THE PRINCIFLERS OF PHARMACOGNOSY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE CRUDE SUBSTANCES OF THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM FRIEDRICH A. JKIGER, Pu.D., M.D., AP Neds ‘ontiing PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF STRASSBURG AND ALEXANDER TSCHIRCH, Pu.D., LS CTO ease, LECTURER ON BOTANY AND PHARMACOGNOSY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN WITH ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SIX ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT TRANSLATED FROM THE Seconp AND CoMPLETELY REVISED GERMAN EDITION BY FREDERICK B. POWER, Pu.D., PROFESSOR OF MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN | NEW YORK = og. WILLIAM WOOD & COMPANY > 1887 2 Mo. ‘Bot Garden 1913 - THE AUTHORS’ PREFACE. Ty the present work, the “ Principles of Pharmaceutical Materia Medica” (Grundlagen der Pharmaceutischen Waa- renkunde), by F. A. Fliickiger, published in 1873, appear in a revised form, and materially extended. In this second edition, the above-named author has undertaken chiefly the preparation of the first part, and the newly associated author (A. Tschirch), the second part, comprising morphology and anatomy, so that really a new book has been produced. Al- though the original plan has been essentially retained, the arrangement of the material within the more extended space has, nevertheless, necessitated numerous changes. It seemed to us appropriate in this revision to also take into consideration those crude substances of the vegetable kingdom possessing an organic structure which receive technical appli- cation. On the other hand, zoology has now been but inci- dentally considered, for the reason that pharmacognosy has to treat of only a very limited number of animal substances. With regard to the classification of tissues, we have thought it proper to follow Haberlandt’s “ Physiological Plant Anatomy” (Physiologische Pflanzenanatomie), Leipzig, 1884, _ which, besides the anatomical consideration of tissues, also elucidates their physiological functions. In our capacity as teachers, we have acquired the experience that an anatomical a ae description becomes of much more interest to the pupil by a oe oh reference to a relations, ee. the — : af Oe . iv AUTHORS’ PREFACE. of physiological plant anatomy in its details is still in need of completion and general recognition, the outlines of the same appear to us, nevertheless, to be sufficiently well defined to be able to serve, in the manner intimated, as a foundation. In one point, however, we have departed from Haberlandt’s classification. The cell, its contents, and its membrane have been treated by us in a more complete manner, and placed be- fore the tissues. This deviation recommends itself for practi- cal and didactic reasons ; for the beginner must be instructed regarding the cell and its contents before learning anything of the tissues. The substances contained in the cell also possess too great an interest for the pharmacognosist to be inserted in the text simply in a secondary manner. A second change, as already intimated, is that we have like- wise made a place for technico-microscopical investigation, of which every one will approve who takes into consideration the extent to which the apothecary of our day is called upon as an expert. In order to aid in furthering this service of phar- macy, which is of general interest, we have, for example, treated more thoroughly of starch and the textile fibres, In the morphological portion, which has experienced a complete transformation, we have endeavored to give a brief sketch of the most important phenomena, whereby the technical expressions in present use have received explana- tion, especially those which occur in the deservedly widely distributed Syllabus of Eichler. Here, as in the anatomical portion, we have drawn the narrowest boundaries, since the present work does not pretend to be a complete text-book or manual. Nevertheless, some few sections which are of im- portance to pharmacy have received relatively somewhat greater development and more precise adaptation, as for ex- ample, that relating to the receptacles for secretions. A chap- _ ter on the galls has also been newly inserted. _ In the selection of the woodeuts, we have chiefly considered the drugs and crude substances of technical application. The AUTHORS’ PREFACE. Vv same applies to the selection of examples from anatomy and morphology. The one hundred and four illustrations of the first edition have, for the most part, been again introduced, al- though increased by thirty-seven illustrations sketched by ‘the _ newly associated author, as also by a number borrowed from other works, the names of which, as a rule, have been men- tioned. With some of the Thistrations which were placed at our disposal by the publishing house of Springer, it has not each time been stated whether these were derived from the works of Hager, Hartig, or Méller. Very often we were also obliged to content ourselves by referring to still other illustra- tions, for example, to the plates of the handsome anatomical atlas by Berg. Tt has likewise been our endeavor, through abundant cita- tions of the literature, to be of service to those members of the profession who may desire more complete information. Al though not every one will be in a position to refer to the sources of information cited by us, we nevertheless wished, on the one hand, to show that we have endeavored to utilize the best and most recent acquisitions upon the wide field of the auxiliary sciences, and, on the other, we hope thereby to afford an impulse in many directions. The latter purpose was par- ticularly kept in view with regard to the section devoted to the history of drugs. Tue Avrnors. STRASSBURG AND BERLIN, May, 1885. TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Tue generally acknowledged importance of the study of pharmacognosy as a branch of useful knowledge, and the con- stantly increasing recognition of its extended practical, as well as scientific applications, will doubtless afford to all who are conversant with the subject a sufficient vindication for the pro- duction of an English version of a work which bears, as its highest commendation, the names and impress of its distin- guished authors. _ The work, here presented will doubtless at once indicate the aim and the scope of the science of pharmacognosy, and clearly demonstrate its intimate connection on every hand with chemical, botanical, and microscopical science, as also the im- pulse afforded for the further investigation of points of his- toric interest and a more extended knowledge of the geograph- ical or climatic and commercial relations of vegetable products in their varied applications, either as medicinal remedies, as food, or in the arts. However important the consideration of the physiological action and therapeutic uses of drugs may be from the stand- point of medical science, it is evident that this alone should not suffice for the professional pharmacist or for pharmaceuti- cal students, who should be instructed in the science of phar- macognosy in its broadest sense. It is thus to be hoped that the principles outlined in the work in question may serve to broaden the exposition of the — materia medica in ape . Vili TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. directions intimated, and to secure for the same a still wider recognition and better appreciation of its usefulness. In the preparation of this edition, the translator has been kindly favored by Professor Fliickiger with a few additional notes, which have been suggested by the advances in literature or in the related sciences during the short period which has elapsed since the publication of the German edition, and a list of the illustrations occurring in the work has also been ap- pended. The translator may finally be permitted to state that he has endeavored to preserve in this edition not only the form, but also the attractiveness of the original work, and while attempt- ing to follow the original as closely as was consistent or possi- ble, has spared no pains to maintain accuracy of diction and the correct rendition of many newly adopted technical terms. That the work may accomplish the mission designed by its authors, receive to some degree the appreciation which it merits, and be made available to a larger circle of readers, was the highest purpose and the chief desire attending the labor which the translator has been permitted to bestow. UNIVERSITY OF Wisconsin, MADISON, January, 1887. SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. The mission of Pharmacognosy, Treatment of the subject matter, I. The mother-plant, II. Geographical distribution of ths enniie, III. Cultivation, i IV. Collection. Preparation, V. Commercial relations, ; : VI. Description of drugs, : ‘ 5 VII. Organological importance of the pame, < : VIII. Inner structure, .- ‘ . IX. Chemical constituents, : : ee X. Substitutions and adulterations, ‘ 4 XI. History, : E . XII. Pharmacogucetioal ayilsine. : Aids to Study, - ; . ‘ : I. Collections, . i é II. Literature, : : Morphology, . . 1. Roots, rhizomes, runners and clone; sabes. bulbs, . 2, Stems, woods, barks, . : : : 3. Herbs, ‘ : . 4, Leaves, . ‘ ‘ ¥ : . ; 5. Flowers, calyx, corolla, androeceum, gyneeceum, oe 6. Inflorescence, . : : ‘ 7. Fruits, 4 : ‘ . ‘ : 8. Seeds, . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Plantanatomy, . : ‘ I. The cell, : A. Contents of ia cell, pais 1. Protoplasm, cell-formation, celldvision, : 2 pads aa gees nteme eee x SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. PAGE 8. Chlorophyll bodies, . ; , : 100 4, Crystalloid coloring matters, . . . 104 S. Bat, ‘ ‘ : : ; 105 C: Slatch, ~ . “ 3 ; ‘ - 108 7. Inulin, “ : : 124 8. Crystals, cadotonn oxalate, , F . 129 9. Tannin, . ; . 135 10. Cell-sap (dry-weight), oui, hesperidin, aloin, ; ‘ . 139 11. Inorganic substances, reduction to aals; ‘ 144 B. The cell-wall, . 148 1. Morphological ANE of the cell wid; growth in thickness, pores, stratification, 148 '. 2, Optical behavior of the cell-membrane, . 158 3. Chemical behavior of the same, . . 4 159 (a) Cellulose, ; ‘ . 159 (b) Lignified membrane, acelin, 3 160 (ec) Cork, cutin, wax, F ‘ . 161 (a) Intercellular substance, . F 162 (e) Inorganic deposits, . F .. 163 (f)Gum, mucilage, . ‘ ; 163 (g) Pectin, lichenin, ‘ . . 170 II. Forms of cells, . ‘. e ‘ : 171 III. Cellular tissue, : ‘ ; ‘ é . 174 IV. Systems of tissue, . ‘ ; ‘ ; 5 175 A. Epidermal tissue, ; . 176 1. Epidermis, hypoderma,. cuthela, appendages of the epidermis, hairs, ‘ ae 2. Periderm, : ‘ Pre tcy’§ (a) Phellogen, chelicdebn, Fi 187 (b) Cork, bork, ‘ F 5 . 188 B. The mechanical tissue, : : ‘ ae Bast, collenchyma, libriform, stone-cells, nu- cleus-sheath, ‘ ; ‘ . 194 C. The absorbing system, : : i) BOS Root-hairs, haustoria, i : - 208 D. The assimilating system, . . : . 209 Leaf structure, . ‘ ; = . 210 E. The conducting system, . ‘ ae 1. Components of the vasculet. bundle, . . 216 (a) Vascular portion: vessels and tra- cheids, wood-parenchyma, . 217 SYNOPSIS OF CONTENTS. xi PAGE (6) Cambium, annual rings, medullary rays, : % 3 . 220 (c) Sieve portion: sijeve-tubes, cambi- form, bark, . ‘ 231 2. Arrangement of the vascular and sieve por- tions in the bundle, 5 ‘ . 234 F, The storing system, . : : 235 Reserve receptacles, wahenesleartoae = . 235 G. The aérating system, ; ee Intercellular spaces, stomata, lenticela, . 235 H. System of secretion receptacles, . : 241 1. Cells containing oil, resin, mucilage, crystals and laticiferous juice, glandular hairs. 243 2. Lysigenic passages: laticiferous ducts, lysi- genic oil and balsam receptacles, . 247 3. Schizogenic passages containing oil, balsam, resin, gum-resin, laticiferous juice and mucilage, . . < -.. Pathological Formations, . ; i : : : . 264 Micro-chemical Reagents, : ; : : : . 268 Index, : ; ‘ - ‘ ; ; és . 281 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG, 1. A bulb, median longitudinal section, 5 2. Leaves of Hucalyptus globulus Labillardiére, . é 3. Gratiola officinalis, rhizome with rootlets, 4, 5, 6, 7. Valvate, imbricate, convolute, and plicate einivation; 8. Hypogynous, perigynous and epigynous flower, . 9. Crocus sativus, stigma, . ‘ 10. Schematic figure, elucidating the pees of fertilization, 11. Diagram of a flower of the Graminex, : 12. Diagram of a typical dicotyledonous flower, 18. Diagram of a typical monocotyledonous flower, 14. Diagram of a cruciferous flower, . : 15, Diagram of a papilionaceous flower, 16. Schemes of inflorescence, 17. Conium maculatum, section of fruit, 18. Pisum sativum, legumes, 19. Brassica oleracea, silique, 20. Colchicum autumnale, capsule, 21. Hyoscyamus niger, capsule, ‘ 22. Forms of dehiscence of the capsule, . 28, 24, 25. Atropous, anatropous and campy lotropods ovules, 26. Myristica fragrans, longitudinal section of fruit, 27. Toxodium distichum, section of a medullary cell, . é 28. The process of cell division, seams oid ago 29. Elliptical starch granules, : 30. Semen Ricini, cells from the sims, 31, Gluten-cells and aleurone, : 32. Spectrum of chlorophyll and xanthophyli, 33. Chlorophyll granules, . 84. Crystalloid coloring matters, _ 35, Starch granules from the potato, _ 36. Starch granules from the rhizome of ginger, . . . . . . . . . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xili FIG. PAGE 87. Starch granules from Tuber Colchici, . : : . 110 38. Compound starch granules, 2 = dit 39. Compound starch granules from Radix Sareaparille, ‘ a8 bs | 40. Compound starch granule of the oat, 112 41. Bone-shaped and club-shaped starch grunales of Ruphordia; « 112 42, Starch granules of Sago, . : ‘ ‘ - 118 43. Potato starch, : . ‘ : s ; «148 44, Bean starch, , é ; é ‘ : y 114 45. Maranta starch, : ¥ ; ‘ é 2 . 114 46. Curcuma starch, . s ; : , é ; 115 47. Wheat starch, — : 3 ; : ; : - 116 48, 49. Maize starch, . : : : ‘ ; ; 116 50. Rice starch, . ; ‘ é ‘ : ‘ Sars Ys 51. Oat starch, ‘ ‘ : é 117 52. Starch granules in pobstiied light, . : ‘ ~ 119 58. Corroded starch granules, : : : : ‘“ 121 54. Spheero-crystals ofinulin, . é ; - 125, 126 55. Rhaphides from Radix Sarenparill, Fe 127 56. Bulbus Scille, transverse and longitudinal acticin: : . 128 57, 58. Crystals of calcium oxalate, monoclinic, . ‘ : 130 59. Twin crystals of calcium oxalate, . ‘ A ; ~ 18k 60. Quadratic crystals of calcium oxalate, ‘ ‘ < 132 61. Transverse section from an ordinary oak-gall,_ . : . 132 62. Rosettes of calcium oxalate, . 133 63. Aloe socotrina, transverse section Sheccnisthe the itergindd portion of a leaf, - * ‘ 143 64. Schematic reprecsieésion of the development of the wall of a wood-cell, . ‘ . 149 65. Polyhedral vaenchyine feos Rhizoma Grainints, ; Re | 66. Spiral and annular vessels from Bulbus Scille, . 5 . 150 67. Cells with net-shaped thickenings, . 151 68. Rhizoma Filicis, showing vessels with scalariform ilekeninas: 152 69. Porous cells, . : . 152 70. Thickened cells with ‘pore-canals; bast-fibre and stone-cells, 153 71, Spirally arranged pits, . . é . . 154 72. Areolated dots of the tracheids of fir-wood, : = . 154 78, 74. Bast-fibres from Cinchona barks, . 3 155, 156 "5, 76. Various stone-cells, : cys 77. Sections of bast-fibres and atonb-oella obsse-ved in pola light, . . ‘ gor 158 78. The formation wi gum in herrea eed, " " cee a 79, Transverse section through tragacanth, . + + 168 oa, xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIG. PAGE 80. Spheroidal cells, Isodiametric parenchyma, . ive Meg od $1. Parenchymatous tissue from the pith of the elder, . ‘ 171 82. Hyphe from Fungus Luricis, . ‘ ‘ . 173: 83. Vanilla, longitudinal section through the outermost layer, 197 84, Epidermal cells of a root (epiblema), ‘ ‘ Rae i 3 85. Mace, transverse section, 4 a - ‘ . 178 86. Colocynth, rind of the fruit, ; : : . 17% 87. Semen Paradisi, transverse section, . : : ‘ 179 88, 89. Semen Hyoscyami, transverse section, : ames Wt Pa bot 90. Semen Stramonii, tangential section through the epidermis, 181 91. Chinese galls, transverse section, . ; ; - ~ 13k 92. Hairs of cotton, . ‘ 182: 93. Stinging hair of the nettle. and hairs of Nux conan, A . 183: 94. Fructus Anisi, transverse section, ; : 184. 95, Flores Verbasci, club-shaped and stellate Sindee ‘ ‘ . 185. 96, Oil-glands of the Labiate, : ‘ 186. 97. Canella alba, cells from the phelioderss of the back. P +, oem 98. Cinchona Calisaya, transverse section through the bork, . 188. 99. Juniperus communis L., transverse section through an older internode, : : 5 j ; ee 100. Cortex Sassafras radicis, bork, . ‘ : A . 189 101. Cork of the cork-oak, . : : : +k 102. Radix Calumbe, cortical lage, . ? ; . 190: 103. Rhizoma Curcume, transverse section, ‘ : st 1 Jee 104. Cortex Cascarille, cork “—_* and primary bark, . . 191 105. Cortex Guaiaci, : F ‘ . 192 106. Radix Pyrethriromani, . . 192° 107. Jamaica Quassia-wood, transverse panies through the bark, 193. 108. Potato, transverse section through the outermost layer, . 193 109. Vanilla, transverse section through the fruit; collenchyma, . 195 110, Typical bundle of bast-cells, —. . ; ; 5 oe 111. Bast-cells of Corchorus olitorius (jute), . , ‘ . 196- 112, Alfa-grass or Esparto, transverse section through an involute leaf, ‘ ‘ 4 " ‘ i . 197 113. Linum usitatissimum, transverse stein ofstem, . co 114. Illustrations of technical fibres, . . 198 115. Fructus Cocculi, sclerenchyma from inner ¢ legee of seed veal, 199 116. Tea-leaf, transverse section, : . : : . 200° 117. Cinchona barks, short bast-cells, 5 ‘ xx: Ot 118. Cortex Coto, transverse section through the si sieve portion, . 201 119. Rhizoma Veratri, transverse section of rootlet, t 202 420. Acteea spicata, transverse section of rootlets, eas ce a LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xV FIa. PAGE. 121, Aconitum Napellus, transverse and longitudinal section of root- lets, , . 204 122. Helleborus viridis, trunavaris cians of ranaiaie, ‘i ‘ 205 123. Sarsaparilla, radial longitudinal section, ‘ : . 206 124. Vera-Cruz Sarsaparilla, transverse section. ‘ ‘ " 207 125. Rhizoma Galange, transverse section, . F ‘ - 207 126. Radix Sarsaparille, longitudinal section, : F ‘ 209 127, 128. Eucalyptus globulus, transverse sections of leaf, . 210, 211 129. Mentha piperita, transverse section of leaf, . ‘ . 212 130. Leaf of Digitalis purpurea, ‘ ‘ . < . 214 131, 132. Rhizoma Filicis maris, : ‘ 214 133. Maize stem, transverse section through a collateral aaa, . 216 134, Spiral and annular vessels from Bulbus Scille, A ei aEe 135. Vessels from Rhizoma Filicis, ; ; : . . 218 186. Longitudinal section of two tracheids, < é 219 137, Lignum Quassic jamaicense, transverse section, ‘ . 219 138. Schematic representation of the activity of a cambium cell, 221 189, Libriform from Quassia wood, : é , ; . 222 140. Cells of the medullary rays, ‘ ‘ < 224 141. Medullary rays from Lignum Siniperi, : ‘ .- ae 142. Rhubarb, tangential longitudinal section, 7 ‘ 225 143, Wall-like cells of medullary rays from Lignum Juniper, - 226 144. Stipes Dulcamare, one-rowed medullary rays, Fs 226 145. Cinchona lancifolia, transverse section through the phloén,: 227 146. Rheum Rhaponticum and true rhubarb, transverse sections, 298, 229 147. Sieve-tubes from Fructus Papaveris, ‘ ; : - 230 148. Sieve-tubes of Acer, 149. Ceratonia Siliqua L., frauaveres iickions of bark, : . 232 150. Bast-fibres from Cinchonns alba Payta, . 4 : 233° 151. Rhizoma Calami, moniliform tissue, ‘. : » 236 152. Fructus Aurantiorum, transverse section from the — 236 153. Caryophyllus, transverse section, ‘ 237 154. Mentha piperita, surface view of epidermis of ee . 238 155. Mentha piperita, vertical section of a stoma, . 156, 157, 158. Stomata from dicotyledons and monocotyledons, 159, 160. Arillus of Myristica spec., cross section, . « . 161. Cinnamomum Camphora, cross section through a sub-epider- mal oil-cell of leaf, . ‘ 162. Aspidium Filia mas, fundamental tinstie of rhizome, = 163, 164, 165. Radix Taraxaci, latex-tubes, = 4 . 246, . 166. Tuber Jalape, cells containing laticiferous j juice, . 167. Latex-tubes of the fig, i . . . . Xvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. NO. PAGE 168. Formation of an oil-gland of Dictamnus Frawinella, : 250 169-175. Formation of intercellular spaces, : ‘ 252, 253 176. Balsam-passage (oil-space) of Radix Inule, : . 253 177. Rhizoma Arnice, central portion of an oil-space, . ; 253 178. Radia Sumbul, longitudinal section from the bark, : . 254 179. A coniferous leaf, transverse section through an oil-canal, . 255 180. Pinus silvestris, transverse section from the wood, ~ . 256 181. Pistacia Lentiscus, transverse section of the bark, . ‘ 256 182. Arnica montana, portion of a transverse section of the rhizome, 257 183. Fructus Foeniculi, longitudinal section of an oil-passage, . 259 184. Fructus Conii, transverse section, . - i Q . 260 185. Fructus Conii, longitudinal section through coniine layer, . 261 186. Cinnamon bark, elements isolated by maceration, é . 270 THE PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOGNOSY. THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. THE substances which are employed medicinally for their remedial action are either the products of human skill or they belong directly to the two organic natural kingdoms. Among the medicinal substances formed through chemical operations we meet, indeed, with such as are produced only by certain definitely conducted chemical or physical processes, as, for example, the acids, iodine, bromine, chloral, phenol, glycerin, alcohol, and the alkaloids, be it that chemical industry starts from materials belonging to the inorganic kingdom, or that its first point of departure, as in the two last-named examples, falls within the circle of organic nature. In some rare cases only (mineral waters, for instance) is it sufficient to merely choose a - suitable form for that which nature offers ready for use; more frequently chemical skill is directed toward the isolation of active principles from plants (exceptionally also from animals or animal substances, or from the mineral kingdom), and to the separation of these principles from associated substances, or, in other words, to their purification. In all these cases the . _ object i is to ploce at the Sisppent ot ot medical science bodies Meoae oe 2 THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. are sharply characterized in a chemical sense, or, briefly stated, chemical units; for only such substances as are at all times ac- cessible and complete in their identity can afford a sure founda- tion for scientific medicine and pharmacy. In this direction lies the aim of the future. Medicinal agents of this kind are outside of the sphere of pharmacognosy. By general concurrence in pharmaceutical circles, there are assigned to it those substances which are di- rectly furnished by nature, or at least such as have not actually been submitted to chemical processes. Since the few crude medi- cinal substances from the mineral kingdom which were em- ployed in former times have long ago lost their significance, the scientific knowledge which pharmacognosy has to offer is con- fined to organic nature, or virtually only to the vegetable king- dom; for even among the animals, and the parts and products of animals, only castor, musk, and cantharides represent at the present time important elements as medicinal agents. In the cantharides cantharidin alone is of importance, which now stands at the disposal of medical science in a pure form. Phar- maceutical interest in the beetle itself is therefore diminished in a similar manner as it is, at least from this standpoint, in the “animals which afford cod-liver oil, honey, isinglass, and milk- . sugar. The wonderful development of the natural sciences and of medicine, which exerts so great an influence, especially since the second decade of the present century, has liberated pharmacognosy of an enormous burden. In a pharmaceutical work which was first published at Ulm in the year 1641, under the title “‘ Pharmacopoeia medico-chymica seu ‘Thesaurus phar- macologicus,” by the city physician Johann Christian Schréder, of Frankfurt-on-the-Main, and which in its time was much valued, the author also enumerated the **simplicia” then em- ployed. Among these there were about thirty minerals, and more than one hundred and fifty medicinal substances derived — from the animal kingdom or representing entire animals, to- gether with a very large number of roots, herbs, leaves, etc. Such a superfluity of medicinal agents, with all of which it was — _ Wissenschaft, etc.,” by A. Tschirch, Pharm. came) 1831, ate 9 THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. 3 impossible to become accurately acquainted, characterizes the medicine and pharmacy of the European middle ages' and the condition of popular medicine still existing among the Asiatic nations. The primary object of modern pharmacognosy is to scrutinize all the evidence offered by botany, zoology, and pharmacy re- garding the medicinal agents under consideration, to arrange this material in scientific form, and by an appropriate and com- prehensive representation to subject it to a closer examination. It is only by this means that pharmacognosy assumes the form of a branch of knowledge which is of equal importance to both pharmacy and medicine. Upon a thorough acquaintance with medicinal substances, and their proper treatment, the practical success of pharmacy is largely dependent, so that a deeper study of the science of pharmacognosy may reasonably be expected of the pharmacist. He will therefore confer honor upon himself and his profession if he advances somewhat farther even than is unavoidably required by his immediate interests. It is, how- ever, scarcely possible to sharply define the boundary between the daily round of duties and scientific studies, and, indeed, this is not only impracticable, but even undesirable. Pharmacognosy should therefore comprehend, to a certain degree, all that pertains to a monographic knowledge of medi- cinal substances.* The consideration of these substances from the above-outlined standpoint of natural science is to be supple- mented by purely historical and geographical references, and such as are connected with the history of civilization, together with commercial relations. All this should be made to assume a rich, animated, and symmetrical form which, in many cases, may become quite attractive. Among this copious material, how- ever, those characters must be prominently pointed out which can lead to a rapid, approximate valuation, whenever it is * Compare ‘‘ Die Frankfurter Liste” in Archiv der Pharm., 201 (1872), _ pp. 453-511, and ‘‘ Das Nérdlinger Inventar,” ibid., 211 (1877), p. 97. * The aims of modern pharmacognosy have recently been thoroughly : oe 2 explained in the essay: ‘‘ Ueber die Bedeutung der Pharmacognosie als 4 THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. practicable to do this, without resorting to an actual chemical analysis. In an accurate knowledge of the nature of medicinal substances lies, indeed, the best protection against substitution and adulteration. The most important property of medicinal substances, how- ever, is their medicinal action, yet this must remain excluded from pharmacognostical consideration, for it has become the subject of an independent scientific discipline, viz., pharma- cology. From apparent practical reasons it will, indeed, occa- sionally be found advisable, especially in the case of particularly interesting substances, to at least allude to their therapeutic action. That these two domains present many points of contact, and that pharmacology receives especial support from scientific pharmacognosy, in fact, that it presupposes a knowledge of the latter, is clearly evident. In England, France, and other coun- tries, the two expressions, Pharmacology, which treats of the therapeutic action of medicinal substances, and Pharmacognosy, which comprehends a scientific knowledge of the substances themselves, are occasionally employed in a sense different from that which has just been indicated. It must be admitted that the tenor of the two words expresses no sharp distinction.* With regard to the chemical side of pharmacognosy, it is necessary to restrict it within certain limits. It is doubtless quite as appropriate that the properly isolated constituents of drugs should be enumerated and characterized, as that it should be stated, or at least intimated, where material deficiencies occur in this direction, which it is desirable to supply. An exhaustive treatment of the chemical constituents, however, falls within the domain of chemistry, or pharmaceutical chemistry. ' Schmiedeberg, in his ‘‘ Grundriss der Arzneimittellehre,” Leipzig, 1883, says: ‘‘ The science which treats of medicinal substances (Arznei- mittellehre) has only to do with such agents as are useful in the curing of disease. It is, therefore, desirable that all substances which do not serve as food, and which, through their chemical properties, produce changes in the living animal organism, should, in order to investigate these effects, be brought within the borders of a single science, which may be called Pharmacology, or, since it is chiefly supported by experi- _ ment, Experimental Pharmacology - - THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. 5 Accordingly, the aim and position of pharmacognosy appear definitely outlined when, beside the questions which it has to answer, the boundaries are also drawn beyond which it should not pass. It is thus to be understood, when on page 3, with a less exact expression, mention was made of a “ certain degree” of completeness. In the fostering of pharmacognosy, botanists and physicians in former times have rendered service, aided, indeed, occasionally by apothecaries." The most brilliant of such services on the part of physicians was brought to a close by the publication in London, 1839 and 1840, of ‘The Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics” by Jonathan Pereira; for, in the mean time, the separate and more thorough treatment of pharmacognosy in the previously explained direction had been taken in hand by pharmacists, and at the earliest period, and with by far the greatest success, by Guibourt, the former teacher of this branch of science at the Ecole de Pharmacie in Paris.? Similar, though less prominent results were accomplished in Germany by Johann Bartholomaeus Trommsdorff, of Erfurt, through his ‘Handbuch der pharmaceutischen Waarenkunde,” Gotha, 1822, and particularly, also, by Theodor Wilhelm Christian Martius. In his ‘‘Grundriss der Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreiches,” Erlangen, 1822, Martius says that pharmacognosy is to be re- garded as ‘‘a part of general materia medica, or that science which relates to the examination of the medicinal substances derived from the three kingdoms of nature with a view to ascertain their source and quality, to test them for their purity, and to ‘Examples in Flickiger’s ‘“‘ Pharmakognosie,” 2d edition, p. 1,013 (Pires); p. 992 (Morgan); p. 209 (Bansa). * As precursors of Guibourt may be mentioned Nicholas Lémery, author of the ‘‘ Traité universel des Drogues et Simples,” 1697, and Etienne Francois Geoffroy, whose ‘‘ Tractatus de Materia Medica” ap- peared in 1741. These two Parisian apothecaries were, however, more properly recognized as physicians. The “ Histoire générale des Drogues,” 1694, which is likewise to some extent worthy of considera~ tion, has as its author the druggist Pierre Pomet. The three above- named publications demonstrate how much pharmacognosy was at that ae time indebted to Paris. _ Ce ee 6 é THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY, determine substitutions and adulterations.” In the year 1825, Martius began to deliver lectures on pharmacognosy at the University of Erlangen, which were the first, as it appears, that were announced under this name. The credit of having aided in securing general approbation for the new expression pharma- cognosy’ is due to the writings and lectures of Wiggers (see below). The question, however, now arises: what is a medicinal sub- stance? ‘To attempt to give a more precise definition is useless, for this term has been undergoing a continuous change in the course of time and in the light of advancing knowledge, not only from the period of antiquity, but also from -country to country, and, indeed, from one medical school to another, from one pharmacopeia to another. We are compelled here to assume, as it were, an intermediate standpoint, and to select those sub- stances of importance which are employed within the circle of observation available to us. That which has already been con- signed to oblivion, or is only very rarely employed, and especially that which is no longer used by scientific medicine, deserves less attention than new drugs which may be presumed to have a valuable future. From a pharmaceutical standpoint, however, considerable interest may still be attached to many substances even though they find but little medicinal application at the present time. With regard to Nuwz vomica, Santonica, Radix Belladonne, Galle, and Podophyllum, by way of example, a scientifically educated pharmacist will desire to be satisfactorily informed, even when these crude substances shall have become banished from medicinal use to a much greater extent than is at present the case. In proportion as strychnine, santonin, atropine, etc., become of greater importance in their medicinal, or forensic and technical relations, a corresponding attention should be paid to their derivation. Neither pepper, nor piperine 1Tt occurs also as the principal title: ‘‘ Pharmakognostiche Tabel- . len” in the fifth edition of Joh. Christ. Ebermaier’s “‘ Tabellarische Uebersichten der Kennzeichen der Aechtheit und Giite, etc., der a _ Arzneimittel,” Leipzig, 1827. The first edition of this work pene? in ae : - 1804, but whether under the above title is not known to us. THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. 7 or piperidine play an important part in modern medicine, although the former constituted for centuries the most important of all spices, and still maintains, as a condiment, a prominent po- sition in the world’s commerce. Pharmacognosy would not completely fulfil its mission if such circumstances were not taken into consideration; and a similar statement might be made regarding cacao, tea, coffee, coca, cola, guarana, and mate. Important medicinal substances become more clearly intelli- gible when they are compared with others which may in them- selves be insignificant; and herein also lies both a demand and a justification for pharmacognosy to occasionally extend its do- main in an apparently unnecessary manner. ‘Thus the so-called spurious Cinchona barks for a long time presented only subordi- nate interest, but the consideration of their structure was admirably adapted for the demonstration of the varying peculi- arities of those barks which alone furnished quinine and the allied alkaloids until the Cinchona cuprea appeared in the mar- ket (since 1880), and proved that these bases are by no means confined to the true Cinchona barks. Hence there are various considerations which are liable to extend the compass of pharmacognosy. On the other hand, there are cases where substances which apparently belong here may be permitted to remain unconsidered. This may occur in such cases, for instance, where chemistry alone is capable of affording an exhaustive characterization. In the fats, wax, volatile oils, and the several varieties of sugar, the purely chemical properties are of such eminent importance that pharmacognosy can only in exceptional cases find motives to complete their characteristics in — other directions. This task must be relegated to those depart- ments which concern themselves with the chemico-technical or commercial knowledge of such products, for even the latter has — for some years past likewise experienced the most substantial advancement.’ The latter has been materially aided by the 1 See Wiesner, ‘‘ Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches,” Leipzig, 1873, andl aes the collective work begun in 1882 by Benedikt and eight associates, oS _ * Allgemeine Waaren- und Rohstofflehre,” Cassel and Berlin, Fischer. _ The fifth volume —— “Die iiasalae und saconmoanenians aus dem : 38 THE MISSION OF PHARMACOGNOSY. earlier development of pharmacognosy, while, inversely, pharma- cognosy receives at the present time many impulses from com- mercial relations, as an example of which may be quoted the fact that it has to derive statistical and other information relating to — important drugs from consular reports. An abundant supply of such information is especially offered in the semi-annual re- ports of the firm of Gehe & Co., of Dresden, which may regu- larly be obtained from the booksellers. Only such things fall within the sphere of pharmacognostical consideration as cannot, for our purpose, be sufficiently investi- gated by a single science. With regard to many leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits, it may indeed be contended that botany is capable of affording a sufficient description ; it is, however, readily to be observed that pharmaceutical requirements demand the consideration of other than purely botanical properties. ‘The changes which occur on drying, chemical qualities, commercial relations, and historical facts are al! equally worth knowing, and call forth the discriminating and classifying ability of phar- macognosy. It must, however, be admitted that the limitation and treat- ment of objects of pharmacognostical study are rather arbitrary. Pharmacognosy is by no means a branch of knowledge with sharply defined boundaries, and herein, in fact, lies the nature, _ and probably also a special charm of the science, that it enlists the aid of several disciplines for the single purpose of acquiring a more thorough knowledge of the crude substances employed as medicinal agents, or of parts of plants or products which are otherwise important from the standpoint of pharmacy. Pflanzenreich,” by T. F. Hanausek, 1884, pp. 485. With one hundred — “lecodents Ske TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. In most cases, the following points prominently present them- selves: I. Naming the plant (or the animal) from which the sub- stance is derived. Here it happens not infrequently that a consideration of the synonyms is indispensable in order to avoid misunderstanding; for if we revert no farther back than to the time of Linné, we sometimes meet with plants which, since then, have been variously named by botanists. Thus, for instance, Hagenia abyssinica Willdenow (1790), Bankesia abyssinica Bruce (1799), and Brayera anthelmintica Kunth (1824), designate the tree which furnishes us the koosso. Linné, in 1737, represented the clove tree under the name of Caryophyllus aromaticus, but Thun- berg, in 1788, named it Hugenia caryophyllata, properly at- taching it to the genus Eugenia, which had existed since the year 1729. Many examples of this character are to be found’ in the families of the Umbellifere, Composite, and Labiate. Since the end of the preceding century, the mother-plant of the calumba root has received half a dozen, and the sabadilla plant four names. On the other hand, the same name has occasion- ally been bestowed upon different plants. Thus Linné’s Croton Cascarilla is a different shrub from that so named by Bennett, and the Croton Eluteria of the latter, which furnishes the cascarilla bark, is not the same tree as that intended by Swartz under the same name. A similar condition exists with refer- = ence to Cassia lanceolata, under which name Nectoux under- _ stood the present Cussia acutifolia, Delile, Wight, and Arnott the ©. angustifolia of Vahl, while Forskal’s C. lanceolata is - identical with C. Sophera L. Pliny had ee made a dis- ae 10 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. tinction between the Norway Spruce Fir,’ Picea, and the- Silver Fir,’ Abies ; but Linné, in 1753, transferred the name Pinus Abies to the first-mentioned, which, in 1771, was again reversed by Duroi. The tree which furnishes kamala has re- - ceived in the course of time the following names: Croton philip- pense Lamarck (1786), Echinus philippensis Loureiro (1790), Rottlera tinctoria Roxburgh (1798), Mullotus philippinensis Miller Argoy. (1862), and Echinus philippinensis Baillon (1865). ae Of some few drugs the mother-plants have not yet been ascer- tained with perfect certainty. For example, we do not know precisely whether Rhewm officinale Baillon furnishes most or all of the commercial Radix Rhei. Equally unsatisfactory is our knowledge of the plants which afford asafetida, sarsaparilla, olibanum, elemi, copaiva balsam, galbanum, ignatia seeds, and Levant soap-root. The origin of tragacanth, of Asiatic salep, and of condurango bark has also not yet been determined with sufficient accuracy. If. Geographical distribution of those plants which are of importance in pharmacy. However little of striking significance this subject may pre- sent from a practical point of view, it highly merits consideration in a scientific treatment of the topic. The representation of a pharmaceutically important plant is only then truly satisfac- tory when we are also informed regarding its habitat or the extent of its cultivation. ‘T'he sources from which this knowl- edge is to be obtained are, in the first place, the floras of indi- vidual countries, works on plant geography,’ and narratives of travel. Since many officinal plants are among those that have been longest employed by man, or are distributed over large tracts of territory, or are at least generally known, they find incidental con- ' Fichte or Rothtanne of the Germans. * Weisstanne or Edeltanne of the Germans. * A. De Candolle : « Géographie botanique raisonnée,” 1855, also ‘‘ Ori- gine des Plantes cultivées,” 1883. Grisebach: ‘Die Vegetation der Erde nach ihrer klimatis-hen Anordnung,” 1872,—second edition, two vols,, 1884, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF IMPORTANT PLANTS. 11 sideration in the comprehensive works just mentioned. From a narrower, pharmaceutical standpoint, an illustrative represen- tation of the distribution of officinal plants throughout the world has been undertaken by inscribing them upon a plani- - ’ sphere.’ A survey of the respective plants is thus obtained, which, however, as may readily be conceived, has nothing to do with plant geography. The distribution or, more properly speaking, the selection of these plants can, at most, only in so far be considered as having taken place in a normal manner, as it goes hand in hand with the course of civilization. India, Persia, and the Mediterranean region, the primeval seats of civilization, have, therefore, the preponderating number of officinal plants to exhibit, Australia not a single one; the entire, enormous Arctic region perhaps only Polyporus officinalis and Laminaria, to which, if desired, Cetraria islandica might be added. A further objection to the graphic representation of the distribution of officinal plants may also be found in this, that the districts of production are mostly much more confined than the geographic area of the plants, because so many drugs, on account of their limited use, can play no considerable part in the wholesale trade. Cetraria islandica, for instance, is col- lected for the drug trade in the mountains of Central Europe and the Alps, and not in the far North. Finally, the distribu- tion of useful plants is also sua ora upon certain influences of cultivation. 1 Barber: ‘‘The Pharmaceutical or Moadidubitanion! Map of the World,” London, 1868. The same map is offered also by Fristedt, ‘*Pharmakognostik Charta 6fver jorden,” Upsala, 1870, as likewise in the appendix to his ‘‘ Lirobok i organisk Pharmacologi,” Upsala, 1873. The map projected by Schelenz, in Archiv der Pharm., Band 208 (1876), _ suffers from being on altogether too small a scale, although it considers. only the plants of the Pharmacopoea Germanica. This fault is avoided — by Oudemans in his ‘‘ Handleiding tot de Pharmacognosie,” Amster- dam, 1880, since he dedicates a special map to each of the five divisions CS of the earth. If it is desired to go still further, then the distribution of = = each individual plant must be brought upon a special map. This has, = for instance, already been accomplished by Lloyd for Hydrastis cana- densis in his “ Drugs and Medicines of North America,” Vol. I, Be. 3, P. 82; Bao ae the Pharm, Leica sar New Bec P- 287. oars 12 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. IM. Cultivation of officinal plants for medicinal purposes, or also for industrial applications. The Cinchonas of the East Indies, Jamaica, and other coun- tries; the poppy in Asia Minor, Bengal, and Malwa; the tobacco which is cultivated in ali temperate and warm countries; the fea plant in Assam; the peppermint 1n Michigan; the cinnamon in Southern China and on the island of Ceylon; the liquorice in Calabria, Spain, and Moravia; the various species of Citrus (agrumi) in the Mediterranean region, California, and the West Indies; the coca in Bolivia and Peru; and the cacao, extending from Mexico to Brazil, are examples of the transplantation and extensive cultivation of such useful plants, without mentioning at all the cotton plant, the Eucalyptus, the sugar-cane, and the sugar-beet. Inaless extensive amount, Althea, Angelica, Levis- ticum, fennel, and anise are cultivated in Thuringia, and cara- way near Halle; the latter two to a greater extent in Central Russia. Furthermore, the manna-ash in Sicily; the rose in Kis- anlik on the Balkan Mountains and in Southern England; pep- permint in the same locality; and Lobelia in the State of New York. Finally the extended cultivation of odorous flowers, near Grasse in Provence,’ which are, however, more largely employed in the art of perfumery. The English Government, through the prudent management of the large botanical gardens at Kew, near London, has pro- vided for the distribution of important useful plants in India and the Colonies. ‘To these endeavors is due the establishment of the Cinchonas in India, while recently the same has been ac- complished with the calumba plant, ipecacuanha, jalap, and the trees which afford caoutchouc, gutta-percha, copaiva balsam, and cinnamon.” The results are still to be awaited, as are likewise _ those of similar endeavors on the part of the State Depart- ment of the United States. : IV. Collection and Preparation.—The section which fol- 'Flickiger, Archiv der Pharm., 222 (1884), p. 468. : * Compare Fliickiger, ‘‘ Ueber den chinesischen Zimmt,” in Arch. der Pharm., 220 (1882), p. 835. Further, Brockmeier, ‘‘ Ueber den Einfluss _ der englischen Weltherrschaft auf die Verbreitung wichtiger Cultur- _ __— gewiichse, namentlich in Indien.” Dissertation, Marburg, 1884, pp. 56. COLLECTION AND PREPARATION. 13 lows later on (p. 139), relating to the liquid contents of the plant cell, shows how great are the changes produced in the plant, simply through the process of drying. It is evident that these changes bave hitherto not been, by far, sufficiently consid- ered.’ They may often be surmised through changes in odor, as, for instance, in the case of coriander, the underground por- tions of Orchis (salep), Iris (orris root), Veratrum and Aconi- tum. Occasionally the drugs assume, upon drying, other col- ors. It is of special importance to determine accurately the proper time of collection of each plant, or of its officinal parts; for during the life of a plant it does not at all times contain the active principles in equal amount—indeed, in many plants, cer- tain constituents are, at some periods, entirely wanting. The time of collection is to be so chosen that the maximum amount of the desired substances is obtained. Quite independent, how- ever, of the impossibility of insuring this by watching the collectors, it must also be admitted that our scientific knowledge of these conditions is still altogether too fragmentary. In the case of Folia Digitalis, Folia Hyoscyami, Fructus Conti, Tuber Colchici, Rhizoma Filicis, and some few other crude vegetable substances, we are, however, in this respect well informed. Digitalis leaves are weaker in active constituents before the period of flowering than afterward, consequently the leaves of the first year are to be entirely rejected. In the case of Hyos- cyamus, the leaves of the second year’s growth are likewise preferred, at least in England. Schroff, in 1870, showed that Fructus Conii contains the largest amount of coniine immedi- ately before the period of ripening. To the same investigator we are indebted for the proof that Zuber Colchici is only active at the flowering period of the plant. Rhizoma Filicis, according to all experience, should only be collected in late summer. The | absolute age of the respective parts also comes often into con- sideration. Thus Radix Belladonne of the second or third year 1 Experiments worthy of notice relating to this subject have already been made by Schoonbrodt. See Jahresbericht der Pharm., 1869, 14 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. is richer in atropine than that of seven years’ or still older growth, which is probably chiefly caused by the fact that this alkaloid is mainly contained in the bark, and in older roots the latter is relatively less in amount than in younger; the constitu- ents of belladonna leaves are not so variable in amount.' The fact that many fruits and seeds before ripening contain starch, and afterwards more sugar, oil, and other substances, will be explained further on when we shall consider the subject of amylum. In the juice of Aeballium Elaterium Richard, elate- rin occurs abundantly in July, but in September this powerfully drastic, crystallizable body is wanting therein.” Pepper, cubeds, and cloves are richer in volatile oil before ripening; the Cinchona barks may occasionally be poor in quinine, or even contain none at all. It is self-evident that the quality of the soil must also have some influence upon the chemical development of the plant. Valerian root grown in dry localities is richer in volatile oil than that in moist ground, and in the case of Taraxacum, the root, from a chemical point of view, shows great variations, ac- cording to locality and the time of year. The red Flores Mal- ve become blue, and gentian root, which in the interior is purely white, becomes colored yellowish-brown, unless the water is abstracted from it with the most extreme care. Flores Rhoea- dos do not even then retain their color, while, on the other hand, the remarkable brown coloration of Flores Verbasci may easily be avoided. The Cinchona barks also assume, during the pro- cess of drying, another color.* Still other changes occur when the drugs are scalded, or are ‘Lefort, Journ. de Pharm. et de Chim., XV. (1872), pp. 268, 421; . Gerrard, Pharm. Journ., XV. (1884), p. 153. Compare further, Dragen- dorff, ‘‘Chemische Werthbestimmung stark wirkender Droguen,” St. Petersburg, 1874. * Kohler in Buchner’s Repertorium der Pharm., XVIII. (1869), p. 590. * The changes which the green coloring-matter of. plants undergo upon drying, and the ways and means to be resorted to in order to re- duce these changes to the smallest compass, have been thoroughly eluci- dated by Tschirch: “‘ Einige practische Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchun- gen tiber das Chlorophyll der Pflanzen,” in Archiv der Pharm., 222 (1884). . COMMERCIAL RELATIONS. 15 ‘dried over an open fire, as with salep, jalap, curcuma, and many Indian aconite tubers. This treatment manifests itself particu- larly by the starch assuming a pasty form. The leaves of tea and maté, which are exposed to a light roasting process, suffer still more significant chemical changes. Marshmallow root, rhubarb, calamus, ginger; and pepper (white) are pared, in order to give them a better appearance, which, however, in the three latter cases is partly effected at the expense of the volatile oil. As a judicious form of treat- ment, on the contrary, is to be designated the so-called sweat- ing process of the cacao; the slight fermentation which is thereby produced destroys a bitter principle. V. Commercial Relations.—A very limited number of the medicinal substances coming under consideration here claim a position in the world’s commerce, and play a conspicuous part therein. In this category, opiwm should be placed in the first line, although really only about that portion of it which does not find medicinal application, viz.: the East Indian. Of the same rank are the Cinchona barks. Pepper, tea, cacao, tobacco, sugar, and maté, regarded as luxuries, and counted among the most important products, are scarcely to be considered as drugs, which is more truly the case with ginger. Such drugs as are also technically employed, are usually of much greater import- ance in the latter respect. Catechu, colophonium, dammar, dye-woods (logwood, Brazil-wood, ete.), galls, gum arabic, gutta- percha, turpentine, ete., are employed, for example, in various industries in infinitely larger amounts than in pharmacy. Even for culinary purposes spices are much more largely employed than in pharmacy, notwithstanding the departure of modern taste from the former custom,to strongly season articles of food. The most valuable information in this department, viz., sta- tistical records, are especially to be found in the voluminous publications (Blue-books) of the English Government, and, recently also, to an increasing extent, in those of the United States. Furthermore, in the German “ Handels-Archiv,” and in official tables relating to the commerce of France and other countries. 16 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. VI. Description of the drug itself according to external characteristics, the odor and taste, and, in the case of liquids also the spevific gravity. Drugs provided with organic struc ture present many more points of observation for their exami- nation and description. VII. The determination of the parts which here come under consideration, according to their organological importance. The general considerations relating to this subject are treated of in a subsequent morphological section. VIII. Microscopic structure of the drugs of organic con- struction. To this subject special sections of the present work are dedi- cated. Among those drugs in which development does not proceed from the activity of cell formation in the organism, or is not regulated in accordance with morphological laws, there are some (as for example: Aloe, Balsamum tolutanum, Benzo- imum, Catechu, Ohrysarobinum, Elemi, Opium, Styrax, and Terebinthina communis) which, nevertheless, with reference to their crystalline constituents, call for microscopic examination, in the course of which polarized light renders essential service, because these crystals, on account of their double refraction, appear much more distinct under the polarizing microscope than when observed in ordinary light. IX. Chemical constituents.—The enumeration and brief characterization of these principles essentially belongs to the functions of pharmacognosy. Under this heading are to be- considered not only the principles peculiar to certain drugs, but also the more commonly distributed constituents of plants. _ Though their isolation and quantitative estimation forms the object of chemical analysis,’ yet with the aid of micro-chemical reagents (see the concluding chapter of this book) it is possible to arrive in a short time at a series of valuable conclusions. regarding individual constituents. This method of procedure: especially affords information in many cases regarding the loca- _ tion of important constituents in the tissue. 'G. Dragendorff : ‘‘ Die qualitative und quantitative Analyse von _ Pflanzen und Pflanzentheilen.” Gottingen, 1882 (see below, page 49). > SUBSTITUTIONS AND ADULTERATIONS.—HISTORY. 17 X. Substitutions and Adulterations.—An acquaintance, based on the preceding considerations, with drugs possessing an organic structure at once affords the means for their examina- tion. When the structure of the respective substances has been rendered undiscernible in consequence of a fine degree of pul- verization, the task is more difficult. In such cases, the aid of | chemical analysis must especially be sought. This is rendered still more necessary when liquid drugs of variable composition are under consideration, as, for instance, Copaiva balsam, Pert balsam, Storax, and Turpentine. XI. History.—The knowledge of medicinal substances would remain incomplete if their history did not also receive consideration. The investigation should extend to the time and place of first acquaintance with the mother-plant, to the time of the first medicinal employment of each single drug, and to its importance in the world’s commerce. Outside of the very narrow domain of pharmacy, the relations of drugs to agricul- ture, to domestic economy, and to various industries, should also be permitted to be indicated, in order to illustrate the part played by them among existing commodities. A thorough historical representation of pharmacognosy in this sense is still wanting; the preparatory labors that have as yet been brought to light admit of the following preliminary survey." 1. The earliest application of the products of organic nature for medicinal purposes, as also for purposes of fumigation, re- fers to those countries where a higher intellectual life first became developed. In Egypt, numerous monuments of the earliest times have been preserved, which prove an acquaintance with a number of drugs at a very remote period of antiquity. Illustrative representations on temple walls, which originated in the seventeenth century B. C., inform us of Egyptian sea voyages to the provinces of northeastern Africa and Arabia, which were — in part undertaken in order to procure gum arabic, frankincense, e 1 For appropriate descriptions we are also indebted to Schir, “Die | Altesten Heilmittel aus dem Orient.” Schaffhausen, 1877, pp. 24 and . oe - — der Gifte.” Basel, 1883, a 48. 18 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. and myrrh. It is, indeed, possible that through these primeval trade relations spices and medicinal substances found their way to Egypt’ even from southern and eastern Asia. In the Inscriptions of temples,” and in the rolls of papyrus, frequent reference is made to such things, the correct interpretation of which is still in part uncertain; only a few of them have actually been brought to light from burial-vaults.* Especially in the oft-recurring, but not corresponding recipes for Kyphi, a medi- cinal compound which served for manifold purposes, there occur a large number of drugs, as, for example, mastic, cardamom, curcuma, ladanum (resin of Cistus ladaniferus) and fenugreek." Tt will only be after a still more extended investigation of Egyptian antiquities that the extent of the knowledge in ques- tion among the ancient Egyptians can be established. Through their highly developed knowledge of agriculture they also engaged in the cultivation of several of the plants which here come under consideration, as, for example, coriander, fenugreek, flax, poppy, ricinus, and sesame.* ‘ Diimichen, ‘* Die Flotte einer agyptischen K6nigin,” 1868, and *‘ Historische Inschriften,” 1869. Mariette-Bey, ‘‘ Deir-el-Bahari,” 1877. Flickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” second edition, pp. 6, 35, 41, 560, 935. Schumann, ‘‘Zimmtlander,” Gotha, 1884 (Supplement No. 73 to Petermann’s Mittheilungen). _ _* Dimichen, “ Das Salbélrecept aus dem Laboratorium des Edfu- Tempels.” Zeitschr. fiir agypt. Sprache und Alterthumskunde, Decem- ber, 1879. _ * Braun (Ascherson and Magnus), “Ueber die im Museum zu Berlin aufbewahrten Pflanzenreste aus altigyptischen Grabern.” Zeitschrift. fiir Ethnologie, IX., Berlin, 1877, pp. 289 to 310, and Schweinfurth, ‘‘ Ueber Pflanzenreste aus altdgyptischen Grabern.” Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., IIT. (1884), p. 351. _. * Lepsius, in the Zeitschr. fiir Agypt. Sprache und Alterthumskunde, October, 1874, p. 106: « Kyphirecept aus dem Papyrus Ebers.” *Compare further Thaer, “Die altdgyptische Landwirthschaft,” Berlin, Parey, 1831, 4to, pp. 36, with six plates. Unger, ‘‘ Botanische Streifziige auf dem Gebiete der Culturgeschichte,” Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie, 1857 to 1859, especially in volume 45, “Inhalt — eines gyptischen Ziegels an organischen Kérpern,” and volume 54 _ (1866): “Ein Ziegel der Dashurpyramide in Aegypten nach seinem — _ Inhalt an organischen Einschliissen.” Sehweinfurth, ‘ Blumen- * HISTORY. 19 2. The industrious trading nation of the Pheenicians,’ and through them probably the Israelites, were as well acquainted as the Egyptians with the above-mentioned drugs, to which from the Old Testament Scriptures may still be added, aloes, cinna- mon, coriander, saffron, ginger, olive-oil, sugar, and pepper.® In their religious ceremonies these people evidently employed aromatic substances in large amount. Drugs which at that time: were exceedingly highly prized, but which for a long time past have become completely obsolete, were Radix Costi* and the Aloeswood of Aquilaria Agallocha, Roxburgh.‘ The high es- teem with which these two aromatic substances were regarded from that time until the eighteenth century is scarcely intelligi- ble to us: and in India and China it still continues undiminished. 3. The Chinese were also, without doubt, at a very early period, familiar with the medicinal substances which were native: to that country, as, for instance, with camphor, with remedies: from their animal world, and with such from the mineral king- dom. Since cinnamon was certainly exported in the earliest times, it may be presumed that foreign drugs were probably at. that time also imported into China. The respective ancient lit- erature of this country, however, has still been too little seruti- nized to afford reliable information regarding these conditions. schmuck agyptischer Mumien,” Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1884, 628 and loc. cit. (note 3). [Also, particularly, Woenig, ‘“‘ Die Pflanzen im alten Aegypten,” Leipzig, 1886. F. B. P.] 1 Flickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” pp. 119, 120, 560. * The plants mentioned in the Bible have led to widely-extended dis- cussions. It is sufficient here to name the following modern writings. relating to the subject: Cultrera, ‘* Flora biblica ovvero spiegazione delle piante menzionate nella S, Scrittura,” Palermo, 1861; Ursinus, ‘‘ Arbore-. | tum bibl. c. contin. hist. plant. bibl.,” November, 1865; Duschak, “‘ Zur Botanik des Talmud,” Pest, 1871; Hamilton, ‘‘ Botanique de la Bible,” Nice, 1872; Smith, ‘‘ Bible Plants, their History, a Review of the Opin- ions of Various Writers regarding their Identifications,” London, 1878; Wilson, ‘‘ The Botany of Three Historical Records (Genesis, New Testa- ment, Assise of Weight and Measure),” Edinburgh, 1879; leunios ore a d@ Histoire naturelle de la Bible,” Paris, 1885, 4to, pp, 116, 112 plates. — 3 Fliickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” pp. 444, gees sopmiae “Materia _ Medica of Western India,” 1884, P. asia? poeta _ 4 Flickiger, loc. cit., 195, 20 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. So much is certain, however, that the principal work of the Chinese, the herbal Pen ¢’sao kang mu, which is, indeed of a much later date, is based in part upon very much older sources.’ The highly developed condition. of popular medicine of this people,’ which adheres so tenaciously to primeval customs, refers to a period of very remote antiquity. For information relating to many of the pharmaceutically important plants of China, pharmacognosy is indebted to the great Venetian traveller, Marco Polo (toward the close of the thirteenth century), as also in the eighteenth century to the missions of the Jesuits in China.* | That an early acquaintance with medicinal plants and drugs existed in Japan has not yet been proved, but it may cer- tainly be assumed, for instance, as regards menthol, ‘‘ Hakka.” 4, As to how far this is the case with regard to India has like- wise not been established. Sanskrit literature possesses in “Susruta” and “Charaka” information relating to medicinal substances, which are probably in part of more ancient origin; but recent investigation assigns to these writings a much less ancient date.“ The extent of the pharmacognostical knowledge of Indian antiquity therefore requires more exact investigation; ° the application in India of many medicinal substances and pro- ducts of the vegetable kingdom adapted to fumigation, such as awhite sandal-wood, camphor, cinnamon, and cardamon may cer- 1 Fliickiger, loc. cit., p. 1012. * Hanbury, ‘Science Papers,” 1876, 211 to 272. Fliickiger, Archiv der ‘Pharmacie, 214 (1879), p. 9. *The activity of this order deserves further mention in connec- tion with the history of some other drugs, as, for instance, the cinchona ‘barks, ginseng root, maté, and ignatia seeds. The sassafras tree appears to have been brought by Jesuits from Canada to France; the earliest in- formation regarding the tape-worm remedy koosso probably likewise originated from a member of this order. In Rome, Manila, Paris, and South America they maintained pharmacies, which were probably al- ways conducted by Jesuit friars, * Compare Flickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” p. 1020. > Only a few points of guidance in this direction have as yet been _ Offered by Lassen’s ‘‘ Indische Alterthumskunde,” Bonn, 1847-1852. HISTORY. ME tainly be traced to a very remote period. It may be presumed that musk has also been in use there for a very long time. 5. The centuries representing the flowering period of Greek and Roman civilization considerably increased the number of medicinal substances, not only through such as were obtained from the region of the Mediterranean, but also through others of Oriental origin. Among these are especially: Amygdale dulces, Bulbus Scille, Cantharides, Carice, Castoreum, Cortex Granati,' Euphorbium, Fructus Anisi, Fructus Cardamomi,' Fructus Feniculi, Fungus Laricis, Galle, Herba Sabine, Indigo, Mastiche, Opium,’ Piper longum, Radix Glycyr- rhize, Radix Rhei (?), Rhizoma Filicis, Rhizoma Tridis, Sandaraca, Scammonium, Semen Feni greci,’ Semen Lini, Semen Sinapis, Succinum, Siliqua dulcis, Succus Glycyrrhize, Terebinthina and Tragacantha. That the number of plants employed in classical antiquity was very considerable is shown particularly in the writings of -Dioscorides and Pliny,’ to which the following centuries until the close of the European middle ages continually refer, and indeed, almost without any advancement, on their own part, of the existing knowledge. Many plants of the Italian flora which are employed medicinally have often been thoroughly considered by Roman writers on agriculture, namely, by Cato, Columella, Palladius and Varro. Columelia * (in the years 35 to 65 a.D.) had also made observations in Spain and Syria. The principal contents of their writings, so far as they come into consideration here, are to be found compiled in a very complete and systemati- cally arranged form in Magerstedt’s ‘‘ Bilder aus der rémischen Landwirthschaft.”* Hehn also, though with much more spirit _ 1 These might have perhaps also been quoted under division 2, page 19. ? To the editions of Pliny mentioned in Fiiickiger’s ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,’”” pp. 997 and 1,014, the new translation by Wittstein may be added. | * Fliickiger, loc. cit., p. 991, etc. Compare also, Meyer, ‘‘ Geschichte — der Botanik,” Bd. I. and II., Kénigsberg, 1854, 1855. 4 Heft IV., Sondershausen, 1861: ‘‘ Die Obstbaumzucht der Romer;” i Heft V. (1862): ** Der Feld-, Garten- und Gemiisebau der Rémer;” oe ae (1863): “‘Die Bienenzucht und die Bienenpflanzen der Romer.” The author does not enter upon the consideration of the —— of sana : plant names. S 22 TREATMENT OF THE SUBJECT-MATTER. and taste, incidentally touches upon this subject in his publica- tion: “‘ Kulturpflanzen and Hausthiere in ihrem Uebergang aus Asien nach Europa.” Berlin, 4th edition, 1882. ), as in Fumaria. Vf flowers can in no manner be symmetric- ally divided, they are called asymmetrical,’ as in the Zingiber- acez. The place where the bract accompanying the flower is located is represented in the diagram either below or in front. The first leaf of the flower is then located for the most part opposite the bract, either above or in the rear. Through subsequent inversion (resupination), the position of the flower to the bract is occasionally reversed. Thus the label- lum of an orchideous flower in its natural disposition is located in the rear and above, and only subsequently, through reversion of the ovary or of the peduncle, is brought forward and below. The individual flowers often combine to form the so-called inflorescence. According to the form of ramification, the fol- lowing are distinguished : ___ IL Racemose Ixriorescence.—The main shoot (axis, rachis) is not over-topped by any of the lateral shoots produced thereon, in an acropetalous manner. f 1. Spike (spica). The flowers sessile on the axis Elongated { (Fig. 16 a) (Carex), to which belongs also: the axis. catkin (amentum), when pendulous and falling off as a whole (Juglans). 1” Aurts ray, and zopp7 form. ? Zuyov yoke, and opp form. * A privativum, and éUusuerpos symmetrical. THE FLOWER. 79 inclosed by a sheath (spathe) (Aroide). 3. Raceme (racemus). The individual flowers have long pedicels (Crucifere) (Fig. 16 6). (4. Head or Capitulum. The flowers sessile on a flat- tened or head-shaped axis (Composite) (Fig. 16 d and e). 5. Umbel (umbella). On the axis, which is abbrevi- ated to 0, originate numerous flowers with stalks Shortened 4° 0F pedicels of equal length (Umbellifere). The axis. umbel is often compound, so that small um- bels (umbellets) stand at the end of every ray. The umbels and umbellets are then mostly sur- rounded by a circle of bracts, called the involu- cre or involucel (involucrum, inyolucellum) (Fig. 16 c). II. Cymose INFLORESCENCE.—The main axis is over-topped by one or several more strongly developed lateral axes. (1. Cyme (cyma’). Below theterminal flower origi- nate numerous, mostly equally strong lateral Without | shoots (Zuphorbie) (Fig. 16 q). Pseud-axis. } 2. Dichusium.* Below the terminal flower origi- nate two equally formed lateral shoots (false | dichotomy) Valerianella (Fig. 16 m). (3. Bostryx.* The over-topping lateral shoots of | successive members arise on the same side of their main axis (Fig. 16 7). 4, Cincinnus.* The over-topping lateral shoots arise alternately on opposite sides of their | main axis (Asperifoliacer) (Fig. 16 # and 7). By the combination of several types of inflorescence with each other is formed a compound inflorescence. To this belong the - corymb (Sambucus) and the anthela. Elongated 2. Spadix. The flowers sessile, axis fleshy, and axis. | A With Pseud-axis. pes © 1 Kove the young stalk of the cabbage. * From 65 twofold, and ya@67s cleft, separation. * Boérpvé curl, tendril. 4A curl of hair. 30 MORPHOLOGY. Finally, there is also to be mentioned the particular form of cyme ; hk, andi, cincinnus; k, true dichotomy ; 1, bostryx ; m, false dichotomy. Fia. 16.—Schemes of inflorescence. a, spike ; b, raceme ; c, compound umbel ; dand e, heads; /, compound raceme ; g, inflorescence of the Euphorbie, which is designated as a cya- - THE FRUIT. 81 thium. In this case, the cup-shaped hypanthium bears numer- ous male flowers (each with one stamen), and a long-stalked female flower. Pharmacognostically, there belong to the flowers and forms of inflorescence, the developed, complete, officinal, separate flowers of the phenogams, and likewise the buds of individual flowers, for example, Caryophylli. Furthermore, undeveloped forms of inflorescence, Flores Cine (Santonica), as well as the expanded inflorescence, such as Flores Arnice, Flores Chamo- mille. Flores Koso (Brayera) consist of the inflorescence from which the petals have fallen. In the case of the compo- site flowers, the involucral scales are still present in the drug, perhaps with the sole exception of Flores Arnice. Finally, Flores Rhewados, Flores Verbasci and Flores Rose represent only the petals or corollas, and Orocws only the stigmas, From the ovary with the ovules there is produced, after fer- tilization has taken place, the fruit containing the seed. Fruits, aggregate or collective fruits, or parts of fruits of the angiosperms and gymnosperms are officinal with or without the seeds. For the rind (pericarp) of the Aurantiex, which in the fresh state is juicy, the customary, though incorrect designation of cortex may be retained here, in order to avoid the introduc- tion of a new term. : By the term “fruit” we mean here only the ovary which, as a result of fertilization, is in process of maturing, or has already become fully matured. Its outer wall, and the dissepiments and placenta, may thereby suffer the most manifold changes, by which other parts, including those not belonging to the flower, are also frequently affected, as, e. g., in the case of the fig, Fructus Juniperi, the apple and strawberry, which are therefore to be designated as pseudo-carps. In the jig, as likewise in the strawberry and the apple, the upper -part of the axis participates in the formation of the (pseudo-) fruit (hence the name : hypanthodium'), which in all three cases assumes a fleshy character. In Juniperus, however, _ it is the three bracts of the flowers which become fleshy. 'From uo under, and aeyS$os flower. | ee ; 82 MORPHOLOGY. The wall of the ovary which becomes developed to form the seed-vessel is called the pericarp (pericarpium'). On the latter, from the exterior to the interior, there may often be distin- guished three layers, differing in their structure or their color, the epicarp (epicarpium ’), mesocarp (mesocarpium *), and endo- carp (endocarpium’). The outer coating of the fruit often shows completely the structure of the epidermis, 7. ¢., it isprovided with a very strong cuticle and with stomata; often, however, it is formed to a predominating extent of stone-cells (sclerenchyma). The variety of the tissues and their contents is still greater in the middle layer (mesocarp), which in many fruits consists of fleshy, juicy, or even very loose tissue. When its cells contain an abundance of juice and finally lose their coherence, it is designated as pulp, : Fia. 17,—Cé ium maculatum. a, endosperm ; c, commissural surface ; r, coste or, ribs with the vascular bundles (f v); f, vallecule or grooves (Hager). as, é. g. in the legume of the tamarind. The inner layer of the fruit (endocarp) originates from the epidermis of the cavity of the ovary, and often develops into a hard stone-shell, as in the case of the almond. It is, however, not always the case that a discrimination can be made between the three layers of the ripened seed-vessel, and their relative development is very variable. Of aggregations and forms of fruits, the following are distin- guished : ' IZept about or around, xapzds fruit. *Exi upon. 4 Mé6os in the middle. * Evdor within. THE FRUIT. 83 The multiple fruit (syncarpium'), formed by the coalescence of several monomerous ovaries (Star-anise, Rubus ideus). The mericarp (mericarpium ’), double akene, is formed by the separation of the compartments of a multilocular ovary ; the separate fruits thus produced are called schizocarps* (Umbelli- fere, Fig. 17). With these may also be classed the jointed or articulated fruit (Raphanus raphanistrum), the mericarps of whichare akenes. The axis on which the two schizocarps of the Umbellifere are suspended is called the carpophore.* The main or primary Fic. 18.—Pisum sativum. Legumes. a, tip; b, base; v, ventral suture ; d, dorsal ; suture. ribs of umbelliferous fruits are called coste or juge@ ;° the sec- ondary ribs, coste secundaria ; the grooves lying between them, vallecule* (Fig. 184). In the latter are located, when present, the oil-tubes or vitte.’ 1 Sur together, xap7os fruit. 2? Mépos part, xapzos fruit. 8 Sylow I split, xapzos fruit. 4 Kapzos fruit, and pépecr to bear. 5 Juga, ridge. * Diminutive of vallis, valley. ' Vitta, band. 84 MORPHOLOGY. There are furthermore distinguished : I. Dry Fruits: Pericarp woody, coriaceous. (a) Indehiscent fruits, not opening by valves or regular lines. 1. Nut (nux), having a hard pericarp (Cannabis). 2. Caryopsis’ (or Grain) and Akene,* having a Jeather- like, membranaceous pericarp (Gramine, the ce- reals). With these may also be classed the Samara, or so-called winged-fruit, an akene which, through a subse- quent growth of the pericarp, appears winged (Ulmus, Betula). 3. Mericarps (see above). Fia. 19.—Silique of Brassica oleracea. 1, closed ; 2, opened, one valve removed ; v, the other valve ; d, partjtion with the seed. - (6) Dehiscent fruits: opening by valves or regular lines, containing several seeds. . 1. Follicle (folliculus*), formed of one carpel, and dehiscent by the ventral suture (J/licium ani- satum). 2. Legume (legumen), formed of one carpel, but also dehiscent by the dorsal suture (Fig. 18), often with false dissepiments (Leguminose). 3. Silique (siliqua), of two carpels. The latter sepa- rate from each other first at the base ; on the parti- 1 Kapvor nut, ovis appearance. *tAyaivior (from @ privative, yazva@ I open), a fruit which does not open 5 Diminutive of follis, a sack or tube. - THE FRUIT. 85 tion which remains attached, the seeds are loca- ted (Crucifere) (Fig. 19). 4. Capsule (capsula), formed of several carpels, dehis- cent longitudinally from above (Fig. 20), more rarely from below, or ultimately opening by a lid (Pyxidium, Fig. 21: as in Hyoscyamus, Anagal- lis), or by holes (pore-capsule, as in Papaver somniferum). The dehiscence (dehiscentia) of the capsule is septicidal' (or through the dissepiments, in fruits opening by their sutures, Melanthiew, Fig. 22 ~), when in the case of a multilocular ovary _ the coalesced dissepiments become separated from each other Fie. 20. . Fie. 21, Fie. 20.—Colchicum autumnale, capsule dehiscent (septicidally) from above (Hager). Fic. 21.—Hyoscyamus niger, capsule dehiscent by a lid. a, closed ; b, opened. (Colchicum, Sabadilla); loculicidal? (infruits dehiscing through the cells of the pericarp: Liliew), when each carpel becomes split in the middle (Lilium, Scilla, Aloe). If in the latter case the column of the dissepiments with the seed, separated from the wall of the capsule, remains standing in the middle, the dehiscence is called septifragal* (Fig. 22 c). In septifragal dehiscence, the opening may take place from below (Geranium), or from above (Balsaminex, Epilobium). II. Fleshy Fruits : Pericarp mostly fleshy. 1 Septum, dissepiment, and cedere, to cut or to break. * Loculus (diminutive of locus), compartment, and ccedere, ’ Septum, and frangere, to break. 86 MORPHOLOGY. 1, The Stone Fruit or Drupe (drupa’), endocarp very hard, not dehiscent (Amygdalus, Juglans). 2. The Berry (bacca), endocarp and mesocarp fleshy, epi- carp often hard (the grape, currant, date). Occasionally the fruit is inclosed or surrounded by a body which is mostly cup-shaped, termed a cupule (cupula). In the case of the oak, this is formed from four coalesced bractlets. The tanning material known under the name of “ valonia,” con- sists of the cupules of the fruits of Quercus Vallonea Kotschy. In the seed-vessel, formed of the carpels, are contained the ovules (ovula*). The latter consist of the fwniculus* or podo- sperm, with which they are attached to the wall of the ovary, or to some special part of the ovary called the placenta,’ which, Re Ne Fia. 22.—Forms of dehiscence of the capsule. a, septicidal ; b, loculicidal ; c, septi- fragal. according to its position, is termed basal, central, or parietal ;* the integuments," forming one or two coats (Fig. 10 p s), which in front do not close completely, but leave an opening (the micropyle,’ Fig. 10 m); and the kernel or nucleus (Fig. 10 #), containing the embryo-sac (Fig. 10g), in which the embryo*® is formed (compare Figs. 23, 24, 25). ' Drupus, ripe and ready to fall. *Diminutive of ovum, egg. * Diminutive of funis, a rope or cord. * Placenta, a cake, from a remote analogy with the placenta of the higher animals, 5 Paries, wall, ° Integumentum, a covering or skin, * Mrxpos small, Uy gate or entrance, *“EuZpvor the unborn fetus in the womb. THE SEED. 87 These ovules, after having been fertilized, constitute the seed. That portion of the fruit of phanerogams which is formed from the ovule and contains the developed embryo is called the seed. Before the latter are utilized, they are, for the most part, completely freed from the seed-vessel. In the case of some seeds, the seed-shell or testa and the inner membrane are also removed. The seed consists of the seed-coats or integuments and the embryo, and frequently, in addition thereto, of the albumen.’ The former usually consists of an external, firm, occasionally very hard seed-shell or testa,” whichis invested with a thin, but often very tough inner membrane ; this may readily be removed, especially after softening in water,-as in the case of the almond, coffee and Semen Ricini, so that the kernel of the seed alone remains. Semen Quercus consists, in the commercial form, exclusively of the kernel, the two cotyledons without the membrane of the seed. With Semen Myristice or the nutmeg (as also with Cacao), on the contrary, the membrane penetrates into the kernel or nucleus, and in the case of the former, for example, cannot be separated in a connected form. The testa is formed from the integuments of the ovule. For its first development the embryo requires a special supply of nutritive substances, which may be stored in the tissue of the embryo itself. In this case, a particular albumen is not present, the seed being thus destitute of albumen, or exalbuminous, as, é. g., Semen Quercus, the almond and mustard (and in general all the Cruciferz). ; If, however, there is developed, simultaneously with the em- bryo, a special tissue filled with reserve material, this is called albumen. If this tissue, with regard to its origin, belongs to the embryo-sac, as is usually the case, it is termed endosperm * (Umbellifere, Fig. 17 a); if, however, a portion of the nucleus (kernel of the ovule) has been converted into albumen, it is dis- 1 Albus, white (the white of egg). 2 Testa, a vessel, or also a shell. ’”Eyvéov inside, 6repua seed. 88 ‘MORPHOLOGY. tinguished as perisperm.! The seeds of the cardamom and of pepper represent simultaneously both forms of albumen, peri- sperm as well as endosperm. The chief contents of the albumen-cells belong nearly always to the class of protein substances, and are frequently developed, in part, in a crystal- loid form. With these is usually associated fat, and not rarely also amylum, sugar, and mucilage. This abundance of contents, which, moreover, are very commonly deposited in thick-walled cells, mostly imparts to the tissue of the albumen a firm, horn- like character. In the German usage of the word, there is accordingly sometimes understood (rather ambiguously) under the expression “‘albumen,” the entire tissue of the seed which contains the previously mentioned reserve substances, and some- times, in a chemical sense, that class of nutritive substances which are also termed protein bodies. The degree of development of the albumen is very variable. It is often much more extensive than the embryo, as in Semen Myristice (the nutmeg), Semen Oolchici, and in Nuzx vomica; in other cases, it appears only as an insignificant appendage, as in Semen Lini, or perhaps also disappears at a later period, so that it is no longer observable in the ripe seed. The embryo contains, in a more or less advanced state of development, the rudiments of the axis and leaf-organs, the former shortly attenuated in one direction as the radicle or cau- ‘licle (this is always directed toward the micropyle), and in the opposite direction often bearing the rudiments of the stem and leaf structures, or plumula ;* the latter may very plainly be seen, for instance, in the almond, and also in Nuzx vomica. The leaf-organs, embryonal leaves, seed-lobes or cotyledons,°* usually form the preponderating portion of the embryo, and occur, especially in many dicotyledons, already developed in a delicate, distinctly leaf-like form, as in Vux vomica and Semen Ricini. In seeds destitute of albumen, e. g-, in the almond, bean, pea, and acorn, on the contrary, the cotyledons are of a * Hep around or about, and 6zépua seed. * Diminutive of pluma, feather. * KorvAy cavity, xorvAydwy cavity of a bone, pan. THE SEED. 89 thick, fleshy character. With monocotyledonous plants, the embryo in the seed is usually less clearly developed ; in Semen Colchici, Semen Sabadille, and in the cardamom, the cotyledon is not yet really distinctly leaf-like, and quite as little in the pepper and cubeb. The tissue of the embryo throughout is built up of more delicate cells than that of the albumen, and this difference is also readily apparent without being magnified. The cotyledons and the radicle are often bent in a character- istic manner, as is evident upon a longitudinal section through Semen Stramonii, while the fruits of the Umbellifere present an example of a tolerably straight embryo. A very remarkable folding is shown by theembryos of Semen Faenugreci and Semen Sinapis, as in general with all Orthoploce, Spirolobee and Diplecolobeew. Outside of our sphere of consideration, there occur remarkably complicated foldings in the cotyledons of the cotton-seed. The seed is connected with the placenta by means of the funiculus ; the place where the latter enters the testa usually remains characterized by its color, a depression, or an elevated line, and is distinguished as the hilum (Fig. 10 h, Fig. 24 h). Less frequently the terminal point of the funiculus is also per- ceptible in the base of the seed ; if this is the case, it bears the name of inner hilum or chalaza’ (Fig. 24 ch). This is readily recognizable, among other instances, in Semen Ricini. The seed is straight, atropous or orthotropous,” when the apex of the ovule, the orifice (micropyle), lies opposite the hilum, whereby the funiculus remains short. It is thus, e. g., with the Piperacese, where the seed forms the termination of the flower axis. More frequently, however, the ovule together with its coats, 7. e., the entire seed, is reversed, whereby its apex, the micropyle, is moved close beside the hilum. This form, with the funiculus running along the back, which is the most usual with the angiosperms, is designated as a reversed, anatropous* seed (Fig. 24). The ovule is here coalescent with the funiculus 1 X@Aate hail, but also a sty on the eye-lid. * From a@ privative (and dpSds straight), and rpéz@ turn, direct. * Ava against, rpéro I turn. oe 90 MORPHOLOGY. whereby a suture, rhaphe,' is produced (Fig. 24 7), which is more or less apparent, e. g., in Semen Tiglii and in the cardamom. The reniform or kidney-shaped seeds, on the contrary, are mostly produced from so-called campylotropous * or curved ovules. With these, the nucleus as well as the integuments are curved (Fig. 25). They therefore also possess, as a rule, a curved embryo. With relation to their attachment, the ovules are sometimes pendulous, sometimes erect or ascending, and sometimes hori- zontal. If in an anatropous (pendulous) ovule the funiculus lies toward the interior or the middle-line of the fruit, such an ovule is termed epitropous* (Umbellifer, Euphorbiacex), If the funi- culus is directed toward the outer wall, it is called apotropous (Vitis, Rhamnus, Cornus). Fie, 28. Fia. 24. Fig, 25. @ () b, 7 \ fs Atropous ovule. Anatropous ovule, Campylotropous ovule. m, micropyle.; ch, chalaza ; h, hilum ; r, raphe. Appendages of the Seed.—Many seeds are provided at the hilum with an indurated appendage (as in the pea), which, in the case of Semen Ricini, Semen Chelidonii (obdurator, carun- cle or caruncula ‘*) and Semen Colchici, still remains perceptible, even after drying, while in Semen Tiglii, on the contrary, it readily falls off. A peculiar, compact, fleshy outgrowth is developed on the nutmeg, and is designated as the seed-covering or arillus (Fig. 1*Pagy suture, ? KaumviAos bent, and TPETO, *’Exi upon, and rpézo. +Caro, flesh. THE SEED. 91 26 ar). This arillus, which is known in commerce under the name of mace, represents the only structure of this character which is properly treated of here. A relatively still more devel- oped arillus, but consisting only of a thin membrane, incloses the seed of the cardamom. The small, red, cup-shaped body of Taxus fruits is also to be regarded as an arillus. The arillus always originates at the base of the seed, and is to be considered as an outgrowth of the funiculus. The pappus, a form of appendage of fruits (page 69), is formed by a subsequent outgrowth of the calyx. The germination of the seed proceeds in this way, that with a Fie. 26.—Fruit of Myristica fragrans, longitudinal section. ar, arillus; s, seed (Hager). simultaneous evacuation of the endosperm which may be pres- ent, the plumule and radicle break through the testa of the seed, the former developing to form the stem, and the latter to form the root. Thereby the cotyledons, which are sometimes fleshy and thick (as in the Bean), sometimes thin and leaf-like (Ricinus), are either elevated above the ground and become green (Epigea), or remain in the ground until their evacuation and rejection (Hypogea, compare page 69). Occasionally, the cotyledon still incloses for some time the young leaf-bud (Maize). PLANT ANATOMY.’ In order to obtain a satisfactory knowledge of vegetable drugs, an accurate anatomical study of them is in most cases indispensable. This part of pharmacognosy is therefore based upon an acquaintance with the principles of plant anatomy. The following lines may serve for a preliminary acquaintance | with this very extended department, more complete information being contained in the text-books of anatomy.? The beginner should, nevertheless, continually bear in mind that anatomical _ study, unless accompanied by work with the microscope,* must always remain poor and deficient inits results. It would, there- 1From ava and réure@ cut. *De Bary, ‘‘ Vergleichende Anatomie der Vegetationsorgane,” Leip- zig, 1877. The most comprehensive and fundamental work, which, with regard to the amplitude of its contents, can be compared with no other, An excellent English translation of this work bears the title: ““Comparative Anatomy of the Vegetative Organs of the Phanerogams and Ferns;” by A. De Bary. Translated by F. O. Bower and D. H. Scott, 1884 (F. B. P.).—Sachs, ‘“ Lehrbuch der Botanik,” iv., Leipzig, 1874 (at present only to be had through antiquarian book-sellers). An English edition of this work bears the title : ‘‘ Text-book of Botany,” by Julius Sachs. Translated by A. W. Bennett, assisted by W. T. T. Dyer, Oxford, 1875. Second edition, 1882. F. B. P.—Haberlandt, ‘‘ Physio- logische Pflanzenanatomie,” Leipzig, 1884.—Weiss, ‘‘ Anatomie der Pflanzen,” Vienna, 1878.—Leunis, ‘‘ Synopsis,” newly edited by Frank, One volume, Hannover, 1882, For our purpose, there may also be men- tioned: Hanausek, ‘‘ Anatomische, physikalische und chemische Ver- haltnisse des Pflanzenreiches, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Waren- kunde und Technologie,” Hélder, Vienna, 1882, *In microscopic work, the following are very useful: E. Strasburger, “Das botanische Practicum,” Jena, 1884; and, by the same? author, “* Das kleine botanische Practicum,” Jena, 1884. THE CELL. 93 fore, really seem most proper to provide this chapter with an introduction to the construction and use of the microscope. There have recently appeared, however, so many publications relating precisely to this subject,’ that we may omit further ref- erence to it in this place. The experience acquired at the preparation table is in the end the most important of all ; and as chemical analysis cannot be learned without a laboratory, so also the methods of micro- scopical investigation cannot be learned without a microscope ‘and dissecting needles. I. The Cell. ~The elementary organs from which the body of the plant is constructed are the cells. Although it is not necessary for the . formation of the idea of a cell that the same should be inclosed by a membrane (naked swarm-pores), nevertheless, by far most cells are provided with such. Most plants (all the more highly organized ones) consist of numerous cells. Among the lower plants there are, however, many which are formed of but single cells, some of which assume the most manifold forms, branch abundantly (the mould fungus Mucor Mucedo), and, indeed, without being in any manner divided by lateral walls, imitate a stem, leaf, and root ( Caulerpa). Of such one-celled plants, there are none which come under consideration in pharmacognosy in a restricted sense, although the yeast fungus (Saccharomyces cerevisiw), on account of its fermentative action, and the various pathogenic fungi (dacteria), which claim an increased degree of interest in consequence of the recently observed relations between them and the most dan- — gerous diseases, as well as the Diatomezx, whose siliceous coats 1 Behrens, ‘‘ Hilfsbuch zur Ausfiihrung mikroskopischer Untersuch- ungen,” Braunschweig, 1883. The American edition of this work has been noticed on page 49, F. B. P.—Dippel, ‘‘ Das Mikroskop,” II., Braun- schweig, 1883-84.—For the theoretical part, the following is very valua- — ble: Nageli and Schwendener, ‘‘Das Mikroskop,” Leipzig, 1877.— Further: Hager, ‘‘Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung,” Berlin, — 1879.—J. Vogel, ‘‘Das Mikroskop,” Leipzig, 1885. . 94 PLANT ANATOMY. form the so-called infusorial earth, are of the greatest import- ance in practical life. THE CELL-WALL AND CONTENTS OF THE CELL. I. Contents of the Cell. The cell consists of the cell-wall, and the contents of the cell. The most essential constituent of the cell while exercising the functions of life, is the protoplasm (plasma’). This repre- sents a turbid, semi-liquid mass, which completely fills the inner portion (lumen) of cells located at the growing point, or which are otherwise in a state of active development. At a later period, there appear in the protoplasm cavities or vacuoles.* The latter, filled with colorless cell-sap, constantly continue to enlarge as the cell becomes older, coalesce with each other, and finally, while the protoplasm gradually contracts toward the wall of the cell (protoplasm-sac, primordial utricle, cell-sac), form a large, central cavity, filled with cell-sap (Fig. 27 p). If the cell has ceased to grow, the protoplasm will also have disap- peared, with the exception of a delicate film attached to the membrane. The protoplasm takes the most active part in all formative processes in the cell, and is the most important sub- stance in the cell; the formation of the cell-wall proceeds from it, and to it the other constituents of the cell, for the most part, owe their origin. The cells increase in number only by division. A cell (mother- cell) becomes divided by a septum (which is mostly median) into two daughter-cells (Fig. 28). And it is considered asa law that with the division of the cell (of the protoplasm) a division of the nucleus (see below and Fig. 28) is also always associated. In the case of reproductive cells, a rounding of their form is also generally associated with their division. The protoplasm, which always possesses a semi-liquid, and (with the exception of the outermost and innermost layer, hya- loplasm) a granular character (microsomes), is a body of compli- ' p@roy the first, and 2la6ua organization or form. * Vacuum, empty. THE CELL. 95 cated composition, very rich in nitrogen,’ which contains several substances belonging to the albumen group (protein substances), together with water and inorganic salts (phosphates and sul- phates of the light metals). Itis not devoid of structure, but possesses a fine organization.* Substances capable of abstracting water (such as sugar and glycerin) contract the protoplasm, 7. ¢., in consequence of the Fic. 27.—Transverse section through a medullary cell of Toxodium distichum. a, nucleus ; b, nucleolus ; c, protoplasm-sae contracted toward the wall (separated from the latter by reagents) ; i, primordial utricle (hyaloplasm) ; p, cell-sap; -m, correspond- ing tips of adjacent cells ; d, the cell-wall ; e-s, the cell-walls of adjacent cells ; g, inter- cellular space (Hartig), : elimination of water from the contents of the cell, the proto- plasm-sac is drawn from the cell-wall. Protoplasm is colored 1 Compare Reinke, “Studien tiber das Protoplasma,” Berlin, 1881. 2 Very many investigations have recently been published, relating to — : : the structure of protoplasm (especially by Strasburger, Schmitz, Tangl, 96 PLANT ANATOMY. yellowish-brown * by iodine,* rose-red by Millon’s reagent, violet by Trommer’s reagent, and red by sugar and sulphuric acid. Dead protoplasm abundantly absorbs coloring substances (espe- cially fine with eosin). Imbedded in the protoplasm of young cells (Fig. 27), or suspended by threads of protoplasm (Fig. 28, b, c), there is found the nucleus (Fig. 27 a, and Fig. 28), which mostly occurs singly. The nucleus possesses one or two nucleoli (Fig. 27 5), and consists likewise, for the most part, of a proto- plasm-like substance, in which, however, the nuclein is con- tained ina granular form. By treatment with coloring sub- stances (hematoxylin, aniline-green, alum-carmine), the nuclei are rendered more clearly visible. Since the protoplasm has contracted in old cells to the mini- Sear Fic. 28.—The process of cell division schematically represented in its individual phases (Hartig). : mum and the-nucleus has entirely disappeared, both of these play but a subordinate part in pharmacognosy, which occupies itself mostly with organs consisting of completely developed tissues, notwithstanding the importance of the protoplasm in the econ- omy of the plant itself, and in the estimation of the value of herbs as fodder. ‘ All protein substances are colored yellow by iodine, thus protoplasm, gluten, protein crystalloids (for the latter, iodine in glycerin is em- ployed), the fundamental portion of the chlorophyll granules, etc. * For these micro-chemical reactions, the compilation by Poulsen may be highly recommended (‘Botanische Microchemie,” Cassel, 1881. American edition by Trelease, see page 49). Compare also Tschirch, _ ‘Microchemische Reactionsmethoden im Dienste der technischen Micro- scopie,” Archiv der Pharm.,, 1882. ALEURONE. 97 There is another body very closely related to protoplasm, and like this consisting of protein substances, which is likewise of the greatest importance, pharmacognostically. This is aleu- rone,’ or protein granules, which are found in numerous seeds of the Umbellifere, and Euphorbiacex, in Vitis vinifera, Silybum Marianum, Myristica, Amygdalus, Cardamomum, and the Brazil os Ss Fig. 29.—Elliptical, plainly stratified starch granules, st, with a broad, central hilum, from the cotyledon of a seed of Pisum sativum, after the addition of water. a, protein substances (aleurone); i, intercellular spaces (Sachs). nut (Bertholletia excelsa).? In many cases the granular contents of the cell, when more strongly magnified, may be resolved into Adevpoy the fine fiour of grain, gluten (German: Kleber) of Hartig, in distinction from amylon. Aleurone was discovered by Hartig {Botanische Zeitung, 1855, p. 881, and 1856, p. 257). For the most thorough examination of it we are indebted to Pfeffer, see Pringsheim’s Jahrbiicher fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik, viii. (1872), 429. *The following investigators have contributed to the knowledge of the crystallized, vegetable albuminous bodies: Ritthausen (many publica- tions in the Journ. fiir prakt. Chemie of the last few years), Maschke, Nageli, Sachsse, Weyl, Schmiedeberg, Barbieri, Schimper, Drechsel, De Luynes, Griibler (Journ. fiir prakt. Chemie, 1881); in the latter, the lit- erature is collated. Compare also Husemann and Hilger, ‘‘ Die Pilan- zenstoffe.” 98 PLANT ANATOMY. numerous separate granules of a roundish or polyhedral form * (as in the cotyledons of the pea’ and bean, Fig. 29 a), which fill the intervening spaces between the starch granules (in the pea), or the entire cell (the glutinous layer in the seeds of cereals). To these small granules the name of alewrone may likewise be applied. In a more restricted sense, the name of aleurone is applied to those large granules which, imbedded in a homo- geneous mass of albumen, replace starch granules to a certain extent, and which consist of a fundamental mass of an albu- men-like substance, inclosing crystalline (calcium oxalate) or seemingly crystalline, roundish bodies (glodoids). The albumen- like, fundamental mass is either amorphous or crystalline (erys- talloids); in the latter case, it is surrounded, together with the inclosed substances, by an enveloping, amorphous mass. Fic. 30.—Cells from the albumen of Semen Ricini (Sachs). A, a single cell in concen- trated glycerin ; the contents show but indefinitely formed masses. B, the game section with a little water added, whereby crystalloids, fine granules of protein substances and drops of oil are rendered visible. C, the same section warmed with more diluted glyce- rin, whereby the drops of oil become expelled, and the crystalloids attacked and gradu- ally dissolved. "The _globoids (phosphates of calcium and magnesium) are never wanting. Crystalloids * oceur handsomely developed in ‘Mounting mediums containing water must, however, be nvoided ii in the preparation, since the granules thereby become destroyed, as has occurred, for instance, in Fig. 29. In the examination of aleurone gran-. ules with inclosed substances, concentrated glycerin or fatty oil is. always to be employed. * Compare Tangl, *‘ Das Protoplasma der Erbse.” Sitzungsbericht der Wiener Akademie, 1887. *From xpv6raddos crystal, and 7805 similarity. They owe their ie name to C. Nageli, _ er wage sptanie eo Akad.,” 1862, p. 121. ALEURONE. 99 the aleurone granules of the seeds of Elwis guineensis, dithusa Cynapium, and all Euphorbiaces (Ricinus, Croton); they are wanting in the aleurone granules of umbelliferous seeds. Crys- talloids occur, together with crystals, in Asthusa Cynapium. Occasionally an aleurone granule in each cell is distinguished from the others, either by its size alone, or also by inclosing crystals of a different formation or larger size (Fig. 31 A at ¢). Such a granule is termed solitary (German, solitdér, Hartig). The erystalloids are doubly refractive,’ their angles, however, are inconstant; they are insoluble in water. The aleurone granules free from crystalloids, on the contrary, dissolve for Fie, 31.—A, Two gluten-cells from the seed of the raisin. In the cell at the left much granular protoplasm anda nucleus cis present, The cell at the right, after complete ripening, with a large, solitary granule (c), and numerous, small aleurone granules. B, Aleurone from the seed of Ricinus communis with ecrystalloids. C, Aleurone from Euphorbie, Myristica (c), Croton (b), Phyllantus (bb). D, Aleurone from the seed of Bertholletia excel: , f dissolution of a crystalloid into several crystals. Z, Aleurone from the seed of Liipinis (ec) and Contum (d) (Htartig). : the most part in pure water (Pwonia, Lupinus), and all of thine oe in feebly alkaline water. The fundamental mass, consisting of protein substances, is insoluble in alcohol, ether, benzol, chloro- foe form, and paraffin; it is colored yellow by iodine. ae ‘They therefore appear more clearly in polarized light. Ds ape ee ee oe oe emp aay 100 PLANT ANATOMY. The glodoids dissolve in inorganic acids, also in acetic and tartaric acids, but not in a dilute solution of potassa. There occur, moreover, in the vegetable kingdom, crystal- loids which are not inclosed in aleurone granules (the potato, Fig. 108 a). The aleurone granules, as is already indicated by their exclu- sive occurrence in seeds, belong to the reserve substances which have the function of presenting to the germinating plant, in its first development, and before it is capable of assimilating inde- pendently, sufficient material for building up its organs. They are, therefore, of the greatest importance in the economy of the plant. How abundantly protein substances are contained in some seeds is shown by the following figures, showing their per- centage: Nux vomica, 11; Cacao, 13 ; Black Mustard, 18 ; Almond, 24; Linseed, 25 3 Lgnatia seed and White Mustard, 27. These numbers are calculated from nitrogen estimations, with the presupposition that albuminous bodies contain 15 per cent of nitrogen. With the albuminous bodies are directly connected the ehlo- rophyll bodies, the fundamental mass of which likewise consists of an albumen-like substance.' This fundamental mass (stroma), which, moreover, is also very soft, is of a sponge-like structure (Fig. 33 a), and contains in the meshes of the frame-work a small amount of the mixture of coloring substances, to which Pelletier and Cayentou? in the year 1817 gave the name “ chlo- rophyll.”* The crude chlorophyll consists of two coloring mat- _ ters, chlorophyll in a more restricted sense, or pure chlorophyll,* and xanthophyll.* The former is bluish-green, the latter yel- E ' Sachs, ‘‘ Flora,” 1862 and 1863.—Mohl, ‘‘ Verm. Schriften.” * Journ. de Pharm., 1817, p. 486. * XAwpos green, and guAdor leaf. “Compare Tschirch, ‘* Untersuchungen fiber das Chlorophyll,” Berlin, 1884, In this publication, the entire literature relating to chlorophyll ‘to the year 1883 is ¢ ritically sifted aud reviewed. At the close of the work, a catalogue of the literature is given, comprising nearly 600 in- vestigations, ° Zav Sos yellow, and pvAAor leaf. CHLOROPHYLL. 101 ow. The emerald-green color of leaves is thus a mixed color,’ and the spectruin of the leaf a mixed spectrum. While chloro- phyll only presents bands in the less refractive half of the spec- trum (red-green), and shows a continual absorption of the vio- let : in the case of xanthophyll there occur no bands at all (Fig. 32 s) between red and green, but only in the blue. Pure chlorophyll can be prepared, as one of us (‘T.) has shown, by the reduction of chlorophyllan, a crystallizable body. oBG 86D Et £ . f m5 ik 6s io et | 5D 45 j i) Ir Q 1 2 i i Wit 4 i HF ie 2 u 4 3 > vy t 2 | | Bie j | ] | Fig. 32,—1. Spectrum of 2 leaves. 2. Spectrum of 5 leaves. 3. Spectrum of a dilute t alcoholic solution of pure chlorophyll. 4. Spectrum of a concentrated 5. Spectrum of an alcoholic solution of xanthophyll. In the leaf spectrum, band 2 of the xanthophyll is mostly covered by the projecting ter> minal absorption of the pure chlorophyll; at least it is always rendered unclear (Tschirch). The chlorophyll granules of the higher plants always appear as roundish, disk-like bodies (Figs. 33, 109, 129, 161), which, 'By means of benzol, as has been shown by G. Kraus (‘‘ Zur Kenntniss der Chlorophyll-Farbstoffe,”’ Stuttgart, 1872), an alcoholic tincture of chlorophyll from leaves may be split into two layers, a yellow lower layer containing xanthophyll, and a green upper layer which contains the chlorophyll. The separation is, however, not quantitatively exact. (Tschirch, ‘‘ Untersuchungen iiber das Chlorophyll,” Berlin. Parey, 1884.) 102 PLANT ANATOMY. when they lie close beside each other, become flattened polyhe- drically, without, however, coming in contact, for the reason that they are provided with a thin membrane of protoplasm, They are the organs in which the most important process of plant life is effectuated, viz., the assimilation of carbonic acid under the influence of light, with the formation of organic or carbon compounds. Only. organs containing chlorophyll are capable of effecting this change. Indeed, we also find in the chlorophyll granules an abundant accumulation of assimilation products, and especially starch (Fig. 33, 0, c,d). Ifa leaf of the peppermint, after the coloring matter has been extracted by Fie. 33.—a, Chlorophyll granule, the sponge-like structure indicated by punctations ; 5, c, d, inclosures of starch in the chlorophyll granule ; e, a cell with chlorophyll gran- ules located along the wall (Tschirch). alcohol, is placed in iodine-water (see Micro-chemical Reagents), it assumes at one a bluish-black color ; every chlorophyll gran- ule contains some starch granules of a black color (see the iodine-starch reaction). oe P The chlorophyll granules always lie imbedded in the proto- plasm-sac, on the inner wall of the cell, and shrink by the _ contraction of the sac, by the addition of reagents, or by the _ death of the cell. Since the fundamental mass of the chlorophyll granules is very soft, many of these flow together by this process ____ to form larger masses. Thus in drugs (green leaves and stems) CHLOROPHYLL. 103 the chlorophyll granules are seldom found unchanged, mostly forming within the cells shapeless masses, in which the granular structure can be recognized only with difficulty. A similar condition also exists with regard to the maintenance of the coloring matter, the chlorophyll.’ If, namely, leaves are quickly dried, the plant. acids act but slightly upon the chloro- phyll, only a little brownish-yellow chlorophyllan- (an oxi- dation product of chlorophyll) is formed, and the leaves remain handsomely green. If, however, they are dried without care and slowly, brownish-yellow leaves are obtained, in consequence of the abundant formation of chlorophyllan.* Some leaves, how- ever, become brown even with the most careful drying (Vico- tiana, Juglans). Since the formation of chlorophyll is dependent upon light, _ it is found only in those parts of plants which grow above ground and are exposed to the light.* Leaves developed in the dark are yellow (<‘ etiolement” etiolation ; the coloring matter is called etiolin’). All leaves and green shrubs contain chlorophyll, although it is sometimes conceaied by red coloring matters dis- solved in the cell-sap (Dracena leaves). We meet with it also in seed-vessels (Juglans), and in barks, especially in the thinner ones (Rhamnus, Salix, etc.). Since, however, it occurs only in cells which still possess the functions of life, it is wanting in such barks as consist entirely of permanent tissue, or in which the peripheral layer is wanting (Cinchona, Cinnamon). The chlorophyll coloring matter, being a harmless green color, is of practical importance. 'The name enssisiy aber must remain confined to the coloring sub- stance. * These circumstances have been thoroughly considered by Tschirch: **Einige practische Ergebnisse meiner Untersuchungen tiber das Chloro- phyll,” in Arch, der Pharm., 1884. 3 Nevertheless, the half-underground leaf-bases of Rhizoma /filicis are also green. Exceptions are presented also by many green embryos en- closed by untransparent fruit-casings, and by the small embryos of the — Coniferze, developed in the dark. ‘From the French word étioler, to eticlate or become blanched, which is derived from the latin stipula, halm. 104 PLANT ANATOMY. The chlorophyll of leaves (crude chlorophyll) is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol, ether, carbon bisulphide, acetone, benzol, volatile and fatty oils (Olewm Hyoscyami of the Phar- macopoa Germanica is colored by chlorophyll), chloroform, and dilute solutions of caustic potassa (in the latter, with chemical change), forming emerald-green solutions, which are dichroic (green-red), and also show a magnificent fluorescence. A conyenient method for distinguishing chlorophyll from other green coloring matters, is as follows: The alcoholic solu- tion of the coloring matter is shaken with concentrated hydro- chloric acid and ether, the acid solution then becomes blue, the ethereal yellow. Noother green coloring matter shows precisely the same deportment. Pure chlorophyll dissolves with a blue color in hydrochloric acid, and is soluble in the same solvents as crude chlorophyll (see above). Pure chlorophyll appears to stand chemically in close relation to the lecithines, or to be itself a lecithine. The colored erystalloids of many flowers and fruits (Capsicum annuum, Rosa, Crocus, Carthamus, Tropeolum, Chrysanthe- mum) should also be considered here. The development of these proceeds mostly in such a manner that the chlorophyll bodies—in the beginning the flowers and carpels of the fruit. are mostly green—by a disturbance of their form and loss of their original color, pass into the crystalloid coloring matters. The yellow coloring matters (anthoxanthin ') especially occur often in the form of handsomely developed crystals (Fig. 34), as in the Carrot, and they probably always possess, besides the coloring matter, a plasmatic basis.” Occasionally these coloring matters also appear in the form of granules. The red and violet coloring matters (anthocyan *) are, as a ‘From &y Sos flower, and Zav 34s yellow. * They are capable of swelling. These crystalloids have recently been repeatedly examined, thus by Hildebrand, Pringsheim’s “ Jahrbiicher,”” 1861.—Nageli, ‘‘Sitzungsberichte d. Minch. Akad.,” 1862.—Weiss, ** Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad.,” 1866.—Schimper, Botan. Zeit., 1883.— A. Meyer, Ibid., 1883. *From a&v os flower, and xvayeos blue. FAT. 105 rule, dissolved in the cell-sap (red potatoes, red foliage leaves and petals). In the fundamental protoplasmic mass, there is very frequently found liquid or solid fat, for instance, in the embryo of the Gra- mine, in the endosperm of Ricinus, and in the cotyledons of the Crucifere. The fat appears to be combined with the proto- plasm in the finest state of division. Microscopical sections of seeds which are very rich in fatty oil (Ricinus, Tiglium, Amyg- dalus, Corylus) show, when observed under water, a number of small oil-drops, which are not visible when alcohol or glycerin, instead of water, is used as the mounting medium. It is only after gradually diluting the alcohol or glycerin under the cover- IR: (30? LG sin ve. (LAYS Fig. Gon! coloring matters (anthoxanthin bodies) from flowers and fruits Tschirch). glass with water, that the oil-drops are brought to view. From this it may be concluded that the fatty oil is contained in the dry seed in combination with another substance, which pre- vents the oil from flowing together in drops. This evidently very loose compound (perhaps containing albumen) is destroyed by water, and the oil then unites in the form of drops. This result may, however, be so interpreted that the fatty oil occurs in the cells very intimately mixed with the protoplasm, — that the albuminous body mixed therewith becomes dissolved by the water, and that thus the oil is caused to form larger drops. However this may be, the fatty oil is evidently very effectually protected by this highly remarkable manner of 106 PLANT. ANATOMY. its storage ; it is, indeed, sufficiently well known that the oil becomes quickly rancid when the seeds are comminuted or even moistened. — Many cells of other tissues contain, moreover, free fat in a liquid or solid form. In the former case, the drops of oil admit of especially easy recognition on account of their remarkable refraction of light, e. g., in Secale cornutum, and in Senega root. ‘I'he fats deposited in a solid form are crystalline, which may be seen with special clearness, among other examples, in Cacao, Cocculus Indicus, and in the Nutmeg.’ The fat con- tained in the kernels and shells of the Cocculus fruits consists almost entirely of free stearic acid.” In Stillingia sebifera (Nat. Ord. Euphorbiacexe), there is found upon the surface of the black seeds a coating of fat, and in Peckia (Cybianthus) butyrosa (Nat. Ord. Myrsineacesx), each _of the four nuts has a pericarp several millimetres in thickness, the inner portion of which forms a yellow, leafy substance. Fats are found, not only in the seeds, but occasionally also in the fleshy portion (sarcocarp) of fruits {a great deal in that of the Oil-palm, Eleis guineensis, the Japanese wax-trees Rhus succedanea and Rhus vernicifera, the olive Olea europea), im pollen, spore-cells (Lycopodium, Pollen Pini), in some roots (Cyperus esculentus), and in the passive state of fungi (Secale cornutum). As has already been mentioned, fats and oils are found in small amounts in almost all tissues which exercise the functions of life; they occur regularly in seeds. This is readily seen when a section is treated with concentrated sulphuric acid ; the protoplasm and membrane become immediately destroyed, and the small drops of oil, which are otherwise scarcely visible, flow together to form larger drops, which are not attacked by the sulphuric acid. This is, in general, the best method for the detection of small amounts of fatty oil in microscopical preparations. In this __ ‘Compare also Miller, ‘‘ Ueber Muscatniisse.” Pharm. Centralhalle, 1880, No. 51-53. : _ *Schmidt and Rémer, Archiv der Pharm., 221 (1883), 34. FAT. 107 way, one may readily succeed in rendering visible, for instance, the fatty oil of Lycopodium, of which the latter contains near ly 50 per cent, but which does not admit of recognition by simple microscopical observation ; it is only necessary to crush the grains, and then to add the sulphuric acid or concentrated solu- tion of calcium chloride. In seeds, the fats play the part of reserve substances, and in living tissues, particularly those containing chlorophyll, they are an assimilation product, which evidently finds at once fur- ther application in building up the tissues. The fats are soluble in boiling alcohol, in ether, carbon bisul- phide, benzol, paraffin and volatile oils, and are colored brown- ish-black by osmic acid. With those seeds which contain fatty oil most abundantly, this may exceed half the weight of the kernels (after the removal of the seed-shells). Thus in Amygdalus, Cacao, Papaver, Ricinus, Sesamum, and Croton Tiglium ; in the latter, the oil amounts to nearly 60 per cent. For the most part, however, the amount of fat of other seeds which concern us here is small; linseed and black mustard afford about 33 per cent of oil. ‘The fat of the olive, the yellow palm-oil, as also the so-called Japan-waz, are contained in the fleshy portion (sarcocarp) of | the fruits of the respective plants from which they are derived. ‘The remaining solid and liquid fats of the vegetable kingdom, which are brought in large amounts into the markets of the world, are furnished by seeds. The fats are esters (compound ethers) of propenyl or glycerin. The acids combined with this radical belong mostly to the series of the ordinary fatty acids, although a portion of very many fatty oils and even of. solid fats consists of olein, 7. e., of the propenyl ester of oleic-or elaic acid, which belongs to the acrylic acid series. Nowhere has a propenyl ester been proved to exist singly in nature ; every fat is a mixture of several such esters. When a fat is dacounposed (saponified) by means of a caustic alkali, the base is therefore —— found to becombined — 2 with more than one acid. 7 as so ag 108 PLANT ANATOMY. For us the most remarkable and important constituent of the cell-contents is the starch (amylum '). The latter occurs abundantly, in the form of characteristic granules, in seeds and other receptacles of reserve substances (rhizomes, tubers). The seeds which are provided with starch (reserve-starch) are, however, very much less numerous than those which contain none. It appears also in the conducting tissues (transitory starch), and in the interior of the chlorophyll granules (assimilation-starch, autochthonous starch), but then mostly in very small granules. For our purpose, the starch granules of the reserve-receptacles are especially important. Between the starch and other constituents of the cells there exist manifold, but as yet only slightly explained relations. Thus in the case of Radix Belladonne, Budde’ has found cer- tain relations to exist between the amount of starch contained in the root and the amount of alkaloid. ‘The amount of atro- pine is most considerable in roots which are very rich in stareh, and least in those which are free from starch (compare also page 13). Starch is organized and appears in the form of more or less distinctly stratified granules? (Figs, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46). Some drugs are exposed, in their fresh condition, to a higher temperature in order to dry them more quickly. If these parts of plants are juicy, the amylum thereby suffers that change which is known as the formation of paste. The granules swell to a high degree and flow together, to form structureless masses or balls of paste. Thus in the case of Curcuma,* Jalap, Salep, some varieties of Sarsapariila, and the East Indian Aconite tubers. Sago is nothing more than swollen and dried starch. The layers (which are especially handsome in the granules from the potato and leguminous seeds) are arranged around a 'From a (a privative), and “vAy mill—flour prepared without a mill. * Archiv der Pharm., 220 (1882), 414. *Nageli, ‘Die Starkekérner, Pflanzenphysiologische Untersuchun- gen,” 1858. The most comprehensive work relating to starch, * Berg, ‘‘Anatomischer Atlas,” Taf. xix., Fig. 48, STARCH. 109 common central point of the granules, which, in consequence of unequal growth, are mostly not uniformly round; in granules of very eccentric construction, however, the layers are in the form of immeasurably thin shells on the side having the slight- est growth. The layers (Fig. 35) originate through an abrupt variation in the amount of water of the separate zones. An outermost layer containing but very little water is followed by one with an abundance of water, then again by one poor in water, e¢ cetera. The centre of the granule, the nucleus, is very rich in water, Fic. 35.—Starch granules with very distinct layers and hilum, from the potato, very highly magnified. If the starch granule advances no farther in growth, a cavity (hilum) generally remains in place of the nucleus. This space is often confined within a very small compass, and therefore appears asa small, dark point (nucleus-point) i in the starch of the potato and of the rhizomes of some Zingiberacee (Figs. 36 and 46). In the starch granules of Zuber Colchici, Maranta (Fig. 45), Maize (Figs. 48 and 49), Radix Calumbe and others, the some- what larger hilum often assumes the form of a star or a cross (Fig. 37), and in many seeds from the family of Leguminosex, as in Semen Calabar and the Bean, the hilum is proportion- 110 PLANT ANATOMY. ately very wide, and extended in the direction of the axis of the frequently elliptical granules (Fig. 44). The nucleus, as a rule, is located eccentrically, although it is central in the large granules of the cereals (Fig. 47) and in the small, round granules of very many plants." Occasionally sev- eral nuclei are found in one granule. The layers disappear in consequence of the abstraction of water, when the granules are observed under liquids free from water, such as benzol, paraffin, volatile oils, fatty oils, glycerin, or when they are warmed. Glycerin loses this property to a degree pro- portionate to the amount of water it contains. On the other hand, the distinction of the layers is also obliterated through their intumescence (by the addition of water), even by water at 60 to 70° C. ora still higher temperature, but even in the ae 0074 Fie. 36.—Starch granules from the rhizome of ginger (Hager). Fic. 37.—Starch granules with a stay-shaped hilum, from Tuber Colchici. cold by means of saturated solutions of. many bodies which are very readily soluble in water, such as caustic potassa or soda, potassium iodide, calcium chloride, sodium nitrate or acetate, and chloral hydrate. These substances increase the capacity of absorption of water by the starch to an enormous degree, far beyond the distinction of the separate layers just explained, so that these swell up to a uniform mucilage. If starch granules are pressed under the cover-glass, fissures and clefts are formed, which, proceeding from the cleft of the nucleus or from the periphery, form cracks having a course mostly at right angles with the layers. According to the very thoroughly founded and developed _ 1 The eccentricity in the case of Cyperus esculentus amounts to i, in Canna lanuginosa to #5. STARCH, EEE views of Carl Niigeli,’ starch grows in such a manner that the formative material inserts itself between the layers of the granule, and is by no means added externally through “ apposi- tion.” The objections raised in opposition to Nigeli’s view of “intussusception,” * especially by Schimper? and by Arthur Meyer,’ are deduced from the supposition that starch possesses a. crystal-like character. Its crystalloids, as in other carbo-hydrates (see text to Fig. 54 a and 4), are united in the form of spheres, sphero-crystals, but are highly characterized by the capability of swelling. Their stratification is the result of alternate solution and renewed deposition of solid substance. That the granules are less dense toward the interior is shown by the penetration of the solvent.° Occasionally two nuclei surrounded by a separate series of Fig. 38. Fie. 39. Fie, 38.—Amylum, compound granules with a common integument (Dippel). Fie. 39.—Compound starch granules from Radix Sarsaparille. layers (Fig. 38) are formed in a single starch granule ; if these nuclei continue to separate from each other, a high tension is produced in the layers common to both, which leads to the dis- solution of the double granule into two separate ones (fractured granules). If, instead of two, a still larger number of granules appears, compound granules are produced, which may consist of 1 Die Stirkekérner,” Zurich, 1858. Large octavo, 624 pages and 10 plates (mentioned also on page 108, foot-note 3).—‘ Sitzungsberichte d. _ Minch. Akad.,” 1863 and 1881; Bot. Zeitung, 1881, 633; also Nageli and — Schwendener, ‘‘ Das Microscop,” 1877, p. 423. * Intus, in or within ; suscipere, to take up. * Botanische Zeitung, 1881, 185. 4 Tbid., 1881, p. 841, and 1884, p. 508. Pons tee ae *Compare further the respective references thereto in Just’s Bot _ Jahresbericht for 1881, I., 398-400, pk te 112 PLANT ANATOMY. very numerous individual granules (Avena, Fig. 40, Spinacia, Sarsaparilla, Fig. 39). The false compound granules are formed by several separate granules becoming firmly agglutinated with each other through mutual pressure (frequently occurring in the starch in chloro- phyll, Fig. 33 d). The shape of starch granules is very varied.' The fun- damental form is the sphere. All of the smaller, isolated starch granules possess this form, such as the small granules of the wheat (Fig. 47), of the potato (Fig. 43), and the so-called transitory starch. When the granules fill the cell and are densely crowded, they are always flattened through mutual pressure, and are then mostly polyhedric (dodecahedron and i Ihe Fie. 40. Fia. 41. Fie. 40.—A compound starch granule of the Oat, resolved into its separate granules, Fic. 41.—Starch in bone-shaped and club-shaped granules from the milky juice of Euphorbia antiquorum ; more difficult to obtain from the commercial ‘ Euphorbium ™ (gum-resin of Euphorbia resinifera). allied forms) (Maize, Fig. 49, Rice, Fig. 50). In the chloro- phyll granule the amylum is mostly spindle-shaped (Fig. 33 c, ad). Club-, staff-, or bone-shaped structures are found in the milky juice of many Huphorbie (Fig. 41), club-shaped in the rhizome of Galanga,? and branched in the root-stock of Nelum- ‘Compare the illustrations and descriptions of forms of starch by Vogl, ‘‘ Die gegenwartig am haiufigsten vorkommenden Verunreinigun- gen, etc., des Mehles,” Vienna, 1880.—R. von Wagner, ‘‘ Die Starkefabri- kation.” Braunschweig, 1876.—KGnig, ‘* Die menschlichen Nahrungs- und Genussmittel,” Berlin, 1883.—F. yon H6hnel, “ Die Starke und die MahlIproducte, etc.,” Cassel and Berlin, 1882. * Berg, “‘ Anatomischer Atlas,” Plate xix., 46. STARCH. 1s dium speciosum, Willd. Sago-starch’ is provided with swollen protuberances (Fig. 42). Independent of exceptions of this character, the spherical and ovate, or often flattened forms? pre- dominate. Although not susceptible of strictly mathematical definition, the size and shape of the starch granules are nevertheless char- acteristic for individual plants. A knowledge of these peculiar- ities is therefore indispensable in the examination of flour and varieties of starch. Besides the smaller structures, which usu- ally occur, each granule possesses a predominating typical form. It is only when the latter has been confirmed, in its definite shape and size,* by a large number of granules, that one can assume that a certain variety of starch is present. In the examination of starches, this is the only means for Fic. 42. Fic. 42.—Starch granules of Sago (Hager). Fie. 43.—Potato starch (Koenig). a, the nucleus. Compare also Fig, 108. their identification, but it is otherwise with varieties of flour. The latter consist of ground fruits and seeds, and thus con- tain, besides the starch granules, remnants of cells of the inner tissue as well as of the integuments, and often also remnants of hairs (Zriticwm). In the case of flour, these remnants may therefore be very well used as a guide in their examination.* * Compare also Wiesner, ‘‘ Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches,” Leipzig, 1873, * For example in Zingiber, Berg’s Atlas, Plate xx., 49. * Measurements of the size of the granules (by the aid of the ocular micrometer) must always be undertaken. The linear diameter is deter- mined. The unit ‘of measure is the micro-millimeter ( or mic.) = reop Mm. = 0.000001 m. a * Compare ied nies, ‘* Anleitung zur Erkennung organischer und 114 PLANT ANATOMY. The most important forms of starch are the following :* 1. Porato Starcu (Solanum tuberosum, Figs. 43 and 108). Type: large, eccentric, very distinctly stratified, quite irregu- lar granules, which are rounded by three or four corners; they are often rhombic and wedge-shaped, but never flattened. The nucleus is at the smaller end. Fie. 44.—Bean starch (Tschirch). Secondary form: small, roundish, and medium sized, half or completely compound granules. Fia. 45.—Maranta starch (Tschirch), 2. Bean Srarcu (Physostigma, Vicia and species of Phase- olus, Fig. 44). Type: bean-shaped to kidney-shaped, dis- tinctly stratified granules, which are always simple. The eo Beimengungen im Roggen- und Weizenmehl,” Leipzig, . tie: good key for use in determining the varieties of starch has been given by Vogl: “ Nahrungs- und Genussmittel aus dem Pflanzenreich,” Vienna, 1872; compare also Konig, “ Nahrungsmittel,” II., p. 405, _ Wagner and others, . STARCH. 115 nucleus is not visible, since the granules are nearly always tra- versed by a broad, radiately branched, longitudinal cleft. Secondary form : small, roundish granules.’ 3. Maranta Starcu, Arrowroot starch (Maranta arundina-— cea, Fig. 45). Almost entirely typical forms: more or less flat- tened, nearly quadrangular, rhombohedral, triangular, club- or pear-shaped granules, with a distinct nucleus located at the broad end, and often traversed by an occasionally three-rayed, lateral cleft. Stratification distinct. 4. East Inptan ARrowroort (Curcuma leucorrhiza and C. angustifolia, Fig. 46). Type: distinctly stratified, flat, tabular or oval and lengthened, triangular granules, drawn out to a point. on one side, which contains the nucleus, without a cleft. Secondary form: small, triangular granules. Fie. 46.—Starch of Curcuma leucorrhiza (Koenig). 5. Wueat Srarcu (Triticum vulgare),’ Fig. 47. Type: (az) LARGE GRANULES, flatly lenticular, almost exactly circu- lar, without a cleft or a distinct nucleus. They are four times. larger than the following : (6) SMALL GRANULES, roundish or polyhedral, often con- nected in pairs. 1 Specific characters for the discrimination of bean- and pea-starch have been given by Tschirch, ‘‘ Staérkemehlanalysen,” in Archiv der Pharm., 222 (1884), p. 921. ®The rye and barley have similar granules. For further details. regarding them, compare the previously mentioned monographs om starch, 116 PLANT ANATOMY. Secondary form: slightly roundish granules, having a form intermediate between the two preceding. 6. Maize Starcu (Zea Mays, Figs. 48 and 49) presents only typical forms. (a) Horn endosperm (Fig. 49): sharply angular granules, Fie. 47.—Wheat starch; v, face view ; s, marginal view ; t, parts of adouble granule ; r, & granule of rye starch with a three-rayed cleft (Tschirch). without distinct stratification, and mostly provided with a Fie, 48, Fie. 49. Fie. 48,—Maize starch granules from the farinaceous endosperm (Tschirch), Fie, 49.—Maize starch from the horn endosperm (Tschirch), cleft ; they are in close contact with each other, and completely fill the cell. Inthe flour also, several granules are often still coherent. STARCH. Et} (4) Farinaceous endosperm (Fig. 48): granules more round- ish, occasionally without a cleft. They do not completely fill the cell, and therefore are not sharply flattened polyhedrically against each other. 7. Rice Starcu (Oryza sativa, Fig. 50), only typical forms ; very sharply angular, almost crystal-like, fractured granules, occasionally several still connected, without a nucleus cleft. Fie. 50.—Rice starch (Tschirch). 8. Oat StarcH (Avena sativa, Fig. 51). Type: large, oval aggregations, as much as 73°; mm. (50 yu) in size, composed of from two to three hundred granules and their components (Fig. 51 6). The latter are polyhedric and sharply angular, without a distinct nucleus. ‘ Fig. 51.—Oat starch. a, Secondary form—filling granules ; b, component granules of the aggregation (Tschirch). : Secondary form: small, roundish, spindle-shaped,’ similar to the fractured granules, the so-called ‘‘ filling starch.” Like the cell-membrane, the starch granules, in consequence 1 Moeller (‘Die Mikroskopie der Cerealien,” in- the Pharm. Central- halle, 1884, No, 44-48) declares these to be the characteristic forms. 118 PLANT ANATOMY. of their stratified structure, are also doubly refractive. In pola- rized light each granule displays a black cross, the arms of ‘ which intersect at the hilum (Fig. 52). When the structure of the granule is destroyed, either through tumefaction or by torrefaction, it immediately loses its optical properties, though agents which produce swelling, but which have neither an acid nor an alkaline reaction, produce no change, at least ina chemical sense, in the substance of the starch. The optical properties therefore appear to be dependent upon the manner of construction of the granule. Nevertheless, Nigeli entertains the view that the micelle’ of starch (a term which he applies to the complex of atoms, surrounded by a film of water, which through intussusception become separated from each other), like those of the denser cell-membranes, are origi- _ nally crystalline, and show the deportment of optically uniaxial | crystals, but only so long as they have not become disintegrated, which Nigeli assumes to take place upon swelling. Starch, as the most important reserve nutritive substance, is contained in an extraordinarily large number of reserve recepta- cles, thus in seeds (endosperm of the cereals, the cotyledons of many Leguminose), Semen Cacao, Sem. Myristice, Sem. Para- disi, Sem. Piperis (v. Piper album), Sem. Quercus, while Sem. Cydonia, Sem. Lini, Sem. Sinapis albe and probably others contain starch, at least before ripening. Furthermore, in rhi- zomes (Maranta, the Zingiberacexw, Aspidium Filiz-mas, Asa- rum, Calamus), in roots (Althea, Sarsaparilla, Krameria, Ipe- cacuanha, Rhubarb, Belladonna), and in tubers (Potato, Salep, Jalap, Colchicum). A remarkable exception is presented by the roots and rhi- zomes of the Composite, which contain no starch, or only tran- sitorily, and then but extremely small amounts of it. It is fur- thermore wanting in Radix Gentiane, Rubie, Saponaria, Senege, and in the rhizome of Triticum repens, at least in the Stages of development which here come under consideration. In all these organs its place is supplied by other substances. Unjustifiable diminutive of mica, a small crumb. RCH. STAT a peat lati atl im LSs c ilating issiml c ro) in i: conauct ~ sum] con nese L1 tT} ul rhizomes). T 1 a st subdsta re resery by a traversed 2 ha 2 > 1 he +t t n 1 In Ger 120 PLANT ANATOMY. starch granules, since the above-named transformation products possess the inclination, under suitable conditions, to again become deposited as solid starch (transitory starch). These small starch-granules, which are in process of migration, are thus found in the so-called starch-sheath, and in the sieve-tubes and medullary rays. They are also contained in some fruits before ripening (Olives, Fructus Conti, Fructus Juniperi, likewise the Fig). How the formation of starch is effected in the chlorophyll granules (assimilating-starch, p. 108) is, meanwhile, still an enigma. Only so much is certain, that for its production light is required,’ while potassium also appears to be indispensable for it.* The manner of circulation of starch may be elucidated by a single example. The species of Orchis which afford salep pos- sess, after the close of the period of vegetation, a tuber which is filled with starch and mucilage. The tuber is quiescent during the winter, and in spring develops a stem bearing the leaves and flowers. During the entire first period of development, the tuber provides the young shoot with nutritive material ; the starch migrates from the tuber upward into the shaft. In the course of further development, the leaves unfold, and now under- take on their own part the new formation of starch. But even now the plant provides for a future year. Beside the old, and now entirely exhausted tuber, a new rudimentary one is formed, into which the starch formed in the leaves migrates downward, in order to furnish the constructive material for the young plant during the next year. If the starch is dissolved in a reserve-receptacle, the gran- ules do not disappear at once, but solution gradually takes place, whereby a peculiar corrosion often occurs. Such corroded ‘Compare Sachs, ‘“ Experimentalphysiologie der Pflanzen,” 1865; furthermore, Botan. Zeit., 1862 and 1864, ‘‘ Flora,” 1863, and researches of the Botanical Institute of Wirzburg, 1884.—Godlewski, Krakauer Akadem., 1875.—Béhm, Botan, Zeit., 1876, and others. ? Proved by Nobbe in 1871. STARCH. 121 starch-granules are particularly well observable in the first stages of germination (Fig. 53). We are acquainted with starch in the plant only in the solid form, although compelled to assume that it is formed, or ina manner crystallizes out, from a liquid. Starch forms a glistening powder, the specific gravity of which varies according to its origin, but does not deviate much from 1.5. In the air-dry condition, it incloses from 13 to 17 per cent of water, after the removal of which its density increases, accord- ing to its derivation, to from 1.56 to 1.63. While air-dry starch floats upon chloroform, it sinks therein after having been deprived of its water by heating to 100° C. Dried starch quickly absorbs again from the air the eliminated water. The small amount of incombustible substances which it con- sae os Gy 4 Fie. 53.—Corroded starch-granules from the endosperm of a young maize plant 8 centimeters (about 3 inches) high, in process of solution. a, a granule still intact (Tschirch). tains, about 0.5 per cent, can 1 probably be explained only by supposing them to be deposited mechanically. The composition of anhydrous starch corresponds to the formula C,,H,,0,,, although Musculus (1861 and 1870) and W. Nigeli have shown that the formula O,,H,,0;, or O,,H,,0,, cor- responds still better to the facts.* Leuchs (in 1831) found that starch granules are attacked by saliva. ©. Niigeli, who pursued the subject further, came to the conclusion that the granule is built up from cellulose and a peculiar starch substance, granulose. According to his view, the 1 For information relating to the elementary composition of starch, — we are indebted to W. Nageli, Sachsse, Pfeiffer, Tollens and Salomon. See also Husemann-Hilger, ‘‘ Die Pflanzenstoffe.” 122 PLANT ANATOMY. saliva acts upon the latter substance, dissolving it, and leaving a frame-work or skeleton of cellulose behind. On the other hand it is to be remembered, as one of us has shown,’ that the “ granulose” has lost all the characters of starch. Furthermore, the acceptance of cellulose in the residue is based upon its solubility in ammoniacal solution of oxide of copper, the loss of its property of swelling in hot water, and the non-appearance of any coloration by treatment with iodine. But, on the one hand, amylum is itself soluble to a slight degree in ammoniacal oxide of copper, and, on the other hand, ‘‘ granu- lose” is just as little colored by iodine as the here accepted cellulose, while the swelling property of starch may also be destroyed by boiling with glycerin and water. There are thus not sufficient reasons presented for concurring in Nigeli’s pro- position. Starch containing water, but not that which has been deprived of the latter, possesses a highly remarkable attractive power for iodine. It is capable of so combining with it, that the granule, the mucilage, or the solution of starch thereby assume colora- tions which correspond to those peculiar to iodine itself in its different conditions of aggregation and in its solutions. The blue, violet, or reddish color which amylum presents when it is brought in contact with iodine was first observed by Colin and Gaultier de Clanbry* in March, 1814; the other shadings in violet, red, reddish-yellow, yellow, and brown were studied in 1863, and later by C. Niigeli with great thoroughness. These shadings of color are limited by the varying reciprocal relations in the amounts of iodine and starch, as also by the presence of hydriodic acid and other substances. Slight amounts of very small starch granules as in chlorophyll (page 102) may be made more distinctly visible by causing them to swell by means of caustic alkali, subsequently washing the fe cea “ Starke und Cellulose,” in Archiv der Pharm, 196 (1871), ** Annales de Chimie ” 90, p. 93. —Stromeyer, at Géttingen, in Decem- ber, 1814, pointed out the delicacy of this reaction in Gilbert’s‘* Annalen der Physik,” 49, p. 147, STARCH. 123 ‘section with acetic acid and then with water, and finally adding iodine solution. ' Though the force with which starch appropriates iodine is ‘quite considerable, it can, nevertheless, not be proved that the product is a chemical compound. Even dialysis, as also gen- tle warming, and even simple exposure to the air, is capable of eliminating the iodine from the compound. Only cellulose, under certain conditions, shares this behavior of starch to iodine. Beside lichenin (see Index), there is to be mentioned here also the amyloid of Schleiden, a form of cellu- lose which is capable of swelling, is colored blue by iodine, and occurs in the cotyledons of many of the Leguminose, for instance, in those of Zamarindus. Certain membranes of the hyphe of lichens also assume with iodine solution a blue color. The amount of amylum, even in such plants and parts of plants as are abundantly provided therewith, must necessarily be subject to great fluctuations when the before-mentioned function of starch as a reserve substance is taken into considera- tion. Potatoes and the rhizomes of the Maranta (Arrowroot) afford, for instance, from 9 to 26 per cent of amylum with ref- erence to air-dry substance, and Sarsaparilla is likewise a good example of the fact that the percentage of starch is very variable. The statements relating to the quantity of starch present in ‘drugs can therefore be of value only under definite conditions. The size of starch granules is very variable, although, for the Same kind, remaining within narrow boundaries. The largest are found mostly in the underground receptacles of reserve sub- stances (Solanum tuberosum as much as 90 yu,’ Canna lanugi- nosa as much as 170 ), the smallest in the seeds of some Species of Acacia (about 1 y). An approximate representation of the relative dimensions is given by the following figures: | 14 or mic. = micromillimeter = r/ya mm. = 0.000001 m. (compare Page 113), 124 PLANT ANATOMY. According to According to AVERAGE MEASUREMENTS. Wiesner, Héhnel, Wagner, Tschirch * Length in yz, Length in jz, Potato, 60 56.0 Wheat (large granules), 26.9-28 33.0 Wheat (small granules), 6.8 6.0 East Indian Arrowroot, 50-60 —_— Maranta, 27-54 32-46 La, ' 32-79 99-39 Bean, : Maize, 15-20 13-19 Rice (divided granules), 5 5-6 Oat (divided granules), 4.4 7-8° Rad. Calumba, As much as 90 yu : Rhiz. Zedoaria, she 70 pet ate hapee Se Tuber Jalape, re Ss .60 j BORE Another constituent, related in its es to starch, is” inulin,’ which Valentine Rose, in 1804, first observed as a de- posit from the decoction of the root of Inula Helenium; Thom- son® designated it as inulin. It occurs chiefly in the roots of plants of more than one year’s growth belonging to the family of the Composite, and has been detected elsewhere in but few cases.° Prantl’ has obtained, for example, quite a considerable amount of inulin from the roots of the flowering Campanula rapuncu- ‘The average from 100 measurements. Regarding the relations of shape as well as size, see the very detailed statements of Kdnig, ‘** Nahrungs- und Genussmittel,” IT., 403 et seq. * I found (as did Wiesner, in opposition to Kénig), the oat granules to be always larger than those of rice (T.). See A. Tschirch, ‘‘Starkemehl- analysen” in Archiv der Pharm., 223 (1885), pp. 521-532. : me oe eeeieanens des Piiaikenreiches; ” first edition (1867), pp. 237, » U1. ‘Compare, regarding inulin, Sachs, Bot. Zeit., 1864. Holzner, ‘‘ Flora,” 1864, 1866, 1867, and the publications cited below. “System of Chemistry,” IV. (London, 1817, fifth edition), 75; also in earlier editions, previous to the year 1811. °That the Australian Lerp-Manna, in opposition to former assump- . - tions, contains no inulin, is now definitely established. Wittstein’s Vierteljahrsschrift fiir prakt. Pharm., XVII. ee 161, and XVIII. 1. *** Das Inulin,” Munich, 1870, 43. +> INULIN. 125 loides L., and Kraus’ found it also in the families of the Cam- panulaces, Lobeliaceew, Goodeniacee, and Stylidiacew, which, from a systematic point of view, are each and all connected with the Composite. Inulin has, moreover, been proved by Kraus to occur in the roots of Jonidium Ipecacuanha, of the family of Violacew.* In the family of Composite, inulin pos- sesses the function of amylum ;* it is distinguished, however, in general from the latter by the following main points.‘ Fia. 54 a.—Globular aggregations of crystals (sphzero-crystals) from Radix Inule, by keeping fresh pieces ‘of the root for a long time in glycerin. B, cells filled with Inulin; 4, separate, strongly magnified aggregations (Sachs). Fic. 52, VI., represents such an aggregation in polarized light (Dippel). ' 1 Bot. Zeitung, 1875, 171. ? Fliickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” 1883, 396. * Starch has been found in but a few roots of the Composite. Vogl, “Kommentar zur ésterreich. Pharmakopée,” 1869, p. 847 and Dippel, ‘Das Mikroskop,” II. (1869), 27. Nevertheless, according to Kraus, the chlorophyll granules, the stomata cells, as also the starch-sheaths and sieve-tubes of plants which form inulin contain starch throughout. “Compare further: Dragendorff, ‘‘ Material zu einer Monographie 126 PLANT ANATOMY. In living roots or leaves, inulin does not separate out in a solid form ; it is only when water is abstracted from the solu- tion, in which it is there contained, that it forms either glass-- like,.amorphous masses, or fine, soft, needle-like crystals of the. rhombic system.’ The latter may combine to form larger, radiated, spherical aggregates or sphwro-crystals (F ig. 54 a and 6), which are best obtained when entire Dahlia tubers are placed in absolute alcohol or concentrated glycerin. After some days, Fie, 54 b.—Spheero-crystals of inulin from Dahlia tubers. in consequence of the slow abstraction of water, the inulin crystallizes in aggregations, which cannot be obtained by simple drying. The leaves of the Composite must be prepared for dehydration by previously boiling them with caustic potassa. Crystallized inulin, when observed in polarized light, is seen to be doubly refractive (Fig. 52, p. 119, No. VI.), though less strikingly so than amylum ; the crossed arms do not appear des Inulins,” Petersburg, 1870. Kiliani, Liebig’s Annalen, 205 (1880) 145-190. 1 Bot. Zeitung, 1876, 368, INULIN. | 127 very distinctly on the sphero-crystals, and the amorphous masses are neither doubly refractive nor stratified. With this deficiency of organic structure is connected also a lesser capacity of combining with water. In opposition to amylum, the composition of which corresponds to the formula (C,H,,0,),+3H,0 (= 14.2 percent of water), air-dry inulin con- tains only from 5 to 10 per cent of water. On the other hand, it dissolves readily in hot water and separates therefrom unchanged upon cooling, provided the solution had not been exposed for a long time to a higher temperature. In the latter case, the inu- lin very readily passes into uncrystallizable, levogyrate sugar. Fig. 55.—Groups of fine needle-shaped crystals (rhaphides) from Radix Sarsaparille. The solution of inulin itself likewise deviates the plane of polarization of a ray of light to the left; solutions of starch, which are obtained by the aid of chloral hydrate or by certain salts (page 110), rotate tothe right, as does also the crystallizable grape sugar obtained from starch. The aqueous solution of inulin is never paste-like ; it is an actual solution in the ordi- nary sense, while the paste of starch is produced only through a swelling of the granules. Tnulin is not colored by iodine. Indeed, we possess no heat for it, and are only capable of recognizing it by confirming sey- eral of its physical properties. The amount of inulin contained in the Composite is very 128 PLANT ANATOMY, SS Fic. 56.—A, Transverse section; B, Longitudinal section from Bulbus Scillce, with numerous:prisms of calcium oxalate, which are often approximately 1 mm, in length. CALCIUM OXALATE. 129 variable, in many cases very slight, as for instance in Rhizoma Arnice. From dried Radix Inule, on the other hand, Dragen- dorff obtained 44 per cent of inulin; from the root of Taraza- cum, gathered at Dorpat, Russia, in October, and dried at 100° C., 24.3 per cent, while the same root in March afforded only 1.7 per cent of inulin. The great periodical fluctuations, and the want of a reagent, may explain why it has not yet been possible to detect inulin in many roots of perennial Composite. Although inulin never occurs in crystals in the living and dried plant, there are other crystalline substances which occur not infrequently in the tissue of the cell. Calcium oxalate especially is widely distributed. In yery many plants calcium is deposited in the cells in the form of distinctly crystallized oxalate. ‘his salt mostly corre- sponds to the formula CaC,0,+ H,O, and belongs to the mono- clinic (clino-rhombic) system of crystals. Occasionally, how- ever, forms of the quadratic or tetragonal system are also to be seen ; this variety of oxalate contains 3H,0. When calcium oxalate is prepared artificially, and the salt Separates rapidly, the first-mentioned compound is obtained either as an indistinct crystalline precipitate, or in well recog- nizable monoclinic forms; the quadratic oxalate, on the con- trary, crystallizes during the slow evaporation of a hydrochloric acid solution, or also upon the admixture of very little calcium chloride with an extremely dilute solution of oxalic acid.‘ Fre- quently, under slightly changed conditions, a mixture of both compounds is produced. The two forms of calcium oxalate are of exceedingly frequent occurrence in the vegetable kingdom. The needle-shaped crys- tals, rhaphides* (Fig. 55), appear to belong to the monoclinic ' With regard to the more precise conditions, compare Souchay and Lenssen, Annalen der Chemie u. Pharm., 100 (1856), 311-325. * From fais, the needle. A. de Candolle, in 1826, introduced the term raphides, in order to avoid the use of the word crystals, as he sup- posed (erroneously) those deposits of oxalate of calcium not to consist of crystals, 130 PLANT ANATOMY. system; these occur separately or in groups, particularly in the root formations of monocotyledons, very notably in Bulbus Seille (Fig. 56), and in Radix Sarsaparille (Fig. 123'),but also in stems and leaves, as, for instance, in the Aloé (Fig. 63, cr). The undeveloped, crystalline, powdery oxalate, which is met with, for instance, in the Cinchona barks, in Stipes Dulcamare, and in Radix Belladonne, should probably also be considered here. Such deposits become better recognizable when the sec- tions, freed as much as possible from air, are observed in pola- rized light. More distinctly and variously developed are the Fie. 57, Fia. 58. Fie. 57,—Fundamental form of the monoclinic crystals of calcium oxalate, with only one molecule of water. This form, hendyohedron, resembles in appearance a rhom- Dohedron of the hexagonal system, and is therefore often designated as ‘‘ rhombohe- -dron-like oxalate.” Fic. 58.—a, Hendyohedron ; b and c, crystals of the monoclinic system in Cortex Frangul, derived by truncation from the fundamental form (from Dippel). crystals which in form approach that of the hendyohedron (Fig. 57), which may be regarded as the fundamental form of the monoclinic salt. Very handsome and very regularly devel- oped crystals of this kind occur in Radiz Calumba, Folia Hyoscyami and Cortex Frangule (Fig. 58), and particularly also, in a considerable variety of forms, in the non-official bark of Liqguidambar orientalis Miller, which yields the Styrax Uiquidus. In Cortez Aurantiorum the crystals are likewise quite large and are inclined to be sharpened ina striking manner. - " Compare also Schleiden, Archiv der Pharm., 1847, Plate I., Fig. 5. CALGIUM OXALATE. 131 Forms of peculiar appearance, produced by hemitropy, and recognizable by their inwardly inclined angles (Fig. 59), occur in the bark of Guaiacum officinale and Quillaia Saponaria.* Much less widely extended, at least within the sphere of drugs, are well-devoloped forms of the quadratic system (Fig. 60), such as are found forinstance in oak-galls (Fig. 61). Oxalate crys- tals of this system also occur in many leaf-stalks, and are par- ticularly handsome in the Cactex, in species of Begonia and in Paulownia imperialis Siebold, furthermore in Urceolaria seru- posa Ach. and other lichens. ve Fie, 59.—Twin crystals of calcium oxalate from Cortex Guaiaci or Cortex Quillaiw Saponarie; a, lying on the lateral surface; c, somewhat turned; b, more strongly mag- nified and turned to the extent of 90° (Dippel). In Rhiz. Rhei, Rad. Saponaria, Rad. Althee, in Cortex Granati Radicis, in figs, cloves, and in a very large number of other parts of plants belonging to our department (Fol. Eu- calypti, Figs. 127, 128), the oxalate crystals are most densely crowded together in the form of clusters (Fig. 62); each of which generally occupies a single cell. In these cases only the points of ' Further details are given by Holzner, ‘‘ Krystalle in den Pflanzen- zellen,” Flora, 1867, 499. Sachs, ‘ Lehrbuch der Botanik” (IV.), 66. Compare also Figs. 102 and 159, 132 PLANT ANATOMY. the individual crystals just project, but the true erystallographi- cal shape of the latter has not yet been determined with certi- tude. The fact that in Cortex Cascarille, in Cortex Frangule, in the outer surface of Fungus Laricis, in the above-mentioned Styrax bark, and in other cases they are accompanied by dis- tinctly recognizable monoclinic crystals of oxalate, argues possi- Fia. 60.—Fundamental forms of calcium oxalate‘crystallizing in the quadratic system with three molecules of water of crystallization. bly for the assumption that these aggregates or rosettes also. belong to this system, although in the above-mentioned leaf- Fic. 61.—Transverse section from an ordinary (Aleppo) oak-gall; d, sclerenchyma- tous layer in the centre ; ¢, tissue outside of and in proximity to this layer, filled with quadratic crystals of oxalate ; e, tissue in the interior of the chamber formed by the sclerenchyma, which contains starch and resin. * stalks all transitional forms may also be observed, from the quadratic octahedron to imperfectly developed rosette-shaped aggregates of crystals. Hence it is probable that the oxalate crystallizing in rosettes sometimes belongs to the quadratic and sometimes to the monoclinic system. CALCIUM OXALATE, 133 The proof that the plant formations in question are really calcium oxalate is readily afforded. The crystals are not solu- ble in acetic or oxalic acids, but soluble, and without efferves- ence, in hydrochloric acid; this solution gives, upon the addition of potassium acetate, an abundant precipitate of indistinctly crystallized calcium oxalate. ; After short contact with concentrated sulphuric acid, the oxalate crystals are converted into long, lance-shaped crystals of gypsum, The oxalate crystals are presumably formed in the plant by the gradual confluence of dilute solutions of oxalates with calcium salts. In many cases this occurs with the co-operation of or- ganized structures. The rosettes often inclose an uncrystellized nucleus, and the needle-like tufts of oxalate are fixed, for in- Fig, 62.—Rosettes of calcium oxalate from Rhubarb (see Figs. 142, 146) and Radix Saponaric. ; stance in Sarsaparilla and many other cases, in a mucilaginous (plasmatic) integument; if the oxalate be dissolved in hydrochloric acid (spec. gray. 1.1), the integument remains behind, and may easily be made recognizable by staining, for example, by means of carmine or aniline-red. This covering of protoplasm may be detected also with greater distinctnessin Bulbus Scille. Ifa fine section of this is moistened with alcohol, a contraction of the mucilaginous contents of the cell ensues, in the middle of which darker granules will appear, which are seen to be crystal- line in polarized light. Water dissolves the mucilage and leaves the crystals behind, which, without doubt, are to be regarded as the first rudiments of the oxalate prisms often so handsomely developed in the Sgwill. The latter are surrounded by a sac, and frequently become enlarged to such a degree as to extend 134 ; PLANT ANATOMY. through several cells, after their transverse walls are destroyed” These crystals often attain nearly 1 mm, in length, so that they | become visible even to the unaided eye. The latter character applies also to the imperfectly developed, rhombohedron-like erystals in the wood-parenchyma of Lignum Sandali rubrum, the axes which are scarcely less than $ mm. According to Emmerling* it would appear probable that erystals of calcium oxalate are also formed in the plant through the action of free oxalic acid upon calcium nitrate. In the cases here referred to, calcium oxalate always occurs as. one of the contents of the cell; it has been shown, however, by Count Solms-Laubach * that these crystals may also be deposited in the cell-wall itself, especially in the outer wall of epidermis cells. In regard to the amount of oxalate, the microscopical estimate may lead toinaccurate statements. Bulbus Scille is apparently rich therein, and nevertheless,a direct estimation of the oxalic acid afforded but 3 per cent of oxalate; in a good rhubarb * one of us found 7.3 per cent. The greatest abundance of oxalate in the domain of pharmacognosy is presented perhaps by guaiac bark, nearly 20.7 per cent. Some lichens are likewise charac- terized by a large amount of oxalate; thus Lecanora esculenta Eversmann, contains 22.8 per cent. The oxalate crystals are deposits which remain withdrawn from the sphere of vital action (secretions); in the cells which contain them, as a rule, no further developments take place. Other crystalline compounds of inorganic bases are of exceed- ingly rare occurrence in plant tissues. Calcium phosphate, ? “ Berichte der Deutschen Chemisch. Gesellsch.,” 1872, p. 782. * Botanische Zeitung, 29 (1871), 458. Plate VI.— Also in Sachs, ‘‘ Lehr- buch der Botanik,” 1874, 68. _ 8 One of the numerous important observations of the eminent apothe- cary Scheele, who also discovered oxalic acid, relates to the crystals of rhubarb, which, in 1782, he recognized as calcium oxalate. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1716) had, indeed, previously seen the oxalate of the sarsaparilia root and of orris ont —Flickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” 2d edition, 226, 315, 373. CALCIUM OXALATE. 135 CaHPO,+2H,0, is found abundantly in a crystalline form’ in the Indian Yeak-wood (Tectona grandis L., Nat. Ord. Ver- benacee). Calcium carbonate, which is contained in some plasmodiums, in the cell-membranes of many marine alge, and. in cystoliths (Ficus, Cannabis, Humulus*), does not show dis- tinctly crystalline forms,’ or is manifestly amorphous. Crystals of gypsum appear not to be present in plants; since they are soluble in 400 parts of water, the conditions are probably want- ing for their formation and maintenance. Crystals of organic compounds, which are met with in the tissues of drugs, are, however, no rarity. Thus, asparagin, cubebin, hesperidin, picrotoxin, theobromine, and piperine, which, however, may be presumed to first crystallize during» the process of drying the respéctive drugs. Furthermore, crys- tallized fats, probably for the most part palmitin and stearin, which are found in many seeds, as, for instance, in the nutmeg, in Cocculus Indicus, ete. Finally, vanillin in the parenchyma and upon the outer surface of the Vanilla (Fig. 83). The erys- tals which become visible in Cinchona barks, after warming their sections in caustic alkali, first appear as a result of this treat- ment. By very long preservation in glycerin of sections of tis- sues rich in tannin, crystals of gallic acid also occasionally appear, which were not originally present. After a very long preservation of the respective sections, one may also observe the gradual crystallization of amygdalin, filicic acid, and strychnine.. Small granules are frequently found deposited in cells, which acquire with ferric chloride in aqueous, or often better in alco- holie solution, a blue or greenish coloration, so that we may con- sider them as tannin, or as tannin-like formations. On the other hand, they also often become colored blue by iodine, as if they ' Kopp-Will’s Jahresbericht der Chemie, 1860, p. 531, and 1879, p. 937; “Berichte der Deutschen Chemisch. Gesellschaft,” 1877, p. 2,234.—Com- pare further Just’s Bot. Jahresbericht, 1881, I., 402, Reference No. 75. * Fliickiger, ‘‘Pharmakognosie,” 1883, 710; Sachs, “Lehrbuch der Bot.,” 1874, 70; Kny, ‘‘ Botan. Wandtafeln.” *Thus also the aggregates in Castoreum; compare Fliickiger, Grundriss der Pharmakognosie,” 1883, 237; further Just’s Bot. Jahres- rericht, 1881, I., 402, 403. : 136 PLANT ANATOMY. inclosed starch or had originated therefrom, as indeed both appear in the same tissues simultaneously, or still more often alternately. Nevertheless, tannin does not exist to any consid- erable amount in seeds. The amount of tannin contained in certain organs, such as barks and fruits, is subject to considera- ble periodical fluctuations.* : Tannin which is deposited in the purest form dissolves when subjected to examination under water. In order to bring it to view, the sections must therefore be observed under benzol, volatile or fatty oils, or other liquids which do not dissolve the tannic matter; even glycerin suffices, since it dissolves but little tannin when concentrated. Thus in galls, shapeless masses are found which almost completely fill the cells.?. The tannic mat- ter also very frequently penetrates the cell-membranes, so that the walls of entire tissues become colored after being moistened with a solution of iron, thus, for instance, the parenchyma of the Cinchona barks, the fibro-vascular bundles and the surround- ings of the oil-cells in cloves, ete. Thick, hard cell-walls, which do not become thoroughly moistened by an aqueous solution of iron, often assume, nevertheless, the blue or green coloration upon the simultaneous addition of alcohol. These reactions, however, are perhaps more often produced by derivatives, decom- position products of the tannins, or bodies otherwise related to them, such as ellagic acid or gallic acid, the presence of which in nature can, moreover, not yet be accepted with complete cer- tainty. Morin and morin-tannic acid, which react in the same manner with iron salts, have also not yet been met with in those parts of plants to which we here devote attention. Further- more, pyrocatechin, quercitrin, and rutin must not be omitted here, which likewise color solutions of ferric salts green. The _ first-mentioned substance can, indeed, be cited here only asa very subordinate constituent of kino, and quercitrin is contained ‘Compare Wiegand, “ Satze iiber die physiologische Bedeutung des Gerbestoffes und der Pflanzenfarben.” Botanische Zeitung, 1862, 121; and Kutscher, ‘* Ueber die Verwendung der Gerbsdure im Stoffwechsel der Pflanze.” Flora, 1883, _ * Berg’s ‘‘ Atlas,” Plate 49, Fig. 136. TANNINS. 137 in Flores Rose gallice, but the latter substance, as well as pyrocatechin, is undoubtedly widely distributed in the vegeta- ble kingdom, and by more exact investigation will probably be . found in many other drugs. Of very frequent occurrence also, and probably quite general in barks in a definite phase of life, is phloroglucin,’ C,H,- (OH),, belonging to the class of phenols. Resembling the tannic acid of galls, or tannin,’ there are some other tannic matters, not of the same composition, which produce in solutions of ferric salts a blue-black precipitate, thus, the tannin of Folia Uve ursi, of oak-bark, of the bark of pome- granate-root, etc. Many others, however, as the tannic acid of the Cinchona barks, of willow and elm barks, that of Radix Ratanhie Peruviane, of Rhizoma Filicis, Rhiz. Tormentille, of Coffee, and also Catechu, produce with solutions of ferric chloride or ferric salts a green precipitate, while the tannic acid of rhubarb gives a blackish-green. In two varieties of Ratanhia (Krameria), that from Para and that from Savanilla, the tannic acid forming a green coloration with iron salts is accompanied by a predominating amount of acid producing a blue coloration. For the correct discrimination of ~ these colorations, thin sections of the respective drugs must be moistened with a little solution of ferric chloride of the dilu- tion stated under ‘Microscopical Reagents,” and the slides upon which this reaction is carried out, laid upon a sheet of white paper. The experiment is also performed at the same time with the application of a solution of ferrous sulphate, which permits the colorations to appear gradually, in proportion to their oxidation, but often with a greater degree of purity. A highly remarkable occurrence of a substance which affords a magnificent blue color with ferric chloride as well as with fer- rous salts is presented by the large cells of the fleshy portion of the fruit of Siliqgua dulcis. Between the tannic matters or tannic acids of the two classes ~1 Compare the statements of Tschirch, in Pringsheim’s Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., 1885, and Poulsen’s ‘‘ Botanical Micro-chemistry.” se ? From the French word tanner, to tan, of unknown origin. 138 PLANT ANATOMY. above indicated, sharp chemical distinctions exist, which are ren- dered evident, especially, upon dry distillation. When subjected to this treatment, the tannic matters which produce a blue color with ferric salts afford pyrogallol (pyrogallic acid), while those producing a green color with ferric salts, on the contrary, afford pyrocatechin. If the tannic matters are melted with caustic: potassa, those giving a blue color with iron salts afford pyro- gallol, as in the former case; the other tannic matters, on the other hand, produce protocatechuic acid. The knowledge of the different members of the chemical family of tannic matters, in their details, is still very fragment- ary. A method is also still wanting which meets all demands for the quantitative estimation of tannic acids in all-the numer- ous Cases where they cannot be extracted with a tolerable degree of purity by ether-alcohol, as, for example, from nutgalls. Be- sides, if it be considered that the amount of tannic matter is subject to the fluctuations of vegetation, it cannot be greatly wondered at that the analytical statements relating to it deviate widely from each other. Many such estimations have been made from a technical standpoint, as in the case of oak-bark, so that the literature on this subject is quite extensive.’ The oak-bark appears to be capable of containing a maximum of twenty per cent of tannic matter, or more than any other part. of a plant which concerns us here,’ unless we take into consider- ation the galls (see the chapter at the end of this work: Patho- logical Formations). The latter, namely, are to be regarded simply asa morbid accumulation of tannic acid. The gallo- ' It may suffice to mention here the following: ‘‘ Bericht iiber die Ver- handlungen der Commission zur Festellung einer einheitlichen Methode der Gerbstoffbestimmung, gefiihrt am 10. November 1883 zu Berlin. Redaction und Einleitung iiber die bisherigen Verfahren der quant. Be- stimmung des Gerbstoffs von C. Councler. Nebst Untersuchung tiber die Léwenthal’sche Methode von J. V. Schroeder,” large 8vo (IV., pp. 79), Cassel, Fischer, 1885. * The bark of the Australian Eucalyptus corymbosa is stated to con- tain twenty-seven per cent of tannic acid (Jahresbericht der Chemie, 1868, 807), the Myrobalans forty-five per cent: Dividivi, the pods of Cesalpinia coriaria Willd., fifty-five per cent, TANNINS, 139 ‘tannic acid, which is present in these malformations to the ex- tent of as much as seventy per cent, is remarkable as a specially distinct member of the family of tannic matters; at least the ex- ceptional cases in which it is supposed to have been elsewhere recognized (in the Myrobalans and in sumach) may still be re- . garded with doubt. There may be distinguished physiological and pathological tannic matter. The former is produced normally in the vital process of the plant (thus the tannins of barks,’ such as that of the oak, quebracho, and the willow). The pathological, on the contrary, is first produced in consequence of an external influence (the puncture of-an insect, etc.), that is, in the course of a mor- bid process (galls). Both forms are also chemically and physi- cally different. Skins are only tanned by the physiological tan- nin (as in the formation of leather). The contents of the cells which have so far been treated of, if we except inulin, may be regarded as the organized contents. Besides these, however, there appear a number of unorganized bodies in the cells of plants, which are dissolved in the cell-sap,. or deposited in the membranes, and which are not amenable to direct microscopical observation. In the cell-sap there are dissolved, for example, a portion of the inorganic salts, dextrin, sugar, plant acids—the cell-sap al- ways has an acid reaction—and tannic matters, many glucosides* and bitter principles (Aloé, Fig. 63), coloring matters, amides, etc.; in the membranes are deposited many alkaloids (quinine ?). The chief solvent of most of these substances, water, evapo- rates to a large extent upon drying the drugs.* How considerable its amount may often be is shown in a striking manner by many ' Compare in this connection, F. von Hoehnel, ‘* Die Gerberinden, ein” monographischer Beitrag zur technischen Rohstofflekre.” Berlin, Op- penheim, 1880, _ * PAvuvs sweat, and 7605 likeness. * To this fact, as it appears, is referred the expression drug, German droge; the u, which is still frequently inserted in the latter word (drogue), is derived from the Romanic languages, which have appro- priated the word. Fliickiger, ‘‘ Geschichte des Wortes Droge,” in Archiv der Pharm., 219 (1881), 81. 140 PLANT ANATOMY, roots. ‘The younger roots of Belladonna lose as much as eighty- five per cent of water; Radix Tarazaci, seventy-seven per cent, and juicy fruits still more. All parts of plants, however, retain water which we are wont to designate as hygroscopic water, but which by no means exists in the cells in a liquid form. The amount of this varies very considerably according to the nature of the tissues, and presumably also according to their con- tents. The squwiil, which is rich in sugar and mucilage, retains four- teen per cent of hygroscopic water, Radix Gentiane sixteen to eighteen per cent, and saffron about twelve per cent. If these substances are completely deprived of water in a drying-closet, or in the cold over sulphuric acid, and are again exposed to the ordinary conditions of preservation, they quickly absorb again about the same amount of water. Drugs which do not have a cel- jular structure likewise contain definite amounts of water; per- fectly air-dry starch, gum arabic, and tragacanth, for example, thirteen to seventeen per cent. Seeds, on the contrary, and es- pecially those provided with a hard testa, are capable of retaining but a few per cent of water. After the evaporation of the water, dissolved substances are deposited in a solid form, as has already been mentioned when speaking of inulin. Only a limited number of substances in- soluble in water are capable of preserving in the dry tissue so liquid a form as to flow in drops. Such are the volatile oils, the boiling point of which lies from 70 to 150 degrees or more above that of water, in consequence of which they evaporate only to a slight extent with the water at ordinary or only slightly elevated temperatures, and are still further retarded in this re- ~ spect when they contain resins in solution. It is remarkable that the milky juice of Jalap also still pos- sesses, in the dried drug, a liquid form, and indeed the resin pre- pared therefrom is capable of retaining water very obstinately. Besides the loss of water, and probably also of a portion of the volatile oil, many plants experience, upon drying, chemical changes, regarding which we are indebted to Schoonbroodt ' for * Wiggers-Husemann’s Jahresbericht, 1869, 9. AIR—SUGAR. 141 some valuable information, and which deserve to be further studied. Drying changes the properties of many drugs. With some, peculiar substances first appear during the process of dry- ing, while others lose certain principles or acquire a different odor (compare also page 15). The amount of residue which remains upon drying vegetable objects at from 100 to 110° C., until of constant weight, is termed the dry weight. Drugs dried at ordinary temperatures (about 15° C.) are called air-dried. While most parenchymatous cells during life contain, besides protoplasm and cell sap, only little or no air (bast-cells, vessels and intercellular spaces contain it abundantly), the cells of dry drugs are generally more or less filled with air, since upon dry- ing this takes the place of water. It is evident from the nature of the case that a complete replenishment of the cells with air is not perceptible by direct observation. In cells which are still succulent and vitally active, on the contrary, and in such which are impregnated with liquids for the purpose of examina- tion, as is necessary in making microscopical preparations, the air bubbles escape as dark rings from the liquid, in consequence . of the total reflection of the rays of light. With these the be- ginner in microscopical observation soon becomes sufficiently acquainted, so as not to mistake them for something else. Tissues filled with air (cork, wood) float upon water, notwith- standing the fact that the specifie gravity of cellulose and of cork is greater than that of water. Tissues free from air (for instance, the heart-wood of Guatac), or such from which the air is removed, sink in water, as is also the case with thin lamine of cork, or with Lycopodium, as soon as the air has been ex- pelled therefrom by boiling. Of the dissolyed substances contained in the cells the follow- ing may yet be considered: Sugar is a very widely distributed constituent of drugs. Cane-sugar, and the other varieties of sugar, are so abundantly soluble in water, and probably also in most cell-juices, that even after drying they appear but rarely in a crystallized form or otherwise as a solid constituent of the cells. The more spar- 142 PLANT ANATOMY. ingly soluble milk-sugar, which does not, however, require more than seven parts of water for solution at the ordinary tempera- ture, has as yet been found but once (1871) in the vegetable kingdom, in the fruit of the tropical Achras Sapota L. Grape-sugar (Dextrose),’ deviating to the right, is of most frequent occurrence in the vegetable kingdom; it occurs, for instance, in grapes, figs, pears, cherries, in liquorice-root and in tamarinds. Fruit-sugar (Mucilage-sugar, Levulose *), deviating to the | left, is contained in honey, and often mixed with grape-sugar. Cane-sugar (Beet-root sugar, Saccharose), deviating to the right, is contained in the sugar-cane, sorghum, the sugar-beets, in carrots, and in the sap of the sugar-maple. By inversion ° it passes into a mixture of one molecule of grape-sugar (dextrose) and one molecule of fruit-sugar (levulose), the so-called invert- sugar‘; the latter is found in fruits and in honey. Mycose® (Fungus-sugar) is found in fungi, for instance, in ergot. Melitose* is found in the Manna obtained from the leaves of species of Hucalyptus (Australian Manna). Grape sugar is detected in the cells micro-chemically by Trommer’s reaction.’ The sections are placed successively in a concentrated solution of sulphate of copper in water (they should be well washed, but not too long), and in dilute caustic potassa, and boiled in the latter, If sugar be present, there is formed in the cells a red, granular precipitate of cuprous oxide, Cu,O. (The execution of this reaction requires experience. ) As aresult of incisions, there are formed in the Manna-ash 1 Dexter, right. 2 Leevus, left. 5 By boiling with dilute acids. * Invertere, to invert, for the reason that invert-sugar deviates to the left, that is, in an opposite direction to cane-sugar, 5 Moxos fungus. 6 MéAz honey. ‘Sachs, “ Microchem, Reactionsmethoden.” Wiener Academie. Sitzungsberichte, 1859. : HESPERIDIN. 143 crystalline exudations (Manna), which contain as much as eighty per cent of a sweet principle, mannite C,H,(OH).. The glucoside hesperidin’ is contained in unripe fruits of the Aurantiex, dissolved in the cell-sap, especially in the various Species of Citrus (very abundantly in Fructus Aurantii imma- Fie. 63.—Transverse section through the marginal portion of a leaf of Aloé socotrina. -ep, epidermis (c, cuticle); sp, stoma; a, respiratory cavity; p and g, assimilating tissue; cr, crystal cells (with raphides); a, cells containing aloes (the large ones contain chromo- en); gfb, vascular bundle; m, medulla containing mucilage. turi). By immersing the fruits in alcohol, there are produced in the cells sphero-crystals, similar to those of inulin (Fig. 54), 1 Pfeffer, Botan, Zeit., 1874, p. 481. Tiemann and Will, “Ber. d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges.,” 1881, 946. Virgil named the Seville oranges the apples of Hesperides, the daughters of night in Grecian mythology. 144 PLANT ANATOMY. which are soluble in slightly alkaline water aud in alcohol. Crystals of this character have also been detected by Adolph Meyer * in the leaves of Coniwm maculatum. The peculiar bitter substances of Aloé leaves, aloes, are con- tained in special cells, which are located directly in front of the vascular bundles (Fig. 63 @), and are confined toward the exterior by a nucleus-sheath in a single row and with bitter contents. The before-mentioned cells are short, and occasionally their contents. are crystalline. The entire remaining tissue of Aloé leaves con- tains an abundance of mucilage, but no bitter substances. The kino, from species of Pterocarpus, also occurs as a con- stituent of longitudinally extended cells.’ When a part of a plant is incinerated, there remains in the cru- cible a white residue—the ash. Since by careful ignition, in very many cases, the general outlines of the consumed portion of the plant remain preserved (leaves of the Graminex, hemp leaves, the shells of diatoms), it follows that the inorganic con- stituents of the membrane which resist the action of heat (at least in part) are so finely deposited that the molecule of the mem- brane can be removed therefrom by incineration, while the direct: connection of fhe inorganic particles is not destroyed thereby. Not only in the membrane, however, do we meet with deposits of mineral constituents, but the contents of the cells are also abundantly provided therewith. It has already been shown that. protoplasm contains an abundance of salts, that crystals of inorganic bases occur in the cell-sap, and also that the globoids (p. 98) consist of inorganic double salts. The cell-sap, more- over, also contains not inconsiderable amounts of such mineral constituents of plants as are soluble in water, and these are in fact the most important, namely, nitrates, phosphates, and salts of potassium and calcium. Accordingly, the ash of plants contains all those substances which are known to, be the necessary nutritive materials, name- ly: potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron,’ phosphoric, sul- ' Compare also Fliickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” 1883, p, 663. * See the subsequent chapter on Receptacles for Secretions. * A deficiency of iron is shown in leaves by their becoming yellow (chlorosis). ASH. * 145 phuric and nitric acids, and chlorine. There also occur in it silicium, sodium, manganese, aluminium, iodine, bromine, fluorine, lithium, and other elements.’ Plants rich in silicium (grasses, diatomer)—they contain it always in the membrane—leave upon incineration a so-called skeleton of silica.*, The Halophytes (salt-plants) especially con- tain sodium. Manganese is less extended, but is nevertheless found regularly, even though in small amount, for instance, in drugs from the family of Zingiberacex.* It suffices to reduce to ash a single seed of the cardamom, or a still smaller fragment of the fruit-capsule, by heating on the looped end of a plati- num wire in the oxidation flame of an ordinary alcohol lamp, and, if necessary, fusing with a little sodium carbonate and a trace of saltpeter, in order to obtain a bead which is colored green by the manganate of the alkali, and which when moistened with acetic acid affords the red permanganate. The same deport- ment is shown by the root-stocks of this family. The ash of ordinary cork (from Quercus suber) and that of other species of cork is also green from the same cause. Aluminium is of rare occurrence, but is found in not incon- siderable amounts in the leaves and stems of species of Lyco- podium, Lodine and bromine occur in the vegetable (and animal) ?To interpret the composition of the ash is far more difficult. Weare not yet capable of explaining the great differences found therein accord- ing to some general law. A very extensive compilation of figures re-. lating to this subject may be found in Wolff’s ‘‘ Aschenanalysen von landwirthschaftlich wichtigen Produkten, Fabrikabfillen und wild wachsenden Pflanzen,” Berlin, 1871. . * Such skeletons may be prepared by warming small pieces of coarse, firm leaves with concentrated sulphuric or nitricacid and potassium chlorate, expelling the acid, and heating the residue upon platinum-foil (preferably in a current of oxygen) or upon a very thin cover-glass until it becomes white. Tissues which have not previously been treated in this manner often fuse together in consequence of the amount of alkali contained therein. *Flickiger, Pharm, Journ., III. (London, 1872), 208. Ibid., 1886, p. 621; also Amer. Journ. Pharm, 1886, p. 147. 10 146 PLANT ANATOMY. inhabitants of the sea; fluorine in the testa of the seed of varie- ties of grain, and lithium in tobacco. As silicium has in recent times been introduced into organic compounds in the place of carbon, the supposition is not entirely unjustifiable that the silicium contained in the cell-wall may be present in the form of an organic compound.* As is already naturally evident from mechanical principles, an increased thickening and solidity of the cell-walls corresponds by no means to a greater amount of incombustible substances.’ The delicate tissue, containing air, of peeled colocynth, dried at 100° C., afforded 11 per cent of ash, the seed only 2.7 per cent. Quassia wood from Surinam yields 3.6 per cent, the bark 17.8 per cent of ash; guaiac wood, which is so exceptionally dense, and which consists almost exclusively of strong wood-cells, gives, nevertheless, scarcely 1 per cent of ash. Leaves very frequently contain more than 10 per cent of inorganic constituents, for instance, Folia Stramonii as much as 17, and tobucco leaves occasionally 27 per cent of the substance dried at 100° C. The developing or merismatic, and the assimilating tissues (cambium, mesophyll of leaves) and organs (leaves* and barks) are richer in ash than the completely developed and non-assimi- lating (wood). The mineral substances migrate from the fin- ished tissues to the places where development is going on. It is also seen from this that they must play an important part in the formative processes of plants.‘ To obtain the ash in a condition suitable for weighing is often somewhat difficult, from the fact that many parts of plants, and especially secreted substances, as gum, resin and sugar, undergo complete combustion only very gradually. The incin- eration of such substances, especially of those rich in nitrogen, '“ Berichte d. Deutsch. Chem. Ges.,” 1872, 568. *That the strength of flexure, for instance, of the grasses, is entirely independent of the silica contained therein, is shown by rematmieanens in solutions free from silicium, * About the time of the falling of the foliage the leaves become con- mabey poorer in mineral substances. ‘This is also evident from the experiments with solutions of nieve _ substances, ASH. 147 may be very much accelerated when the objects to be examined are heated on a channeled piece of platinum-foil in a combustion tube in oxygen gas. The same purpose may be attained in a more simple manner, though also more slowly, when the sub- stance which has been carbonized in a platinum capsule is moist- ened with water, again carefully allowed to dry without decant- ing the water, and again heated. The water conveys the soluble salts to the unoccupied places of the capsule, and the subsequent admission of air facilitates combustion. If this procedure is repeated several times, a residue free from carbon will in most cases be obtained. Too high a temperature has a retarding effect when salts, such as phosphates of the alkali metals, are present, which fuse together and envelop the carbon; many substances are incinerated more completely by a very moderate degree of heat than at a higher temperature. Very hard shells of seeds offer obstinate resistance to the above procedure of moistening, which may be overcome by triturating the carbonized substance in the capsule, or in the crucible itself, with the aid of a very smooth agate pestle, being careful to avoid loss, and afterwards treating with water. By the strong ignition, which ordinarily is necessary towards the end, carbonic acid is ex- pelled, which must be replaced before the ultimate weighing of the ash, in order to obtain figures which will admit of compari- son. ‘This purpose is accomplished by moistening the ash with a little concentrated solution of ammonium carbonate and again drying. It scarcely requires to be mentioned that for reduction to ash the substance employed should previously be dried at 100° C. The addition of ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulphate also facilitates combustion, especially with substances rich in albumen. : The estimation of the residue left upon combustion is of the greatest practical value, especially for the examination of vege- table powders. For, since every portion of a plant, and thus also every drug,. furnishes an amount of ash which fluctuates within definite and often quite narrow limits,’ the weight of the same ‘Thus, by way of example, lycopodium affords 4, pure kamala about 148 PLANT ANATOMY, may therefore afford information whether an adulteration with other vegetable or even inorganic powders has taken place. The estimation of ash must, of course, always be preceded bya microscopical analysis of the substance itself. II. The Cell-wall. The integument of the cell is called the cell-membrane or cell- wall. The cell-wall of young cells is a thin membrane which con- sists of cellulose, and only at a later period becomes variously changed, either chemically through the deposition of other sub- stances, or morphologically through the insertion of molecules of the same kind. Even the membrane of young cells, however, is not perfectly pure cellulose, since it owes its first formation to the protoplasm, remains for a long time in contact with the nitrogenous substances of the latter, and is penetrated by them. Only cellulose which has been purified by means of chemical solyents corresponds to the formula C,,H,,0.,. In living cells, the wall is in most intimate contact with the protoplasm-sac. To this contact is to be referred the growth of the cell. The growth of the cell takes place in a twofold manner, on the one hand by a change of form, and on the other by a trans- formation of the chemical nature of the cellulose, which, in the course of deyelopment of the cells, is capable of assuming a series of new chemical and physical properties. The change in form of the cell concerns either chiefly its out- line, and in this case may be considered surface-growth, or the development of the cell is specially expressed by a thickening of the wall, so that the growth in thickness determines the appear- ance of the cell. Although both directions of growth are not sharply to be separated, and are essentially based upon the same processes, they nevertheless deviate widely from each other in their results. 2, lupulin about 8, starch less than 1, cacao about 4, mustard seed and flaxseed from 4 to 4.5, and pepper about 5 per cent of ash. THE CELI-WALL. 149 If through a perfectly uniform deposition of new particles of cellulose the mass of the cell-wall becomes equally enriched all around, but not actually thickened, it is compelled to assume a spherical form, and the cells become isodiametric,’ as in many young tissues. Their mathematical regularity, however, is. altered, as soon as the reception of constructive material takes. place more energetically in certain places. The outline of the Fic. 64.—Schematie representation of the development of the wall of a wood-cell. a, youngest state; f, the finished condition. It is only in the first three stages that the nucleus of the cell is preserved (Hartig). A film of intercellular substance closes the pits of the cells. cells is also very essentially controlled by the fact that they mutually oppose their free expansion. In such cases the form of a sphere becomes flattened to that of a dodecahedron, which is the most uniform of those forms of cells of so frequent occurrence which we designate as spherically-polyhedral, since Iéos equal, and é:a@uyrep diameter. 150 PLANT ANATOMY. from their variety and slight regularity they preclude a more precise definition (Figs. 29, 30, 31, 56, 63, 65, 76). When the deposition of new cell material does not take place chiefly in a direction tangential to the cell-wall, but in such a manner that the latter grows in thickness, this growth can take place more largely either toward the exterior or toward the interior. In the first case, prominences of various kinds are formed (spores and pollen cells, the outer wall of epidermis ells), in the latter, the cavity of the cell becomes contracted, Oy if Fie. 65, Fie. 66, Fie. 65.—Polyhedral parenchyma from Rhizoma Graminis. Fie. 66.—Uncoiling spirals and an annular vessel from Bulbus Scilla. often almost entirely filled up (some bast cells and stone-cells). A perfectly uniform thickening, however, never takes place, but the cell-membrane retains in some places its slight thickness. The appearance of the cells which are subjected to a considera- ble extent to the growth in thickness is chiefly determined by the relative extent of the thickened places and those which have remained thin. If the thickened places are in about the same THE CELL-WALL. 151 proportion as those which have remained thin, the membrane presents, upon a transverse section, a necklace shaped (monili- form) appearance. Such cells are, for instance, highly charac- teristic of the coffee-bean.'| Where the thickened places do not attain great extension, and appear especially upon the inner Surface, they often assume the form of rings or spiral bands. Thus originate the spirals in many fibro-vascular bundles, as, for instance, in the sguiil (Fig. 66), as also the net-like and scalariform thickenings (Fig. 68) of the vessels and parenchyma cells (Figs. 67, 83, and 182). : Fra. 67.—Cells with net-shaped thickenings (Dippel). Compare also Fig. 182. When thickening of the cell-wall extends over the largest part of the inner surface, and exempts but a few expanded dot-shaped places, pores are produced (Fig. 69). With a considerable thick- ening of the cell-wall such places appear as dots, or by a still greater increase in the thickness of the wall as pore-canals (as in the stone cells, Fig. 70). Frequently a spiral-shaped arrangement of the dots may be observed (Fig. 71), and the course of the pore-canals also often approaches that of a spiral line. Many true bast-cells have cleft-shaped dots 1 Berg’s ‘‘ Atlas,” Plate 49, Fig. 131. 152 PLANT ANATOMY. arranged in a spiral inclining to the left (compare the subsequent references under Mechanical System of Tissue). A special Fie. 68.—Longitudinal section bhrougt. vessels with scalariform thickenings (/v).— Rhizoma Filicis (Berg.) ig form of thickening is represented by the bordered pits or areolated dots (Fig. 72). When the cell-wall becomes thickened Fic. 69.—Porous cells. toward the interior around a place which remains thin, a canal will remain open, which in form must approach that of a very AREOLATED DOTS. 153 obtuse cone, in so far as the walls of the canal are not superposed perpendicularly to the wall of the cell. If in this manner the canal becomes narrower toward the interior, it finally corre- sponds in form to a somewhat dilated funnel. The upper edge corresponds to the place in the wall which has remained un- thickened, and within this circle or border the aperture of the funnel toward the cell-cavity appears as a pit. Similar areolated pits are wont to appear simultaneously at such places where two cells come in contact by the surface of their walls; the intervening wall, which, moreover, does not always lie in the median line of the pit, but is often, as in Fie, 70.—Thickened cells with pore-canals. A, Bast-fibre of a Cinchona Bark, B, Stone-cells from a nut-shell. (8 from Dippel.) Fig. 64, d, e, f, pressed against one of the apertures (wood-cells of the Conifers), disappears by age, so that the space occupied by the pit establishes a direct connection between the two cells (Fig. 72, A, C). These hollow spaces, which sometimes resem- ble two funnels, one inyerted over the other, and which are | sometimes arched in a more lens-shaped manner (Fig. 72), are easily recognizable where they occur more isolated. If, however, they are formed in larger number closely beside each other, and if, through increasing thickening, they become gradually contracted in a cleft-like form, more complicated relations are produced, 154 PLANT ANATOMY. which are clearly disclosed only in thin and carefully prepared sections (Semen,Colchici). In those cases also where thin places of the cell-membrane remain preserved only in extremely slight amount and extent, the growth in thickness does not take place through the simple deposition of new encircling scales or layers of cellulose. The ro) 7 ™~ v Fie, 71. Fia. 71.—Spirally arranged pits, Fie, 72.—Areolated dots of the tracheids of fir-wood. 4, transverse section through the tracheids or wood-cells, the pits shaded ; Band C, schematic longitudinal sections; the spherical lines denoting the circumference of the pit and the border; D, two adja- cent pits cut in the direction of length, with the partition-wall still retained (Sachs). stratification, which is often highly remarkable, depends upon variations in the amount of contained water and in the condi- tions of tension of the individual layers ; those containing less — water and which are denser, stand out distinctly in consequence STRATIFICATION. 155 of their greater capability of refracting the light. Chemical distinctions (various degrees of lignification) also play a part in this. The function of the contained water may be proved by complete desiccation or by more complete swelling, both of which equalize the differences, and often either break up the stratification or obliterate it toa large extent. The bast fibres of the Cinchona barks possess almost entirely thickened walls, with distinct stratification (Fig. 73). When they are softened by means of energetic reagents, such as caustic soda, concen = SSS SSA SQ = =S SES Fie. 73.—Bast-fibres from Cinchona-barks. trated sulphuric acid, or ammoniacal oxide of copper, and the tension of the particles of cellulose becomes equalized, it is dis- tinetly seen that the thickening is not due to a simple concen- tric succession of layers, but to far more complicated processes," In the Cinchona fibres, particularly, there is brought to view in 1A more precise elucidation of these remarkable conditions is given by Nageli, «‘ Bau der vegetabilischen Zellmembran.” Sitzungsberichte der Miinchener Akademie, June, 1864, page 145. Also Sachs, ‘‘ Lehr- buch der Botanik,” 1873, p. 30 et seg. Wiggersand Husemann, Jahres- bericht, 1866, 89. 156 PLANT ANATOMY. the manner indicated a screw-shaped disposition of the thick- ening (Fig. 74). Hofmeister’ found by maceration of these fibres in nitric acid and potassium chlorate, and subsequent. pressing, a more scale-shaped arrangement of the layers. Cells, which have walls of considerable thickness when com- pared with the diameter of the lumen (cell-cavity), that is such in which the latter is contracted to a very small cleft, are desig- nated as dast cells when they are extended in length (Figs. 110 and 111), or as stone-cells (Figs. 75 and 76°) when they are but Fic. 74.—4A, Bast fibres from Cinchona barks, boiled with hydrochloric acid,; P, the same softened in ammoniacal oxide of copper after treatment with hydrochloric‘acid, (P from Dippel) ; 7, original size of the cell ; s, the swollen layers, short. The latter, particularly, show a very distinct stratifica- tion of the membrane. ; 1 « Verhandl. d. Sachs. Gesellsch, d. Wissensch.,” X., 1858, p. 32. * They may also be called sclereids (derived from 6%Anp6s hard) in op- position to the proper mechanical cells, the stereids (from érepe6s mas- sive). Compare Tschirch, ‘“Beitrige zur Kenntnis des mechanischen Gewebesystems,” Pringsheim’s Jahrb., 1885, and ‘Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges., ITI. (1885), No. 2, STONE-CELLS. 157 The thickening layers build themselves up, over the places which remain thin, in such a manner that the small canals run- ning toward the centre or the axis of the cell often present a sort of star-shaped arrangement (Fig. 76). Fie. 75,—Various stone-cells. The stone-cells or sclereids (see also subsequent references under the section: Mechanical System of Tissue) are widely distributed in many barks, the testa of seeds, seed-vessels, etc. A series of remarkable and manifold forms of them is readily A. B Fie. 76.—Stone-cells, whose cavities, t, though radiately arranged pore-canals, p, are brought into connection with the outer surface, or even with adjacent cells, 7 1, 2, 3, thickening layers (Dippel). ; afforded, for example, by the star-anise. The fruit-stalk con- tains branched stone-cells,‘ the wall of the capsule such as are nearly cubical. ' Vogl, ‘‘ Nahrungs- und Genussmittel.” Vienna, 1872, 111. 158 PLANT ANATOMY, The thickening of the cell-wall may also, under certain con- ditions, confine itself to the corners, thus forming the so-called collenchyma,' which is met with in the barks and seeds of very many plants. The relative thickening of individual cells and forms of cells is, moreover, very manifold. While the parenchyma remains mostly thin-walled until the close of life, the wood- and bast- cells become provided with strong walls at a very early period. Bast-tubes and stone-cells when observed in thin sections under glycerin in polarized light, are seen to be doubly refrac- tive (Fig. 77). A transverse section through cinchona fibres — A B Fic. 77.—Thin sections through bast-fibres and stone-cells, showing double refrac- tion in polarized light (Dippel), p, s, s’, layers of different density. shows four dark arms of a cross upon a brightly shining ground (Fig. 77, I.). In the preceding pages, those morphological changes of the cell- wall have been considered which take place in the process of vegetation. It still remains for us to subject the chemico-phy- sical changes to closer consideration. ’ Derived from x0AAaq, glue, since it was formerly, but incorrectly, believed that the collenchyma cells could become mucilaginous. * With regard to the chemistry of the cell-membrane, compare partic- ularly the more recent researches of Cross and Bevan, ‘‘ The Chemistry of bast-fibres,” in the Chem. News, 1882; Webster, ‘* On the analysis of CELLULOSE. 159 The cell-wall is subject to chemical and physical changes, either through the deposition of woody matter, lignin’ or cork- fat (suberin),? as also through a retrograde metamorphosis of the cellulose into gum and mucilage. All young cell-membranes, and most of the walls of cells, with which we shall become acquainted under the designation of parenchyma, as also many appendages of seeds which are de- veloped as hairs (Cotton, Asclepias, Eriodendron, Salix), consist of purecellulose. ‘The phloém, Jeptom (sieve-tubes and cambi- form tissue), always remains unlignified. Membranes consisting of cellulose show, even by superficial microscopical observation, an entirely different capacity for the refraction of light from lignified and suberified membranes; they appear clearer, more strongly refractive, and jelly-like (collenchyma, the cell-mem- branes of Macis). Cellulose membranes are digestible. As already intimated on page 123, there are some exceptional cell-walls which, in contact with iodine-water, are colored in a similar manner to amylum. By the treatment of pure cellulose with mineral acids, this faculty may quite generally be imparted to it. The respective sections or objects (for instance, cotton) are moistened for an instant with sulphuric acid of the specific gravity 1.84, washed without delay with much water, and then powdered iodine strewn upon the moist preparation, or it is impregnated with iodine-water (see Micro-chemical Reagents). The reaction succeeds with still greater certainty with phos- phoric acid, which is first concentrated as much as possible on a water-bath. When hydriodic acid has been formed in an iodine solution which has been long preserved (see Micro-chemical Reagents), such a solution can effect the blue coloration of cellu- lose without the co-operation of other acids, The reaction admits of demonstration, without further preparation, with moistened parchment-paper, which is sprinkled over with finely-powdered certain vegetable fibres,” Ibid., 1882; Schuppe, ‘ Beitrige zur Chemie des Holzgewebes.” Inaugural Dissertation, Dorpat, 1982, in which the older literature is also to be found. 1 Lignum, wood, 2 Suber, cork. 160 PLANT ANATOMY. iodine. A solution of chloride of zinc with iodine colors cellu- lose membranes violet. The cellulose of fungi, and suberified and lignified membranes are not colored by the above-described treatment; in the case of the latter two, however, this may be brought about if they are previously boiled with nitric acid (specific gravity 1.185) with the occasional addition of a few crystals of potassium chlorate (‘‘ Schultze’s maceration”). The cellulose of fungi, however, even after this treatment, is not colored by iodine. Concentrated sulphuric acid alone (specific gravity 1.84) dissolves cellulose with complete chemical change. This is not the case when cellulose is dissolved in ammoniacal oxide of cop- per (see Micro-chemical Reagents). In contradistinction to the lignified membrane, pure cellulose possesses an exceedingly slight inclination to take up aniline colors (page 161). Pure cellulose may be prepared by the successive treatment of tissues consisting of this substance (cotton, the pith of the elder and of Aralia papyrifera) by means of caustic potassa, acids, water, alcohol, and ether, or by the precipitation of its solution in ammoniacal oxide of copper by means of water. One of the most widely distributed modifications of cellulose is formed through the deposition of lignin (xylogen’). A membrane thus altered is termed lignified.” Lignification appears at very early stages in the so-called wood- cells. The wood-cells which, in dicotyledons, are separated toward the interior by the growth in thickness, already possess lignified membranes long before they become thick. The bast- cells and many stone-cells (sclereids) are also often lignified. A 1 EvAor wood, and yervaa produce. *Compare in this connection Stackmann, ‘‘ Studien iiber die Zusam- mensetzung des Holzes,” Inaugural Dissertation, Dorpat, 1878, and the previously mentioned dissertation of Schuppe.—M. Niggl, ‘‘ Ueber die Verholzung der Pflanzenmenbranen ” (an historical survey). Jahres- bericht der Pollichia, Kaiserslautern, 1881.—Ebermaier, ‘‘ Physiologische Chemie der Pflanzen,” 1882. In this work (p. 175) will also be found statements relating to the amount of lignin contained in some woods. Thus (according to Schulze) oak-wood contains 54.12 per cent, and fir- wood 41.99 per cent of lignin. CORK, 161 regular lignification of the membrane is also found in the walls of vessels. Lignified membranes refract the light to a less extent than those consisting of pure cellulose, and mostly appear light-yellow under the microscope; they are hard and elastic, and but little capable of swelling. Lignified membranes are characterized micro-chemically by the fact that with a solution of iodine in chloride of zine they become yellow (not violet). In ammoniacal oxide of copper and Schultze’s macerating liquid (page 160) they do not dissolve. With aniline sulphate and dilute sulphuric acid they become straw-yellow, and with phloroglucin and hydrochloric acid cherry-red; the aniline colors are greedily taken up by them. By boiling with Schultze’s mixture or with alkalies, the lignin is removed, and the membranes thus treated then show the cellu- lose reaction. Morphological alteration, however, by no means goes hand in hand with a change of physical and chemical character. While, for example, the wood-cells, even in quite a young condition when their walls are but very little thickened, are strongly lignified, and the very thin-walled cork-cells are always suberified, the strongly thickened collenchyma, and many bast-cells which are thickened so as to cause the lumen or cavity to disappear, remain unlignified. The third modification of cellulose is cork. This is formed by the deposition between the cellulose mole- cules of swberin, which latter consists for the most part of the glycerin (propenylic) esters of stearic acid and of phellonic’ acid, C,,H,,0,.2. Suberin appears to be identical with cwtin.* The @pidermis-cells of the more delicate organs of all land plants are covered by a delicate film termed the cuticle. The older organs, especially those of the stem, on the contrary, develop on their outer surface a layer consisting of tabular cork- 1 @édXAor cork. * Definitely established by Kiigler at least for the cork of Quercus Suber (‘* Ber. d. deutsch. botan. Ges.,” I., p. xxx. , and Inaugural Disser- tation, Strassburg, 1884), ’ Beside suberin, there is also found in cork a wax-like body, cerin. The cuticle appears to contain more of the latter than the cork. 11 162 PLANT ANATOMY. cells. The cuticle and cork are both produced through suberi- fication (the respective deposition of suberin or cutin in the wall of cellulose). The cuticle may occasionally become very thick (the leaves of Eucalyptus, Agave, Aloé) and in the same manner many layers often develop cork (the Oak"). Since both the cuticle and the cork are but slightly penetrable by aqueous vapor, they serve as a protection for the organs of the plant against too strong eva- poration. Suberized membranes are mostly brown. They are just as little digestible as lignified membranes, but resist putrefaction very energetically, as does also the cuticle. Micro-chemically, suberized membranes are characterized by the fact that they dissolve neither in concentrated sulphuric acid nor in ammoniacal oxide of copper. The cork and cuticle there- fore remain behind when tissues are treated with sulphuric acid. It is, however, to be observed in this connection that the mem- branes of the tissues of drugs, in consequence of their strong in- filtration with the constituents of cells, which takes place dur- ing the process of drying, often resist very obstinately the action of reagents, even when no suberification, etc., has taken place. It is only after repeated boiling with alcohol, water, and ether, that such membranes are made accessible to reagents. Suberin cannot be removed from the membranes by the ordi- nary solvent of fats, but only through the action of alcoholic potassa. It is therefore very firmly (perhaps chemically ?) com- bined with the cellulose. Closely related to the lignified and suberized membranes is the so-called intercellular substance (middle lamella), or that substance which cements the cells to each other (x in Fig. 64). The intercellular substance ? is insoluble in concentrated sul- phuric acid and in ammoniacal oxide of copper; on the other ‘Compare also the section : Epidermal Tissue. * Compare herewith, among others, R. F. Solla, “« Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der chemischen und physikal. Beschaffenheit der Intercellu- larsubstanz,” in Oesterr. botan. Zeitschr., 1879. WAX—GUM—MUCILAGES. 163 hand, it is soluble in nitric acid with the addition of potassium chlorate (though not without decomposition) and in a hot solu- tion of caustic potassa. Aniline colors are strongly absorbed by it. The cell-membrane of the living plant (and to an increased de- gree that of drugs) contains, however, beside the deposited sub- stances just mentioned, not only the organic constituents of the cell which enter it by infiltration, but also abundant amounts of inorganic compounds,’ as has already been explained (page 144 et seq.). These are mostly deposited molecularly (as silicium),* more rarely in form of crystals (as in the spicula-cells of Welwit- schia mirabilis and the epidermis of Dracena leaves). As has previously been mentioned, the cuticle contains not: only suberin, but also wax-like bodies. * Occasionally wax issues from the membrane, and then forms coatings consisting” of granules, small staffs, or crusts. If these are distributed im slight amount over the epidermis, the plant organs assume the appearance of being covered with hoar-frost (pruinosus), thus the leaves of Lucalyptus, Ricinus and Cabbage, Plums, and many other allied fruits, and Juniper berries. In some plants, how- ever (especially several palms, Anacardiaceew, Myricacee), the secretion is so considerable that the wax may be collected in large amounts, as, for instance, the Carnauba-wax, from the young leaves of the East Brazilian palm, Copernicia cerifera Martius. The different varieties of wax are esters (compound ethers) of the fatty acids; upon saponification they do not, however, afford glycerin, but other (monatomic, not triatomic) alcohols. The varieties of gum and the mucilages, being closely related to cellulose, must be considered in connection with the latter.* ? The amount of mineral constituents of the membranes is very vari- able. The best quality of cotton, dried at 100° C., affords but 1.12 per cent of ash. * In the siliceous coatings of diatoms, and in the grasses. * Compare De Bary, Botan. Zeit., 1871, Nos. 9, 10, 11, 34; and ‘* Ana- tomie, ”p. 87 et seq. aoe also Valenta, ‘‘ Die Klebe- und Verdickungsmittel.”—Cassel, 1884, 164 PLANT ANATOMY. The relations of these bodies to each other, as also to cellulose, have, however, not yet been made clear. According to Giraud’ these substances may be grouped in the following manner: 1. Ordinary varieties of gum: arabin, bassorin, cerasin; 2. Pectose: gum tragacanth (adragantin); 3. Plant mucilages in a more restricted sense: (a) insoluble in alkalies and dilute acids (the cellulose of quince-mucilage); (6) insoluble in alkalies, and forming with acids glucose and a variety of dextrin: flaxseed, mucilage of Irish moss; (c) soluble in hot, concentrated alkalies, and converted by acids into dextrin and glucose. Mucilaginous substances, in the broadest sense, are also dis- tinguished by their behavior to nitric acid; some afford with it mucic acid, C,H,(OH),(COOH),, while others do not. Furthermore, the aqueous solutions of many varieties of gum are precipitated by the normal acetate of lead, while others are only precipitated by the basic acetate.’ Gum arabic and cherry-tree gum (cerasin), as well as traga- canth, are formed by a retrograde metamorphosis of the cell- membrane,’ that is, by a pathological process; the former two by a conversion of the membranes of the peripheral layers of the “‘horn-bast prosenchyma ” * into gum, the latter through a meta- ‘Compt. rend., 80, 477; compare also Husemann and Hilger, ‘“ Die Pfianzenstoffe,” I. (1882), 131. * Compare Kirchner and Tollens, Liebig’s Annalen, 175 (1874), 205. * In reference to this and the following statements compare: Mohl, Bot. Zeit., 1857, 33.—Frank, Jour. f. Pract, Chem., 95, 479; idem, Prings- heim’s Jahrb. fir wissenschaftl. Botanik., V., 25.—Wigand, ‘‘ Ueber die Desorganisation der Pflanzenzelle,” in Pringsheim’s Jahrb., III., 115.— Prillieux, ‘‘ La formation dela gomme.” Ann. des sc. nat., 6 Ser., Bot. B;..1 76. * With regard to horn-bast, compare Wigand, Flora 1877, p. 369, and “‘ Lehrbuch der Pharmacognosie,” 1879, pp. 9 and 38; further Flickiger, “ Pharmakognosie,” 349, The word “horn-bast” should be expunged pre the modern terminology. GUM—MUCILAGES. 165 morphosis of the membranes in the medulla and medullary rays (Fig. 79). In the Amygdalex, however, gum also occurs abundantly in the vessels and other elements of the wood, and often even en- ee } Fic. 78.—The formation of gum in cherry-wood; g, aggregates of gum formed through metamorphsis of the cell-membranes; r, vessels more or less filled with gum; m, medul- ary rays; jf, annual ring, spring wood; jh, annual ring, autumn wood (Tschirch). tire groups of cells of the woody structure suffer a conversion into gum (Fig. 78 g), as in the so-called gum discase. 166 PLANT ANATOMY. Beijerinck' attributes the origin of gum arabic, the “ gum- mosis ” of species of Acacia of Africa, to the fungus Pleospora gummipara Oudemans; another fungus, Corynewm Beijerinckit Oudem., causes the gummosis of the Amygdalex. Frank does not concur in this view, and Wiesner (Botan. Zeit., 1885, p. 577, also Ber. d. Deutsch Chem. Ges., 1885. Referate p. 639), recently attempted to show that the transformation of cellulose (and starch) into gum or mucilage is due to a peculiar ferment, a “diastatic enzyme.” At all events, the true gummosis, which is certainly a pathological process, must be separated from the gum formation which serves as a protection to tissues (see sub- sequent references), and which is only intelligible from a physio- logical point of view. They are also distinguished from each other by the fact that the ‘‘ pathological gum ”—and only this is of interest to us here—is formed through a metamorphosis of the membrane, while the ‘‘ physiological gum” represents an exudation of the membranes into the cell-cavities. The transformation of cellulose into gum and mucilage can also take place without so great an alteration of the cells and tissues as in the case with gum arabic and tragacanth. In such a case only one layer of the membrane becomes metamorphosed, as is shown, for instance, by the conversion into mucilage of the filamentous Alge. The gum mucilage of the glandular hair (colleters) or many foliage buds, which is often mixed with volatile oil and resin, is formed through the conversion into mucilage of a membranous layer (collagen layer *) lying under- neath the cuticle of the glandular hair. The mucilage of quince seed and of flaxseed is probably also formed primarily through a conversion into mucilage of only the secondary membrane of the epidermis cells* of the respective seeds (Frank). The seeds of many of the Papilionacesx, for instance, those of T’rigo- '* Onderzoekingen over de Besmettelijkheid der Gomziekte bij planten.” Amsterdam, Joh. Miller, 1884, 4to, 46 pages, 2 plates. * KcAla@ glue, and yevvae to produce, Hanstein, ‘‘ Ueber die Organe der Harz- und Schleimabsonderung in den Laubknospen.” Bot. Zeit., 1868, No. 43, : * Berg’s ‘‘ Atlas,” Plate XLVI., Figs. 122, 128 6. GUM—MUCILAGES. 167 nella fenum grecum ( fenugreek seed), present an illustration of the formation of mucilage occurring in the inner tissue, not in the epidermis.’ In leaves, mucilage appears to be formed but rarely in larger amounts. A very remarkable example of this character * is presented by the Buchu leaves from Barosma crenulata Hooker and other species. But mucilages are also formed in the plant, apparently with- out this direct participation of the membrane. They then fill either all the cells of the tissue (Irish moss), often in combination with starch (Sphwraococcus lichenoides), or are confined to indi- vidual cells, which are often distinguished by their shape and size (cinnamon, elm bark, salep *), or, finally, are given off by intercullular receptacles of secretions (Cycadew). Even the gum which exudes upon wounded places, for the purpose of closing the vessels—and which, therefore, serves a physiological pur- pose—is not formed through a conversion of the membrane into gum, but is secreted by the same in the form of drops * (see above). The designation, bassorin, has injudiciously ° been trans- ferred to a part of the mucilages. Solutions of plant mucilage are not only precipitated by basic acetate (subacetate) of lead, but also by the neutral acetate (sugar of lead). Plant mucilage from its various sources presents, however, in its behavior to water, all gradations, from complete solubility to mere swelling, accompanied by but extremely slight solution. For the pur- pose of microscopical examination of tissues containing mucilage, those liquids are therefore useful which act to a less extent upon 1 Fliickiger, ‘‘ Pharmakognosie,” 1883, 934. ? Flickiger, Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Pharmacie, 1873, p. 435; Fliickiger and Hanbury, * Pharmacographia,” 1879, p. 109; Radlko- fer, “‘Sapindaceen-Gattung Serjania.” Munich, 1875, 100. 8 Berg’s ** Atlas,” Plate XXIII, Fig. 57. 4 Frank, ‘‘ Berichte d. deutsch. botan. Ges.,” IT. (1884), 322. 5 Injudicious in so far as under the name of Bassora Gum different and not accurately known varieties of mucilage, similar to tragacanth, have been grouped together; the expression bassorin is, therefore, not capable of precise definition; and should be abandoned. © 168 PLANT ANATOMY, the latter, such as concentrated glycerin, alcohol, and fatty or volatile oils. The mucilage then appears contracted to a mass which no longer completely fills the cell, as, for instance, in Bulbus Scille. Occasionally the masses of mucilage show a stratification, which is rendered more prominent upon the addi- tion of alcohol, as may be seen in Radix Althee. In such cases it is to be assumed that a gradual, even though but partial, con- version of the cell-wall into mucilage has taken place, especially when the mucilage, as in salep, is colored blue by iodine and sulphuric acid, or is even soluble in ammoniacal oxide of copper, like pure cellulose. The latter is the case with the terminal Fig. 79.—Transverse section through tragacanth, in which may still be seen the rem- nants of the cell-membrane which has been converted into gum, and also isolated starch granules. member of the cellulose series, lichenin (see pages 123 and 170), which is related to the varieties of mucilage. That the cell-walls are capable of passing entirely into mucilage has al- ready been noted (page 164). In the formation of tragacanth, not only the cell-membranes participate, but also the starch granules which were previously deposited in the tissue, and _ which to a slight extent are still retained as such in the fraga- canth (Fig. 79). Other constituents of the cells also occasionally take part in the formation of gum and mucilage. GUM—MUCILAGES. 169 Considerable differences, which have, however, been demon- strated as yet only by a few examples,’ are also presented by the various kinds of mucilage from an optical point of view, some of them rotating the plane of polarized light to the left, in the same manner as ordinary gum, while other mucilages rotate it to the right. With regard to their chemical character, gums and mucilages are but little known, and are with difficulty freed from inor- ganic constituents and nitrogenous substances.” Gum arabic appears to be composed of the calcium, potassium, and magne- sium salts of arabic acid. Ifthe formula Ca(C,,H,,0,,),+3H,O is assigned to gum arabic, it must contain 13.3 per cent of water and 1.9 per cent of calcium; these numbers nearly correspond to the actual proportions. It is also scarcely possible to characterize gums micro- chemically. They mostly swell in water (not the gum produced by wounds) and are not rendered blue by iodine, or by iodine with sulphuric acid. The plant mucilages are colored yellow or blue by iodine, and blue or violet-brownish by iodine with sulphuric acid. Both are insoluble in ammoniacal oxide of copper. The amyloid of Schleiden, which should also be considered here, is colored blue by iodine, yellow by iodine water, and is soluble in boiling water. In some cases, for instance, in Cydonia and salep, the mucilage retains the capability of being colored from reddish to blue by iodine, after treatment with sulphuric acid, and in this respect stands one step nearer to cellulose. It does not follow from this, however, that mucilages always originate from cellulose. In Semen Cydonia, Sem. Lint, Sem. Sinapis albe, and also in the seeds of Plantago Psyllium, before they ripen, and 1 Wiggers-Husemann’s Jahresbericht, 1869, 154, top, 2 Tragacanth affords three per cent of ash. In mucilage of Irish moss, even after repeated purification, there are still contained sixteen per cent of inorganic substances and 0.88 per cent of nitrogen (= six per cent of albumen): Wiggers-Husemann’s Jahresbericht der Pharm., © 1868, 88. With reference to many other varieties of mucilage compare Frank, Pringsheim’s Jahrb. fiir wissenschaftliche Botanik., V. (1866), 161. 170 PLANT ANATOMY. before mucilage makes its appearance in the respective cells, there are found starch granuies, which afterward disappear—a circumstance which very probably stands in definite relation to the formation of mucilage. We shall also meet with a transformation and solution of cellulose later on, when we come to the consideration the origin of cell fusions. In the formation of vessels, sieve-tubes and lacticiferous ducts, namely, a resorption (solution) of the trans- verse walls consisting of cellular substance takes place. Besides this process of solution, there also occurs, during the formation of the lysigenic balsam ducts (see also under “ Receptacles for Secretions ”), a transformation of the cellulose into secretions. Thus, for example, the membrane may become converted into resin ’ (see Index references to the latter). Such a transforma- tion appears also to be the case in the formation of the resin of Polyporus officinalis Fries. With the varieties of gum and mucilages are also connected the pectic substances, the knowledge of which is still very incomplete. In close connection with the bodies which have here been treated of stands lichenin® (lichen-starch, amylo-cellulose), a carbo-hydrate deposited in Cetraria islandica, in Usnea, Parme- lia and Cladonia. AccordingtoBerg, the lichenin of the first- named lichen, the /celand moss, is a mixture of two substances, one of which is colored blue by iodine and is dissolved by chloride of zinc and ammoniacal oxide of copper.? } The formation of resin can take place: 1. As a true secretion through proper organs of secretion. 2. By the liquefaction of the outer walls of certain cells, 3. By a metamorphosis of the entire cell-wall and con- tents of the cell (lysigenic and pathologic receptacles for resin). 4. By a transformation of certain constituent bodies, increasing the resin formed according to 2and3. (Compare Hanausek, ‘‘ Jahresbericht der _Handelsschule in Krems,” 1880). See also subsequent references under «« Receptacles for Secretions.” : ? From lichen. *Jahresbericht der Pharmacie, 1873, 21. Compare Flickiger, *‘ Pharmakognosie,” second edition, 273, and ‘‘ Ueber Stérke und Cellu- lose,” in Archiv der Pharm., 196 (1871), 27. FORMS OF CELLS. Lit II. Forms of Cells. Notwithstanding the unlimited variety of forms of developed plant cells, they, nevertheless, show very similar outlines in a young condition. In every case where cells can develop unob- structed, they assume a spherical shape (Fig. 80), which is the fundamental form of all cells (Saccharomyces, spore cells, pollen, heads of glands, the cells of soft tissue, for instance, of the medulla). The subsequent distinctions in form are produced either through unequal surface growth, or growth in thickness or length of the cell, or through the pressure of contiguous cells. Fia. 80. Fie. 81. Fic. 80.—Spheroidal cells. Isodiametric parenchyma. Fig. 81.—Parenchymatous tissue from the pith of the Hider. If the surface growth does not proceed uniformly, there are formed a great variety of elliptical, tabular or hemispherical, sinuate, star-shaped (Fig. 152) or plaited cells. If the growth in thickness is unequal, all the forms are devel- oped which have previously been mentioned when considering the growth in thickness of the membrane (page 149): the pitted, scalariform, annular and spirally thickened cells (vessels, Figs. 66 and 68), the stone-cells and bast-cells (sclereids,” Figs. 70, 110, 115, 116, 117). If the growth in thickness is confined to the corners, collenchyma is formed (Fig. 109 4). If the growth in length is unequal, that is, chiefly confined to two opposite sides, there are produced elongated forms of 1 See page 156, foot note. 172 PLANT ANATOMY. cells, bast and wood-cells (Fig. 136), sieve-tubes (Figs. 147 and 148), furthermore sickle-shaped, and S- or U-shaped cells. Mutual pressure also causes manifold differences of form.. Thus from roundish cells (Fig. 80), polyhedral (Fig. 81), and more or less rectilineal forms are produced. It is only in very delicate and soft a. ea part of fruits, medulla, leaf- cells), and in those pl ere the membrane reaches the outer air (outer wall of the epidermis and bordering membranes of the intercellular spaces), that the spherical outlines remain preserved; in firm and hard tissues (wood, Fig. 180, bast groups, Figs. 111, 112, 113) all cells are seen to possess, on a transverse section, more or less flattened forms with a rectilineal © border. There are ordinarily distinguished, according to the scheme first proposed by Link: 1. Parenchyma,’ thin-walled, mostly roundish-polyhedral and isodiametric cells: cells of the fundamental tissue, of the: medulla, of the fleshy part of fruits, merenchyma‘® of the leaves, and when extended in a palisade-like manner, palisade-cells * (Figs. 80, 81, 85, 108, 127, 128, 129). 2. Prosenchyma,* consisting of thick-walled, more or less. elongated, spindle-shaped cells, with the ends wedged into each other: wood-cells, bast-cells (Figs. 139, 136, 110, 111). Striking and convenient as the discrimination between pros- enchyma and parenchyma appears, yet it does not admit of sharp application. Fungi and lichens are composed of thread-shaped cells, hyphe,* which continue to grow at the ends and mostly divide and branch by transverse walls (Fig. 82). They are not only ‘“Grundlehren der Anatomie und Physiologie der Pflanzen.” Gdt- tingen, 1807. ? Ilapad beside, thereon, and eyyvua that which is poured in, the cells considered as standing upon each other. * An expression introduced by Meyen (‘‘ Phytonomie,” Berlin, 1830). 4 Palus, i, masc., a stake, * IIpos towards, between, and eyyvuc (eee above), the cells consid-- ered as inserted between each other. 5 ‘Y'o7 the tissue. FORMS OF CELLS. 173 densely interwoven, but also cling together with great tenacity, unless they inclose hollow spaces. The tissue (pseudo-paren- chyma)’ of sclerotiums, for instance of Secale cornutum, consists of remarkably short hyphae, so that upon thin sections it has the appearance of parenchyma. It is only upon a longitudinal section, softened by a dilute solution of chromic acid (see Micro- chemical Reagents), that the threadlike nature of these hyphe is likewise clearly brought to view. Notwithstanding their slight length, they are very firmly connected with each other. * Through subsequent resorption of the transverse walls of a more or less elongated row of cells (cell-fusions), long tubes may y “aly (} OF \V/ Bi bed ste ~s a Ar Sf 3 . ote ve ° 7 is GS a G é of Gas ets 4 SS A ’ CMe 2 Fad é - 3 Fic. 100.—Bork of Cortex Sassafras radicis; aa, decayed surface; ss, cork-bands ; bb, phloém; 0, oil cells; r, medullary rays. 190 PLANT ANATOMY. Whether barks experience the formation of bork, or are pro- vided with a simple covering of cork, appears to depend upon A fi Ke Hf Aheet arte Fie. 101.—4, Cork of the cork-oak; aa, cork-cells; bb, stone-cells; B, more highly magnified cork-cells, Ee ane a f se ae " : oy — - — ~ : ae ee. — = =" oe 4 x 3 Lag. 2 o 4 ~ OR, & % a ¢ Lee 7! POT, 20 0, 0G 7 aly f Gs" fo, Ooo *, \ vis R aN Fic. 102.—Cortical layer of Radix Calumbe; s, cork; m, fundamental tissue, with dis- persed stone-cells which inclose crystals of oxalate; R, 7, More highly magnified crystals; H, twin crystal. the peculiarities of the species. In the Cinchonas, for exam- ple, bork is sometimes met with, and sometimes not. Roots are BORK—CORK. 191 also capable of forming bork, which may be very plainly observed, for instance, in Radix Sassafras. If the periderm layers which are formed in the interior of the bark occupy only a part of the circumference, scale-bork is pro- duced (Robinia, Platanus, Cinchona, Pinus silvestris, Quer- cus); if, however, the secondary periderm layers form parallel, Fia. 103.—Transverse section of Rhizoma Curcume; s, cork. closed rings, which embrace the entire circumference, hollow- cylindrical sections of bark are converted into bork, and ringed- bork is produced ( Vitis, Clematis). Fic. 104.—Cortex Cascarille. Cork layer and primary bark, with crystals of calcium oxalate and coloring matter. Since the cork-cells are produced by a tangential division of mostly tangentially extended cells, they are flatly tabular and parallelopipedal. They are in unbroken connection with each other and contain air, never solid matter. As the divisions in the phellogen take place very regularly, the transverse walls of the cork-cells frequently traverse the entire cork tissue In one and the same line (Figs. 102, 103, 108). 5 192 PLANT ANATOMY. The ordinary cork, of Quercus Suber, corresponds in its form to the above type.' Deviations from this fundamental form Fie. 105.—Cortex Guaiaci. a, thickened cork-cells; a’, phellogen layer; b, primary bark; c, sclerenchymatous layer. depend upon a more undulating—though on a transverse sec- tion, generally radial—course of the transverse walls, or upon a o/ rae Fie. 106.—Radix Pyrethri romani. a, thickened cork-cells; b, oil-spaces; *, xylem rays (wood-bundles), thickening of one or all sides (as seen in Figs. 102, 103, 108) of the ordinarily thin walls (Figs. 97, 104, 105). * Yet in cork (bottle-cork), numerous stone-cells occur (Fig. 101). CORK. 193 The outermost layer is often in process of decay, as for in- stance in the potato (Fig. 108). While this perishes, new cork 8,_cork; s’, cork-cambium or phellogen; m, layer of the primary bark; m’, containing crystals. Fi. 108.—Transverse section through the outermost layer of a potato. s, starch granules; er, protein crystalloid; pl, protoplasm (Tschirch). is continually formed from the interior (Cortex Quassie jamai- censis, Fig. 107). 13 194 PLANT ANATOMY. Even on leaves a local formation of cork occasionally occurs’ (Eucalyptus, Fig. 128, k). The physiological function of cork is to protect the tissues lying beneath it from too great evaporation and from mechani- cal injury. The former function is presented in a very striking manner by the potato, in which the cork layers, from five to ten in number, cause the succulence of the entire inner tissue to be retained for a long time undiminished. On wounds, the so-called wound cork is frequently formed (Fig. 109, a). This produces, in the same manner as the thylle* and the gum which incloses the vessels, a separation of the inner, uninjured tissues from the wounds.* 2. The Mechanical System. Leaving out of consideration the lower plants, we find that all the higher plants which concern us are provided with peculiarly formed and characteristically arranged cells, the ex- clusive function of which, as Schwendener‘ has shown, is to impart to the plant the necessary solidity. While in young and still growing organs the collenchyma® (Fig. 109 4, 129 coll) represents the mechanical system, in older and matured organs this function is assumed by the bast-cells, or stereids° (Figs. 110, 111). The bast-cells, or the specifically mechanical elements of the matured plant, form very elongated cells, which are pointed at: ‘Bachmann, ‘‘ Korkwucherungen auf den Blattern,” Pringsheim’s Jahrb., xii., 1880, * Sachs, ‘Lehrbuch der Botanik,” iv. (1874), pp. 27, 782. Weiss, ** Anatomie,” 21, : * With regard to the lenticels, see the chapter on the Aérating System: *** Das mechanische Prinzip im anatomischen Baue der Monocotylen. Leipzig, 1874, z *Ambronn, “ Ueber die Entwickelungsgeschichte und die mechani- schen Eigenschaften des Collenchyms.” Pringsheim’s Jahrb., xii. E. Giltay, ‘‘ Het Collenchym,” Inaugural dissertation, Leyden, 1882. * The tissue of bast-cells may be termed stereom. (The pleurenchyma of Meyen.) ‘ BAST, 195 both ends, provided with oblique pores (Fig. 110), often thick- Fic. 109 a,—Transverse section through a fruit of the Vanilla, which, before separa- tion from the plant, had become injured at the point b-b by the puncture of an insect, and the wound closed by wound-cork, a-a; g, vascular bundles (Tschirch), Compare Pharm. Zeit., 1884, No, 22. Fic. 109 b.—Collenchyma. ep, epidermis; con, collenchyma cells; ch, chlorophyll granules (Tschirch), 196 PLANT ANATOMY. ened to the extent of the disappearance of the lumen or vavity, and contain air. They possess a supporting capacity which is almost equal to that of wrought-iron, and a tenfold greater ductility than the latter, and are therefore in themselves ad- mirably adapted for the mechanical purposes of the plant. “Fie. 110. Fie. 111. Fie. 110.—Typical bundle of bast-cells, at a@ in transverse section, at bin longitudinal section; c, section of a bast-cell, showing the striping of the membrane and oblique pits (Tschirch), Fie. 111.—Bast-cells of Corchorus olitorius (Jute), with a lumen or central cavity of varying width, at the top in transverse, and below in longitudinal section (Tschirch). Moreover, they are always united to- form structures which are in nowise inferior to the best constructions of our engineers.’ ‘ With regard to the firmness of bast-cells, compare Schwendener’s BAST. 197 In the monocotyledons the bundles of bast-cells surround the vascular bundles, either in a sickle-like manner (as in the stem of the maize, Fig. 133), or lie embedded in the remaining tissue, sometimes in the inner portion and sometimes in the outer, as isolated bands, rings or bundles, according to their function, or they surround the outer side as a connected coat? Fie. 112.--Transverse section through an involute leaf of the Alfa grass or Esparto (Macrochloa tenacissima). a, bast-cell coating of the outer (under) side; d@, assimilating tissue; c, prisms of the upper side; b, hairs (Tschirch). Compare Pharm. Zeit., 1882, No. 68, : principal work; furthermore, Th. v. Weinzierl, ‘* Beitrége zur Lehre von der Festigkeit und Elasticitaét vegetabilischer Gewebe.” Sitzungs- berichte der k. Akademie der Wissensch., Vienna, 1877, Vol. 76. F. Lucas, “ Beitriige zur Kenntniss der absoluten Festigkeit von Pflanzen- geweben.” Sitzungsberichte der Wiener Akademie, 1882, Vol. 85, and 1883, Vol. 87. ‘In some of these cases (especially in the prairie grasses), they serve in the mechanism which causes the involution of leaves (Tschirch, Pringsh. Jahrb., xii.). In the dehiscence of fruits, and the phenomena of torsion of many awns, mechanical cells are also concerned [Stein- brinck, Inaugural dissertation, 1873, and ‘‘ Berichte der Deutsch. Bot. 198 PLANT ANATOMY, (Alfa grass, Fig. 112). In the dicotyledons they are located in the bark (Fig. 113). oS 3 RETO OOS QE "se eereer Fia. 114.—TIllustrations of the more important fibres which are used technically. L, flax fibres; H, hemp fibres; J, jute; B, cotton; 8, silk; A, alpaca wool; E, Electoral wool; W, sheep's wool. Ges.,” i. (1883), p. 27, and others, Zimmermann, Pringsheim’s Jahr- biicher, xii. (1881), No. 4.] BAST—LIBRIFORM CELLS. 199 The great mechanical service which the bast-cells are capable of was also recognized at an early period. The application of the bast-fibres of hemp and of flax (Fig. 113) for fabrics is a very ancient one. The textile fibres which are practically employed may be grouped in the following manner (compare Fig. 114): 1, Animal fibres: (a) hairs, Wool (W); (b) threads, Silk (S). 2. Vegetable fibres: (a) hairs, Cotton (B). (b) bast-cells, Flax (L); Hemp (H); Jute (J); Esparto; Manilla-hemp.* In addition to the bast-fibres, the libriform cells of the wood also assume, especially in the older stems of dicotyledons, Fig. 115,——A, Sclerenchyma from the inner layer of the seed vessel of Fructus Cocculi (Cocculus Indicus). B, Some branched cells of the same, more highly magnified. a mechanical function. The bast-cells which occur in the bark of dicotyledons (hemp, flax, Fig. 113, the linden) are only of service in imparting strength of flexure to the stem as long as the wood itself has not yet acquired sufficient strength. In accordance with the various mechanical demands made of the plant, the structures in which the mechanical elements are ‘Compare especially Wiesner, ‘‘ Die Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches.” Leipzig, 18738. Reissek, ‘Die Fasergewebe des Leines, Hanfes, der Nessel und Baumwolle.” Denkschr. d. Wiener Akad., 1852. Berthold, “* Ueber die mikroskopischen Merkmale der wichtigsten Pflanzenfasern.” Zeitschr. f. Waarenkunde, 1883, No. 8; 4. Dorkoupil, ‘* Materialien zu einem Lehrbuch der chemischen Technologie fiir Gewerbeschulen.” Jahresber, d. Gewerbeschule Bistritz, 1882. 200 PLANT ANATOMY, united are also very manifold. We may thus distinguish struc- tures intended to protect the organs of the plant from the in- fluence of bending, pressure, traction, or laceration at the edges or margins (for instance, of leaves). The stone-cells (sclereids,’ compare also pages 156 and 171), as one of us (T.) has shown, also possess various mechanical functions. In seeds which do not possess a thick-walled en- dosperm, there is found, for example, a hard endocarp, consist- ing of stone-cells (Figs. 115, 87). This often consists of very Fic. 116.—Transverse section through a tea-leaf, with the characteristic, branched sclerenchyma cells. The palisade-parenchyma, which is richer in chlorophyll, is of a darker color. At the right of the figure are sclereids, isolated by maceration (Tschirch), _ variously adjusted rows of cells, and can therefore also endure strong pressure and great expansion or straining (as by germina- tion) without becoming ruptured. The function of the sclereids, which are so characteristic of tea-leaves (Fig. 116 *), is _ ‘The tissue of stone-cells, in accordance with Mettenius, may be termed sclerenchyma (see pages 156 and 172), Compare Tschirch, _ “ Beitrége zur Kenntniss des mechan. Gewebesystems.” Pringsheim’s— dele 16 _ *In young tea-leaves, however, these astrosclereids are wanting. STONE-CELLS. 201 doubtful. Occasionally the stone-cells contain crystals (Fig. 102) or other substances. Fic. 118,—Transverse section through the sieve portion of Cortex Coto. st, staff- shaped bast-cells; m, partially sclerotized medullary rays; s, bundles of collapsed _sieve- tubes (Moeller). ; 202 PLANT ANATOMY. The function of the isolated bast-cells and stone-cells, for example in the Cinchona barks (Figs. 117, 145), in the Pome- granate-root (Berg’s ‘‘ Atlas,” plate XL.), Aconite root (Fig. 121), Simaruba, Coto bark (Fig. 118), Cort. Guaiaci (Fig. 105), Stipites Duleamare (Fig. 144), and Oak-bark is also still in doubt. Such cells, however, by the form of their transverse sec- tions and their arrangement, present very useful points of dis- crimination in the characteristics of many drugs (Cinchona'). Fia. 119.—Transverse section of a rootlet of Rhizoma Veratri. cc, epiblema (p. 177); m, fundamental tissue, only partly represented inthe drawing; 6, needle-shaped crystals; kk, nucleus-sheath,. : The nucleus sheath, vascular-bundle sheath or protective sheath (endodermis *), which occurs in the root formations of ‘Compare also in this connection, Koch, ** Beitrage zur Anatomie der Gattung Cinchona,” 8vo, pp. 35, 2 plates. Freiburg dissertation, 1884, especially page 20. * Evéov within, and 5épyaskin. Compare Schendener, ‘‘ Die Schutz- imme und ihre Verstirkungen,” Abhandl. der Berliner Akademie, NUCLEUS-SHEATH. 203 vascular cryptogams, of monocotyledons and some dicotyledons,' F1a. 120.—Transverse sections through rootlets of Actea spicata. a, epiblema; b, fund- amental tissue; c, phloém; e, inner bark; k, nucleus-sheath; z, cambium; 7, medullary rays; v, xylem. 1 Compare C. van Wisselingh, ‘‘ De Kernscheede bij de wortels der Phanerogamen,” Amsterdam, J. Miller, 1884. (From: ‘‘ Verslagen 204 PLANT ANATOMY. ben “tt z ve Zz -P P we i : 4 a h Fig, 121 B. eee noah Fig. 121 C. ai seos Fic. 121.—Rootlets of Aconitum Napellus; B, Transverse section; C, Longitudinal _ Section in a radial direction; ¢, epiblema; m, fundamental tissue; h, stone-cells; k, endo- dermis; p, vascular bundles; z, xylem; s, phloém. en Mededeelingen der k, Academie van Wetenschappen,” Afdeeling _ Natuurkunde, 8de Reeks, Deel i., pages 141 to 178, with 1 plate). . NUCLEUS-SHEATH, 205 and likewise possesses mechanical functions, is also to be con- sidered here. In these organs, namely, or at least in those cases which more nearly concern us, all the bundles, or a predami- nating number of them, are inclosed by a single row of cells (Sarsaparilla), or, by a layer, the endodermis, which is seen to cones veniees ESE AT RS Fie. 122.—Rootlet from Helleborus viridis; a, epiblema; b, fundamental tissue; c, central bundle; k, endodermis. be narrow on a transverse section and consists of but a few cells (Galanga), All the vascular bundles are located within the en- dodermis, for instance, in Radiz Sarsaparille, Rhizoma Caricis, in the rootlets of Actea spicata (Fig. 120), Aconitum (Fig. 121), Helleborus (Fig. 122), Serpentaria, Valeriana, and Veratrum (Fig. 119). On the other hand, in Rhizoma Calami, Rhiz. PLANT ANATOMY, 206 lated bundles. The endodermis, for example in Sarsaparilla, is composed of prismatic cells, greatly elongated in the direction of the axis. aing iso. Graminis, Rhiz. Iridis, Rhiz. Curcume, Galange, Zedoarie and Zingiberis the fundamental tissue outside of the sheath also cont REECE Ce ee d, . . through the endodermis (k) of sarsaparilla o, calcium oxalate. > (Fig. 123), forming a tube or sheath, located centrally fundamental tissue, and contai Fic. 123.—Radial longitudinal section Middle bark; b, bundles; m, the In e in ¥ ning within it the bundles. azom as also in Rh . in a Gram : 3 Ps a : 4 : cee ® ee vr eties of Sa: bundles are crowded some ¥: NUCLEUS-SHEATH. 207 circle, in other cases they are dispersed, as is the case in Rhizoma Veratri and Rhizoma Caricis, or to a still greater extent in Tuber Aconiti, or but a single central bundle is present, as in the root- lets of Veratrum. The cells of the sheath are not always elongated, but often Fig. 124,—Transverse section through the endodermis of Vera-Cruz Sarsaparilla. nearly cubical or only slightly extended. They are also often thin-walled, contain starch, and are then called starch-layer or starch-sheath. Fic. 125,—Transverse section through the endodermis (k) of Rhizoma Galange; a; fibro-vaseular bundles; r, resin-cells; m, fundamental tissue. The walls of the endodermis which are directed toward the axis are usually thickened; in the lateral walls this is also sometimes the case, so that the lumen or cavity, for instance in the Vera Cruz Sarsaparilla (Fig. 124), becomes very much con- 208 PLANT ANATOMY. tracted. The transverse sections of these cells of the nucleus- sheath therefore appear differently, according to the thickness of the thickened layers, and thereby afford serviceable characteris- tics for the recognition of the several varieties of a drug.’ While the nucleus-sheaths in most of the examples that have been cited are built up of a single row of uniform cells, the root-stocks of the Zingiberacew deviate considerably in this respect. Indeed, the endodermis of the rhizomes of Curcuma, Galanga, Zedoaria, and Zingiber is composed of several rows of cells * (Fig. 125). 3. The Absorbing System. The absorption of inorganic salts from the soil is effected by the aid of the roots and especially by means of the root-hairs. The latter, which are true trichomes, by forming manifold pro- tuberances, become most intimately attached by their growth to the particles of the soil. | Root-hairs are found on but few officinal roots (for instance, Sarsaparilla, Fig. 126). In most cases they are broken off in the process of unearthing them, or they may have been already absent at the-time of collection, since the formation of root- hairs only takes place in definite and young parts of the root. For the absorption of organic nourishment, the phanerogamous parasites penetrate the host-plant by means of the so-called haustoria (as in the case of Cuscuta). To these haustoria cor- respond the surfaces of the cells lying close to the endosperm, which consist mostly of palisade-shaped cells with protuberances resembling root-hairs, and which are especially met with on the scutellum of the Gramineew. They serve for imbibing the re- serve substances. In order to convey nourishment to the embryo during germina- ‘Compare Schleiden, « Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Sarsaparilla.” | Archiv der Pharm., 1847, Arthur Meyer, I bid., 218 (1881), p. 280 et seq. Berg’s ** Atlas,” Plate iv, Flickiger, “ Pharmakognosie,” p. 295. -? Compare Arthur Meyer, Archiv der Pharm., 218 (1881), p. 419. THE ASSIMILATING SYSTEM. 209 tion, a longitudinal cleft is also occasionally found in ‘the en- dosperm (Strychnos Nua vomica, Coffea *). ‘Fic. 126,—Longitudinal section throngh Radix Sarsaparille; e, epiblema; p. hairs; cc’, cells of the bark, which are thickened on one side; d, parenchyma; 0, calcium oxalate, 4. The Assimilating System. The assimilating tissue serves primarily for the formation of organic substance from carbonic acid and water under the in- fluence of light, to which procedure the name of assimilation has been given. This tissue is filled with chlorophyll granules ‘(compare page 100), and its cells possess forms which tend, as far as possible, to the transmission of light on all sides, and the rapid removal of the products of assimilation.’ a | Jager, “ Endosperm der Coffea.” Bot. Zeit., 1881, p. 336. ae ‘Compare in this connection Haberlandt, in Pringsheim’s Jahrb., xiii. (1881), ae pon 44 210 PLANT ANATOMY. The surface of the leaf which is chiefly exposed to the’ light becomes the assimilating side. With bifacial * leaves, that is, such as are flatly expanded, and the upperand under surface of which is differently developed (as in the heart-shaped Fol. Eucalypti, Figs. 2 b, 127, 129, Lactuca Sativa), this is the upper surface; with centric leaves, that is, such as are placed vertically, and both sides of which are equally constructed (Fol. Eucalypti, sabre- shaped, Figs. 2 a, 128, Lactuca Scariola), it is both sides. The cells of the assimilating side, which is always of a darker green color, are replete with numerous chlorophyll granules, located along the walls, and are extended ina palisade-like man- Ss /0e ‘S Fic. 127.—Transverse section through a heart-shaped (bifacial) leaf of Eucalyptus globulus; oe, oil-space; s, stomata; w, undersurface; 0, upper surface. After Tschirch, Pharm, Zeit., 1881, No. 88. , ner more or less perpendicular to the vertical axis of the leaf (Figs. 96 g, 127, 128, 129 pal, palisade * parenchyma). The special development of palisade parenchyma remains un- _affected only in typical shade-plants.* On the other hand, in - all centrically constructed leaves, both sides are provided with ' Bis, twofold, and facies, side. * From the French word palissade, and this from the Latin masculine palus (not pallus !), therefore not pallisade, as it is often incorrectly written. (This applies more especially to the German orthography. F. B, P.) * Globularia Alypum L. and other species present a notable example of an homogeneous leaf tissue without a palisade layer. THE ASSIMILATING SYSTEM. 211 palisade cells (Fig. 128). The assimilating surface is often in- creased by a falling off of the membrane (as in the needle-shaped leaves of the Conifere). In order to be able to take up the products which are formed and to conduct them rapidly, the palisade cells are now and then located upon funnel-shaped col- lecting cells, which are in connection with the proper cellu- lar threads (vascular bundles); the latter running into the nerves of the leaves as a much branched radiating system, with extremely fine terminations (Fig. 130). ‘K > s a aE ae — Fig. 128.—Transverse section through a sabre-shaped (centric) leaf of Eucalyptus globulus; oe, oil-spaces, with drops of oil; gfb, vascular bundle; s, stomata; k, corky growths; c, cuticle (Tschirch). Compare also Fig. 2 a and b. The under side of the leaf, which is always ofa lighter green color, contains much less chlorophyll than the upper side, and is traversed by wide air-canals (spongy parenchyma, leaf- merenchyma, Fig. 129 sch). The entire interior of the leaf, with the exception of the vascular bundles, which is inclosed by the ~ epidermal sides, is termed the mesophyll.’ 1 Mé6os in the middle, pvador leaf. PLANT ANATOMY. 212 “(qoargosy,) ewur04s ‘ds $(w) joyyueur Jo syeys419 pus [Io eVBIOA JO sdoap YA ‘puyys jo ‘pe {(47) TO yo sdoap yQIA pepracad puv sernueas [AYdosopyp WLM pory ‘teuL1oy oyy Ayperoodse ynq ‘yao ‘wuAyoucared ASuods ‘yos Sonssy apestyed ‘7nd ‘srmaepide ‘da {eurdyoueToo ‘yj09 {stjeo-4seq ‘q {(ue_Ax) uomasod aepnosva ‘6 {(utgoyyd) uoyaod sacs ‘gs tumiq = -ureo ‘9 feypunq zepnosva ‘f6 {(N) carou o[pprud 919 4B ‘Hy24adid DYyyUaMT JO JRO, B YSNOAY) UOTOS OSLOASUVAT— GEL “DIL ” have utilized una—#S YO ~@\® ler Blatter und Krdauter. _ | * Anatomische Charakteristik offic Abhandl. der naturforschenden Ges., Halle, xv. (1882), ] ine. ) ES ee a Adolf Meyer,’ as also Lemaire (see page 51), THE CONDUCTING SYSTEM. . 213 the anatomy of leaves, especially the epidermis and the tri- chomes, for the purposes of diagnosis. 5. The Conducting System. When a leaf of the plantain (Plantago) is torn off or a maize stem is broken, there project from the fractured surface numerous fine threads. If the fibrous, fractured place is evenly cut with a sharp knife, it may be seen, even with the unaided eye, that there is a large number of compact, isolated dots imbedded in a more delicate tissue. If the maize stem is exposed to decay, only a bundle of very long, fibrous threads finally remains, sur- roundered by a delicate membrane, the cuticle. These threads, as is shown by an anatomical comparison, correspond to the dots upon the transverse section. The threads are termed Jibro-vascular’ bundles, vascular bundles, or conducting bundles. As is already evident from their considerable length, they serve primarly for the conduction of substances, chiefly in the longitudinal direction of the organ. ; The same extended threads we meet with in the maize leaf. If the latter (or any elongated leaf of a monocotyledonous. plant which may be chosen) is held toward the light, a large number of nearly parallel, lighter colored threads (nerves) may be seen in the green tissue. _ The nerves do not appear so regular in a dicotyledonous leaf. Here they are variously branched, anastomose with each other, and form a delicate network of fine lines. This is rendered prominent, in an especially handsome manner, when leaves like those of Digitalis (Fig. 130), Datura or Matico are rendered transparent by long maceration in alcohol (of about the specific gravity 0.900), or when freed by decay from the parenchymatous fundamental tissue * (Ettingshausen’s leaf-skeleton). That which applies to the leaf and stem is also applicable to the roots. Upon a transverse section of Rhizoma Filicis, for example, may be observed a double circle of such threads ? Fibra, fibre, fibre-shaped cell, and vas, vessel. = *Fundamental tissue in the sense explained on page 176. PLANT ANATOMY. 214 t the frame- have been issues t ise represen ining e root-stock when the rema or bundles (Fig. 131, f), which likew work of th Fie. 131, Fie. 132. ? Cc, A um Filix mas. of threads enter the leaf-bases (which are here rhizome, g threads or vascular bundles. bundle, (Sachs), .4, Front end of the rhizome, showing in the through the underground stem of Aspid: Berg). ris 18 purpurea (Planchon), places where the ion ‘posed piece of the more highly magnified portion of a Filicis ma: Digital Fie. 132.—Rhizoma rhombi cut off). B, A decom erse sect spaces the LC —Leaf of Fie. 130. Fie. 131.—T Jf, threads or vascular bundles ( . THE CONDUCTING SYSTEM. 215 removed. If sucha root-stock be placed in a liquid prepared from decomposed meat, after a short time the parenchyma will be destroyed, and, after washing away the remnants of the same, the far more resistant threads alone remain behind. These do not run parallel in this case, but are variously intertwined (Fig. 132). In the root-stocks of the Zingiberacew and in Rhizoma Caricis there are numerous isolated bundles distributed through the fundamental tissue; in Sarsaparilla and in Rhizoma Graminis they are brought together in the form of a ring (vascular-bundle ring). Differently constructed from these (see below), but similar in their entirety, are the vascular bundles in dicotyledonous roots, as likewise in the dicotyledonous stem, which unite to form a continuous “ring.” Dicotyledonous roots often possess only a central, axial bundle (Jpecacuanha, Taraxacum, Levisticum, rootlets of Arnica, Valerian, and Helieborus ; compare also the Figures 119, 120, 122). But we meet these bundlesalso elsewhere onevery hand. The fruit-pulp of tamarinds is traversed by such coarse, string-like, vascular bundles, and the shell of the almond is covered with them. They occur in the arillus of the Myristica (Macis), as well as in the mericarps of the Umbellifere, in the calyx of the clove, as well as in the stigma of the Croeus—everywhere forming long threads, which serve for conveying and for conducting away organic and inorganic building material. The elements of the vascular bundles are so constructed that the impediments to movement are restricted to a minimum. The transverse walls are greatly reduced, often lacking altogether at wide intervals, or, when present, provided with pores’ (vessels), or even pierced with holes (sieve-tubes), thus having the dif- fusing surfaces greatly enlarged. Of what elements is such a vascular bundle or conducting ‘The term pores, or pits, is applied to all those thin places of the © membrane which are still closed only by the middle lamella. By age the pits occasionally become actual perforations (as in the wood of the Conifere) ; compare page 153. | 216 PLANT ANATOMY. bundle* composed ? In the first place, it is necessary to.exclude therefrom any bast-cells (Fig. 133), which are, however, not at — all regularly united therewith even in the monocotyledons.* So long as it was not yet known that the bast-borders of the vas- cular bundles perform exclusively mechanical functions, they could be considered, and quite properly so, from purely anatomi- iv in) ) ewe if > [) 4, vy f i I I i Fie. 138.—Schematic representation of the activity of a cambium-cell (c). 1, before the beginning of its activity; 2, the cell has become radially extended, and (8) divided: a xylem cell (x’) has been separated. In 4 the cambium-cell is again extended, while the xylem cell has already become thickened. 5, the cambium-cell by repeated tangential division has this time separated a phloém cell (p’). While the first-formed xylem cell (#’) becomes further thickened, the cambium cell is again extended (6), again a tangen- tial wall appears within it, and the second xylem cell (a’') and soon afterwards (8) the second phloém cell (p’’) is separated. The former become strongly thickened, the latter remain thin-walled (Tschirch), a transverse section, a visible delineation of rings, for the most part concentric, which are designated by the name of annual rings roots of dicotyledons, the cambium zone frequently appears as a circular line, distinguished by a darker color (Radix Glycyrrhiza, Rad. Calum- be, Rhiz. Rhei, Stipites Dulcamare). ! That the cells become narrower and smaller toward autumn, does not proceed (as Sachs, De Vries, and others have stated) from an in- creased pressure of the bark in autumn. 222 PLANT ANATOMY. (Fig. 18079). In the case of dicotyledonous foliage trees, the distinction between autumn and spring wood is also further in creased by the fact that the latter is much richer in yessels.! (Fig. 78 jf). The so-called wood-ring of dicotyledonous stems is produced Fie. 139.—Libriform from Quassia wood. by the confluence of isolated vascular bundles, in their vascular as well as in their sieve portions, through the activity of an - (intrafascicular) cambium, the bundles being originally formed in a loose circle, 1 Berg’s ‘‘ Atlas,” plate xxv., 60, and plate v., 21. MEDULLARY RAYS. 223 The elementary organs of the wood,’ as the vascular portion of stems may be briefly termed, are as follows: the vessels and tracheids, or tubes conveying water, the wood-parenchyma cells, which serve for conducting the carbo-hydrates, and the libriform cells, or the specifically mechanical elements of the wood. Be- sides these, the wood is traversed in a radial direction by the medullary rays. The first three forms of cells have already been considered. The libriform cells* (wood-cells, wood-fibres) are the bast- cells of the wood (Figs. 137, 139), and therefore, strictly con- sidered, belong to the mechanical system (see the latter). They are of service, however, especially in the transitional forms, to the other elements of the wood, occasionally also for conducting and storing nutritive material, and are therefore sometimes provided with contents. They are prosenchymatous, thick-walled, provided with cleft-like, oblique pores, and are never as long. as the true bast-cells. The medullary rays (parenchyma rays) are aggregates of cells consisting of one or several rows, always built up of cells which are very much extended radially (Figs. 78, 137, 144, 149), and which pass from the medulla through the cambium and the sieve portion, often penetrating deeply into the bark (Figs. 100 r, 118 m, 149, 137 r, 180, 181).* When the interior of stems is filled with fundamental tissue, the so-called medulla, it is thus, by means of these radiating lines of cells, placed in connection with the tissue of the outer bark, which is located on the periphery of the fibro-vascular bundles. These rows of cells are therefore very appropriately called medullary rays. Their development in a vertical direc- tion is governed by the number of rows of cells placed over each i i tilized by 'The anatomy of the wood has been diagnostically u Nérdlinger (* Anatomische Merkmale deutscher Wald- und Garten- holzarten,” Stuttgart, 1881). : ? Liber, bast, forma, form. Compare Sanio, “ Vergleichende Unter- suchungen tiber die Elementarorgane des Holzkérpers,” Bot. Zeit., 1863, 101. ® Compare also Berg’s “ Atlas,” xxxvi. to xl., Figs. 86-94 r. ‘ 224 PLANT ANATOMY, other in a compartment-like form. Very frequently this num- ber is not considerable, so that the medullary ray, upon a trans- . ———_ cae Giipecennes SS $$ ZOOS oOoOvoS oS: Seer —— Fie. 140.—Cells of the medullary rays, consisting of one and three rows, cut trans- versely; tangential longitudinal section of a dicotyledonous stem. verse section, which is made vertical to its surface of length (tan- _ gential to the surface of the stem), represents a cleft filled with Fie. 141.—Medullary rays from Lignum Juniperi, consisting of a single row of cells (a). A, Tangential longitudinal section, a medullary ray. Cc. Transverse section through the wood of the root, a medullary ray; c, annual rings. parenchyma (Fig. 140). In breadth the medullary rays some- __ times present but asingle row of cells, as, for instance, in Lignin MEDULLARY RAYS. 225 Junipert (Fig. 141), L. Guaiaci, L. Quassie surinamense,* sometimes two or three rows, as in Lign. Quassie jamaicense (Fig. 137), and sometimes still more, as in rhubard (Fig. 142). It follows from this that, on a transverse section, the fibro- vascular bundles must appear either in radial rows, or separated wv ae Fic. 142,—Tangential longitudinal section of Rhubarb. A, Fundamental scene a the bark with five medullary rays, which are cut transversely. B, Section from the xylem portion, which is traversed,by netted vessels (v) of considerable size; 0, rosettes of oxalate crystals. : from each other by large medullary rays. The tissue of “i medullary rays, at least within the compass of the fibro-vascular 1 Berg’s ‘“ Atlas,” plates xxv. to xxviii. 15 226 PLANT ANATOMY. system, consists almost entirely of cubical or horizontally (radi- ally) extended (parellelopipedal), thin-walled cells which are joined together in a wall-like form, without intervening spaces (ames et se [ee | em Oooo macy Fig. 143.—Wall-like cells of the medullary rays from Lignwm Juniperi, ona radial longitudinal section. (Fig. 143). This regularity is lost at the place where the me- dullary rays pass into the bark. a mm a L) ‘ Cena nod 5 ) Loto . 4 eX: Cie bE a fe Se ere: 3 Mg a ee i i.” Fie. 144.—Single-rowed medullary rays, r, in Stipes Dulcamare, which gradually be- come lost in the bark ; i, inner bark ; m, middle bark; a, outer bark (Berg). - In the cambial zone, when the growth in thickness is already MEDULLARY RAYS. 227 Sse Ore EAS Ne A fT |S tet oe Vee sf Ld y — 4 Sere me 2 Fie. 163.—Latex-tubes (I!) from Radix Taraxaci. Tangential longitudinal section through the inner bark, one of the more simple forms of the above-described oil-pro- ducing trichomes of the Labiatew. In the fern-root the glands in their terminal head-like cell at first contain protoplasm, in which after a short time greenish oil-drops occur; these are finally forced out upon the surface of the gland, and envelop it as a thin greenish layer. This section consists for the most part of the peculiar filicie acid, which, by longer preservation _ under glycerin, crystallizes in long needles; volatile oil is want- ing here, or is present in but very slight amounts. Such in- _ tercellular glands have also been met with by one of us (F.) in -_-'1 Pringsheim’s Jahrb. f. wissenschaftl. Bot., iii. (1863), p. 352. LATEX-TUBES. 247 the (non-officinal) root-stock of Aspidium spinulosum Swartz; in the other ferns of our region they are wanting. A second form of secreting cells are the latex-tubes or latici- ferous ducts.’ In most cases (especially when the tubes are very long) they are produced, like the vessels, by the resorption of the transverse walls of lines of cells lying over each other (cell-fusion). In their simplest initial formation they are dis- tinguished, however, from the neighboring parenchyma cells, like the mucilage-cells and the oil-cells, only by their contents and somewhat more considerable width, as for instance in jalap or Fie. 164, : Fie. 165, Fig. 164.—Longitudinal section through the outer latex-zone of Radix Taraxaci, more highly magnified; cr, sieve-tubes; /, latex-tubes. : Fig, 165.—Longitudinal section through one of] the inner azxaci, in which the tubes (7) are accom panied by sieve-tubes (er). latex-zones of Rad. Tar- 1 With regard to latex-cells and latex-tubes, compare Meyen, ae Die Secretionsorgane der Pflanzen,” Berlin, 1837.—Hanstein, “* Die Bilon saftgefiisse,” Berlin, 1864.—Dippel, ‘* Entstehung der Milcheaftgefasse, ” Rotterdam, 1865.—Vogl, ‘‘ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Milchsaftorgane, in Pringsheim’s Jahrb., v., 31.—David, “ Ueber die Milchzellen der Euphorbien,” Breslau, 1872.—E. Schmidt, Botan. Zeit., 1882. Scott, In- augural Dissertation,” Wiirzburg, 1831, etc. eee 248 PLANT ANATOMY. | tubers (Fig. 166) or in the Chinese galls (Fig. 91). In the Cinchona barks, the latex-tubes are distinguished by their considerable length, often also by a far greater diameter; in other cases, as in Fructus Papaveris and in Carica! (Fig. 167), they are developed as branched systems of canals. In this man- ner abundantly branched latex-tubes traverse definite layers of Radix Tarazaci (Figs. 163 to 165). Here the system of these tubes, without regard to the overground portions, is only de- veloped in the bark; in Lactuca virosa it extends also to the central parenchyma of the stem, together with all other parts of this plant. Fic. 166,—Cells from Tuber Jalape: containing laticiferous juice. One may accordingly speak of Jatex-cells and latex-vessels or tubes. The former are true cells, and, when formed already in the germinating plant, may often become very long, and, in- deed, absolutely branched, without being divided by transverse - walls, as for instance in the Urticacem, Euphorbiacee and _ Asclepiacer. The milk-tubes, on the contrary, are lysigenic* passages, that is, canals formed by the solution of the trans- 1 The latex-tubes of the fig aré so striking that by means of them one May easily recognize an adulteration of coffee with ‘fig coffee” _ * Ado a dissolution, and yevvae I produce. LATEX-TUBES. 249 verse walls. With these are to be classed the tubes of the Cicho- riacee (Taraxacum) and those of the Papaveracee and Cam- panulacee, If a resorption of the transverse walls does not take place, but the short latex-cells lie in rows over each other, lactescent lines of cells are produced, as for instance, in the Convolvulaces (Tuber Jalape, Fig. 166); gutta percha (mostly from Dichopsis Gutta Bentham et Hooker) also occurs in such lines of cells containing laticiferous juice. The contents of the latex-tubes is a mixture of very variable composition.’ Besides the more commonly distributed substances, v = Fig. 167.—Latex-tubes of the fig; tangential section throngh the more central layer. 1, tubes; 4, rosette of crystals of calcium oxalate; v, vascular bundle. such as salts (calcium malate), starch and protein bodies, very many, if not all, laticiferous juices contain caoutchouc. Pe- culiar bitter principles.and alkaloids (as in opium) also occur in them, and some laticiferous juices are therefore medicinally valuable (opium, euphorbium, lactucarium). In the latex of species of Huphorbia is found the indifferent, crystallizable euphorbon. The milky juices which here come under considera- tion are white in their fresh condition. Caoutchoue appears in the laticiferous juices in the form of globules, which swell in volatile oils, and are not changed by 1 Compare among others S. Dietz, ‘‘ Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Milch- saftes der Pflanzen,” Botan. Centralb., 1883, xvi., p. 133. : 250 PLANT ANATOMY. dilute alkalies and acids, but are dissolved by chloroform and carbon bisulphide. :. With the latex-tubes which are formed through solution of the intervening cell-walls are connected the receptacles for resin and balsam, which are produced in a lysigenic manner (see pages 170 and 248). These appear as roundish spaces or cavities, filled with their contents (formerly termed ‘‘interior glands”), and are pro- duced in such a manner that those cells which occupy the place of the subsequent receptacle become filled at an early period with the respective secretion ; afterwards the membrane of these cells containing the secretion disappear (Fig. 168, com- Fig. 168.—Formation of an oil gland of Dictamnus Fraxinella; at the left is repre- sented, below the epidermis, a group of small cells which become filled with drops of oil, while the cells are in process of dissolution ; at the right, most of these cells have already become dissolved, and in their place is produced a lysigenic intercellular space containing a secretion (Rauter). pare also the previous remarks in connection with the cell- membrane). ‘These receptacles are not, like the resin-canals (which will be considered directly), bordered by a circle of se- creting cells; the cells inclosing them are not essentially dis- tinguished from the tissue of their surroundings. With these may be classed the oil receptacles of the Rutacew? (Ptelea, ™Compare Rauter, ‘‘ Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte einiger Trichomge- bilde.” Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad., 1872, and Von Hohnel, ‘‘ Anatomi-. sche Untersuchungen iiber einige Secretionsorgane der Pflanzen.” Wiener Akademie, November, 1881. INTERCELLULAR SECRETIONS, 251 Correa, Ruta, Dictamnus),’ of the leaves and fruits of Citrus, and of Jaborandi leaves. Thus, for example, in the very large oil-spaces in the rind of the fruit of species of Citrus, a solution of the cell-walls is dis- tinctly perceptible.* This is, perhaps, still more the case in the trunks of Copaifera,? in which the balsam passages attain an enormous development. These trees contain the copaiva- éalsam in canals which are as much as an inch in diameter, and which often traverse the entire trunk, so that a single one, after being bored, is capable of yielding balsam by the pound. In the so-called ‘‘ gummosis,” the membranes become converted into gum (compare page 166, Fig. 78). In the Sterculiacez, lysigenic (protogenic, page 263) gum-pas- _ Sages are found.‘ The lysigenic passages, like the schizogenic, which will be described directly, may be either dermatogenic, that is, produced by the participation of epidermal cells (Citrus, Dictamnus, Amorpha), or they may be formed under the epidermis, deeply in the interior (interior glands in a more restricted sense). The secreting space of the lysigenic passages is always com- pletely closed. The intercellular receptacles for secretions, or the so- called oil-passages and balsam-passages, belong neither to the true cells, nor to the tubes produced through the fusion of cells, nor to the passages of lysigenic origin. The formation of these receptacles, which are found in the Myrtaceer (Hucalyptus, Figs. 127,128, Myrtus, Eugenia, Pimen- ta), in the Leguminose (Amorpha, Hymenea, Trachylobium), in the Umbellifere, Composite, and Conifere, in Ovalis, Lysimachia and Myrsine,* admits, in the families of the Um- 1 Here also in the interior of hairs, Sachs, ‘‘ Lehrbuch,” p. 93. Mar- tinet, loc. cit, De Bary, loc. cit. Fig. 22. ?Sachs, ‘‘ Lehrbuch der Botanik,” 1874, p. 92, * Karsten, Botan. Zeitung, 1857, p. 316. 4Trécul, Compt. rend., 1862, p. 315.—Ledig, Botan. Centralb., 1881, vi., p. 387. 5 Von Héhnel, in the investigation cited on page 250. 252 PLANT ANATOMY. belliferee, Composite and Conifers ' (which are very rich in such examples) of being traced back to the production, extension, and prolongation of intercellular spaces. Very frequently four cells. Fie. 169. Fie. 170. Fie. 171. Figs. 169-171.—Four boundary cells, gggg, in Fig. 176 receding from each other; in Fig. 171 the intercellular passage so produced exerts a pressure upon the boundary cells, Fig. 169, gggq) recede from each other in the region where they meet together. The boundary cells (y), which in the beginning (Fig. 170) still project with their conyex walls into the resin-passage, Fia. 172. Fia. 173. Fias. 172-173.—Beginning of the depression of the boundary cells, which in Fig. 173 are strongly compressed in a radial direction (Miller). recede (Fig. 171), and are more and more depressed in a radial direction (Figs. 172, 173). At the same time, in the boundary cells, and frequently also in the farther surroundings of the ' Compare also Fig. 106. INTERCELLULAR SECRETIONS. 253 passages, a new formation of cells takes place by the division of the older cells (Figs. 174, 175), so that finally the fully devel- Fie. 174. Fie. 175. Fig. 174.—Beginning of the new formation of cells in the boundary cells (Miller), Fie. 175,—Around the intercellular passage, which has become extended as an oil- ‘space, a layer of tabular daughter-cells (secerning cells) has been formed. Transverse section through a branch of the root of Inula Helenium (Miller). oped resin-passage or balsam-passage is located in a special Fig. 176. : Fie, 177. Fie. 176.—Longitudinal section (a) and transverse section ((b) through a balsam-pas- sage (oil-space) of Rad. Inula. Be : : Fie. 177.—Central portion of an oil-space from Rhizoma] Arnice, on & longitudinal section; 0, oil-space; t, daughter-cells which have not yet become depressed. 254 PLANT ANATOMY. form of tissue (Fig. 176). From these cells surrounding the intercellular balsam-passage (secerning cells, epithelium) the volatile oil, and the resin dissolved therein, penetrate through their walls into the passage. A canal which has been formed in the manner just described, by the parting of cells from each other, is termed schizogenic.' In the larch, in addition to resin receptacles of this kind, lysigenic passages are also found (page 248). A ramification of those passages which more closely concern us here is not perceptible on a longitudinal section through them, Fic. 178.—Longitudinal section from the bark of Radix Sumbul (Ferula seu Eury- —angium Sumbul); r, medullary rays; 1, phloém; b, oil-passage (the parenchyma lying beneath it being visible). : so that they do not represent a vascular system, like the latex- tubes of many plants (e. g., Figs. 163-165). The more simple form of the resin-passages is in harmony with the manner of their formation, although this does not exclude the passages from oc- casionally attaining a considerable length (Fig. 176), as in the _ sumbul root (Fig. 178), in Rhizoma Imperatorie, or, as already _ mentioned, in Copaifera, and presumably also in Dipterocarpus.* | Byitw I cleave, and yévos production. ___ * Fliickiger, “‘ Pharmakognosie,” p. 86. SCHIZOGENIC PASSAGES. 255 The intercullar resin-receptacles are widely distributed in the Coniferw; here they are found not only in the bark (Fig. 181), but also in the wood (Fig. 180), in the scales of the cones,’ and, indeed, the leaves mostly contain two of them (Fig. 179) on the lower surface. It is only in a few Conifer (Zazrus) that they are entirely wanting. Copal is also produced in schizogenic secretion-receptacles, in the Trachylobium as well as in the Hymenea, as Héhnel has shown. Fiq, 179.~Transverse section through the oil-canal of a coniferous leaf: dc, oil canal; s, nucleus-sheath (consisting of bast-cells) surrounding the same; sp, stoma; a, respiratory cavity; ep, epidermis (Tschirch). _ Although a longitudinal section through the root structures of the Composite and Umbellifere does not reveal either a regular arrangement* ora connection of the balsam-passages — 1 Hanausek, ‘‘ Ueber die Harzginge in den Zapfenschuppen einiger Co- — niferen.” Jahresbericht der, etc., Handelsschule in Krems, 1880, ? With regard to the distribution of the resin-passages, compare Han- ausek, ‘ Zur Lage der Harzgange,” Irmischia, ii. (1882), Nos. 3, 4, and HAG Utiler, Tinie ee es 256 PLANT ANATOMY. Pex DiH! | Cc Fig. 180.—Transverse section from the wood of Pinus silvestris; jg, 1 annual ring; fh, spring wood; hh, autumn wood; hg, resin-canal; c, secreting cells; ¢, pits; m, medul- lary rays. _ Fig. 181.—Transverse section through the bark of Pistacia Lentiscus; st, plate of stone-cells with inclosed crystal-cells, the medullary rays sclerotized. Resin-passages. Oele, Gummi und Gummiharze und die Stellung der Secretbehalter im Pflanzenkérper,” in Pringsheim’s Jahrb. fiir wissenschaftl. Botanik, v. (1867), p. 380. H. Mayr, * Entstehung und Vertheilung der Sekretions- _ organe der Fichte und Larche,” Botan. Centralblatt, xx. (1884), 278 . SCHIZOGENIC PASSAGES. 257 among themselves; yet aconformity to some law in the position of these receptacles is sometimes apparent upon a_trans- verse ‘section. ‘lhe root-stock of Arnica, for example, shows a large balsam-passage (Fig. 182) before each fibro-vascu-. lar bundle. A similar arrangement may be seen to exist in aie Fia. 182.—Portion of a transverse section from the underground stem (rhizome) of Arnica montana. Before each xylem-ray (wood-bundle) 1, there is a very large oil space; 0, b, cavities formed by the laceration of the fundamental tissue; a, epidermis _ of the root (epiblema); m, medulla, The cells of the epidermis are spirally striped; in the surroundings of the oil-spaces are drops of oil which have escaped. Compare also Berg's “ Atlas,” Plates 8, 9, 10. ; aii Radix Angelice and R. Levistici, in Rhizoma Imperatorie and others, although, in the course of development, which is not = 258 PLANT ANATOMY. always perfectly uniform, they often become disturbed in con- sequence of the laceration of the individual tissues. Hand in hand with the organic transformations just described, there occur, in the surroundings of the passages, certain chemi- cal processes, to which the resins, volatile oils and varieties of mucilage owe their origin and also the special form which enables them to pass into the intercellular spaces. The resins, namely, are either dissolved involatile oils, as ** balsams” or ‘‘ tur- pentines,” or they are emulsified by mucilage (gum). It is only in this form that they are capable of passing through the cell- walls into the passages formed for their reception. Although the manner of formation of the cells and tissues’ which have here been considered may appear quite clear, yet the chemical side of these processes has so far not been elucidated. In many cases, resin and volatile oil appear to be produced from amylum. If this may be accepted with some degree of probabil- ity, the equally just supposition is forcibly presented that under certain conditions cellulose, which agrees with amylum in its composition, is also capable of undergoing the same transforma- tion. Asa matter of fact, this is also the case with the lysigenic canals, which have previously been considered (compare page 248). According to Frank’s investigations,’ it would appear as if the oil-tubes or stripes, vitte@,* which are so characteristic for many of the umbelliferous fruits, first became forced asunder through the volatile oil which makes its appearance in them, while the balsam-passages of umbelliferous roots present the development illustrated by Figs. 169 to 175. But in many of these fruits the oil-tubes also show remnants of transverse walls (Fig. 183) which presumably indicate a solution of original boundary cells. The effloresced appearance of the tissues which surround the oil-tubes in Fructus Carvi, Fructus Feniculi, 1 Especially described by Miiller, loc. cit., p. 387.—Thomas, Ibid., _v., p. 48.—See also Frank, ‘‘ Beitrage zur Pflanzenphysiologie,” Leipzig, 1868, pp. 120, 123. _ ** Beitr. z. Pflanzenphysiologie,” p. 128. sss 8 Fig. 94 0.—Berg’s “ Atlas,” Plates xli., xlii., xliii. SCHIZOGENIC PASSAGES. 259 etc., also supports this view. It has, however, recently been shown that the oil-tubes are produced in the same manner as the resin-receptacles of roots,’ and are thus of schizogenic origin. As an exception, in Fructus Conti oil-tubes* are not found at the period of ripening (as has previously been already men-. tioned), but rather a connected layer of cells (Fig. 184), im which is located the volatile oil and coniine. When observed: Fic. 183.—Longitudinal section{through an oil-passage from Fructus Foeniculi, with transverse walls; s, dark-brown efflorescing cork-like tissue; a, albumen of the seed. on a longitudinal section (Fig. 185), this layer represents the cells superposed in a compartment-like form; if their transverse 1 Lange, ‘“‘ Uber die Entwickelung der Oelbehalter bei den Umbelli- feren,” K6nigsberg, 1884. Dissertation.—Compare also E. Bartsch, ‘‘ Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Umbelli- ferenfriichte.” Inaugural Dissertation, Breslau, 1882. 2 In young ovaries they are present as an initial formation, but do not become developed. 260 . PLANT ANATOMY. walls were to disappear, the figure of an oil-passage produced by resorption would be obtained. Such a solution of the trans- verse walls does not occur, however, in Fructus Conii. The spaces which have just been considered contain either volatile oil (Myrtaceze), which in drugs is often already more or less resinified, or a mixture of volatile oil and resin, or finally resin itself. : Resin, which is free from volatile oil, is also met with in Lignum Guaiaci and in Lig. Quassie in the form of brittle, Fic. 184.—Transverse section through Fructus Conii; a, albumen of the seed; }, © embryo; ce, commissural surface; e, epidermis; m, tissue of the fruit casing; ¢’, inner- most layer of the latter; ¢, layer of cells containing volatile oil and coniine; o, vitte; v, ribs (costz), traversed by fibro-vaScular bundles. . shapeless masses. In these two plants the resin first makes its appearance at a later period (at an advanced age) in ordinary wood-cells and vessels of the heart-wood; it thus shows a deport- ment similar to that of physiological gum (see page 166), with which it also appears to be chemically related (see also page 264). Dees ‘a a microscopical examination, the resin and oil, especially when they occur mixed with each other as a balsam, escape from — SCHIZOGENIC PASSAGES. 261 these depositories in the form of small, strongly refracting drops, which are more frequently yellowish or brownish than: colorless, and are clearly miscible with alcohol, or at least with absolute alcohol, ether or benzol, and with fixed or ‘volatile oils. A mixture of gum, resin, and volatile oils (gum-resin), as in asafetida, galbanum, and ammoniacum, or even gum or muci- lage alone (Cycadeex),’ is also found in schizogenic secretion- receptacles. However, should any of the material occurring in cells or in Fie. 185,—Longitudinal section through the coniine layer, t, of Fig. 184, The letters have the same signification as in Fig. 184. intercellular spaces be found to be indifferent towards the above solvents, it does not necessarily follow that resin is absent, since the older lumps of resin dissolve only with difficulty. The resins are colored red by tincture of alkanet. The reagent of Unverdorben and Franchimont (an aqueous solution of acetate of copper) colors the drops of resin, after several days’ maceration in the liquid, emerald-green. The resins are not, however, confined to these receptacles, as 1G, Kraus, in Pringsheim’s Jahrb, f. wissensch. Botan., iv., p. 305, Plates xxi. and xxiii. 262 PLANT ANATOMY. is already evident from the description of the latter. In young cells, where the resin is first formed only in small amount, it is destitute of any special color; the same is the case where the resin forms semi-liquid granules, especially in those plants where it occurs emulsified as a constituent of laticiferous juices, for example, in Tuber Jalape. ‘This extremely fine division and liquefaction of the resins is promoted in the laticiferous juices of the Umbellifer by the volatile oil which they contain. Under such conditions the resin may be recognized by its tendency to absorb coloring matters. Iodine solution, or pre- ferably aniline colors dissolved in water, carmine, etc., when carefully added in corresponding amount, are very useful for this purpose. To be sure, this does not always prove that the colored bodies are resins, but the coloration, nevertheless, affords good points of discrimination. The schizogenic secretion-receptacles are generally closed. There are, however, cases where the secreting space is open, and communicates with intercellular spaces of the parenchyma, which likewise sometimes contain a secretion (Ozalis floribunda, Peganum Harmala, Lysimachia Ephemerum). With regard to their morphology and the nature of their - development, the following varieties of secretion-receptacles should, therefore, be maintained distinct: I. True Cells. (a) Isolated in the interior of the tissues, and on all sides in connection with the other elements of the tissue. 1. Containing oil: Macis, Laurus, Cortex Angosture, roots of the Zingiberacee, Acorus Calamus, Cinna- mon bark. 2. Containing mucilage: Cinnamon-bark, Elm-bark, Althea root (filling entire tissues in Chondrus). 3. Containing laticiferous juice, simple: galls, from species of Rhus, from Eastern Asia : Euphorbiacee. 4, Containing crystals, especially in monocotyledons. 5. Containing tannin. @: ‘United in a band of cells. Fructus Conti, Tuber Jalape, _ Dichopsis Gutta. CLASSIFICATION OF RECEPTACLES. 263 (c) As glandular heads of hairs. 1. Upon the epidermis, glandular hairs of the Labiate. Kamala, Glandule Lupuli (colleters). 2. Projecting into intercellular spaces (Aspidium Filiz mas). II. Secretion-receptacles produced through the fusion of cells: (a) Of rows of cells: latex-tubes (Papaveracee, Cichoriacex, Campanulacez). (6) Of homogeneous aggregations of cells: lysigenic oil- and balsam-passages (Rutacezx, including the Aurantiez). (c) Of entire, and also dissimilar portions of tissue: gum- glands. Ii]. True intercellular spaces : (2) Containing oil or resin, schizogenic balsam-passages (in the Conifere, Umbellifere,.. Myrtacee, Leguminose, Hypericinez). (4) Containing gum-resin (the roots of some Umbellifere). (c) Containing mucilage, schizogenic mucilage-passages (Cycadeze). (d) Containing laticiferous juice (Alisma Plantago). The secretion receptacles may be profogenic, that is, they may be formed already in quite young tissues, or they may be hysterogenic, that is produced at a later period in old and com- pletely developed tissue. In transmitted light, many leaves appear finely punctate in consequence of the presence of resin cells, resin cavities, and crystal cells. Bokorny has utilized these ‘ pellucid points ” diagnostically.?. The pellucid points are caused by resin cells in the Lauracew, Piperacee, Meliacex, Sapindacee, Canellaces, Anonacex and others, by resin-cavities in the Myrsinee, Myrta- cee, Rutacee, and Hypericinex. : 1 The size of the resin-canals possesses diagnostic value in distinguish- ing Rad. Levistici and Angelice. In the former they have the same di- ameter as the vessels; in Angelica, on the contrary, they are consider- ably wider. 2 Die durchsichtigen Puncte der Blatter in anatomischer und syste- matischer Beziehung.” Flora, 1882. PATHOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. The morphological and anatomico-physiological relations of the organs formed in the normal vital processes of plants having been considered so far as they relate to our purpose, some other phenomena may still be mentioned which are produced by dis- turbances of the normal] processes. When a part of a plant is wounded by the human hand or by an animal, it is capable of repairing the injury. The most usual form of protection is the formation of cork (protective cork) on the wounded place. Figure 109 a shows, for example, how on a fruit of the Vanilla, which has been wounded by an insect, cork has been produced around the wounded place, whereby access of air is excluded from the inner tissues. Cork» is the ordinary form of protection for delicate organs, but naturally, is only met with in such places where cells occur which are still delicate and readily suberized. If, on the con- trary, the stem of a dicotyledonous woody plant is wounded down to the wood, the plant selects another means of protec- tion, since cells here become exposed which can no longer be- come suberized. Accordingly, in all the cells of the wood which border on the wounded place, gum (wound-gum) is pro- duced as an exudation of the thick membranes, which gradually fills the cell cavity and thus directly closes the wound. The masses of gum and resin which occur in the dead heart-wood of the officinal woods ( page 260) are probably such protective gum. During this process, in those portions of the bark which are still capable of development, the plant endeavors to close the _ wound from both sides. There are thus produced, by very —_— = in the _—— cambial zone, om, inflated GALLS. 265 cushions, or excrescences, which gradually constrict the wounded place more and more, and, indeed, may finally entirely close it. Such enlargements of the tissue as are produced by outward influences are termed hypertrophies. hey occur not only in the form of excrescences, but also as variously shaped malformations, which should not be classed with the excrescences without further distinction. While, namely, the latter are to be regarded as a reaction produced in consequence of a single wound, the other anomalous formations, quite generally designated by the name of galls or cecidie, are of service to the insect or para- sitie plant which produces the wound. Hence there may be distinguished according to the respective organism, fungus- galls (mycocecidie)—for of all plants only the parasitic fungi produce such formations—and insect-galls (zoocecidix.) Whether, however, a plant or an insect is the cause of these formations, the symptoms are always the same. By a vigorous, and often greatly increased formation and division of cells, the affected part of the plant, which always consists of cells which are still capable of development, is very considerably enlarged, and manifold and often very strange malformations are pro- duced. An active conveyance of sap affords abundant nourish- ment, which is often so great that not only are the requirements fulfilled for the new formation of cellular tissue, but numerous surplus products (for instance, starch) also accumulate in the cells. Moreover, peculiar bodies (such as tannic matters) are also frequently formed in the cells of the gall, which are either wanting in the other tissues of the plant, or are contained in them in very much smaller amount. Upon such an activity of development, which is increased and qualitatively changed through irritation, essentially depends the formation of galls. In the fungus-galls, the hyphx of the fungus, nourished by the richly supplied -cells, penetrate the intumescence. In the case of the insect-galls, the interior, which is mostly hollow, serves as an abode for the insect; it there passes through its — entire course of development, from the egg to the perfect insect (Cynips galls of the Oak), and even through several generations. Since the galls seriously injure the plant only when they are 266 PATHOLOGICAL FORMATIONS. produced in quantitatively very considerable amounts, a case of symbiosis ' (cohabitation) is thus presented here, of beings be- longing to two different series, though, since the one lives chiefly at the expense of the other, this borders closely on parasitism. These formations are very remarkable from the fact that a plant does service for an insect and constructs for the latter its dwelling place. ‘Since insects of different classes (Hemiptera, Diptera, Hy- menoptera) participate in the production of insect-galls—and only these interest us here— it is impossible to make any state- ments of general application regarding these gall formations, which occur upon plants of all the families of phanerogams.’ Their shape, like the nature of the irritation which produces them, is extremely variable. Only those galls which are rich in tannin are of technical importance, and these are also our best sources of tannin. The oaks, especially, furnish many valuable galls.* The galls of Asia Minor (or galls in a general sense) are pro- duced by the puncture of the ovipositor of the female insect of Oynips galle tinctorie Olivier (a Hymenoptera) in the young shoots of Quercus lusitanica Lamarck. The female insect, de- veloped in the hypertrophic tissue from the egg deposited therein, afterwards bores for itself a passage and escapes from the gall, by which it was sheltered during one of its phases of life. The so-called Chinese and Japanese galls, on the contrary, are produced by the female Aphis sinensis (a Hemiptera) in the younger shoots and leaf-stalks of Rhus semialata Murray. In these galls, which are mostly very large, the numerously intro- duced eggs become developed as plant-lice, pass through succes- 1 Sur with, and zevr to live. *Compare especially, Frank, ‘‘ Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten.” _ ®The galls which are employed technically and pharmaceutically have been very excellently described by Hartwich (Arch. d. Pharm., 21, 1883, p. 820); compare also Wiesner, ‘‘ Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches,” Vienna, 1873, pp. 846, with numerous illustrations. GALLS. 267 sive generations, and finally escape. In the commercial galls, the small insects are still frequently found which have been killed by scalding or have otherwise been destroyed. MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. In the course of the preceding representation the chemical detection of one or another substance has already been alluded to, and, indeed, the treatment of microscopic sections with suitable reagents affords many valuable disclosures. As in all other cases, definite answers are obtainable, when systematic and accurately formulated questions are propounded. For this purpose, chemical reagents! are of service, among which the following may be designated as especially important: 1. Chromic Acid (free from sulphuric acid) dissolved in 100 parts of water. This is adapted in general for the purpose of loosening composite, thickened cell-walls and constituent bodies, whereby the finer relations of structure are very often made evident, since chromic acid is also capable of clearing up darkly colored cell-walls, and, on the other hand separates the layers and finer membranes, thus bringing them more clearly to view. By means of this acid, starch granules are completely separated into lamine, the strata of the Cinchona bast-fibres (page 155, Fig. 73) separated from each other and lignified mem- branes @issolved, while suberized membranes are rendered more clear. When employed in a more concentrated form, or allowed to act for a longer time, chromic acid destroys the cell-walls. Its application, therefore, requires continual observation of the sec- tidns which are treated therewith, in order to completely survey the result of the phenomena. ‘Compare Poulsen’s ‘“ Botanische Microchemie,” Cassel, 1881; and Behrens’ ‘‘ Hilfsbuch zur Ausfihrung microscopischer Untersuchun- _ gen,” Braunschweig, 1883. The American editions of these two works are noticed on page 49; in both of them are contained numerous refer- | _ ences to the literature of the subject. MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. 269 2. Hydrochloric Acid of the specific gravity 1.110 acts much less energetically upon the cell-walls; yet, without causing these to swell in a disturbing manner, it seizes upon many of the con- stituent substances and thereby permits the structure of the tissue to be more clearly recognized (a stronger acid effects tumefaction). Calcium oxalate (page 129) is readily dissolved by hydrochloric acid. 3. Sulphurie Acid. The dilute acid (specific gravity 1.110) causes starch and the membranes to swell. Cellulose is converted by it into amyloid (page 159). Concentrated sulphuric acid (specific gravity 1.836) dissolve the membranes and their contents; only the cuticle, cork, the nucleus sheaths (page 202), intercellular substance, and the oil drops contained in the cell resist its action. In the phloroglucin reaction (page 161), sulphuric acid can be applied in place of hydrochloric acid. When mixed with indol ! the former is a good reagent for lignified membranes. 4, Nitrie Acid of the specific gravity 1.180, either alone or after the addition of ammonia, colors protein substances, as also the middle lamella, yellow. Héhnel employs it for the detec- tion of suberin (cerin reaction). Since nitric acid dissolves starch as well as sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, it can likewise be employed for clearing up tissues which are rich in starch. Nitric acid alone, or, still better, a mixture of nitric acid and potassium chlorate (Schultze’s maceration), is the best agent for isolating the individual element of tissue. The boiling acid, to which small crystals of potassium chlorate are gradually added, dissolves the middle lamella. This method of procedure is par- ticularly applicable to the examination of vegetable powders (Cinnamon, Cinchona, ete.); dark membranes at the same time become bleached thereby. When treated in this manner, boiled scraps of drugs are re- 1 A colorless crystalline principle of the composition CsH;N, ob- tained by the action of reducing agents on the blue coloring principle of indigo. F. B, P. 270 MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. solved by the pressure of the glass cover upon the slide into the separate elements (Fig. 186), which may then be conveniently further examined. It is, however, to be considered that the reagent produces a swelling of the membranes, as also a solution of the bodies contained therein. It is likewise to be observed that Schultze’s maceration dissolves the lignin from the lignified membranes, so that the latter then show the cellulose reaction. Before the objects that have been thus treated are brought Fig. 186.—Isolated elements of cinnamon bark obtained by maceration with Schultze’s liquid. b, bast-cells; sc, stone-cells (sclereids); p, parenchyma; sch, mucilage cells; st, starch granules of the cinnamon (Tschirch). under the microscope, it is necessary to thoroughly wash out the reagent. 5. Acetic Acid of the specific gravity 1.040 often clears up in a remarkable manner such sections as have previously been treated with alkalies. Since calcium oxalate is insoluble in acetic acid, the latter may also be employed as a confirmative _ test when the recognition of this salt is in question (compare — page 133). This acid is likewise of service in the examination MICROCHEMICAL REAGENTS. 271 of protoplasm, since it causes the nucleus of the cell to appear sharply defined. 6. Neutral Acetate of Copper dissolved in twenty parts of water. If tissues containing resin are allowed to remain for some days in this solution, the metal combines with the resin to form green clots. ”. Tannic Acid is always dissolved freshly just before use in twenty parts of water, and employed in the search for alkaloids. By moistening thin sections with water, to which a slight trace of acetic acid has been added, a concentrated liquid extract of the substance is prepared, which is tested by the gradual addition of a few drops of the solution of tannic acid upon the slide. Ifa turbidity is produced, it may be due to the presence of alkaloids, but may also be caused by the so-called bitter principles, or by albumen. 8. Solution of Soda of the specific gravity 1.160, containing 15 per cent of sodium hydroxide. Instead of this solution, an equally strong alcoholic solution may serve for many purposes. The corresponding solutions of potassium hydroxide have the same action. The caustic alkali causes the cell-walls to swell, and dissolves many of the constituent substances, especially coloring matters, whereby the sections are rendered very much clearer; from lignified membranes the lignin is extracted by means of warm solutions of caustic potassa or soda. In many cases the treat- ment of the tissue with alkali permits of the clearer recognition of the relations of the strata. The protein crystalloids reveal their organic structure by swelling, whereby their plain surfaces become for the most part rounded and the angles changed. Many yellow coloring substances (chrysophan in Rhubarb, frangulin in Cortex Frangule, chrysarobin) become red by alkalies, a reaction for which lime-water is well adapted. 9. Sodium Hydroxide (solid caustic soda) or potassium hydroxide may be conveniently kept and employed in the form of powder, when the amount to be applied does not require to ‘be more accurately measured. | 10. Ammonia Water, of the specific gravity 0.960, is often R72 MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. preferable to potassa and soda, since the two latter frequently pro- duce an altogether too energetic swelling, which detracts from the clearness of the outlines. The jelly which is formed by the action of the alkalies upon starch also interferes very much. By the application of ammonia neither of these objectionable results are produced, while its power of dissolving coloring sub- stances is not less in extent. Starch suffers no change by the action of ammonia. Ammonia water, still further diluted, is adapted for softening dried plants and many drugs which it is desired to examine more thoroughly. Sections which are treated with nitric acid, and afterward washed and moistened with ammonia, admit of the sharp recognition of protein substances and of the middle lamella by means of their yellow color (xantho-protein reaction). 11. Alkaline Solution of Tartrate of Copper. The solu- tion of the tartrate of copper and sodium in caustic alkali, the so-called ‘‘ Fehling’s solution,” is not convenient for micro- chemical purposes. In place of it, the following method of procedure may be recommended: A solution of 3 parts of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol), free from iron, in 30 parts of hot water is mixed with a solution of 7 parts of Rochelle salt (potassio-sodium tartrate) in 20 parts of hot water, the resulting precipitate collected and dried. When used, alittle of this pre- cipitate is brought upon the object-glass, a small fragment of caustic soda added, and thereupon a few drops of water until a clear solution is produced, or this may also be effected by the use of the least possibly quantity of the solution of caustic alkali (No. 8). The section is then moistened therewith. This alkaline solution of the tartrate of copper is useful in testing for sugar, since uncrystallizable, so-called fruit sugar (page 142) imme- diately separates therefrom reddish-yellow, hydrated cuprous oxide. This also occurs very soon by theaid of a gentle heat when grape sugar is present, but not even by boiling in the case of cane sugar (or mannite). Dextrin is also capable of reduc- , _ ing the tartrate of copper with the aid of heat. The varieties of gum and mucilage effect no reduction in the es alkaline solution of tartrate of copper. MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. 273 Sachs proceeds in the following manner in the reaction for grape sugar. He places the (thick) longitudinal sections for some minutes in a solution of sulphate of copper (1 part of sulphate of copper and 4 parts of water), then washes them with water, and brings them into a boiling solution of caustic potassa (one part of the solution No. 8 and two parts of water). Cells containing grape sugar then appear filled with a reddish-yellow, granular precipitate (Cu,O). In this reaction it is necessary to accurately proportion the time that the section remains in the liquid, the amount of washing, thickness of the section, etc., for which some experience is required. The alkaline tartrate of copper imparts to the albuminous substances deposited in the parenchyma a violet color, in con- sequence of the formation of compounds of copper with the pro- tein substances, as was made known in 1872 by Ritthausen. 12. Ammoniacal Solution of Oxide of Copper is obtained by shaking copper turnings with ammonia water of the specific © gravity 0.960, with the addition of very little ammonium chloride. The ammonical oxide of copper, when prepared in an- other manner, has a different action in some cases. This liquid is the only solvent for cellulose. It is to be observed, however, that its action upon the cell-walls is very different, according to their thickness and purity, and that many, as for instance the hyphe of fungi and cork, are not attacked by it at all, or at least not without previous boiling with caustic alkali or with potas- sium chlorate and hydrochloric acid. The action of the ammoni- acal oxide of copper does not occur immediately. The ammoniacal oxide of copper is only fit for use when it dis- solves cotton in the course of a few hours, It is expedient to protect it from the action of light, and not to keep it for a very long time. 13. Glycerin of the specific gravity 1. 225 is of very general use as a clearing agent; with a higher degree of concentration — its power of abstracting water also comesinto consideration. In the examination of such constituent substances as would dis- solve quickly in water (aleurone, tannic acid), concentrated glycerin is — useful, since its solvent power is ae gradually © 274 MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. exerted. Thus under glycerin the gradual swelling of mem- branes affording mucilage and the disintegration of tissues con- taining oil may also be conveniently observed, and by the addi- tion of water accelerated at will. 14. Absolute Alcohol is of service, for example, in rendering mucilage visible, which would be washed away by water or would form a clear mixture with glycerin. The volatile oils and resins are dissolved by alcohol. Fats and wax are but slightly soluble in cold alcohol, but, for the most part, can be brought into solution by boiling. Protoplasm is killed and hardened by alcohol. Since the lat- ter has adehydrating action, its application, either alone or with the addition of glycerin, effects a separation of the protoplasm from the membrane. The tissues can be freed of air by means of alcohol, since the latter more readily penetrates into the intercellular spaces, and is also capable of absorbing more air than water. By placing the respective organs in alcohol, inulin (page 124) as also hesperidin (page 143) are obtained in sphero-crystals. Indeed, by means of alcohol, even asparagin and sugar may be made to crystallize in organs which are particularly rich therein. 15. Aleohol of 85 per cent by weight, having a specific gravity of about 0.830, the ordinary Spirit of Wine, accomplishes in most cases the some purpose as absolute alcohol. 16. Aleohol of 60 per cent, besides dissolving the resins, also dissolves the different sugars in considerable amount. 17. Ether is applied for the removal of solid and liquid fats, whereby resins and yolatile oils are dissolved at the same time. 18. Benzol (C,H,) serves the same purpose as ether, but, since it boils at 80° C., it admits of gentle warming (with care!), which is often very useful. The same may be said of chloro- form. 19. Chloroform. Resins, fats, wax, and volatile oils dissolve _ _ inether, benzol, and chloroform. These liquids, as arule, are not _ allowed to flow upon the preparation (under the glass egverd = _ the slide). It is preferable to place the sora in a eines ae soak filled with the reagent. : / MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. 27d Hardened masses of resin, such as are frequently found in- older drugs, often resist for a long time the action of the solvent,. a fact which must be considered in order to avoid incorrect con-- clusions. An alcoholic solution of caustic soda often has a bet-- ter action than alcohol and other solvents. 20. Paraffin of a low boiling point (55 to 75° C.), the s0- called petroleum ether or petroleum benzin. This liquid serves for similar purposes as ether, benzol, and chloroform; it has, however, a much less energetic solvent action upon resins. 21. Fatty Oil (Almond Oil is the best) is employed with ad- vantage as a mounting medium, when, beside the fatty oil occurring in the cells, it is desired to examine the other con-- stituents which would become decomposed or dissolved by glycerin: or water (aleurone). Sections of seeds rich in oil, when placed! in the fatty oil, appear very much clearer, since the oil is taken up by the mounting liquid. 22. Liquid high-boiling Paraffin (Parafinwm lMquidum* of the Pharmacopoea Germanica), serves in most cases the same purpose as the fatty oil and is cleaner in its application. 23. Todine in the form of powder, when strewn upon moist- ened sections, often produces purer colorations than iodine solutions; the excess of iodine is easily washed away with water.. Powdered iodine readily cakes together. It is therefore more: convenient to use it in form of a trituration with siliceous earth or pumice stone, and to preserve it in this form, since the latter substances are not objectionable in many of the reactions to be- made with iodine. With regard to the application of iodine and its solutions for: the recognition of starch, cellulose, and protein substances, com- pare the respective sections preceding. 24, Iodine Water. One part of iodine shaken with 4,000: parts of water is used as a reagent for starch and those forms of” cellulose which show a similar reaction. 25. Iodine Solution (Iodine with Poiana Iodide) is a. 1 A clear, oil-like liquid obtianl from petroleum, free from colored,, fluorescent, and odorous substances. F. B. P. 276 MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. solution of 3 parts of iodine and 8 parts of potassium iodide in 1,200 parts of water. After some time, a little hydriodic acid is formed in this solution; the deportment of the solution is then (for example, with starch; see page 122) not precisely the same as when the freshly prepared solution is used. 26. Iodine Tincture. A solution of 1 part of iodine in 10 parts of alcohol of the specific gravity 0.830. 27. Iodine with Glycerin. A mixture of 1 part of iodine solution (No. 25) with 10 parts of glycerin of the specific gravity 1.230. 28. Iodine with Chloride of Zine. In 100 parts of a solu- tion of chloride of zinc of the specific gravity 1.800 are dissolved 6 parts of potassium iodide and as much iodine (about 1 part) as the liquid is capable of taking up. Pure cellulose—though not that of the fungi—assumes with the chloride of zinc and iodinea violet color (chloride of zinc causes the formation of amyloid). Cells containing tannin as- sume with the chloride of zinc and iodine a reddish color. 29. Potassio-mercuric Lodide (a solution of mercuric iodide in potassium iodide) is prepared by dissolving 1.35 paris of mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) and 5 parts of potas- sium iodide in 100 parts of water. Nearly all the alkaloids are precipitated by this reagent from their solutions, even when highly diluted, so that it affords indications of the presence of such substances. The precipitated compounds are mostly amorphous, and only a few assume a crystalline form after some hours. | 30. Ferrous Sulphate (Green Vitriol), prepared in the form of a fine powder, by precipitating it from its solution in water by means of alcohol, and quickly drying it by exposure to the air. When used, 1 part is freshly dissolved in 20 parts of water. Many substances of the class of tannins are colored by this salt, but usually of a different tint than by ferric chloride. The addition of lime-water to sections which have been impreg- nated with a solution of ferrous sulphate and poring or os = _ rinsed with water, often produces new colorations. : a Ferric Chloride, The officinal solution [Pharm. Germ. ] MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. 277 of the specific gravity 1.405 is diluted with 10 times its weight of water, and the sections allowed to macerate for some time in the liquid. If aleohol be employed for diluting the solution, somewhat different reactions are usually obtained, and, upon the subsequent addition of lime-water, still further changes of color appear. The dilute solution of ferric chloride is decomposed by long keeping (as a result of dissociation). Only the officinal solution should, therefore, be kept ready prepared. The dilute solution of ferric chloride serves chiefly for the recognition of tannic matters, which are thereby colored either green or blue. It is expedient to discriminate between these two classes of colorations, though this is frequently difficult, owing to the appearance of transition colors in consequence of several tannic matters being usually present at the same time. This assumption of the simultaneous presence of several differ- ent tannic matters is supported by the observation that the coloration first produced by very small quantities of solution of ferrous sulphate in cells containing tannin is often changed by the further addition of ferric chloride. The behavior of pyro- catechin, quercitrin, and rutin to iron salts may here also be | called to mind. Instead of ferric chloride, ferric sulphate or ferric acetate may also be employed. 32. Mereurous Nitrate, known also by the name of “ Mil- | lon’s reagent.” One part of mercury is dissolved, without heat, in 1 part of fuming nitric acid, and the solution diluted with 2 parts of water. This liquid imparts a red color to pro- tein substances, though only when the latter are present in considerable amount. The striping of the membranes is ren- dered clearer by Millon’s reagent. On account of its strongly acid reaction, care must be taken not to have it come in contact. with the microscope. 33, Aniline Sulphate, in aqueous, or better, alcoholic solu- _ tion, colors all lignified membranes yellow, especially after the oe : addition of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. 34. Phloroglucin is a still more delicate reagent for lignifi- cation. The sections are thoroughly moistened with hydro~ 278 MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. chloric acid, and a freshly prepared solution of phloroglucin in 100 parts of water dropped upon them, whereupon lignified membranes become red. Occasionally, this coloration appears without the addition of phloroglucin, for the reason that this principle itself occurs in some barks. CoLoRING AGENTS. 35. Aniline Colors. Fuchsine, methyl-violet, methyl-green, Hanstein’s aniline-violet (equal parts of methyl-violet and fuchsine), vesuvine, as also aniline-blue and aniline-brown, re- ceive manifold applications, particularly in bacteriological inves- tigations, since these organisms are capable of strongly absorb- ing the aniline colors. But in histological investigations the above-named colors are also employed, usually dissolved in 100 parts of water. _ 36. Eosin in aqueous solution colors dead protoplasm intensely red, and is therefore especially applicable, for example, in the examination of sieve-tubes. 37. Carmine Solution. The best carmine is dissolved in ammonia-water, the clearly decanted liquid evaporated to ‘dryness, and the residue (preferably only as required) dissolved in 100 parts of hot water. This reagent is abundantly absorbed by many substances, for example by albumen and resins, also by the delicate cuticle of cells, so that, by an unequal coloration of the walls and constituent substances, many relations may be rendered clearer. 38. Hematoxylin (3.5 parts in 100 parts of water) in com- bination with alum is an admirable coloring agent for cell- nuclei. MountTinG MEDIA. If it is desired to keep a preparation, it must be preserved in a medium which does not evaporate, and in which the structure — _ of the preparation may be clearly retained. The most convenient to use for this purpose are certain preserving liquids, especially : _ glycerin (specific gravity 1.250) or calcium chloride (one part of MICRO-CHEMICAL REAGENTS. 279 the salt in three parts of water). These two liquids, particularly the first-named, leave most preparations unchanged, even after many years. Starch, however, is dissolved by calcium chloride, even when it is neutral. For firmer objects, sections of more compact drugs, for Lycopodium, and also for diatoms (provided they will bear some warming) Canada balsam may be employed as the mounting medium. The preparations must, however, have previously been repeatedly washed with alcohol. The section is then placed in Canada balsam which has been liquefied with a little warm chloroform, and finally in the slightly warmed balsam itself. A solution of gelatin in glycerin is also adapted for delicate, as well as.for coarse preparations. This is obtained by gently - warming one part of colorless gelatin with six parts of water and seven parts of glycerin. When used, the mixture is lique- fied by warming. When Canada balsam or glycerin-gelatin are used, it is not absolutely necessary to specially cement the cover-glass, since the solidifying mounting medium holds the cover-glass firmly; but if glycerin or calcium chloride solutions are used as mount- ing media, it is necessary to cement the cover-glass. As varnish, either the ordinary black asphalt varnish or the yellow “‘ pre- pared gold-size ” are employed. ee ee ae ey ee "a7B4 -1d1o0.1d MOT +" par-xoy sete hee ene ees ' qapora-ontq ee ee ee “4o[OLA Yep seer ee eee eee osee ** "q970TA **par-La1eyo *‘patojoo AT -yy 3s A10A 10 ‘[]B 4B you *pazojoo you ‘(eUISTON,T pue JaTOTA -4yewy «Jo syavd = penba) ‘Qo]OIA - OUTTIUY —8, UTeySUBET ‘poy oop poorpsPT pue uronypSos0[ yg ~[04 - Ystppod|* *WAMOAQ-por|******-gefOTA|** Buyppaaas|s sess rs sees s|ssseeese © lee nig pnpl*:*teddog jo ayVAqIBT, OUTTBYTY 0 s)8 2 6 ery ow © a ee ye i Ge ee Gee seeereccess*lengaTossIpun ‘paaTosstpun + **paarosstp ‘toddog jo eprxo [vovrmowury “MONRIOTOO IO[OD UMOIG en[q B® 4no | ‘uoTyR.LOTOO Be Yq ‘OTQNJOSUL |-TTYLM ‘paaTos|entq B YILAL Tees ssrreesjecereess ses padoaqsep|****paatossrp| Ayeqyefdutoo|-sip A;aojs| — peayossrp|*** ‘prov ounyding pue eurpoy “(Bury | Ce nereernens "°°" USIppat sees morTad -[OMs) enyq S225 8 MOQ **** moras rte SOTOTA ** “eprao[Tyo ouIz UQT An eurpoy “AO "( ¢ MONINIOS OUTPOT ,, ) Teeteeesecesdeccecess e+ |-19X - osuBso|********eniq|***** waorq!':*-*+ aorjed]* *** ssazz0jooeprpoy WNIssv}og YIM eUIpOoyT rf ‘ ' “HTOLLAD “aNVUd E : : ‘aveng | ivy eg . hae Cusaee q| Houvag oo er “Wa eames: aSOLATIA ‘INGDVE | ‘sjuabnay pworvmayy-o1opy pouoruopy hysnorosg ay fo owog fo sisdouky LN LD Ex Abortive parts of the flower, 75 Aboul Mena, 24 Absorption of ment, 208 of inorganic salts, 208 of organic nutriment, 208 Acetic acid, 270 Acid, acetic, 270 chromic, 268 filicic, 135, 246 gallic, 185 gallo-tannic, 138 hydriodic, 275 hydrochloric, 269 nitric, 145, 269 phosphoric, 144 stearic, 106 sulphuric, 145, 269 sulphuric, concentrated, 269 sulphuric, dilute, 269 tannic, 137, 271 Acids, plant, 139 Acropetalous, 78 Actinomorphous, 78 Adragantin, 164 Adulterations, 16, 22, 35 Aérating system, 235 Aistivation, convolute, 68 imbricate, 68 plicate, 68 inorganic nutri- Albertus Magnus, 28 Albumen, 87 Albuminous substances, 235, 273 Alburnum, 230 Alcohol, 274 absolute, 274 Aleurone, 97 granules, 97 Alhervi, 23 Alkaline solution of tartrate of copper, 272 Alkaloid, 108 Alkaloids, 139, 249 Almond oil, 275 Aloe, 144 Alphita, 25 Aluminium, 145 Amalfi, 26 Amentum, 78 Amides, 139 Ammonia water, 271 Amyegdalin, 135 Amylo-cellulose, 170 Amyloid, 123, 168 Amylum, 108 Anatomico-physiological system of tissue, 174 Anatomy, 93 Anatropous, 89 Androeceum, 70 Anemophilous plants, 74 Aniline blue, 278 brown, 278 colors, 278 sulphate, 277 violet, Hanstein’s, 278 Annual rings, 220, 221 Annular vessels, 217 Anthela, 79 Anthers, 70 halves of the, 70 monothecous, 70. Anthocyan, 104 282 INDEX. Anthoxanthin, 104 Apocarpous gyneceum, 73 Apotropous, 90 Apparent rings, 220 Appendages of the epidermis, 182 of the fruit, 91 of the seed, 90 Apposition, 111 Arabin, 164 Arabinic acid, salts of, 169 Arabs, 23 Archiv des Apotheker-Vereins, 54 Areolated pits, 153, 218 Arillus, 91 Arnaldus de Villanova, 25 Arrangement of the leaves, 65 Arrowroot, 115 East Indian, 115 Ash, constituents of the, 144 estimation of the, 147 obtainment of the, 146 of plants, 144 Asparagin, 135 Asphalt varnish, 279 Assimilating surface, 175 system, 175 Assimilation, 209 products of, 102, 107, 119 starch, 108 Astrosclereids, 200 Asymmetrical, 78 Atropine, 108 Atropous, 89 Autochthonous starch, 108 Autumn wood, 221 Avicenna, 23 Axis, 78 Bacca, 86 Balsam, 251, 258 passages, se , 203 passages, schizogenic, 254 Bark, 62, 232 7 green, 233 of monocotyledons, 62 _ parenchyma, 232 »s, 241 Bast, 62, 194, 217 bundles, 68 cells, firmness of, 196 cell bundles, 197 fibres, application of, 199 horn, 164 soft, 231 tubes, 155, 156, 158 Bean starch, 114 Beet-root sugar, 142 Bell, Jacob, 54 Benedictine convents, 27 Benzol, 274 Berg, 41 Berry, 86 Bible, 19 may as ad of Pharmacognosy, 5 Bifacial leaves, 210 Bitter principles, 139, 249 Bock, 32 Bordered pits, 153, 218 Bork, 62, 188 formation, 187 ringed, 191 scale, 191 Bostryx, 64, 79 Botanischer Jahresbericht, 55 Botanisches Centralblatt, 55 Bottle cork, 192 Boyle, 38 Bracts, 67, 70 Branches, 62 Bristles, 182 Bromine, 145 Brunfels, 33 Brunschwig, 32 Bud, 58, 91 scales, 66 Bulbodium tunicatum, 60 Bulbous tuber, 60 Bundles, bast, 63 bast-cell, 197 primary, 234 vascular, 211, 213 Buonafede, 36 Calcium, 144 carbonate, 135 oxalate, 129 phosphate, 134 INDEX. ‘Calyculus, 70 Calyptrogen, 175 Calyx, 68 leaves, 67, 68 Cambiform, 217 cells, 231 ‘Cambium, 220 activity of, 221 intrafascicular, 222 ring, 220 ‘Campylotropous, 90 Canals, schizogenic, 254 Cane sugar, 141 Caoutchouc, 249 ‘Capitulare, 24 Capitulum, 79 ‘Capsule, 85 wall of, 157 Carbohydrates, 235 Carmine solution, 278 ‘Carpel, 71, 78, 76, 84 Carpophore, 83 Caruncle, 90 ‘Caryopsis, 84 Catalonians, 29 Cataphylla, 66 Cathkin, 78 ‘Cato, 21 ‘Caubis, 62 Caustic soda, 271 Cavities, 235 mucilage, 244 ‘Cecidize, 265 Cell, 93 ei aggregates, shoune of form of, 148, 171 contents of, 94 fusions, 173, 217 growth of, 148 membrane, 148 membrane, chemical behavior 8a wall, 94, 148 Cells, bast, 156, 171, 194 collenchyma, 194 poco gh c ’ pa beac 94 epidermal, 181 guardian, 239 isodiametric, 149 283 Cells, latticed, 217 lines of, 244, 249 mucilage, 244 multiplication of, 94 of leaf, 172 organized contents of, 139 resin, 263 secerning, 254 secreting, 244 spherically polyhedral, 149 stone, 156, 200 *wood, 218, 223 wood-parenchyma, 218, 223 Cellular tissue, 174 Cellulose, fungus, 160 membrane, 159 ‘starch, 121 Central rhizome, 59 Centric leaves, 210 Cerasin, 164 Cerin, 161 reaction, 269 Chalaza, 89 Changes of the drug on drying, 140 Charaka, 20 Charlemagne, 24 Chemical constituents, 16 Chinese, 19 . Chloride of iron, 275 of zine with iodine, 275 Chlorine, 145 Chloroform, 274 Chlorophyll, 100 bodies, 100 coloring matter, 100 crude, 100 formation of, 103 granules, 100 granules, fundamental mass of, 100 pure, 100 reactions, 104 spectrum, 101 Chlorophylan, 101 Chlorosis, 144 Choripetalous, 68 Choriphyllous, 68 _ Chorisepalous, 68 Chorisis, 77 Chromic acid, 268 Cincinnus, 64, 79 Circinal vernation, 69 Clusius, 31 284 Coalescence, 77 Collagen layer, 166 Collateral vascular bundles, 234 Collecting, time for, 13 Collections, 43 of drugs, 43 of plants, 45 Collective fruits, 81 Collenchyma, 158, 171, 194 Colleters, 166, 184 Colored epidermis, 181 Coloring matters, 104, 139 matters, crystalloid, 104 Columella, 21 Coma, 186 scongeee es policy of the Dutch, relations, 15 Compound starch granules, 111 Concentrated sulphuric acid, 269 Concentric vascular bundles, 234 Conducting system, 213 Conduplicate vernation, 69 Coniine, 259 Connective, 70 Constantinus Africanus, 25 Convent of St. Gall, plan of, 24 Convolute eestivation, 68 vernation, 69 Copper, acetate, 271 ag solution of tartrate, ammoniacal oxide, 273 Cordus, 32 Cork, 161, 187, 233 bands, 187 cells, 187 development of, 191 fat, 159 protective, 194, 264 wound, 194 Corky growths, 194 growths cn leaves, 194 layer of barks, 187 Corm, Cormus, 60 Corolla, 68 leaves, 67, 68 Corona staminea, 71 Corroded starch granules, 121 Corrugate vernation, 69 Corymb, 79 Coste, iss, 88 INDEX. Cotyledons, 67, 88 Crusaders, 27 Crystal-cells, 233 Crystalloid coloring matters, 104 Crystalloids, 98 Crystals, 135, 244 Cubebin, 135 Cultivation of officinal plants, 11 Cupula, 86 Cuticle, 161, 179 Cuticular layers, 180 Cutin, 161 Cyathium, 80 Cycles of the flower, 75 Cyme, 79 Cymose, 64 inflorescence, 79 Cystoliths, 244 Decussate, 65 Dédoublement, 77 Deduplication, 77 Dehiscence, 85 of the anthers, 70 Dehiscent fruits, 84 Derma, 62 Dermatogen, 175 Dermatogenic gum-passages, 251 Description of drugs, 15 : Developing tissue, 174 Development of cork, 191 Dextrin, 139, 235 Dextrose, 142 Diagram of flower, 74 Dichasium, 79 Dichotomous system, 64 Dichotomy, false, 79 forked, 64 Diclinous, 73 Dicotyledonous flowers, 75 Diocletian’s edict (801 a.p.), 23 Dicecious, 73 Dioscorides, 21, 32 Diplecolobez, 89 Diplostemonous, 75 Disk, 67 extrastaminal, 67 intrastaminal, 67 ert carne of the plant-cell, Dissepiments, false, 72, 84 Dots, areolated, 152 Double akenes, 83 Drug, 139 INDEX. Drugs, collections of, 43 of the Orient, 29 Drupe, 86 Dry fruits, 84 Dry weight, 141 Drying drugs, 139 ‘Ducts, 247 Duramen, 230 Duty at Alexandria, 22 Egypt, 17 Eisodial opening, 239 Elementary organs of the wood, 223 Elements, mechanical, 217 specifically mechanical, 194 Embryo, 86 Empbryonal leaves, 88 Endocarp, 82 Endodermis, 202 single-rowed, 208 Endophleeum, 62 Endosperm, 87 farinaceous, 117 horn-like, 116 Eosin, 278 Epiblema, 177 Epicarp, 82 Epidermal cells, 181 glands, 245 tissue, system of, 175, 176 water-tissue, 235 Epidermis, 176 colored, 181 of root, 176 of several layers, 177 strengthening layers of, 177 Epigea, 91 ; Epigynous, 72 Epipetalous, 75 Episepalous, 76 Epithelium, 254 Epitropous, 90 Ether, 274 Etiolation, 103 Etiolin, 103 Excrescences, 265 Excretions, 241 receptacles for, 241 Exine, 71 Exogenous, 64 Exophloeum, 62 Extrorse, 70 285 Falloppio, 37 False dichotomy, 79 dissepiments, 72, 84 Farinaceous endosperm, 117 Fat, 105 Fatty oil, 105, 275 Fehling’s solution, 272 Female organs of the plant, 71 Fernandez (Oviedo), 33 Ferric chloride, 276 Ferrous sulphate, 276 Fertilization, 73 by insects, 74 Fibres, 198 animal, 199 bast, 199 plant, 199 Fibrous tissue, 199 Fibro-vascular bundle, 213 Figurative representation of inner structure, 50 Filament, 70 Filicic acid, 135 Filling tissue, 176 Firmness of bast-cells, 196 Flagella, 57 Florence, 26 Florentine Levant trade, 26, 29 Flos, 68 Flour, 113, 186 Flower, 67, 68 cycles of, 75 formulas of, 76 receptacle of, 67 stalk, leaves of the, 67 Flowers, 63, 67, 81 dicotyledonous, 75 tetracyclous, 76 tricyclous, 76 Fluorine, 145 Folding of the membrane, 211 Folia, 66 Follicle, 84 Forked dichotomy, 64 Form of leaves, 66 Formation of organic substances, 209 Formulas of the flower, 76 Frankfurter Liste, 30 Fructifying column, 71 Fruit, 8 - 286 Fruit sugar, 142 Fruits, 81 collective, 81 dehiscent, 84 dry, 84 forms of, 82 indehiscent, 84 stone, 86 succulent, 85 winged, 84 Fuchs, 33 Fuchsine, 278 Fulda, 27 Fundamental mass of chlorophyll granules, 100 tissue, 176 Funiculus, 86 Fungus cellulose, 160 galls, 265 sugar, 142 Gallic acid, 135 Gallo-tannic acid, 138 fad 265 un: ihecot | 265 Gamopetalous, 68 Gamophylious, 68 Gamosepalous, 68 Garcia’s Colloquios, 31 Garcia de Orta, 30 Gehe & Co., 8 Gelatin in glycerin, 279 Soe ae 166 Genoa, Geoffroy, 5 Geographical distribution, 10 Germinating plant, 60 Germination, 69 Gesner, 32 Ghini, 36 Glands, epidermal, 245 intercellular, 246 internal, 246, 250 secreting wax, 185 Glandular hairs, 244 hairs, internal, 245 heads, 245, 263 Globoids, 98 Glossaries, 26. Glucosides, 139 Glume, 67 Gluten, 235 Glutinous a 98 INDEX. Glycerin, 273 ethers, 161 Granulose, 121 Grape sugar, 142 Grass oils, 244 Green bark, 233 Growing point, 94, ihe: 220 Growth in length, 1 in thickness, thy Guibourt, 5, 40 Gum, 163 disease, 165 mucilage, 166 pathological, 166 physiological, 166 resin, 263 varieties of, 164 wound, 167, 264 Gummosis, 166 of the Amygdalezx, 166 Gyneeceum, 71 syncarpous, 73 Gynandrous, 71 Gynostemium, 71 Hadrom, 217 Hematoxylin, 278 Hair formations, 182 formations secreting resin, 184 Hairs, 113, 182, 199 chaffy, 182 glandular, 166, 184, 245 inner, 187 multicellular, 182 root, 208 stellate, 182 stinging, 182 Half-underground organs, 58 Halophytes, 145 Hanstein’s aniline violet, 278 Haustoria, 208 Head, 79 Heart-wood, 230 Hermaphrodite, 73 Hernandez, 33 Hesperidin, 135, 148 Heterophylious, 66 High leaves, 67 Poth involucre of, 70 Hildegard, 27 Hilum, 89 INDEX, Hilum of starch, 109 History, 17 History of Pharmacognosy, 17, 53 Hoffmann, 38 Horn-bast, 164 bast, prosenchyma, 164 endosperm, 116 Horti Germaniz, 82 Hortus Sanitatis, 32 Hutten, 32 Hyaloplasm, 94 Hybrids, 74 Hydriodic acid, 275 Hydrochloric acid, 269 Hypanthium, 67 Hypanthodium, 81 Hypertrophies, 265 Hyphe, 1238, 172 Hypocotylous member, 60 Hypoderma, 177 Hypogzea, 91 Hypogynous, 72 Hypsophylla, 67 Hysterogenic secretion recepta- cles, 263 Ibn Alawam, 23 Ibn Baitar, 23 Ibn Batuta, 23 Idioblasts, 243 containing albumen, 243 Idrisi, 23 Illustrations of drugs, 49 of officinal plants, 47 Imbricate zstivation, 68 India, 23 Indol, 269 Inferior ovary, 72 Inflorescence, 78 compound forms of, 79 Inner bark, 62, 282 cork, 188 - fruit layer, 82 Inorganic compounds in the cell- membrane, 139 Integuments, 86 Intercellular glands, 246 resin receptacles, 250 secretion receptacles, 251, spaces, 174, 235 substance, 162, 178 Internal glands, 250 glandular hairs, 187 hairs, 187 287 Internodes, 65 Intine, 71 Intrafascicular cambium, 222 Introrse, 70 Intussusception, 111, 118 tiyaee 124 P vento of the pharmacy at Branesecie 35 :, “4 Invert sugar, 142 Involucellum, 79 Involucre, 79 of high leaves, 70 Involute vernation, 69 Iodide of mercury and potassium, 276 4 Iodine, 145, 275 in potassium iodide, 275 solution, 275 : tincture, 276 water, 275 with glycerin, 276 Irish moss, mucilage of, 167 Tron, 144 chloride of, 276 Isodiametric cells, 149 Israelites, 19 Istachri, 23 Jahresberichte, 54 Japan, 20 Jesuits, 20 Juge, 83 Kew botanical eo 12, 44, 45 Khurdadbah, Kino, 144 Kyphi, 18 Labellum, 68 Lacune, 237 Leevulose, 142 Lamina of leaf, 65 Lateral axis, 64 branches, 64 walls of epidermis cells, 181 Latex cells, 248 tubes, 242, 247 Laticiferous ducts, contents of, 249 vessels, 248 Latticed cells, 217 Leaf buds, 91 cells, 172 lamina of, 65 288 Leaf, margins of, 200 merenchyma, 172, 211 nodes, 65 sheath, 66 skeleton, 213 spectrum, 101 stalk, 65 Leather, formation of, 139 Leaves, 64 bifacial, 210 centric, 210 floral, 67 foliage, 66 insertion of, 65 position of, 60 Legume, 84 Legumen, 84 Lemery, 5 Lenticels, 241 Leptom, 159, 217 Levant trade in the middle ages, 25 trade of Venice, 26 Liber, 62 %: Libriform, 217° . cells, 199, 217, 223 Lichen-starch, 170 Lichenin, 123, 170 igna, 61 Lignification, 160 Lignified membrane, 160 Lignin, 159, 160 Ligula, 65 Linseed mucilage, 166 Liquid paraffin, 275 Literature, 46 Lithipm, 145 Loeulicidal, 85 Lodicule, 70 Lorenzo de’ Medici in Florence, 29 Lumen, 94 Lysigenic balsam-passages, 170, 251 gum-passages, 251 oil-passages, 263 passages, 248 receptacles, 248 Macer Floridus, 25 Magnesium, 144 Maize starch, 112, 116 Male organs of the plant, 70 Manganese, 145 Mannite, 143 -Maranta aie 115 ¥ INDEX. Marco Polo, 20, 30 Marino Sanudo, 29 Martius, 5 Masudi, 23 Mechanical elements, 217 system of tissue, 194 Medicinal substance, 6 Medico-pharmaceutical botany, 46 descriptive works, 47 Medico-pharmaceutical zoology, 48 Medulla, 223 Medullary cells, 172 crown, 234 rays, 223 rays, secondary, 228 sheath, 234 Melitose, 142 Membrane, cellulose, 159 conversion into gum, 166 lignified, 159 metamorphosis of, 166 suberized, 159 Mercurous nitrate, 277 Merenchyma, 172 leaf, 172, 211 Mericarps, 83 Meristem, 174 zones, 175 Mesocarp, 82 Mesocarpium, 82 Mesophlceum, 62 Mesophyll, 211 Mestom, 217 Mesue, 23 Metamorphosis of membrane, 166 Methyl green, 278 violet, 278 Micelle, 118 Micro-chemical reagents, 268 Micropyle, 89 Microscope, 48, 93 use of, 48 Microscopical preparations, 46 structure, 16 Microsomes, 94 Middle bark, 62, 233 lamella, 162, 173 layer, 82 Milk juice, 140 sugar, 142 Millon’s reagent, 277 Mineral constituents, 144 by constituents of plants, 144, 145 Monadelphous, 71 nes Monardes, 33 Monoclinic oxalate, 129 Monocotyledonous flower, 76 Moneecious, 73 Monographs, 53 Monomerous ovaries, 71 Monopodial system, 64 Monopodium, 64 Monothecous anthers, 70 Monte Cassino, 25, 27 Morphology, 56 Mother-cell, 94 Mounting liquids, 278 Mucilage, 163 cavities, 244 cells, 244 glands, 263 passages, schizogenic, 263 plant, 164, 167 quince, 164, 166 sugar, 142 Mucilaginous substances, 164 Mycocecidiz, 265 Mycose, 142 Naming the mother-plant, 9 Nectaries, 67 Nerves, 211 ends of, 213, 218 Netted vessels, 217 Neumann, 38 Nicolaus Przepositus, 25 Nitric acid, 145, 269 Nodes, leaf, 65 Nordlinger Register, 30 Nuclein, 96 Nucleolus, 96 Nucleus, 86, 96 of starch, 109 sheath, 202 Nutlets, 72 Nux, 84 Oat starch, 117 Obdiplostemonous, 76 Obdurator, 90 Oil, 235, 260 almond, 275 cells, 243 fatty, 105, 275 passages, 242, 251 receptacles, 250 spaces, 251 tubes, 83, 258 19 INDEX. 289 Olein, 107 Opisthial opening, 239 Optical behavior of bast-tubes, 158 behavior of stone-cells, 158 Orthoploce, 89 Orthotropous, 89 Oudemans, 41 Outer bark, 233 wall of epidermal cells, 181 Ovaries, polymerous, 71 Ovary, 67, 71 inferior, 72 superior, 72 walls of, 72, 82 Ovule, 73, 86 Oxalate crystals, 129 crystals, aggregates of, 132 Padua (Garden), 37 Pappus, 69, 91 Parasites, 208 Parasitism, 266 Palisade cells, 172 layer, 210 parenchyma, 210 Palladius, 21 Palmitin, 135 Paraffin, 275 liquid, 275 Parenchyma, 172 bands, cells, 151 rays, 223 spongy, 211 Parietal placenta, 86 Pasi, Paxi, 30 Pathological formations, 264 tannin, 139 Pectin substances, 170 Pegolotti, 29 Pellucid — 263 Pentacyclous flowers, 76 Pentamerous circles, 76 Pen t’sao kang mu, 20 ‘Pepper, 22, 26 Pereira, 5 Periblem, 175 Pericambium, 234 Pericarp, 81, 82 Pericarpium, 82 290 Periderm, 62, 187 Perigon, 68, 69, 70 leaves, 75 Perigynous, 72 Periplus of the Erythrzean Sea, 22 Perisperm, 88 Permanent tissue, 174 Petals, 67, 6 Petiole, 65 Petiolus, 65 Pharmaceutical Journal and Trans- actions, 54 Pharmacognostical systems, 41 text-books and manuals, 51 Pharmacognosy, 6 bibliography of, 53 Pharmacology, 4 Pharmacopceias, 38 Pharmacy in Dijon (1489), 30 Phelloderm, 187 Phellogen, 187 Phellonic acid, 161 Phloém, 159, 217 Phloroglucin, 137, 277 reaction, 161 Phoenicians, 19 Phosphoric acid, 144 Phyllocladia, 61 Phyllodia, 61 Halansien Hildegard’s, 27 Physiological gum, 166 tannin, 139 Picrotoxin, 135 Piperarii, 26 Pistil, 71 Pits, areolated, 153, 218 bordered, 153, 218 dotted, 152 Pitted vessels, 217 - Place of attachment of the leaf, 65 Placenta, 86 basal. 86 central, 86 parietal, 86 Plan of the Convent of St. Gall, 24. Plant acids, 139 fibres, 199 mucilages, 1 ages ‘collection wt. 45 | sess. 82 INDEX. Plerom, 1'75 Plicate zstivation, 68 vernation, 69 Pliny, 21, 22 Plumule, 88 Pollen, 70 cells, 70 grains, 71 grains, receptacles of, 70 sac, 70 tube, 73 Pollinaria, 71 Poflinia, 71 Polyadelphous, 71 Polycarpic flower, 73 Polygamous, 73 Polymerous ovaries, 71 Pomet, 5 Pore canals, 151 capsule, 85 Pores, 151, 215 Porus, 239 Potassio-mercuric iodide, 276 Potassium, 144 chlorate, 269 hydroxide, 272 sodium tartrate, 272 Potato starch, 112, 114 Pratica della mercatura, 29 Prepared gold-size, 279 Prickles, 182, 186 Primary axis, 78 bark, 62 bundles, 234 ribs, 83 roots, 56 Primordial utricle, 94 Projection of a flower on a plane, 74 Prosenchyma, 172 horn-bast, 164 Protein bodies, 88, 95 erystalloids, 98 granules, 97 substances, amount of, 100 Protogenic gum passages, 263 Protoplasm, 94 circulation of, 183 reactions, 96 Pruinosus, 163 Pseud-axis, 79 Pseudo-fruits, 81 oe deere hk INDEX. Pulpa, 82 ‘ Pulvis contra omnes Febres, 24 Pyrocatechin, 136 Pyxidium, 85 Quadratic oxalate, 131 Quercitrin, 136 Quince mucilage, 164, 166 Raceme, 79 Racemose, 64 inflorescence, 78 Racemus, 79 : Radial vascular bundles, 234 Radicles, 60, 88 Radicula, 88 Rami, 62 Ramification, 64 system of, 64 Raphides, 129 Rays of the umbel, 79 Reactions of fats, 107 of grape sugar, 271 of starch, 122 Receptacle, 67 of the flower, 67 Receptacles for excretions, 241 for reserve substances, 235 for secretions, system of, 251 of the pollen grains, 70 Receptaculum, 67 Reformation der Apotheken, 83 Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum, 25 Report on the progress of phar- macy, 55 Reserve nutritive substances, 59, 100, 118 receptacles, 235 passages, 253 fe receptacles, intercellular, 250_ Resorption of the transverse walls, i SO NS Respiratory cavity, 250 Resupination, 78 Revolute vernation, 69 _ Rhachis, 78 _ _Rhaphe, 90 291 Rhizomata, 58 Rhizome, 58 central, 59 lateral, 59 Rhytidoma, 62, 188 Rice starch, 112, 117 Rima, 70 Ringed bork, 191 Root, 56, 58, 59, 118, 213 branches, 56 epidermis of, 176 fibres, 57 hairs, 57, 182, 208 primary, 56 secondary, 57 stock, 58 tip of, 56 Rumphius’ nense, 31 Runners, 57 Rutin, 136 Saccharose, 142 ° Saffron, 22, 35 Sago starch, 113 Salernitans, 25 Salerno, medical school of, 25, 27 Samara, 84 Sap-wood, 230 Sarcocarp, 107 Scalariform vessels, 217 Scale-bork, 191 Scales, 245 Scheele, 38 Herbarium amboi- Schizocarps, 83 oben! ee balsam passages, 251, canals, 254 Be mucilage passages, 263 : receptacles for secretions, 254 Schleiden, 40 Schultze’s macerating liquid, 160, 969 Sclereids, 157, 171, 200 Sclerenchyma, 200 Sclerotium, 173 Scutellum, 208 Secerning cells, 254 trichomes, 184 Secondary bark, 62 bark rays, 228 growth in thickness, 220. medullary rays, 228 rhizome, 59 292 . INDEX. Secondary ribs, 83 Squame, 66 xylem rays, 228 St. Gall, 24, 27 Secreting cells, 244 Stamen, 67 Secretion, receptacles of, 251 Staminodia, 71, 75 receptacles of, formed by cell Starch, 108 fusion, 263 assimilated, 108, 120 receptacles of, intercellular, autochthonous, 108 263 bean, 114 Secretions, 134, 242 cellulose, 121 organs of, 242 composition of, 121 schizogenous receptacles for, formation of, 111, 119 254 granules, compound, 111 Seed, 87 granules, corroded, 121 appendages of the, 90 granules, form of, 112 integuments of, 87 granules, size of, 123 nucleus of, 87 hilum of, 109 shell, 87 lichen, 123 testa, 87 maize, 112, 116 vessel, 86 maranta, 115 yield of, 74 nucleus of, 109 Sepals, 67, 68 oat, 117 Septicidal, 85 paths of, 119 Septifragal, 85 — potato, 112, 114 Serapion, 23 reserve, 108 Sertiirner, 39 rice, 112, 117 Sheath, 66, 79 sago, 113 nucleus, 202 sheath, 120, 206, 231 Sieve plates, 231 transitory, 120 - portion of vascular bundle, 213 wheat, 112, 115 tubes, 217, 231 Stearic acid, 106 Silica, skeleton of, 145 Stearin, 135 Siliqua, 84 Stellate hairs, 182 Silicium, 144 Stem, 61 Soda, caustic, 271 organs of, 60 Sodium, 144 structures, 60 hydroxide, 271 structures, form of transverse Soft bast, 231 section, 61 Solitar, 99 summit of, 64, 174 Spaces, intercellular, 174, 235 Stereids, 194 Si J Stereom, 194 Spathe, 79 Stigma, 73 oe mechanical elements, papillze of, 73 Stinging hairs, 182 Secceons of chlorophyll, 101 Stipites, 61 of leaf, 101 Stipule, 66 stals, 111, 126 Stipules, 66 Stolons, 57 ike, Stoma, 239 a veeney aay Stomata, 238 Stone cells, 156, 158, 171, 200 fruits, 86 2 ores, | Ponce stn - Spring-wood, 221 ets on, INDEX. Strychnine, 135 Style, 73 ' Stylus, 75 Suberin, 159, 161 Suberized membrane, 162 Substance, intercellular, 162, 173 Substitutions, 16 Sugar, 139, 141, 235 cane, 141 beet-root, 142 fruit, 142 grape, 142 invert, 142 milk, 142 mucilage, 142 sheath, 231 Sulphuric acid, 269 acid, concentrated, 269 acid, dilute, 269 Superior ovary, 72 Surface growth, 148, 171 Susruta, 20 Suture, dorsal, 84 _ ventral, 71, 84 Swarm spores, 93 Symbiosis, 266 Sympetalous, 68 Sympodium, 64 Symsepalous, 68 Syncarpium, 83 Syncarpous gynzeceum, 73 System, absorbing, 208 aérating, 175, 235. assimilating, 175, 209 conducting, 175, 213 dichotomous, 64 epidermal, 175, 176 mechanical, 175, 194 monopodial, 64 of ramification, 64 of receptacles for secretions, 175, 241 storing, 175, 235 Systems of tissue, 175 pharmacognostical, 41 Tannic acid, 137, 271 - matter, 137 matter, estimation of, 138 Tannin, 125 pathological, 139 physiological, 139 Tap roots, 56 295 Tendrils, 67 Tensions, 111, 154 Testa of seed, 87 Tetracyclous flowers, 76 Tetramerous circles, 76 Thecee, 70 Theobromine, 135 Theriac, 35 Thvlle, 194 Tissue, cavities in, 235 fibrous, 199 filling, 176 * fundamental, 176 permanent, 174 systems of, 175 transpirating, 238 Torus, 67 Trabecular vessels, 217 Trachesx, 217 Tracheids, 217, 218, 223 Trade-books, 28 Tragus, 32 Transitory starch, 108 Treatment of the subject-matter, 8 Trichome formations, 245 Trichomes, 182, 185 secerning, 184 secreting nectar, 185 Tricyclous flowers, 76 Trimerous circles, 76 Trommer’s reaction, 142 Trommsedorff, 5, 39 Trunci, 62 Tubers, 59 Tuft of hairs, 246 Typical structure of vascular bun- dles, 217 Umbel, 79 Umbellet, 79 Under leaves, 58, 66 Underground organs, 56, 58 Unicellular plants, 93 University garden, the first botani- peace 36 | of 4 of Padua, 36 Vacuoles, 94 Vagina, 66 Valerius Cordus, 31 Vallecule , 93 Valvate zestivation, 68 vernation, 69 294 INDEX. Valves, 70 Vanillin, 135 Varro, 21 Vascular bundle ring, 229 bundle sheath, 202 bundles, 211, 213 bundles, typical structure of, 217 Venice, 26 hh gee circinal, 69 conduplicate, 69 corrugate, 69 involute, 69 plicate, 69 revolute, 69 valvate, 69 Vessels, 171, 217, 223 annular, 217 netted, 217 pitted, 217 scalariform, 217 spiral, 217 sribecs iia, 217 Vesuvine, 278 Vexillum, 68 Vittee, 88, 258 Volatile oils, 140, 242 Water, amount of contained, 139 cultures, 146 Wax, 163 Weddel, 40 Wheat starch, 112, 115 Winged fruits, 84 Wood, 61, 223 autumn, 221 cells, 218, 223 elementary organs of, 223 fibres, 223 heart, 230 parenchyma, 217,218 parenchyma cells, 218, 223 ring of dicotyledonous stems, spring, 221 Woody substance, 160 Wound cork, 194 gum, 167, 264 Xanthophyll, 100 Xanthoprotein reaction, 272 Xylem, 217 rays, secondary, 228 Xylogen, 160 Year book of pharmacy, 54 Zinc chloride with iodine, 276 Zoidiophilous plants, 74 Zoocecidia, 265 Zottenkopf, 246 Zygomorphous, 78 CORRIGENDA. Page 170, for lacticiferous, read laticiferous. Page 172, notes 2 and 5. Here and in a few other places the Greek ac- cents have been broken off during the printing. Page 211, second line from top, for falling off of the membrane, read _ folding of the membrane. Page 235, sixth line from top, for tubes, read tubers, .