they bake their food by simply putting it upon the stones un- covered. In They do not appear to suffer from want of food, although it is what would be deemed of a coarse kind. During Kirby's stay, they had abundance, though he mentioned having heard of a famine which had THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 99 occurred a few years before, when it became necessary for the natives to have recourse to the purslane, which is not considered by them as very unpalatable food. These people have, from the little time occupied in cultivating their vegetable productions, a great deal of leisure; consequently, as would naturally be expected, amusements are sought for, and occupy a great part of their time : their festivals and dances are even looked upon as claiming priority to their warlike expeditions, and for these great preparations are always made some days previously. Their greatest festivities take place at the time of full moon, or a few days after it, when the people of one town usually invite those of another, both men and women, to what may be termed a dancing and singing match. On the day appointed, the guests arrive in their canoes, and proceed to the mariapa, w^here they occupy that portion of it on the side whence they came; the townspeople seat themselves opposite to them. The food which the strangers bring with them is laid in the middle, and as much more is added to it by their hosts, all of which is shared out by the guests among themselves. The dancing now begins, the guests 'making the first display of their agility, and when they have finished, the people of the town follow. A warm rivalry is thus kept up till evening, when the dancing gives place to singing, each taking up the measure in his turn. This is kept up until midnight, when the townspeople retire, leaving their guests to sleep in the mariapa. These festivities last for three days, after which the visiters depart. The men, during this period, clothe themselves in mats from the waist downw^ards. Some load the waist with heavy strings of beads ; others adorn the neck with rows of shells, and sometimes with one or two large whale's teeth, while others again have small rows of the latter across the back. Almost all wear a great many human teeth on the arms and around the neck : these are taken from their slain enemies; for, after killing a man, the first object with them is to knock out his teeth, for the purpose of obtaining them for ornaments. Through the lobes of their ears they pass long strips of yellow leaves, which hang down on their shoulders. They also besmear the face and body with cocoanut-oil, and some daub each cheek with fine white sand, and blacken their eyebrows and beards with charcoal. The hair is oiled and combed out with a pointed stick, and stands out from the head, forming an ornament which they esteem as very becoming. The women wear their usual dress and a few ornaments, but about the decorations of their persons they are very attentive and scrupulous. 100 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF The dances resemble the evolutions of a company of soldiers: the two parties stand in rows, either facing each other, or back to back, or else both face inwards; their motions are confined to the body and arms; the legs, though not entirely at rest, seldom have much action; at times the arms are thrown out from the body, when they give a rapid quivering motion to the fingers, clap their hands together, and afterwards slap them with great force against the thighs and breast, while the body is rocked to and fro. Every movement is made in perfect unison by the whole party, who all keep time with a mono- tonous song. Tn their dances the great object is to make as much noise and commotion as possible. Their full-moon feasts are the only peri- odical ones they have* At the marriage of a great chief there arc great rejoicings, attended with dances and songs; the latter are composed for the occasion, reciting the greatness of the chief, and the prowess and character of his ancestors. The regular monthly festival does not prevail at Makin Island. On Taritari a great feast is held about midwinter, in honour of Teouki, the grandfather of the present king, who is considered by them as the most illustrious man the island has ever produced- There are many other amusements: among them foot-ball, sailing small canoes, swimming in the surf, and flying kites. The kites are made of the pandanus-leaf reduced to half its thickness, which renders it lighter than paper ; and they are prettily shaped. In swimming in the surf, they have a small board like that used by the Sandwich Islanders. One of their sports differs from any we have seen, and appears to be peculiar to themselves. It is a game in which dancing, fencing, and singing, are combined, which produces a very animated and gay spectacle, from the numbers engaged in it, w^hich are often from one to two hundred of both sexes- This sport takes place in an open space, by moonlight. Each young man chooses a partner from the other sex, and they arrange themselves in two rows, the partners facing each other as in our country-dances. Tw^o couples form a set, and always remain together, but are continually changing places with the rest. Every one is provided with a light stick of the stalk of the cocoanut- leaf. At a given signal they begin their song, and the dancers strike their sticks together, as if playing at single-sticks, keeping time to the song; at stated points they change places with those next below, and each in turn reaches the head. As these changes all go on simulta- neously, the song and clatter of sticks are kept up without interruption, and in excellent time. If a person misses a stroke, there is much THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 101 laughter, shouting, and joking. The clatter, noises, and singing may be heard for a great distance around. The marriage ceremony of these people is conducted somewhat after our own custom. A wife is never bought, but it is generally supposed that each party will contribute something towards the house- hold stock. When a young man is pleased with a girl, and his addresses meet with a favourable reception, he applies for the consent of her father; if this be refused, it sometimes puts an end to the aflair; but it oftentimes happens that the young couple make a runaway match, and trust to a reconciliation afterwards, which usually is brought about. It would be esteemed very indelicate for a young man to ask his future father-in-law what dowry his wife was to receive; this is never made know^n until after the wedding, and sometimes is delayed until the birth of the first child. If a separation take place, which frequently happens, the w ife takes back the land and other property which she brought with her. A few days previous to a marriage, it is formally announced to the relations and friends of both parties, who prepare mats, food, oil, and many other articles, for the festival; these are sent to the dwelling of the bride's father, where the ceremony is to take place. When the day arrives, all repair to the house, dressed and decorated in their gala suits. When thus assembled, the young couple are seated in the midst on a new^ mat ; the priest presses their foreheads together, and pours on their heads a little cocoanut-oil ; he then takes a branch of a tree, dips it in water, and sprinkles their faces, at the same time making a prayer for their future happiness and prosperity. Food is now placed on the mat between them, usually a particular kind of fish, with bread- fruit and taro, which they eat together. They are now considered as married, and the friends and relatives throng around them to offer their congratulations and rub noses. The feast then begins, and is continued till evening, when a fire is lighted in the open air, and dancing takes place. This festival is continued for several days; on the evening of the third day, the bridegroom takes his wife home. For ten days after the marriage, the house in which the bride lives is screened with mats, and she does not go out of it, but remains at home to receive her friends. When the wife is eight months enceinte for the first time, the friends and relatives of the husband prepare pro- visions and mats ; those of the wife, provisions also, with iriris and oil. These are all taken to an amata, a house without a loft, of which there are several in each town, for the convenience of such assemblies. The two parties sit on opposite sides of the house, with their property ; two 12 102 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF men, one from each side, stand up in the middle, and proceed to exchange the mats for iriris and the oil ; the provisions of one side for those of the other. The exchange is made with great care, so that each receives an equivalent. When this is finished, the parties gather up their exchanges and retire, leaving the married couple, whose pre- sence was deemed necessary to sanction the sale, no better off than before. This custom is called katiro, and is often resorted to for making exchanges, on ordinary occasions. Children are often betrothed at an early age, sometimes as soon as born, in which case the ceremony of marriage is not deemed neces- sary. Polygamy, as before observed, is allowed to any extent, and limited only by the ability of the person to support his wives. On Makin, no marriage ceremony takes place, for every female child is betrothed as soon as born, usually to some near relative, who takes her to his house at whatever age he may think proper ; and those who are not so betrothed remain all their lives unmarried, forming temporary connexions with the young men who are similarly situated. Of the latter there are great numbers, owing to the majority of the women being monopolized by the wealthy and powerful, to whom this custom aiTords every facility for obtaining wives. This state of things brings about, as is naturally to be expected, many intrigues and squabbles. At the birth of a child, the priest gives it a name, at the request of the father ; but if the infant should be taken sick soon afterwards, the first name is abandoned, and another adopted, in hopes that it may prove a more fortunate one; for they believe that the illness may be owing to its name. It is very common to call a child after its grand- father. A woman has seldom more than two, and never more than three living children. After the birth of a third, they consider it necessary to prevent the increase of their families, and resort to that most un- natural means, a systematic abortion. So soon as a woman believes^ herself to be enceinte for the third or fourth time, she determines that the offspring shall not survive, and calls in the aid of an experienced midv^^ife to destroy it, who effects the purpose by external pressure on the abdomen or back, and though not unattended with much pain and difficulty to the mother, the operation rarely proves fatal. This prac- tice is looked upon without any sort of horror or shame, being con- sidered as a necessary and proper means to prevent their families from becoming so iarge as to be a burden to them, and not because the island might become over-peopled, for this latter idea does not seem ever to have occurred to them. The practice of destroying the foetus is universal among the unmarried females, but children are never THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 103 ^ destroyed after birth. According to Wood, this custom does not pre- vail at Makin. There are professed tattooers, who are held in great estimation, and receive very high prices; this confines the art to the wealthy and those of rank. The young men are not tattooed before the age of twenty, and slaves never. The tattooing is mostly in short oblique lines, about the eighth of an inch apart. These are arranged in perpendicular rows, of which there are four or five down the back on each side of the spine, with a similar marking in front, beginning just below the collar-bone. The legs also are marked. The women are tattooed in the same manner, but not so much as the men. Owing to the lightness of the lines, and the distance between them, they do not show very conspicuously. The colouring matter used is charcoal, mixed with cocoanul-oil. The instrument employed is a piece of bone, cut like a fine-toothed comb, similar to that used at the Samoan Group. The tattooing is done at different times, to alle- viate the pain w^hich attends the operation. Of all their customs, the funeral ceremonies are the most remark- able. When a man dies, his body is taken to the mariapa, washed, and laid out on a clean mat, where it remains for eight days, and every day at noon it is taken into the sun, washed, and oiled. During this time the friends are engaged in wailing and singing praises of the dead, and dancing; but they think it a great weakness to shed tears on such occasions. After this mourning, the body is sewed up in two mats, and sometimes buried in the house of the nearest relatives, the head being alw^ays turned towards the east. In other cases, it is stored away in the loft. When the flesh is nearly gone, the skull is taken off, carefully cleaned, oiled, and put aw^ay. The skulls of their ancestors are kept by chiefs as a kind of household deity, to which they frequently offer up prayers and entreaties, to have a regard and to keep watchful care over their descendants. The skulls are not unfrequently taken down, bound around with wreaths, anointed with oil, and have food set before them. In passing from one island to another, these skulls are always carried along, as if members of the family, and treated with every mark of re\'erence. The funeral ceremonies on Makin, according to Wood, are still more extraordinary ; but w^e have no good reason to doubt the facts, as they seem to be somewhat allied to those above related. After the first ceremonies of wailing, the body is washed and laid out upon a new mat, which is spread on a large oblong plate, made of several tortoise-shells sew^ed together. From two to six persons, according to the size of the corpse, seat themselves opposite to one another on i^ 104 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF the floor of the house, and hold this plate, with the body of their friend, on their knees. When tired, they are relieved by others, and in this way the service is kept up for a space of time varying from four months to tw^o years, according to the rank of the deceased. All persons, whether freeborn or slaves, receive this treatment after death- During the continuance of this lying in state, a fire is kept constantly burning, both day and night, in the house, and its extinction would be regarded as a most unlucky omen.* At the end of the period, the remains are sometimes wrapped in mats, and stowed away in the loft of the house, but more commonly they are buried in a piece of ground set apart for the purpose. The grave is marked with three stones, one at the head, another at the foot, and one placed horizontally across these. The skulls of the chiefs are preserved, and treated in the same way as at the other islands. From diseases the natives appear to be tolerably free. Consump- tions, and a kind of cholera morbus, are the most fatal. There were no cases of elephantiasis seen ; but, as has been remarked in speaking of the islands separately, the kind of cutaneous disorder called by the natives gune, prevails extensively ; this, at some stages of the disease, resembles the ringworm. It begins with this appearance, in a small circle, about an inch in diameter, covered with a scurf; the ring gradually increases in size, and when it becomes large, a smaller one forms within it ; as this last increases, another forms within it, and in this way the affection continues to spread, unless arrested. Several circles often form on the body within a short distance of each other, the rings meet and become confluent, producing a variety of curved lines, and concentrical circles. The whole body becomes at length covered with this scurf, which is always attended by painful itching. This finally passes off", and leaves the skin seamed with an infinity of circles and wavy lines of a livid hue, and produces a most disgusting appearance ; in this stage it sometimes continues during the remainder of a person's life, without materially aflfecting his general health. At other times it assumes a more virulent character, in which case large excrescences like warts form, first on the face, or between the fingers and toes, and then in other parts. The softer portions of the face and body swell to double their natural size ; the person becomes unable to walk, or to move his limbs, until death at length overtakes and releases When the truth Wood rea^iily answered, that "One half of Uiem have notliing" eke THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 105 him from his sufferings. The natives call this disease sometimes gune-maior, or the southwest gune, from the fact that it was introduced into their islands from that direction: and as the Peacock found it prevailing extensively at the Depeyster Islands, it is but reasonable to suppose that it came from that quarten It was most prevalent at Taputeouca, the most southern of the Kingsmill Islands, and gradually becomes less so in the northern islands ; Wood asserts that he has never seen a single case of it at Makin. The climate of these islands is equable, and though of high tempe- rature, it is found to be less oppressive than in most tropical countries. For the most part constant breezes prevail, and frequent rain falls, which moderates the great heat, and at the same time confers fertility on the soil. From October to April, the time of the Peacock's visit, is the winter, and is especially distinguished by the frequency of rains. Variable winds from the northward and westward prevail at this season, and they have violent gales from the southwest; these, accord- ing to Kirby, are typhoon-like. The natives plant stakes to prop up their houses, and tie them down, to prevent them from being blown away. These storms last for three or four days, veering gradually round to the north. The leeward sides of the islands receive most damage, and both land and trees are swept ayvay. Kirby states, that the lee side of Kuria has worn aw^ay during his residence. In these gales the trunks of large trees are thrown on the w^est side of the island, together with large lumps of resin, similar to that found in the soil at New Zealand, which the natives use to scent their oils with : these trees, sometimes two feet in diameter, were thought to be of the pine species ; many stones are found in their roots, from eight to ten inches in diameter ; these are a fine basalt, and the natives use them for various purposes. From May till September the weather is fine, with clear skies, and only occasional showers; and during this time the wind blows con- stantly from the eastward. This is the season in which the natives make their voyages; they never venture abroad in the winter months, even from island to island, being well aware of the danger of so doing. Earthquakes are occasionally experienced in these islands. Kirby says he has felt ten or twelve sufficiently severe to shake down a house : the natives exhibit no fear on account of them. The direction of the oscillations seems to be from the southwest. The population of the group, from the best data which was obtained, is about sixty thousand souls. At Drummond's Island, where there was the best opportunity of a personal examination, the estimates were above ten thousand : this is considered the most populous island VOL- V. 14 106 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF of the whole group. On Apamama, Kirby saw collected from six to seven thousand warriors, belonging to it, Nanouki, and Kuria: the joint population of these three islands may therefore be reckoned at twenty-eight thousand; it would seem reasonable to estimate the remaining twelve islands, which have been observed to be thickly inhabited, at the same number.* This apparently would give from four to five hundred inhabitants to the square mile; for, if only the dry land were to be taken into the account, there would not be more than one hundred and fifty square miles; but to this should be added the lagoons and sea around, from which in reality these natives derive the greatest part of their sustenance: this would increase the area to upwards of five hundred square miles, giving one hundred and twenty inhabitants to the square mile for support. These islanders have had but v^ery little communication with stran- gers; and although they have occasionally been visited for the last forty years, but little change has been brought about by the inter- course. There is nothing to induce the visits of vessels, for little is to be had in the way of refreshment : neither wood nor water is pro- curable in any quantity, and there is nothing for a profitable exchange. Of course, therefore, only a few vessels anchor in their harbours ; of which, as has been pointed out, they have many good ones, an advan- tage not possessed by other low coral islands. The articles of trade being but few and trifling, only a very small amount of the manufactures of civilized nations have found their way into these islands. The southern islands have been most visited, in consequence of their lying more in the immediate neighbourhood of the whaling'ground ; the consequence has been that they have been able to obtain enough iron implements to have almost superseded those of native construction. The people of the southern islands have also imbibed an extraordinary fondness for tobacco; and these, with some diseases, may be said to constitute their acquisitions from the whites, to whose depraved appetites they at an early day learned to administer. The same causes that prevent them from being the resort of vessels also deter sailors from deserting; and, as has been seen, both Kirby and Wood had become disgusted with ,the lives they led, and were glad to make their escape. From Kirby's account, there were only five more white men, and one black, on the islands. An Englishman and an American reside on Nukunau, (Byron*s Island,) the former of whom had become a high chief, and acquired much influence; but it believ i \ * WocmJ estimates that of Makin at five thousand THE KINGS MILL ISLANDERS. 107 with him has not operated favourably on the natives. The other four are on Peru Island. In the dispositions of these natives there are some peculiarities: they are said to be subject to despondency and sullcnness, that sometinnes causes them to commit suicide. Kirby mentioned five instances on Kurla, of both nien and women destroying themselves, and of several others who had attempted if, but were prevented by their friends. To terminate their lives they always resort to hanging on a tree. The motive to this act is generally the treatment they have received, or offence taken at the conduct of some person, whom affection or fear renders them unwilling to injure; the mortification and grief produced thereby leads them at last to suicide, w^hich is considered by them as a remedy for their evils, as well as a severe revenge upon those who had ill-treated them. What constitutes the highest ambition among them, is to be con- sidered accomplished men of the world. They have a word in their language (mauda), which expresses one thoroughly instructed in all their arts, a good dancer, an able warrior, versed in all their know- ledge and sports, who has mixed in life, enjoyed its highest excitements and delights, both at home and abroad. Such a man in their estima- tion is the most exalted in character, and is fully qualified on dying to enter at once upon the enjoyments of Elysium. There is a striking contrast between the Pitt Islanders and those of the rest of the group ; and if they were originally the same people. which there does not seem to be any reason to doubt, it shows what a great alteration may be efTected in the physical race, in the course of two or three generations, by the enjoyment of peace and plenty; for while the one retains still all the savage and cruel propensities, the other has become mild and humane, — proving that a life free from wars, and all their harrassing and distressing tendencies, even among savages, brings with it the practice of virtue. On completing the survey of the Kingsmill Group, Captain Hudson found it necessary to place his crew, and that of the tender, upon a reduced allowance of provisions and water. He then steered away to the northward, through the Mulgrave Islands; and on the morning of the 3d of May, they made Pedder Island of Arrowsmith. The vessels passed along its w^est side, and through the Fordyce Passage, between it and Arrowsmith's Island. Daniel Island was also seen from alofl to the eastward. These islands are all of coral formation, with lagoons, and are inhabited. The southeast end of Arrowsmith's Island was found to be in latitude 7° 05' N., longitude 171^ 23' 54" E. It is twenty miles long. 108 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS OF On the 5th, they made the Pescadores, which was surveyed. Its position is in latitude 11° 23' 15" N., longitude 167° 36' 30" K The Pescadores is of triangular shape and coral formation; it has on its reef several islets and some sand-spits : the former are covered with a few low bushes, but it has no cocoa-nuts or pandanus-trees, and affords nothing but the pearl-oyster and turtles, in the season. The whole island is about thirty-two miles in circumference. Its greatest length, north and south, is ten miles, and the same between its east and west point- There are two entrances in the lagoon: one about the middle of the north side, the other on the east side. The island has no in- habitants, and is incapable of supporting any- From the description in Mr. Dowsett's journal, there is no doubt that this was the place where he and the boat's crew were either treacherously murdered, or made captives, and carried to another island; and from the nature of the island, little doubt exists that the murderers were a transient fishing party, from some of the adjacent islands. All the facts that are known have been given previously. Korsakoff was in sight for two days ; but they were prevented from having communication with it by the boisterous state of the weather. On the afternoon of the 7th, an endeavour was made by a canoe to reach the ship, but without success: the sea was too rough for the boats to live, and the surf too great to permit a landing. Although a few persons were seen upon it, yet nothing showed that it was per- manently inhabited- The appearance of Korsakoff was the same as that of the Pescadores, without any vegetable productions capable of sustaining life. Korsakoff, though represented as one island on the charts, was found to be two. The smaller one lies to the southward of the larger, and is fourteen miles long by three wide. The larger island is about twenty- six miles long, trending northeast and southwest. It has an entrance into its lagoon on the south side. Captain Hudson now came to the conclusion that his time would not permit him to proceed any further to the westward ; indeed, the time appointed in his instructions to be at the Columbia river had already passed, and he was now distant from it upwards of four thousand miles, and would require some sixty or seventy days, in all probability, to reach the Northwest Coast. This caused the abandonment of his visit to Strong's and Ascension Islands, two points I was in hopes w^ould have been reached, not only for the information to be derived from a visit, but I was desirous of having a full knowledge of those islands. I also wished to break up what was deemed a nest of rogues, and to be the means of recovering THE KINGSMILL ISLANDERS. 100 I ^ the property plundered in the several captures made by them, if any of it remained. Captain Hudson, on the 8th, gave Mr. Knox orders to Purvey and land on Korsakoff, and thence proceed to Oahu, with all despatch; upon which the Peacock and tender parted company, for the purpose of avoiding detention by sailing together The Peacock lost the trades in latitude 24*^ N. On the 18th, Captain Hudson was obliged to issue an order to put a stop to the exercise of the guns, on account of the decayed state of their carriages. On the 19th, they passed near the position of the doubtful island of Patrocinio, but without seeing any land. On the 20th, they fell in with great quantities of Janthina: this was in latitude 26'' N-, longitude 168° K On the 21st, in latitude 28^ 54' N., longitude 177® E., the Anatifa were met with: they continued in vast quantities as far as latitude 35^ N., and were seen as far east as longitude 164^ W. Some of the patches were miles in extent, trending in a southeast-by-east and northwest-by-west direc- tion. On the map showing the currents and whaling-grounds, I have marked the spaces occupied in the North Pacific, over which the soft molluscs have been found. By our observations it is equal in area to four hundred thousand square miles. The currents experienced on this cruise will be found exhibited on the Track Map, in the small atlas, as well as the winds. On the 5th June, they fell in with the whale-ship Magnolia, which supplied them with about two hundred gallons of water, and a few potatoes. On the 13th, in latitude 24° N., they again found the trades. On the 14th, they made the island of Oahu, but falling under the lee of the island, Captain Hudson despatched Lieutenant Perry and Mr. Speiden, the purser, to order the necessary supplies for the ship at Honolulu, to avoid any unnecessary detention there; they did not, however, reach their destination until late in the evening of the same day, where they found the Flying-Fish had arrived the day previous. Our consul, Mr. Brinsmade, hearing that the Peacock was in the offing, with his usual kindness and attention, filled a boat wuth provisions, and went off to her; these proved a very acceptable treat after the short allowance they had been on for the previous sixty days. On the morning of the IGth, the Peacock anchored in the port of Honolulu. Captain Hudson now made every exertion to take in provisions, and overhaul the ship; the crew were allowed liberty of twenty-four hours, by dividing them into three parts, and one-third permitted to go ashore at a time, while the rest attended to the duty. K 110 MANNERS AND CUSTOMS, ETC. The two men, Wood and Kirby, were given over to the consul of Her Britannic Majesty. By the 21st, they had embarked the provisions and finished the necessary repairs, when they sailed for the Columbia river. In the latitude of 40° N., they met with the Anatifa and Velella, the ocean being hterally covered with them: these continued to latitude 43^ N., and between the longitude of 154"* and 157^ W, The tem- perature of the air was 51% that of the water SS*^, The weather had now become cold, damp, and cloudy. Until they reached the latitude of 45^ N.y they had the wind constantly from the eastern quarter; but after passing that parallel, it veered to the west-southwest, and so con- tinued for several days, when it hauled to the southeast, and remained between that point and south, until they reached soundings off the bar of the Columbia river, on the ITth July, the day prior to the wTeck, of which I have already spoken. I cannot close this account of the cruise of the Peacock and Flying Fish, without saying a few words in relation to the activity which this cruise evinces in Captain Hudson, his officers, and crew ; this will be shown in a strong light, by stating the simple fact, that during this voyage the Peacock had sailed upwards of nineteen thousand miles; was two hundred and sixty days at sea, and only twenty-two in port, and that during the w^hole time, although they were exposed to great vicissitudes of climate, and had been long on short allowance, they returned to port without a single sick man on board. KIXGSMILL IDOL, CHAPTER IV. CONTENTS. DANGERS- BAKER^S BAY — LIEUTENANT DE HAVEN SENT TO MEET MR. ELD — RAMSEY AND GEORGE, THE PILOTS— RETURN TO ASTORIA— PURCHASE OF A BRIG— MESSRS. HALE AND DANA GO WITH DR. APLAUGH LIN— TRADE WITH THE INDIANS-SUPERSTITIONS OF THE INDIANS — SURVEY RESUMED— TONGUE POINT — THE VESSELS GROUND — WAIKAIKUM — PREVALENCE OF FEVER AND AGUE — PILLAR ROCK-BOAT CAPSIZED — KATAL.\MET POINT-LIEUTENANT EMMONS ORDERED TO SAN FRANCISCO-FIRE ON MOUNT COFFIN — PORPOISE GROUNDS AGAIN- WARRIOR S POINT— VANCOUVER — i SIR GEORGE SIMPSON— DIVIDENDS OF THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY— FORMAL DINNER -CHANGED APPEARANCE OF VANCOUVER — OBSERVATIONS AT VANCOUVER — ARRI- VAL OF MR. ELDS PARTY— HIS EXPEDITION — HIS DEPARTURE FROM NISaUALLY — SaUAW CHIEF — PORTAGE TO THE SACHAL — LAKES — EMBARKATION AND DESCENT OF THE SACHAL — COUNTRY ON THE CHICKEELES — CARVED PLANKS — MR. ELD ENTERS GRAYS HARBOUR— THE INDIANS REFUSE HIM AID— DIFFICULTIES ATTEND- ING THE SURVEY ELDS PARTY IS RELIEVED BY LIEUTENANT DE HAVEN — COMPLETED— CHARACTER OF GRAY'S HARBOUR — INDIANS OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD — DEPARTURE FROM GRAYS HARBOUR — PASSAGE ALONG THE COAST— ARRIVAL OF MR. ELD AT ASTORIA — ORGANIZATION OF THE EXPEDI- TION TO CALIFORNIA— DEPARTURE FROM VANCOUVER— POSTS OF THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY— TRADE OF THE HUDSON BAY COMPANY— CLIMATE OF OREGON— WINDS- FEVER AND AGUE — INDIAN POPULATION -PROGRESS DOWN THE RIVER — LETTERS PROM THE UNITED STATES — DEEP WATER — SURVEY OF THE COWLITZ — PUGET ISLAND — PILLAR ROCK — CHANNEL AT TONGUE POINT— RETURN TO ASTORIA— POR- POISE ANCHORS AT ASTORIA-PRIMEVAL FOREST— PREPARATIONS FOR PASSING THE BAR— DISPOSITION MADE OF THE PEACOCKS LAUNCH— BAR PASSED— SURVEYS COM- PLETED—ORNAMENTS, NORTHWEST COAST-WE SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO— LETTER OF THANKS TO DR. M'LAUGHLIN — VOYAGE TO SAN FRANCISCO— ARRIVAL THERE- LAUNCH DESPATCHED TO MEET LIEUTENANT EMMONS. (HI) 9 w r 6 ;j3 *3 1 # e^ CHAPTER IV. COLUMBIA RIVER. $ } 1841. The Vincennes having sailed, I at once set about preparing for the survey of the river. I found that, agreeably to my first instructions, Captain Hudson had lost no time in despatching the parties for the interior, but the orders I had sent by Mr. Waldron, arrested their pro- gress- I issued these orders because I anticipated that it w^ould be necessary to make some change in the route they were to pursue ; and in the mean time they v^^ould have more opportunity to prepare them- selves for the journey. Finding that Mr. Dana had not set out for the interior, I now saw and regretted the necessity of countermanding the orders for the party that was destined for the Rocky Mountains. The boats of the Peacock were ordered to be fully manned and fitted out with all the requisites for surveying duties, and officers attached to each. On the morning of the 9th, we began the survey. Some time had been before spent in taking a few angles and soundings, but with so little success, that I rejected the whole. The weather proved unfa- vourable for any of our operations, except that of putting up signals. We encamped at night on the small sandy island in the centre of the bay, where we were very uncomfortable, for the sand flew about and covered every thing. In the morning we had a thick fog, when I determined to go to Baker's Bay, where we could obtain water; for that of the Columbia is not fresh as low down as this point. We found the tide exceedingly strong, and having some apprehen- sions that the boats might lose their way, I thought it better for us to make for the Chinook shore, and follow it until we reached the VOL. V. ^^ 15 (113) 114 COLUMBIA RIVER. cape. It may seem strange that this precaution should be taken, but it is necessary at all times, even in clear weather; for the tide is frequently so strong, that it cannot be stemmed by oars; and too much caution cannot be observed in passing across the bay» As little frequented as it is, many accidents have occurred to boats and canoes, by their being sw^ept by the tide into the breakers on the bar, where all hands have perished. The Indians are very cautious, and it is only at certain times of the tide that they will attempt to make the passage. We reached Baker's Bay in two hours, and formed our encamp- ment; and here we determined to remain until the weather should become clear, and allow us to proceed with our duties. As no news Iiad been received from Passed Midshipman Eld's party, whom it will be recollected I had despatched from Nisqually to Gray's Harbour, by the Chickeeles, and as the time for which he had provisions had expired, I became apprehensive lest some accident might have detained him. I therefore despatched Lieutenant De Haven and Acting-Master Baldwin, with a few Indians, along the coast to Gray's Harbour, which is about forty miles distant, to convey a supply of provisions for that party, and to bring intelligence of them. This duty was executed by these gentlemen with promptness, and they reported that the party were struggling with difficulties of no ordinary character, of which I shall have occasion to speak hereafter. 1 BAMSEr, GEORGE IT The weather continued rainy and cold; but this did not seem to trouble our native pilots, Ramsey and his brother George. While we were preparing our huts, these men were seen upon the bank, delibe- rately stripping off their clothes, which they carefully folded up, and 1 placed upon the ground for pillows; they then lay down, and covering COLUMBIA RIVER. 115 themselves with a blanlvct, slept as sound as if on beds of down. I happened to see them arising in the morning, and they appeared re- freshed and perfectly content, although it had rained hard all night. These men were exceedingly fond of rum, the hope of obtaining which, when the daily ration was served out, w\as the great induce- ment that led them to accompany our parties. These two were good specimens of the Flathead Indians, and I was therefore pleased at having an opportunity of sketching them with the camera lucida, of which sketches the cuts on the opposite page are copies. Before I reached Astoria, Captain Varney, of the brig Thomas II. Perkins, had proposed to sell his vessel to the government, provided he could arrange his affairs with Dr. M'Laughlin. I now learned that Dr. MXaughlin had arrived at Astoria, for which place I set out in the afternoon, in company with Captain Hudson. We embarked in the tender, but after proceeding some distance, we found it impossible to reach Astoria. We therefore returned to Bakers Bay, which we had some difficulty in reaching. The next day we succeeded in reaching Astoria, and found that the arrangements for the purchase of the brig could be effected, and I therefore bought her for the United Stales for nine thousand dollars, after having her thoroughly examined by the carpenters of the squadron. On taking possession of this brig, I changed her name to that of " the Oregon." This acquisition released me from much anxiety, by providing accommodations for the crew of the Peacock, and at the same lime aflbrding a suitable vessel to continue the operations of the squadron. Captain Hudson took charge of the Oregon, and the alterations neces- sary to adapt her for this service were at once commenced. After making these arrangements, Dr. JVPLauglilin departed for Vancouver. He gave a passage to Messrs. Hale and Dana, Messrs. Peale and Rich having previously gone up the river. These gentlemen had already visited the country around the mouth of the Columbia, every opportu- nity having been afforded them by Captain Hudson. Several of the officers visited the mountain ranges, but did not succeed in ascending the highest peaks. During the occupation of Astoria by the Expedition, the place became quite civilized-looking, in comparison to what it w^as on my first arrival, and a mart for all the commodities of the country. Besides our own men, there w^ere many Indians to be seen lounging and moving about, seeking employment, or with some small articles to sell. Short excursions were made by many of us in the vicinity, and one 116 COLUMBIA RIVER. of these was to visit the primeval forest of pines in the rear of Astoria, a sio-ht well worth seein^^. Mr. Dravton took a camera lucida drawin^:^ of one of the largest trees, which the opposite plate is engraved from. It conveys a good idea of the thick growth of the trees, and is quite cha- racteristic of this forest. The soil on which this timber grows is rich and fertile, but the obstacles to the agriculturist are almost insuperable. The largest tree of the sketch was thirty-nine feet six inches in circum- ference, eight feet above the ground, and had a bark eleven inches thick. The height could not be ascertained, but it was thought to be upwards of two hundred and fifty feet, and the tree was perfectly straight. It was the season of the fishery when the Peacock was wrecked, and the Kilamukes, Clatsops, and Chinooks, were collected in the neighbour- hood. Many of these came with their families, and took up their abode near Astoria; for it costs them little trouble to move all their worldly goods. They generally had for sale salmon, venison, sturgeon, moc- casins, and mats. When the crew first landed, eight or ten salmon might be bought for a cotton shirt, or its value in red or green baize; but the Indians soon found that higher prices might be obtained for the asking, and before our departure from the Columbia river, the price w^as enhanced one-half. The vicious propensities of the Indians were seen here, as they appear around all the posts of the Hudson Bay Company, or where strangers are encannped: gambling is the vice to w^hich they are most prone. Both sexes are equally filthy, and I am inclined to believe will continue so; for their habits are inveterate, and from all the accounts I could gather from different sources, there is reason to believe that they have not improved or been benefited by their constant intercourse with the whites, except in a very few cases. It is indeed probable that the whole race will be extinguished ere long, from the natural effects of their mode of life, even if no pestilential disease should come among them to sweep them off in a single season. I saw more of their gambling here, and the lengths to which they carry it, than in any other place, in consequence of having occasion to come oftener in contact with them. The game most practised was played by one of them concealing two small sticks in the hand so adroitly as to elude scrutiny, while the others guessed which hand contained them. Two parties play at this, sitting upon different sides of a large board ; and whilst the concealment of the stick is going on, they keep up a kind of chaunt and beating with the sticks, to produce confusion and noise, in order to distract the attention of the players. The air they sing i V ^ ■o a L^ T-f y a I i i I } t J 4 x^ i COLUMBIA RIVER. 117 This game seems to amuse them, not only for hours but for whole nights, and the great cause of excitement lies in the stakes. Ten is game, and the party lose or win two at each guess. They have another sport, which seemed to be the favourite with the Indians around Vancouver: this is played with a number of disks of bone or ivory, of the size of a quarter of a dollar, one of which differs from the rest. These are concealed in tow or fibrous hemp, and the guessing takes place in the same way. With these disks the players make a great noise by shaking them in their hands. There is great attention required In those who venture to play the game; and such appears to be its fascination, that I have seen them deprive themselves of one garment or article after another, until they were entirely desti- tute; and it is even said they often stake the freedom, not only of them- selves, but of their children. At Astoria we saw one day, when there was quite a crowd of In- dians at the encampment, several squawks, all dressed in their best attire. These were all more than usually attentive to their personal appearance. The principal among them was a widow, whose time of mourning for the death of her husband had just expired. Her object w^as to notify her friends that she was ready to receive the addresses of any one who was in want of a wife. To give such notification was, as I found on inquiry, a common custom among the Chinooks. The widow was of masculine make, and what we would call a buxom dame. She was attended by seven others, of small stature in comparison, who were her maids, and all evidently accompanied her to do honour to the occasion. Every half hour they would arrange themselves in a row, and the widow at their head, affecting a modest downcast look, would commence a chaunt, informing the bystanders that her period of mourning was out, that she had forgotten her deceased husband, given her grief to the wnnds, and was now ready to espouse another. This chaunt was accompanied by a small move- ment of the feet and body, which, with the guttural song and conse- quent excitement of such an exhibition, caused the fair ones to wax so 118 COLUMBIA RIVER. warm that the perspiration rolled down their painted cheeks ; this, with the crimson flush, all tended to add brilliancy to their dark eyes, as they were now and then cast around upon the multitude of Indians, , who seemed all admiration. I did not ascertain whether the fair one { succeeded in winning a second husband, but I am satisfied that her exertions were such as ought to have obtained her one. The Chinook and Kilamuke tribes entertain, as I was informed, the idea of a future state, in their hunting-grounds, which, in their lan- guage, they call Tamath. The road to them is supposed to be diffi- cult, and none but those who are of good character can go there, by the road which is called 0-tu-i-huti, a term by which they designate the Via Lactea. They have a strong belief that all their departed relatives and friends have a guard over 'them, and prevent evil from approach- ing them. Each Indian has his tamanuus, or spirit, which is selected by him at a very early age, and is generally the first object they see in going out to the woods, that has animal life. Others create from their imagination one that has never met mortal eyes. The choice of a spirit, however insignificant it may appear, has a great influence on their after-life; for, by its supposed commands, they are directed to good or evil, as they conceive that a nonconformity to its wishes would involve them in a multitude of evils, for they suppose it is able to destroy health, or preserve it, or inflict miseries without end. They at times, and particularly when in the water, pretend to hold converse with it, and talk to themselves in a low, monotonous tone of voice* Ikaui is the name of their most powerful god: to him they ascribe the creation of all things. A mountain is called after him, from its being supposed that he was there turned into stone, and they point out the principal rock, which rises in a pyramidal shape, as his statue. They believe that their departed friends and relatives have a know- ledge of what is going on among the living; and they, in consequence; will not eat in sight of the dead, nor laugh, for fear their mouths will be turned askew. With the dead, they bury, as in other parts of Oregon, their guns, knives, pots, and kettles ; and I was informed that these articles would not be stolen when thus deposited. I presume, however, that such is not the fact, for I observed that these thin^^s had always been previously rendered useless, by either being burnt, or having holes punched through them, in order to take away the temp- tation to theft. Formerly, slaves were not unfrequently killed at a chief's funeral, in order to bury them with their masters. They speak of the dead walking at night, when they are supposed to awake, and COLUMBIA RIVER HQ get up to search for food. They have many superstitions, that have been already noticed, of which that relating to the salmon is the most singular, and the most strictly adhered to. The god who made the Columbia river, and all the fish in it, they call Italupus. He taught iheir ancestors how to procure fire, make nets, and catch fish. The first salmon caught are all tabooed, and they dare not sell them ; they must all be cut up and cooked the day they are caught. A dog must never be permitted to eat the heart of a salmon; and in order to prevent this, they cut the heart of the fish out before tijey sell it. Italupus is supposed to nourish the salmon, and cause them to be abundant during the whole summer, that they may lay up their store of it for the winter. Having completed all the arrangements, and the weather becoming fine, on the^l6th we resumed our duties in the survey, which was now carried on with spirit. The stations being established, and the trian- gulation completed, the tender, w^ith two boats, was left to sound out the bay, while the remaining part of the force was moved up the river, to continue the surveys, in company with the Porpoise and Oregon ; for T now found it necessary that both vessels should proceed up to Vancouver. This was not only to insure a more thorough outfit for the Oregon, but it also served to forward the surveying duties, and to afford the officers and men such quarters at night as would protect them from the sickly season, that was approaching, and of w^hich we had received such unfavourable accounts. The plan adopted for the survey of this river will be given in the Hydrographical Memoir. On the 1 8th of August, I left Astoria, with the Porpoise and Oregon, to continue the survey. We reached Tongue Point, where we anchored, previously to crossing thence to the opposite side of the river, through the crooked channel w^hich was then believed to be the only passage by which a vessel of any class could ascend the stream.* On the 19th, the vessels attempted to pass through this channel, but on entering it they both took the ground. The tide was at its full height and soon began to fall, when the Porpoise began to keel over, until she fell on her beam-ends. We were in hopes that the night tide w^ould be sufficient to float her off*, but we found its rise less by nearly a foot than that of the day; it therefore became necessary to make extraordinary exertions to prepare for the next day's tide by buoying * A channel which we afterwards discovered, leads directly upwards from Ton^e Point, and affords cv^ry desirable iacility for the navigation of the Columbia river. 120 COLUMBIARIVER, her up with casks, which, fortunately, we had at hand, on board the Oregon. It now became necessary to float her off, in order to avoid a second failure. We therefore had recourse to passing her chain cable under her bottom, to which a line of casks was lashed on the weather side, at the same time the launch was suspended as a weight from her masthead to preserve her in the same position. The hawsers that had been landed at Astoria by our store-vessels were sent for and attached to the brig's anchors, and so placed as to haul her at once into the deepest water and through the narrow pass- When all was prepared, a strong wind arose from the seaward, and caused a swell which broke adrift some of the casks, leaving sufficient, however, to float her before high water. I was much relieved when I saw her again float, for I had felt not a little anxious lest in the drifting sands of the river she might ' have formed a bed, which would have placed it out of our power to get her off before the next spring tides, and would have compelled us to discharge all her guns, &c- Although this would have been attended with a great deal of trouble, it would have been of little consequence compared with the loss of time, which we could ill afford to spare. After getting her off, we ran up the river a few miles, and anchored just below the Pillar Rock, and opposite to Waikaikum. Waikaikum belongs to a chief named Skamakewea, and is a large lodge, picketed around with planks. Mr. Hale passed two days there, and obtained much interesting information from him relative to his tribe. This chief formerly had a large tribe under him, but since the year 1830 the fever has destroyed them nearly all. The portion of this country more immediately affected by this scourge, extends along the banks of the river from the ocean to the Cascades ; but that part of it which is within the influence of the ocean tides, is the least subject to its ravages. When an Indian con- tracts this disease, he seldom recovers, for the treatment he goes through is sufficient to kill a person in good health. Pillar Rock is called by the Indians Taluaptea, after the name of a chief, who in bygone days lived at the falls of the Columbia, and who, having incurred the displeasure of their spirit, called Talapos, was turned into a rock, and placed where he would be washed by the waters of the great river. The rock is twenty-five feet high, and only ten feet square at its top : it is composed of conglomerate or pudding- stone, and is fast crumbling to pieces. I found great difficulty in ascending \L The next morning, in proceeding up the river to carry on the COLUMBIA RIVER 121 survey, one of the small boats of the Porpoise, that we had in tow, was, through the negligence of her crew, capsized. Every thing in her except her oars was lost, and in addition to this the accident caused us much detention. In the afternoon wx reached Katalamet Point, and anchored at the low^er end of Puget Island, where we passed the next day (Sunday). On Monday w^e again resumed our surveying duties, and reached Oak Point, where the river takes a turn to the southward and eastw^ard. On the 24th, Lieutenant Emmons joined me, and received his instruc- tions to pass through the country to the south, and join the ship at San Francisco. His instructions will be found in Appendix IV. Just before reaching Walker's Island we ran aground, by the pilot mis- taking his marks, but were soon relieved- In the evening of the next Mount This mount afforded a favourable point for astronomical observations, being seven hundred and ten feet high, and quite isolated. The canoes used by the Indians as coffins are seen upon it in every direction, in all stages of decay. They are supported betw^een trees, at the height of four or five feet above the ground, and about them are hung the utensils that had belonged to the deceased, or that had been offered as tokens of respect. I remained the whole day on the top of this mount, and obtained a full set of observations; the w^eather being remarkably clear and beau- tiful. Here my boat's crew carelessly omitted to extinguish the fire they had used for cooking our dinner, and as we were puUing off to the brig, I regretted to see that the fire hnd spread, and w^as envelop- ing the whole area of the mount; but there was no help for it. The fire continued to rage throughout the night, until all was burnt. I took the earliest opportunity of explaining to the Indians who were in the neighbourhood, that the fire w^as accidental; and, after receiving a few small presents, they appeared satisfied that it was so. But a few years earlier, the consequence of such carelessness would have been a hostile attack, that might have involved us in difficulty of no ordinary kind. We had a minor punishment to undergo, for the smoke was so great that it enveloped all the signals towards the mouth of the riverj and made it necessary for me to anchor within sight of Mount Coffin till the next morni: _ Before reaching the mouth of the Willamette, better known here as the Wapautoo Branch, a long flat extends across the river, where we w^ere again unfortunately detained a few hours, by getting aground. Warrior's Point, the locality where Mr. Wyeth proposed to erect his great city of the west, w as passed ; and on the 28th, at sunset, we vou V. ^ 16 a 122 COLUMBIA RIVER. anchored off Vancouver. Here we found that Sir George Simpson had arrived over-land froQi Canada, on a tour of inspection, and on his way to visit the Russian settlement at Sitka. The next morning we had a visit from him, accompanied by Dr. McLaughlin, Mr. Douglass^ Mr. Rowan, and Mr. Von Freeman, of the Russian Company- Sir George Simpson left England the preceding month of March, and was to return thither by way of Kamtschatka : a journey which he hoped to perform in less than two years. He had seen much service while acting as an officer of the Hudson Bay Company, from which he has retired, and in which he now holds no share. Since his retirement, he is employed by the stockholders of the Company, as the inspector of all the departments, and to report upon the state of the trading posts; this leaves him free to act without prejudice. The mode of apportioning the profits of the Company is as follows: after a certain per centage is paid to the stockholders who own the capital, the surplus is divided among the active partners, including the chief factor, traders, &c. : who are thus all interested in the profits arising from their own exertions. In order tliat Sir George Simpson may be impartial in adjusting and reporting on the affairs, he receives a salary of tw^o thousands pounds a year. Sir George has been lately knighted, for projecting and superintending the outfits of the voyage of his nephew, who completed the discoveries in the north, and the history of w^hose melancholy end has become so well known to all interested in Arctic discoveries. Captain Hudson, the officers, and myself, were invited to partake of a formal dinner at Vancouver: on this occasion, all the functionaries of the Company were present^ and each individual seemed to have his place assigned him. It reminded me of the description of a feast of feudal times, for there were many " below the salt." Like all great dinners, it was stiff and formal. Sir George Simpson occupied the head of the table, and there were none but men present. Their wives seem to be little thought of, but for what reason I could not imagine, as many of them were highly worthy of notice. Their frequent exertions in protecting the settlements and their husbands, show a devotion to them and their interests, that is highly commenda- ble; and vi^hy they should not be treated as their equals, I am at a loss to conceive. They will bear an advantageous comparison with any others who have had so few opportunities. Those whom I saw ex- hibited both propriety of behaviour and modesty of deportment. It may perhaps be, that their seclusion from mixed society is their own choice ; but such a regulation cannot but tend to prevent improvement, and retard advancement in civilization. COLUMBIA RIVER. 123 The Columbia river was now very difterent in appearance from what it had been in the month of June. The stream was confined within its narrowest limits, and was nineteen feet below high-water mark. The Indians were now encamped on the strands, over which the volume of water had rushed, in its swollen state, with irresistible force. Vancouver exhibited the aspect of an extensive farming csia- bh'shment, with its well-stored granaries, stacks of grain, &c. All showed that the crops had been plentiful, and gave ample proof of the industry and success of agi'iculture. Soon after the wreck of the Peacock, Captain Hudson, hearing that Dr. McLaughlin was in want of hands to aid him in the harvest, despatched the Kanakas belonging to the Peacock up to Vancouver, to assist in gathering it. It afforded some little pleasure to contribute this aid, and thus in some small degree to repay the attentions and kindness of the Company's officers. While at Vancouver, my time was taken up by the astronomic and magnetic observations. The former gave its position in longitude 122^ 39' 34-6" W., and latitude 45° 36' 53" N. Having understood, from the gentlemen at Vancouver, that both Mr. David Douglas and Captain Belcher had found some discrepan- cies in their magnetic observations, which were quite unaccountable ; and as they had experimented within the fort, I determined to make mine in my tent, on the banks of the river, where no apparent local attraction existed. There were, notwithstanding, some irregularities which I could not account for- While I was thus engaged, Captain Hudson carried on the repairs of the Oregon with great rapidity. The articles necessary for this purpose which we ourselves were Jlot able to supply, were cheerfully furnished us, at reasonable prices, from the stores and workshops of the Company. Indeed, nothing could exceed the kind attentions that were lavished upon us; and the moment we expressed a desire, it w^as immediately complied with. On the 1st of September, Passed Midshipmen Eld and Colvocoressis, with Mr. Brackenridge and party, arrived. Orders were immediately given for them to join Lieutenant Emmons's party, on the Willamette ; and they were finally despatched on the tour through to California- It will be remembered that Passed Midslupmen Eld and Colvocores- sis were ordered to make a journey through the Chickeeles country, to Gray's Harbour, just as the ship was getting under way from Nisqually, and that circumstances rendered their departure more hurried than it was desirable it should be. But through the kindness of Mr. Anderson 124 COLUMBI A RI YER and Captains M'Niel and Scarborough, the party was not left in want of any thing very material. The party under command of Mr. Eld, consisted of Passed Mid- hipman Colvocoressis, Mr. Brackenndge, Sergeant Stearns, privates Rodgers and Dinsman, John Brooks (seaman), Thomas Ford and Henry Waltham (ordinary seamen), with a half-breed boy, named Joe, who was to act as their interpreter. They left Nisqually on the I9th of July, and proceeded towards one of the southwest arms of Puget Sound (of which we had but a few days before finished the survey) in tw^o canoes, that had been purchased. They w^ere sorry craft, but better could not be procured, and Mr. Eld was not disposed to delay on account of imaginary difficulties. His instructions will be found in Appendix XIV., Vol. IV. I had told him he might be absent for forty days on his own resources, as I calculated he would, by the assistance of the Indians, be able to obtain both fish and game. I also enjoined upon him great attention to economy in the use of his provisions. On the same evening, he arrived within a short distance of the portage; and the next morning Mr. Colvocoressis went, with the sergeant and boy, to an old squaw chief, who had promised, at Nis- qually, to be their guide to the Sachal river, and to furnish horses and men to cross the portage. They returned at an early hour, without either horses or Indians, but with a promise that they were to be furnished the next day. The next morning they found that the chief had arrived, with five horses and a number of Indians, and was ready to transport the baggage. Some time, however, elapsed before an arrangement could be made for the large canoe, w^hich was thought to be too heavy to transport; but this was finally settled by the same personage offering another in lieu of it, which, though of smaller dimen- sions, was accepted. Ten Indians were furnished to transport it and the rest of the articles, and they were soon in a condition to move. This despatch was principally owing to the directions and management of the squaw chief, who seemed to exercise more authority than any that had been met with; indeed, her whole character and conduct placed her much above those around her. Her horses were remarkably fine animals; her dress was neat, and her whole establishment bore the indications of Indian opulence. Although her husband was present, he seemed under such good discipline, as to warrant the belief that the wife was the ruling power, or, to express it in more homely language, " wore the breeches." r The portage was easily accomplished : it passes through a forest of lofty spruce and maple trees, with an undergrowth of common hazel COLUMBIA RI VEIL 125 and spiraea ; its length was four miles. The soil was composed of a shallow, black, sandy, vegetable earth. On their route they passed three small prairies, one of which was about ten acres in extent, and lay on the northwest side of a lake: the lake, called Sachal by the Indians, was examined, and found to be one and a half miles in length, and three-fourths of a mile in breadth. It is surrounded on all sides by willow and alders ; the soil about it was a light brown sandy loam ; the forest extends down to the water, which is of a dark brown colour, as if tinged with vegetable matter; this, however, was not the case, for in taking the water up in a glass, it was found pure and crystal-like. A line of soundings was taken across the lake, by which five and a quarter fathoms was found to be the greatest depth. It was said to abound in fish, but they did not succeed in taking any. In the lake were quantities of yellow^ lilies (Nuphar lutea), pond-weed (Potamoge- ton) of two species, and a water-lily (NymphKa.) Mr. Eld w^as told that there was another lake to the northeast, and ict out with Mr. Colvocoressis, to visit it. The supposed lake was reached after a walk of five miles over the same kind of country, and proved to be only a pond, about two hundred yards in diameter, quite shallow, and covered, like the former, with water-lilies. After their return they broke up the encampment, and embarking in their canoes on Lake Sachal, passed to its southern end, where they entered the river of the same name. This appeared at first almost impassable, for it was for four miles almost choked up with Spar- ganiums, Nuphars, &c., so that it was difficult to pass even with the small canoe. Its breadth was from twenty to sixty feet, and it was from three to twelve feet deep. The turns w^ere sometimes so short, that the large canoe would be in contact with the thickets on the banks at both ends, and it required much force to drag her along, by pulling by the branches, and caused great labour in cutting their way. They also unfortunately lost their hatchet, which afterwards proved a serious mishap. They were obliged to continue their course down the river until nine o'clock at night, before they could find any place to encamp, on account of the bog and jungle. At that hour they came to a small green spot, occupied by a party of Indians. Here Mr. Eld obtained some ahitudes of the north star for latitude ; and the next day, being compelled to make a portage of two miles to avoid an impassable part of the river, he employed himself, during the time it was making, in getting a full set of equal altitudes. By 6 p. m. they had carried every thing across and embarked ; but the river was full of sand-bars, shallow L2 126 COLUMBIA RIVER. rapids, and sunken snags, which often compelled them to drag the canoe over by main force. The land on both sides of the river is flat, marshy, and well wooded. Among the trees were niany ash. They T * stopped for the night at an Indian carnp. Mr, Eld endeavoured to induce the old chief to accompany him down the river ; but he declined, assigning as a reason that he was afraid of the Chinooks. He boasted that he was the chief of the Sachal tribe ; but as the party had met with but two or three other Indians during the route, they were at a loss to know where the tribe resided. On the 24th, they again embarked on the river, and had another fatiguing day; but being now provided with poles, they succeeded better in navigating the canoe. When they had proceeded some distance, they were overtaken by the squaw chief and her husband, who passed them quickly in a light canoe. During the day they saw several deserted native huts, situated on small prairies, extending back some distance from the river, and in the rear, on either side, were seen hills rising to the height of about fifteen hundred feet. No kind of rock had been observed on their route, except a single block of granite, which was passed on one of the prairies near Lake Sachal. The w^eather, for the few last days, had been fine and clear. On the 25th, they set out at an early hour, and in passing one of the rapids in the large canoe, it came in contact with a snag, which tore off part of the gunwale, and half filled the canoe with water. At ten o'clock they reached the place where the Sachal enters the Chickeeles, which is there one hundred and fifty feet wide, and runs with a rapid current. The bottom was gravelly, and the surface smooth, except where a sand and gravel bar stretched across the river, in a direction about east-northeast. One lonely Indian was met at the junction, from whom they bought some pieces of dried elk* The soil on both sides of the river, for about one-third of a mile back, was a deep, rich, alluvial loam, overgrown with poplar, willow, dogwood, and alder, with an undergrowth of raspberry. On the 26th, the old chief joined the party, and they all proceeded down the river together, to the point where the Kluckullum enters the Chickeeles, where they halted. No inducement could prevail upon the chief to serve as a guide up the Sachap, another branch of the Chickeeles. In the afternoon they encamped at the mouth of the Sachap, and Mr. Eld made preparations to set out early the next morning, to ex- plore it, having obtained a guide from among the Indians they met with at a fishing station in the vicinity. No fish, however, were to be pro- ctired, but on their descent they came upon several large flocks of teal, out of which Mr. Brackenridsre killed four. C O L U M B I A R I V E R. 127 At an early honr on the 27th, Mr. Eld, Sergeant Stearns, and two men. set out on their jaunt up the Sachap, in a small canoe. About eight miles from the camp they came to the place where the river forks, forming the Sachap and Tarqucorau; here they took horses, and proceeded eight miles farther, in a northeasterly direction, and encamped in a small prairie. Neither of the two rivers is penetrable by a canoe, so overgrown and choked up are they with bushes and bogs. Just at sunset they passed a party of Suquamish Indians, who were very anxious that Mr. Eld should encamp with them ; but this he declined doing, and preferred passing some distance beyond. On the morning of the 28th, they again started at an early hour, and passed through a very rough and apparently little frequented country. The guide had much difficulty in finding his way through a forest which the fire had partly consumed. At 9^ 30"^ they recrossed the Sachap, which w^as there a small brook, about twenty feet wide, coming from a northwest direction. It was but knee-deep, and clogged with large logs and trees. Shortly after passing this stream, the country grew so rough that it was impossible to proceed farther with the horses, and the guide told Mr. Eld that he would be obliged to leave them. As no notice of this difficulty in the route had been pre- viously given, it was natural for Mr. Eld to suspect that his guide was forming some scheme to deceive him, and go off with his pro- perty. Deeming it proper to come to a right understanding, and to make the guide aware that he was on the look-out to punish any attempt at fraud, he led the chief aside, and told him that he intended to hold him responsible in case of the loss of any of his things, or of his being deceived. He then ordered him to leave one of his slaves in charge of the horses and effects until their return. This was accordingly done, and they proceeded on foot for Lake Nanvitz, which they reached by one o'clock. This proved to be a fine sheet of w^ater, a mile and a half long, by three-fourths of a mile wide, sur- rounded by a thick forest of pines. Here they found an Indian family hunting, who had just killed an elk, of which Mr. Eld procured the greater part, for a small quantity of powder and shot These were also of the Suquamish tribe. The old man of this party spoke of another lake, not far distant, to which he took Mr. Eld. This was no more than about half the size of the former, and the name the Indians gave it was Kamalatiz: it had much the same character as the larger one. There was no opportunity of getting the depth of these two lakes, for want of a canoe. Neither of them has an outlet. From the west of these lakes. pond 128 COLUMBIA RIVER. suring them. Having accomplished the object he had in view, Mr. Eld turned bac]{, and soon reached the place vi^here they had left the horses and articles, which they found all safe, under the charge of the slave, who, from appearances, had not moved from his position during the time of their absence, and was much relieved at their return. The next day they returned to their party on the Chickeeles, passing on their route some of the gigantic pine trees, so often to be met with in this territory. Some of these had been burnt, and had in consequence fallen; Mr. Eld thus had an opportunity of mea- One, that was not selected as the largest, for there were many of equal if not greater length and diameter, was mea- sured, and the part that lay in one piece w^as found to be two hundred feet long; another piece of the same tree was twenty-five feet long, and at the small end of the latter, it was still ten inches in diameter. portion destroyed by fire, Mr. Eld thought twenty-five feet ought to be added for its top; which makes the whole length of the tree, w^hen growing, two hundred and sixty feet Others were believed to exceed this, both in height and diameter. During the time of Mr. Eld's absence, Mr. Colvocoressis remained at the camp, and Mr. Brackenridge made short excursions to the south of the Chickeeles. The country on this side of the river is covered with a thick spruce forest, and the soil appears to differ much from that of the north, being poor, and composed of a mixture of sand and gravel, while on the north side it is an alluvial deposit, averaging from a half to two-thirds of a mile in width, well adapted to yield good crops of grain. From the marks on the trees, how^ever, it is believed to be subject to an annual inundation of considerable de])th. The weather continued dry and clear. Allowing twelve feet for the CARTKD FLANKS. Near this encampment were found some rudely carved painted I C O L U M B I A R I V E R, 129 planks, of which Mr. Eld made a drawing* They are represented in the wood-cut on the opposite page. be their origin. The colours were exceedingly bright, of a kind of red pigment. percciv ( by its shores that there was an ebb and flow of the waters. Mr. Eld * tried its current, and found it setting flood about one fathom per hour. As they proceeded, the shores lost some of their luxuriance of foliage, * the banks had become high, and so muddy that they had some little difficulty in finding a suitable place to encamp. Some talcose slate was seen to compose the bluffs on the south side of the river, but it was so soft and fragile that it could not be brought away. The only natives seen this day were two miserable-looking beings of the Chic- keeles tribe, but they could not understand the interpreter Joe, either in the Nisqually or Chinook dialect. The party encamped in a hemlock "grove, so thick as to render it impossible for the usual nightly observa- tions to be taken. The surf was distinctly audible from the camp during the night. On the 31st, after passing two elbows in the river, the cape on the south of the entrance to Gray's Harbour was seen. The flood-tide was very strong against them, so that they made but slow progress, and as they opened out the harbour and entered it, they found a strong southwest wind blowing, which caused a short and disagreeable sea, that very nearly swamped their small canoe, and obliged them to run for the lee shore. Here all the things were taken out and placed to dry, on one of the huge trees that had been brought down by the freshets. From this awkward situation they w^ere relieved by the old squaw chief, who had preceded them from Nisqually* She came over in her large canoe, with ten Indians, and offered to carry the party over to the weather shore, where they could encamp in a less exposed place. The offer was gladly accepted, and they were taken over to the village. Mr. Eld here endeavoured to treat for the purchase of a large canoe, in which attempt his patience was soon exhausted, for when the bargain was all but closed, difficulties of a trivial nature were brought up which entirely broke off* the negotiation. The Indians of this village proved themselves to be in all respects like the tribes in the interior, who will never adhere to a bargain if they can avoid it. Mr. Eld and his party had now a great many difficulties to contend with in carrying forward a survey of the harbour. These arose as well from the weather as the want of means. The Indians for some VOL. V. 17 xT- - r .^ 130 COLUMBIA RIVER. days continued unwilling to lend them any aid in the management of their canoes, and none of them could be induced to venture out in what they deemed stormy weather ; another reason for not engaging in the service was, they did not wash to leave their wives behind. It being at last agreed that their wives should accompany them, Mr. Colvoco- ressis embarked in order to join Mr. Eld ; but to do this it w^as necessary to encounter both the wind and sea, in consequence of which the Indians refused to proceed unless they had an extra allowance of powder and tobacco. This being refused, they quietly steered the canoe back to the encampment. On arriving there, it soon became evident to Mr. Col- vocoressis that their intention was to take away their canoe, for they at once began to put in her the few things they possessed. He there- fore took tw^o of their guns, and concealed them in one of the tents. An Indian, the moment Mr. Colvocoressis's back was turned to the tents, drew his knife, rushed into them, and brought forth the guns, one of which he handed to a woman. The musket which the squaw had was again taken, upon which the Indians said that they would complete their bargain, and induced Mr. Colvocoressis to believe they would do so. He therefore embarked, and they proceeded with apparent willing- ness, until they came opposite their own village, where they landed, and refused to go any further. They, however, offered him a small canoe, to take him across the river, and the Indian to whom the musket they had taken belonged, ferried him across. In the evening, the Indians returned to ask for the musket, but it was refused until they should return the axe that had been left in the canoe, and agree to abide by the bargain they had made to render them assistance. The next day the axe was restored, and the musket given up. After this, a more friendly disposition was evinced, as Mr. Eld supposes from the fact of their having learnt from Nisqually who they were. From the 1st to the 6th of August, the party effected little, and their supply of provisions w^as becoming very low. On the latter day they shifted their camp, about five miles towards the capes, to a small patch of meadow-land, near one of the small streams which empty into the harbour. After remaining here a few days, they selected another spot, at the South Head: and on the 10th, the Indians failing to perform their encragements, they moved their articles themselves to their new encampment. They had now very nearly exhausted their provisions, and were living on the dead fish they picked up on the beach (a sort of hake) and some berries. From continual exposure to w^et, with hard work, as well as scanty and bad food, they all became very feeble and COLUMBI A RI V ER. 131 sick, and were able to do but little work. On the 13th, Lieutenant De Haven, whom I had sent over, arrived, and relieved them ; and on his return to Baker's Bay, twenty days' provisions were sent with a party of Kanakas, under the guidance of Boilcau, a Canadian. This supply reached them on the 19th August, from which time ihey proceeded rapidly with the survey, when the weather would permit. Previous to the arrival of Lieutenant De Haven, Mr. Eld and his party had parted wuth their own clothing and blankets, for the purpose of effecting the purchase of a large canoe to carry on their w'ork. The Indians refused to deliver it, except for actual pay; for they had not yet learned to value the small pieces of paper, or orders on the Com- pany's store, so much prized in the upper country, and which arc there usually preferred to the articles themselves. The threat to stop trading for powder, Mr. Eld found w^as a strong inducement to accomplish any object with the Indians, for they prize this and tobacco beyond any other articles, always excepting rum. Mr. Eld, in one instance, treated one of the Indians to a pipe and tobacco, which affected him so much that they thought he was going into a fit, and created considerable alarm. This effect arises from their mode of using the pipe, for they invariably swallow the smoke, and retain the greatest part of it in the stomach and lungs. On the 24th, the survey was finished, and they prepared for their departure. The tract of land bordering on the Chickeeles, below the mouth of the Sachap, and around Gray's Harbour, is of a poor descrip- tion for cultivation. The spruce forest extends dow^n to the water's edge, except in a few places around the harbour, w^here there are patches of salt marsh, which produce coarse grasses and cat's-tail (Typha). The salt creeks into which the tide flows are generally very tortuous; and the meadows are occasionally overflowed at spring-tides. The only piece of land that appeared suitable for cultivation, was immediately within the South Head; but this is of small extent. The coast, as far as Cape Shoalwater, is no more than a smooth sandy beach, which rises in a gentle acclivity to a line of low sand-hills. Mr. Brackenrid<]re describes the coast vegetation as consisting of Oberonia, Neottia, Ambrosia, two species of Aster, several Gramineas, an Armeria, with a number of saline plants; the Gaultheria is found in great abundance, bearing a palatable berry, of which the party had occasion to make use. For further information respecting the plants of this section, I must refer to the Botanical Report. Gray's Harbour seems to oflTer but few facilities for commercial purposes. The entrance is narrow, the width being from one-half to 132 COLUMBIA RIVER. two-thirds of a mile, with dangerous breakers on both sides. The depth of water is from five to seven fathoms. The space, after en- tering, is extensive, but the greater part of it is filled up with mud- flats, which are bare at low water, and confine the harbour suitable for the anchorage of vessels to very small limits. The river Chic- keeles, before entering into the harbour, increases in width to several hundred feet, and is navigable for vessels drawing twelve feet water, eight miles above its mouth. The harbour is only suitable for vessels of from one to two hundred tons; and there are places where such vessels may find security between the mud shoals, some distance within the capes. The tides here are irregular, and influenced by the winds and weather; the time of high water at full and change was found to be Fogs prevail very frequently during the summer season. Our party remained at this place for twenty-three days, three-fourths of which time it blew a strong gale from either the southwest or northwest, accompanied with a dense fog, that rendered it impossible to see farther than half a mile. The Indians in this portion of the country are not numerous. The region at the head of Puget Sound is inhabited by a tribe called the Toandos, whose number Mn Eld was unable to learn. The Sachals are about forty in number : they reside about the lake of the same name, and along the river Chickeeles: they appear to be a kind and inoflensive tribe. The Sachap tribe numbers about sixty : they are not as well off" for clothing as the former, and few of them were supplied with fire-arms; they reside on the borders of the Sachap river. The Chickeeles tribe number from one hundred and fifty to two hundred, and inhabit the country around Gray^s Harbour : their principal place of abode is on the north point of Gray's Harbour, which is generally occupied by those passing to and fro, and where they await fine weather. Mr. Eld found this tribe supplied with muskets, blankets, and knives: they paint their faces, and have alto- gether a warlike appearance. At one time during the stay of the party they were disposed to be troublesome, but the men being con- stantly on the watch, to protect themselv^es, remained unmolested, though occasionally annoyed at the disposition evinced to take advan- tage of any oversight. The chief of this tribe is spoken of by the party in very high terms, for his kindness to them. He seemed mortified at the events which occurred, and took much pains to keep his people in order. In this, notwithstanding he possessed little au- I. 5 C O L r M C I A R I V E R. I33 thority among his tribe, he succeeded, allhou^^h will) diiTiculty. As a proof of his good intentions, he invariably returned all the signnls the others had stolen. This tribe lives principally on salmon, which ihey lake during the season in vast quantities, and the fish are said to be as fine as those f taken in the Columbia. On the Chickeeles, and in its branches, are many of the weirs and stakes that have been already described. Stur- geon are also taken in great numbers, and of a superior quality. It may be inferred from their seldom receiving any supplies of venison through the Indians, or meeting wath any themselves, that there is but little game in this part of the country. They shot a few grouse, some wild geese were seen, and the mud- flats were cov^ered wuth white gulls in immense numbers, among w^hich were a few pelicans. * The amusements of the Indians, and the manner of lounging away their time, were similar to those of the other tribes before spoken of. On the 24th, they w^ere glad to leave Gray's Harbour, after having, by great perseverance and with much fatigue, completed the survey. Mr. Eld now took up the remaining portion of the work he was ordered to perform, namely, to trace the coast to Cape Disappoint- ment. The Indians whom he hired to take the canoe around by water, preferred to pass close along the beach, inside the surf, by tracking the canoe: notwithstanding there was a very heavy surf, they managed to pass along very quickly. This is the mode they always adopt in journeying along the coast with their canoes, to avoid accident from the heavy surf, of which they have much dread. The evening of the day on which they left Gray's Harbour, they reached a small islet, distant fifteen miles from Cape Shoalwater, where they found the lodge of the Chickeeles chief before spoken of, who supplied them with dried salmon, &c. The coast between Gray's Harbour and Cape Shoalwater is bor- dered by sand-hills, behind which, from the Indians' account, there are lakes and streams of fresh water, in which plenty of beaver are found. From this chief they hired another canoe, and accompanied by him they proceeded through Shoalwater Bay towards Cape Disappoint- ment The two canoes separated, which caused them to pass over the two portages between Shoalwater and Baker's Bay: that to the east is about four and a half miles in length, while that to the w^est is six or seven miles across. The former is usually preferred by the L Indians, and is one of the main passes of communication betw^een the different tribes on the sea-coast. The woods through w^hich they 134 COLUMBIA RIVER. passed were of spruce trees, some of which were of large dimensions; the lesser plants were principally Vaccinium, Ledums, and some candleberry-bushes (Myrica). On the 27th they reached the Flying-Fish, then in Baker's Bay, and were taken over to Astoria. Mr. Eld received, on his arrival at Astoria, my orders to repair with his party to Vancouver; where, being furnished by Mr. Birnie wnth a large flat-bottomed barge, he set out to join me at that place, which he reached on the 31st August. I cannot refrain from expressing the satisfaction I fell at the manner in which the service was performed, and deem it my duty to make known to the country the commendable perseverance wulh which this party persisted in completing the duty assigned ihem, regardless of inconvenience, privation, and discomfort. This tour forms a part of the operations of the Expedition that I look back upon with pride and pleasure, and I feel that my thanks are especially due to Passed Mid- shipmen Eld and Colvocoressis, and Mr. Brackenridge, for their devo- tion to the service in which they were engaged. Orders w^ere immediately given for them to join the over-land ex- pedition to California, under Lieutenant Emmons, who was just about proceeding to the Willamette Valley, where his party had been orga- nized, with our own force and the settlers and trappers who were engaged to accompany it to California. After the party was collected, it consisted of- Lieutenant Emmons, Passed Midshipman Eld, Passed Midshipman Colvocoressis, Assistant-Surgeon AViiitUe, Doughty, Seaman, Sutton, Waltham, Merzer, Sergeant Steams, Corporal Hughes, Private Marsh, Pri\rate Smith, u u I* T. R, Peale, Naturalist, W. Rich, Botanist, J. D. Dana, Geologist, A, T, Agate, A rtist, J. D. Brackenridge, Assistant Botanist, Baptist Guardipii, Guide, Tibbats, Black, Warfields, Molair, Inass. i:i:i Those who joined the party for a safe escort, were Mr. Walker and family, consisting of his wife, sister, three sons, and two daughters; Burrows, w^ife, and child; Nichols, with Warfields' wife and child. The whole party nunnbered thirty-nine, with seventy-six animals, forty-four of which were private property. Lieutenant Emmons at first found much difficulty in organizing his party, on account of having to deal with persons who had little I COLUMBIA RIVER. 135 or no regard fiDr the promises they made, or the engagements they entered into. This feature of character proceeds both from a desire to obtain more money, and a ^vant of stability of purpose. Many difRculues were encountered by him in consequence of the change of his route to California, which many of those who were to have accompanied him were unwilling to undertake. These were the very best men we had engaged. Every kind of embarrassment seemed to come upon him at once: delays and disappointments oc- curred every day; sickness overtook the party; rumours were cir- culated of danger from the Indians, who it was said were determined to oppose the party and cut it off. Some of the settlers refused to re-engage, because their crops required attention, and their harvest might be lost; others said that they could not leave their families for so long a time; and amidst these various sources of delay, the animals strayed away, or were carried off. The whole, finally, resolved itself into a demand for higher wages. Lieutenant Emmons, though exceedingly annoyed by all these difficulties, showed himself fully equal to them, and by patience and perseverance overcame them all. Mr. Rodgers, whom I had desig- nated as the provider of the party, and in whom I was told great reliance could be placed, was not exactly suited to such a task, being connected more or less with the inhabitants of the valley, and about to become one of the residents ; he also was soon unable to attend to business on account of sickness : before the organization of the second party, therefore, he was discharged and paid off. At this point 1 shall leave the narrative of the operations of the over-land party, until I come down to the date when they again joined me at San Francisco. The observations and surveys in the neighbourhood of Vancouver being finished, we prepared for our departure. The weather during our stay had been delightful, and we enjoyed ourselves very much in the company of Dr. M'Laughlin, Mr. Douglass, and the officers of the Hudson Bay Company. I have before spoken of their attentions, but I feel that my expres- sions are few in comparison with the numerous kindnesses we all .received. Even Billy Bruce the gardener made us his debtor, by sending us repeatedly some of the fine fruit and vegetables grown under his care. I have endeavoured to repay him, by sending him seeds ; but the route is so long and circuitous, that it is questionable whether they ever arrive, and when they come to hand, if I shall not be classed by him with those who have sent "trash" to Van- couver, for him to waste his time and experience on, in attempting to cultivate. 136 COLUMBIA RIVER. Among the officers of the Hudson Bay Company, I must not forget to mention Dr. Barclay, whose kind attentions in procuring specimens 4 for the Expedition, entitle him to our gratitude. Sir George Simpson stayed only a few days. He took his depar- ture under a salute of guns from the Cadborough, and the attendance of all the officers and dependants of the forts. Mr. Douglass went wdth him ; and in his suite was also Mr. Von Freeman, a Russian gentleman, with whom I was much pleased. He was going to Sitka, and I believe was one of the officers of the Russian Company. The number of posts occupied by the Hudson Bay Company in this territory is twenty-five: these are located at the best points for trade, and so as to secure the resort of the Indians, without interfering with their usual habits. Places are also occupied in the vicinity of their abodes during the most favourable part of the year, for obtaining the proceeds of their hunting. This is regulated with much skill; and the portion of the country once under their care is never sufl^ered to become exhausted of furs; for, whenever they discover a decrease, the ground is abandoned for several years, until the animals have lime to increase again. A charge has been made against the Company, that they were desirous of exterminating the beaver south of the Columbia, and would continue to hunt them until every fur-bearing animal was exhausted. This, from the information I received, I believe to be erroneous ; the story has probably proceeded from feelings of rivalry on the part of those who spread the report. Another charge made against them, of exciting attacks on the free- trappers, who are generally from our borders, is to be received with many allowances. It has been made in many cases from interested motives ; and I am satisfied that nothing of this kind could emanate from Vancouver, or from any of the officers. The whole conduct of Dr. M'Lauorhlin is totallv at variance with such a course: every facility has been at all times extended to new- comers and settlers; it is sufficient that they are of good character, and the use of cattle, horses, farming utensils, and supplies, is invaria- bly extended to facilitate their operations, until such time as they are able to provide for themselves. During our stay at Vancouver, I had the pleasure of seeing many members of the Willamette Mission; but they w^ere unable to give me much inforniation. They invariably spoke of Dr. M'Laughlin in the highest terms : they were averse to his absolute rule over the whole territory, and, although it was considered by them as despotic, they could not adduce any instance of the wrong application of his ^ COLUMBIA RIVER. 137 power. He is notwithstanding extremely unpopular among all classes of our countrymen, but for what reason it is difficult to conceive. Dr. M'Langhhn obligingly favoured me with the heights of the stopping-places, or encampments, on the route that is usually taken by their parties crossing the Rocky Mountains: the results were obtained by the boiling point of water. The journey was made during the months of August, September, and October, 1839. WATER BOILS, HEIGHT DEDUCED, August 29th, at Edmonton, , , 207=5 2566 feet September 22d, u Jaspcr'p House, 204-5 3867 « 29th, (I Camp d'Origal, . , . 203-5 4391 « 30th, ii Camp de Fusil, 201 5716 u u Cfi Punchbowl, . . 198 7324 U li fii Head of Grand Cote, 202 5188 October 1st, U Bottom of Grand Cote, . 204 4131 » 3d, u Boat Encampment, • , 205 3607 " 8th, u Colville, . . . 208 2049 « 14th, (C Wallawalla, • . . . 209-5 1286 This may be considered as a near approximation to the true height, and at several of the places where the barometer has been also used, there is a very close coincidence In the results. The instrument used for the experiment was one of Newman's make, and exceedingly convenient for such purposes, offering great facility in use, without the danger of accident from its size. The trade and operations of the Hudson Bay Company are exten- sive, and the expense with which they are attended is very great. I am inclined to think that it is hardly possible for any one to form an exact estimate of the amount of profit they derive from their business on the west side of the mountains. The stock of the Company cer- tainly pays a large dividend ; and it is asserted that in addition a very T considerable surplus has been accumulated to meet any emergency; yet it may be questioned whether their trade in the Oregon Territory yields any profit, although it is now conducted at much less cost than formerly. This diminution of cost arises from the fact that a great part of the provisions are now raised in the country by the labour of their own servants. The Paget Sound Company, although it has been in operation for several years, has made no dividends. The accumulation of their live-stock may, however, be considered as an equivalent for moneyed profits. In the event, however, of the country becoming the abode of a civilized community, the farms and other land possessed by this Company must become very valuable, as the posts occupy all the points most favourably situated for trade, and the agricultural esta- VOL, V* M-a 18 138 COLUMBIA RIVER. blishments have been placed in many of the best positions for farming operations. The utmost economy is practised in every part of the establishment of the Hudson Bay Company, and great exertions are made to push their operations over a larger field of action. Mercan- tile houses, supported by the credit and capital of the Company, have even been established at the Sandwich Islands and San Francisco, where articles of every description imported in the vessels of the Company may be purchased. The value of all the furs obtained on this coast does not exceed forty thousand pounds annually; and when the cost of keeping up their posts, and a marine composed of four ships and a steamer, is taken into account, and allowances made for losses, interest, and insu- rance, little surplus can be left for distribution. I am, indeed, per- suaded, that the proceeds of their business will not long exceed their expenses, even if they do so at present- The statement of the Com- pany's affairs presents no criterion by which to judge of the success of their business on the Northwest Coast. I learned that it was the general impression among the officers, that such has been the falling off in the trade, that it does not now much more than pay expenses. On my first visit to Vancouver, Dr. M'Laughlin was kind enough to offer to keep a meteorological diary for me, during my stay on the coast, that I might have the means of comparison. They had formerly been in the habit of notinoj the changes that occurred, and for manv years had kept a journal ; but this had been for some years omitted. The task would be but trifling in such a well-regulated establishment, and it is surprising that it should not have claimed more attention. The night observations seem to be the principal difficulty. In the register kept during our stay, the instruments were only noted in the daytime, and the record is not available for the mean temperature of the twenty-four hours; but as it may serve to show the state of the weather, during the summer months, at Vancouver, I will give an ab- stract from it. The barometer and thermometer were both compared t\nth our. standard, and found nearly to coincide. MONTHS, June • . July . . • August. • September . ( 6 A. M. BAROM. 30-71 in. 30-40 . 30-28 30-28 THERMOM 2p 1 1 1 6p 1 BAROM. 1 THERMOM. BAROM. THERMOM. 30-27 in. 63^ 30-30 b. 62° 30-36 87 1 30-37 T2 > 30-27 86 30-29 70 30-25 78 1 30-30 58 C O L U M B I A R I V E R. 139 This gives the mean standing of the barometer and thermometer, during the day hours, at 30-32 in., and 66-33'' for the summer months. The state of the weather, during the period of one hundred and six /^ days, was as follows : Fair, 76 days. Cloudy, 19 « Rain 11 " 106 In my inquiries of the residents, I am inclined to the opinion that the above is a very fair estimate of the weather, though they almost all differed in their statements: some spoke of the season as a very bad one, others thought it was very fine. The crops of all descriptions of grain were good, which I supposed to be the best criterion. The climate of the western section, throughout the year, is mild ; and they neither experience extreme heat in summer, nor severe cold in winter. I am disposed to believe this to be owing to the constant prevalence of the southwesterly or ocean winds. It certainly is not owing to the influence of any warm stream setting along its shores. The current near the coast sets to the southeast, and is of a cold tem- perature: it would rather tend to lessen the heats in summer than the cold in winter. There have been no observations kept by the mission- aries in this lower section of the country- It is liable, from the expe- rience of our parties, to early frosts, owing to the proximity of the Snowy Mountains, Frosts sometimes occur in the latter part of August, which check all vegetation at that early season. The southwest winds are caused by the vast extent of the sandy and arid country lying east of the Cascade and Californian range of moun- tains, which becoming heated rarefies the air, and causes an indraught from the west. This current is found to increase in violence as the rarefied region is approached; and so constant is this draught, that we experienced only three days of easterly winds during our stay, and these were very moderate in force. Immediately on the coast, the winds are from the west-southwest to west-northwest : these maintain their direction until they reach the interior, and blow with great violence. The winters are invariably what would be termed open ones with us. Snow seldom falls, and when it does, it rarely lasts more than two or three days* The rains during this season are frequent, though not violent. The climate in the western section, from all accounts, is not unlike that of England, and would be termed a wet one. The winter of 1840 was the severest they had yet experienced. 140 C O L U M B I A R I V E R, 4 The middle section is, on the contrary, exceedingly dry, and the temperature more changeable, the variations being great and sudden. The mercury has been known to fall as low as — 18° in the winter, and to rise as high as 108° in the shade, in summer. In Appendix Xllf., Vol. JV., will be found a register of the temperature, kept at one of the missionary stations, Lapwai, on the Kooskooskee. It may be said to be on the eastern border of the middle section. The eastern section has an exceedingly variable climate: it fluctu- ates from cold to hot in a few hours, ranging through fifty or sixty degrees of temperature; yet, from the accounts I have, from very respectable authority, the cold is by no means severe for any length of time. The Rev. Mr. Smith, w^ho was two years there, assured me that the cattle and horses required no other food than what they could pick up, the natural hay before spoken of being sufficient for their support. r The climate throughout Oregon is thought to be salubrious for the white race ; and was considered so by the Indians, prior to the year 1830, when the ague and fever, or any disease resembling it, was not known to exist. The Indians fully believe, to this day, that Captain Dominis introduced the disease in 1830. Since that time, it has com- mitted frightful ravages among them ; not so much, perhaps, from the violence of the disease itself, as the manner in which they treat it. It was not until quite lately that they were willing to be treated after our mode, and they still in many cases prefer the incantations and practices of the medicine-man. I satisfied myself that the accounts given of the depopulation of this country are not exaggerated ; for places were pointed out to me where dwelt whole tribes, that have been entirely swept off; and, during the time of the greatest mortality, the shores of the river were strewed with the dead and dying. This disease occurs, it is said, semi-annually, and in the case of foreigners, it is more mild at each succeeding attack. Owing to the above causes, the population is much less than I expected to find it. I made every exertion to obtain correct informa- tion, and believe that at the time of our visit, the following was a ery nearly the truth, viz. : Vancouver and Washington Island, ...••• 5,000 From latitude 50^ to 54° N., on the main, ..... 2,000 Penn's Cove, Whidby's Island, including the main land (Sachet tribe,) 650 Hood's Canal (Suquamish and Toando tribes), . . . . 500 . . . 300 Birch Bay, Fraser's River, 500 8,950 COLUM Bl A RI VEIL 141 Brought forward, 8,950 Clalams at Port Discovery, New Dungcncss, 350 Port Townsond, 70 Classot tribe, Cape Flattery and Point Grenville, • « • • 1,550 200 Nisqually, • • • Chickeeles and Puget Sound, Port Orchard, Cowlitz, . • • Okonagan, . . • 700 150 330 300 Colville and Spokane, • • • • 450 400 Kilamukcs, Chi nooks, Clatsops, Cascades. 209 220 150 Pillar Rock, Oak Point, and Columbia River, . • • • « 300 Willamette Falls and Valley, . Dalles, De Chute's and John Day^s River, Yakima, ,» Wallaw^alla, Blackfeet, that dwell principally on the west side of the Rocky Mountains, • . . , • • . • • Umpquas, • • , • » .'. . , • 275 250 300 100 1,100 Rogues* River, Klamets, Shaste, . , Callapuyas, . 1,000 400 500 300 500 600 Total, . 19,354 be considered as containinfr *—■ about twenty thousand Indians ; and this, from a careful revision of the data obtained by myself and some of the officers, I am satisfied, is rather above than under the truth. The whites and half-breeds were between seven and eight hundred- One hundred and fifty were Ameri- cans. The number of the latter has, however, increased very much since the year 1840, as many emigrants have crossed the mountains. The decrease of the red race is, no doubt, equivalent to the increase by immigration. The surveying parties having returned, on the 14th we took leave of Vancouver. After proceeding down to the mouth of the Willa- mette, we anchored, for the purpose of finishing the soundings and making an examination of the channels into which the river is here divided by a few islands. This work being completed, we dropped down several miles, to overtake the sounding parties. Here we were a good deal annoyed from the burning of the prairies by the Indians, which filled the atmo- sphere with a dense smoke, and gave the sun the appearance of being 142 COLUMBIA RIVER. viewed through a smoked glass. We were, fortunately, in a great degree, independent of it, as it was not necessary to see more than a short distance to discover the signals for the soundings. It however prevented me from verifying my astronomical stations, which I was desirous of doing. Acting-Master Sinclair, who had been despatched to Vancouver for some articles belonging to the Oregon, that had been left there, joined us below Warrior's Point, on the 19th, with letters and news that had been brought from the United States by an over-land party. These letters w^ere very acceptable, as w^e had not received any advices from home for twenty-two months, and tended to revive our spirits, as well as encourage our exertions. On the 20th, we anchored again off Coffin Rock, near which we found a depth of twenty-five fathoms, which is the deepest w^ater within the capes. This place is sixty miles from the mouth of the river, and eight miles above the confluence of the Cowiitz. The shores here are composed of trap and a conglomerate, the last of which is the same rock as that which occurs below, and has already been spoken of The Coffin Rock, w^hich is not more than sixty feet in diameter, and tw^elve feet above the water, appears to have been exclusively reserved for the burial of chiefs. Dr. Holmes procured here some fine specimens of Flathead skulls for our collection- We anchored the same evening off the Cowlitz. Early the next morning, I proceeded up the Cowlitz in my gig, in order to finish the survey of that stream and examine the strata of coal said to exist there. After entering it, it was with difficulty that I recognised the river ; for there is a greater difference than even in the Columbia, between its high and low states. After passing up the Cow- litz several miles, I encountered rapids, through which it was necessary to dr%g the boat by a line. I found, after great exertion and fatigue, r we could not ascend beyond thirteen miles; for it had become so shallow that the boat would not float, and we had not stren^^th enout^h to force her over the wide bars of gravel and sand, that had apparently accu- mulated during the last spring. After securing some specimens of licrnite that were found embedded in the alluvial banks, and taking observations for time, I turned back; and feeling anxious to reach the r« In doing this, we all had a narrow escape ; and particularly two of the boat's crew, who w^ere in great danger of their lives. We fortunately escaped, but with considerable damage to the boat and a few bruises, the whole of which was the work of an instant. This taught me not to venture upon such an experiment again, and I felt thankful to escape t I COLUMBIA RIVER. 143 as we did. The Cowlitz is not nav^igable, except at high water during the spring and fall; and even then it is difficult to ascend, on account of the strength of its current. We had now overtaken the sounding parties, and, aided by the boats of the brig, were enabled to push the work towards a close. Having reached the influence of the tide below Oak Point, all fears of the ague and fever vanished: we had indeed been extremely fortunate in exemption from this disease, and only those suffered from its attacks who had been before exposed. Those affected belonged chiefly to the Peacock, and the larger portion were Sandwich Islanders. The crew of the Porpoise were generally exempt from it : all recovered from the slight attacks under a simple treatment. I felt not a little satisfaction at disappointing the knowing ones, who had prognosticated the cer- tainty of my having all hands sick and dying by attempting the survey in the unhealthy season. When we reached Astoria, we had nearly all hands on duty. On the 26th, we had again reached Katalamet Point, the low^er end of Puget Island. The brig passed down the usual channel on the south side, while I surveyed the northern passage. The latter is about four miles in length, Puget Island affords no land fit for cultivation, and during the season of freshets is overflowed. It is fringed around its borders with cotton- wood, willowy pine, and hazel, &c. ; but it may be considered valueless. At this anchorage I was joined by Michel La Framboise, w^ho brought a supply of fresh beef for the crew, which they were in much need of. Since I had first seen Michel, I had learned more of his history and the cause which led him to complain of a want of advancement, I regret to say, that, like too many others, he ought to look to himself as the cause of his misfortune, instead of indulging in complaints. He confirmed much of the information I had received, and gave me full statements of the population, which I found to agree with what he had already imparted to officers belonging to the Company, as well as the Expedition. I questioned him relative to the stories respecting the shooting of Indians, on the route to and from California, and he told me they had no battles, but said it was necessary to keep them always at a distance. On my repeating the question, whether the reports we had heard of several being killed during the late expedition w^ere true, he. French- man-like, shrugged his shoulders and answered : " Ah, monsieur, lis sent des mauvaises gens : il faut en prendre garde et tirer sur eux quelquefois.'' On the 29th of September we again reached the Pillar Rock, and on 144 COLUMBIA RIVER. the 3d of October we passed through the Tongue Point Channel Be- fore doing this, we took the precaution to buoy it out, and then towed the vessels through at high w^ater. This enabled me to lay down its tortuous course with accuracy, although I was aw^are that there is little probability of its remaining over the season without some material change. The new and direct channel discovered by us, leading up from Tongue Point, will supersede the necessity of using it, and from its direct course, is more likely to be permanent ; but the channels in this river will be always more or less subject to change, from the im- pediments the large trees drifting down cause, when they ground on the shoals. The same evening we anchored about two miles above Astoria, and r in order to lose no time, I proceeded there in my boat to make ar- rangements for getting off the stores, and embarking every thing pre- vious to our departure. I found that Purser Speiden had prepared for us ten thousand pounds of the best bread we had had during the cruise: this had been accom- plished by his great perseverance and attention to the business, and I was thus relieved from all anxiety in regard to that indispensable article of the ration. On the 1st of October, the Porpoise anchored at Astoria, and every body was now engaged in expediting the embarkation of stores on board of both vessels; the officers were detailed temporarily to the Oregon, whilst the necessary observations for the chronometers and magnetism were again made. It now became important that the two larger vessels should be got to sea as early as possible. I therefore determined to seize the first opportunity that should offer for crossing the bar, and to return myself in the tender to complete the survey. We, in consequence, proceeded on the 2d to Baker's Bay, whilst the boats were still employed under Lieutenant De Haven in taking soundings. Acting-Master Knox and Passed Midshipman Reynolds, were now ordered to the Porpoise and Oregon, for the purpose of piloting them to sea, when an opportunity should serve. In Baker's Bay we found the Company's schooner, the Cadborough, which had been waiting three weeks for an opportunity to get over the bar. As the Peacock's launch could not be taken with us, I had at one time an intention of sending her along the coast to San Francisco. The weather and advanced state of the season, however, would have rendered such a voyage dangerous; I therefore came to the determi- every boat ^ COLUMBIA RIVER. 145 distress. Mr. Birnie, on my asking him to take charge of her for that object, would have readily consented to do so for the Com- pany, but had no authority. I therefore immediately wrote to Dr. M'Laughlin, to say that I had placed the launch at his disposal, and to request that she might be put under the supervision of the Com- pany's officers, for the above purposes. She was completely fitted, and delivered over to Mr. Birnie. The letters to Dr. M'Laughlin on this subject will be found in Appendix V. In consequence of my departure from the coast, I received no answer from him, but have understood from other sources that the boat had been taken charge of Her construction w^as admirably adapted for that purpose, and I am sure that if any disaster should occur, the assistance she will render will be of great benefit. On the 5th, the prospect of passing the bar was favourable, and at 2^ 30™ p. M. the Company's bark Columbia, which had been lying off and on for the last week, entered. On passing the vessels she saluted us, and proceeded up the river to Astoria. At 3^ 30™, I determined on making the attempt to get to sea. We quickly got the vessels under way, and in an hour afterwards we had passed the bar in safety. The Cadborough followed our example, and went to sea also. Her master, before we got under way, had strong misgivings as to under- taking the risk at so late an hour both of the day and tide. The ves- sels of the Hudson Bay Company never attempt to pass either in or out, unless the opportunity is such as will warrant the master in making the attempt. They consider that there is sufficient risk at the best of times, and are unwilling to increase it. I have already stated that the entrance to the Columbia is impracticable for two-thirds of the year. This arises from the fact that it can never be entered at night, and in the day only at particular times of the tide and direction of the wind. Unlike all known ports, it requires both the tide and wind to be contrary, to insure any degree of safety. Those who may desire to be farther informed on this subject, are referred to the Hydrographical Memoir of the cruise. Having succeeded in getting the brigs beyond the risk of detention, I gave them orders to await my return, and w^ent on board the tender, to pass again into the river, for the purpose of completing all that re- mained of the survey. The Company's bark Columbia had just returned from the northern posts. The master, Mr. Broughton, was kind enough to give me much information respecting the northern coasts, and the In- dian tribes : he likewise presented the Expedition with many curiosities of native workmanship, some of which showed much ingenuity, parti- cularly their pipes and masks. The latter are used in their theatrical VOL. V. N 19 * 146 COLUMBIA RIVER. exhibitions, which are represented by those who have witnessed them as affording them much entertainment, and a pastime in which they very frequently indulge ; many of these masks are represented with the spoon-lip. As this ornament belongs to the female sex, they also MASKS OF THE NORTHWEST i: engage in the diversion* Some of the masks are sufficiently hideous, while others are carved with skill : they use the soft pine for this pur- pose. The wood is variously stained with red, black, and yellow marks. The two of these represented in the engraving will give a good idea of those that are the best executed. The pipes, saucers, &c., are usually carved from clay. PIPES OF THE NORTHWEST INDIANS. i The survey we finished by the morning of the 10th October, when we again reached Baker's Bay, and being determined to lose no time, we made the attempt to pass the bar: though we succeeded in doing so, I am satisfied it was at great risk; for, as I have been told is fre- quently the case, the wind failed us just at the most critical point, and rendered it doubtful if we should pass. Our situation was danfje- rous, and a vessel of any other class must have been wrecked. For at least twenty minutes I was in doubt whether we could effect our object; but by the use of sweeps we accomplished it, principally through the exertions of the extra men, belonging to the surveying boats, whom we had on board. The Oregon was the only vessel in sight; and when I boarded her, i Porpo The next day she hove in sight, and the arrangements were soon completed. t ! COLUMBIA RIVER. 147 I now supplied the tender with water and other requisites, and gave Mr. Knox orders to take a few more soundings on the outside of the bar, and then proceed along the coast as far as latitude 42° N*, and to examine it, and the mouth of the Umpqua. Previous to leaving the Cohimbia river, I addressed the foUowmg M'Laushlin and Mr U. S. Brig Porpoise, Baker's Bay, October 5th, 1841. Gentlemen, ^ My last duty, before leaving the Columbia, I feel to be that of expressing to you my sincere thanks for the important aid and facili- ties which you have afforded the Expedition on all occasions, for carrying out the object of our visit to this part of the world; and be assured it will prove a very pleasing part of my duty to make a due representation of it to my government. Your personal kindness and friendly attentions to myself and officers, from our first arrival, and also to Captain Hudson and his officers after the wreck of the Peacock, have laid us under many obligations, which I trust it may be at some future day in our power to return. We all would request through you an expression of our feelings for the many attentions and kindnesses received, and the pleasures afforded ns by the officers of the Hudson Bay Company's service, with whom we have had any intercourse, which will be long remembered with pleasure. With my sincere wishes for the health, happiness, and prosperity of yourselves and famiUes, I am, very truly. Your obedient servant, Charles Wilkes, To John M'Laughlin and Commanding Exploring Expedition. James Douglass, EsauiREs, Chief Factors. H. B. C. Service, Vancouver. At the same time, I wrote a letter to our government, informing them of the assistance we had received, stating the services these gentlemen had rendered us, and asking that an expression of acknowledgment might be made, through the British minister at Washington, to the Directors of the Hudson Bay Company in England, On the night of the 15th, we parted company with the Oregon, and did not see her again until she arrived at San Francisco* We coasted along to the southward, in the Porpoise. The land is high and moun- tainous, and may be seen at a great distance. Soundings of dark sand 148 COLUMBIA RIVER. are obtained, in from thirty to forty fathoms water, about fifteen or twenty miles from the land. The coast south of the Columbia river I regretted we had not an opportunity more particularly to examine: the attempt of the Flying- Fish was unsuccessful ; the season had advanced so far as to make it ■ next to impossible to accomplish it in the manner I desired. I have no reason to doubt the correctness of the examinations that have been already made. No ports exist along any part of it, that are accessible to any class of vessels, even those of but very small draught of water; and the impediment that the constant and heavy surf offers, along the whole coast, to a landing in boats, makes this part of our territory comparatively valueless in a commercial point of view. Along a great part of it is an iron-bound shore, rising precipitately from the water. Anchorage in a few places may be had, but only in fair weather, and during the fine season. For a more particular description of the coast, I refer to the Hydrographical Memoir. On the 18th, we made Cape de los Reyes and the Farallones. In the afternoon we were boarded by a boat from the Company's bark, Cowlitz, in which was her master, Mr. Brochier, and M. Duplot de Mofras. The latter informed me that he had just made a tour through Mexico and California, and was now going to the Columbia, for a passage to Oahu. The same evening, finding that I could not reach the port, I anchored in thirteen fathoms water. On the 19th, we were under way as soon as the tide made, and at 3 p. M. we anchored near the Vincennes, in Sausalito Bay, on the north side of the entrance. I was gratified to find all well. Lieutenant- Commandant Ringgold reported to me that he had fulfilled the instruc- tions relative to the Sacramento river. Nothing had yet been heard of Lieutenant Emmons; and the next day I despatched the launch up the river to meet his party. The Oregon came in during the afternoon, and I forthwith made such disposition of the officers and men, as I deemed the future wants of the service would require ; this, and the operations of the Vincennes, will form the subject of the next chapter. HATS, XORTHWEST COAST, CHAPTER Y. CONTENTS. ARRIVAL OP THE VINCENNES AT SAN FRANCISCO— PREPARATIONS FOR THE SUR- VEYS—SAUSALITO— LONG DROUGHT-PRESIDIO— ALCALDE OF VERBA BUENA-TOWN OF VERBA BUENA- UNSETTLED STATE OF CALIFORNIA -CLIMATE OF SAN FRAN- CISCO-SOIL—CLIMATE OF CALIFORNIA-RIVERS-HARBOURS-TRADE— MANUFACTURE OF WINE-INDUSTRY— MILLS— SHEEP— SWINE-MAGISTRATES AND ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE — REVOLUTIONS OF CALIFORNIA — OPINIONS IN RELATION TO THEM — RELATIONS W^ITH MEXICO — MODE OF RECRUITING FOR THE MISSIONS — PRESENT CONDITION OF THE INDIANS— CHANGE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OP THE MISSIONS- ITS EFFECTS ON THE INDIANS — THEIR NUMBERS — NUMBERS OP THE WHITES- THEIR HEALTH — THEIR CHARACTER — THEIR MORALS— THEIR HOSP[TALITY— THEIR CRUELTY-EXPEDITION UP THE SACRAMENTO— BAY OF SAN PABLO-DELTA OP THE ■ SACRAMENTO— CAPTAIN SUTER— NEW HELVETIA— CAPTAIN SUTER'S FARMING AND OTHER AVOCATIONS— INDIAN DANCE — DISEASES — ROUTE TO OREGON— DEPARTURE FROM NEW HELVETIA -FEATHER RIVER -GAME -THE TULA -INDIANS- BEARS - INTERVIEW WITH A CHIEF- MANNERS, ETC., OF THE INDIANS— THEIR RANCHERIA —THEFT BY AN INDIAN — BUTE PR AIRIE- FISH WEIR — KINKLA TRIBE — HUNTING — t RETURN TO NEW HELVETIA — AMERICAN SETTLERS — INDIAN VILLAGES - OCCUPA- TIONS OF THE TWO SEXES— ARIDITY OF THE COUNTRY— CROPS-ANIMALS— RETURN OF SURVEYING PARTY TO THE VINCENNES— VISITS OF THE INHABITANTS TO THE SHIP — MARTINEZ FAMILY — AMUSEMENTS — CAPTAIN RICHARDSON — VALLEY OF NAPPA-TOWN OP ZONOMA-GENERAL VALLEJO — MISSION OP SAN RAFAEL-FETE IN HONOUR OP A SAINT -BEAR AND BULL FIGHT-EXCURSION TO SANTA CLARA- EMBARCADERO — ESTANCIA OF PERALTOS — DON MIGUEL DE PEDRORENA— MISSION OP SANTA CLARA— PADRE MERC A DOR— CHURCH OF SANTA CLARA— GARDEN-PUEBLO OF SAN JOSE — ITS ALCALDE — MODE OP CONDUCTING BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA - DIFFICULTY IN PROCUTtING HORSES — DEPARTURE FROM SANTA CLARA-CALIFOR- NIAN HORSEMAN— RANCHEROS-L AS PULG AS— ESTANCIA OF SENOR SANCHEZ-YERBA BfUENA— RETURN TO THE SHIP. N2 (149) 1^" I f 4 1 4 t I t CHAPTER y. CALIFORNIA. 1841. After Lieutenant-Commandant Ringgold joined the Vincennes, she bore away for San Francisco, for the purpose of carrying into effect my instructions (see Appendix VI). She arrived at that port on the 14th of August, and anchored off Yerba Buena. Several vessels, amongst them two Americans, were found here, and intelligence was received of the death of General Harrison, President of the United States. As soon as the ship anchored, an officer was despatched on shore to call upon the authorities; but none of any description were to be found. The only magistrate, an alcalde, was absent. The frequency of revo- 'utions in this country had caused a great change since the visit of Captain Beechey. On the 17th, after consultation with the captain of the port, a Mr. Richardsop, the ship w^as moved to the north shore, at Sausalito, or Whaler's Harbour. Water, which it was impossible to obtain at Yerba Buena, on account of the drought that had prevailed for several months, is here to be had from a small spring. After the ship was moored, the boats were hoisted out, and fitted for surveying duties up the river Sacramento- Oa approaching the coast in the neighbourhood of San Francisco, the country has by no means an inviting aspect* To the north, it rises in a lofty range, whose highest point is known as the Table Hill, and forms an iron-bound coast from Punto de los Reyes to the mouth of the harbour. To the south, there is an extended sandy beach, behind which rise the sand-hills of San Bruno, to a moderate height. There are no (151) 153 CALIFORNIA. symptoms of cultivation, nor is the land on either side fit for it ; for in the former direction it is mountainous, in the latter sandy, and in both barren. The entrance to the harbour is striking: bold and rocky shores confine the rush of the tide, which bore us on and through a narrow passage into a large estuary: in this, several islands and rocks lie scattered around : some of the islands are clothed with vegetation to their very tops; others are barren and covered with guano, having an immense number of sea-fowls hovering over, around, and alighting upon them. The distant shores of the bay extend north and south far beyond the visible horizon, exhibiting one of the most spacious, and at the same time safest ports in the world. To the east rises a lofty in- land range, known by the name of La Sierra, brilliant with all the beautiful tints that the atmosphere in this climate produces. Yerba Buena is the usual though by no means the best anchorage. The town, as is stated, is not calculated to produce a favourable im- pression on a stranger. Its buildings may be counted, and consist of a large frame building, occupied by the agent of the Hudson Bay Com- pany, a store, kept by Mr. Spears, an American, a billiard-room and bar, a poop cabin of a ship, occupied as a dwelling by Captain Hinck- ley, a blacksmith's shop, and some out-buildings. These, though few in number, are also far between. With these, I must not forget to enumerate an old dilapidated adobe building, which has a conspicuous position on the top of the hill overlooking the anchorage. When to this we add a sterile soil and hills of bare rock, it w^ill be seen that Yerba Buena and the country around it are any thing but beautiful This description holds good when the tide is high, but at low water it has for a foreground an extensive mud-flat, which does not add to the beautv of the view. Although I was prepared for anarchy and confusion, I was surprised when I found a total absence of all government in California, and even its forms and ceremonies thrown aside. After passing through the entrance, we were scarcely able to dis- tinguish the Presidio; and had it not been for its solitary flag-staff, we could not have ascertained its situation. From this staff no flag floated; the building was deserted, the walls had fallen to decay, the guns were dismounted, and every thing around it lay in quiet. We were not even saluted by the stentorian lungs of some soldier, so cus- tomary in Spanish places, even after all political power as well as military and civil rule has fled. I afterwards learned that the Presidio was still a garrison in name, and that it had not been wholly aban- doned; but the remnant of the troops stationed there consisted of no more than an officer and one soldier. I was not able to learn the rank CALIFORNIA- 153 of the former, as he was absent, and appeared, at least among the foreigners, lo be little known. At Yerba Buena there was a similar absence of all authority. The only officer was the alcalde, who dwells at the mission of Nostra Sefiora de los Dolores, some three miles off. He was full of self-importance, making up for w^hat he wanted in the eyes of others by a high estimate of his own dignity, T could find no one who could furnish me with his name, which must be my apology for not recording it in this place. Some excuse may be offered for his inattention to his duties, as I understood that he had just been united in wedlock to a lady of one of the distinguished faaiilies of the country; and af^er such an event in California much gaiety and rejoicing usually follow, until the hilarity at times becomes so uproarious as to end in fighting and bloodshed. Under the Palermo Mountain, or Table Hill of Beechey, which is two thousand five hundred feet high, and sparsely wooded with a few gnarled and scraggy oaks, the hills open towards the bay into a kind of vale, which had been chosen for the position of the observatory, and where the instruments had been set up under the direction of Lieutenant Carr. This place is well adapted for the resort of whalers. Here they may repair their boats, obtain water, and refit ; and from their frequent resort to it, has obtained the name of Whaler's Harbour. The cove is a safe anchorage, being protected from the northwest and westerly w^inds, w^hich prevail during the summer season, and often blow with great violence. At the time of our visit, the country altogether presented rather a singular appearance, owing, as I afterwards observed, to the withered vegetation and the ripened wild oats of the country. Instead of a lively green hue, it had generally a lint of a light straw-colour, show- ing an extreme want of moisture. The drought had continued for eleven months ; the cattle were dying in the fields ; and the first view of California was not calculated to make a favourable impression either of its beauty or fertihty, I found it very difficult to obtain accurate information in relation to Upper California. The country, at the time of our visit, and for several years previous, had been in a state of revolution; and, as is often the case under similar circumstances, was involved in anarchy and confusion, without laws or security of person and property. It is undergoing such frequent changes, that it is difficult to understand or to describe them. With California is associated the idea of a fine climate, and a rich and productive soil This, at least, was the idea with w^hich I entered VOL. V. 20 154 CALIFORNIA. its far-famed port ; but I soon found, from the reports of the officers, after the trial they had had of it during the months of August and September, that their experience ahogether contradicted the received opinion upon the first mentioned point. Many of them compared its climate to that of Orange Harbour, at Cape Horn, with its cold bluster- ing winds and cloudy skies. This kind of weather prevails during the greater part of the year, and the comparison is literally true in relation to one portion of California — the sea-coast. There is, perhaps, no other country where there is such a diversity of features, soil, and climate, as California. The surface exhibits the varieties of lofty ranges of mountains, confined valleys, and extensive plains. On the coast, a range of high land extends in length from Cape Mendocino to latitude 32^ N,, and in breadth into the interior from ten to twenty miles. The valley of San Juan, of no great extent, lies between these hills and the Sierra, which is a low range of mountains. East of the Sierra is the broad valley of the Sacramento, which is prolonged to the south in that of Buena Ventura, as far as Mount San Bernardino, under the thirty-fourth parallel. Beyond this valley is the Californian Range, which is a continuation of the Cascade Range of Oregon, and whose southern summits are capped with snow. This range gradually de- creases in height, until it declines into hills of moderate elevation. To the east of the Californian Mountains are the vast sandy plains, of which we know but little, except that they form a wide trackless waste, destitute of every thing that can fit it for the habitation of man or beast The soil is as variable as the face of the country. On the coast range of hills there is little to invite the agriculturist, except in some vales of no great extent. These hills are, however, admirably adapted for raising herds and flocks, and are at present the feeding-grounds of numerous deer, elk, &c., to which the short sweet grass and wild oats that are spread over them, afford a plentiful supply of food. No at- tempts have been made to cultivate the northern part of this section, nor is it susceptible of being the seat of any large agricultural operations. The valley of the Sacramento, and that of San Juan, are the most fruitful parts of California, particularly the latter, which is capable of producing wheat, Indian corn, rye, oats, &c,, with all the fruits of the temperate and many of the tropical climates. It likewise offers fine pasture-grounds for cattle^ This region comprises a level plain, from fifteen to twenty miles in width, extending from the bay of San Fran- cisco, teyond the mission of that name, north and south. This may be termed the srarden of California; but although several small streams CALIFORNIA. I55 and lakes serve to water it, yet In dry seasons or droughts, not only the crops but the herbage also suffers extremely, and the cattle are deprived of food. The Sierra affords little scope for cultivation, being much broken, barren, and sandy. It is in places covered with cedar, pine, and oak; but it offers few inducements to the settler. The great valley of Buena Ventura next succeeds, which, although it offers more prospects of profitable cultivation, is by all accounts far inferior to that of San Juan. It lies nearly parallel to the latter, and is watered by the San Joachim river and its branches. In this valley the Californian Indians principally dwell. The San Joachim receives its waters from the many streams that issue from the Californian range of mountains. These are well wooded, their base being covered with oaks, to which succeeds the red California cedar (Schubertia abertina), and after it, in a still higher region, pines, until the snows are encountered. On the eastern side of this range, there is found very little timber, and in consequence of the want of moisture, trees do not flourish, even on the west side. The inland plain, constituting a large part of Upper California, is, according to all accounts, an arid waste; the few rivers that exist being periodical, and losing themselves in the sandy soil. Of the latter portion of country, however, there is little known, and the accounts given of it vary extensively. It has been crossed by seven persons, who differ altogether in respect to its appearance. One declared that the horses and men had not only a scanty supply of water, but were actually nearly famished for want of food ; while others have found both grass and water plentiful. The only thing that can reconcile these contradictory statements is, that these dif- ferent persons had visited the country at different seasons of the year. It seems not at all improbable that the first of these accounts should be the correct one, for we find great aridity throughout the rest of California, and Oregon also. All agree that the middle and extensive portion of this country is destitute of the requisites for supplying the wants of man. In climate, California varies as much if not ev'en more than in natural features and soil. On the coast range, it has as high a nr^ean temperature in winter as in summer. The latter is in fact the coldest ^ part of the year, owing to the constant prevalence of the northwest winds, which blow with the regularity of a monsoon, and are exceed- ingly cold, darhp, and uncomfortable, rendering fire often necessary for comfort in midsummer. This is, however, but seldom resorted to, and many persons have informed me that they have suffered more 156 CALIFORNIA. M The Y climate thirty miles from the coast undergoes a great change, and in no part of the world is there to be found a finer or more equable one than in the valley of San Juan. It more resembles that of Andalusia, in Spain, than any other, and none can be more salubrious. The cold winds of the coast have become warmed, and have lost their force and violence, though they retain their freshness and purity- This strip of country is that in which the far-famed missions have been established ; and the accounts of these have led many to believe that the whole of Upper California was w^ell adapted for agricultural uses. This is not the case, for the small district already pointed out is the only section of country where these advantages are to be found. This valley extends beyond the pueblo of San Juan, or to the eastward of Monte- rey : it is of no great extent, being about twenty miles long by twelve wide. The Sierra, which separates the valley of San Juan from that of Buena Ventura, is about one thousand five hundred feet high, barren and sandy. Pines cover its summit, and the climate is exceedingly dry and arid, though cooled by the fresh wind that passes beyond them. Nest comes the central valley of Buena Ventura, which is a continuation of the Sacramento, and through which the San Joachim flows- Being confined within the two ranges of mountains, and not having the same causes operating to modify the temperature as the smaller valley of San Juan, the heats of its summer are oppressive, the thermometer ranging, it is said, higher than within the torrid zone, and the heat continuing without cessation- Although the Californian Range is covered with snow in close proximity to this valley, it seems to have but little effect in modi- fying the climate, which is represented as tropical throughout the year. This valley extends as far south as the San Bernardino Moun- tain. The residents in California say that they have never known the wind to blow from the northeast within thirty miles of the coast. This state of things may also prevail in the interior, and will natu- rally prevent the cool stratum of air from descending into the valley, it being carried to the interior by the prevailing winds from an opposite quarter. In ordinary seasons these valleys are well watered by streams from the mountains, which vary very much in size: they are for some part of the year mere brooks, while during the rainy season, from November to February, they become in some cases impassable. The Sacramento is the largest river in California. One of its branches, Destruction river, takes its rise near Mount Shaste, and was examined throusrhout CALIFORNIA. 157 the whole of its course by our land party, until it joined the Sacra- mento: the latter is thought by some to pass through the mountains and join Pitt's river. Pitt's river is said to take its rise to the northeast of the Shaste Mountain, and from the information that I received, ex- tends as far as Pitt's Lake, under the forty-second parallel. I have reason to doubt whether the length of its course is so great, and believe that the Sacramento has its source in the eastern spurs of the Shaste Mountain. I have, however, indicated by a dotted line on the map, the course Pitt's river is thought to pursue before it joins the Sacra- mento. This, if correct, would give the Sacramento, with its branches, a course of two hundred miles from the ocean. The first branch of any size in descending the Sacramento is that called Feather river, w^hich joins it belovv^ the Prairie Butes, coming from the northeast. This branch takes its rise in the California Moun- tains, near their northern end, and has a course of about forty miles. The American river is a small branch that joins the Sacramento at New Helvetia. After receiving this stream, the Sacramento is joined by the San Joachim, which courses from the south, and below their confluence enters the bay of San Pablo through the Straits of Kaquines, thence passing into the bay of San Francisco. It is navigable for boats to the distance of one hundred and fifty miles, and for vessels as far as New" Helvetia. The upper portion of it, near the Prairie Butes, overflows its banks, and submerges the whole of the Sacramento Valley as far down as the San Joachim. This inundation is probably caused by the united effects of the Sacramento and the Feather rivers, as there is not in its bed sufficient room to discharge so large a quantity of water. This valley will be presently spoken of in connexion with its survey. The San Joachim does not pass through the Tula Lake, as laid down by Coulter; its sources are in the Californian Range. The Tula Lake is called by the Indians, Chintache Lake; it is for the most part sepa- rated from the channel of the river, but when full joins it. There are many small streams that flow through the different valleys, and afford partial opportunites for irrigating the land ; but there are none of them navigable, except the Sacramento. Upper California may boast of one of the finest, if not the very best harbour in the world, — that of San Francisco, as before described. Few are more extensive or could be as readily defended as it; w^hile the combined fleets of all the naval powers of Europe might moor in it. This is, how^ever, the only really good harbour which this country possesses; for the others so called may be frequented only during the 0 158 CALIFORNIA, fine season, being nothing more than roadsteads, affording little safely and but few supplies to vessels. Among these bays are that of Monterey, the capital of Upper Cali- fornia, and that of Santa Barbara and San Pedro. The two last are partly protected from the swell of the Pacific Ocean by the islands that cover them. They are, however, but seldom used, there being comparatively little trade upon all this coast; for the hides and tallow which formerly abounded and made the business profitable for vessels, are no longer to be procured. The destruction of the missions, and the onerous laws, duties, and prohibitions, have nearly destroyed the little traffic that once existed, and it is now all transferred to the bay of San Francisco. There a few hulks may be seen lying, furnished with every needful article: these keep up an illicit intercourse by the connivance of the officers of the customs, by whose cupidity the revenue laws are openly infringed, and what of right belongs to the government, goes to enrich the governor and his officers. The principal articles imported, are cotton cloths, velvet, silks, brandies, wines, teas, &c. ; in return for which they receive hides and tallow, skins, wheat, and salmon. The attention of the inhabitants has been principally directed to the raising of cattle, and the greater part of the wealth of California maybe considered as consisting of live-stock. The exportations, on the average of years, are about one hundred and fifty thousand hides, and two hundred thousand arrobas of tallow. The standard price for the former is two dollars, while the latter is worth one dollar and fifty cents the arroba. A few beaver-skins are obtained, which do not exceed two thousand, and are valued at two dollars apiece. From four to five hundred sea-otter skins are brought in by the American hunters, which are valued at thirty dollars each. Wheat has been exported to the Russian posts, to the amount of twelve thousand bushels, of which the average price is about fifty cents a bushel. Of late, however, it has risen to two dollars and fifty cents, in consequence of the great drought that has prevailed. Among the exports may be also enumerated about three thousand elk and deer skins, which are valued at from fifty cents to a dollar each. The whole merchantable products may be estimated at less than a million of dollars. The yield of wheat is remarkable, and in some places, where the land is well situated, very large returns are received. Mr. Spears, of Yerba Buena, informed me that he had delivered to an active Ameri- can farmer thirty bushels of wheat for seed, at a time when it was difficult to procure it, under an agreement that he should have the i CALIFORNIA. I59 refusal of the crop at the market price. In the July following, he de livcrcd him three thousand bushels, and on its delivery, he found that the fanner had reserved six hundred bushels for himself; and this, without estimating the loss from bad reaping and treading out with horses, would give one hundred and twenty for one. This is not con- sidered a fair criterion or average, as the land was remarkable for its richness and was w^ell attended to; but Mr. Spears and several others assured me that the average would be as high as eighty bushels yielded for one planted. Indian corn yields well, as also potatoes, beans, and peas. The cul- tivation of vegetables is increasing rapidly, and supplies in these latter articles may be had in abundance and of the finest quality. The country appears to be well adapted for grapes. Those that have been tried at the missions yield most abundantly; and about two hundred casks, each of eighteen gallons, of brandy, and the same quan- tity of w^ine, are made. The cultivation of the grape increases yearly, but is not sufficient for the supply of the country, as large quantities of foreign wines and liquors are imported, w^hich pay an enormous duty; and although California may not boast of its dense population, every intelligent person I met with agreed that it consumed more spirits in proportion than any other part of the world. Brandy sells for sixty to seventy dollars the cask, or four dollars a gallon, while the price of wine is only eighteen dollars. The wine of the country which I tasted is miserable stuff, and w^ould scarcely be taken for the juice of the grape. The salmon-fishery, if attended to, w^ould be a source of considerable profit, yet I was told that the Californians never seem disposed to attempt to take them. The general opinion is, that they are too indo- lent to bestir themselves, and they naturally choose the employment which gives them the least trouble. Above every thing, the rearing of cattle requires the least labour in this country, for it is only neces- ) sary to provide keepers and have their cattle marked. This done, they can support themselves by the increase of the stock. At the missions, the manufacture of various coarse articles had been undertaken by the missionaries as a step in the education of the neophytes. Among these were blankets and wearing apparel sufficient to supply all the Indians; but, with the decline of these establishments, the manufactures have in ) great part been discontinued. Soap of a good quality is manufactured in considerable quantities, and it is thought that it might be exported at a profit, if the proper arrangements were made to use the grease that is now thrown aw^ay. The necessary alkali is very abundant. Leather of an excellent quality is also made and well tanned, but in 160 CALIFORNIA. such small quantities as to be hardly sufficient to supply the wants oi the country. There are in CaUfornia only two or three water-mills for grinding flour, and these are owned by foreigners. The mills in general use in the country, ai'e composed of no more than two burr-stones. To the upper stone a cross-beam is secured, to which mule-power is applied. In most of the estancias there is to be found a mill in an apartment adjoining the kitchen, if not in it. The whole is as primitive as well can be, although I have no doubt it answers all the wants of this rude .and indolent people. From all accounts, besides cattle, the country is well adapted for the raising of sheep, which simply require watching, as they can find plenty of nutritious food the whole year round ; but there has been no attention paid to this sort of stock, and the wool is of very ordinary quality. The mutton is thought to be of very fine flavour. The usual price for a sheep is from one dollar and fifty cents to two dollars, when a choice is made for killing. Hogs are raised in some parts, and might be fed to great advantage on the acorns which are abundant on the hills where the land is not susceptible of cultivation. Pork may be packed at three dollars the hundred- weight. What adds to the facility of doing this business, is the fact that large quantities of salt collect in the ponds in the dry season, which may be obtained for the expense of carting it. As respects trade, it may be said there is scarcely any, for it is so interrupted, and so much under the influence of the governor and the officers of the customs, that those attempting to carry on any under the forms usual elsewhere, would probably find it a losing business. Foz'eigners, however, contrive to evade this by keeping their vessels at anchor, and selling a large portion of their cargoes from on board. Great partiality is shown to those of them who have a full understand- ing with his excellency the governor; and from what I was given to understand, if this be not secured, the traders are liable to exactions and vexations without number. The enormous duties, often amounting; to eighty per cent, ad valorem, cause much dissatisfiiction on the part of the consumers : the whole amount raised is about two hundred thousand dollars per annum, w^hich is found barely sufficient to pay the salaries of the officers, and defray tfie costs of the government feasts, which are frequent, and usually cost a thousand dollars each. These emoluments are shared among the heads of departments at Monterey, whilst the soldiers are often for months without their pay, and are made to take it in whatever currency it may suit the government to give. Besides the above duties, there is a municipal tax on many CALIFORXIA. 161 f f things : thus, a dollar is demanded on every gallon of spirits imported ; fifty cents on each beaver or otter skin, and on other articles in the same ratio. Next come the church tithes, which are enormous. I heard of a farmer who was made to pay one hundred and ninety dollars as the tithe on his produce, although he lives far removed from either church or priest. All these things are bringing the government into great disrepute, and the governor is every day becoming more and more unpopular; so much so, that his orders hav^e not been complied with, and have been treated with contempt, particularly when he desires to recruit his forces. A short time before our arrival, he sent a list to a pueblo of the young men to be drafted as soldiers; when it was received, they in a body refused to go, and sent back the disrespectful and defying message, that he might come and take them. Nothing can be in a worse state than the lower offices, such as the alcaldes, &c. They are now held by ignorant men, who have no ideas of justice, w^hich is generally administered according to the alcalde's individual notions, as his feelings may be enlisted, or the standing of the parties. To recover a debt by legal means, is consi- dered as beyond a possibility, and creditors must wait until the debtor is disposed to pay. Fortunately, and to the honour of the country, a just claim is rarely or never denied; and, until lately, the word of a Californian was sufficient to insure the payment of claims on him; but, such has been the moral degradation to which the people have fallen since the missions have been robbed by the authorities, and the old priests driven out, that no reliance can be placed now upon their promises, and all those who have of late trusted theai, complain that engagements ai'e not regarded, and that it is next to impossible to obtain any returns for goods that have been delivered. Tlie state of the country is, however, some excuse, as it has been impossible for any one to make calculations under the existing anarchv and confusion. It was at first believed that the revolution which took place in November 1836, w^ould result in much immediate good to those who effected it; but such has not been the case. Foreigners unquestionably performed a large part in planning and carrying the change out ; yet none have suffered so much by it as they have. Much of this derangement of busmess has grown out of the state of the country for the last twenty years; and, ahhough its history is of little importance, a succinct sketch of it may not be wholly devoid of interest. The facts are derived both from Californian and Mexican authorities, as well as from iVmericans; and, although the accounts frequently differ in some particulars, yet as to the main points they agree- VOL. V. 0 2 21 162 CALIFORNIA. Previous to the year of the revolution by which CaHfornia was sepa- rated from old Spain (1823), the w^holo country may be said to have been under the rule of the missions, and the padres who were at their head had acquired a vast influence over the Indians, as well as amongst the soldiery w^ho were placed in the presidios as the guards and pro- tectors of the missions. There were twenty-one missions, and only four presidios. The power of the governors w^as usually rather nominal than real, and the troops, from being totally neglected, were dependent upon the missions almost for their daily bread. Fortunately for the country, the padres and rulers of the missions were men well adapted for their calling: good managers, sincere Christians, they exerted a salutary influence over all in any way connected with them, practising at the same time the proper virtues of their calling, in order more effectually to inculcate them upon others. These reverend men were all old Spaniards, and greatly attached to their king and country. When the revolution broke out, they declined taking the oath to the new government : many, in consequence, left their missions and retired from the country, and some of the others have since died. Thus, at the same time w4th a change of rulers, the country was deprived of the religious establishments upon which its society and good order w^ere founded. Anarchy and confusion began to reign, and the want of authority was every w^here felt. Some of the missions were deserted; the property which had been amassed in themw^as dissipated, and the Indians turned off to seek their native wilds. At the time of the separation from Spain, a Californian, by name Arguello, was governor. On his being appointed to that office, one Noniga, a Spanish officer, disliking to be commanded by a Californian, attempted to oppose him. In order to silence this opposition, Noniga was put in command of the presidio of Santa Barbara, where, owing to his misconduct, he was soon dismissed, upon which he again sought to excite the Mexicans against the Californians, and to impress them w^th the same deadly hatred W'hich he himself felt. With this intent, he omitted no opportunity to represent the actions and conduct of the Californian authorities in the most odious light. The government of Mexico saw the evils that they had occasioned, when it was too late, and set about remedying them, as well as to fill the vacancies that had occurred. For this purpose, they were disposed to consult the old padres, and offered those who remained, the choice of the northern or southern section, that they might be united in a body. The old Spanish priests chose the southern missions ; and the few esta- blishments which lie to the north of San Miguel, were assigned to those from the coUesre of Xacatecas, in Mexico. o CALIFORNIA. 163 By this time the supreme government became convinced that althougli they had apparently adopted the best mode of palliating the injury the missions had received, vet it had served ratlier to increase the diffi- culty. The new Mexican priests were in every way inferior to the old Spaniards, neither possessing their intelligence, their skill in governing, their correct principles, nor their dignity of deportment ; in short, they were totally unfit for tlieir situation. In 1825, the supreme government appointed Don Jose Echandia, a Mexican, to succeed Arguello as governor; and he gave universal satisfaction, till 1829, when a revolt took place among the Californians and Indians in the garrison of Monterey, in consequence of their not receiving the arrears of pay that were due them. The governor, with becoming energy, put down this disturbance, and restored order. In 1831, Echandia was succeeded by Don Manuel Victoria, who changed the whole policy of his predecessor. He became at once, from his tyrannical conduct, extremely unpopular, and in the first year of his administration was so several v wounded in a skirmish at Los Angelos, as to be incapable of continuing in the command. The in- surrection, of which this skirmish was an incident, was the most serious that had occurred. believed to the aid which the foreigners gave the Californians: this was the first time the former had interfered with the affairs of the country. After this event, General Figueroa, who was sent to rule over Upper California, by his mild yet firm deportment, reconciled opinions, and put down all opposition. His administration is still spoken of as having been conducted with great ability and moderation. By his recommendation, the supreme government had sent out a colony of two hundred labourers and agriculturists, of which the country v^as much in want, to Monterey ; but instead of their being what Figueroa had asked for, or such as was reported to have been sent, they turned out to be mere idlers, who had been living at the public expense. The arrival of this colony produced the most unhappy eflfects, and with them arose an enmity between the Californians and Mexicans, that has acquired additional acrimony from the favour shown the latter hy the succeeding governors. Figueroa died in 1835, greatly regretted by all : his death proved a great loss to the country, foVt had he lived, things would probably have turned out favourably. Colonel Chico, the next in command, succeeded Figueroa, but was ill-suited for the situation, and the contrast between him and his pre- decessor was too perceptible for him to give satisfaction ; his conduct towards the inhabitants tended to increase the unfavourable impressions he had first made. It was not long before a dispute arose between 164 CALIFORNIA. him and the supreme judge of the district, upon the question as to which of them the chief authority belonged. Parties became very violent, and Chico determined to put down all opposition by military force. This course gave great dissatisfaction, and coupled with his arbitrary conduct towards the inhabitants and the missions, created a determination to resist him if he did not resign. A letter was written to him to that effect, upon which he felt himself compelled to deliver over the reins of government into the hands of a successor, to avoid the difficulties and dangers to which he would otherwise have been liable. The next in command w^as Don Nicolas Gutierez, a lieutenant- colonel : under this officer tranquillity was apparently restored for a time. During the preceding years, many foreigners had settled in Cali- fornia, who had taken a part in its aflfairs. These included natives of all countries; and among them were to be found Americans, who had ted the lives of hunters and trappers, some of whom had been living in the Rocky Mountains, and on the Columbia river, whilst others had come from Mexico, These persons were naturally of a restless dispo- sition, and disposed to engage in any thing that would produce excite- ment; bold and reckless in their disposition, tl)ey could not remain quiet under the turn things w^ere taking in California, and they now^ joined and instigated the party opposed to the governor. They argued ' that California ought to form itself into a free state, by declaring its independence of Mexico, which had not the power to govern it. At that time any plausible arguments had weight with so ignorant a people as the Californians, and this idea was rendered acceptable by the ill- will they bore the Mexicans, and the obvious want of legitimate power. The project of overturning the government was also entertained by those w^ho had previously held office, and particularly by the adminis- trador of the customs, Ramicrez, and Cosme Penn^, a drunken lawyer, who was the assessor. They were both Mexicans by birth, and be- longed to the ultra liberals. With them was joined the inspector, Alvarado, who w^as extremely popular with the foreigners. The two former, knowing the ignorance that prevailed among the Californians, constituted themselves leaders, and expected, in the event of any change, to be benefited by it; but at the same time they looked with some degree of mistrust and jealousy upon the foreigners resident there. Under such circumstances, the least difficulty was sufficient to bring about a revolution, and it w^as not long before one occurred that caused an outbreak, and ended in the overthrow of the authorities. About the beginning of November 1836, a dispute arose between the governor I I CALIFORNIA. 165 and Alvarado, the inspector of the customs, ^vho was threatened with arrest. The popularity of Alvarado with the foreigners caused them [ at once to take a warm interest in his behalf; and, without inquiring into the right or wrong of the business, they espoused his cause. Alva- rado fled to the country, and raised the standard of revolt in the pueblo of San Juan, some leagues from Monterey. The people of California J being naturally lazy, ignorant, and indifferent, required some strong stimulus to arouse them ; but this was effected, and in consequence of the dissoluteness of the priesthood, and the loss of clerical influence with the lower orders, which ten years of their bad management of the missions had brought about, they were quite unable to restrain the people. It ha3 even been alleged that they favoured the design, in order to have a change, and avoid the heavy exactions that had been made upon them of late by the governor. Be this so or not, there was either no exertion made by the clergy in favour of the government, or their power was too insignificant to be effective. The people were easily persuaded that a shameful misappropriation of public funds had taken place, and that the robbery of the missions was still going on. The discovery that Chico, who, as has been stated, was forced to resign in favour of the then governor, had de- frauded the troops of their pay, and the missions of twenty thousand dollars, satisfied every one that such embezzlement was going on, and furnished a powerful incentive to many to join the standard of Alva- rado. He was now acting under the advice and by the directions of the foreigners, who declared their intentions to be — 1st. To hoist a new flag, and declare California independent of Mexico, 2d. To banish all Mexicans. 3d. That California should be declared an independent stale ; and 4th. That all foreigners then under arms, or who took part in the revolution, should be declared citizens. These declarations, although they had the desired effect, were evidently made rather to satisfy the foreigners than to please the natives, and are supposed to have emanated from the administrador Ramierez, and Peimd. These men, the most able of the Californians, were desirous to make use of the foreigners to gain their own ends, in which they so far succeeded, that although the foreigners were, in regard to fighting, the prominent actors in the revolution, the result proved that they were but tools em- ployed to gain the ulterior ends of these two designing persons. Alvarado was now directed to move forward towards Monterey, which from all accounts he was of himself unwilling to do; but the \ directors of his movements impelled him forward. Who these were, is not well known ; but the presumption is, that various citizens of the United States, as well as of England, advised and gave him promises 166 CALIFORNIA. of aid. M terey; it consisted of about two hundred men-, of whom twenty-five were American hunters, the only part of his force that was effective. Some accounts give a smaller number, and state it at less than half of this. Gutierez, believing the Presidio impregnable, shut himself up in it with about one hundred and seventy persons, sixty of whom were regular soldiers. The Presidio was at once invested, the beach taken possession of, and a communication opened with several American vessels then lying in the bay. The energy and activity exhibited by Alvarado's party indicated that their movements were directed by others than Spaniards or Californians. ^ Gutierez seems to have proved himself weak and imbecile in allow- ing these advantages to be obtained without making any endeavours to attack the insurgents. It is said, however, (and his actions certainly give some countenance to the idea,) that the dread in which the Ameri- can hunters were held by himself and men, prevented his making any effective effort : in fact, their fame for skill in the use of the rifle was known and duly appreciated. On the 3d, the insurgents w^ere found to be in possession of some cannon, which they established on a neighbouring height, and were amply supplied with ammunition. As it was known that neither arms of this kind nor gunpow^der were on shore, there is little doubt that they obtained them from the vessels in the bay ; and those who w^ere likely to reap the most advantage from a change in the admi- nistration of affairs, were suspected of aiding the insurgents with the means that rendered them, in point of equipment, superior to their adversaries- On the 4th, Gutierez received an official letter, demanding the surrender of the Presidio and every thing in it. Previous to this, he had determined to resist until the last; but on inquiry, he found that various means had been used to win over the soldiers, who were already disaffected on account of the arrearages of pay due to them. To capitulate was now the only thing to be done; but it was neces- sary for him to call a council of his officers and deliberate upon the terms offered, or submit to the place being stormed. It is said that this council w^ore away the whole night, in propositions how they could avoid a surrender or obtain relief, without coming to any con- clusion. At dawn on the 5th, their hunter adversaries becoming impatient at the delay, fired an eighteen-pound ball, which struck the centre of the roof of the Presidio, directly over the apartment where the council CALIFORNIA. 167 was held. This messenger brought them to a quick decision, and in a few minutes a flag of truce was sent out, surrendering unconditionally. At ten o'clock, the deputation which had been appointed, consist- ing of Alvarado, Castro, and two ignorant Rancheros, marched in with their force, accompanied, it is said, by some American masters of vessels who were in port. Gutierez and his followers laid down their arms and accepted the stipulations; which were a guarantee of life to himself and officers, and that those who chose mi£[ht either remain in the country or be suffered to depart. The Mexican flag was now hauled down; when the courage of Alvarado and the deputa- tion failed them, and they refused to hoist the flag of California, which had been prepared for the occasion, and was then ready to be dis- played, without first holding a council. This was supposed to be done through the advice of Ramierez and Cosme Penne, who now found that the affair had reached the point they desired, and that it was necessary to prevent any further act in favour of the foreigners. The council was accordingly held, and Miguel Ramierez and Cosme Penne were both allowed to be present. The four articles of declara- tions formally made, and that hav^e been above recited, w^ere read ovei for the purpose of being considered and adopted ; when these two stated it was not according to their understanding of the plan agreed upon: that it was not to declare the country altogether free and inde- pendent of Mexico, but only until the constitution of 1824 should be established. Upon this, the members of the deputation, who were per- fectly ignorant of their duties or business, simply answered: " WelK very well; it is just what we wanted: some persons who have longer heads than any of us to put us in the right way and help us better out of the scrape we hav^e got into." Don Cosme immediately took advan- taeje of this, and crave the watchword, "Viva California libre» y muerte ^w v.* ^, .« ^ a la centralism !" — upon which the Mexican flag was again hoisted. This produced much dissatisfaction among the foreigners, and the fear of them prevented Ramierez and Cosme Penne from going farther. In the selection of ofHcers, Alvarado was nominated as governor, by Castro ; General Vallejo, as commandant-general ; Castro, as lieu- tenant-colonel of the militia; and the inebriate Cosme Penne, as secre- tary of state. This proved satisfactory to the foreigners, although it was not what they wished: but the^act removing one-half the duties was still more so. It was soon determined that the Mexicans ou^ht to be removed at once out of the country, notwithstanding the stipulations of the sur- render to the contrary. Accordingly, the British brig Clementine was L chartered, in which Gutierez and all his officers, with a lar^e number I 168 CALIFORNIA. of his men, were embarked, and ordei^ed to be landed at Cape San Lucas, the southern point of Lower California. Thus in a few days were the authorities changed, without a single gun being fired but the one above spoken of, and without any blood- shed whatever. At the tin:ie of despatching the Clementine, Alvarado, with the advice of Cosme and Ramierez, purchased a snr^all schooner, and sent her at once to a port in Mexico to inforn^ the supreme govern- ment of every thing that had taken place, adding that they were willing to remain in allegiance, if they were allowed to choose their own officers. In the mean time they sent commissioners to demand that the other presidios should be given up, and that the inhabitants should acknowledge the authority of those who had overturned the govern- ment. This the officers and inhabitants refused to do, upon which Alvarado marched against Santa Barbara with his rancheros, for the hunters had, for the most part, left him. He was met by a superior force, commanded by a former deputy, named Castillo; but the schooner returned previous to hostilities being commenced, bringing not only a confirmation of the appointment of Alvarado and the others, but with a supply of arms, ammunition, and clothing for the troops, to the amount of ten thousand dollars. When this became known, Castillo and Alvarado became friends, the former acknowledging the authority ot the latter, while Alvarado, it is said, took the oath of allegiance to the central government. M o firmly established in his new office, and having been by this caprice of fortune raised above his deserts, he became arrogant to his countrymen, and alienated the foreigners by whom he had been assisted. . It will scarcely be necessary to say, that by this time the missions had lost all their control over the community. The government had seized upon their lands, and appointed an administradorto take charge of the property (which had been decided under an old Spanish law to belong to the government), as well as to rule over the Indians. From the priests were thus removed all further responsibilities and duties, except those strictly clerical. This act brought about the ruin of the missions- The moral and religious usefulness of the priests had been destroyed before, and now the property that was still left became a prey to the rapacity of the governor, the needy officers, and the ad- ministrador, who have well-nigh consumed all Some of the missions, that had from forty to eighty thousand head of cattle, are now left with less than two thousand, and are literally going to ruin. They are no more what they once were, the pride of the padres, and the seat of the prosperity of the country. Moreo o CALIFORNIA- lOf) has left the whole community destitute of any moral guide whatever, and without any sort of religious observance, except by a few indi- viduals past the middle age. Alvarado and General Vallejo have the reputation of being foremost in producing tfiis state of things. After a short time, it was found that the customs did not produce the required revenue; and the new government, fearing to tax the people and missions too openly, resorted to a renewal of the double duties, before more than two vessels had touched on the coast. Every day produced some restrictions upon the foreigners, who had now become estranged from the existing government that they had assisted to establish. Alvarado, finding his acts disapproved of by them, grew suspicious and jealous of their presence ; for he well knew^, from the manner of his own elevation, what an effective body they were. This state of things continued until the month of April, 1840, when Alvarado, anticipating an insurrectionary movement, and know^ing the confidence that the aid of the forei<^ners would o:ive the malcontent Californians, determined to rid the territory of them. For the purpose of obtaining some colour for the violence he intended, an Englishman, by the name of Gardner, was found, who deposed that all the foreigners, from San Francisco to San Diego, or from one extreme of California to the other, a distance of six or seven hundred miles, had conspired to murder the governor and take possession of the country : that an American, by the name of Graham, a trapper from the state of Kentucky, was their leader; and that they w^ere to rendezvous, for the purpose, at Nativetes, the residence of Graham, Colonel Castro was accordingly sent thither, with the prefect, tw^o inferior officers, and fifteen armed soldiers- They proceeded to Nativetes, which is about twenty miles from Monterey ; but, as they well knew that Graham was a resolute, strong, and brave man, it was necessary to take great pre- cautions. They therefore chose midnight for their attack, at which hour they reached his farm. On their arrival they forced open the door, and at once fired a volley into the bed w^here he lay asleep, and so close to it that they set fire to his blankets. Graham was w^ounded in several places, and badly burnt. On being thus awakened, he attempted to defend himself, but was overpowered by numbers, inhumanly beaten, and then tied hand and foot, A working-man, who attended the cattle with him, by the name of Shard, also an American, w^as held down by two nrien while a third deliberately cut the tendons of his legs with a butcher's knife, r and left him to die* Graham was then tied upon a horse, and carried to Monterey, where he was loaded with irons, and placed in a filthy cell:— torn from the property he had accumulated, amounting to four VOL. V. P 22 170 CALIFORNIA. or five thousand dollars in specie, and about ten thousand dollars in cattle, which he had reared and bought, through his own industry : this, it is supposed, fell into the hands of the governor, who was much in w^ant of funds at the time, and could conceive of no way by which his coffers could be so readily replenished as by such a wholesale robbery. After the arrest of Graham, more than sixty foreigners were taken up immediately, put into irons, and cast into prison with him. At the same time, orders w^ere issued to apprehend every foreigner found upon the coast, and in case of their not giving bonds for their appear- ance, they were to be thrust into prison. Forty-seven of these men were embarked in a vessel called the Guipuzcoa, loaded with irons, nearly half of whom are said to have been citizens of the United States. One of these died from the treat- ment he received; and the hardships they were obliged to undergo on their journey to Tepic, are almost past belief. The Guipuzcoa was eleven days on her passage to San Bias, during which time the prisoners w^ere kept in the hold of this small vessel, without light or air, and endured every description of ill treatment. On their arrival at San Bias, they were landed without delay, and immediately marched, in the short space of two days, to Tepic, a distance of sixty miles. The thermometer w-as at 90^; the road was mountainous and rough; they were barefooted, heavily ironed, and without any food, except w^hat was given them from charity. They were urged forward by lashes inflicted on their naked bodies, and one who sank under the fatigue was severely beaten with the but-end of a musket. At Tepic, they found in the English and American consuls kind friends, who exerted themselves to relieve their wants, and finally, throush their remonstrances, and those of the Enjislish and American ministers, they w-ere allowed to return to California ; and orders were given that they should produce certificates of their losses, and be paid for them. All the Englishmen have returned, with every necessary document to establish their claims, and obtain redress for their wrono^s : but on the part of the Americans, this is far from being the case. Of them none but Graham have returned, and he is broken both in health and spirits. What not learn ; but the French and English have all obtained indemnity, through the attention their governments have paid to their wrongs- Ours alone has failed in the prompt protection of its citizens ; and many com- plaints are made by our countrymen abroad that the government at home seems to have very little regard for their lives or property. 1 CALIFORNIA. 171 It would appear by this want of attention on the part of our govern- ment, that it had not been fully satisfied that the conduct of its citizens had been correct; at least, that is the feelin^r amon;; them abroad. I o "*'*'^*'o have little testimony on this subject, except the protestations of many of those who have been more or less suspected of taking part in the expected revolt. 1 can say, that all the accounts I received invariably spoke of the foreigners as having had notliing to do with the intended outbreak, even if it were organized; and every one should be satisfied that they were innocent, by the fact that in Mexico they w^ere all adjudged to be entirely guiltless of the charges brought against them, and that they were sent back at the expense of the Mexican govern- ment, with letters of security, and an order making it obligatory on the Governor of California to assist them in procuring evidence of the damages they had sustained. Although this may have been ample satisfaction, so far as mere remuneration goes, yet for the barbarous conduct shown to them by the authorities, some punishment ought to have been inflicted, and an example made. But such has not been the case, and those officers are still kept in their high places, w^th the powder to repeat like barbarities. There is no other way to account for this not being Insisted upon, than by supposing that the Mexicans hold so little authority over this territory as to make them extremely scrupulous how they take any measures that may cause the dismem- berment of the state, and the loss of even the nominal dominion they now possess. The situation of Upper California will cause its separation from Mexico before many years. The country between it and Mexico can never be any thing but a barren waste, which precludes all intercourse except that by sea, always more or less interrupted by the course of the winds, and the unhealthfulness of the lower or seaport towns of Mexico. It is very probable that this country will become united with Oregon, with which it will perhaps form a state that is destined to control the destinies of the Pacific. This future state is admirablv situated to become a powerful maritime nation, with two of the finest ports in the world, — that within the straits of Juan de Fuca, and San Francisco. These two regions have, in fact, wuthin themselves every thing to make them increase, and keep up an intercourse with the whole of Polynesia, as well as the countries of South America on the one side, and China, the Philippines, New Holland, and New Zea- land, on the other. Among the latter, before many years, may be included Japan. Such various climates will furnish the materials for a beneficial interchange of products, and an intercourse that must, in ' time, become immense; while this western coast, enjoying a climate 172 CALIFORNIA. in many respects superior to any other in the Pacific, possessed as it must be by the Anglo-Norman race, and having none to enter into rivalry with it but the indolent inhabitants of warm climates, is evi* dently destined to fill a large space in the world's future history. Although I have already spoken of the Indians, yet in order to make the state of the country fully understood, it is necessary to explain their former connexion with the missions, as well as their present condition. The Indians who were brought into the fold of the missions, were r either induced through persuasion, by force, or enticed by presents : the agreement, or rather law, was, that they should be converted to Chris- tianity; and for this benefit conferred upon them, they were to give ten years' faithful service, after which time they were to be at liberty, and to hav^e allotted to them a small piece of land for cultivation, and a few cattle, provided they could get the security of any respectable person for their good behaviour. This seldom happened ; but their treatment was much more kind after the expiration of their term of service, and they usually remained in the employ of the missions, having become attached to their masters and occupations. These chiefly consisted in taking care of cattle, the work of the farm, gardening, and household duties. Some became carpenters and blacksmiths ; others weavers, shoemakers, and manufacturers of leather; and some were let out to private service to " gente de razon,'' or people of reason, as the whites are termed. The police of the missions was strict, and punishment was administered when required ; but then revt^ards for good behaviour were also given, as w^ell as for bringing in neophytes. In the latter way, it is said that the missions were usually recruited. During the troubles of 1836, the Indians of many of the missions were cast oflf neglected, and in fact deprived of the proceeds of their labour. They had reason to believe, as had been impressed upon them by the Spanish padres, that they were interested in the proceeds and w^ealth that had been accumulated by their labour; and this belief had naturally tended to attach them to the soil. The ravages of the small-pox, two years prior to our visit, completed the destruction of these establishments; for it swept off one-half of the Indians, and served to dispirit the rest. Many of them have joined the wild Indians, and are now committing acts of violence on the whites; they are becoming daily more daring, and have rendered a residence in single farm-houses or estancias not without danger. In looking at the state in which these poor Indians hav^e been left, it cannot be denied but that they have cause to be dissatisfied with the treatment they have received. Every mission was regarded as a separate family of Indians, and i 9 CALIFORNIA. 173 some of these included twelve hundred individuals. During the n^anage- ment of the Spanish priests, every thing was judiciously conducted : the Indians were well dressed, well fed, and happy ; out of their earnings the priests were able to buy annually ten thousand dollars' worth of articles for their wants and gratification, from the vessels trading upon the coast. Each mission formed a body politicof itself, having its own alcalde, inferior officers, &c., and every thing went on prosperously* The Indians, though at first disinclined to work, soon became indus- trious, when they found the benefits and advantages that accrued to themselves, and becan^e converts to Christianity, so far as forms went, in order to entitle them to its presents. It is not surprising that a rapid increase of wealth took place, considering the number of labourers in the field, added to a rich soil and fine climate. As has been before stated, in 1835, orders from the supreme govern- ment w-ere issued, administradors were appointed to each mission, and the priests were deprived of their sway, leaving them only their clerical duties to attend to, W'ith a small stipend. So far as they were person- ally concerned, this was deserved ; for, with but one or two exceptions, their lives were entirely opposite to what they ought to have been; they were openly and publicly dissolute. The administradors have made themselves and those by whom they were appointed, rich upon the Spoils of these missions ; and so great have been the drafts upon some of these missions, that they have not been able to support their neophytes- The mission of San Jose, for our visit, was obliged to order oflffive hundred of its proselytes, to pro- cure their subsistence as they best could. These acts seem to be com- u)itted without any kind of consideration, or idea that there is any injustice practised: the property acquired by the missions is looked upon as belonging to the state; the claims of the Indians are entirely overlooked, and in the event of their taking the cattle that in truth belong to them, they are severely punished. This naturally irritates them, for not only can they perceive the injustice of others appropri* ating the fruits of their labour, but are exasperated by seeing them living upon the common stock, while they are obliged to seek a preca- rious subsistence in the forest. In consequence of this state of things, depredations are continually committed by the Indians; and, a month previous to the arrival of the squadron, they had driven off three hundred horses. Retaliatory measures on the part of the Californians were adopted ; a party was collected and despatched to punish them, which proceeded tow^ards the interior, came to a village, and without any inquiry whether its dwellers had been the aggressors, it was set on fire, and reduced to P2 instance 174 CALIFORNIA. ashes; some of the defenceless old men, who from their infirmities could not escape, were put to death, and forty or fifty women and children carried off* as prisoners. This was not all: these prisoners were apportioned as slaves to various families, with whom they still remain in servitude^ and receive very harsh treatment. Smarting under such wrongs, it is not surprising that the Indians should reta- liate. They openly assert that after taking all the horses, they will commence with families ; and many of those which are situated on the frontiers, experience much alarm. In June 1841, an Englishman was shot by an arrow at the door of his house, early in the evening. The Indians enticed him out by making a noise near by, and the moment he opened the door, with a candle in his hand, an arrow was sent through his heart. The Indians at present rarely steal any thing but horses ; but so daring are they, that they not unfrequently take them out of the enclosures near the pueblos. Their reason for confining themselves to this description of property is, that with them they are able to avoid pursuit, which would not be the case if they took cattle. The Cali- fornians, on detecting and apprehending the aggressors, show them no mercy, and their lives are made the forfeit- This constant foray on one side or the other keeps up a continual embitterment, and as long as the present imbecile government lasts, this state of things must everv day grow worse, and will undoubtedly tend to affect the value of property, as well as to prevent immigration, and settlement in the country. To all strangers but those of the Spanish race, the Indians seem in general well disposed, as they have usually received from the former considerate and kind treatment. The character of these Indians is not represented as savage, and they were little disposed to trouble the whites until they had been themselves ejected from the missions, and forced to consort with those who are yet in a wild state. The know- ledge they have of the Californians, of the missionary establishments, and the manner of conducting them, enables them to act more effectively; and if it were not for the presence of the English and Americans, they would either drive the Spanish race out of the countrv, or confine them to the narrow limits of their villages. The number of Indians is variously stated, at from twelve to fifteen thousand ; but it is believed by some of the best informed, that their number, since the smaI!-pox made its ravages among them, is not much more than one-half of this number, or eight or nine thousand. The principal part of these are the tribes on the Sacramento. In like manner, there has been an exaggeration in the computation CALIFORNIA. I75 I of the number of the wliites, or gente de razon- These have been usually estimated at five thousand ; but, from the best information, I could not satisfy myself that they number more than three thousand souls. In this estimate is not included those of mixed blood, who may amount to two thousand more; so that in the whole of Upper California, at the date of our visit, the entire population was about fifteen thousand souls; and this estimate cannot be far from the truth. The health and robustness of the white inhabitants seem remark* able, and must be attributed to the fine climate, as well as to their simple diet. This consists of beef roasted upon the coals, a few vege- tables, and the tortilla, wiiich is a thin cake, made of corn-meal, and baked upon a sheet of iron. Throughout the country, both with the rich and poor, this is the general fare; but some few luxuries have been lately introduced, among which are rice and tea. The latter is used so sparingly, that the discoloration of the water is scarcely per- ceptible. At the missions they live more after the Spanish Hishion. The children are, for the most part, left to take care of themselves, and run about naked and dirty. They are generally robust, and their relative number seems to be very great; thus, it is by no means un- common to see families of fourteen or fifteen children ; and an instance was mentioned to me of a woman near Yerba Buena, who had had twenty-six. A large number die from accidental falls from horses, with which from their earliest childhood they are accustomed to be engaged. They early become expert and fearless riders, and this skill is not confined altogether to the male sex; the women are almost equally expert. Families with numerous members are seldom met with who have not had to mourn the loss of several of their number from casualties of this sort. Although the Californians are comparatively few in number, yet they have a distinctive character. Descended from the old Spaniards, they are unfortunately found to have all their vices, without a proper share of their virtues; they are exceedingly fond of gambling, w^hich is equally in favour with the male and female portion of the community. Their games consist in cards, dice, &c. Their amusements are cock-fighting, bull and bear-baiting, and dancing; these are the predominant occupations of their lives, always accompanied with excessive drinking. Parties of amusement, to w^hich the surrounding population is invited, are frequent ; these generally last for three days, and rarely break up without some quarrel. Weddings are particularly liable to these disorders, and at each of the three last that took place at and in the vicinity of Yerba Buena, previous to our ne CALIFORNIA, visit there, a life was lost by the cuchillo. This weapon is always worn, and is promptly resorted to in all their quarrels. 4 The fennale portion of the community are ignorant, degraded, and the slaves of their husbands. They are very fond of dress, and will make any sacrifice, even their own honour, to gratify it. The men have no trades, and depend for every thing upon the Indians at the missions, some of whom are quite ingenious, both as carpenters and blacksmiths. The whites are so indolent, and withal have so much pridOj as to m.ake them look upon all manual labour as degrading; in truth, they regard all those who work as beneath them; they, in con- sequence, can never be induced to labour. An anecdote was related to me of one who had been knowm to dispense with his dinner, although the food was but a few yards off, because the Indian was not at hand to bring it to him. The state of morals here is very low, and is every day becoming worse. During the residence of the old Spanish priests, the people were kept under some control ; but since the change I have narrated, priest and layman are alike given up to idleness and debauchery. One thing they are said to be remarkable for, which is their extreme hospi- tality: it is alleged that they will give up all business to entertain a guest. They put no value whatever upon time, and in entering into contracts they have no regard to punctuality, frequently allowing two, three, and four years to pass by before payment. This does not pro- ceed from dishonesty, or any intention to evade their debts, for eventu- ally they pay, if they can, and do not object to the amount of interest. They in fact regard the inconvenience to which they may have put their creditors as of no sort of consequence. I understood that to offer money for entertainment was considered as an insult; but I did it notwithstanding, and although it was refused from myself, yet, when made through my servant, it was readily ac- cepted. While one is entertained by them, if he should want to hire or purchase any thing, the landlord will league with those about him in schemes of extortion to be practised upon the stranger, and appear vexed with those who are the prominent extortioners. Instances of this will be given hereafter. The Californians, as a people, must be termed cruel in their treat- ment to their wives, as well as to the Indians; and in a still greater degree, of course, to their slaves and cattle. They are exceedingly ignorant of every thing but extortion, riding horses, and catching bullocks. Having thus thrown together the general information I was able to \ I CALIFORNIA. 177 procure, I shall proceed to speak more particularly of our operations in the country, and intercourse with the inhabitants. On the 20th of August, Lieutenant-Commandant Ringgold left the V^incennes with six boats, accompanied by Dr. Pickering, Lieutenants Alden and Budd, Passed Midshipman Sandford, Midshipmen Ham- mersly and Elliott, and Gunner Williamson, with provisions for thirty days, accompanied by an Indian pilot. They first passed the islands of Angelos and Molate, next the points of San Pedro and San Pablo, and then entered the bay of San Pablo. This bay is of a form nearly circular, and ten miles in diameter; many small streams enter it on all sides, from the neighbouring hills. On the east side of this bay, the river Sacramento empties into it through the Straits of Kaquines. The land is high, and the sandstone rock on each side of the straits resembles that seen about the Straits of De Fuca. The hills are thickly covered with wnid oats, which were ripe, and the landscape had that peculiar golden hue before re- marked. The contrast of this with the dark green foliage oi the scattered oaks, heightens t!ie effect, which, although peculiar, is not unpleasing to the sight. The trees all have an inclination towards the southeast, showing the prevalence and violence of the bleak northwest winds, producing on them a gnarled and mountain character. This feature is general throughout the coast of California, and gives the trees a singular appearance, the flat tops having the air of being cut or trimmed after the manner of box trees. The tops are bent to one side, and the larger branches hidden by the numerous twigs which compose the mass. 1 us impressed upon the foliage, was at Terra del Fuego. After passing the straits, the delta of the Sacramento opened to view. The Tula marshes, which are overflowed by the river above,. are very extensive, and are said to be the resort of a vast number of beavers, which, in consequence of the nature of the ground, are difficult to catch, many more traps being necessary than in other localities. The party took the southeast arm of the Sacramento, and proceeded up the stream for the distance of three miles, where they encamped, without water, that of the river being still brackish. The soil was hard, from being sunburnt, and the foot-marks of the cattle, which had been made during the last rainy season, still remained. In the morning, they discovered that they had taken the wrong branch of the river, for this led immediately into the San Joachim. They, in consequence, returned to the entrance, where they began their survey. On the 23d, they reached the residence of Captain Suter, and encamped on the opposite bank. VOL. v. 23 - -^ ^r 178 CALIFORNIA. Captain Suter is a Swiss by birth, and informed them that he had been a lieutenant in the Swiss guards during the time of Charles X* Soon after the revolution of July, he came to the United States, and passed several years in the state of Missouri. He has but recently removed to California, where he has obtained from the government a conditional grant of thirty leagues square, bounded by the Sacramento on the west, and extending as far up the river as the Prairie Bufes. The spot he has chosen for the erection of his dwelling and fortification, he has called New Helvetia; it is situated on the summit of a small knoll, rising from the level prairie, two miles from the east bank of the Sacramento, and fifty miles from its mouth. New Helvetia is bounded on the north by the American Fork, a small serpentine stream, w^hich has a course of but a few miles. This river, having a bar near its mouth, no vessels larger than boats can enter it. At this place the Sacramento is eight hundred feet wide, and this may be termed the head of its navigation during the dry season, or the stage of low water. Mr. Geiger, a young American fi'om Newport, is now attached to Captain Suter's establishment; but he informed me that he intended to settle higher up the Sacramento, on the banks of the Feather river. When Captain Suter first settled here in 1839, he was surrounded by some of the most hostile tribes of Indians on the river; but by his energy and management, with the aid of a small party of trappers, has thus far prevented opposition to his plans. He has even succeeded in ■winning the good-will of the Indians, who are now labouring for him in building housesTand a line of wall, to protect him against the in- roads or attacks that he apprehends, more from the present authorities of the land, than from the tribes about him, who are now working in his employ. He holds, by appointment of the government, the office of administrador, and has, according to his own belief, supreme powder in his own district, condemning, acquitting, and punishing, as well as marrying and burying those who are under him. He treats the Indians very kindly, and pays them well for their services in trapping and working for liim. His object is to attach them, as much as possible, to his interests, that in case of need he may rely upon their chiefs for assistance. Although Captain Suter is, in general, in the habit of treating the Indians with kindness, yet he related to our gentlemen instances in which he had been obliged to fusilade nine of them; indeed, he does not seem to stand upon much ceremony with those who oppose him in any way. His buildings consist of extensive currals and dwelling- houses, for himself and people, all built of adobes. Labour is paid for » CALIFORNIA. 179 in goods. The extent of his stock amounts to about one thousand horses, two tliousand five hundred cattle, and about one thousand sheep, many of which are now to be seen around liis premises, giving them an appearaiice of civilization. Captain Suter has commenced extensive operations in farming;. but in the year of our visit the drought had affected him, as well as others, and ruined all his crops. About forty Indians were at work for him, whom he had tanglit to make adobes. The agreement for their services is usually made with their chiefs, and in this way, as many as are wanted are readily obtained. These chiefs have far more authority over their tribes than those we had seen to the north; and in the opinion of an intelligent American, they have more power over and are more respected by their tribes than those of any other North American Indians. Connected with the establishment, Captain Suter has erected a distillery, in which he makes a kind of pisco from the wild grape of the country. The duties I have already named might be thought enough for the supervision of one person; but to these must be added the direction of a large party of trappers and hunters, mostly American, who enter here into competition with those of the Hudson Bay Company ; and attention to the property of the Russian establishment at Ross and Bodega, which had just been transferred to him for the consideration of thirty thousand dollars. In the purchase were included all the stock, houses, arms, utensils, and cattle, belonging to the establishment. It was understood that this post was abandoned, by orders of the Russian government, the Russian Company no longer having any necessity to. hold it to procure supplies, as they are now to be furnished under a contract with the Hudson Bay Company ; and by giving it up, they avoid many heavy expenses. Bodega was first established by the Russians in 1812, under a per- mission of the then governor of Monterey, to erect a few small huts for ■salting their beef. A small number of men were left to superintend this business, which in a few years increased, until the place became of such importance in the eyes of the Spanish authorities, that on the Russians attempting to establish themselves at San Francisco,* they were ordered to leave the country. This they refused to do, and having become too strong to be removed by the Spanish force, they had been suffered to remain undisturbed until the time of our visit. The port of Bodega is situated about ninety miles to the north of thai of San Francisco, and being both inconvenient and small, cannot be On the island of Yerba Buena, and to employ their men in trapping during the te^on. 180 CALIFORNIA. entered except by vessels of a small draft of water. From what 1 understood from the officers who had been in charge of it, it had been a very considerable expense to the Russian American Company to fortify it; and the disposal of the whole, on almost any terms, must have been advantageous. Captain Suter had commenced removing the stock and transporting the guns, *&c., to his establishment. The buildings at the two posts numbered from fifty to sixty, and they frequently contained a population of four or five hundred souls. Since the breaking up of the establishment, the majority of the Russians returned to Sitka ; the rest have remained in the employ of the present owner. During our stay, there was much apprehension on the part of some that the present governor of the district next west of New Helvetia, felt jealous of the power and influence that Captain Suter was obtaining in the country ; and it was thought that had it not been for the force which the latter could bring to oppose any attempt to dislodge him, it would have been tried. In the mean time Captain Suter Is using all his energies to render himself impregnable. In his manners, Captain Suter is frank and prepossessing; he has much intelligence, is conversant with several languages, and withal not a little enthusiastic : he generally wears a kind of undress uniform, with his side-arms buckled around him. He has a wife and daughter whom he expects soon to join him. New Helvetia was found to be in latitude 38^ 33' 45" N., and longi- tude 12r 22' 24" W. According to this gentleman, there are nine different tribes of Indians that are now in his neighbourhood, and within a short distance of his territory. In the evening our party were favoured with a dance by Indian boys, who, before they began, ornamented themselves with white masks, and decked their bodies each according to his own taste. The music was vocal, and several joined in the song. Their motions were thought to resemble the Pawnees' nriode of dancing. Their music was more in harmony than among the other tribes we had seen ; neither has their language any of the harsh guttural sounds found in those of the Oregon Indians. Every word of their language appears to terminate with a vowel, after the manner of the Polynesian dialects, which gives their voices much more softness than the tribes to the north, to whom they have no resemblance whatever, though they are said to be somewhat like the Shoshones. They wear fillets of leaves around their heads, and often tie on them a piece of cotton, after the manner of the Polynesians. These Indians* I I CALIFORNIA. 131 do not build canoes, although they admire and prize them hi<^hly; thev are excellent swimmers, and in consequence of it do not need them in their narrow streams ; they, however, make use of simple rafts, com- posed of one or two logs, generally split The venereal disease is said to prevail to a great extent among them; and whole tribes have been swept off by the smalUpox. The \ former is said to have been communicated by the Indians who have I been discharged from the mission. All agree that the Indians have been very unjustly treated by the governor. Cattle that had been given to them by the padres of the mission w^hen they left it, have been taken away from them by this functionary, and added to his own stock — whence a saying has been derived, that the governor's cows produce three times a year. The Spanish laws do not recognise the Indian title to lands, but consider them and the Indians also in the light of public property- + Although the country around was parched up with the severe drought that had prevailed, yet the short grasses were abundant, and it was more completely covered with vegetation than that below. Scattered oaks are seen in all directions, some of which are of large « dimensions, — five or six feet in diameter, and sixty or seventy feet high. The scenery was very much admired, and Mount Diavolo, near the mouth of the San Joachim, adds to its beauty. The mountains to the east are visible from Captain Suter*s settlement, and it is said that during some portions of the year they are covered with snow. A route across them was followed, directly east of this place, by a party, but they were twenty days in getting over, and found the country so thickly wooded that they were obliged to cut their way. The pass which is recommended as better, is two hundred miles to the north of this place, through the gap made by the head waters of the Sacra- mento." This has led to the belief that Pitt's river extends in this X direction through and beyond them. The best route to the United States is to follow the San Joachim for sixty miles, thence easterly, through a gap in the Snowy Mountains, by a good beaten road; thence the course is northeasterly to Mary's river, which flow's southeast and has no outlet, but loses itself in a lake; thence continuing in the same direction, the Portneuf river, in the Upper Shoshone, is reached ; and thence to Fort Hall. Accord- ing to Dr. Marsh, (an American of much intelligence, resident at the mouth of the San Joachim, to whom we are indebted for much infor- mation of the country,) there is plenty of fresh water and pasturage the Colorado. proper Q 182 CALIFORNIA. Dr. Marsh crossed nothing like a range of mountains in the whole route from the United States. Hills and mountains were often seen on what he calls the table-land of New Mexico. The most common plant met w^ith w^as an acacia, a small shrub which is also to be found in the southern parts of New Mexico, where the chmate is likewise very arid- In one district w^here it occurs, it is found necessary to protect both horse and rider with a sort of armour against this rigid and thorny vegetation, betw^een latitude 37"^ and 38° N. He also reports that there are other streams to the east of the moun- tains w^ithout outlets, and which do not reach the Colorado, althouo^h running in that direction. He identifies the Youta, or great Salt Lake, with the Lake Timponogos of the early Spanish fathers who visited it, and agrees with others in placing the north end of it nearly in the parallel of 42^ N. The Colorado he reports to be impracticable for boats to descend from the head waters to its mouth, on account of its rapidity. There is one place in it that is described as similar to the Dalles of the Columbia, w^hich is supposed to be where it passes through the range of mountains. The banks of the river are bordered with marshes, which extend for miles back. This kind of country continues up both the Sacra- mento and San Joachim, and is the proper Tula district of which so much has been said, and so many errors propagated. Here the tula (Scirpus lacustris) grows in great luxuriance. On the 25th, the boats left New Helvetia. It was discovered, pre- vious to starting, that four men had deserted from their party. This is a common circumstance in this port, and very few vessels visit it without losing some portion of their crews. The dissolute habits of the people form such strong temptations for sailors, that few can resist them. A number of men who were deserters were continu- ally around us. Among others, the sergeant and marine guard that had deserted from H. B. M. ship Sulphur were the most troublesome. Their appearance did not prove that they had changed their situation for the better. Ten miles up the river, a sand-bar occurred, over which it was found that the launch could not pass. Lieutenant-Commandant Rin^r. gold therefore left her at this place, under charge of Mr. Williams, taking sufficient provisions in the boats. The oaks became more scat- tered, and the soil thickly covered with vegetation, although parched up by continued drought. On the 26th, they reached the mouth of Feather river, which is fif- teen miles above New Helvetia. It appeared nearly as broad as the CALIFORNIA. 183 main stream, but there is a bar extending the whole distance across it, on which the boats grounded. On the point of the fork, the ground was strewed with the skulls and bones of an Indian tribe, nil of whom are said to have died, within a few years, of the tertian fever, and to have nearly become extinct in consequence. Near this had been an Indian village, which w^as destroyed by Captain Suter and his trappers, because its inhabitants had stolen cattle, &c. The affair rcsuhcd in one of the Indians being killed, twenty-seven made captive, and the removal of the remainder beyond the limits of his territory. The battle-ground was pointed out, at a bend of the river, which is only one-third of a mile across, though three around. Above the junction of the two rivers, the Sacramento becomes sensibly diminished. ^ Game is represented to have decreased in this vicinity, from the numbers destroyed by the parties of the Hudson Bay Company, who annually frequent these grounds. Large flocks of curlew were seen around; and the California quail, which disappeared since leaving the coast, was again seen. The trees that line the banks consist of the cotton-wood, &c. Single oaks, with short grass beneath them, are scattered over the plain. The next day, as they advanced, game became more plentiful, and elk w^ere found to be most so. Some of them were of large size, and at this season of the year, the rutting, they are seen generally in pairs; but at other times, the females are in large herds. They are fine- looking animals, with very large antlers, and seemed, in the first in- stance, devoid of fear. The herds are usually thirty to forty in number, and are chiefly composed of females and their young. The father of the flock is always conspicuous, and with his horns seemed to over- shadow and protect the family. m The tula or bulrush was still found in great quantities, growing on the banks. The Indians use its roots as food, either raw, or mixed with the grass seed, which forms the principal article of their food. This root is likewise eaten by the grisly bear. f* At the encamping-place was a grore of poplars of large size, some of which were seventy feet high, and two and a half feet in diameter. The leaf resembled that of the American aspen. At night they had a slight thunder-shower. The wolves and bears had entered the camp during the night, although there was a watch kept at each end of it. 4 f The howling of the wolves was almost constant. On the 27th, the current in the Sacramento had become much more rapid, and the snags more frequent; its banks were on an average about twenty feet above the water, though there was every appearance on them of their having been overflowed. The prairies are perfectly \ 184 CALIFORNIA. level, and every where overspread with dead shells of the Planorbis. In some places these shells appeared as though they had been collected in heaps. From the top of these banks, the Prairie Butes were in sight to the northward and westward. As they proceeded up the river, the country continued of the same character, the level being only interrupted by the line of trees that borders the river. These consist of oaks and sycamores. They encamped at a late hour, on a spot where the prairie had been burnt over, and were much disturbed during the night, by the bears, wolves, and owls. Near this camp was a deserted village. On the 29th, they for the first time met Indians, who appeared quite shy, concealing themselves behind trees. As they increased in numbers, however, they became more confident, and invited the party to land. Towards noon the character of the country began to change, and trees of a larger size than before were seen, growing out from the banks. A little after noon, they met with the remains of a fish-weir. Some Indians were seen along the banks, armed with bows, arrows, and lances : none but males appeared ; they, however, made no hostile demonstrations. Game and fur-bearing animals had become more numerous, and among them were the lynx and fox. The latter is the species whose fur brings a high price in China, where as much as twenty dollars is paid for a skin. This fox is said to have one peculiarity, namely, that when chased it will ascend trees. Bears were also in great numbers. It is reported that they will sometimes attack and eat the Indians. Dr. Marsh thinks there is but one species, the grisly bear; but the black bear of the United States is found in New Mexico, and highly prized for its skin; though Dr. Pickering thinks he saw another spe^ cies, whose summer coat approaches the yellow bear of Oregon. The skin of the young is her^ sometimes made into quivers, and they are destitute of the horny claws of the grisly bear. The skin of the latter animal is said sometimes to be as large as that of an ox; its food is the same as that of the Indians, and varies with the seasons. Its strength is said to be prodigiously great, and it has been known when lassoed to drag three horses; and when baited in the bull and bear fights prac- tised in California, will check the charge of a bull by putting out one of its paws. Thev will also ascend the oaks for the acorns, and break off branches so large as almost to ruin the tree. It has been generally supposed that they do not climb ; but all the hunters bear testimony that they can do it, ahhough slowly and clumsily. They are now less k' * X ^ CALIFORNIA. 185 ■» 1 numerous than formerly; indeed, it is alleged that the lower country, near the Saa Joachim, was once so infested with these bears, that the Indians were obliged to keep to the high lands when travelling. It does not at all times kill its enemies when it has them in its powder; rarely attacks a man unless he comes upon him by surprise, and is not considered a dangerous animal. Anecdotes are told of hunters who had fallen into the power of grisly Dears, which would cover them up with brush, grass, and leaves, and put them down, without further molestation, so long as they remained quiet ; if they attempted to rise again, the bear would again put them down, cover them over as before, and finally leave them unhurt. Three or four are usually seen feeding together. The cubs are remarkably small in proportion to the full-grow^n animal. Lieutenant-Commandant Rint^orold, Dr. Pickerincr, and Mr. Geiser, landed to procure an interview^ with the chief, \vho, with some others, was prevailed upon to accompany them to their encampment. The chief presented them with a tuft of w^hite feathers, stuck on a stick about one foot long, which was supposed to be a token of friendship. These Indians were naked, and some of them had feathers in their hair, arranged in different ways. One among them wns seen pitted with the small-pox, %vhich was the only instance that had been observed of the sort. Their fillets of feathers somewhat resembled those worn by the chiefs at the Sandw^ich Islands; and feather cloaks were seen at the village, resembling some we had seen to the north, near the Straits of De Fuca. Their bows and arrows were precisely like those described as used by the more northern tribes. The arrows w^ere about three feet long, and the bow^s were of yew^ encased with sinew. Their arrows, as well as their spears, which were very short, were pointed with flint. These Indians were generally fine robust men, of low stature, and badly formed; but the chiefs, five or six in number, w^ere fully equal in size to the whites, though inferior in stature and good-looking as com- pared with the generality of the Polynesians. They had a strong resemblance to the latter, except that the nose was not so flat and their colour rather darker. Although the men go naked, the women are said to w^ear the maro. The males seemed to be exceedingly jealous, on account, it is said, o[ the unprincipled conduct of ihe whites w^ho have occasionally passed among them- Their hair is not w^orn as long as it is by the northern Indians, and is nnuch thicker. They had beards and w^hiskers an inch or two long, very soft and fine. One of them was observed to have stuck in his head a long pin or VOL. V. Q2 24 186 CALIFORNIA. small stick, like that so much in use among the Feejees. Most of them had some slight marks of tattooing on their breast, somewhat similar to that of the Chinooks, Several of them had their ears bored, and wore in the opening round pieces of wood or bone, some of which were carved. Their rancheria, or village, consisted of no more than five or six huts, built around a larger one, which appeared somewhat like the ** tamascals" — sweating-houses. All their houses were formed in the following manner; a round pit is dug, three or four feet deep and from ten to twenty feet in diameter; over this a framework of sticks is raised, woven together, upon w^hich is laid dried grass and reeds ; the whole is then covered with earth. They have one small opening, into which it is necessary to creep on all-fours; another is left on the top, which is extended upw^ards with bundles of grass, to serve as a chimney ; in some of the houses there was a kind of hanging-shelf, apparently for the purpose of drying fisb. The tamascal differed in no respect from the others, except in its size, and appeared sufficiently large to contain half the inhabitants of the rancheria; but, unlike the rest, it had several instead of one opening; all of these had coverings, which are intended for the purpose of retaining the heat as long as possible. The Indians are particularly fond of these baths, and make constant use of them. The roofs of their houses are strong enough to bear the w^eight of several persons, and the Indians are usually seen sitting on the top of them. Previous to our gentlemen reaching the rancheria, their women had all decamped, excepting one old one, who, on perceiving the party dose to hor, dropped her load, and in excessive fear darted off like a wild animal. Around the huts were scattered vast quantities of the mussels' shells and acorns, which would therefore seem to be the principal articles of food. Near the huts, large branches of trees had been stuck up for shade. Some water-light baskets and bulrush mats were their only fabrics. They do not appear to pay any attention to cultivation, and the only appearance of it was in a species of Cucurbita (mock orange), planted near their village; but what use they made of this w^as not learned. This rancheria is said to contain between two and three hundred warriors, who are a fair specimen of the tribes of the country, and are the most troublesome to the trappers, with whom they generally have a fight once a year. On one occasion, the Hudson Bay Company left their cattle in their charge, and when the delivery was demanded they refused to give them up ; w^ar was accordingly made on them, and after thev had lost forty of their warriors, they consented to return the CALIFORNIA. 187 cattle and make peace. These Indians do not use the tomahawk, nor practise scalping* They go unclothed, even in winter, although the climate is occasionally quite cold in this northern part of the valley. On the morning when the party were breaking up camp to embark, an Indian boldly seized the bowie-knife-pistol of Dr. Pickering, and made at once for the woods. He had chosen his time well, for no arms were at hand. Several of the men pursued him, but by his alert- ness he eluded all pursuit ; and having gained the bushes, escaped with his prize. This act, committed in open daylight, and at the risk of life, shows how strong is their propensity to steal. All the other Indians present soon understood the difficulty, and at once took their departure. The chief was not present ; those who were concerned in the theft had not been before seen, and it was conjectured belonged to one of the ran- cherias higher up the river. A short distance above the place where this occurred, they met the chief, to whom the theft was made know^n, and who promised to restore the stolen article. At noon they passed the Prairie Butes, which are a collection of isolated hills, rising from the level plain, as if out of the sea. As they were visited by the party that passed through from Oregon, I shall give a particular account of them in the narrative of that journey. They formed one of the connecting links between the operations of the two parties, and served to verify their respective observations. Indians were seen on the west bank of the ri^^er, with a number of women in com- pany, who seemed well disposed to enter into communication, as they motioned the party to land. In the afternoon they encamped on the west bank, at a considerable distance above the Butes. The river was here only two hundred feet wide, and its banks but fifteen feet high. The trees on the shores had now become quite thick, and grew with great luxuriance; so much so, that were the sight confined to the river banks, it might be supposed that the country was one continued forest, instead of an open prairie. The Indians who visited them at this camp, were less timid, and a much finer-looking set of men than those before seen. They allowed the officers and men to examine their bows and arrows, and appeared to have confidence in our good feeling tow^ards them. The old chief welcomed the party, granted them permission to encamp on the bank, and then departing with all his tribe, nothing more was seen of him until late the next morning. On the 31st, they again proceeded, and passed several Indian villages. Before noon, they arrived at a substantially-built fish-weir, of which the Indians began to take a part dow^n, but Lieutenant-Commandant 188 CALIFORNIA- Ringgold deeming that this was the termination of his exploration, motioned to them to desist. This fish-weir w^as constructed with a great deal of art: stakes, pointing down the stream, had been driven into its bed, having three openings, which led into square pens above; over each of the entrances into the pens was a platform, on which tho natives stand to take the fish; on these also there were heaps of ashes, indicating that the natives make use of fire to attract the fish. The annexed wood-cut is a representation of the weir. n 1 FISH-WEIR. w The river w^as examined for two or three miles above, and found to be filled with rapids, and innumerable difficulties caused by snags and sand-bars. Here Lieutenant-Commandant Ringgold ascertained his position to be in latitude 39^ 13' 39" N., longitude 12F 48' 38" W., w^hich, joined to the work of the land party, gives the exploration or the whole extent of the Sacramento river, from its source to the sea, a distance of two hundred miles. The first fork, or the junction of Pitt's with that of Destruction river or creek, is in latitude 40° 47' N., longitude 122^ 34' W. The Indians of this tribe, the Kinkla, were disposed to be much more friendly than those met with during the two preceding days. The party had some intercourse with them, and many of the women i?vere seen, some of whom wore the peculiar Polynesian dress, called the maro, which in this case was made of strings from the Californian flax, which is common in this part of the country. Where this cannot be procured, they use the tula. This garment hangs in considerable thickness both before and behind, but is open at the sides- Of these Indians it is reported that no one has more than one wife. Their village was similar to that already described. The women were not very prepossessing in their appearance, although the younger ones had pleasing faces and fine forms; but the men were large and stout, and would be termed finely formed. The women were em- ployed in drying grass-seed and acorns in the sun, of which the latter seemed to be the principal part of their food. These Indians had small fishing-nets, somewhat resembling in size and shape a lady's reticule. These they made use of when diving for mussels, and in a CALIFORNIA. jgg j- short time procured half a bushel of them. They had also larn-er nets, which very much resemble our own; but on close examination, .^ Wt.CA.-^O v. V.B^. V.V^.K^,*^ be ferent. Their language is soft compared to that of the northern Indians, and as much so as that of the Polynesians. In but a few cases was the guttural sound of tch observed ; and the repetition of syllables is frequent, as " wai-wai," and " hau-hau-hau." Lieutenant-Comman- dant Ringgold obtained a small vocabulary of the language from a chief, and Captain Suter furnished much information respecting it. According to him, although there are many tribes, yet they speak no more than two distinct languages, one of which prevails on the east and the other on the west side of the Sacramento, This information, however, was contradicted by other authorities; but as this subject belongs to the report on philology, I must refer the reader to Mr. Hale's book on that subject for further information. According to the best authorities, these Indians, so far from being cannibals, will not eat any kind of animals that eat man. They carry burdens in the same manner as the northern tribes, wuth a strap round the forehead. They live upon various plants, in their several seasons, besides grapes, and even use the Artemisia- A species of lobacco is found on the sandy beaches, which the Indians prepare and smoke. Their bows and arrow's were carefully made, and the latter were kept in quivers made of fox-skins, young bears, &c. In each of these they had about forty arrows, pointed with flint and neatly made. The vegetation throughout the whole course o{ the Sacramento j^^.^V^WW *.-*w«_ showed evident traces of salt, and in some places the prairies seemed to be incrusted with it. At the place where the survey ended, the river was two hundred feet wide, its banks being twenty feet above the river; but it was evident that its perpendicular rise exceeded this, as there was every appearance of its overflowing them; and, according to the testimony of the Indians, the whole country was annually inundated. On the afternoon of the 31st of August, the party turned to go down the stream, and with the aid of the current made rapid progress. Towards sunset they entered the small stream called Bute, on whose banks they encamped. Here they were much disturbed, both wuth bears and musquitoes. On the 1st of September, they made an early start, and about noon reached the village where the theft of Dr. Pickering's pistol had been committed. 190 CALIFORNIA. It was with some difficulty that the Indians were persuaded to approach ; but a fine-looking savage, more bold than the rest, at last ventured to do so, and gave the information that the Indian who had committed the theft, resided at the village up stream. The weapon therefore not being forthcoming, Lieutenant-Comman- dant Ringgold determined to seize this man as a hostage for the return of the article. He was accordingly secured, his arms pinioned behind him, and led down to the boat, when tw^o men were ordered to tie his legs ; while they were in the act of doing this, he extricated himself, and jumped overboard. The guns were at once levelled, and half a dozen triggers ready to be pulled; but Lieutenant-Commandant Ring- gold very properly stopped them from firing, and endeavours were made to recapture him, but without effect. These efforts having failed, they took to their boats, and pulled down the stream. The Indians who were on the banks, to the number of two hundred and 4 fifty, made no demonstrations of hostility. Platforms similar to those erected by the Indians for spearing salmon, were passed along the river banks- Having stopped at the same camp at the Poplar Grov^e, as on the 28th, they took a few hours' amusement in hunting. = Each person who went out returned with an elk or a buck as' a prize, w^ith large antlers. According to the hunters, the elk obtains an additional ■ ■ prong every year ; and one of those killed had sixteen. The antlers are shed every year, and only acquire hardness at the rutting season, when the velvet is rubbed off. The usual length of their life is from eight to ten years. On the 3d, they continued the survey, until they were below Feather river, when the provisions were so nearly exhausted that Lieutenant- Commandant Ringgold found that it would be impossible for him to examine that stream. The residents and trappers informed me that they had followed it to its source. From them I learned that it takes its rise in the Californian Range, from which it pursues a southwest course, until it falls into the Sacramento river. It is about forty miles in length. It is believed that the Spaniards, when they first explored this country, designated the Feather river as the Sacramento, and gave to the true Sacramento the name of the Jesu Maria. In no other way, at least, can the error which has occurred, in relation to the Jesu Maria, be explained ; and on this supposition, the accounts of it become intelligible. In the neighbourhood of the Sacramento, there are sometimes to be found small lakes or bayous, which seem to be filled at high water, but become stagnant during the dry season. These the elk and deer fre- CAl^irORNI A. 191 quent in large numbers. Their cry or whistle is at limes very shrill, and may be heard for a great distance. At the junction of the Feather river with the Sacramento, the latter increases in width to nearly double. It was found jusl below the I junction to be from twelve to fifteen hundred feet broad, forming a sort of bay, but it soon again contracts. They encamped about ten miles below the confluence of these streams. Whilst the men were employed in pitching the tents, Dr. Pickering strolled up the bank, to see what he could find in the botanical way, without arms. On his approaching the bushes, a huge grisly bear made for him, and so close was he that it was necessary for iiim to make all the exertion he could to effect his escape from so dangerous an adversary. He gave the alarm, and every one was running for his arms, but before these could be prepared, this inhabitant of the r forest made a precipitate retreat, and was soon beyond the reach of the rifle. On the 4th, they had returned to Captain Suter, where they found that a small Russian schooner had arrived from Bodega, bringing the 0""0 governor of that establishment, who w^as about delivering it up to Captain Suter. The vessel w^as understood to have been built at Sitka, and was of only thirty tons burden, very much resembling an English vessel of the same class. For a boat they use a skin "badaka," that is admirably adapted for the seas and weather they have to contend with. "When the persons are seated, and the opening closed, with a skin dress they more resemble an aquatic animal than any thing else. The morning after their arrival, Captain Suter paid his men their weekly wages, in cloths, calicoes, vests, shirts, and pantaloons. The w^hole was arranged through their chief, who spoke a little Spanish. The labourers are obtained from the different rancherias, and some from the vicinity of the mountains. It w^as observed that the larger portion of the labourers were young men and boys; no won^en were employed, and as yet their services are not needed ; but it is the Cap- tain's intention, as he informed our gentlemen, to have employment for them in a year or two. Several Americans from the United States are beginning to settle in this part of the country, and it will not be long before it becomes in some respects, an American Colony. Ahhough it was late in the season, a few salmon were caught at the fishery ; they were not to be distinguished from the Columbia species of the first run. 192 CALIFORNIA. The Indians have several rancherias around New Helvetia. Their lodges are all somewhat like low haycocks, being composed of a framework of sticks, thatched with the bulrush. In these there was no excavation, neither were they covered with earth; these dwellings were at the time deserted by the Indians, who were found encamped about half a mile nearer the river, with but a few boughs and mats to sheher them- The latter are manufactured after the manner that has been described as used by the Indians of Oregon- At the rancheria, the men are generally found engaged in various games of chance, similar to those before described; it is not believed, however, that they carry their gambling propensities to such an extent as to stake their liberty. On the women, all the drudgery seems to be thrown. They were seen engaged in weaving water- tight baskets: these are very neatly made, of sufficient capacity to hold a bushel, and in these it is said they contrive to boil w^ater and cook their food. In the preparation of the acorn-bread all assist. The acorns are gathered in very large quantities, piled in heaps, and spread in the sun to dry. Both men and women are to be seen employed shelling, pounding, and baking them into bread : the pounding is performed upon * a plank that has been hollowed out, with a stone pestle. To reduce the large quantity to a fine powder, requires great labour. This employ- ment presents a busy scene, though the want of cleanliness, I may almost say pig-like filthiness with which it is performed, excites disgust* INDIANS NDING ACORNS. Around New Helvetia, ahhough but a few days had elapsed since CALIFORNIA. 193 their former visit, the country, if possible, appeared more arid; ii by no means justified the high encomiums that we had heard bestowed upon this far-famed valley. Our expectations probably had been so much raised as scarcely to allow us to give it that credit it really deserves. The valley of the Sacramento may include a space of one hundred and eighty miles long, by from twenty to fifty miles wide. A large part of this is undoubtedly barren and unproductive, and. must for ever remain so. The part that is deemed good soil, is inundated annually, not for any great length of time, yet sufficiently long to make it unfit for advantageous settlement. The high prairie is spoken of as being in general barren, and as affording but little good pasture. The crops are usually ripe in June, which enables the wheat and Indian corn to be gathered before the summer drought begins. There is usually a rainy season of three months, but during the year of our visit no rain had fallen; and from every crop having failed, the inhabi- tants had been living upon their cattle. The cattle suffered almost as much as the crops, and large numbers of them died from starvation. On this account, the inhabitants had forborne to kill their cattle for hides, believing it to be a great loss to do so, as the weight was so much depreciated as to pay little more than the labour of slaughter and preparing for market. The variety of game in this country almost exceeds belief. The elk may be said to predominate, but there are also many bears, black- tailed deer, wolves, foxes, minxs, hares, musk-rats, badgers, antelopes, and Ovis montana. The wolf is reported by Dr. Marsh to be the same as the prairie-wolf of the Upper Mississippi, but not the one described by Say. Mr. Peale in his report will probably assimilate it to the small one of Oregon, with large ears. The fox is the same as the gray one of the wooded parts of the United States. According to Mr. Peale, the black-tailed deer is the only species found in this country. The Ovis montana has been frequently seen by Dr. Marsh ; its coating is altogether hair, without any admixture of wool No specimens were obtained for the Expedition. The badger was seen by Dr. Pickering, who attempted to capture one ; he found no difficulty in following it, as its movements were not very rapids After passing over some hills, it made a stand ; and as he approached, bristled up, but made no other threatening demonstration, and retreated backwards to its burrow. On his feigning a retreat, it came again forth and exposed itself to be fired at. Dr. Pickering wounded it; but not so much as to prevent its reaching its burrow, and so it escaped. He was satisfied by its movements, that its curiosity w^as VOL. V- R 25 194 CALIFORNIA. the cause that led it to risk destruction. This seems to be the great and all-powerful instinctive passion of these wild animals, and frequently retains them within reach of the deadly rifle. Considering the quantity of game, the success attendant on our tyro hunters was not equal to their anticipations, and convinced them that it is much easier to bring down an elk in anticipation than in reahty. The accidents were few; and only one annoyance was experienced, in the chase of a skunk, which obHged the officer to part with his clothes. The wild-fowl scarcely claimed attention, the elk and large animals being so abundant. The flesh of the elk was much preferred by the party to that of the deer. On the 6th, the survey being finished down to this point, they de- scended the river, on their return to the ship. On the 8th, they had arrived at the mouth of the river, and the Straits of Kaquines. On the 9th, at midnight, they reached the Vincennes, after an absence of twenty days. Subsequent to this date, on the 20th, Lieutenant-Com- mandant Ringgold proceeded again, with six boats, to examine the bay of San Pablo, and the streams that flow into it, and also up the San Joachim, until it branched off to the southward and eastward. This party returned to the ship on the 29th- Whilst « t visits to the different places around, and received many persons on board, priests as well as laymen; and as their estancias or mission-houses were far removed, they became guests for a longer time than was agreeable to most of the officers. A Californian needs no pressing to stay, as long as he is pleased with the place; and that he should be so, it is not necessarv to furnish him with luxuries: he is content with coarse fare, provided he can get enough of strong drink to minister to his thirst. I have already spoken of the great consumption of spirits that is said to take place in this country ; and from the experience we had of it, the accounts certainly are not exaggerated. The palm for intemperance was, I think, generally given to the padres, some of whom, notwithstanding their clerical robes, did ample justice to every drinkable offered them ; and so well were they pleased, that some of them made a visit of three days* duration, and were even then disin- clined to leave. It is not to be denied that they left the same impres- sion of their characters on board that it has been heretofore said they bear on shore- The officers all seemed disposed to draw a veil over the conduct to which they were witnesses, and I will not be the one be to Our intercourse with SeSor Martinez and his family was much C-- CALIFORNIA. 195 more agreeable. Of them, Captain Beechey has given a delightful account. Martinez has now retired to an estancia, where he is living in what is, in this country, affluence, llis wife and himself hav6 grown older, but still retain the character drawn of them by Captain Beechey. Near Pinole, Senor Martinez has a large house, but mea- gerly furnished, where he is surrounded by his large family of children and grandchildren. His wife is the same managing body, and keeps a strict eye upon her younger daughters, who are all good-looking. The Californians are always inclined for amusement, and dancing is their favourite pastime, so that where a family is large, they seldom fail to pass olF the evening pleasantly for their guests. Quadrilles and Spanish dances are the fashion ; and the desire to please is as strongly exhibited in this family as it was during the visit of Captain Beechey. After dancing until a late hour, supper was provided, when the guests were either accommodated for the night, or set out to retui'n to their homes, which, if they be unable to reach, they pass the night in the open air, using their ponchos and saddle-cloths for cover- ing. During the nights there is but little wind, and the atmosphere is generally so dry and clear, that a person may, with impunity, sleep in the open air. Three of the daughters and two of the sons of Senor Martinez are married ; one of the former to Don Vitro Castro, and another to the captain of the port, an Englishman by the name of Richardson, who lives at Sausahto, and who supplies vessels with provisions. He was very attentive and obliging in furnishing the ship with supplies, and affording us the means of baking bread for the daily supply of the ship. Captain Richardson has an estancia, bordering on Sausallto Bay, prettily situated under the hill, with sufficient fertile land for his gar- dens, or rather fields, where his vegetables are raised. His house is small, consisting of only two rooms, and within a few rods of it all the cattle are slaughtered, which affords a sight and smell that are not the most aorreeable. A collection of leo^-bones, hoofs, horns, and hides, lay about in confusion, for which numerous dogs were fighting. It was with great difficulty that these animals could be made to cease their strife; and what with this and the barking kept up by others, both without and within doors, there was such a clamour raised as required all the household, consisting of husband, wife, daughter, and slave, to quiet. Captain Richardson's establishment is a fair represen- tation of the manner of living in California, and articles which are condemned elsewhere are acceptable here. However small the apart- ment may be, it is but sparingly furnished, and with no view of comfort, in our sense of the word ; cleanliness, the great promoter of 196 CALIFORNIA. it, is wanting, and the indolence of the people seems an insuperable bar to it. Seiiora Richardson shows the marks of former beauty, which her daughter has inherited, and is said to be the handsomest woman in all California. I had the honour of seeing them when I returned Cap- tain Richardson's call, and they were, in the Spanish style of beauty, quite deserving of the reputation they had acquired. Captain Richardson did what he could to afford amusement for the officers, and during the visit of Senor Martinez to the ship, an invita- tion to a dance was accepted by some of them. Although the house was small, yet they made out to pass the evening with great hilarity, Senor Martinez dancing with two of his grand-daughters — one on each arm. The group of musicians it was thought might have sat for the portraits of Roman soldiers. The evening's entertainment passed off well, the dancing having continued the greater part of the night- The Californians must be ranked next to the Chilenos for their love of this amusement- The refreshment consisted principally of strong drinks- Seiior Martinez is looked upon as one of the aristo- crats of the country. Much deference is paid to his opinion, and an alliance with his family is much sought after- The old lady exercises a matronly care over her daughters, and has them ever under her w^atchful eye. Captain Richardson's daughter, though only seventeen, is so famed for her beauty and attractions, that she has several avowed suitors. Courtships are here conducted somewhat in an old-fashioned manner. The suitor is obliged to avow himself and receive permission to visit. All who visit the estancia near Pinole will meet with that warm reception and kind treatment that Senor Martinez, his lady, and family, are so remarkable for. On the opposite side of the bay of San Pablo, or to the west, are some of the finest tracts of country in California. One of these is called the Valley of Nappa, another that of Zonoma, and a third, San Rafael. In Zonoma is situated the town of the same name, the residence of General Vallejo, and the mission of San Rafael. The fertile country extends across to Ross and Bodega, the two Russian settlements before spoken of. Zonoma is the seat of government, and is situated in an extensive plain, with some high hills for its southern boundary. The plain is covered with fine oaks, and there is a never- failing stream of water passing through it. There is besides an inlet from the bay, which allows a boat navigation to it of about twelve miles. Upon paper, Zonoma is a large city, and laid out according to the most approved plan. In reality, however, it consists of only the follow- ing buildings: General Vallejo's house, built of adobes, of two stories. I CALIFORXI A. 197 which fronts on the public square, ai)d is said to be one of the best houses in California. On the right of this is the residence of the general's brother, Salvadore, and to the left, the barracks for the accommodation of the guard for the general, consisting of about twenty fusileers. Not far removed is the old dilapidated mission-house of San Francisco Solano, scarcely tenantable, though a small part of it is inhabited still by the Padre Kihas, who continues, notwithstanding the poverty of his mission, to entertain the stranger, and show him all the hospitality he can. Besides the buildings just enumerated, there were in the course of construction, in 1841, a neat little chapel, and a small building for a billiard-room. There are also three or four more houses and huts which are tenanted; and at some future day it may boast of some farther additions. General Vallejo was one of those who figured in the revolution of 1836, and was then appointed Commandant-General of Alta-Cali- fornia. He is now the owner of large estates ; and having chosen this part of the country for his residence, he is free from the opposition and broils that are continually growing out of the petty concerns of the custom-house and its duties- He is not over-scrupulous in demand- ing duties of the vessels entering the port of San Francisco; and until he has been seen and consulted, a vessel trading here is liable to an indefinite amount of duties. A portion of the payment adds to his wealth, and how much goes to the government is not known ; enough, I was told, in some cases, to save appearances, and no more. The foreigners who trade here are very attentive to him; and it might be supposed, before making inquiry into the cause, that he is a great favourite with them. The highest official protection is necessary for all those who wish to prosper in their trade to this port, and to prevent exactions from subordinates. I have already spoken of the unceremonious manner in which Cap- tain Suter officiated as administrador of the district to the east of the Sacramento. The anecdotes related to me of Vallejo, in like manner, show a striking disregard for the lives, as well as for the property and liberty of the Indians and gente de razon. He is supreme, and acts with the same impunity as all his predecessors, with one or two exceptions, have done before him. As an instance of the lawless acts of the governors, it is said that one of them entertained the idea of training the Indians as soldiers, and a company of them had been brought together, drilled, and made such proficiency in the use of their arms, that his excellency became alarmed, and forthwith ordered them all to be shot! I have little doubt that this story may be essentially 198 CALIFORNIA- true, for the value of an Indian's life in the eye of the rulers scarcely exceeds that of one of the wild cattle. The commandant-general is frequently said to hunt them, and by his prowess in these expeditions he has gained some reputation. Salvadoi'e Vallejo is engaged in agricultural pursuits, and particularly in raising cattle, w^hich, under the governor, he has the especial privilege of supplying to vessels, which he does at prices that insure a handsome profit. In times of scarcity, vessels are sure to be supplied by applying to the governor, who will order supplies to be furnished, and even obtain them by com- pulsion. On my arrival, finding that we wanted supplies, and not knowing how long (in the event of an accident to our land party) I might be detained, I was advised to apply to the commandant-general, through whom I would be sure of obtaining them. I therefore de- spatched a note by an officer, whom the general treated with great politeness, and returned for answer, that he could supply me with the following articles: Lima beans, wheat, potatoes, and other vegetables, which we had been unable to obtain. Fortunately for us, as well as for the lower orders and Indians, the party arrived, and we were not under the necessity of making use of his powerful intervention. The general, I was told, considers every bushel of grain as much at his command as he does the persons of the people, and the property of the state. Zonoma is to be the capital of this country, provided the general has powder and lives long enough to build it up. An idea has got abroad that he is looking to the gubernatorial chair, and to be placed there by the same force that has raised Alvarado and himself to the posts they now occupy. Zonoma is on the road that leads to Ross and Bodega; and by this route Captain Suter has transported all the stock he purchased of the Russians. The reality of the hostility said to exist between these two rival administradors, seems doubtful, at least to the extent reported by the residents. The state of society here is exceedingly loose: envy, hatred, and malice, predominate in almost every breast, and the people are wretched under their present rulers ; female virtue, I regret to say, is also at a low ebb ; and the coarse and lascivious dances which meet the plaudits of the lookers-on, show the degraded tone of manners that exists. The mission of San Rafael is in the fertile valley of that name, about twelve miles from Sausalito, and consists of a larore building:, o" "-*-*^--'a with a small chapel at its end; it is in a tolerable state of preser- vation, and is under the superintendence of an Irishman, named I CALIFORNIA. 199 Murphy. He has been put there, from its being considered a place of emolument, through his interest with the governor, and in order to pick up the crumbs that are still left. I understood, however, that Murphy had been disappointed in his expectations, and that it was his intention to establish himself elsewhere. Padre Kihas resides at this mission for six months of the year, and performs the duties of priest to those around it. On the 24th of October, a fete was given at this place, in honour of the patron saint; and it was rumoured that there was to be a grand bull-fight. This spectacle came off accordingly, but was so miserably conducted as to prevent all kind of sport. The bulls had greatly the advantage, and the men and horses were tumbled about in a ridi- culous manner, until they both became quite shy. They had cut off the tips of the bulls' horns, which was a fortunate circumstance for both horses and riders, who received no material injury. There was no bull and bear fight; in consequence, it was understood, of their not being able to procure one of the latter animals. In the fights between the bull and bear, it is said that however strong and savage the bull may be, the bear is always the conqueror: the only part of the bull he endeavours to attack is the tongue, by seizing which he invariably proves the victor. When the fights were over, dancing was resorted to, and continued during the evening and all night. It was accompanied with hard drinking and uproarious conduct. Mr. Murphy's entertainment was considered fully equal to any that had been given for some time, and particularly the latter part of it, which may be better imagined than described. Our duties at this port being completed, I felt desirous of knowing something of the missions at the south end of the bay of San Francisco, and, with Captain Hudson, determined to make a visit to them. We left the Vincennes on the morning of the 29th, at an early hour, intending to reach the mission of Santa Clara by water. We stopped a short time at Yerba Buena to see Captain Hinckley and Mr. Spears, who kindly furnished us with a guide to point out the passages through the shoals, and the entrance to the creek that leads up to the Embarcadero, the landing whence the people of the mission usually ship their hides- We had a fine wind, and went briskly on until we reached the upper part of the bay, where we found our guide useless as a pilot The consequence of his incapacity was, that we got on shore, and were detained so long that night overtook us before we entered the river Caravallio, that runs in a tortuous direction to the Embarcadero. Its course more resembled the turns of a corkscrew 200 CALIFORNIA. than any other thing to which I can liken it. I think we counted twenty-nine bends before we reached the point at which we were to disembark, which was nearly at the head of the creek. We were compelled to haul the boat along by the grass and rushes on each side, and it was near midnight before we achieved our object- As we passed through this narrow inlet, the birds that were lodged for the night, alarmed by the noise we made, flew in thousands from the marshes. Their fluttering was so great as to resemble the rushing of a vast wave; for as they rose, thousands seemed to follow thousands, until the sound died away in the distance, and again seemed to ap- proach in an opposite direction. In the pitchy darkness, not a bird was to be seen, although they must have passed only a few feet above our heads. At the Embarcadero we found no house or accommodations of any kind ; but the guide soon led us to what he termed the road, which was found marked by the huge ruts made by the ox-carts. The walk was of service to us, as we had become chilled with the cold and damp air. ' After proceeding a mile over a level plain, we reached the estancia. The first notice we had of it was a broken coural, and the ground covered with vast quantities of bones, hoofs, and horns. Over these we stumbled continually, until, on turning the corner of the coural, we were set upon by a pack of dogs, some fifty in number, which barked in every tone, from the snappish note of the pug to the sonorous voice of the bull-dog. All came forward, intent upon arresting our progress towards the large adobe building, which was now in dim outline before us. The bones served us as missiles to keep them at bay, and thus to protect our approach to the premises; and when we reached the porch, we gave the discourteous curs a full discharge. We knocked lustily for some time, but no answer was returned, nor could we see any light; but on a frequent repetition, each time re- doubhng our eflbrts, we at last heard light footsteps, and the door was suddenly opened by a little Indian girl, who ushered us into a large room, which, from the tables, chairs, and closets with china, we found to be the salle a manger. Here we had a full view of the interior; and the light which was burning in the adjacent rooms, showed us the occupants fast asleep. We had scarcely time to look around us, when a huge Californian, more than six feet in height, and propor- tionately large, stalked towards us in his shirt. His whole figure and countenance indicated a savage, and carried me back at once in idea to the Feejee cannibals. In a gruff tone he demanded our wants, and when he had satisfactorily ascertained who we were, and received a CALIFORNIA. 201 cigar as a token of friendship, he called up the whole family, consisting of a mother, two daughters, and several other children. These, after dressing themselves, came forth, and greeted us with genuine hospi- tality, with such pleasant faces and cheerful talk, that it was really delightful to find ourselves in such quarters; and our surprise was the I greater, in consequence of the exterior having proved so uninviting- They immediately set about providing us w^ith supper, consisting of tea, tortillas, valdivias, ollas, with eggs and a steak ; and w^hile this was in preparation by some, others were arranging the beds and changing the furniture of the sleeping-room. All this was done w^hilst the mother w^as talking and waiting upon us; and after supper was over, she pointed to our room, and then excused herself, by saying she must provide something for the sailors who had accompanied us; whilst we retired to rest, much fatigued with our jaunt. The room was furnished differently from w^hat we had been accus- tomed to, yet it w^as quite comfortable. The only piece of furniture that was not new to us w'as a high-post bedstead, evidently from our own country, though bedecked with old Spanish tapestry, in the way of tester, curtains, and valance. Instead of drawers, there were huge trunks, that put to shame those of modern construction. These con- tained the household linen and the finery of the females of the family, and were raised from the floor, that a broom might be passed under- neath them. Here and there on the w^alls hung a new-made dress, of ample dimensions, and several Spanish sombreros, those that were of more recent date hanging highest; at least I judged them to be the best ones, from the careful manner in which they were covered up. There was no wash-stand; but a French ewer and basin, of the lozenge shape, of white and gold porcelain, w^ere placed on a chair. A single looking-glass w^as hung high over it, its head inclining outwards. The dimensions of the frame were small, and the glass still smaller, owing to a figure of a patron saint occupying the larger part of the upper surface. Of chairs w^e had five, two with leathern seats and high backs ; the others were of home manufacture. A large grated win- dow% well barred with iron, with the thick and massive walls of an adobe house, gave it the look of security for confinement within, or against attack from without. Half a dozen coloured prints of the saints, ten inches square, in black frames, graced the walls. Our beds, and every thing connected with them, were comfortable ; and the manner in w hich we had been provided for made the enter- tainment doubly welcome. We found in the morning that w^e had occupied the sleeping-room of our hostess and her daughters, and that they had given it up expressly to accommodate us. VOL. V. 26 202 CALIFORNIA. Before going to bed, we had made arrangements to send for liorses to take us to the mission of Santa Clara, some three miles distant. None were to be obtained here, as the head of the family was now away, and had taken with him all those that were kept about the premises; the rest, we were told, were " muy lejos" (afar off). The name of the family is Peralto, which is connected with the early settlement of California, and one of the most respectable in the country. We arose about eight o'clock, and consequently missed our choco- late, which is given at an early hour, and could get no breakfast until eleven o'clock. Our horses had not arrived, and whilst we were waiting for them, Seiior Don Miguel Felesfore de Pedrorena arrived from Yerba Buena, who at once made our acquaintance. He very kindly offered us his services to arrange matters, and to assist us on our way to Santa Clara, w^here he was then going. To this gentleman I feel myself much indebted. We found him a lively, intelligent companion, and well acquainted with the country and people. He is supercargo of several vessels on the coast, and extensively engaged in the peculiar manner of trading, of which I will have occasion to speak presently. While horses were lookiner around the premises. The house was a long one-story adobe building, with a thickly thatched roof, forming, by its projection, a piazza in m front, supported by columns. There were many enclosures about the house, that gave it the appearance of a farm-yard and slaughter-house combined. Bones, hoofs, horns, and pieces of hide, were lying in every direction, and the ground was indented with the feet of cattle. Ducks, dogs, and fowls, were picking at the bones and offal. There were one or two ox-carts, of clumsy proportions, a bee-hive, and a ley-vat, formed of hide and suspended to four stakes, in the shape of a large bag, hung near by. At a short distance from the house was the vegetable-garden, where every thing grew in profusion, although without care. The only trouble in gardening was to put the seed into the ground, and await the result. This estancia is situated between two copses of wood, that grow on the banks of the brook that winds past it, and nearly join in the rear. In front is a plain, extending fifteen or twenty miles io the foot of the Sierra, which forms a pleasing and bold contrast to the flat surface, on which nothing is seen but here and there a small group of cattle, and immense flocks of wild geese ; or some shrub, which, owing to the refraction, appears almost detached from the surface, and with dimensions so much enlarged as to appear like a great tree. The plain at this time was of a dark hue, soraewha f f CALIFORNIA. 203 resembling a light bronze colour, in consequence of the vegetation having been scorched up for many months. About nine o'clock, five horses arrived instead of the eight \vc were in need of. These were literally the lame, halt, and blind, having sore backs, and being withal half starved. One had an eye protrud- ing from its socket, another was without a tail In any other country and place we should have refused to mount such horses; they were indeed sorry beasts, and compared with that of Don MigucPs, that had been in waiting for him, truly deplorable. Of the caparisons I shall only say, that sheep-skin and raw-hide predominated, although I re- gretted before the league was passed over that T had not had more of the former under me. I felt ashamed, even in California, to be thus mounted. We took leave of our kind hostess with many thanks for the attention she had showed us, and engaged her to provide an ample supply for the boats' crews during our absence. The league between the Embarcadero and Santa Clara occupied us somewhat over an hour, for it was unbearable to attempt to ride faster than a walk. After ten o'clock, we came in sight of the mission of Santa Clara, and as we approached it the little ponds and damp places on the prairie were literally covered with wild geese, which would but barely open a way for us to pass through. They were far more tame than any barn-door geese I ever saw, and I could not easily divest myself of the idea that they were not domesticated. The mission of Santa Clara has, at a distance, a respectable appearance; but on our drawing near the long line of huts, formerly occupied by the Indians, which are now destroyed, excepting a few, the ruin and neglect that have taken place are evident enough. The church and mission-house adjoining have also a dilapidated look ; their tile roofs and whitewashed walls require extensive repairs, as well as ^ The church flanks the mission-house on the north, and is about one hundred and fifty feet long by forty wide, and about fifty feet high ; it is surmounted by a small steeple. The mission-house is of only one story, with a corridor extending its whole length, of one hundred and fifty feet. This dwelling is now occupied both by the administrador and the padre, and a wall divides the premises into two parts, separating tfie temporal from the spiritual concerns of the establishment. The padre has his own servants, cooks, &c. As we rode up with Don Miguel, we had no need of further introduction, and shared the kind welcome he received, as an old acquaintance, who had evidently much to do with the affairs of the mission, in the way of business. The administrador and his deputy 204 CALIFORNIA, came forth to greet us, with an ample retinue of attendants, of many varieties of colour, from the darkest Indian to the pure white. The administrador is a kind, excellent old man, who has risen from beins: a corporal in the army, to his present post. I could not learn his original name. His wife belongs to one of the best families in the country; and on her marriage with the administrador, she insisted upon his taking her name, which is Aliza, one of the most distin- guished in California in bygone days. This, I understood, w^as not unusual, as the old family pride still predominates among these people. To the old lady we were soon introduced; her countenance and ap- pearance bespoke her excellent character, which is well known through- out California. Nothing could be cleaner or more tidy than her house. Senor Aliza was too unwell to attend upon us, but his deputy acted as a substitute for that purpose* Shortly after our arrival, breakfast was announced, of which, after the ride we had had on our hard horses, we gladly partook. This meal was considered by us as rather a h'ght one, and con- sisted principally of fruit, and small oUas, peppers, &c. What it lacked in quantity was made up in quality. This was according to the usage of the country, and although Don Miguel wished to speak to Seilora Aliza, with reference to a larger si:jpply, we refused to give her any more trouble than could be avoided. She had prepared the whole with her own hands, and prided herself on her admirable management and cookery. Few certainly could equal her in the preparation of stews and delicate high-flavoured dishes; but of each there was but a mouthful, and the deputy took good care to have more than his fair proportion. After breakfast, T strolled around the premises, and saw our good hostess busily engaged in directing her domestic concerns. The rear of the mission forms a quadrangle of low sheds, in which the domestic manufacture of candles, pre- serves, baking, and a variety of other duties, are performed. In these were some ten or fifteen Indians busily employed, and although clean, they did not excel so much in this respect as the interior of the main building, which appeared to be entirely under her own keeping. Don Miguel proposed to us to make a visit to Padre Mercador, and that he might not be taken by surprise, a messenger was sent to ask at what hour he would be ready to receive us. This ceremony is deemed necessary, for the duties of the padre are considered here to be of such a nature as to preclude intrusion. Our messenger speedily returned with an intimation that he would be glad to have us pay him our visit at once. We were soon ushered into the small stud^ I I < CALIFORNIA. 205 Mercado He is of the Franciscan order, good-looking, portly, and possesses a cheerful and intelligent countenance. Having Don Miguel to interpret in Spanish, and the padre speaking a little French, we made out to converse very well. His study is small, but contains many works of the old fathers, with several French authors, and comprises some six or seven hundred volumes. He showed us the different returns from the missions prior to 1828, but no attention had been paid since that date to the preservation of statistics. In Appendix VIL, I have in- serted one, in which the state of all Uppe California is given, and which embraces not only their population but also the quantity of produce raised. This table will give an idea also of the management of the directors of the missions before the revolu- tion. Since 1828, as already stated, the missions have been on the decline, and no returns have been given in, as was formerly required. The padre spoke with resignation in relation to the manner in which the missions had been despoiled, and did not express any sur- prise that such things should have happened under their present rulers. Padre Mercador served us with wine and fruit ; of the latter, the pears were delicious. Don Miguel having notified me that it was expected our party should ask to see the church, I made the request ; and the padre having supplied himself with a large bunch of keys, ushered us through several narrow passages, to the door of the vestry- room in the rear, into which we entered. Several pairs of massive candlesticks of sih^er were standing about on tables, and around the room were large trunks, which he opened, and showed us the rich altar-pieces, costly robes, and fine laces, which they contained. Many of the former were most magnificently embroidered in gold and silver, and composed of substantial silks and satins of divers colours. The splendour of the wardrobe was out of character with the smallness of the church ; and on my remarking it, he said these things were for processions, to have effect upon " los gentiles " One or two small pic- tures that hung in this room were worthy of notice. Don Miguel asserted that he thought if I desired them, there would be no great difficulty in procuring any article that could be spared. I had no dis- position to authorize him to make the attempt ; but this suggestion tends to show in how little regard the obliging padre was held by the community. We u^xt passed into the church, the whole length of which was thrown into one, without any columns. At one end is the altar, and at the other the choir, which the padre informed me con- s 206 CALIFORNIA. sisted of some eighty Indians, who are daily in practice. He said that the Indians were fond of music, had good ears, and little difficulty was found in teaching it to them. In making the selections of performers, they generally took those whose physical qualifications seenied best adapted to the particular instrument, and practice did the rest- In this way, such music as pleased the Indians and people of the country, and which therefore answered his purposes, was produced- The chapel is painted in fresco, or I should rather say daubed, by a young artist of Mexico. The saints are all represented in full costume, and the scenes depicted are those most likely to attract the attention and wonder of the neophytes. The whole has a gaudy and unsightly appearance. We parted from Padre Mercador at the church door, knowing it was about the hour of his noon service ; and received from him a pressing invitation to visit him in the evening, to play a game of chess, of which he said he was very fond. We now returned to the administrador, whom we found enveloped in his large overcoat, with a white nightcap on his head, waiting in his salle a manger to receive us, and afford us entertainment* Don Miguel gave us the secret of this movement, saying, that his wife, after our arrival in the morning, had persuaded him to go to bed ; but he could not resist the opportunity that now offered itself, of telling his old stories over again to willing listeners ; and we had scarcely taken our seats, before he began a full account of his birth, parentage, &c., and was about relating his adventures in full, when the bell tolled noon. He immediately sprang upon his feet, faced the south, and began to cross himself, and repeat a prayer with great volubihty. In this ex- ercise he continued for a few minutes, until he heard the last taps of the bell Of this we took advantage to break up his discourse ; which, notwithstanding sundry efforts on his part, we succeeded in doing, and it was not long before we heard he was again in bed. His deputy answered all our questions, and assured me that he was well acquainted with the concerns of the mission, for he had heard them very often repeated by the administrador during the last few years. The deputy now conducted us through the garden, which is sur- rounded by a high adobe wall, and has a gate that is always kept locked. It was from one and a half to two acres in extent, and mostly planted with grapes, which are cultivated after the Spanish fashion, dthout trellises: some of the fruit was yet hanging, and was generally of the sweet Malaga kind. Our guide informed me that the mission w took the first picking, for the manufacture of wine and to preserve, then the inhabitants, the women of the "gente de razon," and after wards the children. Strict watch was, however, kept that they did t CALIFORNIA. 007 not pull the other fruit. Only a certain number are allowed to work in the garden, and the whole is placed under the constant superintcndeiice of a gardener. It would be almost impossible to protect the fruit other- wise. They have fruit of all kinds, both of the tropical and tem- perate climate, which they represented as succeeding admirably well. A few barrels of wine are made, but nothing can be more rude than their whole process of manufacturing it. The tillage is performed with ploughs that we should deem next to useless ; they are nothing but a crooked piece of timber, four to six inches square, somewhat in the shape of our ploughs, which merely serves to loosen the "^ " ground to a depth of three or four inches ; but in such a soil, and in this level land, this rude implement answers the purpose, and produces crops on an average of from sixty to eighty for one. The ploughs are drawn by oxen, and are well adapted to the Indians, who more readily learn to use them than they w^ould more complicated machines. After spending some time in the garden, we were recalled to dinner; and if we had cause to complain of the slightness of the breakfast, the dinner made ample amends, every variety of dish being abundant and admirably prepared. Don Miguel congratulated himself and us that the administrador was not in a fit state to prevent us from enjoying it, by the everlasting narration of his adventures. Senora Aliza had quite surpassed even her usual good feasts in this dinner, which called forth much praise from our companion. At the missions throughout the country four meals are daily taken : at an early hour, chocolate; at eleven o'clock, breakfast; at two, dinner ; and at seven, supper. The dinner and supper are the principal meals, and at them the Californians indulge to a great extent. After our meal was finished, Don Miguel, having some business at the Pueblo of San Jose, about a league from Santa Clara, he invited us to accompany him thither. After some difficulty in procuring horses, we set out on sorry nags, and on leaving the mission entered an avenue lined on each side with large trees. These I understood had been planted at an early day, by one of the padres, in order to protect the people from the sun during the celebration of the church festivals, and to leave no excuse to the inhabitants of the pueblo for not visiting the mission church. Just before arriving at the pueblo, we crossed over one of the tor- tuous branches of the Rio Guadaloupe, some twenty feet wide, and had a view of the pueblo. It seemed as if this were a gala-day, and as if every one were abroad celebrating it on the banks o( this river, or rather creek ; the overflow of which had served to keep the grass green 208 CALIFORNIA. for a considerable space around. Instead of its* being a festival, it turned out to be the general washing-day of the village ; and the long lines, trees, bushes, &c., were all hung with the many^coloured garments, which, with the crowds of men, women, and children, and some cattle, seen moving to and fro, or gathered in small groups, gave the whole quite a pleasing effect. I was told that the pueblo of San Jose had a larger number of inhabitants than any other in Upper Cali- fornia ; but as we rode into it, it seemed almost deserted, and I would willingly have gone back and amused myself with the scene on the green, if Don Miguel had not represented to me, that his standing would be very much affected if we did not at once proceed to the alcalde's. We accordingly rode up to his house, a very pretty two-storied edifice, of a light-cream colour, in the centre of the main street, and directly opposite a new church that they are erecting. The alcalde gave us a cordial reception. His first appearance was that of a French pastry- cook, W'ith his white cap and apron. He was a short, dapper, rosv- cheeked man, by birth a Frenchman, but had been now twenty years settled in the pueblo; was married, and had eleven children, who looked as healthy and as dirty as one would wish to see them- The moment he understood who his visiters were, he did us the honour to doff his white cap and apron; and shortly after appeared in a round- about, very much ornamented with braid, &c. The only name I heard him called by, was Don Pedro. He spoke his native language imper- fectly, using a great many Spanish words with it, and told me that he had nearly forgotten it. From him I learned that the pueblo contained six hundred inhabitants, about forty of whom were whites. He described r himself as the " sous-pr^fet," and said that he administered justice, inflicted punishment, and had the ability to make the inhabitants happy, as he thought they should be. On my asking, by what laws he admi- nistered justice, his answer was, — by what he thought right* He had very little trouble, except guarding against the attacks of the Indians and preventing them from stealing horses, of which he had great fears ; he had, therefore, provided for the safety of his own by keeping them in a small shed attached to his house, and within a locked gate. He considered the pueblo as in danger of attacks from the Indians, who were now in great numbers wulhin striking distance, and had become very troublesome of late in driving off horses, of which they had lost three or four hundred, and he said that pursuit was impossible, as they now had no troops. I was not satisfied that the alcalde was the bravest man in the world, or that he thought much of the interests r of those over whom he had sway. Don Miguel gave him the character of being a good customer, and generally punctual in his payments. He { CALIFORNIA. 209 entertained us with wine and beer of his own making, and showed us the copy-books of his children, \vho were in pot-hooks and trammels, which he looked upon as a wonderful advancement in the education of the country. Some half-dozen books were all they owned in the pueblo ; but to make up for this deficiency, the alcalde told me they were all very happy, and that there were but few quarrels, for those in w^hich stabs were inflicted did not occur oftener than once a fortnight. We took our departure a short time before sunset, amidst the gathering in of the villagers, with their goods and chattels, to a place of safety. There are two Americans settled here, who own mills, but I was not fortunate enough to meet with them; the alcalde, however, gave them good characters. The evening was a beautiful one, and we had a delightful ride back to the mission; and our horses, knowing they were on their return, were quite mettlesome. The mode of conducting business in this country is peculiar. Ves- sels, on reaching the coast, employ as a supercargo or travelling agent, some person well known throughout the country, who visits all the pueblos, missions, and estancias, as a traveller, passing from place to place without any apparent object of business. He thus has an opportunity of inspecting the worldly affairs of those to whom he desires to sell ; and if he finds them apparently thrifty, he produces his card of patterns, and soon induces a disposition on the part of his host or hostess to buy, being careful to secure in payment as much of their w^orldly goods as he can, and trusting them for the rest of the indebtedness. A few live cattle delivered by each purchaser at the neighbouring pueblo, become by this means a large herd, which is committed to cattle-tenders on shares, who in due time slaughter them and deliver the hides. A large amount of goods is thus disposed of, to a very considerable profit. Large cargoes, consisting of a variety of articles, of both American and English manufacture, are thus sold. From the state of the country, it has been difficult to obtain payments or returns in money; but the debts have been paid in cattle, and pro- bably will turn out well, when the rains return and allow the animals to be again slaughtered. When hides are given in payment, they are valued at two dollars, and are. at all times the common currency of the country. No money is in circulation, unless what is paid out by the foreign merchants; and in lieu of change, an extra quantity of goods is taken, which excess is usually to the disadvantage of the buyer. On our return to Santa Clara, we had to procure horses for our journey back by land. We had been tofd by the admznistrador and nis deputy, that there would be no difficulty in the mission providing us with horses and saddles ; and under this assurance, we had de- VOL. V. S 2 27 210 CALIFORNIA. spatched our boats on their return to the ship, determining to make the ride of sixty miles the next day. We soon found that the mission horses were lame, and that they had strayed* These, with many other excuses, all showed us the dilemma we were in. Three or more messengers were pretended to be sent to the pueblo and the neigh bouring estancias ; and after much delay and several feigned disap- pointments, w^e were told that six animals might be procured. The exorbitant price of four dollars for each was asked for the use of these. A good horse may be purchased for eight dollars. As I at once saw the game that was in progress, I thought it better to comply with a good grace, than perhaps to suffer farther imposition ; so six were agreed for at four dollars each, for the next day. I was well aware that the deputy was deeply in the plot, and probably shared a part of the profits- Being disengaged in the evening, we went early to Padre Mer- cador's to play chess, for which he has more love than knowledge. He had boasted not a little of his prowess, but after suffering defeat in three successive games, his opinion of his skill was somewhat lessened. He was in fact but a novice in the game. For refresh- ments we had brandy and wine, with cigars and fruit, of which the hospitable padre and Don Miguel both partook most freely, particu- larly the former. We remained until nine o'clock, when a message was brought us that supper was ready, and we retired, leaving Padre Mercador to resume the duties of his office. For his kindness and attentions we were greatly indebted to him; I wish I could say that his mode of life and the influence he exerts over his charge, also de- served commendation. At the head of the supper-table, we found Donna Aliza, with a huge dish of smoking valdivias before her, and a variety of edibles, with an infusion of tea in small cups, which, at the request of Don Miguel, w^as added to until it became drinkable, but not without many exclamations against its extravagance. The poor husband was in bed, and Captain Hudson, who went to see him, finding that he was suffering from a severe cold he had taken, prescribed bathing his feet, and a strong glass of hot whiskey punch. Don Miguel accordingly prepared the latter, which was cheerfully taken by the patient, who shortly after- wards fell into a sound sleep. In the morning, we found that he was entirely recovered. Our beds were clean and comfortable, though the apartment had n strong smell of cordovan leather. The only place of deposit for cloth ing, &c., was, as we had seen in the estancia, in large trunks. Ths matin-bell aroused us at early dawn, when we heard the full choir CALIFORNIA. 211 practising. There was certainly nothing earthly in the sound, nor yet heavenly; much noise, but little music. We were up betimes, but were threatened with disappointment in our horses. The kind and attentive Donna Aliza served us with choco- late and toast, and prepared cold tongues, chickens, and ample stores of bread for our use. At last the horses, together with the Indians who were to accompany us, made their appearance, and out of the number, I recognised at least three that belonged to the administra- dor, as I had been led to believe would be the case the evening before. His good wife ordered us their best saddles, but without the pillions or saddle-cloths. After an hour's preparation, we took our leave and galloped off, in company with Don Miguel, who proposed to accompany us some six or seven miles, on our way to visit some of his herds; that were then feeding on the prairie. We had not proceeded far before we were overtaken by the person who had them in charge, coming at a furious gallop. He was mounted on the best horse I had seen in the country, and dressed after the Californian fashion, in a dark brown cloth jacket, thickly braided, both before and behind, with slashed sleeves, showing his shirt elegantly embroidered, both on the breast and sleeves; velvet breeches of bright blue, secured around his waist with a red sash, and open at the sides, ornamented with braid and brass bells, in abundance; below the knee he wore leather leggins, fastened with garters, worked in silver, and below these, shoes, over which were fastened large silver spurs, with the heavy rowels of the country ; on his head was tied a red bandana handkerchief, and over that a huge broad-brimmed som brero, with peaked crown, covered with an oil-silk cloth; the whole decorated with cords, aiguillettes, and ribands, with a guard-cord pass- ing under the chin. His horse was equally well caparisoned, the bridle being decked with silver, as were the tips of his large w^ooden stirrups; with pillions and saddle-cloths in abundance. Few riders had so gay an air, or seemed to have so perfect a command of the animal he rode ; and until we arrived at the wood where his Indians were look- ing out, he was an object of great attraction, assuming all the airs and graces of a person of high rank. After galloping for several miles, we reached a few trees and bushes, that are designated as the ** woods." Near by was a large herd of cattle feeding. The Rancheros we found lying about, in ■bone of an ox roasting over it ; the skulls, bones, and offal, lay about, with hides here and there pegged to the ground,* Some score of dogs were disputing • The hides of the cattle that die, or that are killed for food, are cured in this way. 212 CALIFO RNI A. over that last killed, and the ground around seemed alive with cranes, crows, &c., acting as scavengers, and disputing for their shares. There is no smell except that of raw beef; the climate is so dry that no putrid matter exists, but the sight is unpleasant enough to those who have not become accustomed to it. Previous to setting out, we provided our saddles with extra sheep- skins; we now took leave of Don Miguel, with many thanks for his attentions, and a hearty shake of the hand. We soon found that our horses began to fag from the effects of our bad riding, and the fatigued and wretched condition they w^ere in; and by the time we arrived at Las Pulgas, w^e found it necessary to change, and were glad to have a temporary relief from our saddles. Any one w^ho has ever ridden upon a Californian saddle, with but a slender covering to it, will be able to understand our feelings. We were besides but ill provided for the trip, which our nags seemed not slow to discover. We had no well-armed heels, and were, besides, deficient in whips, both in- dispensable to a rider in California, The consequence was, that they could not be made to move along, without most laborious efforts of bodily strength. The country we passed through was at this time destitute of both water and grass, and the weather uncomfortably warm. In places we found it picturesque, from the scattered oaks, laurels, &c., though to all appearance entirely unfit for cultivation. Wherever there was any running water, a pond, or vegetation, large flocks of geese and ducks w^ere seen. At four o'clock, we entered the estancia of Senor Sanchez, to whom Don Miguel had given us a note of introduction, desiring that he would aid us if we wanted horses. We had looked forward to this point with hope, in the belief that our troubles in riding such forlorn beasts would terminate, and that our bodies as well as our minds would be set at rest. The word estancia seems to give one an idea of something more extensive than a small farm: it sounds more noble and w^ealthy; but whatever had been our opinion before, the reality disappointed us. Senor Sanchezes estancia at a distance was quite a respectable-looking building; the broad shadow cast by its projecting roof gave it a substantial and solid appearance; but a nearer approach dispelled these favourable impressions, and showed its uncouth proportions, as well as the neglect in which the whole was kept. The way to the house, which stands on a knoll, leads through miry places, and over broken-down fences, winding around dilapidated ox-carts, over troughs, old baskets, dead hogs, dogs, and fowls, all huddled together. Rude articles of husbandry occupied the sides of the building. Seeing no one. CALIFORNIA. 213 we dismounted, tied our horses, and began to search for inhabitants. All the houses were unfinished : to the doors of some there were no steps, and no floors to the rooms of others ; the adobes were bare, and destitute of plaster or whitewash ; and what was more disheartening, no inhabitants made their appearance. At last a slave was seen crawl- ing from a wretched hole, whom we followed to the only place which yet remained unsearched, a distant corner of the premises, where we found the family, consisting of a mother and daughter. The latter was a nice-looking girl, to whom our note was handed, and who read it aloud to her mother, who did not recognise the name of Don Miguel. Whether this arose from design or ignorance, I know not ; but the note produced no apparent effect: however, after a few compliments, and a little persuasion, through our servant^ (who spoke Spanish \\e\],) the mother was somewhat softened, and w^e procured a tumbler of milk and a tortilla ; but we could not induce her to allow us to take from the fifty horses that were then in the coural, the few we required. Her constant answ^er was, that her husband w^as not at home, and she could not do it. We strayed about the kitchen, which was the only apart- nient fit for occupation, and warmed ourselves over the small fire that had been lighted, for the air was becoming chilly and damp. This apartment was lighted from the door and a small window; it was furnished with numerous stew-holes and ovens, which appeared very convenient for cooking ; and above them were placed shelves, on which the pans of milk were resting. In the centre was a large mortar, and beyond it, at the far end, quite in the dark, the rude grist-mill of the country. To the long shaft of the mill a small donkey was harnessed. This place apparently answered also as a stable. The whole had quite a primitive look, and showed, at least, some comfort and forethought. During our examinations, in came the husband, very unexpectedly to his wife and daughter, as well as to ourselves. He had the face of a ruffian. After many suspicious looks and questions, he gave his con sent, though very unwillingly, to supply us with horses. Lest it should be supposed that this man was the owner of the estancia, I must here say that Senor Sanchez was not at home ; although I am not prepared to vouch, from what I heard afterwards, that our treatment at his hands would have been any better. We were told that it was but a short two hours' ride to Yerba Buena, and we hoped to reach it before dark We therefore made haste to secure fresh horses, and soon took our departure. The horses were but sorry-looking animals, and I must own that the thanks for them were very difficult to utter. We had scarcely gone beyond the " a dies" of our ill-looking friend, when the steed of Captain Hudson came to a stand, and no persua- 214 CALIFORNIA, sion, whipping, or spurring, could induce him to move. It was then discovered that he was blind, and in attempting to move him we found he was lame also. My servant John was then directed to change, as he was the best horseman of the three, and after a trial of patience, succeeded in getting him along- After dark we reached the house of Mr. Spears, at Yerba Buena. We were barely able to dismount, having had one of the roughest and most fatiguing rides I ever experienced- A warm welcome from our countryman at Yerba Buena, and a seat at his hospitable board, soon refreshed us. My boat being in waiting, we embarked, and reached the Vincennes at two o'clock in the morning, greatly fatigued, yet highly gratified with our jaunt to the mission of Santa Clara. Finding all those belonging to Lieutenant Emmons's party had now joined the ship, preparations for sea were at once made, I shall now take up the operations in Southern Oregon, which will form the subject of the following chapter. SACRAMENTO INDIANS GAMBLi: CHAPTER VL CONTENTS. EaUtPMENT OF UEUTENANT EMMONS'S PARTV - MULTUNOMAH ISLAND - DIFFI- CULTIES — SICKNESS — INEFFICrENCY OF SOME OF THE MEN -SETTLERS ON THE WILLAMETTE -MISSIONARIES -THOMAS M'KAY- DEPARTURE FROM THE WILLA- METl'E — ENCAMPMENT AT TURNER'S — UPPER VALLEY OF THE WILLAMETTE — CREOLE AND IGXAS CREEKS— LAKE GUARDIPII- WOLVES-MALE CREEK— ELK MOUN- TAINS-ELK RIVER-FORT UMPQUA— HOSTILE BEARING OF THE INDIANS— PREPARA- TIONS FOR DEFENCE— NEW SPECIES OF OAK— DISCONTENT OF THE TRAPPERS— FIRE IN THE PRAIRIES — BILLEY'S CHEEK — FORD OP THE UMPQUA — ANIMALS— INDIAN SCOUTS — GRISLY BEARS — INDIAN FOUND IN THE CAMP — UMPQUA MOUNTAINS — SHASTE COUNTRY — YOUNG'S CREEK — PINE SUGAR — ROGUIS' RIVER - INASS SUR- . PRISED BY INDIANS — SCENES OF FORMER CONFLICTS WITH INDIANS — FRIENDLY * INDIANS - SUFFERINGS FROM THE AGUE — THREATENED ATTACK — ANTELOPES — RABBITS — BOUNDARY MOUNTAINS — EMMONS'S PEAK - MOUNT SHASTE — KLAMET RIVER— INTERVIEW WITH INDIANS— SHASTE INDIANS— THEIR SKILL IN ARCHERY— r SHASTE RANGE — LARGE PINES — CHALVBEATE SPRING — DESTRUCTION RIVER — VALLEY OF THE SACRAMENTO — KINKLA INDIANS — THEIR VILLAGE-FAILURE TO OBTAIN CANOES-FORD OF THE SACRAMENTO-BUTES— FEATHER RIVER — CAPTAIN SUTER'S-RELICS OF AN EXTINCT TRIBE-THE PARTY DIVIDED— RIVER SAN JOACHIM —MISSION OF SAN JOSE— SANTA CLARA- VERBA BUENA— NOSTRA SES'ORA DE JJOS DOLORES— THE LAND DIVISION REACHES THE VINCENNES-RESULTS OF THE EXPE- DITION-CLOSING SCENE. (915) 1 f CHAPTER VL SOUTHERN OREGON. 1841. The last chapter closfed with the arrival of Lieutenant Emmons and his party at San Fz^ancisco. I shall now give some account of the operations of tJiis party, and of the country they passed through. The difficulties w^hich were experienced in the organization of the party, have already been alluded to in another place, and need not be re- peated. There remain to be described some of the articles of his equipment, in the preparation of which much time was consumed, and which were absolutely necessary for the success of the expedition. The principal part of the provision w^as flour; this is packed in sacks; the sacks are again enclosed in a "parflesh" made of hide, to protect them from being torn to pieces by the boughs of trees and underwood; this rests upon a pack-saddle, by which the load is firmly secured on the horse ; while, to protect his back from injury, a thick saddle-cloth called " appichemens^' lies beneath the pack-saddle. These articles are represented in the annexed cut. APPICHEM5;.VS. rACK- SADDLE, SACK, PARFLESH. To these are to be added the trail-rope and lash-cord, six or eight fathoms in length. These trails drag on the ground, and are intended for the purpose of catching the horses. Now, all these articles were to be prepared in a countrv where no mechanic" is to be found; and vnr.v. T ' 28 ^2^'> 218 SOUTHERN OREGON, so indispensable are they, that any party which sets out without them would in all probability be compelled to return- Our gentlemen, when they left Vancouver, proceeded by the way of the Hudson Bay Company's farm on Multunomah or Wapautoo Island, which is near the place where Captain Wyeth had erected his fort. They then crossed the river and went towards the Faulitz Plains, passing on their route a large grazing farm belonging to the Company, and those of many settlers. From these they were supplied with fresh horses. They found the country beautiful, and the land rich. Their route lay over hills and through prairies. The hills were wooded with large pines and a thick undergrowth of rose-bushes, Rubus, Dogwood, and Hazel. The prairies were covered with variegated flowers, and abounded in Nuttallia, Columbines, Larkspurs, and bul- bous-rooted plants, which added to the beauty, as well as to the novelty of the scenery. Some sickness had made its appearance among the members of the party. Messrs. Emmons, Peale, Rich, and Agate, all had attacks of ague and fever, and the two last-named gentlemen suffered much from this disease. Dr. Whittle ascribed these attacks to the Ifength of time, nearly five weeks, during which they had been encamped on the Willamette, and particularly to the position of the camp, immediately on the bank of the river, where it was subject to the damp and fogs. When the party set out, new difficulties arose from the fact that the horses had for some time been unused to saddles or packs, and from the awkwardness of the riders- Corporal Hughes of the marines, one of the party, was thrown from his horse, which took fright at some wild animals crossing his path. The pack-horses were missing, and caused much difficulty in hunting them up; one, when found, had waded into a creek with pack and all, and stood there with only his head out of water. At this an old hunter became enraged, and spring- ing into the water, thrust his thumb into the horse's eye; the pain of which treatment caused the animal to leap up the opposite bank with great agility, leaving part of his load behind. The part thus left proved to be the medicines prepared for the party; but these were recovered, and being in phials were not materially injured. On reach- ing the first encampment, Smith the marine and his horse were both missing: to guide him, guns were fired during the night; but he did not make his appearance. In the morning, parties were sent in search of him and the pack-animals. In the afternoon, the marine made his appearance, without any other loss than the ramrod of his musket ; he had passed the night in the woods. This same man, a day or two after, reported to Lieutenant Emmons that he had lost his riding- SOUTHERX OREGON. 219 horse: he was very properly told to go in search of him, and if he could not find him, to return to Vancouver, as he was too helpless to be of any use. This had the desired effect, and from that day forth, he proved a useful man. There were many other annoyances and difficul- ties that Lieutenant Emmons's patience and perseverance overcame. ^ < r_' f I f I During the time of their stay, Mr. Agate made many sketches. One of these is of a burying-place, which I have thought worth insert- ing, as exhibiting one of the peculiar features of a race which is now fast disappearing. The mode of burial seems to vary with almost every tribe : some place the dead above ground, while others bury their departed friends, surrounding the spot with a variety of utensils that had been used by the deceased. The graves are covered with boards, in order to prevent the wolves from disinterring the bodies. The emblem of a squaw's grave is generally a cammass-root digger, made of a deer's horns, and fastened on the end of a stick. From the delay of the party in the Willamette Valley, they became i 220 SOUTHERN OREGON. well acquainted with the various characters of the people who were settled tliere. They generally consist of those who have been hunters in the mountains, and were still full of the recklessness of that kind of life. Many of them, altliough they have taken farms and built log houses, cannot be classed among the permanent settlers, as they are ever ready to sell out and resume their old occupation, when an opportunity offers. Our party found them, with one or two exceptioiis well disposed. The gentlemen of the party, who had more time and opportunity to become acquainted with the operations of the missionaries than I had, were less favourably impressed than myself. One of the prin- cipal complaints of tFie settlers against the members of the mission w^as, that they never had any religious service, although several ministers of the mission were unemployed. This complaint, how- ever, could not be made on our part ; for, the first Sunday the party was encamped, the Rev. Mr. Leslie invited them all to his house for that purpose, which invitation was accepted. Tibbats, one of the party, was sitting by an open window during the sermon, and, as many have done before him, was nodding, in which motion he threw his head back and struck the stick that supported the sash, which coming down suddenly, caught him by the neck. This accident occasioned no small disturbance in the congregation, but no injury resulted from it to the man, who was inclined to join in the laugh that unavoidably took place after he was extricated. This anec- dote will show the character of the class of settlers which the mis- sionaries would have to deal with, and I am inclined to believe that for the neglect of duty imputed to them, those who make the charge are themselves chiefly to blame. It was the general impression of our party, hovt^ever, that the field for a mission was but small, and not sufficient to warrant the ex- penses that have been lavished upon it- Their school was in opera- tion, and included twenty pupils in all Dr. Babcock mentioned to one of our gentlemen that he had a native boy for a servant, of whose qualifications and education he spoke, saying that it was a o-reat trouble to get him into cleanly habits, such as washing his face and hands in the morning, before he milked the cow. He next taught him to make a fire, boil a tea-kettle, and make tea ; he then taught him to fry and bake; he could wash clothes, and would in a short time be able to iron. AW our gentlemen experienced the same kind treatment and good fiire that I have before spoken of, and nothing seemed to be wanting in the wav of substantial comforts. SOUTHERN OREGON. 221 The party, including Passed Midshipmen Eld and Colvocoressis, Messrs. Dana, Brackenridge, and the sergeant, proceeded up the Willamette river. They reached Champooing on tlic 3d, where they disembarked. In the morning they were taken to the house of Thomas M'Kay, wlio is one of the most noted persons in this valley, particularly among the mountain trappers. He is a man of middle age, tall, well- made, and of muscular frame, with an expression of energy and daring, and a deep-set, piercing black eye, beneath a full projecting eyebrow. Among the trappers he is the hero of many a tale, and is himself prone to indulge his guests wath his personal adventiires. He lives in a house that answers both for a dwelling and grist-mill, and is said to be the best belonging: to a settler in the valley. This man was eno:a2:ed to GO go as guide ; and, w hat speaks little for his veracity and principles, at the last moment refused to do so, and afterwards made his boast that he had fooled the party, as he had not intended to go from the first His harvest had just been reaped, which he said had produced him twenty-five bushels to the acre. M'Kay furnished them with horses, and accompanied the party to the camp, where they arrived early in the afternoon. Here all was preparation for a speedy departure, and every one fully occupied with packs, saddles, and trappings. On the 7th, the party made their final move, and after travelling only six miles, encamped near Turner's, known as the mission butcher. He owns a farm, in the acceptation of the word in Oregon, having a log-hut, an Indian w^oman to reside in it, and an undefined quantity of land. The hut contains no furniture to sit or lie upon, and only the few articles most needed in cooking. He does not cultivate any thing, but supports himself by killing cattle semi-weekly. Report says that he was formerly a drummer in the United States service, but for upwards of thirteen years he has led the sort of life he now does. He seems both contented and independent, and appears an honest and good-natured fellow. He has had several narrow escapes, having been twice with parties that were attacked by the southern Indians, in the passage to and from California. The last time he was one of four who escaped, subsisted on berries and roots for a fortnight, and was obliged to travel only at night, to avoid the Indians who were in search of him. He furnished our party with fresh beef of his own stock, refusing to receive pay, and seemed very much incensed that the mission should have charared for what had been obtained from them. The country in the southern part of the Willamette Valley, stretches out into wild prairie-ground, gradually rising in the distance into low undulating hills, which are destitute of trees, except scattered oaks; T2 222 SOUTHERN OREGON, these look more like orchards of fruit trees, planted by the hand of man, than groves of natural growth, and serve to relieve the eye from the yellow and scorched hue of the plains. The meanderings of the streams may be readily followed by the growth of trees on their banks as far as the eye can see. They were detained here by the straying of their animals, and did not succeed in getting off until the next day, when Turner gave them two of his horses, being willing to run the risk of recovering the lost ones in their stead. On the morning of the 9th, they had a severe frost. In the course of the day they passed Creole creek, and encamped on the Ignas The atmosphere during the day had become quite thick, owing to the smoke arising from the burning of the prairie. Here they prepared themselves fully for their journey, by trimming their horses' hoofs and taking a full account of them. The soil was a red decomposer basalt, Avell adapted for grazing and w^heat lands. On the 10th, the country was somewhat more hilly than the day previous, but still fine grazing land- During the day they crossed many small creeks. The rocks had now changed from a basalt to a whitish clayey sandstone. The soil also varied with it to a grayish- orown, instead of the former chocolate-brown colour, which was thought to be an indication of inferior quality. The country had an uninviting look, from the fact that it had lately been overrun by fire, which had destroyed all the vegetation except the oak trees, which appeared not to be injured. On the 11th, after passing during the day Lake Guardipii, which is about five hundred yards long, they encamped on the Lumtumbuff river, which is a branch of the Willamette. This river is a deep and turbid stream, branching out in places like a lake, but being in general narrow and fordable. On the 12th, the route was across a parched-up prairie, some por- tions of which w^ere composed of gravel and white sand, mixed with clay. The paths w^erc very rough, owing to the soil, which was much cut up by the herds that had been driven through ; and w hich, on be- coming hard, was exceedingly fatiguing to the horses. Bands of wolves were met with, and w^ere heard throughout the night howling in various parts of the prairies. The cry of these animals is peculiar: one sets up a long shrill whine, three or four join in, and in a few mo- ments afterwards, the whole pack utter a sort of sharp yelp, which gives the idea of a half-laughing, half-crying chorus. The party had hitherto made from fifteen to twenty miles a day; and in travelling this day, the animals suffered a great deal from want of water* They I SOUTHERN OREGON. 223 encamped on the Male creelv, which was about thirty feet wide, and ran in a northerly direction, On the 13th, they had much difficulty in finding their horses, which had escaped the guards at night, owing to the thick fog that prevailed. They were in consequence unable to go forward until three o'clock in the afternoon; some of the animals had gone six miles back on the trail in search of water, and were found in the vicinity of marshy places. Messrs. Emmons and Eld had employed the hours of this de- tention in getting dip and intensity observations. In consequence of this mishap, they were unable to make more than two miles during the day, which continued hot and foggy. Some wandering Callapuyas came to the camp, w^ho proved to be acquaintances of Warfields' wife : they were very poorly provided with necessaries. Mr, Agate took a characteristic drawing of one of the old men. COSTUME OF A CAIXAFUVA ISmXS. These Indians w^ere known to many of the hunters, who manifested much pleasure at meeting with their old acquaintances, each vying with the other in affording them and their wives entertainment by sharing part of their provisions with them. This hospitality showed them in a pleasing light, and proved that both parties felt the utmost good-wnll towards each other. The Indians were for the most part 224 SOUTHERN OREGON. clothed in deer-skins, with fox-skin caps, or cast-off clothing of the whites ; their arms, except in the case of three or four, who had rifles, were bows and arrows, similar to those I have described as used at the north ; their arrows were carried in a quiver made of seal-skin, which was suspended over the shoulders. On the 15th, they reached the base of the Elk Mountains, which divide the valley of the Willamette from that of the Umpqua, The ascent and descent of this ridge are both gradual, and the hills were covered with pines, spruces, and oaks, with a thick undergrowth of Hazel, Arbutus, Rubus, and Cornus. Through these thickets they were obliged to force their way along the back of one of the spurs, and were three hours in reaching the top, which was fifteen hundred feet above the level of the plain. A species of Castanea was met with, whose leaves were lanceolate and very rusty beneath; the cup of the nut was very prickly. The route over the Elk Mountains was very serpentine, owing to the obstruction caused by fallen timber, many of whose trunks were four and five feet in diameter- Previous to ascending the mountain, they had crossed several small streams over which the Hudson Bay Company had constructed bridges for the passage of their sheep. Much trouble was caused by the necessity of dragging a number of their pack-horses with lassos from a miry pool into which they had plunged. At the encampment, during the night, ice made on the pools lo the thickness of a quarter of an inch, and the thermometer had fallen to 26°. The soil on the Elk Mountains is hard and dry ; on the ridge, rock is nowhere exposed to view, and only a few fragments of sandstone lie on the surface ; where they made their descent, however, and in the banks of the streamlets, they saw the rock finely developed in horizontal layers. The soil also was more sandy and of indiiferent quality, and the grass in consequence is thin and occasionally mixed with ferns. On the 16th, they encamped on the Elk river. The hunters were successful in killing a large elk, which was brought into camp and divided. Lieutenant Emmons, Mr. Agate, and Sergeant Stearns, with a Canadian as guide, left the encampment for Fort Umpqua, which was fourteen miles distant. The country for the first five miles was hilly, with scattered patches of pines, and it appears in places to be suitable for cultivation ; the rest of the distance was over a country much broken. The trail carried them over a succession of steep hills and through deep ravines, which at times appeared almost impassable to their broken-down beasts; four of which Lieutenant Emmons w^as taking with him to exchange. They did not reach the SOUTHERN OREGON. 225 bank of the river opposite the fort, until between eight and nine o'clock. On the opposite side they perceived a fire, with some figures passing to and fro. By firing guns, and employing the stentorian voice of their guide, it was made known that our party was in want of two canoes ,to cross the riven The person in charge of the fort, Mr. Gangriere, had suffered much alarm, until he recognised the voice of Boileau, their guide, which had served to quiet him, and he at once directed the canoes to cross over ; w^hile these were sought for, the horses were hobbled, and the accoutrements made up, ready for transportation. Fort Umpqua was, like all those built in this country, enclosed by a ^^ tall line of pickets, with bastions at diagonal corners; it is about two hundred feet square, and is situated more than one hundred and fifty yards from the river, upon an extensive plain ; it is garrisoned by five men, two wonien, and nine dogs, and contains a dw^elling for the superintendent, as well as store-houses, and some smaller buildings for the officers and servants' apartments- At the time of the visit, an unusual number of Indians of the Umpqua tribe had collected around ; and Mn Gangriere said, had shown a strong disposition to attack and burn the fort. He stated that hostility to the Company and the whites generally, arose from the losses they had met with from the small-pox, which they said had been introduced among them by the Company's parties under Michel and IVrKay; and their anger w^as much increased by his refusal to supply them with ammunition. So critical did he consider the state of affairs, that he w^as about to despatch a messenger to Vancouver, to inform Dr. M'Laughlin of his situation ; he had not ventured to leave the fort for many days. Mr, Gangriere, besides entertaining Messrs. Emmons and Agate w ith tea, &c., gave them an account of the dangers they had to pass through. He informed them that he had lono^ before heard of the i intended journey, through the Indians, and that the news had passed on to all the tribes, who were collecting in vast numbers to oppose their passage, having sworn vengeance against all the whites, or those connected with them. He also stated that within a short time they had murdered two half-breeds who had been living peaceably among , them, but who had been formerly employed by the Hudson Bay Company. By way of making his story more credible, he said that the Shaste Indians had sent him word that they were lying in wait for 4 ^ the whites when they should come. Large numbers of the Umpquas, according to him, had assembled at the usual crossing, to arrest the progress of the party, and he advised Lieutenant Emmons to cross the VOL. V. 29 I 226 SOUTHERN OREGON. river at a place higher up. Mr. Gangriere furthermore thought their numbers so small that he was sure they would be all killed. Lieutenant Emmons places the fort in latitude 43*^ 24' N. From the account given by Mr. Gangriere, the river pursues a northwesterly course, and runs a distance of thirty miles before it enters the sea. It is navigable from the ocean to the place where the Umpqua and Elk rivers unite, about three miles below the fort, for vessels drawing not more than six feet water. The mouth of the Umpqua offers no harbour for sea-going vessels, and has only nine feet water on its bar. Its entrance is very narrow, with low sands on the north and south sides. The Umpqua country yields a considerable supply of furs, and principally of beaver, most of which are of small size, lations of the Company do not seem to be so strictly in force here as to the north of the Columbia, in relation to buying the small skins. These, I have understood, they refuse to purchase there ; and every Indian who is found with a small skin is refused supplies of ammuni- tion, which has been found sufficient to prevent the killing of the young animals. Here they also obtain from the Indians some land and sea otter, deer, and bear skins. The regu- CMPaUA INDIAN GIRL. Mr, of which the above wood-cut is a copy. The agent at this post obligingly exchanged the horses, and supplied \ \ i SOUTHERN OREGON. 227 Lieutenant Emmons with some bear and deer skins, which several of the party were In want of to make into shirts and trousers; Dr. M'Laughlin having kindly sent Lieutenant Emmons, before he left the Willamette, a letter to his agent, desiring that he would afford the party all the assistance in his power. Lieutenant Emmons and Mr. Agate were accommodated in the store, with beds made of blankets. After arranging them, Mr. Gan- griere wished them good night, locked the door, put the key in his pocket, and went to his lodgings. In the morning, at daylight, they were released. The day was cold, damp, and foggy, preventing them from seeing any distance from the fort. The river is here one hundred and twenty yards wide, quite rapid, filled with rocks, and only navigable for canoes. The soil in the vicinity is very good, producing plentiful crops of corn, wheat, and potatoes. In the garden attached to the fort, are grown all the common vegetables of the United States, with melons, both water and musk. Cattle are said to thrive well. In the morning it was found that a number of the Indians had de- parted, which relieved the agent's fears for himself, but increased those for our party. He was satisfied that it w^as too small in number to pass safely through, or overcome the resistance the Indians had pre- pared to oppose to them, Few of these men seem to know the reason of the whites meeting with so few mishaps in passing through an apparently hostile country ; and many deem that it is owing to their own skill and prowess. The truth is, that as soon as the Indians have traded with the whites, and become dependent on them for supplies, thenceforward they can be easily controlled. If disposed to be hostile, the fort at Umpqua would offer no resistance to their attack; but they are aware that all their supplies of ammunition, tobacco, blankets, and other articles of neces- sity, would be at once cut off; which would reduce them to great dis- tress. They also know, that in all probability they w^ould receive a severe chastisement for such aggression, from an armed force that would forthwith be sent among them. The self-interest of the Indians is, therefore, the true safeguard of the white traders. After effecting the exchange of horses, they discovered that two of those they had hobbled the evening before had escaped; after a three hours' search, they were finally found on the back-trail, several miles from the fort. About noon they set out on their return, having under their escort the Indian wife of the agent, who wished to visit the camp to consult the doctor- Their fresh horses enabled them to get over the bad road with less diffinnlfv than thev had found on their wav to the fort. 228 SOUTHERN OREGON. The party, in the mean time, had not been idle: preparations had been made for the probable encounter with the Indians; cartridges filled, and balls run, to the amount of fifty rounds apiece; the elk and deer meat had been jerked over a slow fire, and put into packs for transportation. The examination of the country surrounding the camp, engaged the attention of the naturalists; many seeds and plants were collected. A species of oak, new to our gentlemen, was first seen here: in its size and appearance, it resembles that of the Willamette, excepting the lobes of the leaves, which have a spire at their termination; and the acorns, which are larger and more deeply set in the cup. A yellow honeysuckle was also found on the banks of the riven The bed of the river is here composed of sandstone and clay-slate ; a few hundred yards higher up the stream, the slate disappears, and beyond it is found basalt. The basaltic hills are only half a mile distant from the sandstone range which they had just passed. A few nodules of limestone, similar to that found around Astoria, occur in the shale. This rock contains a few fossils, and the sandstone exhibits some indistinct impressions of vegetables, and seams of coal or lignite. Mr. Dana, however, is of opinion that it is not probable a large deposit of the last-named mineral will be found here. Many friendly Indians had come into the camp, who reported that the hostile tribes were preparing to attack them and dispute their passage. Some alarm seems to have existed among the trappers which manifested itself in sullenness, accompanied wiih threats of leaving the party. The ostensible reason for their dissatisfaction was that they were not permitted to fire their pieces at all times about the camp. Their real motive was the hope of retarding our party until it should be overtaken by the Company's trappers under Michel, who w^ere about sixty in number. Boileau's fears had been so worked upon that he determined to leave his wife at Fort Umpqua until Michel should pass by. As usual, they suffered some detention in the morning from the stravinj? of their horses. Soon after leaving their camp, Corporal Hughes was taken with such a violent chill, that he was unable to proceed. The doctor, with a party under iMr. Colvocoressis, waited until the chill had subsided, and then rejoined the party. Their guide now expressed to Lieutenant Emmons his desire to leave the party, on the plea of solicitude for his little child, but, in reality, because they were now about entering into the hostile country. After some talk, however, his fears were quieted, and he consented to go on. During the day they passed over some basaltic hills, and then I i r r ( SOUTHERN OREGON. 229 descended to another plain, where the soil was a fine loam. The prairies were on fire across their path, and had without doubt been lighted by the Indians to distress our party^ The fires were by no means violent, the flames passing but slowly over the ground, and being only a few inches high. They encamped on Billey's Creek, named after a man who had been killed here by a grisly bear, whilst passing through with a party belong- ing to the Company. Large game w^as seen in abundance, and Guardipii brought in an elk as large as a good-sized horse. On the 19th, Burrows and his squaw, who had the night before made up their minds to leave the party, determined to continue w^ith it. Lieu- tenant Emmons, in order to avoid any chance of an encounter, now deviated from the direct road, and took the upper ford or pass across the Umpqua, as he had every reason to believe that the Indians had made preparations at the lower one to obstruct his passage. About noon they reached the north fork of the Umpqua, and succeeded in fording it without accident, though they experienced some difficulty in conse- quence of its rapid current and uneven slippery bottom. Its breadth is about eighty yards, between banks from fifteen to twenty feoi high ; its depth varies from one to five feet. As many of the party w^ere very unwell, Lieutenant Emmons deter- mined to halt, and the party encamped in a beautiful oak grove. With the geological features of the country, the botany had also changed : and this was also found to be the case with the animals. A new shrub was met with, resembling the shrubby geranium of Hawaii. A beau- tiful laurel (Laurus ptolemii,) with fragrant leaves; a Ceanothus, with beautiful sky-blue flow^ers of delightful fragrance ; a tobacco plant (Nicotiana), of fetid odour, with white flowers. For further information, I must refer to the Botanical Report. ' On the Umpqua, the first grisly bears were seen ; here also the white- tailed deer was lost sight of, and the black-tailed species met with* Elk w^ere seen in great numbers. Two Indians made their appearance on the opposite bank of the river, and were desirous of coming into the camp; but deeming that their object was to spy out the strength of the party, it was thought more prudent not to permit this ; they were accordingly motioned ofl^. At this encampment, the horses fared badly ; for it became necessary bein notorious thieves. On the 20th, they resumed their route at an early hour, and passed, during the day, through valleys and over narrow plains, that afforded cTood pasturage for cattle. In the course of two hours, they reached U 230 SOUTHERN OREGON. the south fork of the Umpqua, which is similar in character to the r northern. During this day's ride, they saw one grisly bear, and had an encounter with another. On the first being perceived, chase was given, but he escaped, and while pursuing him, the second was seen. He was of large size, and approached within one hundred yards of the party, in their usual slow pace. As they came nearer to him, he raised himself on his hind quarters, and looked, with a cool indifference, upon the party. Mr. Peale dismounted and fired at him, upon which he ran off, under a shower of balls from the rest of the party, many of which hit him. They did not, however, succeed in Idlling him, and he finally made his escape. They encamped on the south branch of the Umpqua river, after having passed along its eastern bank for some miles. On the 21st, their route along the bank of the stream was through a country of the same description as before. They w^ere approaching gradually the Umpqua Mountains, and stopped at the place where it is usual to encamp, previous to making the ascent. During the day they passed several deserted Indian huts, and met with some Indians, who were desirous of joining the camp. They declared themselves friendly to the whites, and were anxious to obtain powder and ball, which, however, were not furnished them. They were armed with guns, bows, and arrows, and were very particular in their inquiries about the time that Michel's party was to be expected. During the night, an armed Indian was found lurking about the camp. He was recognised as an acquaintance by Warfields, one of the trappers ; and on expressing his desire to accompany the party to California, permission to do so was given him by Lieutenant Emmons. It now became evident that the Indians were on the watch to take advantage of any want of vigilance. The trappers had all become contented, and seemed quite willing to do their duty. They well knew that they had now entered a hostile country, and that it would be dan- gerous for any one to straggle or desert. On the 22d, they began their route across the Umpqua Mountains. The ascent was at first gradual and easy ; the path was quite narrow, and lined with dense underbrush, through which they were at times obliged to cut their way. The party were obliged to follow each other, and formed a line of nearly a mile in length. The path was continually rising and falling, until they came to a steep bank, ascend- ing very abruptly to the height of one thousand feet. This occasioned many of the pack-horses to stumble, but without any material accident. # n SOUTHERN OREGON. 231 On the top was a small grassy plain, along which they travelled for a short distance, after which they descended rapidly into a valley where water was found. The most difficult part of the day's journey was the ascent from this valley, to effect which they toiled for three hours. The woods had been lately on fire here, and many of the trees were still ignited. This fire had evidently been lighted by the Indians for the purpose of causing the trees to fall across the path ; they had also tied some of the branches together, and interlocked others. Every thing was charred, and the more annoying on that account, as our people were completely covered with charcoal dust. From the summit of this ridge, a view is had of a confused mass of abrupt ridges, between which lie small and secluded valleys. The whole range is thickly 1 wooded, with a variety of trees, among which are the Pinus Lam- bertiana, (the first time it had been met with it,) Oaks, Arbutus, Prunus, Cornus, Yews, Dogwood, Hazel, Spiraea, and Castanea. In different directions, dense smoke was seen arising, denoting that these savages J were on the watch for the party, and making signals to muster their forces for an attack, if a favourable opportunity should offer. The Pinus Lambertiana, of Douglass, was not found quite so large as described by him. The cones, although fourteen inches long, w^ere small in circumference. They encamped on the plain of the Shaste country, which is divided by the mountains which they had passed, from the Umpqua Valley, The greatest elevation of those mountains, by the boiling temperature of water, was one thousand seven hundred and fifty feet. On reaching the encampment, it w^as discovered that Mr. Peale had met with the loss of a considerable part of his luggage, in consequence of the pack having been torn open by the bushes. It was therefore resolved to remain half a day at this place, in order to send back and seek for it, as well as to give the horses time to recover from the fatigue they had under- gone. The 23d was therefore passed quietly, while a small division went back to search for the missing articles ; but the only one which they succeeded in finding, was the camera lucida. Some Indians were met with, who no doubt had picked up all the rest of the missing articles ; but as their language was unintelligible to the guides, no questions could be asked, nor any information received from them. The rocks in this neighbourhood are here and there intersected with veins of quartz, and masses of that mineral are found strewn over the whole country. The soil that lies above the talcose rock is gravelly, and generally of a red brick-colour. Our botanists collected, during the day, many seeds. In the way of plants, they found the bulb which ifi used in California in the place of soap. 232 S O U T H E R N O R E G O N, Their journey was resumed at an early hour on the 24th. The route passed through thickets, and in some places they discovered the fresh track of Indians, in searching for whom they discovered three squaws, who had been left when the others fled* It thus appeared that the Indians were watching them closely, and it was certain that in this country, a very small number of them would have been able to cut off the whole party without much injury to themselves, if they had pos- sessed any courage* The greater part of the day's journey was over undulating hills; and after making a distance of twenty-three miles, they encamped oil Young's creek. This is a run of water, a few yards wide and a foot or less deep ; it may be traced for a long distance by the trees which border it. They had now reached the country of the Klamet Indians, better know^n as the Rogues or Rascals, w^hich name they have ob- tained from the hunters, from the many acts of villany they have practised. The place of encampment was only a short distance from that where Dr. Bailey w^as defeated. On the 25th they continued their journey over a country resemblino^ that traversed the day before, with the exception that the wood was not so thick. The Pinus Lambertiana was more common ; the trees of this species were not beyond the usual size of the pine tribe, but their cones were seen fifteen inches in length. Some of the sugar pro- duced by this tree was obtained : it is of a sweet taste, with a slightly bitter and piny flavour ; it resembles manna, and is obtained by the Indians by burning a cavity in the tree, w^hence i^ exudes. It is ga- thered in large quantities. This sugar is a powerful cathartic, and affected all the party who partook of it ; yet it is said that it is used as a substitute for sugar among the trappers and hunters. The soil passed over w^as loose and light, approaching a sandy loam. In the afternoon they entered on the plains of Rogues' or Tootoo- lutnas river, and encamped on its banks. This is a beautiful stream, upwards of one hundred yards in w^idth, wuth a rapid current, flowing over a gravelly bottom at the rate of three miles an hour: it abounds in fish, on which the Indians principally subsist ; the banks are low and overgrow^n wnth bushes for some distance from the stream ; the soil is poor and sandy. Two or three hundred yards from the river, there is a sudden rise of ten feet, and another at the same distance beyond, from the last of which the land rises into hills from six hun- dred to a thousand feet in height. On these hills the soil changes to granitic sand. Inass, the Indian hunter, being in search of game at some distance from the camp, killed a deer, and while in the act of skinning it, was SOUTHERN OREGON. 233 surprised by a party of Indians, who shot a flight of arrows over him ; he at once sprang to his horse, seized his rifle, and, according to his ow^n account, killed one of them. The utmost haste was necessary to effect his escape, and he left his game behind. Towards night, a canoe with two Indians approached the camp, which they were not suffered to enter. These canoes were dug out square at each end, and quite rude. In the morning they found within their camp an Indian basket with ! roots, which they supposed to have been left there during the night by some Indian whose curiosity was so great as to induce him to peril his life to satisfy it. The 26th, they passed along the banks of the Rogues' river, w^hich runs on in a westerly direction; upon it the Indians were seen spear- I ing salmon from their canoes. Within a short distance of their camping-place, they came upon a party of about fifty Indians, who seemed to be surprised that their hiding-place had been discovered. They appeared to be unarmed, and looked very innocent. During the day, their course was northeasterly, along the banks of the river. About a mile from the camp, granite of a light colour and a fine grain, that would serve as a beautiful building-stone, was seen in places. As they proceeded, the valley of the river was encroached upon by the mountains, and the ground became very much broken. The river, also, flowed in rapids, owing to the same cause, and its banks became projecting and jagged rocks. A place was pointed out where a former party had been attacked and defeated with great loss, in consequence of the Indians being able to conceal themselves behind the rocks. Our party found no one to oppose their passage. In the afternoon they reached the forks, and took the southern one, which brought them to Turner's encampment, where his party w^ere attacked, and most of them massacred. They had allowed the Indians to enter the camp in numbers, when they suddenly rose upon the whites, who ^ were but nine in all, and were, at the time of the attack, attending to the horses. Two of the party were killed immediately. Turner, who was a strong athletic man, was seated by the fire when the fray began ; he snatched up a brand, and defended himself, dealing destruction around him, until his wife brought him his rifle, with w hich he killed several. A large fallen tree lies near the spot, at one end of which Turner stood, while the Indians occupied the other, and whence, as- sisted by his wife, he made such havoc among them, that they at last 1 retreated, and allowed Turner and his w^ounded companions to make good their retreat to the north. They returned to Willamette with the VOL. V. U 2 30 234 SOUTHERN OREGON. loss of all their horses and property. There are still human bones, and among them parts of skulls, that mark the spot where this deadly strife took place. Two Indians came into the camp, who were said to be friendly, having often visited the Company's parties. One of them had a kind of coat of mail, to protect himself from arrows. It resembled a strait- jacket, and only covered the body, leaving the arms free. It was made of sticks as large as a man's thumb, woven together so closely as to resist the force of arrows. It consisted of two parts, fastened together with shoulder-straps at the top, and secured around the waist at the bottom. On the opposite bank of the Rogues' river some Indians were seen at a fire; but on the discovery of our party, they removed farther from the river. Shortly afterw-ards, a small dog belonging to them came down to the river bank, when a man, by the name of Wood, took his rifle, and, contrary to the orders and rules of the camp, shot it. Lieutenant Emmons had discharged the man a few days before for some misbehaviour, and he would have been turned out of camp, if there had been any place of safety for him. It was now^ sufficiently evident why the Indians had removed immediately out of gunshot. During the night, the Indians collected within hearing of the camp, and had a w^ar-dance. Most of the gentlemen of the party had suffered exceedingly from attacks of the ague; the chills were very violent while they lasted, and several were obliged to stop for an hour or two during their con- tinuance. This oecame a source of uneasiness to -the whole party; for it was necessary to pass on rapidly, and not delay the main body more than w'as unavoidably necessary: the sudden and great atmo- spheric changes which constantly occurred, tended to aggravate, if they did not produce, these attacks: the thermometer during the day frequently standing above 80^, and at night nearly as low as the freezing point. On the 27th, they proceeded along the bank of the river. The Indians were observed to be gathering, and were heard to utter yells, on the opposite bank. After a while, a large band of them were seen near a rocky point which encroaches upon the river, and where the path came within the reach of their, arrows. The party now had strong reason for apprehending an attack; Lieutenant Emmons, there- fore, took such precautions as w^ere necessary to clear the path from any dangers, by throwing a detachment on foot in advance of the main party. Here the high perpendicular bank confined the path to very narrow limits, rendering a passing party liable to be seriously SOUTHERN OREGON. 235 -1 1 dams. I molested by an attack from Indians, who might conceal themselves from view among the rocks on the opposite 'side of the rapid and narrow river. No attack, however, took place, as the Indians per- ceived the disposition that w^as made to prevent it. After the party had gone by and were beyond rifle-shot, they again made their ap- pearance, and began to utter taunts, which were coolly listened to, except by the females of Mn Walker's family. The squaws (wives of the hunters) had prepared themselves for an attack, apparently wuth as much unconcern as their husbands. Michel La Framboise with his parly had been twice assaulted at this place. A few miles beyond they left the banks of the Rogues' river, taking a more easterly route, over a rolling prairie which is bounded by low hills, resembling the scenery of the Willamette Valley. The soil, in some few places, was good ; but generally gravelly and barren* On the plain, some Indians were seen at a distance, on horseback, who fled like wild animals the moment they discovered the party. Some of the horses began now to give out, and they w^ere obliged to abandon them. In the afternoon, they encamped on Beaver creek, so named by Lieutenant Emmons, from the number of those animals that were seen engaged in building An antelope was killed, which was one of four that the hunters had seen; it w^as of a dun and white colour, and its hair was remarkably soft. The Indians take this animal by exciting its curiosity : for this purpose they conceal themselves in a bush near its feeding-grounds, and making a rustling noise, soon attract its attention, when it is led to advance towards the place of conceahnent, until the arrow pierces it. If there are others in company, they w^ill frequently remain with the wounded until they are all in Uke manner destroyed. This species of antelope, according to the hunters, only inhabit the prairie, being seldom seen even in the open wooded country. The flavour of the meat was thought to be superior to that of the deer. A species of rabbit or hare was seen in great numbers on the high prairie; their large ears had somewhat the appearance of wings. The Indian mode of capturing them is by constructing a small enclosure of brush, open on one side, and having a small hole through the opposite side, into w^hich they are driven. It was observed too that many of the pine trees had their bark pierced in many places, with cylindrical holes about an inch and a half deep. In some of these an acorn, with its cup end inw^ards, w^as inserted, which was supposed to be the provision stored away by some species of woodpecker. On the 28th, they advanced to the foot of the Boundary Range, 236 • SOUTHERN OREGON. where they encamped. The soil and country resembled that passed over the day before, and the woods were also oak and pine, but none of the Lambertiana. On the hills granite is seen to crop out, and in the distance was observed a singular isolated rock, which stands like a tower on the top of the ridge, rising above the surrounding forest with a bare and apparently unbroken surface. This peak, according to Lieutenant Emmons^s observations, is on the parallel of 42"^ N. ; from its top an extensive country is overlooked, and as soon as the party came in sight of it a dense column of smoke arose, which was thought to be a signal made by the Klamet Indians, to the Shaste tribe, of the approach of our party.* On the way, they met an old squaw, with a large firebrand in her hand, with which she had just set the grass and bushes on fire ; when surprised, she stood motionless, and appeared to be heedless of any thing that was passing around her. She was partly clothed in dressed deer-skins, one around her waist and another thrown over her shoulders, both fastened with a girdle, and having long fringes made of thongs of deer-skins braided; there were no other Indians in sight. The party encamped in a valley among the hills, in which were found many boulders of granite and syenite. The hostility of the Indians, and their having been successful in stealing the horses of former parties, induced Lieutenant Emmons to have an unusually strict guard kept during the night.f On the 29th, they set out to ascend the Boundary Mountains, which separate Mexico from the United States. It is a range of hills from twelve hundred to two thousand feet high, some of whose summits have a mural front; the features of all the ridges wear a basahic appearance, though some of them are of sandstone, and contain fossils. As they ascended, they every moment expected to be attacked, particularly at a steep and narrow path, where a single horse has barely room to pass. The man Tibbats was one of a party of fifteen, which was defeated here by the Indians, some three years before. One of their number was killed, and two died of their wounds on the Umpqua, whither they were obhged to retreat, although they had forced the Indians back with great loss. He showed great anxiety to take his revenge on them, but no opportunity offered, for the party had no other difficulty than scrambling up a steep path, and through thick shrubbery, to reach the top. Not an * This I have designated as Emmons's Peak, after the officer who had charge of this party, as a memorial of the value of his services in conducting it safely through this hostile country. Klamet Indians took the pains ^untry I * SOUTHERN OREGON. 237 Indian was to be seen, although they had evidently made some prepa- rations to attack the party; the ground had been but recently occupied, some large trees felled across the path by burning, and many other impediments placed to prevent the party from advancing. The whole mountain side was admirably adapted for an ambuscade. At the summit of this range, they got their first view of the Klamet Valley. It was beneath them, walled on both sides by high basaltic hills, one beyond another. Mount Shaste, a high, snowy peak, of a sugar-loaf form, which rose through the distant haze, bore southward, forty-five miles distant. They descended on the south side, and encamped on the banks of Otter creek, within a mile of the Klamet river. This ridge divides the waters flowing to the north and south. The soil seemed to change for the worse, becoming more sandy. In consequence of the illness of some of the party, it w^as concluded to remain stationary on the 30th : the others made excursions around the camp. The country they saw w as a broad prairie valley, dotted wnth oaks and pines, w^ith a serpentine line of trees marking the edges of the streams till they are lost in the distance. This valley lies in the midst of hills, clothed with a forest of evergreens, and through this the waters of the Klamet flow% passing beyond it, through a narrow valley on the west. The most remarkable object in this place is the isolated conical peak, which rises immediately from the level pladn to the height of one thousand feet, and is destitute of trees, except on its summit. Near their camp was the remains of an Indian hut, which had been constructed of bent sticks: this is represented at the end of the chapter. Lieutenant Emmons, during the day, obtained both dip and intensity observations. The thermometer, in the shade, rose to 100^. At daw^n the following morning, it w^as 32'^, The hunters did not succeed in procuring any game. On the 1st of October, they were enabled to take an early start. The weather was, how^ever, sultry, and the atmosphere again so smoky as to shut out the Shaste Peak from view. In about two hours they crossed the Klamet river, where it w^as about eighty yards w^ide, with low banks, destitute of bushes. It was about four feet deep, with a pebbly bottom. Both above and below the ford, there were rapids ; the volume of water was about equal to that of the Umpqua. From the appearance of its banks, it is subject to overflow. The prairie, after crossing the river, became dry and barren, from which a solitary bute, by which term these hills are known, occasionally rose up, from one to five hundred feet high. These are peculiar to this country. Heaps 238 SOUTHERN OREGON. of volcanic rocks, consisting of large masses of grayish or reddish porphyritic lava, in blocks of from one to ten cubic feet in size, were lying on the surface in disorderly piles. Beyond, to the eastward, the lava heaps became still more numei'ous. They encamped on the southern branch of the Klamet river, which is a beautiful, clear, and rapid stream, where they met wdth a small spot of grass, the only one they had seen during the day. Two Indians were discovered on the look-out from one of the lava heaps. Lieute- nant Emmons, taking the guide with him, succeeded in prev^enting their escape, and was enabled to approach them. They were at first under great fear, but soon became reconciled, and sold two salmon they had with them, w^hich they had taken in the river with their fish- spears. The salmon were of a whitish colour, and not at all delicate to the taste ; their tails were worn off, and the fish otherwise bruised and injured. Many salmon are caught in all these rivers. The Indians were thought to be better-looking than those before seen about the villages, and were quite naked, excepting the maro. After having disposed of their fish, they were willing to sell their bows and arrows, which they had hid in the grass. These which were all neatly made, were bought for a knife. They then pointed out some more of their tribe, who were seated on the side of a distant hill, and were very desirous that they might be permitted to come into the camp; but permission was refused them. Here our gentlemen saw large bundles of rushes, made up in the form of a lashed-up hammock, which the Indians are said to use instead of canoes. On the 2d, they travelled all day over a rolling prairie, without water; the low ground was incrusted with salts, notwithstanding which, the land was better than that passed over the day before. Some patches of spirsea and dogwood were met with, and a better growth of grass; although it was still very scanty. • Large herds of antelopes were seen, but none of them were killed ; the hunters also recognised the mountain sheep, which are of a dark colour, much larger than the common sheep, and having large horns. Towards the afternoon they came to some holes containing v^^aler; and such had been the suffering of some of the animals from thirst, that they rushed into them with their packs, and it required much labour to extricate them, for v^hich purpose it was necessary to use the lasso. About midday they left the Klamet Valley, which is far inferior to any portion of the country they had passed through; and they serpentine- They beyond ! SOUTHERN OREGON* 239 boulders of a coarse syenite, forming tlie bed of the creek, and lying along its course, were seen. The hornblend crystals of the latter rock were often two inches long, and were set in a white granular paste of feldspar. At their camp they were visited by a party of Shaste Indians, who were allowed to enter it, and for some time there was a brisk trade for their bows and arrows. These Indians are a fine-looking race, being much better proportioned than those more to the northward, and their features more regular. One of the boys was extremely good- looking. He had a bright black eye, and pleasing expression of coun- tenance; he w^as clad in dressed deer-skins, over his shoulders and about his body, but his legs were bare. They all wore their black hair hanging down to their shoulders ; and they do not compress their heads. Mr. Agate had much difficulty in getting them to stand still for the purpose of having their portraits taken, and gave them a miniature of his mother to look at, hoping that this would allay their fears, but it had a contrary effect, as they now believed that he desired to put some enchantment upon them, and thought that he was the medicine-man of the party. They obtained an exhibition of the archery of the Indians by putting up a button at twenty yards distance, which one of them hit three times out of five: the successful marksman was rewarded with it and a small piece of tobacco. They use these bows with such dexterity as to kill fish, and lanch their arrows with such force, that one of the gentlemen remarks he would as leave be shot at with a musket at the distance of one hundred yards, as by one of these Indians with his bow and arrow. Their bows and arrows are beautifully made: the former are of yew and about three feet long; they are flat, and an inch and a half to two inches wude: these are backed very neatly with sinew, and painted. The arrows are upwards of tliirty inches long; some of them were made of a close-grained wood, a species of spireea, while others were of reed ; they w^ere feathered for a length of from five to eight inches, and the barbed heads were beautifully wrought from obsidian: the head is inserted in a grooved piece, from three to five inches long, and is attached to the shaft by a socket ; this, when it penetrates, is left in the w^ound when the shaft is withdrawn; a very shallow blood-channel is sometimes cut in the shaft. In shooting the arrow, the bow is held horizontally, braced by the thumb of the left hand, and drawn by the thumb and three first fingers of the right hand. To obviate the disadvantage of drawing to the breast, the chest is thrown backwards ; on discharging the arrow, they throw out the right leg and stand on the left. Their quivers are made of deer, 240 SOUTHERN OREGON. raccoon, or wild-cat skin; these skins are generally whole, being left open at the tail end. A disease was observed among them which had the appearance of the leprosy, although the doctor did not recognise it as such, one of the six had wasted away to almost a skeleton frem its effects. The old man was pointed out as the father-in-law of Michel La Framboise, who, as I have said before,, has a wife in nearly every tribe. As to dress, they can scarcely be said to wear any except a mantle of deer or w^olf skin. A few of them had deer-skins belted around their waists with a highly ornamented girdle. On the 3d, they continued their route up the plain, and soon reached its termination, after which they entered the forest on the slopes of the Shasle Range; the path was rendered very broken and uneven by the knolls of trachyte which were seen in every direction. On arriving at the top of the ridge, they had a magnificent view of the snowy peak of Shaste, with a nearer and intermediate one destitute of snow, with tall pines growing nearly to its top. Where the surface could be seen, it appeared as though it was covered with large blocks of rock: its conical shape proved its volcanic character, although no crater could be perceived. The Shaste Peak is a magnificent sight, rising as it does to a lofty height, its steep sides emerging from the mists which envelope its base, and seem to throw it off to an immense distance; its cleft sum- mit gave proof of its former active state as a volcano. The snow lies in patches on the sides and part of the peak of this mountain; but there is a great difference in the position of its snow-line from that of Mount Hood or St. Helen's. Its height is said to be fourteen thousand three hundred and ninety feet, but Lieutenant Emmons thinks it is not so high. After passing this ridge, they soon met the head waters of the Sacramento, flowing to the southward, and their camp was pitched on the banks of another stream, that came from the Shaste Peak. Our party now had their prospects somewhat brightened, having passed safely through the country of the **'Bad Indians." I cannot but regret that they should at this time have been found in so hostile a state that it rendered it not only prudent, but necessary for the safety of the party, that all intercourse should be avoided, and consequently one of the objects of the Expedition, that of acquiring some knowledge of their actual condition, numbers, &c., was frustrated. On the 4th, they had fairly entered into the district of pines : again some of the Lambertiana were measured, and found to be eighteen feet in circumference, with cones sixteen inches long. They encamped on Destruction river, which runs from this moun- Sa b . ^^ 4^ 4- no L fen u ■*■- I / SOUTHERN OREGON. 241 tain range toward the south, in a place where they found food for their horses and water in abundance. The air was delightful; the forest protected them from the rays of the sun, and besides this the game was plentiful Near the encampment, in a northwest direction, was a mountain ridge shooting up in sharp conical points and needle- shaped peaks, having a precipitous front. One of these peaks almost overhangs the valley, presenting a gray surface of naked rock two thousand feet high. The valley which adjoins is strewn over with boulders of white granite, similar to that already described. From this, there is little doubt that the ridge is formed of the same material At meridian they reached a small valley bordering on the Destruction river, where they found a chalybeate spring. The water oozes out from the rocks, bubbling up freely, and is highly charged with car- bonic acid gas. In taste it was found agreeable to both the riders and the animals. Its temperature was 50^^, that of the air being 75°; about a gallon per minute is discharged. Around it there is a thick deposit of iron rust, and a few^ yards distant a small pond, the bottom of which was also coated with a ferruginous deposit. The rocks in the vicinity of the spring were of the trachytic and slightly cellular lava, which is speckled with grains of feldspar. The hunters said that the spring was in all respects similar to that on the Bear creek, which empties into the Youta Lake, known in the Rocky Mountains as the Soda Spring. Mr. Dana found some difficulty in accounting for this emission of carbonic acid, as no limestone was found or known to exist in the neighbourhood ; yet he is inclined to believe, that it may be owing to the decomposition of sulphuret of iron. For further information upon this subject, I would refer to his Geological Report. On this night they had a severe storm from the westward, and occa- sionally heard the crash produced by the falling of large pines. The character of the country had now changed, and afforded a new and more extended botanical field, as well as new geological features. [ ■ The general tendency of the ridges is north and south, but the whole may be classed as a series of valleys and hills thrown in all positions. The hills are, for the greater part, covered with soil, when it can find any place of deposit ; and all are richly clothed with vegetation. The principal timber consists of pines and oaks ; and there are many smaller plants, of w^hich the flowers must be abundant in the proper season. As it was, our botanists reaped something of a harvest; for information respecting which, the Botanical Report is referred to. They continued to follow Destruction river until the 9lh, when it was joined by a stream from the northward and eastward, w^hich was taken to be the northeast branch of Pitt river: it was larger than the VOL. V. V 31 I \ 242 SOUTHERN OREGON, stream they had been following for the last few days, and is supposed by some to take its rise in Pitt Lake ; but this I very much doubt, as it lies on the other side of the Cascade or Californian Range, and the two united form the Sacramento. Though I have dignified these two streams with the name of rivers, it must not be supposed that they are really such, in our acceptation of the word. The party are generally of the opinion that they should be called creeks. They encamped late in the evening near a small rivulet, to the west- ward of the Sacramento. They had much difficulty with their horses, which had now become tired out. For this reason it became necessary to abandon one of them, as he was unable to proceed any further. On the 10th they made an early start, and left the mountains. The width of the range they had passed through was upwards of one hun- dred miles. At one place Guardipii, their guide, lost his w^ay ; but on applying to Warfields' Indian wife, she pointed out the trail without difficulty. They had now passed into the Sacramento Valley, and had met with some of the Kinkla tribe of Indians, who w^ere known to be friendlv, and they became relieved from anxiety. The botanical character of the landscape changed as suddenly : instead of firs, pines, &cc.y they found themselves among sycamores, oaks, aud cotton-wood trf^^s- The oaks bear a variety of acorns, which are equally the food of the bears and the Indians. The prairie bordering the Sacramento at this place is about fifty feet below the upper prairie, and continues for many miles very regularly on the same level ; the latter falling into it by a sloping bank. % SACRAMENTO INDIAN- In the evening the camp was visited by many of these friendly and SOUTHERN OREGON. 043 docile Indians, who made themselves quite easy, laughing and joking, and appeared rather to look upon the party as beneath them- They had some resemblance to the Shaste Indians; most of them were naked; the others had a piece of deer-skin thrown over their shoulders; their faces were marked with an expression of good humour. Some of them wore their hair long, extending below the neck and divided from the top ; in others, and most commonly, it was drawn back and gathered in a bunch behind, where it was fastened with a string of deer-sinew; their ears were bored, and a short string inserted with a few beads ; the face w^as usually painted, the upper part of the cheek in the form of a triangle, with a blue-black substance, mixed with some shiny particles that resembled pulverized mica. The Indians were darker as to colour than the northern tribes, and their general appearance resembled that of the South Sea islanders. Their food consists principally of fish and acorns; of the latter they make a kind of black cake by shelling the acorns, drying them in the sun, and then poundmg them between stones to a meal, which they mix with a little wafer and arbutus-berries, which gives it a flavour; it is then formed into cakes about two inches thick, w^hen it is wrapped in leaves and baked ; it is quite black and eats like cheese: these acorns are quite palatable in the raw state. The seeds of the different genus of pine are also eaten, particularly one that is peculiar to California. The arbutus-berry is in great plenty, and is also ground into meal ; they have also many grapes. The game had also become very abundant, in consequence of the quantities of food, which attracts them as well as the Indians, and many antelopes and deer were observed. Large flocks of California partridges and geese w^ere seen: among the birds was a new species of magpie. None of the Indians but men visited the camp, the women being left at their rancheria. Our party went to visit it ; it w^as about half a mile below the camp, and consisted of some rude huts, built of poles, and divided by coarse mats into a number of small apartments. The whole was surrounded bv a brush fence, which served for a stockade. The huts were small in size and devoid of comfort or cleanliness. It was remarked that the women were much inferior to the men in per- sonal appearance, looking careworn and wrinkled, probably from hard work; for on them seems to depend the preparation of all their winter's supply of food, at which they seemed to be constantly engaged; while the men are to be seen lounging about, or engaged in games of hazard. They are, however, during the season, engaged in taking salmon, either in weirs, or by spearing: the former method has been described already ; for the latter they use a long forked spear or fish-gig, which 244 SOUTHERN OREGON. has a sharp deer's horn to confine the two prongs, and is attached to the spear by a small lanyard, which in entering the fish slips off, and retains its hold. At the rancheria, several dances were performed ; and it was ob- served that many of the women were tattooed on their arms and body. On reaching the Sacramento, it had been recommended to Lieu- tenant Emmons to procure canoes, if possible, either by purchase or constructing them, in consequence of the belief that both his party and the animals would have been nearly if not quite w^orn out. No canoes, however, were to be found, and, as has been seen in my account of that river, none w^ere used by the Indians. Neither could any timber be -obtained without much detention, of which to construct one. It was, therefore, necessary for him to keep on to Captain Suter*s, w^here he expected to find boats to take them to the ship as soon as possible. From what Lieutenant Emmons could learn, there was no difficulty in proceeding in canoes from this place, though there would have been some obstacles to surmount, particularly the fish-welrs, which exist below. On the 11th, they took leave of the friendly Indians, who had, during the night, been as watchful as themselves, passing the w'ord among their look-outs as if they had been regular sentinels. The party proceeded down the w^estern bank of the Sacramento, over a rolling prairie country, which they characterize as the most worthless they had met wuth. The soil consists of gravel, coarse pebbles, and large stones, mixed with sand. They frequently met the beds of streams, three hundred yards wide, which intersect this part of the country, the pebbles in w^hich are chiefly composed of jasper and milky quartz, with a few of basalt, pudding-stone, and pieces of slate. They made this day, twenty-five miles — the longest day's ride on the journey. On the 12th, Lieutenant Emmons determined to ford the river, as it was doubtful whether he would have so good an opportunity lower down. Inass, one of the hunters, was found sitting beside his horse, on the opposite side of the ford, loaded with the meat and skin of a large grisly bear which he had killed. The river w^as about three feet deep, and two hundred yards wide. They stopped at a place known among the hunters as Bear-camp, from the number of grisly bears found here. Five of them were shot the same afternoon, with three deer, which were seen feeding within sight of the camp, all in excellent condition. The country on the east side of the river was more level than on the west, and the soil was thought to be better. Few plants, however, were seen, in consequence of the country having been burned over. The country continued much the same until, on the" 15th, they came ; \ J 1 f ; i 'J ■n ■fi ^ u 1^ y — J ■A 4 ■L. IT r:' > JM ^ PJ1 J i ^..-.:;^^- « i SOUTHERN OREGON. 245 in sight of the Prairie Butes, a regular collection of hills, rising out of the level plain like islands from the water. These are very deceptive in height, and may be seen from a great distance. The party encamped on a small creek, called by the trappers the Little Fork of the Butes, The hunters said that the party employed by the Hudson Bay Com- pany last year caught more than one hundred beavers during their sojourn in this neighbourhood with their cattle. On the 16th, they passed towards the Butes, and encamped, after an ineffectual search for water, at a place that had been occupied for the same purpose by Michel, in the valley or " Kraal" of the Butes. Here they found two deep holes of stagnant water, the remains of a rivulet that was now dried up. The ground around and near the Butes is covered with a great quantity of the bones of animals that resort hither for safety during the season of the freshets which flood the whole of this extensive plain. The soil is quite loose and crusted over with the deposit left by the water, through which the horses broke to the depth of four or five inches ; nearer the Butes, the soil is harder and strew^ed with fragments of volcanic rocks. There is little doubt that each of the Butes was once a volcano. They are grouped within an oval space, which has a circumference of about thirty miles : the longest diameter of the oval figure lies in a northeast and southwest direction. The valley passes through the southern part, and opens out on the eastern: it is about seven miles in length; and here the party found water. This valley may be considered almost as a prolongation of the exterior plain, though parts of it are somewhat higher, as ap- peared by its not having been overflowed. The highest of the Butes was made, by a triangulation executed by Lieutenant Emmons and Mr. Eld, seventeen hundred and ninety-four feet. They have the appearance of having once been much higher and more extended than they now are. The volcanic rock, according to Mr. Dana, is a tra- chytic porphyry, of a purplish colour, which contains hornblend and six-sided tables of mica, with glassy feldspar, in crystals from a quarter to half an inch in size, disseminated through it; some of the rocks have a porcelain aspect, but this variety only constitutes a few of the peaks. The rock is found either in horizontal or vertical layers or curved in all directions, and is thickly sprinkled with mica. The Butes were ascertained to be in the latitude of 39"* 08' N.; yoi it has been generally believed that these were on the dividing line between Oregon and California, On the 17th, they proceeded, and in about fifteen miles they found themselves on the banks of the Feather river. There is a difficulty in fording this stream, on account of the quicksands; and the first time V2 246 SOUTHERN OREGON. they attempted it, the guide and his horse were nearly lost. To swim the river was equally impracticable, in the weak and worn-out state of their animals. They therefore proceeded down its bank, looking for a ford. On their way, Inass killed a wild cow% one of a herd of ten. It is said that the wild cattle, which have originated from the animals that have escaped from the herds passing through the country to Oregon, are increasing very fast. . They encamped in a beautiful oak grove, near the junction of the Feather river with the Sacramento." The two rivers are of about the same size, being each seventy yards wide. The w- aters of the Feather are clear, and in many places deep; the banks are, as usual, lined viiih sycamore, cotton-wood, and oak, and w^ere at this time about twenty- five feet above the stream. It appears to be navigable for boats. The party succeeded in forduig it on the I8th, within two miles of the junction. Near the ford, the Indians had an extensive burial-ground, marked by a vast number of skulls and bones, that lie scattered around in all directions, and are said to be all that remains of a once powerful tribe, that has been swept off by disease. They then proceeded on to Captain Suter's, where they arrived the next day. The officers appear to have entered this valley wuth a high idea of its fruitfulness, and with the expectation of finding the soil abounding with every thing that could make it desirable for the abode of the r agriculturist, and susceptible of producing all that can add to the r comfort or convenience of man. It is not surprising that they should have been sadly disappointed, when they beheld a large part of it barren, and destitute even of pasturage, while that which is fertile is liable to be annually overflowed. The high prairie is equally gravelly and unfertile. Yet it is necessary to say there is a sufficient quantity of good soil to make it a valuable agricultural country, and that it w^ould be capable of affording subsistence to a large number of in- habitants, more, however, from the extraordinary fertility of these grounds than from their extent. After leaving Captain Suter's, or New Helvetia, the party divided. The detachment under Lieutenant Emmons, with Messrs. Dana, Agate, Colvocoressis, and Dr. Whittle, embarked in the Vincennes' launch, which met them a short distance below that place, and reached San Francisco at eio^ht o'clock p. m^ on the 24th. The other detachment, consisting of Messrs. Eld, Peale, Rich, Brackenridge, and the sergeant, with" some of the men, went by land. I cannot avoid again returning my thanks to Captain Suter, for his kindness to this party. All the officers spoke most particularly of the SOUTHERN OREGON. 247 attention he paid to them, individually and collectively, and of his care and watchfulness in making provision for our sick. On the 21st, the land party commenced their journey, with a young and intelligent Spaniard for a guide. The same day they made fifteen miles, passing over a dry portion of country, and encamped near two ponds, called in the country, Poros, the only place, as was supposed, where water could be obtained within twenty miles ; they, however, found some the next day in the Rio Cosmenes, within a mile and a half of the camp- Game was, as usual, very abundant; but the whole country was suffering from the drought that has been before spoken of. On the 22d, about noon, they crossed the river Mogueles, w^hich was then a small stream ; but at other seasons, it is said it cannot be crossed on horseback. They travelled this day as far as the San Juan ; the only water that it contained was in small pools. This place had been termed the Frenchman's Camp. The ducks and geese had ren- dered the water scarcely drinkable. On the 23d, before noon, they reached the San Joachim, which they found about fifty yards wide, and about three feet deep. Under ' the expectation of finding water, they were induced to ride forty-four miles, but were again disappointed. On the 24th, they entered among the Pul Porrice hills, a bare and barren range, composed of sandstone and volcanic rocks. As they approached the mission of San Jose, the country became more hilly, the oak abundant, and herds of cattle and horses were seen. On their way they fell in with large encampments of Indians, who were busily employed in collecting acorns. They w^ere all half civilized as to dress, the men being clothed in shirts and trousers, some in velvet breeches; the women in calico gowns, and gay-coloured shawls; several hundred of these were met, each loaded with the beef w'hich is distributed to them in weekly rations. They are annually allowed a short holiday to return to their native wilds, during the time acorns are in season. } . The approach to the mission shows it to have once been a large establishment. It has all the appearance of a town, being built in the form of a street of considerable length. In the centre is the church and convent, w^ith large dwelling-houses on each side of it, and on the opposite side the houses for the neophytes, consisting of small low buildings, with every appearance of filth and decay about them. ^ Indeed the whole establishment is falling into ruins; the walls and gates are thrown down, and every thing wears a look of neglect, both in the buildings and the persons who inhabit them. The halcyon days of this mission have passed away ; it is no longer the abode of 24S SOUTHERN OREGON. hospitality and good living, since it has fallen into the hands of the administradors or agents of the government. The remains of a fine garden are also perceptible, where there is yet good fruit; and near by are extensive fields of Indian corn, which were formerly cultivated by irrigation. The reception of our gentlemen was in keeping with the place, neither polite nor friendly. No civilities wei^e tendered, no offers of # accommodation made, although they brought a particular letter from Captain Suter. Our party were inclined to believe that this was owing, in part at least, to the condition of their wardrobe; their whole appearance, it must be admitted, w^as not much in their favour, dressed as they were in the deer-skins that had been worn on their journey, yet they thought that their characters might have been discovered through + their buckskins. The administrador told them there was no accommodation for their horses, and showed them none, except a miserable hole" without any furniture. The letter of introduction bore the superscription of Don Jose Antonio Estrade. They met with the tailor to the establishment, Ephraim Travel, an American, of Philadelphia, who showed them the lions of the place with great politeness, and as far as in him lay, made amends for their otherwise cold reception. He took them round the gardens, through the churches, and told them that the Indians under the care of the mission were at the present time about six hundred, which was only one-third of the nfimber they had two years before. In consequence, there was but little cultivation carried on, compared to what there had been formerly. The harvest at the mission had been very small, from the great drought. No rain had fallen for upwards of a year. The vintage, however, had been very fine, and forty barrels of wine had been made, besides a large supply of grapes for the whole establishment. The two vineyards comprise about four acres, and beside vines, are filled with apple, pear, and other fruit trees. The buildings of the mission are all constructed of adobes, and covered with tile roofs. Fortunately for the party, Mr. Forbes, the agent of the Hudson Bay Company, residing a few miles farther on, happened to be at the mission, and very kindly offered them accommodations, which they thankfully accepted. They found him lodged in a comfortable two- story adobe house, situated on the border of an extensive prairie, but w^ithout any trees or cultivation around it. He entertained them very hospitably. The party visited Santa Clara the next day, where their reception was very courteous, and furnished a strong contrast to that at San SOUTHERN OREGON. 249 \ Jose. After two daj^s' journey, they reached Yerba Bucna at noon on the 28th, having paid a visit to the mission of Nostra Sefiora de los Dolores, within three miles of that place. They reached the ship the same afternoon, and though fatigued and somewhat worn down, they had been much pleased with their jaunt. Although this journey from the Columbia to the Sacramento was attended with much fatigue, yet the labour and suffering were more than compensated by the information it furnished in relation to the southern section of Oregon, and the addition of new objects to the col- lections of the Expedition. Although every thing was not attained that I intended, yet I feel satisfied that all was done w^hich the very limited time, and the hostile state of the country, would permit. To the perse- verance and prudence of Lieutenant Emmons, much credit is due, as well as to the other officers and naturalists, for the manner in which they co-operated with him. The duties assigned them were performed under the most trying circumstances, while worn down by distressing attacks of the ague and fever. This disease, in particular, affected those members of the party who had been encamped on the Willamette, where it w^as supposed they contracted it. The closing scene of the tour deserves a short notice, as it is pro- bably peculiar to a country like California. On the arrival of the party, it seemed to have been surmised by the inhabitants of Yerba Buena, and by the few who dwell at the mission, presidio, and neigh- bouring rancheria, together with the trappers and hunters, that our horses and accoutrements must necessarily be parted with, I make no doubt that good bargains were anticipated, or rather a determination made that they would have all for little or nothing. The alcalde, the only person in authority, a man of much rotundity and little height interested himself exceedingly in the matter. In the first place, it was discovered that many of the horses were not marked, and therefore, agreeably to the law^s of the country, they belonged to the government ; secondly, that many of them were beyond recovery from their w^orn- out condition ; thirdly and lastly, that if they did recover, they would be worthless. The same faults were applied to the pack-saddles, par- fleshes, and appichemens, that have been described in the beginning of this chapter, and which had caused so much trouble to procure. Their value, in the eyes of these gentlemen, was next to nothing. Under these circumstances, a notice was posted up at the few corners of the pueblo of Yerba Buena, that they would be disposed of by public auction* This attracted a great crowd, and among the number was the only representative of authority of the government, the redoubtable alcalde. The horses had been put in lots, as was likewise the case w^ith the VOL. V. 32 — "1^ 250 SOUTHERN OREGON, accoutrements- Each of these was announced first in English, then in Spanish, and last in French, which gave the auctioneer a full opportu- nity to descant upon their sore backs, lameness, visible ribs, and sorry appearance. The Spanish language seemed to be more copious in words to express their condition, for it certainly produced many jeers and much laughter among the motley throng. They went off briskly, however, in lots, from one dollar and fifty cents to five and six dollars each, principally under the bid of the redoubtable alcalde, who had arranged things well enough with those under his authority; but as there were some of our countrymen and foreigners there whom he could not overawe, he had to pay what was deemed a fair price for the worn- out animals, although they were sold without reserve; and when one considers that a brood-mare is valued here at less than a dollar, it will appear so. The proceeds of the sale amounted to two hundred and ten dollars. SHASTE HUT. f f > CHAPTER VII CONTENTS. PREPARATIONS FOR SAILING-NEW DISTRIBUTION OF OFFICERS- LIEU TENANT CARR APPOINTED TO THE COMMAND OF THE OREGON -PLAN OF OPERATIONS — DEPAR- TURE FROM SAN FRANCISCO — DANGEROUS POSITION OF THE VINCENNES — DEATH OF A MARINE — HIS BURIAL— SEARCH FOR COPPER'S ISLAND— PA ILOLO CHANNEL — ARRIVAL AND RECEPTON AT HONOLULU— CASE OF HERRON, THE COOPER— TRADE OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS-THEIR FOUTICAL RELATI0N3-THEIR FUTURE FR03- PECT3— FINAL DEPARTURE FROM THEM— THE BRIGS PART COMPANY— INSTRUCTIONS TO MR. KNOX-THE FLYING-FISH PARTS COMPANY— SEARCH FOR MALOON'S, JANES AND CORNWALLIS ISLANDS— WAKENS ISLAND— SEARCH FOR HALCYON AND FOLGERS ISLANDS — LADRONE ISLANDS- GRIG AN-SEARCH FOR COPPER'S ISLAND — SABTANG AND BATAN-CAPE CAPOxNES— FLYING-FISH REJOINS THE VINCENNES— WE ANCHOR IN THE BAY OF MANILLA -GOVERN ME NT GALLEY-CRUISE OF THE FLYING-FISH — SEARCH FOR CORNWALLIS ISLAND -REEF DISCOVERED — SEARCH FOR SAN PABLO -MULGRAVE ISLANDS — BAPHAM'S, HUNTER'S. AND BARING'S ISLANDS — M'KENZIE'S GROUP. (351) ^-i- U. 1 CHAPTER VII. SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 1841. By the 28th of October, all the exploring parties had returned, and the duties of the observatory and surveys were completed. The in- struoients were at once embarked, and preparations made to sail with the first fair wind. By a series of observations of moon culminating stars, the longitude of Sausalito Fort was found to be 122° 25' 36" W.; the latitude, by numerous akitudes, 37° 50' 50" N. Full series of magnetic observa- tions were also made, with the usual meteorological record. The mean temperature for the eighty days' during which the Vincennes lay at Sausalito was 61-6°. The addition of the brig Oregon to the squadron rendered many changes necessary in the distribution of the officers. The command of that vessel was given to Lieutenant Carr, first lieutenant of the Vincennes, and such officers were ordered to act under him as would insure efficiency and harmony in the duties that remained to be com- pleted. It was with no little regret that I parted with Lieutenant Carr, who had been the executive officer of my ship for upwards of two years, during w^hich time his duties had been at all times responsible, arduous, and valuable to the Expedition. By his excellent management the vessel had been kept in the best possible order, and while the comforts of the men were carefully attended to, the rules and regulations of the vessel were strictly enforced. In addition to the sufficiently arduous duties of executive officer, he was, during my frequeat and necessary absences, charged not only with the duties on board, but with those of the observatory, and w^as, besides, my assistant in the care of the w (253) 254 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. chronometers. My regret at parting with him gave wa}^, however, to the pleasure of assigning him a station to which his conduct had so justly entitled him, and which he was so well qualified to fill. To complete our supplies for the return voyage, it was expedient that we should again visit ih-e Haw^aiian Group: this w^as rendered absolutely necessary, in order to procure clothing for those who had lost every thing by the wreck of the Peacock ; for deficiency in that important article might, had we pursued the direct route to the China Seas, have subjected the men, who had already undergone so much exposure, to the attacks of disease. This necessity, added to the other delays the unfortunate loss of the Peacock had caused, was a source of profound regret, as it prevented me from availing myself of the permission granted in my instructions, to enter the Sea of Japan, through the Straits of Sangan I gave up this plan, to which I had looked forward as one of the most interest- ing parts of our cruise, with great reluctance; but the season was rapidly passing, and to undertake this remote expedition would render it impossible to accomplish the other objects marked out for me pre- vious to my return to the United States. We might not, perhaps, have succeeded in entering into communication with the inhabitants of that interesting and little-known country; but we might certainly, by landing on some of the islands adjacent to its coast, have obtained much interesting information, and added greatly to the collections of our scientific departments. On the 1st of November, we had a wind that enabled us to make sail, although it was late in the day before it was sufficiently strong, and by that time the ebb tide was far spent. To avoid any farther loss of time, I determined to make the attempt. Signal w^as accord- ingly made; and the vessels w^ere in a few minutes under way, and standing out of the harbour. It may, indeed, be said, that it is prac- ticable to enter and depart from this port whenever the tide is favour- able. We continued beating out to gain an offing until towards sun- set, w^hen it fell calm, and the tide failed us. The Vincennes was, therefore, compelled to anchor in six and three-fourths fathoms water, three miles from the land; and signal was made to the two brigs, which W' ere about three miles outside of our position, to do the same. On our coming to anchor, there was scarcely any swell, and the ship lay almost as still as if she had been within the harbour. The sun set clear, and every thing betokened a calm and quiet night. At about 10 p. M. the swell began to increase, without any apparent cause, and so rapidly as to awaken my anxiety; but being in such deep water, I thought that the vessel was sufficiently distant from the SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 255 bar not to be exposed to any breakers- As the flood continued to make, the swell increased, and by midnight we were enveloped in fog, without a breath of air, and the ship rode over the rollers, that were now becoming very heavy, and caused her to pitch violently. There was, however, no break to them; but as ample scope of cable had been given, the ship occasionally swung broadside to, when the heavy pitch- ing was changed to rolling, so deep as to endanger our masts. At 2 A. M. a breaker was heard outside of us, passing in with the roar of a surf, after which they became constant, and really awful. The ship might now be said to be riding in breakers of gigantic size ; they rushed onwards with such a tremendous roar and violence, that as each wave was heard approaching, it became a source of apprehension until it had safely passed. Such was its force that when it struck the ship, the chain cable would surge, the ring-stoppers part, and some few fathoms of the cable escape. As the time of high water approached, the roar of these immense breakers was constant. The ship was as if tempest- tost, and our situation became at each moment one of greater solici- tude. The actual danger of wreck was not indeed great, for in the event of parting our cable, the tide would have carried us towards ihc harbour, and into deeper water, where the rollers w^ould have ceased to break ; and there was no great danger that we would drift on the bar, which w^as a mile or two to the northward of our position. I looked forward with anxiety for the time of high water, as the period w^hen we should be relieved from our unpleasant situation, not only by the change in the course of the tide, but also by the cessation of the breakers. Our situation afforded me an opportunity of measuring the velocity of the waves as they passed the ship ; and though the distance was short, yet the observations were numerous, and gave the velocity at from fifteen to eighteen miles an hour; their estimated height was over thirty feet, their width, from eight hundred to one thousand feet. At half-past three, one of these immense breakers struck the ship f broad on the bow, and broke with its full force on board : the cable surged; the stoppers were carried away; and the whole spar-deck swept fore and aft; the boats and booms broke adrift, the former were stove, and the latter thrown with violence to one side. Unfortunately, Joseph Allshouse, a marine, who was in the act of ascending the ladder at the time, was struck by one of the spars, and so much injured that he died a few hours afterwards. It was not until between eeven and eight o'clock that the ship could / be relieved from this situation: at that time a light air from the land sprung up, of which advantage was at once taken to weigh our anchor. 256 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. The rollers, however, had by this time ceased to break, the sea began to fall, and a few hours afterwards regained its former placid and quiet state. The fog was still dense when we reached deep water where we again dropped anchor ; but shortly after the weather cleared up, and we had communication with the Porpoise and Oregon; they havino* reached deeper water, had fortunately not experienced any of the rollers. :--^ n -'- * y *^ vV^- ^ \ % f .< V --3 J.V x^ i:.S OK 3AK ;. ^iSCO PAR It now became our melancholy duty to bury poor Allshouse. He had been one of those who had been long attached to the Expedition, and always conducted himself with propriety. We afterwards got under way, and stood for the bay of Monterey, into which I sent the Porpoise with despatches for the United States, ordering her to land them, and then make the best of her way to the Sandwich Islands, in case she did not meet the Vincennes. The next day being foggy, I bore away in company with the Oregon. On the 5th, the weather continuing thick and foggy, with strong breezes from the northward and westward, I made all sail and parted company. On the 6th, the full, allowance of bread was again served to the crew. ! I I SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 257 The wind on the 7th, when we had reached the latitude of 27° N., began to incline to the northeast, and the temperature became mild. In the latitude of 26° N., we entered the trades, being then in the longitude of 134° W. The weather peculiar to the region of the trades was now experienced, with light squalls of rain and a heavy sea following us, wdnch caused the ship to be very uneasy. On the nights of the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th, the usual look-outs for the periodic showers of meteors w^ere stationed; but the weather was not favourable, and the number counted was not above that usually seen on fine nights. On the latter day, I shaped our course to run over one of the positions of Copper's Island, supposed to exist in longitude 151° 36' W., and latitude 25° 48' N. On the afternoon of the 14lh, w^e w'ere within five miles of its assigned place, and the weather was perfectly fine, with a clear horizon, but there was no appearance of land. On Ihe morning of the 16th, we made the island of Maui, and at noon we were off its western end. I then determined to run through the Pailolo Channel, between iVIaui and Molokai. On approaching the island of Maui on its north side, there is some liability to mistake the isthmus for the opening of the channel, as that part of the island called West Maui is frequently enveloped in clouds. The trade-wind, as we passed through, blew very strong. The scenery is very bold, the two islands of Maui and Lanai lying on the left, with that of Molokai on the right: they are all high and volcanic, and during a strong trade-wind are capped w^ith clouds and constantly undergoing changes from the shadows thrown upon them; these, with the town and shipping lying ofFLahaina, form a pleasing picture- The day being far spent, I hove the ship to for the night under the west end of Molokai. The current experienced during our passage was found to prevail to the southward, until we reached the trades, when it inclined somewhat to the southward and westward. The 17th, at daylight, we made the island of Oahu, and at 10 a. m. anchored off the town of Honolulu. The Porpoise came in at 2 p. m., and the Flying-Fish at five o'clock of the same day. The following day the trade-wind was too strong to admit of the Vincennes entering the inner harbour; but the Porpoise and tender w^ere enabled to do so. The Oregon joined us in the afternoon, and on the next day at an early hour the squadron was again moored in the harbour of Honolulu. Our reception was even kinder than before; and every facility that we could desire was offered for advancing our duties and procuring the necessary stores and clothing that our shipwrecked officers and men required, VOL. V. W 2 33 258 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. It was my first intention here to part with the Flying-Fish, for the reports of her comnaander led me to believe that she was becoming unseaworthy. She was, therefore, thoroughly exaniined; but the report made upon her was sufficiently satisfactory to determine me to retain her until we had passed through our explorations in the Sooloo Seas. She was refitted and put in as good condition as possible for service. Captain Hudson superintended these duties, while I had my time fully occupied in making the magnetic experiments for the third time, and attending to the rates of the chronometers. Honolulu showed signs of improvement, but I regretted to perceive that during the year the morals of the place seemed to have declined. The number of grog-shops had apparently increased, and the sailors' dancing-halls, with their music, were allowed more license than at our first visit. Yet, as far as the prompt execution of the law went, I did not find the authorities deficient. Indeed, at times. Governor Kekuanaoa is rather too precipitate in his decisions, of which we soon had an instance. During our stay of ten days, the crews were allowed in turn, recreation on shore. Among the number was Lewis Herron, the cooper. In the course of his liberty, he was desirous of entering one of the sailors' boarding-houses, at the door of which his progress was arrested by a coloured man, who was on guard with an old cutlass, and who threatened Herron with violence if he attempted to enter. This, Herron, though usually a very quiet and orderly man, at once resented; and the altercation finally came to an angry dispute as to who was the better man. Herron, determined to prove that he was, laid hold of the sentry, overthrew him, took the rusty cutlass away, and struck him with it so as to give the man a slight scratch on the leg. Herron now brandished his weapon in victory; but being told by the bystanders that it was unlawful to carry weapons, he determined to take it himself to the governor at the fort, and deliver it up. On his way thither, and just before he arrived, he was met by some soldiers, who at once seized and carried him before the governor, with the sword in his hand, which he had refused to give up to any one else. The governor had a kind of trial held by himself, and not accord- ing to law, (which provides for trial by jury,) to which he summoned the very man who had caused the quarrel, as a witness, without any formality or oath, and sentenced Herron to fifty dollars fine, and to receive one hundred lashes; while the person who had been guilty of using the arms, received but a nominal fine. One of the officers hearinsr of the circumstance in the afternoon, went to see Herron, SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 259 heard his story, and then saw the governor, who promised that the man should have another hearing or trial the next morning, at nine o'clock, and that he should not be punished until I was informed of it. In the morning, however, to my great surprise, I heard that, by the governor's orders, and in his presence, Hcrron had, at eight o'clock, an hour before the time his new trial was to take place, received twenty-eight lashes. On learning this circumstance, an officer was at once sent to wait upon the governor, to request an explanation of the proceedings, and that Herron might be given up, and held sub- ject to the governors order, for a proper trial. On receiving the officer, Governor Kckuanaoa declared that it was a misunderstanding relative to his having promised a new trial, and declined giving up the man. In consequence of this, I at once sent a message to demand him, and to state that if he was not surrendered, I should be obliged to take him, for I would not suffer him to remain any longer in the keeping of persons who would inflict punishment with so much precipi- tation. This caused his delivery. Shortly after, I received a letter, telling me that the corporeal part of his punishment was remitted, but demanding the fine. I took this occasion to write the governor a letter, pointing out wherein he had erred, in order that he might not fall into a similar error; which I have inserted in Appendix VIIL The next day I was notified that he would be again tried before a legal tribunal, viz.: the governor and the United States consul. The day after, he was accoi'dingly sent on shore to undergo a trial, which he himself wished, for the*purpose of proving whether he was guilty and subject to the fine. The trial of Herron took place in the grass- house of the king, that has been before described; the scene was characteristic, and will show the manner of conducting trials in the Hawaiian Islands. Governor Kekuanaoa, the American consul, Cap- tain Hudson, Dr. Judd of the American Mission, who acted as inter- preter, and several officers belonging to the squadron, as well as those of the government police, numerous residents, of all colours and classes, the prisoner, his friends and accusers, were present. At one table the governor and Dr. Judd were seated, at another the consul and Captain Hudson, while the prisoner and witnesses, with the spectators, were standing in groups around. The court was opened in due form, and Dr. Judd stated the indictment, to which Herron pleaded not guilty ; everything was conducted with due solemnity; the oath was then administered by the American consul, to the witnesses on both sides. Dr. Judd examined and interpreted the whole. During this proceeding all were deeply intent in ferreting out the truth, with the exception of his excellency the governor, who was occupied most of the time in 260 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. searching his little white pet dog, that was lying on the table before him, for fleas. The whole trial was, however, fairly conducted, and resulted in proving that Herron was guilty. Herron was fined fifty dollars, w^hich was paid, and the business ended. I was satisfied, how^ever, that the governor, whose conduct as an officer I have heretofore had occasion to speak of in high terms^ had in this case acted with unbecoming haste and inconsiderateness, at the same time was wanting in delicacy to his best friends, for we, of all nations, are the most inclined to respect his laws and uphold his authority. I called upon him before my departure, to take leave, when he admitted that the course he had pursued was an unusual one, when foreigners were concerned ; but from the explanations he made, I was satisfied his intention w^as to do right, but like many others w^hen vested with authority, he was not inclined to delay action on a case he considered so clear as this. It proved a good lesson for him, and I do not believe he will err in the same w^ay again* During this last visit, a whale-ship arrived, having in her cruise visited the coast of Japan, and, on one of the small islands, picked up five Japanese, who had been wrecked, and w^ere found destitute of the means of sustaining life ; they had been there for several months be- fore he took them on board. The man and boy were of small stature and diminutive appearance. They were possessed of little intelligence, and were of the lower order, probably fishermen. Mr. Agate made a drawing of one of them. JAPANESE, Of SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 261 yet spoken. The former is, at present, confined within very narrow I limits. The islands produce but Httle, and their consumption of foreign ' products is necessarily small. The capabilities of the islands have generally been underrated, for their soil and climate are suitable for raising all tropical productions in considerable quantities, and at a moderate cost. But very little investment of capital has yet taken place, and the business that has induced the establishment of several ( commercial houses has been more that of transit than for the purpose of supplying the consumption of the islands, or obtaining their exports. A table of statistics, (see Appendix IX.,) which was pubhshcd in a newspaper at Oahu, compiled by intelligent merchants there, gives the amount of imports at four hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars. These are the amounts of goods actually landed — I do not include those that have been brought in, and retained on board ships; while the exports of native produce are no more than ninety-eight thousand * dollars : one-half of the imports are set down as from the United . States. From this great difference between the imports and exports, it would appear that many of these articles must have been reshipped to other ports, or are still on hand. The latter I believe to be the case. During the year for which the returns are given, more has certainly been consumed on the islands than in former years ; but the interdic- tion of trade by foreign vessels on the coast of California, together with the exorbitant duties there, have most effectually paralysed all trade in that quarter, and, therefore, the goods intended for that market were landed at Oahu, and remained in store there. The trade on the Northwest Coast, formerly so much resorted to by our vessels, is entirely broken up by the Russians, w^ho have interdicted the taking of furs on the coast of their territory, and obtain their supplies exclusively from the Hudson Bay Company, or by the latter, who have adopted the principle of underselling all competitors, and have thereby caused a monopoly, which effectually shuts out all small traders. Some articles of Chinese manufacture are sent from the Sandwich Islands to Mexico, but to no great amount. There are, comparatively, few transient vessels that call at these islands on their way to China, and the whole trade seems now confined to but a few vessels. Although the Sandwich Islands are not so fruitful as many of the other islands of Polynesia, yet their geographical situation has ren- dered them hitherto by far the most important group in the Pacific Ocean. They are the favourite and most convenient resort for those whale- 262 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. ships whose cruising-ground is the North Pacific ; and the amount of property engaged in this business, visiting the ports of the Sandwich Islands annually, is equal to three millions of dollars. To the supply of this fleet, the labour of the inhabitants has principally been directed. The groves of sandalwood, which were formerly represented bv a number of designing persons, who professed a strong friendship for the chiefs, to be an inexhaustible mine of w^ealth, soon gave out. The chiefs have ceased to look to them as a source of profit, and have begun the cultivation of sugar, which, together with silk, now attract much attention ; but, until some capital be invested in these cultures, and the business be better understood, these articles cannot be raised to any large amount; yet the provisions and supplies to ships, suf- fice to afford all the necessary comforts to the inhabitants of this group. Fortunately for the Sandwich Islands, they have no port that is defensible against a strong naval force, and therefore their consequence will be comparatively small in a political point of view. No foreign powder, in fact, could well hold them, without great expense and diffi- culty. Honolulu is the port where vessels can best receive repairs, but it can only be used by the smaller class. By these circumstances, the neutral position of this group I think is insured ; and this is most desirable for its peace and happiness. This fact seems to me to be tacitly acknowledged by the maritime powers, as no attempt has as yet been made to take possession of them, and they will, in all probability, be long left in the enjoyment of their neutrality, which King Kameha- meha IIL is now endeavouring to establish thi'ough a formal recog- nition of his kingdom by the United States, England, and France, by negotiations that are now pending. Such recognition will render them less liable, if not altogether exempt from aggressions, exerted in the manner that has already been related, in the course of this Narrative. These islands seem intended for peaceful occupations alone; their pro- ducts, situation, and inhabitants, require and wish it. The power on which the}' must become dependent hereafter, is that which is to be established in Oregon and California; and, adapted as they are to supply all the products of the tropics, they wnll become a valuable appendage to those states ; but, I deem the idea entertained by many, who suppose they ever can become so powerful as to command those states, to be a mistake. So far as the consumption of a small amount of manufactures 20, and the convenience of our whaling fleet, but no t) farther, they will be beneficial to the United States. In this relation, the character of the government becomes a source of solicitude to us. It SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 2G3 is the interest of the United States that they should maintain the neutrality that they seek to establish, and should not be permitted to fall into the hands of any other powen I am rather disposed to think that, in the progress of civilization in the South Seas, this group will be considered of less importance than it now appears, and instead ot its being looked to as it now is, as a point of attraction, or a place wherein to obtain information and supplies, it will be only visited by whalers for recruiting. Tlieir growth 1 has already arrived at the greatest extent to which it can ever reach. A direct communication with Oregon and California will do away with the necessity of intercourse through the islands; they must, conse- quently, be left to their own resources to maintain trade; and when California and the Oregon Territory can aflbrd the whalers equal advan- tages, which, wdicn settled, they will do in a few years; the advantages derived from this source will be withdrawal. Unfortunately for these islands, a fictitious importance has been ascribed to their geographical position, in the belief that much political ascendency in the Pacific must accrue to the nation which may possess them ; this state of opinion has been brought about by the exertions of the American missionaries, w^ho have been the means of raising the natives so rapidly in the scale of civilization, and from whose success our countrymen have acquired much influence. This ascendency, how^ever, has been partly the means of provoking a sectarian war, which has brought about much trouble, and been the cause of great distress both to the king and people. These troubles have probably been of some advantage to the people, and afforded the means of increasing their wealth, and causing a demand for their products, which, though trifling as to amount, yet in such a small community has been sensibly felt, and has enabled them to obtain many advantages they could not have had otherwise. I have some doubt whether the Hawaiian Islands can ever become an independent nation by the exertion of their own people, since they have unwisely invited foreigners to reside among them, and given them equal rights and privileges with natives. Endeavours are now making to introduce foreign labourers and capital, which, although proceeding from a dispo- sition to advance and develope the resources of the islands, will have a tendency to injure the native labouring population. The introduction of foreign labour will necessarily bring with it foreign habits and custom, which the natives are, even now, too prone to imitate; and the examples that are set before them are generally, if not always, of the worst description. The inducements held out to the king and chiefs to make large 264 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. grants of land to foreigners, have been great; but such grants can never be carried into effect without endangering the very existence of the government and people. In all cases that came within my know- ledge on the islands, the object of the majority of foreign residents was solely to increase their own w^ealth ; and on the accumulation of a suiRcient amount, they withdraw^ from the islands, taking their capital with them ; and this will always be the case. So far, therefore, as their influence goes, instead of enriching the islanders, their exertions have in some degree had a contrary effect, and the result does not justify those engaged in mercantile pursuits, In attributing the advance- ment of the islands to themselves; on the contrary, they leave very little but evil habits and vices behind them. Few foreigners have made any permanent improvements, and when they have, they pass into the hands of others, to the exclusion of the natives, who are looked upon and treated as slaves. It is impossible for a disinterested person to reside any time among these natives, without imbibing a strong interest in the progress of their institutions, and the developement of their government. In the Hawarians are seen many things to condemn ; but they have, on the other hand, many good qualities, which their religious instructors are endeavouring by every means in their powder to foster and develope. In taking leave of them, I cannot recall a single instance in which they did not conduct themselves towards us with a full belief that they were acting right ; and I feel rejoiced to say, that during all our intercourse with them, no incident occurred to mar the harmony which existed on our first arrival. I am, indeed, fully persuaded that with proper attention and forbearance no difficulties will ever occur. One thing, however, ought always to be borne in mind on visiting this island, viz., that too much credit must not be given to those who w^ill on your first arrival endeavour to impress on you their own views of the character of the people, and of those who have been their benefactors, and are constant in their exertions to promote the welfare of those they live among. The natives and the latter class are far better able to judge what the islands require or stand in need of than any casual visiter, or he who may be a sojourner only for a few wrecks. I shall always think with pleasure and satisfaction of the many friends we left here ; and I am fully satisfied, that, with few excep- tions, and those growing out of a mistaken zeal, our country has just reason to be proud of the advance these islanders have made within the last twenty-five years in civilization, morals, and religion, an ad- SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA, 265 vance that has been almost wholly the work of our citizens, either at home or abroad, the one in furnishing the means, the other in giving the instruction. The Expedition had become so much identified with the history of these islands during our stay, that we were made familiar with all the village scandal Few who live in such small places are aware how unfavourable an impression they make upon visiters, and the bad light in which they appear, by this habit of talking of each other ; whatever may be the terms on which they 'associate together, or how- ever discordant the materials of which the society is composed, they would do well to avoid showing their uncharitable feelings, or making use of detraction to create a bias against others. On the afternoon of the 27th November, the squadron being pre- pared, w-e took leave of our kind friends, and particularly of those belonging to the mission, to whom I feel under many obligations for their uniform kindness to us. We then joined our vessels, and at 8 p. M. took our final leave of the Hawaiian Islands. At midnight, signal w^as made to heave-to, in order that I might finish the instructions for the different vessels. Although it was out of my powder to visit Japan, I had determined if possible to ascertain the character of the currents off that island. I therefore directed the Porpoise and Oregon to follow out, and explore the shoals and reck extending in a west-northwest direction from the Haw^aiian Islands,* and proceed until they fell in with the current or stream that is sup- posed by some to set along the coasts of Japan, and resemble the Gulf Stream off our own coast. This done, they w^ere ordered to proceed through the China Seas, to Singapore, in the Straits of Malacca* With the Vincennes and tender it was my intention to proceed to Strong's and Ascension Islands, which the Peacock had been unable to reach in her cruise, examinitjg every shoal that might lie in my w^ay, and thence to Manilla. I proposed on leaving that port to ex- plore and survey the Sooloo Archipelago, then proceeding to Singa- pore to meet the brigs, fill up with provisions, and thence sail for the United States, where it was incumbent on me to arrive by the 3Ist of May following. This, agreeably to my promise to my crew a year previous, left me just six months to perform the duty, of which at least one hundred and forty days were required for the actual passage. We parted company from the brigs the next day at noon, and bore . away under all sail to the southward and westward. At 4 p. m., the * For the instructions of Lieutenant-Commandant Ringgold, see Appendix X* VOL. V. X ^^ 266 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA, Flying-Fish made the signal " in want of assistance;" and on coming within hail, reported that her mainmast was sprung. Carpenters were at once sent on board, who reported that the mast was quite sound: the vessels were reduced to easy sail for the night in order to keep in company, as I intended in the morning, when the sea should have decreased, to have a farther examination of it. I had now the prospect of another obstacle, in the delays this vessel must occasion me with a sprung mast, if such should prove to be the case, which I could, however, scarcely bring myself to believe. In order to secure an examination of the Sooloo Sea, which was a part of my original instructions, I determined to give Mr. Knox orders t^ act by himself, in case I found it necessary to push at once to Manilla and avoid detention, directing him to touch at Strong's and Ascension Islands, and to part company if she proved to be sound in her spars after a few days' trial, which the sea and wind then prevailing would fully prove. As soon as I came to this conclusion, Mr. Knox was sent for, Assistant-Surgeon Whittle, a carpenter, and two extra men ordered to join the tender, and my instructions relative to his pro- ceedings, which will be found in Appendix XL, fully explained to him. On the 30th, we parted company with her, being in the latitude of Maloon's Island, and one hundred and ten miles due east of it: I steered a west course through the night under easy sail. At daylight sail was again made, and by noon we found the ship, by good obser- vations, in latitude 19^ 19' N., longitude 165^ 25' W. The supposed position of the island being in latitude 19° 20' N., and longitude 165' 20' W., we had consequently passed directly over the place, with the weather so clear as to render all objects within a radius of fifteen miles perfectly distinct, and with two look-outs at the masthead, yet no signs of land were visible. I continued in its latitude until we had passed seventy miles to the westward, when we steered for another island, laid down in Arrowsmith's charts in longitude ,166^ 48' W., and lati- tude 19^ 17' N. On its parallel, we ran for sixty miles east and w^est of the assigned place; but in like manner, there was nothing perceived that indicated any proximity to land. On the 3d of December, we ran over the locality of a shoal, lying in 170^ 30' W., and latitude 18^ 20' N. This was likewise searched for, over a space of sixty miles east and west of its supposed locality. Jane's Island, supposed to be in longitude 173"^ 15' W., latitude 16 10' N., w^as next searched for. In doing this, I was greatly surprised to find that we had entered a strong current setting to the northward and westward. Our difference of latitude showed 24', and we were at once compelled to haul up to the southward, to reach the supposed r f SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 2G7 locality of the island. We passed about five miles to the westward of its place, but no sign of land was seen- This was the first day since leaving Oahu, that we were able to w^ite with any degree of conn fort,- the sea having, become perfectly smooth. I was at first disposed to doubt the accuracy of the observations for latitude, but the next day (5th December) proved them to be correct, nearly the same difference having occurred. On the 6th, we reached the position of Gaspar Island, in latitude IS*^ N., and as the different localities assigned it varied considerably in longitude, I determined to run on its parallel until I had passed them all. On the 7th, we dropped a day, passing into east longitude. Our winds had become light, varying from the east to the southw^est quarters, and it was generally calm throughout the night, so that we made little progress. On the 10th, the current was found setting west-southwest three quarters of a mile, both by the difference of the observations, and the current-log. The pot, at this time, was seen at thirty-two fathoms depth, several fathoms lower than at any previous observation. The temperature of the water was 81^, the day fine, and beautifully clear. We continued on the parallel of latitude 15° N. until the 14th, when we found ourselves in the longitude of 174*^ 50' E., having passed over all the localities assigned the island, between longitude 175° W. and 174° 20' E. I am fully satisfied that it does not exist within U^ose meridians. Having been thus retarded, the fear I entertained of meeting with light, and in all probability, westerly winds, determined me to forego my visit to Strong's and Ascension Islands, and haul to the northward, to look for some of the many shoals laid down on the track usually pursued by ships bound to the China Seas. After this determination was made, I hauled up for an island said to exist in longitude 171° 42' E., and latitude 16° N. On the night of the 15th we hove-to in order to run over the locality by daylight. This position was passed over, and forty miles to the westward of it explored, but nothitig indicating a proximity to land was seen. The supposed site of Cornwallis Island, in longitude 169° 33' E., and latitude 16° 51' N., was in like manner passed over. Wake's Island next claimed my attention. On the 19th we reached its parallel, and hove-to till daylight of the 20th, when we discovered it, bearing west-by-north, about nine miles distant. The wind was light from the north-northeast After breakfast, several boats were sent to survey the island. Wake's Island is a low coral one, of trian- gular form, and eight feet above the surface. It has a large lagoon 268 SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. in the centre, which was well filled with fish of a variety of species; among these were some fine mullet. There is no fresh water on the island, and neither pandanus nor cocoa-nut trees. It has upon it the shrubs which are usually found on the low islands of the Pacific, the most abundant of which was the Tournefortia. Mr. Peale found here the short-tailed albatross, and procured an egg from its nest. The birds were quite tame, although they were not so numerous as we had before met with on uninhabited islands. The time of low water took place at one o'clock, and the moon entered its last quarter on the same day: the tide was setting along the shore of the island with much strength to the westward ; the rise and fall was three feet. From appearances, the island must be at times submerged, or the sea makes a complete breach over it ; the appearance of the coral blocks and of all the vegetation leads to this conclusion, for they have a very decided inclination to the eastward, showing also that the violent winds or rush of the water, when the island is covered, are from the westward. The reef around this island is very small in extent. The position of Wake's Island was found by my observations of equal altitudes on shore to be in longitude 166^ 31' 30" E., and latitude 19^ 10' 54" N. By four o'clock, p. m-, all the boats had returned on board, when we filled away and proceeded on our course to the westward. Although these coral islands resemble one another very strongly, yet they afforded us some recreation for a few hours, and much satisfaction in obtaining series of observations in magnetism. Our visit to Wake's Island gave us an opportunity of adding to our collections in natural history. In the evening we steered to pass over the position of Halcyon Island,— longitude 163^ 30' K, latitude 19^ 13' N.; and on the 27th, we passed immediately over its locality, and had run on its supposed parallel fifty miles on each side of it, but nothing was seen of it. We now felt the current to the southeast twelve miles in the twenty-four hours. Folger's Island next claimed my attention : it is said to lie in longi- tude ISS"" 19' E., latitude 18^ 21' N. This position was passed over, but the inquiry resulted as the others had, in a fruitless search. J now bore away for Grlgan, the northernmost of the inhabited Ladrone or Marian Islands, which w^e made on the 29th December, at 7 A. M., bearing south-southwest. As we approached these islands, we had experienced a strong current to the northward and westward; and the wind had also veered to the southward and westward. At midnight, we discovered the island of Assumption, bearing north- east-bv-east. I SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 269 \ The island of Grigan appears to be about eight miles in width, seen from the north, and has the form of a dome. Its height, by a very unsatisfactory observation, was two thousand three hundred feet. It was my intention to stop and make it a magnetic station ; but the weather appeared so thick as to threaten delay; and this I could ill afford, so I gave up the idea. There is said to be no other settlement than one small village, on the southwest side of Grigan, where a few individuals dwell, and I under- stood that they were headed by an American ; its shores are almost perpendicular, and it has no coral reefs to form harbours ; so that in this respect it is not so much favoured as the southern isles of the same group. The passage between Grigan and Assumption is free from dangers, and I am w^ell satisfied that no shoal exists where Freycinet has laid down the Mangs, for we passed directly over the locality, and saw nothing of the kind. The Mangs were seen in their true position, to the northward of Assumption. The w^ind w^as light and variable. On the 1st of January, 1842, it changed to the southwest; with this change of wind we experienced a fall both of the thermometer and barometer, and excessive dampness ; we had some lightning, and at midnight a violent squall with rain burst upon us, attended by a shift of wind to the northward and westward, which afterw^ards hauled to the northw^ard and eastward. A slight current was felt setting to the eastward. We now steered for the most eastern position assigned to Copper's Island, as it will no doubt be recollected that we ran over its supposed position in west longitude, on the passage between San Francisco and Oahu, mentioned in the first part of this chapter. On the 4th, we ran over the position in longitude 131° 54' E-, and latitude 20^ 11' N. The Abajos Shoal of Arrowsmith has na existence; its position was passed over in broad daylight. On the 5th, we felt a current to the west of fifteen miles. The variations of the compass were now to the westward ; much phos- phorescence in the water; its temperature was 75^^. The slight current continued until the 8th, when we made the islands of Sab- tang and Batan on the starboard side, and the Richmond Rocks on the larboard, steering a westerly course through the Balingtang Straits. The weather being remarkably fine, we had excellent observations on transit bearing- The longitude of the west point of Sabtang is 12r 50' 30" E., the latitude is In 20^ 18' N., instead of 20M1' N. In the strait we had strong ripples, and occasionally felt the influence of the current, as we passed through them. We had now left the Pacific Ocean, and I could not but rejoice that we had all the results of our cruise up to this time quite safe. X2 270 SAN FPANCISCO TO MANILLA. m Sabtang and Batan are of broken surface, shooting up into many remarkable peaks, to the elevation of a thousand feet. These are both inhabited, and afford one or two anchorages. In the route from Oahu, we had experienced a set to the westward of four hundred miles by current; the greater part of this was felt before reaching the meridian of the Ladrone Islands. I now stood to the southward along the island of Luzon, to pass just clear of Cape Bolinao. On the 9th, we continued to have very strong winds. A very heavy sea arose, without apparent cause; the progressing motion of the waves in passing the ship was twenty-two miles per hour; their width, as near as it could be ascertained, was one hundred and forty yards- At sunset of the 10th, we were off Cape Capones, and numerous lights were seen on shore. The breeze failed us after midnight, and in the morning we found that we had drifted some thirty miles to the leeward of Cape Miravales, having Cape Capones due north, the current having set to the southward. As the breeze was adverse to our entrance into the bay, we continued beating until the afternoon, when the sea-breeze gave us the hope of reaching the anchorage; but it was so feeble that we made no way, and the night was again passed under sail. The next day, the 12th, was also passed in working up for the city of Manilla. For this delay I had something to console me in the arrival of the Flying-Fish, which vessel was discovered at 3^ 30°* p. m. beating in- Signal was made for her to join company. On arriving at the island of Corregidor, we were boarded by a go- vernment galley, pulling sixteen oars, and having a large brass twelve- pound piece mounted on the bow. These vessels, I understood, are intended principally to pursue the pirates of Sooloo, who not unfre- quently make excursions among the islands, attacking the villages, and carrying off the inhabitants as slaves. They are manned by the natives of this island, who are represented as active and expert sailors, although they are, generally, of small size. After dark, w^e anchored about eight miles from the city, in the middle of the broad and beautiful expanse of its bay, which is nearly circular, with an almost uniform depth of water. I learned, whilst at Manilla,' that since the settlement of Europeans, the bay has filled up in places very considerably, from the wash of the hills. The lands in the vicinity are high and mountainous, and are clothed with the vege- tation of the tropics. After dark, the many lights that were seen in the direction of the city gave the bay an animated appearance, and bespoke our being near a large and active population. Mr. Knox renorted to me that after his separation, on the 30th of SAN FRANCISCO TO MANILLA. 271 November, he stood for the position of Cornwallis Island, as laid down by Arrowsmith in longitude 1G9° 31' W., latitude 16° 50' N., without seeing any indication of land. Twenty-two miles to the south-by-east of this position, he discovered a reef, which surrounded an extensive lagoon, extending northeast and southwest ten miles, and in the opposite direction five miles. On the northwest side of this I reef there are two low islets : the one to the w^estward was covered with bushes, but no trees ; the other was no more than a sand-bank. This reef lies deep. The longitude of the westernmost islet was found to be 169° 45' 36" W., and latitude 16° 48' N. He then bore away for San Pedro of Arrowsmith, in longitude 179° 00' W., and latitude 11° 17' N., and on the 7th of December sailed over it and on its parallel forty miles both east and west, but saw no indications of land whatever. The Mulgrave Islands were steered for, and two small islands made on the 16th, in the position of longitude 172° 02' 33" K, and latitude 5° 59' 15" N., which corresponds with the chart of Arrowsmith, They are low islets, extending two miles from north to south, and one and a half from east to west. They are connected by a reef, which surrounds a lagoon. Natives were seen upon them, but no communi- cation was had with them. Bapham's, a lagoon island, was made on the 17th: it was found to be correctly located ; it is also inhabited. Hunter's Island w^as made the same evening, and was examined the next day : it is one and three quarters of a mile long, north and south, and two-thirds of a mile east and west; it is elevated in the centre, and has no lagoon; its position was ascertained to be in longitude 169° 05' 46" E., and latitude 5* 42' N. Baring's Island was next passed in 168° 26' 24" E., latitude 5° 34' 42" N. The current experienced off these islands was from fifteen to twenty-five miles easterly. It having been strongly enjoined upon Mr. Knox not to be behind the time designated for his arrival at Manilla, he found, on his reach- ing the equator, that but twenty-two days of his time remained : having already experienced light winds and calms, he saw that it would be impossible to range through the Caroline Group and visit Ascension and Strong's Islands ; he therefore determined to haul again to the northward, and passed several of the groups in a higher latitude, On the 26th, he passed over the situation ascribed to Faroilip Island, in latitude 10° 45' N., longitude 146° 27' K, without any indications of land. He then sought Feis Island, whose position was crossed on the 27th, but saw no land. 272 SAN FRANCISCO TO IMANILLA, The eastern extremity of M'Kenzie's Group was made on the 29th, in latitude 10° 07' 53" N., longitude 139° 54' 58" E. To the north- ward and w^estward of it, a supposed shoal was passed over, but none was found. M'Kenzie's Group is of greater extent than is represented on the maps. It is composed of a great many islets, with passages between them, some of them into the lagoon, through one of which the schooner entered, with not less than seven fathoms water on the bar. This group is thickly inhabited, and some of the natives boarded the schooner. They resembled the Caroline Islanders, but had their teeth much discoloured, apparently from the use of the betel-nut. From them some fish and cocoa-nuts were procured; They were seen to be in possession of iron utensils, and appeared to have before had commu- nication with vessels. Mr. Knox now steered for the Straits of Bernadino, and made Cape Espiritu Santo, on the night of the 4th of January. Owing to the want of observations for two days before, he was in danger of being shipwrecked. On the 11th, he had passed through the straits, and anchored under Cape St. Jago, whence he got under way, and reached Manilla, as before stated. I now felt myself secure against farther detention, and hoped to expedite my duties, so as to reach Singapore in the time designated in my instructions. MAXILLA BANCA. CHAPTEK VIII. CONTENTS. AKRIVAL AT MANILLA— VISIT FROM THE CAPTAIN OF THE PORT — VIEW OF THE CITY— LANDING AT iMANlLLA— ANCHORAGE— PORT OF CAVITE-CITY AND ITO BUILD- ING9 — ITS POPULATION — KIND RECEPTION BV THE AMERICAN CONSUL— WANT OF FACILITIES FOR REPAIRS — CITY GOVERNMENT — DISCOVERY AND OCCUPATION OF THE PHILIPPINES— POLICY OF THE CONaUERORS — GEOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE ISLANDS-PRODUCTIONS AND AGRICULTURE— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS— USE OP i THE BUFFALO— CULTURE OP RICE — MANILLA HEMP — COFFEE — SUGAR — COTTON — MODE OF TAKING PRODUCE TO MARKET — PROFITS OF AGRICULTURE — LABOUR — RAVAGES OF LOCUSTS— INHABITANTS— NATIVE TRIBES— POLICY OF THE GOVERN- MENT— CAPABILITIES FOR COMMERCE— MILITARY FORCE-INTERNAL DISTURBANCES —VISIT TO THE GOVERNOR - TENURE AND EMOLUMENTS OF HIS OFFICE— VISITS TO GOVERNMENT OFFICERS — CAPTAINS SALOMON AND HALCON — ROYAL CIGAR MANUFACTORY — MANUFACTURES - PIN A - DANCING MASTER AND PUPIL - OCCUPA- TIONS OF THE HIGHER CLASSES— MARRIAGES— DRIVE ON THE PRADO — THEATRE — TERTULIA — DRESS OF THE NATIVES — COCK FIGHTING— MARKET- FISHING-BOATS— BANCA-TRADE OF MANILLA— ENVIRONS OF THE CITY-CAMPO SANTO— BELLS AND BELFRIES-CONVENT— TAGALA TRIBE— TAGALA GRAMMAR — REVENUE OF THE PHI- LIPPINES-SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT— EXPEDITION TO THE INTERIOR— SANTA ANNA -PATIVAS- FISHERIES ON THE RIVER AND LAKE-LAGUNA DE BAY- JALUJ ALU- SANTA CRUZ— MISSION OF MAGJAIJAI— ASCENT OF MOUNT MAGJAIJAI— RETURN TO THE MISSION— INSTANCE OF ECCLESIASTICAL DISCIPLINE — BAIA — HOT SPRINGS OF BASoS— ASCENT OF MOUNT MAaUILING— LAKE DE TAAL — BAN03 — MULTITUDE OP BIRDS-SCENERY ON THE PASIG-RETURN TO MANILLA — PREPARATIONS FOR SAIL- ING-DEPARTURE FROM MANILLA. (273) t 4 i^.^ I ; CHAPTER VIII MANILLA. 1842. At daylight, on the 13th of January, we were again under way, with a light air, and at nine o'clock reached the roadstead, where we anchored in six fathoms water, with good holding-ground. Being anxious to obtain our letters, which, we were informed at Oahu, had been sent to Manilla, I immediately despatched two boats to procure them. On their way to the mole, they were stopped by the captain of the port, Don Juan Salomon, who requested them, in a polite manner, to return, and informed the officers that, agreeably to the rules of the port, no boat was permitted to land until the visit of the health-officer had been made, &c. The captain of the port, in a large barge, was soon seen pulling off in company with the boats. He boarded us with much ceremony, and F a few moments sufficed to satisfy him of the good health of the crew. when he readily gave his assent to our visiting the shore. Every kind of assistance was offered me, on the part of the government, and he, in the most obliging manner, gave us permission to go and come when we pleased, with the simple request that the boats should wear our national flag, that they might at all times be known, and thus be free from any interruption by the guards. The boats were again despatched for the consul and htters, and after being anxiously watched for, returned ; every one on board ship expecting his wishes to be gratified with news from home ; but, as is usual on such occasions, the number of the happy few bore no comparison to that of the many who were disappointed. Our vice-consul, Josiah Moore, Esq., soon paid us a visit, and gave us a pressing invitation to take up our quarters on shore while we remained. To this gentleman and Mr. Sturges T am greatly indebted (975) 276 MANILLA. for much of the information that will be detailed in the following* chapter. A number of vessels were lying in the roads, among which were several Americans loading with hemp. There was also a large English East Tndiaman, manned by Lascars, whose noise rendered her more like a floating Bedlam than any thing else to which I can liken it. The view of the city and country around Manilla partakes both of a Spanish and an Oriental character. The sombre and heavy-looking churches, with their awkward towers; the long lines of batteries mounted with heavy cannon ; the massive houses, with ranges of balconies; and the light and airy cottage, elevated on posts, situated in the luxuriant groves of tropical trees, — all excite a desire to become better acquainted with the country. Manilla is situated on an extensive plain, gradually swelling into distant hills, beyond which, again, mountains rise in the background, to the height of several thousand feet. The latter are apparently clothed with vegetation to their summits. The city is in strong con- trast to this luxuriant scenery, bearing evident marks of decay, particu- larly in the churches, whose steeples and tile roofs have a dilapidated look. The site of the city does not appear to have been well chosen, it having apparently been selected entirely for the convenience of com- merce, and the communication that the outlet of the lake affords for the batteaux that transport the produce from the shores of the Laguna de Bay to the city. There are many arms or branches to this stream, which have been converted into canals ; and almost any part of Manilla may now be reached in a banca. • In the afternoon, in company with Captain Hudson, I paid my first visit to Manilla. The anchorage considered safest for large ships is nearly three miles from the shore, but smaller vessels may lie much nearer, and even enter the canal; a facility of which a number of these take advantage, to accomplish any repairs they may have occasion to m ak e. The canal, however, is generally filled with coasting vessels, batteaux from the lake, and lighters for the discharge of the vessels lying in the roads. The bay of Manilla is safe, excepting during the change of the monsoons, when it is subject to the typhoons of the China Seas, within whose range it lies. These blow at times with much force, and cause great damage. Foreign vessels have, however, kept this anchorage, and rode out these storms in safety; but native as well as Spanish vessels, seek at these times the port of Cavite, about three leagues to the southwest, at the entrance of the bay, which is perfectly secure. 1 f MANILLA. 277 Here the government dockj^ard is situated, and this harbour is conse- quently the resort of the few gunboats and galleys that are stationed here. The entrance to the canal or river Pasig is three hundred feet wide, and is enclosed between two well-constructed piers, which extend for some distance into the bay. On the end of one of these is the light- house, and on the other a guard-house. The walls of these piers are I about four feet above ordinary high water, and include the natural i channel of the river, whose current sets out with some force, particu- f larlv wdien the ebb is making in the bav. I ) The suburbs, or Binondo quarter, contain more inhabitants than the city itself, and is the commercial town. They have all the stir and life incident to a large population actively engaged in trade, and in this respect the contrast with the city proper is great. The city of Manilla is built in the form of a large segment of a circle, having the chord of the segment on the river: the w^hole is strongly fortified, with walls and ditches. The houses are substan- tially built after the fashion of the mother country. Within the walls are the governor's palace, custom-house, treasury, admiralty, several churches, convents, and charitable institutions, a university, and the barracks for the troops ; it also contains some public squares, on one of w^hich is a bronze statue of Charles IV. The city is properly deemed the court residence of these islands; and all those attached to the government, or who wish to be con- sidered as of the higher circle, reside here; but foreigners are not permitted to do so. The houses in the city are generally of stone, plastered, and white or yellow washed on the outside. They are only two stories high, and in consequence cover a large space, being built around a patio or courtyard. The ground-floors are occupied as storehouses, stables, and for porters' lodges. The second story is devoted to the dining-halls and I sleeping apartments, kitchens, bath-rooms, &c. The bed-rooms have the windows down to the floor, opening on wide balconies, with blinds or shutters. These blinds are constructed with sliding frames, having small squares of tw'o inches filled in with a thin semi-transparent shell, a species of Placuna ; the fronts of some of the houses have a large number of these small lights, where the females of the family may enjoy themselves unperceived. After entering the canal, we very soon found ourselves among a motley and strange population- On landing, the attention is drawn to the vast number of small stalls and shops with w^hich the streets are lined on each side, and to the crowds of people passing to and frc^ Y ( 278 MANILLA. all intent upon their several occupations- The artisans In Manilla are almost wholly Chinese ; and all trades are local, so that in each quarter of the Binondo suburb the privilege of exclusive occupancy is claimed by some particular kinds of shops. In passing up the Escolta (which is the longest and main street in this district), the cabinet-makers, seen busily at work in their shops, are first met with; next to these come the tinkers and blacksmiths; then the shoe- makers, clothiers, fishmongers, haberdashers, &c. These are flanked by outdoor occupations; and in each quarter are numerous cooks, frying cakes, stewing, &c., in movable kitchens ; while here and there are to be seen betel-nut sellers, either moving about to obtain cus- tomers, or taking a stand in some great thoroughfare. The moving throng, composed of carriers, waiters, messengers, &c., pass quietly and without any noise : they are generally seen with the Chinese um- brella, painted of many colours, screening themselves from the sun. The whole pojpulation wear slippers, and move along with a slip- shod gait. The Chinese are apparently far more numerous than the Malays, and the two races differ as much in character as in appearance: one is all activity, while the other is disposed to avoid all exertion. They preserve their distinctive character throughout, mixing but very little w^ith each other, and are removed as far as possible in their civilities ; the former, from their industry and perseverance, have almost mono- polized all the lucrative employments among the lower orders, except- ing the selling of fish and betel-nut, and articles manufactured in the provinces. On shore, we were kindly receiv^ed by Mr. Moore, who at once made us feel at home. The change of feeling that takes place in a transfer from shipboard in a hot climate, after a long cruise, to spa cious and airy apartments, surrounded by every luxury that kind attentions can give, can be scarcely imagined by those who have not experienced it. As we needed some repairs and supplies, to attend to these was my first occupation. Among the former, we required a heavy piece of blacksmith-work, to prepare which, we were obliged to send our armourers on shore. The only thing they could procure was a place for a forge; but coal, and every thing else, we had to supply from the ship. I mention these things to show that those in want of repairs must not calculate upon their being done at Manilla with despatch, if they can be accomplished at all. The city government of Manilla was established on the 24th of June, 1571, and the title under which it is designated is, "The cele- [ MANILLA. 279 brated and for ever royal city of Manilla/' In 1595, the charter ^vas confirmed by royal authority; and all the perogatives possessed by other cities in the kingdom were conferred upon it in 1G38. The members of the city council, by authority of the king, were constituted a council of advisement with the governor and captain-general. The city magistrates wxre also placed in rank next the judges; and in 1686 the jurisdiction of the city was extended over a radius of five leagues. In 1818, the members of the council were increased and ordered to assume the title of *' Excellency." Manilla has been one of the most constantly loyal cities of the Spanish kingdom, and is, in consequence, considered to merit these additional royal favours to its inhabitants. In 1834, the Royal Tribunal of Commerce was instituted, to super- sede the old consulate, which had been established since 1772. The Royal Tribunal of Commerce acts under the new commercial code, [ and possesses the same privileges of arbitration as the old consulate- It consists of a prior, two consuls, and four deputies, elected by the profession. The three first exercise consular jurisdiction, the other four superintend the encouragement of commerce- The " Junta de ^ Comercio" (chamber of commerce) was formed in 1835. This junta consists of the tribunal of Commerce, with four merchants, who are selected by the government, two of whom are removed annually. The prior of the Tribunal presides at the Junta, whose meetings are required to be held twice a month, or oftener if necessary, and upon days in which the Tribunal is not in session. The two courts being under the same influences, and having the same officers, little benefit is to be derived from their double action, and great complaints are made of the manner in which business is conducted in them. Of all her foreign possessions, the Philippines have cost Spain the least blood and labour. The honour of their discovery belongs to Magelhaens, whose name is associated with the straits at the southern extremity of the American continent, but which has no memorial in these islands. Now that the glory which he gained by being the first to penetrate from the Atlantic to the Pacific, has been in some measure * obHterated by the disuse of those straits by navigators, it would seem due to his memory that some spot among these islands should be set apart to commemorate the name of him who made them known to J Europe. This would be but common justice to the discoverer of a region which has been a source of so much honour and profit to the Spanish nation, who opened the vast expanse of the Pacific to the fleets of Europe, and who died fighting to secure the benefits of his enterprise to his king and country. 2S0 MANILLA. Magelhaens was killed at the island of Matan, on the 26th of April, 1521; and Duarte, the second in command, who succeeded him, im- prudently accepting an invitation from the chief of Febri to a feast, was, with twenty companions, massacred. Of all the Spaniards pre- sent, only one escaped- After these and various other misfortunes, only one vessel of the squadron, the Victoria, returned to Spain. Don Juan Sebastian del Cano, her commander, was complimented by his sovereign by a grant for his arms of a globe, with the proud inscrip- tion, commemorative of his being the first circumnavigator, " PRIMUS ME CIRCUMCEDIT." Two years aftervi^ards, a second expedition was fitted out, under the command of Loaisa, who died after they had passed through the Straits of Magelhaens, when they had been a year on their voyage. The command then fell upon Sebastian, who died in four days after his predecessor. Salayar succeeded to the command, and reached the Ladronc Islands, but shortly after leaving there he died also. They came in sight of Mindanao, but contrary winds obliged them to go to the Moluccas. When arrived at the Portuguese settlements, contentions and jealousies arose, and finally all the expedition was dispersed, and the fate of all but one of the vessels has become doubt- ful. None but the small tender returned, which, after encountering great difficulties, reached New Spain. The third expedition was fitted out by Cortes, then viceroy of Mexico, and the command of it given to Sarvedra. This sailed from the port of Silguattanjo, on the 31st of October, 1528, and stopped at the Ladrone Islands, of which it took possession for the crown of Spain. It afterw^ards went to Mindanao, and then pursued its voyage to Timor, where part of the expedition of Loaisa w\as found remaining. From Timor they made two attempts to return to New Spain, both of which failed. The climate soon brought on disease, w^hich carried off a great number, and among them Sarvedra- Thus the whole expedition was broken up, and the survivors found their way to the Portuguese settlements. The fourth expedition was sent from New Spain, when under the government of Don Antonio de Mendoza, for the purpose of establishing a trade with the new islands, and it received orders not to visit the Moluccas. This expedition sailed in 1542, under the command of Villalobos. It reached the Philippine Islands without accident, and Villalobos gave them that name after Philip II., then prince of Asturias. Notwithstanding his positive instructions to the contrary, he was obliged to visit the Moluccas, and met the same treatment from the MANILLA. 281 1 Portuguese that had been given to all whom they believed had any I intention to interfere in their spice trade. The squadron touched at Amboina, where Villalobos died, an event which caused the breakinir up of the expedition; and the few Spaniards that remained embarked in the Portuguese vessels to return home. The fifth and last expedition was ordered by Philip IL to be sent from Mexico, when under the government of Don Luis de Velasco, for the final conquest and settlement of the Philippines. With this cxpe- dition was sent Andres Urdaneta, a friar, whose reputation stood very high as a cosmographer : he had belonged to the ill-fated expedition of Loaisa. This was the largest that had yet been fitted out for this pur- pose, numbering five vessels and about four hundred men. The com- mand of it was intrusted to Segaspi, under whom it sailed from the port of Natividad, on the 21st of November, 1564, and upon whom was conferred the title of governor and adelantado of the conquered lands, with the fullest powers. On the 13th of February, 1565, he arrived at the island of Tandaya, one of the Philippines : from thence he went to Leyte ; there he obtained the son of a powerful chief as a guide, through whom he established peace with several of the native rulers, ? who thereafter aided the expedition with all the means in their power. At Bohol they built the first church. There he met and made peace with a chief of Luzon, with whom he went to that island. He now (April 1565) took possession of all the island in the name of the crown of Spain, and became their first governor. In this con- quest, motives different from those which governed them on the American continent, seemed to have influenced the Spaniards. Instead of carrying on a cruel war against the natives, they here pursued the policy of encouraging and fostering their industry. Whether they felt that this policy was necessary for the success of their undertaking, or were influenced by the religious fathers who were with them, is r m uncertain ; but their measures seem to have been dictated by a desire J to promote peace and secure the welfare of the inhabitants. There may be another cause for this course of action, namely, the absence of the precious metals, which held out no inducement to those thirsting for inordinate gain. This may have had its weight in exempting the ^ expedition in its outfit from the presence of those avaricious spirits which had accompanied other Spanish expeditions, and been the means of marking their progress with excessive tyranny, bloodshed, and violence. It is evident to one who visits the Philippines that some other power besides the sword has been at work in them ; the natives arc amalgamated with the Spaniards, and all seem disposed to cultivate the land and foster civilization. None of the feeling that grows out of VOL. V. Y2 36 282 MANILLA. conquest is to be observed in these islands; the two races are identified now in habits, manners, and religion, and their interests are so closely allied that they feel their mutual dependence upon each other. The establishment of the new constitution in Spain in the year 1825, has had a wonderful effect upon these colonies, whose resources have within the last ten years been developed, and improvements pushed forward with a rapid step. Greater knowledge and more liberal views in the rulers are alone wanting to cause a still more rapid advance in the career of prosperity. As our visit was to Luzon, we naturally obtained more personal information respecting it than the other islands. We learned that the northern peninsula* was composed of granite and recent volcanic rocks, together with secondary and tertiary deposits, while the southern peninsula is almost \Yholly volcanic. The northern contains many valuable mines of gold, lead, copper, and iron, besides coal. A number of specimens of these, and the rocks which contain them, were presented to the Expedition by Seilors Araria and Roxas of Manilla. These will claim particular attention in the Geological Report, to which the reader is referred for information. So far as our information and observations went, the whole of the Philippine Islands are of similar geological formation. In some of the islands the volcanic rock prevails, while in others coal and the metalliferous deposits predominate. On some of them the coal-beds form part of the cliffs along the shore; on others, copper is found in a chlorite and talcose slate. The latter is more particularly the case with Luzon, and the same formation extends to Mindoro. Much iron occurs on the mountains. Thus, amon^ the Ta^i^ala natives, who are yet unsubdued by the Spaniards, and who inhabit these mountains, it is found by them of so pure a quality that it is manu- factured into swords and cleavers. These are, occasionally, obtained. by the Spaniards in their excursions into the interior against these bands. The country around Manilla is composed of tufa of a light gray colour, which being soft and easily worked, is employed as the common building material in the city. It contains, sometimes, scoria and pumice, in pieces of various sizes, besides, occasionally, impres- sions of plants, with petrified woods. There are confined to recent species, and include palms, &c. This tufa forms one of the remarkable features of the volcanoes of It is called so in consequence of the island being nearly divided in the parallel of 14*^ N., by two bays. / ^ MANILLA. 283 the Philippine Islands, showing a strong contrast between them and those of the Pacific isles, w^hich have ejected little else than lava and scoria. Few portions of the globe seem to be so much the seat of internal fires, or to exhibit the effects of volcanic action so strongly as the PhiHppines. During our visit, it was not know^n that any of the volcanoes were in action; but many of them were smoking, parti- cularly that in the district of Albay, called Isaroc. Its latest eruption was in the year 1839; but this did little damage compared with that of 1814, which covered several villages, and the country for a great distance around, \tith ashes. This mountain is situated to the southeast of Manilla one hundred and fifty miles, and is said to be a perfect cone, \vith a crater at its apex. It does not appear that the islands are much affected by earthquakes, although some have occasionally occurred that have done damage to the churches at Manilla. The coal which w^e have spoken of is deemed of value; it has a strong resemblance to the bituminous coal of our owm country, pos- sesses a bright lustre, and appears very free from all woody texture ^ w^hen fractured. It is found associated with sandstone, which contains many fossils- Lead and copper are reported as being very abundant; gypsum and limestone occur in some districts. From this, it will be seen that these islands have every thing in the mineral way to consti- tute them desirable possessions. With such mineral resources, and a soil capable of producing the most varied vegetation of the tropics, a liberal policy is all that the country lacks. The products of the Philippine Islands consist of sugar, coffee, hemp, indigo, rice, tortoise-shell, hides, ebony, saffron-wood, sulphur, cotton, cordage, silk, pepper, cocoa, wax, and many other articles. In their agricultural operations the people are industrious, although much labour is lost by the use of defective implements. The plough, of very simple construction, has been adopted from the Chi- nese; it has no coulter, the share is flat, and being turned partly to one side, answers, in a certain degree, the purpose of a mould-board. This rude implenient is sufficient for the rich soils, where the tillage depend chiefly upon the harrow% in constructing which a thorny species of bamboo is used. The harrow is formed of five or six pieces of this material, on which the thorns are left, firmly fastened together. It answers its purpose well, and is seldom out q? order. A wrought-iron harrow, that w^as introduced by the Jesuits, is used for clearing the ground more effectually, and more particularly for the purpose of ex- tirpating a troublesome grass, that is known by the name of cogon (a 284 MANILLA. species of Andropogon), of which it is very difficult to rid. the fields. The bolo or long-knife, a basket, and hoe, complete the list of imple- ments, and answer all the purposes of our spades, &c. The buffalo w^as used until within a few years exclusively in their agricultural operations, and they have lately taken to the use of the ox ; but horses are never used. The buffalo, from the slowness of his motions, and his exceeding restlessness under the heat of the cHmate, is ill adapted to agricultural labour; but the natives are very partial to them, notwithstanding they occasion them much labour and trouble in bathing them during the great heat. This is absolutely necessary, or the animal becomes so fretful as to be unfit for us6. If it were not for this, the buffalo would, notwithstanding his slow pace, be most effective in agricultural operations; he requires little food, and that of the coarsest kind ; his strength surpasses that of the stoutest ox, and he is admirably adapted for the rice or paddy fields. They are very docile when used by the natives, and even children can manage them ; but it is said they have a great antipathy to the whites, and all strangers. The usual mode of guiding them is by a small cord at- tached to the cartilage of the nose. The yoke rests on the neck before the shoulders, and is of simple construction. To this is attached what- ever it may be necessary to draw, either by traces, shafts, or other fastenings. Frequently this animal may be seen with large bundles of bamboo lashed to them on each side. Buffaloes are to be met with on the lake w ith no more than their noses and eyes out of the water, and are not visible until they are approached within a few feet, when they cause alarm to the passengers by raising their large forms close to the boat. It is said that they resort to the lake to feed on a favourite grass that grows on its bottom in shallow water, and which they dive for. Their flesh is not eaten, except that of the young ones, for it is tough and tasteless. The milk is nutritious, and of a character between that of the goat and cow. The general appearance of the buffalo is that of a hybrid of the bull and rhinoceros. Its horns do not rise upw^ards, are very close at the root, bent backwards, and of a triangular form, with a flat side above. One of the peculiarities of the buffalo is its voice, which is quite low, and in the minor key, resembling that of a young colt. It is as fond of mire as sv/ine, and show^s the consequence of recent wallowing, in bein<^ crusted over with mud. The skin is visible, being but thinly covered with hair; its colour is usually that of a mouse; in some individuals darken Rice is, perhaps, of their agricultural products, the article upon which the inhabitants of the Philippine Islands most depend for food y^. \ / > t wm / MANILLA. 285 and profit; of this they have several different varieties, which the natives distinguish by their size and the shape of the grain: the birnambang, lamuyo, malagequit^ bontot-cabayo, dun^ali, quinanda, bolohan, and tangi. The three first are aquatic ; the five latter upland varieties. They each have their peculiar uses. The dumali is the early variety ; it ripens in three months from planting, from which circumstance it derives its name: it is raised exclusively on the up- lands. Although much esteemed, it is not extensively cultivated, as the birds and insects destroy a large part of the crop. The malagequit is very much prized, and used for making sweet and fancy dishes; it becomes exceedingly glutinous, for which reason it is used in making w^hitevvash, which it is said to cause to become of a brilliant white, and to withstand the w^eather. This variety is not, however, believed to be wholesome. There is also a variety of this last species which is used as food for horses, and supposed to be a remedy and preventive against worms* The rice grounds or fields are laid out in squares, and surrounded by embankments, to retain the w^ater of the rains or streams* After the rains have fallen in sufficient quantities to saturate the ground, a seed-bed is generally planted in one corner of the field, in which the rice is sown broadcast, about the month of June. The heavy rains take place in August, when the fields are ploughed, and are soon filled with vvaten The young plants are about this time taken from the seed-bed, their tops and roots trimmed, and then planted in the field by malung holes in the ground with the fingers and placing four or five sprouts in each of them; in this tedious labour the poor women are employed, w^hilst the males are lounging in their houses or in the shade of the trees. The harvest for the aquatic rice begins in December. It is reaped with small sickles, peculiar to the country, called yatap ; to the back of these a small stick is fastened, by w^hich they are held, and the stalk is forced upon it and cut. The spikes of rice are cut with this implement, one by one. In this operation, men, women, and children all take part. The upland rice requires much more care and labour in its cultiva- tion* The land must be ploughed three or four times, and all the turf and lumps well broken up by the harrow- During its growth it requires to be weeded two or three times, to keep the weeds from choking the crop. The seed is sown broadcast in May, This kind of rice is harvested in November, and to collect the crop is still more tedious than in the other case, for it is always gathered earlier, and never reaped, in consequence of the grain not 286 MANILLA. adhering to the ear. If it were gathered in any other way, the loss by transportation on the backs of buffaloes and horses, without any covering to the sheaf, would be so great as to dissipate a great portion of the crop- It appears almost incredible that any people can remain in igno- rance of a way of preventing so extravagant and wasteful a mode of harvesting. The government has been requested to prohibit it on account of the great expense it gives rise to; but whether any steps have ever been taken in the matter, I did not learn- It is said that not unfrequently a third part of the crop is lost, in consequence of the scarcity of labourers ; while those who are disengaged will refuse to work, unless they receive one-third, and even one-half of the crop, to be delivered free of expense at their houses. This the planters are often obliged to give, or lose the whole crop. Nay, unless the harvest is a good one, reapers are very unwilling to engage to take it even on these terms, and the entire crop is lost. The labourers, during the time of harvest, are supported by the planter, who is during that time exposed to great vexation, if not losses. The reapers are for the most part composed of the idle and vicious part of the population, who go abroad over the country to engage themselves in this employment, which affords a livelihood to the poorer classes; for the different periods at which the varieties of rice are planted and harvested, gives them work during a large portion of the year- After the rice is harvested, there are different modes of treating it. % Some of the proprietors take it home, where it is thrown into heaps, and left until it is desirable to separate it from the straw, when it is trodden out by men and women with their bare feet. For this opera- tion, they usually receive another fifth of the rice. Others stack it in a wet and green state, which subjects it to heat, from which cause the grain contracts a dark colour, and an unplea- sant taste and smell. The natives, however, impute these defects to the wetness of the season. The crop of both the low and upland rice, is usually from thirty to fifty for one : this is on old land ; but on that which is newly cleared, or which has never been cultivated, the yield is far beyond this. In some soils of the latter description, it is said that for a chupa (seven cubic inches) planted, the yield has been a caban. The former is the two-hundred-and-eighth part of the latter. This is not the only advan- tage gained in planting rich lands, but the saving of labour is equally thousand two hundred and eighty piculs, and in 1841, only sixty-lvvo thousand seven hundred piculs ; its value in Manilla is about three hundred . thousand dollars. Twenty thousand piculs go to Europe. There are no duties on its exportation. That which is brought to the United States is principally manufac- tured in or near Boston, and is the cordage known as "white rope. The cordage nnanufactured at Manilla is, however, very superior to the rope made with us, although the hemp is of the inferior kind. A large quantity is also manufactured into mats. In the opinion of our botanist, it is not probable that the plant could be introduced w4th success into our country, for in the Philippines it is 4 not found north of latitude 14° N. The coffee-plant is well adapted to these islands. A few plants were introduced into the gardens of Manilla, about fifty years ago, since which time it has been spread all over the island, as is supposed by the civet-cats, which, after swefllowing the seeds, carry them to a distance before they are voided. The coffee of commerce is obtained here from the wnld plant, and is of an excellent quality. Upwards of three thousand five hundred piculs are now exported, of which one-sixth goes to the United States. The sugar-cane thrives well here. It is planted after the French fashion, by sticking the piece diagonally into the ground. Some, finding the cane has sufiered in times of drought, have adopted other modes. It » comes to perfection in a year, and they seldom have two crops from the same piece of land, unless the season is very favourable. There are many kinds of cane cultivated, but that grown in the valley of Pampanga is thought to be the best. It is a small red variety, from four to five feet high, and not thicker than the thumb. The manu- facture of the suo;ar is rudely conducted ; and the w^iole business, I was told, w^as in the hands of a few capitalists, w^ho, by making advances, secure the whole crop from, those who are employed to bring it to market. It is generally brought in moulds, of the usual conical shape, called pilones, w^hich are delivered to the purchaser from November to June, and contain each about one hundred and fifty pounds. On their receipt, they are placed in large storehouses, where the familiar opera- tion of claying is performed. The estimate for the quantity of sugar from these pilones after this process is about one hundred pounds ; it depends upon the care taken in the process. Of cotton they raise a considerable quantity, which is of a fine quality, and principally of the yellow nankeen. In the province of Ylocos it is cultivated most extensively. The mode of cleaning it of its seed is very rude, by means of a hand-mill, and the expense of i VOL. V. Z 37 290 , MANILLA. cleaning a picul (one hundred and forty pounds) is from five to seven dollars. There have, as far as I have understood, been no endeavours to introduce any cotton-gins from our country. It will be merely necessary to give the prices at which labourers are paid, to show how low the compensation is, in comparison with those in our own country. In the vicinity of Manilla, twelve and a half cents per day is the usual wages; this in the provinces falls to SIX and nme cents. A man with two buffaloes is paid about thirty cents. The amount of labour performed by the latter in a day would be the ploughing of a soane, about two-tenths of an acre. The most profitable way of employing labourers is by the task, when, it is said, the natives work well, and are industrious. The manner in which the sugar and other produce is brought to market at Manilla is peculiar, and deserves to be mentioned. In some of the villages, the chief men unite to build a vessel, generally a pirogue, in which they embark their prodtfce, under the conduct of a few persons, who go to navigate it, and dispose of the cargo. In due time they make their voyage, and when the accounts are settled, the returns are distributed to each according to his share. Festivities are then held, the saints thanked for their kindness, and blessings invoked for another year. After this is over, the vessel is taken carefully to pieces, and distributed among the owners, to be preserved for the next season. The profits in the crops, according to estimates, vary from sixty to one hundred per cent.; but it was thought, as a general average, that this was, notwithstanding the great productiveness of the soil, far be- yond the usual profits accruing from agricultural operations. In some provinces this estimate would hold good, and probably be exceeded. Indigo would probably be a lucrative crop, for that raised here is said to be of a quality equal to the best, and the crop is not subject to so many uncertainties as in India : the capital and attention required in vats, &c,, prevent it from being raised in any quantities. Among the productions, the bamboo and rattan ought to claim a particular notice from their great utility; they enter into almost every thing. Of the former their houses are built, including frames, floors, sides, and roof; fences are made of the same material, as well as every article of general household use, including baskets for oil and water. The rattan is a general substitute for ropes of all descriptions, and the two combined are used in constructing rafts for crossing ferries. I have thus given a general outline of the capabilities of this country for agricultural operations, in some of the most important articles of commerce ; by which it will be seen that the Philippine Islands are one of the most favoured parts of the globe. 1 I MANILLA. 291 The crops frequently suffer from the ravages of the locusts, which sweep all before them. Fortunately for the poorer classes, their attacks take place after the rice has been harvested; but the cane is sometimes entirely cut off The authorities of Manilla, in the vain hope of stopping their devastations, employ persons to gather them and throw them into the sea. I understood on one occasion they had spent eighty thousand dollars in this way, but all to little purpose. It is said that the crops rarely suffer from droughts, but on the con- trary the rains are thought to fall too often, and to flood the rice fields; these, however, yield a novel crop, and are very advantageous to the poor, viz.: a great quantity of fish, which are called dalag, and are a species of Blunnius; they are so plentiful, that they are caught with baskets: these fish weigh from a half to two pounds, and some are said to be eighteen inches long: but this is not all; they are said, after a deep inundation, to be found even in the vaults * of churches. The Philippines are divided into thirty-one provinces, sixteen of I which are on the island of Luzon, and the remainder comprise the other islands of the group and the Ladrones. The population of the w^hole group is above three millions, including all tribes of natives, mestizoes, and whites. The latter-named class are but few in number, not exceeding three thousand- The mestizoes were supposed to be about fifteen or twenty thousand; they are dis- tinguished as Spanish and Indian mestizoes. The Chinese have of t late years increased to a large number, and it is said that there are forty thousand of them in and around Manilla alone. One-half of the .whole population belongs to Luzon. The island next to it in the num- ber of inhabitants is Panay, which contains about three hundred and thirty thousand. Then come Zebu, Mindanoa, Leyte, Samar, and Negros, varying from the above numbers down to fifty thousand- The population is increasing, and it is thought that it doubles itself in ^ seventy years. This rate of increase appears probable, from a com- parison of the present population with the estimate made at the begin- ning of the present century, which shows a growth in the forty years of about one million four hundred thousand. The native population is composed of a number of distinct tribes, the principal of w^hich in Luzon are Pangarihan, Ylocos, Cagayan, Tagala, and Pampangan. The Irogotes, who dwell in the mountains, are the only natives who have not been subjected by the Spaniards. The other tribes have become identified with their rulers in religion, and it is thought that by this circumstance alone has Spain been able to maintain the 292 MANILLA. ascendency with so small a number, over such a numerous, intelli- gent, and energetic race as they are represented to be. This is, how- ever, more easily accounted for, from the Spaniards fostering and keeping alive the jealousy and hatred that existed at the time of the discovery between the different tribes. NATIVK OF T.rZOV. It seems almost mcreclible that l^pam should have so long persisted in the policy of allowing no more than one galleon to pass annually between her colonies, and equally so that the nations of Europe should have been so long deceived in regard to the riches and wealth that Spain was monopolizing in the Philippines. Man m FT remote and little-known appendage of the empire. The Philippines, considered in their capacity for commerce, are certainly among the most favoured portions of the globe, and there is but one circumstance that tends in the least decree to lessen their apparent advantage; this is the prevalence of typhoons in the China seas, which are occasionally felt with force to the north of latitude 10^ N. been and seldom so far; but from their unfailing occurrence yearly in some part of the China seas, they are looked for with more or less dread, and cause each season a temporary interruption in all the trade that passes along the coast of these islands. The army is now composed entirely of native troops, who number about six thousand men, and the regiments are never suffered to serve ti V L .iH '^ ■^ MANILLA. 293 f in the provinces in which they are recruited, but those from the north are sent to the south, and vice versa. There they are employed to keep up a continual watch on each other; and, speaking different dialects, they never become identified. They are, indeed, never allowed to remain long enough in one region, to imbibe any feelings in unison with those of its inhabitants. The hostility is so great among the regiments, that mutinies have occurred, and contests arisen which have produced even bloodshed, w^hich it was entirely out of the power of the officers to prevent. In cases of this kind, summary punishment is resorted to.. Although the Spaniards, as far as is known abroad, live in peace and quiet, this is far from being the case ; for rebellion and revolts among the troops and tribes are not unfrequent in the provinces. During the time of our visit one of these took place, but it was im- possible to learn any thing concerning it that could be relied upon, for all conversation respecting such occurrences is interdicted, by the government. The difficulty to which I refer was said to have origi- nated from the preaching of a fanatic pinest, who inflamed them to such a degree that they overthrew the troops and became temporarily masters of the country. Prompt measures w^ere immediately taken. and orders issued to give the rebels no quarter; the regiments most ( r f i hostile to those engaged in the revolt were ordered to the spot; they spared no one; the priest and his companions were taken, put to death, and according to report, in a manner so cruel as to be a dis- grace to the records of the nineteenth century. Although I should hope the accounts I heard of these transactions were incorrect, yet the detestation these acts were held in, would give some colour to the statements. The few gazettes that are published at Manilla are entirely under the control of the government ; and a resident of that city must make up his mind to remain in ignorance of the things that are passing around him, or believe just what the authorities will allow to be told, whether truth or falsehood- The government of the Philippines is emphatically an iron rule: how long it can continue so, is doubtful One of my first duties was to make an official call upon his Excel- lency Don Marcelino Oroa, who is the sixty-first governor of the Philippine Islands. According to the established etiquette, Mr. Moore, the vice-consul, announced our desire to do so, and requested to be informed of the time when we w^ould be received. This was accord- ingly named, and at the appointed hour we proceeded to the palace in the city proper. On our arrival, we were announced and led up a flight of steps, ample and spacious, but by no means of such splendour Z2 V ^ 1 294 MANILLA. as would indicate the residence of vice-royalty. The suite of rooms into which we were ushered were so dark that it w^as difficult to see. I made out, however, that they were panelled, and by no means richly furnished- His excellency entered from a side-door, and led us through two or three apartments into his private audience-room, an apartment not quite so dark as those we had come from: our being conducted to this, I was told afterwards, was to be considered an especial mark of respect to my country. His reception of us was friendly. The governor has much more the appearance of an Irishman than of a Spaniard, being tall, portly, of a florid complexion. He is apparently more than sixty years of age. He was dressed in a full suit of black, with a star on his breast. Mr. Moore acted as interpreter, and the governor readily acceded to my request to be allowed to send a party into the interior for a few days; a permission which I almost despaired of receiving, for I knew that he had refused a like application some few months before. The refusal, however, I think was in part owing to the character of the applicants, and the doubtful object they had in view. I impute the permission we received to the influence of our consul, together with Mr. Sturges, whose agreeable manners, conciliatory tone, and high | standing with the authorities, will, I am satisfied, insure us at all times every reasonable advantage or facility. The term of the governor in office is three years, and the presenf incumbent was installed in 1841. This length of time is thought to be sufficient for any one of them to make a fortune. The office is held by the appointment of the ministry in Spain, and with it are connected perquisites that are shared, it is said, by those who confer them. After having paid our respects to his excellency, we drove to visit several other officers of the government, who received us without cere- mony. We generally found them in loose morning-gowns, smoking, and cigars were invariably offered us; for this habit appears in Manilla to extend to all ranks. Even in the public offices of the custom-house it was the fashion, and cigars, with a machero for striking a light, or a jost-stick kept burning, were. usually seen in every apartment. To the captain of the port, Don Juan Salomon, I feel under many obligations for his attentions. I was desirous of obtaining information relative to the Sooloo Seas, and to learn how far the Spanish surveys had been carried. He gave me little hopes of obtaining any; but referred me to Captain Halcon, of the Spanish Navy, who had been employed surveying some part of the coast of the islands to the north. The latter, whom 1 visited, on my making the inquiry of him, and MANILLA. 295 stating the course I intended to pursue, frankly told me that all the f existing charts were'erroneous. He only knew enough of the ground to be certain that they were so, and consequently useless. He advised my taking one of the native pilots, who were generally well ac- quainted with the seas that lay more immediately in my route. The captain of the port was afterwards kind enough to offer to procure me one. ^ ^ The intercourse I had with these gentlemen was a source of much gratification, and it gives me great pleasure to make this public expression of it. To both, my sincere acknowledgments are due for information in relation to the various reefs and shoals that have been recently discovered, and which will be found placed in their true posi- tion on our charts. During our stay at Manilla, our time was occupied in seeing sights, shopping, riding, and amusing ourselves with gazing on the throng incessantly passing through the Escolta of the Binondo suburb, or more properly, the commercial town of Manilla. Among the lions of the place, the great royal cigar manufactories claim especial notice from their extent and the many persons em- ployed. There are two of these establishments, one situated in the ^ Binondo quarter, and the other on the great square or Prado ; in the former, which was visited by us, there are two buildings of two stories high, besides several storehouses, enclosed by a wall, with two large gateways, at which sentinels are always posted. The principal workshop is in the second story, which is divided into six apartments, in w^hich eight thousand females are employed. Throughout the whole extent, tables are arranged, about sixteen inches high, ten feet long, and three feet wide, at each of w^hich fifteen women are seated, having small piles of tobacco before them. The tables are set cross- wise from the wall, leaving a space in the middle of the room free* The labour of a female produces about two hundred cigars a day; and the working hours are from 6 a. m. till 6 p. m., with a recess of ^ two hours, from eleven till one o'clock. The whole establishment is kept very neat and clean, and every thing appears to be carried on in the most systematic and workmanlike manner. Among such numbers, it has been found necessary to institute a search on their leaving the establishment to prevent embezzlement, and this is regularly made twice a day, without distinction of sex. It is a strange sight to / witness the ingress and egress of these hordes of females; and pro- bably the world cannot elsewhere exhibit so large a number of ugly women. Their ages vary from fifteen to forty-five. The sum paid them for wages is very trifling- The whole number of persons em- 296 MANILLA. ployed in the manufactories is about fifteen thousand ; this includes the officers, clerks, overseers, &c» As nearly as I could ascertain, the revenue derived from these esta- blishments is half a million of dollars. The natives of the Philippines are industrious. They manufacture an amount of goods sufficent to supply their ow^n wants, particularly from Panay and Ylocos. These for the most part consist of cotton and silks, and a peculiar article called pina. The latter is manufactured from a species of Bromelia (pine-apple), and comes principally from the island of Panay. The finest kinds of pina are exceedingly beautiful, and surpass any other material in its evenness and beauty of texture. Its colour is yellowish, and the embroidery is fully equal to the material. It is much sought after by all strangers, and considered as one of the curiosities of this group. Various reports have been stated of the mode of its manufacture, and among others that it was woven under water, which I found, upon inquiry, to be quite erroneous. The web of the pina is so fine, that they are obliged to prevent all currents of air from passing through the rooms where it is manufactured, for w^hich purpose there are gauze screens in the window^s. After the article is brought to Manilla, it is then embroidered by girls; this last operation adds greatly to its value. We visited one of the houses where this was in progress, and where the most skilful workwomen are employed. On mounting the stairs of bamboos, every step w^e took produced its creak ; but, although the w^hole seemed but a crazy afl^air, yet it did not want for strength, being well and firmly bound together. There were tw^o apartments, each about thirteen by twenty-five feet, w^hich could be divided by screens, if required. At the end of it w^ere seen about forty females, all busily plying their needles, and so closely seated as appa- rently to incommode each other. The mistress of the manufactory, who was quite young, gave us a friendly reception, and showed us the whole process of drawing the threads and working the patterns, which, in many cases, w^ere elegant. A great variety of dresses, scarfs, caps, collars, cuffs, and pocket-handkerchiefs, were shown us. These were mostly in the rough state, and did not strike us with that degree of admiration which was expected. They,how^ever, had been in hand for six months, and were soiled by much handling ; but when others were shown us in the finished state, washed and put up, they were such as to claim our admiration. I was soon attracted by a very diflferent sight at the other end of the apartment. This was a dancing-master and his scholar, of six years old, the daughter of the woman of the house. It was exceedingly amusing to see the airs and graces of this child. * ? MANILLA. 397 For music they had a guitar; and I never witnessed a ballet that gave me more amusement, or saw a dancer that evinced more grace, ease, confidence, and decided talent, than did this little girl. She was prettily formed, and was exceedingly admired and applauded by us all Her mother considered her education as finished, and looked on with all the admiration and fondness of parental affection. On inquiry, I found that the idea of teaching her to read and write had not yet been entertained. Yet every expense is incurred to teach ihem to use their feet and arms, and to assume the expression of coun- tenance that will enable them to play a part in the after-scenes of life. This manufactory had work engaged for nine months or a year in advance. The fabric is extremely expensive, and none but the wealthy can afford it. It is also much sought after by foreigners. Even orders • for Queen Victoria and many of the English nobility were then in hand ; at least I so heard at Manilla. Those who are actually present have, notwithstanding, the privilege of selecting what they wish to pur- chase; for, with the inhabitants here, as elsewhere, ready money has too much attraction for them to forego the temptation. Time in Manilla seems to hang heavily on the hands of some of its inhabitants; their amusements are few, and the climate ill adapted to exertion. The gentlemen of the higher classes pass their morning in the transaction of a little public business, lounging about, smoking, &c. In the afternoon, they sleep, and ride on the Prado ; and in the evening, visit their friends, or attend a tertulia. The ladies are to be pitied; for they pass three-fourths of their time in dishabille, with their maids around them, sleeping, dresshig, lolling, and combing their hair. In this way the whole morning is lounged away: they neither read, write, nor work. In dress they generally imitate the Europeans, except that they seldom wear stockings, and go with their arms bare. In the afternoon they ride on the Prado in state, and in the evening accompany their husbands. Chocolate is taken f early in the morning, breakfast at eleven, and dinner and supper are included in one meal- Moth and I was told that such a thing as a gentleman proposing to any one but the mother, or a young lady engaging herself, is unknown and unheard of. The negotiation is all carried forward by the mother, and the daughter is given to any suitor she may deem a desirable match. The young ladies are said to be equally disinclined to a choice themselves, and if proposals w^ere made to them, the suitor would be at once referred to the mother. Among the lower orders it is no uncommon thing for the parties to be living without the ceremony of marriage, until they VOL. V- 38 298 MANILLA. have a family; and no odium whatever is attached to such a con- nexion. They are looked upon as man and wife, though they do not live together; and they rarely fail to solemnize their union when they have accumulated sufficient property to procure the requishe articles for housekeeping. Three nights in each week they have music in the plaza, in front of the governor's palace, by the bands of four different regiments, who collect there after the evening parade. Most of the better class resort here, for the pleasure of enjoying it. We went thither to see the people as well as to hear the music. This is the great resort of the haut ton, who usually have their carriages in waiting, and promenade in groups backwards and forwards during the time the music is play- ing. This is by far the best opportunity that one can have for view- ing the society of Manilla, which seems as easy and unrestrained as the peculiar gravity and ceremonious mode of intercourse among the old Spaniards can admit. Before the present governor took office, it had been the custom to allow the bands to play on the Prado every fine evening, when all the inhabitants could enjoy it until a late hour; but he has interdicted this practice, and of course given much dissatis- faction ; he is said to have done this in a fit of ill temper, and ahhough yn naciously refuses. The bands of the regiments are under the direction of Frenchmen and Spaniards : the musicians are all natives, and play with a correct ear. Our afternoons were spent in drives on the Prado, where all the fashion and rank of Manilla are to be met, and where it is exceedingly agreeable to partake of the fresh and pure air after a heated day in the city. The extreme end of the Prado lies along the shore of the bay of Manilla, having the roadstead and ships on one side, and the city proper with its fortifications and moats on the other. This drive usually lasts for an hour, and all sorts of vehicles are shown off, from the governor's coach and six, surrounded by his lancers, to the sorry chaise and limping nag. The carriage most used is a four-wheeled biloche, with a gig top, quite low, and drawn by two horses, on one of which is a postilion; these vehicles are exceedingly comfortable for two persons. The horses are small, but spirited, and are said to be able to undergo great fatigue, although their appearance does not promise it. This drive is enlivened by the music of the different regiments, who are at this time to be seen manoeuvring on the Prado. The soldiers have a very neat and clean appearance ; great attention is paid to them, and the whole are well appointed. The force sta- f MANILLA. 209 tioned in Mnnilla is six tliousand, and the army in the Philippines amounts to twenty thousand men. The ofiicers are all Spaniards, generally the relations and friends of those in the administration of the governtnenl. The pay of the soldiers is four dollars a month, and a ration, which is equal to six cents a day. As troops, I was told they acquitted themselves well. The Prado is laid out in many avenuesj leading in various directions to the suburbs, and these are planted with wild almond trees, which afford a pleasant shade. It is well kept, and creditable to the city. In passing the crowds of carriages very little display of female beauty is observed, and although well-dressed above, one cannot but revert to their wearing no stockings beneath. j On the Prado is a small theatre, but so inferior that the building scarce deserves the name: the acting was equally bad. This amuse- ment meets with little encouragement in Manilla, and I was told, was discountenanced by the Governor. I had the pleasure during our stay of attending a tertulia in the city. The company was not a large one, comprising some thirty or forty ladies and about sixty gentlemen. It resembled those of the mother country. Dancing was introduced at an early hour, and con-_ tinned till a few minutes before eleven o'clock, at which time the gates of the city are always shut. It w^as amusing to see the sudden breaking np of the party, most of the guests residing out of the city. The calling for carriages, shawls, hats, &c,, produced for a few i f J ! ! i i 4 minutes great confusion, every one being desirous of getting off at the earliest moment possible, for fear of being too late. This regulation, by which the gates are closed at so early an hour, does not appear necessary, and only serves to interrupt the communication between the foreign and Spanish society, as the former is obliged, as before observed, to live outside of the city proper. This want of free inter- course is to be regretted, as it prevents that kind of friendship by which many of their jealousies and prejudices might be removed. The society at this tertulia was easy, and so f^ir as the enjoyment of dancing went, pleasant ; but there was no conversation. The re- freshments consisted of a few dulces, lemonade, and strong drinks in an anteroom. The house appeared very spacious and well adapted for entertainments, but only one of the rooms was w^ell lighted. From the noi^elty of the scene, and the attentions of the gentleman of the house, we passed a pleasant evening. The natives and mestizoes attracted much of my attention at Ma- nilla. Their dress is peculiar: over a pair of striped trousers of various colours, the men usually wear a fine grass-cloth shirt, a large 300 M A N I L L A. straw hat, and around the head or neck a many-coloured silk hand kerchief. They often wear slippers as well as shoes. The Chinese dress, as they have done for centuries, in loose white shirts and trousers. One peculiarity of the common men is their passion for cock-fighting; and they carry these fowls wherever they go, after a peculiar fashion under their arm. Cock-fighting is licensed by the government, and great; care is taken in the breeding of game fowls, which are very large and heavy birds. They are armed with a curv^ed double-edged gaff* The exhibitions are usually crowded with half-breeds or mestizoes, who are generally more addicted to gambling than either the higher or lower classes of Spaniards. It would not be an unapt designation to call the middlincr class cock-fighters, for their whole lives seem to be MANILLA COSTHMES taken up with the breeding and fighting of these birds. On the exit from a cockpit, I was much amused with the mode of giving the return check, which was done by a stamp on the naked arm, and precludes the possibility of its transfer to another person. The dress of the lower order of females is somewhat civilized, yet it bore so strong a resemblance to that of the Polynesians as to recall the latter to our recollection. A long piece of coloured cotton is wound round the body, like the pareu, and tucked in at the side : this covers the MANILLA. 301 I nether limbs ; and a jacket fitting close to the body is worn, without a shirt- In some, this jacket is ornamented with work around the neck ; it has no collar, and in many cases no sleeves, and over this a richly embroidered cape. The feet are covered with slippers, with wooden soles, which are kept on by the little toe, only four toes eulcring the slipper, and the little one being on the outside. The effect of both costumes is picturesque. The market is a never-failing place of amusement to a foreigner, for there a crowd of the common people is always to be seen, and their mode of conducting business may be observed. The canals here afford great facilities for bringing vegetables and produce to market in a fresh state. The vegetables are chiefly brought from the shores of the Laguna de Bay, through the river Pasig- The meat appeared inferior, and as in all Spanish places the art of butchering is not understood. The poultry, however, surpasses that of any other place I have seen, parti- cularly in ducks, the breeding of which is pursued to a great extent. Establishments for breeding these birds are here carried on in a systematic manner, and are a great curiosity. They consist of many small enclosures, each about twenty feet by forty or fifty, made of bamboo, which are placed on the bank of the river, and partly covered with water. In one corner of the enclosure is a small house, where the eggs are hatched by artificial heat, produced by rice-chaff in a state of fermentation. It is not uncommon to see six or eight hundred duck- lings all of the same age. There are several hundreds of these enclo- sures, and the number of ducks of all ages may be computed at millions. The manner in which they are schooled to take exercise, and to go in and out of the water, and to return to their house, almost exceeds belief. The keepers or tenders are of the Tagala tribe, who live near the enclosures, and have them at all times under their eye. The old birds are not suffered to approach the young, and all of one age are kept together. They are fed upon rice and a small species of shell-fish that is found in the riv^er and is peculiar to it. From the extent of these establishments we inferred that ducks were the favourite article of food at Manilla, and the consumption of them must be immense. The markets are well supplied with chickens, pigeons, young partridges, which are brought in alive, and turkeys. Among strange articles that we saw for sale, were cakes of coagulated blood. The markets are w^ell stocked with a variety of fish, taken both in the Laguna and bay of Manilla, affording a supply of both the fresh and salt-water species, and many smaller kinds that are dried and smoked. 4 / pum 2A 302 MANILLA. radishes, very long squashes, &c-; of fruits, they have melons, chicos, durians, marbolas, and oranges. Fish are caught in weirs, by the hook, or in seines. The former are constructed of bamboo stakes, in the shallow water of the lake, at the point where it flows through the river Pasig- In the bay, and at the mouth of the river, the fish are taken in nets, suspended by the four corners from hoops attached to a crane, by which they are lowered into the water. The fishing-boats are little better than rafts, and are called saraboas. The wood-cut at the end of this chapter will give a better idea of them. The usual passage-boat is termed banca, and is made of a single trunk. These are very much used by the inhabitants. They have a sort of awning to protect the passenger from the rays of the sun ; and being light are easily rowed about, although they are exceedingly un- comfortable to sit in, from the lowness of the seats, and liable to over- set, if the weight is not placed near the bottom. The section and drawing will give a correct idea of them ; the out-rigger has in all probability been dispensed with, owing to the impediment it offered to the navigation of their canals; these canals offer great facilities for the transportation of burdens ; the banks of almost all of them are faced with granite^ Where the streets cross them, there are substantial stone bridges, which are generally of no more than one arch, so as not to impede the navigation. The barges used for the transportation of produce resemble our canal-boats, and have sliding roofs to protect them from the rain. SECTION, MANILLA BANCA. Water, far the supply of vessels, is brought off in large earthen jars. It is obtained from the river, and if care is not taken, the water will be impure; it ought to be filled beyond the city. Our supply was obtained five or six miles up the river, by a lighter, in which were placed a number of water-casks. It proved excellent. The trade of Manilla extends to all parts of the vvorld. A compara- tive statement of the exports of 1840 and 1841, and the regulations of the trade, will be found in Appendix XII. < < f MANILLA. 303 There are many facilities for the transaction of business, as far as the shipment of articles is concerned; but great difficulties attend tlie settling of disputed accounts, collecting debts, &c. ; in the way of whicli the laws passed in 1834 have thrown many obstacles. All commercial business of this kind goes before, first, the Junta de Comercio, and then an appeal to the Tribunal de Comercio. This appeal, however, is merely nominal ; for the same judges preside in each, and they are said to be susceptible of influences that render an appeal to them by honest men at all times hazardous. The opinion of those w^ho have had the misfortune to be obliged to recur to these tribunals is, that it is better to suffer wrong than encounter both the expense and vexation of a resort to them for justice. In the first oi these courts the decision is long delayed, fees exacted, and other expenses incurred ; and when judgment is at length given, it excites one party or the other to appeal : other expenses accrue in consequence, and the advocates and judges grow rich while both the litigants suffer. I understood that these tribunals were intended to simplify business, lessen the time of suits, and promote justice; but these results have not been obtained, and many believe that they have had the contrary effect, and have opened the road 10 further abuses. The country around Manilla, though no more than an extended plain for some miles, is on^, of great interest and beauty, and affords many agreeable rides on the roads to Santa Anna and Maraquino. Most of the country-seats are situated on the river Pasig; they may indeed be called palaces, from their extent and appearance. They are built upon a grand scale, and after the Italian style, with terraces, supported by strong abutments, decked wuth vases of plants. The grounds are ornamented with the luxuriant, lofty, and graceful trees of the tropics ; these are tolerably well kept. Here and there fine large stone churches, with their towers and steeples, are to be seen, the whole giving the impression of a wealthy nobility, and a happy \ and flourishing peasantry. In one of our rides we made a visit to the Campo Santo or ceme- tery, about four miles from Manilla. It is small, but has many hand- some trees about it ; among them was an Agati, full of large white flowers, showing most conspicuously. The whole place is as unlike a depository of the dead as it well can be. Its form is circular, having a small chapel, in the form of a rotunda, directly opposite the gate, or entrance. The walls are about twenty feet high, with three tiers of niches, in w^hich the bodies are enclosed with quicklime. Here they are allowed to remain for three years, or until such time as the niches may be required for further use. Niches may be purchased, how^ever, t 304 MANILLA. and permanently closed up; but in the whole cemetery there were but five thus secured* This w^ould seem to indicate an indifference on the part of the living, for their departed relatives or friends; at least such w^as my impression at the time. The centre of the enclosure is laid out as a flower-garden and shrubbery, and all the buildings are w^ashed a deep buff-colour, with white cornices ; these colours, when contrasted with the green foliage, give an effect that is not unpleasing. In the chapel are two tombs, the one for the bishop, and the other for the governor. The former, I believe, is occupied, and will continue to be so, until another shall follow him; but the latter is empty, for, since the erection of the cemetery, none of the governors have died. In the rear of the chapel is another small cemetery, called Los Angelos ; and, further behind, the Osero. The former is similar to the one in front, but smaller, and appropriated exclusively to children ; the latter is an open space, where the bones of all those who have been removed from the niches, after three years, are cast out, and now lie in a confused heap, w^ith portions of flesh and hair adhering to them. No person is allowed to be received here for interment, uptil the fees are first paid to the priest, however respectable the parties maybe; and all those who pay the fees, and are of the true faith, can be interred. I was told of a corpse of a very respectable person being refused admittance, for the want of the priest's pass, to show that the claim had been satis- fied, and the coffin stopped in the road until it was obtained. We ourselves witnessed a similar refusal. A servant entered with a dead child, borne on a tray, which he presented to the sacristan to have interred; the latter asked him for the pass, which not being produced, he was dismissed, nor was he suffered to leave his burden until this requisite could be procured from the priest, who lived opposite. The price of interment was three dollars, but whether this included the purchase of the niche, or its rent for three years only, I did not learn- The churches of Manilla can boast of several fine-toned bells, which are placed in large belfries or towers. There was one of these towers near the Messrs. Sturges', where we stayed ; and the manner in which the bell was used, when swung around by the force of two or three men, attracted our attention ; for the ringers occasionally practised feats of agility by passing over with the bell, and landing on the coping on the opposite side. The tower being open, we could see the manoeuvre irom the windows, and, as strangers, went there to look on. One day, "whilst at dinner, they began to ring, and as many of the officers had not witnessed the feat, they sought the windows. This excited the vanity of those in the belfry, who redoubled their exertions, and performed the feat successfully many times, although in some in- f \ MANILLA. 305 r Stances they narrowly escaped accident, by landing just within the outside coping. This brought us all to the window, and the next turn, more force having been given to the bell, the individual who attempted the feat w^as thrown headlong beyond the tower, and dashed to pieces on the pavement beneath. Although shocked at the accident, I felt still more so when, after a few minutes, the bell was again heard making its usual sound, as if nothing had occurred to interrupt the course of its hourly peals. In company with Dr. Tolben, I visited one of the convents w^hcre he attended on some of the monks who were sick, and who w^as well ac- quainted with them all. I was much struck wnth the extent of the build- ing, which was four stories high, with spacious corridors and galleries, the walls of which were furnished with pictures representing the mar- tyrdom of the Dominican friars in Japan. These were about seventy in number, in the Chinese style of art, and evidently painted by some one of that nation, calling himself an artist. From appearances, how- ever, I should think they were composed by the priests, who have not a little taxed their invention to find out the different modes in w^hich a man can be put to death. Many evidently, if not all, had been in- vented for the pictures. So perplexed had they apparently been, that in one of the last it was observed that the executioner held his victim at arms' length by the heels, and was about to let him drop headfore- most into a well. From the galleries we passed into the library, and thence into many of the rooms, and finally we mounted to the top of the monastery, which affords a beautiful view of the bay, city, and suburbs. There I was presented to three of the friars, who were pleasant and jolly-looking men. Upon the roof was a kind of observa- tory, or look-out, simply furnished with billiard-tables and shuffleboards, while the implements for various other games lay about on small tables, with telescopes on stands, and comfortable arm-chairs. It was a place v^^here the friars put aside their religious and austere character or ap- ^ pearance, and sought amusement. It was a delightful spot, so far as '' coolness and the freshness of the sea air were concerned, and its aspect gave me an insight behind the curtain of these establishments that very soon disclosed many things I was ignorant of before. All the friars w^ere of a rotund form, and many of them bore the marks of good living in their full, red, and bloated faces. It seems to be generally understood at Manilla, that they live upon the fat of the ^ land. We visited several of the rooms, and w^ere warmly greeted by the padres, one of whom presented me with a meteorological table for the previous year. The revenues of all these religious establishments are considerable; VOL. V. 2A2 39 306 M ANILL A- the one I visited belonged to the Dominicans, and was very rich. Their revenues are principally derived from lands owned by them, and the tithes from the different districts which they have under their charge, to which are added many alms and gifts. On inquiry, I found their general character was by no means thought well of, and they had of late years lost much of the influence that they possessed before the revolution in the mother country. Among the inhabitants we saw here, was a native boy of the Iro- gotes, or mountain tribe. He is said to be a true Negrito. Mr. Agate obtained a hkeness of him, of which the cut is a copy. NEGRITO BOY, The Spaniards, as has been stated, have never been able to subdue this tribe, who are said to be still as wild as on their first landing ; they are confined almost altogether to the plains within or near the mountains, and from time to time make inroads in great force on the outer settlements, carrying off as much plunder as possible. The burden of this often causes them to be overtaken by the troops: When overtaken, they fight desperately, and were it not for the fire- arms of their adversaries, would give them much trouble. Few are captured on such occasions, and it is exceedingly difficult to take SWORD- HATCHET. them alive, umess when very young. These mountains furnish them with an iron ore almost pure, in manufacturing which they show r I 1 MANILLA. 307 much ingenuity. Some of their weapons were presented to the Ex- pedition by Josiah Moore, Esq. These are probably imitations of the early Spanish weapons used against them. From all accounts, the natives are of Malay origin, and allied to those of the other islands of the extensive archipelago of the Eastern Seas; but the popula- tion of the towns and cities of the island are so mixed, from the con- stant intercourse with Chinese, Europeans, and others, that there is no pure blood among them. When at Manilla, we obtained a grammar of the Tagala language, which is said to be now rarely heard, and to have become nearly obsolete. This grammar is believed to be the only one extant, and wvas procured from a padre, who presented it to the Expedition. The Pampangans are considered the finest tribe of natives ; they are excessively fond of horse-racing, and bet very considerable sums upon it ; they have the reputation of being an industrious and energetic set of men. The mode of raising revenue by a poll-tax causes great discontent among all classes, for although Hght, it is, as it always has been else- where, unpopular. All the Chinese pay a capitation tax of four dollars. The revenue from various sources is said to amount to one million six hundred thousand dollars, of which the poll-tax amounts to more than one-half, the rest being derived from the customs, tobacco, &c. There is no tax upon land. It was thought at Manilla that a revenue might be derived by indirect taxation, far exceeding this sum, without being sensibly felt by the inhabitants. This mode is employed in the eastern islands under the English and Dutch rule, and it is surprising that the Spaniards also do not adopt it, or some other method to increase resources that are so much needed. When- ever the ministry in Spain had to meet a claim, they were a few years ago in the habit of issuing drafts on this colonial government in payment. These came at last in such numbers, that latterly they have been compelled to suspend the payment of them. ^ The revenue of the colonial government is very little more than will meet the expenses ; and it is believed that, notwithstanding these unaccepted claims, it received orders to remit the surplus, if any, to Spain, regardless of honour or good faith. The government of the Philippines is in the hands of a governor- general, who has the titles of viceroy, commander-in-chief, sub-dele- ) gate, judge of the revenue from the post-office, commander of the • troops, captain-general, and commander of the naval forces. His duties embrace every thing that relates to the security and defence of the country. As advisers, he has a council called the Audiencia. SOS MANILLA. The islands are divided into provinces, each of wliich has a military officer with the title of governor, appointed by the governor-general. They act as chief magistrates, have jurisdiction over all disputes of minor importance, have the command of the troops in time of war, and are collectors of the royal revenues, for the security of which they give bonds, which must be approved of by the comptroller-general of the treasury. The province of Cavite is alone exempt from this rule, and the collection of tribute is there confided to a police magistrate. Each province is again subdivided into pueblos, containing a greater or less number of inhabitants, each of which has again its ruler, called a gobernadorcillo, who has in like manner other officers under him to act as police magistrates. The number of the latter are very great, each of them having his appropriate duties. These consist in the supervision of the grain fields, cocoa-nut groves, betel-nut plantations, and in the preservation of the general order and peace of the town. So numerous are these petty officers, that there is scarcely a family of any consequence, that has not a member who holds some kind of office under government. This policy, in case of disturbances, at once unites a large and influential body on the side of the government, that is maintained at little expense. The gobernadorcillo exercises the municipal authority, and is especially charged to aid the parish priest in every thing appertaining to religious observances, &c. In the towns where the descendants of the Chinese are sufficiently numerous, they can, by permission of the governor, elect their own petty governors and officers from among themselves. In each town there is also a head-man (cabezas de barangay), who has the charge of fifty tributaries, in each of which is included as many families. This division is called a barangay. This office forms by far the most important part of the machinery of government in the Philippine Islands, for these head-men are the attorneys of these small districts, and become the electors of the gobernadorcillos, and other civil officers. Only twelve, however, of them or their substitutes, are allowed to vote in each town. The office of head-man existed before the conquest of the island, and the Spaniards showed their wisdom in continuing and adapting it to their system of police. The office among the natives was heredi- tary, but their conquerors made it also elective, and when a vacancy now occurs through want of heirs, or resignation, it is filled up by the superintendent of the province, on the recommendation of the gober- nadorcillo and the head-men- This is also the case when any new office is created. The privileges of the head-men are great ; them- selves, their wives, and their first-born children, are exempted from r I ri r J MANILLA. 309 paying tribute to the crown, an exoneration which is owing to their being collectors of the royal revenues. Their duties consist in maintaining good order and harmony, in dividing the labour required for the public benefit equally, adjusting differences, and receiving the taxes. The gobernadorcillo takes cognizance of all civil cases not exceeding two tales of gold, or forty-four dollars in silver; all criminal cases must be sent to the chief of the province. The head-men formerly served for no more than three years, and if this was done faithfully, they became and were designated as principals, in virtue of which rank they received the title of Don. The election takes place at the court-house of the town; the electors are the gobernadorcillo w^hose office is about to expire, and twelve of the oldest head-men, collectors of tribute and of " champanes;" for the gobernadorcillo they must select, by a plurality of votes, three indi- viduals, who must be able to speak, read, and write the Spanish language. The voting is done by ballot, in the presence of the notary (escribano), and the chief of the province, who presides. The curate may be present, to look after the interest of the church, but for no other purpose. After the votes are taken, they are sealed and transmitted to the governor-general, who selects one of the three candidates, and issues a commission. In the more distant provinces, the chief of the district has the authority to select the gobernadorcillo, and fill up the commission, a blank form of which, signed by the governor-general, is left with him for that purpose. The head-men may be elected petty governors, and still retain their office, and collect the tribute or taxes ; for it is not considered just, that the important office of chief of Barangay should deprive t}\e holder of the honour of being elected gobernadorcillo. The greater part of the Chinese reside in the province of Tondo, but the tribute is there collected by the alcalde mayor, with an assistant taken from among the officers of the royal treasury. The poll-tax on the Chinese amounts to four dollars a head : it was formerly one-half more. Tax-lists of the Chinese are kept, in which they are registered and classified ; and opposite the name is the amount at which the individual is assessed. The Spanish government seems particularly desirous of giving con- sequence even to its lowest offices ; and in order to secure it to them, it Is directed that the chiefs of provinces shall treat the gobernadorcillos with respect, offering them seats when they enter their houses or other places, and not allowing them to remain standing; furthermore, the parish curates are required to treat them with equal respect. So far as 310 MANILLA- concernsthe provinces, the government maybe called, notwithstanding the officers, courts, &c., monastic. The priests rule, and frequently administer punishment, with their own hands, to either sex, of which an instance will be cited hereafter. As soon as we could procure the necessary passports, which were obligingly furnished by the governor to " Don Russel Sturges y quatro Anglo Americanos," our party left Manilla for a short jaunt to the mountains. It was considered as a mark of great favour on the part of his excellency to grant this indulgence, particularly as he had a few months prior denied it to a party of French officers. I was told that he preferred to make it a domestic concern, by issuing the passport in the name of a resident, in order that compliance in this case might not give umbrage to the French. It was generally believed that the cause of the refusal in the former instance was the imprudent manner in which the French officers went about taking plans and sketches, at the corners of streets, &c., which in the minds of an unenlightened and ignorant colonial government, of course excited suspicion. Nothing can be so ridiculous as this system of passports; for if one was so disposed, a plan, and the most minute information of every thing that concerns the defences of places, can always be obtained at little cost now-a-days ; for such is the skill of engineers, that a plan is easily made of places, merely by a sight of them. We were not, however, disposed to question the propriety of the governor's conduct in the former case, and I felt abundantly obliged to him for a permission that would add to our stock of information. It was deemed at first impossible for the party to divide, as they had but one passport, and some difficulties were anticipated from the number being double that stated in the passport. The party consisted of Messrs. Sturges, Pickering, Eld, Rich, Dana, and Brackenridge. Mr. Sturges, however, saw no difficulty in dividing the party after they had passed beyond the precincts of the city, taking the precaution, at the same time, not to appear together beyond the number designated on the paper. On the 14th, they left Manilla, and proceeded in carriages to Santa Anna, on the Pasig, in order to avoid the delay that would ensue if they followed the windings of the river in a banca, and against the current. At Santa Anna they found their bancas waiting for them, and embarked. Here the scene was rendered animated by numerous boats of all descriptions, from the parao to the small canoe of a single log. There is a large population that live wholly on the water: for the padrones of the paraos have usually their families with them, w^hich, MANILLA. 311 from the great variety of ages and sexes, give a very difTerent and much more bustling appearance to the crowd of boats, than would be • the case if they only contained those who are employed to navigate them. At times the paraos and bancas, of all sizes, together with the saraboas and pativas (duck establishments), become jumbled together, and create a confusion and noise such as is seldom met wuth in any other country. The pativas are under the care of the original inhabitants, to whom exclusively the superintendence of the ducklings seems to be committed. ' The pens are made of bamboo, and are not over a foot high. The birds were all in admirable order, and made no attempt to escape over the low barrier, although so slight that it was thought by some of our gentlemen it would not have sufficed to confine American ducks, al- though their wings might have been cut. The mode of giving them I i f exercise was by causing them to run round in a ring. The good understanding existing betw^een the keepers and their charge was striking, particularly when the former were engaged in cleansing the pens, and assisting the current to carry off the impurities. In the course of their sail, it was estimated that hundreds of thousands of i ducks of all ages were seen. The women who were seen were usually engaged in fishing with a hook and line, and were generally standing in the w^ater, or in canoes. The saraboas w^ere here also in use. The run of the fish is generally concentrated by a chevaux-de-frise to guide them towards the nets and localities where the fishers place themselves. At five o'clock they reached the Laguna de Bay, where they took in a new crew, with mast and sail. This is called twenty-five miles from Manilla by the river ; the distance in a bird's flight is not over twelve. The whole distance is densely peopled, and w^ell cultivated. The crops consist of indigo, rice, &c., with groves of the betel, palm, cocoa-nut, and quantities of fruit trees. The shores of the lake are shelving, and afford good situations for placing fish-weirs, which are here established on an extensive scale. These weirs are formed of slips of bamboo, and are to be seen run- ning in every direction to the distance of two or three miles. They may be said to invest entirely the shores of the lake for several miles from its outlet, and without a pilot it would be difficult to find the way through them. At nic^ht, when heron and tern were seen roost- er -" "'O ing on the top of each slat, these weirs presented rather a curious spectacle. The Laguna de Bay is said to be about ten leagues in length by three in width, and trends in a north-northwest and south-southeast 312 MANILLA. direction: an idea of its shape will be more readily arrived at from the small map of the environs of Manilla which is annexed. ENVIRONS OF MANILLA. After dark, the bancas separated. Mr. Sturges, with Dr. Pickering and Mr. Eld, proceeded to visit the mountain of Maijaijai, while Messrs. Rich, Dana, and Brackenridge, went towards the Volcano de Taal. The latter party took the passport, while the former relied upon certain letters of introduction for protection, in case of difficulty. Mr. Sturges, with his party, directed his course to the east side of the lake, towards a point called Jalujalu, w^hich they reached about three o'clock in the morning, and stopped for the crew to cook some rice, &c. At 8 a. m., they reached Santa Cruz, situated about half a mile up a small streamlet, called Paxanau. At this place they found Don Escudero, to whom they had a letter of introduction, and who holds a civil appointment. They were very kindly received by this gentleman and his brown lady, with their interesting family. He at once ordered horses for them to proceed to the mission of Maijaijai, and entertained them with a sumptuous breakfast. They were not prepared to set out before noon, until which time they strolled about the town of Santa Cruz, the inhabitants of which are Tagalas. There are only two old Spaniards in the place. The province in which Santa Cruz is situated, contains about five thousand inhabitants, of whom eighteen hundred pay tribute. MANILLA. 313 r The people have the character of being orderly, and gov^ern them- selves without the aid of the military- The principal article of culture is the cocoa-nut tree, which is seen in large groves. The trunks of these were notched, as was supposed, for the purpose of climbing them. From the spathe a kind of spirit is manufactured, which is fully as strong as our whiskey. About noon they left Don Escudero's, and took a road leading to the w southward and eastward, through a luxuriant and beautiful country, well cultivated, and ornamented with lofty cocoa-nut trees, betel palms, and banana groves. Several beautiful valleys were passed, with stream- lets rushhicr throucrh them- Maijaijai is situated about one thousand feet above the Laguna de Bay, but the rise is so gradual that it was almost imperceptible. The country has every where the appearance of being densely peopled ; but no more than one village was passed between Santa Cruz and the mission. They had letters to F. Antonio Romana y Aranda, padre of the mission, who received them kindly, and entertained them most hospitably. When he was told of their intention to visit the mountain, he said it was impossible with such weather, pointing to the black clouds that then enveloped its summit; and he endeavoured to persuade the gentlemen to desist from what appeared to him a mad attempt; but finding them resolved to make the trial, he aided in making all the necessary preparations, though he had no belief in their success. On the morning of the 27th, after mass, Mr. Eld and Dr. Pickering set out, but Mr. Sturges preferred to keep the good padre company until their return. The padre had provided them with guides, horses, twenty natives, and provisions for three days. He had been himself on the same laborious journey, some six months before, and knew its fatigues ; although it turned out afterwards that his expedition was performed in fine weather, and that he had been borne on a litter by natives the whole way. \ The first part of the road, was wet and miry, and discouraging enough. The soil was exceedingly rich, producing tropical plants in great profusion, in the midst of which were seen the neat bamboo cottages, with their industrious and cleanly-looking inhabitants. When they reached the foot of the mountain, they found it was impossible to jide farther, and were obliged to take to walking, which was, how- ever, less of a hardship than riding the little rats of horses, covered with mud and dirt, which were at first deea^ied useless ; but the man- ner in which they ascended and maintained themselves on the slippery banks, surpassed any thing they had before witnessed in horseflesh. The first part of the ascent of the mountain was gradual, but over t VOL. V, 2B 40 / 314 MANILLA. miry path, which was extremely slippery ; and had it not been for the sticks stuck down by the party of the padre in their former ascent, they would have found it extremely difficult to overcome: to make it more disagreeable, it rained all the time. It took about two hours to reach the steep ascent. The last portion of their route had been through an uninhabited region, with some openings in the woods, affording pasture-grounds to a few small herds of buffalo- In three hours they reached the half-way house, by a very steep and regular ascent. Here the natives insisted upon stopping to cook their breakfast, as they had not yet partaken of any thing through the day. The natives now endeavoured to persuade them it was im- practicable 10 go any farther, or at least to reach the top of the moun- tain and return before night. Our gentlemen lost their patience at the delay, and after an hour's endurance of it, resolved to set out alone. Six of the natives followed them, and by half-past three they reached the summit, where they found it cold and uncomfortable. The ascent had been difficult, and was principally accomplished by catching hold of shrubs and the roots of trees. The summit is comparatively bare, and not more than fifty feet in width. The side opposite to that by which they mounted was perpendicular, but owing to the thick fog they could not see the depth to which the precipice descended. The observations with the barometers were speedily taj^en, which .gave the height of Banajoa as six thousand five hundred feet. The trees on the summit were twenty or thirty feet high, and a species of fir was very common. Gaultheria, attached to the trunks of trees, Rhododendrons, and Polygonums, also abounded. The rocks were so covered with soil that it was difficult to ascertain their character; Dr. Pickering is of opinion, however, that they are not volcanic. The house on the summit afforded them little or no shelter; being a mere shed, open on all sides, they found it untenantable, and determined to return as soon as their observations were finished, to the half-way house, which they reached before dark. The night was passed uncomfortably, and in the morning they made an early start down the mountain to reach the native village at its foot, where they were refreshed with a cup of chocolate, cakes, and some dulces, according to the custom of the country. At ten o'clock they reached the mission, where they w^ere received by the padre and Mr. Sturges. The former was greatly astonished to hear that they had really been to the summit, and had accomplished in twenty-four hours what he had deemed a labour of three days. He quickly attended to their wants, the first among which was dry clothing; and as their age had unfortunately been left at Santa Cruz, the wardrobe ot I ( I 1 MANILLA. 315 the rotund padre was placed at their disposal. Although the fit was rather uncouth on the spare forms of our gentlemen, yet his clothes served the purpose tolerably well, and were thankfully made use of. During their absence, Mr. Sturges had been much amused with the discipline he had witnessed at the hands of the church, which here seem to be the only visible ruling power. Two young natives had made complaint to the padre that a certain damsel had entered into vows or engagements to marry both : she was accordingly brought up before the padre, Mr. Sturges being present. The padre first lectured her most seriously upon the enormity of her crime, then inflicted seve- ral blows on the palm of her outstretched hand, again renewing the lecture, and finally concluding with another whipping. The girl was pretty, and excited the interest of our friend, who looked on with much desire to interfere, and save the damsel from the corporeal punishment, rendered more aggravated by the dispassionate and cool I manner in which it and the lecture were administered. In the conver- sation which ensued, the padre said he had more cases of the violation of the marriage vow, and of infidelity, than any other class of crimes. After a hearty breakfast, or rather dinner, and expressing their thanks to the padre, they rode back to Santa Cruz, where they arrived at an early hour, and at 9 p. m. they embarked in their bancas for Manilla. In the morning they found themselves, after a comfortable night, at t Banos. Here they took chocolate with the padre, to whom Mr. Sturges had a letter, who informed them that the other party had left the place the evening before for Manilla- This party had proceeded to the town of Baia, where they arrived at daylight on the 15th. Baia is quite a pretty place, and well situ- ated ; the houses are clean and comfortable, and it possessed a vene- rable stone church, with towers and bells. On inquiring for the padre, they found that he was absent, and it w^as in consequence impossible for them to procure horses to proceed to the volcano de Taal. They therefore concluded to walk to the hot springs at Baiios, about five miles distant. Along the road they collected a number of curious plants. Rice is much cultivated, and fields of it extend to some dis- tance on each side of the road. Buffaloes were seen feeding and wallowing in the ditches. At Banos the hot springs are numerous, the water issuing from the rock over a considerable surface- The quantity of water discharged by them is large, and the whole is collected and conducted to the bathing-houses. The temperature of the water at the mouth of the culvert was 180^ \ ,316 MANILLA. The old bath-house is a singular-looking place, being built on the hill-side, in the old Spanish style, with large balconies, that are en- closed in the manner already described, in speaking of the houses in Manilla. It is beautifully situated, and overlooks the baths and lake. The baths are of stone, and consist of two large roonns, in each of which is a niche, through which the hot water passes. This building IS now in ruins, the roof and floors having fallen in. Banos is a small village, but contains a respectable-looking stone church, and two or three houses of the same material Here the party found a difficulty in getting on, for the alcalde could not speak Spanish, and they were obliged to use an interpreter, in order to com- municate with him. Notwithstanding this, he is a magistrate, whose duty it is to administer laws written in that language. Finding they could not succeed even here in procuring guides or horses, they deter- mined to remain and explore Mount Maquiling, the height of which is three thousand four hundred and fifty feet, and in the mean time to send for their bancas. The next day they set out on their journey to that mountain, and the first part of their path lay over a gentle ascent, through cultivated grounds. Next succeeded an almost perpendicular hill, bare of trees, and overgrown wnth a tall grass, which it was difficult to pass through- Such had been the time taken up, that the party found it impossible to reach the summit and return before dark. They therefore began to collect specimens; and after having obtained a full load, they returned late in the afternoon to Banos. « The mountain is composed of trachytic rocks and tufa, which are r ' , occasionally seen to break through the rich and deep soil, showing themselves here and there, in the deep valleys which former volcanic - + action has created, and which have destroyed the regular outline of the cone-shaped mountain. The tufa is generally found to form the gently- sloping plains that surround these mountains, and has in all probability been ejected from them. Small craters, of some two hundred feet in height, are scattered over the plains. The tufa is likewise exposed to view on the shores of the lake ; but elsewhere, except on a few bare hills, it is entirely covered with the dense and luxuriant foliage. The tufa is generally of a soft character, crumbling in the fingers, and in it are found coarse and fine fragments of scoria, pumice, &c. The layers are from a few inches to five feet in thickness. In the country around Banos, there are several volcanic hills, and on the sides of Mount Maquiling are appearances of parasitic cones, similar to those observed at the Hawaiian Islands ; but time and the MANILLA. 317 I * t i foliage have so disguised them, that it is difficult to determine exactly their true character. I regretted exceedingly that the party that set out for the Lake de Taal was not able to reach it, as, from the accounts T had, it must be one of the most interesting portions of the country. It lies nearly south- west from Manilla, and occupies an area of about one hundred and twenty square miles. The Volcano de Taal is situated on an island near the centre of it, and is now in action. The cone w^hich rises from its centre is remarkably regular, and consists for the most part of cinders and scoria. It has been found to be nine hundred feet in eleva- tion above the lake. The crater has a diameter of two miles, and its depth is equal to the elevation : the walls of the crater are nearly per- pendicular, so much so that the descent cannot be made without the assistance of ropes. At the bottom there are two small cones. Much steam issues from the many fissures, accompanied by sulphurous acid gas. The waters of the lake are impregnated with sulphur, and there are said to be also large beds of sulphur. In the opinion of those who have visited this spot, the whole lake once formed an immense crater; and this does not appear very improbable, if we are to credit the accounts we received of the many craters on this island that are now filled with water; for instance, in the neighbourhood of San Pablo there are said to be eight or nine. The hot springs of Bafios are numerous, and in their vicinity large E quantities of steam are seen to issue from the shore of the lake. There are about a dozen which give out a copious supply of water. The principal one has been enclosed, and made to flow through a stone aqueduct, which discharges a considerable stream. The temperature of the water as it leaves the aqueduct is 178^ The villagers use it for cooking and washing: the signs of the former employment are evident enough from the quantities of feathers from the poultry that have been scalded and plucked preparatory to cooking. The baths are formed by a small circular building six feet in diameter, erected over the point of discharge for the purpose of securing a steam-bath : the temperature of these is 160° and 140°. A change of temperature is said to have occurred in the latter. The rocks in the vicinity are all tufa, and some of the springs break out close to the cold water of the lake. Near the aqueduct, a stone wall surrounds one of the principal outlets. Two-thirds of the area thus enclosed is occupied by a pond of w^arm wafer, and the other third is divided into two stone reservoirs, built for baths. These baths had at one time a high reputation, and were a very fashionable resort for the society of Manilla; but their celebrity gradually diminished, and the 2B2 318 MANILLA. ■ whole premises have gone out of repair, and are fast falUng to ruin. , The water of the springs has no perceptible taste, and only a very faint smell of sulphur is perceived* No gas escapes from it, but a white incrustation covers the stones over which the water flows. ■i Some of these waters were obtained, and since our return were put into the hands of Dr. C. T. Jackson, of Boston, who gives the following analysis : Specific gravity, 1-0043; thermometer 60^; barometer 30*05 in, 4 A quantity of the water, equal in bulk to three thousand grains of distilled water, on evaporation gave — 4 Dry salts, 5*95 grains. A quantity of the water, equal in bulk to one thousand grains of distilled water, was operated on for each of the following ingredients : Chlorine, . Carbonic acid. Sulphuric acid, 0*66 0-16 0-03 Soda and sodium, ••.••,•..0.97 Magnesia, Lime* 0-09 0-07 Potash, ••••• traces Organic matter. Manganese, K M 1-98 Mount and monkeys, are found. Birds are also very numerous, and among them is the horn-bill : the noise made by this bird resembles a loud barking; report speaks of them as an excellent bird for the table. Our gentlemen reached their lodging-place as the night closed in, and the next day again embarked for Manilla, regretting that time would not permit them to make another visit to so interesting a field of research. They found the lake so rough that they were compelled to return, and remain until eight o'clock. This, however, gave our botanists another opportunity of making collections, among which were beautiful speci- mens of Volkameria splendens, with elegant scarlet flowers, and a Brugmansia, which expanded its beautiful silvery flowers after sunset. On the shores a number of birds were feeding, including pelicans, with their huge bills, the diver, with its long arched neck, herons, gulls, eagles, and snow-white cranes, with ducks and other small aquatic flocks. Towards night these were joined by large bats, that were t \ r MANILLA. 319 seen winging their way towards the plantations of fruit. These, with quantities of insects, gave a vivid idea of the wonderful myriads of animated things that are constantly brought into being in these tropical and luxuriant climates. Sailing all night in a rough sea, they were much incommoded by the water, which was shipped into the banca which kept them constantly baling out; they reached the river Pasig at daylight, and again passed the duck establishments, and the numerous boats and banca s on their way to the markets of Manilla. Both the parties reached the consul's the same day, highly pleased with their respective jaunts. To the kindness of Messrs. Sturges and Moore, we are mainly indebted for the advantages and pleasures derived from the excursions. The instruments were now embarked, and preparations made for going to sea. Our stay at Manilla had added much to our collections ; we obtained many new specimens, and the officers and naturalists had been constantly and profitably occupied in their various duties. We Messrs. Stursres and Moore Manilla We had, through the kindness of Captain Salomon, procured a native pilot for the Sooloo Sea, who was also to act as interpreter. On the morning of the 21st, we took leave of our friends, and got under way. The same day, and before we had cleared the bay, wc spoke the American ship Angier, which had performed the voyage from the United States in one hundred and twenty-four days, and fur- nished us with late and interesting news. We then, with a strong northerlv wind, made all sail to the south for the Straits of Mindoro. MAjaiXA SARABOA. CHAPTER IX CONTENTS. DEPARTURE FROM MA.\ILLA-INSTEUCTIOiVS TO MR. KiyTOX-MINDORO-SEMARARA- PANAY— FLYING-FISH LEAVES US — BAY OF ANTIQUE-SAJV JOSE-MINDAVAO — CAL- DERA — FORESTS OF MINDANAO— SANGB0YS—S00L00—S0UNG—CAV0E3 OF SOOLOO— WE LAND AT SOOLOO— VISIT TO THE DATU MULU — HIS RESIDENCE— VISIT TO THE SULTAN— HIS RESIDENCE— HIS PERSON AND DRESS— TREATY MADE WITH HIM-THE HEIR APPARENT— WE ARE REFUSED PERMISSION TO VISIT THE INTERIOR— PISTOL STOLEN— CHINESE QUARTER— THE KRIS-MARKET-BLOCKS OF AMERICAN GRANITE -STOLEN PISTOL RETURNED— VISIT OF THE NATURALISTS TO MARONG AS— FISHING APPARATUS — SURVEY OP THE HARBOUR OF SOUNG — SLAVES EMPLOYED AS AC- COUNTANTS—BEASTS OF BURDEN — PROHIBITION OF SWINE — CHARACTER OF THE PEOPLE OF SOOLOO— THEIR DRESS — OCCUPATIONS-STATE OF SOCIETY— MOUNTAIN TRIBES-FORTS-POPULATION— COMMERCE— DUTIES— ADVICE TO TRADERS — POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF TRADE — HISTORY OF SOOLOO — ATTEMPT OF THE ENGLISH EAST INDIA COMPANY TO OPEN A TRADE— ATTEMPTS AT CONQUEST BY THE SPANIARDS — GRA2VT OF BALAMBANGAN TO THE EAST INDIA COMPANY— ENGLISH SETTLEMENT —ITS FATE— FORMER PROSPERITY OF SOOLOO— PIRACIES OF THE SOOLOOS — MALAY PIRATES -THE BAJOWS — THEIR CHARACTER -CLIMATE OF SOOLOO — DISEASES -^ RELIGION — DEPARTURE FROM SOOLOO — PANGOOTAARAANG — CAGAYAN SOOLOO — MANGSEE ISLANDS — SURVEYS - BALAMBANGAN — BORNEO — THE DY ACKS — THEIR CHARACTER, MA2VNERS, AND CUSTOMS— NAVIGATION OF THE SOOLOO SEA-PASSAGE TO SINGAPORE— ARRIVAL THERE— REUNION OF THE SQUADRON— PROCEEDINGS OF THE PORPOISE AND OREGON -NECKER ISLAND -FRENCH- FRIGATE SHOAL -MARO REEF. (321) { i ^^ I ' ■fl^ '.? ■^ *- ^", # ■^ + L^ wa 120 am ^ ' S- LaiiLudc Balajubang; ^ -^epfndiniKf LffnX'mnnf^ ^ ^-^^ Stindv-i- ? Of ^.. I -"-■- T- l^pToukrl? ^ Bii^HTT :^f 'i ^ « • J 1 ■% I C-' ■'■i-' •k.'^A 'O/. ■,_-. ^ o* r .. '-* '"> rr-'^y; L-l -. ^. 'ifthaffm/fan ■' ■- o ®arjftiw^' „, ^KritofWKtan T^htf.utm ^Tii/ufifsufi Vuirttf Pf _ \^TaluiUujiL , J'j]/" VfLPi' •■^ 'iT V ..- ITAJTI TAUT JHP PrHf Xh^S X T*th Jfiitttha ft»n/nj7i?n r. NUOLOO h^f^'^ ArfWM<^ .T"-'^'* ^;?r7.,„V.m HAfinXAX \ S" I « Jlsseal m m ,■■■111 J- (* or THC ao®Ij©D 31EJ^ AJiD AK I'lIIPELAG 0 BY THE OJ . 3 . [E>^. [E3«. i®4ii o u ■ ? Brffias Jf Terde^ T^m^rarifh XuxliL Cap« Q ^1 %^ ^./ %- O 2®*€^:,% o c j.-^i DuniaraiL' \ LiiLAcap V F h4^ 4 ■_ Carandaga C-j , g Cqvou Diisrn^aa SrraU .' ;„:i- ■ r^ V Mttfiomd'c r > / > '-. o Q dV//;/ #/rf TitdrtL Jtlart co- <3 :.7 li-sLi: a/ *\fjtij-*it4es /:* Sf>/nhrem C_^f J , Golc^m4i4i I Camhd£n Shtnxi /9 Jienro Sico ^ ^SonihftPO I \ \ J^ Liiffft\t f R^47hi>tnit •-. '*^ iit . < ' __k I 3^3 ^--J 11 'I 10 n 13 13 ^s CHAPTEK IX. \ S O O L O O. 1842. On the evening of the 21st of January, the Vincennes, with the tender in company, left the bay of Manilla. I then sent for Mr. Knox, who commanded the latter, and gave him directions to keep closely in company with the Vincennes, and at the same time pointed out to him places of rendezvous where the vessels might again meet in case any unavoidable circumstance caused their separation. I was more particular in giving him instructions to avoid losing sight of the Vincennes, as I was aware that my proposed surveys might be im- peded or frustrated altogether, were I deprived of the assistance of the vessel under his command. On the 22d, we passed the entrance of the Straits of San Bernadino. It would have been my most direct route to follow these straits until I had passed Mindoro, and it is I am satisfied the safest course, unless the winds are fair, for the direct passage. My object, however, was to examine the ground for the benefit of others, and the Apo Shoal, which lies about mid-channel between Palawan and Mindoro, claimed my first attention. The tender was despatched to survey it, while I proceeded in the Vincennes to examine the more immediate entrance to the Sooloo Sea, off the southwest end of Mindoro. Calavite Peak is the north point of Mindoro, and our observations made it two thousand feet high. This peak is of the shape of a dome, and appears remarkably regular when seen from its western side. On approaching Mindoro, we, as is usual, under high islands, lost the steady breeze, and the wind became light for the rest of the day Mindoro is a beautiful island, and is evidently volcanic ; it appears as (323) 324 S O O L O O . if thrown up in confused masses: it is not much settled, as the more southern islands are preferred to it as a residence. On the 23d, we ascertained the elevation of the highest peak of the island by triangulation to be three thousand one hundred and twenty- six feet. The easternmost island of the Palawan Group, Busvagan, was at the time just in sight from the deck, to the southwest. It had been my intention to anchor at Ambolou Island; but the wind died away before we reached it, and I determined to stand off and on all night- On the 24th, I began to experience the truth of what Captain Halcon had asserted, namely, that the existing charts were entirely worthless, and I also found that my native pilot was of no more value than they were : he had evidently passed the place before ; but whe- ther the size of the vessel, so much greater than any he had sailed in, confused him, or whether it was from his inability to understand and to make himself understood by us, he was of no use whatever, and we had the misfortune of running into shoal water, barely escaping the bottom. These dangers were usually quickly passed, and we soon found ourselves again floating in thirty or forty fathoms water. We continued beating to windward, in hopes of being joined by the Flying-Fish, and I resolved to finish the survey towards the island of Semarara. We found every thing in a different position from that ' assigned it by any of the chai^ts with which we were furnished- On this subject, however, I shall not dwell, but refer those who desire particular information to the charts and Hydrographical Memoir- Towards evening, I again ran down to the southwest point of the island of Mindoro, and sent a letter on shore to the pueblo, with directions to have it put on board the tender, when she should arrive. We then began to beat round Semarara, in order to pass over towards Panay. The southern part of Mindoro is much higher than the northern, but appears to be equally rough. It is, however, susceptible of cultivation, and there are many villages along its shores. Semarara is moderately high, and about fifteen miles in circumfe- rence ; it is inhabited, and like Mindoro much wooded. According to the native pilot, its shores are free from shoals* It was not until the next day that we succeeded in reaching Panay. I determined to pass the night off Point Potol, the north end of Panay, as I believed the sea in its neighbourhood to be free of shoals, and wished to resume our running survey early in the morning. At daylight on the 27th we continued the survey down the coast of Panay, and succeeded in correcting many errors in the existing charts S O O L O O. 325 ( (both English and Spanish). The channel along this side is from twelve to twenty nniles wide, and suitable for beating in; little current is believed to exist ; and the tides, as far as our observations went, seem to be regular and of little strength. The island of Panay is high and broken, particularly on the south end ; its shores are thickly settled and well cultivated.. Indigo and sugar-cane claim much of the attention of the inhabitants. The Indians are the principal cultivators. They pay to govern- ment a capitation tax of seven rials. Its population is estimated at three hundred thousand, which I think is rather short of the actual number. On all the hills there are telegraphs of rude construction, to give information of the approach of piratical prahus from Sooloo, which formerly w^ere in the habit of making attacks upon the defenceless inhabitants and carrying them off into slavery. Of late years they have ceased these depredations, for the Spaniards have resorted -to a new mode of warfare. Instead of pursuing and punishing ihe offen- ders, they now intercept all their supphes, both of necessaries and luxuries ; and the fear of this has had the effect to deter pirates from their usual attacks. We remained off* San Pedro for the night, in hopes of falling in with the Flying-Fish in the morning. On the morning of the 28th, the Flying-Fish w^as discovered plainly in sight. I immediately stood for her, fired a gun and made signal. At seven o'clock, another gun was fired, but the vessel still stood oflf, r and was seen to make sail to the westward without paying any regard w^hatever to either, and being favoured by a breeze while the Vin- cennes was becalmed, she stole oflf and was soon out of sight.* After breakfast we opened the bay of Antique, on which is situated the town of San Jose. As this bay apparently offered anchorage for vessels bound up this coast, I determined to survey it ; and for this j purpose the boats were hoisted out and prepared for surveying. Lieu- tenant Budd was despatched to visit the pueblo called San Jose. On reaching the bay, the boats were sent to different points of if, and when they were in station, the ship fired guns to furnish bases by the sound, and angles w-ere simultaneously measured. The boats made soundings on their return to the ship, and thus completed this duty, so that in an hour or two afterwards the bay was correctly represented on paper. It offers no more than a temporary anchorage r * On my arrival at Singapore, this circumstance was investigated by a court of inquiry. The result showed tiiat Mr. Knox had no knowledge of the Vineennea having heen seen ; % the officer of the watch had not reported to him the fact »1 2C 326 S O 0 L O O. for vessels, and unless the shore is closely approached, the water is almost too deep for the purpose. At San Jose a Spanish governor resides, who presides over the two pueblos of San Pedro and San Jose, and does the duty also of alcalde. Lieutenant Budd did not see him, as he was absent, but his lady did F the honours. Lieutenant Budd represented the pueblo as cleanly "^ and orderly. About fifteen soldiers were seen, who compose the governor's guard, and more were said to be stationed at San Pedro. A small fort of eight guns commands the roadstead. The beach was found to be of fine volcanic sand, composed chiefly of oxide of iron, and comminuted shells; there is here also a narrow shore reef of coral. The plain bordering the sea is covered with a dense growth of cocoa-nut trees. In the fine season the bay is secure, but we were informed that in westerly and southwesterly gales heavy seas set in, and vessels are not able to lie at anchor. Several small vessels were lying in a small river about one and a half miles to the southward of the pointy on which the fort is situated. The entrance to this river is very narrow and tortuous. Panay is one of the largest islands of the group. We had an opportunity of measuring the height of some of its western peaks or highlands, none of which exceed three thousand feet. The interior and eastern side have many lofty summits, which are said to reach an altitude of seven thousand five hundred feet ; but these, as we passed, were enveloped in clouds, or shut out from view by the nearer high- lands. The general features of the island are like those of Luzon and Mindoro. The few specimens we obtained of its rocks consisted of the different varieties of talcose formation, with quartz and jasper. The specimens were of no great value, as they were much worn by lying on the beach. The higher land was bare of trees, and had it not been for the numerous fertile valleys lying between the sharp and rugged spurs, it w^ould have had a sterile appearance. The bay of Antique is in latitude 10^ 40' N., longitude 12^ 59' 30" E. It was my intention to remain for two or three days at a convenient anchorage to enable us to make short excursions into the interior; but the vexatious mismanagement of the tender now made it incumbent that I should make every possible use of the time to complete the operations connected with the hydrography of this sea; for I perceived be both men to the hazard of contracting disease. I regretted giving up this I ) S O O L 0 O. 327 design, not only on my own account and that of the Expedition, but because of the gratification it would have afforded personally to the naturalists. The town of San Jose has about thirty bamboo houses, some of which are filled in with clay or mortar, and plastered over, both inside and out. Few of them are more than a single story in height. That of the governor is of the same material, and overtops the rest; it is whitewashed, and has a neat and cleanly appearance. In the vicinity of the town are several beautiful valleys, which run into the mountains from the plain that borders the bay. The landing is on a bamboo bridge, which has been erected over an extensive mud-flat, that is exposed at low water, and prevents any nearer approach of boats- This bridge is about seven hundred feet in length; and a novel plan has been adopted to preserve it from being carried away. The stems of bamboo not being sufficiently large and heavy to maintain the superstructure in the soft mud, a scaffold is constructed just under the top, which is loaded with blocks of large stone, and the outer piles are secured to anchors or rocks, with grass rope. The roadway or top is ten feet wide, covered with split bamboo, woven together, aiW has rails on each side, to assist the passenger. This is absolutely neces- sary for safety; and even with this aid, one unaccustomed to it must be possessed of no little bodily strength to pass over this smooth, slip- pery, and springy bridge, without accident Two pirogues were at anchor in the bay, and on the shore was the frame of a vessel which had evidently been a long while on the stocks, for the weeds and bushes near the keel w^ere six or eight feet high, and a portion of the timbers were decayed. Carts and sleds drawn by buffaloes were in use, and every thing gave it the appearance of a thriving village. Although I have mentioned the presence of soldiers, it was observed on landing that no guard was stationed about or even at the fort; but shortly afterwards a soldier was seen harrying towards the latter, in the act of dressing himself in his regimentals, and another running by his side, with his cartridge-box and musket. In a httle while one w^as passing up and down on his post, as though he was as permanent there as the fort itself. After completing these duties, the light airs detained us the re- mainder of the day under Panay, in sight of the bay. On the 29th, at noon, we had been wafted by it far enough In the offing to obtain the easterly breeze, which soon became strong, with an overcast sky, and carried us rapidly on our course; my time would not permit my heaving-to. We kept on our course for Mindanao during the whole # 328 S O O L O O. m night, and were constantly engaged in sounding, with our patent lead, with from thirty to forty fathoms cast, to prevent our passing over this part of the sea entirely unexamined- At daylight on the 31st, we had the island of Mindanao before us, but did not reach its western cape until 5 p. m. This island is high and broken, like those to the north of it, but, unlike them, its moun- tains are covered with forests to their very tops, and there were no distinct cones of minor dimensions, as we had observed on the others. If they do exist, they were hidden by the dense forest. I had determined to anchor at Caldera, a small port on the south- west side of Mindanao, about ten miles distant from Samboangan, where the governor resides. The latter is a considerable place, but the anchorage in its roadstead is said to be bad, and the currents that run through the Straits of Basillan are represented to be strong. Cal- dera, on the other hand, has a good, though small anchorage, which is free from the currents of the straits. It is therefore an excellent stop- ping-place, in case of the tide proving unfavourable. On one of its points stands a small fort, which, on our arrival, hoisted Spanish colours. At fix o'clock we came to anchor at Caldera, in seven fathoms water. There were few indications of inhabitants, except at and near the fort An officer was despatched to the fort, to report the ship. It was found to be occupied by a few soldiers under the com- mand of a lieutenant. FORT AT CALDERA. The fort is about seventy feet square, and is built of large blocks of red coral, which evidently have not been taken from the vicinity of the place, as w^as stated by the officers of the fort; for, although our parties wandered along the alluvial beach for two or three miles in each direction, no signs of coral were observed. Many fragments of red, gray, and purple basalt and porphyry were met with along the beach ; talcose rock and slate, syenite, hornblend, quartz, both com- I f S O O L 0 O. 329 pact and slaty, with chalcedony, were found in pieces and large pebbles. Those who were engaged in dredging reported the bottom as being of coral, in from four to six or eight fathoms; but this was of a different kind from that of which the fort was constructed. Tiie fort was built in the year 1784, principally for protection against the Sooloo pirates, who were in the habit of visiting the settle- ments, and carrying off the inhabitants as slaves, to obtain ransom for them. This, and others of the same description, were therefore constructed as places of refuge for the inhabitants, as well as to afford I . protection to vessels. Depredations are still committed, which render it necessary to keep up a small force. One or two huts which w^ere seen in the neighbour- hood of the bay, are built on posts twenty feet from the ground, and into them they ascend by ladders, which are hauled up after the occu- pants have entered. These, it is said, are the sleeping-huts, and are so built for the purpose of preventing surprise at night. Before our arrival we had heard that the villages were all so constructed, but a visit to one soon showed that this was untrue. The natives seen at the village were thought to be of a decidedly lighter colour and a somewhat different expression from the Malays. They were found to be very civil, and more polished in manners than our gentlemen expected. On asking for a drink of water, it was brought in a glass tumbler on a china plate. An old woman, to whom they had presented some trifles, took the trouble to meet them in another path on their return, ^nd insisted on their accepting a basket of potatoes. Some of the houses contained several families, and many of them had no ©ther means of entrance than a notched post stuck up to the door. The forests of Mindanao contain a great variety of trees, some of which are of large size, rising to the height of one hundred and one hundred and fifty feet. Some of their trunks are shaped like but- tresses, similar to those before spoken of at Manilla, from which they obtain broad slabs for the tops of tables. The trunks were observed to shoot up remarkably straight. Our botanical gentlemen, though pleased with the excursion, w^ere disappointed at not being able to procure specimens from the lofty trees; and the day was less pro- ductive in this respect than they had anticipated. Large woody vines were common, which enveloped the trunks of trees in their folds, and ascending to their tops, prevented the collection of the most desirable specimens. The paths leading to the interior were narrow and much obstructed: one fine stream was crossed. Many buffaloes were observed waU VOL. V. ^ ^ ^ 42 330 SOOLOO. lowing in the mire, and the woods swarmed with monkeys and numbers of birds, among them the horn-bills : these kept up a con- tinued chatter, and made a variety of loud noises. The forests here are entirely different from any we had seen elsewhere ; and the stories of their being the abode of large boas and poisonous snakes, make the effect still greater on those who visit them for the first time. Our parties, however, saw nothing of these reptiles, nor any thing to warrant a belief that such exist. Yet the officer at the fort related to me many snake stories that seemed to have some foundation ; and by inquiries made elsewhere, I learned that they were at least w^ar- ranted by some facts, though probably not to the extent that he re- presented. Traces of deer and wdld hogs were seen, and many birds were ob- tained, as well as land and sea shells. Among the latter was the Mal- leus vulgaris, w^hich is used as food by the natives. The soil on this part of the island is a stiff clay, and the plants it produces are mostly woody ; those of an herbaceous character were scarce, and only a few orchideous epiphytes and ferns were seen. Around the dwellings in the villages were a variety of vegetables and fruits, consisting of sugar-cane, sweet-potato, gourds, pumpkins, peppers, rice, water and mdusk melons, all fine and of large size. The officer at the fort was a lieutenant of infantry ; one of that rank is stationed here for a month, after which he, with the garrison, con- sisting of three soldiers, are relieved, from Samboangan, where the Spaniards have three companies. Samboangan is a convict settlement, to which the native rogues, principally thieves, are sent. The Spanish criminals, as I have before stated in speaking of Manilla, are sent to Spain. The inhabitants of the island of Mindanao who are under the sub- jection of Spain, are about ten thousand in number, of whom five or six thousand are at or in the neighbourhood of Samboangan. The original inhabitants, wl)o dwell in the mountains and on the east coast, are said to be quite black, and are represented to be a very cruel and bad set ; they have hitherto bid defiance to all attempts to subjugate them. When the Spaniards make excursions into the interior, which is seldom, they always go in large parties on account of the wild beasts, serpents, and hostile natives ; nevertheless, the latter frequently attack and drive them back. The little fort is considered as a sufficient protection for the fisher- men and small vessels against the pirates, who inhabit the island of Basillan, which is in sight from Mindanao, and forms the southern side of the straits of the same name. It is said that about seven S O O L O O. 331 « » 1 hundred inhabit it. The name of Moor is given by the Spaniards to all those who profess the Mohammedan religion, and by such all the islands to the west of Mindanao, and know^n under the name of the Sooloo Archipelago, are inhabited. The day we spent at Caldera was employed in surveying the bay, and in obtaining observations for its geographical position, and for magnetism. The flood tide sets to the northward and westward, through the straits, and the ebb to the eastward. In the bay we found it to run tw^o miles an hour by the log, but it must be much more rapid in the straits. At daylight on the 1st of February, we got under way to stand over for the Sangboys, a small island with two sharp hills on it. One and a half miles from the bay we passed over a bank, the least water on which was ten fathoms on a sandy bottom, and on which a vessel might anchor. The wind shortly after failed us, and we drifted with the tide for some hours, in full view of the island of Mindanao, w^hich is bold and picturesque. We had thus a good opportunity of mea- suring some of its mountain ranges, which we made about three thou- sand feet high. In the afternoon, a light breeze came from the southwest, and before sunset I found that we were again on soundings. As soon as we had a cast of tw^enty fathoms, 1 anchored for the night, judging it much better than to be drifting about w^ithout any knowledge of the locality and currents to w^hich w^e were subjected. On the morning of the 2d, we got under way to proceed to the westward. As the bottom was unequal, I determined to pass through the broadest channel, although it had the appearance of being the shoalest, and sent two boats ahead to sound. In this way we passed through, continuing our surveying operations, and at the same time made an attempt to dredge ; but the ground was too uneven for the latter purpose, and little of value w^as obtained. Shortly after passing the Sangboys, we had the island of Sooloo in sight, for which I now steered direct. At sunset we found ourselves within five or six miles of Soung Harbour; but there was not sufficient light to risk the dangers that might be in our course, nor wind enough to command the ship; and having no bottom where we were, I deter- mined again to run out to sea, and anchor on the first bank I should nieet. At half-past eight o'clock, we struck sounding in twenty-six fathoms, and anchored. At daylight we determined our position by angles, and found it to correspond with part of the route we had passed over the day before, and that w^e were about fifteen miles firom the laro^e island of Sooloo. 332 S O O L O 0. Weighing anchor, we were shortly wafted by the westerly tide and a light air towards that beautiful island, which lay in the midst of its^ little archipelago; and as we were brought nearer and nearer, we came to the conclusion that in our many wanderings we had seen nothing to be compared to this enchanting spot. It appeared to be well cultivated, with gentle slopes rising here and there into eminences from one to two thousand feet high. One or two of these might be dignified with the name of mountains, and were sufficiently high to arrest the passing clouds; on the afternoon of our arrival we had a singular example in the dissipation of a thunder-storm. Although much of the island was under cultivation, yet it had all the freshness of a forest region. The many smokes on the hills, buildings of large size, cottages, and cultivated spots, together with the moving crowds on the land, the prahus, canoes, and fishing-boats on the water, gave the whole a civilized appearance. Our own vessel lay, almost without a ripple at her side, on the glassy surface of the sea, carried onwards to our destined anchorage by the flowing tide, and scarce a sound was heard except the splashing of the lead as it sought the bottom. The eflfect of this was destroyed in part by the knowledge that this beautiful archipelago was the abode of a cruel and barbarous race of pirates. Towards sunset we had nearly reached the bay of Soung, when we were met by the opposing tide, which frustrated all OUT endeavours to reach it, and I was compelled to anchor, lest we should again be swept to sea- As soon as the night set in, fishermen's lights were seen moving along the beach in all directions, and gliding about in canoes, while the sea was filled with myriads of phosphorescent animalcula. After watching this scene for two or three hours in the calm and still night, a storm that had been gathering reached us ; but it lasted only for a short time, and cleared off after a shower, which gave the air a freshness that was delightful after the sultry heat we had experienced during the day. • The canoes of this archipelago were found to be diflferent from any that we had heretofore seen, not only in shape, but in making use of a double out- rigger, which consequently must give them additional security. The paddle also is of a different shape, and has a blade at each end, which are used ahernately, thus enabling a single person to manage them with ease. These canoes are made of a single log, though some are built upon. They seldom SECTION. p carry more than two persons. The figure on the opposite page will give a correct idea of one of them. I 0 fe 1^ P— JT E 1 I S O O L O O, 333 k ^ i We saw the fishermen engaged in trolling and using the line; but the manner of taking fish which has been heretofore described is chiefly practised. In fishing, as w^ell as in all their other employ- ments, the kris and spear were invariably by their side. SOOLOO CAXOI. The next morning at eight o'clock we got under way, and were towed by our boats into the bay of Soung, where we anchored off the town in nine fiithoms water. While in the act of doing so, and after our intentions had become too evident to admit of a doubt, the Sultan graciously sent off a message giving us permission to enter his port. Lieutenant Budd was immediately despatched wuth the interpreter to call upon the Datu Mulu or governor, and to learn at what hour we could see the Sultan. When the officer reached the town, all were found asleep; and after remaining four hours waiting, the only answer he could get out of the Datu Mulu was, that he supposed that the Sultan would be awake at three o'clock, w^hen he thought I could see him. During this time the boats had been prepared for surveying; and after landing the naturalists, they began the work- At the appointed time, Captain Hudson and myself went on shore to wait upon the Sultan. On our approach to the town, we found that a great proportion of it was built ov^er the water on piles, and only connected with the shore by narrow bridges of bamboo. The style of building in Sooloo does not differ materially from that of the Malays. The houses are rather larger, and they surpass the others in filth. KOL'SES AT SOUNG. We passed for some distance between the bridges to the landing, 334 S 0 O L O O. and on our way saw several piratical prahus apparently laid up. Twenty of these were counted, of about thirty tons burden, evidently built for sea-vessels, and capable of mounting one or two long guns. We landed at a small streamlet, and walked a short distance to the Datu's house, which is of large dimensions and rudely built on piles which raise it about six feet above the ground, and into which we were invited. The house of the Datu contains one room, part of which is screened off to form the apartment of his wife. Nearly in the centre is a raised dais, eight or ten feet square, under which are stowed all his valuables, packed in chests and Chinese trunks. Upon this dais are placed mats for sleeping, with cushions, pillows, &c.; and over it is a sort of canopy, hung around with fine chintz or muslin. The dais was occupied by the Datu, who is, next to the Sultan, the greatest man of this island. He at once came from it to receiv^e us, and had chairs provided for us near his sanctum. After we were seated, he again retired to his lounge. The Datu is small in person, and emaciated in form, but has a quick eye and an intelligent counte- nance. He lives, as he told me, with all his goods around him, and they formed a collection such as I could scarcely imagine it possible to bring together in such a place- The interior put me in mind of a barn inhabited by a company of strolling players. On one side were hung up a collection of various kinds of gay dresses, here drums and gongs, there swords, lanterns, spears, muskets, and small cannon ; on another side were shields, bucklers, masks, saws, and wheels, with belts, bands, and long robes. The whole was a strange mixture of tragedy and farce; and the group of natives were not far removed in appearance from the supernumeraries that a Turkish tragedy might have brought together in the green-room of a theatre- A set of more cowardly-looking miscreants I never saw. They appeared ready either to trade with us, pick our pockets, or cut our throats, as an opportunity might offer. The wife's apartment was not remarkable for its comforts, although the Datu spoke of it with much consideration, and evidently held his better half in high estimation. He was also proud of his six children, the youngest of whom he brought out in its nurse's arms, and exhibited with much pride and satisfaction. He particularly drew my attention to its little highly-wrought and splendidly-mounted kris, which was stuck through its girdle, as an emblem of his rank. He was in reality a fine-looking child. The kitchen was behind the house, and occupied but a small space, for they have little in the way of food that requires nauch preparation. The house of the Datu might justly be termed r nastv. S 0 O L O O. 335 [f I ,f» We now learned the reason why the Sultan could not be seen: it was Friday, the Mahomedan Sabbath, and he had been at the mosque from an early hour. Lieutenant Budd had been detained, because it was not known when he would finish his prayers; and the ceremonies of the day were more important than usual, on account of its peculiar sanctity in their calendar. Word had been sent off to the ship that the Sultan was ready to receive me, but the messenger passed us while on our way to the shore. After we had been seated for a while, the Datu asked if we were ready to accompany him to see the Sultan; but intimated that no one but Captain Hudson and myself could be permitted to lay eyes on him. Being informed that we were, he at once, and in pur pre- sence, slipped on his silken trousers, and a new jacket, covered with bell-buttons ; put on his slippers, strapped himself round with a long silken net sash, into which he stuck his kris, and, with umbrella in hand,: said he was ready. He now led the way out of his house, leaving the motley group behind, and we took the path to the interior of the town, towards the Sultan's. The Datu and I w^alked hand in hand, on a roadway* about ten feet wide, with a small stream running on each side. Captain Hudson and the interpreter came next, and a guard of six trusty slaves brought up the rear. When we reached the outskirts of the town, about half a mile from the Data's, we came to the Saltan's residence, where he- was prepared to receive us in state. His house is constructed in the same manner as that of the Datu, but is of larger dimensions, and the piles are rather . higher. Instead of steps, we found a ladder, rudely constructed of bamboo, and very crazy. This was so steep that it w^as necessary to use the hands in mounting it. I understood that the ladder was always removed in the night, for the sake of security. We entered at once into the presence-chamber, where the whole divan, if such it may be called, sat in arm-chairs, occupying the half of a large round table, covered with a white cotton cloth. On the opposite side of the table, seats were placed for us. On our approach, the Sultan and all his council rose, and motioned us to our seats. When we had taken them, the part of the room behind us was literally crammed, with well-armed men. A few minutes were passed in silence, during which time we had an opportunity of looking at each other, and i around the hall in which we w^ere seated- The latter ^vas of very common workmanship, and exhibited no signs of oriental magnifi- cence. Overhead hung a printed cotton cloth, forming a kind of 1 tester, w^hich covered about half of the apartment; In other places the roof and rafters were visible. A part of the house was roughly I * ,1 i7 836 S O O L 0 O. partitioned off, to the height of nine or ten feet, enclosing, as 1 was afterwards told, the Suhan's sleeping apartment, and that appropriated to his wife and her attendants. The Sultan is of the middle height, spare and thin ; he was dressed in a white cotton shirt, loose trousers of the same material, and slip- pers ; he had no stockings ; the bottom of his trousers was worked in scollops with blue silk, and this was the only ornament I saw about him. On his head he wore a small coloured cotton handkerchief, wound into a turban, that just covered the top of his head. His eyes were bloodshot, and had an uneasy wild look, showing that he was under the effects of opium, of which they all smoke large quantities. His teeth w^ere as black as ebony, which, with his bright cherry- coloured lips,* contrasted with his swarthy skin, gave him any thing but a pleasant look. On the left hand of the Sultan sat his two sons, while his right was occupied by his councillors; just behind him, sat the carrier of his betel-nut casket. The casket was of filigree silver, about the size of a small tea-caddy, of oblong shape, and rounded at the top. It had three divisions, one for the leaf, another for the nut, and a third for the lime. Next to this official was the pipe-bearer, who did not appear to be held in such estimation as the former. I opened the conversation by desiring that the Datu would explain the nature of our visit, and tell the Sultan that I had come to make the treaty which he had some time before desired to form with the United States.f The Sultan replied, that such was still his desire ; upon which I told him, I would draw one up for him, that same day. While I w^as explaining to him the terms, a brass candlestick was brought in with a lighted tallow candle, of a very dark colour, and rude shape, that showed but little art in the manufacture. This was placed in the centre of the table, with a plate of Manilla cigars. None of them, however, were offered to us, nor any kind of refreshment. Our visit lasted nearly an hour. When we arose to take our leave, the Sultan and his divan did the same, and we made our exit with low bows on each side. I looked upon it as a matter of daily occurrence for all those who came to the island to visit the Sultan : but the Datu Mulu took erreat * Chewing the betel-nut and pepper-leaf also produces this effect, and is carried to a great extent among these islanders. formed that he wished to encourage our trade, and to see tlie vessels of the United States coming to his port -V-: ^^-^^^^ ^ ^ '7 -*■ ->»^ > 1 \wr--' ■;-.;vlv >- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I—* ■■'A'-'^:-- ■:i' ^ :»■■-■-- ^W^C■:^;:^^'■. ■vv:s^^v '^ ^ - : ■^l^V.■■'.v,- -"-'^ ^^-: Vv- A .,»t ^■:-7^^^ .>^:'^:V'^ ■^:^'■^.:'^::>^' * - 1 c ^ .■- *i i ^ ■■■.-■ ' I '^;-^f:,;t^-- -;-' >- >':'^?v^ 1/ --r^ \ 7'J-- iK* .,^/ ■ -il^V ^. - ^^ C ""^-^ * "T* ft,'; □ "--■i S O O L O O. 337 » 1 \ pains to make me believe that a great favour had been granted in allowing us a sight of his ruler. On the other hand, I dwelt upon the condescension it was on my part to visit him, and I refused to admit that I was under any gratitude or obligation for the sight of His Majesty the Sultan Mohammed Damaliel Kisand, but said that he might feel grateful to me if he signed the treaty I would prepare for him. On our return from the Sultan's to the Datu Mulu's house, we found even a greater crowd than before. The Datu, however, contrived to get us seats. The attraction which drew it together w^as to look at Mr. Agate, who was taking a sketch of Mohammed Polalu, the Sul- tan's son, and next heir to the throne. I had hoped to procure one of the Sultan, but this was declared to be impossible. The son, how- ever, has all the characteristics of the Sooloos, and the likeness was thought an excellent one. Mohammed Polalu is about twenty-three years of age, of a tall slender figure, with a long face, heavy and dull eyes, as though he was constantly under the influence of opium. So much, indeed, was he addicted to the use of this drug, even according to the Datu Mulu's accounts, that his strenorth and constitution were o very much impaired. As he is kept particularly under the guardian- ship of the Datu, the latter has a strong interest in preserving this influence over him, and seems on this account to afford him every opportunity of indulging in this deplorable habit. During our visit, the effects of a pipe of this drug was seen upon him; for but a short time after he had reclined himself on the Datu's couch and cushion, and taken a few whiffs, he was entirely overcome, stupid, and listless. I had never seen any one so young, bearing such evident marks of the effects of this deleterious drug. When but partially recovered from its effects he called for his betel-nut, to revive him by its exciting effects. This was carefully chewed by his atten- dant to a proper consistency, moulded in a ball about the size of a walnut, and then slipped into the mouth of the heir apparent. One of the requests I had made of the Sultan was, that the officers might have guides to pass over the island. This was at once said to be too dangerous to be attempted, as the datus of the interior and southern towns would in all probability attack the parties. I under- stood what this meant, and replied that I was quite willing to take the responsibility, and that the party should be well armed. To this the ^ Sultan replied, that he would not risk his own men. This I saw was a mere evasion, but it was difficult and would be dangerous for our gentlemen to proceed alone, and I therefore said no more. On our return to the Datu's, I gave them permission to get as far from the vox- V. 2D 43 338 S O O L O O. beach as they could, but I was afterwards infoni-ied by them that in endeavouring to penetrate into the woods, they were always stopped by armed men. This was also the case w^hen they approached parti- cular parts of the town, but they were not molested as long as their rambles were confined to the beach. At the Datu's we were treated to chocolate and negus in gilt-edged tumblers, wdlh small stale cakes, M Mr his bowie-knife pistol, which he had for a moment laid down on a chest. I at once came to the conclusion that it had been stolen, and as the theft had occurred in the Datu's house, I determined to hold him responsible for it, and gave him at once to understand that I should do so, informing him that the pistol must be returned before the next morning, or he must lake the consequences. This threw him into some consternation, and by my manner he felt that I was serious- Captain Hudson and myself, previous to our return on board, visited the principal parts of the town. The Chinese quarter is separated by a body of water, and has a gateway that leads to a bridge. The bridge is covered by a roof, and on each side of it are small shops, which are open in front, and thus expose the goods they contain. In the rear of the shops w^ere the dwellings of the dealers- This sort of bazaar contained but a very scanty assortment, and the goods were of inferior quality. We visited some blacksmith-shops, where they were manufacturing krlses and spears. These shops were open sheds; the fire was made upon the ground, and two wooden cylinders, whose valves were in the bottom, served for bellows ; when used, they had movable pistons, which were worked by a man on an elevated seat, and answered the purpose better than could have been expected. The kris is a weapon in which this people take great pride; it is of various shapes and sizes, and is invariably worn from infancy to old age; they are generally wavy in their blades, and are worn in wooden scabbards, which are neatly made and highly polished. This weapon Is represented in the tail-piece to this chapter. The market was well stocked with fruit and fish. Among the former ibe durian seemed to predominate; this was the first time we had seen it. It has a very disagreeable odour, as if decayed, and appears to emit a sulphuretted hydrogen gas, w^hich I observed blackened silver. Some have described this fruit as delicious, but if the smell is not enough, the taste in my opinion will convince any one of the contrary. 3Ir. Brackenridge made the following list of their fruits : Durian, Artocarpus integrifolia, Melons, wafer and musk. Oranges, mandarin and bitter. Pine-annles. Carica oanava, Mansrosteen. Bread-fruit. Cocoa p I ^ S O 0 L O 0. 339 and Betel-nut. The vegetables were capsicums, cucumbers, yams, sweet-potatoes, garlic, onions, edible fern-roots, and radishes of the salmon variety, but thicker and more acrid in flavour. In walking about the parts of the town we were permitted to enter, large slabs of cut granite were seen, which were presumed to be from China, where the walls of canals or streamlets are lined with it. But Dr. Pickering in his rambles discovered pieces that had been cut as if to form a monument, and remarked a difference between it and the Chinese kind. On one or two pieces he saw the mark No. 1, in black paint ; the material resembled the Chelmsford granite, and it occurred to him that the stone had been cut in Boston.* I did not hear of this circumstance until after we had left Sooloo, and have little doubt now that the interdiction against our gentlemen visiting some parts of the town was owing to the fear they had of the discovery of this plunder. This may have been the reason why they so readily complied with my demands, in order to get rid of us as soon as possible, feeling them- selves guilty, and being unprepared for defence; for, of the numerous guns mounted, few if any were serviceable. The theft of the pistol was so barefaced an affair, that I made up my P mind to insist on its restoration. At the setting of the watch in the evening, it had been our practice on board the Vincennes to fire a small brass howitzer. This frequently, in the calm evenings, produced ^ f a great reverberation, and rolled along the w^ater to the surrounding islands with considerable noise. Instead of it, on this evening, I ordered one of the long guns to be fired, believing that the sound and reverberation alone would suffice to intimidate such robbers. One was accordingly fired in the direction of the town, which fairly shook the island, as they said, and it was not long before we saw that the rogues were fully aroused, for the clatter of gongs and voices that came over the water, and the motion of lights, convinced me that the pistol would be forthcoming in the morning. In this I was not mistaken, for at early daylight I was awakened by a special messenger from the Datu to tell me that the pistol was found, and would be brought off without delay; that he had been searching for it all night, and had at last suc- ceeded in finding it, as well as the thief, on whom he intended to inflict the bastinado. Accordingly, in a short time the pistol was delivered on board, and every expression of friendship and good-will given, with the strongest assurances that nothing of the kind should happen again- * Since our return, inquiries have been made by him, which resulted in proving that such was in truth their origin, and that the vessel in which they were shipped was for a long time missing. The identical stones which he saw were a part of a monument that was on its way to Canton. i 340 S O O L O O. As our naturalists could have no opportunity of rambling over the island of Sooloo, it was thought that one of the neighbouring islands (although not so good a field) would afford them many of the same resuhs, and that they could examine it unmolested. Accordingly, at an early hour, they were despatched in boats for that purpose, with a sufficient guard to attend them in case of necessity. The island on which they landed is called Marongas on the map of the group annexed to this chapter. On it are two hills of volcanic conglomerate and vesicular lava, containing angular fragments embedded. The bottom w^as covered wath living coral, of every variety, and of different colours ; but there was nothing like a regular coral shelf, and the beach was composed of bits of coral intermixed with dead shells, both entire and comminuted. The centre of the island was covered with mangrove- bushes; the hills were cones, but had no craters on them. The man- groves had grown in clusters, giving the appearance of a number of small islets. This, with the neighbouring islands, were thought to be composed in a great part of coral, but it was impossible for our gentlemen to determine the fact. The day was exceedingly hot, and the island was suffering to such a degree from drought that the leaves in many cases were curled and appeared dry. On the face of the rocky chff they saw many swallows (hirundo esculenta) flying in and out of the caverns facing the sea ; hut they were not fortunate enough to find any of the edible nests, so much esteemed by Chinese epicures. At another part of the island they heard the crowing of a cock, and discovered a small village, almost hidden by the mangroves, and built over the water. In the neighbourhood were several fish-baskets set out to dry, as well as a quantity of fencing for weirs, all made of rattan. Their shape was somewhat peculiar. After a little while the native fishermen were seen approaching, who evidently had a knowledge of their visit from the first. They came near with great caution in their canoes; but after the first had spoken and reconnoitred, several others landed, exhibiting no signs of embarrassment, and soon motioned our party off. To indicate that force w^ould be resorted to, in case of refusal, at the same time they pointed to their arms, and drew their krises. Our gentlemen took this all in good part, and, after dispensing a few trifling presents among them, began their retreat with a conve- nient speed, without, how-ever, compromising their dignity. The excursion had been profitable in the way of collections, having yielded a number of specimens of shrubs and trees, both in flower and fruit; but owing to the drought, the herbaceous plants were, for the most part, dried up. Among the latter, however, they saw a large and S O O L O 0. 341 # ? f ^ \ fine terrestrial species of Epidendrum, whose stem grew to the height of several feet, and when surmounted by its flowers reached twelve or fifteen feet high. Many of the salt-marsh plants seen in the Feejees, were also observed here. Besides the plants, some shells and a beautiful cream-coloured pigeon were obtained. During the day we were busily engaged in the survey of the harbour, and in making astronomical and raagnetical observations on the beach, while some of the officers were employed purchasing curi- osities, on shore, at the town, and alongside the ship. These consisted of krises, spears, shields, and shells; and the Sooloos were not slow in comprehending the kind of articles w^e w^ere in search of. Few if any of the Sooloos can write or read, though many talk Spanish- Their accounts ai'e all kept by the slaves. Those who can read and w^rite are, in consequence, highly prized. All the accounts of the Datu of Soung are kept in Dutch, by a young Malay from Ternate, who writes a good hand, and speaks English, and whom we found exceedingly useful to us. He is the slave of the Datu, who employs him for this purpose only. He told us he was captured in a brig by the pirates of Basillan, and sold here as a slave, where he is likely to remain for life, although he says the Datu has promised to give him his freedom after ten years. Horses, cows, and buffaloes are the beasts of burden, and a Sooloo may usually be seen riding either one or the other, armed cap-a-pie, with kris, spear, and target, or shield. \ SOOLOO RIDING. They use saddles cut out of solid wood, and many ride with their stirrups so short chat they bring the knees very high, and the riders 2D2 342 S O O L O O. 1 look more like well-grown monkeys than mounted men. The cows and buffaloes are guided by a piece of thong, through the cartilage of the nose. By law, no swine are allowed to be kept on the island, and if they are bought, they are immediately killed. The Chinese are obliged to raise and kill their pigs very secretly, when they desire that species of food ; for, notwithstanding the law and the prejudices of the inhabitants, the former continue to keep swine. The inhabitants of Sooloo are a tall, thin, and effeminate-looking race: I do not recollect to have seen one corpulent person among them. Their faces are peculiar for length, particularly in the lower jaw and chin, with high cheek-bones, sunken, lack-lustre eyes, and narrow foreheads- Their heads are thinly covered with hair, which appears to be kept closely cropped- I was told that they pluck out their beards, and dye their teeth black with antimony, and some file them. V Their eyebrows appear to be shaven, forming a very regular and high arch, which they esteem a great beauty. The dress of the common people is very like that of the Chinese, with loose and full sleeves, without buttons. The materials of which it is made are grass-cloths, silks, satins, or white cotton, from China* I should judge from the appearance of their persons, that they ought to be termed, so far as ablutions go, a cleanly people- There is no outward respect or obeisance shown by the slave to his master, nor is the presence of the Datu, or even of the Sultan himself, held in any awe. All appear upon an equality, and there does not seem to be any controlling power ; yet it may be at once perceived that they are suspicious and jealous of strangers. The Sooloos, although they are ready to do any thing for the sake of plunder, even to the taking of life, yet are not disposed to hoard their ill-gotten wealth, and, with all their faults, cannot be termed avaricious. They have but few qualities to redeem their treachery, cruelty, and revengeful dispositions ; and one of the principal causes of their being so predominant, or even of their existence, is their inordinate lust for power. When they possess this, it is accompanied by a haughty, con- sequential, and ostentatious bravery. No greater affront can be offered to a Sooloo, than to underrate his dignity and official consequence. Such an insult is seldom forgiven, and never forcrotten. From one who has made numerous voyages to these islands, I have obtained many of the above facts, and my ow^n observation assures me that this view of their character is a correct one. I would, however, add another trait, which is common among them, and that is cowardice, > I S O O L O O. 343 which is obvious, in spite of their boasted prowess and daring. This trait of character is universally ascribed to them among the Spaniards in the Philippines, who ought to be well acquainted with them. The dress of the women is not unlike that of the men in appearance, j They wear close jackets of various colours w^hen they go abroad, and the same loose breeches as the men, but over them they usually have a large wrapper (sarong), not unlike the pareu of the Polynesian ^ islanders, which is put round them like a petticoat, or thrown over the shoulders. Their hair is drawn to the back of the head, and around the forehead it is shaven in the form of a regular arch, to correspond with the eyebrows. Those that I saw at the Sultan's were like the Malays, and had light complexions, with very black teeth. The Datu thought them' very handsohie, and on our return he asked me if I had seen the Sultan's beauties. The females of Sooloo have the reputation of ruling their lords, and possess much "weight in the government by the influence they exert over their husbands. It may be owing to this that there is little jealousy of their wives, who are said to hold their" virtues in no very great estimation. In their houses they are but scantily clothed, though women of rank have I always a large number of rings on their fingers, some of which are of great value, as W' ell as earrings of fine gold. They wear no stock- ings, but have on Chinese slippers, or Spanish shoes. They are as capable of governing as their husbands, and in many cases more so, as they associate with the slaves, from whom they obtain some know- ledge of Christendom, and of the habits and customs of other nations, which they study to imitate in every way. The mode in which the Sooloos employ their time may be exem- \ plified by giving that of the Datu; for all, whether free or slave, i endeavour to imitate the higher rank as far as is in their power. The datus seldom rise before eleven o'clock, unless they have some parti- cular business; and the Datu Mulu complained of being sleepy in ^ consequence of the early hour at which we had disturbed him. "^ On rising, they have chocolate served in gilt glassware, with some light biscuit, and sweetmeats imported from China or Manilla, of which they informed me they laid in large supplies. They then lounge about their houses, transacting a little business, and playing \ at various games, or, in the trading season, go to the meeting of the Ruma Bechara. At sunset they take their principal meal, consisting of stews of fish, poultry, beef, eggs, and rice, prepared somewhat after the Chinese and Spanish modes, mixed up with that of the Malay. Although Moslems, they do not forego the use of wine, and some are said to indulge in it 344 SOOLOO. to a great extent. After sunset, when the air has become somewhat cooled by the refreshing breezes, they sally forth attended by their retainers to take a walk, or proceed to the bazaars to purchase goods, or to sell or to barter away their articles of produce. They then pay visits to their friends, when they are in the habit of having frequent convivial parties, talking over their bargains, smoking cigars, drinking wine and liqueurs, tea, coffee, and chocolate, and indulging in their favourite pipe of opium. At times they are entertained with music, both vocal and instrumental, by their dependants. Of this art they appear to be very fond, and there are many musical instruments among them. A datu, indeed, would be looked upon as uneducated if he could not play on some instrument. It is considered polite that when refreshments are handed they should be partaken of. Those offered us by the Datu were such as are usual, but every thing was stale. Of fruit they are said to be very fond, and can afford to indulge themselves in any kinds. With all these articles to cloy the appetite, only one set meal a day is taken; though the poorer classes, fishermen and labourers, partake of two. The government of the Sooloo Archipelago is a kind of oligarchy, and the supreme authority is vested in the Sultan and the Ruma Bechara or trading council. This consists of about twenty chiefs, either datus, or their next in rank, called orangs, who are governors of towns or detached provinces. The influence of the individual chiefs depends chiefly upon the number of their retainers or slaves, and the force they can bring into their service when they require it. These are purchased from the pirates, who bring them to Sooloo and its dependencies for sale. The slaves are employed in a variety of ways, as in trading prahus, in the pearl and biche de mar fisheries, and in the search after the edible birds'-nests. A few are engaged in agriculture, and those who are at all educated are employed as clerks. These slaves are not denied the right of holding property, which they enjoy during their lives, but at their death it reverts to the master. Some of them are quite rich, and what may appear strange, the slaves of Sooloo are invariably better off than the untitled freemen, who are at all times the prey of the hereditary datus, even of those who hold no official stations. By all accounts these constitute a large proportion of the population, and it being treason for any low-born freeman to injure or maltreat a datu, the latter, who are of a haughty, overbearing, and tyrannical disposition, seldom keep themselves within bounds in their treatment of their in- feriors. The consequence is, the lower class of freemen are obliged to put themselves under the protection of some particular datu, which > } 4 r S O O L O O. 345 guards them from the encroachment of others. The chief to whom they thus attach themselves, is induced to treat them well, in order to retain their services, and attach them to his person, that he may, in case of need, be enabled to defend himself from depredations, and the violence of his neighbours. Such is the absence of legal restraint, that all find it necessary to go abroad armed, and accompanied by a trusty set of followers, who are also armed. This is the case both by day and night, and, according to the Datu's account, frequent affrays take place in the open streets, which not unfrequently end in bloodshed- Caution is never laid aside, the only law that exists being that of force; but the weak contrive to balance the power of the strong by uniting. They have not only contentions and strife among themselves, but it w^as stated at Manilla that the mountaineers of Sooloo, w^ho are said to be Christians, occasionally make inroads upon them. At Soo- loo, how^ever, it did not appear that they were under much apprehen- sion of these attacks. The only fear I heard expressed was by the Sultan, in my interview with him ; and the cause of this, as I have already stated, was probably a desire to find an excuse for not afford- ing us facilities to go into the interior. Within twenty years, however, the reigning sultan has been obliged to retire within his forts, in the town of Sooloo, which I have before adverted to. These people are hostile to the Sooloos of the coast and towns, who take every opportunity to rob them of their cattle and property, for which the mountaineers seek retaliation when they have an opportu- nity- From the manner in which the Datu spoke of them, they are not much regarded. Through another source I learned that the moun- taineers were Papuans, and the original inhabitants of the islands, who pay tribute to the Sultan, and have acknowledged his authority, ever since they were converted \o Islamism. Before that time they- were considered extremely ferocious, and whenever it was practicable ^ they were destroyed. Others speak of an original race of Dyacks in the interior, but there is one circumstance to satisfy me that there is no confidence to be placed in this account, namely, that the island is not of sufficient extent to accommodate so numerous a population as some ascribe to it. \ The forts consist of a double row of piles, filled in with coral blocks. That situated on the east side of the small stream may be said to mount a few^ guns, but these are altogether inefficient; and in another, on the west side, which is rather a rude embankment than a fort, there are some twelve or fifteen pieces of large calibre ; but I doubt very I VOL. V. 44 346 S O O L O O. much if they had been fired off for years, and many of the houses built upon the water would require to be pulled down before these guns could be brought to bear upon any thing on the side of the bay, supposing them to be in a good condition; a little farther to the east of the town, I was informed they had a kind of stockade, but none of us w^ere permitted to see it. According to our estimates, and the information we received while at Sooloo, the island itself does not contain more than thirty thousand inhabitants, of which the town of Soung may have six or seven thou- sand. The whole group may number about one hundred and thirty thousand. I am aware, however, that it is difficult to estimate the population of a half-civilized people, who invariably exaggerate their own strength ; and visiters are likewnse prone to do the same thing. The Chinese comprise about an eighth of the population of the town, and are generally of the lower class. They are constantly busy at their trades, and intent upon making money. At Soung, business seems active, and all, slaves as well as masters, seem to engage in it. The absence of a strong government leaves all at liberty to act for themselves, and the Ruma Bechara gives unlimited freedom to trade. These circumstances promote the industry of the community, and even that of the slave, for he too, as before observed, has a life interest in what he earns. Soung being the residence of the Sultan, as well as the grand depot for all piratical goods, is probably more of a mart than any of the surrounding towns. In the months of March and April it is visited by several Chinese junks, who remain trading until the besjinning of the month of August. If delayed after that time, they can scarcely return in safety, being unable to contend with the boisterous weather and head winds that then prevail in the Chinese seas. These junks are said to come chiefly from Amoy, where the cottons, &c., best suited for the Sooloos are made. Their cargoes consist of a variety of articles of Chinese manufacture and produce, such as silk, satin goods, cottons, red and checked, grass-cloth clothing, handkerchiefs, cutlery, guns, ammunition, opium, lumber, china and glass-ware, rice, sugar, oil, lard, and butter. In return for this merchandise they obtain camphor, birds'-nests, rattans, biche de mar, pearls and pearl-shells, cocoa, tor- toise-shell, and wax ; but there is no great quantity of these articles to oe obtained, perhaps not more than tw^o or three cargoes during the season. The trade requires great knowledge of the articles purchased, for the Chinese and Sooloos are both such adepts in fraud, that great caution and circumspection are necessary. ! S O O L O 0. 3 17 ; > i The duties on importation are not fixed, but are changed and altered from time to time by the Ruina Bechara. The following was stated to me as the necessary payments before trade could be carried on. A large ship, with Chinese on board, pays ■ . • $2,000 " without tt M . . • . 1^800 Small sliipe, Large brig. Small brig", Schooners, 1,500 . 1,000 500 . from 150 to 400 This supposes them all to have full cargoes. That a difference should be made in a vessel with or without Chinamen, seems singular; but this, I was told, arose from the circumstance that English vessels take them on board, in order to detect and prevent the impositions of the Sooloos. Vessels intending to trade at Soung should arrive before the Chinese junks, and remain as long as they stay, or even a few days later. In trading with the natives, all operations ought to be carried on for cash, or if by barter, no delivery should be made until the articles to be taken in exchange are received. In short, it is necessary to deal with ? them as though they were undoubted rogues, and this pleases them much more than to appear unsuspicious. Vessels that trade engage a bazaar, which they hire of the Ruma Bechara, and it is advisable to secure the good-wnll of the leading datus in that council by presents, and paying them more for their goods than others. There are various other precautions necessary in dealing with this people; for they will, if possible, so act as to give rise to disputes, in w^hich case an appeal is made to their fellows, who are sure to decide against the strangers. Those who have been engaged in this trade, advise that the prices of the goods should be fixed upon before the Sultan, and the scales of the Datu of Soung employed; for although these are quite faulty, the error is compensated by the articles received being weighed in the same. This also secures the Datu's good-will, by the fee (some fifty dollars) which he receives for the use of them. Thus it will be perceived that those who desire to trade with Sooloo, must make up their minds to encounter many impositions, and to be continually w^atchful of their own interests. \ Every possible precaution ought to be taken ; and it will be found, the treatment will depend upon, or be according to the force or resolution that is displayed. In justice to this people it must be stated, there have been times when traders received every kindness and attention at the island of Sooloo, and I heard it even said, that many vessels had gone there to refit; but during the last thirty or forty years, the reigning 348 S 0 0 L O a 1 m sultans and their subjects have become hostile to Europeans, of whom they plunder and destroy as many as they can, and this they have hitherto been allowed to do with impunity. Although I have described the trade with Sooloo as Hmited, yet it is capable of greater extension ; and had it not been for the piratical habits of the people, the evil report of which has been so widely spread, Sooloo would now have been one of the principal marts of the East. The most fertile parts of Borneo are subject to its authority. There all the richest productions of these Eastern seas grow in immense quanti- ties, but are now left ungarnered in consequence of there being no buyers. The cost of their cultivation would be exceedingly low, and I am disposed to believe that these articles could be produced here at a lower cost than any where else. Besides the trade with China, there is a very considerable one with Manilla in small articles, and I found one of our countrymen engaged in this traffic, under the Spanish flag. To him I am indebted for much information that his opportunities of observation had given him. The materials for the history of Sooloo are meagre, and great doubt seems to exist in some periods of it. That which I have been able to rgather is as follows. The island of Sooloo is generally believed to have been originally inhabited by Papuans, some of whom, as I have already stated, are still supposed to inhabit the mountainous part. The first intercourse had with them was by the Chinese, who went there in search of pearls. The Orang Dampuwans were the first of the Malays to form settle- ments on the islands; but after building towns, and making other improvements, they abandoned the islands, in consequence, it is said, of the inhabitants being a perfidious race, having previously to their departure destroyed as many of the natives as they could. The fame of the submarine riches of this archipelago reached Banjar, or Borneo, the people of which were induced to resort there, and finding it to equal their expectation, they sent a large colony, and made endeavours to win over the inhabitants, and obtain thereby the possession of their rich isle. In order to confirm the alliance, a female of Banjarmassing, of great beauty, was sent, and married to the prin- cipal chief; and from this alliance the sovereigns of Sooloo claim their descent. The treaty of marriage made Sooloo tributary to the Ban- jarmassing empire. After the Banjars had thus obtained possession of the archipelago the trade in its products attracted settlers from the surrounding islands abo inaccessible mountains for protection. ; J t 1 1 I \ S O O L O 0. 349 When the Chinese took possession of the northern parts of Borneo, under the Emperor Songtiping, about the year 1375, the daughter of that prince was married to a celebrated Arabian chief named Shcrif Alii, who visited the shores of Borneo in quest of commerce. The descendants of this marriage extended their conquests not only over the Sooloo Archipelago, but over the whole of the Philippines, and rendered the former tributary to Borneo. In three Teigns after this event, the sultan of Borneo proper married the daughter of a Sooloo chief, and from this union came Mirhome Bongsu, who succeeding to the throne while yet a minor, his uncle acted as regent. Sooloo now wished to throw off the yoke of Borneo, and through the intrigues of the regent succeeded in doing so, as well as in retaining possession of the eastern side of Borneo, from Maludu Bay on the north, to Tulusyan on the south, which has ever since been a part of the Sooloo territory. This event took place before Islamism became the prevailing reli- gion ; but which form of idolatry, the Sooloos pretend, is not now known. It is, howev^er, believed the people on the coasts were Budhists, w^hile those of the interior were Pagans. The first sultan of Sooloo was Kamaludin, and during his reign one Sayed Alii, a merchant, arrived at Sooloo from Mecca. He was a sherif, and soon converted one-half of the islanders to his own faith. He was elected sultan on the death of Kamaludin, and reigned seven years, in the course of which he became celebrated throughout the archipelago. Dying at Sooloo, a tomb was erected to him there, and the island came to be looked upon by the faithful as the Mecca of the East, and continued to be resorted to as a pilgrimage until the arrival of the Spaniards. Sayed Alii left a son called Batua, who succeeded him- The latter had two sons, named Sabudin and Nasarudin, who, on the death of their father, made w^ar upon each other. Nasarudin, the youngest, being defeated, sought refuge on Tawi Tawi, where he established < himself, and built a fort for his protection. The difficulties were finally compromised, and they agreed to reign together over Sooloo. Nasa- rudin had two sons, called Amir and Bantilan, of whom the former was named as successor to the two brothers, and on their deaths ascended the throne. During his reign another sherif arrived from Mecca, who succeeded in converting the remainder of the population to Islamism. Bantilan and his brother Amir finally quarrelled, and the latter was driven from Sooloo to seek refuge in the island of Basillan, where he became sultan. On the arrival of the Spaniards in 1566, a kind of desultory war was waged by them upon the various islands, in the hope of conquer- 2E ^ _ -k 350 S O O L O O. ing them and extending their religion. In these wars they succeeded in gaining temporary possession of a part of Sooloo, and destroyed the tomb of Sayed Alii- The Spaniards always looked upon the con- version of the Moslems to the true Catholic faith with great interest; but in the year 1646, the sultan of Magindanao succeeded in making peace, by the terms of which the Spaniards withdrew from Sooloo, and were to receive from the sultan three cargoes of rice annually as a tribute. In 1608, the small-pox made fearful ravages, and most of the inhabi- tants fled from the scourge- Among these was the heir apparent, during whose absence the throne became vacant, and another was elected in his stead- This produced contention for a short time, which ended in the elected maintaining his place. This tribute continued to be paid until the flight of Amir to Basillan, about the year 1752, where he entered into a secret correspondence with the authorities at Samboangan, and after two years a vessel was sent from Manilla, which carried him to that capital, where he was treated as a prisoner of state. In June, 1759, an English ship, on board of which was Dalrymple, then in the service of the East India Company, arrived at Sooloo on a trading voyage. Dalrymple remained at Sooloo for three months, engaged in making sales and purchases. The Sultan Bantilan treated him with great kindness, and sought the interest of Dalrymple to obtain the liberation of his brother, who was now held prisoner by the Spaniards at Manilla, by telling him of the distress of his brother's wife, who had been left behind when Amir quitted the island, and had been delivered of twins, after he had been kidnapped by the Spaniards. Dalrymple entered into a pledge to restore Amir, and at the same time effected a commercial treaty between the East India Company and the Sooloo chiefs. By this it was stipulated that an annual cargo should be sent to Sooloo, and sold at one hundred per cent, profit, for which a return cargo should be provided for the China market, which should realize an equal profit there, after deducting all expenses. The over- plus, if any, was to be carried to the credit of the Sooloos. This appears to have been the first attempt made by the English to secure a regular commercial intercourse with this archipelago. Jq the year 1760, a large fleet of Spanish vessels sailed from Manilla, with about two thousand men, having the Sultan Amir on board, to carry on a war against Sooloo. On their arrival, they began active operations. They w^ere repelled CD all sides, and after seven days' ineffectual attempts, they gave up their design. Thev returned to Manilla, it is said, with a loss of half > I ? SOOLOO. 351 their number, and without having done any injury to the Sooloos. Not discouraged with this failure, the Spaniards, about two years after, organized a still larger force, which is estimated by some ac- counts as high as ten thousand men. Although this failed in its attempts on the fort at Soung, the Spaniards obtained possession of Tanjong Matonda, one of the small ports on the island, where they erected a church and fort. Here they established a colony, and appointed a governor. The inhabitants upon this deserted their habi- tations in the neighbourhood, and fled to the mountains, which, it is said, excited the mountaineers, a host of whom, with their chief, whose name was Sri Kala, determined to rush upon the Spaniards, and annihilate them. Having to contend against disciplined troops, it was not an easy task to succeed. But Sri Kala had a follower, named Sigalo, who offered to lead the host to battle against the Spaniards, and to exterminate them, or die in the attempt. The chief accepted his offer, and Sigalo, with a chosen few, marched towards the fort, leaving the rest of the mountaineers in readiness to join them at an appointed signal, and rush into the fort en masse. Sri Kala and Sigalo, in order to lull the watchfulness of the Spa* niards, took with them a young w^oman, of exquisite beauty, named Purmassuri. The lustful Spaniards were thus thrown off their guard, the signal was given, and the host, rushing forward, entered the fort, every Spaniard within which was slain. A few only, who were on the outside, escaped to the vessels, which set sail, and after encounter- ing various mishaps, returned to Manilla. Some time after this the Sultan Bantilan died, and his son Alim-ud- deen was proclaimed sultan. Dalrymple did not return until 1762, with a part of the appointed cargo ; but the vessel in which the larger part had been shipped, failed to arrive, from not being able to find Sooloo, and went to China. Thence she proceeded to Manilla, and afterwards to Sooloo. The captain of the latter vessel gave a new ^ credit to the Sooloos, before they had paid for their first cargo; and on the arrival of Dalrymple the next time, he found that the small-pox had carried off a large number of the inhabitants, from which circum- stance all his hopes of profit were frustrated. He then obtained for the use of the East India Company, a grant of the island of Balamban- gan, which lies off the north end of Borneo, forming one side of the Straits of Balabac, the western entrance to the Sooloo Sea. Here he proposed to establish a trading port, and after having visited Madras, he took possession of this island in 1763. In October, 1763, the English took Manilla, where the Sultan Amir was found by Dalrymple, who engaged to reinstate him on his throne, I s 352 SOOLOO. if he would cede to the English the north end of Borneo, as well as the south end of Palawan. This he readily promised, and he was, in consequence, carried back to Sooloo and reinstated ; his nephew, Alim-ud-deen, readily giving place to him, and confirming the grant to the East India Company, in which the Ruma Bechara joined. After various aiTangements, the East India Company took possession of Balambangan, in the year 1773, and formed a settlement there with a view of making it an emporium of trade for Eastern commodities. Troops and stores w^ere sent from India, and the population began to increase by settlers, both Chinese and Malays, who arrived in numbers. In the year 1775, the fort, notwithstanding all the treaties and engage- ments between Dalrymple and the Sultan, was surprised by the Sooloos, and many of the garrison put to death- This virtually put an end to the plans of the English, although another attempt was made to re-establish the settlement by Colonel Farquhar, in 1803; but it was thought to be too expensive a post, and was accordingly abandoned in the next year. This act of the Sooloos fairly estabhshed their charac- ter for perfidy, and ever since that transaction they have been looked upon as treacherous in the highest degree, and, what is singular, have been allowed to carry on their piracies quite unmolested. The taking of Balambangan has been generally imputed to the treacherous dispo- sition and innate love of plunder among the Sooloos, as well aslo-their fear that it would destroy the trade of Sooloo by injuring all that of the archipelago- But there are strong reasons for believing that this dark deed owed its origin in part to the influence of the Spaniards and Dutch, who looked with much distrust upon the growth of the rival establishment. Such was the jealousy of the Spaniards, that the governor of the Philippines peremptorily required that Balambangan should be evacuated. The Sooloos boast of the deed, and admit that they received assistance from both Samboangan and Ternate, the two nearest Spanish and Dutch ports. These nations had great reasons to fear the establishment of a power like that of the East India Company, in a spot so favourably situated to secure the trade of the surrounding^ islands, possessing fine harbours, and in every w^ay adapted to become a great commercial depot- Had it been held by the East India Com- pany but for a few years, it must have become what Singapore is now. The original planner of this settlement is said to have been Lord Pigot; but the merit of carrying it forward w^as undoubtedly due to Dalrymple, whose enterprising mind saw the advantage of the situa- tion, and whose energy was capable of carrying the project success- fully forward. Since the capture of Balambangan, there has been no event in the S O O L O O. 353 t 1 V % t history of Sooloo that has made any of the reigns of the sultans memo- rable, ahhough fifteen have since ascended the throne. Sooloo has from all the accounts very much changed in its character as well as population since the arrival of the Spaniards, and the esta- blishment of their authority in the Philippines. Before that event, some accounts state that the trade with the Chinese was of great extent, and that from four to five hundred junks arrived annually from Cambojia, with which Sooloo principally traded. At that time the population is said to have equalled in density that of the thickly-settled parts of China. The government has also undergone a change; for the sultan, who among other Malay races is usually despotic, is here a mere cipher, and the government has become an oligarchy- This change has probably been brought about by the increase of the privileged class of datus, all of whom were entitled to a seat in the Ruma Bechara until about the year 1810, when the great inconvenience of so large a council w^as felt, and it became impossible to control it without great difficulty and trouble on the part of the suhan. The Ruma Bechara was then reduced until it contained but six of the principal datus, who assumed the power of controlling the state. The Ruma Bechara, how- ever, in consequence of the complaints of many pow'crful datus, was enlarged ; but the more pow^erful, and those who have the largest numerical force of slaves, still rule over its deliberations. The whole power, within the last thirty years, has been usurped by one or two datus, who now have monopolized the little foreign trade that comes to these islands. The sultan has the right to appoint his successor, and generally names him while living. In default of this, the choice devolves upon the Ruma Bechara, who elect by a majority. From a more frequent intercourse with Europeans and the discovery of new routes through these seas, the opportunities of committing* depredations have become less frequent, and the fear oi detection greater. By this latter motive they are more swayed than by any thing else, and if the Sooloos have ever been bold and daring robbers on the high seas, they have very much changed. Many statements have been made and published relative to the piracies committed in these seas, which in some cases exceed, and in others fall short, of the reality. Most of the piratical establishments are under the rule, or sail under the auspices of the Sultan and Ruma Bechara of Sooloo, who are more or less intimately connected with them. The share of the booty that belongs to the Sultan and Ruma Bechara is twenty-five per cent, on all captures, whilst the datus receive a high price for the advance they make of guns and powder, r and for the services of their slaves. VOL. V. 2 E 3 45 354 S O O L 0 0, The following are the piratical establishments of Sooloo, obtained from the most authentic sources, published as well as verbal. The first among these is the port of Soung, at which we anchored, in the island of Sooloo ; not so much from the number of men available here for this pursuit, as the facility of disposing of the goods. By the Spaniards they are denominated Ilia nun or Lanuns pirates.* There are other rendez- vous on Pulo Toolyan, at Bohol, Tonho, Pilas, Tawi Tawi, Sumlout, Pantutaran, Parodasan, Palaw^an, and Basillan, and Tantoli on Celebes, These are the most noted, but there are many minor places, where Haifa dozen prahus are fitted out. Those of Sooloo, and those who go under the name of the Lanuns, have prahus of larger size, and better fitted. They are from twenty to thirty tons burden, and are propelled by both sails and oars. They draw but little water, are fast sailers, and well adapted for navigating through these dangerous seas. These pirates are supposed to possess in the whole about two hundred prahus, which usually are manned with from forty to fifty pirates ; the number therefore engaged in this business, may be estimated at ten thousand. They are armed with muskets, blunderbusses, krises, hatchets, and spears, and at times the vessels have one or two large guns mounted. They infest the Straits of Macassar, the Sea of Celebes, and the Sooloo Sea. Soung is the only place where they can dispose of their plunder to advantage, and obtain the necessary outfits. It may be called the principal resort of these pirates, where well- directed measures would result in effectually suppressing the crime. Besides the pirates of Sooloo, the commerce of the eastern islands is vexed with other piratical establishments. In the neighbouring seas, there are the Malay pirates, who have of late years become exceedingly troublesome- Their prahus are of much smaller size than those of Sooloo, being from ten to twelve tons burden, but in proportion they are much better manned, and thus are enabled to ply with more efficiency their oars or pt^dles. These prahus frequent the shores of the Straits of Malacca, Cape Romania, the Carimon Isles, and the neighbouring straits, and at times they visit the Straits of Rhio. Some of the most noted, I was informed, were fitted out from Johore, in the very neighbourhood of the English authorities at Singapore; they generally have their haunts on the small islands on the coast, from which they make short cruises. They are noted for their arrangements for preventing themselves from receiving injury, in the desperate defences that are sometimes made against them. These small prahus have usually swivels mounted, ■ * This name is derived from the large bay that makes in on the south side of the island of Mindanao, and on which a set of ireebooters reside. S O O L O 0. 355 1 I which, although not of great calibre, are capable of throwing a shot beyond the range of small-arms. It is said that they seldom attempt an attack unless the sea is calm, which enables them to approach their victims with more assurance of success, on account of the facility with which they are enabled to manage their boats. The frequent calms which occur in these seas between the land and sea breezes, afford them many opportunities of putting their villanous plans in operation ; ? and the many inlets and islets, with which they are well acquainted, afford places of refuge and ambush, and for concealing their booty. They are generally found in small flotillas of from six to twenty prahus, and when they have succeeded in disabling a vessel at long shot, the sound of the gong is the signal for boarding, which, if suc- cessful, results in a massacre more or less bloody, according to the obstinacy of the resistance they have met with. In the winter months, the Straits of Malacca are most infested with them ; and during the summer, the neighbourhood of Singapore, Point Romania, and the channels in the vicinity. In the spring, from Fe- bruary to May, they are engaged in procuring their supplies, in fishing, and refitting their prahus for the coming year. I have frequently heard plans proposed for the suppression of these pirates, particularly of those in the neighbourhood of the settlements under British rule. The European authorities are much to blame for the quiescent manner in which they have so long borne these depre- dations, and many complaints are made that Englishmen, on being transplanted to India, lose that feeling of horror for deeds of blood, such as are constantly occurring at their very doors, which they would experience in England. There are, however, many difficulties to overcome before operations against the pirates can be effective. The greatest of these is the desire of the English to secure the good- will of the chiefs of the tribes by whom they are surrounded. They thus wink at their piracies on the vessels of other nations, or take no i steps to alleviate the evils of slavery. Indeed the language that one < hears from many intelligent men who have long resided in that part of the world is, that in no country where civilization exists does slavery exhibit so debasing a form as in her Indian possessions. Another difficulty consists in the want of minute knowledge of the coasts, inlets, and hiding-places of the pirates, and this must continue to exist until proper surveys are made. This done, it would be neces- sary to employ vessels that could pursue the pirates every where, for which purpose steamers naturally suggest themselves. What wdll appear most extraordinary is, that the very princes who are enjoying the stipend for the purchase of the site whereon the 356 S O O L O O. English authority is established, are believed to be the most active in equipping the prahus for these piratical expeditions; yet no notice is taken of them, although it would be so easy to control them by with- holding payment until they had cleared themselves from suspicion, or bv establishing; residents in their chief towns. Another, and a very different race of natives who frequent the Sooloo Archipelago, must not be passed by without notice. These are the Bajow divers or fishermen, to whom Sooloo is indebted for procuring the submarine treasures with which her seas are stored. They are also very frequently employed in the biche de mar or tripang fisheries among the islands to the south. The Bajow^s gene- rally look upon Macassar as their principal place of resort. They were at one time believed to be derived from Johore, on the Malayan peninsula; at another, to be Buguese; but they speak the Sooloo dialect, and are certainly derived from some of the neighbouring islands. The name of Bajows, in their tongue, means fishermen. From all accounts, they are allowed to pursue their avocations in peace, ^nd are not unfrequently employed by the piratical datus, H and made to labour for them. They resort to their fishing-grounds in fleets of between one and two hundred sail, Iiaving their wives and children with them, and in consequence of the tyranny of the Sooloos, endeavour to place themselves under the protection of the flag of Holland, by which nation this useful class of people is encouraged. T!ie Sooloo seas are comparatively little frequented by them, as they are unable to dispose of the produce of their fisheries for want of a market, and fear the exactions of the datus. Their prahus are about five tons each. The Bajows at some islands are stationary, but are for the most part constantly changing their ground. The Spanish authorities in the Philippines encourage them, it is said, to frequent their islands, as without them they would derive little benefit from the banks in the neighbouring seas, where quantities of pearl-oysters are known to exist, which produce pearls of the finest kind. The Bajows are inoffensive and very industrious, and in faith Mahomedans- The climate of Sooloo during our short stay, though warm, was agreeable. The time of our visit was in the dry season, which lasts from October till April, and alternates with the wet one, from May till September. June and July are the windy months, when strong breezes blow from the westward. In the latter part of August and September, strong gales are felt from the south, while in December and January the winds are found to come from the northward ; but light winds usually prevail from the southwest during the wet season, S O O L O O. 357 and from the opposite quarter, the dry, following closely the order of the monsoons in the China seas. As to the temperature, the climate is very equable, the thermometer seldom rising above 90^ or falling below 70^. Diseases are few, and those that prevail arise from the manner in which the natives live. They are from that cause an unhealthy-looking race* The small-pox has at various times raged with great violence throughout the group, and they speak of it with great dread. Few of the natives appeared to be marked with it, which may have been owing, perhaps, to their escaping this disorder for some years. Vacci- nation has not yet been introduced among them, nor have they practised inoculation. Notwithstanding Soung was once the Mecca of the East, its people have but little zeal for the Mahomedan faith. It was thought at one lime that they had almost forgotten its tenets, in consequence of the neglect of all their religious observances- The precepts which they seem to regard most are that of abstaining from swine's flesh, and that of being circumcised. Although polygamy is not interdicted, few even of the datus have more than one wife. } Soung Road offers good anchorage ; and supplies of all kinds may be had in abundance. Beef is cheap, and vegetables and fruits at all seasons plenty. Our observations placed the town in latitude 6"^ 01' N., longitude 120^55' 51" E. On the 6th, having concluded the treaty (a copy of which will be found in Appendix XIII.) and the other business that had taken me to Sooloo, w^e took our departure for the Straits of Balabac, the western entrance into this sea, with a fine breeze to the eastward. By noon we had reached the group of Pangootaaraang, consisting of five small islands. All of these are low, covered with trees, and without lagoons. They presented a great contrast to Sooloo, which was seen behind us in the distance. The absence of the swell of the ocean in sailing through this sea is striking, and gives the idea of navigating an extensive bay,on w^hose luxuriant islands no surf breaks- There are, howev^er, sources of danger that incite the navigator to watchfulness and constant anxiety ; the hidden shoals and reefs, and the sweep of the tide, which leave him no control over his vessel. Through the night, which was exceedingly dark, we sounded every twenty minutes, but found no bottom ; and at daylight on the 7th, we made the islands of Cagayan Sooloo, in latitude 7^ 03' 30" N., longitude 118° 37' E. The tide or current was passing the islands to the west-southwest, three quarters of a mile per hour; we had If 358 SOOLOO. soundings of seventy-five fathoms. Cagayan Sooloo has a pleasant appearance from the sea, and may be termed a high island. It is less covered with undergrowth and mangrove-bushes than the neigh- ^.V^., ... ^AiV* ...^w^ bouring islands, and the reefs are comparatively small. It has fallen off in importance; and by comparing former accounts with those I received, and from its present aspect, it would seem that it has decreased both in population and products. Its caves formerly sup- plied a large quantity of edible birds'-nests ; large numbers of cattle were to be found upon it ; and its cultivation was carried on to some extent. These articles of commerce are not so much attended to at the present time, and the biche de mar and tortoise-shell, formerly brought hither, are now carried to other places. There is a small anchorage on the west side, but we did not visit it. There are no dangers near these small islands that may not be guarded against. Our survey extended only to their size and situation, as I deemed it my duty to devote all the remainder of the time I had to spare to the Straits of Balabac. After the night set in, we continued sounding every ten minutes, and occasionally got bottom in from thirty to seventy fathoms. At midnight, the water shoaled to twenty fathoms, when I dropped the anchor until daylight. We shortly afterwards had a change of wind, and a heavy squall passed over us. — — In the morning we bad no shoal ground near us, and the bank on which we had anchored was found to be of small size ; it is probable r that we had dropped the anchor on the shoalest place. Vessels have nothing to fear in this respect. At 9 A. M. of the 8th, we made the Mangsee Islands ahead of us, and likewise Balabac to the north, and Balambangan to the south. Several sand-banks and extensive reefs were also seen between them. On seeing the ground on which we had to operate, of which the published charts give no idea whatever, I determined to proceed, and take a central position with the ship under the Mangsee Islands; but in order not to lose time, I hoisted out and dropped two boats, under Lieutenant Perry, to survey the first sand-bank we came to, which lies a few miles to the eastward of these islands, with orders to effect this duty and join me at the anchorage, or find a shelter under the lee. of the islands. At half-past 2 p. m. we anchored near the reef, in thirty-six fathoms water. I thought myself fortunate in getting bottom, as the reefs on closing with them seemed to indicate but little appearance of it. The rest of the day was spent in preparing the boats for our opera- tions. I now felt the want of the tender. Although in the absence S O O L O O. 359 of this vessel, great exposure was necessary to effect tin's survey, I found both officers and men cheerful and willing. The parties were organized, — tlic first to proceed to the north, towards Balabac Island, to survey the intermediate shoals and reefs, tinder Lieutenant Emmons and Mr. Totten ; the second to the south, under Lieutenants Perry and Budd ; and Mr. Hammersly for the survey of the shoals of Balambangan and Bangucy, and their reefs. The examination of the Mangsee Islands, and the reefs adjacent, with the astronomical and magnetic observations, &c., devolved on myself and those who remained on board the ship. The weather was w^atched with anxiety, and turned out disagree- able, heavy showers and strong winds prevailing; notwithstanding, the boats were despatched, after being as wxU protected against it as . possible. We flattered ourselves that these extensive reefs would produce a fine harvest of shells ; but, although every exertion was made in the search, we did not add as many to our collections as w^e anticipated. Some land-shells, how^ever, were found that we little expected to meet with, for many of the trees were covered with them, and on cutting them down, large quantities were easily obtained. Mr. ; Peale shot several birds, among w^hich was a Nicobar pigeon ; some interesting plants and corals were also added. On the island a large quantity of drift-wood was found, which with that which is growing affords ample supplies of fuel for ships. No fresh water is to be had, except by digging, the island being but a few feet above high-water mark. Although the time was somewhat unfavourable, Lieutenant Em- mons and party executed their orders within the time designated, and met wath no other obstructions than the inclemency of the weather. This was not, however, the case with Lieutenant Perry, who, near a smallbeach on the island of Balambangan, encountered some Sooloos, who were disposed to attack him. The natives, no doubt, were und^r r the impression that the boats were from some shipwrecked vessel They were all well armed, and apparently prepared to take advantage of the party if possible ; but, by the prudence and forbearance of this officer, collision w^as avoided, and his party saved from an attack. The island of Balambangan was through the instrumentality of I Mr. Dalrymple, as heretofore stated, obtained from the Sooloos for a settlement and place of deposit, by the East India Company, who took possession of it in 1773. Its situation off the northern end of Borneo, near the fertile district of that island, its central position, and its two fine ports, offered great advantages for commerce, and for its becoming a great entrepot for the riches of this archipelago. 360 S O O L O O. Troops, and stores of all kinds, were sent from India ; numbers of Chinese and Malays were induced to settle ; and Mr. Herbert, one of the council of Bencoolen, was appointed governor. It had been sup- posed to be a healthy place, as the island was elevated, and therefore probably free from malaria; but in 1775 the native troops from India became much reduced from sickness, and the post consequently much weakened. This, with the absence of the cruisers from the harbour, afforded a favourable opportunity for its capture ; and the wealth that it was supposed to contain created an inducement that proved too great for the hordes of marauding pirates to resist. Choosing their time, they rushed upon the sentries, put them to death, took possession of the guns, and turned them against the garrison, only a few of whom made their escape on board of a small vessel. The booty in goods and valuables was said to have been very large, amounting to nearly four hundred thousand pounds sterling. Although Borneo offers many inducements to commercial enter- prise, the policy of the Dutch Company has shut themselves out, as well as others, by interdicting communication. In consequence, ex- cept through indirect channels, there has been no information obtained of the singular and unknown inhabitants of its interior. This, how- ever, is not long destined to be the case. Mr. Brooke, an English gentleman of fortune, has, since our pas- sage through these seas, from philanthropic motives, made an agree- ment with the rajah of Sarawack, on the northern and western side of Borneo, to cede to him the administration of that portion of the island. This arrangement it is believed the British government will confirm, in which event Sarawack will at once obtain an importance among the foreign colonies, in the Eastern seas, second only to that of Singapore. The principal inducement that has influenced Mr. Brooke in this undertaking is the interest he feels in the benighted people of the interior, who are known under the name of Dyack, and of whom some extraordinary accounts have been given. A few of these, which I have procured from reputable sources, I will now relate, in order that it may be seen among what kind of people this gentleman has undertaken to introduce the arts of civili- zation. The Dyacks are, by all accounts, a fine race, and much the most numerous of any inhabiting Borneo- They are almost exclusively confined to the interior, where they enjoy a fine climate, and all the spontaneous productions of the tropics. They are believed to be the aborigines of the island. The name of Dyack seems to be more -^ .x.l^£__U.. TT-.J ■ sooLoa 3(51 > particularly applied to those who live in the southern section of Borneo. To the north they are called Idaan or Tirun, and those so termed are best known to the Sooloos, or the inhabitants of that part of the coast of Borneo over which the Sooloos rule. In personal appearance, the Dyaclis are slender, have higher foreheads than the Malays, and are a finer and much better-looking people. Their hair is long, straight, and coarse, though it is generally cropped short round the head. The females are spoken of as being fair and handsome, and b * I I 1 \ many of those who have been made slaves are to be seen among the Malays. In manners the Dyacks are described as simple and mild, yet they are characterized by some of the most uncommon and revolting cus- toms of barbarians. Their government is very simple; the elders in each village for the most part rule ; but they are said to have chiefs that do not differ from the Malay rajahs. They wear no clothing except the maro, and many of them are tattooed, with a variety of figures, over their body. They live in houses built of wood, that are generally of large size, and frequently contain as many as one hundred persons. These houses are usually built on piles, divided into compart- ments, and have a kind of veranda in front, which serves as a commu- nication between the several families. The patriarch, or elder, resides m the middle. The houses are entered by ladders, and have doors, but no windows. The villages are protected by a sort of breastwork. Although this people are to be found throughout all Borneo, and even within a few miles of the coast, yet they do not occupy any part of its shores, which are held by Malays, or Chinese settlers. There is no country more likely to interest the world than Borneo. All accounts speak of vast ruins of temples and palaces, throughout the whole extent of its interior, which the ancestors of the present inha- bitants could not have constructed. The great resemblance these bear to those of China and Cambojia has led to the belief that Borneo was formerly peopled by those nations ; but all traditions of the origin of these edifices have been lost; and so little is now known of the northern side of Borneo, that it would be presumption to indulge in any surmises of what may have been its state during these dark ages. Even the Bugis priests, who are the best-informed persons in the country, have no WTitings or traditions that bear upon the subject; and the few scattered legends of Eastern origin, can afford no proof of the occurrence of the events they commemorate in any particular locality. The accounts of the habits of the Dyacks are discrepant. Some give them credit for being very industrious, while others again speak of them as indolent. They are certainly cultivators of the soil, and VOL. V- 2F 46 362 S O O L O O. in order to obtain the articles they need, will work assiduously. Many of them are employed in collecting gold-dust, and some in the diamond mines ; and they will at titnes be found procuring gums, rattans, &c., from their native forests for barter. They are a people o[ great energy of character, and perseverance in the attainment of their object, par- ticularly when on war-parties, or engaged in hunting. Their food consists of rice, hogs, rats, snakes, monkeys, and many kinds of vermin, with which this country abounds. Their chief weapon is the parang or heavy knife, somewhat like the kris. It is manufactured of native iron and steel, with which the coast of the country is said to abound. They have a method of work- ing it which renders it unnecessary for them to look to a foreign supply ; the only articles of foreign hardware that they are said to desire, are razors, out of which to make their cockspurs. One thing seems strange : although asserted upon good authority, that the iron and steel of the coast are thought to be superior by foreigners, they are not to be compared with that which is found in the interior, and manufactured by the Dyacks. Malay rajahs and chiefs, are obtained from the interior. Some of these are exquisitely manufactured, and so hard that, without turning the edge, they cut ordinary wrought iron and steel. Among their other weapons is the sumpit, a hollow tube, through which they blow poisoned arrows. The latter are of various kinds, and those used in war are dipped in the sap of what the natives term the " upo." The effect of this poison is ahnost instantaneous, and destroys life in four or five minutes. Those who have seen a wound given accidentally, describe the changes that the poison occasions as plainly perceptible in its progress. Before using the arrow, its poisoned point is dipped in lime-juice to quicken it. The range of the sumpit is from fifty to sixty yards. Although the arrows are poisoned, yet it is said they sometimes eat the game they kill with them, parboiling it before it is roasted, which is thought to extract the poison. Fire- arms, respecting which they have much fear, have not yet been intro- duced aniong them ; indeed, it is said that so easily are they intimi- dated by such weapons, that on hearing a report of a gun they invariably run aw^ay. Each individual in a host would be impressed with the belief that he was the one that was to be shot. They address their prayers to the maker of the world, whom they call Dewatta, and this is all the religion they have. There are many animals and birds held by them in high veneration, and they are close observers of the flight of birds, from which they draw prognostics. •There is in particular a white-headed eagle or kite, upon whose flight r SOOLOO. 303 and cries they put great reliance, and consult them in war or on any particular expedition. For this purpose they draw numbers of thetn together, and feed them by scattering rice about. It is said their priests consult their entrails also on particular occasions, to endeavour to look into future events. In the performance of their engagements and oaths, they are most scrupulous. They seem to have some idea of a future life, and that on the road to their elysium they have to pass over a long tree, which requires the assistance of all those they have slain in this world-. The abode of happy spirits is supposed to be on the top of Kini Balu, one of their loftiest mountains, and the portals are guarded by a fiery serpent, who does not suffer any virgin to pass into the celestial paradise. Polygamy does not exist among them, but they have as concubines slaves, who are captured in their w^ars or rather predatory expeditions. If a wife proves unfaithful to her husband, he kills several of his slaves, or inflicts upon her many blows, and a divorce may be effected by the husband paying her a certain price, and giving up her clothes and ornaments, after which he is at liberty to marry another. The women, how^ever, exercise an extraordinary influence over the men. But of all their peculiar traits, there is none more strange than the passion they se6m to indulge for collecting human hends. Thpf^e are necessary accompaniments in many transactions of their lives, par- ticularly in their marriages, and no one can marry unless he has a certain number of heads ; indeed, those who cannot obtain these are looked upon with disdain by the females. A young man wishing to wed, and making application to marry her for whom he has formed an attachment, repairs with the girl's father to the rajah or chief, who immediately inquires respecting the number of heads he has procured, and generally decides that he ought to obtain one or two more, ac- cording to his age, and the number the girl's father may have pro- cured, before he can be accepted. He at once takes his canoe and some trusty followers, and departs on his bloody errand, w^aylaying the unsuspecting or surprising the defenceless, whose head he imme- diately cuts off, and then makes a hurried retreat. With this he repairs to the dwelling of his mistress, or sends intelligence of his success before him. On his arrival, he is met by a joyous group of females, who receive him with every demonstration of joy, and gladly accept his ghastly offering. Various barbarous ceremonies now take place, among which the heads undergo inspection to ascertain if they are fresh ; and, in order to prove this, none of the brain must be removed, nor must they have 364 S O O L O O. been submitted to smoke to destroy the smell After these prelimi- • naries, the family honour of the bride is supposed to be satisfied, and she is not allowed to refuse to marry- A feast is now made, and the couple are seated in the midst naked, holding the bloody heads, when handfuls of rice are thrown over them, with prayers that they may be happy and fruitful. After this, the bridegroom repairs in state to the house of the bride, where he is received at the door by one of her friends, who sprinkles him with the blood of a cock, and her with that of a hen. This completes the affair, and they are man and wife- Funerals are hkewise consecrated by similar offerings, the corpse remaining in the house until a slave can be procured, by purchase or otherwise, whom they design to behead at the time the body is burnt. This is done in order that the defunct may be attended by a slave on his w^ay to the other world or realms of bliss. After being burnt, the ashes of the deceased are gathered in an urn, and the head of the slave preserved and placed near it. in some parts, a rajah or chief is buried with great pomp in his war habiliments, and food and his arms are placed at his side. A mound is erected over him, which is encircled with a bamboo fence, upon which a number of fresh heads are stuck, all the warriors who have been attached to him bringing them as the most acceptable offering; and subsequently theEe horrid ofleriags arc renewed. j„_ _ The Dyacks are found also on the island of Celebes, but there, as in Borneo, they are confined to the interior. I have already mentioned that 'they were supposed to have been the original inhabitants of the Sooloo Archipelago. The Sooloos speak of the country of the Dyacks as being exceedingly fertile and capable of producing everything. The north end of Borneo is particularly valuable, as its produce is easily transported from the interior, where much of the land is cultivated- I have obtained much more information in relation to this people, in a variety of- ways, from individuals as well as from the published accounts, which are to be found at time5 in the Eastern prints; but as this digression has already extended to a great length, I trust that enough has been said to enable the reader to contrast it with the natives who inhabit the islands that dot the vast Pacific Ocean, and to make him look forward wqth interest to the developements that the philan- thropic exertions of Mr. Brooke may bring to light. Having completed our duties here, the boats were hoisted in, after Mr bottle tied to a flag-staff. On the afternoon of the 12th, we got under w^ay to proceed direct to Singapore, and passed through the channel between the reef off the ; I S 0 0 L O O. 365 Mangsee Islands, and those of Balambangan and Bannruev. We found this channel clear, and all the dangers well defined. As the principal objects of my visit were to ascertain the disposition and resources of the Sooloos for trade, and to examine the straits lead- ing into the Sooloo seas, in order to facilitate the comnr\unication with China, by avoiding on the one hand the eastern route, and on the other the dangers of the Palawan Passage, it may be as w^ell to give the result of the latter inquiry, referring those who may be more particu- larly interested to the Hydrographical Atlas and Memoir. The difficulties in the Palawan Passage arising from heavy seas and fresh gales do not exist in the Sooloo Sea, nor are the shoals so numerous or so dangerous. In the place of storms and rough water, smooth seas are found, and for most of the time moderate breezes, which do not subject a vessel to the wear and tear experienced in beating up against a monsoon. The Straits of Balabac may be easily reached, either from Singa- pore, or by beating up along the western shore of Borneo. When the straits are reached, a vessel by choosing her time may easily pass through them by daylight, even by beating when the wind is ahead. Once through, the way is clear, with the exception of a few coral lumps ; the occasional occurrence of the north w^ind will enable a vessel to pass directly to the shores of the island of Panay. A fair wind will ordinarily prevail along that island, and, as I have already mentioned, it may be approached closely. The passage through to the eastward of Mindoro Island may be taken in preference to that on the west side through the Mindoro Strait, and thus all the reefs and shoals will be avoided. Thence, the western coast of Luzon will be followed to the north, as in the old route. I do not think it necessary to point out any particular route through the Sooloo Sea, as vessels must be guided chiefly as the winds blow, but I would generally avoid approaching the Sooloo Islands, as the * currents are more rapid, and set rather to the southw^ard. Wherever ' there is anchorage, it would be advisable to anchor at night, as much time might thus be saved, and a knowledge of the currents or sets of I the tides obtained. Perhaps it w^ould be as well to caution those who are venturesome, that it is necessary to keep a good look-out, and those who are timid, that there does not appear to be much danger from the piratical prahus, unless a vessel gets on shore : in that case it will riot be long befoie they will be seen collecting in the horizon in large numbers. The treaty that I made with the Sultan, if strictly enforced on the first infraction, will soon put an end to all the dangers to be appre- 2F2 366 S O 0 L 0 O. hended from them. To conclude, I am satisfied that under ordinary circumstances, to pass through the Sooloo Sea will shorten by several days the passage to Manilla or Canton, and be a great saving of expense in the wear and tear of a ship and her canvass. On the 13th, we passed near the location of the Viper Shoal, but saw nothing of it. It is, therefore, marked doubtful on the chart. As I had but little time to spare, the look-outs w^ere doubled, and we pur- sued our course throughout the night, sounding as we went every fifteen minutes ; but nothing met our view. On the 14th, aUhough we had the northeast monsoon blowing fresh, we experienced a current of twenty-two miles setting to the north. This w^as an unexpected result, as the currents are usually supposed to prevail in the direction of the monsoon. On the 15th, we still experienced it, though not over fifteen miles. On the 16th, we found it setting west, and as we approached the Malayan Peninsula it was foynd to be running southwest. On the 18th, we made Pulo Aor and Pulo Pedang, and arriving off the Straits of Singapore Ihove-to, to await daylight. In the morning at dawn, we found ourselves in close company with a Chinese junk. The 19th, until late in the afternoon, we were in the Singapore Straits, making but slow progress towards this emporium of the East. The number of native as well as foreign vessels which we passed, proved that w^e were approaching some great mart, and at 5 p. m. w^e dropped our anchor in Singapore Roads. Here we found the Porpoise, Oregon, and Flying-Fish, all well : the two former had arrived on the 22d of January, nearly a month before, and the latter three days previously. Before concluding this chapter, I shall revert to their proceedings since our separation off the Sandwich Islands. The instructions to the brigs have been heretofore given ; but it may not be amiss to repeat here that the object in detaching them was, that they might explore the line of reefs and islands known to exist to the northward and westward of the Hawaiian Group, and thence continue their course towards the coast of Japan. Had they effected the latter object, it would have given important results in relation to the force of the currents, and the temperature of the water. It was desirable, if possible, to ascertain with certainty the existence on the coast of Japan of a current similar to the Gulf Stream, to which my attention had been particularly drawn. The first land they made was on the 1st of December, 1841, and was Necker Island. Birds, especially the white tern, had been seen in numbers prior to its announcement.' Necker Island is apparently a mass of volcanic rocks, about three hundred feet high, and is destitute ; f S O O L O O. 367 of any kind of vegetation, but covered with guano. It is surrounded by a reef, three miles from which soundings were obtained, in twenty fathoms water. The furious surf that was beating on all sides of the island, precluded all possibility of a landing being made. By the con- nected observations of the vessels it lies in longitude 164^ 37' W., and latitude 23^ 44' N- ■m The French-Frigate Shoal was seen on the 3d ; the weather proved bad, and they were unable to execute the work of examining this reef. The sea was breaking furiously upon it- On the 7th, the Maro Reef was made in latitude 25^ 24' 29" N., longitude 170° 43' 24" W. Bottom was found at a distance of four miles from the reef, with forty-five fathoms of line. On the 8th, they passed over the site of Neva Isle, as laid down by Arrowsmith, but no indications of land were seen. On the 11th, Lieutenant-Commandant Ringgold determined, on ac- count of the condition of the brigs, and the continuance pf bad weather, it was impossible to keep their course to the northward and westward towards the coast of Japan: he therefore hauled to the southward, which was much to be regretted, and followed so very nearly in the same track as that pursued by the Vincennes, towards the China seas, that nothing new was elicited by them. After a passage of fifty-six days from the Sandwich Islands, ihey dropped their anchors in Singapore on the 19th of January, 1842, all welL Here they found the United States ship Constellation, Commo- dore Kearney, and the sloop of war Boston, Captain Long, forming the East India squadron. SOOLOO ARMS. I *' I ; CHAPTEE X. CONTENTS, COXSUL— ENTRANCE OP THE RIVER— LANDING— VIEW FROM THE CONSULATE— GREAT VARIETY OF COSTUMES, RACES, RELIGIONS, AND LANGUAGES— POLICE AND MILITARY FORCE- HISTORY OP THE SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE— ITS GOVERNMENT- TREATY OF 1824— POLICY OF HOLLAND-CHEAPNESS OF BUILDING— SOCIETY— ISLAND OF SINGAPORE- TIGERS — BOTANY AND CULTIVATED PLANTS — MODE OF CONVEYANCE — CHINESE INHABITANTS— THEIR GAMBLING— THEIR APPEARANCE AND DRESS— THEIR TEMPLE —THEIR FESTIVAL OP THE NEW YEAR— THEIR THEATRICALS-THEIR FUNERALS— ~^ FESTIVAL OF THE SHIITE MAHOMEDANS— AMUSEMENTS OF THE GENTOOS— BANISHED BRAHMIN-^MAHOMEDANSECTS-CONVICTS— MARKET— CURRENCY— TRADES-MALAYS— ARMENIANS-PARSEES-ARABS-CAFFRE3— MIXTURE OF RACES— CHINESE CEMETERY — GENTOO BURIAL-PLACE — MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY — AMERICAN MISSIONARIES - PAPUAN SLAVES — MANUSCRIPTS — SHIP OF THE KING OF COCHIN-CHINA ^CHINESE JUNKS— TRADE OF SINGAPORE —TAXES — SLAVERY— OPIUM SHOPS — SMALL PROPOR- TION OF FEMALES IN THE POPULATION — PENINSULA OF MALACCA — ITS GOVERN- MENT—ITS RELIGION— MALAY CEREMONIES AT BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND FUNERALS —MALAY SACRIFICES-ANIMALS OF MALAYAN PENINSULA — PROBABLE INFLUENCE OF STEAM ON THE TRADE OF THE EAST— RAVAGES OF THE WHITE ANTS— CLIMATE i OF SINGAPORE-SALE OF FLYING-FISH-DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE. (360) r 4 \ r ' »-.;■. O r »^ ■riinn^^r^riv CHAPTER X. I SINGAPORE. 1842. On drawing near to Singapore, as has already been remarked, it becanfie evident that we were approaching a great mart of Eastern commerce. If this be apparent when merely approaching that place, the impression becomes far more striking on anchoring in the road- stead, for there we found a collection of shipping, of various sizes, from the tiny cockboat to the stately and well-formed Indiaman. The shipping are contrasted not only in size, but in rig and form, from the vast hulk-like junk to the light and skipping sampan;* and many of them were of kinds entirely new to us. Not only were a great part of the vessels of a novel description, but their national flags were equally strange- Many of the latter were now seen by us for the first time, and were displayed in various ways ; some flew at each masthead, others floated from horizontal yards, while the more civi- lized nations were distinguished by ensigns pendent from the peak. The variety in the style of paint and ornament was equally great. The Chinese junks exhibited their arched sides painted in curved streaks of red, yellow, and white ; the Siamese ships, half European in structure and model, showed huge carved sterns ; and these were contrasted with the long, low, and dark hulls of the prahus and the opium-smuggler. The two latter classes perhaps excited the greatest attention, in consequence of the w^ar they are continually carrying on against the property and lives, as well as the morals and laws, of the natives of the surrounding countries. sampan is a light and easy-pulling boat, used *m the shipping in the roads. (3n) 372 SINGAPORE. It is difficult to estimate the average number of vessels that are to be seen in the roads of Singapore; for on some days they appear crowded, while on others they are comparatively empty. While many vessels are continually arriving and departing, the Chinese junks alone appear as fixtures ; moVe than fifty of them were counted, with sails unbent, yards housed, and rudders unhung, in which state they resemble floating shops, wherein are offered for sale assortments of every article produced or manufactured in the Celestial Empire; samples of which, by way of sign, are to be seen hanging about them in all directions. These junks make no more than one voyage a year, performing their passage in either direction during the favouring monsoon. Unlike other ports, the water presents at first so many objects to attract the attention, that the land and town remain unnoticed until the curiosity in relation to those which are afloat is satisfied. On turn- ing to view the town, its situation appears to be low, as well as that of the island on which it is built. The highest point of the latter is not more than five hundred feet above the level of the sea, and even this elevation is distant, so that there is nothing to render the scenery pic- turesque, nor has it much of the character that is styled Oriental. The distant jungle, however, relieved by the white portions of buildings in the European style, furnishes a landscape pleasing to the eye. These buildings seem to be upon the very beach, while a hill in the rear is crowned by the dwelling of the governor, near which is the flag-staflf. The intervening space is filled with buildings, whose style holds an intermediate place between that of Europe, and that of the Chinese and Malays, neither of which predominates so much as to give its distinc- tive character to the scene. The stranger, after anchoring in the roads, is not long before he discovers the point at which the river discharges itself; for one con- tinued stream of boats, sampans, and prahus, is seen tending to a point in the beach, where the entrance is partly concealed from view; neither can he belong ignorant how large a concourse of various races is here assembled. Our ship was crowded from an early hour, with tailors, shoemakers, washerwomen, and venders of curiosities. The latter brought shells, birds of paradise, monkeys, parrots, corals, and mats. Without-board there were innumerable bumboats, bringing for sale fresh bread, eggs, milk, chickens and ducks, both alive and cooked, fish, fruit, and vegetables- All sued piteously for permission to come alongside, and made a prodigious clatter. The features, dress, and language of the venders were as various as the articles they had to sell; and they agreed only in the common character of a dark skin. -L^ L I i t i —6 SINGAPORE. 373 The specimen thus presented of the population of Singapore prepared us for the sight of the motley group we were to meet on shore. At Singapore I had the pleasure of renewing my acquaintance with Mr. Balestier, our w^orthy consul. To him, his lady, and his son, we are under many obligations for their kind treatment and attention. Mr. Balestier is so wxll known among men of science in the United States, it would be needless for me to say that from him I derived much interesting information relative to the place, its com- merce, &C.5 for which I here offer my acknowledgments. He was extensively engaged in the cultivation of sugar, on a plantation of one thousand acres, within two miles of Singapore, nearly half of .which was under cultivation. This extent of ground he has by his exertions reclaimed from the jungle, and it bids fair to repay the labour and expense he has incurred in clearing and bringing it into cultivation. He is the first person who has attempted the cultivation of sugar at Singapore, and for his success he was awarded the gold medal of the Calcutta Agricultural Society. As we passed through the vessels with which the roads were crowded on our way to the shore, the hum of voices was plainly audible, particularly from the Chinese junks, which seemed not un- like a human hive. On reaching the mouth of the river, as was to be expected, the crowd thickened, and the way became more and more obstructed, until we were fairly jammed among the sampans, with their crowded population. The river does not exceed two hundred and fifty feet in width. It is shallow at its mouth, and passes through the centre, or rather divides the old from the new town; these are connected by a wooden bridge. As far up as the bridge, which is about one-third of a mile from the entrance, the river is of various wudths, and its banks have been carefully built up with stone, having steps occasionally for the convenience of landing from the boats. A large population is on the river, dwelling in the sam- pans, which are all crowded with men, women, and children, the ' latter naked, and frolicking in and out of the w^ater at pleasure. These boats are ranged in rows on each side of the passage towards the bridge, and are confined by stakes stuck in the bottom. As may be well imagined, there are frequent accidents and misadventures, . that call for the exercise of the lungs of this crowded multitude, yet during the many opportunities I had of viewing them, both by day and night, I have seldom seen a set of people apparently so contented. ~ We landed at the bridge, near which is the office of our consul, in a large quadrangular building, one side of which faces the river. The terms of old and new town promise a difference of architecture 2G 374 SINGAPORE. as well as inhabitants, which they amply fulfil. The former occu- pies the southwest or left-hand side of the river, and exhibits along the quay a fine row of stuccoed or chunaraed warehouses. The lower story of the greater part of these is an arcade supported by pillars at short distances. They are only two stories high, devoid of architectural ornament, but are convenient buildings for the trade. On the right are to be seen the buildings appropriated to the govern- ment offices. These are situated on an extensive parade-ground, studded with a few fine trees. The houses having extensive porticoes, and being adorned with flowers in large vases, have rather an elegant appearance, but this is in part dissipated on a nearer approach. They are usually enclosed with low walls, surmounted by iron railings, within which are small flower-gardens, that do not, however, display much taste. The bridge which connects the two tow^ns is by far the most attractive place in Singapore, for the constant passing and repassing across this thoroughfare makes it particularly amusing to a stranger. The consults rooms were so situated as to command a free view of this moving panorama. The number of Asiatic nations that frequent Singapore is said to be twenty-four, consisting of Chinese, Hindoos, Malays, Jews, Armenians, Parsees, Bugists, besides Europeans. The variety of costume exhibited may therefore be easily imagined, and afforded opportunities for inquiry as well as amusement. The bridge was particularly thronged during the first day of our visit, for it was a holiday, both with the Chinese and Mahomedans of Hindoostan. The trades, as is usual in the East, are carried on in the streets, and carpenters, blacksmiths, tinners, butchers, bakers, tailors, barbers, crockery and opium sellers, and coffin-makers, are to be met in suc- cession. Money-changers are to be found here and there, and large well-supplied shops are not wanting, although their narrow and con- tracted fronts give no reason to anticipate their existence. That of Whampoa, our comprador, was one of the largest, and it gave a better idea of Noah's ark than of any thing else, presenting a mixture of living animals, with every thing that is required for the artificial wants of the shipping. In front were all the varieties of ship stores that China and Europe could furnish ; and in the rear were poultry, pigs, sheep, and pigeons, in pens and cages, with various parrots, cockatoos, and monkeys, while quantities of geese, and ducks were accommodated beneath with pools of water. Between the live-stock and the groceries were large quantities of vegetables and fruit, be- sides lots of bread, flour, and dough ready for the oven. The noise occasioned by the cackling, bellowing, crowing, and bleating, with SINGAPORE. 375 I the accumulation of filth, surprised as well as disgusted ; for although it was reached at every tide by the water, yet there was ample neces- sity for the use of brooms and shovels. The Chinese, though cleanly in their persons, are far from being so in their general habits, if we may judge from those that I have met in the places we have visited. On landing, that which impresses a stranger most strongly, is the ' great variety both of costume and of race. Almost every person that is encountered appears different from his predecessor, so that it is some time before it can be decided wdiich nation predominates ; but on reaching the old town, this is no longer doubtful, for the Chinese are soon found to be the most numerous. The variety of religious sects also soon become evident. All have their places of worship, and enjoy the free exercise of their religion, so i that in passing around, the mosque of the Mahomedan, the temple of the Chinese, and the churches of various Christian sects, are met with in their turn. The number of spoken languages is such as to recall the idea of Babel, and to excite h desire to learn the cause of such a collection of nations. This is partly to be found in the favourable commercial site of Singapore, on the great highway bet^veen the Eastern and Western nations, and in the protection afforded to all by its being under a European power, but chiefly in the fact of its being a free port, in every sense of the word. All are allowed to visit it without any question being asked ; pirates of any nation may refit here, and no doubt frequently do, without any molestation, so long as they keep the peace. I was much struck with the apparent absence of either police or military force; but after some inquiry, I was satisfied, by the order and general quiet of the multitude, that there must be a controlling power within reach, and found the policemen under the semblance of Persians, easily distinguishable by their neat and cleanly appearance. They are generally better dressed than the body of the inhabitants, and are to be known by their red and black sashes, and turbaned heads. Without the precincts of the town, a regiment of Sepoys, six hundred strong, and officered by Europeans, is stationed. These are to be seen habited like English soldiers, in close-bodied red coats, than which a more inappro- priate dress in such a climate as this can scarcely be imagined. Before proceeding with the description of Singapore, it veill be as well to give some account of its settlement and progress to its present prosperous condition. Malacca did position 376 SINGAPORE. about restoring the possession of Malacca to Holland in 1818. Major Farquhar, then resident at Malacca, in that year entered into a com- mercLal treaty ^vith Abdulrahman Shah, who had been acknowledged as sovereign of Johore by the Dutch. By this treaty, British subjects, or persons under the protection of the Company, had equal rights for commercial pursuits with the most favoured nation, in the ports of Johore, Lingin, and Rhio. The Dutch had no sooner got possession of Malacca, and received information of Major Farquhar's treaty, than they sent an overpower- ing force to Rhio, where Abdulrahman resided; declared him their vassal, annulled the treaty made with the English resident, and dictated another wdth the sultan, bv which British commerce was entirely excluded from the ports of the straits. In order to counteract this attempt upon the part of Holland to keep exclusive possession of the only passes into the Chinese seas, the Straits of Sunda and Malacca, the Marquis of Hastings, who was then Governor-General of India, despatched Sir Stamford Raffles to the Straits of Malacca, to ascertain if there w^ere*not a place at the Carimon Isles, or Singapore, of which the Dutch had not possession, suitable for the establishment of a factory; and in this duty Major Farquhar was associated with him. On the arrival of Sir Stamford Raffles, he found that the Dutch had taken possession of Rhio, as before mentioned; and it was then sug- gested by Captain Ross, the able surveyor in the Company's employ, that Singapore offered the most suitable location for their purpose. About this time, Sir Stamford Raffles, while off this place, was visited by the Tumungong of Johore, a chief hostile to the Dutch, and an enemy to Abdulrahman Shah, The Tumungong represented that the rightful heir w^as the elder brother, Hassain Mahomed Shah, and that the British by treating with him would derive a right to settle from the legitimate authority. Sir Stamford saw the force of this advice, and determined at once to treat for the occupation of the island of Singa- pore with Hassain Mahomed. As a preliminary to this, the recognition of Mahomed Shah as sultan, by two great officers of the empire, was necessary. The Bandahara of Pahang, and the Tumungong of Johore, were selected for this purpose, and when this preliminary had been arranged, Hussain Shah was invited over from Rhio, installed, and recognised. The commissioners at once treated with him as the lawful sovereign of Johore, for the cession and immediate settlement of Singapore. This was one of the w^ise arrangements entered into by that intelligent officer, who so long and so satisfactorily ruled over Java. The treaty, from the hurry in which it was drawn up, was SINGAPORE. 377 I 1 found to have circumscribed the limits of the ceded district to but a small portion of the south coast of the island, and the jurisdiction to extend only as far as a cannon-shot into the interior immediately around the factory. This Hmit continued until 1824, when a cession of the entire island was obtained, and a treaty of alHance and friendship was concluded between the Company and the Sultan, The jurisdiction w^as also for ever ceded to the Company of the seas and islands within ten geographical miles of the coast of Singapore. In consideration of these concessions, the Company gave the Sultan thirty-three thousand dollars, with an annuity of fifteen thousand, and to the Tumungong twenty-six thousand dollars, and an annuity of eight thousand. The annuities were to be paid monthly; and it w^as farther agreed, that if the Sultan or the Tumungong desired to remove at any time from the island of Singapore to other parts of their dominions, they should be entitled to the further sum of ten and fifteen thousand dollars, for all their right and title to any immovable property they might possess. This treaty secured free commercial intercourse for both parties, with perfect neutrality in all respects, and freedom from offensive and defensive alUances. Under this tenure Singapore is now held. Singapore being the only free port in this part of the world, soon attracted to it all the surrounding nations, not only on account of the absence of duties, or of any regulations impeding trade, but as offering a mart where they could with ease dispose of their goods, and obtain supplies. Many of the rnost opulent merchants of the East have settled here, and the Chinese in particular have found it to afford a suitable field for the exercise of their trades. The jurisdiction of Singapore, or the "Straits Government," as it is here called, embraces Malacca and Prince of Wales Island. The office of governor was filled during our visit, by Samuel George Bonham, Esq., whose usual residence is at Singapore, but I had not the pleasure of seeing him, as he was absent on a tour of duty. A steamer is attached to this service, and enables the governor to I communicate freely with the three ports. At each port there is a recorder's court, for the trial of offences, and the settlement o^ com- mercial difficulties. A chief justice, who resides at Singapore, is the principal law officer for criminal offences, and is appointed by the i crown. Capital punishment is referred for approval to the authorities at home. ^ By the treaty of 1824, the Dutch gave up Malacca, which had become useless to them, and the English bound themselves not to make settlements on any of the islands to the sotith of it. This was certainly a very unwise covenant on the part of Great Britain, and VOL. V. 2G2 48 378 SINGAPORE. showed great want of knowledge respecting the resources and geo- graphical position of the various islands. • This false step has been prejudicial to the interests of Great Britain, and has entailed upon the fine islands of Borneo, Celebes, Banca, &c., the benighted policy that has so long been pursued by Holland. Banca, from which England has thus excluded herself, by all accounts is said to possess the best tin mines in the world. In this treaty of March, 1824, signed at London, it was mutually agreed that piracy should be extirpated from the Eastern seas ; but the practice has probably ex- isted to full as great if not greater extent in the few years that have since elapsed, as at any previous epoch. It cannot but appear evident that the political relations w^ith Hol- land, which have existed, and still continue to exist, in these islands, have had little effect in improving the state of civilization ; for although that nation has been in possession of power for nearly tw^o hundred years, yet the natives of the several islands are not found to be more advanced in the arts or sciences, nor their comforts or conveniences of life in any degree improved by its influence, although thousands of Europeans have grown rich upon their labours. This is no doubt one of the usual effects of a monopoly; and these islands, which are blessed with all the abundance of God's providence, have by the grasping hand of avarice been impoverished, and made the seat of bloodshed and w^ant. Slavery is as prevalent, and as openly countenanced, as on their being first taken possession of. It would be difficult for any one to point out what good the policy of Europe in the East has brought upon the islanders, in return for the riches that have been derived from them. It might be expected that English law and English justice would exist at a place where the authority of Great Britain avowedly exists, and over w^hich its flag waves; but this is not the case in Singapore. No ri no redress are to be had against the wuU of the public officer. He may tear down a resident's house, and there is no preventive for the wrong. Instances have occurred where the very soil has been dug off a garden by his order, and against the wishes and consent of the owner, because it so pleased the dignitary to will that it should be level with the street, which had been graded a foot or two below the level On expostulation and inquiry, no redress would be given, or damao-es allow^ed. Fortunately, neither the land nor building is of great value, for a hundred dollars in Singapore would go as far in the construction of a building as a thousand with us. Of the society we saw but little; what we did see appeared to be SINGAPORE. 379 ) ) sociable and agreeable, but is necessarily small, being confined to but sixty or seventy individuals. The island of Singapore is composed of red clay, sandstone, and in some places granite. The locality of the town appears to have been a salt-marsh, with a narrow strip of rocks and sand near the beach. In consequence of its rapid increase, they are beginning now to fill up the low ground with the surplus earth taken from the sur- rounding hills. The highest point of Singapore is called Buhit Tima, and does not exceed, it is said, five hundred feet in elevation. Althou^rh this hei^^ht o o is but seven miles distant from the town, I was told it has never yet been visited by a European and seldom by natives, on account of the * obstructed nature of the intervening country; there are a few small fishing or piratical establishments (the two names are synonymous here, for when the people are not engaged in the one, they are in the other), on the north and west end of the island. The length of the island is twenty-seven miles, and its greatest breadth is fifteen. It is divided from the peninsula by the old strait of Singapore, so long followed by navigators, for reasons it is now difficult to surmise, when I the short, wide, and safe channel was open to them, which is now altogether used. -The botany of Singapore is far from being thoroughly known, not- withstanding so many scientific expeditions have visited it; nor is it likely to become so very soon, infested as the woods are with tigers. It is remarkable that before the island w^as inhabited, tigers did not exist in it, although there were great numbers of them in the peninsula opposite ; and it is said that they have only made their appearance here within the last six or seven years. Indeed, one of the reasons assigned for its selection, was the absence of this ferocious animal, and of the wild elephant. It is to be presumed, therefore, that the tigers come in search of food, by swimming over the narrow straits. Some fifty persons have been killed by them within the last two years, within two miles of the centre of the town, and two hundred in all are reported as having become victims to these beasts. Criminals and thieves were I , • . ' formerly in the habit of escaping to the woods or jungle, but of late years this has not been attempted by them. The government, in consequence of the attacks of tigers becoming so frequent, and of the jungle being so much infested by them, offered a premium of one hundred dollars for every tiger's head that should be brought in. This induced large parties to hunt them ; but, since the government have reduced the reward to fifty dollars, this daring business has not been followed ; not, however, from any scarcity of t 380 SINGAPORE, the animals, for ihey now frequently seize men working in the imme- diate vicinity, but because the sum is too small to be an equivalent for the risk and trouble. From a stuffed specimen we saw at Singapore, it would appear that these animals do not differ from those of Bengal. While walking with Mr. Balestier around his plantation, he pointed F out to us the spot where two of his men had been killed by tigers, and he said it was no uncommon thing, when he first began his planta- tion, to see the tracks of tigers about his house in the morning. Since the jungle has been cut away to a greater distance, this occurrence is not so frequent. Tigers have been known to attack persons in the daytime, but they seldom frequent the highroad. It is considered too dangerous for an individual to venture near the jungle- Some accounts speak of vestiges of the primitive inhabitants of Singapore, consisting of mounds, temples, &c., but I could not get at any well-authenticated account of them. Some, indeed, suppose that the island of Singapore may contain many remains of a former race, but there Seems to be little or no foundation at present for such an opinion. Although it was impossible from the number of tigers for our gen- tlemen to frequent the woods to any great extent, yet many very interesting plants were procured here. Through the kindness of Mr. Balestier, Captain Scott, (the captain of the port,) and others, Mr. Brackenridge obtained many live plants, which we succeeded in bringing safely to the United States. The soil of the island is a stiff yellow loam, in which the nutmeg, coffee, black pepper, chocolate, and gamboge, (Garcinia,) grow to a great extent. The three first appear to be particularly well adapted to the climate and soil. As I have before mentioned, the cultivation of sugar is attended with success. Captain Scott is planting the durian, which, independently of its fruit, yields a timber highly valued for ship-building. This gentleman has left numerous forest trees standing on his plantation, many of which are of large dimensions, being full one hundred feet in height. These consisted chiefly of species of Quercus, Myrtaceae, Melastomacese, and Rubiacese. The undergrowth is almost impenetrable, on account of the vast number of creeping plants which intertwine and clasp around the trees. Two species of Nepenthe (pitcher-plants) w^ere found in the swamp, which were preserved and brought to the United States. The Botanical Report will embrace many more varieties, and to this I must refer the reader for further information. Fruit seemed to be very abundant, and it is said, that there are one hundred and twenty kinds that can be served as a dessert': among SII^GAPORE. 381 these are pine-apples, mangosteens, melons, bananas, oranges, &lc. The pine-apples are remarkably fine, and not in the least acid; in proof of which, they do not turn the knife black in cutting them, and to eat them is considered wholesome at all hours. The season for this fruit was just coming in at the time of our arrival, and large boat- loads were seen lying at the quay. They are usually planted along the roadside, and though, when small, rather stiff-looking, yet when full-grown and in bearing, they are a pretty object. Of all the plants we saw, the nutmeg requires and receives the greatest care. The trees are planted in orchards, and while young have a sort of arbour erected over them, to protect them from the vertical rays of the sun. The gambeer (Nauclea) also claims much of the attention of the cultivator: it is a low-sized tree, or bush, of no beauty. Its bark is used for tanning, and it is said to be the most powerful astringent known for this purpose. It is to be seen in the shops in the form of a powder, of a reddish brown colour. We did not learn how this was prepared, or how it was used: it appears, however, to be in great demand. It is occasionally used by the Chinese, with their betel-nut, of which there is a great consumption here, although it is not sold in J the streets, as at Manilla ; but quantities of the nuts are seen for sale in the market. From the leaves also a powerful astringent is obtained by boiling. The gamboge tree is also cultivated here, but more extensively on the shores of the straits than at Singapore, and is a very considerable article of trade. The ride outside of the town to the hills is pleasant, passing through plantations loaded with fruit, and the air at an early hour of the morn- ing is filled with a spicy fragrance. The vivid green of the woods and grass is also remarkable, and continues throughout the whole year, for scarcely a day passes but a refreshing shower falls. The roads are thus kept free from dust, and at all times in good order. The usual mode of conveyance is in a palanquin, which is capable of { containing two persons. The cooley, or Hindoo who attends his horse, usually runs by the side of the palanquin, and seldom tires. The charge for one of these conveyances is a dollar, whether for a whole or a part of a day, and a douceur is paid to the cooley accord- ing to the time he has been employed. The palanquin is a very con- venient vehicle, and its use is absolutely necessary during the heat of the day, to shield the stranger from the burning rays of the sun* These cooleys will run all day through it without any inconvenience. They are principally from the neighbourhood of Madras, and are generally about the middle size, thin, and muscular. 382 SINGAPORE. I have mentioned that on our arrival, the whole of this motley popu- lation seemed engaged in a festival. With the Chinese it was that of the New Year, and with the Hindoo Mussulman the feast called **Marama," or the search for and finding of the grandchildren of Mohamed. The Chinese, on such occasions, give themselves up entirely to gambling; and the first day and night I was on shore, this part of the town might be considered as a vast gambling-shop. During this holiday they are allowed to gamble as much as they please, but what restriction is put upon the open indulgence of gaming at other times, I did not learn, but from appearances I should suppose it was not very severe. The extent to which gaming was carried by the Chinese, could not fail to astonish any one who had not been brought up to it. It was extraordinary to see all engaged in such an exciting vice ; and to watch the different Individuals was amusing. Gaming was going on in every shop, and frequently in each particular corner, under the colonnades, in the bazaars, and at the corner of almost every street a variety of games were playing* Of several of these I had no know- ledge ; some were performed with cards, and others with dice. The stake seemed generally to be in small copper coin, called pice, about five hundred to the dollar, each of w^hich is valued at three cowries; but although this was the usual betting coin, the stake was sometimes silver, and at times to a considerable amount. Those who have not seen the Chinese play, have never witnessed the spirit of gambHng at its height; their whole soul is staked with their money, however small it may be in amount, and they appeared to me to go as earnestly to work as if it had been for the safety of their lives and fortunes. Almost every one has formed to himself an idea of a Chinese; but to be w^ell known, he requires to be seen on his own soil, or where he is in intercourse with his countrymen. The different individuals of this race seemed to us to have a strong resemblance to each other, and although this may in part be owing to similarity of dress, it is also due to their bodily conformation. The flat chest, in particular, is peculiar, at least to the labouring class. All of them seem active and attentive to their business, of whatever kind it may be, and as far as outward expression and action go, as harmless as lambs. It is some- what remarkable, that the very sign which was put upon them by their Tartar conquerors to mark them as a subdued race, should now have become their national boast; for nothing seems to claim a Chinaman's attention so much as his long queue, and the longer and blacker it is the more it appears to claim his admiration. We frequently saw it touching the very heels, and tied at the end neatly with a bit of riband. SINGAPORE. 383 ) On great occasions this hangs down to its full length ; but at other times, being somewhat in tlie way, it is wound up on the back of the head. I have heard it asserted, that the Chinese never become bald or gray ; but this opinion seemed to be erroneous, from what 1 saw in this small community. The Chinese is at all times to be found industriously employed, I ^ except when gambling; and were it not for this latter propensity, and his desire of cheating foreigners, has probably as few vices as exist in any other race. Wherever he is found, peace and quietness seem to dwell ; he moves, and has been moving for ages in the same path, and prefers all his own ways to those of the rest of the world. We saw the Chinese in some pleasing lights, and were much struck, on these * festival occasions, by their attention towards their children, and the fondness and invariable kindness with which they were treated. Besides their seasons of festivity, it appeared that their devotion at their temples, or josh-houses, claimed some of their time ; and we had an opportunity of visiting the interior of one of these. The opposite plate, from a drawing made by Mr. Agate, will give a good idea of its exterior ; but to give it full effect, it wants the accompaniment of the j> moving throng, and the peculiar feelings that one experiences when surrounded with the motley groups of the East. This temple is built near the water, of granite, brought from China, and is a conspicuous object in the landscape. The columns in front are curiously sculptured. The interior combines both the ludicrous and hideous. Its interior may be said to consist of a central building, in which the principal idols are: this is surrounded by a neatly-paved passage, which is uncovered; in the centre are seats appropriated to the worshippers. The inner temple was called by our cicerone, w^ho was apparently on guard, the great temple. It is occupied by three colossal carved wooden idols, representations of the human form, about ten feet high, and in a sitting posture. One of these, that had a long black beard and mustaches, was richly clothed, and painted red, with much tinsel and gilding round the head. This idol was named " Rajerman." In front of him was a female figure, of smaller size, richly dressed, who received from our cicerone the name of ** Beebee." The two other figures were equal in size to the first, and as contemptible in carving. Indeed there is not a ship-carver in our country, who would not execute a better piece of statuary. In front of the figures was an altar-table, on which was a smaller one, and on the latter there were coloured wax candles and josh-sticks burning. Some of these were made of tightly-rolled gilt paper, that had been lighted by the w^orshippers who had been there before us; some flow ers were also seen on the altar-tables. At the 384 SINGAPORE. side of each of these altars were placed figures of frightful and hideous- looking monsters, with black faces, misshapen bodies and legs, and mouths from ear to ear, filled with enormous teeth. One hand was armed with a battle-axe, and the other pointed to the table. These our cicerone called " Fellow Seegurmain." There were several of the same kind of figures, thoucjh of much smaller size, hideous enough to^'^^' "'^"o to put one out of all conceit even with what was well carved; for the Chinese excel in depicting dragons and reptiles, which are occasionally, if not well grouped, amusingly so, with both men and animals. I was surprised to observe how little respect was paid to the place, which was everywhere accessible; and. with the laughing and talking of those present, and the noise of workmen, it had the air of any thing but a sacred enclosure. The part that was uncovered was ornamented with flowers in pots, consisting of camelias, tuberoses, &c. There were also several old stumps, of the purpose of which I could get no explanation, nor learn why they should be considered so sacred as to be admitted into the temple. Notwithstanding these incongruities, the whole had a striking and singular effect, and I may add, not an unpleasing one. Before ceasing to speak of the Chinese, 1 shall give a brief descrip- tion of their mode of celebrating the New Year, although it was difficult to follow it, and still more so to understand its full meaning. The cere- monies consisted chiefly of processions, both by night and day, in which the whole Chinese population seemed to be engaged. The grand one bore a sort of silken temple, which was carried on the shoulders of several men, with banners before and behind it, having Chinese characters on them, and of the most gaudy colours. These were pre- ceded by music, if such it could be called, consisting of cymbals and gongs, on which every performer strove to strike with his utmost force, and, if possible, oftener than his neighbour. Noise they at least created in perfection- This procession was occasionally joined by smaller ones, and the whole seemed to afford both to the crowd and actors as much amusement as it did to us, to whom it was altogether new. During the night, and particularly on that of the 21st of February, the last day of their year, the illuminated processions were curious, as well as amusing, and w^ere exceedingly numerous. Some of them were to be seen in every street at the same time, and no sooner had one passed than others were seen to follow, all hurrying along as if there were some goal to be reached. The illumination proceeded from lanterns of all colours, sizes, and shapes. We saw also the procession of juvenile horsemen, consisting altogether of children. Each of them bore the fore and hind parts of a horse in such a manner that the child repre- SINGAPORE. 385 sented the rider. These mimic portions of the quadruped were made of paper, and illuminated. The effect was that of a miniature regiment of cavalry. Others were represented as if on the backs of fish, that seemed to swim along in the crow^d. Some of the children were not more than two years of age, and the oldest not more than five or six. They wei'e all fantastically dressed, and some among them in European costume, which had a grotesque elTect among the more appropriate dresses of the East. They were led about, preceded by music, such as it w^as, of gongs and cymbals;, and all passed by on a dog-trot. I Tow^ards the close of the evening, some of the children had attendants on each side, who carried the poor little fatigued creatures along, many of whom were nearly, if not quite asleep. Whenever this procession halted, the Chinese would load them with cakes and dulces, and showed a kindness and attention truly pleasing- The most extraordi- nary exhibition of the evening was an immense illuminated sea-serpent, which we all thought fully equalled, in size and movement, the famous New England one, and agreed in other respects tolerably well with its description, for he had at intervals large bumps of the shape of a small cask. These were in fact lanterns, supported by poles, and connected together by w^hite cotton or gauze, which was here and there coloured. The head of the monster was of large dimensions, with a wide-extended mouth, showing its fiery tongue and rows of sharp teeth. The move- ments of the serpent were w^ell managed, and its gyrations, Iwistings, and windings over the people's heads, gave it a formidable look. It appeared as if in search of an illuminated globe, representing the old year, as the serpent is supposed to typify the new one. It was, from time to time, permitted almost to seize the globe, which was then hurried away, upon which the ponderous jaw^s would come together with a crash, and then the serpent would hurry onward again in hot pursuit. I was told that it sw^allowed the globe at the expiration of the year, but I did not speak to any one who saw the "finale. The figure of this serpent was from eighty to one hundred feet in length, and two feet in diameter. During this closing scene of the festival, all the Chinese houses were open, and the josh-houses and idols illuminated with wax candles, and decked with flowers and tinsel. k Theatrical exhibitions were at the same time going forward in many places; open sheds are erected for this purpose, where the exhibition was entirely gratuitous. The actors, I was told, are paid by a general subscription, w^hich also provides for the other expenses of the spectacle. These sheds are closed on three sides, but open on that which faces the street. The stasre is raised about six feet above the street ; the w^hole VOL. V. 2 H 49 L 386 SINGAPORE. is richly decorated with silk hangings, and banners with many inscrip- tions, and illuminated with coloured lamps. The stage, which was by no means of large size, was occupied by a table and two chairs. The dialogue was in a kind of recitative, with an accompaniment performed by beating w^ith two small sticks on the bottom of a copper kettle of the shape of a coffee-pot. The person who performed this duty appeared to direct all the spectacle, as prompter and leader of the orchestra. The other musical instruments were the gong, cymbals, and a kind of hautboy, the holes of which are not arranged with any view to produce harmonious sounds. The dresses of the actors were very rich, and the females were represented by young men or boys. The male charac- ters were for the most part masked, but not the female ; the former generally had long black and white beards. The principal part of the performance seemed to consist in attitudinizing, and appeared to interest the audience, as it did us, although according to our ideas it was not suited to the words or sentiment; for instance, during a pathetic part, whilst the actor was shedding tears, he would suddenly ihrow^ up one leg, and almost kick himself on the nose ! The acting, upon the whole, was, to our notions, in a mock-heroic style; but this might have arisen from our not being able to comprehend the mean- ing, for the other spectators seemed greatly interested. There was something, however, which there was no difficulty in our understand- ing, and this was the fighting. The two combatants draw their swords or handle their spears, and begin turning round poking at each other without closing, when suddenly one runs off; the other, after having evidently informed the audience that he is the victor, then makes his ■ exit, accompanied with a most tremendous noise from both the music and audience^ After the performance had closed, it was with difficulty that I could determine whether it had been comedy or tragedy: which- ever it was, it was mingled with still vaulting somersets, cart-wheel motions, and casting themselves about, indifferent as to what part they fell on, in niodes which I may truly say I had never seen surpassed, either in muscular action or agility. Several small processions were seen passing through the streets, consisting of about fifteen persons, all of whom carried banners, with inscriptions in golden characters, and were preceded by the usual music* I was told that they were celebrating a marriage; but although I followed for the purpose of observing them, and made many inquiries, I could not ascertain any thing about the manner of conducting the ceremonies. It seemed to be a kind of walking advertisement; and when they passed any Chinese house of consequence, they made a five- fold racket. SINGAPORE. 38 The Chinese funerals nnay be occasionally seen. They are seldom * attended by more than the six bearers, and the music, which consists I I ) of u tambourine, gong, and triangle. The coffin is generally made of some hard wood wnth scrolls at each end, and appears ponderous. It is carried along at a very rapid pace, and the mode of evincing respect for the dead differs strangely from ours. The Hindoo Mahomedans appear to be as fond of theatrical shows and processions as the Chinese ; and as the day of our landing was also a holiday with them, we had the advantage of witnessing these ceremonies. The subject of commemoration was the Marama, or funeral obsequies of Hassoun and Houssien. The observance of this forms a prominent distinction between the Shiites and the Sonnites sect of the Mahomedan belief The former consider the caliphs who succeeded to the power of Mahomet as usurpers of the rights of All, and bewail annually the death of his children, slain by the emissaries of the illegal occupant of the pulpit of the Imauns. The legend alleges that the children of Ali were hidden in a well, and concealed from the pursuit of their enemies by a spider, w^ho spun his web over its mouth. * Seeing this, the bloodthirsty pursuers had passed the well several \ times without suspecting that it contained the objects of their search. At last, however, a lizard was heard to chuck within it, by which it was known that some one lay there concealed : the hiding-place was thus discovered, and Hassoun and Houssien taken out and slain. In the procession which we saw, nearly all this sect of Mahomedans in Singapore must have joined. A temple, some twenty-five feet high, was carried about by thirty or forty Malays hired for the occasion. In front of all came the guards and swordsmen, fantastically dressed, who cleared the way. The bold and expert manner in which these handled their weapons j was somewhat startling to the crowd and the lookers-on. I must con- fess that I momentarily expected to see a head hewn in two, or an arm \ severed from the body. These were about a dozen in number; and when they had cleared the way, they practised sham-fights among themselves, which from their expertness and grace had a fine effect They were followed by dancers, boys in female attire, gaudily dressed. Next came some of the branded criminals, who were convicts, and then the temple, with its vast piles of tinsel ornaments of paper, borne on men's shoulders, who were concealed from view by the draperies; then came the music, consistincf of small drums, instruments some- what resembling clarionets, and quantities of small bells, accompanied with a monotonous chaunt, and long trains of followers, with banners, afterwards. This procession was very differently conducted from 388 SINGAPORE. those of the Chhiese, for there seemed a disposition "to be rude and overbearing to the crowd. Some noble-looking men, dressed in red and white, with turbans* on their heads, had a very distinguished look, particularly the Bugis from the isle of Borneo, a number of whom were pointed out to me, who might be known by their stature- The temple, after having been paraded both by night and day, was thrown into the sea about four o'clock, and enth'ely destroyed. For this singular termination I could find no explanation, except that what had been consecrated to the Prophet was not to be defiled by the hands of men. In various shanties near the sea-shore, theatrical performances were going forward, but with little spirit, for all seemed worn out with the night and day's exertions. They were very polite and attentive to us, getting us seats, &c. ; but, after sitting some time, we saw this was but a sorry exhibition compared with thai w^e had seen enacted by the Chinese; the music consisted of small drums and triangles, mixed occasionally wMth a whistle, shrill enough to deafen, which was made by putting the fingers in the mouth. I w^as very much struck with the order and good behaviour existing amonof such an incongruous mass of human beings as we saw col- lected together, speaking a vast variety of tongues, and some who would infallibly have been at war with each other elsewhere. Al- though there was much noise, and various games going on, yet I did not learn that a single quarrel had taken place.f I understood that the rarity of quarrels between the different races and religions is more owing to the consideration of the place being neutral ground, where all ought to abstain from hostility, than to any effect produced by the police. The Hindoos of the Gentoo faith, also, have various amusements, among which are vertical revolving swings, with four boxes or seats, ^ in which the occupants maintain a horizontal position. These are seen among us ; but it is in the East that the fashion has originated. The machine was awkwardly made, and with its creaking added not a little to the general din. Mr. Balestier was kind enough to have an exhibition for us on his * There was one man with a green turban, which is the exclusive privilege of those in the direct line of descent from tlie Prophet t Rows, however, do sometimes occur on such occasions, and one took place in 1840, in which one life was lost, and several other persons were badly wounded. It arose as the Hindoo Mahoniedans were passing in procession near the Chinese temples, when, being- interrupted in their march, they began to throw stones at the temple, and finally resort was had to fire-arms ; but tlie affray was soon quelled by the police. - SINGAPORE. 389 plantation, by his people, who are Klings, from the neighbourhood of Madras. There are one hundred and fifty of them in his employ, and for the purpose of indulging their fondness for theatrical exhibitions, they have subscribed largely, and procured very costly and rich dresses for their representations during the holidays. On the appointed evening we repaired to the plantation, where two large fires were made on the lawn, to throw light on the performances. The night was dark; and after the arrival of the company, a large white cloth w^as hung up between two stakes, sufficiently high to con- ceal the performers. After a long delay the curtain was raised, and the performance began. The actors were brilliantly dressed, a cap rese'mbling very nearly the ibis, figured among the Egyptian antiqui- \ ties, was worn, and many massive ear-ornaments; these dresses showed brilliantly by the light of the fire, which also brought out in relief the surrounding shrubs and trees from the dark and indistinct background, r producing a pretty efiect. The performance was a kind of opera. The music consisted of a drum, cymbals, and castanets, w^hich ac- companied the monotonous recitative. The plot was explained to me by Mrs. Balestier: the subject was "the results of misplaced friend- ship." A rich, hospitable rajah, entertains a guest, who is desirous of obtaining his only daughter in marriage, and thus securing to himself the riches of his host- His suit is not favourably received, upon which he enters into a plot to ruin and debase the rajah and his family. For this purpose, after insinuating himself into the rajah's confidence, he betrays him, and makes false accusations to a Brahmin against him. The Brahmin at once proceeds to force the rajah to confession, tortures his daughter and domestics, and obtaining in this manner what he believes a confirmation of the accusation, strips him of his wealth and power, to confer them upon the false-hearted accuser. At this point o[ the plot, on account of the hour, eleven { o'clock, we were obliged to stop the performances, but we understood that if they had been allowed to go on, the opera would have con- tinued for three days and three nights. However much the story may be prolonged, the plot generally closes with the triumph of the good, and affords some instructive moral. There were many accom- paniments to this performance, such as the mode of applying the tortures by a Brahmin, and the performances of a clown, who showed much cleverness, particularly in the mode of mimicking a European in his dress and manners. The music was thought by several of our gentlemen to resemble the Spanish, from w^hich, however, it could not have been derived. In truth, these very operas, if so they may 2H2 390 SINGAPORE. be called, may have been enacted some two thousand years ago, or long prior to the dawnmg of civilization in Europe; and the con- templation of this probability served to give additional interest to the exhibition. The Klings are but transient visiters to Singapore. They come, as i r before remarked, from the neighbourhood of Madras, remain for tv^^o or three years, obtain a little money, and return. Their wages, and that of labourers and servants, are but four dollars a month, out of which they feed and clothe themselves. The cost of doing so, how- ever, amounts to little ; for they subsist almost entirely upon rice and sugar, if they can obtain them, and go nearly naked- Some of them are artisans, in which case they receive the usual daily wages, the amount of which mav be understood from the fact that half a dollar a day was paid in the squadron to calkers. At Singapore, we met with a Gentoo of the Brahminical caste, who had been sent thither by the Indian government, for some defalcation. Although of the same complexion as the other Hindoos we saw at Singapore, his features were very different from theirs. The great distinction was in the facial angle, which by some of us was thought to be fully equal to ninety degrees, and in the mouth. His lips were quite thin, and the lobes of his ears extraordinarily large, although not perforated. This I was informed was characteristic of the Brahmins. It was somewhat remarkable to find a person of his high caste, trans- ported to a convict settlement ; for they generally affect to lead very pure lives, and by the commission of any open immorality are exposed to the loss of caste. From the information we obtained at Singapore, from good autho- rity, the burning of widows still takes place in Hindoostan, notwith- standing the enactment by the British government, abolishing the practice. The only difference is that it is done privately; and, according to the Brahmin, it always has been continued among the upper classes. Hook-swinging and walking on burning coals are also practised; and our missionaries have witnessed them in Singapore. Credulous people have strong inducements to undergo the ordeal, for afterward, it is believed the deity will protect them from all harm. It r is said that the former is practised also in China. t According to the Brahmin, the Gentoos at Singapore are of the fourth caste, called Seedros. There are no Brahmins to the east of Singapore, and neither they nor the other higher classes willingly leave their native country, for they forfeit their caste by so doing. This Brahmin was said to be worth upwards of two hundred thousand dollars, but was living in a miserable tenement near the temple, which SINGAPORE. 391 ) f latter appeared to us to resemble a Turkish mosque; but it was not so in the opinion of the Brahmin, who pointed out the difference in the shape of the dome, which is more flattened, and has a small lantern apex. Into it no one was admitted but the believers in the doctrine of the Brahmins, There are several mosques for the different sects of the followers of Mahomet, and the mixture of other observances among the creeds of some of them is very great; for those who propagated the tenets of Mahomet in ihe East, engrafted them upon many of the ancient modes of worship. The Malay w ho is a Sonnite, disdains to have any thing to do with the Hindoo or Shiite Mahomedan ceremonies ; and none but those who are hired to carry the temple, join in the processions of the latter. I have mentioned that convicts were sent to Singapore. I was not able to ascertain their exact number, but I believe it amounts to some fifteen hundred. They are employed upon the public works ; and a large prison in the suburbs of Singapore is provided for their safe- keeping at night, or w^hen not at work. Much complaint is made in consequence of its being situated in low and marshy ground, which subjects the inmates to frequent sickness. Prisons in this part of the world do not seem to have claimed the attention they have received in F other countries, and I heard the whole internal arrangement of their jail spoken of as deficient both in order and cleanliness. A sufficient number of turnkeys and attendant officers is not kept, and there is no classification of the prisoners. Many spoke of an intention of erecting a new jail, on account of the necessity of removing the prisoners from the present low swampy site. Although a surgeon is appointed for attendance on the prisoners, yet he is of little use; for every one seems to be so reckless of life in the East, and so bent upon securing a fortune as soon as possible without incurring death, that whatever retards the one and puts in jeopardy the other, is looked upon with disfavour and treated accordingly. No European looks upon the East as a home, ( and all those of every nation I met with invariably considered his sojourn temporary. The habit of constantly expressing this feeling ives a stranger the impression that those he meets with are devoid of happiness and contentment, and this with comforts and conveniences, nay, luxuries of life around them, wliich they would be very far from enjoying in their own country. The market was well filled w^ith venders, so much so, indeed, that the passages through it are rendered narrow and tortuous ; the prin- cipal article for sale w^as fish, fresh and dried, and prawns. This kind offish is numerous and abundant. The part of the market where they 3G2 SINGAPORE. *.e are sold is built over the water, and being furnished with a loose flooring, the filth is easily got rid of. The butcher-meats consisted for the most part of pork, which is raised in large quantities. Fowls and ducks were also very numerous. A number of eggs were seen with the shell broken, to exhibit the dead chicken, and others that were rotten, in which state they were favourite food of the Chinese. Vegetables and dried fruits were also in great abundance; these latter were imported from China. Of vegetables, there were lettuces, onions, garlic, sweet- potatoes, and large quantities of germinating rice, which is sold for planting. Of the quantities of fresh fruit it is almost impossible to give an adequate idea, and they are all of fine kinds, many of which I had never before seen. The bazaars form the general resort of those who frequent the market. Every avenue, arcade, or veranda approaching it is filled with money-changers, and small-ware dealers, eager for selling European goods, Chinese toys, and many other attractive curiosities. It is neces- sary to be careful in making even the smallest offers, for although it may be but half or a fourth of what is asked, it is instantly accepted. The money-changers seem to be a peculiar class ; they are much darker in colour than the rest of this singular throng, and are seen sitting cross-legged on their tables, with extensive rouleaux of copper coin, heaps of cowrie-shells, and some silver. I was much surprised at the great difference existing in these countries, when compared to our own, in respect to the coin, which is divided into pieces of extremely small value; and I could not help viewing this contrast as tending to show the depreciation of labour on the one hand, and the value both of time and money on the other. Indeed, the difference between the condition of these people and that of our own countrymen might be likened to the difference in the value of the smallest of the coins that is circulating in the two regions. One cannot but look upon these Eastern nations rather as allied to the animals subservient to the wants of man, than as belonging to the o a human race^ The majority of them are as industrious as bees, and seem to employ their time very much after the same manner, in collecting food, without any farther end in view but storing up materials wherewith to live. The trades are chiefly engrossed by the Chinese, particularly those that are sedentary, and performed within doors. The calkers, and those vocations connected with vessels, are generally Hindoos of a peculiar class. Some of these w^ere employed in the squadron, and they also work as cooleys and labourers. They are very spare and thin, and have little flesh to trouble them ; indeed, their thighs, and SINGAPORE. 393 J arms, and the calves of their legs, seemed to be dried up; their shoulder-blades arc proaiinent, and their ribs conspicuous. This habit of body is, undoubtedly, owing to their diet, which consists almost entirely of rice; they abstain altogether from the use of meat, and indulge but sparingly in that offish. They are very scrupulous about the preparation of their food, bringing with them their own vessel to cook their rice, and refusing to use those which oiir people had cooked in. They are easily to be know'n by a small blue line of tattooing down the forehead, or a spot made with earth. What idea is connected with this custom 1 did not exactly learn, but I understood that it was always their custom thus to protect themselves when working for persons of an opposite faith. They were found to be steady and good workmen, and received fifty cents a day for their labour. The Malays seem to bear the palm for idleness among the common people, and are rarely found engaged in any steady employment, pre- ferring those that are either light or of a roving character. They engross the occupation of the drivers of palanquins, are strong and I active, and will run a great length of time and distance, in a hot and . oppressive day, seemingly without inconvenience. Those of the latter i sort who are more wealthy, indulge in many luxuries, particularly in dress. They usually wear mustaches, which are always neatly kept, and occupy no small portion of their attention and time; and, con- trasted with the white turban, with its band of scarlet and gold, has a particularly pleasing effect, wnth their swarthy skins. On holidays they are to be met with in their snow-w^hite raiment, thrown over a richly-embroidered coloured vest, fitting tight to the body, with loose trousers, tied just to meet their embroidered slippers at the ankle. The Malay population dwell chiefly in the suburbs, or what are termed the Malay villages. Their houses are built somewhat after ;; the fashion heretofore described, on posts, as practised by this race in Other places; but there are many who conform to the European mode. { Nearly all of them are cultivators, and almost every house has a small shelf appended to its window^ on which unhulled rice (known here as paddy) is exposed for sale. Besides this, many have dried fish, vege- tables, and, in these days of rejoicing, Chinese fire-crackers. The villages through which we drove had a joyous look, and the population was apparently occupied in amusing themselves during the holidays. Some were engaged at foot-ball, and many of the boys and men were playing " hobscob." The most distinguished men as to looks are the Armenians, who are among the principal merchants of the place. Although few^ in number, yet they have much influence from their weaUh ; they are an exceed- VOL. V. 50 394 SINGAPORE. ingly handsome race, dress after the English fashion, and generally speak English or the Portuguese fluently. Some of them, that I had occasion to visit, were extremely courteous, but spoke of ihe inhabi- tants of Singapore generally as of a low class. The Armenian church is one of the finest buildings in the place: service is held in their church every morning at six o'clock. Just before our arrival, one of the Armenians was detected in an extensive forgery, by the water-mark of the paper. It had not been decided what punishment was to be inflicted upon him, and it was an act of which the government was not prepared to take cognizance. From what I heard, I was inclined to oelieve that the influence of his friends was so great, that by their intercession the punishment that is so ready at all times to be inflicted on the poor, would not be inflicted ; yet even-handed justice to all is here made a great boast of. Parsees are not numerous at Singapore, but they rank among the most wealthy of its inhabitants. They are dressed partly after the Eastern and partly after the European fashion. They excited our attention as being worshippers of fire, which they venerate as emble- matical of the Deity. They are of various shades of colour, and generally more robust and portly than the other races. Many of them speak the English language. .Some persons, who were said to be Arabs from the east coast of Africa, were also pointed out to me, who were quite different from all the J other races. They had what would be termed .woolly hair, with large whiskers, and one of them was remarkable for his large blubber lips. Their complexion did not strike any of us as being much darker than that of the Hindoos or Malays. Their face was long, and the nose by no means prominent: one of these had a strange appearance about his head, and it was some time before it was discovered that it was owing to his beard and whiskers, which were long, being in gray and black stripes. Although it was undoubtedly done by some artificial process, yet it seemed quite natural. Individuals of the Caffre tribe, from the east coast of Africa, were also met with ; and it is said that there are many of them in Hindoo- stan, whither they have been carried by the English from Mozam- bique; but they are rarely met with so far cast as Singapore. They resembled those seen by us at Rio, though we had no opportunity of identifying them by their tattooing. The Chinese burial-place is about a mile from the town, situated on the side of a hill, at the apex of which is the josh-house, which, as usual, is filled with hideous idols. This building has a light and pretty effect, principally arising from its situation. SINGAPORE. 395 » ^ \ This burial-place is almost filled with graves; and there was a small bench or platform in front of many of the tombs, on \vhich were the remains of josh-sticks, which, I was told, w^ere here burnt annually, in remembrance of the dead. The Chinese appear to be fond of monumental inscriptions, for there were but few graves without one. I was very desirous of hearing some of these translated, but w^e had no interpreter with us. On our road to Mr, Balestier's, we passed the burying-place of the Gentoos: it is quite open, and apparently a dense shrubbery; but near the towm end is a chunam pedestal, surmounted with a lotus, for a drawing of which I am indebted to Mr. Peale: this sketch will be found at the end of this chapter. On its sides are inscriptions in Cingalese, and one in English, the latter of which states that " This burying-ground belongs to the Hindoo people of Madras and Singapore. 1828.'^ The design was tasteful, but our admiration was somew^hat lessened on finding that the material is not stone, to which it has a very strong resemblance. I spent a large portion of a day at the magnetic observatory, which is under charge of Lieutenant Elliot, of the Indian army. The instru- ments were all apparently well mounted ; but I was somewhat surprised at observing that several chronometers were used for marking time, when it could have been more conveniently and accurately made by a single clock. Lieutenant Elliot was erecting an apparatus to collect and develope atmospheric electricity, but he had not, as he informed me, been able to succeed. Considering the station was a magnetic one, it w^as sur- prising to me that he should be trying such experiments, when the two agents of electricity and magnetism are so nearly allied, and especially that he should have done it in such immediate contact wdth the instruments. The observatory is situated about two miles from Singapore. At Singapore there are three American missionaries, Mr. North, Mr. Hepburn, and Mr. Dickinson ; the former, who has resided here six years, is the principal. The two first have a school of fifty Chi- nese boys; but as it w^as vacation time, we had no opportunity of seeing them at their exercises, Mr. North spoke to several of our gentlemen in high terms of the intelligence of the Chinese children. The Chinese boys are received at an early age, and board in the family of the missionaries, to whose guidance they are w^holly given up by their parents. They seldom visit their parents, and never without a special request. These children are taught the rudiments of an English education, but no efforts are made on the adult popu- 396 SINGAPORE. lation. The hope is, that the results of educating the young, and impressing them with the truth of the Bible, will be apparent in after years, and may conduce to some good. Only one of the scholars has as yet been baptized. They are all represented as well-behaved and docile. The Singapore Institute, another academical establishment, is under the care of the Rev. Mr. Montgomery, an English missionary- It is delightfully situated on the public ground fronting the bay. There are in it about one hundred boys, who are taught on the monitory system. The branches here taught are those comprising a common school education : there are no schools for the higher branches. Although the Protestant missionaries have not met with any success in propagating their tenets, this cannot be said of the Catholics, who have already made one hundred and fifty proselytes to their faith. There is likewise a very interesting establishment here under the name of the Raffles School, of which Mr. Dickinson, the third American missionary, is principal. These gentlemen have given up their more direct missionary employments, as it afforded no prospect of success, and turned their attention to the more immediately useful object of teaching the children. They are know^n in Singapore as the ** Ameri- r can padres." The Raffles School is kept in a.palace^ooking building, but as houses are of small value, the rent is proportionably low, Mr, Dickinson made the voyage in the brig Himmaleh to many of the islands in the China seas, and possessed much information in rela- tion to those he had visited, and their inhabitants. It appeared to be his impression that there was no opportunity afforded for missionary labours in any of the ports under the authority of the Dutch. There is a mission established at or near Batavia, and this is the only place they will permit one to exist, in order that it may be immediately under the eye of the government. Mr. Dickinson is of opinion that an establishment is much needed on the island of Celebes, and that it would be productive of decided good. It seems scarcely possible to believe that any European nation should have held possession of these islands so long, and not have introduced a single valuable custom among those w^ho are under their rule. The natives in fact are now as much at liberty to pursue their infamous acts of piracy on each other and Europeans as ever, and to capture and carry into slavery such as they deem fit. These slaves even find their way to Singa- pore, where they are not even aware that they are free by the laws of the land, in defiance of which they are held in slavery. These are of the race of Papuans or Negritos, a portrait of one of whom has been given in the chapter on Manilla. 1 SINGAPORE. 39 M \ t manuscripts, forming a collection which is said to be the largest now in being, that of Sir Stamford Raffles having been lost. Some of them are beautifully written. One of the most amnsing incidents that occurred during our stay at Singapore, w^as a visit to a ship of the king of Cochin-China, which we made by express in\^itation. The whole trade of Cochin-China is a monopoly in the hands of the king who owns the ships, which like- wise compose part of his navy. They are built after the European mode] of some half a century back. The vessel that furnished it belonged to France, and w^as wrecked on their coast many years ago, after which missionaries and artisans were sent out bv Louis XVL, who taught them many of the arts of Europe, The outward form of the old French ship appears to h^ve been pretty w^ell imitated, but the stern is more elaborately carved and ornamented with gilding. The internal arrangements also show a great variation from the model, and in them the notions of the Cochin-Chinese prevail, unniixed with those of Europeans. The two ships were about five hundred tons burden ; they are very roughly built, have huge sterns, and exceed- ingly thick sides. Indeed every thing on board is unsightly, and all the w^ork is of the rudest description, giving no very high idea of the proficiency of the mechanics of Cochin-China. These vessels have a middle deck, which is pierced for guns. The cabin, into w^hich we were shown, had a josh-temple, and with josh- sticks burning- There were two cabins; that under the poop had small rooms, and was very low between decks. There were no fixtures, but simply a mat to lie on. The binnacle is a bed of sand, in which the compass-box is set for security; and a number of small, coloured sticks were stuck into the sand, which were represented to be markers, by which the way of the vessel w^as noted. A manuscript chart, which the captain took great pride in exhibiting, w^as shown us. This w^as evidently a copy of an English on^^ but all the names were in Chinese. The crew had a decided Malay look, and were small men; they are in form stout, but are not athletic. There did not appear to be any mixture of races among them. As we passed around the deck, we observed a party of five or six of the men engaged in gambling with cards, in which they were so much engrossed, that they heeded not the command of their officers to desist and make room for us. This I'essel was furnished wuth rattan-cables, which were exceedingly well made. The wheel for steering appeared odd, on account of its small size, and the helmsman sits when he takes his trick. . On either side of the deck, just abaft the foremast, there is a cook-house, formed of a 21 398 SINGAPORE. huge box of earth, about three feet above the deck, in which a few large stones are set to support their earthen cooking vessels. The officers and men have but a small pittance of pay. The captain, for instance, I was told, received only three dollars a month. A super- cargo or factor is appointed for each voyage, and is obligated to do all the business for his master, and take charge of the whole commercial enterprise without receiving any of the profits for the success of the undertaking; he is also held to be responsible, and his property is accountable likewise for any depreciation in the foreign market ; and if any suspicions fall upon him of mismanagement, he is sure of the bastinado on his return. The consequence is, that the king of Cochin- China is a successful merchant, grows rich on his commercial specula- tions, and is always well served. The recompense of the factor is but a small quantity of rice. ^ Four or five of his ships resort annually to Singapore, loaded with sugar, cofl^ee, ivory, and many other articles of less importance, in return for which they take British and India goods, fire-arms, iron, glassware, &c. I have been informed that his success in trade has been such that out of its profits within a year he has added a steamer of six hundred tons to his navy. Almost every one has some idea of the external form of a Chinese junk ; but the arrangement of the interior, although of great antiquity, was new to us all. From the appearance of every thing on board, the arrangements cannot have changed much in the lapse of many centu- ries. The junks are of various sizes : the three that were visited were from seventy-five to eighty feet in length, about twenty-two feet beam, and about eighteen feet high forward, descending in a curve to within three or four feet of the water amidships, and then again rising in a like curve to the height of twenty-five feet. At the top of the stern is the poop-cabin, with accommodations for the master, his clerk, and the trader, in four small sleeping-rooms ; under these are other cabins, with an eating apartment, and before this is a platform or small deck, from which the vessel is steered* The rudder is an extraordinary piece of w^ood, fully equal, in point of size, to that of a line-of-battle ship. While in port it is always unshipped, and drawn into the vessel on a small inclined slip or w^ay. The junks have usually two large masts, with a jigger, and there are no less than three windlasses, which are used upon every occasion ; without these the junks would really be almost unmanageable. In order to preserve the vessel dry, they have waist- boards of solid thick plank, which are unshipped in port ; these reach from the plank-sheer to the rail, and from appearances effectually answer the purpose for which they are intended. The cargo, however. SINGAPORE. 399 I was more inferestino: to us than the vessel : this consisted chiefly of teas and china-ware; the latter, to our surprise, we found neatly and care- fully stowed in bulk in the hold. The lighter articles of Chinese manu- fVicture are arranged about the vessel, and even hang over the poop and sides. The wooden anchors, cables, grass ropes, odd and curious paintings, the grotesque mode of external ornament, with the large eye on either bow in the colours of the rainbow, did not fail to attract our attention. We were also amused with the junk-like form of the tiny boat, but these, as well as the Chinamen themselves, are so well repre- sented in Chinese pictures, that ho one can be at a loss to conceive their peculiar form. Words fail to express the content and pride with which the Chinaman sits and enjoys his aquatic excursions; and though ridiculous in appearance, and ill fitted in every way to contend with the elcinents, yet there is something about the junks that commands a certain degree of respect. The trade of Singapore, although it has but lately grown up, has nevertheless reached the large aggregate of $24,500,000. About one- sixth of this amount goes to Great Britain, and 8600,000 to conti- — d nental Europe. There are no duties on imports or exports, and every vessel is left free to come and go as they please; all that is asked is of what the cargo consists, its value, and the size of the vessel. These r particulars are published weekly in the only paper. Every thing is sold for cash, or on a very short credit, and all accounts are kept in dollars and cents. Perhaps in no other port is business conducted in so prompt a manner as at Singapore, and this has probably grown out of the transient character of the visiters of all nations, who come and go as they please, which makes it necessary to receive payment for the goods as soon as they are delivered. From what has been already said, it will appear that very little of the importance of Singapore is owing to its own productions; yet there are many things shipped here that are the product of the Straits, or of the territory under the Straits Government, as it is called. Among these are pepper, cloves, sugar, nutmegs, coffee, and gambeer, to which may be added the betel-nut. These products are procured from Pinang and Prince of Wales Island, and reach a large amount. Tortoise-shell may also be included in this trade, for almost all that is taken in the Eastern seas is now brought to Singapore for sale; and it may indeed be said to be the chief mart of that article. Any attempt to give a catalogue of the trade of Singapore would fall short of the truth, for it may be considered as an entrepot where all articles arrive and are distributed. The expenses of doing business are esta- blished and published in the gazettes, so that any one may inform him- 400 SINGAPORE. self of the charges he is liable to incur, and of the advantages it has in that respect over the other ports in the Eastern seas. What renders the traffic at Singapore still more convenient is, that almost every thing is sold by weight, probably because so large a proportion of the population is fronri China, in which country this method is habitual. In employing it, however, the articles from different countries are sold by the weiglit of the country whence they come. For instance, gold- dust being for the most part brought by the Malays, is sold by their weight, called a " bunghal," which is about equal to two ounces ; rice, &c., the produce of Bengal, is sold by the bag, containing one hundred and sixty pounds, which is teruied a " maund." The foreign business is gi^nerally in the hands of a few English houses, but the greater part of the mercantile class at Singapore are engaged as agents, or do a commission business, for various houses in Europe, Calcutta, &c* There is a branch of the India Bank at Singapore, which, however, is limited in its discounts and business; and there are besides a large number of insurance offices, in which policies may be effi^cted on almost any risk. The capital of .these companies is for the most part owned in Calcutta. Although Singapore has fewer real advantages for trade than many of the ports around, yet it has now acquired the superiority, and holds intercourse with the surrounding countries. Its trade with China has of late much increased, in consequence of the difficulties between that country and England, during which it was the only port where the junks w-ere allowed to trade free of molestation. It in consequence became for the' time a place of tran- shipment for teas and other Chinese articles to English vessels. For this reason, Singapore may have appeared to us a more active place of business than it would have done had the trade with China been no more than ordinary. No large commerce can well exist between China and Singapore alone, for the supplies the latter furnishes to that empire, are confined to birds'-nests, biche de mar, tortoise-shell, &c. Borneo probably furnishes the most valuable products that are brought to Singapore, and there are more than one hundred prahus engaged in the trade. These are for the most part navigated by Bugis from the island of Celebes, who may be termed the carriers of this archipelago. This people frequent all the ports on the south and southwest side of that great island, and are frequently employed by the rajahs or chiefs to conduct their trade with the other ports. The restrictions they are under in visiting the Dutch possessions, and the restrictive policy of the latter, which admits them to but one or two ports, has driven them to seek that of Singapore, though more distant. r I SINGAPORE. 401 These prahus are said when trade or employment fails, to turn their attention to piracy, if a favourable opportunity should offer; though no one seemed disposed to class them as pirates of the same character" as the Malays, but rather to look upon them as generally inclined to be peaceable. The island of Celebes sends to Singapore nearly a hundred prahus annually, and they also come from Flores, Timor, Amboyna, Sumbawa, Lubols, and even from Papua and Aroo. From the latter countries they bring the bird of paradise, so abundant in the market of Singa- pore. The prahus that come annually from these distant ports are not more than fifty in number. With the ports of Sumatra and Java there is a great deal of inter- course, and I was told that the native vessels engaged in it, indepen- dently of those belonging to Europeans, amount now to some six hundred. These are of various sizes, and keep up a constant inter- course, some of them visiting the ports several times during the yean These arrive from both coasts of Sumatra, and belong to the rajahs or chiefs of 'small places, of which even the names are little known, and whose subjects are mostly engaged in piracy. The island of Bali likewise engages in this trade, through the agency of the Bugis. The products of the Malayan peninsula, and of all the ports of the Malacca Straits, are also brought to Singapore ; but these may be termed incidental supplies, for they fluctuate much, both in quantity and value- The most regular of all the trade is that with the islands of Rhio and Lingin, in the neighbourhood on w^hich the Dutch have a factory. This trade is carried on in the sampan boats, and the people of these places prefer resorting to this free port to dispose of their produce, rather than sell it to the Dutch. The number of the x^essels employed in this traffic was represented to me to be somewhere about five hun- dred. The articles brought from all these places are very much the same, and consist of pepper, rice, camphor, sago, coffee, nutmegs, oil, tobacco, w^ax, benzoin, sea-weed, dragon's-blood, biche de mar, birds'- nests, tortoise-shell, diamonds, gold-dust, pearls, the pearl-oyster-shell, sandalwood, rattans, ivory, some hides, and articles of native manu- facture, such as sarongs (worn as a wrapper, w^hich come principally from Celebes), salendongs, and lacquered ware. The foregoing detail exhibits a vast variety of articles of commerce. and accounts for the employment of the fifteen hundred, or two thou- sand vessels of various sizes, that are continually pouring into this mart. It may readily be imagined what a stir and life this commerce must create ; and when it is considered that nearly all the various nations of the East resort here for the purpose of trade, it will not VOL. V. 212 51 402 SINGAPORE. excite much astonishment that Singapore has grown up so rapidly in the face of older and longer-established marts, which it bids fair to surpass, both in wealth and importance. The taxes on property at Singapore are by no means heavy. They are in part levied upon houses and carriages; the former pay an annual tax of eight per cent, on an assessed value; but as this valuation is very low, the tax is not heavy. In the country, the rate is only four per cent. These receipts are published annually, in conformity with a law^ passed since 1839. The enactment of this law was brought about by the force of public opinion, and the influence of the tax- payers, which have compelled the Indian government thus to make known their financial secrets. The whole amount of tax raised is $25,829. Another act w-as passed about the same time for the abolition of slavery, under an understanding with the holders of slaves that they should be manumitted by a certain time. This time arrived only a few months prior to our arrival, but the owners showed little or no disposition to carry their agreement into effect. A notice from Go- vernor Bonham w^as indeed published, calling upon them to comply, but such is the force with which they apparently cling to slave-holding, that I was told that many of those who were most forward in their protestation in favour of abolition, still retain those belonging to them, and that many persons are yet actually sold. These will no doubt be held in bondage until some active measures are taken by the Straits Government lo put a stop to the traffic. We saw some of the Negritos who are held as slaves: their stature is quite dwarfish when compared with the surrounding crowd. Their complexion is not darker than that of the Hindoos, and entirely diffe- rent from the hue of the pure negro; but they far surpassed him in ugliness. According to an intelligent gentleman's authority, they are brought from Papua, and are usually spoken of as being brought by the Bugis, in the same vessels that bring birds of paradise for sale- Fur- ther inquiry satisfied me that they are captured on the west end of New Guinea, which coast the biche de mar fishers are in the habit of visiting. Besides being distinguishable by their small size, they may be known by their downcast looks, as they are seen passing among the crowd of this great Babel without appearing to be of it. Among other sources of revenue is the vending of opium: the shops are licensed by the government, and the revenue is said to exceed eight thousand dollars from this source alone. These opium shops are among the most extraordinary sights in Singapore; it is inconceivable with what avidity the smokers seek / SINGAPORE. 403 this noxious drug at the shop windo^vs. They then retire to the interior, where a number of sickly-looking persons, in the last stage of consumption, haggard, and worn down with care, are seen smoking. The drug is sold in very small pieces, and for ten cents enough to fill a pipe once is obtained. With it are furnished a pipe, a lamp, and a couch to lie on, if such it may be called. The pipe is of a peculiar construction, and is in part of metal, having an interior or cup just large enough to contain a piece of the size of a pea. The opium is diflicult to ignite, and it requires much management in the smoker to obtain the necessary number of whiffs to produce intoxication in one habituated to its use. The couch is sometimes a rude bench, but more often a mat on the floor, w^ith a small raised bench. Each of these mats in the frequented shops is generally occupied by a pair of smokers, w^ho have a lamp between them. These shops with their inmates formed one of the most disgusting spectacles I saw during our extended cruise; although, to one who could be amused with human degradation, this sight could not have failed to afford pastime. Itw^as not difficult even for a stranger to distinguish those who have long indulged ic this pernicious practice, from those to whom it is yet new. The eagerness with which the former sought the mat, seized the pipe, and inhaled the smoke, showed a nervous anxiety to reach that point where forgetfulness should come* This in the novitiate was but the w^ork of a few minutes, while those whose organs had become accustomed would draw long whiffs and puff away until the weakened state of their lungs would betray them, and cause them to stop to renew their breath before they were enabled to accomplish their wishes. I learned that many of the old smokers found so great a difficulty in inducing the action of the smoke that they were accus- tomed to have recourse to swallowing the drug itself. The Chinese only are addicted to this practice: the Gentoos and those of the Moslem faith look upon it with great horror and disgust. The individuals whom I have described above are the wealthy, who can afford to smoke the drug as it is found in commerce. From the difficulty with which it burns there is a large residuum left, which is carefully taken out of the pipes, and sold to the less opulent, who in like manner smoke it, though without the luxury of mats and lamps. I was told that there is still a poorer class of Chinese, that again use the residuum of this second smoking. The Chinese at Singapore possess every facility for full gratification in the smoking of this deleterious drug ; for there is no interdiction to its introduction, and most, if not all the vessels engaged in smuggling 404 SINGAPORE. it, resort there in their passages to and from Bengal, and many of them are owned or under the agency of the merchants of this place. It is not a little remarkable that even those who are entraged in the &"& trade, condemn its immoral and hurtful results, while others at a distance offer many reasons in its defence. I must say that it appears to me truly strange that with the scenes that daily offer themselves in Singapore, before ihe eyes and under the cognizance of the governor and officers of the place, some steps should not be taken to put a stop to the practice altogether, instead of making it a source of revenue. This government seems to be actuated by totally opposite principles from all others that attempt colonization ; for while it has been consi- dered necessary in other places to introduce females In some propor- tion to males, for the purpose of softening the manners and the savage propensities of our sex, they have been here interdicted almost alto- ether. I made many inquiries respecting the reasons that had induced so extraordinary a course, but all appeared to be equally ignorant with myself. The population, from the most authentic returns, is in all about sixty thousand souls : of these forty-five thousand are Chinese, eight thousand Malays, seven thousand natives of India, and about one hundred and fifty foreigners; and only one4enth of the whole are femalfes. A short description of the Malayan peninsula will be a proper sequel to the account of the island of Singapore. What is usually included under this name extends as far as latitude 7^ N. It is nearly five hundred miles in length, by about one hundred and fifty miles in width, and comprises about fifty thousand square miles. It is mountainous and hilly, and destitute both of extensive valleys and plains. A range of mountains traverses its whole length, rising gradually towards the north, to the height of about six thousand feet. Its geological formation, from the best reports, is exclusively granite; which towards the south has been found to contain many minerals, and the ores of gold and tin in particular. In the latter metal, it is supposed to be the richest of any country in the world. In other respects it cannot be called a favoured region, and in comparison with the surrounding countries is barren. The greater portion of it is still occupied by the primeval forest, which is frequented only by beasts of prey. The Malayan peninsula, and the surrounding islands, are now^ far less populous than they formerly were. Intestine wars among the SINGAPORE. 405 chiefs have, in fact, nearly depopulated the former, and what they have left undone, the pirates in their incursions on the weakened towns, have, by their cruel deeds of murder and rapine, completed. The part of the peninsula that is tributary to the king of Siam has fared but little better ; for his extortions are said to know no bounds. Some accounts state that the Malayan peninsula has once been the seat of civilization, and that various mines have been discovered, by some of the few travellers who have made short excursions from its coast. It is alleged, on the other hand, that both it and Singapore were colonized as late as the twelfth century, by the people of Sumatra; other conjec- tures, said to have some foundation in the traditions of the natives, state them to have been inhabited previously to that epoch, by a half- savage race, which had the features of the Papuans. Other accounts . again, assert, that the aborigines were the Jakongs, or Rayetutans, in the interior, and the Rayetlaut, or fishermen, on the sea-shore. The Malayan peninsula contains nine petty states, each of which is ruled by a chief, who acknowledges the authority of the king of Johore. The Dutch, however, formerly had through commercial treaties much influence with the chiefs, and with the consent of the ' king of Johore, elected a Bugis chief, by the name of Dyar Cambodia, * over the nine stales. This produced a division and contentions: four of them revolted, and invited over a prince of the royal blood from Sumatra, Rajah Malayan, whose party was finally successful, and drove Dyar Cambodia into retirement. Upon this, stipulations w^ere entered into, by which it was agreed that the four chiefs should be assembled by the sovereign to consult on the affairs of state, and that a majority should rule. In return they w^ere to provide for the mainte- nance of the sovereign, by levying an annual tax on the inhabitants, each house contributing annually one gantam of rice, two cocoa-nuts, and one suku- On the occasion of all rites, such as marriages, deaths, and circum- cisions in the royal family, each district was bound to send three buflaloes, to distribute alms to the poor, and in case of war io furnish its quota of men, arms, and ammunition. Dyar Cambodia sought refuge at the island of Rhio in 1773, Since that time the kingdom has undergone various revolutions, and different sovereigns have held rule, who have finally by their intestine w^ars almost depopulated the country. The inhabitants have many singular customs, in some respects not unlike those heretofore described as existing among the Polynesian islanders. In religion, the Malays of the Peninsula are all Moslems, and are 406 SINGAPORE. said to resemble the Arabs in the simplicity of their worship more than they do the inhabitants of Hindoostan. They practise circumcision, and the women appear in public unveiled. They hold three days in the week as lucky to begin an undertaking, namely, Monday, Thursday, and Friday. They devour locusts, and consider buffalo-meat as the greatest luxury. As soon as a child is born and washed, the father puts his mouth to its ears and asks a blessing. On the seventh day, the operation of shaving the head takes place, when prayers are likewise offered up. A midwife is always in attendance at the birth, and is engaged for forty days. On the fortieth day the mother performs her ablutions and prayers, and is then looked upon as clean. It is customary on an engagement of marriage for a day to be fixed for the bridegroom to transmit the money for the nuptial expenses, before which day the ceremony of filing the teeth of the woman is gone through. This is performed by the women with a kind of fine stone found at Acheen, or with a small steel file. The operation is accomplished in an hour, but is very severe ; the teeth are filed off to one-fourth of their length. This operation is also undergone by the males ; but they encounter it at an early age, when it is generally made an occasion for festivities, I have been informed that this operation is never omitted, and that the figure thus given to the teeth is considered as a great beauty. After the teeth are filed, they are blackened, which is efTected by a liquid called grang, obtained by charring cocoanut- shells. This practice of filing the teeth I had often observed before I heard of its being a general custom among the Malays of the peninsula, having seen it among the natives of Sooloo; the fashion closely resembles the Africans of which I have spoken in the first volume. Marriages are preceded by the betrothal of the parties. To make this arrangement, the friends of the bridegroom wait upon the bride's father, to whom they present a ring and a few clothes. The nuptial expenses are then agreed upon, and the portion of the bride is set aside. This is about thirty rupees, and is always paid in silver or gold. The betrothal takes place before witnesses and an agent of the bride, whose consent is asked as a matter of form. After this the husband may take his wife whenever she arrives at the age of puberty, and carry her to his own house ; but she always remains with her father until that event takes place. On these occasions, w^hen the parties are wealthy, a feast of buifalo- meat is given. The bride, three days before marriage, cuts off her hair in front, and dyes her nails and the palms of her hands yellow with henna. S I iV G A P 0 R E. 407 The ceremonies after death are not less curious: washing and shroud- ing of the corpse always takes place, and it is clad in the best clothing of the deceased. On the third, seventh, fourteenth, fortieth, and hun- dredth days, oblations of spices, aloe-wood, and flowers, are oflcred. The Mussulmans of India, in digging graves, never exceed the depth of the navel for a man, while those for a female are always I breast-deep. Near the bottom is dug a side niche, into which the body is put. The niche is then closed w^ith boards placed on their edges, after which the grave is filled wnth earth. The first portion put in is thrown on loose branches, that are laid over the grave in order to sift it and allow it to fall more lightly. Their graves are marked with two small wooden pillars, \vith the earth heaped up 1 between them ; the largest of these denotes the position of the head. On the Malayan peninsula they have various feasts and festivals, that partake more of the customs of the Arabs than of the islands of India. On these occasions sacrifices of buffaloes take place, a prac- tice which is thought to be peculiar to this part of the East. The buffalo selected for this purpose must be without blemish or disease. The animal about to be sacrificed is taken to the mosque, where it is thrown down, its fore and hind legs tied, and the head secured ; water is poured over it, and the offering made. The priest, after saying prayers, cuts the throat ; the carcass is then flayed and divided into tw^o equal parts. One-half is given to the inhabitants, and is gene- rally cooked and eaten on the spot ; the other is divided among the higher orders. The leg-bones are never suffered to be broken, even after death ; neither is the spine, nor are the horns of animals sacrificed suf- fered to be used for common purposes, such as handles of knives, &c» Among the animals that are found in the Malayan peninsula, are the elephant, rhinoceros, a variety of tigers, leopards, bears, monkeys, alligators, guanas, and sometimes the tapir : there are one or two i \ species of deer, which are exceedingly small in size, and of delicate proportions. Of birds, there are a vast variety, including the argus- pheasant, horn-bill, peacock, large vampire-bat, humming-bird, and snipe. Snakes abound, many of which are venomous. The neighbouring seas afford a great variety of shells and corals ; among the latter I may mention the cup of Neptune (Alcyonium), which grows to a very large size, and is not found elsewhere. Our collections, by the industry of the naturalists and ofiicers, w^ere much increased here. The small island of Singapore is destined in all probability to govern at some future period the whole of this country, and will, in course of time, be one of the points from which they are destined to receive the arts and civilization of Europe. It strikes me, therefore, 408 SINGAPORi;. as incumbent on those who rule over this rising colony, to see that the general administration may have a tendency to promote civilization. I regret to say that T could perceive but little indication of any other principle than that of gain. During my stay at Singapore, the subject of steam navigation was much talked of, and many projects appeared to be forming by which the settlement might reap the advantages of that communication, when established between India and China, Some idea of the facilities that this method of transportation has already furnished will appear from the fact that I received letters on my arrival there, vda England, only seventy-two days after their date in the United States- This places the East in such close proximity to Europe, that instead of looking for yearly or monthly accounts, as was formerly the case, they are now on the watch for daily news. This has already, as may be supposed, altered the current of trade, instead of specie, drafts being sent out by the ships with orders for shipment of goods from China, The transactions pass through banks, or are performed by. purchase of government and individual bills. Many believe that in a very few years the w^hole commerce of these seas will he carried on by steam, which would afford peculiar facili- ties for communicating with the ports of the Chinese Empire, by the control it gives the commercial w^orld in counteracting the monsoons, which have hitherto regulated the routes of commerce. All that is needed is capital to set it in motion. As vessels of war, the steamers have been particularly useful in the British operations against China. The shallow and unknown coast of that country, and its almost impenetrable rivers, could have been rendered accessible by no other means. Singapore, as a port of supplies, offers many inducements, although there are the same objections to it that apply more or less to all the ports of the East, One of these is caused by the ravages of the white ants. A portion of our flour was rendered entirely unser- viceable, for these insects had literally perforated the barrels in all directions; and in rolling them over, the staves appeared like fine sieves, through which the flour passed in every direction. This, however, was only the case with that which had been stored in a dry upper loft. The larger portion of this article, which had fortunately been left on the ground-floor or basement of the storehouses, had escaped this injury. The latter place was both cooler and damper than the former, and these were the only apparent reasons w'hy the barrels had escaped uninjured. The climate of Singapore, notwithstanding its geographical and local position, is considered as very salubrious: it is admitted by all I SINGAPORE. 409 that the neighbouring coasts and islands arc quite the reverse. Al- though the island is near the Malay shore, yet the site of tlie town being on its southern point, is within the influence of the prevaiUng winds, which it is generally supposed carry off the miasma as fast as it is formed ; yet every thing seems favourable about the settlement to produce disease : it lies low, with large tracks of marsh and jungle in its neighbourhood. The heat, however, is very much modified by the sea-breezes, and varies only from 79° to 84° ; the mean annual temperature has been found to be_a little above 80° ; in this computa- tion, however, I understand the night hours had been entirely omitted ; had the observations included those also, they would undoubtedly have low^ered the mean considerably. It was remarked that it rains for an \ hour or two almost every afternoon, and in consequence of these daily showers, vegetation has a rapid or rather rank growth. To these frequent show^ers is ascribed by some the healthfulness of the place, preventing malaria by maintaining a constant growth in the vegeta- ble kingdom, and thus tending to absorb the noxious and deleterious gases. The diseases most common in the East, such as dysentery, diarrhoea, and fevers, are seldom experienced here ; but, at the same time, it is necessary to take every precaution, and avoid the heat of the vertical sun. The crews of the squadron were remarkably healthy, and only a few^ of them experienced any ill effects from the heat. One man on board the Vincennes, was attacked with a brain fever, of which he died a few days after leaving the place. This case was attributed to great imprudence on his part, in defiance of all warnings not to expose himself. On my arrival at Singapore, various reports were made to me of defects existing in the tender Flying-Fish. It was to be expected, after the arduous service she had performed ; yet, having brought her safely thus far, I felt a natural desire to carry her home wuth us ; and in this all the officers seemed to partake. But the idea of risking the lives of her officers and crew, after the disaster that had already befallen her sister craft, was not to be endured ; and I saw that it was necessary to have a thorough examination of her before I ventured her in the homeward voyage. I therefore ordered a survey by th most experienced persons in the squadron, who, although they could not point out any conspicuous defects, were satisfied that from long and hard service she had become weakened in her frame, and that she would not only need much time, but a large expense, to place her in a fit condition to make the voyage home. I must say that even after I had received the report I still felt a strong inclination to persist VOL. V, 2K 52 410 SINGAPORE, first and last thought. in bringing her back to the United States ; but my hnal decision was against it. The consul was therefore desired to advertise her for sale, and in the mean time all her stores and armament were removed. She was, agreeably to the notice, sold at public sale for three thou- sand seven hundred dollars- To part with this vessel was unpleasant on many accounts ; for she had been daily, for nearly four years, my The attachment I had felt for her was great ; the efficient aid she had occasionally afforded in the performance of my duties, caused me to value her highly ; and as a vessel of her class, she was almost faultless. By the 25th of February, we had completed filling our water, which is here conveniently supplied by tank-boats ; and having ob- tained for the passage home all the stores we needed, except bread, we made every preparation for sailing. In consequence of the short supply of the latter article, I determined to touch with the Vincennes at the Cape of Good Hope ; while the two brigs were ordered to stop at Rio Janeiro, for the same purpose, as well as to obtain some further observations, and additional speci- mens of natural history. In the evening, we took leave of our worthy consul and his lady, who had afforded us every faciUty for procuring information as well as amusement, to render our stay agreeable, and to whom I now tender my own thanks, as well as those of the other officers of the Expedition. At five o^clock on the morning of the 26th, I took advantage of the land-breeze, and made signal to the Porpoise and Oregon to get under way. GENTOO MONUMENT 'ti: CHAPTER XI CONTENTS. DEPARTURE FROM SINGAPORE-STRAITS OF RHIO--STRAITS OF BANCA-^TRAITS OF SUNDA-INDIAN OCEAN— CURRENTS AND METEOROLOGICAL PHENOMENA OFF THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE— ARRIVAL IN TABLE PAY-CAPE TOWN-GOVERNMENT OF THE COLONY— TAXES— BANKING— WINE TRADE— CATTLE— IMPORT TRADE— HOTTENTOTS— CAFFRE TRIBES— VISIT TO CONSTANTIA— ASTRONOMY AND MAGNETIC OBSERVATIONS —ASCENT OF TABLE MOUNTAIN-GREEN POINT-LIGHTHOUSE-EXCHANGE-GARDEN OF THE BARON VON LUDWIG— CLIMATE OF THE CAPE-PHENOMENA OF REFRACTION —TENURES OF LAND- DEPARTURE FROM TABLE BAY — VOYAGE TO ST, HELENA — JAJVIESTOWN — VISIT TO THE TOMB OF NAPOLEON AND LONGWOOD - MAGNETIC OBSERVATORY— PLANTATION-HOUSE— DEPARTURE FROM ST. HELENA —PASSAGE TO THE UNITED STATES-ARRIVAL AT NEW YORK-CONCLUSION. (411) \ T» CHAPTEK XI CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 1842. After leaving Singapore, I determined to pass through the Straits of Rhio, a route which I deemed the shortest and best for vessels bound through (he Straits of Sunda. We had light winds and rain- squalls at the entrance of the strait; but towards the afternoon we were favoured with the northeast breeze, which carried us rapidly onward. At night I anchored, wishing to examine more particularly the charts extant, and to make what corrections I might deem neces- sary. The next morning at daylight we again resumed our route, but in consequence of fog were obliged to anchor off the Dutch factory at Rhio, where a fort is established. This was first occupied in 1824, after the cession of Malacca. The island contains but few inhabitants, and those few are not in- clined to come under the Dutch authority. From all I could learn, there is very little inducement for a vessel to resort here for trade. The island is considered extremely unhealthy for foreigners during several months of the yean When the weather cleared off, we again passed down the strait, and on our arrival off the southern point of the islands, we steered for the east point of Lintin, which island we passed on the 28th, on our way to the Straits of Banca. On the morning of the 1st of March, we approached the northern entrance of the Straits of Banca, and got a view of these low and uninteresting coasts. The same afternoon, we fell in with a barque, under Dutch colours, which refused to answer our hail as we passed ; we immediately wore 2K2 (413) 414 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. ship, and fired a shot; upon which they let fly all their halyards and sheets. A boat was sent on board with an officer, who discovered that she was manned by Malays, and that no one on board could speak English; however, he managed to understand thai they were from Palambam, Sumatra, and bound to Singapore. Soon afterwards, we saw the Dutch establishment of Mintow ; it is situated on a knolK at the northern end of Banca, and had the Dutch flag flying over it. The greater part of Banca is low land; the northern end particularly so. There are, however, a few detached hills, of considerable altitude, which serve as sailing-marks during the passage through the straits. The southern end of the island rises, and appears to be of a different formation from the other parts, as its soil is thickly wooded. In the forest were seen numerous clearings, where people had been and were then burning charcoal, to obtain fuel for smelting the tin ores. The principal mining district lies towards the southern end of the island, in the swampy flat land at the foot of the isolated hills before mentioned. The ore is usually found at the depth of from six to twenty feet from the surface, in layers that run horizontally for two or three miles; these vary in thickness from six to twenty inches, and consist of heavy granulated particles, of a dark metallic lustre, mixed with white sand- The strata above the vein consists of vegetable mould, red and whit(? clay, intermixed with pebbles of white quartz, and white sand, like that which is found with the metal. A stratum of steatite is said to be found underlying these ores of tin. The process of w^orking these mines is exceedingly rude; both Malays and Chinese are employed in them, but the latter are pre- ferred on account of their greater perseverance and industry. I was told at Singapore that the amount of tin derived from Banca by the Dutch, was not half so great as that obtained while it was under British management, or that it is still capable of yielding. The ore 5s washed after its removal from the veins, which separates the earth, and leaves only the metal and stones; the last are separated by hand, and the metal is then smelted : to effect this, huge piles of alternate layers of ore and charcoal are formed; the fused metal escapes into a hole dug in the ground, from which it is dipped and poured into moulds, forming, when cool, the tin of commerce. Tin ore is found at Banca in great quantities, but its quality is inferior to that obtained from other places; and it rarely yields more than sixty per cent, of pure metal. The process of smelting is but seldom performed, gene- rally not oftener than once or twice a year. Rude bellows of various forms are used in kindling the smelting fires; some of these are com- posed of large wooden cylinders with moving pistons, which give a t: CAPEOFGOODHOPE. 415 - ■ ^ Strong continuous blast ; others are nothing more than a bamboo tube, through which the breath is forced upon the flame. The process for working the mines and extracting the metal from the ore, are similar in all the mining districts, and differ but little from those employed when the mines were first opened. The Sumatra shore of the Straits of Banca is low, and appears to be covered with a dense forest, Durinir the night we were visited bv a heavy storm of thunder and lightning, with much rain. The next morning being pleasant, we got under way again, and passed rapidly through the straits; the southern outlet, however, called the Luce- para Passage, was not attained until nearly dark, and before reaching it we crossed many shoals, so near the surface as to leave but little water under our keels. An English vessel in advance of us hoisted a light after dark, and by taking it for our guide, we succeeded in pass- ing through safely. This vessel was soon overtaken by us, and proved to be the barque Java, Lewis master, thirty-eight days from Batavia, and bound to Singapore, Having lost twelve of her crew by dysen- tery and but few of the survivors being able to perform their duty in consequence, she w^as returning to Batavia, The surgeon was sent on board, and the necessary medicines, &c., of which they were in great want, were supplied. During the 2d and 3d of March, we had cloudy weather, with some rain, and at nightfall on the latter day, anchored near the Two Bro- thers. During the night, George Porter died. He was bui'ied next day with the usual ceremonies. We got under way again at an early hour in the morninf]^, and at evening; found ourselves off North Island, t)' «- w. - ^ near which we anchored. During the night we had lightning, thunder, and rain. The next day we arrived off Hout's Island, at the entrance of the Straits of Sunda, when, the wind dying away, we were left at the mercy of a strong current setting in towards the island. To avoid danger we anchored, and lay until the turn of the tide ; we afterwards - passed round Zutphen's Island and Hog Point, anchoring for the night off Rajah Bassa. As far as my experience goes, I can testify that Horsburgh's direc- tions for the Straits of Sunda are safe and goody although perhaps not the most suitable for our navigators, for he makes the safety of the ship his principal aim, and gives directions so to navigate a large class vessel as to insure it; whilst my countrymen, although they always 1 tfy that in following his advice more time is lost than a regard fo sufficient 416 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. safety demands. Although such may be the case, it ought not to lessen the gratitude that navigators owe him for his East India Directory, a contribution to nautical information that cannot well be surpassed, either for general accuracy, or as regards the great number of satis- factory directions that it contains- On the morning of the 6th, we again got under way, the men ex- hibiting their joy in taking this first real step on their homeward course, by running up the anchor quickly to the bows, and by the alacrity with which they performed their other duties. With a light wind from the eastward, we stood into the Indian Ocean, between the islands of Pulo Bessy and Crockatoa ; the day was a delightful one, and being Sunday, when no unessential duty was performed, there was leisure to enjoy it. After divine service, the wind shifted to the north- ward and westward, and towards night we experienced severe squalls from that quarter, accompanied by lightning and torrents of rain. In the intervals between the gusts, the w^ind blew freshly, and on the morning of the 7th we found ourselves fairly launched on the blue waters of the ocean, pursuing rapidly our homeward course. We were now truly on our route for home, and finding that the brigs detained us by their slower rate of sailing,! determined to part company with them, having some days previously given them direc- tions what course to pursue in such an event: these will be found in Appendix XIV. We accordingly made all the sail that could be carried, and soon left them behind us. As we proceeded to the south- ward, the wind gradually hauled to the westward, and continued blowing strongly from that quarter until the 10th, on which day we reached the latitude of M"" S., and longitude 100° E. The 11th was the first fine day since our departure from the straits ; and on this day we had some slight indications that we should be favoured with the trades. On trying the temperature of the water, one hundred fathoms deep, we found it to differ from that at the surface only six degrees- On the 12th, we had reached latitude 17^ S., and longitude 98° E. The weather was now delightful, and we experienced the long swells of the ocean from the southward and eastward, together with moderate breezes from the same quarter. I determined now to run on that parallel of latitude; for I believed, judging from my experience in other seas, that steady trade-winds w^ere more likely to prevail on it than farther to the southward. On the dSth, we overtook an English barque. At this time, the crew began to be affected with catarrhs and influenza, and thirty- CAPEOFGOODHOPE. 417 eight were reported on the sick-list These affections were imputed to the damp and wet weather which we had experienced after leaving the Straits of Sunda. As we were making our passage across the Indian Ocean in those months during which hurricanes most prevail, some little anxiety was felt on this account ; and as we neared the longitude of the Mauritius, the appearances of the weather w^ere carefully scanned. On the 16th, signs of a change in the weather were evident ; there was also a fall in the barometer, and we encountered a heavy and rising swell from the southward and westward, which continued for about seventy miles. So well defined were the waves, and so large, it satisfied me they were caused by a violent gale blowing at no great distance from us. On the 17th, we passed for fifty miles through swells from the southward and eastward, and of the same character as those seen on the day before, I made many endeavours to measure the velocity of these waves, and their altitudes, and found the former to be from twelve to twenty miles per hour, and the latter about eighteen feet : I was not satisfied, how^ever, that these measurements were quite accurate, nor was there sufficient opportunity to render them so. On the 20th, w^e had fine weather until noon, at which time the wind shifted to the northward. This change was accompanied by a fall of the barometer, and every other indication that we were about to experience one of the phenomena peculiar to this ocean. Every preparation was made to encounter the bad weather whose approach the wind and sea indicated. The barometer gradually fell from 30 inches to 29-89, -SS, -83, -81, '80, -79, in six hours; it then re- mained stationary for three hours, afterwards rose one-tenth of an inch, again fell to 29-79, and remained at that height for more than twenty-four hours. During this time the sea changed its direction, and set heavily from the westward, causing the ship to pitch deeply. We had a light wind 'from the same quarter for several hours, which j afterwards veered to the southward and eastward, enabling us again to lay our course. The height of the waves last spoken of, as deter- mined by a mean of several measurements, was about twenty-three feet, and their mean velocity about twenty-five miles per hour; but some of them, which I lost the opportunity of measuring, were cer- tainly higher. On the 23d, Benjamin Vanderford, master's mate, died. During the cruise, I had often experienced his usefulness, and now regretted his loss. He had formerly been in command of various ships sailing from Salem, and had made many voyages to the Feejee Islands- During our stay there he was particularly useful in superintending VOL. r. 53 418 CAPE OF GOOD HOPK all trade carried on to supply the ships; he always proved himself a good officer, and was one for whom I felt much regard. As some- times happens, he had a presentiment of his own death, and had long been impressed with the opinion that he would not survive to return to his country. His death produced a great impression upon Vendovi, for Mr. Vanderford was the only person wuth whom that chief could converse, and a sort of attachment had sprung up between them, arising from the officer's long residence with Tanoa at Ambau, and his familiarity with the manners and customs of the Feejee Islands. Besides, Vendovi looked forward to his becoming a protector on their arrival in the United States. While conversing with Mr. Vanderford, some time before his death, he expressed his willingness to take charge of Vendovi, and to befriend him on our arrival at home ; for, although the Feejeeans had despoiled him of all his pro- perty, they had nevertheless saved his life, and for that, or rather for refraining from devouring him, he felt some gratitude, and would have shown it to Vendovi. Poor Vendovi could not be persuaded to look at his friend's corpse ; his spirits evidently flagged ; a marked change came over him ; and he no doubt felt as though he had lost his only friend. His own disease, henceforward, made rapid strides towards a fatal termination, and he showed that such was the case by his total disregard of every thing that passed around him, as well as by his moping, melancholy look. On the 24th, the remains of Mr. Vanderford were committed to the deep, with the usual service and honours. The same day we experienced a current to the northwest ; and the crew, after having been for ten days afflicted with colds and influenza, began rapidly to recover. March S., and longitude 68° E., and enjoyed, until the 30th, delightful weather and strong trades, enabling us to make two hundred and fifty miles a day. On the latter day we overtook and spoke the ship Clarendon, of Boston, from Canton for New York. On the 2d of April, a strong current was felt setting towards the northwest; on the 3d, it was found to set west-northwest. We had squally weather on the 4th, accompanied by frequent lightning, thunder, and rain. This storm lasted for three hours. We then ran out of it, having fine weather again, and a clear sky overhead; leaving as it were behind us the storm, which seemed to occupy half the firmament, with many beautiful and well-defined rainbows. I was told, at the Cape, that this phenomenon of the sky half covered with clouds, was frequently seen by those dwelling there, or navigating the sen? in its neighbourhood; and, on its occurrence. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 419 those in a proper situation never fail to witness the same series of beautiful and well-defined rainbows. We were again affected by currents on the 5th; and they show^ed themselves in the formation of the short rough sea which we encoun- tered. The deep-sea soundings on that day gave remarkable results; for, while the temperature of the water at the surface was 73-5^, that ■ r at a depth of one hundred fathoms was 78^; although this may seem somewhat singular, it may be accounted for by the circumstance that we were within the influence of the tropical currents setting to the southward along the eastern coast of Africa. On the 6th, experiments on the temperature of the water gave similar results, although the difference betw^een the surface temperature and that at one hundred fathoms depth w^as not so great as on the pre- vious day, the former being 75-5^, and the latter 78-5°. The ascertained set of the ship by current this day was south half west, forty miles. At noon the current was found, on trial, to flow in the same direction, but with a velocity of not more than half a mile per hour. The ship continued to be tossed about most uncomfortably during the 7th, and the current set us fifty-three miles in a west-southwest direc- tion. We passed close to the edge of the Aguillas Bank, where the temperature of the surface water rose to 78°, and continued so until 5 p. M., w^hen the water became discoloured, and it fell to 73^ ; we then obtained soundings with sixty fathoms of line on dead coral. During this time the temperature of the air had not been higher than 70°. In order to examine the temperature of the warm stream that we were passing through, I shaped a course nearly at right angles to the direc- tion of its flow, and while sailing sixty miles made the following obser- vations : At noon, the temperature of the surft.ce wa» » 1 p. M «2 -7 *'8 at u u »t u u u u ftt u u u 78° 78 78 77 75 73 69 68 66 At the time of the last observation the temperature of the air was 68°. On the morning of the 8th we had soundings in sixty-nine fathoms water; the direction and velocity of the current was tried by anchoring a boat. The direction was found to be S. 56° W. (true), and the velocity to amount to three quarters of a mile per hour. During the last twenty-four hours the current had set us thirty-three miles, and in 420 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. the same direction as that shown by our experiment. A trial of the temperature at the bottom was made with the deep-sea thermometer, and was found to be 56|^; while at the surface it was 69^. The land to the westward of Algoa Bay was now in sight, and it was not a little remarkable as we came on soundings how soon we passed into a smooth and quiet sea, from a rough and tossing one, exhibiting all the turbulent characteristics that are caused by the meeting of powerful currents. On the 9th, the wind being contrary, we continued standing in tow^ards the land, and in the afternoon w^ere not more than ten miles from the coast. The temperature of the air and water was GS*^. The next day the wind blew from the same direction, and as the weather was fine, I determined to stand off to the edge of the bank previously spoken of, in order to obtain the assistance of the current running there, to carry us to the westward. At 4 p. m. we tried the set and velocity of the current, on soundings in eighty-five fathoms water, and found its direction to be east-northeast; its rate, a quarter of a knot per hour. During the last twenty-four hours, while on sound- ings, the set of the current was thirty-three miles N. 62^ E. At 6 p- m. the temperature of the w^ater changed from 67° to 75°, and wuth this variation of temperature, we found we were again entering the turbu- lent sea. In the tacks w^e made, off and on, the temperature rose and fell during each of them, sev^eral degrees, and the turbulent and smooth water formed a well-defined line. On the 11th, we still continued in the rough water; the temperature at the surface being 75°, but that at one hundred fathoms depth was only 65° ; with two hundred and fifty fathoms of line, there were no soundings. In the evening the water became remarkably phosphore- scent; in fact, to a greater degree than I had ever previously observed, except at the Cape de Verde Islands, while on our outward voyage. After we had passed the pitch of the Cape, the direction of the current was found to be changed, having set us, ^n twenty-four bours, forty miles, on a course N. 40° W. I am satisfied that the use of thermometers would be beneficial to X ■ those navigating around this Cape ; for by keeping in water of a tem- perature above 70°, they w^ould, although exposed to a rougher sea, be carried more rapidly around the Cape, and would discover that they had passed it by encountering the cold water which is flowing rapidly to the northwest. In fact, it is obvious to me that the anomalies of current and temperature existing in this neighbourhood, can only be accounted for on the hypothesis of an upper and under current of different temperatures- The former of these is the warm, the latter CAPEOFGOODHOPE. 42] the cooler one: but for a more particular explanation of this sulyect, the reader is referred to the diagram map, and the chapter on currents and whaling. On the 12th of April, we arrived off False Bay, The temperature of the surface water w^as reduced to 64°, and the current was setting us rapidly to the north-northwest. The fog and mist that now pre- vailed, prevented my observations for ascertaining the rate of the cur- rent from being as accurate as T desired; the results, such as they w^ere, gave it a velocity of more than a mile per hour. On the 13th, no observations could be obtained on account of the r fog and mist; and our situation became rather a perplexing one. On making trial of the current, we found that it was drifting us to the north at the rate of eighteen miles in tw^enty-four hours. Soundings were obtained in eighty-five fathoms. The temperature of the surface water fell to 54°. Towards evening it cleared up, and our situation was obtained by bearings, which placed us off Snake's Head, about twelve miles to the southward and westward of the Lion's Head. Believing that my only chance of making Table Bay was by keeping as close to the shore as possible, I kept the ship on soundings during the night, and at daylight stood in through a thick fog for what I felt sure must be the position of Green Point. While under way, we fell in with a fleet of small fishing-boats lying at anchor. Their crews were catching a species of bass, as fast as they could haul in their lines. Immense numbers of birds, such as albatrosses, petrels, and gulls, surrounded the boats, and were feeding on the small fish and offal thrown overboard from them. The fish caught here are salted, and being afterwards dried, furnish no inconsiderable portion of the food of the lower orders of the colony. One of the fishermen w^as desired to come on board, and after he had satisfied me that some u reliance might be placed in him as a pilot, he was retained with ug. Under his guidance we stood on, and as the fog began to break away reached our anchorage, having passed close to the lighthouse and Green Point, the western point of Table Bay. The captain of the port, Commander Bance, R. N-, boarded us soon after w^e had anchored. I was glad to see this gentleman, to whom I felt under obligations, for civilities and kindness shown me some eighteen years previously, during a cruise off the coast of Peru. An oiRcer was despatched by me to call upon, and report our arrival to Sir George Thomas Napier, governor of the colony. The falling of the ball at the Royal Observatory afforded us an opportunity for comparing the time as shown by our chronometers 2L 422 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. with that of the Cape. Of this we took advantage, and found that our time-keepers had performed well. Much to my regret, our consul at this place, Isaac Chase, Esq,, was confined to his house by sickness. I anticipated detention from this cause ; but on visiting him at his residence on Green Point, I was informed by him that he had already made arrangements through the house of Bordelaise, Thompson & Pillars, for supplying all our w^ants as soon as possible. The view of Cape Town and its vicinity from the anchorage, is remarkable, and the whole seems novel. Directly in its rear rise the perpendicular sides of Table Mountain, while on either hand are seen the crags of the Lion's Head and Devil's Peak; the former usually overhung by a large cloud, which often covers the whole town with its broad shadow. These mountains are composed of a dark reddish- gray sandstone, and excepting immediately at their base, and close to the rear of the town, show but little signs of vegetation. Here and there pretty straw-coloured cottages are scattered among the foliage. The anchorage, which is at some distance from the beach, was, at the time of our arrival, occupied by a large number of vessels, which somewhat surprised me, for at this season of the year the bay is often visited by northers, which have in former years done much damage, and caused the loss of many lives. I was informed, however, that but little apprehension is now felt on their account, for ships are at the present time w^ell provided wuth chain cables, and can hold their ground. Two quays extend from the beach into the bay, affording facility to lighters lo discharge and take in their cargoes at all times of the tide. The town itself show^s many traces of its original occupants. The houses, with their prim little stoops, porches, and gables to the street, reminding me strongly of those built by the early settlers of New York and Albany. But few^ of the streets have any sidewalks, and many of them are not paved at all, causing them, in consequence of the arid climate, to be ankle-deep in dust. Nine-tenths of the inhabitants still retain a Dutch look, and many of them are unable to speak any other than their original language, while to a large number of them the epithet "boors," so commonly bestowed, is quite applicable. The town is laid out with regularity, many of the streets crossing each other at right angles, and some are of respectable width. Rows of oak, poplar, and pine trees line the sides of the principal avenues. Many contain shops, which are well supplied with the usual varieties of European goods* Roses and vines are cultivated in front of the CAPEOFGOODHOPE. 423 houses, and their blossoms and fruit, although within reach of all, are respected. The houses are painted of various colours, without any regard to taste, and are of a clean though antiquated appearance. No two of them are alike, yet their styles are so marked, that the country whence their builders came may be judged with tolerable certainty from each. Badly-painted signs are as numerous as in our own country, and vanes pointing in every direction surmount the gables. The Dutch costume still prevails among the .inhabitants, and afforded us much amusement. In the schools the Dutch language is still taught; though in many the English is a branch of education. Con- sidering the number of years that this colony has been under the British dominion, it surprised me to find that a knowledge of the \ Dutch was much more necessary than that of English, while dealing with the inhabitants. There are two hotels in Cape Town, the Royal George and the Victoria, both kept on the English plan. The former we frequented during our short stay, and found it comfortable, although far inferior to what might have been expected from the size of the town. I The Cape of Good Hope was originally settled by the Dutch in 1652; captured by the British in 1795; restored again after the peace of Amiens in 1802; again taken possession of in 1806; and finally ceded to Great Britain in 1815. During its occupation as a Dutch colony, it had twenty-eight governors, and since it has been under British rule it has had eighteen. By this it will be perceived that the changes in its administration have been frequent, and what might naturally be expected to follow, the policy and character of its governors have been vacillating. It has been generally ruled very much after the ideas of those who presided for the time being. The government is nominally vested in the governor, and an executive and legislativ^e council, who are all appointed by the crown, or with its approbation and consent. Under this system of government it has been the misfortune of the Cape colony to be placed ; and the advantages it has possessed under some, have been counterbalanced by others, and not unfrequently the salutary regulations made by one, have, without any apparent reason, in the minds of the colonists, been annulled or set aside by others; which, of course, has tended to foment discord and produce a feeling of opposition to British rule ; this has prevented the advancement of the colony, and retarded its usefulness by giving license to crime that otherwise would not have existed. Of late years, however, ahhough the government still remains the same, yet they have been more fortunate in the individuals who have 424 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 4 presided over it. In regarding the British colonial system, it appears remarkable that the British nation, generally so mindful of political rights, should place it in the power of distant governors to rule their colonists with almost despotic sway, and their growth and rise to be at the option of any one individual, who may arbitrarily crush or para- lyse the efforts of industry and the developement of resources. Many of the inhabitants of the Cape complain of this polity, but look forward to the adoption, in the course of time, of an elective legislative body, which will give them some share in the government, and prevent not only misrule, but undue taxation and a misapplication of its funds in the various improvements which government may authorize. The executive council consists of seven members, including the governor, who is the presiding officer; and the legislative council of thirteen, composed of the members of the executive council and five additional unofficials, who are themselves residents of the colony, named by the governor, and appointed by the crown. The same kind of government may be said to exist now as in New South Wales, of which I have had occasion to speak when treating of that colony ; and it is thought to be equally inefficient, and to require reform. One of the circumstances that had agitated the respectable portion of this colony, has been the publication of the authentic Cape records. Many entered warmly into the scheme at first, but it was soon per- ceived what the developements were likely to be, and that many who had played a conspicuous part in the history of the colony, were about to have all their public as well as private acts brought to light; and this has raised a strong opposition to the continuance of the publica- tion. The editor, Donald Moodie, Esq., in the year previous to our visit, made an appeal, stating the difficulties that he had encountered, and adding, that he w^ould in consequence be obliged to give up the task. Some of the numbers were sent me by a friend, which I took the more interest in perusing, as exhibiting the history of the tribe of Hottentots, which may be now deemed almost extinct, so far as the civilized and settled portions of the colony extend. Many disreputable actions on the part of all those who have been engaged were here exposed, and I am not at all surprised that the official incumbent, as well as others, should exert all their interest to effect its suppression; however, as many of these statements are now before the public, it would be desirable that they should be gone through with, that there may be a full understanding of the transactions that have now come to light, in order to have a full knowledge of the state of the affairs of the colony, as well in relation to the governor as to those who have II! We CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 435 been employed under the governmental authority, whether missionaries or officials. Like the secret details of all colonies, they will show a great deal of misrule, inhumanity, and want of system, in the conduct of affairs. The opposing .interests are such that the whole will pro- bably be exposed. The colonists, on the one side, feeling themselves unjustly charged with cruelty and persecution of the unfortunate natives, desire that all the investigations that have taken place may be brought before the public ; while, on the other hand, those who are or have been in any way connected with the government, are, from all accounts, disposed to the suppression of this documentary evidence, e I desirous of showing the dark side of the picture, I might insert here a few extracts that would startle the many who now boast of their philanthropic action, and are disposed to condemn the actions of others in regard to slavery, who are, in comparison, far less guilty of wrong to the interests of humanity. Those who are disposed to look further into these subjects, may consult *' Specimens of the Authentic Records of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, relative to the Aboriginal Tribe ; together with an Inquiry into the Justice and Expediency of publishing the remaining portion of those Records, by Donald Moodie: Cape of Good Hope, 1841." On the morning after my arrival I called on his excellency the governor, at the government-house, where I had the honour of an introduction to Sir George Napier. His reception was kind and frank. With him I nassed a nleasant half hour. Sir George is one of the W those well-contested conflicts, in the loss of an arm. He showed me over the apartments, which, however, are not now occupied, as he was living at his country-seat. They appear convenient, and afford from the windows a view of the government demesne, which is quite pretty, planted as it is with fine old oaks; part of it is kept as a public walk, which the citizens frequent on holidays in large numbers. The Cape station has never been a popular one, from the want of society; but of late years very many persons from India have made it a resort for the recovery of their health, and in a measure supplied the deficiency in this respect. The offices for the transaction of government business are in the immediate neighbourhood of the government-house, and within the precincts is also a college for the education of the youths of the colony; it has several professors, but I understood all those who desire to have their children well educated send them to England. The barracks are extensive, and well built, and have a large area in front as a parade-ground. There are several other buildings going VOL. V. 2L2 54 426 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. up, for the accommodation of the troops and hospitals for the sick, all handsome and well situated. I regret to say that as much cannot be said for the town prison, nor for the buildings appropriated to the police department, custom-house, and harbpui'-master's department: all these bear the marks of what Cape Town was, and stand in strong contrast to the modern improvements Formerly the municipal government of Cape Town consisted of a president, four members, the town treasurer, and a secretary. The president was elected for two years, and was succeeded by the senior member of the board. This board was dissolved, apparently for no sufficient reason, for every one was satisfied with its usefulness in controlling the various duties appertaining to a corporate body. The town is now divided into twelve districts, and each district into four wards, over each of which there is a commissioner, and four ward-masters, chosen by the people. The first form the upper board, and the last the lower, and each have a chairman and deputy chair- man, who, among other duties, act as appraisers of property, on which the taxes are assessed equal to three-quarter pence in the pound. By the statistical tables published, it appears that the valuation of property of Cape Town reaches the sum of one million six hundred and thirty- six thousand pounds. The municipal regulations now seem to be excellent, and are more or less under military control. The police has been organized on the plan of the police of London, and its efficiency is highly spoken of. From all the information I could gather, crime has very much de- creased in both the Cape district and colony. The statistics of crime show but few cases. The quarterly sitting of the grand jury took place during our visit, and there were but six presentments, viz., one for culpable homicide, two assaults with intent to harm, one robbery, one theft, or receiving stolen goods, and one fraudulent insolvency; and this within a district containing fifty thousand inhabitants. There are great complaints about the administration of the laws of the colony ; the English system now prevails so far as to allow counsel to the criminal The trial by jury is established ; seven of the twelve must be present, and it requires a majority of these only to convict; if more than seven are present, and the jury are divided equally, the prisoner is acquitted. The Dutch criminal code formerly in force has been modified by the English, so far as respects some punishments; torture, for instance, has been done away with. The crimes of murder, high treason, counterfeiting, and rape, are punished with death; thefts of large amount, assault, robbery, and the like, are punished bv trans- CAFE OF GOOD HOPE, 427 portation; while, for other and minor crimes, the prisoners are employed as convicts on Robben's Island, working in the quarries; for less offences, flogging and imprisonment are inflicted. On the other hand, the English civil law has been modified by that of the Dutch : this has increased litigation, in consequence of the absurd manner in which boundaries were formerly laid off; such, for instance, as estimating by the distance a man could walk in a hour, or canter with his horse. Another source of complaint, which amused me not a little, was the administration of justice by a supreme court, over which a chief justice and two puisne judges preside ; two of these are English, while the third is a Scotchman; the consequence is, the English judges administer the law after the English code, while the Scotch judge follows that of Scotland, which often renders the decision diametrically opposite : and it is impossible for the advocate or client to know by what judge or law his case is to be tried. It was said, I know not with what truth, that high connexions have been considered more suitable qualifications for the office than legal knowledge. The salaries do not exceed fifteen hundred and two thousand pounds annually. There are in the Cape colony eight districts. Each of these is governed by a commissioner or civil magistrate, who is assisted by justices of the peace. These districts are again subdivided into veld cornetcies. The cornetcies are governed by a petty magistrate, who is called a veld cornet These extend over a distance of about twenty miles, and under him is organized the militia force, in case it should be called out. It is the duty of the latter to meet the requisitions of the higher government officers for supplies, &c. There is little liberty allowed the inhabitants of the districts, who are restricted from all acts that might in any way tend to give expression to their sentiments ; not even are they allowed to hold a public meeting, and all kinds of prose- cutions are referred to the capital for final decision- At the Cape they \ have a vice-admiralty court for the trial of offences on the high seas. The commissioner of the district, and others holding oflice, are appointed under the great seal, who are each empowered to grant licenses of marriage, and do other civil acts, and have associated with them the justices of peace, as well as the veld cornets. The taxes are represented as being onerous ; there is, for instance, a capitation tax of six shillings annually, on all free males and females, above the age of sixteen. Those in the employ of the government are exempt, as w^ell as the servants attendant on them. Horses and carriages of all kinds are taxed from two to four pounds. There is a tax on all incomes exceeding thirty pounds, of two per cent. ; in addition 428 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. to these are the stamp duties, water taxes, house taxes, auction duties, market duties, tithes on wine and grain, in short, on every thing that is sold ; all papers executed, transfers of property, promissory notes, bonds, and licenses of all kinds; indeed, it would be difficult to mention any thing exempted from the all-pervading taxation which here prevails. On inquiring the cost of articles, it is invariable to account for the price, by adding that the article is taxed. The people are even taxed for permission to leave the colony; and I was told it was necessary to pay a tax to take a bath. The whole revenue raised amounts to £130,000, and the expendi- tures do not exceed £125,000. In order to lessen the weight of the taxation, it was in agitation at the time of our visit, to increase the duties on imports, which are about three per cent, ad valorem, on English articles, and ten per cent, on foreign goods. The circulation is a paper one of the denomination of rix-dollars, valued at one shilling and six-pence.- There are no notes less than twelve rix-dollars, equal to a pound. The monetary concerns of the colony have undergone many vicissitudes, and numerous experiments have been made, all tending to produce a v^anl of confidence. Govern- ment, until within a few years, had the entire control of the discount banks, and through them possessed a full knowledge of the affairs of men in business, and it is said did not fail to use it in an arbitrary manner, producing revulsions In the monetary affairs of the colony that were highly prejudicial to the commercial community, causing much distress, and in some cases ruin, of which many feel the effects to this day. This state of things gave rise to the establishment of banks exclu- sively under the control of private individuals: there are two of these corporations, bearing the title of the " Cape of Good Hope Bank," with a capital of £70,000, and the " South African Bank," whose capital amounts to £100,000; the capital of each is all paid in, and no part of it can be withdrawn. The latter is not a bank of issue. A general statement of their affairs is annually made to the proprietors. Interest is paid on deposits remaining longer than a certain specified time. Inviolable secrecy is observed with regard to individual accounts, and each person connected with the institution signs a promise to that efTect. These banks afford every facility within the bounds of pru- dence to those dealing with them, even carrying the spirit of accommo- dation so far as to keep early hours for the benefit of the agriculturists who frequent the market. This new system is found to work admirably, and pays handsome f I m I CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 409 dividends to the proprietors. It gratified me to learn that the public of Cape Town is chiefly indebted to Isaac Chase, Esq., the United States consul, for the adoption of this banking system. I had many interesting conversations with him on the subject, and also conversed with others, inhabitants of the colony, who expressed themselves highly pleased with the success of these institutions, while at the same time they acknowledged their obligations to our commercial agent. < Wine is the great staple of the colony; but many of the vine- growers have been ruined, in consequence of the vacillating policy pursued by the home government, with regard to this branch of industry. Trusting to the promises made by the government, a vast amount of capital w^as invested in the business, and the annual pro- duction was in a short time tripled. This state of things continued for about ten years; but in the year 1825 a change of policy took ^ place, and the protection was diminished more than one-half; and at the same time a further reduction w^as proposed in the bounty. As a natural consequence, a depreciation in all the wine estates took place, and the loss of much property ensued. This was made more un- pleasant to the Cape colonists by a proposition to put a duty on Cape wines, that would have the effect of placing them at a higher duty than those of foreign wines* The colonists are still very sensitive upon the subject of wine, and the treatment they have received; not only have they to complain of bad faith on the part of the government, but the constant efforts of others to decry their wines, some of w^hich are produced of as fine a quality as those in any other part of the world; but there is some foundation for the disparaging reports that have been circulated, for quantities have certainly been sent abroad that had been very much adulterated- The Cape colony, both as to soil and climate, is well adapted to the raising of all descriptions of wines, from the light German and French, to those of Madeira and Sherry. In consequence of the reverses the colonists have met with in the wine trade, they have begun to turn their attention to the raising of sheep; the colony has been found to be well adapted to those producing fine wool, and the investments that have been made in them bid fair to be profitable. Wheat and maize are also cultivated, particularly on the mountains near the Cape, where these grains grow in great perfection, and are raised in sufficient quantities to meet the consumption of the colony, and to be exported in considerable quantity to the Mauritius. The wheat now used is of a hard and flinty kind, and effectually resists 430 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. the attaclis of insects, as well as the rust, which were formerly troublesome. The other chief productions are fruit, oil, and provisions. One great obstacle is opposed to this colony ever becoming a great producer of wool, and that is the immense distances and the almost total want of communications. So bad are the roads and so great the hindrances that the wonder is, not that there is so little internal trade, but how transportation is effected at alL Were it not for the energy and perseverance of the early colonists, and the hardy breed of cattle that they possess, communication between distant parts of the colony would be nearly impossible. Some opinion may be formed of the state of the roads and the difficulties to surmount, by the fact that fourteen pair of oxen are frequently attached to a small wagon. The ox used in Africa seems to me to be of an entirely different breed from the animal w^e are accustomed to see in our country. Their legs are much longer in proportion to their bodies, lank and bare-boned, with immense horns ; and their gait, instead of a slow walk, is often a trot. The whole of the foreign trade of the colony passes through Cape Town. The value of imports is estimated at one and a half millions sterling, and that of exports amounts to upwards of a million. The vessels engaged in this trade number about six hundred, whose ton- nage amounts to one hundred and eighty thousand tons. The total revenue from customs, in the year 1840, was forty-two thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven pounds. The exports consist of w^ine, wool, ivory, whale-oil, hides, tallow, and aloes. These are either brought lo Cape Town from the interior in wagons, or in small vessels from Algoa Bay. They are sold by auction, in the market-place, every Saturday. This mode of effecting sales is almost univ^ersal. The services of auctioneers are of course in request, and in addition to their legitimate trade they receive deposits and make advances on merchandise com- mitted to their charge. The government taxes on sales by auction amount to a large sum, and no article can be sold unless a tax is paid; for any infraction of this law there is a heavy penalty, to be collected by the market-master, who is appointed by the government, and who superintends the collection of the dues according to a tariff which is published. There is a great want of labourers in the colony ; and since the abolition of slavery, this scarcity has very much increased, for it is found that those who have been manumitted are not disposed to work more than is necessary to provide themselves with food. The attempt been o CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 431 J I 1 templated, to bind as apprentices the captured slaves brought into the island of St, Helena, to those who were willing to receive ihem, at the Cape of Good Hope. The governor of St. Helena, Colonel H. Trc- lawny, was well disposed to this plan, and it was understood was co- operating with the authorities of the Cape to carry it fully into effect. Five years is to be the term of apprenticeship. However much the authorities incline to this plan, the wisdom of it is much doubted by a large number of the inhabitants of the colony, who allege, that although il may answer the purpose of giving relief, yet this benefit will not be permanent, and in a few years they may be overburdened with a population of blacks, who will be little inclined to labour, and may be a great impediment to the introduction of a class of free labourers, who might be permanently beneficial to the towns as well as to the interior. In the inhabitants of Cape Town, although one sees a great variety of costume and figure, yet a true Hottentot of full blood is said to be but rarely met with. Some, indeed, were pointed out as such ; but, although they seemed to have the distinguishing marks that are gene- rally impressed upon us as characteristic, yet on further inquiry they did not prove to be really so. The wood-cut gives a good idea of those seen at Cape Town. HOTTKNTOTS. The men are represented as being very much attached to their sheep-skin cloak or caross- Those that we saw were remarkable for 432 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. very high and prominent cheek-bones and a sharp chin ; they are not much inclined to steady employment: the attending of cattle, and the indolent and wandering life in which Ihey pass their time, suit their disposition. They at times hire themselves out to the farmers, re- .ceiving cattle as wages. In the colony they do not bear a very high character for honesty and faithfulness. They are expert drivers of wagons, but are otherwise careless and inattentive. They are deemed an improvident race, though there are some instances of their showing great attachment to individuals who have treated them welL Their numbers now are variously stated ; but little dependence is to be placed on the accounts given, as is evident by their ranging from ten to thirty thousand. Upwards of thirty thousand slaves in the colony have been manu- mitted; but the success of these as free labourers is by no means ^encouraging. The cooleys or bearers have regular employment, but Mai M intelligent African traveller, to whom the world is indebted for his interesting accounts of the Bushmen, and the chief knowledge we have of the interior of the colony. We are indebted to his exertions, through the liberaHty and joint action of some gentlemen of the Cape, for the many attempts that have been made to penetrate into the inte- rior of Africa- When the difficulties and perils of such efforts are duly considered, it is not surprising that so little success has been met with in the various expeditions undertaken with this view. To those who would wish to seek adventure, the exploration of Africa offers at present a wider and more novel field than any other portion of the world. The colonial government has^f late years had much trouble with the CafFre tribes on the eastern limits of the colony- These have frequently made incursions, and driven off the cattle of the settlers, in revenge for the injuries they have sustained from the whites. The usual result is taking place; here, as elsewhere, civilized man is driving the savage before him, and occupying their hunting-grounds far permanent agriculture. The missionaries have in some cases pushed their establishments among these savage races, and from them the accounts of the CafTres have been mostly derived. Their appear- ance as well as character seem to indicate a totally different origin from the negro and Hottentot tribes. One of the marked peculiarities about them, is that they avoid marrying the women of their own tribe, preferring to purchase wives from their neighbours, for whom they barter their cattle. Tamboukie women are preferred, although they CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 433 are described as very ugly, being sliort, stout in the body, and having strong muscular limbs. Those M^ho have visited the country of the Caffres, describe them as extremely hospitable, and very cheerful in their dispositions. They mostly go naked, particularly during the heat of summer, though they wear the caross of skin in the winter. Their arms consist of the spear and club, with a shield of bullVhide to protect the person. Their principal food is the milk of their herds, which they value beyond any thing else: they are a pastoral people, and the cattle-fold is considered the great place of honour, so much so that their chiefs are always found to occupy it. They have of late years obtained many horses; formerly they used the ox for riding, and this animal is said to have been even trained by them for the race. The part of South Africa occupied by the Caffres enjoys a delightful climate, and they, consequently, need but little protection from the weather; and their huts are rudely constructed. Of late years the settlers at Port Natal, on the eastern coast, who are surrounded by the Caffre tribes, set themselves up as a sort of independent community, believing they w^ere beyond the limits of the colony ; they enacted laws and regulations, issued their declaration of independence, invited settlers, and for a time committed many atroci- ties on the Caffres. The Cape government, deeming it was advisable to check this disorderly spirit, sent an expedition to assert their proper supremacy. Troops were proceeding to Port Natal at the time of our visit. During our stay we visited, as all strangers do, the estate of Con- stantia ; it is situated about thirteen miles from Cape Town. There are three small estates that bear this name, viz. ; High, Great, and Little Conslantia- The country we passed through, although barren and sandy, was apparently w^ell settled : the village of Wynberg is the residence of many persons who come here to enjoy the delightful air that generally blows from the eastward ; most of the residences are pretty cottages, and some have the appearance of handsome villas ; they all have an air of neatness and comfort about them. Oaks and the pine are almost the only trees met with, and one is somewhat surprised that even these should be found; for the country is, to appearance, a barren waste, and many miles of it are quite unproduc- tive for agriculture. The scarlet heath, blue oxalis, and the yellow compositae, not only enliven this waste, but give it somewhat the character of the flowery prairies of Oregon. The sandy soil looked like the sea^shore, and bears indubitable marks of having been once covered by the ocean. VOL. V, 2M 55 434 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. The estates of Constantia lie east of the Table Mountain, on False Bay, and fronr) their pecuHar situation are adequately watered by the mists condensed by that lofty mountain. The soil of these estates is far from being rich, but is rather a light and in some places a gravelly soil The graperies lie for the most part on the slope to the southeast, while some are situated on the low lands, which are carefully ditched to preserve them dry. They are divided into fields of some four or five acres each; the grape-vines are planted in rows four feet apart, they are never permitted to grow higher than three feet, and the whole is kept free from grass and weeds. In the spring, the vines are pruned; the grapes come to maturity in April ; while they are growing, all unnecessary leaves and sprouts are removed, to give frqe access to the sun and air, and full advantage of the growth of the parent stock* The grapes are allowed to remain on the vines until almost con- verted into raisins : they are then carefully examined, and all the decayed and bruised ones removed, before being gathered. The same process is used for expressing the grape here as at Madeira; but they have in some places advanced a step, and use the screw-press. The buildings for the storage of the wines are of one story, and arranged into three apartments; two of these are appropriated to the manufac- ture of the wine, and the third to that which is kept ripening for sale. The wines are of four kinds, Pontac, Frontignac, and the white and red Constantia. These are named in the order of their celebrity and price, which is usually a fixed one: the wine here is sold by the aam 4 ■ and half aam, equivalent to a barrel and half barrel; the cost for the last quantity is one hundred dollars for the first kind, eighty-five for the second, seventj^-five for the third, and sixty for the fourth. To L. V. Renen, Esq., the proprietor of the High Constantia, we are in- debted for many attentions. The grounds of Constantia w^ere orna- mented with some plaster statues of Hottentots and Caffres, which were said to represent the true type of these natives, but we had no opportunity of judgin I paid a visit to the Cape observatory, famous from the labours of Sir John Herschell, on the southern constellations* It is now in charge Maclear '5 I- :^ 4. f engaged in the measurement of an arc of the meridian. His assistant Mr. Smyth, and Lieutenant Wilmot, of the magnetic observatory, showed us the instruments. Lieutenant Wilmot has four non-com- missioned artillery officers for his assistants. The day of our visit * Just previous to our departure, we were informed that some true Hottentots were in the town jail ; the last place one would have thought of looking for them. The intelligence CMne too late to make use of it. I CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 435 happened to be term-day, when an almost uninterrupted series of ^1 observations are taken; our stay was therefore but short, as I was dismclined to interrupt the constant duties of the observers. During our visit at the observatory, the weather was beautifully clear ; no clouds were to be seen except over the Table Mountain, and objects viewed across the sandy plain were much distorted by^ refraction. The botanists attached to the Expedition attempted, during our stay, to ascend to the top of Table Mountain ; but having taken a path different from that usually pursued, they were arrested by the per- pendicular wall when about six hundred feet below the top, A great collection of botanical specimens amply repaid them for their disap- pointment. They visited the valley between Table Mountain and the DeviPs Peak, and found it to consist of a dry spongy soil, densely covered with Rutacese, intermixed with low bushes of Heath, Thyme- lacese, Diosmas, and Compositse, having a close resemblance and analogy to the upland bogs of New Zealand. The drives around Cape Town are pleasant; the one to Green Point is the most agreeable : this is a straggling village, with the houses having pretty gardens in front, laid out in the English style: the distant view of the ocean, with the heavy surf breaking upon the rocky coast, are fine objects to seaward. The sides and tops of the hills in the rear are bare of trees, but the roads are lined with Cacti of large growth, giving to the scenery a decidedly tropical character. Green Point has a municipal government, and elects its commissioner and ward-masters in the same manner as Cape Town. The light- house is within this district : it is quite unworthy of the name, being decidedly the most inferior British establishment I have seen. This surprised me the more, because there is here a great necessity for a brilliant light. There is a Commercial Exchange at Cape Town, possessing a public library, consisting of about thirty thousand volumes, and con- taining a reading-room, as well as a large hall, which is used for the public meetings and festivities of the inhabitants. Different sects of Christians are vying with each other, to carry civilization and the gospel to the tribes in the interior; but as usual, there are many who deny the purity of their principles, and spread scandalous reports concerning their operations. The walks near the town are pretty, and kept in neat order. One that leads along the brook in the rear of the town, whose banks are occupied by hosts of washerwomen, is peculiarly picturesque; as soon as you ascend to the top of the hill, you overlook the town, bay, and 436 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. I shipping, and gain a view of the sandy plain and distant mountains, with Robben's Island and Green Point in the distance. Among the objects of interest at the Cape, is the Botanical Garden of the Baron von Ludwig. To his liberality we are much indebted for plants and seeds; and in fact every thing that our botanists desired was placed at their disposition* The garden is surrounded by a brick wall, and situated near the foot of the Lion's Rump; its soil was originally poor, but it has been much enriched by manure. The collection of plants, both native and exotic, is good, but the season of flowers was over. The native bulbs, which form the great beauty of the collections here, had passed, and but a few Amaryllidse, and some varieties of the Oxalis, remained in bloom. Many curious specimens of African plants were noticed, particularly some Zamias, Strelitzias, Aloes, and Testudinarias. Of the former we brought home a fine specimen, whose fruit, which resembles in shape a large pine-apple, is eaten by the Bushmen, and is said to be palatable when properly prepared. The collection of East Indian plants was in fine order, and numerous specimens of the Cacti attracted our notice. The portion of ground allotted as a flower-garden contains a fine collection of roses and dahlias, of ornamental shrubs and annuals. There is also a vegetable-garden, while fruit trees are interspersed here and there throughout the whole. The proprietor furnishes tickets of admission to all who desire them ; but his rules and regulations as to the hour of entrance, and respecting the police of the garden, must be strictly observed. The plants furnished us by the Baron have flourished admirably since our return. Tanks of some extent have been erected by the government, to preserve water for the use of the town and shipping. I was not aware at first that any necessity for them existed, but was afterwards informed that the town has, at times, suffered severely from drought. The climate of the Cape is usually considered salubrious, and par- ticularly renovating to constitutions enfeebled by a long residence in fndia- If one were to place full reliance on the assertions of its inhabitants, Cape Town and the surrounding country possess a perfection of climate to be met with in no other part of the world ; but this, it is to be regretted, is not fully corroborated by the testimony of the meteoro- logical registers thai have been kept, as well as the experience of those who have written upon the subject. It has many peculiarities, and may be termed rather a cold climate for its latitude* The mean t CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 437 I temperature throughout the year is 67|°. The extremes vary 10' above and as much below the mean. It is classed by its inhabitants under the warm and equable climates; yet, notwithstanding, in many situations, it is extremely variable : the thermometer will fluctuate ten degrees in as many minutes, producing an unpleasant sensation of cold ; this is owing to the chilly winds that sweep down from the Table Mountain in blasts, to equalize the density of the atmosphere rarefied by being in contact with the heated soil beneath. But little difference is observed between the temperature of sunshine and shade in free and open situations. This variation of climate is ascribed to the winds: the southeast winds prevail for the most part of the year, and are warm; these are succeeded by the cold winterly winds, which invariably bring fog and misty weather ; but in viewing the situation of the Cape with respect to ihe large bodies of water flowing past it, it would seem more rea- sonable to impute it to the warm tropical and cold polar currents of water, of whose existence w^e have given ample proof in the preceding pages; for if the winds were alone to be taken into account, that which comes from the southeast, in the southern hemisphere, ought to produce the cold, while the west and northwesterly winds should be warm. The sudden changes of temperature mentioned above are merely local, and often confined within narrow limits. At our anchorage in the bay this occurrence was strikingly percep- tible, not only by the thermometer but from the eflfect produced on our own feelings ; while in the town, although the change could be felt, still it was not so remarkable. The inhabitants assert that these changes occur oftenest during the prevalence of a strong southeast wind; but my own experience leads me to believe that they take place during the night, and particularly when a calm prevails, or but a slight breeze is blowing, and indeed all the facts connected with it would lead me to the opinion that such must be the case. Although all seem to be aware of these variations of temperature, I did not learn of any observations that have been taken that could be relied on for + accuracy. Thermometers in different parts of the town, of course, give very discordant results, and all meteorological observations ought to be taken in situations as far as possible removed from the influence of these chancres. The southeast winds are often so violent as to prevent communication between the shipping and the shore during some parts of the day, and often cause damage to the small boats, or to the vessels themsel ves. be in the morninc', previous to the occurrence of these winds. 2M2 438 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Before concluding my remarks on the climate of the Cape, it is necessary to advert to the curious effects of refraction that are often observed. A strange distortion of objects is frequently seen, and even at a short distance from Robben's Island the surf sometimes appears to be thrown up into lofty jets of foam, or a wave is so distorted that it seems rolling in high enough to submerge the whole island. These distortions occur not only in the sea but in the land view. I noticed them during our visit to the observatory, and now call attention to them again, because the same effect seems to be produced on sea or on land by contrary causes. When at sea, refractions have been observed by us, whenever the thermometer at the masthead showed a higher degree of temperature than that at the surface of the water; but at the Cape the current of air in contact with the heated and sandy soil must be of a higher temperature than that immediately above it, and thus causes the distortion of distant objects ; or the fact may be accounted for on the supposition of two parallel currents of different temperatures, moving in opposite directions, and beyond any immediate influence of the earth. I know of no place so favourable to the observation of this description of atmospheric phenomena as the Cape and its vicinity. The population of the Cape colony, by the returns in 1841, was one hundred and fifty-three thousand, on an area of one hundred and nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-four square miles. The deaths amount annually to about one in forty. The coloured population exceeds the white by about ten thousand. A table containing the last statistical returns will be found in Appendix XV. Landed estates in the colony are generally held by those cultivating them, under a lease, and not in fee. The early settlers had not sufficient funds to enable them to purchase as large farms as were necessary, and the present system was in consequence resorted to. The leases, however, were made perpetual, and the farms held under this tenure are known in the colony as "Loan Farms;" they contain about three square miles, and there are many of this description still existing: these are con- sidered as desirable tenures, being good as long as the rent is regularly paid, which is generally at the low rate often dollars for the tract. The lands, however, about the Cape, and in the Cape district, were obtained by grants, and are now known as " Gratuity Farms." There are likewise freehold estates, w^hich consist of a small farm, nol much exceeding one hundred acres. These, I was told, were in the immediate vicinity of Cape Town. They were usually obtained by purchase of the first settlers. The system of quit-rents is in perpetuity, and the rent is made to > CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, 439 depend upon the quality and circumstances of the crop. These are the ,argest kind of estates, and seldom include less than five to eight thousand acres. The sale or transfer of land was also novel to us. No land can be sold, unless the persons malmidation of the mission there have been 10,083 baptisms, 2,750 marriages, und 7,571 deaths. APPENDIX. 523 VIII. s U. S. Ship Vincennes, Honolulu, Nov. 23d, 1841. IR i I I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your communica- tion of this date, respecting a man belonging to this ship, by the name of Lewis Herron. In replying to it, I would in the first place make known to you the desire I have always evinced, and still do, to cause all under my command to respect the laws of the Islands, and to suffer the penalties when infringed, provided a proper trial has been had. Such not having been the case in the present instance, in my opinion, I deemed it a duty I owe to those under my command, and all other American citizens, as well as to your government, to interpose, and prevent punishments being inflicted. The case as I view it is this, viz. : Lewis Herron, during his liberty on shore, quietly desires to enter a public house, and is met at the door by a man with a cutlass, who refuses him admittance, and after a little altercation, he is assaulted and wounded in the leg with the cutlass. This excites his passion, (as well it might,) and he takes the weapon from the aggressor and inflicts several blows on him with its flat side; finds himself attacked by several; inflicts a wound, and is found in possession of the weapon by the police ; he is apprehended and taken to the fort. The next day he is brought before you ; you hold an examination, without the formality of a trial, receive testimony (not on oath), and pass sentence on him, unknown to any one, to receive one hundred lashes, and pay a fine of fifty dollars. Application is made to you by my order, for a trial by jury, which I was informed you engaged to give the next morning; to my great h surprise, the first news I learn is, that you have inflicted twenty-eight lashes at eight o'clock, and intend to subject him to seventy-two more, and a fine of fifty dollars. Now it strikes me, that the magnitude of the punishment presented by the laws ought to have caused you to order a trial by jury, which, according to treaty, is fully acknowledged, and then the person would have had full opportunity for a fair and impartial trial. It appears most clearly to my mind, that you lost sight of the dis- tinction of using weapons to assault and with criminal intention, and their accidental use in defence, or from provocation. It appears to be very clear that you were of opinion that he did 524 APPENDIX, not carry them, had not brought them, or was guilty of a breach of the first part of the law, viz., carrying unlawful w^eapons, for you sentenced another who made the first attack upon him ; and equally clear that he did not inflict any wound until he was assaulted by several, and in self-defence, and had received great provocation to use the weapon he had taken from the man who attacked him. This might have occurred to any one walking peaceably in the street, aud yet you adjudge him guilty of the worst motives, in having in his possession the weapon, and order him to receive, after a very informal hearing, the severest penalty of the law; and that too, after his trial had been demanded by jury, and you had been understood to grant the request. Is this right? I think not. Under these circumstances, I felt it my duty to interpose, and protect him from a farther infliction of lashes, which you now inform me is remitted ; but that his fine is still to be paid. ; In demanding the man, I would have you distinctly to understand, that it is not my desire to screen him from proper or legal punish-? ment, provided he is found guilty of an offence by a tribunal invested with power to try the case ; but I object to any informal proceedings, particularly where an ignominious and severe punishment is to be inflicted. ^ The case, as I now view it, stands thus : the man has received twenty-eight lashes by your authority, and is required to pay fifty dollars, without being allowed a proper trial, or such as he was justly entitled to, and was claimed for him, and at which testimony would have been brought to show that he was, prior to, and at the time of entering the premises, peaceably inclined, with no weapons on him ; when he was assauhed by one carrying unlawful weapons, and resents it; unfortunately proves the most powerful, and gets pos- session of the weapon ; is attacked by others, whom he defends him- self against, and is then taken and punished, without an opportunity of bringing proof of his good character, which there are many to vouch for; and suffers part of a punishment that would be inflicted on an assassin. The punishment already inflicted prevents me from soliciting a new trial ; but I do, and must claim that a further hearing be had, in the same informal manner, to examine if his intentions were criminal, by making an unprovoked attack on the persons, and not one of self- defence, and under the circumstances excusable, before I can consent to the payment of a fine, w^hich I cannot but view as excessive. ■ In being brought to this conclusion, I must again impress upon you, that it will always be my desire to show the utmost deference to your laws, and to cause them to be observed by all those under my -A.i^ dj: APPENDIX. 625 command, and that I disclaim all intention of interfering with their execution ; but while I make this avowal, I "must at the same time, as I feel myself in duty bound, state, that I object to any informal or arbitrary punishment being inflicted upon any under my command, without the due observance of the forms provided for by treaty stipulations. I am, &c., + To GovKRNOR Kekuanaoa, Charles Wilkes, Commanding Exploring Expedition. Oahu. I ^ ^ CO < K « H O z; CO s & o ft* o as o S 5 ^ ^ § fajO '^ .-: 08 .a eS < o .2 «* s:3 OD O O 10 OD CO ^ 10 CO c* o of ii ^ ^ *n £ C4 C£J C« ii 00 10 U3 CO 1^ 00 V5 ^ CO CO t» ^ CO CO 0 0 0 0 0 0^ ffk *^ co' >o CO ot m CO c> % 01 ^ Tf* CO « CO CO o i^ tf^ C5^ fcO to o< CO CI 0 0 0 0 t^ l.'^ ^ ^tt c:» <=) *0 CJ <» 0 0 C5 0 0, 0 cT fcd" w-1 CO CO C5 H 3 00 03 to CO QD CO 00 00 CO 00 00 00 u cS o 1^ o <3i ^ a a s ^ >1 3 s 00 03 3 o 2 § c o I d o 1^ -0 d m c *o d o CQ i DO > O s, o ft 1 s s Ed 07 03 d o EC 43 > d O pd d c 03 d s d c O 09 d C3 O o CO C3 O jO '3 u bo CO '-^ ;d d be O ed d £ w j£, '^ »r o -s s s 5 '^ -T-l Sod d fltf d 'bb d *£i d 'S aT S hi cd a; d d ■CvJ Cm O OB u d d d 03 £- 00 43 ■2 ^ o =« :d bo d C3 aj X c d d C3 o -d s d §1 fcf. OQ 03 d d 03 03 cd o •• o u EC c o O d O 03 d C3 d d o O! ^ cc 2: XI « m 2: tn O CO 2 I I D Z o > 2 1?^ • U ^ o o 1/2 2*. -O EQ f-t O CO -d o a, u i Eh *^ O .-" o a X •^ fl o g ^ i ^ "* q.S o -f o 3 o P3 • S T. -^ J^-g ^ o 528 APPENDIX. IX. Continued. STATISTICS OF SCHOOLS STATIONS. SCHOOLS. TEACH- ERS. SCHO- LARS. READERS. WRITERS. ARITH- METIC. GEOGRA- FHT. HAWAII. ■ HUo .... 60 120 2,500 Waimea , . . 22 22 1,000 560 250 560 100 Kohala, . « • 32 59 1,100 302 85 223 Kailua , . • 16 26 1,070 296 55 269 55 Kealakekua J 34 34 1,837 522 80 356 50 1 MAUI. 1 Hana . • • • 29 29 1,477 523 Wailuku • • 39 60 2,214 750 604 Lahaina . • « 16 35 1,120 584 156 363 209 Kuanapali . . 6 6 274 HOLOEAl . . 9 10 1,030 372 27 148 55 OAHU. 1 1 Kaneohe ♦ . 9 9 300 1 Honolulu I. 13 15 859 327 60 235 124 II. . 4 9 470 200 i Ewa .... 16 13 550 1 1 1 Waialua . . 13 14 757 339 145 1 257 67 KAUAI. * Waioli . . . 14 18 467 200 53 178 44 Lihue , , ♦ 6 6 281 138 ! Koloa • . . 4 5 226 93 50 51 Waimea , . 15 15 502 308 200 300 85 Total . . 357 505 18,034 1 5,514 1 961 3,546 789 X. U. S. Ship Vincennes, At Sea, Nov. 28th, 1841 Sir,' You are about to explore the range of islands and shoals to the northward and westward of the Sandwich Islands, in company with the Oregon. This finished, you w^ill proceed towards the coast of Japan, through the usual cruising-ground of our whalers. Your route is particularly pointed out on your charts, which you wnll receive herewith. There are many dangerous shoals and reefs said to exist, and of which w^e have little accurate knowledge. APPENDIX. 529 The course pointed out is intended to lead you, by the time you reach the coast of Japan, near the South Island. " You will pay particular attention to trying the current daily, if possible'; and -when running at night, in order to avoid passing over banks, &c., you will get a cast of the patent lead every hour, about forty fathonas up and down. This naay be easily done, sailing at the rate of seven knots. Your dip and intensity apparatus will be used at every island you can find at one hundred and fifty miles apart. I wish a series to be carried across this ocean. You will pay particular attention to your sailing and keeping toge- ther ; and when the weather proves fine, spread so as to cover as much space as possible, keeping two good men on the look-out. There are several reefs lying off Gardner's Island, on its north as well as its south side. * In the vicinity of shoals, or where they are supposed to exist, you will not run at night, taking care not to fall to leeward of their locality. Any islands or reefs fallen in with must be carefully surveyed to ascertain the extent of their dangers, and you will ascertain also if they aflford any supplies of wood and water, whereat a vessel might recruit. Every three days you will get a comparison with the Oregon's chronometers ; and your positions, together with courses, must be repre- sented on your charts. After you have reached the locality of the islands of Todos los Santos and that called South Island on the chart of Arrowsmith, you will pass directly into the China seas by Formosa Passage, making the north Bashee, and then proceed direct to Singapore, where you will arrive without fail in the first week of February, and there await me or orders. There are many shoals and reefs which it is impossible for me to draw your attention to particularly; but I desire that you will let no opportunity pass of gaining information relative to every thing that may lay in your route towards the coast of Japan, and that may be useful to our whalincr interests. Wish I am, &c., Charles Wilkes, Commanding Exploring Expedition Lieut. Com, C. Ringgold, U. S. Brig Porpoise. VOL. V. 2U 67 530 APPENDIX. XI U. S. Ship Vincennes, At Sea, Nov. 29th, 1841 s IR You will proceed to Strong's and Ascension Island, survey their harbours, obtain all the information in your power, and at the former Wa Manilla dino, where you will arrive without fail by the 10th of January, 1842. You will run for all islands and reefs lying in your track, and obtain all the information in your power, relative to the supplies they afford ; inquire into the character of the white men residing on them, and collect as many curiosities as possible. . You will be particular in your intercourse with the people of Strong's and Ascension Islands, as they are reported to be in possession of a bad set of runaway white men. All the information you can obtain must be carefully noted. I shall expect you to execute the duties committed to you with Manilla but this will make no difference in your operations. Manilla Wishin cruise. Actino-Mastkr S. R. Knox, I am, &c., Charles Wilkes, Commanding Exploring Expedition* U. S. Schooner Flying-Fish* APPENDIX. 531 XII. COMPAEATIVE STATEMENT OF EXPORTS FROM MANILLA DURING THE YEARS 1840 AND 1841. r Europe . . Sugar . , . . • J Umted States [^ Bombay, &c, Europe . . Hemp . . * . . { United States Singapore, &c. Europe . . Coffee ^ United States Sydney • • Europe . . Indigo ^ United States Singapore, &c. Tortoise-shell Europe . . United States Singapore, &c. Mother-of-pearl shells I g^g^- Hats -? *' \ Europe . , United States Singapore, &c, Europe . . United States Singapore, &-c. 119,855 piculs, 53,100 45,000 33,000 u u 250,955 U 15,510 « 68,280 " 83,790 2,854 "■ 530 « 3,384 " 1,185 qaintals 2,873 « 4,058 " 1,365 catties. 874 *« 2,239 •* 2,840 piculs. 52 « 2,892 « 8,110 hats, 3,860 » 10,610 » 22,580 U 6,071 piculs. 910 " 6,281 I* 1841. 98,000 piculs. 49,600 45,000 43,000 235,600 » C( i4 18,500 62,700 5,800 87,000 2,027 " 137 « 1,726 3,890 U 3,600 quintals, 3,500 300 " (( 7,400 t( 1,671 catties 1,540 » 2,330 " 5,541 tt 1,894 piculfl. 287 " 2,181 u 4,540 hats. 7,614 « 36,713 » 48,867 " 4,549 picul& 712 « 4,380 " 9,641 ^_ 532 APPENDIX XI 1 1. ^i>^l?j.^ oLui I, Mohamed, Sultan of Sooloo, for the purpose of encouraging trade with the people of the United States of America, do promise hereby and bind myself that I will afford full protection to all vessels of the United States, and their commanders and crews, visiting any of the islands of my dominions, and they shall be allowed to trade on the terms of the most favoured nation, and receive such provisions and necessaries as they may be in want of. 2dly, In case of shipwreck or accident to any vessel, I will afford them all the assistance in my power, and protect the persons and property of those wrecked, and afford them all the assistance in my power for its preservation and safe-keeping, and for the return of the officers and crews of said vessels to the Spanish settlements, or wherever they may wish to proceed. 3dly. That any one of my subjects who shall do any injury or harm to the commanders or crews belonging to American vessels, shall receive such punishment as his crime merits. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, in presence of the datus and chiefs at Soung, island of Sooloo. February 5th, 1842. [l. S.] i Wj^w>^ Witnesses. [l. S-] Charles Wilkes, Commanding Exploring Expedition. William L. Hudson, Late commanding U. S. Ship Peacock. R. R. Walbron, Purser, U. S. Exploring Expedition. APPENDIX. 533 XIV. U. S. Ship Vincennes, s Singapore Roads, Feb. 26th, 1842. IR After leaving the Straits of Sunda, you will be governed by the following instructions, viz. : You will proceed to the westward across the Indian Ocean, passing five or six hundred miles to the southward of the island of Panaw, double the Cape of Good Hope, and visit the island of St, Helena, where you will lose no time in filling up with water, and proceed from thence to Rio de Janeiro, at which place you will make experiments for dip and intensity, on the island of Enxados, and fakfe on board a sufficient quantity of bread for the passage to New York. When you arrive at New York, you will cause all journals, memo- randums, remarks, writings, drawings, sketches and paintings, as well as all specimens of any kind, to be delivered to you; which, together with your own journal, you will have carefully boxed up and sealed in the presence of two commissioned officers ; marked Exploring Expe- dition, and hold them subject to my orders. On your arrival at New York, you will find orders from me, or, if I should not have arrived, you will report by letter to the Honourable Secretary of the Navy, sending him a copy of this order. You are supplied with Six's self-registering thermometer, with which you will obtain the temperature daily, at the depth of one hundred fathoms, when your morning sights are taken; at which time you will note in tables the latitude and longitude, the current (velocity and direction), masthead temperature, deck temperature, and temperature at the depth of one hundred fathoms, and at the surface. You will examine all shoals, banks, and positions marked "doubt- ful,'' that may lay in or near your track* At St- Helena, you will leave letters informing me of your proceed- ings, and you will lose no time in making your w^ay to your final port of destination, as it is all-important you should reach the United States at as early a day as possible. On dropping your anchor in New York Bay, you will pay to each of your crew ten dollars, and suffer them to leave the vessel at once, as their time will have expired; and retain only as many as will volun- teer to take charge of the brig. In the event of my arriving before you, orders will meet you for the disposition of the journals, &c,, of which you will take particular care. 2U2 534 APPENDIX. placing them in charge of a suitable person for safe-keeping, until far- ther orders from the Department, or myself. In passing around the Cape of Good Hope, you will keep a good look-out for ice, as it is sometimes seen at this season. The enclosed notice of an island off the Cape of Good Hope, will claim your attention ; and if possible you may pass over or near the spot, in order to verify or disprove its existence in that position. Let your stay at St. Helena be as short as possible ; Horsburgh's directions relative to making and anchoring at the island, are good. I herewith enclose you the error and rate of your chronometer, obtained by comparison with this ship's standard, which has been performing very accurately since we left Oahu. Wishing you a safe and pleasant passage* and a happy meeting with your friends, I am, &c., Charles Wilkes, Commanding Exploring Expedition. Lieut, Com, C. Ringgold, U. S. Brig Porpoise. P. S. You will make magnetic experiments at the island of St. Helena- Similar orders to Lieutenant-Commandant Carr of the Oregon ; in a postscript to which, he was required to make experiments for intensity with Gauss's magnetic instrument, at the island of Enxados. APPENDIX. 535 X 1 o o Ph o o Q Q CO p4 en H P4 w O o P O o p Pi 00 Q t CO B o 1^ O •J o o Ph P Pi s O TO in s a s z s or CO O m 5 o Ci C^ Tf* CJ V^ '^ -H GO lO ^C cv> i,0 « ^ C« 1-1 r-, (7i 30 I I O CD GO t- 00 CC 00 lO ^ c I CO O CO 00 O IjO CO CO f-l C^ C^ t- lO -^ C^C^ t-- C^ Ci I 0:1 G^COCMT:j CO -^ CO (7? TJ< 1-. O) CO 00^ 05^ CO^ —4^ 10^ o^ W5 CO 05 -^^00^ CO co'co''ofco'''^''cf CO 00-^ CO coco C5 "*# ^ CO t-» 05 i-H co^co^o^ cfco" »jO CO 00 CO CO 00 O 1-H CO CO CO iC -^ 00 CO i-t CO CO t* -^ -^ o^oq^oD G^ co" TjT cf co' ■^'' cf co' CO ff ^ 00 00 CO ^ c: CO c^ CD to 10 co^ o_ c-^ ■co^ en 00 CO CO f— 1 CO CD co' CD CO Tf CO o? 00 c^ r- CO CO CO t^ O! CO CO C7 CfC0''»-H'r4'-<^''cr »o CO OS -^ (7? 00 O */3 t^ 00 c? f^ 10 >-< o -^ ofco'crfp-T-^'c^' *o CO 00 01 CO to CD 05 I— f f-H CO 00 -!t OD^CD LO ^ 1— i Cfco'r-rr-Ti-rcf co^ co' ^ CO ai-^-^*ocooojo ri r- r- CO o CO io J>C?J o o to o o CI o 05 ;3 o -o 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ CO I O C^ O 00 O '«!}* CO 01 O CO o ^ Oi t^^iO 1-1 O,co 00''-h"5O''c0'"00'" rl< ■^ CO 00 1 1 1 f I ( I f .2^ o .^ s - tt o g ac o III o o d g o fad s Jit o d J c,; d d fell u u 5 ^ ^ P^E^dOQ C5 -^ C? Tf CO 00 CO r^ iO 1— 00 t^ CI CO c« ■^ 1— • 00 '^t '^ r-o 01 pi^ ^n yn ^ ^ #b ■CJ CO »-i ^ ^-Tcf CJ 0 536 APPENDIX. X V I. TABLE THE VALUE OF BKITISII A^^D OF OTHER COINS CURRENT AT THE ISLAND OF ST. HELENA, AS ESTABLLSHED BY A PROCLAMATION, DATED ST NA, 29 th FEBRUARY, 1836. r SORT OF COIN, Gold NAME OF EACH COIN. Doubloon OF WHAT COUNTRY. Joe Blohur • . . . Mohur Moid ore, . . Sovereign . Napoleon , , . Ten Guilder . , Silver Louis d'Or . Venetian . . Star Pagodoe Porto Nova pagodoe Duccatoon . , , Crown Shilling . , , • Spain, and South American States, N. B. — Half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth, of proportion- ate value. Portugal, Bengal (having the star), . . N. B. — Half and quarter, of pro- portionate value. Bombay (and every other Mo- hur), . . . , ^ . . , Portugal, England, N, B. — Half, of proportionate value. France, N, B. — Double Napoleon, of double value. Holland, N. B. — Half, of proportionate value. France, Venice, East Indies, N. B.— Double Star Pagodoe, of double value. East Indies Holland, . N. B.— value. England, N. B.-^ value. Value of each coin in Bri- tish Sterling at St.Helena. Half, of proportionate Hdlf, of proportionate 3 Guilder • , , Dollar . , , , England, *-.•..,, N.B. — Half; quarter, and eighth, of proportionate value. Holland, United States, South American States, and Spain (all alike), N, B. — Half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth, of proportion- ate value, except the latter, which loses the fraction, when passed separately. Value of each coin reduced into U. S, Money. 1 £ s. d. 3 6 0 1 13 3 1 13 3 1 10 2 16 0 10 0 15 7 15 7 15 7 9 4 7 3 5 6 5 4 5 0 1 0 4 8 4 4 $ c. 15 23-07 7 67-30 7 67-30 6 96-15 6 00 4 61-53 3 59-61 3 59-61 3 59-61 2 15-38 1 67-30 1 26-92 1 23-07 1 15-38 23.07 1 07-70 1 00 APPENDIX. 537 X V L — Continued. SORT OF NAME OF EACH COIN, COIN. Silver t Half Star Pagodoe Colonial Piece . . Sicca Rupee . . Rupee , . . . Guilder 5 Franc 2 Franc 1 Franc Copper^ Half.penny Cent OF WHAT COUNTRY, East Indies, N. B. — Quarter, of proportion- ate value. England, , , N. B. — Half and quarter, of pro- portionate value. Beng-al (having the star), , . N. B, — Half and quarter, of pro- portionate value, except the latter, wliich loses the frac- tion when passed separately. Bombay (and other parts of East Indies), ...... N. B. — ^Half and quarter, of proportionate value, but lose the fraction when passed se- parately, Holland, • , France, u N. B. — Half franc, of propor- tionate value. England, and various other countries. United States, Value ofeach coin in Bri- tish Sterling at St.Helena. £ 8, d. 3 8 2 4 2 1 1 11 1 6 4 0 1 8 10 i Value ofeach coin reduced into U. S. Money. w c» 84-61 53.84 48-07 44-23 3461 92-52 38-46 19-23 01 01 N, B. — The American eagle ($10), half eagle (S5), and quarter eagle ($2 50), are not current at St, Helena, as a legal tender, nor is the dime or half dime. No paper bank note will pass, except that of the Bank of England. None of the silver coins of Portugal or the Brazils, nor of the island of Ceylon, nor the German crown or Austrian dollar, are current. No other moneys but those enumerated in the above table are recognised as a legal tender at St. Helena. I VOL. V. 68 538 APPENDIX. XVII. LONDON PORTS VISITED BY THE EXPLORING SQUADRON^ MADE UP TO 1842. PORTS. Amount realized in dol- lars per jCIOO sterling exchange on London, Rate of Exchange on the United States. Value of Silver Dollars. Madeira . . . XlOO sells for $460 10 to 12 per cent disc. Par. Rio de Janeiro . 100 " •• 440 12 to 14 « M Valparaiso . . 100 " « 520 Par. U Lima • . • . 100 " " 510 (1 M Sydney, N. S. W. 100 " " 480 10 per cent. disc. M California . • . 100 " •♦ 450 12 « " M Sandwich Islands 100 " « 430 12 to 15 per cent. disc. a Manilla • . . 100 " •* 450 10 " " <« Singapore . • • 100 « " 450 10 » " M Cape Town . . \ 100 " ** 444 10 « « r u St. Helena » . 100 » " 444 10 u u u I < CO O O (« p O f4 O ■J < > pa o 60 O en Pi » o •J n QQ is S n^vo^ 02 4 a; i. -s he at "g «4-: t^ > 5 o o "^ © -5 13 !3 ^ S . o t2 c S o fl o rf GO o > ^ O . > ^ > > >. e o -^ '^a ^ -^3 -^ -43 c£ ^ iz; ;?; > ;?; Iz; ^ ;^ :^; P5 ^ ed Number of beats of Pulse in a mi- nute. Circumference of Head, »o o< c^ -"^i* t- o -^ o\ a\ C=i Q\ Q\ Ql Q\ Length of Foot. .3 c« CT^'HC^ HCTPCWt O C^ O O OS Length of Hand. Number of Teeth. Length of Collar Bone. Length of Arm* c^cocococ»ococococqcocococ > ^ ci rt rt i) Sd M s; S =d -3 1 cd d © O C tr i) © 5 o c 00 rj =3 & d E ^^r- ::> u o GO a C3 O \ i o 2 ho ed hjo .s IS 2 03 33 Cd 4> hD .s 2 a. o § In Ih 03 > n3 O o S3 43 Q X. 2V GENERAL OBEX. Abernethj-, Mr,, kindness of^ iv. 351 Accraiolis, A., i. 13 Acrostichuin Grande, ii. 181 Adventure Islets, i. 136 Adams, Governor, iv. 96 Adams, Point, iv. 322 Agricultural Society, N. S. W., ii. 183, 206 Agriculture, Santa Clara, v. 207 ; Luzon, v. 283 Ague, Oregon v, 238 Aguillas Bank, current on, v, 419 Ahii Isl:md, i. 336; iv. 263 Aiva Islands, iii. 170 Aimable Josephine, brig, iii. 293 Alderson, Mr. George, i. liiS Aldunate, General, i. 223 Alpamarca, i. 261 Aliko, the Pilot, iii. 249 Alphabet, Feejee, iii. 325 Alexander, Hev. Mr., iv. 69 Alvaradc, General, v. 165 Aliza, Seizor, v. 204 Allshouso, Joseph, v. 255 Ainancaes, Valley of, i. 244 Amusements, Chili, i. 170; Tahiti, ii. 25; Samoa, ii. 135; Feejee, iii. 331; Honolulu, iv. 58; Kingsmill, v. 100; California, v. 175 — 195 Ambatiki Island, iii. 184 American boat-builders, iv. 337, 342 Antarctic cruise, plans for first, i. second^ ii. 281 ; continent, ii, 316, 325 Ambassadors, Feejee, iii. 81 Ambau, iii. 110; Queen ofj iii, 192; bay of, iii. 293; burnt, iii. 361 Andulong, ascent of, iii. 50 Angasa Ireland, iii. 168 Angau Island, iii. 186 Anganga Island, iii. 248 120; Anderson, Mr,, iv. 305 ; v, 123 Anderson, John, missing, v. 56 Antique, bay of, v. 325 Aorai Peak, ii. 5, 52 Apia, harbour of, ii. 88; storm at, v. 19; trading, v. 21 ; deserters, v. 25; island of, V. 69 Apolima Island, ii. 107 Apple-Tree Cove, iv. 303 Apamama Island, v, 64 Army, Brazil, i. 85; Chili, i. 204; Feejee, iii. 79 ; Philippines, v. 292 Ariel Rocks, i. 94 Arcquipa, i. 296 Arms, Samoa, ii. 151; Feejee, iii. 343; Drummond's Island, v. 48 ; Kingsinill, V, 47 ; Sacramento, v. 185 ArgoReef, iii. 170 Arro, attack upon, iii, 274 Aratica Island, party landed upon, iv. 264 ; return to, iv. 267 Archangel Island, iv. 266 Arrow-root, iv. 214 Arguello, General, v. 162 Armenians, v. 393 Arabs, v. 394 Ashantees, i. 56 Aspland's Island, i. I36 Asau Inlet, ii. 108 Astrolabe Caual, ilL 6 Asaua Islands, expedition to, iii. 247 Astronomy, Hawaiian, iv. 42 Astoria, arrival at, iv. 320 ; description of, iv- 320; forests, v. 116; fishery, v. 116 Ata, ii. 95 Aurora Australis, i, 151 ; ii. 322, 328, 360 Auckland Islands, ii. 351; botany of, ii- 352 Australian Club, ii. 161 Australia, climate, ii. 175; natives, ii. 184, (543) 544 GENERAL INDEX. 255; customs, ii. 186, 195; music, ii. 190; weapons, ii. 191 ; canoes, ii. 193 ; religion, ii. 197 Australian Stream, v. 473 Avia, island of, iii. 179 Ava drinking, iii. 115, 123, 157 Baily, Francis, i. 145 Bacon, Passed Midshipman, i. 207 Ball's Pyramid, ii. 160 Bathurst, town ofj ii, 259 Hay of Islands, ii. 371 Bateman, David, death of, iii. 66 Baino Harbour, iii. 181 Ba, iii. 209 Barbers, Feejee, iii. 75 Barclay de Tolly, island of^ iv. 265 Bachelet, Rev. Mr., iv. 349 Babcock, Dr., iv. 353 Bailey, Dr., and Mrs., iv, 362 Barometer, accident to, iv. 429 Baker's Bay, iv. 494; v. 114 Barclay, Dr., v. 136 Badger, v. 193 Balingtang, straits of, v. 269 Baring-'s Island, v. 271 Banham Island, v. 271 Banca, Manilla, v. 302 Banajoa, ascent of, v- 313; height, v. 314 Baia, v. 315 Banos, Brazil, i. 263 ; Luzon, v. 281, 315 Bajows, v. 356 Balabac, straits of, v. 358 — 365 Balambangan Island, v. 353 Balestier, Mr., v. 373 Banca, atraits of, v. 413; mines of, v. 414 Bance, Commander, R. N., v. 421 Baxter, accident to, iii. 233 ; death of, iii. 303 Bartlelt, Mr. Eduin, i. 307 Bean, Mr., i. 23 Benguclan, i. 59 Bevan, Mr. R., i. 262 Bermudez, General, i. 288 Bcllinghansen's Island, ii. 63 Belcher, Captain, iii. 182 Bcthune's Point, iii. 125 Bear, grisly, v. 184 Bernadino, straits of, v. 272 Bilocheros, i. 177 Bi^gs, Mr., i. 253 Birds, New Zealand, ii. 413 Biche de mar, iii. 219 Biva Island, iii. 314 Birnie Island, iii. 370 Birnie, Mr., kindness of, iv. 320, 494 BiHy Bruce, iv. 332 ; v. 135 Bishop, Rev. Mr., iv. 80 Bishop's Island, v. 62 Blanchard, Mr., i. 187 Blanco, Admiral^ i. 213 Blue Mountains, N. S. W., ii. 257 ; Oregon, iv. 396 Blackfish, iv. 221 Blaxland, Mr. John, ii. 268 Black, Mr., iv. 369 Blackler, Mr, S. R., ii. 6 Bonavista, i. 28 Bom Felix Shoal, i. 28 Bonetta Rocks, i. 28 Bouvet's Sandy Isle, i. 38 Botofogo, i. 65 Botany, Auckland Isles, i. 352; Samoan, ii. 119; New South Wales, ii. 180; Hawaiian, iv. 283 ; Duke of York's, V. 9 ; Singapore, v. 379 Boat-builders, iv. 337, 342 Bowditch Island, v. 3 — 10; canoes, v. 11; native, v. 12; drill, v. 17 Bodega, v. 179 Boundary Range, v. 236 Bourke, Sir Richard, ii. 207 Boring party, operations of, iv. 267 Brazil, character, i. 79 ; political state, i. 80; courts, i. 83 ; army, i. 85 ; navy, i. 85 ; schools, i. 85 Brett, Cape, iii. 3 Bread, baking, iv. 409 ; supply ofj v. 144 Bridgeman's Island, i. 136 Brisbane, Sir Thomas, ii. 206 Brook, Dr., ii. 247 Broom Road, ii. 31 Braiding, Feejee mode of, iii. 338 Brigade, departure of, iv. 378 Brook's Island, v. 4 Brooke, Mr., v. 360 Brahmins, v. 3D0 Brinsmadc, Mr., iii. 374 Burden, H. J. Esq., i. 6, 24 Bulnes, General, i, 249 Bulimus Shougii, ii. 395 Burton, Judge, charge to jury, ii. 229 Burial alive, escape from, iii. 174 Budd's Island, iii. 302 Bute Prairie, iv. 415 Budd, Lieutenant, iv. 245 Buckskin, mode of preparing, iv. 317 Barnham, Mr,, kindness of, iv. 67 BuU-bait, San Francisco, v. 199 Burial ground, Oregon, v. 219 Buffalo, Luzon, v. 284 Byron, Lord, iv, 7 Carved Planks, Oregon, v, 128 Casa Blanca, i. 178 Canta, i. 256 Casa Cancha, i. 259 Callao, population, i. 235 ; earthquakes, i. 235 ; position of, i. 309 Carlshoff Island, i. 333; formation of, i. 334 Carving, New Zealand, ii. 385 GENERAL INDEX. 545 Camden, town of, ii. 265 Carr, Cape, ii. 321= Calvert, Rev. Mr., iii. 170, 173 Caves, Oahu, iv. 84 Cargill, Rev. Mr., iii. Ill, 191 Cannibalism, Fcejee, iii. 101, 234 Camboy's Island, iv, 265 Cash's Island, iv. 277 Calendar, Feejee, iii. 341; Hawaiian, iv. 42 ; Indian, iv. 450 Canal dc Arro, iv. 484 Canoes, Wytoohee, i. 319 ; Paumotu, 1. 327; Tahiti, ii. 21 ; Samoa, ii. 143; Feejee, iii. 345; Northwest Coast, iv. 300; mode of repairing, iv. 381 ; Bowditch Island, V. 11 ; Drummond's Island, v, 49 ; Kingsmill, v. 94 Casenove, Chief, iv. 370 Cattle, Hawaii, iv. 200 Cattle-pits, Hawaii, iv. 204 Ca?:tle, Mr., accident to, iv. 206 Cascades, Columbia, iv- 380 Carr, Lieutenant, v. 253 Caldera, Fort, v. 328 Campo Santo, Manilla, v. 303 California, v. 151; climate, v, 154; rivers V. 157; bays, v. 158; productions, v 159; fishery, v. 160; trade, v. 161 history, v. 162; revolution, v. 165 Indians, v. 172; amusements, v. 175 195; character, V. 176; birds, v. 183 beasts, v. 193; society, v. 194 Caffres, v. 433 ; character of, i. 62 Callapuya Indians, v. 223 Capones, Cape, v. 270 Cagayan Sooloo, islands of, v, 357 Cape Town, v. 422; government, v. police, V. 426; laws, v. 426; taxes, v. 427 ; revenue, v. 428 Cape of Good Hope, v. 413, 420; cultiva- tion, V. 429 ; commerce, v. 430; slaves, V. 431 Character, Brazil, i. 79 ; natives, Samoa, u. 126; New Zealand, ii. 398; Feejee, iii. 79; Hawaiian, iv. 45; California, V. 17G ; Sooloo, v. 342 ; Caffres, v. 433 Chase, Mr., i. 198 Chicrine, i. 273 Chili, i. 165; amusements, i. 170; climate, u 184 ; earthquakes, i. 199 ; religion, L 200 ; commerce, i. 201 ; population, i. 202 ; government, i. 203 ; army and navy, i. 204 ; political history, i. 211 Chatham Island, ii, 404 Charley, Chief, ii. 406 Chain-Gang, Sydney, ii. 215 Chiefs of Tahiti, ii. 18 Chichia, iii. 176 Christening, Feejee, iii. 94 Chicobea, iii. 303, 376 VOL. V. 2 V 2 69 424; Chiefs' council, Oahu, mode of conducting, iv. 9 ; school, Oahu, iii. 388 Chief's wife, murder of, iv, 29 ; trial of the murderers, iv. 30 ; their sentence, iv. 30 Chimikainc, iv. 438 Chickeeles river, iv. 313 ; v. 129 ; Indians, iv. 313, 373 Chinook lodge, iv. 322; Indians, v. 118; religion, v. 119 Child's head, distortion of, iv. 388 Champooing, iv, 347 Chronometer, anecdote of, iv. 373 Chico, Colonel, v. 164 Church discipline, Luzon, v. 315 Chinese, v, 382 ; temple, v. 383; celebration, V. 384 ; processions, v. 386 ; burial- places, V. 394; junk, v. 398 Clermont de Tonncrre Island, i. 311 Clendon, Mr. J. R., ii. 375 Claims, New Zealand, ii. 377 Cloudy Bay, ii. 407 Clifton, town of, ii. 266 Clown, Feejee, iii. 188 Club Dance, Feejee, iii. 190 Climate, Rio Negro, i. 100; Chili, i. 184, 203 ; Peru, i. 248 ; Tutuila, ii. 81 ; Sa- moa, ii. 118; Australia, ii. 175; New Zealand, ii, 410 ; Tonga, iii. 32 ; Fee- jee, iii. 321 ; Kauai, iv. 71 ; Waialua, iv. 76; Kona, iv. 95; Hawaiian Islands, iv. 284 ; Dalles, iv. 387 ; ColvUle, iv. 445; Oregon, iv. 454; Kingsmill, v. 105 ; California, v. 155 ; Sooloo, v. 356; Singapore, v. 408 Clatsop, iv. 322 Clarendon, ship, v. 418 Coffee, Rio de Janeiro, i, 53; Hawaii, iv. 208; Manilla, v. 289 Corrobory Dance, ii. 1 Congo, i. 60 Corcovado Mountain, i. 65, 74 Courts, Brazil, i. 83 ; Tahiti, ii. 50 ; New South Wales, ii. 205, 237 ; martial, iv. 57 Coan, Rev. Mr., iv. 209 Commerce, M^ideira, i. 17; Chili, i. 201; Peru, i. 303 ; Tahiti, ii. 35 ; Papieti, ii. 48; New South Wales, ii. 273; Hawaiian Group, iv. 261 ; Manilla, v. 302 ; Sooloo, v. 347 ; Singapore, v. 399 ; Cape of Good Hope, v. 430 Cornwallis Island, i. 139 ; v. 267, 27] Cood, Mr., i, 165 Cordilleras Mountains, i. 184 Concon, valley of, i. 187 Corpus Christi, celebration of, i. 243 Coral Islands, section of, i. 316; theory, iv. 268 Convicts, New South Wales, n. 208 ; Smga. pore, V. 391 546 GENERAL INDEX. 317; Coal pits, New South Wales, ii. 246 Conncl, Paildy, his history, iii. 68; his death, iiL 361 Corodowdow, iii, 144 Cook, Captain, monument to, iv. 93 Costume, Indian, iv. 39 S Coronganga, town ofj iii. 124 Concomely's tomb, iv. 3:31 Cornelius;, cliief, iv. 439 Colville, arrival at, iv. 440 ; climate iv. 443 ; position, iv. 454 Columbia River, voyage to, iv. 293 ; bar of, iv. 293 ; river, iv. 319, 430 ; ascent of, iv. 371 Coffin Rock, iv. 335 ; v. 142 Comparison, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea, iv. 160 Complaints against crew, iv. 231 Cowhtz, farm of, iv. 315 ; river, iv. ascent of, iv. 372 Condition of men, iv, 147 Constitution, Hawaii, iv. 21 Conduct of the foreign residents, Honolulu, iv. 7 Coffin, Mount, v. 121 Columbia, barque, v. 145 Colorado River, v. 182 Cotton, Manilla, v. 289 Cock-fighting, Manilla, v. 300 Coin, Singapore, v. 392 Cosmones River, v. 247 Corrcgidor Island, v, 270 Copper Island, v. 269 Cochin China ships, v. 397 Coustantia, vineyard of, v. 433 Current Log, i. 4 Curral, descent of, i. 12 Culnai, 1. 258 Currency Lass, schooner, iii. 149 Cunningham, murder of, iii. 225 Customs, Samoa, ii. 137, 147; Australia, ii. 195; Tonga, iii. 17, 26; Feejee, iii. 73 ; Indians, iv. 456, 454 ; Sooloo, v. 343; Dyacks, v. 361 Current, Aguillas Bank, v. 419 ; ocean, v, 457, 467 ; Labrador, v. 459 ; Rennell, v. 463 ; Equatorial, v. 466; Patagonian, V. 468; Australian, v. 472 Cunningham, Mr., ii. 166 Craven, Lieutenant, i. 206 Crime, New South Wales, ii. 231 Croker, Captain, death of, iii. 302 Crater, Kilauea, iv. 102 Crew, resliipment of, iii. 385 Creole Creek, v. 222 Darling, Sir Ralph, ii. 206 Dawson, Mr., ii. 206, 248 Dances, Samoa, ii. 134 ; Corrobory, ii. 188; Feejee, iii, 190 David Ogilby, attempt to capture brig, iii. 295 Dalles, mission, iv. 382; fishing huts, iv. 383 ; fishing, iv. 386 ; climate, iv. 387 ; accident at, iv. 403 Dawson, the guide, iv. 202 Dairy, Nisqually, iv. 307 Day, Mr., v. 27 Datu Muln, v, 334 Deserta Shoal, i. 8 Deception Island, i. 143 Devil's towns, Tonga, ii. 82 Dean's Island, ii. 63 Deception Passage, iv, 482 De Fuca's Straits, iv. 296 ; Pillar, iv. 483 De Peyster's Group, v. 40 ; natives of, v. 40 ; dress, v. 42 Destruction Isle, iv. 295 De Langle, massacre of, ii. 73 Deborah, her residence, iv. 68 De Haven, Lieutenant, his arrival at Gray's Harbour, v. 131 Destruction River, v. 240 Diego Ramieres, island of, i. 149 Dips, magnetic, ii, 290 Discovery, New South Wales, ii. 201 ; Ant- arctic Continent, ii. 292 Disappointment Bay, ii. 310 Discovery Harbour, iii. 177 ; Port, iv. 298 Diagram of ice, ii. 311 Diseases, Tahiti, ii. 49 ; Samoa, ii. 124 ; Tonga, iii. 33 ; Feejee, iii. 327 ; Ha- waiian, iv, 285; Indian, iv. 482; Kings- mill, V. 104 ; Singapore, v. 409 Districts, Feejee, iii. 61 Disappointment, Cape, iv. 293 Dillon's Rock, iii. 217 Dispute with Spokane Indians, iv. 458 Diell, Rev, Mr., iv. 6 Disturbances at Honolulu, account of, iv, 12 Diamond Hill, iv. 85 Dickinson, Rev. Mr., v. 396 Don Pedro, i. 48 Dolphin Shoal, ii. 40 Doggett, brig Charles, capture of, iii. 104 Doctors, Hawaii, iv. 286 Downhaul, John, iv. 144 Douglass, the botanist, iv. 205 Dowsett, Captain, v. 105 ; his fate, v. 106 Don Miguel, v. 202 Dress, Madeira, i. 18; Guachos, i. 96; Lima, L 237 ; Tahiti, ii, 22 ; Samoa, ii. 140 ; New Zealand, ii, 38S ; Feejee, iii. 355; De Peyster's, v. 42; Drum- raond's, v, 47; Indian, iv. 393; Ma- nilla, V. 299 ; Sooloo, v. 343 Drum, Feejee, iii. 300 Drummond's Island, v. 45; natives, v. 46; dress, v. 47 ; arms, v. 48; canoes, v. 49; GENERAL INDEX. 547 women, v. 51 ; towns, v. 58 ; food, v, 61 ; character, v. Gl Drill, Bowditch Island, v. 17 Drajton, Mr., ascends the Columbia, iv. 378 Ducatel, Dr., i. 97 D'lJrville, Admiral, ii. 281 Duke of York's Island, v. 5 ; botany of, Duke of Clarence's Island, v. 10 DuffReef, iii. 251 Duck establishments, Manilla, v, 301 Dyacks' customs, v. 361; arms, v. 362; religion, v. 362 Earthquakes, Chili, i. 199, 255; effect of, i. 246; Samoa, ii. 113; New South Wales, ii, 270; Hawaiian Group, iv. 229 Echandia, General, v, 163 Education, New South Wales, ii. 237 Eels, Rev. Mr., iv. 455 Eg-leston, Captain, iii, 49 Egmont, Mount, ii. 405 Eimeo, ii. 56 Elephant Island, i. 139 Eld's Peak, ii. 293 Eld Island, iii. 258 Eld, Mr., and native, iv. 132 ; his party to Gray's Harbour, iv. 477 ; liis party relieved, v. 131; his party return, v. 134 Electricity easily excited, iv. 134 Ellice's Group, v. 37 ; native of, v. 38 Eliza, brig", wreck of, iii. 62 Election, Philippines, v. 309 Elk Mountains, v. 224 Elk River, v, 225 Emerald Isle, ii. 285 Emmons' Bay, iii. 256 Emerson, Rev. Mr., iv. 74 Emmons' Peak, v. 236 Embarcadero, v. 200 Emmons, Lieutenant, his party to Cali- fornia, V. 134 ; difficulties, v. 135 English Jim, ii. 4 Entertainment, king of Rewa, iii. 116; Kanuha's, iv. 207 Enkaba, island of, iii. 168 Enderbury's Island, iii. 371 ; v, 4 Encampments, height of, on route to Canada from Oregon, v. 137 Eooa, island of, iii. 6 Equipment, articles of, v. 217 Equatorial Current, v. 465, 475 Eruption of Mauna Loa, iv, 187 Erromago, iii. 26 Escudero, Don, v. 313 Ewa, province of, iv, 79 ; lake of, iv, 82 Executive Council, New South Wales, ii. 223 Exploring Isles, iii. 179 Executions, Hawaii, iv. 41 Exports, New South Wales, ii. 271 Eye-glass stolen, iv. 410 Fasetootai, ii. 92 Fawn Harbour, iii. 181 Faulitz Plains, iv. 358; v. 218 Farnham, Mr., anecdote of, iv. 362 Faroilip Island, v. 271 Feejee, eastern group, iii. 45 ; districts, iii. 61 ; history, iii. 62 ; customs, iii. 73 ; girls, iii. 75; barbers, iii, 75; character, iii. 76; salutation, iii. 79; army, iii. 79; flags, iii. 80; fortifications, iii. 81 ; ambassadors, iii. 81 .; religion, iii. 82 ; superstitions, iii. 85 ; oracle, iii. 89 ; festivals, iii. 91 ; marriage, iii. 92 ; midwifery, iii. 93 ; christening, iii. 94 ; burial, iii. 95; sacrifices, iii. 97; can- nibalism, iii. lOJ, 154, 237; tombs, iii, 231 ; music, iii. 246 ; fisliing, iii. 292; drum, iii. 300; climate, iii. 321; tides, iii, 322; population, iii. 323; alphabet, iii. 325 ; diseases, iii. 327 ; amusements, iii, 331 ; messengers, iii, 332; women, iii. 332; food, iii. 333, 350 ; productions, iii. 333 ; calendar, iii. 341 ; arms, iii. 343 ; canoes, iii. 345 ; pottery, iii. 348 ; mode of sitting, iii. 35] ; employments, iii. 352 ; hair, iii. 353; dress, iii. 355 ; trade, iii. 357; missionary operations, iii, 358 Feather River, v. 182; return to, v. 190 Feis Island, v. 271 Fisheries, New South Wales, ii. 271 Fiery Spirits, iii. 301 Field-ice, ii. 294 Figueroa, General, v. 163 Flying-Fish puts back from southern cruise, ii. 359 ; arrival at Ovolau, iii. 53; ac- cident to, V. 70; sold, V. 410 Flood, New South Wales, ii. 172; WeUing- ton, 2G3 Flint's Island, iii. 277 Fletcher's Island, v. 5 Flathead tribe, iv. 447 Flag Station, iv. 141 Fono or Couiicil, Samoa, ii. 88, 102 Formation of Tongalaboo, iii, 31 Foxall, Edmmid, ii, 71 Food, Feejee, iii. 333 ; Indian, iv. 452 Forbes, Rev. Mr., iv, 90 Forrest, Mr., iv. 315 Fossil remains, Oregon, iv. 360 Foreign residents, Honolulu, conduct of, iv.7 Forbes, Mr., v. 248 Folger's Island, v. 268 French Shoal, i. 36 548 GENERAL INDEX. Frio, Cape, i. 39 Frcyrc, General, i, 212, 218, 291 ; ii. 42 French squadron refuse to speak the Por poise, ii. 343 Eraser's River, iv. 483, 454 Frost, Rev. Mr., iv. 322 French-Frig^ate Shoal, v, 367 Funchal, i. 6, 19 Fuegians, appearance of, i. 122; music, i, 125, 127 Funjasar, ii. 75 Funeral ceremonies, Feejee, iii, 98 Fulanga, iii. 166 Fuse, destruction of, v. 31 Gardiner, Mr. F., i. 29 Gardner, Mr. John, i. 40 Gamarra, General, i. 286, 295 Gale, Bay of Islands, ii. 381 Games, Hawaii, iv. 47 Gay, George, iv. 357 ; anecdote of, iv. 360 Gaspar Island, v. 267 Gangriere, Mr., v. 225 George, Pilot, v, 114 Geology, Samoa, ii. 1 12 ; New South Wales, ii. 167, 172 Geiger, Mr., v. 178 Gentoo, v. 395 Gipps, Sir George, ii. 161, 213 Gimblet Religion, ii. 99 Gimblet, Joe, v. 26 Gingi, Chief, iii. 227 Gloria, i. 65 Goat Island, iii. 152 Government, Madeira, i. 18; Chili, i. 203; Tahiti, ii. 17; Samoa, ii. 152; New South Wales, ii. 222; Kingsmil], v. 85; Manilla, v. 278 ; Philippines, v. 280 ; Sooloo, V. 344 ; Singapore, v. 377 Government expenses. New Zealand, ii. 278 Good Success B.iy, i. 113, 140; plants, i, 115 Governor, Nev/ South Wales, ii. 222 Goro Island, iii. 199 Goodrich, Rev. Mr., iv, 208 Gray, Wm., ii. 70 Grande Ronde, iv. 395 Grande Coulee, iv. 436 Grand Rapid Hills, iv. 390 Gray's Harbour, arrival at, v. 129 ; produc- tions, V. 130 ; tides, v. 132; Indians, v. 132; departure from, v. 133 Graham and foreigners, capture of, v. 169 Green, Rev. Mr., iv. 240 Grigan, island of, v, 269 Gulf Stream, i. 4 ; v. 452 Guachos, dress, i. 96 ; i. 102 Guanacoes, i, 185 Gutieres, General, v. 164 Guardipii, Lake, v. 222 Guinea Current, v. 464 Harden, Beajaniiu, i. 106 Hawaiian Group, natives, iii. 375 ; iv. 3 constitution, iv. 21 ; succession to tiironc, iv. 31 ; punishment, iv. 33 taxes, iv. 36; executions, iv. 41; as tronomy, iv, 42 ; calendar, iv. 42 navigation, iv. 44; character, iv. 45 music, iv. 47 ; games, iv. 47 ; doctors iv. 286 ; productions, iv, 282 ; botany iv. 283 ; climate, iv, 284 ; diseases, iv 285 ; commerce, v. 260 ; remarks on V. 261 ; final leave, v. 265 Hawaii Island, iv. 89 ; vegetation, iv. 99 manufactures, iv. 97 ; journey across, iv. 99 Hanapepe Valley, iv. 62 Halelea, district of, iv. 70 Hale, Mr., journey of, iv. 466 Habits, Sooloo, v. 343 Hall's Island, v. 64 Halcyon Island, v. 268 Halcon, Captain, v. 294 Heath Forest, i. 15 Hemp, New Zealand, ii. 412; Manilla, v. 283 Henrietta, Queen, iii. 228 Henry, Midshipman Wilkes, murder of, iii. 262, 268 Henry's Island, iii. 272 Herrou, Lewis, trial of, v. 258 Hendcrville Island, v. 63 Hitoti, ii. 44 Hihifo, iii. 11 History, Feejee, iii. 62 ; Sooloo, v. 348 Hilo Bay, iv. 113, 230; village of, iv, 115; return to, iv, 187 Hieroglyphic Rocks, iv, 389 High Prairie, iv. 432 Hindoo processions, v. 387 ; theatres, v. 389 Houses, Madeira, i. 19 ; Wytoohee Island, i. 323; Tahiti, ii, 21; Samoan, ii. 145; New Zealand, ii. 385 ; Feejee, iii. 305, 344 ; Sooloo, v. 333 Hobson, G. G., Esq., i. 165, 205 Honden Island, i. 316 Hokianga, visit to, ii. 373 Hobson, Captain, his treaty, ii. 375 ; his proclamation, ii. 378 Hoia, ii. 393 Hoorn Island, ii. 158 Houseman, James, iii. 115 Honolulu, iii. 367; water, iv, 4; Saturday at, iv. 51; school celebration, iv, 52; cemetery, iv. 54 ; amusements, iv. 58 Horseshoe Reef, iii. 200 Holmes, Dr., adventure of, iii. 253 Hood, Mount, iv. 336 Holden, Benjamin, i. 250 GENERAL INDEX. 5W Hood's Canal, iv. 411 Hook swinging, Singapore, v. 390 Horses, sale of, San Francisco, v. 250 Hout's Island, v. 415 Hottentots, v. 431 Hunter, Wm., Esq., i. 41 Huara, convention of, i, 291 Hunter's River, ii. 245, 255 Hull's Island, iii. 370 ; v. 4 Hunt, Rev. Mr., iii. 191, 240 Hudson's Island, v. 44 Hunter's Island, v. 271 Hudson Bay Company, posts, v. 136 Icy barrier, ii. 286 lee, field, ii. 294 Icebergs, ii. 298; landing on, ii, 324; forma- tion of, ii. 330 ; drift of, ii. 333 Ice, diagram oij ii. 311 ; waitering on, ii. 325 Illawarra, district of, ii. 171, 242; extent of, ii. 244 Immigration, New South Wales, ii. 226 Indians, iv. 297; dice, iv. 367; mortality, iv* 370 ; incantations, iv. 400 ; Nis- qually, iv. 417 ; propiiecy, iv. 439 ; tribes, iv. 443, 471 ; food, iv, 446 ; superstitions, iv. 469 ; calendar, iv. 450 ; customs, iv, 456 ; legend, iv. 466 ; gambling, v, 117 ; widow, v. 118 ; conduct of, at Gray's Harbour, v. 130; dance, v. 180; diseases, v. 181 Indian Ocean, v. 41& indigo, Manilla, v. 290 Irogotcs Indians, v. 306 Islands, search for, v. 4 Fnhabitants, Lima, i, 242; Tahiti, ii. 14; Manilla, v. 278 ; Singapore, v, 374 Jaquel, vega of, i. 194 Japanese Junk, shipwrecked, iv. 295 ; ap- pearance, V. 398 Jarvis's Island, v. 4 Jane's Island, v. 266 John Day's River, iv, 402 Johnson, Lieutenant, lost, iv. 435 ; his party return to Nisqually, iv. 477 Johnson's farm, iv, 361 July, Fourth of, iii. 200 ; iv. 412 Junta de Comcrcio, Manilla, v. 279 Judd, Dr., iv. 112 ; descent into Kilauea, iv. 172 ; narrow escape, iv. 173 Kasanji, i. 60 Kangaroo Valley, ii. 169 Kaurie Pine, ii. 412 Kai Levuka, iii. 61 Katu Mbithi, iii. 158, 308; 159 his funeral, iii. Kambara Island, iii. 167 Katafanga, iii. 177 Kanathia Island, iii. 250 Kantavu Island, iii. 288 Kaiviti, schooner, iii. 312 Kamehameha III., visit to, iv. 3 ; hi*? ap- pearance, iv. 4 ; interview with, iv. 10; advice to, iv. 19; visit from, iv. 237 ; visit to, iv. 233 ; his wife, iv. 238 Kaiha, anecdote of, iv. 45 Kauai, island of, iv. 51 ; journey across, iv. 66 ; productions, iv, 71 ; climate, iv 71 ; schools, iv. 73 Kaala, Mount, iv. 75 ; ascent of, iv, 78 Kaluamei Falls, iv. 76 Kaneohe, iv. 84 Kaili, iv. 100 Kanaka, iv. 112; desertion of, iv, 134, missing, iv. 168; sliipping ofj iii, 386; mode of carrying, iii. 389 Kalumo, the guide, iv. 116 Kapuahi, iv, 120 Kapoho Point, iv. 186 Kahoolawe, iv. 244 Kanuha, his entertainment, iv. 207 Kaquines, straits of, v. 127 Kendikendi, ascent of, iii, 172 Kea, island of, iii. 252 Kekauluohi, her appearance, iv. 4 ; regent, iv. 257 Kealakeakua, bay of, iv. 92 Keaweehu, iv. 135; his appearance, iv. 151 Keeau, iv. 191 Kenemoneha, chief, iv. 245 Kettle Falls, Oregon, iv. 444 Kekuanaoa, Governor, iii, 384 ; visit ofj iii. 388 Kemin's Island, iii. 368 King's Island, i. 325 Kiama, blow hole at, ii. 245 ; scenery, ii. 245 Kie Island, iii. 383 King George, iii. 7 ; his town, iii. 13 ; his house, iii. 15 King Tubou's town, iii. 14 Kiue, the guide, iv, 121 Kilauea, crater of, iv. 102, 165; arrival at, iv. 123; description of, iv. 124; sulphur bank, iv. 169 ; survey of, iv. 170; beau- tiful eruption, iv. 174; departure from, iv. 179; last visit to, iv. 221 ; state of, iv. 224 Kirby, John, v. 65 ; his history, v. 65 Kinkla tribe, v. 188; employments, v. 188; language, V. 189; bows and arrows, v. 189 Kingsmill customs, v. 79; islands, v. 80; soil, V. 81; cultivation, v. 81 ; peopling, v. 81 ; social state, v. 83; government, v, 84; religion, v. 86; priests, v. 87; 550 GENERAL INDEX. superstitions, v, 88 ; employments, v. 89, 91 ; vices, v. 90 ; character, v. 90; war, V, 91 ; weapons, v. 93; houses, v. 94; canoes, v. 94; mats, v. 94; food, V, 96 ; amusements, v, 99 ; mar- riages, V. 101; tattooing, v. 103; dis- eases, v. 104 ; climate, v. 105; popula- tion, V. 105; trade, v. 106 Kihas, Padre, v. 199 Klackamus village, iv. 368 Kiuckullum River, v. 126 Klamet River, v. 237 Kiings, V. 389 Kororarika, ii. 374 Komo Island, iii. 168 Koloa, district of, iv, 64 Konahdunui Mountains, iv. 75 Kona, district of, iv. 94; climate, iv, 95 Kohala, district of, iv. 219 Korsakoff Island, v. 108 Krusenstern's Island, ii. 63 Kula, district of, iv, 251 Kuria Island, v. 65 Kamalatiz Lake, v. 127 Lafuente, General, L 224, 249, 286, 299 La Vinda Mountain, i, 258 La Mar, General, i. 286, 298 Lazcreff Island, ii. 63 Lauto Lake, ii. 96 Lang, Rev. Dr., ii. 252 Lambie Mount, ii. 258 Laughing Jackass, N. S. W., ii. 266 Lakemba, iii. 144, 165 Lati Island, iii. 380 La Place, Captain, his conduct at Oahu, iv. 14, 16 ; his departure, iv. 18 ; his treaty, iv. 18; its consequences, iv. 18 Lance-throwing, Honolulu, iv. 56 Lafon, Rev. Mr., iv. 67 Lava, description of, iv. 143; varieties, iv. 177; flow of, iv. 185 ; visit to plain, iv. 215 Lahainaluna, seminary ofj iv. 246 Lahaina, town of^ iv. 237 Labour in Oregon, price of, iv. 365 La Framboise, Michel, iv, 349 ; v. 143 La Bonte, iv. 358 La Tete Mountain, iv. 422 Lapwai Mission, iv. 460 Laguna de Bay, v. 311 Labrador Current, v. 459 Legislative Council, N. S. W., ii. 223 Levuka, town ofj iii, 49 ; garden at, iii, 60 ; war at, iii. 361 Lebouni People, iii. 291 Lecumba Point, iii. 307 Lee, Rev, Jason, iv. 341 Leonidas, Ship, iiL 218 Leave-takinff. Vancouver, iv. 371 Legend, Indian, iv. 466 laght. Zodiacal, i. 230 ; v. 450 Lima, i. 236; dress, i. 237; market, i. 240; library, i, 241 ; museum, i, 241 ; inha- bitants, i. 242 Liverpool Mountains, ii. 170 ; town of, ii. 266 Literary Institutions, N, S. W., ii. 273 Little Powder River, iv. 363 Lordello, Baron, i. 9 Locke, Mr., kindness of, iv. 74 Longley, Wm. S., lost, iv. 143; found, iv, 146 Luck's House, ii, 260 Lua Pele, iv. 171 Luzon, island of, v. 281 ; its formation, v. 282 ; minerals, v. 282 ; volcanic action on, v. 283 ; soil, v, 283 ; productions, v 283 ; agriculture, v. 284 Lucepara Passage, v. 415 Madeira, i, 6 ; sledge, i. 10 ; statistics, i. 16/ commerce, i. 17 ; dress, i. 18 ; govern ment, i, 18 ; houses, i. 19 ; plants, i. 20 wine, i, 20 Maria Rock, i. 28 Makuan, i. 61 Maypo, plain of, i. 178 Markets, Santiago, L 180; Lima, i. 240; Manilla, v. 301 ; Singapore, v. 391 Marines, conduct of, i. 232; review of, ii. 113 Mathews, Mr., i. 244 Manhii Island, i. 336 ; iv, 263 Mango Island, iii. 176 Manua, ii. 65 Matafoa, ii. 82 Malictoa, ii. 93, 102; v. 23 Maletau, ii. 103 Manono Island, ii. 107 Matthews' Rock, ii. 159 Macquarie, Governor, ii. 165, 213 Macquarie, fort, ii. 161; lake, ii. 248; island, ii. 287 Maconochie, Captain, his plan for managing convicts, ii. 216 Maitland, town of, ii. 256 Malevuvu, iii. 177 Malatta Island, iii. 179 Malaki Passage, iii. 210 Malina Island, iii. 250 Malolo Island, iii. 265 ; natives of, beg for pardon, iii. 282 ; observations on mur- ders at, iii. 284; departure from, iiL 286 Mali Island, iii. 303; Passage, iii. 315 Maro, David, iv. 6, 250 Manuel Rodriguez, island of, iv. 263 Magnetic Equator, situation of, iv. 263 Margaret's Island, iv. 265 Maika, iv. 55 GENERAL INDEX. 551 Manufactures, natives^ Hawaii, iv, 97 ; sugar, Hawaii, iv. 208 ; Taliiti, ii. 53 Mauna Loa, iv. Ill ; set out for, iv. 116; view of, iv. 122 ; natives mutiny, iv. 125 ; reach terminal crater, iv. 142 ; description of, iv. 143; descent ii^to, iv. 152 ; arrival of party from ship, iv. 144 ; depth of crater, iv, 157 ; weather, iv. 150; storm, iv, 156; circuit of, iv. 159 ; comparison with Mauna Kea, iv. 225 Mauna Kea, height of, iv. 160; ascent of, iv. 199 ; description of, iv. 203 ; descent of, iv. 205 Mauna Haleakala, ascent of, iv. 253 ; de- scription of, iv. 254 ; descent of, iv. 256 Maui, island of, iv. 235 Madison, Port, iv. 304 Maxwell, Mr., iv. 454 Mataatu, v. 33 Matafayatele village, v. 39 Matetau, v. 30 Matuku Island, iii. 146 Maraki, v. 70, 71 Makin Island, v, 72 ; natives of, v. 73 ; canoes, v, 74 Magnolia, ship, v. 109 Mask, Northwest Indians, v. 146 Marsh, Dr., v. 182 Martinez, Senor, v. 195 Male Creek, v. 223 Maloon's Island, v. 266 Manilla, arrival at, v. 275 ; situation, v. 276 ; description ofj v. 277 ; inliabitants, v. 278 ; government, v. 279 ; hemp, v. 288; coffee, v. 289; cotton, v. 289; indigo, v. 290 ; mode of living, v. 297 ; customs, V. 297 ; music, v. 298 ; drives, V. 298 ; markets, v. 301 ; trade, v. 302 ; churches, v, 304 ; monks, v. 305 Magelhaens, v. 279 Magjaijai, v, 313 Maquiling, Mount, v. 318 Marongas Island, v. 340 Mangsee Islands, v. 358 Marama, feast of, v. 387 Malays, habits of, v. 393 ; peninsula, v. 404; animals ofj v. 407 Maro Reef, v. 367 Mbure, iii. 49 Mbatu, iii< 87 ; their incantations, iii. 88 Mbua district, iii. 150, 911; history of, iii, 215 ; survey of bay, iii. 303 Mbrnga, iii. 207 Meteors, i. 35 Melithriptes Pacifica, iv. 4 Merril's Island, iv. 265 Medicine-men, Northwest Indians, iv. 369 Meteorological Diary, Vancouver, v. 138 Mercador, Padre, v. 204 Miscricordia, Rio de Janeiro, i. 47 Miuas, i, 54 Missionaries' schools, Tahiti, ii. 9 ; succv.-^ri at Tahiti, ii. 12; Samoan, ii. 127; New South Wales, ii, 250 ; New Zealand, ii. 382 ; Somu-somu, iii. 153; treat- ment ofj at Somu-somu, iii, 298 ; Feejee, iii. 358; residence, Honolulu, iv. 5 ; printing establishment, iv. 5 ; Lahaina seminary, iv. 246 ; Oregon, iv. 331, 354; farm, Oregon, iv. 351; hospital, iv. 351; Lapwai, iv, 460; school, iv, 465 ; Savaii, v, 22 ; Oregon, V. 220 Mitchell, Major, ii. 172, 258 Mill, saw, at Hawaii, iv. 199 ; Sugar, Ha- waii, iv, 242 ; grist, Oregon, iv. 335 ; saw, Oregon, iv. 335 Mindoro Island, v. 323 Mindanao Island, v. 328 Mindoro, fort of, v. 328 Minor's farm, iv, 253 Mocha Island, i. 161 Morun, General, i. 295 Morenhout, Mr., ii. 6 Motha Island, iii. 168 Moto-ufu, ii, 41 Mowna, ii. 74 Moa, iii. 16, 22 Moala Island, iii. 146 Moturiki Island, iii. 148; passage, iii. 148 Mokungai Island, iii. 187 Monkey.face Passage, iii. 217 Monument to officers, iii. 311 Moon, eclipse of, iii. 362 Molokai Island, iv. 259 Moore, Mr., iv, 361 Mole, V. 23 Monterey, v. 163 Moore, Josiah, Esq., v. 275 Moodie, Donald, Esq., v. 425 Mudjana, i. 63 Mundjolo, i. 59 Music, Fuegians, i. 127 ; Feejee, iii. 246 ; native, Australia, ii. 190 Museum, Lima, i. 241 Mufa,iii. 16 Mumui, iii. 17 Munia, iii. 177 Mumbolithe, iii. 187 Muthuata, theft at, iii. 230 ; ascent of peak, iii. 233 ; departure from, iii. 313; town of, iii. 225 Murder of Gideon Smith, iv. 104 Mulgrave's Islands, v. 113 Murphy, Mr., V. 199 Myandone, chief of, iii. 304 M'Keever, Commodore, U. S. N., i. 206, 307 M'Call, Edward, Esq., i. 307 552 GENERAL INDEX. M'Leay, Aloxaudor, Esq., ii. 190 M'Gill, ii. 253 M'Kean's Island, iii. 3(iD M'Laughlin, Dr., iv. 327, 341 ; visits ship, iv. 413; kindness, v. conduct, V. 136 ; letter to, v. 115; 147 the his M'Niel, Captain, iv. 305 ; v. 124 M'Donald, Mr., iv. 434 M'Lean, Mr., iv. 468 M'Kay. Thomas, v. 221 M'Kenzie's Group, v. 272 Navy, Brazil, i. 85 ; Chili, i. 204 Natives, Australia, ii, 255; Tonga, iii. 25 ; Hawaii, iii, 375 Naturalists, operations of, New Zealand, ii, S70 Naiiiuka Island, iii. 168 Naiau Island, iii. 175 Naitauiba, iii. 180 Nairai Island, iii, 184 Navula Passage, iii. 208 Naloa Bay, iii. 222, 308 Nanuku Passage, iii, 251 Naviti, iii. 258 Natava Bay, iii. 377 Napolo, iv. 90 Natives. Hawaii, their selfishness, iv. 133 ; pride, iv. 257 ; rights of relationship, iv. 257 ; industry, iv. 251 ; Ellice's Group, v. 38 Nanavalie, Sand HiUs, iv. 188 Narrows, Puget Sound, iv, 305 Navigation, Hawaiian, iv. 44 Nappa Valley, v. 196 Napier, Sir George, v. 425 Natal, Port, v. 433 Nanvitz, Lake, v. 127 Newman, Mr. H,, i. 191 New South Wales, ii. 157 ; geology, ii. 172; floods, ii. 172; rivers, ii. 173; salt, ii. 174; salt lakes, ii. 174; mountains, ii, 174; climate, ii. 175; vegetation, ii. 178; botany, ii, 188; wine, ii, 183; discovery, ii. 201 ; convicts, ii. 205, 237 ; convict rations, ii. 219 ; factory, ii. 204; social system, ii. 217 ; society, ii. 220 ; government, ii, 222 ; governor, ii, 222 ; lieutenant-governor, ii. 223 ; executive council, ii, 223; legislative council, ii. 223; regulations, ii. 224; immigration, ii. 226; price of land, ii. 227; crime, li. 231, 236; convictions, ii. 229, 235; education, ii. 237; re- ligion, ii. 238; coal-pits, ii. 246; mar- riages, ii. 247; missionaries, ii. 260; mails and post-oflice, ii. 256; sheep and wool, ii. 262 ; population, ii. 264, 274 ; language, ii. 284 ; *' laughing jackass," ii. 266 ; ornithology, ii. 266 ; salt- I works, ii. 268; saline lakes, ii. 269; earthquakes, ii. 270 ; commerce, ii. 271 ; fisheries, ii. 271 ; commerce with United States, ii. 273 Negroes, Rio de Janeiro, i. 54 Newcastle, town of, ii. 246 Ndronga, iii. 208 New Zealand, ii. 363, 369 ; claims, ii. 377; government expenses, ii. 378 ; land company, ii. 380; price of land, ii. 382 ; missionaries, ii. 382 ; taboo, ii, 383 ; carving, ii, 385 ; houses, ii. 385 ; tombs, ii. 387 ; dress, ii. 388 ; fishing, ii. 389 ; food, ii. 389 ; ornaments, ii. 390 ; native character, ii. 398 ; ap- pearance of, ii. 398 ; traditions, ii. 399 ; curiosities, ii. 400 ; mission operations, ii. 401 ; war-dance, ii. 403 ; climate, ii. 410; soil, ii. 410; produce, ii, 411; hemp, ii. 412 ; birds, ii. 413 ; trade, ii. 413 Nemena, island of, iii. 151 Ned's House, iv. 204 New York Island, iv. 281 New Caledonia, iv. 450 Nez Perc6 Indians, their customs, iv. 464 Neah Harbour, iv, 485 New Dungeness, iv. 483 New Helvetia, v. 178; geographical posi tion, V. 180 ; crops, v. 193 Negrito Indians, Luzon, v. 306; their wea- pons, V. 307 Necker Island, v. 366 Ngaraningiou's house, iii, 119 Nieto, General, i. 294 Ninito, ii, 41 Nilhau, island of, iv. 63; population, iv, 64 Nisqually, fort at, iv. 305 ; description of, iv. 417; farm, iv. 414 Niculuita, iv. 388 Noir Island, i, 157 Northern Posts, Hudson Bay Co., iv. 451 Northern Section, Oregon, climate, iv. 454 North, Rev. Mr., v. 395 Nukualofa, iii. 7, 18 Nukalau, iii. 183 Nugatobe Islets, iii, 249 Nukumanu, iii. 251 Nuuanu, valley of, iii. 390 Nukutipipi Island, iv. 266 Nyambana, i. 63 Oahu, island of, iii. 373; Pali, iii. 391, Peacock arrives at, v. 109 Oak Point, Oregon, iv. 319, 325 O'Brien^s Island, i, 136 Obrajillo, i. 256, 274 Obrejoso, i. 288, 294 Observatory Isle, iii. 171; Peak, iii. 259 Waiakea, iv, 114; magnetic. Cape of Good Hope, v. 434 ; GENERAL INDEX. 553 Ocean, temperature, i. 310 Ofoo, ii. 65, 69 Officers, murder of, at Malolo, iii. 262, 278 Ogle, Alexander, death ofj i. 311 Ogden, Miss, iv. 240 Ogden, Peter, Esq., iv. 364; parting with, iv. 372 O'Higgins, General, i. 212 Okonagan, iv. 433 Okimbo Island, iii. 180 Oloosinga, ii. 65, 67 01aa,iv. 119 Oneata, island of, iii. 169, 171 O'Neill, Mr., iv. 356 Ooaigarra, ii. 30 Opotuno, ii, 92, 104 ; attempt to capture, ii. 101 Opium shops, Manilla, v. 403 Organ Mountains, i. 69 Orange Harbour, i. Ill, 120; tide, i. 128; weather, i. 158 Orohena, peak of, ii. 25, 44 Orsmond, Mr., ii. 33 Orator, king's, Somu-somu, iii. 299 Order, general, iv. 301 Oregon missionaries, iv. 331 ; purchase of brig, iv. 495; brig, v. 115; population, v. 140 Orchard, Port, iv. 480 Oroa, Don Marcelino, v. 293 Osborne, Dr., R. N., ii. 244 Otooho, island of, i. 323 Otapuna, town of, ii. 34 Otore, ii. 42 Otter Creek, v. 237 Outfits of the squadron, i. 24 ; ii. 274 Ovolau, iii. 45 ; island of, iii. 52 ; survey of, m. 148 Patty's Overfalls, i. 35 Palmer's Land, i. 136 Parhelion, i. 109 ; iii. 4 Patagonians, food of, i. 114 Pasco, mines of, i. 266 ; town of, i. 267 Pachacamac, i. 278 Paumotu Group, i. 307 ; iv, 282 ; canoe of, 1.340 Paofai, ii. 11 Pappino River, ii. 25 Papara, ii. 31 Panawea, ii, 31 Papieti, harbour of, ii, 40» 47 ; its com- merce, ii. 48; troubles at, iv, 272; police, iv. 276 Papaoa, harbour of, ii. 58 Pago-pago, harbour of^ ii 7 Parry, Sir Edward, ii. 206 Pangai-Moutu, iii. 16 Pali, Oahu, iii. 391 Paramatta, factory at, ii. 213; town of| ii. 70 241 ; observatory, ii. 241 ; telegraph, ii. 242 Papaoa schools, ii. 272 ; meeting at, iv, 273 Panau, iv, 181 Pahuhali, iv. 183, 216 Pandanus tree, iv. 192 Patrocinio, island of v. 109 Palermo, Mount, v. 153 Pailolo Channel, v. 257 Pativas, Luzon, v. 311 Panay, island of, v. 325 Petcherai Indians, i. 121 Peru, i. 229; climate, i. 248; journey into, L 253 ; political history, i. 285 ; com- merce, i. 303 Pea, ii. 89 Peacock Bay, ii. 304 Peacock, accident to, ii. 300 ; repairs, ii. 363; return, ii. 364; leaves Sydney, iii. 37 ; arrival at Eooa, iii. 38 ; leaves Rewa, iii. 137 ; agroxmd, iii. 206 ; narrow escape, v. 70; wreck, v, 110; loss ofj iv. 489 ; launch, disposition of^ V. 145 Piner's Bay, ii. 317 Penguins, ii. 326 Peru Island, girls of, v. 67 Pescadores Island, v. 108 r Penrhyn's Island, iv. 277 ; natives of, iv. 277 Pendulum Peak, camp on, iv. 145 Pendulum observations at Hilo, iv, 194 Penn's Cove, iv. 481 Phillips, or Thokanauto, iii. Ill Philippines, discovery, v. 279 ; expedition to, V. 280 ; taken possession of by the Spaniards, v 281 ; population, v. 291 ; army, v. 292 ; revenue, v. 307 Phoenix Group, v. 5 Pico, peak of, i. 5 Pico Ruivo, i. 22 Pinto, General, i, 213 Pitohiti, ii, 46 Pigeon Bay, ii, 407 Pillar Rock, v. 120, 143 Pilot, Hilo Bay, iv. Ill Pit-craters, Hawaii, iv, 180 Pilot^a Cove, iv. 303 Pisclious River, iv. 430 Pierre, Charles, iv. 419 Pinus Lambertiana, v. 232 Plunket, Mr., Attorney-General, ii. 243 Plumondon, Simon, iv. 316 Porter, George, accident to, i. 6 Porto Praya, i. 29 ; statistics, i. 32 Political state, Brazil, i. 80 ; history. Chili, i.211 Portales, Diego, i. 222 Population, Chili, i. 202; New South Wales, ii. 264 ; Tonga, iii. 29 ; Feejee, iii. 323 ; Waimea, iv. 62 : Niihaa« iv. 64 Kin^s. VOL. V. 2W 554 GENERAL INDEX. mill, V. 105; Oregon, v. 140; Singa- pore, V. 404 ; Cape of Good Hope, v. 438 ; St Helena, v. 449 Post-OlHce, New South Wales, ii. 236 Porpoise and French squadron, ii. 343 ; gale, ii. 346; returns north, ii. 349 ; re- pairs, iv. 281 ; sickness on board, iv.292 Pomarc, ii. 376. 390 ; Pas, ii. 386 Pom are, Charley, ii. 391 Port Cooper, ii. 405 Port Levy, ii. 406 Port Refuge, iii. 380 Port Safety, iii. 252 Pottery, Feejee, iii. 348 Police, Tahiti, iv. 276 Port Towuscnd, iv. 302 Port Lawrence, iv, 303 Port Madison, iv. 304 Port Discovery, iv. 298 Ports, northern, Hudson Bay Company, iv, 451 Port Orchard, iv. 480 Poplars, grove of, v. 190 Poiiiale, ii. 74 Prairies, Rio Negro, i. 103 ; Oregon, iv, 307; little, iv. 423; high, iv. 432; Bute, iv. 415 ; country, iv. 459 ; Bates, V. 184, 245 Prieto, General, i. 172, 213 Pritchard, Rev. Mr., ii, 6, 59 Priests, Feejee, iii. 307 Protection Island, iv. 298 Productions, Tonga, iii. 32 ; Feejee, iii. 333 ; Kauai, iv. 71 ; California, v. 159 ; Hawaiian, iv. 282; New Zealand, ii. 411 Puna, IV. 188 Puahai, village of, iv, 206 Puget Sound, iv. 304 ; v. 137; survey of, iv. 479 Puget Island, v. 121 Puget Sound Company, iv. 308 Pulgas, Las, v. 212 Pyl>tart*s Island, iii. 35 Piria, manufacture of^ v. 297 Prado, Manilla, v. 298 Parsees, habits of, v. 394 Peralto, family of, v. 200 Quillota, i. 187 Queen of Rewa, iii. 127 Quiarlpi tribe, Oregon, iv.^41 Raraka, island of, i, 326 ; chief of, i. 398 ; tattooing, i. 326 Raymond, W. O., ii. 262 Rabone, Mr., iii. 9 Rambe, island of, iii. 254 Ragsdale, the guide, iv, 134 Rainier, Mount, iv. 413, 424 Ramsey, the pilot, v. 114 Ranchcros, California, v. 211 Rajah Bassa, v. 415 Rebello, Sedor, i. 9 Rativa Island, iii, 181 Rations, convicts. New South Wales, ii. 219 Reid, Passed Midshipman, i. 207 Reynolds, George, i. 318 Recreation Island, ii. 64 Religion, Chili, i. 200; Tutuila, ii. 80; Samoa, ii. 131; Australia, iL 197; New South Wales, ii. 238 ; Tonga, iii. 22 ; Feejee, iii. 82 Reynold's Peak, ii. 293 Refuge, Port, iii. 380 Rewa, iii. 109; town of, iii. 118; king of, visits the Peacock, iii. Ill; queen of, iii. 127; history of, iii- 132; visit to, iii. 182 Reid Island, inhabitants of, iv, 264 Recruiting Station, Mauna Loa, iv, 138 Reyes, Punta de Los, iv. 151 Revolution, California, v. 166 Rebellion, Philippines, v. 293 Regulations, Samoa, ii. 103 Rennell Current, v. 463 Rhio, Straits of, v. 413 Rio de Janeiro, i. 46 ; statistics, i. 86 Rio Negro, salt, i, 98 ; population, i, 99 ; tribes, i. 100 ; climate, i. 100 Rivers, New South Wales, ii. 173 Ringgold's Knoll, ii. 293 Rivalctta, iii. 103 Ridgcly, Port, iii. 250 Ringgold's Isles, iii. 302 Richards, Rev. Mr., iv, 8 Richmond, Dr., iv. 307 Rice, Manilla, varieties, v. 284 ; harvesting, V. 285 ; mode of stacking, v. 287 Richardson, Captain, v. 194 Robolua, ii. 408 Royal George Shoal, ii, 63 Rose Island, ii, 63 Rocks, The, ii. 260 Ross, Captain Sir James, ii. 282 Rosetta Shoal, iii. 5 Rotuina Island, iii. 24 Round Island, iii. 255 Royal ladies, Muthuata, visit to ship, iii. 229 Royal feuds, Tahiti, iv. 272 Route from United States to Oregon, iv, 474 Rogues' River, v. 232 Ruke.ruke Bay, iii. 217 Santiago, town of, i, 180 ; market, i, 183 San Fehpe, town of, i. 192 ; copper mines, i. 194 Santa Cruz, General, i. 218, 224, 292, 300; decree of, i. 301 San Lorenzo, i. 231 San Miguel, i. 256 y 1 T GENERAL INDEX. Salaverry, General, i. 299 Sacket, Lewis, ii. 44 Sag-ana, ii. 93 Sanga, ii. 98 Samoan Group, ii. 117; regulations of, ii. 1 03 ; geo^aphical position, ii. 117; climate, ii. 118; size, ii. 119; botany, ii. 119; zoology, ii. 122; language, ii. 123 ; diseases, ii. 124 ; character, ii. 126; population, ii. 130; religion, ii. 131 ; dances, ii. 134 ; amusements, ii. 135; games, ii. 137, 147; dress, ii. 140; canoes, ii, 143; houses, ii. 145; arms, ii. 151 ; government, ii. 152 Sayail, island of, ii. 108; geology, ii. 112; fishing at, ii. 112 Sapapale, ii. 108, 110 Salcalua, ii. 108 Salt, New South Wales, ii. 174 Saline Lakes, New South Wales, ii. 174, 269 Salt Works, New South Wales, ii. 268 Sarah's Bosom, ii. 353 Sac, John, ii. 378 Salutation, mode of, Feejee, iii, 79 Savage, Charley, iii. 62 Savu-savu, iii- 165; point, iii. 195; district of, iii. 200 Safety, Port, iii. 252 Sau-sau Passage, iii. 254, 303 Sandalwood district, iii. 306 Saken Island, iv. 264 San Pablo Island, iv. 266 Sand-hills, Nanavalie, iv. 190 Sand-hills, Maui, iv. 243 Salmon-fishery, Oregon, iv. 418 Salmon, Indian mode of taking, iv. 398 Salelese, destruction of, v. 31 San Juan, harbour of, iv, 485 Saluafata, destruction of, v. 31 Sachap River, v. 197 Sachal Lake, v. 126 San Francisco, arrival at, v, 151 ; presidio, V. 152 ; bar of, v. 255 San Pedro Island, v. 271 Sacramento Indians, arms, v. 185 ; appear- arice, v. 185 ; rancherias, v. 186; thefl, ▼. 187; fish- weirs, V, 188; river, v. 246 San Juan, valley of, v. 154 San Pablo Bay, survey of, v, 177 Santa Clara, visit to, v, 203 ; mission, v. 205 ; church, v. 205 San Jos^, pueblo of, v. 207 ; alcalde, v. 208 Sanchez, Senor, v. 212 San Joachim River, v. 247 Sausalito, position of, v. 253 Salomon, Don Juan, v. 294 Santa Cruz, town of, Luzon, v, 312 San Jose, Luzon, v. 327 Samboangan, v. 398 Sangboy*8 Island, v. 331 Sargasso Sea, v, 467 Scarcity of water, Mauna Loa, iv. 131 Schools, Kauai, iv. 73 ; Wailuku, iv. 240 ; Vancouver, iv. 332 ; Brazil, i, 85 Seal Rocks, i. 139 Sca-Gull, loss of schooner, i. 205 Seamen's chapel, Honolulu, iv. 6. Serle Island, i. 315 Settler's cottage, New South Wales, ii. 261 Sea-elephants, ii, 291 Seru, iii. 67,142 Sea-Gull Group, iv. 264 Sebastian del Cano, v. 280 Semarara Island, v, 324 Seedros, v. 390 Shoalhaven, iv. 245 Sheep and wool. New South Wales, ii. 262 ; cost of, ii. 263 ; Captain M'Arthur at- tempts to introduce, ii. 265 Shy lock, ship, wreck of, iii. 301, 378 Shaste country, v. 237; geology, v. 238; mountains, v. 240 ; Indians, v, 242 ; dress, v, 243 ; peak, v. 940 Shoalwater Bay, v. 133 Shutc's River, iv. 312 Sicuani, assembly of, i. 290 Simpson, Rev, Mr., ii. 56 Siusinga, ii- 99 Sifileurs, iv. 434 Sickness on board Porpoise, iv. 392 Sitting, Feejee mode of, iii. 351 Singapore, v, 366 ; port ofj v. 372; descrip- tion of, V. 374 ; inhabitants, v. 374 ; government, v. 377 ; island of^ v. 379 ; tigers at, v. 379 ; botany, v, 379 ; pro- ductions, V. 380; market, v. 391 ; coins, V. 392 ; trades, v, 392 ; commerce, v. 399 ; taxes, v. 402; remarks on, v. 404 : climate, v. 408 ; diseases, v. 409 Simpson, Sir George, v. 122 Slacum, WilliaiU, Esq., i. 41 Slacum, Mr., introduction of cattle into Oregon hy^ iv. 359 Sly-Boots, chief, iv, 379 Sleepy Point, iii. 248 Smith, William, death of, iii- 312 Smith, Gideon, murder of, iv. 104; v. 25 Smalocho River, iv. 422 Smoking, effects of on Indians, v. 131 Snake River, iv. 401, 462 Sucicty, New South Wales, ii, 290 Somu-somu, iii. 141, 152, 252, 300, 377; missionaries, iii. 153 ; treaty, iii. 157 Springs, Hot^ Taiaimi, ii. 372; Waikama, iii. 197; analysis of its waters, iii. 199 Spipen River, iv. 425, 469 Spokane Indians, iv. 458 Spalding, Rev. Mr., iv. 461 Speiden Island, v. 44 Squadron, outfits, &c., Sydney, ii. 274 556 GENERAL INDEX. Sooloo, V. 323 ; island, v. 331 ; canoes, v. 332 ; houses, v. 333 ; customs, v. 341 ; appearance, v. 342 ; dress, v. 342 ; clia- racter, v. 342 ; women, v. 343 ; habits, V. 343 ; government, v. 344 ; population, V. 346 ; duties, v. 347 ; commerce, v. 347; history, v. 348; treaty, v. 350; piracies, v. 353; visit to sultan, v. 335 Soung, town of, v. 338 ; market, v, 338 ; fruits, V. 338 ; tlieft at, v. 339 iSt. Anne Shoal, i. 5 St. Michael's Island, i, 5 St. Christoval Palace, i. 48 St. Thomas's Shoal, i. 68, 88 Stewart, William, i. 150 St. Jolm's Day, i. 244 St. Patrick's Ball, Sydney, ii. 365 Staver's Island, iv. 277 Stetson, Captain, his silk establishment, iv. 59 St. Helen's Reach, Columbia River, iv. 319 Steamer, Hudson Bay Company, iv. 309 St. Augustine Island, v. 44 St. Rafael Mission, v. 198 St. Helena, island of, v. 469 Starling, H, B. M. schooner, iii. 150 Sugar Loaf Mountain, i. 67 ; ascent oij i. 67 Sucre, General, i. 285 Sunday, Island, iii. 5 Superstition, Feejee, iii. 85 Susui, iii. 179 Suva, iii. 206 Sualib Bay, boat captured, iii. 240 ; attack upon, iii. 342 Sualib, town of^ attack upon, iii, 274 Sugar-Mills, Koloa, iv. 60 Sunken Forest, Oregon, iv. 381 Suter, Captain, v. 178, 198, 246 Sugar, Manilla, v. 289 Sultan, Sooloo, visit to, v. 335 Swain's Island, v, 18 Sydney, town of, ii. 162 ; botanical garden, ii. 166; literary institutions, ii. 273; facilities for outfits, ii. 276 ; trades' union, iiL 35; grog-shops, iii. 36; snakes, iii, 37 Sydney Islands, iii. 371 Takwani, i. 62 Taloo Harbour, ii. 56 Tofua, Mount, ii. 96 Taiaimi, hot springs at, ii. 372 Taii, ii. 41 Tahiti, ii. 3 ; amusements, ii. 8, 25 ; mission school, ii. 9; complaints at, ii. 10; in- habitants, ii. 14; government, ii. 17; chiefs, ii 18; religion, ii. 19; canoes, ii, 21 ; habitations, ii. 21 ; dress, ii. 22: coimnerce. ii. 35; nroductions. ii. 36 ; diseases, ii. 49 ; manufactures, ii 51 ; theatre, ii. 55; troubles, iv. 274 Taua, ii. 6, 42 Tamahaa, iii. 27 Tanoa, iii. 54; his arrival, iii, 54; his re- ception, iii. 55; visits Vincennes, iii. 57 ; rebellion against, iii. 64 Taal, Volcano De, v. 317; analysis of water, v. 318 TabanaicIIi Island, iii. 168 Tabutha Island, iii. 176 Tasman's Straits, iii. 180 Tauthake Island, iii, 256 Taweree Island, iv. 265 Takurca Island, iv. 265 Takali tribe, iv. 451 Tatouche tribe and chief, iv. 486 Table Bay, v. 421 Taxes, Singapore, v. 402 Taupe, King, v. 13 Tarawa Island, v, 69 Tama, v. 53 Tekere, King, v, 74 Terra del Fuego, L 119 Telanicolo Mountain, iii. 178 Teku Island, iv. 264 Temperance cause, Oregon, iv. 330 Teinhoven Island, iv. 277 Tertulia, Manilla, v. 299 Threlkeld, Mr., ii. 248 The Rocks, ii. 260 Thaki Island, iii. 169 Tlieory of coral islands, iv. 268 Tahiti Island, iv. 270 Thompson, Mr., v. 432 Ticumbia, island of, iii. 178 Tidal wave, Fago-pago, ii. 83 ; Hawaii, iv. 226 Tides, Feejee, iii. 322 ; Nisqually, iv. 417 Titcomb, Mr., his plantation, iv. 70 Tidias, Chief, iv. 427 Toa, ii. 71, 75 Tooa, iii. 103 To'o, ii. 95 Tongataboo, iii. 3 — 6 ; war at, iii. 8 ; for- mation, iii. 31 Tobacco Plant, whaler, iii. 5 Tonga customs, iii. 17 ; canoes, iii. 19 ; religion, iii. 22 ; population, iii. 29 ; missionaries, iii. 29 ; 31 ; productions, iii, 32 ; climate, iii. 32 ; diseases, iii. 33 ; pilots, iii. 35 ; war, iii. 38 Tova Reef, iii. 145 Totoia Island, iii. 145 Totten Mount, iii. 250 Tomato, Feejee, iii. 309 Tongue Point, iv. 326 ; v. 119 Tolben, Dr., v. 305 Triton Bank, i. 37 swimmers, in. I \ 4 GENERAL INDEX. 557 Travelling, Hawaii, iv. 117 ; Oregon, iv. 379 Trappers, Hudson Bay Company, iv. 333 Tribunal of Commerce, Manilla, v. 279 Travel, Ephraim, v, 248 Trading, Apia, v, 22 Tracy's Island, v. 40 Triton, whale-ship, iii. 312 Tullock Reef, i, 5 Tutuila^ island of, ii. 70 ; religion, ii, 80 ; climate, ii. 81 ; appearance ofj ii, 87 Tuvai, ii. 88, 157; his sentence, ii. 90 Tucker, Rev, Mr., iii. 7 Tubou, iii. 7 Tucker, Mrs. iii. 13 Tui Levuka, iii, 48 Tubou Total, iii. 143 Tui Mora, iii. 212 Tui Mbua, iii. 213 Tui Muthuata, iii. 227 Tubou Harbour, iii. 251 Turtle, Feejee, iii. 261 Tui Mbua, town of, iii. 307 Tui Illa.illa, iii. 377 Tui Ncau, iii. 169 Turtle Island, iii. 379 Turnbull Island, iv. 266 Tutui grove, iv. 69 Turner's Encampment, v. 233 Tula marshes, v. 177 Tui-Tokelau, his house, v. 14 Tye, town of, iii. 243 Uata, ii. 41 Ularua Island, iii. 168 Umpqua, fort, v. 225; country, v. 25fi6 , mountains, v. 227 Underwood's Tower, iii. 191 Underwood, Lieutenant, murder of, iii. 309 ; proceedings in relation to, iii. 310 Upham River, ii. 265 Upolu, island of, ii. 88; iii. 381 ; geological structure, ii. 97 Utami, ii, 34 Utiroa, attack upon, v. 59 ; burnt, v. 60 Valparaiso, i. 166; police, i. 168; geogra- phical position, i. 229 Vahaore, ii. 44 Vavasa, ii. 89, 102 Vasqucz Island, iii. 6, 35 Vatulelc, iii. 205, 287 Vaturea, iii. 215 Vanua-valavo, iii. 250 Vashon's Island, iv. 304 Vancouver, description of, iv, 328 ; granary and farm, iv. 334 ; dinner at, v. 122 ; geographical position, v. 123 ; mag- netic observations, v. 123 Vallejo, Governor, v. 197 2W2 Vanderford, Benjamin, death of, v. 447 Vendovi, iii. 120 ; capture of, iii. 131 ; leave- taking, iii. 136; death of, v. 453 Vekai, island of, iii. 176 Veraki, iii. 222 Vidaurre, General, i, 222 Vincennes Island, i. 330 ; catching fish, L 331 Vincennes, gale encountered by, ii. 313 ; leaves icy barrier, ii. 338; condition of, iii. 56 Victoria, Mount, ii. 258 Vi-tonga, iii. 183 Viti-rau-rau, iii. 261 Victoria, General, v. 163 Viper Shoal, v. 366 Voyageurs, Hudson Bay Company, iv. 392 Votua Island, iii. 223 Vomo Island, iii. 266 Voona, valley of, iii. 292 Vuna Island, iii. 180 Warley's Shoal, i. 35 .Waves, height of, i. 135 Waiherea Lake, ii. 25 VVangarra, town of, ii. 395 Wailis Island, ii. 157 Watson, Mr., ii. 262 Wailuku River, expedition up, iii, 121 Wakaia Island, iii. 189 Waikama, hot springs of, iii. 197 ; analysis of water, iii. 199 Waialailai Island, iii. 259 Waia Island, iii. 259 War. threatened between Ambau and Vuna, iii. 297 Walker's Island, iv. 263 Waimea district, Kauai, iv. 60; population, iv. 62 Wailioli, Mount, iv. 72 Waialua district, iv. 74; climate, iv. 76 Waianae district, iv. 81 Waikiki, iv. 86 Waverley, schooner, iv. 106 Water, Mauna Loa, scarcity of, iv. 131 Waldron's Ledge, Kilauea, iv. 167 Wailuku, falls of, iv. 213; viUage, iv. 239; ride to, iv. 239 ; school, iv. 240 ; pass, iv. 256 Waimea district, Hawaii, iv. 217 Wave, brig, iv. 319 Warrior's Point, iv. 326 ; v. 121 Waller, Rev. Mr., iv. 343 Wallawalla, iv. 377; fort, iv. 391, 463, mission, iv. 393 ; river, iv. 394 ; gar- den at, iv. 467 Walker, Mr., his farm, iv. 362 Washington Island, v. 3 Wake's Island, v. 267 Wadsworth, Commodore, U. S. N., v. 468 558 GENERAL INDEX. Weatherboard Inn, New South Wales, ii. 258 Wellington, flood at, ii. 263 ; town of, ii. 261 W^hite-jacket Ball, Rio de Janeiro, i. 66 Whippy, David, iii. 48 ; letter from, iii. 360 Whitman, Dr., iv. 396 Whaling, v. 457 ; grounds, Pacific, v. 487 ; Atlantic, v. 490 ; Indian Ocean, v. 490 Whales, mode of catching, v. 496; number of, V. 497 ; right whale fishery, v, 498 Whale-ship, difficulties on board of, v. 498 ; scurvy, v. 501 ; advice to owners, v. 501 ; concluding remarks, v. 502 Whale-killer, ii. 297 Wilson, Rev. Mr., ii. 7 WiUiams, Rev. Mr., ii. 92, 161 Williams, Mr. John, ii. 93 Williams, J. W., Esq., ii. 160 Wine, Madeira, i. 21 ; New South Wales, ii. 183 ; Cape Colony, v. 429 Wingen, burning mountain o(^ ii, 270 Willamette River, ascent of, iv. 347 ; falls, iv. 363; fishing, iv. 366; valley, iv. 341 Woolongong District, New South Wales, ii. 243 ; geology, ii. 245 Wollaston's Island, i. 142 Wolconsky Island, iv. 265 Wood, Robert, account of himself, v. 76 Women, Feejee, iii, 332 Wytoohee Island, i. 318; canoes, i. 319; natives, i. 319 ; chief of, i. 321 ; pro- ductions, i. 323 ; iiouses, i. 323 Yalangalala Island, iii. 251 Ya-asaua, iii. 256 Ya-sau-y-lau, harbour of, iii, 256 Yams, demand for, iii. 299 Yam Hills, Oregon, iii. 357 Yakima River, iv. 428, 468 Yendua Island, iii. 254 Yerba Buena, v. 152, 214, 249 Young, Mr., iv. 359 ; his farm, iv. 359 Young's Creek, v. 232 Ythata, iii. 249 Yungai, battle of, i. 293 Zonoma, town of, v. 196 THE END.